LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY J1,E9O GIFT OF G. H.FARKER “4 ee Ch ae on Sa NN ie a pale LN oe Nw nila Sok i realign, Re AP ER eee OE i aay Mi i * and Ras f JOURNAL OF Peek P PPC EC. Y. EDITED BY C. O. WHITMAN, With the Co-operation of EDWARD PHELPS ALLIS, Junr, MILWAUKEE. Wiese | WEE: BOSTON, U.S.A.: GINN & COMPANY. 1892. RU CONTENTS ORR Ory vir Nos. 1 and 2.— May, 1802. PAGES I. Howarp AYERS. Vertebrate Cephalogenests. 1. A Contribu- tion to the Morphology of the Vertebrate Ear, with a Reconsideration of tts Func- COTES a elt ig ae a Tet ie ia LE ae NEG 7h (bE EXOLO No. 3.— July, 1892. {. Epmunp B. WItson. The Cell-Lineage of Nereis. A Contribution to the Cytogeny of the Annelid Body . . 361-480 Sa VVAEASIEs On the Phenomena of Sex-Differentiation . 481-493 TypoGRAPHy By J. S. CusHinc & Co., Boston, U.S.A. PRESSWORK BY GINN & Co., Boston, U.S.A. Volume VI. May, 1892. Number z. JOURNAL OF MORPHOM@GY: VERDE BRADE ChB McO GE Nil Sis: II. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE VERTEBRATE Ear, WITH A RECONSIDERATION OF ITS FUNCTIONS. HOWARD AYERS, DIRECTOR OF THE LAKE LaABoraTorRY, MILWAUKEE, WIS. CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE APE trOcUCtOuyeseeitaieter mere I-7 Hee ehystologicallyans irri 237-305 B. Morphological........... 8-152 Ga Recapitulationsamcrseerae 306-320 C, Sense Oggi oooccoece 152-165 Isl, IiiKemaNiERS SoSocDo0dooNCC 321-335 DF Emibryolosicals.- wc. 166-210 I. Explanation of Figures... 336-360 E. Phylogenetichiy. fei eiserer- 210-236 A. INTRODUCTORY. “‘Es fehlt auf diesem Gebiete nicht an Darstellungen, die Anspruch auf eine ver- gleichende Anatomie des Gehérorgans erheben; allein sie entbehren eben der geniigenden Grundlage.””—C. Hass, Vergleichende Morphologie des Gehororganes der Wirbelthiere. 1873, p- 2. As true as Hasse’s words were at the time he wrote them, so true have they unfortunately remained until this time, notwith- standing Hasse’s labors, which he characterizes as a “mehr- jahrigen iiber alle klassen und selbst iiber die meisten der einzelnen Familien ausgedehnten Untersuchung, die nach bes- tem Wissen und Gewissen angestellt ist,’ and notwithstanding the even more extensive and detailed studies incorporated in the great work published a few years since by Retzius, enti- I 2 AIA iS\s [VoL. VI. tled Das Gehororgan der Wirbelthiere. Feeling the need of a “eeniigende Grundlage”’ for the comparative study of the ver- tebrate ear, in my endeavors to understand the problems of vertebrate cephalogenesis, [have sought for, and have, I believe, at last found, the basis from which the characteristic structures of the internal ear take their origin, and the law according to which this development takes place throughout the vertebrate group. The study of the morphology of the internal ear of vertebrates has naturally made much more progress than the study of its phylogeny. In fact, until the publication of Beard’s paper on the branchial sense organs, we had no sure basis for homologizing the ear with other sense organs of the vertebrate body. _ Hence, the internal ear has always been looked upon as a Ding an sich even by those investigators who were constantly endeavoring to gain a clearer insight into its phylogenesis. In 1883 J. Beard arrived at the conclusion that the verte- brate auditory organ was only a modified portion of the system of superficial sense organs, for which he proposed the name branchial sense organs. Beard arranged the sense organs of the vertebrate head according to their mode of development and their relations to the cranial nerves. He found that the nose and the ear sense organs were related to the surface of the body and the central nervous system through the media- tion of the cranial nerves, in much the same way as the sense organs of the superficial system, which he called the branchial sense organs. He did not go further than to state that these two pairs of higher sense organs were derived from branchial sense organs. We shall see further on how far Beard was from a conception of the true nature of the auditory organs. On this occasion, I shall confine myself to a consideration of the auditory organ alone, leaving the nasal organ for a separate paper. In the paper cited above, Beard says, p. 143: “The audi- tory organ is, like the segmental sense organs, really a modified portion of the epiblast. Very early in development it becomes shut off in a sac from the epidermis, a condition which only arises later in the segmental sense organs.” Beard clearly enough failed to appreciate the significance of the early in- folding of the auditory sense organ into its auditory vesicle, No. 1.] I CFM ARI SHES SIGIR, WV Baka 3 or incipient canal, and he equally failed to see the value of the semicircular canals as evidence of the descent of the auditory organ; for he continues, Joc. Cue: the) semicircular canals, etc. (meaning thereby, I infer, the utriculus, sacculus, cochlea, and the other parts of the so-called labyrinth) ave clearly secondary complications; for in every embryo the audi- tory organ is at first a simple sac, shut off from the epr dermis; of which sac a portion of the inner wall consists of two layers of modified epiblastic cells, connected by a dorsal sensory branch of a segmental nerve with the brain.” As is well known, the ear is usually inclosed within the head before the surface canal organs are formed; so that, excepting a few forms, the direct connection of the auditory organ with the canal sense organs which remain on the surface of the body is not an ontogenetic occurrence. 3 In sharks, for example, the ear appears long before the other sense organs of the surface of the body, and has sunk below the surface, divided, and begun the production of semi- circular canals by the time the organs that are to remain on the surface of the body are apparent. Mitrophanow has recently worked on the development of the lateral line organs in Elasmo- branchs. On what species I do not know, since, unfortunately, I have been unable to consult his paper published in Russian. My own observations begun in the summer of 1889 at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Wood’s Holl, Mass., on embryos of the Smooth and the Spiny Dogfish (Galeus canis and Acan- thias vulgaris) and an undetermined species of Batoid, probably Torpedo occidentalis, leave no doubt that the ear is derived from the sense organs of the lateral line group; for in these species the ear retains its canal connection with the so-called aural group or line of surface organs long after the canal organs and their canals have become well developed. My observations would perhaps have been fruitless of the main result had I not at that time received a copy of Allis’s paper on the development of the lateral line organs of the Ganoid Dogfish. While reading his account of the manner in which the sur- face canals are formed in that fish, it was recalled to mind that Van Noorden had described the formation of ampullze and ear 4 AYERS. [VoL. VI. canals as progressing in a manner practically identical in the Teleost ear. The conviction at once forced itself upon me that since we find in the development identical mechanical processes on the surface of the body and within the ear, resulting in similar structures, viz. the enclosing canals of the sense organs, the ear canals must be genetically related with the surface canals; for my own observations had just shown me that, in two forms at least, the internal ear was a sense organ taken out of a group, the remainder of which is enclosed within the so-called aural canal, near its junction with the occipital and lateral, as I shall describe more fully and with figures further on. Beard ascribed this earlier inclosure of the auditory organ to the fact that the hairs on the auditory cells are concerned in the perception of much finer wave motions than the super- ficial sense organs, viz. sound waves alone; and he concludes (Joc. ctt. p. 143), “In accordance with, and as a direct conse- quence of, this function of receiving waves of sound, the audi- tory organ has been early shut off from the external surface, and has developed accessory structures in the shape of semi- circular canals, etc. Thus tts primitive simplicity has been lost.” I shall endeavor to show that there is no change in the plan of structure of the auditory organ as it grows towards its adult condition, and that there is no more a loss of its ‘ primitive simplicity” than in the case of the superficial sense organs, which, by dividing, produce several or many organs, and where they are cazal organs, concomitantly bring about the produc- tion of a canal complex made up of a number of simple homo- dynamous units, each related to its fellows according to a simple and symmetrical plan. We need no longer think of the ear as a complicated labyrinthine structure, but rather as a symmetrical group of organs. Although Beard’s paper marked a great advance, we were still without clue to the significance of the peculiar and strik- ingly characteristic structures of the internal ear of vertebrates and the older view which Hasse advanced and defended; viz. that there is a complete agreement between the early stages in the development of the vertebrate ear and the invertebrate auditory organs, and that the former had arisen out of the latter by a transformation of its walls and chambers, was still, if not No. I.] DEE VE RIVE BUCA Te pa Zher 5 accepted by all vertebrate morphologists, at least unchallenged, for the very good reason that there was no basis on which to make any adequate argument to the contrary. Below I quote Hasse’s words expressing his convictions after many years’ work in this field of vertebrate morphology, which will apply to his views as advocated by Hertwig in the latter’s Lebrbuch d. Vergl. Embryologie, Ed. 1888. “ Bei immer weiter in der Thierreihe ausgedehnten Unutersuchungen ist es begrief- lich, dass manche Ansicht, die man bei den ersten Schritten auf diesem schwierigen Gebiete gewonnen und als fundamental hingestellt, im weiteren Verlaufe der Beobachtungen nicht un- bedeutende Modificationen erfahrt, dass das, was das eine Mal wichtig erschien, spater als Beiwerk sich herausstellt.” It can now be shown that the vertebrate ear is derived from a superficial structure not known to exist among invertebrates, and it consequently follows that the auditory organs of the two groups cannot be genetically related in any more direct or important sense than that involved in the common descent of all animals from some simpler parental form, —a proposition which no one at the present day would for a moment think sufficient ground for establishing the genetic connection of the organs in the two groups. I shall now endeavor to place in clear light the indisputable claims of the canal organ as parent form of the vertebrate internal ear. I do so, however, in the same spirit in which Hasse offered his solution of the problem of the phylogeny of the auditory organ, expressing my feelings in his words. ‘Gliicklich ware ich, sollte es einem anderen Forscher auf Grund ebenso eingehender Forschung gelingen, die Haltbarkeit oder Unhaltbarkeit meiner folgenden Ausein- andersetung nachzuweisen, es hatte dann doch ein kleines Kap- itel der Vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelthiere einen gewis- sen Abschluss erreicht, der, um der Morphologie des Menschen ein festes, wissenschaftliches Fundament zu geben, den meisten iibrigen dringend zu wiinschen ware.” While I believe that we now possess the essentials of the whole history of the vertebrate ear, I am none the less conscious of the extremely slow growth our knowledge of this subject has had, and of its fragmentary state in many details. I should do myself an injustice did I not state that I am cognizant of the fact that some old, and 6 AYERS. [Vou. VI. more new, problems are yet to be solved, but I think they are of secondary importance as compared with the main facts estab- lishing the genesis of the ear in a canal organ group, and its retreat to a place by itself deeper within the head, where it has developed, in its own peculiar and highly functional way, into one of the three main mechanisms controlling our acquisition of knowledge; into one of the principal instruments on which we must depend in our exploration of the vast unknown. To combine the results of the anatomical investigations with those from the embryological field, and to deduce from this accumulation of facts the general law of development of the vertebrate ear is the purpose of this paper. How well I may succeed I leave time to decide by bringing new and completer knowledge than we now possess of many of the details of the developmental processes, as also of many matters of adult rela- tions of the organ in question which still need elucidation. For many favors and substantial aid in carrying on my inves- tigations I wish to make grateful acknowledgment to the follow- ing gentlemen : — To Dr. G. D. Ladd and Dr. E. M. Connell for valued assist- ance. To Professor G. W. Peckham for the use of a fine immer- sion lens. To Messrs. Cudahy for much valuable material on the mammalian ear. To the director of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Professor C. O. Whitman, and the gentlemen com- prising his staff, for very efficient aid in securing the needed marine vertebrates, and also for the excellent library and labora- tory facilities accorded me during a short stay in June-July, 1891. And to Mr. E. P. Allis for the gift of living adult and embryonic material of our native marsupial, the Virginia Opos- sum, which has enabled me to give some account of the audi- tory anatomy of one member of a group which in this respect is entirely new to science. The following list includes the forms which have served as the basis for my conclusions. Some species were examined for the solution of one or more doubtful points; but most of them have been carefully anatomized and studied in histological detail as well. As far as possible the material has been studied in the living condition, and I have endeavored by using several methods to reduce the errors necessarily introduced into the No. 1.] IGE, WAACIVI EI AIGE, JIAU RK 7, microscopic observations of animal tissues due to changes caused by the killing, hardening, or preserving media. An asterisk in place of a number in the table signifies an unde- termined number of ears selected from a large series. NAME OF SPECIES. Noa NAME OF SPECIES. Norge Amphioxus lanceolatus. 3 Didelphys virginiana . 4 Cavia cobaia . 4 Ammoccetes 4 Lepus cunniculus 12 Petromyzon Planeri 4 Mus musculus 20 se marinus fe) «¢ ratus 46 Canis familiaris . 4 Acanthias vulgaris Felis catus 2 Galeocerdo tigrinus . 4 Bos taurus 8 Galeus canis * Sus scrofa 24 Carcharinus obscurus 2 Ovis aries 2 Sphyrna zygena 8 Homo sapiens 4 Carcharinus glaucus 4 Odontaspis littoralis 2 Embryonic material. Torpedo occidentalis 4 Amphioxus lanceolatus ze Raja erinacea . = Petromyzon Planeri 14 “ ocellata . 4 Galeus canis. ** “radiata 2 Acanthias vulgaris . * “* eglanteria I4 Batoid, undetermined 2 CO cevisie 2 Salmo fario * Dasyatis centrurus 36 «salar * Chelydra serpentina 4 Felis catus 6 Chrysemys picta . : ite) Sus scrofa * Alligator mississippiensis . sf) Ovis aries 28 Gallopavo americanus . 6 Bos taurus 15 Gallus domesticus ite) Lepus cunniculus 10 Mimus polyglottus 4 Didelphys virginiana . 6 8 AVERS. [Vot. VI. B. MoRrPHOLOGICAL. Die ausserordentliche Mannichfaltigkeit in der Bildung der Grundform erklart sich bei den Organen ebenso wie bei den Plastiden daraus, dass die Anpassungs- Verhaltnisse dieser morphologischen Individualitét absolut mannichfaltig sind, und dass keine Schranke die Ausbildung des Organs wie der Plastide nach den verschie- densten Richtungen behindert. Dazu kommt noch, dass die verwickelte Zusammen- setzung der héhern Organe aus Complexen von niederen, die hédchst complicirte Verflechtung von Zellfusionen, einfachen Organen, zusammengesetzten Organen, Organ-Systemen und Organ-Apparaten, alle méglichen Grundformen zu verwirklichen im Stande ist.” — HAECKEL, Generelle Morphologie, II. 531. AUDITORY ORGANOLOGY. I. Stage of the cell colony. | simplest condition and earliest phase of a group of ecto- derm cells transformed to sensory cells. 2. Stage of the simple or | recognized by its sharp differentiation from surround- homoplastic organ. ing tissue. The surface sense organ. 3. Stage of the compound | recognized by the division and protection of the organs or heteroplastic organ. in canals below the surface. 4. Stage of the organ sys- | the phase in which the canal complex, although com- tem. plicated, remains independent as the functional ear. 5. Stage of the organ ap- | the phase in which the canal complex acquires anatom- paratus. ical and physiological relations with other very dif- ferent structures (¢.7. the middle and outer ear of higher vertebrates) and with them performs the auditory function. A description of the internal ear of the Sting Ray (Dasyatis centrurus), with comparative accounts of the internal ears of the Electric Ray (Zorpedo occidentalis), the Hagfish (Myxine glutinosa), the Lamper Eel (Petromyzon marinus), the Alligator (A. muississippiensis), the Mocking-bird (Mimus polyglottus), and of Man. Canals. Endolymphatic duct. Macule. Utriculus. Sacculus. Lagena (cochlea), of the ichthyopsida and sauropsida. Tectorial membranes and cupule terminales. Otoliths otoconie. Perilymphatic spaces of the ear. Continuity of the cerebral and auditory spaces. Mammalian cochlea. Auditory nerve. oe Oe ONL eae ees a | Rb HH O No. 1.] (GER, WI RAIN WITS, SEAU Ke 9 As a basis for the account of the vertebrate ear which follows, I shall describe the Elasmobranch ear, using for this purpose, one Selachoid and two Ba- toid forms, — Carcharias littoralis, Dasyatis centrurus, and Torpedo occt- dentalis (Pl. I, Figs. 1, 2, and 3, and Cut 1). In Fig. 1 is shown the left ear of Dasyatis, seen from the out- side. The most important feature of this ear is the perfection in which the canal plan, or the arrangement Ole tne wednals iss presentedy) ihe primary channel of communication with the surface parent canal, the ductus endolymphaticus (de.), enlarges gradually as it sinks into the head. Its enlarged lower end is bifurcate, the median raphe of the utriculo-sac- culus separating the primary cham- ber into two secondary — the per- manent or adult ones, which are the utriculus (#) and the sacculus (s) of anatomists. From the utricular chamber near its junction with the endolymphatic duct is given off a tube, short and relatively narrow, which soon enlarges into the anterior canal complex (1) ; similarly, from the sacculus, but further down on its body, is given off a tube which opens into the posterior canal (z). This ear, then, shows very plainly the two chambers usually described as supe- rior and inferior divisions of the ear cavity, or the utriculus and sacculus, and it is perfectly evident that these Cut 1r.—The left internal ear of TZorpedo occidentalis dis- sected out of its cartilaginous capsule, and viewed from the out- side. The somewhat diagram- matic figure represents the ear about twice its natural size, as found in a fish five feet in length. A“, anterior ampulla; 4%, anterior canal; ac, auditory nerve; ¢.e, en- dolymphatic canal; co, utriculo- saccular cone; 7%, external am- pulla; , external canal; 722, macula utriculi, auct.; 4 lagena and papilla lagenze; /, surface pore of endolymph canal; s, its sac; 4, posterior ampulla; /%, posterior canal; SC, sacculus and its macula sacculi; OU’ and U", utriculus and _ utriculo - saccular chamber. chambers are not superposed, but placed one beside the other in an antero-posterior direction. The utricular and saccular chambers are nearly equal in size in Dasyatis; but in most other Elasmobranch forms, as 20) AVERS. [Vot. VI. well as in all the higher groups, there is a varying dispropor- tion, the sacculus becoming in general the larger of the two chambers. In the Cyclostomata, as one would expect, these chambers are very nearly equal in size, and in some forms are scarcely sepa- rated from one another. In Dasyatis the sacculus is drawn out backwards, downwards, and outwards, into a curved blind pocket (Z.), the lagena. The utriculus in this species does not show a similar pocket, though it is well developed in some Elasmo- branch fishes, and the sense-organ differentiation connected with it variously indicated in many of the higher forms. The anterior canal complex is made up of the two semicircular canals known as the anterior (ca.) and the external (ce.), respectively, their ampullee (aa.), and (ae.) the anterior and externa! ampulle, the common ama of the two anterior canals, and the enlarge- ment with which the ampullze communicate by their short ampullar tubes. The posterior canal (cf.) has failed in this species to produce a canal complex; but, as we shall see, its sense organ has by division produced two ampullar sense organs, one of which does nct develop an ampulla and canal. The posterior canal, its ampulla (a.), and the tube placing the ampulla in communication with the short canal (g), are the parts of the saccular canal. The endolymphatic duct of Dasyatis (@.) is relatively large, and preserves the continuity of the lining coat of the internal ear with the surface of the body from which it sprang, and thus in a certain sense the superficial position of the auditory sense organs. When we recall the well-known facts relative to the location of the lateral line organs, — placed below the surface of the skin in canals, in pits, or at the bottom of deep depres- sions in the surface of the body in many species, or going still further to occupy channels hollowed out in the subdermal car- tilage, and more or less complete canals formed in the dermal bones and scales of the body in other forms, — we perceive at once that the position of the ear within the skull is different from that of its relatives at or nearer the surface of the body, merely in the degree of removal and the extent of the modifica- tions induced by such removal from the surface. The utricular and saccular chambers of the Torpedo ear (Fig. 3) and of the Carcharias ear (Fig. 2) are quite similar in No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATES EAT: II shape. The separation of the two chambers (Cut 1) from the median portion (inner end of the endolymphatic duct) is not so complete and typical as in the case of the Dasyatis ear. The two chambers appear as appendages of the median much-enlarged portion, and their relation to the median raphe of division is masked somewhat by the size and position of the median cham- ber. The enlarged end of the surface canal, the so-called endo- lymphatic duct, forms in these ears the utriculo-sacculus proper, which is a relatively large pear-shaped or subconical sac. Its walls are perforated by holes, one placed on the anterior inner face, the other on the posterior inner face of the median sac. The median chamber forms about one-third of the ear sac of the Torpedo, and the utriculus and sacculus appear to spring out of - its lower anterior, inner and lower posterior, inner faces, respec- tively. The stem of the pear is formed by the long endolym- phatic duct, which leads off from the funnel-shaped enlargement at the small end of the pear. This part corresponds to the aqueductus vestibuli of other vertebrate forms, and is clearly the basal portion of the endolymphatic duct, which, remaining undi- vided, does not so openly disclose its nature as does the homol- ogous part in the Sting Ray (Pl. I, Fig. 1). In the Torpedo the utricular and saccular evaginations, which have resulted in the formation of the semicircular canals, com- municate at three points with the auditory sac. They are placed, as an inspection of Cut 1 shows, one near the anterior border of the utriculus, one near the posterior border of the sacculus, and one near the apex of the cone-shaped chamber common to both the utriculus and sacculus. The first of these openings is a “‘half-pore,” as defined by Allis, and represents the original pore left by the canal formed over the anterior ampullar sense organ. The canal leading outwards from this pore soon splits into two, one of which leads into the external ampulla. This splitting of the canal was induced during development by the division of the anterior ampullar sense organ, and resulted in providing the offspring of the parent organ with a canal of its own, which, however, does not, as in some species, acquire a separate opening into the utriculus, but uses the parent canal for such communication. The second opening is that of the saccular ampullar organ, or that of the posterior canal, which in 12 AYERS. [Mors var this species has budded off a sense organ.1 The third open- ing is used by all three canals, whose amal ends here unite into the common pore opening into the remnant of the primitive utriculo-saccular chamber. There is a much greater variation among the vertebrate forms yet studied in the manner in which the amal ends open into the auditory sac than is the case with the ampullar ends, and this variation is due in large part to the mechanical influences at work, shaping the auditory canal com- plex during its early stages of development. Lach of the canals at its amal end is swollen out into a sub-oval sac, which I shall designate the ama (from the Gr. ama, water-holder). This second enlargement of the canals at their upper (outer) ends deserves special mention from its wide distribution among vertebrates. It is in no way related to sense organs, and is always lined by a pavement of epithelium. It occurs in some or all of the canals of the majority of Elasmobranchs; has been figured but not specially described for Teleosts; is known to occur in the human ear, and other mammalian forms in the adult stage, though much more distinctly marked off during the foetal life of these forms, when the double curvature of the canals, so constant a feature of the fish type of canals, is also well developed. In the Sting Ray (PI. I, Fig. 1) the canal offshoots from the utriculus and sacculus differ materially, as has been indicated in their relations to the central parts of the canal complex. Owing, in the first place, to the greater simplicity of the central chambers in Dasyatis, the canals do not open into the undivided median part, although there is an approach to this condition in the position of the connecting tube of the anterior canal complex. ' The canals of each chamber commu- nicate with that chamber alone, and in this respect preserve their primitive relations. CANALS. In TYorpedo the semicircular canals measure I.4 mm. in diameter, the actual length of the largest canal (the anterior) being 5.2 cm. Each canal lies in a relatively large channel, hollowed out in the cartilaginous capsule. These canals are by 1 The position of this organ is shown in Pl. I, Fig. 3, 2. and 77. ad. NO rie THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 13 no means semicircular in shape, nor are they placed at right angles to each other. The planes in which the canals for the most part lie are not parallel with the three planes of the animal’s body; viz. the sagittal, transverse, and horizontal respectively. The extent of the variations from these three planes are shown in Cuts 2-6. The anterior vertical canal ca., as seen from above, bends caudad in its distal portion, and cephalad in its proximal portion; its plane cuts the sagittal plane of the body at an angle of 50°. The angle included between it and its fellow, the posterior vertical canal (cf.), is not 90°, but only 82°. The angle at which the posterior vertical canal cuts the sagittal axis of the body is consequently 48°, and it does not coincide with any transverse plane passed through the body. It is thus seen that Cut 2.— A projection of the semicircular canals of the ear of the Torpedo occt- dentalis on the horizontal plane, to show their angular relations to the vertical (sagittal) plane. the vertical canals do not lie in planes parallel with two axial planes of the body, respectively, the sagittal and the transverse, as is commonly supposed. The so-called horizontal canal, or, as I prefer to designate it, the external, does not lie in a plane parallel with the horizontal plane of the body, but always, as I have found it, inclined in two directions to that plane. The usual arrangement is presented by the Torpedo where the plane of this canal inclines downwards and forwards from the hori- zontal. On comparing the various canal-forms found among verte- brates, one is struck by the great variety presented. The 14 AVERS. [ VOL. VI. size, the shape, the position of the parts of the canalar arch with respect to the three planes of space are subject to exten- sive variation. We have just seen the character and degree of these varia- tions in Torpedo. I can do no more here than to state that every species of vertebrate has its own peculiar variation above and beyond the individual differences. As regards the length of the canals, they vary from about 1 mm. in length, as in the smaller species, especially of the higher vertebrates, to 13 cm., as in the case of a shark meas- uring seven feet in length. In our recent sharks the canals do NOt Perhaps, exceed. 2O) Chaya length in anycase. In the seven- foot shark, with canals 13 cm. in length, the largest teeth meas- ured only one inch across the base. In nearly related extinct forms with teeth measuring five inches across the jbase, if the Cut 3.—A projection of the hori- same proportion held good be- zontal canal of the same ear on the tween their canal and teeth measurements, — and there is every reason to suppose that such was the case, —these enormous extinct forms must have had canals at least 65 cm. in length. That such angular variations from the commonly understood relations of the canals, as I have described, are of frequent occurrence has long been known, but not much, if any, allowance has been made for the almost universal failure of the canals to come up to the theoretical standard, and no notice has been taken of the very much modified type by the speculative physiologist. Hasse described in 1868 (117) the frog’s ear canals in great detail. He found that the external canal projects upward from the horizontal plane at an angle of from 40° to 55°, and the anterior and posterior canals are nearly as much out of the sagittal and transverse planes. Hasse had already pointed out the general law, that the ampulla and the canals are placed obliquely to the planes, whose names they bear, and he says further (oc. c7¢. p. 12), “Es ist demnach nicht vollkommen richtig, wenn wir von sagittal plane, to show its relation to the horizontal plane. No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 15 einem horizontalen, einen frontalen oder sagittalen Bogengang sprechen. Auch beim Menschen kommen solche abweich- ungen von den verschiedenen Ebenen, und zwar konstant, vor,” u.s.w.; and he cites the passage in Henle’s Splanchnologie, dealing with measurements of the angles of divergence. Henle gives 10° divergence from the assumed normal planes as the most constant (normal) condition in the human subject. ' In the Sting Ray the posterior canal is almost entirely sep- arated from the sacculus, and has no relation to either of the remaining canals. Its means of communication with the saccu- lus is a very small tube, given off from the canal above the ampulla, as already described (Fig. 1). The same condition of separation has been figured by both Hasse and Retzius for ise ee, ae Cut 4.— A projection of the semicircular canals of the ear of Dasyatis centrurus on the horizontal plane, to show their angular relations with the vertical (sagittal) plane. other Elasmobranch forms, and is one of the characters of special importance, which we shall need to consider again. The anterior and external canals, which unite into a common tube (PI. I, Fig. 1) above, are only connected with the utriculus by a very small hollow stem. It is thus apparent that the channels, placing the utricular and saccular canals in communication with their respective chambers, are very much simpler than those present in Tor- pedo (Cut 1). The separation of the posterior canal progresses in some instances to a complete separation from the sacculus, the com- municating tube becoming closed and persisting as a solid 16 AVERS. [VoL. VI. thread between the two structures. The endeavors of anatomists to arrange the canals under a common type have not proved fruitful, for the reason that no such relations exist between the canals and the other parts as has been supposed. Each canal is an individuality whose charac- ters, so far as shape, size, and spatial relations, are not con- nected in any special way with the corresponding characters of its neighbors. In its develop- ment each canal takes such note & Tie peroneal Sf shape and relations to other tal plane. parts as its surroundings per- mit. They are xot developed as specially functional structures, and their relations may well be a matter of no account to the animal. As we shall see further ank. - -------4 — ee ewe Keer eK Ko | J ’ eae DN ee Cut 6.—A projection of the semicircular canals of a Galews canis five feet in length on the horizontal plane, to show their angular relations to the sagittal plane and to each other. No allowance is made for the curvature of the canals in their proper planes. Natural size. on, two of them are related as parent and offspring, descended from the utriculus, while the remaining posterior canal is a descendant of the sacculus. No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 7) The canals among the Elasmobranchs have retained more of their primitive relations to the utriculo-sacculus than those of any other group, except the Cyclostomes. ‘This is due to the fact of the greater separation of the canals by the presence of the double-chambered utriculo-sacculus between them, which in the higher forms becomes more and more indistinct and reduced by the migration of the main portion of the sacculus ventrad of the utriculus, its upper portion only being left in connection with the utriculus. Hasse and Retzius both describe the ear of Myxine as pos- sessing but one semicircular canal, which they term the vertical canal, and Retzius further regards the single canal arch in Myx- ine as the homologue and forerunner of the utriculus of the Gnathostome vertebrates. Since the single tubular arch in Myx- ine rises at either end out of an ampulla, just as the anterior and posterior vertical canals of all other forms take their origin, and since the ampullee of the two ends of the canal in Myxine are related to the utriculus as regards the anterior ampulla and the sacculus as regards the posterior ampulla in exactly the same manner, both with respect to the walls of the chambers and the c sense organs contained, as they are in all forms above the Hagfish; and finally and especially since the an- terior and posterior roots of the au- ditory nerve innervate the anterior and posterior ends of the canal re- spectively, it is an unavoidable con- clusion that either the so-called single vertical canal in Myxine is a product of the fusion of the two verticals of other forms, or that it represents a primitive undifferentiated condition. Especially so, since its near relative Petromyzon has two canals. These Cut 7.—The right internal ear of the Hagfhsh (AZyxine glutt- mosa), seen from the inside or cerebral face. Figure after G. Retzius. The figure represents the ear somewhat enlarged, and does not show the shape or exact positions of the contained sense organs. @, anterior ampulla; a, posterior ampulla; c, anterior and posterior canals; ca and cf, am- pullar ends of the same; d, duc- tus endolymphaticus; 722, macula utriculi et sacculi; 7z, nerve branch- lets; 2, utriculo-sacculus; s, sac- culus endolymphaticus. two canals, however, unite with each other before opening into the utriculo-sacculus, and it is only the common tube thus formed which lies between the point of union and the 18 AVERS. [Vot. VI. utriculo-saccular wall that is present in Myxine. An examina- tion of the type figure for the Cyclostome ear (Pl. IX, Fig. 2) well illustrates the character and extent of the difference be- tween Myxine and Petromyzon in this respect. The semicir- cular arch of Myxine is, then, composed of the anterior and posterior vertical canals of the Gnathostome vertebrate ear. It is hardly necessary to add that the argument of degeneration based in part on this peculiarity of the internal ear of the Hag- fish is not sustained by the facts in the case. Retzius states that if the single canal of Myxine is homologous with any part of the higher vertebrate ear, it must be with the utriculus (ac- cording to the old conception of the extent of this chamber). Retzius says that it cannot be the equivalent of the vertical canals of other forms. Of the third or external canal Retzius was likewise led to conclude that not a trace of it is present; but just as in higher forms the macula neglecta or aborttva does not develop a canal and ampulla, although it has its discreet nerve branch, so here, although ampulla and canal are not devel- oped, still the sense organ is in some degree separated from its parent, the anterior ampullar organ, for it receives a discreet branch of the ampullar nerve, and relying upon the nerve dis- tribution there are in Myxine as in Pe- tromyzon indications of the future sec- ondary canals. The endolymphatic duct is present and sometimes bifurcates in its distal portion. This bifurcation is prob- ably a remnant of a previous double con- Cut 8.