y< . : » if 4 d f Aki tc L * .) * n° i Foe ay. « LAN are 4 se mt aia ag ee" "OK . * 4 it ’ ‘ s i ' LPP wx m7 a * . ' . ' . ian’. >, i T a . at bat : ‘fon. » # SEEM teat cee oF Wy ao ae | ‘ oe e/a, = oe @AGerid yt ~~ : 7 4 - ‘ n y ty ‘ j yn ia % fs : t ¥ = iy , y ; A <1 “4 é “ \ ns i ; ee? walt 6] See “ i . ay 2 o * i. Ad i" 4 ~ 4 E , OF IMMUNOLOGY VOLUME V rretty af Torvaty BALTIMORE, MD, 1920 A\BRAR p JUN 15 1964 WA of % & E5i7y 9 WA 906198 CONTENTS NuMBER 1, JANUARY, 1920 On the So-Called Neisser-Wechsberg Inhibiting Phenomenon in Bactericidal RRR aE mem ee TIO UGA boi cons aye mt PANES Siigini® mo. 48 +, +s Wine 22 wis aap 1 The Relation of the Rate of Absorption of Antigen to the Production of eeemrreu ome VEAEIGTIC WV.) COOK. «<<. os. vt acca cis tie ce voce vee sens 39 Studies on the Meningococcidal Activity of Blood. Toitsu Matsunami.... 51 NuMBER 2, Marca, 1920 Natural Antihuman Hemolysins and Hemagglutinins in Horse Sera in Rela- tion to Serum Therapy. John A. Kolmer and Motomatsu Matsumoto... 75 An Attempt to Produce Specific Immune Agglutinins and Hemolysins for the Four Groups of Human Erythrocytes. John A. Kolmer and Mary E. SO aie Re aso, msgs ope Ee od x8 9,4 eb me Re Se 89 A Comparative Study of Methods for the Preparation of Typhoid Agglutin- TELE. USGL DE IS C1006 | SE ee See 97 A Study of Different Methods for the Preparation of B. typhosus Antigen. MUMoe hears cous UM Car SUIT OU Oe eh scysiy ta tishe cons << o!> ses, 0 wienehebet eee otetole ® Sys eels BEN s 111 An Experimental Study of the Effect of Autogenous B. coli Vaccines on the Intestinal Colon Bacilli of Dogs. John C. Torrey and Alfred H. Rahe.. 133 Experimental study of the Sensitized Cholera Antigen. Y.Miura.......... 145 A Dropping Bottle as an Aid in Macroscopic Slide Agglutination. Charles oo TSHERE Ee. 2 2 Se 0 er 155 The Complement Fixation Test for Tuberculosis. Hassow O. von Wedel.. 159 Numper 3, May, 1920 On the Transfer of the So-called Normal-Antibodies from Mother to Off- Seen APH GIning.«. Gr. OC. ROYMAM - . 6 sce <6 cow oe ee sec ce ect aes 227 Studies in Anaphylaxis. The Relation of Certain Drugs to the Anaphylactic Reaction, and the Bearing Thereof on the Mechanism of Anaphylactic SIRT, INEST ES RRS nH 8 pee RS ss. on) SA ae a 230 The Antigenic Properties of Hemocyanin. Carl L. A. Schmidt............ 259 On the Nature of Bacterial Toxaemia. Hans Zinsser. .................... 265 Studies in Anaphylaxis. I. On the Quantitative Reaction of Partially Neutralized Precipitin in Vitro and in Vivo. Arthur F. Coca and Mitsuji © Ie ee... Ss, Cerne hae civ te aE ae cas os 4 = 297 NuMBER 4, Juty, 1920 A Study of the Precipitin Test in Cases of Pneumococcus Empyema. Cleve- De ONES Hepat d tC ke dies Eire dA Stee ee 321 iv CONTENTS A Nephelometrie Method of Estimating the Number of Organisms in a Vac- ame. Gearre 6. Dunham. oe. ee eee eae in os a Gee eee ee 337 Effect of Ultraviolet Rays on Antigenic Properties. I. Studies on Meningo- euceus. Hrederick Hberson:: .'. i.cc2etecaes oes cet coe ee ee 345 Hypersensitiveness: Anaphylaxis and Allergy. Arthur F. Coca........... 363 The Relation of Sputum Bacteria to Asthma. Francis M. Rackemann.... 373 Some Observations on the Constitution of the Complements of Different Animals: “Pe J! Miaekic -0;.; <25 eres ee vere areal tonls ee 379 On the Placental Transmission of So-Called Normal Antibodies. II. Anti- iryptic-Acting: Bodies. G:C: \Reymanin..0 6 oe oc. cs. see ess cone 391 NuMBER 5, SEPTEMBER, 1920 Simplification and Partial Revision of the Factors Involved in the Comple- ment Fixation Test for Infectious Abortion in Cattle. Charles 8. Gibbs and ‘Leo H' Retiger.. ....: oscpeeeen cor a < Ain en noe one Oe 399 The Antigenic Properties of Globin, with a Note on the Independence of the Properties of Serum and Tissue Proteins, as Exemplified by the Absence of Antibody from the Globin of an Immunised Animal. C. H. Browning and Go HaswelloWilson )jemerces ches cnr eee One eT ee 417 The Protective Value of Pneumococcus Vaccination in Mice and Rabbits. ATIPUSHIS, "b.- WAGSWOFbH ceeite sc. cs cele oreo nee ecg Rene eee 429 Serological Relationships of Liver and Kidney. Moyer S. Fleisher, T. G. Halland Natalie-Arnistein Sens. citer reece 0 a a oe ORE 437 On the Placental Transmission of So-called Normal Antibodies. III. Anti- lysing. “GC. Reyman . 23: Sie eetcles os os bc ote ee eee 455 A Serological Study of Cholera Immunity. I. Agglutinin. Rokuro Ume- PIU Bed referee: nice so S a ayes ore ease oeroe eee RE MERD Clinse ote, eve a0 soe snore) cero ee eee Rete 465 The Value of the Intra-Palpebral Mallein in the Diagnosis of Glanders. Edward-H. Mason and’ R. Vi Beimmons. 6). 5s ees oe eee 489 NuMBER 6, NOVEMBER, 1920 Comparison of Smear, Culture and Complement Fixation in Chronic Gonor- rhoea in Women. A Preliminary Report. James D. Smith and M.A. RY MON oes as hic ole «ens, syahs «6 se oR He ce > esos ets ce ge 499 Experiments Upon the Production of Antihuman Hemolysin with Special Reference to Immunization with Erythrocytes Sensitized with Heated Serum. Motomatsu,Matsumoto. : yteeecs oie a -- ccna ele eee 507 A Note on the Non-Specific Production of bodies. Motomatsu Matsu- ER OUO 2s oA ioe Sates 3 eee 8505.4 2 > 3 oc5 0 ORME ear oie Sn nee eee 517 The ene oaee Precipitation Test for Syphilis. Thomas G. Hull and Hive. Baighte oo. oss co.cc:- + > 21.) a Rene Sole ae ee 521 A Study of the Mechanism of Human Isohemagglutination. Herbert L. Kooeckert 5.030.600 23 S36 4aes,0 2 wre oe ole renee 529 Immunization with Blackleg Aggressin. Thos. P. Haslam................. 539 A Study of the Specificity of the Absorption of Anti-Bacterial Precipitins. Charles Krumwiede and Georgia M. Cooper....................0.00085 547 ON THE SO-CALLED NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBIT- ING PHENOMENON IN BACTERICIDAL IMMUNE SERA TH. THJ@TTA! From Dr. F. G. Gades Pathological Institute, Bergen, Norway ; Director, Dr. M. Haaland Received for publication December 15, 1919 A. HISTORICAL In the year 1901 Neisser and Wechsberg described a peculiar function of immune sera, which they called ‘‘Complementablenkung,” and which later has been named the ‘‘ Phenomenon of Neisser and Wechs- berg.””’ The phenomenon consisted in the observation that, whereas small or medium doses of bactericidal sera exhibited the bactericidal function with the homologous strain, the larger doses were without effect. Thus an inactivated immune serum against Vibrio Metschnikoff with added complement, showed bactericidal action in doses of 0.05 to 0.0025 cc., but in larger doses it had no such effect. Likewise, Neisser and Wechsberg showed that the dose of complement-bearing serum, which was sufficient to activate a certain dose of an inactivated serum, was not capa»le of doing so when larger doses of immune serum were added. The explanation of this paradoxical serum function was sought, by the authors, in the great richness of the immune serum in bactericidal amboceptors. These antibodies, which, in the immune serum, must be present in far greater quantities than the complement in the activating serum, were supposed to unite with the complement and form thereby a lysin that dissolves the bacillus after becoming attached to it; but on account of the predominance in the number of the amboceptors, there being insufficient complement to satisfy all of the amboceptors, some of the latter were assumed to remain as unaltered amboceptors, free of complement, and thus devoid of bactericidal function. 1 Director of the Bacteriological Laboratory of the Norwegian Army. 1 THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. v, No. 1 2 TH. THJOTTA When under these conditions, fixation between the serum bodies and the bacilli takes place, and if we assume that the bacilli have no greater tendency to attach themselves to the lysin than to the free amboceptor, the possibility may be considered that some of the bacilli will combine with the lysin and will be dissolved, while others will unite with the free amboceptors and will not be affected. The latter bacilli will survive, and the test will not show bactericidal function. This result would be the more likely under the assumption that effective lysin has a lesser avidity for the bacilli than the free amboceptor. If this supposition is true, the greater number of bacilli will be attached to the ineffective, free amboceptor, while the effective lysins will remain unused, and these will have no opportunity of bringing about the bactericidal effect. When, on the other hand, the amount of ambo- ceptors is small, as in a diluted serum, all of the amboceptors will be supplied with complement. Consequently, there will be only effective lysin in the test and the bactericidal effect will occur. Thus, according to Neisser and Wechsberg, the surplus of ambo- ceptors in an immune serum brings about the inhibition of the bacteri- cidal action, because this surplus makes the effective utilization of complement impossible (‘‘Complementablenkung’’). Contrary to Neisser and Wechsberg, Gruber supposes that the immunization calls forth antibodies that act antibactericidally and antihemolytically. He, therefore, denies the significance of the surplus amboceptors. Lipstein, however, entertains the same opinion of the phenomenon as Neisser and Wechsberg, and shows that the phenomenon is of a strictly specific character, that it is not called forth by normal serum- bodies, and that the agglutination does not play any part in the origin of the phenomenon. By absorbing the bactericidal serum with the homologous bacillus, Lipstein succeeded in robbing the serum of its inhibiting action. He therefore supposes that the serum bodies that bring the phenomenon about, are of the nature of an amboceptor, and he simply identifies them with the bactericidal amboceptors. Levaditi rejects the theory of the lysin, showing that serum, wherein the homologous bacteria have been sensitized, -loses all bactericidal effect, although, according to the theory of Neisser and Wechsberg, such serum ought to contain numerous unattached lysins, after the bacteria are removed in the centrifuge. To explain the phenomenon Levaditi supposes that ineffective amboceptors (“‘ambocepteur inac- NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 3 tive’) are produced in the course of the immunization. Furthermore, he supposes that these amboceptors have a greater tendency to attach themselves to the bacilli, than the effective ones. Gay believes that precipitating antibodies arise during the immuni- zation and that these antibodies, with the homologous antigen, form a precipitate, that absorbs the complement. He further shows that the phenomenon of Neisser and Weehsberg also can be found in hemol- ysis tests. Sormani likewise observed the phenomenon in hemolysis tests, when very strong solutions of serum are used for the sensitizing of the red blood corpuscles, and furthermore, he found that the blood corpuscles, under these circumstances, could be dissolved mechanically by shaking, without the influence of complement. He calls this phenomenon specific fragility (‘“‘specifische Sproedigkeit”’). Microscopically Sormani could show that the corpuscles, after the treatment in serum, were shrunken and jagged. He therefore surmises that something happens to the surface of the corpuscles during the treatment and that this ‘“‘something” tends to make the corpuscles more resistant to the influence of the hemolytic antibodies. Hesupposes that the cause is to be found in a precipitation of the albumin of the surface and that this precipitation forms a covering around the corpuscle. Through this supposition Sormani also explained for himself the specific fragility since it was reasonable enough to assume that the hardened corpuscles could be broken by vigorous shaking. Likewise, it was a natural assumption that the hemolytic antibodies could be hindered in their action, when the corpuscle was protected by a more or less thick covering of coagulated albumin. The theory of Sormani, however, has a drawback in a fact that cannot be easily explained. Sormani himself stated that corpuscles that had been treated with concentrated serum, showed neither the phenomenon of Neisser-Wechsberg nor that of specific fragility. He tried to explain this fact through the theory that the covering of albumin in this case is so thick, that it cannot be broken mechanically, and that the surface gets so shrunken that small pores are formed, through which comple- ment forces itself into the corpuscles and causes hemolysis. That the precipitating faculty of the serum is of importance for its inhibiting action, Sormani shows in his statement that the phenomenon of specific fragility and that of Neisser and Wechsberg, stand in direct relation to the precipitating power of the serum. Contrary to Gay, however, he does not believe that the specific precipitates absorb complement. Thus, even large quantities of a specific precipitate a TH. THJGTTA (sheep serum in rabbit immune serum) added to his hemolytic mixtures did not diminish the force of his complements. Only if a mixture of the emulsified precipitate and complement was kept in the incubator for one hour, was the complement inactivated, but not if the mixture remained for the same time in the room. Consequently the absorption of complement by the precipitate was not strong enough to explain the lacking hemolysis. The phenomenon of the inhibition of the bactericidal action has also been studied earlier in this institute. Brekke studied the occur- rence of the phenomenon in sera from typhoid patients. His results are somewhat contrary to those of Neisser and Wechsberg, as Brekke finds the phenomenon so seldom (in 22.2 per cent of the sera) that he does not consider it a specific phenomenon. He also calls attention to the fact that it is not always possible, as was supposed by Neisser and Wechsberg, to suppress the bactericidal function of an active im- mune serum by adding more immune serum to the test, and that a large dose of a strong immune serum does not always inhibit the action of complement. é Brekke, furthermore, showed that there was no direct relation between the bactericidal and the inhibiting titers of his sera. The inhibition of the bactericidal function was found in weak bactericidal sera as well as in strong ones. In several sera the inhibiting function could not be found, although they showed very high bactericidal titers, such as 0.0000001. Since he was dealing with sera, which undoubtedly contained a con- siderable amount of bactericidal antibodies, Brekke had reason to claim that all of these sera should exhibit the phenomenon of Neisser and Wechsberg, if the theory of these authors was correct. As this was not the case, Brekke rejected that theory and sought another explana- tion. This he thought to find in the theory of the complementoids. These bodies are considered to be partly destroyed complements that possess the haptophore group unaltered, while their zymophore group is destroyed. They can unite with the amboceptor like a com- plement, but they cannot act asone. Consequently, the bacilli attached to an amboceptor-complementoid will not be dissolved but will remain alive. Now Brekke never saw the phenomenon in active sera, but only in such that had been inactivated through heating. He therefore supposed that the inhibiting phenomenon was due to the complemen- toids that had been transformed from the complements during the heating. Consequently, Brekke had to consider the phenomenon as an un-specific one throughout. NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 5 B. OWN INVESTIGATION 1. Introduction During the work on the classification of dysentery-bacilli cultivated in Bergen and vicinity, the bactericidal test tube reaction was used as a method of separating the bacillary groups. It then turned out that the dysentery bacilli were well suited for the bactericidal test and good objects for the study of the phe- nomenon of Neisser and Wechsberg. This phenomenon occurred so frequently in the sera employed, that it must be considered as a regular faculty of the dysentery-immune sera from animals. It was, therefore, natural to put together the results of these tests with a special bearing upon the inhibition of the bacteri- cidal action and to try to find out fixed rules for the appearance of the phenomenon, and perhaps bring forth facts toward its explanation. : Further special experiments were carried out in order to ascer- tain the dependence of the phenomenon on amboceptors and complements, its importance for the total bactericidal action of an immune serum and its variation during the immunization. Finally, the question was taken up whether the phenomenon is due to already known antibodies, or is brought about by un- known ones. 2. Technic The sera employed were the inactivated sera of rabbits that had been given repeated intravenous injections of bacillary emulsions in normal saline solutions. The injections were begun with + to 4 eose of an agar slant culture and this amount was increased up to several whole cultures. The complement-bearing serum was obtained usually from guinea-pigs; in some of the tests, however, fresh human sera have been used on account of the scarcity of animals. Before the reaction itself, a preliminary test was always carried out to determine the bactericidal action of the normal serum as well as its power of activating the immune serum. An example of the preliminary test of the normal, complement- bearing serum is presented in table 1. TH. THJGTTA = Complement hactemerht aantoCrphor > Qui gen In the first six tubes of the series are mixed broth, the unit dose of bacteria (1/8000 of an oese) and the normal serum jin quantity diminishing by the usual geometrical progression. The aie Ww a“ NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 7 TABLE 1 Protocol of a preliminary test of the direct bactericidal power and of the ‘‘activating”’ power of normal complement-bearing serum TUBE AMBOCEPTOR | COMPLEMENT ANTIGEN BROTH COLONIES ce cc. oese drops 1 0 0.05 1/8000 2 0 2 0 00.025 1/8000 2 0 3 0 0.0125 1/8000 2 0 aa 0 0.0063 1/8000 2 © 5 0 0.0032 1/8000 2 oo 6 0 0.0016 1/8000 2 oo fi 0.001 0.05 1/8000 2 0 8 0.001 0.025 1/8000 2 0 9 0.001 0.0125 1/8000 2 0 10 0.001 0.0063 1/8000 2 0 11 0.001 0.0032 1/8000 2 About 1000 12 0.001 0.0016 1/8000 2 oo 13 control 0 0 1/8000 2 © TABLE 2 Protocol of the titration of a bactericidal immune serum (ambocepter) TUBE AMBOCEPTOR COMPLEMENT ANTIGEN BROTH COLONIES ce cc oese drops 1 Out 0.005 1/8000 2 co 2 0.05 0.005 1/8000 2 o 3 0.025 0.005 1/8000 2 o 4 0.0125 0.005 1/8000 2 oo 5 0.0063 0.005 1/8000 2 About 100 6 0.00382 0.005 1/8000 2 0 7 0.0016 0.005 1/8000 2 0 8 0.0008 0.005 1/8000 2 0 9 0.0004 0.005 1/8000 2 0 10 0.0002 0.005 1/8000 2 0 il 0.0001 0.005 1/8000 2, 0 12 0.00005 0.005 1/8000 2 0) 13 0.000025 0.005 1/8000 2 0 14 0.0000125. 0.005 1/8000 2 About 100 15 0.0000063 0.005 1/8000 0 Many 1000 16 0.0000032 0.005 1/8000 2 © 17 0.0000016 0.005 1/8000 2 © 18 0.0000008 0.005 1/8000 2 co 19 0.0000004 0.005 1/8000 2 co 20 Complement control 0.005 1/8000 2, © 21 Saline control 0.005 1/8000 2 ey 8 TH. THIGTTA mixture in the tubes 7 to 12 duplicate those of the first six, excepting that an effective quantity of the bactericidal immune serum has been added to each mixture. The bactericidal titer of the normal serum (“‘complement’’) is seen to be 0.0125 (tube 3), and this represents the total bactericidal titer of this serum. Its activating titer lies between 0.0063 and 0.0032. In table 2 is presented the protocol of the main test of the bactericidal power of the immune serum, in which the same reagents that were employed in the preliminary test were used. The bactericidal titer of this serum is seen to be 0.0000125, the titer of inhibition is 0.0063. This is the technic that was employed where the bactericidal action of a serum against a certain bacillus was tested. If it is desired to determine only the minimal inhibiting dose of the immune serum, it is sufficient to use an amount of complement that we know to be large enough to activate the immune serum. In this case it does not matter if this dose is so large that it has a bactericidal action of its own, because, even so, the degree of inhibition can be determined. In the following tests advantage was now and then taken of this fact. 3. Specificity of the inhibition Numerous tests have been carried out according to the de- scribed method, and the results of some of them are shown in table 3. ‘The bacteria used were: (Group I. Bacillus of Shiga hey f Bacillus Flexner and Strong, B. dysenteriae } Group II. || jand bacillus ¥. | Group III. B. typhosus Vibrio cholerae B. metacoli (Bacillus no. 1, of Morgan) These strains of bacteria have been tested in their homologous sera and for the greater part, also, in heterologous sera. Further- more, all, with the exception of the last two, have been tested in normal rabbit sera. NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 9 The results of these tests may be stated as follows: Normal serum shows a considerable bactericidal action against the dysentery bacilli of group I and IJ, but no inhibiting action can be discovered in the doses smaller than 0.1 cc. Against dysen- tery bacilli of group III normal serum has no bactericidal action. Consequently, the question as to the existence, here, of the function of inhibition must be left open. Against typhoid bacilli, normal serum shows some bactericidal power, but no inhibiting action. The serum against dysentery bacilli of group I (Shiga) has a considerable inhibiting action and a strong bactericidal power against the homologous organism. Against the strains of group II, it has some bactericidal power and with some of these strains it exhibits the phenomenon of inhibition. Against dysentery III and typhoid bacillino bactericidal action whatever is seen in the serum. The serum against dysentery bacilli of group II has no inhib- iting action against the Shiga strain. It will be seen that the sera showing the best bactericidal action also show the best inhibition. Against the strains from group II the group II sera show a different action. The highest titers of inhibition are always to be found in tests between a serum and its homologous strain, or a closely related strain. As group II is composed of strains that show some individual differences, it is only natural that there should be some variance in the results of the inhibiting reaction in this group. Neither of the sera of group II shows any bactericidal action against the strains of group III, nor typhoid bacilli. The group III serum had the same bactericidal action, without inhibition against the strains of groups I and II as had a normal serum, but it showed a strong inhibiting and bactericidal action against the homologous strain from this group. A typhoid serum showed a normal bactericidal effect without inhibition against the strains of groups I and II, and no effect against the group III strains, but it exhibited a good bactericidal effect without inhibition, against its homologous strain. Another TABLE 3 B metacoli A[SNOUSABIZUT SON} -[NO JUB[S-Ivde FG ‘OT6T ‘IZ IequIsAON 03 ‘TT 19q -wajydeg wo1j peztunul ~UlT "TTOOGZOW “STL AISA A[SNOUDABIY eo EF | -UL saingino fg ‘OTGT ‘3s Se | Fouwy OF ‘9T6T “9Z Arwen Sg | -uep wow pezrunmut © | ‘(eBrgfOYo) “TOL HAGVY 3 A]SNoueaBIzUL S | Sainj[no iBBe cyt ‘OTE & | ‘er Azenuee 03 ‘corer ‘z &3 S S = = > | 1aq0}0Q Woy pazlunu = s S S S - | -ur ‘y odAy ‘ 1qqe : - : ° é Q _ + 16 WAISH (S=>) oo oo oo i=) A[snousa ss} ke “UT Saing{no J ‘QTL ‘ZI a 0 © ) z [dy 0} ‘ore ‘zt Azen S =] S a -use MEO By Sagi S S S o “ur ‘ 013 ‘66 31qQqB Z ; d Z S Tar ‘TI dn 663999F | OS oo Ss 6. oS = N Re) Re) 5 A[SNOUGABIZUI 89IN4 ae) bond — -[NO > ‘QT6I ‘ZZ Wore Ss =e az 01 ‘O16, ‘g AsBnigeT S NX se) wolj peztunmwMt ‘jy SS S = dnoiz ‘jg ° 1qqu é Sagan Sapa 6 6 3 TE “A FOT F998 oo oo coo oo B Aj[sno Re) = -UW9AVI}UL S9IN}[NO 1VBB S Ne) a 2 | Of YI ‘ST6I “LT tequreo N = S > | -9d 0} ‘STG ‘% Jequrez S Yo} S 19 S TS | -deg wor} peztunuut —) — a) — a) > > M | -VIl dn0ip 96. 41498H.| Oo S'S SS) 16 So S'S A[SNOuUsAGIzUT 8 a te) sinsdoo} 21 WM ‘OTT | op S = = aS 068 Il [dy 07 ‘9T6I ‘92 se S Sy AS A Arenuve woly peztunur Ss = i -UIl ‘(BSI ‘ 1qqz ei ate ° ° Sine G eG e Glee ee eee SB Se SS (e@) ie) (o4) UINIOS 41GQqUI [BULION S S 3 a = St eee oo KS) =) oo QS 2 a ‘a a 3 a | Be 2 Bee (SESS a Ee |e ae & OL ors One ORS ore ors OER - agai 1 RS Ba eS Ege fe fe 82 28 £2 BS Ef gs: | Shes. erties | celmesty Wome 2 SOQ AMR FAA AA BQ ae —S———— se Sa ae a H tH AQ N asod INAWA1dNO9 o i) o —) o i=) o i=) i=) i) a — : Bi) Z yet 5 aml E 3 Bae Ey yest sper eines E wn zg a _ SSS eee aa a iB _ _ 2) = = : os) a ———————————————— ae 8 co) 5 S 5 : a S ~ 2 =I % in S ea) 10 ¢20'0 0 [Bplolieyoeg Aroyiqrqauy [Bplol1o}OV_ ALOVIGIYUT eZI0'0 GO'0| [eprotsojoeg 0 QO} Aroqzrqryay CZI0'O OQ) [BplolsoyoBVg 0 ALOVqry ay 0] Teprorsoyoeg ATOpquyuy eZ10'0 OL ere eee A10}1qIYO] i=) 10° 10° ¥0 c0 10° TO" TO" TO" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Se ed ce OOO uBZ10JA]) T[OOBJOUL “| JAG EAS Gf OF “A OF “A Wd Il **9BIB[OYO OLIGIA Me Oe snsoydAy “g eelioyuesXp “g 11 12 TH. THJOTTA typhoid serum; however, showed both inhibiting and bactericidal action against this very same strain. The cholera and metacolon sera showed strong inhibition and a moderate bactericidal effect against their homologous strains. On the whole these tests show that the inhibiting effect is chiefly exhibited toward the homologous strains, but that is also seen, though less frequently, with the closely related strains. 4. Factors influencing the appearance of the phenomenon On the basis of the results presented in table 3, we can examine the importance of the various factors involved in the bactericidal test with reference to the origin and growth of the inhibiting phenomenon. These factors are the antigen, the bactericidal immune serum; i.e., (the amboceptor) and the complement. As to the antigen, it seems that the very easily dissolved strains have a special faculty of giving rise to the inhibiting antibodies, while the strains that are more resistant to the serum bodies possess that faculty in only slight degree. In the immunization of the animals it does not seem to matter much whether very large or smaller doses of antigen has been used. It must, however, be mentioned that all of these immunizations, in reality, have been carried out with considerable doses and, as a rule, by intravenous injection. Between 1 and 10 agar slant cultures have been used at a time. The bacteria, previous to their injection, were always suspended in physiological saline solution and heated for one hour at 60°C. Rabbits, as a rule, weigh one twenty-fifth as much as a full- grown man; hence the proportional amounts of the bacteria for the average man, would be 25 to 250 agar slant cultures. It is clear that these doses represent many more bacteria than ever occur in man during a natural infection. It is possible that this is one of the reasons why Brekke found the phenomenon of inhibition so seldom; that is, in only 22 per cent of the sera of typhoid patients. The dependence of the phenomenon of inhibition on the specific relationship between the antigen and the antibodies of the NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 13 immune serum has been pointed out. Furthermore, it has been shown that normal sera lack the inhibiting function entirely. Hence it is not reasonable to suppose that the inhibition could be due to anything in the treatment of the serum after it has been obtained from the animal. However, the experiment was carried out to see whether the inhibiting function is influenced in any way by difference in the treatment of the serum. A Shiga serum was tested in the fresh condition, then dried in a desiccator. The serum powder was then dissolved, partly in distilled water, partly in normal saline. All the tests showed the same inhibiting action of the serum. Further, the effect of heating of the serum (one-half hour at 56°C.) on the inhibiting phenomenon was, also, examined and it was found to be nil; the inhibition was the same in the active and in the inactive immune serum, provided that the dose of complement added in the two tests was the same. The phenom- enon is consequently not due to nor affected by any alterations in the serum after the bleeding of the animal. 5. Appearance of the inhibition during the immunization The tests recorded in table 3 showed that the phenomenon of inhibition is just as specific as the bactericidal action. It seemed probable, therefore, that the first appearance and the growth of the phenomenon could be traced during the immunization. This was done in experiments presented in table 4. It is seen that the inhibiting phenomenon, which is absent in the normal sera, appears after the first injection, and becomes more pronounced during the immunization. In the last test made four weeks after the last injection, the inhibiting as well as the bactericidal action is a little reduced. 6. Relation of the phenomenon to the bactericidal power of the serum It is apparent that the inhibiting action as well as the bacteri- cidal one is a result of the immunization, but this conclusion does not justify the supposition entertained by Neisser and Wechsberg and by Lipstein that both of these functions are exercised by the same antibody—the bactericidal amboceptor. 14 TH. THJGTTA TABLE 4 Antigen B. dysenteriae of group II (two different strains employed) | SERUM OF RABBIT 109| SERUM OF RABBIT 117 Before treatment............... Jenene ees = Eom a One week after first injection............ Saas Be nan One week after second injection......... en gaan One week after third injection........... alii a Four weeks after fourth injection........ : iat ein *| = Inhibiting action; B. = bactericidal action. If, namely, the bactericidal titer (B) is taken as an indication of the amount of amboceptors present, this and the inhibiting titer (1) must stand in a direct proportion to each other, if these two functions be carried by the same antibody. However, such is not the case, as an analysis of the results presented in table 4 shows. With serum 109 the proportions were: After the first injection..........1: B = 0.025 : 0.000025 = 1:0.001 After the third injection........ I: B = 0.0032: 0.0000063 = 1: 0.002 With serum 117 the proportions were: After the first injection.........1: B = 0.0125: 0.0000008 = 1: 0.000064 After the second injection. .......1: B = 0.0032: 0.0000008 = 1: 0.00025 After the fourth injection... ....1: B = 0.0063: 0.0000032 = 1: 0.00052 Thus, it is obvious that the proportion between I and B is not a fixed factor. This is demonstrated even better if we put together all the results of the bactericidal reactions and reduce the I function to 1 while the B function is proportionally reckoned out. This has been done and the results are presented in table 5. NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 15 TABLE 5 STRAIN INHIBITION BACTERICIDAL ACTION I ° B >0.1 0.0032 ? Shi 0.0002 ? Shiga >0.1 0.0004 fe oe es Se ee 0.0125 0 0000032 1:.0.00025 0.0063 0.0000032 1: 0.00052 0.0032 0.000000025 1: 0.0000078 >0.1 0.0008 15 >0.1 0.0001 ? : >0.1 0.0000063 ? IDE Ae eee ee 0.05 00000016 4:0.000032 0.0125 0.0000032 1: 0.00025 0.0063 0.0000025 1: 0.0038 >0.1 0.0063 ? > OF 0.0008 ? 1D GS hh >0.1 0.0001 ? 0.05 0.0000063 1: 0.000126 0.0125 0.0004 1: 0.032 >0.1 0.0016 r¢ >0.1 0.00005 16 LV O40) oo Bs ae ato wee ei 1: 0.008 0.0032 0.000025 1:0.0078 0.0004 0.0000016 1: 0.004 0.0001 0.0000016 1: 0.016 ike hs>0.1 0.0016 ? >0.1 0.0008 ? SU 0.000025 ? 1) noon Rata ae 0.0125 0.0001 1: 0.008 0.0125 0.000025 1: 0.002 0.0032 0.0000016 1: 0.0005 0.0008 0.0000025 1: 0.03 F 41 0.0063 0.0002 1: 0.03 1) 410) U6 Re ae 0.0032 0.0002 1:0.06 oS Le >0.1 0.000025 r¢ 0.0032 0.00005 1:0.015 Maer cholerae... 2... csi. .... 0.0032 0.0001 1:0.03 16 TH. THIGTTA It is seen that the bactericidal titers vary in their propor- tion to the inhibiting titer (taken as 1) from 0.06 to 0.0000078 This would be quite impossible if these two functions were due to the same antibody, because, in that case, there would have to be a constant ratio between the two functions. The variations in the ratio 1: B confirms Brekke’s statement that a high bactericidal titer does not eo ipso convey a high inhibiting titer, and vice versa. By these findings we are forced to reject the theory of the significance of the bactericidal ambo- ceptor for the inhibition. Since, however, the inhibition arises simultaneously with the bactericidal function and is quite specific, TABLE 6 COMPLEMENT INHIBITION COMPLEMENT INHIBITION 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.0016 0.025 0.0001 0.04 0.05 0.0125 0.0016 0.025 0.01 0.0125 0.03 0.0125 0.0002 0.00382 0.009 0.2 0.025 0.0125 0.025 0.0032 0.007 0.0032 0.0008 0.0032 0.02 0.0125 0.005 0.0125 0.0032 0.0063—0. 0032 the former must owe its origin to specific antibodies other than the amboceptor. How these antibodies must be supposed to act and how they originate, will be presently dealt with. 7. Relation of inhibition to complement If we examine the relation between inhibition and the dose of complement, we find that this seems to be of a more stable character. From the material of the bactericidal tests made in this institute, it is obvious that the very high inhibiting titers are to be found in tests where small doses of complement have been employed, while the tests in which large doses of com- plement have been used, usually show low titers. This will be seen quite clearly from table 6. NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 17 Still better we will see the relation between the dose of com- _ plement and the inhibition in some tests made upon the same serum with different doses of complement. The tests were made at different times and not for the purpose of showing this fact. Test A. Antigen: dysentery Shiga. Immune serum: produced against dysentery Shiga, dose 0.1=0.0008. Complement: guinea-pig serum (doses: 0.005 and 0.02). C = 0.005 C= 0.02 1 = 0.0032 = 00125 1:¢ = 1.: 1.56 Le G2: 1.60 Test B. Antigen: dysentery, (group iii) (F. 79). Immune serum: produced against F.79 (doses: 0.2 — 0.0032). Complement: guinea-pig serum (doses: 0.009 and 0.08). C = 0.009 C = 0.08 1 = 0.025 1 = 0.02 1-C = 0.36 1: C =a20240 Test C. The following test is made directly to demonstrate how 1 varies with C. The protocol of this test is presented in table 7. Antigen: B. typhosus. Immune serum: Produced against B. typhosus. Doses: 0.0063, 0.0125, 0.025, and 0.05. Complement: Guinea-pig serum. Doses: 0.4 — 0.0125. C = amount of the normal guinea-pig serum used. = the “‘inhibiting titer.” These three tests very clearly show how the titer of the in- hibition varies according to the dose of complement. This re- lation between inhibition and complement, indeed, is so close that, in the same serum, we find an absolutely stable ratio be- tween the smallest dose of the serum that gives the inhibition and the employed dose of complement. It is clear, however, that we can not expect in all cases to find the same ratio between I and C, as a fixed amount of a complement-bearing serum does not always have the same functional value. The establishment of a fixed ratio between I and C is further prevented by the fact that the inhibiting power of each serum THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. V, No. l 18 TH. THIGTTA TABLE 7 IMMUND SERUM COMPLEMENT 0.0063 0.0125 | 0.025 0.05 Number of colonies 0.4 5 10 10 20 0.2 20 10 10 20 0.1 20 5 5 2000 0.05 20 20 Many 1000 0.025 1000 0.0125 1:C 1, Iho Leo TABLE 8 GROUE EELN SS OF Sonate outta aie RATIO I: Cc 0.0032 0.03 I: 8.1 0.0005 0.005 I: 10.0 ae er Dys. Shiga 0.0032 0.005 1: 1.56 0.0125 0.02 I: 1.60 0.0125 0.025 I: 2.0 Oe 0.05 0.05 I: 7.0 0.0125 0.03 I: 2.4 Bolt 0.025 0.04 I: 2.0 4 F 52 0.05 0.04 1: 0.8 Danish I 0.025 0.04 I: 1.6 0.0001 0.02 I: 200 0.0002 0.01 I: 50 we 0.0016 0.0125 I: 7.8 0.0032 0.03 To 0.0125 0.01 I: 0.8 PES ee F 41 0.0032 0.007 I: 2.2 0.0032 0.006 I: 1.9 Lyphoid...'..2..|Lypa ik 0.0032 0.02 I: 6.25 NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 19 is different and varies from time to time. It is only possible to show the relation between I and Cineach serum. The ratio I: C will then be the same in all tests made with the same immune serum and the same complement. As this ratio is of a quite stable character, it looks as if a certain dose of immune serum inhibits the action of a certain dose of complement and that the larger doses of serum can inhibit the action of correspondingly larger doses of complement. In table 8 some inhibition titers are put together with the em- ployed dose of complement. The tests were made at different times and with different complements; consequently, we cannot expect to find the ratio I: C so constant as in tests with the same serum and complement. The table shows that the value of the different immune sera reckoned according to their faculty of inhibiting the action of the complement is very different. Thus, while one unit of the strongest inhibiting serum checked the action of 200 units of complement, the same amount of the weakest serum could pre- vent the function of only 0.8 units of complement. It is seen, furthermore, that in three instances I: C is I: 10 or more, four times it is between I:10 and I:5, eight times it is about I: 2 and three times it is I:I or less. Thus, in the majority of the cases, we find that one dose of immune serum is capable of pre- venting the function of two doses of complement as one of the demonstrated tests shows. The foregoing results make it obviously incorrect to compare the inhibition titers of various sera, unless due regard is paid to the employed dose of complement. 8. Inhibition in normal sera Since the inhibition had been found to be dependent, to such an extent, upon the employed dose of complement, it was natural to think that normal sera also might show the phenomenon, if only the dose of complement was small enough or the dose of serum large enough. 20 TH. THJ@TTA This consideration applies especially to the tests where normal rabbit sera was found to show a quite high bactericidal action against the dysentery strains of group I and II. It seems possible that these sera would have shown the inhibition phe- nomenon in higher doses. In table 9 are presented the protocols of some tests with three: normal rabbit sera in high doses. Rabbits I and II in these tests show a strong inhibition down to the dose 0.25 cc., while rabbit III shows a weak inhibition only in the dose 0.75 cc. Thus, it seems that even wholly nor- mal inactivated serum can inhibit the function of complement, when large doses are employed. Since this non-specific inhi- TABLE 9 RABBIT I RABBIT II RABBIT III “Gy Sue | Daa Dn. | Bou Sc C* = 0.008 che 00d. 2 see PYG Ene by c ye ue Colonies Colonies 1L-(0) co roe) 0.75 1000 1000 0.5 co co OR25 400 100 0.25 Many 1000 | Many 1000 0.125 100 100 0.125 About 1000 50 0.063 50 50 0.063 10 5 0.032 30 50 0.032 10 5 0.016 30 20 * C = Complement. bition is found only with much larger doses of serum than are used for the bactericidal tests, there is no occasion on account of this phenomenon to doubt the specificity of the corresponding phenomenon in the immune sera. Whether this normal inhibition is of the same nature as the specific one, is an open question. It seems likely that this need not be the case. In fact the doses of normal serum that give inhibition are so large, that it is possible that the imactivated serum taken as a solution of albumin absorbs the complement in the manner of colloids. It may also be supposed that a concentrated, inactivated serum contains so many complemen- toids that these become more numerous than the effective com- plement, and so inhibit the function of the latter. NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 21 A study of the preceding experiments makes it clear that we can expect to find a zone in the dilutions of serum between the concentrated and the I: 10 dilution, where the inhibition phe- nomenon can occur without its being possible to decide whether it is specific or non-specific. In sera diluted more than I: 10 we should most likely be out of this zone of inhibition. When we begin the bactericidal tests with the doses 0.1 or 0.05 cc., we will, therefore, usually not be troubled by the non-specific inhibition. However, it has often happened that some hundreds (200-300-500) of colonies have grown up in the largest dose of serum used. This has not been taken as an inhibition, but has been looked upon as an accidental occurrence. It seems possible, now, that this was something like the tip of the tail of the in- hibition, and that this phenomenon might have been found in full strength had only higher doses of serum been employed. We would then, however, have been incapable of deciding whether this was a specific or a non-specific inhibition. - 9, Inhibition in active, immune sera The ratio between I and C, referred to above, unveils another and very peculiar action of immune sera. It must be supposed that the immune serum that is able to inhibit the function of a foreign complement is able, also, to bring about the same action against the complement of the immune serum itself. If, now, we suppose that the test of an immune serum shows the most frequent ratio between I and C; namely 1:2, one unit of the serum taken as an immune serum should be able to check the function of two units of the same serum taken as a complement. Consequently, 0.5 cc. of the immune serum will be able to inhibit the function of the complement contained in 1 cc. of the same serum. The conclusion must be, that such a serum never can show any bactericidal action against its homologous strain of bacilli, whatever amounts of the active serum are employed without added foreign complement. This will further lead to the assumption that all the sera with a high titer of inhibition must have lost the faculty of bactericidal action that they had 22 TH. THJGTTA before the immunization. If this assumption proves to be true, we will see that sera with some normal bactericidal effect will not grow more effective with regard to total bactericidal power as the immunization proceeds, but they will lose all the effect that they had before. And if this is so in the tests in vitro, it is most likely the same in vivo, because here the serum or plasma never is present in diluted condition or with added foreign com- plement, but it is always concentrated. In fact, the results pre- sented in tables 10 and 11 show that the assumption is correct. In these tables are demonstrated the results of tests carried out with the serum of a rabbit that had been immunized first against B. typhosus and then against B. dysenteriae, Shiga. Before the treatment the serum of the rabbit very rapidly and easily dis- solved typhoid as well as dysentery bacilli, while this faculty was completely lost after some injections of antigen. During the immunization with typhoid bacilli, tests with dysentery bacilli were carried out to demonstrate that the action of the serum against these latter bacilli was unaltered and although this latter function remained undiminished, the bactericidal effect against the typhoid bacilli was completely lost. During the immunization with the bacillus of Shiga, the same control tests were carried out with a strain belonging to dysen- tery group III. This group III stain remained very sensitive to the serum, while the serum lost all its former effect against the bacillus of Shiga. The strong specificity of the phenomenon is demonstrated in these tests. As regards the typhoid bacilli, tests were carried out one year after the last injection. The serum then had again ac- quired its former faculty of total bactericidal effect. The in- hibiting antibodies had diminished so much that they only could act in the dose of 0.1 cc. with 0.02 cc. of complement. According to the proportion I:C = 0.1: 0.02 = 1: 4, it is seen that one unit of the serum as an inhibiting serum inhibits the action of only 4 of the complement at hand. Consequently, there is left + of the complement to bring about the bactericidal action. ee — — ee ee ee aa en i) Se aan (ane ye nee co €Z0000'0 co 00000 a 1000°0 co co 0 © © QOOT AUB | © co co co © co Z000°0 Ooor Aue co I co oo OoOT AuvyT | © oo co © | 0001] © $0000 QooT AUBIN co I co co OOOT AUB | © © co © | 00g co 8000°0 OoT AUBIN co 0g co co ooor Auvpy | > [O0OT AUB] © co 02 |000T Aue 91000 oor Aue co 0g © co ooot Aus | © | OOTAURIN] - | © | 0 - [000T AULIY Z£00'0 oor Aus co 000T co OOOT AUBIN | 02 OOOT 0 o | 0 OOT £9000 oot looor Aueww} OOOT joodT AUBIN} O00T 002 Or OO0T 0 0 0 0 &Z10°0 OOT oor ooor Avy OOT OO0T OOT ZE jo00T Aue | 0 0 0 0 ¢z0'0 OOT og Oo0OT AUR 91 Ooot Aux | OOT AULT | OF jO0OT AUB} O 0 0 0 c0'0 Ss o¢ OOOT Aue 9 OOOT AUR OOOT 8 co 0 0 0 0 10 og 6 © OO00T Aueyy 0 0 0 0 z'0 000T Aue] 0 0 0 0 b'0 proydsy, | proydsy, | proydse | gropdoseq | PIOUUSL | Proadé a proyday, roe Pee rm proyd4y, oIgr ee $ ore hha z Arenue Uu0148z sasoda wonuas smricen Shee sre} on is eetuusieiie OT YOUR SAL 6 TOBIN 389.L Ge Avenger ae 3 4897, f -1UNUIWIT sxoyed 48a], “ur UL 4saJ, -Ul UT 48aT, See SS SS — — a ne, SJINOTIOON JO UAAWON !‘WOUAS GAAILOV NI SLSTL Se Se s[njdooy g ‘ST6T “¢ Gorey s[njdoot Z ‘8I6T “1% Areniqe,y sinjdooy Z ‘8161 ‘8 Arenaqayy [njdoot ¢ ‘gT6r ‘og Arenuee [njdoo] ¢ ‘ST6T ‘ST Avenues {njdooy 2 ‘gi6T ‘6 Axenuve :suoryoofuy yyog proydhy ysurvbo woynzvunuuy OST #498 Ol AIAVL eR 23 TH. THJGTTA a a a an G9) 0 © £900000 0 Q00T Aue GZ10000 0 OOT GZ0000 0 OS ¢G0000 0 OOT 10000 ros) foe) co roe) co OOOT AUBIN © foe) co foe) co Z000'0 © © foe) © fo} QOOT AUBIT (oe) fos) © © © F000'0 foe) co foo) oo foo) ? foe} co foo) foo) (oe) foe) 8000 ‘ 0) © foe) eo) foe) co foo) fee) feo) foo) co foe) CLOO x (0) co foo) © co roe) © © co OOOT AUBIT foe) foe) Z200'0 oo co co OOT Aueyy © co 00¢ | © | 000T NOGY co 000T Aue €900°0 © co co 0g OoOT Aueyy © o¢ © | QOOT Luv | OOOT Aue | OOT LUV GZ10'0 OOOT co) od OoT OOOT © 9 © OO0OT AUBIN OOT OS Gc0'0 oor © © OS OOOT © 0 ee) OOOT AUB oT 0€ ¢0'0 0G oo oo G 0006 0 © OOOT AUBIN 9 0€ 10 © © 0 0008 0) cs) ee) 6 G0 0 od oo F'0 ae =S sf of JII Ateyuashq | yj A1oyueshq saiceene a pees i ane pAsozuesfq | [J Aroqueshq | J Ar1oyUasAG Boed| se | 22 ‘so0=9 [sa wos] os ~ 4 : ee tay 5 sasoa waugs aA eg, E BIBI ‘T 1940990 489,], 14897, g sung 4sa,Z, ZI ABW SAL WOTZVZTUNULUIT ALOJaq $4SaJ, SAINO100 JO UAANWON ‘WOUAS GAILOV NI SLsaL a a ee ee ee ee SoIny[No Z Noge ‘IGT ‘6 YUBA {oanyno [ ‘TE oquieseq ‘{njdooy T ‘gTé6T ‘T Ane soinq[no Z ynoge ‘IGT ‘ET Youvy feanypno J ‘g¢ soquieseq ‘{nydooy $ ‘eT6T “g ounr sainyno z ynoge ‘“GIGET ‘Sz Arwnaqoy foungpno J ‘6 LoquIoAON ‘[njJdooy ¢ ‘ST6T “eT AVIA soiny[no Z ynoge ‘“GIGL ‘IT Aveniqoag foanqino T ‘gz 10q0}790Q ‘[nJdooT 2 “STET ‘g ABI soiny[no Z ynNoge ‘6I6T ‘6z Aenuve foing[no T ‘g I9aqoyoO ‘[nJdooy] %* ‘STET ‘e ABI soinq[no Z% ynoge ‘EIET ‘Gl Arenuve foinyjno [ “p 10qQ0300 ‘[nJdooy °Y* ‘QTET “FT Yous] :suorqooluy (vBiyg) J dnowb) 17]100q fuaquashp ysuwbo woynzvunmur SOT 12990T Il Have, ‘ NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 25 If we expect to find inhibition in active sera, I:C must be I: I or exceed this ratio. As now the greater part of our immune sera show the propor- tion I: C = 1:2 or more, we must suppose that all these sera have lost their total bactericidal action during the immuniza- tion, and this is not only the case with the sera from rabbits. On the contrary, 34 out of 64 sera from typhoid patients (Brekke) showed so high inhibiting titers that they no doubt must have been robbed of all their total bactericidal action. The same has been found by the author as regards sera from dysentery patients. If we wish to transfer the results of these experiments in vitro to the conditions in vivo, we must conclude that blood fluid from immune organisms (if it is supposed that this is identical in its action with the serum) so far from being more bactericidal than the same in the normal state, loses its bactericidal effect during the immunization or the disease. Consequently, the bactericidal action of the serum can not play any part in the stable immunity after a disease, or after an artificial infection. The experiments show. clearly that the immune animals, whose serum cannot kill the bacteria in question, tolerate the inocu- lation much better than the normal animals, whose serum is able to kill large amounts of bacteria. And we have no reason to believe that the patients that show a high degree of inhibition are not quite as immune as those, whose serum shows a high de- gree of bactericidal effect. If the results of the test tube experi- ments are applicable to the conditions in the living organism, it would appear probable that the animals with the strong in- hibition tolerate the inoculations better than the normal animals just on account of the acquired faculty of inhibition. The effect of an injection of bacilli into the organism of a normal animal with bactericidal action, may be that the bacilli will be very rapidly dissolved and their endotoxins made free to intoxicate the organisms, if the dose of bacilli was large enough. This will, perhaps, not be the case in an immune organism with a well developed inhibiting action. Here the bacilli will either not be dissolved in the blood stream or their solution will go on 26 TH. THJGTTA more slowly and other immune forces can come into play and deal with the bacilli. Consequently, the endotoxins are not made free or at any rate they are liberated very slowly, and the animal is saved from the intoxication that kills the normal animal. Since most normal sera in active, concentrated condition are able to dissolve or kill the bacteria here dealt with, but lose their faculty (or acquire the faculty of inhibition) during the disease or the immunization, it is probable that the specific inhibiton plays a far more dominant part in the protection of the organism during the infection than is the case with the bactericidal action of the serum. On the other hand we cannot consider the in- hibiting action as any protection against becoming infected, and the phenomenon, therefore, can hardly be of any importance to the lasting immunity after the disease or inoculation. We have considered the relation between inhibition and com- plement without setting up any definite theory as to its ex- planation. We have also expressed the idea that the inhibiting serum interferes with or checks the function of the complement. The question now to be answered is this: What has happened to the complement? That it is not fixed to a surplus of amboceptors, as held by Neisser and Wechsberg, must be considered beyond doubt. Con- sequently, we must consider the following possibilities: 1. The complement may for some reason be hindered in attaching itself to the bacteria and amboceptors and remains free in the fluid. 2. The complement may be fixed to the amboceptor in the normal manner, but unknown antibodies render the bacteria invulnerable. 3. The complement may be fixed to other antibodies than the bactericidal ones, and cannot, therefore, be available for the bactericidal reaction. 1. To test the first possibility the following experiment was carried out. To an active anti-Shiga serum showing inhibition homologous bacilli were added and the mixture was incubated for 3 hours at 37°C. The bacilli were separated from the fluid NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 24 by centrifugation and the absorbed serum was tested as to its total bactericidal action against a strain of dysentery ITI, which is very sensitive to the normal serum. Simultaneously, a control test was made in active, not ab- sorbed serum from the same animal. Result: In the absorbed serum, no bactericidal effect. Result: In the not absorbed serum: B = 0.0063. It is seen that complement does not remain free in immune serum during its contact with the related bacteria in the zone of inhibition. 2. The second possibility is considered in the theory of Sor- mani. It supposes that the surface of the antigen is altered by the inhibiting antibodies in such a way that it is rendered invul- nerable. If this be the case, it should be possible to show this acquired invulnerability, when the bacteria that have been in contact with an inhibiting serum, are brought into another, not inhibiting, solution. The following experiment was carried out to test this suppo- sition. Bacteria were kept in contact with the specific antiserum— F.79—(I = 0.025; C = 0.009) in the ratio 1/8000 oese to 0.1 ec. of serum in a volume of 1 cc. After the mixtures had stood | for different periods of time at different temperatures, the bac- teria were separated from the fluid by centrifugation and by washing in sterile saline solution and compared with the untreated bacteria of the same strain as to their susceptibility to the normal bactericidal action of fresh guinea-pig’s serum. As some growth of the bacteria took place during their contact with the inhib- iting serum corresponding dilution of the bacterial sediment had to be made before the rest in the guinea-pig’s serum.. The results of the experiment are presented in table 12. It is seen that the treated bacteria were killed as easily as the untreated ones, consequently, during their contact with the inhibiting serum they had not acquired any faculty that rendered them invulnerable to the antibodies. 3. The complement may be supposed to be absorbed by anti- bodies of another nature than the bactericidal ones. The con- 28 TH. THIGTTA nection between these antibodies and the complement may be thought to take place with the production of a precipitate that ean be brought down as a sediment. Also, a union may be assumed to occur between antigen and antibodies that remains in solution, and for this reason cannot be removed from the fluid by mechanical means. In the first case it must be possible to remove the inhibiting antibodies after addition of antigen to the serum and later centrifugation of filtration of the fluid. The antigen then must be supposed to absorb the inhibiting antibodies from the serum and thus remove them from the solution. In the other case, the removal of the antigen cannot be thought to rob the serum of its inhibiting faculties, as the TABLE 12 A. FOUR HOURS B. FOUR HOURS Cc. TWENTY.FOUR CONTACT CONTACT HOURS CONTACT IN| D. NOT TREATED ee ee aigarou|) iN INCUBATOR IN THE COLD INCUBATOR Colonies 0.5 3 0) 0 0 0.25 2 0 0 2, 0.125 5 2 50 0) 0.063 10 1 5 4 0.032 Many 100 1 4 5 0.016 Many 1000 100 50 lo) Control © ©0 oo oS soluble connection between antigen and antibodies will remain in the fluid after centrifugalization or filtration and be capable of absorbing complement when this is added. To test these possibilities, the following experiments were carried out: 1. To an anti-Shiga serum was added an emulsion of living Shiga bacilli in great excess. After two or three hours in the incubator at 37°C., the bacteria were removed in the centrifuge and new bacteria were added. This procedure was repeated eight times during thirty hours. No agglutination could be seen after the last addition of bacteria. In the serum thus absorbed, bactericidal tests were carried out as well with a dose of complement suitable for the activation NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 29 (0.005) of the serum as with a dose that itself had a bactericidal action (0.02). Simultaneously, control tests were carried out with untreated serum. The results of this experiment are pre- sented in table 13. It is seen that the prolonged contact of the immune serum with the antigen caused diminution of its inhibiting action although all of its bactericidal property had been removed. Another anti-Shiga serum was treated in the following manner. 2. One part of the serum was diluted 1:5 and mixed with a great excess of Shiga bacilli; this mixture was shaken at room temperature. After four hours the bacilli were removed in the TABLE 13 A. COMPLEMENT = 0.02 B. COMPLEMENT = 0.005 IMMUNE SERUM paar (= ete eee | Ae Colonies 0. 1 joe) © c foe) 0.05 foe) foe) © foo) 0.025 ro) co co co 0.0125 co © © ea 0.0063 About 100 About 100 © oo 0.0032 0 0 About 100 co 0.0016 0 0 0 co 0.0008 0 0 0 oe) Complement control 0 0 © co centrifuge and the supernatant fluid was mixed with fresh bacteria. This was repeated every fourth hour during forty- eight hours (nights excepted). After the last centrifugation the fluid was divided in two halves. One portion was heated at 56°C. for one hour and again centrifugalized. The serum was then quite clear and showed no growth in a control test. The other half was filtered through a Berkefeld filter. Control culture showed no growth. As a control test some non-absorbed serum was filtered. With these three sera bactericidal reactions were carried out. As complement was used a dose of fresh serum that was capable 30 TH. THJOTTA of bringing about bactericidal action by itself. The results of this experiment are presented in table 14. It is seen that here again prologned contact of the inhibiting serum with the homologous bacteria resulted in no diminution of its inhibiting power whether the bacteria are removed with centrifugation or by means of filtration. Another portion of the same serum was treated in the follow- ing manner: Three cultures (surface 7 by 15 em.) of Shiga bacilli emulsified in normal saline solution (80 ec.) were heated at 60°C. for one TABLE 14 A. ABSORBED, B. ABSORBED, C. UNHEATED, HEATED SERUM FILTERED SERUM FILTERED SERUM SERUM Colonies 0.1 (oe) ee) fo) 0.05 roo) co co 0.025 About 2000 Many 1000 About 1000 0.0125 1000 1000 200 0.0063 200 50 3 0.0032 50 20 5 0.0016 10 10 0 0.0008 5 2 10 0.0004 10 10 10 0.0002 5 50 10 0.0001 50 20 10 Complement control 5 Serum control 0 0 0 (0.1 Serum without bacilli) hour, the emulsion was then centrifugalized, the bacilli washed in normal saline and afterwards mixed with the serum diluted 1:10; after being shaken at room temperature for 24 hours, the mixture was centrifugalized and a new bacterial emulsion was added to the supernatent fluid. This procedure was repeated four times. * With this treated serum tests are made in the ordinary manner. Complement was employed in amount (0.025 ec.) that was itself capable of producing bactericidal effect. The results of this experiment are presented in table 15. NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 31 It is seen that the prolonged contact of the inhibiting serum with the killed and washed bacteria failed to reduce its inhibiting power. Similar tests were made with the same serum absorbed at a temperature of 5°C. with living bacilli during six days. The serum thus treated showed a little more inhibition than the untreated serum. i» Likewise the same tests were carried out with a serum produced against B. dysenteriae group III (twenty-four hours contact with living bacilli). Also in this treated serum, a rather stronger inhibition was noted than in the untreated serum. TABLE 15 A. ABSORBED SERUM B. UNTREATED SERUM SERUM Colonies 0.05 o co 0.025 ey © 0.0125 oo ea 0.0063 Many 1000 Many 1000 0.0032 About 200 About 500 0.0016 50 50 0.0008 10 10 0.0004 10 3 0.0002 5 6 Complement control 10 Cerum control (0.1 serum) 0 Control on bacilli used © Thus it has not been possible to remove the inhibiting effect from the sera examined through absorption with the homologous antigen. Objection may possibly be made to the first experiment, that living bacilli may have been left in the serum, as no control test was made to exclude this possibility. The dose of active serum, however, was so large (0.02 cc.), that it should easily have been able to kill the small number of bacilli that might have been left after the centrifugation, as it killed all the bacilli in the control test. This objection cannot be made against the last two experi- ments, as the serum here was found to be sterile before and during the test. 32 TH. THJOTTA It has thus been impossible to free the sera of the inhibiting action through absorption with homologous antigen, as carried out in this investigation. From the above mentioned experi- ments we must conclude that the inhibiting antibodies cannot be fixed to the bacillary bodies or to sedimenting antigen and be removed from the serum with these; also, that the inhibiting antibodies are quite different from the bactericidal amboceptors, as the inhibiting action may be found in sera that have been deprived of all bactericidal power. DISCUSSION If, on the basis of the foregoing experiments and results, we - wish to try to form an opinion as to the nature of the inhibiting antibodies and the value of the different theories concerning them, it may be useful to consider the various possibilities in the light of Ehrlich’s side-chain theory and to compare these possi- bilities with the facts brought forth by these experiments. 1. Neisser and Wechsberg did not assume any special inhib- iting antibody, but thought that the great surplus of bacteri- cidal antibodies made the action of the complement impossible. This conception is graphically represented in figure 1. This theory is made impossible by the following facts: a. There is no relation between the bactericidal titer and the inhibiting titer. b. There may be found immune sera with a high bactericidal titer, but without any inhibiting action. c. The inhibition can still be found in sera from which the bactericidal amboceptors have been removed by absorption with homologous antigen. 2. The idea that during the active imunization of an animal an antibody is produced that is capable of rendering the bacteria invulnerable to the action of the bactericidal amboceptor-com- plement complex although the latter is not prevented from combining with the bacteria. This idea is contained in the theory of Sormani. It is represented graphically in figure 2. This assumption is rendered untenable by two facts brought out NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 33 in the present investigation, namely, (1) the hypothetical anti- body cannot be absorbed from the inhibiting serum and (2) the bacteria that have been in contact with an inhibiting serum are not less vulnerable to the bactericidal amboceptor-complement complex than are untreated bacteria. 3. The hypothesis that the inhibiting antibodies act by attaching themselves to the antigen, thereby hindering the union of the latter with the antigenophil group of the bactericidal amboceptor, is represented graphically in figure 3. This hypothesis is excluded by the fact, demonstrated above, that the bactericidal amboceptors can be absorbed from the serum by the bacteria in the presence of the inhibiting anti- bodies, and that the latter actually do not become attached to the bacteria at all but remain free in the fluid. 4, During the immunization it is conceivable that an antibody of the nature of an antiamboceptor is produced. By fixing itself to the antigenophil group of the amboceptor; this antiambo- ceptor might hinder the connection between amboceptor and antigen. The latter would, in this case, remain free and the bactericidal action could not take place. This conception is represented graphically in figure 4. This theory necessitates that the combination amboceptor-antiamboceptor absorbs the com- plement with greater avidity than the combination amboceptor- antigen. The bactericidal amboceptors namely, are at hand in a far greater amount than the supposed antiamboceptors (I. gives always a lower titer than B.) and the amboceptor-antigen com- pound therefore would absorb the greater amount of complement, if the avidity in both cases were the same. But if an antiambo- ceptor connected with its homologous amboceptor could absorb all of the complement, the nature of the antigen would play no part in the inhibition, and the inhibition would thus take place against any bacteria tested in an inhibiting serum. As this is not the case, the theory cannot be accepted. 5. Conceivably, the production of antiamboceptors against the complementophil group of the amboceptor (complementoids) may take place during the immunization. Such antibodies would not prevent the union of the bactericidal amboceptor THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. V, NO. 1 34 TH. THJOTTA with the bacteria, but they would prevent the subsequent cdoperation of complement. According to this view, which is graphically represented in figure 5, bacteria after contact with an inhibiting concentration of immune serum should be invul- nerable to the action of fresh active serum, since all of the receptors are supposed to be satisfied, moreover, an absorbed inhibiting immune serum should possess bactericidal power since, according to this view, its complement should remain unaltered in the fluid after the absorption. Since neither of these two conditions are met in actual experiment, the theory cannot be sustained. The theory of Brekke must be dealt with under this last possi- bility. This theory must be rejected, as it is demonstrated that the inhibition takes place, also, in quite fresh and active sera. 6. Finally, it is possible that during the immunization specific antibodies are produced, which in connection with dissolved antigen, absorb complement with a greater avidity, so that the complement cannot effect its bactericidal action. Figure 6 represents this idea graphically. This supposition necessitates that the titer of inhibition varies with the dose of complement, since a certain dose of inhibiting antibody must absorb a certain dose of complement. If the dose of complement is larger than that required by the inhibiting antibodies, we must suppose, that the rest of complement is made use of by the bactericidal antibodies. If, on the other hand, the dose of complement is very small it should be possible to show the existence of very small doses of inhibiting antibodies. Further, the bacteria that have been in contact with an inhib- iting serum can be entirely vulnerable in a non-inhibiting serum, since nothing has happened that should diminish their vulner- ability. On the other hand, the absorbed serum, according to this view, should lose all its former bactericidal action, as no free complement will be left in the solution. f All the above described experiments satisfy these claims, and this theory may therefore be accepted. The specific inhibiting antibody thus acts like an anticom- plement inasmuch as it hinders the function of the complement. NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON ao Since, however, it can act only in the presence of the homologous antigen, we must suppose that a combination of this antibody and the antigen absorbs the complement. We must, therefore, look upon the inhibiting antibody as being of the nature of an amboceptor, but not as an amboceptor that enters into union with the solid sedimented bacterial protein, since it has not been possible to remove the inhibiting antibody from the serum by absorption and centrifugalization or filtration. We must rather suppose that the inhibiting antibody in connection with dissolved antigen forms larger colloidal molecular complexes that absorb the complement at hand with great rapidity without the forma- tion of a precipitate, which could be removed from the fluid. This explanation is the same as that used by Gengou and by Moreschi in their work on anticomplementary action. We have here, also, an explanation of the great similarity between the specific action of the mentioned inhibiting antibodies and the non-specific action of such complement inactivating bodies as bile, peptone, albumose, citrate, and oxalate solutions. The action of the latter bodies is non-specific; the complement is inactivated in any combinations whatsoever. The action of the inhibiting antibody, however, is dependent on the presence of the homologous antigen. But with this exception the action and the result of the action is the same in both cases; namely, the inhibiting of the function of the complement, and hereby the hindering of the bactericidal action. It is possible that the examination of the physical colloidal conditions of the serum absorbed with its homologous antigen would bring us closer to the solution of the problem of the inhi- bition than this investigation has been able to do. If we wish a working hypothesis as to the origin of the inhib- iting antibodies, we may assume the following: When antigen gets into the veins of man or animals, it will, partly at any rate, go into solution. The dissolved antigen will bring about the production of immune bodies against itself. Among those bodies will be found some that precipitate the dissolved antigen, and others that enter into combination with the antigen without producing a precipitate. This last combi- 36 TH. THIOTTA nation is capable of binding complement and the antibodies concerned will, for this reason, appear as inhibiting antibodies. Thus, the production of inhibition in a serum must be looked upon as a reaction of immunity just as agglutination, precipi- tation and the bactericidal action. It is possible that the inhib- iting reaction might be employed as a diagnostic aid in infections with easily soluble bacilli. The phenomenon of specific inhibition has hitherto been looked upon as a peculiar and paradoxical function of immunesera. Practically, however, it has not yet attracted any interest. It is nevertheless probable that the phenomenon of inhibition may play a part in the action of the therapeutic immune sera. This will, however, take place only in sera possessing bactericidal or bacteriolytic action which, in practice, means the antimenin- gococcic serum. The antimeningococeus serum is widely used and is considered to be of use in the treatment of meningitis. However, its therapeutic effect must be due to antibodies that do not need the coéperation of complement, because this function is absent in the stored serum, and the normal spinal fluid lacks complement. Under these circumstances the bactericidal function of the serum cannot be brought into action. If the attempt should be made to improve the effectiveness of the antimeningococeus serum by the addition of active serum—say from the patient himself—it would be important, first to ascertain the titer of inhibition of the immune serum, if that property exists in such sera—a question which has not been investigated. If, for example, the ratio I: C were found to be 1:2, this would mean that the ordinary dose of the immune serum (25 cc.) would nullify the complementary action of 50 ce. of active serum. Hence, it would be necessary, under these circumstances, in order to secure the codperation of complement, to inject, with the immune serum, more than 50 cc. of the normal serum. However, as the spinal column is not able to accom- modate this large volume of fluid, it would be necessary to adopt the other alternative of injecting less of the immune serum than usual. For example if we choose to inject the usual volume of 25 cc., and if we wish to inject a mixture of immune serum and ee NEISSER-WECHSBERG INHIBITING PHENOMENON 37 complement-bearing serum in which the ratio of the latter to the former is more than 2:1, say 5:1, we can use the following mixture: HOTTER CR SE LUTTE NOR Ea fase. cus (Live a ald ee eb oe ole cee ecseay: 1.0 Horgein mairmaal Serr eere ene Ge ee an ee et Tb 8d tS 5.0 SOMES CISO NT DLOM fc rds tasetcte «sta oe sie cc cee Ue Bab oe see aracve ss —19.0 It is likely that such a diluted mixture would be more efficacious than an undiluted one, as it might penetrate more easily into the meninges. The necessity, in such procedure, of determining the ratio I: C for each specimen of immune serum, must be pointed out. The possibility that the use of a strongly bactericidal mixture may cause an intoxication as the result of a sudden liberation of endotoxins in large amounts, should be borne in mind. Where, on the other hand, sera are dealt with that are to be injected intravenously, the inhibiting action cannot, as a rule, play any part in the therapeutic effect. In such case there will always be a far greater amount of active serum at hand than the dose of inhibiting serum. Only if the serum has a very high titer of inhibition, may there be a slight possibility of inhibition. Thus if I: C were 1: 200, as in one of our dysentery sera, 10 ce. of inhibiting serum would nullify the complement in 2000 ce. of active serum, and in this case 20 cc. of inhibiting serum injected intravenously would produce an inhibiting mixture, as a grown ~ up man has about 2500 ce. of blood fluid. CONCLUSION 1. The inhibiting phenomenon of Neisser and Wechsberg is of a specific nature. It is to be found in active as well as in inactive sera; it develops during the immunization and can be found in a very high degree in dysentery immune sera. In active sera from immunized animals examined without the addition of foreign complement, the phenomenon presents itself as a com- plete abolition of the normal bactericidal action. 2. The inhibition is due to antibodies that arise during the immunization or during the natural disease. These antibodies 38 TH. THJGTTA are not identical with the agglutinins, the bacteriolysins or the precipitins. They must be considered as specific antibodies, which combine with dissolved antigen to form molecular com- plexes, that have a marked tendency to absorb complement and to withdraw it from the bactericidal antibodies. 3. The titer of inhibition is directly proportional to the em- ployed dose of complement. With a small dose of the latter, smaller doses of inhibiting antibodies can be demonstrated than with a larger dose of complement. 4, The inhibiting antibodies do not effect the bacteria them- selves, nor can they be removed from the serum by absorption with an emulsion of the homologous bacilli. They can be demon- strated in sera that lack any bactericidal action. REFERENCES BREKKE, ALEXANDER: Om tyfusvakcinations og seroologiske methoder til bedgm- melse av dens effect. (Tillegshefte til Med. Revue, Bergen 1916.) Gay: Citation by Sormani. GerNGou: Sur les sensibilisatrices des sérums actifs contre les substances albumi- noides. Ann. de l’Inst. Pasteur, 1902, 16, 734. GruseEr, M.: Theoretisches tiber die Antikérper im Blute. Wiener klin. Woch. 1901, 14, 1244. LevapITI: Citation by Sormani. Lirstern: Die Complementablenkung bei bactericiden Reagenzglasversuchen und ihre Ursache. Centralbl. f. Bakter., Orig., 1902, 31, 460. Morescui, C.: Zur Lehre von den Antikomplementen. Berl. klin. Woch., 1905, 42, 1225. Netsser, M., anp Wecuspera, F.: Ueber die Wirkungsart bactericider Sera. Miinch. med. Woch., 1901, 48, 697. Sormant, B. P.: Eine neue Erklarung des Neisser- und Wechsbergschen Phano- mens vermittels des Phinomens der spezifischen Sprédigkeit. Zeits. f. Immunitatsforsch., Orig., 1916, 24, 336. Tuugrra, TH.: On the bacteriology of dysentery in Norway. The Jour. of Bac- teriology, 1919, 4, 355. = ~~ | | : THE RELATION OF THE RATE OF ABSORPTION OF ANTIGEN TO THE PRODUCTION OF IMMUNITY MARJORIE W. COOK From the Bacteriological Laboratory of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island Received for publication January 14, 1920 Studies of the rate of antigen absorption in sensitized and immunized animals, as contrasted with the rate of absorption in normal animals, have shown that previous treatment with an antigen confers upon an animal an increased power of absorp- tion for that antigen. This fact was established with respect to sensitized rabbits and guinea-pigs by Doerr and Pick (1), Fried- berger and Lura (2), Romer and Viereck (3), and others. Smith and Cook (4) confirmed the work of Doerr and Pick and further (5) demonstrated that absorption of antigen in immunized ani- mals proceeds much more rapidly than in sensitized or normal animals. As it is evident that upon sensitization and particularly upon immunization, an animal acquires increased powers of absorption for the specific antigen, the question arises as to whether the process of immunity production is in any way dependent upon the changed absorptive powers of the organism. In other words, if a high degree of immunity is always accompanied by a marked increase in the rate of absorption of the antigen, can any cause and effect relationship between the two phenomena be established? Or, approaching the subject from another viewpoint, is it possible to demonstrate that conditions which furnish possibilities for increased powers of absorption of antigen also result in the pro- duction of a high degree of immunity? A possible method of investigating this question is suggested by certain facts established by a number of workers with respect to the production of changes in the permeability of the cell 39 40 MARJORIE W. COOK membrane through the use of varying concentrations of electro- lytes in the surrounding media. Loeb (6), Lillie (7), Osterhout (8), and McClendon (9), have shown that whereas certain marine organisms may be considered to be in equilibrium when the surrounding medium contains a definite proportion of Ca and Na ions, well recognized changes in the cell activities, such as simple stimulation, initiation of cell division, and in extreme cases toxicity and death, may be set up by varying the proportion of these ions. These investigators have demonstrated that the above results are due to changes in the permeability of cell membranes, an increased permeability being caused by an excess of Na ions, a decreased permeability by a slight excess of Ca ions. Clowes (10) in a similar work upon the action of antagonistic electrolytes upon living cells has shown that in higher organisms a disturbance of the equilibrium of the cells can be effectively produced by the use of calcium chloride on the one hand and by sodium citrate upon the other. With these facts as a basis for further procedure, it seemed possible that by introducing an excess of Na ions or of Ca ions into the blood of experimental animals, changes might be effected in their powers of absorption for an antigen simultaneously injected. To obtain the maximum effect of these electrolytes upon antigen absorption, it seemed advisable to administer them in connection with the usual immunizing procedure, that is in a series of five or more injections. By means of such a procedure a series of observations could be made during the entire course of immunization, and any cumulative effects, as well as any immediate changes due to the action of the electrolytes, could be observed. In carrying out the experiment, as outlined above, the electro- lytes used were calcium chloride and sodium citrate. These were employed in oa concentration in amounts of 1 cc., toxicity tests upon both electrolytes having shown that this amount usually caused no marked disturbance when given intravenously to rabbits of 1500 to 2000 grams weight. As antigen, a simple protein, egg albumen, was chosen, since the course of absorption RELATION OF RATE OF ABSORPTION TO IMMUNITY 41 of a simple protein can be more readily followed by means of the precipitin reaction than can be accomplished by any of the usual in vitro tests upon a more complex antigen, as for instance a bacterial emulsion. The rate of absorption of antigen into the blood was measured by bleeding the animals before, and at intervals following each injection and titering these bleedings with an anti-egg precipi- tating serum for their content in egg albumen. In view of the importance ascribed by various workers (Hektoen (11), Melni- kowa and Wersilowa (12)) to the leucocyte reaction in connection with any attempts to change the reactivity of an organism to an antigen, leucocyte counts were made before and at intervals after each injection. The rapidity of antibody formation under the conditions of the experiment was measured by titering the bleedings taken before each injection and a bleeding taken ten to fourteen days after the last injection for precipitins for egg albumen. Further details of the procedure are given in experiment 1. Experiment 1 Three groups of animals were treated as follows: Group 1. Rabbits 1, 2, and 3 received for five successive times at m five-day intervals intravenous injections of 1 ce. of 10 sodium citrate and immediately following, intraperitoneal injections of 1 cc. of a 2 per cent solution of powdered egg albumen. Group 2. Rabbits 4, 5, and 6 received for five successive times at m five-day intervals intravenous injections of 1 ce. of i0 calcium chloride and immediately following, intraperitoneal injections of 1 cc. of a 2 per cent solution of powdered egg albumen. Group 3. Rabbits 7, 8, and 9, controls, received at five-day intervals five intraperitoneal injections of 1 cc. of a 2 per cent solution of powdered egg albumen. Bleedings were taken from all animals immediately preceding each injection and one, two, four, six, twenty-four, and forty-eight hours following. The anti-egg precipitating serum used for the titration of the content of each bleeding in egg albumen was 1: 12800 in titer. The 42 MARJORIE W. COOK usual precipitin procedure was employed, 0.1 cc. of this serum being added to 2 ce. of dilutions of 1:50, 1: 100, 1: 200, 1: 400, and 1: 800 of the serum obtained from the bleedings. In recording the time re- quired for the absorption of antigen, the highest dilution of the serum in which a positive reaction was obtained is given to indicate the relative concentration of albumen in the serum as well as the time interval. These values are given in table 1. In no case was egg albumen present in the bleedings taken immediately preceding the injections. Leucocyte counts made before each injection and for periods of four to eight hours following are recorded in table 2. Data in regard to the course of antibody production of each rabbit are given in table 3. Examination of the data given above shows that there are considerable differences between rabbits receiving electrolytes and the control animals. It is evident that the administration of electrolytes influences very markedly the rate of absorption of antigen, for while antigen was first detected in the blood of the control animals at an interval of four hours after the intraperi- toneal injection, the animals receiving sodium citrate gave evi- dences of absorption in every case after an interval of one hour. Of the animals receiving calcium chloride, on the other hand, no. 5 showed no evidence of absorption at any time, no. 4 gave positive tests for antigen in the blood after an interval of twenty- four hours in four out of five injections, and in no. 6 antigen was absorbed into the blood after an interval of six to eight hours. The most significant feature of these results, however, is the fact that variations in antibody content of these animals were parallel to the differences found in the rates of absorption of antigen. Precipitins appeared more rapidly and in very much higher concentrations in the rabbits of the sodium citrate series than in the control animals. The reverse was true of the animals receiving calcium chloride, one rabbit of this group giving no positive reactions. With respect to the leucocyte count there was throughout a considerable variation in the individual rabbits. In the control animals there were no marked reactions. In the rabbits receiving sodium citrate there was a rather pronounced fall in the count 43 002 + T P OOT = T v OOT = T v OOT = T v 0¢ :T v OOST | 6 OOT = T i OOT + T v 0G :T v OOT + T v OOT = T p OPgT | co) ite. ‘*Touyuoo “ou0N 002 = T P 006 = T P OOT + T P OOT + T 9 OOL = T uy 0006 | 2 OOT + T 9 OOT :T 8 0¢ :T 8 0G :T 8 0S :T 8 Oost | 9 uotdiosqe oN | uordsosqe on | uordiosqe oN | Uoldiosqe ON | UoTydIOsqe ON | 000Z 0S :T VG 0S :T VG 0S :T VG uorydiosqe ON | OOT‘T ¥G OO9T | ¥ {Ye} pines eplwoyyo unt1aley 004 = T I 006 + T T 002 :T T OOT -T I OOT :T i OOST | & 006 - T i 006 + T i OOT :T i 0¢ :T T 0g :T I OO9T | & "res" "9F@IZ1D UINIPOS 00 + T I OOT :T i OOL + T I 002 + T i! OOT + T \! OcoT | T sunoy sunoy sunoy sunoy sunoy | sunub STL any eee an ee ek PTE eR ihe on leene © hue easae UoNnid | Swty, | WONT | wry, voyniqg | eur | wound | omy, | uoynq | om | F43!AK| on N ¢ uonoofuy 7 uorjoofuy ¢@ worqoofuy Z uorqyooluy J uorooluy @LATOULOATA Liaava UqLIV GOOId AHL NI NADILNVY JO GONVUVAddyV LSuId Se ee ee eee ee ee ee ee eee uabyun fo uoydsosqn fo sans aaynjay T @TAVL b d : 2) B Z o) Bi Ay (om 2) Dn a ic o) 2 < a & ° Z E I pS COOK MARJORIE W. 0086 ‘iy G 000‘8 BunG 009‘L Me | OOF ‘OL ILO Jo 000‘9T | “4 ¢ OOO'TT | “14 z 008‘9T | “AUT 000‘ST o10Jod OoO'TT | “24 ¢ 00F‘8 Gs 0089 iT 000‘0L | 210J0q 00s‘OT | “24 F 000‘OT | “4 z 004.2 | AUT 00¢‘OT oLO fod 000‘CT | “AU F 00s‘OT | “AU o00‘Or | “24 T OOS‘IL | e10Joq 000‘Or | “YL 000'9 IG 00F‘S Aq T 000°6 | 90Jog 0089 “449 009‘F AY ZG 009 F “aq T 008‘6 | e20jJog yunoy oul y, gG NOILLOGLNI p NOILOGLNI 009‘TT 008 ‘TT 000°0T 000‘ZI 000°ZT 000‘TZ 00¢*L 008‘TT 00001 008‘2 000‘L 008‘6 yunog IY F a “Ty olOjogq ES: “IU ¢ PI eay alo jog “14 9 “Tye TUE T alOjog € NOILOALNI “IY 9 "Iu, Z “IY T a0 jog cLuay ‘IWS “Ty T a10 Jog ‘IU F a BITE “IY 1 alojog eB) Tyg aT a10Joq a10 Jog YF "IY Z as OOF TT |e10joq 009‘or | “4 F | 009°6 o0s‘6 | “az | 00F‘Or 0006 ‘Iy T 009‘6 OOS‘OL | e40Joq | O00‘EST o0s‘6 | “48 | 008'6 000‘0r | “4 F | 000‘8 000'8 | “4 T | 000'9 0096 | 240J0g | OOO‘OT 000°OT | “AX 8 | OOL'6 000‘FZ “IY Pp 000‘0T 00002 | “4 T | 009'F 009'6 | e40joq | 0006 009‘6 “IU Pf 000‘6 000°2 | “4% | 00F'9 009°¢ ‘IY T | 009°¢ 000‘6 | et0J9q | 00Z‘OT 0006 | “4% 000°9 | “1% OO re aT 000‘0L | e40J0q | 000'6 00¢"9 000.9 | ‘24% | 00F6 OOF ‘OT ILO JO qunog oul], rane. Z NOILOMLNI squnod ajhiv0onaT ¢ WIAVL oun, T NOLLOGLNI oud “*9plloyyo WINTD]BD Patt 8781}10 UINIPOg GQLATOULAI 45 RELATION OF RATE OF ABSORPTION TO IMMUNITY *9} BIPIO UINIPOS Jo UoTZIof[UT OY} SUIMOT[OJ UOTJOVOI OIOAOS B JO DDUBIINIDO OY} JO OSNvOIG oye} JOU SvAL 4UNOD 0}AV0ONIT OUT, » 000‘FT 000‘2T 000‘Ez 008‘ET 00r‘6 00F‘Z 008‘2 008‘ST “IY F “ag Ty T a10jog “IY F “TY Z aq T a1ojog 000‘TT 00F‘S 0086 00021 0086 008‘2 006‘¢ 006 ‘OT 000‘0T 006‘6 0086 009‘TT LEY. ITC ae! d10 Jog “I > “ay € aq 1 d10JO ‘IY F ‘a Z “aq a10jog 002 ‘TT 000‘0T 000‘¢T 000‘¢T 00¢‘ET OOF ‘TT OOT‘2T 006 ‘ET 00F ‘ZT 00¢‘9T 009‘ZI OOT‘ST “TY 9 “TY Z TY T a1ojog “AY F “TY g ‘ay T a1OJOT ortTay, a0 | a10jog 00¢‘ST 006‘OT 006‘9T 00F‘8 0086 0086 00¢‘8 009 ‘FT 002 ‘FT 002 ‘ZT 002 ‘ZT “IY F “qq 1 a10jog ay st ea! alo jog cE iG ete a1ojog 00¢‘9 00s‘2 009‘6 008‘T 008‘TT 00F‘6 000‘ST 006 008 ‘ZT 009‘2T 000‘TT 002L‘TT ‘IU P “Ca ce eee d10JO “I > “TY Z ay T a10Jog eA TUG gta a10Joq oe se eree *]0.17 009 ‘QUON 46 MARJORIE W. COOK one to two hours after injection, and this fall was not followed by a leucocytosis. In the calcium chloride series there was usually a drop in the count the first hour after injection. This was occasionally followed by a leucocytosis with a return to normal in four to five hours. With the exception of the leuco- penia observed in the animals receiving sodium citrate, however, the reaction in none of the rabbits was sufficiently distinct to be of any particular significance. The leucocyte reaction cannot, therefore, in this series of experiments be considered as an impor- tant factor in determining or reflecting changes in immunity production. TABLE 3 Precipitin content of bleedings RABBIT TITER OF BLEEDINGS TAKEN ELECTROLYTE NUM- TIME OF FIRST APPEARANCE 14 DAYS AFTER BER THE LAST INJECTION 1 | Preceding the 5th injection Positive in 1: 51200 Sodium citrate... 