sMss: JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, AND THE ARTS, VOL. XVIII. P 3IIlusttatei3 toitfi OBngtatimgs. BY WILLIAM NICHOLSON. LONDON: yaiNTED BY W. STRATFORD, CROWN COURT, TEMPLE BAR j FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD BY J.STRATFORD, No. Il2, Holborn-Hill. 1807. PREFACE. HE Authors of Original Papers and Communications in the present Volume are^ Aletes; William Ramsey; John Gough^ Esq.; Hydrophilus; James Parkinson; 11. B. ; Tyro; Apsophus; Sir George Cayley, Bart,; Mr. Robert Harrup; O. N.; Thomas Young, M. I>. F. R. S. Of Foreign Works^ Henry Braconnot; Mr. West- rumb; M. Berthollct, Jun.; M. Gueniveau; Mr. Ami Argand; M. Regnier; P. F. G. Boullay; M. D'Arcet; Dr. Henry; F. Link; M. Placidus Heinrich; M, Zacharj Nordmark; M. Olbers; M. Gehlen; M. Berzelius; M. Eckeberg; M. Allaire; Baron von Zois; M. Guyton; n. A. Vagel; Bouillon Lagrange; M. Haquet; J. C. De- lametherie; M. Eiot; C. A. Prieur; M. Descotils; M. Thenard; *T. F. Daiibuisson; Dr. Veau-de-Launay; John Ma^ltz; General Mcrriweather; Dr. Baoonio; Professor Proust; F. Berger, M. D,; L. Juririe; M. L Fremy; M, Du Pontde Nemours; M. deVincens; C. R. Jousselin; Mr. J. M. Haussmann; Philip Antony Steinacher; Mr. J. B. TrommsdorlF; Mr. Klaproth, And of British Memoirs abridged or extracted, John Bostock, M D.; Mr. Argand; Thomas Young, M. D. ; John Maher, F. H. S.; Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. P. R. S.; Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq. F.R. S.; Mr. R. Sahnon; Mr. John Prior; Rev. James Hall; Humphry Davy, Esq. F.R. S. M. R.LA.; Mr. Benjamin Stott. The Engravings consist of L Capillary Action of Fluids, by Aletes; 2. Boullay^s Apparatus for Phosphoric Ether; 3. Mr, Gough's Chamber Barometer; 4. The Proteus Aii- guirjtis; 5, Mr. Maher's Blanching Pot ; 6. Three Repre- sent ationSj^ of the Sacro Catino; ?. Universal Tide Table; 8. General Table of Lunations; 9. Mr. R. Salmon's Geo- metrical Quadrant and Staff; 10. Mr. Jolln Prior's Larura for Pocket Watches; II. Structure of Covered Ways; 12. Sir George Cayley's Expansion Air Engine; 13. Mr. Stott's Engine for splitting Sheep Skins. TABl/E TABLE OF CONTENTS TO THIS EIGHTEENTH VOLUME. SEPTEMBER, 1807. JEngravings of the following Objects : L.CapilJary Actions of Fluids. 2. Ar- i^and's Valve Siphon: 3. Regnier's Powder Prover: 4. BouUay's Apparatus for Phosphoric Ether, I. Remarks oiisomi; Difficulties which occur in the Investigation of the Capil- lary Action of Fluids - - - ' - Page 1 II. On the Solubility of some of the Earths by Means of Sugar. By Mr. Wil- liam Ramsay - - . _ . w q HI. Inquiries concerning the assimilating Power in Vegetables f by Mr. Henry Braconnot : read at the Academical Society of Sciences of Nanci, November 22d, 1806 - - - - - - 15 rV. On Vegetable Mucilages. By John Bostock, M. D. of Liverpool 28 y. Observatiohs on Sulphurous Mineral Waters. By !Mr. Westrumb 40 VI. Report on a Memoir of Mr. Berthollet, Jun. entitled : Inquiries concerning •the reciprocal Action of Sulphur and Charcoal. BylVIessrs. Fourcroy, Dey- f euxj andVauquelin - - - - "- 43 VII. Account of the Metallurgic Treatment of Pyritous Copper at the Mines of Chessy and Sainbel, in theDepartment of the Rhone. By Mr. Gueniveau • ■ « 51 Vni. Description of the Valve Siphon of the late Mr. Ami Argand, Inventor of the Lamps with a Double Current of Air - - CI JX. Descif[)tion of anew Instrument for proving the Strength of Gunpowder. • By Mr. Regnier, Keeper of the central Depot of Artillery^ - 62 X. Mode of making Phosphoric Ether by Means of a peculiar Apparatus. By •Mr. P. F. G. 'JonlUv, Apothecarv, at Paris. Read before the First Class of theJnstitulje, Maiciii"he23d, ISO?' - , . - - 63 XI. Remarks on the Decomposition of Acetate of Barytes by Means of Soda. By Mr. D'Arcet - - - - *^ - 6(5 XII. Observations on the preceding Article. By M, L. B. Guytcn, one of the ' Authors of the Annales de Chemie - " - . . 70 Scientific News. — Imperial Academy of Sciences, ib — ^Discovery of the New Planet by Mr. Olbers, 75~Fluoric Acid in Teeth and Bones, ib— Sulphur - inflamed by Oxide of Lead, 77 — YttHa and Cerium, ib— New Process for ' scowering .Wool, 78— Argand's Lamps, ib— Dr. Young's Lectures on Na- tural Philosophy and the xMechanical Arts, 79— Mr, Accum's Lectures on • Ckemistry and Mineralogy, 80 OCTOBER, CONTENTS. , r OCTOBER, 1807. Engravings of the following Objects: 1. Mr. Gough's correct Chamber Barom- i eter : 2.'The Proteus Anguinus : 3 . Tlnee Representations of the Sacro Catino : 4. Mr. Maher's Blanching Pot: 5. Universal Tide Table: 6. General Table of Lunations. A Duplicate of the Plate of the Tide and Lunar Tables is given, that it may be cut out and put together, either as it is, or mounted on pasteboard, vrithout rendering the Work imperfect. I. Description of a correct Chamber Barometer. In a Letter from Jolm Gough, Esq. , . - - - - Page 181 IL, Observations on the Phytolacca, or American Pokeweed. By Mr. H. Bra- connot. Member of the Academy of Sciences, &c. at Nanci - 185 III. A Memoir on the Proteus Anguinus. By Baron von Zois - f'gi IV. Account of the Antique Vessel, that was preserved at Genoa under the Name of Sacro Catino, and reputed to be an Emerald; with the Report made of it to the French Institute, August 4, 1806. ByMr. Guyton - 19t V. On the Cultivation of the'Crambe Maritima of Linnens, or Sea Kale. By- Mr. John Maher, F.H. S. - - ' - loa VI. On Grease, and some Medicinal Compounds, of which it is the Basis. By H. A. Vogel, Chemical Operator in the Pharmaceutic School at Paris.— Abridged by Bouillon Lagrange _ - - - lp5 VII. Extract of a Memoir of Mr. Haquet, on the Formation of Flint 114 VII f. Of the Oxidation of the Solder of Leaden Vessels used in \\ ash-houses. By J. C. Delametherie - . - - - 115 IX. Example of a Calculation in the Doctrine of Chances ; a Tide Table ; and Remarks on the breaking of Waves. In a Letter from a Correspondent 1 1 S yi. Nondescript Encrinus, in Mr. Donovan's Museum - li'l XL Inquiry respecting a Fact not hitherto noticed in the Way of Discussion, hi a Letter from R. B. - - - *- v - ]22 XII. Questions on some Appearances of the Electric Spark. By a Correspond- ent ------ 123 XIII. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Biot to Mr. Berthollet - ibid. XIV. Summary Considerations on the Prismatic Colours of Bodies reduced to thin PeUicles ; with an Explanation of the Colours of Annealed ' Steel, and those of the Peacock's Feathers. A Fragment of a Work on Colours. By C. A. Pricur - - - - - 128 XV. Account of a Fulminating Compound of Silver, of a ^^'hite Colour nid Crystalline Appearance. By Mr. Descotils ' - - 140 XVI. Mv^moir on the Means of forming a Judgment of the Quality of Glass, particularly Window Glass, and distinguishing such as is liable to Alteration. By Mr. Guyton. Bead at the General Meeting of the Society of Encourage- ment, March the 11th, 1807 - - - - 142 XVH. Report on a Paper on Nitrous Ether, read to the Institute the 4th of Au- gust, 1806, by Mr. Thenord, Professor in the College of France. By Messrs. ^ Guyton, Vauquelin, and Berthollet - - - 144 XVIII. Observations on Subterranean Heat, made in the Mines of PouUacucn and Huelgoat in Brittany. ByJ. F. Daui)uisson - - 148 XIX. Letter from Dr. Veau-de-Launay to J. C. Delametherie on the Production of oxigenized Muriatic Acid by the Galvanic Pile - - 155 XX. Scientific News. — 'New Bavarian Academy of Sciences, ib.— Boyal Li- brary at Munich, 157, — Collection of ]*aintings, ib. — Royal Academy of His- tory and Antiquities at Naples, ib. — Meclianical Imitation of various W^ind Instnnnents and others, ib. — Intended Tour in the East, 158. — Ancient Busts made by American Indians, ib. — Extensive Bidgesof Shells in America, ib. — Vegetable Galvanic Pile, 159 — Mathematical Kepository, ib. — Mr. Ac- cum's new Mineralogical Work, 160. — Lectures on Surgery, and on Physi- ology, ib. — Medical and Chemical Lectures, St. George's Hospital, and George Street, Hanover Square, ib, NOVEMBER. IV. Some Climate ^\ ^ CONTENTS. NOVEMBER, 1807. ■Enirravmgs of the following Objects: 1. Mr. Salmon's Geometrical Quadrant and Staff: 2. Mr. John Prior's Larum for Pocket Watches. L Facts towards a History of Pit-coal. By Professor Proust. - 161 11. Abstract of a Memoir on Muriatic Ether, read at the Institute February the nth, 1807, by Mr. Thenar d ----- 17<5 in. Abstract of a Memoir on the Products that result from the Action of Metallic Muriates, oxigenized iMuriatic Acid, ajid Acetic Acid, on Alcohol. By Mr. Tbenard . • - - - - 183 Hints respectinjT the proper Mode of inuring Tender Plants to our . By the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, liart. K. B. P. R. S. &c. 186 V. Observations on the MetlM>d of producing new and early Fruits. By Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq. F.R.S. &c. . - - 189 Vf. Memoir on the Desulphuration of Metals. By Mr. Gueniveau, Engineer of Mines - - - - - - 197 VII. Heights of various Places d^ermrned by tlie Barometer, in the Course of seveial Tours through France, Switzerland/ and Italy. By F. Berger, M. D. of Geneva - - ■* - - - 210 VI n. A new Method oi classing the Hymenopterous and Dipterous Insects. By L, Jurine, Correspondent of tiie Institute, Professor of Anatomy, &c. 218 |X Description and Manner of using Mr. Robert Sahuon's Geometrical Plot- ting Quadrant, Level, and Calculator, for the IJse of Navigation and Land- Surveying; ascertaining inaccessible Distances, and demonstrating and deteB- ipining various Problems in Geou^etry and 1 rigonomctry - 21^ X. Description of a Larum applicable to any Pocket Watch, By Mr. John Prior, of Nesslicld, nearSkipton, in Craven' - - 22S Xf. Observations on .the Combination of fixed Oils wilh the Oxides of Lead, and with Alkalis. By Mr. F. Fremy, Apothecary, of Versailles 231 ;^Il. Account of a pretended pure native Magnesia ^ - 23S XIII. Some remarkable Occurrences in Natural History, From the Rev. James Hall's Travels in.Scotland - - ^ - 23Q XIV, Facts respecting Indian Corn. By Professor Proust ^ 233 DECEMBER, CONTENTS. Yii DECEMBER 1807. "Engravings of the following Objeccts : 1. On the Construction of GovcFod Wajs^t 2. Sir John Caviey's Expansion Air Engine. I, Remarks on the Structure of- covered Ways, independent of the Pririciblef of the Arch in Equilibrium, and on the best Forms for Arches in Buildings, From a Correspondent (Apsophus) - - - - 241 IE Additional Remarks on the capillary Actions of Fluids. By Aletes. 250^ III. On a Kind of DeatJi, that may be presumed to be only appaj-ent. By Mr. ' Du Pont de Nemours. Read at the First Class of the Institute, October 28, 1806 - - - « ... . .2H^ IV. Description of an Engine for affording Mechanical Power from Air ex-, panded by Heat. By Sir George Cayley, Bart. - - 26 . • '. ' ' ■ ' HI. Observations on the Distilled Water of common Borage. By Philip Antony Steinacher, Member of the Pharmacuetic Society of Paris - 343 IV. A Memoir on Acetic Acid . By Mr. J. B. Trommsdorff - 345 y. Account of an Engine for splitting Sheep Skins. By Mr. Benjamin Stott, of Bermondsey Street - - ^ _ 34 g ^. A Memoir on Sulphuric Acid. By Mr. Klaproth : read at the Philomathic Society of Berlin ~ - - - - , 349; Scientific News. — A Classification of Vegetables, and Plan of a new Method formed on that of Toiirnefort, according to which the Plants of the Garden of the private School of Pharmacy at Paris are arranged. By D. L. Guyart, Assistant Professor of E0tany at the School, &:c. - - 351 Lid - ^9T/i>iiaJ[ «i^ 2. yi//ii/f!!flll0 h\/n'{^n^ r/ulcK).fon dissolves ", ^ - , l-4tn or stron- strontites. Two ounces of this earth were taken, and the tltes at 50", carbonic acid expelled by dilute nitric acid; the mixture vt' was evaporated to dryness, and then put into a crucible in a red heat, until the nitric acid was decomposed. A portion - of the solution of sugar was taken, and the earth added to it in the cold state ; the specific gravity was increased to 1050. This solution was boiled on a fresh portion of earth, and an equal and the liquid immediately filtered; for some time it re- weight at 2 12% malued of a pure white wine colour, but as the liquid cooled, ^ains at 50''. it gradually deposited a number of gray coloured crystals, which are soluble in water, and have the same taste as the saccharine solution of strontites. At the temperature of 50 degrees, the specific gravity of this solution was as under. Solution of sugar • • 1 040 Jncreased sp, grav. from strontites in solution • • • • 40 1080 Consequentlj Consequently an equal weight of strontites with the sugai- employed is capable of being- dissolved at the temperature of 212 degrees; and of being retained in solution by the sugar at 50 de^rpes of Fahrenheit. On exposiui^ the crys- tals, which had fallen down during the cooling of the liquid to t})e air of the atmosphere, tjiey attracted carbonic acid and effloresced. . ' • Chemical pro- The solution of strontites in ay^ar Is of a fine white wine **^'^^' colour, and like that of lime has a peculiar caustic smell. This earth is precipitated by caustic and carbonated jfotash and soda; also by the carbonic, citric, tartarous, sulphuric, and oxalic acjds. And it is decomposed, by compound af- ^nity, by the carbonates of potash and soda-; also by the citrate, tartrite, and oxalate of potash. Sugar and ba- Judging from the greater solifbiiity of strontites when fyies. compared with lime in the saccharine solution, that this flight pvoceed from its superior affinity for this substance ; it was thought, that a greater proportion of barytes would "be dissolved than of either of the former earths. Two ounces of the carbonate of barytes were taken, and treated in the same manner as has been narrated in the preparation of the strontian earth, by ex;pelling the carbonic acid by dilute nitric acid, evaporating to dryness, and then igniting the mixture until the nitric acid was destroyed. The pre- pared earth was put into the saccharine solution in the cold state, and frequently agitated ; the liquid assumed a dull greenish appearance, and the smell of carbonated hidrogen gas was sensibly felt. After 24 hours rest the solution had los$ its green colour, and was of the same colour as the original Nonedissolved solution of sugar; and a black matter was found precipitated fold, to the bottom of the glass jar. . On trying the specific gra- vity of the solution it was not increased. The liquid was then taken apd boiled on a fre^ih portion of the barytic earth, and bat little *'"^" fil^i'^d ; on being cooled to the temperature of 50 de- hot, gi'ees, the specific gravity was Solution of silgar 1040 Barytes in solution 6 104 gar ; farther than that the sweet seemed much improved, and was softer and more agreeable on the palate, as if it were entirely freed from the earthy taste, which unrefined sugar frequently has. On its remaining at rest for some months in a bottle well corked, the magnesia appears to be entirely separated. Alumine but Very little alumine is dissolved by a solution of sugar, little soluble when fresh precipitated earth is presented to it either in thfe in sugar. , . cold or hot state. Neither does it seem capable of holding it in solution, when sulphate of alumine is decomposed by sacchariie of lime in the way of double decomposition : both the lime and alumine are precipitated together. But when fresh precipitated earth of alum is boiled for some time in the saccharine solution, it seems capable of attracting the colouring matter of tlie sugar, and the liquid, when the earth Perhaps it has precipitated, is in a purer state than before. Perhaps might be use- ^.-j-j^ certain modifications this au-eut might be of service in Jul la refining . o o it. the refining of sugar. Alkaline car- The union of sugar with the alkalis has been long known ; ra^teThe earTli ^"^ *^^^® ^^ rendered more strikingly evident, hf carbonated from sugar. potash or soda (for instance) decomposing the solutions of lime and strontites in sugar by double affinity. Weak sugai^ In making solutions of unrefined sugar for culinary pur- contain lime, p^ggg^ .^ gj-^y coloured substance is found frequently preci- pitated. It is probable, that this proceeds from a super- abundance of lime, which has been used in clarifying the juice of the sugar cane at the plantations abroad. Sugar with this imperfection is known among the refiners of this article by the name of weak. And it is justly termed so, the precipitated matter being nothing but lime which has attracted cal-bonic acid from the sugar, (of which there is a Lime separates great probability) or from the air of the atmosphere. A from sugar ia bottle in which I had kept a solution of lime in sugar for at state of a car- ^^^^t four years closely corked, was entirely encrusted with bonate. a yellowish coloured matter, which on examination was found tp be entirely carbonate of lime. III. NUTRITION OF VEGETABLES* III. is Inquiries concerning the assimilating Pouter in Vegetahles; hy Mr. Henry Braconnot: read at the Academical Society of Sciences of Nanci, November the 22d, 1 806*. _ HYTOLOGISTS for a loni? time imagined, that vege- Supposition , , / . , , , ... 1 • 1 ^1 ' ^ ^ J that vegetables tables were nourished by certam juices, which they extracted extracted nu- ready formed from the earth. Van Helmont in great mea- triiious juices sure refuted this by his celebrated experiment. In a box refu*ed by Van containing 100 lbs. of earth, and covered with lead, he Helmont, planted u willow, weighing 50 lbs. TJiis he watered with ^^^l^^^ ^^^ distilled water, and in five years it had acquired an addition to its weight of 1 19 lbs. 3 oz. without any perceptible dimi- nution of the earth. The experiments of Boyle with earth baked in an oven, and those of Duhamel and Bonnet with mossf, prove the same thing. Other natural philosophers have pursued the same in- Tiliet showed quiry: Tiliet, in particular, made a number of experiments, ^nTto^eTe- to ascertain whether water and air were the only substances cessary to their necessary for the growth of plants. He filled several pots S^o^^^ • with different earthy matters, some with old plaster, others with pure river sand, fragments of stone broken to powder, &c. ; buried them partly in the ground, to retain the moist- ure; and sowed wheat in them. The wheat produced very fine ears ; and the grains, being sown, produced other fine plants. From the infant state of chemistry, at the time, however, None of these none of the plants produced by means of air and water alone ^^ ^" ^ ^"* ^^*^ were analysed. This indeed has since been done ; and it has been advanced, that plants growing in such a manner as to '^^^^ plants ^' have been nourished by water alone, did not furnish as much contained less * Abridged from the Annales de Chemie, Vol. LXI. p. 187. Feb. 1807. ■\- Mr. Procoplus Dcnsidoff of Moscow, who has a very fine botanic Seeds mpstdif- garden, raises all sorts of plants bv a peculiar method. He sows the ^*^^"' ^" S^*^"/^" J. ,, ■ ^ , ^ • , ,. w nate succeed fseeds m moss, where they germinate, and then plants them m pots. In -^ moss this way he loses very few seeds of those that grow with most diffi- culty. Note o/ Prof. Willmett^ carbon 16 kutrttion of TrAtXAttV,^, Its products. carbon than cart>on as was contained in the seeds from which they sptUn^ ; while those in mould were much more vigorous, in conse- quence of the carbon with which it furnished their roots. But these experiments were on too small a scale to furnish satisfactory results; and I have therefore attempted to inves- tigate the subject anew, in order to ascertain, how far this opinion is well founded. Mould first As a preliminary step, T conceived it necessary to analyse analysed. vegetable mould in a state of perfect decompoiition. F or this purpose I selected perfectly pure, black, pulverulent mould, from among the hollow roots of a very old ti'ec. Contained no- Distilled water, in which it was boiled, remained colourless thing soluble after filtration, and on being evaporated left no sign of any in water. i v i ^. soluble matter. Very retentive A hundred grammes [3| oz.] were reduced by dessication of moisture, ^q oy^ which shows it to be extremely retentive of water. These "20 gr,, distilled at a red heat, gave out 4 of water, that powerfully reddened infusion of litmus; and contained empyreumatic acetous acid, partly saturated with ammonia; 2 of an acrid oil, that congealed on cooling, and was of a dark brown colour; 89 cubic inches of oily hidrogen gas, burning with a blue flame; and 34 cubic inches of carbonic acid absorbed by lime. The coally residuum weighed 8*5 grammes, which were reduced by incineration to 2*4 gr. of light yellow ashes. Boiling distilled water digested on these ashes acquired nO peculiar taste, did not turn sirup of violets green, and was barely rendered turbid by the addition of a few drops of oxalic acid, which seemed to indicate, that a few particles «if lime had been set free by the calcination. The nitrates of barj^es and of silver produced no change in it. On far- ther analysis these ashes afforded 1*3 of a gr. of silex, "3, of oxide of iron containing a little oxide of manganese, '25 of phosphate of lime, '2 of lime, and some traces of magneVia. I belled G gr. [92 grains] of the same mould for an hour, i^^ol r>«^"^^ a strong solution of caustic potash, when it became glu- tinous, and swelled up. I then diluted it with water fil- tered, and obtained a very deep brown liquor. This mixed if lib the lixiviating waters gave on the addition of an acid a precipitate, that weighed 1 gr. when dried. It was of a ver/ Residuum. Ashes. The mould boiled in sokl tipn NUTKITION OF VEGETABLES. ly very Hack colour, ^md in little shinin*^ scales. Scarcely any vapour arose from it when throvvi) on burning coals, and 1 consider it as charcoal well saturated with hidroj^en. Art nmy imitate this substance, by effecting by fire what nature does by time. If we deprive a vegetable substance of al- most all its oxigen, and a small quantity of its hidrogen, by exposing it to a certain temperature, the result will be a hi- droguretted charcoal, partly soluble in potash, as I have found by experience. That part of the mould, which had resisted the action of The residuum potash, weighed when dried 5 gr. It had no longer the phy- ^0^1?'^^°*^ ^'*^' sical characters of mould ; was in pieces that were tolerably ''l^ii hard and brittle; and had a striking resemblance to pitcoal, which led me to produce it in larger quantity. In this way it had still such a resemblance to coal, that I could com- pare it to nothing else. From this examination of mould it appears, that it can- It afFords no not supply plants with any soluble matter for their nutrition, ^^^"^^^ matter since boiling water has no action on it. It would be super- fluous to say, that seeds sowed in it vegetated with extraor- dinary vigour; but I must not omit to mention the presence of a large quantity of potash in the plants, though I could not detect any in the mould in which they grew, by the most strict researches. These observations appear to corroborate the opinion of Manure thcre- Tillet and Parmentler, who consider manure as useful only ^""^^^ seems to by retaining moisture, and keeping strong soils open for by retailing some time, so as to allow the roots of plants to penetrate "Jointure. them. But if water and air be the only sources of the food of plants, any insoluble matter, sufficient in quantity, and duly watered, must be adequate to the purpose of their growth. This I endeavoured to ascertain by experiments. Exp. I. In a box tilled with pure litharge I sowed 400 Mustard seed seeds of white mustard, weighing 2*2 gr. These I watered -o^^" '" ^i- frequently and carefully with distilled Avater. The box was ^^^^^^' placed in a good aspect, and a glass was hung over it to keep out the dust. The plants throve very well, and pro- duced perfect pods. I collected all the seminal leaves as well as the rest that dropped off; and when the vegetation was at its height, pulled up the plants. Having well washed Vol. X VIII— Sept. I807. C the 18 NUTRITION OF VEGETABLES. the roots, to remove any portions of oxide of lead, and wiped them dry* the whole weighed 264 gr. After thej were dried, the weight was 34*2 gr. The produce These yielded 12 gr. of coal, which by incineration were analysed. reduced to 4'2 gr. of ashes. These lost by lixiviation 2*2 gr. ; of which '59 gr. were sulphate of potash, '6g gr. pot- ash. The insoluble residuum aftbrded '4 gr. of silex; '45 gr. of oxide of iron, alumine, and phosphate of lime, the proportions of which were not determined ; '57 gr. of ox- ide of iron ; and a very small portion of magnesia. Mustard seed Exp. II. In a very large, deep, and perforated bowl of of sulphur. stone ware, filled with well washed flowers of sulphur, 250 seeds of white mustard were sown. The whole was covered with a large bell glass, allowing free access to the air and light. The plants grew vigorously, being frequently wa- tered with distilled water ; as sulphur, having little affinity with water, parts with it very easily, and dries on the sur- face. They produced flowers in tolerable abundance, and The produce the seeds produced plants in common groimd. The weight analysed. ^^ ^^^ f^,^^^ plants, with the fallen leaves, was 108 gr. ; and when dried 18*6 gr. Their coal weighed 7*8 gr. and left 1*55 gr. of whitish ashes, which aflbrded by lixiviation '6 gr. of carbonate and sulphate of potash. The insoluble part was similar to that of the former. Mustard seed Exp. III. A hundred seeds of white mustard were sown sown m small ^^ twenty pounds of very smaU unglazed shot, on the 9th of July. On the 28th of August they began to flower, and aflbrded small pods. All these plants were slender, and had but few and small leaves. When fresh they weighed 10 gr. and after being dried 2*3 gr. they yielded very little coal, but more than the weight of the seed. The weight of the shot appeared to oppose too great an ebstacle to the young roots, as most of them spread over the surface, without being able to penetrate it. The iittle affinity of the lead for water was another reason of the feeble growth of the plants ; and hence I have found, that plants thrive less in metallic powders, than in their oxides. Radish seed Exp. IV. On a flat stone pavement a bed was formed, in aheap ^^^^^ a yard hit;h, of fine sand, taken immediately from of sund, . o ' .' the bed of the river, and well washed. In this were sown seeds NUTRITION OF VEGETABLES. jl^ seeds of the common radish fraphanvs sativnsjy which were fiequtntly watered witli perlectly pure rain water, and the ■plants grew with as mucli vigour as they would have done in any ground. The greater part of the radishes were brought to table, and were of a very delicate flavour, without any of the disagreeable earthy taste they have sometimes. Some of them were left to seed; and most of these grew to the height of 2 feet or 2j. It was observed, that those at the top of the heap were much larger and stronger than those near the bottom*. Sixty three of these plants when dried weighed 372 gr. 'Hie produce Incinerated they left 54'2 ^v, of gray ashes. These afforded ^^^'y^ed, by lixiviation 18'6 of very fine potash. From this I am in- clined to think, that the radish might be cultivated with ad- vantage on wet sandy places by the sea shore, for the pur- pose of fabricating potash f. Th luble matter sary to prove, that the soil is so much the more proper tor advantageous, vegetation in proportion as it is deprived of soluble foreign as appears matter, I would mention the practice of paring and burning ^f p^rin^ and wastes, used cliiefly in England. Lands thus treated remain burning j in heart a long time ; the parts where the heaps of surface mould were burned are most fertile ; and manure even ap- pears to be injurious, by causing the wheat to run chiefly to straw, with thin ears, and those of bad quality. This extraordinary effect of torrefaction on the soil ap- ^^^I'ch proba- pears to me attributable to the combustion of those excre- strovint the ^ mentitious matters, which are ejected by the roots of plants, matter excret- When the soil is impregnated with these matters, which are roots of plums. eminently injurious to vegetation, the perfect developement of plants is prevented. This excretion from the roofs is evi- This excretion dent from the surrounding earth, which becomes unctuous, f"ct^. '°^^ and sometimes of a darker colour. In several of the euphor- biuras and cicoraceous plants it is very perceptible, and milky. It may be observed too, that roots, when they multi- ply under water, become covered with a glairy matter, which deserves to be examined ; and which no doubt the earth would have absorbed, had the roots remained buried in it. It is to these excretions from the roots perhaps we must fre- ^"^ prob biy ^, .,,-,,„ • 1 1 . the cause whv quently ascribe that kind of antipathy between certain some plants ' plants, which are never found together. Thus the thistle is particularly in- injurious to oats, euphorbium and scabious to flax, elecam- {j^^ers pane to carrots, fleabane and dnrnel to wheat, &:c. It would cei^ainly be wrong, to ascribe the fertility of land Effects of par- pared and burned to the charcoal produced in this operation ; Jr^g and burn- r ing cannot be 22 NUTRITION OF VEGETABLES. «wing to char- f^^ Mr. Cliaptal ]ias shown, that dry charcoal, alone or mixed >cith earths of little solubility, does not penetrate into the vessels of vegetables. P'lantsaonot To add to the proofs, that vegetables have no need of from the Sxith. ^^'^^^'"g carbon from the earth, I might mention high trees, loaded with fruit, tliat grow and thrive on rocks or old walls, totally destitute of vegetable mould ; and those vast forests, the soil of which is pure sand extending far beyond the roots. Opinion that J have now to examine the opinion, tliat vegetables absorb they derive it , i /. n • ,» i • from the at- their carbon from the small quantity of carbonic acid con- niosphere. tained in the astmosphere. Sennebier first announced this decomposition ; and T. Saussure afterward endeavoured to prove, that this very small quantity would be sufficient for all the vegetables that exist. But though this philosopher was persuvded of the utility of carbonic acid in vegetation, . be satisfied himself, that plants could grow in an atmospliere freed from it ; and he ascribed this grovvtii to the carbonic acid produced by the plants themselves, which they decom- ^erimem^ *^^ posed after having formed it*. To prove this he exposed to the sun closed receivers, in which plants were growing, and suspended quicklime to the upper part of them. The plants soon grew yellow, and at the expiration of five days gave no signs of vegetation ; whence he inferred, that the absorption of carburof the^*" examined the experiment careruUy, and satisfied myself, lime. that the death of the plants was not owing to the privation of carbonic acid alone, but to the lime itself in vapour. The following experiments convinced me of the volatility of lime. Jiine is in some ^' i^^^per tinged by repeated immersion in infusion of lit- . measure yola- uiu$, then reddened, and afterward washed in water to re- move its excess of acid, was suspended in a stopped phiul. * It is obvious, that the carbonic acid formed byAhe plants could not furnish them with more of its base than it luid jjreviously taken from them. Tr. 1 into NUTRITIOJI OP VEGETABLES. 