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A, Se S fa se oss #350 aes Sey Ke et ua eo, * Re tame ie \ i 4 i Ce Vy i Re Sy in sath li y a thy 2 J ps aD é < pROEN, seer eS ane fEERI liber 4 e a. afpetie co fan, Lacie Wh eG abe hd ‘ Sergi Sees ay) “Seen? ry iN ag on a é é a. = ee ih | ».M We a os hi " & %% 4 > pty WO) fa 73 a i " Sy iy a & a Agi a 7 a 4 fis rtrd os ean 2 st. ol fs EN a S ts cee ou i. a patti (es Sz, @ gts Mga Ta Se mee a INGE at a, oe a oe it : hs i : - 7 7 7 : y ee a 6 - a - , 4 f a - - : oD = . - - : - 7 e - | te i 7 7 - ‘i 7 : ‘ 7 ; - Pal - - = 7 a i - cm ts EON ony i Ny, WOURNAL OF GEOLOGY JULY ACGUST,: 007 “ ON A POSSIBLE FUNCTION OF DISRUPTIVE APPROACH IN LEE? FORMATION - OF METEORITES, COMETS, AND ONE BULAL.* ACCORDING to a familiar doctrine founded on the researches of Roche, Maxwell, and others, a small body passing within a certain distance (the Roche limit) of a larger dense body will be torn into fragments by differential attraction. In reality, the doctrine is applicable to the close approach of any two bodies of sufficient mass and density, but, as this more familiar case of a small body in close approach to a larger body is the one sup- posed to be involved in the origin of comets and certain meteor- ites, it will at first be taken as representative, and the wider application of the doctrine will be considered later. The sphere defined by Roche’s limit is computed on the basis of a liquid body whose cohesion is negligible, and whose self-gravitation alone is considered. It is obvious, therefore, that when cohesion is a notable factor, a small body might pass through the outermost part of this Roche sphere without suffer- ing disruption, but that, if a nearer approach were made to the large body, fragmentation might take place. There is, there- fore, a sphere within the Roche limit—which may be called the tI am greatly indebted to Dr. F. R. Moulton for suggestions and criticisms, and for formule for certain auxiliary computations that do not appear in the paper. I am under obligations to Mr. C. E. Siebenthal for the diagrams and other aid. ?From THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Vol. XIV, No. 1, July 1go1. Vol. LX, No. 5. 369 omen oe, mel TATE ? Te “ensonian ohe ett inst; tdy w., ™ 3 a, a, f fonal Museu: 370 T. C. CHAMBERLIN sphere of disruption—which is applicable to solid bodies as distinguished from liquid bodies. The size of this sphere of disruption compared with the Roche sphere depends, among other things, on the coefficient of cohesion and the size of the body to be disrupted. The coefficient of cohesion being the same, the sphere of disruption is relatively smallest when small bodies are to be disrupted, and becomes larger as the size of the body increases until it is sensibly as large as the Roche sphere. To illustrate this con- cretely, let disruption be supposed to take place along a diamet- rical section normal to the gravitative pull, dividing the body into halves. Let the bodies to be disrupted be spherical and homogeneous. The cohesion to be overcome will then obviously vary as the areas of the diametrical sections, and these areas vary as the squares of the radii of the bodies. But the masses of homogeneous spheres vary as the cubes of their radu, and the gravitative pull varies as the masses, modified by the differ- ential tidal pull. It follows that mutual gravitation will more effectively disrupt large bodies than small ones. The limit at which the fragmentation of a solid body will take place will therefore approach more and more closely that of a fluid body as the size of the solid body becomes larger. For solid bodies of considerable dimensions, as asteroids, for example, the limit of disruption approaches sufficiently near Roche’s limit to make the difference negligible in a general discussion. This will appear the more evident from the following numerical considerations. Experimental data as to the tensile strength of rock are very limited, as the material is rarely used where tensile stresses are involved, but all the results of experimental tests given in Johnson’s Material of Construction fall notably below 1000 pounds to the square inch, and this figure may be assumed as a liberal representative estimate. The weight of representative rock may be taken as ;4, pound per cubic inch. The tensile strength of an inch cube is therefore to its weight, at the surface of the earth, as 10,000 to 1. Using the same data, the tensile strength of a mile-cube of rock is to its weight as 1 to 6.36, FORMATION OF METEORITES By while that of a 100-mile-cube is as I to 636. It will be seen, therefore, that in a comparatively small body the cohesive resistance to disruption bears a very small relation to the gravity of the inass, and that for large bodies it is negligible. For such bodies, the Roche limit may be taken as appreciably the limit of the sphere of disruption. These numerical considerations, however, show that frag- mentation by differential gravity acting alone will not become minute in any such case as that of a satellite or asteroid making a near approach to one of the planets. But there are additional considerations that influence the practical result. The outer portion of the earth, and doubtless that of the satellites, asteroids, and cold planets generally, is deeply traversed by fissures—oblique and horizontal as well as vertical—which render it little more than a pavement of dissev- ered blocks which could be lifted away with little resistance beyond that of gravity. The relief of pressure upon the less fissured portion below, which would follow upon the removal] of the overlying fissured portion, and the sudden exposure of this under portion to a lower temperature resultant from this removal, would develop new stresses; and these would doubtless give rise to additional fissuring and further easy removal, and thus the process would be extended. It is not improbable that the sudden rending open of a sphere that is hot within and the consequent exposure of the highly heated rocks in the interior to much lower temperatures would result in sufficiently great differential contraction to minutely disrupt the fragments irre- spective of differential gravitation. The central portions of a body sufficiently hot to melt at surface pressures would doubtless pass immediately into the liquid condition on the removal of the pressure of the overlying rock, and this passage might, not unlikely, take on eruptive violence by reason of the included and highly compressed gases—or substances in a potentially gaseous state—in which case an extremely minute division would ensue. In the case of the earth, there is good reason to believe that if its interior gravitative stresses were suddenly 372 T. C. CHAMBERLIN removed, its internal elasticity would disrupt its exterior with much violence; and if the gravitative stresses were more grad- ually removed, the disruption would still be complete and per- vasive, though less violent. How far a similar view may be entertained with reference to small bodies like the asteroids is uncertain, but even in these it is not improbable that the internal elastic factors would offset in some large part, if not entirely, the restraining force of the general cohesion of the mass. From these considerations it would seem that the sphere of disruption, even in solid bodies of the nature of satellites and asteroids, may closely approximate to the theoretical Roche limit, while, for large bodies intensely compressed and very hot within, the practical sphere of disruption might actually exceed the Roche sphere. In the case of large gaseous bodies like the sun, intensely heated and compressed in the central por- tions, the disruptive or dispersive sphere must be much larger than the. Roche. sphere. But of this later. For the smaller solid bodies, and for present purposes, it may be assumed that the sphere of disruption is practically defined by Roche’s limit. The size of the sphere of disruption compared with the size of the body producing the disruption is an essential point in this discussion. The relative magnitude of these varies for every couplet of bodies brought under consideration, because it is dependent on density, cohesion, internal elasticity, and other varying factors. Roche has shown that, if the two bodies are incompressible fluids of the same density, and without cohesion, the limit of disruption is 2.44 times the radius of the body producing the disruption. The cross section of this body will therefore be to the cross section of the Roche sphere as I is to 5.95. The disk of the outer ring of Saturn, compared with that of the planet, whose density is unusually low, is a trifle below this ratio (1:5.29), but may be taken as a practical sanction of the figure theoretically deduced. The disk of the Earth, a dense body, is to the disk of the Roche limit, as computed by Darwin, as I to 7.5. It may therefore be concluded that where planets FORMATION OF METEORITES 373 and planet-like bodies are concerned, the sphere of disruption has a cross section from 5 to 7.5 times as great as the central body It follows from this, that to a passing body the sphere of disruption exposes a disk five to seven times as great as the central body, and hence there are from four to six times as many chances that the passing body will invade the sphere of disrup- tion without collision, as that it will strike the central body. In other words, the fragmentation of a small body by near approach to a large one of the nature of the planets will be from four to six times as tmminent as actual collision. That disruptions or explosions of some kind actually take place in the heavens, and that not uncommonly, seems to be implied by the sudden appearance of new stars, often with great brilliancy, followed by rapid decline to obscurity or extinction.’ Five such new stars have been recorded during the last decade, and the survey of the heavens during this period has not been entirely exhaustive. The appearance of such new stars has been referred to collision, but their frequency has been felt to be an objection to this view, and other explanations, of the nature of eruptions or explosions, have been offered, but usually without assigning any probable cause for such extraordinary explosive action. The numerical objection is, in some measure, removed if the possibilities of disruptive approach be added to those of collision; and it will be seen further on that special condi- tions giving rise to distant approaches that are merely disturb- ing at the outset, may ultimately give rise to large possibilities for disruptive approaches. That bodies pass within the disruptive sphere of other bodies is known from the fact that at least four comets have been observed to pass within the Roche limit of the sun, and these would quite certainly have been torn into fragments if they had not already been in that condition. There are, therefore, some observational grounds for the view that instances of bodies pass- ing through the disruptive spheres of other bodies are not so rare as to render their results unimportant. ‘A fact which has become very familiar and impressive, since this was written, by the appearance of ova Ferset. 374 Tl. C. CHAMBERLIN In the considerations now set forth, there seems to be war- rant for the proposition that solid bodies may suffer fragmentation without actual collision with other bodies, and that the bodwes so dis- rupted may constitute comets so long as the fragments remain clustered, and that when these fragments become dispersed, they may constitute one variety of meteorites. Only the first part of the proposition is novel—if indeed that is—for the disintegration of comets into meteorites is an accepted doctrine. The characteristics of comets other than their fragmental structure will need to be con- sidered, but this may best be taken up later. The foregoing conclusion, as a purely ideal proposition, does not appear to need discussion, unless the fundamental deduc- tions of Roche, Maxwell, and others are questioned. Nor does its application to the adventitious cases of wandering bodies per- mit definite discussion, for neither the nature nor the number of such bodies is known; nor is the likelihood of their close approach to other bodies capable of estimation. But, on the probable supposition that the stars are centers of systems like our sun, there are hypothetical cases of approach of these sys- tems to each other that by disturbance of the planetary orbits may lead on to disruptive approach of the individual bodies, and thus give effective application to the doctrine; and these invite consideration. It must be confessed that these cases, likewise, cannot be discussed with much satisfaction, since the movements of the assumed solar systems and their relations to each other are but very imperfectly known. Present data, however, war- rant the assumption that the stars and their attendants are mov- ing in various directions at various velocities, and that they are probably not controlled by any central body; nor do they prob- ably follow concentric orbits so adjusted to each other as to for- bid close approaches. The conception that the movements of the stars are somewhat analogous to those of the molecules of an exceedingly attenuated gas in an open space, actuated by the attraction of their common but dispersed mass, seems the most probable that can be entertained in the present state of knowl- edge. It may at least be made the basis for the assumptions necessary to further discuss the doctrine in hand. FORMATION OF METEORITES 375 Let two stars be assumed to be attended by sécondaries like those of the sun, and to pass each other near enough to initiate serious disturbances in the orbits of the planets and satellites of the two systems. It is not necessary that this disturbance shall be so great as to bring about a disruptive approach of any of these bodies at once, but merely that this shall be the ulterior effect, which may be long delayed. The two systems need not necessarily invade each other’s actual limit, that is, the two suns need not approach each other within the sum of the radii of the orbits of their outermost planets.‘ For example, in the ideal case of two solar systems, it is not necessary that the orbits of the two Neptunes shall actually cut each other. If the undisturbed orbits merely touch each other, or even closely approach each other, it seems clear that if Meptune be at the time coming toward the point of such ideal contact, or near approach, the attraction of the passing sun, together with MVeptune’s own momentum, will carry the planet far beyond the limit of its own ideal orbit into the sphere of dominant influence of the passing SUlha witethesame: time, the paths of ‘the immer orbits of ,both systems will be distorted in a quite irregular way, dependent on their various positions in their several orbits. The transfer of an outermost planet from one system to another under these con- ditions of general disturbance, or any other radical change in the orbits of the outer planets, will quite certainly lead on to other disturbances of orbit, some of which may sooner or later lead to disruptive approach, though the result of such a compli- cation is beyond the reach of precise prediction. A still more remote approach between two systems in which the only result is a pronounced elongation of the orbits of the two systems, may ultimately result in close approaches, for, if the orbit of any of the planets of the two systems be elongated so that its perihelion distance is less than the aphelion distance of the next inner planet, or its aphelion distance greater than the petihelion: distance gof: the next outer: planet, a disruptive ‘In the illustrative examples it is assumed for convenience that the planes of the systems are normal to the systems’ lines of movement. 376 T. C. CHAMBERLIN approach, although it will not necessarily follow, because the planes may not coincide, and for other reasons, may result —if not at once, at least ultimately—as a consequence of the shift- ings and modifications which such a disturbed condition involves. For example, it is obvious that by a favorable conjunction with a passing system whose sun is distant from JVeptune considerably more than the radius of his orbit, there may be an elongation of the orbit of Meptune so as to make it cut one or more of the inner orbits, and that further modifications may arise out of these relations which will either increase or decrease the eccen- tricity. The principles applicable here are identical with those that have been found to produce radical modifications of the orbits of comets and that have been worked out by H. A. Newton and others. To embrace the full possibilities of the case, it is therefore necessary to consider (1) the effects of systems passing each other at distances varying from those in which the outermost planets do not even cut each other’s orbits, down to center-on- center collisions, and (2) to take account of the ulterior effects of disturbed orbits, as well as the immediate effects. This last is a consideration of no small importance in the qualitative as well as the quantitative application of the doctrine, for it distrib- utes the effects over an indefinite period of time, and does not require their coincidence with the passage of the systems. The ulterior effects, so far as the disruption of secondaries is con- cerned, may apparently be much greater than the immediate effects. If this is not already clear, let a specific case be taken, as, for example, two solar systems passing each other so that their centers shall be 500,000,000 miles apart at nearest approach. If the planes of the systems are transverse to their paths, the ideal undisturbed orbits of the asteroids will touch, or closely approach, or slightly cut each other, as the individual case may be. The ideal orbits of the /upzzers will fall but little short of the passing sun, while the ideal orbits of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune will fall outside the passing sun. While the precise results of such an event cannot be computed, it is quite certain FORMATION OF METEORITES BY. that the secondary systems of the two suns will be most pro- foundly disturbed and the symmetrical and harmonious relations of the planetary orbits be utterly broken up. While even in this case the zmmediate contingency of a disruptive approach of one secondary to another may not be high, there will arise a perpetuated series of contingencies, the consequences of which will apparently be immeasurably greater than those immediately inci- dent to the disturbing action, and the end of this perpetuated series of contingencies can scarcely be foreseen. Assuming that the great planets will exercise the same kind of influence over the small planets and asteroids that pass near them that /apiter does over comets, the range of possible contingencies involves, on the one hand, closer and closer approaches and even collisions with the Sun and with other planets, and, on the other hand, the devel- opment of extremely elliptical orbits that will carry the small bodies into the sphere of influence of some other system. How large a proportion of these theoretical possibilities will be rea- lized in a given disturbed system, it is impossible to determine, for the problem is far beyond the power of mathematical analysis, but it seems at least probable that results of moment may ensue. If we may judge from the solar system, the small bodies may be assumed to be at least fifty times as numerous as the large ones, while not improbably they are a hundred or several hundred times as numerous. Other things being equal, they should show the characteristic effects of the action under discussion with correspondingly greater frequency. But the other conditions intensify these effects. A small body may be disrupted by a large one, but not necessarily the reverse. So, too, a small body may be thrown into an erratic orbit, while the orbit of the large body may not be sensibly affected, as shown by the changes in the orbits of comets caused by Jupiter. By far the most common effect of the close approach of two star systems should therefore be the fragmentation of the small bodies by being caused to pass within the spheres of disruption of the large bodies. As previously indicated, the contingency of acquiring at the same time 378 T, C. CHAMBERLIN highly erratic orbits is imminent, and these are specially subject to still further changes, and thus these fragmental clusters come to possess by the very circumstances of their birth the second characteristic of comets, as well as the first. Whether they would possess at the same time, or come at length to possess, the ¢izrd characteristic of comets, the attenu- ated matter of which cometic tails are made, is not so clear, since the nature of this matter and its condition are not yet fully known. The recent discoveries relative to the extreme ionization of matter and perhaps even its corpuscular dissociation, and the radio-activity of certain kinds of matter are at least very sugges- tive in this connection. Six of the elements reported by good authority as detected in meteorites, are known to possess, or to be habitually associated with, radio-active matter, viz., barium, bismuth, cerium, lead, titanium, and uranium. It is not very material here whether this radio-activity is really possessed by all these elements themselves, or simply by substances associated with them. If the coma and tails of comets are dependent on rare substances of a radio-active or extremely volatile nature, and hence permanently retensible only in the interior of bodies, it would be difficult to imagine conditions more favorable for setting them free in unusual volume than minute tidal disruption ; particularly is this true if the retention of these substances is dependent on low temperature, as seems to be the case, since they are brought forth and driven away at a highly accelerated rate as the sun is approached. This view seems also to be sup- ported by the fact that comets which remain long in the vicinity of the sun, as for example the short-period comets, lose their tails in a brief period. | If the attenuated cometic matter owes its essential peculiarities to electric states, these might perhaps be derivable from the revolutionary movements of the magnetic elements in the frag- mental swarm, for by the hypothesis of tidal disruption the swarm should inherit a rotatory movement, and the fragments should contain both magnetic and magnetizable matter, variously associated with diamagnetic matter. FORMATION: OF METEORITES 379 That short-period comets are subject to progressive disinte- gration, and that their scattered elements constitute one class of meteorites, is familiar doctrine. There seems no reason for withholding the conception from comets which have parabolic or hyperbolic orbits, for in certain cases such comets have shown signs of disruption and partial dispersion in their perihelion passages. To the dispersed elements of these comets of high velocity is assigned (in part at least) such meteorites as come to earth from diverse directions with velocities incompatible with an origin within the solar system. It remains to consider whether the fragments derived from the disruption of an asteroid, satellite, or small planet through differential gravitative strain without collision, will satisfy the characteristics which meteorites display. Ample data fora judg- ment on this vital point will be found in the articles on the structure of meteorites in the first two numbers of the Journal of Geology for the current year, by Dr. Farrington, who, at my request, has kindly brought together in succinct and systematic form the essential characteristics of meteoric structure. A study of these characteristics will show that, while they embrace a great and very significant variety, they are all referable to the structures that are appropriate to small planets, while it is diffi- cult to see how all of these characteristics can be found in deriva- tives from any of the alternative sources to which meteorites have been assigned, namely, volcanic action of the moon or of the planets, explosive projection from the sun, or individual aggregation inspace. Some of the matter is fragmentary, imply- ing surface conditions, while some of it is coarsely crystalline, implying deep-seated conditions. Some is volatile and com- bustible, implying the absence of high temperature throughout its whole antecedent history, while some as distinctly implies the presence of high temperature. In some meteorites the iron is segregated, while in others it is disseminated. Frequent brecciated structures imply fracturing and recementation. Faz/t- ing and slickensides demonstrate movements attributable to the parent body, but not to the meteorite itself. Veins imply internal 380 IR (Go (Gla CANE) KILI OM transfer and redeposit of molecules. The absence of the oxida- tion of the iron accords with internal conditions, and also with the supposed absence of atmospheres from small planets, asteroids, and satellites. In short, every feature of the meteor- ites, save, of course, the external effects of fragmentation and of heating during their fall through the atmosphere, is assignable to small planetary bodies riven into fragments without great heat and, by reason of this, retaining the varied structure attained in the parent body. As previously indicated, the disruption of a body like the earth, the main mass of which has a temperature much above the melting point of its substances at low pressures, and which is greatly compressed within by self-gravity, would doubtless cause it to burst forth into a luminous body with perhaps some dispersive violence. The progressive stages of distortion which take origin in simple tidal protuberances and grow to greater and greater degrees of deformation and crustal fissuring, until the final stage of disruption is reached, could scarcely fail to bring some parts of the ocean into contact with some parts of the heated interior, with inevitable Krakatoan consequences. Fragments of the crust under these conditions might possibly give origin to meteorites, but the probabilities of such fragments being projected beyond the 640,000 miles of the earth’s domi- nant influence, or beyond the similar spheres of influence of other massive planets, would not seem to be great; and, if real- ized, the fragments would doubtless be reduced to dust, as in the case of the Krakatoan explosion, and this state of minute division would exclude such meteorites from recognition except as vanishing shooting stars. The probabilities are that the matter of a disrupted earth or a similar massive planet would be again assembled into a planetary body by its strong self- gravity. The phenomenon would therefore be that of a tempo- rary star. Assuming considerable dispersion, it might be rather brilliant for a time, but would rapidly cool as the result of such dispersion, and soon sink into invisibility. In the case of such a body as Jupiter, accepting current doctrine as to his nature, the FORMATION OF METEORITES 381 initial brilliancy must be much greater and the cooling to invisi- bility much more prolonged.t | To phenomena of this class may perhaps be tentatively assigned certain of the temporary stars. Obviously these can only be such as had no prior visibility, and such as sink sooner or later again into invisibility. Whether this invisibility were due to the superficial cooling of the nucleus, or merely to a deep enshrouding of cooled vapor, would be immaterial. It has already been indicated that a possible result of the serious disturbance of one solar system by the near transit of another would be a fall of some of the disturbed planets upon one of the suns. This also might be an ulterior rather than an immediate result, through the’ modifying effects of other planets, as well as the direct effects of the primary disturb- ance. Such a fall must be presumed to give rise to a notable increase of heat in the central body, as well as to mechanical effects, both of which would be conditioned by the mass and velocity of the secondary. An outburst of greater or less bril- liancy must be presumed to be the result. The mechanical effects upon the sun would probably involve great changes in temporary density and condition, as well as outshoots of hot gases in various directions at high velocities. The effects might — thus coincide with the phenomena of that class of the temporary stars in which a luminous state precedes and follows the out- burst, and in which varying densities or high velocities in opposite directions seem to attend the temporary brilliant stage. The disruption of suns has been neglected thus far. While, under the terms of the hypothesis, the disruption of these bodies must be rarer events than the fragmentation of the more numerous small bodies, the results must be correspond- ingly more important, by reason of their magnitude and char- acter. | It has already been observed, in passing, that the internal *Such a body as /wpzter might perhaps, under proper conditions, be dispersed in the same manner as a sun as sketched beyond. 382 T. C. CHAMBERLIN elasticity of large hot bodies under great self-gravitative com- pression may so far aid in disruption, by coédperation with the differential gravity of an adjacent body, as to cause dispersion even before the Roche limit is reached. In the case of very large bodies that are already gaseous, such as the sun, this phe- nomenon gives rise to a special case of extreme interest. Under this special case, there arise a large variety of particular instances due to the varying sizes, velocities, paths, rotations, and consti- tutions of the couplets of stars concerned, and also to the adven- titious effects of their secondaries; but, for a simple illustrative case, let it be assumed that two bodies of equal masses and equal velocities are approaching each other on parabolic paths, and that at periastron they will pass through each other’s spheres of disruption, or rather, spheres of dispersion. For convenience, let if be assumed that one of these bodies (A, Fig. 1) is gaseous, while the other (4) has already become so cold and solid as to act essentially as a unit, though disrupted. The history of the dis- persion of the gaseous body may then be followed alone. Let the rate of rotation of the gaseous body (A) be relatively low, as in the case of our sun. It may then be neglected in a general discussion, since as a dynamic factor it is trivial compared with the enormous energies of momentum and of elastic dispersion involved. This will appear clear in the outcome. Furthermore, the direction of rotation with reference to the parabolic paths might happen to be any one of an indefinite number, in many of which the effect would be inconsequential, even if the energy were large. In the close approach of these two bodies the two great dynamic factors of special interest are (1) the tidal distortion, and (2) the elastic expansion of the gaseous body. While the two bodies are yet distant from each other, they must begin to take on elongation of the tidal type as the result of their mutual differential attraction, this elongation being aided by the high internal mobility and elasticity of the gaseous body. As the bodies approach periastron, this elongation must progress at an accelerated rate. At the moment of the entrance of the FORMATION OF METEORITES 38 QD gaseous body A upon the Roche sphere of the body 4S, self- gravitation, in accordance with Roche's doctrine, will have been completely neutralized on the lines joining the centers of A and 4, and its restraining influence upon the elasticity of the gaseous body on these lines will have been removed, while the gravitative constraint in the transverse section will be increased. The expansive energy of the compressed gaseous matter will therefore be left to exert its full projectile force in the direction of the axis of elongation. While I am unable to offer a numeri- cal estimate of the magnitude of this expansional energy in such a body as the sun, it is certainly of a high order of magnitude. The speed at which prominences are projected from the sun under present conditions closely approximates to the parabolic velocity with respect to the sun, and this is accomplished in spite of gravitation and a resisting atmosphere. The case in hand, therefore, starts with simple tidal elonga- tion at a distance, and increases to an explosive maximum as the bodies approach periastron. This increase is at first gradual, but in the last stages of approach to periastron the acceleration is exceedingly rapid. In any attempt to follow the process in more detail, adhering to the recognized principles of tidal action, four particulars are of special moment: (1) the progressive elon- gation of the body, (2) the change in the direction of tidal dis- tortion, (3) the lag of the line of maximum elongation behind the line of maximum attraction, and (4) the rotatory effects arising from the gravitation of 4 on the tidal protuberances of A, which in this case will be peculiarly effective because of the enormous distortion of 4 and the very close proximity of 5 at the critical stages. The principles from which these effects arise are thoroughly demonstrated and are familiar to all students of tidal phenomena, and it is only their special applications to this case that need be discussed. The rotatory effects are a little peculiar in that both of the tidally acting bodies are rapidly approaching each other, and developing extraordinarily powerful differential attractions, while at the same time they are swinging about their common center of gravity. Near periastron they 384 LAG. (CHAMBERLIN, may be regarded as performing a semi-revolution about each other. By the terms of the special case in hand, this semi-revo- lution must be performed in avery few hours. During these few hours the gaseous body (A) is undergoing elongation at a rate not much less than that represented by its full explosive Fic. 1.— Diagram illustrating the elongating and rotatory effects ofa solid stellar body, B, upon a gaseous sun, 4, during their mutual approach to periastron. A 23445 indicate successive positions, changes of form, and rotation of the gaseous star on its approach to periastron. At *3445 represent the successive positions of a solid body of equal mass and velocity which is assumed for convenience to remain intact. Position 41 corresponds to 41, A? to £2, etc. The lines joining their cen- ters indicate the successive directions of mutual attraction. The arrows: indicate direction of movement. competency. The rotational forces are diagrammatically illus- trated in Fig. 1, in which the lag is merely estimated and the distortion of A is simplified while that of B is neglected. FORMATION OF METEORITES 385 It is assumed that the lag of the axis of elongation of J is uch that the effective path of explosive projection will be directed to the rear‘of B. -It must be noticed that if the center of A passes through the outer part of the Roche sphere of 4, the nearest edge of A, if undistorted, would pass within two or three hundred thousand miles of 4, and hence that the projective elongation of dA must pass critically near £; but the relative speed of the bodies A and & is so great—both being near the parabolic velocity with respect to the other—that the projected matter of A can only collide with 4 on the supposition that the velocity of projection at least equals the parabolic velocity of the body and acts instantaneously, the last of which is impossi- ble. This is based on the assumption that the transverse com- ponent of the attraction of & prevents the elongation of the minor axis of A, which is true of liquid bodies tidally affected, but might perhaps break down in a gaseous body under these extraordinary conditions. The point, however, is not important here, for if the edge of the projected part of A collide with 5, it will only intensify the rotatory effects under consideration, and such collision is contemplated as an essential feature of the next tollowing case, but-is excluded here as. the-effects of approach without collision is the special theme under discussion. The very close approach of the elongated extremity of A to & obviously gives great effectiveness to the rotatory influence of &’s attraction upon it. If the amount of this attraction be rep- resented by the fall of ;,57 part of the mass of A toward Sata mean distance of 200,000 miles from #’s surface —the masses of A and & being each equal to that of the sun—such a fall for about two hours and a half would generate a momentum equal to the whole revolutionary and rotatory momentum of the pres- ent solar system. It would appear, therefore, that under the conditions postulated a rotation of a highly effective kind must be imparted to the elongated body. It will now appear that the previous rotatory energy of the sun, which is only about 2 per cent. that of the solar system, is a negligible factor. ‘Phe history ot: A then takes this form: (1) A very rapid 386 7. C. CHAMBERLIN elongation in the hour or two preceding its entrance upon the Roche sphere. (2) After entrance upon the Roche sphere, an explosive elongation actuated by the elastic energy then remain- ing in the body unrestrained by self-gravity in the axis of elon- gation. (A portion of the original elastic energy had been consumed in the previous elongation and a corresponding amount of momentum had been acquired, the larger component of which would be effective along the changed line of elongation.) (3) After passing out of the Roche sphere, the restraints of gravity begin again to be felt and rapidly increase as A and JB retire from each other, but the distance to which the extremities of A have already been projected, and the new relations thereby assumed to the remaining mass of A, and to 4, render the renewed gravitative influence far less effective than the original. and the projection must continue until the momentum acquired is overcome. (4) Coincident with this projection a constantly increasing rotation toward 4 has been generated, which possibly reached an effectiveness comparable to that of the solar system. The effects of explosive projection combined with concurrent rotation must obviously give rise to a spiral form. It seems clear from the nature of the case that there would be a certain brief period when the climax of projective effects would be reached, and that a stream of material of much greater mass and velocity than at other instants would at this time be projected from the extremities of the elongated mass in both directions. There should therefore be two chief arms to the resulting spiral starting from the opposite points of the central mass and extending outward to the limits of the spiral—indeed constituting the most outlying portions of the spiral. These must be curved in a common direction by the rotation of the mass. Such predominant arms are notable features in the typi- cal spiral nebule. They are well shown in Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Plate I, all of which are reproductions from photographs furnished by the late Professor Keeler. In the illustrative case that has just been discussed the solid body 4 was made to represent a convenient possible case but JouR.“Gron., Vol. TX, No.5 Plate I 5 6 SPIRAL NEBULAE t. Mes7 Can. Ven.=G. C. 3572-3574 4. H LV 76 Cephet=G. C. 4594 2. M ror Urs. Maj.=G. C. 3770—3771 5. 433 Trianguli=G. C. 352 3. M74 Pisctum=G. C. 372 6. H 753 Pegasi and her nebula FORMATION OF METEORITES 387 one whose real frequency is quite unknown, since extinct suns are beyond the reach of observation. If the active lives of suns are no greater than the periods deduced from computations founded on the Helmholtz theory of solar heat, extinct suns should either be numerous, or the whole previous history of the stellar system must have been short; or else, as a fertium quid, some effective means of regeneration must be assumed. . In the more typical case of two live suns coming into such close relations, its seems probable that mutual dispersion might follow without serious collision, since the analysis of the phenomena seems to show that the mutual elongations of the live suns would develop on essentially parallel lines whose con- stant shiftings would be mutually consonant, as illustrated in Fig. 2. If no serious contacts were developed, the two resulting spirals would separate and pursue the paths normal to their parent stars, with such modifications as may have resulted from the loss of energy involved in giving rotation to the nebule. If, however, the periastron approach is so close that partial collision ensues, the analysis seems to indicate that the elongated bodies which would be developed previous to contact would not collide end to end centrally, but by a lateral shear, as illustrated in Fig. 3. In this case the arrested momentum combines with mutual attraction to give a rotatory movement of the highest order, and the heat and the resilience from impact must combine to intensify the dispersive competency. The arrest of momentum may be presumed to go so far in some cases as to cause the two bodies to unite to form a single spiral nebula of the largest and most dispersed order, such perhaps as the well-known great spiral nebule; or the arrest may be partial, and certain parts of one-or the other, or both,.of the, masses may escape. “In No: 1, Plate I, we seem to have a possible example of this, in which the escaping, or partially escaping, mass" is still associated with the longest arm of the spiral. «This is assumed to have been a dead sun because of the limited evidence of explosive action. 388 TEAG CLAN BILLION: In case the collision of two suns becomes essentially central, a general dispersion of the most violent sort may be inferred to follow, and this may find exemplification in the vast irregular nebulz, which are in many cases more or less radiant, and in some cases consist of two irregular masses which perhaps repre- Fic. 2.— Diagram illustrating the progressive elongation and rotation of two suns, C and D, approaching perihelion. The position C* corresponds to Dt, C? to D?, etc.; the lines joining these indicate the successive directions of mutual gravitation, and the arrows indicate direction of movement. The progressive elongation, the lag, and the rotation of the bodies at successive stages are diagrammatically indicated. sent the wrecked originals. The collision of dead suns in which disruption shortly preceded actual impact may also play a part in forming irregular nebule. Speculation may perhaps go so far as to attribute ring nebule FORMATION OF METEORITES 389 to the central penetration of a concentrated solid body through a gaseous mass. It is as impossible as it is unnecessary to consider here the infinite variety of sub-cases which the hypothesis under consid- \ wecce-” Fic. 3.— Diagram illustrating the same phenomena as Fig. 2, save that the peri- astron distance is so small that the bodies collide by a shearing stroke. eration involves, but it seems advisable to note that the case of equal suns with equal velocities, which has been used in illus- tration, is not the most prevalent case; for inequality of mass and momentum is quite certainly the rule, rather than equality or sub-equality. Where one of the suns is much smaller than the other, the dispersive influence will be most largely felt by it, 390 l. €. CHAMBERLIN and so it seems probable that there may be a series of cases in which the minor members of the couplets are dispersed with different intensities into complete nebule while the major mem- bers only suffer varying degrees of eruptive action or partial conversion into nebule and so perhaps become stars with nebulous adjuncts or atmospheres. Under this conception small nebule should be much more numerous than large ones. If large hot planets, such as Jupiter is supposed to be, are poten- tially gaseous, and if by disturbing approaches of stellar systems such planets are thrown out of their allegiance to their primary suns and take on comet-like courses, they would be specially liable to disruption and dispersion into small nebulz, and would augment the number of the latter. Whether the existing stellar movements and the mutual attrac- tions of the stars are such as to give any substantial ground for believing that close approach can be a chief agency in producing comets, meteorites, and nebule, can only be determined when some approximate knowledge of the dispersion, the masses, the velocities, and the paths of the stars is gained. If the stars be- considered simply as so many scattered bodies flying through space in straight lines at computed rates, and all mutual attrac- tions and systematic relations be ignored, the frequency of dis- turbing approaches would not seem to be great and the quantitative value of the doctrine here sketched would seem to be questionable. The solar system has certainly never been subjected to disturbing approach since its present organization. But the assumptions made are certainly not the true ones and may not be representative. Besides the mere hazard of flying bodies, the mutual attraction of two stars after they enter upon each other’s spheres of dominant influence —and these are very large —increases notably the probabilities of a disturbing approach even in the case of stars moving in opposed directions, while in the case of stars moving in sub-parallel and gently con- verging paths at sub-equal velocities, it may apparently become a dominant factor. At the average computed distances of the stars from each other, their mutual attractions are very slight, and FORMATION OF METEORITES 391 in the central portion of the stellar system, in which the sun seems to be placed at present, the general attractions are prob- ably nearly balanced. Two stars, therefore, whose speeds are sub-equal and whose paths gently converge, may be controlled almost freely by their mutual attractions after they come within the spheres of each other’s dominant influence. Such stars under mutual control would describe paths relative to each other similar to those assumed in the discussion. Their closeness of approach at periastron would be determined by the relative differences (not the total amounts) of their speeds and momenta- The principle of sub-parallel movements applies here and gives results quite at variance with those that obtain in cases of opposed movements, where the relative sums of the velocities and momenta are to be considered. The movements of the long- orbit comets seem to be concrete expressions of this principle, as their perihelia are largely clustered on the front side of the Sun, z. e., the side toward which it is moving, and they make close approaches to it. Such star clusters as the Pletades, the members of which seem to have proper movements nearly the same in amount and direction, are doubtless also expressions of the principle of sub-parallelism, and in their remarkable neb- ulosity they may at the same time illustrate the doctrine of dis- turbed secondaries leading on to dispersive action, a part of the product of which remains associated with the stars themselves, while a part is more or less widely scattered, as the terms of the doctrine require. If our stellar system has a definite boundary and 1s a flat- tened spheroidal cluster or a discoid, and if the ideal paths of the stars are elongate orbits stretching from border to border across the heart of the cluster (except as diverted by close approaches), then the orbital speeds and momenta should be lowest on the outer surface, and the paths should there be most frequently sub-parallel, and hence the conditions for the close approach of two suns through their reciprocal attraction be there most favor- able. Now, visible nebula are most frequent in the regions polar to the Milky Way, and they may be regarded as lying on 392 I. €. CHAMBERLIN the flat sides or outer border of the stellar discoid where these conditions of low orbital velocity and momenta and prevalent sub-parallelism are dominant, and thus the distribution of nebule and the doctrine of close approach seem to be, so far at least, brought into harmony. It may be needless to remark that the general conception lying back of the doctrine of dispersion by close approach has a complementary regenerative or reconstructive phase, which, taken with the dispersive phase, makes up acyclic process. With the disruptive action there is correlated a reciprocal concentrative action, which is supposed to reproduce organized systems out of the wreckage of disrupted systems. The notion is further enter- tained that the two processes may be mutually self-adjustable, within the limits of general conditions, and thus may give a large degree of perpetuity to the existing phase of the stellar system. T. C. CHAMBERLIN. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, June 1901. SEU DITESEFOR STUDENTS THE CONSTILUENTS OF METEORITES, 1 ELEMENTS THe following elements have by good authorities been reported as detected in meteorites by means of chemical or spectroscopic examination : Aluminum Antimony Argon Arsenic Barium Bismuth Calcium Carbon Cerium Chlorine Chromium Cobalt Copper Didymium Helium Hydrogen Iodine Iron Lead — Lithium Magnesium Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Nitrogen Oxygen Palladium Phosphorus Potassium Selenium Silicon Strontium Sodium Sulphur Thallium Tin Titanium Tungsten Uranium Vanadium Zine Many of these, however, occur only as traces, while others may possibly have been introduced by terrestrial agencies. The following list will be therefore more satisfactory as giving the primary and fundamental elements known to enter into the com- position of meteorites : Aluminum Calcium Carbon Chlorine Chromium Cobalt Copper Hydrogen Iron Magnesium Manganese Nickel Nitrogen Oxygen Phosphorus Potassium Silicon Sodium Sulphur It will be of interest to compare the more important of these in 393 304 STUDIES FOR STUDENTS the order of their relative abundance, with the eight most important elements of the earth’s crust placed in similar order. The list of the latter is taken from Roscoe and Schorlemmer.' METEORIC SERIES TERRESTRIAL SERIES 1. Iron I. Oxygen 2. Oxygen 2. Silicon 3. Silicon 3. Aluminum 4. Magnesium 4. Iron 5. Nickel 5. Calcium 6. Sulphur 6. Magnesium 7. Calcium 7. Sodium 8. Aluminum 8. Potassium It should be remembered in drawing conclusions from the above list that the elements of cosmic matter in its entirety are here compared with the elements of only the crust of the earth ; further, that the meteoritic matter now known probably does not show a true proportion of stony matter. As I have shown else- where,’ the iron meteorites are much more likely to be known and preserved than the stony. It is probable, therefore, that if the average composition of meteoritic matter were known, iron would not occupy so high a place as it does in the above table. The relative excess of magnesium and nickel, and scarcity of aluminum and calcium in meteoritic, as compared with terrestrial, matter may be due to the same cause. COMPOUNDS The elements of meteorites chiefly occur combined. The exceptions are iron, nickel, cobalt, and copper, all of which occur largely in the form of alloys, carbon, and the gases, hydrogen, and nitrogen, probably held as elements in the pores of meteorites. The compounds of meteorites according to the mineralogical names by which they are generally known, and roughly in the order of their relative abundance, are as follows, the minerals not occurring upon the earth being printed in italics: * Treatise on Chemistry, Vol. I. 2JouR. GEOL., Vol. V, p. 126. THE. CONSTITUENTS OF METEORITES 395 ESSENTIAL ACCESSORY Nickel-iron Included gases Chrysolite Iron sulphide Orthorhombic pyroxene Schretbersite Monoclinic pyroxene Graphite Plagioclase Cohenite Maskelynite Glass Chromite Amorphous carbon Diamond Daubreelite Tridymite Lawrencite Magnetite Oldhamtite Hydro carbons A brief account will be given of each of these. Nickel-iron.— This is the most widely distributed constituent of meteorities and in quantity it exceeds all the others combined. It makes up practically the entire mass of all the iron meteorites, the larger part of the mass of the iron-stone meteorites and is found in nearly all, though not all, the stone meteorites. It is an alloy of iron and nickel in which the percentage of nickel varies from about 6 per cent. to about 20 per cent. Some iron masses claimed to be meteorites contain a higher percentage and some authorities regard the nickel-iron of most stone meteorites as generally containing from 20 to 40 per cent. of nickel, but this is somewhat uncertain. From 0.5 to 2 per cent. of cobalt always accompanies the nickel, as well as .006 to .02 per cent. of copper. Traces of manganese and tin are also often found. The terrestrial nickel-iron of the Greenland basalts differs from that of meteorites in having a lower percentage of nickel (0.25 to 4 per cent.) and in containing a considerable amount (3 per cent.) of carbon. The terrestrial nickel-irons known as awaruite and josephinite contain higher percentages of nickel than the meteoritic, the percentages being 67.7 per cent. and 30.5 per cent. respectively. In color, meteoritic nickel-iron varies from iron or steel-gray to silver-white, according to the percentage of 396 STUDIES FOR STUDENTS nickel present. In hardness and tenacity the nickel-iron of differ- ent meteorites varies greatly. That of some meteorites is harder than steel, that of others softer than wrought iron. That of some meteorites is so brittle as to break in pieces with a blow of the hammer, that of others so malleable that it can be worked into implements of various shapes. Nickel-iron is strongly mag- netic and some iron meteorites exhibit polarity due perhaps to induction of the magnetism of the earth. The specific gravity of nickel-iron ranges between 7.6 and 7.9. It is dissolved at ordinary temperatures by the common acids, by solutions of copper sulphate, by copper chloride, by mercuric chloride, by bromine water, by copper ammonium chloride, and by a few other reagents. Some masses of nickel-iron when placed in neutral solutions of copper sulphate reduce the latter, while others do not. The former are known, according to the terms first used by Wohler, as active, the latter as passive irons. Nickel-iron oxidizes rapidly when. exposed to the atmosphere, the rapidity decreasing, however, with increase in the percentage of nickel. In regard to the manner of occurrence of the nickel- iron it may be noted that in the iron meteorites it forms a com- pact mass except in so far as it is interrupted by inclusions of other minerals. In the iron-stone meteorites all gradations occur from a continuous network to isolated grains. In the stone meteorites it is present in the latter form. A more or less lineal arrangement of these grains, recalling Widmanstatten figures, is often observed in the stone meteorites. When the substance occurs in grains, whether large or small, the shape of these is usually very uneven, being sometimes more or less rounded but generally irregularly branching. Sometimes regular forms such as cubes and octahedrons may be observed. In the Ochansk meteorite, von Siemaschko observed actual crystals made up of a combination of the cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and a tetrahexahedron. Other cuboidal forms have been observed. The two or possibly three subordinate alloys (kama- cite, taenite, and plessite) of which nickel-iron is composed have been described in a previous article and their composition given. THE CONSTTILTOENTS OF METEORITES 397 Chrysolite—This is, next to nickel-iron, the chief mineral constituent of meteorites. It is found in all the iron-stone and nearly all the stone meteorites and makes up a large part of their mass. It occurs as crystals and as rounded and angular grains. In the group of iron-stone meteorites known as palla- sites it is porphyritically developed‘in the nickel-iron; in other iron-stone meteorites it forms together with pyroxene a granular aggregate filling the meshes of a network of nickel-iron. In the chondritic meteorites the manner of its occurrence has already been described. Crystals occurring in cavities or isolated by dissolving adjacent nickel-iron lend themselves readily to gonio- metric measurement. A total of twenty forms, similar to those found on terrestrial chrysolite has thus been identified. The color of the mineral is usually the typical olive-green of terres- trial chrysolite but may vary to honey-yellow or red. Much of the meteoritic chrysolite is characterized by an abundance of opaque inclusions often regularly arranged. Intergrowths with a colorless to dark brown glass are also common, especially in the chrysolite of chondritic meteorites. Gas pores are rare. Alteration products so common to terrestrial chrysolite are entirely lacking. Much of the chrysolite shows a strong ten- dency to fissuring, especially in thin sections. Well-marked cleavage is not common. Numerous analyses of mechanically separated chrysolite show a composition similar to that of the terrestrial mineral. The percentage of Fe in these analyses shows variations from about IO per cent. to about 30 per cent. One feature of the composition of meteoric chrysolite which seems at first difficult to account for, is an almost entire lack of nickel oxide. This, as is well known, is a very constant constituent of terrestrial chrysolite. Daubrée has shown, however, that an absence of nickel from meteoritic chrysolite should be expected, since nickel has less affinity for oxygen than iron and would not be attacked until the latter was completely oxidized. While ter- restrial iron has been completely oxidized that of meteorites has not. The correctness of this explanation has further been shown experimentally by fusing terrestrial chrysolite with pyroxene in 398 SLUDIES FOR STRODENTS the presence of a reducing agent. The nickel of the chryso- lite then formed an alloy with the iron of the pyroxene. The siliceous portion of meteorites that is soluble in hydrochloric acid may for the most part be considered chrysolite, since numerous analyses of this portion give results corresponding in composition to this mineral. Orthorhombic pyroxenes.— The minerals of this group are next in abundance to chrysolite as a constituent of meteorites. They form an essential part of nearly all stone meteorites and are not lacking in the iron-stone meteorites. At least four meteorites consist of orthorhombic pyroxenes alone. These are the meteor- ite of Bishopville, practically composed of enstatite alone, and those of Manegaon, Ibbenbiihren and Shalka, which consist essentially of hypersthene. The color of the orthorhombic pyroxenes varies from colorless through white to various shades of green. Often the mineral has the typical color of chryso- lite. In thin section the pyroxene is colorless to slightly colored. Its habit is usually prismatic but it may also occur as rounded grains. Crystais with well defined planes have been observed in the Breitenbach, Bustee, Manegaon and other meteorites. A total of thirty-two forms has thus been identi- fied and the axial relations found to correspond with those of terrestrial hypersthene. Prismatic, macrodiagonal and brachy- diagonal cleavages are recognizable. It is especially character- istic of the mineral to form eccentric, radiating, polysomatic chondri, the structure of which has been described in a previous article: Numerous chemical analyses of mechanically separated ortho- rhombic pyroxenes have been made. These show all grada- tions between the compositions represented by the formulas MgSiO, (enstatite) (Mg, Fe) SiO, (bronzite) and (Fe, Mg) SOR (hypersthene). The portion insoluble in acids, of meteor- ites consisting essentially of nickel-iron, chrysolite and ortho- rhombic pyroxenes, may be considered to be essentially the latter, as shown by numerous analyses which give results cor- responding with the pyroxene formula. The orthorhombic THE -GONSTITOENTS OF METEORITES 399 pyroxenes of meteorites are thus seen to be entirely compar- able to the terrestrial minerals of the same name. Monochnic pyroxenes— Two kinds of monoclinic pyroxenes have been identified in meteorites, the first bearing iron and alumina, the second free from alumina and nearly free from iron. The first may be considered similar to terrestrial augite, the second to terrestrial diopside. Augite has been identified in many meteorites, diopside positively only in one. Crystals of meteoritic augite have been measured goniometrically and eight forms similar to those of terrestrial augite found. As a rule, however, the augite occurs as grains or splinters. It varies from brown to green in color, in some meteorites is pleochroic in thin section in others not at all. Parting parallel to the base, owing to repeated twinning, is common and characteristic. It is sometimes regularly intergrown with orthorhombic pyroxene. Inclusions of glass and black dust are common. Pyroxene resembling diopside was identified by Maskelyne in the Bustee meteorite. It occurred in grains and splinters and was of a gray to violet color. A few goniometric measurements were possible. Analysis showed the composition to be that of a calcium- magnesium pyroxene. Crystals and grains from a few other meteorites may perhaps be referred to diopside but the determi- nation is not certain. Plagioclase —Of the minerals of the feldspar group, anorthite may be mentioned as forming an essential constituent of the classes of stone meteorites known as eukrites and howardites and as occurring in others. It forms according to Rammelsberg about 35 per cent. of the stones of Juvinas and Stannern. Of the other members of the plagioclase series, albite, oligoclase and labradorite have been reported in single meteorites, but in most cases where plagioclase has been found the species has not been determined. Orthoclase has not yet been identified in any meteorite. Crystals of anthortite from the Jonzac meteorite reach a length of 1™. From the druses of the Juvinas meteor- ite anorthite crystals were obtained which served for goniomet- ric measurement, eight forms being thus identified. Some 400 SLUDIES FOR SLROIDENTS. anorthite crystals show twinning according to the Carlsbad law and in the Llano del Inca and Dona Inez meteorites twins according to the albite and pericline laws were found. The mineral is sometimes white and sometimes colorless and in luster varies from dull to vitreous. Inclusions nearly always abound and they are generally regularly arranged. The inclusions are chiefly colorless glass, but sometimes brownish glass and opaque grains occur. Analyses of mechanically isolated anorthite have been made which show a composition similar to that of terres- trial anorthite. CaO amounts to about 18 per cent. in these analyses. Calculating from analyses Tschermak concludes the feldspar of the stone of Gopalpur to be oligoclase, Lindstrom that of Hessle to be the same and Schilling that of Tennasilm to be labradorite. The presence of plagiociase other than anorthite has been proved by microscopical and chemical examination of other meteorites, but the species have rarely been deter- mined. Such feldspars occur as lath-shaped individuals and as grains and splinters. Inclusions are much less common than in anorthite. Rounded, elongated inclusions referred by Tschermak to chrysolite and bronzite are, however, quite char- acteristic. Gas inclusions seem to be more abundant in the feldspars of meteorites than in any other constituent, though even here they are rare. 3 Maskelynite.