— The right inter- nal ear of a Lamper Eel (Petromyzon fluviatilis), viewed from its inner or cere- bral face. The figure after Retzius. ac, auditory nerve; c, anterior canal; cf, poste- rior canal; 2, ramus utricu- laris; 2, ramus saccularis; uw, utriculus; wp, sacculus; 5s, ductus et sacculus endo- lymphaticus. dition. The canals in the Lamper Eel are well developed, but on account of their close application to the surface of the utriculo- sacculus they are not apparent as sep- arate canals from the outside. In order to arrive at an adequate knowledge of their size, shape, and mutual relations, it is necessary to study them in sections of the ear. They are, however, fully separated from the utriculus and _sac- culus for at least part of their length, and in the large Lamprey one is able to pass a sound between the canal and main chamber No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 19) on removing the perilymphatic connective tissue. The anterior vertical canal springs from the utriculus, and curving upward, outward, and backward unites with the posterior vertical canal, which, after arising from the posterior end of the sacculus and passing upwards, forwards, curving as it does so, first outwards, then inwards, meets its fellow above the median portion of the utriculo-sacculus. They are somewhat flattened in section at their ends, andopen by wide mouths into the middle divisions of their respective ampullar chambers. In the middle of their course their cross-section is circular. Seen from the inside of the utriculo-sacculus, the canals present the appearance of short archways leading from the large ampullar chambers, below where they freely communicate with the utriculo-sacculus up to the narrowed ends of these same chambers, into which they again open. ‘The endolymphatic ducts, for Petromyzon possesses a pair of them, both proceed from the utriculo-sacculus to the cranial cavity. One of them opens into the lower posterior face of the utriculus, while the other perforates the median triangular plate between the utriculus and sacculus, with a tendency to open more into one chamber than the other, and it is sometimes the utriculus and sometimes the sacculus with which it most freely communicates. The last-mentioned duct contains a large Sense onzan (ali ibige 14) anduk ly xe" iis 2). In the Alligator the canals have begun to lose their impor- tance. Passing from the Cyclostomes, where they begin their differentiation, through the Elasmobranchs and true fishes, where they reach their greatest perfection, we find them among the Amphibia and all the air-breathers gradually losing their prominence relative to the other parts of the ear, especially the saccular region from which the lagena has begun its growth. I think it is not necessary to enter into a detailed description of the semicircular canals here, although there is much of value which might be recorded of these canals in the Sauropsid types. In Mimus as a representative of the avian type and in the mammalia as represented in Man, the canals are characterized by an increased delicacy and regularity of outline, seldom show- ing those modifications of form so apparent in the fish types. In size the canals undergo considerable variation, and on the whole, as said before, they are evidently of less importance to the auditory economy than in the Ichthyopsida. In Mimus the *aX@) AVERS. [VoL. VI. canals are not so large as those of the pigeon, have nearly the same diameter, but have decidedly different shape and indi- vidual peculiarities of spatial relation, resembling very closely in these things the song thrush (Z7urdus musicus). A close agreement between these two forms was to be expected. The anterior ampulla of Mimus is much smaller than either the posterior or the horizontal, and of these two the former is the larger. ENDOLYMPHATIC DUCT. In the Torpedo the endolymphatic duct is the long tube which runs from the funnel-shaped cap of the utriculo-sacculus through the muscles, skull, and skin to open out on the dorsal surface of the head just in front of the so-called aural line of canal organs.! It does so by means of a funnel-shaped depres- sion in the skin. Just beneath the skin it swells out into a sac-like enlargement which is usually filled with otolithic crys- tals. The communication thus kept up between the sea-water and the internal ear renders the liquid contained in the ear very like the sea-water, and analysis gives only a trace of organic matters, such as mucin and other albuminoids. The sharks preserve this duct in its simplest form; z.e. in its most primi- tive form. In the remaining Ichthyopsida and in the Saurop- sida the organ is much reduced and its course of development changed. In the forms just named it does not open upon the surface of the head, but it may communicate with the lymph spaces about the central nervous system. In other forms it ends blindly in a saccular enlargement, usually after having penetrated into the cranial cavity, and finally it may be present as an inconspicuous protuberance on the dorso-median portion of the ear sac. When it communicates with the brain spaces, its inclusion within the skull is due to its being inclosed by the membrane bones during development, —the bones which normally pro- tected its parent organs. In this connection I wish to call attention to some modifications of this duct and of the utriculo- 1Jn some Elasmobranch forms the endolymphatic duct opens on the surface behind the aural canal. In all species the tube pierces the skin obliquely, and is here much contracted; the opening, whether slit-like or a funnel-shaped depression, is usually situate on the top of a dermal hillock. No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. AM saccular walls which possess great interest from their unusual relation to other organs of the body, particularly the central nervous system, but whose morphological as well as physiologi- cal significance is still entirely unknown. These structures are known as the otolith sacs of the brain and spinal cord and as the chalk sacs covering the ventral surfaces of the spinal ganglia in many Amphibia. The endo- lymphatic sac is otherwise peculiarly modified, as in the oft- mentioned Phyllodactylus, where it forms a large flattened shoul- der sac lying beneath the skin, partly hidden by the muscles. That we have to deal in many of these cases with outgrowths of the primitive auditory vesicle is evident, but we do not yet know sufficient of their development, adult structure, and rela- tions to other organs to hazard opinions as to their functions. We are very much in need of further knowledge of these struc- tures, and the subject will doubtless well repay the investigator. The endolymphatic duct, which in man is bifurcate at its lower end, serves to unite indirectly the two primary divisions of the ear. This condition is now seen to be a remnant of the early relation of these two chambers, as may be deduced from the account of the ears of Myxine, Petromyzon, and Dasyatis. A comparison of the ears of Myxine, Petromyzon, Dasyatis, Torpedo, and Man clearly shows the connection of the duct with the utricular and saccular chambers to be a fundamental condition, and not a secondary acquirement, as has hitherto been held. In the preceding account I have mentioned two tubes in the Cyclostome ear, and described them as the endolymphatic ducts. In Petromyzon (P. marinus and Planeri) the second tube, from its position and connections, is equally entitled to be classed as an endolymphatic duct. It has been figured and described by only two authors, and in both instances inadequately. The rela- tive size and the position of this second tube is shown in Pl. X, Fig. 2, D.e.s. I shall designate this tube the utricular duct, or the Ductus endolymphaticus utriculi, while for the other tube I propose the name Ductus endolymphaticus saccult, or saccular duct. The saccular duct is the larger of the two, having a greater diameter, a larger end, and a somewhat greater length, while the utricular duct, although nearly as long, tapers to its end, which is only slightly enlarged. The utricular duct leaves the 22 AVERS. [ VOL. VI. utricular chamber cephalad of the median line as a tubular evag- ination from the lower, posterior lateral face, deep within the utriculo-saccular groove, but it is much less a median structure than the saccular duct which leaves the utriculo-saccular cham- ber almost immediately from the line of union of the two chambers. Both ducts run upwards (and near each other in so doing), inwards, and backwards, piercing the cranial wall side by side, and end projecting into the subdural lymph space. The foramen giving passage to these ducts lies above and is entirely unconnected with the large foramen for the passage of the auditory nerve. It is much smaller and is nearly filled by the two tubes, the remaining space being occupied by the peri- lymphatic tissue. The saccular duct is lined by a pavement epithelium throughout, except where the sense organ furnishes a columnar epithelium. The importance of this question has led me to search for the second duct among the Gnathostomes, and if one can rely on the literature of the subject, two endolymphatic ducts are pres- ent in some of the Elasmobranch fishes. Hasse found (and in this he agrees with Ibsen) a bifurcated endolymphatic duct, the main branch of which arose from the inner wall of the sac, while the small branch arose from the upper inner wall of the Recessus utricult and opened into the larger tube. Hasse, however, was in error in regard to the extent of the tube. I have not seen the bifurcate endolymphatic duct, described by Hasse for the species which he studied, but the two endolym- phatic tubes observed by E. H. Weber, I have found beautifully developed in Sphyrna zygzena, and there is not the slightest doubt as to their occurrence.1 Although I have never found two open endolymphatic ducts, except in the Hammer-head Shark, I have frequently found in the place one would seek for a second tube, a rod, apparently solid, reaching from the sacculus 1 Breschet (40, 1838) describes the main facts about the endolymphatic ducts as observed by him in the following words: “Sur la cdte interne du bulbe auditif, on voit deux cavités dirigées de haut en bas et recourbées en arriére vers leur extrémites. Ces conduits se rétrecissent prés de la peau exterieure et semblent €tre bouchées en cet endroit par du tissu cellulaire; ils aboutissent 4 la partie moyenne et supérieure de la téte ou ils s’ouvrent par deux petits orifices.” “Dans le milandre (Sguazlus galeus, L.), ily a ce qu'on nomme improprement des évents : ceux-ci s’ouvrent par des petits orifices sur la téte, prés de la ligne médiane No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 23 (a prolongation of whose wall it seems to be) to the roof of the auditory chamber, which, as the reader will recall, is formed by the tympanoid sheet of connective tissue (the perichondrium) closing the posterior auditory foramen. Further than this I have not been able to trace this cord, and of its ontogeny I know nothing. But when we recall the two tubes in Petro- myzon with their remarkable relation to the utriculo-sacculus in connection with the nerve supply of at least one of them, the development of the sense organs of the ear in Petromyzon, together with the entirely similar nerve supply and development in the Gnathostomic forms, — when we recall these and other related facts, the conclusion is near at hand, that the double endolymphatic ducts so constant in Petromyzon, occasional, if rare, in Gnathostomes, represent an ancestral condition, and they constitute most valuable evidence in tracing the phylogeny of the ear. Breschet (40, 1838) discovered in the sturgeon’s ear a small body attaching the membranous sacculus to the cartilaginous wall. Heconsidered this body the homologue of the ear bones of higher forms, and described its structure as osseus, naming it the stapes of the sturgeon. Retzius (237, 1881) confirmed Breschet as to the fact of oc- currence, but was inclined to doubt the justness of homologizing this body with the auditory ossicles of higher forms. Retzius could offer no explanation of its occurrence. This body in the et au-dessus des organes auditifs; ces petits pertuis conduisent dans un canal qui s’élargit considerablement en descendant, il a sa plus grande largeur 4 peu prés au niveau du cerveau. Le canal se trouve sur la cOté interne du bulbe auditif, et n’est séparé de la cavité crdnienne que par une mince lame cartilagineuse. Vers la base de la cavité cranienne il se recourbe en arriére. Ce canal est tapisse d’une membrane, et voici comment il se comport 4 l’égard de Vorgane auditif: 1. il communique avec Vinterieure du bulbe auditif, au moyen d’une orifice d’une ligne de diamétre; cet orifice est en dehors et se dirige de haute en bas; 2. il communique (ens’y terminant inférieurement) avec le canal semi-circulaire postérieure [italics mine, ] en se continu- ant avec ’ampoule inferieure de celui-ci. D’apres tout cela, il me semble que lévent de ce poisson n’est autre chose que l’aqueduc du vestibule des animaux superieures.” Our author found in Rays that “cette cavité auditive a deux sortes de communi- cations avec l’extérieure: 1. elle présente ce que, dans l’anatomie de J’oreille, on appelle une fenétre; 2. une communication se voit entre la cavité du labyrinthe membraneux et lextérieure. La premiére, fermée par une membrane, est en rapport, par sa face interne, avec la cavité du labyrinthe cartilagineux, contenant la perilymphe. La seconde, plus remarquable encore et plus isolite, établit une voie libre entre le szzus median et le milieu dans laquel vit l’animal.” 24 AVERS. [Vot. VI. sturgeon is in all probability — indeed, I think there can be no doubt about it — identical with the cord which I have described above, and would consequently represent the saccular endolym- phatic duct. Embryology will very likely reveal the whole truth. The first anatomist to record the structure of the so-called oval (or round) window of the Elasmobranch ear was Scarpa, who (250, 1789) described two round depressions which appear on the top of the occipital region after removing the skin. The floors of the shallow depressions are formed by thin connective tissue membranes, which he likened to tympanic membranes. Removing these, the membranous ear is exposed, or, as he thought, the vestibular chamber alone.! E. H. Weber (285, 1820) described with great exactness and detail the Batoid ear (Raja mivaletus, clavata, torpedo, and aqutla). He discovered two external openings (endolymphatic ducts) for each ear of these animals. The anterior of these corre- sponds to the endolymphatic duct of other authors, but accord- ing to Weber, opens out on the surface, after enlarging into the saccus endolymphaticus, through three tubes. These pores I have figured on Pl. I, Fig. 13, for Raja ocellata of the New England coast. The pores of the aural canal also occasionally communicate with the distal section of the endolymphatic duct. In the Torpedo, however, Weber found only one canal leading outward from the endolymphatic sac (éoc. cz¢., Pl. IX, Figs. 75-86). Recently G. B. Howes (144, 1891) has advanced the theory that the thin membrane filling the fenestra vestibuli cartilaginet, as described by Scarpa, is the first trace of the vertebrate tympanum, and he calls attention to the presence of a mass of “homogeneous semifluid stuff’? which occupies the space be- tween the skin and this so-called tympanic membrane. The homology which Howes seeks to establish cannot be main- tained. The fenestrae rotunda and ovalis of the mammalian ear 1In Scyllium, Cestracion, and Chimera, where this region is covered deep under muscles, these openings are small, and may be entirely absent. Among the skates the openings are usually large and the membrane well developed. It is worthy of note that in no case does the skin show any modification (as greater thinness) over the foramen and its tympanoid cover as occurs over the true tympanum of other vertebrates. No. 1.] II GIE VIG ISH EIR IGE, TIAN. 2s have no genetic relationship with the so-called fenestra ovalis (or rotunda) of the Elasmobranch ear. The latter is the re- sult of the closing of the foramen of passage of the saccular endolymphatic duct or surface canal, while the former are new formations. The membrane which closes the foramen in the Elasmobranch cannot then be a true tympanum, for the latter is a product of the closure of a gill cleft, and belongs to an entirely different territory of the head. Long after the rest of the ear is inclosed in a cartilaginous case the endolympathic duct of the mammal ear leads out to the surface of its capsule through a foramen in the cartilaginous wall and ends in a semi-gelatinous tissue just as it does in the adult shark. Boettcher (31, 1869) describes this condition in the 2.8 cm. embryo sheep in these words: ‘“‘Wahrend, wie bemerkt, die halbzirkelformigen Canale ganz, die Anlage der Vorhofssachen und des Canalis cochlearis von aussen und unten von knorpligem Gewebe eingeschlossen sind, liegt der Recessus labyrinthi in einer bindegewebigen Umbhiillung die sich aus spindelformigen Elementen mit sparlicher Zwischensubstanz zusammensetzt. Diese spaltet sich an Durchschnitten mit den oberen zwei Drittheilen des Recessus labyrinthi von der knor- pelig consolodirten Kapsel des Gehororgans leicht ab. Zwi- schen dem Recessus und der letzteren verlaufen Blutgefasse in der Richtung des Canals zu dem weiten klaffenden Sinus petro- sus inferior, welcher in dem Winkel zwischen dem Blindsack des Recessus und der Knorpelkapsel des Labyrinths beiden Theilen hart anliegt.” I have not studied the development of the mammalian fenestra rotunda and ovalis sufficiently to enable me to give an account either of the causes which have been active in their production or of the ‘histological details of the processes. They he out- side of the province of this memoir, since they have no struc- tural connection with the sense organ canals. Boettcher (31, 1869) gives the following account, from observa- tions on the adult cat (oc. cit. p. 41): “Der Recessus labyrinthi underscheidet sich gerade dadurch wesentlich von den ibrigen Theilen der Labyrinthblase, das sich in seiner Umgebung kein accessorischer Hohlraum entwickelt. Der epitheliale Canal verwachst allseitig mit seiner Umgebung und erscheint nach erfolgter Verknocherung in der Felsenbeinpyramide von dem AG AYERS. [Vot. VI. Periost des knéchernen Aquaductus vestibuli und an seinem hinteren blinden Ende von der Dura mater dicht umschlossen.”’ A condition of things which I have often observed, and which, when we recall the embryonic condition in connection with the permanent arrangement in sharks, receives its explanation. The semi-gelatinous mass of the embryo, which occupies the foramen for the ductus endolymphaticus is ultimately obliterated, being encroached upon by the ossifying membrane bones and closely invested, since the whole of these structures lie within the dermal zone. The perilymphatic spaces are confined to those parts of the canal complex which retain the primitive chondrocranial capsule, to which the ossific processes are con- fined. The sense organs of the internal ear have not been studied from the standpoint of their descent from superficial canal organs, and I think this in many ways fortunate for my demon- stration. For we find in the literature numerous accounts of the development of the auditory nerve-end organs in several vertebrate forms, which agree in a remarkable manner with the accounts given of the development of the canal organs. We are thus provided with a valuable fund of knowledge that is certainly entirely unprejudiced and thoroughly independent. This evidence I shall give further on. Just here I shall give an account merely of the shape of these sense organs and of their position within the ear cavity. The so-called macule all lie within the larger cavities of the ear, but are not separated from the criste by any sharply defined characters such as would seem to be indicated by the older accounts of them and by the termin- ology applied to them. They are usually oval bodies, and are seldom irregular in shape. They may be circular, or drawn out into bands. They lie flat upon the walls of the ear chambers in which they are placed, and do not show the tendency to elevation observed in the cristee or ampullar sense organs. The hair cells are thus placed on a level floor, and none of the hairs project beyond their neighbors, unless by reason of superior length. The utricular end organ — macula acustica utriculi— of many Elasmobranch species, and from here on throughout the remaining members of the vertebrate group, frequently appears in part as a seri- ally arranged patch or row of sense organs, —indeed, such is No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 27, the morphological value of the greater portion of the so-called macula utricult, the remaining part being the parent organ. Although arising by the division of the utricular sense organ and at first having the same general form and mural relations, the cristae soon begin a growth which makes them quite distinct from these latter. This process of growth is caused by the peculiar mode of development of the ampulla and by the man- ner in which the nerve branch enters the wall to distribute its fibres to the sensory cells. The ventral ampullar wall is pushed upwards into the ampullar cavity in the form of a transverse ridge or crest, in connection with the ingrowth of the nerve. The hair cells cover this crest, and are consequently most ad- vantageously placed for the reception of wave motions of the endolymph. The canal sense organs of the surface of the body are in many species located on crests or elevations in the man- ner just described. The conclusion I wish to draw from the facts recited is that the criste acustice of the ampulle retain their original form, while the maculze have lost the tendency to assume the crest shape, z.e. the tendency to acquire an elevated position above the surrounding adjacent surface. In Myxine and Petromyzon the so-called macula acustica communis pos- sesses more than usual interest for the morphologist from the fact, first noted by Retzius, that, owing to its position within the ear cavity, and also to the nerve branches which supply it, the sensory surface is with propriety spoken of as composed of several sense organs. Retzius was led by the nerve distribution to think that perhaps the posterior branch of the anterior root was the homologue of the ramus utriculi, and that the anterior branch of the three branches of the posterior root was the homologue of the ramus sacculi, while the whole of the third branch was the ramus ampullz posterioris, the second branch being the ramulus lagene. The table given in connection with the account of the distribution of the auditory nerve in Myxine explains more fully my classification of the nerve branches, and particularizes the differences between it and Retzius’ classifi- cation. Corti’s organ, as such, appears for the first time among the mammalia, and it progresses gradually in its complication toward the higher forms. It is derived from the so-called lagena of the Ichthyopsoid and of the Sauropsoid forms lower 28 AVERS. [VoL. VI. than the alligator. The lowest mammals, Echidna and Orni- thorhynchus, show most decided reptilian characteristics, and they may be said with truth, I think, to possess a well-developed lagena, or the Anlage of a cochlea, as well as the organ of Corti. One great peculiarity of the cochlea is the spiral twist- ing it has acquired during its phylogeny, and which is repeated in each ontogeny. Since the cochlear sense organ originates as a canal sense organ, and it’s adult condition is directly trace- able from such primitive conditions, we must conclude that the organ of Corti is a canal organ derivative, and that in the adult condition it either represents a chain of sense organs closely connected, or it is a single but much elongated organ. - When one studies the condition of the sense organs of the vertebrate ear, as found, for instance, in Torpedo and Dasyatis (Cut 1 and Pl. I, Figs. 1 and 3), the equal division of nerve end organs between the two branches of the auditory nerve, the anterior and posterior respectively, is perhaps the most fundamental and important relation presented. I am sure, how- ever, that we cannot overestimate the fact that the ampullar organs are here sharply divided into two groups, each group communicating with its own division of the utriculo-sacculus, the anterior consisting of a pair of ampullar organs formed by the division of the anterior ampullar organ of the Cyclostome type, the posterior remaining a single organ so far as the pro- duction of an ampulla is concerned. Nor must the relation escape us that the anterior group is connected with the utric- ular organ, while the posterior group is as certainly connected with the saccular organ. (See type figures, Pl. IX, Figs. 2 and 3.) The ampullar sense organs not infrequently divide without causing a division of the ampulla and canal, but in all such cases we find the supernumerary organ still inclosed in the ampulla with its parent, though supplied by a distinct branch of the ampullar nerve. The offspring is usually removed a short distance from the parent and may lie anywhere between the utriculo-saccular chamber and the parent ampullar chamber. I have seen as many as four sense organs in the course of a single ampullar canal. No. 1.] THE VERTEBRALE EAR. 29 UTRICULUS. The utriculo-sacculus of the Hagfish (Pl. IX, Fig. 2 and Cut 2) includes all the body of the internal ear, exclusive of the relatively large ampulle (a. and a.f.), and represents the little modified remnant of the auditory vesicle after the production of the two ampullar organs and their confluent canals (¢a@. and c.p.). The utriculo-saccular sense organ (the macule acusticae utriculi and sacculi) covers a considerable portion of the floor of this chamber, and is drawn out into an oval band; its division into discreet sense organs is at least indicated by the manner in which the nerve branches are distributed to it. The walls of the chamber, especially in the region of the nerve entrance, on its ventral face, show the beginnings of the groove which be- comes so prominent in the Petromyzon ear, caused by a merid- ianal constriction of its wall corresponding to the internal per- forated partition. This partition in Myxine does not separate the sense organ into two parts. LEGO OD (2G IG Iti Be Jak BG oie 2). The Lamprey has developed along the line marked out in Myxine, and as a result the utriculo-saccular cavity is well sep- arated into two distinct chambers communicating by means of the large sub-central perforation of the membranous partition. The partition is incomplete above, where the semicircular canals open into a common chamber, and below, where their ampullze open out onto its floor. This partition has been described as a pair of folds, one of which occupies the inner face of the ex- ternal wall of the ear, and the other of which occupies the inner face of the medial or inner wall. The position of both of these vertical folds is indicated on the exterior by grooves, that of the outer fold being the deepest and serving to mark off very distinctly the anterior chamber or the utriculus from the posterior chamber or the sacculus. As the folds approach the bottom of the chamber, they be- come lower and indistinct. The floor of the chamber adjacent to the middle of the posterior wall is depressed, or pushed downwards, inwards, and backwards, forming what I shall desig- nate the lagena. This pocket lies entirely within the territory of the sacculus, although the anterior third of it appears to com- 30 AVERS. [Vov. VI. municate directly with the utriculus, while the posterior two- thirds communicate with the sacculus. The walls of this evag- ination do not show a continuation of the utriculo-saccular par- tition, as Ketel (160, 1872) and Retzius (237, 1881) have main- tained and as it appears at first glance, for a careful study of the partition shows that it exists on the floor of the ear as a low fold, and that it is pushed cephalad by the lagena to such an extent as to mask the true position of this chamber. The re- cessus utriculi lies cephalad of the partition and forms a depres- sion in the floor of the utriculus. The canals, their ampullz trifide, and the endolymphatic ducts offer exceptional features; but as I shall describe them more fully in another paper, they need not detain us here. The sense organs included in the Petromyzon ear are seven in num- ber: the maculz utriculi and sacculi, each discreet sensory patches, the cristze acusticaze ampullarum anteriores et posteri- ores, also discreet, and the papilla lagenz, which is possibly continuous with the macula utriculi, the sense organ in the recessus utriculi, and the sense organ of the undeveloped ex- ternal ampulla, about which we need more information. Beginning with the macula utriculi anteriorly, we find this sense organ placed anterior to the plane of the utriculo-saccular partition. It passes over the anterior edge of the sacculo- lagenar pocket, down its anterior wall, and out over its floor for a short distance. It does not reach to the base of the hill which lies in the bottom of the saccular portion of the pocket (2.e. the lagena). Its epithelium passes out into the columnar lining of the pocket, and this, in its turn, soon increases in height and becomes columnar as it ascends the hill, or papilla lagenze. The epithelium on the posterior face of the papilla does not change again, but is continuous, with at most only an indication of a break, with the macula saccull. Mimus polyglottus (compare Cut 10). The utriculus of the Mocking-bird is relatively very small, and is somewhat tubular, that portion of it containing the macula utriculi being marked off from the more central portion by a constriction of the walls of this chamber, followed by an enlargement, the chamber of the recessus utriculi, which is somewhat flattened from above downwards. It has a reniform No. 1.] IETS WARIS RII AMIG JIA Kee 31 outline seen from above, but is decidedly oval seen from the side. The concave floor (from within) supports the macula utriculi and is carried over into the mouths of the ampullz of the anterior and horizontal canals. The macula utriculi covers most of the floor and is irregularly oval, being very much larger at one end than at the other. The sensory hairs are very long and support a layer of otolithic bodies. Alligator (Cut 9). The utriculus in this reptile has assumed a tubular form, and, as compared with the enlarged sacculus, no longer appears as a Cut 9.—The right internal ear of © Alligator mussissippiensis, seen from the outer face. Figure after G. Ret- zius. The figure outlines do not bring out the relations of the parts distinctly, and only the more impor- tant parts are lettered. ac, auditory nerve; 0, pars basilaris cochleze auct.; ¢, anterior canal; ch, external canal; cp, posterior canal; /, lagena; z!, cris- tee acusticze of the ampullee; s, sac- culus. Cut ro. — The right internal ear of Zurdus musica, seen from the inner or neural face. Figure after G. Retzius. The letters are placed only on those parts of the organ plainly visible in the figure. ac, acoustic nerve; ¢, anterior canal; ch, external canal; cf, pos- terior canal; d@, ductus endolym- phaticus; 7, lagena; zs, macula sacculi; 2, lagenar nerve; 7! cris- tee acusticze of the ampullee. chamber of equal value, structurally and functionally, with the latter, 32 Man (Cut 11). AYERS. [Mor VAle In Man and other mammalia the utriculus! forms a small chamber, from which are given off seven processes. Cut rz. — The left internal ear of a human embryo, 22 mm. in length, seen from without and be- low. Figure after W. His, Jr. The figure is from a model con- structed from serial sections, and represents the ear much magni- fied. @, anterior canal; a7, am- pulla; am’, ame (the middle reference line is superfluous) ; ¢, cochlea; ad, ductus endolym- phaticus; #, external canal; s, sac- culus (in the restricted sense; really only the recessus sacculi) ; 2, utriculus. Five of these belong to the canals ; the other two are the canalis reuniens and the utricular blind sac. The utriculus and sacculus, although nearly equal in Size, are very small relative to the long, enlarged cochlea, and they are relatively of less importance than in the Alligator. SACCULUS. The saccular regiof® of the Tor- pedo, viewed from the side, is a somewhat sickle-shaped body, with the cutting edge of the sickle blade directed forwards, downwards, out- wards. The sacculus proper is a broadly rounded sac with scarcely a constriction where it opens into the common utriculo-saccular chamber above. The long axis of the sac bends backwards and outwards from the axis of the common chamber of the ear, while its lagenar prolonga- tion carries the axis forwards by a bend at the point of origin from the sacculus. The sacculus possesses one of the canal sense organs, and its lagenar prolongation con- tains a bud from this organ which in the higher forms grows out into and forms the major portion of the cochlear organ. The utriculo-saccular chamber of other vertebrates, as of the forms described above, is really the transformed canal of the primitive auditory organ, some of the offspring remaining in the parental canal with parent organs just as the macula abortiva 1 It should not be forgotten that the utriculus of these forms is really the primitive utriculus plus a small portion of the primitive sacculus, z.e. that part of the chamber from which the posterior canal arises is of saccular origin. IN©s ite] IM OPM AIO SIO AIM DS SrA hes 33 and the crista acustica posterior do in the case of the posterior canal. Among the forms occurring between the Elasmobranchs and the Mammalia we find almost every conceivable gradation be- tween the simple sacculus of the Cyclostomes and lower Elasmo- branch species and the very complicated and highly differentiated structure known in the Mammalia as the cochlea and its organ of Corti. The Hagfish can be said to possess a sacculus in its simplest condition in the first stages of development. The auditory chamber, designated sacculus by Retzius, is clearly the utriculo- sacculus of other forms. The separation being indicated by the very meagre transverse furrow in the bottom of the basal or ventral portion of the ear sac, and by the branches of the . auditory nerve distributed to the compound sense organ, which covers more or less completely the floor of the double chamber. Petromyzon presents us with an advance on the Myxine con- dition, for here the median raphe has acquired a greater size, but the anterior and posterior halves of the chamber are still in Open communication with each other. They have, however, developed pocket-like processes, which represent the first traces of the recessus utriculi and of the legena of the higher forms. Alligator. In this reptile the sacculus has become distinctly marked off from the utriculus, and is only connected by a much reduced canalis sacculo-utricularis. The avian sacculus communicates even less freely than the reptilian, though within the group there is a constant reduction of the connecting canals progress- ing from the lower to the higher types. In other particulars there is no essential difference between the saccular regions of the two groups. The sacculus of the Mocking-bird is a minute chamber placed alongside the utriculus, with which it communicates by means of an opening, all there is to represent the longer canalis utric- ulo-sacculus, so well developed in some of the lower vertebrates, and by means of the canalis sacculo-cochlearis it opens out into the cochlear tube. This canal is a long, curved tube of relatively large dimensions, and is formed by the secondary constriction of the neck of the cochlea. 34 AVERS. [Vot. VI. In the Mammalia at last we find the two chambers in the adult entirely separated so far as the sacculo-utricular canal is concerned. The two chambers are connected indirectly by the splitting of the ductus endolymphaticus, whose proximal portion is involved in the division of the ear chamber and really repre- sents the utriculo-cochlear canal. It should be emphasized that the division of the internal ear is not into upper and lower portions, so far as the primitive auditory vesicle and its sense organs are concerned, but into anterior and posterior portions, the latter of which very soon assumes a ventral position, which is constantly magnified and increased ever after during the de- velopment of the phylum. It is very important to keep this distinction in mind when trying to unravel complications of structure of the mammalian ear which were puzzling enough to gain the name of auditory labyrinth. LAGENA (COCHLEA). The lagenar tube of the Torpedo is a short, curved, blind pouch given off from the sacculus. It forms a continuation of this chamber downwards, backwards, and outwards. The evagina- tion is developed from the floor of the chamber, but owing to secondary changes involved in the separation of the lagenar papilla from the saccular or parent sense organ, the pocket many times appears to be an evagination of the lateral walls of the chamber. In the Sting Ray such is the case (Fig. 1), while in the ear of Carcharias (Fig. 3) the lagena is a quite shallow depression in the floor of the sacculus near its posterior wall. A cochlea in the restricted sense of the term has not yet made its appearance. As already stated, Myxine shows no trace of a lagenar pocket, but Petromyzon has acquired a distinct chamber and sense organ in the manner described, which are homologous with the parts of the lagena in the Elasmobranchs. The position occupied by the lagenar opening in the wall of the sacculus in the Petromyxon ear is a peculiarity of the group. The lagena appears to open upward into the common utriculo- saccular chamber, its opening passing through the plane of the utriculo-saccular partition. On the completion of this partition, which is scarcely indicated in Myxine, but which is well grown No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. ai in Petromyzon, the ear chambers would communicate only by the separated ends of the endolymphatic ducts (Pl. IX, Fig. 2), as in the Gnathostome type, and, as will be perfectly evident on the inspection of the diagram mentioned (which, although a diagram, is true to the anatomical relations of the parts in Petromyzon), that the lagenar sack would be divided into two chambers entirely cut off from each other, the anterior or the utricular being the smaller of the two and containing a portion of the macula utriculi, the posterior and (two times) larger con- taining the well-formed papilla lagenae and a part of the macula sacculi, which laps down over the edge of the pocket. These two pockets would thus communicate with the posterior inner and anterior inner angles of the utriculus and sacculus respec- tively. I was at first inclined to think that the cochlear and utricular recesses had been formed in this manner, but the dis- covery that the utriculo-saccular partition was continued cephalad of the lagena, and further, that there exists in the Petromyzon ear an independent utricular recess, decide the question as to the value of the Cyclostome lagena. It is purely a saccular pocket. In the higher forms the lagenar pocket appears to be given off from the posterior outer angle of the sacculus, and has thus been displaced backwards and outwards. In the bony fishes the lagena offers nothing of unusual inter- est for consideration here, and it is not until we reach the higher ichthyopsoid forms that the papilla basilaris, the parent organ of all the genuine cochlear structures, is developed. It is first produced, so far as our knowledge of living forms reaches, in the Anura, among which and the lower Reptilia it remains undeveloped and probably functionally insignificant. When, however, we reach the Saurians, the organ undergoes great changes in its structure, and in the Crocodilia reaches a condi- tion of development but little if at all inferior to the Monotreme cochlea. Aiagonop (ell, Ul, Euless Hl, yi eunual ye Ie AG Ines, euaiel 20), The cochlea of the Alligator forms a depressed tube of angu- lar outline and of relatively large size. It is curved in two di- rections, but not in as marked a degree as in Mammals and some Birds, though it approaches the Monotreme condition in this 36 AVERS. [VOL. VI. one thing and has as great a curvature as some species of Birds. The importance of this spiral twisting is due to the fact that the Alligator belongs to a group of animals possessing all grades of development of the cochlear pocket or tube, as the case may be. The lower members of the reptilian class have a lagenar pocket not much advanced beyond the Torpedo condition, while the highest families of the class show a greater differentiation of the cochlear tube with its contained organs than the Birds. Thus in the Saurians the cochlear tube begins a spiral twisting that is carried on through the whole of the mammalian group. The homologies of the cochlear framework I cannot enter into in this place. The roof of the cochlear tube acquires such relations to the bounding walls and is so sharply marked off from the side walls in some parts as to form a membrana Reissneri with nearly mammalian characteristics. The membrana basilaris is composed of three superposed layers of fine, parallel fibres, packed closely together in the form of three continuous sheets, of which the middle one is the best developed. The membrane itself is not pierced by the coch- lear nerve as in Mammals, for the nerve enters the membrane after piercing the cartilaginous frame of the inner edge, and is then distributed to the different parts of the cochlear organ by radiation to the inside and outside from a point in the floor near the middle of the sensory structures. In its thickest parts the membrana basilaris is thicker than the remaining parts of the cochlear organ, and is suited in nowise as a vibrating mem- brane) (PERxXGiEieai2) ii ilihe) nbnes von thie middlewlayenneross from one side to the other of the framework, and in the thickest parts of the membrane present a very characteristic appearance, Als) slavelioencel itn Jel WIC Tener, 2S hovel Telly SC letives, 2, Retzius thought that only the middle epithelial ridge of the cochlea was concerned in the auditory function as a nerve-end organ. This he called without hesitation the papilla acustica basilaris, and considered it to be the homologue of the organ of Corti. In this, however, he is in error. Besides the very important organ he recognized, there is another, nearly as large, lying to the inner side of the incipient organ of Corti, which Retzius has several times imperfectly figured. He has likewise correctly given the relation of the membrana tectoria to it, as seen in ordinary preparations of the Alligator ear. This other No. I.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 37 organ, which I shall call the Sauropsid organ, lies upon the inner cartilage, and bears the same relation to the first named organ, which I believe to be the incipient organ of Corti, that the large epithelial ridge does to the small epithelial ridge in the develop- ing mammalian ear. The hair cells are more widely separated in these two organs of the Alligator than in the mammalian organ of Corti, and in consequence the membrana tectoria is looser in texture, but owing to the absence of otoliths and the strength and size of the individual hairs, the membrane appears much simpler in structure than that of the lagenar organ, for example. I have positive proof that there is nothing in the Alligator’s membrana tectoria other than the long filaments into which it is with no great difficulty resolved, and there can be no doubt that these filaments are normally continuations of the auditory cells as their proper hairs. Mimus polyglottus (Pl. VI, Figs. 6 and 8). In the Mocking-bird the internal ear lies in the occipital face of the skull. The anterior edge is presented outwards, the pos- terior inwards, and the outer face looks downwards and almost directly backwards. The anterior canals lie in planes nearly transverse to the long axis of the body, instead of occupying positions very nearly parallel to the sagittal plane. They are not, however, perpen- dicular to the long axis. The posterior canals lie very close to the edges of the foramen magnum; in fact, may be said to take part in forming its thickened border. Owing to the curvature of the occipital face of the skull, the so-called horizontal canals lie very nearly in the vertical plane and transverse to the long axis of the body. The sense organs found in this type of ear are — 1. Macula utriculi. 2. Macula sacculi. 3, 4. Cristee acusticze ampullarum (anterioris and horizontalis). 5. Crista acustica ampullee posterioris. 6. Crista acustica abortiva. 7. Papilla acustica basilaris. 8. Papilla acustica lagenee. 