2 | Preceding the 5th injection Positive in 1: 25600 3 | Preceding the 5th injection Positive in 1: 51200 4 | 14 days after 5th injection Positive in 1: 400 Calcium chloride. 5 0 Negative in 1: 100 6 | 10 days after 5th injection Positive in 1: 1600 7 | 10 days after 5th injection Positive in 1: 3200 None, control.... 8 | 10 days after 5th injection Positive in 1: 3200 9 | 10 days after 5th injection Positive in 1: 1600 As the results of the above series indicate that the production of precipitins is distinctly affected by the administration of sodium citrate and calcium chloride during immunization and that the rate of antibody production follows the rate of antigen absorption it is of interest to ascertain whether the same relations hold true with respect to other antibodies. A similar experiment was therefore carried out, in which a series of animals were im- munized to typhoid bacilli and the effect of sodium citrate and calcium chloride was determined upon the production of agglutin- ins and opsonins, as well as precipitins. Actual determinations of the rate of absorption of the antigen were omitted in this series, as a bacterial antigen when killed before injection cannot RELATION OF RATE OF ABSORPTION TO IMMUNITY 47 be readily detected in the animal body. In this case, it was assumed that the electrolytes would act upon the animal in the same way as when actual determinations were made, as in experiment 1. Experiment 2 Rabbits 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 received seven intraperitoneal injections of suspensions of heat-killed typhoid bacilli in physiological saline, one hundred million bacteria being given at each injection. The first three injections were given at five-day intervals. A period of ten days with no injections followed, after which the four remaining injec- tions were given at five-day intervals. Immediately preceding each intraperitoneal injection of typhoid m antigen, rabbits 10 and 11 received 1 ce. 10 sodium citrate intravenously, m rabbits 12 and 13 received 1 cc. 10 calcium chloride intravenously, while rabbits 14 and 15 served as controls with no intravenous injections. Bleedings were taken before the first and fourth injections and seven and seventeen days following the last injection. These bleedings are designated as 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Bleedings 1, 2, and 3 were titered for agglutinins only. With bleeding 4 the titers of agglutinins, opsonins, and precipitins were determined. Table 4 is a comparative study of the development of agglutinins in the six animals. Table 5 gives the concentration of agglutinins, opsonins and precipitins of bleeding 4. It is evident from table 4 that the production of agglutinins is noticeably influenced by the use of electrolytes during immuni- zation. Animals receiving sodium citrate showed throughout a much higher titer than the controls, while animals receiving calcium chloride were lower in titer than the controls. Table 5 shows, moreover, that agglutinins, opsonins, and precipitins followed parallel courses. The results of this experiment, there- fore, confirm those of experiment 1, and while direct evidence cannot be brought that in this case the rate of absorption of the antigen has a direct influence upon the degree of immunity produced, it is nevertheless evident that the use of those agents, which caused such marked changes in the rate of absorption of 48 MARJORIE W. COOK egg albumen, is followed by changes in antibody production to the typhoid bacillus, which are exactly similar to the changes effected in the production of precipitins for egg albumen. While the influence of electrolytes upon the reactivity of an organism to an antigen is of considerable interest, the fact which is of chief importance for the present discussion is that a rapid TABLE 4 Agglutinin titer of bleedings BLEEDINGS ELECTROLYTE RABBIT 1 2 3 4 Sodi itt 10 0 1: 640 1: 2560 | 1: 10240 OGluMeMTaAte: /--7..o: ooo 0 1: 640 1:2560 | 1: 10240 : ; 12 0 0 1:160 | 1:320 Calciumuchloride.4..-. a2 2 13 0 1:30 1:160 |1:320 N oi 14 0 1: 160 1: 640 | 1: 1280 NONE CONLLOL sc: ¢ tec ce ar 15 0 1: 80 1:320 | 1:1280 TABLE 5 Antibody content of bleeding ELECTROLYTE | RABBIT ig a | eee PRECIPITINS Sadiuin citrate 10 1: 10240 1.91 1: 6400 26 016101 6. 6) 6)'8) 88,6 6 66 6:6 11 1: 10240 1.80 1: 3200 - 4 12 1: 320 0.93 1: 100 Calcium chloride..............- 13 1: 320 0.91 | Negative in 1:50 None. control 14 1: 1280 |Z! 1: 1600 PRC OULLO eens ciciors tele ekeles ace 15 1: 1280 1.14 1: 300 rate of absorption of antigen was followed by an increased pro- duction of antibody. The reverse was also true—a much retarded rate of absorption of antigen was accompanied by a marked decrease in the production of antibody. These results, when taken into consideration with the statement made previ- ously—namely, that the condition of immunity is accompanied by increased powers of absorption for the specific antigen—may RELATION OF RATE OF ABSORPTION TO IMMUNITY 49 be of significance in throwing some light upon the mechanism of immunity production. Certainly support would seem to be given to the idea that the condition of permeability of the cell, with respect to its absorptive powers for the introduced antigen, is a factor of considerable importance in the production of immunity. REFERENCES (1) Doerr, R., anp Pick, R.: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol., 1912, 62, 146. (2) FRIEDBERGER, E., anp LurA, A.: Ztschr. f. Immunititsforsch u. exper. Therap., 1913, 18, 272. (3) Romer, P. H., anp Vierecx, H.: Ztschr. f. Immunititsforsch. u. exper. Therap., 1914, 21, 32. (4) Smirx, G. H., anp Cook, M. W.: J. Immunol., 1917, 2, 421. (5) Smiru, G. H., anp Cook, M. W.: J. Immunol., 1917, 2, 269. (6) Loxrs, J.: J. Biol. Chem., 1917, 32, 147. (7) Linu, R. S.: Am. J. Physiol., 1910-1911, 27, 289. (8) OstERHOUT, W. J. V.: Science, 1917, n.s., 45, 97. (9) McCuiEenpon, J. F.: Am. J. Physiol., 1911-1912, 20, 302. (10) Crowes, G. H. A.: J. Physical Chem., 1916, 20, 407. (11) Hextosn, L.: J. Infect. Dis., 1916, 19, 69 and 737. (12) Metnixowa F. J. anp Wersitowa, M. A.: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol., 1912, 66, 525. THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. Y, NO. l STUDIES ON THE MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF BLOOD TOITSU MATSUNAMI From the Government Institute for Infectious Diseases of the Imperial University of Tokyo (Director, Prof. Dr. M. Nagayo) Received for publication January 20, 1920 A method for measuring the bactericidal activity of blood in vitro by employing the many stemmed capillary pipets of Wright, has been recently devised by Heist (1). Heist has shown that this method—which having been in part suggested by Prof. B. F, Lacy, has been termed the Lacy-Heist method—may be used for determining resistance or immunity to pneumococcus infec- tion. By employing the same technic, Dr. Kolmer and I (2) have shown the existence of a relation between the meningo- coccidal action of the blood of normal animals and the resistance of the animal to infection with virulent meningococci, and also that the high natural immunity or resistance of certain of the lower animals to the meningococcus is to be partly ascribed to a higher. meningococcidal activity of their blood, and that the bactericidal blood test as described by Dr. Heist, possesses defi- nite value as a test or measure of bactericidal activity of the blood for meningococci in vitro. The object of the present investigation was to determine, whether or not active immunization with virulent meningococci in rabbits will be accompanied by an increase of the meningo- coccidal activity of the blood, and also to study the nature of the test for the measuring of antimeningococcal activity of the blood in vitro. 5l or bo TOITSU MATSUNAMI EXPERIMENTAL The experiments were conducted with a single strain of normal meningococcus B!:2, the virulence of this strain in mice is shown in the results presented in table 1. The virulence test was conducted according to the method of Hitchens and Robinson (3) with the exception that active guinea- pig serum and serum-water-dextrose broth were used in prepar- ing the meningococcus emulsion, instead of guinea-pig serum alone. TABLE 1 Results of virulence tests at varying pertods in mice with meningococcus strain B suspended in serum-water-dextrose-broth* APRIL 23, 1919 APRIL 26, 1919 MAY 19, 1919 JUNE 4, 1919 JUNE 20, 1919 =e |e) 7) er ei ae 2 Result 2 Result 2 Result 3 Result 2 Result al ce Pave Ale i i nd mgm. gms gms gms gms gms AZO 12| D.24hrs. | 13} D.17 hrs. | 10} D.48 hrs. | 11) D.17 hrs .| 11) D.17 hrs. 0.5 11} D.17 hrs. | 12) D:17hrs. | 10) D.17 hrs: | 14 S. 11 S. 0.25 11} D.24hrs. | 11) D.17hrs. | 10} D.24hrs. | 11) D.20 hrs. | 11) D.17 hrs. 0.125 | 10 S. 10} D.17 hrs. | 10) D.24hrs. | 10 S. 10} D.24hrs. 0.06 | 10 S. 10} D.17 hrs. | 10 S. 10 S. 9} D.24hrs. 0.03 | 10 S. 10 S. 10 S. 10 S. 9 S. Control | 10 S. 10 S. 10 S. 10 S. 9 S. Control | 10 S. 9 S. 10 S. * These tests were conducted with strain B transplanted every three days on serum-dextrose-agar. Tt Doses in 0.4 ec. of serum-water-dextrose-broth. D. = died. S. = survived seven days or longer. Control = injected 0.4 cc. of serum-water-dextrose-broth. Bactericidal test. The bactericidal tests were conducted prin- cipally after the method described by Heist, a brief account of which is as follows: Several dilutions of the culture are arranged in sterile tubes and allowed to run by capillary attraction into the many stemmed sterile capillary pipets of Wright, numbered respectively, and measuring about 1] am indebted to Dr. K. Iyehara for conducting the identification test for the type of this strain. 2 This strain was kindly furnished by Department of Serum Therapy of the Institute. ——— _——_—_ MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF BLOOD 53 9 cm. in length and about 1 mm. or less in thickness. The emulsion in the pipets is now removed by touching the tip to moist sterile gauze (which attracts the fluid but leaves a film of microdrganisms sticking to the wall of the tube) and each is loaded to the same level with blood, secured by pricking the cleaned skin surface. The pipets are now sealed by dipping the tips in melted paraffin and they are incu- bated for twenty-four hours, when a smear is made from each pipet and stained for meningococci. In order to measure the bactericidal activity both of normal and immune rabbit blood, I have employed several modified methods besides the original method of Heist, of which a further description will be given in subsequent tests. MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF THE BLOOD OF THE NORMAL RABBIT That the blood of the normal rabbit possesses high bacteri- cidal activity for normal meningococcus, and that these animals are highly resistant to infection with the same strain injected intraperitoneally in doses of culture, according to body weight, comparable with those given to the mice and guinea-pigs has been reported by Dr. Kolmer and myself (2). In the present investigation with normal strain B, it was found, also, that the blood of the normal rabbit possesses about the same high menin- gococcidal activity, as shown in table 2. In conducting the test I have employed suspensions of 10 loops of eighteen hour serum-agar culture of meningococcus in 1 ce. of broth undiluted and in four dilutions prepared with serum-water-dextrose-broth, namely 1:5, 1:25, 1:125 and 1:625. For the method of cloring the distal end of the pipet, in- stead of dipping it in melted paraffin, a “‘peep’’ flame was used, after the method of sealing a Wright’s blood capsule; after the blood has been drawn up, the empty end of the pipet is sealed with a flame and then cooled: The blood is drawn toward this sealed end. The distal end, whichis now left emptied of blood, is sealed with a “‘peep”’ flame, and the first sealed end is opened by filing, and then incubated. As is to be seen from table 2 the results of the meningococcidal blood tests with rabbit bloods conducted by the Lacy-Heist method as described indicate that the growth of meningococci 54 TOITSU MATSUNAMI in the capillary tubes varies in degree, and also that the blood of the normal rabbit possesses high bactericidal activity for men- ingococci. I have conducted a series of experiments in search of a method which yields suitable results for the purpose of com- paring the bactericidal power of the normal and immune rabbit blood as follows: TABLE 2 Meningococcidal activity of the blood of normal rabbits and rabbits immune to bacteria other than meningococci MENINGOCOCCIDAL TESTS RABBIT WEIGHT Undi, | 1:5 | 1:25 | 12125 | 1:625 grams INGrEAP EBs. LO Se _ - _ _ Nr oo. 2 es cidteleie islet Se al ROOO asta t= +--+ + 4 — INonmallisigsrent... acme bices 2,850) -+-+ -+- _ — — Normal 4..................-}2,240|. ++ _ -- - _ INOEMABI Ss cists sec os 98S DOOM. steak +--+ -L — — Normal Gis.) oj. cies cece eiets| 2e4OO (sec — — — — IVORMAAST Oi). co ss ieeleieitis sereietents (Gt OO) stat ++ + — = INiforree yey bos Es Beem Olean Hee 1,785 | ++ + = — Norma GO teveveuctsi «coe seela ele Poe AO Ny toot — = — — INGrmA VAD z as. 62,0 a) b's ate wee] OROOO en, set ++ a _ — ING ee eh he ee RO Stat _ _ _ — Mommas ID ht 552 2h) ct ee OM) oat yer eee ~ = a Immune B. typhosus....... 3,100; ++ _ - — — Immune gonococcus......... 3,000; ++ 4--++ + a — Immune B. dysenteriae (Shiga) Reet. Ah AEE 2,700; ++ = = - — Immune sheep blood cells .. .| 3,050} ++ + _ _ — Immune sheep blood cells... .| 3,100} ++ — = = — Wonitrolderc tec cts cto neues ++ $+ +--+ ++ ++ PIAteSSaeniy reece ee Une.{ | Une. Une. 3,000 1,500 to 5,000} to 500 | to 100 * Prepared by suspending 10 loops of eighteen hour serum-dextrose-agar cul- ture in 1 cc. serum-water-dextrose-broth. 7 ++ = heavy growth; + = light growth; — = sterile. t Serum-water-dextrose-broth substituted for blood. § Plates were prepared by drawing the culture into the capillary tubes em- ployed, expelling the culture, and then washing the cocci, adhering to the inner wall, into Petri dishes with twelve changes of serum-water-dextrose-broth; the number of the colonies gives an idea of the number of cocci adhering to the inner wall of a pipet and subject to the bactericidal activity of the blood. { Colonies per plate; Unc. = too many colonies for counting. i MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF BLOOD 55 Experiment 1 In order to measure more accurately the growth of meningo- cocci in capillary tubes after the incubation, three sets of experi- ments were conducted on the same day, with the same blood and culture; namely, the contents of one set of capillary tubes were plated in Petri dishes and the number of colonies of cocci which grew were counted; also the contents of the second set of tubes was cultured on slants of serum-dextrose-agar to determine whether any cocci survived in the tubes; and, furthermore, the stained smears of the contents of the third set of tubes was examined under the microscope for cocci, as described in the original method. Table 3 shows the results of these experiments: while the results obtained by examining the stained smear proved quite compar- able to the others, for the purpose of obtaining an accurate result of the test, the plate method or slope culture method was found to be preferable. Experiment 2 In this experiment I have studied the influence of the length of the incubation time upon the meningococcidal action of the blood. In Table 4 are shown the results of the meningococcidal blood test, conducted at various lengths of time of incubation; namely, directly after the test, after thirty minutes, after three hours and after twenty-four hours. It will be seen, by this experiment, that the meningococcidal action of the blood is almost completed within three hours after incubation of the tubes has begun. Experiment 8 In this experiment I have studied the influence of the num- ber of cocci and the dilution of blood upon the bactericidal action of the blood of rabbits. In order to enumerate the num- ber of cocci for the test, I have employed the bacterial emul- sion, instead of using the cocci adhering to the inner wall of the pipet: One volume of this bacterial emulsion was mixed with an equal volume of blood in the pipet as follows: pe ee Oe ee fe a gee TOITSU MATSUNAMI 56 ay} OJUL IvBv-ssoi}xop Butunod usyy pus ‘yjo1q- ‘19}VM WINIIS BULUIe}UOD SoYystp I1yaq OFUT Soqny Arey[ides oy} Jo s}uezU0d oy} dIN{[Ne IvBv-d801}Xo9p 1o}VM- . * soqsIp WINIOS YIM souty [erodes yodrd oy} Jo [[BA JouUr ot]} Suryseam Aq pus Burmolq Aq poredoid o19M soyerd $380} osoyy UT ‘SUIJUNOD IO SoTuo[oo AUBUT 00} = “OUL) fayetd 19d soruopop ft ‘g[ldays = — {ypMoIZ 4YySI] = + ‘q}MoI3 favoy = ++ I “YJOIq-o801}X9p-19}BM-WUNIIS JO 990 T UL uIn1as noy wsee7Yy3tIe Jo sdooy OT Surpuedsns Aq poredaid uors[nte estep Y}IM popONpUoY , SE eS eee ‘aug | ‘oUQ | “oUQ | “Ou — — — | o0r'z — — — ‘ou _ _ Moj —_ — — — 09 «}89} [Bp (o0000Zulua INQ000 ALVId -ougy |++[+4+)+4+]4+4]4+4]4+4+]4+4[44|4+4+| ++ Sue ket [OUIUOG) rouge) = We lee leer | — = le |e | te O02! gi) o> (amy) eutseyuesED el amma ‘ou £5 ase EE (seat niet ee oe Seas) ee 000‘ shee helieliabal olenersisiie * + sno9000U08 aUNUIWT ‘ou, be = 2 = + rel 2s os +4 oor‘ sejeisieci> Hoe TNO UCLA ‘gq ouNUIWT ‘ou Ss a tae Ss ++ a rave aS = ++ OOr‘s shedanias waste) nkebure ie) einssnene\e cess emelns Il [BUIION ‘ou a =— a + t+ eee as £8, + +4 OS Se a Se OD LEEON foug oa ae a = ++ x5 a= oe es {++ OFS‘'Z sip farie}ce. elre/elel-e.el ene) .eieie,e. (6:66 amen m eae 6 [BULLION sub Bea se| olga ap beelless| i \aweleneag +p bo bo o +5 nr bo o +p ae on on ae on on ae DTHSIaM LIGdvu -8}89} [Bplovo00suTUaTY @YoOL1T090 7AdO18 UVAWS GANIVLIS «3899 [Bp loo000au UOT Ee ek ae Se ie ee SSS ee junoo 940)d pun aunzqna adojps ‘anaus pours fig pauyutajap sD S7rqqns YILM $789}? P0OT4 popr0090buruau fo sznsoy € WIaAve ae MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF BLOOD 57 Each pipet is marked at two levels. After the culture was allowed to run into the pipet by capillary attraction and to reach the first mark, the tip of the tube was withdrawn from the culture tube and introduced into the drop of blood, care being taken to avoid air bubbles between blood and culture; the blood flows up by capillary attraction. When the ascending column of the mixture of blood and culture has reached the second mark, the tube is moved aside and mixed well by keeping the tube con- TABLE 4 Results of meningococcidal blood tests with rabbits after various lengths of incubation time LENGTH OF MENINGOCOCCIDAL TESTS* RABBIT WEIGHT INCUBATION ae Undiluted| 1:5 | 1:25 1: 125 grams i eee er a en At once Une: iadne: 5,400 | 2,700 , 30 minutes | Une. | 5,400 240 0 MNGTMANS....-..-.6...| 1,785 B hates Une 1 0 0 24 hours Une. 0 0 0 At once Une. Une. 5,400 | 2,480 30 minutes | Une. 8,100 800 30 NGPA eo. oldies o 2,540 Bh ae 15 0 0 24 hours Une. 0 0 0 At once Une. Une. 6,950 | 2,700 30 minutes | Une. | 10,800 780 60 MarmialiO............| 3,050 re Tel 12 0 0 24 hours Uhe. 0 0 0 * These tests were conducted with a culture prepared by suspending 10 loops of eighteen hour serum-water-dextrose-agar culture in 1 ee. of broth. { Colonies per plate; Unc. = too many colonies for counting. stantly rotating with a lateral movement and bringing the column of fluid in the pipet up and down to insure a uniform mixing. By employing this method the number of coeci was enumerated on the one hand, and the blood was diluted one to two on the other hand. It is seen from table 5, in which the result of this experiment is given, that the meningococcidal activity of rab- bit’s blood is reduced by this method as compared with that obtained by the original method. 58 TOITSU MATSUNAMI It was found in these experiments that this meningococcidal blood test, conducted by mixing equal volumes of blood and culture in capillary tubes, incubating for three hours and then plating for the purpose of counting the surviving cocci, may be used for comparing the meningococcidal activity of normal and immune rabbit’s blood. TABLE 5 Meningococcidal activity of rabbit blood, equal volumes of blood and culture being used MENINGOCOCCIDAL TESTS* RABBIT WEIGHT In slope culture In plate count Undi- | 4:10 | 1:100 | 1:1000) UR | 1:10 | 1:100 | 1:1000 grams iio a Ones: | Normal 8.........| 1,785 |+++|+++| ++ | ++ | Unc.{| Unc. | 8,100; 600 Normal 9........./ 2,540 /+++/+++] ++ | + | Une. |10,800| 2,700} 360 Normal 10........ 3,050 |+++/+++/+++| + | Une. /13,500/10,800) 800 ImmuneB.typhosus.| 3,100 |+++/+++/+++] + | Une. | Une. | Une. | 5,400 Immune gonococcus| 3,000 |+--+-+)/+++|++-+]| ++ | Une. | Une. 13,500) 5,700 Approximate num- 10 1 aed 10 10 1 100 | 10 ber of cocci em- mil- | mil- | thou-| thou-} mil- | mil- | thou-} thou- ployed for the lion | lion | sand | sand | lion | lion | sand | sand UGEWs aig cats ome * These tests were conducted with a culture prepared by suspensing 5 loops of eighteen hour serum-water-dextrose-agar culture in 1 cc. of serum-water-dex- trose-broth. + +++ = heavy growth; +-+ = moderate growth; + = light growth. t Number of colonies per plate; Une. = too many colonies for counting. MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF THE IMMUNE RABBIT BLOOD FOR MENINGOCOCCI 1. Method of «immunization employed by the author A number of rabbits were immunized with meningococci principally after the method of Amoss and Wollstein (4), which was devised for preparation of antimeningococcic serum in the horse. It consisted in inoculating, alternately, living and autolyzed products of meningococci into the vein. Living cultures of meningococci grown on serum-dex- trose-agar slant for eighteen hours were given to each rabbit in doses as follows: on the first day 0.02 cc., on the second 0.05 cc. and on the MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF BLOOD 59 third 0.1 cc. of one loop of cocci suspended in 2 cc. of normal salt solu- tion. After the lapse of seven days a series of three injections of auto- lyzed meningococci, consisting of the filtrate of a suspension of meningo- cocci in normal salt solution, which had been incubated for twenty- four hours at 37°C., in doses of 2 cc. containing autolysate of 0.1 cc. of one loop of meningococcus culture in 2 cc. of normal salt solution was injected. After the lapse of seven days, for the second time, two series of three injections each of living and autolyzed cocci were given in the same manner. ‘This process of immunization was repeated for the third and the fourth time. 2. The bactericidal blood test The bactericidal blood test was conducted by the method described above. Equal volumes of blood and culture were mixed in a capillary tube, incubated for three hours, and plated for counting the surviving cocci. 3. The agglutination test The agglutination test with the serum was conducted before the beginning of each immunization. The results of a number of these tests are summarized in table 6. As shown in table 6 the meningococcidal activity of immun- ized rabbit blood has generally been found to be stronger than that of normal blood or of that drawn before immunization. This increase of bactericidal activity was marked in the blood of rabbits that had received only the first series of the injections of cocci, and distinctly more with rabbits that had received the injections for the second time. But, as may be seen from the results recorded in table 6, the blood of rabbits which had re- ceived more than two series of injections have been found to be quite irregular as far. as bactericidal activity in vitro, is con- cerned. The bactericidal activity of the blood does not accom- pany the increase of the agglutination titer of the serum. The bactericidal activity of the blood of rabbits 3 and 7 as regards the tubes which contained the smaller number of cocci, and of 60 TOITSU MATSUNAMI TABLE 6 Results of meningococcidal blood and agglutination tests with immune rabbits for meningococcus strain B RAB- AGGLUTI- MENINGOCOCCIDAL TESTS* BIT BLOOD WHIGHT| ‘NATION. |-o= Use te iy EEE eee No. TITERT | Undiluted 1:10 1:100 | 1:1000 grams mie 2,710)| 1 = 20 Une.t{ Une. 3,780 180 eee 4 | 2,0 eD Une. 16,200 | 4,700 | 240 2,710 | 1:20 Une. 13,500 | 3,780 | 300 1 ae Ij 2,500 | 1 : 40 13,500 2,700 120 12 Reenter eee 5,400 120 120 0 IIT) 2,450 | 1 : 640 18,900 3,780 600 8 Before 2,595 | 1 : 20 Une. 13,500 5,400 300 immunization Une. 3,780 420 kb or te} or _ to oO (S| i=} fe) — tS So — oO iw) (=) oO 5,400 180 10 F PREY II| 2,550 | 1 : 640 3,240 360 60 0 immunization J Reler I} 2,450 IIT} 2,500 3,280 800 12 —_ i) —_ (or) So oO Before immunization 2,300 | 1:10 Une. 8,100 5,400 360 Ne J) 2,250} 1 : 80 13,500 4,700 240 180 He ae II} 2,170 | 1 : 640 8,100 10,800 80 60 III} 2,400 | 1 : 1280 140 0 | 10,800 | 5,400 Before immunization 2,240 | 1: 20 Une. 13,500 7,800 300 “After Ij 2,100 | 1 : 80 10,800 3,200 180 8 eT eae II} 1,750 | 1 : 320 16 5,400 240 0 III} Died Before immunization 2,500 | 1: 10 Une. 7,560 8,100 320 5 After ]| 2,350; 1 : 160 8,100 5,400 360 | 730 immunization |II| Died Before immunization 2,450} 1:10 Une. Unc. 8,100 | 600 O Wegewe 1/2,3001:80 | Une. 3,780 360 | 0 zt a II} 2,150 | 1 : 320 5,400 600 180 | 320 III} 2,400 | 1 : 640 8,100 0 120 | 600 MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF BLOOD 61 TABLE 6—Concluded RAB- AGGLUTI- MENINGOCOCCIDAL TESTS* BIT BLOOD WEIGHT NATION No. TITER} | Undiluted 1:10 1:100 | 1:1000 grams Before immunization 1,750 | 1: 10 27,000 10,800 5,400 360 7 Ij 1,750 | 1 : 80 18,900 3,780 120 60 After II} 1,950 | 1 : 640 3,780 600 680 11 immunization] III) 2,000 | 1 : 640 600 8 5,400 |3,240 IV| 2,100! 1 :1280} *18,900 180 800 360 Approximate number of cocci employed gee alice ce to to to to HOTMRUIVORLES Gena bays cielcbesch leis boeiei sues 10,000,000 | 1,000,000 | 100,000 | 10,000 * Conducted with an equal volume of blood and culture, prepared by suspend - ing 5 loops of eighteen hour serum-water-dextrose-agar culture in 1 cc. of broth. t Agglutination tests were conducted at 55° C. for twenty hours. t Colonies per plate; Unc. = too many colonies for counting. Each immuni- zation consisted of three successive injections of living and, after seven days interval, autolyzed product of meningococcus respectively. rabbits 1 and 2 as regards nearly all the tubes employed in these tests, has been found to be much less after the third series of injections than that of blood taken after the first or second series. In regard to this phenomenon I have found a similar result in a horse highly immunized with meningococci. As shown in table 7 the bactericidal activity of this horse conducted by the method described, has been found surprisingly low compared with that of normal horse blood. TABLE 7 Showing that highly immunized horse blood is less bactericidal for meningococct than normal horse blood In HORSE AGGLUTINATION MENINGOCOCCIDAL TITER* TESTST STINET CRS AEP elo oho eraicc oes c cigha, 6.6 odie o/s) aislarepeme a 1 : 1280 Uncountable f WIGITBTGN Sc Be SNe eee 1 : 160 600 * Agglutination tests were conducted at 55° C. for twenty hours. + Conducted with equal volumes of blood and culture, prepared by suspend- ing 10 loops of eighteen hour serum-dextrose agar culture in 1 cc. of serum-water- dextrose-broth. t Colonies per plate; Uncountable = too many colonies for counting. 62 TOITSU MATSUNAMI This phenomenon may possibly fall in a class with phenomena of asomewhat similar nature. For instance, in the case of agglu- tination, clumping of the bacteria may not occur in low dilu- tions of an immune serum, while it may be complete in high dilu- tions. As another instance, Neufeld (5) and others state that too much agglutinin in a serum inhibits opsonie activity, result- ing in irregular and low bactericidal activity for meningococci. It may be that in the process of immunization the blood acquires the power of inhibiting autolysis of meningococci. Whether one or the other of these factors, or a summation of them all is responsible for the facts observed, or whether some other factor, (or factors) is concerned is not determined by the present inves- tigation. The results of my tests with normal and immune rabbit blood may be summarized as follows: 1. The blood of normal rabbits and rabbits immunized against B. dysenteriae (Shiga), B. typhosus and gonococci has been found to possess marked bactericidal activity for a virulent normal strain of meningococcus within three hours 77 vitro. 2. The blood of a rabbit immunized against meningococcus by intravenous injection of a living and autolyzed culture of men- ingococcus has been found to be distinctly more bactericidal than that of normal rabbits or rabbits immunized against B. typhosus, B. dysenteriae (Shiga) and gonococcus. 3. The increase of the meningococcidal activity of the blood of rabbits after immunization has been found to be parallel up to a certain limit with the process of immunization, but further im- munization did not appear to show increase of bactericidal activity in vitro. STUDIES OF THE NATURE OF MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF RABBIT BLOOD IN VITRO Discovery of the bactericidal activity of the blood for various microorganisms (6) (7) and that of the phenomenon of phagocytosis have thrown a light on the explanation of the re- sistance of the organism to certain microorganisms. By further ae a SS ee a a eee _ MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF BLOOD 63 investigations it has been proved that the bactericidal activity of the blood is to be ascribed to the action of the various immune bodies or antibacterial substances contained in blood serum or plasma, in phagocytes and in blood platelets. In this respect I have conducted a series of experiments to study the nature of the meningococcidal activity of the blood in vitro as follows: 1. Bactericidal activity of the serum for meningococer Potent antimeningococcus serum is generally regarded as possessing a certain meningococcidal activity in addition to specific opsonin, toxin neutralizing antibodies, agglutinins, pre- cipitins and the complement fixing antibodies, and upon these its curative powers probably depend. But the meningococcidal activity of antimeningococcus serum does not appear to be ascribable to the presence of specific bacteriolysin requiring the presence of complement for its lytic activity: While Davis (8) and McKennzy and Martin (9) were able to demonstrate in vitro the complemental bacteriolysis with the serum of meningitis patients, Flexner (10) proved that heated serum also possesses bactericidal activity, and he advanced the hypothesis that it is only necessary that the fresh or heated serum should injure the cocci in order that their intracellular enzymes should be rendered active, and thus destroy the microorganism. Jobling (11) and others deny the action of complemental bacteriolysis with the antimeningococcus serum. According to the results obtained by Drs. Kolmer, Toyama and myself (12) (13) while studying the influence of active normal serum (complement) upon mening- gococci, the bactericidal activity in vitro of horse antimeningo- coccus sera is quite low, although some bactericidal activity is generally apparent as compared with the control, and largely independent of complemental bacteriolysis; it was also found by our experiments, that the higher dilutions of serum not infrequently are more bactericidal than the lower. Jochmann (14) also found this to be the case. In the present investigation I have conducted a comparative study of the meningococcidal activity of rabbit blood and serum and controls, the results of 64 TOITSU MATSUNAMI which are given in tables 8 and 9. As shown in table 8 normal rabbit’s sera have been found to posses a certain meningococcidal activity, quite comparable with that of the sera of immune TABLE 8 Showing that whole blood is more bactericidal for meningococci than serum* AGGLUTINATION RESULTS WITH | RESULTS WITH per man | SCO? A>) | Sanaa IUCeo eT LES aa aie ee por NN IE Rm Thee a0) 8, 100+ 18,900 AQ ETE EO State cee caine ais Sarikei 1520 13,500 Une. WormalelOQi t icguaoes do cess oteaee en 13420 10,800 16,200 Normal 11... 1:20 13,500 Une. PMMIMUTIO Mees. oes wos w+ slow easeise RPE e Oars 1 : 640 600 16,200 framaunnera te ttt. o.oo cate cone oon ee 1 : 640 60 Une. minum erstpaeces). teint eee ee ae 1:80 600 16,200 lieci vin, Oe pees Sos. oe oe soca Sloman 1 : 320 300 8,100 ARENA apg o'= «ico A nares ee ik eee en 1 : 1280 600 Une. * These tests were conducted each with an equal volume of blood or serum with . twenty-four hour egg-yolk-dextrose-broth culture; one volume of this culture contained approximately 50,000 meningococci. + Colonies per plate; Une. = too many colonies for counting. TABLE 9 Antimeningococcidal action of normal salt solution, sodium citrate in normal salt solution, cerebrospinal fluid and normal rabbit serum MENINGOCOCCIDAL TESTS* APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF COCCI EXPOSED 1.5 per cent Normal rabbit serum Control sodium citrate . to ee, ee ermal cel solution in ere Dt es spinal (inactivated at | (egg yolk dex- normal salt 55°C for thirty trose broth) solution minutes 80,000 OF 0 Uncount.t 18,900 Uncount.§ * These tests were conducted with meningococci adhering to the inner wall of a capillary tube; culture of which is prepared by suspending 5 loops of eighteen hour serum-dextrose agar culture in 1 ee. of broth. t+ Number of colonies per plate: Uncount.t = Colonies in these plates ap- peared to be comparable to the plate containing the cocci exposed to germicidal action of fluids; Uncount.§ = Colonies in these plates appeared to be more than in the plate containing the cocci exposed to germicidal action of fluids. rabbits. While the normal rabbit blood is more bactericidal than serum, the meningococcidal activity of the immune rabbit blood has been found to be distinctly stronger than that of MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF BLOOD 65 immune serum. ‘The results of the experiment indicate, there- fore, that the bactericidal activity of the rabbit blood can not be ascribed totally to the serum. As found by Flexner (10) and others, normal salt solution and 1.5 per cent sodium citrate in normal salt solution were very toxic for meningococci, while the cerebrospinal fluid did not appear to be toxic for them within three hours in vitro, as shown in table 9. 2. Bactericidal activity of the defibrinated blood for meningococct The meningococcidal activity of the defibrinated rabbit’s blood, prepared by shaking with glass beads, has been found to be quite similar to that of the serum and to lack the high bac- tericidal activity of the whole blood as shown in table 10. TABLE 10 Showing that whole blood is more bactericidal for meningococci than defibrinated blood* RESULT WITH =~ RESULT WITH = RABBIT AGGLUTINATION WHOLE BLOOD DEFIBRINATED TITER BLOOD AND CULTURE | ,xp CULTURE : 640 6007 18,900 rane W PEE ere acc tie oe. cyerdicleteiaiseede «| OL Ane eee oe keke cycinecescses| 1 2640 120 Une. Mera Men er Pet fy. e.8 ia cinietslsee'ecle | Lt 820 360 16,200 NCNM. al encosciisene.sc.c)|, 2 21280 600 Une. * In these tests a twenty-four hour egg-yolk-dextrose-broth culture was em- ployed; the number of meningococci in one volume of culture being approximately 50,000. Agglutination tests were conducted at 55° C. or twenty hours. {t Number of colonies per plate; Unc. = too many colonies for counting. 8. Bactericidal activity of rabbit's blood, consisting of blood cells and serum The bactericidal test with the blood, which is prepared by a method shown in table 11, consisting of whole formed constitu- ents of the blood and serum, has been conducted with the men- ingococci. The result of this experiment, shown in table 11, indicates that the meningococcidal activity of the untreated blood is still distinctly higher than that of the blood cells plus serum, although the bactericidal activity of the latter has been THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. V, NO. 1 66 TOITSU MATSUNAMI found to be generally slightly stronger than that of serum alone or of defibrinated blood. It will be seen by this experiment that the difference in bactericidal activity between the two kinds of blood is not to be ascribed to the difference in the num- ber of leucocytes acting as phagocytes; as the leucocytes con- tained in both samples of blood may.be regarded as about the same in number. TABLE 11 Showing that whole blood is more bactericidal for meningococci than blood cells plus serum* RESULT WITH RABBIT AGGLUTINATION Beep eeu BLOOD CELLS, . TITER SERUM AND CULTURE | ,Np CULTURE 1G TaoTTOUAVS) 1] UP Aen erre Mauve mee ones dict ecole dh oGz00 3007 10,800 Lica) rr ena eae Aloe ang rail TES (2270) 600 16,200 Immune 6.............. 2.0602 ee sees eee! 1 : 320 300 8,100 Immune 7....-.6. 6.0 seer eee eee eee] 1 : 1280 60 18,900 * These tests were conducted with a twenty-four hour egg-yolk- dextrose- broth culture in equal volume and incubated for three hours. Number of cocci in one volume of the culture being approximately 50,000. + Number of colonies per plate. The blood used for this experiment, consisting of blood cells and serum, was prepared as follows: One cubic centimeter of immune rabbit blood was taken from an ear vein by puncture into a syringe containing 4 cc. of sterile 1.5 per cent solution of sodium citrate in normal salt solution. This blood-citrate mixture was transferred to a sterile centrifuge tube and centrifuged. The supernatant fluid was transferred into a second sterile centrifuge tube and centrifuged again at a high speed. The supernatant fluid was then drawn off. The blood cells left in the first and sec- ond centrifuge tubes were mixed with the active serum, which was previously separated by coagulation of 1 cc. of the same rabbit blood, thus making the mix- ture of blood cells and serum correspond to a certain amount of blood. This mixture of blood cells and serum was then used for comparative bactericidal blood tests for meningococci with whole blood. 4. Bactericidal activity of citrated blood For a study of the bactericidal activity of the blood pre- vented from coagulating I have conducted the test with blood, the coagulation of which was prevented by the use of sodium citrate. The result is given in table 12. Since sodium citrate in normal salt solution is very toxic for meningococci, as shown MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF BLOOD 67 in table 9, and inasmuch as Otani (25) found that spontaneous phagocytosis in a mixture of citrated blood of certain micro- organisms occur quite freely the results of experiments with citrated blood, may, strictly speaking, not be comparable with those with untreated blood, but the bactericidal activity of both bloods being concerned, the untreated whole blood was found more bactericidal for the meningococcus than blood which was prevented from coagulating by the use of sodium citrate, TABLE 12 Showing that whole blood is more bactericidal for meningococci than citrated blood* RESULT WITH A EMEY ANE RABBIT AGGLUTINATION} WHOLE BLOOD CLERAED TITER AND CULTURE BLOOD AND > CULTURE PT CRORE ee i) coc te is te ne ctsean-o| 1 21280 54007 Uncount. MPTP e eh pein ch cwce es oeivcs eens .| 2 2.1280 8100 Uncount. * These tests were conducted with a twenty-four hour egg-yolk-dextrose- broth culture in equal volume and incubated for three hours. Number of cocci in one volume of the culture counting approximately 80,000. {7 Number of cocci per plate; Uncount. = too many colonies for counting. Citrated blood was prepared by adding 0.02 gram of sodium citrate to 1 cc. of blood. 5. Influence of coagulation of the blood upon the meningococcidal activity of the blood Since the results of experiment 1, 2, 3 and 4 indicate that the bactericidal activity of whole blood is greater than that of serum alone or defibrinated blood or blood cells plus serum or citrated blood, the reason for the difference of the bactericidal activity in vitro between whole blood and others appears to be in the process of coagulation of the blood. Although the direct influence of coagulation of blood upon meningococci may be negligible for the comparative study of the bactericidal blood test in vitro by . reason of the fact, that the meningococci will not be destroyed by the process of coagulation of blood alone if the blood does not possess bactericidal activity as indicated in the results of ex- per:ments with mice and other animals (2), coagulation taking place in the test in both immune and normal blood. It is, how- 68 TOITSU MATSUNAMI ever, highly probable, that the indirect influence of the process of coagulation plays a considerable and important réle in the bactericidal blood test in vitro with respect to the meningococci. As pointed out by Wright and Dr. Heist (1), when the blood is allowed to clot in the capillary tube a ‘‘semi-solid” is formed, and in this condition and furthermore by the possible influence of chemical changes of blood which occur in the clotting, phago- eytosis, by which meningococci undergo intracellular digestion, may be more active than that of the blood ina fluid state. Therefore the influence of coagulation of blood, at least as one factor of difference between the whole blood and defibrinated blood and blood cells plus serum or citrated blood may not be a negligible one with respect to the bactericidal activity for the meningococcus in vitro. But it appears difficult to ascribe this difference solely to the influence of coagulation of the blood, because the degree of that influence upon the meningococcidal activity of blood can not be determined, inasmuch as a method to measure the bactericidal activity of whole blood which can be prevented from coagulating without making any change in the original nature of blood, is unknown. According to Dr. Heist (1), the blood of pigeon, which is highly resistant against pneumococcus infection, has distinct antipneumococcic factors in vitro, while this activity is not to be found in serum or in defibrinated blood or in blood of the pigeon influenced by coagulation. The results of the preceding study on the significance of bac- tericidal activity of the blood for meningococci may be summa- rized as follows: 1. The meningococcidal activity of whole blood of normal rabbit in vitro was found to be stronger than that of serum. 2. The meningococcidal activity of serum and of defibrinated blood of the immune rabbit for meningococci was found com- parable with that of the normal rabbit and slightly less strong than that of blood cells plus serum of the immune rabbit. 3. It was found that the meningococcidal activity of whole blood of the immune rabbit is strikingly stronger than that of serum, defibrinated blood, blood cells plus serum or citrated blood _of the same rabbit. MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF BLOOD 69 4, It is suggested, that at least one factor explaining the differ- ence in meningococcidal activity in vitro of whole blood, defibrin- ated blood, citrated blood and serum is because coagulation in the bactericidal blood test with whole blood, favors phagocytosis of the meningococci. SUMMARY 1. It has been found by the pipet method that normal rabbit blood and serum are capable of killing considerable numbers of virulent normal meningococci 77 vitro within three hours. 2. The meningococcidal activity in vitro of normal rabbit blood was found to be increased up to a certain limit by the intravenous injection of the living and autolyzed meningococci. After that, further immunization did not appear to increase bactericidal activity, was generally rather irregular and not infrequently even decreased meningococcidal activity of the blood. The more highly immunized rabbit’s blood was found sometimes less bactericidal than that of slightly immunized rabbit’s blood. 3. The meningococcidal activity of normal rabbit’s serum has been found not to be increased by artificial immunization and also to be comparable with that of defibrinated blood of an immune rabbit. 4. The meningococcidal activity 7 vitro of immune rabbit’s blood was found by the pipet method to be distinctly stronger than that of the serum, of defibrinated blood or of blood con- sisting of blood cells and serum or of citrated blood. It was suspected that at least one factor in explaining the higher men- ingococcidal activity in vitro of immune rabbit’s blood compared with defibrinated blood, citrated blood and serum lies in the influence of coagulation of the blood, which is permitted in the regular blood test as described, favoring the phagocytosis of meningococci. 5. The meningococcidal blood test can not be accepted on the basis of the present investigation for the purpose of measuring or determining the artificially induced immunity against meningo- cocci. However, as pointed out by Dr. Heist (1) the bactericidal blood test described possesses the advantage of employing whole 70 TOITSU MATSUNAMI blood; hence when this method is used any mechanism of im- munity existing in the blood, may be brought into direct relation with the microorganism. Moreover, in this test any anti- bacterial factors existing in the blood, and the influence of indi- vidual variation of fluid constituent as well as phagocytes in blood, upon the bactericidal activity of the blood, have equal chance to come into play. Furthermore, it was found that a parallelism between the bactericidal activity of the blood and resistance to certain bacteria including meningococci, exists under normal conditions (1) (2). Therefore, the bactericidal blood test de- scribed may be regarded as a method possessing definite value for the measuring the natural resistance of the organism for cer- tain microorganisms especially for meningococci, inasmuch as with respect to meningococci no accurate method sufficiently reliable to serve as a definite measure of antibody content has yet been devised for measuring immunity to this microor- ganism (16). I wish to express my thanks to Dr. Yutaka Nakamura for advice and asistance in carrying out this work. REFERENCES (1) Hetst, G. D., Sotts-CoueEn, S., anp Sonis-Conen, M.: The bactericidal action of whole blood, with a new technique for its determination. Jour. of Immunology, 1918, 3, 261. (2) Marsunami, T., AND Koutmer, J. A.: The relation of the meningococcidal activity of the blood to resistance to virulent meningococci. Jour. of Immunology, 1918, 3, 201. (3) Hircuens, A. P., AnD Ropinson, G. H.: Standardization of antimeningitis serum. Jour. of Immunology, 1916, 2, 345. (4) Amoss, H., anp Wotusre1n, M.: A method for the rapid preparation of antimeningitis serum. Jour. Exper. Med., 1916, 23, 403. (5) Neureip, F.: Bakteriotropine und Opsonine. Kolle und Wassermann’s Handbuch d. Patholog. Mikro., 1913, 2, I, 416. (6) FrrEDBERGER, E.: Die Bakteriziden Sera. Jolle und Wassermann’s Hand- buch d. Patholog. Mikro., 1913, Bd. 2, I, 298. (7) Zinsser, H.: Infection and Resistance. McMillian, 1918, Ed. II, 134. (8) Davis, D. J.: Studies in meningococcus infections. Jour. Infect. Diseases, 1905, 2, 602-619. (9) McKenziz, D., ann Martin, W. B. M.: Serum therapy in cerebrospinal meningitis. Jour. Path. and Bact., 1908, 12, 539-549. Bene a en MS, a sl a ae MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF BLOOD 71 (10) Fiexner, §.: Contribution to the biology of diplococcus intracellularis. Jour. Exper. Med., 1907, 9, 105-141. (11) Jopuine, J. W.: Standardization of the antimeningitis serum. Jour. Exper. Med., 1909, 11, 614-621. (12) Koutmer, J. A., Toyama, I., anp Matsunamt, T.: The influence of active normal serum (complement) upon meningococci. I. Jour. of Immu- nology, 1918, 3, 157. (13) Matsunamt, T:, AND Koutmemr, J. A.: The influence of active normal serum (complement) upon meningococci. II. Jour. of Immunology, 1918, 3, 177. ea) JOCHMANN, G.: Versuche zur Serodiagnostik und Serumtherapie der epidem- ischen Genickstarre. Deutsch. Med. Wochenschr., 1906, 32, 788-793. (15) Oranr, M.: On the acceleration of phagocytosis in the Feomaied blood. The Kitasato Archives of Experim. Med., 1918, 2, 2, 147. (16) Kotmer, J. A.: Infection, Immunity and Specific Therapy. Saunders, 1917, Ed. II, 792. DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES Showing colonies of meningococci grown in Petri dishes, survived of the meningococcidal blood test in the capillary tube; C = Coagula of blood. (The author’s modified method for estimating the result of the meningococcidal blood. test in the capillary tube.) I. Plate of strong meningococcidal blood II. Plate of marked meningococcidal blood Ill. Plate of weak meningococcidal blood “i bo 4 PLATE 1 MENINGOCOCCIDAL ACTIVITY OF BLOOD T. MATSCUNAMI r ae ere a tee - SS — : ~ 2 aes 73 Sy ret ict aE. ACM oi si . eal pet Sara, Care re A Eoin a eS mies ¥ + * : 7 » Vier : . ; ’ F : ) aye : t ' >A. - ‘ ——| TP rs . & - ® ‘es E A a é - aa 7 < £ : 5 * ; - te & ’ 7 f ' = s - - 7 va . < 4 : , ‘ p x tnd, i _*. ite i ‘ 20 7 « ‘ ’ “ - . . Mi ; . = o NATURAL ANTIHUMAN HEMOLYSINS AND HEMAG- GLUTININS IN HORSE SERA IN RELATION TO SERUM THERAPY JOHN A. KOLMER anp MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO From the McManus Laboratory of Experimental Pathology of the University of Pennsylvania Received for publication February 9, 1920 Inasmuch as the intravenous injection of persons with large amounts of immune horse serum as in the serum treatment of pneumonia, is sometimes followed by symptoms not referable to anaphylaxis, the purpose of this investigation was to study nor- mal and immune horse sera for hemagglutinins and hemolysins for human erythrocytes to ascertain whether intravascular agglu- tination or hemolysis are responsible in part for these symptoms. This study was conducted with agglutination and hemolysin tests in vitro in which normal and immune horse sera and the erythrocytes of different persons were employed; horse sera were found to contain relatively large amounts of agglutinins for the erythrocytes of some rabbits and were injected intravenously into these animals to determine the effects of agglutination and hemolysis in vivo. Williams and Patterson (1) tested 19 horse serums and found 12 to contain agglutinins for human erythrocytes, and suggest that in fatalities following large injections of serum, the possi- bility of agglutination of red corpuscles is to be considered; they also suggest the advisability of testing the sera of horses against human corpuscles and of rejecting any horse whose serum had distinct agglutinating power. In this investigation 30 horse sera have been used, 28 being obtained from immunized and 2 from normal horses; all sera were kindly furnished by Dr. John Reichel of the Mulford Biological Laboratories. The majority of immune sera con- tained a preservative as prepared for distribution and adminis- tration to persons. 75 THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. V, NO. 2 76 JOHN A. KOLMER AND MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO RESULTS OF AGGLUTINATION TESTS Macroscopical tests. Macroscopical agglutination tests were conducted by mixing in small test tubes 0.1 ec. of each horse serum unheated with 1 cc. of 1 per cent suspension of washed erythrocytes from 9 to 12 different persons, the final dilution being about 1:11; results based upon tests with the erythro- cytes of any one person were found only approximately correct since the agglutinins in horse sera for human erythrocytes occur in groups, similar to the groups of agglutinins and hemolysins in human sera for the erythrocytes of the lower animals (2). TABLE 1 Agglutinins in unheated horse sera for human erythrocytes HORSE SERUM * HUMAN ERYTHROCYTES, 1 cc. oF 1 PER CENT SUSPENSION UNHEATED 5.1 cc. Antistreptococcus..| — = = = = = = = = Antistreptococcus..}| — = _ = = = = = = Antistreptococcus..| — —= - = = = = a = Antistreptococcus..| — _ - - = = = = ote Antistreptococcus..}| — - — — = = = SF = Mormal ncaa... sails _ = - = = = = = = Normal, 2a5). cocdie — = = = Antipneumococcus..| + + — + _ ais Antistreptococcus..| — — + = Antipneumococcus..| — _ _ _ Antistreptococcus..| — - + — Antistreptococcus..| + = ap =f alee eel * Incubation in water bath at 38°C. for one hour. Readings made after standing overnight in refrigerator; —, no agglutination; +, = agglutination. The mixtures and the controls were incubated in a water-bath for one hour at 38°C. and the results were read after the mixture had stood in a refrigerator over night. The results observed with 12 sera tested with the erythrocytes of 9 different persons, are given in table 1; the results with 28 sera tested with the corpuscles of each of 12 different persons are shown in table 2. As indicated in these tables about 50 per cent of horse sera showed the presence of hemagglutinins with this technic in a HEMOLYSINS AND HEMAGGLUTININS IN HORSE SERA re final dilution of about 1:11, for the erythrocytes of certain persons; no single serum contained hemagglutinins for the erythrocytes of all persons tested, indicating the presence of TABLE 2 Agglutinins in unheated horse sera for human erythrocytes HUMAN ERYTHROCYTES 1 Cc. OF k PER CENT SUSPENSION UNHEATED HORSE SERUM 0.1cc. Antistreptococcus....... Ssh tac |i eat itt Ao pol (i Ne a | a Antistreptococcus....... —fo—-fo}omly mle ol om l clot ol odo Antistreptococcus....... —}o}oroy} oly ol omy omy ml aml cml odo Antipneumococcus.......-—|—|—]|—]|—]/—}]—/—/+]—-]-]- Antistreptococcus....... i AP (| ar i (ce dm) Ne ieee eee (ee Antipneumococcus......;— | —}|—-|]—-|—-/|-|-—|]- Antistreptococcus....... lial eral (iin Cire (eat (ical | Se: Antistreptococcus....... S| oe SE | a) Antipneumococcus...... = lsat a ae el We (Beret 9 (Se Se Antipneumococcus...... =i | et il Antipneumococcus...... mar] Samy he | ES Antipneumococcus......| — | — | —|— |] — Antipneumococcus......] — | — | — | — Anti-influenzal.......... |S Pak Wi | | Anti-influenzal..........)} —|—]|—-]—|—- Anti-influenzal.......... SS ia Anti-influenzal..........) -—|—-|—|—|+ Anti-influenzal.......... eo SN | Ee || ae | | he pea Jt eas pad aa eel ler | seen leet ie | [=e | lal Ieal |] | ied | (eal Antimeningococcus...... —{—}—}|— Antimeningococcus...... —-{|-|-|- eae Shs) lade] Se Siecle Antistreptococcus....... oa) a cecal ian Mitel (|i | a ei facie (lore Antistreptococcus....... Se RY RS at ad i ft | Antistreptococcus...... oh erty eG | Ul lai Pies | |) 29) | SS ia hael Antistreptococcus....... mac |= Pd Wim (tee |e oh al Neen ileal A hers *—, No agglutination; +, agglutination. group hemagglutinins in varying amounts for the different groups of human erythrocytes. Microscopical tests, however, in which lower dilutions of sera were employed, showed the presence of these hemagglutinins in a larger percentage of sera. 78 JOHN A. KOLMER AND MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO Microscopical tests. mixing on cover-glasses one loopful of serum and one loopful of a 1 per cent suspension of washed cells, the results being read ten to fifteen minutes later; the final dilutions with this technic TABLE 3 Microscopical tests were conducted by Microscopical agglutination tests with horse sera and human erythrocytes HORSE SERUM NO TIAR I Wes e Sac ss 1 (ry git 0 ee ae Antipneumococcus...... Antistreptococcus.. Antipneumococcus. Antistreptococcus.. Antistreptococcus. Antipneumococcus. cee eee Antipneumococcus...... Antipneumococcus...... Antipneumococcus. Antipneumococcus. Anti-influenzal.......... Anti-influenzal.......... Anti-influenzal.......... Anti-influenzal.......... Antimeningococcus Antimeningococcus Antitetamus..+.5.-2 2. 4c. Antitetanus........ Antistreptococcus.. Antistreptococcus.. Antistreptococcus....... Antistreptococcus.. see ee [+H 1h 1 +Ett+HR I +H+i +H +1 HHH ++ Ltt t++t+Htttsei ti ++hi +t +tt+++h ++tt+et++sest +I bi ++ ++H I++ b+++h i+ b+) ++H+4+ +H +L tt+++t+++itsti +ttt++tt++tteet¢+e yr t+ t+stig¢ Hos [pefocatiy HUMAN ERYTHROCYTES | DHE LEE I++ I l+++H RH I+l! Holttocoo +++H++H+I1++Hh#+4+4+4+4+4+4+444+4+4+ +++ +++ HEHE HH I coolottococl | l+++++t I++ TRA +H+4 tH | *—, No agglutination; +, partial agglutination; +, strong agglutination. were 1:2 and showed the presence of small amounts of hem- agglutinins in practically all horse sera examined. The results of one series of such tests with 24 sera and the erythrocytes of each of 12 persons, are shown in table 3; the results observed with 3 sera and the corpuscles of 24 persons are given in table 4. HEMOLYSINS AND HEMAGGLUTININS IN HORSE SERA 79 As shown in these tables all normal and immune horse sera contain hemagglutinins for human erythrocytes when tested microscopically with a technic similar to that proposed for the detection of human isohemagglutinins; when tested with the corpuscles of a number of different persons, however, only a TABLE 4 Microscopical agglutination test with horse sera and human erythrocytes SERUM 1]2/3|4{5]|6| 7] 8 | 9 | 10] 11] 19] 13 | 14| 15 | 16| 17 18 | 19 20] 21) 2223 | 24 Normal I...J—J | |4 |-— |-— |— J+ |+ J4/- |-|43)+ |- |-|- Fe =: Normal II. .|—|+3|+3|+3/+2/+2}+2/+3|-+3|+2/+|+2/ |42|—|42)494/4/4!-l+3 49 Normal III..|-+/+2|-+3|-+2|+ |+3/+3/+ |+ |4/— |—|+ |+2|-+2!-|+2|- be + —, Negative no agglutination; +, very doubtful agglutination; +, very weak agglutination; +2, marked positive agglutination; +3, very strong agglutination. TABLE 5 Quantitative agglutination tests with preserved horse sera and human erythrocytes CORPUSCLES CORPUSCLES CORPUSCLES CORPUSCLES I II Ilr IV SERA Macro-| Micro- |Macro- | Micro-| Macro-} Micro-| Macro-| Micro- scopic | scopic | scopic | scopic | scopic | scopic | scopic | scopic Antistreptococcus....... 1:4 Pea) VSS LSS RSZN eS ees 16+ bs2 Antipneumococcus...... ESS) hs4et hs 16 1 158) Tete BsS) 4s 16) 18 Antipneumococcus...... Te Zieipeis4e | Us ab 2 a e225 es? tts 2 PANT GILCCANUS.....< . 640.0 1:2 | None} None} None| 1:4 | None] 1:2 | None Anti-inivenzal..........| 1216] 1:8 | 1:16) 1:8 |] 1:16) 128 | 1:82) 1:8 Anti-influenzal.......... ESS ay LS | LAG | VUSS BSR GS ease Ts Solis ING TaD Oe Oe HAIGH e416 1855), 0 0 0 0 iT CTE ED] | i ee SZ E38) | 1264 | £21640 0 0 0 ING ETAT] | A opener eee 1:16 | 47 |) 1264 | Ls32e 0 0 0 few sera show the presence of hemagglutinins for the cells of all persons, so that a single serum may not agglutinate the corpuscle of a certain individual. The amount of hemagglutinins in preserved horse sera for human erythrocytes is relatively small; when tested macro- scopically in final dilution of 1:11 only about 50 per cent of sera contain hemagglutinins for the corpuscles of some persons 80 JOHN A. KOLMER AND MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO (tables 1 and 2); in higher dilutions fewer and fewer sera are found to contain hemagglutinins and only about 20 per cent were found to yield positive macroscopical reactions in dilutions higher than 1:20 and none with dilutions higher than 1:64. Second Test. 106 JOSEPH E. SANDS SUMMARY 1. Agglutinogens of broth cultures vs. saline suspensions. Of primary importance are the results in relation to agglutinogens prepared by cultivation of the microérganism in broth as com- pared with those prepared by cultivating on plain solid media and suspending the bacteria in saline solution: a general review of the results observed in this study with a single strain of typhoid bacilli, indicate that suspensions in saline solution so prepared as to break up clumps and diluted to proper density, are superior to broth cultures. 2. Saline solutions vs. distilled water. Asis well known, sodium chloride exerts an important réle in the physicochemical phe- nomenon of agglutination; of agglutinogens prepared by sus- pending typhoid bacilli in strengths of sodium chloride in sterile distilled water varying from 0.85 to 5 per cent (nos. 17, 18, 19 and 20), best results were observed with the 0.85 and 1 per cent solutions (nos. 17 and 18); agglutinogens prepared with 2 per cent solutions of sodium chloride were less susceptible to agglu- tination and 5 per cent solutions were decidedly less susceptible. Agglutinogens prepared with distilled water alone (no. 21) were least susceptible to agglutination and yielded some of the lowest titers. 3. Influence of heat. Of primary importance is the effect of heating an agglutinogen upon its susceptibility to agglutina- tion; in the majority of laboratories cultures or suspensions are usually heated at 56° to 60°C. for one-half to two hours. In order to be able to observe the most marked influence of heat, if any, antigens were heated in a water bath at 60°C. for two hours; a general survey of the results of this study indicates that heated antigens are somewhat more susceptible to agglu- tination than unheated antigens. 4. Influence of chemical germicides and preservatives. In this investigation phenol, tricresol, formalin, mercurophen and gly- cerin were employed for chemical sterilization and preservation (antiseptic activity); with the exception of formalin in 0.1 to 5 per cent; agglutinogens prepared without preservatives were i PREPARATION OF TYPHOID AGGLUTINOGENS 107 somewhat superior to those containing phenol, tricresol, mer- curophen and glycerin. 5. Kind of chemical germicide and preservative. Of the chem- icals employed in the preparation of agglutinogens of B. typho- sus, best results were observed with formalin; in fact the addition of 1 to 2 per cent formalin? to suspensions in isotonic saline solu- tion yielded the best agglutinogens of the series included in this study (nos. 9 and 10). Agglutinogens were prepared with 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 per cent neutral formalin; comparative tests have usually shown that those containing 1 and 2 per cent were least likely to show spontaneous agglutination, were most susceptible to specific serum agglutination and were never contaminated. Agglutinogens prepared with phenol in 0.5 per cent and tricresol in 0.5 per cent (nos. 4 and 5) yielded similar results, but they were somewhat inferior to preservative free agglu- tinogens and decidedly inferior to those containing 0.1 to 2 per cent formalin. Agglutinogens prepared with 1 per cent phenol and tricresol (nos. 12 and 14) were decidedly inferior to those containing 0.5 per cent of these substances and an antigen containing 5 per cent phenol (no. 13) was almost insusceptible to agglutination and proved most unsatisfactory of all. Mercurophen was employed because of its high germicidal activity and freedom of precipitating and coagulating influence upon proteins including bacterial proteins; agglutinogens pre- pared with 1: 1000 mercurophen in physiological saline solution (no. 15) and 1: 2000 (no. 6) yielded results similar to those con- taining 0.5 per cent phenol and tricresol. An agglutinogen containing 1: 5000 mercurophen (no. 16) was generally satisfac- tory and from the standpoints of freedom from spontaneous agglutination, susceptibility to specific agglutination and freedom from contamination ranked next to plain and formalized agglu- tinogens. The addition of 10 cc. of the best grade neutral glycerin to each 100 cc. of heated agglutinogen containing 0.5 per cent phenol (no. 3) reduced susceptibility to specific agglutination ? The formalin used contained 39.2 per cent formaldehyde gas; the 1 per cent solution, therefore, contained 0.39 per cent of formaldehyde. THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. V, NO. 2 108 JOSEPH E. SANDS and proved inferior to the same agglutinogen prepared without the addition of glycerin (no. 1). 6. Spontaneous agglutination. Of agglutinogens 1 to 16 pre- served over a period of four to eight weeks in a refrigerator, no. 15 containing 1: 1000 mercurophen, showed most tendency to spontaneous agglutination and nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10 containing 0.1 to 2 per cent formalin, least spontaneous agglutination; of the freshly prepared antigens, nos. 19 and 20, containing 2 and 5 per cent sodium chloride frequently showed spontaneous agglu- tination. Macroscopical tests for spontaneous agglutination were conducted with each antigen whenever employed by di- luting 1 cc. with 1 cc. of 0.85 per cent saline solution and incu- bating at 55°C. for twenty-four hours; at the same time micro- scopical tests were made and occasionally antigens showed small clump of bacilli microscopically, which appeared perfectly hom- ogenous and satisfactory to the closest scrunity with the naked eye. CONCLUSIONS 1. A comparative study of agglutinogens prepared from a single strain of typhoid bacilli which had been used for agglu- tination tests for several years, was made by comparing their susceptibility to specific agglutination by rabbit immune sera, tendency to spontaneous agglutination, keeping qualities and susceptibility to contamination. 2. The density of the agglutinogen was found to have an important influence, regardless of the method of preparation; thick suspensions obscured results and reactions while very thin suspensions were difficult to read with the naked eye. The density of a particular agglutinogen should be adjusted accord- ing to the diameter of the test tubes employed and total volume of fluid. 3. Suspensions in saline solution of microérganisms washed from solid media, were generally superior to broth cultures. 4. The best saline solutions for the preparation of agglu- tinogens were found to be those containing 0.85 to 1 per cent chemically pure sodium chlorid in distilled water. PREPARATION OF TYPHOID AGGLUTINOGENS 109 5. Distilled water alone was found unsatisfactory for the preparation of typhoid agglutinogen. 6. Heating an agglutinogen at 60°C. for two hours generally increased its susceptibility to specific agglutinins. 7. Agglutinogens prepared without preservatives with the ex- ception of those preserved with formalin were generally superior to those containing phenol, tricresol, mercurophen and glycerin. 8. The best agglutinogens were found to be those containing 1 to 2 per cent formalin. 9. The addition of more than 0.5 per cent phenol and tricresol to an agglutinogen reduced its susceptibility to specific serum agglutinins; the addition of glycerin also reduced the suscepti- bility to specific agglutination. 10. An agglutinogen of typhoid bacilli is best prepared by cultivating on solid media for forty-eight hours, removing the growths with 0.85 to 1 per cent chemically pure sodium chlorid in distilled water, shaking with beads until a perfectly homo- genous emulsion is secured, diluting with saline solution to proper density (about 2,000,000,000 per cubic centimeter), and adding neutral formalin to 1 per cent. The writer wishes to express his sincere gratitude to Prof. John A. Kolmer for his very kind assistance throughout the entire course of this study; he is also indebted to Dr. M. Matsu- mato and Dr. Yosiho Saeki for their aid in the preparation of the agglutinogens. ‘ thy 9 . i S i ' % ‘ %, 1 \ 4 = iat n z, 4 ‘ t + { 7 i pe 4 “ ‘ — » “ . j fi A STUDY OF DIFFERENT METHODS FOR THE PREPARATION OF B. TYPHOSUS ANTIGEN MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO From the McManes Laboratory of Experimental Pathology of the University of Pennsylvania Received for publication February 9, 1920 One of the reasons generally assigned for the unsatisfactory status of complement-fixation tests in the diagnosis of bacterial infections, is the difficulty of preparing efficient and stable anti- gens; among the diseases of bacterial origin complement-fixation is probably most widely employed in the diagnosis of glanders, tuberculosis and gonococcus infections, but in the last men- tioned the test is well known as lacking in the sufficient delicacy and it probably can be rendered more sensitive by further im- provement of the antigen, and the same may be true of the tuberculosis complement-fixation test. Bacterial antigens for complement-fixation tests may be di- vided into four main groups, namely (a) those composed of whole bacteria and their soluble products in the fluid medium in which they have been cultivated; (b) those in which the bacterial cells alone are utilized suspended in sterile salt solution; (¢c) those in which the bacterial cells are disrupted but not filtered and (d) those in which the cells are disrupted and the insoluble portions removed by filtration, the filtrate being employed as antigen. The antigen commonly employed for the gonococcus comple- ment-fixation test may be classified under the last mentioned in which the soluble intracellular substances are utilized as anti- gen; in a study of these gonococcus antigens Kolmer and Brown (1) found that whole suspensions of gonococci in saline solution classified under (b) above, proved superior in antigenic sensitive- ness to filtrates, and similar results were observed in complement fixation tests in typhoid fever (2), diphtheria (8) and canine dis- temper (4). Hit 1t3 MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO PURPOSES OF INVESTIGATION In view of the practical importance of increasing the sensitive- ness and delicacy of complement fixation in bacterial infections, Professor Kolmer suggested a further systematic and compara- tive study of prevailmg methods for the preparation of bacteria antigens taking a single pure culture of B. typhosus as the test microérganism and preparing antigens after the four main varie- ties described above; a secondary object was the study of com- plement fixation in typhoid fever and after active immunization of persons with typhoid vaccine, as an additional means for com- paring the antigenic sensitiveness of the various antigens. Each antigen has been studied for its anticomplementary, hemolytic and antigenic values; the antigenic titrations were conducted with the sera of rabbits immunized with the same strain as used in the preparation of the antigens and also with the sera of persons containing typhoid antibodies. The results are summarized in this communication. PREPARATION OF ANTIGENS Antigen 1. This antigen was composed of living bacilli sus- pended in physiological saline solution and freshly prepared as required by removing twenty-four hour cultures on plain neutral agar with saline and shaking with sterile glass beads until a homogenous suspension was secured. Antigen 2. This antigen was a forty-eight hour growth in plain beef extract broth neutral to phenolphthaleim, shaken me- chanically for an hour to secure a homogenous suspension fol- lowed by heating in a water-bath at 60°C. for one one hour and preservation in a refrigerator with 0.5 per cent phenol. Antigen 3. The same as antigen II except that a fourteen- day broth culture was employed. The remaining six antigens were prepared from mass cultures of the strain of B. typhosus removed from a large series of agar cultures in Blake bottles, due care being utilized against remov- ing bits of culture medium. In order to make sure that agar PREPARATION OF B. TYPHOSUS ANTIGEN 113 and other bacteria were not included, the bacterial mass was briefly centrifuged and cultured before use. Antigen 4. Five hundred cubic centimeters of a heavy sus- pension of bacilli in sterile distilled water was heated in a water- bath at 56°C. for one hour, then at 80°C. for an hour. The heated suspension was shaken mechanically for twenty-four hours after which treatment it was centrifuged and the super- natant fluid was passed through sterile neutral porcelain filters. The filtrate was then heated at 56°C. for one hour on three suc- cessive days and preserved in a refrigerator with 0.5 per cent. phenol. Antigen 5. A saline suspension of bacilli was thoroughly cen- trifuged and the sediment was dried over calcium chlorid; each 0.05 gram of dried bacterial mass was ground into a very fine powder and gradually suspended in 25 ce. of physiological saline solution. This emulsion was shaken mechanically for twenty- four hours and passed through a porcelain filter and the filtrate was preserved in a refrigerator for antigen. Antigen 6. Five hundred cubic centimeters of a heavy saline suspension of bacilli was precipitated with an equal quantity of absolute ethyl alcohol and thoroughly centrifuged; the sediment was dried over calcium chlorid, ground into a fine powder, weighed and suspended in sufficient saline solution to make a 2 per cent. emulsion. The resulting product was quite thick and required further dilution with saline prior to use. Antigen 7. This antigen was prepared after the method de- scribed by Hitchens and Hansen (5) for the preparation of men- ingococcus antigen; briefly the technic consisted of precipitation of 500 cc. of a heavy suspension of bacilli in distilled water with an equal amount of 95 per cent. ethyl alcohol and thoroughly centrifuged at once for the sediment; the sediment was resus- pended in alcohol and again centrifuged, this process being re- peated several times with alcohol and finally several times with ethyl ether. The final sediment was freed of ether, dried over calcium chlorid and ground to a very fine powder and 0.02 gram was suspended in 20 ce. of sterile saline solution for antigen as required. 114 MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO Antigen 8. This antigen was prepared after the method de- scribed by Small (6); briefly the technic consisted in thoroughly centrifuging a heavy saline suspension of bacilli and drying the bacterial sediment at 56°C.; 0.5 gram of this powder was mois- tened with chloroform and thoroughly ground with the addition of a small amount of ether from time to time until a very fine dry powder was obtained. This powder was now suspended in a mixture of equal parts of chloroform and ether and shaken me- chanically for six hours followed by several washings of the sedi- ment with ether and drying of the ether moist residue at 56°C. ; when used about 0.5 gram of the powder was suspended in 25 ce. of saline solution and further diluted with saline solution. Antigen 9. This antigen was prepared after the method de- scribed by Miss Wilson (7) for the preparation of antigen of tubercle bacilli for the complement fixation test; 2000 cc. of a five day culture of the strain of B. typhosus in plain neutral broth was heated in an Arnold sterilizer for one hour and thoroughly centrifuged for the bacilli; the sediment was then treated a num- ber of times with ten volumes of absolute ethyl alcohol and fin- ally with ether, the sediment being secured each time by centri- fuging. After the final treatment with ether the bacterial sedi- ment was dried at room temperature, ground into a fine powder, weighed as required and prepared in a 0.5 per cent suspension in sterile saline solution. TECHNIC Titrations for anticomplementary power. Each antigen was ti- trated at intervals and just prior to complement-fixation tests with immune sera, for its anticomplementary or antilytic value, the smallest amount producing the slightest inhibition of hemoly- sis being taken as the anticomplementay unit. All antigens were titrated at the same time and with the same hemolytic system in order to render the results strictly comparative. In conducting these titrations the antigens were used undiluted or diluted with saline solution as required and placed in a series of 12 test tubes in amounts ranging from 0.02 to 2 cc.; complements PREPARATION OF B. TYPHOSUS ANTIGEN 115 were furnished by the mixed sera of guinea-pigs in a dose of 0.5 ec. of 1:20 dilution. After salt solution had been added to each tube carrying antigen and complement to bring the total volume to 2.5 ec., incubation was conducted in a water-bath at 38°C. for one hour and this was followed by the addition of two units of antisheep hemolysin and 0.5 ce. of a 2.5 per cent suspension of sheep corpuscles; the tubes were then reincubated for an hour and placed in a refrigerator over night, the results being read the next morning. The usual hemolytic, complement and cor- puscle controls were included. Hemolytic titrations. By including relatively large doses of each antigen in the anticomplementary titrations the direct hem- olytic dose of each in the presence of complement was generally obtained and served as a means for comparing the hemolytic activity of the various preparations. Antigenic titrations. ‘These were conducted with sera of im- munized rabbits and of persons having had typhoid fever or ac- tive immunization with typhoid vaccine. Rabbits were im- munized with the same culture of B. typhosus employed in the preparation of the antigens, increasing doses of heated killed and finally living bacilli being injected intravenously and the sera obtained from these animals were employed in the complement fixation tests when the agglutinins had reached a titer somewhat comparable to their concentration in the sera of persons during typhoid fever or after a course of injections of typhoid vaccine. In order to avoid the non-specific fixation of complement by rabbit sera described by Kolmer and his associates (8), each serum was used unheated or after heating at 62°C. in a water bath for thirty minutes and in small amounts ranging from 0.0001 to 0.02 cc. Human sera were used unheated and after heating at 56°C. for thirty minutes in amounts ranging from 0.01 to 0.1 ee. In conducting the antigen titrations with immune sera to bring out the differences in antigenic sensitiveness of the various preparations the following method was employed; each antigen was used in a constant dose equal to one-third its anticomple- mentary unit in a series of twelve test tubes and unheated rabbit 116 MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO sera added in amounts ranging from 0.0001 cc. to 0.02 cc.; a serum control on each serum was included in which 0.02 ee. serum alone was used. A control on each antigen was included as likewise hemolytic, complement and corpuscle controls. Com- plement was furnished by the mixed sera of guinea-pigs in a con- stant dose of 0.5 cc. of 1:20 dilutions and saline solution was added to bring the total volume in each tube to 1 cc. Primary incubation was conducted at 38°C. in a water-bath for one hour and this was followed by the addition of two units of hemolysin and 0.5 cc. of 2.5 per cent sheep cells; after reincubation for an hour the results were read after the tubes had been placed in a refrigerator overnight. Agglutination tests. The agglutinin content of each human and rabbit serum for the strain of B. typhosus employed in this work was determined in a macroscopic test with the employment of living suspensions and an incubation at 38°C. for one hour; the results were read by the naked eye after the tubes had been placed in a refrigerator over night. RESULTS a. Anticomplementary and keeping qualities of the different antigens. The results of anticomplementary titrations with freshly prepared antigens are shown in table 1; these titrations were repeated at subsequent periods and the results are summar- ized in table 2, the smallest amount of each antigen producing slight-inhibition of hemolysis being registered as the anticomple- mentary unit. None of the antigens were markedly anticomplementary but a strict comparison could not be made in-as-much as this would have required the preparation of antigens according to numerical numbers of bacilli entering into a uniform given volume of each preparation. All of the antigens were preserved in a refrigerator near the freezing point and the series of titrations of anticomplementary power over a period of six weeks following their preparation PREPARATION OF B. TYPHOSUS ANTIGEN 117 TABLE 1 The first anticomplementary titration of antigens ANTIGENS EY a ree ANTIGEN No.1 No. 2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 No.8 N : : K - , : : No.9 Undilu- Cashes Undilu- ceo hae 1:10 1:10 1:10 1:50 L: * C.H., Complete hemolysis; M.H., marked hemolysis, the anticomplementary unit; §.H., slight hemolysis; N.H., no hemolysis. TABLE 2 Summary showing anticomplementary units of each antigen as determined at varying intervals *FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH TITRATION TITRATION TITRATION TITRATION CTU a a 0.2t 0.6 0.4 0.3 LOU 7 a 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 RATE AE STAN Ue Ios Wises eee. oars 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.3 SRNR ERE NTN S20 0)ei 0d) 52) 2 aie\s eras’ « 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 PREDIZEURO Neier: eras sin 6 ssiefas 0.15 0.3 JCC) De 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.05 2 Cu Gr 0.15 0.4 0.1 0.06 PRELIM Stas raha le a cies 0) v bye\s 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.07 Loy ee 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.01 * First titration conducted with freshly prepared antigens; second titration conducted ten days later; third titration conducted one week after the second and fourth titration about six weeks after the third. t+ Amount in cubic centimeters of undiluted antigen producing slight inhi- bition of hemolysis. 