abs in a ye ie) Wi Sa fede deed ee eM en ie es Keiaca ned as Vr f fi) ay i I tty hah x i ans Ny ete ea nt ny iy ¥ 5) RK UN Fey on ny ih ) aris " AS Rit j Pie ( HEU tte i : Dh DORN ANUS ae Paualieian 1 SCH A, hs A Une ‘y o anit "4 ‘ 4 i ie i it Le ‘ o i ‘s a“ * red Bh i M4 i ii i ie i } vy ORE Ade SACD AN Nay RRR i} i near LM With LPN) TA ALS Vedran iy Noane DRE he eer rg NOURNAL OF GEOLOGY JULY-AUGOST, 1809 MoE VW ANAL CITE ROCK FROM. LAKE SUPERTOR Amonc other regions on the northern shores of Lake Superior examined last summer by the writer for the Ontario Bureau of Mines the vicinity of Heron Bay, where the Canadian Pacific Railway first touches the lake when coming from the east, proved very interesting, a thick series of schist conglomerates with peb- bles and bowlders mainly of felsite and quartz-porphyry occur- ring there, mapped by Dr. Bell of the Canadian Geological Survey as Huronian. Along the rocky shore of the bay, and also in cuttings on the railway west of the station, good expo- sures of these rocks are seen, sometimes so rolled out that the forms of the pebbles are almost, or completely, lost. Crossing the schist conglomerates are numerous dikes, which unfortunately were not carefully studied owing to lack of time, though hand specimens of the more typical dike rocks were taken. In the field the dikes were considered to consist of diabase, diabase- porphyrite, and felsite, all common rocks in the western Keewatin. Microscopical study of the specimens obtained showed that the diabase and porphyrite present no unusual features, and that one of the felsitic-looking rocks is quartzless porphyry of a kind common in western Ontario. Another rock taken for felsite, dark red and slightly spotted with green, turns out, however, to Vol. VII, No. 5. 431 432 A. P. COLEMAN be of a new type, and will be described here because of its inter- esting mineralogical and chemical composition. The specimens were obtained near mile 804 in a cutting on the railway, one being chosen to represent the freshest material seen, another weathered, and presenting a mottling of red and dark green, almost suggesting a variety of amygdaloid. Sections of the latter specimen are so completely weathered that little of its original composition can be determined ; but sections of the fresh specimen show that the greenish spots consist almost wholly of feldspars having a confused radiating arrangement giving spherical forms; while the red part is composed of an isotropic base like a clear glass penetrated by radiating bundles of green prisms and also larger bundles of feldspar laths, brown with particles of iron oxide. A little calcite scattered through the section proves that the rock is no longer fresh. The vague spheres of feldspar often have an imperfect black cross in polarized light, and consist mainly of orthoclase, some- what turbid and specked with brown iron oxide, with a little of the green mineral intermixed. The rest of the rock contains some orthoclase also, but consists chiefly of the isotropic substance inclosing the radiating bundles of prisms referred to before. The green prisms are fresh in color and appearance, and are usually distinctly dichroic, dark green when the prism is parallel to the chief section of the nicol, yellowish-green at right angles to this position. Extinction is nearly parallel, but angles of 4% ° occur. The larger crystals sometimes have sharpened ends, The mineral was at first taken for hornblende, but is no doubt aegyrite. : The other mineral forming radiating bundles is probably plagioclase, clearer parts showing twin lamellae, whose angle of extinction, however, could not be sharply determined owing to the small size of the lamellae. Many of these plagioclase strips are reddish-brown and almost opaque, with particles of brown iron ore. The only other primary mineral observed, except a few needles of apatite, is the isotropic base in which the crystals NEW ANALCITE ROCK FROM LAKE SUPERIOR 433 just referred to are embedded. It is clear and transparent, with some dusty spots, however, and has not the look of ordinary volcanic glass. With high powers a delicate, but distinct, sys- tem of cubic cleavage lines can be seen, proving that the mineral is isometric and therefore probably analcite, though no crystal forms were observed. An attempt was made to isolate the glassy mineral with a heavy solution, analcite being lighter than any other rock form- ing mineral belonging to eruptives, and it was found that 17 per cent. of the powder floated when gypsum was used as an index (spec. grav. 2.32); but when examined with the micro- scope the powder was found to contain doubly refracting por- tions embedded in the isotropic ones, and some isotropic portions were noticed associated with the heavier minerals. Some of the rock was then treated with strong hydrochloric acid, when partial gelatinization took place, and it seemed wise to reduce the whole to dryness to render the silica insoluble. It was found that 27.76 per cent. of the whole weight went into solution, omitting, of course, the silica of the mineral which gelatinized when treated with acid. A second portion treated in the same way asa check gave 30.35 per cent. of soluble matter. Probably the first portion taken contained more of the sphaerulitic parts than the second. An analysis of the soluble part made by myself gave the following results: Al,O3 - - - . 10.90 Fe,Q,; - - . Bale CaO - - - - 108 MgO - - - trace Na,O_ - - - - 6.60 K,0O - - - - not det. H,0O (at 100°) - - 69 H,O (at red heat) -- 4.85 CO, - - - - 93 28.13 We may assume that the only minerals in the rock which would be appreciably dissolved by HCl are analcite, limonite, 434 A. P. COLEMAN and calcite. If we subtract the lime and carbonic acid, as form- ing calcite, and the ferric oxide with a proportionate amount of water (.45 per cent.), as forming limonite, we have left the following: Al,O3 - - - - 10.90 pO Sir Na,O - - = - 6.60 .106 =1 H,O (at red heat) = a) Alghi) IDNA — (2426 Reducing to molecular ratios, alumina and soda are equal, and water stands at 2%, proportions that correspond to those of analcite, except for a little too much water. If the alumina in analcite equals 10.90 per cent. the corre- sponding amount of silica, four molecules, is 25.49 per cent., and the whole percentage of analcite in the rock is almost exactly 47, nearly one half. In the second part treated with acid, when 30.35 per cent. proved soluble, the amount of analcite must be more than half the whole weight of rock taken If we subtract the percentages of substances found in the first portion of rock dissolved in hydrochloric acid from the results of the complete analysis, and also the proper amount of silica to form analcite with the alumina, soda, and combined water, we shall have left the materials forming the insoluble ingredients of the rock. j The complete analysis given below was made by Mr. H. W. Charlton, his results being put in column I. In column II an analysis by Dr. Mann of cancrinite-aegyrite-syenite from Siksj6- Berg in Dalarne’ is given because of its rather close resemblance to No. 1; and in column III an analysis of analcite-basalt from the Basin, Colorado, by W. F. Hillebrand.? A little more than 46 per cent. of the rock remains unac- counted for by the partial analysis ; and if we suppose the whole of the potash to belong to orthoclase and the unused portion of iron oxide (1.40 per cent.) to belong to aegyrite, we have left * Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, 1884, II, p. 193; as quoted by ZIRKEL, Lehr- buch der Petrographie, Band II, p. 410. 2 WHITMAN Cross, an Analcite-Basalt from Colorado, Jour. GEOL., Vol. V, No. 7, 1897, p. 689. NEWAANALCITE ROCK FROM LAKE, SUPERIOR 435 I II III SHG) Dees 52.73 51.04 45.59 AOS - - 29 1.32 ZrOg - > 03 INO - - 20.05 20.47 12.98 Fe,Og, - 2 : 3-43 1.89 4.97 FeO - -99 2.19 4.70 MnO =- - 14 CaO - - 3.35 2.62 11.09 SrO i073 BaO - sate 7 MgO - - - - - ay. 907 8.36 IONE - - - - 4.77 3°52 1.04 Na,O - - - - - 7.94 11.62 4.53 H.O (at 100°) - . - .69 ? 8 a H,O (atredheat)- - - 4.85 \ 5-85 3.40 P.O; - - - - trace 27 QI Cl - 05 COF- - - -93 62 100.01 101.35 99.87 Spec. Grav. - - - - 2.466 2.46 silica, alumina, lime, and soda nearly in the proportions required for labradorite (Ab. 2: An. 3), though the lime and soda are about one third in excess of the amount required, the excess being less than I per cent., however. Summing up the results arrived at, the minerals forming the rock have the following percentages : Analcite - - - - - - - 47.00 Orthoclase - - - - - - 28.24 Labradorite - - - - - - 13.00 Aegyrite - - - - - - 4.04 Limonite - - - - - = | Aa5o Calcite - - - - - . 1.96 97-83 In this computation moisture removed at 100°, unimportant percentages of magnesium and barium oxides, etc., amounting in all to 1.47 per cent., have been neglected. The composition of the rock as shown by the analysis differs widely from that of analcite-basalt, as may be seen from a com- 436 A. P. COLEMAN parison of columns I and III, the latter being more basic, con- taining less alumina and alkalies, and far more lime and magnesia. It corresponds fairly well, however, to the composition of nephe- line syenite, the only important difference being in the amount of water. The syenite from Dalarne, whose analysis is given in column II of the table, having its nepheline weathered to a hydrous mineral, resembles this rock closely in composition, the only important difference being the larger percentage of soda. In their unusually low specific gravity, 2.46, also the two rocks are alike. One naturally expects to find the dike containing the rock above described in connection with some boss of nepheline syenite; but the slight examination hitherto made of the region by Dr. Bell and myself has not disclosed any area of that rock. If the analcite rock of Heron Bay had a granular texture, it would appropriately be named analcite-syenite, after the analogy of nepheline-syenite; but its peculiar structure of spherical groups of orthoclase embedded in a ground of analcite contain- ing radiating bundles of plagioclase laths and aegyrite needles sets it quite apart from the syenites. It will probably be wise to give it a separate name, and Heronite, from the name of the locality where it occurs, is suggested as suitable. Heronite may be defined as a dike rock consisting essentially of analcite, orthoclase, plagioclase, and aegyrite, the analcite having the character of a base in which the other minerals form radiating groups of crystals. The analcite clearly represents the magma left after the crystallization of the embedded min- erals; and it is evident that it can be formed only froma magma highly charged with water, and therefore under pressure. It is equally evident that Heronite, like other analcite rocks, cannot be an effusive, since under those circumstances the water would escape ;* and that its nearest relatives among effusive as well as plutonic rocksare to be found in the group containing nepheline. A. P. COLEMAN. *Cf. Pirsson, Analcite Group of Igneous Rocks, Jour. GEOL., Vol. IV, No. 6, pp. 686-688. CORUNDIFEROUS NEPHELINE-SYENITE FROM EASTERN, ONTARIO A CONSIDERABLE area of nepheline-syenite was discovered about six years ago in Dungannon township, Hastings county, Ontario, by Dr. F. Adams, who described the rock briefly in his ‘Report on the Geology of a portion of Central Ontario,” and more fully in the American Journal of Science.* In 1896 corun- dum was found in the same region by Mr. W. F. Ferrier, and in the following year Professor W. G. Miller was instructed by Mr. Archibald Blue, director of mines of Ontario, to examine and report upon the corundum-bearing rocks. In the course of his work it was found that the corundum occurred not only in ordi- nary syenites but also in nepheline-syenite.* In November 1898 the present writer examined an outcrop of the latter rock for the Bureau of Mines on York branch of Madawaska River at the northeast corner of Dungannon township or just within Car- low, several miles from Dr. Adams’ localities, and presenting a number of new and interesting features. The rock forms a ridge running nearly north and south for about 350 yards with a width of about 20 yards, and having a well defined schistose character, so that at first sight it would be called gneiss. It is light to dark gray in color, the darker layers containing much biotite, the lighter ones more nepheline and plagioclase. On much of the weathered surface numbers of small crystals of corundum stand out, having resisted weather- ing better than the other constituents. In hand specimens of the unweathered rock, however, the corundum is scarcely noticed, and the rock has quite the appearance of fresh gray gneiss, the nepheline looking like quartz. *Geol. Surv. Can., 1892-3, Part J, p. 5; Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XLVIII, July 1894, pp. 10-18. ? Bur. Mines, Ont., Vol. VII, pp. 210-212. 437 438 JAS 22, (C(QULISML ANG Near the southern end of the ridge an irregular dike a few feet wide crosses the gneissoid rock, reminding one of pegmatite. It is white and consists of immense individuals of nepheline and muscovite, often several inches or even a foot long, with small patches of blue sodalite. No feldspar was seen in the dike, unlike examples described by Adams,’ and no corundum was found in it. As usual in nepheline-syenites there is great variation from point to point in the rock, easily seen on weathered surfaces and still more marked in thin sections. Adams finds, as essential ingredients of the outcrops near Bancroft, nepheline, plagioclase, and biotite or hornblende in small amounts; but scapolite and calcite usually occur, as well as various minor accessory minerals. Thin sections from the locality here described show more variety in constitution. All the minerals mentioned, except hornblende, occur, and the feldspars include orthoclase and also a little microcline as well as microperthite. The soda-lime feldspars are generally present in much larger amounts than the potash feld- spars, and seem to have a wide range in composition as deter- mined by optical means. A few have angles of extinction of 4° or 5° from the twin plane and appear to be albite as in the rock examined by Adams, others having a very small angle are probably oligoclase, while a considerable number range from 17° to 23° indicating labradorite. Some have broad and sharply cut twin lamellae, others very narrow and obscure ones. All the feldspars are beautifully clear and fresh as a rule, much more so than those of the associated Laurentian gneisses and granites. The nepheline also is generally very fresh and, as mentioned by Adams, has not the color nor oily luster of eleolite, though it seldom shows crystal forms. Large individuals often contain inclusions, minute crystals of hornblende, of biotite, and long rows of tiny dots of a transparent doubly refracting mineral. Calcite inclusions sometimes occur completely enclosed in fresh looking nepheline. In one example the somewhat weathered nepheline contains crowds of slender transparent fibers or "lbid., p. 11. CORUNDIFEROUS NEPHELINE-SYENITE 439 somewhat bent cords, having a little the look of apatite but with a small angle of extinction, perhaps tremolite. Occasionally decomposition products occur along fissures, having the appear- ance of kaolin but without any distinct structure. Scapolite is found in about a third of the sections, sometimes almost to the exclusion of other colorless ingredients and has the look of a primary mineral. Its anhedra meet the adjoining feldspar or nepheline in a sharply defined way with no hint of weathering in the latter minerals. Muscovite is a very common constitutent of these rocks, being found in more than half of the thin sections examined, generally as large primary looking individuals, sometimes associated with biotite though often with- out it. Biotite is practically the only dark mineral in the rock, hornblende not having been observed. As in the specimens examined by Adams, it is very dark in color and has a very small axial angle. Augite was found as small blue-green anhe- dra in one section only. Magnetite was not found, and apatite was rare. The most interesting accessory mineral is corundum, which sometimes occurs in fairly well formed barrel-shaped crystals half an inch in length, but is usually smaller and often forms only minute rounded grains. Its color is gray or less often pale bluish. Owing to the hardness of corundum it was found diff- cult to prepare sections rich in crystals and only two have been studied. Under the microscope their high refractive index and greater thickness than the rest of the section cause the corundum grains to stand out sharply. They are apt to be arranged in clusters in association with muscovite, often completely enclosed in at: Although the rock here described has a well marked schis- tose structure, there is nothing in its microscopic characters to suggest shearing or crushing, no mortar structure nor granula- tion, and seldom even undulatory extinction to hint at a state of strain. The rock as a whole is hypidiomorphic granular, and except corundum none of its constituents show much tendency to crystalline form. 440 A. P. COLEMAN The coarse-grained dike with its individuals of nepheline half a foot wide is not easy to study in thin sections. The nepheline proves under the microscope to have been slightly fractured, very narrow fissures being filled with a rather brightly polarizing mineral, perhaps feldspar. The few inclusions are much like those of the nepheline in the schistose rock, but in one sec- tion rather large portions of muscovite are enclosed. The large crystals of pale lavender muscovite have no unusual characters except their often perfect idiomorphy as against nepheline and sodalite. The crystals are not hexagonal in cross section but four sided having one angle of about 60°. The basal cleavage is somewhat inclined to the prismatic edges, though a series of pyramids having a very long C axis makes it difficult to deter- mine the angle. In thin sections cut across the cleavage this muscovite has an extinction angle of 3° to 5°. If single thin sections were to be diagnosed alone four quite distinct types of rock could be described from this outcrop; a nepheline-muscovite rock; a rock made up chiefly of scapolite and muscovite with a little biotite, plagioclase, and nepheline; a rock containing about equal parts of plagioclase and nepheline with some mica; and a rock consisting of orthoclase, microcline and nepheline with some mica. There are, however, transitions between these varieties, and it’would be unwise to split up what is so evidently a geological unit into rocks of different names when the whole is so well defined in general character, though each hand specimen shows differences from its neighbors. No analysis has been made of this rock, but one specimen yielded nearly 10 per cent. of corundum in a heavy solution. As there was no magnetite nor other heavy mineral present the separation was very complete, corundum having a much higher . specific gravity than the other ingredients. Since every mineral present, except the trifling quantity of calcite and apatite, contains alumina, nepheline in particular to the extent of more than 30 per cent., this oxide must occur in very large amounts. On the other hand iron oxides must be very low, since the only iron- bearing constituent is biotite. CORUNDIFEROUS NEPHELINE-SVENITE 441 A specimen of nepheline-syenite was obtained from Lan- caster’s farm, some miles west of the locality just described, from a small outcrop showing no schistose structure. It is coarser grained, but of the same color and general appearance as the rock from York branch. Thin sections show, however, that it has been subjected to shearing forces, since there is a granulation round the larger pieces of feldspar and nepheline suggesting mortar structure. Nepheline is present in large amounts and also a peculiar type of microperthite having long fibrous looking inclusions of one feldspar in another. the main mass being in parts very finely striated (anorthoclase?) with twin lines making an angle of about 23° with the most marked cleav- age. Oligoclase and biotite occur in smaller amounts, the latter as usual very opaque. Some of its outer scales weather to a bronze-brown color, are dichroic, and have the optical axes much farther apart than in the fresh mica. Specimens of a medium-grained white rock dotted with darker minerals come from a locality not visited by the writer, in Methuen township, Peterboro county, and are interesting as containing many dark brown corundum crystals having a bright bronze luster on basal partings, as well as minute crystals of magnetite. Thin sections of one specimen disclose chiefly plagioclase, finely striated and with a low angle of extinction from the twin plane; a little microcline, nepheline and muscovite’ making up the rest of the rock. Sections of another specimen very similar in appearance contain more muscovite and a large amount of nepheline, or rather of a turbid decomposition product, con- fusedly scaly or fibrous, having high double refraction. The mineral seems to have parallel extinction, fuses readily without intumescence to a white glass, and gives water in the closed tube, so that it is no doubt a uniaxial or rhombic zeolite, per- haps natrolite. The corundum is very opaque so that only minute particles of crushed crystals can be studied satisfactorily. It contains many inclusions of two kinds, slender black needles lying parallel to one another, and brownish-red strips and plates 442 A. P, COLEMAN somewhat irregularly shaped and placed. The latter are prob- ably hematite and produce the bronze luster seen on basal planes of the corundum. Extinction is parallel to the needle- like inclusions, and there is a rather strong dichroism, violet when the needles are parallel to the chief section of the lower nicol and reddish-brown in the opposite position. Some frag- ments, no doubt parallel to the basal plane, are not dichroic. The first of the two specimens might be named a plagio- clasite (anorthosite contains a more basic feldspar) if taken sepa- rately, but the second does not differ from typical examples of the York branch nepheline-syenite except in the complete weathering of its nepheline, and probably both are varying forms of the same rock mass. Through the kindness of the director of the Bureau of Mines specimens of corundum rocks from Raglan township in Renfrew county, about twenty miles northeast of Dungannon, have been placed at my disposal. One is white, somewhat schistose, and much like the Methuen specimens except that it contains biotite, and that the pale greenish corundum crystals are almost an inch in diameter and have no bronze shimmer on basal planes. Under the microscope it is found to consist mainly of plagio- clase (oligoclase) and biotite, the latter pale greenish-brown, faintly dichroic and with a small axial angle. There are also a few large patches of colorless muscovite having a large axial angle. The specimen has the mineralogical composition of a diorite, though of a very unusual character; but Professor Miller’ states that nepheline-syenite occurs close by, apparently part of the same rock mass, though not so highly corundiferous.* These white rocks were taken for limestone by farmers of the region, and an attempt was made to burn them for lime, of course, in vain. Hand specimens, partly fused, were taken from the kiln and supposed to be nepheline-syenite, many of them doubtless having that composition; but the one provided for microscopic examination contains no nepheline. It is evidently part of a bowlder and is schistose and pale gray to white on the *Bur. Mines, Ont., 1897, p. 222. CORUNDIFEROUS NEPHELINE-SVENITE 443 surface, but mottled bright blue and white where broken. Under the microscope the rock is found to consist of scapolite, soda- lite and biotite with a very little orthoclase. The scapolite forms the greater part of the rock, the spaces between its anhedra being filled with sodalite; the latter blue throughout when in small portions, but only on the edges when in large ones, the center being colorless and isotropic. The bowlders are said by Miller to be blue only after being burnt in the lime- kiln. The biotite is deep red-brown in color, has a high absorption and a wide axial angle, perhaps the result of heating; just as many dark biotites turn brown by weathering and have a wider angle between the optical axes. There are small quantities of an unknown mineral present, white, transparent and having a low double refraction, so as to give only dull blue or purple tints between crossed nicols. Two or three sections of it show an axial image consisting of a black cross opening out about as far as in many biotites, but without colored rings. It is optically positive. About eleven years ago the writer collected a considerable number of specimens of nepheline-syenite from drift bowlders in the neighborhood of Cobourg, Ontario, which lies about south-southwest of the localities referred to above and from fifty to a hundred miles distant from them. At that time neph- eline-syenite had not yet been reported from the province.? In a general way these specimens correspond in appearance and composition to those that have been described, though a num- ber of additional minerals occur in them, the more important being hornblende, augite and garnet, both of the ordinary kind and melanite, the brown variety. Only one of the specimens collected then contains corundum; and it, though closely like the others in appearance, shows little or no nepheline and resembles in mineralogical constitution, one of the specimens from Methuen. The purplish-gray corundum crystals are quite large, and thin sections show the same needlelike inclusions * Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., 1890, pp. 14-18. 444 A. P. COLEMAN and dichroism as the Methuen crystals, but not the hematite plates. As there is not much doubt that the Cobourg drift bowlders originated in the nepheline-syenite region to the northeast, they have been referred to here and may be considered in connection with the rocks previously described. In spite of the great variations in mineralogical composition to be seen in hand specimens all the rocks referred to have much in common; they are white to gray in color, generally schistose, often corundiferous, and present the same general habit, so that in field work they are naturally thrown together as nepheline-syenite and can be sharply distinguished from adjoining Laurentian gneisses, granites, and syenites. While not all of them contain corundum in large amounts they serve as a general guide to the discovery of the corundiferous rocks and are so used by prospectors for that mineral. Some of the ordinary syenites of the region, however, contain corundum also, and the largest crystals found occur in them. Just why the magma which has solidified into the groupof rocks described above should be so versatile in regard to mineralogical composition is not easily explained; but no other rock known to the writer shows so great a variety of types within short dis- tances as may be found in the nepheline-syenites. It may be that experiments such as those of Morozewicz' will give the clue to this variability, which seems to depend on the large proportion of alumina in the original magma. The corundiferous varieties of nepheline-syenite represent magmas supersaturated with alumina but not saturated with silica. A. P. COLEMAN. ™See Review by T. A. JAGGAR: JOUR. GEOL., 1899, Vol. VII, No. 3, pp. 300, etc. tit wehbe Cr OF SEA BARRIERS UPON ULTIMATE DRAINAGE THE causes which determine the location of river courses in the neighborhood of their discharge into the sea, where the cur- rents are slow and their power of erosion small, are often quite insignificant. If, however, a stream once becomes established in any given course, and the region through which it flows becomes elevated, its sluggish current at once becomes active and forms a valley of greater or less depth. Its tendency through subsequent changes in the land level is to remain in the valley approximately as originally formed. This tendency is especially strong if this original valley is parallel with the strike of the strata. It is not the purpose of the present paper to discuss the development of intricate drainage systems along structural lines, and through long periods of time, but simply to suggest that a drainage system may sometimes have a portion of its course fixed, by spits and barrier beaches along the coast line, at the same time that the sediments which are to form the rocks of its future drainage area are being deposited ; and also that the drainage when established thus early may remain more or less fixed through its subsequent history. Along coast lines generally, and especially along those of gently sloping coastal plains, spits, bars, and barriers are more or less common. For our present purposes these may all be spoken of as barriers, and so far as the present paper is concerned it does not matter whether they are composed of sand, gravel, or coral; neither do the forces by which they are built up need to be discussed. The lagoons between the barriers and the shore vary in length with the barriers, from a few hundred yards to many miles. Such lagoons are parallel to the shore and_ usually 445 446 J. F. NEWSOM almost at right angles to the course of the drainage entering them. The drainage from the land must pass through these lagoons, often for almost their entire length before it can reach the sea through gaps in the barriers or around their ends. Thus it happens that long, low barriers, often of soft sand, and of insignificant height, which if inland would be slight obstacles to erosion, often control large drainage areas (Fig. 1). Fic. 1.— Barnegat Bay on the coast of New Jersey. The drainage, at present deflected by the barrier, passes through the bay and into the ocean. Excellent examples of drainage controlled by barriers are to be found developed to a greater or less extent along the coasts of almost all countries. Along our own coasts the most marked examples are the streams flowing from Texas into the Gulf of Mexico; Indian River along the east coast of Florida; and the EFFECT OF SEA BARRIERS UPON DRAINAGE 447 streams emptying into Albemarle, Pamlico, and neighboring sounds. The drainage in all these localities is deflected many miles. Many less marked instances of deflected streams may be seen upon almost any map of a long coast line. The writer’s attention has been called by Dr. J. C. Branner to the stone reefs along the coast of Brazil. These reefs bear Fic. 2 Fic. 3 Fic. 2 shows a shore line whose drainage is deflected by a barrier. The cross- section shows the relations existing between the barrier, lagoon, new, and older strata. Fic. 3 shows the arrangement of drainage, as represented in Fig. 2, after the elevation of the land. The “lagoon portion” of the stream is here shown as being directly along the contact between the newer and older groups of strata. the same relation to the shore as ordinary sand barriers, and they are probably old barriers whose sands early became cemented. In such cases of early solidification, the ‘‘lagoon”’ portion of the resulting land stream is, of course, held in position much more firmly than in the case of loose sands. 448 J. F. NEWSOM Shore deposits usually have a slight seaward dip. It hap- pens, therefore, that the streams entering lagoons behind barriers may not only have their courses determined early in their history, and that subsequent erosion after the land becomes elevated tends to deepen the channel in the position determined, but also that this position is parallel with the strike of the strata. The subsequent tendency of the stream, therefore, is to remain in this original course established for it by the lagoon, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. If the coast, along which such stream deflection occurs, happens to be rising, or if the barriers are being added to from the seaward side, the barriers, at first narrow and low, may become gradually wider and higher and finally form a considera- ble land area. In this new area a new drainage system will develop, a portion of it being drained landward to its old lagoon, the rest draining either directly or through a new lagoon, into the ocean, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. If the land level remains unchanged, the lagoon is left inland and controls the drainage of the region on its landward side with little or no tendency toward erosion. If, however, the land becomes slowly elevated, the old ‘lagoon portion” becomes an active stream and cuts out a channel in and along the strike of the new rocks. As the shore becomes more and more elevated, and the stream is left further inland, this portion of the channel becomes more firmly established in its course. Thus it becomes an inland stream, which had a greater or less portion of its length originally established parallel with the coast, with the contact between groups of strata and also with the strike of the rocks, and not across the strike or outcrop, as is so commonly taken for granted for the original courses of streams. (Fig. 3.) It is obvious from what has been said that the “lagoon por- tions’’ of streams will be determined in a direction approximately parallel with the general direction of the contacts of the newly- formed geologic groups; they may be directly along this line, or they may be several miles on either side of it. Fig. I may be taken as a type to illustrate this. Here the EFFECT OF SEA BARRIERS UPON DRAINAGE 449 barrier of ‘‘alluvium”’ enclosing Barnegat Bay on the coast of New Jersey is from three to five miles from the contact between the ‘‘alluvium” and the older beds of gravel, sands, and clays. If Barnegat Bay were silted up by sediments from the landward ' . . E c ree) . ) ae x t 1 cee ht Fs r 4 - a ~ ris eso Serr 1 A . a ey; Sans Ps te a 4 . . ’ + . L i H ees ‘ . te ie ‘. L ' i : ct - > - Ldn! L— = sy Bd TO AG : ‘ - =: e Cer ae LA ay re 7 \ t ey c - Cee Vig gots aes ae . «i. New Strate ° Fic. 4 is a further development of Fig. 3; the “lagoon portion” of the old stream having for the most part settled itself down in the underlying strata. The contact between the newer strata and the older being shifted seaward by erosion, the line of contact is some distance to the seaward from the stream. If the underlying older beds are very hard, the stream might continually shift itself along the line of contact, instead of cutting down into the hard beds below. A part of the old “lagoon portion,” instead of cutting down into the underlying rocks, is shown as having been shifted down the dip of the newer beds, and as flowing parallel with the contact but to the seaward of it. side, its lagoon might be shifted close up against the barrier. If, under these circumstances, this coast should be elevated and the shore line should be shifted some miles seaward, the ‘lagoon portion”’ of the resulting stream would be approximately parallel 450 J. f. NEWSOM to the strike of the rocks, and also to the upper and lower con- tacts of the particular group of strata formed, though several miles removed from either of those contacts. On the other hand, a stream flowing parallel with the contact and not far removed from it might cut down completely through the series of strata by which its course was originally determined, and reach the older underlying rocks. Under such circum- stances the newer beds through and along the edges of which the stream originally flowed, would in time be removed by erosion for some considerable distance from the line of contact, as shown in Fig. 4. It is, of course, difficult to point with certainty to streams at present far inland that have had their courses originally determined in the manner suggested. This explanation offers itself, however, for streams that now flow parallel to and in the neighborhood of contacts between sets of beds of different ages, as also for streams flowing parallel to preéxisting coast lines. It is not improbable that many streams flowing with the strike of strata, and whose courses have been attributed to stream capture, owe these courses to the simple fact of their having been primarily established in that position as here suggested. Many such streams may be seen on any detailed geologic and drainage map of our eastern and southern coastal region, though they are by no means limited to such regions. This explanation is suggested as a probable one in account- ing for the sudden southwest deflection of the Delaware River at Bordentown, N. J., and the Potomac near Washington, and for the sudden turn of the Susquehanna into the upper portion of Chesapeake Bay, which may be considered as its exten- sion. The same explanation is suggested also in, regard to the Tennessee River for the lower portion of its course where it flows northward through west Tennessee and Kentucky. Black River, in Arkansas, flows for almost its entire length near the line of contact between Tertiary and Paleozoic rocks. This stream may have had its course originally established, EFFECT OF SEA BARRIERS UPON DRAINAGE 451 parallel to the old coast line in much the same way that Indian River, Florida, has its course fixed at the present time. Many others could be mentioned, but these serve to show the character of the drainage that might be expected from the suggested causes. It is not meant to imply by the foregoing remarks that all barriers that may be formed will exercise control on the ultimate drainage. Probably most of those formed are quickly destroyed as the shore line encroaches or recedes. It is hardly reasonable to suppose, however, that all barriers formed through past geologic ages have been disposed of thus easily. Joun F. Newsom. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, California. SEASON AND TIME ELEMENTS IN SAND-PLAIN FORMATION THE SEASON ELEMENT Tue term sand-plain is here used in the generally accepted sense, that is, to designate the sand delta formed at the mouth of a glacial stream as it issued from the ice margin into the stand- ing waters of a glacial lake or into the sea. The bulk of such a plain is made up of a succession of layers of fine material slop- ing at an angle of 15° or more in the direction in which the cur- rent is moving, or away from the head of the plain. Upon these layers, which are known as fore-sets, rests a comparatively thin and nearly horizontal layer of coarse material known as top-sets. A third class of layers is represented by the horizontally strati- fied clay beds deposited in front of the constantly advancing fore-sets, and partly overlain by them in consequence of this advance. In addition there is sometimes a fourth, but much less extensive series of layers which have slopes just the reverse of those of the fore-sets. They are known as back-sets, and are formed, sometimes by the upward movement of the water as it leaves the ice and passes up and over the sand-plain,* and some- times by the settling of the margin of the plain in consequence of the melting of the ice upon which it may have partially rested. Wherever sand-plains have been exposed it has been found that the development of back-sets is insignificant, seldom amounting to more than twenty or thirty feet even in the largest plains. It is evident that if the margin of the ice were retreating during the construction of a sand-plain, the formation of back-sets by the first method would at once become a prominent feature of the deposition. It is doubtful if back-sets of this type have ever actually been noted, and back-sets of any sort are, as we have seen, of rare occurrence and slight development. This «Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. I, 197. 452 ELEMENTS IN SAND-PLAIN FORMATION 453 shows conclusively that the forward growth of the delta must have been extremely rapid, for an ice margin bathed constantly by the waters of the sea or a glacial lake could not long remain stationary. That the time of growth was a short one was early urged by Davis and is generally admitted by those familiar with such deposits. Even in the case of many of the larger plains it seems clear that the time of growth should be measured by months rather than by years, and the assumption that they are the result of a single season’s stream work is not unwarranted. If this view is accepted, the question at once arises as to whether the plain represents the deposits of the whole, or only a part of the season of ablation. The first thought would natu- rally be that they represent the whole, but on more careful con- sideration this seems less probable. The observations upon sand- plains show that there was practically no backward melting of the ice during their formation. The retreat, then, must have taken place under conditions more favorable to the melting or breaking up of the margin of the ice sheet than those existing during the formation of the plains, and to maintain that the sand-plains represent the whole of the summer periods of melting would mean the reference of the periods of retreat to the winter season, a conclusion not in harmony with the laws of nature. As an alternative, it might be considered that the sand-plains represent summers of only moderate warmth, while the periods of’ melting were characteristic of seasons of a considerably higher average temperature. The melting of the ice, the dis- charge of the glacial streams, and the amount of detritus, would all have been increased under such conditions. In reality we find that often only a slight deposition of sediments took place. between the stages of sand-plain growth, especially when plains are but short distances apart, as in the case of the Bar- rington and Nyatt Point sand-plains, hereafter to be described. Here the intermediate area is practically free from deposits of an inter-sand-plain period, indicating that the retreat of the margin took place during a period when little detritus was being set free from the ice by ablation. 454 MYRON L. FULLER A consideration of the conditions obtaining during the clos- ing stages of the ice sheet leads to the conclusion that the periods or steps of the retreat in the vicinity of the Barrington Plain were characteristic of spring, corresponding more or less roughly to the present months of March, April and May. Following is a summary of the reasons: (1) The insignifi- cant development, or complete absence of back-sets in the most typical sand-plains, show that the retreat was not characteristic of the summer period. (2) The fall represents a waning, and the winter a cessation of all the conditions that can in any way be regarded as favorable to the ice retreat. The retreat cannot, therefore, be regarded as characteristic of these periods. (3) Though the actual precipitation may have been no greater than in the winter months, precipitation in the form of rain probably reached its maximum in the latitude of northern United States during the months of early spring. It is well known that water attacks ice much more rapidly than air at the same, or even higher temperatures. The period of spring rains must, then, have been one of rapid ablation. (4) The precipitation of the winter months must have been mainly in the form of snow, which according to Upham, would reach a maximum within a com- paratively short distance of the margin. Under the influence of the spring rains the deep snow must have rapidly melted, helping swell the glacial, and especially the superglacial streams to sizable turrents. The rapidity with which such superglacial streams cut into the ice is well shown by some of the superglacial streams of Greenland, which, though usually short and of small size, have often sunk tosome considerable depth into the ice. Such streams near the margin of the waning ice sheet would have rapidly cut through the ice to the very bottom, leaving detached pieces of various sizes and shapes which, however, would melt with comparative rapidity. (5) The streams during the spring, being fed mainly from the melting snow or direct precipitation, would carry a proportionally small amount of sediment, and the detritus instead of being deposited at a single point, as in the case of the sand-plains, would be distributed ELEMENTS IN SAND-PLAIN FORMATION 455 over a large area as an inconspicuous sheet. (6) In the summer the ice margin would become stationary and the depo- sition of the detritus, which was derived almost entirely from the ablation of the débris-laden ice, would be concentrated at definite points. ; Although from the above considerations it seems reasonable to refer the shorter ice retreats between sand-plain stages to the spring months, it is probable that the longer retreats represent longer periods, perhaps in some cases years in length. In this case the absence of inter-sand-plain deposits may be more seeming than real, because of the sheet form of such deposits. TIME ELEMENT If the months of December, January, and February are eliminated, as there can be no doubt they should be, from the time of sand-plain growth, the retreat of the ice and the deposi- tion of the plain must have taken place inthe remaining nine months. The distance between sand-plain stages varied from a fraction of one up to several miles, and three months certainly seem none too long atime for sucha retreat. If this be so, the sand-plains, or at least those of modern size, must have been formed in the six months still remaining. A study of the conditions now existing in the larger glaciers of Alaska, showed at once that sucha rate of deposition was by no means improbable. A calculation based on such conditions could not fail to be of interest, and would give valuable indica- tion as to the probability of the general estimates. The results showed an unexpected and surprisingly close agreement with the estimates. Basis of calculations —Evidence as to the time of formation of sand-plains is afforded; (1) by the bulk of the sand-plain itself, and (2) by the bulk of the accompanying clays, which from their mode of formation, are known to be simultaneous in development and coextensive as to time. The time estimate is obtained by dividing the bulk by the daily discharge of sedi- ment of the glacial stream. To find this discharge of sediment 456 MYRON L. FULLER it is necessary to know the area of the cross-section of the stream, the velocity of its flow, and the percentage of sediment carried. The first two values are indicated by the esker and the ove Oe d i CL NARRACANSETT BAY. a} 1 MILF. Fic. 1.—Map of Glacial Deposits, Barrington, R. I.t Contour interval, 20 feet. material of which it is composed. The latter must be estimated from observations upon glacial streams existing under similar *The geology is taken from map given by Mr. J. B. Woodworth in Seventeenth Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv., Pt. I, Pl. LXII. ELEMENTS IN SAND-PLAIN FORMATION 457 conditions at the present time. Such observations have been made by Wright, Reid, and others in regard to the fine sedi- ments such as make up the so-called glacial clays, and it is upon these observations that the present estimates are based. Locality selected. —Conditions favorable to a calculation of the time of formation from the extent of the plains, or their associated clays, are in almost every case wanting. In 1896, however, Woodworth described? and mapped a series of unusu- ally typical deposits in the town of Barrington, R. I. A visit to the locality showed the conditions to be almost ideal, and admitting of calculations of some definiteness. The clays were selected as a basis of calculation in preference to the sand-plain itself, because of the greater number and reliability of the Alaskan observations upon this class of sediments. FGA Fic. 2.—Section across Barrington, R. I., showing relations of clays to sand- plains. A, Terrane of Carboniferous age; B, Glacial drift older than Nayatt Point stage; C, Clays contemporaneous with the Nayatt Point sand-plain; E, Gravel and sands deposited upon the melting of the ice along the head of the Nayatt Point plain ; F, Barrington sand-plain; G, Barrington clays; H, esker; I, gravel and sands laid down upon the melting of the ice back of the Barrington plain. —J. B. WoopWoRTH: Seventeenth Annual Report U.S. Geol. Surv., Part 1, p. 987. Barrington clays.—TVhese clays are exposed at the surface over an area of about six tenths of a square mile (Fig. 1). On the south the clays rest against the ice-contact slope of the Nyatt Point sand-plain, while on the north they extend as a gradually thinning wedge beneath the Barrington plain, reaching their northern limit approximately along the ice-contact slope of this latter plain (Fig. 2). The depth of the clays in the vicinity of the railroad, as shown by borings, is about sixty feet. With the exception of one slight break there is a ridge, partly till and Seventeenth Annual Report U.S. Geol. Surv., Part I, 987, 988; and Am. Geol., VoL. XVIII, 161-164, 391, 392. 458 MVRONVE. POLE ER: partly of modified material, connecting the two sand-plains on the east, and having an average height of about forty feet. On the west there is no marked rise between the clays and the waters of the bay, the latter even at the present time having access’ to the clays by a fair-sized estuary. The surface of the clays is practically at sea level. The clays, which vary from gray to blue-gray in color ware composed principally of quartz flour—the ultimate product of glacial scouring—with a comparatively slight intermixture of true clay. Their amount, allowing for the thinning out in vari- ous directions, and taking their specific gravity as 2.5, is found to be approximately 95.3 million tons. Conditions at time of deposition.—The heights of the two sand- plains are about fifty feet and indicate a probable height of water at the time of their formation of at least forty feet above — the present sea level. The ice on the north, the ridge on the east, and the Nyatt Point plain on the south would form an inclosed bay, with practically no opening except at the west. Here, however, there must have been an opening something like three fourths of a mile wide and thirty-five to forty feet deep connecting with the sea and allowing a more or less complete commingling of the salt and fresh waters. Into this inclosed bay emptied, as indicated by its esker, a glacial stream 150 feet wide, with a probable depth of some twenty feet, and a velocity sufficient at times to move pebbles up to six inches in diameter. This would indicate a maximum velocity of a little over six feet per second, but the average material composing the esker would require a current certainly not over five feet per second. The discharge of such a stream would be 15,000 cubic feet per second. The area of the cross-section of the outlet from the inclosed bay was about 138,000 square feet, or some forty-six times that of the glacial stream. If discharge took place uniformly through the outlet the velocity would have been one and one third inches per second. If the flow of the fresh water took place as a sur- face current, as would have been the tendency, a somewhat ELEMENTS IN SAND-PLAIN FORMATION 459 greater velocity would have resulted, but not enough greater to have prevented the settling of the sediment. The ebb and flow of the tide, which is about four feet, would have decreased the outflow some 25 per cent. during flood tide, and increased it by a corresponding amount during the ebb. The average distance through which the water would move in its passage from the mouth of the glacial stream to the outlet would be at least a mile. The current, which at the frontal slope of the sand-plain had a velocity, as indicated by the material deposited, of some eight inches per second, would decrease until certainly not over three inches per second at the outlet. Its passage would require fully four hours. Sediment of glacial streams. — According to Helland,’ as quoted by Reid,? the maximum sediment values of their respective regions are represented by the Unteraar glacier of Switzerland, which carries .142 grams per liter; the Langedal glacier of Nor- way, Carrying .513 grams; and Alangordleck glacier of Green- land, carrying 2.37 grams. Both Wright and Reid found much more sediment in the waters from the Muir glacier of Alaska, the former recording a load which reduces to 12.12 grams per liter,3 and the latter a load as high as 12.98 grams per liter.t As the Alaskan glaciers most nearly represent the conditions obtaining during the closing stages of the continental ice sheet, I have taken Reid’s value of 13 grams (actual value, 12.98 grams) as a basis in calculating the time of formation of the Barrington clays. In all probability the sediment discharged by the streams draining the continental ice sheet was even greater than that of the most heavily loaded glacial streams of today. I have sought to neutralize this difference as much as possible by applying as a mean value to the Barrington deposits the maximum value of the Muir glacier sediments. * HEIM’s Gletscherkunde, p. 363. ? Sixteenth Annual Report, U. S. Geol. Surv., Pt. I, p. 457. 3Ice Age in North America, p. 64. 4 Loc. ctt., ps 454. 460 MYRON L. FULLER Rate of settling.