38 ANAS [VoL. VI. COCHLEA (LAGENA). In this account of avian cochlea no mention is made of the scala vestibuli or tympani, but only of the endolymphatic tube, or cochlea proper, —scala media. The cochlea of the Mocking- bird is an elongated pocket hanging down from the floor of the sacculus. In length it equals more than half of the vertical height of the whole ear and approximates one-third its length. Its diameter in the adult is greater than that of the sacculus. Its course, referred to the planes of the body, is downwards, inwards, and backwards. Its general shape and the main ana- tomical features do not differ materially from those of the pigeon, as described by Hasse and Retzius. The lagena is relatively larger and more sharply marked off from the basilar portion than it is in the pigeon, and the latter part is more distinctly triangular in shape, with its base joined to the sacculus by means of the narrow canalis sacculo-cochlearis. The cochlear canal is doubly curved, z.e. it has the form of the basal part of the cochlear canal of the Mammal ear, but projects from the saccular region more nearly perpendicular to the vertical axis of the whole organ than does the cochlea in the latter group. The first curve is a bend transverse to its long axis and affects the upper portion of the tube most ; the second curve is more equally distributed throughout the length of the tube. The upper two-thirds of the canal is occupied by the basilar sense organ, while the lower third is taken up by the constriction which marks off the lagenar pocket. - The lagenar pocket is nearly filled with the lagenar sense organ, the floor of the pocket, with the exception of a border all around, being covered by the sensory epithelium. Already in the bird the pseudo-cartilaginous oval frame which supports the cochlear organs has made good progress toward forming a protective case for the whole cochlear apparatus. By the fusion of the lateral bars of the frame in the lower half of their:course the scala tympani is inclosed with the cochlear duct. The fibres of the cochlear nerve enter the cartilage at once after leaving its ganglion in the form of a continuous sheet of threads, and passes through the edge of the basilar membrane to be distributed to the sensory cells on its vestibular surface. INOS Te] LAE VEKPREBRALTE EAR: 39 Alligator (Pl. VII, Figs. 2, 4, 7, and 9; Pl. X, Figs. 3 and 4). The sense organ of the basilar portion of the cochlea is com- posed of two groups of cells, or two epithelial ridges, which run nearly parallel with each other. There are other epithelial ridges which, however, do not seem to contain sensory cells (Fig. 3, ¢.e.’). The larger or middle ridge is the most prom- inent part of the organ, and is the homologue of the small epithelial ridge of the Mammal ear; the inner ridge (/e.r.) is the homologue of the larger epithelial ridge of the Mammal embryo and bears, especially on its outer border, hair cells sim- ilar to those covering most of the smaller epithelial ridge; but whether its entire surface bears cells auditory in function re- mains to be determined. The middle region of this ridge has near its inner border sev- eral rows of large hair cells, which vary in number with the place from which the section is taken. At the extreme ends no cells are seen, yet on advancing toward the middle of the ridge the hair cells appear, first as a single row, then double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, and on up to eight neighboring cell rows near the middle of the papilla. These very remarkable cells are the large hair cells and occupy the inner border, while the remainder of the papilla is made up, or, more correctly, covered over with the smaller hair cells. But above and below the middle of the papilla the rows num- ber eight to ten, while in the middle part of the sensory patch there are found as many as twenty cells in transverse section. The sensory epithelium is supported by a lamina reticularis, which rapidly fades away towards the sides. As one nears the large hair cells the meshes become incomplete. This reticular membrane is especially pronounced in osmic_ preparations, scarcely visible in Miller preparations, and here as elsewhere it is an artifact. The supporting cells are long and irregularly cylindrical cells, which reach from the surface of the basilar papilla quite to the basilar membrane upon which they are inserted. They bear their nuclei in the basal portions of their cell bodies. They are loosely placed, with considerable interspaces between the cells. Retzius concluded that neither representatives nor develop- 40 AYERS. [Vo. VI. mental stages of such representatives of Corti’s arches are present in the Alligator, and my own studies are only confirm- atory of this view. The nerve fibres pass from the cochlear ganglion as medul- lated fibres through the holes of the zona perforata, lose their sheaths, and ascend in the basilar papilla, spreading out fan- shaped in the transverse axis, from the point of entrance and end in the bases of the hair cells. Mimus polyglottus (Pl. VI, Figs. 4, 6, 7, 9, aiinel 1(@) 2 Jel, WWII. Figs. 1-9 and 12). The sense organ of the basilar portion of the cochlea lies upon the basilar membrane as a two (several) layered plate of cells, broadest in its upper portion, gradually narrowing down- wards, like the basilar membrane. It is rounded off at both ends. The sense organ occupies only about two-thirds the breadth of the basilar membrane, but zs not confined to this membrane. It rests upon the quadrangular cartilaginous frame of the basilar papilla up to the entrance of the nerve fibres into the organ, or, in terms of mammalian anatomy, the habenula perforata. It is separated from the lagenar sense organ by an interval free of sensory epithelial cells. These two sense organs, though originating by the division of the primitive cochlear sense organ, are in the bird distinctly separated, and their nerves show even more distinctly the separation of the two structures. In cross-section of the papilla basilaris the epithelial cells are largest near the inner border, but gradually increase from both sides towards the centre. The highest cells are, however, placed nearly over the edge of the cartilaginous frame. Between the middle and the inner border of the outer third of the basilar membrane the sensory epithelium passes into the ordinary lining of the cochlear canal. The number of cells in transverse rows in the broadest part of the membrane, near the middle of its length, is about forty. The cells are much shorter than in the other sense organs, and they are well isolated by the sup- porting cells. The cell caps are quite regularly hexagonal. Two important features of difference between the Thrush and Alliga- tor cochlea are the absence in the former of the epithelial ridges found in the alligator and the absence of the large hair cells. No. 1.] IIe CB VADRIY REGGIE SBA Re 41 The cochlear organ thus appears to be made up of a large num- ber of similar hair cells in the form of an even plate. Although both Retzius and Hasse conclude that in the papilla basilaris of the bird we do not have a genuine organ of Corti, they consider the membrana tectoria of this organ as the homo- logue of the membrana Cortii of the mammalian ear. Retzius describes this membrane as a somewhat soft, homo- geneous, gelatinous skin, whose substance is perforated with many holes. In cross-section triangular, it varies in different parts of the organ, both in size and shape. He figures (Pl. XVIII, Fig. 13) two very distinct parts, which he describes as having somewhat different structures. That part (wfs.) which lies against the clear cylinder cells of the inner border of the organ has its long axis placed perpendicularly with the basilar membrane, while the larger part (sz¢.), or the membrana tectoria propria, always lies with its long axis (in cross-section) placed parallel with the surface of the basilar papilla, as is readily seen from his figures. The tectorial membrane lies somewhat above the surface of the sensory cells, so that a narrow cleft is left between them, into which (across which) the hairs project. The membrane does not extend to the inner border of the papilla, and consequently three or four rows of the inner hair cells are left uncovered. The other hairs come in contact with the surface of the membrane, and in many cases seem to pro- ject into the holes of the membrane. These inner hairs Retzius found covered by the peculiar long hyaline cells. The membrane reaches quite to the outer border of the sense organ. As the nature of the tectorial membranes will be discussed in another chapter, it will suffice to say here that Retzius did not observe the tectorial membrane in its living condition and normal relations. The tectorial membrane of the lagenar organ is apparently composed of the irregular network of fibres inclosing numerous otolith crystals, especially in its upper part. The otoliths lie either on the surface of the network -or partly imbedded in it. Such is the appearance of the membrane as a whole in ordinary preparations of the ear. Alligator (Pl. X, Figs. 3 and 4). The sense organ of the lagenar portion of the cochlea rises gradually from the lining epithel of the lagenar chamber. It 42 AVERS. [Vot. VI. is completely separated from the basilar papilla, and lies entirely below and beyond it in the cochlear canal. It covers more than a zone of the floor of the lagena, and reaches up on the side walls of the chamber. The outer (z.¢. anterior) end even passes over on to the roof of the pocket. In structure the papilla lagenze resembles the macula sacculi. Mimus polyglottus. The sense organ of the lagena forms a somewhat horseshoe- shaped structure, which occupies the central part of the floor of the lagena. Its boundaries are rendered conspicuous by the presence of a sharply defined, white otolithic mass which ad- heres to the tips of the long hairs of the sensory cells. The rest of the floor is covered by a single-layered epithelium com- posed of regular polygonal cells. The papilla lagenze has its long axis transverse to the vertical (primary) axis of the lagena, and is one and one-half times as long as the lagenar pocket is broad. The sense organ consequently curves up on to the sides of the pocket and reaches for a short distance on to the roof portion of the pocket (not the membrana Reissneri). The histological characteristics of the sensory and supporting cells of the sense organs are essentially the same as have been already given for fishes. The cells connected with the nerve fibres are quite uniformly flask-shaped and in general bear much longer hairs than the authors have figured or described. According to Retzius, the auditory hairs are tolerably stiff, straight, fibrillate, conical structures, which rise from a well- defined cuticular plate asa base. This plate forms the cap of the sensory cell. His measurements of the hairs gave lengths varying between 0.048 and 0.005 mm. They end finely pointed, the point being frequently turned to one side. Retzius leaves the question of the nerve terminations in the sensory cells in part an open question. He describes and figures one mode of termination as certain. In preparations of the cristae acusticze (maceration preparations) he found the thicker nerve fibres end- ing in expanded plates in contact with the bases of the sensory cells, and believes that the cell protoplasm here fuses with the nerve axis cylinders. Other and finer fibres he found with unat- tached ends defzween the cells some distance above their bases. My own studies lead me to look upon the nerve plates which No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR: 43 Retzius figures as products of the maceration process, perhaps of both reagents and manipulation, and I am confident that the nerve fibres which this author finds between the hair cells, or rather in situations such that he thinks they lay normally be- tween the cells, do not have this relation to the living hair cells. TECTORIAL MEMBRANES. Alligator (Pl. IX, Figs. 3 and 4). The membrana Cortii (tectoria) in fresh condition is a soft structure which is greatly contracted by alcohol, but is well pre- served in dilute glycerine to which a trace of osmic has been added, after which reagent it appears striated from base to upper surface. It is clear as glass, and it is honeycombed by irregular canals in all its parts. It is applied to the whole of the surface of the basilar papilla. Its transection at any point resembles in shape the cupula terminalis of an ampullar organ. The lower surface of the membrane near the middle line shows the most and largest pores. In ordinary preparations the mem- brane appears to be fixed by its inner edge to the large epithelial ridge, and from here to extend freely out over the surface of the organ, roofing over the groove between the large and small epithelial ridges, but coming to an end before reaching the outermost hair cells. The horseshoe-shaped membrana tectoria of the lagena is composed of a dendritic network of many homogeneous fibres. Masses of otoliths are inclosed in the meshes, especially in the upper part of the structure. Retzius describes it as a tolerably thin horseshoe-shaped otolithic mass, containing larger crystals than are found over any other sense organs. In the sacculus the otolithic accumulation nearly fills the chamber without showing any specially well-developed mem- brana tectoria. Retzius failed to find the latter. The hairs are present, however, and lie close to the tops of the sensory cells. Mimus. In the Mocking-bird I have always found the hair plate of the cochlear organ in osmic acid preparations and always free of otoliths. Its structure is shown in Fig. to, Pl. VII. The Aa AVERS. [Vot. VI. meshes of the network are relatively wide, usually oval in shape, with the long axis of the oval parallel with the course of the auditory hairs, which in the membrane are glued together in bands separated incompletely by the interspaces. The mem- brana Cortii is characterized by radial striations, while the “membranes ’’ over the macule utriculi and sacculi are more loosely put together, and appear to be made up of a network of fine fibres. These fibres anastomose freely and are struc- tureless and hyaline under ordinary powers of the microscope. With requisite treatment and sufficiently high powers the meshes of the network are seen to be composed of bundles of fibrilla. The otolithic crystals are supported on the upper surface of the tectorial membrane and are disposed in several layers. How they are retained in place is not apparent. The extreme edges of the membrane are free from the crystals. OTOLITHS, OTOCONIE. Otolithic calcareous matter is deposited in the ears of all ver- tebrate animals. It is precipitated out of the lymph at first in the form of small granules usually crystalline. These primary otoliths grow as all crystals grow when immersed in solutions containing their salts under proper chemical and physical con- ditions. The calcareous salts are supplied in two quite different ways. The first and probably the most important source in the adult ear is the lymph which, passing from the blood-vessels into the cavity of the internal ear, contains the calcareous salts in solution. The second and probably most important source of calcareous matter during embryonic life is the auditory epi- thelium which during its passage through the ontogenetic stages of its development exerts one of its phylogenetic functions, that of calcareous secretion, for dermal purposes. This embryonic activity gradually gives way as the adult functions of the cells become more and more pronounced. The otoliths of the vertebrate ear are then by nature foreign bodies, just as renal and vesical calculi are, though of course there are certain differences in the conditions leading up to their production in the different organs. Those vertebrate forms which retain most of the primitive relations of the audi- tory organs deposit most calcareous matter (e.g. Sharks, Skates), IN@e Tel) ae THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 48 though it is occasionally true here that the otoliths are second- arily dissolved out by the sea-water: such dissolution is usually prevented by the plugging up of the entrance to the ear by a mass of calcareous matter imbedded in mucus. The presence of otoliths over the area occupied by the macule utriculz and sacculi in all vertebrates, and the assumed universal presence of these structures in the auditory organs of all invertebrates, has led P. Meyer into a speculation as to their significance. He starts with the assumption that Johannes Miller had proved that the otoliths in fishes were of service to the animal in audition by reinforcing sound by resonance, whereas this was merely a supposition of Miiller’s. Meyer also points out that the membrana tectoria of the cochlear papilla basilaris is free from the otolithic structures present in the other cochlear organ of the Sauropsids, the papilla lagene. The speculations offered by this author are simply repetitions of some of the views already offered, and with the exception of those referring to the otolths themselves are treated of in another place. The functions of the otoliths are entirely un- known; but, for my own part, I consider them foreign bodies, which, if now of functional value to the vertebrate ear, have acquired that value, or rather have forced the sensory structures to which they adhere with great readiness and in large num- bers, to accommodate themselves to their presence. It is pos- sible that they now perform their functions with the aid of the otoliths, though it is difficult to see what possible service the otoliths can render the auditory percipient elements, and their presence can be shown to be detrimental to the action of the percipient elements, as they execute their function in their primal state. Hence I may say that, so far as the otoliths are concerned, Iam not in possession at present of facts enough to deny that they may play a réle in auditory physiology. It is true, however, that they are not primarily necessary struc- tures, for they are absent from the canal sense organs. ‘They are produced in the greatest relative and absolute abundance in the lower vertebrate forms, whose ears retain connection with the sea-water, and whose blood is surcharged with calcareous matter; e.g. sharks. In bony fishes the separate particles, which in sharks always remain discrete, are united together, forming the ear stones. 46 AVERS. [Vot. VI. There are many instances of calculi formed in other parts of the body, e.g. renal calculi, vesical calculi, pineal calculi, etc. These calcareous concretions or crystals lie within the normal cavities of these structures, or else within lymph spaces in their walls; they are abnormal, notwithstanding which they may exist for long periods of time within these organs without causing disturbance in the economy of the organ. So far as my reading extends, the older observers have never put to themselves the question: Why do the otolithic crystals, which are heavier than the endolymph, occupy the surfaces of the hair cell areas, which as a rule project considerably above the surface of the floor of the auditory chamber in which they are found, and often in part lie on the side walls of the chambers of the ear? Having greater specific gravity than the endolymph, the crystals might be supposed to be always dropping to a lower level until they reached the lowest, — the lagenar sac. That this displacement of the otoliths could easily follow is a necessary consequence of the motions of the animal, giving gravity the opportunity to pull the crystals to the lowest level. It is true that, generally speaking, the otolithic bodies occupy the lower chambers, but they do not necessarily, and do not usually lie in the lowest levels of these chambers, but defy the law of gravitation by remaining perched on the top of the hair cells or depending from the ends of the hair composing the hair field, as the case may be, according to the position of the sense organ on the walls of the chamber. Most writers on the ear have contented themselves with saying that the sense organs were provided with a tectorial membrane (Deckmembrane), which frequently contained otoliths as integral parts. But as the tectorial membranes can now be conclusively shown to have no existence in nature as integral parts of the living sense organs, it remains to be explained how the otoliths are retained in place on the surface formed by the tips or the sides of the hairs. One can hardly maintain that a mass of fine crystals of cal- cium carbonate weighing from one to two ounces, lying like a sediment upon the floor of the central chamber of the ear of a fish of six feet length (Blue Shark, Carchartas ceruleus), can really serve azy physiological function auditory in nature, and I No. 1.] IMEUS WIAA CAIGE, SIA 47 have already shown that they did not pramztevely have such a function ; and consequently, if they now have a function in the ear, it must be an acquired one. We have no evidence that there is any special restraint placed upon the cells involuted with the sensory structures, — we will say in the Shark’s ear, —and they certainly have not specialized in any direction, so far as we can see. All that they do is to serve as a lining of the auditory canal chambers, and the most that we are entitled to say, in the present state of our knowl- edge, is that they may have the function of secreting calcareous salts, held somewhat in abeyance, owing to the lack of external stimuli to encourage it. While we are considering the question of stimulation, this fact should not be lost sight of; viz. during the time when the auditory sense organs were superficial in position the sur- face cells about them had this “ca/careous”’ function in greater or less degree. It was controlled centrally, and carried out by alterations of blood supply. This control by inhibition or ex- citation was effected by a central co-ordinating mechanism com- posed of association fibres which brought into direct or indirect relation all the centres of the brain. Since these organs were superficial, their immediate surroundings must have been thus controlled; and since this control could only have been exercised through the fibres of the nerves supplying this region, it follows that the so-called auditory nerve must contain within it those fibres which controlled calcareous production on the surface ; and since we are not at liberty to assume an entire annihilation of the co-ordinations of earlier days, it follows that there must be some sort of control of this function exerted on the lining cells of the auditory channels of the ears of all existing verte- brates, and that, when the function is exercised in local periph- eral situations in response to local stimulation, it must be exercised by sympathetic action in the ear itself, and hence cause the deposit in the ear of calcareous matter, either amor- phous or crystalline. In this connection I wish to quote Hasse’s observation on the nerve relations to the ciliate epithelium in Petromyzon. With reference to Ketel’s researches on the Cyclostome ear, he says: “Positive Beobachtungen fiir den Zusammenhang der Ner- 48 AVERS. [Vou. VI. venfasern mit den Flimmerzellen hat er damals nicht beibringen konnen, allein es bleibt kaum eine andere Méglichkeit iibrig und es sprechen dafiir gerade die Beobachtungen Boll’s [on Ptero- tracheal und) temen den) Umstand) iidass ber dinteren denen Schleimhaut auf ausgedehnten Strecken Flimmerepithel tragt, diese einen grossen Reichthum an Nerven besitzt. Ich zweifle nicht daran und ich hoffe, in Zukunft positiv beweisen zu k6n- nen, dass, wo Flimmerzellen vorhanden, dieselben mit Nerven in Verbindung stehen, und wenn solche wie bei Evertebraten und bei Petromyzon in der Bahn der Gehornerven verlaufen, so sind sie doch von ihm gesondert und als besondere Cerebral- nerven anzusehen, die sich bei Petromyzon gleichsam zum Faci- alis gruppiren, und das Epithel ist nicht so ohne Weiteres als Gehorepithel aufzufassen.”’ . As I have shown, the facial accessory nerve supplies sense organs in the ear of Petromyzon, and while I have no positive observations to record, it seems a more reasonable view to me that owing to the central relations of all peripheral nerves, which I have only faintly indicated in accounting for the pres- ence of the otoliths, the ciliate epithelium is probably controlled by all the nerve branches entering the ear, szuce 7¢ occurs in the chambers supplied by both antertor and posterior nerve branches. This view seems specially probable now that the main portion of the auditory accessorius is known to enter the endolymphatic and the commissural sense organs as @ sensory nerve, leaving only a part of its fibres, on the most liberal allowance, to end in ciliate cells. In tracing the otolithic bodies through the vertebrate phy- lum Hasse gives the following comparative account of their characters :— “Wir finden bei Myxine glutinosa sowohl auf der macula als auf den cristee acusticee brécklige Otolithenmassen, die jedoch bereits den cristae der Neunangen, wie den Ampullen der iibrigen Wirbelthiere fehlten. Bei ihnen finden wir die Oto- lithen nur an der macula recessus utriculi, sacculi, und cochleze und zwar in derselben Weise, als zusammenhangende Kalkmasse, bei den Teleostiern, wahrend wir dagegen bei den Plagiostomen Anhaufungen von einzelnen Kalkkrystallchen, Otolithenmassen finden. Solche finden wir auch bei den Amphibien im recessus Nos i] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 49 utriculi, im sacculus und im Endtheile der Schnecke, der lagena, die ja das Homologon der Schnecke der Fische ist, allein bei Siredon, Triton und Salamandra gestellt sich eine solche auch fiir den Anfangstheil der Schnecke hinzu, die aber bei den Ranz wieder verschwunden. Von diesen Thieren an bis zu den Saugern finden wir dann nur Otolithenmassen im recessus ‘utriculi, im sacculus und im Schneckenende, der lagena, dem hautigen Kuppelblindsacke und in dem letzteren des Menschen und der Sauger finde ich auch davon keine Spur, so dass bei ihnen die ganze Schnecke frei von Kalkkrystallen ist. Dabei finden wir dann immer und iiberall, das die Otolithen oder Oto- lithenmassen, und das gilt namentlich fiir sacculus, den Bin- nenraum desselben nahezu auszufiillen, so das nur geringe Flissigkeitsmassen (Endolymphe) zwischen ihnen und der Sackwandung bleiben. Im recessus utriculi und in der lagena ist das viel weniger der Fall. Die Otolithen ruhen dabei immer den maculz und deren Umgebung auf und werden selbst wenn sie aufrecht stehen, daran festgehalten und zwar dadurch, dass sie sich auf die immer gekriimmte Unterwand, den Boden, re- spective auf die Aussenwand stiitzen.” In criticising Hasse’s views it should be borne in mind that he considered the terminal cupola of the cochlear spire to be a remnant of the lagena of other forms. He believed its sense organ had disappeared, and along with it the otoliths. The question of the homology of the apical portion of the cochlea cannot be considered as finally settled; but, leaving this aside, there is no question as to the fact of the disappearance; and this being the case, it is important to determine, if possible, the causes of the disappearance of the otoliths from this part of the ear. As yet the matter has not been investigated thoroughly enough to disclose a solution, though the idea that this phe- nomenon is directly connected with the increased delicacy of the cochlea at once suggests itself. THE PERILYMPHATIC SPACES OF THE EAR. These spaces are developed from the lymphatic spaces which are usually found well developed around the bases of the sense organs of the lateral line. These spaces have been described by Carriére, the brothers Sarassin, and others, and it is sufficient 50 AVERS. iVoravile here to recall the fact of their very general occurrence. Of the causes which have led to their enormous development in fishes, amphibia, and reptiles, with their reduction among birds and mammals, we know nothing definite. The physico-physiological conditions and consequences of this development I have not investigated. CONTINUITY OF CEREBRAL AND AUDITORY SPACES. According to Schwalbe, the subdural space in Man com- municates with the perilymphatic spaces through the porus acusticus, and Key and Retzius found that not only the sub- dural, but also the subarachnoidal space was accessible through the perilymphatic channels. Weber-Liel has shown experimentally that the perilymphatic spaces of the ear are connected with the subarachnoidal spaces about the brain. The perilymph, according to Hasse, flows principally through a membranous canal, ductus perilymphaticus, through the fora- men jugulare into the lymph channels at the base of the head,— some part of it passes in through the porus acusticus internus into the subdural spaces about the brain. The endolymph flows out through the arachnoidal sheath of the auditory nerve into the subarachnoidal spaces, and renews itself perhaps by trans- fusion through the ductus and saccus endolymphaticus. The continuity of these spaces is much more distinct in the fishes than in the higher forms. COCHLEAR ORGANS OF THE MAMMALIA. BRIO, res, ii ahacl Be IAL We lies Gye ek Wily we Jel, Piss. 2 and 43 andsPiAp air The Sauropsid organ. Corti’s organ in the Mammalia. a. Relation of component structures and of the cellular elements. The cochlear frame. é. Canal organ arrangement of the cell groups and the composi- tion of a group. c. The inner and outer hair cells. d. The supporting cells. Pillars of Corti. e. The hair band or membrana tectoria and the mb. reticularis. No. 1.] IVEDE WIR IV AEN AIGD SEAR 51 Jf. The basilar membrane. g. The cochlear nerves and nerve ends, Ah. Marsupials and Monotremes. The Cochlea. Alle physiologischen Individuen, gleichviel welche morphologische Individuali- tats-Ordnung ihr materialles Substrat bildet, sind in allen ihren Leistungen und Form-Verhaltnissen auf die morphologischen Individuen erster Ordnung, die Plas- tiden (Cytoden oder Zellen) als “ Elementar-Organismen ” zuriickzuftihren, da jedes Bion entweder selbst eine einfache Plastide (Monoplastis) oder ein Aggregat (Synu- sie, Colenie, Complex) von mehreren Plastiden ist (Polyplastis).— HAECKEL, Gen- erelle Morphologie, I, p. 370. Der Organismus ist um so vollkommener, je abhangiger die gleichartigen Indivi- dualitaten, welche ihn zusammensetzen, von einander und vom ganzen sind, und je mehr also der ganze Organismus centralisirt ist, und alle subordinirten Individuali- taten herrscht (Gesetz der Centralization). — /dzd. 372. Der Organismus ist um so vollkommener, je héher zwischen allen untergeordneten Individualitaten welche ihn zusammensetzen, der Grad der Arbeitstheilung und der Grad der Wechselwirkung ist, je grésser mithin die Differenzirung und die Centrali- zation des ganzen Organismus ist. — /ézd. The general features of the development of the organ of Corti I have already given in the account of the morphology of the sauropsid and mammalian cochlear organs. In the following account which, though by no means exhaustive, will serve to illustrate the ontogeny of the organ, I shall dwell almost entirely on the organ of Corti proper, and shall have very little to say of the other parts of the cochlear apparatus; e.g. the scalze of the cochlear walls except so far as they take part in the formation of the organ of Corti, or influence the performance of its func- tion. The account is mainly based on my studies of the devel- opment as it occurs in the pig, although many facts have been verified for the rabbit, sheep, ox, opossum, and other mammals. So far as my observations go, and they agree with Boettcher’s, there are but the slightest differences noticeable in the develop- ment of the ear among the domestic mammals, the only ones heretofore studied with a sufficient degree of completeness for the purpose of comparison. The first thing of fundamental importance to be noted is that the cochlear tube is accompanied on its sense-organ wall or floor by a ganglionic nerve trunk (vz. cochlee), an artery (a. bastlaris cochlee) of which the vascula spiralis is one branch, a vein (v. basilaris cochlee), and a lymphatic canal of large proportions; 52 FA) IIE [VoL. VI. and since such structures accompany in an entirely similar manner the sense-organ canals in fishes, we discover in this new evidence of the nature of the cochlear tube. As is well known, the cochlear ganglion arises in contact with the cochlear tube, and no sharp line of demarcation is at first to be seen between the sensory epithelium and the ganglionic tissue. This condition does not last long; for as the tube increases its size it becomes sharply marked off from the ganglion and before long separated from it, mainly, as it would seem, by the ingrowth of the intracapsular connective tissue, which at this time is beginning to assume its cartilaginous nature. ‘The separation increases with the growth of the parts, until finally in the adult the sense organs in the cochlear tube are connected with the cochlear ganglion by a very long, narrow band of nerve fibres, as viewed in section transverse to the long axis of the canal. The nerves pierce the floor (basilar membrane) about the line of contact of the small and large epithelial ridges. | The organ of Corti is the final product of a long series of developmental changes in the cochlear organ. The earliest con- dition of the cochlear organ in the mammal, which in its devel- opment very completely epitomizes the phylogenetic history, is of course the simple pocket budded off from the sacculus, its inner surface being lined with a columnar epithelium. To con- fine our attention to the points of most interest to us, we will pass over all the changes between this earliest condition and the stage in which the floor of the cochlear tube, now well grown out, has become thickened, the thickening being in the form of a ridge (later ridges) running parallel to the long axis of the tube. Kolliker, Middendorp, and Boettcher have de- scribed these elevations and applied to the two most prominent ones, which play the greatest part in the subsequent history of the mammalian cochlea, the names small and large epithelial ridges. The large epithelial ridge hes nearest the lamina spiralis ossea, and consequently is nearest the nerve supply; the small epithelial ridge lies beyond it outside, and receives its nerve supply only after the nerves have been given off to or passed through the large epithelial ridge. Owing to their subsequent history, I shall call the large epi- thelial ridge the Sauropsid cochlear organ and the small epithe- lial ridge the mammalian cochlear organ or the organ of Corti. No. 1.] Sle WIGS TA a AID” IIA Rec 53 As soon as these two ridges are formed, they are separated by a shallow groove which really forms a part of the sulcus spiralis internus in the adult condition, but in this sense only. The Sauropsid sulcus (internus?), as I shall call this groove, sepa- rates the two ridges, and its deepest part lies over the boundary line between the two ridges. Now since the large ridge disap- pears during postembryonic development in all mammals yet studied, it follows that at least half of the Sauropsid sulcus is taken up in and forms a part of the space left vacant by the large epithelial ridge, which is the sulcus spiralis internus. For a long time, relatively, the two ridges grow but little, but sud- denly they both receive an impetus and begin increasing in size, the period in their ontogeny having arrived when this phyloge- netic impulse must be reproduced. The larger ridge grows most rapidly under this stimulus, and this may be due to the more direct connection with the nervous centres controlling the organ. From their first appearance there is to be seen over them, covering their apices, a delicate whitish sheet of substance, sup- posed by Kolliker and others to be a gelatinous excretion from the cells themselves, but which more careful examination of properly prepared material shows to be composed of a forest of small hairs growing out of the tops of the cells, which in this manner are shown to be hair-bearing sensory cells, since, as mentioned above, they are connected with the fibres of the cochlear nerve. The large epithelial ridge grows in two ways: by increase in the height of the cells, and by increase in its breadth, due to the division of the cells. As the cells increase in size, the hairs grow longer and apparently more rapidly than the cells, for they finally surpass them in length. Having reached its complete development, the large epithelial ridge remains for a time un- changed and in this condition is known as the Organon Kollikeri, this name having been applied to it by Hensen in honor of its first describer, A. von Kolliker. Kolliker’s account of this organ is by no means complete, since he failed to make out of the covering membrane or mass anything more than a nearly homogeneous mass of gelatinous substance, which he supposed was simply the increased exudation noticed by him in the earlier stages. The significance of this structure was far from his mind. 54 AVERS. [Vou. VI. The little epithelial ridge grows more slowly, and at the time the large ridge has reached the height of its development, it is still in a very immature state, though the structures which serve to distinguish it and make it peculiarly a mammalian organ are marked out so definitely that no parts are added to the organ as it now exists. From this time on, it is evidently the organ of Corti, though about this homology there exists in the literature a great amount of confusion. Retzius correctly recognizes the ontogenetic relation of the adult organ of Corti to the small epithelial ridge, but he says the organ of Corti is the homologue of the macula acustica papillee basilaris, which it never is. Even among the higher Sauropsida (saurians and birds) there is such a differentiation of parts as to necessitate our recognition of the fact that the sensory plate of the papilla acustica basilaris of these forms cannot be considered the homologue of the simpler plate in the lower forms. Likewise, when we pass by the un- known forms between the Sauropsida and the Mammalia we find ourselves face to face with an entirely new organ that has, at most, only the slightest indications of its beginnings in the ear of the Alligator, the intervening stages of development so far as at present known having been annihilated with their possessors, the Sauropsid ancestors of the Mammalia. The causes which have led up to the annihilation of the large epithelial ridge during ontogenetic process as a part of the phy- logenetic advancement of the Mammalia are very obscure as yet. For the present, suffice it to say that such is the fact, easy of observation, and that connected with this annihilation of the Sauropsid organ is the rapid advancement and perfection of the mammalian organ of Corti. The Sauropsid organ at the height of its development takes more of the nerve supply from the cochlear nerve than does the organ of Corti; but as the latter grows and the former fades, this condition is reversed, until the cochlear nerve gives off fibres to the organ of Corti alone. What becomes of the fibres supplied to the Sauropsid organ? Do they simply disappear through resorption? I have observed that the bundle gradually grows smaller, but I am unable to detail the process of disappearance. The Sauropsid organ disappears through a process of resorp- tion; that is, first of all, through a loss of its nutritive supply, and then by a gradual decrease in size of the cells until only a No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 55 few dwarfed remnants remain in the place of the once powerful organ of the Sauropsid type. The histology of the organ has already been given by Boettcher (31, 1869), Kolliker (166, 1861; 164, 1879), Retzius (237, 1884), and others, but only in a very incomplete manner. Iam able to make some few additions to it, based on observations made on the organ in its mature state. The long cylindrical cells occupy the whole depth of the organ and fasten upon the developing membrana basilaris. They are polygonal columns, more or less bent, depending upon their position in the organ (Pl. VI, Fig. 1). Within, the protoplasm is clear and is provided with a single oval nucleus, which lies at different niveaux in different cells and in different parts of the organ. The cells are never multinucleate, as has been asserted by Boettcher (31, 1869). From the top of each cell there rises a long, slender hair structure, which curves over toward the inner edge of the organ over the region of the entrance of the coch- lear nerve. This part of the floor of the cochlear canal is on a level (at this time) with the top of the cells of the Sauropsid organ, although the floor is here not near as thick as it is under (and including) the Sauropsid organ. In consequence, the hairs seem to fall over on to the surface of this plateau, the inner portion of which later on is known as the Limbus spiralis in- ternus. Owing also to the relation of this plateau, when the Sauropsid organ has disappeared the open canal occupied by the organ is left free, and over this the hairs of the organ of Corti project, roofing over the canal, but only incompletely closing it in. The human cochlea may be taken as fairly representing mam- malian conditions. It is not so much coiled as the cochlear tube of some of the higher Mammalia, but it stands much nearer the apex of the series than to the lowest members, as represented by Echidna and Ornithorhynchus, which are but little above the avian and saurian conditions. The human cochlear tube is a flattened canal having in different parts of its course a varying cross-section, from nearly circular and oval to distinctly triangu- lar form. In the adult ear it possesses about three spiral turns, and along its floor, extending from one end to the other, is a linear series of sense organs so closely united together as to have been described as a single band-like sensory apparatus by all anatomists from its discoverer, Marchese Corti (1851), down 56 AU AIRES [VoL. VI. to the present time. Relative to the mass of the body, the longest cochlear tubes are found among the Chiroptera and the Rodentia, while the Cetacea possess the relatively smallest. In the Mammalia the cochlear tube has become much more completely separated from the sacculus than in any other group of vertebrates. It is connected with the parent chamber by the narrow sacculo-cochlear canal, — the canalis reuniens of Hensen. The term organ of Corti, as it is used in anatomy, is, strictly speaking, not sufficiently exact for scientific purposes, and some of the parts included in it have no functional relation to the physiologically active parts of the mammalian cochlear organ. Such parts as the auditory denticles and related structures have certainly no intimate relation to the working of the organ to- day, nor are they concerned in perfecting the organ structurally. They are simply the remnants of a previous condition of struc- ture. The mutual relations of the structures forming the organ of Corti vary in different periods of the growth and life of the organ. In the embryonic condition all the cells are firmly planted on the floor of the canal, and this floor is attached on both the inside and the outside edges to a thick cartilaginous plate or bar, the derivative of the parallel cartilaginous bars of the ancestral Sauropsids. As all the cells are in contact with this basement or basilar membrane, which, although a thick plate at this time, thins out later to form a tensely drawn membranous structure, and as likewise all the cells take part in the formation of the free sur- face of the organ, they all have the same length, both support- ing and sensory cells: indeed, it 1s extremely difficult at this early time to distinguish the supporting cells as such. The first change of importance is marked by the appearance of the rods of Corti, by means of which the uniformity of the cell arrangement is broken up. The rods as they develop cause an elevation or upheaval of the two parts of the sensory plate, between which they have arisen, so that from this time on, in ever-increasing degree, till adult life is reached, the edges of the organ lying on the uplifting limbs of the arches are raised from the basilar membrane. The inner edge is disturbed the most, and the inner row of hair cells and some of the supporting cells no longer reach the basilar plate. The outer hair cells No. 1.] IVER WIHEIDROMILE, Jali 57 almost always reach to the floor of the canal. The processes concerned in this uplifting cannot be detailed here further than to say that the bases of the rods of Corti spread apart while the apices remain united, and owing to the plough-shaped foot of each arch, they are readily forced under the neighboring cells. Work- ing with this process, and perhaps more prominent than it, is the process of growth in the basilar membrane, by means of which the feet of the pillars are carried further apart. By the resorption of the Sauropsid organ and the growth in height of the whole organ of Corti, the latter comes to project from the basilar membrane into the cochlear canals, a long, well-rounded ridge, from the apex of which five to seven more or less com. plete! rows of hairs project in a sweeping curve over towards the foot of Reissner’s membrane. As compared with the older conceptions of the structure of Corti’s organ and the relations of its parts, the organ, as I have here briefly sketched it, is a simple and compact structure. There are many of the impor- tant histological intricacies yet to be made out concerning the cell parts and their relations to the parent and neighboring cells and to the nerves, but these need not detain us here. The essentials of the organ of Corti are then, in brief, a long, fluid-filled canal, with a series of nerves piercing its floor to pass up among the cells of a ridge, the apex of which is crowned by several rows of long filamentous hairs which arise from the tops of the sensory cells with which the nerves connect. The sensory cells are arranged in groups, but, as might be ex- pected, these groups are by no means as regular as they would be were they free to multiply and shape themselves, as is the case of the sensory cell groups in the surface canals of fishes. It should be noted that after being shut up in the cranial box the canal organs were so hemmed in that there was no room to spare for the usual amount of canal space to accommodate a single sense organ, and the larger patches of sensory cells, such as the macule utriculi sacculi and the papilla lagena, were formed in a manner quite unlike the more typical cristz of the ampullz. With the lengthening of the lagenar pocket there was afforded opportunity for the growth of a series of closely related canal organs; the opportunity was seized; the sense organs grew in all directions, practically covering the floor of 1 There are usually four quite complete rows with straggling cells beyond. 