118 MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO TABLE 3 Comparative antigenic sensitiveness of antigens with active serum of rabbit 1 (agglutination titer 1: 100) DOSE | ANTIGENS USED IN ONE-THIRD ANTICOMPLEMENTARY UNITS OF rn TT ee BS eNon! No. 2 No.3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No.7 No. 8 No.9 0.0001; — - _ - - - — Se - 0.0002 -- _ _ _ _ -- — -- — 0.0004 — = =FSF = = = = = = 0.0006; + = ates = = = = = = 0.0008) + = AFSF aa = = = ae ae 0.0015) -E=- aR Steetaats = = + ap Space | arceae 002s -i-atecialGataaieats | ak aie ta = = 2PaF Sele |paraeas| Sea PF OORie-aleatal aivaieste at | iat ate ke 7 Spa eps eagac mrersrerparica aesrseo 0.006 |++++]++++/t+++4) + [4++4)++4+4]44+4+4/+4+4+4]44+4++ 0.008 |++++/++++|t+++4+) +++ [t++4+4]+4+4+4)4++44]4+4+4]44+4+4+ 0.01 (++++]++++)t+4++4+) 444 [44+44)4+4+4+4/44+44]4+4+44]44+4+ 0.02 ++++|4+++/4++4/t++4]t4++4]t+4+4]4++4+4]4+4+4+4]44+4+4+ — Negative; + doubtfully positive; + very weakly positive; ++ weakly posi- tive; +++ , moderately positive; ++-+-+ strongly positive. TABLE 4 Comparative antigenic sensitiveness of antigens with active serum of rabbit 2 (agglutination titer 1: 80) DOSE ANTIGEN USED IN ONE-THIRD ANTICOMPLEMENTARY UNITS 0.0002) — |; = ae = Bs = - = 0.0004, — = = = = = = = = 0.0006} — _ + _ _ = - _ — 0.0008} + - - - - - - — - 0.001} + + | ++ | - ~ - ~ ~ 0.002; +++] ++ | +++] - - = ~ + | +++ 0.004 |+++4+] +++ |++4+4] - - + | tt | +44 [+444 0.006 |++++\+++4+/t++4+4+) + | +++] +++ | +44 [+4+4+4)+4+44+ 0.008 |++++)++++/++4+4) + |+++4)t+++4]4+4+4+4+/44+44]+4+4+4+ 0.01 |++++)++++/t4++4+) +++ |+++4/+4+4+4]4+4+4+4/44+44]4+4+4+4+ 0.02 |++++]+t++i/++t++]t+++/4+t+[t4++4]+t+4i4+t4}t+4++ — negative; + doubtfully positive; + very weakly positive; ++ weakly positive; +++ moderately positive; ++-+-+ strongly positive. PREPARATION OF B. TYPHOSUS ANTIGEN 119 TABLE 5 Comparative antigenic sensitiveness of antigens with active serum of rabbit 3 (agglutination titer 1: 60) ee ANTIGEN USED IN ONE-THIRD ANTICOMPLEMENTARY UNITS SERUM No.1 No.2 No. 3 No. 4 No.6 No.7 No. 8 No.9 cc. 0.0001 = = = = = = = = 0.0002 | — = = = = = = = 0.0008 | — = = = = - = 0.000 | — = = = = = - = 0.0008 | — — = =: = - = = 0.001 = = = = = = = = 0.002 + ~ — - + _ - - 0.004 | ++ | + [4444+] - + - + - 0.006 |+++] + [44+4++) -— | +++] - | +44) 4+ 0.008 | +++] ++ [44+4++) - | +++] 4 [+++] 44+ 0.01 |++++)4+4+4+ 4444) - [+444] + | 444+) 444+ 0.02 |+4+4/44+4+4+/44+4+4+) + [44+4+4/44+44)44+44| +44 — negative; + doubtfully positive; + very weakly positive; ++ weakly posi- tive; +++ moderately positive; ++-+-+ strongly positive. TABLE 6 Comparative antigenic sensitiveness of antigens with heated serum of rabbit 3 (agglutination titer 1: 60) ANTIGENS USED IN ONE-THIRD ANTICOMPLEMENTARY UNITS SERUM No. 1 No. 2 No.3 No. 4 No. 6 No.7 No.8 No.9 cc. 0.0001 - = = = _ = = = 0.0002 - _ _ — - - _ _ 0.0004 = = - — - - - - 0.0006 _ = _ - — _ _ _ 0.0008 - _ _ — - - _ - 0.001 — — + - - _ - - 0.002 + - ~ - - - - - 0.004 | ++ | — |4+4++)] - - = + = 0.006 |+++4+/++++/++++) 0 | +++] 0 0 0 0.008 |++++/t++++/+4+4+4+) - | 44+] - | ++ | + 0.01 |+++4+]44++4l44+44) -— [+444] 4 [444+] + 0.02 |++++l+++4i++4+4) t+ [4444] +44 [4444/4444 ae negative; + doubtfully positive; + very weakly positive; ++ weakly posi- tive; +++, moderately positive; ++++ strongly positive; 0 lost by accident. 120 MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO TABLE 7 Comparative antigenic sensitiveness of antigens with active serum of rabbit 4 (agglutination titer 1: 240) DOSE OF SERUM ~- ae aa aaa tae ++4++ +4+4++ oe ANTIGENS USED IN ONE-THIRD ANTICOMPLEMENTARY UNITS aa ++++ ++++ wae mee wae No. 3 No. 4 No. 6 No.7 No. 8 No.9 a — — — — _ +++] - ~ ~ - - +444) - ~ - ~ - ++4+4+) -— |++4+4+) 4+ [+444] + +444) 4 |44+4+4/4+4+44/44+44) +44 ++4++) + [44+4+4)44+4+4/+4+4+4]4+4+4+4+ +++4+|) $4 |+4+4+4]4+4+4+/44+4+4+/44+44+ +4+4++) 444+ |+4+4+4]44+44)44+4+4+/44+4+4+ — negative; + doubtfully positive; + very weakly positive; ++ weakly posi- tive; +++ moderately positive; ++-+-+ strongly positive. TABLE 8 Comparative antigenic sensitiveness of antigens with heated serum of rabbit 4 (agglutination titer 1: 240) DOSE OF SERUM ANTIGENS USED IN ONE-THIRD ANTICOMPLEMENTARY UNITS No.1 No.2 No.3 No. 4 No.6 | No.7 No.8 No.9 = — — — — _ _ — - - + _ = - - ~ ++] - | ++] - - - ~ - +++] + |444+4) - | + - - ~ ++44/44+4+4]44+4+4] -— [44+4+4+) 4+ | 444+] - +4+44l[4t44i4444] — |44+4+4]44+4+4]4+4+4+4) +44 +444it+t+i +444) -— [tt+t]t++t4+]4+4+4)/+++4+ +4+44)t+4+4++/4+4++ +++4)t++4)44+4++ +4+44|+++4|4+4+4|4+4++ ++t+)/4++4+|44+4+4+|4+4++ + | — negative; + doubtfully positive; + very weakly positive; ++ weakly positive; +++ moderately positive; +++-+ strongly positive. Lag a ae PREPARATION OF B. TYPHOSUS ANTIGEN TABLE 9 Summary showing smallest amount of each un 121 heated and heated rabbit immune serum giving +++-+ with one-third the anticomplementary unit of each antigen UNHEATED RABBIT SERA ANTIGENS Rabbit 1 Rabbit 2 Rabbit 3 itt 0.002 0.004 0.01 1s ae 0.004 0.006 0.02 1.03 Uae nae 0.002 0.005 0.004 1. ole 0.02 0.02 0 No. 5 0.006 0.008 0 Wor Gren... > - 0.004 0.008 0.01 Ls UY i ae aS 0.004 0.008 0.02 Lo 0.002 0.006 0.02 ai s'<'ss <3 0.004 0.004 0 HEATED RABBIT SERA Rabbit 4 Rabbit 3 Rabbit 4 0.004 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.006 0.002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.004 0.01 0.004 0.006 0 0.006 0.004 0.02 0.006 0.008 0.02 0.008 Agglutination titer of rabbit 1 was 1: 100, rabbit 2,1: 80; rabbit 3, 1: 60; rabbit 4, 1: 240. TABLE 10 Results with the unheated serum of a person in the fourth week of typhoid fever; agglutination titer 1: 40 RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS SERUM No.1 No. 2 No. 3 No.4] No ce. ee | 0.01 |++++) + |++4+4) - | - 0.02 j+++4+) + |4+4+4+] - | - 0.04 |++++] +4 |44+44/ - | - 0.06 |++++\t++lt++4+| - | - 0.08 | +++ |++4+]+4++4) - | - 01 | +++ |+4++/4+++4+) - | - TABLE lil — | + [44+4+4+/4++++ — | + |+++4+/++++ — | ++ |44+4+4+/4+4++ — | ++ 444+4+/4+4++ — |44++]) +++ | +++ — | + | +++) +++ Results with the unheated serum of a person in the sixth week of typhoid fever; agglutination titer 1 ee 0.01 |++++/+++4+)++++)t+4+++4+4++4+ 0.02 |++++/t+++4+\++++/4++4+4/+4+4++4+ 0.04 |++++/+++4+)+++4|+4+4+4/+4+4++4+ 0.06 |++++/+++4+\++++/t+4+++/4+4+4+4+ 0.08 |++++/t++++/+4+4+4+44+4+4+ 4444 O.1 [t+t+i++t+i++t+i+t+t+it+tt+ : 820 RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS +++4/+4+++ +++4+)4++++ +4+44]+4++4+)4+4+4+/4+4+4+4+ +4+4++i¢t+4++/+t+4++/t+++ +Ht+l[ttt+lttt+itt++ +++) t+++4+++4+ 4444+ +++4+/4+4++4+ ++++\t+++ . 122 MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO TABLE 12 Results with the heated serum of a person on the thirteenth day of typhoid fever; agglutination titer 1: 40 RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS 0.01 |+++ | - - };-;-]-] - |-] + 0.02 ++++}/ + | +4) - | - | - | - | = | +4 0.04 0 | ++ |+4+4+4+) - | - | - | - | = |44+4+ 0.06 0 |+++4+)+4+4+4]) - | - | + | + | - [4444+ 0.08 |++++)+++4]44+4+4+) - | -— |44+4+)44+4+4/44+4)+4+4++ 0.1 [+4++4+)t+4++4]4+4+4+4) -— | - [44+4/}44+4+4/+4+4+]}44+4+4+ TABLE 13 Results with the heated serum of a patient convalescent from typhoid fever; agglutination titer 1: 40 RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS DOBE OF SERUM Ae STP SS | RS Eis so ea SE No.1 No.2 | No.3 | No.4 | No.5 | No.6 No.7 No.8 No.9 0.01 j++++) - | +] -/}/ -|-] = — |44+4++ 0.02 |44+4++) - |/4+4+] - | - | - |] + + |++4++ 0.04 |++4++) - |444+) - | - | — | ++ | +44 /44+4+4+ 0.066 |++++) + [t+4+4+) - | - | -— | 444+) 444 |44+44 0.08 |++++) + [44+4+) - | -— | - |44+4+4)44+4+4+/44+4++ 0.1 j++++)4+4+ |t+4+4+) - | - ++4++)44+4+4|4+4++ TABLE 14 Results with the heated serum of a patient on the seventeenth day of typhoid fever; agglutination titer 1: 40 DOSE RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS OF pan a ne SEE OM Noel No.2 No.3 | No.4] No.5 | No.6 No.7 No. 8 No. 9 cc. 0.01 |4+4+4+4+/4+4+4+4+/4+4+4+4|] —- = = = = a5 0:02 |--+ +--+ )4+-4+4+4+|4+-+-+4| = = == oF Sera |) oncr ne 0.04 |+4+4++4+/4+4+4+4+/4+4+4++4+] - = ee) ee OEE la ete 0.06 |+-++4++|/4+4+4++4+|/4++++|] — = |+-+-5-+| +--+ | 4 ae Oe tele se arararadeeesspaeleeeecses acces 0.1 Paste teta tat tt, SPoRarSE| = — j+++4+)44+4+4+/44+4+4+/4+4+4+4+ at . ee PREPARATION OF B. TYPHOSUS ANTIGEN 123 TABLE 15 Results with the heated serum of a patient convalescent from typhoid fever; agglutination titer 1: 40 DOSE ; RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS 0.01) +++ |+++4+) +4 | =) - | - + OP t+} 0.02 J++++|+4++4]4+4+4+4+) — | — | 44 F444) $44 4444) 0.04 |+4++4/4++4+4+/+4+4+4) — | — 44+4+4)44+4+4)44+44/44+4+4 0.06 FF 4+44/44+44/t4+44) — | — 44 t4iett+l]t444it+4+ 0.08 |++++/++++|4+4++) — | + 44+4++4+44)44+4+4/4444) O.1 J++++i+t++]+t4+4+) — | + |++4+4)44+4+4+/44+44/444+4) TABLE 16 The results with the heated serum of a person who had typhoid fever one year ano: agglutination. titer, 1.40. RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS DOSE OF _ SERUM = egal: ++) +44 0.04 [44+4+4+/4444/t+444] + | 44+ [4444144444444 0.06 J+t+4+4+i+++4[++t4][t+4+4) 4+ [t+4+4+4)t+444]4+4+4+4+ (Le Se eesti al etl olf ral O.1 |t+t+it+++]t+++t)++4+4+) +44 44+4+4+)44+4+4)44+44+ TABLE 17 Rewulis with the unhedted serum of a person who. had tr vohora ae and hee - vaccine ey years ago; agglutination titer 1: 10 DOSE = = = = RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS 0.01 }+4++4+4+) + f+t++4i+4+44) -— | +. f+t4+4l++4+4) ++: 0.02 /++++| + [+444] 0 [+444] + [+4+44]444+4/4+4+44+ 0.04 )-++++] ++ |++++)t++++)44+4+4)+4+4|/++4+4]4++4+4/44++4+ 0.06 |++++) ++ |++t++/+++4+)4+4+4+4) +4 [4+4+4]44+4+4/+4+4++ 0.08 |+++-+) ++ |++++)++4+4+/+4+4+4]. +) +++ |44+4+4/+4+4+H: O.1 | +++ [t+tit+t+itt+t+tts+) + | +44 4444+ 4444+ THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. Vv, NO. 2 124 MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO TABLE 18 Results with the unheated serum of a person who had vaccine two years ago; agglutination titer 1: 20 RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS DOSE OF SERUM No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No.4 No. 5 No.6 No.7 No. 8 No.9 O01 |t+++) — |+tt++)t++4+)+4+4+4] +++ [4+t+4+4)+4+44)44+44+ 0.02 |+t++it++ti+tt+4[Ft++l|t+4+t)++t4]tt+4+i[ +444] 444+ 0.04 |+++)t+++/+++4/+4++4]+4+4+4]44+4+4/+4+4+4]4+4+4+4+]44+4+4+ 0.06 |Jt+++[++++)+++4/$++4)/44+4+4]44+44]4t4+4[+4+44)44+4-+ 0.08 | +++ | +++ |++++/44++4+)/+4+4+4) +44 | 444+ | +44] 444+ OL | ttt | +++ [+t+4)t++4+4i+4+4+4) +44 | +44 | +44 ] 444+ TABLE 19 Results with the unheated serum of a person who had typhoid fever eighteen years and vaccine six years ago; agglutination titer 1: 40 ° DOSE RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS OF BEEUMI Noel No. 2 No.3 No. 4 No.5 |No.6| No.7 No. 8 No.9 cc. 0.01 )/++++) — - - — | = |44+4+4)4+4+4+4) 444+ 0.02/++++) + j+t+) + | ++ | — |44+4+4)44+4+4/+4+4++4+ 0.04 )++++)+++4]+++4]4++4+4]44+44) — |+4+4+4)4+4+4+4)4+4+4++ 0.06 |++++)+4++4)+++4/++4+4)t++4+4]44]44+4+4/44+44)4+4+44+ 0.08 |++++)+++4+)4+++4+)4++4+4+/44+44) — [++4+4]4+4+4+4)4+4+4++4+ O.1 | +++ [+t+t]t+++4]++4+4)4+44] — [44+4+4)4+4+4+4)+4+4+4+ TABLE 20 Results with the unheated serum of a person who had vaccine one year ago; agglutination titer 1: 40 RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS DOSE OF 8ERUM cc. 0.01 |++++)+++4+)+4+4++/+4+4++/44+44] -— +4+4+4+/44+4+4)4+4+4++ 0.02 |++++|t+++4]+++4+/4+4+4/t+4+4+4] +4 |44+4+4/44+44]+4+4++4+ 0.04 |++++l++++lt++++i/t++4]4+44)t+4+4)+4+44)44+4/4+4+44+ 0.06 |++++/+++t]++++it+++)4+44]44+4+4/+4+4+4)44+44/4+4+44+ 0.08 |j++++++++)++++|t+++/4+4+4+) + [44+44/444+4/4+4+44+ OL [+++ti++t+]+t+4+[t+4+4+4+/ 4444) -— 44+4+4/44+4+4/4+4+4+4+ PREPARATION OF B. TYPHOSUS ANTIGEN 125 TABLE 21 Results with the heated serum of a person who had vaccine two years ago; agglutination titer 1: 20 DOSE OF RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS —————— ————— ————— No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 6 No.7 No. 8 No. 9 cc. Nine 0.01 = — - + — ms = wk 0.02 = - — + — = aE = 0.04 = — — ++ _ = at it 0.06 - + - ++ _ + ++ ~ ee ce) fT | ee | ee pet 0.1 = + — |4+++] - + |+++] ++ TABLE 22 Results with the heated serum of a person during immunization with typhoid vaccine; agglutination titer 1: 160 RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS DOSE OF el No.1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4| No.5 | No.6] No.7 | No.8 No.9 0.01 = 4 = a 2), = ge = 0.02 zsh is = a a Sen ee 8 = oo | ++] - - |-—-}|-];-]+]- | ++ 0.066 |++++)/ + —- | - | - | = J++] 4+ |4+4++ 0.08 |t+++) ++ | - | — | — | — | +4] 4+ [4444 01 |+t+++}4+4++}] - | - | -— | - [44+] 4+ 44+ TABLE 23 Results with the heated serum of a person who had vaccine one year ago; agglutination titer 1: 20 RESULTS WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGENS DOSE OF SERUM cc. 0.01 - - - — ~ - ~ - 0.02 - ~ - ~ - - - - 0.04 - ~ _ - - - - - 0.06 - ~ - - - - - - 0.08 - - - ~ - - - - 0.1 = = = - - _ _ - 426 “ADTTVAMOROMATSD . MARSUMOTO.2.A 7S 44 TABLE. 24 Resets with the heated serum of a person who had vaccine about two years' ago; “agglutination titer t;.80 Se“ 30tty >. SRESULTSiWIFH: DIFFERENT ANTIGENS ees DOSE OF 420¢ No. 2 No.6 | Noo?! No.8 | TABLE, 25 Resulis with the heated serum, of a person, who.had typhoid fever eighteen years ago and vaccine two years ago; agglutination titer 1: 40 exacts tp) RESULTS WITHDIFFERENT ANTIGENS DOSE OF —_SERUM = = 8.07% No 3 +] < No.4¢ cn 0.01 - |_- 0.02 cS (iS 40.04 = a a ~ 0-06. = |-7 + 0.08. = il 5 + 0.1. =) =a ae LABIA 26 Results, with. the heated. serum. of..a, person who, -had. vaccine, four years ago; agglutination, titer, 1:10 C30 auaorre. +x aRESYMTS, WIPE, PIFEERENT ANTIGENS PREPARATION OF +B. TYPHOSUS:;ANTIGEN F27 47 ‘TABLE 2 ae rr r Lith gmszitas, svitogg Spys sy Restilts with the MALE serum ‘of a person never Rivthg had fo id: ate or bacciye? = ateeedie test showed Bessie result AT stsdo as ca | ePa9 r73 tp t9vet showed that all kept en well a increased anticomplens@mtagy, activiti b. Ferkolytic ptewe Me the dif :. gens Vee es emolytigz ‘ag Cpe in tables Hd antigens, / were nk Hy hemablytie-and .@s- peciallantigen Gewhith wash suspergion @prottad dried bacilli in salifige a4 Ameren was a fonrt@em-daag broth culture heatedeat 6G). dal prescryad with Og. henol} antigen 4) was se suspend d water, pre- | e prdpatiton } pared : P nf x sf only e ff free of The anti- of gon There hemol¥ es. co & c. Agbiger 4 te di nig eAS previously stated gies@ were determine 9! - barative tests in which each ‘antigen \ was s employed in an amount equal to ¢ one- human and rabbit immune sera; all antigens ‘were ed at one time/ with each,serumjand with,the same -hemolytic system; in; order to render the,.tests strietly gomparativee 2t{yes1 oft eovig ailhe results observed with ;fqurrabbit immune; sera,of, yaryng agglutinin. content; are shown. in. tables 3, 4,-5,.6, 7 and. 85 chart J, shows graphically the.-yariation, im, antigenic, sensitiveness of, the; different er ae Tables 9 and 10 also summarize the re- sults, Vvintg the smallest’ amount’ of éach® ‘impjune: seruit Hiéated, 128 MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO and unheated, yielding reactions with the respective antigens (chart 1). Tables 10 to 26 give the results observed with the various antigens and the sera of persons with typhoid fever or convales- cent from this infection; also the sera of persons who had typhoid fever or typhoid-paratyphoid vaccine at varying periods prior 0.001 0,005 OC: OsS— 0.02 CHART 1. SHOWING THE COMPARATIVE ANTIGENIC SENSITIVENESS OF THE VARIOUS ANTIGENS WITH RABBIT IMMUNE SERA to the time when sera were collected for these tests... Table 27 gives the results observed with a normal serum. As shown in these tables the antigens varied considerably in antigenic sensitiveness and may be summarized somewhat as follows in order of delicacy and sensitiveness. 1 T am indebted to Dr. John Eiman and Dr. Stanley P. Reiman for several of these sera from typhoid fever patients. if PREPARATION OF B. TYPHOSUS ANTIGEN 129 1. Antigen 3 was uniformly most antigenic in all tests; this was one of the simplest, being a fourteen-day broth culture killed by heating at 60°C. for one hour and preserved with 0.5 per cent phenol. 2. Antigen 1 was generally second in antigenic value and was prepared by suspending living bacilli removed from agar slant culture in sterile saline solution as required. 3. Antigens 2, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were about equal in antigenic ac- tivity and generally represented antigens prepared by grinding dried bacillary sediment secured with or without alcoholic pre- cipitation, and suspending the very fine powder in saline solution. 4, Antigen 4 was uniformly poorest in antigenic sensitiveness and this result is of considerable significance inasmuch as it was prepared after a method commonly employed in the preparation of gonococcus antigen. In general terms the results of this study with antigens of B. typhosus have shown that the best products are those in which are used whole bacilli in suspension with or without their soluble products elaborated during growth in fluid culture media; the next best are those antigens composed of thoroughly disrupted bacillary bodies in suspension and the lowest in antigenic value was the antigen prepared by autolysing the bacilli for intracel- lular substances and utilizing the filtrate which probably carries the soluble products and lacks the insoluble bacillary bodies. Exactly similar results and conclusions have been recorded by Kolmer and Brown in a study of gonococcus antigens, previously referred to. A further result of this study was to show the marked effect of heating upon the typhoid antibody concerned in complement- fixation with human and to lesser extent with rabbit sera; all of the unheated sera of persons with typhoid fever or convalescing therefrom and the majority of those who had received typhoid- paratyphoid vaccine, yielded a positive reaction with the majority of antigens; after heating at 56°C. for thirty minutes a marked reduction in the degree of complement-fixation was observed; this was due, presumably, in part to the thermolability of the r3Q - «+ MOTOMATSU MATSUMOTO antibody inasmuch as the unheated sera were used fresh and found free of demonstrable anticomplementary activity in the serum control tubes, which always showed complete hemolysis. ae ecw bak oullty oitenisce CONCLUSIONS a” Nine gneieens prepared ie a single strain of B. typhosus af- ter various methods have shown well defined differences i in anti- ae sensitiv eness. | Antigens prepared from living or dead - suspensions e ba- a in saline solution or culture broth proved most antigenic; antigens prepared by suspending the powder of dried and ground bacilli i mn saline solution proved next best in antigenic sensitive- ness and an antigen prepared of the filtrate of bacilli autolysed in distilled’ water ‘aided by heating at a high temperature, “proved least antigenic. The method of preparing typhoid antigen has, therefore, a marked effect upon the occurrence ‘and degree of col uplement- -fixation tests and the s same is probably true oO bac- ee antigens in general. 3. The anticomplementary activity of the various antigens did not appear to differ to a marked extent; also, several were more hemolytic than the others; all of the antigens’ appeared to keep uniformly well. over, a ‘period of six weeks at or near the LUBEES point. / as The general result of this study and a review of investiga ons by’ others indicates that the similar bacterial antigens in W Fick j is employed the whole microorganism either living or dead D hysiqlogical saline solution or in culture broth, are superior iltrates and constitute the antigens of choice for the conduct of | complement-fixation tests in bacterial infections. I beg to oe my appreciation to’ Professor Kolmer na directions and aid in conducting this work. Uhinopacs ond Alen waits “REFERENCES | b a [3271 (), Korner, bp 1% AND ‘Brown, C. Pp. Complement fixation, in gonococeus in- d ectigns. ‘Jour. ‘Infect. Dis., 1914, 15, 6-21. ahi Koumbn,! geo ) AND ‘ BERGE, Jie ‘The Hélation of the typhoid in skin reac- tion to sagen in typhoid fever. Jour. Immunology, 1916, 1, 409. PREPARATION OF B. TYPHOSUS ANTIGEN 131 (3) Kotmer, J. A. The relation of the diphtheria skin reaction to immunity in diphtheria. Jour. Immunology, 1916, 1, 443. (4) Koutmer, J. A.. Matsunami, T., anp Harkins, M. J. The relation of the bronchisepticin skin reaction to immunity in canine distemper includ- ing the bactericidal action of dog serum for B. brochisepticus. Jour. Immunology, 1916, 1, 571. (5) Hitrcuens, A. P., anp Hansen, G. Studies on antibacterial serums. A stable bacterial antigens with special reference to meningococci. Jour. Immunology, 1916, 1, 355. (6) Smatu, J. C. A method of preparing bacterial antigens. Jour. Immunol- ogy, 1918, 3, 413. (7) Witson, M. A. A contribution to the study of the complement fixation reaction in tuberculosis. Jour. Immunology, 1918, 3, 345. (8) Kotmer, J. A., aND Trist, M.S. Non-specific complement fixation by nor- mal rabbit serum. Jour. Infect. Dis., 1916, 18, 20-26. i‘ i >, a ee AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF AUTOGENOUS B. COLI VACCINES ON THE INTES- TINAL COLON BACILLI OF DOGS JOHN C. TORREY anp ALFRED H. RAHE From the Department of Hygiene, Loomis Laboratory, Cornell University Medical College, New York City Received for publication February 11, 1920 From time to time, within recent years, the use of autogenous B. colt vaccines has been advocated as a therapeutic measure in the treatment of such conditions as chronic intestinal toxaemia (1) and eczema (2) on the assumption that the toxic substances giving rise to these conditions are produced through the activi- ties of certain B. colt vegetating in the intestinal tract, and that these strains may be suppressed or eliminated through specific immunization. Apparently, however, this mode of treatment has not been substantiated by any experimental evidence either that the B. cola of the intestinal tract may be controlled through specific therapy or, if particular strains are reduced in numbers through this procedure, that the effect obtained is more than transitory. The study reported here was undertaken with the hope of throwing some light upon these points. Normal dogs were utilized in these experiments in which an attempt was made to reduce in numbers or eliminate certain strains of B. coli naturally vegetating in their intestines. All organisms belonging in the colon group ferment lactose, but only certain varieties split sucrose. Advantage was taken of these distinctions within the group in selecting strains for the preparation of the vaccine and in estimating the specific effect of inoculation on the distribution of colon types in the fecal specimens. In other words, if there exists any rational basis for attempting to control in a practical way through specific vaccine therapy the types of B. coli within the intestinal tract, 133 134 JOHN C. TORREY AND A. H. RAHE then in these experiments inoculation with representatives of the sucrose-positive B. coli should cause an elimination or, at least, a marked reduction of these types as revealed in examina- tions of the fecal specimens. 2) : The dogs, used int these! &xperiments, Were’ ke tonal donstant diet of boiled rice 4nd bdifed beet’ hearts’ in'the Patid BY Avéight of about 2 to 1. ATHY Giet Was found by dnedfi us (3) to be favorable for the dexelpprent of, an gatestinal;flora dominated by B. coli. . In fact. often. the enly, colonies. appearing on the Endo plates were B. colt-like: «;‘Vhe,anmrount of rice and meat fed was not weighed each day, as there would be no advantage in such precautions, but the relative proportions were kept approximatély xconstaint.is9 7 ta9091 aidtiw ,satit of satt croTT ‘The fecal:specimensi were hatural movements eolleeted inthe morning. | Rather: heavy: emulsions; itepreséntative of theswhole stool; were made in normali salme-solution, and: froms suitable dilutions Endo platés weve seededz 1 In the»preparation iofuthese Endo plates sucrose was substituted: fersthé usualdactoseio On these plates, of course, théosuerbse-fermenting straims of B3-calt appeared as red) colonids, whereas! the! varieties of. du colicwhichi cannot split sucroseogaverise;to: white colomes: After! twenty four or more hours)incubattom the:ratio:oh “whites)’. fosffreds!’ among: the B. \coli-like: colomies iwas determined: and decorded: Frequent control. tests werésmaidet td} demonstrate: the sucrose fetménting properties of the bacilli forming the red colonies and they were invariably fount ecapablé: ofs splittimg: this !sugar! Difiérential cultural tests were also carried:out»on large number of isolated straits to establish:itheinidentity: sAmongsthe’severak hundred°cultures examined no! representativesat the B. aerogenes: type was encountered; .Of)onel hundred: sutrosespositive, gela- tin-negative cultures from one dog ‘thirty were positive-for'salicin! and seventy were negative. «According to: Levine’s:(4) i¢lassifica- tion’ of) the sucrose; fermenters:the:salicin+positive types:should; be) designated » as’ B:>meapolitanws |and bthelisalicin-negative: as B. communior. or B. eoscoroba depending upon motility «Among three out of the four dogs) differential fermentation’ tests’ with! the sucrose-positive B.'t¢oli: showed) the: salicin-negative tiypes } EFFECT ‘OF -AUTOGENOUS SB GOLI VACCINES 135 considerably in the majority. Gelatin Hquefying strains among the sucrose-positive cultures seemed to’ be comparatively rare as Gut of 150 strains examined only 10 liquefied gelatin; accordingly about 7 per cent! of these ‘cultures should be placed in the B. cloacee-groups The main objective‘in these differential cultural 4éstso was; of! course, the selection’ of ‘sucrose-positive *B.: coli representative ‘of’ all’ present ‘in the intestinal flora. All the varieties ‘of! sucrose-positive B. coli isolated: were incorpor sical in-the vaceine-except the gelatin: liquefiers. « For the purpose of these experiments, then, a definite group of-Be colt, viz. the sucrose ferméenters| was selected to test the practicability of controlling: these:and: related intestinal organ- isms through specific immunization. “These bacilli are constant and normal imhabitants of-the intestinal tract) and ones’ which may ‘be recoghized readily through differential: cultural and serological tests! “In some ways it ‘would have been preferable if bacterial: species foreign’ to” thé intestinaltract could ‘have been utilized. © Implantation of such foreigm strains, however, does aotseenrto be'possible;jand ne experiments? along: that Vineswere: attémpted. - could tdeis9 o3 doris? 9990 cintt bee > Preliminary «examinations ~for\‘eachlianinial’ were made at regular intervals for a period of four to six:week&$ ‘with the pur péséof determining not) only!the average! ratio'and the degree of variation ir: théiconiparative' prevblehee ‘of the red’ and white éoldn ecloniesforithe normal animal, but also for the: selection of Tepresentatives (ofo the: omam vbulturali variants’ among the sticrosespositive’ Bircolst Wath these selectedicultures'a vaccine was préparedoand alsocrabhits were! immunized for the produc: tion of asspétific anti¥eserumi? (When!the range inthe ratio’ of the red and'white colonies for theinormal animal had been deter- rained; iavseries of vactitieinoculations Were ‘given and ‘the cul- dural léxaminations were (continued! atfrequent intervals: At each plating during the period of immunization ten well isolated fed’ colonies were? transferred to! agarslarts'and! agglutination tests’ wére' carried out with cach, by sing! the serum from the Fabbit inoculated with tHe vactine cebturéds.)) This anti-serum had @ titer of 1-5000 to 1210,000 foreach of the vaccine cultures. 136 JOHN C. TORREY AND A. H. RAHE Tests with the isolated strains were made macroscopically at dilutions of 1-50 and 1-500. aa, at 8 Sa a ee, ee eee . SENSITIZED CHOLERA ANTIGEN 147 (containing 2 mgm. of bacilli) of ordinary sensitized .vaccine and in the second group 0.1 gram of the sensitized cholera vaccine powder (containing 2 mgm. of bacilli) was injected into the vein of the ear of each rabbit. On the ninth day following the injec- tion, when the production of antibodies is always highest, the blood was withdrawn from the heart. The separated serum was heated for thirty minutes at 56°C. to be made inactive and then the following experiments were made with it. 1. Experiments on the development of agglutinin and bacteriolysin In order to know proportionately how much of the antibody is agglutinin and bacteriolysin, and how much is present in this serum, the agglutination reaction and Neisser-Wechsberg’s method were used. Results obtained are shown in table 1. a. Experiment on agglutination index. One hundred test tubes were divided into two groups, the first group for the ordinary cholera sero-vaccine, and the second group for the powder vac- cine, and then each group was arranged into five series of ten tubes each, each series for one immune rabbit. Into the first tube of each series was put 0.90 cc. of the saline solution and in the others 0.50 cc. and further in each first tube 0.10 cc. non- diluted immune serum of its rabbit. 0.5 cc. of this was removed and placed in the next test tube, and the process repeated for each succeeding tube. Then to each tube was added 0.50 cc. of living cholera bacilli in suspension (1 ce. of this suspension contains 1.0 mgm. agar culture of cholera bacilli in eighteen hours cultivation). The total volume in each tube was, thus, 1 cc. The mixtures were thoroughly shaken. Thereupon these tubes were incubated for two hours at 37°C., and the result was read as shown in table 1. b. Neisser-Wechsberg’s experiment. ‘The serum was diluted as in the preceding experiment and 0.30 ce. of complement (1: 10) and 0.50 ec. of bacilli suspension (1/500 mgm. in 1 ce.) were added to each dilution of serum. ‘Then, after these tubes were incubated at 37°C. for two hours the agar medium was poured into each tube. When the agar was completely coagulated it Y. MIURA 148 IOULNOD we +++ 0982 O82T Il do0up oa +++ | +++ +++ | +++ +++] +++ +++ | +++ +++ | +++ +++] ++ +++] + ++ | - + — + = 4- — - ~ - + ++ | ++ XOpUt UOI}eUIyN [say 0 | ¢ 8}IqQqei JO oquINyy ++ 1 1 @TAV.L ++ | +++] 444 I aqanoup 444 a aoe ae “+ op 4 fe + + 44+ +++] ++ T000000 °0 2000000 *0 000000 °0 T00000 °O $%00000 0 00000 0 T0000 ‘0 ¢Z0000 °0 ¢0000°0 T0000 ¢z000 0 ¢000°0 T00°0 $2000 G00°0 T0°0 ¢20°0 G0°0 0992 O8eT X@aNI OILATOINALOVA NI LIOsaH SENSITIZED CHOLERA ANTIGEN 149 was incubated again for twenty-four hours and the number of colonies was counted. According to table 1, the index of agglutination was 1280 to 5120 in rabbits of the first group and 640 to 2560 in those of the second group. The bacteriolytic result in the first group shows the index of 0.00025 to 0.000025 and in the second group of 0.0005 to 0.00005, thus proving that the agglutination and bacteriolytic indices are nearly the same for these two vaccines. 2. Pfeiffer’s experiment From the preceding experiments it was evident that the antibody was produced by the intravenous injection of 0.10 gram of this vaccine powder. In order to obtain a more accu- rate result, however, we tried the following experiment: TABLE 2 GROUP I GROUP II 20 Alive} Alive} Alive} Died} Alive} Alive} Alive} Alive} Died! Alive 240 Alive} Alive} Alive} Alive} Alive} Alive] Alive] Died| Died! Alive 80 Alive} Alive] Alive! Alive} Died} Alive] Alive} Alive} Alive! Alive 160 Alive! Alive} Alive} Alive} Alive} Alive} Died| Alive} Alive} Died Alive! Died} Alive} Alive} Alive} Alive] Alive} Alive} Alive! Died Alive} Alive! Died| Alive} Alive} Died| Alive} Alive} Alive! Alive : 1280 Died! Alive! Died| Died} Alive}! Died! Died} Died} Alive} Died : 2560 Died| Died| Died| Died! Alive} Died! Died| Died | Died! Died : 5320 Died} Died} Died| Died| Died| Died| Died} Died| Died! Died : 10640 Died} Died! Died| Died! Died| Died| Died} Died} Died} Died Ph One hundred healthy guinea-pigs from 150 to 200 grams body weight were divided into two groups. In the first group an immune serum of the common sensitized vaccine, and in the second group that of the sensitized vaccine powder, was injected intraperitoneally, then immediately 1 cc. of the living cholera bacilli suspension (that is twice the lethal dose) was introduced intraperitoneally into each of them, and examination made after twenty-four hours. The results are shown in table 2. 150 Y. MIURA TABLE 3 GROUP I GROUP II BATS Num-| p, a Dose Hone Body Dose ir Asati weight jee ane fault ber of weight ahr Ween Re Tt Sy eee grams cc. mgm. grams cc. mgm. 1 175 1 2 | Died 61 200 1 2 | Died 2 181 1 2 | Died 62 | 200 1 2 | Died First 3 195 1 2 | Died 63 | 200 1 2 | Died 4 190 1 2 | Died 64 195 1 2 | Died 5 170 1 2 | Died 65 198 1 2 | Alive 6 200 2 | Died 66 | 200 2 | Died Uf 170 1 2 | Died 67 | 160 1 2 | Died 8 185 1 2 | Died 68 182 1 2 | Died Geeand 9 190 1 2 Died 69 | 195 1 2 Died 10 170 1 2 | Died 70 199 1 27 Died 11 192 1 2 | Died 71 187 1 2 | Died 12 200 2 | Died 72 | 198 2 | Died 13 170 1 2 | Died 73 | 180 1 2 | Died 14 150 1 2 | Died 74 160 1 2 | Died Third 15 172 1 2 Died 7A Plies 1 2 Died 16 178 i 2 | Died 76 165 1 2 | Died 17 198 1 2 | Died te) G55 1 2 | Died 18 185 2 | Died 78 | 200 2 | Died 19 185 1 2 | Alive) 79 | 195 1 2 | Died 20 195 1 2 | Died 80 | 180 1 2 | Died Reeth 21 191 1 2 Died 81 180 1 2 Died 22 192 1 2 | Died 82 | 180 1 2 | Alive 23 155 1 2 | Died 83 | 185 1 2 | Died 24 200 2 | Died 84} 200 2 | Died | 25 190 1 2 | Died 85 | 190 1 2 | Alive 26 195 1 2 | Alive} 86] 155 1 2 | Alive Fifth 27 155 1 2 | Died 87 | 175 1 2 | Alive 28 160 1 2 | Alive) 88] 175 1 2 | Died 29 175 1 2 | Alive} 89} 160 1 2 | Died 30 200 2 | Died 90 | 200 2 | Died 31 190 1 4 | Alive} 91 190 1 4 | Died 32 170 1 4 | Alive} 92] 195 1 4 | Alive Sixth 33 160 il 4 | Died 93 | 180 1 4 Alive 34 165 1 4 | Died 94] 170 1 4 | Died 35 155 1 4 | Alive} 951} 170 1 4 | Alive 36 200 4 | Died 96 | 195 4 | Died ala SENSITIZED CHOLERA ANTIGEN TABLE 3—Concluded GROUP I eee Num- Dose Dose Num- Hagel weight Vansiie living es pects weight day grams cc. mgm, grams 37 200 1 4 | Alive} 97); 170 38 195 1 4 | Alive} 98] 170 Seth 39 175 1 4 Alive 99 | 192 40 180 1 4 | Alive} 100] 190 41 195 1 4 | Alive} 101 185 42 195 4 | Died| 102} 200 43 190 1 4 | Alive} 103 | 200 44 195 1 4 | Alive} 104] 200 ; 45 175 1 4 | Alive} 105 | 200 eee 46 | 165| 1 | 4 | Died} 106| 190 47 165 1 4 | Alive} 107} 190 48 195 4 | Died} 108} 200 49 160 ik 4 | Alive} 109} 170 50 190 1 4 | Alive} 110 | 175 Ninth 51 185 1 4 | Died| 111 159 52 183 1 4 | Alive] 112 165 53 180 1 4, | Altve). 113, )al77 54 190 4 | Died] 114] 200 55 180 1 4 | Alive| 115] 155 56 182 1 4 | Died| 116 157 Tenth 57 175 1 4 Died 117 168 58 177 1 4 | Alive] 118 175 59 180 1 4 | Alive} 119} 177 60 200 4 | Died} 120} 200 GROUP II Dose of vaccine et a el ee ea Dose of living bacilli PEP PR PPP PPP PP PP PP De ee 151 Comparing the results again with those of the above aggluti- nation and bactericidal experiment, we have proved that the activities are nearly the same in both vaccines. Five control guinea-pigs used in this experiment all died within twenty-four hours. 3. Experiments on prophylaxis We divided 100 healthy guinea-pigs into two groups; | ce. of the sensitized cholera vaccine was injected subcutaneously into 152 Y. MIURA each of the first group, and 0.10 ec. of the sensitized cholera vaccine powder into each of the second group. Then every day six healthy ones were selected from each group and 1 ce. of bacil- lary suspension (2 to 4 mgm. of bacilli) was injected intraperi- toneally. Examination was made every twenty-four hours. As a control a healthy guinea-pig was taken every day and the same dose of the bacillary suspension was injected intraperi- toneally, but all died within twenty-four hours. In considering the result of the prophylactic experiment we found that the production of antibodies increases gradually from the fourth day, in each group, until it is at its highest on the seventh, eighth and ninth days, and begins to decrease again on the tenth day. III. OBSERVATIONS ON THE REACTION IN THE HUMAN BODY, FOLLOWING THE INJECTION OF SENSITIZED CHOLERA VACCINE POWDER The most important means for comparing the grade of the reaction is the recording of the body temperature after the injection and the local and general subjective symptoms. The results observed after injection of the powdered prepara- tion into the human body are shown in table 4. There was almost no temperature reaction. In some cases we saw a slight induration, but no pain, with recovery in one or two days. The general symptoms were only slight lassitude or headache in a few patients but none were confined to bed. Here, also, we obtained a favorable result by using the sensitized vaccine powder, as in case of the common sensitized vaccine, in which the reaction is very slight. We avoided injection into the aged, infants, invalids, drunk- ards and pregnant women and into cases with heart disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, nephritis and beri-beri. 153 SENSITIZED CHOLERA ANTIGEN ODATPVION OAT] VIIN OAT}BVION SuI[[OMS JO Burpaay dAIZVION dAIYBVION ured yy3I1g dATP VION ured yyaiTg DATPVIIN OAIYBVION OAT} BION AAI} BION Ssoulepudy, OATZVBON BuI[OMS JO Surlpoay DATPVBIN OAT} VBON SSOUIOpUd} FYSITS OATPVBON NOILOVaUY TVOOT OAT} VION DAI} BVIIN OAT} VION peoy ul SSOUTABOTT pvoy ur SSOULABOH] DATPBSIN OATZVBON OAIYVION, apnysse'y] OATPCION OAIYVION DATYBVIIN, OAT} BION, psey ul Ssou -IABOY WSIS DATPCIIN, opnyisse’yT OAT}BIIN, opnyisse'yT dAIVVSIN OATPBSON SNOLIWAS GALLOara os IVUGNAD ba | SSS SS OS oS ot ot poo) IIB pood A194 pood A194 peo’) peo.) pee pood A190 Peos) ATV poosd A104 pood A104 poos Ala, poos A1aA [ora poo ITB] poo!) pood AoA. Poo, Iooyyo ATVYITLTAY UBUIODT[Og yuepNys Ia0qjo Arey 10490q UBUIOM SsouIsng OFTMPTTAL 10390q [SoHo [BOBO [vyidsoy ut 1adpo'T [syidsoy ul 1odpo'T [eyidsoy ul 1edpoT [eyidsoy ul 1adpoT [ejtdsoy ut 1aspo'T [eydsoy ut 103po'T [syidsoy ut 1ospo'T [syIdsoy ul 10dpo'T [eyidsoy ur 1e3poT [eyIdsoy ul 1espo'T ioredng CON IPerAl roredng rotedng iotedng ioredng CEnTpeTy ioredng Joradng CORPS io1edng CP e TN CORTP STN: UmnIpely UNI pel] oriedng CNP Man PeTN io1edng unIpey N =x OF OFIOR ND Ng DOF CE ‘D ‘oD oo WO mee AHN swe G°9€ 9°9€ 0°LE P'9€ 8°9§ 8°9§ T 2é 1°98 6° 9€ & 9E ¥'9€ PF 9€ €°9€ ¢'9€ 9°9€ ¢ 9€ 8°9§ Pb 9€ 9°9€ G9 G'9§ PF 9€ 0°98 €°9€ 0'LE 6°98 OLE €°9§ 0°98 P9§ 0°LE 9°9€ 0°9€ T'98 ¢'9§ €'9€ 0°LE 9°9€ & 9E T'9E *— saa.bap |‘ saatbap NoI“oar “NI SOME | SOILOELNI Peet gos auoL -vagawag |"V2tdWan ISaHDIH NOW -NI WO asoa NOILINLON NOILVYd2000 fipog ununy uodn uonyovay ¥ UTAVL NOILOLILSNOD @OvV | Xas GWYN 154 Y. MIURA CONCLUSIONS 1. The quantity of the agglutination and bacteriolysin pro- duced by the treatment with the sensitized vaccine powder is nearly equal to that by the common sensitized vaccine. . 2. The reaction on the part of the human body is very slight after the injection of either of these vaccines. 3. The sensitized vaccine powder does not decompose as rapidly as the common sensitized vaccine. It has been pre- served for nineteen months without losing its value as an antigen. REFERENCES (1) Besrepxa, A.: Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1902, 16, 918. (2) Mercunikorr, E., AND BesrepKA, A.: Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1911, 25, 193. (3) Suraa, K.: Kitasto’s Arch. Exper. Med. 1918, 11. A DROPPING BOTTLE AS AN AID IN MACROSCOPIC SLIDE AGGLUTINATION CHARLES KRUMWIEDE From the Bureau of Laboratories, Department of Health, New York City Received for publication February 25, 1920 The macroscopic slide agglutination method has been more or less generally known for years. The value of the method, how- ever, has not been generally appreciated, probably due to the fact that most of the serums employed for identification purposes have not been sufficiently active to give an immediate or prompt agglutination even in low dilutions. Coca (1) utilized the method in cholera examinations and, to our knowledge, he was the first to publish a description of the method. We have utilized it for some years as a routine in examinations of feces for mem- bers of the typhoid-paratyphoid dysentery types (2) and also as an aid in the search for meningococcus carriers (8). As very potent sera become more generally available its use will un- doubtedly spread to most laboratories. There is one inconvenient feature in the method which we believe to have overcome by the device here reported. In plac- ing on the slide the drops of diluted agglutinating serum and the saline or diluted normal serum for control it has been the custom to utilize the ordinary platinum loop. Where many colonies are to be tested this method is time-consuming and tedious. The dropping bottle that we have devised to deliver the drops depends upon the use of a capillary delivery tube with a flat end and a rubber diaphragm to force the delivery of the drop. The delivery tube is prepared from a piece of heavy walled tubing (thermometer type) having an outside diameter of about 4 mm. and a bore of about 1 mm. ‘This is heated thoroughly in the flame and drawn out slowly. A piece is then cut as shown in the outline sketch (figure 1) and the larger end ground flat and 155 THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. V, NO. 2 156 CHARLES KRUMWIEDE smooth on a fine stone. The diameter of the bore is reduced to about the bore of 20 gauge hydpodermic needle. The diaphragm is made from a so-called ‘‘no-air” stopper, size No. 23. The cork end is cut off leaving only sufficient to give stability to the delivery tube. The delivery tube is thrust through the cork. The bottle employed is the regulation 4 ounce wide mouth homeopathic vial. The neck of the bottle must be wider than the cork portion of the stopper to allow up and down play otherwise there will be no diaphragm action. The bottles are partly filled with the diluted serums or saline and the drops are placed on the slide by holding the bottle ver- tical and pressing till the appropriate sized drop is delivered. With very little practice many drops can be delivered in a few seconds. The appropriate pressure to apply soon requires no conscious attention. The amount of air or air tension in the bottle needs readjust- ment from time to time. Air can be introduced by inverting the bottle and pulling on the delivery tube. If there is too much air pressure this can be equalized by holding the bottle upright and pressing down the diaphragm which empties the tube and results in equalization of the pressure. There are other possible applications of this dropping bottle. It may be utilized to deliver drops of saline or other fluids used in the preparation of smears of cultures. In the classroom it could be utilized to give out suspensions of microérganisms for smear examinations. Other similar uses will probably be found for it. REFERENCES. (1) Coca, Artuur F.: Bulletin Manila Med. Soc., 1910, 2, no. 1. (2) Krumwiepe, Cuarzes: Journ. Inf. Dis., 1918, 23, 275; 1917, 21, 141. (3) Krumwiepbe, Cuarues: Journ. A. M. A., 1917, 6-9, 358. AN AID IN MACROSCOPIC SLIDE AGGLUTINATION 15 delivery Tube... , cs oo , (1 i? ; Cross-section o} No-atr” Sto b per a-Tim turned down b= Yim Turned a dotted line indi- cates where cork AS eut, Fria. 1. ig e. adh aR THE COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS HASSOW O. von WEDEL Received for publication February 26, 1920 CONTENTS oi Te VUEETE ce he's AE Ae Se 159 Mare IOREUIE WRIST OAG oo Soares oo cc's F's cos ce eR PTCA asc pa'enee wa 162 . Technic of the standard complement fixation test for tuberculosis used STIR AE CAPA PA A SS oc 3) dong «in: 2) 98 6 Seabees aie sein b me * 169 . Determination of the optimum time and temperature of fixation......... 173 map suandaraizavion Of Complement...............cdecccrccaccccecccess 174 . Determination of the thermolability and the thermostability of anti- Snes eel Momolyeing in human SeLAa. .... .... 5 0:deene dedaas sewers nciens 177 7. Determination of the relative antigenic value of tubercle bacillus anti- gens prepared and sterilized by twenty different methods............. 184 8. Determination of the relative value of the Hecht-Gradwohl technic and the technic of natural antisheep amboceptor absorption in com- parison with the standard complement fixation test................... 191 9. Comparative results obtained by tests with sera one day old and with these same sterile sera after preservation for one week in the ice box... 195 10. Determination if any cross fixation exists between the tubercle bacillus antigens used in this study and syphilitic reagins..................... 199 11. The relationship of the von Pirquet reaction to the complement fixation SPERM IMURERORTITORS es Se clack eh via oo coe de ce sata eee cc ss css 200 12. The classification of tuberculosis patients.................0002 cece sees 201 13. The relationship of the patients’ temperature, pulse, respiration and ago £0. the complement fixation test..............c0cecccesncdeswecees 204 14. Summary of six series of complement fixation tests....................-- 205 . The value of the complement fixation reaction to the clinician in the diagnosis and prognosis of tuberculosis..................0000eeeeeeeee 213 si 8 es, Sas v,alaw p Aon apie See Rok ok me cease 220 NE IE REPRE TE 0,2 553. ins ch a. 0 a cip: 0 0 20's oceinig stelg aU Saisie wsinc pee ce 222 1. INTRODUCTION In spite of the epoch-making discovery of Koch, the early diagnosis of tuberculosis is still a problem to be solved, even as it was one hundred years ago in the days of Laennec. Although methods for the early diagnosis of tuberculosis are still wanted, the wide distribution of this disease is well estab- 159 160 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL lished. In fact, tuberculosis, not unlike syphilis, must be con- stantly kept in mind in making a diagnosis, whatever may be the clinical picture of the case. McCrae and Funk (1) in 1919 stated that, although the recog- nition of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis is generally regarded as a simple matter in which there is slight chance of error, there is a definite percentage of errors made in diagnosing the disease in this stage. They found that 72 out of a series of 1200 con- secutive cases admitted to the Jefferson Hospital as advanced pulmonary tuberculosis were incorrectly diagnosed. In the quest for a reliable method for this diagnosis, numerous investigators have repeatedly attempted to apply to the diag- nosis of tuberculosis methods on which the diagnosis of other infectious diseases are based, such as the agglutinin, precipitin, meiostagmin and epiphanin reactions. Their attempts were crowned with partial success only, as the tests were found to be of little diagnostic value. The discovery of the tubercle bacillus by Koch in 1883 placed the diagnosis of tuberculosis on a substantial foundation, but the bacillus cannot always be demonstrated early in the discharges, frequently never appearing, and even if present giving little clue to the degree of activity or inactivity of the disease. Thus far biologic methods of diagnosis have been of little practical value with one exception—complement fixation. Though not ful- filling the early expectation, this method of diagnosis has been gradually improved so that there was promise of its becoming as valuable a diagnostic test as the Wassermann reaction in syphilis. The remarkable usefulness of the Wassermann reaction espe- cially stimulated the efforts of numerous investigators along the lines of application of the Bordet and Gengou reaction to the diagnosis of tuberculosis. The earlier efforts along this line were not very encouraging. ‘This could be due to several causes. It is possible that (due to the walled-off nature of the lesions and the slow process of the disease in certain cases) there may be no immune bodies or only a very few of these present in the circu- lation. Moreover, the concentration of circulating antibodies is subject to constant and quite marked fluctuation in the same COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 161 patient. Besides, the antibodies in tuberculosis may not be, to any great extent, of the nature of amboceptor. Again, tuber- culosis amboceptor, as suggested by Davidowitch, may be more thermolabile than most others, and since complement deviation was usually performed with inactivated serum, the amboceptor may have been largely destroyed in heating; thus the amount remaining in the serum may not have been large enough to be detected even by the delicate method of complement fixation. This complement fixation reaction for tuberculosis has occu- pied, for nearly twenty years, the attention of many investi- gators who have studied it mainly from the standpoint of its possible value as a diagnostic and prognostic aid in clinical medicine. Results obtained by different workers show considerable variation. When, however, it is remembered that the value of the test is entirely dependent on the specific action of the antigen and that the antigens used by many investigators have been prepared by widely divergent methods, it is to be expected that the results would be somewhat dissimilar. At best, we are but feeling our way toward a common understanding of the relation which our laboratory findings bear to the disease itself, and the test will eventually be established as of practical value only by a thorough comparison of all careful investigations rather than by the consideration of the work of one person. In the diagnosis of tuberculosis it is not to be expected nor desired that the complement fixation test should replace the ordinary examination of sputum for tubercle bacilli, but if it is to be of any practical value to the clinician, a positive reaction must be specific. With these facts in mind, the writer has studied this complement fixation reaction to determine its value as a routine diagnostic test for tuberculosis. In this work, the following questions have been taken up. First, what is the best general technic to employ for this test? Is special complement a necessity? What is the optimum fixation time and temperature, and is it necessary to keep the patient’s serum for any period of time before testing? Secondly, what antigen will give the highest possible percentage of specific 162 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL positive reactions and none or only an occasional non-specific reaction? Thirdly, is there any advantage in using the fresh non-inactivated serum with its native complement and ambo- ceptor, or in removing the natural amboceptor from the inacti- vated serum? Fourthly, will the tubercle bacillus antigens used in this study give any non-specific cross fixation with syphilitic sera? Fifthly, is there any relationship of the complement fixation test for tuberculosis to the age, temperature, pulse or respiration of the patient? Sixthly, what is the best method for classifying tuberculosis patients from the combined view-point of the serologist and the clinician? Seventhly, what type of tuberculosis case gives the highest percentage of positive reac- tions? And lastly, just what value is this reaction going to be to the clinician as an aid to diagnosis and prognosis? In this study the writer has made 6128 complement fixation tests on 1207 sera taken from 1000 patients. Of these sera 633 were from 484 patients in tuberculosis hospitals. The remain- ing 574 sera were from 516 patients in general hospitals suffering from various other diseases. There were made 1167 compara- tive tests with sera from 60 patients with 20 different tubercle bacillus antigens. Tests were made with 60 sera by the Hecht- Gradwohl technic and by the technic of absorbing out their natural antisheep amboceptor. 2. HISTORICAL REVIEW In 1901 Bordet and Gengou described a method for detecting the presence of specific antibodies in the serum by means of complement fixation. Five years later the principle of this method was success- fully applied by Wassermann, to the serum diagnosis of syphilis. Widal and Le Sourd (2) appear to be the first who used the comple- ment fixation reaction in attempting to arrive at a more certain method of diagnosing tuberculosis. Bordet and Gengou (8) in 1903 demon- strated the presence of antibody capable of uniting with tubercle bacilli and fixing complement in the sera of tuberculous animals. Wassermann and Bruck (4) in 1906 also demonstrated the presence of an antibody to tuberculin in patients treated with tuberculin. | ; COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 163 Caulfield (5) and Beattie (6) in 1911, using bacilli emulsion as anti- gen, obtained 33 per cent positive reactions in primary tuberculosis, 70 per cent in moderately advanced cases and 62 per cent in far advanced tuberculosis. Deilman (7) in 1911, using carbolized emulsion of tubercle and other acid-fast organisms as antigen, obtained fixation with tubercu- lous serum, the other acid-fast organisms giving about the same results as the tubercle bacilli. Laird (8) in 1912, using a watery emulsion of tubercle bacilli, obtained fixation in only 4 out of 34 cases. Mollers (9) in 1912, concluded that the fixation reaction permits no diagnostic or prognostic conclusions. Hemmer (10) in 1912, using old tuberculin as antigen, obtained 100 per cent positive reactions on 48 tests of tuberculous cows and only 4 per cent non-specific reaction with non-tuberculous cows. He also reports (6) 97 per cent positive results with human tuberculous sera. Zweig (11) in 1912, using a bacillen emulsion as antigen reported that his fixations were proportional to the severity of the disease. Calmette and Massol (12) in 1912, using watery and dialyzable extract antigens reported fixation in 92.5 per cent of their cases. Much (13) in 1912, using various acid-fast bacteria as antigens, with sera from tuberculous and healthy persons, obtained fixation in 77 per cent of the healthy cases, in other words, a large number of non- specific fixations. Letulle (14) in 1912, using Calmette’s antigens, obtained 89 per cent of fixation in tuberculous cases. Fraser (15) in 1913, using various antigens, found that 96.6 per cent of sera from normal individuals gave no fixation with antigens made from living bacilli, and that with this antigen 42.3 per cent of sera - from tuberculous individuals gave positive results. She states that the most reliable antigen is prepared from living human bacilli, and thinks that the complement-fixation test made with living bacillary antigen is of more value in the diagnosis of tuberculosis than any other reaction thus far discovered. Dungeon, Meek and Weir (16) in 1913, report 85 per cent positive reactions with tuberculous patients not given specific treatment. Tuberculous patients treated with tuberculin 100 per cent positive, arrested cases 75 per cent positive. They conclude that killed tubercle bacillus emulsion makes the best antigen. 164 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL Bank and Anderson (17) in 1918, using emulsions of killed tuber- cle bacilli as antigen, obtained a marked per cent of strong positive reactions. Ammand (18) in 1913, using crude tuberculin, obtained only 4 per cent definitely positive reactions while with a peptone soluble antigen they obtained 92 per cent definite reactions. Wyschellesky (19) in 1913, using an emulsion of tubercle bacilli and a solution of the bacilli in 2 per cent lactic acid, obtained 18.1 per cent positive results with tuberculous cattle and also obtained 9.7 per cent positives with healthy cattle. Kinghorn and Twitchell (20) in 1918, using a bacillus emulsion as antigen, reported 37.5 per cent positive in the incipient stage, and 93 per cent in advanced tuberculosis, with no fixations in normal cases. However, they tested only 33 cases altogether. Rothe and Bierbaum (21) in 1913, reported that they did not obtain strong fixation with tuberculous cattle before treatment except in a few cases. Harris and Lanford (22) in 1913, attempting to differentiate acid fast bacilli by means of the complement fixation test concluded that regardless of the various methods used to produce these sensibilizators no clean-cut specificity for complement fixation was found for the acid fast bacilli which they made use of in their experiments. They pro- duced their anti-substances by injecting rabbits with whole bacilli or extract of the bacilli. Momose (23) in 1913, using bodies of tubercle bacilli, after extrac- tion of the fats, as antigen, obtained 100 per cent positive reactions with all tuberculosis patients and in nearly all exposed to the disease as well as 50 per cent in healthy persons. Besredka (24) in 1914, using his special antigen, reported that all first stage tuberculosis patients react positive and nearly all second stage cases, but that in the third stage often partial or negative reac- tions were obtained. Wwednesky (25) in 1914, using various tuberculins as antigen, re- ported 82.8 per cent positive and 16.2 per cent doubtful reactions in tuberculous cases. Ten non-tuberculous cases were negative. Debains and Jupille (26) in 1914 using Besredka’s antigen reported that the reaction is very sensitive in all forms of tuberculosis except miliary and meningeal and absent in healthy non-tuberculous people. Kuss, Leredde and Rubinstein (27) in 1914, using Besredka’s anti- gen, reported 89 per cent positive reactions in well-developed cases of COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 165 pulmonary tuberculosis, about 66 per cent in mild cases and negative in all normals except those giving positive Wassermann reactions. Inman (28) in 1914, using Besredka’s antigen, reported 95 per cent positive reactions in 100 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis and 24 per cent positive in non-tuberculous patients. Bierbaum and Berdel (29) in 1914, using bovine old tuberculin as antigen with the serum of 120 slaughtered cattle stated that the autopsy findings and serological findings agreed in only 65 per cent of the cases. McIntosh and Fildes (30) in 1914, using fresh living tubercle bacilli as antigen, reported 76.7 per cent of positive reactions in pulmonary tuberculosis, 80.7 per cent in surgical tuberculosis (not glands) and no positives in the controls. Radcliffe (31) in 1914, using the same antigen as McIntosh and Fildes, reported about 85 per cent positives with tuberculosis cases. Dudgeon, Meek and Weir (32) in 1914, using an alcoholic extract of tubercle bacilli, reported 89 per cent positive reactions with tuber- culosis cases when repeated examinations were made. Meek (83) in 1914, stated that the greatest amount of antibody was found in severe cases with extensive lesions. Cases similar clinically may give different reactions. Bronfenbrenner in 1914, in several communications (34, 35, 36, 37) on the use of Besredka’s antigen, reported 93.84 per cent positive reactions in active tuberculosis. He stated that Besredka’s antigen is specific, and syphilitic and tuberculous antibodies occurring in the same patient’s serum are distinct and separable. Forty-three per cent of syphilitics gave positive reactions with Besredka’s antigen, indicating an undue prevalence of tuberculosis in this class of patients. Craig (38) in 1915 concluded that complement binding bodies are present in the blood serum of both active and inactive tuberculous infections. His polyvalent antigens prepared from several strains of tubercle bacilli have been found by him to give excellent results in the complement fixation test for tuberculosis. He obtained positive results in 96.2 per cent of active tuberculosis and 66.1 per cent in clinically inactive cases. The tests were negative with all his normal individuals, and with patients suffering from other diseases, with the exception of two patients infected with syphilis in whom symptoms of a coincident tubercular infection were also present. Stimson (39) in 1915, using a variety of antigens, reported a small number of cases with but fair results. Corper (40) in 1916, using an autolysate as antigen and also a bacillary emulsion antigen, concluded 166 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL that the complement fixation test for tuberculosis is not absolute, being positive in only about 30 per cent of all clinically definite cases of tuber- culosis, both active and inactive. Miller and Zinsser in 1916, in a communication to the New York Pathological Society, reported 100 per cent positive results in active eases and 100 per cent negative results in non-tubercular controls. In a subsequent communication (41) they reported 98.5 per cent posi- tive reactions in active cases of tuberculosis and 32 positive fixations with 140 doubtful cases (i.e., patients suffering from diseases clinically diagnosed as other than tuberculosis). In a still later communication (42) on the clinical value of complement fixation in tuberculosis, Miller reported 96.8 per cent of positive results in active cases, 100 per cent negative results in non-tubercular and normal patients, and about 90 per cent negative results in inactive cases. Woods, Bushnell and Maddux (48) in 1917 employing partial anti- gens (i.e., alcoholic extract antigens prepared by disintegrating the bacilli with 1 per cent lactic acid, filtering and extracting with alcohol) obtained positive results with 90 per cent of sera from cases classed as incipient, 87 per cent from active cases and 92 per cent from advanced tuberculosis cases. McCaskey (44) in 1917 stated that specific complement-binding bodies were present in the blood of tuberculous patients, but not constantly so, even in clinically active cases; on the other hand, they may be present in cases having no clinical manifestations. These bodies, when present, may be demonstrated by the usual complement- fixation technic, and proves the existence of a focus which is patholog- cally active. A negative fixation test does not absolutely exclude clinically active tuberculosis. The results of the tests in which tuber- culins or bacillary suspensions were used as antigens are probably as dependable as the subcutaneous tuberculin test, and removes that element of danger to the patient which may be caused by the latter test. When the blood of the patient gives positive reactions with the tuberculosis complement-fixation test, and the Wassermann test, both tuberculous and luetic foci are present. Brown and Petroff (45) in 1918, in a study correlating clinical and laboratory experience, found the test of greater value to them as a con- trol of the therapeutic regimen than as a diagnostic measure. It parallels the subcutaneous tuberculin reaction in that a negative reac- tion in the tuberculous individual is of more value than a positive one in determining which patients need treatment. They have found the ee, Eee Se Te eee eee ee ’ EE ae 5g Sao ; ae a Se a COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 167 reaction of value, too, in pre-determining which patient will be bene- fited and which harmed by exercise and activity. Lange (46) in 1918 reported fixation of some degree in 5 per cent of tuberculosis cases with 12.6 per cent in non-tuberculosis cases. He examined 864 serums with four different antigens, including Miller’s and Petroff’s potato broth culture antigen. Stivelman (47) in 1918 reported on a series of 205 cases, 22 of which were non-tuberculous. Using Miller’s antigen, he found that about 50 per cent of the tuberculous cases, active and inactive, gave positive fixations. He was unable to corroborate the favorable report of Miller. Lewis (48) in 1919 has critically studied the reaction and has come to the conclusion that certain inherent defects will limit its usefulness. He suggested some modifications of the technic, however, such as increasing the time of fixation and increasing the quantities of com- plement and antigen in the effort to overcome the merely transient binding of complement that has possibly been interpreted by some workers heretofore as true deviation. It was his impression that it is unsafe to apply the reaction to the diagnosis of tuberculosis unless as a matter of confirmation of a clinical decision. Pritchard and Roderick (49) in 1919, reported 69 per cent of posi- tive reactions in active moderately advanced cases and 16 per cent of reactions in cases not proved to be tuberculosis. They thought that this test was a great aid in differential diagnosis. Cooke (50) in 1919, concluded that in tuberculosis the serum con- tains complement binding substances that gave fixation in about 87 per cent of his cases. Stoll and Neuman (51) in 1919, concluded that, from their experi- ence, it would seem that with suspicious symptoms and suggestive, yet with inclusive signs, a negative fixation test, using the method described in this study, increases to a considerable degree the prob- ability of the non-tuberculous nature of a given case. With the same symptoms and signs a persistently positive reaction probably signifies an active tuberculosis. A positive reaction occurring with neither symptoms nor signs does not justify a diagnosis of active tuberculosis, though it is quite probable that there has been an active process re- cently. In such a case, roentgenoscopy should be employed and the patient observed for several months. To show how the opinion of laboratory workers in regard to this complement fixation test is divided even today, one needs only mention Mourseend’s (52) conclusions as written in 1920. He stated that the 168 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL complement fixation test for tuberculosis as described in his article is of no value as a diagnostic or prognostic aid, that this complement fixation test with alcoholic extract of tubercle bacilli as antigen is not specific and that a large percentage of serums giving a positive Wasser- mann give fixation with tubercle bacillus antigens. Mourseend used a methyl alcoholic extract of the tubercle bacilli containing all the alcohol soluble fats along with other alcohol soluble substances; therefore, it is not to be wondered at that he, like Corper, should get non-specific cross-fixations with syphilitic sera. TABLE 1 Results of experiments by different workers SUSPICIOUS wonseoeoe eae ab: Ne pase NORMALS SIS vancen | 4DVANCED | pinions ‘nen es oa ee Peo | en ce aka ror yc g/22| 2 | 83/2) 23/2 | #2] g |£8] g | 82 6G") S| a" / 5 [a* |S [ao] 6 lao] Ss la” Caulhieldeeesoeteciesce 33.0 70.0 63.0 Radcliffe........ 88.6 89.6 79.0 204! 0 IM BIL seen ee eee 140/22.8] 32 |100.0} 110/98.0 | 83] 98.0} 45] 4.4] 144] 0 MIYINVAT etter: rue cate oe 50/60 .0 100/95 .0 100/24.0 Webaimsageces ie 90.3 81.3 17.3 3.2 Bronfenbrenner...... 50/72 .0 65/93 .8 375} 8.0 Craigie sik eee 30 | 96.7] 61/98.3 | 54 | 96.4} 450} 4.4) 200] 0.5 Mc Cake. ocii5 «+42 8/25 .0 36/77 .7 74/20.2) 9/11.1 TRH AO Gon ROR eee 20/65 .0} 64 | 81.2) 123/91.0 | 2 |100.0} 14] 7.0) 14) 0 (GOreroner esos isc cic 69/43 .6] 28 | 35.7) 61/70.5 | 63 | 61.0} 31/19.3 IME OOT ee oss lave css 61/60.0| 24 | 87.5) 49/85.7 | 83 | 84.3] 23/26.0) 100/12.0 Calmettenversce ss... 134/92 .5* Dud geonseeeaes. sei: 234)89 .3* MelIntosh, 26%). .:..:.. Zonda 87] 3.5 * Various stages grouped. Moon (53) has tabulated the experiments of the more important studies according to the general broad classification of tuberculosis patients. His summary is given in table 1. Bronfenbrenner (54) in 1917 suggested that at least two reasons for the failure of advanced cases to give fixation can be offered tentatively; one is that the resistance of the patient having been exhausted, there is no new antibody formation; and the other, that the circulating anti- body is taken up as formed by the combination with antigen which may greatly increase during the last stages of the disease. Sa ee ee — - “ ae. =. —_= COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 169 Boez and Duhot (55) in 1919 said that if one considers the various stages of pulmonary tuberculosis, the curve of the antibodies, at first low, rises during the first and second period; that it is maintained or increased at the beginning of the third period; and at the ultimate phase, the antibodies can disappear in a rapid manner, in coincidence with the progress of the cachetic premonitories of death. Depending on the antigen and the technic used, the percentage of tuberculosis cases giving positive fixations vary from about 95 per cent down to a low figure. While the antigens and technics giving the highest percentage of positive results are more valuable in confirming . suspected cases or in detecting unsuspected ones, they tend to approach such tests as the von Pirquet in failing to give information as to the activity of the tubercular process and are therefore misleading as suggesting in any degree an active process. It seems to be generally conceded that a large percentage of human individuals have had some tuberculous lesion during life. Many, how- ever, become quiescent; all traces of the bacilli even disappearing. Those antigens and technics giving a lower percentage of positive findings are of more value in that they give positive evidence of the activity of the disease with practically no non-specific reactions. The most significant feature of this summary is that, while there are differences in percentages due evidently to the different methods and reagents used, there is agreement that complement fixation under proper conditions gives positive results in the majority of cases of active tuberculosis. The laboratory technic employed in this test is the same in principle and in main details as in complement fixation applied to the diagnosis of syphilis. As in that test there have been many variations in the technic and in the reagents employed, and as would be expected, the results have also varied. The widest variation occurs in the preparation of the tubercle bacillus antigen. The reac- tion is one of biologic specificity depending on the presence in the pa- tient’s serum of free antibodies specific to tubercle bacilli. In this particular, the situation differs from that in syphilitic infection. 3. TECHNIC OF THE STANDARD COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS USED IN THIS STUDY The technic employed was similar to that originally used by Wassermann with the following modifications. At first the tests were carried out in both one-quarter and one-tenth the original Wassermann volume, but as the writer 17 70 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL found no difference in the results, he has since continued to use the one-tenth Wassermann volume only. Complement. The pooled blood serum from six to ten healthy guinea-pigs was used as complement; in addition, we used serum from separate guinea-pigs untested for its complement fixation value; serum from separate guinea-pigs after having been tested for complement fixation value and serum from six to eight guinea-pigs, all of which had been specially tested for comple- ment fixation value. All these complements were titrated with a 2.5 per cent sheep cell suspension, sensitized with three units of antisheep amboceptor; the unit was recorded at the end of fifteen minutes. Exactly two units were used in the regular test. Many different balances of the hemolytic system have been tried but the most constant results have been with the two hemolytic units of selected complement combined with cells sensitized with three standard units of amboceptor. Antigen. The Wilson antigen (56) which was used as the standard antigen throughout this study is a suspension in 0.9 per cent saline of dried bacilli, from which all constituents soluble in alcohol and ether have been removed. The bacilli were grown in glycerin-broth. The monovalent antigen cultures were grown for three months. The broth cultures were killed by heating them in the Arnold sterilizer for one hour. The cultures were then filtered through filter paper. The filtrate was discarded, and the residue was placed in absolute alcohol, in the proportion of one volume of residue to ten volumes of alcohol. This mixture was shaken thoroughly by hand, and was placed in the ice box for two weeks. It was then filtered through paper and the filtrate was discarded. The residue was washed in absolute alcohol and the sediment obtained by centrifugalization was washed in ether. After further centrifugation the ether was discarded and the centrifuge tube containing the residue was plugged and placed in the dark at room temperature over night. By this simple procedure the residue was dried within twenty- four hours. The dried powder was emulsified in a large mortar with 0.9 per cent saline in the proportion of 1 gram of powder in 200 cc. of saline. This gave a concentrated emulsion con- COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 171 venient for storing as a stock antigen. ‘The emulsion was heated for one hour at 80°C. The antigen was then ready for use, and it was standardized to be used in such a dilution that 0.1 cc. contained two standard fixation units and one-fourth, or less, of the anticomplementary dose. The unit was determined by titrating varying amounts of the antigen with 0.01 cc. of a known positive tuberculosis serum, and two hemolytic units of a com- plement known to be potent for tuberculosis fixation. The standard dilution of the antigens employed is usually 1:50. This makes a final dilution of dried bacilli 1:10,000. These antigens are not anticomplementary in the amount used in the test. They have given uniform and constant fixation reactions. Sheep cells. A 5 per cent suspension of sheep cells, which had been washed five times in sterile saline was used, after having been sensitized with an equal volume of diluted amboceptor in the water bath for half an hour. Amboceptor. Three units were used in the tests. Fixation period. After the patient’s serum, complement, antigen and saline were mixed, the mixtures were incubated in the water bath at 37.5°C. for one hour. The sensitized cells were then added and the reading was made in exactly fifteen minutes. Results were reported as plus minus if any degree of fixation was observed; 1 plus if there was marked fixation in the first antigen tube; 2 plus if there was complete fixation in the first tube; 3 plus if there was complete fixation in the first tube and marked fixation in the second tube; and 4 plus if there was com- plete fixation in both tubes. During 1918, Cyrus W. Field and the writer carried out a series of 730 Wassermann reactions in the Bellevue Hospital Laboratories, using the regular amount of serum prescribed by Wassermann and also twice, three times, four times and five times that amount. These amounts of patient’s serum were tested in all of the 730 cases, our controls being carried out with double the amounts of serum used with the antigen. Discard- ing all those cases that were anticomplementary in the regular Wassermann amounts, and considering only those which ordi- THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. V, NO. 2 172 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL narily would be considered as not anticomplementary, we found that we had no anticomplementary and no non-specific reactions with double the usual amount of serum. Three times the usual amount of serum gave about 1 per cent of anticomplementary reactions, four times the usual amount of serum gave about 5 per cent of anticomplementary reactions and five times the usual amount of serum gave about 25 per cent anticomplementary reactions. As these results were so favorable, and as several other inves- tigators have made favorable reports on the use of larger quan- tities of patients’s sera, the writer has made all his tests since January 1, 1918, with the regular Wassermann amount and with double that amount of patient’s serum; that is, 0.04 ec. of serum in the first antigen tube with 0.08 cc. of serum in its control tube; 0.02 cc. of serum in the second antigen tube with 0.04 ee. of serum in the control tube and 0.01 cc. of serum in the third antigen tube. However, it is perfectly possible to obtain approximately the same results by either of the two following methods: First, using the regular amounts of patient’s sera and antigen containing four antigenic units. Second, by using double the regular amounts of patient’s sera and antigen containing two antigenic units. The writer has found that if his antigen has a relatively small range between its fixation and its anticomplementary dose, it is best to double the amount of the patient’s serum, and use only two antigenic units. If, however, one has a wide range with the antigen, the regular amount of patient’s serum and four antigenic units can be used. While at the Walter Reed Army Hospital, the writer experi- mented with the Noguchi system, using human red blood cells as the indicator instead of the sheep cells in order to do away with the troublesome feature of natural anti-sheep amboceptor. It was soon discarded, however, as the amboceptor was of a. very low titer. This necessitated the use of a large amount of complement in the working system. Most of the results were negative with this system due probably to the use of this excess ee re a a oe ee Pepin mal COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 173 amount of complement, as the smallest excess of the regular amount of complement used very markedly reduces the percent- age of positive findings. In fact, the complement factor appears to be the most important point to watch in making the comple- ment fixation test for tuberculosis. Apparently the, comple- ment fixation in this test is very much weaker than when one uses the lipoid antigens for the Wassermann test. 4, DETERMINATION OF THE OPTIMUM TIME AND TEMPERATURE OF FIXATION During this study, tests have been made to determine the optimum time and temperature of the complement fixation period. In all, 135 comparisons at various fixation periods have » been made as follows: One hour at 37°C. in the water bath; two hours at 37°C. in the water bath; two hours at 10°C. in the ice chest followed by two hours at 37°C. in the water bath; four hours at 10°C. in the ice chest; and over night at 10°C. in the ice chest. The results of a few of these comparisons are given in table 2. Apparently the one hour water bath fixation period gives the most uniform results. The ice box fixation for longer periods of time gave very weak results. Two hours in the water bath gave marked increased fixation in a considerable number of cases, but there were more anticomplementary reactions than with the one hour fixation period. Two hours at 10°C. in the ice chest followed by two hours at 37°C. in the water bath gave about the same results as the two hour 37°C. fixation. The above findings in regard to the weak fixation of tubercle bacillus antigens at ice box temperature are in variance with the findings of Ruediger (57) who investigated the optimum time and temperature for Wassermann fixations. He reported that fixation at 1°C. for twenty-four hours gave the strongest positive results when compared with fixations at various temperatures from 2° to 37°C., and from one hour to twenty-four hours. He concluded that it is advisable to warm the serum-com- plement antigen mixture before adding the sensitized blood corpuscles. 