23 into which I had put with great caution some lime, that was slaked, and suitably moistened with water. It was not long before the red colour of the paper was changed to blue. This effect was not unknown to Fourcroy. 2. Into a retort I put with all possible precaution a certain ^^^^^^ ^ quantity of lime and water, and by distillation I obtained a liquor impregnated with an intolerable smell of lime. This liquor left a disagreeable impression on the palate, and had manifestly alkaline properties. Alcohol by its volatility carries up in vapour a much larger Still more rises quantity of lime, as appears from an experiment of Proust. "^^^^ ^P'"^- In order to obtain spirit free from acetic acid, he distilled 25lbs. of red wine with a handful of quicklime. The pro- . does , . . Ti jt come from can so small a portion of this acid, scarcely amounting to a • atmos- ^pj^ thonsandth part of the air, explain the formation of those vast mines of pitcoal, which still retains the marks of those organized substances whence it originated, and the organic origin of which is sufficiently announced by its composition of carbon, hidrogen, oxigen, and azote ? But without appeal- ing to these ancient productions of the vegetable kingdom, burled in the earth in such abundance, we need only cast an eye on its surface, to satisfy ourselves that nature must have taken other steps to produce carbon. Charcoal pro- On the other hand, if, in the silent progress of vegetation, duced from ^|^g elements of water concur with the solar light to produce water, and . , • • i therefore con- charcoal by mtmiate combmations unknown to us, charcoal fains hidiogen. oug]^^ to contain hidrogen likewise; and this is confirmed by experience. Proofs of this. If charcoal strongly calcined be urged in the fire with a substance that has an affinity for hidrogen, the charcoal is partly decomposed, and hidrogurettcd products are obtained. Light neces- * To satisfy myself, that plants can appropriate to themselves the ele- sary to the pro- nients of water, so as to constitute their different materials, only by their duciion of car- own organic action combined with that of light, I caused a given quan- bon in plants, ^ity of seed to grow in complete darkness, and at the common tempera- ture of the air. They shot out long white filaments, at the extremity of v/hich were the two seminal leaves; but nothing more appeared. After desiccation these plants weighed less than the seeds whence they sprung : which appeared to be owing to their having lost carbon in this languisli- ing state, instead of acquiring it, A re tl ♦ "t ^"^ ^^^ mode of action of light on vegetables remains yet to be known, combines with It appears however, that it enters into combination with them, and that them. to this combination is owing the green colour of their leaves, and the va- riety of hues admired in their flowers. Yet Mr. Humboldt has found green plants growing in deep and dark mines, the atmosphere of which contained a great deal of hidrogen. Does not this fact indicate some- Perhap? ana- thing common between hidrogen and light, particularly when we ob- logous with hi* serve, that these two fluids, the lightest in nature, seem likewise to pro- rogen. ^^^^ analogous effects on some metallic oxides and salt ? Mr. NUTRITION OF VEGETABLES. 27 Mr. Bcrtliollet mixed 30 gr. [463 grs.] of charcoal cal- cinefl In a forge fire with 20 gr. [309 grs.] of sulphur, and by distillation in a porcelain retort obtained more tlian 100 cuhie centim. [391 lines] of sulphuretted hidrogen gas : and it appears to me to be probable, that, if the experiment were frequently repeated with the same charcoal, it might be to- ^ tally decomposed, a fact that it would be interesting to verify. If oxigen in the state of gas be presented to the charcoal instead of sulphur, water is formed, as is proved by the ex- periments of Lavoisier on the combustion of charcoal, as well as by those of ^Ir. Ilassenfratz : and analogous results are obtainable with metallic oxides, according to the obser- vations of Cruikshank. It even appears from the nice investigations of Messrs, The diamond Biot and Arrago on the refractive power of bodies, that the hidrcm, diamond, which has hitherto been considered as pure car- bon, must contain 'a large quantity of hidrogen, which has the greatest refractive power of any substance yet observed in nature. These gentlemen intend to verify their conjecture by direct experiments, from which very interesting results may be expected, The existence of hidrogen in the dia- mond has been announced from other facts by Mr.Winterl. From the chief facts that have been here mentioned it follows : General con- 1 . That vegetables find in pure water every thing necessary for them to assimilate. 2. Tliat vegetable mould in a state of complete decay contains nothing soluble, and can only supply plants with i water, which it retains abundantly in a certain state of divi- sion adapted to their nourishment, ^ 3. That vegetables can grow in any substance, provided it have no action on them, and be perfectly insoluble in water. 4. That the organic powers, assisted by the solar light, de- velopes in plants substances that have been deemed simple, as earths, alkalis, metals, sulphur, pb.ospl.orus, charcoal, and perhaps too nitrogen, that probably will no longer con- tinue to be the limits at which chemical analysis will stop, o. That oxigen, hidrogen, and tire appear to be the only ekmea- ' , Jf^ ^ ON VEGETABLE MUCILAGES. elementary substances, that serve to constitute the uhf. verse. 6. Lastly that nature, in its simple course, produces the most various effects by tlie slightest modiiicatioas in the means it employs. ' ** IV. Oil Vegetahte Mucildges; by John Bostock, M. D. of Liverpool. Vegetable nui- J|_ lYE term mucilage is employed, in rather a va^^ue man- cilage a vague ^,, ^ , „ ^,, i.-i-i jgr^, ner, to designate a class ot vegetable productions, vvliich, although they agree in many of their properties, are in other The author's respects considerably dissimilar. My object in the follow- object. jjjg course of experiments was to obtain a more accurate knowledge of their peculiar properties, and. to discover tests by which their presence may be detected, without having re- course to those methods of analysis, in which they are re- solved into their component elements. Solution of Gum arabic, when dissolved in water, exhibits all the gum arabic. properties of a vegetable mucilage in the most complete form. I prepared a solution, in the proportion of ten parts of water to one of gum, and to portions of this the follow^ ing reagents were respectively added; in general one drachm of the solution was mixed with ten drops of the reagent, ex- ^ cept in the case of alcohol and the infusion of galls, when ^ . . equal parts were employed, 1. Acetate of lead, 2. super- Examined > ,.-, ^^ • /»• • -^ ^iih different acetate 01 lead*, 3. mtro-muriate ot tin, 4. nitro-muriate of reagents, gold, -5. nitrate of mercury, 6. oxysulphate of iron, 7. sili- Their effects. ^'*^^^^ potash, 8. alcohol, and 9. infusion of galls. In No. 1, there was a copious, dense, white precipitate. No effect was produced in Nos. 2, 3, and 4. In No. 5 a white preci- pitate appeared, which was dissolved by agitation, but was reproduced by thcaddition of water, and in a few hours it assumed a light pink colour. In No. 6 an orange coloured precipitate was formed, at first in small quantity, but in 24 • For the difference between these two salts see Nicholson's Journal, XI, 7b', und Thoa.sai/> Chemistry, Hi, 2G2, (^3d Edit J hours ON VEGETABLK MUCILAGES. S9 hours'' the whole became opake. In No. 7 an immediate opacity was produced, and after some time a precipitate fell down. There was an immediate precipitate in No. 8 : but in No. 9 there was no effect produced. If the oxysulphate of iron be added to a solution containing -g- of its weight of gum, the whole is immediately converted into a solid, trans- parent, orange coloured jellvi; When the solution is so far diluted as to contain only a" thousandth of its weight of gum, alcohol no longer produces any visible effect ; while a strong solution is immediately converted into a white, and perfectly opake fluid. A substance which, in its physical properties, bears a Cherry tree strong resemblance to gum arabic, is the gum which exudes fljfJrently br from the cherry tree ; but I found the effects of reagents reagent*, upon it to be considerably different^ When the acetate of lead is added to a mucilage of cherry gum, there is no pre- cipitate thrown down, but there appears a slight tendency to coagulation, and in the space of 24 hours the gum ap- pears to be separated from its solvent in the form of tine fila- ments. The nitro-rauriate of tin converts the mucilage into a solid jelly of a light yellow colour; the oxysulphate of iron causes no precipitation or coagulation, but changes th-e colour to a blackish brown ; the nitro-muriate of gold causes an immediate opacity, and changes its colour to a light brown, but there is no precipitate thrown down ; the super- acetate of lead and the nitrate of mercury produce no effect. When alcohol is added to a strong solution of cherry gum. Part of its so- a number of filaments are formed, but the erreatest part of ^"tion incorpo- ,, ., , . i. VI XT- 1 1 1 • 1 rates with alco^ the mucilage seems to mcorporate with the alcohol without hoi, undergoing any alteration ; the solid gum is not, however, in the slightest degree soluble in boiling alcohol. The in- fusion of galls produces no effect upon the mucilage of cherry gum. The cherry gum, when first dissolved in water, Separates from forms a uniform and transparent solution, but after being water by stand- kept for some days in a warm atmosphere, it gradually ex- *"^* hi bits a tendency to separation, a number of dark films are formed in it, which rise to the surface, and the whole be- *^ comes slightly turbid *, * The result of my experiments on cherry gym will be found to differ very considerably from those of Dr. Thomson. Chem. V, 48. Tragacanth 30 ON VEGETABLE IHr( It.AGKS. Tragacanth. Traj^acauth is, in many of its physical properties, consi- derably dift'erent iVom gum arable, and its habitudes with the chemical reagents appear to be^o less dissimilar. Wn- ter dissolves this substance with so much difificulty, that it hea been said to be absolutely insoluble f. When traga- canth is digested in water, it absorbs a large quantity of the fluid, and is greatly increased in bulk, but even after being kept for sorrie time at the boiling temperature, no proper When soften- solution seems to be produced. If, however, the tragacanth in water' m^y ^" *^'^ softened state be strongly rubbed in a mortar with an bedis-:o]ved by additional quar^tity of fluid, a real combination appears to tnturutiun. -^^ effected ; a mucilage is formed, which possesses a homo- geneous consistence, and retains the same state for several weeks, without manifesting any tendency to subsidence. A 1 part to If^O: >jjy(.j|jjp.g ^f ^\^\^ kind was made with I part of trao-acantlr equal to 10 of ^ . ' ^, gum arabic. ^^ 100 parts oi water; it was of about tne same consistence with that composed of 1 part of gum arable to 10 parts of water. To this mucilage the same parent. As the quince niucilage is coagulated by the mere addition of an acid, it is probable, that the effect produced in these cases may depend in some degree upon the acid, which enters but this does iwto the composition of these metallic salts ; yet the action rot account ^f j-j^^ acetate of lead and the nitro-muriate of tin were so for the effects. . . remarkable, as to indicate the operation of a specific affi- Tiity. It may be farther observed, that a greater effect is produced by the acetate of lead, than by the super-acetate, although in this latter salt there is a portion of uncombined acid. The effect of alcohol upon the quince mucilage was exactly similar to that upon the linseed. Hyacinth roots The bulbous roots of many vegetables are composed in a great measure of mucilage, upon which I proposed to make my next experiments, and for this purpose I selected the hyacinth. Some of the roots of the common blue bell*, were bruised in an earthen mortar, and afterward rubbed with four times their weight of water. The whole was con- verted into a pulpy mass, which was strained through linen, and then appeared homogeneous, although opake. In a few hours a substance of a farinaceous appearance separated from it, and left the mucilage more transparent. It was now filtered through paper, and w as in appearance and con- sistence very similar to the mucilage of linseed; although it * Hyacinihus non sciiptus of Withering, scilla nutans of Smith. * ' ^ differed ON VEGETABLE MUCILAGES. 33 differed from it in soon showing a tendency to putridity. Their muci- wben it exhaled a very nauseous odour. The reagents used pufreStion!* in the former experiments were employed in this case. The Xfsted with acetate of lead formed a dense precipitate, composed of the reagents, white fdms and flakes; the super-acetate of lead threw down a precipitate in moderate quantity ; the nitrate of mer- cury a precipitate of a light pink colour ; the nitro-muriate of tin a copious white precipitate ; the nitro-muriate of gold u liglit brown precipitate ; the oxysiilphate of iron a brown ^'R* precipitate; the infusion of galls also formed a precipitate; while the silicated potash produced no effect *. After having- examined the properties of six species of Experiments mucilage, I next turned my attention to some bodies, which sub^tancfs*"^ although obviously different from the mucilages, yet seem to have a close connection with them in their origin and con-- stitution. The first of these is starch. A quantity of it Starch, was boiled in water, until it had acquired that state of half solution, of which it is alone capable, and in this form it was subjected to the usual trials. With the acetate of lead an immediate and very dense precipitate was thrown down, aiid so intimate a combination formed between the lead and the starch, that the water was separated from them nearly in a limpid state. By the nitro-muriate of tin a very copious precipitate was also thrown down, although less dense than * tJie former; but no effect appeared to be produced by any other of the reagents. It is not without considerable diffi- Effects of infu- dence, that 1 venture to dissent from the opinion of Dr. f^o" ^^ t^»i o^- rr.1 1 1 • p 1 • mg to the wa- Ihomson, on tlie subject ot the action which takes place ter. between tan and starch. When equal quantities of the mu- cilage of starch and the infusion of tan are mixed together, a precipitate is produced, which slowly subsides ; it disap- pears by heating the fluid, and again becomes visible as it cools. This process is described as a characteristic property of tan ; but 1 have observed the same appearance to ensue, if an equal quantity of water be added to the starch muci- lage, it appears to depend merely upon the insolubility of starch in cold water. The effects produced by the reagents upon paste, made Flour past«. * These results differ from those of le Roiix. Ann. Chira. 145 S: seq. Vol. XVIII—Sept. 180(t. D by S4 oif Vegetable mucilages. by boilins^ flour in water, were somewhat different from those upon starch. The acetate of lead and the nitro-muriate of tin produced, as in the former ease, very copious precipi- tates ; the nitrate of mercury caused the fluid to assume a pink colour, and the nitro-muriate of gold a dusky gray, but without any precipitate; the super-acetate of lead, the oxysulphate of iron, the silicated potash, and the infusion of reagentt qot ea- galls had no visible effect. It is necessary to observe, that sily observable, in the experiments upon starch and paste, the substances themselves being opake, it is difiicult to ascertain the effect of reagents upon them, unless it be considerable and im- mediate. As starch and paste differ from each other principally in Gluten. consequence of a quantity of gluten which exists in the lat- ter, 1 thought it necessary to obtain this substance in a sepa- rate state, in order that its properties might be examined with more accuracy. I accordingly procured it in the usual manner, and digesting a quantity of it for some days in solved. water, it exhibited marks of partial solution. The fluid was then filtered, and appeared homogeneous, although some- Effects of the what opake; in this state it was submitted to the reagents. reagonts. Precipitates were thrown down by the acetate of lead, super- acetate of lead, and the nitro-muriate of tin. With the ni- trate of mercury a precipitate was produced in moderate quantity, which very quickly subsided, while the fluid as- sumed a beautiful pink hue. With the oxysulphate of iron, and the nitro-muriate of gold, precipitates were also thrown down, the latter of a light brown colour. No effect was pro- duced by silicated potash ; but a very copious precipitate ensued ujion the addition of the infusion of galls. V t ble ' I- ^ i^ext wished to ascertain the properties of vegetable ly. J€lly» 8nd for this purpose I procured a quantity of it from Prom the the oulp of the gooseberrv. I could not, however, succeed gooseberry. .*..., -'i i • i • N tf^ li from ^" freeing it from the acid which it contains, and was, on acid. this account, prevented from observing the operation of the metallic salts and the silicated potash. I found that a pre- ^In?''^^^^'^ ^^ cipitate was formed by adding the infusion of gall to it. I next submitted a strong: solution of sua^ar to the action Sugar. , . . of the difterent reagents, but I found that no effect was pro- duced in any of them, except the acetate of lead, which nfter some ON VEGETABLE MUCILAGES. c35 some time became opake; but as thisi effect is produced merely by adding it to water, when exposed to the atmos- phere, I was inclined to suppose, that the effect was produced independently of the sugar. . , .- These bein«: all the substances to which I bad an oppor- General coh^ „ ,. . ^ T ^ • • clubions. tunity ot extending my expernncnts, 1 must now mquire r whether any general conclusions can be deduced from them. And first, as to the value of the different reagents employed as tests. The acetate of lead is by far the most delicate and Acetate ef ' • copious in its effects, but it can be of little value in discrimi- ^^'"^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ nating the different species from each other, because it- prq- notdisciimina- duces its operation almost equally on all of the.a. With t'^^- respect to the super-acetate of lead, we may in the first The superace- place remark how materially it differs from the acetate, with ^^^^greutf ^^^^ which, until lately, it was confounded. The acetate of lead was affected by all the substances to which it was applied, except sugar; while the super-acetate* produced no change upon gum arabic and starch, nor had it any specific effect upon quince mucilage; it was affected only in a slight de- gree by tragacanth, while with the linseed and hyacinth my^ cilage, and with gluten, tolerably copious precipitates weFe thrown down. The nitro-muriate of tin does not act upon xt- gum arabic, but is more or less atiected by every other kind fj/tin. of mucilage, particularly by those of cherry gum, tragi\^ canth, and quince, and by starch of gluten. We have sven in how peculiar a manner the oxysulphate of iron acts.,i|po'n Oxysulphate ^um arabic; it produces a brown colour in a strong solution of 'ron. iif tragacanth ; and it forms a precipitate with th^^ hyacinth and the gluten ; the quince is, as usual, coag\;}ated ; while no change is effected on the linseed or t\^e starch. The nitro-muriate of gold is precipitated by ^ayacinth mucilage ^'gold?""***^ and by gluten; the quince, as in other cases, is cqagulated by it, but its most remarkable effect \s upon the tragacanth, the colour of which it converts to a ^'^ep blackish purple. The nitrate of mercnry throw ^ down a precipitate of a sin- ... T ^ X' u- ' . . Nitrate of ai#r- gular nature from gum arab .p, and tinges the fluid of a pink cury. colour; the same shade is. produced iu the tragacanth, the * Dr Thomson raust^ no doubt, have employed this suit, when he :itates, tliat the acetat'^Q^jead does not precipitate gum. £> ^ hyacinth ;d6 ON VEftF.TABLE MUCILAGES. Silicated pot ash. Tan. AloohQl. Nitric acid. hyacinth mucilage, and in the flour paste, and still more re-* inarkably in the ghiten ; there is a slight precipitate in the linseed, and a coagulation in the quince, but no change of colour. The silicated potash acts only upon gum arable, and points out its presence when it exists only in a very minute quantity. Tan does not act upon any of the mucilage^, ex- cept in a slight degree upon tragacanth ; it is copiously pre-' cipitated by gluten, and also by vegetable jelly. The eifects of alcohol have been fully stated. Gum arabic it precipitates from the water in such a manner as to render the fluid com- pletely opake ; whereas in the linseed, quince, and traga- canth mucilages, the solid matter was separated in a fibrous form; with the hyacinth mucilage both the pulverulent and fibrous kinds of precipitate were produced ; while the cherry gum was only slightly affected by it. Alcohol precipitated starch in the same manner that it did gum arabic, The action of the nitric acid on the different mucilages was so similar, as not to exhibit any phenomena, which can assist us in distinguishing them from each other. Accord- ing to the circumstances of the process, either the saclactic acid, or a mixture of this acid and the oxalic was produced, attended with the usual disengagement of gas. It did not appear, that any use can be made of the sulphuric acid as a test of the differejit mucilages ; I put in practice the process mentioned by Ilermbstaedt, for separating gum from muci- lage, but in no instance did 1 perceive the coagulation whieh he describes. The acid, in a concentrated state, slowly dis- solves the different mucilages, and forms with them a thick, black fluid. I did not observe any effect to be produced by Neutral sajts. the addition of the neutral salts, except that many of them Alkalis coagulated the quince mucilage. The pure alkalis gene* rally rendered the mucilages more fluid, but they did not exhibit any specific or discriminating effect, . _ . Before we attempt to make any arrangements of the ve- Arrangfiment ^ •■ ^ , ■^ ~ of the vegeta- getable mucilages, it is necessary to inquire, whether the lie mucilages, different varieties are to be considered as all of them homo-- geneous, or whether at least some of them ought not to be regarded as compounds of two or more of the primary niuci- Some of the ^^r,^^' Although I am not acquainted with any method, by compounds, which the constituent parts of the compounds can be sepa^ rated Sulphuric acid. ON VEGEtABtir MUCtLAGES* 3^ VAted from each other, yet I am inclined to believe, that this is the case; and we may conjecture, with some degree of plausibility, that thbse species are the most simple, that are acted upon by the fewest reagents. In the first place 1 con- sider gum arable ti:> be ft homogeneous substance ; and we h'^j^cge^ieous may pro[.erly assign to it the specific name of gum, to which • nd gum by it is entitled by long usage and general cons<^nt. Its preci- ^'^^ of emi- pitation by silict»ted potash, and the orange coloured jelly which it forms with the oxysulphate of iron, are sufficient to ^ aracters. constitute its essential characters ; to which may be added the milky precipitate which is formed by the addition of alcohol to it, and the negative circumstance of its not being affected by the nitro-muriate of tin. I am disposed to re- •> > erard as pure veffetabie mucus the substance procured from *r .1.1 '-; "^ . o . ^ ^ V egetable mw hnseed. It is sufficiently characterized by the effect of the cus from Un- superacetate of lead and the nitro-muriate of tin, and by ^^^^• the manner in which it is precipitated by alcohol from its aqueous solution ; these circumstances, as well as the nega- tive operation of the oxysidphate of iron and the silicated potash, serve to mark an obvious distinction between this substance and gum. A third vegetable principle, which is possessed of pecular physical properties, is starch. In its starch, relations to the different chemical reagents it strongly re- sembles mucus, although it differs from it in the manner in which it is precipitated by alcohol. Gluten is a fourth sub- Gluten. stance, in every respect essentially different from any which we have hitherto examined. The most remarkable effect produced upon it, by any of the chemical reagents, is the change of colour induced by the nitrate of mercury, and the copious precipitate by the addition of tan. In endeavouring to form an arrangement of vegetable mucilages, and to assign definite characters for the primary ^x*^"^ °^ ^"^'' substances, which enter into the composition, we must con- sider to what degree of minuteness our subdivisions ought to be extended. If, for instance, we meet with a body, agreeing in every physical and chemical property witli gum arable, except that it is not precipitated by silicated potash, are we to regard this as a distinct vegetable principle, or sim- ply as a variety of gum ? This latter opinion I should cer- tainly be inclined to adopt ; for by indefinitely multiplyino- Qur 38 ^^ VEGETABLE MUCILAGES. our principles, we should defeat the very end of arrangement. Hence, in the formation of our essential characters, we must epdeavour to adopt the due jnedium between the extremes of minuteness and. laxity. In each particular instance we must be guided by those propertied, which are the most dis- dinctly recognized, and the most readily ascertained, and which exliibit the closest analogy to each otlier. Under this impression I shall not think it desirable, 'm tJie present state of our knowledge, to proceed any farther in proposing an additional number of primary vegetable compounds ; but 1 shall offer a few remarks upon the different mucilages, that have been made the subject of experiment. Generic clia- Gum T consider as a generic term, which may be defined meters of gum. a transparent, brittle, insipid substance, indefinitely soluble' in water, with which it forms a mucilaore; the mucilag^e is precipitated by alcohol, in such a manner as to render the fluid perfectly opake ; it is also precipitated by the acetate of lead in dense flakes. Under this genus we can, at pre- Species and sent, rank only one species, viz. gum arabic, to which the following specific character may be applied. A gum, the mucilage of which may be precipitated by silicated potash ; forms with the oxysulphate of iron a solid jelly, with the ni- trate of mercury a precipitate of a pink colour; and is not acted upon by the superacetate of lead, the nitro-uiuriate of tin, or the nitro-muriate of gold. Generic cha- The second genus is mucus, a substance seldom found racters of mu- in a separate state, but forming a frequent constituent of the seeds, roots, leaves, and other parts of vegetables. It is indefinitely soluble in water, and forms with it a mucilage ; this is precipitated by alcohol in a fibmus form, without ren- dering th€ fluid opake ; it is also precipitated by the acetate of lead, the super-acetate of lead, and the nitro-muriate of tin.. Under the genus of mucus we may enumerate three Three species. ^P^pi^s, that of linseed, of quinceseed, and of the hyacinth. To the first of these the generic character strictly applies ; Specific cha- ^*^ to the second we maj^ add the specific character of being racters. Qpagulated by the addition of any acid, neutral, earthy, or That of the metallic salt. The hyacinth mucilage I have also classed as hyacinth a ^ mucus, because its leading properties are such as point out its relatioji to the substances of this genus. In the state, however, ON VEGETABLE MUCILAGES* - 39 liow6Vcrr, in which it is usually procured, it seems to be a compound of two or more of the \«e,^et able principles. A quantity of starch is obviously mixed with it ; and I am in- clined to think, that it also contains gluten, a supposition which will account for all the phenomena it exhibits with the chemical reagents. There are two substances, the characters of which still Cheny gum, remain to be ascertained, cherry gum and tragacanth. From its physical properties we should be disposed to place cherry gum in the same class with gum arabic ; but it is so differ- ently affected by the chemical reagents, as absolutely to pre- vent us from considering it in this point of view. Its pro- perties are not more characteristic of mucus ; nor does it af- ford any indications of being a compound substance, so that it may probably be necessary to consider it as a distinct veget- able principle. The action of the acetate of lead and of al- tinci^principle* cohol upon cherry gum would induce us to suppose, that it bore an analogy to sugar, rather than to the gums or mu- cuses; but the effect of the nitro-muriate of tin is not fa- vourable to this supposition ; nor is that of the nitric acid, which I found, by the usual process, converted it principally into the saclactic acid. If we are to bestow a new name upon it, we might denominate it cerasin. Cerasin. I am equally unable to determine in what class traga- canth ought to be placed. It has obviously no relation to Tragacanth. gum, either in its physical or chemical properties ; and it differs very considerably from what has been laid down as the generic character of mucus. Its properties are the most similar to those of starch and gluten ; particularly to that form of starch, which is prepared by first forming it into a mucilage with hot water, and then evaporating it to dryness, when it becomes transparent and brittle, but almost insoluble in water. The effect of the nitro-muriate of gold forms a remarkable character of tragacanth mucilage ; it seems to depend upon a partial reduction of the oxide, at the same time that it unites with the tragacanth. The effect was very evident when the solid matter composed 1-50 part of the fluid, but if much more diluted, it was not perceptible ; a slight degree of the same effect is produced when the nitro-i muriate of oold is added to flour paste. I am 40 ^^ SULPHUROUS MINERAL WATERS. I am fully sensible, that I have by no means executed the I task, whieh 1 proposed to myself, of charactevizin}^ and ar- ranging the vegetable mucilages ; but a particular circum- stance having, for the present, put a stop to my experiments, I was induced to publish this very imperfect attempt, in hopes, that the difficulties being pointed out, some more able hand may endeavour to remove them. Liverpool^ Aug. l'2ylS07. y. Observations on Sulphurous Mineral Waters; 7jy Mr, Westrumb*. Sulphurous i-vAR. Westrilmb has examined various sulphurous waters, hidr'uf^hu^"^ and lately those of Eilsen in the county of Schanmbourg, ret of lime. One of the most interesting facets he has observed is, that all stilphuroits waters contain more or less hidrosulphuret of lime. Thp gasses be- '^^ detect this he boiled the mineral water, excluding the ing expelled br contact of attnospheric air, to expel the sulphuretted hidro- shown by sul- g^" g^^ ^"<^ carbonic acid. Into the water thus boiled he phuric, nitric, poured sulphuric acid, when more sulphuretted hidrogen ' gas was evolved, and sulphate of lime was thrown down : fuming nitric acid, which separated from it sulphur : and oxalic acid, which expelled sulphuretted hidrogen, and formed oxalate of lime. The water evaporated in open ves- sels let fall sulphate of lime, and gave out sulphuretted hi- drogen ga.8* M tl d f '^^ ascertain the quantity of sulphuretted hidrogen gas and certaining the carbonic acid, Mr. Westrumb proceeded as follows. He in- **hureuld^7ii ^^o^luced the sulphurous watet into a matrass, till it was fil- drogenandcar- led to a certain point, which he marked ; fitted to it a curved fnlhem '"^ «*^ tube, which terminated in a long cylinder ; filled this cylin- der with limewater for the one experiment, and with acetate of lead with excess of acid for the other; luted the apparatus ; * Driginally published in Gehleii's new Journal of Chemistry, and abridged by Vogel, Aimales de Chimie, vol, Ixii, p. 183, May, 1807. the ON SULPHUROUS MINERAL WATERS. , 41 unci boiled the water till noniore gas was expelled. When the liniewater is used carbonate of lime is precipitated in the pro- portion of 20 grains to every 10 cubic inches of carbonic acid gas ; when the solution of acetate, hidrosulphuret of lead is thrown down in the proportion of 19 grains to 10 cubic inches of sulphuretted; hidrogen gas; Another observation, not less remarkable, relates to sul- Sulphuretted phuretted nitrogen gas. "'^''^S^" g^' It is known tliat Dr. Gimbernat, a Spanish chemist, as- ''^ the waters of sells, that the thermal waters of Aix-la-Chapelle contain snl- ^^ phuretted nitrogen gas, Mr. Schaub too says, that he has obtained it from- tlie sulphurous waters of Nenndorf in and Nenndorf. llesse. The following characters are ascribed to this gas. j^g chaiacters. 