— This is an isotropic, colorless, though becoming milky through alteration, transparent mineral of vitreous luster and conchoidal fracture. Its hardness is somewhat over 6; specific gravity 2.65. It has no cleavage but shows occasional irregular cracks and strie similar to those of plagioclase. Inclu- sions of magnetite and augite are arranged in apparent zones. The mineral is slightly decomposed by hydrochloric acid. Thin splinters fuse, but with difficulty. Lath-shaped individuals with rectangular outlines occur, but in most meteorites the mineral is present as minute grains. It forms 22% per cent. of the meteorite of Shergotty, the remainder of the meteorite being augite and magnetite. It is also an accessory constitutent in THE CONSTITUENTS OF METEORITES 40! the meteorites of Chateau Renard, Alfianello, Milena, Mocs, and others. Its composition is about that of labradorite. Tschermak regards the mineral as a fused feldspar, while Groth and Brezina consider it a distinct species allied to leucite. Its straight, sharply defined outlines, the existence of striz, and the absence of any fused appearance make Tschermak’s view difficult to accept, though the mineral resembles the feldspars in so many other respects. Included gases.—A\\ meteorites which have so far been tested give off on heating one or more of the following gases: Hydro- gen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and marsh gas. Comparing the iron meteorites with the stone meteorites in regard to the kind of gases given off it is found that the former are characterized by a high content of H and CO, the latter by an excess of CO,. The following table of analyses of gases from eight iron and six stone meteorites, quoted from Cohen, gives an idea of the relative quantity of each gas: H C0. CO; N CH, Iron meteorites 63200) 20:70). 26.12" 97,52-"5°0.57 Stone meteorites 417255,- 4.15 70.66; 92:20) 4:n7 The volumes of the gases obtained vary from 0.97 of a volume given off from the iron of Shingle Springs to 47.13 volumes col- lected from the Magura iron. The average number of volumes obtained from the meteorites quoted in the above table is 2.82. The gases in meteorites appear therefore to be under a somewhat greater pressure than that of the earth’s atmosphere. It has often been urged that the gases obtained from meteorites by the meth- ods above mentioned may have been absorbed from our own atmos- phere. Itis known on the one hand that terrestrial rocks give off on treatment gases very similar in kind and quantity to those obtained from meteorites. Thus Wright obtained from one ordinary trap rock 34 of a volume of gas, 13 per cent. of which was CO, and the remainder chiefly hydrogen, and from another, one volume of gas containing 24 per cent. CO, and the remainder chiefly hydrogen. Tilden has also recently shown that “the crystalline rocks of the surface of the earth contain very notable quantities 402 SOGDITES FORT SILRODEN TS: of gas, consisting of hydrogen in preponderance, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide in large percentage, and nitrogen and marsh gas in small quantities, with water vapor, but with a prac- tical absence of oxygen. Twenty-five analyses including ancient and modern volcanic and even some metamorphic rocks gave an average volume of gas equal to about four and one half times the volumes of the containing rocks.”’* Further, it is urged that no meteorites have been analyzed as to their gases immediately after their fall. In contrast to these facts it should be noted that the Homestead meteorite was analyzed for gases by Wright within three months from the time of its fall. A second analy- sis was made a year later in order to test the influence of the earth’s atmosphere upon the stone. It was found that very little change had taken place except a slight Joss of carbonic acid. Ansdell and Dewar in testing the gases of the Pultusk and Mocs meteorites chose stones of those falls which were completely incrusted so that the chances of absorption of gases from the earth’s atmosphere might be reduced to a minimum. Yet the results obtained accorded well with those from other meteoric stones and for Pultusk the percentages were remarkably like those derived by Wright in a previous and independent examina- tion of stones of the same fall. There seems, therefore, good reason to believe that the gases obtained from meteorites are brought with them from space and that they have not been derived from the earth’s atmosphere. How the gases are held by the meteorites is uncertain. Wright was inclined to believe that the pores occasionally noted in the silicates of meteorites indicated cavities where the gas was held. Such pores are of too rare occurrence, however, to meet the demands of the problem. The phenomenon seems more like the occlusion of hydrogen by platinum or zinc, and the gases are probably held partly in the intermolecular spaces and partly chemically united. Travers, however, regards them as produced by heat from the non-gaseous elements of the *T. C. CHAMBERLIN: JOUR. GEOL., Vol. VII, p.558. Quoted from Chemical News, April 9, 1897. THE CONSTITUENTS OF METEORITES 403 meteorites.* The magnetic and nonmagnetic or, in other words, the metallic and stony portions of the Homestead meteorite were tested separately by Wright in order to determine whether these different portions exercised any selective action in holding gases. The investigation gave the following results : | | Volumes H CcoO+co, N Emtine:stone. nicneee | Toi7 50.93 48.07 1.00 Magnetic portion,o.51.... i 48 59.38 B5.72 1.90 Non-magnetic portion, 0.97. | He 30.96 66.96 2.08 The results show no important differences in the gases held by the different portions. By way of caution, attention should be called to the fact that the gases in meteorites may not have been originally present in the form and. quantities which the analyses indicate. Thus Wright in making his analyses found CO, rapidly reduced to CO through contact with heated iron. Likewise, H, CO, and iron may at a moderate heat reduce the iron oxide present in many meteorites, and thus the character of each be changed. The percentages of the different gases obtained by analyses may be, therefore, more indicative than absolute. Cohen calls attention to the fact that from artificial irons may be obtained gases corresponding both qualitatively and quantitatively to those obtained from meteoric irons. The fol- lowing list of analyses illustrates this. H CO CO, N White, carbonaceous cast iron.......... 74.07 16.76 3.59 5.58 MV GEStE SL Aireiarats nyclotie oitaisve cicesoten parte. 52.6 24.3 16.55 6.5 Ordinary gray massive charcoal iron....| 38.60 49.20 12.20 GrayiColewrO Ms ccs. ctercieei see foisvevers ene) «Gt bess 37.70 57.90 8.40 Steeler canes ce site denen wudied season ates 2On27, 63.65 227 11.36 Finally it should be noted that, according to the investiga- tions of Vogel, Wright, and Lockyer, the spectra of the gases obtained from meteorites show remarkable resemblances to the spectra of comets. * Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. LXIV, pp. 130-142. 404 STUDIES FOR STUDENTS Iron sulphide.—Tvrotlite-pyrrhotite—The exact form and com- position of the iron sulphide which is a common ingredient in meteorites is a question not yet satisfactorily answered. For convenience, Rose’s assumption that the iron sulphide of iron meteorites is troilite, that of stone meteorites pyrrhotite, is usually followed, but there are many occurrences which do not harmonize with this view. The iron sulphide known as troilite is usually found massive, though crystals have been observed which have been referred by Brezina to the hexagonal and by Linck to the isometric system. The color varies from bronze-yellow to tomback-brown. Streak black. Hardness, 4. Specific gravity, 4.68—-4.82. Generally found to be non-magnetic, although magnetic troilite has been reported. Cohen suggests that the magnetism may be due to included nickel-iron. The mineral fuses in the reducing flame to a black, magnetic globule. Decomposed by hydrochloric acid with evolution of hydrogen sulphide, but without separation of sulphur. Not affected by copper sulphate or fuming nitric acid. These reagents may be used, therefore, for its separation. Most analyses show a composition approximating very closely to FeS. Meunier, however, obtained results more nearly in accord with the formula Fe,,S,,. As this is the com- position of pyrrhotite he regards the two as identical. The specific gravities which he obtained, however, correspond to those observed by others for troilite, and there seems therefore, some reason to doubt the correctness of his analysis. Troilite is almost universally present in the iron meteorites. It may be very unequally distributed in a single mass, however, being abundant in some portions and lacking in others. It usually occurs in the form of nodules, but also as plates and lamellae. The nodules vary greatly in shape and size. Rounded and oval forms are common, as are also lens and dumb-bell shapes. In Carlton a star-like form occurs. Smith separated from the Cosby’s Creek iron a nodule weighing 200 grams, while one from the Magura iron measured 13 in diameter. When troilite occurs as lamellae, these are often regularly LHE CONSTITUENTS OF METEORITES. 405 arranged parallel to the planes of a cube. Lamellae having this arrangement are known as Reichenbach lamellae. Individual lamellae of this sort average from 0.1-0.2™" in width and 14%-3%°" in length. They cross layers of kamacite, and hence’ must have formed before these. Troilite often occurs intergrown with schreibersite and graphite, and these sometimes surround it. It also often includes nickel-iron. The fusion and dissipation of troilite nodules during the pas- sage of a meteorite through the atmosphere is a cause of the depressions often to be observed on the surface of both iron and stone meteorites. The iron sulphide of the stone meteorites oeturs chiefly as grains, sometimes as plates, and sometimes in vein-like forms. As mentioned in a previous article, it also occurs in chondri, fre- quently forming their periphery, while at other times it is in the form of grains. Crystals from the druses of the Juvinas meteor- ite measured by Rose proved to be hexagonal and to have forms similar to those of terrestrial pyrrhotite. It is largely on account of these observations that the iron sulphide of stone meteorites is considered to be pyrrhotite. On the other hand, the iron sulphide of stone meteorites differs from pyrrhotite in being, for the most part, non-magnetic, and in giving no free sul- phur on decomposition with hydrochloric acid. Further, most analyses show a ‘composition corresponding to the formula Fess: Schretbersite—This mineral, peculiar to meteorites (if its pos- sible occurrence in the terrestrial iron of Greenland be excepted) is also one of their most remarkable constituents, since it gives proof that the meteorites in which it occurs could not have been exposed for any long time to the action of free oxygen. The mineral is a phosphide of iron, nickel, and cobalt, having the general formula (Fe, Ni, Co), P, though the relative pro- portions of the metals vary. The normal color is tin-white, but this may readily alter to bronze-yellow or steel-gray on exposure to the air. Hardness 6.5, specific gravity 6.3-7.28. Strongly magnetic, and when magnetized retains its magnetism 400 STUDIES FOR STUDENTS for a long time. Very brittle, being thus distinguished from taenite, with which it is often confounded. Another property which distinguishes it from taenite and from cohenite is that it is insoluble in copper-ammonium chloride. It is soluble in ordinary dilute acids and in acetic acid. Does not reduce cop- per from a copper sulphate solution. Easily fusible betore the blowpipe toa magnetic globule. It occurs as crystals, flakes, foliae, grains, and as needles. In the latter form it was long regarded a separate mineral, and was known under the name of rhabdite, but the identity of rhabdite and schreibersite has been proved by Cohen. The needles and plates often exhibit angular outlines. Individual masses of the mineral often reach a considerable size, one from the Carlton iron being 14 ™. in length. The mineral also forms a considerable portion of the mass of some meteorites, such as Bella Roca, Primitiva, and Tombigbee River. It is the most widely distributed constituent of iron meteorites, aside from nickel iron, and is believed to be usually associated with the latter mineral in the stone meteorites, though its quantity is so small that it has not often been deter- mined. The small percentage of phosphorus usually found in the analysis of stone meteorites is generally referred to this mineral. Schreibersite has been reported in the terrestrial iron of Greenland, but its presence is not proved. Phosphides similar to schreibersite have been made in several ways arti- ficially. The process followed has been essentially to heat iron to a high temperature together with a phosphorus-bearing compound. Graphite.—This substance occurs in grains of sufficient size for ready examination only in the meteoric irons. In these it is usually in the form of nodules but sometimes occurs in plates or grains. The nodules often reach considerable size. One nodule taken from the Cosby’s Creek iron is as large as an ordinary pear and weighs 92 grams. Even larger ones were found in the Magura iron. Toluca, Cranbourne, Chulafinnee and Mazapil are other irons which contain considerable graphite. Graphite has been estimated to form 1.17 per cent. of the mass of THE CONSTITUENTS OF METEORITES 407 Magura and 0.8 percent. of the Cosby’s Creek iron. The mineral is usually associated with iron sulphide. With this it may be intimately intergrown or the one may enclose the other. Its texture is compact rather than foliated. Smith found that the meteoric graphite oxidized much more rapidly than terrestrial graphite on treatment with nitric acid and chlorate of potash. This feature distinguishes it from the amorphous carbon separated from cast iron. ©The meteoritic graphite is. also very pure. Although occurring in nodules of the size described, which must have segregated from the surrounding mass, the ash amounted, in an analysis made by Smith, to only 1 per cent. By ether was extracted a small quantity of a substance made up of sulphur and a hydro-carbon, which constituted the only other impurity. Emphasizing the differences between meteoritic and terrestrial graphite Smith was inclined to believe that the graphite of meteorites must have been formed by the action of bi-sulphide of carbon upon incandescent iron rather than that it was analo- gous in its origin to terrestrial graphite. Ansdell and Dewar, however, concluded from elaborate comparisons of meteoric and terrestrial graphite that they were similar in origin, and were formed by the action of water, gases and other agents on metal carbides. Whatever its mode of formation the occur- rence of graphite in meteorites is of geological interest as proving that graphite may be formed in nature without the agency of life. Cohenitte.— This is a carbide of iron, nickel and cobalt. It has been positively identified in only a few meteorites but is doubtless of common occurrence. Its formula is (Fe, Ni, Co), C. The mineral is of metallic luster and tin-white color, though readily tarnishing to bronze-yellow. Hardness, 5.5—6. Specific gravity, 7.23-7.24. Strongly magnetic; very brittle. Insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid and decomposed by concentrated hydrochloric acid only with difficulty. Easily soluble in copper- ammonium chloride. It occurs as isolated crystals on which several forms of the isometric system have been noted; also as grains. Elongated crystals, reaching a length of 8™™ are 408 STUDIES FOR STUDENTS found in the Magura meteorite. These are arranged parallel to octahedral planes. An iron carbide similar to cohenite is formed in cast iron when the latter is heated to a temperature of 600— 700° C. and slowly cooled. Cohenite occurs in the terrestrial iron of Niakornak, Greenland. OLIVER C. FARRINGTON. (To be continued.) Pie eA wOZ OIG, FORMATIONS. OF -ALLEGANY COUNTY, MARYLAND: INTRODUCTION THE author of this paper has been engaged since the summer of 1897 as chief of the Division of Appalachian Geology of the Maryland Geological Survey in studying the geological for- mations of the western counties of Maryland. He has had as assistants in this work at different times Messrs. GG] Oo Earra, R. B. Rowe, G. C. Martin, A. C. McLaughlin, and A. P. Romine. Mr. Richard B. Rowe, who was already acquainted with the New York formations, reached the conclusion, as the result of his field work during 1897, that several of the Paleozoic forma- tions of western Maryland could be correlated with those of New York. The continuation of Mr. Rowe’s work, together with that of Mr. Romine, under my direction during the field seasons of 1898, 1899, and 1goo further confirmed these views. The following account of the Paleozoic formations of Allegany county, Maryland, embraces a brief description of their charac- ter and distribution, together with a statement regarding their probable correlation with the New York and Pennsylvania for- mations. The report of Dr. C. C. O’Harra on “The Geology of Allegany County”? incorporated the revised classification of western Maryland devised by Dr. William B. Clark, the writer; and his assistants, and thus represents the conclusions, based on the field work carried on during the seasons of 1897-1900. The writer is under obligations to Professor Bailey Willis, whose manuscript on ‘The Appalachian Region— Paleozoic Appa- lachia, or the History of Maryland during Paleozoic Time,”’3 was t Published by permission of Dr. William Bullock Clark, state geologist of Mary- land. ?Md. Geol. Survey, Allegany county, 1900, pp. 57-163. 3 Maryland Geol. Survey, Vol. IV, 1900, pp. 23-93. 409 410 CHARLES 'S. PROSSER kindly placed at his disposal, and has recently been published under the auspices of the state survey. THICKNESS The strata covering Allegany county have a thickness vary- ing from about 13,300 to 16,000 feet. This thickness ts divided between the four geological systems represented in the county in the following manner: Silurian, from 2200 to 2400 feet; Devonian, 7875 to 10,200 feet; Carboniferous, 2825 to 3000 feet, and Permian (?), about 400 feet. SILURIAN STRATA Juniata formation.—Vhe oldest rocks outcropping in Allegany county belong in this formation, and are shown in only one locality. This outcrop forms the lower part of the cliffs in the gorge known as ‘‘the Narrows”’ just northwest of Cumberland, where Wills Creek has cut a deep and narrow trench through Wills Mountain. This gorge presents an admirable example of a narrow transverse valley where a stream has cut through a mountain ridge, and this locality has a justly deserved reputation for great natural beauty. The upper 370 feet of the formation is well shown on the northern side of the creek; but in many places in the gorge it is concealed for the most part by heavy talus of white quartzite blocks from the cliff above. In the Narrows 550 feet of the Juniata are shown, but no fossils have been found at this locality. The formation is composed of alternating beds of deep red shales and sandstones which have no regularity of succes- sion, but show a much greater total thickness of shales than sandstones. The sandstones are hard, fine-grained, cross- bedded, and micaceous, some of the strata a foot or more in thickness, but usually less than six inches. The shales are micaceous, weathering readily, and the beds vary from an inch to six feet or more in thickness. This formation was named from the Juniata River, Pa., though in the earlier reports of that state it was termed the Medina or Levant red sandstone (No. IV4). It probably represents the older part of the Medina PALEOZOLG FORMATIONS OF MARYLAND 411 stage of New York near the base of the Upper Silurian, which, in western New York, is composed mainly of red shales. Tuscarora formation—This quartzitic sandstone, which rests conformably upon the Juniata formation, and forms the beautiful flat-topped arch of Wills Mountain is admirably shown on its west- ern side, especially at the entrance to the Narrows, and in the upper part of the high massive cliffs bordering the gorge. It also forms the greater part of the exposed rocks in Evitt’s and Tussey’s mountains and two small areas along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad near Potomac Station. The formation is a white to light gray, very hard quartzose sandstone composed of fairly coarse quartz grains cemented by siliceous material. Small pebbles of quartz and also those of yellowish-green hard clay occasionally occur. The layers are frequently very massive and cross-bedded structure is not infrequent. Its thickness varies from 250 to 300 feet, and it furnishes building stone and ballast. Arthrophycus harlani, a sea-weed, the only fossil found in this sandstone in the county is fairly common on the upper surfaces of the higher beds in the Narrows. The Tuscarora formation, named from Tuscarora Mountain in Pennsylvania, was formerly called the Medina or Levant white sandstone (No. 1Vc), and represents the upper part of the Medina stage of New York. The Juniata and Tuscarora forma- tions are probably equivalent to the Medina formation of New York, but in western New York, where it is typically represented, especially in the Niagara region, there is not such a definite sepa- ration into a lower divison composed of red shales and sand- stones and an upper one composed of a white quartzose sandstone as in Maryland. In the Niagara region the Medina is composed of the following divisions named in ascending order: Lower Medina, composed of red shales only about the upper 115 feet of which is exposed in outcrop. Upper Medina, composed of seven zones: (1) 25 feet of gray quartzose sand- stone; (2) 25 feet of thin gray shales; (3) five feet of gray sandstones and sandy shales; (4) 6 feet of mainly gray argilla- ceous shales which become reddish at the top; (5) 35 to 40 feet 412 CHARLES S. PROSSER. of mainly thin-bedded sandstone reddish in color or gray mot- tled with red; (6) 12 to 15 feet of massive sandstone in beds from one to several feet in thickness and varying in color from reddish to grayish; (7) at the top 7% feet of a hard massive- bedded and compact white quartzose sandstone similar to No. I. In some thin sandstones in the upper part of No. 6 occurs the characteristic Medina fossil known as Arthrophycus harlan (Con- reeuel)) a Clinton formation.—TVhe largest area of this formation flanks both sides of Wills Mountain extending to the Potomac River, while two other areas flank the southern ends of Evitt’s and Tussey’s mountains. The formation is composed largely of yellowish-green to reddish shales, but on weathering, the flat surfaces frequently have a scarlet tint. There are blackish shales and thin fossiliferous limestones in its upper part as well as a greenish-gray to reddish sandstone. The most important lithologic character of the formation, however, is the two beds of iron ore, the lower occurring from 120 to 160 feet above its base and consisting of two strata of iron ore separated by a band of greenish-yellow shales from 6 inches to 6 feet thick. The two ore-bearing strata have a thickness of from Io to 12 feet. At Cumberland the upper bed of iron ore is 270 feet above the lower one, in the midst of a brownish, calcareous sandstone, nearly 3 feet thick which is directly above a massive 5-foot sandstone stratum. There are g inches of quite clear, fossilifer- ous iron ore and the overlying greenish shales and thin bands of bluish limestone also contain fossils. The thickness of the for- mation varies from 550 to 600 feet. Fossils are common in the middle and upper portions, some of the species being identical with those of the New York Clinton. The name is derived from the exposures at Clinton, Oneida county, N. Y., where the beds of iron ore have been mined for many years, and the stage is identical with No. Va of the Pennsylvania survey which is *For an excellent account of the Medina formation along the Niagara River, see Bull. N. Y. State Museum, No. 45, 1901, pp. 87-95 and accompanying geological map by Dr. Amadeus W. Grabau. PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF MARYLAND 413 called the Rockwood formation in the Piedmont folio of the U. S. Geological Survey. Magara formation—This formation surrounds the three areas mentioned under the Clinton formation. The lower part con- sists of thin-bedded, blue limestones with thin shale partings; but in the upper part the shales predominate and become black- ish in color. The thickness varies from less than 250 to fully 300 feet. The thin limestones contain brachiopods and other fossils, some of which are specifically identical with the Niagara fossils. The formation is named from the admirable exposures at Niagara Falls and represents No. Vé of the Pennsylvania sur- vey and the lower part of the Lewistown formation of the Pied- mont folio. The revised classification of the New York series by Messrs. Clarke and Schuchert, however, drops the Niagara formation or group and returns to the earlier classification of Rochester shale, Lockport limestone, and Guelph dolo- mites There has been more or less uncertainty regarding the iden- tification of the Niagara limestone south of New York; but recently Dr. Weller has conclusively shown that the Decker Ferry formation of western New Jersey and eastern Pennsyl- vania is of the same age ‘‘as the Rochester shale and Lockport limestone of Clarke and Schuchert, or as the Niagara formation of most authors.’’? A small collection of fossils from the beds near Cumberland was submitted to Dr. Weller who kindly exam- ined them and wrote that his impression is that they are the same as the Decker Ferry formation, and in New Jersey there are sufficient authentic Niagaran species to definitely refer the formation to the Niagaran. In conclusion he stated that “I should think you would be fully justified in considering the Cumberland fauna as of Niagaran age.”3 Mr. Schuchert has studied these beds in the field as well as their fossils and he posi- tively correlates them with the Niagara. His statement is that t Science, N. S., Vol. X, 1899, p. 876. ?Geol. Surv. N. J., Ann. Rept. for 1899-1900, p. 18, and also see p. 20. 3 Letter of May 29, Igol. 414 CHARLES S. PROSSER “there are beds at Cumberland, Md., holding a fauna of the age between the Lockport | Rochester ?| shale and the Guelph of New York and Ontario. This fauna has its peculiarities, but the aspect is certainly not Clinton.’’” Salina formation.—Vhis formation borders the Niagara but the rocks are largely concealed over most of the areas except along Wills Creek in Cumberland, Flintstone Creek at Flintstone, and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad near Potomac Station, where one finds the best exposure. In the Potomac section there are four cement beds which have great economic value, the lowest one situated about twenty-five feet above the base of the forma- tion. Fifty feet of the succeeding 140 feet of the formation 1s composed of the four cement beds which are separated by shales and impure limestones. Succeeding the upper cement bed are 450 feet or more of gray shales, drab and blue limestones and sandstone, the limestones predominating.? The thickness is about 700 feet. Fossils are not common. The formation was named from Salina in central New York and is represented by No, Ve of the Pennsylvania survey and the second part of the Lewistown formation of the Piedmont folio. The statement has been made that ‘“ the geological reader will wonder on what basis the name Salina is applied to the rocks so described”’ in Maryland It is perhaps sufficient to state that Professor Lesley, the former state geologist of Pennsy]- vania and admirable stratigraphical geologist, correlated the corresponding rocks of Pennsylvania with the Salina. In Bed- ford county, Pennsylvania, which lies immediately north of the Cumberland region, Professor Lesley gave the upper and middle divisions of the Salina as 628 feet in thickness to which is to be added a portion of the 472 feet composing the lower Salina ™ Letter of June 26, 1901. ; 2 Mr. Schuchert has recently studied this formation in the Cumberland region and he writes me as follows: ‘I am inclined to cut out of the Salina the lower 23’ 6” as given on p. 93 of O’Harra’s report (Maryland Geological Survey, Allegany county). This thickness I now refer to the rest of the Niagara. I also extend the Salina a little higher, making the total thickness 704'.” (Letter of June 26, 1901.) 3 Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., Vol. XI, p. 240, 1901. PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF MARYLAND 415 which included the Niagara beds at its bottom.’’ Mr. Schuchert also fully concurs in correlating these Maryland beds with the Salina: DEVONIAN STRATA ” Helderberg limestone — The largest area covered by this for- mation is in the central part of the county which it enters to the north of Flintstone and then runs in a zigzag manner back and forth until it leaves the county on the western side of Evitt’s Mountain. Another area follows Shriver Ridge and passes through western Cumberland across the county. A third area enters in the eastern part of Wills Creek valley and runs across the county, keeping west of Wills Mountain, to Potomac Sta- tion; and, finally, to the southwest is the Fort Hill area, beween Rawlings and Dawson. The best localities for studying this formation are the Devil’s Backbone, northwest of Cumberland ; the cliff on the West Virginia side at Cedar Cliff and the Balti- more and Ohio Railroad cut near Potomac Station. The lower 400 feet of the formation is composed of fairly thin-bedded bluish-gray limestones, separate pieces of which have a metallic ring when sharply hit. The more shaly layers contain fossils among which are Zentaculites gyracanthus and Spirifer vanuxemi, characteristic species of the Tentaculite limestone in New York with which this zone is correlated. Messrs. Clarke and Schuchert in their revised classification revived Vanuxem’s geographical name of Manlius limestone for the paleontological one of Tentaculite limestone.’ The Maryland zone was put in the Helderbergian instead of the Cayugan period because, as clearly stated by Dr. O’Harra, ‘the lithological break between it and the Salina is very marked and can be followed in the field . . . . while there is no lithological break between the Tentaculite and Lower Pentamerus subforma- tions, and the division for mapping purposes cannot be made ere... 4 *Summary Description Geol. Pennsylvania, Vol. II, p. 839, 1892. ?'The Geological Survey of Maryland has followed Dr. Clarke and Mr. Schuchert in referring the Helderbergian period to the Devonian system. 3Science, N.S., Vol. X, pp. 876, 877, 1899. 4 Allegany county, p. 96. 416 CHARLES, Se PROSSER Higher in the formation are massive darker blue limestones, about 240 feet in thickness according to Schuchert or from 50 to 150 feet as given in Rowe’s report, some of the layers of which contain numerous specimens of Pentamerus (Steberella) galeatus. This zone probably represents the Lower Pentamerus limestone of New York, of which the above fossil is a character- istic species. In place of the paleontological name Lower Pentamerus limestone, Messrs. Clarke and Schuchert proposed Coeymans limestone.’ In the upper fifty feet or more of the limestones are frequent specimens of Sprrifer macropleurus characteristic of the Delthyris shaly limestone of New York, with which this zone is correlated. In New York this division of the Helderberg consists of cal- careous shales and shaly limestones with some beds a foot or more in thickness, but in Maryland it is composed mainly of fairly massive limestone. With the exception of the Lower Pentamerus, all the Helderberg limestones are more massive in Maryland than in New York. In place of the term Catskill or Delthyris shaly limestone Messrs. Clarke and Schuchert pro- posed the geographic name of New Scotland beds.? The Becraft limestone, which caps the Helderberg limestone of New York, is apparently not represented in Allegany county, although some eighty-five feet of it occurs farther east in Washington county, Md. The thickness of the foundation varies from 750 to goo feet, and fossils are common in some of the layers. The limestones are valuable for quicklime, ballast, road-metal, and building purposes. The formation is named from the lower limestones of the Helderberg Mountains in eastern New York, and is the equivalent of No. VI of the Pennsylvania survey, and the upper part of the Lewistown formation of the Piedmont folio. Oriskany sandstone.—The easternmost area of Oriskany sand- stone is that of Stratford Ridge, to the northeast of Oldtown ; then follows that of the central part of the county bordering ‘Science, N. S., Vol. X, pp. 876, 877. 2 Tbid., pp. 876, 877. PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF MARYLAND AL, the zigzag Helderberg area; then, in order named, that crossing the county along the eastern side of Shriver Ridge; the narrow band extending across the county to the west of the Helderberg area west of Wills Mountain; to the southwest the band on the western side of Fort Hill, and, lastly, the area extending from the Twenty-first Bridge to Monster Rock at Keyser. Fic. 1.—Devil’s Backbone, near Cumberland, showing Helderberg limestone in the steeper part and Oriskany sandstone in the farther railroad cut. The lower part of the formation is mainly a bluish-black cherty limestone, 75 to 100 feet in thickness, the chert in nodules and layers, with some dark gray arenaceous shales; and the remainder of the formation is mostly a sandstone, fre- quently calcareous, and varying in color from gray to white, about 250 feet in thickness. Toward the top there are a few bands varying from grit to conglomerate. The sandstone, on account of its calcareous cement, weathers readily to a friable brownish or buff, porous rock, which, when protected from erosion eventually forms beds of sand. Its thickness varies 418 (GY AAIRIOTIS. Sy, STK OSV from 325 to 350 feet. It furnishes railroad ballast and good glass sand. Fossils occur abundantly in zones varying in thick- ness from an inch to several feet. The most perfect specimens may be obtained from the beds of sand from the disintegrated rock, and frequently from pockets of sand in the partly weathered rock. Sprrifer arenosus and other common species of the formation in New York are abundant, together with species which are restricted to its southern distribution. There are numerous springs along the contact of the Helderberg and the Oriskany sandstone. The formation is named from outcrops near Oriskany Falls, in central New York; is known as No. VII in Pennsylvania; and is the Monterey sandstone of the Piedmont folio. Romney formation.— This formation enters the county on the eastern side of Iron Ore Ridge, northeast of Flintstone, crosses it and covers a large area to the east, north, and west of Old- town, then alternates with the Oriskany areas in the southern central part of the county, and finally crosses in a V-shaped area—the eastern arm west of Nicholas Mountain, the point along Evitt’s Creek, and the western arm passing through the eastern part of Cumberland. The western area enters the county at Ellerslie, crosses it to the Potomac River, and then extends southwest to the bend in the river at Keyser, W. Va. The transition from the Oriskany sandsone to the black shale of the Romney is very abrupt, as may be seen at various exposures of the contact, especially east of the church on the Williams Road, two and one half miles southeast of Cumberland, and at Monster Rock on the W. Va. Central Railroad, near Keyser, W. Va. The lower part of the formation is composed of thin black shales, weathering to a rusty brown, in which are some bands of bluish-gray limestone about 150 feet above the base. This portion of the formation is well shown in the two railroad cuts just north of the Twenty-first Bridge on the Balti- more and Ohio Railroad. The black shales contain specimens of Liorhynchus liitaris and other small fossils, and in lithological characters agree with ‘Marcellus shale of New York or No. PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF MARYLAND 419 VIIIé of Pennsylvania, which they represent. The higher rocks are drab and bluish argillaceous to arenaceous shales and thin sandstones, which usually weather to an olive or yellowish-gray tint. At certain localities they are very fossiliferous, contain- ing numerous specimens of Spirifer granulosus, S. mucronatus, Athyris spiriferoides, Tropidoleptus carinatus, Chonetes coronata, Phacops rana and other characteristic species of the Hamilton formation of New York, the fauna amounting to about 150 species. The formation, which varies in thickness from 1600 to 1650 feet, is named from the exposures near Romney, in north- eastern West Virginia, and represents the Marcellus shale and Hamilton beds of New York, and No. VIIIé and c of Pennsyl- vania. In 1842 Emmons proposed the name Erie group for all the New York rocks between the base of the Marcellus shales and the top of the Chemung." Mr. Darton, in 1892, proposed and defined the Romney shales, named from exposures in the vicinity of Romney, Hampshire county, in northeastern West Virginia,’ which are now known to be equivalent to the Marcellus shales and Hamilton beds of New York. Messrs. Clarke and Schu- chert, in 1899, used the term Erian in their revised classification of the New York series for the group composed of the Marcellus shales and Hamilton beds, and stated that it represented the ‘Erie Division ”’ revived with a restricted meaning.3 It appears that the Romney formation is equivalent to the Erian group of New York; but the writer is undecided as to which name the laws of nomenclature entitle to recognition in Maryland. Jennings formation.—The eastern area crosses the eastern part of the county from the northeast to the southwest; the second area lies to the west of Green Ridge, and in its northern half covers a large district to the north and east of the Romney formation; the third covers the lower part of Evitt’s Creek valley between the two arms of the V-shaped Romney area, and "Geology, New York, Pt. II, pp. 100, 429. 2 Am. Geologist, Vol. X, pp. 17, 18. 3 Science, N. S.,-Vol. X, pp. 876, 877. 420 CHARLES Si PROSSER. the fourth one is the broad band covering the lower part of the eastern face of Alleghany Front and extending from the Penn- sylvania line southwesterly to the Potomac River above Keyser, W.Va. The lower part. of the formation composed of thin, black, argillaceous shales in which a few species, such as Luchiola speciosa, Lunulicardium fragile, and Stylolina fissurella are com-. mon, immediately succeeds beds containing characteristic Ham- ilton fossils, and is well shown on Flintstone Creek, a few rods above its mouth, opposite the old Flintstone tannery; by the side of the National Road three miles northeast of Cumberland to the west of Evitt’s Creek at Folks Mill, and on the Williams road east of Cumberland. This subformation corresponds in lithologic character and stratigraphic position to the Genesee shale of New York and No. VIIIe of Pennsylvania. Foilowing this are olive to bluish fine argillaceous shales alternating with thin bedded sandstones. A few fossils occur in the more bluish layers. This division of the Jennings corre- sponds to the Portage formation of New York, or that facies named the Naples beds by Dr. Clarke, and No. VIIIf/ of Penn- sylvania. Dr. J. M. Clarke, who has described the Jennings fauna for the Maryland Geological Survey, writes me that the fauna of these two lower divisions of the Jennings formation ‘‘is and he states that the lower division is considered ‘‘as an integral part of the Naples beds, bearing the Naples fauna.” Succeeding the Portage are ee arenaceous_ shales ) very distinctly that of the Naples subprovince ; weathering to a buff color alternating with thin micaceous sand- stones. Occasional layers are fossiliferous and the character- istic Chemung species, Spivifer disjunctus, is not uncommon. The lithological appearance of this part of the formation is quite similar to that of a considerable part of the Chemung in south- western New York. Higher the sandstones predominate, and these vary in color from yellowish-gray through brownish-gray to dark red, and vary in texture from sandstone and grits toa white pebble conglomerate. Some of these sandstones are quite tLetter of June Ig, Igol. PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF MARYLAND A2T massive, and in Jennings Run about one and one half miles above Corrigansville, a zone of grit and sandstone is thirty-five feet thick. The red rocks increase above this horizon, but Chemung fossils including Sfirifer disjunctus extend some 650 feet higher, and the line between the Jennings and Hampshire Fic. 2,—Heavy sandstone and conglomerate beds in the upper part of the Jen- nings formation, as shown by the roadside above Corriganville. formations has been drawn at the top of this fauna. The forma- tion is between 3800 and 4000 feet in thickness. The upper part of the Jennings may be correlated with the Chemung of New York or No. VIIIg of Pennsylvania. Hlampshire formation.—This formation crosses the extreme eastern part of the county from the northeast to the southwest ; the next area, which is the largest, flanks each side of Town Hill and crosses the county in the same general direction; while the third extends along the middle part of the eastern face of Alleghany Front. The rocks consist mainly of an alternation of red, flaggy, and massive sandstones and arenaceous or 422 CGHAREES S PROSSER: argillaceous shales which both laterally and vertically merge gradually into each other and in the upper part of the formation shales, some of which are gray, and some brown in color, predominate. Some of the sandstones are crossbedded, and in the lower part of the formation, massive. The thickness varies from 1900 to 2000 feet. Fossils occur very infrequently. The formation is named from Hampshire county in northeastern West Virginia, a considerable area of which is underlain by it, and it represents at least part of the Catskill formation of New York, or No. IX of Pennsylvania. CARBONIFEROUS STRATA Pocono sandstone—TYhe most eastern area of this formation, which forms the upper part of Town Hill, is mainly a massive conglomerate, while in the western area, extending across the county from Pennsylvania to West Virginia along the eastern face of Alleghany Front, the lower part of the formation is a coarse-grained, grayish-green, micaceous sandstone. Near the middle are shales containing fragments of plants, and the upper part is a grayish-green or reddish-green, micaceous, flaggy sand- stone with some interbedded shales of various colors. Some of the layers are cross-bedded and others are conglomeratic. The thickness varies from 400 to 450 feet, and fragments of plants are the only fossils noted with the exception of a few shells apparently from this formation which were found nine miles northeast of Oakland, Garrett county. The formation is named from Pocono plateau in northeastern Pennsylvania, and is No. X of the Pennsylvania reports. Greenbrier limestone.— This formation crosses the county as a narrow band along the eastern face of the Alleghany Front from Pennsylvania to West Virginia. The best exposures are in Jen- nings Run above the railroad water-tank ; and on the north bank of the Potomac River below the mouth of Stony Run, as well as in the lower part of the run, two miles below Westernport. The lower part of the formation is composed largely of bluish-gray, arenaceous limestone, the middle of red and olive shales and the PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF MARYLAND 423 upper part of massive bluish-gray limestones and calcareous shales. The limestone is valuable for road-metal and in Garrett county is quarried and burned to a considerable extent for quick- lime which is used as a fertilizer. The thickness varies from 200 to 250 feet and the upper part is quite fossiliferous. The Fic. 3.—Greenbrier limestone on western bank of Youghiogheny River, south- west of Oakland, Md. formation is named from Greenbrier county in southeastern West Virginia where it reaches a thickness of 1000 feet or more. Mauch Chunk formation.— This, like the preceding formation, crosses the county along the eastern face of Alleghany Front but the band is broader, covering the upper part of the mountain slope. The rocks are mainly red arenaceous and argillaceous shales and sandstones, but a little above the middle of the forma- tion is about 100 feet of reddish thin-bedded standstones. At 424 CHARLES S. PROSSER: the top of the formation, as shown in the Cumberland and Pennsylvania R. R. cut east of Barrelville, is a greenish zone five feet thick composed partly of sandstone and partly of a calcare- ous breccia containing clay pebbles. The thickness of the for- mation is 650 feet. In the lower part of the shales and along the Greenbrier-Mauch Chunk contact are numerous excellent springs. The formation is named from Mauch Chunk in eastern Pennsylvania and is the Canaan formation of the Piedmont folio. The Greenbrier limestone and Mauch Chunk shales taken together are known as No. XI of the Pennsylvania reports. Pottsville formation—The preceding three formations are usually grouped together as the sub-Carboniferous or Lower Carboniferous, and the Pottsville is classed as the oldest of the Carboniferous proper or Upper Carboniferous formations. It crosses the county from Pennsylvania to the Potomac, in general forming the crest line of Alleghany Front although in the north- ern part it is lower, and extends up the Potomac valley to above Westernport. At .numerous places near the crest line of Alle- ghany Front it forms conspicuous cliffs. It also occurs at the northwestern corner of the county. The formation is composed of massive light gray sandstones with some conglomerate strata and thin-bedded gray sandstones and shales. Some of the shales are black and there are several thin beds of coal. The most important are first, the Bloomington, which is exposed along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad west of Piedmont, W. Va., commonly known as the Railroad seam, varying in thickness from less than two to more than three feet and occurring about 150 teet below the. top of the formation. The second is the Westernport seam about two feet thick which occurs below the Homewood sandstone near the top of the formation. Some of the sandstones are suitable for building stone. The thickness is estimated as between 450 and 500 feet and there are fragments of fossil plants. The formation is named from the exposures of massive conglomerate in the vicinity of Pottsville in eastern Pennsylvania. It is the Blackwater formation of the Piedmont folio and No. XII of the Pennsylvania reports. PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF MARYLAND 425 Allegheny formation.— This is the first of the Coal-measure formations and in general covers the western slope of Alleghany ~ Front extending from Pennsylvania to the Potomac valley and up it into Garrett county. It also extends up George’s Creek valley from Westernport to the vicinity of Morrison’s, one mile Fic. 4.—Block of Pottsville conglomerate, at side of National Road on top of - Meadow Mountain, Garrett Co. below Barton; and occurs in the northwestern corner of the county. The rocks consist of massive to thin-bedded grayish to olive sandstones, gray and black shales and beds of fire-clay and coal. At Barrelville and on the northern part of Dan’s Moun- tain two coal beds occur near the base of the formation which have not been found near Westernport. The lower one, called the ‘“Bluebaugh” (Brookville) coal, varies in thickness from 24% to 4% feet and 30 feet or more above it is the ‘“ Parker”’ Depo WPI eH Oo 426 CHARLES. S.PROSSER (Clarion) coal with a thickness of two feet which was reported by the miners to reach 4% feet. At Westernport nearly 100 feet above the base is animpure coal, called the ‘‘ Split six-foot”’ by the miners, showing a thickness of 4 feet, and 130 feet above the base is the most valuable coal seam of this formation, the “Davis” (Lower Kittanning), commonly known as the ‘“Six- foot,” with a thickness of about 5 feet in the lower George’s Creek valley. Nearly 170 feet above the Davis seam is the ‘*Thomas ”’ formation, and from its general thickness in the George’s Creek (Upper Freeport) coal, which forms the top of the valley is known as the ‘“‘Three-foot’’ seam. Fossil shells have been found in the black or bluish shales at a few localities. The thickness of the formation is about 300 feet. It is named from the exposures on the Allegheny River in western Pennsylvania, is very generally called the Lower Productive-measures, is No. XIII of the Pennsylvania survey and includes the Savage forma- tion and lower part of the Bayard of the Piedmont folio. Conemaugh formation.—The area south of the Pennsylvania line to a parallel line passing through Little Alleghany and to the west of the foot of the western slope of Little Alleghany and Piney mountains is largely covered by this formation. Then it extends parallel to Dan’s Mountain, to the southwestern part of the county and covers a large portion of the steep slopes of the hills bordering the lower George’s Creek valley, continuing up the valley to Ocean. It also appears in the upper part ofa number of the small valleys along the western border of the county. The lower part of the formation, representing the Mahoning sandstone, is frequently a massive gray sandstone with bands of yellowish shales reaching a thickness of about 100 feet. In the upper part of this sandstone, about eighty-five feet above the Thomas coal, is a coal seam about two feet in thick- ness underlain by astratum of fire clay. The succeeding rocks are grayish to brownish sandstones and yellowish to gray and black arenaceous and arigillaceous shales with beds of coal and fire clay. In some of the localities there are quite massive gray to brownish-gray sandstones near the middle and top of the PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF MARYLAND 427 formation. From 225 to 230 feet above the Thomas coal and base of the formation and about 400 feet below the Elkgarden coal isa coal seam with a general thickness of four feet, but varying from three to nearly five feet, named the Barton (Four-foot) coal, and worked to a considerable extent in the vicinity of that town. A thin seam nearly one foot thick in outcrop occurs about 440 feet above the Thomas coal or 220 feet below the Elkgarden, while approximately 500 feet above the Thomas coal and 150 feet below the Elkgarden coal is a zone composed of alternating shales and impure coal, varying in thickness from seven to ten feet, known locally as the ‘ Dirty Nine-foot’’ and called the “Franklin ’’ coal. In the Lonaconing section, thirteen feet below the base of the Franklin coal are nearly three feet of coal and black, thin shale. There are also two or three impure lime- stone strata and some irregular beds of iron ore. The forma- tion is clearly defined by the top of the Thomas coal at the base and the base of the Elkgarden (Pittsburg) coal at the top, the thickness varying from 600 to nearly 640 feet. A few invertebrate fossils have been found, principally on the bank of George’s Creek at Barton, and fossil plants in the black shales. The Conemaugh formation was named from the Conemaugh River in western Pennsylvania, is frequently called the Lower Barren-measures, is No. XIV of the Pennsylvania reports, is the upper part of the Bayard and Fairtax formation of the Piedmont folio, and the Elk River series of West Virginia. Monongahela formation.—Vhis formation, south of an east and west line passing through Little Alleghany, covers the larger part of George’s Creek valley as far south as Ocean and most of the area west to the county line. To the north of Little Alle- ghany, two high hills are capped by it. From Ocean to Lona- coning the upper part of the steep hills bounding the George’s Creek valley are in the Monongahela, which also caps most of the highest hills as far south as Hampshire to the northeast of Westernport. The rocks consist largely of light gray to black shales with some grayish sandstones which form occasional massive strata. There are also several dark colored limestones, 428 CHARLES S. PROSSER. bands of iron ore, and beds of coal. The Elkgarden (Pittsburg) coal, the noted seam of western Maryland, and known locally as the ‘‘ Big Vein” or “ Fourteen-foot’’ seam, occurs at the base of this formation. The main mass of coal varies in thickness from ten to nearly fourteen feet, above which are frequently from three to nine feet of alternating coal and black shale which, in the southern part of the George’s Creek field, is capped by twenty-five feet of thin black shales in which coal occasionally occurs. A seam of coal two and one half feet in thickness is reported in the Consolidation Coal Company’s new shaft 92 feet above the> base of “the: Elkgarden,{coalt = Mrom (120) ton 140mfect above the top of the Elkgarden is the Tyson (Sewickley) coal varying in thickness from three to seven feet. Finally, at the top of the formation about 255 feet above the base of the Elkgarden coal is the Koontz (Waynesburg) coal two feet thick and reported to reach a thickness of four and one half feet. The top of this coal determines the upper limit of the Monongahela formation which has a thickness of a little more than 250 feet. Fossils are rare. The Monongahela formation was named from the exposures along the Monongahela River in southwestern Pennsylvania, is popularly known as the Upper Productive-measures, is No. XV of the Pennsylvania reports and the Elkgarden formation of the Piedmont folio. PERMIAN STRATA (?) Dunkard formation.— The largest area of this formation partly underlies the city of Frostburg and covers a considerable tract to the east and southeast of the city. It covers the high part of several hills to the south of Frostburg, extending as far south as Detmold Hill on the western side of George’s Creek and the hill south of Pekin on the eastern side. The rocks consist largely of argillaceous shales, which when weathered are reddish- green, with some beds of sandstone, limestone, and coal. A stratum of coal and black shale four feet thick oceurs 120 feet above the base of the formation and a drab limestone, five feet PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF MARYLAND 429 thick, weathering buff occurs about 295 feet above it. This limestone, some of the layers of which contain plenty of speci- mens of Ostracods (Primatia frostburgensis Jones) and a few other species, has been quarried to some extent toward the top of Vale’s Hill, east of the Consolidation Coal Company’s pumping station, and it is succeeded by thin black shales. The top of the hill is ninety feet higher and on its slope forty feet above the limestone ledge are loose pieces of bluish thin-bedded limestone containing small Ostracod and Gastropod shells. Near the top are loose blocks of coarse-grained sandstone which probably caps the hill. This hill shows about 390 feet of the Dunkard forma- tion, which is probably its greatest thickness in the county. In addition to the fossils noted in the limestones, ferns were found in the shales overlying the Koontz coal. The formation is named from the exposures along Dunkard Creek, near the West Virginia-Pennsylvania line, is frequently called the Upper Barren-measures, and is No. XVI of the Penn- sylvania report. ; CHARLES S. PROSSER. COLUMBUS, O., July 1901. THE DEPOSIMION OR COPREER =BYo SOLUMONS: OF PE RROUS SAEmS INTRODUCTORY THE genesis of the great deposits of native copper is a sub- ject which has invited considerable speculation. From its occur- rence in the cupriferous conglomerates and sandstones as a cement, or replacer, of the constituent grains, the copper is plainly of secondary origin. Its position here indicates that it resulted as a deposition from aqueous solution.’ The metal, doubtless, first dissolved as sulphate, an oxidation-product of an original sulphide. Under the influence of solutions of calcium bicarbonate, or alkaline silicates, the sulphate was speedily con- verted into the carbonate, or silicate.? From solutions of one, or both, of these latter salts were probably derived the several classes of copper deposits. In its paragenetic relations the position of the metallic copper indicates, as Pumpelly shows, that it was deposited after the forma- tion of the non-alkaline silicates and before that of the alkaline silicates. As is further pointed out by the same writer, there is an intimate connection between the native copper and such iron- bearing minerals as delessite, epidote, and the green earth silicates. So constant is their common occurrence that he is led irresistibly to the conclusion that there is a close genetic relation between the reduced copper and the ferric oxide con- tained in the associated minerals; that, indeed, the reduction of the copper oxide to metallic copper was produced by the oxida- tion of ferrous derivatives. Later Irving, in support of the same view, called attention to the fact that many particles of copper enclosed a central core of magnetite.3 ™R. D. IRviNG: Mon. U.S. Geol. Surv., No. 5 (1883), p. 420. ? RAPHAEL PUMPELLY: Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. II (1871), p. 353. 3Mon. U.S. Geol. Surv., loc. cit. 430 LHE DEPOSITION OF COPPER 431 A number of attempts has been made to discover the condi- tions under which copper may be deposited by solutions of ferrous salts. As early as 1861, Knop succeeded in forming cuprous hydroxide by treating a mixture of cupric and ferrous sulphates with alkaline carbonate.t In one instance he speaks of obtaining traces of copper. In 1864, Wibel repeated Knop’s experiments,? but was unable to verify the latter's statement regarding the reduction to metallic copper. When, however, a mixture of fer- rous and cupric hydroxides, formed by adding potassium hydroxide to a solution of the sulphates, was heated to 210° C., traces of copper were obtained. Solutions of the sulphates and coarsely powdered Wollastonite, subjected to the same treat- ment, yielded a like result. The separation of metal, however, was slight and the part played by the ferrous hydroxide in the reduction was at the time somewhat questioned. In 1867, Braun observed the partial deposition of copper from a mixture of ferrous and cupric salts when these were dissolved in large excess of ammonium carbonate.3 The same year Weith secured a ready reduction in the presence of tartaric acid.