174 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL _ TABLE 2 Showing variations in the results of a few of the tests obtained by fixation at various times and temperatures TWO HOuRSS§ aT 10°C. o, AND 2 HOURS AT 37°C, | FOUR HouRs ar 10 Cc. ONE HOUR* aT 37°C. | TWO HOURS AT 37°C. serum | Control % 3 Control 3 3 Control 3 i) Control | 8 3 NUM- tubes So DA tubes Be > tubes ere p tubes 3 a > sa ° ° 25 ca 3 rs) KE Bo 3 3} ee So rs) ° FE cy é |S |<2/35] 2 | £ )x3/28) 2 |S |e /88] 2 | 2 pala s sia a — os |N om) So o ia iam So coin ex} yi fae) (eee comin Mee ree [mer be a | ee ee ee eee ee eee. Ne) = | — | — | — | =) ee) ee 206 | — | — | 4+) 4+} — | — | 44} 44) — | — | 44) 44} —] — | agt at 28 |—-|-—/3t+/+]—-]-/3+}/+]/-]-]34/+]-]-]4+]- 213 —}—/2+)/ + ]/—] — |] 44+) 2+) — |] — |] 44) 2+) —] —J] 4+] - SAWP 22 4h ASS ea AMS a el ae ae 216 | — | — | 4+) 24+] — | — | 44+} 3+] — | — | 44) 34] — | — fod} 219 | —|— |] 4+) 44} +] | 44) 44) +] 4 | 44} 44] — | — | 44] 4g 220 —/}—|3+/+)—-—] — | 44+) 2+) -—} — | 34+) 2+) —} —|]+]-—- 221 Sl i Th el een ica ce Pe fe 231 | — | — | 44/34] — | — | 44) 3+) — | — | 4+) 34) — | — |] 34] a+ 233 |—|—|}—-{/-|=|/-/4)-1-]-)/4)-]-)=}/-12 35 }—|—|—|-|/—|)-—hele]-)-i44=1-—| ee 246 +} a4] 44+) 2+) +} — | 44+) 44+) + | — | 44+) 2+) +] + | 44) 4+ 247 —;}—}]2+) + }]—] — | 4+) 4+) -— | — | 34+) 24+) —|} —J] -—-J] — 4o7 |—|—|24+/+]4]—-—]2+}/4+]4+]—-]44/4+]/-]-]4]4 409 |—|—|3+/4]/4]—]4+)2+/-]-—]34}4+]—]-—]2t}4 * Refers to the fixation time in the water bath at 37°C. } Refers to the use of double the regular Wassermann amount of patient’s serum. t Refers to the use of the regular Wassermann amount of patient’s serum. § Refers to the fixation time in the ice box at 10°C. 5. THE STANDARDIZATION OF COMPLEMENT M. A. Wilson (56) has observed that the serum of a number of guinea-pigs is unsuitable for use in the complement fixation test for tuberculosis because the complement of these guinea-pig sera is not fixed, under the usual conditions of the test with the sera of tuberculous individuals. A similar irregularity in the guinea-pigs’ sera, when employed in the Wassermann test, was reported by Noguchi and Bronfen- brenner (58) in their article on the ‘‘ Variation of the complement activity and fixability of guinea-pigs’ sera in Wassermann work.” COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 175 They state that positive patient’s sera will often fix complement from some guinea-pigs and will not fix complement from other guinea-pigs, but that there is no definite relationship between the complementary activity and the fixability of a given speci- men of guinea-pig’s serum. However, the irregularity observed by the latter authors was relatively infrequent as compared with that reported by M. A. Wilson. With the purpose of further studying this phenomenon, the writer carried out a number of tests with sera from actively tuberculous patients; at first, in two series, one with pooled guinea-pigs’ sera that had not been tested as to fixability, the other with pooled guinea-pigs’ sera, each of which had been separately so tested and found satisfactory. The pooled serum was derived, in each case, from six to eight guinea-pigs. These parallel tests gave practically the same results. In a few in- stances, the writer obtained a 2 plus reaction with the tested complement instead of a 1 plus reaction with the untested com- plement, or a 3 plus instead of a 2 plus reaction; but this differ- ence was not regularly encountered and in a few instances, in fact, better results were obtained with the pooled untested com- plement than with the specially tested complement. This experiment being inconclusive, the writer then carried out a series of tests with sera from seven frank tubercular cases (six of which he had already examined) testing each guinea- pigs complement separately against each positive serum. The results of these tests are shown in table 3. Serum 1, tested with complement from guinea-pig 1, gave negative results in the antigen tubes containing 0.02 cc. and 0.04 cc. of patient’s serum on the first and fourth days after tak- ing the specimen from the patient. On the sixth day and again on the seventh day, complement from guinea-pig 2 gave a 3 plus reaction with 0.02 ce. of patient’s serum and a 4 plus reac- tion with double that amount. Tests made on the ninth and eleventh days with complement from guinea-pig 3 gave nega- tive results with all amounts of patient’s serum. On the four- teenth day, the pooled complement, made from sera of six tested guinea-pigs, gave results which were practically the same as 176 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL those obtained when complement from guinea-pig 2 was used; that is, a 2 plus reaction with 0.01 cc. and 0.02 cc. of patient’s serum and a 4 plus reaction with 0.02 ce. and 0.04 ce. of patient’s serum. On the sixteenth day, complement from an additional guinea-pig which may be designated as no. 4 gave a plus-minus and a 1 plus reaction. TABLE 3 Showing variations in flexibility of the complement of different guinea-pigs’ sera in the complement-fixation test in tuberculosis POOLED parrenn’s — |.SOMPLE | ‘tmnerg | COMPLE: | ‘armen | COMPLE’ | tmwnt | Counre. Se pe Prue TEee LATER TEST| 12S? TEST ae SUSE aualas Lee en wanes eee 1 —*| —j|/ + | — | 44) 2+] 44+] 84+ — | — | — | — | 44 2+ 2 — f= | — | =) eps 44) 3+) 14+) — | — | — |) eee 3 ele | 4 —|—j} —| — | 44) 44+] 44) 44+) 14) -— 4+) 3+ 5 2+| — | 3+] 14+) 44+) 44+] 44+] 44) 44) — | 44] — | 44] 44+ 6 =f — | | 4 se EE | |) = ee 7 — | — | 2+] — | 44+) 44+) 44) 44+) -—]|] -—|] -]| - 3+| 1+ * The results in the first column were obtained with 0.04 cc. of patient’s serum. + The results in the second column were obtained with 0.02 cc. of patient’s serum. t Complement was preserved in the interim with an equal amount of 18 per cent salt solution and kept in contact with ice. Patients’ sera 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 gave almost identical results. Serum 5 gave a 1 plus and a negative result with complement 1, a 4 plus reaction with complement 2, negative results with complement 3, a 4 plus reaction with the pooled complement, and a 1 plus reaction with complement 4, when the regular amount of patient’s serum was used. These observations seem to confirm the statements of M. A. Wilson, Noguchi and Bronfenbrenner on the variation in com- plement activity and fixability of guinea-pigs sera, but the use of pooled complement from six to eight guinea-pigs as a rule apparently overcomes this variability of separate guinea-pig sera. In studying the difference in the first and seventh day tests and also in studying the loss of natural anti-sheep hemolysins in the patients’ serum due to ageing, the writer used a salted com- a eee eee eee COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 177 plement. A sufficient quantity of this salted complement was made up to last for all these comparative tests so that no differ- ences in the complement would complicate the results. After studying the various methods of preserving complement includ- ing Ronchese’s (59)—sodium fluoride method, Thompson’s (60)—sodium chloride method, Rhamy’s (61)—sodium acetate method, and MeNeill’s (62)—freezing method, the writer con- cluded from many experiments that simply adding 8.5 per cent of dry powdered salt to the pure guinea-pig serum, and keeping the tube (not necessarily sterile) in a thermos bottle packed with plain cracked ice, preserved the complement for at least one month without the slightest loss of complementary activity. 6. DETERMINATION OF THE THERMOLABILITY AND THE THERMO- STABILITY OF ANTI-SHEEP CELL HEMOLYSINS IN HUMAN SERA To determine whether or not the natural anti-sheep hemolysin in human sera is thermolabile or thermostabile, the writer has made hemolysin titrations on 187 different sera. These have all been titrated after being heated in the water bath at 56°C. for various periods of time. All received the initial thirty minutes inactivation and were then reheated for fifteen, thirty, forty-five, sixty or one hundred and twenty minute periods in different lots. On 97 of these sera, these heat tests were repeated after keeping the sera for seven days under sterile conditions. These kept sera were inactivated the first day for the regular one-half hour period at 56°C., and were then stored in the ice box. On the seventh day the titrations were repeated after reheating the sera In separate tubes for various periods of time as in the pre- vious titrations. The volumes of serum used in most of these titrations were 0.01 cc., 0.02 cc., 0.04 ec., 0.06 ec., 0.08 ec., and 0.1 cc. At first, as high as 0.16 cc. was used but the volumes above 0.1 ce. were so frequently anticomplementary that later only from 0.01 to 0.1 cc. were used in the titrations. These volumes gave a wide range and proved very satisfactory. The complement used in these titrations was all tested for natural 178 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL anti-sheep amboceptor and any complement showing the slight- est trace of hemolysis was discarded. All titrations were set up with two units of complement. The complement volume neces- sarily varied as one day the serum volume of the one unit of complement would be 0.04 cc. and possibly the next week it would be 0.06 ec. Also the 0.06 ce. might have been just exactly one unit while the 0.04 cc. was possibly a strong one unit (1.2 units) as the complement titrations were regularly made with 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05 and 0.06 ec. volumes. The unit therefore would be somewhere between 0.03 and 0.04 ce. One-tenth of a cubic centimeter of a 5 per cent suspension of washed sheep cells was added to each tube. Cells from a dif- ferent sheep were used each week. Consequently, some were more resistant to hemolysin than others. These variations in the blood cells and the complement probably account for some of the apparent discrepancies noted in the results of the first and the seventh day titrations. In going over the results of these titrations one at once notes the marked loss of hemolysin in the heated sera. This loss seems to be progressive; i.e., the longer the sera are heated the greater is the loss of hemolysin. In table 4, eight sera show no hemolysis in the tests after being reheated one hour at 56°C.; four show a lesser degree of hemolysis and three contained such an excess of hemolysin that a loss was not indicated by the tests. In tables 5, 6, and 7 this loss of hemolysin is also noted to a more or less degree. Even fifteen minutes extra heating caused ‘a slight loss of hemolysin. In table 6 the sera kept for seven days seemed to show a greater loss of hemolysin due to heating forty-five minutes than the fresh sera heated the same length of time. Table 7 does not show any great loss of hemolysin as the extra period of heating was only fifteen minutes. However, heating at 56°C. even for two hours does not destroy all the hemolysin present in human sera. In table 4 we see that sera nos. 59N, 70N, 71N, 77N, and 90N still show hemolysis in the tests to a greater or less degree after the two hours heating. This seems to point to the presence of a thermostable hemolysin which may cause complete hemolysis if a sufficient quantity of complement is present. “UOTPEXY ojoTdur09 “Jo SuOIVexY Buo1ys “Js /UoIZVxY Jo oovs4 ‘Jy ‘Bou 07 siojor BAIWVBAN' : ALON 179 3} Jj} | dou | Jou} 39 yo dou | dou | dou | Jou yu J4\ | NOG js dou | dou | dou | jy jh dou | Zou | Zou | Jou ju js | NZZ a ju ju ji ju | JM jM dou | Zou | Zou | Jou ja JM | NIL ; 5 js js | ju] ju] yu | Js ju] ju | |] Bou] 9 | JM | Nos 8 yo zo Jo OER i yo jy Jo 38 jo 9 2 | NZ9 oO ja J} | dou | dou |] #9 yu dou | dou | Zou | Zou | Zou | Zou | NEG e jo yo go> 90 y J? 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ti | tf | tf 41 neg | neg} neg] neg] neg 42 neg} neg} neg] neg 43 tf | neg} neg] neg 44 neg | neg} neg} tf 45 tf neg | neg] neg] neg 51 tf neg | neg | tf 52 Ch cf | eb = etm chee 53 Cis |) neg |tis«|-owd. siiiwd 54 ef | ef cf ef ef 55 0 0 0 0 0 60 neg | neg| neg} neg | tf wi ef tf FIRST DAY FIFTEEN MINUTES REINACTIVATED _——_— |) | |S | | | | | SEVENTH DAY FIFTEEN MINUTES REINACTIVATED neg | neg| neg| neg} neg/ neg tf | neg} neg| neg| neg} neg tf neg | neg} neg | tf Ch ef | ey | seks oh clariger Waeryoth jneg | tf. bil ieee efmiliteh. fuck | ets. 4) ehetiees 0 0 0 0 0 0 neg} neg| neg] neg| tf | tf * The sera had been inactivated the usual thirty-minute period at 56°C. the day previously. Note: Negative, neg; trace of fixation, tf; weak fixation, wf; strong fixation, sf; complete fixation, cf. 182 183 COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS ‘uoIyexy oJo]duI09 ‘Jo SuolexYy Zuoszs ‘Js ‘uoyexy Yom “JM SUOIyVexY jo oovI} ‘J4 [OAIZVFOU 04 SIOJOI BON : ALON *S}]SO} OS9Y} IOJ ‘O,9G 9B SOINUIUL 994 PoyVATZOVUIaL 9IOM Bios OL], f "S}]S0} SOY} IO} Po}PVATPOVUIO YOU O1OM BIOS OT, | Zou *).9¢ 7B soynurur AZI1Yy [BNsN oy} IO} poywaryzour o19M ABP YsIY OY} UO pasn BIG , Sou | Zou | Zou | Zou | Zou js js Bat yu jm“ ju sou j} | dou y yi yu are gou | Sou | Zou | Zou | Zou | Zou js ju yu js jo yo ja jm“ jh yu js yp dze jo jp jo jo jo yp jo jo js js ja ju js | js 8PSP js ja jy jo js ju | ju ju 4 jt i} ju ju | JM | LecP jy jo jo jy jo jo jy jy jo jo jo | jo CPSP jp jo jo jo jo jo jo jo jy jo jy jo 6ESP jo jp jo jo jo jo jo jo yo jo jo jo 9ESP jp yp jo jo jo jo jo jo jo J jo jo Tecp Zou sou jo js ya js | ju | js 3 3 ba 3 y+ | 9 | SzcP jo jo jo jo jo jo jo jo jo jo jo yo jo jo CCCP js jt jo jo jo py}; Pp jo yo jy ju ja ju | JM | PCGP js ju jp jo jo js js js ju jt jM ju ju | JM | ECSP jo jy jo jo jo jo jo yo jo jy jo jo jo jo TCSP y} 4 jo js js ju | ja js J} yy yy ne} ju | JS OZSP jo jo jo jo jy jo jo jy jo jo jo jo jo jo 61SP sou Sou yA yu jd 30u jt y Zou | Zou | Zou | Zou | Zou sat 9ISP jy jo jy jo yp yp jo jo jp jp yp jo jo jo ISP dou Sou yp jo p yp yp yo yp yp jo yp yo 5) ZIGh “99 0T'0 | °99 800 |" 99. 90'0 | *99 £0'0 | *99 Z0'0 | “99 [00 | *99 OT'0 | “99 80'0 | *99 90'0 | “90 #0'0| “99 Z0'0 | °99 T0'0 | “99 O10 | °29 80°0 | “99 90°0 | *99 £00 | “99 20'0 |" 99 100 ae java HINGILUNOd ‘agisaL vaas Java HINGAGS ‘aaLsaL vuas ieee eA Vd Isuld ‘aGagisaL vaas ‘Burabp 03 anp urishjpoway daaysyup yoinjou fo sso) 247 UO 8 AIAVL 184 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL Besides making these titrations to determine the loss of hemol- ysin due to heat, the writer made titrations on 97 sera before and after they had been kept for seven days in the ice box to determine the stability of anti-sheep hemolysin in human sera. Some were kept for fourteen days and again retested. Results tabulated in tables 7 and 8 seem to indicate that there is appar- ently no marked loss of hemolysin during this period of time. The apparent discrepancies in the titrations and the apparent increase of the hemolysin in sera nos. 4512, 4516, 4520, 4528, 4528, 4544, 32B, and 34B, after being kept for fourteen days as shown in table 8 is probably due to weak blood cells, or strong complement units, or both. Kolmer (63) divides thermolabile and thermostable hemolysins in human sera as follows: ‘‘thermolabile hemolysins”’ those found in fresh unheated serum; ‘“‘thermostable hemolysins’”’ those found after the serum has been heated at 56°C. for one-half hour—he states that all these natural hemolysins with the occasional exception of anti-sheep hemolysin are completely destroyed by heating at 62°C. for one-half hour, and that immune hemolysins suffer only partial deterioration at this exposure. Thiele and Embleton (64) state that a portion of the natural anti- sheep hemolysins present in active human sera are thermolabile, being destroyed by heating at 56°C. Sherman (65) claims that all hemolysins are thermostable and that a reduction in hemolytic activity of a serum as a result of heating is due to ‘‘masking” of the hemolysin rather than actual destruction. 7. DETERMINATION OF THE RELATIVE ANTIGENIC VALUE OF TUBERCLE BACILLUS ANTIGENS PREPARED AND STERI- LIZED BY TWENTY DIFFERENT METHODS The literature on this subject has been recently abstracted by H. R. Miller (66), and the various antigens used by the several workers tabulated in four general groups. Group 1. This group comprises those antigens composed of the whole bacillus, includ- ing not only antigens prepared from the tubercle bacilli, but also antigens prepared from other allied acid-fast bacteria. The results reported vary both in constancy and the percentage of _ Ee ES ee ee ee ew ee | | COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 185 positive fixations in positive cases. Group 2 are antigens which consist of various tuberculins. In the main the results reported by these workers have been encouraging, the chief difficulty being non-specific fixation, especially with the sera of non- tuberculous syphilitic patients. Group 3 are those antigens derived from the tubercle bacillus by means of chemical diges- tion and extraction. The chief workers in this field have been Deyke, Much, Leschke and Altstaedt. It is to this group that the ‘‘partial antigens’ belong. Group 4 comprises antigens derived from normal and tuberculous tissue. Such antigens have not given uniform results. In going over the results of the various workers, the antigens in group 1 seemed to be the only ones that would give practical results. In the preparation of a tubercle bacillus antigen of this group, the first question which arises is whether to use a suspension of living bacilli or of killed bacilli. Corper (67) states that, while the most reliable investi- gators concede that a suspension of living tubercle bacilli is the only one of the many antigens used, that is of specific value, the objections to the living bacillary emulsion are the small leeway between the antigenic and the anticomplementary dose, the turbidity produced in the tubes and the fairly high percentage of non-specific reactions. The writer has attempted on several occasions to use suspen- sions of living bacilli but found that they became anticomple- mentary very quickly and for this reason could not be used satisfactorily. Besides, the danger attending the handling of antigen made with the living bacilli precludes its general use in diagnostic laboratories. He has not, therefore, attempted to use suspensions of living bacilli in this comparative study. All his suspensions have been made from killed bacilli. The next question which arises is the best method of killing the bacilli without destroying the antigenic value of the finished antigen. M. A. Wilson advocated killing the bacilli in the broth culture by sterilizing in the Arnold sterilizer for one hour and then washing the bacilli from the filter paper with 95 per cent alcohol. 186 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL White of the Otisville Sanitarium advised the writer to make the antigens from the living bacilli withou™ the use of heat, washing the living bacilli directly with alcohol and preserving all the sediment from the alcoholic mixture. To definitely settle the above questions, the writer made up antigens in 18 different ways from one strain of tubercle bacilli grown on broth for four months and has made comparative tests with these 18 antigens, Wilson antigen no. 330 and Wilson antigen no. 400, on sera from 60 patients. Forty-five of these were tuberculosis patients and 15 were normal controls. In all 1167 comparative tests were made. The writer was unable to make comparative tests with the entire 20 antigens on all the sera as the quantity of serum obtained from some of the patients was insufficient. Duplicate comparisons were made on as many as possible. The antigens were made up as follows: The broth flask containing the tubercle bacillus growth was thoroughly shaken so that an even distribution of the tubercle bacillus pel- licle was obtained. This was divided into three bottles. Bottle 1 was placed in the steam sterilizer and kept at 100°C. for one hour. It was then taken out, thoroughly shaken, and the mix- ture of broth and bacillus pellicle was poured on a large filter paper and allowed to drain until no more broth dripped from the lower orifice of the funnel. The filter was then broken and the sediment washed off with 95 per cent alcohol. This was left to macerate in the alcohol for ten days. Bottle 2 was also placed in the Arnold sterilizer and heated for one hour at 100°C. This mixture was poured on a filter paper, and at once washed with cold normal saline solution until the wash water ran through perfectly clear. The filter was then broken, and the sediment was washed off the filter paper with 95 per cent alcohol and left to macerate for ten days. Bottle 3 was not heated at all. The cold live bacillus culture was poured on a filter paper and washed with cold saline until the wash water was clear. The filter was then broken and the live bacilli were washed off the filter paper with cold 95 per cent alcohol, and left to macerate in this alcohol for ten days. At the end of ten days, the supernatant alcohol was poured off COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 187 from all three bottles. The sediments of bacilli and precipitated proteins were washed in ether three or four times for a period of twenty-four hours; they were thoroughly shaken each time. The ether was poured off and the sediments were washed with ether into centrifuge tubes. These were centrifuged and the supernatant ether was poured off. In this way all constituents soluble in alcohol and ether were removed. The tubes were then loosely plugged with sterile cotton and placed in an incu- bator over night to dry by evaporating off the ether. The dried powders were weighed and suspended in 0.9 per cent saline in the proportion of 1 gram of powder to 200 ce. of saline. These were thoroughly emulsified in a mortar. Sus- pension 1 was then divided into six bottles labelled 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E and 1F. Every precaution was observed to prevent bacterial contamination of the bacillus suspensions. Bottle 1A was left without heating, or the addition of any preservative. Bottle 1B was sterilized in the Arnold sterilizer at 80°C. for one hour. Bottle 1C was sterilized in the Arnold sterilizer at 100°C. for one hour on two consecutive days. Bottle 1D—an equal part of 95 per cent alcohol was added to the bacillus suspension, shaken and stored without heating. Bottle 1E—one part of alcohol was added to three parts of the bacillus suspension; the mixture was shaken and stored without heating. Bottle 1F—0.5 per cent carbolic was added to the bacillus suspension, which was stored without heating. Suspensions 2 and 3 were similarly divided and treated as suspension 1. In this way, the writer had antigens made of the same culture, but treated in 18 different ways. Dilutions of 1-10, 1-25 and 1-50 were made of all the A, B, C, and F antigens, and were titrated to determine their anti- complementary dose. Antigens D were made up in 2-10, 2-25, and 2-50 dilutions because these antigens were mixed with equal parts of alcohol and therefore contained only one-half as much powdered sediment as the A, B, C, and F antigens. Antigens THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. Y, NO. 2 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL 188 S| a Ul Sa ca a ar eel Sf tN Ne | i ec | re aU Pigment sl ea tal Oe ae | ee eon = Se fea HT i | ee a S| Pee cl ge eg OP Se Ae fe ees NP tac cl Ml Fn alc | se Pt =e, =| pees Re | cal MN 8a oe mer el A Hk fe Bi pee | sees |e Sea | she ll aa Sl ah | ate PER es Nara Pee Pate ae Set es PF Bbseee | eet ea sak Bat ose reeal oh Des | one Coceaakee ete |e So famed fae elated tr ees) Perl asl pe ef = pee ee se Great cle Gog | say | eae wale Te | ea eel ah P| aetna [eee se Re aml Per ees ral US me | ee ae te ee ee ee 1} = = a fet ee eeepc ele = game teen EY eet | Sh dal ts og ee | Man a ah el ee peace al See ca | eel eg | git onl eee > ip al ee |) 1 | ae a ied Becta ol We 1 fet Za Pee fe a en |e sags cs Eo ol OP ate Ih ed Pe eee | ierree | am e | en atl e | te Vg | eee el teal Ae De [ es ee oe I lee a eae ml cia MY ie ft] eb 2 +6 66 £9 Tg SP OF & T€ ¥I I uIndeg | UINdag | UINIeg | UNdeg | UINJeg | UINJOg | UINdeg | UNdIeg | WNnIeg UInIeg | UINJeg | UNIeg | UINnIEg snopnoi9qn4-uo Ny SISONDVIG TVOINITO spoyjau quasaf{up fiywany hq pasodasd suabywn ay} YUM appu DLAs JDULOU PUD snoj}NI.1aqQn} WO 8789} aarynLvdwod ay} fo maf v Buunoyy 6 ATAVL *(9AIJBSOU SB poyIOdal) UOIY’XY Jo 9dV1} 0} SIOJOI -14 | ay IHHI HHI — ss as II snoynoseqn J, 8 +2 [+p | +e | +1 | +2 SEO S|) eee] sie osl oie al ees +2 {+e | +1 | +1 | +2 + {41 | -— | = | 41 + |+e | + | 41 | +2 +2 | +e | +2 | +e | +2 + |+r | +r | 41 | 41 UIndeg | UINIeg | UINIeg | UINJeg | UNJeg COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 189 E were made up in 1.5-10, 1.5-25, 1.5-50 dilutions because in these antigens one part of alcohol was mixed with three parts of bacillus suspension and therefore contained only three-fourths as much powdered sediment as the A, B, C, and F antigens. The titrations were set up in the following volumes: 0.05 cc., 0.1 ce., 0.2 cc., 0.3 cc., 0.4 cc., 0.5 ec., 0.6 cc., 0.7 ec. and 0.8 ce. TABLE 10 Titration results of antigens prepared by twenty different methods for their anticomplementary activity QUANTITY OF ANTIGEN ANTIGEN SS SS nD ED 0.1 cc. 0.2 ce. 0.3 cc. 0.4cc. 0.5 cc. 0.6 cc. 0.7 ce. 0.8 cc. 1A — — — _ = = — tr 2A = _ _ _ = = = tr 3A - _ _ _ = — tr + 1B = = _ _ = = = tr 2B — _ - _ = = = tr 3B _ _ _ _ = = = tr 1C = = = = = = tr tr 2C = = = = = = = tr 3C = = = = = = = tr. 1D - = + + ~ - 2D - - - = + | + - 3D - - + ~ + | ++ | ++ 1E ~ - - - = = ~ 2E _ - _ — + + + 3E - — == = = = + tr. 1F — — = _ _ tr. tr. oF = =: = = = = tr 3F — = = = == = tr. All antigens were made up in 1-50 dilutions, except the D and the E antigens. The D antigens were preserved by the addition of equal parts of 95 per cent alcohol. The final dilution was therefore made by adding 0.2 cc. of this alcohol antigen mixture to 48 ec. of 0.9 per cent saline solution. The E antigens were preserved by the addition of 1 part of 95 per cent alcohol to 3 parts of stock antigen. The final dilution was therefore made by adding 1.5 ec. of this alcohol antigen mixture to 48.5 ec. of 0.9 per cent saline solution. The 1-10 and the 1-25 dilutions were found to be too anticom- plementary. The 1-50 dilutions gave satisfactory results as the anticomplementary dose for the A, B, and C antigens was from 0.7 to 0.8 cc. Antigens D, E, and F were anticomplementary in much lower doses, as shown in table 10. 190 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL In going over the results of the 1167 comparative tests made with these twenty antigens on the 60 sera, one notes that prac- tically all the tests made with the no. 2 antigens gave weaker results than either the no. 1 or no. 3 antigens. Antigens 1A, 3A, 1B, 3B, 1C and 8C all gave approximately the same results, and gave practically no non-specific results with the normal control sera. Referring to table 9 one notes that antigens D, E, and F gave stronger results on an average, but also gave a moderate num- ber of non-specific results with the normal sera. Lower dilutions of these were tried in a few instances and more consistent results were thereby obtained. The alcohol and the carbolic acid used as preservatives apparently gave a marked anticomplementary tendency to these antigens. This was borne out by the titra- tions tabulated in table 10. These observations disprove the assertion that heat destroys the antigenic value of bacillary antigens, also that antigens made from bacilli without being killed by heat are better than antigens made from heated cultures. Apparently washing the hot broth sediments on the filter paper with saline removed some of the antigenic properties of the antigens. Bronfenbrenner (69) states that it is necessary to free each sample of tuberculin (tubercle bacillus antigen) of all its lipin fraction before using such tuberculin for the complement fixation test. One hundred sera were tested by a worker in this laboratory with an antigen made from bovine tubercle bacilli. There was no distinction with the bovine and human antigens. The varia- tions were in about the same proportion as occurred in tests with some of our different kinds of human strain antigens. One hundred sera were tested with the glycerine extract antigen sent to the laboratory by Petroff (68). This antigen gave the same reaction as M. A. Wilson’s in 95 per cent of the cases, and in 5 per cent the reaction was weaker with Petrofi’s antigen. COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 191 8. DETERMINATION OF THE RELATIVE VALUE OF THE HECHT- GRADWOHL TECHNIC AND THE TECHNIC OF NATURAL ANTI- SHEEP AMBOCEPTOR ABSORPTION IN COMPARISON WITH THE STANDARD COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST The Hecht-Gradwohl tests were performed with the simplified technic advocated by W. J. Bruce (70). According to Lewis and Newcomer (71) every one of 70 con- secutive fresh, sera contained enough native complement for a Hecht-Gradwohl test if susceptible corpuscles were used. Gradwohl (72) concluded that the Hecht-Gradwohl test in his hands has been a far better check or control of the Wassermann reaction than the use of any of the controls now in vogue. The so-called border-line Wassermanns if truly positive will show a strong Hecht-Gradwohl reaction. In other words, the Hecht- Gradwohl is a far more sensitive test than the original Wasser- mann reaction. In his mind, no negative Wassermann was worth anything unless backed up by a Hecht test. He stated that even with this control test 25 per cent of syphilitic sera will give negative reactions. L. E. Schmidt of Chicago, Carl C. Warden of Ann Arbor, M. L. Heidengspeld of Cincinnati and others concluded that this test was a very good control to use with the Wassermann reac- tion but that it should not be used alone as it may be too sensitive. Rubinstein (73) and Radossavlievitch (74) stated that the results of the Hecht system did not offer as much guarantee of specificity as the standard technic. Eschbach and Duhot (75) guarded against the inevitable danger of doubtful reactions, which are provoked with the Hecht method, by the use of a very dilute antigen. In this study, the natural antisheep amboceptor was removed from the sera by the addition of equal parts of a 10 per cent sheep cell suspension. This mixture was incubated for one hour, centrifuged and the clear serum pipetted off from the sedi- mented blood cells. As the serum was diluted 1 to 2, two times the regular volume was used in setting up the tests. This is 192 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL the method advocated by Bauer (76-77). The procedure some- times causes the sera to become anticomplementary, which is known as the Sachs-Friedberger phenomenon. Rossi (78) advised absorbing the heated serum at a low tem- perature—keeping the serum-blood-cell mixture packed in ice and chilled during the centrifuging. Wechselmann (80) advocates absorption of hemolysin from sera with barium sulphate. Noguchi and Bronfenbrenner (81) found that this procedure removed the natural antisheep hemol- ysin and also syphilitic antibody. Simon (79) has also described a method for removing the natural antisheep amboceptor. Yor ten minutes 0.4 cc. of sera is inactivated at 56°C., mixed with 1.6 cc. of 2.5 per cent sheep cell suspension, extracted for ten minutes at 37°C. in a water bath and centrifuged free from corpuscles; each cubic centimeter then contains 0.2 cc. of serum. Jacobaens (82) found in a study of 257 cases, 10 per cent more positive Wassermann reactions after absorbing the sera with sheep corpuscles. Olmstead (83), Van Saun (84), Ottenberg (85), Sielman (86), Stern (87), Kaliski and others have advocated various methods for the closer adjustment of the antisheep hemolytic system to avoid the effect of excessive amounts of natural hemolysin. Stimson (88) stated that the criticism of the use of sheep cells in complement fixation tests on the ground of their being subject to the action of native amboceptor in human sera is not altogether well founded. It is granted that a fair percentage of human sera have this amboceptor, but these same sera may give excellent fixation, because if the complement has been fixed in the first phase, the mere increment of amboceptor will not cause hemolysis in the second phase. However, the removal of natural antisheep amboceptor will somewhat increase the percentage of positive reactions in a series of tests. Neill (89) found in a series of experiments that while the natural antisheep hemolysin does reduce fixation when present in syphilitic sera, the amount of hemolysin must be very large and the amount of syphilitic antibody very small in order to ee eee COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 193 produce a significant effect. He concludes that the presence of antisheep hemolysin in sera is not an objection to the use of the sheep cell hemolytic system, if the sera are employed in amounts corresponding to not less than 0.1 ce. to a total of 5 ce. for the test. Kolmer found that with sera containing large amounts of syphilitic antibodies excessive amounts of hemolysin have prac- tically no influence upon the results or, at the most, reduce a 4 plus to a 3 plus reaction; but weak positive results are often reduced to negatives when a large excess of hemolysin is present if the readings are made after the tubes havestood in the refrig- erator over night. Readings made immediately after taking from the water bath did not show such marked differences. However, all methods of removing the natural antisheep amboceptor are probably too time consuming for a routine diagnostic laboratory to perform when large numbers of sera are examined each day. | The writer has made comparative tests on sera from 60 pa- tients, forty tuberculous individuals and twenty normal controls. In these comparisons the same antigen (C3—1-50 dilution, 0.2 cc.) and the same sheep cells were used for all the tests. In table 11 thirty-five of these comparative tests have been tabulated. The tests were run in four sections: first, the stand- ard complement fixation test was made on the serum one day after its removal from the patient; second, the Hecht-Gradwohl modification was performed on the serum two days after its removal from the patient; third, the serum was tested after the natural antisheep amboceptor had been absorbed from it; fourth, the standard complement fixation test was again made on the serum after keeping it for seven days in the ice chest under sterile precautions. Upon examining the chart, one notes that the tests agreed in the majority of cases. However, there are a moderate number of variations. By absorbing out the natural antisheep ambo- ceptor, 5 normal sera gave some degree of fixation; 5 tuberculous sera gave stronger fixation results than the first day standard test; 3 tuberculous sera, negative with the standard test, gave TABLE 11 Showing a few comparative tests made with the regular complement fixation test on the first and seventh days, the Hecht-Gradwohl test and after absorption of the natural antisheep amboceptor & & “hl (Pama Rat JSP ed a 2 & PS See | & 4 2 a ¢ ORI fy CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS ea] ee | SE] a i) | < & 1 + 1+ | neg 1+ | Normal 2 neg | neg | neg + | Tuberculosis type IV 3 neg | neg | neg | neg | Normal 4 neg | neg | neg | neg | Moderately advanced, tuberculosis type I 5 neg | neg | neg | neg | Normal 6 4+ | 4+ | 4+ | 4+ | Moderately advanced, tuberculosis type III 7 neg a neg | neg | Suspicious 8 1+} 1+] 1+ | 1+ | Moderately advanced, tuberculosis type III 9 neg | neg | neg + | Moderately advanced, tuberculosis type IV 10 1+ | neg | neg 1+ | Far advanced, tuberculosis type IV il neg | neg | neg | neg | Normal 12 neg | + | neg | 1+ | Moderately advanced, tuberculosis type IV 14 2+) 2+ 1+ | 2+ | Moderately advanced, tuberculosis type III 15 neg = = neg | neg | Normal 16 4+ |} 2+ | 4+) 4+ | Tuberculosis type III ile neg + + + | Tuberculosis type II 18 neg | neg | neg | neg | Tuberculosis type I 19 3+ | 44+ | 38+ | 4+ | Tuberculosis type III 20 4+) 41+ | 4+ | 4+ | Tuberculosis type III 21 tr | neg — + | Tuberculosis type III 22 1+ | neg | 2+ | + | Tuberculosis type III 23 1+} 44+) + + | Tuberculosis type II 31 4+ | 44+ | 44+ | 44+ | Incipient, tuberculosis type II 32 neg | neg | 2+} + | Incipient, tuberculosis type II 33 neg | 4+ | neg | neg | Incipient, tuberculosis type II 35 neg + 4+| + | Incipient, tuberculosis type II 37 1+ | 4+] 3+] 2+ | Incipient, tuberculosis type II 40 + ac + + | Incipient, tuberculosis type I 4l neg | 2+] + neg | Incipient, tuberculosis type I 42 4+ a. 4+ | 4+ | Incipient, tuberculosis type II 44 neg + 2+ | neg | Incipient, tuberculosis type II 52 neg | neg + tr | Normal 53 neg | neg + neg | Normal 58 neg + 2+ tr | Normal 60 neg | neg 2+ + | Normal *Refers to the day the reaction was made after the specimen was removed from the patient. + These tests were made two days after the specimens were removed from the patients. Note: neg = negative; tr = trace; ac = anticomplementary. 194 | ht ee ' COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 195 positive results with the Hecht-Gradwohl modification; 6 tuber- culous sera, negative with the standard test, gave positive results and 2 tuberculous sera, positive with the standard test, gave negative results with the amboceptor absorption method. In reviewing the results, one is struck by the fact that some sera from tuberculous patients will not fix complement with any of the modifications tried out, even when there is a certain amount of non-specific fixation going on in the normal control sera due to the weak system used. Also, as soon as one attempts to make the complement fixation test more sensitive, normal sera begin to give some degree of fixation. While both the Hecht and the amboceptor absorption methods gave more posi- tive results with the sera from tuberculous patients, they also gave some non-specific results with normal sera. 9. COMPARATIVE RESULTS OBTAINED BY TESTS WITH SERA ONE DAY OLD AND WITH THESE SAME STERILE SERA AFTER PRE- SERVING FOR ONE WEEK IN THE ICE BOX These comparative tests have been made on sera from 900 patients (500 tuberculous and 400 non-tuberculous). In a previous publication by the writer, he reported that certain sera which gave negative or weak positive reactions when tested on the day after the specimens were taken from the patient, gave strong positive reactions when tested after the specimens had been kept for one week under sterile precautions in the ice chest. At that time, he stated that this occurred in a large percentage of cases and was due, he thought, to the presence of some inhibitory substance in the serum which disap- peared after the week’s interval. He also stated-that he did not observe this phenomenon in any of the sera from non-tuber- culous cases. While we have continued to observe this difference in fresh and kept sera (note table 12) it has been in a much lower percent- age of tuberculous cases and has also appeared in a moderate number of non-tuberculous cases, showing that it is not a specific phenomenon and that it is probably caused by certain anti- 196 BERUM SCO OND OF Wt Fe _ NUMBER HASSOW O. VON WEDEL TABLE 12 DIAGNOSIS Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Non-tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Perse ee SEVENTH Results of complement fixation tests made on the first and seventh days DIAGNOSIS Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Non-tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Non-tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous Tuberculous ——_ COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 197 TABLE 12—Concluded BS y a - a2 7 2 DIAGNOSIS aa & z DIAGNOSIS mz Fe > R 7, Fe > z = Fy Fy i Fs 139 _ - Non-tuberculous 164 = 4+ Tuberculous 140 — — Non-tuberculous 165 — — Tuberculous 141 -- — Non-tuberculous 166 -- -- Tuberculous 142. — — Non-tuberculous 167 |} 2+ | 4+ Tuberculous 143 — - Non-tuberculous 168 | + + | Tuberculous 144 - — Non-tuberculous 169 =< -- Tuberculous 171 -- - Non-tuberculous 145 _ = Non-tuberculous 172 — — Tuberculous 173 _ _ Tuberculous 146 -_ 2+ Non-tuberculous 174 — Non-tuberculous 175 - = Non-tuberculous 147 a — Tuberculous 176 - - Non-tuberculous * Day reaction was made after the specimen was taken from the patient. 7 tr = trace of fixation. complementary changes, loss of natural antisheep amboceptor or by the unavoidable differences in the complement, blood cells, and antigen suspensions used in these comparative tests. The fact that in my previous publication a high percentage of negative or weak positive results was reported with tuber- culous sera on the first day tests which on the seventh day gave markedly stronger reactions, and that no non-tuberculous sera showed this change, was probably due to one or more of the following reasons: First, the antigen used in this series had a very wide range between its anticomplementary unit and its antigenic unit, and only two antigenic units were used: ie., 0.1 cc. of a 1-50 dilution. Second, only the classical Wasser- mann volumes of sera were used while in all our later tests twice the regular volumes of sera had been used as a basis for our reports. Third, nearly all the tuberculous cases in this series showing this marked change were active type 2 cases which should have given strong positive reactions on the first day tests. The antigen dose was probably too weak to bring this out. The additional help of slight anticomplementary changes, the loss of some of the natural antisheep amboceptor due to the extra fifteen minute inactivation, and other unknown and uncon- 198 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL trollable factors when added to the specific tubercular reaction were sufficient to give specific positive results but not sufficient to give positive reactions with the normal sera. In the last series of 101 cases every precaution was taken to avoid or to note any difference between the antigen, complement and blood cells used on the first and the seventh day tests. The complement used was carefully titrated against sheep cells and then salted (by the addition of 9 per cent dry powdered salt to the concentrated complement). This salted comple- ment and a portion of the unwashed sheep cells was then packed in ice in a thermos bottle and kept in this way for the seven-day period. Even after these precautions, differences were found in the antigenic units on the first day and the seventh day tests on several occasions. In summing up the results of the first and seventh day tests on sera from a group of 101 patients (61 tuberculous individuals and 40 normal controls), 15 tubercular sera gave stronger reac- tions on the seventh day than on the first day tests, 4 of these changed from complete negative to positive. At the same time, 4 of the 40 normal control sera changed from negative or doubtful reactions to some degree of positive ranging from plus- minus to positive 3 plus. These results are shown in table 12. It, therefore, seems probable that no change in the specific fixability of the tuberculous sera occurs, but that the apparent change is due to anticomplementary changes and non-specific variations in the reagents employed in making the tests. Rapoport in 1919 (90) made a similar observation during his study of the fixation test in influenzal pneumonia, using strains of B. influenzae as antigen, stating that the fixation test on sera made during the time the patient was still acutely ill were in many cases negative or slightly positive; but when these sera were kept in the refrigerator for from six days to three weeks, many gave strong positive reactions. COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 199 10. DETERMINING WHETHER ANY CROSS FIXATION EXISTS BE- TWEEN THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS ANTIGENS USED IN THIS STUDY AND SYPHILITIC ANTIBODIES During this study the writer has made Wassermann reactions, as well as complement fixation reactions for tuberculosis on the sera from 192 patients to determine the possibilities of non-specific cross fixation with sera giving strong Wassermann reactions. Eighty-five of these sera gave positive Wassermann reactions and absolutely negative tuberculosis complement fixation reac- tions; 104 gave negative reactions with both the Wassermann and the tubercle bacillus antigens; 2 gave positive reactions with both antigens and had clinical histories and symptoms of both diseases; and 1 gave positive results with both antigens whose history could not be obtained. This test was made at a general army hospital, and as the writer was shortly afterwards transferred to another camp, he was unable to follow up the case and determine whether or not the patient had tuberculous complications. At any rate, 85 out of 85 positive Wassermann sera gave nega- tive tuberculosis complement fixation tests. Burns (91) of the Boston Board of Health reported that he made 912 complement fixation tests on sera which they received for routine Wassermann tests. Of these 221 were positive and 691 were negative for the Wassermann reaction. Of the 221 positive Wassermann tests, complement fixation tests for tuberculosis gave 21 positive, 29 doubtful, and 171 straight negative. Of the 691 negative Wassermann tests, 55 reacted positively for tuberculosis, 35 moderately positive. There were 21 delayed negative and 580 negative reactions. They were unable to obtain clinical histories in many of these cases to confirm the specificity of the tuberculous reactions; but the evidence seemed conclusive that there was no cross-fixation with syphilitic serum. The percentage of positives, 15, seems higher than should be expected; but when we consider that tuberculosis causes the 200 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL death of about one person in every ten and that careful observers calculate at least three living active cases to each death, perhaps this percentage is not excessive, especially among that class of patients who appear for free Wassermann tests. From their observations, it appeared that the test was specific for tuberculosis. Bronfenbrenner (92) stated that the complement fixation test for tuberculosis, using the Besredka antigen, appeared to be specific for tuberculosis. Craig stated that in his experience the complement fixation test with his tubercle bacillus antigen does not give positive results with syphilitic sera when no coincident tubercular infection is present. He also concluded that a positive reaction is specific and that it apparently indicates active lesions. H. J. Corper (93) is one of the few serologists who do not agree with the above statements of the high percentage of specific results with this test. He stated that in his series of cases, he used 92 sera with positive Wassermann reactions and of these, 65 gave cross fixation with all tubercle bacterial antigens. He, therefore, concluded that in the presence of a positive Wasser- mann reaction, the presence of a positive complement fixation test for tuberculosis is of no practical value. 1l. THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE VON PIRQUET REACTION TO THE COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS In this study the writer has been able to compare the results of the von Pirquet reaction with the complement fixation test on only a small number of cases, as both the clinicians and the patients objected to the von Pirquet test. However, when the results of this small number of compari- sons are examined on table 13 we at once see that no parallel relationship exists between these two reactions. Boez (94) states that the reaction of fixation has no necessary relation of coexistence or intensity with the cutaneous reaction. During the first stage of pulmonary tuberculosis the cutaneous reaction and reaction of fixation generally exist together. The i — a fo _ COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 201 dissociation following the type where the cutaneous reaction is negative, and the fixation reaction is positive indicates a step advanced and an evolution unfavorable to the patient. Finally, the formula is modified to the terminal phase; failure of all of the reactions, even the fixation reactions disappearing. TABLE 13 Table showing the comparison between the von Pirquet reaction and the complement fixation test SPECIMENS FROM PATIENTS WITH POSITIVE SPECIMENS FROM PATIENTS WITH NEGATIVE VON PIRQUET REACTIONS VON PIRQUET REACTIONS Positive fixation Negative fixation Positive fixation Negative fixation 23* 74 per cent 8 26 per cent 8 61 per cent 5 39 per cent * Refers to the number of patients. 12. THE CLASSIFICATION OF TUBERCULOSIS PATIENTS The classification of pulmonary tuberculosis has been under- taken by many investigators since ancient times. Noted classi- fications have been made by Williams of the Brompton Hospital, Cornet, L. Bard, Koeniger, Turban (95-96), Meissen (97) and Walter Rathbun (98). Rathbun classifies tuberculosis as incip- ient A, B, and C; moderately advanced A, B, and C; far advanced ABC. While Rathbun’s classification, accepted by the American Sanatorium Association, undoubtedly is a very broad classifica- tion and takes in every possible stage of the disease, it is divided into so many divisions (nine) that no two clinicians can ever agree on the types in a group of 100 cases. Also, this classification, if condensed into its three main divisions only; i.e., incipient, moderately advanced and far advanced, disregarding the activity of the disease manifested by the patient at any given time, does not run parallel with the degree of antibody production in the patient’s blood serum. As the fundamental basis of the com- plement fixation test is the degree of antibody production in the patient’s blood serum, and as this antibody production is primarily based on the activity of the disease regardless of whether it is incipient or far advanced, no parallel relation- 202 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL ship can exist between this classification and the test under investigation. In this study the complete clinical data has been obtained on practically all of the cases, and X-ray findings, von Pirquet tests and Wassermann reactions have been made on a large number. The clinical data consists of age, past and present temperature, pulse and respiration records, sputum reports and _ physical symptoms with the clinical diagnoses and classifications. The classifications were made by various diagnosticians, who used the National Association’s, Stoll’s and a new classification by the writer. Many of the recent investigators agree that their highest percentage of positive fixations are in the moderately advanced cases, while the far advanced cases give a rather low percentage of positive results. The cases with a very poor prognosis, especially the laryngeal cases frequently give abso- lutely negative results. In checking up the findings of all the series of tests by means of the National Association’s classification, the results were rather indefinite. One particularly noticed that the positive findings were most numerous and most definite in the cases showing active constitutional symptoms regardless of whether they were incipient, moderately advanced or far advanced; and, vice versa, the positive results were least numerous and fre- quently doubtful in the cases where there were slight or no constitutional symptoms again regardless of the degree or stage of the lesions. In fact, the strength and percentage of the positive findings ran a fairly parallel course with the degree of activity manifested by the patient’s constitutional symptoms rather than by the stage of the disease or the extent of the lesion. The early or incipient cases even with very small lesions but with active constitutional symptoms gave quite a high percent- age of negative results. The writer, has, therefore, arranged a classification based on the antibody production in the patient’s blood serum as indi- cated by the patient’s constitutional symptoms. Incipient A, moderately advanced A, and far advanced A cases produce relatively few antibodies. Incipient B, and incipient C pro- COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 203 duce more, moderately advanced B and far advanced B appar- ently produce the most antibodies in the greatest percentage of cases. Moderately advanced C and far advanced C frequently are overwhelmed by the disease and therefore produce only few or no detectable antibodies. To be of any value to the clinician, a classification of this kind must be interchangeable with those most commonly used by the clinicians. The following simple classification, while by no means perfect, fits in fairly well with the complement fixation findings and can easily be transcribed by the clinician in terms of the National Association’s or Stoll’s classifications. THE WRITER'S CLASSIFICATION act Deciterictos Tare STOLL’S CLASSIFICATION Non-tubercular patients | Negative controls We Suspects Suspects 5A and 5B Inactive Inactive cases Inactive Type I Incipient A, moderately advanced A, and far advanced A 1A, 1B, 2A, and 3A Type II Incipient B, incipient C | 1C and 2B Type III Moderately advanced B and far advanced B 3B Type IV Moderately advanced C, and far advanced C 1V The following classification was published by the writer in a previous communication (99). Type I. Primary cases; very few physical symptoms present; no tubercle bacilli found in the sputum or found only after the exami- nation of many specimens by the antiformin method. Type II. Active cases; patient expectorating tubercle bacilli, the diseased area being walled off incompletely or not at all. Type III. Active cases in the last stage; patient in a dying condition. Type IV. Partially inactive cases; that is, cases expectorating tubercle bacilli but having very marked fibrous formation with the consequent complete walling off of the diseased area from the body proper. Type V. Inactive cases. Type VI. Cases reported as suspicious but expectorating no tubercle bacilli and having no symptoms of tuberculosis. Type VII. Non-tubercular cases. THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. VY, NO. 2 204 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL As this classification was not interchangeable with those commonly used by the clinicians it was dropped. The writer has tried definitely to answer the question, ‘‘ Which type of tuberculosis gives the most and strongest positive results?” With this idea in view, he attempted to obtain a series of cases in which there would be no question as to the accuracyof the classifi- cation of the patients. He personally took all the specimens from the patients in two duplicate series, three weeks apart. The physi- cian in charge assured him that the classifications (made by the National Association’s grouping) would be as accurate as they could be made. When the tests were all completed and the classi- fications of the first set were compared with the second set on the same patients made three weeks later, a wide discrepancy in the duplicate classifications made by the hospital physicians was found. This was especially noticeable on the female side where a difference of 50 per cent in the comparison of the first and the second classifications was found. The male side showed a difference of 21 per cent in this comparison. This shows the extreme difficulty of correctly classifying the various types of tuberculosis patients by a classification as broad as the National Association’s, and also how difficult it is for the serologist cor- rectly to tabulate his data according to the types of cases. Mourseend (100) said in his recent paper on the complement fixation test for tuberculosis that no effort would be made to give a detailed classification of the cases as it was felt that in the hands of different clinicians the same set of cases would receive different classifications. Cases considered as incipient by some observers would be considered as moderately advanced by others, and vice versa. 13. THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PATIENT'S TEMPERATURE, PULSE, RESPIRATION AND AGE TO THE COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST In attempting to determine whether the temperature, pulse and respiration records of the patients bore any direct relation- ship to the complement fixation reactions, the writer has com- COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 205 pared his laboratory findings with the record charts, and he has found that the cases giving a 4 plus reaction had an average temperature of 99.6; pulse, 104; and respiration, 29. The patients giving a 2 plus reaction had an average tempera- ture of 99; pulse, 94; respiration, 25. Those giving a doubtful or negative reaction had an average temperature of 99; pulse, 88; and respiration 23. Fifty-five per cent of the 4 plus cases and only 10 per cent of the doubtful and negative cases had a tem- perature of over a hundred. These averages are somewhat misleading as there were enough wide discrepancies in all the groups to bring the averages rather close together. However, a large percentage of cases having high temperature, pulse and respiration records gave strong positive reactions; the percentage of positive results running about parallel with the temperature, pulse or respiration record; i1e., the lower the temperature, pulse or respiration, the fewer were the positive results. Sixty-five per cent of the 4 plus, 12 per cent of the 2 plus and only 5 per cent of the doubtful and negative cases had a respira- tion record of 30 or over. The writer also attempted to see whether, possibly, the age of the patient had any effect on his reactions and found that the average age of the patients giving a 4 plus reaction was 38; the average age of those giving a 2 plus reaction was 35; the average age of those giving a 1 plus reaction was 40; the average age of those giving a plus-minus reaction was 34. As all of the groups contained patients both young and old, no conclusions could be drawn. 14, SUMMARY OF SIX SERIES OF COMPLEMENT FIXATION TESTS These tests were made in six separate series. The first during the winter of 1917-18 on 200 specimens of blood serum collected from the Westchester County Hospital and the New Rochelle Hospital. One hundred and one of these were from tuberculous cases and 99 from patients suffering from various ailments in the general wards. The second series was performed in the spring of 1918 on 154 specimens of blood serum obtained from 206 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL patients in three general hospitals, two tuberculosis hospitals and a tuberculosis sanitarium in Westchester County, New York. The third series was performed at the Walter Reed General Army Hospital in Washington, D. C., during the summer of 1918 on 187 specimens of blood serum from patients in the tubercu- losis wards and the syphilis wards of this hospital. The fourth series was performed during the winter of 1918, on 168 specimens of blood serum from patients in Bellevue Hospital in New York City and three general hospitals in West- chester County, New York. TABLE 14 Report of complete study embracing all six series Number of complement fixation tests made..................00000 6128 Number of sera, examined .... ee sce erie aie ais lelow & 0 oer eee 1207 Number’of patients examined ta jac cuics ees cis 6 «bees cisions cinernelone 1000 Number of clinically tuberculous patients......................00 484 Number of non-tuberculous patients. .................cceeeeeceeee 516 Number of all types of active cases giving + reaction...331 or 69.8 per cent Number of all types of active cases giving + or — FOAGUION «55's a cve coc 2c RET RAE a ctece rise cre 157 or 30.2 per cent NUMBER TYPE* POSITIVE DOUBTFUL OR NEGATIVE 539 Non-tuberculous 9or 1.7 percent | 530 or 98.3 per cent 71 Suspects 11 or 15.5 per cent | 71 or 84.5 per cent 47 Inactives 6 or 12.7 per cent | 41 or 87.3 per cent 135 1 55 or 40.8 per cent | 80 or 59.2 per cent 52 2 36 or 69.2 per cent | 16 or 30.8 per cent 243 3 207 or 85.2 per cent | 36 or 14.8 per cent 58 4 33 or 57.0 per cent | 25 or 43.0 per cent * Refers to the writer’s classification. The fifth series was a special series of 318 specimens of serum; 196 of these were from the New York City Tuberculosis Sani- tarium at Otisville, New York; the remaining 122 were negative and positive controls from the general hospitals in Westchester County. In this series, the writer tried to obtain serum from 100 tuberculous patients and 75 non-tuberculous patients on two different occasions three weeks apart. The duplicate speci- mens were taken in order to check the accuracy of the first run of tests. He failed to obtain the duplicate specimens from ae A Ne, —— aa COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 207 a moderate number of the patients as they either refused or had left the hospitals. The first lot of 106 specimens from the tuberculous cases of this fifth series was tested on April 24, and again on May 1. At this time, only the names of the patients and the numbers of the specimens were recorded, as we did not wish to have the histories or clinical data influence the results. The second lot of 93 specimens was taken on May 15 from most of the tubercu- losis patients mentioned in the first group. In this second group, only the numbers running from one to 93 were known, but not the names, and of course, no clinical data; so again the TABLE 15 Showing the percentages of positive results obtained in the different types of cases in the six series of complement fixation tests TYPE OF CASE ara SERIES aap cy ian ea Sa per cent|per cent\per cent) per cent per cent |per cent Normals (non-tuberculous)...... 0 2 3 3 3 hea SUG}? BES) SESE ee Se eee 0 12 20 0 25 33.0 INTENTS 6 at Chicos eee EEE aoe 25 0 0 0 No cases} 21.0 Tuberculosis type l............. 31 28 30 20 60 23.0 Tuberculosis type II............ 100 | 100 60 | Nocases| 60 73.0 Tuberculosis type III........... 98 84 92 87 84 90.0 hupercwosis type 1V............) 27 0 0 59 80 60.0 laboratory findings could not be influenced by the personal equation. The sera from the non-tuberculous cases were tested with both groups. The results of these two groups agreed in the majority of cases. The sixth series is the combined work of all the special antigen tests, Hecht-Gradwohl comparisons and odd tests not included in the other series. The results of the tests in these six series are given in table 14. . The percentages tabulated on table 15 are the positive results of all the tests made on the sera in each group and from each type of case. Table 16, series 1, gave 100 per cent positive results with the type II patients (these are the incipient cases with some con- 208 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL TABLE 16 Report of the First series Number of complement fixation tests made...................0000- 1127 Num ber Of ‘Sera examMIN ed.) He ays eee litecis siete ale crohene Riera 200 Numberjof patients examined ./eeee. ope. hcticti ss «nth whe Se eee 160 Number of clinically tuberculous patients..................000000- 70 Number of clinically non-tuberculous patients..................... 90 Number of Type 1, 2, 3, and 4 cases giving + reactions. .61 or 73 per cent Number of Type 1, 2, 3, and 4 cases giving + ornegative TOACTION SS oh deccie iors Saspeeie hae SI ee ee etek ee ee 22 or 27 percent ~ PERCENT- NUMBER | NUMBER hion Penteuk veut cee fiotn vo to[y PEFRsghasenrere gl RODEEEEE |, wommtere | Boor tere 3+or4+ Non-tuberculous*... 99 0 0 0 0 0 SUSPELLS Shs Sunes: 4 0 0 0 0 0 Inactlves..-.. eaten 2! 12 3 0 25 0 0 | NE a oe ete ces 19 6 5 31 26 0 1S ees rae ER 6 6 0 100 0 83 110 ES Ee eae cee 47 46 1 98 2 90 Vinee td eons 11 3 3 27 27 100 * Refers to patients in the general wards of hospitals suffering from various diseases and diagnosed as clinically non-tuberculous. { Two sera anticomplementary. TABLE 17 Report of second series Number of complement fixation tests made..................e cece 1458 INUMbBEr OF SERA CXAMIN EG. lees rs seein cere etone antes esas sh cree 154 Number of patients examined t) 2368. 2.28)... s Warten sean Stele a sce ee 154 Number of clinically tuberculous patients......................05- 70 Number of clinically non-tuberculous patients..................... 84 Number of Type l, 2, 3 and 4 cases giving + reactions. . .39 or 68 per cent Number of Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 cases giving + or negative TEACTIONG 31. ae deh he dic dete RTT LS oe Ie SE oe 18 or 32 per cent POSITIVE DOUBTFUL NEGATIVE Number | Percent | Number |} Percent | Number | Per cent 60 Non-tuberculous 1 2 3 5 56 93 23 Suspects 2 12 5 20 16 68 9 Inactives 0 0 3 33 6 66 14 I 4 28 5 36 5 36 4 II 4 100 0 0 0 0 37 III 31 84 4 10 2 6 2 IV 0 0 if 50 1 50 COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 209 stitutional symptoms) and 98 per cent positive results with the type III patients (these are the moderately and far advanced cases in good condition but with constitutional symptoms). Table 17, series 2, gave 100 per cent fixations in the type IJ, and 84 per cent in the type III cases. TABLE 18 Report of third series Number of complement fixation tests made...................02005. 634 ECR Ee ERAMIINOU wn «o's as ne v bclob oka tae Oadesveessen 187 Spee CIE TICHGS CXATHITICN. ... 5. 5 20 onic Cle clue dtina cis ccteosece 160 Number of clinically tuberculous patients.....................2005. 77 Number of clinically non-tuberculous patients....................-. 83 -+Wassermann sera giving + T. B. results.....................0000: 1 -Wassermann sera giving — T. B. results... ...<.-6.eeseccesve secs 40 — Wassermann sera giving + T. B. results....................00000- 1 — Wassermann sera giving — T. B. results.....................20005 37 Number of Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 cases giving + reactions.. 33 or 67 per cent Number of Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 cases giving + or — re- Siem ME Se YER. cS ides 2 ssa s coving cet deans 16 or 33 per cent DOUBTFUL AND NUMBER = DORSEY NEGATIVE OF CASES i. i aS ee Number | Percent Number | Percent —————————— | eee J __ |__|... 84 Non-tuberculous 2 3 82 97 30 Suspects 6 20 24 80 11 Inactives 0 0 11 100 13 I 4 30 9 70 10 II 6 60 4 20 25 III 23 92 2 8 1 IV 0 0 1 100 13 Unclassified and contaminated Table 18, series 3, gave 60 per cent fixations in the type II, and 92 per cent in the type III cases. Table 19, series 4, included no type II cases, and gave 87 per cent positive results with the type III cases. Table 20, series 5, gave 60 per cent positive results in type I, 60 per cent in type II, 84 per cent in type III and 80 per cent in type IV cases. Table 21, series 6, gave 73 per cent positive results in the type II, 90 per cent in type III and 60 per cent in type IV cases. 210 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL Table 14. All the types of tuberculosis patients in these six series including incipient, moderately advanced and far advanced cases regardless of whether they were showing constitutional symptoms or not, gave 69.8 per cent positive results; the sera from the non-tuberculous controls gave 1.7 per cent positive results on separate single examinations. Repeated examinations of some of the sera from the non-tuberculous cases which gave TABLE 19 Report of the fourth series Number of complement fixation tests made.................20eee00 814 Num ber. Of SETS CXAMINE .) eee ENR (526 ol pol a nica onl Rn 168 Number Of Patients CXaMINE sei eieee mie ral lc icin «45 oroleracaasee cestanete 140 Number of clinically tuberculous'patients:)..... 2.0.0... 22. #2568 80 Number of clinically non-tuberculous patients...................004 60 Number of Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 cases giving + reactions.. 32 or 62 per cent Number of Type 1, 2, 3, and 4 cases giving + or — re- ACUIONS wise erro eels eed ELL Ee Creare i mosiaie 20 or 38 per cent DOUBTFUL AND NUMBER Poets NEGATIVE OF CASES ee eee Number Per cent Number Per cent a es |, fe | | ee 72 Non-tuberculous 2 3 70 97 4 Suspects 0 0 4 100 1 Inactives 0 0 1 100 14 I 3 20 ul: 80 0 1 0 0 0 0 24 Ill 21 87 2 13 14 IV 8 59 6 41 39 Unclassified* 24 62 15 38 * Refers to clinically tuberculous patients whose history and classification the writer was unable to obtain. positive reactions on one or more of the tests were made. These sera on repeated examinations did not continue to give positive fixation, showing that the positive fixations were probably non- specific due possibly to anticomplementary bodies combining with the antigen and complement. In the report of the first series, 73 per cent of all types of active tuberculous cases gave positive reactions. The second series gave 68 per cent positive reactions, the third series 67 per cent, the fourth series 62 per cent, the fifth series 73 per cent, and the COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 211 sixth series 73.2 per cent. The average percentage of positive results on complement fixation tests, embracing all the work up to date, and from all types of active tuberculosis patients is 69.8 per cent. TABLE 20A Report of fifth series (Otisville series) Number of complement fixation tests made.......................0.. 579 MEER E ONCE EWATIINICGS |... 5... - + 5 «2-00 ois slcia tn edlede neiycsccccceee 268 immer or patients €XAMINGd...............0.ccccceceses eet ae 185 Number of clinically tuberculous patients.........-..........0+ee00 126 Number of clinically non-tuberculous patients...................00 59 FIRST SPECIMENS| SECOND SPECI- |FIRST SPECIMENS| SECOND SPECI- |FIRST SPECIMENS WITH NUMBER | MENS WITH NO.| WITH NO. 319 | MENS WITH NO.| WITH NO. 125 TYPE 170 ANTIGEN 170 ANTIGEN ANTIGEN 319 ANTIGEN ANTIGEN + = + - + - + - + - Non-tuber-{| 1 | 46 1 | 22 0 | 47 2 | 21 0 | 40 culous.... 2%| 98%| 4%] 96% 100%} 9%] 91% 100% eee 1 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 2 USPECES---\| 951 75% 100% 50%| 50% 16 18 20 12 16 16 13 19 | 20 13 eens 47%| 53%! 63%| 37%] 50%| 50%] 40%| 60%! 60% 40% a 6 5 6 4 3 8 3 7 6 5 “seat ae 54%| 46%] 60%! 40%] 28%| 72%] 30%] 70%] 54%| 46% tt 30 14 | 28 7 24 19 11 24 | 30 12 eat 49% 70%} 30%| 80%} 20%] 56%! 44%] 30%! 70% 71%] 29% IV 11 2 8 4 8 5 6 2 10 3 ° aay 85%| 15% 66% 34%| 61%] 39%] 75%] 25%] 80% 20% All types of tubercu- || 63 | 39 | 62 | 27 | 51 A Nasr 5201 66 | 33 lar pa- 61%| 39%] 70%] 30%] 52%] 48%] 39%] 61%] 66%] 34% tients.... In the first series, 98 per cent positive results in the type III cases was reported. ‘The results in the five recent series of type III cases show 84 per cent in the second series, 92 per cent in the third series, 87 per cent in the fourth series, 84 per cent in the fifth series and 90 per cent in the sixth series. The difference 212 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL in the percentage of positive results which have been obtained in this type of tuberculosis patients is probably due to the differ- ences in the classifications made by the various diagnosticians. The results of all tests in these six series tabulated on Table 15 demonstrate the fact that the moderately and far advanced cases in good condition showing constitutional symptoms (type III) TABLE 20B Report of all fixations test on the Otisville cases (fifth series) using the No. 170 antigen Number of type I, II, III and IV cases giving + re- BELIOHS cos eee ne ene Salinas 88 or 73 per cent Number of type I, II, III and IV cases giving + or — MO ACELONS yi oidin teens aeRO eCPM oF aac esos ehovote 33 or 27 per cent RESULTS TYPES + —or= Sera from non-tuberculous controls................. - es 3% 97% Suspects: (doubtfiulicases):5....5 basse erect ae : 3 En as SA 25% 75% - 25 17 £495) NAAR FO OE, SOLAR UIE TER axl 13 AR eR Ly Ad 60% 40% 7 5 1h Gis LR 2 Ren SN as Pa IE ECS Fv acy tae Oi IN SA A Ae {) coe | ate 43 8 1) 0 BUSS) Se AE Ins iene BS eo SA ee Bea e Siler cs 84%, 16% TEARS NG as Mircea Vermin apn ASC OE! RRR AN {| 38 e \ 80% 20% gave uniformly the highest percentage of positive reactions, and that both the incipient cases with constitutional symptoms (type II) and the advanced cases with very poor prognoses (type IV) gave irregular results. The patients exhibiting few if any symptoms regardless of the stage of the disease (type I) gave uniformly the lowest precentage of positive reactions. The clinically non-tuberculous cases gave only 1.7 per cent positive fixations. COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 213 TABLE 21 Report of the sixth series Number of complement fixation tests made..................+-.05- 1516 MEG MMERELATCKAMIIMNOG.. 0... .... cc ee ec ccaheccctaedeneuncascees 230 MUMNCrO! PALICHtS eXAMINGG -....... 0. oobc ode da me adeces cutee. 201 Number of clinically tuberculous patients......................04. 61 Number of clinically non-tuberculous patients..................... 140 Number of Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 cases giving + re- LOGS Ms 2) os Be On Sr 41 or 73.2 per cent Number of Type 1, 2,3 and 4 cases giving + or — TECHS Oey AS Cane ae ee pene! Bee See cy 15 or 26.8 per cent DOUBTFUL AND NUMBER TYPE pian ts cil atte Number Per cent Number Per cent 154 Non-tuberculous 2 1.4 152 98.6 6 Suspects 2 33.0 4 66.0 14 Inactives 3 2120 11 79.0 9 I 2 23.0 Ul 77.0 11 II 8 73.0 3 27.0 31 TT 28 90.0 3 10.0 5 IV 3 60.0 2 40.0 15. THE VALUE OF THE COMPLEMENT FIXATION REACTION TO THE CLINICIAN IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND PROGNOSIS OF TUBERCULOSIS When all is said and done, the final answer to the question of the value of this reaction to the clinician will be given by the clinicians themselves in either using or discarding this aid to diagnosis. The tuberculosis specialist will probably say, ‘‘We can make our own diagnoses with the aid of auscultation and the signs and symptoms of the patient in practically all active tuberculosis cases except the very early ones with lesions too small to detect and with practically no symptoms.” They will then ask, ‘Will this test give positive reactions in a large percentage of our very early cases with practically no symptoms?” The answer is, ‘“No.”? In such cases the fixation reaction will be positive in only a small percentage, possibly from 25 to 40 per cent. The specialist will also ask, ‘‘Can you be sure of your prognoses in all cases by reading this test?” Again the answer will be, “No.” It will be of value only as a prognostic aid when it is 214 HASSOW O. VON WEDEL added to the clinical data already available. The above two answers will cause many of the specialists to reject the test as of no value to them except as confirmatory evidence. However, this fixation tests will be of the utmost value to the general practitioner who very frequently calls a case incipient, when the specialist would classify it as moderately advanced. Many cases, with small lesions but with moderate symptoms— hemorrhage, night sweats, afternoon temperature, etc., come to the practitioner. No tubercle bacilli can be demonstrated in the sputum and he thinks, but is not at all certain, that his case has tuberculosis. This is the type of case that the comple- ment fixation test will pick up and by repeated positive findings prove the presence of an active tuberculous focus. Again, as an aid in prognosis this test will be of marked value to the average clinician if he uses it intelligently along with his clinical findings; for instance, if he follows with the fixation test, at rather frequent intervals, a moderately advanced case in apparently good clinical condition, a weakening of the reaction from a strong positive to a weak positive and finally a negative reaction is a very good prognostic sign for the time being. Then as everyone knows some outside factor may later complicate the case and light up the healed lesion into fresh activity. The complement fixation reaction under such a condition would at once become positive again. Or if he follows a far advanced case in a very poor clinical condition; the sudden weakening of the reaction from a strong positive to a weak positive or negative reaction would be a very poor prognostic sign, indicating the loss of resistance; 1.e., the power of the body to elaborate antibodies is lost, or these anti- bodies are overwhelmed by the excess of antigen thrown into the blood stream. The clinician will ask to what degree in each class of cases does the complement fixation reaction help in diagnosis and treatment beyond clinical and sputum examinations? To this the reply must be—it will be of very great diagnostic aid to the average practitioner in the incipient cases showing symptoms but with no or only few definite signs and with negative sputum COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS PAYS reports. The reaction in such cases will be positive in probably 70 to 90 per cent. : In the moderately and far advanced cases in good condition showing symptoms, it will be only of diagnostic value, of course, as a confirmatory test, being positive in from 80 to 90 per cent. In these cases, if made frequently and used with the clinical data, it will be of great aid in prognosis. In the advanced cases in poor condition it will give very irregular results and is of most value as a prognostic aid. In the cases having few or no symptoms, no matter what stage the disease is in, the reaction is practically worthless, as the percentage of positive results is only from 25 to 50 per cent. In the general summing up of its appearance in all types of cases (active) one finds that it is comparable with the Wassermann reaction in syphilis. Gradwohl (101) states that he, like others, has been forced to conclude that a positive Wassermann test is laboratory proof of syphilis, but that a negative Wassermann is by no means a method of proving that syphilis does not exist. He concludes that of all treated syphilitics examined, only 60 per cent have given him positive findings. Snow and Cooper (102) conclude that the sera of non-syphilitic tuberculous patients may give partial to complete Wassermann reactions when cholesterinized antigens are used in about 31 per cent of the cases. Lewis and Newcomer (103) state that the Wassermann reaction is positive in other conditions, but that it is not so generally recognized. They cite fresh instances of this in cer- tain febrile cases. They also conclude that a positive Wasser- mann reaction fails to appear in a considerable percentage of syphilitics. What the future will bring is hard to say. In all probability no better results can be expected from the complement fixation test based on the specific tuberculous antibodies in the patient’s blood serum than have already been reported by numerous serologists. OMI om oo ty | NUMBER Clinical and laboratory report of the Otisville series NAME C. Nicolelle E. Klein Bessie Horowitz D. Smith V. Kreis C. Zikarsky R. Burns H. Shapiro M. Rosch M. Berman L. Gebbardt C. Sullivan C. Kircher R. Anerheim Mary Cleary C. O’ Donnell E. Wagenbach A. Rifkin M. Kenny R. Gachino N. Donohue A. Drennan A. Kiley J. Frey A. Wood J. Healy M. Bachman M. Kroin H. Ferrera M. Mulhalley M. Clyner B. Wolff C. McGovern A. Constantine A. Ficearrota J. Kreiger J. Rossling O. Ogren HASSOW O. VON WEDEL SPUTUM REPORT? FIRST OTISVILLE CLASS! TABLE 22 SECOND OTISVILLE testes aly deste ot) al Veesteteaal ++i tt+++ 1 t++4+4++4+01 De We WRITER’S CLASSIFI- M =] n ue) PWR PW PRE RPE WW PRR RW ER Wr wee Bee wee REPORTS WITH NO. 170 | wirH No. 319 ANTIGEN specimen First Second specimen As: a REPORTS ANTIGEN specimen First Second specimen REPORTS WITH NO. 125 ANTIGEN Ww Le) ith | ww HR b+ ++ He bo ++ He He He He He e em De ee +P te tot ttrr+ COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 217 TABLE 22—Continued a i REPORTS REPORTS 6 3, a R = WITH NO. 170| wirH NO. 319| Z 5 3 Ss a ANTIGEN ANTIGEN i z a 5 L 4 =e a = = $ ze g § 8 8 E I B) gs |ge| gs | BB| 88| #8| 28) és Zz a & n Ee & mn n a 39 | J. Kaplan — | 3B 3B 3 _ S| oy ss 40 | A. Higgins ey te a eee’ Tse gts hae 41 | E. Roder + | 3B 3 4+ 4t 4+ 42 | R. Antonio +] 2A 2A 1 a -- =: — | 3+ 43 | F. Maklary + | sac 3C + 4+ )/3+/, +] 2+) 4+ 44 | J. Becker + 1B 1B 2 + - - - _ 45 | J. T. Searoni +} 2B 1 2+ + | 4+ +} 2+ 46 | H. Hukenson +! 1B 1B "2 4+ /44+ | 44+ | 44+ | 4+ 47 | J. Brown + 3A 3A 1 4+ | 44+ | 4+ | 44+ | 4+ 48 | V. Olsen + | -1B 1B 2 2+ | 34+ | 2+ — | 2+ 49 | W. Blay + | 2B +] 2B 3 Fi +) =] — | 3+ 50 | G. DeShay +]°2C |2C 4 4+ |} 4+ | 44+ | 44+ | 44 51 | J. Malcolms — | 2B 2B 3 qe) Sae 4) Se teas) == 52 | A. Miller —| 2A 2A 1 3+ | 4+ | 2+ | 3+ | 4+ 53 | J. Coffin _ 2B 2B 3° 4+ |} 44+ | 44+ } 2+ | 4+ 54 | S. Hickey Fel M2A 1 See eee |) toe 55 | W. Trabuci +} 1A 1 4+ | 3+ | 44+ | 3+ | 4+ 56 | H. Hageman +} 2B 2B 3 2+ |] 3+ | 2+ = + 57 | H. Kildea +] 3C 3C 4 - — _ — | ac 58 | J. Schneider = 2B 2B 3 -- _ + - - 59 | L. McGann — | 2B 2B 3 —} +] +/ -| + 60 | J. Dunn + | 2B 2B 3 — + - +] 0 61 | J. Atty + 2B 2B 3 4+ | 44+ | 2+ | 2+ |} 2+ 62 | A. Glassheim + 1A 1A 1 4+ |} 24+ } 44+ 4+ 63 | A. Larghi +} 2B 2B 3 4+ | 3+ — + | 4+ 64 | L. Weisberg +] 1A 2A 1 +/] —- — —| + 65 | E. Anderson aa 2B 2B 3 _ + - _ - 66 | H. Swiss +] 3B 3 — = — 67 | A. Steislet +} 1A 1 3+ 4+ 4+ 68 | A. Torak +} 4C 4 4+ 3+ 3+ 69 | C. Seedyk +] 2A 2A 1 |+tac} +/ —| —| 0 70 | J. Alletsee + | 2B 2A 1 2+/3+/ +] —]| 3+ 71 | F. Frascino - 2B 2B 3 - — — — | 2+ 72 | H. Slusek + 1B 1B 2 + + — | 2+ a 73 | S. Naroty _ 1B 1B 2 2+ | 2+ o — = 74 | G. Cleaver _ 2B 2B 3 2+ /3+/3+;) +); + 75 | H. Franklin — 2B 2A 1 — + - _ ~ 76 | S. Scott —_ 2B 2A 1 + _ - — == HASSOW O. VON WEDEL TABLE 22—Continued NUMBER NAME H. Lavelle J. Willis G. Gould R. McDonnell N. Kelly W. Day J. Pestrok J. Patten J. Como M. Chipront H. Robinson N. Cheturachino J. Kaminski E. Murmane W. Kirk B. J. Walsh H. Pearson A. Bauer J. Walsh G. Murganeo H. Darci W. Hunt J. Christ W. Allen P. Masterson F. Bittanto J. Devlin J. McDonald Geo. Early F. Cahill Ed. Sweeny J. Reilly J. Outney G. Bowers W. Liber Cleary Wm. Pienery J. Mahony 1+4+44+14+41'1t4+44 144+ 1 ++ | seorom revorr? b+t++4+41 FIRST OTISVILLE % % ‘ ; e |e cS) a) 3) aS ay 2B 2B $ 2B 2B 3 3B 3 4 2B 2B 3 1C il ¥ 4 1B 1B 2, 4C 4 IC 2B 3 2B 2B 3 2C, 2 1B 1B 2 2B 2B 3 2B 2B 3 4 3B 2B 3 1B 1B Ps 2C 2B 3 2B QA 1 2B 2B 3 3B 3 2B 2 2C 2C 4 4C 4 4 3B 3 2 3B 3 4 3B 3B 3 2B 2B 3 2 4C 4 3 NTY| NT] NT ING Sale| NL Ne ea oN ic Leea tc IN pede 2 NaN) aN INGE oe N Ga aN ING Ss SINGlea|) Niels UN Ten IN ele | Na INGEN ee Ne: WAL | ISA Nay NT | NT] NT IN IN ad aNd SECOND OTISVILLE WRITER’S CLASSIFI- REPORTS specimen L+tittit+ht++ur rRI+H + | REPORTS WITH NO. 170 |wiTH No. 319 ANTIGEN ANTIGEN ws) rs +FI +I FREI REET iw) Pwo - Peeled lect al east ote al ae cle steoeteeal iat Second specimen REPORTS WITH NO. 125 ANTIGEN COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR TUBERCULOSIS 219 TABLE 22—Concluded REPORTS REPORTS es a 3 2 WITH NO. 170 | wiTH No. 319 g E 4 5 @ ANTIGEN ANTIGEN 3 = NAME ce | | Smee bg | ee a a/ 52 |eb| we | 8) e8] 2] 28 | EF a n & D e i) 1 VL‘98°%) 0} 12 ‘ularyn[a38 0 | I>\eT IFS 0} O| O01 |#'s] 0 | 02 Gt jo'¢ jer let [o's] St lhe jos | Gs} 2% | {poolq asz0xy OYSre He Sale SML bs) Om) Tz “ulurynys 0 | I |r Jo's 0/61 161 (9'8 16S | 0} 02 LGG|L TZ/€ ET]O SL|O 6T| O'ST|O OGI2Z°Zz] L°Zs] Sse -38 UO[OD OM ONO OL aDs| On|) 12 0 0| 0|F'S 0} Oo} O|] Of20] 0} 02 8ST 6% |S 1 IST [o's | St jos jes} 2:2 | oF |) “Urugnys3e €/O1 \&/z |8/s }€/€ €/L1/8/F1/€/018/L j€/¢ |¢/€ B/T |€/82)8/G0]8/Te}e/21| &/F1/€/0tle/2 | €/9 |*8/e |f Pola wade 0] 0j22 19 F} Of] OF “uluTgnys 0 |e} 11>] I>] t>let jes 0} 0|€'%j|9'F | O| ST 6S IPE |F'S\e 91h'S 16'S [0S JOS O'S 16's JOS |O'F IFS 1#'S | O'S jo's log | 0G] 08 “5B UOlO— bel otal aaa) > el SC Ret a | (Re KU ee Pee | Is ac 0| 0} O |g°0>/9'0 |z°2 |o°Or O21 ier [2% | Of ST 2s O'S JOS GSS [L's |G°s |G°s |G°s 10'S 12's 19's IL's |G's | O'8 o's |9°% | OF | O'F pong ss10 77 €/1e\e/L1\8/Ft | &/otle/z |8/F 18/2 &/F1e/0Te/2 |8/F 18/6 /16|F/90|F/816/F/ F/T |8/8C/€/ S| E/13|8/L1/8/F1|S/0T\S/2 |8/F le8/] Z/FSIZ/2112/9 |11/ze| 6/S% 0 0 {80 j8°0 Be Ls 0% 6% 0 | &I [P= | ml eet ea ee Pel alee Sa _«|) -uangnysae 0j07)| O 0 |FT eT ge 9 F |T O88 | 0} at LGNE CLC [LS 19'S 19°S 19° FS l2-% |S | $s jes |¢°F | Hg | e's pagid -esrogy €/€ |%/82\Z/Le |€/12|8/L1/8/F 18/11 }8/L |€/S |&/% |%/82|2/22 /L |F/% |€/8Z|€/SS|8/TS/8/L1E/TTE/2L |€/S 18/8 |aB/L2|0/S2|Z/21\Z1/2T| 6/S% g . 