1. In smell it resembles sulphuretted hidrogen. 2. It is not decomposable by carbonic acid. 3. It is not inflammable. 4. It will not maintain combustion. 5. It is not decom- posable by nitrous acid. 6. It is not decomposable by con- centrated nitric acid, which separates from it sulphur. 7. It decomposes metallic solutions, and forms sulphurets. 8. It has a great affinity for water, from which it is separable only by long boiling. But Mr. Westrumb has found, that sulphuretted hidrogen Sulphuretted gas, when washed with milk of lime, or passed through lime j^^s the*^ ^^* diluted with water, acqu'nres all the properties here men- properties im- tioued. Whether the sulphuretted hidrogen gas be obtained P^'^^'^*^ ^o ^^ ^Y from sulphurous waters, or prepared, the same phenomena take place. If the milk of lane be taken from it by an acid, sulphuretted hidrogen is disengaged, which is inflammable, and possesses the usual properties. Sulphu- retted nitrogen gas. tlierefme is a product of the operation. Mr, Westrumb however is in doubt, whether this new gas be Whether a produced by the action of^quipklime. on sulphuretted hidro- product or an gen, or whether the sulph\^retted hidrogt^n gas contain sul- ^ "*^' ^^^^ ' phuretted nitrogen. A third observation, not less interesting, is the presence Carbon in sul of carbon and carburetted substances in sulphurous mine- [,,J.g'^°"* ^'*" ral waters. ., ^; , , . . ' Mr. Westrumb^has jdiscovered in them & new principle, a A fetid resin of fetid resin of sulphur fslinkendes. schwefelharzj. To ob- la'them.^"'""* tain this, the sulphurous wuteu laust be evaporated in open vessels '^ OS SU^rHUROUS MINERAL WATERS. rt'ssels, and the residuum dissolved in alcohol, which thlces up tliis resin and the earthy muriates. By evaporating tlie alcohol, this substance apy)ear8 at Hrst as a yellowish fat, 'which jwradually assumes a brown colour, and becomes resin- ^\\s. By repeated solutions in alcohol and evaporations it is decomposed into sulphur^ and h blackish bronn resiii; It ^ ,, ... emits a earlic smell ; which becomes very strono;, and similar Smells like ", ' -i -n . . garlic. to that of assatetida, if water be poured into the alcoholic solution. Its solution acts as an acid. The resin is soluble in ammonia, and communicates to it monia. «i yellow colour. This liquid comportsiitseJf Ike that of Vorms hidro- ^^o^^"* With timewater a hidrosulphuvet is formed. All sulphurets. the&'e sollltions act ou metallic compounds in the «ame man- •li'^r'ks sulphuretted liidrbgeri. " As sulphurous milieral waters arise from strata of pltcoal, th^e bitumen of i^^i'^i^ps the source of this bituminous principle may be coal. traced to the coal itself. ' ' „, , , c '' "Rouiid the baths' of Eilsen, as round those of St. Amand, Black mud of , ... the baths of k mud accumulates, which in time grows darker coloured, Eilsea. ^^^ ultimately black. From this are obtained, on analyzing it, fetid sulphurous resin, hidrosulphuret of lime, sulphur, lime, alumine, magnesia, charcoal, anu P ^^- |-j.Q^ py,.g sulphur. For this purpose he has digested in al- cohol sulphur precipitated from sulphuretted hidrogen by an acid. On distilling off part^of the alcohol, sulphur is se- parated in yellow crystals, or in a yellowish gray powder. The fetid resin is then completely formed in the superna- tant liqtibr, and possesses aU the properties mentioned above. Not formed b^' Its formation may be ascribed to the concurrence of the the alcohol. alcohol,* particularly as after its separation from the resi- duum left on evaporating sulphurous water, the pungent ^mell iiS ipanifested on its being taken up by alcohol. But eeveril observations lead Mr: WestrUmb to believe, that, 'alcohol does not contribute to the formation of this sub- stance. ACTION OF SULPHUR ON CHARCOAL* S.$ stance, but rather that it dejives its origin from the sulphut itself. Messrs. Westrumb and Basse intend to pursue the inquiry, The inquiry and promise to make known the results, ^'•^ ^^ P^J^r ^ sued. VI. Report on a Memoir of Mr. Berthoi.let, Jmm., entitled: Inquiries concerning the reciprocal Action of Sulphur and Charcoal; hu Messrs, Fourcroy, Deyeux, and Vaut QUELIN*. JLN 1796 prof*. Lampadius, of Freyberg, endeavouring to Lampadlus's ascertain how much sulphur a martial pyrites mixed with sulphur alco- charcoal would furnish when acted upon by fire, obtained a very volatile sulphurous liquid, which he suspected to be a compound of sulphur and hidrogen, and to which he after- hidroguretted ward gave the name of sulphur alcohol. sulphur. Clement and Desormes, unacquainted with this fact, when ^ , , » afterward endeavouring to demonstrate, that there is no hi- sulphur of CleV c hogen in well burned charcoal, by passing sulphur in va- "™^"^ ^"'^ " , r ,•• , , • 1 1 t' ■• i sornies. p. our 'over very hot charcoal, obtained a product exactly si- m ilar to that 6^ Lampadius. Having remarked, that the ch arcoal in this operation was desti-^ye'd without evolving anj ' gas; and that the liquid product, when burned, left sora e slight black spots on the vessel that contained it; thej ' thought, that this liquor was formed hj the combination of su Iphur with charcoal, and consequently termed it carbu- retted sulphur. Thi's diiference of opinion respecting its composition in- Examined by duced Mr. A. B. BerthoUet," to examine experimentally this Berthoile!,jun, -question, with which rtiany interesting points in chemistry are conn ected. His ap 'paratus, which does not differ much from that of Clement and Desormes, was constructed in the following |^^'!!°r. ^^ o nib ^pp^rdlU::. manner. A straight glass tube, about a yard long, was Aiiiiales de Chemie, Vol. LXI, p. 127. Feb. 1807. placed ^^ ACTiaN OF SULPHUR O^ CHARCOAL* placed in a reverberatory furnace, so that one end projectecl a little more than four inches beyond the wali of the fur- nace; and the other end, which sloped gently upward, about eighteen inches. The part within the furnace was coated with a lute capable of sustaining a very strong heat. To the lower end was fitted an adopter, terminating in a small tubulated receiver, from which a curved tube passed into water contained in a two-necked bottle. Another tube with two bendings conveyed the gas from this bottle into a pneumatic apparatus. Charcoal in- Charcoal being included In that paft of the tube that was cludea^m the juted, and sulphur introduced into the empty part, its up- phur above it, per end was hermetically sealed; the tube was gradually ''"^ J^^* ^1'' heated to incandescence; and th^^ sulphur as it melted flow- _, ,' ed down into the charcoal. When these came into contact. Products. . bubbles of gas were extricated, that succeeded each other rapidly, and were accompanied with white vapours, which, condensing in the adopter, passed into the receiver, and sunk to the bottom of the water in the form of a white or some- times yellowish oil. ^ , , , Mr. Berthollet however observes, that the results of this These liable to . .. i ^ • , . ^ vary. Operation vary accordmg to a number ot circumstances,whicn he has carefully described ; and the chemist not having it always in his power to render these circumstances perfectly similar, different products are frequently obtained. If for instance the extrication gf gas and condensation of that atfect Hquid slacken, the sulphur must be heated, that more rtiay them. pass down ; and if this do not accelerate the operation, the temperature of the charcoal must be increased. When th6 operator is desirous of producing much of the liquid, it is necessary to i-aise the temperature of the charcoal a little above a cherry red, and to allow only a slight excess of sul- phur to pass down. Tod little df the sulphur prodiicea only gasses, and a few drops of a liquid lighter than water^ which in the course of the process resumes the state of gas. On the contrary, if the sulphur be too abundant, nothing is formed but gasses, and solid hidroguretted sulphur, which was mistaken for carburetted sulphur by Clement and De- sornies. It is always iKjvantaeecus, to keep the vessels, in The receivers " '^ * , , , which ACTION OF SULPHUR ON CHARCOAL. 45 which the liquid is to be condensed, in a refrigerating ^^^^^^P^^*^' 5" mixture. In conducting the operation with these precautions, the Two stages in extrication of gas will not take place after a certain time, tlie process, unless both the temperature of the tube and the quantity of sulphur be augmented. The charcoal used by Mr. BerthoUet was always pre- Necessary pre^ viously heated for half an hour, to expel the water and gas- cautions. €es that yield to simple heat. When the operation was finished, he kept up the temperature of the tube, that the nature of the residuum might not be altered by the sulphur in contact with it; and for the same reason he prevented all access of air to the apparatus, by turning a cock adapted to the tubulure of the bottle. On examining the products of the operation, stopped at ProductsoHh* the end of the first stage, he found : 1. That the water in ^ * the bottle, which was milky, had the smell and all the pro- perties of sulphuretted hldrogen water. 2. That the gas itself had a similar smell, dissolved in water by agitation or long contact, and communicated to it all the characters of sulphuretted hidrogen. 3. That this gas burned with a blue flame, and diffusing a smell of sulphurous acid, 4. That when mixed with oxlgen gas it detonated briskly with the electric spark, sometimes without rendering limewater tur- bid, but more frequently producing a slight precipitate, and depositing sulphur. From these characters every one must recognise in it sul- Evidently sul- phuretted hidrogen; though Mr. BerthoUet found, that it P'l"'"^"^^ ^i- 1 111- ? .-1.1., . diogen,thougli was less soluble m water than what is obtained by the ordi- little soluble nary means. Scheele, Kirwan, and others, however, have ^'^ ^^^^^''• mentioned combinations of sulphur and hidrogen, which were little, if at all, soluble in water. The liquid collected under the water in the receiver, and a liquid like in the bottle, had perfectly similar properties to those de- ^^^*. '^^ '"^"^" scribed by Lampadius, and by Clement and Desormes : ^*^^^"*' that is, it was as transparent as water; it emitted a smell resembling that of sulphuretted hidrogen, but more lively and pungent; shaken in a phial with water, it adhered to the glass, and rendered it greasy like an oil; and it burned rapidly, with a blue flame, and smell of sulphurous acid. He 46 ACTION OF SULPHUR ON CHARCOAL. Left no char- He did not obtain any charcoal, however, as a residuum bumed^^'^ of its combustion ; the circumstance on which Clement and Desormes founded their opinion : for it burned entirely away, or, if the combustion were stopped before it was completed, left nothing but sulphur. Its characters. This liquid, being very volatile, produces on the skin a sensation of great cold. It dissolves in the air, greatly in- creasing its volume; and then hums calmly with a blue flame, and does not detonate by the electric spark. If wa- ter be admitted to the air thus expanded, the air returns to its original bulk, and the water acquires the properties of EvHently con- guiphuretted hidrogen. This Mr. Berthollet observes would tains hidrogen. „r„- m • • pi-i of itself be sufficient to prove the existence of hidrogen m the liquid. Not entirely However transparent it was, he could never volatilise it phur being entirely. Whether he left it exposed to the air, or assisted ^^ft. its evaporation by heat, he had always a residuum of sul- phur, which he could sublime completely, without perceiving any vestige of charcoal. Thegassesit The residuum of this liquid affording Mr. Berthollet no forded'^no indi- charcoal, he examined the gasses it produced, to ascertain cations of char- its existence. But neither its combustion with oxigen gas *^^^ * in vessels placed over water, nor the action of oxigenized muriatic acid, nor that of alkalis, produced any indications of charcoal, or of carbonic acid. In the first case the pro- duct of its combustion did not render limewater turbid; in the second nothing was found but sulphuric acid mixed with muriatic ; and in the third a combination was obtained, which comported itself like the hidroguretted sulphurets. Tt'is therefore From all these facts the author concludes, that the liquid sulphur" and ^ produced by the reciprocal action of incandescent charcoal hidrogen. and sulphur is formed of sulphur and hidrogen, as Lampa- dius announced.; and, contrary to the assertion of Clement and Desormes, contains no charcoal. These facts at the same time show, that sulphur and hidrogen, like many other These unite in substances, are capable of uniting in various .proportions, ^^"^"'*^"'"P°''' according to circumstances ; and that the predominating in- gredient always communicates some of its properties to the compound. In the present case for instance, if the sulphur ACTION OF SULPHUR ON CHARCOAL. 47 h€ very abundant, the compound takes the solid form : if which alter . ,.11 ^ • 1 iu J.J. ^.• I"*, the characters the proportion ot hidrogen be increased, the attraction ot its ofthecom- particles is diminished, and it resolves itself into a liquid ; if pound. a still greater quantity of hidrogen be present, the compound expands, and the result is a gas. Mr. Berthollet has made a very interesting experiment, The liquid which greatly confirms this. The liquid in question, dis- ^'^^^'"^^^"^'^^ tilled with water at a temperature of 3G° [113° F.] afforded heat gave a him a gas, that had the smell of sulphuretted hidrogen, burn- S^*» ed with a blue flame, detonated briskly with oxigen when fired, and combined readily with water, wliich it turned milky, communicating to it the properties of sulphurous water. After this gas a transparent liquor came over, swim- a light liquid, ming on water, and wliich, as it evaporated on the contact of air, precipitated to the bottom, or disappeared entirely, leav- ing only some slight traces of sulphur on the water. At 45° [133^] the extrication of gas Ceased, and a liquid heavier than aheavy liquid^ water succeeded. The colour and consistency of this liquid increased, as the distillation proceeded. On stopping the process when the temperature had been and a solid re- kept some time at 45° [133°], what remains in the retort '"^' becomes solid by cooling, and prismatic crystals are distiar* guished in the mass. ' If a su<1icient quantity of sulphur be not melted down on the charcoal, liquids of different den*? When the sul sities are likewise obtained: the heaviest condense in the J^-^JJI^ J- ^^^j^^f receiver ; the lighter do not condense, till they reach the different den- bottle, where they rise to the surface of the water; and ^'^^^^ °^^^'"^* lastly others, carried off by the gasses, reach the pneumatic apparatus. It is evident, that the efficient cause of these different mo- These modifi- difications, depending on the respective qualities of the ^^'^'.^^°^''"^^- elements that combine, is the difference of temperature, temperature, which disengages first the most expansible bodies. This is not peculiar to the compound of sulphur and hidrogen ; and the effect is the move obvious, the greater tne ditlerence in the expansive force of the substances. The sulphur that flows into the adopter during the ope- The sulphur ration contains a certain quantity of hidrogen, wiiich gives ^j^^^ flows by it a laminated texture, an inferior density, and in particular contains hi- a very decided smell of sulphuretted hidrogen, a small quan- ^^'^^sen, tity 48 ACTION OF StirPHUR ON CHARCOAt. tlty of which Mr. B^rthollet obtained from it by means of a gentle heat. but no char- But b}'' no method could he discover in it charcoal; <^*^^'- thouffh he imacrined he discerned some very slight traces of Some manga- i r • • r *i u i i- nese and iron, manganese and or iron, arising irom the charcoal, or irom The same pro- the sulphur itself. A fact long known, that confirms the ducts when conclusions of Mr. Berthollet, is, that the same products sulphurets are ™^y ^^ obtained by decomposing hidroguretted sulphurets decomposed by means of acids, as by distilling sulphur over charcoal, namely, sulphuretted hidrogen in the ^tate of gas, liquid hidroguretted sulphur, and solid hidroguretted sulphur ; and in all these substances there is no charcoal. The charcoal On examining the charcoal remaining in the apparatus notahered in after having been long exposed to the heat, Mr. Berthollet appearance, r»i ici • x ■ t -, but combined lound no external appearance oi alteration. It retained sul- with sulphur, phur in actual combination, which heat could not separate, but which might be dissolved by an alkali, or burned by heating in contact with air. The charcoal is then very light and friable, leaves fine black traces on paper, and burns with difficulty. Charcoal therefore can combine with sul- phur ; but this compound assumes neither the liquid nor the gaseous state. Charcoal con- All the facts adduced by Mr. Berthollet clearly demon- tains hidrogen; strate the presence of hidrogen in charcoal, from which it is inseparable by any heat we have yet been aVjle to produce, which sulphur If sulphur take it from charcoal, it is by combining its che- aidedby hear, jrj,it>al action with that of heat : and perhaps this may be a takes from it. „ . . . , . • i /> i • i , , means oi depriving charcoal entirely ox hidrogen, and ob- taining it in a state of purity, so as to describe its properties, which from this observation may be yet unknown to us. The whole of Mr. Berthollet has remarked however, that, when all the the cliarcoal phenomena already described have taken place, if the tem- may be made ' i ■ i i i f> i lo disappear; perature be strongly raised, and a great deal of sulphur caused to pass, the extrication of gasses recommences, and the charcoaV may be made to disappear entirely. On stop- ])ing the process before this arrives, pieces of charcoal exhi- biting evident marks of erosion will be found in the tube. The little liquid obtained in this second stage of the process is so volatile, that it soon reassumes the state of gas. The sulphur that flows into the adopter contains no more char- coal. ACTION OF SULPHUR ON CHARCOAL. 49 c was likewise making experiments on it, at the suggestion of Mr. Vauquehn, to whom Mr. Berthol- let's intentions were unknown. These led to similar con-« elusions ; but were discontinued, as soon as Mr. Vauquelin was acquainted with the labours of Mr. Berthollet. Mr. Vauquelin had likewise given a tolerable quantity of the liquid to Mr. Biot, that he might ascertain, if possible, from its refractive power, the proportion of hidrogen it contains. Wemay add, that Mr. Biot had already inferred the presence of hidrogen in sulphur, during the course of his experiments on refraction. vn. SMELTING OF CUPREOUS PYRITES. 5 J VII Account of the Metallurgic Treatment of Pi/riious Copper at the JMiues of Clie.^sy and Sainbel, in t/ni Department of the Rhone: ^// i)/r. Gueniveau*. JL HIS paper contains several results of the analysis of th'e Products of th(> nietallurcfic products of the works at Chess^^ which appear ^^'^^^^^^tniht calculated to serve as bases for the theory ofsmeltin'o^ copper tlieoryof smel- i)vrites, and particularly to show the effect of quartz added tmg copper py- , . , . . rni f> 1 • • ntes, and the to the ore HI tins operation. The fifth part is employed in eftectofquartzj describing those chemical operations, that afforded new re- sults ; and the remainder in deriving from those results the most remarkable consequences, and pointing out their ap- plication. The chemical experiments were made in part at the la- in concert with boratory of the School of Mining of Mont Blanc, under the ^^ Descotlls inspection of Mr. Hassenfratz, and partly at the laboratory of the Council of Mines, under Mr. Descotils. The metallurgic products subjected to analysis were sco- They were the rite from the pyritous copper, taken from the basin of the ^^^"^ a ^/!l^ fore hearth during the operation. Of these there are two matts. sorts, one formed during the fusion of the roasted ore, the characters of other during that of the roasted matts. The first sort is of a the 1st, tolerably brilliant metallic gray colour ; exhibits laminae, indicating a crystallization ; and may easily be confounded with certain ores of oxidulous iron. The second has no me- o^ ^^^ 2d, tallic lustre, is of a brown colour, and of a fibrous fracture. The characters common to both are, they are tolerably com- common t« pact, without any vitreous appearance, and almost without °^ * blebs ; attractable by the magnet ; melt before the blow- pipe without addition, sometimes emitting a slight smell of sulphur, and with borax exhibiting the same characters as iron ores; yielding iron when assayed in the dry way, and sometimes traces of copper ; and forming a jelly with acids with great facilit}'. The following is a general description of the mode in General mode which they were analysed. After they were powdered, they ° ^" ^^"^' • Abridged from the Journal des Mines, Oct. 1806, Vol. xx, p. 245. E 2 were Si Component parts of the scoria: No. 1 No. 2. Assay gaVe of iron. The iron slightly oxiUed. SMELTING OP CTJPREOUS PYRITES. were treated witti concentrated muriatic acid, mixed with a little nitric acid. With this tliey formed a tolerably te- nacious jelly, which was diluted by adding water, and boil- ing- it. The insoluble part, become very white,, was sepa- rated, dried, weighed, and then heated red hot, to expel the sulphur* The residuum had all the characters of wlex. The muriatic solution contained no sulphuric acid. To this ammonia was added in excess, which gave indications of copper and dissolved the zinc. The precipitated oxide of iron was treated while wet with a solution of caustic potash, to separate the alumine. Into the aramoniacal liquor oxa- late of ammonia was poured, to separate the lime : after which an excesg of sulphuric acid was added, in order to pre- cipitate the co})per by a slip of iron. By a large quantity of ammonia the zinc was separated from the iron intro- duced ; and the proportion of this metal was determined by converting it into a prussiate. The first precipitate of oxide of iron was examined anevr, in the hope of finding in it portions of copper and of lime, which might have escaped the first operations. The sul- phur, copper, and zinc, were examined by separate experi- ments. From 100 parts of tlie scoriae of the roasted ore were ob- tained silex 31, red oxide of iron 75, metallic zinc 2. Be- side which there were some indications of copper and sul- phur, and an atom of lime. From 100 parts of the scoriae of the roasted matt were obtained silex 22, red oxide of iron C)0, lime 3, sulphur 3 ; beside a trace of copper and of zinc. 50 The assay in the dry way, with Guy ton's flux, gave 50 per cent of iron. The iron in these scorife is very little oxided^ for the weight of all the products of the analysis exceeds that of the sub- stance employed, and ammonia precipitates the muriatic solutions of a green colour*; It is observable too, that the second kind of scorife contained much more iron than the first. Some iBtate of the 'The stats of the iron in this combination appears to me very doubt- iron doubtful, fui . for, if we consider it as black oxide, that is with 27 per cent of oxigen, it is not easy to explain the efFcrvesceuce, that the powdered scoriir SMELTING OF CUPREOUS PYRITES. 53 Sometime afterward Mr. Giieniveau examined a sped- Another spe- men of scoriae of the first kind, obtained in like manner from anTr"edfo/* the fusion of the ore, which was in the collection of the Coup- manganese cil of Mines. His principal objects were to ascertain whe- ^ru^^^.