— Recently, in connection with professional work for the Metropolitan Water Board of Massachusetts, Pro- fessor W. O. Crosby has incidentally had occasion to determine the rate of settling of the finer portions (2. ¢., quartz-flour) of both the till and the stratified drift. No definite maximum limit has ever been fixed for the grains of quartz flour, but in the experi- ments in question this name was applied to that portion passing through a sieve of 170 meshes to an inch. The larger grains are about 34, of an inch in diameter. In the experiments, the results of which Professor Crosby has kindly placed at my disposal, 5 grams of the quartz flour were introduced at the top of a half-inch tube containing five feet of water. The time of settling was then taken. The results showed that fully 75 per cent. of the material settled within thirty minutes from the time of insertion, and in the majority of cases none whatever remained in suspension at the end of sixty minutes. In other cases a distinct turbidity, probably due to true clay, was still noticeable at the end of this time. This was determined by filtering and weighing, the amount varying from a mere trace up to IO per cent. The results show that even in fresh water the settling of quartz flour is very rapid, the greater part settling at a rate of at least ten feet per hour. In the inclosed bay in which the Bar- rington clays were deposited the water was salt, or at least decidedly brackish, and the rate of settling must have been much increased, especially in the case of the finer material, which, according to W. H. Brewer, will settle as much in salt water in thirty minutes as it would in as many months in perfectly pure water.*. There can be no reasonable doubt, then, that practically the entire amount of sediment brought in by the glacial stream was deposited within the inclosed bay. Statement of problem and results.— During a certain stage of the ice retreat from the region of Narragansett Bay, the area now covered by the Barrington clays stood at a level some forty feet below that at present existing, and was covered by a body Am: J. Sci., TI]; 20, p. 4: ELEMENTS IN SAND-PLAIN FORMATION 401 of salt or brackish water which rested against the ice on the north, and was practically cut off from the sea on the east by a till ridge, and on the south by the Nyatt Point sand-plain. Into this body poured.a glacial stream with a volume of some 15,000 cubic feet per second, and bearing a load which I have assumed as a maximum to be 13 grams per liter, amounting to 526,500 tons per day. From experiment it has been found that material like that of the Barrington clays settles very rapidly, indicating that practically the whole amount brought in by the glacial stream must have been deposited within the inclosed area indicated. The amount of the clay is some 95.3 milliontons. Dividing this by the daily discharge of sediment of the glacial stream, she time of the deposition of the clays is found to be 181 days, or almost exactly six months. General application. —Though in the sand-plains of different localities, the proportion of sand and clay varies greatly, the Barrington deposits taken as a whole probably represent very nearly the average conditions. I am satisfied, therefore, that the results obtained in the case of the Barrington plain, though strictly speaking they are applicable only to this plain, represent fairly closely the time required for the formation of the average sand-plain. If, for the reasons given ona previous page (p. 454), the ice retreat is considered as taking place in the early spring, it would follow that these figures represent a maximum, rather than a minimum, time limit. In the case of large plains, how- ever, with areas of several or many square miles it may be pos- sible to consider the period of deposition as extending over more than one season of melting, there being in the meantime either no retreat of the ice margin, or a retreat so slight that the inter- vening space was completely filled, and the sand-plains united into a single compound plain. Remarks. — One of the points most strongly emphasized by the results obtained, is the almost incredible amount of sediment discharged by the Barrington glacial stream during the few months of summer activity. The daily discharge of sediment by 462 MYRON L. FULLER this small stream, not over 150 feet in width, was equivalent to 40 per cent. of that of the Mississippi.* The small amounts of the coarse material, compared with the amount of clay, is also a significant feature. It shows fully two thirds of the detritus brought in by the stream was of the finely comminuted quartz flour. The velocity was such that had the current come in contact with the subglacial till to any extent the percentage of coarse material would have been much greater. Its absence indicates, therefore, that practically the entire amount must have been derived from the ablation of the ice. The high percentage of the finer débris contained within the ice is certainly a striking feature. Myron L. FULLER. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Boston, Mass. tJ. B. WoODWORTH, Zoe. cit., 162. eit PR rROGRAPHICAL PROVINCE OF ESSEX CO., MASS] “GENERA DISCUSSION: AND CONCLU- SIONS] iV. Analytical methods.—As far as was possible with the means at my disposal the methods advocated by Hillebrand’ were fol- lowed, some slight modifications being necessary owing to lack of certain facilities in my laboratory. A word must be said in recognition of the high character of the work of the chemists of the U. S. Geological Survey. Petrologists generally are deeply indebted to them for the service they have rendered the science, not only by the investigation of methods and the very large amount of excellent work which they have done, but also for the high standard of excellence which they have set for other analysts to follow. Ignition H,O was determined in dry CO,. It will be seen from the generally low summation of the rocks high in FeO that this did not entirely prevent oxidation under the condi- tions obtaining, but the error will not be high. The precipita- tion with ammonia was always made twice, and three times in the case of the basic rocks, in the presence of sufficient NH,Cl. This is of the utmost importance, as pointed out by Pirsson? and Hillebrand,3 on account of the tendency of MgO to be coprecipitated with the Al and Fe hydrates. Neglect of these precautions has rendered useless many analyses, but it is a point which is often overlooked. With one exception, MnO was not determined, since its amount was apparently small and its deter- mination would have extended considerably the time necessary for an analysis, and hence lessened their number. Alkalis were, of course, determined by the Lawrence Smith method. *CLARKE and HILLEBRAND. Analyses of Rocks. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1897. 2 PIRSSON, JOUR. GEOL., Vol. IV, 688, 1896. 3 HILLEBRAND, Of. cit, p. 39. 463 464 HENRY S. WASHINGTON It must be noted that throughout this paper the terms acid and basic refer only to the relative amount of SiO,, no con- notation of the amounts of the other oxides being implied. Use of the term petrographical province-—The idea which underlies the general use of this term is that of a region of igneous rocks which possess in common certain characters, structural, mineralogical, or chemical, and in which the charac- ters may vary cOntinuously from one end to the other of the series of rocks represented. The term is usually applied to large areas embracing several centers of igneous activity, which, by their similarity in character, may be presumed to be related. Its application in the title of this paper is somewhat restricted, and therefore open to criticism, but seems justified on the grounds of convenience, the evident relationship of the rocks, and the fact that this region may serve as the type of the still larger New England one. In Table I are given my analyses of the Chemical characters. rocks of Essex county, with one by Dr. Eakle, and in Table II the molecular amounts of the various oxides. It is to be borne in mind that all references to the relative amounts of the oxides are to their molecular amounts, and not to their percentages as - obtained in the analyses. The range in composition is very great, the rocks varying from basic gabbro with 44 to acid granite with 78 per cent. of SiO,. Al,O, varies considerably and is notably higher toward the basic end. The total amounts of iron oxides are rather high, Fe,O, being low and varying little, while FeO is higher, especially so in the basic rocks. MgO and CaO behave alike, being low in the more acid rocks, and suddenly much higher in the basic. The alkalies areabundant, Na,O more so than K,O, but, on the whole, do not vary as much as the other con- stituents. The rocks as a whole are rather acid, 7. e., they contain more SiO, than most similar types elsewhere. The granite is decidedly an acid one, the foyaites more acid than most nephe- line-syenites, and the same is true of the pulaskites, the akerite PETROGRAPHICAL PROVINCE OF ESSEX COUNTY .465 and nordmarkite, the tinguaite, sdlvsbergite, and paisanite. In the basic rocks, on the other hand, the opposite seems to hold goo d, that they are more basic than usual. In the next place they are rich in both alkalis, and Na,O is constantly greater than K,O. On the whole, however, Na,O does not predominate to such an extent as to stamp the region as essentially one of soda rocks, but is sufficiently predominant to determine the character of the types, as shown in the min- eralogical composition. In general the rocks are rich in iron oxides, FeO being espe- cially, and in some cases abnormally, high. It may be men- tioned that TiO, is high, comparatively speaking, and that BaO seems to be absent. The province as a whole then, may be characterized as one of rocks which are more acid or more basic than normal, high in alkalis, with Na,O predominating over K,O, high in iron oxides, especially FeO, rather high in Al,O,, and low in MgO and CaO. Mineralogical characters.—We find the main chemical features well expressed in the general mineralogical composition. Cor- responding to the high SiO, and alkalis, the prevailing feld- spars are albite and orthoclase, with quartz-syenites abundant. The albite molecule is very abundant, giving rise to the charac- teristic microperthites and the albitic syenites of the litchfieldite and pulaskite types. At the same time the soda-hornblendes and soda-pyroxenes are common. The low CaO forbids the formation of much lime-soda feldspar, which we find to be rare, and even in some of the basic rocks the plagioclase is more albitic than usual. The paucity in MgO is of great influence. Olivine is rare even in the basic rocks. A striking peculiarity in this connec- tion is the replacement of the deficient MgO by FeO. This gives rise to the presence of varieties of minerals normally mag- nesian, but which are here largely ferrous instead. This is exemplified by the abundance of the MgO-free biotites, lepi- domelane and cryophyllite, as well as the occurrence of the 466 HENRY S. WASHINGTON purely ferrous olivine, fayalite’ in the granite, and the presence of the MgO-free ‘“ glaucophane”’ molecule in the blue horn- blendes? of the region. Discussion of oxide ratios—In Table IJ are given, below the molecular amounts, several oxide ratios, which we may next examine, since they serve to differentiate the rocks of the region into groups. Na,O EO _have seen, though often closely approaching it. A striking fea- ture is that in ten or eleven cases it is either exactly or very near a’ whole number; tel, 221, 3:1, 01 O21. Ini tenvothersent closely approximates to multiples of a half; 1%:1, 2%:1, 314:°1, or 6%:\1. In only three or tour’ cases does atidities more than about .12 from such figures. There seems to be a tendency for Na,O and K,O to exist in stoichiometric ratios with respect to each other. The same is true elsewhere, notably in the Christiania region, where Brégger3 connects it with the tendency of the alkalis to such ratios in nepheline and soda- orthoclase. Such ratios, however, in igneous rocks are by no This ratio is constantly greater than unity, as we means general. When we examine this ratio in the various rocks we see that it is characteristic of certain rock groups. In the granite, the quartz-syenite-porphyry and the quartz-syenites it is quite con- stant, varying only from 1.09 to 1.17. In the aplite dike it is a little higher, about 1.5. Inthe keratophyre and rhyolite it is still higher, 1.40 and 2.20. As we go toward the basic end the ratio increases, being 1.7 and 2.1 in the pulaskites, 2.2, 2.5, and 3.6 in the sdlvsbergites and biotite-tinguaite, and 3.0 in the foyaites. In the basic rocks, from diorite down, the ratios are constantly high, varying from 2.6 to 6.6, and is also high, 6, in the analcite-tinguaite. t PENFIELD and ForBES: Am. Jour. Sci. (IV), I, 129, 1896. 2H. S. WASHINGTON: Am. Jour. Sci. (IV), VI, 179, 1898. 3BrROGGER: Eruptivgesteine der Kristianiagebietes. I, 165, 1894, and III, 249, 1897. PETROGRAPHICAL PROVINCE OF ESSEX COUNTY 467 It will be seen that in what are obviously connected series of rocks there is a regular variation in one direction, an increase toward the basic end. The most striking instance is the paisanite- tinguaite series, in which the ratios are 1.23, 2.17, 2.47, 3.62, and 5-97. Also in the pulaskite-foyaite-essexite series, where the Fatios-are 1,71, 2.00, 3.00, 2.98, and 3.64. The granite, quartz- syenites, diorites, and gabbros show the relation less well, though even here the ratio is markedly higher in the basic members. These observations leave no doubt of the fact that in Essex county Na,O increases relatively to K,O as SiO, decreases. This agrees with the Christiania region, where Brégger* shows that in the grorudite-tinguaite series the same holds good. In both cases the effect is due chiefly to increase in Na,O relatively to SiO,, K,O remaining comparatively stationary. The line giving the ratio of Na,O:SiO, will show this for Essex county. Such a variation is not universal, as in other regions exactly the contrary obtains,” the K,O increasing as SiO, decreases. It is evident, therefore, that Na,O and K,O differentiate with respect to each other, a fact to which Pirsson has already called attention.3 This is of theoretical interest since it indicates that, notwithstanding their general similarity, there isa difference between the two alkalis in their functions in igneous rocks, a subject which space does not permit of being treated here. FeO Bes O: the preceding, ranging from 0.37 to 16.0, but examination reveals certain ~tregularities:. It is very high in the granite, aplite, quartz-syenite, and porphyry, and in all the basic rocks. It will also be observed that it is higher in the dike rocks than in their corresponding plutonic forms. It is lower in the paisanite and sdlvsbergites, still lower in the pulaskites and foyaites, as well as The variations in this ratio are far greater than in ™BROGGER: of. cit., Vol. III, p. 249, note 1, 1897. ?PirssON: Bull. 139 U.S. Geol. Surv., p. 138, note 5, 1896. HARKER: Geol. Mag., Vol. IX, 203, 1892. 3 PIRSSON: Bull. 139 U.S. Geol. Surv., p. 138, 1896. 468 HENRY S. WASHINGTON in the rhyolite and keratophyre, and lowest of all in the tinguaites. It is evident, granting that these relations are not fortuitous, which the number of analyses seems to preclude, that this ratio does not vary with the SiO,, but seems to be dependent here on the general character of the magma from which the rocks solidified. Grouping these roughly into two classes according to their general characters we may say that the ratio is high in the granito-dioritic group and low in the foyaitic. It is, it must be confessed, somewhat surprising to find such a connection between the ratio of the two iron oxides and the petrographical character of the rocks. Is it indeed the fact that there is such a difference in behavior between the two oxides? Do they really differentiate with respect to each other, or is the relation only apparent and due to other causes, such as possible oxidation of the ferrous iron in the foyaitic rocks? In the flow rocks the ratio is low and it seems possible that their solidification at the surface may have induced oxidation. But all the other rocks are abyssal or hypabyssal, so that such an action would seem to be excluded, or at least equally effective in each. We have also seen that the granito-dioritic dikes show a uniformly higher ratio than their plutonic analogues. On the whole we seem driven, as far as the data at hand allow us to decide, to the conclusion that the two oxides differentiate with respect to each other and that their ratio is in some way con- nected with the composition of the magma. In connection with this ratio we may note the interesting case of Nos. XV and XIV, the tinguaite and sdlvsbergite, whose composition is very similar, the total iron oxides being about the same. Inthe tinguaite the high Fe,O, (ratio 0.52) has con- ditioned the formation of aegirite, while in the sélvsbergite the high FeO (ratio 3.31) has conditioned the formation of glau- cophane-riebeckite as the colored mineral. Na,O+K,0O SiO, Iddings* in the investigation of the relationships of rocks. Here This ratio has been recently employed by *IppINGs:: Jour. GEOL., Vol. III, 956, 1895, Vol. VI, 96, 189, Vol. VI, 219, 1898. PETROGRAPHICAL PROVINCE OF ESSEX COUNTY . 469 it corresponds ina general way with the grouping already used. In the acid rocks, from granite to akerite, the ratio is low and fairly constant, varying only from .088 to .121. In the foyaitic rocks from glaucophane-sélvsbergite to analcite-tinguaite, it is much higher and also fairly constant, from .156 to .228. Inthe basic rocks the ratio is again low, the essexite alone showing the high ratio of .166, analogous to that of the foyaites, as was to be expected. The ratio of the hornblende-gabbro (.112) is also in accord with its transitional character between the diorites and essexite. A large number of other ratios have been examined, but without any very significant results. The only one worth mentions. that:of All| Oo =.He,O.,-CaO--Na,O--K,0.: Inthe more acid rocks, from pulaskite up, this approximates closely to unity, but below this there are some other wide variations, the sesquioxides being deficient, except in the foyaites. The rock series. —Without going further into details, we may divide the rocks of Essex county into the following series as defined by Broégger.* The first may be called the granito-dioritic, and embraces the granites, quartz-syenites, quartz-diorites, diorites (which are partly monzonitic), and gabbro. These are characterized miner- alogically by the presence of microperthite (albite and ortho- clase) in the more acid members and plagioclase with some alkali-feldspar in the basic, and by iron-micas (in the more acid) and green and brown hornblendes and pyroxenes. Chemically they show comparatively low ratios of Na,O to K,O and Na, O ait. Oto oO. and high ratios, of, MeO to, Fe,O7,. Torthiswis, relatedia.'sertes of dike rocks, including”, the aplites and microgranites, quartz-syenite-porphyry, and, at the basic end, probably a part of the diabases. These dike rocks possess chemical and mineralogical characters similar to those of the preceding series. The next prominent series is the /foyaztc, embracing the pulaskite, litchfieldite, and essexite, and characterized by the *BROGGER: Eruptivgest. d. Kristianiageb. Vol. I, p. 169, 1894. 470 HENRY S. WASHINGTON abundance of the albite molecule, lack of lime-soda feldspars, and presence of nepheline, aegirite, and blue glaucophane- riebeckite or brown barkevikite. These rocks show high Na, O: KO: and Na, O-)K7 © :Si@; ratios and low HeOr her Ore Related to this series are the dikes of the sdlvsbergite- tinguaite series, and of paisanite, also possibly the camptonitic dikes. These show chemical and mineralogical characters analogous to those of the foyaitic series, but vary far more in composition. i | These four series, which are very well defined, include nearly all the rocks examined. Among the exceptions the horn- blende-gabbro occupies, as we have seen, a position intermediate between the diorites and essexites, and may be reasonably regarded as a transitional and connecting form. The flow rocks are abnormal. In certain respects they seem to be allied with the granito-dioritic rocks, while other characters suggest affinities with the foyaites. The question is a difficult one to decide. The orbicular syenites, which are present in very small amount, are almost certainly related to the granito-dioritic series, though lack of an analysis leaves the question uncertain. By its mineral- ogical characters and by its ratios the Quincy granite belongs to a foyaitic series, forming the most acid member of it, and cor- responding to the paisanites among the dike rocks. As it belongs to the Blue Hills Complex, quite outside our region, it will not be discussed further. Relations of the various types—As a preliminary to the deter- mination of the genetic connection of the various rocks, it will be well to obtain some idea of the relative amounts of the different types represented. For obvious reasons it is, of course, not possible to do this with certainty or accuracy. If we assume that the areas shown on the geological map are dependent on the relative volumes (which may or may not be the case) we shall get an estimate, which, though very far from being accurate or wholly satisfactory, may be considered provisionally to - express the relation in a general way, and which will probably be sufficient for our present purpose. PETROGRAPHICAL PROVINCE OF ESSEX COUNTY 471 An examination of Mr. Sears’ map, together with a considera- tion of my own observations, permits me to estimate, 7 @ very rough way, the relative percentage areas given in the following table, in which are also given the relative volumes, reduced to percentages, calculated from these data. This estimate, it must be observed, includes only the main area of igneous rocks, excluding the area of sedimentaries and gneisses, etc., which covers the western part of the county, as well as the quartz-dio- rite area near Newburyport, since the northerly extension and connections of this are unknown to me. Rock Area, % Volume, % Granite - - - 30 Cyne Quartz-syenites - - 24 26.4 Diorites - - - 28 33.4 Foyaites - - - 2 0.6 Essexite - - - I O:2 Gabbro- - - - . I 2 Acid Dikes - - - I 0.2 Basic Dikes' - - =e 3 122 Rhyolite?—- - - 10 0.6 It will be seen that the granites and quartz-syenites constitute nearly two thirds of the total, the diorites one third, while all the others make up only three percent. This result is of special interest since this region is generally regarded by petrographers as essentially one of nepheline-syenites. They occur, it is true, but form only a small, though important, part of the complex. tShaler (of. czz., p. 583) estimates the area of the dikes of Cape Ann at 5 to Io per cent. As dikes are apparently less abundant elsewhere I have reduced this con- siderably, especially as my observations lead me to think it too high. 2As these are flow rocks their depth will be small compared to their area, and I have therefore estimated their volume at only a tenth of that calculated on the basis of the other rocks. 31 have recently received from Mr. Sears a large and representative collection of the diorites of-the main western Ipswich-Danvers area. Although time is lacking for proper microscopical and chemical study, they are evidently quite basic, and to all appearance approximate very closely to those already described, chemically and mineralogically. 472 HENRY S. WASHINGTON Assuming that the figures given in the table above are roughly true (which is quite hypothetical), it will be of interest to calculate the composition of the magma as a whole. The results of this calculation, which are admittedly crude and of little reliability on account of the character of the data employed, are as follows: SiO; LiO,; Al, O7, He, On, He®@,) Mz @ i: Ca@t Na, Oy Ke © Ee @ rere: GijasiaeLs0 14.5 167 An Opp aneLiw7 2.00 (2 3574. Ol O14 —OOr The result corresponds in general with the idea of the magma derived from examination of the analyses, though it is perhaps somewhat higher in MgO and CaO, and hence more monzo- nitic, than we might have expected. Of the rocks analyzed it approaches most closely to that of the akerite (No. X), but it shows less SiO, and alkalies, and more MgO and CaO than this. A rock of this composition would probably be found among the more basic akerites or more acid diorites. Leaving this aside for the present it will be evident that the main course of differentiation (assuming that such has taken place), has been to form a large series of granites, quartz-syen- ites,and-diorites, which pass into one another more or less grad- ually through transition forms. Among these there is a quite gradual gradation of the oxides, as will be seen on reference to the table of analyses. A rather peculiar feature is the increase of Al,O, in the basic members, which is quite unusual. Parallel series from other regions analogous to this might be mentioned, but it seems scarcely worth while to do so. The series of granito-dioritic dikes, which correspond so closely both mineralogically and chemically to the granolites, must be classed as aschistic’, z. e., which are not separate differ- entiation forms of their magmas, but only dike forms of the partial magmas which solidified elsewhere as granolites. The foyaitic series presents a somewhat different problem. These rocks are evidently connected genetically with the main *BROGGER: of. cit., Vol. I, p. 125. I am in some uncertainty in thus rendering into English BROGGER’Ss words aschist and diaschist. The termination -ic would seem to be better than -ous or -ose, which latter is already in use in schistose, denoting structure. PETROGRAPAICAL PROVINCE OF ESSEX COUNTY 473 series, bot{h on geological grounds and petrographical, such as the transition forms between the essexite and diorites. They represent, however, a distinctly different magma; one not only more basic, but richer in Na,O and Al,O, and poorer in CaO, MgO, and FeO. They arealso notable for the fact that consider- ing their very small amount they are relatively more differen- tiated than the main magma. This is in accordance with obser- vations on nepheline-syenite regions elsewhere, which, it is well known, carry not only a very great number and variety of rare component minerals, but also show a comparatively large num- ber of rock varieties. _ Since it has been shown that in the granito-dioritic series Na,O tends to increase relatively to K,O as SiO, decreases, and at the same time as it increases inversely as SiO,, it follows that in the course of a differentiation of such a magma there should be an enrichment of Na,O at the basic end. The rocks of the foyaitic series may then be held to represent the further differ- entiation products of such a basic, soda-rich portion of the main magma, this further differentiation taking place in accordance with the tendency of magmas rich in soda to differentiate, while in the more acid portions the relations would remain more simple. This explanation is essentially that of Pirsson* to account for the phonolitic dikes of the Judith Mountains. Lack of space forbids the full discussion of the foyaitic dike rocks, comparing them with the main types as Brogger has done, but the evidence goes to show that the paisanite, sdlvsbergites, and tinguaites are probably to be regarded as diaschistic dikes, i. e., further differentiation products of the foyaitic magma, and not simply dike forms of this. This is analogous to the Chris- tiania region, where Brégger? has shown that the dikes of the grorudite-tinguaite series are diaschistic. The differentiation probably laccolithic.—We have now to examine the question as to where the differentiation of the Essex county magma took place. Are the rocks, as we see them, due to *PIRSSON: Eighteenth Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 573, 1898. ? BROGGER: of. cit, p. 127 ff. 474 HENRY S. WASHINGTON successive injections of liquid magmas and the differentiates* of a more deeply seated magma, only part of which was released from the reservoir, or are they the differentiates zm set of a body of magma which was injected in a more or less homogeneous con- dition from below? Is the differentiation, in other words, ‘deep magmatic,” or “‘laccolithic ?’? Very thorough and care- ful field study is necessary to decide this question, study which it has not been possible for me to undertake. At the same time, certain considerations seem to point to the conclusion that the differentiation at Essex county was laccolithic, and that the complex may possibly be regarded as a laccolith. I can only point out very briefly the facts on which this conclusion rests, leaving the further study and settlement of the question to others. Comparatively very few differentiated laccolithic masses have been studied, but those which we know best show a basic border and more acid interior, with, in some cases, an intermediate zone of medium composition. Prominent examples of these are Brandberget, in Gran;3 Carrock Fell+ in England, and the especially beautiful and instructive ones described by Weed and Pirsson, notably, Square Butte,’ Yogo Peak,® and Bear Paw Peak? in Montana. On looking at the geological map of Essex county,® it is seen that the main granite area is to the east, extending in large patches from Cape Ann westward,and ending in this *I use this term as synonymous with and more convenient than “‘ differentiation product.” It is formed analogously to the word soéz‘e. ? BROGGER: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. L, p. 29 ff., 1894, and Erupt. gest. d. Christ. geb., Vol I, p. 153, 1894. 3 BROGGER: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. L, p. 31, 1894. 4H{ARKER: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. L, p. 311, 1894, and Vol. LI, p. 125, 1895. 5 WEED and Prrsson: Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. VI, p. 389, 1895. © WEED and Pirsson: Am. Jour. Sci. Vol. L, p. 467, 1895. 7 WEED and Pirsson: Amer. Jour. Sci., Vol. I, p. 351, 1896. 8 The map here given is copied from the revised one of Mr. Sears,some omissions being made on account of the greatly reduced scale. An attempt has been made to show approximately the small foyaite area along the Beverly Shore. PETKROGKAPHICAL. PROVINCE OF ESSEX COUNTY +475 fouR. GEOL., Vol. VII, No. 5 PiPAe. Vil ——- NEW HAMPSHIRE ee : = = a 1-7, 42,50 Mie Dir 2 Ne Toe) O C FEF AN 3 ' - L ; —— Z foacien i\{j g ee I! 2 Opeyills TOOrx: TOs Magnesium bromide - - O:217, LOONXa1 One 100.000 460,283 Xx) LOW 4 A rude average of the composition of land waters and of the amounts of salts carried to sea annually, founded on the esti- mates of T. Mellard Reade, is here given for comparison. Approx. percentage ‘Tons annually Calcium carbonate : = - =) 50 27 OORXaTOS Calcium sulphate - = = = 20 1,080 x 108 Magnesium carbonate - - - ae) days 216 x TOe Magnesium sulphate - - - 4 DUS) 5: 1K)? Sodium chloride - : = = Sel 216 x 10° Potassium and sodium, 2 : 6 Roe Sulphates and carbonates Silica - - - - = = EMA B78) Xx1Oe Other substances - - - - 5 270) XeLOl 100 5,400 x 108 These tables do not embrace the second equivalent of carbonic acid. From these data it appears that it would require only a little over eight and one half million years for the land waters to bring in a gross amount of salt equal to that of the ocean, but it would require very different periods to bring in the individual constituents. It would take 166 million years to bring down the sodium chloride, but fonly about 1.5 million years to bring down the calcium sulphate, and only about 60,000 years to bring down the calcium carbonate. It appears therefore that there must be agencies constantly removing the calcium carbon- ate and the calcium sulphate at relatively high rates. These particular figures are subject to all the uncertainties involved in HYPOTHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS 573 Reade’s primary estimate, but they probably represent approxi- mately the relative ratios, and show the general nature of the eliminations that are requisite to change accumulating land waters into sea waters. While these general statements of the nature and limitations of chemical action, based on the more familiar doctrines of the older chemistry, are doubtless essentially true, the refinements of modern chemistry teach that there is an intricate series of dissociations and exchanges of acidic and basic factors, and of the various ions, in an effort to establish and maintain a new equilibrium between the salts, required by their new proportions and their new states of dilution. As the land waters contain a relatively large percentage of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium, the readjustment affects these especially, with the result that probably a minor percentage of the second equivalent of carbon dioxide is set free. It seems necessary to state this with qualification on account of the extreme complexity of the reactions, and the incompleteness of existing data; but the Challenger, and similar investigations show that the quantity of second equivalent of carbon dioxide is less than sufficient to raise all of the carbonates into bicarbonates. This deficiency is apparently limited to 20 per cent. or less of the theoretical amount required. More rigorous experimental determination is, however, greatly needed. It is probable that the second equivalent of the land waters is, deficient in some like degree, but this has not been experi- mentally determined. If this be true, it must reduce the estimate of the carbon dioxide brought down to sea, and also the amount set free by dissociation. The total amount of carbon dioxide which may be supposed to be set free by inorganic reaction in the sea in its present state of concentration, is therefore probably much less than 20 per cent. It is obvious from the preceding considerations, and others that will follow, that to maintain the atmospheric status even approximately there must be a nearly or quite complete return of the second equivalent of carbon dioxide by some means. This is also implied by the fact that 574 T. C. CHAMBERLIN the oceanic deposits are not bicarbonates in any notable degree. The chief agencies of this return are held to be organic, and will be considered presently. The chief compounds of both the land and sea waters are sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium chlorides and bromides ; sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium sulphates; sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium carbonates and bicar- bonates ; in other words, every combination which may take place between the acids and bases involved. Besides these salts there are, theoretically at least, the several acids and bases and a com- plete series of ions as well. There is a continuous dissociation and reunion in the effort to maintain equilibrium. The extent of the dissociation is dependent, among other things, notably upon the degree of concentration of the solution and upon its temperature. In an especial degree the extent of the freeing of the second equivalent of carbon dioxide is believed to be dependent upon this dissociation as influenced by temperature, and it is thus a vital consideration in realizing the function performed by the ocean during glacial episodes when its temperature was greatly changed. This function is made the subject of a special study in the paper of Mr. Tolman in this number of the JouRNAL." Mr. Yolman’s studies have been founded upon Dittmar’s experiments, and seem to show that the amount of carbonic acid freed from the bicarbonates by dissociation is very sensibly influenced by such changes of temperature as are necessary, according to the deductions of Dr. Arrhenius, to produce extended glaciation, on the one hand, and a mild climate in the arctic regions, on the other. In this he finds support for the suggestion which I made in a previous paper? that the ocean during a glacial episode instead of resupplying the atmosphere, in the stress of its impoverishment, would withhold its carbon dioxide to a certain extent, and possibly even turn robber itself. On the other hand, when the temperature is rising after a glacial Pp. 585-618. 2A Group of Hypotheses Bearing on Climatic Changes, Vol. V, No. 7, 1897, p. 682. WROLHE STS OF CGACSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS: 575 episode, dissociation is promoted, and the ocean gives forth its carbon dioxide at an increased rate, and thereby assists in accelerating the amelioration of climate. c. Organic action.— The elimination of the vastly preponder- ating percentage of calcium salts in the land waters, involving aureduction, froni’ 7o' per cent: in these toless than 4, percent. in sea waters, is assigned mainly to marine life. With the calcium sulphate we do not seem to be specially concerned here except so far as indirectly it may become involved in the reactions which eliminate the calcium carbonate. It would appear obvious, however, from the fact that its ratio is reduced from about 20 per cent. in the land waters to about 3.6 per cent. in the sea waters that it suffers much secular loss. The reduction of the calcium carbonate from about 50 per cent. in the land waters to about one third of I per cent. in the sea waters is a fact of prime importance. The amplest and most familiar geological observation shows that the elimination takes place mainly as normal carbonate of lime in the form of shells and skeletal parts of various marine animals, and of some plants. The gross fact of observation is the disappearance of great quantities of calcium bicarbonate from the water, and its reappearance as the secretions of animals and plants in the form of normal carbonate. Whatever may be the specific steps involved in their life economies, it seems essentially immaterial to consider here whether the animals and plants take their lime directly from the calcium carbonate, and set its surplus carbonic acid free, or whether they take it from calcium sulphate, and by using carbonic acid, derived ultimately from the waters also, convert it into carbonate, setting free the sulphuric acid to attack in turn the calcium carbonate of the sea, and thus by circuitous process free its carbonic acid, or whether the procedure follows any other indirect course; for the final result, when balanced all around, seems to be essentially the same. It may even trench on the organic cycle without essentially changing the final result. The important thing to be observed is that the process is dependent upon sea life, and varies with its 576 T. C. CHAMBERLIN activity. There is no free supply of any competent discharging agency independent of sea life. Variations of lime-secretion by sea life-—The amount of lime- secreting sea life is greatly influenced by the temperature of the sea and by favorable habitat. Lime-secreting sea life, both plant and animal, is greatly favored by high temperature and reduced by low. In support of this the following statements from the Challenger Report’ and other sources may be offered, in which I have italicized the significant parts : Species of algae which secrete carbonate of lime are abundant in the shallow waters of the ocean. In the ¢vopical regions especially there are massive species of Lzthothamnion, Lithophyllum, Halimeda and other genera that make up a large part of some coral reefs and of the surrounding coral sands and muds. Zwo hundred fathoms is probably the extreme limit at which any of these organisms live in the ocean. Rhabdospheres are especially developed in eguatorial and tropicac regions, and are rarely met with in regions where the temperature of the surface water falls below 65° F. (18.3° C.). Coccospheres, while abundant in tropical waters, are found further north and south than the Rhabdospheres ; they are present even where the temperature on the surface is as fow as 45° F., (7.2 C.); indeed, Coccospheres attain their greatest development in Zem- berate regions. These organisms are absent or vave in coast waters affected by rivers; they especially flourish in the pelagic currents of the open ocean. . In Arctic and Antarctic waters Coccospheres and Rhabdospheres are replaced by similar minute alge whzch do not, however, secrete rods and disks of carbonate of lime on thetr outer surfaces. Rhabdoliths and Coccoliths—the broken down parts of Rhabdospheres and Coccospheres— play a most important part in all deep-sea deposits, wzth the exception of those laid down in polar and subpolar regions. Of all the organic remains met with in marine deposits, by far the most frequent are the shells of Foraminifera, it may be safely said that these organisms or their fragments are present in every average sample of marine mud, clay, ooze or sand. ... Wearly all the spectes are confined to tropicas and subtropical waters, they gradually disappear from the surface-nets as the polar regions are approached, the dwarfed forms Globigerina pachyderma and Globigerina dutertret, being the only species met with in Arctic and Antarctic waters. . .'. Jz the calcareous oozes from tropical regions, the shells of all the spectes inhabiting the surface waters are observed in enormous abundance, but these same spectes are never met with in deposits from polar TE ZLOMS artis» * Challenger Report, Deep Sea Deposits, pp. 257, 258-261, 263, 31 and 266. / WV ROTHESTS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS i. There are not more than twenty or twenty-two species of pelagic Forami- nifera, yet so numerous are the individuals of the species that they usually make up over go per cent. of the carbonate of lime present in the calcareous oozes of the abysmal regions of the ocean... . The bottom-loving Foraminifera—those belonging to the Benthos—avre more abundant in the shallow water, than in the deep-sea deposits, and occasionally a single species may occur in such abundance in shallow depths in some regions as to make up the greater part of a deposit. . . The presence of large numbers of Pteropod and Heteropod shells indicates tropical or subtropical regions, and relatively shallow depths. Abundance of the shells of pelagic Forminifera indicates the same regions, but when found without the shells of pelagic mollusks they indicate a greater depth than when these latter are present. . .: The presence or absence, and the size of Rhabdoliths, Coccoliths and Coccospheres gzve zmportant indications as to latitude and depth —the first predominating in tropical regions, the two latter being better developed in temperate regions, and a// disappear from the deposits as the polar waters are approached. *A large number of these pelagic mollusks (Pteropod and Heteropod) secrete carbonate of lime shells, and this ts especially the case in tropical waters. In folar regions the place of the shelled species is taken, with the exception of one or two small species of Limacina, by a shed/-less shecies. The shells of the tropical species make up a large part of some tropical and subtropical deposits from moderate depths, in which there is a relatively small quantity of land débris. Like the pelagic Foraminifera these pelagic Mollusca attain their greatest development in the warm oceanic currents, and diminish both in the number of species and the size and mass of the shells as the colder currents of the polar regions are approached. Reef-forming corals are confined to waters which, through even the coldest month, have a mean temperature not below 68° F. Under the equator the surface waters in thehotter part of the ocean have the temperature of g5° F. in the Pacific, and 83° F. in the Atlantic. The range from 68° to 85° is, therefore, not too great for reef-making species." An isothermal line crossing the ocean where this winter temperature of the sea is experienced, one north of the equator, and another south, bending in its course toward or from the equator, wherever the marine currents change its position, will include all the growing reefs of the world; and the area of waters may be properly called the coral-reef seas. Over the sea thus limited coral reefs grow luxuriantly, yet in greatest pro- fusion and widest variety through tts hottest portions.* I have found no specific statements relative to the dependence of common mollusks on temperature, but the enumeration of the Dana: Corals and Coralline Islands, p. 83. 578 TC: CHAMBERLIN. species in different latitudes clearly indicates that they are less abundant in the arctic provinces than in the tropical, from which it may perhaps be safely inferred that the lime-secreting function of the mollusks is increased by warm temperature. In the foregoing quotations references are made to the preference of certain forms for shallow waters. The great pre- ponderance of lime-secreting species on the shoal areas— 100 fathoms or less—is too familiar to need emphasis. In other articlest I have endeavored to show that there were certain stages in the earth’s history when the seas were extended widely over the continental platforms, affording conditions extremely favorable to the multiplication of lime-secreting shallow-water life. I endeavored to connect these, on an obser- vational basis, with the great limestone-producing epochs of geological history and to show that these were correlated with genial climates over high and low latitudes alike. On the other hand, I endeavored to show that there were other periods during which the land area was increased and the sea restricted, result- ing in a great reduction of this normal habitat of the chief lime- secreting forms of life. I endeavored to show that so far as the lime-secreting life is concerned, the freeing of carbonic acid was promoted during periods of extended seas and that it was. retarded during periods of extended land. This holds good when considered simply from the standpoint of available area, but it becomes still more true if, as this hypothesis maintains, the extension of sea-area was correlated with favorable tempera- ture, while the restriction of sea-area was correlated with adverse temperature. The only pelagic life that enters much into the problem is that which occupied the superficial waters of the open ocean. The area of this increased and diminished concurrently with the extension and contraction of the sea. * A Systematic Source of Evolution of Provincial Faunas, Jour. GEOL., Vol. VI, No. 6, pp. 597-608. The Influence of Great Epochs of Limestone Formation upon the Constitution of the Atmosphere, JouR. GEOL., Vol. VI, No. 6, pp. 609-621. PIV POUL SiO OL ICA OS OF GLACIAL PERIODS 579 THE FORMATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS AS AN AGENCY OF ENRICHMENT AND DEPLETION The familiar fact that plants produce complex carbon com- pounds at the expense of the carbonic acid of the air, and that animals, aided by plants, by combustion, and by decay, decom- pose these compounds, and return a portion to the air as carbonic acid need not be dwelt upon. These reciprocal processes con- stitute a cycle which, in so far as it is mutually compensatory, affects the constitution of the atmosphere only in temporarily locking up carbon in the transient organic matter. The cycle, however, is not complete at any time, and has fallen far short of being complete at certain times. A portion of the carbon com- pounds are not reconverted into carbonic acid, and this residuum has been sealed up in the strata, and represents so much of depletion of the atmosphere. When this residuum was large there was a hastening of the process of robbing the atmos- phere. When it was small it put less tax upon the agencies of supply. In its concrete application, the hypothesis recognizes one notable period of residual accumulation, the Coal Measures. Subordinately it recognizes others, as the Huronian and the late Cretaceous. Perhaps the Coal Measure period is the only one in which the excess of carbon composition over decomposition was so great as to seriously influence the constitution of the atmosphere, considered by itself alone, though this is open to question. A computation of the carbonic acid locked up in coal and similar carbonaceous deposits compared with that locked up in the limestones shows that the former is greatly inferior to the latter, from which it is inferred that the organic factor has been much the less influential in producing variations of atmospheric constitution, per se, than through its relations to the carbonates. Respecting the organic cycle itself, it is obvious that when the sum total of vegetable and animal life increases, the amount of carbonic acid locked up in the living organisms is increased, and wice versa. The total mass of all the vegetable and animal living matter on the earth is some small fraction of the total 580 T. C. CHAMBERLIN amount of free carbon dioxide. It does not seem possible now to arrive at any closely approximate estimate of this ratio. Johnson’ expresses the belief that the growth of plants would exhaust the carbonic acid of the atmosphere in 100 years if there was no return. The average length of time during which plant products remain as living tissue is probably greater than one year, and much less than ten years, which would make the total amount of the carbonic acid so locked up a quite small per cent. of that in the air. The amount of carbon locked up in the tissue of marine life which probably was not embraced in Johnson’s estimate, would somewhat notably increase the figure, but if oceanic life is considered, the free carbonic acid of the ocean must be considered also which would greatly reduce the ratio. A study of the life of the geological periods seems to indi- cate that there were very notable fluctuations in the total mass of living matter. To be sure there was a reciprocal relation between the life of the land and that of the sea, so that when the latter was extended upon the continental platforms and greatly augmented, the former was contracted, but notwithstand- ing this it seems clear that the sum of life activity fluctuated notably during the ages. It is believed that on the whole it was greatest at the periods of sea extension and mild climates, and least at the times of disruption and climatic intensification. This factor then acted antithetically to the carbonic acid freeing previously noted, and, so far as it went, tended to offset its enmiectss THE FUNCTION OF THE OCEAN AS AN ABSORBENT OF CARBON DIOXIDE The atmosphere penetrates the ocean by simple diffusion according to the laws of gas diffusion, modified slightly by hydrostatic pressure, and this must be considered in close com- putations, but is too small a factor to seriously affect the larger issues. *How Plants Feed, p. 47. HYPOTHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS 581 Absorption of carbonic acid.—Independently of this the ocean has a specific power of absorbing carbonic acid. It is important to note that this power of absorption is greatly affected by temperature, as shown by the following table of the variations for pure water :* I volume of water at o° dissolves 1.7967 volumes of carbon dioxide. PMs sian iS Pare ee AAO En oases : I hate HY On : Tenody7 a a a af I Ur a ipa Hised oe 1.0020 I te a A 2 Ole ‘e 0.9014 a oe “s ec The precise rates of absorption for sea water are not accu- rately determined, and, indeed, are determinable with difficulty because, experimentally, they are complicated with the ‘‘loose”’ carbonic acid of the bicarbonates which is liable to be constantly freed by dissociation. The rates appear to be something less than those that obtain in pure water. Mr. Tolman has discussed this factor in his paper already referred to. Release of absorbed carbonic acid.—Theoretically both the carbon dioxide diffused through the ocean and that dissolved in it should be in equilibrium with that of the air. Its quantity is dependent upon the temperature of the ocean and upon the partial pressure of the carbon dioxide of the air. Whenever the temperature of the ocean is raised a portion of its dissolved car- bon dioxide is given forth. Whenever the partial pressure of the carbon dioxide of the air is reduced a portion of the free carbon dioxide in the ocean diffuses forth to reéstablish the equilibrium. The tendency to equilibrium is always present, though the constant variations of temperature and partial pres- sure prevent its complete realization at any particular time. If there were no counteracting influence the free carbon dioxide of the ocean would act as though it were a part of the air, and as the carbonic acid of the latter was consumed, that of the former would come forth into it. But with loss of atmospheric carbon dioxide there is a reduc- tion of temperature, and this increases the absorptive: power of t Treatise on Chemistry, Vol. I. ROscorE and SCHORLEMMER, Pp. 724. 582 Le Cy LLANELLI TIN the ocean, which then tends to prevent the escape of the car- bonic acid. Low temperature is, therefore, antagonistic to atmospheric resupply. Mr. Tolman has attempted to ascertain the relative value of increased absorptive power and reduced partial pressure, and, though the data are insufficient for final conclusions, finds them about equal. The withdrawal of carbon dioxide from the air does not therefore call forth a proportionate amount of free carbonic acid from the sea. Indeed, it calls forth so little that the rate of atmospheric depletion is probably not appreciably retarded by it. Summation.— Before proceeding to make special application of the hypothesis to the recognized glacial periods it may be serviceable to bring together into briefer statement the fluctuat- ing features of atmospheric gain and loss. 1. Of the agencies of original or permanent supply, the internal group have probably fluctuated in some rude proportion to the disruption of the crust of the earth; the external group are beyond tangible treatment, but for aught that appears may be regarded as essentially uniform. 2. Of the agencies of permanent depletion, the conversion of silicates into carbonates (the chief factor) is assumed to have fluctuated essentially with the extension and restriction of the land; the formation of carbonaceous deposits fluctuated with the well-known conditions that presided over coal accumulation. The agencies of permanent supply and of permanent loss are both regarded as rather slow in action and as being on the whole mutually compensatory, and indeed as being in some degree self- regulative since increase of supply naturally increases consump- tion and reduction of supply ultimately reduces the consumption ; but these relations are believed to be subject to sufficient fluctu- ation to give a basis for pronounced climatic changes. The sources of temporary supply and waste are much more rapid in action and apparently more intense and voluminous in results within any brief period. 