07} OF “Udy Ny[s 0} 0 \¢7< 010T!) 0/6 BG IGS jos o's o's [o's G's [o's |8's [G's | HS Es OT] BS] SS lps, proyday, £/€ |%/98|2/F% @/86|6/96|6/ FE €/08|6/82|£/ T/S/LT/S/FTE/TLE/L 18/8 1%/831S/9GlaS/FOIG/C11S 9 |11/ 2s] 6/26 : 0z2! 0 PII9TIZT] 0/8 aratni CATON E Leataeny |O Tenant |) LOnley fe [9s |9'e 9's |9'€ [FF O'S [OS] HF IPO PF / OE) HS] DS ptoydy, £/12|8/91|8/11/8/8 |%/83|%/Se}2/82|%/ 12 €/02|8/9T|8/11|8/2 18/8 |%/82|%/Sa|0/e|4o/12/Z/211%/9 |e] 6/S% : ugg -WON Git 41IW WOUGS §,d1y4 WOYAS SUAHLOW 1 @TaVL uod GQaVWN L8aL 1Z pue 06 61 pus 8 ae pur él 230 “UIUIIN [IIB OU SBA JY} JOPULBUIAI ayy UT !UOATa a 218 $380} JSIY 94} ATUO ‘aouds Yon 003 dn oy¥4 07 JOU JOpsO UT “YIATG 109)" syQUOUT 99147 JNOGB [GUN Poyso} O1OM SY[TUL [|G PUB Spry []V ‘PZ pus gz pus ‘g puw yY Jo uoTydooxe oy} YIM 7970 i. $< 8 8 0] O} GC] O|] O} I>]9 1] 0] 82 “uTayNs 0 |0'T 0'F OF) OF} 0!) “0 40141 0) 190 1% ET Ie OT Ie0 | 8 t lt i¢'t | er | et | [-38 proqdaéy 3 GO| 0) 0} 0 |G8T IN’ It'2 | 07 82 “UTUTgn]aIB 82 0 |¢°0 {29°0]8'8 Cell 207] 200}! ONT OFT: 10%% 1 O.|| 22 UT |O'T [O'L JOE Jet | 27s [eT 12's | fT | O'% | {poolq ossoxy | }pus XG 0 190 |6°0 |6'& |a'F 19°F [69 I8'0 | 82 0 {|¢°0 oS 10°82 0] 0 |9°0 |9°2 Jo's jot It'S | Of} 22 4°812'8 |9°9 12'S J9°9 | €°8 |e'8 |o6 | 9'9 | e's “uTUIy Ns /L1 |8/et |¢/otle/2 |8/¢ ¥/o1|t/# |8/szl¢/or\¢/er|e/orle/2 |e/¢ | ° b/IT|P/¥ |€/8e/€/91/8/s1| &/Otle/2 |x8/S} @/21|e1/0z -#B WO[OED : 0 | $3 uTUgn sae G'0>/9'0>| I>|F 1 | ¢< Cte OuNed LG 19'S (0S | 8's |o'F IL°% | 8's | S's | (poolq gtaqey ‘2 0 | ¥ uTUTyN] Ise 14 a 0 {9°0>|] 0 |0°% Jo's Pach |me Onl Be 912% |9% | e's jee [e's | 08 | OTT] {poolq osa07{ | }pus £3 S/LT |€/11 |€/z |8/9 18/6 G/LU18/11/€/2 | &/9 |u8/8)2/¥C] G/ZI|IT/ee|) -8B wojog 232 . G. C. REYMANN found by Halban and Landsteiner in the mother’s serum; and the titer of the milk is everywhere higher than that of the mother’s serum, so that it is possible to speak of an accumulation of agglutinin. In this connection, must be noted the researches of Wegelius (20) on the laws according to which antihemolysins and agglu- tinins are passively transmitted from the mother animal; he found that they were always transmitted, but that the anti- hemolysins were not transmitted with the milk and Morgenroth Colon agglutinins; units Per, cubic centimeter So® o--—-—-———» Kid No.20 (serum) i Oe ae ewe Kid No.21 (serum) O-----———@Mother's serum o-——————o Milk. CuHaRrT 1 and Braun give asthe result of their critical examination of this subject that an assimilation of the antibodies of the milk, it is true, has been proved in new-born young, but that it is not a regularly occurring phenomenon. It must, however, be borne in mind that this criticism applies to antibodies, which have either been produced artificially in the organism through im- munization or have been directly mixed with the milk. The figures quoted in table 1 are, in their reciprocal values, of such a homogeneous character that a graphic representation of one may serve as a paradigm of all (see chart 1). In order to determine the transmission of the agglutinin through the milk, nursing experiments were undertaken; they TRANSFER OF SO-CALLED NORMAL-ANTIBODIES 233 were undertaken in such a manner that one kid of a pair of twins was removed from the mother before suckling and placed on boiled cow’s milk, whereas the other was permitted to suckle; in another experiment. raw cow’s milk, free from agglutinin was used. The experiments are given below in table 2. Milk samples were taken from both the nipples of the mother ani- TABLE 2 COLI AGGLUTININ UNITS PER CUBIC CENTIMETER IN - , |Serum of the Serum of the kid wae : oa iather's aeenaeid tear kid which Milk from Milk from seen” | demetirany | Sikes | ‘Sie | “tha Experiment 1 The kids born 3/19 Samples taken 3/19 18.2 0 0 58.8 SO 3/20 15.4 0 ye <5 igs 3/21 20.0 0 5.9 — 10.0 3/22 15.4 0 5.5 2.5 Ct 3/24 15.4 0 4.4 2.2 ay | Experiment 2 The kids born 2/18 | Fed only ; with raw cow’s milk free of ag- glutinin | Samples taken 2/18 pil 0 | Be 15.4 2/19 5.9 2.0 4.0 1.0 10.0 2/20 Bk ! ‘poi0y[gy pue soqynurur MO} 1OJ UdYyeys ‘UOTN]OS 4]["¥s Ur dn paysem oa10M soMy[Nd Iedy UOTyBy €|-15 ‘spoyjyow omy, | pus Voy] UIZz10y -[eYoley Younp pun UjeyNyYs usynulyyYy es1ula =: Ua. [NY -UdSSB]] OS|B ‘ poi94 -[¥ pues oinjessd -W19} WOOL 4B NOY IT puvys 09 pomoy -[8 pue ouljes ur | dn poysem oungpno gop “d ‘Z “JOA ‘S06T ‘1aquia00q “uinor ‘pay "WI ‘PPOL “410 “O07 S100 snely 281 HE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. v, NO. 3 a 0G ‘[o4 ‘6061 «= “311Q. UIxO}1}UB OU seoNnpoid sBId-veuINS sTDY yoy =| “AYBVE "F°yUID UIXO} OYJ, ‘“UIxO} YIM pojoefur ueyA ATUO 4ynq WOT}OB oIx04 ‘UUBULIOSU() -1JUG INI} AVY 0} PI DAOT[OG “WNIIS 91X0jIVUB SNBIS OY} PAMoYg | pu IIo sinoy Sh 0% FZ UdsAIZ 4oey A[UO OUT} UOT} -eqnouy += ‘“peleq[y pus sXep Z poeyeq sisA[eied =| -nour ‘uorynjos ou ‘4ySIem | 48S Ul YO poysem Inoy jO ssoy ‘vaya =| ‘1838 UO UMOIS UIST T Oy ‘9.06 -ieip ‘+++-+ |-uvd10 ‘wixojopuam a Surpueys uo A UOI}BIOTIO} 61 ‘d ‘TE “JOA : -op ynoqe ‘sfep $0} smnoy | ‘Oz6T “Pe surqyou Avs SUOISe, =| Mot uoTZeqnoul ‘dxq = ‘uanor uosiod jo sosop) | s1oyyne f41 ALOU BIBADS =| f pale} yOIg 390 ‘(e31y9) 18y9°T OOOT JO uory pet annoy puv sIsd]Bi OUI[VY]e Ul YIMOAS ‘19ST -ezyeqynou § oytoedg|][ JO} “O,¢) -ed ‘+444 |Aep G¢ ‘ulojoxry pus AY¥szTIO said-voumr s}Iqqey SHUVAGH NOILOOAGOUd NIXOLIINV ALITIAVIS _ SS en ee LENORE OL EE Oo Cope rey A eee uod ALIOIXOL panuyuoj—hajuashq , 2|GBIOABJ SUIOUT,, s[vulUe 944 St yt Aysnoouvypnuig possed ‘ds jr soyst Lg ‘d ‘0% "JOA $30030.1d 41 uOS -ulmIp AOIxOT, ‘OOBT ‘1ne4 -10d a10jaq pojoofuy Peg ‘d ,,{po ‘sdjoy u01}BU -seg ‘4suy,[ 9p sesop -wad = uOTy -o3AxKQy) “ABP UIP ‘uuy ‘1orueq Q sozI[vigneu ‘00 Z -eqnout ON,, | uo sulseq AylorxKo T, pues neig sasop WINS , 01X04 sdid-vouins — Ssozijeaynou ‘09 [| -1yUB,, SesOp [eyye, | 10} uBYyy AT sosop |Z 0} T sezesqyneu | -prder a10ul € soezyBiynou OZ/T| O191A ur UOstod oYyy = | 4sO] SzIqqvI4 aAry posn so}Bi4[y sosop | YYIA poxiur undies | I0j AYWI -ed0U 901 Aep 2 jij sanoy Z soezyeigneu (G/T | [BULIONy *O1x0O}Yy -x0O} jj] seyn f+++-+ Woy} SIF, |g@ JI0OJ “9,09 48 eer d ?(SUIXIUI 109jJ8 =| -UB SB IJOM SBlBIIAy | -UTUT QZ I0J ‘as10y A[snousaeiy =| poyeoyyT “UINJaS ‘9¢ ‘0A ‘FO6L 2g y¥8 anoy %) wma | -oeqiyue st uINnieg ‘),021 Aq | pueSoposye | -ul GTO} GQ | as10y puUB poo|q “101g "009 -8S eUnWIWIT as10y UOTVEZIPBAyNoU Jo paAo.14sep ff+++ ynq ssid 10; as10oy poeyeuliqy "YC ‘1erueqd 1I9Yy} OAZIA UL poxiz | VoSep oyesIpoOyY ‘sag | fapqeys AIOA ‘99 G°Q | UBYZ SSE] YON | -ep JO uNtpeur poss) pus neig D19)0Y4,) z, "D09E 09 ATUO poyvoy . pus 4S YIM sony -[ho sty yO poysea ey souls ‘saIpoq T1299 9q} OF UOrZIp -pB UI SAUIYSBA Iv3de UI peuleyqoO seouRys -qns eqnjos 2y4 YIM 4 SULMOUY yNO -YYIM Suryiom useq saIpoq sn] easy AvUl OFT “you -[loeq e[OYM pol] ty ieyj3o §=9yy «6 ‘unas oy} Ul pepnyo snely oy} Aq pez -ur Yyyoq ‘snuse. -[B1Znou sv UOTZOe suos ++++ -BUl 19Y4O oY ‘SIS a1yoied oY} YeYY YOR -10d o1jo.red ysurese ! -Ajeied = soonpoid 1z °d ‘1g ‘Joa ey3 Aq suosiod omy «=| WINIOS sneIyy = 8y4 ++++4 yorum ouo ‘suos ‘TI6L 3=“VIRA 84} PeyeIUeloyIp oFT | Ul = UIxOyWUe snIT ‘sqiqqey |-1od omy spug osty | "J “QO ‘nesseg SYUVNAU parery -UBJSQNS [[OA\ OU ST I9SUOT 10 iInoy Uv IOF “—).6E 48 pueys 0} poMo][e pus poxify “sesop [847] OL Sv YstYy sv UIxXO} 9} poZzt[ery -noeu yevos v JO WING OLjIA UL Ppoxrul ysoq ‘UIXO4 104Fe Seynulud QT UlYyyIM peyoolur oq ysnut WIN.IEg ‘90199P aUIOS 04 pozI[B1yNIN “‘Oo0L ulle[d yng ‘sak suTIe[D | 98 paAO14seq sn290909)da.L1,9 (4) 7YSIOM yqqet SITY ¢'0 04 WeAIs JON (4) | Se0 ‘++++ sanoy G UI YYvep fsesop oB1V] YJLM SoyNUTUL YE 0} OT :OUIT} UOTYBqnoUl 4LOYys AIBA SdyNnuUIUL YE Ur “D0L +8 PEM ELM A[poyreuL SINOY FZ ‘ATMOS | 0} G WO] UL S9}VALOLI9}OC] | -YIM “00 G04 T NOILOOdOuUd NIXOLIINV sdid-vaumr ALITIGV.IS ssid -wouIns 105 UBY} OIXO} Sso'T suqqvy YOu ALIOIXOL panu tuo Q—v1a7]0 UD pe1ey[y pus sXkep g UMOId so} A000N9] sid-vourns yyIM yjoiq ulone, pues [[JOo00A4JS JO wn -Ipsul pozeorpduio0y | uuy ‘yo1ourreyy po -yjour proyddy sty OESse HO se ven od ['Q Ul (UTxXO}0 69T “d ‘OT ‘TOA *Z06L ISB LEZ “d ‘OT “JOA “OG8T “48¥q “4SUT,[ oP ‘uUYy ‘HOYIUYo OJ YIM UOqUTI][VG pues XNOY JO YAOM AaI].AvI OSTe vag COE “Sh [OA ‘9061 “JOE “J ea -x0) B[taids punory | “9g ‘ueApeyoeypy “ skep @ se Ajiva se saved -dBe uU0lyeiy[y Ur SSO] ‘syoom Z 04 sAep ¢ ur uinutrTydo ‘auoyded yyouq Joog NOILONGOUd AO GOHLAN Ost “d ‘T ‘Joa ‘yonq -pusyy uuBul -19SsBA, pus soy ‘snery SaLVa aNV SYuadwuomM ee ae Se ee ee UIPIloT[90 YAnoIYy poezA[sip sosoq. ‘uolgonpoid = urxo} Joy Aressooou = AT ~ON]OSGB UTqO[ZoweyP]! [Vy] 9 07 doUASISOy 19415 Aq uosiod jo uormdios -q@v {UOIyBI011030p e10Joq '480q ouITy qysois uInUIIxeyyy *pesn oq ysnur AZ19 “Ud Y}AMOIZ 4¥013 Jo SUIBIZS SHUTYy} UNeIg pezdu19448 UOIZVZIUNUIWIT BAIS -sud ON ‘“padriay -u0d seing[nd Zur -Al] ysurede Ayrtunu “Wy = “UO1yBzrunuUT ~ul 9ATyoB Aq sesop xoq -901 9Y} Ur sABp Moy B Ul poysruru -Ip ‘seynuru O€ 1OJ °D.0¢ 48 paAo14s “op AWOIXO, -udul pouoy JON SINOY FZ 0} FI ou moIyeqno “Ul Peet WB1ZO[TY Jed “00 [ 07 ¢'9 , SOOUONPUL [VUNG [NJWIBY 130430 10 sayho Oona] ‘seyepnxe [BUIIUe LM 4987009 UT ATMO suostod svonpoid 1000904da,q4q,, pus uonsimeue sAvMlTy *BaYLIBIpP ‘s}[NSeL IepnFo1I17 ‘sAep 6 0} Z% J09JB posoq[Yy Yorq put oyep “NX9 YBUOINI[e WO soinj[Nd oIqo1eBUE UT peonpord syqqes pay[ey Yory urxKoy, “urs -Ajoulay pUB UIxXO} UdeMyoq drysuoryefer ON Serpoq url suostiod ON] "Jy “Og ‘suourIg pues uoneypgur [eoory s}usTUTpag pide 104 -eqnour ul woryeIOlIoj0q | UO yoyo ON | -sI s#id-voumn3 Sinoy QPF Ul UOYy -B1}[Y 9soon,s yua0 Jed g'Q pus poorq pozeuriqyep YyLM UOIZNIOS s,ayvorT aT peyearyny "19900 Jo suosord 94} [[B Jo Ay10rx04 oy4 peysturuttp “H,0L “Apoq snoo0000;da14s oy} ul Aq1oTx04 qqsI[s AI9A “plo skep F 04 Z% WoIy soqzeI4g YIM SyyBep [BUOIsBI00 u01}8 -10eule ‘vayt -I8Ip AMOS IO sInoy FZ Ul + aB[ndo.r t+4++ ‘S}UNOWV BF1B] UL USA VATYBBOU ATAITyUd "P9sN B1OM “09 OZ 07 OT UsyM ydooxe oAtyeSou Aporyy | ‘jog ‘uUosuo.y soyeaqyy anoy OT | J “DO SPOT ‘TL ‘TOA ‘SI6I “V ‘W ‘Vv at ‘104 -udT pue YARD Gg JOA ‘F061 —"qoeg 6 “104 ‘ZO6T “OOM sf ese “d ‘Tg "Joa ‘ZI6L «oR ‘uneig a ee ee 286 HANS ZINSSER older extraction poisons or direct sediment extracts have failed to cause paralysis, but have given rise to intestinal symptoms and ma- rasmus. And Arima’s work with typhoid bacilli gave exactly analogous results with these organisms in that his so-called typhoid exotoxin gave him paralysis, while the cell body poisons produced intestinal symptoms and marasmus. ; As regards the serological work done to prove the true toxin nature and the specificity of such poisons, there can be little doubt about the fact that a great many observers, especially those who have worked with typhoid, dysentery, and cholera poisons, have produced sera which neutralized the toxic substances to a limited extent. It is worth not- ing, however, that in a great many instances there has been a very marked difference in the results when the poison and the serum were injected separately, though simultaneously, or when the two have been mixed and kept in the incubator for from thirty minutes to one hour before injection. Very powerful neutralization has been observed only in the latter case, and since in most of the poisons the presence of true bacterial antigen cannot be excluded, it is by no means impos- sible that many of these neutralizations, at any rate, depended upon union of dissolved bacterial antigen and its antibody in the incubator before injection. It is noticeable, too, that the sera produced with extracts of typhoid cell bodies by Besredka possessed neutralizing action for the poisons obtained by Yamanouchi in seven day filtrates and by Kraus in nine day filtrates, Also Bessau, using as poisons the killed bodies of the dysentery bacillus, found that Kraus’ dysentery serum produced with filtrates and filtered agar washings neutralized the paralytic poisons of his endotoxins, but not the marasmic effects.? IV Our own work was undertaken because we felt that there was much unclearness regarding many of the claims that had been made by various investigators regarding the so-called exotoxins of bacteria, and we believed that no immediate progress of im- portance could result from further investigations of the endotoxin problem until the existence of true exotoxins and their proper- ties were definitely settled. Also we were induced to take up 3 For a possible explanation of this see remarks in tabulation under Bessau. NATURE OF BACTERIAL TOXAEMIA 287 this matter particularly because observations made by us with toxic filtrates of haemolytic streptococci indicated that there was a striking qualitative similarity between these and the B. influenzae filtrates produced in parallel experiments by Mrs. Parker. We therefore decided to undertake, with the assist- ance of Mrs. Parker and Miss Kuttner, a detailed study of poisons of the possible exotoxic variety with a considerable num- ber of different bacteria. Throughout our work we have endeavored to avoid as far as possible any extensive extraction of the bacterial cell. For this reason we have worked chiefly with filtrates of very young cul- tures on liquid media and with filtered salt solution washings of young agar growths. Our work is far from completion and is mentioned in this paper only because some of our preliminary results seem to us to have important direct bearing on the problems discussed above. In addition to streptococci and influenza bacilli we have, so far, employed especially the typhoid bacillus and have done a few isolated experiments of orientation with dysentery bacilli of the Shiga and Flexner groups, the bacillus prodigiosus, the colon bacillus, staphylococcus aureus and the meningococcus. The details of these experiments will be analyzed and presented at some furture time. For the present we wish to submit the following data. — Working with various strains of haemolytic streptococci we have found that culture filtrates, (better centrifugates, since the filter detracts from toxicity) can often be shown to possess toxi- city for rabbits. The best results are obtained by cultivation under conditions of partial anaerobiosis (20 em. of mercury) for twenty-two hours. The poisons appear to some extent on simple hormone broth and upon ascitic broth but they are most powerful when the streptococci are cultivated on horse chocolate broth. They are at best never very powerful, 3 to 5 cc. always make rabbits of 1200 to 1500 grams very sick, but the action is irregular in intensity. We have killed in anywhere from five hours to three or four days with these poisons but many rabbits eventually recover in spite of a degree of illness that would lead 288 HANS ZINSSER the inexperienced to expect certain death. The poisons are de- stroyed at 75°C. to 80°C. in thirty minutes, and they seem to deteriorate with considerable speed on standing, though the details of this are not yet worked out. In this, as in the sequence of symptoms these toxic substances bear great similarity to the influenza poisons found and reported by Mrs. Parker. The in- cubation time is short. Rabbits that eventually die get sick within forty-five minutes to an hour and one half. There is weak- ness, often diarrhea, respiratory difficulty and a curious watering of the eyes. In other respects the rabbits act much like animals injected with a toxic foreign serum. Weakness is progressive and, finally, after three, four or five hours or longer the animals lie on their sides unable to rise, in general muscular paresis, but without paralysis and die, usually without convulsions. Autopsy shows nothing but congestion of the abdominal viscera especially the mesentery and bowel, and sometimes a little exudation in the serous cavities. The poisons, like the influenza ones, have no action on guinea-pigs and little or none on mice. All neces- sary controls were of course done, and will be reported. Typhoid filtrates have been prepared with various culture media, and most of the experiments have been done with cul- tures five and a half to six hours old. Such filtrates were always powerfully toxic for rabbits, with a potency midway between the more powerful influenza poisons and the weaker streptococcus ones. In all the other properties mentioned above they were qualitatively identical with the streptococcus and influenza poi- sons. In order to compare these substances with the cell ex- tracts we have carried out several comparisons between the six hour filtrates and similarly prepared filtrates from six day to ten day typhoid cultures. On several occasions we have found that the 6 hour filtrates were as toxic for rabbits (in one case even more so) than the ten day ones, but while the former were innocuous for guinea-pigs in relatively high dose, the latter killed guinea-pigs acutely. These young typhoid filtrate poisons were also destroyed at 75°C. in half an hour, but their deteriora- tion index has not yet been fully worked out. Other filtrate ex- periments are as yet so incomplete that they cannot properly be included. a | | | NATURE OF BACTERIAL TOXAEMIA 289 The first source of error in such experiments that come to one’s mind is, of course, the possibility of toxic substances of this kind having originated from changes wrought upon the cul- ture medium by the growing bacteria, a thought which is par- ticularly obvious in view of the striking similarity in heat resist- ance and mode of production, and the complete identity of phys- iological action of such poisons from different bacteria. How far this can be absolutely excluded, it is hard to say. We can rule out histamin (shown recently to be produced on seven and ten day colon cultures) by the inability of our toxic substances to act on the isolated guinea-pig uterus, by their innocuousness for guinea-pigs and by heat instability. The last point would tend to exclude also most of the substances belonging to the ptomain series, though about some of these we cannot find statements concerning this property based on experiment. Peptone effects we can exclude with considerable certainty, we think, since our original culture media in considerable amounts do not give the symptoms; because 20 cc. of a 5 per cent solution made with our peptone gave no immediate symptoms in a rabbit, killing only after six days with nothing resembling the symptoms we were obtaining with 3 to 5 ce. of our 1 per cent peptone broth filtrates; because guinea-pigs were unaffected and because heat at 75°C. destroyed the toxicity. Cholin derivatives have not yet been excluded and unknown possible toxic culture ingre- dients have not yet been fully searched for by us. In order to get a more complete understanding of a few of these poisons, however, before we completed all the details concerning the broth filtrates, we began to work with agar cultures in which, as in the dysentery work of Kraus and the typhoid work of Arima, the bacteria were grown on agar surfaces, the growths washed off with sterile salt solution and filtered with as little interval as possible between removal and filtration and with care that no agar was scraped off, usually without any scraping of the agar whatever. By this method, astonishing as it was to us, we obtained powerfully toxic filtrates from influenza, typhoid, colon and prodigiosus cultures; less powerful ones from streptococcus growths and from growths of dysentery ba- 290 HANS ZINSSER cilli. In all cases the differences between these various toxic substances were purely those of potency. Qualitatively they were similar to each other and to the poisons obtained from broth filtrates, at least as far as their toxicity for rabbits, the resulting symptoms and autopsy findings and the incubation periods were concerned. Quantitative comparisons must be made in these experiments since the perhaps confusing impression given by the equal toxicity of substances obtained from the saprophytic organisms with those obtained from the pathogenic ones may lose some of its negative significance when we remem- ber how incomparably more abundant were the six hour growths on agar of prodigiosus and bacillus coli. We have excluded the possible codperation of an agar anaphylatoxin in these effects, we believe, a control which, by the way, was not made either by Kraus or Arima in their work. So far, therefore, although we have made only a beginning in a rather ambitious program, we have found that many different bacteria will induce the formation of heat unstable toxic sub- stances in young cultures. The formation of this substance is roughly proportionate to the growth energy. The toxic products are essentially similar in the symptoms they elicit in rabbits and they are similar in their harmlessness for guinea-pigs. They differ in some essential properties from the classical endotoxins of the same organisms, and though we cannot yet be absolutely sure of it, they seem distinct from most of the more usual toxic substances produced by the cleavage of culture ingredients. If the broth filtrate substances are identical with the poisons obtained from the agar washings, a fact that we deem more than likely at present, we can probably exclude the codperation of culture substances definitely. We think that there is little doubt that the substance we have under observation is at any rate responsible for a good many vaguely comprehended results obtained by preceding investigators. The essential questions of identity of these substances from different bacteria, their antigenic properties, etc., can be an- swered only by animal experiments. Such immunization and cross protection experiments are in progress, and they are ren- NATURE OF BACTERIAL TOXAEMIA 291 dered extremely difficult by the fact that repeated small doses often lead to marasmus, loss of hair and eventual death of animals so treated. The final question as to whether these poisons play any role in the symptoms accompanying infection of the animal body will be more difficult of approach and will not be attacked until some of the more basic problems have been answered. One noticeable feature that may have’ some bearing on these substances is the apparent aggressive action of our poisonous products. Occasionally rabbits that were injected with unques- tionably sublethal doses of streptococci contained in supernatant fluid from centrifuged specimens have died in about two or three days; and with the poison of B. influenzae the small number of influenza organisms that occasionally slip through the filters have caused death in the rabbits with invasion of the tissues, although this organism in its ordinary relationship does not infect rabbits. There remains one further possibility of injury to the body which has nothing to do with toxaemia in the sense of the pro- duction of free bacterial poisons. There is no conclusive evi- dence at the present time which would lead us to doubt that in chronic infection and in repeated infection with the same organ- ism the body may become sensitized to the antigen of this organ- ism. Studies on the typhoidin reaction, and to a less definite extent on the tuberculin reaction, would point in this direction. Investigations on the active and passive sensitization of guinea- pigs against typhoid protein which we published some years ago, tend to indicate that just before, or at the time when anti- bodies appear in the circulation, there have developed sessile antibodies of the same nature. The violent reaction of guinea- pig uteri existing at such times; the partial protection of the cells in such cases by increased concentrations of the circulating antibodies; these facts would, at least, suggest that such a mech- anism can play a distinct rdle in cases of prolonged, chronic repeated infections. But whether or not such animal experi- ments can be translated into the conditions prevailing in the infected human body, must rest upon further study. 292 HANS ZINSSER \7 It is quite apparent from the preceding considerations that a simple answer for the complex problems of bacterial toxaemia is quite out of the question. Indeed, we have perhaps been illogi- cal in hoping to explain by any simple mechanism a series of phenomena as intricate as these, in which there is a struggle between two rival metabolisms, mutual modification and in- jury. Yet, difficult as the problem may be, there is hope of ultimate clearness. In the attainment of this we can best assist by selecting from the work of the past that which may be accepted as permanent fact, that which may be set aside, and that which may, for purposes of experimentation, be regarded as rational possibility. For the time being this may be done as follows: 1. The body substances of most Gram-negative bacteria are toxic for the ordinary laboratory animals. These toxic proper- ties are common to many non-pathogenic, as well as pathogenic bacteria of this class. It is uncertain, but unlikely, that they are pharmacologically specific. These substances can be obtained by a variety of extraction methods, as well as by prolonged cultivation in broth. In a large majority of cases these substances have been found relatively resistant to heat, and do not deteriorate readily on standing. They do not induce neutralizing antibodies of any marked degree of potency, but they do induce specific protein sensitizers by means of which partial specific neutralization of their effects may be accomplished. These are the so-called endotoxins. The mechanism of the action of these substances is somewhat uncertain. They certainly do not form the matrix of toxic split products produced in the circulation by the sensitizer-alexin complex as conceived by Friedberger, and others; but injury by their reaction with the fixed tissue cells as conceived by Vaughan cannot be excluded, and, indeed, there seems to be no experi- mental method of differentiating such reaction from the direct NATURE OF BACTERIAL TOXAEMIA 293 poisoning of tissue cells by preformed poisons of such cell substances. Injury by their purely physical effects in the circulation as suggested, among others, by Novy and De Kruiff, is unlikely, but must be considered. Similar endotoxic substances have not been consistently pro- duced with Gram-positive bacteria. 2. Toxic substances which are probably not identical with the - poisons of the bacterial cell body have been produced with many pathogenic and some non-pathogenic bacteria, both Gram- negative and Gram-positive, by the filtration of young cultures, and by filtering washings of agar growths. No conclusive evidence has been brought so far to show that poisons produced by these two methods are not identical. The poisons produced by these two methods seem to be exotoxic in the sense that they do not represent extraction products. These substances are less heat stable than the endotoxins, usually being destroyed by 75° to 80°C. in thirty minutes. They have usually possessed relatively low toxicity for guinea- pigs. Poisons produced by these two methods in our own laboratory from a considerable number of bacteria have been found identical in regard to heat resistance, innocuousness for guinea-pigs, incu- bation time, physiological action, and autopsy findings in rab- bits. This, to us, reopens the question of whether these poisons are any more specific than are the endotoxins described above. This problem can be settled only by extensive experiments on specific immunization and active and passive cross immuniza- tion. So far, attempts to increase the resistance of rabbits against these poisons, as produced by us, have met with little success, since repeated injection led to emaciation, loss of hair, marasmus and death. (Recently, 10 out of 11 rabbits carefully treated with slightly increasing doses of young typhoid and streptococcus filtrates have died, and a horse, placed at our dis- posal for similar treatment with influenza filtrates made in our laboratory by Mrs. Parker, also died in the course of immuni- zation.) 294 HANS ZINSSER It is still necessary to identify the poisons we are working with, with similar exotoxic products of other investigators. To us this identity seems likely at the present time. Specific antigenic effects of poisons of this class produced from a variety of bacteria have been claimed by a number of reliable investigators. Reviewing this part of the problem as a whole, it becomes apparent that nothing further can be said until more extensive immunization experiments have been completed. When these preliminaries have been disposed of, we will be in a position to proceed to a study of the relative importance of these toxic bacterial products in the infectious diseases of man and animals, and only then will we be able to see our way clear to the practical problems of serum therapeutics. REFERENCES Preirrer: Jahresbericht f. Immunitat., 1910, 6, 13. (critical summary by Pfeiffer himself). VauGuHan, Victor C.: Protein split products in relation to immunity and disease. Lea and Febiger, New York, 1913. FRIEDEMANN, Uuricu: Zeitschr. f. Immunitat., orig., 1909, 2, 591, ibid., 1909, 3, 726; Jahresbericht f. Immunitit., 1910, 6, 31. FRIEDBERGER AND COLLABORATORS: Zeitschr. f. Immunitit., orig., 1910, 6, 179, 299; ibid., 1910, 7, 94, 665, 748. THIELE (TEALE) AND EmBLeETON: Zeitschr. f. Immunitat., orig., 1913, 19, 648, 666. KEYSSER AND WASSERMANN: Zeitschr. f. Hyg., 1911, 68, 535. BorpET: Compt. Rend. de la Soc. de Biol., 1913, 74, 225. NatuHan: Zeitschr. f. Immunitat., orig., 1913, 17, 478. TCHERNOROUTZKY: Compt. Rend. de la Soc. de Biol., 1913, 74, 1213. JOBLING AND Peterson: Jour. of Exp. Med., 1914, 19, 485. Novy Anp De Krutr: Jour. of Inf. Dis., 1917, 20, 499 et seq. Koxter: Cited from Novy and De Kruif, loc. cit. Mo.povan: Deut. Med. Woch., 1910, 36, 2422. Doerr: Wien. Klin. Woch., 1912, 25, 331, 339. SLATINEANO AND Ciuca: Compt. Rend de la Soc. de Biol., 1913, 74, 631. De Krutr: loc. cit. (Novy and De Kruif.) Mira anv Ito: Zeitschr. f. Immunitat., orig., 1913, 17, 586. BrsrEepDKA: Ann. de. l’Inst. Pasteur, 1905, 19, 477. ARIMA: Central. f. Bakt., orig., 1912, 63, 424. Conrabi: Deutsche med. Wochenschr., 1906, 32, 58. KRAUS AND STENITZER: Zeitschr. f. Immunitit., orig., 1909, 3, 646. Aronson: Berl. Klin. Woch., 1907, 44, 572. YAMANOUCHI: Compt. Rend. de la Soc. de Biol., 1909, 66, 1051. NATURE OF BACTERIAL TOXAEMIA 295 MacFapyEN AND Row.anp: Central. f. Bakt., orig., 1901, 30, 753. | MacFapyeEn: Central. f. Bakt., orig., 1906, 41, 266. | MEYER AND BERGELL: Berl. Klin. Woch., 1907, 44, 568. ) KRAUS AND STENITZER: Wien. Klin. Woch., 1907, 20, 344. Brav AND DENIER: Compt. Rend. de la Soc. de Biol., 1904, 56, 433. Brav AND Denier: Ann. de |’Inst. Pasteur., 1906, 20, 578. . Kraus; Kotte AND WASSERMANN Handbuch, vol. 1, p. 180. j MacFapyeEn: Central. f. Bakt., orig., 1906, 42, 365. j METCcHNIKOFF, Roux AND SALIMBENI: Ann. de |’Inst. Pasteur, 1896, 10, 257. Doerr, Kraus AND LEvapiTI Handbuch, vol. 1, p. 145. Kravs AnD DoErRR; Krauts AND LevapitT1 Handbuch, vol. 2. Krauts AND Dorrr; Zeit. f. Hyg., 1906, 55, 1. Topp: British Med. Journ., 1903, 2, 1456. OLITSKY AND KiieLEeR: Journ. of Exper. Med., 1920, 31, 19. PFEIFFER AND UNGERMANN: Central. f. Bakt., Orig., 1909, vol. 50, Bessav: Central. f. Bakt., 1911, 57, 27. MarmoreEk: Ann. de |’Inst. Pasteur, 1902, 16, 169. Brawn: Central f. Bakt., 1912, 62, 383. Aronson: Berlin. Klin. Woch., 1902, 39, 979, 1006. Simons: Central. f. Bakt., Orig., 1904, 35, 308, 440. CLARK AND FELTON: Journ. of the Amer. Med. Assoc., 1918, 71, 1048. eS Le <<" Se ee en, ee, } 9 a STUDIES IN ANAPHYLAXIS ARTHUR F. COCA anp MITSUJI KOSAKAI From the New York Orthopaedic Hospital and the Department of Bacteriology in Cornell University Medical College, New York City Received for publication April 30, 1920 I. ON THE QUANTITATIVE REACTION OF PARTIALLY NEUTRALIZED PRECIPITIN IN VITRO AND IN VIVO In one of the numefous studies (1) with which Richard Weil enriched the literature of anaphylaxis he came to the conclusion that the reaction between antigen and antibody that occurs within or upon the susceptible cells in the anaphylactic guinea- pig takes place in a manner different from that of the reaction of these two substances in wtro. This conclusion was drawn from a quantitative study of the anaphylactic reactivity of passively, sensitized guinea-pigs that had been partially desensitized. Weil states that when he passively sensitized guinea-pigs with different amounts of immune rabbit’s serum and partially desensitized these different animals with the same quantity of the antigen he found that the animals were all equally sensitive to a further injection of the antigen; the ‘‘minimal anaphylactic dose”’ of the antigen was the same for all of them. The result was the same when guinea-pigs passively sensitized with the same amount of the immune serum were partially desensitized with varying amounts of the antigen; with all of these animals, also, the ‘‘minimal anaphylactic dose” of the antigen was the same. These experiments, which are summarized in Weil’s tables 12 and 17, revealed a second peculiarity which forced Weil to the conclusion that ‘‘partially desensitized (or neutralized) antibody reacts to antigen in a manner which is quite different from that of pure antibody.”’ This peculiarity hes in the fact that the 297 THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. V, NO. 3 298 ARTHUR F. COCA AND MITSUJI KOSAKAI minimal anaphylactic dose of the antigen was much greater for the partially desensitized animals—0.5 cc.—than it was for the animals that had been sensitized with any smaller dose of im- mune serum, but without being partially desensitized—0.005 to 0.05 ec. According to Weil this latter phenomenon made it seem evident ‘‘that desensitization cannot be explained on the basis of the neutralization or saturation of a fraction of the cel- lular antibody.” Weil wrote that these two phenomena have no counterpart in the precipitin reaction in vitro nor, indeed, ‘‘in immunological science.”’ However, since he did not attempt to reproduce the phenomena in the test tube, we have taken up this question experimentally in the present study. The usual plan of our investigation was, on the one hand, to sensitize guinea-pigs passively with a precipitating immune rabbit’s serum and, after partial desensitization with varying amounts of the antigen, to determine the minimal fatal dose of the latter in the partially desensitized animals; on the other hand we mixed in test tubes quantities of the immune serum and antigen that corresponded with those used in these animal experiments and after removal of the resulting precipitate by centrifugation we determined the minimal precipitating amount of the antigen with the supernatant fluid. The supernatant fluid was also injected into a series of guinea-pigs and the mini- mal lethal dose of the antigen was determined for the animals so treated. By a comparison of the results of these parallel tests, it can be seen whether the interaction of precipitin and precipitinogen is different in vivo and in vitro as Weil thought. Such experiments were carried out with the pseudoglobulin! of horse-serum and with crystalline albumin prepared from the white of hen’s egg. The immune serum used in the first experiment was a mixture of sera derived from two rabbits (170 and 397) that had received 1 For a generous supply of this material we are indebted to Charles R. Tyler, Research and Antitoxin Laboratory, Department of Health of the City of New York, Otisville, N. Y. STUDIES IN ANAPHYLAXIS 299 numerous intraperitoneal injections of crystallline egg albumin, as follows: 2 cc., 10 cc. and 5 ce. on the first, fifth and eleventh days, and 0.5 cc. daily from the thirteenth to the twenty-sixth days inclusive. The animals were bled four days after the last injection. The minimal sensitizing dose? of this serum mixture was found to be 0.2 ce. The minimal anaphylactic dose of the egg albumin was deter- mined for guinea-pigs that had been sensitized twenty-four hours previously with 0.4 cc. of the serum mixture. The protocol of this determination is presented in table 1. TABLE 1 Determination of the minimal lethal dose of egg-albumin after a sensitizing dose of 0.4 cc. of serum 170+397 GUINEA-PIG EGG-ALBUMIN, INTRAVENOUSLY RESULT ce. 1 0.0025 Slight symptoms* 2 0.005 Severe symptoms 3 0.0075 Moderate symptoms 4 0.01 Oe 5 0.01 rl *h = typical anaphylactic death within 23 to 5 minutes. Severe symptoms = immediate violent convulsions with eventual recovery. Moderate symptoms = slight to moderate convulsions usually beginning after 4 to 5 minutes. Slight symptoms = marked dyspnoea; animal lies down on side; no con- vulsions. The minimal lethal dose of the albumin was found to be 0.01 cc. 5 cc. of the immune serum (170 and 397) were then mixed with 0.01 cc. of the crystalline egg albumin solution and after two hours at 56°C. the clear supernatant fluid, which was sepa- rated from the precipitate by centrifugation, was placed in the ice-box. On the following day, no further precipitation having taken place, the fluid was compared with the untreated serum as to its precipitin titer and as to its sensitizing function. 2 In all of these experiments guinea-pigs weighing between 250 and 340 grams were used. COCA AND MITSUJI KOSAKAI ARTHUR F. 300 ‘sisAjouoy 040[duI09 = "FY “C—O {sIsh]ouey oyerspoul ="pour {sisAjoursey 4YSI[s ="[s {stsAjowey ou=¢,, oon) oO (eos OE Oa Boa pou 1s woryexy-juoua;dwoy |(800°0) (F'0) 4 = = = = = = - a aorzeytdroerg | 910° 80 ‘H’‘O | ‘H’'O | ‘H'O}.‘O'N | ‘pom ‘Is 0 0 uoryexy-quouroydmoy | 9100'0 | — (#0) as =e = ss = Te ai she steals uoryeyidioorg | 70° 0's 5 HD 4] “HD |S Os) spom ‘Is 0 0 0 uoryexy-juowatduoy | §000°0 | (#0) S —- |- - —- | + + + spa 2N(4e) eo uoryepdroorg | 10°0 0's 07 HO | "“H'O2 8 0 0 0 «0 WOTPEXY-}UIUI9] CULO /) = = - | + + | ++ | ++ | 444+ uoryeqdioarg Sea : 929 “99 |. | ee ae Se ar ae ee Se es ee ee ee ee Se Se £00000°0 10000°0 20000°0 ¢0000°0 T000°0 2000'0 ¢000°0 TOO1O Ios sage eet 00 ‘ueatyUy |-Nq]e-339) uInIeg SOLI9g uesIjUy (Ga0L HOVG NI ‘09 [0 WAUASIINV) daxXiIW NADSIINV GNV WOUGS NOILVXIA INAWNATINOD AGNV NOILVOEIdI0dUd AHL tO UALIL GQNOWNWMI GAL IO NOLLUNOdOUd fiop Burnojjof ay} Uo pajsaz som pinyf qunzousadns ay? Spabnfriujuaa uay) pun SINOY ON} payDgnour pup pan paxiu aan (uriungv-66a) uabyun pun WNLAs aY) 017A UL UOYMZYDYNaU JOYWWT *(L6E+0L1) wunias pazypoijnau fiyyoysod ay) pun yourbiso ayy fo 49] Uorypar-jwauajduos pup 4ajy wornzidrdaid ay) fo wosr.undwo ¢ ATAVL =e STUDIES IN ANAPHYLAXIS 301 The results of the comparative precipitin titration are pre- sented in table 2 (series 1 and 2). It is seen that the minimal precipitating quantity of the egg albumin was about twice as great for the partially neutralized immune serum as it was for the untreated serum. A dose of 0.4 cc. of the supernatant fluid was injected into each of a series of guinea-pigs and on the following day the minimal lethal dose of the egg albumin solution for these animals was determined. The results of the test are presented in table 3. TABLE 3 Determination of the minimal anaphylactic dose of egg-albumin after partial neutralization of precipitin (in vitro); & cc. serum (170+397)+0.01 cc. egg-albu- min after two hours at 37°C. centrifuged; 0.4 cc. of the supernatant fluid is used for the sensitization of each animal 1 GUINEA-PIG EGG-ALBUMIN, INTRAVENOUSLY RESULT cc. 1 0.01 Slight symptoms 2 0.02 Severe symptoms 3 0.02 oe 4 0.02 | ria 5 0.03 | rts It is seen that, in harmony with the precipitin titrations, the minimal lethal dose of the egg albumin was about twice as great for these animals as it was for guinea-pigs sensitized with the same amount of the untreated immune serum. In another series of animals the foregoing partial neutraliza- tion of the immune serum was carried out in vivo in accordance with Weil’s procedure. Each animal received 0.4 cc. of the immune serum’ and on the third day thereafter each received, by intraperitoneal injection, 0.008 cc. of the egg albumin solution. Twenty-four hours later the minimal lethal dose of the egg albumin was determined as usual for the animals. The results of the test are shown in table 4. 3’ Throughout this study the passive sensitization was effected by intraperi- toneal injection. 302 ARTHUR F. COCA AND MITSUJI KOSAKAI TABLE 4 Determination of the minimal anaphylactic dose of egg-albumin after partial de- sensitization of passively sensitized guinea-pigs. Sensitization: with 0.4 cc. of serum 1704+-397. Partial desensitization on the third day: 0.008 cc. of egg-albu- min intraperitoneally. Test on the fourth day GUINEA-PIG EGG-ALBUMIN, INTRAVENOUSLY RESULT cc. 1 0.04 No symptoms 2 0.1 Severe symptoms 3 0.1 Very severe symptoms 4 0.2 Very severe symptoms 5 0.2 It is seen that the lethal dose of the antigen by the partial desensitization method of Weil is relatively the same as it is after the corresponding partial neutralization in vitro. In a further series of animals the procedure was the same as that of the preceding partial desensitization experiment except that 0.8 cc. instead of 0.4 cc. of the immune serum were used for the passive sensitization. The results of the test in this series are shown in table 5. TABLE 5 Determination of the minimal anaphylactic dose of egg-albumin after partial desensi- tization of passively sensitized guinea-pigs. Sensitization: with 0.8 cc. of serum 170+-397. Desensitization on the third day: 0.008 cc. of egg-albumin intraperi- toneally. Test on the fourth day GUINEA-PIG EGG-ALBUMIN, INTRAVENOUSLY RESULT cc. 1 0.1 Moderate symptoms 2 0.1 Moderate symptoms 3 0.1 4 0.1 Sf 5 0.2 Oe It is seen that the animals used in the two tests presented in tables 4 and 5 responded too irregularly to allow a satisfactory comparison of the results in the two series although, on the whole, the animals of table 5 appear to have been more sensitive than those of table 4. STUDIES IN ANAPHYLAXIS 303 For the reader’s convenience the results of the foregoing ana- phylaxis experiments are summarized in table 6. TABLE 6 Summary of the foregoing experiments fama Dose BERUM NEUTRALIZING DOSE EGG-ALBUMIN “2 rapginapald In vitro In vivo EGG-ALBUMIN ce. ce. cc. a 0.4 0.01 0.4 0.0008 0.02-0.03 0.4 0.008 0.2 -0.3 0.8 0.008 0.10.2 In table 2 are summarized the parallel experiments in partial neutralization of the precipitin in vitro. The results of these latter tests show that the minimal precipitating quantity of the antigen increases exactly in proportion to the amount of the antigen which is used in the partial neutralization. The animal and test-tube experiments taken together indicate that, whether the partial neutralization is carried out in the test tube or in the guinea-pigs, the quantitative relationship between antigen and partly neutralized precipitin is the same in vivo and im vitro. A second series of experiments was carried out with the pooled sera of two rabbits (425 and 426), both of which had received three intraperitoneal injections of whole egg white as follows: On the first day 5 cc.; on the fifth and tenth days 10 ee. each time. ‘The rabbits were bled on the seventeenth day. In a preliminary test 0.1 cc. of each of these sera had been found capable of fully sensitizing a guinea-pig of about 325 grams weight. Smaller amounts of the sera were not tested. As in the previous experiments we first determined the mini- mal anaphylactic dose of the crystalline egg albumin solution for guinea-pigs highly sensitized with the immune rabbits’ serum; that is, with 0.3 cc. of the pooled serum 425 and 426. The results of this determination are presented in table 7. 304 ARTHUR F. COCA AND MITSUJI KOSAKAI The minimal anaphylactic dose is seen to have been a little more than 0.002 ce. of our erystalline albumin solution. Three further series of animals were sensitized each with 0.3 ec. of the serum 425 and 426 and, after a partial desensitization with the egg albumin solution in amounts differing in the three series, the minimal anaphylactic dose was determined. The results of this experiment are shown in table 8-a, b and e. » Here again the minimal anaphylactic dose of the antigen increases in exact proportion to the increase in the amount of the antigen used for the partial desensitization (0.00025: 0.0025:: 0.035. : 0.35). TABLE 7 Determination of the minimal anaphylactic dose of antigen after passive sensitiza- tion with the untreated immune rabbits’ serum. Sensitization: with 0.3 cc. of the pooled serum (425+ 426) GUINEA-PIG EGG-ALBUMIN, INTRAVENOUSLY RESULT cc. 1 0.00075 No symptoms 2 0.0015 Mild symptoms 3 0.002 Severe symptoms 4 0.002 Oe 5 0.005 Oe It is seen that the injection of 0.01 cc. of our solution of crys- talline egg albumin completely desensitized the animals. This result is In quantitative disagreement with those of Weil.4 For although Weil’s animals were sensitized with approximately the same amount of precipitating serum as ours (0.2 to 0.4 ec.) and although they were equally sensitive to the antigen (0.001 cc. of Weil’s 5 per cent solution as compared with 0.002 ce. of our 3 per cent solution) they were only partially desensitized with 0.01 cc. and 0.04 ec. of the 5 per cent solution of the anti- gen. Our five animals were all completely desensitized with 0.01 cc. of a 3 per cent solution of the antigen. With the serum mixture 425-426 partial neutralization in vitro was carried out exactly as in the experiments with serum mix- ture 170-397. 4 See Weil’s table 18. STUDIES IN ANAPHYLAXIS 305 The results of this experiment are presented in table 9. It appears from these tests that after the immune serum 425-426 had been partially neutralized with 0.0025 ce. of the antigen the minimal precipitating dose of the antigen was about ten times as great as it was after a partial neutralization with TABLE 8 Deiermination of the minimal anaphylactic dose of antigen after partial desensiti- zation (in vivo) GUINEA-PIG EGG-ALBUMIN, INTRAVENOUSLY RESULT a. Sensitization: with 0.3 cc. of serum (425+426). Partial desensitization on the third day with crystalline egg-albumin, 0.00025 ec. intraperitoneally. ce. 1 0.0133 Slight symptoms Ae 0.02 Severe symptoms 3 0.025 Slight symptoms 4 0.03 Severe symptoms 5 0.035 Oe b. Sensitization: with 0.3 cc. of serum (425+426). Partial desensitization on the third day with crystalline egg-albumin, 0.0025 cc. intraperitoneally. 1 0.2 Slight symptoms 2 0.3 Mild symptoms 3 0.3 oe 4 0.35 mh 5 0.35 ix c. Sensitization: with 0.3 ce. of serum (425+426). Desensitization on the third day with crystalline egg-albumin; 0.01 ce. intraperitoneally. No symptoms No symptoms No symptoms No symptoms No symptoms or Whe Now nN ee (= — i — i — 0.00025 cc. of the antigen. Corresponding with the animal experiment, 0.01 cc. of the antigen completely neutralized the precipitin in 0.3 ec. of the immune serum. The results of the parallel tests with the method of comple- ment fixation were in satisfactory agreement with those of the precipitin tests. @) @) @) @) 2) @) @) @) (OHA) @) (OM) BO Foe ETO) UOTPEXY - ~yuouto,du10 T'0| ¢0 — - - |- — — _ — — — — — — — | — | uoneytdioig Loss| i @) @) @) @) @) @) @) O | 180A) 0 0 0 UOTPBXY a ~yuoura,duroD | > ¢z00°0 | £°0 cg -}-|-|{- a Gr terrae oriar ar |r iar] ae | = |p wconceme lei | xa 5 Oe [eta TOR oer O) il foe lar ohere | hel) 0 Woryexy aI ~juauratduroy | +¢z000°0 | ¢°0 = pee eee (ee eee eb Ge eae uoryeytdroorg =) 5 : 7 @) @) O | pow) oO 0 0 0 UOTPEXY poqvary < -juowe;duioy = SES ee ere ete, aera ewer — | woneydoorg - 5 oe) oe) .S) a Pee eS | ee |S ae wee Ea RE | a ee ee ee ee | ee ee . yuoo 10d ¢ a 190000"0 200000" s00000"0 10000'0 | 0000'0 | 0000'0| 1000°0 | 2000°0 | ¢000°0 100°0| 2000 |s00'0| r0'0 | zoo | go | uosiquy | ydresma) | TOS fa | uostUy i E dqaxXIW N@SILINV GNV fo] NOILVXIM-LNAWATINWOD GNV NOILVLIdIONUd AHL JO WALL WoOuds ANOWAL . ~— — -_ a a ee | RELATION OF SPUTUM BACTERIA TO ASTHMA ati the 2 cases giving a positive skin test but treated unsuccessfully a non-hemolytic streptococcus was used in each. The permanency of the favorable results obtained is yet to be discovered, but most of these patients have retained at least during the seven months of observation the result which followed the treatment as given. Aside from being an index as to the probable outcome of treatment, it was hoped that the skin test might become another method of differentiating various sub-groups of organisms and as a matter of fact, in the skin of the same patient, definite differences of reactions were obtained with different cultures of not only hemolytic and non-hemolytic streptococci but also of staphylococci. The data on this point is, however, far from complete. Granted that the results outlined above are substantial and that the importance of a positive skin test as a prerequisite to : successful treatment is not overestimated, we may discuss intrinsic asthma as follows: We know that in horse asthma and ragweed pollen asthma, the symptoms depend upon an exquisite sensitiveness to the particular foreign protein. Inasmuch as circulating antibodies are not found, we assume that this condition of sensitiveness is cellular. The specific protein will produce a positive skin test and repeated injections will cause relief of symptoms. This treatment is specific. In intrinsic asthma, vaccines likewise produce a positive skin test and as treatment with them is successful only in case the test is positive, their action is “specific.”” By analogy, therefore we may assume that asthma due to bacteria depends probably on a condition of specific cellular sensitiveness either to the bacteria themselves or to the products of their action in the organism. REFERENCES. (1) Montgomery AND Sicarp: Treatment of bronchial asthma by vaccination, with report of cases. Am. J. Med. Sci., 1917, 158, 856. (2) Wauxker, I. C.: Treatment of bronchial asthma with vaccines. Arch. Int. Med., 1919, 23, 220. (3) Stittman, E. G.: A contribution to the epidemiology of lobar pneumonia. Journ. Exp. Med., 1916, 24, 651. . i Ta 7 ad Cd . ) - . i ; J a Boe & a he [Ss . , > SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE CONSTITUTION OF THE COMPLEMENTS OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS T. J. MACKIE From the Department of Bacteriology, University of Cape Town, South Africa ‘Received for publication May 26, 1920 In the past a considerable amount of attention has been paid by serological workers to the complex characters of serum- complement and many attempts have been made to subject complement to more detailed biochemical analysis. Valuable information has thus been obtained regarding the biological action and properties of this important element of animal serum. The study of complement has been principally based on its cytolytic effects towards red blood corpuscles sensitised with the homologous immune body, and the general tendency of research on this subject has been to elicit the complexity of constitution of complement and the numerous factors on which its action depends. The fresh serum of the guinea-pig represents with ox corpuscles + rabbit versus ox immune body or cobra venom, one of the most active complements and it has therefore been commonly used for studies on complement action. Attention was first drawn by Stephens (1) to the hemolytic effect of certain snake venoms along with fresh serum. In the case of guinea-pig’s serum, which has a powerful activating effect, this characteristic property is annulled by heating the serum at 55°C. and corresponds as regards thermolability to the comple- menting action of serum with immune body. Observations made by Browning and Mackie (2) on the complementing action of serum with immune body in relation to its hemolytic effect with cobra venom showed that the venom-activating constituent of serum though similar in many characters to the complement which acted with immune body was not identical with the latter. 379 380 T. J. MACKIE Ferrata (3) and later Brand (4) Liefman (5) Sachs (6) demon- strated that complement could be fractioned into two compo- nents neither of which exhibited any degree of complementing effect by itself, although together they reproduced the full hemolytic activity of the native serum. These two moieties were designated ‘“‘end-piece” and “mid-piece’”’ the latter combin- ing directly with red blood corpuscles + immune body. In Liefman’s method carbon dioxide gas was passed through serum diluted with distilled water and this led to the precipi- tation of part of the globulins of the serum which represented the ‘“‘mid-piece’’ while the ‘“‘end-piece”’ consisted of the albumin and that portion of the globulin still remaining in solution. These fractions were carefully studied by Browning and Mackie in the case of guinea-pig’s serum and it was found that the venom- activating constituent could also be fractioned into two similar components. A “third component”? of complement was described by Ritz (7) which had no end-piece or mid-piece properties and unlike these components was invariably stable at 57°C. This constit- uent was demonstrated by inactivating complement with venom and by the restoration of its activity on the addition of heated serum. It was subsequently found (Browning and Mackie (8)) that complement could be fractioned into four different components by Liefman’s method followed by precipitation of the proteins in different concentrations of ammonium sulphate. These four components were represented respectively by the albumin, pseudoglobulin from ‘‘end-piece,’’ pseudoglobulin from ‘“mid- piece” and euglobulin. None of these fractions corresponded to any of the previously described complement components “end-piece,” ‘‘mid-piece”’ or “third component.” These obser- vations were carried out with guinea-pig’s serum and the general results showed that the complement constituents were distributed over all the different proteins of the serum but appeared to be concentrated chiefly in the pseudoglobulin. Of the four compo- nents, three, including always the albumin, were generally neces- sary for full restoration of complement action and the albumin ‘ COMPLEMENTS OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS 381 fraction appeared to represent an essential constituent of the complement. While it is doubtful if albumin, pseudoglobulin and euglobulin separated by ammonium sulphate constitute homogeneous pro- tein entities (Martin and Chick (9)), there is strong evidence that they represent different complement constituents, and Liefman’s method certainly elicits a striking difference between the two moieties of the pseudoglobulin separated by carbon dioxide. With a view to throwing further light on the structure of complement and especially the venom-activating constituent of serum, further experiments have been carried out with the sera of certain other animals. The technique followed was that originally described in the Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology and the Zeitschrift fiir Immunititsforschung (8). The hemolytic systems used were (1) ox red blood corpuscles - + immune body (rabbit versus ox), and (2) ox red blood cor- puscles + cobra venom. ‘The sera of man, rabbit, and horse were selected for comparison with guinea-pig’s complement. With ox corpuscles + immune body rabbit versus ox the average minimal hemolytic dose of these sera as shown by Muir (11) are: Guinea-pig, 0.01 cc.; rabbit, 0.1 cc.; man 0.11 ce.; horse, ~ cc.; for 1 ce. of a 5 per cent suspension of blood. EXPERIMENTS WITH RABBIT’S SERUM Various specimens of rabbit’s serum were fractioned by Lief- man’s carbon dioxide method into ‘‘end-piece”’ and ‘‘mid-piece”’ and the two moieties were further subdivided by the ammonium sulphate method. The different globulins were then tested separately and in certain combination as regards their complementing action with immune body. Table 1 demonstrates the results of one of these experiments; the pseudoglobulin from end-piece showed distinct activity which was increased to the standard of the native serum by the addi- tion of the pseudoglobulin from mid-piece; the latter by itself 382 T. J. MACKIE displayed no complementing properties. The addition of euglo- bulin to the mixture of pseudoglobulins did not further add to the hemolytic value. A mixture of the pseudoglobulin from end-piece and euglobulin also yielded a fully active complement but euglobulin along with pseudoglobulin from mid-piece was quite inactive. Thus the complementing property of rabbit’s serum is in- variably resident in the globulins and distributed among them; but a mixture consisting of only two of these globulin fractions, TABLE 1 LYSIS OF 0.5 CC. OX BLOOD SUSPENSION + 5 DOSES OF IMMUNE BODY RABBIT’S SERUM Bo eee 0.01 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 cc. cc. cc. cc. cc. iINativercomplementinane ce sees posse coeee trey dist. |e: c. c AUT EL OA EEN AOS aE. Rok eee 0 0 S730 0 Pseudoglobulin from end-piece............... 0 0 0 | dist. j(c Pseudoglobulin from mid-piece............... 0 0 0 0 0 Biglobualimg £00.66 ities es a eke foie Mae ee ere 0 0 0 0 0 Pseudoglobulin from end-piece + pseudoglob- ulinsfrom\anid=piece.2i.2.% 2M DAasi. 2 en oleae 0 tr. c Cc. c Pseudoglobulin from end-piece + pseudoglob- ulin from mid-piece + euglobulin......... OP idist.\|\ se: c. c Pseudoglobulin from mid-piece + euglobulin..| 0 0 0 0 0 All‘four-components'.) <1 22 Soon 5.0 ee oes a0) ea) dist?.| Pie: Cc. c Pseudoglobulin from end-piece + euglobulin..| 0 | dist. | ce. C. c Albumin + pseudoglobulin from mid-piece....| 0 0 0 0 0 Albumin = seuclobulinke ene eae eer ee 0 0 0 0 0 In this and in subsequent tables: tr.=trace; f.tr.=faint trace; dist. =distinct; mk.=marked; c.=complete; j.c.=just complete; al.c.=almost complete. provided they do not both belong to the mid-piece, is sufficient to reconstitute the complement. In the case of rabbit’s serum also certain constituents may be considered as interchangeable. It is to be noted that there is an actual qualitative differentiation of the pseudoglobulin of end-piece and that contained. in the mid-piece fraction. This was also noted in the case of guinea- pig’s serum. In contrast with guinea-pig’s serum however the albumin fraction does not appear to contain any complement constituents. COMPLEMENTS OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS 383 In general, rabbit’s serum has no activating effect with cobra venom and ox’s corpuscles, though with immune body it shows marked complementing action. TABLE 2a Lysis OF 0.5 cc. oF 5 PER CENT SUSPENSION OX BLOOD + 0.0065 GRAM COBRA VENOM RABBIT’S SERUM 0.04 ec. 0.1 ce. 0.16 ce. 0.2 ce. 0.24 ce. | 0.3 ec. | 0.36 ec. Fresh serum........... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Globulin precipitate by 157) 0 0 0 tr. dist. | mk. | al.c.|] ec. Albumin separated by ‘sl ES) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; NHy,)SOx. ..| 0.2 cc. | 0.24 cc.| 0.3 ce. | 0.36 cc. Globul f ‘ co * + S ee ipoenini fea. .-| 0.05 ec.| 0.06 ec.| 0.075 cc.| 0.09 ee. 0 0 0 0 TABLE 23 Lysis OF 0.5 cc. oF 5 PER CENT OX BLOOD SUSPENSION -+ 5 DOSES IMMUNE BODY RABBIT’S SERUM 0.01 | 0.025 | 0.05 | 0.075 | 0.1 0.2 0.3 cc, cc. cc. ec. cc. cc. cc. IN/UUKVE: SEINE CR a a 0 mk. | al.e. c. c. c. c. Globulin (NH4)2SO4 method..... mk. c. c. Cc. c. c. Albumin (NH,)2SO,4 method..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Globulin + albumin (NH,).SO, TECUIIGL |. 6 does eee mk. c. c. c. c. c. Lysis OF 0.5 cc. OF ox BLOOD SUSPENSION (NO IMMUNE BODY) Selobulina (NE,)eSOu. ............ 0.3 ece.=no lysis Mipmaepengiin<..4.4.......-...- 0.3 ec.=no lysis It was found however that the globulins separated by half saturation with ammonium sulphate showed distinct comple- menting action with cobra venom. The albumin was inactive and also inhibited the action of the globulin even in doses corresponding to one-fourth of the doses of globulin used. 384 T, J. MACKIE These experiments clearly demonstrate that rabbit’s serum, which had no power of producing hemolysis of venomised cor- puscles, still contained venom activating constituents which were resident in the globulin fraction. These constituents were, like complement, thermolabile (at 55°C.). In the case of hemoly- sis with immune body, as already shown, the albumin exerted no inhibitory action (table 2 8). The globulin fraction of rabbit’s serum apparently represents the whole complement of the serum both for immune body and venom but in the case of venom the native serum is inactive in TABLE 3 LYSIS OF 0.5 cc. OF 5 PER CENT OX BLOOD SUSPENSION 0.0005 GRAM COBRA VENOM Guinea-pig’s complement 0.0075 cce.|0.01 cc./0.02 cc.|0.04 cc.|0.06 ce. | 0.1 ec.. =F aif =r oy = ale cr Rabbit’s ‘“‘end-piece’’........ 0.015 ce. |0.02 cc.|0.04 cc.|0.06 cc./0.12 ec. | 0.2 ee. dist. mk. | dist. tr. f.tr. 0 Guinea-pig’s complement..... 0.0075 cc./0.01 ec.|0.02 cc.|0.04 ce. jece © (CF c. Guinea-pig’s complement..... 0.0075 cc.|0.01 cc.|0.0 ce. |0.04 cc.|0.06 cc. | 0.1 ce. ar =i ai ain a aby at Guinea-pig’s ‘‘end-piece’’..... 0.015 ce. |0.02 ec.|0.04 cc.|0.08 cc.|0.012 ec.| 0.2 ce. C: ce o GC C. e Controls 0.2 ce. guinea-pig’s end-piece=0 0.2 ec. rabbit’s end-piece=0 virtue of inhibition by the albumin. It was concluded that the deficiency of the whole serum in this respect was due to the albumin antagonizing or ‘‘masking”’ the activity of the globulin. It was found also that rabbit’s serum-albumin inhibited the action of guinea-pig’s serum with venom. In the experiment shown (table 3), varying amounts of guinea-pig’s complement mixed with quantities of rabbit’s albumin (end-piece) represent- ing respectively double these amounts of rabbit serum, were tested in series with 0.5 cc. of ox blood suspension + cobra venom. There was marked inhibition and a zone phenomenon was produced. ee nes woe ‘ ie % é vf \ i COMPLEMENTS OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS 385 Corresponding mixtures of guinea-pig’s complement with guinea-pig’s end-piece show no inhibition of lysis. ‘This experi- ment shows an interesting difference in the albumin fraction of these two sera in regard to cobra venom hemolysis. EXPERIMENTS WITH HUMAN SERUM Specimens of fresh human sera were also investigated in the light of the findings with rabbit’s serum and it was found that TABLE 4 Lysis of 0.5 cc. OF OX BLOOD SUSPENSION + 0.0005 GRAM COBRA VENOM HUMAN SERUM 0.01 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.15 0.5 cc. ec, cc. cc. cc. cc. cc IRIE SHBSEMIUUTIN sy afere siete cucteseicholee. 3-2. <0. « 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Globulin precipitated by GN asO, method. ..:......./ 0 0 tr. | dist. |. mk. «| ice. Albumin precipitated by (NHy,)2SO,4 method...........} 0 0 0 0 0 0 Albumin+ Globulin (NH4)eSO4 method........... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lysis OF 0.5 cc. OF OX BLOOD SUSPENSION + 5 DOSES IMMUNE BODY HUMAN SERUM Sas a a a 0.01 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.15 ce. ce. ce. ec. ce. ce. IRs) Seo ose ee mk. 7] 5j.¢: c Cc. c. ¢c OUI eG dhe al dist. | v.mk.| ec c. c. c Sih 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 moun elobulin 0). 2... se ep ee mk. | al.c. | e c. c. c Controls 0.5 cc. of suspension (no immune body nor venom)+human serum 0.5 cc.=no lysis. 0.5 ce. of suspension (no immune body nor venom)+globulin 0.2 ec.=no lysis. the globulin fraction was actively hemolytic in the presence of venom even when the native serum had no action. Sera were fractioned into globulin and albumin by the ammonium sulphate method and the fractions were tested with immune body and with venom; it was observed that the globulin displayed practi- cally the full complementing action of the serum for immune body. | THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. Vv, NO. 4 386 T. J. MACKIE In the case of venom the action of the globulin was inhibited by the albumin. ‘Table 4 shows the results. In the experiment quoted the mimimum dose of human complement with immune body was relatively small, about 0.025 cc. for 0.5 cc. of the sensi- tised suspension. Observations were also made as to the power of the albumin of human serum to inhibit the hemolytic action of guinea-pig’s serum for venomised corpuscles. For conveni- ence end-piece of human serum separated by carbon-dioxide was employed and it was found to exert a marked inhibiting effect (table 5). TABLE 5 LYSIS OF 0.5 CC. OF OX BLOOD SUSPENSION + 0.0005 GRAM COBRA VENOM 0.005 cc. | 0.01 ce. 0.02 ce. 0.04 ce. 0.06 cc. 0.1 cc. Guinea-pig’s serum........ j.c. c. ce Cc. Cc. c. Human ‘‘end-piece’’...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Guinea-pig’s serum........ 0.005 ce.| 0.01 ec. | 0.02 cc. | 0.04 ec. | 0.06 ce.| 0.1 ce. = ae ote cae “te ak a5 Human “‘end-piece’”’...... 0.005 cc.}0.01 ec. | 0.02 cc. | 0.04 cc. | 0.06 cc. | 0.1 ce. mk. mk. dist. dist. dist. tr. Guinea-pig’s serum........ 0.005 ce.| 0.01 ce. | 0.02 cc. | 0.04 ce. | 0.06 cc. } 0.1 ce. Ag = oe a ote ate he Human ‘‘end-piece’”’...... 0.01 ce. | 0.02 cc. | 0.04 cc. | 0.08 ec. |0.12 cc. | 0.2 ee. mk. tr. 0 0 0 0 EXPERIMENTS WITH HORSE’S SERUM Certain experiments with horse serum yielded very interesting results. As regards the hemolysis of ox corpuscles in the presence of venom, horse serum often exhibits a powerful activating effect and this property is partially retained even when the serum is heated to a temperature of 56°C. It is apparent therefore that this activating power is not entirely due to serum constituents of complement nature. Kyes (10) assumed that venom activation by serum was entirely due to the lecithin present in the serum and that the lipoid existed in combination with the serum proteins. In the » Oe + € COMPLEMENTS OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS 387 case of horse serum he suggested that the lecithin was very lightly bound and was therefore available in the fresh serum. Horse serum has no complementing power for ox’s corpuscles along with immune body (see Muir (11)). The globulin and albumin were separated by the ammonium sulphate method and tested with venom and immune body. TABLE 6 LYSIS OF 0.5 cc. OF 5 PER CENT OX BLOOD SUSPENSION + 0.0005 gram cobra venom + 5 doses of immune body HORSE SERUM fe fe lelelelslelelelelelelele a Pa We a A= og a o So So So —) Co So oe —) oe o —) —] i] Paces serum... 22... 2... jc. | cc Jelejetletle|/0{/0}/0)/0;0;0);0 Globulin (NH,4)2SOx, Tene A tr. |j.c.}e.|e}e}e}e]/0}/0)/0)/0/0/0)0 Albumin (NH4)2SO, matin wer. .......) dist. | c. | c.}¢.)/¢. |e /¢10)/0]0)/0;010;0 Globulin+ albumin (NH,)2SO, method....} j.c. | ec. }e.}e./e}e¢}e.}0)/0/0)}0;0)0/0 + 0.0005 gram cobra venum (70°C.) HORSE SERUM cease CNEL.) 90, Method. ......2..2..0)...00 2k 0 | 0/0] 0 | ftr Albumin (NH,)2SO, method. iiss. BBL isthe. jie:. |Geui)-c. Globulin+ albumin (NH,):80, meshed detaya. oh. | TOISEAMGS. | C4 (Gee: Controls: No immune body nor venom. 0.25 cce.=no lysis. 0.5 cce.=no lysis. Fresh serum: 0.5 ee.=no lysis. Globulin It was found that both the globulin and albumin individually displayed marked activating powers and the combination of the two fractions represented the full hemolytic power of the serum, of course only by a process of summation of effects (table 6). To ascertain whether the serum lecithin played some part in producing lysis along with venom, these two fractions both 388 T, J. MACKIE together and separately were tested with ox corpuscles + cobra venom which had been heated to 70°C. for one-half hour according to the method of Morgenroth and Kaya (12), who showed that with heated venom, lecithin is actively hemolytic while comple- ment is inactive. It was found on carrying out these experiments that the globulin fraction was quite inert with heated venom while the albumin was as active as with fresh venom (table 6); the lecithin nature of the activating constituents of the albumin fraction was thus demonstrated. While therefore lecithin bodies play some part in the activating effect of horse’s serum, other constituents probably of comple- ment nature are equally concerned. It is of interest also to note that the lecithin substance should be associated with the albumin fraction. The other activating elements are contained in the globulin. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS These experiments elicit striking differences in the constitution of the complements of different animals apart from their relative activity with hemolytic immune body and venom. In the case of human and rabbit’s serum acting on ox red blood corpuscles + immune body or venom, the complement is entirely associated with the globulins of the serum while in the case of guinea-pig’s serum which represents with these hemolytic systems a much more powerful complement, the albumin fraction is also an essential constituent of the comple- ment. Whether the potency of a complement depends on the presence of constituents associated with the serum albumin is a matter for further investigation. In the case of human and rabbit’s sera, however, acting with venom, the effect of the globulin is ‘‘masked”’ in the whole serum by the albumin while in the case of guinea-pig’s serum the albumin also contributes to the full action of the serum along with the globulin. COMPLEMENTS OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS 389 It has also been shown how the albumin of human and rabbit’s serum may inhibit the action of guinea-pig’s serum globulin. In the case of horse’s serum the activating effect with venom is due not only to a complement body represented by the globulin but also to the lecithin contained in the albumin fraction. REFERENCES (1) Steruens, J. W. W.: Jour. Path. and Bacter., 1900, 6, 273. (2) Brownina, C. H., anp Macxiz, T. J.: Jour. Path. and Bacter., 1912, 17, 120; Biochem. Zeitsch., 1912, 48, 229; Zeitsch. f. Immunitits., Orig., 1913; 17; 1, (3) Ferrata, A.: Berl. klin. Woch., 1907, 44, 366. (4) Branp, E.: Berl. klin. Woch., 1907, 44, 1075. (5) Lizrmann, H.: Miinch. med. Woch., 1909, 56, 2097. (6) Sacus, H.: Handbuch d. Tech. & Meth. d. Immunitits., 1909, 2, 969. (7) Omoroxkow, L.: Zeitsch. f. Immunitits., Orig., 1911, 10, 285. (8) Brownine, C. H., ano Mackin, T. J.: Zeitsch. f. Immunitits., Orig., 1914, 21, 422. (9) Cuicx, H., anp Martin, C. J.: Biochem. Jour., 1913, 7, 380. (10) Kyss, P.: Jour. of Infect. Dis., 1910, 7, 181. Enruicu, P.: Studies on Immunity, 2d ed., 1910, p. 291. (11) Morr, R.: Jour. Path. & Bacter., 1912, 16, 523. (12) Morcenrorta, J., AND Kaya, R.: Biochem. Zeitsch., 1908, 8, 378; Biochem. Zeitsch., 1910, 25, 88. ON THE PLACENTAL TRANSMISSION OF SO-CALLED NORMAL ANTIBODIES II. ANTITRYPTIC-ACTING BODIES G. C. REYMAN From the State Serum-Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark. Director, Th. Madsen Received for publication May 6, 1920 In 1902 Halban and Landsteiner (1) observed that the blood of child-bearing mothers contained a greater amount of antitryptic- acting bodies than the funicular blood of their offspring, and in 1909 this question was taken up nearly simultaneously by Graef- enberg (5), Becker (6), v. Reuz (7) and also Lust (8). They all determined the antitrypsin content of the blood by means of v. Bergmann and Bamberg’s (3) and Kurt Meyer’s (4) modifica- tion of the Gross-Fuld (2) casein method. Graefenberg found that the antitrypsin titer was nearly doubled during pregnancy, and then again became normal shortly after parturition. Becker examined twenty-five new-born children and their mothers with the result that titers of the new-born were on an average nearly the same as that ordinarily encountered in adults; on the other hand they were somewhat lower than those of the mothers, the titer of the latter being considerably heightened. v. Reuz exam- ined the blood of diseased as well as healthy children, from six days to eleven months old, and reported that the values were all very low before the onset of the sickness. Lust examined the blood of ten normal children, from fourteen days to more than two years old, and found the titers almost as high as in adults. Gammeltoft (9) improved the casein-method by undertaking his measurements with a casein solution of a special hydrogen- ion concentration, and by determining the nitrogen which might be titrated with formol during the process. He corroborated the presence of the greater antitryptic power of the mother’s serum as compared with the corresponding funicular serum of 391 392 G. C. REYMAN the children and also the increase during pregnancy, and he further found that during the same period no increase took place in gravid cows and rabbits. Gammeltoft supposes that the antitryptic action is due to lipoid compounds, and bases this supposition upon the fact that these bodies, as demonstrated by Bauer and others, can be shaken off with ether, and also that the bodies in question are suspended. Gammeltoft gives in conclusion the observations made by Morgagni, Hunter and Virchow, that the serum of gravid females is more opalescing than is serum ordinarily, and that this opalescence, according to Virchow, is due to phosphorated fat. In my own experi- ments, also, there was an apparent correlation of opalescence and enhanced antitryptic power of a serum; for the serum of kids was generally opalescing, so much so, in fact that on stand- ing a cream-like layer might form on the surface, whereas the serum of the mother animal, before as well as after parturition, was usually clear; and, in concurrence with this difference in appearance, the serum of kids, as will be shown later, was found to inhibit tryptic action more strongly than did the maternal serum. The antitryptic action of the serum was tested by the writer in seven goats and their kids, among which were three pairs of twins; of the latter one kid, though normal, had to be killed immediately after birth, and as the first sample from the corre- sponding twin was lost, the sample of the killed kid made a good supplement. The first blood sample was taken from the jugular vein, immediately after birth and before the kids had taken nour- ishment. All test samples were subsequently taken from the jugular vein and at the same hours. The measurements of the antitryptic power were determined by means of the Gross-Fuld method, as modified at the Serum-Institute for quantitative use. First the entirely digestive dose of trypsin was tested against 2 ec. casein solution (1 gram casein dissolved in 100 ce. *, NaOH neutralized with 4 HCl and diluted with a 0.9 per cent dilution of sodium chloride to 500 ec.). Based upon this preliminary experiment a suitable excess of trypsin was used in the actual experi- ment, which was made in the following manner: to a series of test tubes PLACENTAL TRANSMISSION OF ANTIBODIES 393 decreasing doses of serum were added (with interyals of 20 per cent), after the suitable quantities had first been determined by means of preliminary experiments. Following upon the volumetric correction of the contents of the tubes (total volume 1 cc.) the trypsin-solution was added, after which the tubes were left for twenty minutes in a waterbath (37°C.). After they had been cooled with running water 2 cc. casein solution per tube was added, and, after being well shaken, they were again placed at 37°C. for three quarters of an hour. The tubes were then cooled once more and 0.1 ce. acetic acid solution (5 ec. acetic acid + 45 cc. absolute alcohol + 50 cc. water) was added. Thereafter a tube with a definite opalescence was chosen and in each of the series the tube with corresponding opalescence was found. The measure was repeated with another tube with a different degree of opalescence. The mean of the reciprocal values of these two measure- ments are the figures given in the tables. A comparison between the figures of the table is only permis- sible within the same experiment; i.e., a mother animal with corresponding kids, seeing that all the samples originating from a group of this kind were measured at the same time. Further- more, the series with decreasing doses from each serum sample, including the eventual minima and maxima of the antitryptic action, extended over such a range that they embraced the same serum dosage for both mother and kid, and thus the effect of equal doses of serum against the same quantity of casein solu- tion and in conjunction with the application of like dosage of the same trypsin solution was observed. The method of Gammeltoft (9) is more expedient, in so far as various experiments might be compared from a quantitative point of view, but it is difficult to use it when, as in this case, we are dealing with long series of many serum samples, and the Gross-Fuld method seemed to me to offer a sufficient founda- tion for my purpose, which was in isolated experiments to de- termine the relative proportion of antitryptic-acting bodies in the blood of the mother animal and the kids, and their fluctuations during the experimental period. Finally it turned out that repetitions gave satisfactory results. As regards the titers found, it appears from the table that the titers of the kids, as contrasted with the results of the other ex- S8T Z81 £08°% = |sze"z 19 aL 68 822 gcse |L9T'€ 96 Ll £/oe | ¢/8 08g 06° T&T IST 619°% tL £/12 FLI® e/lSs ¢ PIM 108 11% Or £/L1 LST 608° n 02% 198° g eh gee $99°Z eal S8T 822° s ete Orr 8/II LOI 280°% 08 L8T 999° el e/LT 608 208" F&I cor 110°% 28 €/91 091 OST 196 'T LL 0/92 SPT raat ShS'T I|PI9'T 08 88 P61 902°% 88 &/II &/L &1Z 9ST IeI est LOT aIZ T= |199'T LOT LOT &/L e/8 eh Lgl gest |sso'T 8 88 &/2 £/8 9ST SLI 6821 09°T 18 IIT 0/82 | &/8% C93 982 e8t'r |190°T 912 (a6 o/LT a FL 008 €6F'T 802 6/S6 162 682 09°T bP 81 991 G/1Z 2/81 WOUds Say 8ST oF I 80r elt 909 °T Sor £/8 ALY PLT o/II 88 cee 1 gat GLI OPT for 3/82 6L41 (a | 921 202 92'T POT 6/93 IST £02 °T ra 6/83 99T 2/6 POT 80r'T G26 G/L 602 L8T G/Toe C/1S% SI G/F 983 G/6« Cts G/ Gx 002 G/Se elo aQqo elo asQo Ba2o0 alo esQQo Or ‘} | | | | Ser *10JOUJ-}YIIOM OY} UT possordxo you sr yout ‘A41pider [snenun GPA Mold pus os1u] AJOA O1OM Spry osoyT, “YHIG Joyye Avp YQANoy oy} uO FYs OM oY} yurod Furjrvys Aur sb Furye7 Aq JposAur yuW0x109 0} pey J Z puv | spry sper ia al ee ce ca like Ua eh NLS i a *a]0N €9 29 |89 |22 |Z2 |€8 |s8 |28 |z8 |SoT | SZ 62 6S 501 €/08|8/S2/8/12/8/L1/8/P 18/11 \8/2 |€/8 |0/8z|Z/92|Z/he% | Z/2T | 6/9 LP6 #6 |28 |I2T |ZTI 96 68 |16 JTFT |2et | 16 CIT | 86 8 €/L2|/€/02|8/9T 8/11 8/2 |€/8 |2/82|Z/Ss|%/Es\Z/Te« | Z/2t | 3/9 PL 06 |28 {OTL |Szt |ggr |szt | sor | ¢6 08 9 €/9T/8/TT8/L |8/8 |2/8|e/Sz} Z/8S |Z/Te | 3/21 so lox loz tz les les | es | os dp Ss G/L1/8/11|8/F |2/8c|%/Sc|0/1| G/9T |Z/tT x eet oD OOT |FST |Z8T |G2ZT |GLT G2 |Z9T |G2T | Gzt | Szt | OOF de G/GC\Z/TS|S/6T\Z/91\S/FL|C/GT|G/1T\Z/01] Z/6x | 3/9 |2t/0z GZ |S8I |SET |OZT |SST |SeT |SeT | Sor | ost | 22 22 G/18|6/816/9T|Z/FTIS/11|6/6 |Z/L | 3/9 | G/S« |21/02 o 9ST |O9T JOLT JOLT |00% JO9T |OFT | OFT | OFT | OOT PI G/12|6/8T|0/9T/2/FTIS/TT/6 10/2 | 3/9 | G/S« | 1/% aia WOUGS SUTHLOW RO LMETON a a a ea a i, ee ‘7YF1oM OF pozE[or109 10414 ‘Oo f10j0By 4yBIOM ‘q {A]}O0IIP puNoj 104I], “e ‘sAUpyyig, ‘sojdurvs windtes Surye, Jo soyeq SUUNJAS SPly PUD JOULIIDU UL UrsdhijyuD fo UOYDVUT T WTaV.L ae PLACENTAL TRANSMISSION OF ANTIBODIES 395 perimentators on human beings and other animals than those used for my experiments, in all cases are higher than those of the mother animals; whereas the increase in the titer of the mother animal, which has likewise been demonstrated in all of the cases, agrees with the findings of other investigators. In some of the 350: Ontitrypsen uniies pet cm serum o—o Mothet-serum b----4 serum of kid &. divecl values eis G9 Weisht correlated values pe Q-----O setumol kid T.divect values é = . <7 \ . Oo x o,” . ea y & sereeseeee fey NS Y af See Ae 2226 Fn... : “o-" > ee We iites 4 .. OS erste & 1 et - \, ES cerca Sn seasons BS ms asp eee "Oeoee..,. 88850. QSuveceeecres ee Ques... —-O Q\ 2 me v pee] Airside’ oe ne CuHartT 1 mother-animals this increase continues after birth, following which—as in human beings—a decrease takes place; whereas in others the titer remains constant through the whole of the experimental period (up to somewhat more than a month). . From the values which in the table are marked ‘‘a;’”’ namely the 396 G. C. REYMAN directly found titers, it appears that in the kids there is in most cases a gradual decrease of the antryptic acting bodies after birth; if, however, one looks at the weight-correlated values marked ‘‘c’’? (found by dividing the weight at birth into the weight of the moment and multiplying the titers with the re- sulting factor marked “‘b’’) it will be noted that, after some fluctuation, there is an increase, a constancy or in a single case a decrease in the titers. This decrease occurred in a kid (no. 3) which from the first throve badly. It will be noted that the increase observed in the case of the weight-correlated titers may be somewhat different, even in the case of twins (7 and 8, 9 and 10), for it appears from the weight factors given that of 7 and 8 (which by the way had very nearly the same weight at birth, that is, 2850 and 2750 grams respectively) 8 throve least in the beginning and its titer at the same time sank below that of 7; later on the case was reversed, both as regards titer and growth. Of kids 9 and 10, the weights of which at birth were 1800 and 2230 respectively, 9 grew proportionally more rapidly than 10, and its weight-correlated curve also rose more quickly. If one compares the weight-correlated figures, it appears that five of the examined kids have an increasing and only one a decreasing titer, whereas in three it is nearly constant, so that the total quantity of the antitryptic acting bodies in the cases examined on an average has increased. The fact that the increase and decrease of the titer in certain cases have turned out to follow growth or failure to grow might, as suggested by other experimentators, indicate that we are here dealing with a fat- or lipoid-action. SUMMARY By examinations of the proportion between the amount of antitryptic-acting bodies in the blood of goats and their new- born kids, the titers of the kids were in all cases found to be higher than those of the mother animals. The titers of the mother animal as a rule increase before parturition. PLACENTAL TRANSMISSION OF ANTIBODIES 397 There seems to be some connection between the growth of the kids and the antitryptic-acting power of the blood, so that the titer of the kid decreases when it thrives badly, and increases when it thrives well. which would agree with the supposition set forth by previous experimentators, that the antitryptic action is connected with a fat or lipoid effect. ———— — — — ] REFERENCES (1) HauBan anp LANDSTEINER: Miinch. med. Wochenschr., 1902, 49, 473-476. (2) Gross: Archiv f. exper. Pathol., 1907, 58, 157-166. (83) v. BERGMANN AND BamBera: Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1908, 45, 1396. (4) v. BERGMANN AND Meyer, Kurt: Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1908, 45, 1673- 1677. (5) GRAEFENBERG: Miinch. med. Wochenschr., 1909, 56, 702-704. (6) Becker: Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1909, 46, 1016-1017. (7) v. Reuss: Wiener klin. Wochenschr., 1909, 22, 1171-1172. (8) Lust, M.: Miinch. med. Wochenschr., 1909, 56, 2047-2051. (9) GammeEtTort, S.: Meddelelser fra Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, 1912. Any eS runes Hee) Cite: RAN F tet i He ] ‘ Ney a”) { Aedes det : SIMPLIFICATION AND PARTIAL REVISION OF THE FACTORS INVOLVED IN THE COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST FOR INFECTIOUS ABORTION IN CATTLE CHARLES S. GIBBS anv LEO F. RETTGER From the Sheffield Laboratory of Bacteriology, Yale University, and from the Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station Received for publication June 5, 1920 The applicability of the complement fixation test in the diagnosis of infectious abortion was demonstrated by Holth (1909) whose observations were soon substantiated by Wall (1911), Mohler and Traum (1911), Surface (1912), Hadley and Beach (1912) and others. Holth made a comparative study of complement fixation and agglutination and found that both of these tests were specific for infection by the Bang bacillus. They have since then been regarded by most investigators as reliable and of much value in the hands of competent technicians. Considerable criticism has been aimed, however, in recent years at the complement fixation test because of the alleged difficulties that were encountered in the carrying out of the test, which has led in a few known instances at least to its aban- donment and sole reliance on the agglutination reaction. Both the agglutination and the fixation reactions are invalu- able methods in the scientific study of the complicated problem of infectious abortion. They have been employed in the present joint investigation of the Sheffield Scientific School Bacterio- logical Laboratory and the Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station for almost six years, during which period over 4500 blood samples have been tested. With very few exceptions, the two tests have served excellently as checks for each other, and it is for this reason alone that they have been and are still regarded as equally indispensable. 