^'g^^" ther it contained manganese, and wliether the insoluble r€- siduum had a mixture of sulphate of barytes : but as the component parts of this specimen ditfered from those of the former, he gives the following account of his analysis. He treated 5 gram. [77g»*s.] of the scorire, thoroughly pul- Analysis, verised, with ten of caustic potash, in a silver crucible. The fusion was complete ; and on its being sufiTered to grow cold, and a large quantity of water being added, no green colour appeared, which evinced, that no manganese No manganese, was present. Another portion he treated with concentrated muriatic Examined for a<4d mixed with a little nitric, to detect the alkalis. Having; ^^^^^^^* separated the insoluble residuum, he treated the solution with ammonia, which separated a part of the earths and metals. The copper and zinc dissolved were then precipitated by sulphuretted hidrogen; the excess of this gas >\as expelled by ebullition; the lime was thrown down by oxalate of am- njonigi ; and the liquor was evaporated to dryness. The am- monlacal salts were then driven off by bringing the residuum to a red heat in a platina crucible, and a pretty considerable quantity of fixed salts remained. Having dissolved these in a very small quantity of water, he added to the solution mu- riate of platina, which occasioned no precipitate ; and en- deavoured, but in vain, to obtain crystals by cautious eva- poration and cooling; which convinced him, that neither Neither potash potash nor soda was present. nor soda. 13y various trials he found, that the fixed residuum con- Barytes and sisted of the muriates of barytes and magnesia. magnesia. Lead too was an object of his particular research ; but he j^q je^^j could not discover an atom. scorlvB make with sulphuric acid a little concentrated, and with dilute muriatic acid ; an effervescence owing to the decomposition of water, since the gas has the smell of hidrogen set tree by iron. The same phe- nomenon has been observed in scoriie from sparry iron ores, which were not attractable by the magnet, and contained a great deal of manganese, and but little iron.' " . From 54 SMELTING OF CUPREOUS PYRITES. From these data Mr. Gneniveau undertook a complete analysis of tliis specimen of the scoriae of Chessy. Its external Its external characters were the same as those of the scoriae c\aracterb. No. 1. Its specific gravity was 3*61 . Assayed with borax it gave 23 per cent of iron, without any signs of copper. Analysis. Five grammes, well powdered, were treated with concen- Treated with tr^ted muriatic acid, mixed with a little nitric. The whole concentrated muriatic acid, Coagulated mto a jelly. On this water was poured, it was and a little ni- boiled, and fresh acid was added ; by which means a very- white residuum was obtained. The decanted liquors were mixed, and evaporated to dryness, in order to separate the silex completely from the muriatic acid. Water being add- ed, and filtered, a residuum was collected, which Contained no sulphur, and weighed 1'75 ^^r. after having been exposed to a red heat. This was fused with very pure caustic potash ; and the whole of the compound being soluble in muriatic. Residuum acid, Mr. GuenWeau inferred, that the residuum was very pure silex. pure silex, without any mixture of sulphate of barytes. Muriatic solu- ' The muriatic solution gave with sulphuric acid a precipi- ed^Jiirsur*' tate of 0-90 gr. of sulphate of barytes, with which he ascer- pburic acid, tained no sulphate of lime was mixed, and which was heated red hot before it was weighed. The same solution was treat- and hidrosul- ^^ with'hidrosulphuret of ammonia, which precipitated the phuret of am- i , • r • • ■, • ^• i monia. metals and alumme, leaving \n solution lime and magnesia. The sulphurets were roasted, and afterv/ard dissolved by pitro-muriatic acid : and lastly, the sulphur and sulphuret- ted hidrogen were separated from the preceding liquor. He had then two soUitions ; one. A, coiituining lime and magnesia ; the other, B, containing the metals and alu- miiie. Lime thrown From tljie solution A the lime was thrown down by oxalate down by ox2t- of aminoiiia; and the precipitate, being strongly calcined, j^^j^ ° left 0*18 gr, of caustic lime. The magnesia, which re- and magnesia rained, was precipitated by potash ; and, after being cal- by ijotash. cined, weighed 0*1 gr. Iron and alu- The solution B was treated by ammonia, an excess of mine precipi- which dissolved the zinc and copper. The oxide of iry, which poor "» copper. It is a mixtuve of sulphuretted iron, sul- is very poor, phuretted zinc, pyritous copper, and a small portion of earthy substant es, as quartz and sulphate of barytes. The Pounded, roasf- ore after pounding is roasted by a very economical process, with thr^ddi- '^^^ch saves the greater part of the sulphur contained in it. tioaof scoriu;. It is then smelted, with the addition of scoria? from pre- ceding smeltings, and quartz broken to pieces, the propor- tion of which varies from seven to ten hundredths of the weight of the ore. This smelting affords tvro products ; the scoriae, of wliich Matts roasted analyses have been given, Nos. 1 and 3 ; and raatts, or sul- rej.eatedly, phurets of iron and copper. These matts are roasted seve- w'th scoriy; ^^^ times, and resm'elted with scoriae and quartz, but in less and quartz. proportions than at first. By these operations are obtained black copper, matts rich in copper, and the scoiite analvsed No. 3." In all thiBse fusions no oxide of iron is reduced*. The * Most of the ores and products of the smehing have been subjected to analysis, and assayed in the-dry way.' The following ai^e sOriic cH>ie results. • ^ na.yMSoitne ^'j^g ^^ qj._ mailed at Chsssv meagre ore, is separated from \vh,d poor ore. - o » i , , they cajl the yellow ore, ■which is much more rich, and is lOkstL'd and smeltfc'd separfilely. Tjie poor alone is consid.rL'd here. The crude ore roasted by itself, or in the great, most frequently yields ho copper 'ito assaying. Once with four parts bf blaek flux Mr. Gueiiiveau obtain t- i • in iron fur- bmation between the silex and iron is not tormed? Jb or this iiaces ? several causes may be assigned, acting either separately or No. 1), are added to the roasted malts ; and the scorix issuing from the furnace during this operation contain three fourths of their weight (ana- lysis No. 2). conjointly. SMELTING OF CUPRF.OUS PYRITES. ^g conjointly. In the first place no doubt the high temperature Owing to the of these furnaces, and the long time the ore is kept in them, ^^f^^^ lengtrof must be reckoned*; neither must we omit the presence of the operation, earths and metallic oxides, the action of which on the silex ^^ ^j^ij^^ g^j,, may counterbalance that of the oxide of iron. To confirm stances, this opinion, Mr. Gueniveau took an artificial compound of ^ilex and iron, added ^ its weight of very pure white marble, made the mixture into a paste with olive oil, and placed it in a crucible lined with charcoal powder. A button of iron and a few grains were obtained ; and the scoriae wore an opake glass, of a light green colour, that did not contain a j. . . fifth of the iron. An analysis of the scoriae of the high fur- mine,' and nace shows, that the separation of the iron is much more "^^'ig^nese, ix UT /• i-ii- promote tiie complete, when lime, alumme, and oxidp ol manganese, are separation of found in due proportion with the silex. ^^^^ ^^^^^• The presence of other earths beside silex, which is advan- These earths, tageous in iron furnaces, because they facilitate the reduc- f^ ^Q.^e^case"^ tion of this metal, is for the same reason prejudicial in prejudicial ia furnaces for smelting cupreous pyrites. In these furnaces '' ^^ °^ ^'^^' opposite eiferts are endeavoured to be produced on the iron : the object being to reduce the oxide of the metal in the for- juer ; while in the latter it is to prevent this reduction, and at the same time to promote tlie reduction of the copper. The means employed by the metallurgist to eff'ect these opposite purpo:^es merit the attention of the man of science. The scoriae produced in the smelting works of copper py- The scorix rites resemble iron ores, not only in their aspect and mai^- i^("*«"yic'i "i , f. -T ' -I 1-11 • 1 i" n-onthanmanr netic properties, but m the laciiity witli which they yield a iron ores. very considerable quantity of ii'on when assayed. It may be reckoned, that the mean produce of the assay would be at least 40 per cent ; a quantity superior to that of many bog iron ores, which are notwithstanding wrought with ad- vantage. To ascertain how far these scoriae are capable of being Examined wrouglit for iron in the high furnace, thev were treated with ^'^^^ '^ ^'^^^ *^ , c 1 CI- 1 " 1, • 1 , working them. 25 per cent ot carbonate ot lime, and a well united button was obtained, equivalent to two thirds of the iron it con- tained. * This is an opiHioii long held by Mr. Hasscnfratz, Mr 60 SMELTING 01? CUPREOUS PYRlTna. May be smdt- ]\f r. Gueniveau thinks therefore, that they mav he smelted like the boj^ iron ores with an ar£i::iUaceous carbonate or . . ' . '■• lime; and thon<:>h the iron produced might not be of prime quahty, it would answer for several purposes. This must appear an object of considerable importance to those, who have seen the vast quantities of scoriae near the works. The only operations required are pounding and smelting ; and the smelting would not be very expensive, if coke could be employed, as is done at Clu ssy for the copper, where the whole process is conducted in a very intelligent and econo-^ niical manner. Silex acts cher The observations nnd experiments here .given not only inically m this j^^j ^^^ ^^ Consider silex, or quartz, as a metallurgic agent, capable of separating iron in a state of combination from copper, which it allows to melt alone or mixed with sulphur, when assisted by the high temperature of the furnace ; but "which eluci- serves to explain many passages in treatises on metallurgy. ^hiTs^thaf oc- '^^^^s^ works offer nothing precise respecting tlie manner, in cur in metal- which substances mixed or combined in ores act on one ano- iurgic -works, ^j^^^,^ ^^^ allow the separation of the metal, which we seek to obtain. The same facts teach us why various kinds of scoriae are mixed with the ores or matts under different cir- cumstances: some being employed as fluxes of thej gangues; others only to give fluidity to the whole mass, and produce a kind of solution, which facilitates tlieir reciprocal action ; and others act as a medium to separate the iron, when they are not already- saturated with it. At Chessy the scoria? of the ore perform this office in the smelting of. the matts, as has been said. The general opinion' of metallurgists there- fore, who consider the addition of earthy substances to ores as serving merely to form fusible compounds WitH their gangues, without paying any attention to the action they exert on metallic oxides, requires modification in many cases. VIII. TAliVE SIPHON. 6i viih Vcsctiption of the Valve Siphon of the tate Mr. kiki Argaki^j liweutorcf the Lamps with a Double Current of Air*. JL IILS improvement, though simple, is ingenious, and Description of particularlr adapted to large siphons, that require to be re- * valve siphon* moved IVom one vessel to another. A valve, as E, or H, pi. II, fig. 1, is applied to the loot of the shorter or ascending leg of a siphon A B, B C, at the other foot of which a step cock F is placed. The cock being open, and the foot E immersed in any liquid in a vessel I K, by moving the leg E perpendicularly downvvard and upward, the liquid will gradually ascend through the valve E, till it iTins out at thfODE Ot MAKING PIIOSPHOIlIC ETHER; without success, when Eoudet the younger published a pa- per on this subject in the XLth vol. of the Annales de Chi- mie. The phenomena he described announce a real action ' between the acid and alcohol, and display various circum- stances, that usually accompany the formation of ether.- However this chemist confessedj that the product he ob- tained possessed little volatility ; that it was (Entirely soluble in water ; and that, thdtigh it liad a peculiar smelly it did not exhibit the characters of real ether* r%. -r.r\r. ♦>.« Convinced by various trials^ that the want 6f action of the Owing to the *' ^ difficulty of phosphoric acid, when concentrated or even glacial, on alco- acid^& alcobol ^^'^^ depended particularly on the difficulty of uniting these into intimate two substances, and multiplying and prolonging the contact eoiitact. ^^ their mutual particles, I resumed, the attempt; and the hope I conceived of obtaining a more satisfactory result ^\as realized by the following process. Apparatus for '^^ ^ tubulated retort, placed on a sand bathj I fitted a thii purpose, receiver, likewise tubulated, which comtnunicated by a Welter's tube with a bottle full of limewater. From this bottle a second tube proceeded to a pneumatic trough, and there opened under an inverted jar. Into the retort I introduced 500 gram. []603 grs. troy] of pure phosphoric acid, arising from the combustion of phos« phoros by nitric acid, vitriGed, redissolved, and evaporated to the Consistence of honej* On the tubulure of the retort I placed a glass vessel, thaf may be called a reservoir^ of an oblong shape, and open at both extremities, each of which might be shut close by means of a cork. From the lower end a tube descended to the bottom of the retort, being thus immersed in the pho's- phoric acid. The upper end, in which was a funnel, that might be made to communicate with the reservoir, or not, at pleasure, had a small aperture with a grotmd glass stopple intended to give tent to the air, when displaced by pouring in a liquid. See plate II, fig. 3 ; and for its horizontal sec-» tion hg. 4. The apparatus being thus disposed and carefully luted, a,nd the tirst receiver being cooled by a mixture of pounded ice and common salt, a tiie was kindled under the retort, and the heat gradually increased, so as to heat the acid to MODE OF MAKING PHOSPHORIC ETHER. 6*5 95^ of Reaumur [v>4G° F.]. An equal weight of alcohol at 40^ was then introduced into the reservoir, and by means of the lower cocic allowed to fall drop by drop into the hot and fluid phosphoric acid, The^ mixture took place with vio- lence and ebullition ; it assumed a black colour, and copious streaks immediately appeared on the upper part and neck of the retort. The fire being kept up, and the distillation continued to Products^ dryness, there passed into the receiver, 1, A hundred and twenty gram. [3oz, 6dr. 53gT.] of alco- Alcohol hoi weakly etherised. ^^'s!^^'>' ^'^'^" 2, Two hundred and sixty gram. [8oz. 2dr. 55gr.] of a ^ ^^^^^ ether* white, light fluid, of a brisk smell, and much more ethereal eal fluid. than the former. 3, Sixty gram. [loz. 7ove, they produced nothing but veiy pure carbonate of barj-tes, aud not an atom of acetate. If the mother water be farther examined with sulphuric acid, or alkaline carbo- nates, it will immediately appear, tliat it contains but little barytes and a great deal of acetous acid ; which becomes still more sensible, if it be evaporated to dryness, and the residuum be redissolved in distilled water : for this solution does not contain an atom of barytes, but merely acetate of soda, the little barjtes that was present being reduced to the state of a carbonate during the evaporation. Barytes does Hence it follows, that barytes does not decompose acetate acetate of soda. ^^^'^^^ J ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ contrar}^, that, if we try the opposite experiment, it will succeed. In fact the whole of the ace- tate of barj^tes may be decomposed, by adding to it a suffi- cient quantity of pure soda to saturate all the acetous acid. The barytes contained in the phial accompanying my letter was prepared in this way. My object is not to invalidate the conclusion of Mr. Per- peres, which appears to me just, and consistent with what was already known. I only criticise one of the proofs he Potash and l^as adduced, and avail myself of this opportunity, to remind soda have ^jj^ public, that in the year 12 a paper on the affinities of stronger affim- i -m/r . o i m. . i • i . ties than ba- barytes, by Mr. Antrye and rayseli, was inserted m the An- rytes for all nales de Chimie ; where we proved, that in the classification cept the sul- ^^ alkalis barytes ought to be placed before potash and soda ph uric and only with respect to the sulphuric and carbonic acids, the affinities of potash and soda being superior in every other case. How is it, that, notwithstanding the facts so posi- tively announced in that paper, different authors have re- tained the ancient order of affinity assigned to barytes ? It appears to me, that, with regard to experiments, either the results of such as are made public should he adopted ; or they should be refuted, by repeating them, and proving their erroneousness. I shall conclude this note by citing in confirmation one of the processes, the goodness of which has been proved by our labours on barytes in the large way. It follows naturally from the facts mentioned above. This theory The decomposition of muriate, nitrate, and acetate of applied to the barytes by potash or soda is so complete and easy, that it BARYTIC SALTS DECOMPOSED BY SODA. ^g is unquestionably the mos.t simple method of procunng in » tammg pwre , . , - - , 1 ri ^t • barytej in the laboratory the biirytes that may be wanted, tor this pur- large way vith pose ahaiidred parts of sulphate of barytes accurately mixed successu with twenty parts of charcoal powder are to be calcined by a strong heat in close vessels. After being exposed to a high heat for an hour, the crucible is to be suffered to cool ; the residuum separated and diluted in water; and a suffi- cient quantity of nitric, muriatic, or acetous acid added, llie mixture is to be heated gently, when it will give out a large quantity of sulphuretted hidrogen and carbonic acid, which must be guarded against with care. When the effer- vescence ceases, and test paper indicates a slight excess of acid in the liquor, it is to be filtered and evaporated, to de- compose the sulphuretted hidrogen, and precipitate the sul- phur, that was retained in solution*. The residuum is to be redissolved in the least water possible, and a saturated solutionof caustic potash is to be added. At the instant of mixture a large quantity of crystals of barytes falls down. Tlie whole being left at rest in as low a temperature as pos- sible for an liour or two, the mother water is to be poured off; the crystals are to be washed with a little distilled water, and then dried by pressing them between folds of blotting paper ; and lastly they are to be dissolved in as much boil- ing water as is necessary. This solution, being filtered, will let fall when cold the barytes, which is much more pure, and costs less, than when obtained from the decomposition of nitrate of barytes by heat alone. It is to be observed, that the muriatic or acetous acid is Muriatic or ^referable to the nitric, because each forms a more soluble f^^'^"^ ^'^^^} *• ^ ... be ijreterred. salt than the nitric, and the washing is more easy ; and be- cause in making the solution the nitric acid is partly decom- posed, and oxigenizes a portion of the sulphuret of barytes, so that soniQ^of the acid is lost, and some of* the barytes ub- feorbed by the sulphuric acid formed. The caustic potash used in this process must be prepared The potash from carbonate perfectly free from sulphate. ^'^ ^^/^Z^ * The same object may be attained more readily by pouring into the liquor a few drops of solution of nitrate of copper or lead, letting the me- taliVo sulphuret subside, filtering afresh, &g. Observathn 70 SCIENTIFIC NEWS. Ohservation on the preceding article hy one of the miihors of the Annales de C hemic. The result ex- Agreeably to the request of Mr. d'Arcet, in addressing to Guvton ^^ "^^ ^^'® "°*^' ^ ^^^^ examined the liquid in the phial ac- companying it. It was more than half full of small, white, crystalline scales. Tlie liquor acted powerfully on paper tinged by mallow flowers, changing it green. On dropping into it sulphuric acid a little in excess, a copious precipitate of sulphate of barytes was formed, without the least smell of acetic acid. After having filtered the liquor from this precipitate, I evaporated it by a gentle heat, in a platina capsule ; but it left no trace of any neutral salt. No doubt can remain therefore, but the acetate of barytes is radically decomposed by soda. L. B. GUYTON, SCIENTIFIC NEWS. Adjudication of Prizes, with a proposed new Question, hy the Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburgh, Question pro- A HE Imperial Academy of Sciences had proposed in posed by the their last public notice the prize of five hundred rubles academy on,^ _. i,., light. [A II 2 J 05. J, to be given to any professor or natural philo- sophy, who would establish, and communicate to the aca- demy, a series of " new and instructive experiments on light ** considered as matter ; also, on the properties, which may ** in part be attributed to it; on the affinities, which it may *' appear to have either on organized or unorganized bodies; ** and upon the modifications and phenomena of these sub- *' stances by their combinations with the matter of light.'* — The academy had declared at tlje same time, in order not to confine the learned who might have been pursuing simi- lar inquiries, that they contented themselves with stating the subject generally, leaving them at liberty to consider the question in any point of view, that might appear best calculated to elucidate a question so diflicult. The academy has received within the prescribed time six tracts on the question, each having a note sealed and motto. — viz. SCIENTIFIC NEWS. — viz. No. 1. In the Russian language with the motto: ** A " philosopher who has learned to doubts hioivs more than all *' tJie Itarncd, ^c/' No. 2. In the Russian language : " Time is the earliest thing in nature, ^-c." No. 3. In La- tin : " Est-ne color proprius verum, lucisne repulsus eludunt ** aciemf* No. 4. In French: " IXox abiit, nee tamen orta ** diesT^ No. 5. In German: " Ut noscas splendore novo •* res semper egere, et primum factum, Sfc.'' No. 6. In Geniian : " La physique ne sera tcritablement i^ne science, ** que lorsque tons les effets naturels se dcdidront clairement ** dhin seul et meme principe evidemment dtmcntri'.'" The first tliree tracts, beside the common fault of wantin<^ new experiments, a complete and instructive series of which was required by tlie academical notice, contained hypothe- ses and propositions, either well known, erroneous, or ill expressed, and advanced without demonstration. F or these reasons the academy did not' think they hud any claim to the prize. The tract No. 4 is not without merit. The author enters upon several interesting questions concerning the nature of light, in a: manner that readily convinces us he is no stran- ger to the subject. But the dehciency of connexion and systematic arrangement, which is perceived in it, and above all, the absolute want of new experiments which might lead to new results, or serve as a support to a number of hypo- theses advanced by the author, and destitute of every spe- cies of demonstration, would not permit the academy to adjudge the prize to this memoir, even had there been none of greater merit. As to the last pieces. No. 5 and No. 6, the academy has found them worthy of tlieir particular attention, from the report of the committee appointed to decide on the different performances. These essays are agreeable to the principal condition stated in the notice, inasmuch as chey contain a great number of new experiments on the effects and proper- ties of hght, and a judicious application of those, which, though already known, were repeated, whenever they ap» peared doubtful to the authors. Both pieces are executed upon a plan wisely conceived, expressed with clearness, and arranged in sufficiently systematic order. Ou the other hand, 71 72 SCIENTIFIC NEWS. hand, in each were found some incoherent and contradlrtory conclusions ; as also propositions advanced without sufficient proof; beside some errours, and obscure passages. But as these imperfections were overbalanced by researches of great merit, the academy, without accedinjj to every assertion of the authors, have nevertheless thoun:ht it their duty, to di- vide the prize between them, thinking them worthy of en- couragement and honourable reward. On opening the two sealed notes. Doctor Henry Frede- rick Link, professor of natural philosophy at the university of Rostock, was found to be the author of No. 5 ; and Mr. Placidus Heinrich, professor of natural philosophy and ma- thematics at the Abbey of St. Emereau, at Ratisbon, the author of No. 6. The notes of the remaining tracts were burned, without being opened. Question on When the academy had made public the notice, in which the resistance , , i i • i of fluids. ^he marine department proposed a prize on the question concerning the resistance of fluids, they had engaged to publish also the judgment, which that department, in con- junction with the academy, should make on the memoirs presented. Coniformably to this engagement, the academy announce the receipt of three menioirs :— viz. No. 1. with the motto: " 5if modus hsso maris ct viarum miiitiaeqtte.** No. 2. ** Praesta vatura voce doceri, quam mgenio svo sa~ "^ pere. No. 3. " England and France agree,' ^ The last of these arrived after the term. Neither of them was found to satisfy all the conditions of the problem : but, as the tract No. 2 exhibits a new theory; which, though not established upon grouiids sufiiciently so- lid, or applied to naval architecture in the manner the no- tice required, is preferable, in some measure, to the theories of Rome and don George Juan, agreeg-better with experi- ments than the common theory, and deserves therefore to be noticed advantageously ; the marine department, to re- compense the author for his trouble and laudable efforts, have decreed to him the prize of 1 00 Dutch ducats [£46 5s,], and the academy have given their sanction to the decision. The opening of the sealed note discovered the author to be Mr. Zacbary Nordmark, professor of niathematics in the university of Upsal. In SCIENTIFIC NEWS. 7^ In pull Vi sib Ing- these jnceipt, marked with the same motto and number as sliall be inscribed on the piece. The successful memoir is to be the property of the academy, without whose formal permission the author shall not print it. The rest of the tracts may be received back from the secretary, who will deliver them at St. Petersburgh to any person commissioned by the author to apply for them. Discovery SCIENTIFIC NE\yS. 75 Discovery of a new Planet, hy Mr. Olbers. Mr. OLBERS has written to Mr. le Fran9ais Lalande, New planat that he has recently discovered a new planet. The follow- oibers!"^^ ^ int^ are such elements of its orbit, as he has been able to determine. The 2yth of March, at 21 minutes after 8 mean time, its Elements of ascension was 134° 8'; its north declination 11° 4?^ its orbit. On the 30th, at 12h. 33^, mean time, its ascension wiis 183° 52'; its north declination 1 1° 54'. It has been seen at Paris, and was visible to the naked Seen at Parla eye. Its size appears nearly that of a star of the fifth mag- ^y t^* naked nitude. Apparently it is about the same distance as the three lately discovered planets, Ceres, Pallas, and Juno. Fluoric Acid in Teeth and Bones. In our Journal, VoL XIII, p. 214, is a letter with which Fluoijc acidtn we were favoured by Mr. Brande, to show, that the enamel ^^®^ ^ bone«* of the teeth does not contain any fluoric acid, an ItaUan chemist having asserted, that they did. A letter from Mr. Gehlen to the editor of the Journal de Physique, dated March l6, informs us, however, that the fluoric acid exists both in the enamel and bony part of teeth, and in other bones. His words are : *' The very extensive and accurate experiments of Mr, Berzelius of Stockholm have proved, that the enamel and the bony part of the teeth of man and of the ox, as well as their bones themselves, contain fluoric acid. The foUowino' are the results of the analyses. " Enamel of human teeth, Enainel of the teeth of the ox. Phosphate of lime 85*3 81 Component - riuate of lime 3*2 4 P^''^^ ®f t^« Carbonate of lime 8*0 7'1 tee\h Phosphate of magnesia 1 -5 3 iSoda, combustible animal mat- Natron 1 '34 tcr, water 2 Animal matter 3.56 lUU 100 Osseous 76 SCIENTIFIC NEWS. •« Osseous pnrt4!fhmon teeth. O*seou^ parUfiht teeth of •r.tfceubonj P^iosphate of lime .'• 61-9.5 57.46 tBiit» Fluate of liiixe 2*10 5-6(> Cai!)onate of lime 5*50 1 -SS Phosphate of magnesia • • . • 1 '05 • . • 2*07 Soda, with a little mnriate of soda 1*40 2-40 Gelatine, veins, water 28*00 31 *00 100 ]00 ** Dry fresh hvmnrt homes, Drrj^frerh ox bones, of b«mes. Gelatine 32-17) Veins belonging to their or- > 33*30 ganization •• 1*13) Phosphate of lime 51-04 •• 55*45 Fluate of lime 2*00 ••• 2*90 Carbonate of lime II -30 3*85 Phosphate of magnesia ••.• I-16 2*05 Soda, with a small quantity of muriate 1*20 2*45 100 100 " We regret, that we have not the particulars of the ana- lyses before us, that we might see the proofs of the fact, or be enabled to^trace the causes of the fallacy. Fltioric acid in Mr. Berzelius says too, in a letter to Mr. Vauquelin^ that unne. ^^^^ precipitate obtained from urine by limewater, when washed and dried, being treated with sulphuric acid, gives out fluoric acid, which corrodes glass. But it requires a pretty considerable quantity of this precipitate, to give any very perceptible signs of it. Mtiriatic acid He adds, that the Swedish chemists have never been able .nnd srida ob- |q obtain muriatic acid and^ soda by means of the galvanic ^"inTsin onfy pi^^ f'^m water perfectly pure. That they find pure water T.heii ^aii is ^ very bad conductor; but if the least particle of salt be present, the decomposinon is moit lapid, and its acid and alkali are set free. Sulphur SCIE? gether with a summary view of analytical mineralogy, exem-e plifying the practical analysis of minerals; will commence October 1st. fLA^u-/uy6e?ij /y/f^j. 7ou'//ia/. Vo, lMII.TUir., IZ 3 4-6 'III' 'I I I ' I IT ^3^ Scale ofInchej\ A JOURNAL OF I^ATURAL PHILOSOPHY, CHEMISTRY, AND THE ARTS. OCTOBER, 1807* ARTICLE I. Description of a correct Chamber Barometer. In tt Letter from John Gough, Esq. To Mr. NICHOLSON. SIR, Middleshaiv, Aug. 17, I8O7. ANY intelligent persons in the country have been pre- Correct baro- vented from, entering upon a course of meteorological ob- meters not ea- servations, by the want of good barometers ; which must be i^ the'^coumry. procured from London, not without considerable risk. I flatter myself, the present letter will remove this objection to the study in a great measure ; for it describes an easy, and perhaps original method of correcting the imperfections of the instrument, and renders it fit for the purpose of every meteorologist, whose pursuits and observations are confined to his parlour or his study. When the correction in ques- tion first occurred to me, some time ago, I communicated it to Mr. Morris, of Kendal ; who made a barometer on the principle explained to him, which has been some time in my possession, and has fully answered my expectations. The above gentleman also informs me, that any artist of moderate abilities may be instructed how to construct an instrument of the same kind, by a simple diagram properly explained: VoL.XVIII— Oct. I8O7. G the 82 CORRECT CHAMBER DAROMETER. tlie necessaiy instmctioris will accordingly be found in the annexed figure, and description accompanying it ; which explains the cause, that renders common barometers ini})er- fect measures of the changes in the weight of the atmo- sphere, and at the same time points^ out an easy and satis- factory apparatus for counteracting this source of errour. A correct Suppose A a (PI. IIT, fig. 1) to be the frame or outline of chamber baro- ^]jg barometer, the ornamental part of which may be left to meter describ- ,,..„, , , * cd. the discretion of the workman : moreover let 28,31 repre- sent a scale of 3 or more inches properly divided and fur- ^ nished with a nonius : let B C D E F be the compound tube or inverted siphon containing the mercury ; it is her- metically sealed at B, and open at E F ; the bore of the longer leg B C is -^^ of an inch in diameter, and that of the shorter D E F f |-, in the instrument from which the descrip- tion is taken. When the siphon has been filled, it is to be fi^ed to the frame A a, in such a manner, that the two legs )5 C^ and D E F may have a vertical position. This being ^ done, a circle parallel to the horizon is to be cut on the ex- ternal surface of the leg D E F at the distance of 31 inches from the top of the scale, or 29f inclies from its middle, the place of which is denoted in the figure by the line O o. It The cause of will be perceived immediately that my barometer, as far as maccuiacy in -^^ j^^^^ ^jg^^^ described, differs in nothing from the common the common " weather glass, weather glass: the imperfection of which ought to be ex- plained to the less scientific reader, before the method of correcting the instrument is described. In order to do this !with the greater perspicuity, suppose, that when the tube is first filled, the surface of the mercury in the leg D E F coincides, as it ought to do, with the circle O o, and let the surface on the other leg B C fall exactly on some division of the scale, for instance 29 '5 : the weather glass will in this case give the true weight of the atmosphere ; because the ■ length of the column of mercury in B C is exactly 29*5 .inches. But an instrument thus constructed will give the Weight of the atmosphere falsely in all other instances : for * let the length of the column in B C increase in consequence of an increasing pressure in the atmosphere, it is evident) that the surface of the mercury in the leg D E F will de- scedd below the circle Oo; because the augmentation ii tl)e COilRECT CHAMBER BAROMETER. 