58 ANTES: [ VoL. VI. the chamber. These cells were, however, of low stage of dif- ferentiation, not raised above the cells of the maculz sacculi and utriculi in physiological capabilities, and consequently the limit was soon gained for a useful multiplication of the sensory structures in this way. If a few cells could do all the work of the many and subserve other functions at the same time, it would be of advantage to the animal to reduce the number of cells, conserve its nerve energy, and gain in perfection of service. Just this has been done in the transformation of the Saurop- sid cochlear organs into the mammalian condition, but at the same time the length of the narrowed series has been greatly increased, so that information is reported to the brain from a hundred independent sources in the mammal ear where it was reported from ten in the Sauropsid ear, serially speaking ; for the important condition of sequence is concerned only when the reporting cells are at different distances from the brain. Where all the cells are the same distance from the brain, they speak practically as one. There is then a repetition of canal-organ arrangement in the cochlear organ of the Mammalia, and this is indicated by the nerve supply, the blood supply, the separation of the end cells themselves, and by all the subordinate structures that have been impressed with the structural relations of the sense organs and their connections. In Pl. XII, I have attempted to illustrate in a perspective view the existing condition of things in the human ear. The structure of the hair-bearing cells in the cochlea of the mammalian ear has been a subject for difference of opinion ever since their discovery. Waldeyer and Gottstein describe them as twin cells com- posed of upper and lower halves, the parts corresponding to the hair cells and the supporting cells of other authors. I have never found a double or twin cell among my many preparations, and I do not believe in their existence. The hair cells as I have found them correspond to the upper halves of the twin cells of Waldeyer and Gottstein, the hair cells of Retzius and of Paul Meyer. The hair cells of the outer rows are larger than those of the inner. They are cylindrical in shape and filled with a clear fluid Noor: SIGUE VISIR SI OMISE Jd kee 59 in their upper parts, while their basal portions, around and below the nucleus, contain a coarsely granular protoplasm. There is not much variation in shape between the cells from the different mammals studied. In all species the basal end of the cylinder is quite regular, somewhat swollen, and the upper rim of the cell wall, where it joins the cell cap, turned out like a flange. This conformation gives the whole cell, when viewed from the side, a vase-like shape. The action of reagents on the cell contents affects their appearance, so that the clear upper half, so distinct in the living cell, may be coagulated or have its invisible structure more or less clearly brought to sight. Con- trary to the statements of Retzius, the auditory hairs arise, as Waldeyer has already claimed, from the whole upper surface of the cell cap. The crescentic outline or horseshoe figure (hufeisen oder halbkreisformiger Anordnung) or style of ar- rangement which Retzius has made us familiar with, is an optical effect and entirely illusory. The explanation of this mistake (which many other investigators besides Retzius have likewise made) lies in the fact of the oblique position of the hair-cell cap with respect to the focal plane of the observer’s lenses, so that unless great care and a sufficiently high power is used, the appar- ent arrangement of the hairs in the optical section of the cell cap of the thickness of the focal depth is mistaken for the actual arrangement, which is usually only to be determined by a care- ful analysis and combination of the several images of the optical sections of any given cell cap. Whatever the shape of the cell cap, whether circular, oval, polygonal, or irregular, the hairs arise from the whole of the upper surface, and they are evenly distributed over this surface. These hairs are more numerous on the hair cells from man’s ear than the mammals which I have studied. The differences are not very great between man, the ox, and pig. Quantitative results I shall reserve for a later paper. Retzius has shown conclusively enough that the human coch- lea does not contain a larger number of rows of hair-bearing cells than that of most mammals, e.g. the dog and cat; but his calculations show the rows to be much longer in man than in the cat and rabbit. The row of inner hair cells offers some important points for consideration, — points of difference in structure and perhaps 60 AYERS. [VoL. VI. origin and development. These hair cells do not vary much in their characters in domestic animals. This row is the most complete of the several rows of the organ, and it shows super- numerary cells less often than the other rows. In histological details the cells are quite unlike those of the outer rows, and, according to Retzius, they approach those of the maculee utric- uli and sacculi in their shape, size, and structure. They are entirely filled with a dark, coarsely granular protoplasm, and consequently lack the clear end space of the cells of the outer rows. The hairs appear to be better developed than in the case of the cells of the macule. According to Gottstein and Waldeyer, and Retzius agrees with them, the inner row of hair cells is developed from the outer- most cell of the large epithelial ridge ; but according to Boettcher the innermost cell of the small ridge gives rise to the inner hair cell. It becomes a matter of great importance for the correct understanding of the organ of Corti to determine the source of all its elements. For my own part I am fully persuaded that the inner row of hair cells arises entirely within the bounds of the small epithelial ridge, and the evidence is not merely embry- ological, as derived from the study of mammalian development, but comparative anatomical, based on the study of the organ of Corti in the Alligator and several mammalian ears. Allowing that the inner cell is developed from the outermost cell of the large epithelial ridge, we should have to separate the organ of Corti into two very distinct portions, one of which would in- clude the portion supplied by the Sauropsid organ, z.e. the inner row of hair cells, and its supporting cells, or the inner row of Corti’s pillars; while the other one would include the rows of the outer hair cells and the outer pillars of Corti. While my own observations on the ontogeny of the ear agree with Boettcher’s, they are not sufficient to warrant at this time a final conclusion as to the part actually played by the Sau- ropsid organ in the adult mammalian ear. As I have said before, I think it disappears as a sense organ, being repre- sented in the adult mammal only by the lining epithelium of the sulcus spiralis internus. The structure of the Sauropsid and mammalian organs as they exist in the Alligator is such that I am inclined to think the whole of the organ of Corti as it exists in mammals is No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. Bn a direct descendant of the organ of Corti as found in the Alli- gator, and for the following reasons: the Sauropsid organ of the Alligator is made up of sensory cells of a different character from those found in the Alligator’s organ of Corti. This is especially true of the innermost four or five rows of the organ OL Conti Lon ins these” innermost) roms muneneellsmare) more like those of the organ of Corti in the mammals than those of any other parts of the epithelial ridges, and are very different from the remaining cells of the organ lying outside of them. I look upon these rows of modified cells in the Alligator’s organ of Corti as the earliest indication of the peculiar and character- istic structures of the organ of Corti in the Mammalia; and if such is the truth, the latter organ must have arisen entirely from the former. Accepting the other supposition, we should necessarily have to conclude that the arches of Corti arose from the supporting cells of the edges of the Sauropsid and mammalian organs, and that Corti’s canal is represented in the Alligator by the deep valley separating these two struc- tures. While it is entirely possible for the supporting arcade to have arisen in this way, and although such a method of origin would render some difficult problems much easier of solution, and has thus the factor of simplicity in its favor, it must be said that at the present time the latter view is not so well supported by facts as the former. The arch of Corti in the mammalian ear (Pl. XII) is located outside of the place of entrance of the cochlear nerve into the cochlear canal, and in the Alligator the relation to the organ of Corti (z.e. the inner four or five rows of modified cells) is very similar, while the relation of the nerve to the Sauropsid organ is very different and of the same nature as that sustained by the cochlear nerve to the large epithelial ridge in the developing mammal. The supporting cells of the organ of Corti, like those of all other sense organs of the lateral-line category, comprise all of the non-sensory cells of the ridge-like organ. So far as my observations enable me to decide, these cells are all simple, z.e. there are no twin cells in the sense in which Waldeyer, Gott- stein, and Nuel use the term. Since the supporting cells, with the exception of the double row called Corti’s pillars, are of 62 AVERS. [VoL. VI. interest mainly from the histological standpoint, I shall not enter into a detailed account of them here. Suffice to say that they are of various sizes and shapes, depending upon their posi- tion in the sensory ridge, and they pass over into the indifferent epithelial lining, of the sulci internus and externus. The rods of Corti are of unusual interest, since they make their appearance among existing forms only in the Mammalia. In the Mono- tremes, where the cochlea retains a lagena, its main Sauropsid character, the arches of Corti are already well developed, and we must look for their early stages of growth and development among extinct forms of the Post Reptilia. The story of their development will be given further on; but when once matured they constitute the long tent-like cover or inclosure of the canal of Corti. Each rod is composed of a large number of isolable, fine, transparent threads, of circular section. The minute hya- line cylinders conform to the curvature of their rod. The whole bundle is inclosed in a cell which for the greater part of its length fits it closely like a sleeve, while at its foot and some- times at its head the remaining protoplasm of the cell is col- lected. The cell nucleus, which persists throughout the life of the rod, lies always in the foot on the tunnel face of the rod. The fibres of the two rods opposite each other seem to blend at their union above, thus forming the keystone of the arch. From here they diverge until they come in contact with the basilar membrane, when they turn suddenly outwards, z.e. away from the tunnel, and run parallel with the fibres of the basilar membrane, among which they sometimes appear to be rooted ; and Nuel was led by this appearance to figure and describe a continuity of the pillar fibres with those of the basilar mem- brane. JI am convinced such does not exist. The cell) caps" of; the, cells) forming ythe rwdeae) of s@orti ane fused together,! thus forming a continuous sheet, and the pillar heads form a broad, smooth band, marked only by transverse and parallel lines, which, throughout the length of this plate, divide it into inner and outer halves, and these into segments (MEG IME Deiter, je eyarel 7/3. lek, II, Jee, Gye Je, Wis Joes, a? ayacl © 2 1 While in the living condition the caps of the epithelial cells are in close contact, in hardened preparations they are more or less soldered together by the action of the reagents, and their continuity is thus mechanical and not organic. They do not differ in this respect from other forms of epithelial cells. IN@s io] IIE, WAR RISE CAIID, JOBUK 63 Pe Viliiehioworvand Pi Xl) inst platewonespanrt of which has received the name of Hensen’s Randkorper, another part of which is known as the membrana reticularis, and whose third and inner part has never been specially named, will be con- sidered more in detail further on. The membrana basilaris is that part of the connective tissue wall of the cochlear tube which lies under the sense organ and forms its floor, as well as the basement membrane of its epi- thelium. Like the basement membrane of all sense organs of this system, it is a portion of the dermis of the head, modified in the direction of homogeneity of composition. Its structure and arrangement have been many times correctly described in detail, and I have little to add to its histology; but when we consider its morphological significance, I am sure that hereto- fore the true nature and relations of this now well-known plate have not been correctly apprehended. It is far from being the most delicate membrane of the cochlear wall, and is, as stated, actually the thickest part of the connective tissue wall which is exposed to the perilymphatic spaces. Reissner’s membrane, or the roof of the canal, is very much thinner and less resistant, since its basement membrane is a very delicate plate and the two plates of epithelial cells covering it are many times more delicate than those supported by the cochlear floor. The mem- brana basilaris has only one character that renders it of special interest, and that is its relation as basement membrane to the sensory cells whose nerves must pierce it in order to reach their terminations. Boettcher thought he had proved a structural continuity of the epithelium, z.e. the rods, with the basilar membrane, but from his embryological studies he concluded that the layers of the membrana basilaris were in no sense derived from the epithelial layer supported on its inner surface. This conclusion no one can refuse to acquiesce in when the evidence of comparative anatomy is considered. The epithelial cells of the sense organs of the lateral line are supported by the dermis on which they rest, which thus constitutes the basilar membranes of these organs. It normally develops lymphatic channels below the sense organs. Thus the dermis between the organ and the lymph spaces becomes the functional basilar membrane of the organ, and is very much thinner than the surrounding 64 AVERS. [Vor. VI. dermis. These modifications do not affect the relation of the epithelial cells to the connective tissue cells, and the two layers retain their structural independence. The basilar membrane of the organ of Corti is a complex structure composed of cells and fibres of varying sizes, which have arisen from the dermis. These fibres run both directly and obliquely across the open basilar space, and form a two to several layered floor, on which the cochlear organ rests. Anat- omists have made various divisions of its surface, based usually on the relative position of the cochlear ridge and the nerve foramina to the surface of the plate. It is usually divided first into two main zones, an inner and an outer. The former is very sparsely striated, ze. fibrous; for in this part the individuality of the fibres is more or less in abeyance. This part bears the organ of Corti, and runs under the sulcus spiralis internus, where it is perforated by the foramina for the nerves, to its insertion into the limbus spiralis. The outer zone is usually considered to begin in the imme- diate neighborhood of the feet of the outer pillars of Corti, ze. outside the arch of Corti, and extends from this region out- ward to its insertion in the angle of the ligamentum spiralis. The fibres of this zone are very distinctly separated from each other, and are easily separated in microscopic preparations of the membrane. There are at least two layers of fibres present in this mem- brane in all mammals, and in some three and four. There isa general agreement among investigators that the basilar mem- brane of the human ear is thinner and relatively broader than it is in most, if not all, other mammalian species, a belief which I think is insufficiently borne out by the facts, but the number and completeness of the layers of fibres is subject to change during development, and is different for different species. The surface layers of both faces of the membrane are in the adult usually incomplete, and appear as bundles or bands of fine fibrils lying on the deeper layers of the membrane. The basilar membrane in the pig and ox shows during its development that it is not in any way built up from the ecto- epithelial structures lying on its upper surface and derived from the surface of the head, nor from the meso-epithelial structures evolved during the ontogenetic processes as cellular lining of No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 65 the lymphatic canals of the ear, as was supposed by Deiters and Lavdowsky. The basilar membrane, considered phylo- genetically, is merely a portion of the connective-tissue floor of the sense-organ canal of fishes. Of the basilar membrane Retzius says (Joc. czt. p. 280), “ Diese wichtige Membran, die Grundmembran des akustischen Apparates der Schenecke, welche von Labium tympanicum bis zum Ligamentum spirale straff ausgespannt liegt, lasst sich am ehesten in die eigentliche Membran und die tympanale Belg- schicht theilen.” The lining tissue of the scali tynipani or the lymph space normally developed below the floor of the sense organ is as normal a component of the basilar membrane as the cellular plate which covers the face cf Reissner’s mem- brane turned towards the scala vestibuli, and must be con- sidered when we estimate the physical properties of the basilar membrane. The importance of the basilar membrane to previous investi- gators was due mainly, if not entirely, to their views as to its function. It was the harp of many chords on which Helmholtz played with variations his later piano-string theory of musical perception. On Pl. VIII, Figs. 5 and 7 show the basilar mem- brane of the Opossum and its component layers, some of which are strictly transverse, while others run longitudinally, crossing the former nearly at right angles. These fibres are all held together as.a compact plate during life, and are with difficulty separated enough to show their mutual relations. When hardened or properly macerated, they may be readily separated, and the upper layers are most readily displaced. These upper bundles of fibres have played an interesting part in the history of the mammalian cochlea, as will be further explained when we come to treat of the nerves. The histologi- cal character of this membrane has been so many times the sub- ject of careful research that it might seem presumptuous for one to attempt to add anything to our knowledge of it. I do not intend to enter into any long account of the condition of the basilar membrane in the forms studied by me, but only to call attention to the facts (and illustrate them with a few camera drawings) that investigators have ascribed to the membrana basilaris qualities which it certainly does not possess. Its elas- ticity is not great enough to serve for the transmission of the 66 AVERS. [Vor. VI. delicate undulations which it has been supposed to transmit, and from its composition a great deal of the motion imparted to it would necessarily be lost in transmission. Likewise before reaching the plate of transverse fibres which form the completest part of the basilar membrane as previously conceived, the motion would have to be transmitted through a continuous homogene- ous layer of substance lying below and inclosing the fibres from the scala tympani. When we reduce the cochlear spiral to a straight line, we have the cochlea in the form of a straight canal, receiving its nerves along one side —the lower inner angle, if one may speak of angles of a tube more or less oval in cross-section. The nerve does not enter the walls of the tube as a continuous band, but is previously divided into sub-equal sections, which form branches about twice as broad as thick. There are about fifty of these branches in the middle spiral of the ear of Sus and a total: of from 110 to 125 in the entire cochlea. Each branch of the cochlear nerve is supplied to a single sense organ composed of about ten hair cells counted lineally in either the row of inner hair cells or the inner row of outer hair cells. There is a tendency to fuse into a continuous band, owing to the suppression of the supporting cells between the sense organs, which renders the determination of the bound- aries of most of the organs a matter of difficulty and in many cases an impossibility. Assuming that there are four rows of hair cells regularly completed, each fasiculus would supply on the average about forty hair-bearing elements of Corti’s organ in the adult. The extremes I have found are four lineal and sixteen lineal with ten cells as the average length of the sense organ. After passing through the floor of the canal the nerve fibres enter the epithelial ridge and traverse the intercellular spaces, branching, as they do so, until they arrive at the end cell, into which they enter. The general features of the relation of the nerve bundles, as they pass out of the lamina spiralis ossea through the habenula perforata, during the passage of which they lose their medullated sheaths, have often and accurately been described, and there is substantial agreement among the authorities in the matter, but the course of the non-medullated fibres from the habenula perforata to their ends, and the relation No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 67 they sustain to the other structure of the organ, are not so well agreed upon. The discussion which is at once opened when the subject of the peripheral endings of sensory nerves is touched upon is one of long standing and exceeding great difficulty when it comes to the presentation of demonstrations and conclusive arguments. There are two questions remaining for consideration in this paragraph, —the spiral or longitudinal nerve bands and the peripheral ends of the radial nerves in the hair cells. Dis- covered by F. E. Schultze, described especially well by Deiters, the spiral nerves have been found by the majority of investi- gators since their time (Kolliker, Hensen, Loewenberg, Nuel, Gottstein, Lavdowsky, and Retzius), though some authorities have been unable to satisfy themselves that the spiral fibres are really nervous in nature (Rosenberg, Boettcher, Waldeyer, and Middendorp). With the latter group my own investiga- tions compel me to place myself, for they have led me to the same conclusion arrived at by Waldeyer in 1870. I am fully convinced that there are no bundles of spzval nerve fibres in the cochlea such as Deiters, Hensen, Gottstein, Nuel, Lav- dowsky, and others have described. Cf. Deiters (69), Taf. VII, lei, 2x8, aiaccl Wane, WOUUL leis, 21 ual os INwiell (eG), Jel, IW = and Lavdowsky (178), Taf. XX XV, Figs. 5, 12, 13, 20. As to the existence of such structures as are here displayed there can be no question. I have often had the counterpart of Deiters’ Fig. 28, Pl. VII, but the fibres there shown are not nerves, but connective tissue fibres belonging, as I believe, entirely, and, as I have demonstrated, at least in part, to the basilar membrane. Nuel’s figures show mostly fibres of a different nature micro- scopically ; but although I have seen such fibres as he offers in the figure on PI. IV only a few times, they appear to me to be connective-tissue fibres modified by the reagents used and more or less transposed during the preparation. It should be re- called here that the radial nerve fibres after they leave the habenula perforata do not run in straight lines, but suffer two sorts of displacement, one of which is due to the spiral growth of the cochlear canal, by means of which the relations of all the contained structures are considerably distorted in a plane par- allel to the basilar membrane, and the other of which is an easy undulation of the nerve fibre itself. This undulation of the 68 AVERS. iVorsivale nerve fibre I have seen in all preparations showing the nerves, but since the nerves are invisible without previous chemical treatment, it by no means follows that the undulations exist during life; still it is not improbable that this is the case since such a disposition is not uncommon in the smaller nerves in the tissues of other organs. The various authors who have described the system of spiral nerve fibres do not agree among themselves as to what constitute the complete system or where the various bundles are to be found. No one has yet been able to trace the connection between these so-called spiral nerve fibres and the hair cells. Boettcher, whose extensive researches into both the embryonic and adult structure of the cochlea entitle his opinion to great consideration, calls attention to the logical inconsistency of the accounts of the authors describing these courses of fibres, in that they fail to find the origin and end of the spiral nerves and they do not agree as to their position and characters. No one has yet claimed that these tracts of spiral nerves have any representation in any of the other sense organs, nor has their ex- istence been shown in the ear of the Alligator, in which type the mammalian organ exists in a much simpler condition than in any of the mammalia. From what I have already seen of the cellular structure of the Alligator’s cochlea I am confident that spiral nerves occur neither in the sauropsid nor in the mammalian organ of this animal’s ear. Waldeyer says in his resumé of the controversial points of the mammalian cochlea: ‘In stating my views in regard to the cells and fibres which are the subject of dispute, I will say that the observations which I have made with positiveness in regard to the nerve endings make it probable that neither the granule cells [z.e. the epithelial lining of the sulcus spiralis internus; these are the cells which Waldeyer had compared with the inner “granule layer” of the retina] nor the spiral fibres have a nervous character; otherwise we should be obliged to claim a double nerve ending. The differ- ence between the well-established radial nerve fibres and the spiral fibre bands opposes this supposition. Still this point can only be determined by further careful examinations based on embryological researches.” Boettcher’s monograph on the development of the mammalian cochlea appeared after this was written, though the researches were actually carried out some years before, and Boettcher’s INOm tel] THE VERTEBRATE BAK. 69 conclusion was that both theoretical considerations and the embryological data were against the nervous nature of these spiral bands of threads. In his earlier account of some points of cochlear anatomy, Nuel (207) described in great detail the system of spiral nerve fibres, and noted the following important fact which vitiates the theory of spiral nerves in the organ of Corti: “Eine Merkwiirdigkeit von diesen Fasern muss ich noch erwahnen, namlich auch in Bezug auf diese Faden finden wir das System der Horzellen in den ausseren Stiitzzellen vorgebildet, dem ich fand ein ganz identisches System von spiralen Fasern zwischen den Stiitzzellen, die, wie gesagt, den Horzellen schon analog gelagert sind.” The fact that the so-called spiral nerve bands are well devel- oped in connection with non-sensory cells casts doubt upon their nervous nature. I believe the “spiral nerves” exist in the living condition as delicate walled but relatively large lymph channels which are formed between the bases of the cells, and which are found not only in the organ of Corti and the Saurop- sid organ, but also in the organs of the lateral line and the sense organs of the ears of fishes. In Petromyzon sucha lymph chan- nel is well developed in the surface canal sense organ (PI. VIII, Fig. 11), and I have figured the lymph vessel under the inner row of outer hair cells of the pig on Pl. III, Fig. 10. There are numerous moniliform threads shown here, but they are part of the wall of the lymph space, and are not nerves, but connective- tissue fibres. These lymph spaces contract under the influence of reagents along with the other parts of the organ, and then appear in cross section, not as intercellular spaces, but as granu- lar bodies placed on or near the bases of the hair cells; and this appearance is what Retzius has figured in sections of the mam- malian cochlea. The fibres do not stain in Dogiel’s methyl blue, and osmic acid does not differentiate them from other fibres of undoubted connective-tissue nature. The varicose fibres have appeared most distinct under low powers and after alkaline reagents. Finally, the evidence of comparative anatomy is entirely against the existence of these spiral nerve bands. From the foregoing account of the cochlear ridge in the Hydrosauria and in the Mammalia it appears that a large num- ber of cells outside of the last row of external hair cells seem 70 AYERS. [Vou. VI. to be non-sensory in character. Hitherto, at any rate, they have been classed as supporting cells and non-sensory. They have never been shown to have hairs upon their cell caps, though these same cell tops separate from the cells much as the tops of the genuine hair cells do. They have never been shown to have nerve connection, though it is difficult to understand why they should be so well developed and in such abundance if they have no function beyond forming a ridge-like body ; for it cannot be longer seriously held, I think, that all these strongly developed cells, forming more than half the bulk of the ridge of Corti, are merely supporting cells. Why should the organ need so much “support” on one side only? The cells are found only on one side in abundance, and on the side where they are fewest embryology shows us they are the degraded hair and supporting cells of an atrophied sense organ. In some parts of the Cortian auditory ridge these cells appear hyper- trophied as compared with the hair cells themselves. If they are not all supporting cells, may not some have a sensory function, since they belong to a ridge supplied abundantly with nerves ? I think it more than probable that renewed search will show that these cells are, part of them, connected with the fibres of the auditory nerve, and perhaps bearers of sensory apparatus on their upper ends. A careful analysis of the elements of Loewenberg’s net and the membrana reticularis may reveal more than we yet know of the nature of these numerous well- developed cells. The second topic is that of the peripheral endings of the radial nerve fibres. As Waldeyer has truly said, anatomists have described every known method of nerve ending as having been found in the cochlea. Since Deiters’ time, however, there has been a general agreement that the radial nerves ended in hair cells as ove of their endings. Of the other supposed end- ings we have heard less, the more thoroughly the Cortian organ has been studied, and to-day it may be considered practically settled that the radial nerves end only in the hair cells of the inner and outer rows. The exact manner in which the nerves terminate in the hair cells is still an open question. Lavdowsky maintains that the nerve fibres more frequently end in the hair cells in the neigh- borhood of the nucleus than at their lower ends. No. 1.] IV VB VA BKISRAEICAIIZ TEA ee 71 The nerve fibre penetrates the cell and ends in the protoplasm near the nucleus or in the nucleus itself, as he thought he had found. In young animals the nerve may present the appearance of ending bluntly against the side of the cell. This mode of ending is the one almost exclusively figured by Retzius for all the forms he studied, both adult and embryonic. The latter author is specially positive that he has never observed anything approaching a penetration of the nerves into the cell protoplasm, and concludes,that the nerve fibre merely applies itself to the surface of the cell wall by a more or less swollen and uneven plate. This contact is not easily destroyed, but Retzius thinks that there is no actual fusion of nerve sub- stance with cell substance. He says (237, II), p. 368: “Wie endigen nun diese Fasern? Hier bleibt eben die grésste Liicke in unserer Kenntniss vom feineren Bau des Gehororgans. Ich habe mich viellfach bemiuht, diese Liicke auszufiillen, bisher aber fast vergebens. So viel ist jedoch sicher, dass die unteren Enden der ausseren Haarzellen die oberen Fasern der Spiralziige beriihren und ihnen sogar anhaften; einen directen Uebergang der Nervenfasern in die Haarzellen sah ich aber nie; nie sah ich die von Nuel beschrie- benen, nach oben zu den Haarzellenden hin emporsteigenden Nervenfasern. Diese Hauptfrage der Histologie des Gehor- organs der Saugethiere muss meiner Ansicht nach noch als unbeantwortet betrachtet werden.”” While I do not doubt that the last word has not been said on this topic, my own conviction is that in all the vertebrates I have studied, in this particular, spiral nerve courses do not exist, and that the fibres which pierce the floor of the canal make their way as directly as circunstances allow to the morphological bases of the hair-bearing cells and enter into such a union with them that a protoplasmic conti- nuity is established between all living parts of the cell and the nerve end, and that there exists in the cell a specially arranged mechanism for the transfer by transformation of the mass motion of the endolymph into the molecular motion of the nerves. Within all of the hair-bearing cells, and apparently running from cell cap to nucleus and from nucleus to basal end of the cell, are to be seen, especially well in cells killed in chromic solution, but also after the reaction of other chemicals, extremely ¥ G2 VANE TESS [VoL. VI. delicate moniliform threads, in number varying considerably so far as appearances go; the extremes of variation, though difficult of determination, are about the same as those of the hairs borne by these same cells. These filaments I propose to call the capillo-nuclear and the nucleo-neural filaments, and I hold that they are continuations of the nerve into the hair processes. Whether they pass through or around the nucleus is a matter which I have not succeeded in demonstrating. The first ac- count of these structures which I find in the literature is that given by Boettcher (31), who describes these central fibres of the cell in the following words: “Ich habe friiher Angegeben, dass in ihnen [z.e. the hair cells] ein glasheller centraler faden enthalten sei, welcher den Kern umfasst und selbst von einer blassen Hille umschlossen werde, aber schon damals ausdriick- lich hervorgehoben, dass sie im frischen Zustande anders er- scheinen. Von spatern Beobachtern hat ausser Henle, Niemand auf diesen Centralfaden Riicksicht genommen. Letzterer be- statigt es dass, wie ich mitgetheilt hatte, die Corti’schen Zellen in verdiinnter Salzsaiire die von mir beschriebene Form anneh- men, meint jedoch, ‘dass die Umwandlung Folge einer Gerin- nung des Zelleninhalts sei.’ “Damit ist die Sache, glaube ich, nicht abgethan und jene eigenthtimliche, immer in derselben Weise wiederkehrende Veranderung der Corti’schen Zellen nicht erklart. Es liegt mir fern behaupten zu wollen, dass das Bild, welches Man nach der Salzsaurebehandlung erhalt, dem normalen Zustande entspreche, auf andern Seite kann ich aber auch nicht zugeben, dass ein . durchweg gleichmassiges Protoplasma constant in der Weise gerinne, dass es einen central verlaufenden glanzenden Faden bildet. Wir haben oben gesehen, welche Unterschiede die Bogenfasern im frischen Zustande und nach ihrer Behandlung mit Salzsdure oder Chromsaure darbieten. Auch hier existirt eine Hiille, die bisher iibersehen worden ist. “Aehnliche Verwandlungen eines besonders organisirten Theil der Zelle diirften bei dem Auftreten des Centralfadens der Corti‘schen Zellen vorauszusetzen sein. Hiernach) kann ich die Annahme nicht Raumgeben, dass derselbe ein Gerin- nungsproduct sei, glaube vielmehr, dass er auch im frischen Zustande vorhanden ist und vielleicht in Form feinster Fasern durch die Zelle verlauft, in Folge der Behandlung mit Salzsaure No. 1.] LIOR, WARSI RG CAIMD, JAK 7a “aber erst als dickerer glanzender Faden hervortritt.” These observations show that Boettcher did not see the fibres as I have found them, although on general grounds he thought the single coarse fibre might be composed of finer ones drawn together by the contracting action of the reagent, or swollen till they coalesced into one large rod, as is more likely to be the case when hydrochloric acid is used. My discovery of these numerous moniliform threads was made entirely independently of Boettcher’s investigations, as I had not been able at that time to consult his paper so rich in accurate observations. Boettcher’s observations have not received their just recog- nition at the hands of anatomists. Their full value for the physiologist we may not now properly appreciate, but that we shall in the near future in greater measure than in the past I do not doubt. My own observations enable me to go much further in theory than Boettcher dared to go, as they carry the morphological basis much further and render the relations of nerve and nerve-end cell much more intelligible than ever before, and enable us to demonstrate a physically continuous protoplas- mic path from the percipient element in the ear to the receiving centres in the brain. That this is a gain for the experimental physiologist, as well as the speculative physiologist, is apparent enough. Other investigators have searched for these filaments, but have not found them. Nuel (206, 1878) was not successful in demonstrating their presence, and considered them artifacts. Paul Meyer (192, 1876) says: “ Jamais nous n’avons pu con- stater de liaison aucune entre cette cupule et le noyau de la cellule. “Du reste, ainsi que le montrent les imbibitions par l’acide osmique ou par des matiéres colorantes, nous avons affaire ici aun véritable corps solide, et c’est ne pas une simple illusion d’optique, comme semble Vadmettre Retzius, d’apres lequel ce disque terminal ne serait du qu’a un jeu de lumiere sur la partie superieure plane ou un peu excavée de la cellule. “Cette cupule solide porte les cils terminaux; les deux ne constituent qu'une méme masse.”’ Meyer did not observe this terminal body to be connected with the nucleus of the cell; on the other hand, as he expressly says, ‘nous n’avons eu sous les yeux une préparation nous permettant d’affirmer nette- 74 AVERS. [Vou. VI. ment une continuation directe entre le noyau de la cellule et le filet qui y pénetre par l’extremite inferieure,” z.e. the nerve fibril which, according to Meyer, comes into close contact with the cell, — fusion with cell wall,—but does not penetrate into its protoplasm. In describing the hair-bearing cell from the comparative standpoint, Hasse says (doc. czt. p. 77): “Am freien Ende tragt jede Zelle einen homogenen, cuticularen Verdickungssaum, ahnlich wie die Darmcylinder und aus demselben erhebt sich ein ebenfalls als cuticulares Gebilde anzusehendes, namentlich bei den Fischen ungemein langes, steifes, Kegelformiges, un- endlich fein auslaufendes Haar, dessen Basis, wie erwahnt, Langsstreifungen zeigt, die warscheinlich der Ausdruck von Stiftchen sind, die von der Basis der Haare gedeckt werden und vielleicht mit den Nervenenden in Zusammenhang stehen, da ich glaube, dass die an das basale Ende der Gehorzelle herangetretene Nervenfaser vielleicht unter Theilung das Cen- trum der Zelle bis zum cuticularen, Verdickungssaume durch- setzt und nun entweder in die Basis des Haares tritt, oder vielleicht auch in einem Korperchen endet, auf das Hensen im peripherischen Theile der Zelle unter dem Verdickungssaume zuerst aufmerksam gemacht hat. Die ins Epithel getretenen Nervenfasern gehen entweder als blasse, ungetheilte Axency- linder an das untere Ende der Horzellen, oder theilen sich, innerhalb des Epithels einen intraepithelialen Plexus bildend und oft auf weite Strecken horizontal verlaufend, in mehrere Aeste, bei den hoéheren Thieren in zwei bis drei, um dann zum basalen Ende der Gehorzellen zu treten.” And further on, page 93, in describing the conditions found in mammals, he says: “... aber jedenfals hier nicht enden, sondern wahrscheinlich durch das Innere der Zelle bis zu dem basalsaume und vielleicht durch diesen bis zur Basis des Gehor- haares und den Stiftchen verlaufen.” A study of these filaments in the hair cells of the organ of Corti in the ox, cat, dog, pig, and rabbit enables me to give the following details of their arrangement and relations. The capillo-nuclear fibres, to begin at the cell cap, appear to be con- tinuations of the bases of the hairs, and in this region, together with the cell caps, have given rise to the structure discovered and described by Hensen (1871, 129), and which by later authors No. 1.] ITEM WAAR IVES AIDS, (PAU ke 75 has been called Hensen’s body or nucleus. Hensen found in the top of the outer hair cells an ovoid refractive body some- what smaller than the nucleus of the cell, variable in size, which seemed to be surrounded by spirally arranged threads, which, notwithstanding its minute size, recalled nerve end bodies and bulbs to our author's mind. Although he usually found it near the upper end of the cell in close relation to the cell caps, he also found it at all distances between the upper end amg tne inueleuiss (Celle Wor Imig, “A s. 7, aiaGl Se JPL OX lee ws and Pl. XII). This body presented the appearance of a thin walled ovoidal capsule encircled by a fine, evenly, spirally wound fibre. Below this ovoid body, and usually in contact with it, he found still another small round nuclear body, which he thought was, under normal conditions, inside the cell. It is impossible to say what the cause of the peculiar form of the cell’s central protoplasmic mass in Hensen’s preparations may have been, but I think there is no reasonable doubt that Hensen had under his lens merely a modification of the structure discovered by Boettcher and later observed by Henle, and which I have myself undertaken to describe more fully. The normal condition of this part of the cell, so far as the capillo-nuclear filaments are concerned, is then as follows: The upper end of the cell is filled with a clear protoplasm, more fluid at the circumference and between the threads which lead downwards from the bases of the hairs to the nucleus. These filaments appear to be connected with the nucleus. Whether or not they are so connected is not to be determined readily in the whole cell, but in sections, or, better still, in teased preparations where the parts of the cell are more or less separated from each other. The surface of free nuclei may be seen to be studded with projections, due apparently to the remnants of protoplasmic filaments penetrating the nucleus from the cell protoplasm. In Fig. 8, Pl. V, is shown such a free nucleus, in which the projections are separated into two sets, each set occupying the polar part of the upper and lower hemispheres of the nucleus respectively. On either side of the nuclear body are two smaller, deeply stained, spherical bodies without visible connection with the nucleus. These two bodies lie opposite each other in the equatorial zone of the nucleus which is free from the projections spoken of above. The struc: 76 AVERS. [Vo. VI. ture and functions of the small paranuclear bodies is entirely unknown. The filaments either pass into the nucleus or are closely applied to its surface as they pass it by. Considering the fact that the nucleus itself presents an appearance in harmony with the actual penetration of the capillo-nuclear filaments, it is not out of the way to conclude that there is such structural relation between these sensory fibres and the body of the nucleus. The fibres which leave the nucleus over its lower hemisphere arrive in due course at the bottom of the cell, and are only separated from the nerve end by the cell membrane. It is admissible, however, that these nucleo-neural filaments may with truth be called the prolongations of the nerve inwards to the cell nucleus; but that is a minor consideration as compared with the fact of the actual connection of the two ends of the cell by direct pro- toplasmic paths of such definite arrangement as to leave no doubt of their general nature as mediators between the per- cipient cochlear hairs and the transmitting cochlear nerves. Since the above was written I have received a paper by Dr. K. C. Schneider, entitled ““ Untersuchungen iiber die Zelle,” in Claus’ Arbetten, 1X, 2, 1891, in which the author shows that such a condition of the nucleus as I figure in Pl. V is the ordi- nary condition for all cells. The author further describes the relations of the nuclear and cellular protoplasmic motile fila- ments at length, and figures on Pl. I, Fig. 7, the projection of vibratile cilia beyond the surface of the cell, ze. through the cell wall, and their continuation centred into the nucleus. As such a condition is the normal one for the /zfwsoria, it is not at all strange that in the sensory structures of higher animals the extra-cellular projections should be continued structurally into the nuclear network. Schneider’s definition —or perhaps I should say demonstration — of the nature of the cell wall enables us to readily conceive how the nerve threads (I do not mean axis cylinders, but the ultimate threads resulting from the breaking up of such a nerve end as we encountered in the case of the hair cells) may easily penetrate into the cell, or even estab- lish protoplasmic continuity without so penetrating. So that we are not compelled to make the assumption of a penetration in order to establish an actual continuity of the two IN@s toll THE VERTEBRATE EAK. 77 structures, such as shall be effective in mediating between the nerve-end organ and the nerve. In concluding this paragraph I wish to propound the definite thesis that there is an unbroken protoplasmic path from the base of the hair cells to the brain cells, along which path the auditory stimuli travel, and during which time and before leav- ing the end cell they are transformed from mass motion to molecular motion. After having traced the cochlear organ from the Fishes up to the Saurians, and described its sudden and very remarkable development in this group as exemplified in the Alligator, and after having studied in some detail the main characters of the higher mammalian ear, the determination of the characters of the monotreme cochlea has become a truly enticing topic for investigation. Urban Pritchard (216, 1881) has done the only work, of which the results have been published, on the anatomy of the membranous cochlea of the Monotremes, but his observations, although valuable, are not so complete as we need at the pres- ent time. The membranous cochlea is of course shorter (ap- parent length) and smaller than the bony tube, but a very good idea of its length may be had from the size of the latter. Pritchard gives one-fourth inch as the length of the bony coch- lea in Ornithorhynchus paradoxus (more accurately 6.3 mm.). However, on account of its curvature around the end of the lamina spiralis ossea, its entire length is greater than that of the bony cochlea. It runs nearly horizontally forwards and curves at the same time slightly outwards. The lagena ap- pears as a swelling on the cochlear tube, much as in Saurians (Alligator, Crocodile) and Birds. It has a greater diameter than the rest of the cochlear tube, and is flattened parallel with the plane of the basilar membrane. The Sauropsid characters of the Ornithorhynchus cochlea are then more prominent than the mammalian so far as the general shape is concerned, but when we come to the internal characters we find them so far as known strictly mammalian. The Sauropsid organ has disappeared ; the mammalian organ of Corti is well developed, but possesses two rows of inner hair cells instead of the ove usual among other types of mammals. The neural cartilage of the Sauropsid ear has been converted 78 AVERS. [Vot. VI. into the lamina spiralis ossea and supporting bone. The coch- lear canal is triangular in section throughout most of its course, and has the same general position within the lymphatic space formed by the two scale —s. tympani and vestibuli —that it has in the higher mammals. The basilar membrane is a three- layered, relatively thick plate. The lower layer is composed of longitudinal fibres with spindle-shaped nuclei; the middle layer contains transverse fibres, while the upper layer is composed of fine transverse fibres. The pillars of Corti are well developed, and they inclose a triangular tunnel much as in mammals generally. The pillar feet of the inner and outer pillars are very similar in shape and size, but the enlarged heads differ; that of the inner rod is oblong in shape with a delicate process projecting inwards from its upper part, while that of the outer pillar is rounded and fits into a hollow of the head of the inner rod. As Pritchard found the hair cells, each one appeared to bear on its upper end four or five stiff and relatively thick bristles — the auditory hairs. The hair cells are well-defined structures with flat, circular tops, from which the stiff hairs rise, with large nuclei imbedded in a granular protoplasm. The supporting cells are well developed, and extend from the basement membrane quite to the surface of the sensory ridge. After having left their channels in the lamina spiralis ossea near its lower border, the nerves pierce the upper layers of the lamina spiralis membranacea (basilar membrane), forming in so doing the usual habenula perforata. The nerve fibrille pass upwards and outwards to the inner hair cells, and the latter or outermost fibres, after crossing the canal of Corti, end in the outer hair cells. The mammalian organ does not extend fur- ther towards the apex of the cochlear tube than the lamina spiralis ossea, and here the tube narrows, to suddenly enlarge again into the lagenar pocket, which is curved around the open space called the helicotrema, by means of which the two peri- lymphatic spaces communicate. The lagenar sense organ in Ornithorhynchus is found to be in structure much like the maculz of the utriculus and sacculus of this animal’s ear, but more like the lagenar organ of the Sauropsida. The usual oto- lith collection is present on the surface of the sensory hair field. No. 1.] IIEIE, VAR ILAENCCAIGSS JIA Kee 79 The cochlear ganglion is inclosed in the bony plate, along the inner border of the cochlear floor as in other mammals. The rods of Corti are placed on the basilar membrane at a much sharper angle than they are in the higher Mammalia, in consequence of which the canal of Corti is less broad than usual in this class. This condition I consider to be more primitive than the adult condition of the higher Mammalia, as the latter forms pass througha stage identical with this, which occurs in late embryonic life. Pritchard’s deduction with reference to the homologies of parts between the cochlear channels of Ornithorhynchus and the higher mammals contains a grave error due, in the first place, to his misconception of the true nature of the cochlear tube especially, as well as of the so-called scale, and secondly to ignorance of the actual conditions existing in Birds. He says (loc. cit. p. 278): that the lamina ossea of Ornithorhynchus (and other mammals) corresponds to the avian quadrilateral cartilage, and that the mammalian ligamentum cochlez is rep- resented in the Bird by the triangular cartilage. Also that, whereas the lower division or scala tympani of each corresponds, the ductus cochlez of the Bird occupies the whole of the upper division, and therefore corresponds to the scala vestibuli and scala media (or ductus cochleze) of the mammal.”’ That the cochlear tube of the avian ear possesses well-devel- oped scale tympani avd vestibuli is such a well-published fact that one is at a loss to understand how Professor Pritchard could have overlooked it ; besides which, any transverse section of the bird cochlea prepared with ordinary care would have prevented the above blunder. The general rule which Hasse laid down that “ wenn einmal ein Theil mit einer macula oder crista acustica mit Nervenend- apparaten des Hornerven differenzirt ist, dieser nicht verschwin- det, sondern, namentlich wenn er die Schnecke angehort, in der Wirbelthiere reihe immer mehr entwickelt,” is no longer to be considered as stating the usual course of events; for of three important exceptions to his rule the most important one affects the strongest clause in the rule, viz. that concerning cochlear organs. Unaccountable as it still is, the fact remains that the largest and at one time most important cochlear organ does dis- appear from the mammalian cochlea about the time of birth, 80 AVERS. [Vou. VI. after the forces of the organism have been expended in building it up to a state of physiological perfection, while its place is taken by an organ very similar to it in the earlier stages of its development, but which, it must be admitted, develops along a different line from the Sauropsid organ. Of the greatest impor- tance in tracing the descent of the mammalian ear from the Sauropsid condition is the recognition of the fact that at least two species of lower mammals retain the papilla acustica lagenze in a condition of development entirely identical with that found in Birds and Hydrosaurians. ‘The existence of the crista acu- stica abortiva has not been determined in the Monotremes. An explanation of the origin and significance of the pillars of Corti at once in harmony with their origin and with their func- tion, as I conceive it, and as it seems clearly indicated by the new light we have received as to the nature of the whole organ, is that, ozwzg to the increasing length of the hairs of the hatr cells, there arose need of greater tsolation and firmer Support. The inner hair cells, being the oldest row, are first affected and first supplied. There are indications of a progression of this process out- wards, between the rows of the so-called outer hair cells, and there is evidence (see Pl. X, Fig. 4) that this process has already begun in the organ of Corti of the Alligator: it is here seen between the innermost and the second rows of hair cells. The pillars of Corti are then isolating and specially and pecu- liarly constituted supporting structures. As the ear differen- tiates we may expect similar pillars to form between the second and third, and third and fourth rows, as well as between the latter and the fifth or outermost row of hair cells. There is evidence that the number of rows of hair cells in the mammalian cochlea is on the increase. All the facts point to the conclusion that the number of rows is increasing at the same time that they are becoming more highly modified, z.e. specialized and capable of executing the functions of the organ in ever-increasing degree of perfection. The Alligator’s organ of Corti shows a larger number of rows of hair cells than the mammalian organ, and all mammal forms which have been studied so far show unmistakable indications of the increasing differentiation of the organ of Corti. In the No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. Sy Alligator we find that the nerve distribution is, as far as the external branch is concerned, fundamentally the same as in mammals. For instance, in the Alligator the nerve enters through the cartilaginous supporting bar at the inside of the Sauropsid acoustic papilla, and piercing the cartilage passes out underneath the inner hair cell row, to which it gives off fibres, under the main plate of the cochlear organ, and here disappears at the bases of the cells. As the fibres approach the bases of the hair cells, which here rest on the cushion formed by the supporting cells of the organ, they lose their medullated sheaths, and passing upwards, pierce the upper layers of the supporting cushion, reaching finally the bases of the hair cells, probably penetrating into their substance, and entering into direct communication with their nuclei as in the mammalian cochlea. The fibres which pass beyond the row of inner hair cells cross obliquely the space outside these cells and dis- appear among the outer hair cells. The hairs which are given off at the top of the cells appear to be thicker and shorter than the hairs of the corresponding cells in the mammalian ear, and consequently the membrana tectoria which they form is a wider band relatively, but neither absolutely nor relatively as thick. It is also thickest in its middle part, thinning off both ways. The inner row of outer hair cells of the mammalian cochlea shows much more than the inner hair cells, the same form of body and relation to supporting cells and basilar membrane that the remaining hair cells of the organ of Corti display ; indeed, they may be said to have progressed beyond them but little except in the more perfect isolation of the cells and the consequent greater separation of the hairs of the row. The isolation cells are not so distinct and do not play as impor- tant a part in the separation and support of the cells beyond the second row as they do between the first two rows of inner hair cells; they are, however, much advanced beyond the con- dition of development, in which they exist between the cells of the outer, unmodified portion of the papilla basilaris. Here they present the simple unmodified condition which character- izes them in the macule, cristze, and papillae of the other parts of the ear. The pillars of Corti present in their development among the 8> AYERS. [Vou. VI. Mammalia an epitome of their phylogenetic history, and in the embryo mammal we may recognize the reptilian condition as illustrated in the organ of Corti of the Alligator ear. These cells appear to be well formed and separate the first two rows of hair cells, but they do not possess such marked fibrous struc- tures as are present in the mammalian pillar cells. The blood- vessel which runs below the floor of the organ (formed by the basilar membrane) is present practically as in the mammalian ear. Connected with the pillars of Corti and forming a part of its supporting framework is a structure formed by the cell caps of the supporting cells on either side of the pillar row, and which, from its appearance when isolated, has been called very appro- priately the membrana reticularis. Iam confident that the reticular structure is a product merely of the cell caps of the supporting cells,! and that the intercellu- lar substance, if such exist, is not important in the formation of its framework. The hair cells are only lightly attached to the supporting cells. Everywhere except in the region of the reticulate membrane they are separated, in fact, by considerable interspace, but in this region the cell caps of the hair cells seem to fill interspaces or the reticula of the membrane; and since the tops of all the cells of the organ lie close together and form a mosaic, and since the supporting cells adhere very tenaciously to one another by their cell caps, it is very easily understood how the structure may appear as a discrete structure, after the organ of Corti has been passed through the processes of pres- ervation, hardening, staining, clearing, dissecting, and mounting, one or all, before observation. The membrane has no individual existence any more than the membrana tectoria, and with this we have removed another feat- ure of the cochlear anatomy, which appeared to show a want of harmony between the type anatomy of the canal organ and that of the highly modified Corti’s organ. 1The reticulate membrane very frequently retains the cell caps of the hair cells within its meshes, but under the definition they are not to be considered constituents of this structure. From the new standpoint they are on the same footing with the isola- tion cells as contributors to the reticulate frame. That the hair cells are less firmly fixed by their upper ends is apparent from the greater ease with which they separate from the membrane. No. 1.] De® VARI HIDE ATT, JAK 83 The essential elements of the organ of Corti are, then, — The hazr cells — Percipient elements. The nerve cells and fibres — Transmitting elements. The supporting cells — Isolating and supporting elements. These three include the only structures that are necessary for the performance of the physiological function of the cochlea, notwithstanding previous physiological speculations with respect to the necessity of a damping apparatus and of a vibrating membrane composed of separable but fixed cords, because they are the only structures present which can possibly have to do with the auditory function, and they also represent the structures pres- ent in the type organ, from which they have descended. Concerning the nervous elements in the mammalian organ of Corti, there is still much uncertainty as to the exact distribution, the number, and terminations of the fibres of the cochlear nerve entering the organ through the limbus spiralis. There is sub- stantial agreement, however, as to the main facts of nerve supply so far as course and general disposition of the nerve fibres of what may be called the direct system. We know enough about the matter to entitle us to enter into comparisons with the lower forms, more especially those which have been investigated up to date, and whose organ of Corti presents as many rows of hair cells as are found in man. In those cases in which the rows are not numerically as strongly marked as in man, the cochlear organ appears to have lagged behind in its development. It is true some forms have a greater number of spiral turns to the cochlea without at the same time actually having larger cochlear organs, z.e. increased number of percipient elements. Kor, manifestly, it is not sufficient in esti- mating the number of hair cells in a row to simply count the number of complete turns of the cochlear tube and reckon on the basis of the number of cells counted in the spiral turn of some one form chosen as type. For the length of the curves, z.c. the openness or closeness of the spiral, involves the circum- ference of the complete ring of the spiral, and hence the number of cells contained in it. It is evident that greater isolation of the hair cells of a com- pound sense organ, and thus of their percipient hairs, 1s ob- tained by the elongation of a few rows of cells, with the scant 84 AYERS. [Mors vale development of the remainder, than by massing together the whole large number of cells into a compact plate as in a macula or a papilla, as occurs in most of the sense organs of the ear. I conceive the cause which lies behind the remarkable growth of the cochlea in length and spiral course to be the physical neces- sity for the isolation of the cells and the greater perfection, the increased delicacy and sensitiveness for perception of the hairs borne by the cells. THE HAIR BAND (MEMBRANA CORTI, MEMBRANA TECTORIA). To ilistonical: 2. Form and Relations of the Band to the Cochlea. 3. Sensory Hairs. . Disposition in the band. Relation to the sensory cell. origin. number. . course. normal relation to scala media. size at base and tip and relative lengths of hairs in different parts of the organ of Corti. g. intercapillary substance. A. comparative. SP RO LG 4. Loewenberg’s Net. . position and extent. . size of net and meshes. origin and attachments. . varieties and variations in same cochlea. composition of the cords of the meshes. Ses SS All students of the anatomy of the vertebrate ear down to the time of Ecker and Reich had failed to find in the chambers of the ear cellular structures of a specific kind, and almost all of them considered the ear to be more or less completely filled with a gelatinous matter which was specially well marked in the ampulla and over the macule,—%in connection with the jelly otoliths were frequently found. F. E. Schultze in 1858 first described the ampullary gelatine as a crest of long, straight, auditory hairs, as he called them. It is true Ecker, and later his student Reich, had found the ciliate epithelium of the Petromyzon ear, but they did not discover the true auditory No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 85 percipient structures. Although Schultze’s observations were accepted by competent authorities as correct, the older idea of the presence of the auditory jelly was only slightly affected ; and while there was nothing in Schultze’s observations to give color to the view, it was held, however, that the auditory hairs, although undoubtedly present, did not project into a lymph-like liquid, but were received into canals or other openings within the gelatinous mass later called a “cupula terminalis.” The cupula terminalis was thought to be a secretion of the non-hair- bearing cells of the sensory area. This idea gradually grew, and was extended to the covering structures of all the auditory sense organs, which were variously termed the membrane tec- toriz, otolithic membranes, or reticulate membranes. The special term applied by Lang to the gelatinous mass of the ampulla was the cupula terminalis, and it was not until 1878 that the whole error was overthrown and the complete meaning as well as the entire accuracy of Schultze’s observations was demonstrated for the ampullar sense organs. Hensen, to whom we owe this important demonstration, worked single handed against the most determined resistance on the part of his con- temporaries, and it was only after several years’ time, during which he repeated his own observations and republished his account with additional facts and evidence, that he forced those of different mind to admit that their ideas of the relation of the sensory hairs to the ampullar cavity were entirely erroneous and that the microscopic preparations of the ear sense organs, which they supposed fully proved. their position, normal though they seemed, were artifacts, creations of their own unconscious efforts, which although made, it must be admitted, in most if not all cases, with the express purpose of getting at the truth, were none the less destructive of the truth and constructive of false conditions and conceptions. The demonstration by Lang of a dome-shaped, striated (some- times apparently homogeneous) mass resembling stratified jelly, led him to publish his cupula terminalis idea, and the ease of demonstration and apparent constancy of the structure after ordinary histological preparation led off other workers only too completely, until Hensen took up the subject and studied the ampulla under conditions as natural as it was possible to obtain, with the result already mentioned. 36 AYERS. [Vou. VI. Max Schultze (1858, 256) discovered the auditory hairs of the cristae acusticee of the fish ear (Teleost). He found them pro- jecting freely into the endolymph. Franz Eilhard Schulze (1862, 255) re-examined the question, and found that Schultze’s observations were correct so far as they went; but he discovered that the hairs were much longer than Schultze had described them to be. They were equal in length to at least one-half the diameter of the ampulle, and probably were even considerably longer. Lang (1863, 175) found in preparations of the ampullze treated with hydrochloric acid and alcohol that a finely striated mass, which he called the ‘“‘cupula terminalis,’ covered the auditory crest. He considered the auditory hairs, previously described by Schulze and others, to be artifacts resulting from the trans- forming action of the acid and alcohol on the cupula. Hensen (1863, 130) confirmed the discoveries of Schulze, and Hasse (1870, 116) accepted the arguments of Lang, but regarded the hairs as relatively short structures. Retzius (1872, 238) agreed with Lang and Hasse. Paul Meyer (1876, 192) was in essential agreement with Hasse and Retzius. Dr. Kuhn (1877, 170) found in the ampullz of all the species he worked upon (fishes, amphibia, and reptiles) what he consid- ered to be a cuticular structure of such form and extent as to serve as a dome-shaped cover of the crista and its sensory hairs, effectually shutting off the hair chamber from the rest of the ampulla. This organ —the so-called cupula terminalis — was of form and structure varying with the species studied. Kuhn says (loc. cet. p. 316): “ An frischen Praparaten ist es unmoglich dieselbe in situ zu Beobachten; sie fallt von der crista ab und wird ihrer Durchsichtigkeit halber stets tber- sehen.” In ears hardened in chromic or osmic acid, Kuhn was able to study the structure and relations of the body to the hair cells and to the crest. Even in these cases, however, the cupulze were frequently absent wholly or in part. The base of the cupula was always found to be concave, repeating, as a rule, the curve of the crista acustica. He never found the cupula projecting beyond the edges of the hatr-cell territory ; and conse- quently any relation to the planum semilunatum was not to be thought of. The body of the cupula, rising from its concave INIOs Tie] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 87 base, was dome-shaped, though, as Dr. Kuhn’s figures show his preparations, this was by no means the constant form. Some of his figures, as Fig. 38, Pl. XX, show a form of “cupula” which was doubtless produced by the separation of the hair tuft near the apex of the crista, from which line of separation they fell flat to the floor of the chamber either way, forming in this manner a bilobed cupula that certainly does not appear “ ter- minal.” In the fresh cupula, Kuhn never saw the fibrous structure which appears in most hardened preparations, though not in all. He considered the fresh cupula to be composed of a homogeneous, more or less glassy, transparent, and refractive, gelatinous matter of slight resistance, in which no trace of stria- tion was present. In most other matters of detail, Kuhn agreed with the previous investigators who had gone over the matter, Lang, Clason, Retzius, Meyer, and others; but he did not accept the conclusions of Hensen and Cissow. Kuhn separated the fibres of the cupula by teasing, and, as his figures show, obtained bodies of the shape and size of the terminal portions of the ampullar hairs. Hensen (1878, 131) renewed his studies of the auditory hairs, and arrived at the following results : — (az) In embryo Teleosts (Gobzws Ruthensparri, minor and mt- crops) from 40-45 mm. length, the hairs of the crista acustica project nearly if not quite across the ampulla (in length conse- quently equal to the diameter of the ampulla), and hence bear entirely different relations to the ampullar structures from those described by the authors who have touched upon this subject. (2) In the living condition and in fresh preparations there is no ampullar cupula terminalis to be found. (c) It is impossible that any solid matter is present within the ampullar above or among the hairs, for these may be seen > to become applied so closely together as to leave no free space between them. (2) On the contrary, the solid cupula terminalis is produced by the action of the reagent used, eg. hydrochloric acid and alcohol (Lang), which causes the hairs to disappear as such, and converts them into gelatinous substance or a thick mucous liquid. Retzius (1881, 237) described many capulze terminales in the first volume of his extensive monograph on the ear of verte- brates, and held to his original views, extending his observations 88 AVERS. [VoL. VI. over many species of fishes and amphibia. He considered the cupula to be a normal structural element of the vertebrate ampulla, since he had always found it as a sharply defined and regularly formed structure, on account of which he was unable to accept Hensen’s views, though he distinctly states that owing to the fact that his observations had for the most part been made before Hensen’s article was published, he did not give the latter that consideration which he now concedes was its just due. He had never found the auditory hairs free and long except in the case of Proteus, and this, to him, unusual condi- tion he was entirely unable to explain in the light of the cupula terminalis. Hensen (1881, 132) appeared again in print, denying in the most emphatic manner the natural existence of the cupula terminalis. He repeated his former observations and measure- ments of the auditory hairs made on species of Gobius, this time a younger fish, 10-30 mm. long, and arrived at the same results as formerly. Concerning the relations of the otolith hairs to the otoliths, he states that the latter are borne by the hairs 0.01 mm. from the surface of the epithelium. The small oto- liths seem to be inclosed in a membrane, while the larger ones lack the membranous envelope. The coverings of the maculze utriculi and sacculi, Hensen could not find; and so he declared those described by various authors to be artifacts. The long auditory hairs of the ampullae of adult Teleosts may be readily observed if the ampulla is carefully removed from the head, and examined under slight pressure. They may also be seen more or less well preserved in suitable sections. In the closed ampulla of Pleuronectes sp., Hensen measured hairs o0.19-0.2 mm. The breadth of the ampulla over the crista was 0.5 mm. The actual length of the hairs was 0.4 mm. The hairs after removal from the ampulla measured (maximum) 0.12 mm. Owing to thickness of the ampullar walls and pigment de- posit the Frog’s auditory hairs are invisible in the unopened ampulla. They measure 0.12 mm. when taken out, and are probably at least 0.2 mm. long in the uninjured state. Every motion of the water throws these hairs into the greatest confu- sion, tangling them in hopeless fashion ; and they remain as a compact, gelatinous, spongy tissue or more solid mass. In this No. 1.] IEW VARI RS ea IMD, 3/2 Gee 89 condition they easily break away ez masse, or stick to the walls. Hensen concluded that the hairs of the Frog end more pointedly than those of fishes, but that they also have heavier bases, with more sharply defined structural detail. Hensen confirms Ret- zius’s discovery that the so-called hair from a cell is composed of many finer fibrilla. In optical cross-section one is able to determine that the number of fibres which enter into the body of a round hair is about eighteen to twenty. The thickness of a single fibre is 0.0007 mm. Hensen found that in some species of Teleosts, if the ampulla was disturbed before killing and fixing with osmic, no cupula was formed. It was invariably present when the ampulla was hardened in osmic zz sztu. In other species the ampullze would bear removal, and still give good cupule. When such osmic cupulze were hardened in Miiller’s solution, for twelve hours after fixing, it was found that they remained firmly fixed to the crista, contrary to the observations of other authors, with respect to lack of attachment of the cupula to the crista. Hensen was enabled to observe the various stages of the formation of the cupula by the action of reagents, and to prove conclusively that it was gradually formed from the hairs or from the intercapillary substance. He was inclined to think that the latter matter was the source of the artifact and that the hairs projected up into it or were more or less bent outward before entering the gelatinous mass. The cupula of osmic acid is much different from the chromic acid structure (Kuhn’s), or from the hydrochloric acid cupula (Lang’s). Retzius (1884, 237, II) gives up his former position, after a careful study of the problem, admits the truth of Hensen’s position, but calls attention to the fact that the latter author assumes the presence of an intercapillary substance whose coag- ulation by reagents gives rise to the cupula, so that, as he thinks, Hensen really assumes the presence of a sort of fluid cupula after all. Although loath to give up his former views entirely, resting as they did on many carefully prepared ears and on their careful study both by himself and his friends, Retzius does so since he had observed the degrees of cupula formation. My own observations lead me to deny the presence of a special intercapillary substance anywhere in the ear. 90 AVERS. [Vou. VI. dhe» brothers» Sarasinv(1887..24.6. E12,» 46) adescribemal mucous secretion which they found quite regularly in prepara- tions of the sense organs of the Ichthyophis, which surrounded and extended beyond the sensory hairs, was unstained by borax carmine, and was undoubtedly excreted by the supporting cells, since the sensory cells all ended in sensory hairs, which pre- cluded the formation of an excretion. They were unable to decide which of the supporting cells were concerned in the pro- duction of the secretion, and expressed the opinion that they all possessed limited secretory powers. The secretion thus ‘produced may form a tubular process projecting beyond the sense organ and serving in a measure to protect it. This is the equivalent of the so-called hyaline tube so often described for fishes and larval amphibia by F. E. Schulze and others. It hardly admits of doubt that the auditory club described by Sarasin brothers for the well-developed lateral sense organs which they consider accessory auditory organs is either a prod- uct of the sensory hairs alone, in which case it would be the analogue of the cupule, or of these and some additional sub- stance. In any case it has nothing in common with the audi- tory otoliths. As I shall show further on, the so-called supporting cells are in part true mucous cells, and the hyaline tube is a product of their genuine mucous secretion, its tubular form depending on the absence of the secreting cells from the centre of the sense organ. This secretion bears the same relation to the sense organ that the mucous canals of Elasmobranchs do to the am- pullze of Lorenzini, which lie at the bottom of canals, ze. at their proximal blind ends. The auditory club which these authors describe for the acces- sory auditory organs of the trunk region of Ichthyophis is very refractive, but is not a genuine otolith, since it lacks calcareous matter, and it is further not a true cuticular structure, since it swells in strong caustic potash and dissolves. They considered it to be a hardened glandular secretion, the product of the gland cells (z.e. supporting cells) of the organ, and functional as an otolith. The structure readily falls out of its cavity in manipu- lation so that sections are found without this structure. The test of their view that these lateral line organs were ac- cessory ears the authors found in the study of the ear itself, and No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 91 figure a section through the sense organ of the sacculus, and carry out a detailed comparison of the structures of the two organs. The auditory club is physiologically equivalent to the otoliths. Morphologically, however, the brothers Sarasin think it is more like the cupula terminalis which Lang, Kuhn, Hasse, and Kolliker, found in the ampulla of the ear. After thus briefly reviewing the history of the cupula ter- minalis, we are better prepared to estimate the value of the views which have been, and which in part are still held con- cerning the tectorial membrane of Corti’s organ or the auditory damper of the physiologists. Its discoverer, Marquis Corti (1851, 59), gave the following account of it: “‘Quant on observe une bandelette dentelée dans l’état le plus frais et le plus intact possible, on voit que la mem- brane tres mince qui lui sert de toit et tres tendue sur la ban- delette méme et ne présente jamais aucun plis. Cette membrane part, comme nous avons vu, environ du bord externe convexe de la bandelette sillonnée en couvrant les dents de la premiére rangée, et arrive a couvrir a peu pres trois rangées de cellules épithéliales placées sur la zone pectinée,” and he calculated the distance between the “ bandelette dentelée”’ and the membrane to be about 0.0085/"". Claudius (1855, 53) described Corti’s membrane as a tolerably tough, but extremely thin membrane, finely striated with parallel markings; to him it appeared elastic. It begins on the inner border of the crista sulcata below the epithelium without apparent boundaries, covers over the crista to the teeth, and from the apices of the latter it stretches across to the periost of the outer cochlear wall, running parallel with the membrana basilaris. It inserts in the periost under the epithelial coat. It retains these characters in all parts of the cochlea. Boettcher (1856, 29) wrote: ‘‘Cortiis membrane stretches parallel with the membrana basilaris from the acoustic teeth to the inner surface of the outer cochlear wall, so that, together with the basilar membrane, it forms a closed canal.” Kolliker (1859, 167): Corti’s membrane is composed of (1) a special striated lamella, (2) an epithelium, and (3) a delicate con- nective tissue. The striated lamella appears to be of connective tissue nature, is separable into a thinner and thicker portion. The thinner is transversely fibrous, the thicker striated (ze. 92 AVERS. [VoL. VI. fibrous) parallel with the long axis of the cochlea. The rounded end appears frequently canal-like, in which Kélliker thought he detected a blood-vessel in a few preparations. Boettcher (1859, 35) defends his former views relative to Corti’s membrane. He recognizes two zones, an inner and an outer. The inner is extremely pale, with pronounced cell mark- ings (impressions). External to the acoustic teeth the second and thicker zone begins. It is very thickly and finely striated. On the external border of the latter zone one frequently finds broad branching fibres, which usually form the border, then bending at right angles are dissipated in a brush of branches, which pass inward and are lost in the fine striation. Not far from the border one frequently sees a seam which may perhaps mark the line of insertion of the third zone. Boettcher also had preparations which showed even a second membrane running across the scala media into the cochlear wall. Deiters (1860, 69) described this structure as follows: “ Corti’s membrane does not begin at the apices of the cells, but passes on beyond them; but beyond the apices it is fine, transparent, and scarcely striated. External to the teeth it shows a diago- nal striation due to folds or fibres. The outer border of the membrane really inserts on the ligamentum spirale. The upper surface is covered by a simple, thin, polygonal epithelium. The lower surface has none.” Kolliker (1861, 166) studied the development of the cochlea, and concluded that ontogenetically the lamina reticularis, as well as Corti’s membrane, are cuticular formations, both secreted by the cells of the epithelial ridge, beginning in the early stages of cochlear growth. The cochlear canal begins to develop as a purely epithelial tube, and it shows on the floor which later on becomes con- verted into Corti’s organ, three thickenings, one large and two smaller ones. The large epithelial ridge is covered by a struc- tureless or, perhaps, finely striated membrane, the rudiment of Corti’s membrane, and it is a cuticular product of the long epithelial cells. Hensen (1863, 130) wrote: ‘The membrana Cortii is secreted in the embryo by a group of cells known as the Organon Kolli- keri, which undergoes atrophy as the membrane increases in size, and whose function in consequence seems to be that of Nos 23] Velo VIDEIV SS OAIIR VON E. 93 secreting the tectorial membrane. It never leaves these cells, but lies upon them throughout life, except the anterior ends.” It is of a soft almost mucous consistency, withstands tearing with considerable force, and swells much in hydrochloric acid. The fibrillaze are separable, and there is probably an inter-fibrillar ground substance. In that portion of the lower face in contact with the teeth, one finds meshes of a network impressed on the surface. Corti’s division of the membrane into four zones can, although they are usually present, be referred (H.) to external and secondary influences, and hence may be disregarded. The part lying on the teeth is relatively very thin. Not only is the thickness of the membrane subject to great variation, — depend- ing on the height of the teeth or of the papilla or the sulcus epithelium, but also in the different parts of the same cochlear canal. At the hamulus and radix the membrane ends in a some- what pointed and dentate manner corresponding to the end of the teeth and the papilla. In breadth it increases as the hamulus is approached. The proximal edge hes in the line of origin of the memb. Reissneri. In the pig, however, it passes up onto this membrane a few cells breadth. The outer border was always found in adult human ears not to overlap or pass beyond the outer row of Corti’s cells. It is at any rate certain that the membrane of Corti is fixed from the teeth over the lower wall of the sulcus, and outward from this lies free upon the rods of the lamina reticularis. Loewenberg (1864, 185): The membrana Cortii shows three zones, —an inner, a middle, and an outer. The inner has no transverse striations and no network imprinted on its under sur- face. The middle zone has both. The striations really run obliquely to cross-section. They lie in several layers, and are arched over Corti’s organ. Besides these I found a peculiar “accessory layer,’ which extended from the second third out- ward. This structure looked hke a much perforated lamella, forming now and then a tissue of broad stripes. These stripes are nearly parallel to one another, and run in one direction, which nearly coincides with the border of the membrane. In sections, however, one sees that the perforations are in reality only thin places in the membrane, and the stripes are thickenings. In- ternally, this layer becomes very thin and its commencement very difficult to trace. Externally, it grows thicker and forms 94 AVERS. [Vou. VI. a wedge-shaped portion in which one can distinguish a struc- tureless mass inclosing an elongated portion that has the appearance of a number of capillary vessels in cross-section. Corti’s membrane is related to the surrounding parts in such a manner that its inner and middle zones rest upon Huschke’s elevation (promontory) ; it then applies itself to the epithelial thickening external to this and spreads out over Corti’s organ, inserting finally on the upper process of the ligamentum spirale of the outer cochlear wall. By this means a canal is pro- duced between the basilar membrane and Corti’s membrane, and between this and Reissner’s membrane another hereto- fore unknown canal, so that with the two scalz there are four canals. Henle (1866, 124): The cochlear canal is divided into two chambers by a membrane stretched across the canal paral- lel to the basilar membrane, from the labium vestibulare to the outer cochlear wall. This membrane —the membrana tec- toria (M. Cortii) is very delicate, but notwithstanding its thinness, firm and resistant and of a very peculiar brittleness and elasticity. It is inserted on the outer wall between the insertion of the membrana basilaris and the stria vascularis. Three zones are distinguishable, the middle of which is composed of several layers of fine, somewhat bent fibres. The inner is structureless and perforated by many holes. The outer is composed of a very fine network made up of elongated meshes. Middendorp (1868, 193): Corti’s membrane is a cell secre- tion. It covers the