1. The sources of temporary loss are: (a) the locking up of carbon dioxide in bicarbonates while in solution as their second VIVROTAHESTS\OPICA USE, OF GLACTAL, PERIODS 583 equivalent (the great factor); (0) the absorption of carbon dioxide in sea water; and (c) its consumption in forming organic matter. The first and greatest of these is definitely connected with extension and elevation of the land, and the second is largely a sequel to it, dependent upon the temperatures it induces, while the third does not usually codperate with these two, but father, to the extent of its limited competency, offsets them. 2. The sources of temporary enrichment embrace: (a) the discharge of the second equivalent of carbon dioxide in the sea by life action (the great factor), and (4) by dissociation ; (c) the diffusion into the air of carbonic acid absorbed in the sea water due to higher temperature antagonized by reduced partial pres- sure, and (2) the freeing of carbonic acid both in the air and the ocean by the decomposition of organic matter. These sources of fluctuation are definitely correlated with the elevation and extension of the land, on the one hand, and the extension of the sea and the reduction of the land, on the other. During an extensive elevation of the land, silicates are converted into carbonates at an increased rate and the limestones and dolo- mites are dissolved and carried to the sea more rapidly, both processes involving an acceleration of the consumption of carbon dioxide. Correlated with this extension of the land is a reduc- tion of the sea area attended especially by a lessening of the area of the continental shelves which are the habitat of the chief lime-secreting life, while the area available for pelagic surface life is also lessened. Reduction in the lime-secreting life retards the incidental process of freeing carbonic acid and returning it to the atmosphere. The result is a reduction of temperature which in turn increases the ability of the ocean to absorb carbon dioxide and reduces the dissociation of the second equivalent of carbon dioxide, thus further reducing the returning process and increasing the capacity of the ocean to hold carbon dioxide not- withstanding the reduction of the partial pressure in the atmos- phere. The reciprocating processes are thus temporarily affected in opposite directions so as to conjoin their results. 584 Ne (Op (Gla lAAH eT DIRT EIUN In periods of sea extension and of land reduction (base-level periods in particular), the habitat of shallow water lime-secret- ing life is concurrently extended, giving to the agencies that set carbon dioxide free accelerated activity, which is further aided by the consequent rising temperature which reduces the absorp- tive power of the ocean and increases dissociation. At the same time, the area of the land being diminished, a low consumption of carbon dioxide both in original decomposition of the silicates and in the solution of the limestones and dolomites obtains. Thus the reciprocating agencies again conjoin, but now to increase the carbon dioxide of the air. These are the great and essential factors. They are modi- fied by several subordinate agencies already mentioned, but the quantitative effect of these is thought to be quite insufficient to prevent very notable fluctuations in the atmospheric constitu- tion. As a result, it is postulated that geological history has been accentuated by an alternation of climatic episodes embrac- ing, on the one hand, periods of mild, equable, moist climate nearly uniform for the whole globe; and on the other, periods when there were extremes of aridity and precipitation, and of heat and cold; these last denoted by deposits of salt and gyp- sum, of subaérial conglomerates, of red sandstones and shales, of arkose deposits, and occasionally by glaciation in low lati- tudes. T. C. CHAMBERLIN. [ The continuation of this article in the next number will embrace a discussion of thé application of the hypothesis to known glacial periods, and to the oscillations from glacial to interglacial epochs, together with the agencies of localization, and a sug- gestion regarding the superposed minor oscillations. | THe CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN “AND ITS REEATIONS< tO° RE CARBON: DIOXIDE OF THE PVVIOS PEE RE 2 OUTLINE. I. Introduction. (1. Mass action. 2. Dissociation. Den Lawton dilite mes, 3: Heterogeneous equilibrium and the change in the solubility of one salt due to the presence of others. ee Hydrolitic dissociation. (1. Class I. 3. Solution of gasesin pure ; 2. Class II. { Physical solubility. 3. Carbonic acid. ( Chemical solubility. 4. Amount of gases dissolved. water. 4. Solution of gases in salt (1. Class 1. Oxygen, Nitrogen, etc. solutions. 2. Carbonic acid. 1. Amounts. 5. The ocean salts. 1 : oo tte 2. Degree of dissociation. 6. The ocean gases. 1 Te Dose pIETOBEy and argon. 2. Carbon dioxide. . Simple Solution. AS Eis COs. . Modified by the ocean salts. . Maximum amount held thus in the SW NN ocean under the laws of gas absorp- tion. 5. Ditto. As second equivalent of bicarbonate. 7. Relation of the atmospheric and oceanic CO,. 1. CO, of the bicarbonates. 2. Dissociation of the bicarbonates. 3. Degree of dissociation as a function of temperature and pressure. * Especial thanks are due to Dr. Chamberlin, Dr. Stieglitz and Dr. Lengfeld, of the University of Chicago, for careful revision of this article and many valuable sug- gestions. 585 586 CVS Ai) OLM AR 4. Effect of variation of pressure and temperature postulated by Dr. Arrhenius. (a) Upon bicarbonate in the waters of the temper- ate zone. (4) Upon bicarbonates in equatorial waters. (c) Upon bicarbonates in colder waters. 5. Changes in volume of the belts due to cold water advancing southward. 6. Conclusions. Tus subject has come to have special importance on account of the investigations of Professor Arrhenius* and Dr. Chamberlin,? on the effects of the atmospheric CO, upon the climate of the earth. Some of the earlier important contributions on the sub- ject are as follows: Tyndall calculated from his experiments that the absorption of radiant heat by atmospheric CQO, is eighty times that of the oxygen or nitrogen, and that water vapor has an absorbing capacity of ninety-two times that of oxygen or nitrogen.3 By repeating and extending Tyndall’s experiments, Dr. Lecher and his colleague, Pretner, concluded that carbon dioxide is the only agent in absorbing the sun's heat, and maintaining the earth’s temperature above that of space.4 Mr. J. S. Keeler criticised the above and stated that the heat is absorbed by carbon dioxide and some other agent; either water vapor or matter in suspension.’ Professor Réntgen showed that water vapor has a marked absorption band in the ultra red and, therefore, plays an important part in maintaining the present surface temperature of the earth.® Paschen demonstrated that both these gases play important parts in the atmosphere’s heat absorption, and that sometimes one, and sometimes the other is the predominant factor.’ Phil. Mag... Vola XWiippy237—270: 2Jour. GEOL., Vol. V, 1897, pp. 663-683. Also this No., pp. 545-584. 3 Introduction of Chemical and Geological Essays, T. S. Hunt. 4Sitzungsberichte des Akad. der Wissenschaften d. Wien (2) Vol. LXXXII, p. 851 (2) Vol. LXXXVI, p. 52. 5 Am. Jour. Sci. (3) Vol. XXVIII, p. 190. ° Poggendorf’s Annalen (2) Vol. XXIII, p. 1259. 7 Phil Mag., S. 5, Vol. XLI, No. 251, April 1896, p. 239. CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 587 The discovery that this constituent of the atmosphere is an important dynamic factor among geological agencies has led us to investigate the eighteen potential atmospheres of carbon dioxide in the ocean. This at once leads us to a consideration of the chemistry of the ocean, and here we find that the indefi- niteness of our notions upon this subject is not so much due to lack of data, for that has been collected by individuals and by well equipped expeditions, as to erroneous conceptions of the relations and reactions that obtain between the several constituents of a mixed solution. Important investigations involving large outlays of time and money have been rendered nearly valueless, because they were based upon assumptions which were accepted without proof, and which are now known to be false. The importance of the first principles which govern solution and precipitation in such a solvent as water (and which have but recently been formulated ) justify a review of some of them as an aid to the interpreta- tion of the reactions taking place in that great laboratory the ocean." Mass action.2—I\t will be remembered that Berthollet in 1803 was the first to conceive of chemical reactions as governed by equilibrium, dependent both on the mass and the affinity of the constituents. The value of his discovery was not realized because he unfortunately did not believe chemical compounds to have definite compositions. In 1864 Goldberg and Waage re-stated the law of mass action, which may be developed as follows. Let us consider any two substances, A and B uniting to form two other sub- stances C and D.3 All simple reactions that have been carefully studied have been shown to be reversible, therefore, as soon as any of C and ‘Complete discussion of the laws of dilute solution, etc., may be found in any of the up-to-date text-books on physical chemistry. 2,W. NERNST: Theo. Chem., pp. 353-455, etc., 117-150. OSTWALD’s Outlines of Chemistry. 3 GOLDBERG and WAAGE: Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger, 1864. 588 CVR OS PESROLIV AN, D is formed there will be a union of C and D to form A and B. This reversible reaction is expressed thus :" feel 2) orcs (68s 0 DY Let the degrees of concentration of the active masses, z. ¢., the masses in’ units*volume ot A, B, Cand D be) respectively ~,9,p and g’. The unit measure of concentration is the gr. equiv. per liter. “Let K be the rate of “combination of unit masses of A and B, and K’ that of C and D. Now the magni- tude of the reaction of A upon B is evidently K pg (for the number of impacts of A upon B depends directly on their con- centration) and that of C and D is K”. p’ g’. Now when equilibrium is established, the reaction of A upon B =the reac- tion of C upon D or Kpg—K’ p’ gq’ (the law of mass action). Dissociation.— From the study of electrolysis? of salts, Clausius was compelled to assume that at least a small portion of the salt was dissociated into its positive and negative ions, Na Cl, for instance, into the positive ion (Na) and the negative ion (Cl). Arrhenius3 found that the osmotic pressure of a dilute solution of a salt in water, is that which it should have if a large propor- tion of the molecules of the salt are split into two smaller molecules (Na Cl for instance, into Na and Cl) and also that this change in osmotic pressure is a function of the electric conduc- tivity. He was therefore compelled to conclude that practically all of the salt may be dissociated in very dilute solutions, but, in more concentrated solutions the proportion dissociated becomes smaller. It then became evident that this action is reversible and is expressed + nets Na + Cl 2== NaCl. S * A simple illustration of a reversible reaction is the evaporation of water in an enclosed dish. Particles of water leave the liquid to form the superincumbent layer of water gas. As soon as any of the gas is formed it in turn gives back water par- ticles to the hquid. Equilibrium is established and there is apparently no farther evaporation when the number of particles given off by the liquid equals the number of particles returned by the gas. ? Ges. Abh. (sep. papers) II, 135, 1867. 3 ZEITS: Phys. Chem., Vol. I, pp. 631 ff. CARBON, DIOXIDE OF THE-OCEAN 589 Then, according to the law of mass action—— ke QO KS c where a and @ are the concentrations of the ions (Na and Cl) and ¢ of the dissociated salt." GO KS its 7 Seo e This K is called the ionization or dissociation constant, and is a constant under constant temperatureand pressure, but is different tor each different salt. Salts, strong acids and bases (hydrochloric acid, sodic hydrate, etc.) are the substances most dissociated, while the weaker acids and bases (acetic acid, ferric or ammonium hydrate, ete: ) sare dissociated to a less degree, z. e., the constant K is smaller. It follows directly from equation (2) that the more diluted the solution the more complete is the dissociation. If the strength of the solution is such that concentration @ and 6 are each rep- resented by 2 andc by 4; and then the concentration of all be decreased so that a@ and 6 become 1, we find by substitution in the equation (2) that c also must become 1, and the ratio of dissociated to undissociated or molecular salt, is 1:1 instead Ofmtat 22 Fleterogeneous equilibrium. We may have some undissolved substance (C) in contact with a saturated molecular solution (C, ) of the same substance which is dissociated, more or less, into its ions (Aand B). The concentrations are a and 6 for the ions, ¢c for the undissolved (solid) salt. and c, for the undissociated dis- solved part of C. Equilibrium being established between the solid C and the molecular solution of the solid (C2—C,), the equation is 1: (3) But the concentration of a solid at given temperatures and pres- sures is a constant (its specific gravity) (¢ —K,), therefore * This simple formula is not strictly accurate in the case of electrolytic dissociation but is correct enough for our purpose. 590 CV RUS ES LOLMVAWN K CS Ks 4 1 1K 3 ( ) Now the dissolved undissociated part of the salt dissociates into its ions < ab e (Co) os, (5) 1 but substituting from (4) ab —K,K,=K. (6) This K is called the constant of solubility, or the ion product. This is the law governing precipitation of electrolytes, and under it there are three cases. (a) ad> K. (b) Zo (c) ad< K. (a) If ad is greater than K the action goes A + B and again C, >C, therefore we have precipitation. (b) If a= K, we have equilibrium, and neither precipitation nor solution takes place. (c) If aé is less than K the action goes Ce >A+ BandC a Ga that is solution takes place. Now, if we mix solutions of two or more salts, besides the undissociated salts which were present in the separate solutions in equilibrium with their respective dissociated ions, we will have in the mixture also the salts that can be formed by the union of the positive ion of each salt with the negative ion of each of the other salts. From the foregoing the following = C 1? propositions are derived : Proposition 1.—Mixed solutions of two or more salts will contain all the salts that can be made by the combination of the ions of the original salts together with the free ions. Proposition 2,—Ogf all these salts that one will be precipitated first whose product of ionic concentration first exceeds its con- stant of solubility or ion product. If a salt be added to a mixture of salts in solution, there is added not only the salt itself but its ions also. If one of the CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 591 salts of the original mixture have an ion in common with the new salt (as for instance Clin Na Cland KCl), then the product of the ionic concentration of each salt is increased. Now if, before mixing, this product for either salt nearly equaled its constant of solubility, the increase may be enough to bring about precipitation. If, for instance, to a solution of lead chlo- ride, which is not altogether insoluble in water, is added a sufficiency of K Cl, this addition. causes a precipitate of lead chloride, since the addition of the Cl ions of the potassium chloride causes the product Pb x Cl? to be larger than K where Pb =concentration of lead ions, and Cl = concentration of chlorine ions. . If, however, the salt added has no ion incommon with ions of the other salts, it will take away from the ions of all the salts to form some of all the undissociated salts that result from the combination of the two new ions with all the ions of the original salts, therefore the product of ionic concentration for all the salts is decreased, or, in other words, the solubilities of all the salts are increased. Hence, Proposition 3.—In a mixture of salts those with a common ion increase the ionic concentration of each, aiding precipitation, and those without a common ion decrease ionic concentration of each, and retard precipitation, each increasing the solubility of the other Hydrolytic dissociation.—Water, which is one of the weakest of acids, is itself dissociated into hydrogen and hydroxy] ions (HO z= + OF); but this takes place to a.very slight extent only. Kohlrausch found that at 18° C. for water dis- tilled in a vacuum there is less than one gram of hydrogen ions in two million liters of water,t and Ostwald, Arrhenius, and Weis, and Kohlrausch? in later experiments (see reference below), found about one-sixth of this dissociation by other methods. Of course these free ions will react with ions of the salts in tW. NERNST: Theo. Chem., pp. 658-662. 2F, KOHLRAUSCH and AD. KEYDWEILLER, Zeits. f. Phys. Chem., XIV, pp. 317-330. 592 CYRUS F. TOLMAN solution to form some undissociated acid and base (Na Cl + HOH Z2=. NaOH +2 HCl). But: sincetthere asisuchwa wemy small amount of free dissociated ions of water and the disso- ciation constants of sodic and hydrochloric acid are large, this action is very slight. However, the salts of the weakest acids and bases are affected more by the same amount of dissociated water than those of the stronger ones, because, as shown by equation (2); K is smaller, therefore a larger amount of the undissociated acid, or base, exists in proportion to the ions. Water when heated becomes more dissociated, and therefore a stronger acid, and this fact is sometimes made use of in the analytical laboratory, and is an important factor determining the composition of minerals deposited from hot solutions. Solutions of gases in pure water—Ilf a gas dissolves in a sub- stance with which it is perfectly neutral, that is, if no chemical reaction takes place between the gas and the solvent, then the amount of the gas dissolved in the liquid at a given tempera- ture varies directly with the gaseous pressure, or partial pressure, if there be more than one gas. Now, if any gas were absolutely neutral to the solvent, and if on solution its molecule suffered no change in constitution, we should get the same amount of heat absorbed or given off in the solution that would be absorbed or radiated by the same amount of gas brought to the density of the dissolved gas. But upon solution in water it is found that some gases suffer a larger heat change than can be explained by any mere physi- cal change in volume, while others have the same or nearly the same change in temperature, as that calculated upon the assumption of simple physical absorption. It has been shown that the gases with this large heat change upon solution undergo besides physical diffusion, a chemical change, more or less exten- sive. Therefore, gases may be arranged in two classes. The first class is composed of those gases which have but a slight reaction with water, and are sparingly soluble in that menstruum, and the other, of those which have large coefficients of solubility and which react with water to form definite compounds. CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 593 Of the former, those found in the ocean are nitrogen, oxy- gen, argon, etc., and of the latter, none are found in appreciable quantities, but we may take ammonia as a good example. This last unites with water to form NH,OH which compound is known to exist as such... The behavior of carbon dioxide towards water places it between these two classes. It unites with water to form H,CO,. This acid has never been sepa- rated as such, but doubtless exists.2 This action does not give such a large coefficient of solubility as is characteristic of the gases of the second class. The solution, then, of oxygen, hydrogen and argon, etc., is simple diffusion due to the attraction between the molecules of the solvent and those of the gas, while the solution of CO, in pure water includes (1) a diffusion of the gas molecules between water molecules and (2) a chemical reaction between the gas and water molecules to form carbonic acid. Bunsen 3 has determined the solubility of the carbon dioxide for different temperatures as follows : Solubilityrot CO lun i-Oy71 vol. TO at fdeorees and, 760 mm. pressure dissolves V vols. CO, cas reduced to o ©. and 700 =: pressure: toc, V. tC V7, t7 C; V. fe) 1.7967 7 1.3339 14 1.0321 I 1.7207 8 1.2809 15 1.0020 2 1.6481 9 We2 su 1 16 0.9753 3 1.5787 Io 1.1847 U7 0.9519 4 1.5126 TE Li1416 : 18 0.9318 5 1.4497 12 1.1018 19 0.9150. 6 1.3901 13 1.0653 20 0.9014 In the above table the solubility is determined for pure CO, unmixed with other gases under 760™™ pressure. For low pressures the solution of the gas is proportional to the pressure or the partial pressure of the CO, . ™PROFESSOR MALLET, Am. Chem. Jour., Vol. XIX, pp. 804-809. ? DAMMER, Anorg. Chem. II, 1, p. 871. BUNSEN’s Gasometry, pp. 287, 128, 152. 594 CYRUS Fi TOLMAN The atmosphere, of course, is not pure CO,, but a mixture of gases in the following proportions : Oxygen, 20.9 vol.; nitro- gen, 79.1 vol., of which 01.18 per cent. belongs to that group of gases called argon,’ CO, .03 vol. At any given temperature the amount of the atmospheric gas dissolved in pure water is the product of the amount dis- solved under 760™™" pressure of the pure gas by the partial pressure of gas in the air. This holds for the carbon dioxide in spite of the chemical reaction CO, + H,O ——= COR hs may be seen as follows: Let a, 4, and ¢ be the concentrations respectively of CO,, iO yand hy, COZ ithenretone b =: Ky, G but the water is so greatly in excess that its concentration, 4, can be considered as a constant (K,) or & a Therefore the amount H,CO, |c]| varies directly with the amount CO, [a] dissolved, and this is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas. Making the calculations from Dittmar’s tables, we find that one liter of pure water at 15° C. dissolved from the atmosphere).32° of €@O,,.7.2 of oxygen, and 13.2..01 angen and nitrogen.’ The absorption of gases in salt solutions.—The researches of J. Setchenow? show us that a gas dissolved in salt solution obeys the same laws as if the salt were not present, if there is no chemical reaction between the gas, the salt,and the solvent. In this case, however, the attractive power between the molecules of the solvent and the gas is partially satisfied by the salt mole- «Chem. News, 72 p. 308. Comptes Rendus de |’ Academie des Sciences, CX XI, p. 605. ?Challenger Reports, Vol. I, pp. 167-168. 3 Ann. de Chemie: pp. 226-270. CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 595 cules. From some of his tables we find that for a solution of the strength of the oceanic brine the diminution of the solubility for gases of this class is somewhere near 20 per cent. (Joc. cit. PP: 245-259). If, however, there is a chemical reaction between the gas and the salt, the solubility is increased by so much. Oxygen, nitro- gen, and argon do not react with the salts of the ocean, but COG does, The carbonic acid dissociates into its ions, and these ions react with the ions of the salts to form small quanti- ties of undissociated compounds. This reaction has an appreci- able effect only where the original salt is formed from weak acids and bases. From Mr. Setchenow’s tables* for Na Cl solution of the strength of the sea water we gather that this increase for CO, would not be over 20 per cent. of that dissolved by pure water (.3” per liter, a quantity wholly negligible). The ocean salts.,—The average temperature of the surface of the ocean is about 15°C. The proportion of the different salts in the ocean, Professor Dittmar finds to be wonderfully constant for all parts of the sea water. He gives the following analysis for the salt : Gl, = - - - - - 5 5.292% Br - - - - - - .1884 5SOz - - - - - 6.410 COs = - - - - - .152 CaO - - - - - 1.676 MgO - - - - - - 6.200 K,0 - - - - - 1agQ2 Na,O - - - - - 41.234 Basic O (equivalent to Hologen) —12.493 100 This table we have recalculated for the percentages of the ions according to modern usage, and in order to facilitate subse- quent discussion, as follows : mIcoe. cit.p. 240: ? Phys. Chem. Chall. Exp., Vol. I. Narrative of the Cruise of H. M. S. Chal- lenger, 1885; Ency. Brit. XXI, pp. 611 to 614. 596 CYRUS F. TOLMAN (Clg Ma oieid omen. aes 5= 202% (Br) eee ee eenTtes (SO,) - - - 7.692 (COs) ia - - - .207 (Na) ere Maggie cy 30-503 (K) As) aiiea la aa Tl (Mg) a meat 3.725 (Cay ene igs ene Tao, 99-999 While the average constitution of the salts remains a constant, the salinity of the ocean is variable. Averaging 327 analyses, it is found that the average amount of salt is 34.7 grams per kilogram sea water, or taking the average specific gravity of the ocean as 1.026, about 35.6 grams per liter. Applying this to the second table, we find that the total number of grams of the different ions per liter is as follows: (C1) - - - - 19.68 (Br) - - - - = 0:07, (SO,) - - : - 2.74 (CO3) - - - - 0.08 (Na) - - - - 10.89 (K) - - - - =) 10:4 VI Soren Meira oi 1.33 (Ca) - - - - = 0243 35-69 Dividing by the equivalent weights, Dividing the relative strength of the we find the relative strength of the ions bivelant ions by 2, we find the relative per liter to be as follows, where the nor- number of ions. mal solution (one which contains as many grams per liter as the equivalent weight of the substance) is taken as unity. Relative strength per liter Relative No. of ions (Nee OSS > NG .Colk (Nees Ge. Bebo (Br) 7 = - 0.0009 ‘“ (Br) i . 2 9 (On v= - OORT? (SO,) : is 285 (CO; = = OLOO27 ean (CO3) if i cf 13 (Na) : ; 0.47 mY (Na) - - - 4700 (IQ) 2 ee LOTR mas (K) aot en SC. (Mg) z : Osan « (Mg) - 3 e 560 «€a)i = - = O1O22) Ms (Ca) - - =e LO CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 597 In the light of the previous discussion, we see that there must be sixteen different salts and eight different ions in the solution, under the supposition that the salts with bivalent ions dissociate completely into their metal and acid ions, and always neglecting the subordinate elements, such as strontium, iodine, gold, etc. Since, however, in a solution as strong as the sea water, there are two reactions in the dissociation of the salts having one bivalent ion, viz.: + ae = Na,SO, => (Na) + (Na) + (SO,) Na,SO, 2 (Na) + (NaSO,) there are also these extra ions, viz., (Na SO,), of the bivalent acids and bases. Also instead of simply the salt of the radical CO, (normai carbonate) we have both the bicarbonate of the acid radical (H CO,) and the acid radical itself. From the propositions of the theory of dilute solutions it is possible to develop equations whose solutions will give the pro- portions of the various undissociated salts and of the free ions, but these computations would be of little value because of their complexity, and because the ocean water is too strong a solution for a numerical application of the equations developed for dilute solutions. However, assuming that the constant K is of the same order of value for all the salts, and that the concentration of the free ions may be expressed by the relative number of ions calculated under the assumption that the salt is completely dissociated (see table p. 596), and neglecting the presence of the bicarbonate ion, we see that the relative amount of the undissociated salts will be expressed roughly by the products of the concentration of their respective radicals, and, therefore (from table p. 597) 1) Na Cl, 2) Mg Cl,, 3) Na SO, exist in molecular form in great- est quantity, the rest following in about the order: 598 CYRUS F. TOLMAN 4) - - - - - - = CaGly ye - - - - - - Ke Gl 6) - . - - - - - MgSO, Tie ic = “ - = = = Na.CO; 8) - - - : - : - NaBr 9) - - - - - : - CaSO7 10) - - - - - - GSO) In) - - - - - - MgCO,; 12) - - : : - 2 - MgBr, 13) - = - - - - = CaCO; 14) - - - - - - BK COn 15) - - 2 - - - - CaBr, 16) - - - - - - = KBr, If we examine the following table of Kohlrausch for K Cl and apply it to all the salts of the ocean, comparing the strengths of the oceanic solutions with the strengths of the K Cl solutions given in the table, we can form an approximate idea of the proportions of the molecular or undissociated salts to their respective free ions.’ Per cent. dissociated N. molecules I - - - = = = 75 5 - - : . - - = agits) aI - - - - - - - .86 ,oI - - - - - - - BY Loy .OO1 - - - - - - - .98 .OOOT - - - - - - = = 500 Under N is the strength of the solution where the normal solution is taken as unity. From the above table and the one on p. 597 we conclude that somewhere about 80 per cent. of the sodium chloride is disso- ciated into its ions. We cannot judge so well about the sodium sulphate or magnesium chloride, but they also have some con- siderable amount of molecular salt, possibly more than of the sodium chloride. The potassium chloride is somewhere around 90 per cent. dissociated, and the potassium bromide, the last of the series, is practically completely dissociated. The ocean gases—TVhe gases found dissolved in the ocean * NERNST: Theo. Chem., p. 314. CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 599 water are nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide. The nitrogen, argon, and oxygen are absorbed into the ocean directly from the air. Since the ocean is very generally agitated into waves, we may suppose that the gases dissolved in the outer portion of the surface water are in direct equilibrium with those of the air. The surface waters are being saturated with gas at temperatures varying with the daily and seasonal changes. Therefore, if there is no depletion or increase of these gases due to chemical or organic agencies we may assume roughly that the ocean, on the average, contains these gases in a propor- tion which may be calculated from the coefficients of absorption for the average temperature of the surface of the sea, which we assume to be 15° C. Therefore, to find the average amount of nitrogen, argon, and oxygen dissolved in the ocean we must determine their respective coefficients of absorption for sea water. From the remarks on the effect of salts on the solution of gases we should expect that the salt water would dissolve a little less of the above-mentioned gases than fresh water, because (1) salts in solution decrease the solubility of gases, and (2) because none of the gases react chemically with the ocean salts. The following table, which is taken from a larger table of Dittmar, shows that these theoretical conclusions are correct: * AIR DISSOLVED PER LITER.! Pure water Sea water = 5° - - - - Se meets 272, oo - - - . 29.54 DOohO 5° - - - - - 26.09 21.08 Io° - - - - - BRB 18.92 15° - - - - =, 21-16 7.17, 20° - - - - ; 19.33 15.72 Die - - - - - 17.80 14.44 307% == : = ; = 16.49 13.44 abe ; 5 : = else 12.53 AO oie = ; : : 14.37 45° 5 : 5 ; = 13+50 50° - - - - 12578 toc. cits, pp. 172 and 175. 600 CVROS Fe LOL MAN. Taking, therefore, the coefficient of absorption for sea water as given by Dittmar’, we find that at 15° C. the sea water dissolves 5.83° of oxygen and 11.34“ of nitrogen and argon, which is less than shown by the figures given on page 594 for the absortion of pure water. We find on comparing these figures with the average of the gases as found in the Chal- lenger analyses that the amount of the nitrogen and argon is near the amount calculated for the temperature of the water at the time it was collectéd, as we might expect in view of the mixing, etc., it undergoes. The oxygen, however, is always low, as it is used up in the oxidation of the organic matter in the ocean. It is almost up to the calculated amount in the surface water but a very large deficit in the deeper water. We may suppose, then, that the above figure for nitrogen and argon is approximately correct, but that the oxygen figure is considerably too high. It is evident that we have a very different case to deal with in the solution of the CO, inthe ocean. We have already found three ways in which the gas is held in solution. (1) Simple physical absorption; (2) united with the water to form (H,CO, ); (3) held by equilibrium reactions with the salt ions. The total that can be held in these three ways at atmospheric partial pres- sure of the gas and at the average temperature of 15° is about 0.3, of (COs per liter onescaywater: Now, under the assumption that the partial pressure of the CO, increases with the depth of the ocean; and that the rate of this increase obeys the same laws as the increase of atmospheric pressure with the depth of the atmosphere, and, taking the average depth of the ocean at the large figure of three miles, we find a formula developed by Professor Woodward ” that the pressure at that depth is 4.4 that at sea level. Also assum- ing that a//the ocean is at a temperature of 0° C. (instead of only the portion at great depths) we find as a maximum estimate the ocean cannot hold over 2.4° CO, per liter dissolved as a gas, TAL OCUCIt ep 13 Os ?Communicated in a letter to Dr. Chamberlin. CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 601 according to the laws of gas absorption; this it is to be noted, under the unrealizable conditions of a uniform temperature of o° C. and an average depth of three miles. But Mr. Buchanan found that on boiling, sea water gives an average 45™8 or 23% CO, per liter, or ten times the greatest amount the ocean could hold as a gas under more favorable conditions than those of the present time. Mr. Jacobson found go™s upon distilling the water to dryness. Mr. Buchanan thought that this great excess of CO, over that which could remain in solution under atmospheric pressure of CO, must be held in some sort of loose combination with one of the salts, and he decided upon the sulphates as the retaining agent. Such a misinterpretation, of course, might be expected at that time from the imperfect knowledge of the nature of the solutions. Before determining the free CO,, there- fore, he precipitated the sulphate with barium chloride, and unfortunately he must have obtained a mixture of Ba SO, and Ba CO,, so that his numerous determinations are all probably somewhat too small. But in spite of this his analyses show that the ocean contains about eighteen times the CO, of the atmosphere. Now, bear- ing in mind Professor Arrhenius’ statement, ‘‘that to lower the temperature of the temperate region 5°, and bring on glaciation, the CO, of the atmosphere needs to be diminished to from 62 per cent. to 55 per cent. of its present value,’* the following questions suggest themselves : 1. How is the excess of the CO, found in the ocean at the present time held in solution ? 2. Is it in equilibrium with that of the air? 3. If so, what proportion of the ocean gas will be brought out into the air by a diminution of the partial pressure of the CO, to an amount from 62 per cent. to 55 percent. of its present value? 4. How much will the consequent fall of temperature increase the ocean’s capacity for CO, ? 5. What is the relation between these two? PWocscit. pp:237—270: 602 COVROSTE SD ROLMARN, In its immediate action, the ocean certainly has a moderating effect upon the temperature of the land. The great amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of the water one degree, together with its vast evaporating surface, distributes the warmth received during the day over the night, much of the excess of the heat of summer throughout the winter, and the great downpour of radiant energy upon the tropics over the temperate and frigid zones. Whe question) then arises: In’ the greater cycles ofmthe variation of the earth’s climate (whether dependent directly or only in part upon the fluctuations of the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere) does the ocean still play the beneficent rdle of protector against the advances of the greater winters, furnish- ing the atmosphere some of its enormous supply of CO, asa blanket against the cold? Or, does the increasing cold cause the ocean, like a selfish monster, to keep a more grasping hold on the precious gas as the need of it becomes more imperative ? 1. Besides the CO, which may be absorbed by the ocean from the air, it receives the gas (1) from the respiration of aquatic animals (2) from the decomposition of organic matter (3) from the interior of the earth through springs, etc., and (4) from the bicarbonates brought in by the rivers. We find from analyses of the water of the ea rivers* of Europe, that about 60 per cent. of the entire mineral content of the river water is calcium carbonate dissolved as calcium bicarbonate. This calcium bicarbonate then is the great source of the extra carbon dioxide of the ocean. When this bicarbonate mixes with the ocean it is no longer strictly speaking, calcium bicarbonate, but mostly bicarbonate ions in equilibrium with small amounts of sodium, magnesium, calcium and potassium bicarbonates. 2. The various bicarbonates have been subject to numerous investigations since the researches of H. Rose? in 1835. These contributions show that sodium, potassium, ammonium, and * BISCHOF, Chemical and Physical Geology, Vol. I, pp. 76, 77. ?Journal fiir Praktische Chemie, Neue Folge 10, 1879, pp. 417-444. Zeits. fiir Anorg. Chemie., Vol. XVII, pp. 170-204. CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 603 magnesium bicarbonates, partially dissociate at ordinary temper- atures into the normal carbonate, giving out CO,. Treadwell and Reuter have shown in the latest and most complete research on the subject (see reference above) that when calcium carbon- ate is dissolved under different partial pressures of CO,, that the proportion of calcium to carbon dioxide, indicates that prac- tically a pure bicarbonate, and not a mixture of bicarbonate and carbonate, is present in the solution. The difference between the sodium, magnesium, etc., bicar- bonates on the one hand, and the calcium bicarbonate on the other is seen from the following: (1) For the dissociation of magnesium bicarbonate we have in a saturated solution, Mg (HCO,;), == Mg CO, + H,CO,. We have seen that the H,CO, is directly in equilibrium with the CO, in the air; therefore at a given temperature, the degree of dissociation depends upon the partial pressure of the CO, in air. With variations of temperature, the colder the water, the larger is the portion of bicarbonate present, and therefore, the larger is the proportion of carbon dioxide in the ocean to that in the air. (2) For calcium bicarbonate we have : €ai(HiCO,), === CaCO, + H,CO,. But Ca CO, is very slightly soluble, and therefore practically a constant for a saturated solution. Therefore, we do not have a mixture of bicarbonate and appreciable quantities of the carbon- ate, but the salt in solution is nearly all bicarbonate, and by lessening the partial pressure of the CO,, Ca CO, is precipitated from the saturated solution and the bicarbonate decreases. However, this difference between Ca (THEO) , and Mg (HCO,), which Treadwell has emphasized, only holds for saturated solutions. It is evident that for an under-saturated solution of Ca (HCO,), we may have a larger proportion of normal carbonate than in the saturated solution and still no precipitation. Also, in ocean water (see p. 591), the numerous different salts tend to increase the solubility of the normal 604 CY ROS ES TOLNIAW: carbonate, and allow perhaps a somewhat greater dissociation of the bicarbonate into carbonate. The bicarbonate in the ocean is, as shown above, not calcium bicarbonate, but bicarbonate of all | the bases in solution, so that Treadwell and Reuter’s investiga- tions upon pure calcium bicarbonate in saturated solution cannot be taken to prove that the bicarbonates of the unsaturated sea water cannot be dissociated. ‘ As direct evidence that the ocean is not saturated with cal- cium acid carbonate, we find (1) of the many hundred bottles of the Challenger’s samples of sea water, from all depths and collected at all temperatures, kept several years, only one or two showed deposit of lime.t (2) Seashells from the bottom of, the Pacific show corrosion and resolution.* Pteropod shells and foraminifera tests are slowly dissolved as they sink. The Pteropod shells are not found below fifteen hundred fathoms, and two thousand eight hundred fathoms is the limit for the globigerina ooze. (3) Thoulet found by actual experiment that sea water will dissolve calcium carbonate from shells, corals, etc. (4) Usiglio, studying the evaporation of the Mediterranean water at Cette, found that no precipitate was formed until the specific gravity of the sea water increased from 1.02, the specific gravity of the unevaporated water, to 1.0503 when the first precipitation begins, composed largely of calcium carbonate with ferric oxide.5 DEGREE OF BICARBONATE DISSOCIATION. From twenty-seven analyses by Jacobson, we find an average Of O1.47% per liter of tree CO, and 12072 °CO. inethe monmmal carbonate, or the bicarbonate is so dissociated that 25 per cent. of its second equivalent of CO, is lacking.® THEOCACIt Pz 2. 2JouR. GEOL., Vol. I, p. 504. 3 Loe. cit., p. 221. 4Comptes Rendus, Vol. CVIII, p. 753. 5Encyl. Brit., Vol. X XI, p. 229. ®Uber die Luft des Meerwassers Ann. der Chemie und Pharm., Vol. CLXVII (1873), pp. 1-38. CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 605 From several hundred determinations of Buchanan, we strike diveaverase, Of 45" tree CO. per liter, to, 53.472 CO,” per liter of the frst equivalent, z. e., only 84 per cent. of the second equivalent is found in the ocean. Mr. Jacobson’s analyses show a larger per cent. of the carbonates than were found in the Challenger’s samples, which might be expected, as Jacobson’s were collected only trom the North Sea into which flow the great lime-bearing rivers of northwestern Europe. To prove positively that the ocean bicarbonate dissociates into carbonate and free CO,, Professor Ditmar shook in the air Jom porature. Volume dissolved. iS 7 tb 14 “A Ld oe Fics. I and 2 represent respectively the effect of temperature on the solubility of CO, in pure water, and upon the dissociation of Na H CO,. Fic. tis taken from table on page 593 and under 760 mm pressure CO,. The temperature is recorded on the ordinate, and on the abscissa are the volumes of CO, »bsorbed, compared with the volume of water in which it is dissolved. a sample of sea water, that had an excess of CO,, and found that CO, was given off, and that the ratio of the two equiva- lents was 100:84 at 13° C., exactly the same, it happens, as we found from averaging Buchanan’s analysis. Therefore we may consider it as certain that the largest part of free CO, in the 606 CYTOSOL MAW, ocean is held as the second equivalent of bicarbonate, and that this is held in equilibrium with the gas in the air. We know then from the above that the dissociation of the bicarbonate is a function of the temperature, and also of the partial pressure of the superincumbent CO,. The solubility of CO, as agas not attached to form bicarbonate, is also a function of temperature and pressure, but that these functions are not the same, may be seen from an inspection of the Discociation Jension, in mm Niercary. Loo 20 400 Sto ba0 Fic. 2 is plotted from Dr. Dibbett’s tables.* On the ordinate are the temperatures and on the abscissa the increase of the dissociation of the Na H CO, in mm of mer- cury which represents the loss of the second equivalent of CO, from the solution. accompanying curves. Professor Ditmar has experimented upon the effect of changes of partial pressure and temperature upon the CO, in the ocean. This includes both the effect upon the portion simply dissolved and that as second equivalent of bicarbonate. We shall discuss these results under Professor Arrhenius’ hypothesis of lowering the surface temperature to *Ueber die Loslichkeit und.die Dissociation des sauren kohlens Kaliumes, Natri- urns und Ammomiums, Journal fiir praktische Chemie, neue Folge 10, 1879, pp. 417- 444. CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 607 an average of 10° C., and the diminution of the partial pres- sure he has postulated as sufficient to cause this drop in temper- ature. We find from Professor Ditmar’s investigation (see tables and figures, pp. 609 and 610) that as the waters of the ocean become warmer, the effect of a change in the partial pressure of atmos- pheric CO, upon the bicarbonate dissociation becomes greater, while near zero a change in partial pressure has no effect on the dissociation of the bicarbonates of the ocean. On the Sa 6 # & Volume dissolved. 0 h y z s Fics. 3 and 4 show the relation between the partial pressure of CO, and its solu- bility in pure water on the one hand and the solubility of Ca Hy (CO3), on the other. Fic. 3 represents the simple law of gas absorption that the amount dissolved is directly proportional to the partial pressure. The pressure is plotted on the ordinates in mm of mercury and the volume of gas absorbed on the abscissa. other hand, the effect of any postulated fall in temperature, causing the bicarbonates to take up COg, is the greatest at the temperature just above 0°, and becomes less for higher temper- atures. So that a fall in temperature of the colder waters of the ocean is correlated with the greatest absorption of CO,, and without the counteracting effect of decreasing partial pressure. In equatorial waters, however, the fall in temperature does not 608 CYRUS F. TOLMAN produce so great an increase in the absorption of the CO,, and the effect of decreasing tension of atmospheric CO, approaches a maximum. These facts, therefore, naturally divide the discussion into three parts. Under Professor Arrhenius’ postulates as to change in temperature and pressure, we shall discuss the relative effect of these two opposing factors in the temperate waters whose temperature is the average surface temperature of the ocean, viz., 15° C. (2) Ditto for the tropical waters whose temper- ature is above 15° C. (3) Ditto for the polar waters whose temperature is below this. > 6, 3 5 a £ FS : Z a Ca (H COs), in omy. per litre 0 20 #0 60 By Ji [26 Fic. 4 is from Treadwell’s and Reuter’s dissertation (see reference, p. 603). The partial pressure is represented on the ordinate in mm of mercury and the amount of calcium bicarbonate dissolved in m. g. in the abscissa. At atmospheric pressure 15° C. the amount dissolved in pure water at saturation is 38.5 m. g. per liter, which is much less than the amount of bicarbonate in the sea, as we might expect from the previous discussion. The only experiments which have been made upon sea water (and so under the actual conditions of the problem) are repre- sented in Fig. 5. Professor Ditmar took a special sample of deep ocean water which was so charged with CO, as to have its bicarbonate fully saturated with CO,. This he shook violently in a bottle constantly renewing the air until there was no more CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 609 loss of CO, from the water and no more gain in the air above the water. The carbon dioxide remaining in the water was thus determined, and the degree of the bicarbonate dissociation cal- culated. This was repeated for various temperatures. The table is as follows :* t N Pure Air Ordinary Air (n.) (n r) 2 200 1.90 2 200 2.04 2 52 2.06 fe) 200 1.70 13 50 : 1.84 15 100 1.63 15 200 1.50 20 200 1.42 25 53 1.53 32 52 1.33 32 52 1.89 32 150 In6¢ equals temperature. N-number of times air was renewed until loss of CO, from water ceased. n,=ratio of first to the second equivalent of CO, in bicarbonate when shaken in air free from CO,, where 2.00 represents fully saturated bicarbonate and 1.00 simply the normal carbonate. n,=the same for ordi- nary air. These experimental data do not permit the drawing of any very accurate conclusions. Professor Ditmar states that these are only preliminary, and has promised us a completion of this work, which we await with impatience. However, we must needs use what we have, and referring to curve 5, we see that at 15° the ocean will contain about 83 per cent. of the total second equivalent of CO,,and at 10°, about 88 per cent. of it, or an increase of 5 per cent. of the second equivalent which is represented by the line a—é in figure. For pure air artificially freed of CO, at 10° the dissociation goes through 70 per cent. but Professor Arrhenius does not postulate a complete removal Enyce. Brit., Vol. X XI, p. 612. 610 CYRUS F. TOLMAN of CO, from the air, but a diminution of from 62 per cent. to 55 per cent. of the present partial pressure of the gas, and this decrease in dissociation caused by the decrease of the partial 25"| £0" Jemperaturo, wT Frepertion of bicackonate dissociated. 200 1b [kb L70 160 40 Fic. 5 is plotted from Professor Ditmar’s table on page 609. The figures in the table are not very constant, but we have taken those that seem to correspond best with each other. On the ordinate are the temperatures, and on the abscissa the dissocia- tion of the ocean bicarbonate, 2.00 representing fully saturated bicarbonate and 1.00 normal carbonate, the partial pressure of CO, in the curve (1) is that of the atmos- phere as it is at the present time and for curve (2) there is 0 pressure of that gas. The two curves have been plotted arbitrarily to cut a 0°, but Professor Ditmar shows that there is probably no dissociation at 2° to 3° above zero. The line cf connects the two curves at 10° (the temperature of the temperate regions Dr. Arrhenius postulates to develop a glacial period) and the points d@ and e show the bicarbonate dissociation at a partial pressure of CO. reduced respectively to 62 and 55 per cent. of its present value. a@ 6 represents the decrease of the dissocia- tion of the bicarbonates due to fall of temperature from 15° to 10°) andc¢cd and c e the increase of the dissociation due to a decrease of 62 per cent. and of 55 per cent. of the present value of the partial pressure of CO, inthe air. a@' 6’ andc'd' andc’ e’ represent the same factors for a decrease of temperature from 21° to 16° and the same decrease as postulated above in the partial pressure of the CO,. pressure of the gas is represented by lines c—d and c-e; so that the dissociation will be between the two, that is, viz., from 76 per cent. to 81 per cent.,z. ¢:, these data show that) the falling CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 611 temperature counteracts within 2 per cent. to 4 per cent. of the total CO, as second equivalent, the effect of the decrease in the partial pressure. These estimates are of course founded on too small an experi- mental basis, and the data themselves show too great disagree- ments to conclude that the decrease of the dissociation due to the falling temperature, counteracts exactly within 2 per cent. to 4 per cent. of the second equivalent of CO,, the increase due to the diminishing partial pressure ; but we may conclude ‘hat they ave probably of the same order of magnitude, or that a—d is com- parable in length with c—d or c-e. All this however, is under the proposition of Professor Arrhenius, that a 5° lowering of the average climate of the temperate regions will bring on glaciation. We have still to con- sider the effect of the waters of the equatorial region on the one hand, and those of the higher latitudes on the other. The average temperatures of the ocean waters at the surf line between 45° north and south latitudes, are as follows :? For the belt between 15° north latitude, and 15° south latitude, 26 degrees centigrade. For the belts between 15°-30° north latitude, and 15°—30° south latitude, 21 degrees centigrade. For the belts between 30°-45° north latitude, and 30°-45° south latitude, 17 degrees centigrade. The average temperature between 45° north latitude and Ate south latitude, at the depth of 1500 fathoms is between 2°—3° centigrade. Professor Ditmat has found that at temperatures between 18°—21° C. that the dissociation tension of the bicarbonates of the sea water is five ten-thousandths of an atmosphere. On the other hand, at temperatures near zero, the dissociation does not take place, and the tension of course becomes nil. (See table above. ) | The partial pressure of the CO, in the atmosphere at the present time is about three ten-thousandths. Therefore, he con- ‘Compiled from tables Challenger’s Rep., Vol. I, Table VI, at end of volume. 612 CYRUS F. TOLMAN cludes that the warmer portions of the ocean are constantly supplying CO, to the atmosphere, and the colder portions are always removing it.’ The falling temperature which causes the glacial period must affect the temperature of the surface of the equatorial water, especially after an ice advance is inaugurated, but how much we cannot estimate. Taking the average surface temperature of these waters as 21°, and postulating the same fall of tempera- ture as for the temperate waters, we see that the line a’ 0’ rep- senting the decreasing dissociation due to the falling tempera- ture, is much shorter than the line c’d’ or c’ e’, representing the increase in the dissociation caused by the decreasing partial pressure of CO,. However, the data upon which this part of the curve is based are much more conflicting and less satisfactory than those represented by the curve at 10°. But we may con- clude that in the equatorial region the diminishing partial pres- sure has a greater effect than the postulated fall of temperature. But, with the increasing cold, the heated areas which can give off carbonic acid to the air are greatly diminished, espe- cially after the glaciation has commenced, and this acts directly counter to the diminishing partial pressure. ‘In the northern seas whose surface temperature is near zero, each molecule of carbonate has the power to take up carbonic acid until it becomes a fully saturated bicarbonate. Just how much increase this area will undergo on an approach of a glacial period we cannot well estimate, but perhaps we can get a fair idea of it by comparing the area of the ocean contained within the circle of latitude which bounds the northernmost point of Greenland glaciation with that contained within the circle bound- ing the southern limit of Pleistocene glaciation. The ratio - between these two areas is 2:5. These figures may not even approximately represent the real increase of the cold waters during glacial times, but they emphasize the fact. of an actual and great increase in the amount of these waters. The table on p. 609, as stated before, shows that at low tem- tChal. Rep., Vol. I, pp. 212, 213. CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 613 peratures the decrease in the partial pressure of the atmospheric CO, has practically no dissociating effect upon the bicarbonates of the ocean, and therefore that the large increase in the capacity for absorbing CO, is not affected by the diminishing partial pressure. To sum up then: (1) the increase in the ocean’s capacity for CO, at low temperatures, and (2) the invasions of the polar waters toward the equator, both tend directly to rob the atmos- phere of CO,, unaffected by any diminishing partial pressure of that gas. In the temperate waters the effects of increasing cold and decreasing partial pressure seem to be fairly evenly bal- anced, with a possible advantage for the diminishing partial pressure, against which must be reckoned a decrease in the amount of these waters. In the equatorial waters the effect of the decreasing partial pressure exceeds that of falling tempera- ture, counterbalanced by a large decrease in the amount of these waters. This division of the ocean with three belts shows us clearly the factors in the problem, but does not give us means by which to find the relative values of these factors—that is, to show us whether or not the intensifying factors, such as falling tempera- ture and increasing areas of polar waters and decreasing areas of equatorial waters, more than counteract the effect of the diminishing partial pressure of the CO, over the temperate and equatorial waters. In order to get some rough comparative value of these fac- tors without pretending to get any accurate quantitative estimate of their actual value, we have tried to estimate the volume of the ocean water, whose temperature is reduced from 7° to 2°, from 12° to 7° and from temperatures above 12°, etc., and to calcu- late the amount of CO, these volumes of the waters can absorb on account of their lower temperature on the one hand and to estimate the greatest amount of CO, that might be freed from the tropical waters compatible with their restricted volumes on the other hand. As shown in Fig. 6, we have assumed that the polar waters 614 CVROS Fa TOLMAN, (viz. those with temperature of 2°-3° C.) will advance south- ward at least as far as the southernmost limit of the ice-sheet. Therefore, we have started the line a 0 at 60° N.and S. latitude . (the latitude of the southern Greenland glaciation) and the line e h at 37° (the latitude of the southernmost Pleistocene glaciation in North America). With this postulated southern advance of the cold waters, there must also have been a rise of these cold waters toward the surface. The amount of this rise is undeter- minable at present. But since we have used Dr. Arrhenius’ estimate of a drop of 5° in the temperature of the surface waters, we may assume the same fall of temperature for the body of the ocean. A given fall in temperature of the surface water must 4% LAT. is, fe" 7° ra as 60° 45? Jo* 17 OF Sa Jo? #5? 60° Se B® ec a e r x —— Jo eee) o Cc 4 =z $00 lam —. ¥ (320) tow Fic. 6.—Section of ocean from north to south pole. Ocean taken at average depth of 2000 fathoms. Portion below 1500 fathoms has temperature below 2° to 3° C. Line adc incloses section of ocean whose temperature is now above 2° to 3°. Line e fA limits the equatorial and upward migration of the polar waters during maxi- mum Pleistocene glaciation, when the ice reached the latitude 37° N. Line m & x ditto for waters with Pleistocene temperature of 2° to 7°. Above line # & # ditto for water of higher temperature. take a very long time to communicate itself throughout the body of the ocean, but the larger the period during which the surface waters maintain their low temperature the more completely does the body of the ocean lose its extra heat. At 1500 fathoms the temperature of the temperate and equatorial waters is 2°-3° C. above zero; therefore, the maxi- mum depth which the line a—c reaches is placed at d. At 300 fathoms the warm waters have a temperature of about 7°. Therefore, we place here f on the line ef, designating the maximum advance upwards of the polar waters. Point & on m-k-n is 150 fathoms below the surface and at that ‘ All temperatures calculated from tables of temperatures, given in Vol. I of the Challenger Reports. CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 615 depth the equatorial waters have average temperature of 12°. Therefore, this will be the limit of the waters of the belt that had temperatures of 2° to 7° during maximum glaciation. Above K are the waters which now have temperatures above 12°, and during glaciation temperatures above 7°. To get a correct conception of this section of the ocean waters from pole to pole, we must multiply the length given here by 550. The portion of the ocean below 1500 fathoms is already down to the limiting temperature; therefore, its carbon dioxide content is not subject to fluctuations. This leaves out of the 18 5) atmospheres of ‘free’? CO, about 13 atmospheres above the 1500 fathom line. The volume of these waters is divided as follows: go° to 60° N. and S. latitudes, - - - 11% 60> tor3'7: sc gs = = = 2 B77 to 6° “ ““ x = 5 65 Now, the volume of water included between adc and efh is considerably over one half that above the 1500-fathom line, or it holds about seven atmospheres CO,, and a change of tem- perature from 7° to 2° represents a change in the dissociation otsthe bicarbonates. from 1.9 to 2:00 (see Pig. 5; p. 610): or more than a 10 per cent. increase in the ‘free’ CO,. . Therefore, this advance of the cold waters upward and toward the equator represents an increased capacity of the ocean for CO,, equal to about seven tenths that of the present atmosphere. The waters above mun represent those which now have a temperature above 12° C. (we neglect the warm surface waters now spread far poleward by the warm currents), and it 1S in tne warmer of these waters that the diminishing partial pressure of the CO, may cause a loss of CO, from the ocean. Now this volume represented by m £m is considerably less than 2 per cent. of the volume above the 1500 fathoms line, so that for a limiting case if ad? the second equivalent were lost in these waters, instead of only at most a small portion of it, it would amount to less than one third that gained by the advance of the 616 CYVROSSESTOLEM AN: cold waters, and in the actual case probably not more than one fortieth of the same. Admitting all the inaccuracies of our assumption, still it seems to be clear that with falling temperature ¢he ocean will dis- solve CO, from the air. The effect becomes more pronounced as the glaciers become more extensive and thus directly chill the ocean waters. We offer this as the most important accumulative factor causing the great extent of the glacial invasion, acting until overcome by a number of opposite agencies. Dr. Chamberlin’ has shown that the amount of CO, in the atmosphere at any one time, and therefore the climate of the earth at that time, depends upon the value of the ratio of the supply of the gas to its depletion. Besides the continuous sup- ply that the atmosphere receives from the interior of the earth and from planetary space and the continuous depletion due to the formation of the carbonates in place of the igneous alkali earth silicates, there are variations in the ratio of supply to depletion dependent upon the attitude of the land and water. A large exposure of land surface is correlated with a rapid solution of calcium and magnesium carbonates, and this solution is accompanied by a change from the normal carbonate to the bicarbonate form, and therefore represents a loss of CO, from the atmosphere. On the other hand the formation of the normal carbonate by lime-secreting animals causes a direct liberation of the second equivalent of the bicarbonate. Therefore extensive oceans and abundant marine life are correlated with warm climate, and restricted seas and elevated land cause loss of CO, and colder climate. Now, to investigate the réle the ocean plays in this conflict : 1. The chief agencies in the removal of the carbon dioxide from the air are (a) the formation of the carbonates from the silicates ; (b) the solution of the carbonates as bicarbonates. These are dependent upon the attitude of the land and water, *See PROFESSOR T. C. CHAMBERLIN, JOUR. GEOL., Vol. V, p. 682. CARBON DIOXIDE OF THE OCEAN 617 the elevated land being accompanied by rapid disintegration and erosion. The increasing cold only slightly affects this process (a’) by the decrease in vegetation; (b’) by the slight decrease in chemical activity of the CO,; (c’) by the freezing of the ground, preventing free percolation of the underground water, etc. But it aids disintegration by frost action, etc. (c) The polar seas constantly absorb CO, from the atmosphere. The increasing cold, with the increasing volume of cold waters, therefore adivectly robs the atmosphere of the CO,. This process is not so marked in the warmer waters, because of the counter- acting effect of the postulated diminishing partial pressure of CO... 2. The supply of CO,, outside of that of plutonic and extra- terrestrial origin comes (a) from the dissociation of bicarbonates in equatorial waters. The decreasing partial pressure aids this and the restricted area of warm water counteracts it. (b) The second equivalent of bicarbonate freed by lime-producing ani- mals. The fall of temperature directly affects this most impor- tant source of supply, as it is well known that a fall of a few degrees in the ocean water would wipe out whole genera of test- producing animals. To sum up, then: Accepting Dr. Chamberlin’s proposition that the advance of a cold period is primarily dependent upon the altitude of land and water, the effect of the ocean is both to remove the atmospheric carbonic acid gas by the southern and upward invasion of the cold waters, and to decrease the supply of CO, to the atmosphere by the destruction of the lime-secret- ing animals. Therefore we conclude that the ocean very greatly entensifies the secular variation of the earth's temperature, although acting as a moderating agent in the minor cycles. It is interesting to note what a different state of affairs we would have if the CO, in the ocean were simply dissolved as a gas from the atmosphere according to the laws of gas absorp- tion. A diminution of the partial pressure of the CO, in the atmosphere, as postulated, would bring out of the ocean 38 to 45 per cent. of its great store of CO,. A lowering of 5° in 618 CYRUS F. TOLMAN temperature from 5° to 0° would only produce an increase in the solubility of the gas of 24 per cent., and from 20° to 15° of 14 per cent., and so, under such conditions, an excess Of 14 stort per cent. of all the CO, in the ocean would have to be removed and consumed before a cold period could be inaugurated. Although future investigations may cause a modification of Dr. Arrhenius’ estimate, and such a change will affect some of these conclusions, the principles on which they are based will not be affected. If it be found that on account of certain intensifying agencies, or for other reasons, it is not necessary to postulate so large a decrease of the CO, of the atmosphere, or if this decrease is accompanied with a greater fall of temperature than 5°, then the depleting effect of the ocean will become more marked. If, however, the estimated decrease of the atmospheric CO, is too small, the intensive effects may be lessened, but probably not completely destroyed. Cyrus F. ToLman, Jr. te DI TORIAL Ir is gratifying to know that the excellent work of the Missouri Geological Survey is to be continued and that it is even proposed “to eliminate all ornamental or irrelevant fancies and go directly after the fundamental facts which make the only logical foundation for a geological survey.’ It is true that among the ‘“‘ornamental”’ facts to be eliminated are such things as ‘Engineering Instruments, Photographic Apparatus, Labora- tory Equipments” and a few others which ordinary geologists have come to consider indispensable. However, it is no ordi- nary man or ordinary plan of work that Missouri now has on its hands. In a recent St. Louis interview the state geologist announces that ‘‘The rocks have never been differentiated in Missouri and Arkansas ’’—thus setting aside at one stroke of the pen all the results of former work in the region. Fortunately such a dire condition is not to be allowed to continue, and the new state geologist proposes to issue at once a preliminary report in which ‘1. will differentiate the rocks: to a finish.* He also proposes to give ‘photographic views of two or three of the best exposures of each rock in the state,” from which we may infer that since his Azennzal Report was issued he has fallen into evil ways and has begun to lean a little on the ‘‘ ornamental” and ‘‘irrelevant’”’ aids of other members of his profession. This new work is to be very thorough and the sedimentary rocks are to be taken, “one at a time, irom Z to A.” Incidentally he will courteously give in the report a synopsis of a new ‘‘cosmic philosophy” which he has worked out ‘ with only physics, logic and consciousness as guides.” With such noble companionship it is no wonder that ordinary grammar is considered out of place. At least we may judge this to be true from such statements as, ‘‘ Several dykes of diabase were crossed 619 620 EDITORIAL in the county, as well as rumors of rich deposits, etc.”* This sentence gives one some new light on classification and will per- haps obtain for the doubter pardon for his skepticism whether the new differentiation is to be so very thorough after all. When diabase dikes and rumors are classed together, there seems room for doubt as to the closeness of the classification. How- ever, all things are possible to one who can explain dolomite as formed in Sargasso seas and can settle the glacial problem in one short page. The proposed preliminary report will be eagerly awaited ; the Azennial is all too brief a pleasure. lefale 18. t Biennial Report of State Geologist, 1898, p. 36. REVIEWS. The great Ice-dams of Lakes Maumee, Whittlesey and Warren. By FRANK BurRsLey TayLor, Fort Wayne, Ind. American Geologist, July 1899, Vol. XXIV, pp. 6-38, Pl. II and III. Two years ago Mr. Taylor contributed to Pleistocene geology a new working hypothesis.’ Pointing out that the recessional moraines left by certain lobes of the Laurentide ice sheet on plains or in broad smooth valleys were characterized by regularity of interval, he postulated that this regularity was caused by a definitive rhythm in the general conditions controlling the magnitude of the ice-field; whatever may have been the cause of the general wasting of the ice, its action was modified by a concurrent cause of a rhythmic nature, which alternately promoted and opposed the wasting. Under the joint action of the two causes the ice front first retreated with comparative rapidity, then halted, readvanced slowly over part of the abandoned territory, and finally halted a second time before beginning a second cycle ; and each recessional moraine marks the position of the ice front at the close of such a cycle. This hypothesis, if well founded, is of far reaching importance. It affords a basis for the correlation of moraines in widely separated districts, and for the mapping of the ice sheet at various stages of its final waning. It affords a regularly graduated chronologic scheme of classification. It leads to an estimate of the duration of a definite portion of geologic time, far superior to any based on phenom- ena of erosion. And it probably assists in the discussion of the cause of the ice age. When the hypothesis was first presented it was applied to the mak- ing of a time estimate. In the present paper it is applied to local geology, the correlation of moraines and associated phenomena in a district about Lakes Erie and Huron. After a general discussion of the function of the ice front as a dam to retain glacial lakes, and of the theoretic relations of successive positions of the dam to cols, and the ™ Moraines of Recession and their Significance in Glacial Theory. JOUR. GEOL. Vol. V, 1897, pp. 421-465. 621 622 REVIEWS resulting location of shore lines and channels of outlet, an account is given of the actual positions of the ice-dam within the district and of the resulting series of glacial lakes. A map of moraines includes not only data from various sources previously publisht, but important new material, especially for the Canadian peninsula, and is adjusted to the subject in hand by the indication of the theoretic continuations and connections of partly surveyed moraines. Other maps show the glacial lakes, outlined with detail and confidence not only on the land side, where their shores are still preserved as dry beaches and terraces, but also the ice side, where all actual vestige has necessarily disappeared. Lake Maumee, in the western part of the Erie basin, lasted during three oscillations of the ice front, growing larger with each shitting of the dam. At first its discharge was at Fort Wayne and thence down the Wabash River; afterwards part of its surplus escaped across the “thumb” of Michigan at Imlay, running westward to the Lake Michi- gan basin. In the later part of its life the broad upland of the penin- sula of Canada was a nunatak. Lake Whittlesey, succeeding Lake Maumee in the same basin, held place for a single morainic cycle. The Canadian upland, no longer a nunatak, formed part of its northeastern shore, separating two ice lobes. Its discharge crost the thumb of Michigan at Ubly to a lower glacial lake, Saginaw, and thence ran westward through the Pewamo channel across the lower peninsula of Michigan. Lake Warren, uniting Lakes Whittlesey and Saginaw, at the level of the latter, endured for four morainic cycles, being greatly modified in outline by the successive changes of the retaining dam and becoming eventually much larger than its predecessors. It is to be noted that the author did not delay the publication of his generalization until the ground had been wholly covered by obser- vation nor until all the observations made use of had been verified. While guarding against misapprehension by constantly drawing the line between fact and theory, he has freely used his working hypothesis for purposes of local interpolation. ‘To whatever extent his local gener- alizations are deductions from theory they will eventually, through the extension of observation be made to serve as tests of the theory. Taylor dwells on the peculiar significance of the Ubly channel as an evidence of the existence of glacial lakes and a glacial dam, and closes with a general argument (drawn out by criticisms of J. W. Spencer) in support of the fundamental theory that the ice sheet served as a dam for the retention of lakes. REVIEWS 623 A corollary of some interest, not mentioned by the author, relates the history recorded by recessional moraines to that associated with Niagara gorge. From the beginning of the last ice retreat at Cincin- nati Taylor counts seventeen moraines to Rochester, beyond which point new conditions enter, making the continuance of the analysis a matter of great difficulty. But just at the close of the term represented by these moraines the Niagara began its work, so that the moraine history is complemented by the river history. ‘Together they represent all the time since the latest ice maximum, a period whose measure- ment in years is far more valuable to science than the determination of the age of the great cataract. Postulating the astronomic cycle of the precession of the equinoxes as the cause of the morainic cycle, tine approximate time covered by the morainic history is computed (by the reviewer) at 315,000 years. This is so long a period in comparison with the most ample of modern estimates for the age of the Niagara that the uncertainty as to Niagara’s age is of little moment in consider- ing the sum of the two periods. Broadly stated, the hypothesis that the recessional moraines are functions of the precessional cycle esti- mates the time since the last maximum of glaciation at 300,000 to 400,000 years. GLK G. The Influence of the Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground. By PROFESSOR SVANTE ARRHENIUS. Philo- sophical Magazine and Journal of Science, Vol. XLI (Fifth Series) 1896, pp. 237-276. La Revue Générale des Sciences, Mai, 1899, pp. I-22. Professor Arrhenius was led to investigate this subject by the debates among the Swedish geologists upon the cause of the glacial and inter- glacial climates of the Pleistocene. The conclusion that none of the current hypotheses are satisfactory or at all competent to explain the observed phenomena led him to calculate the quantitative effect of any given variation in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide upon the temperature of the earth’s surface. The fact that the carbon dioxide and water vapor are the chief agents in retaining the heat radiated from the earth’s surface had long been known qualitatively and even the relative values of the selective absorption of radiant energy for the various atmospheric gases had been determined, but it remained for 624 REVIEWS Professor Arrhenius to show the exact effect of any given change in the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere upon the surface tem- perature of the earth. The essential work of the physicist and mathematician having now been done by him, it remains for the geologist .to investigate the various sources of supply and depletion of carbon dioxide and to determine if possible if there have been any variations of such an order of magnitude as to produce the results observed. Professor Arrhenius explains in his papers that the air retains heat (light and dark) in two different ways: (1) The heat suffers a selective diffusion as it passes through the air. This is greatest for the rays having short wave-lengths (ultra-violet) and insensible for those of long wave-lengths which form the chief part of the radiation of a body of the temperature of the earth, viz.,15° C. (2) The gases themselves have the power of absorbing selectively the light and heat of certain wave- lengths. The carbon dioxide and the water vapor have this power of selective absorption to a far greater extent than the oxygen, nitrogen or argon, and this absorption is not distributed evenly throughout the spectrum but occurs in certain definite bands which are best developed in the ultra-red portion which represents the rays with long wave-lengths such as are given off by bodies with a low temperature. There are two ways in which to measure the amount of the heat absorption by the carbon dioxide and the water vapor: (1) by measur- ing directly the amount of heat absorbed by such quantities of these gases as they appear in the atmosphere, and at a temperature of 15° C., and (2) by measuring the amounts of heat received from the full moon at different heights above the horizon. ‘The amount of car- bon dioxide through which the rays pass is evidently a function of altitude of the moon above the horizon, while that of the water vapor depends both upon the altitude and the humidity of the air. Professor Arrhenius takes the second method and from Professor Langley’s observations on the heat received from the full moon at various altitudes above the horizon he calculates the amount of heat absorbed by the two gases by an atmosphere having the present average amount of carbon dioxide and the average amount of water vapor, viz., ten grains per cubic meter at the earth’s surface. The full moon has, however, a surface temperature of 100°, and he introduces the corrections necessary to apply the above to a body with the temper- atumerOLenigie Ke: 6 REVIEWS 625 With these data it is not difficult to calculate the effect of any change in the amount of carbon dioxide upon the temperature of the surface of the earth. The temperature of the earth’s surface is theoretically in equilibrium with that of the atmosphere. Now if by any increase in the amount of the carbon dioxide the atmosphere retains more heat than before, it will radiate more heat to the surface of the earth. ‘The ‘surface temperature then will rise until there is again an equilibrium between the two. This rise is governed by Stefan’s law which states that the intensity of the radiation is proportionate to the fourth power of the er From these data Professor Arrhenius finds that if the carbon dioxide is increased 2.5 to 3 times its present value, the temperature in the arctic regions must rise 8° to 9° C. and produce a climate as mild as that of the Eocene period. A diminution to 0.62 to 0.55 of its present value must cause a fall of from 4° to 5° C. and give us a glacial period. It is to be noted that in every case throughout the calculation Pro- fessor Arrhenius has preferred to slightly underestimate the effect of the carbon dioxide than to risk a possible overestimate. Also where he has been compelled to use interpolation the limit of error has been well within the degree of accuracy of the observations upon which they are founded. The tremendous interest of these considerations, not only as a basis for the interpretation of the past history of the globe but also for the prophecy of its future, demands an investigation of the problem along the lines of direct experiment, as a supplement to the elegant calcula- tions of Professor Arrhenius. Cyrus F. Touman, Jr. Special Report on Gypsum and Gypsum Cement Plasters. By G. P. GrimsLey and E. H. S. Baitey. University Geological Survey of ‘Kansas, Vol) V. Pp. 183,30 plates. Topeka, 1899. Among the minor mineral industries of the country those connected with gypsum have been, so far as literature is concerned, heretofore neglected. The present report is accordingly particularly welcome. ‘The papers so far accessible have been, in the main, devoted to the description of local deposits and the technology of the gypsum industries has not been described before in any adequate manner. ‘The present volume includes not only a description of the Kansas gypsum. beds 626 REVIEWS but brief notes on the gypsum of other states and countries and a full discussion of the mining and milling processes. The body of the work is by Dr. Grimsley while Professor Bailey contributes a welcome chapter dealing with the chemistry of the subject. In 1897 Kansas produced 50,045 tons of gypsum which had a value of $252,811. It was a little behind Iowa in production and ahead in values; the difference being in the large proportion of the Iowa prod- uct sold as land plaster. Aside from these two states Michigan and New York are the main producers. The Kansas gypsum is found in three fields; the Northern or Blue Rapids area mainly in Washington and Marshall counties, the central or Gypsum City area of Salina, Dickinson, and Marion counties, and the southern or Medicine Lodge area in Comanche and Barber (misprinted Barton on map) counties. The beds occur in the Permian of Prosser’s classification and the deposits include the original rock deposits and the derived gypsum earths which are of recent origin. These gypsum earths are the dis- tinctive beds of the Kansas-Oklahoma district and are thought to be marsh deposits deriving their peculiarities from the secondary deposi- tion of gypsum in clays. ‘They are used in the production of gypsum cements and are mined by ordinary surface methods. The rock gypsum is won by underground mining on a room and pillar system, of which a more detailed account would have been valuable, and are used in the production of plaster of Paris and other products. The Kansas milling practice does not seem to differ from that of other districts especially, though the Stedman disintegrator has been introduced and a cooling air blast is used at one point to elevate the calcined plaster. Here as elsewhere grinding is in the main done by stones and it seems peculiar, in view of the great progress of recent years in fine grinding machinery, that the numerous experiments in the direction of cheaper and more expeditious grinding have never borne fruit inthe gypsum industries. Burning is done in the ordinary Marsh calcining kettle. It would seem that in the case of the gypsum. earths at least the rotary furnaces now so much used could be applied to advantage. In the discussion of the set of the plaster Dr. Grimsley has con- tributed some highly interesting and valuable microscopic studies in which he shows, in brief, that the strength of the set plaster depends. upon the formation of a network or felt of fine lath-shaped crystals and that the quickening agents in this setting process are the few small. REVIEWS 627, crystals present in the dry plaster. This accords well with all the known facts in the case and is furthermore in line with Jameson’s observations on the setting of Portland cements. It explains some of the pecu- liarities of the behavior of retarders though in the matter of that vexed subject but little that is new is brought out. If the subject of the strength, and rapidity of set of the gypsum cements could have been gone into a little and illustrated by tensile strength and other tests it would have added greatly to the value of the book and have aided in defining the sort of situations in which these cements could be used to best advantage. In the form of hard white finish they now dominate the market so far as interior work is concerned but the advisability of using them for wall work in any general way is open as yet to some question. This is particularly true in view of the strength and cheap- ness of magnesian limes and the availability of non-sulphate cements. Dr. Grimsley’s report is a valuable one, particularly in its technical as distinguished from its geological phases. It will undoubtedly have a large influence on the gypsum industry of the state and is a credit to the vigorous Kansas Survey. H. F. Bain. American Cements. By Urian Cummincs. Pp. 299, 8vo. Rogers & Manson, Boston. 18098. In the rapid introduction of Portland cements in this country the importance and value of the Roman cements bid fair to be overlooked. At present there is what the author fittingly nominates a ‘‘craze”’ for quick setting, high testing cements, and the slower setting, cheaper grades are looked upon in many quarters as of very little value. Mr. Cummings’ long experience in the manufacture of cement and his wide interest in the subject admirably fit him to discuss it. In this little book he has gathered together much scattered information and has added very much from his own experience. His interpretations of the chemical processes involved in the making and the setting of cements will. doubtless arouse much opposition; particularly in his plea for the magnesian cements, but where so much is uncertain any hypothesis backed with such facts as Mr. Cummings marshals must necessarily receive careful attention. Taken as a whole the book is one of which no one interested in cements and the utilization of our limestones and shales, can afford to remain in ignorance. ie BAIN. RECENT FUBLICATIONS —Agricultural Journal, published by the Department of Agriculture, Cape of Good Hope, August 1899. —Baur. G., and Case, E. C. The History of the Pelycosauria, with a Description of the Genus Dimetrodon, Cope. Reprinted from the Trans- actions of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. XX. — BEECHER, CHARLES EMERSON. The Origin and Significance of Spines. A Study in Evolution. Am. Jour. Sci., July to October, Vol. VI, 1898. —Crospy, W. 0. Geology of the Wachusett Dam and Wachusett Aqueduct Tunnel of the Metropolitan Water Works in the Vicinity of Clinton, Mass. Reprinted from the Technology Quarterly, Vol. XII, No. 2, June 1899. Archean-Cambrian Contact near Manitou, Colorado. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Vol. 10, pp. 141-164, Pls. 14-18. Rochester, March 1899. — Dana, Epwarp S._ First Appendix to the Sixth Edition of Dana’s System of Mineralogy. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1899. —Day, Davip T. Summary of the Mineral Production of the United States. in 1898. Extract from the Twentieth Annual Report of the Survey, 1898-9, Part VI. Washington, 1899. —DeE LORENZO, GUISEPPE. Reliquie di Grandi Laghi Pleistocenici Nell” Italia Meridionale. Napoli, 1808. —DumBLE, E. T. Notes on the Geology of Sonora, Mexico. From the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, New York Meeting, February 1899. — DryYGALSKI, Dr. ErRIcH. Die Eisbewegung, ihre physikalischen Ursachen. und ihre geographischen Wirkungen. Abdruck aus Dr. A. Petermanns. Geogr. Mitteilungen, 1898. Heft III. Berlin, 1899. —FIsHER, Rev. O. On the Residual Effect of a Former Glacial Epoch upon Underground Temperature. Philosophical Magazine for July 1899. —Geological Survey of Georgia. Clays of Georgia. By George E. Ladd, Ph.D., Assistant State Geologist. Atlanta, 1899. —Geological Survey of Western Australia. Bulletin No. 3. The Geology of the Coolgardie Gold Field. By Torrington Blatchford, B.A., F. G. S-. Assistant Government Geologist. Perth, 1899. 628 RECHL NI POBLICA TIONS. 629 — GREENLY, EDwArD. The Hereford Earthquake of December 17, 1896. From the Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society, Vol VII. — HawortTHu, ErASmus. Mineral Resources of Kansas for 1898. Annual Bulletin, University Geological Survey of Kansas. Lawrence, 1899. — Hopkins, T. C. Feldspars and Kaolins of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Reprinted from the Journal of the Franklin Institute, July 1899. — HuBBARD, Lucius L., State Geologist. Keweenaw Point with Particular Reference to the Felsites and their Associated Rocks. Accompanied by ten plates and eleven figures. Geological Survey of Michigan, Vol. VI, Part It, —Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources, Second Annual Report, 1898; W.S. Blatchley, State Geologist. Indianapolis, 1899. —lIowa Academy of Sciences, Proceedings for 1898, Vol. VI. Des Moines, 1899. —Iowa University. Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History, Vol. V, No. 1. Report on the Ophiuroidea Collected by the Bahama Expe- dition in 1893. By Professor A. E. Verrill. Iowa City, September 1899. —KAHLENBERG, Louris. Difference of Potential between Metals and Non- Aqueous Solutions of their Salts. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. III, No. 6, June 1899. — KAHLENBERG, Louis and Epwin B. CorpELAND. The Influence of the Presence of Pure Metals upon Plants. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Vol. XII, pp. 454-474. Madi- son, 1899. —LAnG, O. Die Bildung der oolithischen Eisenerze Lothringens. . Sonder- Abdruck aus “Stahl und Eisen,” 1899. Nr. 14. Kalizalzlager. Mit. 4 Abbildungen. Berlin, 1899. De la Formaiion des Cavernes A Propos des Effondrements d’Eisleben. Bruxelles, 1897. Ein Beitrag zur Bildungsgeschichte des Harzgebirges. Mit 2 Profil- skizzen. —READE T. ME.LuARD, C.E., F.G.S.. The Gypsum Boulder of Great Crosby. Plates II, III, IV. Foraminiferal Boulder Clay, Riverside, Seacombe, Cheshire. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Liverpooi Geological Society, 1898-9. Liverpool, 1899. —SARDESON, F. W. Lichenaria Typa W.and S. Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. VIII, August 1899. — SMITH, JAMES PERRIN. Larval Stage of Schloenbachia. Reprinted from the Journal of Morphology, Vol. XVI, No. 1, 1899. The Atheneum Press, Boston. 630 RECENT PUBLICATIONS —STANTON, T. W. Mesozoic Fossils of the Yellowstone National Park. Extract from the “Geology of the Yellowstone National Park,’ Mono- graph XXXII of the U. S. Geol. Survey, Part II. Washington, 1899. —United States Geological Survey: Nineteenth Annual Report 1897-8, Part I, Director’s Report, including Triangulation and Spirit Leveling ; Part IV, Hydrography; Part VI, Mineral Resources of the United States, 1897, Metallic Products, Coal and Coke; Monograph XXXI, Geology of the Aspen Mining District, Colorado, by Josiah Edward Spurr. Atlas to accompany Monograph XXXI on the Geology of the Aspen Mining District, Colorado. Maps and Descriptions of Routes of Exploration in Alaska in 1808, with General Information Concerning the Territory. (10 maps.) Wash- ington, 1899. —WHITEAVES, J. F. The Devonian System in Canada. Vice Presidential Address, Forty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Columbus, Ohio, August 21-26, 1899. The Chemical Publishing Company, Easton, Pa. — WoopwortH, J. B. Some Glacial Wash-Plains of Southern New Eng- land. From the Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. XXIX, 1897. THE FOURNAL OF GEOLOGY OCTOBER— NOVEMBER, 7S99 Cie erelOCe NM SKULL OP CALIFORNIA AND) KEE FLINT IMPLEMENTS OF TABLE MOUNTAIN Tue celebrated skull from Calaveras. county, California, claimed to have been found at a depth of 130 feet in the aurifer- ous gravel deposits of a Pliocene river ‘‘beneath the lava, in the cement, and in close proximity to a completely petrified oak”’ was exhibited by Professor J. D. Whitney at the Chicago meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in the month of August 1868. At that time the attention of the Association in general ses- sion was directed by the writer to certain conditions and _ pecul- iarities of the relic which made it unreasonable to accept it as coming from the deep gravels of a river. The objections then made to the skull as evidence of man’s great antiquity do not appear to have been reported or recorded, having been given in the course of the discussion and not in a paper of record. One chief reason for the rejection of the skull as coming from the gravelly bed of an ancient river is the entire absence on its surface, or on its broken edges, of any marks of attrition. If the skull had ever been rolled along the bed of a river with the bowlders and gravel, it would bear the marks of the violent pounding and wearing action to which any bone or object occur- ring in such gravels is subjected. In fact, a hollow bone or least Vol. VU, No. 7, 631 632 WM. P. BLAKE of all a human skull, could not remain intact, or even so well preserved a fragment as the skull in question, under such violent and abrasive conditions—conditions resulting in the rounding of the edges of pebbles and bowlders and in flattening out pel- lets of gold. Those familiar with the auriferous gravel deposits, even of slight depth in modern rivers, know how the smaller materials fill every interstice of the bedrock, and, in the case of the bones of the mammoth and of the mastodon, how the foramens of the teeth and any cavity of the more solid bones of the jaw become filled up solidly with fine gravel, often cemented, and sometimes holding pellets of gold. Bones found in river gravels show the effects of attrition and wearing. All the thin plates, asperities, and sharp edges disappear under the violence to which they are subjected in running water transporting gravel. In the Calaveras skull no such conditions are found. It was found hollow, nearly empty as left by the decomposed brain, not filled with gravel or sand, of a river deposit, and the broken edges were sharp and not abraded. This condition alone is suf- ficient evidence that the skull and the gravel in which it was said to occur were not parts of the same deposit and contemporane- ous in origin in the river bed. But certain objects were found in the skull—other bones, an ornament of some kind, and the shell of a snail, partially cemented together and to the skull by a deposit of calcareous tufa. All these objects indicate surface origin and interment, and their presence is not reconcilable with any theory of the entombment of the skull in auriferous, deep-seated gravel. Since the exhibition of the skull at Chicago a full description of it, illustrated by a full-sized drawing, has been published by Professor Whitney." By reference to this drawing it will be seen that all the fractured edges of the bones (for it is not an entire skull) are sharp and angular, and do not show signs of abrasion. tContributions to American Geology, Vol. I. The Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada, California, by J. D. Whitney, gto, Cambridge [U. S.], 1880. THE EEIOCENESSICOLE (OF CALIFORNIA 633 The presence of calcareous tufa is adverse to the theory of the occurrence of the bonevin the deep gravel. The tuia is an incrustation ; its presence indicates surface evaporation and con- centration of calcareous waters. It does not occur in this case as a permeating solution forming a cement for deep gravel, but as an investing crust deposited on and around the bone, although it is claimed that a chemical change in the bone has resulted. The cementing material of the deep gravels is generally siliceous rather than calcareous, or if calcareous it permeates the mass and unites the pebbles and grains of sand into a rock-like mass. The description states: ‘‘In cutting away the mixed tufa and gravel which covered the face and base, several fragments of human bones were removed, namely, one whole and one broken metatarsal; the lower end of a left fibula and fragment of an ulna as well as a piece of a sternum.” ‘These bones and frag- ments of bones might have belonged to the same individual to whom the skull had appertained, but besides these there was a portion of a human tibia of too small size to be referred to the same person.’ There were also fragments of the bones of a small mammal. Under the molar bone of the left side, a small snail shell was lodged, partially concealed by one of the small human bones which was wedged into the cavity. This shell was recognized by Dr. J. G. Cooper as Helix mormonum, a species now existing in the Sierra Nevada. Cemented to the fore part of the roof of the mouth was found a circular piece of shell four tenths of an inch in diameter, with a hole drilled through the center which had probably served as an ornament. Several very small pieces of charcoal were also found in the matter adhering to the base of the skull.’’? I have given this full quotation that there may not be any mistake. Professor Whitney is certainly to be commended for his complete presentation of evidence which is sufficient, in my judgment, to show that he was dealing with the relics of an Indian burial place rather than a fossil from the ancient gravels. It is not possible to conceive that this mixture of human bones * [bid., p. 268. 634 WM. P. BLAKE of portions of at least two individuals, an ornament, charcoal, and a snail of an existing species, or of any species—a thin fragile shell—could travel together in the bed of a river and be concentrated in one spot, in fact, in one mass. It is incredible. Much stress in the discussion upon the authenticity of this relic is placed upon the statement of the miner that he found the skull in his mine; that he found it there lying on the side of the channel with a mass of driftwood. While this statement of finding bones and driftwood together at that depth tends to dis- credit the statement it may be accepted, but with the question, how did the skull get there? The best explanation is found in the statement of another miner who had a claim in the vicinity that in going home one evening he picked up the mass, and, in passing his neighbor’s shaft, threw it down to frighten him, and get him to go home to supper. The skull was then ‘“‘ discovered” and taken to Angel’s Camp, where, after resting for a time in the window of the apothecary, it attracted the attention of Dr. Jones, of Murphy’s camp, and was made known to the scientific world. This is the story as told to me by eyewitnesses and partici- pants. Thus the silent but convincing testimony of the skull itself, and of human testimony, are against its reception as evi- dence of man’s antiquity. But while the authenticity of this skull as a Pliocene fossil is questioned and challenged by most authorities, it is often accorded a quasi-recognition rather than an unqualified rejection. For example Professor G., Frederick Wright relying partly upon new evidence presented by Mr. Becker at the meeting of the Geological Society of America in 1891 appears to be convinced of the genuineness of the skull and states “‘it would seem unreas- onable any longer to refuse to credit the testimony.’’* The most satisfactory and common-sense discussion of the merit of this skull as evidence with which I am acquainted is that by Principal Dawson in his work enitled Fossil Men.? After * WRIGHT, “Man and the Glacial Period, p. 296. ?Fossil Men and their Modern Representatives, by J. W. Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., Montreal, 1880, pp. 344-347. LHE PLIOCENE SKULL OF CALIFORNIA 635 giving five cogent reasons for the non-acceptance of the Cala- veras skull as evidence of the existence of man in Pliocene times he sums up as follows: ‘‘The above reasons are, I think, quite sufficient to warrant any geologist in declining to accept the human remains of the California gravels as other than those of American Indians of modern periods.” Quatrefages makes two references to the Calaveras skull. In one he writes: ‘‘Much has been said about the skull discov- ered by Whitney in California. Unfortunately, the description of this specimen has not appeared so that doubts have on sev- eral occasions been expressed as to the existence of the fossil itself. The recent testimony of M. Pinart has removed them, but has at the same time created the most serious doubts as to the antiquity of this specimen, which seems to have been found in disturbed grounds.”’* Again, in discussing the succession of the two great types of skulls, he states ‘that at present everything argues in favor of the anteriority of the dolichocephali. In America the only known fossil skull leads to the same conclusion.” ? In the foregoing citation of the conclusions of Dr. Dawson it will be noted that he groups together the evidence presented by the skull and those from other human remains in the Cali- fornia gravels. This tendency is shown, also, by Dana, who, after mentioning the doubts of the authenticity of the skull, writes: ‘‘ Whitney also mentions the discovery of flint implements in the auriferous gravel in other parts of California. The fossil plants of the gravels are referred to the Pliocene (or partly Miocene) by Lesquereux. The few mammalian remains include the Champlain mastodon and elephant, but in some places Pliocene species. Some recent land shells were contained in the earth filling the cranium.” To anyone not familiar with the localities, the modern and ancient gravels, and the occurrence of flint implements, the *A. DE QUATREFAGES, The Human Species. Int. Sci. Series, D. Appleton & Co., 1888, p. 291. ? Ibid., p. 299. 636 WM, P. BLAKE conclusion would, I think, be a fair one that both the mammalian remains and flint implements occur in the same gravels, or horizon, in which the skull is claimed to have been found. So far as my knowledge extends this is not so. J am not aware that it has been claimed that flint implements, or even the remains of the mammoth and the mastodon have been found where the skull was said to occur. That flint implements have been found in association with the remains of the large mammals there is little doubt, but as to the age of such gravels, and whether or not the implements may not have been washed in from higher levels or superficial deposits of a far later origin I am not able to bear conclusive testimony. The subject requires most careful and extended investigation, the fact being always kept in mind that in the gigantic placer mining operations of California there is a concentration upon the bedrock of all heavy objects which may have been originally in the surface soil or any part of the banks of gravel between the soil and the bed of the ancient river. In all river and creek channels of modern streams, and even in what are called dry arroyos or gulches, there is a possibility that in seasons of flood or of great accumulation of rushing water from showers or cloud-bursts objects lying on the surface, such as stone implements, pestles, mortars, metates, flint chips, etc., may be swept onwards in the gravel and sunk to the very bed- rock and become buried by deposits twenty feet thick, and pos- sibly more and all in the space of an hour or less. The loss of iron safes in different places in California and Arizona, the safes wholly disappearing, and similarly the loss of quicksilver in flasks while crossing a swollen torrent are familiar examples. Heavy objects, like gold, in swiftly moving water are carried to the lowest point possible and are covered from view by heavy deposits of gravel and bowlders. The finding, therefore, of Indian stone mortars at a considerable depth in gravel in a modern stream valley is not good evidence of antiquity. In regard to the concentration of objects on the bedrock of placers, when there is sluicing or washing by the hydraulic method on a large scale, miners are familiar with the fact that THE PLIOCENE SKULL OF CALTFORINTA 637 nails, spikes, shot and bullets are frequently found in cleaning up the sluices. In one instance, known to the writer, a small cast-iron casket containing the remains of an infant in alcohol was found in cleaning up a sluice after a long run by the hydraulic process upon a bank of gravel some thirty feet deep. THE TABLE MOUNTAIN RELICS Much has been written regarding the flint implements in great variety and perfection of workmanship collected from Table Mountain near Angels Camp by the late Dr. Snell. It was stated by him that they were found under Table Mountain, the lava cap of an old Pliocene river. I must confess to have for a time lent credence to this view of their occurrence. I reported the facts as I then understood them at the Congress of Arche- ologists at Paris in 1867. But later investigations have satisfied me that these relics "were entombed in the surface soil and accumulations of the slope of the mountain just below the jutting, overhanging cliffs of the lava, which afforded excellent protection from the weather, and were no doubt occupied as habitations or dwellings analogous to the cliff-dwellings of New Mexico and Arizona, but without any, now visible, exterior wall or construction. There is no reason for associating these flint implements in any way with the occur- rence of the skull, or with the bones of the great mammals. Wy. P. BLAKE. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, March 1899. A GRANITE-GNEISS IN CENTRAL CONNECTICUT THE granite-gneiss* to be described occurs on both sides of the Connecticut River, some five miles east of Middletown. It cuts the schists of the eastern crystalline area of Connecticut, a short distance east of their contact with the Triassic sandstone. Its distribution is shown on the accompanying map (Fig.1).? It forms an oval area inthe mica schist, and, at its northern end, is continued northward by a series of beds varying from a few inches to many feet in thickness, lying parallel to the enclosing schists. The largest of these is a direct continuation of the main granite-gneiss mass, and all are probably parts of the same intrusion. As the distance from the main area increases, these beds gradually thin out and disappear from the schists. The only previous work on the geology of this region is that of Percival,3 who recognized this granitic rock only on the east side of the river, and united that part of it with a large mass of granitic-gneiss to the north, with which it is probably not con- nected. He does not consider the origin of any of the gneisses. It ‘has not been possibie to use Percival’s results except in a general way, and the work done in this region by the writer is essentially de novo. The rock is a medium to fine-grained biotite-gneiss. The color varies from white or light gray to dark gray, according to the amount of biotite. In a few cases the rock is almost or quite massive, but usually it is well foliated. The granite-gneiss is cut by several sets of joint planes, of which one set is nearly "In this paper a gneiss of granitic composition and of unknown origin is called a granitic gneiss; if of igneous origin, a granitic gneiss. See C. H. GorDON in Bull. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. VII, p. 122. 2 That portion of the western boundary of the granite-gneiss north of the river is largely covered by river terrace, and for about a mile along the eastern border, near Great Hill pond, outcrops are rare. With these two possible exceptions, the “sup- posed boundary,” so-called, is believed to be very nearly the true boundary. 3J.G. PeRcIVAL: Report on the Geology of Connecticut. 1842, pp. 222, 224. 638 GRA NITE-GNEISS IN CONNECTICUT 639 LECEND, Localities teferred tf in text are numbered = “Qugen’- gneiss. Yo Quarries iY Granulite \ Diptand strike SU we Near or @xacl boundary \ ye Upposed boundary, ny One Mile, ae seh AIR UNE RY { t) / So H pas N (Sag SO Ficor ; Sy Riv & ’ SSS R r) Ep U on) ae Pia es oy =f x fe 3 a 8: a “ ® 2 ie ‘ = * TX Benvenve Qu. wi x iz ; ty J Fic. 1. Map of the Granite-Gneiss Area. r 640 LEWIS G. WESTGAWE or quite parallel to the foliation, giving the rock a bedded appearance (Fig. 2. Map,1). Several quarries have been opened, and the attempt has been made to market the rock as a building stone. It is handsome when first quarried, but stains quickly, and so is of use only for foundations, etc. Fic. 2. Bedded Granite-Gneiss, Maromas Quarry. I. THE GRANITE-GNEISS IS ERUPTIVE. 