83 the opposite column must be supplied by the branch D E F ; let it then descend to the station H h. Now from the con- struction of the weather glass here described, O o is the only base from which we can measure the length of the mer- cury contained at any time in C C accurately by the scale; consequently the part of the column situate in H h and O o will be neglected in the observation ; and the height of the barometer will appear to be less than it really is by the space H O; that is, the top of the column will not ascend so far as' it ought to do above the middle poinl of the scale. On the contrary, when the mercury descends in the leg B C it will rise in the leg D E F, in consequence of a quantity o£ this fluid coming into it from the opposite branch. As oft then as the weather glass denotes a height less than 29*5 inches, the surface of the mercury in the leg D E F will ris6" above O o, the true base of the scale; consequently when the column comes to be measured by the index, it will appear longer than it really is by the height of the mercury's surface jn the leg D E F above the base O o ; that is, the upper Extremity of the column in the branch B C will fall below the point 29*5, but not so far as it ought to do. Thus it has been made evident, that the motion of the mercury in the shorter leg diminishes the range of the barometer when it comes to be estimated by the scale; which circum- stance pointis out the necessity of a correction, and perhaps the easiest method of doing it consists in bringing the sur- face of the mercury in the leg D E F to a coincidence with the base O o, before setting the index attached to the scale. My apparatus for this purpose is nothing more than an ivory The method of piston K of a cylindrical figure, about ]| inch in height ^^'■"^^""g ^lie and I an inch in diameter. Its lower extremity is a little ther dass by % convex and immersed in the mercury; it is also easily moved piston, vertically by means of the handle or stem G L, which passes through a cap covering the mouth of the tube E F, and having a hole, 1, in its centre, wide enough to receive the handle. iTh is part of the piston is also attached to the frame A a by ia loop or socket of brass, L, in which it would move lertically with perfect freedom, were it not for the pressure or-ii bent spring which is situate between L and 1, and acts ujthn the handle G 1, with a force, that keeps the piston iu G 2 any ^ 34- CORRECT CHAMBER BAROMETER. Use of the pis- any position assigned to it by the operator. Tlie use of this apparatus is almost too obvious to stand in need of an ex- planation ; its office is to place the surface of the mercury in the leg D E F on a level with O o, when an observation is to be taken with the instrument. This is done by placinj*- the finger upon G, and pressino- the piston downwards, when the barometer is rising, which operation must be con- tinued until the quicksilver coincides with ,0 o. On the contrary, when the mercury falls in the leg B C, the piston must be drawn up by means of the handle G L, so as to produce a coincidence in the opposite branch of the tube, A necessary similar to that just now mentioned. One circumstance must thrconstruc- ^ attended to in the construction of the instrument ; for it tion of the in is necessary that the middle of the piston K, which is mark- b rumen . ^j ^j^l^ ^ dotted line in the figure, should coincide with O o, as oft as the barometer stands at 39'5 inches. The method of providing for this coincidence will be easily pointed out by an example : suppose, when the tube is filled, that the middle of the piston and the surface of the mer- cury in the leg D E F coincide with O o, while the height of the barometer is 29*00 or { an inch less than 29*5 ; in this case, raise the piston until the mercury in B C stands at 28*5, or as much below 29*0 as 29*0 is below 29*5 : this being done, pour mercury into the leg D E F, so as to make the opposite column rise again to 29*0, and the re- quired coincidence will be provided for. On the other hand, suppose the instrument to be adjusted as above described, and the height of the barometer to be 30-0, or | an inch above 29'5: in this case push the piston downwards, until the column in B C stands at 30*5, or as much above 30*0 as 30*0 is above 29*5 : this being done, take a quantity of mer- cury out of the leg D E F just sufficient to make the oppo- site column fall again to 30*0, and you will have secured the coincidence required. Remarks re- I have observed in a preceding part of this letter, that the specting the piston of my barometer is If inch in length, and ~ an inch the piston. i» diameter ; but the reader is not to imagine, that these dimensions are fixed by necessity, for they may be varied at pleasure; and the following rule will determine the one, wlien tlie other is given. 1st, When the diameter of tie piston ON THE PHYTOLACCA. 85 piston is given, multiply the length of the scale by the squai-e of the internal dian«i|^r of the le<^ B C, and divide the product by the square ojf the given diameter, and the quotient will be the length of the piston : 2d. When the length is given, divide the product found above, by the given length, and the square root of the quotient will be the dia- meter of the piston, hi adjusting these dimensions, we have two circumstances of some importance to attend to ; the quantity of mercury requisite to charge the tube in- creases with the length of the piston, winch suggests a con- sideration of an economical nature; but if the diameter of the piston be too much augmented, to avoid expense, the free motion of the barometer will be considerably impaired; the artist must therefore use his own judgment in giving those dimensions to the piston, which will be the most conve- nient for the tube he is going to fit up. I remain, Sec, JOHN GOUGH. . II. Ohsefvattons on the Phytolacca^ or American Poke?veed; hy Mr. H. Braconnot, Member of the Academy of Sciences^ Sfc. at Nancy*, AN, who lays all nature under contribution, to increase T^e properties his enjoyments, has availed himself of a i^reat number- of ° if ^"^.^"k^** 'J " r3 iciTldlu CO 06 vegetable productions; but, notwithstanding his extensive examiutd. researches, he is yet far from being acquainted with the p'o- perties that characterise the majority of plants. The Phy- tolacca, which has been greatly neglected, may furnish an instance of this. Sect. I. Tnchieralion of the phyfolacca. THIS plant, which is acrid, has a very thick, fleshy root, Phytolacca. ^s big as a man's leg. Its stalks are as big as a large waik- iiig stick, six or seven feet high, and purple. •Abridged from the Annales de Chinile, Vol. LXXII, p. 71, April 1807. If 85 ON THE PHYTOLACCA. Stalk yields If a piece of the stalk be exposed to the flame of a cnn- ^° ^* die, it is reduced to a reticjJjir texture, exhibiting, when viewed by a lens, a series of longitudinal filaments connected by cross meshes. If t'nis be a^uin ejcposed to the flame, it swells up, melts, and the result is potiash. 14 oz. troy in- Four woody stalks of this plant weighed wli,en dry 440 cmera e . graiti. [14 oz. troy]. These I burned in an iron crucible; and when it began to grow red hot, the matter assumed a _ paisty consistence, and ended by fusing, accompanied with a swelling up occasioned by the evolution of hidrogen gas, ^vhich burnt with detonation qs it burst from the melted matter. When the crucible was cold, it contained a hard brown substance, that had a caustic taste. Coal lixiviated. ' As it was impossible to get this saline residuum complete- ly out of the crucible, I boiled water in it, and thus easily separated it, great part of it being dissolved. The liquor 432 grs. of salt, filtered and evaporated to dryness left 28 gram. [432 gr.] of a saline substance, which I saturated with pure nitric acid. The liquor deposited a blue precipitate, which weighed 4 decig. [6 gr.]. This precipitate was not altered by mu- riatic acid, and appeared to me to be prussian blue with a A little silex. little silex. In the solution saturated with nitric acid pure nitrate of strontian occasioned no precipitate: but nitrate of silver threw down some muriate of silver, which weighed when 8-6 grs. of mu- dry 22 dec. [34 gr.[. answering to 25 cent. [8| grs.] of mu- riatic acid. • «.• * 1 riatic acid. After having separated a little silver from tlie liquor by means of sulphuretted hidrogen, I filtered, and evaporated to dryness. Thus I obtained 33 gram. [510 gis.] of nitrate 270 grs. of pot- of potash ; containing 17*5 gram. [270 grs.] of pure potash ^^^' according to the analysis of Thenard. These 33 gram, of potash contained no foreign matter, for they crystallized to the last particle. 6 grs. of silex. The part insoluble in water being treated with nitric acid, 4 decig. [6 gr.] of silex were left. Carbonate of potash 110, grs. of tbrew down from the nitiic solution 13 gram. [200 grs.] of ^''"^' carbonate of lime; and the filtered liquor, being boiled, let . A little magnc- fall a few decigr. of carbonate of magnesia And lime. It is sia and lime, probable, however, that the lime, which constitutes the ON THE PHYTOLACCA. 8/ greater part of the insoluble portion of the ashes, is not 1n the state of carbqnate in the plant, but saturated, as well as the potash, with another acid, which will be mcntijued pre- sentl}'. From these observations we may infer, that a hundred > 1 00 lbs. of asTi- pounds of the ashes produced by incinerating the phytolacca^^S^''^® ^^^^^^» will yield Gdj^lbs. 10 oz. 5 dr. of dried alkaline carbonate bonate of pot- nearly pure, and containing about 42 lbs. of pure and caus- ^'^* tic potash*. Sect. II. Examinaiion of the acid, tl^at neutralizes the potash in the ^ Phytolacca, I BOILED 4| hectogr. [14§ oz. troy] of the ftesh woody 141 oz. of the stalks of this plant in a quantity of water. The decoction did not change infusion of litmus. On evaporating to a si- rupy consistence, 1 gram. [15| ^rs.] of a salt confusedly yielded 15|grs crystallized was deposited by stonding some time. Of this «^'»®"'=f^' ^^ the greater part was soluble in water, 2*5 decig. [3| grs.] of a white powder remaining, which were dissolved in nitric acid. With this .solution nitrate of lead gave a white' pre- cipitate, which, dried and put on a red hot iron, gave a lit- tle snjoke, and left a yellow oxide of lead, soluble in a weak acid. . . , The soluble part of the sahne deposit did not afford any No* distinctly very distinct crystals on being. evaporated, but a saline crust ^^^^ ^ '^ of a very pungent taste was formed. This salt swells up and is carboiiized when exposed to the Swells np, fire, and leaves as a residuum carbonate of potash. The f'"'""^' ^"^ 1 1 1 -1 n 11 . ■ -1 . leaves carbn- same salt, when heated with concentrated sulphuricaCid, is nate of potash, blackened, and produces sulphurous acid. ; '- -sc'siiA Lime water, and the nitrates of lime, strontian, and lead, Withirme,' \ form white precipitates in its solution, which are insoluUlein jg^^j iusoluUe distilled vinegar. . ; in vinegar, • As potash diminishes considerably' iri vegetables in pvoj)ovtion as . .,->^l liey api roach the wood> stat<^, it is prubable, that the phytalacca^wouJd - ■'*''^ aford a much {greater proportion of potash in an earlier stage of its gywth. \ These 88 ~ "ON THE PHYTOLACCA. The decoction These experiments announced a del liquescent and diffi- precipitatcdby <^"ltly crystal lizable salt in the phytolacca: and to separate nitrate of lead, its elements, 1 diluted the decoction, which had been eva- porated to a sirupy consistence, with a sufficient quantity of water. To this I added a solution of nitrate of lead, which formed a very copious precipitate ; and the filtered liquor afforded an abundant crystallization of pitrate of pot- ash. Withsulphnric The precipitate, after being well washed and dried, weigh- smplf oruree. ^^ ^ ^^"^- [77 grs.]. Being treated with a fourth of its weight of sulphuric acid diluted with six parts of water, a tolerably decided smell of uree exhaled from the mixture, which had been exposed to a gentle heat on a sand bath ; The acid U- and the liquor was filtered. What passed through was acid ; quor. ^^^ ^^^ crystallize by evaporation or standing; and on con- tinuing the evaporation a glutinous matter remained, yellow- ish, attracting moisture from the air, and carbonized by a stronger heat. Farther exa- In this acid the nitrate of lead produced a very copious miaed. flocculent precipitate ; and the precipitate, exposed to the blowpipe, was immediately reduced to a globule of metallic lead. The nitrates of lime and strontian produced no percepti- ble alteration in it, but ammonia occasioned a precipitate. It precipitated lime water ; and the precipitate put on a hot irou began by carbonizing, and left some ashes, which dissolved with el'"'^rvescence in nitric acid. What remained of the acid I saturated v;ith soda, but no crystals were produced by evaporation. The result of this combination, when heated in a crucible, burned, leaving a light, alkaline coal, that efPervesced with nitric acid. Analoeous to From i • e properties here mentioned, it appears, that the the malic. gj^j^j of phytolacca has considerable affinity to the malic, but ]f>ointsin\vhrch with a few sha«'es of difference. With lime and lead malic they differ. ^^.j^] forms i^occulent precipitates very easily soluble in disr tilled vinegHr ; but those with the phytolaccic acid are in- Perhaps inter- soluble. This acid may probably be a mean between tlie mediat.: be- .'malrc and oxalic, or an oxit^enized malic acid ; but as it iS tween th*' ma- -.,,.,,/ • n i lie and oxalic. ^^^5^ abundant m the phytolacca, it will be easy to ascertan this by farther examination of its saHne combinations, ' ' ^ On ON THE PHYTOLACCA. SQ On the contrary, sliould it prove to be malic acid, it would be at least the first example of malate of potash found abuu-f dantly as a natural production Sect. ITI, Exnjninatian of the colouring matter contained in the herries of the Phytolacca. The berries being bruised in a glass mortar with a certain The colouring quantity of water, the filtered liquor was of a fine bright pur- ple colour. I at first attempted to fix it on cloths, but soon found its extreme fugaciousness. The juice of the Ijerries has a sweetish taste, leaving be- The juice of hind a sensation of acrimony, Paper tinged blue with lit-^^^ ernes. mus, and wetted with water, was reddened when dipped into it ; but the blue was restored without the least alteration by washing with a little warm water. At a moderate temperature it soon underwent the vinous Soon ferments, fermentation. The wine produced was unpleasant to the ''''^^^^ ^^^» ^^^ taste, but brandy may be obtained from it by distillation. ^ If a few drops of lime water be added to the juice, it soon Lime water assumes a fine yellow colour; but the smallest quantity of ^^^^^ ^^ ^^' acid soon restores its purple hue. If the yellow liquor have Any acid, sufficient colour to write with it, breathing on the paper will change .the yellow letters to purple; and so will even expo- sure to the air, though less speedily. Sulphuretted hidrogen, or urine added in small quantity sulphuretted to the yellow liquor, clianges it immediately purple. hid.ogen, or The deep yellow liquor produced by the combination of "/jg'pj^^p^jg^^''^*"^ the purple of phytolacca with lime grovv^s lighter by the ad- Water dilutes dition of water, and assumes the tint of chromate of })otash. the yellow, and But if the quantity of water be still increased, the oriuinal I", j""^^^, ^"^"' *■ •^ O Illy Ifc^SlOr&i purple reappears. At fust I ascribed this effect to the car- t-^^e purple. bonic acid, that might be contained in the water; but water long boiled exhibits the same phenomenon. Hence I infer, that water acts by weakening the effect of the lime in the yellow liquor, which occasions it to return to purple. From what has been said it appears, that the yellow li- quid affords a verj delicate te§t of the presence of acids; ofaciir:^ ^^" and 00 ON TUB PHYTOLACCA. ttfid n c6mpaiative experiment with litmus will corroborate this. Into two glasses I put equal quantities of the juibe of Phytolacca, which I had turned yellow by a few drops of lime water : and into the two gkisses I put an equal weight of infusion of litmus, of an equal depth of colour. More than 6o drops of a very weak acid were required to redden the infusion of litmus, but less than 15 restored the purple colour of the yellow liquor. Hence it follows, that the yellow liquor of phytolacca is at least four times as sen- tjttt. does not ^ible as the jnfusion of litmus ; but the yellow liquor being keep. extremely fugacious, it cannot be kept, or even used but just after it is prepared. A few hour^ are sufficient to it. Its spontaneous First a fallow precipitate falls down, which, looked at in the changes. ^^^^ exhibits very small scales with the various hues of the opal. After a few days brown flocks separate from it. The properties of the reagent are then entirely destroyed, and at length the liquor is almost wholly deprived of colour. The following are the results produced in the purple liquor by other reagents. Caustic alkalis give it a yellow colour. Alkaline subcar- bonijites, a fine violet, that fades, and becomes yellow, by Fff cts of re- standing. AVeak atids, nothing perceptible. Dilute oxi- apents on the genized muriatic acid, a complete deprivation of colour, with purple liquor, ^.j^j^g flocks. Aluiii, uothing apparent on mixing, but after some days ^, very light red precipitate. Muriate of lime, no change. 31uriate of tin, a red sediment inclining to lil^c, and leaving the supernatant fluid colourless. Nitrate of lead, a precipitate of the colour of wine-lees. Superoxided sulphate of iron, a dirty violet: and on adding au alkali a very deep green precipitate, changing yellovv by exposure to the air. The purple colour that tinges the epidermis of the stalks of the Phytolacca is precisely of the same nature as thatcon- Tv.. » t •„ tained in the berries, and atlordcd the same results. The colouring TuattcTofthe I have convined myself, that this purple does not arise sulks the same. ^j,^jj^^ tiie alteration of any colour by au acid: for having chanued it ytdlow by animouia perfectly freed bom carbonic Not a colour "^ ♦ •' . , , : . i i r altered by au acid, impregnated hneu with this, and exposed the linen to a *^^'^' moderate temperature excluding the air, the purple re- appeared in all its lustre as the ammonia was volatilized. This ON THE PROTEUS. ANGUJN US. 91 This colour is different therefore froip that of some other fruits, as the plum uud cherry, which becomes green on the addition of alkalks ; and from that of litmus, which alkalis Differs from turn blue: but it appears to have some analogy with that of ^'^^r^*^ j"'c«* ^•^ 1 • f. T 11 of some othef the grape, as Imie water turns red wuxe ot a dirty yellow, ,,: it. which acids change again to red. ■■ Analogous ti9 that cf the grapQ. Sect. IY. Other properties, and cultivation of the pliytolacca. In North America the leaves are boiled, and eaten as spi- nach, and 1 have found them very good*. Thp juice of the jfg leaves es root is a purgative, and may be taken in the dose of a table- lent. spoonful or two ; but must not be used when there is any Juice of ihe inflammation of the viscera. The narcotic virtues, that have ^ «» * been ascribed to it are illusory, as Lemery observed. It may be propagated by seed, sown in the spring in light ground, and transplanted to a dry soil, which should be dug '*' very deep. When the plants have taken root, they require no care, but to be kept free from weeds. The stalks die with the first frosts, but the roots are 'perennial, and throw out shoots in the spring for several years. III. A Memoir on the Proteus Anguinus; by Baron von Zoisf. Ji- HE proteus anguinns is found in Carniola, between Sittich, an ancient monastery about eight leagues from hi-Aj- Where found* bach, on the roud to Neustadt, and a small village called Vir in the Sclavonian language, and Weyer in German. * Th^ young shoots are said to be as good as asparagus. Tr. •f- Translated from the Italian manuscript of Baron Zois by Mr.Siauv'e, commissary at, war; and inserted in tiie Magazin Encyclopedique for January, 1807, p. 59 j whence this article is taken. The 9, bious animal in question has never yet been found in Car- supplied from .7 •' • 1 -J. • subterraneous niola, except in tlte^e two oabins : and as it is never seen m cavrns, and them, except on the melting of the snow, or after heavy tions. ' rains, it is supposed, that the overflow lag of the subterranean reservoirs, to which they belong, drives them out. The pea- sants of Vir, who know tiiem oy tradition as well as experi- Popular names, ence, call them bela riba, wlvite tjsl>, or zhioneshka riba^ tish that has soujethiug ; uman. The latter naine alludes to the joints Oi their toes, or ringers, aiid viic colour of their skin. By whom no- The animal was. tirst made known to the public by Dr. iiced. Laurenti, in his Sijrwpsis ReptUiKm^ in 1/68. He gave jt the name of proleus anguinus. Scopoli, who saw it alive,^ gave a fuller description of it in 177-ij io l''s Anims Quiutus Htsforico-Naturaiis. He says, that L nneus, to whom he sent it, considered it as the larva of a lizard ; but hettiought Linnetis?iT?- it a distinct genus. Linneus however expressed himself pected It to be cloubtingly both on this and the proteus tritoniusofSchianck, found in lakes in tlie interior parts of Austria ; leaving it to accurate and repeated observation to decide, whether or not they underwent a transformation at a late period. To forward the solution of the problem, Baron Zois sent several specimens of the proteus anguinus preserved in spirit to Dr. Scnreiber, professor of natural history at Vienna, that he might dissect them. The anatomical description is given «' at length in the Philosopliical Transactions for 1801. Its ar!alQ«*v to '^'^ principal analogy between the proteus and the larvae larvae of some of some amphibia, which has occasioned them to be con- founded a larva. Dissected. ON THE PROTEUS ANGUINUS. Q.^ founded*, consists in tlie "ills common to both. Mr. Schvelber amphibia in liovvever observes, that the pills of the proteus differ essen- _.„'' tially from those of larvre and fishes by their red colour, ovvinj^ to the blood which it causes to circulate through th'em more or less abundantly at pleasure. As to the organs of respiration, Mr. Schreiber asserts, that, having dissected a great number of laryic of aquatic lizards, he never found the leasit analogy between them and the pro- teus. He considers it as more allied to the siren lacertina, Moreanalo- ^ both having gills and lungs; though Camper indeed denies fealacertinar the existence of limgs in the siren. It is true Mr. Schreiber observes, the siren differs in having but two feet; a short j)j|^gj.gj^j,g5^ head without any beak ; a small, pointed mouth ; eyes very apparent, and eyebrows ; and the lungs, though equally Lun«Ts. formed of one single membrane, without any cellular divi- sions, running along both sides of the body, and exhibiting neither the various turns nor the very remarkable bladders found in those of the proteus. That Mr. Schreiber found it difficult to discover and as- tac: ^^ . Difficult to as- certain all the parts of t!ie organization of specimens, that certain its had been kept a long time in spirits, is not at all surprising. P^*^^^" He observed ovaries however, and even something that had Apparently the form of a uterus: but he lays no great stress on these ovaries and a T 1 X ^ o uterus, slight appearances. I hope however he will be able to decide the question, by means of the d'ssection of some individuals, which I have found means to send him alive. The basins at Vir had fur- Only from 3 to nished only three, four, or five in a year since 1798 : but on 5 found in a the 26th of December, 1804, on the thawing of a deep snow, ^'^^* fourteen w^ere brought rae at once. These are at present at Once U. Vienna, some of them uiider the e^'e of Mr. Schreiber, and others in u subterraneous canal, under circumstances the • The question appears at present decided, and the protei are consi- dered as a di'-tinct genus Beside the ang'unus, which had already been figured aad described, but of the mannep and habits of which Baron Zois gives here new and interesting particulars, and the tritonius of Schranck, Humboldt and EonpJand observed another species in Peru, the skin and limbs of which perfectly resemble those of the salamander. most ^4* ^^ "THE PROTEUS ANGUINUS. tnost favourable for their nourishment, and for their breed- ing, if they be capable of it*. Manners. As to the manner of living of the proteus, whether it be a perfect animal or not, its principal eharact'^r is a very decided Strong antipa- antipathy to daylight. Expoyed to the sun it is agitated in thy to light. ,. ' , . ' an extraordmary manner, and makes continual efforts to es- No external <^^pe. Yet it has no eyes externally, or, as Scopoli asserts, eyes: £vvo tubercles in the place of eyes. Mr. Sthreiber first dis- Vuttwoundsr- covered its small, black, subcutaneot-s eyes, which are per- fieath the skin, ceptibte sometimes, though but rarely; and this only in in- dividuals that have grown lean by forced abstinence, and the epidermis of which is become very thin. Mo"re«;bv ^" ^^^ movements under water the proteus sometimes em- fneansofits ploys its paws, or feet; at other times its tail, in d-fferent slowh'^^ ''^ ' manners. Its progress is slow and circumspect : but when it When offend- ^^ irritated it flees with swiftness, and with a siouoiis motion ed quickly and ^\q an eel. In this case it makes no use of its feet ; and as those behind might impede its velocity, it keeps them close Conceals itself *^ *^^ bod)% During the day it likes to keep itself concealed , in the day : and Seldom changes its place : by night on the contrary it is at nig ^^'^"^O" aiyvays seen moving about at the bottom of tlie water, and ' frequently attempts to get out. Takes no food Those t! at are thus in captivity would never toudi any of in confine- the food offered them, such as fresh eggs of fishes, fibres of *"^"^* fishes or frogs, aquatic worms, polypi, conferva, &c. ; pot even the helix tliermalis, though it is certain in a state of liberty they swallow a great number of these testaceous ani- mals ; for I have found as many as eighty-four of their shells in the excrements of a well fed proteus, which he dis- charged at three times the second day of his captivity. When living ones were given him, he took up one with hi* Receptacle * The nrchduke John has had a subterranean canal constructed of tufa- formed for ^ stroam yf spring water runs through the sinuosities formed in it, and theni by the ^jj^ ^^^^ diflferon\ basins, in which the protei are. A snttne was selected, Wehduke. , ',.,.. , , < , • \. , , the waters of v.hich contam insects ada^>ted tor then- food j and means jhave been contrived for inspecting the little colony, when it may be thought time. It is to he wished by tlie epicure, that the protei may irced, for l[ieir flesh is vrbitc, delicate, and of an exquisite flavour, as 1 have been assured by Baron Zois, -who has eaten it. Note t^f Mr. Siauife, mouth O-N THE PROTEUS ANGUINUS. 9 J month, but Immediately threw it out to the distance of two inches. Afterward he chose rather to leave them to breed, than to taste them. NotwitJjstaJidiug' this obstinacy in refusing all kind of Lives fi long food, these animals live a long time in pure water, if they ''^^^^^^ "^ ^^^^ be kept in the shade in wooden tubs 15 or 18 inches high, and as mucli in diameter; and if the temperature of the water, which ought to be changed every four or five days, do-not exceed S® of Reaumur [50° F.]. Put into cold wa- about 50«'F, ter in which snow was floating; I have seen them experience painful sensations, manifested by their agitation, and die within four and twenty hours. AVhen put together they appear to know one another, for Know one ajwv the new comers soon grow familiar with the old ones, and sometimes even utter a gentle cry, that seems to indicate Utter a cry of their satisfaction*: on the contrary, when they are offended ^^'^t'^fact'^^S . and a hiss of by the curiosity of the spectators, or the appearance of the displeasure, sun, they hiss with a liarsh tone, very different from the pre- ceding, and at the same time emit bubbles of air from the mouth and gills. The degree of their agitation raa}"^ be dis- Express of, tinguished by the greater or less tumefaction of the branchy ^'^}'>^^ ^Y ^^^®*f plumes that rise from tlie gills, as well as from their colour, which in this state assumes a fine crimson. If these plumes be then viewed with a microscope, they resemble branches of coral ; but when the animal is tranquil they fall, become ^ flaccid, and are of a livid white. ^ With a lens of moderate power the systole and diastole Circulation of [ ©f the pulse may be perceived in these plumes, the branches fa'^the'^^Js^®* c. ♦ The proteus appears to possess the sense of feeling in an eminent j^egres. 