+ He failed to note, how- ever, that under the same conditions, the organic acid itself will slowly reduce the copper salt. A mixture of calcium hydroxide with a solution of ferrous and cupric sulphates, was allowed to stand for several weeks. The precipitate thus obtained, when treated with acetic acid, left a residue of cuprous oxide and copper. Strangely enough Weith overlooked the fact that cuprous oxide with acetic acid yields cupric acetate and metallic copper. In 1869, Hunt stated that he had obtained metallic copper by the action of cupric chloride on freshly precipitated ferrous hydroxide, or carbonate. Nothing is given, however, to indicate that the metal was actually detected by isolating it from co-precipitated ferric hydroxide. tA. Knop: N. Jahrb. f. Min. (1861), S. 513. ?FERD. WIBEL: “ Das Gediegen-Kupfer und das Rothkupfererz”’ (1864), S. 14. 3E. BRAUN: Zeit. fiir Chem. (1867), 569. 4W. WEITH: Zeit. fiir Chem. (1867), 623. 5STERRY Hunt: Comp. r. (1869), 1357. 432 Jil (Co JEG QYOY Ld, THEORETICAL It can be shown that the deposition of copper by solutions of ferrous salts is a reversible reaction governed by the ordinary laws of chemical equilibrium. It is to Arrhenius largely that we owe the view that certain substances in solution are more, or less, dissociated into electrically charged parts, or ions. This theory has proved of the highest value in affording an insight into the principles of chemical reacticns. Different substances differ much in their tendency to pass into the ionic form and this tendency is greatly influenced by external conditions, particu- larly by the nature of the solvent. The chief source of ions is the dissociation of electrically neutral molecules, such as occurs in the aqueous solutions of salts, acids, and bases. They may further be formed from elec- trically neutral substances which enter the ionic condition by partially, or wholly, appropriating the electric charge of ions already present. As an example of this mode of formation may be mentioned the reduction of ferric salts by the action of metallic iron. _ 2Fe@ly > Fe = 3heCl The solution jor metallic copper in ferric chloride is an action of the “same-nature, Cu], 2heCl — CnC azine: As is seen the deposition of copper by a ferrous salt would be the reverse of this last reaction. The conditions under which such reduction should occur may be readily determined. In a system which contains a solu- tion of iron and cupric salts in contact with metallic copper and in which the several constituents have attained a constant value, a condition of equilibrium subsists on the one hand between fer- ric, cuprous, ferrous, and cupric ions (He) Cu zeae te Cua), and on the other hand between ferric, ferrous, and cuprous ions and the active mass of the metallic copper (Cu-++ Fe === Fe’ + Cu). Ifa, b,c, d, respectively, represent the active masses of the ions in the first instance, an equation of equilibrium may ab ca ™F. W. KUSTER: Zeit. f. Elec. Chem., Vol. IV, p. 105. ?,W. NERNST: Theoretical Chemistry, p. 358. be thus formulated, —.— 7) Bhe active;madss ot thescoppes THE DEPOSITION OF COPPER 433 is of constant value, hence in the second instance, retaining the ; =k . The precipita- tion of copper would then be favored by increasing the concen- tration of ferrous, cuprous, and cupric ions and by decreasing that of the ferric ions. The deposition of the metal, conse- quently, should depend on the relative active masses of the ions present. This assumption is fully sustained by the experimental same letters, we have the expression evidence which follows: The precipitation of metallic copper by solutions of ferrous salts ts a reversible action, whose direction in any case ts determined by the relative concentration of the ferrous, ferric, and copper (cuprous and cupric) tons. EXPERIMENTAL * (a) Ina solution containing an appreciable quantity of ferric ions, or in which these would be formed in the course of the reaction, metallic copper will not be deposited. This is shown in the inability of ferrous chloride, or sulphate, to reduce corresponding copper salts, even though the mixed solutions stand for an indefinite period. This inaction is, indeed, to be expected when we consider that solutions of soluble ferric salts, as the sulphate and chloride, easily dissolve metallic cop- per with formation of a cupric salt. From this it is readily understood why Wibel? obtained no reduction of the copper salt on heating together to 210° C.a solution of the mixed sulphates. (0) Ina solution containing few ferric ions and in which the reaction does not result in their appreciable increase, a sufficient concentration of ferrous and copper ions will result in the depo- sition of metallic copper. The tendency of ferrous to reduce copper salts is shown in the precipitation of cuprous sulphocyanate by the action of the ammonium salt on a solution of ferrous and cupric chlorides. The same tendency appears in the formation of cuprous chloride, tAllthe reactions given in the following paragraph have been experimentally determined by its author except as indicated by references.—Ed. Jour. GEOL. 2“ Das Gediegen-Kupfer und das Rothkupfrerz,” S. 20. 434 Jabs (Gs JI QILIS, as noted by Hunt, on heating cupric oxide with a solution of ferrous chloride.* Fromanemulsion of ferrous and cupric hydroxides, after long standing, may be separated crystals of cuprous oxide. That further reduction is largely determined by the concentration of the cupric and ferrous ions, appears probable from the action of ammonium carbonate on a solution of ferrous and cupric chlo- rides,?- The precipitate first formed on adding the carbonate to the mixed chlorides, dissolves in an excess of the precipitant to a yellow liquid, from which, on standing twenty-four hours, there is deposited, on the walls of the vessel, a slight but brilliant mir- ror of metallic copper. The influence of the concentration of the ions on the reduc- tion of copper is clearly shown in the behavior of the mixed carbonates under varying conditions. When one adds a solution of cupric and ferrous chlorides (1 mol. CuCl,: 2 mol. FeCl, ) to a considerable excess of sodium carbonate, there is obtained a greenish precipitate of the carbon- ates which undergoes but slight change on standing. Such a solution, indeed, would naturally little favor the separation of metallic copper since the highly ionized alkaline carbonate would greatly decrease the active masses of the ferrous and cupric ions. If the alkaline carbonate employed be only slightly in excess of that required to precipitate the copper and iron salts, the con- centration of the carbonic acid ions will be greatly diminished. Under these more favorable conditions reduction slowly takes place with loss of carbon dioxide. The carbonates gradually change in color to a brick-red precipitate containing metallic copper and basic ferric carbonate. As is well known the acid ferrous and cupric carbonates are more soluble than the corresponding normal or basic salts of these metals. The influence of this greater solubility is shown in the precipitation of small amounts of copper even in the pres- ence of large excess of acid alkaline carbonates. If one adds *STERRY Hunt: Comp. r., loc. cit. 2E. BRauN: Zeit. ftir Chem., loc. cit. LHL DEPOSITION OF COPPER 435 the metallic chlorides to a saturated solution of acid potassium carbonate and allows the mixture to stand for twenty-four hours there is deposited on the walls of the vessel a slight film of metallic copper mixed with basic ferric carbonate. The solubility of the acid carbonates of iron and copper is largely increased under pressure.t. The greater concentration of the metallic ions thus obtained produces a ready reduction of copper even in the presence of concentrated solutions of the acid alkaline carbonates. In a thick-walled flask holding a saturated solution of potas- sium bicarbonate is placed a tube containing a solution of fer- rous and cupric chlorides. The flask is then filled with carbon dioxide, tightly sealed, and the contents of the tube mixed with the alkaline bicarbonate. The precipitate formed gradually loses carbonic acid, finally assuming the brick-red color already noted. The supernatant ruddy liquid owes its color to the pres- ence of some basic ferric carbonate which, when the solution is warmed, deposits as ferric hydroxide. The precipitate contains finely divided copper which cannot readily be freed from the inti- mately associated ferric iron by treatment with hydrochloric acid because of the solvent action of ferric chloride, but on digesting the original mixture a short time a coagulum may usually be formed from which, by repeated agitation with water, the heavier metal is separated. The copper thus obtained is of characteristic appearance; is insoluble in hydrochloric acid, soluble in nitric, the solution showing the presence of copper and absence of iron. The reduction of copper from the cuprous condition may be effected in the same manner as from the cupric. This is readily shown by substituting for the cupric salt in the above reaction cuprous chloride dissolved in a solution of chloride of sodium. From one gram of cuprous chloride more than half the metal may be easily isolated as pure copper free from ferric iron. From these results it is quite evident that the conditions ™R. WAGNER: Zeit. f. analyt. Chem. Vol. VI, p. 167. 436 Jak (Gp JEL COYOTE, under which the oxidation of ferrous salts may result in the deposition of copper are those which obtain in the circulation of underground waters. The theory of Pumpelly and others based on paragenetic relations is thus fully sustained by chemical evi- dence. He G2 BipprEe: UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, June 1901. EVIDENCE OR SALOCAL SUBSIDENCE. IN. THE INTERIOR In the spring of 1883, I made a survey to build a levee along the Wabash River on the west side of Parke county, Indiana, for a length of twelve miles. I took the levels with great care, and checked on the river water every half mile to guard against errors. The great flood of the preceding winter had left its high water mark very plain on the trees inthe bottoms, and I checked on them also. I cut some sixty bench marks on the trees in running the levels, some of which are still intact. The lower end of the levee was built square across the narrow bottom to the bluff and crossed a bayou through which the flood water ran off of the bottoms into the river. We built an automatic flood- gate across this bayou so as to shut out river, but let out inside water from breaks above. The gates were hung to heavy brick walls built on timber foundations three feet thick, and deeply bedded below the bottom of the bayou. A bench mark was cut on a bur oak tree near the walls, and the level of the walls was taken when built. I had charge of the maintenance and repair of this levee four years from its building, and had frequent occasion to run the level over the top to restore breaks, for it was built only twenty-one feet above low water, whereas the great floods rise twenty-eight feet. I set the grade stakes for the contractors to work to, and in doing so ran the level over the ground again. I speak of all this to show that my leveling was correct, as so many levelings would detect any error, and none were found to exceed a halfinch. I can say positively that the levels were correct in 1883. This spring (1901) the levee was to be raised three feet, mak- ing it twenty-four feet above low water, under a new law of the state, but including only the lower seven miles. I leveled the work again, and found bench marks again intact except the 437 438 JOHN T. CAMPBELL lower (south) mile and a quarter, which showed a decline south- ward amounting to ten inches at the lower (south) end, as shown by the mark on the bur oak and top of the gate walls. I went back to the C. & E. I. railroad bridge at Clinton, two and a half miles above the south end, and started my level from a mark known to be in tally with the level of 1883, and ran carefully over the work again, and it varied from the one made just before only a quarter of an inch. And the bench mark on the bur oak and the top of the gate walls had gone down ten inches (,83, of afoot). I was right in 1883 andIlam right now. What caused this sink, or subsidence? I can think of nothing so likely to cause it as the Charleston earthquake. The wave of that earth- quake somewhere south of us changed from westward and went northward along the Wabash. Joun T. CAMPBELL. ROCKVILLE, INDIANA, July 20, 1901. Ti GORI WitnH the death of Dr. Joseph Le Conte there has passed away perhaps the last distinguished American representative of the general geologist as typified during the past century. This passing type of the general geologist was a distinctive outgrowth and representative of a transitional stage of intellectual pro- cedure —a passage from the former mode in which the general- izing and philosophical factors held precedence and the toilsome modes of scientific verification followed as their servitors, to the present or at least the coming method in which scientific deter- minations are the basal factors to which generalizations and philosophies are but dependent accessories. We owe much of the transition itself to Dana and Le Conte, the two noblest American representatives of the passing type, for while they grew up under the influence of the older intellectual attitude, they grew out of it in spirit while they steadied and guided the transition. They were distinctively students of geology in the special sense in which that term implies the organized doctrine of the earth, rather than students of what might be termed gezcs, the immediate study of the earthitself in the field and the labora- tory. They were preéminently students of the accumulated data and of the literature of the science, with generalization and philosophic inference as their dominant inspiration. Neither Dana nor Le Conte were eminently field students; much less were they specialists in a chosen field of the broad geological domain. Their point of view was that of the organizer and of the philosopher, and the contribution they made in their chosen sphere was indispensable and immeasurably valuable. How this necessary function is to be met in the future, with the increasing complexities and profundities into which every branch is rapidly growing, it is difficult to foresee, further than that it must in some way be intimately associated with extensive personal researches in the field and the laboratory, and must be guided 439 440 EDITORIAL by areversal of the old-time attitude of philosophy and science toward each other. The philosophical factor must be put into service as the active handmaid of scientific determination rather than as its guide and leader. It may indeed go before as scout to roughly reconnoiter the way, and it may come after to assemble and interpret the results, but it must ever be tentative and dependent on rigorous scientific determination. Deduction, inference, interpretation, theory, hypothesis, and the other phil- osophical factors must be merely initial steps and sequential steps attendant on rigorous science as the end. None the less, the philosophical factors and the philosophical point of view are indispensable if the science is to make its most wholesome progress, and we owe to Le Conte and to those he typifies an immeasurable debt, for they have kept us in fresh touch with the generalizations and the philosophy of the science, and have inspired us with their own contributions to the broader concep- tions of geology and of its relations to kindred sciences. The writings of Le Conte are graced by the fruits of wide learning, a lucid style, a genial attitude, and a candor that has called forth universal love and admiration. TAGLC: THE progress of opinion in regard to the origin of the solar system, and incidentally of the earth, is indicated by the follow- ing recent utterances of astronomers of high rank: This simple hypothesis (Laplace’s nebular hypothesis) has recently been severely attacked, and it is doubtful whether it will survive the blow. Indeed, we may be compelled to seek the origin of stellar systems in the spiral nebulae, which: Keeler’s photographic survey made just before his death showed to represent a true type form. It is evident that much remains to be done before the mystery which surrounds the genesis of stars can be cleared away.— PROFESSOR GEORGE E. HALE, Director Yerkes Observatory, in address to Visiting Committee, University Record, June 28, 1901, p. 141. Though, without doubt, the system was evolved in some way from a primitive nebula, we may say with certainty that it did not follow the orderly course marked out for it by Laplace.-— PROFESSOR C. L. DOOLITTLE, of the University.of Pennsylvania, in annual address delivered before the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania chapters of the Society of Sigma Xi, June 13, Igor, printed in Sczence, July 5, 1901, pp. 11-12. REVIEWS SUMMARIES OF CURRENT NORTH AMERICAN PRE-CAM- BRIAN LITERATURE.’ WaLcotTr?’ reports on the results of an examination of Cambrian and pre-Cambrian formations on Smith’s Sound, Newfoundland, during the summer of 1899. At Smith point he found the Olenellus fauna 369 feet below the summit of the Etcheminian, and one of its types, Coleoloides typicalis, in the basal bed of the Cambrian, on the south side of Random Island. ‘This retains the Etcheminian of Newfound- land in the Lower Cambrian. The Random terrane, so-called from a typical section on Random Sound, is a series of sandstones, quartzitic sandstones, and sandy shales, resting conformably upon the Signal Hill conglomerate (which was formerly supposed to represent the top of the Avalon or Algonkian series) and extending up to the base of the Cambrian. The Random terrane is thus the upper member of the Avalon series and fills a por- tion, if not all, of the gap between the Signal Hill conglomerate and the Cambrian. The Cambrian rests on the Random terrane with a thin belt of conglomerate. The thickness of the terrane is probably tooo feet. In one horizon in the terrane were found several varieties of annelid trails, including a variety about 5 millimeters broad, a slender form % millimeter broad, and an annulated trail 2 to 3 milli- meters in width. An examination of the form known as Aspidella terranovica found in the Momable terrane of the Avalon series proved the supposed fossil to be a spherulitic concretion, and this removes it from among the possible pre-Cambrian forms of life. Cushing? describes and maps the pre-Cambrian rocks of Franklin *Continued from p. 87, Vol. 1X, this JOURNAL. ?Random, A Pre-Cambrian Upper Algonkian Terrane, by CHARLES D., WatcotTtT: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Vol. XI, 1900, pp. 3-5. 3Preliminary Report on the geology of Franklin county, Pt. III, by H. P. CusHINnG: Eighteenth Annual Report of the State Geologist of the State of New York, 1900, pp. 75-128. With geological map. 441 442 REVIEWS county, New York. These are classified as Grenville (Algonkian) rocks, igneous rocks intrusive in the Grenville, and other igneous rocks of doubtful age, possibly in part older than the Grenville rocks. The Grenville rocks occur in small disconnected patches sur- rounded by intrusive igneous rocks. Some of them have such position with reference to one another that they seem to represent remnants of what were originally two continuous parallel N. E. to S. W. belts. The characteristic rock of the series is the crystalline marble. ‘This is intricately infolded with quartzose and hornblendic gneisses, and with fine-grained granitic, syenitic, and gabbroic gneisses precisely like gneisses which occur in other areas where no member of the Grenville series is to be found. The gneisses of undetermined age include granite, syenite, diorite, and gabbro gneisses, together with intermediate varieties. They occupy a very large area. If all these gneisses are igneous (as is thought probable) there are three possibilities in regard to their age. 1. They may represent in whole or part a more ancient series than the Grenville. 2. They may represent a somewhat later series intrusive in the Gren- ville, but older than the great gabbro, syenite, and granite intrusions. 3. They may represent thoroughly foliated phases of these later intrusions. In Dr. Cushing’s present judgment they will be found to belong partly under 2 and partly under 3, but more especially the former. No rocks have been found in the northern Adirondacks which can be shown to be older than the Grenville series, but in every case in which the relations have been made out, the adjacent rocks show intru- sive contacts with the Grenville rocks. On the other hand, the Gren- ville is a sedimentary series and must have been laid down on some floor. Younger than the Grenville rocks and for the most part younger than the doubtful gneisses are a considerable quantity of igneous rocks comprising gabbros (anorthosites) syenites, and granites. These again occupy large areas. In the northern portion of the county, Upper Cambrian rocks overlie the pre-Cambrian rocks with unconformity. Smyth * discusses certain features of recent work in the western * The Crystalline Rocks of Western Adirondack Region, by C.H.SMyTH: Rept. of the New York State Geologist for 1897, published in Fifty-first Ann. Rept. of New York State Museum, Vol. II, 1899, pp. 469-467. REVIEWS 443 Adirondack region. He concludes that the rock previously called gabbro by Nason, Van Hise, Williams, and himself, south of the belt of limestone in the Diana-Pitcairn area in Lewis and St. Lawrence counties, is an augite syenite of igneous origin, although it passes into a hornblende-gneiss which is unquestionably a result of dynamic action. The origin of other gneisses has been inferred to be igneous from their similarity to this gneiss which has been particularly studied, and it is evidence of this kind which serves as a basis for Smyth’s conclusions, previously published, that some of the gneisses on the western Adirondacks are certainly, and most of them probably, of igneous origin. With the view of exploring the central and little known portion of the Adirondacks, a reconnaissance was made through the area contigu- ous to the Fulton chain of Jakes and Raquette Lake in the counties of Hamilton and Herkimer. It was found that the heart of the Adiron- dacks is made up essentially of gneiss, with minor quantities of crystal- line limestone and its associated sedimentary gneisses and _ schists. This is precisely analogous to what was found by the writer in St. Lawrence, Jefferson, Northern Lewis, and southwestern Hamilton counties, and by Kemp and Cushing in the eastern Adirondacks. These facts lead to the conclusion that the Adirondack region, instead of consisting of a great central mass of gabbro, surrounded by a nar- row fringe of gneisses and limestones with quaquaversal dip, is essen- tially composed of gneisses, with numerous limestone belts, having northeast strike, and northward dip, and cut through on the east by immense intrusions of gabbro. It is still possible, of course, that some areas of gabbro may be found in the unexplored portions of the west- ern half, but even should this be so, it would not materially modify the above conclusion, as such masses must necessarily be isolated intru- sions of no great extent, rather than parts of a large area. Kemp,’ in connection with the description of the magnetite deposits of the Adirondacks, briefly describes the general features of the geology of the gabbro and gneiss of Westport, Elizabethtown, and Newcomb townships in Essex county, New York, and presents a geo- logical map of the former two townships. tSee Summary Jour. GEOL., Vol. VII, p. 406. 2 The Titaniferous Iron Ores of the Adirondacks, by J. F. Kemp: Nineteenth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1897-8, Pt. III, 1899, pp. 397-399. MO REVIEWS Kemp and Newland‘ make a preliminary report on the geology of Washington, Warren, and parts of Essex and Hamilton counties, New York. Some of the points particularly noted are: The excessive mashing and granulation of the gneisses, giving them in places semblance to quartzite. The greenish gneisses, consisting in largest part of microperthite, were originally eruptive rocks. The dis- covery is reported of quartzose gneisses or foliated quartzites which are certainly metamorphosed sediments. They form notable areas along the head of South Bay, Whitehall township. ‘Their presence indicates the probable presence of a considerable series of clastic sediments. The crystalline limestones themselves have been found in small expo- sures over almost all of Warren county, and generally in the crystal- line belt of Washington. They are most extensive in Newcomb and Minerva townships of Essex, and to the south become thinner and more scattered. So far as we have observed they are less common in eastern Hamilton county. There is evidence to show that strati- graphical relations can be proven and that anticlines and synclines can be demonstrated. Dikes of basic gabbro usually of moderate width, but lithologi- cally like the larger masses in Essex county, have been met over a wide area — in fact almost every township in Warren, but the basaltic traps almost disappear. Kemp’ summarizes the present knowledge of the pre-Cambrian rocks of the Adirondacks. Most of the features have been covered in previous articles. Attention is called to the distribution of the sedimen- tary crystalline rocks, the Oswegatchie series (equivalent to the Gren- ville series of Adams and perhaps the Huronian). These consist of limestones, sedimentary gneisses, and quartzites. They occupy greater area than has been supposed. The limestones are found chiefly in the northwest, and the southeast or eastern portions of the Adirondack area of crystalline rocks. ‘They are in small quantity, or altogether absent in the northern portion, in the broad belt running from ‘Preliminary Rept. on the Geology of Washington, Warren, parts of Essex and Hamilton counties, by J. F. Kemp and D. H. NEWLAND: Rept. of the New York State Geologist for 1897, published in Fifty-first Ann. Rept., New York State Museum, Vol. II, 1899, pp. 499-553. ?Pre-Cambrian Sediments in the Adirondacks, by J. F. Kemp: Vice Presiden- tial address published in the Proceedings of the A. A. A. S., Vol. XLIX, 1900, pp. 157-184. REVIEWS 445 northeast to southwest across the area, and along the southern and southwestern border. On the northwest they are in extended and comparatively broad belts, but in the eastern portion they appear in many small and separated exposures, associated with some quartzites and much greater amounts of characteristic gniesses, but greatly broken up by igneous intrusions. ‘The quartzites thus far known are in small quantity, but such as they are, they are found principally in the eastern portions of the area, where the limestones are thinnest and most scattered. From the presence of the quartzites it is inferred that clastic sediments must have been present in larger amounts than has heretofore been realized. On the east it has not been proven that sediments form synclines pinched into the underlying gneissoid rocks. On the contrary they seem to constitute low, dipping, flat monoclines. Comment.— The complex geology of the Adirondack crystalline rocks is being rapidly worked out by Kemp, Smyth, Cushing, and ° others. The frequent brief papers issued by these geologists in nearly all cases report some important advance in the solution of their prob- lem. ‘The precise relations of these advances to the general problem may not be clear to the average geological reader, too busily engaged to follow the subject closely, and for such the general summary of Adirondack geology given by Kemp ‘* will be of value. In a previous comment? on Adirondack geology the state of geological knowledge, as indicated by the literature on the subject then available, was briefly summarized by the writer, and here atten- tion will be called only to later developments. One of the most interesting of these is the extension of the areas of pre-Cambrian sedimentary and associated rocks, and the corresponding contraction in the area of the great Adirondack gabbro. This was formerly supposed to occupy the great central area of the Adirondacks with the pre-Cambrian sediments and the associated gneisses around its periphery. Recent work seems to show that the area is occupied by gneisses, with narrow limestone belts, cut through on the east by a number of immense intrusions of gabbro. Another advance is the discovery of greater quantities of clastic sediment than have before *Pre-Cambrian Sediments in the Adirondacks, by J. F. Kemp: Vice Presiden: tial address published in Proceedings of the A. A. A. S., Vol. XLIX, 1900, pp. 157-184. 2JouR. GEOL., Vol. VII, pp. 410-411. 446 | REVIEWS been realized in the eastern portion of the Adirondack area, where the limestone is thinnest. The main problem of the region, the origin of the gneisses, is as yet far from settlement. The tendency is, how- ever, to ascribe to them an igneous origin, and to place them later than the Oswegatchie series, in the areas where they have been most closely studied. Jones,‘ in connection with a description of Tallulah Gorge of north- eastern Georgia, describes the crystalline rocks there occurring, and gives a little sketch map showing their relations. They are called pre-Cambrian. Watson?’ describes the granitic rocks of the Piedmont plateau of Georgia. Field and laboratory studies indicate that they are not all contemporaneous in origin. Some of them are pre-Cambrian, while others may possibly be later in age. Adams 3 describes the Laurentian granitoid gneiss and granite of the Admiralty group of the Thousand Islands, Ontario. The granitoid gneiss is presumably derived by metamorphism from the granite. A large exposure of crystalline limestone on Island No. 18 resembles in all respects that of the Grenville series of the mainland adjacent. Parks‘ describes the geology of the Moose River Basin in Canada, including the Moose and Abitibi Rivers, tributary to James Bay. This is an immense triangular area of which the apex is at James Bay, and the base stretches from above Lake Abitibi to a point west of Kabina- kagami. The southern and major portion of this triangular area con- sists of Laurentian gneisses and granites crossed, by bands of Huronian rocks. Along the Abitibi River, Huronian rocks, consisting of altered diorites, pyrites, gray quartz schists, and some soft decom- posed schists occupy the country to the south, extending as far north as the head of the first long rapid on the Frederick House River. The line of contact of this belt crosses the Abitibi below the Iroquois ‘The Geology of the Tallulah Gorge, by S. P. Jones: American Geologist, Vol. XXVII, 1901, pp. 67-75. 2The Granitic Rocks of Georgia and Their Relationships, by T. L. WaTson : American Geologist, Vol. XX VII, 1901, pp. 223-225. 3Notes on the Geology of the Admiralty Group of the Thousand Isiands, by FRANK D. ADAMs: Can. Rec. of Sci., Vol. VII, 1897, pp. 267-272. 4PARKS, WILLIAM A.: The Nipissing-Algoma boundary, Eighth Rept. Ont. Bur. Mines, 1899, pp. 175-204, with geological map; Niven’s base line, Ninth Rept. Ont. Bur. Mines, 1900, pp. 125-142; The Huronian of the Moose River Basin, University of Toronto Studies, Geol. Series No. 1, 1900, pp. 35, with sketch map. REVIEWS 447 Falls. From this point to the Lobstick portage, Laurentian gneisses and inica schists crop out occasionally. The narrow Huronian belt from the Lobstick to the foot of the canyon or Long Portage, consists mainly of augite-syenite, passing into gabbro to the north. Beyond this portage Laurentian gneiss extends to the Devonian contact above the Sextant rapids. Coleman* gives a general account of a visit to all the iron and copper regions of the Lake Superior country. For the ranges on the United States side of the boundary no facts are given not found in the published reports. On the Canadian side of the boundary the Michi- picoten Range, the iron formation near Dog River, and the siliceous iron ores of Batchawana Bay are described. In the Michipicoten range the Helen mine in particular is referred to. In general, the rocks, including the ore at this mine, have all the appearance of Lower Huronian or Keewatin rocks, as in the Vermilion district, and not those of the Upper Huronian or Animikie, as in the Mesaba. Near Dog River are iron formation rocks similar to those extend- ing northeast from Michipicoten bay. It is thought probable that the two may connect. The occurrence and relations of iron formation material northeast from Michipicoten Bay and near Dog River are indicated on a sketch map. Coleman,’ as a result of an examination of the new Michipicoten iron district, and the consideration of other iron formation areas in Ontario, has collected facts which seem to throw some light on the relative ages of the different areas mapped as Huronian on the north shore. In the Michipicoten district iron-formation material, consist- ing of banded ferruginous sandstones, cherts, and jaspers, standing nearly vertical, extends from Little Gros Cap northeastward for twenty miles ; then bending to the north and west it takes a westerly direction for more than thirty miles. The width of the belt is but a few hun- dred yards. Sandstones of the same peculiar type occur at Little Turtle Lake, east of Rainy Lake and near Fort Frances, on Rainy River, as well as at the Scramble gold mine, near Rat Portage, on Lake of the Woods. *COLEMAN, Dr. A. P.: Copper and Iron Regions of Ontario, by A. P. COLEMAN. Report of the Ontario Bureau of Mines for 1900, pp. 143-I9QI. ? Upper and Lower Huronian in Ontario, by ARTHUR P. COLEMAN: Bull. Geol. *Soc. Am., Vol. I, 1900, pp. 107-114. 448 REVIEWS Thin sections of these rocks show the same polygonal shapes of the grains of quartz, and more or less iron ore is associated with speci- mens from each locality. It is very probable, then, that the same horizon exists at points far to the west of Lake Superior. Turning toward the east, specimens very like the jaspery varieties of the Michipicoten iron range are found interbedded with ‘iron ores near Lakes Wahnapitae and Temagami, between Sudbury and the Ottawa River. At Batchawana Bay at the southeast end of Lake Superior, a siliceous rock with narrow bands of magnetite occurs, which is prob- ably the equivalent of the Michipicoten rock. If, as seems probable, these jaspers are the equivalents of the west- ern Huronian sandstones, there is a definite horizon traceable from point to point across the whole northern end of the province, a dis- tance of more than six hundred miles. . At anumber of places over this area conglomerates, containing jasper, ferruginous sandstone or chert pebbles, probably derived from the source above described, are known. Beginning at the west, some of these conglomerates occur. as follows : on Shoal Lake, east of Rainy Lake ; west end of Schist Lake; near Mosher Bay, at the east end of Upper Manitou Lake; a mile east of Fort Frances on the Rainy River; near Rat Portage; near the mouth of Doré River; in the original Huronian area, north of Lake Huron, particularly the Thes- salon area; on Lake Temiscaming. It is assumed that the iron-formation material cannot be other than Lower Huronian, and that the conglomerates must represent a basal horizon of the Upper Huronian. The break between the Upper and Lower Huronian thus represented is a most profound one, and affords a good basis for the correlation of the Huronian formations. It is further suggested that this great- unconformity may be the same as that between the Upper and Lower Huronian formations on the south shore of Lake Superior and in Minnesota. Comment.—As stated by Dr. Coleman a number of the conglomer- ates above mentioned have been regarded by Pumpelly, Irving, Van Hise, and other United States geologists, as basal to the Lower Huronian— on structural evidence. Dr. Coleman places them in the Upper Huronian because they contain fragments of iron formation material which are assumed to be Lower Huronian. According to the generally accepted ideas of the number and relations of the pre-Cambrian REVIEWS 449 iron bearing formations, this assumption is perfectly justified and the conclusion follows as to the Upper Huronian age of the typical conglomerates mentioned. But, lately evidence has been accumulated pointing to a conclusion of a rather radical nature. This evidence has been such that Van Hise* in a general article on the iron bearing formations of the Lake Superior country just published, describes ¢aree iron bearing forma- tions, the Upper Huronian, Lower Huronian, and Archean. The most important of the Archean iron bearing formations are the Ver- milion and the Michipicoten. Van Hise himself in his published articles on the pre-Cambrian has persistently maintained the essentially non-clastic nature of the Archean, and the post-Archean age of all the iron bearing formations of the Lake Superior country. But new evidence on the subject, secured principally during the past year, has been so decisive that he has not hesitated to announce as proven the existence of an Archean or Basement Complex iron-bearing formation. If there is an Archean iron formation, to which the Michipicoten and Vermilion iron formations belong, then Dr. Coleman’s argument as to the Upper Huronian age of conglomerates containing iron for- mation fragments is rendered ineffective, and the conclusions indicated by the structural evidence that the great conglomerates and accom- panying rocks above described are Lower Huronian must stand, until decisive evidence to the contrary is found. Grant’ describes and maps the Upper and Lower Keweenawan copper-bearing rocks of Douglas county, Wisconsin. The Lower Keweenawan appears in a broad belt running from northeast to south- west across the county, widening toward the southwest, and in a small belt cutting through the southeastern corner of the county. It con- sists mainly of basic lava flows, associated with which, in the area in the southeast corner of the county, are a few beds of conglomerate composed of débris of the closely adjacent underlying rocks. The Upper Keweenawan appears in a broad belt in the southeastern part of the county between the two belts of Lower Keweenawan rocks. It *The iron-ore deposits of the Lake Superior region, by C. R. VAN HIsE: Twenty-first Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv., Pt. III, 1901, p. 322. ? Preliminary Report on Copper Bearing Rocks in Douglas county, Wisconsin, by U.S. GRANT: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Vol. VI, 1900, pp. 55+ 450 REVIEWS is a series of conglomerates, sandstones and shales. In a belt north of the northern belt of Lower Keweenawan rocks, extending from these rocks to the shore of Lake Superior, is the Lake Superior sandstone (Cambrian). ‘This is either flat-lying or dips slightly toward Lake Superior. The junction of the sandstone with the Lower Keweenawan is marked by a fault, along which the Lake Superior sandstone has been depressed, in some places probably as much as several hundred: feet. The Upper and Lower Keweenawan belts form a syncline, the axis of which runs northeast and southwest through the center of the tract underlain by Upper Keweenawan rocks. While the Keweenawan rocks of this area are the same in kind and age as are the productive copper-bearing rocks of Keweenaw Point, the probable unproductive character of the Douglas county rocks is intimated. Alexander Winchell’ prefaces a detailed petrographical description of certain phases of the gabbroid rocks of Minnesota with a brief account of the general succession in structure of formations in north- eastern Minnesota. This is essentially the same as given by N. H. Winchell? in Volumes IV and V of the Minnesota State Survey. The correlation of this succession with the succession determined by the United States Geological Survey is discussed. Comment.— Mr. Winchell’s ideas as to succession and structure determined by the United States Geological Survey are naturally derived mainly from Bulletin 86 of the Survey and from the “ Princi- ples of Pre-Cambrian Geology” published in the Sixteenth Annual Report of the Survey. However, since these reports have been issued, the United States Geological Survey has done somewhat detailed field work in northeastern Minnesota as a result of which the ideas of the United States geologists on the succession and correlation have been considerably changed. ‘The new conclusions of the Survey are briefly outlined by Van Hise in the Twenty-first Annual Report. This paper should be referred to by anyone reading Mr. Winchell’s discussion of the correlation. * Mineralogical and Petrographic study of the gabbroid rocks of Minnesota, and more particularly of the plagioclastites, by ALEXANDER N. WINCHELL: American Geologist, Volume XXVI, 1900, General part, pp. 153-162, with geological sketch map of Northeastern Minnesota. ? See summaries, JouR. GEOL., Vol. IX, pp. 79-86. REVIEWS A451 Van Hise and Bayley* describe and map the geology of a portion of the Menominee iron district of Michigan. The pre-Cambrian succession is as follows : Po ( Hanbury slate. Vulcan formation, subdivided Upper Menominee - into the Curry ore-bearing X member, Brier slate, and ; Traders ore-bearing mem- Algonkian - ~~ = | eo berm Unconformity -: : Negaunee formation. | : : ; Lower Menominee - ~ Randville dolomite. L Sturgeon quartzite. Unconformity (. (Granites and gneisses, cut by | | granite and diabase dikes. Archean a SIH x 2 z ae | | Quinnesec schists, cut by acid { | and basic dikes and veins. In general the Algonkian rocks constitute a trough bounded on the north by the Archean rocks. The Archean.— The Quinnesec schists are dark green or black basic schists and spheroidal greenstones, cut by large dikes of gabbro, diabase, and granite, and by smaller dikes of a schistose quartz por- phyry. These occur in two areas, one along the Menominee River to the south of the Huronian rocks, and another in the west-central end of the district. Bordering the Algonkian trough on the north is a complex of granites, gneisses, hornblende schists, and a few greenstone schists, all cut by dikes of diabase and granite. This complex is called the “Northern. Complex.:’ Most ofthe Archean rocks are igneous. Although there is no evidence of this, some of the fragmental tuffs may have been water-deposited. The Quinnesec schists and the Northern Complex are called Archean because they resemble lithologi- cally other areas of Archean rocks in the Lake Superior country, and they both underlie the Algonkian series. The Northern Complex underlies the series with unconformity. The Quinnesec schists have *The Menominee special folio, by CHARLES R. VAN HIsE and S, W. BAYLEy: Geological Atlas of United States, Folio No. 62, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1900. 452 REVIEWS not been observed in contact, and hence the presence or absence of a normal erosion unconformity cannot be inferred. The Lower Menominee sertes.—'The formations of the Lower Menominee series are observed only in the center and on the northern side of the Menominee trough. The Sturgeon formation is composed mainly of a hard white vitreous quartzite forming a continuous border of bare hills bordering the Archean complex. At its base is a coarse conglomerate made up of débris from the underlying Archean com- plex. The belt is in general a southward dipping monocline with dips varying from 25° to perpendicularity, although there are many reverse dips to the north. Its thickness is placed at from 1000 to 1250 feet. Above, the Sturgeon quartzite grades into the Randville formation which is mainly a homogeneous dolomite interstratified with siliceous or argillaceous layers. This formation appears in three belts. The northern one is just south of the belt of the Sturgeon quartzite. The central belt is on the north side of Lake Antoine for a portion of its length, passes eastward between the Cuff and the Indiana mines, and ends at the bluff known as Iron Hill in the east half of Sec. 32, T. 40 N., R. 29 W. The southern belt of dolomite extends all the way from the western side of the sandstone bluff west of Iron Mountain to the village of Waucedah, at the eastern end of the mapped area. Structurally the northern belt of dolomite is a southward dipping monocline, while the two southern belts are anticlines. The thickness is not determined on satisfactory evidence, but is probably 1000 feet- or more. The Randville formation is found, in a number of mines. in contact with the basal formation of the Upper Menominee series Here there is a coarse conglomerate in the basal part of the overlying formation indicating unconformity. The Negaunee formation, overlying the Randville dolomite, is represented in the district by so few and so small outcrops that it is mapped with the Vulcan formation. Its presence is inferred mainly from the occurrence of abundant iron formation débris in the basal conglomerate of the Upper Menominee formation, showing that the Lower Menominee iron-bearing series must have been present. In the Marquette district an iron-bearing formation (the Negaunee) occu- pies an exactly similar stratigraphical position. : The Upper Menominee sertes—The formations between the uncon- formity at the top of the Lower Menominee and the unconformity at REVIEWS 453 the base of the Lake Superior sandstone, are placed in the Upper Menominee series. These occur in two great series, the Vulcan and the Hanbury. The Vulcan formation is unconformable above the upper part of the Lower Huronian, which for most of the district is the Randville formation, and unconformable below the Hanbury slate. For parts of the district the Vulcan iron-bearing formation does not appear at all between the dolomite and the slate and its absence is explained by the unconformity between the Vulcan formation and the Hanbury slate. The Vulcan formation embraces three members. ‘These are, from the base up, the Traders iron-bearing member, the brier slate, and the Curry iron-bearing member. ‘They are mapped as a single formation. The principal area of the Vulcan iron formation is in the belt goo to 1300 feet wide, following the sinuosities of the southern border of the southern belt of Randville dolomite. It is generally absent north of the southern belt except at the east end where it appears at the Loretto mine and eastward. The second important area of Vulcan iron for- ination stretches off about five miles along the south side of the central dolomite belt running north of Lakes Antoine and Fumee, and ending somewhere about the east line of Range 30 West. At the east end of the dolomite area the iron-bearing formation appears in the lean slates at Iron Hill. The third stretch of country in which the iron-bearing beds are to be expected is that which borders the northern dolomite belt, but while pits have shown the existence of the formation here its ‘distribution is unknown. The other areas in which the Vulcan for- mation may occur are those bordering the Quinnesec schists, but this has not yet been determined. The Traders member consists of ferruginous conglomerate, ferru- ginous quartzite, heavily ferruginous quartzose slates and iron ore deposits. The Brier member consists of heavy black ferruginous and quartzose slates. ‘The Curry member consists of interbedded japsilite, ferruginous quartzose slates and iron ore deposits. ‘The relations of the Traders and Brier Hill members where there has been no disturb- ance of the strata is that of gradation. Where there has been disturb- ance, as in the vicinity of Norway, there has been a zone of differential movement between the two, resulting in slickensides and brecciated zones. Between the Brier slates and the Curry member there is gra- dation. The Vulcan formation is bent into folds of several orders of 454 REVIEWS magnitude, the greater ones corresponding approximately to the folds in the underlying Randville dolomite. The total thickness of the formation is probably 600 to 700 feet. The iron ore deposits of large size rest upon relatively impervious formations, which are in such positions as to constitute pitching troughs. A pitching trough may be made (a) by the dolomite forma- tion underlying the Traders member of the Vulcan formations, (4) by a slate constituting the lower part of the Traders member, and (c) by the Brier slate between the Traders and Curry members of the Vulcan formation. ‘The dolomite formation is especially likely to furnish an impervious basement where its upper horizon has been transformed into a talc-schist, as a eoldsagiiencs of folding and shearing between the formations. Unconformably above the Vulcan iron formation is the Hanbury formation, which forms three large belts in the syncline of the older rocks, and occupies a very large proportion of the district. The for- mation comprises clay slates, calcareous slates, graphite slates, gray- wackes, quartzite, ferruginous dolomite, and rare bodies of ferruginous chert and iron oxide. The formation is much thicker than any of the other formations of the district, but it is probably not thicker than 2000 Or 3000 feet. Wilder* describes and maps the Sioux quartzites and quartz por- phyries of Lyon county, lowa. No points concerning the stratigraphy or age have been added to those already given by other writers. Bain’ describes the geology of the Wichita Mountains. Gabbros and porphyries of pre-Cambrian and probably of Archean age are present. The gabbro is more prominent in the western portion of the mountains, being especially well developed in the Raggedy Mountains, and the porphyry is more common in the eastern part of the moun- tains, being typically developed at Carrollton Mountain. Matthews * gives a detailed petrographical description of the gran- ites of the Pike’s Peak quadrangle of Colorado. ‘They are referred to the late Algonkian period. *Geology of Lyon county, by FRANK A. WILDER: Iowa Geol. Surv., Vol. X, 1899, pp. 96-108. ? Geology of Wichita Mountains, by H. Foster Bain: Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. XI, 1900, pp. 127-144, Pls. XV-XVII. 3The Granite Rocks of the Pike’s Peak Quadrangle, by A. B. MATTHEWS: JOUR. GEOL., Vol. VIII, 1900, pp. 214-240. REVIEWS 455 Cross* maps and describes the geology of the Telluride quadrangle, Colorado, and briefly sketches the geology of the San Juan region, of which the Telluride quadrangle is a part. In the Telluride quadrangle, along Canyon Creek north of Stony Mountain, is a small body of upturned quartzites, with an intercalated rhyolite sheet, which have been referred to the Algonkian. The quartzites are coarse and grade into fine conglomerate. Ancient granites, gneisses, and schists are known in the Animas Valley and in the Uncompahgre plateau. These rocks have usually been considered as belonging to the Archean, but some of them are probably younger than the great series of quartzites exhibited in the Needle Mountains to the south, and younger than the quartzites beneath the volcanics in the canyons of the Uncompahgre, above Ouray, which have been referred to the Algonkian. These quartzites stand on edge or have been greatly disturbed. The relations of these isolated exposures to contemporaneous formations elsewhere are unknown. : Spurr? maps and briefly describes the Archean? granite of the Aspen district of Colorado. This is unconformably below and in direct contact with sediments of upper Cambrian age. Davis* in a general account of a trip through the Colorado Canyon district briefly describes certain features of the pre-Cambrian geology. He calls attention to the extraordinary evenness of the floor of schists with granite dikes (Archean) upon which the Chuar and Unkar ter- ranes (Algonkian) rest. The floor for the Paleozoic strata is somewhat less regular than the floor for the Unkar. In two places the pre-Cam- brian rocks rise higher than the basal Tonto (Cambrian) sandstone. The Archean schists beneath the Unkar have a steep and regular slope, indicating uniform resistance to erosion. Where, beneath the Tonto, they show a bench, it is taken to indicate a softer character at this point, probably due to a longer period of pre-Tonto weather- ing. * Telluride Folio, Colorado, by WHITMAN Cross: Geol. Atlas of the U. S., No. 57, 1899. . * Geology of the Aspen Mining District, Colorado, with Atlas, by J. E. Spurr: Mon. U.S. Geol. Sury., No. 31, 1898, pp. 1-4, 3 The term Archean is evidently used in the sense of pre-Cambrian. 4 Notes on the Colorado Canyon District, by W. M. Davis: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., Vol. X, 1900, pp. 251-259. 456 REVIEWS Blake * refers to the Archean the thick layers of gneiss forming the southern flank of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona. The gneiss is in flat layers representing beds. A part of it isaugen gneiss; other layers are quartzose and seemingly quartzites. Knight? in connection with the discussion of the artesian basins of Wyoming gives a brief description, accompanied by a map, of the geology of the state. Algonkian and Archean rocks are present. ‘The Archean rocks consist mainly of granite, in places cut by dikes of porphyry containing mineral ores, which can be seen in typical expos- ure at Sherman, Laramie Peak, east of Whalen Canyon, along the Big Horn, Wind River, Gros Ventre, Medicine Bow, Ferris, Seminoe, and Owl Creek ranges, along the Sweetwater River, a few miles northwest of Rawlins, and north of Clark’s Fork, in Big Horn county. The Algonkian rocks are for the first time separated from the Archean. They consist of schists in great profusion, marbles, and quartzites, all cut with dikes of eruptive rocks.- They occur in granite basins in unconformity with the Archean, and form important bands in numerous localities. The strike of the series varies from north to northeast and the dip of the strata is seldom less than 65-75”. The thickness of the entire series has not been absolutely measured, but including the eruptive band, which does not form an important part, the maximum thickness in Wyoming is about 20,000 feet. Typical areas have been found in the Black Hills in Wyoming, and occasional outcrops from that place to the Hartville hills—one exposure being east of Lusk, another at Rawhide Butte, and a large one in Whalen Canyon. They also occur at Halleck Canyon, Plumbago Canyon, in the Medicine Bow Mountains, nearly all of the Sierra Madre Moun- tains, in the Seminoe Mountains and in the Sweetwater mining district of the Wind River range. None of these localities have been examined in detail; but sufficient work has been done to prove that these rocks were at one time sedimentary, and that they have been changed by metamorphism to schists. In the Sweetwater districts the rocks are chiefly schists; but there are many bands of erruptive rock that form dikes which follow the strike of the formation. t Mining in Arizona, by WM. P. BLAKE: published in report of the Governor of Arizona to the Secretary of the Interior, Washington, 1899, p. 142. 2A preliminary Report on the Artesian Basins of Wyoming, by WILBUR C. KNIGHT: Wyoming Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 45, 1900. Part on pre-Cam- brian, pp. I1I1-116. With geological map. This is the first geological map of Wyo- ming that has appeared. REVIEWS . 457 Weed* maps and describes the pre-Cambrian rocks in the Fort Benton and Little Belt Mountains quadrangles of Montana. The Archean rocks are found only in the Little Belt range in the southwestern part of the Fort Benton quadrangle and in the north- western part of the Little Belt Mountains quadrangle. They are gneisses and schists of various kinds, and of somewhat uncertain origin. They are, in part at least, of igneous origin, and none of them show any traces of sedimentary origin. ‘Their relations to the Algonkian rocks are those of unconformity. The Algonkian rocks are found in the mountain tracts of the Little Belt range, in Castle Mountain, and in the low range crossed by Sixteenmile Creek in the southwest corner of the Little Belt Mountain quadrangle. They are divided into the Neihart quartzite and the Belt formation,’ both of which are parts of what Mr. Walcott has called the Belt Terrane. The Neihart quartzite is a hard pink and gray quartzite forming the base of the Belt Terrane for this area. It is found in the vicinity of Neihart in the Little Belt Mountains. Its thickness is about six hundred feet. The Belt formation consists mainly of slaty, siliceous shales, but also contains interbedded limestone and quartzite. Fossils found in this series (in the shales above the formation which Mr. Walcott has named the Newland limestone member of the Belt Ter- rane), represent the earliest forms of life yet known. Near Neihart the Algonkian period is represented by 4000 feet of beds, while further south and west the thickness is much greater. Overlying the Algonkian rocks conformably are rocks containing Middle Cambrian fossils. North of Neihart they rest directly on the Archean. Reconnaissance geological surveys in Alaska and adjacent portions of British Columbia, by United States and Canadian government parties, have shown the basal rock over considerable areas to be a granite, which is provisionally assigned to the Archean.? Such granite Fort Benton and Little Belt Mountains Folios, by WALTER HARVEY WEED: Geol. Atlas of the U. S., Nos. 55 and 56, 1899. See also Geology of the Little Belt Mountains, Montana: Twentieth Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol Surv., 1898-9, Pt. III, 1900, pp. 278-284. ?The Belt formation includes the various lithological members of the Belt Terrane which Mr. Walcott has named the Chamberlin shale, the Newland limestone, the Greyson shale, the Spokane shale, and the Empire shale. 3 Usually in the sense of pre-Cambrian. 458 REVIEWS is reported as occurring along the Pelly and Dease Rivers (Dawson * and Hayes ;?) to the west, between the northern base of the St. Elias Mountains on the Yukon River (Hayes?); along the Upper Tanana River (Allen* and Brooks’), which is correlated by Spurr with the granite along the Pelly River; along Fortymile Creek, a tributary of the Yukon near the Canadian-Alaskan boundary (Spurr°); forming the core of the Kaiyuh Mountains (described by Dall,’ referred to Archean by Spurr®); possibly forming the core of the Alaska Penin- sula and the Aleutian Islands (noted by Dall® and Purington,” referred to Archean by Spurr"). C2keAerigiae On Rival Theortes of Cosmogony. By the Rev. O. FIsHEr. ‘Amert- can Journal of Sctence, June 1901, Pp. 414-422. In this article the author has brought the current gaseo-molten hypothesis of the origin of the earth into comparison with the hypoth- esis of gradual accretion without a molten state recently advanced by Chamberlin, and has endeavored to test the tenability of the newer hypothesis by subjecting some of its fundamental postulates to mathe- matical and physical inquiries. The author disclaims holding a brief for either hypothesis and well sustains his claim to an impartial attitude. ™GEOoRGE M. Dawson: Geological Natural History Survey of Canada, Vol. III, Pt. I, 1887-8, p. 34B. 2C. WILLARD HAvES: Geographic Magazine, Vol. IV, 1892, p. 139. SWocr cites pant 30; 4LIEUTENANT H. D. ALLEN: Expedition to the Copper, Tanana, and Koyukuk Rivers, Senate Documents, Washington, 1897, p. 159. 5A. H. Brooks: Twentieth Ann. Rept. U. 5. Geol. Sury., Pt. VII, 1900, pp. 460-465. 6yJ. E, Spurr: Eighteenth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv., Pt. Ill, 1898.. pp. I 34-140. 7W. H. DALL: Seventeenth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv., Pt. I, 1896, pp. 862, 863. 8J, E. Spurr: Twentieth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. Pt. VII, 1900, pp. 235 and 241. 9W. H. DALL: Seventeenth Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv., Pt. I, 1896, p. 135. 