1. General stratigraphical features—A rounded or elliptical form, like that taken by this granite-gneiss, is common in the case of eruptive granites. The narrow belt that runs into the schists from its northern end is decidedly subordinate to the larger mass of which it is an offshoot. Thenorthwest direction of the longer axis of the granite-gneiss area is doubtless deter- mined by the strike of the enciosing schists. The irregularity of the boundary on the west side of the granite-gneiss indicates GRANITE-GNEISS IN CONNECTICOT 641 the same origin as does the general form of the area..° At several points, too, along the western border and southern end of the granite-gneiss (Map, 2), the line of contact cuts across the strike of the foliation of the enclosing schists. This is not noticeable at all of the localities at which actual contacts between the two rocks can be seen, though it is at one or ‘two, but it comes out on mapping the dip and strike of the schist. This foliation of the schists seems to be a stratification foliation and not a secondary structure, because (1) it is parallel to the alter- nating beds of schist and fine-grained micaceous gneiss which make up the schist formation, and (2) the dip and strike of the foliation is not uniform throughout the area, but varies through all possible changes. 2. Contact Phenomena.— At some of the localities where the exact contact of the two rocks is seen there is the clearest proof within narrower compass of the eruptive character of the granite- gneiss (Map, 3). The line of contact is frequently irregular, the granite-gneiss often cuts across the foliation ot the schist or sends tongues into the schist; and sheets of schist, partly torn from the main schist mass, occur projecting into the granite-gneiss. As the granite-gneiss occurs in the midst of completely crys- talline schists, any considerable contact metamorphism of the surrounding rocks would not be expected. In many granite intrusions into crystalline rocks no contact metamorphism is seen. In the present case besides quartz, feldspar, biotite and occasionally hornblende, the schists carry at times garnet, staurolite, cyanite and tourmaline. The latter often seems to be connected with the pegmatite dikes which cut the schist. None of these less common minerals is more abundant near the con- tact or can be considered a result of the metamorphic action of the granite-gneiss. It is sufficient merely to mention at this point another evi- dence of the igneous character of the granite-gneiss, namely, the fine-grained granulitic character which it assumes at some points about its border. This endomorphic metamorphism of the granite-gneiss will be described more fully below. 642 LEWIS G. WESTGATE 3. Inclusions.— One of the most striking proofs of the eruptive character of the granite-gneiss is the presence of inclusions of schist within its boundary. These are seen at a number of localities in widely different parts of the area, and commonly not far from the border (Map, 4). They vary in size from a few inches to many feet in length, and may be of linear or very irregular form. The material composing them is a biotite-schist, or a fine-grained biotite-gneiss, similar to the schist series around the gneiss and often showing the minute folding which in places is characteristic of the latter. The inclusions occur both in the more massive and in the more foliated varieties of the granite- gneiss, and also in the granulitic facies which occurs at some points about the border. At this point it is well to describe an occurrence which, while not a proof of the igneous origin of the granite-gneiss, is best understood in connection with inclusions. At several localities in the southern half of the granite area, occur isolated bands of schist of uniform thickness, running parallel to the foliation of the immediately adjacent granite-gneiss. They cease at a greater or less distance, but their actual termination cannot be seen because of lack of outcrops. They show sharp contacts with the enclosing granite-gneiss and in one or two cases tongues of the latter enter them at a low angle, showing them to be inclusions. And as even those schist bands which do not show an apparent eruptive contact lie within an area of rock which is certainly in largest part eruptive, it is most likely that all such occurrences are inclusions. - These band-like inclusions vary from a few feet to several score of feet in thick- ness, and are sometimes several hundred feet in length. Their direction is variable and is independent of the foliation of the schist lying nearest to them outside of the granite-gneiss area. Their sheet-like character was evidently determined by the strong foliation of the schists through which the granite-gneiss is here eruptive. It is, however, along the east side of the granite- gneiss that the amount of this foreign material is greatest. Here the mica-schist is associated with considerable dark, GRANITE -GNEISS IN CONNECTICOT 643 thin-bedded gneiss and schist which contain both biotite and horn- blende, and with amphibolite. These dark bands of gneiss and schist are not here variable in direction, but run parallel to the boundary of the granite-gneiss, and agree in dip and strike with the schist east of itand with themselves. Yet undoubted igneous contacts occur between these dark gneisses and schists, and the lighter granite-gneiss which occurs between them. The granite- gneiss which in other parts of the area replaced almost entirely the schist through which it came, here merely forced its way into fissures parallel to the foliation of the country rock. The distribution of this belt of mixed rock is shown on the map. As already pointed out the granite-gneiss gradually disappears as we go north. 4. Schheren.—-\n a number of places where the granite-gneiss is most massive, it encloses patches of darker material or schlieren—basic segregations of the granitemagma. These are best seen in the Benvenue and Maromas quarries. The schlieren are of uniform composition, finer grained than the enclosing rock, have a larger proportion of biotite, and often contain hornblende, which is almost wholly wanting in the ordinary granite-gneiss. They are rounded, elliptical or irregular in outline and always elongated parallel to the foliation so as to form lenticular patches and in extreme cases bands. This lenticular and frequently sheet-like form is probably due to movement in the partly differentiated magma previous to thes olidification of the rock. Such darker and more basic portions are very common in gran- ites and have been regarded as a strong indication of the eruptive origin of the rock in'which they are found. In the Benvenue quarry where these schlieren occur,:the rock also holds irregular inclusions of schist. Associated Pegmatite Dikes—Although the presence of abun- dant pegmatite dikes~about a granitic area would not in itself be a proof that the rock in question was eruptive, it would be an interesting and corroborative fact. In the opinion of * ROSENBUSCH : Massige Gesteine, p.62; G. H. WILLIAMS, XV., Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv., p. 662. 644 LEWIS G. WESTGATE Brégger,’ Williams,? Crosby,3 and others, the presence of one or more parent masses of less acid plutonic rocks is to be expected in such regions of abundant pegmatite dikes. The pegmatite dikes of central Connecticut are abundant, and are widely known for the variety and beauty of the minerals they have furnished col- lectors. They occur in dike-like masses in both gneisses and schists, but more abundantly in the latter, and they both cross and run parallel to the foliation of the enclosing rocks. Their contact with the gneisses and schists is sharp and they frequently contain inclusions of the same. There are two other considera- ble areas of granitic biotite-gneiss in the region, one to the south and the other to the north of the area under consideration. The former shows no sign of igneous origin and seems to be the basal member of a series of conformable gneisses and schists which form a northward pitching anticline. The study of the latter area is not yet completed. The evidence so far collected seems to indicate that it is largely composed of eruptive material; but even so the Middletown granite-gneiss ‘s more centrally located with reference to the dikes and would more likely be the rock genetically connected with them. The schists which surround it are more filled with pegmatite. The hills near the Connecticut River, just west of the granite-gneiss, are known as the ‘“‘ White Rocks,” from the prominent outcrops of pegmatite, and the schist east of the granite-gneiss is also cut by quantities of the same rock. This abundance of pegmatite dikes would lead us to expect one or more centrally located masses of granite with which they could be connected, and the area of granite-gneiss we have been describing seems to answer the expectation It does not appear that the dikes radiate from it; rather they follow in a general way the foliation of the schist. They do, however, appear to grow more abundant toward the granite-gneiss. In connection with the evidence brought forward to show the eruptive nature of the granite-gneiss it is interesting to know * Zeit. fiir Kryst., Vol. XIV, 1890, or Canadian Rec. Sci., Vol, VI, p. 33. 2 Fifteenth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 680. 3CRosBy and FULLER, American Geologist, Vol. XIX, p. 151. GRANITE-GNEISS IN CONNECTICUT 645 that the granitic biotite-gneiss to the south, which has already been mentioned as constituting the lowest member of an anticlinal fold, and which appears from its field relations to be a sedimentary rock, wholly lacks the various characteristics of igneous origin possessed by the granite-gneiss. The miner- alogical and structural characters which come out in a micro- scopical study of the rock, and which will be described below, are also in harmony with the belief that the granite-gneiss, in spite of its general and pronounced foliation, is an igneous rock. II. PETROGRAPHY OF THE GRANITE-GNEISS 1. Lhe ordinary type-—TVhe ordinary form of the granite- gneiss is a light-colored, rather fine-grained biotite-gneiss. The amount of biotite varies considerably. Where it is most abun- dant, the rock is a dark-gray, well-foliated gneiss ; where least abundant, the rock is light-gray and of a quite granitic appear- ance. In no case does it become perfectly massive. The grain of the rock allows of its being split along the foliation into curb- stones, but not, as in the case of some of the other gneisses of the region, into flagstones. In the main body of the granite- gneiss the strike of the foliation is approximately N. 45° W.; the dip, 30° N. E. Joint planes cut the granite-gneiss in sev- eral directions, one nearly or quite parallel to the foliation, others at right angles. The rock is handsome when first quarried, but has proved useless as a building stone, because it rusts on exposure. Microscopically the rock is a granitic mixture of feldspars and quartz, in which lie small plates of biotite. The biotite is abundant, generally with a pronounced parallel arrangement, to which the foliation of the rock is due. Hornblende is almost wholly absent. Ina single section green hornblende occurs in amount subordinate to the biotite and it can be seen in a very few exposures in the field. The feldspars usually present an allotriomorphic, granitic aggregate of grains. Orthoclase is most abundant. An acid plagioclase is of common _ occurrence. Microcline also occurs in smaller and more irregular grains. 646 LEWIS G. WESTGATE Both orthoclase and microcline frequently show a fine microper- thitic intergrowth, with a second feldspar. In a larger number of sections some orthoclase and plagioclase grains show a grano- phyric intergrowth, with a second mineral, probably quartz, which takes the form of narrow irregular, curving or angular inclusions, converging toward the center of the feldspar grain. This granophyric intergrowth is absent from the probably sedi- mentary gneisses to the south, and seems to be characteristic of those of igneous origin. Quartz occurs in irregular but some- what rounded interstitial grains, and is also common in drop- like inclusions in the feldspars, which occasionally approach a a dihexahedral shape. Titanite, in small, rounded, and lenticu- lar grains, is the most common accessory. A very little apatite and magnetite occur. In about one half of the sections there is evidence of a slight amount of crushing. In the section where this is best shown, some of the quartz grains have been elon- gated, broken into separate areas, and granulated about their border and along lines of fracture; and between the feldspar grains are lines of smaller grains, which seem to have come from the fracturing of the feldspar, Yet in this section considerable portions show no evidence of crushing, and in many slides no proof of crushing exists. 2. Schlieren.— The biotite-gneiss, especially where it is more massive, often contains schlieren of darker color and finer grain, which have already been referred to and partly described in the discussion of the igneous origin of the granite-gneiss. Sections from these schlieren resemble closely the ordinary granite- gneiss. They are granitic in structure, but with a distinct folia- tion. Green hornblende is present, but is less abundant than the biotite. Orthoclase, plagioclase, and microcline occur in abundance in the order named. A few feldspar grains show the granophyric intergrowth already mentioned. Quartz and micro- perthite are absent. Titanite is acommon accessory. The pres- ence of hornblende and absence of quartz, while keeping the other essential structure and characters of the granite-gneiss, indicates that these darker patches are an integral part of the GRANTTE GENISS [N CONNECTICUT 647 granite-gneiss, only somewhat more basic than the general rock. The absence of any evidence of crushing in the sections shows that their present lenticular and banded form was attained while the rock was still unsolidified. 3. Lhe ‘‘augen’’-gneiss— Frequently the granite-gneiss be- comes a decided ‘‘augen’”’-gneiss. Its distribution is indicated as nearly as possible on the map. It attains its best develop- ment along the northeastern border of the granite-gneiss and in the narrow tongue that runs north into the schist. The ‘“‘augen’’-gneiss often passes gradually into the ordinary granite- gneiss, with which it is identical in mineralogical composition and in structure, with the single exception of the occurrence of sub-porphyritic feldspar crystals and aggregates. A surface broken at right angles to the foliation shows a light gray gneiss, dotted with more or less distinct ‘‘augen” of white or pink feld- spar, averaging three fourths of an inch in length, and with a parallel arrangement, around and between which run the lines of biotite flakes. The feldspar of the ‘‘augen” often reflects light as a single crystal, either simple or a Carlsbad twin, and rarely this crystal is roughly rectangular, yet it never possesses crystal boundaries. Quite commonly the cleavage surface of these broken crystals shows dull rounded areas of feldspar which are differently oriented grains included within the larger crystal. Where a single crystal occurs it forms the irregularly margined core of the “‘auge”’ and is surrounded by a dull white rim com- posed of an aggregate of fine feldspar grains. As the core is pink and the rim white, there is a further contrast between the two. Much more often than not, however, the reddish core does not reflect as a unit, but consists of an aggregate of grains, still flesh-colored and coarser than the rim. In other cases the ‘‘augen”’ consist of aggregates of white feldspars without any reddish cores. It looks very much in the hand specimen as if those reddish cores of the ‘“‘augen,” which are composed of an aggregate of grains, were derived from the fracturing of single grains, which in some cases seem to remain partly intact at the center. But 648 LEWIS G. WESTGA TE where such an aggregate is examined microscopically it is seen to be composed of feldspars of different species which show no evidence of crushing. One section (Fig. 3) showed such an aggregate consisting of a very irregular Carlsbad twin of orthoclase at its center, partly or completely enclosing irregular grains of orthoclase, plagioclase, and microcline, all containing small rounded grains of quartz. There was no evidence of crushing; no evidence of derivation of the smaller grains from Fic. 3.— An “auge” of the “augen”’-gneiss (X 18). The dark area on the upper right side is beyond the border of the section. Opposite, below, is the border of clear feldspar grains with a little biotite. : the central orthoclase grain. About this central aggregate was a zone of clearer feldspars. The red cores, then, of the ‘‘augen,”’ both single grains and aggregates, are original crystallizations. The case may be somewhat different with the white rims which in many cases surround the red cores. These do show some evidence of crushing, and may be in part derived from periph- eral crushing of the red cores, possibly accompanied by some recrystallization, for the feldspars here have a fresher appearance GRANITE-GNEISS IN CONNECTICUT 649 than those in the central part of the ‘‘augen.” Yet the absence of evidence of extensive crushing, and the fact that many of the “augen’’ consist wholly of white aggregates of feldspar which under the microscope show no evidence of crushing, lead us to suspect that even these white aggregates, which sometimes occur as borders around the red cores and sometimes constitute ‘‘augen’”’ by themselves, may be, in large part, original crystalli- zations. The fact that these ‘“‘augen” do not include to any extent plates of biotite, but that the lines of biotite flakes curve around them, seems to point to the formation of the ‘‘augen’’ previous to the complete solidification of the rock. The ‘‘augen’’- gneiss, like the granite-gneiss of which it is a local variation, is of igneous origin. If we suppose that the first step in its forma- tion was the separation of small orthoclase individuals or aggre- gates of feldspar, mainly orthoclase, but containing plagioclase and microcline, which received their parallel arrangement before the final solidification of the rock, and which may have been subsequently somewhat reduced by crushing, we shall have the most probable explanation of the ‘‘augen’’-gneiss phase of this granite-gneiss, The foliation of the granite-gneiss does not seem to be in the main a dynamic result. Evidence of crushing is found in many sections in the form of wavy extinction of the quartz and lines of finer material between the larger quartz and feldspar grains, and crushing may be responsible in part for the parallel structure of the rock. Yet in many sections of the well-foliated gneiss the microscope shows no evidence of crushing at all. It seems more likely that the arrangement in a common plane of the biotite and, in the ‘““‘augen’’-gneiss, of the often rather tab- ular grains of orthoclase is a result of movement in the partly solidified magma. The character of the schlieren points to the same conclusion. In ordinary granites the schlieren are not stretched, but are roughly equidimensional, and such we may suppose their original form to have been in the present case. Had they been drawn out to their present distorted condition subsequent to the solidification of the rock, they could hardly 650 LEWIS G. WESTGATE fail to show evidence of such a movement in the distortion and crushing of their individual mineral particles, but such is not the case. Anda rock subjected, while still incompletely solidi- fied, to such an extensive movement as is indicated in the present instance by the form of the schlieren, would naturally have the elements which had already crystallized out, in this case biotite and, locally, individual grains and aggregates of feldspar, arranged in a more or less parallel manner. 4. Granulite.—For a mile along its western border, and fora somewhat greater distance about its southern end, the granite- gneiss shows a granulitic facies towards the contact. At other points both the ‘‘augen’’-gneiss and the ordinary granite-gneiss may occur unchanged in immediate contact with the schist. The width of this granulite border is not constant ; it varies from two or three feet to many yards. Where typically developed, it is a fine-grained, light gray or brownish rock, sometimes pure white and lacking all traces of dark minerals. This pure white granulite is present only at a few places and imme- diately at the contact. Small garnets are usually present. The rock has asugary texture, and when somewhat weath- ered often crumbles under the pressure of the fingers. Micro- scopically it is a fine-grained aggregate of orthoclase, an acid plagioclase, microclineand quartz. The structure is the so-called granulitic of M. Levy' and the panidiomorphic of Rosenbusch.? The quartz and feldspar form an aggregate of variously oriented rounded grains of uniform size, which are not, however, bounded by crystal planes. With the scarcity of biotite, the foliation becomes indistinct or wanting. In one case garnet grains form fine lines on the broken edge of the rock. No evi- dence of crushing exists. *M Lévy: Classification des Roches Eruptives, Pp. 30. ? ROSENBUSCH: Massige Gesteine, p. 461. In this connection see TURNER: Geology of the Sierra Nevada, Sixteenth Ann. Report U.S. Geol. Surv., Pt. I, p. 737. Granulite (M. Lévy) is synonymous with aplite (Rosenbusch). Rosenbusch regards aplites as typically dike rocks, yet recognizes their occurrence as acid border phases of granite intrusions. /ézd., p. 65. GRANITE ~GNETSS IN CONNECTICUT 651 At several localities the granulite can be followed from the contact and can be seen to pass gradually into the ordinary granite-gneiss. The changes on passing from the contact are as follows: (1) The rock becomes coarser, loses its granulitic structure and assumes a granitic structure. (2) The garnet dis- appears, biotite becomes abundant and is accompanied by the ordinary accessories of the granite-gneiss, titanite, magnetite and apatite. (3) Small grains of granophyre and microperthite Fic. 4. Granulite (X18). appear. These are common among the feldspars of the granite, but are wholly lacking in the granulite. Of these characters the granulitic structure and the presence of garnet extend farthest from the contact and often at a distance of many yards the richly biotitic granite-gneiss becomes garnetiferous and shows a decidedly saccharoidal texture. Bands of granulite occur interbedded with or cutting across the schists near the contact. These bands are often less than an inch in thickness, and may connect with the main mass of the 652 LEWIS G. WESTGATE granulite. A few of the smaller bands contain much muscovite and are well foliated. The granite-gneiss sometimes assumes a granulitic facies about inclusions. A good example of this occurs at one end of the Benvenue quarry, west of theriver. A fifteen-foot mass of schist is caught in the granite-gneiss, which is dark gray and thick-bedded, but at the contact with the schist- inclusion changes to a fine-grained, white granulite with minute scattered flakes of biotite. The eruptive nature of the granulite is clear. It cuts across the bedding of the surrounding schists ; it sends apophyses into them; it holds inclusions of them. That it forms one geological body with the granite-gneiss is shown by its gradual passage into the latter at several points. It is not a crushed granite, as its position about the border of the granite and the absence of any microscopical evidence of crushing would show. It is an example of original endomorphic contact-metamorphism of the granite-gneiss,_more acidic and finer grained than the main body of the rock. The fineness of grain and the granulitic structure may be due to more rapid cooling of the magma in the neighborhood of the contact, though there is no reason why the conditions and consequently the structure of the granite-gneiss should be different at these points from what they were about the whole border of the granite. The more acidic character of the rock at the contact has not been satisfactorily explained. Similar phenomena have been observed elsewhere,’ notably about some of the granite intrusions of France. Besides the contact granulite described above, granulite occurs in three distinct forms. It occurs (1) as bands, generally not over a foot in thickness, cutting the granite-gneiss in or across the foliation and often becoming coarser and somewhat pegmatitic. In many cases these bands appear to grade some- what abruptly into the surrounding rock. They are in a sense later than the granite wall-rock and may mark a closing stage of igneous activity, before the granite had fully hardened. it ‘ROSENBUSCH, Massige Gesteine, p. 65. References to articles by BARROIS on several of these granites are given on p. 14. GRANITE-GENISS IN CONNECTICUT 653 occurs (2) as a white, fine-grained granulitic portion of some of the pegmatites. (3) One or several dikes of gray granulite cut the dark gneisses which occur associated with the granite-gneiss along its northern border (Map, 5). Their position is shown on the map. Each of these varieties has its own peculiarities and all differ from the contact granulite. They are probably all later than this last and are merely mentioned here for the sake of completeness. 5. Darker and more foliated granite-gneiss—Along the north- eastern side of the granite-gneiss area is a belt which has already been noticed, in which the granite-gneiss alternates with schists and with dark, more or less hornblendic gneisses and amphib- olites. This area is indicated on the map. Associated here with the granite-gneiss and with these other rocks is a third type, in a way intermediate, yet more closely related to the granite-gneiss. These last rocks are darker and more foliated than the granite-gneiss. They are frequently marked by lentic- ular-linear white patches, up to a third of an inch in thickness, composed of an aggregate of feldspar grains. From this char- acter they may be named “‘spotted-gneiss.”” They agree micro- scopically in structure and in mineral composition with the granite-gneiss. There are only two differences: (1) anincrease in the amount of biotite and, asa consequence, a better developed foliation, and (2) the presence in some cases of hornblende. Sometimes they show microscopical evidence of crushing. They form eruptive contacts with the schists which are cut by the granite-gneiss. The relations of the spotted-gneiss and the amphibolites are not wholly clear, and these relations are probably different in different cases. The two rocks are distinct petrographically. The contact between the two is an eruptive contact. If the amphibolites are older——-and their stronger banding and folia- tion might well suggest as much—it matters not to the under- standing of the granite-gneiss whether they are of igneous or sedimentary origin; they are in either case earlier rocks cut by the granite-gneiss. But in many cases they are probably later. 654 LEWIS"G. WESTIGATE, For eruptive amphibolites occur abundantly in the schist and presumably sedimentary gneisses outside the granite-gneiss area, and at one point within the granite-gneiss (Map, 6) banded amphibolites occur grading into massive hornblende-gabbro, and this basic rock becomes finer grained toward the contact where it cuts across the foliation of the granite-gneiss. Some of these amphibolites, then, are certainly younger than the granite-gneiss and cut it. Some may be older than the granite-gneiss. The relation of the spotted-gneiss to the more ordinary granite-gneiss is not altogether clear. In some cases parallel bands of the two le in sharp contrast. Again within limited areas a complete series of intermediate rock types occur. The spotted-gneiss seems to be a somewhat more basic rock derived from the same magma as the granite-gneiss. In part, however, it looks as if the two were not strictly contemporaneous. The spotted-gneiss may have been intruded into the granite-gneiss, or vice versa, although both find their origin in the same molten body and were the products of a single igneous intrusion. Lewis G. WESTGATE. SOME NOTES -ON THE LAKES AND: VALLEYS "OR THE UPPER. "NUGSUAK PENINSULA; “NORTH GREENLAND" INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT Tue Upper Nugsuak peninsula is located in north latitude 74° 5’—-15'; is 25 to 30 miles long, averaging from four to six miles in width, and has a due southwest trend with the general coast line of Greenland. This part of the coast is characteristi- cally rough and rugged. The marginal strip —at present ice- free — is intersected by numerous fjords, which, in many cases, penetrate to the very edge of the ice-cap, cutting the uncovered land into numerous islands and peninsulas. A considerable part of the uncovered lands is occupied by lakes. The peninsula is limited on its north and south sides, by fjords descending to depths of not less than 300 to 500 fathoms, and varies in elevation up to nearly 3000 feet. The hilltops have a general elevation of 1000 to 2000 feet. Its surface is a very rough and irregular one; is cut up bya network of deeply incised valleys, the seaward extension of which add to the ruggedness of the coast line. The general appearance of the inter-valley areas—hills and ridges—is that of a well rounded moutonnée torm, which pre- vailingly show among the lower hills a highly polished sur- face, while the higher peaks are as uniformly angular, and are very much less subdued topographic types. Some of the valley slopes are steep, often times precipitous, often with large talus * The writer wishes to express his indebtedness to the Cornell University Expedi- tion of 1896, under the directorship of Professor R. S. Tarr, and of which the writer was a member, when this work was made possible. Further acknowledgments are due Professors R. S. Tarr and A. C. Gill, and Messrs. E. M. Kindle, J. O. Martin and J. A. Bonsteel for valuable aid and suggestions — especially Professor Tarr, who kindly read and criticised this paper in manuscript. 655 656 THOMAS L. WATSON heaps at their bases. The slopes have been trenched and fur- rowed by running water derived from the melting ice and snows. The scarred and shattered surface everywhere testifies to the great rapidity of frost action. The results of glaciation are con- spicuous over all its parts, attesting the fact that the ice-cap has over-ridden its entire surface at some previous time. Remnants of local glaciers still exist among the higher peaks of its north- ern border. Bowlders are abundant, while the paucity of till is quite marked. Owing to much variation in texture, the intimate relation- ship of rock structure to topography is well marked, as shown in the case of the dikes of basic rock —diabase (?) — found cutting the gneiss in various directions. The gneiss has been intricately folded and contorted. LAKE CLASSIFICATION No large lakes are found on the peninsula. The basins vary in size from one and a half miles in length down to the merest LAKES AND VALLEYS OF NUGSUAK PENINSULA 657 pool. The largest water bodies are confined for the most part to the large valleys; but many tarns are scattered over the higher lands. Bothtypes are, with one or two possible exceptions, true rock-basins, since they are entirely surrounded by rock in place ; for there is rarely enough till for a dam. Based primarily on origin, the lakes are grouped under ‘‘ Rock-basins due to glacial origin,” and on position, are further grouped as (a), highland, and (0), valley lakes. ROCK-BASINS OF GLACIAL ORIGIN The highland lakes.— On account of their salient features, not all the highland lakes can be ascribed as the direct products of glacial erosion; but it is certain that all of them owe their origin, either entirely or in part, to glaciation. Therefore, since this class is in part directly and in part indirectly the products of glaciation, and since no differentiation of those that are ice- scoured basins from those that are perhaps only partially due to glaciation, can be effected, they are both grouped as highland lakes of glacial origin. This entire group of lakes is composed of small tarns and pools of very shallow depth. Their distribution is apparently controlled entirely by the weaker rock structure. Where the joint planes were numerous and intersected, tiny lakes were often found. Generally, the larger highland basins were found developed in the direction of the strike of the gneiss, and had resulted from the removal of the softer layers of gneiss, by some process of erosion. Still others were observed where these planes of weakness were not apparent, but, in some cases, could probably be ascribed to the result of chemical or mechanical weakness, due to mineral distribution. The lakes are prevailingly irregular in outline, and contain varying amounts of weathered débris scattered over the bottoms of their basins, which is very probably due to recent action. Their size, distribution, position and intimate relationship to rock structure, and irregularity of outline are sufficient evidence of their having resulted, in part, from differential atmospheric 658 THOMAS L. WATSON erosion. Scarcely any doubt exists against the large share of these tarns having resulted directly from differential ice scouring along the line of weaker rocks. In other cases, however, the basins have been more or less modified by the ice advance, which served to remove the preglacial decay, resulting in some instances, ina probable deepening from this cause. Evidence has been brought forward by others, proving that not all trace of minor preglacial form was destroyed by the ice advance over portions of this and the Baffin land coast. Furthermore, that in itsadvance, all the preglacial decay was not removed, but that a somewhat roughened and irregu- lar surface resulted from such action, mostly along the lines of rock weakness. To the combined action, therefore, of differential preglacial weathering and ice erosion, along the lines of weak structure, are due most, if not all, of the group of highland lakes. Concerning the origin of this type of lake along the Greenland coast and other simi- larly glaciated lands in the arctic latitudes Professor Tarr says :* It is noticeable near Cumberland Sound, as well as in Turnavik, and in Hudson’s Strait, and indeed in Greenland, that there are many basins of small size, surrounded entirely by rock. While some of these have no doubt been scoured out by differential ice erosion, the position of many of them along the lines of weaker rocks, indicates that they represent differential preglacial weathering. The advance of the ice in these cases has served to remove the WDARR) Re) (St:@ Amer. iGeolaarso7.) Vols XOX nip ps 195, 196. apiice East Lake bottom West ke Sea level —— Lake ‘bottom Sea level bone bottom Profile of valley marked AB Scale # =foo inches. rs ‘ Fi LAKES AND VALLEYS OF NUGSUAK PENINSULA 659 decayed rock, and perhaps to deepen the depressions formed by this action, though ice erosion would not in this case be the prime cause for the basin. These [ rock-basins] seem to be depressions caused rather by preglacial decay than by glacial erosion, They are oftenso small and bounded by walls so angular that origin by ice scouring seems impossible." The valley lakes.—The line, marked ‘‘AB” on the map, indi- cates the position of one of the largest valleys on the peninsula, with seaward termination on the east and west sides, and is from three and a half to four miles in length. Fig. 3 shows cross- sections, with reference to sea level, of the east and west ends of this valley. ‘‘A’”’ was sketched at a point in the valley 165 feet above sea level, while “‘B” is only 15 feet above. Neither of these has been platted to any scale. A glance at the two is sufficient to note the contrast in outline of the two ends of the valley. The south end, A, is filled in on all sides to an unknown depth with perfectly angular blocks of large dimensions. This difference in valley width for the two ends is due, probably, in a great measure, to preglacial conditions. It is more than likely, that the preglacial divide was located near the south end of the valley, with its western end farther down stream, and therefore wider. The west end of the valley is fully three fourths of a mile wide, with inclosing walls rising 1000 feet and more above the bottom, sloping at a steep angle—less than 45°. The valley further holds the largest lakes distributed along any one of the valley bottoms (see Fig. 2). Careful soundings were made of all the lakes located in this valley, and two showed their bottoms to be considerably below sea level. The position in the lakes where soundings were taken are marked on Fig. 2. After the sounding data were obtained, several possibilities naturally suggested themselves to account for this condition, in the lakes. A close examination of all the conditions, however, resulted in the elimination of all save one of the possibilities. Stream erosion with subsequent depression is eliminated on the ground of extreme irregularity of valley bottom. On the north and near the west end of the valley, the attitude of the strata is 1 /bid., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 1897, Vol. VIII, p. 255. THOMAS L. WATSON 660 "pna “M “pNa "al a / gy Koyo Lo NolLoIS~SSolA obi y Noto |B0.2 S wercea oer emerm em np eae pa eaCg ae c ‘Old fA pno 2} cal 822n Woyno epee g SS Ss Y b Ray 0 ~< LAKES AND VALLEYS OF NUGSUAK PENINSULA 661 that of an overturned fold, whose axis is at right angles to that of the valley. The position of the strata proved that at no point could the valley owe its origin to folding. Rock structure and position were also opposed to origin by differential weather- ing. The tracing of the same and equivalent strata on the two sides of the valley would preclude faulting. Damming by depo- sition of morainic material is untenable, since no moraines of any extent occupy any portion of the valley. The only other possibility to account for these lakes is that of ‘‘zce erosion.” A brief description of the lakes in this series, with the closely associated glacial phenomena, will best show the evidence for their glacial origin. The first lake is the only one of this series with bottom above sea level. It is located 60 feet below the valley divide and 165 feet above the surface of the middle lake. It is more or less saucer-shaped in outline, and is, with the exception of the east side, entirely inclosed between highly polished and striated moutonnée forms. ithe middle lake, marked lake No; 2 0f Pig.:2, lies immie= diately against the high, precipitous south wall of the valley, and inclosed entirely by moutennée forms on its north, south, and west sides. It is entirely surrounded by rock in place with its bottom 39 feet below sea level. The moutonnée forms on the north side of the valley are highly polished and planed, with glacial grooves and striae greatly intensified, reaching from the lake’s surface up to an elevation of 100 feet. These are coinci- dent with the trend of the valley. The space between the middle lake and lake No. 3 of Fig. 3, is occupied by moutonnée forms of well-rounded outline and slight elevation. Lake No. 2 drains into lake No. 3 through a rock channel some 50 yards across and about 100 yards long, carved between the close-lying moutonnée hills. The lake occupying the west end of the valley lies, for most of its length, immediately against the high, precipitous north side. It is something over a mile in length, very narrow, and quite irregular in outline, closely resembling a stream. It is 662 THOMAS L. WATSON 15 feet above sea level, and in its deepest part —near its head — is 150 feet below sea level. Perfectly developed glacial grooves and striae, with direction coincident with the axis of the valley, extend for quite a distance along the south border of the lake. The outlet channel is cut into solid rock, and averages from four to five feet in depth, with a U-shaped cross-section. The overflow passes over a low point in the divide between the lake and fjord on the southwest side of the valley. The divide is highly glaciated, and stands 25 to 50 feet above the lake level. As can be seen from Fig. 3, the portion of lake near the outlet is dotted with moutonnées rising to a slight elevation above the waters and forming a group of small islands in the lake. Rowlders of varying dimensions are found poised in various positions over the tops of nearly all the largest roches mouton- nées in this valley. It will be further observed that the valley axis, AB of map, is approximately coincident with a westward advance in the general glacial movement over the peninsula. Further, that the largest and deepest water bodies are located in the northwestern portion of the peninsula, which portion is shown in a subsequent part of this paper to have been subjected to a period of more or less intense local glaciation. On the high hilltops forming the southwestern limits of the valley are found remnants of once larger local glaciers. - As aclass, the valley lakes observed on the peninsula, range in size from something over a mile in length down to the smallest size basin. In outline, some were saucer-shaped—width and length about equal—but generally the length greatly exceeded the width, and when so found were invariably characterized by irregu- larity of outline. They varied from a few feet to 150 in depth, and in all cases their circumferences were marked by rock in place, proving them to be true vock-basin lakes. With but few excep- tions they are prevailingly shallow and filled, more or less around their edges, with rock fragments derived from the valley sides, due to shattering by frost. Approximately eight to ten feet above summer water level and along the edges of parts of a few of the larger lakes were noted slender but perfectly formed LAKES AND VALLEYS OF NUGSUAK PENINSULA 663 beaches. These may represent storm levels, or they may be the result of climatic changes. While the valleys probably cannot in all cases be ascribed to the same cause, the lakes associated with the valleys are, apparently, the result of differential ice erosion, and are true rock-basins, since they are walled in by rock zm setu on all sides. Dust wells and pools on the tce-surface—The marginal surface area of the glacier ice was found dotted with numerous circular holes, varying from a quarter of an inch to several feet in diameter, and averaging probably several feet in depth. These were filled nearly to their tops with water, and their bottoms were invariably covered with a thick layer of dust. Professor Barton’ has described the same condition to the south of this locality in the Umanak district, where he states, that the pits are con- fined to a marginal zone of about one mile in width, beyond which, and towards the interior, the ice surface becomes com- paratively smooth. Professor Chamberlin? has observed the same conditions farther north along the west coast, and has fully discussed their origin in a previous number of this JOURNAL. Other larger pools were seen. Professor Tarr3 noted an especially large one, occupying a depression in the ice, of about one quarter of a mile in length in the direction of its longest axis, very shallow in depth, and revealing clear smooth ice, with no sediment over its bottom. No observation was made concerning its outlet, and Professor Tarr states that the pool probably represents a case of differential meeting. Lakes due to other causes — Along the ice margin, lakes were found, in places, formed by the usual ice marginal processes. A majority of these marginal lakes are due to a walling in of the numerous depressions of the extremely irregular surface of the peninsula, by the more or less steep ice-front on one side, and the slopes of the depressions of the land on the other. Each of U@prcit., pa2 lo: 2Jour. GEOL., Glacial Studies — Greenland, IV, Vol. III, 1895, p. 215. 3 Communicated by letter to the writer. 604 THOMAS L. WATSON these was fed by a marginal stream flowing along the ice front, which was, in turn, made up from the numerous smaller streams flowing off of the ice at its front. In some instances the lakes had been recently drained revealing heavy and conspicuous silt deposits, which necessarily were irregular in position, as is char- acteristic of marginal lakes. Some were found draining through tunnel outlets in and under the ice. Morainal formed lakes, both by means of the masses ponding back the waters, and as kettles occupying the depressions in the morainal accumulations, were not uncommon. Lakes noted at other points.—Rock inclosed bodies of water similar to those on the upper Nugsuak were noted at the follow- ing points: Turnavik Island, off the middle coast of Labrador ; Big Savage Island, Hudson Strait ; Icy Cove, the extreme south- ern coast of Meta Incognita; Niantilik, Cumberland Sound ; and at several places along the Greenland coast to the south of the Upper Nugsuak peninsula. So far as observation extended their origin and development have been essentially the same. At Niantilik a large number of typical rock-basins, resem- bling in every respect the Nugsuak lakes, were observed. Where studied, these were found developed in true strike valleys, and in case of the larger ones, roches moutonnées islands of slight eleva- tion and formed by the hard layers of steeply tilted gniess were found. The character of these lakes left no doubt as to their being true rock-basins formed in part by ice erosion. Their entire circumferences were in many cases encircled by rock in place. THE VALLEYS No grouping of the valleys according to direction could be effected, since they were found trending with all points of the compass. An apparent series of major valleys were observed, cutting the peninsula in a direction varying from an almost east and west course to one at nearly right angles to this, which invariably had a seaward termination. In a very general way, the larger valleys are best described as being very deep and broad, somewhat U-shaped in outline. LAKES AND VALLEVS OF NUGSUAK PENINSULA 665 There are wide variations, however, from the steep sided and precipitous profile to that of considerably gentler slope. Frost action has wrought widespread results on the original glacial outlines of this form, resulting generally in a modification tend- ing toward a less precipitous outline. It has already been stated that numerous dikes of a basic eruptive rock, probably diabase, are found cutting the gneiss in an approximately vertical attitude. The basic dike rock of the peninsula has yielded more readily to the attack of the atmospheric agencies than the inclosing gneiss. Subsequent ice advance removed most of the residual decay, resulting in some instances, in the ice eroding considerably below the line of actual decay, determining thereby one set of the major valleys. The U-shaped outline is especially applicable to this type of valley. Similar conditions apparently prevailed at Turnavik, Labrador, as on the Nugsuak. The rock is a coarse porphyritic gneiss cut by dikes of a basic eruptive, many of which have been eroded to a depth of some 20 to 25 feet by the ice, and in some of which residual decay was still to be seen, indicating a greater preglacial decay of the dike than country rock. In the Umanak district of North Greenland, Professor Bar- ton,* observed that the dikes of eruptive rock had not been eroded below the level of the inclosing gneiss, but instead, they were found, in some instances, standing “out in relief above the oneiss:,” No petrographic study has been made of the rocks in the localities mentioned above, hence it would not be safe to say whether the difference could be accounted for on lithologic grounds, or whether it is due to a difference in glacial conditions. A second type of valley, but of minor importance, on account of slight development, was noted, the origin of which was trace- able to the etching out of the softer rock layers in the highly tilted strata by differential atmospheric weathering, and can therefore be classed as strike valleys. Subsequent to the period of widespread general glaciation, * BARTON, GEo. H., Technology Quarterly, 1897, 10, 236, 237. 666 THOMAS L. WATSON the northern ends of the valleys have undergone considerable modification from a period of local glaciation, which is now con- fined to the northern side of the peninsula, and in its last declin- ing stage Owing to the work of local glaciation, more or less contrast is observed in the topography of the opposite ends of the approximate northwest-southeast trending valleys (see Fig. 3). Glacial filling, principally bowlders with some till; abundance of typically developed roches moutonnées, glacial grooves, striae, planing and _ polishing, conspicuously char- acterize all of the major valleys. A large number of the major valleys were associated with dikes of basic rock. So far as studies were extended, the mass of fact pointed to the conclusion, that this type of valley was due to differential preglacial decay with subsequent ice erosion. The entire set of major valleys, everywhere viewed on the penin- sula, are distinctly preglacial; and while their origin was not apparent in every case, they have all suffered considerable subsequent modification from ice erosion. A parallelis probably found in Canada, where Dr. Robt. Bell’ has observed greenstone dikes protruded into granites. The dikes have subsequently been worn out and at present form valleys occupied by lakes and streams. Tuomas L. Watson. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA, Atlanta, Georgia. IBELL, Dr. Rost., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 1894, V, 364. ENE AE VP LO. PRAME A WORKING HYPOTHESIS OF SHE sCAUSE OF GLACIAL, PERIODS, ON AN ATMOSPHERIC: BASIS (Continued) SPECIAL APPLICATION OF THE HYPOTHESIS. TO THE KNOWN GLACIAL PERIODS Ir now remains to specifically apply the hypothesis to the recognized glacial periods. At present only those at the close of the Paleozoic and Cenozoic eras are sufficiently determined to require discussion. The mapping of the Pleistocene glacial deposits is sufficiently complete to show their great features, and reveals a strong development in the northern hemisphere, and at the same time a quite peculiar localization. The analysis of the deposits has progressed far enough to show that the glacial period was marked by pronounced oscillations of both the major and the minor kind. Interglacial epochs of a declared character may be assumed to be fairly demonstrated, while the glacial epochs themselves were attended by rhythmical stages of progress, as most pointedly brought out by recent detailed field work in the Mississippi and St. Lawrence valleys, notably that of Mr. Leve- rett and of Mr. Taylor. These rhythmical features are made the subject of a special discussion by Mr. Taylor in a paper entitled ‘“Moraines. of _Recession and their Significance in ‘Glacial liheory. = To be really applicable to Pleistocene glaciation a working hypothesis must therefore not only postulate agencies capable of producing a glaciation covering the American plains down to JOUR. GEOL., VolvV., No: '5, 1807; pp. 421-405. See also “The Great: Ice= Dams of Lakes Maumee, Whittlesey, and Warren,” American Geologist, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, July 1899, pp. 6-38, and the review of this paper by MR. GILBERT in the last number of the Jour. GEOL. 667 668 LC CLA MG TALON 37° north latitude, and mantling also the plains of middle Europe and high altitudes quite generally, but it must assign agencies for the oscillations which attended it. General cause—The atmospheric hypothesis finds a genera] cause for the Pleistocene glaciation in that notable extension and elevation of the land which reached a climax near the close of the Pliocene period.” lt isi) not, however, through jtsmdinect topographic influence that this was accomplished, though this may have been incidentally tributary, but through its effects on the constitution of the atmosphere. The recently named Ozarkian or Sierrian period embraces the specially effective stage of this great land area, and it is with much pleasure that I support the emphasis laid upon the significance of this period by Professor Le Conte in his paper in the last number of the JouRNAL,” though I interpret that significance in different terms. The wide extent and high elevation of the land at that time are so strongly set forth by Dro We Conte as to leave no (need ror additional emphasis here. A rude estimate of the land area in Middle Tertiary times, when the climate was mild far to the north, gives about 44 million square miles. A similar estimate for the Ozarkian or Sierrian period gives about 65 million square miles, while the received estimate of present land is about 54 million square miles. Taking the Middle Tertiary area as a basis of compar- ison, the land was increased in the Ozarkian period about 47 per cent., and afterwards fell off to the present area, which is 23 per cent. greater than that of the mid-Tertiary. It is probably conservative to estimate that the average elevation of the Ozarkian land was at least two or three times, perhaps three or four times, as great as that of the mid-Tertiary. Combined in the light of the suggestions previously made regarding elevation, these indicate a very great change in the effective contact of the atmosphere with the earth. If we measure the actual contact by the surfaces of the grains, pores, fissures, and minute crevices with which the air and the atmospheric waters come in contact * Pp. 525-544. HYPOTHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS 669 —and this is the true contact area—the increase will appear impressive. As in other cases, there was here also a self-accelerating action. As land was elevated, its underground water level was at first carried up measurably with it and lay near the surface. Trench-cutting accompanied it, to be sure, but at a slower rate. As the declivity increased the cutting and transportive power of the drainage increased, and as the dissection of the land pro- ceeded, the water level was lowered and the effective zone of atmospheric contact augmented. The very process of degrada- ion, up to a certain stage, increased the facilities for the chem- ical action of the atmosphere. In general it may be observed that degradation reacts upon itself favorably for atime. The cutting of certain of the western plains into ‘‘bad lands” and the gullying of the cultivated fields in certain parts of the south- ern states are striking examples of current self-accelerating processes of the more mechanical sort. Concurrent with this increase of the atmospheric contact- area on land there was a reduction of sea surface, the habitat of lime-secreting life, and, xofa bene, an almost complete oblitera- tion of the epicontinental seas and sea-shelves which were the parts of the sea bottom that were by far the most prolific in carbonic-acid-freeing marine life. Shallow-water marine life must have been very generally driven down on the abysmal slopes and on to such limited deeper shelves as may have been brought within reach by the lowering of the seas. The conse- quent lessening in the rate of freeing of carbon dioxide is assumed to have been great, and this codperated with the accel- erated consumption on the land to hasten the depletion of the atmosphere. Besides this, when any appreciable reduction of temperature followed these codperating agencies, it tended of itself to check the lime-secreting life of the ocean, and at the same time to give the oceanic waters greater absorptive power and less dissociative activity, thus calling into operation a group of secondary agen- cies which intensified the effects of the primary agencies. 