1 have- often been pleased to see it pass its little hands over ipthers of its own species. Howpver this muy be, the rcoeniblance of its fore paws to the Immari hand, the fine carnation tint of this pretty animal, the transparent epi- dermis that may be compared with that which covers the person of a handsome woman, the sort of amorous cry it utters when it has a com- panion given it, have thrown me more than once into a revery., I know not whether the proteus possess more than ordinary intelligence ; buf every thing, even to its obstinacy iu refusing all kind of nourishment, interest me in favour of t\mjish-man, ^s the Carniolians call it. AVe of Mr. Siauve, of 96 ON THE J»ROTEUS ANGUINUS. of which are so nidriy tubes ; and the red globules of blood may be seen to ascend and descend at each pulsation^ I have counted from forty-five to forty-eight of these pulsations in a. minute. Out of the wa. Out of the water the proteus cannot proceed more than to the ground^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^' ^^^ *^^® glutinous substance, with which it is en- anU dies. veloped, soon dries, and g]ues it to the ground by the pait on which it drags itself along. Several of mine died in this state. Having found one thus, that had still some signs of life, I separated it with my hand ; but it died two days af- ter, having a red streak, indicating inflammation, along the side which had adhered to the ground. Others after it, which were separated by means of warm water, continued Before death to live. In all that died under my inspection I observed an their slimy jnfalHble sii^^n of approaching- death : the eluten, with which coat separates. ^, i 1 • . . r .i i i ^ i they are covered, begins to separate Irom the body, and be- comes visible in the water ; it floats about them in flocks, attaching itself particularly to the paws and tail ; at length they turn on their backs, and soon come to die on the sur- face of the water. Size from 7 in. The annexed figure of a proteus anguinus drawn from to 15, by 6 or nature, PL III, fig. 2, gives an accurate idea of its exter- nal form. With respect to size, they have been found from seven or eight to twelve or thirteen inches long, and even fifteen or sixteen ; and in diameter from six to eighteen lines* These dimensions do not agree with those of the aquatic sa- lamander, and there is no other reptile in Carniola, that can be compared with it. Three have ^ have at present three, that have lived in pure water two been kept 28 years and four months. They have grown thin, and dimi- mont s. nished in size one half; and the fin that forms the tail even appears to be shortened : yet they are in perfect health. I shall not fail to observe^the duration of their lives ; though I begin to persuade myself that the vague term, which Lin- neus expresses by the words transformation at a late period, is already past. IV. SUPPOSED ANTIQUE EMERALD, - §7 IV. Account of the Antique Vessel, that was preserved at Genoa under the name of ^kc^q Catino, and reputed to be dn Emerald; tvith the Report made of it to the French Insti* iuie, August 4, IS06, by Mr. Gv^iTos*, Disli of an liexagorial shape had long been in possession Sacro Catino. of the city of Genoa, which was supposed to be an emerald, and consequently of inestimable price. Farther to enhance its value, according to the legend it was the very dish, on Legend re- which the paschal lamb was served up, when Christ cele- brated the passover with his apostles, afterward miraculously converted into an emerald ; though sOrae will have it to have been originally an emerald, and among the presents of the queen of Sheba to Solomon. Neither is it agreed in what Brought from manner it came into the possession of the Genoese; as some ^*^* say it was their part of the booty found at the taking of Caesarea in the first croisade^; others, that it was presented to them by Baldwin king of Coi^stantinople. It was so MoTtgaged for highly valued, however, that at the siege of Genoa in 1319, 1200 marks of it was mortgaged for 1200 marks of gold, and redeemed ^'^ ' eleven years aften An act passed in 1476 to prohibit its being touched with Suspicions of gold, silver, gems, coral, or any other substance, under very its being glass. heavy penalties, and even in some cases pain of death, shows, that suspicions of its genuineness existed. William of Tyre is the first wq know, that expresses such a suspicion. Barthelemy observed in it blebs, which induced him to think it glass. Condamine too, examining it by torchlight, and at some distance, could not perceive in it any of those clouds or defects of transparency, that are common in emeralds as well as in all gems of a. certain size ; yet he evidently dis- cerned several small vacuities, resembling air blebs, both round and oval. *► Abstracted frojtn Mag.. Encyciop6dique, January, 1807, p. 137', and Annales de Chimie, Vol. LXI, p 250, March, 1807. Vol. XVIII—OcT, I8O7. H At 98 Remorcfl to Parij, and ex;a« xnmed. Its fi^rc Col©ur, Has blebs. These marks doubtful. Sped. grav. not exami/ied. Hardness. liUPPOSED ANTIQUE EMERALD. At length this vessel having been transferred to the impe- rial library, the Institute was requested by the ininibter to. ascertain its quahty ; and Haiiy, Vauquelin, and Guyton, were accordingly appointed to examine it. What follows is the substance of Mr. Guyton's report. Its diameter, from one angle to another, is 39*143 cent. [15 in. 2 1. Eng.], its depth within 12*357 [4 in. 8 1.], iU height, including the foot, which is of the same piece, 1 6*476 [6 in. 4l.]. It has two handles, likewise formed in the same piece, without any appearance of having being joined to it after it was made. One of these is broken. The bottom ap- pears to have been wrought on the wheel, so as to form a cir- cle of small cavities, whence issue six rays, corresponding to the angles. PI. Ill, fig. 3, is an exact representation of the bottom ; fig. 4 shows it standing on its foot, and fig. 5 in- verted, with the position of its handles, which are placed so as to be concealed, yet in a manner to be taken hold of ea- sily. The colour of the dish is an olive green, duller than that of the peridot, with something of a greasy cast, that brings it nearer to the plasma of the German mineralogists, than to the green emerald of Peru, or the bluish emerald, or aqua marina, of Siberia. Its transparency participates of this tint. On holding it up against the light, a bleb about 2 millim. ['78 of a line] is distinguishable near the centre, and farther off some very small blebs. It would be difficult from this description to infer the na- ture of its substance, since it is now well known, that the colour of gems of the same species varies considerably, and that rock crystals exhibit blebs interiorly, which we cannot always distinguish with certainty from those in glass. We could not conveniently examine its specific gravity, on account of its size : and besides it would have been to little purpose, as the specific gravity of the emerald does not much exceed that of common glass, and is inferior to that of a glass loaded with metallic oxides. We ascertained its hardness, however, which is a less equivocal character of gems ; and found it very evidently scratched not only by the emeralds of Peru and Siberia, but SUPPOSED ANTIQUE EMERALD. QQ but even by rock crystal. This would be sufficient to de- Not an eme- cide, that it could not be a real emerald, if the enormous ^* * block, from which such a vessel must have been cut, would r.ot be a phenomenon, that nothing hitherto found in nature renders probable. It is a manifest errour in Dutens, to admit among the va- Mistake of rieties of the Peruvian cmeryld a stone that can be touched ^'^'®"^' by the file. Those of the environs of Limoges, which are scarcely transparent, scratch flint. The largest emeralds known, before the discovery of the Largest erne- colourless emeralds in the department of Hautc-Vienne, '''^'^*^"°^"* and mentioned in the inventory of the Garde-Meuble, the catalogues of DaS'ila, Daugny, &c., and those that Conda- mine saw at Rome, which he considered as enormous, did not exceed 10 or 12 cent. [3 in. 9 1. or 4 in. 7l.] long, by 3 or 4 [1 in. 2 I. or 1 in. 61.] broad. Even those-of the commune Those of of Bessines have yet afibrded only masses of 30 or 40 cent. France. [11 in. 71. or 15in. 61.] high, by 15 or l6 [5 in. 8l. or6in* 21.] thick. We may judge what would be the value of the dish, if it were a real emerald, by taking the rule of its being worth one fourth the price of a diamond of equal weight. What has been said is sufficient to authorise us to con- A5 it is colour- elude, that the substance of the dish cannot be considered *^ S^^^^ ^' ''S as an emerald, or any other gem, but is coloured glass. I^a"n antique. We leave to others to determine its value, either as a work of art, or as an antique; and whether it may be identified or compared with that which Herodotus says he saw at Tyre, in the temple of Hercules. We shall only observe, that the art of imitating gems by coloured glass dates from remote antiquity. Pliny speaks in several places of these false stones, and points out the method of distinguishing them, by trying their hardness against others. H 3 0 100 ON THE CUXTIVATION OF SEA KALE. V. On the Cultivation of the Cramhe Maritima of LinncuSj or Sea Kale. By Mr. John Maher, F. H. S.* Culture of sea -^ F the man wlio malces two blades of grass grow where "^^ only one grfew before, is to be esteemed an important bene- factor to his country ; he who teacher us how to improve a jialatable and nutritious vegeta1)le, hitherto often negiected, upon the barren cliffs of our sea-girt isle, has surely no small claims to our gratitude: as such, I must ever regard those improved by of the late Mr. Curtis, from whose pamphlet upon the Cramhe Maritima, or Sea Kale, I first learnt how to grow this early esculent; but as his useful directions are yet in the hands of comparatively few of my brother gardeners, Verv fine pro- ^"^ ^* *^^ young shoots have been obtained at Edmonton duced at Ed- of a size and delicacy greatly superior to what generally monton. appears at the table, I venture to offer a particular account of the method of cultivatiiig it there to the Horticultural Society. Places where ^^^^ particular places on record where this plant grows fbuo^Y?!.**' wild, are below Maryport ; also between Ravenglass and '^: \ ' 5oof/e, in Cumberland ; at Jiooseheck, in Low Furness, "'^' "" '" Lancashire; near Conumy, plentifully, but in the most in- accessible rocks; promontory of Llyn, and near Cruccaethf in Caernarvonshire; between Rhuddgaer and Llandwyn, in the isle of Anglesea ; about Port Inon, in Glamorganshire; Mr. Curiis. near Mcgavissey, in Cornvvall ; marly cliHs, near TeigU' mouthy and Sidmouth, in Devonshire ; on Chesil Bank, chalk cliffs at Weymouth, lAilworth Cove, and about Poole, in Dorsetshire; at IFestern Court, in Hampshire; near Wor- thing and Shoreham, cliffs at Beachy Head, and near Has^ tivgs, in Sussex ; between Folkstone and Dover, at St. Mar- garet's and Laugdon Bays, between Whitstable and the hie of Thanet, at Lidde", in Kent ; near Harwich, in Essex ; on the north coast of Norfolk^ abundantly; near Fast-castle, • From the Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London, !';>. I, Part I, p. 13. For an account of the- objects of this society see Sffxirnal, Vol.XlV, p. 150. Berwickshire. ON THE CULTIVATION OF SEA KALE. XOl Berwickshire. According to Dr. Smith, sandy shores are Natural soil, r its natural soil, but by what I can learn from others, as well as my own personal observation, it prefers loamy cliffs, rnixed with gravel. I found it near Dover ^ also in Sussex, in stiff loam : to the extensive beach of pure sand, both above and below Scarborough, in Yorkshire, it is, i believe, quite a stranger. The whole plant is smooth, of a beautiful glaucous hue, Desfcriptiou. covered with a very fine meal ; occasionally, however, it va- ries like the wallflower-leaved ten weeks stock, with quite green leaves. Root dark brown, perennial, running deep into the ground, divided iiito numerous wide spreading branches, but not creeping* Radical leaves very large, and spreading wide upon the ground, waved, more or less slnuated, and indented, containing: a bud, or rudiment of the next year's stem at the bottom of the leafstalk, dying away in the autumn f. Stems several, from one foot and a half • - to two feet high, erect, branclsing alternately, and terminat- ing in large panicles of spiked flowers, which smell some- what like honey. Peduncles, as the fruit swells, consider- ably elongated. Calyx often tinged with purple, its leaflets nearly equal. Petals cream coloured, with purple claws, larger than in many geaera of this natural order. Filaments- purple. Anthers pale yellow. Glands of the receptacle between the longer filaments yellowlah green. Stigma pale yellow. Pouch, as the accurate Mr. Woodward describes it in Wltherjng's work, at first egg-shaped, afterwards nearly globular, fleshy, falling off when ripe, about August, with the seed in it, which is large, and of a pale brown colour. * Rojt not creeping, in the proper*sense of that word, as Parkinson, MUlfer, and Bryant have described it ; but if the branches be divided into a number of pieces, each piece \Vill grow if ccJ^mmitted to the earth ; ai:d a'^ it is impossible to dig among the widely extended lOots of these plants without cutting many of them, and leaving a number of fragment?, plants arise from such around the original, and give to it the appearance of having creeping roots. Cort. "f- Parkinson perhaps nevor committed a more egregious blunder, than in the account he has g'%'en of this part of the plant's economy ; ** Th e root iff sometohnt great, keejungf the green leaves all the ic inter.'''' Bryant, in his FL JJile can be so easily forced as this, or with §o little expense little expense and trouble; for the dung is in the linest posr sible order for spring hot-beds, after the Sea Kale is gathered. The only thing necessary, is to be very particular in guard- ing against too much heat, keeping the temperature under the blanching pots as near to iifty-five degrees of Fahren- heit's thermometer as may be, but never higher than sixty. For this purpose, in November and December, according as you want your Sea Kale^ prepare a sufficient quantity of fresh stable dung, to cover both the beds and alleys, from two to three f(^et high ; for in the quantity to be laid on, a great detil must always be left to the good senge of the gar- dener, and the mildness or severity of the season. . It should be closely pressed down between the blanching pots, placing heat-stiok^ At proper intervals, which by being examined occa!5iona]ly will indicate the heat below. After the dung Worms, has remained four or five days, examine the pots. Worms often spring above the sur^ce, arid spoil the delicacy of the young ON LARD, AND COMPOUNDS MADE WITH IT. iOv> youns; shoots : the best remefly against which 13 to corer with dry sea-coal ashes, sifted neither very small nor very large ; salt also e^ ectually destroys them, and will not in- jure the Sea Kate, The crop will be ready to gather in three weeks or a month from first applying the heat, but so much mischief ensues when this is violent, that I would advise every one to begin time enough, and force slowly, rathei* than quickly. It is also necessary to cut the leaves off a foi-t- night or three weeks before they decay, from such plants as you intend to force very early. VL On Grease, and some Medicinal Compounds, of which it is the Basis: by H. A. Vogkl, Chemical Operator in the Pharmaceutic School at Paris, Abridged bi/ Bouillon- Lagrange*. R. Vogel, not having an opportunity of instituting a Lard. comparative examination of the soit fat of various animals, confined himself to hog's lard, the most common, and of most extensive use. Lurd, exposed for two months to the rays of the sun, Effects of lii^ht without access of air, acquires a very pungent rancid smell, ^" ^*" an acrid taste that affects the throat a long time, and a yel- loAv colour, but no acidity. By the, joint action of light Of atr. and air the same phenomena take place, and in addition it becomes acid. . It melts at 104° or 108® F,, and remains in fusion at this Ofciiloiic. temperature without being decomposed ; but above '21^2^ der compos ton commences. If it iiave been well washed, it allords no traces of ammonia on distillation. Mixed With half its weiLiht of washed flowers of sulphur, Dissolves sul- forrajng what is commonly called sulphur pomatum, and P^^ur. examined four days after, as well as when kept much longer, no trace of sulphuric acid vtas discoverable. By gentle fu» * Abridged from the Annates de Chiniie, Vol. LVIII, p. 154, May, 1800. sion 106 *^N LARD, AND COMPOUNDS MADE WITH IT. bion on a water bath a portion of the lard was separated, and poured off; and by straining the rest through tine linen the greater part was obtained. It was of a gray colour, aud a very strong, acrid, bitter taste ; stood more readily on cooling; and blackened silver. If sulphuretted lard be boiled, decanted, and cooled quickly, part of the sulphur precipitates: but if it be cooled slowly it crystallizes in line needles. This com- If this mixture be distilled in a coated glass retort, to pound ^^*^j^^^_ which a receiver is adapted communicating with a mercurial etted and car- trough, a large quantity of gas is obtained, which appears buretted hidro- 1.^ |jg j^ mixture of a £>reat deal of sulphuretted hidroj>en, gen&carbcmc . , ,., , ,. , , • i ivx ^cid: some carburetted nidrogen, and a little carbonic acid. ISo sulphurous acid gas was found, as many chemists assert. lard mixed As soon as the gusses cease to come over, thick, white va- sulphur pours rise, that condense with difficulty, and a yellow mat- subhmesj * . . - , "... ter sublimes into the neck of the retort, which is lard mixed with a litiie sulphur. The liquor in the receiver is milky, and on cooling ailbrds small crystals in white scales, which a bulky coal are Bulphur in a state of extreme division. A very bulky, remains i^hining, iiidiiscent coal i*eiiui".ns in the retort. Sulphuretted Sulphuretted hidrogen gas, passed through melted lard, hidrogen not p,.(^fiu(.es no chan;2re, and does not dissolve in it. dissolved in it. '^^ , Dissolves a lit- Half an ounce of lard being melted on a water bath, two tie phosphorus, grains of well purified and very transparent phosphorus were added, and kept a quarter of an hour at the same tempera- ture ; care being taken not to shake it too much, that the air might not acidify the phosphorus. When cold, some of the phosphorus was found undissolved. The lard Iiad ac- quired a slight smell of garlic, and a disagreeable taste : it reddened infusion of litmus: it formed a very copious black precipitate with nitrate of silver, and a less abundant black precipitate with neutral nitrate of mercury at a minimum. An ounce of lard, brought to boil gently, was found to dissolve five grains of phosphorus; but part was precipitated by cooling. The lard was repeatedly washed with boihng water, which it rendered acrid; but it still retained some of the phosjUiorus in actual solution, without its being acid- , ined. The ON LARD, AND COMPOUNDS MADE WITH IT. . IQJ The phosphu retted lard prepa-ed with a boillui^ or a Sjen- Faintly lumi- tle hear, and wa .bed or unwashed, did not shine in tl)e durk j)°^'j|.^^ ^^ at a teni erutuie ot 55° or Oj-', even when rubbed by the haiid. At lt)7° it was fainti}^ luminous. Twelve grains of phosphorus bein^ distilled with two Lard distilled oniroes of lard, the mixture assumed a coally aspect much "* poosphB sooner than lard alone. At the commencement phosphu- retted hid:ogen gas was evolved, which took fire in the re- ceiver; and afterward both phosphuretted and carbnretted hidrogen were oi)tained in a jar over mercury. The receiver contained lard, whit h had carried over with it phosphorus and [jhosphu retted hidro^en gas. After cooling, on the ad- mission of air, it burned the lard rapidly. Whatever temperature be employed therefore, to dlssoive Phospborota* phosphorus in laid, more or less pbos;)horous acid is always j^^^'' ^i^^ay* formed ; whence I am induced to think, that the same thing happens in many other phosphuretted compounds. AH these experiments were made in contact with air. Tf air v ere ex- When air was exciudvd, the lard dissolved a portion of phos- eluded, it soon phorus without its being aciditied ; but it became acid in a on expoiu/e to few minutes, on pouring out the nieited lard, or shaking it it- in the open air. A cylinder 10 inches long and 8 lines in diameter was fill- -VsMe^ phas- ed with melted laid, and inunersed in merourj^ Half of it phorus from being expelled in this situation by phosphuretted hidrogen hidro .;u. gas, the cylinder was corked, removed into hot water to keep the lard in fusion, and shaken tiil co.d. On examination it was found to have diaaoived all ti;e piio-ipiiorus contained m the gas. As the muriatic acid does not act on hud, and t! is no- Action of thing interesting in the action of the sulphuric, l\ir. Vogtl acids. contined himself to tije nitric. He treated lard with it as directed by Fourcioy and Alyon ibr making the oxigenized pomatum. Alyon observes, that this pomatum has no need of being washed^ as it is not acid. Vogel iepeated his pro- ^'jtric always cess with an ounce of acid at 3ii^ to a paund of iard ; ana 'eaves It acid, afterward with acid at 30^ 28^, and as weak as 24*^ ; but he alwavs found the oxigen'.Eed lard acid. Making the experiment in a retort communicating with a Nitrogen, ni- pneuinato-cheanical apparatus, he obtained niti'Ogeu gas, n(»t t^ous, aud car* pure, JQg ON LARD, ABD COMPOUNDS MADE WITH IT, botiic acH ^as- pure, as Mr. Alyoii says, but mixed with nitrous gas and ses eYolved. carbonic acid gas, as Van Mens foiuKj. Lardoxigen- The hird thus oxigenized is as hard us suet, and requires ized by nitric ^ heat of 113° or 1 17x° to raelt it. Water boded with it, and partly evaporated, acquired a lejnon colour, and a rough, bitter taste ; reddened litmus ; and constantly precipitated acetate of lead and nitrate of mercury. Distill^ in a retort almost to dryness it yields a colourless fluitf containing a qnantity of acetic acid, and not precipitating the metallic solutions above mentioned. YicMsan acid The water in which it is washed, bejng evaporated to the owaer. f^onsistence of a thick liquid, lets full on cooling a brown, tenacious matter, attracting moisture from the air. The supernatant liquor bei no- decanted and evaporated, an infi- iiite number of small, white, very bnliiant needles form in it. These Mr. Vogel took at first for oxalic acid, but lime- water was not rendered turbid by it, and it had none of the properties of oxalic acid. Its nature will be st-eu below. K> ON LARD, AND COMPOUNDS MADE WITH IT. 1 Qg was copiously preclpitatecl by acetate of lead. Evaporated to the conslbteijce oi'a sirup, it was divested of colour by the nitric and muriatic acids> which formed in it a whitish pre- cipitate ; iuid on pouring in the acid a very rancid smell was perceived. , - Barytes water acts on the oxigenized lard more effectually, and more effcjc- Theoranj^e yellow colour it acquires from it is equally de- ^"^^*y "7 °^'' stroyed by acids. I poured in a quantity of sulphuric acid sufficient to take up the barytes, boiled the whole, and fil- tered it at a boiling heat. The filtered liquor, which con- tained nT> barytes, was evaporated in great part on a sand heat. Small slender needles crystallized from it, inter- spersed with silkv tufts. These were insoluble in alcohol, did not precipitate lime water, and were not sublimable in close vessels. - If lard be boiled in concentrated nitric acid, and the ebul- Bailing niirjc lition be continued, addinp^ water occasionally, a crystalline verulenrcfr" White powder forms in it on cooling. This powder is rough tals, 'to the touch, insoluble in alcohol, and much more soluble in hot water than in cold. Uy its combinations with diflerent which are' sac- bases, and other characters, I satistied myself, that it was ^^^'^^^'^^'c acid. tnucous acid*. Lard thus oxigenized at a maxii;!;iiim is soft, of a brown L^^j-d oxi«^eii- colour, perceptibly soluble in water, and vejy soluble in al- i-'^d at a maxi cohol. The water in which it was washed being saturated "^""^' by potash, the result was a foliated salt, attracting humidity Affords acetic from the air, and giving out acetic acid mi treating it with '^^^''^' sulphuric f. The precipitate ibrmed by acetate of lead in this water is nothing but the lard itself, which combines with the oxide of" lead, and carries down with it a little mu- cous acid. The former swims on the surlace, when the pre- cipitate is decomposed by sulphuric acid. . " Oxigetrlzed lard being very soluble in alcohol, a large quantity may be precipitated from it by water. By the powerful action of concentrated nitric acid on lard a certain Nitrate of ani* quantity of nitrate. of ammonia is forujed,; as may be seen "^<^^»^ ^o'^*^- * Beef, suet, though, it decomposes ftitrie -acid less powerfully, like- wise affoids mucous aCid. f Rancid fat and'very" old suet likewise afforded Mr. Vogel acetic acid, when treated in the same mauner. * • by 110 OS T.ARB, AND COMPOUNDS MADE WITH IT. by boiling down the water in which it is washed, and addinj? to it potasli or quick lime. Action of oxi- ^he action of oxigenized mmiatic acid not Itavinj^ yet Stic acid. been described, Mr. Vo^el conceived it mi^ht be nst fVil to enter into -t somewhat at large. He passed a lartjre quantity of the acid in the state of gas through Utrd ke[>t in fusion on a water bath. The gas previously travc-vsed a phial containing water, and the process was continued, t;ll the bubbles were no longer detained in the lard, which absorbed a very large quantity. When cold, the lard was considerably increased in wc'vt^ht, of a dirty white colour, and ranch aUered ia its consistence ; as it was soft, resembling a thick oilv fluM, so as to be capable of being poured easilv f-om one hot 'te into another, at a temperature of 55°. When first exposed to the air it emitted white acid vapours. After standing exposed to the air for two months, it ac* quired a little more solidity, but never that of common lard, ttg taste was rancid, not perceptibly acid, and left behind it Very little of a slight bitterness imtuting the throat. The simple muria-* the acid taken ^^^ ^^-^ ^,^g g^ combined with the lard, that only a very up by water, . ' . * t>ut expelled small portion could be taken up by washing with boiling by the nitric, water. Nitric acid however expelled it abundantly in the Tvhich does not form of white vapours with effervescence: yet, what is sin- fore, g"^*^'* the nitric acid is not decomposed, in whatever quan- tity it be employed, and the lard acquires neither colour nor solidity from it. Actions on It is known, that fat acts more or less on several metals, jncials. Copper for instance gives it a green colour, when air can act jointly with it. Mercury. As the combination of mercury with it is of most import- ance to the art of pharmacy, Mr. Vogel attended to this tnore particularly. Many apothecaries have endeavoured to improve the processes for medicines of this kind, ^nd parti- cularly for the strong mercurial ointiuent. Mr. Veau De- launay proposes rancid oib and Fourcroy has shown, that fat when oxigenized is better adapted for the extinction of mercury. Many chenusts have suspected, that the mercury in this ointment is in the metallic state, and not oxided* Mr. Vogel, knowing no experiment to support this opinion, made the following. He ON LARD, AND COMPOUNDS MADE WITH IT, 1 M He triturated equal parts of lard and mercury in a mor- Gains no oxi- lar, which he had accurately weighed. When the mercury arrlntrituraUoa was completely extinguished, he weighed the mortar with with iard. the ointment in it, and found it had gained nothing. Hence he inferred, that the mercury, if oxided, must have been so at the expense of the lard, and not by the oxigen of the air. To discover the state of the mercury, he introduced this It remains ia ointment recently prepared into a cylinder of glass hermeti- g^^^^^ cally sealed at one end ; and kept it three hours in boiling water. After it was cold two very distinct strata appeared, the uppermost of which was white like lard. From this he separated the lower by cutting the cylinder with a file. On braying this gently with hot water, 3 drachms 3 grs. of running mercury were collected. Tlie remainder, which obstinately retained a little lard, was treated with a lie of caustic potash. The soap formed was dissolved in alcohol, and thus the whole of the mercury was recovered. He likewise separated the lard from the mercury by boil- Farther proof* ing the ointment in water. The lard swam on the top, o^^^i*' slightly coloured by a little mercury, that adhered strongly to it: and the mercury remained at the bottom of the vessel, mixed with a little lard, but the slightest agitation united its globules. The ointment being treated with muriatic acid in close vessels, no oxigenized muriatic gas was evolved. Ointments that had been prepared three months, eiglit The mercury months, and several years, beiny^ examined, a little oxided acquires a I ittl« „ , , , -n • 1 oxigen by long mercury was found, but the greater part was still m the me- keeping. tallic state. Mr. Vogel likewise triturated mercury with Venice tur- Mercury not pentine, which extinguished it with facility. The turpentine ^'^^"^^ ^y **""* being then dissolved in alcohol, the mercury was left behind in little globules ; and the alcohol being evaporated, the turpentine was recovered without any alteration in its pro- perties. In these ointments, therefore, the mercury is not in the Merely divided state of oxide, as has generally been supposed, but merely '" t|jese and divided very minutely. Mr. Vogel is likewise inclined to pounds, think, that it is in a similar state iij many mercurial com- pounds l\Q ON LARD, AND COMPOUNDS MADE WITH IT. pounds more or less in use, as the mercurial piaster of Vigo, ethiops saccharatiis, ethiops alkalisatus, Plenck's gummy mercurial, aud a number of s'.milar mixtures. If the colour be objected, it may be observed, that antimony, however brilliant, bismuth, or any other metal capiible of being pow- dered, becomes of a blackish gray when minutely divided. Action on salfs. Mr. Vo^el next examined the action of fat on metallic salts. Ointment of He prepared the unguentum citrhmm by dissolving three Hlve^r.