399 THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. VY, NO. 5 400 CHARLES S. GIBBS AND LEO F. RETTGER It cannot be denied that the carrying out of the complement fixation test as it has been developed in the past is beset with difficulties which only the most careful and competent operator is able to surmount. It has been the purpose of this study, therefore, to attempt clarification of the phases which appar- ently have given the largest amount of trouble. The fixation test for infectious abortion in cattle has under- gone but little, if any, real modification since the time of Holth and Wall. There has been some variation in the methods of preparing the antigen; some laboratories have adhered to the serum broth culture method, while others have substituted agar medium, with or without the fresh serum, for the bouillon. The greatest difficulty seems to have been encountered in the preparation and titration of the bacterial antigen. In the regular fixation test the complement is obtained from the guinea-pig, and the hemolytic amboceptor from rabbits that have been immunized against washed sheep’s corpuscles, which are employed also as the hemolytic antigen in the test. Four different amounts of cow’s serum are as a rule used, namely 0.2, 0.1, 0.05 and 0.02 ec. The cow’s serum, complement and bacterial antigen are mixed with 1.5 ce. of physiological saline solution and incubated for one hour preliminary to the addition of the hemolysin and sheep’s corpuscles. The final incubation is for two hours. For a complete description of the technic of the complement fixation test in infectious abortion, including the preliminary standardization of complement, hemolysin and antigen, the reader is referred to the work of Surface (1912), Hadley and Beach (1912) and Rettger and White (1918). The only modifications of any importance which have been made in connection with the present investigation of infectious abortion were the adoption of the Wenner (1918) method of bleeding guinea pigs, the preservation of sheep’s corpuscles by the Bernstein and Kaliski method of formalinizing (1912), and the intravenous injection of small but increasing doses of washed, undiluted sheep’s corpuscles in rabbits for the purpose of more rapid and certain hemolysin production. The chief aim in the present investigation has been to simplify —E—E—EE—— El — . INFECTIOUS ABORTION IN CATTLE 401 and standardize the technic of the complement fixation test for infectious abortion in cattle. The main emphasis has been placed on the preparation and titration of the antigen, though the other factors involved in the fixation scheme have received their due share of attention. COMPLEMENT During the past two years the Wenner (1918) method of bleed- ing guinea-pigs has been employed in this laboratory. During this period the loss of animals from injury sustained in the operation has been negligible. In many instances blood was drawn from the same guinea pigs repeatedly without any appar- ent untoward effect on them, and without any decreased com- plement potency of the serum. The saving of guinea-pigs by this method was a source of much satisfaction. It may be said without exaggeration that a very small number of large guinea pigs which are used solely for furnishing complement will supply enough serum for routine daily fixation tests, and that if facilities for breeding are reasonably good there will be little, if indeed any, occasion for replenishing the stock. The description of the method of drawing blood, as given by Wenner, was as a matter of necessity somewhat incomplete. For this reason it has been regarded by some technicians as perhaps crude and impracticable. An effort has been made in the present work to refine the technic and to make it so simple that even the unskilled operator can employ it successfully. As now conducted in this laboratory the technic should be acquired easily. The following is a complete description of the method, including the present refinement. A large guinea-pig is selected for the operation, preferably a young healthy male. The animal is suspended from a sup- port by means of a cord drawn around the hind legs. The head is immediately grasped with the left hand so that the thumb comes under the lower jaw, and the body is turned ventral side up. In this way the animal is easily controlled by very light pressure. The head is turned back at right angles to the dorsal aspect, the hair on the neck clipped as close to the skin as pos- 402 CHARLES S. GIBBS AND LEO F. RETTGER sible, and the bared neck washed with 2 per cent solution of cresol followed by 50 per cent alcohol. It is well to rub the neck briskly with absorbent cotton until it is practically dry. The guinea-pig should be etherized, of course, but only suffi- cient anaesthesia should be given to make the animal insensible to pain and the period during which it is under the influence of the ether must be made as short as possible. As soon as the vein from which the blood is to be secured is located a transverse incision 10 to 15 mm. long is made with a pair of sharp surgical scissors in the skin over the sternomastoid muscle about half way between the masseter and subscapularis muscles. The vein is then quickly brought to view and partly or completely severed with the same instrument. The guinea pig is lowered instantly to allow the blood to drain from the wound into a sterile Petri dish or centrifuge tube, without touching any part of the body. The vein which is chosen for the operation (see diagram) is an anterior ventral branch of the external jugular vein, and corresponds in location to the anterior jugular vein of the higher vertebrates. It les above the sternomastoid and the sterno- hyoid muscles, but under the superficial muscles of the neck. When it is cut while the animal is suspended at full length the blood backs into it from the large external jugular vein and any desired amount can be collected, in fact more blood can usually be obtained in this way than by severing the external jugular vein and bleeding the guinea-pig to death. The blood runs slowly but steadily as long as the position of the animal is main- tained. As soon as the required amount of blood is obtained the guinea pig is placed on its back on the table, and several stitches are sewed through the loose edges of the cut skin. The flow of blood quickly stops. After washing the wound with dilute cresol or with alcohol the animal is returned to its cage. In the course of two or three days the wound is completely healed and the pig appears as strong as ever. The preparation of the serum from the blood involves the usual technic. The blood is allowed to clot thoroughly, prefer- Pia =... INFECTIOUS ABORTION IN CATTLE 403 ably in the refrigerator. The clot is broken up and the Petri dish returned to the cooler for at least four or five hours. A clear or slightly opalescent straw-colored serum is usually ob- tained which, with rare exceptions, has good complementary properties. When prepared for immediate use no attempts are made to preserve it except by refrigeration in the ordinary ice box. _ ff} HE NON GaN fi Vif Mf be i h WA i) 1 jj . Anterior facial veins 6. Internal jugular veins 11. Subscapularis muscles . Posterior auricular veins 7. Subclavian veins 12. Masseter muscles . External jugular veins 8. Sternomastoid muscle 13. Pectoral muscles . Cephalic veins 9. Thyroid glands 14. First pectoral muscle . Anterior jugular veins 10. Manubrium 15. Trachea ore WDE Both the Rhamy (1918) and the Noguchi (1918) methods of preserving the complement have been employed by the writer, with considerable success, but mostly the former. The Rhamy 404 CHARLES S. GIBBS AND LEO F. RETTGER method, as here modified, consists in adding 40 per cent of a 12 per cent solution of sterile sodium acetate to the serum. The treated serum is allowed to remain in the ice box for two or three days before using. At the end of this period the titer of the complement is rather high, but the complement does not very materially weaken for a period of three or four weeks. HEMOLYSIN For the production of hemolysin Coca (1915) advocates intra- venous injection of three rabbits with 1 cc. of the washed sheep’s corpuscles. ‘Two injections are made, the intervening period being five days. The animals are bled five days after the second injection and the hemolytic properties determined. Coca figures that at least one of the three rabbits will furnish potent hemolysin. Stitt (1918) injects intravenously 1 cc. of a 10 per cent erythrocyte suspension, and five days later 2.5 cc. of the strength suspension. A third and last injection, this time 5 cc., is given five days after the second. Seven or eight days later 4 or 5 ce. of blood are drawn from the ear and the titer determined. The following method has been used for over two years in this laboratory with excellent results. One-half to 1 cc. of well- washed sheep’s corpuscles is injected into the marginal vein of each of two rabbits; one or two days later 1 cc. of the same mate- rial is applied in the same manner, and on the third or fourth day after the first treatment a final dose of 1.5 to 2.0 cc. of washed red cells is administered. Blood is drawn from the marginal ear vein four or five days after the last injection, for the potency test. If the titer is satisfactory one or both rabbits are killed not later than the tenth day after the third treatment. If a serum of still greater potency is desired a fourth injection (1.5 to 2 ce. of the corpuscles) is given, and four or five days later the titer again determined. Formalinized corpuscles can be used for the production of the hemolytic amboceptor providing they are not more than a week old and are thoroughly washed with sterile physiological saline solution just before using (see page 405). INFECTIOUS ABORTION IN CATTLE 405 Occasionally a rabbit is lost through anaphylaxis. For this reason, partly, two rabbits are chosen for the hemolysin pro- duction. The use of more than one rabbit also increases the certainty of obtaining a hemolytic serum of the desired strength, though we have never failed to produce a satisfactory serum by the method just described. With rare exception, the serum has been so active that a dilution of 1 to 100 has been necessary in order to determine the titer with any degree of accuracy. Even with this dilution the exact titer has usually fallen between 0.01 and 0.05. ; SHEEP’S CORPUSCLES The method of preserving sheep’s erythrocytes described by Bernstein and Kaliski (1912) and later by Wenner (1918) has been employed with considerable success for the past two years in this laboratory. Immediately after the blood has been drawn from the jugular vein of the sheep and defibrinated in a sterile bottle containing shot or glass beads it is strained through absorbent cotton and thoroughly mixed with a 40 per cent (commercial) solution of formaldehyde in the proportion of 1 cc. of the undiluted formal- dehyde to 800 cc. of the defibrinated sheep’s blood. When preserved in this manner the erythrocytes will keep, if held at a uniform temperature in a refrigerator, for fully three weeks at least. It is very important that the bottle, filtermg funnel and everything else with which the blood comes in contact be sterile. The corpuscles are washed when needed. ‘The desired amount of blood is then withdrawn from the bottle with a sterile pipette and the corpuscles precipitated in the centrifuge and washed with physiological saline solution in the usual way. For titra- tion work and for the final complement fixation tests 2 per cent suspensions of the washed corpuscles are made in saline solution. BACTERIAL ANTIGENS The preparation and titration of bacterial antigens have pre- sented greater difficulties than any other phase of the comple- ment fixation test for infectious abortion. It is largely because 406 CHARLES S. GIBBS AND LEO F. RETTGER of these difficulties that the test has been abandoned in many laboratories. Very little has been done in past years to simplify this part of the general technic. The best success in the preparation of B. abortus antigen has been attained in this laboratory by the use of slant agar cultures. It has been quite apparent that the choice of peptone for the agar medium upon which the organism is grown is an impor- tant factor; also that temperature and period of incubation must be taken into account seriously. In the present investigation an attempt was made to devise a uniform and reliable method of antigen production. This involved a study of the influence of age of bacterial cultures, different brands of peptone, different strains of B. abortus, and of the initial hydrogen ion concentration of the medium, on the antigenic properties of the bacterial growths. 1. Relation of age of B. abortus culture to antigenic potency In the following experiments the antigen was prepared from slant agar growths of B. abortus, Bang strain, which were incu- bated at 37°C. under aerobic conditions. Fairchild’s peptone (1.0 per cent) was employed. ‘The growths were washed from the agar with physiological saline solution, and the bacterial suspen- sions filtered through absorbent cotton. ‘The suspensions were shaken vigorously in glass-stoppered bottles for thirty minutes, after which they were heated in a water bath at 62°C. for one hour, with the bottles submerged to the neck. Immediately following thorough cooling the suspensions were carbolyzed (0.5 per cent). From these stock suspensions the required dilu- tions were made and the antigen titers determined. The agar used in the preparation of the different antigens was as nearly uniform in composition and reaction as possible. In the first experiment the antigen (a) was prepared from agar cultures which had been incubated at 37°C. for four days and then kept in a dark cool closet (15 to 18°F.) for six weeks. The final suspension was diluted 1:5 with carbolized saline solution. Table 1 is a record of the results. INFECTIOUS ABORTION IN CATTLE 407 TABLE 1 ANTIGEN (a) With immune abortion serum Without immune serum 0.01| 0.03 | 0.05| 0.08| 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.05} 0.1 | 02103 ]04 105 | 06 | 08 cc. cc. ec. ce. cc. cc. cc. cc. ce. cc. cc. ce. ce. cc. Hemolysis..... 4 Ce ae ee AAD ACA | AL PAS |e + indicates complete hemolysis, — absence of hemolysis, and A anticomple- mentary properties. The titer of the antigen is 0.05, and from this standpoint quite satisfactory, but anticomplementary factors are encountered in as low a dilution as 0.1, which in itself renders this antigen useless for the complement fixation test which, according to the technic very generally employed, calls for 4 units of antigen, or in this case 0.2 cc. In the next experiment antigen (b) was prepared from cul- tures which had been incubated for five days at 37°C. and then kept in the cool dark closet for 10 days. The stock suspension was diluted 1:10 and titrated, with the results shown in table 2. TABLE 2 ANTIGEN (b) With immune abortion serum Without immune serum 0.01 | 0.03 | 0.05 | 0.08; 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.05} 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.6] 08 cc. | cc. | ce. | cc. | cc. | cc. | ce. | ec. | ec. | co. | ce. | cc. | cc. | ce. Hemolysis..... +ytyi—f}J—-lf—-l|—-{]+/i+/AsJAsSAlJ—][— lees The titer of this antigen (b) is 0.05, which means that 0.2 ee. of the antigen would be needed for the regular fixation test, at the concentration of which anticomplementary action of this suspension begins to assert itself. This antigen is, therefore, highly unsatisfactory. The next antigen (c) was derived from agar cultures that were incubated for six days at 37°C. At the end of this period the growths were promptly removed from the medium and con- verted into the final antigen preparation. The stock suspen- sions were diluted 1:5. 408 CHARLES S. GIBBS AND LEO F. RETTGER TABLE 3 ANTIGEN (c) With immune abortion serum Without immune serum 0.01 | 0.03 | 0.05} 0.08] 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.05} 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.38 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.8 cc. | ce. | ce. | ce. || ‘ec |ec: | ee: | cc. |) ce: | ‘cc. ||'"co. || co.) tcosmince: Hemolysis..... + —;/—};]—-/;]—-;]+;+;)/AsA}7—]}]—-J]-] - The titer is again 0.05, and anticomplementary factors were encountered in 0.2 ce. of the suspension. This antigen, also, is useless on account of its marked anticomplementary properties. The last antigen of this series (d) was prepared from agar cul- tures (Fairchild peptone) which had been incubated at 37°C. for only four days and then immediately washed off with the saline solution and converted into the stock antigen. The final dilu- tion was 1: 5. TABLE 4 ANTIGEN (d) With immune abortion serum. Without immune serum. 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4} 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.8 CC. 41 CC. || Ces nCCam| sCOsmimcce +]/+]}+]+]4+]4 0.2 | 0.05] 0.1 COs ECCen|ecs b= se | 4 0.01 | 0.03 | 0.05 | 0.08 | 0.1 cee |, (ccs, || ce> | ee.) || "ce: Hemolysis..... +} te] |= f-—] — The titer in this instance is 0.05, while the anticomplementary factors are practically nil. Only a slight inhibition of hemolysis was observed in the last tube, that is the 0.8 cc. dilution. This antigen was employed in several complement fixation tests with very satisfactory results. Subsequent work on antigen produc- tion has fully corroborated these findings. The results of experiments thus far indicate that the time factor is an important one in the preparation of B. abortus antigen for the complement fixation test in infectious abortion. The cultures should not be incubated longer than four to five days, and the growths should be converted at once into the final carbolized suspension, which must of course be kept at ice box temperature to preserve its antigenic potency. INFECTIOUS ABORTION IN CATTLE 409 2. Comparative study of antigens obtained by the use of different brands of peptone These experiments involved the use of three well-known American brands of peptone, Fairchild’s and two others which will be designated here as A and B. Witte’s peptone was not included because repeated attempts to develop good antigen on agar containing this peptone had given very unsatisfactory results. The preparation of the different antigens was carried out in the same way as has already been described (pages 405-406). Incubation was for four days, at 37°C. In addition, the turbidity of the bacterial suspensions was controlled by the use of the McFarland nephelometer (1907), and an effort was made to have an agar medium with a hydrogen ion concentration as near P,, 6.8-6.9 as possible. Tables 5, 6 and 7 are self explana- tory. TABLE 5 Giving the results (titration figures) for antigen grown on agar containing peptone A ANTIGEN With immune abortion serum Without immune serum 0.01} 0.03 | 0.05} 0.08} 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.05] 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.8 GG.) (CC. | cc... | ce. | cc. | cc. | ce: || ec. | ce: | cc. ec. | cc. | cc. |, co. Hemolysis..... +i4titi}—-;-—-;}—-/]4+/4+/4+/4+/4+/A/sA/A The antigenic titer is 0.08, and anticomplementary interference begins at 0.5cec. The growths on the agar medium were only moderate. TABLE 6 Giving the titration figures for antigen prepared by the use of peptone B ANTIGEN With immune abortion serum Without immune serum 0.01} 0.03} 0.05| 0.08} 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.05) 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 04 | 0.5 . 0.6 | 0.8 COMImCC AN CC: 1 (CG: 9|_CC; |) CC. eo. sees |eGens| OG. 11160. Hemolysis.....,; + | +}]—/—-—/]—]}—/]+]/+]/)4+]/+/]+/A/A]sA 8 2 () ° 3 The antigenic titer is 0.05, with anticomplementary action setting in at 0.5. The growths on agar were scant, and the amount of suspension was small, therefore. 410 CHARLES S. GIBBS AND LEO F. RETTGER TABLE 7 Giving titration figures for antigen grown on agar containing Fairchild’s peptone ANTIGEN With immune abortion serum Without immune serum 0.01} 0.03 | 0.05} 0.08} 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.05] 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.8 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.8 cc. | cc. | cc. | ce. | cc. | ce. | cc. | cc. | ec. | ce. | ce. | ce. | cc. | co. Hemolysis..... +1/P}/—-}]—-/}]—-]—-}]+/}/4+/}/4+},4+)/4+)4+)/4+)4+ P indicates partial reaction. The titer is 0.03, and no anticomplementary action is exerted in any of the dilutions. The above results show the importance of selecting the proper peptone for the production of antigen. The Fairchild peptone possesses very pronounced advantages over the other two in this particular instance of antigen production; that is for the com- plement fixation test for infectious abortion. Other American brands which have not been used in this comparative study may be equally satisfactory, however. The growths obtained on Fairchild peptone agar were quite luxuriant as compared with those of the other brands employed. The suspensions prepared directly from the agar slants were so dense that it was impossible to make turbidity determinations with the nephelometer without diluting at least five times. A further dilution of 1:5 was necessary before making the antigen titration. The titer of this antigen remained constant for at least seven months. The results obtained with Fairchild pep- tone have been duplicated again and again, and by following the method of antigen production as revised or elaborated by us no difficulty has been experienced in the preparation of antigen for complement fixation work in connection with infec- tious abortion. Solutions of Fairchild peptone are decidedly acid, and much care must be exercised in properly neutralizing agar that is prepared with this peptone. A final hydrogen ion concentration of P,, 6.8 appears to be the most favorable. The composition of the agar medium as we have been employing it for some time is as follows: INFECTIOUS ABORTION IN CATTLE 411 PI tee Ni, S's 5 ale ao Actaha maaan a ee neo 1000 ce. US and 6 (Cl 0) 2) 4 grams, or 0.04 per cent CTS 2 DIDS Oren 001 9) ra 10 grams, or 1.0 per cent IPPC MMSUISUE NN Caaf le lees ose s sa cnaces cone 16 grams, or 1.6 per cent 3. Antigen production by different strains of B. abortus Seven different strains of B. abortus were employed in these experiments. One was an old stock culture which was obtained from the University of Wisconsin, and labeled ‘‘Bang.”’ It had come originally from Denmark. The others were of different ages varying from a few months to five years. Two of the strains still refused to grow by the ordinary aerobic method. Two of the newer strains had been isolated by the writers from the intestine of prematurely-born calves of infected dams. The hydrogen ion concentration of the medium (ordinary pep- tone agar) was P,, 6.8. Good growths were obtained on all of the tubes when Fairchild agar was employed, though there was a decided difference in favor of the older and of the aerobic strains. On agar contain- ing the other two American brands of peptone previously men- tioned (A and B) the growths were less luxuriant in the aerobic cultures, and scant in the anaerobic. However, all of the sus- pensions prepared from the readily-visible growths exercised antigenic properties when subjected to the titration tests. The most satisfactory results were obtained with the Fairchild agar antigens. The antigen titer for the seven different strains was fairly uniform here, varying only between 0.03 and 0.05. The conclusion may be drawn, therefore, that the different strains of B. abortus have antigen-producing powers, and that it matters little whether one or another of the organisms is used for this purpose, providing sufficient growth is produced within the desired period of incubation (four to five days). Largely because of the ease with which abundant antigen may be ob- tained, the Bang strain has been used almost exclusively by the writers. The advantages of employing polyvalent antigen may be such that it will be advisable to make use of at least three or four representative strains, instead of one. This we are doing at the present time. 412 CHARLES S. GIBBS AND LEO F. RETTGER 4. Determination of the most favorable hydrogen ton concentration for B. abortus antigen ‘production It soon became quite evident, in the course of this work, that the hydrogen ion concentration of the agar medium upon which the organism is grown is a very important factor. B. abortus has the property of changing the initial hydrogen ion concen- tration of the medium over quite a range and in either direction from the neutral point, to suit its own need, as Evans (1918) has shown before us. It seems quite apparent, then, that this organ- ism requires an optimum concentration for its best development. By the colorometric method of exact determination of Clark and Lubs this optimum range can be definitely established. From the results of preliminary experiments it appeared as if the most favorable concentration was at or near P,, 6.8. Con- sequently this point was taken as a mean in subsequent experi- ments. All of the cultures were grown in tubes of Fairchild peptone agar of definite but different H ion concentration, and the antigens carefully titrated. A number of interesting facts were brought out. First, it appears that, if the initial hydrogen ion concentra- tion is P, 6.8, the reaction does not change during the growth of the culture, and that antigens prepared from such growths are more satisfactory than those obtained from culture tubes on which the organisms themselves readjust the hydrogen ion con- centration during the course of incubation. If the initial H ion concentration of the agar is at any other point between P,, 6.6 and P,, 7.3 growth is slow until the optimum concentration P,, 6.8 is reached. Unless this readjustment is very slow, as we have found it to be when anaerobic strains of B. abortus are used, normal growth takes place. Some time is consumed however, at best, and there is some loss of antigen; furthermore, if the usual incubation period is exceeded, there will be danger of anticomplementary action when the antigen is employed in the regular fixation test. Because of their greater ability to adjust the reaction of the medium within the limits of the P,, 6.6 and P,, 7.3 range, the aerobic strains are better adapted for antigen INFECTIOUS ABORTION IN CATTLE 413 production than the anaerobic, irrespective of any other advan- tages or disadvantages which they might possess. By anaerobic strains are meant, of course, those strains of B. abortus which require partial exclusion of oxygen for their development. ADJUSTMENT OF HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION, IN THE PREPA- RATION OF FAIRCHILD PEPTONE AGAR FOR ANTIGEN PRODUCTION Saturated solution of sodium carbonate is employed for the neutralization of the medium. Instead of adjusting the reaction at once to P,, 6.8, the optimum for good antigen production, the point 6.5 is sought. By careful experimentation we have found that if the initial hydrogen ion concentration, that is just before sterilization, is reduced to P,, 6.5, the final concentration after sterilization for fifteen minutes under 15 pounds of extra pressure is ordinarily P, 6.8—the point desired. These observations apply to nutrient agar containing Fairchild peptone, which is quite acid, and when sodium carbonate is used as the neutraliz- ing agent. Aside from the use of Fairchild peptone, and of the above procedure for regulating the acidity, the method of pre- paring the agar is the same as in our daily laboratory routine. TITRATION OF THE ANTIGEN By the use of the McFarland nephelometer we have been enabled greatly to simplify and standardize certain steps which are preliminary to the actual titration. Heretofore no exact method of dilution of the bacterial suspension was followed. As a result titrations frequently had to be repeated with different dilutions of antigen until the final dilution was reached within which the limits of the titration scheme fell. We have found it desirable to prepare bacterial suspensions which are quite dense; that is by washing off the slant agar growths of B. abortus with relatively small amounts of the saline solution. From the concentrated stock suspension thus pre- pared a dilution is made with carbolized saline solution to match tube 1.75 of the nephelometer set. This diluted antigen will, asa rule, furnish the final titration figure in a single antigen titration. By knowing the exact proportion in which the antigen was diluted, 414 CHARLES 8S. GIBBS AND LEO F. RETTGER it is only necessary after the first and only titration to prepare the proper dilution of antigen from the stock suspension, without further use of the nephelometer set. This method has been employed in all of the work of the past two years and has proven itself reliable and time-saving. The Zinsser (1918) method of preserving antigen has been employed by the writers, with gratifying results. This differs from the usual method in that the bacterial growths on slant agar are washed off with 10 to 17 per cent saline solution, instead of 0.85, and diluting this stock suspension with distilled water to 0.85 per cent sodium chloride content when needed. ‘This method has been of particular advantage during the warm summer months and under conditions of imperfect refrigeration. We have had little difficulty, however, in preserving antigen by the usual method over periods of at least five or six months. OTHER MODIFICATIONS OF TECHNIC INVOLVED IN THE COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST Titration of immune serum In the titration of the antigen an immune serum of known strength is required. Instead of conducting several fixation tests with various dilutions of the cow’s serum, as has been cus- tomary heretofore, one test can be made to suffice by employing all of the serum dilutions at one and the same time, as is shown in the following titration scheme. Titration of immune serum Poco 9 | RAB 2 | SP ecb elie TIME Re ‘up| TIME RESULTS e|S2| £2 | 22 [EE EEE a Nila Srales nla cc. cc. cc. cc. cc. cc. 1 | 1.5 | 0.01 |0.045|0.12} Incubate |0.15| 0.5| Incubate | Complete hemolysis 2|1.5 | 0.02 |0.045)0.12) 1 hour |0.15| 0.5} 2hours| Partial hemolysis 3 | 1.5 | 0.03 |0.045/0.12| at37°C.|0.15} 0.5] at37°C.| No hemolysis 411.5 | 0.04 |0.045/0.12 0.15] 0.5 No hemolysis 5 | 1.5 | 0.05 |0.045)0.12 0.15} 0.5 No hemolysis 6 | 1.5 | None |0.045/0.12 0.15} 0.5 Complete hemolysis The titer of the immune serum is 0.03 ce. This amount of the serum is added to each of the first six tubes in the antigen titration. i i ee ee ‘ i d INFECTIOUS ABORTION IN CATTLE 415 The use of positive and negative sera as controls The descriptions of methods for conducting the complement fixation test in infectious abortion, which have come to our attention, have not provided for the use of special control sera. The inclusion of a positive and negative control serum is of much importance. Control sera may be obtained readily from animals whose reactions have previously been determined, and, if carbolized when fresh with 0.5 per cent phenol, they will keep for at least six months. ‘The positive and the negative serum are used in the same manner as the test samples, and at the same time. SUMMARY The complement fixation test as applied to infectious abortion is specific, and serves as a valuable method of diagnosis. With the partial revision and simplification of technic pre- sented in this paper the method should be thoroughly practical and reliable. The most satisfactory antigen was obtained on nutrient agar containing Fairchild peptone, and having an initial hydrogen ion concentration of P,, 6.8. The incubation period of the B. abortus cultures should not exceed four to five days, and the stock antigen suspensions should be prepared immediately following the removal of the culture tubes from the incubator. Antigen suspensions with a turbidity of 1.75 in terms of the McFarland nephelometer lend themselves readily for direct antigen titration. The Wenner method of bleeding guinea-pigs, with the present refinement, is a very practical and economic one, and can be mastered readily by the ordinary operator. Complement stabilized with 40 per cent of a 12 per cent sodium acetate solution retains its complementary properties for three to four weeks. Formalinized sheep’s blood may be used for three to four weeks as the immediate source of hemolytic antigen in the THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. V, NO. 5 416 CHARLES S. GIBBS AND LEO F. RETTGER fixation test. Freshly-washed corpuscles from formalinized blood may be used also as antigen for hemolysin production. Positive and negative sera should be used as controls in the final fixation tests. REFERENCES Bane, B.: Die Aetiologie des Seuchenhaften (‘‘infectidsen’’) Verwerfens. Zeitschr. Tiermed., 1897, 1, 241-278. Bernstein, E. P., anv Kauisxi, D. J.: The use of formalinized sheep cells in complement fixation tests. Zeitschr. Immun., Orig., 1912, 13, 490-495. Crark, Wo. M., anv Luss, H. A.: The colorimetric determination of hydrogen ion concentration and its applications in bacteriology. Jour. Bact., 1917, 2, 1-34, 109-136, and 191-236. Coca, A. F.: A rapid and efficient method of producing hemolytic amboceptor against sheep corpuscles. J. Inf. Dis., 1915, 17, 361-398. Evans, Avice C.: Further studies on Bacterium abortus and related bacteria. J. Inf. Dis., 1918, 22, 576-593. Haptey, F. B., anp Beacu, B. A.: The diagnosis of contagious abortion in cattle by means of the complement fixation test. Wisc. University Agricul- tural Experiment Research Bulletin, June, 1912, no. 24. Ho.ru, H.: Die agglutination und die Komplementbindungs-Methode in der Diagnose des seuchenhaften Verwerfens der Kiithe. Berlin. tierartzl. Woch., 1909, 25, 686-687. McFaruanpD, J.: The nephelometer. J. Am. Med. Assoc., 1907, 49, 1176-1178. Mouter, J. R., anp Traum, J.: Infectious abortion of cattle. 28th Ann. Rep. Bur. An. Ind., U. 8. Dept. Agr., 1911, 147-183. Rertcer, L. F., anp Wuits, G. C.: Infectious abortion in cattle. Storrs Agr. Exp. Sta. Bulletin 93, Jan. 1918. Ruamy, B. W.: Further studies on the preservation of complement by sodium acetate. J. Am. Med. Assoc., 1918, 70, 2000-2001. Srirt, E. R.: A method of producing rabbit’s hemolytic amboceptor. Practical Bacteriology, Blood Work and Parasitology, 1918, 200. Surrace, F. M.: The diagnosis of infectious abortion in cattle. Ky. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bulletin 166, June, 1912, 303-366. Watt, Sven: Ueber die Festellung des seuchenhaften Abortus beim Rinde durch Agglutination und Komplementbindung. Zeitschr. Infektionskr., 1911, 10, 23-55. WewneR, J. J.: A note on bleeding guinea-pigs and on preserving sheep’s erythro- cytes. J. Immun., 1918, 3, 389-393. ZinssER, H.: Infection and Resistance. 2d edition, 1918, p. 71. aa > THE ANTIGENIC PROPERTIES OF GLOBIN, WITH A NOTE ON THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE PROPERTIES OF SERUM AND TISSUE PROTEINS, AS EXEMPLIFIED BY THE ABSENCE OF ANTIBODY FROM THE GLOBIN OF AN IMMUNISED ANIMAL! C. H. BROWNING anp G. HASWELL WILSON From the Pathological Department of the University and Western Infirmary, Glasgow Received for publication June 20, 1920 In a previous paper (4) we described experiments conducted with the serum of rabbits which had received repeated injections of globin, the protein constituent of hemoglobin, derived from guinea-pig’s blood. The results showed that globin could act as an antigen and that, together with the corresponding antiserum, fixation of complement was produced. A high degree of com- plement-fixation was obtained with seven different specimens of guinea-pig’s globin along with one or the other of two antisera. The striking character of the reaction is shown by the fact that with a suitable specimen of guinea-pig’s complement, after incu- bation with 0.5 ec. 1 per cent globin solution plus 0.05 ee. of anti- ~ serum (55°C.) for one and one-half hours, more than 60 doses of complement were required in order to hemolyse the test corpus- cles, whereas 1 dose of complement gave complete lysis in the presence of the same amount of globin alone, and 23 doses gave complete lysis along with the antiserum in saline. (The minimal hemolytic dose of complement for 1 cc. ox corpuscles plus 5 minimal hemolytic doses of immune body from the rabbit was 0.01 ec.) Globin when mixed with serum causes a precipitate, but this precipitate per se. does not lead to complement-fixation. Thus globin failed to fix complement along with normal rabbit serum or with a variety of heterologous antisera from the rabbit. 1 We have pleasure in acknowledging a grant from the Carnegie Trust toward the expenses of this work. 417 418 Cc. H. BROWNING AND G. HASWELL WILSON In view of the suggestion that protein contamination was re- sponsible for the development of the antisera which we obtained, the following observations are worthy of note: (1) the solution of globin gave no fixation of complement with anti-human serum; (2) the antiglobin serum did not fix complement with guinea- pig’s serum or acid serum-albumin; (8) anti-guinea-pig globin did not contain hemolytic immune body for guinea-pig’s red cor- puscles. Thus the most likely contaminations—from human protein due to handling, from imperfect removal of serum from the guinea-pig’s red corpuscles or from receptors of the red cor- puscles which might have passed through the filter (as Muir and Ferguson (6) observed)—were all excluded. The present com- munication contains further work on the subject, which was in- terrupted owing to the difficulties described later, but which it appears advisable to publish, especially in view of the fact that our main conclusion, that globin possesses antigenic properties, has been questioned and the result, which we obtained, has been attributed to contamination (Gay and Robertson (5, 7)). PREPARATION OF GLOBIN The method employed was based on that of Schulz (11), which depends on the fact that when hemoglobin has been dissociated by a suitable concentration of HCl in watery medium, the acid hematin can be extracted in great part by ether and alcohol. In regard to our preparations of globin, it is to be noted that (1) the blood corpuscles were, to begin with, repeatedly washed with the centrifuge in order to remove any trace of serum, (2) the laked blood was first centrifuged and then filtered through Berke- feld or Maassen candles to remove stromata prior to treatment with acid. After extraction of the pigment, excess of acid was removed by dialysis and the ether was evaporated off by warm- ing. The details have already been fully described (4). The globin solution equivalent to 1 per cent of washed blood sediment is referred to throughout this work as ‘‘1 per cent” globin. The solution of guinea-pig globin which has been subjected to prolonged dialysis against distilled water is highly sensitive EPR cet he. ANTIGENIC PROPERTIES OF GLOBIN 419 toward salt, forming a precipitate in 0.85 per cent NaCl solution. It is also precipitated from distilled water by traces of alkali; thus N/20,000 NaOH caused clouding of the 1 per cent solution after warming at 37°C. for several hours. The addition of N/2,500 HCl to the salt solution prevented precipitation, but N/5,000 acid did not suffice; on the other hand, when precipi- tate had formed, the addition of N/2,500 HCl did not cause it to dissolve completely. Thus the preparation possessed the characters described by Schulz. As a rule, solutions were em- ployed which had been dialysed for a shorter time (twenty-four hours against soft tap water) and which, although reacting neutral to litmus paper, retained sufficient acid to remain clear in the presence of 0.85 per cent NaCl. In addition to the two specimens of antiserum to guinea-pig’s globin previously described, two antisera, also from rabbits, were prepared similarly against ox globin. FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE COMPLEMENT-FIXATION BY GLOBIN PLUS ANTIGLOBIN SERUM It was found that the complement-fixation reaction was in- fluenced to a marked degree by physico-chemical factors; namely, (a) the relative proportions of antigen to antibody (zone phenom- enon), (b) presence of acid or alkali (hydrogen-ion concentra- tion), as well as by the individual properties of the complement- containing serum and of the animal receiving the injections of globin. 1. Quantitative relationships between antigen and antibody The following is a characteristic example: Ox globin (dialysed solution which gave no precipitate in 0.85 per cent NaCl solution); three series were made—A, containing 1 cc. 0.33 per cent globin; B, containing 1 cc. 1.0 per cent globin; C, containing 1 cc. 2.0 per cent globin—each tube contained 0.05 cc. antiglobin serum; ascending amounts of complement (guinea-pig serum) were then added and the mixtures incubated for one and a half hours at 37°C. 490 Cc. H. BROWNING AND G. HASWELL WILSON Finally the test corpuscles were added (consisting of 1 cc. 3 per cent washed ox blood suspension plus 5 minimal hemolytic doses of immune body from the rabbit in all the experiments unless otherwise specified) and there was a further period of incubation for one and a quarter hours. The readings were made, as in all such experiments, after the tubes had stood overnight at room-temperature. The results were as follows: LYSIS WITH THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS OF COMPLEMENT SERIES 0.06 ec. 0.09 ec. 0.13 ec. 0.18 ce. A None None None Distinct B None Distinct Marked Marked C Marked Marked Very marked | Just complete Controls: Antiserum 0.05 cc. alone in 1 cc. saline plus 0.025 ce. of complement = complete lysis. Globin solutions alone plus 0.01 ce. complement = complete lysis. On the other hand, when the amount of antiserum was varied a point was reached any diminution below which caused a very great falling off in the amount of complement fixed, as the fol- lowing experiment shows: Guinea-pig globin solution 0.5 cc. plus antiglobin serum in series (A) 0.05 ec., in (B) 0.025 ec., and in (C) 0.01 ce. LYSIS WITH THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS OF COMPLEMENT SERIES 0.025 ec. 0.035 ce. 0.075 ce. 0.1 ce. 0.15 ce. A None None None Trace Incomplete B Almost complete Complete | Complete | Complete | Complete Cc Almost complete Complete | Complete | Complete | Complete Controls: Antiserum 0.05 cc. plus 0.5 cc. saline plus 0.015 cc. of com- plement = complete lysis. Globin solution 0.5 cc. plus 0.015 ce .of complement = complete lysis. ANTIGENIC PROPERTIES OF GLOBIN 421 2, Hydrogen-ion concentration The results previously published showed clearly that the amount of complement which was fixed by guinea-pig globin plus anti- globin serum depended on the hydrogen-ion concentration, and it appeared as if the optimum lay slightly to the acid side of neutral, just as Sachs and Altmann (8) had found in the case of the Wassermann syphilis reaction. Thus in the case of a speci- men of globin, which had been dialysed for a week against dis- tilled water and which was highly sensitive to the precipitating action of 0.85 per cent NaCl, the addition of N / 2,500 HCl more than doubled the amount of complement which was fixed by antigen plus antibody. On the other hand, it appeared that too high a degree of acidity diminished the amount of comple- ment fixed, as the addition of alkali to such acid solutions in- creased the complement-fixation. The question of hydrogen-ion concentration apparently has not been fully taken into consider- ation by Gay and Robertson and Schmidt (9) as a possible ex- planation of the failure to obtain complement-fixation in their experiments. The hydrogen-ion concentration, or the physical changes which resulted therefrom, was probably also the determining factor in the following experiment: Guinea-pig globin (preparation V)—a 13 per cent stock solution which when diluted to 0.9 per cent remained clear in 0.85 per cent saline (= untreated globin): 10 ce. of this stock solution were precipi- tated by saturation with NaCl; the precipitate was removed by cen- trifuging and was then dialysed against running water for two days, and finally diluted to 0.9 per cent (= salted globin). In the usual complement-fixation tests 0.5 cc. of untreated globin plus 0.05 ce. of antiserum plus 0.15 cc. of guinea-pig’s complement gave a trace of lysis of the test corpuscles: 0.5 ce. of salted globin plus 0.05 cc. of anti- serum plus 0.04 cc. complement gave complete lysis of the test corpuscles. Control: Each globin solution alone plus 0.01 ec. complement gave complete lysis. 422 C. H. BROWNING AND G. HASWELL WILSON 8. The individual property of the complement-containing serum The importance of individual properties of the complement- containing serum in determining the amount of complement which is fixed, has been pointed out by Browning and Mackenzie (2) and Browning and Kennaway (1) in the case of the Wasser- mann syphilis reaction and it has been shown that there is no constant relationship between the hemolytic power and the de- viability of the complement. It was shown also that by dialys- ing complement the hemolytic power might remain almost un- altered, while the deviability was greatly reduced (Browning and Mackie (3) ). Similar variations in deviability were found by us (4) in the case of fixation by globin plus antiglobin serum. In addition, we have tested mixtures of guinea-pig globin plus antiserum, which actively fixed guinea-pig’s complement, using (a) rabbit’s complement and testing with the usual sensitised ox blood suspension and (b) ox complement, with guinea-pig’s cor- puscles as the indicator, the immune body in the latter case being that naturally present in the ox serum. In neither instance could complement-fixation be detected. 4. The individual character of the animal which receives the injections of antigen The methods which were used to develop antisera have been previously described in detail and consisted in repeated intra- peritoneal injections of globin in suspension or solution, or intra- venous injections of solutions. The antisera to guinea-pig’s globin were derived from the second and third animals injected. The first animal apparently failed to yield demonstrable antibody, but, as we were at the time unaware of the great importance at- taching to the relative proportions of antigen and antibody and of the optimum reaction, the antibody may have been missed. Similarly, the antisera to ox globin were derived from the second and third animals tested. But later, repeated attempts to ob- tain further antisera failed both in the case of ox and of guinea- pig globin and in spite of the knowledge gained as to the condi- eee... . SS aS ees eee ANTIGENIC PROPERTIES OF GLOBIN 423 tions for eliciting the reaction in vitro. Thus we are forced to the conclusion that globin is not a potent antigen or, in Ehrlich’s language, that it does not produce a powerful “ictus immunisator- ius” except in specially suitable individual animals. Of course, the factor of variable responsiveness is a commonplace experience in the practice of immunisation; but this may well explain why Gay and Robertson (5) and Schmidt (9) failed to obtain an anti- serum to globin from the three rabbits which they tested. Simi- larly, in view of our experiences, the development of antisera which fixed complement in the presence of globin alone, as the result of injecting a compound of globin with casein into two rabbits, may have been fortuitous rather than due to any special effect of the casein, as explained by Gay and Robertson. In any case the statements of these workers that (1) globin is not an antigen but that (2) injections of globin-casein cause the de- velopment of antisera which lead to complement-fixation with a solution of pure globin, would appear almost to involve a contra- diction in terms. THE BEHAVIOR OF HEMOGLOBIN AS AN ANTIGEN As was shown by us previously, an antiserum which reacted intensely with globin (faintly acid solution, clear in 0.85 per cent NaCl) failed to give practically any fixation of complement with the same specimen of hemoglobin as that from which the globin was derived, and in the corresponding concentration. The fol- lowing is a further illustration: Guinea-pig’s globin solution 0.5 ec. plus 0.05 cc. antiglobin plus 0.3 cc. complement = trace of lysis of test corpuscles. 0.5 cc. cor- responding solution of hemoglobin plus 0.05 cc. antiglobin plus 0.04 ec. complement = just complete lysis. Controls: Globin and hemoglobin solutions alone plus 0.01 cc. com- plement = just complete lysis. 0.05 cc. antiglobin serum in 0.5 cc. saline + 0.03 cc. complement = just complete lysis. Thus neutral hemoglobin does not react with a potent anti- globin serum. The failure of hemoglobin to react with the anti- 424 Cc. H. BROWNING AND G. HASWELL WILSON globin serum appears to us to afford strong evidence in favor of the antibody which we demonstrated being in reality developed by the globin and not by some adventitious constituent, as sug- gested by Gay and Robertson. In view of what has been stated already the only possible contamination would appear to be bac- terial; now it was the solution of hemoglobin which was especially exposed to infection. During the subsequent procedure, involvy- ing the addition of acid, alcohol and ether, conditions were much more unfavorable for contamination and, as has been noted, the stock solutions of globin remained perfectly clear for many weeks. Attempts to produce antibodies to hemoglobin appear to have been generally, but not universally unsuccessful (see Schmidt and Bennett (10) for an extensive review of the litera- ture as well as original experiments). Our own attempts to produce antisera to guinea-pig’s hemoglobin in rabbits were like- wise mainly unsuccessful and the serum also contained no lytic immune body for guinea-pig’s red corpuscles, as tested with rab- bit’s complement. But in one of our experiments marked com- plement-fixation was obtained with several specimens of guinea- pig’s hemoglobin along with the heated serum of a rabbit which had received several injections of guinea-pig’s hemoglobin. In view of the small number of our observations and the fact that hemoglobin was necessarily tested in neutral solution, we hesi- tate to deny that hemoglobin altogether lacks antigenic proper- ties; but the proportion of animals which react, as shown by the production of complement-fixing antibody, is small, and it is evident that any antigenic power which it may possess is very weak. Schmidt and Bennett’s failure to demonstrate antisub- stance in the serum of eight rabbits after repeated injections of hemoglobin is in agreement with this conclusion. THE TOXICITY OF GLOBIN AND HEMOGLOBIN Gay and Robertson found that their specimens of globin were toxic, especially for guinea-pigs which apparently received an intravenous or intraperitoneal injection of an acid solution. The combination of globin with casein was stated to be non-toxic, ANTIGENIC PROPERTIES OF GLOBIN 425 but ‘‘marked symptoms of prostration with polypnoea after each injection” are mentioned as occurring in one of the two rabbits which they injected with globin-casein. Our specimens of globin caused no obvious ill effects in rabbits. Hemoglobin was found to be non-toxic in our experiments as well as in those of Schmidt and Bennett and of others. THE SPECIES-SPECIFICITY OF GLOBIN In our previous work the action of an antiserum to guinea-pig’s globin was tested in parallel series with guinea-pig’s globin and with preparations from ox and rabbit blood. In each case the specimen of globin was thoroughly dialysed and N/2,000 HCl added and the same concentration of globin and amount of anti- serum were employed in each case. The result was that, as compared with the amount of complement fixed with homologous globin (taken as 100 per cent), rabbit globin caused the absorp- tion of 16 per cent of complement and ox globin of less than 6 per cent. Thus a marked degree of species-specificity was shown to exist. However, when globin from further species was tested along with antisera both for guinea-pig and for ox globin results were obtained which are highly complex and difficult to interpret, as the following examples show: A. Complement-fixation produced by mixtures of anti-ox globin serum 0.025 cc. plus 0.5 cc. of different species of globin in 0.2 per cent solution (tested with 0.5 ec. sensitised ox corpuscles: minimal hemolytic dose of complement = 0.015 cc.) LYSIS OF 0.5 CC. TEST CORPUSCLES WITH THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS OF GUINEA-PIG’S COMPLEMENT SPECIES OF GLOBIN 0.025 ce. 0.04 ce. 0.065 ec. (OD2 Lid pA 5. O See eee Faint trace Faint trace Faint trace (Gatiny 2 OR eae, Seee ore ee None None None iD Sate Se None None Faint trace WORD ES Ai etnie seeks os ec Almost complete Complete Complete Control: Globin solutions alone plus 0.015 ce. complement = com- plete lysis in every case. 426 Cc. H. BROWNING AND G. HASWELL WILSON Antiserum 0.025 cc. in saline plus 0.02 ce. complement = complete lysis. B. Guinea-pig and ox globin tested for complement-fixation in parallel and in crossed series with the respective antisera. : AMOUNTS OF GUINEA-PIG’S COMPLEMENT 0.5 cc. BEOBIN ANTISERUM (0.33 PER CENT ae : : 0.05 cc. SOLUTIONS) 0.05 cc 0.1 ce. 0.13 ce. 0.18 ce. Guinea-pig | Anti-guinea - Distinct | Marked | Very pig marked Guinea-pig | Anti-ox - Marked | Marked | Almost com- plete Ox Anti-ox — Trace Distinct | Marked Ox Anti-guinea | Just com-| Complete] Complete] Complete} Complete pig plete Controls: Globin solutions plus 0.01 ec. complement = complete lysis. Anti-guinea-pig globin in saline plus 0.04 cc. complement = very marked lysis. Anti-ox globin in saline plus 0.05 cc. complement = very marked lysis. Thus anti-ox globin fixes complement actively with goat and duck globin. Anti-ox globin also fixes complement along with guinea-pig’s globin; on the other hand, as we found previously, anti-guinea-pig globin fixes practically no complement along with ox globin. Any fallacy would appear to be excluded from the latter results of ‘‘crossed”’ experiments by the fact that both specimens of globin were tested with the homologous and the het- erologous antisera at the same time and with the same comple- ment. Jn both homologous series marked fixation of comple- ment was observed, thus showing that the reagents were acting satisfactorily. Again, anti-ox globin fixes little or no comple- ment in the presence of rabbit globin. It was hoped to develop the interesting lines of work suggested by these results, but this had to be given up owing to the continued failure to obtain further antisera. ‘Thus while evidence of species-specificity exists in certain cases, there is also a wide, though not universal, community ——_—- = ANTIGENIC PROPERTIES OF GLOBIN 427 of antigenic properties shared by the globin of widely separate animal species. It will be difficult to explain these results on any basis of hypothetical contamination. SUMMARY 1. Globin can act as an antigen. In addition to two antisera for guinea-pig’s globin, two antisera for ox globin have also been obtained from rabbits. With these antisera and a number of different specimens of the homologous globins powerful comple- ment-fixation reactions have been obtained. The obtaining of the reaction depends on suitable quantitative relationships be- tween antigen and antibody and also, as was shown previously, on a suitable hydrogen-ion concentration. 2. Only certain rabbits apparently respond to injections of globin by the production of complement-fixing antibodies. The injections of globin caused no obvious toxic effects in rabbits. Hemoglobin seems to elicit antibody production more rarely. 3. The reactions with antisera show, in certain cases, marked species-specificity of globin; thus the antiserum to guinea-pig’s globin does not fix complement with ox globin. On the other hand, anti-ox globin fixes complement along with goat, duck and guinea-pig globin but not with rabbit globin; no explanation is offered of the contradictory behavior of ox and guinea-pig glo- bins in the crossed experiments. But the results taken together seem to exclude bacterial contamination as the cause. 4, The evidence points to the phenomena being due to a gen- uine antibody to globin and not to adventitious protein contami- nation. Further recorded facts (namely, that anti-guinea-pig globin does not contain hemolytic immune body for guinea- pig corpuscles and does not react with guinea-pig’s hemoglobin, serum or acid serum-albumin, and that guinea-pig globin does not react with antihuman serum) also exclude the probable con- taminations which might arise in the course of preparation of the globin solutions. 428 Cc. H. BROWNING AND G. HASWELL WILSON NOTE ON THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE PROPERTIES OF SERUM AND TISSUE PROTEINS, AS EXEMPLIFIED BY THE ABSENCE OF ANTI- BODY FROM THE GLOBIN OF AN IMMUNISED ANIMAL An example of the independence of properties of tissue and of serum proteins was obtained in the following experiment. Glo- bin was prepared from the hemoglobin of a rabbit which had been repeatedly injected with washed ox blood and which in con- sequence contained abundance of the corresponding hemolytic immune body in its serum (minimal hemolytic dose of immune body for 1 ce. 3 per cent ox blood suspension plus excess of guinea- pig’s complement = 0.0025 cc.). Amounts of the globin up to 0.5 ec. of a 6.5 per cent solution (both in saline and in saline plus N/2,000 HCl, which barely sufficed to keep the globin completely in solution) led to no hemolysis of 1 ce. of 3 per cent ox blood suspension in the presence of 0.1 cc. guinea-pig’s complement. Thus antibody was absent from the globin of an animal which had reacted to an antigen by the development of powerful serum P antibodies. REFERENCES (1) BRownInG AND Kennaway: Lancet, 1919, 1, 785. (2) BROWNING AND MackeEnziE: Zeitschr. f. Immunititsforsch., Orig., 1909, 2, 459. (3) BRowninG AND Mackie: Zeitschr. f. Immunitiatsforsch., Orig., 1914, 21, 422. (4) BRowNING AND WILSON: Jour. Path. and Bact., 1909, 14, 174. (5) Gay AND Rospertson: Jour. Exper. Med., 1913, 17, 535. (6) Murr anp Fercuson: Jour. Path. and Bact., 1906, 11, 84; see also Muir’s Studies on Immunity, London, 1909. (7) Ropertson: The Physical Chemistry of the Proteins. New York and ’ London, 1918, p. 155. (8) Sachs AND ALTMANN: Berl. klin. Woch., 1908, 45, 699. (9) Scumipt: University of California Publications in Pathology, 1916, 2, 182. (10) Scumipt AND BENNETT: Jour. Infect. Dis., 1919, 25, 207. (11) Scuuuz: Ztschr. f. Physiol. Chem., 1898, 24, 449. lll lr THE PROTECTIVE VALUE OF PNEUMOCOCCUS VACCINATION IN MICE AND RABBITS! AUGUSTUS B. WADSWORTH From the Division of Laboratories and Research, New York State Department of Health, Albany, New York Received for publication July 7, 1920 Although the fact is well known that inoculation of animals with the pneumococcus develops against subsequent inoculation with virulent cultures an immunity which is specific for the homol- ogous type of pneumococcus, there is no record of a quantitative determination of the degree of immunity that is obtained after vaccination with standardized vaccine. Accordingly a series of experiments with the inoculation of mice with pneumococcus vaccines of types I, II, and III were made, the results of which it is the purpose of this paper to record. Miss Thelma L. Franklin, of the laboratory staff, prepared vaccines of pneumococcus types I, I, and III according to the standard methods used in the laboratory and vaccinated mice with these vaccines. In order to test the protection obtained as a result of the vaccination, living, virulent cultures were inoculated seven days after the last dose of the vaccine. Stand- ard cultures of pneumococci of types I, UH, and III are main- tained in the laboratory at a virulence which fluctuates con- siderably from time to time but which usually kills mice of eighteen grams weight in a dose of 0.000001 cc. in less than thirty- six hours. The variation in virulence in the normal or control mice is well shown in the tables recording the results of the ex- periments. On account of this fluctuation in virulence it is not practical in experimentation with the pneumococcus to determine 1Presented by title at the Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the American Bacteriologists, Boston, Mass., December, 1919. 429 Sy— T i T0000 63- I T 1000°0 | 6% i! I T000°0 iis I i T0000 '0 68— T T TO000°0 | OF i! I 100000 t= {! I 100000 0 ¥o—- \! I 100000°0 | LP I T 100000 0 ddIU [BUIIO N—S[O1}U0D OOIU [BUILO N—S[O1}U0D OO1UL [BUILO N—S[01} 00D 0&-96 G 0 G T00'0 SE-PE & 0 & 100°0 | $&-8z G 0 G 1000 VE-GS 3G 0 G 1000°0 VE-LG G T € 1000°0 | ZE-8z & 0 § 1000°0 hs 8E-66 € 0 & T0000 0 cg \! G € 10000°0 | 9&-8z & 0 & 100000 = IIT pun ‘TI ‘7 sadhiy, fo saunqynd y70.1g JUAIN.LLA YIUN UOYDINIOUL ISD) Lajfo shvp Waaas PI}sa} £1ajdUWY}UII 92GN9 wad S swusvupb10 woyjrg 2914) Buxuwyuoo ‘aurvova JT adfiz fo +00 T fo suornpnoour Apyoom 9014) Buraraoas aovpy *(6T-FI-9) IT quawUrwad xq D g Se is geo et, |_| y [tooo te sy |e es ot | to0000 0) ae a eee emma a] OSNOUL [VULLO N—[01}U0D SNOUT [VULLO N—[O19U0D OSNOUL [VULIO N—]O1}U0D, mM P 91 & 0 & T000°0 Ge-L1 & 0 € 1000°0 | T&-F% 6 0 6 TO000°0 5 Go-LI & 0 € T0000 0 8E-ES 6 0 € T0000'0 | 98 G T 6 10000°0 } LY-86 & 0 & 1000000 VP-ES € 0 € TO0000'0 | 9F G i € TO0000° 0 B s4noy ‘90 sunoy “90 sunoy *99 pore] poz] poz¥] : Pere pease enoour PeIp | PEAT | -noour perp | Peat | -noour jeu ae a UL a5 rien roied Ayquend eee) et Ti ioaeq roca aise APPUBNY) [8 sie eee road roned oneal APPUBNH “wn | -UMN | Sony “UMN | “WON | Sony “wn | -WON | Zong Ill SQ090900OWOD ANd—dyowvto9 Il SQ09000WOANd—AUOLTAD I sn00000WOaANd—aNOALIN9 IIT pve “TI ‘7 sadhy fo saunqyno yj01g quayn.va Ypn UoYDjnI0Ur Lajfo shpp Waaas papsa} §sazaWyUII auqno sad swsvunbso uoyjrg 0014) Burvumjuoo ‘auroona 7 adhy fo +09 J fo uoynpnoour U0 burardve4 a0rpy*(6I-8]-f) [ Wauruedagy 430. 431 VALUE OF PNEUMOCOCCUS VACCINATION 0&— I i T0000 °0 Le— T I 10000 0 €&— I! if 1000000 8E— I T 1000000 QIU [VUIO N—S]O1}UOD QOTUT [BUIIO N—S[01}U0—) dOTUL [BUIO N—S[O1} U0) 6 0 & 100°0 &o— G 0 G 100°0 6Z-GG G 0 0 € 6 1000°0 TS-O&— | @ 0 G 1000°0 OF-Zo € 0 0 & & 100000 | epee Die 8 0 & TO000' 0 OF-86 € 0 0 € & 100000 0 II] pun ‘TIT ‘y sadfy, fo saunqyno yj0.19 JUAINLLA YPN UOYNpNIOU?L 4s] Jaz fo shipp Uanas pajsa} fLajaULYjWaI 9LQnd wad susvuvb..o u0yprig aa1y? Buruwjuod ‘aur20na J adhy fo +99 J fo suowyppnoour fipyaan 9a.y7 Buraraoas a0Upy —* (6-6-9) AT auiodxy Mf Phas I I 100000 wae I if 10000°0 | 62—- T i 10000 0 its I I! 1000000 98— I i 100000°0 | %& i T 100000 °0 QOTUT [VUIIO N—S]O1} UD QOTUI [VULIO N—S[O1} U0) QIU [VUIIO N—S]or} UO LZ-9B & 0 € 100°0 ZE-BZ G 0 G 1000°0 | S&-8z j 0 G T0000 PS-LZ-61 € 0 & T0000 8Z-96 & 0 & 10000°0 | 82-02 € 0 € 10000°0 OS-LZ & 0 & 10000 °0 Gc-9I & 0 & 100000°0 | S&-re & 0 & 1000000 III pun ‘Ty ‘7 sadhy, fo saunqqyna yj01g quaynia ypim woynjns0Ur Isp] 1azf/0 shop usaas pajsa} f1ajaMIyUaI 92qQnd Lad swusvupb1o w07]19 92.14) Bururvjuoo ‘aursona pT edhy fo ‘00 J fo suoynpnoour fiyyaam xrs Buraraoas 90.yy “(61-01 -9) [J] Mautwadag in fo} z r 4 i} > - o ° a ° Z b 2 Ss i] fe 3 Z % p i) id a | tol AUGUSTUS B. WADSWORTH 432 8o— | Tal | 1 |to0000"o 9SNOUL [BUILO N—[O1}U0D oo— G Go— G Go— G sinoy Petp perp aorul jeutue suit] Jo 13q -UINN I SQO0000WOUNd GANOAWTINID UOUDINIOUL JSD) ay} Laz{o syaan Lnof pajsa) puv ‘asop Y9D9 UI 19909 W0214]1q xIs Lo au209DA J adhy fo +99 g°Q fo s]DaLaqU2 fiDp-xIs 7D suO1DINIOUI Lis Buraradas BILTY "(6I-18-£) [A Mawriaday Visa I I 60000 0 ce — T T 60000 0 cG— I o7— I T 1000000 oc I I 100000 0 tetany \! 9dIU [BUIIO N—[01}U0D 9OTUL [VULIO N—]or}U0D, SAUp FL 0 O0S-GG G 0 G Z0000 0 9E-VG G 0 G 60000 0 LE I Binoy 20 sunoy 29 sunoy paz poyv| : parp | paar | _P2?°1 pap | paar | _Postl parp eae cet Toned roted aes Ay UEN® ee oat nonee wares ates APVUBNY Gals on LL concn -wny | -wnN Sith, -uinN | -wnN ane -un N Ill SQ99000WOENd—duoOLTIOO II SQA0N00DOWOANd—aAYOLTOND UoyDnNI0Ur 48D] Layfo Shivp wUaaas pajsa? pun ‘asop yIDa UL 10909 U01)]1q LIS 4 aurz9na J adhy [0°99 g'Q fo s]DasaqUL hop-xis JD SuOYDINIOUL g buradrd90.4 99L I 10000 i TO0000 0 dOIUI [BUIIO N—]01}U0D G SG 100°0 if G T0000 29 978 Peat | hoout . Oorul Aqryquen’dy FO 194 | jo 10q ‘ SNS earn Ny I SQ00000WOUNd—auoLtad (6[-OI-4) A uaumiuadxA VALUE OF PNEUMOCOCCUS VACCINATION 433 too exactly the minimal lethal dose, but it is practical to main- tain this standard. The dosage of the test virulent culture, therefore, was estimated in multiples of this dose. Preparation of the vaccine. Meat infusion peptone broth was the medium used with 0.5 per cent glucose. Tubes of dextrose beef infusion broth were inoculated with 0.2 cc. of the most recent semi-solid cultures (1) of the standard strains of pneumococcus, types I (Neufeld), II and III and incubated at 37°C. for twelve hours to be used as seed cultures; the semi-solid cultures having been plated, fished, agglutinated and tested for purity. After incubation, flasks of broth (300 cc. per flask) were inoculated with 1 cc. of the seed cul- ture, which had been examined and agglutinated against the three types and tested with bile, and incubated at 37°C. for thirteen hours. After flasks had been examined for purity they were heated at 53°C. for one-half hour. The heated culture was then centrifugalized for one-half hour. The broth was poured off and a small amount of 0.85 per cent saline was added to the sediment. This suspension was trans- ferred to a sterile bottle, to which a definite amount of saline was then added and the mixture thoroughly shaken. One cubic centimeter was removed for bacterial count and the remaining suspension was again heated to 55°C. for one-half hour. The vaccine was standard- ized by the Helber counting-chamber and 0.3 per cent tricresol in a 2 per cent solution was added. Cultural and animal tests were made for sterility and the vaccine was diluted to the desired strength. The results of the experiments to determine the protective value of a single dose and a series of doses of the vaccine in mice are listed in the preceding tables. The vaccine in these tests was given subcutaneously; the test inoculation of virulent cul- ture, intraperitoneally. For purposes of comparison, tests of the protective value of pneumococcus vaccination were started in rabbits but discon- tinued when it was found that the protection, which is obtained in these animals, did not differ essentially from that which was obtained in mice, the protection being limited to the infection with the homologous organism. ‘The results of these tests are recorded in the following tables: 434 AUGUSTUS B. WADSWORTH Experiment VII (8-26-19). Rabbits receiving six intravenous inoculations of 1 cc. at six-day intervals of type I vaccine containing six billion organisms per cubic centimeter; tested eight weeks after last inoculation with virulent broth cultures of types I and II CULTURE—PNEUMOCOCCUS I CULTURE—PNEUMOCOCCUS II 5 Number! umber] Number i seve Rurbes Nembex ae i ee uan- : oO 0 ime animal] Quan- 5 oO er of |Time anima tit rabbits | pabbits | rabbits died tity pate rabbits | rabbits died Oe a | lived died ; ad lived | died lated lated ce. cc 0.1 2 2 0 4 mos. 0.1 2 1 il 0.1 Control—Normal 41 brs. 0.1 Control—Normal rabbit, died rabbit, died Experiment VIII (8-26-19). Rabbits receiving twelve intravenous (9, 1 cc.—3, 2 cc.) inoculations at three-day intervals of type I broth culture heated to 55°C. for one-half hour and tested eight weeks after last inoculation with virulent broth cultures of types I and II 0.1 2 | 2 | 0 | 4mos. | 0.1| 2 | 0 | 2 | 22-70 hrs. Control as above In these experiments, rabbits were selected weighing between 1400 and 1800 gms. The virulent cultures were given intravenously and the animals were autopsied and pneumococci recovered from all that died. CONCLUSIONS After one dose of three billion pneumococci, type I, there was only very slight protection against type I and none against either types II or III. After three doses of type II vaccine there was slight protection against type II and none against types I and III. After six doses of type III vaccine there was no protection against types I, IJ, or III. After three doses of type I vaccine there was no protection against either type II or III but definite protection against 0.0001 cc. or 100 times the standard fatal dose of Type I which the control unvaccinated mouse received. Finally, vaccination with six weekly doses of six billion cocci, type I, or a total of thirty-six billion cocci, protected against a virulent inoculation of 0.001 cc. but not against 0.01 cc. of the virulent type I culture. -— Ta VALUE OF PNEUMOCOCCUS VACCINATION 435 Definite protection was then obtained against the development of the homologous types of infection when large doses of vaccine were used; but the degree of protection that was obtained was not great considering the quantities of vaccine that were used to vaccinate the animals. The parasitism of such highly viru- lent cultures is so great that the pneumococci develop in the vaccinated animal just as they grow in a test tube of immune serum. The virulence of pneumococci has been found in pre- vious studies to be largely dependent upon its growth energy or vegetative energy which in the animal tissues- constitutes parasitism (2). REFERENCES (1) Wapswortg, A. B.: Proc. N. Y. Path. Soc., 1903, 3, 113. (2) WapswortTs, A. B.; AND Kirksripe, M. B.: Jour. Exp. Med., 1918, 28, 791. ee see oD —— * = = _ SEROLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS OF LIVER AND KIDNEY MOYER 8S. FLEISHER, T. G. HALL, anp NATALIE ARNSTEIN From the Department of Pathology and Bacteriology of St. Louis University School of Medicine Received for publication July 2, 1920 The subject of immune bodies against various tissues has occupied considerable space in the literature of immunity and especially has emphasis been laid in the discussions on the ques- tion of the “‘specificity” of the antibodies produced against organs. It is particularly with this latter phase of the subject that our experiments have dealt; the results we wish to report here concern however only liver and kidney. We do not desire to go into the literature (1) on this subject at the present time and will only briefly review some of the work which has ap- peared bearing most directly upon the antibodies produced against renal or hepatic tissue. Bierry (2) and his co-workers, using so-called (3) nucleo-pro- teins of various organs (liver and kidney) for immunization, state that following injection of these antisera into animals of the same species as those whose organs had been used for im- munization, definite and more marked changes occurred in the organs corresponding to the antiserum injected. They believed therefore that a more or less distinctly specific cytotoxic serum had been developed. Beebe (4) using essentially the same tech- nic reported even more definite results regarding cytotoxins. Armand-Delille and Leenhardt (5) agreed in the main with Bierry but qualified their statements by admitting changes in organs other than those corresponding with the specific sera. Pearce (6) and Pearce, Karsner and Eisenbrey (7), on the other hand, failed to find a distinct selective action of the antisera on the homologous organ. It is evident that the cytotoxic method | 437 438 M. S. FLEISHER, T. G. HALL AND NATALIE ARNSTEIN of determining in vivo differentiations between various tissue antisera has not given sharp or clean cut results in all cases and the reports of various investigators are not conclusive in view of the contradictory statements. Two facts, probably of importance, seem to have been brought out however by various of the above mentioned investigators. Pearce and his co-workers state that the changes which are produced in the organs as a result of the injection of the cyto- toxic sera are in large part due to the agglutinins for the erythro- cytes which are present in the various anti-tissue sera, and Armand-Delille and Leenhardt arrived at the conclusion that the antisera are composed of a complex of antibodies. The anti- bodies prepared against the cells of a single organ are therefore apparently complex; really a mixture of several antibodies; it ought to be possible to separate these by absorption of the immune ‘sera and to determine what is left after this absorption by complement fixation tests. Experiments have previously been carried out in which ab- sorption has been used to determine the relationship of various organs, but on the whole they have been inconclusive because they have not been pushed far enough. Forssner (8) carried out experiments in which he attempted to differentiate serologically various organs by absorption and precipitins but, while he could apparently show certain relationship, he was not able to demon- strate marked differentiation. Michaelis and Fleischmann (9) were able by absorption and complement fixation to show differ- ences between anti-red-blood cell sera and anti-tissue sera in spite of the fact that the serum prepared against the one or the other cell contained antibodies reacting with the non-homologous cells. Rados (10) was not able to determine differences between various organs by the use of antisera in complement fixation tests alone. More recently Kahn and McNeil (11) failed to find complement fixation with antisera prepared against a few tissues. Our experiments have been directed towards determining what differ- ences could be shown between liver and kidney antisera by com- ‘plement fixation reactions with various antigens before and after absorbing the various sera with cell suspensions of the various organs. : bi a, ee SERIOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS OF LIVER AND KIDNEY 439 TECHNIC We used throughout guinea-pig organs for immunization, and rabbits for the production of the antisera. The rabbits were injected four times with an interval of one day between each injection, and were bled on the ninth to eleventh day after the last injection. In most cases the animals were injected intravenously with a suspension of the organ ground in salt solution, and then filtered through sterile gauze. None of the animals so injected showed any immediate ill effects as a result of the injection, but many of them showed a tendency toward loss of weight. A few animals were injected intraperitoneally, but we found that we lost more animals injected in this manner than when injected intravenously. The animals injected intravenously gave sera which were on the whole very slightly more active, but the difference was not sufficiently marked to permit a statement that the intravenous method was better. Practically either method of injec- tion gave satisfactory results. The organs used in immunizing the rabbits were removed from the guinea-pigs at once after killing them; they were not washed but were immediately cut up and ground in a porcelain mortar without attempting to get rid of the serum or of the red blood cells. These two factors were ignored upon a priori con- siderations and will be discussed later. The organ particles were ground without addition of any solution; after they had been reduced to a rather homogeneous semi-fluid mass, a little 0.85 per cent sodium chloride was added and the grinding continued until a smooth paste was obtained. Twenty cubic centimeters of the salt solution were added to each two kidneys or the approximately equal volume of liver tissue and from two to three cubic centimeters were injected into each animal. The antigens used in the complement fixation tests were prepared in a number of different manners. At first we used organs which had been perfused to remove the red blood cells and serum, and which had become definitely blanched. These were ground in the same manner as were the organs used for injection and the cell suspension repeatedly washed in salt solution by centrifugation; this gave a very satisfactory antigen with kidney but not with liver. The washed kidney cell residue from two kidneys was diluted with ten cubic centi- meters of salt solution, and to this 1 cc. of 5 per cent carbolic acid was added as preservative. This served as stock antigen. Antigens pre- pared with and without carbolic acid were tested and gave identical 440 M.S. FLEISHER, T. G. HALL AND NATALIE ARNSTEIN results. Antigens were prepared in a similar manner excepting that the organs were not washed by perfusion. In a number of cases immediately following the grinding the suspension was filtered through gauze to remove any larger particles and connective tissue which had not been broken up by the grinding. In some antigens we attempted to get rid of the red blood cells by first washing the organ paste with distilled water until the supernatant fluid was no longer discolored, and finally making up the cell suspension with salt solution as above; we discarded this method as the antigens were often not satisfactory. We also used antigens which had been dried rapidly in vacuo after being ground and washed as above. By all of these methods we were able to obtain satisfactory kidney antigens. In the greater part of our work and constantly in the later part, we have used not the organ cells, but the organ extract as antigen. We took the unwashed organs, ground them as above and added about 20 ec. of salt solution, centrifuged for twelve minutes at full speed— approximately 3000 revolutions per minute—and used for the antigen the supernatant fluid which was slightly cloudy or opalescent. By this method we obtained excellent antigens with kidney and it was the only method by which we were able to obtain a satisfactory liver antigen. In preparing the liver antigen we used a quantity of liver tissue approximately equal to the mass of the two kidneys. Occasion- ally antigens were not satisfactory because they were either anticom- plementary, or not antigenic; such antigens were not used. This latter method of preparing the antigen had this advantage—that the erythrocytes were not contained therein; the serum was of course retained but as will be seen this was a factor of little or no importance. In absorbing the serum with the various organs we used throughout the solid residue of the organs as obtained by grinding and repeated washings (at least four washings were done before the cell suspension was used as absorbent). We extracted both diluted and undiluted sera, but found it more satisfactory to work with the undiluted serum. The serum and organ were left in contact for thirty minutes at 37°C. and then were separated by centrifuging. In some cases the extraction was repeated. We used, as a rule, a volume of tissue cells equivalent to one-fourth the volume of the serum. At times, and especially after the sera had been in contact with either kidney or liver, they proved to be anticomplementary after the absorption. This fact caused us considerable difficulty for some time but we finally found a method for removing this anticomplemen- — — —— Aa. wi ee eee Ss 7 i SS —-s C . > ul ; SEROLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS OF LIVER AND KIDNEY 44] tary activity. After the serum had been separated from the organ mass we added a considerable quantity of barium sulphate, about one- fourth the volume of the serum, shook the mixture and then centri- fuged, separated the serum and then inactivated. It seems probable that the barium sulphate carried down fine particles of the absorbent which had remained suspended in the serum and that the inactivation played a negligible part in the restoration of the serum.1 The technic of the complement fixation reactions as carried out in these experiments was relatively simple. As hemolytic system, we used throughout sheep corpuscles, rabbit anti-sheep red blood cell serum, and guinea-pig complement. The latter was used in three unit quantities. The corpuscle suspension used was always a very dilute one, approximately a 0.5 per cent suspension, as we desired our end results to be either clearly positive or negative. Every day before carrying out the actual series of reactions we had in mind, we tested the anticomplementary and antigenic dose of the antigen; the antigen was then used in a quantity well under the anticomplementary dose (less than half of the anticomplementary dose) and in a quantity representing three to four units of the antigen. Actually we usually used the kidney antigen in a dose of 0.1 to 0.3 cc. of a one to ten dilu- tion of the stock cell suspension or in 0.1 to 0.05 ec. of a one to five dilu- tion of the extract antigen; the liver antigen was usually used in quan- tities between 0.3 to 0.1 cc. of a one to five dilution of the extract. Before we turn to the consideration of the results obtained, certain preliminary considerations may well be taken up which have an influence upon the interpretation of the more specific results dealing with the relationships of kidney and liver antisera. We examined the serum of a number of animals to determine whether there exist normally in the blood of rabbits, antibodies giving fixation with liver or kidney cells or extracts of such cells of the guinea-pig. The sera of ten normal rabbits were examined; only one serum gave fixation with kidney antigen. It is doubtful whether this represents a true fixation as this serum which gave 1 This method of removing anticomplementary substances (?) from serum has been tried out with a small number of anticomplementary sera sent in for the Wassermann reaction and seems to have some practical value but as yet sufficient data has not been collected to warrant any definite conclusion as to either the usefulness or limitations of this method. 