70C,..W. PURINGTON: Manuscript map referred to by Spurr. mJy. E. Spurr: Twentieth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. Pt. VII, I900, pp. 233-235. REVIEWS 459 He cites at the outset a difficulty, ‘perhaps more apparent than real,’ encountered by the newer hypothesis in the sporadic arrange- ment of the meteoric material which, if like known meteorites, would differ from the existing surface rocks. This difficulty, however, loses much, if not all,-of its force when the effects of volcanic action are considered. The hypothesis assumes that the interior heat which arises from compression gives rise to the melting of certain constitu- ents of the rock mass, and that these, previous to eruption, undergo magmatic differentiation into the well-known igneous rocks and prob- ably into others which are but rarely ejected because of their high specific gravity, as the iron-bearing basalt of Disco Island, Greenland, and other extremely basic rocks of the ferro-magnesian type. Volcanic action is assumed to have begun effectively before the growing earth reached the size of the moon and all accretions subsequently made would be more or less invaded and overflown by igneous intrusions and extrusions of differentiated lava. In the closing stages of the earth’s growth, the infall of meteoric matter declined gradually to an inappreciable amount, while the volcanic action is thought to have continued with relative vigor for a notable period after the essential cessation of growth, and to have perpetuated itself in less activity down to the present time. If the moon may be taken as an illustra- tion of the prevalence and effectiveness of surface vulcanism in a body one eightieth of the earth’s mass, it does not seem violent to suppose that the original meteoric matter of the earth would be deeply buried under surface lava flows and tuffs in the closing stages of its growth. Recent studies in the Lake Superior region, in Scandinavia, and in Lapland seem to concur in showing that the oldest known rocks con- sist of such lava flows and pyroclastic layers associated with some small amounts of ordinary clastic material, all mashed into schistos- ity. Into these schists, the great granitic series were intruded. Under the newer hypothesis these intrusions are to be regarded as merely a continuation of the earlier active vulcanism which was then more largely basic, but which had now, in the progress of magmatic differ- entiation, attained a dominant acidic character, perhaps as the partial complement of the earlier basic flows of the schist series or of the later basic flows of the Algonkian. The “fundamental gneiss” does not, therefore, appear, in the light of these recent studies, to be funda- mental, nor does the ‘‘basement complex” appear to be dasa/. These recent investigations seem to bring the Archean series into almost | 6D. g>eeme 460 REVIEWS ideal conformity with the accretion hypothesis, if under that hypoth- esis the process of accretion is conceived as dying away gradually by a transition into a stage of dominant vulcanism, which in turn gradu- ally passes into the present phase of dominant aqueous activity. On the other hand, progressive investigation seems more than ever to give negative results in the line of the discovery of “the original crust” of the hypothetical molten stage, and the survival of the older hypoth- esis will perhaps require the recognition of a dominant eruptive stage similar to that postulated by the newer hypothesis, to which all or most of the Archean rocks are to be referred. In the light of these late Archean investigations, the difficulties of the old hypothesis seem at least as great as those of the new, for the old hypothesis must account for the non-appearance or scant appearance of ‘the original crust,” while the new must account for the non-appearance or scant appearance of the supposed highly basic, magnesian, iron-bearing meteoric matter. The new hypothesis has the advantage of having theoretically postulated in advance what field studies are now bringing into recognition in spite of prepossessions inherited from the older view. Passing the problem of superficial constitution as not necessarily serious, Fisher justly regards the increase of internal density and high internal temperature as incontestable facts of radical importance, and inquires how these facts may be accounted for on the meteoric theory. He assumes the average density of the meteoric matter to be nearly that of average surface rock, 2.75, and adds that “‘if this is too low, the arguments based upon it will not be affected in any great degree.” Fisher feels tolerably certain that the law of internal density is fairly represented by Laplace’s law, which is that ‘the increase of the square of the density varies as the increase of the pressure.” In the case of a slow growth by solid accretion, the internal density must be mainly referred to compression. If, however, the specific gravity of the original meteoric material be taken at some figure between 3.5 and 4, as derived from known meteorites (Farrington’s figure in 3.69), the amount of compression is appreciably less than on the assumption of 2.75 made in the computations. Fisher finds that at a depth of goo miles, where by Laplace’s law the density should be 3.88 the compres- sibility would be 1.4021 X 106. ‘*This may be looked upon asa small compressibility, seeing that the compressibility of water similarly measured is 4.78 X 10 5 or nearly forty times as great.” The linear REVIEWS 461 dimensions would be reduced about one tenth. ‘At the center the compressibility similarly measured would be very small, viz., 2.5 x 10%, while the condensation would be large, viz., 0.744.” In the absence of direct measurements on the compressibility of rocks, the author computes its value from the values of Young’s modu- lus and the modulus of rigidity which have been obtained in some instances, and compares the result with the theoretical compressibility of surface 10cks deduced from Laplace’s law. Respecting the results, he remarks that “it is certainly not a little remarkable how closely this value ranges with those found by experiment. It is of the same order of magnitude but rather smaller than the average.” He adds: We find here a somewhat strong presumption in favor of the view that the earth consists throughout of matter not very dissimilar from what we know at the surface, and that the internal densities are due rather to condensation than to the presence of heavier substances such as metals. But it is not a proof of this. Respecting the alternative view that the greater density toward the center is due to heavy metals, Fisher says: We may probably dismiss the supposition that these all fell in first, and only regard them as segregated from a uniform mass of some kind, and hav- ing gravitated towards the center. This implies a condition of liquidity. If the materials were solid this separation could not have occurred. Now the only force that we know of that could cause the denser materials to move by a kind of convection towards the center is gravity; and in a solid gravity would not have that effect. Moreover, it must not be forgotten that gravity continually diminishes as we go deeper into the earth, and that at the center bodies have actually no weight. It is greatest at the surface, and if not com- petent to segregate downwards the heavy particles of a rock at the surface, which we know it is not, still less could it have that effect near the earth's center. Neither can we attribute this segregation to pressure; for pressures act equally upon the surface of heavy or light materials. If we had a layer of mixed shot and sand, no steady pressure laid upon it would force the shot to the bottom and bring the sand to the top. It seems, therefore, that the view that the denser materials in the interior consist of heavy metals necessitates a condition of liquidity of the whole, which accords more readily with the nebular than with the meteoric theory of its origin. For we may imagine that ina nebular mass cooling from the exterior, the first change from a nebulous or gaseous state would be the formation of a rain of condensed particles falling downwards, which would continue until the whole mass became liquid, and thus the heavier elements would begin to 462 REVIEWS collect towards the center. In this case the highest possible interior temper- ature would be that at which the gaseous first assumed the liquid condition under the pressure at the depth. Paradoxical as it appears, it is therefore possible that the temperature in the interior may have been rendered higher by a conglomeration of cold solid meteorites than by the cooling of a nebula. We have no means of judging whether the meteorites would come in rapidly or slowly, but in either case if we take no account of the heat arising from impact, the amount produced by condensation would be the same; the only difference in the two cases being that it would be generated in a less or greater time. In the meanwhile a covering of a badly conducting material would concurrently accumulate, preventing the rapid escape of this heat, and at the same time increasing the pressure, the compression, and the heat. To form an idea of the temperature which would be produced by the condensation of matter of surface density to the density now existing at any given depth within the earth, not taking into account its diffusion by conduc- tion or otherwise, we require to know the work which has been expended upon it. Now we can estimate this in the following manner. Conceive the earth to have been built up of meteorites falling in, so that shell after shell accumu- lated until the globe attained its present size. Then, fixing the attention upon a particular unit volume, say a cubic foot, of the substance, and omit- ting atmospheric pressure, it would successively be subject to every degree of pressure from zero, when the shell of which it formed a part was not covered up, until the present pressure was reached, when it was buried to the depth at which it now lies. If then we know the relation between the pressure and the compression at every depth at the present moment, it will give us the relation between the pressure and the compression which that particular volume has obeyed during the course of ages; that is to say, we can judge how much compression any given pressure would have produced in the sub- stance under the conditions involved. Laplace’s law of density being based upon the assumption that the increase of pressure within the earth is proportional to the increase of the square of the density, in terms of a pressure of one pound upon the square foot, this leads to the result, that the pressure at the depth where the density is f is equal to 5.9X 10" (f?—s*)[where s=density of surface rock and = density of rock at the depth under consideration]. If we accept Laplace’s law, this expresses a fact, whether the increase of density is due to condensation by pressure or to increased density in the intrinsic nature of the matter. But if we assume that the increase of density is caused solely by the pressure, then the above relation gives the amount of pressure which would reduce matter of density s to matter of density # under circumstances existing within the earth. It will therefore remain true if the REVIEWS 403 matter changes its state from solid to liquid, and from liquid to gas. If, for instance, we wished to apply a pressure which would reduce surface rock to the density 3, it ought to be 5.9X10’ (g—2.75") = 8.481 X10” pounds per square foot, supposing no heat be allowed to escape. If the experiment could be made, it would afford a test of the truth or otherwise of the present hypothesis. When we know the relation between the pressure and the condensation which it would produce, it is feasible to estimate the heat which would be generated, and also the temperature, provided we assume the specific heat of the substance, which for surface rock has been determined. For instance, at the depth of 0.1 of the radius, or about 4oo miles deep, where the density would be 3.88, the temperature produced by condensation would be 1.2608 X 10° Fahr., or 7.0044 X 10* Cent. [70,044°], while at the center the figures would reach 2.7756 X10° Fahr., or 1.0242 X 10° Cent. [1,024,200°]. It seems at any rate that the meteoric theory would not fall short of accounting for temperatures as high as might be desired. It must at the same time be remembered that much of this heat would not be called into existence until the substance into which it was, as it were, being squeezed, had already been deeply buried under a badly conducting covering, so that the escape of heat would not take place as fast as it was generated, as would probably be the case with heat generated at the suface byimpacts. Thus the hypothesis that the present high internal temperatures are due to compression seems quite admissible. We may compare the above named temperatures with some that are known. Acheson, for instance, obtains 6500° Fahr. in his Carborundum elec- tric furnace, and 3300° Fahr. has been obtained by the oxyhydrogen flame. These temperatures are contemptible compared with those mentioned above. The Hon. Clarence King, prolonging Dr. Barus’ line for the melting point of diabase (which is 1170° C, at the earth’s surface) to the earth’s center, gives the temperature 76000° Cent., which is of the same order of magnitude as condensation would produce at only 400 miles depth. Fisher considers the bearing of the temperature of lava as deter- mined by Bartoli at Etna (1to60°C. or 1932° F.) on the question, and finds that the theoretical depth at which this lava temperature would be produced by condensation would be about forty-three miles. The same temperature would be reached at the accepted gradient of 1° F. for sixty feet in about twenty-two miles. It seems then that the hypothesis, that the internal densities are due to the condensation of matter of surface density, will not account for a tempera- ture gradient originally as high as at present. [The computed gradient cor- responds pretty nearly with the low gradient found at the Calumet and Hecla 464 REVIEWS mine.] Nevertheless the above observations upon the temperature of lava, and the comparatively small depth, forty miles, at which condensation of rock would be capable of producing it, together with the small amount of condensation necessary, viz., 0.041, render it quite probable that fusion may have ensued in the deep interior without the necessity of a greater amount of condensation than such materials might be supposed capable of under the enormous pressure to which they would be subjected, even allowing for the increase of the melting point under pressure. . . . . It will be noticed that a compression less than would be requisite of itself to produce the necessary density would be sufficient to produce the requisite temperature for fusion. But while any stratum was cooling by the conduction upwards of its own heat of compression, it would be receiving heat from regions below, where, so long as condensation was going on, the materials would grow hot- ter and hotter. It seems therefore possible that the upper layers, forming what we call the crust of the earth, may have received sufficient heat supplied from below to render the temperature gradient at the present time higher than it was originally, and that even those Archean rocks, which are by many thought to have been once melted, do not necessarily prove that the earth was not built of cold meteorites. The presence of water upon the earth has to be accounted for, and the meteoric theory does not easily lend itself for this purpose. Not only is water present in the ocean and in the atmosphere, but also in a state of solution in the interior, as is testified by the enormous amount of steam emitted by vol- canoes, and by cooling lava. It does not seem possible that molten rock can imbibe water from without, because it would be driven away instead of attracted, since the superficial tension of a substance diminishes as the tem- perature rises. The problem of accounting for the vast quantities of steam emitted by lavas is shared by both theories. Under the hypothesis of a molten earth, steam must have been absorbed either in the original molten state or during the later stages of segregation and ascent, neither of which alternatives seems to be free from difficulties. Under the meteoric hypothesis, it is assumed that hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen were carried into the whole body of the earth by the infalling matter in some such degree as they are brought to the surface now by meteorites, and that these gases, joined with oxygen derived from the partial reduction of the oxides of the meteoric matter when subjected to the high temperatures of the interior, were extruded by volcanic and similar means and gave rise to the ocean and atmosphere. Under this hypothesis the volcanic gases are regarded as mainly original and as merely lingering expressions REVIEWS 465 of the process that was much more intense during the later stages of the earth’s growth. Cosmic accretions, which may be a notable factor, would be equally functions of either hypothesis so far as the maintenance of the atmosphere and ocean is concerned. In submitting the newer hypothesis to the test of physical princi- ples and mathematical computations, Fisher has done it an honor that is sincerely appreciated. By showing that its more radical features lie within the tenable limits of theory, he has helped to give it a place as a genuine working hypothesis; and as such it may have some stimu- lating value as a competitor of the gaseous and molten theory which has practically monopolized geological opinion for the past century. pa One OF Glacial Sculpture of the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming. By FRANcoIS E. Matrues. Extract from the Twenty-first Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1899-1900. Wash- ington, Igoo. Glaciation affected the crest of the Bighorn Mountains for more than thirty miles. The range was not covered by a continuous ice cap, and glaciation was confined to valleys. The mountains abound in well developed, elongate, valley-like cirques, which have been but little altered by postglacial changes. The author indorses Johnson’s view of the origin of cirques, namely, that they are due to sharply localized and abnormally vigorous weathering, by rapid alternation of freezing and thawing at the exposed bottoms of dergschrunds. Mr. Matthes’ studies have led him to the conclusion that the location of the derg- schrunds in any valley is determined by the depth of the névé. The longest glacier of the Bighorn Mountains is said to have been eighteen miles in length, its terminus reaching down to an altitude of less than 7000 feet. The thickness of the larger glaciers was 1000 to 1500 feet. Small glaciers still exist in the highest part of the range, a little below 44° 30’, at an altitude of about 12,000 feet. In addition to the account of the effects of the active valley glaciers on topography, the author discusses the effect of inactive snow and névé. The névé effects are described under the term ‘‘nivation,” and the “‘nivated” valleys are distinguished from the glaciated valleys. This, so far as we are aware, is the first attempt to analyze the effects of inactive ice and névé on topography. The discussion even involves 466 REVIEWS the effects of snow banks. ‘The thickness of the névé fields which did not become glaciers is estimated to have been 100 to 150 feet, and the conclusion is reached that, on a grade of about 12 per cent., the névé must attain the thickness of at least 125 feet in order to have motion. Certain phases of the problem of glacial motion are touched, and the conclusion reached that the cause of glacial motion is to be sought in the weight of the ice mass, and that it is independent of the tem- perature of the air. No attempt is made, however, to decide the real nature of glacial motion, or what processes are involved in it. RED eS. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution for the year ending June 30, 1899.° In the appendix accompanying the official report of the governing bodies and the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, a complemen- tary number of geological articles are introduced. ‘These are, for the most part, republications, and include ‘‘On Lord Kelvin’s Address on the Age of the Earth as an Abode Fitted for Life,” by T. C. Chamber- lin; ‘“‘An Estimate of the Geological Age of the Earth,” by J. Joly; She Petrined thorests of Arizona, by eester shewW andi anesent Conditions of the Floor of the Ocean; Evolution of the Continental and Oceanic Areas,” by Sir John Murray; ‘The Truth About the Mammoth,” by Frederic A. Lucas ; “‘ Mammoth Ivory,” by R. Lydek- ker ; and “ Review of the Evidence Relating to Auriferous Gravel Man in California,” by William H. Holmes. Several of the physical and biological articles, and those relating to general aspects of science, also possess points of interest to geologists. (Cr RECENT PUBLICATIONS —BECKER, GEORGE F. Conditions Requisite to our Success in the Philip- pine Islands. An address delivered before the American Geographical Society, February 20, 1901. [Reprinted from Bull. of the Am. Geog. Soc., April 1901.| Report on the Geology of the Philippine Islands. Followed by a ver- sion of Ueber Tertiare Fossilien von den Philippinen (1895) by K Martin. [Extract from the Twenty-first Annual Report of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1899-I900. Part I1I—General Geology, Ore and Phosphate Deposits, Philippines.] Washington, Igor. —COoLLi£, GEORGE Lucius. Wisconsin Shore of Lake Superior. [ Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of Am., Vol. XII, pp. 197-216.] Rochester, April 1gol. —Davis, W. M. An Excursion in Bosnia, Hercegovina, and Dalmatia. [From Bulletin, Vol. III, No. 2, Geog. Soc. of Philadelphia. ] An Excursion to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. [Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoélogy at Harvard College, Vol. XX XVIII. Geological Series, Vol. V, No. 4; with two plates.]| Cambridge, Mass., May Iogol. The Geographical Cycle. [Paper read at the Seventh International Geographical Congress of Berlin in 1899.] Berlin, 1900. —DorseEy, GEorGE A, Archeological Investigations on the Island of La Plata, Ecuador. [Field Columbian Museum, Publication 56; Anthro- pological Series, Vol. II, No. 5.] Chicago, April got. —DorseEy, GEORGE A AND H. R. VoTH. The Oraibi Soyal Ceremony ; The Stanley McCormick Hopi Expedition. [Field Columbian Museum, Publication 55; Anthropological Series, Vol. III, No. 1.] Chicago, March Igol. —DvumBLeE, E. T. I, Cretaceous of Obispo Canyon, Sonora, Mexico. [Reprinted from the Transactions of the Texas Academy of Sciences, Vol. IV, Part I, t900.] II, Occurrence of Oyster Shells in Volcanic Deposits in Sonora, Mexico. Geology of the Beaumont Oil Field. Natural Coke of the Santa Clara Coal-Field, Sonora, Mexico. [Transac- tions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, California Meet- ing, September 1899.] 467 468 KE CENT POBLICA TIONS The Iron Ores of East Texas. The Oil Deposits of Texas. —E.uiot, D.G. A List of the Land and Sea Mammals of North America North of Mexico. [Field Columbian Museum, Publication 57; Zodlog- ical Series, Vol. II, No. 2.] Chicago, June Igol. A List of Mammals obtained by Thaddeus Surber, in North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. [Field Columbian Museum, Publi- cation 58; Zodlogical Series, Vol. III, No. 4.] Chicago, June Igol. The Caribou of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. [Field Columbian Museum, Publication 59; Zodlogical Series, Vol. III, No. 5.] Chicago, July tgot. —FIsHER, Rev. O. On Rival Theories of Cosmogony. [From the American Journal of Science, Vol. XI, June 1g01.] —India, Geological Survey of. General Report for the Year ending March 31, 1901. C. L. Griesbach, Director. Calcutta, 1gol. —New Jersey, Geological Survey of. Annual Report of the State Geologist for the Year 1900, ‘Prenton, N.°J., Toor. —NutTtinG, C.C. The Hydroids of the Woods Hole Region. [Extracted from U.S. Fish Commission Bulletin for 1899, pp. 325-386. Date of publication, June 8, tg01.] Washington, Igor. —OLDHAM, R. D. Beach Formation in the Thirlmere Reservoir. [ Abstract of a paper read before the British Association, Bradford, 1900.] —@yen, P. A. Variations of Norwegian Glaciers. [Separataftryk af “Nyt f. Naturvidenskab,” B. 39, H. 1. Kr. ania, Igo1.|] Christiania, April IgOl. —RABOT, CHARLES. Les Variations des Longueur Des Glaciers dans les Régions Artiques et Boréales. [Extrait des Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles Années 1899 et 1900.] Genéve et Bale, Igoo. —Rerp, H. F. Observations of Earthquakes. [From the Johns Hopkins ~ University Circular, No. 152, May 1go1.] The Variations of Glaciers, VI. [Reprinted from the JOURNAL OF GEOL- oGy, Vol. IX, No. 3, April-May 1go1.] -—SHALER, N.S. Broad Valleys of the Cordilleras. [Bulletin of the Geol. Soc. of Am., Vol. XII, pp. 271-300.] Rochester, June Igol. —SHIMEK, B. The Loess of Iowa City and Vicinity. Iowa Pteridophyta (Con.). Addenda to the Flora of Lyon County. [Excerpt from the Bulletin of the Laboratories of Natural History, State University of Iowa, Vol. V, No. 2, pp. 195-216.] May root. Plate I Jour. Gror., Vol. IX, No. 6 lverimetynedea dt a RIVER MAP OF CONNECTICUT (Reduced from the two-sheet map of Connecticut by the U, S. Geological Survey) Vhe dotted lines indicate the prominent “trough lines,” which trend as follows (Ah ah Bey IN FP 1, Cy Ch Aiea No 2? 1D, gy N. 48° E. i N. 20° B. h*, h?, etc., N. 90° E.W. a*, a®, etc.,, N. 44° W. ot, 6°, etc,, N. 5° W. dxndavelcwIN-wrsoubs ewe. OF -GeOLOGY SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, roor THE RIVER ‘SYSi EM OF CONNECTICUT: THE tendency of the modern school of physiographers seems to be to ascribe little importance to geological structure planes as a factor in determining the position and the orientation of water courses. In an earlier period greater attention seems to have been accorded to this condition, and quite apart from the purely theoretical conceptions of the closet geologists many valuable observations were placed upon record. Th. Kjerulf, the former Director of the Geological Survey of Norway, remarked the regularity in the arrangement of fjords, streams, and valleys as represented upon the map of Norway, and from this was led to believe that their directions corresponded to the faults in a system of dislocations. Daubrée’ has furnished many examples of regular networks of stream channels which resem- ble the network produced by a number of intersecting series of parallel joint planes (réseaux réguliers de cassures), and the explanation of this correspondence he believed to be a causal one, the planes of separation, or jointing, being locally gap- ing where the streams adhere to the joint direction, but closed where they have been diverted from the course of the joint. Van Hise} has in a similiar way explained the zigzags of * Published with the permission of the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey. ? DAUBREE: Géologie Experimentale. Paris, 1879, p. 361. 3 VAN HIsE: Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci., etc., Vol. X., pp. 556-560, 1895. Vol. IX, No. 6. 469 470 WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS the smali streams which enter the Wisconsin River at the “Dells” as due to a system of joints induced by the gentle fold- ing of the rocks. That a more or less uniform system of joints exists in the rocks almost throughout the state of Wisconsin has been shown by Buckley’s observations." So far as the writer is aware, the only detailed studies that have been made establishing the definite relationship of the stream channels of a region to its system of joints or faults, are those of Broégger? in the Langesund-Skien and Christiania regions of southern Norway, and that of the writer? in the Pom- peraug Valley region of Connecticut. Of the elaborately faulted region which Bréogger has studied, he states: It is not exaggerated when to my own astonishment I must state, as the final result of my observations in this region, that almost every valley, every cleft, is formed along a fault fissure... .. The significance of the faults for the formation of the valley straits is thus as profound as possible within the stretch of land described, since almost every cliff, every vale, every bay has been formed upon a line of dislocation; indeed the presence of clefts was for me, at the last, the surest index for the discovery of dislocations.+ | Translation. | Review of the geological structure of the Pomperaug Valley area of Connecticut. — Regarding the Connecticut area to which refer- ence is made, it will be necessary here to review the study in order to make clear the generalizations with which this paper is especially concerned. It is now well known that the several areas of Newark rocks of the eastern United States are complexly faulted, and the many common structural peculiarities of the several isolated areas give rise to the belief that the forces which have produced the dislocations have affected, not the Newark rocks alone, but the larger region of which they are parts—the Piedmont plateau of the eastern United States.5 ‘BUCKLEY: Bull. 4, Geol and Nat. Hist. Surv. Wis., pp. 450-460, 1898. ?BrROGGER: Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne, Vol. XXVIII, pp. 253-419, 1884. Jbid., Vol. XXX, pp. 99-231, 1886. 3 Hoss: Twenty-first Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv., Pt. III, 1901, pp. 1-162. 4Op. cit., pp. 34, 342. 5Cf. Davis: The Triassic Formation of Connecticut, Seventh Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv., 1888, pp. 481-490. LEE TAVER SY SLEM OF CONNECTICOT 471 The detailed study of the Pomperaug Valley area has devel- oped the fact that a complex system made up of intersecting series of parallel nearly vertical joints and faults there divides the crust into a large number of orographic blocks, the smaller of which have dimensions of less than one hundred paces. The different throws along the numerous faults bounding these blocks have brought about a structure not unlike that of a mosaic from which the supporting base has been lowered and the individual stones been displaced by different amounts due to the inequali- ties of their lateral support. For the area as a whole, the joints and corresponding faults are embraced mainly in four series, the individual members in which trend N. + 34° W.,N.+55° E., N. ae 56 We, and N.-115-. -Series of faults.less common for the area as a whole, but several of them numerous enough in its southern portions, have directions N. + 33° E., N. + 44° W., N. S160, War N. = 00° HaWerN.- 20° Hand Nx == 25° W...the order being approximately that of frequency of occurrence. Of the more common series, those trending N. + 55° E. and N. + 34° W. are nearly normal to one another, as would be true of a pair of joint planes, but the larger throws within the region seem generally to have taken place along one of these planes (N. + 55° E.) and one of the other prevailing directions (N. + 5° W.). Aside from the regularity in direction observed to characterize the numerous faults and bring them into a number of parallel series, those faults of the same order of displacement are observed to be spaced also with noteworthy regularity. The smallest of the orographic blocks which could be measured, for convenience called the “ unit’’ blocks, were found to be quite gen- erally about 50 paces (150 feet) along the direction N. + 55°E., and 100 paces (300 feet) along the direction N. + 5° W.—the equivalent of two rhombic prisms in contact along one side. The larger, or ‘‘composite” blocks, which are of various orders of magnitude, are made up of the ‘‘unit” blocks and bordered by displacements of a higher order—greater throw. The fault intervals in the several series, and hence the shapes of the oro- graphic blocks, are found to be closely related to the directions 472 WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS of the prevailing and rarer fault series in a manner which is made clear by the diagram of Fig. 1. In this figure the shape of the unit orographic block—and of many composite blocks of. sev- eral orders as well—is shown by the black and also by the stippled area. Two of the prevailing fault directions, N. + 15° E. and N. + 34° W. correspond to the longer and the shorter diago- nals respectively of this unit block. The fault direction N.+ 33° E., which is the most com- mon of those occurring in the southern Pomperaug area, corre- sponds closely to the longer diagonal of three unit blocks in contact along their longer side. Another of the series of faults characteristic of the same south- ern area and trending N. + 20° E., corresponds to the longer Fic. 1.—Diagram to illustrate the diagonal of six unit blocks, two relationships existing between the shape composite blocks like those just of the “unit” orographic blocks and the described placed in contact along directions of the fault series. their longer sides. The remain- ing directions of faults observed in the area are respectively the shorter diagonals of composite blocks three units long and two wide, four long and six wide, four long and seven wide, and two long and seven wide; though clearly in these latter instances, the relationships indicated in the diagram are less significant owing to the more complex nature of the composite blocks of which the fault directions are the diagonals. For a more impor- tant indication of the same relationship, which is observed in the actual composite blocks of the area studied, the reader must be referred to the original report.‘ For the area in question the conclusion has been drawn that the earth’s crust has been here subjected to compressive stresses, INZOC ACIP PLL ja 2 0. THE? RIVER SYSTEM OF CONNECTICOTL 473 the resultant of which acted in a direction normal to the axis of Green Mountain folding (N. + 80° W.), stresses which were relieved by dislocation along the planes of maximum shear, approximately 45° to either side of the direction of pressure, (ew Ss e= Gb w@Neta 55 hand N. = 34° W. The remain- ing common directions of fault planes (N. + 15° E. and N. + 5° W.) could be explained by a subsequent development of compressive stress acting along the initial direction; for in a region containing planes of separation at 45° to the direction of pressure, there would be a resolution of the stress into compo- nents acting along the planes of separation and along that diag- onal of the blocks which is nearly normal to the pressure. The direction N. + 15° E. corresponds to this diagonal of the joint block already formed, and the remaining direction N. + 5° W. is the corresponding diagonal of two such blocks in contact. To explain these latter dislocations upon the same principle, it must be assumed that, owing to differences between the alternate joint planes of the same series, these double joint blocks acted to some extent as units. The fault directions characteristic espe- cially of the southern portion of the area and disclosing such intimate relationships to the four generally prevalent ones, might be explained either by assuming that in the later compression of the jointed area composite blocks of different shapes, because composed of a different number or different arrangement of unit blocks, acted as units (whether due to the greater perfection ot their bounding fault planes over intermediate ones, to the par- tial closing or healing of the intermediate faults, or to some other cause). In this case the maximum shear would be along the diagonal of the composite blocks, as would be the case in the unit blocks themselves, and it is shown in the report under review that these directions do correspond, not only in direction, but also in position with the diagonals of important composite blocks of the area. Under certain conditions, which may or may not have obtained in the area, planes of dislocation having the same directions might have been produced through the depres- sion of the composite blocks subsequent to the jointing of the 474 WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS area, Since in this case also the tendency would be for blocks to rupture along the diagonals. The oriented drainage of the Pomperaug Valley.—With this brief summary of the geological structure within the Pomperaug Val- ley area we may consider its drainage. It was found in study- ing the area that the streams, large and small, for considerable distances adhere with great fidelity to the directions of some of the prevailing faults, and that in many cases after being diverted from them, it was noted that they had returned persistently to the old direction. This correspondence of drainage lines to geological structure planes is far too close to be accidental. The four prevailing fault series diverge from their nearest neigh- bors at angles of about 39°, 20°, 29°, and 92°. A difference in angle between a fault direction and the general direction of a stream course equivalent to 7°, or about one third the small- est difference of angle between neighboring fault directions, would represent a divergence of one in eight, which would hardly be accepted by the eye as an indication of parallelism. It is not to be expected that the actual course of a stream will now be coincident with or even absolutely parallel to any fault direc- tion, for there have unquestionably been many local conditions which have produced larger or smaller migrations of the river channels. Their general direction has, however, it would seem, been maintained despite the minor accidents which have marked their life-histories, and even under so revolutionary a change as complete reversal of drainage. It was further shown in the investigation under review, that in the walls of crystalline rocks surrounding the Newark beds in the Pomperaug basin, the same adhesion of the water courses to the direction of the observed faults (extended) could be deter- mined. It was hardly to be expected that these peculiarities would cease to be observable so soon as the immediate vicinity of the Newark basin was left behind, if it be indeed true that the dislocation of the area is due to a compression of the general region in which this area of Newark rocks and the much larger one of the Connecticut valley are included. Owing, however, THE RIVER SVSTEM OF CONNECTICUT 475 to the absence over the greater part of the surrounding area of widely different rocks in thin beds, the difficulties of locating fault planes are almost infinitely increased; and, indeed, except under especially fortuitous conditions they elude observation. Having established, however, a relationship in one area, the problem is before us to determine whether the river system of the larger area of Connecticut exhibits any indi- cation-of the existence of rectilinear directions more or less persistent em- braced in a network of parallel series like that of the Pomperaug Valley; or, if this be not true, whether any other persistent and recurrent directions can ; ; be observed. It will be further. of ee special interest if such a system affords Cee ola SS indication of a,regular space-interval) “2.2.22: 4... - Ny as between such parallel lines of drainage. ONC ie ~ The ortented drainage of the Shepaug NL ue he River.—In prosecuting our inquiry a ee LANGE aA regarding the orientation of the drain- Noa age lines of Connecticut, the valley of the Shepaug River (its southern por- tion) was first examined, since this sorn,\y basin immediately adjoins to the west Ne that of the Pomperaug. The diagram of this river traced from the atlas sheet of the map of Connecticut, pre- 3 Miles. Fic. 2.— Diagram to show the relationship of drainage lines pared by the topographic corps of the in the basin of the Shepaug United States Geological Survey River tore pre valeau ound : : joint lines of the neighboring (Hig: 2) affords clear evidence that Pompersue bac the geological structure planes have here played an important part in giving direction to the river's channels. The dotted lines of the figure show the inferred approximate positions of fault planes whose course the river has adopted. The most marked adhesion of the river or its 476 WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS branches to any given direction is very closely the direction N. 5° W., as shown by the upper course (in the diagram ) of the trunk stream, as well as by the upper course of Jack Brook, its main eastern tributary, and by the small intermediate branch of the latter.. These three channels are not only evenly spaced, but to the southward their extensions correspond in position with the southerly trending elements of great elbows of the Hou- satonic (see Plate II). After receiving the waters of Jack Brook, the Shepaug flows for nearly three miles in the direction S. + 15° W. (N. + 15° E.), another of the four prevailing fault direc- tions observed in the Pomperaug Valley. Later it flows S. + 34° E. (N. + 34° W), while several tributaries flow along this direction and S. + 55° W.(N.+ 55° E.), the two remaining of the four prevalent fault directions of the Pomperaug Valley. The oriented drainage within the area surrounding the Pomperaug Valley—In the map of Plate II, a larger area, of which the Pomperaug Valley is the center, has been considered. Upon this map, traced from the United States Geological Survey atlas sheets, which are on a scale of one inch to the mile, the full straight lines represent observed faults (extended), and the dotted lines the inferred approximate position of faults. It has, of course, been necessary to omit all but a few of the numerous faults which were observed in the Pomperaug Valley area. The figures on the margin of the map indicate the directions (in degrees) either to the east or west of north of the trough or fault lines which emerge near them. With the greater com- plexity of this map and the larger number of fault directions represented, relationships are not at once so apparent as in Fig. 2, which upon a reduced scale is here included. Special atten- tion is directed, however, to the fact that the Housatonic itself, which after flowing about three miles in a direction S. + 5° E. (N. = 5° W.)), assumes the direction'S3- 61, (N-=— O12) at first ina nearly straight channel for three miles, and then ina zigzag course for eight miles more. Many interesting peculiari- ties will be noticed in the orientation of the smaller streams shown upon this map; as, for example, along the N.+ 55° E. 477 TITER RES SLM OF :CONNEC TICES: Plate II [X,2 No 6 Jour. -GErore Vol: ‘may} Ieau ssed Yor ,,SAUT] YHNOI},, 94} JO UBIPLIIUI JY} JO JSAM 10 4sva ay} 0} saaiBep url a[Suv oy} 9ATs ursieu ay} UO samnsy oy} $(souvyd ynvz 10 yurof yo suontsod ayeurxoidde paszrayut) Soul] Ysnolj,, ale sauly poop AHTIVA ONV lot _ 6S Ed ay} { (papuayxa) vare AaT[eA Snvisdwog ayy fo s}[Nvj paarasqo aie soul] [INF 24, WHdWOd AHL ONIGNNOUANS VAUNV AHL HO dVW AHA sz mm 478 WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS line which approximates to a diagonal of the map, along the N. + 33° E. line which meets the lower margin of the map near where the Housatonic meets it, etc. It will hardly escape notice, also, that the most marked lines in each series are spaced with considerable regularity, and if one space is wider than the others, it is often so much wider as to suggest that the space- interval is a multiple of the space which has been regarded temporarily as the unit. The river system of Connecticut— An examination of the larger area approximately coéxtensive with that of the state of Connecticut has been made by use of the ‘‘two-sheet map of ”) Connecticut,” on a scale of one half inch to the mile, prepared by the United States Geological Survey Those lines and char- acters of this map, such as topography and culture, with which Wwe are not now concerned and which would obscure the rela- tionships sought, were eliminated by preparing a careful tracing of all the streams and their minor branches. Upon this map tracing (about six feet long by four wide) approximately recti- linear stretches of river channel, and especially the stretches of neighboring streams which hold approximately to the same line, were sought. If these directions were found to agree closely with any of the fault directions observed in the Pomperaug basin, dotted lines were drawn following those directions and coinciding as closely as possible with the river courses. If such an observed direction was found not to coincide closely with any of the fault directions determined, a direction was sought which would approximate most closely to it, and a similar dotted line with this direction drawn along the course of the river. The 5) term ‘trough lines”’ used to designate these lines, need for the present be given no further signification than lines so favored by nature that the waters of the region have been induced to adopt them for their channels over longer or shorter distances. On a map of this scale the trough lines, if rectilinear, should be slightly curved, but inasmuch as the present river courses, because of the many accidents of their history, can only roughly approximate to the direction initially given them, it would bean THE RIVER SYSTEM OF CONNECTICUT 479 over-refinement to introduce a correction of this nature, and they are, therefore, left straight. When all important trough lines had been thus represented, the map was reduced by photogra- phy and the etching of Plate I produced after the important rivers had been made a little heavier in order that their course might be apparent. These details of the study have been noted because the dangers of introducing the personal element while drawing the course of a river with any theory of its orientation in mind are very great. The map conveys a wrong impression, therefore, chiefly in its slightly exaggerating the volume of cer- tain streams which it was necessary to draw with heavier lines in order that their correspondences might be apparent. The first trough lines to impress the observer are those desig- nated @,, @,, @,,@,, upon the map, lines which trend approxi- mately N. 44° W., and which include the lower reaches of the Housatonic, of the Connecticut below Middletown, of the lower Willimantic and the Shetucket, and a stretch of the Quinebaug. A less-marked trough line between z, and a@,, would include impor- tant bends of the Naugatuck and Quinnipiac rivers. The sharp bend of the Connecticut River at Springfield and Patchoug River, tributary to the Quinebaug, may indicate the course of another trough line in this series. Most noteworthy of all lines in this series, however, is @,, since the lower stretch of the Connecticut (some twenty-five miles long) is continued in the zigzag Sebethe River, so as almost to connect with the stretch of the Farming- ton River above its sharpest bend at Farmington. The direc- tion of the lower stretch of the Connecticut is of especial inter- est because the river at Middletown deserts the softer Newark sediments to flow across the crystalline uplands, a peculiarity which has been explained by Professor Davis" through conform- able superimposition, the stream being supposed powerful enough to maintain an initial course along this direction during the rise of the uplands, at which time the harder gneisses were discov- ered. The same hypothesis has been offered by Kimmel? to ‘Davis: The Triassic Formation of Connecticut, Eighteenth Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Sury., Pt. II, 1898, p. 165. 7 KUMMEL: Some Rivers of Connecticut, Jour. GEOL.,Vol. I, p. 379, 1893. 480 WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS explain the lower course of the Housatonic, which similarly deserts the limestone to cross the uplands. The presence of important structure planes in these positions would, in the view of the writer, afford the simpler explanation. It will be noted here that there is considerable uniformity in the spacing of the trough lines of this series, especially a,, a3, a 37 “4: The next most striking series of trough lines is indicated in the course of the Connecticut from Springfield to Hartford (c,), a distance of twenty-six miles; of the Willimantic (c, ); of the Mt. Hlope(¢.)); the Little (c.)); and ya slono: stretchyor the Quinebaug (c,). The direction of these trough lines is about N. 5° E., though this is not one of those observed to characterize the faults in the Pomperaug Valley area. Again, the spacing of these trough lines is quite regular if we regard the space between the Connecticut and the Willimantic as a double interval. More striking, perhaps, than any of these trough lines is the one indicated in the series of smaller streams which extend along the line c, of the map. These streams are too small to deserve names upon a map of this scale, but some of them are known as Five-Mile River, Whetstone Brook, Moosup River, Mt. Misery Brook, etc. The direction of the series was in fact obtained from them and applied to the other trough lines in the series. This direction, while not an observed fault direction, corresponds to the longer diagonal of two unit orographic blocks of the Pomperaug Valley placed in contact along their shorter sides (see the dotted diagonal in Fig. 1), and thus it fills an important gap in the system of dislocations outlined. The trough lines d,,d@,, and d,, which trend N.+ 15° E., rep- resent a third series. The line d,, which corresponds in position with no very important stream, is an observed fault of the Pomperaug Valley area (extended), in which area, however, the Pomperaug River adheres closely to its direction; ad, corre- sponds closely for a distance of about fifteen miles with the course of the lower Naugatuck; while to the south the lower Housatonic flows in a nearly parallel direction some distance farther to the east. Most striking of this series is the trough TE TAVER SY STEM OF CONNECTICGL 481 line @,, along which are arranged stretches of the West, the Quinnipiac with its tributary the Ten-Mile, the Farmington with its tributary the Pequabuck (for about fifteen miles), and a minor branch of the Farmington, which enters at its last great bend. This line, except near New Haven, is some distance east of the curving western boundary of the Newark area of the Connecticut valley. The only important fault line observed to hold to the direc- tion of the N.+ 20° E. faults, which is marked fon the map, follows the Quinnipiac for about fifteen miles and continued northward coincides with the course of the Connecticut fora dis- tance of about six miles. Following the direction N.+ 33° E. are the trough lines ¢,, G5, €9 €4y mn; and é,, the-latter lesstmarked than the others, and e, being an important observed fault in the Pomperaug Valley area. The line e, follows for a distance of fifteen miles or more, the middle course of the Housatonic; e¢, is nearly in line with the Croton and the Aspetuck rivers; while e, is outlined by the Pine River and the small branch of the Connecticut, which is continuous with the southwesterly flowing elbow of that river at Middletown. The line e, shows no striking correspondences on a map of this scale, though midway between it and e, the Sal- mon River, a branch of the Connecticut, for about seven miles follows the direction closely. ihe: troughslines| of-the N72- 5 W. series (0,05, 05,.etc.), while not prominently marked by the courses of any great streams, save for short distances by the Housatonic, the Nauga- tuck, and the Connecticut, yet all show on a larger scale map in the minor stream branches many interesting correspondences. As this direction agrees more or less closely with the slope of the Cretaceous plain of erosion of southern New England, the failure of the strong streams to follow this direction is worthy of note. Though less marked than some of the other series, the trough lines which trend N.+90° E. W. seem to be clearly outlined, especially “,, which passes through the divide of the 482 WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS Farmington and Quinnipiac at Plainville, and #,, which follows the easterly course of the Connecticut for a distance below Mid- dletown. A trough line seems to be indicated in the Salmon River and a branch of the Willimantic (g). This direction is N. 48° E. and does not correspond to any observed fault direction in the Pomperaug Valley area. Neither is it the diagonal of any very simple composite block of that area, which otherwise might indi- cate its relationship to this system. Conclustons—In conclusion it may be stated that the rivers of Connecticut seem to indicate by the orientation of their chan- nels the existence of a regular network composed of a number of intersecting series of parallel lines, which for lack of a better term have been designated ¢vough lines ; and, further, that with two exceptions the more important of these trough lines correspond closely in direction with the directions of fault series observed to characterize the complexly faulted area of Newark rocks in the Pomperaug Valley. Of the two exceptions to the rule, the more noteworthy one (N.+5° E.) fills an important gap in the system of faults determined for that area. This study is therefore in its bearing a confirmation of the conclusions arrived at by Kjerulf, Daubrée, and Brégger, who have seen in the orientation of water courses the strong directing influence of geological structure planes. There are obviously a number of ways in which the dislocations of a region, like the one under consideration, might be made to account for the orientation of stream courses. The direction of streams by the joint or fault planes themselves may be competent to explain the network indicated, more particularly if the streams began their cutting in the soft Newark sediments, which easily sustain secondary fractures near fault planes. That some voids occur along the fault planes of the Pomperaug Valley would seem to be indicated by the fact that these planes have conducted the underground waters to the surface at so many places within the area of the Newark rocks. Tension joints should, however, be more effective than compression joints in the control of drainage THE RIVER SYSTEM OF ‘CONNECTICUT 483 lines, if it be assumed with Daubrée that the gaping fissure planes have directed the streams in their courses. The pre- sumptive evidence is, the writer believes, in favor of the former development of the Newark rocks over a much larger territory than that which they now occupy and probably over the entire state of Connecticut. It is an observation of much interest that the minor twig-like branches of the streams, which in the deeply eroded mass of crystallines must have been adjusted after the capping of sand- stones had been removed, show an equally strong tendency with the master streams to follow the special directions indicated by the system as a whole." The study of the fault system of the Pomperaug Basin offers, however, another rational and natural explanation of the network of streams, provided the assumption is made that the drainage is adjusted to that formed in the geographic cycle which suc- ceeded the deformation of the area. The system of parallel faults has divided the area into vertical triangular, rhombic, or rhomboidal prisms, which stand at different relative altitudes. These prisms are found to be grouped into composite blocks of increasingly higher orders, the peculiar property of each of which is that the average altitude of its component prisms approximates (however roughly) to a fixed value—the com- posite blocks have an average level surface, although alternate prisms or alternate subordinate blocks for short distances pro- ject above or stand below the general level. The initial surface formed by these prisms would be marked by canal-like structure trenches (Graden) which follow the directions of fault planes and which have stronger directive power, as regards streams, at the junction of the trenches and at the crossings with the similar trenches of other series. Although the numerous generally curving fault planes dis- covered by Davis in his extensive studies of the Newark of the Connecticut valley have here been omitted from consideration, for the reason that no close relationship to the orientation of * Twenty-first Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv., Pt. III, p. 145, Fig. 52. 484 WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS streams is apparent in their directions, there is no intention thereby to minimize the importance of those studies. The investi- gation of the smaller Newark area of Connecticut, which by con- trast was almost microscopic in its detail, brought out a series of facts which for their interpretation required a totally different theory from the one to which Professor Davis was led by his studies. The two hypotheses have, however, this in common, that the primary cause of the deformation in the Newark rocks is assumed to be the compression of the crust within the area of southern New England by a force of compression, the resultant of which acted in a direction W. N. W. to E.S. E. The present writer has been led to the conclusion that the courses of large faults within this general area, if not approxi- mately rectilinear, are in reality zigzags, the elements of which are essentially right lines, examples of this kind being by no means rare in, and, in fact, generally characteristic of, the Pom- peraug Valley. It is not impossible that many of the larger faults described by Professor Davis, if examined in greater detail, might show this peculiarity, and perhaps also fall into the system which has here and elsewhere been elaborated. The numerous broken lines which are so apparent in the boundaries of the trap hills of the Connecticut valley, as represented on the topographic atlas sheets (e. g., Meriden sheet), would seem to favor this view. It is in any case important, as it would seem to the writer, to consider in two stages the dislocations brought about mainly by a lateral compression of a section of the earth’s crust, inasmuch as jointing (the production of planes of separa- tion) is in these cases a necessary prerequisite to faulting (dis- placement along planes of separation). The modern views of geologists concerning joint planes produced by the shear from lateral compressive stresses are now sufficiently in accord to assume that vertical block faulting takes place along ready-formed planes of jointing. In his description of the faulted area of south- ern Norway, Brégger* has been careful to make this distinction. T Wocweit. THE RAVER SYSEEM OF CONNECTICGT 485 With the explanation of the numerous diversions of rivers from their rectilinear stretches this paper is not especially con- cerned, although some explanation of such diversions could be found in the peculiarities of a region faulted like that of the Pomperaug Valley. The modern criteria of the physiographer deal adequately with this matter. It is the definite orientation of water courses which the new science seems to have neglected. WILLIAM HERBERT Hopes. COMPOSITES GENBESIS OR DHE ARKANSAS WANE EM THROUGH THE OZARK HIGHLANDS On account of its singular course through the Ozark highland region the Arkansas River presents, at the present time, unusual geological interest. Its location in this part of its course, has given rise to two very different opinions regarding the geologi- cal age of the highlands; and also regarding the question as to whether there are two distinct uplifts, as has been advocated by the Arkansas geologists, or only one, as has been urged by others who have worked in the region. Recently there have accumulated new data bearing directly upon the problem. Topographically, the Ozark highlands comprise two imposing, nearly equal, elevated regions, separated from each other by a broad deep trough—the Arkansas River valley. The vast plain surrounding the highlands is about 400 feet above sea level on the eastern side and twice this elevation on the west side. The Arkansas River flows along on the horizon of this general grade-plain. On the south side of the river the highlands rise to heights of nearly 3000 feet above the sea; and on the north to about 1800 feet. Diverse apparently in topographic expression, lithologic composition, geologic structure, and geological age, the district south of the Arkansas River has been known as the Ouachita Mountains, and that north of the stream the Ozark plateau. On the assumption that there are two distinct uplifts, the river of Arkansas is regarded as forming a natural dividing line between the two regions. At first glance, the simplest explanation for the position of the stream is forced upon the attention. Pre- mising a single uplift, the accounting for the waterway’s course meets with difficulties which, from superficial consideration, appear well-nigh unsurmountable. The present note attempts to sum up the evidence going to show that the facts actually sustain the second premise. 486 GENESIS OF THE ARKANSAS VALLEY 487 In comparing the two districts, it is their differences and not their points of resemblance which are most conspicuous. In the Ouachita region the surface relief is notably mountainous, long ridges and isolated peaks, with wide, flat-bottomed valleys intervening. In the northern district the country is far from appearing mountainous; it is, for the most part, a vast undulat- ing plain, but sharply and deeply dissected around the borders, with the streams flowing in v-shaped valleys. In the south the rocks are more or less indurated or metamorphosed, and cut at intervals by eruptives. Nowhere in the north do the strata Ouacuita Mts Boston Mts Ozark PLATEAU Fic. 1.— Peneplains of the Ozark region. show alteration or evidence of the presence of eruptives. The southern district is folded to a marked degree, approaching closely the Appalachian structure; while the northern region is only gently bowed. Regarding the geological ages of the two districts, the Ouachita has been thought to have been upraised towards the close of the Carboniferous; the northern area has been commonly considered as having been an elevated region ever since pre-Cambrian times. The present uplift, however, is now believed to be of very recent origin; and the upward movement is thought to be still in progress. The physiographical history of the region and the relations of the graded surfaces of the Ozark highlands are best indicated in diagram (Fig. 1). Two distinct base levels are ieee anible in the region. They have been called the Cretaceous and the Tertiary peneplains. These titles will be retained for the present. The first of the peneplains rises out of the level savannas of the Mississippi embayment, but soon becomes deeply broken as it rises and passes into the Ouachita region. It is there believed to be 488 CHARLES URAIGE NLS) continued northward in the mountain summits, which are often flat- topped.