^^^"*^^' ounces of mercury in four of uitric acid, and mixing them with two pounds of lard. As the surface of this ointment always grows white after a time, for wliieh some account by ascribing it gratuitously to the absopption of oxigeu by the air, he poured this ointment while still fluid into squares of paper. Some of these he' placed under a jar filled with air over mercury. Tn twenty-four, hours no absorption had taken place, yet the surface was strikingly whitened. Others he placed under the receiver of an airpump, in which he speedily made a vacuum ; and. this he kept up for some hours, giving occasionally a stroke with the p'ston, which at lirst occasioned an ebullition of air-bubbles. The ointment . when removed from the vacuum was perfectly yellow, and remained in this state without the least change. Whiteness of From these experiments he conceives, that the white crust the surface ow- jg owing" to the extrication of gas, either nitrogen or nitrous, ing to air (le- .... „ ,, i • i ^ ^ i /• ' ■ ■, taineJ there, which arrives rrom all the internal parts at the surtace, and increases its volume. As it gradually cools, it does not l^ave the gas time to escape entirely, so that part of it remains, and forms an infiuite number of small white bubbles at the surface. ' . i*^ Mavbemade i^^ confirmation of this may be added,- that, when the so as to remain ointment is suiiered to cool in the vessel in which it was kept ^ ' in fusion, and |5articularly when it is still heated a little, the quantity of caloric is sufficient to expel all the gas, and the ointment remai^ns constantly yellow, without undergoing any farther alteration.. „ ., ■ To examine this compound, and form a judgment of the Boilca in wa- jo ttr. chemical changes, that might have taken place, Mr. Vogel bojled in water for half an hour some ointment, that had been made about two years* It became very clotty, and the water ON LARD, AND COMPOUNDS MADE WITH IT. I ^5 water was so interposed, that it was difficult to separate the whole of it. The water acquired a yellow colour, and a slii^Htly bitter taste; was scarcely at all acid; aud did not coutaiii an atom of mercviry. By wny of comparison some ointment only a day old was treated with hot water as loni* as it would take up any thing. This had nearly the same clinvacters as the water with which the old ointment was washed, and scarcely exhibited any traces of mercury on the addition of a hidrosulphuret. Henco ii was natural to conclude, that the acid nitrate of The acid con. mercury had undergone a change; aud it might be P^^" curv to vdlow 8umed, that it had passed to the state of yellow nitrate, or nitrate. nitrous turbith, which is little soluble in water. On keep- ing the ointment a long time in fusion, liowever, no turbith separated f o n it, so that it must be intimately united or dissolved in the la^-d. To satisfy himself of the possibility Oxlgenized of this solution, Mr. Vogel heated turbith with oxigenized la'dandydlow Jard; and having decanted the clear fluid part, it perfectly form unguen- resembled the unguentum citriuum, and contained a large turn citrmuro. quantity of mercury. With respect to the virtues of this ointment, which some Some consider physiciansi assert are the same with those of lard simply oxi- the mercury as . ... ... useless. genized by nitric acid, I do not pretend to decide : but it is probable, that a substance containing mercury in actual combination must produce different effects from one that does ijot. Instead of the acid nitmte employed above, Mr. Vogel Neutral nitrate next took neutral nitrate at a minimum, reduced it to a fine ^^'^"ffs^ from ■ white to vel- powder, and projected it into heated lard. Bubliles were low by lard; immediately produced, and the white powder of the nitrate was soon changed to a yellow. The lard acquired a solid consistence, and contained mercury in solution. The neutral nitrate then is decomposed by lard : not that which takes up the mercur>' parts with oxigen to it, for it is already at a mi- part of its acid. nimufii ; but the nitric acid quits in part the oxide of mer- cury, and attacks the lard, by which it is decomposed ; the result of which is yellow nitrate of mercury, whjch in fact contains but little nitric acid. With the njtrates of silver and lead, and the oximuriates Other mct»lli« of platina and mercury, very little decompositioi^ takes place, **^^*' Yoi^-XVlU-OwT. I8O7. . I ' and 114 FORMATION OF FLINT, and they 60 not produce the same effects oh lard as the ni- trates of mercury, ©enerai ccn- From the facts here adduced we may infer, elusions. i^ That light, without air, turns lard yellow, and gives it an acrid, rancid taste, without acidifying it. 2. That lard yields no ammonia by distillation, and con- tains no nitrogen, so that it may be considered as a purely vegetable substance. 3. That in the sulphur pomatum a portion of sulphur is dissolved, without being acidified. 4. That phosphorus dissolves in it, but is quickly changed into phosphorous acid, and its acidification is increased by the contact of air. 5. That lavd oxigenized by long exposure to air constant-^ ly becomes acid. That the water with which it is washed precipitates some metallic solutions, and, if distilled, gives oi^t at last acetic acid. ■ C. That nitric acid forms with lard a yellow bitter sub^ tance, acetic acid and mucous acid. That the latter can- not be completely separated from it by washing ; and that it is equally obtainable from suet by means of nitric acid, 7. That the oxigenized muriatic acid is decomposed by lard, which it leaves whitish, very soft, and incapable of fur- nishing the yellow bitter matter, when subsequently treated <. with nitric acid. 8. That mercury is in the metallic state, but very minute* ly divided, in fresh prepared mercurial ointment. 9. 1 hat in the unguentum citrinum the mercury is a ni- trate with oxide at a minimum : that the white appearance of the surface is owing to bubbles of gas: and that the neu- tral nitrate ot" niercury at a minimum is decomposed in lard, VII. Extract of a Memoir of Mr, HaqueTj on the Formation of Flint*. Flint of recent "^ ^^^^ the vai'ions proofs, which this gentleman has forniation. adduced of the recent formation of flint, we shall cite the following. * Journal (i§s Mines, No. 119, p. 405. November, t806. In OXIDATION OF LEAD SOLDER. 1 ] § In the chalks of Volhynia there are a great number of , ^- flints, in the form of nodules more or less large. In on^ Petrified woo4^ place were found two as big as a man's fist, enclosing petri* **"" *^ * * fied roots of wood. The autlior possesses one of these, the wood in which has not altered in colour, and appears to be beech. Another nodule found in the same place contains a number of splinters of wood. The chalk, from which these flints were taken, analysed Analysis of tb» by Mr. Haquet, gave in 100 parts, lime 47, magnesia 8, '^^^^^^ ^^* carbonic acid 33, silex 7, alumine 2, oxide of iron 0*5. He has likewise analysed several flints from different places, ^nd found them containing : Silex ...ff 92*75 •• 92-50.. 92-75.. 97 ••89 Analysesof Alumine I-IO-. .. 1-50.. 1 ..2 ^i^^s. Lime 1-25.. 3 .- 2-75.. 0-25«r 4-15 Magnesia ...••• •« •. 0-51'. •• Oxide of iron 2 • • 1*25. . 1 • » 1 • • 1'75 Oxide of manganese •• 0*75. • Mr. Haquet observes, that flints are never found at any Always near nsiderable depth; and the deeper we go, tli more distant from each other are the nodules. considerable depth; and the deeper we go, the smaller and * ^® ^"' '^^*^' VIII. Of the Oxidation of the Solder ELA^^TiiERiE*, xILN enlightened amateur of the arts, Mr. Fougeray de Lead solder ^Launai, who lives near Soissons, informed me, that Taun- *^ '"r^^^'* '** '. • . . Z . "" vessels used lO dresses, who wash geat quantities of linen, use for their washing. b^ucklng tubs large vessels made of se\'eral sheets of lead, soldered together with the common solder consisting of lead and tin. This solder suffers no damage, as long as the ves- pel is kept in use : but if it be left empty for a few months, the >«older is so much oxided, that the lead must be soldered afresh, before it will hold lie again. 1 requested prof, Vau- CO -15 s CO CO • Si" CO CTi -^ r^ "^ o^. C^ O^. C^d oo o -^^ cy j>. »^< »-i CO O^ZTi CO - 'o 'O -< to o* c^ »0 'O O* C') »> O -* CO CO t^ 0> CO ■ 'O -J' CO c^ —< GO CO "* •O CO C^ -' ^ CT) CO «0 'O '-« o o CTi in ^ o* CO 'H C^ O CO '^ o a^ O^ 00 »0 CN CC CO 00 -^ CO c-< -* 00 'O • c^ • i>- »o 00 00 b t-- 00 t>. O l>- CTj'O lO »o r^ ^ CO o^ CO'CN 0» 00 C< r-l CO O CO o» 'f • CO o? O^ GO OC^GON.'O^O-'tCOC^'^OO CTioOoOGOoOoOcOOOoOOOoOt^ '*C*Oa^N.'O'i?OoO'Oco-. L^ 'O sO O O lO ^ to t'i »0 * 0*5 C^ -< -* - CC 0» O* r^ »0 CO -^,Q 00 t^'O .0»^'*coo?« •>-• t>-5O'*c0 0>»'-t» • • • • C0C<».-1««»«»«*» CO 'O ^ c^ w> o 0< CO ">+ 'O 'O t-* 3C O^ O *o o » CN -* t>» .— CN CO 'O t>^ .^^ ^ CO o o* ^ 1— r» c- ^^-^ c ,.j rr 'O ^ :::::::: §S : S?: : : : cO • ♦ -« • :g: :g ac 00 ** 2 C< r-t O {>. t^ t- 00 t>.'0 lO -^ CO t>. t> 1^ t>. H. b. 'OrfcOC^-^C^cOb^'sOiO 'O 'O ^ 'O 'O to to »^ »O«C^ O -f CO c<» -< o O ^00 • I>.<0 lO • "f • .-'0.00C?iO «}/> fee S .*, G a ^ x; *" s^^ § •c o ■£ °* rt — I 4> ? ^ c * - *« 2 «4- o ^ jr o«^ « - 4) <« ^ V C *bD O «« rt B "^ •-» I ?^ -* C O « *J t 13 TIDE TABLE, &C. Universal tide 2. In the secotid place I was abked for the easiest mode of ^' fiiiding the time of high wqter, with sufficient accuracy for common purposes. I have made a table, which, I believe, . is- tolerably correct; but not being so conversant in the sub- ject as I could wish, 1 shoiild be much obliged to any of your correspondents skilled in navigation, if they would compare it with the best observations, and inform me whe- ther they approve of the principle. Waves break 3. Xhe third inquiry related to the cause of the breaking the lip )er part ^^ a wave into surf. Waves seldom break at sea, unless moving fa-'.er the wind is very high : but when they approach the shore, e ower, ^^^^^ always break sooner or later. The general reason of their breaking appears to be the excess of the velocity with which the upper part of the wave advances above that of the lower part: and this may be derived either from the effect of the wind on the upper part, or from the resistance of the bottom to the motion of the lower part, or from a third cause, which is more general, where the magnitude of the wave is at all considerable in comparison with the depth of the fluid; for in this case the upper part of the wave must have a natural tendency to advance more rapidly than the lower, on account of the greater depth which determines its velocity. Beside this, the form of the wave itself, where the water is shallow, may be such as to render it incapable of advancing without a change of the direction of its ante- rior surface into a situation more nearly vertical, Defect in the ^^ *^^ calculations by which the velocity of waves has calculation of been determined, it has been usual to neglect not only the wlfvw!'''''^^ ^"^ difference of the whole depth of the fluid at different parts of the wavers surface, but also the immediate effect of the w horizontal motion of the particles, so far as it is not con- cerned in producing an elevation or depression by its varia- . tions. The theory, abstracted from these considerations, is ^ perfectly correct ; and may be combined with their results so as to be rendered applicable to some cases, which are not otherwise comprehended by it. Thus if we suppose a wave, terminated by two planes, equally inclined, to be placed in a surface on which it can move without resistance, it may be shown, that the highest point will begin to be flattened with the velocity deducible from the depth at that point, the new angular BREAKING OF WAVES. J 19 anovular point advancing on each side upon the inclined sur* face with a velocity which is at tirst equal to that which is due to half the depth, and is afterwards uniformly retarded; so that the angle is twice as long- in travelling- over the whole surface of the wave, as it would otherw ise have been. The centre descends at first more rapidly than the part nearer the margin, so that the wave becomes concave in the mid- dle, instead of being flat, as it would be if the depth of the fluid were very great. In the mean time the margins of the wave advance with a velocity, which continues to be um« formly accelerated, until the angle reaches it; and this ve- locity is as much smaller than that of a body falling by its weight, as the height of the wave is smaller than half the breadth : for the whole horizontal pressure acting on any vertical section of tlie wave is every where proportional to the quantity of ttie fluid beyond it, and as long as the deeper parts retain their form, they will urge forward the shallower with a constant force. But if any part of the surface of the wave be concave, the velocity thus produced in its upper parts will cause them to advance more rapidly than the lower, and the surface will become more and more inclined to the horizon: if on the contrary it be convex, the lower parts will be protruded, and the convexity will be diminish- ed. Beside the case of a wave advancing in consequence These reason- of its gravitation on a flat shore, these considerations aie Jq^'^Jq^^q^qji also applicable to that of a drop of oil, spreading, by the spreading on force of cohesion, on the surface of a vessel of water. ^* ^^' I am. Sir, Your very obedient servant, W Sept. 1807. HYDROPHILUS. ANNOTATION, MY correspondent not having gone at large into the usfe' and application of the tide table annexed, Plate IV, a little more particular detail on the subject will probably be ac- ceptable to many of my readers. The small shaded circle Manner of fit- in fig. 1 being cut out, a damp wafer is to be put in its u^ng Jte^iide place, and over it fig. 2; which is likewise to be cut out, table, and 120 TIDB TABtR. »nihure!% his paper, that a hot sulphuret acts as any liquid f^^nuJog^^ would do, that had been deprived of the quantity of nitro- gen it is naturally capable of absorbing j and thus he ac- counted lor tli€ variatioiis he e?cperienced on operating with greater or smaller quantities of sulphuret. Von Humboldt aad Gay-Lussac say too, that Mar- Proportion d ty fixes the propprtion of oxigen in the atmosphere to be atm^osr>her« * between '21 and '23; and hence they draw an argument against the method of operating with sulphurets, which in ^ 4:onsequence appears to them much less accurate than the proof by hidrogeu gas. But this uncertainty between '21 and '23 Mr. de Marty experienced ouly in h s first experi- ments : and it was from this very variation, and a wish to diminish its extent, that he was led to discover the eriour occasioned by the absorption of nitrogen by the sulphuret, when it is deprived of this gas by heat ; so that when he had completed the improvement of his method, the results were constantly restricted between •21 and '22. This being once thoroughly ptoved, I do not see what As a test of it, advantage the analysis by hidrotcen eas has over that by the '^"^'^^g^" "o^ ,1 1 . '. p , . . 1 . ,. , superior loah- enlphuret, when it is pertormed with due precaution, which quid swlphuret should always be a matter of course. It certainly has not in requiring the advantage of requiring less time; for by operating as less time, Mr. de Marty does, any one who hns acquired a little habit of making the experiment can perform this in five minutes. It has not that of greater simplicity : for the sulphu'et re- bein«rTnoTe quires only a graduated tube, and a ground stopple bottle ; simple, while for the hidvogen gas at least a small eudiometer and an electrophorus are necessary ; and what is very inconve- nient, the latter must be kept in a state to give sparks, which is not very easy on mountains and when travelling, particularly if the air be loaded with moisture. Lastly I will add, that it has not the advantage of superior accuracy: or giving a for when it is once proved, that the sulphuret will absorb "^^^^f accurate only J^8 ON COLOURS OF THIN PELLICLES. only a given quantity of nitrogen as a liquid, and tliat, if it be taken thus saturated, it constantly skives the precise pro- portion of 'Ql in close vessels, no objection can be brought But objection- ajrainst its use ; while a very stroni^ oue may be urged able, as boiled " . . , . , ' ■water absorbs against the use of the electric spark, since either boiled wa- ■omeoftheox- ter is employed, and then it willabsorb a small portion of *d *nb 1 d ^^^ oxigen very g'eedily, or the water will be saturated with jiTcs out air. air, and then the pressure occasioned by the detonation will always lorce out nome bu!)bles. One or other of these in- conve ieiices appears to me unavoidable ; and the latter in particular oiten teamed me, in the numerous experiments I had occjisiou to inake on the analysis of gasses by the elec- tric spark, cither with Tiienaid, or alone, on the Alps* It is true tVe diherences hence arising, when we operate with care, amouiit only to some thousandth parts : but it is of thou^alidth parts we are speaking; and if there be another process, wiiic^h gives at least equal if not supTerior accuracy, with less trouLde, it appears to me to deserve the prefer- ence. Air merowded Finally, to return to the memoir of Mr. de Marty, I shall cKnrchesand add, that he has equally tried the air contained in theatres theaties not deficient in ox- aod m churches, when a great concourse of persons were igen. assembled in them, and that he constantly found the same quantity of oxigen ; an experiment which von Humboldt and Gay-Lussac made likewise at Paris. xiy. Summanj Considerntmis on the Prismatic Colours of Bodies reduced to thin Pellicles; with an Explanation of the Co- lours of Amiealed Steel, and those of the Peacock's Fea,- thers. A Fragment of a Work on Colours: by C, A. Prieur*. Tliin substan- ^ ERTAIN extremely thin substances, the thickness of CCS exhibit ^j^jch varies proj^ressively from one part of them to another, prismatic CO- i ?? j • n ^ p i- cf lour^. exhibit, as is well known, a series oi colours ot ditierent • Annales de Cliimie, Vol. LXI, p. 154, Feb. 1807. tintSa ON COLOURS or THIN PEtHCLES. ISQ tints, sometimes very -brilliiint. It is hot my intention here to describe these, still less to dispute the particulars so ad- mirably described by Newton. 1 shall only attempt to draw- some conclusions respecting the origin of these colours, to establish a comparison with those arising from absorption, and to assign the trus cause of some phenomena hitherto diil'ereritly explained. The principal effects, to which it is of importance for these purposes to call the attention, are the following. When the light falls on very thin bodies, that exhibit the When light .• - 1 fallo oil theses prismatic colours : 1. At the places where tliese colours arise on the thin sub- it is partly re- stance, each pencil of rays, or if you please the white light, transmitted'^' ^ is separated into two portions in a variable manner, and one of these portions is reflected, while the other can issue from the substance only bj transmission. 2. This division of the pencil varies according to a cer- This depends tain iaw, which depends on the thickness of the body, its ^^^^l^y ^and^^* density, and the inclination of the luminous rays, inclination to 3. Each ray in particular comports itself, as if it possessed p , , the singular property of having fits of easy reflection at pe- alternate fits of riodical intervals, and fits of easv transmission at other in- easy reflection . , 1 » * n-«i • ^"" transmis- tervals alternating with the former. 1 hese various results sion. are equally indisputable. But whence can this disposition of the rays arise ? Newton Newton sup- has considered it as inherent. in the rays themselves, not only of this inherent in that part of their passage comprised between the two ex- in the ray itself, treme surfaces of a body that they traverse, but throughout '^ ^"^ ^ *^^* the whole course of these rays, from the moment they begin to issue from a luminous body*. This is a kind of occult cause, of which it is difficult to form a clear idea; and ac- cordingly some distinguished philosophers have shown great hesitation to admit it. But Newton himself, at. the end of his work, puts us into ^^ another re^ the right road in a more bappy manner, when heasks, whe- fers it to the ther it be not by virtue of the same principle, that the rays ifg^eflection, are reflected and refracted by bodies, and inflected in their ricinity f. • Opt. lib 2, part 3, prop. 13. -f lb. lib. 3, qujest, 4. Vol. XVIII—OcT. 1807. K It 1.50 O?* COLOUKS OF THIN PELLICLES. It 1$ taitich to be rei^retted, that tliia great man did not treat the subject of inflexion as extensively as he did that of coloured rings ; or even that he did not atteiid to the devia- tion of light in the vicinity of bodies, before he examined its changes of direction by the action of their surfaces: as un- questionably he would have deduced new and very valuable consequences from it. A great analo- In fact the greatest analogy subsists between the pheno- fhese pheno- ^^^^ of inflexion round a minute body, and those of re- inena. flexion or transmission by thin substances : for the coloured Coloured fringes in one case appear to follow the same law as the co- loure^H ^\!^p:^°' l^ured rings in the other. And if this be not very sensible follow the with respect to the fringes adjacent to the shadow of a body same aw. ^^ small diameter received into a dark chamber, it is more evident in the fringes produced by the light that passes be- tween two bodies very near together ; it is still more in the series of coloured images formed between the plumes of a feather, when looking at a candle through them ; and it is very manifest likewise in the bars seen by the eye, when a piece of linen, or a series of wires very near together, is placed between it and the light, as in the experiments of Mr. Rittenhouse. Method of I have found a method of rendering this resemblance still rendering this Ytiove conspicuous. For this purpose I employ black crape, more obvious. ,„ , , i ,, if. i i , , i If the eye be covered thus, and irom a dark place you look at a light a little distant, you will perceive the light sur- rounded by a series of very apparent rings, the colours of which are very vivid, and of the same tints as those of the co- louTred rings of thin plates. Candle seen If the flame of a candle be placed in the midst of a pret- through va- ^y abundant aqueous smoke, or so that it can be seen only ^°^^' through this smoke, the flame will appear surrounded by perfectly analogous rings. I can imitate them likewise very conveniently by tarnishing a glass with breathing on it, and immediately looking at the image of a luminous body either through it or reflected from it. Those rings, which are some- times seen surrounding the sun or moon very closely, are probably phenomena of the same kind. Newton speaks On the other hand Newton speaks of undulations like of berpentine ^Uq^q of an eel, which he suspects are produced in the rays, undulations, x * v when on COLOURS OF THIN PELLICLES. 131 ■when they pass very near bodies*. The formation of these, and the necessity of their existence, I think I can render sensible. With this view I would call tlie attention to the very in- "^°J^/J^^'^ '"'^ teresting results of the experiments of Newton and s'Grave- sande relative to inflexion: results so certain, that no one certainly will attempt to question them, but which it is not- Avithstanding satisfactory to be able to verify ourselves, and to observe with ail their peculiarities, as I had the advan- tage of doing in experiments on the same subject made at Mr. Treraery's, in concert with Messrs. Berthollet, and the particulars of which I have given in a preceding part of my work. From the action which a point, or the edge of any body, E/^h particle ^ . " , of matter sur- exerts on the luminous rays, it seems to me we are author- rounded by an ized to consider eacli molecule, or distinct parcel of matter, attractive as enveloped with a double sphere of activity in respect to j^ and'arepul- light: one more interior, in which the rays are attracted by sive sphere ex- the body; the other more exterior, in which the rays are re- pelled. Now it will happen, that, in several positions, a ray, coming to traverse the repellent sphere, will describe: there a curve convex toward the body; that, if it afterward penetrate the attractive sphere, the curve of deviation will be concave toward the body ; and that it will a second time become convex toward it, when the ray repasses into the sphere of repulsion, to continue its course. Here we have the commencement of an undulatory motion, the curves of which may be multiplied by a series of molecules. ., Would this cause be sufficient, to effect the fits of easy Is this the cause reflection and transmission of the rays directed to the sur- ^^^y refle'ction face of a body.!* &transmi,sion? The phenomena of colouration here considered appear to Probably it is. tne, to be very naturally explained by this simple mean: yet I merely announce it as a probability. To leave no- thing to be desired in such a proposition, no doubt more profound investigation is necesi«ary ; as well as in particular to put it to the test of calculation, in order to see, whether it be possible by the attractive and repulsive powers ascribed * Opt. lib, 5, qusst.. 3. K 2 to 132 ON COXOUES OF THIN PELLICLES. to each molecule of a body, in a case given to deduce the motion of the luminous rays repelled or impelled now in one direction, now in another, conformably to the reflections or transmissions produced by pelHcles. The same co- It is of more importance to my object however to reraaik, lours ; roduced ^i^,^^ ^| i ..g .^y\^\^^^ from fits of eusy reflection and trans- b^'twe, II bodies _ ° /^ "^ , in a vacuum, mission are equally produced, as Mazeas very justly ob- served, betAvcen the surfaces of two bodies brought near to- gether, witliout the interposition of any matter, as in two lenses, or two pieces of glass, applied to each other in the vacuum of an airpump. And in thick On the other hand these colours do not always require a P ^-'^s. ^^^^,y. ^^^^Y distance of the surfaces, since Newton himself obtained coloured rings by the action of two surfaces of a concave glass mirror three lines thick; and found, that in thick plates these rings depend on the ratio of the thickness, according to the same law as he had determined with respect to thin plates; which he confirmed by the observation of the rings of a mirrOr only one line thick. Colours of pel- ^^^ ^^^ *^^^" ^-*y comparing the various phenomena I have licles indepen- mentioned, that the prismatic colours of a pellicle, or a thin dautof ; icsu - pj^^^^ ^f glass, are as fugitive and independant of the proper colour of the substance, as those of a thick piece of glass : and of its thin- that those colours even may not depend on the thickness in uess. jjjjy respect, as when they arise in the interval between two glasses brought together, or in the fissures of certain mine- Analogous to ^'^^s • *^^^* ^^^^y ^^^'^ ^^^ greatest analogy with the rings pro- the rings iava- duced in a mist, in smoke, or in the intervals of threads tween'onake impermeable themselves to liglit: and finally, that, if we substances. trace it up to the action of a point, or a single particle of And m?y be matter, on the luminou? fluid, we shall there find a very pro- aTtton of par- bable origin of the modifications of the direction of the tides of matter rays, that are deflected by the particles of bodies in the dif- °" 'g t, ferent instances quoted, and which, being -difl^erently influ- enced each according to its nature, ultimately escape in a diflerelit direction. Hence results a variety of colours on without any these bodies, determined solely by the number or distance the'ir n^tu're ^^ ^^^'^ particles, without any relation to their nature. Colours of bo- Let US now proceed to establish^a parallel between these • sorts ON COLOURS OF THIN PELLICLES. 133 sorts of colours, and those of the particles of bodie* sub- 'lies that ab- jected to the laws oi" absorption. ■^^'^ ^* In the first place with respectto the latter the luminous The pencil not pencil is not divided as in the former. The rays that do not ^'^^'^•'^ ^^'■''• reappear in a given direction are not thf-own into another di- rection ; they remain absorbed in the substance, even when the mass is perftctly transparent. In the next place the colours resulting from absorption The colours are sometimes owins: to grrouus of rays very different from differ ^rom „? , ^ ',. . , T- . . , tliose of pelU- those that tnin pellicles can lurinsh. Tor mstance, these (,ies. never produce a colour like that of bodies tinged violet by oxide of manganese, or like the blue of cobalt or of indigo. Besides in these two kinds of phenomena there is no relation between the progress of colour depending on the degree of thickness. Thirdly the colours of the thinnest pellicles are very vivid. Are impercep- Those of the most intensely coloured solutions on the con- ^^^^"^^ thia.^* trary are imperceptible when so thin. It is for this reason the colour of extremely thin leaves of mica has no relation to the yeliow or other colour of the ma^s from which they are separated ; they resembling pieces of the m^ost colourless glass of similar thinness, so tliat mixed together they would not be distinguishable. Thus glass, mica, or any other substance, which when Substances co- very thin is invested with the most brilliant colours, pa-ses ' -"^^^ Y^'^? to a colourless state by lacreasmg its thickness, or to a co- waen thicker. lour iadependant of that displayed by it w hen thin. But it may be said, to compare a coloured mass to an Molecules of a assemblage of parcels of a determinate thickness, these g'^en thick- . , IT ness, kepr at a parcels must be kept at a suitable distance from each other, given di tance. In this case, I should answer, you will have a certain co- yf^,old reflect lour reflected, aad another transmitted, which is precisely ou^i roiour, complementary to the former. Now this double colouration '^^ opposite. never takes place in perfectly diaphanous substances. The examples of the infusion of nephritic wood and pre- infuson of cipitates of gold are not more applicable to this case, since, nephn?,c wood 11 1 ^1 n . n \ • • 1 & preci; itates as 1 iiave shown, the redected colours are owing to particles of gold, u .ake impermeable to hght, and disseminated in a transparent panicLs in a fluid ; and we may alter the nature of these particles, or even liuidf ^"^^^ have 134 COLOURS OF HEATED METALS. have others, so as to change the reflected colour, without any alteration in the transmitted colour. Hitherto there is no case known, that allows us any foun- dation to consider a body that is perfectly transparent, or even a httle turbid, as composed of parcels of a given thick- - ness, and kept at a necessary distance, in order to produce a colour dependant on the thickness of its elementary parts. Colours of pel- Lastly the colours of pellicles are in certain cases variable the incliiiatioiri ^Y *^'^ inclination of the light and of the eye, and some- oftherays,and times too by the influence of the mediums with which they medium.^ are in contact. Nothing similar to this takes place in the colours proper to the particles of bodies; for these are fixed and permanent in whatever direction we look at them, and are equally unchangeable by immersion in a dilferent fluid medium of less or greater density. Permanent co- These characteristic differences I conceive are sufficient haveadrff" ^nl ^^ authorize the opinion, that the colours of substances in capse. masses have not the same origin as those of thin pellicles ; a conclusion as important with respect to its object, as to the difference of opinion that still subsists on it amoi\g the learned *. I shall conclude with some observations on two curious kinds of phenomena, analogous to the subject, which I think I have sufficient grounds to explain in a manner different from that'generally admitted. Colours of ' The first relates chiefly to the colours of annealed steel. heated steel, Newton has ranked these amone those that depend on co- referrid to the , , . „ . , . . , . . same cause by loured rings; not irom a particular exammation, but simply Newton J as a consequence of the system he had formed, supposing that the magniturle of the metallic particles must have beea altered by the action of the fire. He did not consider whe- ther thete were any jother causes, between which a choice was to be made, to oxigenation lyiore modern philosophers on the contrary have ascribed dlxns' "^°' tl)ese colours without any hesitation to a different degree of * See among others in the 2d edition of Berth oil et's Elements of Dye- ing, and the 2d edition of Haiiy's Treatise on Natural Philosophy, the discussions and opp<5'sife bpinions of theffe celebrated authors on this, question, > - oxidation, COLOURS OF JIEATED METALS. 