670 T. C. CHAMBERLIN Now the task assigned this remarkable combination of agen- cies is not a formidable one. If we take the largest of the cur- rent estimates of the present atmospheric content of carbon dioxide, viz. .06 per cent. by weight (comparable to .0o4 per cent. by volume), the mid-Tertiary atmosphere should have con- tained .15 per cent. to’.18 per cent. of carbon dioxide, and that of the glacial period .03 per cent., following Dr. Arrhenius’ esti- mates. That is to say, for the reduction of the carbon dioxide of the Tertiary atmosphere from the assigned .15 per cent. or -18 per cent. to the assigned .03 per cent. of the glacial period, we have an estimated increase of land area of 47 per cent., and an increase of elevation of 100 per cent. or 200 per cent., and perhaps more. To produce the present amelioration we have a falling off of about one half in each of these items. Numerical data, which will be given later, indicate that something like 5,4) of the carbonic acid of the air is now taken out annually. If the same amount is returned, the constitutional status is preserved. But if the foregoing agencies that codper- ated in late Pliocene and early Pleistocene times to disturb the balance between removal and return were effective to no more than 10 per cent. of the total rate, it would have been capable of reducing the assigned mid-Tertiary content of .18 per cent. carbonic acid to the assigned glacial content of .03 per cent. in 50,000 years. It is not, of course, supposed that the rate would be constant as the state of enrichment changed, and note of this will be taken later, but the computation serves to show how effective a disturbance in’ the relative. rates jot jsupplygiand removal becomes when such action bears so high a ratio to the total mass of carbon dioxide in the air. It may also serve to show that the hypothesis is assigning agencies whose supposable quantitative competency is abundantly adequate to the results imputed to them. ASSIGNED CAUSES OF GLACIAL OSCILLATION It has been already noted ‘repeatedly that the assigned causes of glaciation are self-accelerating in certain significant HVPOTHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS 671 phases. The salient effect of this, reasoning on general prin- ciples, must be to push results to an extreme from which reac- tion is inevitable. Let us consider this in detail. It is thought that there were three dominant agencies concerned in this, modified by several subsidiary ones. 1. A necessary consequence of the accelerated rate of trans- mission of carbon dioxide to the sea, combined with a slackened rate of release in the sea, was an accumulation of oceanic carbon dioxide. The primary form of this was an increase of the car- bonates. 2. The cooling of the sea waters which attended the process reduced the dissociation, and hence the carbonates were more nearly full bicarbonates than before. There were, therefore, not only more carbonates, measured by the bases, but they carried more carbon dioxide in proportion to the bases. 3. With the growth of the snow-fields attendant on the progress of glaciation, there was an increase of reflection of the sun’s radiation and a reduction of its absorption. Computation shows that the albedo is an important factor. Subsidiary to these there were the following: 4. There was an increase in the absorption of carbonic acid in the ocean, resulting from the lowering of the temperature. This, however, was offset by the declining partial pressure of the carbon dioxide in the air, and, as the two seem to be of the same order of magnitude, they may be set aside for the present. 5. With increasing cold there was a less rapid decay of organic matter and a less compiete release of carbon dioxide. Over against this, however, there was a reduction in the amount of carbon locked up in living organic matter. It is difficult to form a trustworthy estimate of either, but it may be provisionally assumed that they belong to the same order of magnitude and may be set aside together. At any rate, any residual difference would not apparently be a notable factor. 6. The majority of chemical authorities state that the solu- bility of calcium carbonate in water saturated with carbonic acid increases with a lowering of temperature through ordinary 672 TAC CILAMIBIGRGIN: ranges. Unfortunately there is not complete unanimity on this point... But, if ‘this be*true; as, the temperature: fell thevsolvent action of the carbonic acid of the land waters upon the limestone was increased. Over against this was a probable reduction of the action of organic acids. Probably the decomposition of the silicates went on at a lower rate, but, as it was much less than one fifth of the whole action, its reduced rate is not very material here. As the carbonic acid of the air was diminished, its action on the land surface declined—though not at a proportional rate — but long before it could offset the enlargement of the contact area aided by the sea action, glaciation would be far advanced, if the previous estimates hold good. Setting aside, as being measurably balanced, or as being of minor or uncertain value, all but the first three items, which are clearly factors of great potency, we find at first a strong disposi- tion toward the acceleration of the depleting process. But this, although a pronounced influence in the early stages of refrigeration, could not continue indefinitely, for the process — involved the conditions of its own arrest. The arrest of the depletion and the inauguration of the reaction.— With the development of glaciation, the agencies that tended to counteract atmospheric depletion received a powerful ally in the ice-sheet itself., Dhe spread oisithe ice over they sugiaceppie= vented further effective weathering of the area so covered and correspondingly arrested atmospheric depletion. The total area covered by glaciation at its maximum was probably not far from 8 million square miles, or nearly 15 per cent. of the land surface. Besides this, the area outside of that actually covered by the ice-sheets was probably affected by prolonged freezing during the winter stages, and was perhaps to some extent permanently frozen beneath the surface, and this arrested solvent and chemi- cal activity. If the modest figure of 5 per cent. be assigned for this supplementary effect, 20 per cent. of the functional area wovld be withdrawn from action. Whether this numerical esti- mate be correct or not, it may be assumed that if a given amount HVPOTAHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACTAL PERIODS 673 of withdrawal, combined with associated agencies, were not sufficient to arrest the progress of glaciation, the glaciation would have continued to extend itself until the point of balance was reached. It is, perhaps, not too much to assume that the extension of glaciation and its concurrent agencies mark in themselves the measure of preponderance of the depleting agencies at the stage when glaciation began. That is to say, after the depleting agencies had brought the air’s carbonic content down to the point at which the glacial centers were inaugurated, these agencies were still preponderant over the repleting agencies to some such extent as 20 per cent., more or less. While it does not seem necessary to our general purposes to consider the associated agencies of arrest, if these views be cor- rect, they possess an interest of their own, and may be men- tioned briefly. With little doubt the lowering of the temperature lessened the rate of decomposition of the silicates, though frost action aided in disaggregating them mechanically and in thus increas- ing the atmospheric contact. On the other hand, while the authorities are not altogether agreed, the weight of the latest opinion supports the view that the limestones would be dissolved by cold water saturated with carbon dioxide faster than by warm water, other things being equal. The cold waters would quite certainly contain more absorbed carbon dioxide than warm ones. Probably other things were not equal, for the vegetable action and the organic acids probably lent less and less aid as the temperature fell. It is not clear what the balance of these influences combined would be. Whichever way it leaned, it does not seem to have been of decisive moment. As previously remarked, the progressive removal of carbon ‘dioxide from the air reduced the amount of its action, but not proportionately. While this lessened the depleting action it does not seem to have reached decisive moment, at least not until a late stage in the process of depletion. Meanwhile, in the ocean, conditions favoring reaction were 674 Ll. €: CHAMBERLIN gathering force as the result of the processes in action there. The ocean was accumulating carbonates and augmenting their degree of bicarbonation with the increase of cold. Now it is obvious that if the loading of the ocean with carbonates were to proceed to the point of saturation, inorganic processes of precipitation and dissociation would come into play to an extent that must necessarily balance all further accessions of material. It does not appear, however, that there is enough, or even nearly enough, carbon dioxide in the air to bring about a condition of full saturation of the ocean with bicarbon- ates, even if it were all to take that form, and were to be con- veyed completely to the sea. But the movement toward satura- tion should increase in some degree, probably small, the efficiency of inorganic agencies tending toward precipitation, although it could become notably effective only after prolonged accumulation. The concentration of carbonates in the ocean was somewhat aided by the removal of water required to form the great ice- sheets. Ona rather large estimate of the mass of the ice-sheets, this extraction might possibly reach 5 per cent. of the volume of the ocean. There would probably be a progressive evolution of lme- secreting life adapted to the cooled waters, and this would increase the rate of carbonic release and contribute to a reversal of action. None of these subsidiary agencies, nor all combined, seem to have been controlling factors. It is notable that some of these subsidiary agencies, on both sides, are final in themselves and quite without retroactive possibilities. When once their work was done there was no resilience. It was quite otherwise with the ice mantling and the ocean loading. Far from being final, these contained in them- selves the potentialities of reaction and gave vigor to the reac- tion when it took place. Agencies that precipitated reaction—When once the reactive agencies had reversed the relative rates of enrichment and FIVPOTHESIS OF CAUSE: OF GLACIAL PERIODS. 675 depletion and there began to be an increase of carbon dioxide in the air, the following influences would codperate to hasten and intensify the reactive movement. 1. The dissociation of the second equivalent of carbonic acid associated with the carbonates of the ocean would be increased, and as the temperature rose from the diffusion of the freed carbon dioxide into the air this would be still further aug- mented by its own reactive effects. This is one of those inter- esting agencies whose effects at once become causes of further like effects. 2. The increased warmth would call forth more lime- secreting life in the ocean, and thus also hasten the freeing of carbon dioxide, and this again would react favorably on itself. 3. The increase of water from melting ice would some- what extend the shallow-water zone and favor lime-secreting life. If the land were depressed by the load of ice, as some sup- pose, this would increase the sea area and favor lime-secreting life. With this may be associated the falling of the water level in the high latitudes (to which it had been drawn by the gravi- tation of the accumulated ice mass) and a corresponding rise of the water level in lower latitudes. Since the lower-latitude life is more abundant than the high-latitude life, and more effective in extracting lime, the shift would involve a gain in lime-secret- ing potency. 4. The increased decay of organic matter attendant on the warmer temperature would develop carbon dioxide; but over and against this must be set the increased carbon locked up in the augmented living matter: These, as before, are’set aside, as perhaps mutually offsetting each other. 5. Lhe ianerease of temperature arising from the preceding causes would increase the water vapor in the air and thereby add to the thermal capacity of the atmosphere, and this would react favorably upon itself and upon the other agencies favored by high temperature. Thus the reaction once started would be self-augmenting, 676 LT 6. CHAMBERLIN, until the fundamental conditions were changed or the reaction was checked by its own ulterior consequences. The sequences may be easily followed. The carbonates of the sea, which had been augmented during the epoch of glaciation were now dimin- ished and limestone was more actively deposited. The ocean, previously fattened in carbonates now became lean. Soalso the carbonates themselves, that before were quite plump bicarbon- ates, now became degraded to a mixture of normal and acid carbonates. In short, the ocean holds less free and feebly-com- bined carbon dioxide and the air holds relatively more. As the ocean is now estimated to contain from eighteen to twenty-five equivalents of atmospheric carbonic acid in the free and feebly- combined states, a moderate fluctuation in its content would cover the full range of atmospheric variation required to pro- duce the climates under discussion, according to Arrhenius. On the supposition that the glacial epoch was produced by a reduction of the carbonic content of the atmosphere to one half the present amount. it would only be necessary for the ocean to release -2 or 3 “per cent. of its releasable carbon dioxide to restore the atmosphere to the present condition. If the ocean gave up 4 or 5 per cent. of its releaseable carbon dioxide the climate would be notably milder and more equable than the present. Assuming the correctness of Dr. Arrhenius’ conclu- sions, it would seem from these considerations that there is nothing forced or violent in the supposition that an effective interglacial epoch might be brought about by the reactive agencies indicated. Recrudescence of glaciation.—\f the land area of the globe as a whole remained large and high notwithstanding such local depressions as have been attributed to the weight of the ice and the effects of low temperature; or, more precisely, if the atmos- pheric contact area remained large, the conditions for a renewal of glaciation would again prevail because the renewal of warm temperature, the enrichment of the atmosphere, and the deple- tion of the ocean would restore the original action. So soon as the ice had retreated from the land, the weathering of the HNPOLHMESTS OL SCAUSE OF (GLACIAL, PERIODS 677 uncovered area would be renewed. This, of course, would begin so soon as the retreat began, and increase in a corresponding measure; but it is a slow process, while the reactions of the ocean are relatively rapid —indeed they should keep close pace with the rise of temperature which they induce. There should be no appreciable lag. After the retreat of the ice a new sur- ficial factor would come into play, the sheet of drift spread over the:suttace. (In)so far as this consisted, of wndecomposable matter blanketing decomposable matter, it would interfere with the progress of decomposition, but in so far as it consisted of limestones and silicates ground to a flour and exposed to the atmosphere, it would facilitate chemical action and expedite a second depletion of the atmosphere and through it a second term of glaciation. Aside from the effects of this mantle of drift and such changes of topography as might have occurred, the conditions for the renewal of glaciation would be, so far as I see, as effective as they were at the outset. Assuming that they were equal to the preceding, a second glaciation equal to the first is to be postulated, and a corresponding reaction at length, as in the previous case, due to like agencies. Thus a series of glaciations and deglaciations should follow each other until the general causes lying back of glaciation had disap- peared. In so far as the land, on the whole, settled back toward sea level or was worn away, or, by any other agency, lost its degree of effective ‘exposure to ‘the atmospheric action, in so far the conditions of glaciation would disappear. Pursuing the normal history which follows a period of great land elevation, it is to be presumed that there would be a gradual reduction of the land surface and land elevation, and that hence the conditions pro- ductive of glaciation would gradually pass away. On such an assumption it is presumed that the recurrent glacial advances and retreats would become more and more feeble until the series van- ished. Nominally, then, the glacial and interglacial epochs should form a rhythmical series declining from large oscillations at the maximum to lesser and lesser oscillations as the series 678 LG: CLAM IB TERTETIN, disappeared. This seems to correspond with the observed oscil- lation of glaciation in both Europe and America.* INTERCURRENT AGENCIES Without question the normal series of glacial oscillations just postulated would be subject to intercurrent influences which would be liable to disturb, perhaps quite seriously, its regularity and symmetry. 1. Any notable movement in the land which affected the sum total of the atmospheric contact area would disturb the sym- metry of the series. 2. Any notable change in the original supply of carbonic acid through volcanic action or other agency would produce obvious modifications. The deformation of the body of the earth out of which the conditions of glaciation are assumed to have sprung would doubtless be favorable to volcanic action, and if this reached a degree of intensity sufficient to add appreciably to the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere, it would radically affect the ongoing of the process. That there was extensive vulcanism nearly or quite concurrent with glacial action has been urged by some geologists; indeed, glaciation has even been attributed to volcanic action. 3. The precession of the equinoxes has been regarded by many thoughtful students of glaciation as an influential agency. If affective, it would superpose a rhythm of its own upon the rhythm postulated by this atmospheric hypothesis. For specific illustration the extensive series of moraines which marked the later stages of the Wisconsin epoch of glaciation are referred by Taylor to precessional influence, while the Wisconsin glaciation itself would, under the atmospheric hypothesis, be referable to atmospheric depletion. The most serious question which here arises is the compatability of the prolonged period implied by Taylor’s interpretation with the rate of reaction implied by the «The Classification of European Glacial Deposits, Jour. GEou., Vol. III, No. 3, pp. 241-269, JAMES GEIKIE; The Classification of American Glacial Deposits, zdzd., pp. 270-277, 1. C. CHAMBERLIN; editorial, zdz¢., Vol. IV, No. 7, October-November 1896, pp. 873-876. WVPOTHESLS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS 679 atmospheric hypothesis.t This will be more evident as we touch on the time rates. 4. The change in the eccentricity of the earth’s orbit which Croll has made the foundation of his beautiful hypothesis of glaciation, if not found competent to produce general glaciation itself, might still be effective in producing climatic changes of less degree, and might superpose important modifications upon the series postulated by the atmospheric hypothesis. It may be remarked in passing, however, that the computed variations of eccentricity of distant periods of the past do not rest on so firm a mathematical basis as is currently supposed. It is obvious that these and other possible agencies might work concurrently with the atmospheric influences, or antago- nistic to them, in either case distorting and masking the normal rhythmical expression which a purely atmospheric series would assume. DO THE TIME RATES FALL WITHIN WORKABLE LIMITS? The working capabilities of a glacial hypothesis are some- what severely conditioned by its time factors. It must not only present a satisfactory correlation between the time of occurrence of glaciation and that of the assigned cause, but the rhythmical action of the cause must be consonant with the rhythmical history of glaciation. That the Pleistocene glaciation followed the Ozarkian or Sierrian stage of elevation at an appreciable dis- tance, I hold to be demonstrated by the relations of the glacial deposits to the eroded topography of that period. On the other hand, there is no evidence of a prolonged interval, geologically speaking. The atmospheric hypothesis demands that the accel- erated erosion due to elevation (or rather to the dissection that followed elevation) should have continued long enough to remove about three times the present atmospheric content of car- bon dioxide before glaciation could begin, following Arrhenius’ computations. This removal could only be accomplished by the excess of consumption of carbon dioxide over supply and there is ‘See GILBERT’S review in last number of this JOURNAL, p. 621. 680 LT. Cs CHAMBEREMN: reason to believe that the rate of supply from the interior was greater than the average on account of crustal disruption and volcanic action. There seems, therefore, little ground to think that the glaciation should have followed closer after the elevation than it seems to have done. It would seem rather that the hypothesis was~ happy in this time relation at least. With most geologists, I doubt not, the chief question will be whether the postulated agencies could cause the glacial oscilla- tions, involving the removal and reproduction of the ice, in large part or in whole, as rapidly as the field evidence requires. Present measures of glacial rates and times are quite uncertain but not indefinitely so. Some rude approach to their value may be attained. Recently expressed opinions regarding the time since the last ice retired from the site of Niagara River, and inaugurated the erosion of its gorge, lie between 7000 and 33,000 years, which we may average at 20,000 years. I place no special confidence in this figure, but it is rudely representa- tive of the average order of magnitude of expressed opinion. This represents only a part of the time since the beginning of the deglaciation that removed the Wisconsin ice-sheet. Accord- ing to Taylor’s views it would be only a very small part. 1 doubt if any careful geomorphic geologist familiar with all the phenomena involved would seriously consider an estimate that made it much morer than one half ‘at the *most4 so mthateant would apparently not be straining the evidence to take 40,000 years as a rude measure of the time since the beginning of the retreat from the outermost moraine of the Wisconsin stage. However, this may probably be cut in half and halved again without over-straining the possibilities of the hypoth- esis. This is the time of retreat. An interglacial epoch involves not only the time of retreat, but the time of interglacial mildness and the time of re-advance. The best specific data now avail- able in America for estimating these elements are undoubtedly those afforded by the excavations about Toronto which have HVPOTHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS 681 been so fruitfully cultivated by Hinde, Coleman, and others.' (1) The time occupied in the ice retreat is there almost without second. (2) The duration of the mild climate is recorded: in thirty-five feet of clays and sands. It is also implied in the time necessary for the migration of the Paw Paw, Osage Orange and other trees from more southerly regions to this rather northern locality, and also for the migration of the clams and other mol- luscs from the Mississippi waters to this rather distant region. Both of these migrations were probably rather slow processes. (3) The initiation of the returning cold is recorded in 150 feet of fine stratified peaty clays and sands. (4) Following this there was an unknown period occupied in the transition from the conditions of deposition, during which the preceding series had been formed, to the conditions of effective erosion which fol- lowed. To suppose that this transition was due to the removal of an ice-dam that had lingered in the lower St. Lawrence seems quite untenable for a long, mild period and a long, cool, but not glacial, period had intervened. It was probably due to the cut- ting down of the drainage outlet, or to a surface movement, or the two combined, and hence probably occupied an appreciable time. (5) There then followed a period of erosion comparable to that since the last ice invasion. Succeeding this came the re-invasion of the ice-sheet.2 These data seem to fairly imply that the interglacial epoch represented at Toronto was several times as long as the postglacial epoch. While nowhere else has so complete a record been found, many estimates of the differences of erosion of the several till sheets in the Mississippi valley, where the formations are well deployed and happily suited to such studies, have been made ™GEORGE JENNINGS HINDE: Glacial and Inter-Glacial Stages of Scarborough Heights. Can. Jour. 1878, p. 388 ef seg. A. P. COLEMAN: -Am. Geol., Vol. XIIL, February 1894, pp. 85-95. Ditto. Jour. GEOL., Vol. III., No. 6, 1895, pp. 622-645. ?Canadian Pleistocene Flora and Fauna: Report of the Committee consisting of Sir J. W. Dawson (chairman), Professor D. P. Penhallow, Dr. H. M. Ami, Mr. G. W. Lamplugh and Professor A. P. Coleman (secretary), appointed to further investi- gate the flora and fauna of the Pleistocene beds in Canada. 682 LT. €. CHAMBERIGDN by experienced glacialists, and their concurrent judgment is that the least of the notable interglacial intervals was at least two or three times as great as the postglacial interval. It would not be exceeding current judgment, therefore, to assign from 80,000 to 120,000 years as the duration of a typical interglacial epoch. But in the interest of conservatism let the postglacial interval be taken at 10,000 years and the interglacial at 20,000 or 30,000 years. Whisseems to) me excessively (‘consenvative: sy ligthe assigned agencies can affect a reénrichment of the atmosphere in carbon dioxide to an amount somewhat exceeding the present content and then again a depletion of one half within 20,000 or 30,000 years, the hypothesis will not be excluded by time limitations. We have the following pertinent data based in part on Reade’s' estimates of the present rate of removal of carbonates: Total mass of the atmosphere - - - - - 5X 10% tons Mass of atmospheric CO, (reckoned by weight at .0006) - 3X 10” tons Total mass of CO, taken annually from the atmosphere - 162X107 tons - Mass of CO, consumed annually in original carbonation (reckoned by area at 20 per cent. of the land) — - - 27X107 tons If reduced one half on account of the slower rate of decomposition of crystallines it will be 13.5107 tons, in which case the other half is to be added to the following item, if Reade’s estimates are correct.) Mass of CO, consumed annually in forming bicarbonates - 135X107 tons Time required at this rate to consume total atmospheric CO,, assuming no return” - - - - - - 1852 years Time required at this rate, without return, to consume one half atmospheric CO, (the reduction requisite for glaciation.) - - - - - - - - g26 years Time required to consume half the ‘free’ and “loose” CO, of the ocean (estimated at 18 times that of the atmosphere) without return - - - - - 16,668 years Time required to consume half the CO, of the atmos- phere and the ocean combined, without return - - 17,594 years The last items which involve the reduction of the carbon dioxide in the ocean as well as in the atmosphere are not really tLoc cit. on p. 569. FVPOIM SIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL. PERIODS. 2083 pertinent to the discussion, if the foregoing doctrine relative to the mode of action of the ocean during a glacial period is correct, for it is there maintained that the ocean does not give up its carbonic acid with increasing depletion of the atmosphere, but, on the contrary, increases its content. They have some interest, however, in connection with it and with other phases of the atmospheric hypothesis which the reader may possibly wish to consider. They also have some pertinency to the discussion of Paleozoic glaciation, to be taken up presently. We are here concerned especially with the rate at which atmospheric carbonic acid may be consumed to the amount of one half the total content. For convenience, no account has been taken of the return of carbonic acid from the ocean or through organic action. We reach the rather startling result that if there were no return, the decomposing and solvent action on the present contact area would consume one half of the atmospheric carbon dioxide in less than 1000 years. This result, based on Reade’s estimate, may be checked by independ- ent computation on a more familiar basis and by different modes of computation. For example, by assuming the average rate of degradation of the land surface to be one foot in 5000 years, and that the carbonates constitute 15 per cent. of the material removed, one half of the carbonic acid of the atmosphere would be consumed in 1248 years, if there were no return; or in 1000 years if the degradation was one foot in 4000 years. The actual depletion must, of course, depend upon the excess of this rate of removal over the rate of return. I have already endeavored to show that there was a very large fluctuation in the conditions that determined the relative rates of consumption and return, notably that the land of the Ozarkian time was more than 20 per cent. greater in area than the present land, and that its elevation was probably 100 per cent. or 200 per cent. greater at the maximum stage of protrusion. And this was correlated with codperating conditions in the ocean. Both of these esti- mates, however, must be considerably reduced to give a safe measure of the area which was operative at the time of the 684 Ll. C. CHAMBERETN: inter-glacial epochs, or at least some of them, for there is abundant evidence that the land was not then so greatly elevated as in the Ozarkian or Sierrian period. Instead, therefore, of combining 20 per cent. increase of land area with 100 per cent. increase of elevation, and these with the coéperating 20 per cent. reduction of sea area, the destruction of sea-shelves, and the restraining effects of lowering tempera- tures, as we are entitled to in bringing down the rich Tertiary atmosphere to the lean conditions of the glacial period, let us content ourselves with some modest fraction of these intensifying combinations. If we only assume that the agencies of deple- tion were superior to the agencies of return by the amount of Tor per cent., (heydepletion requisite to" bring on a glacial epoch, starting with atmospheric conditions like those of the present, would be effected in less than 10,000 years. If, there- fore, we over-generously allow as much time for deglaciation as for reglaciation, an interglacial epoch might not require the operation of the postulated agencies for more than 20,000 years, so far as they themselves are concerned. The development of the ice-sheet might take more time, but we have little or no data for estimating this. If 10,000 years additional is allowed for this the total remains at the modest figure of 30,000 years. It would not seem to be pushing the data previously given to extremes to postulate a larger percentage of difference between depleting and repleting agencies than Io per cent., which would make the requisite atmospheric depletion possible in a shorter period. It is probably not extravagant to assume that the differ- ence might rise to 20 per cent., in which case the requisite time would be brought down to extremely modest limits. It is difficult to see how anyone who studiously considers the phenomena of the Toronto interglacial epoch could assign to it a duration less than is compatible with these agencies, as here interpreted. It would seem, therefore, that the hypothesis is not excluded from the working category by inadaptibility to the time rates of the phenomena which it seeks to elucidate. There is not likely to be any serious question respecting the HYPOTHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS 685 timesratess at the other extreme, that is, that the. agencies necessarily act too rapidly to correspond to the phenomena. Of course, in the final adjudication of the hypothesis, it will be necessary to show that its-time rates not only might correspond to the time rates of the phenomena, but that they did so, but this is a labor of the future, and is obviously dependent upon a very notable extension of precise knowledge, which it is the purpose of the hypothesis to aid in calling forth. It is sufficient here to show that reasonable postulates, based on a reasonable estimate of the phenomena, fall within compatible limits. T. C. CHAMBERLIN. (To be continued.) THE NAMING OB ROCKS Introduction of new names.—tIn the early days of petrography it was supposed that there existed rock types as definite as ntin- eral types. Following this hypothesis, a rock found which was different from any rock before described was immediately given anew name. This went so far that an altered rock was given a family name, as in the case of diabase, an altered dolerite. After some years a scheme of nomenclature was worked out which was supposed to be approximately complete. For a time subse- quently, when a rock was discovered having a somewhat different character from previously known rocks, it was referred with modifying mineralogical prefixes to some of the so-called types. A few years ago another period of name-giving was inaugu- rated. During this period, which continues to the present time, petrographers have introduced numerous new, independent names, both for long-known and for newly-discovered varieties of rocks. Since 1890 more than fifty new names have been added to the nomenclature of the igneous rocks, a larger number than young petrographers were obliged to know the meaning of before 1890. The stage through which petrography is passing is somewhat similar to that through which at one time paleon- tology passed. One might almost think that petrographers were seeking to find varieties of rock slightly different from those before known in order to give them new names. Method in giving new names——The method of petrographers in proposing names, so far as any method is discoverable, is to give an independent name to each rock which is slightly differ- ent from any previous rock found, without reference to any defi- nite plan of nomenclature. The greater number of the names are not proposed to designate varieties which are subordinate to previously recognized kinds of rocks, but are names coérdinate with those before used. In petrography, a binomial nomencla- ture thus far has not been generally adopted, and therefore it has 686 THE NAMING OF ROCKS 687 not been possible to drop the new name and place the thing refer- red to under a larger division, as one may drop the specific name of a new fossil and speak only of the genus to which it belongs. Furthermore, the new names of petrography are in most cases unlike most of those in biology or in mineralogy, in that the things described and given names have no clearly distinguish- able characteristics by which they may be recognized. Asa result of this inherent vagueness, it is very difficult indeed, from the descriptions published, to obtain a clear conception of what is meant by many of the new petrographical names. Indeed, it may be doubted whether many professional petrographers, to say nothing of those who work in other lines of geology, havea definite conception of the meaning of many of the fifty or more names which have been proposed since 1890. Principle underlying naming of rocks.—In giving numerous new names to rocks, while no principle is announced by the petrographers, the underlying assumption is the same as that which prevailed in the early days of petrography; that is, rocks may be divided into definite types, which are comparable to defi- nite mineral or animal species. I do not for a moment suppose that petrographers who have introduced these new names would state that they believe this principle. I merely assert that many of the numerous names are justified only if the principle be true. Responsibility of introducing new names.—The petrographer who introduces a new name for a rock assumes a responsibility which ought to be incurred only after the most careful consider- ation. Probably some of the new names which have been recently introduced were necessary to the progress of the sci- ence. That many of them were not, I venture to believe. One who introduces a new name without the best of reasons for so doing is hindering the advance of the science of petrography, as well as occasioning loss of time and great inconvenience to his fellow workers. Statement of the problem.—All\ philosophical petrographers now understand that between all kinds of rocks there are gradations — from basic to acid, from coarsely granitic to glassy, from rich sodium 688 Ge Te VAIN RETESTED rocks to rich potassium rocks, from massive lavas to tuffaceous forms, from the freshest rocks to the most altered, from the old- est rocks to the newest, from the igneous to the aqueous rocks ; between all of the various forms of the sedimentary rocks. More- over, many of the important stages of these gradations have been noted. Still further, in one region the gradation from one kind of rock is in one direction, and in another region is in a different direction. For instance, here a granite grades into a diorite; there grades into a syenite. What shall be the criteria for naming rocks ? —These being the facts, the question arises, what is the most important consider- ation which shall determine whether or not a certain kind of rock shall be assigned a name. It appears to me clear that the most important consideration is the relative abundance of the rocks. We must have names for the common things. It is well known that certain of the multifarious kinds of rocks which have been named are more abundant than others. Probably the igneous rocks, which can be included under twenty names, com- prise nine tenths or more of the mass of the igneous rocks. It follows that a philosophical method of rock nomenclature involves a knowledge of the relative abundance of the different kinds of rocks. However, it is not meant to imply that abundance shall be the only consideration in the naming of rocks, but merely that it shall be a fundamental one. While abundance ought to be the first consideration, this idea must not be pushed to an extreme. All rocks which must be assigned names will not be found in equal abundance. Some rocks which do not have specific names assigned to them may be more abundant than some other rocks deserving of aname. For instance, olivine-gabbro may be more abundant than some of the leucite rocks to which names must be assigned. This but illustrates the well-known principle that great variations due to secondary factors shall have weight in proportion to their range, and that therefore they may have an important modifying influence upon the application of the pri- mary considerations. THE NAMING OF ROCKS 689 Influence of rock classification on naming of rocks—The broad question of rock classification I do not intend here to discuss. However, it is necessary to mention some of the criteria which are recognized in the classification"o0f rocks, since these are also factors in the naming of rocks. By most petrographers, chem- ical composition, mineral constituents, and rock textures and structures are controlling considerations; but by different petrographers these are placed in different orders of importance. By some petrographers the distinction between plutonic and volcanic rocks is given weight in classification. In making a classification of rocks it is necessary to consider to what extent the altered rocks shall be recognized, and whether such textural terms as porphyry and obsidian shall be used in naming rock species. Doubtless’ different petrographers would decide these points in various ways. Now the above factors, which are controlling considerations in the classification of rocks, are of necessity secondary factors in the naming of rocks. If a new rockibe found, which, in regard to these secondary factors, is so different from any pre- viously known rocks that it cannot be grouped with any of them by the plan given below, it may be entitled to a new family name, even if not abundant. : But to return to the matter of abundance. After a system of classification shall have been worked out by a petrographer, he must decide what rocks shall have independent names. It is my contention that at this point abundance shall be recognized - as having the place of first importance. Names are tools by which we avoid the circumlocutions of descriptions. Since, as already shown, there are everywhere gradations between rocks, not every phase of rock can have an independent name, else the number of names would be infinite. Since fevery rock phase cannot be assigned a name, what kinds shall be selected for such names? Manifestly those which occur most abundantly. For the common things, the common kinds of rocks, as a matter of convenience, I repeat, we must have names. As above noted, it has been supposed that a rock might be 590 CARAVAN Ss designated as a type which has certain characteristics. _However, the only method of nomenclature which is logical is that which takes into account the fact of gradation and stages between all rock varieties ; that types exist only as descriptions or specimens selected by man, not by nature; but abundance is determined by nature. All this 1s recognized in sthe scheme) given aw) sline definite forms which are selected for names are those which are abundant. This applies as well to the original forms of rocks as to their altered varieties. Had the varieties of rocks inter- mediate between those abundant kinds which have been given names been the abundant ones, rather than those to which names have been assigned, these would have been the rocks which should have been given names, and which in all probability would have been given names during the first period of the devel- opment of the science of petrography. How shall demands for exactness be met?—But the question now arises as to how the demands of the petrographers for exactness shall be met without introducing a new independent name the moment a slightly different variety of rock is discov- ered, however small its mass. This demand may be met by the general application of special usages below given. The majority of the abundant kinds of rocks were early assigned names. To less abundant kinds of rocks intermediate between the more abundant kinds, names compounded from the simple names may be used; for example, granodiorite, trachydolerite, trachy- andesite." To either the simple or the compound names may be prefixed mineralogical qualifiers, thus further compounding them ; for example, quartz-diorite, olivine-gabbro, analcite- basalt, augite-trachydolerite. With these simple or compound names, geographical qualifiers may be used. If the rock is so abundant and definite as to require a specific name, the geographical qualifier may be compounded with the more general name, as Hellefors-diabase. If, however, the idea is exactly to designate the rock occurring at a particular locality, without implying that ‘Italian petrographical sketches, V, by H S. WASHINGTON: JouR. GEOL., Vol. V, 1897, pp. 365, 366. THE NAMING OF ROCKS 691 it is so abundant and important as to require a name to enter rock nomenclature, the geographical name may be used simply as a qualifier, as, Duluth olivine-gabbro. This usage gives the most exact discrimination without cumbering nomenclature with a multitude of independent names. In any of the foregoing classes of names the prefixes meta, apo, epi, schisto, gneisso, or other terms may be inserted for the altered rocks.* Under the plan proposed we shall have coérdinate simple names of about the value which Rosenbusch has designated as family for rocks which are the most abundant and important. We shall have compound names for rocks intermediate between the more abundant kinds. We shall have names with geological qualifiers, either compounded: or not, as the case demands, for a further refinement in discrimination. In any of these three classes of names mineralogical qualifiers may be introduced as an additional discrimination. For all of the previous classes we shall have prefixes, with definite meanings, for the altered equiva- lents of the diiterent rocks. The method proposed is practically that of a binomial or tri- nomial nomenclature. The fundamental names would be based primarily upon abundance, and secondarily upon other factors. The secondary names would be introduced under the same prin- ciples. Application of plan proposed.— How this plan can be worked out may be illustrated by some cases from recently described rocks. (1) Mordmarkite,? by Washington, is placed as equivalent to mica-hornblende-quartz-syenite. The rock is therefore a syenite. Assuming that this rock is sufficiently abundant so that it should have a place in nomenclature, it may be called nordmarko-syenite. In the same way, akerite3 (augitic quartz-syenite) may be called «In another place (Metamorphism, Monograph, U.S. Geol. Surv.) I shall discuss in detail the use of these terms. But in the present paper I do not wish to take up the subject. Here I wish merely to suggest a method of handling the altered rocks, rather than to discuss the details of its application. ?The petrographic province of Essex county, by H. 5S. WASHINGTON : JouR. GEOL., Vol. VI, 1898, p. 799. 3Jour. GEOL., Vol. VI, p. 796. 692 C. R. VAN HISE akero-syenite, if a new name is really necessary and preferable to augitic quartz-syenite. (2) The trachydolerites, designated by Washington as czmuinite, vulsinite, and toscanite,* may be called cimino-trachydolerite, vulsino-trachydolerite, and toscano - trachydo- lerite. Under this usage czmino, vulsino, and toscano, take the same place with reference to the trachydolerites, that hellefors, aasby, sirna, ottfdlls do to the diabases, as used by Rosenbusch (see p. —-). Indeed, Washington himself in one place speaks of pulaskite as pulaskitic syenite.? following the plan proposed this would be pudlasko-syenite. (3) As an illustration of the use of mineralogical terms compounded with names already com- pounded may be given augite-toscano-trachydolerite. If desirable, the order of the mineralogical and geographical parts of the name may be reversed. For instance, the leucite-trachytes, which Cross calls orendite and madupite,3 may be designated orendo- leucite-trachyte and madupo-leucite-trachyte. In all of these cases the geologist knows at once the general character of the rocks referred to.) In the frst casevhe knows the rocks are syenites; and, furthermore, that certain varieties of syenites are so abundant and so definite in character as to require a specific designation. In the second case he knows that there is a kind of rock intermediate between the trachytes and dolerites, and, if he knows what trachytes and dolerites are, he has a very clear conception of this rock without any further definition. He further knows that there are variations in the character of the trachydolerites which occur at particular locali- ties, and which, in the opinion of the author, are so abundant and distinctive as to require specific designations. In the third case he further knows at once from the name that certain varie- ties of the Toscano-trachydolerite contain augite; and infers that this variety is exceptional. He knows that the leucite- trachytes have variations which are thought to be of sufficient importance to require specific designation. t Jour. GEOL., Vol. V, pp. 350-361. 2 Jour. GEOL., Vol. VI. p. 804. 3 Igneous rocks of the Leucite Hills and Pilot Butte, Wyo., by WHITMAN Cross: Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. LV, 1897, pp. 138, 139. THE NAMING OF ROCKS 693 It is also self-evident that the extreme refinement practiced by Washington and Cross is in no respect lost by using the nomenclature proposed, rather than assigning independent names to particular varieties of rocks described. Indeed, the com- pound names proposed give additional refinement to that attained by independent names. In giving the above illustrations I express no opinion as to whether the various syenites, trachydolerites, and leucite-tra- chytes are so abundant and important as to be worthy of specific names. This is a matter for the petrographer to settle. I merely use these terms as convenient illustrations as to how rock nomenclature can be handled so as to serve the purposes of the general geologist and the specialist, without throwing the sub- ject of petrography into hopeless confusion. Objection to long names.—The long terms resulting from the plan, as, for instance, augite-toscano-trachydolerite, may be objected to on account of their cumbersomeness and complexity. However, it may be said that these names are simple as com- pared with many of the names used in organic chemistry, and furthermore that they are justified on precisely the ground that the long names in organic chemistry are justified, that ts, they are intelligible names. This is the fundamental point. The present method of naming rocks is not intelligible even to pro- fessional petrographers, and an unintelligible method can no longer be tolerated. The method proposed is intelligible to every geologist, whether a specialist in petrography or not, and gives at once the information desired by the general geologist and the extreme refinement demanded by the petrographer. The plan proposed gives all the advantages of generic, specific, and varietal names. If any petrographer can suggest a method of naming rocks which will better satisfy the demand of the petrogra- pher for exactness, and of the geologist for intelligibility, I shall gladly favor such a plan rather than my own proposal. Why petrographers have not generally followed plan outlineda.— The plan suggested is so simple that the question immediately arises as to why petrographers dealing with igneous rocks have 694 C.. R. VAN HISE not followed it. Was there not some good reason for the intro- duction during the past years of many new, independent names ? The answer is, petrographers had not worked out any plan as to the naming of rocks, and to assign a new name for each new variety of rock was the easiest way out of the difficulty, although it was disastrous so far as their fellow workers were concerned. Then the honor of giving a new name to rock nomenclature doubtless had a too important effect. Furthermore, many of the petrographers still held, in a subconscious way, to the old notion of rock types, not yet having grasped the idea of general gradation. Plan followed in case of sedimentary rocks—That the scheme proposed is practicable is shown by the sedimentary rocks, where it has been substantially followed, although as a matter of neces- sity rather than a conscious system. In the sedimentary rocks, from the first, gradations were recognized, and hence the tend- ency to give each variety a new name never got any headway. To illustrate the application of the scheme to the sedimentary rocks, we may take the sandstones. There is an almost infinite variety of sandstones, but it so happens that petrographers have not been directing their energies to the minute discriminations of their variations, and we have nota dozen or score of different names for the different kinds of sandstone. Yet the sandstones of different localities are discriminated and recognized as dif- ferent from one another by attaching the names of the localities at which the rocks occur to the name, and thus discriminating each rock from all others. For instance, in Wisconsin a peculiar sand- stone occurring locally is called the Madison sandstone. From this designation the general geologist at once knows that this formation has the general characters of the rocks which have been called sandstone, and he will not go further. But if he is interested in the Madison district for some reason, scientific, economic, or otherwise, he may go further and learn the pecul- larities of the particular sandstone which is found at Madi- son. By this method the sedimentary formations are discriminated | THE NAMING OF ROCKS 695 the world over. However numerous the names for the sedi- mentary rocks may be in the future, the method still must be used, for however fine the discriminations resulting from such names, there will be variations from the meanings assigned to these names, and thus the local names are necessary. Ln exceptional cases plan followed with igneous rocks.