crista sulcata from the inner angle of the membranous cochlea quite to the free border; from here it stretches across to the roof of the pillars of Corti, and ends in a narrow seam or line which is fastened to the first connecting members: a membrane with blood-vessels is never present. It is Iu thick. It is a firm, elastic membrane. Kolliker (1867, 167): The inner and outer hair cells all bear a brush of fine, stiff, short hairs, which are inserted on the top of the cell in a more or less semicircular line. The membrana tectoria was still considered to be a discrete structure having no organic relation to the auditory hairs. Rosenberg (1868, 242): The largest portion of the epithe- lium of the lower wall of the developing cochlear canal is cov- IN@>, iol IGOR WIBRIMP I RAINE | SoalR a 95 ered by a cuticula, the beginning of the membrane of Corti, which first appears on the median wall. It is quite thick for about half its breadth, and simply covers the outer supporting cells. LLoewenberg’s statement that Corti’s membrane is in- serted into the outer wall of the cochlear canal is incorrect. Boettcher (1869, 31) gives a histological account of the de- velopment of Corti’s organ, in which he describes the onto- genetic changes of this much-studied structure in detail as follows :— Corti’s membrane appears early in development as a thin, radiately striated skin (//a@ufchen) or membrane, lying close upon the epithelium of the lower wall of the cochlear tube, the thickest portion of which is near the inner edge. In the fully developed condition the membrane appears, when studied fresh, obliquely striated from within outward, diagonally upwards, z.e. towards the apex of the helix. It seems to be soft and yielding, but extremely elastic. At this time it is divisible into three zones. The inner zone begins at the inner angle of the cochlear canal and stretches across to the free border of the labium vestibulare. It is thin at its inner border, but grows thicker towards its outer edge. On its surface one finds even in new- born animals roundish or angular pits or grooves, which impres- sions are cell contours. In older individuals it is the teeth and ridges of Corti’s organ which give the markings to the surface. The second zone is thick and has strong striation, and it reaches to the vicinity of the pillars of Corti. In the embryo it lies upon the large epithelial ridge. It grows thinner outwards, ending in fibrous prolongations that are continuous with (enter into connection with) the membrana reticularis, its whole outer border being divided up into ribs by means of vertical parallel incisions. Each rib sends downwards a fibrous, later divided process, a branch from which goes to the inner hair cell, where- as the other passes out over the three rows of Corti’s cells and gives off to each an abruptly descending branch and then con- nects with the neighboring epithelial cells. Corti’s membrane is also in continuity by means of fibrous processes with the upper inner as well as with the outer de- scending hair cells. Whether these processes penetrate further into the cells cannot be determined. The hairs or rods of the auditory cells are consequently artifacts originating in the tear- 06 AVERS. [Von. VI. ing away of Cortis membrane. The third zone of the mem- brane is sharply marked off and begins with a hyaline border; then follows a network of fine trabeculae with regular openings. The membrana tectoria is not, as Boettcher at first thought, united with the hgamentum spirale. Boettcher correctly describes how the tectorial membrane develops with reference to the length of the cochlea. In pig embryos of 7 cm. length he found the membrane well developed in the second half of the first and in the first half of the second spiral turns, while both above and below this it gradually fades out, and is thus in harmony with the stage of development of the hair cells of these parts of the cochlea. Winniwarter (1870, 292) says Corti’s membrane shows three zones, the innermost thin, resting on the auditory ridge, very delicate, faintly striate, from occasional perforations presenting an imperfect netlike appearance and occasionally marked on its under surface by the outlines of epithelial cells which seem to be like those of the auditory ridge. The second zone begins at the end of the teeth, is striated diagonally from within and above, downwards and outwards, the striation being due to sep- arable fibres. This zone ends outwardly in a border, rounded below, which is characterized by a hyaline edge. In the middle of this zone a dark line runs through the fibrous mass. The outer zone is composed of a network of structureless, anastomos- ing, hyaline meshes, the fibres of which arise from a hyaline edge. A more profusely branching plexus passes centrad over the surface of the membrana tectoria, extending far over the middle of the middle zone. The membrane is very resistant and elastic. It extends outwards certainly to the outer border of the three rows of the outer cells of Corti. The connection of the inner and outer pillars (Stege und Saiten) is a very firm one. There are about twenty-nine inner to thirty-eight outer. Grimm (1870, 105) found the length of the hairs of the cristz acusticee to be 0.035 mm., while the cells were only 0.025 mm. high. The nerve fibre passes to base of cell; the axis cylinder pierces the wall, runs to the nucleus, on to the hair cap mem- brane, which it passes through, and ends in the base of the hair as a knob of stainable substance (black in osmic). Hensen (1871, 129) corroborated Boettcher’s observation that the inner and outer pillars of Corti are composed of fibres. He INOsane THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 97 regards the fibres passing out from the hair cells, or more strictly the cylinder cells of the large epithelial ridge, as arti- facts, but believes most decidedly that the rods on the tops of the “hair cells” are genuine auditory hairs. He showed that the membrana Cortii cannot have the relations which Boettcher attributes to it, is not so placed; that the third zone as a continuation of the membrane of Corti does not exist, for, on account of the migration of the pillar fibres, the pillars and the lamina reticularis would be shoved under the striated portion of the membrana tectoria. In the guinea-pig and rabbit he found in the several spiral turns of cochlez treated with osmic acid that the outer boundary of Corti’s membrane was exactly one-quarter of a cell breadth outside of the outermost hair cell. The third zone of Boettcher’s is equivalent to the (co-extensive with the) fibrous network on the dorsal surface of the mem- brana tectoria as described by Loewenberg. The fibres of this zone cross the membrane fibres, and passing over onto the first zone appear to end in a sharp border. This fibrous layer arises as Boettcher describes it, and always lies thrown back. The bars (Balen) from which it arises is the least elastic portion of Corti’s membrane. As concerns his earlier view, that the membrana Cortii filled the sulcus spiralis during life, Hensen is unable to decide, and leaves the question open. He is uncertain whether the embryonic cells separate from the membrana Cortii with which they are so closely bound at first, but he has never seen the membrane with body large enough to fill the sulcus. Finally, Hensen describes <2 row of knobs on the lower surface of the membrane. It is always pres- ent in guinea-pig and rabbit, and is placed exactly above the inner hair cells. Based on considerations of the anatomy and function of the cochlea, Hensen considers it certain that the nerve fibres end in the hair cells. Hensen discovered in the outer cells a peculiar structure in the form of an oval capsule around which fibres were spirally coiled —they reminded him of sense buds (tactile corpuscles). Their normal position in the cell appeared to be directly under- neath the cell cap. He found the capsules in other parts of the cell, but concluded they belonged in the top, and had been accidentally misplaced. As to their function, he favored the 98 AVERS. [VoL. VI. view that they formed an end apparatus for the perception of pressure stimuli, in harmony with his view that the stiff hairs of the hair cells were bumped against or into the membrana tectoria, which rests upon them like a foreign body, by the vibrations of the membrana basilaris. In the case of the inner cell hairs they strike against the rows of knobs above described. Hensen formerly thought the membrana Corti was very soft and almost mucous in nature; he now thinks it to possess a re- sistance comparable to that of a pillow stuffed with feathers. Its stickiness is due to the fibrous net on its dorsal surface (Loewenberg’s net), as well as to the fibrous nature of the mem- brane itself. Gottstein (1872, 103): In man the membrana Cortii begins about the middle, between the attachment of the membrana Reissneri and the labium vestibulare. Within from this line is a continuous layer of epithel cells; but no trace of a tectorial membrane. ‘The fibrous bodies of the pillars of Corti are com- posed of fibres which run into the basilar membrane. Proto- plasmic remains have been found around their upper ends, and Waldeyer saw nuclei there in young animals. The membrane of Corti is divided into three zones, and ends free in the neighborhood of the outermost hair cells. In the little epithelial ridge of the embryo there arises a triangular cell, which soon divides into two, in each of which a fibrous body appears, the first traces of the pillars of Corti. The outer hair cells arise by the fusion (soldering) of two cells, an upper and a lower. In animals the membrana tectoria begins near the line of insertion of Reissner’s membrane; in man, further out (as above Stated), ihe imnermost)) zone! reaches) from) this) lines to yehe labium vestibuli cristae spiralis, thin and structureless; in man it is relatively thicker. The middle zone is separated from the first by a fine spiral line; it extends to the inner hair cells, and is especially thick and fibrous radially. The outer zone is separated from the middle by a slender hyaline spiral seam, and forms a fine-meshed network. The processes described by Boettcher, connecting hair cells and membrana tectoria, and the knobs on the lower surface of the membrana tectoria which Hensen saw, Gottstein could not find. Gottstein did not agree with Boettcher that the hairs occupy only a curved line on the No. I.] THE VERTEBRA TE BATE 99 top of the cell, instead of taking in the whole cap, which latter view Gottstein adopted and figured the hair cells accordingly. Retzius (1872, 238) found the cells of the cristee and macule to be of two sorts, supporting cells and sense cells. The latter are flask-shaped, hair-bearing structures, which carry upon their thickened end plates tufts of hairs, ten to fifteen in number, and not infrequently even a larger number. These may be only the fibrils of a single large hair, and they are found of various lengths in maceration preparations. The auditory cells are directly continuous with the nerve fibres. Nuel (1872, 207) gives an account of the tectorial membrane, but as it is reproduced in his later account, it will be given in a succeeding paragraph. boetucher (16725) 30): Ins the cat andthe doar ther Contis pillars develop during the period shortly before and after birth. The hairs on the upper end of the hair cells are arranged in a curved line, not in a tuft, as Waldeyer thought. He defends his views as to the nature of the membrana tec- toria, viz. that the fibres of this plate are connected with the hair cells, and that the hairs of the latter are consequently artifacts. In a young hare Boettcher found that the third zone (as Hen- sen found in rabbit) was formed entirely of a perforated mem- brane, which lies on the dorsal surface of the membrana tectoria propria and forms the inner part of the membrane, ze. third zone. It is a genuine membrana fenestrata, and lies directly upon the cartilaginous spiral ridge. Further outward it lies over the striated portion, and reaches to the processes found on the outer border of the second zone. Adherent to these processes he found in the cat a row of fine fibres at very regu- lar distances from each other, anda second row of similar ones nearer the ventral surface of the membrane. The membrane in hares is much thinner than in cats and dogs, and begins about the middle of the distance between the vestibular wall and the free border of the auditory teeth. The conditions in the rabbit and hare are unlike those in the dog and cat. In these latter there are fibres and outline figures upon the upper surface of the membrane. These fibres are, so far as position is concerned, the equiva- lent of the fenestrated membrane of the rabbit. This is not 100 AYERS. [Vo. VI. true of the third zone which unites with the border process further outward. Hensen’s knobs are considered by Boettcher to be the remains of the connection of the membrana tectoria with the inner hair cells. Boettcher claims still in defending his earlier view that the membrana tectoria is tensely drawn in a radial direction, and calls attention to a homogeneous inter- fibrillar substance which lies between the isolable fibres. The membrane is elastic in a direction perpendicular to the course of the fibres and must be much more so in a radial direction. The only certain knowledge we have of nerve endings in the cochlea was gained from cross-sections in which the nerve fibres were seen to fuse with the inner hair cells: Of the longitudinal nerve fibres, he says: ‘ Die longitudinalen Fasern werden nicht eher anerkannt werden, als sie auf den Duichschnitt demon- strirt sein werden. Das hat noch Niemand gethan, ja es hat an einen solchen sogar noch Niemand die Stelle angeben kénnen, wo sie liegen.” He calls attention to the possibility of con- fusing these spiral nerve fibres with the cell elements on the lower surface of membrana basilaris. Hensen (1873, 33) concluded, after an examination of Boett- cher’s preparations, that his supposition was incorrect, that Loewenberg’s reticulate lamella played a réle in the formation of the membrana tectoria. In Boettcher’s preparations taken from embryos of the cat there extended from the membrana Cortii (which did not lie upon the membrana reticularis), out over the small ridge, a thin membranous plate. Below this membrane were fibrous structures, which were doubtless artifacts. This membrane, present in embryos, disappears later. The reticular membrane found over Corti’s membrane (discovered first by Loewenberg) has nothing to do with the inner zone in guinea-pig and rabbit, but simply passes out over it, becomes very thin, and ends freely. Concerning the physical peculiarities of the membrana Cortii, Hensen does not agree with Boettcher that it is very elastic in radial direction, especially since we know nothing of its elasticity. He contradicts Boettcher’s observations that the membrana tectoria is radially tensely stretched and that it con- tracts when broken loose. After experiments instituted for the purpose, Hensen con- cludes that the consistency of the membrana tectoria lies No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 101 somewhere between that of contracted muscle and adipose tissues. It probably has the consistency of fresh brain tissue, and is much more resistant than the cells of the ridge, which have a consistency much like that of embryonic brain. Hensen concludes that he is certain that the longitudinal fibres are nerve fibres. He nevertheless admits that with the greatest care it is oftentimes impossible to tell nerve fibres from proto- plasmic processes. He could not find Nuel’s fibres. Lavdowsky (1876, 178): The hair cells have the hairs always arranged in a dorseshoe on the top of the cell. They are short, glassy bacilli, often rounded on the end, which in the fully grown animal are not organically connected with the membrane of Corti. Lavdowsky found that some of the nerve fibres were not con- nected with ganglion cells, and that some of the nerves, after they had entered into the cochlear organ, end, not in the hair cells, but in the ordinary epithelium of the zona pectinata. Corti’s membrane begins near the root of Reissner’s mem- brane as a very thin structure, but rapidly grows thicker. It extends with these relations through the whole of Corti’s canal. It covers over the sulcus spiralis, Corti’s arch, outer hair cells, and ends abruptly exactly over the last row of the outer hair cells, having decreased somewhat in thickness from its middle outward. Lavdowsky disagrees with Waldeyer that the mem- brana tectoria begins in mammals or in man midway be- tween the root of Reissner’s membrane and the labium vestibu- lare. Neither could he agree with Boettcher in this matter. In silver preparations Lavdowsky always found the point of origin very near Reissner’s membrane. It can by no manner of means extend beyond the outer row of hair cells. As the membrane passes by the cells, it certainly does not enter into the kind of union with them figured by Boettcher, but simply applies itself closely to the hair cap of these cells. “ As regards structure, the first and last zones, z.e. the inner and outer, are homogeneous as I have found them, but I con- sider the homogeneity of the first zone different from other authors, since I find that the fibres of the middle zone narrow themselves inwards and not outwards; consequently the first zone is merely a modification of the middle one, whose fibres after narrowing down fuse with each other into a continuous 102 AVERS. [Vot. VI. plate.” He was not able to find any sort of cavities within the middle zone such as Waldeyer described. The figures on its lower surface, stripes, polygonal figures, are without doubt im- pressions of the surface of the structures on which it lies. The major part of the membrane of Corti is contained in the middle zone, which is fibrous. Its fibres are of very peculiar composi- tion, long, for the most part undulating (in surface view), and very fine. They are especially soft, extensible, and very elastic in nature, so that the whole membrane has the nature of a soft, elastic mass. Corti’s membrane is, notwithstanding the contrary views of Hensen and Waldeyer, very elastic, and this peculiarity agrees well with its probable physiological function as a damping membrane. Its elasticity as a mass is due mainly to the inter- fibrillar substance, which Boettcher saw, and which Lavdowsky found was composed of inter-fibrillar granules. This substance easily swells up, and in so doing small vacuoles appear, in which condition Corti’s membrane presents the appearance of a gelat- inous, almost mucous mass. This substance is not found in the other parts of the membrane, ¢.g. in the outer zone. This zone is entirely homogeneous, still more elastic than the middle, which explains its more frequent distortion and displacement and rolling together. He could not accept Hensen’s view as correct for the normal position of the membrane. He had nothing to add to Hensen’s account of the hyaline border net nor the row of knobs. Krause (1876) described the inner hair cells as bearing ex- tremely finely pointed hairs. The outer hair cells differ from the inner in that they have an oval capsule entwined in a spiral nerve fibre, placed between the nucleus and hair-bearing cell cap. Pritchard (1878, 217). In his account of the development of the organ of Corti, Pritchard says that, on the whole, Corti’s pillars, the membrana reticularis, and the vertical trabeculz have been developed out of the walls of the epithelial cells, while the “azv-bearing and all other cells have developed from the contents of the original epithelial cells. The membrana tectoria is a cuticular secretion of these cells. Pritchard (1881, 216) described the auditory apparatus of O7- nithorhynchus platypus and compared it with that of ordinary INOS ato] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 103 birds and mammals. Our author concluded that the Platypus possesses a genuine organ of Corti, with two rows of the pillars of Corti; but the organ is in general not so well developed as in higher mammals, and greatly resembles the avian cochlea. The lagena with its sense organ is still present. Nuel (1878, 206) accepts Boettcher’s views, for the most part, with reference to the structure of the membrane of Corti, but does not agree with him in considering the hairs of the hair cells artifacts. He considered the membrane to be soft and non-elastic, and thought the polygonal depressions on its lower surface were derived from the membrana reticulata. The inner zone he found homogeneous, and is tunnelled by channels for the reception of the apices of habenula perforata. The mem- brana tectoria scarcely covers the membrana reticularis. Its outer zone is covered by a system of relatively large (coarse) anastomosing fibres. Nuel could not decide whether a consid- erable space was included between the membrane of Corti and the epithelium of the sulcus spiralis. Although agreeing in the main with Boettcher regarding the structure of the membrane of Corti, Nuel adds a few new facts which his studies enable him to give beyond the former’s ac- count. The membrane of Corti is thrown like a plate or wing upon the habenula sulcata and the organ of Corti. It thus covers the habenula sulcata, the sulcus spiralis, and the organ of Corti in a radial direction. In the spiral direction it extends throughout the whole length of the cochlear canal. It begins as a thin plate on the habenula sulcata, not far from the line of insertion of the Reissner’s mem- brane, and in this region is composed of a homogeneous sub- stance, and perforated by large holes which permit the passage of the processes of the habenula perforata, which are conse- quently not covered by the membrane. One might say that the membrane of Corti commences as a system of anastomosing trabeculze lodged in the grooves of the habenula perforata. At the extremity of the teeth of the first row, the membrane thickens considerably and passes out over the open space of the sulcus spiralis, from whence it passes on to the summit of the arch of Corti, but is there applied to the membrana reticu- laris. At the apex of the organ of Corti it sustains a considerable 104 AYERS. [Vou. VI. thinning, which approaches the plane of the reticular mem- brane. It extends scarcely beyond this membrane, but little is known concerning its true external termination. On its external border it is furnished with a system of quite large hyaline fibres, which by anastomosing form a sort of net, which for its beauty is not surpassed by the membrana reticularis and which Boettcher has well represented in his figures. This net- work reaches at least to the niveau of the external supporting cells, but its relation to the latter is not known. These trabec- ulze of the outer border are in isolated membranes of Corti, usually bent inward over one or the other of its faces. Between the two systems of trabeculee, internal and external, the mem- brana Cortii shows in a radial course a fibrous structure, fine but quite apparent. The constituent filaments, which are easily isolated in preparations, are undulating and lightly interlacing. The membrane tears readily in radial courses, following the direction of its constituent fibrillee. “Does there exist between the epithelium of the sulcus spi- ralis and the membrane of Corti a considerable open space ? It is impossible for me to answer this question categorically. On the inferior face of this membrane one notices quite fre- quently polygonal depressions, which are in all probability pro- duced by cellular elements. They may also correspond to the membrana reticularis.” . According to Boettcher the membrane of Corti gives off branches of considerable size, which implant themselves upon the plateau of the cells of Corti and of the inner auditory cells. The rods carried by the cells are supposed to be remains of these processes which have been broken off in the preparation a little above the reticulate membrane. The description which we have given of these rods or hairs, and above all their regu- larity, renders, it seems to us, Boettcher’s view inadmissible, at least as regards the significance of the rods. The physical properties of the membrane of Corti merit all our attention. Hensen has announced, and I have many times verified the fact; that) ithe! fresh state it) is) asoitusubstance: somewhat gelatinous and almost without elasticity. It takes and preserves all the shapes which one forces upon it with the instruments, and it rolls up without the least resistance. If we consider that such a pasty mass, as we may Say, rests upon No. 1.] TELE, VEER AEB LAT) OAL. 105 the reticular membrane, it will allow of our making an hypothe- sis as to its physiological réle. It there comes into contact with the rods of Corti’s cells; quite probably the latter are plunged into its mass in a manner similar to the acoustic hairs which in the ampulla are thrust into the otoliths. The membrane of Corti will thus, very properly, annihilate the vibrations com- municated to the acoustic cells (by the fibres of the basilar membrane probably), and thus play with respect to them the role of damper. The membrane itself is not capable of being put into vibration. It is a very poor resonator. Embryological researches prove that the membrane of Corti is derived, not from the cells which constitute the embryonic acoustic papilla, but from the epithelium which covers the habe- nula perforata. Retzius (1884, 237). In his extended monograph on the verte- brate ear, Retzius describes the membrana tectoria as extend- ing from the insertion of Reissner’s membrane to the outer hair cells. It is fixed to the tissue of the spiral blade, from its origin at the root of Reissner’s membrane to inner edge of limbus lamina spiralis, but not structurally. This zone (the outer) is very thin, especially its inner border, growing thicker inwards. When the membrane is released from its position, which is readily done, the upper layer of the flat epithel of the limbus often pulls off with it, and gives rise to the polygonal areas or markings so often observed on its under surface. Where the membrane leaves the free edge of the limbus it is marked by a fine line. From here it extends freely across the cochlear space, covering over the sulcus spiralis internus and the papilla acustica basilaris quite to its outer border —dz.z. to . the third row of hair cells — without, however, coming in con- tact with these cells. The membrane closes in the relatively narrow space of the sulcus spiralis, which communicates with the other larger endo- lymphatic space only at the outer border of the membrane. In this submembranous space the hairs of the auditory cells freely project. Whether they are in any way in contact with the membrane is extremely difficult to determine. In most preparations it appears as if they were not, since the lower sur- face of the membrane stands somewhat above them. In a few cases I saw it resting on the upper surface of the hairs. The 106 AYERS. [Vot. VI. freely projecting membrane, however, scarcely allows of cross- section without dislocation, and the question is only to be decided by cross-sections. A good embedding method will probably answer it sometime. On the under surface of the membrane in the rabbit there is no spiral ridge such as Hensen lately described. The mem- brane grows thicker rapidly after leaving the limbus, and the upper surface is convex in a radial direction. In the middle spiral, the membrane is thickest at its outer border, and the upper and lower surfaces are here bound to- gether by a relatively broad, convex edge plate. On the upper surface, somewhat within the edge, is a thick shining string or cord, that appears somewhat circular in cross-section, runs spirally, and is intimately bound to the surface. From it there passes out over the membrane a net of fine fibres running diago- nally inwards, or really, with reference to the cochlear apex, from without and above downward and inward. The meshes of this fibre net of Loewenberg are oval fissures in its substance. In sections of the membrana tectoria this net appears as scat- tered granules over the surface of the membrane. This net does not extend further inward than to about the middle of the free zone; here the fibres become pointed and end themselves. Of what is this membrane composed? When one studies it fresh in aqueous humor, it is clear, transparent, gelatinous, firmly soft, somewhat elastic, so that it may be slightly stretched. When released, it contracts; when drawn too strongly, it splits diagonally and transversely, z.e. in the direction of the fibres of which it is composed. It appears while fresh to be striated diagonally from above and outward toward its inner and lower border, and under higher power it is seen to be made up of uncountable fibres which run in the given direction. Stained with fuchsin, the fibres appear sharper, rose-red, and they are separable by teasing. With gentle press- ure the membrane is compressible, but returns to its normal shape on removal of pressure. Chromic and osmic acids make its substance firmer, but its composition out of fine fibres is just as distinct. Although these fibres stick closely to each other and are separable only with difficulty, one cannot distin- guish a cement substance between them. But a minimum amount of such a substance is to be predicated as present No. 1.] TEN VERDEBICAT LE Are. 107 though not visible. The whole membrane is composed of such fibres, and they are apparent in radial sections, in which they are seen to run as arcs downward. It has been proposed several times to distinguish zones in the membrane. In the rabbit, however, there are only two zones distinguishable, — the zone of the inner portion, fixed to the limbus spirale, and the free zone, both of which pass insensibly into one another, since the boundary between the two is con- fined to the stripe present on the lower surface. The two zones are also characterized by their different thicknesses. Retzius (1884, 237): MWembrana tectoria of the cat. This structure accompanies as usual the papilla basilaris from its base to the apex of the cochlea, z.e. throughout its entire length. One can best distinguish two zones, an inner and an outer. These are bounded on the tympanal surface by the stripe, which is formed along the line of attachment of the membrane to the free edge of the labium vestibulare of the limbus spiralis. The outer zone extends from this free edge quite to, or perhaps somewhat beyond, the third row of hair cells. The inner zone extends from the free edge of the limbus to near the line of origin of the membrana Reissneri. The breadth of the inner zone of the membrana tectoria is different in the three spirals of the cochlea. It decreases in radial breadth gradually from the base to the apex, thereby decreasing the breadth of the whole structure. The membrane is consequently of different widths in the three spiral turns of the canal. The outer zone, however, gains in breadth from the base to the apex of the cochlea. On the outer free zone of the tympanal surface of this mem- brane in the cat the strize discovered by Hensen run in spiral direction. In perpendicular radial section it appears refrac- tive, and, as Hensen stated, it lies almost directly over the row of inner hair cells. In the basal and spiral turn this Wensen's ridge lies nearer the edge of the limbus spiralis and is less distinct, and appears more or less serrated and broken up into papillee, and is located about midway between the edge of the limbus (the bounding line between the two zones) and the outer edge of the membrane, consequently about the middle of the outer zone. In the apical spiral turn it appears again less sharply defined, and approaches nearer to the outer border of the mem- 108 AVERS. (Vor. VI. brane. In several old cats I found Hensen’s ridge as a very narrow stripe. Outside of Hensen’s ridge, especially in the basal turn, one finds several projecting, irregular lines. Finally, one finds on the outer free border of the membrane a peculiar, refractive cord, which appears to represent the third zone of Boettcher. It is best developed in the basal turn, and is com- posed of parallel, refractive, and close-set fibres, whose direction is from within and below outwards and upwards (z.e. upwards towards the apex of the spire). These fibres seem to be col- lected into a single cord at the lower edge of the structure. In the middle turn this cord is single or only ribbed, and in the apical turn it is similarly constituted or else dissolved into branching fibres. On the vestibular surface of the membrane there are as a rule no fibrous structures present. Occasionally I saw, however, in old animals especially, in the middle turn, a faint indication of Loewenberg’s net. This face arches high above the edge of the limbus to fall again towards the outside. In the basal turn, consequent on the height of the lamina spiralis and the limbus, the direction of the membrane is towards the scala tympani. In the middle and apical turns, however, it is practically parallel with the basilar membrane. The tectorial membrane is thinner in the basal turn and thicker in the other two. The structure of the membrane is very similar to that of the rabbit. It shows in both zones an oblique striation, which runs from within and below outwards and upwards, which is due to the fine fibres of which it is composed. The course and other characters of these fibres, as well as the reactions and consistency of the entire membrane, agree with what has already been given for the rabbit. Retzius (2d.) : The membrana tectoria is present in the cochlea of man, as in the rabbit and cat, as a flattened, band-shaped, soft, elastic structure, which runs along the whole of the papilla, is somewhat narrower in the basal turn, but broader in the mid- dle and apical turns. Two zones are to be distinguished. The inner very thin zone is closely applied to the surface of the ept- thelium of the limbus spiralis, and is fastened by means of a thin, irregular, net-like,cement-substance. The inner border of this zone does not reach quite to the root of the membrana Reissneri, but lies nearly midway between this and the edge of Nor Pa] eI WONEISHESSAIGD VIAN 109 the labium vestibulare. At this place one finds on the lower surface of the membrane a fine spiral stripe. The second zone of the stripe is suspended free over the sulcus spiralis internus and the papilla, rises towards the vestibular scala in the middle and apical turns, and thickens in the middle of its body, but remains thin in its free border, which here reaches scarcely to the outer row of hair cells. At the free border of the outer zone in the basal turn is found a thick, refractive marginal cord, which bends inward as it passes upwards. In the middle turn it forms a coarse-fibred, and in the apical turn a thin-fibred net, whose fibres project outwards free over the outermost hair cells. Occasionally one finds in the adult, especially in the apical turn, on the upper plates of the outermost Deiters’s cells, the fibre piece, which is evidently a rudiment of the fibres which in embryonic life serve to attach the membrana tectoria. Retzius did not find Loewenberg’s net, or its equivalent, in man. About the middle of the lower (tympanal) surface of the membrane one finds Hensen’s stripe. In the basal turn it lies somewhat nearer the inner border of the zone, in the middle and apical turns nearer the middle of this zone. In man this structure appears in the form of a somewhat refractive, rela- tively broad and flat plate with parallel contours, which lie over the inner hair cells, or more correctly immediately within this row. Both zones of the membrane are composed, as in the rabbit and cat, of innumerable extremely fine fibres, which withstand the action of acetic acid very well. Their course is from the base and within, outwards and upwards. Retzius (1884, 237) says of Boettcher’s observations in criti- cism of that observer’s views : — “Die membrana tectoria erstreckt sich mit dicker gewordner ausserer Zone bis tiber die gegend der ausseren Haarzellen; in der Spitzenwindung aber kaum bis zur zweiten Reihe, wah- rend ihre Fasern (mcf.) zwischen den mit frei ausragenden Haaren versehenen Haarzellenoberflachen zu den Phalangen der Deiterschen Zellen gehen. In der Mittel- und der Basal- windung sind diese Fasern abgebrochen und nur Reste von ihnen bewahrt; an der dritten Phalangenreihe sieht man helle Fasern (cf.) aufragen, und nach oben-innen vom Membran- rande nimmt man andere Partien der gleichsam zuriickge- schnellten abgebrochenen Fasern wahr. Es ist diese Thatsache 110 AVERS. [Vot. VI. interressant fiir das Verstehen der Boettcher’schen Angaben iiber den Zusammenhang der Membran mit den Haaren der Haarzellen ; mz¢ diesen Haaren hat die Membran und thre Fas- ern nichts 2u thun.’’ —II, p. 305, Pl. XXII, D, 1. Barth (1889, 17) describes a homogeneous layer of substance separating the two fibrous layers of the membrana tectoria of the mammalian cochlea. He thinks that this membrane is much more important than usually supposed, and considers that it serves to fix the organ of Corti in its place. The membrana tectoria of the mammalian ear has been de- scribed as a more or less gelatinous plate which, owing to its position overhanging the organ, is supposed to act as a damper upon the vibratory action of the sensory hairs. The plate is continuous, and of course follows the windings of the cochlear organ. It is said to be firmly fixed (by adhe- sion, Retzius) to the limbus spiralis of the cochlea, and although easily removed from its position, not unfrequently brings away with it some of the pavement epithelium forming the covering of this portion of the limbus. The membrana tectoria has been described by Boettcher alone as possessing attachments to the organ of Corti itself, though more often so figured, and it is usually considered as a subsidiary structure, a mere cuticular secretion of the epithelial ridge known as the organ of Corti. In the views which have been restated above, most of the investigators have described the minute structure of the mem- brane as distinctly fibrous, divided by certain inadequately known structural characters into inner and outer zones. There has been more general agreement upon these two points than upon any others. The striations of the body produced by its component fibres are continued, as I find, without hindrance through these zones. The fibrous striation of the organ is drawn outwards, toward the apex of the cochlea, and appears to pass from the inner edge (the so-called fixed edge) outward toward the outer side of the cochlear tube (free edge of the plate). We have been entirely in the dark as to the signifi- cance of this structure, its physiological function not having the least foundation in the actual structure of the organ. What is the phylogenetic origin of the tectorial membrane? This is a question which has proved up to date, under the prevailing views of its physiological importance, an insoluble puzzle. No. 1.] THE VERLEBICA THEE BAT Pita When, however, we review the history of the controversy of the nature of the cupula terminalis and the gelatinous mass said to inclose the otoliths of the macula utriculi and macula sacculi, we find that the older view, according to which these structures were constant and normal organs of the internal ear, was forced to give way to the demonstration of their arti- ficial nature brought by Hensen, and when we consider the view which I have endeavored to establish, viz. that the cochlear organ of the mammalian ear is morphologically but a trans- formed row of lateral line sense organs, each of which inherits the capacity to produce a structure in every way like the cupula terminalis, and when we examine the minute structure and rela- tion of the parts of the membrana tectoria in this connection, I feel confident that it will be apparent to every one that the membrana tectoria of the mammalian ear is but a cupula termi- nalis-like structure produced by the gluing together of the hairs of the sensory cells of the organ of Corti and the break- ing away of the whole from the cells which bear them, as in the case of the cupula hairs. This membrana tectoria, as it is found in ordinary microscopical preparations of the mammalian cochlea, is, then, an artifact produced by the use of reagents. In his later studies Retzius was converted to Hensen’s view of the cupulz terminales, and recognized two very definite forms in his own preparations which he called the osmium and Miillerian cupulze respectively, since he was satisfied their peculiarities and distinguishing characters were due entirely to the re- agents used. The effect of the following reagents are the only ones I have specially noted during my work, but any one who will test the matter and compare his results with the published - figures will find the influence of reagents distinctly marked in the conceptions of the nature and relations of the mem- brana tectoria. Hydrochloric acid swells the hairs, causing them to fuse and the boundaries to disappear. It shortens the length of the hairs correspondingly, so that in transverse sections the mem- brane is usually homogeneous and club-shaped when this re- agent is used. Nitric acid acts much in the same way as the hydrochloric, though it contracts the hairs much more strongly. This is especially true of the higher per cents (10-20) used in decal- 112 AVERS. [VoL. VI. cifying. In combination with chromic and bichromic solutions it is very destructive of the fibres if left long in the solution. Kleinenberg’s salt picric and all aqueous picric solutions have little, if any, contracting effect on the hairs, and preserve the band in its normal relation, but render it easily separable from the ridge of Corti. Solutions of copper salts above I % in strength contract the hairs too much, and cause rupture between the band and the hair cells. In weaker solutions, and especially in combination with 1 to 5 % of alcohol and of glycerine, the hairs are preserved in the normal condition. Flemming’s solution, if allowed to act on the entire embryo for a short time only, seems to have a good preservative effect on the hairs, and may be followed by alcohol and glycerine with advantage. Alcohol alone, unless cautiously employed during the first stage of the water-extracting process, causes ruptures and contractions in the hairs. Chromic salts are useful if their action is not too violent or continued too long, for they readily bring about distortions in the hair band. Essential oils almost invariably cause much distortion even of the carefully hardened hair band, and the paraffine bath usu- ally adds something to the action of the clarifying medium. Ether and strong alcohol, when acting for a protracted period, cause peculiar changes in the hair band, while Aqueous solutions of gum arabic leave the hair band, as well as the organ of Corti, in very near their original form and re- lations. The hairs of the organ of Corti while individually distinct, are so close together as to necessitate their cohesion into a long, relatively thin and narrow band. Its length in man is about 2) 3)Gim; inithencat..2)c\(cmepmin the mab bit, 15) cme hesmioneceialn in man is 0.5 mm.; in the ox, 0.48 mm.; and in the rabbit, 0.39 mm. The band is slightly broader in the middle than at either end, and somewhat broader at its upper than at its lower end. In thickness it varies in different parts of cross-section, which tapers gradually from the origin of the component hairs from their cells to the inner free border,-which lies on or above the limbus spiralis, where it fades away to a very thin edge. This edge, though composed of the extremely fine tips of the inner No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 113 hairs, appears very often in microscopic preparations under a low power to be homogeneous and glassy, but I have not yet seen a hair band whose inner edge was not resolvable into striation (the hairs) under adequate magnifying power. The densest part of the membrane is near the middle of its trans- verse section, and this coincides with the line of inner hair cells. The thickest part of the membrane is at the same time the most open, owing to the fact that it includes the origin of the hairs from all the sensory cells of Corti’s organ, and of course the relatively large interspaces between the cell tops project up into the hair band, though continually narrowing until they fade out near the middle of the band. The band rises from the cochlear hair cells and with a gentle and graceful curve sweeps upwards and inwards, when, after reaching the height of its course, it slopes down to near the junction of the membrane of Reissner with the floor of the cochlear tube, where it ends. It declines on its inner face more gradually than it rises on its outer face. During life it is not attached to the limbus spiralis, as has been commonly believed, and, although I cannot say positively that it does not come in contact with this surface ever during life, I am sure that for the most part the hairs end free in the endolymph. The hair ends are to be seen on the surface of the band all along its course beyond the outer two-thirds of its breadth, projecting slightly above the surface of the band. The band is composed of five (more or less) rows of bundles of hairs. Each bundle is the product of a single cell. The bundles remain distinct for a short part of their course, then apparently soon merging into a common structure. The spaces between the rows are greater than the spaces between the cells of the same row in the inner row of hair cells and the first row and, for the most part, the second row of outer hair cells, but often in the third and fourth rows of outer hair cells the inter- spaces between the neighboring cells of the same row are quite as great as the space between the rows. This circumstance renders the structure of this zone of the hair band looser and more irregular than the first-mentioned zones (Pl. XII). The weakest part of the hair band is along the line of inser- tion of the hairs into the hair-cell caps, more strictly their origin therefrom. This condition is due mainly to the isolation II4 AYERS. [Vou. VI. of the bundles, which throws greater strain upon a few hairs at a time, whereas in other parts of the band the cohesion of the elementary hairs and their practically even distribution in the band lends a strength to the whole structure such that a strain brought to bear upon any part of it, equal in area to a bundle of hairs rising from a cell, though sufficient to rupture the hair bundle, does not interrupt the continuity of the plate. A further arrangement lending strength to the hair band is the crossing of the fibres; for the hairs from different rows of hair cells do not run parallel, but cross each other at varying angles. There are two main courses of hairs, an upper and a lower. The lower, from the inner hair cells, is more oblique to the radius than the upper, thicker layer, from the outer hair cells. The readiness with which the hair band is torn away from its natural attachments and its frequent fixation to the spiral plate by its other edge, explain why this structure has so long been misunderstood, both in its make-up and in its purpose. In transverse section the hair band is “clef’-shaped, the figure being much thicker at one end than at the other. There are two surfaces, two edges, and two ends. The morphologi- cally dorsal surface has a convexity (that occurring in the thick- ened region) over the hair cells of the ridge of Corti, and this convexity may be said to be, in general, but a repetition in the hair band of the convexity of the ridge of Corti. In sloping downwards and inwards toward the root of Reissner’s mem- brane, the surface of the band may form a shallow depression, in which case the usual “cleff’’-form of the cross-section is attained ; sometimes the hairs seem to run nearly straight to their ends, and then the section is (#) comma-shaped. The lower surface follows these outlines in the main. The inner edge is exces- sively thin, and in bands which have been treated with reagents they usually present a glassy appearance, the longer the treat- ment with reagents or the more active the reaction, the greater the amount of changed tissue in the band, effected in all cases by the penetration of the reagent, which of course has made equal penetration over all the surface of the band, and caused equal chemical change in the fibres, but, owing to the thickness of the outer edge, the fibres in its central portion are unchanged and show through the more transparent parts, obscuring the No. 1.] Wal, VIB GITEIEV AIG, | JRAUK ie actual condition of the surface. On this account many ob- servers have described the so-called inner zone of the mem- brana tectoria as homogeneous, glassy in transparency, and consequently of entirely different structure from the outer zone. However, as previously stated, even this inner edge when thus modified by reagents may be seen to be composed of fibres under proper manipulations of light and a sufficient magnifying power, unless it is completely melted down by the reagents. The outer edge is thickest, and appears much thicker from the outside than it is in reality. The apparent edge when the band is in place is of course that part of its dorsal surface pre- sented at right angles to the major part of this surface. The actual outer edge is that part of the structure composed of the basal ends of the long hairs, and its thickness equals the dis- tance between the outer edge of the row of outer hair cells and the inner edge of the inner row of hair cells. When broken off from their respective rows the hairs are drawn closer together by capillary attraction, and the other forces at work altering the relations of the structures of the cochlea. The two ends of the cochlear hair band are somewhat rounded, since the hairs at the extreme ends of the band are shorter than in any other part of the organ. The reason for this is the re- duction in size and number of the hair cells at the ends of the organ of Corti, and, as we shall have occasion to notice further on, the membrana basilaris itself ends in rounded borders. The hair band is consequently thinner at its ends, and fades out quite suddenly at the limits of the hair-cell rows. The individual hairs run entirely free and unsupported for their whole length, and are consequently completely bathed by the endolymph. Their extremely fine tips are specially free and well situated for the reception of the wave motions prop- agated through the endolymph. The space between the hairs is necessarily very small, and although difficult of measurement, I judge them to be less than the diameter of a hair in the mid- dle, more massive part of the band. The hairs as they leave the top of the sensory cells are placed close together on the cell cap, but not always do they enter the cell cap with perfect regularity, which often appears concave from without inwards, though in many preparations the cap seems to be a simple plate 116 AVERS. Oi, Wile thickened and characteristically striate somewhat after the fash- ion of the “ Randsaum’’ of the intestinal epithelial cells. The number of hairs to a cell varies within considerable limits. The limits as I have found them up to the present are ten as a minimum and thirty asa maximum. Of the whole number of counts made twenty-five was the average. These figures are for the ox, pig, and rabbit. JI am not sure that a variation in the size of the hairs is connected with the variation in number, nor do my observations suffice to determine whether the smaller cells bear the smaller number of hairs, and the larger cells the greater number of hairs. The hairs borne by the same cell appear to vary in size at their bases, but in objects so minute it is hazardous to draw conclusions from other than very exten- sive serieS of observations. The hairs themselves when seen free from the cell cap do not show noticeable variations in size, so that I am inclined to the opinion that the apparent variation in size, as seen on the cell cap, is due to optical conditions, e.g. such as the greater or less refraction of light by the hair bases depending upon their position. In glycerine preparations of the cochlear sense organ of a young calf, and in similar ones of a new-born rabbit, the mem- brana tectoria is easily resolvable into its component layers. Two plates are specially easy to be distinguished, and they in- clude between them the canal of Corti and the pillar cells, in that they arise from the outer and inner hair cells respectively and fuse together above the cochlear organ, but only after they have arched beyond the median line of the canal of Corti and its pillar cell rows. Each plate as it passes down to the cells of the inner and outer hearing cells splits up into portions which end one in each sensory hair cell. The number of hairs passing into a cell I could not determine, but it is safe to say it is above eight. Owing, however, to the fact that the hairs appear to have the power of splitting up indefinitely, it is almost impossible to get accurate and trustworthy data of the number of hairs connected with a single cell. The whole course of the individual hairs is very difficult to follow. In radial sections the hairs are invariably cut across, owing to their oblique course in the band, a single hair crossing obliquely a space measuring 0.013+mm. Hairs do not ascend No. 1.] WELLE VALET DE BCA TE PA 17) or descend out of the layer from the cell row to which they belong, and in any given transverse section the hairs from the different rows appear to be of about equal length, so that the hairs of the outer row of sensory cells end on the upper sur- face before those of the next succeeding row by about the same interval that separates the rows of cells, and so for all the rows. In this manner the middle of the plate must neces- sarily be the thickest, while the inner edge of the band would be composed of only those hairs reaching inward from the inner row of cells. Most previous authors have maintained, as I have shown in the historical introduction to this chapter, that the mem- brana tectoria was composed of isolable fibres held together by a common, more or less gelatinous matrix, the “ Zwischensub- stanz”’ or ground substance. I have examined many hair bands with the greatest care, using all the chemical and physical tests known to me, but have failed to detect a tissue, stuff, or deposit of any kind in the hair band between the. hairs which was at all general in its occurrence or could possibly come under the head of a matrix for the fibres of the membrana tectoria as described by the older authors. According to my view of the nature of the hair band, and according to anatomical facts as I have found them, the hair band would not have a capillary matrix under normal conditions. It is true an excessive secre- tion of mucus in the ear might in a supposable case so coagu- late as to imbed the hairs in a common mass, but I have never met with such a case, and I do not think mucus or any other albuminoids are produced inside the ear canals as they exist in living vertebrates, in sufficient quantities to give rise to such appearances in histological preparations. The only conclusion admissible is that observers who have recorded the presence of such a matrix have had to do with pathological conditions, or post mortem changes, largely due perhaps to the reagents used. It is a matter of importance as well as great interest to deter- mine as nearly as may be the exact physical conditions of the parts of the nerve-end apparatus which are concerned in trans- mitting the physical energy, in the common acceptation of the term, into nerve energy. Retzius, among others, and with more complete data than 118 AVERS. iViorzavale most writers, has estimated the number of hair cells in the cochlear organ of man and other mammals. His figures, given in round numbers, are the following :— Mhevinner hair-cell-row contams in mame) e-) seks ks <0 35 5OOncellse 6G) OG Se pete eine ae PS CAtee Msnithe saaengteyt wai Cane ent ay. ok ee DhOOO Mme GE SC Fare ot ee Pas EON at Le MACY Rema Pialnofoyoy. “OC The 4 outer hair-cell rows contain in man en alee ater Ca) wy AT 26 OOO mae pa son Heute a Beas nal Ca teen cumencan ay evmtalr oath tha Ti 9,900 “* SIGSRACH « Sucienaeh aSeUNEa nee a mE a (ees Sra D DIEM ae wte Mew melapine het oN unO=2 OO lm As I have shown above, each hair cell bears a number of hairs which make up its bundle of percipient elements; and from the estimates which I have made up to the present time on the several species of domestic mammals mentioned before, the average number of hairs borne by the cells is twenty-five. The inner hair-cell row in man would consequently SUP DORE e Wikek Mech areal se eNn Na cal tihey egls Yal 85,000 auditory hairs. The 4 outer hair-cell rows in man would consequently SIO o a oo of oo ob 6 0 Bo 5) BOO,COO of Gb According to Retzius’s estimate, there are about 24,000 fibres in the tympanic layer of the basilar membrane in man’s ear, while the cat possesses 15,700, and the rabbit 10,500. These fibres were, according to the generally accepted Hen- sen-Helmholtz basilar membrane theory, the percipient ele- ments par excellence; for on them, fixed as they are at both ends and supposedly tensely drawn, depended the transmission of the undulations of the endolymph to the hair cells. In place of these fibres of the basilar membrane I would substitute the 385,000 percipient capillary processes floating freely in the endolymph and connected directly with the sensory cell trans- mission apparatus, about which as yet we know so little, as the parts of Corti’s organ which are sympathetically affected by sonorous waves entering the ear. It is evident that the apparatus, which I have thus inade- quately described, is far superior from a physical standpoint to the system of basilar membrane fibres for the work of picking up minute undulations, and the sequence of the physiological steps, which all our knowledge of sensory apparatuses lead us to accept as the normal condition, is maintained by this apparatus if it works as all investigators who have studied on the parent organs —the lateral line organs of fishes—suppose it does, No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 119 while the Hensen-Helmholtz theory introduces strange processes unknown elsewhere in animal physiology. Retzius and most of the authors who had dealt with this topic before his time have maintained that the auditory hairs of the cochlear cells were not only short thick rods and quite stiff, but were inserted into the cell cap in a more or less cres- centic line. Waldeyer and Gottstein, while agreeing with Ret- zius as to the length of the auditory rods or bacilli, do not agree with him as to the manner of insertion, claiming that the rods are certainly distributed over the entire surface of the cell end, and that with a nearly even spacing. They consider these rods to be distinct each for itself. When, however, we come to the auditory hairs of the other parts of the ear, all authors who mention the structure of the basal portion of the hairs describe a striated appearance due to fibrilloe, as Hensen claimed, and in this he was corroborated by Retzius. These hair fibrille were found to number 18-20 per cell on cells of the ampullar sense organs of fishes, and a single fibrilla measured at its base 0.74 in diameter; they were the constituent elements, as Retzius agreed, of round hairs. Their terminal ends were not described by these authors. Retzius has figured the hair cells (and several other authors have done the same, notably Hasse, Paul Meyer, and Hensen) from all sense organs of the ear other than the cochlear organ, as surmounted by a bundle of more or less broken fibrilla, which he explains are the ultimate fibrillae of the auditory hairs, but in every case attributes their individuality to the effect of reagents or mechan- ical injury. In Proteus the fibrilla, or, at least, the striations indicative of their existence, were traced to near the tips of the auditory hairs. I think there can be no doubt as to the accu- racy of these observations so far as they go, but the question arises, Do these fibrillae remain compacted into bundles as is the case with the auditory hairs of the majority of the auditory sense organs, or are they separated during life? In the case of the organ of Corti, where the auditory cells are much more closely set than in the other sense organs, the fibrillze or ulti- mate hairs certainly are independent of each other to a degree not found in preparations of the other sense hairs. Compare the cochlear hair cell from the opossum (PI. VIII, Fig. 9) with the hair cells from the mocking-bird’s ear (Pl. VI, Fig. 9). 120 A VET ESi. A further question arises. a progression, a further differentiation, of the auditory hair in response to increased physiological demands ? [Vou. VI. Have we not here to do with I think this TABLE OF MEASUREMENTS OF THE LENGTH OF AUDITORY HAIRS IN VERTEBRATES. Date. 1862 | Schulze, F. E. 1881 | Retzius,G. 66 66 Publica- Authority. tion. (List No.) 254,255 236, 237 6é 6é 66 oe 66 66 6eé 6eé 6é 66 66 ce 66 66 6é oe oe Hensen,J.V.| 131, 132 6eé Ayers, H. 66 66 66 ce 66 oe 66 66 66 ce 66 ce Animal. Sense Organ. Teg ol Hae or iia to Cell. Perca Cristze ac. [0.1108 Myxine nota 009-.O1 Perca BOs ei .055—.06 ef Mac. utric. .O1 Esox ue Be Oo16—.02 Raja Cristze ac. (cupula termin.) .003—.0045 Triton | Crista ac. 035 Emys suas .06-.075 ns All other or- gans -018—.02 Alligator | Cochlea .02 Pigeon | Cristz ac. .048—.054—.057 oD Mac. utric. and sac. .005 My Mag. neg. -O12—.015 Frog Mac suthic.yy)\)- Ont aH Lagena O17 Rabbit | Cristz ac. 03 ne Cochlea 005 Cat cs 005 Cat em- bryo ‘i 005 Man “se .008 (.005) Pleuro- nectes | Crista ac. .I9-.2 apparent} 18-20 ee BiG -4 actual Frog reel iuace .I2 apparent y na .2 actual Mimus_ | Lagena 34 8-28 Sheep Cochlea a5 Pig ie a5 Cat a 555 Rabbit ue .38-.4 Dog We .48 Mouse . 55 Rat “ 35 Guinea Pig i 45 average Ox “s .48—.5 25 Mimus_ | Cristz ac. 2 Man Cochlea 4 25 No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. Ton question must be answered in the affirmative, and that each fibril acts independently, and as a unit; in other words, as an auditory hair, and not as a fibril of a hair, or one of a bundle of hairs, jor TP believe, though at present there is mot sufii- cient morphological basis to give the view much weight, that each capillary fibril of the auditory cell of the human cochlea has independent connection with the brain through its own nucleo-neural filament and its own fibril of the transmitting nerve. If this were so, it would be possible for 770,000 sepa- rate impulses to reach the brain from the cochlear organs as the result of a single stimulus exciting the external air. Loewenberg’s net is a structure which was originally de- scribed by the investigator whose name it bears. It is appar- ently a network of fibres covering the membrana tectoria wholly or in part. It was found to be especially well developed on the outer surface of the tectorial membrane. For other his- tological details consult the historical account of the membrana tectoria in a preceding paragraph. This net, the membrana tectoria, with which it is intimately connected, and the mem- brana reticularis may be justly said to have constituted the three mysteries of cochlear anatomy, if one may be allowed to overlook those cochlear phantoms, the spiral, ze. longitudinal, bundles of nerve fibrilla of Deiters, Nuel, Retzius, and others. Since I have frequently found this net, and since its nature was for a long time uncertain, I shall describe its ordinary ap- pearance briefly as a preliminary to the account of its true nature, as deduced from a large series of nets. The net usually lies closely adherent to the surface of the membrana tectoria, and presents the appearance shown in Pl. II, Fig. 5. The coarser meshes are always nearest the inner edge of the hair band, while the coarser fibres are in the outer edge. These fibres or threads are very much like the fibres of the hair band in appearance and give the same physical and chemical reactions with few exceptions; ¢.g. the fibres of Loewenberg’s net not unfrequently stain more deeply than the hairs of the hair band. Although the net is usually closely applied to the surface of the hair band in microscopical preparations, one often finds it more or less raised from this surface in fresh preparations, or it may be entirely absent from the organ. I have preparations of rat, rabbit, dog, pig, and opossum (Pl. XI, Fig. 2) which do not 122 AYERS. [Vot. VI. show the slightest trace of Loewenberg’s net, and they are per- fect preparations, I may very safely say, so far as the pres- ervation of the component parts of the organ of Corti is concerned. Chromic acid differentiates the net as well as any other reagent used. In aqueous humor, liquor amnii, and in weak solutions of copper salts the net is not formed. In Pl. IV, Fig. 7, is shown a section of the hair band of the Virginia opossum in which the net of Loewenberg appears as an appen- dage of the hair band attached to its outer edge. The sizes of the meshes in the most perfect specimens of the net are, as near as could be measured, the same as the upper ends of the cells of Corti’s ridge beyond the last row of hair cells on the outside. The characters possessed by the net in one part of the cochlea may be found to vary from this condition in other parts of the cochlea, and such variation is not exceptional. The coarser, outer cords present, not infrequently, a striate appearance, which is due, I think, to the presence of auditory hairs. The net covers a variable area of the surface of the hair band, but never the entire surface, and usually about, or a little more than, half the surface. When all these facts are consid- ered by themselves, we are left as much in the dark as to the nature of the net and the significance of its attachments as ever. An observation made quite recently on the formation of this membrane or network has made clear to me its nature and thrown some light on another structure, the membrana reticu- laris, which remains to be described. A perfectly fresh cochlea of the adult pig was opened in salt solution, to which was added, after five minutes, I per cent chromic acid, and the dis- section proceeded with. As the preparation was being exam- ined under the microscope (Hartnack, obj. 4, oc. 3), a thin film was seen to rise from the surface of the ridge of Corti outside the outer hair cells, z.2. beyond the edge of the hair band, which was still in place, and curve up over the hair band, the motion being around the line of fixation in the edge of the hair band as an axis. This film curved over onto and applied itself closely to the surface of the hair band. This film ad not become fixed to the surface of the hair band, as an examination of a portion of the latter structure under a higher power conclusively proved, but remained entirely separated from it, except at the outer edge, where it seemed to pass structurally into the edge and to help NOs Tal THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 123 form the thickened border of the band. In structure this film was very like some of Loewenberg’s nets that I had studied before, and when it was removed from the surface of the hair band no net was found below it. From this I concluded that the net of Loewenberg is only the loosened and displaced plate or film of cell caps of the ridge of Corti outside of the outer row of hair cells. There is nothing unusual in the process, as those might suppose who are not familiar with the old and highly reverenced mysteries of cochlear anatomy; for in the membrana reticularis, discovered and originally described by Kolliker, I believe in the first edition of his Gewebelehre, we have just such a film split off the tops of the cochlear cells between the hair cell of both rows and among the rows. Recall, for the moment, the relation of the parts of the organ of Corti as I have previously described them. A long ridge of more or less even surface, of unequal side slopes, with a crest of waving hairs fixed near the apex of the ridge. The surface of the ridge is continuous from side to side as a matter of course, and, since the body of the ridge is composed of columnar epithelial cells, the surface is made up of the mosaic of their ends, and as I have stated, this surface is quite smooth, the only inequalities being the thickened rims of the cell ends. The whole surface of the ridge is liable to artificial ecdysis under the influence of reagents, but owing to the insertion of the crest of auditory hairs, the whole surface cannot be removed intact. Beginning on the outside in the bottom of the sulcus spiralis externus, let us follow the progress of such an artificial ecdysis. The cell-cap film is thinnest in the bottom of the sulcus exter- nus, where the cells are smallest and least differentiated. It gradually thickens upwards as we ascend the slope. All over this free slope, which has no surface growths or projections, the film peels off freely, and is a continuous membrane until it reaches the outer row of hair cells. Since this film is more delicate and more exposed than the hair band, as regards its attachments, it is acted on more quickly, and, consequently, in preparations where the hair band is ultimately raised from the surface of the ridge of Corti, this thin film has already been dis- placed by the curling, distorting action of the reagent and taken its place upon the surface of the hair band as Loewenberg’s net. As it curls upward the holes made in this sheet by the hair cells 124 AVERS. [ VOL. VI. slip like rings upwards over the basal ends of the bundles of hairs borne by each hair cell, so that when the hair band finally breaks loose from the top of the ridge, the film is firmly fixed by its inner edge to the outer edge of the hair band, and be- sides is usually closely applied to its surface, even if the action of the reagent has not caused a soldering of the structures at ' their points of contact. The fusion of the two structures does not always happen as the removable nets indicate. The continuation of Loewenberg’s net is the membrana reti- cularis, which cannot get out of place or become distorted, owing to the fact that it is perforated by holes, through which pass the hair bundles, which under the circumstances act like so many pegs to hold the membrana reticularis film in place, and, in fact, do materially aid in stretching the film tight and straight. On account of the coagulating and contracting action of sucha reagent as chromic acid, the membrane is shrunk, but the firm fixation in the horizontal plane will not allow distortion of the plane surface or a shrinkage of the whole area of the membrane, so that the strain due to the shrinking action of the reagent serves to render tense the connecting bars of the reticulum of this so-called membrane. The remnant of the covering of the ridge of Corti, which lies upon the inside slope, extending into the bottom of the sulcus spiralis internus, is less frequently detached as it is more protected. It may be seen attached to the inner edge of the basal ends of the inner row of hair bundles of the hair band occasionally, but on account of its position and much smaller size, it is not so noticeable, and, so far as I can learn from the literature, has hitherto escaped notice. I hope I have made it clear that there are in the living ear no such structures with physiological réles as the membrana tectoria, membrana reticularis, and Loewenberg’s net, and equally clear, I trust, that the structures of special value for the physiologist in the organ of Corti or mammalian cochlear organ are the hair-bearing cells, which stand on the crest of the ridge of Corti, and whose bodies are connected with the brain centres by the fibres of the cochlear nerve. In closing the chapter on tectorial membranes I will quote the observations of Hasse (118, 1873), made in summing up his knowledge of the vertebrate ear after a long investigation of its structure. It will be evident that, although his observations No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 125 were made with the old ideas of their nature in mind, he has recorded no facts inconsistent with the account which I have given of the comparative anatomy of these structures. “Ueber das auf der kuppelformigen Wolbung der crista aus- gebreitete Nervenepithel erstreckt sich nun, aber nicht uber die Grenzen desselben hinaus und zuweilen bis an das Dach, immer aber bis zum oberen Drittel der Héhe der Ampullen emporragend, die membrana tectoria, die cupula terminalis (Lang), die ich auch an Embryonen von Sdugern und Men- schen nicht vermisst, eine cuticulare Bildung des embryonalen Nervenepithels der crista. Dieselbe ist eine muldenformige ausgehohite, ausserordentlich leicht abhebbare, aber resistente Membran, deren Form ein Abdruck der kuppelformigen Ner- venepithelflache der Gehorleisten ist. Sie zeigt sich zuweilen leicht streifig in der Langsaxe, jedoch ohne irgend welche fase- rige Struktur erkennen zu lassen. Diese Streifung ist der Aus- druck einer schichtweisen Absonderung der Membran. Die Dicke derselben ist entsprechend der hochsten Erhebung der Gehorleiste in der Mitte am betrachtlichsten, am geringsten dagegen an der Peripherie. In diese Membran ragen die Ge- horhaare hinein und zwar befindet sich jede in einer tiefen Delle, deren Oeffnung an der ausgehohlten, dem Nervenepithel aufliegenden Flache sichtbar. Die Peripherie der Oeffnung ruht dem Basalsaume, der Circumferenz der Basis des Gehor- haares auf. Zwischen diesen weiten Oeffnungen der glocken- formigen Hohlraume oder Dellen der membrana tectoria finden sich dann kleinere, die rundliche, flache Vertiefungen anzeigen und sehr unregelmassig tiber die Flache zerstreut sind. Diese ruhren von den zuweilen etwas hervorragenden, keulenformig verdickten, peripheren Enden der Isolationszellen her.” Page 79. “ Abweichender verhalt sich die membrana tectoria, die sich nur bei Myxine so verhalt, wie an den Gehorleisten, verkalkt und als eine Otolithenplatte die gesammte Masse des . Nervenepithels der macula acustica deckt, ohne anscheinend die Grenze desselben zu verlassen. Bei den iibrigen Wirbel- thieren nun, bei denen dieses namentlich in den niederen For- men bis zu den Végeln empor der Fall ist, wahrend bei diesen, den Saugern und den Menschen die deckende Masse sich wieder nur an den Bereich der macula hilt, zeigt sie ein anderes his- tologisches Verhalten. Entwicklungsgeschichtlich betrachtet, 126 AYERS. [Vot. VI. tritt sie auch hier in der Form einer von dem Nervenepithel und den Zellen der Umgebung abgesondert, machtigen Cuticu- larmasse auf, allein sie beharrt nicht auf dieser Stufe, sondern, von den Neunangen angefangen, krystallisiren aus ihrem In- neren eine Menge von Kalkkrystallchen heraus, die bei den meisten Fischen sich zu einer zusammenhangenden Kalkmasse verbinden, und diese iiberwiegen schliesslich in einem so hohen Grade die Grundsubstanz, aus der sie sich bilden, dass dieselbe als eine mehr oder minder diinne, sackartige, den Otolithen oder die Otolithenmasse umhillende Membran erscheint, die dann namentlich an der von der macula abgewandten Flache ausserordentlich zart ist, so das nur in giinstigen Fallen gelingt, dieselbe unversehrt zu erhalten und zu demonstriren. Ja es ware moglich, dass dieselbe sogar bei den Fischen mit zusam- menhangenden Otolithen an dieser Stelle verschwande.” “Der letzte, wesentliche Theil der macula ist nun eine mem- brana tectoria, wie wir sie sonst iiberall, sei es als solche, oder als Otolithensackmembran finden, und wir finden sie in ein- facher Form bei den Reptilien und Végeln, in complicirter dagegen bei den Saugern und den Menschen, bei denen sich als membrana Corti und reticularis bezeichnet wird. Die mem- brana tectoria der Schildkroten und Vogel, die wir zunachst gesondert betrachten wollen und die im Wesentlichen iiberein- stimmende Verhaltnisse zeigen, deckt die ganze macula acustica, begiebt sich, wenigstens bei den Vogeln, nicht iiber den Bereich derselben hinaus gegen den dreieckigen Knorpel, das ligamen- tum spirale und hat demnach nichts mit den Stiitzzellen zu thun. Nur bei den Schildkroten scheint das der Fall zu sein, allein auch nur in geringer Ausdehnung. Wir finden, das dieselbe der ganzen Ausdehnung den auf der ausgehohlten scala-media-Flache des Nervenknorpels befindlichen Zahnzellen aufruht und sich in den sulcus spiralis hineinsenkt.” “Von diesen Zellen ruhren die grossen Eindriicke her, die wir an der ersten Zone der Unterflache der membrana tectoria finden, und die Leiste, die bei den Vogeln dem sulcus entspre- chend verlauft. Die Eindriicke der Zahnzellen rufen bei den Schildkroten ein reticulares Aussehen hervor. Der iibrige Theil der Membran, der gegen das Ende der macula immer diinner wird, zeigt auf der der macula zugewandten Flache, wie die membrana tectoria der Ampullen und der Otolithensack- No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 127 membran, gréssere und kleinere Oeffnungen, welche erstere in tiefe Dellen fiihren, die zur Aufnahme der Gehorhaare be- stimmt sind, wahrend die kleineren flachere Einsekungen zeigen, die das zuweilen keulenformig verdickte Ende der Isolationszellen aufnehmen. Namentlich beim Frosche habe ich die glockenférmigen Hohlraume der membrana tectoria fiir die Gehorhaare ausgepragt gesehen. Durch diese Kreisfiguren zeichnet sich bei den Schildkroten die zweite Zone, respektive die dritte Zone bei den Vogeln aus. Die ganze membrana tectoria ist eine cuticulare Abscheidung der Zahnzellen des Nervenknorpels, respektive der Zellen der macula acustica, und zeigt zuweilen eine Streifung als Ausdruck einer schicht- weisen Ablagerung.” «Als solche ist auch die membrana tectoria der Menschen und Sauger anzusehen, die ebenfalls den Zahnzellen des limbus spiralis cartilagineus und, wie ich glaube, auch denen des sulcus spiralis anliegt, so dass es nicht zur Bildung eines canalis spira- lis kommt. Immer finde ich an der abgehobenen Membran einen Wulst, wie der welcher sich bei den Vogeln in den sulcus spiralis erstreckt. Im iibrigen zeigt die Membran auf dem Querschnitt wieder ein streifiges aussehen und breitet sich, allmahlig diinner werdend, iiber die macula bis an die Stiitz- zellen aus, erstreckt sich aber eben so wenig wie bei den Vogeln iiber diese hiniiber. Auch hier finde ich die Eindriicke der Zahnzellen in netzformigen Zeichnungen und die Haare der Horzellen ragen an sie heran, allein sie deckt auch eine der macula acustica speciell angehorige und namentlich mit den peripheren Enden der Cortischen Zellen in Zusammenhang stehende Bildung, die membrana reticularis, die wohl ebenfalls als eine cuticulare Bildung, namentlich der Cortischen Zellen und der iibrigen Isolationszellen, angesehen ist. Durch ihre Liicken ragen die Gehodrhaare gegen die membrana tectoria. Die Annahme einer doppelten cuticularen Bildung, die im We- sentlichen denselben Zellen ihre Entstehung verdankt und von denen die eine sich nicht mit der anderen vereinigt — und von denem die membrana tectoria als die altere, die reticularis als die jiingere anzusehen ist, ist um so weniger aus dem Wege liegend, wenn man den Befund, den ich einmal bei den Schild- kroten gemacht, in Betracht zieht. Ich fand bei einer Chelonia midas eine Fortsetzung der Otolithensack membran des sac- 128 AVERS. DYVOieS WAL culus durch die ganze Schnecke sich erstrecken und die eigent- liche membrana tectoria uberlagern, aber durchaus nicht an sie angeheftet so dass wir auch hier eine doppelte Absonderung der Zellen des Schneckenrohres annehmen miissen.”’ TABLE OF MEASUREMENTS OF SOME OF THE STRUCTURES COMPOSING THE MAMMALIAN COCHLEA. (Measurements given in mm.) Rabbit. Cat. |CatEmb.| Pig. | Ox. | Dog.] Man. CREASES AB) eGR nn CAS)s CA GAN GAMER) Length D.cochlearis . .| 16-17 | 25 — |—] — | — } 35 SOU VM basilanise ay iet4es—loy2gnc — |—]| — | — | 33.5 Breadth tymp. wall D.c. .| 0.6 0.55 — |—}| — | — |] 0.75 CULES El Dea ec aeng iis 42 _— — |—| —}]— 85 Height outer wall Scihe 138 — — |}—}| —)}— 58 Breadth limb. spiralis 2 Bil — |—} — |] — 24 Gh Ingube Joga gs 5B 233 — | — /0.48 | — 41 «« -memb. basilaris . 41 35 | 0.39 | — | — | — 36 084 (.0o51}| — | — | — 09 Between pillar feet . . . 104 \ 102 |}{ .og | — | — | — O81 .066 | ) og | — | — | — 048 Height of Corti’s tunnel. .036 046} .036| — | — | — O45 Length of inner pillars. . .06 057} .057; — | — | — .068 Vert. length of pap. basilaris at 3d row of outer haircells| —.0g .072} .065| — | — | — ail Length inner hair cells. . 03 .03 .03 | — | — | — 02 ve OULET: si : -039 -033 OBS > |), -O4 ‘¢ hairs, inner hair cells 530 .30 AG) | O.8 |) 4b | ©o8 .40 COLL: ay -32 32 oF) By I Als 5 -40 Outer pillarsysue iis 095 .09 .095/ — | — | — 103 THE TESTIMONY OF THE NERVE SUPPLY. The vertebrate ear is then composed of canal organs and their canals; and since it existed at one time in its phyloge- netic, as well as in its ontogenetic history in a superficial posi- tion, its nerves, like the other cranial nerves which supply the canal sense organs at the present day, must have been either (1) an entire cranial nerve or (2) branches of one or more such nerves. It can be shown, I think, that the ear is supplied by two distinct nerves which have widely different origins in the brain, and are in reality dvanches from two nerves, and so not a discrete cranial nerve, as has formerly been supposed to be the case. In our anatomies the auditory nerve is recognized, fol- lowing the classification of Sdmmering, as a distinct cranial nerve, the eighth in number of a series of twelve. However, No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 129 embryologists and comparative anatomists are familiar with the very intimate relation existing between the auditory and facial nerves, and many are inclined to consider the two, parts of a single cranial nerve. The majority of those holding such ideas probably favor the view that the auditory nerve is the dorsal sensory root of the nerve of which the facial is the ven- tral motor root. No final conclusions can be drawn from the evidence disclosed by the investigations in this field alone. There are a few facts which stand out with clearness, however, and they tend to show how very intimate the connection is between the VII, VIII, and IX nerves. I have shown above that the auditory vesicle is marked off into anterior and posterior portions very early in life; but we do not know of any facts which lead to the conclusion that the vertebrate ear was ever functional in the vesicular stage with @ single sense organ. As soon as we can recognize the audi- tory nerve, it is made up of two diverging portions which are never related in their central connections, but arise from widely separated tracts. ach nerve root is provided with an inde- pendent ganglion applied to the two divisions of the auditory vesicle which show two sense organs, the macule utriculi and sacculi. There is no extensive anastomosis between the two roots of the auditory nerve. They arise from separate tracts; they run in separate paths; they end in separate organs. Could there possibly be any completer evidence that these two nerves are distinct structures, and that the parts of the ear which they supply are simply asso- ciated organs of different pedigrees ? This conclusion is based on present anatomical conditions, and does not speculate on possible ancestral relations of the nerves. If, on the one hand, the two roots of the auditory do‘not anastomose with each other, they do, on the other hand, enter into anastomosis, or more truly, perhaps, they retain their primi- tive anastomoses, with their parent branches. The anterior root or utricular nerve anostomoses with the facial nerve, while the posterior branch either runs entirely independent to its peripheral territory or anastomoses in some few Elasmobranch forms with the so-called anterior root of the ninth or glosso- pharyngeal nerve. 