‘ The later peneplain is thought to be represented in the intermontane flats which are about 1500 feet lower than tops of the mountains. The floor of the Arkansas valley is coinci- dent with the Tertiary peneplain. Beyond the stream northward the Tertiary surface rises rapidly according to Hershey,’ and soon in the region of the Boston Mountains the two peneplains practically merge. In Missouri only the Tertiary plain has been distinguished, and this is regarded as forming the general upland surface of the uplift. It is probable that north of the Boston Mountains it will be exceedingly difficult to differentiate at any point the two pene- plains. Present evidence goes to show that during the interval between the formation of the two peneplains in the south the erosion in the north was comparatively slight, and resulted in merely lowering the general surface of the plain already formed during the Cretaceous. Some time ago it was incidentally stated that the Ozark highlands formed a single unit bowed up from the Red River to the Missouri. The most obvious support for this conclusion is found in the physiographic development of the region. But the evidence is not alone from this source. The physiographic data would indicate that in the Ozark region the uprising since Cretaceous times has been not only periodical in its character, but that it has been also differential. Lately the movement has been more marked in the north than in the south. But there were special conditions existing that enabled the Arkansas River to hold its own against the great barrier which started to rise across its course. Ina limited belt in this part of the Ozark region an enormous mass of non-resistant clay shales had been deposited in Carboniferous times. The thickness attained was much greater than that of the Carboniferous t Arkansas Geol. Sury., Ann. Rept., 1890, Vol. III. ? American Geologist, Vol. XXVII, p. 25, 1901. 3 Missouri Geol. Surv., Vol. VIII, p. 331, 1895. GENESIS OF THE ARKANSAS VALLEY 489 sediments anywhere else on the American continent, being upward of 20,000 feet, according to Branner.*’ The peculiarities of this great sequence of soft shales have lately been discussed in some detail, and the real significance of the Arkansan series, as it is called, pointed out.’ Thus, independent of whatever geological structure the Arkansas valley may have, the enormous column of shales was of such character as to enable the great stream to scoop out a trough sufficiently vast and broad to give its topographic form Ovacuita Mrs Bostom Mts. Ozark Prateau. ———— fer Coal Hleasunres SSS Mississippran Le Fic. 2.— Stratigraphy of the Ozark Highlands. the effect of a depression between two uplifts. There is another deceptive feature connected with the valley of the Arkansas, that must be taken into consideration. Besides being a topographical trough, the valley is also a structural trough. A broad and shallow syncline stretches from the crest of the Boston Mountains to the first range of the Ouachitas. The strata closely folded in the extreme southern part of the highland dis- trict spread out rapidly towards the north until they form gentle undulations that are so characteristic of other parts of the Mis- sissippi basin. The Ozark arch in Missouri constitutes the last great swell northward. Its southern limb passes into the broad syncline which contains the Arkansas valley. This relationship of structure is represented by a north and south cross section CPig.-2)): The operation of different geological processes may be either ‘Am. Jour. Sci., (4), Vol. II, p. 235, 1896. ? Bull. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. XII, p. 173, 1901. 490 CHARLES Kk. KEVES all compensating, or all cumulative in their effects. Between the two extremes the sum of the antagonistic tendencies may have very variable values. The present valley of the Arkansas River as it crosses the Ozark highlands is a noteworthy illustra- tion in which the combined effects of perfectly independent processes are curiously cumulative in character. It is on this account chiefly that the real facts concerning the development of the great uplift have been so largely obscured. Summing up: The different geological conditions when the Arkansas River initiated its course across the Ozark region, (1) an undeformed lowland flat in which the strata had been folded to a marked degree before being beveled and the country reduced to the state of a peneplain, (2) a remarkable, yet nar- row, belt, bordered on either side by resistant rocks, of soft shales of prodigious thickness which, when a new epoch of uprising was inaugurated, enabled the stream to easily keep its channel down to the general base level of the country surround- ing the uplift, and (3) a broad structural trough, which, how- ever, was only one of many synclines nearby and parallel to it— were highly cumulative in effect in imparting to the uplift the present aspect of twin elevations. By this singular combination of geological conditions the Arkansas River instead of being forced to turn aside by the great topographic dome which, out of the Cretaceous peneplain, arose athwart its path, was able to saw in two the arching strata. Topographically, the Ozark highlands form two distinct ele- vated regions. Structurally as well as topographically the Arkansas valley is a trough. But structurally the Ozark high- lands, as a whole, form an immense dome bowed from the Red River to the Missouri. CHARLES R. KEYES. AE SCONDMCONTTRIBUTTON: [O° THE: NATURAL HISTORY OF MARL? THE writer recently published a paper on the relation of algae to marl deposits.?_ Since it appeared, continued investiga - tion has led to the discovery of additional confirmatory evidence that the close relationship there pointed out of the algae, espe- cially Chara, to marl or lake lime deposits, exists to even a greater extent than was suspected. Experimental work has been conducted along three lines, all of which have been fairly productive of results, and a brief account of this work may be of interest. First, a series of mechanical analyses of typical white marl from different localities were made. The method of analysis used was a simple one, a modification of the beaker method used in soil analysis. The sample, chosen at random from a large specimen from the deposit under investigation, was dried in an air bath at 110° C. for sufficient time to remove any included moisture, and weighed. It was then mixed with distilled water in a large beaker and thoroughly stirred with a rubber-tipped glass rod, care being taken to stir it until all lumps caused by the adhesion of the finer particles to the coarser were broken up Care ‘was also taken that no more crushing should take place than was absolutely necessary. After all lumps were disinte- grated, the water, with the finer particles suspended in it, was poured off into another beaker and fresh water was added to the first and the material was again stirred. This was continued until water poured into the first beaker was nearly free from finer matter and became clear on standing a few moments. The coarse material left in the bottom of the beaker was dried, sorted into various grades by a series of sieves and each grade weighed. * Printed by permission of ALFRED C. LANE, State Geologist of Michigan, 2 Jour. GEOL., Vol. VIII, No. 6. September—October Igoo. 491 492 CHARLES A. DAVIS: The finer material was also sorted by stirring, settling, and decantation, and the matter of different degrees of fineness dried and weighed. The finest matter was usually separated from the water by filtering through a dried and weighed filter, and the water concentrated by evaporation and again filtered to remove any of the calcium carbonate dissolved in the various processes, and the final residue of water was evaporated in a watch glass and weighed. An exceedingly interesting feature of this latter experiment was the finding of a water soluble calcium salt, in small proportion, it is true, but still easily weighable and not to be neglected. The results of such an analysis of a sample from the Cedar Lake marl beds in Montcalm county, Mich., gave the following results. The sample used was collected from a hole made with a spade by cutting away the turf over the marl, then taking out sufficient marl to be sure that there was no peat or other surface matter present and the material used taken from a spadeful thrown out from two or three feet below this level. From this sample about thirty grams were taken and treated as described above, and after the finer material had been sepa- rated from the coarser by washing and drying, the latter was passed through a set of standard gauge sieves, twenty, forty, sixty, eighty, and one hundred meshes to the linear inch, after which all shells and recognizable shell fragments, sand grains and vegetable débris, up to the sixty-mesh siftings, were removed and weighed separately. This gave the following grades: (1) Material too coarse to pass through the twenty-mesh sieve, (2) that held by the forty-mesh, (3) that held by the sixty-mesh, (4) that held by the eighty-mesh, (5) that held by the hun- dred-mesh, (6) that which passed through the hundred-mesh, (7) that which was filtered out, (8) water soluble salts, (9) shells, shell fragments, and miscellaneous matter. . The following is the result of the analysis of Cedar Lade marl made and graded as described : THE NATURAL AISTORY OF MARL 493 Grade (1) - - - - - = 32.25°% 2) = - - - ~ 6.06 SA) iets A Ws ae cits tC ge a NS 3) 4) = - - - - 2.90 Se - - - - - 4.81 6) - - - : - 15.64 7) Bree. Ba ef ; 8) { 30 52 ) SO a ae 0.28 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 9 100.04 A second analysis was made from a specimen made up of twenty samples taken by boring with an auger over about one- half of the deposit at Littlefield Lake, Isabella county, most of the samples coming from a depth of at least twenty feet, six to eight meters below the surface of the deposit. This analysis gave the following results: sae - - - - - - ee 2 - - = 5 = 14.4 (3) - - - - nT 2a76 (4) = - - - - 2.56 Tete eet Os ee ee nie ie (8) - . - - - eee yen (9) ‘ = S = - 1.04 99-79 A third sample, from the holdings of the Michigan Portland Cement Company at Coldwater, Mich., a fine high grade white marl, very powdery, gave the following: Weight of sample, 20.— grams. Grade (1) - - . - - - 0.36% Qe ee See ans (6) ow te a Ee G5 ANN aa are eae 3.34 (5) - : = 3 - - 6.44 (6) ee 0 ee 20-00 Oh ea : : = = - 49.12 (8) - - Not determined. (OV eee ees C00 Loss and soluble matter (by difference) = - - - 1.02 100.00 ‘In this case determined by drying down the residue and weighing. 2The soluble matter contains a certain undetermined amount of alkaline chlo- rides as well as a soluble calcium salt. 4904 CHARLES A. DAVIS These samples represent (1) central, (2) north central, and (3) southern parts of the lower peninsula respectively, and may be taken as typical of the marl deposits of Michigan. When it is stated that, in general, it is easily possible to recognize with a simple microscope the particles which are held by the one hundred-mesh sieve, or even those which pass through it, if the finer matter has been carefully separated-by washing, as charac- teristic Chara incrustation or Schizothrix concretions, it will be seen that these results show conclusively that a large part of the marl from these three samples is identifiable as of algal origin, and studies of the marls from other localities give similar results. The Coldwater sample (3) was exceedingly fine in texture, and it was difficult to avoid loss in sorting and weighing, as every current of air carried away some of the particles, and some also adhered to sieves and weighing dishes in spite of all precautions. Even this sample shows nearly 50 per cent. of easily identified Chara incrustation. The fineness of the parti- cles in a given marl bed varies much in different parts of the bed, and the degree of fineness is probably chiefly dependent upon the conditions of current and wave action under which the bed was formed, that which was deposited where the wave or current action was strong being coarser than that in stiller water or that on the lee side of exposed banks. This fact was noted at Littlefield Lake when samples of marl were collected along exposed shores above the wave line, which were 95 per cent. coarse fragments of Chara incrustation and Schizothrix nodules, while in other parts of the shore line the marl was of such fine- ness that it was like fine, white clay. The fragments of the Chara incrustation are generally easily recognized even when of minute size, because they preserve, usually very perfectly, the peculiar form of the stem and branches of the plant. This structure of the stem and branches is, in brief, a series of small tubes, grouped about a larger central one, and is easily seen with the unaided eye in larger fragments. Even when the tubes have been crushed, as is the case with many of the thinner ones, LAE NALTORAL: AISTORY OF MARL 495 it is frequently possible to recognize fragments of. them with the compound microscope. Finally the incrustation is distinctly crystalline in ultimate form of the constituent particles, and when it has disintegrated the crystals and their fragments are found to constitute a large per cent. of the finer particles of the resulting marl. On the growing tips of the younger branches and the leaves of Chara, numbers of isolated crystals of calcium carbonate may be seen. Farther back on stems and branches the crystals become more numerous, then coalesce into a thin, fragile covering, and finally on the lower part of the plant the covering becomes dense and thick. It is evident therefore that the decay of the younger parts of the plants would furnish a mass of more or less free or loosely aggregated crystals of microscopic size, which would retain their crystalline form, in some degree at least, for an indefinite time and be recognizable, hence the presence of microcrystals in marl may furnish addi- tional evidence as to the origin of the deposits. The larger fragments of Chara incrustation as found in mar] are frequently much thicker and heavier than any which occur among fragments of recent origin, z. ¢., those obtained from any part of living, vigorously growing Chara from the beds of the plant existing in ponds from which the marl may have been obtained. While this subject needs further investigation, it is probable that such thickened incrustations have originated in several ways, the principal ones being, if the writer’s notes have any bearing on the subject, as follows: 1. On short, stunted plants that grow for a long time on unfavorable soil, such as sand or pure marl. Such plants have relatively very short internodes and generally thick incrusta- tions, much thicker than those on plants growing normally. 2. From the growth of the lime-secreting, blue-green algae, such as Schizothrix, Rivularia, etc., either upon living chara or upon the fragments of broken incrustation, as a nucleus. Such a growth might produce considerable thickening of the Chara incrustation. 3. From the inclusion of the fragments within the nodules 496 CHARLES A. DAVIS formed by the growth of the incrusting blue-green algae, in shallow water, and the subsequent destruction of the nodules by wave or other disintegrating action. In this case a thickened fragment . may be left either free or attached to other material. Several fragments may be cemented.together, and such aggregations have been observed. 4. By the deposition of calcium carbonate on fragments of incrustation, the source of the salt deposited being soluble calcium-organic compounds left free in the water by the decay of dead Chara, the precipitation being caused by the reducing action of chemical compounds derived from the decay of organic matter or the growth of bacteria. It may be conceived also that the calcium carbonate thus deposited might also act as a cementing material to fasten the finer particles of marl to the incrustation as a nucleus. 5. By the deposition in more or less coarsely crystalline form of calcium carbonate which is dissolved by water perco- lating through the marl. This is probably considerable in amount and takes place in a manner analogous to, if not identical with, the formation of concretions in clays and shales. It is probable that in this way the crystals may be formed, which rather rarely are found filling the cavities in the Chara incrustations, left by the large axial cells of the plant. The fact that in the great majority of cases these cell cavities are entirely empty or are simply mechanically filled with fine particles of marl, is a most serious objection to considering that this form of chemical precipitation is an important one in the history of marl, but that it is occasionally operative is extremely probable. 6. It is possible that the thick incrustations may have been formed at some earlier period in the history of the lakes when conditions for the development of the plant forms and their activities were greater. This is not probable however, for the thick incrustations are often found from the surface of the marl beds throughout the entire deposits. In addition to the marl analyses given above a check analysis was made of a specimen of material made up from the washings THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MARL 497 and fragments of a mass of Chara plants collected from Cedar Lake, and allowed to die slowly and to break up in water kept cold and fresh by conducting a small stream from the hydrant through it. The plants gradually died, broke up, and settled to the bottom of the containing vessel and seemed to undergo farther disintegration there from the growth of fungi, eventually forming a relatively finely divided deposit which was of rather dark color, when wet. A quantity of this was dried at 100°C., some of the longer and larger fragments of stems were removed, and the residue was weighed and subjected to the same treat- ment as the marl samples. The analysis gave the following : Grade (1) - - - - - - 1.12% (2) - - - - - 24.43 Gee i rags (4) - . - - - 8.26 CN ee ek Bp ee (8) ey eran eee Ae afer aa ae ei03.0 (9) - - - - - 0.12 Soluble organic matter and loss” - era Os4il 100.00 It will be seen that nearly as much fine matter was present in this material as in the finest of the marls analyzed, and that the finer grades of sifted material are quite as well represented as in the finer marl. The material is somewhat more bulky for a given weight and is perhaps slightly darker in color, but not much more so than many samples of marl. Grade for grade it is identical in appearance and structure to the marl samples, and the only possible difference that can be detected is the slightly green tint and the organic matter present in the plant residue. It is also noticeable that the larger pieces do not show as thick an incrustation as do the larger pieces from the marl samples and, of course, Schizothrix and other coarse matter is not present. It will be seen by inspecting the analyses, that shells and recognizable shell fragments are but a very insignificant part of 498 CHARLES A. DAVIS the total quantity of the marl. It is surprisingly small when all thingsare taken into account. While it is probably true that not all the minute shell fragments have been separated in any of these analyses, it is also true that the weight of such overlooked particles is more than counterbalanced by marl fragments which are included within the cavities of the whole shells, and adhere to both broken and whole shells in crevices and sculpturings in such a way as to refuse to become separated in the processes of washing out the marl. The whole shells are mainly small, fragile forms, many of them immature, and it is evident that they would be broken by any action that would crush the Chara incrusta- tion. A second line of investigation took into consideration the milky appearance of the waters of some marl lakes. This’ has been considered by some investigators as possibly due to the presence of calcium carbonate precipitated from the water either by the liberation of dissolved carbon dioxid from the water and hence from the calcium bicarbonate or by change of temperature of the water after it has reached the lakes. The writer has not found among the marl lakes of the south- ern peninsula of Michigan that those with turbid water were common, even where marl banks were apparently forming with considerable rapidity. ‘“Merl”’ or Marl Lake in Montcalm county, situated on the same stream as Cedar Lake and a mile or more’ below it, is, however, one of the lakes in which the water is usually of almost milky whiteness, and has sufficient suspended matter in it to render it nearly opaque for depths of a meter or a little more. The conditions in this lake are widely different from those at Cedar Lake and other marl lakes in the vicinity and are suggestive of the cause of the turbidity. At Cedar Lake there is a border of grassy or sedgy marsh extending around the lake on three sides and generally underlaid by marl, and the lake bottom slopes sharply and abruptly from the edge of the marsh to a depth of at least ten meters. In other words the lake is simply a deep hole, with steep sides, and perhaps represents the THE NATURAL.HAHISTORY.OF MARL 499 deepest part of the more extensive lake which formerly occu- pied the area included by the marsh and marl beds. This marsh covering is general on the marl beds of the region and the lake may be said to be a typical marl lake for the locality in which it lies, for there are several others near by which are practically identical in essential points of structure. At Marl Lake, however, the filling of the lake has not reached the same stage. There is practically no open marsh, but the lake is shallow for seventy-five or a hundred meters from the shore, then abruptly deepens to an undetermined depth over a relatively small area. The bottom over the shallow area is of pure white marl, and the water is apparently not more than sixty or seventy centimeters deep at the margin of the central hole, while near the shore it is scarcely one-third as deep. In brief, here is a lake in which there is a broad platform of marl sur- rounding a deep hole, which again is all that remains of the deep water of a lake which is filling with marl. Boring shows that the bed of the lake is nearly as far below the surface under the marl platform, as where the marl has not yet been deposited. Upon the shoreward edges of the platform and in small areas farther out upon it, the turf-forming plants are beginning to establish themselves, but as yet they have not made any marked impression, seeming to have a hard struggle to get a foothold. The conditions are then a broad area of shallow water overlying a wide platform of marl, which, if a strong wind should reach it, would be stirred to its depths, and with it the lighter parts of the marl upon which it rests. The marl thus stirred up, in turn, is carried to all parts of the lake by surface and other currents and makes the water turbid. These facts led to an investigation as to the rapidity with which marl, once stirred up, would settle out of perfectly still water, and some interesting results were obtained. The experiments were made as follows: (1) A glass tube 1.58 meters long and 2.5 centi- meters wide was filled with distilled water, into which a quantity of finely divided marl was turned and the tube was shaken to insure a thorough mixing of water and marl. The tube was then 500 CHARLES A. DAVIS clamped into a vertical position and left perfectly still until the marl had settled out, notes being made, daily at first, of the rate of settling. In the beginning, the heavier particles settled rapidly, forming, as does clay in settling from water with which it is mixed, stratification planes, which, however, after a few days disappeared, and only the lighter parts of the marl remained in suspension. These were distinctly visible for five weeks, on looking through the tube towards a window, and at the end of six weeks, a black object lowered into the tube in a well-lighted room, was not visible beyond ninety centimeters from the surface of the water. (2) A glass cylinder with a foot, 38 high and 7™ wide, having a capacity of a little more than a liter was nearly filled with distilled water and the residue from the washings of a sample used in analysis was thoroughly mixed with it, and set aside, notes being made as before. This material subsided rather more slowly than the other, and at the end of ten weeks, under daylight illumination, the bottom of the vessel was barely visible when one looked down through the water from above. The results obtained by Barus’ in his work on the subsidence of solid matter into suspension, in liquids, show that settling is much more rapid in water containing dissolved salts, even small proportion, than in distilled water, and the foregoing experi- ments were checked as follows: (1) A cylinder about the size of the one used in the second experiment was filled with water in which a small amount of calcium chlorid had been dissolved, and ammonium carbonate was added until a precipitate was formed. This was stirred thoroughly and left to settle. In three days the precipitate had fully subsided and the liquid was clear. (2) Two cylinders of equal size were filled, one with distilled water, the other with water from a river fed, in part, by marl lakes. Equal quantities of fine marl were shaken up with the water and the rate of settling was compared. The marl was not as fine as that used in the other studies and settled more rapidly. The river water was clear in fifteen days, while the "CARL Barus: ‘‘Subsidence of Fine Solid Particles in Liquids.” Bull. of the U. S. Geol. Surv., No. 36. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MARL 501 distilled water was not clear when the experiment terminated, but was nearly so, showing that the subsidence was not quite so rapid in distilled water as in natural lake or river water. These results indicate that,if for any cause the marl in a marl lake is stirred up effectually, as it may be in those where the beds are exposed to wave action, the water will remain turbid for some time; even in summer time the chances are that there will be sufficiently frequent high winds to keep the water always turbid. It may be stated that in some of the lakes which have been studied by the writer, the marl beds have filled the entire lake to within a fraction of a meter of the surface of the water, with some parts only a few centimeters deep. Until such shallows are occupied by vegetation the water is likely to be turbid from the mechanical action of waves upon the deposits. At Littlefield Lake, described elsewhere,’ the water is only slightly turbid, although there are extensive shallows and exposed banks, but there the body of water is extensive and of considerable depth, while the greater part of the exposed marl is granular and the particles too coarse to be held long in suspension, and the finer deposits too small and too well protected to be reached by effective waves, so that the amount of suspended marl is not great enough to produce marked turbidity in the entire body of water. It may be worthy of note that the residue of suspended matter, filtered out from the sample of Chara fragments (analy- sis (4) above) was sufficiently fine to give a marked turbidity to distilled water for several days, and at the time of filtering had not subsided, demonstrating the fact that very finely divided particles may originate from the simple breaking up of the Chara plants by ordinary decomposition of the vegetable matter. It is difficult to account for the fact that the deeper parts of marl lakes are generally free from any thick deposits of a cal- careous nature. Lack of records of sufficient exploration makes any statement purely tentative, but about seven to nine meters? tC. A. Davis: ‘‘A Remarkable Marl Lake,” Jour. GEOL., Vol. VIII, No. 6. _ ? WESENBERG-LUND: Lake-Lime, Pea Ore, Lake Gytje. Saertryk af Medde- lelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening, No. 7, p. 156. 502 CHARLES A. DAVIS seems to be the limit of depth of recorded occurrence of Chara plants. The remains of the plants, then, would only accumu- late, in place, above that depth, and the material reaching greater depths would be that held in suspension in the water, and hence be relatively very small in quantity and accumulate slowly. A possible additional cause of slow accumulation is that in the greater depths, z.¢., over ten meters, the greater abundance of dissolved carbon dioxid held in solution by pres- sure dissolves the finer particles of marl which reach these depths. From these investigations it seems (1) that marl, even of the very white pulverulent type, is really made up of a mixture of coarser and finer matter covered up and concealed by the finer particles, which act as the binding material. (2) That the coarser material is present in the proportion of from 50 to 95 per cent. (3) That this coarser material is easily recognizable with the unaided eye and hand lens, as the incrustation pro- duced on the algae, Schizothrix and Chara, principally the latter, to particles less than one one-hundredth of an inch in diameter. (4) That the finer matter is largely recognizable under the com- pound microscope as crystalline in structure, and is derived from the algal incrustation by the breaking up, through decay of the plants, of the thinner and more fragile parts, or by dis- integration of the younger parts not fully covered. (5) That some of this finer matter is capable of remaining suspended in water a sufficiently long time, after being shaken up with it, to make it unnecessary to advance any other hypothesis to explain the turbidity of the waters of some marl lakes, than that it is caused by mechanical stirring up the marl by wave or other agency. (6) That shells and shell remains are not important factors in the production of the marl beds which are of largest extent. (7) That there is in marl a small amount of a water soluble calcium salt, readily soluble in distilled water, after complete evaporation. 2A, J. PIETERS: Plants of Lake St. Clair, Bull. Mich. Fish Commission, No. 2, p- 6. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MARL 503 Studies were undertaken to determine the method of concen- tration and precipitation of the calcium carbonate by Chara. As has already been indicated elsewhere, the calcium car- bonate is present on the outside of the plant as an incrustation, and this is made up of crystals, which are rather remote and scattered on the growing parts of the plants, and form a com- plete covering on the older parts, which is uniformly thicker on the basal joints of the stems than it is on the upper ones. Con- sidering the hypothesis that the deposition of the salt was the result of purely external chemical action as not fully capable of satisfying all the existing conditions, the formation of the incrustation was taken up as a biological problem, and an inves- tigation was made upon the cell contents of Chara, first, micro- scopically by the study of thin sections. Various parts of the plant were sectioned while still living, and the attempt was made to find out if the calcium carbonate was present as a part of the cell contents in recognizable crystalline form. Various parts of the plant were examined, but no crystals undoubtedly in place among the contents of the cells were observed, although numbers were to be seen on outside walls of all cells. Next an attempt was made to determine the presence of the calcium in soluble form in the cell contents, by the use of dilute neutral solution of ammonium oxalate. An immediate response to the test was received by the formation of large numbers of minute, characteristic, octahedral crystals of calcium oxalate on the surface and imbedded in the contracted protoplasmic contents of the cell. The number of these crystals was so large, and they were so evenly distributed through the cell con- tents, that it was evident that a large amount of some soluble calcium salt was diffused through the cell sap of the plant. The next step was to isolate this compound and to deter- mine its composition. A considerable quantity of the growing tips of Chara were rubbed up in a mortar and the pulp was thoroughly extracted with distilled water. This water extract was filtered and tested to determine the presence of calcium and an abundant precipitate obtained by using ammonium oxalate, 504 CHARLES A. DAVIS which, on being separated and tested, proved to be calcium oxalate. It was evident that the calcium salt in the plant was stable and readily soluble in water. This latter fact was farther demonstrated by evaporating some of the extract to dryness and again taking it up with water. Almost the entire amount of the calcium salt was redissolved, only a small portion of it becoming insoluble and precipitating as the carbonate. This ready solubility demonstrated the fact that the salt was not derived from the incrustation on portions of the plant used, and the same fact excluded from the list of possible compounds, salts of some of the mere common organic acids found in plant juices, which are insoluble. Qualitative chemical tests were, however, made to determine, if possible, whether any of these acids were present with nega- tive results, and it was demonstrated by this means that there was but a single salt present and not a mixture. Search was then made to determine the acid present, and a result obtained which was so unexpected that it was seriously questioned and the work was gone over again. The second result confirmed the the first and the work of ascertaining the correctness of these two results was turned over to Mr. F. E. West, Instructor in Chemistry in Alma College, who had had special training and much practice in organic analysis. His work was done entirely independently, with material gathered at a different season, and by another method of analysis, but his results were identical with my own, and show that calcium exists in the water extract of Chara as calcium succinate. The fact that the succinate is one of the few water soluble calcium salts and that there is a soluble salt of the metal in the cell sap of the plant makes it probable that this is the compound of the metal which the plant accumulates in its cells. It is not possible from actual investigation to explain the method by which the calcium salt is abstracted from the water, where it exists as the acid- or bi-carbonate or the sulphate™ in ‘It has been shown that Chara decomposes several calcium salts, the sulphate among others. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MARL 505 small per cent., and is concentrated in the cells of the plant as calcium succinate and later deposited upon the outside of the same cells as the normal or monocarbonate in crystalline form in considerable quantities. Some culture experiments which were undertaken by the writer to determine under what conditions of soil, light, and temperature Chara thrives best, incidentally demonstrated that the plant actually gets its lime from the water and not from the soil. One of the soils which was used as a substratum in which to grow plants was pure quartz sea-sand which had been washed with acid to remove any traces of calcium salt which might be present. The plants grew in this medium readily, and on the newer parts developed nearly, if not quite, as many calcium carbonate crystals as plants growing in pure marl. It should be apparent, however, to even the casual observer that the plants cannot take all the lime they precipitate from the soil, or even a considerable part of it, for if they did the marl beds, being made up principally of Chara remains, would never have accumulated, for the material would have been used over and over again and could not increase much-in amount, if it increased at all. In the present state of our knowledge of the life processes of aquatic plants, it seems hardly possible to state the probable method of the formation of the calcium succinate, or even the probable use of it to the plant, and no attempt will be made by the writer in the present paper todo so. It does seem probable, however, that this compound accumulates in the cells, until it reaches sufficient density to begin to diffuse through the cell walls by osmosis. Outside the cells, or in its passage through the walls, it is decomposed directly into the carbonate, possibly by oxidation of the succinic acid by free oxygen given off by the plants, possibly by some substance in the cell walls, or, more probably, by the decomposition of the acid by some of the organic compounds in the water, such as the organic fer- ments, due to bacterial growth in the organic débris at the bottom of the mass of growing Chara. The water extract of Chara rapidly changes on standing, undergoing putrefactive 506 CHARLES A. DAVIS decomposition, becomes exceedingly offensive in odors devel- oped, and calcium carbonate crystallizes out on the bottom and sides of the containing vessel, while the succinic acid disappears, gas, possibly carbon dioxid, being given off more or less abun- dantly. Whether these changes takes place on the outside of the living plants, in the cell walls, or in the water surrounding the plants has not yet been determined. Sufficient evidence is here presented, however, if the writer’s conclusions are correct, to show that the plants under discussion are active agents in the concentration of calcium salts in the fresh water lakes of Michigan, and that they alone have pro- duced a very large part of the marl which has accumulated in these lakes. It seems probable also that the principles devel- oped by these studies are of very wide application in working out problems presented by formations developed under similar conditions elsewhere. CHARLES A. Davis. ALMA COLLEGE, July 1, 1901. PERKNITE (LIME-MAGNESIA ROCKS): THERE are sometimes associated with diorites, gabbros and peridotites, dark rocks composed largely, or entirely, of mono- clinic amphibole or pyroxene, or both. These rocks differ mineralogically from diorites and gabbros, in containing little or no feldspar, and from peridotites in containing rhombic - pyroxine or olivine in relatively small amount, if present at all. Chemically these rocks contain less alumina than diorites and gabbros, and less magnesia than peridotites. They are low in alumina and in the alkalis, moderately rich in lime, magnesia, and the iron oxides. The chief constituents of perknite are monoclinic amphibole and monoclinic pyroxene; the secondary constituents rhombic pyroxene, olivine and feldspar; the accessories biotite, iron ore, etc., but only one of the primary constituents may be present with none of the secondary constituents or accessories. The existence of this group of rocks has long been recognized, but from their occurrence usually in small masses, and from the fact that many of them are of simple composition so that the self- explanatory names pyroxenite and amphibolite or hornblendite have answered, they have never been grouped together under one name. In the State of New York? and in California3 there are rocks containing both monoclinic pyroxene and amphibole as principal constituents, and doubtless this is likewise the case in many other parts of the world. Moreover, in California such rocks form areas of geological importance. There is, therefore, some reason in grouping all of these lime-magnesia rocks under a common name. It is proposed to call the group perknite from ‘Published by permission of the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey. 2G. H. WILLIAMS: Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XX XI, 1886, p. 40. 3 TURNER: Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. V, 1898, p. 423. Turner and Ransome. Sonora folio. 507 508 H. W. TURNER the Greek word vepxvos, meaning dark. It will include grano- lites of the following specific names: Pyroxenite. Hornblendite (Williams). Websterite (Diallage and ortho-rhombic pyroxene) (Wil- liams). Diallagite. Hornblende-hypersthene rock (Merrill). Amphibole-pyroxene rock (Turner). The group may be graphically represented by the method employed by Hobbs’ and his representation of a composite pyroxenite will approximate to that of a typical perknite. The following table of analyses will give the reader a notion of the composition of the rocks which may be properly included in this group. 1. Hornblendite.— Geo. Steiger, analyst. This partial analy- sis is here published for the first time. The rock is from a dike cutting through the basement complex and overlying Cambrian rocks, 2km north of Silver Peak village, in Esmeralda county, Nev. It is composed chiefly of green hornblende with some feldspar. The rock grades into a basic diorite. 2. Amphibole-pyroxene rock.—W. ¥.. Hillebrand, analyst. Not before published. Rocks of this type are very abundant in Mariposa county, Cal. Mr. F. M. Anderson, of the University of California, has likewise collected them in northern California. This rock in its typical development is composed of original pyroxene and amphibole in grains of nearly equal size, with a lit- tle quartz and pyrrhotite. Scattered through the rock are pheno- crysts about one centimeter in diameter, of brown amphibole, which contain in a poikilitic manner, as inclusions, the constitu- ents of the groundmass. 3. Perknite (author’s name, fer:dotite).— Belchertown. Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 168, p.30. L.G. Eakins, analyst. The rock is composed of hornblende, pyroxene, biotite, olivine and magnetite. *Jour. GEOL., Vol. VIII, 1900, p. 14. PERKNITE (LIME-MAGNESIA ROCKS) 509 ANALYSES OF PERKNITES; LIME-MAGNESIA ROCKS. I II Ill IV NV; VI VII Amphibole- . Name er enG pyroxene Perknite | Pyroxonite | Websterite Websterite Sosa ea SiO, 46.28 48.04 48.63 50.80 53625 53.21 52.58 INI AO) Brae ee eral be eCROeee 7.82 eee 3.40 2.80 1.94 3.69 HCE @sescneveyerall aasiere 2,01 2201 130 .69 1.44 1.90 Me Oise ctes. aval» acta « One2e 3.90 8.11 5.93 TO, 6.50 MgO 19.54 Tene Ave Yio) ora 19.91 20.78 20.86 CaO 9.91 13.01 13.04 12 ot 16,22 Tol He n22 NEMO naaod ge 2E2T .69 34 ; t .19 sau 22 KOs. 1.89 .48 28 pace trace 07 .10 He O— T1090 2Cl , eee) Al,O. 17.90 Al,O, 10.57 Fe,O% 3.08 HeLOn 3.84 FeO 2.44 FeO 2.45 MgO 2.44 MgO 5.79 CaO 5-57 CaO 6.30 Na,O 4.29 Na,O 3.40 K,0 1.89 K,O 2.55 IB IROE = .20 H,O-+ .39 H,O T24 IBEX@) 2.33 AUTO). .65 AUO}s 86 CO; none CO, 1.61 RsOe 25 P,O; 2. MnO .06 MnO .08 SrO .07 SrO trace 100.33 99.83 ineNoswtherationol Na,© KO; C20. ita. In No, 2 the same ratio is 1:1.13. These ratios are calculated from the quotient figures obtained by dividing the percentages of each by the molecular weights. Similarly in No. 1 the ratio of i OrCaQrser 4,05, in No. 2ethessame rations I) a4aie. No. 2 contains less quartz and more hornblende than No. 1, hence the decrease in silica and the increase in magnesia ; other- wise the two rocks are the same. Correlation of rocks.—As before stated, just west of Mason’s Butte lies the northern end of the Smith Valley and Pinenut ranges. On crossing from Waubuska through Churchill Can- yon, andesites were found which were.recognized in the field as similar to those in the butte. The bedding of these rocks is nearly horizontal. They are fine-grained hornblende-andesites, often with fine holocrystalline groundmass; occasionally they vary to fine-grained diorite porphry. In higher portions of the mountains (these relatively coarse-grained lavas are exposed in the lowest cuts) the lavas are dacites and pyroxene andesites. Andesites form the main mass of the Pinenut range at its northern end, which is separated from the Washoe district at 594 J. E. SPURR the southern end of the Virginia range by a comparatively nar- row valley. The lavas of one range are evidently continuous with those of the other.* In the Washoe district have been found eruptions of hornblende-mica-andesite and quartz-ande- site or dacite, corresponding exactly to that at Mason Butte. At Washoe, also, the andesite becomes, under favorable condi- tions, coarsely crystalline, and Messrs. Hague and Iddings ? have noted that upon this complete crystallization quartz sepa- rates out, producing a mica-quartz-diorite. RHYOLITIC ROCKS. TRANSITIONS IN TEXTURE OF THE BASAL RHYOLITES OF THE PINENUT RANGE. ; Field description —TVhe central core of the Pinenut range is made up of granitic rocks. These were examined in two locali- ties: one southeast from Dayton, and one west from Wellington. At the first mentioned locality, granitic rocks are exposed along an easterly facing scarp which is at the north end of Smith Valley. The rocks are all granular, so far as observed, but vary much in texture from fine to coarse; they are often por- phyritic. They show a distinct banding, resembling at a dis- tance rude stratification; this banding is due to a zonal arrange- ment of the rocks of different textures. In the district west from Wellington, rhyolitie and granitic rocks are exposed in the spur just east from the Mountain House, and: are jof “exceptional interest; dilere, jbemeathy the andesitic rocks which cover the mountain slopes, is found a highly indurated volcanic conglomerate and sandstone, appa- rently waterlaid, and consisting entirely of rhyolitic material. A short distance farther on, the rocks from which these detri- tals are derived were found in place. These original rocks show great variations, passing from a fine-grained, almost aphanitic, ™See “The Succession and Relation of Tertiary Igneous Rocks in the Great Basin Region,’ Jour. GEOL., Vol. VIII, p. 621. 2Bull. 17, U. S. Geol. Surv. VARIATIONS OF TEXTURE IN IGNEOUS ROCKS 595 rhyolite, to coarse siliceous granite and alaskite. The number- less variations are within a few feet of one another and are arranged in bands, recalling immediately the similar phenome- non in the andesitic rocks of Mason Butte. In the case of the rhyolitic rocks also there is no sign of intrusion of one into another, nor in general does there appear to be any marked gradations between the different bands at contact, the bound- aries between them being fairly distinct. It is clear in the field that the variations are chiefly textural and that the composition of all the varieties is nearly the same — that of siliceous granite or rhyolite. In this case again, we have rocks which appear to represent the roots of old volcanics, being intermediate between com- pletely massive plutonic igneous rocks and superficial fine- grained volcanics. They must have suffered a _ flowage resulting in the formation of this peculiar streaky structure, while the great variations in texture in the different bands show crystallization at points still far removed from the surface. Of the different rock varieties in the locality west from Wel- lington the following will be briefly described. Biotite-rhyolite (164 N*.).—Structure porphyritic; groundmass cryptocrystalline, probably devitrified glass. The phenocrysts are of all sizes, the larger ones grading down to those which vanish in the groundmass. They are of feldspar, quartz, and biotite, the latter decomposed. The feldspar was determined to be largely albite and oligoclase-albite, although there is some orthoclase, The largest phenocryst of feldspar measures 237.=> in diameter; the largest one of the quartz,1%4™™. The rock contains angular fragments of finer grain. Some of these seem to be devitrified rhyolitic glass, while others are fragments of more basic lava, probably andesite — these latter show small lath-shaped feldspar phenocrysts in a glassy semi-devitrified groundmass. Liotite-rhyolite (165 N*.).—In this specimen the groundmass becomes slightly coarser than in the preceding specimen and is very fine microgranular. It also becomes more scant than in 596 V5 1 SI AGIRI 164 N?, on account of the multiplication of phenocrysts, which show the same great variety in point of size as the rock just described. The same angular fragments of more basic lava also occur. The phenocrysts are quartz, orthoclase, and a striated feldspar; the latter tested twice by the Fouqué method proves to be albite. The orthoclase was optically determined as such. Rhoylite (162 N?.).—In this rock the groundmass is fine holo- crystalline, coarse enough to enable one to distinguish the mosaic of quartz and feldspar. This groundmass contains the same fragments of more basic lava that have already been described, and also encloses broken phenocrysts of mostly unstriated feldspar. Granite-porphyry, fine-grained (169 N.).—In this rock the groundmass is fine granular, sometimes granophyric, and con- rists chiefly of quartz and orthoclase. The phenocrysts are abundant and consist of quartz and feldspar, with chlorite and epidote which are derived from the decomposition of ferromag- nesian minerals. The feldspar phenocrysts are partly orthoclase and partly a striated feldspar, which, determined by the Foqué method, proves to be oligoclase-albite. Biotite-granite, medium-grained (171 N.).—In this rock the grains are of two distincts sizes, one many times larger than the other. The largér grains have a tendency to idiomorphism, the smaller grains to allotriomorphism. The smaller grains are- included between the interlocking larger ones and may be con- sidered as forming an overgrown groundmass, partly crowded out by the multiplication and joining of phenocrysts, which are represented by the larger grains. The minerals of the rock are quartz, feldspar, biotite, and magnetite. The feldspar is almost entirely orthoclase, with some microcline and albite. Granite, coarse (175 N.).—The structure of this rock is like that of the preceding, only coarser. It contains many perfect idiomorphic crystals of feldspar, often touching and almost inter- locking, and smaller crystals of bleaching biotite and ragged pale green hornblende, the last perhaps secondary. These minerals VARIATIONS OF TEXTURE IN IGNEOUS ROCKS 597 are in general cemented by a mesostasis of coarse allotrio- morphic quartz, which often includes or is intergrown with, in poikilitic fashion, smaller crystals of feldspar, pale green horn- blende, and sphene. The feldspar included in the quartz sinks to very small dimensions, whereas the ordinary feldspar grain is very large. The structure may be regarded as the coarsening of the porphyritic structure, or at least closely related to it by reason of the two generations. The large feldspar crystals are partly orthoclase, but are chiefly finely striated. Optical deter- minations of the striated crystals show microcline-anorthoclase and albite. Granite, coarse (172 N.).—This rock is almost entirely like 175 N, and has a good deal of the peculiar structure of this rock, but in general is more hypidiomorphic granular or truly granitic. Analysts of the structures of the granite-rhyolites. —TVhe analysis of the structure of the granites. and rhyolites just described helps toward a better understanding of their relation. 164 N (a). Here are phenocrysts of all sizes, gradually shrinking in size to the glassy (sometimes slightly devitrified ) groundmass ; 2. é., the crystallization, instead of belonging to one or two distinct generations, represents many generations, not separable from one another. This is a proof of gradual and equable hardening. It shows that the viscosity increased very slowly and regularly to the point of final complete solidification, the newer crystals having progressively smaller fields of crystal- lization. 165 N(a). This is like 164 N(a) except that the groundmass diminishes, on account of multiplication of phenocrysts. This marks a longer cooling period than 164 N (a), so long as almost to permit of total crystallization as relatively large crystals. 162 N(a). In this section the feldspar phenocrysts are not connected by gradual transitions with the groundmass, which is slightly coarser than that of 165 N(a) and is much more abun- dant. We have, therefore, two distinct generations of crystalli- zation, and this, together with the frequently broken character 598 J. E. SPURR of the phenocrysts, indicates a break in the crystallization, evi- dently resultant from a movement of the solidifying mass. The order of events in this section was, therefore, (1) comparatively slow crystallization of feldspar; (2) flowage, producing a change of conditions; (3) medium rapid cooling, bringing about the uniform moderately fine crystallization of the rest of the rock. 169 N. Here the line between the abundant phenocrysts and the fine-grained groundmass is, in general, distinct, for although there are transitions between the two they are not so abundant as in rocks like 164 N(a) and 165 N(a). This connotes a shorter period of first crystallization (when the phenocrysts were formed) than does 165 N(a), then a more rapid cooling than 165 N(a) to acertain point, then a slower rate of crystallization, permitting the formation of the uniform fine granular structure. 171 N. The structure of this connotes a long period of slight viscosity, during which the crystals of quartz and feldspar could grow until they touched and sometimes interlocked. The differ- ence in size between these crystals and the grains of the ground- mass or mesostasis which fills the space between them, implies a slight break or change of conditions, after which was again a comparatively slow uniform crystallization of the rest of the rock, producing an even allotriomorphic granular structure. There are then two distinct generations of crystals. The result- ing structure is entirely similar to the ophitic structure of diaba- ses, save that in these siliceous feldspars the forms are not so elongated, and so the structure is not so striking. The struc- ture of this specimen, however, differs from the typical granitic structure in the same way that a diabase differs in structure from a’ gabbro. A longer period for the first crystallization, reducing the mesostasis to a still smaller percentage, would give the aplitic structure, where the idiomorphic crystals are predom- inant and occupy the greater portion of the section. 175 N. This is like 171 N, but in general the mesostasis of comparatively small grains is wanting, being replaced by a filling of coarse allotriomorphic quartz. In this case the conditions of crystallization have evidently been gradual throughout. The VARIATIONS OF TEXTURE IN IGNEOUS ROCKS 599 rock érystallized slowly under conditions of slight viscosity. After the exhaustion of the feldspathic material residual quartz crystallized in the remaining spaces. Tabulation. —The following table shows the gradation from fine-grained rhyolite to granite: Specimen No. Character of groundmass. 164 N(a) - - - Glassy. 165 N (a) = - Cryptocrystalline. 162 N(a) - - - Finely microgranular. 169 N- - - - Microgranular; micropegmatic. D7ZIIN Ses = - - Granular; grains average .5™™ diameter. 1723N = - - Granular; grains average .5™™ diameter. 175 N - - > Large quartz grains, average 2.25™™. Analyses. —The following are analyses of the two fairly typi- cal specimens as above described (analyst, Dr. H. N. Stokes): (x) oe pew (2) 172 N. Siliceous granite. SsiO% 71.40 S105 75.09 AE Ole 15.06 Al,O, 13.51 Fe,0O, i ey Fe,0, 1.03 FeO 88 FeO 08 MgO m5 MgO 18 = Fea 1.54 CaO QI Na,O 4.19 Na,O 2258 K,O 3-39 K,O 4.71 eo 16 [BLO 17 H,0O+ .88 H,O+ 25 TiO, 20 TiO, 22 COP none Cos none Ro Or .08 BO .04 MnO trace MnO trace SrO trace SrO trace 99.73 99.87 It will be seen that No 2 is slightly more siliceous than No. 1; nevertheless the two rocks are intimately related. In No. 1 the relation of 1K @-- Na @ +CaO— 12:26." In Nor-2 the same ratio equals 1: .15. Similarly, in No. 1 the relation of K,O:CaO —en7 5. Ineo. 2-the same ratio equals) 12,32: Conclusions. — Many of the bands in this granite-rhyolite series show by their structure that they have undergone no break 600 Uh 1s SV OTE in crystallization from beginning to end. The rocks have evi- dently crystallized entirely in their present position, and the slow hardening which is ordinarily indicated shows that this point of consolidation was originally some distance from the surface. In other specimens there have been slight breaks, bringing about two, three, or more generations of crystals which in the rocks near by are not distinguishable. These minor breaks were due to slight migrations of material in certain bands, which flowed slightly during the process of cooling, as is proved by the angular fragments of finer-grained lava which they contain and by the occasional broken condition of the phenocrysts. As explanation of the difference in crystallization between the granular bands and the intercalated fine-grained ones, it must be remembered that those bands which were affected by flowage must have been at the time those possessing least viscosity and consequently those which were least crystallized. The final crystallization of these bands, therefore, took place at a later period than that of granular bands, at which period the rate of solidification was very likely more rapid. It is prob- able, moreover, that the movement of flowage brought on of itself a more rapid crystallization than if the rock had been undisturbed, and that thus the finer-grained groundmass orginated. The same suggestions hold good for the similar phenomena, already described at Mason Butte.’ t™In connection with the conclusion above arrived at, 2. ¢., that the phenocrysts of the rocks were formed practically in place, compare the papers by Professor Pirs- son and Professor Crosby. (Am. Jour of Sci., Vol. VIII, April, 1899, p. 271, “On the Phenocrysts of Intrusive Igneous Rocks,” and American Geologist, Vol. XXV> No. 5, May, 1900, “On the Origin of Phenocrysts and the Development of Porphyritic Texture in Igneous Rocks.”’) Professor Pirsson argues that the phenocrysts of intrusive rocks are not neces- sarily intratelluric, and that there is no necessity of more than one period of crystailiza- tion even for porphyritic rocks. From the fact that contact zones are often without phenocrysts, while the rest of the rock contains them; that in a contemporaneous complex of dikes and sheets some may have phenocrysts while others do not; from observed cases where fluidal phenomena show that phenocrysts have developed after the fowage; from the arrangement of the crystals of the groundmass around some phenocrysts, showing that these crystals have been crowded and shoved during the growth of the larger crystals; and from the fact that many granites (which have gen- erally been considered intratelluric) contain very large phenocrysts, Professor Pirsson VARIATIONS OF TEXTURE IN IGNEOUS ROCKS 601 TRANSITIONS OF TEXTURE IN THE GRANITE-RHYOLITES OF THE QUINN CANYON RANGE. Tela. description —Vhe Quinn Canyon range lies a long dis- tance east ot all the other localities which have been described, being almost due south from Eureka and nearly west of Pioche. The whole southern portion of the range is buried in rhyolitic flows... The range was examined by the writer at its northern end, where the Paleozoic core of the mountains emerge from the volcanic covering. On the western side of the range, near the contact of the Paleozoics with the rhyolite, the stratified rocks are pierced by numerous great dikes, which vary from coarse to fine in texture. These dike rocks seem similar in composition, and sometimes in texture, to the rather massive rhyolite which forms the hills to the west of this locality. Microscopic description— A specimen of the main rhyolite examined under the microscope has the following characteristics : Rhyolite (241 N.).—This rock has phenocrysts of all sizes, reasons that phenocrysts are not necessarily of a distinct crystallization period as compared with the groundmass, but may in some cases be formed in place. Professor Pirsson advances the explanation that a comparatively rapid fall of temperature and decrease of hydration, resulting in a viscosity augmenting in an increasing ratio, may produce monogenetic phenocrysts (that is, phenocrysts which occur only in a single generation). Recurrent phenocrysts (that is, those occurring in more than one gen- eration) he explains as due to mass action, believing that minerals which are present in very large quantity are especially active crystallizers. Professor Crosby believes that no sudden changes of temperature, hydration, or pressure, are necessary for the formation of phenocrysts. He believes that in a gradu- ally consolidating rock the crystallization first established may be brought to a close by the gradually increasing viscosity and that after passing this critical point new zones of crystallization will be established, of much smaller field, and at this point the groundmass begins and the phenocrysts end. If the rate of cooling is still slower, an allotriomorphic granular texture results, while if the rate is more rapid the texture may be glassy or nearly so. The deductions of the writer, given above, agree with those of the authors cited in this, that phenocrysts may be formed in place. His observations, however, go to show that where cooling is strictly uniform there will be no distinct generations, but a gradual transition from phenocrysts to groundmass; whereas, if there are distinct generations, they are brought about by breaks in the conditions of consolidation, even though these breaks be comparatively slight. ™G. K. GILBERT, Survey West of the rooth Meridian, Vol. I11, Geology, p. 122. 602 JAB SRURR. from 1%™™ in diameter grading down into groundmass, which is cryptocrystalline, probably a devitrified glass. Two selected specimens of the dike rocks have the following characteristics : Biotite-granite-porphyry, near rhyolite (243 N.).—Like 241 N, this rock has phenocrysts of all sizes, from 1% ™™ in diameter down to the groundmass. There are, however, more phenocrysts in this rock than in the one just described. As in 241 N, the phenocrysts have no fluxional arrangements, but a divergent one. The groundmass is fine holocrystalline allotriomorphic ganular. Biotite-granite (242 N.).