—The sim- ple method proposed of designating the slightly different varie- ties of igneous rocks from one another, without throwing their nomenclature into hopeless confusion, has already been followed in several cases. A notable instance is the term Andendiorite proposed by Stelzner* for a particular rock which has the general characters of a diorite, but which in some respects differs from ordinary diorite, and occurs in the Andes. A geologist who does not care to go into the detailed petrography of the region notes at once that in the Andes is a rock which has the general characters of the dio- rites, but which in some respects differs from the ordinary kind. He also at once knows that in the Andes is a rock which is dif- ferent from the ordinary diorites, but which is allied to them. If in his investigative work he wishes to know exactly the meaning of the modifying term, he can do so by reading Stelz- ner’s paper, or by obtaining specimens and an analysis of the rock. Inthe case of Andendiorite, the name has been also used as a new specific name, an dapplied by Iwasaki? to a somewhat similar rock in Japan. Toa certain degree this shows how the method may be made to work out in practice in reference to the igneous rocks. When here and there other rocks are discovered similar or almost identical with the Andendiorite, and this variety of rock, asa result of these investigations, is found to be so abundant and so definite in its characters as to demand a specific name, the original word Andendiorite may be used for this pur- pose, or, better, a new specific name may be coined for it, and the rock be placed in the scheme of rock nomenclature. Rosenbusch has used the method of geographical qualifiers * A. STELZNER: Geologie und Palaontologie, von Argentina, p. 213. ? Andendiorite in Japan, by C. IWASAKI: JouR. GEOL., Vol. V. 1897, pp. 821-824. 696 C. R. VAN HISE in a number o finstances precisely as proposed, for discriminat- ing rocks. For example, he describes /elleforsdiabas, aasby- diabas, sarnadiabas, ottfjallsdiabas.* Had some _ petrographers described these rocks perhaps we would have had four additional, independent names to remember, the value of which we would know absolutely nothing of, without any suggestion whatever as to the family, in Rosenbusch’s sense, to which these new rocks belong. The method proposed has unconsciously been followed to some extent, by the’ United “States |Geolopgical’ Survey that organization has recognized that a sufficient number of inde- pendent names could not and should not be coined to designate every variety of rock. It has practically, if not by definition, recognized the endless variation and gradation throughout rock formations, by providing that aqueous and metamorphic formations alike should be given local names; for example, Chicopee-shale, Floosac-scehist), Becket-sneiss, eter.) Unis use of local eimamies has furnished a more accurate method of discrimination than could be afforded by independent names. Moreover, only rocks which are present in some quantity have been given formation names. Thus, by practice at least, the idea of abundance as a factor in the naming of rocks has been recognized. Suggestion to petrographers who have introduced new names.—In this connection it may be suggested that petrographers who have recently introduced new independent names would perform a service to geologists who are not petrographers, and to many other petrographers, by giving in subsequent papers equivalent names on the basis of the plan above advocated, to the special rocks to which they have given names. If this be done, the relative merits of the two plans will be tested. Within a short time it will be seen whether geologists and petrographers use the independent names or the more general names compounded with geographical and mineralogical terms. Where a new inde- pendent name was really needed, and performs a service in the * Mikroskopische physiographie, II, Massige Gesteine, H. ROSENBUSCH; S. 219-220. ? Holyoke folio No. 50, Geological Atlas of the United States. LHE NAMING OFF ROCKS 697 advancement of science, it will be sure to be retained. If it drops out of use, its proposal was premature. Summary of advantages of proposal—In conclusion, some of the advantages of the foregoing plan may be summarized: 1. The plan proposed serves all the purposes of nomencla- ture, from names of a general character to those giving the most minute discriminations. It has the advantage of grouping different varieties of rocks under terms, the general meaning of which is known to all. In the matter of nice discrimination it far surpasses the plan of independent new names for new vari- eties of rocks. It permits at once any difference in the charac- ter of a rock, however slight, to be discriminated, and it permits the growth of petrography by the grouping of the allied varieties together under a new specific name so soon as they shall have been found so abundant, so peculiar, or so important as to demand such a name. The professional petrographer will thus have a much more convenient and elastic nomenclature for describing rocks than he has at present. He may ignore minor differences between rocks in one sentence, and in the next sen- tence deal with the most refined differences between them. Thus the plan advocated meets both the demands of the geologist and of the specialist in petrography. 2. The plan proposed puts the available information of petrography in such shape that some master mind in the future may reduce the subject to a science. The present scheme of rock nomenclature makes it impossible for any person to get the facts clearly before his mind in such a way that they can be handled. The provisional scheme proposed accomplishes this end. If it be generally followed by petrographers, it is probable that within a few years it will be possible to propose a definite scheme of rock nomenclature, the terms of which correspond roughly to genus, species, and variety in biology. 3. It is believed, if once rock nomenclature be placed upon a reasonable basis, that this will be a great step toward the establishment of a satisfactory scheme of rock classification. 4. Under the plan suggested it will be easy for the student 698 C. R. VAN HISE to get definite notions of the common kinds of rocks. Having this knowledge, he knows without explanation the meaning which is to be attached to a name compounded of two of them. He knows without a moment’s reflection the meaning of a mineralogical qualifier prefixed to a noun. He knows that a geographical qualifier means the particular variety of rock which occurs in a certain district. Thus it will be possible for a student to gain a comprehensive knowledge of the chief kinds of rocks at a very early stage of work, and to supplement his general knowledge by details as his work advances. 5. A further advantage of the foregoing plan will be that many of the earliest rock names proposed will be retained, although some may be abandoned. The reason why so many of the old names will be retained under the plan proposed is that many of the abundant rocks were first found; for, as already noted, while the petrographers supposed they were following the plan of naming rocks on the basis of types, they were largely following the plan of naming rocks on the basis of abundance. 6. Still another of the manifest advantages of the plan is that it throws the emphasis on the proper thing; it calls attention to the common, not to the exceptional, rocks. Many petrographers, in discussing the rocks of an area, describe with the utmost particularity the minute characteristics which are peculiar to the exceptional rocks of the district or region, and say comparatively little of the common rocks which compose the great mass of the rocks of the area. Of course, there is some justification for this, in that the characters of the common forms are known. But all papers describing the geology of a region should be so framed as to give a clear conception of the common kinds of rocks which are preponderant, and indicate that the exceptional things described in such detail are only so described because of their peculiarities. To the reader in some way should be conveyed the idea of the relative abundance of the rocks. The error of emphasizing the exceptional and overlooking the common phe- nomena has been one of the most pernicious mistakes which runs throughout geological papers and text-books. For instance, THE NAMING OF ROCKS 699 many pages in a text-book are given to a discussion of earth- quakes, and only a small fraction of that space is given to the vastly more significant, slow earth movements which occur with- out earthquakes or with earthquakes as secondary phenomena. 7. Finally, the foregoing plan has one further advantage. It emphasizes a great law of nature, the law of gradation-—the prin- ciple that ultimately there is no such thing as an absolute type. In this respect, petrography, if it will but use its opportunity, has an advantage over any other subject. In biology there have once been gradations between species, between families, between classes. Many of these gradations have been destroyed in the course of evolutionary processes. However, in petrography all of the gradations yet persist, and thus it furnishes the best illus- tration of the principle of gradation, a fundamental principle of nature. C. R. Van HIseE. Mapison, WIs., November 1899. 2 DILRORIEL A PROPOSED INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY.— The committee appointed by the Seventh International Congress of Geologists to consider plans for the establishment of an Inter- national Journal of Petrology has chosen Professor F’. Becke of Vienna, well known as the editor of Tschermak’s Mittheilungen, President of the Committee, and has taken the first steps toward the organization of such a journal. It has been proposed that articles appearing in it shall be printed in French, German, or English at the option of the author. While primarily intended for the publication of reviews and abstracts of all petrographical papers wherever published, it is suggested that it may include also articles which shall appear in it for the first time. The carrying out of this must depend upon the financial support the journal receives. The journal is to be managed by a committee appointed by the International Congress of Geologists, the committee to select an editor who shall have two assistants ; the editor and assistants to receive salaries for their services. The desirability of having one source, thoroughly up to date, to which to turn for information concerning all matters pub- lished on petrology is self-evident to all attempting to keep abreast with the rapid advance of this science. One has only to observe what a great impulse to the science of mineralogy has been given by the establishment of Groth’s Zeitschrift fir Krystallograplie, to be convinced of the usefulness and con- venience of such a journal. The necessity of forecasting as correctly as possible the financial support obtainable for such a journal has suggested to the American members of the committee the plan of calling attention to the enterprise and of inviting all interested in its success to communicate to either of them such suggestions or information as may aid in estimating the amount of annual 700 EDITORIAL 701 subscriptions or contributions that may be obtained from this country. It is expected that the chief support will come from individual subscriptions and from university and public libraries, but it may be possible to obtain assistance, in the first years of the under- taking at least, from other sources. J. P. IppINGs; LE... V: -PIRsson; Members of the Committee for America. Do Strate Surveys Pay? The question has often heen asked, and in the coming legislative season probably will be asked many times. An answer is usually desired which deals with dollars and cents, but, perhaps, a partial answer may be given by noting the sort of requests for miscellaneous information which consume a not unimportant por- tion of the time of survey officers. For illustration, the requests of a single day in the office of one of the smaller surveys may be noted. Two came in the morning mail. The first was from a professor in one of the smaller colleges, asking for twenty copies of a certain pamphlet to use in the class room. The second was from a consulting chemist, retained by some eastern cap- italist to investigate the advisability of establishing an important manufacturing plant in the state. He wished to know the amount, quality, and average cost of certain ores which were being mined there, and the probability of larger quantities being mined. A third request was made in person, by the engineer in charge of locating an impor- tant line of railway. He wished a report upon the mineral resources of all kinds along the proposed line. Concerning this remarkable object there has been a widespread controversy and a great divergence of opinion. Some of the most experienced observers in the lower forms of life, such as Carpen- ter, accepted it as of organic origin, while others considered it to be inorganic, and while the balance of opinion now possibly favors the latter view, its resemblance microscopically to certain organic forms is certainly most remarkable. The literature of this subject, which includes many papers by Sir William, is quite voluminous, but the chief facts are summed up in his book, entitled Zhe Dawn of Life, which appeared in 1875. Sir William was also a prolific writer of popular works on various geological topics. Among these may be mentioned Fossil Men and Their Modern Representatives, The Chain of Life in Geological Time, Egypt and Syria their Geology and Physical Geogra- phy in Bible History, Modern Science in Bible Lands, Modern Ideas of Evolution, Salient Points tn the Science of the Earth, Eden Lost and Won, and Relics of Primeval Life. As may be inferred from their titles, many of these books display a strong theological bias. Sir William was a Presbyterian of the old school and _ strongly opposed to all theories of the evolution of man from brute ances- tors, nor would he allow anything more than a very moderate antiquity for the species. ‘He held that there is no adequate d reason for attributing the so-called ‘‘ Neolithic”? man to any time older than that of the early eastern empires, while he thought the time for Paleolithic man need not be more than twenty or thirty centuries in addition, man having thus made an abrupt appearance in full perfection not more than, say, six or eight thousand years ago. These works on the relation of science and religion met a popular need and were of great comfort to many a pious soul, who feared that the whole framework of faith was being swept away by the advancement of science. Their value, however, was not permanent, and they are not the works by which Sir William Dawson will be remembered. His reputation is founded on the great contributions to our permanent stock of knowledge which he has made and which are embodied in his works on pure 736 FRANK D. ADAMS science, representing achievements of which any man might well be proud. — Sir William had a courteous, or rather a courtly, manner, based on a genuine consideration for all. He was respected and beloved by all who knew him, and especially endeared himself to all who studied under him. The preéminent note of his char- acter was simplicity and singleness of purpose. His loss will be felt especially in the institution with which he was long con- nected, but his name has been perpetuated in connection with the geological department of his university by the establishment of a second chair in geology, to be known as the Dawson Chair, which has just been endowed in his memory by Sir William Macdonald. FRANK D. ADAMS. GRANITE ROCKS OF BUITE, MONT; AND. VICINITY: In the western mountainous part of Montana there are sev- eral extensive areas of granitic rocks, which are commonly sur- rounded by sedimentary beds and in part covered by later volcanic rocks. The largest of these granite masses forms a mountainous area having no commanding summits, but consti- tuting the continental water parting separating the waters of the Atlantic from those tributary to the Pacific Ocean. This district is largely drained by the Boulder River, and as the mountains have no other name, they too are sometimes called by this name, for which reason it will be used to designate the intrusive mass of granite itself. Unmistakable evidences of intrusion are common about its borders, and as the rock cuts and metamorphoses fos- siliferous Carboniferous rocks and what are believed to be Creta- ceous rocks as well, and is overlaid by Neocene sediments, its age is known within these limits. The Boulder batholith is a body of granitic rock, in part cov- ered by later lavas, but continuously exposed from the Highland Mountains (sixteen miles south of Butte) to the vicinity of Helena, a distance of fifty miles in a north and south direction and twenty-four miles from east to west. The intrusive nature of the mass is very strikingly shown at the northern and southern limits, and also at Elkhorn on the east. At these places the granitic rocks have produced very marked contact metamorphism, and cut across the ends of the upturned sedimentary series. Near its border the granite also includes in its mass fragments of the other rocks. There is no suggestion of a laccolithic uplift- ing, for although near Helena, and probably elsewhere, the granitic rocks extend outward under the sedimentary rocks, and the latter in certain places form a thin cover over the intrusion, yet the strata dip toward the intrusion conformable to a great anticlinal uplift wholly independent of the batholith. * Published by permission of the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey. 737 738 WALTER HARVEY WEED The rocks of this batholith present a wide variation in min- eral and chemical composition, but a study of the field relations shows they must be regarded not only as facies of the same magma, but as parts of one mass. The very basic rocks all occur at the margins, yet there are variations within the main body itself which are clearly recognizable rock types, yet cannot be discriminated in mapping. This difficulty has been experienced by those geologists working in the Sierra Nevada, where, as stated by Turner,’ a considerable variety of rock-types have been mapped as granodiorite, ‘‘although, as a rule, gabbro, even when genetically related to granodiorite proper, has been separated.’ Where detailed mapping upon a large scale map is not possible, this difficulty of separating parts of a single intrusive body in which the rock-types grade into one another can only be met by an arbitrary use of the name of the prevailing rock-type for the entire mass,as has commonly been done heretofore, or by using a generic term like granolite* to embrace all coarsely granular rocks. The prevailing rock of the batholith is a granite whose com- position is that given under the number 518. It is a normal hornblende-granite which is very generally sheeted, forming picturesque crags and bowlder groupings. It disintegrates readily into platy masses or shells which separate from the bowlders, and themselves crumble to a coarse sand. Over large tracts disintegration has reduced the rock to a smoothly rolling sur- face, on which scattered bowlders rise above the general level. Perfectly fresh material can, therefore, be obtained only where the rock has been quarried or exposed by mining operations. It is a medium to coarse-grained rock, the average size of the grains being 3-5mm. The grayish quartz and white feldspar grains are of about equal size. Black mica and dark green hornblende are present in considerable quantity. Under the microscope it shows the normal characters of a granite, but contains an unusual amount of plagioclase. tH. W. TurNER: Granitic rocks of Sierra Nevada, Jour. GEOoL., Vol. VII, 1899, p. 146. f 2See DURNER > lociicit., ps 141. GRANITE KOCKS OF BUTTE, MONT., AND VICINITY 739 In the following table the results are given of the analyses so far made of the rocks of the Boulder batholith: ANALYSES OF ROCKS FROM THE POST-CRETACEOUS GRANITIC BATHO- LITH OF THE BOULDER MOUNTAINS, MONTANA Butte granite Aplites a 526 525 130 311 623 6 989 98 518 640 g5I SiO,......... ./49.22/56. 41/61 .64)63 .87/63.88) 64.05/64.34| 64.17/67.12/76.87| 77.05 PLO) recta toiars casi OFO5|| 10-08!) B57 TE) 265) 265 60] .53 G7) AS) 2, Tor Hh2 AU Ola creas See L2 0207. O21 5 OZ/lh. 20 Dh 104) 15.39/15 72 15.2505 O02 a5 2)" 12.074 Hes Oned a 277 le24l 330 na03 2. )1l| 2.2011 502i) 62.70) 1 .62'| G67, .56 Ne Ol ret wecsress 8.80] 3.55] 2.69] 3.08] 2.59] 2.74] 2.94] 2.98] 2.23] none .14 INO teers crete tr FOS|p a sOAy kealris, 207 SEU le 104|| OG) wow. a mone (CF OR eae ee 10.56) 8.66) 4.90] 4.30] 3.97] 4-30] 4.24] 4.24] 3.43] 0.49 157 IMS Oe a neice OP2O|eae O72 O2e2 222) 2203) e208 217s 2 001i 47.4 NO.09 tr Ke OMe eremccnou tte. Le fOP2 OU .72|0 4618) A423 qOol 4.04 a. 34\ea 5215.70) 552 INNO’ Saause ode EROO|| Be25|\ 2 04) 276)! 2S" 2.7222, 76) 2.62162.70|) 2.4176 2 or Hi,O below 110°; 0.27| .14) .28| .19]. .22 P27 25 ALOE OO sOR25 222 Hi Orabove 1107) 1563) 276]-..91) .69] -..66 HOR iy ea7i0 -65} .58) 0.52 .48 BAG) etencueas weed S 203| 09) {os {o7| 200 08} .06 207) es O7]|) eet | none SOY nese onso cll To@ehe lols) acyl) exeyiy) sAroy) .04] .03 tr FO2 |e enone BS Ole recites. care sf: On43|— 240 s2T oz) ear SPAT) meatal 216|2 205] 205) none Nejeee cnet waiaye 4814 08), "07 : eel ere tr ir SO eeicro 6 ate es SOG Zorvelllseersncas 07 .07 03 Bel toes © none SO sealers: POA ee emonelie see Hi eee ays MOA 10 iets ee COR ee Sita. ava oe |LOG) ais LS ASR 235 103]| NONE), Mone!) 2 a) none diotalsen. 99.77/99 .70,99.70|/99.91\99.72|100.05|99.80|100.18|99.88)99.82|100. 31 H. N. Stokes, Analyst. 526, 525. Contact facies of granite mass, Red Mountains. 130. Diorite, Red Rock Creek, intrusive in batholith. 311, 623, 6, 989. Butte type of granite, Butte district. 98. Head of Clancey Creek, northern part of batholith. 518. Prevailing type of granite of batholith, Boulder. 640,951. Aplites of Butte granite, Butte. The foilowing table shows the chemical composition of this rock, only the essential elements being given, the complete analy- sis being shown in the preceding table. Partial analyses of quartz- monzonite from the Sierra Nevada‘t and of Brégger’s adamellite? are given for comparison. *H. W. TURNER: The granitic rocks of the Sierra Nevada, Jour. GEOL., May 1899, p- 141. ? Die eruptionsfolge der triadischer Eruptivgesteine bei Predazzo, p. 62. 740 WALTER HARVEY WEED Quartz Monzonite} Granodiorite Adamellite po Landsberg t ; i ae Siem aiNerni Pyramid Peak Vereen Rosenbusch Sip ieerccsveeteeeorsieiouss 67.12 66.83 67.45 68.97 INOS Ges eos a0.o586s 15. 15.24 15.51 14.80 (GENO aH aios Sareea 3.43 3.59 3.60 3.82 IMietOVeden caaoou one itey yal 1.63 1.10 1.15 ISON ican Conon oboe 4.52 4.46 3.66 4.53 Nas Ol eee Gig ye canoes 2.76 3.10 3.47 2.40 The close similarity of this rock to the quartz-monzonites of the Sierra Nevada is apparent from these figures. It is evident from the analyses that the Boulder granite nearly corresponds to Brogger’s adamellite. THE BUTTE GRANITE The Butte granite (or quartz-monzonite) covers an area of sev- eral square miles and is the prevailing rock of the Butte district, and the one in which the world-famous copper and silver veins of that place occur. It is, therefore, of more than ordinary interest, and has been carefully investigated in connection with the study made of the general and economic geology of the district. It is a rather dark colored, coarsely granular rock which is seldom seen in conspicuous exposures about the productive mines owing to a close sheeting with much decomposition near the mineral veins and ready disintegration in other parts of the district. Away from the mineralized areas it is well sheeted and forms the usual bowlder and castellated forms of such rocks. Its darker tone and greenish feldspars render it easily distinguished from the bowlder type. Throughout the entire district it is very uni- form in appearance, as it proves upon analysis to be in composi- tion, though differing somewhat in the relative proportions of the constituent minerals. It is also uniform in grain over the entire district, but hand specimens show in local patches a varia- tion of textures. Inclusions of a much darker and finer-grained dioritic rock are often seen weathered in relief on exposed sur- faces ; they are always small, seldom over a few inches across, angular and rather scarce, never making an appreciable part of GRANITE ROCKS OF BUTTE, MONT., AND VICINITY 741 the mass. Owing to disintegration prefectly fresh specimens can only be obtained from surface quarries or underground work- ings. The exact relations of this mass to the general area were not satisfactorily determined, though it appears certain from the exposures that it is an integral part of the batholith and not a separate intrusion. At several localities a sharp gradation was observed, with narrow transition bands between the lighter colored granite with its white feldspars and the darker Butte type. Orthoclase is an abundant and usually a readily recognizable constituent as its pinkish color is in contrast to the green tones of the plagioclase, and it has, moreover, a tendency to develop in relatively large crystals which give the rock a somewhat por- phyritic look. Plagioclase, black hornblende, black biotite, and quartz are easily distinguished by the eye. Under the micro- scope the rock is seen to vary between a rather basic hornblende- granitite and a quartz-diorite. There is usually a slight amount of chlorite present, but the biotite and hornblende are as a rule fresh. Titanite, apatite, iron ore, and zircon are present as accessories. It will be seen that the rock is only a somewhat more basic phase of the granite of the region, and that it closely resembles granodiorite, though in the Butte rock the plagioclase is more basic, being a sodic labradorite. The four analyses given in the general table show the rock to be remarkably uniform in chemical composition over the entire area. The following table gives partial analyses of the Butte granite and of the related rocks from other localities : PARTIAL ANALYSES OF BUTTE GRANITE AND RELATED ROCKS aenuse) NGpeeen ORS aes Boulder D1 Oseretes sitar 64.03 65.48 65.25 64.39 67.12 ANIEN @)rvecterietsie 15.58 16.05 16.94 15.90 15. INS OW las Gnoe 1.96 1.47 1.60 5.63 1.62 He Oa as 2.83 3.02 1.91 222 Ca@ arte 25 x 4.20 4.80 3.85 4.15 3.43 WEROeatownia ae 2eTic 2.12 1.31 1.93 gy jal KA Omer eae 4.11 6.8 2.43 2°02 SG) Ai52 Nias Olensercse: 2.7.0) ae 7 3.49 By/ 3.49 7.05 2.76 742 WALTER HARVEY WEED The analysis of the Butte rock is the mean of the four analyses already given. The granodiorite is the mean of five analyses given by Turner. The Boise rock is described by Lindgren.? The Banatite is a mean of the analyses quoted by Brogger.3 From the analyses it will be seen that the rock closely resembles a banatite in composition; the lime and sum total of the alkalis being the same, but in the Butte rock the potash exceeds the soda in amount. It also resembles the granodior- ites, but the alkalies present an inverse ratio. In order to furnish a basis for calculating the mineral com- position of this rock, fresh rock was crushed, the hornblende and biotite separated by Dr. H. N. Stokes by the use of Thoulet solu- tion, and these two minerals from each other by sliding on paper. The resulting material was examined under the micro- scope and found to be quite pure. The biotite is quite black in color to the eye, but dark brown under the microscope showing very marked pleochroism. This biotite is characteristic not only of the Butte granite but of the Boulder granite as well. In many sections examined it appears the same in color and pleochroism not only for the Butte rock but for the normal granite of the batholith, and it may be assumed to be the same for both these rocks. The microscopic examination of the biotite material showed a little apatite pres- ent, a very little chlorite, and very little hornblende, but these impurities form a very minute part of the whole. The amphibole is also characteristic of both the Butte granite and the normal granite of the region. It is black or very dark green when seen with a hand lens, but pleochroic in dark green tints with large extinction angle when seen under the microscope. The mate- rial analyzed was very pure. The following table shows the result of the analyses made of these minerals. Dr. Stokes was unable to obtain a higher + Woccit.5 ps 150: ? Mining Districts of the Idaho Basin and Boise Ridge, Idaho. Eighteenth Ann. Rept. Director U.S.G.S. 1898, p. 740. SWocrcit.; p. 62. GRANITE ROCKS OF BUTTE, MONT,, AND VICINITY 743 summation in the analyses made of each, and the amount of material available being exhausted further work could not be done. For reference the analyses published by Turner of the biotite and amphibole from the quartz-monzonite of the Sierra Nevada, are also given.” The close resemblance of the analyses of both rocks and minerals to those of the Butte material will be noted. Biotite Hornblende Butte granite Butte a Butte ee SIO ea erm leeateratcnaee stove aie sars 35-79 25075 45-73 47.49 64.03 pli Oe Ger eanevate nev taker« cto fisecotens 2551 3.16 1.43 1.21 .60 le NOG eas cca Steir ROmIneeEre .10 .03 28 .06 .18 Bree steusa shaper ore slau ey Rndieusts. fe yh) Ly, staves bishus ec svettieits Ci ce et npoialersensieciccettnn’s .20 Aree St seco UT Sess AUIE Ole tcrettatvovae it stake tells oreisichacs 13.70 14.70 6.77 7.07 15.58 HO) Mectavcrstertiiacitre evacuate 522 4.65 4.94 4.88 1.96 Hie Oeeraerteys,, votcacnencutiolee aykcs E2972 14.08 10.30 10.69 2.83 IMGT OR verexacsveess a aa he eae .19 +45 54 ay Aig Bia Ore etic wat hala ce eek weve eace 5g} ene none eats .07 WTO SvareseQetavaretesatevevoasrsteciisrteens none .12 none ae .04 CaO rites ccyar erence werent .05 oe], DZS T,02 4.20 VSO Perret io. dec Soe cay stasayaecaie 125 e377 12532 13.06 2.15 ARGS OW ersreetsheve, eeuciaeaoateharerd a 9.09 9.19 1.22 -49 4.11 AN as) eee prada ceu te eececs readies ays 15 fee “yfyf 75) 2.76 NE UNO) ice Pia kaye wtesigeia acs)vis ohavess tr tr tr aa Pera Tel OR below DLOg ea scec ee 120 1.03 -49 oe .20 He OsvabovesllOr feos aac 3.64 3.64 220 1.86 auf} MO talietecscvenete ese cesree Pais 99.59 100.00 98.77 100.03 99.87 TeessmOsforsH Ga Glee eo 27 12 99.22 98.65 Stokes |Hillebrand| Stokes |Hillebrand Stokes The Butte analyses are incomplete as the amount of material was too small for further work. The phosphoric pentoxide (P,O,;) in the analyses of both minerals and of the rock itself is assumed to be present as apatite and with an appropriate amount of lime is deducted from the analyses. The water below 110° C. is assumed to be accidental and is also deducted. The analyses are then reduced to 100, and the molecular ratios calculated. t Some rock forming biotites and amphiboles. A.J. Sci. Vol. VII, 1899, p. 294. 744 WALTER HARVEY WEED All the soda is calculated as albite. Microscopic examina- tion shows the plagioclase to bea calcic andesine Ab,, An,, and, an estimate being made of the proportion of hornblende present, an equivalent amount of lime is deducted and the remainder calculated with the albite molecule to form plagioclase. The result gives the following composition for the rock: I Il Quartz - - - - BETO) 20.8 Orthoclase - - - - 19.88 18. Albite - - - - 22.98 28. Anorthite - - - - 11.48 TQ Hornblende - - - 15.26 16.6 Biotite = - - - - a Ano — Magnetite - - : - 1.18 1.5 Titanite - - - - - .97 1.4 Apatite = = 3 : +33 3 100.00 98.7 This adds up to 1.51 molecular weight against 1.50 for the bulk analysis of the rock, showing a very close agreement. As the microscope shows the plagioclase to be andesine of about the composition of Ab,, An, (or Sodic labradorite), and albite is not seen in the section, the orthoclase must contain the albite molecule. In the second column the percentages given are those calculated by Lindgren* for the granodiorite of Grass Valley—a rock whose chemical analysis, as already shown, closely resembles that of the Butte granite. The rocks in the vicinity of the Frohner mine are identical in composition with the Butte granite, as shown by the analysis. The region is about thirty miles north of Butte, and the rock part of the general granite batholith. THE BLUEBIRD APLITE Associated with the Butte granite there is an unusual devel- opment of aplite. So far as known to the writer it is the most extensive occurrence of a granite aplite yet discovered. The * Gold Quartz Veins of Grass Valley, Cal., Seventeenth Ann. Rep. Dir. U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 42. GRANITE ROCKS OF BUTTE, MONT., AND VICINITY 745 largest mass is 114% miles by 2,, miles, and is known from mine workings to be several hundred feet thick, resting on the Butte granite. Besides this large mass there is another of about one- third the size and numerous smaller bodies, as outlined by the author on the geologic map of the Butte district. In the cases hitherto observed by the writer, and those commonly described, aplites occur in dikes commonly quite narrow, but often of con- siderable length; such masses have been supposed to be the fill- ing of cracks formed in the cooling granite, the aplite magma coming either from an acid residuum or nucleus of the mass or, as suggested by Turner, a product squeezed out of the crys- tallizing granite and gathered in cracks due to its shrinkage. A study of the Butte aplites shows that, though the dikes of this material may owe their origin to some such cause, that the irregu- lar lense-like or meniscoid masses are sometimes local bodies unconnected with any feeder. The inference derived from a careful examination of many exposures is that the material is due to some such process as that suggested by Turner—a sort of segregation. In the description of the remarkable differen- tiation zone of Square Butte’ it was shown that the basic outer part of the intrusion, itself a product of differentiation, holds a thin band of white syenite due to further separation or differen- tiation of the feldspathic constituents in the crystallizing mass. This hypothesis, my belief in which has been strengthened by further observations of other laccoliths in the same region, seems to explain the manner of occurrence of the aplites in the Butte mass. It is believed, upon evidence which cannot be presented here, that the Butte district is on the downthrown side of a fault and that its granitic rocks represent the upper part of the batho- litic intrusion. In this uppermost part of the intrusion partial differentiation is believed to have taken place, the normal granite, represented by analysis No. 516, splitting up into the more basic phase represented by the Butte type and the acidic type, the Blue- bird aplite. This hypothesis demands that as the Butte granite * WEED and Prrsson: Highwood Mountains of Montana, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., p. 406, 1896. 746 WALTER HARVEY WEED is but slightly more basic than the prevailing form, the pro- portion of aplite should be small. The field observations show a quantitative relation which, as far as it can be estimated, con- firms the view. This -hypothesis implies a gathering of the iron, magnesian, and lime molecules out of the general magma and their concen- tration in the quartz-monzonite, with a separation out of the aplitic material, richer in alumina, alkalis, and silica which did not form an inner kernel as it has in laccolithic differentiations, but local masses in the basic granite. This hypothesis has already been anticipated by Cross in the discussion of evidence of dif- ferentiation at Rosita, Colo.? If the Butte granite is a border or upper contact facies of the batholith, this separation may have been induced by contact cooling. Observations of many of the smaller intrusive stocks of the Montana mountains and of the contacts of the larger batholiths show that there is more or less of a mixing of basic and siliceous materials as if they were stirred together while pasty. The rocks grade into one another and there are no sharp contacts. In the large aplite intrusions there is no sahlband alteration. The grain continues the same in both rocks, but at a certain line there is a change in the relative proportions of the minerals. In the smaller bodies and little dikelets the grain of the aplite is finer, though there is no contact band or evidence of chilling. In the Butte area this is uncommon. There is, it is true, a sharp contact between granite and aplite, but there are transition forms and even masses of granite in the larger aplite bodies which are clearly not included fragments but integral parts of the mass. Yet there is commonly a definite separation of the two rocks, and it is certain that there has been no mixing of the two mate- rials due to convection or movement before consolidation. In most of the aplite bodies the grain varies considerably from place to place; sometimes the rock becomes a micropegmatite, * Geology of Silver Cliff and Rosita Hills, Colo., Seventeenth Ann. Rep. Dir. U.S. Geol. Surv., p. 329. GRANITE ROCKS OF BOTTE, MONT. AND VICINITY F477 rarely a coarse pegmatite. There is sometimes a banding with alternations of fine and coarse-grained material. The commonly accepted theory of the origin of aplite is that it represents the acid remainder in a granite or quartz- diorite magma after the more basic elements have crystallized. At a late period, after the main mass of the granitoid rock had crystallized, the aplite is forced up from below and fills previously formed cracks, which are perhaps the result of cooling. Viewed in this light they are genetically related to the more basic granites with which in the Sierra Nevada they are for the most part directly associated." The aphte-——The following calculation of the mineral com- position of the aplite, column I, is based upon the complete chemical analyses given in the table. A little biotite is found in the fresh aplite. This is similar to that of the granite and is supposed to have the same composition, and all the magnesia is ascribed to this. This leaves an excess of 0.09 of TiO,, which is calculated as titanite. I i! Quartz - 3 = : 37-70 39-45 Potash feldspar - - = 333.00..." 29.43 Soda feldspar - - - Bro 23°03 Lime feldspar - - 2.45 6.56 Biotite - - - - 0:72 .9O Magnetite, etc. - - Sy exo 58 Titanite - - - - 0.22 18 100.00 100.00 In column II the mineral compositions of the aplites of the Granodiorite of the Sierra Nevada, given by Turner, are given for comparison. LAMPROPHYRIC CONTACT FACIES The first two analyses in the large table represent the compo- sitions of two lamprophyric contact facies of the batholith. The rocks probably grade into the granite, though the transition is a TH. W. TURNER: Geology of Sierra Nevada, p. 722. 748 WALTER HARVEY WEED rapid one. More often such rocks occur as intrusions in the altered sediments about the border of the batholith. The first analysis is that of a rock that might be called a diorite, though it hardly comes under that name. It consists mainly of green horn- blende, which is stringy and appears to be derived from augite, and of small zonally built basic plagioclase feldspars and a very little quartz. It is a nearly black, quite coarsely crystalline rock, and is an unusual type. It occurs intrusive in phyllites and schists on the summit of Red Mountain, ten miles south of Butte. The second analysis is that of a rock fairly typical of the batholith contact at many localities. It is a dark gray granular rock, rather finer grained than the granite into which it can in some places be traced by insensible gradations. It is a very basic diorite which approaches a hornblende-gabbro. The horn- blende is quite stringy and of uralitic appearance, pale green passing into deeper green and into colorless forms. Brown bio- tite is rare. Orthoclase is present in small amount and only in interstices between more idiomorphic plagioclase. The latter shows an extremely fine zonal structure and varies between labradorite and albite, and will perhaps in a majority of cases have an average composition corresponding to andesine. A very little quartz is also present, together with apatite and iron ore as accessories. The rock grades into one consisting mainly of zonally built basic plagioclase in small idiomorphic crystals, equal in amount to that of the combined dark colored constituents, brown pleo- chroic biotiteand hornblende derived from light colored pyroxene, remnants of which still remain. For the purpose of determining what changes, if any, are accomplished in the ordinary weathering of the granite, an analy- sis of a coherent but quite triable rock has been made. The material, which is quite typical of that commonly seen in natural exposures, is rather lighter in color than the perfectly fresh rock and has a clayey odor when moist. The greenish plagioclase and pinkish feldspar has been bleached to a dull white or waxy GRANITE ROCKS OF BUTTE, MONT., AND VICINITY 749 tint. In the still more altered rock, and in the sands formed by its crumbling down, the white minerals are stained by iron rust. In the rock analyzed the biotite is partly fresh and unaltered, but many of the grains are dull and lusterless, and others are altered to green chlorite; more rarely the cleavages are coated by iron rust. The hornblende shows the most alteration. Some of the grains are fresh, but most of them show masses of ocher, and are penetrated by films of it along cleavages and the grains all show more or less chlorite as the first stage of alteration. These changes all indicate simple hydration and oxidation of the rock, and should accordingly be revealed in the analysis. The fol- lowing tables show (1) the average composition of the fresh rock, (II) the composition of the disintegrated material, (III) the percentage of each constituent lost, (eDN/3) the percentage of each constituent gained. Constituents I II II Vie ere oie error of analysis SHNCE Sedo or s5|04-03 65.14 +1.01 1.41 3 Titanic oxide...| .60 59 —0.01 Alumina. .!5... 3 15.58 15.63 +0.05 0.32 Herricoxide, 3. ..)| 0.90 2.37 0.51 oT Ferrous oxide...| 2.83 2513 —0.70 15 Manganese oxide] .1I1 tis Onli 100. 10. BTM ese atsresiietanens 4.20 3.62 —0.58 14.09 I Magnesia ...... 2eris 1.85 —0.30 14.23 7) Botashevncrce ws. 4.11 4.29 +0.13 4.04 2 SOda ttc pra ct oes 2:76 2.63 —0.13 9.51 2 M oisture com- bined espera. 73 apis +0.02 Moisture below .96 TT Os, otenentsiers PA) 5ey7/ +0.14 Bary tavctsesetena ae .07 .I0 +0.03 SUrOMELA ves eee C4 tr. —0.04 Phosphoric acid.| .18 .16 —0.02 99.86 99.08 The fresh rock contained a little Cl, 0.17 per cent., the dis- integrated rock none. The fresh rock held 0.06 per cent. S (as pytite), the altered reck 0.05 per cent. SO . While the changes in the character of the rock are largely physical, and its degeneration, due to the rapid expansion and 750 WALTER HARVEY WEED contraction to which it is here subjected in the extremes of tem- perature that are so characteristic of the climate, and the chem- ical changes made possible because of the opportunity for moisture to penetrate the minute cracks thus formed, yet the chemical changes themselves, slight as they appear to be, aid this degeneration by swelling up as the molecules become oxidized and hydrated. The analysis shows a remarkably small amount of chemical alteration. It is evident, also, that the process is not the normal one of ‘‘weathering,” since silica is not lost. The presence of sulphides in the rock itself, the proximity of mineral veins, and the presence of sulphurous fumes in the atmosphere which would, of course, acidulate the rainfall, probably account for this abnormal nature of the weathering. Under such circumstances none of the constituents of the rock are constant, since they are all capable of passing into solution under such conditions. As, however, an increase of silica could not take place, this sub- stance must either decrease in amount, or remain constant, and the analyses can be best compared by assuming it constant. WALTER HARVEY WEED. Nez AN ATTEMPT TO FRAME A WORKING HYPOTHESIS ORI Ea CAUSE OR GLACIAL, RERIODS ONAN ALPVMOSEHERIC- BASIS. (Continued) ro: LOCALIZATION OF GLACIATION. THE problem of localization is in some sense independent of the fundamental hypothesis offered in this paper, and the sug- gestions which follow may be accepted or rejected without carrying necessarily an approval or disapproval of the main hypothesis. The remarkable distribution of the great ice-sheets —The chief centers of the Pleistocene ice-sheet lay on the north-northeastern plains of North America, and, on the northwestern quarter of Europe. On the northwestern Cordilleras there was also a nota- ble center, though it does not appear to have equaled the others in rank.‘ The north-northeastern American centers are properly regarded as chief because the spread of the ice-sheets from them t This statement is perhaps open to some question. It is quite certain from field observations that the glaciation of the Cordilleran plateau in the United States and in British Columbia as far north at least as 51° Lat. was much feebler than that of the Mississippi basin at corresponding latitudes and much lower present altitudes. It seems also clear that the ice of the north Cordilleras did not creep out upon the plains. to an extent at all comparable to the spread of the Scandinavian ice-sheet upon the plains of Europe. Considered from these points of view, and they seem to be the important ones, the statement can scarcely be questioned seriously. The evidences of glaciation on the mountainous border facing the Pacific from 48° northward arts, however, quite impressive. They find their climax perhaps in the 4000 or 5000 feet fof glacial! débris which Russell reports in the foothills of the St. Elias range. In v 4ew of this it may perhaps be insisted that the glaciation of this region was ex bep- tionally concentrated on the Pacific border, because of the abrupt rise of the sur ‘face and the height of the mountains, and that the glacial discharge toward the * Pacific was also exceptionally effective because the high gradient; so that, tak dng this intensification into account, the sum total of ice formation and ice action in ‘his region may not have been so much inferior to that of the European area as the /surface dis- tribution might seem to imply. a 751 752 T. C. CHAMBERLIN was much more extensive than from the other centers, and because they were not aided essentially by mountainous points of origin, for neither the Labradorean nor the Keewatin centers appear to have been initiated by mountainous elevations. It was a development of glaciation on plains, or at most on plateaus. This fact renders the American ice-fields conspicuously chief among all that developed in Pleistocene times. The glaciation of Europe was centered upon mountains; and remnants of glaciation still linger on the mountain heights of most of the old glacial fields, giving ground for the belief that the local topographic features were there important factors. The glacia- tion of northwestern Europe would possibly have been rather scant if it had received no greater topographic aid than was afforded in the Keewatin field, but apparently it would not have been absent. It has often been remarked that the Pleistocene glaciation was gathered about the north Atlantic, but it can scarcely be too much emphasized that the greatest, of the glacial areas, and by far the most phenomenal, because of its plain topography, lies on the western, or what we are accustomed to regard as the windward, side of the Atlantic. It is further to be noted, that on the western side of America, the glaciation, though notable, was still seemingly much inferior to that of the great northeastern plains; and this in spite of its mountainous character and its adjacency to the great Pacific Ocean, a topographic and hydrographic conjunction which expresses itself now in the most vigorous glaciation outside of the polar circles. More or less nearly contemporaneous with the growth of the foregoing great ice-sheets, local glaciation developed on nearly all the mountain heights of the earth, whether in the northern or ‘the southern hemisphere, and whether in high or low latitudes. Thi’s seems to imply an intensification of glacial conditions gen- erally, but at the same time to indicate that the great ice-sheets were depyendent on some special agency of localization. In say- ing that tilcese scattered areas of glaciation were approximately PiVEROd EH SITS (OF CAUSE VOM GLA CIAL PERIODS —7.53 contemporaneous, no dogmatic assertion is intended relative to the exact contemporaneity of glaciation or to its alternation in’ the northern and southern hemispheres, nor respecting the doctrine of migration of glaciation in longitude. Observational data are yet insufficient to decide these questions. It is obvious, however, that the hypothesis under consideration postulates essential contemporaneity throughout the globe. The constructive pole of the winds.—As a possible factor in the localization of glaciation, I venture to offer the suggestion that the axis of the earth’s rotation and the axis of the atmosphere’s circulation, constructively interpreted, are not identical. By the constructive axis of the winds I mean that ideal line about which the general currents of the atmosphere would be found to revolve if all minor movements were eliminated or equated and the aggregate east-west components only were regarded. In other words, it is suggested that the planetary system of circu- lation is obliquely adjusted to the planet. This was first sug- gested to me by a study of the peculiar courses of the arctic ice-drift. The polar ice-bearing currents are regarded by experi- enced arctic navigators as concrete expressions of the average movements of the atmosphere. To be sure, the ice-drift is affected by the ocean currents, but these are also, in the main, the, results: of the average direction and force of the winds, though they do not so immediately and definitely express it as the ice-drift, because they are also influenced by more remote agencies. If the axis of the currently postulated ‘circumpolar whirl”’ of the atmosphere coincided with the axis of the earth, and if it were the poleward incurving spiral of the winds that swept the surface of the polar sea, the average ice-drift should assume, or tend to assume, a corresponding incurving spiral. The ice should crowd in toward the pole and rotate upon itself in a direction opposite to the hands of a watch. If this were true, the current which carried Nansen from east to west should have flowed from west to east. If the axis of the ‘‘circumpolar whirl” coincided with the axis of the earth, and it were the outward-running spiral that 754 T. C. CHAMBERLIN swept the surface of the sea, the ice-fields should rotate in the opposite direction with a centrifugal tendency which should carry the ice outwards and press it against the adjacent continents and give a voluminous discharge down the north Atlantic. An attempt to drift foward the pole in such a system would be an absurdity, and Nansen’s feat would be inexplicable. Observed ice-drift—Neither of these are the phenomena observed. On the contrary, as now abundantly demonstrated, particularly by the remarkable drifts of the Jeannette and the Fram, the average movement near the coast of northern Asia and Europe is westward and slightly northward. This course is held until Greenland imposes itself as a barrier. The outer margin of the ice flow is then forced southward, but immediately it reaches Cape Farewell it curves closely about the point (at least during the summer months) and flows northward and westward to the vicinity of the arctic circle. It here encounters a new barrier in the islands of the American Arctic Archipelago and again moves southward. On the north coast of Greenland, so far as known,. the ice presses hard upon the land, as though its normal course were southward. It flows persistently into the channel between Green- land and Grinnell Land, and gives rise to that strenuous ice-pack which has again and again been assailed by arctic navigators with such great daring and such little success. The recent adverse experiences of the Windward and the Fram are but a renewed expression of the persistence of this south-southwestward drift of the ice. currents: On the north side of the Arctic Archipelago, west of Green- land, the ice crowds hard against the shore, and has thus far pre- vented the full penetration of Jones Sound or any of the other straits between the northern range of islands. The blocking of Jones Sound appears to be the result of an eastward as well as southerly crowding of the ice. Farther to the west Banks Strait and McClintock Chan- nel together form a continuous and rather broad water way, beginning in longitude 130° west and stretching southeasterly to HVPOTHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS ~*~ 755 longitude 95° west. This channel is always tightly jammed with ice pressed in from the northwest. So persistent and strenuous is the pressure of this ice-pack that it constitutes an effectual barrier to the northwest passage, and has thus far mocked all attempt to force it. This implies a definite and persistent movement from the northwest to the southeast. It appears, then, that from far east of Greenland to the west- ern limits of the northern archipelago there is a definite con- vergence of the ice currents toward a point located somewhere north of Hudson Bay, 7. e¢.,a point lying to the north of the two great centers of Pleistocene glaciation, the Labradorean and the Keewatin, and on a meridian that runs between them. It is interesting to note that the point of convergence lies in the general vicinity of the magnetic pole. and this: obviously leads to the further suggestion that there may be some genetic connection between the two as yet undetermined. Concurrent in import with this is the fact that on the opposite side of the north pole the coasts of northern Asia and Europe become partially free of ice each season. This, although doubt- less partly due to the effects of the fresh water borne in by the great rivers of those coasts, is probably none the less an expression of the fact that the polar ice is not crowded down upon those coasts; for if it were, its great mass would com- pletely overwhelm the effects of even the great Siberian rivers. This phenomenon, taken in connection with the direct observa- tions of the ice-drift made by De Long, Nansen, and others, leaves little room for doubt that the great polar ice-field drifts away from the Eurasian coast and crowds toward Hudson Bay. The meridian of 90° may be taken as rudely representing the axis of this converging ice-drift. It is interesting to note that this same meridian bisects the Mississippi valley and crosses the southern apex of the great American glacial field. Listribution of arid zone.