442 M.S. FLEISHER, T. G. HALL AND NATALIE ARNSTEIN fixation was freshly drawn and had been inactivated; it seems probable that we were dealing with a nonspecific fixation such as described by Kolmer and Trist (12) as being present after inac- tivation of rabbit serum. It appears, therefore, that normal rabbit serum contains no antibodies reacting in the complement fixation reaction with guinea-pig cells. This fact, however, in view of the one exception mentioned will have to be further investigated. We have carried out several experiments to determine whether the immune sera would show complement fixation when inacti- vated guinea-pig serum was used as antigen. Using several dif- ferent antisera, both anti-kidney and anti-liver, and using the guinea-pig serum in quantities of either 0.1 or 0.2 cc., we did not obtain positive fixation even when 0.1 cc. of the immune sera were used. It is evident therefore that the serum content of the extract antigen used in our later experiments (which dose of course contained the serum content of the organs) cannot be an interfering factor in the reactions to be described. Furthermore, the quantity of serum in the diluted antigen used in the com- plement fixation reaction was even less than the largest quantities which did not give fixation. In the case of the guinea-pig erythrocytes the conditions are not so simple. We examined the anti-organ sera for aggluti- nins, hemolysis and complement fixing antibodies against guinea- pig corpuscles and found that such antibodies were present in both anti-liver and anti-kidney serum; using 0.25 cc. of a 5 per cent suspension of guinea-pig corpuscles we found that with anti- kidney serum 0.005 cc. produced agglutination, while with the anti-liver serum 0.001 cc. gave agglutination. The hemolysins were, however, not so active as were the agglutinins, as 0.05 cc. of both sera gave only partial hemolysis of 0.25 cc. of a 5 per cent suspension of guinea-pig corpuscles. It was evident from these results that the presence of corpuscles in the antigen might well be a factor in the complement fixation reaction. In table 1 we give the results of complement fixation reactions in which various suspensions of guinea-pig corpuscles were used as antigen. We do not give here—and will not give in later tables—the details Sur SEROLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS OF LIVER AND KIDNEY 443 of the reactions as these points have been covered in the descrip- tion of the technic. It will be noted that the anti-liver serum contained a greater concentration of complement fixing antibodies reacting with guinea-pig corpuscles than did the anti-kidney serum; this fact had also been noted in connection with the agglutinins. As to the possibility of this presence of anti-erythrocyte antibodies influencing the reactions which we report here, we believe that in the antigen used in our experiments, that is, in the quantity used in our work, red blood cells were not present in a quantity corresponding to 0.5 ce. of a 0.1 per cent suspension; in this quan- TABLE 1 Complement fixation of anti-liver and anti-kidney serum with varying suspensions of guinea-pig corpuscles QUANTITIES OF GUINEA-PIG CORPUSCLE SUS- 1 PER CENT SUSPENSION 0.1 PER CENT SUSPENSION PENSION 0.5 ce. | 0.25 ce. 0.5 ce. | 0.25 ce. Anti-kidney serum cc. 0.1 a 0 0 0 0.07 0 0 0 0 Anti-liver serum 0.1 +4+4++ +—-+++- ++++ 0 0.07 +4+4++ ++ wa oat Be 0 tity and even in the lower quantity, which did not give fixation with either serum, the mixture of serum, complement and cell suspension showed a definite reddish tinge and was distinctly clouded by the corpuscles; on the other hand the antigens did not show this tinge in the dilutions and quantities used. Fur- thermore, the volume of the ground organ rarely exceeded 2 cc.; in order to have a 0.1 per cent suspension of erythrocytes in the final dilution of the antigen one-twentieth of this bulk would have been composed of red blood cells which certainly was not the case. Therefore, in those cases in which the cells of the organs were used as antigen, it is very unlikely that antibodies 444 M. S. FLEISHER, T. G. HALL AND NATALIE ARNSTEIN reacting with red blood cells played any part in the reaction. Of course in those later experiments in which we used the organ extracts the corpuscles could evidently have had no influence. CROSS FIXATION WITH KIDNEY AND LIVER ANTIGEN Considering first the relation of the antisera to the two anti- gens, we found that in all experiments the anti-kidney serum gave complete fixation with its homologous antigen in smaller quantities than when tested against liver antigen; in four cases out of six the anti-liver serum also fixed in smaller quantities TABLE 2 Cross fixation of sera and antigens CUBIC CENTIMETERS OF SERUM 0.03 | 0.01 | 0.008 | 0.096 | 0.004 | 0.002 Kidney antigen Anti-kidney serum......../++++/++4+4+/4++4++4+] ++ -- 0 Anti-liver serum.......... ++++/)++4+ } +++ — 0 0 Liver antigen Anti-kidney serum........ we 0 0 0 0 0 Anti-liver serum.......... ++++)/++4+)/+4++4+]/++4++) ++ 0 with its homologous antigen than it did with kidney antigen, in the two other cases with liver antiserum, fixation was obtained with identical quantities of the serum with both antigens—in both of these latter cases we were probably dealing with rather weak liver antigens as shown by the poor fixation with anti-kidney serum. When we compared two different antisera in fixation reactions with a single antigen, we found a tendency towards fixation in smaller quantities when antiserum and corresponding antigen were used. This relation did not appear constantly for in some cases the anti-liver serum showed with kidney antigen stronger fixing powers than did the anti-kidney serum. This fact will be referred to again later. ee SEROLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS OF LIVER AND KIDNEY 445 From the above results it is evident that there exists a definite even though not absolutely sharply defined tendency toward a differentiation between these two organs as shown by cross fixation. ABSORPTION EXPERIMENTS WITH LIVER AND KIDNEY We will consider first only the relationship existing between similar sera and antigens absorbed with different organs. TABLE 3 CUBIC CENTIMETERS OF SERUM = io) = 2 0.05 | 0.04 | 0.03 | 0.02 0.01 0.008 | 0.006 | 0.008 o a. Kidney antigen and anti-kidney serum Wuapserbed.|4-4-4---|+-+++|++++/++4++|/4++4+4+| + 0 6775.0 Absorbed with kidney |++++] ++ “ 0 0 0 0 0 10 Absorbed Mineneen eS tee |+++| ++ 0 0 0 0 10 b. Liver antigen and anti-liver serum Unabsorbed .|++++/++++4+|/++4+4+/++4+4]/4+4+4+4+|+++4++4+)]/++++4+/]/++4+4+4+] 0 Absorbed with kidney |++++/++4-4+/4+4+4++4+]/44+44+/4+4+4++4+ 0 0 0 0 Absorbed with liver. . 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 From table 3, which is characteristic of the results obtained in a considerable number of experiments, it is evident when we had the combination of absorption of an immune serum by the organ against which it had been prepared, and when we tested the complement fixing power with a homologous antigen, that we found definitely more of the antibodies had been removed than when a non-homologous organ had been used for the absorption. This statement applies equally well in the case of liver as it does in the case of kidney. We find that a certain amount of anti- bodies was removed by the non-homologous tissue but that from 446 M. S. FLEISHER, T. G. HALL AND NATALIE ARNSTEIN three to five times as much was removed by the homologous tissue. There was also evident a tendency for liver tissue to absorb relatively more than kidney tissue. The relationship as revealed when we tested the various sera against the non- homologous antigens is shown in table 4. We found here when we tested the fixation of the antisera after absorption with an antigen which was not homologous with the serum, but which was homologous with one of the absorbents, that in the case of the anti-liver serum the evidence of the def- inite relationship of the antiserum to the organ against which it had been prepared and by which it had been extracted, still was TABLE 4 CUBIC CENTIMETERS OF SERUM O),o;s alia Ne) Sal oO a ~/l[olsios/esase S S S S a a ad I de ec) Si So Ss — So | Smloulon&) a. Liver antigen and anti-kidney serum Absorbed with liver... ob Absorbed with liver... teat 0 0 evident; but that in the case of the anti-kidney serum this re- lationship did not appear, and quite as much of the antibodies fixing with liver antigen had been removed from the anti-kidney serum by liver as by kidney. However, when we carried out simultaneous experiments in which we tested the various ab- sorbed antisera of liver or kidney against the two different anti- gens, we found that relatively less of the antibody content had been removed by the non-homologous absorbent when tested with the antigen corresponding to the serum, than when tested with the non-corresponding antigen, that is, in this latter case the antigen corresponding to the absorbent. We found, there- fore, that there exists not only a relationship between the anti- SEROLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS OF LIVER AND KIDNEY 447 serum and its corresponding antigen which could be shown by absorption but also a relationship between absorbent and cor- responding antigen when tested with non-corresponding serum. It therefore becomes evident that the relationship existing be- tween antisera against various organs is not simple but that probably a considerable number of factors must be taken into consideration. ABSORPTION EXPERIMENTS WITH OTHER ORGANS We next tested the fixation of the two antisera against their homologous antigens after absorption with organs other than liver or kidney. We first tried absorption with washed guinea- pig red blood cells, and found that by this means relatively small quantities of the antibodies were removed. Spleen was also ‘tested and removed very little, and finally brain was used as absorbent and was found to remove possibly a little more than either red blood cells or spleen. Probably not as much was absorbed from the kidney serum by brain as by liver; very nearly as much was absorbed from the anti-liver serum by brain as by kidney; there was however a tendency for the kidney to absorb slightly more than the brain in some experiments, and in no case did the brain absorb more from the liver serum than did the kidney. We carried out a series of experiments in order to determine whether the differences in absorption might be influenced by variations in the volume of the absorbent material. When we used similar volumes of the absorbent we noted that the absorb- ent corresponding to the antiserum showed, as stated, distinctly greater action on the serum and even when we used twice as much of the non-homologous absorbent the homologous absorb- ent still had removed more reacting substances. In the case of the comparison of the non-homologous absorbents, however, the quantities of the absorbent did apparently play a part, and if the quantities of the two non-homologous absorbents were not nearly the same the above mentioned relationships were confused. This fact had no influence on the results given above as they were THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. Vv, NO. 5 448 M. S. FLEISHER, T. G. HALL AND NATALIE ARNSTEIN carried out with similar quantities of the various organs used for absorption. This marked influence of the variations of the quan- tities of the non-homologous absorbents suggests that there was here a purely physical absorption occurring in which chemical relationship played little or no part and we tested two inert absorbent substances not of animal origin, namely, kaolin and barium sulphate, and found that neither of these two substances removed any of the antibodies. While, therefore, as a result of these quantitative experiments, the influence of the use of non- homologous tissues as absorbents and their inter-relation is not yet clear, nevertheless the definite relationship between homolo- gous absorbent and anti-serum is clearly demonstrated. FIXATION WITH ANTIGENS OTHER THAN LIVER OR KIDNEY We tested the anti-kidney and anti-liver sera against two other organ antigens, namely, spleen and brain, and found that both antisera gave fixation with these antigens. In general anti-liver serum gave better fixation than did anti-kidney serum with these non-homologous antigens. When we tested the various absorbed sera against these two antigens we obtained results which were in the main confirmatory of those reported above; however, there was a less marked regularity of results in these experiments than in those above. On the whole we can say that the definite relationship between the antiserum and the homol- ogous absorbent was usually evident, in that these sera (serum absorbed with its homologous tissue) showed less fixing power than the other absorbed sera. However, in a few cases the rela- tionship between the absorbent and the corresponding antigen became more evident than the relationship between antiserum and absorbent; in such cases the immune serum absorbed with the tissues corresponding to the antigen gave least fixation. Usually there was very little difference between the results on the one hand with serum and corresponding absorbent, and on the other with absorbent and corresponding antigen, when the same serum and antigen was used and only the absorbent varied. In practically all cases we could note evidence of a definite rela- SEROLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS OF LIVER AND KIDNEY 449 tionship between the absorbent and corresponding antigen, which showed itself in the fact that the serum which had been absorbed with the tissue corresponding to the antigen, showed less fixation than did the same serum with the same antigen after being ab- sorbed with other tissues—excepting of course the tissue corre- sponding to the anti-serum. One exception to this rule did occur at times, and this was in the case of anti-kidney serum absorbed with liver tissue; here liver tissue apparently possessed a very strong absorbent power. We cannot at the present time offer an explanation for this result but it seems to correspond with the more active part the liver seems to take throughout these experi- ments in the production of antibodies. DISCUSSION Summarizing now the facts that have been brought out in these experiments we found that anti-liver and anti-kidney sera gave positive results in complement fixation reactions, not only with the corresponding antigens, but also with antigens prepared from other organs of the same species; however, in cross fixation experiments there was a tendency for definite relationship be- tween antiserum and corresponding antigen to become apparent. Furthermore, it appeared that anti-liver serum tended to give, in general, complement fixation in smaller quantities than did the anti-kidney serum. When, however, we tested the comple-_ ment fixation of the antisera after absorption by various tissues we found marked evidence of a relationship between the anti- serum and its homologous absorbent especially when tested with the homologous antigen, which latter relationship was constant and definite. When we tested the various absorbed antisera against non-homologous antigens we still noted a distinct ten- dency for the appearance of this relationship between antiserum and homologous absorbent, but in some cases this relationship was not so clear, due to the appearance of a relationship between the antigen and corresponding absorbent. We can put aside the possibility that these reactions are due to the presence of either precipitins or fixing bodies reacting 450 M. S. FLEISHER, T. G. HALL AND NATALIE ARNSTEIN with the guinea-pig serum. That the antibodies reacting with red blood cells play any part is unlikely from what we have noted regarding the quantitative relationships of the antibodies react- ing with the guinea-pig red blood cells, and especially since we have found that after absorption by the various tissues the anti- - liver and anti-kidney sera no longer contain agglutinins for the guinea-pig red blood cells. We were therefore apparently deal- ing in these experiments with reactions to the tissue antigens, and the erythrocytes as antigens influenced the results little, if at all. We can therefore first state that there exist, in the antisera prepared against liver and kidney, antibodies, which have a rather wide range of activity, at least as far as other organs of the guinea-pig are concerned, giving fixation not only with liver and kidney but also with spleen and brain. It seems, therefore, that these two organs contain antibody-producing substances which have common relationships with numerous other organs of the body and possible with all tissues of the guinea-pig. These would correspond with so-called species specific antibodies. As a result of the complement fixation experiments with ab- sorbed antiserum and the homologous antigens, the definite re- lationship between antiserum and absorbent is evident. It certainly appears that each organ contains quantities of anti- genic and antibody-producing substances which are more char- acteristic of that organ than of other organs; that the antibody producing effect of the organ is most active in connection with these anti-characteristic substances, and that because of the greater content in the antiserum of bodies reacting with these substances and the greater content of the tissue in these charac- teristic substances, absorption of antibodies is greater when we mix the corresponding antiserum and absorbent. ‘This relation- ship of the antisera and organs would correspond to the so-called organ specificity or would signify, at least, a quantitative organ specificity. When, however, we study further the experiments in which we used non-homologous absorbents and carried out comple- ment fixation reactions with non-homologous antigens, we find SEROLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS OF LIVER AND KIDNEY 4051 a tendency for a definite relationship to appear between the non- homologous absorbent and its corresponding antigen. This tendency is fairly regularly apparent and it seems that we can interpret it best by assuming that in each organ there exist cer- tain substances which have a relationship to definite organs other than the one actually used as the immunizing agent. It is hardly possible that this relationship is identical with the first relationship which we have spoken of above, that is, the relation- ship which apparently is common to all organs of a species, in view of the very definite limitation of the relationship which appears in these experiments. However, at the present time, we offer this only as a possible explanation as we feel that this work must be extended to include a consideration of the interrelation of a number of other organs. It is however evident, as would be expected, that the immune sera prepared against tissues such as liver and kidney are complex in their nature, that they are composed of a number of different antibodies, probably varying in their relationship, some rather limited in their range of action and others with a wider range of action. It would seem that the liver contains more of these last type than does the kidney. Three facts seem to bear out this conclusion regarding the liver: We find a tendency for liver to absorb relatively more antibody from anti-kidney serum than does kidney from anti-liver serum; the liver serum reacts better with the non-homologous antigens than does anti-kidney serum; and finally the liver used as an absorbent in the experiments with non-homologous antigen tends at least in some cases to approach the absorbing action of the tissue corresponding to the antigen used. This suggests the question of the relationship of various organs to each other; a matter which has been considered by several previous investigators (Forssner (8), Cesaris Dehmel and Scotti (13), Fiessinger (14) and Fleischmann and Davidsohn (15)). We do not think it advisable to go into this matter at the present time, but desire to push our work further considering various other organs before we venture upon a discussion of this matter. 452 M. S. FLEISHER, T. G. HALL AND NATALIE ARNSTEIN We have throughout avoided the use of the term “organ spe- cific,’ and have done so intentionally, There has come to be considerable confusion regarding the use of the term specificity in connection with serological reactions, and we do not care at this time to enter into a discussion of the use of this word. We are satisfied with the statement that we have been able to dem- onstrate a definite relationship between anti-liver serum and its homologous antigen and between anti-kidney serum and its hom- ologous antigen. Whether similar definite relationships can be shown with other organs is now under investigation. CONCLUSIONS By means of complement fixation reactions and absorption of sera prepared against guinea-pig liver and kidney we have been able to show that there exists a definite relationship between the anti-organ sera and the homologous antigens. The antigens and antisera are not simple but are complex in nature and probably are composed of several different partial antigens and immune bodies. Possibly these partial antigens and antibodies can be arranged in three groups: The first having a very wide range of activity and having a relationship to all or practically all tissues of the species; the second having a limited range of activity and having relationship only with the tissue used in the preparation of the antiserum; and the third being possibly a group of antibodies, also rather limited in their range of activity but reacting only or more strongly with individual tissues other than the one used as the immunizing substance. REFERENCES (1) References to the literature of cytotoxins will be found in the following articles: Sacus: Biochem. Cent., 1903, 1, 573; RGsste: lLubarsch- Ostertag. Ergb. d. Path., 1909, 13-2, 124; SoppERNHEIM, KREHL AND MarcHanp: Handb. d. Allg. Path., 1908, 1, 5385; LANDSTEINER: Oppenheim’s Handb. d. Bioch., 1910, 2, pt. 1, 542. (2) Birrry: Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 1903, 55,476; Brerry AND Pertit: idem., 1904, 56, 238; Brrrry AND Mayer: idem., 1904, 56, 1016; Birrry, PETTIT AND SCHAEFFER: idem., 1907, 68, 496 and 566. SEROLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS OF LIVER AND KIDNEY 453 (8) Weuts: Zeitsch. f. Imm., Orig., 1913, 19, 599. (4) Beese: Journ. Exper. Med., 1905, 7, 733; Brit. Medical Journ., 1906, 2, 1786; Science, 1908, 27, 648. (5) ARMAND-DELILLE AND LEENHARDT: Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 1907, 62, 31. (6) Pearce anp Jackson: Journ. Inf. Dis., 1906, 3, 742; PeEARcE AND SAWYER: Journ. Med. Res., 1908, 19, 269. (7) Pearce, KarsNER AND EISENBREY: Journ. Exper. Med., 1911, 14, 44. (8) ForssNerR: Muench. med. Woch., 1905, 52, 892. (9) MicHarLis AND FLEISCHMANN: Zeit. f. Klin. Med., 1906, 58, 463. (10) Rapos: Zeit. f. Imm., 1913, 19, 579. (11) Kaun anp McNeiu: Journ. Imm., 1918, 3, 277. (12) Kotmer anv Trist: Journ. Inf. Dis., 1916, 18, 64. (13) Cresaris-DEHMEL AND Scorti: Arch. p. le Scienze Mediche, 1907, 31, 135. (14) Fresstincer: Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 1907, 62, 671; idem., 1907, 63, 573. (15) FLEISCHMANN AND Davinson: Fol. Seriolog., 1908, 1, 173. ON THE PLACENTAL TRANSMISSION OF SO-CALLED NORMAL ANTIBODIES III. ANTILYSINS G. C. REYMAN From the State Serum-Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, Director, Th. Madsen Received for publication August 22, 1920 In completion of the present series of studies on the placental transmission of so-called normal antibodies the following obser- vations as regards antilysins are reported. A. ANTI-MEGATHERIOLYSIN The examination for the presence of these bodies in the blood of the mother animal and the kid, as well as in the milk, was carried out in accordance with the quantitative method employed by the Serum-Institute for measuring antihemolytic bodies. It is to be observed that in the examination of milk only approxi- mate accuracy can be obtained owing to its opacity With the purpose of overcoming this obstacle the casein in one experiment was precipitated with rennet, but this procedure was abandoned as it was found that the antihemolytic bodies were also almost entirely carried away. The samples were inactivated for one-half an hour at 56°C., after it had been proved by experiments that the megatherio- | lysin-neutralizing power was practically unweakened by this process. The results of the entire series of experiments are given in the appended table, whereas only a single series is diagrammati- cally represented in the following curve (chart 1). It appears that the titer of the blood of the mother animal follows an average constant; this also applies to the blood of kids, where the titer in all cases was found to be lower than in that, of the mother animal, and in the case of twins it was very 455 456 G. C. REYMAN nearly the same. ‘The directly determined figures remained very nearly constant during the period of the research, whereas the weight-correlated figures exhibited a fairly gradual rise. The titer determinations for the milk were very low. ANTI-MEGATHERIOLYSIN 209: Units per cc. o-——_—_—-. Mother's serum © Kid 7 directly found values O@-——-— @ " " weight correlated " o—--—--—> 6") 6B hdirectly found u esceaeaens ---" " weight correlated " CEKEKREREEEKE KA GY CuHartT 1 B. ANTI-VIBRIOLYSIN In a work, of which unfortunately only a brief summary has been available, Schenk (1) maintains that the anti-vibriolysin content is the same in the blood of the mother as in that of the child; for which reason he concludes that these bodies are easily diffusible. This finding is corroborated in the case of goats and kids by the researches detailed below. The researches in all comprised five kids and their mothers. In testing for antilysin in the case of two of the kids (11 and 22) and the corresponding mother animal, horse blood as well as goat blood was used ‘as an indicator; in the case of the others only horse blood was employed. The measuring technic and the method of inactivation was the same as in the tests for megatherio-lysin. 3 g f = - ieee Fe oe Pee. Pn. PLACENTAL TRANSMISSION OF ANTIBODIES 457 The results, as appearing from the table, are that the titer of the blood is very low and nearly the same in mother and kid; further, that in the course of the period of the research it fluctu- ates somewhat, but without any particularly marked tendency in either direction except that the weight-correlated titers show in some cases a definite rise. In the two cases in which samples of milk were investigated, the amount of antilysin was rather great at the parturition, then it decreased rapidly but later on it increased again in some degree. C. ANTI-STAPHYLOLYSIN As in the case of the normal anti-vibriolysin, Schenk found that the uterus blood and the funicular blood contained the same quantities of anti-staphylolysin; and further that these normal antibodies are found in woman’s milk as well as in goat’s and cow’s milk. Polano, however, found that, although the blood of both mother and child contained anti-staphylolysin, it was found in the former in larger quantities than the latter. The examination of the normal anti-staphylolysin was under- taken in the same manner as for the above mentioned anti- hemolysins, namely, goat blood was used as indicator and the samples were inactivated for one-half hour at 56°C. These examinations of the serum samples showed that the maternal sera at the time of parturition contained larger quantities of normal anti-staphylolysin than did the sera of the kids; in this respect the serum of kid 31 forms no definite exception in view of the fact that the first blood sample was taken twelve hours after birth. The titer of the maternal sera fluctuated rather strongly, but with no definite tendency in either direction. As regards the titer for the kids, it increased in most cases during the first days after birth, but soon afterwards it decreased, after which it remained more or less constant, although in several cases one and a half months after birth it showed a secondary increase; this latter increase possibly bears some relation to the increase in titer of the milk, which frequently occurred at a somewhat earlier period. This relationship, however, could not 458 G. C. REYMAN be established with certainty, partly because the kids at that period take other nourishment, and partly because they do not always confine themselves to suckling their own mother. This antilytie action of the milk can be reduced by skimming it and so may partially proceed from the cream. These experiments indicate that the normal antistaphylolysin is not always, as is claimed by Schenk, transmitted quantitatively to the young. My results, accordingly agree with those of Polano (2). D. ANTI-SAPONIN As is well known, it was demonstrated by Ranson (3) in 1901 that the constituent in the serum which neutralizes saponin and hence inhibits its hemolytic action is cholesterin; and further it was proved by Madsen and Noguchi (4) in 1904 that this binding admits of a quantitative measurement. Accordingly, as in this process “antigen” as well as “antibody” are known, it is of interest through the medium of saponin binding to examine the occurrence of cholesterin in the sera of goats and their new-born kids, as well as its presence in the maternal milk. As far as I know, such examinations have not been undertaken for the life- period dealt with in the present article. For a description of the methods used in titrating the samples reference is made to the process described by Madsen and Noguchi. It appears from the appended table (I, d) that the titer of the mother animal remains nearly constant, before as well as after parturition, whereas that of the young increases directly after birth until it reaches a higher point than that of the mother, and then, as a rule, rapidly decreases; only the titer of the kid 15 and to a certain extent kid 13 (1914) remained nearly constant; later in one or two cases an increase was again observed. If one looks at the weight correlated titers, it will appear that after the primary increase, which, as a rule, is followed by a decrease, the titer on an average increases gradually, so that the total content in the blood of the saponin-neutralizing bodies is upon the whole increasing. Only in kid 15, however, is the increase nearly an uninterrupted and gradual one. *rNOUIIQWOS OLqno sod Ayn USA[QUY Ajrass syNsor OAYWQUUND oy, “sopdurvs Jo Furyuy or} 4B qUFIOM OY} PUB YIIIG 7B IYFIOM OY} TOOMJO O1VBI OY} YUOsOIdOI BOND OBO], } i 02 |0% |8t joe |IT 9 TP OAL a Fh a ay q G'O>/9°0 |¢°0 |S°0 |O'T |O'T JOS +=j0'% aI jet |tr lzt |or ng *P (49 |L49 |*9 #9 Po CSE (S161) £/22|8/61|8/018/9 |8/% |%/L2|%/8% |%/2ee €/01|8/9 |8/% |0/L2|6/82|0/2e £/22|/S1\8/01/8/9 |8/2 |2/Le |2/eee 9 I8 |€6 |#9 |F2 |99 |8¢ Ize joe 92 |s2 a) Q°% |9's (E'S |I @ (O'S IST [9'T (9°T jer ITT q 62 ze |82 |Se |s2 |ze |oz |% jos jez |€% BOL 601 |66 |06 |I8 0g CF ILZ (18 0 o's |2's |6'2 |9'2 ats OT HT [OT q OVO OMIsONO | VOeNiSsh WTR ITS |T8) 18 £2 9% |6r {6L |8% v6 #6 |66 |LIT |Z8 |ZIT |SITE SIT |80T |OOT |88 joOr |OOT |F6 €/S8|8/L1/8/FI/@/2 18/8 8/92 |%/F%e | G/08|8/SG|8/12|8/LT}8/FT|8/1T]8/2L |&/8 |%/8212/92|0/Fo~ £/08)£/92\8/1Z|S/L1|8/P1 18/11 \8/L |8/& |%/82|%/9G|Z/Foe |2/2I 12/9 | OL ¥6 96 |29 zo |9F |ze |e ) P 9°% (8° ST OT IPT ler q 1g |62 62 162 |&% IST |62 vg gg ige ir |2e joe ze Ist Zt a) 2S |0'S IST 2Z'T |9'L [PT IST ITT q 0 |0 Oesoeigeio0 | 0: ler \t> Gz |6r |e |6r len |€% FT |et |e B 18 |PIT 22 |16 |22 28 |T2 |€9 |£9 19) £9 G/12| 8/97 |G/1T\8/2 |8/& |Z/8z]Z/Sz|%/ES |2/TSe £/1Z|8/9T|G/1TI8/2 |/8 |Z/82|%/S2|/83|0/Tem £/08|8/9T|8/TT8/L |8/8 |Z/82\2/Sc|0/8s|6/ISe 12/21 12/9 8XL % 0g BG eo joF |9F |9F Ios lee o Pen Set Osta Pabel Gaal iar q 10/0 |0 {2°0 0 ez «\e@ «(62 |e8 j62 108 cit) BET ISEE |SET |LET |OTT \OZT |SOT |OOT j6Et (F161) £/91|E/L |Z/82|Z/8S |Z/1Se £/91\8/L 18/8 |Z/82|0/S210/86|2/1S« SLOTIG/TTIE/L |€/& |%/83|2/Ss|0/8% |2/Te» |2/2t 9xg 16 |ZIT |92 |88 |#6 |OOT th o) #3 |€'°% 10'S |8'T 19 T eT Ler q 0/0 |0 {go> ge |op ise jer |69 |cL |€9 |OP | a ZLT |Z9T |T6T |ZLT |60% |SLT |Zzt |PEt |ZLT €/1T|8/6 |Z/T2|2/91 |/PTs G/TT8/6 |8/F |Z/83|/0/82|/18|0/81 12/91 |G/F Te €/1118/6 |8/F 10/82\Z/S2|/12|Z/OT |2/PT* |2/20 i MITIW WoAUds Sain WoUuds SUaHLonw Fook ee Lc aE ee ote ee S| ee ee ee Ee ee ce ee eee ee ee ee UISA[OLIOYJVSOUI-1IYUW “VW qYSIOM 07 poyepars0d 10914 ‘0 fLrO0joRy ysiom ‘q {A[Qoourp punoj s9j1y, “@ “SABpPYWIgdy, sajdwmps wnias Buryn) fo sajoq plas Spry pup pprsajou ust surshyuyun fo u0ro.4ey T ATAVL I>11> Gt} oT 0 | O $080 ET 22 88 OTIS OOTSOET ET ET ET OT | ® 0°% |9'T \6°0 [60 (0 T OT (O'T I'L [eT let /228/61) &/9T\ &/9 |Z/Le | /82)G/S1\2/E1/%/S1'/T12/0l« £/01 8/9 re 6/L\6/80, 6/61 G/ST S/Z1'Z/0l« €/S1.8/01 8/9 \8/% |2/L2,2/82)2/61'2/S1 \2/Z1\2/0ls| 68 ¢9 9¢'€9 (96 |b FSF 0S €S 9F OE 6S tate B) | 9 AOq |B 8V q G'0>9'0>¢'0>|9'0>€ 1 08 4°23 6S O'S OT LT LT IL T T'S ihe (2 1 ILS (9° 8's (62 |b O'S O'S IVT | BOP BITS LT 8'T (OT IPT (oT (8'8 IE's (0's 13's 10'S (10'S (6S (3'2 IOS IL Tul ¥/1Z | $/IT| F/T | €/8%8/Sc8/01/8/2 8/8 &/8« asioy) JO |poopq :107vo|Ipuy 8\s10q) JO |pooyq :1ozwotpuy| 7 BF = 6 OLL IL9'129'8 BLOsS 6909 SF FF 5) ge fe 08 8% 9% e@°3 (0'S (OL OL (OT ie Lot iT q eee ie 68 €¢ 168 22 88 68 |0'F las \@'s |2°e L's Bigs 9 0's O'S F's |b [8's [O'S [9°9 FS F's Fs lbs [L's L26'¢ |9°8 les G/STS/T |$/St! /1CF/S1 F/TLF/8 |B/T |6/808/SZ8/L1/8/F1,8/018/L 8/S |8/es G/ST.G/1|F/SS/1SF/STP/TLP/8 IP/P I6/T \8/82,8/S8/18/L18/F1\8/0le,2 \8/E |8/e«\o/re 4,803 jo poolq 710/} BOL pul 4yeos jo poo [q ool CPC Tpuy GG Cee 9% \F'S Io 6S 1% 9'T 9'T B) 9 AOQ|8 sy q UL OLIUT INT OF 0°S OT (9 T 8 L et lor | G'S \L'S |G°S O'S (3's 19'S |S (G's (9's (G's |o-s \e'S Ios a)s10y] JO |pooyq :1078o\1puy ajsi0oy) JO |pooyq :Loywoipuy} IT gL 2269 0S QF |3'F 6 T 8 F a) 6% 1310'S 10'S GL PL I3'T o'r q 4% 12°% 0S 2°3 |9°% 10'S 10'S 0S 9 T OF O'S | @ | | L220 Of OF OF OF O'S 220 F O'S OF Le €/08 8/9G'8/168/LT.6/FTE/T1E/2L |8/F 8/2 |S/LE1C/Sex £/0€ 8/90 8/12 €/LEE/FLE/TLE/L &/b €/% 2/L20/S2% 2/21 2/% } Boa jo poo, :10}BO) tpuy 4B0 3 jo! poo|q id oyeo Ipuy Il £3 (8% 0'% 9'2 (A 1 8 2 ) GURL ST et (LT 90 TOT [OT OT q | GT OC STO IST 2s 27s 0-3 Os O's | 8080 0T (80/80) OT OT ITT ET | |@/8)%/S0.0/12,0/61 2/91 2/F1/ZTC/TL\2/01|2/ 6% 8/86.2/162/61,2/917/. iG/@1)2/0L |6/6x'0/9 | € 91 PT 10% A) | | OL IPT let | q | 0'T |O'T |S‘ |F I OT (6T O'S Os | IST | Gailen| Fala Cael ta cal OnGue|canalses @/81/Z/9T\S/F1IZ/ T1/2/6 |Z/L \0/9 |C/Se | @/81/Z/9T0/F1|Z/11\c/6 \2/L |2/9 S/T» | T aii HIIN wouds sala WOUaAS SUAHLOW ean -WON UISA[OLIQIA-IJUY “G panunuwoj—l AIAVL 460 01% 2°81 9°IT oLt a 83 S 0% tT q L£°6 |2°9 [2°6 [Z°F JOT O'T [60 |I> |F FIO FING IT 6F 92 (I'L |9'L [SL 18'S [2 ITS StF ETI9 FT \z> | B £6 |6°9 \€ Z 69 [82 189 [88 |F OLlP'L |h'G | (ST6T) £/08/8/92/8/61/8/91/8/ET\/01|8/9 |8/% |L/2|%/92|2/Fe €/83/8/22|8/61|8/91|8/E1|€/01/8/9 |8/% |%/L2|%/9% |Z/tee £/6218/82|8/61\8/91\8/E1|8/01\8/9 |8/% |Z/Lo |2/1ee| 2 FSF bak 1 &% #93 SLT a 6% G3 Ore 61 rT q . 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OF \0'F% |8°S €/1T|8/L |8/S 92 rT rg £6 Sal 9 6/% sis rT eke 6/12 GG (aa o°8T &/F col co) CONN OH SS NSA OE SH © Ge) = o q ocrlo'# | eer o q 1110 a oe |o'F lor |z'e love o's |z'e |2'¢ lo'e G/LE|0/SEx #/& |\¢/0g|¢/sa|¢/ze|€/61|8/91|¢/e1\¢/0r|e/9 a°9 a VT q 0g e 9% (G's [9's [EZ G/82|C/TSe €/62|8/S1|8/01|¢/9 ro) q ¢stio it | 8 SIG IP ICE |S 1tl9 orlt's Iz [F's £/z |/Ts 6/9 18/1 |€/82|8/Sa|8/12|8/21/8/F1|8/11|8/2 og a) ii q og a 79 a) Tea q g'¢ |g wzt je’ |9'e@ |2'e |9'e |9's |e's |9'e Jo's [e's |9'e [8°s |o°z G/8C|G/Les $/9UIP/TLP/L |b/@ |€/8cle/Te|¢/21|¢/F1\e/11\e/2 |8/¢ 8/8 9% |9°% |9°S | (ST6T) /% \G/LE\6/Se4| STXOT oD 61 |Z Tt |0°% (S61) €/% |Z/LZ|Z/1ex| 9 N S FOL |£°8 |0'8 &/F |8/% |&/Ts cl 93 |T€ |9§ (F161) G/LZx|0/GE|Z/2T | STXCT WOUGS S$ C1 WOUdS S$ WHHLOW ain 40 Had -WON uluodes-1juy ‘q panuyuoj—|T ATAV.L PLACENTAL TRANSMISSION OF ANTIBODIES 463 The curves for kids 12 and 13 (1915) are diagrammatically represented. It appears that their increases and decreases are concomitant until toward the end of the observations, when this relationship is disturbed; that is at the time when the kids take nourishment other than the mother’s milk. ANTI-SAPONIN @-—--© Kid 12 (1915) directly found values IS» Units per cc. ~ Qe-eeeene ® * 13 (1915) " ® 8 ——-- hother's serum lo - i | N fl ee i] *y Bp oN a] oO § 7 ! ak ©! Sy + SO eit Bement 3) 1S red The A 1S eB Be aS Se gS Crart 2 Finally the saponin-neutralizing power of the milk proved slight and offered no support for the supposition that this food influenced the content of these bodies in the blood of the kids. REFERENCES (1) Scnenx, F.: Monatsschrift fur Geburtshulfe und Gynaekologie, 1903. (2) Potano, O.: Habilitationsschrift Wurzberg, 1904. (3) Ransom, F.: Deutsche med. Wochenschrift, 1901, 27, 194. (4) Mapsen, Tu., anv Noaucut, H.: Oversigt over det danske Videnskabernes: ' Sekskabs Forhandlingar, 1904, Nr. 6, 457. THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. v, NO. 5 A SEROLOGICAL STUDY OF CHOLERA IMMUNITY I. AGGLUTININ ROKURO UMEMURA From the Serological Laboratory of the Institute for Infectious Diseases, Tokyo Received for publication August 27, 1920 The relation of serum proteins to antibodies has been the sub- ject of much investigation in the past, and yet there are a number of points which we do not fully understand. The earliest re- search published in the literature on the subject is by Widal and Sicard (15) in 1897, who concluded that agglutinin is pre- cipitated together with globulin when the immunized serum is treated with magnesium sulphate. In 1899 Winterberg (16) investigated the action of various protein precipitants and found that agglutinin is almost completely precipitated by sodium sulphate and less completely by magnesium sulphate, ammonium sulphate, sodium acetate and sodium nitrate, while only slightly affected by sodium chloride and potassium chloride. He further stated that animal membranes are impermeable to agglutinin, and that when agglutinin is subjected to dialysis lasting more than a month, its loss seldom exceeds 10 per cent. Again E. P. Pick (10, 11) came to the conclusion, as may be seen in the table 1, that the typhoid agglutinin obtained from the immunized horse is contained in pseudoglobulin, that in the immune serum obtained from the goat, rabbit and seal agglutinin exists in euglobulin, and that the cholera agglutinin, contrary to the typhoid agglutinin, is contained in euglobulin and never found in fibrinoglobulin or pseudoglobulin. It was Gibson and Collins in 1907 (3) who stated that their results disagreed with those of Pick, but it is now generally agreed that only the typhoid agglutinin from the horse is found in pseudoglobulin, which is the only exception to the general rule that it is contained in euglobulin. 465 THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. v, NO. 5 466 ROKURO UMEMURA I shall briefly review the results of investigations by the above workers and others, which I have repeated several times and carefully examined, in order to determine wherein their results disagree. E. P. Pick (10), adopting Hofmeister’s method of classification, regarded euglobulin as being precipitated by the addition of one-third saturated ammonium sulphate, and pseudo- globulin by the addition of an equal volume of saturated solution of the same salt to its filtrate. Gibson and Collins thought that the precipitate which they obtained by the addition of 3.4 saturation of ammonium sulphate was euglobulin, while its filtrate was pseudoglobulin. Following the numerous researches of Weyl (14), Panum (9), Kiihne (7), Burckhardt (1), Pohl (12), TABLE 1* AGGLUTININ ANIMAL yap ted EUGLOBULIN yy caecum ALBUMIN Horse 0 Trace | Nearly all 0 eR PHI s12 Nhe Soe Goat () All 0 @) Rabbit 0 All 0 0 Seal 0 All 0 0 Wholeras eet ee Horse 0 All 0 0 Goat 0 All 0 0 * Pick: Handb. von. Kraus-Levaditi, Bd. I, p. 331. Kauder (5) and others, Marcus (8) distinguished in the serum the water-soluble and water insoluble proteins; while Hofmeister and Pick (10, 11) discovered that the water-insoluble protein can be precipitated by 2.8 to 3.6 saturation of ammonium sulphate and the water-soluble protein by 3.6 to 4.4 saturation of the same salt, calling the former euglobulin and the latter pseudoglobulin. Again, Porges and Sapiro (13) classified the serum proteins into three groups, each group having the precipitation limits by ammonium sulphate at three distinct saturations, namely, 2.8 to 3.6, 3.3 to 4.2 and 4.0 to 4.6; and each protein body is thought to contain soluble proteins. Moreover, Freund and Joachim (2), repeating the experiments of E. P. Pick, found that both euglobulin and pseudoglobulin contain soluble as well as insoluble protein bodies. Ta tt be ay. mi ie es 5 SEROLOGICAL STUDY OF CHOLERA IMMUNITY 467 On the basis of the above experimental data, Hammarsten (4) states, in his recent text-book on physiological chemistry, that the classification of sera on the basis of water-soluble and water-insoluble proteins is incomplete, and that the separation of serum proteins by means of ammonium sulphate is far from satisfactory. Accordingly, I diluted the serum five times with distilled water in order to minimize the above interaction of serum protein bodies, and yet within the limits of non-interfer- ence with the examination of possible agglutination reaction, and drew a distinction between the first, the second and the third euglobulins, all of which were free from potential pseudoglobulin and were precipitated at various precipitation points. Thus the first euglobulin was precipitated at the highest point, namely, 3.3 saturation, the second and the third at 3.4 and 3.6 saturations respectively. Likewise pseudoglobulin is divided into three groups as follows: the precipitate which is obtained by half saturating the filtrate which remains after the complete separa- tion of euglobulin by means of 3.6 saturation of ammonium sulphate is called the first pseudoglobulin, while the precipitate obtained by half saturating the filtrates after the separation of the first and the second euglobulin by means of 3.3 and 3.4 satu- rations are regarded as the third and the second pseudoglobulin respectively. EXPERIMENTAL DATA 1. Preparation of saturated aqueous solution of ammonium sulphate Ammonium sulphate is at first dissolved in appropriate quan- tity of distilled water until fully saturated, and any iron present is precipitated by passing hydrogen sulphide gas. It is evapo- rated and made into a heat saturated condition, then cooled to recrystallization by placing in running water. This recrystalli- zation method is repeated six times. ‘The crystals of ammonium sulphate thus purified are used in making the saturated solution for the present experiments, by taking about 20 per cent in excess of 770 grams of the purified crystals and dissolving in 1 liter of heated distilled water. This is left at room temperature until no more crystal is seen to go into the solution. The clear super- natant portion is used as saturated solution. 468 ROKURO UMEMURA 2. Separation of the serum The immune serum described in the present experiments has been obtained from the blood of the jugular vein by letting the corpuscular elements settle at the bottom of the containing vessels after standing for twenty-four hours in a cool place. 3. Separation of serum protein bodies The serum, which has previously been diluted five times its volume with distilled water, is placed in three Becher glasses (50 ee. each), and while stirring the saturated aqueous solution of ammonium sulphate is added gradually in different quantities, namely, 24.62 cc., 24.76 cc., and 28.12 cc. respectively. The precipitates formed in the above treatment are the three varieties of euglobulin; 3.3 saturation being the first, 3.4 saturation the second and the 3.6 saturation the third euglobulin. These are filtered after three hours, and the process of filtration is repeated until the filtrates are perfectly clear. Each of the above pre- cipitates is washed with 3.3, 3.4 and 3.6 saturation of ammonium sulphate solution repeatedly until the solution becomes com- pletely negative when treated with Spiegler’s solution. Each filtrate is then centrifuged and 37.31 cc., 37.88 cc., and 39.06 ce. of its clear supernatant liquid is treated with 12.49 cc., 12.12 ec., and 10.94 ec., of saturated aqueous solution of ammonium sulphate by adding the solution gradually while stirring, and the precipitates (the third, the second and the first pseudoglobulins) are filtered repeatedly until perfectly clear. The precipitates thus obtained are dried thoroughly by pressing between the filter papers, and then redissolved in distilled water, making up to the original volume. 4. Examination for agglutination reactions Each of the immune sera and the separated protein bodies was diluted to twice the volume with sterile saline. The bacillary emulsion was made by adding 10 ce. of sterile saline to one slant of eighteen-hour culture in an agglutination tube. Two drops SEROLOGICAL STUDY OF CHOLERA IMMUNITY 469 of each emulsion and serum protein were put in a tube and incu- bated first at 37°C. for two hours and then at room temperature for twenty-four hours and examined. HORSE SERUM IMMUNIZED AGAINST CHOLERA K. P. Pick precipitated euglobulin by the direct one-third saturation with ammonium sulphate without diluting the strongly positive horse serum immunized against cholera having the agglutination value of 10,000. He also precipitated pseudo- globulin by half saturating the filtrate with ammonium sulphate. TABLE 2* SERUM DILUTION 20 200 2000 4000 6000 10,000 NPSIGMUIN eas. 0.» 4. + +. = = = Pseudoglobulin............. a + == = = x *E. P. Pick: Hofmeister’s Beitrige, Bd. I, p. 378. TABLE 3° SERUM DILUTION 50 100 200 500 1000 PTT MOUMDUIN E.'s cas « so os — + = = = Pseudoglobulin........... ++++ ]/++44+] 4+4+4+ +44 ze * Gibson and Collins: Journal of Biolog. Chemistry, vol. III, p. 246. His results are summarized in table 2, in which it is clearly brought out that while euglobulin retains the original aggluti- nation value of 10,000, pseudoglobulin shows a titer of only 200, and yet he explains that even this small value may probably be due to some substance which escaped through the filter paper and thus it may be said that pseudoglobulin contains no agglutinin. But the results obtained by Gibson and Collins are entirely opposite. They precipitated euglobulin at 3.4 saturation with ammonium sulphate from the serum having the agglutination value of 1000, and its filtrate they regarded as being pseudo- globulin. They found that while euglobulin was positive only ROKURO UMEMURA 470 — | + | ++ (44e4eieta]e4slessalettietstiettittap cc II wyNqo[sopnesg — | 4 | AE ETHIE HEH tHE tlt ltt titty I WyNqo|sopnosg ahs -- ++ +4+4/4+4+4)/+4+4]4+4+4+]+4+4+/44+4+]/4+4++4+ che fekelio lee..e. es: 6) sile «..ef¢ 19 (aust s a0 slams mie lane)s aiakaup J Ulpnqo[sopnesg = = pees ++ tH4tjt44)t44)+4-4 Nig piew elie \@hiwice! e's) (a,ere. 6,le)(a) jaqelvariaiia) (ea (6:,8 ) 008 (ONS ibl ewe) e) IIT Uyngosng — == are ++ ++ t44 +44 +44 Are) 6) elie © le ©) pbs ve) 0) wile) =e) is) e/a se! 0; ols) ere (sje) eels lel ene Il uljnqo[sng a aE tale SLT fish HEENE Ey aE oT Oe Polo. 8 o-cecrny C) Or of CLO ab reo" Dano Oe OsiclO.O.G ] WyNgo[sng 0 Toate = faiMfivecarl pest 06 fugit ean ore irelliera gee |vuetiara nave PR SOR AION, OCIS TER OO 2 REM SM umnsag NOILOTMG PE es a tp eR > Sn IRSA a Pee AU es oe SR a eS er ee ie g asioy fo wnwas ay} ur sarpog urajoid fo sanjoa uorynurnpbby ¢ HITaVL ee ie ae is ee ne es ae Sa ee ee = Stealth tetas tetc lata steak late staat ctestotc testeste teat ct atest inl atest alee ee tyes wees III UtNqo[sopnosg — |p | bb [EEE AHI E+ Hl ttt tt] ttt IL UNqoZopnosq — | - | HE FEET ++I +4444 ]4 +444 titty [ UNqo[sopnosq — == J ST +4 44+4)++4)4+4/4+-+4 Aer oh Cees) 5 UOMO, Wah CHC snd GLO TO chaicen III Wypngoysng a at 4 +44 4++4 +44 +4 Alle (ecailw! e)'w) aie. ome €)n ej) e064 che) et age)sien)isas sale Il ulpnqoysng == + + +44 +44 +4-+ ey b).e latte) 6 eceiw) oe ells }jchleehate cane elese 000 8 I ulpnqo[sny 2 rere tale ta lett t ete it ett et itt ttt et SBR GSee amen oeon Annee eC oaces wmnsag NOILO TG Se ee ee ee 8 SE eS V asuoy fo wnwas ay) ur sarpog urajzoud fo sanjoa uoryourynp bby b ATAVL | | | SEROLOGICAL STUDY OF CHOLERA IMMUNITY 471 to 100, pseudoglobulin was positive up to 1000. ‘The results of my own study of the agglutination values of the protein bodies, which have been separated according to the method already described, may be summarized as shown in tables 4 and 5. From these two tables it is clear that the agglutinin in the serum of the horse immunized against cholera not only exists in the euglobulin fraction, as brought out by Pick, but is present for the greater part in the pseudoglobulin fraction as Gibson and Collins have shown. The reason why these investigators obtained results so much at variance with one another may be inferred from the fact that, while Pick used the serum without diluting, Gibson and Collins diluted it twice its volume. The two questions which we must at once seek to answer are: (1) Whether or not the presence of ammonium sulphate hindered the agglutination reaction, and (2) whether or not the dilution of the serum had anything to do with the results. In order to test these points, the following experiments were made: 1. Does the presence of ammonium sulphate hinder the agglutination reaction? The serum was diluted five times (100 ee. of serum and 400 ce. of distilled water) and 250 cc. of saturated ammonium sulphate were added, making the degree of saturation of the entire mixture one-third. The filtrate was again half-saturated with the satu- rated solution of ammonium sulphate. The precipitates thus obtained in both cases were dialyzed for three weeks. After proving the absence of sulphuric acid and ammonia by means of barium chloride and Nessler’s reagent respectively, the agglutination reactions were tested and the results compared with those obtained with the undialyzed fluid, as shown in table 6. This table shows that ammonium sulphate, which may be present after the manipulation as stated in the introductory paragraphs, hinders in no way the agglutination reactions. \ 472 ROKURO UMEMURA TABLE 6 DILUTION Horse serum... .|-+}-+-+/-+++/-+++)4++4+/4+4+/+$+|444+/4++4+144/4]= Dialyzed —eu- globulin....... +4+4+/+4+4+] 4+) + = = Dialyzed pseudoglobulin|+-++|+++/+++/++4+/++4+/+++/+++] ++ | + /- Uudialyzed eu- globulin....... +4++)/4+4++) ++) 4+ +- = Undialyzed pseudoglobulin|+++/+++|+++/+++|++4+|++4+]++4+] ++ | + |- 2. Do the differences in results depend upon whether or not the serum was diluted? Ten cubic centimeters of the serum were made 3.6 saturated without diluting by adding 5.62 cc. of saturated aqueous solution of ammonium sulphate. Again, as before, 3.6 saturation was made from the serum diluted five and ten times respectively. After three hours the precipitates in the above mixtures were filtered, and the agglutination values of both the precipitates and the filtrates were compared as shown in the next table (7). The filtrates were in each case made transparent by repeated filtration and the precipitates were washed with 3.6 saturated solution of the salt, and repeated until the latter gave no reaction with the Spiegel’s solution. The precipitate was then dried by pressing between the filter papers and the solution was made by adding distilled water, restoring the original volume of the serum. According to table 7, although the amount of precipitate is greater in the undiluted serum than in the diluted, yet in no case did the agglutinin come down exclusively in one fraction as reported by E. P. Pick. Thus it appears that the above stated questions are in both cases negatively answered, and hence the above process and results may be considered normal. I further endeavored to SEROLOGICAL STUDY OF CHOLERA IMMUNITY 473 determine at what saturation the agglutinin began to come down and at what point is it completely precipitated. When this is determined we shall be able to say whether or not it is contained in fibrinoglobulin and albumin as reported by E. P. Pick. The following experiments were carried out. TABLE 7 DILUTION e|zgi|#e#/2]¢/18s|]3]2 {iz Ses iss For Gee ty eels Hse Wie bes Horse serum....... +2555) SPS eoe Gages Qrcece aoe tan crac Poaer sd rece Poe ee Undiluted Preempioate...-}---+-+|4-++\/+++i/+++| ++] + + Piltrate......'. 3 3 3 5° 3 2 1 5 volume dilution Precipitate..... 25555) 2=S-5ehegrgn, Geambcra= rae + Pultrate. =<... :-- 3 3 3 3 3 3 74 1 10 volume dilution Precipitate.....|/+-++/+++|/+++] ++ /4+/ + + Hiltrates. 22... 3 3 3 3 3 3 2, 1 Note: In the table, +++, ++, +, — indicate the degree of agglutination with the precipitate as in table 4. The figures, 3, 2, 1 designate the agglutina- tion reaction with the filtrate, — strong, medium and weak. THE RELATION OF AGGLUTININ TO THE PRECIPITATION POINT OF SERUM PROTEINS The serum was treated with ammonium sulphate beginning with 2.4 saturation and gradually increasing the amount of salt up to half saturation. The precipitate and the filtrate were examined as to their agglutination values, which may be tab- ulated as shown in tables 8 and 9. We were not able to examine the precipitate obtained at 2.6 saturation with ammonium sulphate because of its small amount, but it may be said to contain some agglutinin, judged by the fact that the precipitate obtained at 2.8 saturation gave a positive reaction. In other words, the agglutinin begins to come down with the precipitate by ammonium sulphate and the precipita- ROKURO UMEMURA ozz0¢/T | OSF0z/T | 09est/T | 474 T G € € € € € € € € ic 0'Flo'Fo'zl 6 + | ++) ++ saree teeter et ee tee et + eet et et I G € € € € € € € € € € sez Flozl 8 i. e ‘ G E|8 F/O Z| ¢ eee ci ar ier ra ord Fates Rag Cte € € € & € € € & fer ee rer eee era re rea PORTE COCO OC + | — | ++) ++ saree eter echt beet eee + ee tt et I G € tS € € ts € € € € ts € gelpFle-zl 2 + | + | ++] ++ pire rari werd fs lee fate utes Pneedh ova I SG S € € € ts € § € € € So Tee [ace (es leash ete a per cle a SG € € € € € € € € Soe fe € € € € € § € ° Be € |e | + feel at plete eels) 8429104 8 Prqiny, 9 SIF SIOZ) S IBITD ¥c9 Si0'S| T > Sie Seo] ae te | ee |S SR Sl ee ey elle | |e Sg) 8) 2 so 8 |S |e Seles ae eS eee es D F S NOILOTIG 8 ATAVL 475 =|) +] 4) EEE THI Ht tlt tft tye ttl + ttl ttt tttit+ti]t+ti]t44] umes joruop =|) ++)tt4]444lt tlt ttt] t+tyt tlt] 4+t4+i4+t4+i4+t4i+t4+it+t]t++ti++4 ove lovejo-z — |] 4] Ft] ttt ele tet] + tt] tyt tt] tttittt [+ t4+i+t+i+ttit++4]t++4] 8p lz elonz ial €1 Lemeletcesahevtea Ricca cae ere: eama T I Sj § § § € € +¥ lo‘eloczl IT SEROLOGICAL STUDY OF CHOLERA IMMUNITY | I z g g g ¢ g ¢ g g g z+ lg-elo-zl Ot I Z g g e g g g g g g g lor Salida a Be eco teiee \ie eele else Pearle la eee re feetleee elec eee lee) oc: wlcp lec | cele «oe alee ape cl ae alae Si |p telt || ete es TE i Fee Te tees Ts A re fee ie |e re itera Teese cot eeeedliee lee log cle fluo 1-6 gee. eee ag eee leg aca S| SETS St ees repress erie itera ree) te ee re Tee Pre Bre fe, ee se, soe ical ¢ ile ieee hee | S| Ow oe ob ee gee alee ces eee | ieee eee (eee fam ~ |e [ee | at eeeepeieeaetleteeta lee eleteteee late leetyh® Fog 9 Ae: ae |e srs a g € € € g g € € € g alee pleas pe e € € € € Beater ee oe rare tea rat fers lee ah ll I j € € € £ € € € g € € & € € € | i | ra gra ated re ora om a at tea ae mpm ceeice = |e =|) gs 8 *| Se |e aie) ec yale sie lag eal geen | te re ae Per elton ieee aac qusoseiedgo | FZ 19'S10'2Z| T ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 'OS*("HN) 07H wauas uaqaWoNn NOILOTIG 6 WIAVL 476 Fl+[+4+]+4+4]44++] +++] +4++]+4+4]4+4-4[t4+4l44+4]444]t44l4+4+st]4t4lt4t]444]4+4)444]4+44] 0 uns yoryu0p Flt +t|t+tltatl+t+[t+t]t+tl+ tt t+st]+t4+lttt|t4t +t ttt [ttt i444 i+44]++4)4+4-4] oe lovelo-g] 1 477 ela rte iter aera air eit Wate esr tres errs err esis Foy vats era Ore sh js Ses Ge i G € ne alt eA ete se race rea faa rte rr rere ero Wo Rafe tr err Perit oer a eed I! a € € € € € 9°elo-zl 11 aft | 4+ H+eteetate tate tt eta e eet eee I! T G € € € € € € an re (rere rer eres rer Foerster ars Wrst stra Writs rita res rer Wei se os P \8°€/0°%) OT ee ee eee ee a ee le 478 ROKURO UMEMURA tion is complete at 4.8 saturation. As to the agglutinin present in the filtrate, we may say that in general the sum of the agglu- tination values in both the filtrate and the precipitate obtained at 2.8 to 3.8 saturation equals the original agglutination value of the serum, but we also find that the agglutination value of the filtrate at a saturation greater than 4.0 is markedly decreased. This may be due to the fact that the presence of ammonium sulphate to an extent greater than 4.0 saturation hinders the agglutination reaction. The relation of the agglutinin to the protein bodies which precipitate with the saturated solution of ammonium sulphate may be expressed diagrammatically as shown in table 10. i Les) Sm Of4 2.6 2:8 3.0 3:2 3,4 3.6 (3.8 4.0) 4.2°°4.4 4.6) 40eavoce =a nnn The precipitation point of agglutinin The precipitation point of proteins. The classification of various protein bodies, according to Hof- meister and Pick, is as follows: Bibrino slob ulin cs pti sua tween kel eisparee 2.8 saturation and lower PU GLO UNIT es ee bale etaee vrs ee seieiele oleracea 2.8-3.6 saturation Pseudoglobulin...:.:.:.........s2000+-.0s00. 0.04.4 Saturation Thus, contrary to the opinion of E. P. Pick, agglutinin is present in fibrinoglobulin, while it is absent in albumin. RELATION OF SERUM PROTEINS OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENT ANIMALS TO AGGLUTINATION Does the above relationship of agglutinin to serum proteins obtain in the protein bodies of other types of immunized animals, or, as E. P. Pick has stated, is there a difference according to SEROLOGICAL STUDY OF CHOLERA IMMUNITY 479 the species? This is an interesting question both from the stand- point of biology and from that of immunology, and the attempt has been made to determine this point in the following experi- ments with different animals. Goat serum immunized against cholera E. P. Pick examined goat serum immunized against cholera, which had the agglutination value of 2000, in the same manner as he did the horse serum, and demonstrated the large amount of agglutinin in euglobulin as is shown in table 11. TABLE 11* DILUTION ot |[oaltou Ss Sse toe | tar sn lies i=} So —) So i—] = i] a = o co —] N = ao -_ Nn vm] — — a = — nN Ss | ba Isa soles 1 Sb eee sels (0 Glo) hs ae Seal ae Seika Seo] Sedharal Seal sr] ac |) = Pseudoglobulin.......... +y)+])+]- * KK. P. Pick: Hofmeisters Beitrige, Bd. I, p. 380. TABLE 12* DILUTION 1/50 1/200 1/500 1/1000 SST +++ | ++4++ | +444 | +444 | +4+4++4+ ipelgbulinas.. 2. .2.....-- —— + Pseudoglobulin........... SG sa eae Seana | anaes at + * Gibson and Collins: Journ. of Biolog. Chemistry, Vol. III, p. 243. But Gibson and Collins reported results quite contrary to those of Pick, as is shown in the copy of one of their tables (table 12). I separated the goat serum immunized against cholera in the same manner as I dealt with the horse serum and obtained the results detailed in table 13. Thus, as there seemed to be no distinct difference as regards agglutinin content between euglobulin and pseudoglobulin in ROKURO UMEMURA 480 IaieleanG S € € € € € € € § € & € € § oelosloz| F = | + oP +t | tt it t4]44+4itt4}4+4+4]t44]+4+4+ EG NG te § € € € € § € € S € § € € , + | +4] +4 fuera rede a) a |) Gen eels Pprqiny 92|PFE|0ZC| Z@ queosafedg | F'Z |9'¢ |0'Z | T Bee ee |e | a | re a |e es eee ee ee ea eae ee Sieve # EB | ek BS | 2 | BciBal Eo ee ee ee ea Sie se 5\S Ss So So S Ss L z 5 DM i) 9 NOILLOTIG bt HTAVL + | ++ | tt [et+]++ti++4)t+tst]44+4i[ttst]4t4] cc ITT WNqopsopnosq ff AA | AH AEE HH] + H]+ ttt 44i]ttti44tp IT WNqoyZopnosg + fae | tt [+t +4ittst]44+4ittaty ] WTNGo[Fopnesg aesalsateaieed| sctecte al -testeste|ctyreeh latastcstc p= eae ae IIT wyNgopsngy Ss + +4 +4 +44 +44 scab iio\-e el s].egene\s)6i/ei'e;/e ee iene 6r9ie Il ulynNqo[sny + +4 ++ tt +++ ote kes eine oe \sie ie susp si eis 6b ya: 60 0! eas I ulpnqojsngy — | F | t P44] at fet t]ett]+tt]+4ti+4ti[ttstittst]ttsty] wINIog NOILOTNG i NE eee See EE ——————ee ee aes unias 7006 wosf surajoid fo sanjoa uoynurn) bby €l ATAV.L 481 elt |EA| ELE HIE lt tlt ttle ttt t]+tti+ttlt+t[t44+l+ttlttt]tet] winzas [oI}UOK IEE HEH EAH PTH PtHP ttt ttt ttt ttt tsi t+tit4+t]t4+t]t4t]t4t —|4+t]t+ltttltttit+tit+tlt+t ltt] ttt] t ttt + tt]4+ tit) 4+t+ o'€ |0'S | €I y'€ |0'S | GI I € £ ge loz | It 4:5) cera erage eaeasa i Woe vh Perte TOD Wear Poser BETORD eres WPaceTa beer. T z € € € e ge loz | OF +f t+ | + [tttit+tytetyt+t]tttyttti ttt tty+ t+ t4i4tt]4+t+ I SG € § € ts tS € + fH LH Et tt ttt ttt ttfttt]tt+]t+4]t4]tt+4+]t4+ T I € € € g € g § € = | + § § ; ; +] FE [E+ tte] t st tt+l4+tt]t+4l+tt]t+sti+t4|t+ Pears +n e € tS € -+- I G G € € € € € € € € § € € € rFlOZI LZ + | 4+ | +t [ttle] +ttietti+tt|+t+l4+t4|4+44i44+ & 3 € & € € € + € § € € Se ae linn oe Met rece ete aerial ir eel heel SEROLOGICAL STUDY OF CHOLERA IMMUNITY VP vy O'F |0'F |0'S | 6 8'é 9°€ ve o'r 0G; 9 Sea j & & € & & & & € & oe & jar : }* GE i187 108 | ¢ re § € =e =f t | t+] +t [ttt]tt+etti+tt]tt+4+it+4ti+tt ROKURO UMEMURA 482 O9est/T OFZOT/T + | ++ seek eee ee Heck Peo ter etree ele ore oh ee eee ecg teem eee an OcIS/T I G j € € & g ++ Feo sco aia a. loro Mea eccale maleauicli, i G 09SZ/T 0c6I/T § € € € € § € € § € € € € € +H J+tt+t+l+t+l+t4+l++4f++4 € € § € € € 6 ++] +4 [t+t]t++4+i+44+]/t+4]444+ § € § Ge § € € +] ++) t+ ft+t]4+t4]44-4]444 se fea (Oe teil eee eel ere err eee ee eee etl peel prqany Ajsu0149 NOLLOTIG St AIAVL PIQiny, yuooso[edg IBID +} ee Bs ie ye *OS*(7 HN) v |OF av VP 9°? [oe 2) — 1D 19 19 omnN oS 122 0% 0% 0% 0% 6 wD aagnon ——————————— St 483 SEROLOGICAL STUDY OF CHOLERA IMMUNITY nee Aad fe es 8 YS ee As oo ee a | See etal ere eae eee a Al ale a le a ee ee ls mies omguog aa ES Sf Se es es ed es ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee — Se eee eee See ee ER al le oo ee la | a eee eee ere Ee eh el gy lee le) st | E =. . “a * ; eee cetewallanerepseelg-7 |-er 8 te i (ee ae foo oa reer es oerm Woerer es Weteoru estere Weetews MusTens| Wunres Wes ora ewes Wevexru WeSTena Enos : : Bs = * ; ; : é eae : Pislie toa icine mle Paleo See + | te] te lett ttle tsetse ttle tees ties eet tt ttt | : 484 ROKURO UMEMURA the goat serum, the experiments in fractional precipitation of the proteins were repeated with the results shown in tables 14 and 15. Thus in the tables 14 and 15, we learn that, in the goat serum immunized against cholera, there is a relationship between the precipitation point of the agglutinin and that of euglobulin with ammonium sulphate similar to that observed for immune horse serum. Rabbit serum immunized against cholera Although we do not find any mention of rabbit serum immun- ized against cholera in the report of E. P. Pick, we do find table 16 representing the result of an examination by Gibson and Collins of such serum carried out in the same manner as that in which they separated the horse serum. TABLE 16* DILUTION 1/50 1/100 1/200 1/300 1/1000 1/2000 Rseudoglobulin’...2. 25.2 .-0 t4++4/4+4+44)/4++44]/+444]/4444/ 4+ HBurelobullumye hace. «tis ckeieesee a — = = = a * Gibson and Collins: Journ. of Biolog. Chemistry, Vol. III, p. 241. My own results with rabbit serum immunized against cholera having the following agglutination value is shown in table 17. Thus the agglutinin in the rabbit serum immunized against cholera does not exist either in euglobulin or in pseudoglobulin exclusively. I have repeated with the rabbit serum the experi- ments conducted with horse and goat serum and obtained the results in table 18. In looking over the above table, we note that there is no distinction in the precipitation points of agglutinin in the rabbit serum immunized against cholera from those of the horse or goat sera immunized against cholera. 485 a ee ee 75 oll aig | egal Wie Sea a si ol ft be eo lo (oe IIT UN qo[sopnesg spo Nore 4 Soe in eae a ope a ee etal eo eceg ooe leiee | pee a a II Wr[Nqojsopnesg ye eee | la line eng even bret elfuranticlamcneeliecaieleeme joe. ae qa I WyNqo[sopnesg ae cares oar ocala amc ymerloeaman( eas ee oN IIT WyNqopsngy + + +4 ++ +++ +++ i OCC Sint iC ate Cise mcd OC Crs 1 ul[nqosngy == + ++ +4 +44 +4 CC ed m ulpnqoysniy “el ie as eae ee bh el ee a Pe oleae kaos wunsog Ser emeiea) |S | Bo) Sy SB | 8 | eS ls NOILOTIG he ae 2 ae Ss 4t ATaVL ROKURO UMEMURA 486 ' Z : . GP |8 € \0'S | OL SNe tee tesla sleet dlate ate otal ste stecte| ate stect= tect stalls ectallete ae ata|ene Tost siete tel deals ale rt, oe I I G g g g € 0+ loz | 6 Etameeaties fee |iectctanl ote taee otaatanba ate stratel ote shasta ahemieatr late stents ate teaial teaie stn pty cheats ann I j & € g g g € is or is ‘s ; : +] ++ [4++4]444]t+4]+4+4]+4+4)+4+4]4+4+ Haale ee tan I G G € & € € € € € € € € + | + |4++4+]44+ seater tee eet eee tee tee ee I SG G € te € € Ss re € € € ¢ 9°F loz | 9 +] + | ++ lt+t+t4it4+t]+4+4]4+4+ pele Jefe G € € € € € € € € € pees gL fib |e rer Paper oh eae fone ea f°" +} |} ore locale |) jr" ie me Te eles Peele ale Ol ase F< |eee eure 4S | a8. tite. le Ge lhe bees emer eae Brodie eeles geod rar Pare Fase ase ae ee aT 4 PIqinL, | 8° [2g jos | € quoosatedQ | 9°% |h'¢ [O'S | Z way | FZ |9°9 OS | T Pees Ss |-5 esc e-) ooo) as eae a es eee ae Ele] a Biseercenecg oe oe he tee ea soe ee ee eee | | eee © %0S*0HN) woud ugawoNn NOILOTIG 8t ATAVL 487 eee ee ee ee ee ee et ttle tlt+tlt tte tt ttt ]t ttt et etait ttt ttt ttl tte ett] ttt] 7 ainsas porquo9 EEE tHE THIET HIF tH t tlt ttl tate tt lttti+tti+t+i+ts+itt+titt+tit+t) 86 [o's [0d | €1 T a § € SEROLOGICAL STUDY OF CHOLERA IMMUNITY soy VE (0S | Gl T SG § g € Vor 9°€ O'S | IT 488 ROKURO UMEMURA CONCLUSION We have thus far described the outline of various experiments after each of which we added our brief comment. On the basis of these results, we may draw the following conclusions: 1. Agglutinin begins to come down at the time when the serum proteins begin to precipitate by the addition of ammonium sulphate, and is completely precipitated at 4.6 to 4.8 saturation, and therefore, 2. Agglutinin is present in both euglobulin and pseudoglobulin and never in either exclusive of the other. 3. It is present also in fibrinoglobulin, but not in albumin. 4. There is a uniform relationship between the agglutinin and the protein bodies in all animals (horse, goat and rabbit). The author is deeply grateful to the kind supervision and criticism of Professor Yokote and Dr. Kawamoto, and to the helpful assistance of Drs. Y. Kato and Tamiya. REFERENCES (1) BurcxHarpt, A. E.: Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Pharm., 1883, 16, 322. (2) Freunp, E., vu. Joacuim, J.: Zeits. f. physiol. Chem., 1902, 36, 407. (3) Gipson, R. B., anp Couuins, K. R.: Journ. of Biol. Chem., 1907, 3, 233. (4) HammarstTen, O.: Lehrbuch d. phys. Chem., Bd. 3. (5) Kauprr, G.: Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Pharm., 1886, 20, 411. (6) KoLLE-WASSERMANN: Handb. d. path. Mikrorg., Bd. 2 (1913). (7) Kiune, W.: Lehrbuch der physiol. Chemie, Leipzig, 1866-68. (8) Marcus, E.: Zeits. f. physiol. Chem., 1899, 28, 559. (9) Panum, P.: Virchow’s Archiv, 1851, 3, 251; 1852, 4, 17, 419. (10) Pick, E. P.: Hofmeister’s Beitrage, 1901, 1, 378. (11) Pick, E. P.: Handb. von Kraus-Levaditi, 1908, 1, 331. (12) Pout, J.: Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Pharm., 1886, 20, 426. (13) Porasgs, O., vu. Saprro, K.: Hofmeister’s Beitrage, 1903, 3, 277. (14) Wryt, Tu.: Beitrige zur Kenntnis thierischer und pflanzlicher Eiseiss- k6rper. (15) Winat, F., vu. Stcarp, A.: Ann. de l’inst. Past., 1897, 11, 353. (16) WinterRBERG, H.: Zeits. f. Hyg., 1899, 32, 375. THE VALUE OF THE INTRA-PALPEBRAL MALLEIN TEST IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF GLANDERS EDWARD H. MASON anp R. V. B. EMMONS Received for publication September 4, 1920 While on duty in the Base Laboratory, Base Section No. 1, American Expeditionary Forces, an opportunity was offered to study the relation of the intra-palpebral mallein test, as advo- cated by the French veterinarians upon horses and mules, to the serological findings. The work being reported was conducted during the months of February and March, 1919, with the assistance of the staff of Veterinary Hospital No. 9, St. Nazaire. It consisted in a study of the agglutination and complement fixation reactions of the sera of 94 horses and 8 mules; animals which gave slight but not definitely diagnostic intra-palpebral mallein reactions. Similar reactions were performed upon a control series of 51 horses, all of which gave negative intra-palpebral mallein reactions. The 94 horses and 8 mules were bled on February 7, 1919, and subsequently ‘‘malleined’” on February 9, 1919, the readings from that test being the ones recorded in table 1. All of these animals had been previously ‘‘malleined”’ on January 22, 1919. The 51 controls had been “malleined”’ on February 9, 1919 and were bled on February 20, 1919. The intervals elapsing between the last previous malleination and the bleeding, sixteen days in the case of the suspicious animals, and eleven days in the con- trols, is subject to criticism, we think, as regards excluding the presence of specific agglutinins or complement fixing bodies in the sera at the time of bleeding. The complement fixation reactions were performed as directed by Memorandum No. 34, Office of the Chief Surgeon, Division of Laboratories and Infectious Diseases, American Expeditionary Forces, mule sera being inactivated at 62°C. for half an hour. 489 490 EDWARD H. MASON AND R. V. B. EMMONS TABLE 1 Horse sera | MALUEINAS) | GOMeDEMENG ||| oo ee AGGLUTINATION, SERIES 2, TION, HOURS! “ SIXATION SERIES I, FEB- FEBRUARY 24, 1919 AFTER TEST aa RUARY 18, 1919 , SERIAL 29 ea ERED SS Ba NUMBER! ORSE No.1, | No.2, Feb- | Feb- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ruary | ruary | 400 | 600 | 900 | 600 | 900 | 1200 | 1800 | 2400 | 3600 14, 1919] 17, 1919 5 1753 | 2) 2)2) + estas |e | ean aie tlc ee 6 iW 0 - U a Pe i iee | ere Gey Mea Pee eT fee ee pee a TEP A ee | G0 6 1762710 | 24 ee a a a BOM 779 \doh Qe) ea eee eet] et 13 1369 We DA La hee +ytl—-}—-}—-|-|]-[- ER Ds ls WW eT amg tg el ee 15 fe) 04 bap ea a ed ee pS a Bee ee 19 1S9G roe ee | em | eal ele lS 20 GAGE deal ata ol ole chal) ec eat ete ee etal eee 22 393°) Lop P| Rae See aati tonto [ty || ot ele 23 eT We ae ie Osh eh me | Pea Re aime es | 24 1 dW Br ete es a Or lee (ee | cee |) sec] ies eh fea ey fat en (eee) [mettre eae rN Pee eee 26 SRON dtewe)) dae ECM ae a Pherae ee eee ee 27 70 a VB Se esp isteats |i | ataatn|ens || cil eee 28 9342 /1}/1/1) 2 | 4+4)t) 42) 42)/42/-] -)-]-t- Tye 4 Weis eal Fad Wel as De) es he eee ay eae Pree eed en er eg fe Pe 303) 2603.) 05) 2) Do) aR | Se te ele el tect le 31 | 2531/1}/1/1/ + | & | +/+]-|-|-|-]|- 32) ) 2089); 1) Pi) + = a fae el eat (see ae ni gael eal Meme) 23. 1-770 Me OR Me i i 2 ce is Gal | eed re ae emt lc 34 B20 Lb Ls hp ete Ae eetaate: lott | aka Sete = 35 POOH TL Lileks see ese ah 2h | ile ea ae [ote ete 36 SJ Wi Oe Be Fa eal atl taltpatehainatghectnal | oc 37 Pollen 1a eae + [44/44+/4+/4+/4/-/]-|]-{- 38 ASSON Le — - PO ae fe 1 ee ee ie | oe =) 2a) AS WR Pi Rs Fe | Re a er eon AO 2575 | LE a a Werte ae ciel itl =| oo BU ADE ONT 1 ye er et re eee Ns 42 BRL Owl On) Dil! bay | Weed Real SES AN reas pe | hoe ee 43 Abate Ol! a et + |+4+/4++} — |J44+)/—|]-|]- 44 sf (i fae an Oe BR Bee leeds P= Ne 9) hae Remain Cee ee 45 570 Ws es (tet a | Rs oe AGA” 0264 14/1 | 1) fe] ae] aE A Ae See 47 SOM Dhed|-1 i) AE) |e SRNR SEISR et testal dr sty, ctr] at 48 STO a Dc | ate eee Peme 49 Samet a |) oat ae eae 2) = | ae INTRA-PALPEBRAL MALLEIN TEST FOR GLANDERS 491 we TABLE 1—Continued MALLEINA- AGGLUTINATION, TION, HOURS foeaaone SERIES 1, FEB- AFTER TEST RUARY 18, 1919 AGGLUTINATION, SERIES 2, FEBRUARY 24, 1919 NUMBER! J orse No. 1, | No. 2, meena ome | Keb- ) 2. | 2 de epee | | ke ruary | ruary | 400 | 600 | 900 | 600 | 900 | 1200 | 1800 | 2400 | 3000 14, 1919| 17, 1919 50 =. 53 Pe a ee A ee) ee eS ee 51 352}1/1/1] + ae ger eee) ee | ae ee ee 52 sao }1)/1/1) + + hah ee ee Sa — 53 1329;1);1/;1] + St [Pee et Paha Fe 54 370;0;/1/1] + + Pela p—] Hh af— | = 55 382; 1]/1]}/1] + + |+4+/-/-|-/-]-]- 56 2522|1/1|/1|] + that aa aah eo 57 fea epi) i) + + [4++/4++/-—]4+/—-/]-|-]-]|]- 58 982);1/;1/1) + | + [44+1H4+/-]-]-—|]-]-|]-|]- 59 374 Ma Os a Ghat hh = oe 6O |. 2593; 1/1/1) + ==) ib ech ph bala Se 61 | 1011;/1/1/1} + | + | +]}/4+]-/]-]-J]-|]-|]-]- 62 S10} 2 | L jk - = we |e) ee) 63 1393 | 1} 1-|1] + =Es Wate ctaleats +}/—-}-|-]-|]- 64 LE TO i Sl We cen ct Ver = a I i 65 935 }1/1/1] — Se a ee ae et S| | 66 oem te ae Ee EE i st] Ee 67 1308; 1;);1)1] + + /444+)/-/-/]}-|-|-|- adios) 2) %)1| + + [44+1—/,—|/—|—-|}=]= 69 eee ts) ee ee | | St Kt 70 eerie he RE eae eae et ate) 71 fet tii} — ee a | 72 SSO tp} 1} 1) + Sig wil amy Th aod | eects Gee) es coal Piteemiel (ie | 73 SE ay AER ae a VR scr al eh a Mee dS 74 844/1/1]/1] —- SG eo oiler == a [it el ce eel eed ie 75 583 }O0/}1/1] + Be epee ee Mee ae) Ge Py ey |e 76 ON ak a Ag a bern Oc bag orl ee eA Ue all Ui 77 602); 1)1)/1] + 2) ARechice ihe te bia 78 atti} i) — BEY a |e ee RE ee eS 79 Merril 1) — aa (eae a eng) i ee a ee ee 80 See yt |) + + ]44+)4+)/-/]/-]-/]-|]- 81 ST Fa oe in ce ld ot oom (rll (tn a co (a toatl cal Wie | 82 565} 1/1/11] + Fe ee estate tel Sac tee baa le bo. ee 83 948 );1);1/1); + + }/+/—/-—-/];-!|-—-|-]- 84 | 2655/1/1/1}/ ++) + }+]/-]}-|/-]-|-|]- etait Pe) aS | Be) 2314) t)}1)/1) — a ee eee a | 87 | 215/1/1/1|] — + |4+4+/++)/4/4+]-/]-|-|/]-|- 88} 2404/1/1/1)/4++/4++/+)/-]-/]-J]-|-[- 492 EDWARD H. MASON AND R. V. B. EMMONS tbe TABLE 1—Concluded By MALLEINA- AGGLUTINATION, ~mco| COMPLEMENT = TION, HOURS FIXATION SERIES 1, FEB AGGLUTINATION, SERIES 2, FEBRUARY 24, 1919 AFTER TEST RUARY 18, 1919 SERIAL | NUMBER NGS ae No. 1, | No. 2, 94 [an | gael Reb | eben cbs yates te 9 _ Ds pce a eg a ruary | ruary | 400 | 600 | 900 | 600 | 900 | 1200 | 1800 | 2400 | 3600 14, 1919] 17, 1919 89 Boson | etal eel eal eel! Se Se am Se) Se eee) eh = 90 TAU PETES peal if =e + J+-t+h—} —) te} He] eH av | 7oo}1{/1)1) ++) + [44 eeie4]}4)—-]-—] =] =i 92 PATE ak | idly at aF +}—}]—-/]—-]—-]—-]- 94 ZO G4 ees a + SESE Se le eS eS S| 95 riycabend|| leet |ielien | ea — z= Se realy) || ae 96 PCa le |) al] aa + BE ES) ies PS os 98 2581 |1}/1/1/]4++)/)4+4+ 444+) 4;)-/]-/]-/]-]- woo | 3szfrfrfa] + | + J++tet) = |4+l-4]+4) 4] -] - 101 Coal ale lenl al Se 35 fe} — |e] —)]—) — 102 CH OMl i lnslaieal eel: Be ee faecal se | SS 103 e-20}1/1)1 + + et | ie ta ia (cf 104 | 977; 1)1 fa) ++) +4 ]4+4) 4] - f+4i+4] - | - 105 S¥(ileh ak |r al + + {44)/+4+/4/—]—]/—-—]—]—-—]— 106 SO2Z aml aetna at + j44+)4+/-]-]-/]-|]- 107 D252 ale Slee = + j++/+4+) —-]); +/-—-] -—] - 108 PSH Soils se: _ + j4+4+/++)/4/;)-—-/-/]-]—-]-]- TABLE 2 Mule sera MALLEINA- AGGLUTINATION, A cron mova] COMPtmeENT | Sore ire’ | ASCLETINARION, SHBIES2, AERTATH Oe sR ep ers No. 1, | No. 2, o4°|93°| go) Feb- |; Rebs.) 1) to te a a Tuary | ruary | 400 | 600 | 900 | 600 | 900 | 1200 | 1800 | 2400 | 3600 14, 1919} 17, 1919 2 | 1605 [Doubtful | ++ | ++ |++/4++/44144] + | 4+])—|]—]= 3 af be PA + ++/—/—/;/—-|/—-];—-|/]-]-—- 4 DOAN OZ eal, + +4f—}—]| =—}—}] —]—]= 8 HSS le 212 oo + re ig tee Te bast |e fo ce ee 9 1696 242252 _ + oie ih Pages ea eet NL NE nna | 17 TSGor eels eT - 4+ Sc Poe ON een EE te UN ae ae 18 TOGA | tet oo = ei) ee a een ioe Nie ge ee 21 AS 2a ad, 2 _ + fee eee fs eee en ea eo INTRA-PALPEBRAL MALLEIN TEST FOR GLANDERS 493 The antigen was obtained from the Central Medical Department Laboratory, it having been made from a single strain of B. mallet previously isolated at Neufchateau. Two series of reactions were performed as shown by tables 1 and 2. The agglutination reactions were carried out in dilutions varying from 1:400 to 1:3600 inclusive. The antigen used was obtained from Neufchateau. ‘The strain possessed a character- istic morphology, giving as well a typical growth upon potato media. The tests were carried out as follows: a twenty-four to forty-eight-hour growth on glycerin agar slants was emulsified in physiological saline. ‘Two series of reactions were performed, in the first the dilutions ranging from 1:400 to 1:900 inclusive, while in the second series the dilutions ran from 1:600 to 1:3600 inclusive. In the first series the suspension was employed unheated, while for the second series it was heated at 60°C. for one-half hour. A uniform light suspension was used in both series. After being set up the tubes were kept for one-half hour in a water bath at 56°C., then for twenty-four hours at 37°C., likewise in a water bath, and finally in an ice box over night, when final readings were made. ‘The horse sera used were heated at 56°C. for one-half hour, while the mule sera were exposed to 62°C. for the same time. The controls were carried through with the same technic as was used for the first series. Being all horse sera, they were heated at 56°C. for one-half hour. From tables 1 and 2 it will be seen that serological reactions were carried out on 94 horses and 8 mules. The mallein tests recorded were done upon February 9, 1919, being read by Majors McKillip, Ratigan, and Gould of the Veterinary Corps. They are recorded by figures 0, 1, or 2, it being the old system of read- ing these reactions, 1 being doubtful, and 2 suspicious. The complement fixation reactions were performed in duplicate, the same technic being used for both series. The agglutination reactions were likewise carried out in duplicate, the second series differing in that the emulsion was inactivated for one-half hour in a water bath at 60°C., as previously explained. Readings: a double plus means complete fixation or complete agglutination, while one plus expresses almost complete fixation or agglutination; 494 EDWARD H. MASON AND R. V. B. EMMONS a plus-minus means slight fixation or agglutination, while a dash represents complete hemolysis or no agglutination. Complement fixation reactions. Horses: From a study of table 1, it will be seen that 71 of the 94 sera from horses gave a positive complement fixation. ‘Twenty-three of the sera were negative. TABULATED: HORSES 94 NUMBER PER CENT Complement fixation (---++) ‘twice... .... cid. ccc cece wees 13 13.8 Complement fixation (++) once, (+) or (+) once........ 6 6.3 Complement fixation (++) at least once.................. 19 20.1 Complement fixation, (-)itwice 2/0. eee ae sas as, see 33 S02 Complement fixation (—) or (+). AOR 23 24.4 Complement fixation (++) or (ay at leases once. shee 71 75.4 It was impossible to control these complement fixation reactions with absolutely known positive and negative sera, but the fact that in both series there were reactions where there was complete fixation and no fixation would indicate that they controlled themselves. Throughout both series, two sera, serial nos. 20 and 91, were the only ones found to be anticomplementary and these were both in the second series done on February 17, 1919. Agglutination reactions. Horses. In consideration of the fre- quent presence of agglutinins even in a dilution of 1:400 to 1:500 in normal horse sera, and the fact that the sera were heated to 56°C. for one-half hour, we have adopted as a dividing line between a positive and a negative result a dilution of 1:600. Reactions to the degree of double plus or plus with a dilution of 1:600 have been considered as positive. TABULATED: HORSES 94 1ECOYSb RT A yet ee EG Ras MRO nee oli La ol a a IPAS Borderline. )).3:.. Negative Borderline reactions are those which gave a single plus in one series at a dilution of 1:600 while failing to give a plus or more in the same dilution in the other series. Considering the border- ee ere ee ee ee , . a ol al nae INTRA-PALPEBRAL MALLEIN TEST FOR GLANDERS 495 line cases in conjunction with the definitely positive ones a percentage of 57.4 is obtained. Complement fixation. Mules. The sera from eight mules giving mallein reactions of the same type were carried through the same tests. Certain difficulties were experienced with the mule sera, they being partly due to their being inactivated at 62°C. for one-half hour while the horse sera were inactivated at 56°C. for the same time. One of these sera coagulated at this temperature; animal no. 1391, necessitating its being discarded from the series. Others showed certain physiochemical alter- ations resulting in the sera becoming of a viscid consistency, although still remaining liquid. The discrepancies between the two complement fixation reactions we cannot explain. One serum, serial no. 2, was anticomplimentary on the second test. Another interesting fact is that due to an oversight, the serum of mule, serial no. 2 was inactivated at 37°C. instead of at 62°C. Both fixation reactions in this case resulted in a (++) fixation, although the second test was anticomplementary. Further this was the only mule serum that showed any agglutination, in this case being positive up to a dilution of 1:1200. Agglutination reactions. Mules. In our opinion the agglu- tination reactions as carried out upon these eight mule sera are subject to severe criticisms. It has been stated previously that they were heated at 62°C. for one-half hour. We think that the heating of the sera to this temperature for that time would destroy almost all, if not completely, the agglutinins present. This opinion is rather corroborated by the agglutination reactions in the case of mule, serial no. 2, where the serum was heated to only 37°C. for one-half hour. Complement fixation and agglutination. Taking these two reactions in conjunction we find that 38 times out of the 94 horses both reactions were positive in the same animal. This gives a percentage of 40.4. In 15 instances both reactions were negative in the same animal giving a percentage of 15.9. Controls. As a control upon the above work, complement fixation and agglutination reactions were carried out upon 51 horses which gave a negative intra-palpebral mallein test. There 496 EDWARD H. MASON AND R. V. B. EMMONS were no mule controls. 