130 AVERS. [Vou. VI. Although the ontogenetic evidence on this subject is not by any means as complete as the importance of the subject demands, since no special attention has been paid to the rela- tion of the facial nerve to the auditory invagination, except by Kupffer, nor to the relations of the rest of the nerve supply of the ear at this stage of growth, which is usually considered the whole auditory nerve, there are certain facts which point to the conclusion that the auditory organ has arisen from the trans- formation of two originally distinct sense organs, which have been sunk below the surface in a common pit. In order to adequately understand the relation of the auditory canal complex to its nerve supply, it will be necessary to exam- ine three nerves usually classed as distinct cranial nerves, with respect to their central origin, their ganglionic connections, and their peripheral distribution ; viz. the VII or facial, VIII or auditory, and the IX or glossopharyngeal. When we examine the knowledge of the external origin and distribution of these three nerves in the light of recent work, we find that so far as the auditory nerve is concerned the distinctly separate external relations are but reflections of central relations equally distinct and separate. The innervation of the auditory sense organs in the Cyclo- stome fishes is manifestly a matter of importance, if, as I believe, the known representatives of the group are to be regarded as retaining, on the whole, ancestral conditions of structure. In Myxine and Petromyzon we find the N. acusticus divided into two very distinct rami,—the anterior and posterior or utricular and saccular rami, respectively, — whose peripheral dis- tribution is strictly confined to the chamber to which it runs. This is not only true of the Cyclostomes, but, with very slight changes, is true of all the Gnathostomata, and is consequently a fundamental fact whose full significance we are not yet in a position to fully appreciate. According to Retzius, in the Hagfish (Zyxcne glutinosa) the auditory nerve arises from the brain, posterior to the origin of the V with two ganglion-bearing roots on either side. These ganglia are flattened bodies which lie close together, but are entirely separate structures. They give off several branches to the sense organs of the ear. From the larger, anterior ganglion two branches pass off to the crista ampulle anterioris and one INO=sI]] THE VERTEBRATE EAR: 131 to the anterior end of the macula acustica communis. From the smaller, posterior ganglion there is given off an anterior branch to the middle of the macula acustica communis, a poste- rior branch to the region between the middle and posterior end of the macula acustica communis, as well as to the crista acus- tica ampulle posterioris. Both these branches are band-like and relatively small. Of the nerve branches passing to the macule, that of the anterior ramus appears to be equivalent to the ramus recessus utriculi, so that the anterior end of the macula communis would be equivalent to the macula acustica recessus utriculi. The anterior branch of the posterior ramus is the equivalent of the ramulus sacculi, and its posterior branch, the ramulus lagenze, so that the middle part of the macula communis equals the macula acustica sacculi, while its posterior end equals the papilla acustica lagene. From the figures of the auditory nerve published by Ketel (160, 1872) and Retzius (237, 1881), the s#aller posterior gan- glion sends off two long, slender, flat branches, of which the anterior bifurcates and ends in the anterior part of the posterior half, of the macula utriculo-sacculi. The posterior branch of the posterior ramus bifurcates; the anterior branch turns in- ward and divides again and supplies the posterior portion of the posterior half of the macula utriculo-sacculi. The largest and most posterior branch runs direct to the posterior ampulla. The nerves pierce the membranous cover of the ear by a row of holes running nearly in the long axis of the ear and below its middle. The following table gives in parallel columns the branches of the auditory nerve which I recognize in the Cyclo- stome ear and those given by Retzius. I maintain that a split- ting of the trunk of a nerve supplying the auditory organs indicates the division of the sense organ supplied. Ayers. Retzius. I. 7, 2, a eae y =i, HG & Ds Gy Gp DT My SO Ne, 1, Mm, Ue Ais (iy Gy 55 Wy Uh =, 7 6 Gia; = bly Py U 7.1%, ab, \ = Y; a, p 8.7, a, p, 132 AYERS. [Vot. VI. = In Petromyzon the rami anterior and posterior of the auditory nerve pass directly from the auditory foramen to the ampulle, and as they approach the ampullar walls, they both divide into two branches each, which end in the cristz acustice of the ampullee. The posterior ramus gives off a branch near the piace where it separates from the anterior ramus, and this branch supplies the lagenar organ. The ramus anterior sends many fibres to the utricular sense organ and to the organ in the recessus utricull. The so-called ramus accessorius acusticl accompanies the VIII through the auditory foramen and is closely bound up with it. According to Johannes Miiller, the accessory branch is a part of the VII nerve, and from its distribution the facial — nerve, as I find, supplies directly and independently two of the auditory sense organs and possibly also the ciliated epi- thelium, though there is no sufficient reason for doubting that the auditory proper may supply the ciliate epithelium in the parts of the ear to which it is distributed. It must not be for- gotten, however, that the innervation of the ciliate epithelium has never been determined. It is usually stated that this unique lining of the Lamprey’s auditory organ is innervated by the accessory nerve, and while I think this highly probable for the part of the ear within reach of this nerve, I believe the two branches of the auditory take part in the control of ciliate epi- thelium. This would call for motor fibres in the auditory nerve of Petromyzon, —not equivalent to musculo-motor nerves, per- haps, but none the less motor. Ahlborn (1883, 1), p. 269, says of the auditory roots inside of the brain: ‘“ Alle die Elemente, welche in der beschriebenen Weise mit einander den Gehornerven konstituiren, gelangen nun theils durch die obere theils durch die untere Wurzel aus dem Hirn, wie es in den einzelnen Fallen angegeben ist; den- noch ist die Trennung der beiden Wurzeln im Innern des Gehirns keine principielle, und gerade so wie die beiden Ner- venkerne in einander tibergehen, so treten auch einzelne Fas- erstrange des unteren Kernes mit der oberen Wurzel aus dem Hirn, und umgekehrt solche des oberen Kernes mit der unteren Wurzel. Beide Wurzeln vereinigen sich wieder in Ganglion Nervi acustici, durch dessen Vermittlung sie endlich in das Gehororgan eingefiihrt werden.” No. I.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 13 Ahlborn (1884, 1), p. 300, says of the acusticc-facial group in Petromyzon: ‘“ Die Acusticus-Facialis-Gruppe besitzt am Gehirn wie schon Wiedersheim zeigte drei iibereinander dorsale Wurzeln, von denen die beiden unteren [anterior and posterior auditory rami] etwas naher zusammengeriickt sind und den Acusticus ausmachen, wahrend die obere Wurzel den Facialis bildet. Beide treten bekannter Weise in die Ohrkapsel ein, wo der Facialis das spinalartige Acusticus ganglion durchsetzt, um durch eine Oeffnung in der vorderen inneren Ecke der Kapsel auszutreten und das seitliche Horn des Ganglion Gasseri zu bilden, das er in lateraler Richtung wieder verlasst. Der Facialis steht mit dem Trigeminus so wie mit dem Vagus in enger peripherischer Verkniipfung.”’ Ahlborn says of the spinal group of the cranial nerves (loc. cz¢. p. 306): ‘“ Alle peripherischen sensiblen Bahnen dieser Nerven mit dem centralen Ursprungsgebiete des Acusticus in direkter oder indirekter Verbindung stehen, und das wir demnach in dem vordersten dorsalen Abschnitte der Medulla oblongata, welcher zur Seite der grossten Ausweitung der Fossa rhom- boidalis liegt, das eigentliche Centrum aller dieser Nerven zu suchen haben.” This central region of the spinal group of nerves is scarcely connected with the anterior region of the brain, and consequently, as Ahlborn states, this region must be pre-eminently one of reflex phenomena. “ Niemals wird es nach meiner ansicht, ohne willkiirlichen Zwang gelingen, diesen Hirntheil und was aus ihm hervorgeht auf ein einfaches Riickenmarksschema zuriickzufiihren, und man wird sich endlich entschlissen miissen, so unbequem es auch sein mag, von der Anwendung des Bell’scher Gesetzs auf die hier in Frage kommender Nerven abzusehen. “Man kann im Ursprugsgebeit der VIII-VII gruppe drei mehr oder weniger deutlich getrennte oder in einander tberge- hende Nervenkerne unterscheiden, von denen der obere am meisten gesondert erscheint und als Fascialiskerne zu bezeich- nen ist, wahrend die beiden unteren weniger bestimmt abge- grenzt sind und die beiden Wurzeln des Gehornerven aus sich hervor gehen lassen.” With the Gnathostome condition there is in the simplest members of the group at our disposal for study already an in- crease from four to eight distinctly individual nerve branches. 134 AYERS. [VoL. VI. The rami maculi and sacculi are further divided peripherally into numerous small branches, arranged in comate or pectinate order as the case may be. This breaking up of these important nerve branches is in harmony with the growth of the sense organs to which they run. As Retzius has shown, the nerve branches to the maculze acusticee utriculi and sacculi are broken up into several or many branchlets almost as soon as they become distinct from the main trunk; nevertheless, they are to be considered together as forming a single branch. MRetzius has not mentioned, however, that in some of the lower forms (Elasmobranchs) the nerve con- tinues its ¢vwnk out to the distal portion of the sense organ it supplies, and gives off a series of branchlets all the way along. This mode of branching is to be considered the primitive one, since it agrees with the method followed by the nerves supply- ing long canals on the surface of the body, and the form de- scribed by Retzius is doubtless a secondary modification of it. The form I have just described is produced in ontogeny by the rapid division of the sense organ in a linear direction and the breaking up of the nerve to supply the individual sense organs, which have thus become separated by short intervals from each other. This method of nerve branching is, so far as essentials are concerned, found in both the large, compound sense organs of the ear, viz. the macula utriculi and the cochlear organ. Taking the groups serially, we find many interesting varia- tions, which are, however, relatively unimportant from the mor- phological standpoint. The auditory nerve in this group of fishes has the usual two branches which pass to the canal complexus at its inner anterior and inner posterior ends. ‘The first-named branch is the ramus utricularis, and supplies the anterior division of canal organs. It divides into two main branches, the anterior ampullar and the utricular nerves. The former divides into two portions, one of which supplhes the anterior canal sense organ, while the other passes on to that of the external canal. The second- named branch passes to the utricular sense organ and divides into as many discrete branchlets as there are sense organs in the group. The posterior branch is the ramus saccularis, and supplies the macula acustica sacculi and gives off a branch to No. 1.] LTS SVE RPE BICATT Are. 135 the posterior ampulla, which, by its division, has caused a divis- ion in the nerve, one twig of which supplies the crista acustica ampullze posterioris, and another of which passes to the crista acustica abortiva division. The saccular ramulus, by a second division, has given rise to a ramulus lagenz, which supplies the papilla acustica lagenze, the parent of the cochlear organ. As regards the relation of the auditory nerve to the facial and glossopharyngeal, we know the following facts. According to Stannius (268, 1849), the auditory nerve in Raja bats and clavata, in Myliobatis aguila, and in some few other forms, but -by no means regularly among the Elasmobranchs, gives off a branch to the IX, which in turn sends a branch to the ampulla of the posterior canal. In Spenar acanthias and Carcharias glaucus the ramus dorsalis of the glossopharyngeal nerve proves to be a very interesting branch, which arises from the nerve during its transit through the cartilaginous wall of the ear capsule. After leaving the IX, the ramus dorsalis curves dorsad behind the posterior canal, runs along on the top of the skull, underneath the muscles, until it reaches the region of the porus acusticus, where it breaks up into cutaneous branches to the sense organs of the canal communicating with the porus acusticus. This branch is not present in Batoid forms. Scarpa (250, 1800) found the auditory nerve to be composed of two parts, a portio mollis, which he thought was a branch of the V, the VIII of later investigators, and a portio dura, the IX of more recent workers. The first of these supplied the ante- rior and external ampulla and the anterior portion of the ear sac; the second part supplied the posterior ampullae and occa- sionally the small otolithic sac, or what is now designated the sacculus. But this nerve always anastomosed with the anterior one before sending branches to the ear sense organs. Weber (285, 1820) describes this anastomosis as made up of a branch of the nervus auditorius accessorius, which receives a small branch from the auditory proper and sends a relatively large one to the posterior ampulla. Max Schultze (1858, 256) studied the anastomosis between the VIII and IX nerves, and concluded that there was certainly an interchange of fibres between the two nerves and not merely a contact of the two trunks. 136 PAVE: [VoL. VI. As Allis (1889, 4) has shown (loc. cit. p. 513), “the facial nerve is the first one of the cranial nerves that takes any part in supplying the regular organs of the lateral canals.” “The R. ophthalmicus superficialis facialis supplies all the organs of the supra-orbital canal, a separate branch being sent from the main nerve to EACH GROUP of organs [italics mine]. This branch pierces the bony canal of the line immediately below the central organ of the group, and after entering the canal, sends a branch to each organ. This is the method of innervation in all the canals.” (P. 514.) ‘The R. buccalis facialis supplies the first thirteen organs of the infra-orbital line, and the R. oticus facialis the next three, making sixteen organs in all of this line supplied by the facial, or all those in front of the line of the opercular canal. The remaining organs of the infra-orbital line are innervated by the glossopharyngeal and vagus. ‘his alone, or together with the branch to organ of supra-orbital, which leaves the main nerve close to it, probably represents the branch which, accord- ing to Wright (p. 513), supplies the organs of the transverse commissure in Mustelus. Wright is inclined to consider this most posterior of the dorsal twigs of the seventh in Mustelus as homologous with the ramus oticus in Ganoids and Teleosts.” “The sixteen infra-orbital organs supplied by the facial are separated by their innervation into four distinct groups. The . organs Nos. 14, 15, and 16 form the fourth group of the line, and vary somewhat in their method of innervation. Organs 15 and 16 are always supplied by branches of the R. oticus facialis. Organ 14 is sometimes supplied by a branch given off by the ramus oticus after it makes its exit on top of the cranium; but oftener, in specimens examined, it was innervated by a branch which left the nerve close to its origin, or even from the facial ganglion itself, near the root of the oticus, but a little in front of it.” (P. 516.) ‘Organ 17 is supplied by the dorsal branch of the glossopharyngeal. This branch arises by a separate root... . On this root a separate ganglion is formed, .. . and from it the dorsal nerve mentioned by Wright arises.” (P. 517.) “The remaining organs of the infra-orbital canal and those of the supra-temporal cross-commissure, as well as the organs of the lateral line, are all supplied by branches arising No. 1.] II EUS VAR AIZBIRAISE 12 AIR 139/ from the ganglion formed on the root of the N. hnez lateralis or from that nerve itself. The root of the N. linez lateralis re- ceives its most anterior fibres at this age close to and a little above and behind the root of the N. acousticus.” “Piercing the membranes that separate the cranial cavity from the labyrinth, it runs directly backward, close to their outer surface and just above the posterior branch of the N. acusticus, in which there are numerous ganglion cells. It passes through the upper part of the main root of the glosso- pharyngeal, receiving there an important addition to its fibres, and, continuing backward immediately external to the origins of the anterior roots of the organs, it issues through the main foramen of that nerve.” In several instances the same nerve supplies sense organs which have had a divergent differentiation, as canal and pit organs. - The essential features of the innervation of the sense organs and their relation to the canals of the head region are clearly shown in Cut 25, which is reproduced from Fig. 49, Pl. XLII, of Allis’s paper. The sense organs 16 and 17 of the infra-orbi- tal system are neighbors in the now continuous canal formed by the union of the facial and glossopharyngeal sections of the canal system, which, as a comparison of Figs. 23-28, Pl. XXXVII, with the views of heads given in previous plates of Allis’s paper and with the figure here produced, very clearly show, have grown together from independent sources. These figures also illustrate the interlocking of the territories supplied by independent nerves unusually well, for by their aid we are enabled to follow step by step the approach and final overlap- ping of neighboring territories. For example, the canal systems of the VII and IX nerves, although beginning their growth at entirely separated centres, grow towards each other and finally unite, the two systems opening out upon the surface at the junction by a common pore. (See stages of this growth on Pl. XX XVII, and the adult condition as illustrated in Cut 25.) As shown in cut, although the canals fuse to a continuous channel and the sense organs are approached nearer to each other, the nerves and organs are as distinctly separated as though the surface structures were entirely independent. The two nerves supplying this region of the common canal are 138 AVERS. [Vot. VI. classed by morphologists as two distinct cranial nerves. As I have already stated, it is generally believed that these canal organs subserve a function akin to audition. In the case of organs 16 and 17, their ceztrally distinct nerves run by separate paths and end peripherally in separate organs, having different pedigrees. The two organs, however, are in- closed in a common canal, which communicates with the surface by a szzgle pore. Let us suppose these two organs with their incipient canals sunk below the surface of the head in a common depression, such as Allis describes for the organs themselves, early in development; the thickened plate of ectoderm out of which they were forming would represent not only the sensory epithelium, but also the epithelial lining of the canals, which would normally form were they to remain on the surface of the body. These canals would be represented by some growth after thus sinking below the surface. Thus, in the act of sinking, a common canal would arise, vesicular in shape, on account of the mechanical conditions of the deep involution. This common canal would open on the surface of the body by a pore, and this region of the canal, as the sense organs sank deeper into the head, would be drawn out into a tube. In thus going further below the surface of the head than usual, so far indeed that the connection with the surface canals would be broken, the sense organs would not lose their tendency to mul- tiply as they normally multiplied on the surface of the body, and as they divided, their nerves would also be broken up into as many peripheral branchlets as there were sense organs. The increase in number of the organs, and especially their increase in functional importance, would lead to an alteration of the relation of the nerve branches supplying them. ‘The two pri- mary branches would become more and more independent of their parent trunks, the VII and IX, respectively, and would, on account of the compactness of the territory supplied by them, be drawn more and more together, until they apparently formed a single large nerve passing directly from the brain to the organ complex supplied by them. This process would influence the central origin, but in much less degree. However, as functional differentiation progressed, there would be a greater and greater separation from the pa- rental ganglionic centres of those cells receiving the now special- No. 1.] AVENE WIMRITEBI ATOR, JEAN 139 ized fibres from the sense organs of this now highly modified canal complex. TZhzs same process occurs in the ontogeny of the auditory organ of the Elasmobranchs as the normal one. Thus we see that the conditions exist to-day in such forms as Teleosts and Ganoids, from which a second set of ear organs might readily be produced with a repetition of all the essential processes now occurring in the more ancestral Elasmobranchs, including the nerve supply, and the relative position of the organ with respect to the VII and IX nerves. Showing thus how it might again take place, aids us in comprehending how it has taken place in time past, and clears up many obscure points in the ontogenetic processes of existing Elasmobranchs, in so far as the auditory organ is concerned. Goronowitsch found that both the dorsal branch of the VII and the anterior (dorsal) branch of the IX arose in common from the so-called dorso-lateral tract of Acipenser, which gives rise from its ventral portion to the auditory nerve, although a portion of its fibres arise from the posterior longitudinal tract. He says (p. 511, oc. cet.) : “‘ Der Acusticus wird durch Fasern eines und desselben Charakters gebildet. Sie sind um etwas feiner als die Fasern des N.1. lateralis und betrachtlich dicker als die Fasern der dorsalen Wurzel des Facialis und des Tri- geminus II.” The nuclear connection Goronowitsch describes ox 8 ay Cut 72. —The branches of the auditory nerve of Ostracion cornutus and their distribution: cv.a., cv.p., cv... the nerves of the three ampullar sense organs. mz.s., the nerve supply of the sacculus. m.z., the nerve supply of the utriculus. 74/, the ramulus lagenee. as follows: “Einen anderen Faserantheil bekommt der Nerv aus der Zellgruppe Az, welche ventralwarts vom Facialis (Radix 140 AVERS. [Vot. VI. dorsalis) liegt,” though the bundle of fibres from this source is relatively a small one. There is a distinct cerebellar connection. According to Dr. Kuhn, after the auditory nerve in Esor Zuctus leaves the medulla, it runs a short distance in company with the facial, and then divides into two branches, the utricular and saccular. It is the utricular side of the auditory trunk that goes out with the facial, and this branch supplies the macula utriculi cristae acusticze anterioris and externalis. The saccular branch fuses with the glossopharyngeal for a short distance, and, according to F. E. Schulze, there is an exchange of fibres between them. The saccular branch supplies the macula sac- culi, the papilla lagenae, and the posterior canal organ crista acustica posterioris, with its offspring, the crista acustica abortiva. According to Wright, /oc. cz¢t., in Amiurus the dorsal branch of the facial arises in the tuberculum acusticum, from which also arises the anterior root of the IX. The discrete external origin of the two branches of the VIII is most plainly seen in Teleosts, where the two roots are not infrequently separated by a considerable interspace. In Pla- giostomes this matter of origin is much obscured, and, as above stated, the unified acoustic trunk may give off a branch to fuse with the glossopharyngeal nucleus. In some Cottids the nerve leaves the medulla by three branches, which have the following distribution in Cottus scorpius : — 1st root. This is the largest branch, and it issues from the medulla in close company with the motor root of the facial. It divides at once into several branches (three ?) for the ampul- lee of the anterior and horizontal semicircular canals and the utriculus. 2d root. This branch is very short, and runs straight from the medulla to the utriculus, receiving on its way a branch from the third root. 3d root. This is the saccular root, and almost immediately on leaving the medulla it gives off the anastomotic branch to the second root and then divides into two short branches, one of which supplies the sacculus, and the other ends in the crista of the posterior ampulla. Stannius was in error in considering the third branch as forming a part of the (vestibular) utricular trunk of other forms. No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 141 His error was the one commonly accepted at the present time; viz. that the three canals spring from the utriculus. In studying the Cyprinoid brain, Mayser (1881, 191) found a very remarkable condition of things in the way of an intimate connection between the sense organ nerves and the auditory nenye, Inle says (Wag Ga. J 3mO)e SWerwOxsnclnase wane eloye dass die Nerven [z.¢. lateral] line nerves] aus dem Tuberculum acusticum, also einem zweifellosen Acusticuskern kommen, dass ihre Wurzel der eigentlichen (vorderen) Acusticuswurzel his- tologisch durchaus ahnlich ist, dass nach Stannius’ Untersuch- ungen bipolare Ganglienzellen in die Fasern eingeschoben sind, wie es Fritsch im Anschluss an M. Schultze fiir den Stamm des Acusticus angiebt, so hat man gewiss alles Recht, hier zunachst an ein accessorisches Gehororgan zu denken. Diese Vermu- thung erhalt eine bedeutende Sttitze durch den eigenthiimlichen histologischen Bau der Schleimkanale, von welchen Leydig sagt ‘Schon eine einfache vergleichende Beobachtung zwischen einem Bogengang des Gehororgans mit seiner Ampulle und einer sogennanten Schleimrohre muss die wesentlich ahnlichen Beziehungen, die beide Organe mit einander gemein haben, anerkennen. Hier wie dort haben wir Rohren aus Bindegewebe bestehend mit zahlreichen Gefassen, und die von mir entdeckten Nervenknépfchen entsprechen Vollkommen der Ausbreitung des Gehornerven in der Ampulle.’ “Endlich spricht fiir die Auffassung der Schleimkanale als Or- gane des Gehorsinns ihre Verbindung mit knochernen Rinnen und Kanalen (am Schadel die ossa nasalia, infraorbitalia und Supratemporalia, Cuvier). Zwar ist Leydig der Ansicht, diesel- ben dienten bloss als ‘Stiitzen und Schutz’ fiir die Nervenaus- breitung, allein man kann auch geltend machen, dass sie beim Aufenthalt im Wasser, also bei ausgeschlossener direkter Luft- leitung die Schallleitung besser iibernehmen als z. B. die sehr elastische Lederhaut. Ja, gerade diese Ansicht erklart wenig- stens einigermassen ungezwungen die von Leydig wiederholt ausgesprochene Bemerkung, dass man es hier mit einem speciell fiir den Wasseraufenthalt berechneten Sinnesorgan zu thun habe.” “ Somit spreche ich die Ansicht aus, dass die Schletmkanale der Fische nichts Anderes sind als ein wett tiber die Korprober- fliiche ausgebrettetes accessorisches Gehirorgan, von dem ich gerade 142 AYERS. fiviors Vie nicht behaupten will, dass es Schallempfindungen zu vermitteln habe, dessen Funktion aber in den Beretch des zur Zett noch unvollkommen erkaunten Gehorsinns fallen wird.’ I think we may fairly conclude that Mayser was much nearer the full truth than he ever realized when he arrived at the conclusion above quoted. Cut 13.— The nerve supply of the ear of Protopterus annectens after Retzius. cr.a., nerve of the anterior ampullar sense organ. cr.g., nerve of the posterior ampullar sense organ. cr.e., nerve of the external ampullar sense organ. 7./., ramulus lagen. 72.s., nerve to the macula sacculi. 72.z., nerve supply of the macula utriculi. Relying on the nerve supply, we find in Protopterus a con- dition of the macula neglecta with reference to its nerve supply which indicates that the whole of the sense organ originally budded off from the parent posterior canal organ has not left the parental home, so that the well-defined nerve ramulus neg- lectus is split about the middle of its course, one half passing to the separate 7. ab. and the other apparently to the cv fost, and there can be no doubt that the branchlet supplies a portion of the macula abortiva which has remained near the parent orgaz group to form a part of it. In many fishes the macula abortiva is divided into two very distinct sense organs, which receive each its own nerve supply; the macula abortiva is thus seen to be not merely a single sense organ, but a pair, the product of a bipartition. The primary macula neglecta does not always INO. Telar t TENE WAH ISHS AIG), JIG 143 carry away from the parent posterior canal organ sufficient energy to enable it to multiply. The auditory nerve may be traced, according to Villy, in the larval Rana temporaria, long before the medulla is closed, from the neural ridge to the flat plate of thickened epithelial cells that later on is formed into the auditory vesicle. In Tadpoles 11 mm. in length the auditory vesicle is com- pleted, and the VIII nerve passing from the brain ends in contact with nearly the whole inner face of the vesicle, in the form of a ganglionic swelling. During this time “the auditory nerve is absolutely continuous with the facial nerve.” Cut r4.— The branches of the auditory nerve and their distribution in Amphiuma means, after Retzius. cv.a., the nerve supply of the anterior ampullar organ. cr.., the nerve supply of the posterior ampullar organ. . cv.e., the nerve supply of the external ampullar organs. 1, 2, 3, the three trunks of the auditory nerve external to the brain. m.ab., the nerve supply of the abortive ampullar sense organ. 7./., the ramulus lagenze of the posterior branch. m.s., the nerve supply of the macula sacculi. m.u., the nerve supply of the macula utriculi. 7¢., the anterior branch of the auditory nerve. Strong (1890, 274) has stated (p. 600): “The facial of the Amphibia is divisible into two parts, very different from each other: A ventral part which persists in the higher vertebrates and corresponds, in part at least, to the facial of Mammalia; and a dorsal part representing in Chorophilus and Tadpoles the diminished remnant of a nerve, or group of nerves, which are much more important in the Urodela and remaining Ichthy- opsida.”’ The dorsal branch of the VII, as defined by Strong, is given off immediately above the auditory; it soon divides into two branches, both of which are sensory. This branch of the VII is largest in Urodela and disappears entirely in the adult Rana 144 AVERS. [Vot. VI. and Bufo. It will thus be seen that the facial may arise (ap- parent origin) dorsal or ventral to the VIII. (P. 606.) ‘That the large sensory root of the facial, dorsal to the auditory (dorsal VII), together with the antertor root of the glossopharyngeal, form a distinct group by themselves, dif- ferentiated from the others by their internal origin and by the characters of their fibres, and belonging distinctly to the organs of the lateral canals.! It is possible that the auditory may have some relation to this system of nerves.”’ The so-called anterior root of the IX, according to Strong, usually arises some distance cephalad of the other roots, and also much more dorsally; its fibres are apparently all sensory, and its deep origin is not determined definitely, though its fibres) 0) through the mucleotthe Dx@iand 2G) Slt nismtompe regarded as the lateral nerve, and, in respect to the origin of its fibres, their character and distribution, it agrees with the dorsal VII.” Strong concludes: “It is obvious that the connection of the dorsal VII with the lateral sense organs affords an explanation of its disappearance in adult Anura.” In Cryptobranchus, according to Osborn (loc. cz¢. p. 65, and Pl. V, Fig. 21), “the glossopharyngeus arises from four sources : Ie @he fasciculus communis.) 2: the plagzeusensony, mucieus. 3. A nucleus of doubtful motor cells. 4. A motor nucleus in the floor of the fourth ventricle. In Fig. 21 are shown the two nuclei belonging to the auditory nerve. Cne of these, the pale nucleus, lies dorsad and anterior to the other, which is placed more ventrally and internally, and is in close relation with the anterior glossopharyngeal nucleus.” Our author says (/oc. cz¢. p. 66): “It is seen that whatever may prove to be the peripheral distribution of the fibres of the fas- ciculus communis and posterior longitudinal fasciculus, whether to the 7th or 8th, two facts remain: first, that the 8th arises ventral to the 7th, although a purely sensory nerve; second, it is inserted in the centre of the facial-trigeminal system, with no apparent homology in the arrangement of its nuclei to either.” As regards the branching of the nerves on the utriculus and sacculus in the lower Amphibia, e.g. Proteus, it takes place much the same as has been described for Elasmobranchs, ex- 1See Recapitulation B. No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE EAR. 145 cept that the group of branchlets supplying the sacculus leave the acoustic nerve as a trunk, almost immediately divide into cra, : WZ cre, e/ * cr. D. Cut r5.—The details of the nerve supply in A/enopoma allegheniensis. cra, cr.p., cr.é., the nerve branches of the anterior, posterior, and external ampullz respectively. .aé., nerve to the crista acustica abortiva. #/.0., ramulus papillee basilaris. 7.s., the nerve supply of the macula sacculi. .z., the nerve supply of the macula utriculi. two, and then each branch breaks up into a bundle of branch- lets. Among the Anura, however, there appears a new branch- let from the cochlear nerve, which supplies the now discrete pars basilaris, the nerve having been split off from the lagenar branch in connection with the budding off of the pars basilaris. Among the Reptilia and Aves we notice a greater complica- tion of the sense organ called pars basilaris, indeed of the whole cochlea, which involves the increase in size and the modification of the distribution of its nerve. Here we begin to observe that fateful distortion of the ear chambers which has perhaps more than anything else retarded our progress in the knowledge of the significance of the parts of the ear and their actual relations to each other. The great development of the cochlea drags the posterior half downwards, backwards, and outwards in such a way as to give one the impression that the ear is divided primatively into superior and inferior portions. The division into anterior and posterior por- tions, which I have shown above to exist in the Cyclostomes and Elasmobranchs, obtains also in the Reptiles and Birds. Among the higher Reptilia and the Birds the cochlear nerve has become the largest branch. The branchlet to the crista 146 AYERS. [Vot. VI. abortiva in the Reptiles has grown noticeably smaller in connec- tion with the regressive development of this sense organ, while among Birds the organ and its nerve are still further reduced. The auditory ganglion, after the separation has taken place between it and the facial ganglion, divides, as Hoffmann states (loc. czt. p. 2015), “in zwei Theile, ezzen vorderen und einen hin- teren [italics mine]. Der vordere Theil entlasst in der Gegend, wo der Facialisstamm abgeht, den Ramus anterior, s. vestibu- lanis der sich, inivdneleNestenLaelitmn minykeinien, Nt et uiamaie sagittale oder vordere Ampulle, der Ramus ampulle anterioris ; 2) in einen Ast fiir die horizontale oder aussere Ampulle, der Ramulus ampullz externe, und 3) in einen Ast fiir den Reces- sus utriculi, den Ramulus recessus utriculi. Der hintere Theil des Ganglion acustici riickt innerhalb des knorpeligen Laby- rinths und bildet dort das sogenannte Ganglion cochleare. Von demselben entspringen: 1) ein Zweig, welcher sich nach dem Sacculus begiebt, der Ramus sacculi; 2) ein sehr starker Ast, der Ramus cochlearis, der nach der Cochlea geht und sich in einen Ramulus basilaris und in einen Ramulus lagenz theilt ; 3) ein Ast fiir die hintere oder frontale Ampulle, der Ramulus Cut 16.—The right internal ear of the European Adder ( 7vofzdonotus natrix), seen from the inside. Figure after Dr. Kuhn. This ear shows very distinctly the division into anterior and posterior chambers, especially in the arrangement of its sense organs. a Anterior ampulla. ma Macula acustica neglecta of Retzius. ca Anterior canal. mts Macula acustica sacculi. ch External canal. mw' Crista acustica ampullarum. cp Posterior canal. p Ampulla posterior. d Ductus endolymphaticus. ~6 Pars basilaris cochlea auct. 7 Lagena. #% Utriculus. ampulle frontalis, der den Ramulus neglectus abgibt fiir die Macula acustica neglecta an den Sinus utriculi posterior. Aus- No. 1.] LATE, VEAP BLA TEED EA Tee 147 ser dem finde ich noch, dass von der dorsalen Wand des Gan- elion cochleare ein sehr diinnes Zweigchen abgeht, welches sich, wie mir schien, nach der Wand des innerhalb des knorpeligen Labyrinths verlaufenden Theiles des Ductus endolymphaticus begiebt, spater abortirt dasselbe wieder.” Kuhn’s account of the innervation in adult Reptiles (Turtles and Ophidia) agrees with the later embryological evidence given by Hoffmann (¢f 172, 1882). Retzius has called attention to the fact that Breschet (oc. cz¢. p. 89) had long ago (1833) correctly described the innervation of the parts of the human ear. Of late years, however, anato- mists have neglected Breschet’s investigations and adopted the erroneous statement that the three ampullez of the semicircular canals are supplied by the vestibular (z.¢. utricular) branch of the auditory nerve. Retzius was led to renewed investigations on this point by finding that all other vertebrates than the Mammalia, although agreeing among themselves as to the in- nervation of the parts of the internal ear, differed in this one thing from the mammals. The results of his studies form another contribution toward the demonstration of the intimate genetic relationship of all vertebrates above Amphioxus. As we have just shown, the Ganoids, Dipnoids, Teleosts, Am- phibia, and all the Reptilia and Birds agree in essential particu- lars with the Elasmobranchs; and many forms from the larger groups, and several from each of the smaller groups, have been accurately studied in this respect. The relations of the parts in man and the Mammalia had long been in a confused state. We now know, thanks to the painstaking and skilful investigations of Retzius, that man forms no exception to the general law governing the development of the ear in other animals, and that he has no parts not represented in Elasmo- branchs in some condition. The distinctive features of the human ear as a type of the mammalian class is the great differ- entiation of the cochlear region with the consequent distortion and more complete separation of the parts of the canal complex. It is with regret that one finds these misleading errors diligently perpetuated in our text-books of science. In revising the chap- ters on the nervous system for the fifth edition of his text-book of Physiology, Foster has retained the erroneous account of the innervation of the auditory organ, on which he bases certain 148 AVERS. [VouL. VI. conclusions with reference to the functions of parts of the ear which are entirely untenable, owing to the false anatomical premises. He says (/oc. czt. p. 957): ‘When we come to study the ear we shall find that onze division of the auditory nerve ts distributed to the cochlea alone, and is called the nervus coch- learis, the vest of the nerve being distributed to the utricle saccule and semicircular canals as the nervus vestibularis” [italics mine]. As we shall see, there are reasons for thinking that the vestibular nerve carries up to the brain from the semi- circular canals impulses other than those, or besides those, which give rise to the sensations of sound, whereas (he con- tinues) the cochlear nerve appears to be exclusively concerned in hearing; and in some structural details these two divisions of the auditory nerve differ from each other. Hence it is impor- tant to note that according to careful investigations the cochlear nerve is the continuation of the dorsal root, and the vestibular nerve the continuation of the ventral root. The latter statement is correct when the previous error is corrected, for that the cochlear nerve supplies the cochlea, the sacculus, and the postertor ampulla in the human subject 1s a fact beyond dispute, and since physiologists lay such weight of specu- lation on the nerve relations, it is desirable that the anatomical basis should be as exact as possible. In his account of a 16 mm. sheep embryo, Boettcher, in his extensive monograph (31, 1869), p. 15, says: “ Untersucht man die mehr nach vorn gelegenen Querschnitte so findet man noch eine zweite betrachtliche Gruppe von Ganglienzellen (G’'), welche durch ein starkes Biindel Nervenfasern mit dem Nach- hirn in Verbindung stehen (Fig. 9, 7). Dieses Ganglion lhegt dem mittlern Theil der Labyrinthblase an und befindet sich, wie bemerkt, vor dem Ganglion cochleare. Dasselbe gehort unzweifelhaft, wie spater genauer erortert werden soll, zum grossen Theil dem Nervus vestibuli an; inwieweit der facialis mit seiner ganglionalen Anschwellung dabei betheiligt ist, lasst sich in diesem Entwicklungsstadium nicht scharf entscheiden ; es scheint, dass eine Abgrenzung beider um diese Zeit iiber- haupt nicht moglich ist.” In an embryo 2.0 cm. long Boettcher found the following con- dition of the nerve apparatus (/oc. cé¢.): “ Ausserdem bilden sie eine continuirliche Reihe, welche mit der Hauptmasse des No. 1.] THE VERTEBRATE) EAR. 149 Ganglion cochleare zusammenhingt. Dieses findet sich weiter nach vorn an der Spitze des Schneckenkanals angehauft und tritt auch hier hart an denselben heran. Diese Hauptmasse des Ganglions steht, wie weiter nach vorn fallenden Querschnitte lehren, ohne scharfe Grenze in Zusammenhang mit einer andern Nervenzellengruppe, welche, dem mittlern Theil der Ohrblase anliegend, den grdssten Theil des Raumes zwischen dieser und dem Hirn ausfiillt und letzterem nach oben zu Fasern zusendet. “Diese nervosen Bestandtheile gehoren zum Theil dem Fas- cialis, zum Theil dem N. Acusticus an; eine scharfe Scheid- ung der einzelnen Faserbiindel sowie der ihnen zugehorigen Ganglien tritt erst spater ein.” The acoustic nerve is composed of loosely bound nerve bun- dles, which may be separated in the nerve trunk (and do farther on actually separate) into two branches, the ramus anterior and ramus posterior. The first lies in front and above and runs beside, and later outside of and below the facial, passing outwards, forwards, and upwards to enter the utricular chamber through the so-called macula cribrosa superior. The ramus posterior passes outwards, backwards, and down- wards, and divides into two main portions, (a) ramulus cochlearis and (4) ramulus sacculi, which gives off the elongated ramulus ampullze posterioris. There is not the slightest trace of a ramulus maculee neglecte, though there is an anastomotic branch given off from the ramulus ampullez posterioris to the ramus antertoris, a con- dition of things of frequent occurrence in vertebrates. If the macula neglecta did occur, it would in all probability be found on the floor of the posterior ampulla. It is needless to say that the ramulus cochlearis forms the greater portion of the posterior branch. The number of discrete divisions of the ramulus basi- laris has reached in the human ear at least 100 to 125. In a short paper on the histology of the medulla, Kolliker has recently (163, 1891) called attention to the relation of the sensory nerves to the brain first established by His. He says (loc. cit.): ‘Alle sensiblen und centripetal leitenden Elemente des X, IX, VII, und V Nerven, sowie des Acusticus entspringen nicht im Gehirn, vielmehr sind die Ansammlungen grauer Sub- stanz, die man bisher als Kerne dieser Nerven betrachtete, Endstationen derselben, die ich schon in einer friiheren Arbeit 150 AUB [VoL. VI. mit His als Endkerne bezeichnete. Die wirklichen Urspriinge dieser Nerven liegen wie His zuerst nachwies, in den Ganglien derselben, ausserhalb des Gehirns (Ganglion jugulare und petro- sum, Ganglion nervi Cochleare et vestibuli, Ganglion genicull, G. Gasseri).” This constitutes another important proof of the great similarity existing between the auditory organ and the other sensory structures of the surface of the head supplied by the nerves mentioned above, and proves conclusively that so far as innervation is concerned they all belong in the same category. Before entering into a tabulation of the central relations of the branches of the auditory nerve and the relations of the roots outside of the brain proximal of the superficial ganglia, let us examine some of the features of the development as given by) lis, Jie) (Coc. e27.p)5))3) * Die! Ganelienanlage) besten: also in diesem Stadium der Entwickelung [34-4 weeks] aus einem dusserlich ungegliederten Complexe von Zellen, in wel- chem aber bereits mehrere Abtheilungen sich deutlich erkennen lassen : “1, Die mediale Abtheilung, mit der lateralen Acusticus Wurzel und den in ihr aufsteigenden Zellen. “2. Die laterale Abtheilung, mit der medialen Wurzel. “3, Die ventrale Abtheilung, in Verbindung mit dem Nervus facialis. “Peripher von dieser Ganglienanlage ist ein Stamm des Acus- ticus nicht zu erkennen; dieselbe liegt vielmehr der vorderen Wand der Gehorblase (mit Ausnahme des Aquzeductus vesti- buli) auf das Engste an; wzrgend ist eine Mesodermschicht zwischen beide Gebilde cingelagert [italics mine]. “Es gchen nun aus dieser vorderen Wand alle dicjenigen Thetle des Labyrinthes hervor, welche spiter Nervenendstellen erhalten, und es erhellt daraus, dass alle diese Theile zu einer gewissen Zeit zum Ganglion in directer Beziehung stehen.