— Correlated with this remarkable phenomenon is an equally remarkable distribution of the great desert tracts of the eastern hemisphere. Commencing on the Atlantic coast of Africa between 10° and 30° north latitude, the 756 T. C. CHAMBERLIN arid belt stretches north of east across Africa and Asia until in Mongolia it lies between 30° and 50° north latitude. That is to say, in this stretch of 70° or 80° in longitude it has advanced 20° in latitude. If now we select the meridian at 90° east, at or about which the desert area reaches its northern culmination, and follow this through the pole to a point 20° beyond on the meridian of 90° west, we are in the vicinity of the point towards which the arctic. ice-drift seems. to ‘concentrate. | And ai we follow the same meridian southward we reach the point in the Mississippi valley where the ice-sheet had its southernmost exten- sion. It is to be noted further that this last point coincides with the region where a large percentage of the cyclones which descend from the northwest curve about and take northeasterly courses. If there were space here to enter into other particulars, addi- tional coincidences of an apparently significant nature might be found. The inference drawn is that the axis of the main polar whirl, if indeed the polar movement can be called a whirl, is not coincident with the axis of the earth, but hes at some point southward from it in the vicinity of the meridian of 90° west longitude and 20° more or less distant from the pole. Indications of meteorological data.— As just implied, the idea entertained is not that there is a simple polar whirl whose axis is located here, but that the rather complex movements of the polar atmosphere, when combined and correlated, give a theo- retical or constructive pole in this region. What is meant by this will appear more specifically from a study of the available meteorological data. Unfortunately these are yet quite imper- fect and’ partially uncorrelated, and hence I have given prece- dence to the natural correlation expressed in the ice-drift. The International Circumpolar Commission has not yet combined and discussed its data. It may therefore be most convenient to have recourse to Buchan’s’ or Hann’s? meterological maps. for ™Challenger Reports. Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 11, Atmospheric Circulation. Maps 51 and 52. These include the main data gathered by the International Circum- polar Stations. ? Berghaus Physical Atlas. TIMPOLHESLS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS Th the general features of atmospheric pressure and circulation. An inspection of Buchan’s isobaric maps shows that there are, north of 45° north latitude, two nearly permanent areas of low barometer and one of f#zgh barometer. (See accompanying sketch maps I and 2, based mainly on Buchan’s.) The area of high barometer is located in Asia on the meridian of 100° east longitude. It may perhaps be regarded as one of the normal high areas that theoretically belong to the parallel of 30° north latitude, but which has been displaced 20° to the northward by the topographic conditions of the great Eurasian continent. Its two chief companions under this view lie, the one in the east Atlantic centering near the Azores, about 30° north latitude and 25° west longitude, the other in the east Pacific, off the coast of Califor- nia, in about 35° north latitude and 140° west longitude. But the Asiatic area of high pressure seems to combine in itself also the function of a polar center, for no other center, high or low, lies between it and the pole. Moreover, it is above mid-lati- tude, and is nearer the parallels of the two permanent areas of low pressure of the arctic region than to those of its 30° cor- relatives, for it lies itself in 50° north latitude, while the arctic “lows” lie in 55° and 60° north latitude respectively. Furthermore, as shown on Buchan’s map 52, these high-lati- tude centers are arranged about the pole at nearly equal distances from each other, the’ Asiatic ‘high’ being: in about 100° east longitude, the north Atlantic ‘‘low” in about 35° west longitude, and the north Pacific ‘‘low”’ in about 170° west longitude, z. ¢., their successive distances from each other. are.135°, 145°, and 140°. While these centers shift somewhat during the seasons, they are essentially fixed, the above statements being based on the isobaric averages for the year. These centers are therefore to be distinguished from the familiar moving cyclonic centers and are to be regarded as enduring factors which express the essentially permanent circulatory features of the circumpolar atmosphere. The Asiatic ‘‘high” is a permanent anti-cylonic area characterized by descending outward-flowing currents, attended by low precipitation and clear air. The north Atlantic CHAMBERLIN Die 58 i. "NVHa@NG wats ‘UYIA SHL vos 38079 3H41 40 S3NI7 JIYVEOSI HVPROTHESTS OF CAUSE OF-GLACIAL PERIODS. 7559 G: KOT 760 LT... Ci CLLA MBER, and north Pacific ‘‘lows”’ are permanent cyclonic areas with inflowing ascending currents attended by high precipitation and prevalent fogs. Of the two “‘lows”’ that of the north Atlantic is the broader and more northerly, and appears to be the more influential factor now, as presumably it was in Pleistocene times. The north Atlantic ‘low,’ according to both Buchan and Hann, centers near the apex of Greenland; the north Pacific “low” centers on the Aleutian islands. It is not difficult now to understand the peculiar behavior of the ice-driit “of the’ polar seas, Bhe Asiatic: “hich jwithweies: outflowing currents pushes the ice off the Asiatic coast, while the currents inflowing toward the two “lows”’ impel it toward a point between the two. The Asiatic “high,” however, develops more to the northeast of its center than to the northwest, and the North American area of moderately high barometer extends. a tongue to the northwest between the two ‘‘lows,” so that the two high areas approach each other north of the north Pacific “low” and reduce its influence upon the high latitude currents. These are therefore directed disproportionately toward the north Atlantic ‘‘low,” and give to it a dominating influence. Buchan’s. maps of wind-directions for the winter months (when local influ- ences are reduced to the minimum) show that the prevailing wind currents flow concentrically about the north Atlantic center from the Lena on the east to the MacKenzie on the west, a stretch of 220° longitude. Correlation of circumpolar currents.—But in considering the circumpolar circulation as a whole, it is necessary to combine all the movements about all these centers to find the true dynamic center or the constructive pole of the winds. While such a com- bination cannot be accurately made from present data, it is obvious that it must place this constructive pole somewhere to. the northward and westward of the north Atlantic “low” and nearer to it than to either of the other centers.) he jpome toward which the ice-drift converges satisfies these conditions, and may be taken as nature’s own practical correlation. Possibly HYPOTHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS 701 the magnetic pole may prove to be another expression of the same correlation, made indirectly through the agency of electric and magnetic dynamics springing from atmospheric circulation. One-stded location of ‘‘ lows.’’—As already noted, the two areas of permanent low barometric pressure are located on the Ameri- can side of the globe and have their centers, according to Hann and Buchan, less than 140° Long. (5 of the total 360°) apart. They are notably elongated in a general east-westerly direction, the north Atlantic area being especially extended easterly and northeasterly, and somewhat curved and reniform. If the iso- baric line of 29.95 inches, which represents the average pressure for the globe, be taken as defining the low areas, their borders are only about 4o° Long. apart on the American side, while they are 115° Long. apart on the Asiatic side in about the same latitude. In other words, the distance between the borders of the low areas on the American side is about one third of the distance on the Asiatic side. The distance between the borders of the ‘‘lows” is only about one half their own longitudinal diameters. The tract between the borders of the “lows” on the American side being thus relatively narrow, it might naturally be anticipated that the currents within it would be much influenced by those of the adjacent depressions, and this seems to be ina large measure realized, for the winds on the northern American plains east of the Rocky Mountains flow in the main concentric to the north Atlantic depression. On Buchan’s map 52, which has a polar projection, the isobaric line of 30 inches describes. nearly a circle about a point not far from the center of Green- land’s ice-field. (See sketch map 2.) In a rude way the pre. vailing winds within this circle and for some short distance without it whirl about the Greenland center with inward tend- ency. The influence of the north Pacific depression does not appear to be appreciably felt east of the mountains. Relation of moving cyclones.—Ilt is interesting to note in this connection that many of the moving cyclones that traverse the mid-latitudes of our continent seem to take their origin in the tract between these two permanent cyclonic areas, or in the 762 TEC GHA MELE TRIETEN, region immediately to the south of it, and that possibly they are but secondary eddies generated by the action of the great fixed ones. As before noted, the migrant eddies swing concentrically about the north Atlantic depression. Location of present glaciationn—Coming closer home to the glacial problem, it is important to note that the two great areas of present arctic glaciation are intimately related to these two permanent cyclonic areas. The Alaskan and Greenland ice- fields not only lie within these areas of barometric depression, but are peculiarly related to them. It is, at first thought, not a little singular that, while the Alaskan ice-fields lie on the northeast border of the Pacific ‘‘low,’’ the ice-fields of Greenland lie in the northwest quarter of the north Atlantic “low;”’ that ts, the chief glaciations lie defween the centers of the two permanent cyclonic areas. The apparent anomaly of maximum ice accu- mulation in the northwest quarter of the Greenland “low” prob- ably finds its explanation in the following considerations : 1. The maximum precipitation (which is normally found in the southeast quarter of a “low”’) and the maximum ice accumu- lation should not theoretically be coincident; for the ice accu- mulation is not a true measure of the precipitation, but merely a measure of that fart of precipitation which is frozen when it falls and survives melting and evaporation. Now in the north and west quarters a larger percentage of the precipitation is snow than in the south and east quarters, where the sum total of precipitation is greater. Moreover, the melting in the north and west quarters is obviously less than in the opposite quarters. The annual isotherms for the southeast quarter range from 35° up to 50° F., while those of the northwest quarter range from 35° down too’ F. The ice-fields of Greenland and the lands west of it lie in the tract whose annual average is below 32° F. Iceland, whose precipitation is greater, but whose glaciation is less, lies between isothermals 35° to 40° F. 2. The configuration of the water area which wraps about Greenland gives special snow-precipitating efficiency to the winds that swing about the depression on its north side and HVPOTHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS 763 cross Greenland from the east and northeast. The nature of the circulation ts such that Greenland 1s really on the leeward side of the north Atlantic. This is shown by the following tables of pre- vailing winds. The first is from the prolonged observations recorded at Godthaab and Upernivik, by Dr. Rink; the second, from those taken under the direction of General Greeley at Fort Conger in the years 1882 and 1883: PERCENTAGES OF TIME DURING WHICH GREENLAND WINDS BLOW FROM THE DIRECTIONS NAMED At Upernivik At Godthaab Lat. 72° 47’. Long. 55° 35’ Dat, 64° 2x". “Long, 51.43" Direction Winter Spring | Summer | Autumn Winter Spring | Summer | Autumn ING ereistia or 25.5 33.9 31.9 28.8 B21 37.4 30.3 25.5 ID eesactetewead 34.3 2251 16.2 36.5 38.4 24.8 8.6 33.6 Shear tresctacel| Lige5 20.3 28.0 18.1 16.1 ey) 32.9 22.9 Was) cess wns 1.8 2:5 6.4 4.4 4.9 5.7 15.1 6.2 Calms). ..2: 22.9 20.2 1725 12.2 7.5 10.4 eel 11.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 FREQUENCY AND VELOCITY OF WINDS AT FORT CONGER, LAT. 80° 44’ N., LONG. 64° 45’ w. 1881-2 1882-3 Direction Times Miles Times Miles IND epefet oekestrcnnkerestesetsnaa ees 303% 1522 420 2401 Ni Ete Latent cst avs laces 761 3061 1022 4613 NEP ein, etersea ie ea ta hrscen ovate hays I151% 4843 1369 4061 S aE toners ees aave ree 67814 3605% 862 3650 DORs eesti Oa mah cnet acta ™uleielels 683% 386414 775 4214 Sr Wisi tee sie penten ait at sveaae ails tes 678 2011 goo 3059 AV iWeeneek te etree cng teaver eaa 371 949 343 997 INEM icite, cay teaiofoisetenadare. Cat ns 206 720 387 1142 alma eens, eh cer tan fone capstan Gistenecs 3408 1282 26082 50 The winds of the summer months are much influenced by local features, especially by the sea, the naked earth and the ice fields, respectively, while in the cold months a nearly uniform mantle of snow or ice covers the whole surface in common, and removes essentially all sources of variation except those of 764 T. C. CHAMBERLIN relief. Including the data of the summer months, the prepon- derant direction is shown by the above tables to be easterly. Omitting them, it becomes northeasterly. But in either case the dominant winds come from the north Atlantic, and justify the statement that Greenland is on the leeward side of the high north Atlantic and the adjacent part of the Arctic Ocean. In the eastern part of the Arctic Archipelago as far south as Hudson Straits the winds are very variable, a fact quite con- sistent with their physiographic surroundings, and with their location well toward the interior of the north Atlantic depression.* The paths of the moving cyclones— Besides the general fact that the prevailing atmospheric currents from the Mackenzie to the Lena form a great eddy, with maximum conditions of glaciation on the north and west of its chief center near the apex of Greenland, it is to be noted that the paths of the moving ” “lows” are greatly influenced by the permanent depression at . the center of the eddy. This is graphically shown for the north Atlantic portion of the region by Hann’s map No. 367 herewith reproduced (sketch map 3), in which it is shown that nearly all ) the moving ‘‘lows’’ curve to the northward in courses more or less rudely spiral or concentric to the permanent ‘low.’ The larger number of paths run spirally in toward the permanent center, which suggests the conception that the great fixed cyclone is in some sense an aggregate of numerous small in-running migrant cyclones. If data were sufficient to permit the following of the complete courses of all the migrant cyclones from their origin to their extinction, a dominant system of great interest would probably be shown. As already remarked, a considerable num- ber of these migrant cyclones originate in the American north- west. These show a notable habit of sweeping southeasterly ‘IT am greatly indebted to the Hon. Willis L. Moore, Chief of the United States Weather Bureau, and to Professor R. F. Stupart, of the Canadian Meteorological Service for transcripts of data relative to various high latitude stations not otherwise at my command. -? Berghaus’ Physical Atlas. 3The North American continent is the region where cyclones form in large numbers, and Europe and Asia the region where they dissipate.” F.H. BIGELOW: Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. VIII, December 1, 1889, p. 443. HWVPODBHMESLS (OF..CA OSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS 765 Y, CAMP. NG fe Cie : Shas ¥ , v RZ, LS bes ERT. X 2 } e RA 4 ANA 766 T. C. CHAMBERLIN into the Mississippi Valley, where they curve about and follow the courses shown on Hann’s chart. These courses seem to fall into two classes, the one running spirally inward toward the center of the great fixed eddy, the other spirally outward with dispersive tendencies. A suggestion relative to the possible reason for this last feature will be given in another connection. A more general view.—While all generalizations now enter- tained must be held very tentatively, because of the imperfection of present data, a general conception of the circulation of the northern part of the northern hemisphere, which will serve to bring together and give coherence and unity to the more special features which have been discussed, may be pardoned. The whole temperate and polar region is divisible into areas of high pressure (annual average above 29.95 inches, 760 mm) in which the dominant currents are downward and outward, and areas of low pressure (annual average below 29.95 inches, 760 mm) in which the dominant currents are inward and upward. The mutual disposal of these gives a basis for a general view of the atmospheric circulation. The high pressure loop.—tIn tracing the former we may start, for convenience, on the 30° latitude tract at its Atlantic node near the Azores, where it les between 30° and 40° north latitude. Tracing it thence easterly, it inclines notably to the north, and at the meridian of 100° east, has made a northerly gain of 20° latitude. Thence onward it continues to gain in latitude, at first more rapidly and then less rapidly to about the meridian of 180°, when its course is nearly normal to the meridian, and its latitude may be roughly taken as 75°. Thence onward its course is south of east to the Mackenzie basin, and thence more southerly over the Canadian plains east of the Rocky Mountains until it again joins the high tract that normally lies near 30° latitude. It thus makes a great loop swinging around the pole, and passing near it at its climax in latitude, and enclosing the great north Atlantic eddy (see sketch map 2). The tract is accentuated by nodes of an anticyclonic nature. The chief of these is the great “high? of Asia) (Whis prothudesmtom tite HYPOTHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS 767 southeast, and is constructively connected in that direction with the 30° belt, which develops a strong anticyclonic node near the California coast, beyond which it connects with the main tract which crosses the United States and the Atlantic near its normal position. Between this connection across the Pacific and the main loop before traced lies the Aleutian depression. The high tracts of the northern hemisphere therefore form (1) a great loop embracing the great north Atlantic depression and, (2) incidentally, as it were, a minor loop embracing the north Pacific depression. The great loop is not conceived as a current, much less a whirl, but as a tract along which the upper atmosphere habitually descends with outflowing tendencies. The enclosed area of low pressure is a tract over which the lower atmosphere habitually ascends with inflowing tendencies. Now the main loop and the main enclosed eddy he on one side of the northern hemisphere and embrace the chief area of Pleistocene glaciation. This main loop and its enclosed eddy embrace about three fourths of the hemisphere north of 30° N. Lat. In the area left vacant, so to speak, the secondary Aleutian eddy is developed and covers the main area of the Cordilleran Pleistocene glaciation. There can be no question that this peculiar configuration is due to physiographic influences, particularly the oblique attitude and peculiar oceanic circulation of the Atlantic, and the similar obliquity of the main body of the eastern continent. To realize the full force of this obliquity one should trace on a globe the great axis of the eastern continent from Cape Verde on the pro- truding portion of Africa to Cape East at the extremity of Asia, an immense spiral, and then, starting from the coast of South America near the lesser Antilles, trace the axis of the North Atlantic to the heart of the Polar sea ina similar great spiral, essentially parallel to the former. With these primary influences many secondary ones are joined, some acting concordantly to intensify the obliquity of the circulation, and others acting dis- cordantly and tending to destroy its symmetry, and modify its configuration. 708 TNC: CHAM B EIAIEEN: This discussion of the present circulation, too protracted for this place, yet too brief for its purpose, has seemed necessary to make clear the conception entertained respecting the agencies of localization. It has previously been urged in this paper that a reduction of the carbonic acid in the atmosphere and the con- sequent reduction of its heat-absorbing capacity must intensify the influence of all surface features. In the discussion of exist- ing glaciation I have endeavored to connect the present great ice-fields genetically with the two great areas of low pressure, and to associate them with an oblique disposal of the great circu- latory features. The chief centers of present glaciation lie on the borders of the American continent. The chief Pleistocene glaciations, were concentrically arranged about these centers. As has been pointed out by other students of Pleistocene glacia- tion, the yreat northeasterly ice-sheet had its western, southern and southeastern limits almost coterminous with the predomi- nant paths of northern migrant cyclones. To complete the hypothesis of localization it is therefore only necessary to assume an intensification of the present oblique system of circulation, with a further shifting of the centers of depression in the direc- tion of the present displacement, accompanied by a sufficient depression of temperature. And these are the effects assigned to a reduction of the atmosphere’s thermal capacity due to loss of carbonic acid. Suggestion relative to migrant cyclones—One further feature deserves notice. If the constructive pole of the winds hes some- where between the earth’s pole and the American continent, the frictional action of the earth will affect the two sides of the eddy in opposite senses. On the western side ( from the American point of view) the friction will tend to drag the bottom air toward the cyclonic center and crowd the isobars upon each other. As the lines of the wind circulation and the earth rota- tion cross each other obliquely, a predisposition to form gyratory or cyclonic eddies may be inferred, and this may be one of the sources of migrant cyclones which may be regarded as small eddies in the grander cyclonic movements. HYPOTHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS 769 On the eastern side of the pole of the winds, the earth move- ment tends to drag the bottom air away from the center and this is perhaps one of the reasons why the moving cyclones on that side show a tendency to dispersal, both in course and in force, as previously noted. Possible relation to terrestrial magnetism.— It is scarcely appro- priate to this paper, if it were in my power, to discuss the rela- tions of this oblique system of atmospheric circulation to the oblique system of terrestrial magnetism. Crudely stated, the notion entertained is that an atmosphere charged with electricity, circulating obliquely about a rotating earth which is inset with magnetic and magnetizable matter, might give rise to a mag- netic system which should express the dynamic resultant of the atmospheric circulation. A comparison of the magnetic and atmospheric charts shows so many points of resemblance, some of which are striking peculiarities, as perhaps to justify this ten- tative notion until the mystery of the earth’s magnetism be solved. Connected with terrestrial magnetism are auroral manifestations whose distribution is notably similar to that of the chief Pleisto- cene glaciation, as was remarked many years ago when first the progress of exploration outlined the extent of the glacial depos- its. It can hardly be presumed that either terrestrial magnetism or auroral displays have in themselves any causal connection with glaciation, but if they are dependencies of atmospheric cir- culation they become eminently serviceable to glacial students by affording a tangible concrete expression of the dynamic correlation of the atmospheric circulation, free from the intricate complexities of the latter; in short, a natural resultant at easy command. The verity of the notion must, of course, depend wholly on the outcome of magnetic investigations on their own lines, which happily are now being vigorously prosecuted. SUGGESTIONS RELATIVE TO MINOR GLACIAL OSCILLATIONS It has already been noted that besides the oscillations of epochal order there were subsidiary ones which left their record in a series of concentric moraines which corrugate the individual 770 LTC. CHAMBLEE, sheets of glacial débris. The latest drift sheets show this best. That designated Wisconsin is accentuated by nearly a score of peripheral ridges. Ina recent admirable paper by Keilhack* it is shown that similar lines of halt, and perhaps of minor advance, mark the corresponding European glacial sheet as ‘deployed on the plains of north Germany ; indeed, even in some of the greater details, a striking correspondence is traceable between the two series, whose general identity in age and kind were long since noted by Salisbury. These minor oscillatory phenomena seem, therefore, sufficiently general and sufficiently important to require an explanation, and this explanation is not necessarily connected with the fundamental cause of glaciation. The preceding dis- cussion carries in itself a suggestion which is worthy of note in passing. If the localization of the great ice-sheets was depend- ent on the general circulation of the atmosphere, any periodic shifting of the circulation of moderate magnitude might be com- petent to cause a shifting of the ice-sheets of corresponding nature. There are historical facts that give some color to the notion that such shiftings have taken place within the period of human records. The oscillations of existing glaciers point in a similar direction. There is clearly a secular shifting of terres- trial magnetism, but the nature of its cycle is yet undetermined. Current opinion gives it a periodicity which would quite well satisfy the demands of the concentric moraines. GLACIATION NEAR THE CLOSE OF THE PALEOZOIC ERA While the occurrence of extensive glaciation in India, Aus- tralia and South Africa near the close of the Paleozoic era may be regarded as fully established, a specific discussion of its origin along the lines of an atmospheric hypothesis presents for- midable difficulties, because the exact date of the glaciation, its tDie Stillstandslagen des letzten Inlandeises und die hydrographische Entwick- elung des pommerschen Kiistengebietes. Separatabdruck aus dem Jahrbuch der konigl. preuss. geologischen Landesanstalt fiir 1898. Berlin. Terminal Moraines in North Germany. Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XXXV, p. 401. Series 3. HYPOTHESIS OF CAUSE OF GLACIAL PERIODS Wfd immediate antecedents and the nature of contemporaneous con- ditions in other parts of the world are not yet satisfactorily determined. No embarrassment attends a merely general appli- cation of the atmospheric hypothesis set forth in this paper, and perhaps it would be wise in the present state of knowledge to be content with such general application. But the main purpose of the paper—to develop a working hypothesis, helpful in the promotion of investigation— would be measurably defeated thereby, for a general theory merely supposed to be applicable in some indefinite way, not even specifically thought out, much less shaped to promote definite inquiry, falls short of working qualities. Were the Paleozoic glaciation a high-latitude phe- nomenon which could be referred to the same category as the Pleistocene glaciation, we might well leave specific discussion until further data were afforded, for few additional doubts as to the verity of the hypothesis and probably few new lines of inquiry would be raised. But the Paleozoic glaciation presents characters so extraordinary as to render it the supreme problem of glaciation. In it every hypothesis finds its severest test. No hypothesis that. does not, in some remote way at least, approach an elucidation of this supreme case can: have serious claims to acceptance as a working theory. It is, therefore, imperative to frankly and fully recognize this crucial problem and deal with its difficulties as well as existing data permit. Fuller, Myron L. Season and Time Elements in Sand-Plain Formation - = Geike, James. Earth Sculpture. Review by R.D.S. - =) = - - Geography, Physical, Geology and, of Jamaica. R.S. Hill. Review by R. D.S. Geology, A Reference List of Summaries of Literature on North American Pre-Cambrian, 1892-8. C. K. Leith - - - - - - Geology of the Aspen District, Colorado. J. E. Spurr and S. F. Emmons. Review by W. T. Lee - - - - - - - 2 = Geology and Physical Geography of Jamaica. R.S. Hill. Review by R.D.S. Geology and Natural Resources of Indiana, Department of, XXIII Annual Report. George H. Ashley. Review by A. H. Purdue - - - Geology, the Ozarkian and Its Significance in Theoretical. Joseph Le Conte - Geologic Formation of Names, the Duplication of. F.B. Weeks. (Editorial) Geological Report on the Isle Royale, Michigan. Alfred G. Lane. Review by eles 1 - - - - - - - - - Geological Society of America. J. P. I. (Editorial) - - - = - Geological Survey of Iowa, Vol. IX. Review by J. W. Finch - 2 = : PAGE 92 295 94 188 401 619 404 509 297 96 97 452 721 462 272 517 631 814 99 814 452 S11 815 799 721 720 525 297 718 94 517 INDEX TO VOLUME VII Geological Survey of Georgia, Preliminary Report on the Artesian Well System of Georgia. S.W. McCallie.. Review by T.C.C.. - - - - Georgia, Geological Survey of, Preliminary Report on the Artesian Well System of Georgia. S.W. McCallie. Review by T.C. C. - - Gilbert, G. K. The Great Ice-Dams of Lakes Maumee, Whittlesey, and Warren. Frank B. Taylor. (A Review) - - - - - Girty, G. H., Arnold Hague, J. P. Iddings, W. H. Weed, C. D. Walcott, T. W. Stanton, and F. H. Knowlton. Geology of the Yellowstone National Park. Review by Lf. ©. HH. ‘= - - - . - - - Glacial Periods on an Atmospheric Basis, An Attempt to Frame a Working Hypothesis of the Cause of. T.C. Chamberlin - - - - Glaciers, IV, The Variations of. Harry Fielding Reid - - - - Ss Goode, John Paul. The Piracy of the Yellowstone - - - - - Review: Physical Geography cf New Jersey. R. D. Salisbury - - Granite Rocks of Butte, Mont., and Vicinity. Walter Harvey Weed - - Granite-Gneiss in Central Connecticut, A. Lewis G. Westgate - - - Granitic Rocks of the Sierra Nevada. H.W. Turner - - - - - Great Lakes, the Diamond Field of the. W.H. Hobbs - - - Greenland, North, Some Notes onthe Lakes and Valleys of the Upper Nawetar Peninsula. Thomas L. Watson - - - - - = Grimsley, G. P. Special Report on Gypsum and Gypsum Cement Plasters. E. H.S. Bailey and. Review by H. F. Bain - - - - - Gulliver, F. P. Shore Line Topography. Review by R. D. S. - - Gypsum, Special Report on, and Gypsum Cement Plasters, G. P. Soa and E.H.S. Bailey. Review by H. F. Bain - - - - Hague, Arnold, J. P. Iddings, W. H. Weed, C. D. Walcott, G. H. Girty, T. W. Stanton, and F. H. Knowlton. Geology of the Yellowstone National Park. Review by T.C. HH. - - - - - Hall, James. Report of the New York State Geolocict, (ROey Review, Stuart Weller” - - - - - - - - - - - - Hall, James, and John M. Clarke. The Paleozoic Reticulate Sponges consti- tuting the Family Dictyospongidae. Review by S. W. - - - Hill, R.S. Geology and Physical Geography of Jamaica. Review by R. D. 5S. Hobbs, W. H. The Diamond Field of the Great Lakes - - - - Hopkins, T. C. Geology of the Yellowstone National Park. Arnold Hague, J. P. Iddings, W. H. Weed, C. D. Walcott, G. H. Girty, T. W. Stan- ton, and F. H. Knowlton. (Review) - - - - - Iddings, J. P., and Arnold Hague, W. H. Weed, C. D. Walcott, G. H. Girty, T. W. Stanton, and F. H. Knowlton. Geology of the Yellowstone National Park. Review by T.C. H. - = - - - - Editorial: Geological Society of America - - - - - - International Congress, Geological, of 1900 - - - - - Volcanic Plugs - - - - . - - - - - - and L. V. Pirsson. A Proposed International Journal of Petrology — - 835 PAGE 722 722 621 709 545 217 2601 314 737 638 141 375 655 625 827 625 709 209 717 815 uS 709 709 94 188 97 700 836 INDEX TO VOLUME VII Review: Geological Report on the Isle Royale, Michigan. Alfred C. Lane - - - - - = = = : - - - Igneous Magma, Experimental Investigation of the Formation of Minerals in an, Morozewicz. Review by J. A. Jagger, Jr. - - - - - Illinois, Northeastern, Descriptions of New Species of Diplodus Teeth from the Devonian of. C. R. Eastman - - - - - - - Illinois, Northeastern, A Peculiar Devonian Deposit in. Stuart Weller - - Indiana, Department of Geology and Natural Resources of, XXIII Annual Report, George H. Ashley. Review by A. H. Purdue - - - Inlandeises, Die Stillstandslagen des Letzen, etc., K. Keilhack. Review by IR IDG S)o) = - = - : - - - - - International Geological Consrenee of 1900. J. P. I. (Editorial) - - - International Journal of Petrology, A ear Editorial by J. P. Iddings and L. V. Pirsson- - = - - - - - - - Iron Making in Alabama, 1898, W. B. Phillips. Review by H. F. Bain - - Isle Royale, Michigan, Geological Report on, Alfred G. Lane. Review by Jeb - - - - - - - - - - Jaggar, J. A., Jr. Experimental Investigation of the Formation of Minerals in an Igneous Magma, Morozewicz. (Review) - - - - - Jamaica, Geology and Physical Geography of, R. S. Hill. Review 8) R. D.S. Jefferson, Mark S. W. Beach Cusps- - - - - Jefferson, Walter, D. A Certain Type of Lake Formation in the Canadian Rocky Mountains — - - - - - - - - - Jenney, Walter P., Lester F. Ward, William M. Fontaine, and F. H. Knowlton. The Greene of the Black Hills as Indicated by the Fossil Plants. Review by W. N. Logan - - - - - - - - - Jones, Thomas. Model of the Earth. Editorial by T. C.C. - - - - Kansas Academy of Science, Vol. XVI. Review by T. C. C. - - - Kansas, Correlation of Carboniferous Rocks of Nebraska with those of. C. S. EhOSSCiine= - - - - - - - - - - - Keilhack, K. Die Stillstandslagen des Letzen Inlandeises, etc. Review by 1S IDES S - - - - - - - - - - - Keyes, C. R. American Homotaxial Equivalents of the Original Permian - Knight, W. C. The Nebraska Permian - - - - - - - Knowlton. F. H., Arnold Hague, J. P. Iddings, W. H. Weed, C. D. Walcott, G. H. Girty, T. W. Stanton and. Geology of the Yellowstone National Park. Review by T. C. H. : - = - = = Knowlton, Lester F. Ward, Walter P. Jenney, William M. Fontaine. The Cre- taceous of the Black Hills as Indicated by the Fossil Plants. Review by W. N. Logan - - - - - - - - - = Kiimmel, H. B. The Newark Rocks of New Jersey and New York - - Lakes and Valleys of the Upper Nugsuak Peninsula, North Greenland, Some Notes on. Thomas L. Watson - - - - - - = PAGE 718 300 489 483 720 824 188 700 213 718 300 237 247 814 404 516 342 824 321 357 709 814 23 655 INDEX. TO VOLUME Vil Lake Formation in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, A Certain Type of. Walter D. Jefferson - = = = = = = = = = Lake Superior, A New Analcite Rock from. A. P. Coleman - - - Lane, Alfred C. Geological Report on the Isle Royale, Michigan. Review lovaalalea dl - . - - - - - - - Le Conte, Joseph. The Ozarkian and its Significance in Theoretical ees Lee, W. T.—Reviews: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol.X - - - - - - - - - - - - Geology of the Aspen District, Colorado. J. E. Spurr and S. F. Emmons University Geological Survey of Kansas, IV. S. W. Williston - . Leith, C. K. A Reference List of Summaries of Literature on North American Pre-Cambrian Geology, 1892-1898 - - - - - - - Summaries of Current North American Pre-Cambrian Literature 190, 406, Leverett, Frank. The Lower Rapids of the Mississippi River. — - - - Loess Fossils, The Distribution of. B. Shimek - - - - - = Logan, W. N. A Discussion and Correlation of Certain Subdivisions of the Colorado Formation - - - - - . - - - Review: The Cretaceous of the Black Hills as Indicated by the Fossil Plants, Lester F. Ward, Walter P. Jenney, William M. Fontaine, and F. H. Knowlton - : - - - - - - - Lower Rapids of the Mississippi River, The. Frank Leverett - - - Marsh, Othniel Charles, H. S. W.. Editorial - - - - - - Maryland Geological Survey, II. G. P. Merrill and E. P. Mathews. Review by E.R. Buckley - - - - - - - - - - Mathews, E. P., and G. P. Merrill. Maryland Geological Survey. II. Review by E. R. Buckley - - - - - : - McCallie, S. W. Geological Survey of Georgia, Belair Bao on the Artesian System of Georgia. Review by T.C.C. - - - - Merrill, G. P., and E. P. Matthews. Maryland Geological Survey. II. Review by E. R. Buckley - - - - - - - - - Michigan Geological Report on the Isle Royale, Alfred C. Lane. Review by JP esIe™ = : - - - - - - - - - . Mississippi River, The Lower Kapids of. Frank Leverett — - - - - Missouri Geological Survey. B. F. B. (Editorial) - - - : - . Model of the Earth, by Thomas Jones; Editorial by T. C. C. - - - Montana, Butte, Granite Rocks of. Walter Harvey Weed - - - = Morainal Island, A, Nantucket. G. C. Curtis and J. B. Woodworth - - Monroe, Charles E.and Edgar E. Teller. The Fauna of the Devonian Forma- tion at Milwaukee, Wisconsin - - - - - - - Naming of Rocks, The. C. R. Van Hise - - = - - - - Nantucket, A Morainal Island. G. C. Curtis and J. B. Woodworth - - Nebraska with those of Kansas, Correlation of Carboniferous Rocks of. C.S. Prosser - - - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska Permian, The. W. C. Knight - - - - - - - PAGE 722 686 357 838 INDEX TO VOLUME VII Nepheline-Syenite from Eastern Ontario, Corundiferous. A. P. Coleman - Newark Rocks of New Jersey and New York, The. H. B. Kiimmel - 2 New York State Geologist, Report of the, 1895. James Hall. Review, Stuart Weller’ - - - - - - - - - - - e New York, The Newark Rocks of New Jersey and. H. B. Kiimmel = = New Jersey and New York, The Newark Rocks of. H. B. Kiimmel - - Newsom, J. F. The Effect of Sea Barriers upon Ultimate Drainage - - Nipissing and Temiscaming Map Sheets, Report on the Geology and Natural Resources of the Area included by the, comprising portions of the dis- trict of Nipissing, Ontario, and of the county of Pontiac, Quebec. A. E. Barlow. Review, F. D. Adams = = 2 = z = Nugsuak Peninsula, North Greenland, Some Notes on the Lakes and Valleys of the Upper. Thomas L. Watson - - - - - = : Ocean and its relation to the Carbon Dioxide of the Atmosphere, The Carbon Dioxide of the. C.F. Tolman, Jr. - - - = : o S Ontario, Corundiferous Nepheline-Syenite from Eastern - - - - - Ore Deposits in the Sierra Nevada, Replacement. H.W. Turner - - - Ozarkian, The, and its Significance in Theoretical Geology. Joseph Le Conte Paleontology, A Century of Progress in. Stuart Weller - - - - Para, Devonian Mullusca of the State of, Brazil. John M. Clarke. Review by J.C. Branner - . 2 = = 2 2 é 5 ‘ x Permian, American Homotaxial Equivalents of the Original. C.R. Keyes - Permian, The Nebraska. W. C. Knight - - - - - = : Phillips, W. B. Iron Making in Alabama, 1898. Review by H. F. Bain - Physical Geography of New Jersey. R. D. Salisbury. Review by J. P. Goode Piracy of the Yellowstone, The. John Paul Goode = = = = 2 Pirsson, L. V., J. P. Iddings and. A Proposed International Journal of Petrol- ogy - - © - - - : - - - - - Pliocene Skull, The, of California and the Flint Implements of Table Mountain. Wm. P. Blake - - - - - - - - - = < Pre-Cambrian Geology, A Reference List of Summaries of Literature on North American, 1892-1898. C. K. Leith - - - = > : = Pre-Cambrian Literature, Summaries of Current North American. C. K. Leith - - - - - - - - - - 190, 406, Prosser, C. S. Correlation of Carboniferous Rocks of Nebraska with those of Kansas” - - - - - - - - - - = : Province of Essex County, Mass., The Petrographical. Henry S. Wash- ington - - - - - - - - - 53, 105, 284, Purdue, A. H. Department of Geology and Natural Resources of Indiana, XXIII Annual Report, George H. Ashley - - - - - Recent Books on Physiography: Rivers of North America, I. C. Russell; Earth Sculpture, James Geike; Physical Geography, W. M. Davis. Review by R. D. 5S. - - - - - - - - - 713 655 585 437 389 525 496 813 321 357 213 314 261 700 631 790 702 342 463 720 SII INDEX TO VOLUME VII Reference List of Summaries of Literature on North American Pre-Cambrian Geology, 1892-1898. C.K. Leith - - : = és : Reform in Scientific Nomenclature. Editorial by T.C.C. — - - - - Reid, Harry Fielding. The variations of Glaciers . - - : Bs tae Report on the Geology and Natural Resources of the Area included by the Nipissing and Temiscaming Map Sheets, comprising Portions of the District of Nipissing, Ontario, and of the County of Pontiac, Quebec. A. E. Barlow. (F.D. Adams) - - = = = 3 e Reticulate sponges constituting the Family Dictyospongidae, The Paleozoic. James Hall and John M. Clarke. Review by S. W. - - - REVIEWS: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. X. (W. T. Lee) - - - - - - - - - - - - Department of Geology and Natural Resources of Indiana, XXIII Annual Report. George H. Ashley. (A. H. Purdue.) - - - Devonian Mollusca of the State of Para, Brazil. John M. Clarke. (J.C. Branner) - - - - - - - - - = = Die Stillstandslagen des Letzen Inlandeises, etc. K. Keilhack. (R. D.S.) Experimental Investigation of the Formation of Minerals in an Igneous Magma. Morozewics. (J. A. Jaggar, Jr.) - = : 2 = Fossil Meduse. G. D. Walcott. (Stuart Weller) - - : Geology and Physical Geography of Jamaica. R.S. Hill. (R.D.S.) - Geology of the Yellowstone National Park. Arnold Hague, J. P. Iddings, W. H. Weed, C. D. Walcott, G. H. ree T. W. Stanton, and F.C. Knowlton!) (2..C. H.) — - - - - - - - : Geological Report on the Isle Royale, Michigan. Alfred C. Lane. (J2P. 1.) - - - - - - - - - - - - Geological Survey of Georgia, Preliminary Report on the Artesian Well System of Georgia. S.W. McCallie. (T.C.C.)_ - - - > Geological Survey of Iowa, Vol. IX. J. W. Finch = = - é Ice-dams, The Great, of Lakes Maumee, Whittlesey, and Warren, Frank Berbaylores(G. 1..G,); ~ - - - - - - - - - Iron Making in Alabama, 1898. W. B. Phillips. (H.F. Bain) - - Kansas Academy of Science, Vol. XVI. (T.C.C.) - - - - Maryland Geological Survey. IJ. G. P. Merrill and E. P. Mathews. (E. R. Buckley) - - - - - - - - - - Physical Geography of New Jersey. R. D. Salisbury. (J. P. Goode) - Recent Books on Physiography : Rivers of North America, I. C. Russell ; Earth Sculpture, James Geike; Physical Geography, W. M. Davis. (Ree S:) - - : = - - - - - - - Report of the New York State Geologist, 1895, James Hall. at Weller) - - - - - = ~ - - - - The Cretaceous of the Black Hills as indicated by the Fossil Plants, Les- ter F. Ward, Walter P. Jenney, William M. Fontaine, F. H. Knowlton. (W. N. Logan) - - - - - - - - - - The Paleozoic Reticulate Sponges constituting the family Dictyo- spongidae. John M. Clarke and James Hall. (S. WW.) - - - PAGE 717 840 INDEX TO VOLUME VII. The Upper Silurian Fauna of the Rio Trombetas, State of Para, Brazil, John M. Clarke. (J.C. Branner) - - - = - - : University Geological Survey of Kansas. IV. 5. W. Williston. (W. T. Lee) - - = - - - - - - - - - West Virginia Geological Survey, Vol. I. I. C. White. (Stuart Weller) Rio Trombetas, The Upper Silurian Fauna of the, State of Para, Brazil. John M. Clarke. Review by J. C. Branner - - : = 5 - Rivers of North America. Russell, Israel C. Review by R. D.S. - - Rocky Mountains, A Certain Type of Lake Formation in the Canadian. Wal- ter D. Jefferson - - - - = = - - = = Rocks, The Naming of. C.R. Van Hise. - : - - - - - Russell, I. C., Rivers of North America. Review by R. D.S. - - - Volcanic Plugs. (Editorial) - - - - - E = = Sand-Plain Formation, Season and Time Elements in. Myron L. Fuller - Salisbury, R. D. Physical Geography of New Jersey. Review by J. P. Goode Reviews: Die Stillstandslagen des Letzen Inlandeises, etc. K. Keilhack Recent Books on Physiography: Rivers of North America; Earth Sculp- ture. James Geike; Physical Geography. W.M. Davis - - - Shore Line Topography. fF. P. Gulliver - - - - - - Geology and Physical Geography of Jamaica. R.S. Hill - - - Sea Barriers, The Effect of, upon Ultimate Drainage. J. ¥. Newsom — - - Season and Time Elements in Sand-Plain Formation. Myron L. Fuller 2 Shimek, B. The Distribution of Loess Fossils - - - - - - Shore Line Topography. F. P. Gulliver. Review by R. D.S. - - - Sierra Nevada, Granitic Rocks of the. H.W. Turner - - - - - Sierre Nevada, Replacement Ore Deposits in the. H.W. Turner - - - Silurian Fauna of the Rio Trombetas, The Upper, State of Para, Brazil. John M. Clarke. Review by J. C. Branner - - - - - - Sir William Dawson. Frank D. Adams - - - - - - - Spurr, J. E. and S. F. Emmons. Geology of the Aspen District, Colorado. Review by W. T. Lee - - - - - - - - State Surveys, Do they Pay? Editorial H. F. B. - - - - - Stanton, T. W., Arnold Hague, J. P. Iddings, W. H. Weed, C. D. Walcott, G. H. Girty, F. H. Knowlton. Geology of the Yellowstone National Park. Review by T. C. H. - - - - - - - - Stillstandslagen, Die, des Letzen Inlandeises, etc. K. Keilhack. Review by Ry DAS - - - - - - - - - - - STUDIES FOR STUDENTS: A Century of Progress in Paleontology. Stuart Weller - - - The Development and Geological Relations of the Vertebrates. E. C. Case - - - - - - - = = = : - Studies in the Driftless Region of Wisconsin. G.H.Squier - - - - Squier, G. H. Studies in the Driftless Region of Wisconsin - - - Summaries of Current North American Pre-Cambrian Literature. C. K. Leith PAGE 813 100 426 813 S11 247 686 511 96 452 314 824 SII 827 815 445 452 122 827 141 389 813 727 721 701 709 824 496 163 79 79 190, 406, 702 INDEX. TO VOLUME VIT : PAGE Summaries of Literature on North American Pre-Cambrian Geology, A Refer- ence List of, 1892-1898. C.K. Leith - - - - = - 790 Sweetland Creek Beds, The. J. A. Udden~ - - - - - - - 65 Table Mountain, The Pliocene Skull of California and the Flint Implements of. W.P. Blake’ - - - - - - - - - - zi (oyeiat Taylor, Frank B. The Great Ice-Dams of Lakes Maumee, Whittlesey, and Warren. Review by G. K. G. ae - - - - - - 621 Temiscaming Map Sheets, Report on the Geology and Natural Resources of the Area included by the Nipissing and, comprising Portions of the District of Nipissing, and of the County of Pontiac, Quebec. A. E. Barlow. Review by F. D. Adams_ - - - - - - ie Muy ke Theoretical Geology, The Ozarkian and its Significance in. Joseph Le Conte 525 Tolman, C. F., Jr. The Carbon Dioxide of the Ocean and its Relation to the Carbon Dioxide of the Atmosphere - - - - - - - 585 The Influence of the Carbonic Acid of the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground. Svante Arrhenius. (Review) - - - - - 623 Topography, Shore Line. F. P. Gulliver. Review by R. D. S. - - - 827 Turner, H. W. Granitic Rocks of the Sierra Nevada - - . - 2a RTA Replacement Ore Deposits in the Sierra Nevada - - - - - 389 Udden, J. A. The Sweetland Creek Beds - - - - - - - 65 Dipterus in the American Middle Devonian - - . - - 494 Ultimate Drainage, The Effect of Sea Barriers upon. J. F. Newsom - - 445 Valleys of the Upper Nugsuak Peninsula, North Greenland, Some Notes on the Lakes and. Thomas L. Watson - - - - - - - 655 Van Hise, C. R. The Naming of Rocks - . - . - - - 686 Variations of Glaciers. IV., The. Harry Fielding Reid - - - =e 27 Vertebrates, The Development and Geological Relations of the. E.C. Case 163 Volcanic Plugs. Israel C. Russell. Editorial - Sears - - - 96 Volcanic Plugs. J. P. I. Editorial . - - : - - - - 97 Walcott, C. D., Arnold Hague, J. P. Iddings, W. H. Weed, G. H. Girty, T. W. Stanton, and F. H. Knowlton. Geology of the Yellowstone National Park. Review by T. C. H. - - - - - - - - 709 Fossil Meduse. Review by Stuart Weller - - - - - - 99 Ward Lester F., Walter P. Jenney, William M. Fontaine, and F. H. Knowlton. The Cretaceous of the Black Hills as Indicated by the Fossil Plants. Review by W. N. Logan - - - - - - - - - 814 Washington, Henry S. The Petrographical Province of Essex County, Mass. 10 = a Ws ee a Soe as 53, 105, 284, 463 Watson, Thomas L. Some Notes on the Lakes and Valleys of the Upper Nug- suak Peninsula, North Greenland - - - - - - - 655 Weed, Walter Harvey. Granite Rocks of Butte, Mont., and Vicinity - - Arnold Hague, J. P. Iddings, C. D. Walcott, G. H. Girty, T. W. Stanton, and F. H. Knowlton. Geology of the Yellowstone National Park. Review by 1. C. Hi... - - - - - - - - = 709 842 INDEX TO VOLUME VII Weeks, F. B. The Duplication of Geologic Formation Names. (Editorial) - Weller, Stuart. A Century of Progress in Paleontology - - - - A Peculiar Devonian Deposit in Northeastern Illinois - - - - Reviews: Fossil Medusz. C. D. Walcott - - 2 : 2 E Report of the New York State Geologist, 1895. James Hall - = The Paleozoic Reticulate Sponges constituting the Family Dictyospongi- dae. James Hall and John M. Clarke © z = 2 5 = West Virginia Geological Survey, Vol. I. I. C. White - - - West Virginia Geological Survey, Vol. I. I. C. White. Review by Stuart 7) NWeallee: oe - - - - - - - - - - - Westgate, Lewis G. A Granite-Gneiss in Central Connecticut - x - White, I. C. West Virginia Geological Survey, Vol. I. Review by Stuart Weller - - - - - - - - - - - - Williams, H.S. Marsh, Othniel Charles. Editorial - - - = : Williston, S. W. University Geological Survey of Kansas. IV. Review by Wedvwleec - - - - - - - - - - - Woodworth, J. B. Nantucket, A Morainal Island. G. C. Curtis and - = Working Hypothesis of the Cause of Glacial Periods on an Atmospheric Basis, An Attempt to Frame a. T.C. Chamberlin - - - 545, 667, Yellowstone National Park, Geology of, Arnold Hague, J. P. Iddings, W. H. Weed, G. D. Walcott, G. H. Girty, T. W. Stanton, and F. H. Knowl- tome alin Cag kle - - - - - - - - - - Yellowstone, The Piracy of the. John Paul Goode - - - - - PAGE 297 496 483 99 209 717 426 426 638 426 401 100 326 751 709 261 44 ae aia VEAL yea hota eb eet Pik wey uals Fe hays ay BAA Has ee ya Srna eam * tate ate Subaa eh } Ee) ee) ose eG & sayy * HPA thot Ak A uit Bi cpakNn awe ot ian Sine a. Wey ANieha NAO MER Wt} Vieohi a! Rtas at we en te a HK Re) adineatcioent fat NA HAlareg yon bay ine ree ui ” A ea! we A ew y MV Geb chentyyh ied main 19 HAR Otek gy aa eta ML NYE » A Ra tad eh fe, AG s tat Athen V 6S Ati gs 401) Pt int ny ern ce n PASH IR he alnny Veh net ME ey oth a ink ” OP HEH een ine Si ae tet TT Se Me ew LET | NG Aee arom Sale A tn ha i Ay meaning Me medaottti a At Oat ‘ neal ae nota: Vin ee naety vend cui iy MIAH oe hss eal rene Ma Alera uti eine Ys eit pri i vet sales yea neu Werle af Aen a 89h) hd th ee ‘i aia neh ay Ashe * inns he ae salina pest Mane i) Hisyhunest fe ae it te i) Hela owe ay ‘if Aaa iy arty el way aa Ny Manat Sun Rhy a DAA EMA uN 43 Uy 49 sas i! mht mn Nt pyaty Mehedsd Vy nt Ae USL Sa aie a Workin my TOW 0 Het in, i vt) NS has i yak if phe f aheal 4 ‘ On (Tie) as A ha { aS Latent Reguhy RE Net bitte is : se a 7 ea Mouse eau eae egy ‘ A a AY "aren Na Me WIaO tt hye WY ah wh nt Wy * Cee ns SIVAN SN Any at Stati at muta tay Aye 3 Ma age y Deh aD VIVAL Aq Albi sie ah HAH Chay Heal Ley) mh Al} } SANE H SL 4) ai ly ai tes crn ae ay cabin At sty Laure AN 4 ah tide Spam gh an hh i se bis tate 1m he p oer halt. 1 6 sh ld A aiiie 4 Cneets re we sa AY 4): i ‘ 4 WA i ie Amiel ayy , (ieee MAAN CRD) i iN i h ete Ue Nay THe 4 My i y Na veer fl Wit Re Wy t me he iy i Ahan 4 a enti ay Sa ny. 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On hi Thetis 8 Ww AN: y Ww NALA eRe Als UNL, Hone (4b san! Aas iy i! Ki nye 4 HU isa gy Ma Gd NAAN MAIS TSE Aaa Tale} WAH tie An A 4 hy A Dh lp “4 Ny WA AL, ALONG 6 A AM HEA is Sa OAT My ted Hoth ANIL ds lee oy Wi 0 Wi iy Wy \ " relly at UN iN At HY Way Qos UI AKU t ba Ma » LOW AQ A WAV Ae WN WAL EAL ie AAD Wud ei becshstaey i % Ha aK 4 WA i hoe Lae Aten } i hata bah WlaG oie: WAveud ‘ \ ' if sa a ti be , WBA BRAY NA a yi i Re \ i i ONT WH tA hy aut eye Mis RL HA TALS ht Oy AAO Ge teehee 4 PAU RDU ARON DT Wid bok Hadieh & Wah Wish shid BHM ensue tei tay PG ALB ty PS ee When ay ea) ‘ Hendy wi WT OUM TL thy RCM Can SET a Ns De oy Whe (deals DALAL sitesi 4 NAA ND Wed day a Aaah 4 WAP wi tay i in h vie VATE i crea iT