—This rock consists of grains of all sizes from 6% ™™ in diameter down to the very minutest dimen- sions. The smallest ones, which are very abundant, are about .0o2 to .03™™ in diameter. There is a tendency to idiomorphism throughout. The smaller sizes of crystals act as mesostasis LOiaa the larger ones, and these have a mesostasis of the still smaller ones. The essential minerals are quartz, othoclase, and biotite, with accessory hornblende, titanite, magnetite, and a little striated feldspar. Analyses.—The chemical composition of these rocks is as follows (analyst, Dr. H. N. Stokes): (1) No. 214 N, Siliceous (2) No. 242 N, Biotite Rhyolite. Granite. SiO, 74.67 SiO, 71.48 Al,O3 eA Al,Oz 13.00 Fe,0, 1.06 Res OF 1.25 FeO .18 FeO 1.55 MgO trace MgO 95 CaO 120 CaO 2.60 Na,O 3.90 Na,O 2.60 K,O 4.62 K,O 4.24 H,O — 18 lat Oo 20 HO: 22 H3O-- 1.24 Ti@s .07 TOs; -43 CO; .79 C@e 30 POF 06 P.O; .09 S trace S none MnO none MnO .09 BaO none BaO -09 SsrO none 100.35 | 100.11 VARIATIONS OF TEXTURE IN IGNEOUS ROCKS 603 InuNotat the! relation K>O-- Na,O : CaO——1 :.2. 9 In No: 2 the same relation equals 1:.53. In the same way, in No. 1, Or Ca@;—- 1. 446, In No, 2 theisame ratio equals: 1 : 1, Conclustons.—In the field the evident relation of the dikes to the rhyolite led to the inference that they had been the feed- ers of the extrusive rock. Under the microscope the composi- tion of the three rocks is found to be the same, and the structure shows variations indicating no great differences in the condi- tions of cooling. The structure is identical with that of certain specimens of rhyolite-granite just described from the Pinenut range, and therefore need not be analyzed again. Briefly, in all three it indicates complete crystallization in one place, with no interrupting movement. The period of consolidation for 241 N was comparatively short, that of 243 N somewhat longer, and that of 242 N markedly greater than 243 N. ANALOGOUS CASES OF VARIATIONS OF TEXTURE IN OTHER PARTS OF THE GREAT BASIN. In the Washoe district, Nevada,-not far from the first locality decribed by the writer, Messrs. Hague and Iddings* found a gradual transition from pyroxene andesites with glassy sroundmass to pyroxene-diabase with coarse granular structure. In the Sutro Tunnel they found coarsening of the crystallization as the tunnel nears the core of Mount Davidson, so that at one end the rock may be called andesite and at the other end diabase. They also discovered like transitions between andesite and granular diorites. Similarly they found that the earlier hornblende-andesite passes into diorite, while the later hornblende-mica-andesite changes into mica-diorite in such a way that the two rocks are inseparable. They concluded that a dike of so-called diabase is a variation of the basalt, which was one of the latest extrusions. In short, according to these writers, the coarse holocrystalline rocks of the Washoe district are chiefly Tertiary, and are partly extrusive and partly closely connected with extrusives of similar Bull. 17, U. S. Geol. Surv. 604 J. E. SPURR composition. Another interesting conclusion is that the change between the lava texture and the granitoid texture consists chiefly in the coarsening of the groundmass. In 1899, Messrs. Tower and Smith described textural transi- tions in the Tintic range in Utah, which lies within the petro- graphic province of the Great Basin and is situated southward from Great Salt Lake.*- In this district is found pyroxene andesite or perhaps more properly latite, which is an effusive rock and is closely associated with granular monzonite. There are all variations of texture between andesite with glassy ground- mass to that with a holocrystalline groundmass; from this to closely similar rocks, also with holocrystalline groundmass, which are called monzonite porphyry ; and from these through panidio- morphic granular phases to those of hypidiomorphic granular structure. CONCLUSIONS. In the Great Basin, particularly in Nevada, we have Tertiary extrusive rocks which show transitions from a granular structure with glassy groundmass. The different phases are often inti- mately associated, and structural analysis shows that the differ- ences of crystallization which brought about these variations were slight, a relatively small decrease of the rate of cooling being sufficient to allow the formation of the holocrystalline instead of the porphyritic structure. Transitions similar to those found in the Great Basin have been sparingly chronicled elsewhere. These appear to become rare in proportion as the rocks become siliceous. This is so because with a given relatively rapid rate of cooling a magma of basic composition will consolidate with a holocrystalline structure, while a siliceous magma will become fine-grained and porphyritic. We have accordingly many instances of holocrystalline diabases which are certainly extrusive, and of similar rocks in rather fresher condition (generally due to their being younger) which have been called dolerites. In the more siliceous rocks such textural transitions are rare in ' Nineteenth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 656. VARIATIONS OF TEXTURE IN IGNEOUS ROCKS 605 effusive bodies, but further down, at the roots of volcanoes, the conditions are such as to allow viscosity to increase with the same slowness that it does with a more rapid cooling rate in more basic rocks. Hence with increasing acidity we find the coarser grained varieties further removed from the surface. In general, however, it is plain that a granular rock is not necessarily a deep-seated one, in the formerly accepted sense of the word. Another conclusion which may be made from the foregoing studies is, that the more important structures are not peculiar to particular rocks. The porphyritic and the coarse granular allotriomorphic or hypidiomorphic structures are already recog- nized as characterizing all rocks, of whatever chemical composi- tion. Also the aplitic structure, or that in which idiomorphic minerals (which are the same as the phenocrysts of the por- phyries) form the greater bulk of the rock, has been recognized as universal by Rosenbusch, who has described it in granitic rocks and in all intermediate ones down to gabbros; thus his rock terms include syenite aplite and gabbro aplite. The ophitic structure has been generally supposed to be characteristic of diabases, and without question is here best exhibited, on account of the rate of solidification which the basic composition of a magma entails and also because the elongated forms of the basic feldspars make the structure prominent. The foregoing studies, however, show that this structure is intermediate between the porphyritic and the aplitic structures, representing a stage in crystallization when the idiomorphic crystals (or phenocrysts, as they are called in the porphyries) have multiplied and grown so that they interlock; and that like these other structures it may occur in any rock. In the granites it is not so striking as in more basic rocks, on account of the blunt form of the alkaline feldspars which form the first generation of crystals, but it is nevertheless present in some of the granites which have been studied. In diorites the ophitic structure has been occasionally described.* TROSENBUSCH, of. cit., p. 2560; ZIRKEL, Lehrbuch der Petrographie, 2d ed., p. 483. 606 PL STOLL The writer, of course, interprets the term ophitic in its broader and not in its narrower sense, accepting it as meaning a structure where a network of interlocking, divergent, comparatively large feldspar crystals is filled in by grains of much smaller dimensions, whatever the nature of these grains may be. He does not inter- pret it as meaning that the mesostasis is necessarily augite. He finds grounds for this broader acceptation in the writings of Rosenbusch, Zirkel, and others. Rosenbusch applies the term ophitic’ to diabases where the mesostasis is not augite, but an aggregate of primary quartz and feldspar. Therefore, the glassy, fine porphyritic, coarse porphyritic, ophitic, aplitic and hypidiomorphic granular structures may occur inany rocks. They pass by gradual transitions into one another and are dependent upon relatively very slight differences in con- ditions of cooling. All may be formed without any marked migration of the consolidating rock. These conclusions are important in considering rock classifi- cation, as showing that structure cannot be made the element of greatest importance. Granites, granite porphyries, granite aplites and rhyolites, for example, must not be separated, but put as closely together as possible, and the same is true of diabases, diabase porphyrites, diabase aplites, and basalts. J, Ee SPURR: * Mikroskopische Physiographie, 3d ed., p. 1117. THE_FOYAITE-IJOLITE SERIES OF. MAGNET COVE: A CHEMICAL STUDY IN DIFFERENTIATION. INTRODUCTORY. SOMETIME since I published a paper’ on the ‘Igneous Com- plex of Magnet Cove,” in which it was shown that the main types found there were arranged in avery regular series from the center to the periphery of the mass, and that this was an excellent example of the differentiation of a magma in place, presenting, however, the anomaly of being less ‘‘basic”’ at the borders than at the center. It was also remarked that the analyses then available ‘‘vary continuously in one direction, with scarcely a break or abnormality of any kind.”? Since then several considerations led to the belief that a new and more detailed chemical examination of the main rock types was desirable. Several of these, notably the ‘‘ leucite-porphyry ” and ijolite, are representatives of rock groups of great theoretical importance, complete analyses of which are highly desirable. In this respect many of those published by Williams? are defective, the non-determinations of the rarer constituents being largely due to the fact that the importance of completeness in rock analysis was not recognized at the time they were made.+ Such a reéxamination seemed to be the more desirable, since in a recent paper Pirsson’ has shown that the rocks occurring in the Little Belt Mountains of Montana form an extremely regular series. By plotting the constituent oxides on an abscissal basis of distance from the center of the mass, he arrived at the con- clusion in this case that, ‘‘ given the percentage of one element, the chemical composition of any rock of the series to within a t Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Vol. XI, p. 389, 1900. 20D. Cit.5 Pp: 403. 3J. F. WriiiaMs, “Igneous Rocks of Arkansas.” )) 0.25 0.95 0.26 0.26 ui (GOnaeog eee es OnE crs Tei Olerts eeessvens 133 0.95 1.38 0.98 0.94 ZrO.. aisip 0.18 BAe lP a Oaare om 6 i 0.40 1.50 1238 0.98 0.94 SOR es 0.61 Ol Sap See aca cade trace 0.37 1 us neain ceo ona ners trace 0.22 Sesistcneuteener pated seats 0.03 eye Rater MIMO) Fs a oodles trace ONL, 0.30 0.08 trace BaOreiceeat 0.76 0.41 0.43 none Sr@Mate senna: 0.37 0.36 0.08 99-44 99-99 100.68 99-99 99.60 I. Covite, Below Schoolhouse, Magnet Cove. Washington, analyst. 4zd/. Geol. Soc. Amer., Vol. XI, p. 399, 1900. II. Theralite, Gordon’s Butte, Crazy Mountains, Montana. Hillebrand, analyst. J. E. Wourr, Bull. No. 150 U.S. Geol. Surv., p. 201, 1898. III. “ Tinguaite,” Two Buttes, Colo. Hillebrand, analyst. Bul. rg8 U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 182, 1897. IV. Shonkinite, Yogo Peak, Little Belt Mountains, Montana. MHillebrand, analyst. WEED and Prirsson, Am. Jour. Sct., Vol. L, p. 474, 1895. V. Essexite, Salem Neck, Mass. Washington, analyst. JouR. GEOL., Vol. VII, Pp. 57, 1899. The mineralogical composition of these rocks is such that their calculation must, of necessity, be arbitrary and only FAVAITE-IJOLITE SERIES OF MAGNET COVE 613 approximate, but those of I, II, 1V, and V may be very roughly reckoned out, as below, that of IVa being Pirsson’s calculation. la Ila IVa Va Orthoclase ease isuesa. Deus 20.2 29 - TOR PAMb tes fess, ceacecsie antiees aa evs 22.8 a 2 Laie AmMorthitel sce kclc sci, store Binds a 17.2 ING PWelite top ees custo claret) 9.0 23 a 20.0 FL AUV MC is ancin sieeta tye oan sao 4 a Rates PLO BITTON aa ccs as Giaeste ¢ eoevst eee 4.5 4 he Bay DVO PSIG Chi relepeteters erstateues at: 9.0 25 35 Brill Ilornblendet irre ct. sets « 18.8 : 5 he P IBIOUItER jeg: nes hee cee etoases ; : 18 Ree Olivine ys ern, etter yee Bore. 2 7 Oin2 Malo titers. sitio. saves 255 7 i Ave eitamite gece teaser eestee execs ors Rot 2 4.0 JN ENDED Gag ween Oe 60 Goer 1.0 4 1.0 100.0 100 100 100.0 In my former paper I discussed briefly the position of this rock in classification, and provisionally put it with the shonki- nites. At that time the mineralogical composition had not been calculated, and this position was assigned to it because it resem- bled Pirsson’s shonkinites, except in the presence of nephelite and of hornblende instead of biotite, and also because it came under Rosenbusch’s definition? of these rocks, whose essential features according to him, are the presence of abundant dark minerals along with nephelite and orthoclase. As was also remarked, it cannot be put with the essexites or theralites (although chemically closely resembling these), on account of the lack of plagioclase. In this connection it is of great interest to note the fact that, in his latest description? of typical theralite, J. E. Wolff states that there is nothing which can strictly be called soda-lime feld- spar present. Indeed this fact is evident from a consideration of the analyses by Hillebrand, published in the same place. The name theralite, therefore, cannot be applicable to Wolff’s Montana rocks, or else its definition must be changed. t ROSENBUSCH, Llemente der Gesteinslehre, p. 174, 1898. 2 Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., No. 150, p. 197, 1898. 614 HENRY S. WASHINGTON It will be seen that, though the covite and the theralite of Wolff resemble each other in qualitative mineralogical compo- sition, as both are composed essentially of alkali-feldspar, nephe- lite and ferromagnesian minerals, and that both are distinctly leucocratic in character, yet that in a quantitative mineralogical way they are decidedly different. The feldspathic constituents of the covite are very largely feldspar, with only accessory amounts of nephelite, while the theralite shows about as much feldspathoid as feldspar. The calculation of the latter cannot be exact, since some of the soda goes into the feldspar, but this must be small, and cannot affect the result to any great extent. It is evident, then, that the name of theralite is not appropriate for the Magnet Cove rock, though: it might be used in the present very vague and loose method of classification, based largely on qualitative mineralogical composition. A comparison of Pirsson’s descriptions* with Rosenbusch’s definition of shonkinite indicates that the latter has been appa- rently laboring under a misapprehension of the former’s descrip- tions, and that his definition does not cover the rocks as Pirsson described them. Pirsson expressly states in each case that nephelite is either entirely absent or present only in mere traces, which does not coincide with the definition which makes nephelite an essential constituent. Although resembling each other in many ways, yet there are certain striking differences between the analysis of the Magnet Cove rock and those of shonkinite. In SiO,, iron oxides, CaO and K,O they are closely alike, but in the Magnet Cove rock Al,O, and Na,Oare higher and MgO lower. ‘Indeed the calculations of the mineralogical composition, though that of Ia is only approxi- mate, show clearly that while the ‘“‘covite”’ is distinctly leuco- “cratic the shonkinite is as decidedly melanocratic. A similar distinction will be pointed out between the ‘“ leucite-porphyry ” and missourite. In this respect the rock under consideration resembles the typical essexite, though here again there is a dis- tinct difference in the amount of K,O, in the essexite this being tL. V. Pirsson, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. VI, p. 408, 1895; Am. Jour. Scz., Vol. L, p. 474, 1805; Am. Jour. Sct., Vol. I, p. 358, 1896. - FAVAITE-ITJOLITE SERIES OF MAGNET COVE 615 much lower, and plagioclase entering to a very considerable extent: For this leucocratic holocrystalline combination of ortho- clase (alkali-feldspar) and less nephelite, with hornblende and aegirite-augite, of granitic structure, and with a composition like that given in the analysis above, I would propose the name of Covite. If only the qualitative, not the quantitative, miner- alogical composition be considered, the covites may be called basic nephelite-syenites or foyaites. But the whole tendency of modern petrography is, rightly, against this narrow view of rock classification, and the use of a new name seems to be abundantly justified. In ordinary typical foyaites the alkali- feldspars and nephelite, eté., make up from 75 to go per cent, of the rock, the dark minerals consequently only from 10 to 25 percent. In the covites, on the other hand, while the type is rather leucocratic, the ight and dark minerals are. present more nearly in the same amount, and these rocks might justly becalled “ mesocratic.” As a matter of fact, accepting Pirsson’s definition of shonki- nite as the standard (viz., melanocratic combination of alkali- feldspar with pyroxene, etc.), the covites are the rocks which correspond to Rosenbusch’s definition of shonkinite. A simi- lar rock, which also belongs here, is that the analysis of which is given in III, and which Cross provisionally called a etinoualtes ” Arkite (‘‘Leucite-porphyry”).—The specimen which was selected for analysis came from an exposure a little to the northeast of and above Diamond Jo quarry. Judging from the other speci- mens which I collected around the area, it seemed to be repre- sentative and an average specimen of the occurrences. A good sized hand specimen was used for the analysis, so as to obtain a fair sample of this rather coarsely porphyritic rock. The results, given in I, were rather surprising in comparison with the analysis by W. A. Noyes of another specimen from the neighborhood (II). Not only is SiO, much lower, but MgO is a little higher, CaO much more so, and, though the total amount 616 HENRY S. WASHINGTON of alkalis remains the same, the new analysis shows a rock relatively richer in potash as compared with soda. I II III I II Ill SLO Gee. reae vena seas 44.40] 50.96] 46.06] | ZrO, taco GOB) soc oars AO iat coactonarseercnes LORS || PLO O 71 | LOO | en Ole Wag ieeeleryat stents: Oge7 aoca|| “Osan ISGAOn aves ooo 6-6 SoG Wao Bay SO coscaceaoes 0.06] trace 0.05 REA OO) By Uae) ers ate PAST AUN merece E SOmele RG lineenemi erie lmtnace 0.25} 0.03 Mg Ojscxawneteucerescdcns Wg Sl Wo Aa) hoy IMGONO\ So oo onc 60510 6 0.08] trace | trace Cal eeiscsn tector Sellen Ae etel) Uo HS BNO) poo conoccs 5 OOH) Moaoalls Osa Nan @oeiciteerue samen ROSS ea lolly bees I SiO sows macace aoc Pea Bab a| » Oc Be a Olver nsiersitenee iets of68.14| 6.77) 5.14 (a EES OU(TOR=>)) eel Leki 38 UN 100.76|100.01| 99.57 ILO (iio ease Oued S36 eal) none Se Meessn OR Clea lepreesers 0.06] 0.01 COR ere re ictet Olsson eu cllin tetas -——.__--~ Ti Olpediveisnaye alae TSO 5:2 | Med O's heres ae beats |FoUaenenet 99.95| 99.56 I. Arkite, Magnet Cove. Washington, analyst. Sp. gr., 2.770 at 26° C. II. Arkite, Magnet Cove. Noyes, analyst. WILLIAMS, of. c?¢., p. 276. III. Missourite, head of Shonkin Creek, Highwood Mountains, Montana. Hurlbut, analyst. WEED and Pirsson, Am. Jour. Sct., Vol. Il, p. 321, 1896. The discrepancy between the two analyses of the leucite rock cannot be explained by the supposition that the specimen analyzed by Noyes carried a larger proportion of pseudo-leucite, since, although the other constituents work out well on this basis, the amount of K,O in II is not intermediate between that in I and in Williams’ analysis of a pseudo-leucite crystal. It seems to be the case that Noyes’ specimen represents a slightly different phase, possibly richer in aegirite, but poorer in diopside and garnet. From my own observations in the field and the specimens collected, I conclude that the specimen of I represents the normal rock more closely than that of II. It may be remarked that this supposition is borne out by the fact that analysis I is, in a general way, intermediate between that of the covite and that of the ijolite, given later, while Noyes’ is not. This is to be expected in view of the observa- tion noted in my former paper (p. 395), that ‘‘ while the rela- tions of the ‘fine grained’ (shonkinitic) syenite to the leucite- porphyry are uncertain, the former lies apparently outside or above the latter. < In the absence of discrimination between the two iron oxides FAVAITE-I/OLITE SERIES OF MAGNET COVE O17 in II, it is impossible to make a satisfactory calculation of Noyes’ analysis, but No. I works out thus, the result being only an approximation, owing to the composition of the rock. In ITJa is given that of the missourite, as calculated by Pirsson. la Illa Orthoclase castes sare ets 20 IBC UCIbC Berge aptetsus tates earn 16 IGEUCILE acter dee tetcch aomreewe eA 30.9 PVA Cubes antares tenses sete 4 INeplelitemern melts atari 2155 EOC CSurnatwace Ato as 4 ENE ITIL Ce recs ce-tey oe srafenerae cu 8.4 NGI C Maret ee xsisene Slava reete 50 DiOpSidemer ier ata.) nie cue cen 10.8 Olivine 15 Garmeteacermce ei dae oa 14.5 DIO LUCE ee in tierce 6 Iigeyeoldenmnrena nee Rio oe oor 5 100.0 100 It is evident from this table that while both rocks are alike in being composed essentially of leucite, with subordinate nephelite (or zeolites), and dark minerals, yet that they differ radicaliy from each other, just as did the covite and shonkinite. The Magnet Cove rock is distinctly leucocratic, carrying about 66 per cent. of light minerals, while the missourite is as decidedly melanocratic, carrying only 24 per cent. of these. It is obvious from the mineralogical composition, as well as from the analysis, that the name ‘syenite’’ which has been applied to this rock is not justified, if this term is to retain any precision of meaning except that of indicating the absence of quartz and an alkaline character. Since this is so, and since the rock represents a most interesting and quite distinct Ly Pe; it cer tainly should have a distinct appellation of its own. It would seem peculiarly appropriate to honor the memory of its first describer, J. F. Williams, by calling it Williamsite. But since this name has been already preémpted by Shepard for a variety of serpentine, and as it would be a solitary exception among rock names, it will be best not to do so. I propose, therefore, the name of ‘‘arkite”’ (from the usual abbreviation of the state name Arkansas), the essential features being a holo- crystalline, porphyritic, leucocratic combination of leucite (or pseudo-leucite) and nephelite, with pyroxene and garnet. 618 HENRY S. WASHINGTON Tjolite.—The analysis of this type, from below Dr. Thornton’s, has been already published," but is here repeated, with the addi- tion of several constituents which have been determined since. In II is given the analysis of a typical ijolite from liwaara, in Finland. ~The) twordo not dither materially, except that, Wis higher in CaO and correspondingly lower in Na,O. J II I Il SHOR auanisec 41.75 43.70 COniniee an: none BERS IMO ceo 0108 17.04 TOR 7, THO Sees 0.58 0.89 Hes Ore ciese 6.35 235 JARO Ba si -8 6 0.05 See He Oi aereiewine 2Al 3.94 PS OP Sanaa 1.09 1.34 Ng Oe nicie Ae Git ZiQge s-lllhSmenarnemccuys none Neues Ca@Qreye cee 14.57 10.30 IMGNKO SS oes bic trace trace Nas Oren (oye 1047/ 9.78 BaQiincvoies ae none Te Oe se 3.98 2.87 H,O(110°+) 0.62 8 H,O(110°—) 0.28 0.59 100.60 100.30 I. [jolite, Magnet Cove. Washington, analyst. Sz. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. XI, p. 399, I900. Sp. Gr. 3084—26°C. II. Ijolite, iwaara, Finland. Sahlbom, analyst. Finl., No. 11, p. 17, 1900. V. HaAcKMAN, Bzll. Com. Geol. The mineralogical composition of the two is given below, that of Ila being Hackman’s calculation. JI is almost exactly half nephelite, while TE contains rather ‘less than shalt vot, ths mineral, but both may reasonably be called mesocratic. Hack- man’s specimen did not contain any garnet, but this is a very la Ila2 INephelitesteensecr 38.7 55.00 INCRAVENE 5.65.0 6.0.0 016 0 4.6 Fe tS Di psidlenaere vcr Biles 3322 ANUS chan Gone c 6c GOs GaSe ie aes Mielamiterseyraiecichete Igy les: | ee aemtcmnes ARitamitermecerenrae: aa 2.16 NORNIIWS 3 56.5) old o10:c 3.0 By eity/ 100.0 100.70 *H. S. WASHINGTON, of. c7t., p. 399. ? There is a clerical error in Hackman’s results, as he gives the nephelite as. 51.02, the sum as 100.50. FAVATTE-IJOLITE, SERIES OF MAGNET COVE 619 variable constituent in the Finland ijolites. Hackman (of. ciz., p. 4) notes the identity between the Magnet Cove rock and the Finland and Alné ijolites. Biotite-ijolite—An analysis was also made of this rock, the specimen coming from near the Baptist church, and the results are given in I. My specimen was, unfortunately far from fresh, so that the figures are of little value. Williams’ analysis (II) of the same type, undoubtedly made on fresher material, is to be preferred. The chief feature of interest in I is the (for this oxide) large amount of ZrO,, which may be correlated with the neighboring ‘‘eudialyte-syenite pegmatite” described by Wil- liams. I II I II SHO)leamoooes 38.11 38.93 SOV aoe eterna: none State JIA Oe Basten 20.84 15.41 Cl erage: Saieus 0.02 ResOr 5.67 5. 10 DAC pene els 0.14 0.891 He@ ie cacs ot 1.46 4.24 Min Oreo 5- 0.14 trace IMIG OM ees ve 3.80 5 aS SEO) Gans oo trace aed CaO here rien 14.44 16.49 SL OMe ccmtns trace Nia sOMe ainces: 6.65 527, Tete Oo 2S oss trace Ke Osteo. aes 2,12 1.78 H,O(110°-+-) 4-51 5.20 100.60 100.87? H,O(110°—) 0.57 WeSseO) erect 0.04 COne see ae 0.65 uae AKO aoa ee 0.48 1.62 ZiOR op ate 0.18 on awa ; pe a Bs Oe ees steer 0.84 0.35 aia eae : : The composition of the rock is such that any calculation of the mineralogical composition must be rather arbitrary and unsatisfactory, but the following (Ila) represents roughly and Ila, Orthoclase . - - 4.8 Nephelite - - - 24.1 Biotite = - - = 6:2 Diopside - - - 30.6 Melanite - - - = = 2350 Schorlomite - . - 627. Magnetite - - - =", 3.6 Apatite - - - - 1.0 100.0 tFeS,. 2 Williams gives 100.57. 620 HENRY S. WASHINGTON approximately that of Williams’ specimen. It is probable that my specimen was rather richer in nephelite and poorer in dark minerals than Williams’. The composition is much the same in a general way as that of the ijolite, only that it is melano- cratic, rather than mesocratic. Jacupirangite—A new analysis was made of the dark, coarse- grained rock, composed largely of augite, which occurs as a small mass northeast of the main area, on Cove Creek. This was deemed to be advisable since the analysis of Williams showed more CaO, or less MgO and FeO, than was necessary to form augite or any other mineral present. The analysis of Williams is given in I, and my results in II, with two other analyses for comparison. No I Il Ill IV SiO eee macr ond epnses Bee! BOstal 38.39 Le 38.38 45.05 IA es Ora ih rasa tary ete ecrceeagre oct 8.22 7:05 o& 6.15 o 6.50 Key A OURt i Niner stan erate ced anni 8.29 o 9.07 11.70 3.83 Hie ©) aie eee eerie yee etena Brean (yc, 109) 8.14 7.09 Mig Oe rss areca cs iteueeectauete 8.19. 11.58 Il .472,9% 12.07 CAO Bear parineee eaes sere ete 18.85 3 19.01 18.60 3 18.82 INE Olina eerher sa ceaereeea Rian ate ta DralOrs as 0.74 0.78 5/4 0.94 Kes OM ceeacnae eianee orsaek 1.086 0.75 On 13) p67 0.78 EPS ORTON See, cheep ies 1.40 0.33 0.54 be 7 lal tO) UO ee bog atioadoo. 5 lds 0.14 0.18 ay COR Baia aire spree arene eee 0. 32, none TiO, Brelil Oe 4-54. 4.32 2.65 TsO) grercerac OGs aa tonic Crs creat a none eae TaNGRE sectors ta wai ted Soeeheetnti aaa rete 2.10 0.24 POR iis edad un entececas a ee 0.82 0.17 0.15 CU eet ae te Hite, Spe pete eae ra Siac Se ayers ecnet teeter ues GER — 6.03%, - 0.42 Min O08 Sareea wees Zatacaonn 0.32 004 0.16 Ba Ores muuk orsal on ieasucesneeae aoe trace SEO Mae waco ane ere amare ero trace 99.22 99.89 100.72 100.88 Sp. gr., 3:407—26" €. ; I. Jacupirangite, Magnet Cove. J. F. Williams, analyst. Of. ci¢., p. 227. Il. Jacupirangite, Magnet Cove. H.S. Washington, analyst. Ill. Jacupirangite, Jacupiranga, Sao Paolo, Brazil. H.S. Washington, analyst. IV. Pyroxenite, Brandberget, Gran, Norway. L.Schmelck, analyst. W.C. BROGGER OPT (GS Sey MOM IL, jos Si IO tHe Ss. FAVAITE-IJOLITE SERIES OF MAGNET COVE 621 While I and II are alike in a general way, yet there are marked differences in SiO,, FeO, MgO and S. The specimen analyzed by Williams carries considerable pyrite, while mine only showed a few specks of it. The differences in the other constituents named may be attributed to alteration, especially in view of Williams’ statement that the specimen analyzed by him was not fresh.t Analysis II calculates out readily as follows : Nephelite - - - - 4 Diopside - - - - 64 Augite - - - 15 Biotite - - - - S245, Magnetite - - - - 8.7 Pyrite, = - - - = On Calcite - - = - 0.6 100.0 In my former paper this pyroxenite was referred somewhat doubtfully to the jacupirangite of Derby. Through the kind- ness of this gentleman, to whom I would express here my deep acknowledgments, I have lately received numerous specimens of the Brazilian types. A comparison of these with the Magnet Cove specimens makes it evident that the two occurrences differ chiefly in size of grain, the Arkansas rock being very coarse, while those from Brazil are much finer grained. In all other essential respects the two are closely alike. From the microscopical examination of the specimens which Professor Derby sent me, it is evident that the ‘‘Jacupirangites’”’ of Brazil vary from rocks rich in nephelite, and which are true ijolites, closely analogous to those of Magnet Cove and Finland, through rocks composed predominantly of pyroxene, with small and varying amounts of magnetite and nephelite, to types extremely rich in magnetite and with no nephelite or only traces of this mineral. Accepting then the name of Jacupirangite for the medium type, the application of this name to the Magnet Cove rock is abundantly justified, since the only difference is the comparatively unimportant one of size of grain, both being holocrystalline. * WILLIAMS, of. cit., p. 227. 622 HENRY S. WASHINGTON That this identity of the two, based on mineralogical grounds, is correct, is substantiated by a chemical analysis of one of Derby’s specimens made by myself. For this purpose an apparently medium specimen was chosen, composed largely of a violet-brown augite, with some magnetite (more than in the Arkansas rock) and only a little nephelite (less than in the other). No biotite was present, and only traces of apatite. This analysis, given in III of the table, is most remarkably close to that of the Magnet Cove jacupirangite in all respects, except the iron oxides. Indeed the figures for silica, magnesia, lime, soda, water, titanic acid and manganese are close enough to belong to duplicate analyses of the same specimen, and those for alumina and potash do not differ greatly. The higher iron oxides are of course connected with the more abundant magnetite, but, apart from this, the mineralogical composition is closely similar. The closest known analogue of these rocks is probably the pyroxenite of Brandberget, an analysis of which is given in IV above. The only noteworthy differences are in SiO, and Fe,QOg. That of the former apparently conditioned the formation of nephelite in the Magnet Cove and Brazil rocks and plagioclase at Brandberget, while the higher ferric oxide of II and III is to be connected partly with the more abundant magnetite in the former. Henry S. WASHINGTON. [ Zo be continued. | Tibe PRE-(PRRESERIAL HISTORY OF METEORITES: THE completion of the studies for students relating to the composition and structure of meteorites, which have recently been published in this JouRNAL, furnishes an opportunity for me to record certain deductions which seem to me warranted by the facts there presented, but which, being largely theoretical, had best be stated as the expression of individual opinion. That theories of the origin and cosmic history of meteorites have been propounded before, and that these have varied widely in character, the present writer is well aware. These theories may be mentioned at the outset, together with the names of those who have given them special support, without, however, entering into any discussion of the merits of each. Meteorites have been declared to be (1) terrestrial matter discharged into space by the volcanoes of the earth and returned to it again (Sir Robert Ball); (2) matter discharged from the volcanoes of the moon (La Place, J. Lawrence Smith); (3) matter ejected from the sun (Sorby); (4) portions of shattered stars (Meunier); (5) portions of a shattered planet (Boisse); (6) portions of comets (Newton); (7) clouds of gas or dust cemented and solidified by the action of the earth’s atmosphere (Brezina). All of these hypotheses have been urged by men of eminence, each urging strong reasons for his views. These reasons can be learned by study of the original authorities, and the discussion of them in the present article is not a part of my purpose. I shall endeavor here simply to present my own views and my reasons for the same. The study of meteorites has shown that: 1. The majority of iron meteorites are octahedral. 2. The majority of stone meteorites are chondritic, and contain consider- able glass. 3. Between iron and stone meteorites there is every gradation—they are formed of the same sort of matter. 623 624 OLIVER C. FARRINGTON The above statements would probably not be questioned by any authorities of the present day. The following, however, might not be agreed to by all: 4. The substance of meteorites was in a solid state before the fall of these bodies to the earth. 5. The structure of the majority of meteorites shows that their substance has cooled from a liquid or semi-liquid condition to that of a solid. 6. The structure of the majority of iron meteorites shows that the change from a liquid or semi-liquid to a solid state has taken place slowly. 7. The structure of the majority of stone meteorites shows that the change from a liquid or semi-liquid to the solid state has taken place rapidly. The four latter statements may then be briefly discussed, and important known objections to them stated. Concerning statement 4: It was suggested by writers in the early part of the last century that meteorites were concretions formed in our own atmosphere. Brezina inclines to accept this view with the modification that the substance of meteorites was extra-terrestrial, but that it arrived at the earth in the shape of gas or dust and was cemented or solidified by the earth’s atmos- phere. To my own mind, the slickensided surfaces and veins exhibited by many meteorites afford sufficient contradiction of such a view, and compel the conclusion that the matter in which such structures occur had existed in a solid state for a con- siderable length of time before it reached the earth. Concerning statement 5: Several writers, but especially Daubree,’ have expressed the conviction that the substance of meteorites gives evidence of having passed directly from a gaseous or vaporous state to that of a solid. The opinion seems to be based chiefly on Meunier’s synthetic experiments, in which he succeeded in reproducing mineral aggregations having the composition of meteorites and somewhat resembling them in structure, by the inter-action of vapors.? But, as pointed out by Cohen,3 the absence of gas and vapor pores in meteorites «“ Observations sur les conditions qui paraissent avoir preside a la formation des meteorites,” Comptes Rendus, 1893, CX VI, pp. 345-7. 2Encyclopedie Chimigue, Tome II, “‘ Meteorites,” chap. v. 3 Meteoriten-kunde, Heft I, p. 327. PRE-TERRESTRIAL HISTORY. OF METEORITES 625 argues against such an origin of their substance, and further, Fouqué and Lévy produced by cooling from fusion, mineral aggregates as closely resembling meteorites as those made by Meunier from vapors. Again, the crystalline structure of the minerals of meteorites perfectly resembles that. of terrestrial minerals known to be produced by cooling from fusion. Concerning statement 6: That the complete crystalline structure possessed by the great majority of iron meteorites indicates a lapse of time sufficient for a slow, uniform arrange- ment of the molecules of their mass, in other words a slow cool- ing, has rarely beendoubted. Sucha conclusion certainly accords with all terrestrial experience and observation. It has been suggested by Cohen,’ however, that the crystalline structure expressed in iron meteorites by the Widmanstatten figures may be really a sort of skeleton growth, similar to that seen when needles of ice form over the surface of rapidly cooling water, and that hence the Widmanstatten figures may indicate a rapid crystallization. It is unfortunate that no attempt to reproduce Widmanstatten figures artificially in iron has ever yet succeeded, for if this could be done valuable evidence for judgment on this point could be secured. Taking the evidence as it stands, however, and especially taking into consideration iron meteorites like that of La Caille, whose structural features show a complete parallelism through- out a large entire mass, the indications seem to me to point strongly to slow crystallization. Certainly analogies between the formation of crystals in iron and in water should be drawn with hesitation. Iron is far more viscous than water and move- ment in it would take place slowly. Further, the crystalline plates of meteoritic iron differ in composition, showing that time must have elapsed for separation of ingredients as has not taken place in the ice formed upon water. Concerning statement 7: This opinion is based chiefly on the large quantity of glass found in most of the chondritic meteorites, which, it is to be noted, make up by far the larger * Meteoriten-kunde, Heft I, p. 326. 626 OLIVER C. FARRINGTON quantity of known stony meteoritic matter. Glass is known to indicate rapid cooling. Further, the character of the chondri themselves is such as to lead many students of the subject, notably Brezina and Wadsworth, tu believe that they are the result of rapid and arrested crystallization. The fact that chrysolite, the least fusible and therefore the earliest cooling mineral, forms the most chondri, lends support to this view. It must be confessed that the real origin of chondri is as yet very obscure and the theory above suggested is far from accounting for many of their peculiarities. Yet the facts above noted seem to me to argue more strongly in favor of a rapid cooling of the substance found in such meteorites than a slow one. If the arguments in favor of the above statements seem sustained, then the conclusion to which they appear to me to point is the following: Meteorites are portions of a disrupted mass of cosmic matter which had a spheroidal form, increased in density toward the center, and cooled from a liquid or semi-liquid to a solid state before disruption. The application of this hypothesis to the subject in hand may perhaps best be traced by applying it in a reverse order. Given a defined quantity of liquid or semi-liquid. It will take the form of a spheroid, since this is the only form known in which a liquid mass would maintain itself in space. Its mate- rials would arrange themselves according to density... ihe irony, for example, would sink to the center, and the slag-like silicates rise to the surface, as they may daily be seen to do in a blast furnace, or as a centrifugal separator assorts substances accord- ing to density. The exterior of the sphere owing to contact with the cold of space would be cooled with comparative sud- denness, giving the minerals of the surface a glassy, brittle character. The protected interior would cool more slowly, giv- ing the molecules of the metallic center an opportunity to arrange themselves in an orderly, crystalline fashion. In time, however, the globe becomes solidified from center to circumference. During the process of solidification, and later, many processes of disruption and adjustment go on as the PRE-TERRESTRIAL HISTORY OF METEORITES 627 result of strains of various kinds, record of which is to be found in the structure of meteorites. Fissures will be formed, into some of which pasty metallic matter will be forced from below, and which will, in its passage upward, enclose angular fragments of the siliceous crust. Other fissures occurring only in the siliceous portion of the globe will give rise to the formation of quantities of angular fragments, which will be cemented together again by pressure to form breccias. Such fissures would be com- paratively large, and affect a considerable area of the globe. Other minor fissures would form in ramifying networks, which would be filled by adjacent substance penetrating in a more or less liquid form. Differential movements of solid portions, without the existence of fissures, would produce slickensided surfaces. Finally, the progressive disruption of the body occurs. To produce this, two or three forces may be appealed to. In the first place, there is the familiar fissuring from shrinking and contraction as the body passes from the liquid to the solid state. It is perfectly evident that a certain amount of this is taking place upon the earth.*. Meunier suggests further, that in the moon we can see this process extended as much farther as the moon is more fully cooled than the earth, and he regards the well-known bright streaks of the moon as enormous fissures (vainures) showing a progressive disruption of its mass.* While few probably at the present day would accept this interpretation of the bright streaks of the moon, there are numerous other indications that the moon is considerably fissured. Meunier also points to the asteroids as an illustration of a dismembered heavenly body. In the second place, strains corresponding to the tidal strains of the earth would produce a constant disruptive effect ; and, in the third place, the recent investigation of Professor Chamberlin, has shown how the fragmentation of a small body may take place by near approach to a large one. Once the body is broken up, its fragments may be drawn out tSee CHAMBERLIN, “On a Possible Function,” etc., JouR. GEOL., Vol. IX, No. 5. 2 Cours de Géologie Comparée, pp. 258 et seg. 3 Op. cit. 62 oe) OLIVER C. FARRINGTON into the form of a somewhat attenuated swarm or cluster. The possibility of the subsequent capture of single portions of such a cluster by the earth can hardly be denied. The character of the portion captured, in respect to its structure, density, and composition, then, will depend on the position it occupied in the globe of which it formed a part. That meteorites exist in such swarms in space seems very probable from a recent investigation of Hégbom." Plotting the known meteorite falls according to the days of the year, he has discovered undoubted and significant groupings. Thus of the nine known howardites, three fell during the first days of August, and three during the first half of December. The probabilities are stated to be several thousand to one against such an occurrence being a mere coincidence. Again, of the three known eukrites two fell June 13-15. The chances are said to be ninety to one that these had a common origin. There are numerous other groups brought out on the chart so made, which seem to point to the existence in space of meteorite clus- ters met on the same date by the earth in its annual revolution. The probabilities seem sufficiently in favor of the existence of such clusters to warrant placing some reliance in the constitu- tion indicated for them. Thus with the group of August howard- ites previously mentioned are associated one siderite and three chondrites; with the December howardites, one siderite, one bustite, one chladnite, and a number of chondrites. The consti- tution indicated for these swarms resembles therefore, to a remarkable degree, that called for by the hypothesis here advocated, especially when it is remembered how exceedingly fragmentary must be evidence based on the few meteorites seen to fall. A similar constitution has been also exhibited at times in the substance of a single meteoric shower. A notable case is that of Estherville, which contained all gradations, from iron to stone meteorites. Two or three other points of evidence may be noted as tend- ing to show that, in such a globe as that assumed, the substances t Bull. Geol. Inst. of the University of Upsala, Vol. V., Part 1. PRE-TERRESTIIAL HISTORY OF METEORITES 629 were arranged in order of their densities and that it had at some time a hot interior and cold exterior. The first is drawn from our knowledge of the crystallography of iron. According to modern metallographists, iron occurs in three allotropic modifications known as alpha, beta, and gamma irons. When heated to a temperature not higher than 700° C., iron remains in what is known as the alpha state; from 700 tovso0 G.itassumes: the beta state, and ‘from 860° C. to the melting point, the gamma state. In cooling, from the melt- ing point, for instance, the iron does not necessarily return through these modifications, but remains in the state which it assumed at the highest temperature... Now gamma iron crys- tallizes in octahedrons, while alpha and beta iron crystallize in cubes. The majority of meteoritic iron is plainly octahedral in structure. It is hard to escape the conclusion, therefore, that it has been heated to a temperature at least as high as 860° C., and, further, that the cubic irons, some of which occur among meteorites, have been subjected to a somewhat lower degree of heat. The latter, it is true, must be cooled and reheated to a somewhat lower temperature than at first to have their structure accounted for on this theory. But this could quite reasonably occur, and their relative quantity is so small as to make them of minor importance. A second corroborative fact is that the carbonaceous meteorites are of exceptionally low specific gravity. Now the carbonaceous meteorites are those which contain hydrocarbons which could not exist under any high degree of heat. Such meteorites could not have experienced any sensible heating subsequent at least to the formation of these hydrocarbons. But the low density of these meteorites would place them, according to the hypothesis, on the outer surface of the sphe- roid, where, after the first solidification from cooling, little further heating would be encountered. A third corroborative fact is found in the existence of diamonds in the iron meteorite of Cafion Diablo, a meteorite tF. OSMOND, Zhe Metallographist, July, 1900. 630 ; OLIVER C. FARRINGTON which exists in quantity amounting to several tons. Such diamonds have been produced by Moissan by heating to a high temperature iron saturated with carbon and allowing it to cool under pressure. This is exactly the process through which the substance of an iron meteorite would pass if formed according to the above hypothesis. The other meteorite known to contain diamonds, Nowo-Ure}, is also one which would have formed not far from the metallic center of such a globe, as it contains large metallic veins and by some is classed among the iron-stone meteorites. The hypothesis outlined above may ask the special attention of the geologist, on account of the suggestions it may offer regarding the history of the earth. If it be true that meteorites are fragments of a broken-up globe, it is not unlikely that they show to us, to some extent, the constitution of our own globe. Uniformity of cosmic matter. has been indicated by all studies of meteorites, as well as by all spectroscopic inquiries into the chemistry of space. Uniformity of cosmic history seems there- fore probable also. I have shown in the studies previously referred to that meteorites chiefly differ in composition from the crustal terres- trial rocks with which we are familiar in having an excess of iron, nickel, and magnesium, and in being practically without free silica, oxygen, and water. Assuming that the earth, however, has passed through a history lke that of the globe above hypothesized, the absence of iron, nickel, and magnesium* from its crust is explained by the conclusion that they have been car- ried within its interior by their density. They are therefore removed from our observation, except as occasional outflows such as that known in Greenland bring them to view. It is well known that the density of the earth as a whole requires that its interior contain matter of higher specific gravity than that with which we are familiar upon its crust, and it has often been suggested that *Magnesium is here referred to not as the element, which is relatively light, but as the essential constituent of chrysolite, which is of high specific gravity and forms some of the heaviest terrestrial eruptive rocks. PRE-TERRESTRIAL AISTORY OF METEORITES Ogi this matter may be iron and other metals. The alternative sup- position is that the matter of the interior may be like that of the crust but has become denser through condensation and pressure. The free silica of the earth’s crust is readily accounted for if we remember that the-rocks of the earth’s crust have been worked over, while in meteorites they are seen in their primitive condition. When silicates are exposed to the action of carbonic acid for any length of time the bases change to carbonates and silica is set free.* It seems reasonable to suppose that the vast amount of calcium and magnesium now held as limestone was originally in the form of silicates. If the carbonic acid of the limestones should be withdrawn to the atmosphere, and their bases combine with the excess of silica of the crust, rocks as basic as those of meteorites would probably be formed. Similarly, the lack of oxygen in meteorites may be only relative, and because much of the matter of which they are composed was in the interior, deep-seated and protected from gaseous action. The superficial, lighter siliceous portions of meteorites are found to be oxidized. It is reasonable to believe the earth’s substance is not oxidized except for its superficial crust. It may be urged in support of the view that oxygen could not have been present where meteorites were formed that little or no oxygen is found among the free gases obtained from meteorites. But rocks do not seem to have the power of absorb- ing and holding oxygen as they do other gases. Terrestrial rocks do not contain it, although they hold hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide in large quantities.* Yet there is no lack of oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere. The absence of water from meteorites is an important gap in the parallelism of constitution of meteorites with that of the earth. In the gases hydrogen and oxygen, which it has been shown meteorites possess, a cosmic body has the elements neces- sary for the formation of water. Conditions of nascence, or possibly of electricity, might exist in a body the size of the *This fact is more fully stated by SiR JOHN MurRRAY, Proc. Roy. Soc. of Edin- burgh, 1890-1, p. 229. * ? See Studies, JouR. GEOL., Vol. IX, p. 402. 632 OLIVER C. FARRINGTON earth, which would lead to the formation of water from these gases, which might not prevail upon a body of smaller size. The chief reason, however, for the absence of water from meteorites seems to be the fact that ‘the size of the meteorite spheroid was probably not sufficient to enable it to hold a quantity of the free gases competent to the formation of water or even to retain water vapor if it was once formed. The spheroid was probably as destitute of an atmosphere as the moon. I am well aware that an origin of meteorites from a shattered globe has been suggested before. Boisse was perhaps the first to do this,* but the idea was especially elaborated by Meunier,? who reconstructed from the various types of meteorites a hypo- thetical globe in which these types were arranged largely in accordance with their density. But the hypotheses of these authors were based purely on considerations of density, it being arbitrarily assumed that in a cosmic body substances would arrange themselves according to density. It was when a study of the structural characters of meteorites showed me that the substances “ad apparently arranged them- selves in the order of their density, and exhibited corresponding differences of structure, that I was led to form the above hypoth- esis; and it is perhaps worth remarking that I reached this con- clusion before I had seen Meunier’s papers on the subject. It is not likely that the globes or spheroids, such as have been here hypothesized, were of large size. In the solar system, for example, there is no indication that the total disruption of a body anything like in size to a planet has ever taken place. Such an occurrence would produce effects more catastrophic in their nature than could be referred to matter so small in relative quantity as that which has within human experience reached the earth in the form of meteorites. Such globes would, perhaps, in their entirety, never come within human observation. But that there exists in space a vast quantity of fragmental matter beside that visible to us as stars, nebulz, and the bodies of the solar sys- tem, there can be little doubt. OLIVER C. FARRINGTON. * Memotres de la Société des lettres, sciences et arts de ’ Aveyron, Vol. VII, p. 168. 2 Cours de Géologte Comparée. FIDE TORIAL WitH this number we present to the readers of the JOURNAL two able articles on geologic classification and nomenclature. It is expected that these will be followed by others representing different points of view. In the opening numbers of the next volume we hope to offer a series of very carefully matured articles on the classification and nomenclature of minerals and rocks, by some of our foremost petrographers. It is hoped that these discussions will receive the thoughtful consideration of progressive geologists and petrographers. The importance of revising our present systems of classification and nomenclature, if systems they may be called, is equaled only by the impor- tance of thorough preliminary scrutiny of the proposed substi- tutes, lest we impose on ourselves new systems scarcely less infelicitous than the old. A critical and deliberate circumspec- tion, attended by full discussion, may well be followed by the adoption of the improved systems by those who have become convinced of their merits, if full liberty to follow the old practice is unreservedly accorded to the unconvinced and to the constitutionally conservative. It is doubtful whether we should try to force new systems into usage by legislative pro- cesses, but concerted adoption by those who have the courage of their convictions will go far towards securing the desired end. 1 C..C. 633 REVIEWS. Zinc and Lead Region of North Arkansas. By JOHN C. BRANNER (Arkansas Geological Survey, Annual Report 1892, 396 pp.) Little; Rock, 1901.) Tue lead and zinc deposits of the Ozark region have received attention from the geological surveys of Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, and the federal government. The United States Geological Survey and the University Geological Survey of Kansas will shortly have out reports on the subject. Missouri, through her geological survey, has already published an exhaustive account of the deposits in two large volumes, by Mr. Arthur Winslow. After delays of nearly ten years, Arkansas has at last seen fit to make appropriations for the publication of the report on the zinc and lead deposits of the north part of the state. It is by the former state geologist, Dr. J. C. Branner. The publication of Dr. Branner’s report has long been looked for- ward to by all interested in the subject of lead and zinc. In many respects it is the most welcome contribution to our knowledge of the geology of the Ozark region that has yet been made. Preliminary to the consideration of the ores is a short description of the surface relief of the region, illustrated by an excellent photo- graphic reproduction of Branner’s Relief Model of Arkansas. ‘The zinc and lead deposits described are located chiefly north of the Arkansas river. ‘The region here included under the name of Ozark plateau embraces nearly all of that part of the Ozark mountains within the state of Arkansas. It includes almost the entire region between the Arkansas river and the Missouri line, and between the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern railway and the Indian Territory line. The Ozark region in Arkansas is made up of three plateaus that rise like ragged-edged steps one above another, each with a few outliers standing out upon the next step below.” In order of their importance, the zinc ores of northern Arkansas are sphalerite, smithsonite and calamine, besides several other miner- als of zinc which do not occur in sufficient quantities to entitle them to be looked upon as ores. 634 REVIEWS 635 The zinc ores are regarded as having been deposited by under- ground waters. Emphasis is laid on their accumulation along synclinal troughs and water-way breccias. ‘‘The details of the theory of the accumulation of the Arkansas ores along synclines and other water-ways were first suggested by field observations made in this region in 1889, and the whole theory has been much strengthened by subsequent work.” According to their genetic relations there are three kinds of sul- phide ores: (a) the bedded deposits, which are contemporaneous with the rocks in which they occur; (4) the veins and other fracture deposits in which the ores are of later age than the accompanying beds, and (c) the breccia deposits not formed on fractures, but like- wise of later age than the accompanying beds. In addition to the sulphide ores there are carbonate and silicate ores, derived by altera- tion from the sulphides and forming genetically a fourth class. 5 Regarding the origin of the bedded deposits, it is stated that they “have originated for the most part where we now find them.” The cherts are made of silica of organic origin, that is, they were deposited over the sea bottom as silicious skeletons of diatoms or other micro- scopic remains of plants or animals. The zinc came from the adjacent land areas of the period in which these beds were laid down. Upon entering the sea the zinc-bearing waters had their zinc contents pre- cipitated in the form of sphalerite or zinc sulphide by the organic matter that contributed the silica of the chert beds. The zinc crystal- lized out while these silicious sediments were yet soft and yielding. In time the sediments hardened and formed the firm, flinty rocks and pressed closely about the zinc blende crystals. * “The crystals of zinc blende, however, were not originally as large as we now find them in the disseminated ores, even where these crys- tals are no larger than a pin head. They were at first even micro- scopic, but, as Ostwald has pointed out, there is a tendency in such cases for the small crystals to pass into solution and to recrystallize upon the larger ones which grew at the expense of the small ones. In the bedded deposits this took place before the enclosing sediments were hardened.” The vein deposits are those occupying the spaces left by fractures in the strata. ‘The ores are confined to the fractured zone and to its immediate walls. When the ore is found in the walls it seldom pene- trates them to any considerable depth, but is confined to small 636 REVIEWS fractures that seem to be parts of the great fissures. In appearance the fissure ores are not different from the bedded deposits. But they are stated to have a very different origin. The ores of this class have all been brought into their present position by solution, probably from the Ordovician bedded deposits. The question of the origin of the breccia ores ‘“‘has been one of the most puzzling problems encountered in the zinc regions. The only theory for these formations that seems tenable is that of the apparently irregular masses of breccia, that is, the breccias not upon fault and such like fractures, have been formed along ancient under- ground water-courses.”’ One of the most suggestive points brought out in this considera- tion of the zinc ores is the relation of synclines to the presence of ores. Dr. Branner says: ‘If the hypothetical history here assigned the north Arkansas zinc ores is thus far correct, we are forced to conclude that the geologic structure of the region is of the utmost importance in the determination of the present distribution of the ores. In an elevated region of approximately horizontal or very gently folded sediments, the waters falling upon the ground and soaking into the earth tend to seek the bottoms of the synclinal troughs. The process of ore accumulation in such a region would therefore tend to carry the ores into the synclines. ‘The rocks of the zinc region, although not far from horizontal, are gently folded. Wherever folds have been exposed in the zinc mines the bottoms and sides of these folds have been found richer in zinc than the adjacent portions of the same beds. This is a rule to which I know but few exceptions. The inference seems to be warrantéd that the synclinal troughs should be located and examined for the richer zinc accumulations.” Of exceptional interest at this time are the notes on the faults of north Arkansas. For the first time in the consideration of the zinc region something tangible regarding these structures and their char- acter is made available. The throw of the faults, though never very great, is sometimes four hundred feet or more. The character of the folds found in the vicinity of the faults is shown by numerous figures. The illustrations are unusually good. C. R. KEYEs: REVIEWS 637 Texas Petroleum. By WiLuiaM BatTLe Puivuipes, Ph.D., Director. The University of Texas Mineral Survey Bulletin No 1; 102 pp., plates, maps. ' Austin, July, 1901. THE University of Texas Mineral Survey, organized in May, 1901, with Dr. William B. Phillips of the university as director, establishes a new record for expeditious work in official geologic investigation by the timely appearance of this volume on a subject which is attracting much attention within the state and without. An historical account of the development of the Texas oil fields is followed by a chapter on the nature and origin of petroleum, and other chapters on the oil and gas-bearing formations and the utiliza- tion of Texas oils. The Paleozoic formations are not known to hold oil or gas in com- mercial quantities. The Cretaceous formation, more specifically the Corsicana field, has furnished practically all of the oil which has been produced until the current year. This field has a well-defined extent of from two to three miles in width by six and one-half miles in length in a northeasterly direction. The oil is reached at a depth of 1,050 feet in a soft, gray, foraminiferal shale. In July, 1901, there were 603 producing wells, with an average daily output of about 3,000 barrels of oil worth 70 cents per barrel. The production of oil in Texas for 1899 was 669,013 barrels, while that for 1900 was 836,039 barrels, almost all coming from this field. The Corsicana refinery has a capac- ity of 1,500 barrels of crude oil daily. Half the output consists of gasoline and kerosene, the residuum being marketed as fuel. In the Tertiary, the Nacogdoches field was the first to be discovered, dating from 1867. The oil is found in Eocene strata at depths of 70 to 150 feet, and is a heavy lubricating oil with a high boiling point and non-gumming qualities. No oil has been produced in this region since the early part of 1900. The Beaumont field has been the center of attraction since January Io, 1901, when the famous Lucas “gusher”’ was brought in. In July, 1got, there were fourteen producing wells all within an area 1,000 by 2,000 feet on Spindle Top Heights, a low ridge lying about four miles south of Beaumont. The ridge is about one mile wide and two miles long in a northeasterly direction and reaches a maximum elevation of 30 feet above the surrounding prairie. Wells outside the proven area are dry. It is presumed that the ridge marks an anticline, though 638 REVIEWS the structure is not yet known certainly. Concerning the fabulous production of the gushers, no definite figures can yet be given, but the production is unquestionably large. Pipe lines connect the field with tide water at Sabine Pass and Port Arthur where refineries are in pro- cess of construction. In quality the oil is a heavy fuel oil, the price of which, in July, 1901, varied from 20 to 4o cents per barrel. In connection with the origin of the oil, an investigation was made of the so-called “oil ponds,” certain quiet spots in the Gulf near Sabine Pass and popularly supposed to be caused by oil escaping from submarine springs. ‘The areas were found to be over extensive beds of black ooze. The examination of samples of this ooze disclosed the presence of sulphur and of diatoms containing oil globules, but of no free oil except such as manifestly came down from the overflow of the Beaumont wells. Sulphur deposits occur over the Beaumont oil horizon. The possible analogy of the present conditions to the condi- tions prevailing when the Beaumont oil-bearing formation was depos- ited is suggested as well as the possible connection of diatoms with the oil production. The report is well printed and illustrated with a number of photo- graphs of characteristic scenes in the different fields, including several of the “‘gushers”’ in action, and is in all respects a worthy inauguration of the new survey. CaaS: Lessons in Physical Geography. By CHARLES R. Dryer. Ameri- can Book Co.: New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago, 1901. This text-book of high-school grade covers the field of physical geography from the modern standpoint. It has several characteristics for which it deserves recognition as more than a mere variation of what has already been accomplished in other books. It is, first of all, a very concrete presentation of the physiographic principles which have recently come into prominence. Thirty-four pages are given to three typical river systems, the Mississippi, the Colorado, and the St. Lawrence, and thirteen pages to the drift sheet of North America, beside the general treatment of glaciers. The chapters which are devoted to more general subjects also abound in descriptive examples and pictorial illustrations. In the second place, the book has a large number of illustrations which are new to text-books; many of these are drawn from Indiana and neighboring states and will be welcome REVIEWS 639 to teachers as showing that the modern science of physiography does not rest on a few classical examples. -The book leaves the very whole- some impression that the United States abounds in valuable illustra- tions which are yet unknown to text-book literature, the bringing forward of which depends largely upon teachers who are working in their vicinity, just as Mr. Dryer has sought out those of his own state. The arrangement of the book is good for those who may wish to follow the author’s own order and convenient for those who do not. The suggestions on method, both in the “ Realistic Exercises” and in the appendix, are helpful. The teacher is introduced to many of the val- uable materials which are now available for this study. A good bibli- ography is given. The author is plainly in touch with the most recent work in his science. A few statements or suggestions in geol- ogy do not take into account some of the recent work. A sentence on p. 48, despite previous cautious statements, implies the belief that isostacy alone may support the earth’s broad plateaus. On the same page the wrinkling of the earth’s crust is ascribed solely to cooling of the interior. A faulty impression of slate would be left by the men- tion on p. 32. Under “Causes of Glacial Motion,” three theories are mentioned: plastic flow, regelation, and alternate melting and freez- ing. Processes which in recent studies have become more prominent than these are not mentioned. ‘The too general and perhaps mislead- ing contrast between the “older drift”? and the “newer drift” are not due to any lack of information on the author’s part, whose familiarity with the complexity of drift problems is shown both in this and other writings. An unfortunate expression on p. 135 would leave the impression that the Great Basin as a whole is actually a das¢n with a rim. ‘The mention of “subordinate basins” serves to emphasize this error. Small shortcomings like those mentioned here are but rare exceptions in this very good text-book. In its characteristic qualities the book not only meets the general demands of good science and good teaching, but is well adapted to the particular needs of the pres- ent time. N. M. F. Some Notes Regarding Vaerdal; The Great Landshp. Dr. Hans Reuscu. JVorges geologiske Undersogelse; Aarbog for 1goo. THis complete and well illustrated note, which Dr. Reusch has summarized in English, recounts a very remarkable landslip. The 640 REVIEWS level surface into which the river Vaerdal has cut a steep-sided valley is an upland of stratified marine clays, deposited during a submergence of the Norway coast since the Glacial Period. Within these clays was a great mass of “quick clay”’ not constituting a definite stratum but existing, probably, in more or less definite lenticular masses. A small side stream, the Follo, had cut a short gorge into the quick clays, giv- ing the latter an exit to the main valley. On the night of the 19th of May, 1893, a volume of this semi-fluid clay, estimated at 55 million cubic meters, escaped into the larger valley, inundating it to the extent of eight and one half square kilometers. The collapse occupied one half hour and the advancing front of the mud traveled five or six kilo- meters in three quarters of an hour. Some of the inhabitants were rescued from the roof of their house after sailing three and a half miles on the river of mud. Overa part of the area the upper layer of clay was firm, and, with the overlying turf, constituted a crust suf- ficiently strong to remain intact while the quick clay flowed out from beneath. Parts of fields bearing trees were thus dropped vertically downward, leaving the trees standing erect at the lower level. The vertical distance through which the surface fell is not given, but the pictures represent it as many meters and the sides of the pit as quite sheer in many places. The author gives a note, also, on a similar but smaller landslip which occurred on the 16th of August of the same year in the valley of the small stream Graaelven. The finely banded marine clays concerned in this slip are made the basis of a time esti- mate. Their thickness is taken at fifty meters, and they consist of alternating dark and light layers. On the supposition that one dark layer and an adjacent light layer were deposited in one year, the time consumed in their deposition is estimated at 4,000 years. ‘The propor- tion of post-glacial time which this represents is not estimated. N. Mook: Geological Map of West Virginia. Second edition. I. C. WuirTE, State Geologist. Published by West Virginia Geological Survey, Morgantown, W. Va. THE Geological Map of West Virginia, first published in 1899, has recently been revised and new features added. The map shows in separate colors the three great coal formations of West Virginia, viz., the New River or Pocahontas, the lowest; the Allegheny-Kanawha REVIEWS 641 series in the middle; and the Monongahela or Pittsburg (Connellsville) at the top. ‘Two features not shown on the original map have been added in this edition, viz., the prominent anticlinal lines, and the locations and names of every coal mine in the state shipping coal by rail or river, up to July 15, 1901, the approximate locations of the mines being indicated by numbered black dots, and the corresponding names and numbers printed on the margin of the map by counties. The map shows also oil and gas developments of the state, and should prove of much use to those interested in these subjects. Copies may be purchased (50 cents) from the West Virginia Geological Survey, Box 448, Morgantown, W. Va. RECENT PUBLICATIONS —American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Proceedings of the. Vol. XXXVI, No. 29, June, Igol. —Ami, HENRY M. Knoydart Formation of Nova Scotia. [Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. XII, pp. 301-312, Pl. XXVI.]_ Rochester, 1901. —Atti della Academia Olimpica Di Vicenza. Annate 189 9-I900, Vol. XXXII. Vicenza, Igoo. —BARTON, GEORGE H. Outline of Elementary Lithology. Boston, 1goo. —BRANNER, JOHN C. The Zinc- and Lead-Ore Deposits of North Arkansas. [A paper read before the American Institute of Mining Engineers, at its Mexican Meeting, November, 1901. ] Author’s edition, Igol. —BUCKLEY, ERNEST ROBERTSON. The Clays and Clay Industries of Wis- consin. [ Bulletin No. VII (Part I), Economic Series No. 4, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey.] Madison, Wis., Igor. —CALHOUN, F.H.H. Early Conceptions Concerning the Earth and Natural Objects. [Reprinted from the Bulletin of the American Bureau of Geography, Vol. II, No. 3, September, Igol. —CUSHING, H. P. Geology of Rand Hill and Vicinity, Clinton County. [Reprinted from the Nineteenth Annual Report of the State Geologist ; University of the State of New York: State Museum,] Albany, Igor. —DRYER, CHARLES R. Lessons in Physical Geography. American Book Company, New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, Igol. —Dupots, Euc. Les Causes Probables du Phénoméne Paléoglaciaire Permo- Carboniférien dans les Basses Latitudes. [Extrait des Archives Teyler, Séri II, T. VII, Quatriéme partie.] Haarlem, Igo]. —GLANGEAUD, M. Po. Monographie du Volcan de Gravenoire Pres de Clermont-Ferrand. [Bulletin des Services de la Carte Géologique de la France et des Topographies Souterraines. No. 82, Tome XII, 1goo- Ig01.]| Paris, gol. —GRANT, ULYSSES SHERMAN. Preliminary Report of the Copper-Bearing Rocks of Douglas County, Wisconsin. [Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin No. 6 (Second Edition); Economic Series No. 3.] Madison, Wis., {gol. —HA.Lu, C. W. Keewatin Area of Eastern and Central Minnesota. [ Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. XII, pp. 343-376, Pls. XXIX-XXXII.] Rochester, August, IgolI. 642 RECENT PUBLICATIONS 643 —Keweenawan Area of Eastern Minnesota. [Bull. of the Geol, Soc. of America, Vol. XII, pp. 313-342, Pls. XXVII, XXVIII.] Rochester, | August, Igol. —H6Gpom, A. G. Eine Meteorstatistische Studie. Hierzu eine Tabelle und Tafel IV. [Reprinted from Bull. of the Geol. Instit. of Upsala, No. 9, Vol. V, Part I, 1900.] Upsala, Igor. —Kansas Academy of Sciences, Transactions of the. Vol. XVII, 1899-1900. Topeka, Igol. —LERoy, Osmond EpGAR. Geology of Rigaud Mountain, Canada. [Bull. of the Geol. Soc. of Am., Vol. XII, pp. 377-394, Pls. 33-34.] Rochester, September, Igol. —List of the published writings of Elkanah Billings, F. G. S., Paleontologist to the Geological cy of Canada, 1856-1876. prepared by B. E. Walker, F. G. S., Toronto, Canada. [Reprinted from the Canadian Record of Scierice; Vol. VIII, No. 6, for July, 1901. issued roth August, 1g9o!.| —Monr, CHARLES. Plant Life of Alabama. [Reprint of Vol. VI, Contri- butions from the U.S. National Herbarium, published July 31, Igo1, by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Prepared in codperation with the Geological Survey of Alabama. Eugene Allen Smith, State Geologist. | Alabama Edition, with portrait and biography of the author. Mont- gomery, Ala., Igol. —New York Academy of Sciences, Annals of the. Vol. XIV, Part I. Charles Lane Poor, Editor, -—PITTMAN, EpDwarRD F. The Mineral Resources of New South Wales. Geological Survey of New South Wales; Edward F. Pittman, Govern- ment Geologist. —PROSSER, CHARLES S. The Paleozoic Formation of Allegany County, Maryland. [Reprinted from the Journal of Geology. Vol. IX, No. 5, July-August, tg01.]| The University of Chicago Press. —READE, T. MELLARD. Sand-Blast of the Shore and its Erosive Effect on Wood. [| Extracted from the Geological Magazine, N. S., Decade IV, Vol. VIII, pp. 193- che May, Igo1.] Dulau & Co., 37 Sone Square, W., London. —READE, T. MELLARD, AND PHILIP HOLLAND. The Green Slates of the Lake District, with a Theory of Slate Structure and Slaty Cleavage. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society, 1go0-1go1.] Liverpool, 1got. —ReuscuH, Hans. Norges Geologiske Underségelse, No. 32. Aarbog for 1900. [With English Summary.] Kristiania, Igor. —RUSSELL, ISRAEL CooK. Geology and Water Resources of Nez Perces County, Idaho, Parts I and II. | Bulletins No. 53 and 54, Water-Supply and Irrigation Papers of the United States Geological Survey.] Wash- ington, I1gOl. 644 RECENT PUBLICATIONS -—SHIMEK, B, I. Pyramidula Shimekii (Pils.) Shim. II. The Iowa Pteri- dophyta. [Excerpt from the Bulletin of the Laboratories of Natural History, State University of Iowa. Vol. V, pp. 139-170.] April, Igor. The Loess of Iowa City ,and Vicinity. Iowa Pteridophyta (Con.). Addenda to the Flora of Lyon County. [Excerpt from the Bulletin of the Laboratories of Natural History, State University of Iowa. Vol. V, No. 2, pp. 195-216.] May, Igor. —StTokes, H. N. On Pyrite and Marcasite. [Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, No. 186: Series E, Chemistry and Physics, 35-] Washington, Igol. —TuRNER, H. W. The Esmeralda Formation, A Fresh-Water Lake Deposit in Nevada. With a Description of the Fossil Plants, by F. H. Knowlton, and of a Fossil Fish, by F. A. Lucas. [Extract from the Twenty-first Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1899-1900, Part II, General Geology, Economic Geology, Alaska.]| Washington, Igoo. —United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Soils, Milton Whit- ney, Chief. Circular No. 8:Reclamation of Salt Marsh Lands, Thomas H. Means, Assistant. Bulletin No. 17: Soil Solutions, Their Nature and Functions, and the Classification of Alkali Lands; by Frank K. Cameron, Soil Chemist, Division of Soils (Codperating with the Division of Chemistry). Washington, Igol. Bulletin No. 18: Solution Studies of Salts Occurring in Alkali Soils; by Frank K. Cameron, Lyman J. Briggs, and Atherton Seidell. Washington, Igol. —Washington Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the. Papers from the Hopkins Stanford Galapagos Expedition, 1898-1899. II. Entomological Results (2): Diptera; by D. W. Coquillet, Custo- dian of Diptera, United States National Museum. Vol. III, pp. 371- 379, November 7, Igol. Papers from the Hopkins Stanford Galapagos Expedition, 1898-1899. III. Entomological Results (3): Odonata. [Text Figures 29-34. By Rolla P. Currie, Aid, Division of Insects, United States National Museum. Vol. III, pp. 381-389, November 7, Igo!. Papers from the Hopkins Stanford Galapagos Expedition, 1898-1899. IV. Entomological results (4): Orthoptera. [Text Figures 35-44. | By Jerome McNeill. Vol. III, pp. 487-506, November 7, Igo!. Synonomy of the Fish Skeleton. [Plates LXIII-LXV. Text Figures 45-46.] By Edwin Chapin Starks, Leland Stanford Junior University. Vol. III, pp. 507-539, November 7, Igol. WEED, W. H., and L. V. Pirsson. Geology of the Shonkin Sag and Palisade Butte Laccoliths in the Highwood Mountains of Montana. [From the American Journal of Science, Vol. XII, July, tgot.] ds Ud: 1OUKN AL OF GEOLOGY NOVENBER-~DE CEM BER,..7OOL ih HOV AITE-VOLILE SERIES OF MAGNET COVE: A CHpMIC AD STUDY IN DIFFERENTIATION, DISCUSSION. Ue In the table below are given the chief molecular ratios of those analyses of the Magnet Cove rocks which I am led to believe are the most reliable and representative. There are also I II Il IV V VI VII VIII 60.20 Si iyaaercks cs cusrerseyee en tere 38.39 | 38.93] 41.75 | 44.40 | 49.70] 53.09 | 60.13 ETO S staoueatncne otetecrerd irate Ae SAN UeO2Z On 5S) Les Sq Lie sail Onli |e eel 5 ANNO Ren edo ette oars arte aenee Ob Lhe Ala 7 sO4nl 10:95 |) 1On4 5) 20 10)||20..03 (HE ON eee ere tee cia vat aes LAA OeO S| -OnOAee 7 Ali a7 37a se7qal S45 IWS Ooi tais ausystoclnas nhereeete Were On |e See SH7leAse alee ac 7e5ul 262) Ole) eOnt 70 Cal Oran ro dis toasusle sit esete ee 1OVOm | TO.40) 14.57 8.40 | 7.91) 3.201) 007 NBS O) a cae cet aa een nets On7A e527, | Only ih Or50i) 5. 3351" 0.56)|) 76.30 REO s eerie ok Oe75: |) TRF: 632000) “Saclay |) A005) S..42 1) 507 MOLECULAR RATIO SiO Psy sy ciemiatsctebavees te .640| .649| .696] .740| .828] .885]1.002 WG @ Ftc caterer 2 eat eet NOSSO UO O07 |e Ore, iO 5)|) MOOT) OA! AL SO guar wens chats raat TOOOs nL S else alo Ol! Sy lots 207i. LOO (He O)Mae cnnas secu eine 9 lOO, |panl2e yale .082] .102] .052| .048 Mig Oi Ae ye sie cannon - 2200) |) 2Oif polls |e O4d 1.058) 008)" J0LO Ga@ Orne ce tia eer: .220| 1204) .260| .152| .141|) 3059) .015 INAS OM Not caer syrendee eee 012) |) 7085 | 1008) ~£05)|/ .086| 5117 | : 100 Ke ORF rates mca reel esOOGr ee O00) §0429|) "0571" )..0524| 8 .000)\|", 001 Na,O es eR En anor aSOm S800 le 2283) ls2T | h.O2i) 1.301) T64 K,O Specitic Grayitiye ss mre 2,407 | 2.760'|' 3.084 2-770 2.599 |2.557 I. Jacupirangite. V. Covite. II. Biotite Iolite. VI. Foyaite, Diamond Jo. III. Ijolite. VII. Pulaskite, Braddock’s quarry. VI. Arkite. VIII. Pulaskite, Type, Fourche Mt. ‘Continued from p. 622. Vol. IX, No. 8. 645 646 HENRY S. WASHINGTON inserted the figures for my two analyses of the Fourche Moun- tain rocks, which, although somewhat distant from Magnet Cove, undoubtedly belong to the same general regional magma. To render the diagrams less complicated the iron oxides are calcu- lated together as (FeO). CaO -600 Teal III IV V VI VIII 1050 DIAGRAM I. It has already been explained that at Magnet Cove the arrangement of rocks from center to periphery is regularly serial, from basic to intermediate, z. e., from II to VI. If, therefore, the analyses are plotted according to Iddings’s method, using the silica values for the abscissae, the diagram will represent in a general way the variation of this particular magma in space. This was done in my former paper’ for the earlier analyses, and the results of the present investigation are shown in Diagram I. 1H. S. WASHINGTON, of. c2t., p. 404. FOVATTEASOLITE SERIES OF MAGNET GOVE 647 Comparison of the two shows that the curves, or rather zig- zags, are much alike even though the analyses of (and con- sequently the abscissal positions of the figures for) arkite are different in the two. At the same time the new diagram is markedly more broken, and varies less regularly and con- tinuously than the former. The regularly serial character of the first is thus apparently diminished, and what it was thought would be an excellent example of regular differentiation seems to turn out rather the contrary. But, as Pirsson justly remarks, the use of SiO, for the abscissae is arbitrary, and, since this is one of the most impor- tant rock ingredients, its variation should also be shown in a manner directly comparable with those of the other oxides. It would seem to be undeniable that this is a legitimate, indeed a most logical, method if the differentiated mass has not suffered disturbance and if circumstances permit the determi- nation of the correct distances of the various differentiates from the center, since the diagram then represents, not only the com- positions of the various phases, but their actual relations in space, both as to direction and as to relative position. It often happens, as apparently at Magnet Cove, that the successive differentiation products are sharply separated from each other, transition forms being either lacking or very small in amount as compared with the main types. To correspond then with the actual state of affairs, the diagram should consist of steps, z. ¢., horizontal lines of a length equal to the breadth of each zone, at the respective ordinal positions for each oxide. Since, however, the analyses may be assumed to represent the average composition of each differentiation product, and we desire to study the course and the laws of differentiation, it is legitimate to represent the position of each constituent by a point, and the lines connecting these will therefore express the course of the differentiation of the mass of magma, even though, as an actual matter of fact, all the possible gradations repre- sented by the curves may not be present. Such a procedure is quite in accordance with the general practice in chemical and 648 HENRY S. WASHINGTON physical research, and this point is mentioned only because such methods have, as yet, found little application in petrography. In order to construct the curves two important field data are required; the position of the center of the mass or area, and the relative distances from this of the various types analyzed. By center is meant that of the innermost petrographic zone or core, not necessarily the geometrical center of the mass, as this petrographic center may be conceivably geometrically eccentric. Since, in many cases, as here, we have only one sec- tion, a horizontal one, this point is not necessarily the center of the mass, but rather its epicenter, to use the seismological term. Since the area of Magnet Cove forms a fairly regular ellipse with axes of about 5 and 3 kilometers, the center of the igneous area is easily determined. Its position is marked approximately by the Baptist church,* which lies in the small central exposure of biotite-ijolite. Inasmuch as we do not know whether the plane of the present exposed area cuts the mass centrally or above the center, we cannot tell whether the central point of this is the true center of differentiation or not. It is probably not so. But as faras the types exposed are concerned this is of little moment, as their mutual relations would remain the same, or approximately so, in any Case. Having determined the center the next point is to determine the distances of the various types from this. It is obvious that for the proper plotting of the curves, and hence the study of the course of differentiation, this is of great importance, since the points which determine the various curves will be shifted in one direction or another according to the distances selected. This would alter very materially the slope of the curves, and even their. character or shape, as by the shifting of the abscissal posi- tions a straight line will become a curve, or a simple curve of the second degree may assume the form of an inflexed one of the third. At Magnet Cove we cannot determine the abscissal positions by simply measuring the distances from the center to the par- ticular spots where the analyzed specimens were collected, * Cf. the maps in papers already cited. FOVAITE-IJOLITE SERIES OF MAGNET COVE 649 because, owing to the elliptical shape of the area, a specimen (e. g., covite) from near the end of the major axis may be at an actually greater distance from the center than one (e. g., foyaite) from the end of the minor axis, though genetically inside the latter. It would, of course be best to have several analyses of each type from different parts of the zones, both radially and circu- larly, so as to get the mean composition of each. But as that involves the making of very many analyses, we must be content at present with selecting what seem to be representative speci- mens, and assume that their analyses correspond to the average composition of each type. Assuming this, two courses are open to us. We can either measure the distances from the center along a radial line on which all occur, or average the distances of the various occur- rences of each type. The latter has been the process adopted here, since it seemed more likely to eliminate errors due to local conditions. For each type measurements were made on Williams’s map in many directions from the Baptist church to the middle point of each zone exposed, and the mean of these taken in each case. On the diagrams the abscissal positions of III, IV, V and VI, from the origin at II represent these relatively, as it is not nec- essary that the diagrams be of the same scale as the map. The position of the foyaite (VI) is not fixed as accurately as those of the others, since, being at the periphery, it is in great part over- laid by the surrounding shales. Small outcrops outside the main area, however, allow a rough estimate of its average dis- tance, though it undoubtedly extends farther away from the exposed area than the few outcrops indicate. In my former paper I assumed that the petrographic center of the area was in the ‘‘magnetite bed,” and that this was the result of the decomposition of underlying jacupirangite. As; however, this is quite uncertain, it seems best for the purpose in view to disregard this area. For the present then the analysis (and the diagram position) of the jacupirangite may be neg- 650 HENRY S. WASHINGTON lected. The same is true of the pulaskite analyses, these rocks lying quite outside the Magnet Cove area. All these rocks will be discussed subsequently. We thus obtain the result shown in Diagram 2, where the points are connected by straight lines. In this, and the follow- ing, the vertical scale for SiO, begins .400 lower than the others, so as to condense the diagram and at the same time preserve SiO, GaO SiO, Al,O5 Al,O, MgO (FeO) Na,O Na,O K,0 CaO (FeO) K,O MgO II Ill IV Van nvall DIAGRAM 2. the relative forms of all the curves (given later), and not flatten that of silica, as would be done if a smaller vertical scale were used for this than for the other constituents. When Diagram 2 is examined it is clear that, with the exception of the values for covite (V), all the points of the respective oxides lie along very smooth curves. Kor con- venience in further discussion the curves formed by the figures for II, III, IV and VI are plotted separately in Diagram 3. The values for V (covite) are entirely omitted from this, and the position and relationships of this rock will be discussed later on. The curves marked Fand J will also be explained presently. All the curves, it may be mentioned, were drawn with a spline, so that the personal equation is eliminated as far as possible. FOVAITE-IJOLITE SERIES OF MAGNET COVE 651 Within the limits from II to VI the curves are simple, that of SiO, alone showing inflexion about at the center of the dia- gram, rising sharply toward the right (acid end) and falling gently toward the left (basic end). Most of the curves are quite flat, especially those of Al,O,, Na,O and K,O, which approx- imate straight lines. At the same time they are all distinctly DIAGRAM 3. curves and not strictly linear.* It will be remembered that Pirsson’ says that all of the lines of his diagram should prob- ably be drawn as very flat curves (much flatter than these), and these observations are in accordance with the conclusion of Harker,3 that strictly linear series of rocks are of rare occur- rence. With the exception of SiO,, which is inflexed and that of *This is best seen in the large-scale drawing from which the diagram is repro- duced. 217. Vie PIRSSON, Op C20, ps 5715 3A, HARKER, JouR. GEOL., Vol. VIII, p. 392, 1900. 652 HENRY S. WASHINGTON Al,O,, which is almost a straight line but slightly convex,’ all the curves are concave’ (toward the bottom). The curves divide themselves naturally into two groups, according to general direction. Those of SiO,, Al,O,, Na,O and K,O ascend toward the right (the periphery), the three last almost arithmetically. It will be noticed that the K,O curve ascends more rapidly than that of Na,O to a point a little to the right of 1V, when it dropsa trifle more rapidly. This is expressed in the series of the ratios of these two oxides, already given in Table I. The second group is that of (FeO), MgO and CaO, which descend toward the right, and at a greater rate than those of the other group rise, SiO, excepted. It may be noted, by the way, that if TiO, be plotted with SiO,, the curve of the sums of the two becomes rather more flat (especially about IV), and the inflexion at the left is almost overcome. For facilitating this observation I have put the molecular ratios. of Ti@> next to those jot Si@. inethestable, though it would complicate the diagram unnecessarily to put in this joint curve. This seems to confirm the general belief that TiO, plays the part of an acid radical, like SiO,, in rock magmas. The general results can be concisely shown by plotting the sums respectively of the ‘‘ascending” and the ‘descending”’ oxides, except silica. We then get the two curves F (that of Al,O;, Na, O, K,O) and 17 (FeO, Mic OVE2O) on the linenor which all the determining points fall very exactly. They are both decidedly concave, “ascending and M/ descending, and their smoothness and regularity are very striking. These results are in strong harmony with those of Pirsson, and the general characters of the curves in each diagram are very similar, though there are some differences in detail. Thus all his curves are much flatter, the SiO, does not show signs of inflexion, and the Al,O, is concave and K,O convex, while in mine these two are reversed. But these are small matters, pos- sibly due to the abscissal distances at Yogo Peak not being as «The terms convex and concave will be understood as referring always to the axis, the bottom of the diagram. HOVATTE-TJOLITE SERIES OF MAGNET COVE 653 easily ascertainable asat Magnet Cove. The general conformity of the two is very good evidence to show that, if plotted accord- ing to their spacial (2. ¢., genetic) relations in the mass, the analysis of the components of an igneous complex will furnish regular curve. This fact is almost proof positive of the view that the variation of rocks is due to differentiation of some sort. Whether this differentiation is always as is now believed, viz., that the oxides of Al, Na and K tend to segregate in one direction, while those of Fe, Mg and Ca segregate in another, as well as the process by which these changes are brought about, are separate questions, which further investigation must settle. It may be that the general course indicated by the diagrams of Pirsson and myself are typical of all rock differentiation, or it may be that with magmas of different character the course of differentiation may be radically different, and that the same oxides do not always tend to go together. At any rate, it may be confidently expected that where a mass of magma has been differentiated zz széu and is of approxi- mately regular shape, has not been subjected to secondary dis- turbing conditions, and the exposures sufficient, we can express the relations of the differentiation products and the course of differentiation mathematically, as has been done in these two instances. Of course, for this purpose, it is absolutely essential that the analyzed specimens be representative, and that the analyses be complete and accurate. Othérwise the curves will be misleading or else uneven zig-zags, only rough approxima- tions to the truth, and possibly not even that. There must also be present at least three differentiates, as otherwise only straight lines connecting the two can be drawn. Thefact that the: S10; curvets the only one which is inflexed, and that it runs very sharply up toward the acid end, leads to some interesting conclusions. Since, toward the acid end, the curves of (Fe@); MgO and CaO drop much more rapidly than those.et Al, OF, Na OLand KO, it. is ‘evident. that’ at.a short distance to the right (in other words with a slight increase in 654 HENRY S. WASHINGTON silica), they will practically disappear if the differentiation con- tinues as indicated by the body of the diagram. Further differ- entiation in this direction then would lead to the production of a purely feldspathic or feldspathoidal rock. If continued still further quartz (free silica) would appear and the rock become aplitic in character. Finally, since the silica is increasing at a rapid geometrical rate, while the other constituents are drop- ping, the extreme result of differentiation in this direction would be pure quartz. This inference is obviously in line with the experiments of Barus and Iddingst which indicated that in igneous magmas SiO, plays the rdle of electrolytic solvent, analogous to that of H,O in aqueous solutions. This result is also in harmony with the experiments and conclusions of Lagorio? and Morozewicz,3 who come to the conclusion that the predominant magmatic sol- vent is composed of silica and alkalis, and that it has the power of dissolving large amounts of alumina. The results obtained above would indicate that alumina itself is an essential constituent of the solvent, and it would also seem that there need be no stoichio- metrical ratio between the four constituents. As has been indicated above, however, it will not do to push conclusions too far from such meager data, and it is by no means necessary to infer that a rock solvent of this character is the only possible one. But it will be as well to defer all discussion of these topics until more complete data are available. The comparative: rarity of occurrences of purely or very highly siliceous igneous rocks may presumably be ascribed to the fact that long before this phase of differentiation has been reached, the mass will, in most cases, have become solid (owing to the high melting point and great viscosity of such mixtures), and hence incapable of further change in this way. It is of interest to note in this connection that a specimen of ‘“‘aplite”’ has been collected by Dr. Weed, and ts now in the ™Barus and IDDINGs, Am. Jour. Sct., Vol. XLIV, p. 248, 1892. ?Lacorio, Min. Pet. Mitth., Vol. VIII, p. 508, 1887. 3 MorOzEWICZ, Min. Pet. Mitth., Vol. XVII, p. 235, 1899. FOVAITE-IJOLITE SERIES OF MAGNET COVE 655 United States Geological Survey Reference Collection (No. 813). It is of a small dike, about one and a quarter inches wide, cutting the shale near Neusch’s gulley, which it has metamorphosed. I am indebted to Dr. Ransome for the examination and descrip- tion of this specimen which he sent at my request. ‘‘ Under the microscope, the dikelet is seen to consist almost wholly of cloudy alkali-feldspar, with no quartz or nephelite, and a little biotite. With high power, the feldspar (between crossed nicols) all shows the fine shadowy striping indicative of a soda-bearing feldspar.” Two garnets also occur at the borders of the dike. The occur- rence of this aplite dike is clearly corroborative of the view of the course of differentiation which has been just expressed, and it is probable that further search would reveal others which have heretofore escaped notice. Turning to the other end of the diagram, there is good ground for the belief that there must be inflexion upwards of one or more of the curves beyond II to the left. Ifthe curves are extrapolated to the left, at a distance, let us say, equal to that between II and III, the sum of the constituents reduced to precentages amounts to only 55.6. It is obvious therefore, either that some other component of the magma than any of those plotted is greatly concentrated at the basic end, or else that the curves of one or more of the plotted constituents must run very sharply upward, thus causing inflexion. In the former case a probable additional constituent would be P,O,, which would yield, with high CaO, MgO and (FeO), an apatite-rich pyroxenite like that of Ahvenvaara in Finland," or with disappearance of SiO,, an apatite-magnetite rock like that of Alné.? If TiO, should be the constituent to assume extraordinary proportions toward the basic end, we would expect, with disappearance of SiO,, titaniferous magnetites, or such rocks as the magnetite-perofskite rock of Brazil, described by Derby.3 *V. HACKMAN, Bull. Com. Géol. Finl., No. XI, p. 36, 1900. 2 Cf. ROSENBUSCH, Llemente, No. 3, p. 133, 1898. 30. A. DERBY, Weues Jahrb., 1894, Vol. II, p. 297. 656 HENRY S; WASHINGTON Such products are, however, very exceptional, and are only to be expected in cases of very complete differentiation. In general we would only look for sharp upward inflexions of the (FeO) and MgO curves, which would yield, with the slowly dropping silica and the high CaO, a pyroxenite rich in magne- tite. This is just the character of the jacupirangite of Magnet Cove (i); and of those of Brazil and Alné, and I have indicated its connection with the others accordingly by the dotted lines to thevlett: Inasmuch as the specimens of this come from a small iso- lated mass outside the main area, its relations to the other types are uncertain, and its diagrammatic position has been given on the basis of its silica content. It seems to be probable that if, as is likely, such a rock is connected genetically with the others, its abscissal position should be considerably more to the left. As this rock is met with in the immediate vicinity of the main area, and is a theoretically possible differentiation product of the magma, it seems reasonable to assume that the section at Magnet Cove cuts the mass some distance above the center, and that below the biotite-ijolite is a core of jacupirangite, as previously supposed. It is obvious from the theoretical discussion, as well as from observations here and at similar regions, that the relations toward the basic end are far more complex than at the acid end. This arises from the fact that the oxides involved here are capable of more numerous mineralogical combinations, and also because elements which are only present to a small extent in the body of the magma may here assume proportions of great impor- tance. The fact that these extreme basic differentiation prod- ucts are far more common than the purely siliceous ones may be ascribed to the greater fusibility of magmas of a basic charac- ter, and the consequent possibility of differentiation among them at temperatures when the more acid end of the series is solid. In this connection attention may be ‘called=to, the waet, analogous to the segregation of TiO, and P,O, at Magnet Cove FOYAITE-IJOLITE SERIES OF MAGNET COVE 657 and Brazil, that in large steel castings, such as those for modern artillery, etc., there is a very marked concentration of ‘‘impuri- ties,’ as phosphorus and sulphur, toward the center of the mass. As all the curves are so smooth and well defined, it seems highly probable that equations for them could be found and that their properties as such could be discussed. In this way we could get at an exact knowledge of the law of differentiation, in this particular case at least. It is a matter of regret that I am not mathematician enough to do this, but there are other applications of the data at hand which are capable of simple mathematical treatment. Since the area of Magnet Cove is a fairly regular ellipse, and the zones of the various types are concentric about the center, by taking the average distance of each we practically reduce the ellipses to circles, the average distances being the radii. Now, since II is at the center, if we suppose Diagram 3 to be revolved about the vertical line at II as an axis, it follows that the solids of revolution so generated by each of the curves (with the bounding lines at the sides and bottom), will represent the amount of each oxide in the original magma, and that their sum will represent the composition of the magma as a whole, before differentiation. This is not strictly true, since we are ignorant of the exact shape and extent of the complex, but as a first approximation and an illustration of the method, it will be of interest to calcu- late the results which are obtained on this basis. Asa matter of fact, the recent description of the Shonkin Sag laccolith by Weed and Pirsson* renders it extremely probable that the foyaite is present in far greater relative amount than the surface expo- sures indicate. This would necessitate a very considerable cor- rection, but, as we have no means at present of estimating this, it will be as well to give the figures based solely on the field | observations, leaving possible corrections for the future. The process of calculating the various volumes is very simple in theory, but somewhat complicated and laborious in practice. *WEED and Pirsson, Am. Jour. Sct., Vol. XII, p. 1, 1901. 658 HENRY S. WASHINGTON As it is a somewhat new departure in petrography it may be of use to others to outlhne the method which I have employed. The curves shown in Diagram 3 were plotted on paper ruled in inches and tenths. The particular scale is simply a matter of convenience, and it is not necessary to reduce the percentages to 100, as we are dealing with relative amounts. The formula employed is well known, being the second of Guldin’s theorems, viz., the volume of the solid generated by the revolution of a closed curve or plane figure about an axis in its plane, but\ exterior to itself, is equal to the product of the area of the generating curve into the path described by the cen- ter of gravity of the revolving area. Veo77A, where V is the volume, 7 the distance from the axis to the center of gravity, and A the area of the plane figure. The areas of the curve, z. ¢., of the space embraced within the curve itself, and the limits of the diagram, are easily found, either by counting the squares, or by calculation of the area of the trapezoids formed by the respective chords and the limiting lines, and addition to these of the areas embraced between the chords and the curves. The centers of gravity are found by dividing the trapezoids into two triangles, and finding their centers of gravity, when the center of gravity of the trapezoid will be at the intersection of the line connecting the centers of the two triangles and one con- necting the middle points of the two parallel sides. In the case of the more curved lines a correction must be made for the area between the chord and the curve, but this will always be small. SiO, was regarded as composed of the large rectangle from .400 below the bottom of the diagram to .249, and the space between this upper boundary and the inflexed curve. The resultant volumes, being based on the molecular ratios, have to be multiplied by the molecular weights of the respective oxides, in order to arrive at the percentage composition of the whole. In this way I obtained the following figures, which are given in full to illustrate the method. FOVAITE-IJOLITE SERIES OF MAGNET COVE 659 Mot, Ratio A r Vv VxXmol. wt. | Percentage Found. | Calc. : ( 52.0 4. 1306.2 : eo SOs ape i 630 5-4 203.4 90576.0 47.24 2797 |. 787 EN Oats one 14.0 AZ 375-7 253214 19.99 “190))". 200 (FeO)..... 8.25 265 181.0 13032.0 6.80 .094 | .074 Mig @i acs - 5.9 2.9 107.4 4296.0 2.24 .056 | .029 CAaOiae ene 16.2 3.5 356.1 19941 .6 10.40 a irsyisy |p gata) INI Oke mae 8.1 Aen 208.6 12933.2 6.75 «100) ||) 010 ISOs oars 8.8 ey] 134.2 12614.8 6.58 .070 | .09g0 | 100.00 Of the Magnet Cove rocks this resembles most that of arkite (IV) especially as regards Al,O,, (MeO), MeO; and Na, O; though it is distinctly higher in SiO, and CaO and lower in K,O. Referring it to Diagram 3,its position established by means of SiO, is shown at X, and the points where this vertical istcut by the oxide curves are the “molecular ratios calc.” of the table. positions of the various oxides as found. The small crosses along the vertical indicate the They can be identified by the values in the table. It will be observed by reference to the diagram or to the last two columns of the table, that in the case of oxides whose curves are approximately straight lines,as Al,O, and Na,O, the found and calculated values coincide, while in the case of oxides yield- ing decided curves the value found is below that calculated. This is in accordance with the demonstration of Harker’ that if a series be linear the admixture of two or more members will produce a rock having the composition of a possible member of the series, while in a curvilinear series the mixture will not correspond to a possible member. Another method for arriving at the composition of the magma as a whole would seem to be furnished by the deter- mination of the mean point of each of the curves, thus giving the average composition. If the equations of the various curves But for practical purposes it can be done by determining, for each were known, these could be calculated mathematically. T HARKER, Jour. GEOL., Vol. VIII, p, 394, 1900. 660 HENRY S. WASHINGTON oxide, the ordinal value for each successive tenth of an inch, and taking the mean. The result of this process is given in II below, that given by the previous process being given in I. I II SiO@e see 47.24 45.44 IN KOs s 565.610 19.99 19.06 (ANSON osoce es 6.80 7.75 Mig © errs cee 2.24 3.31 CalOpirne aire 10.40 11.81 Na,O 6.75 6.37 K,O 6.58 6.26 100.00 100.00 The two agree fairly well, and are of the same general char- acter, though there are marked discrepancies, II being decidedly more basic in all respects than I. What may be the explanation of this, 1 am not mathematician enough tosay. But the general agreement would indicate that one of the two, or their mean, cannot. be far trom the. truth, 2. 12.,.as neamasithemdatagatanand permit of approximation. It is of interest to note that I have been unable to find the analysis of any rock which agrees at all closely with either of these two results. Those which are as high in alkalis being lower in bivalent oxides, while those which agree in this respect are lower in alkalis and alumina. Whether this indicates that there are serious sources of error in the method employed, or else that some undifferentiated magmas may possess chemical compositions not corresponding to those of rocks as yet known, is a question which cannot be decided here. It would seem as if there were nothing a prior contrary to the latter hypothesis. In this connection Harker’s* remark may be cited: ‘‘ Given a series such that its diagram has markedly curved lines, the result of the admixture of two members may be something not only foreign to the series, but highly peculiar by comparison with igneous rocks in general.” It is true that Harker was dis- cussing the case of the mixture of two members of a series, but HARKER, of. ctt., p. 395. FOYVAITE-IJOLITE SERIES OF MAGNET COVE 661 differentiation and admixture (of two members of a series) may to a certain extent be regarded as inverse processes, so that the occurrence of a magma of this anomalous composition need not occasion surprise. Being rich in both of the generally antagonistic groups of oxides, it would be especially liable to differentiation. The general lability of the monzonitic magmas as regards the conditions controlling crystallization has been pointed out elsewhere." The general chemical composition can also be calculated by the relative volumes of the various phases, which has been the only method heretofore available. This would seem to be far more uncertain than the new method, which is based on the mathematical course of differentiation, since the ignorance of certain data may affect the result very seriously. Thus we cannot tell where the boundaries between two zones really fall, and (beneath the hornstone ridge especially) whether there may not be a zone of transitional material. Assuming that the limits come half way between zones, and that they are of uniform thickness in all directions, we can easily Volumes Weights rate ty : 0.14 0.15 100 ee ea 8.64 9.85 TV eaters : 38.27 - 39.15 Mal csiataceee. 52:95 50.85 100.00 100.00 SiO, - - - - - 50.02 PUN OF oo eee : - = 20,89 (FeO): - - - - - 5.87 MgO - - - - - 1.36 Ga = - - - - 6.89 Na,O - - - - - 6.86 Ke Oo = - - - - 8.10 100.00 *F. L. RANSOME, Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. V, p. 370, 1898. H.S. WASHINGTON, Jour. GEOL., Vol. V, p. 376, 1897. 662 HENRY S. WASHINGTON calculate the volumes of the several spherical shells, which must also be assumed to represent the true ellipsoidal ones. The results are given below, including the relative volumes and weights (obtained by correction of the former for specific gravity), and the average composition deduced from this latter. This result is notably less basic than the former calculated from the curves, and approaches somewhat closely to the com- positions of the foyaite and the arkite, though in a general way intermediate between the two. This is so, since these two form (on this basis) 90 per cent. of the whole. It must be remem- bered, however, that this method is not based on curves, but on a succession of steps, and that the influence of the greater width of the more acid phases is intensified by their greater distance from the center. At the same time both methods indicate a magma rich in Al,O,, CaO and alkalis, low in SiO, and MgO, and with moderate iron. Inasmuch as there must be a (probably rather large) cor- rection made for the greater mass of foyaite, on the analogy of the Shonkin Sag laccolith, all these figures can, for the present, be regarded as only suggestive and illustrative of the method of investigation proposed, than representing exactly the actual state of affairs. It is of course hazardous to theorize on such limited data as are yet available, but the methods indicated in Pirsson’s paper and the present one would seem to be of not uncommon appli- cability, and well worth further trial in the investigation of other favorable localities indeed: sas kirsson has inemanl | Prom, /this region of ‘highest elevation;ethicy, ™Read before Section E of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the Denver meeting, August Igor. 2 The Ouachita Mountains have been included by some writers with the Ozarks ; but because of the great structural and topographic differences in the two regions, to say nothing of the probable historic differences, this is manifestly wrong. 3 Topographic map United States Geological Survey, Winslow quadrangle. 694 695 PHVSIOGRAPHY OF THE BOSTON MOUNTAINS ‘sesuvy1y jo dew jolla s.tguuvig wWoIj 0}OYG—'I ‘DIT 1) § 696 A. H. PURDUE gradually fall off to the east, sinking below the Tertiary deposits just west of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern railway and south of White River; also from this region of highest elevation, they fall off westward to the Grand River in Indian Territory.* It will be seen that the east-west line along the crest of these mountains forms a gentle arch in the middle. Structuraily, in the western part of Arkansas, these mountains are a broad, flat anticline, the strike of which is east and west. According to the geologists of the Arkansas Geological Survey, it appears that the extreme eastern part of the region is mono- clinal in structure, with the dip to the south.” With the exception of the Illinois River in the western part of the state, the drainage of the region is northward and east- ward into White River, and southward into the Arkansas. The direction of the streams has been determined by the slopes incident to the uplift, modified in some cases by faulting and flexuring. The effect of the latter upon. Little Red River and neighboring streams has already been noted by Professors New- som and Branner.3 The westward course of the Mulberry River has been determined by a fault. Detailed work of the region would doubtless disclose numerous other similar examples. ‘The drainage of the region is that intermediate between youth and maturity. The streams are vigorous, and have com- pletely dissected the plateau by the formation of gorges from 500 to 1000 feet deep, thus producing a very rugged topog- raphy over the whole region. Between these gorges the slopes often meet, forming more or less rounded hills; but more fre- quently the intervening area is occupied by flat-topped, sand- stone-capped hills of limited extent. The tributaries of both the Arkansas and the White rivers have worked their way back to, and in many cases, far beyond ™Dr. N. F. DRAKE, in Proc. of the Am. Phil. Soc., Vol. XXXVI, No. 156, p. 332. 2 NEwsom and BRANNER, “ The Red River and Clinton monoclines, Arkansas,” Am. Geologist, Vol. XX, July 1897, pp. I-13. R. A. F. PENROSE, JR., Ark. Geolog. Surv., Vol. 1, 1890; section with pocket map. 3 Loc. cit. PHYVSIOGRAPHY OF THE BOSTON MOUNTAINS 697 the original water divide of the plateau, making the water divide as it now exists, a very zigzag line. In the western part of the state, the south-flowing streams are the stronger, and as a rule are robbing the White River basin of territory in this locality. Further east, in the middle portion of the region, the north-flowing streams are the stronger, and seem to be encroach- ing upon the drainage area of the Arkansas, while in the east- ern part, the south-flowing streams head very near the north escarpment of the plateau. The rocks of the region are mainly unmetamorphosed sand- stones and shales, those at the base being of Lower Carboniferous age, and those at the top belonging to the Coal-measure series. These alternating hard and soft rocks have produced the ter- races on the hill slopes, which are so characteristic of dissected regions of horizontal strata. As these terraces are often of con- siderable width, and are favorable horizons for springs, they are inviting to the farmer, and can be located miles away by the small farms on the mountain sides. The low region to the north of the Boston Mountains is one of great denudation. From its northeastern part, all the rocks have been removed above the Ordovician, leaving those exposed at the surface. West and south of this is a region from which the Upper Carboniferous rocks have been removed, leaving those of Lower Carboniferous age at the surface. Standing up promi- nently on the latter are numerous hills of circumdenudation, composed of remnants of the horizontal strata of the Boston Mountains, and serving as living witnesses to their former extent. The height of these outliers very closely approximates that-of the plateau of which they were formerly a part. This uniformity in height between the various parts of the dissected Boston plateau and its outliers suggests a peneplain, and herein lies the physiographic problem of the region. In a region of folded or inclined strata the determination of a peneplain becomes a question of comparative ease, for in those cases denudation will have reduced both hard and soft strata to practically the same level, the peneplain intersecting 698 TNs Jake, SOUR IOUS, strata of all degrees of hardness. But in the case of horizontal strata undergoing base-leveling, the conditions are quite differ- ent, for then the peneplain conforms to the hard stratum or strata that) happen) toy be mear seay levelly sliysweh va region be subsequently elevated, the streams are revived, the region dissected, and the former peneplain represented by the tops of the hills, which would still be capped by the hard strata that were conformable with the peneplain before the region was ele- vated. Now this is exactly the structural and topographic con- ditions of the Boston Mountains and their outliers. But it happens that these are also the structural and topographic con- ditions that would prevail in a region of horizontal strata that has been elevated from beneath the ocean and is undergoing the process of base-leveling for the first time. So the problem presents itself as to which condition prevails in the Boston Mountains, and unfortunately criteria for its solution are largely if not wholly wanting. Ordinarily, for the determination of a peneplain we look to the streams. In such cases, as is well known, the streams are winding, and flow in more or less steep-sided, symmetrical valleys, which are themselves cut down in wider valleys. In the Boston Mountains there is no such evidence of a peneplain. The streams of the region are all young, with the characteristic steep-sided gorges of such streams. So far as the writer has been able to observe, there is nothing in the region indicating an uplift since the present streams came into existence. Their valleys are relatively wide at their mouths, and gradually decrease in width back to their sources, as would be expected of streams cutting into a plateau of horizontal strata. The slopes are undisturbed by terraces, excepting such ‘as those mren- tioned above, which are due to structure. Along the southern base, the oldest of the streams have reached the temporary base- level of the Arkansas River, and meander somewhat, but none of them to any great extent. It follows that evidence of a former base-leveling, if there be such, must be looked for elsewhere than in the streams. A PHYSIOGRAPAY OF THE BOSTON MOUNTAINS 699 recent writer’ claims that the tops of the Boston Mountains represent a peneplain, and cites as evidence the fact that they correspond very closely in height with the Ouachita Mountains south of the Arkansas valley. This evidence is given on the assumption that the rather uniform height of these mountains represents a peneplain; but this is a hypothesis far from being established. Mr. L. S. Griswold, in his work on the novaculite region of Arkansas, encountered the problem of the noncon- formance of some of the main streams of the region to the structure and topography, to account for which he presents the theory of a post-Carboniferous base-level, on which was subse- quently deposited Cretaceous strata.2 If the present writer correctly interprets Mr. Griswold, he believes the south-flowing streams, which form water-gaps in some of the highest moun- tains of the region, are superimposed streams, their courses having been determined by the slope of the Cretaceous area after elevation. Mr. Griswold does not claim that the evidence of this is conclusive. It is the opinion of the present writer, from somewhat limited observation, that the even crests of the Ouachita Mountains are due to structural and lithological con- ditions and not to base-leveling. But were it established that they represent a peneplain, the fact that the Boston Mountains closely agree with them in height does not argue a peneplain for the latter. The one is a folded area, and the other an area of horizontal rocks (Fig. 2). Erosion in the one has resulted in wide, anticlinal valleys through which flow sluggish streams, while erosion in the other is in its early stages. It would seem to follow that the time of elevation of the one region is far ante- cedent to that of the other, and consequently the correspon- dence in height between the two only accidental. If, however, we look to the north of the Boston Mountains, we find conditions which seem to throw some light upon the subject. As has already been said, this is a region of great denudation. Its general elevation is from 700 to 1000 feet ™O. H. HERSHEY, Am. Geologist, Vol. XX VII, No. 1, pp. 25 e¢ seg. 2 Ark. Geol. Surv., 1890, Vol. III, pp. 220. 