'The complement fixation reactions were earried through with the same technic as used for the horse series. The agglutination reactions were accomplished by the same methods as were used in the first horse series. Out of the 51 tests, 3 gave a one plus reaction, while 2 others gave a plus-minus result. In no case was the serum anticomplementary. These results are satisfactory in that they indicate that there would be an error in only 5.8 per cent of the cases. Agglutination. The controls are very satisfactory since in not a single case do they show a one plus reaction with a 1:600 dilution. Considering the agglutinins that are often present in normal horse sera, this series would tend to indicate a very low average agglutination titer among the normal horses. Also it would indicate that our choice of a 1:600 titer, reading one plus, was well inside the safe limit as a diagnostic line, which would indicate that the borderline cases in the suspicious horse series were probably positive cases. SUMMARY There are certain factors that should be taken into consider- ation in interpreting these serological results. The fact that the sera of all the suspicious horses and controls were heated at 56°C. for one-half hour would tend to cut down the agglutinating titer of those sera. However, as the same technic was carried out in both test and control animals the results have a true relative significance. This fact may account for the absence of agglu- tinins in such a large percentage of the normal control horses. The results definitely indicate that in horses giving a suspicious intra-palpebral mallein reaction of this type the complement fixation test is of more value than the agglutination reaction. In the former 75.4 per cent were positive while in the latter only 57.4 per cent were positive, even when all the borderline cases were included. These observations agree fairly well with published statistics. In Povitzky’s recent article (this Journal, 1918, 3, 463) she records work done in the laboratories of the New York City Department INTRA-PALPEBRAL MALLEIN TEST FOR GLANDERS 497 of Health on 123 horses which were proven at autopsy to have glanders. The complement fixation reaction was positive in 75.6 per cent of these cases, while the agglutination reaction was positive in 64.2 per cent. In her work she used horse sera which had not been heated to 56°C. for one-half hour, but again this would be partly neutralized by her using a titer of 1:1000 as necessary for a positive result. The consensus of opinion is that the agglutination reaction gives higher positive results in acute cases, while in chronic or subacute cases the complement fixation is the more reliable. CONCLUSIONS In consideration of the problem in view, that is, whether doubt- ful or suspicious intra-palpebral mallein reactions in horses are confirmed by the serological findings, our facts would indicate that the complement fixation reaction is of greatest value, it being positive in 75 per cent of the 94 horses examined. The agglutination reaction ranks second, confirming a suspicious mallein test with a definitely positive reaction in 44 per cent of the cases in the same series. ‘Therefore we would conclude that the complement fixation reaction is of the greatest benefit in confirming a doubtful intra-palpebral mallein test, but that this reaction should be considered in conjunction with an agglu- tination test, one to act as a check upon the other. j j H ay i : Lan hs, TE Ue . ‘ ® vl arr ary 7 i" 5? >| 5 : ' ie : ,° | ;' i's » Vine Le aALY ! ys > wea, . OS oe ok C0) ROR - ‘ : j ; . } \o Le i i aa : ‘ fy cg tie ? ae 4 7 ~ dis fig ch iets b>, 4 . oe ra , ety ptt, i - ; ; \ ‘ Z i ye pees rh p ere © | Fk “Seay r . i Tr ie we to MD ue ah ie ‘ F oq r L¥3 or eT Cae f Po aed tues or oe ras ei! a oa Ne y tat \ , . j APSA ta ‘ ae - } — 4 ee ye . COMPARISON OF SMEAR, CULTURE AND COMPLE- MENT FIXATION IN CHRONIC GONORRHOEA IN WOMEN A PRELIMINARY REPORT JAMES D. SMITH! ann M. A. WILSON? From the Kingston Avenue Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, and the Bureau of Laboratories of the Department of Health, City of New York Received for publication August 31, 1920 CLINICAL The clinical material, serums and film preparations on which this report is based, were obtained from patients under treat- ment on the Venereal Disease Service of the Department of Health Hospitals of New York City. Ninety per cent of these patients are public prostitutes, the remainder being of the clan- destine type. Their ages range from sixteen to sixty, the average being in the early twenties. For convenience in outlining treatment and presenting the necessary data for the bacteriologist, the cases on admission are divided into three general classes, acute, subacute and chronic. Acute Vulva. Active inflammation and swelling of the parts. In- volvement of Bartholin glands with or without abscess formation, but exhibiting some evidence of inflammation in the duct. Urethra. Evidence of active inflammation as witnessed by mucopurulent or purulent discharge and swelling of the mucous membrane at the mouth of the urethra and ability to express a drop of purulent material on massaging Skenes glands. 1 Clinical study. 2 Laboratory studies. . 499 THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. v, NO. 6 500 JAMES D. SMITH AND M. A. WILSON Vagina. Inflammation present in varying degrees; mucous membrane swollen, reddened and sensitive. Cervix utert. Presents a swollen and reddened appearance with or without erosions and a muco-purulent discharge. Subacute Those cases presenting any or all of the symptoms of the acute stage but in less intensified form and showing usually erosions of the cervix. The discharge is free and mucopurulent in character. Chronic Those cases presenting no evidence of active inflammation and exhibiting some or all of the following symptoms in varying degrees. | Discharge. Slight or profuse; mucopurulent in character. Bartholin glands. Evidence of involvement as witnessed by fibrous change in the gland itself, with or without patent duct, and showing purulent discharge. Urethra. No inflammatory condition apparent. On massage pus obtained from Skenes glands. Cervix. May or may not be enlarged. Canal usually unduly patent. Erosions fairly constant. Mucopurulent discharge. Evidence of prior adnexa involvement such as thickened tubes, loss of mobility of uterus; evidence, or history, of previous pelvic or abdominal surgery. In table 1 are given a few of our cases which are representative of all. If plotted these would show a remarkable similarity to the Wassermann curve in a luetic responding to treatment. In the cases shown, the complement deviation has at no time been at variance with the clinical picture. In the acute and early subacute cases, we have had positive cultures and smears when the complement fixation reaction was negative. In each instance there was no doubt of the infection being a recent one in very young girls from sixteen to twenty years of age and of the clandestine type of prostitute. eee CHRONIC GONORRHOEA IN WOMEN 501 In the chronic cases, our experience has shown the complement fixation test to give as high a percentage of positives as does the Wassermann reaction in old luetics. TABLE 1 Showing the pranval reduction of the complement fixation. Bleedings were made at seven day intervals PATIENT GONOCOCCUS COMPLEMENT FIXATION REACTIONS 1 smatemiain lageate ta |, Soe \amdeoh | Sie pecan | |) ef) 2 SRE an a Tr Fela ee ote eal d= a = 3 she sie si aise 4 se = Sa ee ee ose 5 Tar eee ae a Fah) | gabe lie inte be area hie 6 aime ete a tt | | to 7 = 9° | Gees la aa Ali mS ie ao ie =a = Ea 8 SPAS) | A a la i a i wal = = far ee 9 =PS°A eo | ar ee al i a (ee Pe = 10 = == +f] +/ - LABORATORY STUDIES Our laboratory studies have been concentrated upon experi- ments to improve the methods for diagnosis by smear, culture and complement fixation. A trial of many methods for each of those forms of diagnosis led us to adopt the following technic as our standard for routine examinations. Technic and diagnosis Smear. ‘The smears were made by the clinician at the time the cultures were made. A drop of the discharge material was taken with a sterile platinum loop and smeared upon the surface of a sterile slide. When very little material was obtainable, it was found to be an advantage to place a drop of sterile water on the slide and gently manipulate the loop containing scant secretion in that. By this means the leucocytes were not destroyed and we succeeded in making a good smear in many instances where we had failed to do so without the water. After drying and fixing, the smear was stained by Gram’s method. During the first 502 JAMES D. SMITH AND M. A. WILSON months of our studies when stable staining powders were avail- able, we used the Nicolle modification of the Gram method. Later we used the Leitz aniline gentian violet powder withStirling’s method. Before staining the smears, we tested all of the staining solutions with twenty-four-hour cultures of Staphylococcus pyo- genes aureus and Bacillus coli. Without these control tests, we consider the Gram method to have no value as a differential stain. Smear diagnosis. We have followed the Williams (1) rules for smear diagnosis: 1. Positive smears. Those showing leucocytes filled with morphologically typical gonococci. 2. Suspicious smears. Those showing any suspicious intracel- lular diplococci and 50 per cent, or more, of polymorphonuclear leucocytes. 3. Observation smears. Those showing 50 per cent, or more, of polymorphonuclear leucocytes, but no suspicious intracellular diplococci; or, those having the clinical symptoms of discharge and inflammation and showing less than 50 per cent of poly- morphonuclear leucocytes. 4. Negative smears. Those showing less than 50 per cent of polymorphonuclear leucocytes, no suspicious intracellular diplo- cocci and no clinical evidence of the disease. Culture. Plates of glycerine-veal-horse-serum-agar, streaked with rabbit, human, or horse blood, were inoculated by means of a platinum loop. The discharge material was streaked across the surface of the plate. The plates were incubated at 36°C. for one week and examined daily. The average optimum growth of the gonococcus in the isolation culture is forty-eight hours. In two of the cases, the gonococcus was isolated from a three day plate that had shown no growth within forty-eight hours. Occa- sionally the colonies develop within twenty-four hours. All colonies appearing suspicious were fished under the microscope with a magnification of three hundred diameters. ‘The pure cultures of gonococci were grown upon glycerine-veal-horse- serum-agar for several generations until they could be grown upon a serum-free medium. Some of the gonococci isolated in SS eS eee * CHRONIC GONORRHOEA IN WOMEN 503 this study made a fair growth upon disodium phosphate agar in the fourth generation, but most of the cultures had to be kept on a serum medium a longer time. ‘This is necessary before transplanting to the North medium, but once induced to grow upon it they have continued to grow well. None of the gonococcus cultures have grown upon ordinary agar. Culture diagnosis. We have diagnosed as positive those cul- tures from which we have isolated in pure culture a biscuit- shaped Gram-negative diplococcus, dividing at right angles, that does not grow in early generations without the aid of blood-serum. This rule for diagnosis excludes the Micrococcus catarrhalis and other Gram-negative cocci that grow immediately upon ordinary agar. At this point, it may be well to emphasize the importance of obtaining a growth from the fishing transplant before making a diagnosis of the culture. We consider a diagnosis unreliable which is made upon the macroscopic or low-power microscopic appearance of a colony, unless it is corroborated by a fishing showing typical gonococci in smear. This is essential for two reasons: first, that several other organisms make similar colonies upon this medium; and, second, that the gonococcus does not always make the typical colony. We have diagnosed as suspicious all cultures in which we have found colonies showing suspicious Gram-negative diplococci in a smear of the colony and from which we have obtained no growth after fishing; we have considered suspicious also, all cul- tures from which we have obtained mixed subcultures containing typical or suspicious Gram-negative diplococei which have not been isolated in pure culture. In some instances the Gram- negative cocci have not survived the repeated transplants neces- sary to free them from the associated growth of the other organ- isms and, therefore, cannot be definitely classed. We have diagnosed as negative all cultures from which we have failed to obtain typical or suspicious colonies that have given in fishings suspicious Gram-negative cocci. A large number of sus- picious colonies having marked central granulation, have given in fishings pure cultures of a minute Gram-negative bacillus and also pure cultures of a lancet-shaped Gram-positive coccus. 504 JAMES D. SMITH AND M. A. WILSON Complement fixation. Antigen. The complement fixation tests reported here have all been made with an antigen prepared from the strains of gonococci isolated by Torrey several years ago. ‘The gonococci were grown upon disodium phosphate agar for forty-eight hours at 37°C. They were then treated with alcohol and ether to remove the lipoids; dried, weighed, powdered and suspended in saline in the proportion of 1 gram of the dried powder to 200 ce. of physiological saline solution. This suspen- sion was heated in the water-bath at 80°C. for one hour and was then ready for standardization. The standard dose of our antigen contains two fixation units and one-fourth, or less, of the anti- complementary unit. This antigen is stable when kept at ordinary ice-box temperature. Freezing does not injure it. No preservative is used. Serum. The patient’s serum was inactivated before the test and was used undiluted. Complement. Guinea-pig complement was used. The serums from all guinea-pigs were tested for natural antisheep ambo- ceptor, for hemolytic activity, for anticomplementary reaction with the antigen and the control serum and for fixability with the antigen and the control serum, before being pooled for tests. These preliminary tests are essential for the reason that some guinea-pig serums are not fixable by gonococcus antigen and serum; if non-fixable serums are included in the pooled com- plement, false negative reactions of the patient’s serum may be obtained. Hemolytic system. The antisheep system was used. The dose of complement contained two hemolytic units. The hemolytic unit was obtained by titrating a 10 per cent dilution of the pooled complement with sensitized cells. The sensitized cell dose con- tained two hemolytic units of amboceptor and 0.1 cc. of a 5 per cent suspension of sheep-cells. The complement unit was read at the end of thirty minutes in the water-bath at 37°C. The test. One-tenth of the original Wassermann volumes of all reagents was used. The tests were made in duplicate with controls for hemolytic system, for anticomplementary reaction of the patient’s serum, for natural antisheep amboceptor in the SS ee ee CHRONIC GONORRHOEA IN WOMEN 505 patient’s serum and for fixation unit and anticomplementary reaction of the antigen. Complement fixation diagnosis. The Citron (2) method for diagnosis was followed. TABLE 2 Showing the incidence of the complement fixation reaction in comparison with smear and culture findings | CUL- COMPLEMENT FIXATION DIAGNOSIS NUM- SMEAR CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS BER OF| piac- | TUBE |} AAA _— CASES | NOSIS Ghrs Strong| Posi- | Weak |Doubt-| Nega- positive} tive |positive| ful tive 21 | Neg. | Neg 2 5 9 a 1 : : 22 | Ob.* | Neg 5 a 7 2 1 Mild chronic gonorrhoea. Ae | Pad Pas 0 9 0 1 0 4: Ob. ||-2os 1 a 1 2 0 0 TUGUDI Re Ooo 4 See aoe eee 50 8 15 18 ‘ih he Controls: Clinically nega- tive @inldrense ns 5 ance. ss 8 on oa 0 0 0 0 8 PANGIULU SHEE ets! «= Peary Ree ig aX? al 7 + we i 7 i we hs i ayes al ‘ maid! 3 Line ' : et a é Rin 5 i Pete ™~ yank ; a - : ‘ _ : A i ane ' ¥ *, Ok (iter eee NEE ln ton! b A. " At i : oe i \ j ; rf fue}, Oot ee Ab | mn . i % ue { PF ike? 4 4 7 _ Y - A a tad Wily. ee 8 ” Jet OO ri 2 kod tly s ie a % iN i" i es A ens adi hy MVS: J a / } ; j su ici wiik. - } Aa Ae , Wh 1 a ‘ i J Ap ete mara. De peony ; tea SA x; . *, : e at - . ak: : id toys \ fics ' J we Cia 4) : ~ } é - re. Ve: . : ray ‘ ' ’ =A " ti { x : : Fouls ‘ f a 7 - ’ - Aa pit A. Jat pi, 5 , ; YSERA ie i ‘a { a ; ar Nes oo f ¥ s i + * Wi a ; Sh, iy 4 ol ' : i, Sip Gow ee Pi hry . yk ge Beaslih a er a AW ST ea Nes iges gmat ave ay - 7 } 4 Por, ; , 3 5S Perea aes. > ee be Vai shee pve | oa Wi il baie iu, > - . : F 4 ‘ae AAO): ‘yma fir i Sa) Th}; ae ikgits, See ivi : $0: UDRP Y iy PTE a cre i bare? win —_ ‘ida sand | ae mA 4 4 dior ety eT et Laetares, re Lit Gert, enti Yale ¥ Ua Ys Po At ee aalaaacerxe’ bapa alvin ia tn ty ie oe tries vATLIT? it feat “LAR Hue dalg aS Hi 0 a 1; THE SACHS-GEORGI PRECIPITATION TEST FOR SYPHILIS THOMAS G. HULL anp EVA E. FAUGHT From the Illinois Department of Public Health Received for publication September 23, 1920 For several years investigators in various parts of the world have given more or less time and effort in attempts to find a test for syphilis less elaborate and complicated than the Wasser- mann test, and, if possible, more delicate and specific. These attempts have been partly successful, but with the exception of the Lange colloidal gold test on spinal fluid, none of the sug- -gested procedures have been generally adopted. One reason for the rather slow advance is the fact that we are uncertain as to the exact nature of the mechanism of the Wasser- mann reaction—whether it is caused by a specific antibody or by some other substance. The problem is still further compli- cated by the extremely difficult task of growing Treponema pal- lidum either on artificial media or in the lower animals. By close clinical studies of cases, however, and carefully correlated laboratory investigations much progress is being made. In 1912, Klausner (1) reported his findings in the reaction between blood serum and distilled water. When these two are mixed together in the proper proportions a flocculent precipi- tate separates out, the amount of the precipitate being much greater in syphilitic than in normal sera. _ The same year Lange (2) attempted to demonstrate a dif- ference between normal and syphilitic sera by their relative precipitating properties for colloidal gold solutions. He was unsuccessful in this but discovered that spinal fluid in various dilutions gave most characteristic reactions. About the same time the Porges-Hermann-Perutz reaction (3) was brought out in which equal parts of sodium glycocholate 521 522 THOMAS G. HULL AND EVA E. FAUGHT (2 per cent solution) and an alcoholic cholesterol suspension (0.4 per cent) were used with inactivated patient’s serum, a precipi- tate forming with syphilitic serum, while none forms with normal serum. In 1914 Hirschfeld and Klinger (4) reported that tissue ex- tracts digested with syphilitic serum lose their ability to coagu- late blood. In 1917 Vernes (5), in working on the precipitation of colloids, found that ferric hydroxide would precipitate the colloids of blood serum in certain dilutions, the dilutions being different in syphilitic sera from those in normal sera. Of late considerable attention has been given to the Sachs- Georgi (6) test. This is essentially a precipitation caused by the mixture of syphilitic serum and cholesterinized antigen. In normal serum no precipitate occurs. The antigen (7) consists of an alcoholic extract of normal beef heart, to each 100 ec. of which is added 200 ce. of alcohol and 13.5 ce. of a 1 per cent solution of cholesterin. For use this is diluted one to five with physiological salt solution. In the test 0.5 cc. is mixed with 1 cc. of serum which has been diluted to 10 cc. with physiological salt solution. The results are read after twenty-four and forty- eight hours. Because of the large volume in the Sachs-Georgi test, the rather scant precipitate often formed, and the length of time elapsing before the test is read, the present authors have devised a modi- fication which has proven in their hands, much easier to manipu- late and at the same time, no less sensitive in giving positive results with syphilitic sera. This modification differs from the original technic in that the antigen may be either cholesterinized or not; a much smaller volume is used—1.3 cc. instead of 10.5 cc.; and the tests may be read immediately, if centrifuged. The antigen. The dilution of the antigen is of the greatest importance, careless addition of the salt solution often giving erroneous results. The required amount of undiluted antigen is placed in an Erlenmeyer flask and physiological sodium chloride added drop by drop with vigorous shaking until at least 5 ce. of the diluent has been run in. Larger quantities at a time can SACHS-GEORGI PRECIPITATION TEST 523 then be added but the vigorous shaking must be continued. The resulting suspension should be very turbid and milky; an opalescent suspension is an indication that the salt solution was added too rapidly without sufficient shaking. Such a suspen- sion should be discarded as it will not give sufficiently sensitive results. The antigen should be roughly titrated so that the optimum amount of precipitation will be obtained. To accomplish this, the antigen is diluted 1:10, 1:20, 1:40, 1:60, and 1:80, 1.0 ce. of each dilution being used with 0.3 cc. of a known positive serum. The dilution giving the optimum result should be used in the test. , Several different antigens have been used with little difference in results; three different lots of cholesterinized and two lots of plain alcoholic antigen. As a rule, the antigens giving the best results in the Wassermann test have served best here, and the dilution used for the Wassermann test has been proper in the precipitation test. The serum. The prime requisite for the serum is that it must be clear. So far as age of the serum goes, no difference has been noted. Inactivation at 56°C. for thirty minutes appar- ently makes no difference in the results, therefore, in most of the work reported here, this procedure was omitted. In the test, 0.3 ec. of serum is used, it having been found by trial to give optimum results. As low as 0.05 ec. gave a trace of precipitation and as high as 0.5 ec. has been used, but the amount indicated has been found best. Time of reaction. The reaction between serum and antigen probably takes place instantaneously, though no change is appar- ent until after some hours of standing. If the tubes are whirled in the centrifuge a few moments, however, they may be read immediately. For tests in which the centrifuge is not employed, the mixtures are allowed to remain overnight when all the posi- tive tests will show a precipitation. Occasionally a tube will require as long as forty-eight hours for the precipitate to come down, but after forty-eight hours no change has ever been noted. 524 THOMAS G. HULL AND EVA E. FAUGHT Effect of temperature. Optimum results are obtained with low temperatures for incubation. If the tests are heated at 56°C. for thirty minutes immediately after mixing, no precipitation takes place on long standing either at room temperature or in the ice box. Thirty minutes at 37°C. does not retard later pre- cipitation in the ice box, but no reaction has been obtained when the tests were allowed to remain at body temperature overnight. So far no appreciable difference has been noted in overnight incubation at room temperature and at ice box temperature, though the latter has usually been used. THE PRECIPITATION TEST In setting up the test, to each tube is added 0.3 ce. of clear serum and 1 cc. of antigen properly diluted. The tubes are shaken and either centrifuged and read immediately or allowed to stand overnight in the ice box. TABLE 1 Comparison of Wassermann and precipitation tests on 296 sera OGD tests POsitlVe. 4. 6.3. wee hoes eo eee oe Meee oe SOE OE REI ee Renee eee 65 Bothitestsinegative:. 000s 1G base Ae ST Pe an hae Ser 195 Positive precipitation, negative Wassermann......................eeeeeeee 22 Negative precipitation, positive or doubtful Wassermann................ eek Agreement with the Wassermann test has been obtained in a large percentage of cases. (Wassermann tests were run with two antigens; cholesterinized incubated at 37°C. for thirty min- utes, and alcoholic incubated in ice box over night. The sheep cell system was used with previous extraction from the patient’s serum of natural anti-sheep amboceptor.) Out of 296 samples tested, results were obtained as shown in table 1. It will thus be seen that 260 or 88 per cent of the samples agreed in the two tests; in 7 per cent of the cases, the precipitation test showed a more delicate reaction, being positive where the Was- sermann was negative; in 5 per cent a negative precipitation reaction was obtained with a positive or a doubtful Wassermann. ~ SACHS-GEORGI PRECIPITATION TEST 525 It should be said here that of the 14 such instances, only 6 gave a definitely positive Wassermann (three or four plus reaction with both antigens), while 8 gave doubtful reactions (one or two plus _ reaction with cholesterinized antigen and negative with alcoholic antigen). About 2 per cent, therefore, of the tests gave a nega- tive precipitation test with a definitely positive Wassermann. Of this 2 per cent (six tests), three of the patients had undergone vigorous treatment while histories of the other three were unob- tainable. It is apparent, therefore,. that vigorous treatment affects the result of the precipitation test under certain conditions. Of the 22 instances in which a positive precipitation test was obtained with a negative Wassermann, all of these cases, so far as could be learned, gave a history of syphilis. The information was taken from the cards submitted to the laboratory with the blood samples and was not complete in all instances. RELATION BETWEEN WASSERMANN AND PRECIPITATION TESTS Whether this precipitation test is identical in the factors in- volved with the first part of the Wassermann test, has not been determined. Friedberger (8) claims that the amount of the actual precipitate is no criterion of the degree of the complement fixation. In fact the precipitating power of a serum may be destroyed by moderate heat without the destruction of comple- ment-fixing antibodies. Dean (9) states that the proportion of antigen and antibody favorable for rapid and complete pre- cipitation does not favor the most complete complement fixation. The two phenomena do not run parallel courses, but they prob- ably represent different phases of the same phenomenon. Wells (10) sums up in this fashion: A favorite interpretation of the Wassermann reaction, which seems to harmonize with the known facts, is that there is a precipitation of serum globulin by the lipoidal colloids of the antigen, and adsorp- tion of the complement by this precipitate. An attempt was made by the present authors to separate the precipitate formed in the precipitation tests and to determine whether it was entirely responsible for the Wassermann reaction. 526 THOMAS G. HULL AND EVA E..FAUGHT To this end, the precipitation tests were centrifuged at high speed for an hour, in order that as much as possible, if not all, of the precipitate might be thrown down. The supernatant fluid was then pipetted off and the sediment washed three times with salt solution. Wassermann tests were run on both, using of the supernatant fluid 0.2 cc. and all that was obtainable of the sediment, with two units of complement and thirty minutes incubation in the water bath. The results are shown in table 2. TABLE 2. Result of Wassermann tests run on the supernatant fluid and the sediment of the precipitation tests SPECIMEN NUMBER WASSERMANN TEST ON WASSERMANN TEST ON WASSERMANN TEST ON SERUM SUPERNATANT FLUID SEDIMENT 1 4+ 4+ 4+ 63 4+ 4+ 4+ 2 4+ 2+ 4+ 3 — _ No precipitate 43 — = No precipitate 64 - - No precipitate The precipitate in each case bound the complement, as was to be expected. In only one instance, however, was there a reduction in the strength of the Wassermann test run on the supernatant fluid. From these tests it is impossible to say whether the precipitate is entirely responsible for the binding of the complement or not. Further work needs to be done on the subject. SUMMARY 1. A modification of the Sachs-Georgi precipitation test for syphilis is described, using clear blood serum and an alcoholic extract of beef heart, either cholesterinized or not. 2. The precipitation test agreed with the Wassermann test in 88 per cent of the cases; in 7 per cent it was more delicate, giving positive results where the Wassermann was negative; in 3 per cent it was negative where the Wassermann was doubtful; in 2 SACHS-GEORGI PRECIPITATION TEST 57 per cent it was negative where the Wassermann was positive. ‘Treatment of the patient apparently affects the results of the precipitation causing it at times to come negative while the Was- sermann still is positive. 3. Attempts to determine whether the precipitate formed in this test was entirely responsible for the Wassermann reaction were unsuccessful. J REFERENCES (1) Kuausner: Biochem. Zeitschr., 1912, 47, 36. (2) Lanes: Berl. klin. Wochenschr., 1912, 69, 897; Zeitsch. f. Chemiotherap., 1913, 1, 44. (3) GamMMELTAFT: Deutsche med. Wochenschr., 1912, 38, 1934. (4) HirscHreLp aND KuincrerR: Deutsche med. Wochenschr., 1914, 40, 1607. (5) Vernes, A.: Presse Medicale, 1917, 25, 704. (6) Sacus AND Groret: Munch. med. Wochenschr., 1920, 67, 66. (7) Gauui-VaLERIo: Corresp. Blatt f. Schweizer Aertze, 1919, 49, 1977; Abstr. Jour. A. M. A., 1920, 74, 563. (8) FrinpBERGER: Deutsche med. Wochenschr., 1906, 15. (9) Dean: Zeitsch. f. Immun., 1912, 13, 84. (10) Wretts, H. G.: Chemical Pathology, 3d edition, p. 237. nll vb vii Wega? wit Re ie eal Ge rr yea iynteun as a og ee OVA. RIE ws) Pinan eee ee Pcie | ‘ | Soe i he GR Ded Verh A vei ehteris | Ger aD anne wohteald nl pt ial ms a fo ene per emai at | ‘a "vay OFS RY mere OnE eh GE OME Lise: y ty ue SB) ar sci ; ‘ +, Re oie a) coer inet: . Ae eee rei dei ee: Beat. oe NAAN RED: Piri itt itis . wt 5 P : ‘ i . aK i ewes ie ‘aie iia eae jstatele ili” | A daetian Cie i at aac 4) heer i Ne Oy | A 0 nq a ; nik ORO? A obey ui ios Fie AS ry, dit | 4 *$ ye; a A \ r ; , ; ale iret ATR. 5 Rit veered ate da Ty Me sate 2 RAKE: Wh ON A eas se: ¥ i Mes Dy ie at re Pal a KGa ie A phbiaabane ye itn Cee a rae cane a mint PyAiant tis tf So a yh Wee | stat Al TOE: OF RIE ds onder debi pad Ah sare cae Roehh ig | bins i) eee oe hat Oe eas Bh hohe Bai, fy ; Ana | a bee Ai aabaey | b eibahdagaiees ae : oe SRA ay tg teed HE ew ied hy Gah geen elt ¥ ~ 4§ fT tae : . Lf . % ale » : Bi ee $ be | s i Lin i F AY 7 i) ek bios . Be iO 4 1 x) i ~ <4 yh a . ¥ - ’ p * 7 x = ve » V 49 ne om et s { ‘ 4 ary ae oN y : ‘ y i. { aa i iL i i Nea) i i fae ae r, ifn Aan Ate sip | ae ia ea weg ' u ¥ Z | Ma | if 7 in j - 7) % 5 we j rr. 7 = is | -¢ ous Tee , ‘1 ) ay 7 rt i oT er i j ind 4 a a a er > > un Bite ete Ey me as ere trey ieee eat) 2 a ‘adie a jt ae ay ‘ a ‘ at i) CS ee oth ray is “a he Cf pe : i a wea + } ‘ en ¢ ees wet Bs Wait ¥ (a ee ma | may > ah a whee res ve } rah LY. DA aay ae a ie nc oe ‘pug Veet ah Se) Sa eae a 4 PNCTREN I at ere UME ee il ¥ me . ‘ 4 i { “ ; ar) ey aaa A STUDY OF THE MECHANISM OF HUMAN ISOHEMAGGLUTINATION! HERBERT L. KOECKERT From the Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio Received for publication August 18, 1920 The mechanism of isohemagglutination has been interpreted in different ways by the various investigators of this phenomenon. The assumption of differences of affinity as explanatory of the purely chemical nature of such antigen-antibody reactions, as Ehrlich hypothecated, has given way to the widely accepted principle that these bodies are of colloid nature and their inter- actions analogous to those of colloids in general. On the other hand, Gay (1) has offered the explanation that these reactions are governed by physicochemical laws; but this conception has not been supported by sufficiently convincing proof to warrant its acceptance. Bordet (2) showed that bacterial agglutinins can be absorbed and specific agglutinins isolated by thismethod. The absorption of hemagglutinins was demonstrated by Malkoff (3), and later by Hektoen (4); since then, this has been observed repeatedly by others. Shibayama (5) and Ottenberg (6) showed that agglutinable cells will absorb more agglutinin than is necessary to agglutinate them, and the latter demonstrated this quantitatively by show- ing that one volume of agglutinable cells will absorb all the agglu- tinin from 16 volumes of agglutinative serum, whereas complete agglutination occurred with 13 volumes of serum. Healso pointed out that when the ratio of serum to cells is 4 volumes to 6 vol- umes all the agglutinin is absorbed without producing agglutina- 1 Read before the twentieth annual meeting of the American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists, New York, April 2, 1920. 529 530 HERBERT L. KOECKERT tion, the explanation being that each of the cells absorbed some agglutinin but not enough to bring about clumping. — By means of similar absorption experiments various investiga- tors have attempted the classification of the bloods of humans and animals into groups according to their isoagglutination reactions. The efforts with human bloods have been successful, but no clas- sifications of the bloods of other mammals have been definitely demonstrated. On the basis of these classifications assumptions have been made regarding the number of normal isohemaggluti- nins in human bloods and their specificity for particular agglu- tininogens or receptors of cells of particular groups. ‘The spec- ificity of normal human ischemagglutinins has been generally accepted, but has been denied by Landsteiner and Sturli (7) and others, and Karsner and Koeckert (8) recently pointed out that the specificity of these bodies in normal serum may be lost during the desiccation of such serums. Isoagglutination of human erythrocytes was discovered inde- pendently by Landsteiner (9) and Shattock (10) in 1900. Land- steiner’s classification provided for three groups, and he, followed by Descatello and Sturli (11), postulated two agglutinins and two agglutinophilic substances, or receptors, according to the following distribution: Group I. Serum contains agglutinins A and B; cells possess no receptors. ; Group II. Serum contains agglutinin A; cells possess receptor b. Group III. Serum contains agglutinin B; cells possess receptor a. Hektoen, in 1907 observed from the results of his absorption experiments, that Cells I do not absorb agglutinin and therefore possess no receptors. Cells II do not absorb the agglutinin of serum II for cells III, but do absorb the agglutinin of serum I for cells II and III. Cells III do not absorb the agglutinin of serum III for cells I, but do absorb the agglutinin of serum I for cells II and III. Cells II and III therefore possess distinct receptors and the failure of agglutination by some serums is due to the absence of suitable receptors. HUMAN ISOHEMAGGLUTINATION 531 He assumed the presence of three main agglutinins—the agglu- tinin in serum I for cells II and III, the agglutinin in serum II for cells III, and the agglutinin in serum III for cells I]. By the independent discovery by Jansky and Moss (12), a fourth group, whose serum contains no agglutinins but whose cells are agglu- tinated by all the other serums, was added. This phenomenon was also observed by Hektoen but not recognized by him as the basis of a separate group. Moss made the following classifica- tion, which has been widely adopted: - Group I. Serum is non-agglutinative; cells are agglutinated by serums II, III and IV. Group II. Serum agglutinates cells I and ITI; cells are agglutinated by serums III and IV. Group ITI. Serum agglutinates cells I and II; cells are agglutinated by serums II and IV. Group IV. Serum agglutinates cells I, II, and III; cells are non- agglutinable. In his explanation of these reactions, Moss assumed the pres- ence of three different isoagglutinins and three isoagglutinophilic substances, as follows: Group I. Serum contains no agglutinins; cells possess receptors a, b, and c. Group II. Serum contains agglutinin A; cells possess receptors b and c. Group III. Serum contains agglutinin B; cells possess receptors a and ec. Group IV. Serum contains agglutinins A, B and C; cells possess no receptors. The contradiction between the hypotheses of Landsteiner and of Moss, as well as the questions raised by our experiments quoted above, determined the further investigation of the prob- lem by the method of differential absorption. Throughout the remainder of this article the following classification, that of Jan- sky, will be adhered to: THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, VOL. Vv, NO. 6 532 HERBERT L. KOECKERT Group I. Serum agglutinates cells II, HI and IV; cells are not agglutinable. Group II. Serum agglutinates cells III and IV; cells are agglu- tinated by serums I and III. Group III. Serum agglutinates cells II and IV; cells are agglu- tinated by serums I and II. Group IV. Serum agglutinates no cells; cells are agglutinated by serums I, IJ and III. Or graphically, SERUMS CORPUSCLES I Il III Vi I os 123 a = II 4 = a Z UI + =: = 2 IV at + = = Serums and thrice washed cells of the four groups were ob- tained, and the proof of their grouping established by testing with standard hemagglutinative serums of known groups. The agglutinative titer of the serums for suspensions of agglutinable cells of equal concentrations and the agglutinability of the washed cells by standard agglutinative serums were determined in order to permit accurate observations of the quantitative differ- ences in the agglutinative power of the serums and the agglutin- ability of the cells used in the experiments. When cells IV were added to serum I, titer 1 to 32, in the ratio indicated by Otten- berg as proper for the absorption of all the agglutinin and com- plete agglutination of the cells, the mixture incubated at 37°C. for one hour, and centrifuged, it was seen that the serum had lost its agglutinative power for any cells and the cells would absorb no more agglutinin. When these agglutinated cells were washed with a quantity of saline equal to that of the serum used, the mixture heated at 50°C. for thirty minutes and centrifuged, the supernatant saline now possessed the power to agglutinate cells II, Ilf and IV and behaved exactly as did the weakest potent dilution of the original serum I—that is, its agglutinative power HUMAN ISOHEMAGGLUTINATION 533 was very slight; and the sedimented cells IV, after repeated wash- ing with saline, reacted qualitatively with normal serums of the four groups exactly as normal cells IV, but quantitatively did not reabsorb all the agglutinin from an amount of serum I equal to that used in the original agglutination of these cells. Further, such cells after repeated washing did not absorb as much agglu- tinin from agglutinative serums of the other groups as was ab- sorbed by an equal amount of normal cells TV. It was seen from this experiment that some, but not all of the absorbed agglutin- ins could be recovered from the agglutinated cells, and that the repeatedly washed cells reacted qualitatively exactly as did the normal cells. In other words, the original serum I was changed to a serum IV, the non-agglutinative saline reacted as a weak serum I, and the cells, repeatedly washed after agglutination, again became group IV cells, qualitatively. By using cells II instead of cells IV with serum I, it was seen that the supernatant serum no longer agglutinated normal cells I, but did agglutinate cells III and IV; the agglutinated cells would absorb no more agglutinin from normal serums I or III; the agglutinated cells after heating at 50°C. gave up some of the absorbed agglutinin to the saline in which they were washed; the supernatant saline after centrifuging possessed the power to agglutinate cells II and IV, although only slightly; and the sedi- mented cells after repeated washing reacted qualtitatively as normal cells II, but failed to do so quantitatively. In this in- stance the original serum I may be said to have become a serum U; the supernatant saline reacted as a weak serum III; and the sedimented cells, after repeated washing, again reacted qualita- tively as normal cells II. When this serum previously used to agglutinate cells II was added to cells III or IV, agglutination and complete absorption of the remaining agglutinins occurred; the agglutinated cells after heating gave up some of the absorbed agglutinin as evidenced by the subsequent agglutination of nor- mal cells III or IV, by the supernatant saline and the reabsorp- tion of agglutinin from normal agglutinative serums; and the sedimented cells after repeated washing recovered their original qualitative reaction to normal agglutinative serums. ‘The results 534 HERBERT L. KOECKERT in this case were the same as those observed by treating normal serum II with normal cells III or IV; but by using a serum I previously treated with cells II, it is seen that, in addition to the above observations, serum I can be deprived successively of the agglutinins for cells U1 and III, or vice versa, or its entire agglu- tinative power may be lost by treatment with cells IV alone; and further, those agglutinins which agglutinate cells IV also agglutinate both cells If and III. In other words, serum I may be altered to react as serum II or III and then as serum IV, or as serum IV directly, according to the succession of the agglu- tinable cells used. Therefore, it is obvious that such fractional isolation of agglutinins from what may be called a polyvalent serum can be accomplished. When cells II were treated with serum IIT in the same ratio as that in the above experiments, it was found that the serum had lost its agglutinins for any cells and the agglutinated cells would absorb no more agglutinin when treated with any agglutinative serum; so that, the combination of antigen and antibody was complete—no additional receptors remained uncombined, nor did the serum contain any additional agglutinms. However, when cells IV were treated with serum III, incubated, centrifuged, and a quantity of saline equal to that of the serum was added to the cells and heated, it was found that the cells, although agglutin- ated, absorbed other agglutinins from serums I or II; the serum IIT became non-agglutinative for any cells; the supernatant saline caused slight agglutination of normal cells II and IV; and the cells after repeated washing reacted qualitatively as normal IV cells. Before washing, however, the cells [V used in this — instance reacted as normal cells IIT after treatment with serum IfI. When serum II was added to these agglutinated cells, the cells absorbed more agglutinin from that serum, and failed to absorb any additional agglutinin from serum I. These original cells IV were thus altered successively to react as cells III and then as cells I. Similar results were obtained by using serum II first, and then serum III; but when the cells were treated with serum I they did not absorb any further agglutinin from serums Il or III. Therefore, it is also obvious that fractional saturation HUMAN ISOHEMAGGLUTINATION 535 of receptors of what may be called polyvalent cells can be accom- plished in a manner similar to the fractional absorption of agglu- tinins from polyvalent serums. In order to prove the correctness or incorrectness of Moss’ assumption, experiments were done, based upon this principle of fractional absorption of agglutinins and fractional saturation of receptors. Serum I was treated with cells II, incubated, cen- trifuged, and the serum recovered. According to Moss’ hypo- thesis, this serum should be free from agglutinins B and C, and it was found that it no longer agglutinated cells IJ but did agglu- tinate cells III and IV. An equal volume of the same original serum I was treated with cells III, which, by the same reasoning, should then be free from agglutinins A and C. This serum was recovered after incubation and shown to have lost the agglutinin for cells II]. The two recovered serums, one containing agglu- tinin A, and the other, agglutinin B, were then mixed and treated with cells IV. If these cells IV possessed receptors a, b, and e, the last would remain uncombined until further treated with a serum said to contain agglutinin C, namely, serum I. However, it was found after such treatment that no additional agglutinin had been absorbed from normal serum I which, after recovery, reacted qualitatively and quantitatively with equal amounts of the same suspensions of cells II, III and IV, used in the original determination of the titer of the serum, exactly as before. ‘There- fore, cells IV do not possess a receptor ec which remained uncom- bined, and serum I does not contain an agglutinin C which could have combined with such an agglutininogen. The same results were obtained when cells IV were treated suc- cessively with serums II and III, and then with serum I. After treatment with serum II, the cells absorbed agglutinin from se- rums I and III only; but after subsequent treatment with serum III, the cells no longer absorbed agglutinin from serum I by vir- tue of an uncombined agglutininogen c of the cells and an agglu- tinin C in the serum. Similar experiments showed that cells II and III also do not possess more than one receptor. That two agglutinins operate to produce the complete combi- nation of receptors of cells of group IV can be shown quantita- tively by the following experiment. ‘The titer of serum I was 536 HERBERT L. KOECKERT determined for equal amounts of equally concentrated suspen- sions of cells II, II] and IV and found to be 1:32, 1:32, and 1:64, respectively. When cells II were added to serum I in quanti- ties sufficient to remove all the agglutinins for cells of that group, thus rendering that serum innocuous for the further agglutination of normal cells II, it was. found that the titer of the recovered serum for cells [V was reduced to that of the original serum I for cells III, but the titer for cells LI] was unaltered. The same ob- servation was made when cells III were used instead of cells II. This observation was also made in the preceding experiment (see page 535) in which one volume of serum I was treated with cells II and another volume with cells III, the serums recovered and mixed. ‘The titer of each portion for cells [V was lower than that of the original serum I, but after combination of bothpor- tions the titer of the mixture for cells IV was equal to that of the original serum I. CONCLUSIONS 1. By what may be designated the fractional absorption of agglutinins from so-called polyvalent serums and the fractional saturation or combination of receptors of polyvalent cells, it can be shown that there are two distinct normal human isohemagglu- tinins and two agglutininogens, which operate to produce the group distribution of human bloods. 2. These agglutinins can be isolated by the method of frac- tional absorption. 3. Isohemagglutinins may be recovered from agglutinated cor- puscles, but not completely. 4. By empirically designating the human isohemagglutinins A and B, and the agglutininogens or cell receptors a and b, their distribution may be conveniently charted as follows: GROUP I II III IV SeTUM ee See eee AB A B oO Cell sewerage eres fe) b a ab 5. The agglutinins in fresh normal serums are specific for par- ticular agglutininogens or receptors. HUMAN ISOHEMAGGLUTINATION ES REFERENCES ’ (1) Gay: Jour. Med. Res., 1908, 17, 321. (2) Borpret: Ann. de |’ Inst. Pasteur, 1901, 318. (3) Matxorr: Deutsche Med. Wochenschr., 1901, 915. (4) Hextorn: Jour. Inf. Dis., 1907, 4, 297. (5) SarpayaMA: Centralbl. f. Bakt., 1902, 760. (6) OrrenBERG: Jour. Exp. Med., 1911, 13, 925. (7) LANsSTEINER & StuRLI: Wien. klin. Wochenschr., 1902. (8) Karsner & Korckert: Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., 1919, 73, 1207. (9) LANDSTEINER: Zeitschr. f. Med., 1902, 3. (10) SHarrock: Jour. Path. and Bact., Feb., 1900. (11) DescaTELLo & Sturt: Miinch. Med. Wochenschr., 1902, 49, 1090. + (12) Moss: Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1910, 21, 63. ed ie ae rane . ‘ \ Srl i NaNO Pe t wig Wo OT ee ae oT Seal ahhh Mei iy te i Vey CLANS Re yh Tay ya v4 - hi ve i hae *. mI iy vat uA Bar ese ; et h » ANA AY ree bite, NG ha ress) Wy aver ¥, ere ci ey Pa bute af He Sit High r yh a } Ay ae Veep : Ue Bs this F Prat #U ‘ ‘ y Witten d ; / ee + , ee Bs) aes aad ‘nice a ae Se ey Bee Pane in jeter Von ay ean is imader i RRR USN OM MT aes tea . ‘ ae : A sey " 7 ‘al i vee 1) my yal ve 8, Pe Pe RAT ty jae at Te Se, ne robes nea) ftps ‘ i 2 Cie Wadeni : Sia | Y Saar es « & , : ’ : Pe oy? Nz (Sti itis" * eee ht te, age ay : bites an ony . Bri beg ais nplaledne i, 7 aie “LORE cur ate i ee Lif ag . a tae ti! pont al ee cheated Saee TF, PTT. y ih ann, tart cae en trae diaseton + hd ey ate Laty Healy, LLP PG TIO TER ae Ne! et “nets ER wrest! “sy itt gh af ings fOr, a eins oh a x 4 ‘ af 0) i oa a his eae HCO iat: AT Be. «| «.' ae ede aT tat RE aes Ms Villa erie, wy vsanabona chambers cially bes bie Wo Ob: ‘shat nae eat vida oH ae STH yt % Reerere Baby stat Bits ii rf 7 r n we 7 -r ie 7 f ‘tah Wie she ae nee waar er eH on ROR gS AL a ’ 1 cs ‘i? oi Sl? ae 1 7 Y Aj ous ane ae Lat ~ Wi ied me gee ' Ra 1 DV Shek, Seah TN Sa Saar ai oat 2 NOY ) o o o ) ° oo ° mS oO res OH Sx = NX N » + ~ So o So o —) [—) q q i=] ABSORBING DOSE...... 4 2i|2 0 sil 8 il gi} 3 il Sm Sm = ao n n n n n 22/22 |22 ai |sela8| of oe oe Sa Sa Sa Sa eS sie eSee oe 62 —Q foal joa faa) fQ ea] a) jee} faa) Qn n n n n n n 2 a =| 5 =) | cs} 3 =| 3 3 Q n nm n n n n hu 2 6 rs} rs) 6 3 rs} } ro} rs) ™ reels alte s ie | icles 7h oD rey oD a oO EST ANTIGENS........ o8 £ > E Pigs | Ble Biles| B les] Bi s3| Brest) 2 $3 ts 83 acy $3 Ae SaaS | OS | eS lo] So See Ss ce | OS ee Bul Bil Galea el penile obec vear mes es Reelin toes. |, eel eae Mimimimiai(a) a laialsigig| ma | ml ml} am} a] A Serum dilutions: 1:3 +\t |—|—|—|—|4a a f4)—|-]-|++) + |++]4+1 [44/41 1:6 +|—|—|—|-|—|41 |—|-]—|-|-|++) + |++]+1 |++] + 1:12 Vp feo Pee es fs) ee fe Se Reese pes er) = 1:24 a Fn FP an FF fa fe 1:48 —|/—j—J—|—|/—] — J—-j-|-—|-|J-| 1] - 1/-);-j/- ABSORPTION OF ANTI-BACTERIAL PRECIPITINS 557 TABLE 10 Agglutination tests—Anti-paratyphosus B serum. Serum absorbed by bacterial mass,* and unabsorbed serum control ABSORBING TYPE...........0.-000+- B. paratyphosus B* | 8B. ee ot sper heerbnce TEST ANTIGENS.........2..-000+ a { Poa Alege pperat qe 33 Biperat =| 8888 Serum dilutions: 1:50 a _ +1 - +--- a ai 1:100 = = 5 al os = SRE age 1:200 = = Leia z = aeqe q55r 1:400 ' - — ara = SS qeae 1:800 — _ S55 = 5335 Sa 1:1600 = = Seac = S555 a =a 1:3200 _ = Sets = a a Sa = 1:6400 - - aril - Sat aq 1:12,800 “= ~ +1 — +1 - 1:25,600 _ — + -- > + 1:51,200 - oe _ = 1 _ Control _ _ _ _ _ * To one volume of packed bacteria was added three volumes of serum diluted 1:15, the mixture incubated at 37°C., shaking frequently, ice chest overnight and centrifuged. The clear supernatant fluid used for further dilutions. TABLE Il Precipitin tests—Antiparatyphosus B serum. Effect of dilution of precipitin anti- gens on the degree of cross or group reactions tina detearieeic «ce cioee “Antiformin”’ Broth B. STITCIMNA SN Olinciicicc sfacicseclcns oss B. paratyphosus B B. suis 333 phigsus 333 TION sets cnc sta 0 1;10 1:50 0 1:10 1:50 0 0 Serum dilutions: 1:3 Tecbenitte oes 1 +1/ + i a+ 1 1:6 Simatal = = 1 Sm + - 1 1 L2 +1 1 a 1 = 1 = 1:24 + il _— os _ = 1 ma 1:48 1 _- _ _ — _ — — In answer to this we would say that the degree of difference elicited in these tests (before absorption), even where most marked, is not appreciably greater than that we have previously 558 CHARLES KRUMWIEDE AND GEORGIA M. COOPER encountered with two bacteria which were identical, except as regards their sensitiveness to antibody action. Furthermore, as these differences might be accentuated by inequalities in the antigens, it is evident that the direct reaction could not be accepted as conclusive unless it showed a more marked differ- entiation. The second question would be in relation to the dosages recorded. Would the moderate differences in the absorption dose result in a loss of specificity with agglutinin absorption similar to the apparent loss of specificity with the precipitin absorptions recorded in table 9? On the basis of a very extensive experience with the agglutinin absorption method, we feel justified in answering in the negative. For instance, if a dose of 0.1 cc. of a heterologous bacterium absorbed the group agglutinins for itself and because of very close relationship with the serum strain reduced the titer some- what for the latter, double or ‘triple this absorption dose would only result in some further reduction, not necessarily very marked. In no instance, thus far, even with excessively large doses, have we observed a complete removal of the specific agglutinin from a highly potent serum by the use of a heterologous strain.’ In other words, the agglutinin-absorption technic leaves us a practical and relatively wide working range as regards dosage. The precipitin absorption method on the contrary, as the experi- ments indicate, has a narrow range and may fail to reveal distinct differences, especially where strains are closely related, even with scrupulous regard as to the size of the absorption dose. We have already referred to our previous failure to obtain more specific precipitation results by dilution of the antigens of B. typhosus, B. sanguinarium and B. pullorum. As these results might not hold true with other closely related bacteria, it seemed desirable, as a further control, to determine this point for other 3In this connection it is worthy of note that some workers have utilized a method for agglutinin absorption which does not include testing below 50 per cent or 25 per cent of the original titer of the serum. This inadequate method has even been employed to separate “‘antigenic varieties’’ of a definite type of bacterium, such as B. typhosus, for instance. Such reports have been given a prominence which critical scrutiny does not warrant. -— ABSORPTION OF ANTI-BACTERIAL PRECIPITINS 559 types. The supernatant fluid of centrifuged broth cultures was also used as an added control antigen on the specificity of the heated antigens. Table 11 gives the results of this experiment. ‘There is little suggestion of greater specificity in the dilute antigens, with the exception, possibly, of the clarified broth antigen which in itself is a dilute antigen. Even if we exclude the probable influence of differences in concentration in the case of the broth antigens, it is evident that these antigens would be of little value in carry- ing out the absorption technic because the initial differences before absorption are very slight, and founded on the readings of the minimal observable reaction. A very small absorbing dose would suffice to reduce this reaction beyond the limit of certainty of observability. In other words, dilution reduces the degree of reaction obtained with the antigens and leaves us no working range for absorption. The results of precipitin tests made fier absorption of anti- meningococcus serums type I and type II (Gordon) are given in tables 12, 13 and 14. The results with type I serum are sharply specific with the absorbing dose employed. The results with type Il serum are TABLE 12 Precipitin tests—Antimeningococcus serum, type I.* Serum 1 cc. absorbed by bacterial mass, and unabsorbed serum control Salt solution ABSORBING TYPE............-.- I II Ill contol ABSORBING DOSE..............- 15 billiont 15 billion 15 billion _ TEST ANTIGENS..............-.- I II | 1 I TE | VOR jal [ot Oi a 18 hy yes 6 8 | SS es es ee — — SSS | | Serum dilutions: is Th Oe eg ele 504 Ne ade 1:6 seal st seme el ese eet Nero) | Gooey Vn ec = = 1:12 —}/—}]—-)}t+]}]—-/]—-—-]4+/]-/]- 41/2 i 1:24 —/—=—-}]—)}4/—-]- tN | Pe | 1:48 a re ee | =, (ea | a ee * Similarly specific results were obtained with another set of antigens in spite of the fact that the type I antigen was decidedly weaker than those of the other types. { Estimated by opacity standards. 560 CHARLES KRUMWIEDE AND GEORGIA M. COOPER TABLE 13 Precipitin tests—Antimeningococcus serum, type II. Serum 1 cc. absorbed by bacterial mass and unabsorbed serum control Salt solution ABSORBING TYPE........-...--: I II III cdntzsl ABSORBIMG DOSE...........-.--- 15 billion 15 billion 15 billion — TEST ANTIGENS*........-------- I JOE | BU posad | EEE Li ea |e P| enn Serum dilutions: 11233 aso iles= lise || a= 1);4]—-—{]+7441)/+ 1:6 ee ee en fe eeemnted | — |) eae eaten at tae 2 — 1};—]|-—- 1}; -—]- 1};-—-/—-—;}+]/- 1:24 Se pees | ee eee eS) 1:48 Ea) Wesnpaok| esc eB mn mi be FE a * Antigens, Lot no. 1, of which type I is distinctly weaker than the other two. TABLE 14 Precipitin tests—Antimeningococcus serum, type II. Serum 1 cc. absorbed by bacterial mass and unabsorbed serum control ABSORBING TYPE.........0.--.- I Il III Balt eolntion ABSORBING DOSE............... 20 billion 20 billion 20 billion — TEST ANTIGENS*...............- I IBEW OG e | ae TES ))) TS ae JOC" P08 Eiken DOGS Henne Serum dilutions: 1:3 1 1} —- 1 1} — |} +1) +1) -— |4+4+)/4+4+/) + 1:6 — 1|;/-|- 1}/—{]+/+] —-— J4+4+/41 1 112 —/}/—;—-]—-—-f]J-]- 1 1|}—{|+/]+ 1:24 —{/—f—-]—-frosyry-}y-f] 1 1] —- 1:48 SS SS a | SS aS ae Sh eS |] aS = Antigens, Lot 2, of which type II seems somewhat the weaker. irregular and to some extent contradictory. In one case, table 13, we knew that the type I antigen was less strong than the other but we used it to see what results would develop. Here there is an apparent specificity, but obviously this specificity may be wholly illusory and due to inequalities in the antigen. It will be noted that the absorption by the homologous strain is incomplete. This test could not be repeated to complete exhaus- tion as the supply of these antigens was depleted. A repetition of the experiment with another set of antigens, table 14, led to results so nearly, if not quite non-specific, that further tests were not made. ABSORPTION OF ANTI-BACTERIAL PRECIPITINS 561 The finished antigen of type II in this series seemed somewhat less concentrated than the others. This may be a factor in the apparently non-specific results. This again brings forward the question as to the influence of the antigen on the results obtained. The results already recorded depend on the use of similar masses of culture and their manipulation in a similar way, the end anti- gens heing assumed therefore to be closely comparable. In other words, we have at present no practical method by which we can determine the concentration of precipitable substance in an antigen and its consequent power to react. One cannot exclude the possibility that if we had such a criterion, more nearly specific results might be obtained. We wish to make clear, there- fore, that the non-specific results presented are limited to our present available methods. Considering our results as a whole, we are inclined to believe that even with a satisfactory method for antigen standardization, non-specific results would still occur _ where cross-precipitation was marked. The results obtained parallel the non-specific results occasion- ally noted with a low titer agglutinating serum, which phenom- enon may be explained by the assumption that the increased - agglutination titer is due to an accumulation of group and normal agglutinins, with only a negligible associated increase in specific - agglutinins. It would seem, therefore, that the non-specific results obtained with the precipitin absorptions were likewise due to a low titer of the serum. The sera employed were not of a low titer in the usually accepted sense. They were from animals receiving intensive immunization and compared favor- ably with the most active precipitating serums we have been able to produce in the past. We should, therefore, prefer to -consider the range of action as narrow, not low. The narrowness of the working range may have influenced the results, but it should be noted that the methods employed included a possibility of reduction from 48 to 3 or one-sixteenth of the reacting titer. A similar ratio of possible agglutinin reduction with an agglu- tinating serum would yield specific results if the same care were employed as regards the absorbing dosage. In this connection, and also to illustrate the statements already made, we have given the agglutinin absorption results with B. 562 CHARLES KRUMWIEDE AND GEORGIA M. COOPER paratyphosus B serum in table 10. This table shows the clear-cut results obtainable even when the cross-agglutinaticn approximates 100 per cent. These results are not selected and show the clean cut results obtainable even when the absorbing dose is estimated and not determined by titration. CONCLUSIONS A precipitin absorption method has only a limited application in the differentiation of closely related types of bacteria which, because of such relationship, show marked cross-precipitation. The tendency in such a case is toward non-specific results; that is, the bacterium, heterologous to the serum, in removing the precipitins active against itself may also remove the precipitins active against the homologous type. Where the cross-precipi- tation is less marked, more specific results tend to appear after precipitin absorption. The results are the same whether a precipitin antigen or the bacteria themselves are used for absorption. The results may be influenced by our lack of a suitable method for the standardization of precipitin antigens of bacterial origin. The conclusions as given, therefore, are stated in terms of this limitation. The non-specific results obtained may be referable, in some degree, to the narrow working range of precipitating sera. The inadequacy of the precipitin reaction as a primary or single method for the differentiation of related bacteria, which are serologically still unclassified, is again emphasized. While similar failures in differentiation may occur with the agglutina- tion reaction, such failures may be easily corrected by resorting to the absorption method. REFERENCES (1) Gay, F. P., anp Cuickerine, H. P.: Journ. Exp. Med. 1915, 21, 389. (2) CuickERING, H. P.: Journ. Exp. Med. 1915, 22, 248. (4) WetnstTEIN, I.: Journ. Immunol., 1918, 3, 17. (3) Gay, F. P., anp Stones, R. L.: Journ. Immunol., 1916, 1, 83. (5) Smrru, ‘T., AND TEN Broeck, (.: Journ. Med. Res., 1915, 31, 503 and 547. (6) KRUMWIEDE, C., AnD Nosiz, W. C.: Journ. Immunol., 1918, 3, 1. INDEX TO VOLUME V Abortion in cattle, infectious, Simplification of the factors involved in the ReMICINEITU AATEOU TORU LOL... 5. as acn'ee Bebe aisle SoM Eb aileic de Ceviewes 399 Absorption of anti-bacterial precipitins, A study of the specificity of the.. 547 —— of antigen, The relation of the rate of, to the production of immunity.. 39 Agglutination, A dropping bottle as an aid in macroscopic slide............ 155 RE 5 EE OR 2 Co a 465 Agglutinins. I. On the transfer of the so-called normal-antibodies from ORE SU GPS Oe ee ee Ace ae de RY { —— and hemolysins for the four groups of human erythrocytes, An attempt nonmaducesspeeite wamune. . 6.8 ee ol ee es .. 89 Agglutinogens, typhoid, A comparative study of methods for the preparation Do dontodtoen bot! gle ahh IMS SS RE ae idee Rah ante tant os Bhan 1s A Rema 97 Apetcesiny piackley, Immnninization with.................0..0.ecceeceeescee O89 Allergy, Anaphylaxis and: Hypersentitiveness. . a8 .. 363 Anaphylactie reactions, The relation of certain veins to the, and fie peacne thereof on the mechanism of anaphylactic shock. Bed os. 230 — shock, The relation of certain drugs to the an: palwiacue ee aa fPeipearing tuereor on the mechanism of... 2... s. ci. cnaee ees csecesaee 230 Anaphylaxis and allergy: Hypersensitiveness ..... 363 ——, Studies in. I. On the quantitative reaction of asker ee eed SE PME ITLO ONG ID. VIVO'p2 icc. .ceruic «feu ad 56 2 ha aye twie steleie wih alojeinye 297 —, Studies in. The relation of certain drugs to the anaphylactic reaction, and the bearing thereof on the mechanism of anaphylactic shock...... 230 Anti-bacterial precipitins, A study of the specificity of the absorption of.. 547 Antibodies, A note on the non-specific production of..............-.....-. 517 ~—., On the placental transmission of so-called normal. Bo NI ... 391 —, On the transfer of the so-called normal-, from ay Fes to Ey, . 227 —, On the placental transmission of so-called normal. sik FAS . 455 body, from the globin of an immunised animal, The eae onectne of globin, with a note on the independence of the properties of serum and tissue proteins, as exemplified by the absence of . Sc ton spe Antigen, The relation of the rate of absorption of, to the Goadieban. of SMA. 7, 21) Nee wand SER NRE FSR a aie VR Ske Wa a's 39 Antigenic properties, Effect of ultraviolet rays on.................0- eee 345 —— properties of globin, The, with a note on the independence of the prop- erties of serum and tissue proteins, as exemplified by the absence of antibody from the globin of an immunised animal..................... 417 ST RODETIICHIOMMEMOCYANIN, LNG. 5... ae cage cee we nen case cece secccnees 259 Antihuman hemolysin, Experiments upon the production of, with special reference to immunization with erythrocytes sensitized with heated FCA ee Na MIS E> ira sna R GENS atclom cahe Rioed Spee aeS: vias’ crsleSe dalle «jk -aiv'a's 507 — hemolysins, Natural, and hemagglutinins in horse sera in relation to SECU TOE OM. 7) oa a i Ro 75 564 INDEX AM GRL BIRR s elect tele = fo ake ootey shot otal ste) Neots ee 455 Antitryptic-acting bodies. « 2cee ere eect eee ce eo seeinnese ss aameeeee 391 Arnstein, Natalie, Fleisher, Moyer S., and Hall, T. G. Serological relation- ships, of liver and kidney... eee c ce cence ee pecs ween eee eee 437 Asthma, The relationof sputum bacteria to. ...........-.-. +. esse eee e eee 373 Autogenous B. coli vaccines on the intestinal colon bacilli of dogs, An experi- menval study. Of the elect 2. .7prteacee ee vee «o> steers oa vee 133 Bacterial toxaemia, On the nature of... ..... 00.0... eee eee eee meee cssees 265 Bactericidal immune sera, On the so-called Neisser-Wechsberg inhibiting GOHSMOMI|MON 1105 22 fo, 2 op cst. at aloe age eels oR @ .- 2 es nieiei ee nergeh 1 B. coli vaccines, autogenous, An experimental study of the effect of, on the intestinal colon bacilli of dogs'..: ai. <\tenem meric.» » > +, sets oeuserers sete pains 133 Blackleg aggressin, Immunization with............-..+-2- eee eee eee 539 Blood, Studies on the meningococcidal activity of...........-..-.--++.+++- 51 Browning, C. H., and Wilson, G. Haswell. The antigenic properties of globin, with a note on the independence of the properties of serum and tissue proteins, as exemplified by the absence of antibody from the globin of an immunised animal...............-.- sss eeeece cece cer eceee 417 B. typhosus antigen, A study of different methods for the preparation of.... 111 Cattle, infectious abortion in, Simplification and partial revision of the factors involved in the complement fixation test for.................. 399 Cholera antigen, sensitized, Experimental study of the.................... 145 = immunity, A serological stindiy Of 2). fc... a/ nee eee cies! = <)c\e 2 piel rree ee 465 Chronic gonorrhoea in women, Comparison of smear, culture and comple- TOW ERATION UM cic iets th coud bok bee Scale beep ecehats ele eke eaeenpleteieie« Sisk sete tary 499 Coca, Arthur F. Hypersensitiveness: Anaphylaxis and allergy............ 345 —— and Kosakai, Mitsuji. Studies in anaphylaxis. I. On the quanti- tative reaction of partially neutralized precipitin in vitro and in vivo.. 297 Colon bacilli, intestinal, of dogs, An experimental study of the effect of autog- enous ‘Bb. colt. vaccmes: on the. 2... 2. .2eeaseas tne. «one een er 133 Complement fixation test for infectious abortion in cattle, Simplification and partial revision of the factors involved in the...............-.-+-- 399 = fixation test, ihe, for tuberculosis © .Fo aro cms see oie eee 159 Complements of different animals, Some observations on the constitution Pela 1 CV ot ae RE gaa te SONY Aa ay EAI SS 3 5 Sea IONS 379 Constitution of the complements of different animals, Some observations OTT H LY by AAR es Ue PO er or cE RN LS Seo oo ios AEROS Oe & 379 Cook, Marjorie Ww. The relation of the rate of absorption of antigen to the production of immunity . eR EAS aor. - SI SS 2 = = 39 Cooper, Georgia M., and [oem meals. Charles. A study of the specificity of the absorption of anti-bacterial precipitins..............--.-.----- 547 Dogs, An experimental study of the effect of autogenous B. coli vaccines on theAnbestinal colon bacillivol Ns. a5 . eee = 2 < ios o e 133 Dropping bottle, A, as an aid in macroscopic slide agglutination... ........ 155 Dunham, George C. A nephelometrie method of estimating ‘ihe number Of OLEAMISMS IMA VACCINES . J )rs x nicr Oe eies> «+ 12 oo reve lente 337 INDEX 565 Eberson, Frederick. Effect of ultraviolet rays on antigenic properties. I. mnrerMIEHIpCOCCUS 2. io... 2.0) bo es ase clea ow hiele nts see slewssclee 345 Emmons, R. V. B., and Mason, Edward H. ‘The value of the intra-palpebral mille unsthe dinguosis of glanders. 12...) cceee eee s cece ce ceceeee 489 Empyema, pneumococcus, A study of the precipitin test in cases of....... 321 Erythrocytes, human, An attempt to produce specific immune agglutinins Pepeermelvaris fOr ime) four PTOUDH' OF 2.) 22 i... do cen vive oe een ec eee seen. 89 — sensitized with heated serum, Experiments upon the production of antihuman hemolysin with special reference to immunization with... .. 507 Faught, Eva E., and Hull, Thomas G. The Sachs-Georgi precipitation test for Sahilis . ei nt aie ee Pe 5 521 Fleisher, Moyer S., Hall, T. G., and Arnstein, Natalie. Serological relation- ships of liver and Pees . Su jy. beat Sate hoe Wega ieke ae GS «F< ss 437 Floyd, Cleveland. A study of the precipitin test in cases of pneumococcus oR Pa RE SEA NGU REP PREM aoc. 5 v's we 3a ayaUGr Nu, ate fa Dad rated >» aidlnie 3 we «ai eld vie = 2 9' 321 Gibbs, Charles S., and Rettger, Leo F. Simplification and partial revision of the factors involved in the complement fixation test for infectious So oceha 2 fic io. 6 eee ee Sele eee as merece 399 Glanders, The value of the intrapalpebral mallein in the diagnosis of...... 489 Globin, The antigenic properties of, with a note on the independence of the properties of serum and tissue proteins, as exemplified by the absence of antibody from the globin of an immunised animal. ry ari’ ace Ae Gonorrhoea in women, chronic, Comparison of smear, ealuure a panne 2) elec, [nth MO ae eee ean tern earner eerie re 499 Hall, T. G., Fleisher, Moyer S., and Arnstein, Natalie. Serological relation- PEMUEIICTEAMOUIONOY «2.5 2 50 nie oe vc re ess et eens talvegescs woheee 437 Haslam, Thos. P. Immunization with blackleg aggressin...............-. 539 Hemagglutinins in horse sera in relation to serum therapy, Natural anti- PPM IRPMRTE eT SISTA an 2 2. ws diese eon ene selesinosle eae ccas ses sersus te Hemocyanm, Lhe antigenic properties of... .........-e.+seee eee e eee n eee 259 Hemolysins for the four groups of human erythrocytes, An attempt to pro- @ice specific immune agglutinins and...................5-+.2-2- eee eee 89 —, Natural antihuman, and hemagglutinins in horse sera in relation to MINTER ct. be crsiviacisiee sinless areas eve gamma ie areas enews + 8 75 Horse sera in relation to serum therapy, Natural antihuman hemolysins and hemagglutinins in. Adri wmecaye ar ones ns ot bet cee oo 2 Bini hh > cee 75 Hull, Thomas G., Anh Faught, Eva E. The Sachs-Georgi precipitation test for ee «rab limpet Var ha OME a SS hE oe ean ta el lr 521 Human erythrocytes, An attempt to produce specific immune agglutinins suuenemongemmtor the four groups Of ...... 2... -. 5 cece eee eee 89 — isohemagglutination, A study of the mechanism of.................-- 529 Immune agglutinins and hemolysins, An attempt to produce specific, for the faur groups of human, erythrocytes. « . <2 nth lide eee lene cece eee eee: 89 —— sera, bactericidal, On the so-called Neisser-Wechsberg inhibiting phe- (2 Lae TO PS Or ee a cee ee er ee 1 566 . INDEX Immunity, cholera, A serological study of... ............- cee secescseecse 465 , production of, The relation of the rate of absorption of antigen to the.. 39 Immunization with blackleg ‘aggressin .: 2 jacedied .ia\o5 o. bale de oe eee 539 with erythrocytes sensitized with heated serum, Experiments upon the production of antihuman hemolysin with special reference to.......... 507 Infectious abortion in cattle, Simplification and partial revision of the factors involved in the complement fixation test for.................. 399 Inhibiting phenomenon in bactericidal immune sera, On the so-called Neisser- Wiecheberg é. iclesiaen Lusk Sarde bee SE ISG eo «cree cee 1 Intra-palpebral mallein in the diagnosis of glanders, The value of the...... 489 Isohemagglutination, human, A study of the mechanism of................ 529 Kidney, Serological relationships of liver and....................00..e005- 437 Koeckert, Herbert L. A study of the mechanism of human isohemagglu- UTD EAE LORD SRN Arey a desl Ow Shekiba whe ta Bake Pade Uae rane thls Siz 66 Gi aes oe ee 529 Kolmer, John A., and Matsumoto, Motomatsu. Natural antihuman hemol- ysins and hemagglutinins in horse sera in relation to serum therapy.... 75 ——,and Trist, Mary E. An attempt to produce specific immune agglutinins ae Pomorie for the four groups of human erythrocytes....... 89 Kosakai, Mitsuji, and Coca, Arthur F. Studies in anaphylaxis. L On! fhe quantitative reaction of partially neutralized precipitin in vitro and in VV Ol cece erect ie one eiciagevels re ite 6 fe: eueteve se, cds tenegen amnpeMeMe ea eye tt asi oes tae te eee 297 Kermode: ‘Charles. A dropping bottle as an aid in macroscopic slide Cyurea LUAU 0 (0) | ep De ri RRR reo SM REI 6 © SISA aR NIN ois 2 155 — and Cooper, Geureia M. A study of the specificity of the absorption Of anti-bacterial precipitins)icc.ectce codeine orem eae te tiene eee 547 Liver and kidney, Serological relationships of. ....................steeecees 437 Mackie, T. J. Some observations on the constitution of the complements of different animals 5.2) Ye fae. Pid ones 1 ORE eee 379 Macroscopic slide agglutination, A dropping bottle as an aid in............ 155 Mallein, intra-palpebral, The value of, in the diagnosis of glanders........ 489 Mason, Edward H., and Emmons, R. V. B. The value of intra-palpebral mallem)an. the diagnosis of glandergiew) 4. 4.7m. osieck es eeeeeainie sae © 489 Matsumoto, Motomatsu. A note on the non-specific production of anti- | 51616 b=) OE PRR On EM Sa Rn Cpe eA Ae. 2 SOM fe 517 —. Astudy of different methods for the preparation of B. typhosus antigen 111 ——. Experiments upon the production of antihuman hemolysin with spe- cial reference to immunization with erythrocytes sensitized with human SOLUTE oh ocd canis dak rele tamer she pepe cicero ca Le Ree ols > 1a. cach aera 507 —— and Kolmer, John A. Natural antihuman hemolysins and in ge tinins in horse sera in relation to serum therapy.... . aie, Seek Matsunami, Toitsu. Studies on the meningococcidal none oe Bioal® SI Mechanism of anaphylactic shock, The relation of certain drugs to the ana- phylactic reaction, and the bearing thereof on the................... 280 Meningococcidal activity of blood, Studies on the...................+-05. 51 Meningococeus; Studies On &.iis:+ o 2'y avs @U Rp AOR EON Cs Cos toe aye ee Ee 345 INDEX 567 Mice and rabbits, The protective value of pneumococcus vaccination in.... 429 Miura, Y. Experimental study of the sensitized cholera antigen.......... 145 Natural antihuman hemolysins and hemagglutinins in horse sera in relation PEMALMIEREC ESTING fel. vic) s/s Siisirvh i ada made SAME Anes eke s «cde ces ode 75 Neisser-W echsberg inhibiting phenomenon, On the so-called, in bactericidal 7 UTI T EAE, Oly GG Saar cee Pe Re eee i a 1 Nephelometric method of estimating the number of organisms in a vaccine, A 337 Neutralized precipitin, partially, On the quantitative reaction of, in vitro and in vivo. Sig ee OMe Re cea Rice atc art Cee re 297 Normal antibodies, On the placental transmission of so-called......... 391, 455 ——-antibodies, On the transfer of the so-called from mother to offspring. . 227 Placental transmission of so-called normal antibodies, On the........ 391, 455 Pneumococcus empyema, A study of the precipitin test in cases of.......... 321 — vaccination in mice and rabbits, The protective value of. Oe een Ao Precipitation test for syphilis, The Sachs-Georgi.........................2 521 Precipitin, partially neutralized, On the quantitative reaction of, in vitro and in vivo. 2 0 ¢ OD GEERT CEE OEE oon Sane) Some eee Sew ee ena 8 297 — test, A study ae fhe, in cases of pneumococcus empyema.............. 321 Precipitins, pafeameterial, A study of the specificity of the absorption of.. 547 Production of immunity, The relation of the rate of absorption of antigen Gl MEE- 02s 22+ abo ee ee 39 Quantitative reaction of partially neutralized precipitin in vitro and in ReMANO 2S. 2 bis ban eets ate aw he a whrrewatreesits Sebo vceaele tot 297 Rabbits, The protective value of pneumococcus vaccination in mice and.. 429 Rackemann, Francis M. The relation of sputum bacteria to asthma........ 373 Rahe, Alfred H., and Torrey, John C. An experimental study of the effect of autogenous B. coli vaccines on the intestinal colon bacilli of dogs... 133 Rate of absorption of antigen, The relation of, to the production of immunity 39 Rettger, Leo F., and Gibbs, Charles S. Simplification and partial revision of the factors involved in the complement fixation test for infectious abor- IRM aT CE tS OES Sig ck de ewe OE pee baa weg cased wee eee BIDS o 399 Reyman, G. C. On the placental transmission of so-called normal anti- Pree erAnitroryptic-acting DOGIES. 2... 6. ee ce cee eects seeecees 391 —. On the placental transmission of so-called normal antibodies. III. oo Edn Oe Geek A eee een ene 455 —. On the transfer of the so-called normal-antibodies from mother to Pp CIUTINING. . .... . cc ales con ace meaclncas dees ccessdecceces 227 Sachs-Georgi precipitation test for syphilis, The....................0.4.. 521 Sands, Joseph E. A comparative study of methods for the preparation of Sar REE STIPE TRY TUERETIEESTAS 9. 5, :c) «- 5 6's du 5: 4's & ergs tale vn erie MWe wrnpn'ee wi o's 97 Schmidt, Carl L. A. The antigenic properties of hemocyanin............. 259 Sensitized cholera antigen, Experimental study of the.................... 145 Sera, bactericidal immune, On the so-called Neisser-Wechsberg inhibiting PIRTESYIPALNECSTT COTISITI NM PENN a oe 5 cvc.0 s areture wiarercsieta nscale Rime ae patatg eat eral sus ins =p Anint 1 568 INDEX Serological relationships of liver and kidney. .........2.0..0. 005 ceeneeueee 437 study. of cholera immunity. A; bo cics.c hia aaakee Latte tiaie ne cee 465 Serum therapy, Natural antihuman hemolysins and hemagglutinins in horse sera invrelation: tox’. 22-885 CUS yeeceen Woe eek. Ste, Ee ey ee 75 Smith, James D., and Wilson, M. A. Comparison of smear, culture and- complement fixation in women. A preliminary report................ 499 Smith, Maurice I. Studies in anaphylaxis. The relation of certain drugs to the anaphylactic reaction, and the bearing thereof on the mechanism oflanaphy lactic shockiy: 22) teie sian ae ates. Ae: dina chats Sie aoe 230 Sputum, bacteria, The relation of, to asthma... %......-.....-25--0 es ven ae 373 Studies in anaphylaxis. I. On the quantitative reaction of partially neu- tralized:precipitin’ in‘vitro: and! in-VivOrr. O65... 6t es eek ee ete te 297 — in anaphylaxis. The relation of certain drugs to the anaphylactic reaction, and the bearing thereof on the mechanism of anaphylactic shock 230 Syphilis, The Sachs-Georgi precipitation test for...................----60- 521 Thjgtta, Th. On the so-called Pra 8 inhibiting phenomenon in bactericidal immune sera. OL Sa: hes Fg EAE hee (es 1 Torrey, John C., and Rahe, Niered! H. UM experimental study of the effect of pitoneneus B. coli vaccines on the intestinal colon bacilli of dogs.... 133 Vexaemia} ‘bacterial,.@n the mature ofs).1. he ee. alls olen 2 2 ele eee 265 Transfer of the so-called normal- antibodies from mother to offspring, On the 227 Transmission of so-called normal antibodies, On the placental . wits erp eos Trist, Jary E., and Kolmer, John A. An attempt to produce Epecisen immune Recline and pomoieee for the four groups of human erythrocytes.. 89 Tuberculosis, The complement fixation test for...................eeeeeees 159 Typhoid agglutinogens, A comparative study of methods for the preparation Of S.:.. Ultraviolet rays, Effect of, on antigenic properties...................++++ 345 Umemura, Rokuro. A serological study of choleraimmunity. I. Agglutinin 465 Vaccination, pneumococcus, The protective value of in mice and rabbits.. 429 Vaccine, A nephelometric method of estimating the number of organisms in a 337 von Wedel, Hassow O. The complement fixation test for tuberculosis.... 159 Wadsworth, Augustus B. The protective value of pneumococcus vaccina- Hlonwin, MiICe sand TADDIGS ws .<.8t his: ccs pais tins ee edo ee EE rie eo 429 Wilson, G. Haswell, and Browning, C. H. The antigenic properties of globin, with a note on the independence of the properties of serum and tissue proteins, as exemplified by the absence of antibody from the red Kolounay Cory Pu dbontaniduoNls(eyel CobbOnMly Gy gong ecacedcdacobucidcodpemedobvduoce: 417 Wilson, M. A., and Smith, James D. Comparison of smear, culture and complement fixation in chronic gonorrhoea in women. A preliminary TRS) 0X01 POS CTS EUR E SEMI an Gna eno outed CDA Gm OemGeas Goud Oe OSs eSo 499 Women, chronic gonorrhoea in, Comparison of smear, culture and comple- ment fixation in Zinsser, Hans. On the nature of bacterial toxaemia...................... 265 CR The Journal of immunology PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY Te eat Orewa ee Pe ., oe CEN Oe eee ane a et: TN a MN er Artal fol pags ted A ye Eat y tte La" Ae tr pad oy -verentatt