700 as Amin Boston Back bone Mt. A Sugar Loaf Mt Frc. 2— North-south section of the Boston Mountains and adjacent regions, near Arkansas-Indian Territory line. Alo Jats dA IOGTS, lower than that of the Boston Mountains. Its streams are mature, the valleys comparatively wide, and the topography in general presents the aspect of much greater age than that of the Boston Moun- tains. Professor C. F. Marbut, in discussing that part of this region which lies in Missouri,’ claims that it was base-leveled in early Tertiary times, and the present cycle of erosion was instituted by an elevation which dates from middle or late Tertiary times. Be that as it may, the question as to whether the region to the north of the Boston Mountains ever suffered denudation to the extent of base-level- ing does not particularly concern us here. The fact of interest is that the denudation of the extensive region to the north has been very great and the topography is old, while that of the Boston Moun- tains is limited and the topography young. It would appear that this difference in topogra- phy cannot be attributed to the massive beds of sand- stone at the top of the Boston Mountains, for these same beds, while they have doubtless had a great deal to do with preserving the region, formerly extended over much if not all the denudated area to the north. Besides, if we attribute the preservation of these mountains to the character of the rocks com- posing them, we are encountered by the question as to why erosion has been so extensive to the north of the region, removing the rocks over a large area, leaving only here and there hills or circumdenuda- tion, while in the southern part adjacent to the Arkan- sas valley it has scarcely begun. I am able to account for the great difference in the stages of erosion in the two regions only by con- ceiving the Boston Mountain area to have been ata lower elevation than the area to the north during t Mo. Geol. Surv., Vol. X, pp. 27-29. PHYSIOGRAPAY OF THE BOSTON MOUNTAINS 7OI the time the extensive denudation was going on over the lat- ter. So low must it have stood that the strata now composing their summits suffered but little erosion, while the same beds extending northward suffered much because of their greater height. If this be true, the actual amount of degradation suffered by the Boston Mountain region is indeterminable; but as there was more or less of it, and the region stood at a low level, it would be considered a peneplain. The elevation, which must have occurred in late Tertiary or in post-Tertiary time, was greatest along the present east-west axis of the plateau, gradually decreasing to the northward, and changing the region from a low, monotonous plain to a plateau approximating 2,500 feet 11 height, greatly modifying the former drainage and insti- tuting that of the present. Aside from the difference in topography between the region under discussion and the one to the north, the writer cannot at present claim very great support for the idea herein presented. There are, however, some other facts that seem to lend the hypothesis support. (1) The region being on the border of the Ozark uplift, it is probable that during the greater part of its history it lay at a low level and consequently suffered compara- tively little from erosion. (2) The outliers of the Boston Mountains to the north are as a rule lower than the main plateau, though capped by the same rocks, thus indicating an axis of elevation to the south of the outliers. (3) The eastward course of White River and its tributaries may be due to their having been diverted from what would seem a more natural southern course, at the time of the uplift. Aare RuRDUE, UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS, Fayetteville, Ark. DHE DISCOVERYGODVAy NEW, FOSSiii dT Arkin OREGON A FAIRLY complete phylogenetic series of early Miocene tapirs has been made known to science through the researches of Messrs. Wortman,! Earle, and, Hatcher.2 Between these ancestral forms, referable to the genus Profapirus, and the living species is a gap in the line of descent which has remained unbridged until the fortunate discovery of the form presently to be described. Our knowledge of the tapir phylum since the White River epoch may be summarized in a few words. In 1873, Dr. Joseph Leidy: described under the name Lophiodon oregonensis, two imper- fect superior molars obtained by Professor Thomas Condon at Bridge Creek, Oregon. Two species have been described by Professor Marsh,‘ which he refers to the genus Zapiravus: T. rarus from the Loup Fork of the Rocky Mountains, and Japiravus validus from the Miocene of New Jersey. From the brevity of the description and the lack of figures, these species are prac- tically indeterminate. Remains of tapirs belonging to the exist- ing genus are known from the Quaternary gravels of California,® and have been described from several localities in the eastern states. During the summer of 1900, Professor John C. Merriam and Mr. V. C. Osmont, of the University of California, while collect- ing in the fossil beds of the John Day valley, Oregon, obtained tJ. L. WorTMAN and C. Ear.e, “Ancestors of the Tapir from the Lower Miocene of Dakota,’”’ Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. V, p. 159. 2J. B. Hatcuer, “ Recent and Fossil Tapirs,” Am. Jour. Scz., 4th ser., Vol. I, p- 161, 1896. 3U. S. Geol. Surv. of the Territories, Vol. I, p. 219, Pl. II, Fig. 1. 40. C. Marsu, Am. Jour. Sct., Vol. XIV, p. 252, 1877. SJ. D. WHITNEY, ‘“ Aurif. Gravels,” Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, Vol. VI, p. 250; W. P. BLaKkeE, Am. Jour. Sci. Vol. XLV, p. 381. 702 DISCOVERY OF NEW FOSSIL°TAPIR IN OREGON 793 the bones which form the subject of the following discussion. The remains are from the Promerycochcerus horizon (Upper John Day) exposed on the bank of the John Day river, beneath the Columbia basalt, to the west of Spray post-office, Wheeler county, Oregon. Ina recent paper,’ Professor Merriam named the beds of the Upper John Day the Paracotylops beds, basing the name on the new genus Paracotylops, proposed in the same paper by Dr. W. D. Matthew for the typical Oreodonts of this horizon. In the numbers of the American Journal of Science for last December and January, a paper by Mr. E. Douglass appeared in which these Oreodonts were provisionally named Promerycocherus. Neither Professor Merriam nor Dr. Matthew read this article before the publication of Professor Merriam’s paper, and consequently did not notice the new name. It now appears that Promerycocherus should be retained as a generic name, and consequently, at Professor Merriam’s suggestion, the name of the beds of the upper division has been changed from Paracotylops to Promerycochcerus beds. ihe-stype specimen (No. M934) Univ.;ot Cal. Pale Mus.) comprises several superior incisors; the lower jaw lacking the posterior portion, with representatives of all the inferior denti- tion excepting the canines and the third molar; the proximal portion of the left humerus; the left radius; the scaphoid, lunar, magnum, and unciform of the right carpus; three metacarpals of the same side, and a few phalanges. The bones are those of a single individual of a new species of the genus Protapirus, for which the name Protapirus robustus is proposed. It is consid- erably larger than any of the White River species of Protapirus, and would approximate in size the most specialized hving tapir, Elasmognathus bard. The lower jaw is represented about one- half natural size in Fig. 1. The symphysial region was found in place, imbedded in a buff colored tuff so characteristic of the Upper John Day beds that the expression ‘buff beds”’ was used as a convenient field term for this horizon. The other bones lay loose on the surface in the immediate vicinity. ™ A Contribution to the Geology of the John Day Basin,” Bul’. Dept. Geol., U. of Cal., Vol. II, No. 9, p. 296; JouR. GEOL., Jan.-Feb., 1901, p. 72. 704 WhTTAM | SUN GILATER: The dentition.—The superior incisors are larger than the cor- responding teeth in Elasmognathus bard. Vhe inferior incisors are slightly smaller than the superior. Both series have the crowns somewhat cupped, especially so in the superior incisors. The first and second inferior incisors are of equal size, while the third is two-thirds as large as those preceding it. The crowns of both canines are broken off, but the diameters of their roots, measured on the alveolar borders, are greater than the corre- sponding parts of the larger incisors. A long diastema succeeds the canines. The premolars have their anterior cusps united into transverse ridges, slightly notched at the summit. In all Jk ike except the second premolar, the ridges are perpendicular to the long axis of the jaw. They are equally developed on the third and fourth premolars. Posterior cross crests are not developed on any of the premolars. In the second premolar, the proto- conid is larger than the deuteroconid and is situated farther for- ward than the latter. In the succeeding premolars, these cusps are of the same size and are situated directly opposite each other. The tetartoconid of the premolars is smaller than the metaconid. The latter cusp is united with the inner side of the base of the protoconid by a ridge. This structure is also found in the molars, all of which have two cross crests. The posterior crest in the first and second molars is somewhat oblique to the axis of the jaw. The third molar is too imperfectly preserved to describe. Anterior and posterior cingula are present on all the molars and premolars. Traces of an external cingulum are found at the outer end of the transverse valley in all except the second premolar. In this tooth the paraconid is very large, uniting by a ridge with the protoconid. In the remaining pre- molars the paraconid is replaced by a style rising but little above the level of the anterior cingulum. DISCOVERY OF NEW FOSSIL TAPIR IN OREGON 705 The jaw.— The inferior border of the jaw is parallel with the alveolar border. The symphysial portion rises at a low angle, much less thanin the tapir. The flatness of this angle is perhaps due in part to a slight amount of crushing which the specimen has sustained. The posterior border of the mental foramen is directly below the anterior border of the second premolar. The fore limb.—The humerus and radius have about the same shape as in the tapir. The deltoid ridge of the former is broken off, so that it is impossible to say whether it was hooked or not. The shaft of the radius is more strongly curved than the corresponding element in Protapirus validus as figured by Hatcher,* but a part of the curvature may be due to distortion. The carpus does not call for special description, not differing materially from that of Protapirus obliquidens. W.& E. The ante- rior contact of the lunar and magnum is still small, as in the White River species. There were four digits in the manus, the length of metacarpals III, 1V, and V being about the same as in E. bairdi, but less robust. In shape they correspond closely with the metacarpals of the latter, except that the proximal portion of the fifth is inclined at a greater angle to the shaft of the bone than inthe living form. The phalanges, which are of the second row, are shorter and less robust than those of the tapir. Phylogenetic position — The remains just described indicate an animal much larger than any of the White River species of the same genus. The structure of the molars and premolars suggests Protapirus validus as a probable ancestor. There are, however, several differences. In addition to the considerable difference in size, the third premolar of P. rvobustus has the anterior cross crest vertical to the long axis of the jaw, while in P. validus it is somewhat oblique. The diastema, as in P. validus, is shorter than in Alasmognathus, while the mental foramen has moved slightly posterior to the position it occupies in the White River ancestor. Gradations between the two types probably occur among the as yet unknown tapirs of the Lower and Middle John Day. PEOC« Gl... PLO 72 bis, 1. 700 WALEIAM.. J. SINCLATR MEASUREMENTS OF PROTAPIRUS ROBUSTUS Length of inferior molar-premolar series - - - 12810 1302" Length of inferior premolar series - - - - - - - 60 Length of inferior molar series (approximate) - - - - 70 Length of diastema - - - - - - = - - 46 Length of symphysis measured on lower side - - - - ak Depth of ramus below alveolus of Pm. 2 - - - - - - 48 Depth of ramus below alveolus of Pm. 4 - - 2 - - 49 Depth of ramus below alveolus of M. 3 - - - - - AG oe Length of radius - - - - - - - - Seon Breadth of proximal end of radius” - - - = : - - 45 Breadth of distal end of radius - - - - - - - 39 In this connection, may be mentioned a second specimen, (No. M 1525 University of California Pal. Museum), representing probably another new species, obtained by the writer in the uppermost beds of the John Day system, on Johnson Creek, Grant county, Oregon. The horizon is considerably higher than that from which Protapirus robustus was obtained, and appears to be faunally distinct. It is characterized by the remainsiot numerous individuals of a camel belonging to the genus Pro- tomeryx and by a rodent generically new. The tapir remains are of a young animal and are not complete enough to characterize specifically. They comprise fragments of a jaw with which three incisors and the second inferior premolar are preserved. The two large incisors, apparently the inferior median pair, are two-thirds as large as the corresponding teeth in P. vobustus. They are spatulate in shape and slightly cupped. The anterior face is marked by delicate growth lines. The third incisor is an exceed- ingly small tooth with the crown 3$™™ broad. Imperfect preser- vation of the symphysial region renders it impossible to make any statement regarding the canine. The second premolar of the right side is the only one of’ the cheek teeth perfectly pre- served. This tooth is entirely unworn, and was just appearing through the gums at the time of the animal’s death. In this tooth, the’tetartoconid is much larger than in P. robustus and the junction of the metaconid with the tetartoconid is much more complete, forming a cross crest but slightly notched. A ridge DISCOVERVVOPINEW FOSSTL TAPIR IN OREGON — 707 joins the former cusp with the middle of the anterior cross crest. The protoconid is considerably anterior to the deuteroconid and as in P. robustus is united with the paraconid bya ridge. The anterior cross crest is sharply notched, but this structure would probably assume the character of the anterior cross crest in P. robustus with the wearing down of the deuterocone by use. External cingula appear at the outer margin of the median valley and on the external side of the paraconid. A posterior cingulum is also developed. MEASUREMENTS Width of the crown of first inferior incisor - - - - - (oy peste Width of the crown of third inferior incisor - - - - =a sip Length of the first premolar crown, antero-posteriorly — - - - 154 Wo. J. SINCLAIR. PAL-ZEONTOLOGICAL LABORATORY, University of California. THE FORMATION AS THE BASIS FOR GEOLOGIC MAPPING In a recent number of this JournaL Mr. Bailey Willis, ina paper on ‘Individuals of Stratigraphic Classification,” has restated and rediscussed the problem which must be solved before cartographic work of any magnitude can be planned. This problem involves a careful consideration of the relative weights to be assigned, in any system of classification to be used on geologic maps, to faunal, lithologic, and chronologic (successional) characters. Mr. Willis discusses the question in its various aspects, and his final decision is that the lithologic unit (formation) is best adapted to the requirements of the car- tographer. While agreeing, in the main, with the conclusions reached by Mr. Willis, it seems desirable to call attention to certain arguments, not specifically mentioned by him, which may be adduced in support of those conclusions; and, further, to exam- ine the results of the application of the proposed system of classification to some particular cases of interest. Before commencing the discussion of this question I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Dr. F. J. H. Merrill, director of the New York State Museum, who has greatly aided me, with both criticism and advice, during the preparation of this paper. THE NECESSITY FOR UNIFORMITY Though the formation, defined primarily by lithologic char- acters, was officially adopted in 1889 as the cartographic unit of the United States Geological Survey, in practice it has not entirely superseded other units of classification. Great variety — exists in the practice of the various state geological surveys, as is indicated by their official maps; and greater variety, as might indeed be expected, in unofficial maps accompanying papers on 708 FORMATION THE BASIS FOR GEOLOGIC MAPPING 709 areal geology, even though the authors be connected with sur- veys whose official practice is uniform. In considering the representation on a map of the geologi- cal features of a small, isolated area, the question of the taxo- nomic unit to be employed is usually of minor importance ; though even in this case, as shown later, there would seem to be good reasons for the adoption of the lithologic individual as this unit. The interest attaching to this question increases directly with the size of the area to be mapped; and the prob- lem becomes of paramount importance when the independent work of several geologists is to be combined, as in the compi- lation of a geologic map of an entire state or other large area. In view of these facts, and of the slow but steady spread of the geologic-folio work carried on by the United States Geologi- cal Survey, it would seem necessary that the various local sur- veys should adopt the same general system of classification for map work. In the present state of our knowledge, detailed chronologic classification, the unit for which would be the epoch’ of earth-history, is impossible; and the problem of unifi- cation is therefore resolved into the choice between two alterna- tive systems, based respectively upon biologic and lithologic characters. In the opinion of the writer a geologic survey, whether state or national, can best accomplish the work for which it is intended by adopting as its cartographic and taxo- nomic unit the formation, defined as a lithologic individual. THE RELATIVE SCIENTIFIC VALUES OF BIOLOGIC AND LITHOLOGIC UNITS For the purposes of the present discussion it is necessary to point out that our knowledge of the two histories (7. ¢., of sedi- mentation and of life), so far as that knowledge can be expressed on maps, is decidedly different in grade. The present phase of earth-history may be examined for a determination of the truth of this statement. We can map without difficulty the topo- graphic features of the earth; and the possible accuracy and t The word epoch is here used in an entirely general sense. 710 EDWIN GC. FEKELE precision of such mapping is limited only by the consideration of expense. Moreover, we are able in most cases to discuss topographic features in terms of causality. With regard to the present biologic condition of the earth our knowledge is much less definite. Mapping the distribution of existing faunas or floras is not practicable in the present state of our knowledge of biotic’ distribution, except in a very gen- eral way; anything like a detailed map is impossible. This con- dition is due partly to the expense of collecting sufficient data on the range of the different species of plants and animals. Most of the difficulty, however, arises from the fact that the principles underlying and regulating animal and plant distribu- tion are still far from being well understood, though of late years great advances have been made in that direction. If our knowledge is thus imperfect with regard to the exist- ing biota,* our knowledge of the facts and causes of its distribu- tion during past ages is still less definite. It is noteworthy that two of the most successful attempts? to account for biotic distribution and evolution in periods antedating the present have been the work of geologists specializing in physiographic work, a branch which necessitates lithologic rather than biologic discriminations. Obviously, the paleontologic record must always be more defective than the lithologic; for fossils are not always found where rocks are exposed. In addition to gaps occurring because of local lack of fossils, two periods are particularly incapable of being treated on a biologic basis; one immensely long period at the commencement of geologic history, and one short but highly important period immediately preceding the beginning of written history. With regard to the relative values of the biologic and litho- logic units as measures of absolute time, the case is somewhat t Biota = the sum of the fauna and flora of aregion. Cf STEJNEGER, American Naturalist, February 1901, p. 89. 2T. C. CHAMBERLIN, “‘Systematic Source of Evolution of Provincial Faunas,” JouRN. GEOL., VI, pp. 597-608, 1898. J. B. WoopworrTH, “ Relation between Base- leveling and Organic Evolution,” American Geologist, XIV, pp. 209-235, 1894. FORMATION THE BASIS FOR GEOLOGIC MAPPING 711 in favor of the latter unit; for the relation existing between time taken in deposition and thickness of formation is much more traceable than that between extent of variation and time taken in evolution. In considering the adoption of a basis for geologic mapping the biologic unit has, therefore, no antecedent claim to special consideration on scientific grounds; and its value can be com- pared directly with that of the lithologic unit in regard to their relative practicability and utility. THE RELATIVE PRACTICABILITY OF THE TWO SYSTEMS A lithologic unit can usually be so described and defined as to be readily identified by any future worker in the same or an adjoining area through which the formation extends. It should also be noted that all geologists substantially agree upon the use of the terms in which lithologic individuals are defined, and will consequently agree closely in their valuation 0 66 dey of any series. ‘‘ Limestone, sandstone,” “slate, conglom- erate,” all have fairly definite meanings, and it is improbable that terms such as these are used in very different senses by different geologists. The biologic unit, on the other hand, is rarely capable of being so described or defined as to be accepta- ble to all paleontologists. The difference is that the lithologic individual is a fact; the biotic individual, as commonly described, is a fact plus an interpretation; and while there may be sub- stantial agreement as to the facts in any given case, it is but rarely that the interpretations will coincide. The Hudson formation in the vicinity of Albany, N. Y., pre- sents an excellent example of some of the practical difficulties encountered in attempting to represent faunal distinctions ona map; anda brief sketch of the conditions may be of interest in the present connection. i) The ‘‘ Hudson River group’ of the earlier classifications — a9, the ‘‘ Hudson formation” of the present system of nomenclature —comprises in the central portion of the Hudson River valley, where it is best developed and exhibited, a thick and extensive 712 BDWIN VG. BEKELE series of shales, with interbedded sandstones and occasional thin beds or lenses of limestone. This series is well shown along the banks of the Hudson River, extending almost uninter- ruptedly from Fort Edward to Cornwall. Faunal differences justify the paleontological division of the ‘‘group”’ into four stages, of which the two lower carry a fauna which would corre- late them with the Trenton (using that term in its paleonto- logical significance), while the other two represent respectively the Utica and Lorraine beds of the Mohawk valley. This divi- sion into stages, however, is and must be largely theoretical, for it cannot well be carried out in practice on a map. Fossils, especially of species which can be regarded as of taxonomic importance, are neither profusely nor regularly distributed throughout the beds in question. Outcrops carrying character- istic fossils are too few and far between to warrant mapping the area, on a paleontological basis, on any large scale. The litho- logic differences which occur in the group have no stratigraphic or cartographic value, being too slight and variable to admit of separate representation on a Map. Modern geologic mapping, especially if the base of the map is to be a topographic atlas sheet, in order to make adequate returns for the expense involved, must be accurate within the limit fixed by the scale of the map. The production of a geologic map is necessarily accom- plished by the exercise of two functions, observation and inference. Observation involves the location of outcrops and lithologic boundaries with reference to fixed points in the con- trol of the map, and is therefore purely a matter of engineering. The exercise of the function of inference is necessary in order to indicate the positions of boundaries concealed by superficial material. Inferences in relation to such matters are dependent for their accuracy on the training and judgment of the geologist; his appreciation of the relations existing between structure and topography, and his knowledge of the geometric effects of dip, pitch, etc., in determining the position, both horizontal and ver- tical, of a concealed boundary line. FORMATION THE BASIS FOR GEOLOGIC MAPPING 713 Other things being equal, the determination of the altitude and geographic position of a given point is dependent upon the engineering skill of the observer; and the cartographic unit to be employed does not seriously affect this phase of the work of mapping. With regard to inference, however, this is not the case. No necessary relation exists between a biologic unit and the topography or structure of the area in which it occurs. On the other hand, topography, structure, and the lithologic unit are in general closely related. Recognition of these relations makes it possible to draw inferences concerning the position of the concealed boundary of a lithologic unit from the geologic structure and topography of the area discussed. THE RELATIVE UTILITY OF LITHOLOGIC AND BIOLOGIC MAPS A lithologic unit is normally also an economic unit, whereas there is no necessary relation between the biologic unit and the economic importance, or lack of importance, of the rocks con- taining a given biota. Though this argument may be regarded by some as of less weight than one based on purely scientific grounds, it is nevertheless valid, as applied to the question under discussion. It should not be forgotten that no geologic survey has ever been instituted, save for economic reasons; that the chief argument that can be used to obtain state support for such surveys is the direct ‘economic return to the public; and that simple justice demands, in return for this support, that the geo- logic results obtained be placed in such a form as to be of the greatest possible use to that public. The lithologic unit is also generally related to geographic forms in a very definite manner, as well as to geologic structure. The effects of these relations upon the actual work of mapping have been discussed. Here it is only necessary to point out that both topography and structure are often of economic importance. A map based on a unit which bears some definite relation to them is, therefore, of greater value from an economic standpoint than if the unit be one not so related. 714 EE PIWAIN \C. 2 GREE THE DIFFICULTIES IN MAPPING ON THE LITHOLOGIC BASIS Difficulties will certainly be encountered in mapping any large area on a lithologic basis, but these difficulties will arise rather from differences in the interpretation of the rules for the nomenclature of the units than from any defects in the system itself. Certain cases of interest in this connection are discussed below: Case 1.—The case is that cited first by Mr. Willis (p. 563). A shale passes along the strike into a limestone which retains identical stratigraphic associations. ‘Being exactly continuous stratigraphic units, they should retain the same geographic name on grounds of convenience and simplicity.” Considered as a stratigraphic unit, the two would be discussed as the “X” formation. In order to preserve all the advantages of the litho- logic system of classification, however, the limestone phase should be differentiated, in both discussion and mapping, from thecshale: phase; theix respective names bene «then thes Ge linfestonesand the “xX~ yshale. Phe term) - > - Beach Structures in the Medina Sandstone. H. L. Fairchild. Review by N. M. F.-- - - - - - - - - - - Beaufort’s Dyke off the Coast of the Mull of Galena H. G. Kinahan. Review by N. M. F. - - : - - - - = - - 743 28 363 409 199 202 536 255 544 694 694 486 200 547 276 708 737 549 551 744 INDEX TO VOLUME IX Becraft Mountain, Columbia County, New York. The Oriskany Fauna of the. J. M. Clark. Review by 5. W. - - - - - - - Review by Charles R. Keyes - - - - - - - : Bedford as a Formational Name, The Use of. Edgar R. Cumings - - - “Bedford Limestone,’ On the Use of the Term. C. E. Siebenthal < = Bedford Limestone, The Term. Charles S. Prosser - - - - - Biddle, H. C., The Deposition of Copper by Solutions of Ferrous Salts - - Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming, Glacial Sculpture of the. Francois E. Matthes. Review by R. D.S. - - - - - - - Blatchley, W. S., State Geologist, Twenty-Fifth Annual Report, Department of Geology and Natural Resources of Indiana. Review by C. E. Sieben- thal - - - - - - - - - - - - Border-Line between Paleozoic and Mesozoic in Western America. James Perrin Smith - - - - - - - - - - : Boston Mountains, Arkansas, Physiography of the. N. H. Purdue - A tc Branner, J. C. Editorial: Ripples of the Medina Sandstone - - - Review: A Record of the Geology of Texas for the Decade Ending December 31, 1896. Irederic W. Simonds - - - - - Zinc and Lead Regions of North Arkansas, Review by C. R. Keyes - Calvin, Samuei, State Geologist, lowa Geological Survey, A. G. Leonard, Assistant State Geologist. Annual Report for 1900. Review by H.F.B. Campbell, John T. Evidence of a Local Subsidence in the Interior - - Canada, Summary Report of the Geological Survey Department for the year 1900. Review by C. - - - - - - - - - Canals, Flumes, and Pipes, The Conveyance of Water in Irrigation. Samuel Fortier. Review by G. B. H. - - - - - - - - Cave Earths, Nitrates in. Henry W. Nichols - - - - - - Certain Peculiar Eskers and Esker Lakes of Northeastern Indiana. Charles R. Dryer - - - - - - - - - - - - Charpentier, Henri. Les Minéraux utiles et leurs gisements. Géologie et Minéralogie Appliquées. Review by J. C. Branner - - - - Chamberlin, T. C. On a Possible Function of Disruptive Approach in the Formation of Meteorites, Comets, and Nebule - - - - - Editorials: Death of George M. Dawson - - - - - = Death of Joseph Le Conte - - - - - - - - - Denver Meeting of the A. A.A. S. - - - - - - - Geologic Classification and Nomenclature - - - - - - Nomenclature in Geology - - - - - - - - - Reviews: Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution - - - - - - - - - - - Meteorological Observations of the Second Wellman Expedition by Evelyn B. Baldwin, Observer, Weather Bureau. Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau, United States ee of Agriculture, 1899-1900, Part VII - - - = - - - - On Rival Theories of Cosmogony. O. Fisher — - - = = = PAGE 278 542 232 234 270 430 465 354 512 694 535 gI 634 547 437 357 361 236 123 198 369 267 439 536 633 267 466 276 458 INDEX TO VOLUME 1X Summary Report of the Geological Survey Department [of Canada] for the year 1900 - 2 - - - - = - - - The Geological History of the Rivers of East Yorkshire. T. R. Cowper Reed - - - = - - 2 6 - - - The Norwegian North Polar Expedition aoa 1896. Scientific Results. Vol. II. Edited by Fridtjof Nansen - - . - - Year Book of the United States Department of meet for 1900 - Chemical Study in Differentiation; Part II. The Foyaite-Ijolite Series of Mag- net Cove. Henry T. Washington - Stee) |e - : - Clark, J. M., The Oriskany Fauna of the Becraft Mountain, Columbia County, New York. Review by 8. W. - - - - - - - - Classification of the Waverly Series of Central Ohio. Charles S. Prosser - Coleman, A. P. Glacial and Interglacial Beds near Toronto - - - - Colorado, the Morrison Formation of Southeastern. Willis T. Lee = = Composite-Genesis of the Arkansas Valley through the Ozark Highlands. Charles R. Keyes” - - = - = - = - - - Connecticut, The River System of. William Herbert Hobbs - - - - Constituents of Meteorites.- I. Studies for Students. O. C. Farrington - Constituents of Meteorites. II. Studies for Students. O.C. Farrington = Copper, The Deposition of, by Solutions of Ferrous Salts. H.C. Biddle : Correlation of the Kinderhook Formations of Southwestern Missouri. Stuart Weller’ - - - - - - - - - - - - Cosmogony, On the Rival Theories of. O. Fisher. Review by T.C. C. - Cumings, Edgar R. The Use of Bedford as a Formational Name - - - Darton, N. H. Preliminary Description of the Geology and Water Resources of the Southern Half of the Black Hills and Adjoining Regions in South Dakota and Wyoming. Review by George D. Hubbard — - Davis, Charles A. A Second Contribution to the Natural History of Marl - Dawson, George M., Death of. Editorial by T.C.C. - - - - - Deposition of Copper by Solutions of Ferrous Salts. H.C. Biddle - - Deposits of Arkansas, The Bauxite. Charles William Hayes, U.S. Geological Survey, Twenty-first annual Reports, Part III. Review by Thomas L. Watson” - - - oy ee Qe fs Se - : : Derivation of the Terrestrial Spheroid from the Rhombic Dodecahedron. Charles R. Keyes” - - - - - - - - - - Discovery of a New Fossil Tapir in Oregon. Wm. J. Sinclair - - = Disruptive Approach in the Formation of Meteorites, Comets, and Nebulez, On a Possible Function of. T.C. Chamberlin - - - - - Dryer, Charles R. Certain Peculiar Eskers and Esker Lakes of Northeastern Indiana - - - - - ey) bs - - - - - Lessons in Physical Geography. Review by N.M. F. - - - - Eckel, Edwin C. The Formation as the Basis for Geologic Mapping — - - EDITORIALS: American Association for the Advancement of Science, Denver Meeting. sliver On ge - - - - - - - - - - - 745 PAGE 357 360 273 363 645 278 205 285 343 486 469 393 522 430 130 458 239 73 491 267 430 737 740 INDEX TO VOLUME IX Bates’ Hole. Wilbur C. Knight. (John C. Merriam) - - - = Board of Managers of the Bureau of Geology and Mines, Missouri - Classification and Nomenclature. T.C.C. - - = - - - Cordilleran Section, Geological Society of America, Second Annual Meeting of the. John C. Merriam - - Cs - - - - Death of George M. Dawson. T.C. C. - - - - - - Death of Joseph Le Conte. T.C.C. - - - - - - - Drainage Features of California. Andrew C. Lawson. (John C. Mer- riam) - - . - - - - - - - - - Evidences of Shallow Seas in Paleozoic Time in Southern Arizona. W.P. Blake. (John C. Merriam) - - - - - - - Excursion, Geological and Geographical, in the North Atlantic - - Feldspar-Corundum Rock from Plumas County, California. Andrew C. Lawson. (John C. Merriam) - - - - - - - - Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, Second Annual Annual Meeting of the. John C. Merriam - = = : c Geological Society of America, Thirteenth Meeting. J. P. I. - - Geology of the Three Sisters, Oregon. H. W. Fairbanks. (John C. Merriam) - - - - - - - - - - - - Granites in the Klamath Mountains, On the Age of. Oscar H. Peay (John C. Merriam) - - - - - - - - Great Basin in Eastern California and Southwestern Neos The Geology of the. H.W. Turner. (John C. Merriam) - - - John Day Basin, A Geological Section through the. (John C. Merriam) Neocene Basins of the Klamath Mountains. F.M. Anderson. (John C. Merriam) - - = . - - - - - - - - Nomenclature in Geology. T.C.C - - - - - - - Origin of the Solar System - - - - - - - - - Pedological Geology of California, A Sketch of. E. W. Hilgard. (John C. Merriam) - - - - - - - - - - Ripples of the Medina Sandstone. J. C. Branner - - - - Sierra Madre near Pasadena, The. E. W. Claypole. (John C. Mer- riam) - - - - - - - - - - - - The Term Bedford Limestone. Charles S. Prosser - - - - Eighth International Geological Congress, Excursion to the Pyrenees in Connection with. Frank Dawson Adams - - - = 2 Eiszeit im Bereiche der Alpen. Die vierte, von Albrecht Penck. Review by ReaD iS = - - - - - - - - - - - Eskers and Esker Lakes of Northeastern Indiana, Certain Peculiar, Charles R. Dryer - = = - - - 2 = - = - - Evidence of a Local Subsidence in the Interior. John T. Campbell : - Excursion to the Pyrenees in Connection with Eighth International Geological Congress. Frank Dawson Adams - - : - S - - Fairchild, H. L. Beach Structures in the Medina Sandstone. Review by N. M. F. - = : = 2 Z = x Z x : 267 440 535 270 202 123 437 28 549 INDEX ‘TO VOLUME 1X Farrington, O.C. The Constituents of Meteorites. I. Studies for Students The Constituents of Meteorites. II. Studies for Students - . - Structure of Meteorites. I. Studies for Students £ . - - Structure of Meteorites. II. Studies for Students - - - - Fenneman, N.M. Reviews: Beach Structures in the Medina Sandstone by H. L. Fairchild = - = = 2 - = - - : - - Lessons in Physical Geography by Charles R. Dryer - - = - Some Notes Regarding Vaerdal, the Great Landship, by Dr. Hans Reusch - - - - - - 7 - = = - = The Beaufort’s Dyke off the Coast of the Mull of Galloway, by H. G. Kinahan - - = - = = - - - - - Ferrous Salts. The Deposition of Copper, by Solutions of. H.C. Biddle - Fisher, O. On Rival Theories of Cosmogony. Review by T. C. C. - - Floras of the Pottsville Formation in the Southern Anthracite Coal Field, Stratigraphical Succession of the Fossil. David White. Review by Charles R. Keyes” - - = - = - > - - - Forel, F. A. Handbuch der Seenkunde; Allgemeine Limnologie. Review by Ri Ss 0 - - - - : - - - - = Formation as the Basis for Geologic Mapping, The. Edwin C. Eckel - = Fossil Tapir in Oregon, The Discovery of a New. William J. Sinclair = Foyaite-Ijolite Series of Magnet Cove. A Chemical Study in Differentia- tion. Part II. Henry S. Washington - = > = - - Fulgurites, A Study of the Structure of. Alexis A. Julien - - - - Fuller, Myron L. Probable Representatives of Pre-Wisconsin Till in South- eastern Massachusetts - = = - - - = = - Galloway, The Beaufort’s Dyke off the Coast of the Mull of. H. G. Kinahan. Review by N. M. F. - - - = - - = = - Gannett, Henry. Profiles of Rivers in the United States. Review by G. B. H. Geological Society of America, Thirteenth Annual Meeting. Editorial, J. Bante - - - - - - . - - - : = Geology and Water Resources of the Southern Half of the Black Hills and Adjoining Regions in South Dakota and Wyoming, Preliminary Description of. N.H. Darton. Review by George D. Hubbard - Glacial and Interglacial Beds near Toronto. A. P. Coleman - - - - Glacial Work in the Western Mountains in 1901. R. D. Salisbury = - Glaciers, The Variations of. VI. Harry Fielding Reid - - - - Gould, Charles Newton. Notes on the Fossils from the Kansas-Oklahoma Red-Beds - = > > S - - - - = - Hayes, Charles Willard. The Bauxite Deposits of Arkansas. U.S. Geologi- cal Survey, Twenty-first Annual Report, Part III. Review by Thomas L. Watson - - - - - - - - = - = Heraclea, Zeiller’s Flora of the Carboniferous Basin of. An illustration of Paleozoic Plant Distribution. Review by David White - = - 732 285 718 250 337 737 192 748 INDEX TO VOLUME IX High Plains and Their Utilization. Willard D. Johnson. Review by George D. Hubbard” - - a ? - - ay fe 5 Hobbs, William Herbert. The River System of Connecticut - : - - Hochregionen des Kaukasus, Aus den. Gottfried Merzbacher. Review by J. 15 ill = - - - i - - - - 2 F - Hubbard, George D.—Reviews: Preliminary Description of the Geology and Water Resources of the Southern Half of the Black Hills and Adjoining Regions of South Dakota and Wyoming. N. H. Darton The High Plains and Their Utilization. Willard D. Johnson 7 - Iddings, J. P.—Editorial: Thirteenth Meeting of the Geological Society of America - - - - - - : = = e - - Review: Aus den Hochregionen des Kaukasus. Gottfried Merzbacher - Indiana, Department of Geology and Natural Resources of. Twenty-fifth Annual Report. W.S. Blatchley, State Geologist. Review by C. E. Siebenthal - = - - - = - : - 2 is Individuals of Stratigraphic Classification. Bailey Willis : - - - Interglacial Beds near Toronto, Glacial and. H. P. Coleman - : - Irrigation Canals, Flumes, and Pipes, The Conveyance of Water in. Samuel Fortier. Review by G. B. H. - = - > - = - - Johnson, Willard D. The High Plains and Their Utilization. Review by George D. Hubbard - - - - - = - - - Julien, Alexis A. A Study of the Structure of Ainlaurttee - : - Kansas-Oklahoma Red-Beds, Notes on the Fossils from the. Charles New- ton Gould - - - - - = - S - Kansas, The University Geological ee of, Vol. IV. Paleontology, Part II. Samuel W. Williston. Review by Stuart Weller - - - - Kaukasus, Aus den Hochregionen des. Gottfried Merzbacher. Review by J. Pal: - - - = - - = - - = @ Keyes, Charles R. Composite Genesis of the Arkansas Valley ‘Heenan the Ozark Highlands — - - - - - - - - - - Derivation of the Terrestrial Spheroid from the Rhombic Dodecahedron Reviews: Three Phases of Modern Paleontology: (I) Uintacrinus: Its Structure and Relations, Frank Springer; (II) Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain, John M. Clark; (III) Stratigraphical Succession of the Fossil Floras of the Pottsville Formation in the Southern Anthra- cite Coal Field, David White - - - - - - - - Zinc and Lead Regions of North Arkansas. John C. Branner~ - Kinahan, H.G. The Beaufort’s Dyke off the Coast of the Mull of ealorer Review by N.M.F. - - - - - - - - - Kinderhook Formations of Southwestern ieee Correlation of the. Stuart Weller” - - - - - - - - - - - - Knight, Wilbur C. A Preliminary Report on the Artesian Basins of Wyoming. Review by R. D.S. - - - - - - - - - - PAGE 734 469 359 732 734 67 359 354 557 285 361 734 673 337 361 359 486 244 539 634 557 130 200 INDEX TO VOLUME IX 749 E Landslip, Some Notes Regarding the Great, Vaerdal. Dr. Hans Reusch. is Review by N. M.F. - - - : : 2 7 : 2 - 639 Lead Regions of North Arkansas, and Zinc. John C. Branner. Review byC. R. Keyes - - - : = : 2 = 2 = - 634 Le Conte, Joseph, Death of. Editorial by T. C. C. - = = . = Ago Lee, Willis T. The Morrison Formation of Southeastern Coloraio - - 343 Leith, C. k. Summaries of Current North American Pre-Cambrian Literature 79--441 Leonard, A. G., Assistant State Geologist. Samuel Calvin, State Geologist; Iowa Geological Survey, Annual Report for 1900. Review by H.F.B. 547 Lime-Magnesia Rocks, Perknite. H.W. Turner - - - - - - 507 Lower Carboniferous, Prodromites,a New Ammonite Genus from the. James Perrin Smith and Stuart Weller - . . - - . - 255 Magnet Cove, The Foyaite-Ijolite Series of; A Chemical Study in Differentia- tion, II. Henry S. Washington - - - - - - - 645 Mapping, The Formation as the Basis for Geologic. Edwin C. Eckel - - 708 Marl, A Second Contribution to the Natural History of. Charles A. Davis - 491 McKinley, President, Memorial - - - - - - - - - 533 Medina Sandstone, Beach Structures in the. H. L. Fairchild. Review by N. M. F. - - - - - - - - - - . - 549 Medina Sandstone, Ripple-marks. Editorial by J. C. Branner - - - 535 Memorial, President McKinley : - - - - - - - - 533 Merriam, John C. Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America, Second Annual Meeting - - - - - - - . - 68 Mesozoic, The Border-Line Between the Paleozoic and the, in Western Amer- ica. James Perrin Smith - - - - - . - - 512 Meteorites, Comets, and Nebulze, On a Possible Function of Disruptive Approach in the Formation of. T.C.Chamberlin - - - - - - 369 Meteorites, The Constituents of. I. Studies for Students. O. C. Farring- ton - : z : = = i = 5 5 = = 393 Meteorites, The Constituents of. II. Studies for Students. Oliver C. Farrington - - - - - - - - - - - 522 Minéraux utiles et leurs gisements. Géologie et minéralogie appliquées. Par Henri Charpentier. Review by J. C. Branner - - - - - 198 Miniature Overthrust Fault and Anticline, Illustrated Note ona. A. H. Pur- due - - - - - - - - - - - - - 341 Monticuliporoidea, Problem of the. I. Frederick W. Sardeson - - - I Monticuliporoidea, Problem of the. II. F. W. Sardeson - - - - 149 Morrison Formation of Southeastern Colorado, The. Willis T. Lee - - 343 Mountains, Glacial Work in the Western, in Igo1. R. D. Salisbury z - 718 Nansen, Fridtjof, The Norwegian North Polar Expedition, 1893 to 1896. Sci- entific Results. Vol. I. Review by R. D. S. - - - - - 87 Violates eviews by eli. ©,.C.5 = - - - - - - re 273 Natural History of Marl, A Second Contribution tothe. Charles A. Davis - 491 750 INDEX TO VOLUME IX PAGE Nichols, Henry W., Nitrates in Cave Earths - : - - - - =e 230 Nitrates in Cave Earths. Henry W. Nichols - - - - - e230 Nomenclature in Geology. Editorial by T.C.C. - . - - - S, oy North American Pre-Cambrian Literature, Summaries of Current. C. K. Leith - - - - e 2 . = - : 79, 441 Notes on the Fossils from the Kansas-Oklahoma Red-Beds. Charles Newton Gould - - - - - - - - - - > = 27, Nutter, Edward Hoit, Sketch of the Geology of the Salinas Valley, California 330 Oregon, The Discovery of a New Fossil Tapir in. William J. Sinclair - = O02 Origin of the Phenocrysts in the Porphyritic Granites of Georgia. Thomas L. Watson - - - - - - - - - - 97 Origin of the Yosemite Valley, The Pleistocene Geology of the South Central Sierra Nevada with Especial Reference to the. Henry Ward Turner. Review by R. D.S. - - - - - : - - - - go Overthrust Fault and Anticline, Illustrated Note on a Miniature. A. H. Purdue - - - - - - - = - - = Bylat Ozark Highlands, Composite-Genesis of the Arkansas Valley ee the. Charles R. Keyes - - - - - - - 486 Paleontology, Part II. Samuel W. Williston. The University Geological Survey of Kansas, Vol. lV. Review by Stuart Weller - - - 361 Paleontology, Three Phases of Modern.—Review by Charles R. Keyes - - 5390 Paleozoic and Mesozoic, The Border Line between, in Western America. James Perrin Smith - - - - - - - - - =) Bie Paleozoic Formations of Allegany County, Maryland. Charles S. Prosser - 409 Paleozoic Plant Distribution, An Illustration of, Zeiller’s Flora of the Carbonif- erous Basin of Heraclea. Review by David White — - - : = OR Penck, Albrecht, Die vierte-Eiszeit im Bereiche der Alpen. Review by IRS IDES) 3 - - - - - - - - - - > 20 Perknite (Lime-Magnesia Rocks). H.W. Turner - - - C - s. S07 Petroleum, Texas. William Battle Phillips. Review by C. E. S. - - = ORY, Phases of Modern Paleontology, Three. Review by Charles R. Keyes - - 539 Phenocrysts in the Porphyritic Granites of Georgia, On the Origin of the. Thomas L. Watson - - - > - - - - - 97 Phillips, William Battle. Texas Petroleum. Review by C. E.S. - - = (92%/ Physical Geography, Lessons in. Charles R. Dryer. Review by N.M.F. - 638 Physiography of the Boston Mountains, Arkansas. A. H. Purdue - - - 694 Plains and Their Utilization, The High. Willard D. Johnson. Review by George D. Hubbard - - - - - - - - = eS 4 Polar Expedition, The Norwegian North, 1893-1896, Scientific Results. Edited by Fridtjof Nansen: Vol. I.. (Review by R. DoS. - - - - - - - -, 87 Vol. II. Review by T.C.C. - - - - - - - S Gh7/® Possible Function of Disruptive Approach in the Formation of Meteorites, Comets and Nebule, On a. T.C. Chamberlin - - - - =) 1360 INDEX TO VOLUME 1X 751 PAGE Pottsville Formation in the Southern Anthracite Coal Field, Stratigraphical Succession of the Fossil Floras of the. David White. Review by Charles R. Keyes” - - - - - = - - - oP e544 Pre-Cambrian Literature, Summaries of Current North American. C. K. Leith - - - = - - = - : - - 79, 441 Preliminary Description of the Geology and Water Resources of the Southern Half of the Black Hills and Adjoining Regions in South Dakota and Wyoming. N.H. Darton. Review by George D. Hubbard - 732 Pre-Wisconsin Till in Southeastern Massachusetts, Probable Representatives of. Myron L. Fuller - - . - - - - - Sepecvire Probable Representatives of Pre-Wisconsin Till in Southeastern Massa- chusetts. Myron L. Fuller - - - - - = - - 311 Problem of the Monticuliporoidea. I. Frederick W. Sardeson — - - - I Problem cf the Monticuliporoidea. II. F. W. Sardeson - - - - 149 Prodromites, A New Ammonite-Genus from the Lower Carboniferous. James Perrin Smith and Stuart Weller - - - - - - - 255 Prosser, Charles S. The Classification of the Waverly Series of Central Ohio 205 The Paleozoic Formations of Allegany County, Maryland - : 409 Purdue, A. H., Illustrated Note on a Miniature Overthrust Fault and Anticline 341 Physiography of the Boston Mountains - - - - - - 694 Valleys of Solution in Northern Arkansas - - - - - - 47 Pyrenees, Excursion to the, in connection with Eighth International Geolog- ical Congress. Frank Dawson Adams - - - - - - 28 RECENT PUBLICATIONS - - - - - 92, 203, 280, 364, 467, 552, 642, 740 Red-Beds, Notes on the Fossils from the Kansas-Oklahoma. Charles Newton Gould - - - . - - - - - - - - 337 Reed, F. R. Cowper, The Geological History of the Rivers of East Yorkshire. Review by T. C. C. - - - - - - - - 360 Reid, Harry Fielding, The Variations of Glaciers, VI - - - - - 250 Reusch, Dr. Hans, Some Notes Regarding Vaerdal, The Great eae Review by N. M. F. - - - - - - - 639 Reviews: Annual Report of the Board of eee of the Smithsonian Institu- tions= 1 (G:) - - - - : - - - - - 466 A Preliminary Report on the Artesian Basins of Woes Wilbur C. Knight. (R.D.58.)'- = - - = - - = - 200 Aus den Hochregionen des Kaukasus. Gottfried Merzbacher. (J. P. L) 359 Beach Structures in the Medina Sandstone. H. L. Fairchild. (N. MES) = - - = - - - - - - - - 549 Conveyance of Water in Irrigation Canals, Flumes, and Pipes. Samuel Fortier. (G. B. H.) - - - - - - - - - - 361 Department of Geology and Natural Resources of Indiana. Twenty- Fifth Annual Report. W. S. Blatchley, State Geologist. (C. E. Siebenthal) - - - . - - - - - - - 354 Die vierte Eiszeit im Bereiche der Alpen. Von Albrecht Penck. (R. D..S.) - - - - - - . - - - > - 202 752 INDEX TO VOLUME IX Geological History of the Rivers of East Yorkshire. F. R. Cowper ee Reed EbvGiC.) Mir - - - - - -+ - 360 Geological Map of West Virginie I. C. White. - - - - - 640 Géologie et Minéralogie appliquées. Les minéraux utiles et leurs gisements. Par Henri Charpentier. (J. C. Branner) - - - 1098 Glacial Sculpture of the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming. Francois Matthes. (R. D.S.) - - = - - - - - - 465 Handbuch der Seenkunde; Allgemeine Limnologie. F. A. Forel. (R.D.'S))= - - - - 5 - - - - - - 199 Iowa Geological Survey. Samuel Calvin, State Geologist; A. G. Leonard, Assistant State Geologist. Annual Report for 1900. CELEB) = - > - - - - - - - S) Bayy Lessons in Physical Geography. Charles R. Dryer. (N.M.F.) - - 638 Meteorological Observations of the Second Wellmann Expedition, by Evelyn B, Baldwin, Observer Weather Bureau. Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau, United States ee se of Agriculture, 1899-1900, Part VII. (T.C.C.) - - - - 2 = 4276 Oriskany Fauna of the Becraft Mountain, Columbia oa New York. J. M. Clark. (S. W.) - - - - - - - - 278 (Charles R. Keyes) — - - - - - - - 542 Preliminary Description of the Geology and Water Resources of the Southern Half of the Black Hills and Adjoining Regions in South Dakota and Wyoming. N.H. Darton. Extract from the Twenty- first Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1899- 1900, Part IV. (George D. Hubbard) - = = - - = | 732 Profiles of Rivers in the United States, Henry Gannett. (G.B.H.) - 363 Record of the Geology of Texas for the Decade ending December 31, 1896. Frederic W. Simonds. (J. C. Branner) - = - - - gi Rival Theories of Cosmogony. O. Fisher. (T. C. C.) - - - 458 Some Notes Regarding Vaerdal; The Great Landslip. Dr. Hans Reusch. (N. M. F.) = - - : : = 2 - a (5240) Summaries of Current North American Pre-Cambrian Literature. C. K. Leith - - - - - : - = - - - 79, 441 Summary Report of the Geological Survey Department [of Canada] for the Year 1900. (C.) - - - 2 = = = - a 85%) Texas Petroleum. William Battle Phillips. (C. E. S.) - - = 637 The Bauxite Deposits of Arkansas. Charles Willard Hayes. Twenty- first Annual Report, United States Geological Survey, Part III. (Thomas L. Watson) - S : : s - 2 E Ss BH The Beauforts’ Dyke, off the Coast of the Mull of Galloway. H. G. Kinahan. (N. M. F.) - - - - - - - - - 551 The High Plains and Their Utilization. Willard D. Johnson. Extract from the Twenty-first Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1899-1900. Part IV. Hydrography. (George D. Hubbard) 734 The Norwegian North Polar Expedition, 1893-1896: Scientific Results. Vol. II. Edited by Fridtjof Nansen. (T.C.C.) - - - =e 273 INDEX TO VOLUME IX The Norwegian Polar Expedition, 1893-1806: Scientific Results. Edited by Fridtjof Nansen. . Vol. !. (R. D.S.) - - - The Pleistocene Geology of the South Central Sierra Nevada, with Especial Reference to the Origin of the Yosemite Valley. Henry Ward Turner. (R. D. 5.) - - - - - - - - Three Phases of Modern Paleontology: (1) Uintacrinus; Its Structure and Relations. Frank Springer. (II) Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain. John M. Clark. (III) Stratigraphical Succession of the Fossil Floras of the Pottsville Formation in the Southern Anthracite Coal Field. David White. (Charles R. Keyes) - . - - University Geological Survey of Kansas, Vol. IV. Paleontology, Part Il. Samuel W. Williston, (S. W.) - - - - - Year Book of the United States Department of recence: for 1900. (e:) . - - - - - - - - - - - Zeiller’s Flora of the Carboniferous Basin of Heraclea: An Illustration of Paleozoic Plant Distribution. (David White) - -- - - Zinc and Lead Regions of North Arkansas. John C. Branner. (C. R. Keyes) - - . - : - - - - - - Rhombic Dodecahedron, Derivation of the Terrestrial Spheriod from the. Charles R. Keyes - - - - - = - - = - Rivers in the United States, Profile of. Henry Gannett. Review by G. B. H. Rivers of East Yorkshire, The Geological History of the. F. R. Cowper Reed. Review by T.C.C. - -— - - Pe River System of Connecticut, The. William Herbert Hobbs - - - - Salinas Valley, California, Sketch of the Geology of. Edward Hoit Nutter - Salisbury, R. D. Glacial Work in the Western Mountains in 1901 - - Reviews: Die vierte-Eiszert im Bereiche der Alpen. Von Albrecht Penck - - - - - - - - - - - - Glacial Sculpture of the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming. Francois E. Matthes - - - - - . - - . - . : Handbuch der Seenkunde: Allgemeine Limnologie. F. A. Fore] - Norwegian Polar Expedition, 1893 to 1896, Scientific Results. Edited by Fridtjof Nansen. Vol.I - . - - - - - Report on the Artesian Basins of ae A PaaS Wilbur C. Knight - - - - - - - - - - The Pleistocene Geology of the South Central Sierra Nevada, with Especial Reference to the Origin of the Yosemite Valley. Henry Ward Turner - - - - - - - - - - Sardeson, Frederick W. Problem of the wen couivereices - - - - Scientific Results. The Norwegian North Polar Expedition, 1893 to 1896. Vol. I. Edited by Fridtjof Nansen. Review by R. D. S. - - - Vol. II. Review by T.C.C. - - = - - - - - Sculpture of the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming, Glacial. Francois E. Matthes. Review by R. D. S. - - = - - - - Siebenthal, C. E., On the Use of the Term “ Bedford Limestone ”’ - - j50 PAGE 87 90 754 INDEX TO VOLUME 1X Reviews: Texas Petroleum, by William Battle Phillips - - - - Twenty-fifth Annual Report, Department of Geology and Natural Resources of Indiana. W.5S. Blatchley, State Geologist - - - Simonds, Frederic W., A Record of the Geology of Texas for the Decade End- ing December 31, 1896. Review by J.C. Branner - = e - Sinclair, Wm. J. The Discovery of a New Fossil Tapir in Oregon - - Sketch of the Geology of the Salinas Valley, California. Edward Hoit Nutter Smith, James Perrin, and Stuart Weller. Prodromites, A] New Ammonite- Genus from the Lower Carboniferous - - = - - E Smith, James Perrin. The Border-Line Between the Paleozoic and the Mesozoic in Western America - - - - - - = c Smithsonian Institution, Annual Report of the Board of Regents of. the. Review by C. - - - = = = } = = 2 = Solar System, Origin of. Editorial - - - - - - - - Solution, Valleys of, in Northern Arkansas. A.H. Purdue - = - = Springer, Frank. Uintacrinus; Its Structure and Relations. Review by Charles R. Keyes” - - - - - - - - - - Stratigraphic Classification, Individuals of. Bailey Willis — - - . - Stratigraphical Succession of the Fossil Floras of the Pottsville Formation in the Southern Anthracite Coal Field. David White. Review by Charles R. Keyes - - - - - - - : - - Structure of Fulgurites, A Study of the. Alexis A. Julien - - - = Structure of Meteorites. I. Studies for Students. O.C. Farrington - - Structure of Meteorites. II. Studies for Students. O.C. Farrington - - STUDIES FOR STUDENTS: The Constituents of Meteorites. I. O.C. Farring- ton); = = > = = = - - - - - 5 The Constituents of Meteorites. II. Oliver C. Farrington - 2 - The Structure of Meteorites. I. O.C. Farrington — - = : - The Structure of Meteorites. II. O.C. Farrington’ - - - - Study of the Structure of Fulgurites. Alexis A. Julien - - - c ; Subsidence in the Interior, Evidence of a Local. John T. Campbell = Tapir, in Oregon, the Discovery of a New Fossil. William J. Sinclair - - Terrestrial Spheroid from the Rhombic Dodecahedron, Derivation of. Charles R. Keyes - - - - : : - . - - - - Texas Petroleum. William Battle Phillips. (C.E.S.) - - - = = Texas, Record of the Geology of, for the Decade Ending December 31, 1896. Frederick W. Simonds. (J.C. Branner) - - - - - - Turner, H. W. Perknite (Lime-Magnesia Rocks) - - - - - - Uintacrinus: Its Structure and Relations. Frank Springer. Review by Charles R. Keyes” - - - - - - 2 Z 2 : Vaerdal; Some Notes Regarding the Great Landslip. Dr. Hans Reusch. Review by N. M. F. - - - = - : a - : 4 PAGE 637 354 gI 702 330 255 512 466 440 47 539 597, 544 673 51 174 393 522 51 174 673 437 702 244 637 gl 507 539 639 INDEX TO VOLUME IX WS PAGE Valleys of Solution in Northern Arkansas. A. H. Purdue - - - - 47 Variations of Glaciers. VI. Harry Fielding Reid - - - - 250 Washington, Henry S. The Foyaite-Ijolite Series of Magnet Cove. A Chem- ical Study in Differentiation - 2 - - - = - 645 Water Resources of the Southern Half of the Black Hills and Adjoining Regions in South Dakota and Wyoming, Preliminary Description of the Geology and. N.H. Darton. Review by George D. Hubbard 732 Watson, Thomas L. On the Origin of the Phenocrysts in the Ai hae Granites of Georgia- - - - = - - - - 97 Review of the Bauxite Deposits of Arkansas, by Charles Willard Hayes, United States Geological Survey, Twenty-first Annual Report, Part Ill - - - - - - - . - - - - S727 Waverly Series of Central Ohio, Classification of. Charles S. Prosser - - 205 Weller, Stuart, and James Perrin Smith; Prodromites, A New Ammontie Genus from the Lower Carboniferous - - - - - - - - 255 Weller, Stuart, Correlation of the Kinderhook Formations of Southwestern Missour1 - - - - - - - 2 - - - = 130 Reviews: The Oriskany Fauna of the Becraft Mountain, Columbia County, New York, by J. M. Clark - - - - - - - - 278 The University Geological Survey of Kansas, Vol. IV. palconaleay Part Il. Samuel W. Williston” - . - - - - : - 362 Wellman Expedition, Meteorological Observations of the Second, by Evelyn B, Baldwin, Observer Weather Bureau. Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau, United States Department of Agriculture, 1899- 1900, Part VII. Review by T. C.C. - - - - - - 276 West Virginia, Geological Map of, I. C. White - - - - 640 White, David. Review of Zeiller’s Plant Flora of the Carboniferous Basin of Heraclea. An Illustration of Paleozoic Plant Distribution - - 192 Stratigraphical Succession of the Fossil Floras of the Pottsville Forma- tions in Southern Anthracite Coal Field. Review by Charles R. Keyes - > - - - - - - - - 544 White, I. C., Geological Map of West Virginia - - - = - - 640 Willis, Bailey, Individuals of Stratigraphic Classification - - - - 557 Yorkshire, the Geological Set of the Rivers of East, F. R. Cowper Reed. Review by T. C. C. - - - - . - . - 360 Zinc and Lead Regions of North Arkansas, John C. Branner. Review by C. R. Keyes - - - = : 2 ss 3 A a =. 634 ‘o) me & il 1 I ij oe | \ i dh | by | [ I OED, A 8 Pay fe ip 3 So \| 2 7 lL | s O, (@) ye i &, | ; ik eS ty, es aN iy x Sy Zs Ay i Tw a TON nie ao a Pe ee ar i EI Fy , uN PN rae fees | SN Age alt rein lie i ! \' ; =) % SS te 2 ae ‘ : ri i i ; , “a 4 XSF eR Ne ‘at pis naire welt = ee te & pi eos, 7, ¢, Ni eee | Es AON i ; Naren lf st creel me i “ “ited pest A > Sia a ae 2S i if 3 ergy 0 ee :. bs Sie gS VA OF yi iS, 877 NL ne wy Mahe A Rr Ose erat ‘a es 1 \ Pal oe Bt “N wh ( Ke | ¥ * a “AOL OLD Es Sonia Pee eRe Ad. is Je a eS) oe e ve ty, Ne hi O) ‘se Pe iy Se ip, eas is es on eerie y Se Channa NS \. ime — See aA a { Cea \ MOWER Aa ie t { a Ao Whe Wed 1 TSSOP ay ea ( YA My TOA TNT | } Wa iat Wy { fi a i\ AHA AC OAL } pag Wake ea ed CH P| el hu { ' WW ty Wye \\ AVIV Aa Tey AY \( Hea a yeti { i } i j , { EN MAVAEG edie tutte aie Ht iM Wo ayia { Myre Pata PAIN AVANT SL RECS SPO OP PU th ac oy PUTAS RT RH CUTE UR RCN ‘ WOM AE AVAE ii LARUE 4 AEH ‘ WA Van (rue ( 4 ht UA RAGANG Ait (hy Vitali) H { it { AUN wat f 4 ONY Bann \ (at ((: ) ( ay Hab ghnd WALL Helin sat AL i \ FALUN CRAITATTY ERA ART ERA A ORS NA ORI LDS OH POL ada WUMIEGATRSIP AAU ALA RUA UA A ttt ( { Mart cust { an WAG Reed WARGO Goalie AAEM LYG CHEK CUI iy ORAS GOR PT Ga UAW PAA AUN UN nih, Wa \ AU A Ad HWE eal Bash i A ald BAD AD ALN OU IACO AC IN Aen! 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