135 oxidation, because they have supposed they observed a great similarity between the appearances in question, and those of several metals placed in circumstances under which they are actually oxided. This subject however deserves at least a closer examination, and the following is the simple method I have pursued. 1 held a steel watchspring across the flame of a candle a A steel watch- few seconds in a fixed position. After it was cold and clean- ^vThe flame of ed", I found both on the right and left of the central point, a'candle where the flame had been, a series of colours more and more acquired the faint [degradees], with periodical recurrences, such as would P"sniatic co- have been exhibited by a small band cut precisely from the ly in concen- middle of a circle formed of a series of concentric coloured ^"*^ ""^* rings. The nature of the phenomenon then is very dis- tinctly shown here, particularly as the exterior ring was nearly 3 cent. [1 1*7 lines] in diameter, and the others de- creased interiorly with intervals of a few millimetres. No- thing was wanting to have completed the circles, but to have operated on a bioad plate of steel suspended horizontally over the point of the flame. Not having such a plate at hand, I took a sheet of tin, A sheet of tin which, with appearances analogous to the preceding, af- forded very vivid colours in consequence of its natural whiteness.' With a proper degree of inclination the colours are most lively ; particularly tlie yellow, I'ed, and blue, which form together a spot, in which the blue occupies the centre, surrounded by the red, and beyond this with the yellow, with the intermediate tints and gradations. There is nothing in the property tin has of being oxided Not fromoxi- and forming salts, that indicates colours corresponding with "^^''^'^' these : on the other hand the periodical recurrences on the steel spring evidently belongs to a series of rings : we must conclude therefore, that this phenomenon is simply of the class of coloured rings. Another trial made with a gold ring equally produced re- q i j ^u peated traces of rings, and here the suspicion of oxidation will hold still less. A copper wire gave me similar indications, though more Copper and faintly; but I have observed them very striking on copper chimneys of stoves. Lead that has just been melted ex hi- lead similar. bits shows this more plainly. i^ COLOURS OF HEATED METALS. Caloric has not altered the di- nien-ions of the panicles, but separated them progres- sively. Similar effects from altering the arraiijre- ment of the particles oi bj- dies. Proof of this. These effects shown in a striking man- ner. bits the same kind of colours, according to the circumstances of its cooling, even ou its lower surface not exposed to the air. With regard to the manner in which caloric acts on the metal in these instances, 1 will not say, that it has altered the magnitude of the particles; for how can we, that a substance can vary tl^e disposition of 4;he constituent elements of its molecules without changing its nature? But I can more readily conceive, that there has been a progressive separation of the particles, increasing from the part scarcely heated to that in immediate contact with the flame. This separation, from the principles I have laid down, must in fact have been sufficient to produce these rings. Besides, we daily see many examples of this sort of co- lours, where the arrangement of the particles appears to be the sole determining cause. Such are the spots formed on knife blades by the acid on fruit; those on silver by sul- phurous vapoiirs, or the continued contact of certain subr stances; and the prismatic colours of pellicles forpied on the surface of liquids coritaining some matter at first dissolved, and afterward precipitated slow^ly by the gradual evaporation of some volatile principle, seen in manuiactories and labo- ratories. The waters of dunghills are sometimes covered with similar colours. Now all these effects, whatever be the nature of the pri- mitive matter, or of that secondarily formed, depends only em the arrangement of the parts. Nothing is more easy than to ascertain this. Scratch the surfaces, break the pellicles, and all this tnultitude of colours will be annihilated, the frag- ments of each leaving only particles uniformly possessing the common properties of their kind. • The following among others is a very convenient mode of observing these effects. Take a small quantity of Schetle's green, dissolve it in an acid, and, after having largely diluted tiie solution with' water, precipitate by an alkah, and add ammonia merely to rediscolve the precipitate. Let the whole stand in a ve sel not closed, and in a few days the surface w;U be covered with a' very evident coloured pellicie, in yi^hich periodical recurrences of rings wdl be distinguished, if it have remained undisturbed. This pellicle may be taken up ON CHANGEABLE COLOURS. 137 up by sliding underneath It a piece of paper, or of glass, as the side of a funnel for instance, to allow the water to run off. The colouvs of the pellible will continue visible after it is removed ; and by lettin;^ the matter dry slowly we may preserve them for an indefinite time with all their vividness. But if we pa^s the linoer lightly over il, we shall collect nothing but a green powder: the red, yellow, blue, and purple, that appeared so brilliant, will be gone in an in- stant. My second phenomenon respects the changeable colour of Changeable several pai ts of the plumage of the peacock, and of some ^j^g^s. ' '' other birds, as the cock, pigeon, duck, and turkey. Here, after a very deliberate compar;»rive examination, and the * most circumspect reflection, I have ultimately relinquished the idea, that the^e colours are to be referred to rings. My conviction was produced as follows. In the iirst place 1 considered, that these colours were not Not owing to -the necessary result of a certain tenuity of parts; for on the ^®^^"^'y* one hand several animals incontestably display in the slen- der filaments of their hair, feathers, or dowii, various de- grees of teiiuity, Irom tlie most imperceptible, vvitirout its producing colour. Is not the white peacock itseif a staking instanct of this? On the other hand have not many birds and insects co- lours unchangeable in situation and iii tlieir reflections in every point of view? 'i hose ot the wings of some butter- flies are peifeciiy tixed, tiiough dependant on a down so tme as to be scarcely visible, it is likewise proper to remark. Ail o^^ake ex- that all these colours indicate opacity, as those of the jxa- ^^-!'t^'''« wings cock s feathers ; the wii.^s oi flits excepted, in which tints analogous to coloured rings are observed : but iheae mem- branes have a sensible tiani&pareucy, like scales of niica or blown glass. I alterward observed the change of colour of several fea- Feathers offhe thers of the birds mtntioised. in those of the peacock's pe^^^^^^'^ i^'l* tail, we see the lateral liiaments, on ciianging their position, pass suddenly from red to green. 1 he red is produced by Redbyper- a nearly perpendicular rellection of li<4hl,.the srreen by a l'^"^'cular, ,,.,,. , , . , °. "^ screen by ob- very GblLc^ue retiection ; and there is no alternation of re- liquc reflection, flection J 38 ON CHANGEABLE COLOURS. flection and transmission, the opacity of which I have spoken not admitting it. Eye of the fea- Near the eye of the feather an external ring exhibits yel- ♦h^'"* lowish tints by perpendicular reflection, and greenish by oblique reflection ; while more interiorly, with the same change of obliqueness, a space of the most vivid green takes the new tint of violet. These are the principal mutations of the colours, consisting oaly in two tints for each place. Figeon*s neck In a feather from the neck of a pigeon, the disposition is »h reverse of ^^^ reverse of that of the lateral filaments of the peacock's the peacock s , ^ ... lail. tail feathers : that is to say, under similar circumstances, one of these feathers appears red, the other green, and vice versa, Tbe variation This alternation of colours, confined to two principal kinds, confined to two • difficult to reconcile with that variety of tints, which •olours. - . ..." coloured rings apparently slrould exhibit m a substance of so little density as feathers. And if it were attempted to be supported by the more sensible changeability of tints in the pigeon's feather, this would arise from a deception ; for this changeability is owing to the naturally curved stale of the feather, since it ceases when the feather is straightened against a flat surface. Feather of a But the feather of a duck's wing exhibits an appearance buck's wing, totally dissimilar. Here the transition is from green to blackish; and this green is not perceptible except in parti- cular positions, in which the incidence and reflection of light take place under very unequal angles, as for instance, when the feather is seen with a certain degree of obliquity, the spectator's back being turned to tlie light. Do we meet with any thing like this in the succession of coloured rings ? Eyeofthe-pea- Lastly J bethought myself of wetting with caution difler* cock's feather ^^^ parts of the eye of mv peacock's feather. I then saw, weftedjshowed ^ , • r. i • ' , - i , new colours not a weakenmg oi the lormer tmts, but new colours brought out with great vividness. Desirous of knowing •rliich were the whether I could not produce permanent alterations by some jamewithvari- solvent, I wetted it successively with saliva, vinegar, muri- ' atic acid both dilute and concentrated, ammonia, ether, al- cohol, and deliquesced muriate of lime: and I found, that they produced no eflect except as fluids, and all nearly equal. ON CHANGEABLE COLOURS. 130 «?qua], except the concentrated muriatic acid, which showed some diflference; and all their effects ceased nearly alike on and disappear- - , ed on drying, arymo^. When the exterior orbit of the eye was wetted, its yellow- The colours ish colour became of a lively blood red; and the reflection, thus produced, which was before p^reen when seen obliquely, was almost de- stroyed. If the green space within were wetted, it was the violet reflection that disappeared. Lastly with smoking mu- riatic acid this green space viewed perpendicularly exhibited a yellow inclining strongly to red, and the oblique reflection changed at first to green, and then it passed on to violets none of these changes however continued permanent. By wetting in this manner the extremity of the feathers Feathers of a of a turkey's tail, I brought out very vivid new colours, ^^ ^^ ^ which could not be perceived before in the same direction ; Jbut the existence of which was indicated by certain reflec- tions when viewed with the back to the light, analogous to those I mentioned in speaking of the duck's feathers. It was impossible for me, after all these particularities, to Perhaps from persist in classing together the changing colours of feathers, ^^'^^ ^'^y^!'^°^^' W' A,u ^.U 1 J • c u- ^ A r. 'rionofdiffer- c; una those ot the coloured nngs ot pellicles. An otten re- ent coloured peated examination of them at length suggested the idea, substances. that they might arise from the superposition of different co- loured substances, sometimes of two only, or of three, or of a greater number ; nearly as if, wishing to paint a body with several colours, we were to cover it in succession with a stra- tum of each of the proposed ingredients. . This supposition, suitably adapted to each part of the This Hlustrat- feathers, very well accounts for all the appearances observed. ^^• In fact, if over a coat of green paint for instance we spread a thin stratum of a violet powder, it is obvious, that on look- ing directly at it it will appear almost wholly green; while on lowering the eye, so as to view it obliquely, the violet will gradually predominate, till at length it alone is seen. The intermediate tiuts will be different shades of green, to which various shades of blue will succeed, before the violet will appear. ' If in addition to this the green itself be laid on a red i ground, this may remain invisible in the intervals of the co* , loured matter of the superior strata : but if these strata be rendered J40 DETONATING SILVER. rendered transparent by imbibing a fluid, the influence of the lower stratums will be perceived, and will naturally show itself here by a yellow or reddish colour, when seen perpendicularly, while its oblique reflections will exhibit ^eenish or violet tints ; and the drying of the substaiice will restore every thing- trt its former state. Such in reality are the variations of the tints of certain parts of a peacock's feathers: and such in my opinion is the probable cause of their formation, which is equally applica-' ble to those of the cock, the pigeon, and several other birds, as well as to insects, and in particular that splendid but- terfly, the large wings of which exhibit a fine green, when \-iewed perpendicularly, and when obliquely a beautiful violet. XV. Account of a Fnhn'inating Compoimd of Silver, of a white Co- lour mid Crystalline Appearance : hy Mr, DEaCoriLS*. Det&natin^ m\. Detonating powder has been sold lately at Paris as an powder lately object of amusement. It is enclosed between the folds of a sold, at Paris. , . ' i • i i i • card, cut in two lengthwise; the powder being placed at one end, ar.d tlie other being notched, that it may be distin^ guished. If it be lakeu by the notched end, and the other be held over the flame ol a candle, it soon detonate.?, with a tharp sound, and vio et flames. The card is toin, and changed brown ; and the part in contact with the composition is co- ve; eel with a light metallic coating, of a gra] ish white colour. » ~. J Having: been consulted on the imture or this substance, A componnd " . of oxidL. of sil- which is sent to Paris ready prepared, 1 convinced myselt by -sjr, ammonia, various tr'als, which it is unnecessary to relate, thatlt is a and vegetable , . . , .• matter. comy»ound of oxrie ot bilver, ammoiiia, and some vegetable matter; su that it is analogous to the fulminating mercury of Mr. Howard. Methods of This couipound, which I call dKonating silver, to distin- making it, g^j^]-, \^ f,.(jjjj the fulminating silver of Mr. Berthollet, may ♦ Annales de ChimiQ, vol. LXII, p. 198, May, 1807. be DETONATING SILVER. 141 be made by dissolvin«^ silver in pure nitric acid, and pouring into the sobitiou, while it is goinl1 i • oi^ Sliver, heat must be heated gently, till the solution commences, that is [^ gently, tin the first bubbles begin to appear. It is then to be re- moved from the fire, and a sufficient quantity of alcohol is to & add alcohol, be added immediately, to prevent the evolution of any ni- trous vapours. The mixture of the two liquors occasions an extrication of heat; the effervescence quickly recommences, without any nitrous gas being disengaged; and it gradually increases, emitting at the same time a strong smell of nitric ether. In a short time the liquor becomes turbid, and a very heavy, white, crystalline powder falls down ; which must be separated, when it ceases to increase, and washed several wash the p'reci- timeswith small quantities of water. pitate. If a very acid solution of silver previously made be em- Or to a heated ployed, it must be heated gently, and the alcohol then added, ^^'^^add dcu-^' The heat excited by the mixture, which is to be made gra- hoi. dually, soon occasions a considerable ebullition, and the pow- der immediately precipitates*. This powder has the following properties. It is white and crystalline; but the size and lustre of the xts properties. crystals are variable. Light alters it a little. Heat, a blow, or long continued friction, causes it to inflame v/ith a brisk detonation. Pressure alone, if it be not very powerful, has no effect on it. It likewise detonates by the electric spark. It is slightly soluble in water. It has a very strong metallic taste. Concentrated sulphuric acid occasions it to take fire, and Action of I is thrown by it to a considerable distance. Dilute sulphuric phuric acid oa Acid appears to decompose it slowly. *^* V Muriatic acid, whether concentrated or weak, decomposes Of muriatic. it immediately, and forms w4th it muriate of silver. The quantity of muriate it produces indicates, that it contains ..about 0-7] of metallic silver. A pretty evident smell of Smell of pru$- sic acid. * It would be superfluous to remind the chemi-t, that the mixture of ^alcohol with hot uitric acid is liable to occasion accidents, and that it is consequently prudent, to operate oa small quantities. prussic 442 MEANS OF ASCERTAINING THE QUALITY OF GLASS. pruBsic acid is perceived the first rnoment of the mixture, bat I never could discover any traces of it. Decomposed Nitric acid decomposes it by the help of a bailing heat ; y nitric aci ; ^^^ ^^^ products are nitrate of silver, and nitrate ot ammonia, if it be continued long enough. sulphuretted It is decomposed by sulphuretted hidro^en ; the ammonia *= ' and vegetable matter remaining in the liquor. and potash. Caustic potash decomposes it ; black oxide of silver being separated, and ammonia di sen ganged. Ammonia dis- It is soluble in ammonia; but by a slow evaporation it solves It with- . ... . . out alteraiion. may be separated from it, retaining its original colour and other properties, particularly that of detonating by heat, and not by simple contact. A virulent poi- Its most important property to be considered, with respect to the use made of it, is its action on the animal econom}'. Mr. Pajot-la-Foret, who has made a great many experiments on this subject, has found, that very small doses are suffi- cient to destroy pretty strong animals, as cats. They all expired in the most dreadful convulsions. It is unquestion- ably one of the most violent poisons to be found among me- tallic compounds. XVI. Memoir on the Means of forming a Judgment of the Quality " of Glass, particular Ii/ Window Glass, and distinguishing such as is liable to alteration: by Mr, Guyton. Read at the General Meeting of the Society of Encouragement, March the Uth, 1807*. son Prize proposed ABOUT two years ago Mr. Guyton suggested to the for a test of societj^ to propose as the subject of a prize, a ready method good glass. of ascertaining the goodness of window glass. It appears,; that, from the negligence or ignorance of the glass maiiufac- Frenchwin- t^rers, tlie windows in several large houses had become dis- dow glass liable figured in a few months by a spontaneous alteration of the ^ ^P°'** glass, which destroys its transparency : accordingly it \^as of some importance, to be able to guard against this inconve- Jhe question jiience. The prize was proposed, and its term prolonged; • Abridged from Anaales de Chimie, vol. Ixii, p. 5, April, 1807 but MEANS OF ASCERTAINING THE QUALITJ OF GLASS. 143 but no paper was sent ori/ the subject. This led Mr. Guyton unanswered, to investiiJ^ate it himself. With respect to the general characters of glass he observes, Specific gra- the specific gravity of different kinds of glass, all of which may be good, is very various ; beside which, to ascertain it requires nice instruments, and an expertness in their use not commonly to be met with. The inspection of the fracture affords but a loose conjee- Fracture, ture to the most experienced eye : though Mr. Ducloseau asserts, that the friictm-e of good glass is always wavy, and its angles more or less acute. The degree of hardness varies not only in different kinds Hardness. of glass, but in glass of the same kind. Workmen used to handle the diamond readily distinguish glass that cuts soft, from that which cuts hard; so that this might seem a suffi- cient indication of its good or bad quality. It is very difficult however to discriminate degrees of difference in this respect, neither is it always to be depended upon. Glasses that are called greasy [gras] are bad insulators of Bad glass not a electricity, and little capable of bein«j rendered electric by P^^'^f ^^ "°"" '' . * ... "^ conductor of friction. Probably this, as well as their being liable to alter, electricity; depends on an excess of saline flux, or an imperfect refining, that has left sandiver in them. Bad glass placed on burning coals becomes dull and more and tamlshedl or less meally on its surface. The same effect is more spec- ^ ^'^^^' dily and evidently produced before the blowpipe. But in all such trials we have to guard against the too rapid or too unequal action of the heat. The experiments Mr. Guyton made with neutral salts Neutral salts convinced him, that this mode of proof, which would have ^f ""'^ ^^^ °*' been very convenient, was altogether inefficacious. Among the specimens of the commonest window, glass however, which is in general unalterable, he found one, that underwent a perceptible change on its surface by merely boiling in a solution of alum and mutiate of soda. There are few glasses, which^ when reduced to an impalp- Acids acton able powder) are not slightly acted upon by concentrated P°^^'<^^'-''^^'^ S^^^^ acids : though previously all well made glass resists sulphuric acid, the most powerful of all, even assisted by heat. On 3^^ gj^^^ ^^_ the contrary it very readily attacks puss of bad quality, at roded by sul-, ., phuric acid. 144 ^^ VlTROUS ETHER. tlie common temperature. I liave seeh^ says Mr. Giivton, Iblack iJ^lass bottles, into which ronrentrate of them furnish the whole of the ether, that mi«ht be ob- all wasteful, tained from the same ingredierits ; and that all jofthena yield ^^^ ^^^ ^^j^ej only more or less compounded licjuors, in which the nitric impure, ether, though they bear its name, constitutes but a part. The Dutch chemists have published some interesting re- Thehypoihe- searches on nitric ether, or rather on the gasses obtained by sis of the the action of nitric acid on alcohol. But to explain the mis^s^e^rrone- L 2 . curious ous. 248 ^^ SUBTERRANEAN HEAT. curious facts they have made known, they have employed an insufficient hypothesis. 1st, Tliey have considered the gas in question as a compound of nitrous gas and ether ; while it is composed of gaseous ether, nitrous gas, nitrous add, azote, oxide of azote, carbonic acid, and acetic acid, in short of all the substances capable of assuming the gaseous state, in the various circumstances under which they are found. 2dly, They have supposed ether to be a substance always identi- cally the same, so that they neglected to analyse nitric ether, atid establish its peculiar characters. 3dly, In consequence of this opinion they have been led to ascribe to a preexist- ing nitrous gas phenomena, that are owing to a decomposi-- tion of nitnc ether. If the process After having discussed the opinion and experiments of the •were varied, Dutch chemists, Mr. Thenard concludes his paper by ob- would differ* Serving, that he has considered only the products and phe- nomena obtained by given proportions, and under certaiw circumstances. The effects must be different, when these are varied ; and he intends to subject them to experiment : but that above but he has already satisfied himself, that those he has em- given the best, pj^ygfi ij^-e most favourable to the production of nitric ether. The memoirs The committee concluded, that the memoir at large me- InstiTutJ'^ ^^'^ ^^^^^ insertion in the Collection of foreign Papers, and the class adapted their conclusion. XVIII. Ohservafions on subterranean Heat, made in the Mines of Poullaouen and Huelgoat in Brittany : by J. F. Daubuis- SON*. Facts resoect- -^ HERE are few questions in natural philosophy, re- ing the interior specting which we are more in want of positive and well esta- earth^wantine ^^ished facts, to deduce consequences from, than that respect- ing the temperature of the interior part of our globe, taken at depths we are able to reach. I have already made known some facts I observed on this subject in the Saxon mines. ♦ Journal des Mines, February, 1807, p. 119. and ON SUBT^ERRANEAN IIEAT. - l4g , and I shall now give some othei-s noticed last summer in Brittany. The habit of making aiinilar experiments, and the knowledge" I had of the places, enabled me to choose with some disdimination the points of which I ascertained the temperature; so that I trust the facts I have recorded will not be uninteresting to those, who make our Earth an objeQt of their study. . The thermometer I employed was of mercury, and di- Thermometer y.yided into eighty degrees from the freezing to the boiling "^^ * ppint of water. It was enclosed in a tube. 1 found by trial, 3'or 4'toalter that when it indicated a given temperature, and was made ^^° ^- ^'^ ^'^^' to deviate from this about a dozen degrees, it required thr^e or four minutes to bring it back to the former point by \va- mersing it in water of that temperature, and eleven or twelve ^ i' or 12' in minutes if kept in the open air. Hence, whenever I was the air. desirous of ascertaining the temperature of a body of water in the mines, I immersed the thermometer in it entirely,- and left it there five minutes; and when I took the temper- ature in the air, I let it remain a quarter of an hour. All the observations were afterward reduced to degrees of the centigrade thermometer. Notwithstanding all the care and patience I employed however, I cannot answer for their ex- actness to less than a quarter of a degree. Observations made at Poullaouen. THE mine of Poullaouen is in latitude 48° I7' 49''' N., Situation and and lon-itude 5° 06' ^l" West of Paris. Its mouth, that PoSuel^'^ of St. George's pit, is lOGmet. [347| feet] above the, level of the sea. It is 4 myriam. [25 miles"| from the seacoast of Brittany on the north, and 6 [SyJ miles] from that on the south and that on the west. It is in that tongue of land, which advances into the ocean under the form of a roof, raised in its centre about 260 met. [853 feet] above the level of the sea, and constitutes Brittahny. The country round the mine, to the distance of near 6 miles, is about 150 met. [490 feet] above the level of the sea; and is intersected in eveiy direction by valleys, one of which is an almost circu- lar basin about a millimetre [IO93 yards] in diameter, that forms the roof of the mine. k According 1 150 ON SUBTERRANEAN HEAT. Mean temper- According to tlie law of the temperature from th« equatotf lation, ^^ ^^^^ pole, the mean temperature of the surface at Poul- laouen should be 1^2-4® [5^-5° F.]*. The elevation of the soil requires near 1® [l'8° of diminution, so that the mean temperature may be estimated at 11*5"^ [50*9° F.] Observations My observations were made the 5th of September, 1806^. gept. Day fine. I^y^>"g the whole day the weather was fine, and but few clouds were seen. The temperature in the shade, in the middle of the day, was 19° [64*4° F,]. In reporting my observations I shall mention the situation of the places where they were made, as well as whatever appeared to me capable of influencing the temperature. Opposite each expression of the temperature I shall note the depth of the place below the surface of the ground, Tempe- Tabulated !• I" the first gallery, called fifty foot /e- rature Depth temperatures ve/, near the shaft, in a place where there was ^ . ^ ' '"§ 1^^^ and depths renn ri. in. with remarks. ^"* ^ slight current of air, a little water that thermo lay on the ground indicated 53*8° 52* »3 2. In St. George's gallery, under the inter- section of three branches of the vein, in a kind of cul de sac, very remote fora the places where the miners were at work, in which there was no current of air, but a lar^e quantity of water filtered from the roof : this water' was • • 51*6° 127* '4 3. The ^ater that thus filtered into the gal- lory,' when it reached the well from which it was raised, was- • • . • 52^ ]27* '4 4. Thirty six metres lower, at the level of Boullaye, toward the end of a long gallery, where tliere was no current of air, and no per- son at work, under very strong percolations lind in the water 1 had 5r6<^ 244.10 * Theory and observation have led me to a very simple expression of the iheriuQinetrical terjijperature of z, place, the latitude of which is known. This expression is 30-7° [85 4^ F.]. cps. ^'zs latitude j or "with sufficient exactnes&in the temperate zone 28® [80 6° F ]. cos. * :iat. ' • ■' •\ In the atmosphere the temperature diminishes 1° [18* F ] fs)r every 175 met. [I9l yardc] in height. , '■■■"" •• • 5. At ON SUBTERRANEAN HtAT. 5. At the bottc m oF St. George's shaft, in Tempe- Depth, the well in which the watei-s that penetrate into the lower parts of the mine around it are rollected ....... .^ 55.7O 463 • '6 6. Tiie air over this water 57*2° 460.-3 7 In the well at the bottom of St. Barbe's shaft, at the other extremity of the mine .... 54*5° 489. '6 ' 8. In the air above this water 56-1^ 489. '^ 9. The waters of the old excavations, that, rah into this well • « . • * • • • • • 54*1? N. B. These waters arising from filtratidns that take place chiefly in the' upper parts of the old workisig^s are cold; and as they form the greater part of those that' enter into St, Barbe's well , they av^ the occasion of the low- ness of the temperature shown by the water in it, 10. In an excavation but little distant from the bottom of St. Barbe's shaft, called the oven gallery, the sides of which are alnpst every where interspersed with radiated pyrites partly effloresced, the thermometer left a quar- ter of an hour in a small hollow made in the midst of the pyrites, and which contained a great deal of white sulphate, indicated. ..... 56*5° 457 11. Afterward pint iijto a small hole, from which a pretty strong spring issued, it equally marked • • 56-5° 457 The observatlor)s 2, 3, and 4, incontestably prove, that the heat of the rock in the upper parts of the mine is 51*8°. The waters indicating this certainly acquired the tenipera- ture of the rock in filtering through it; and this tempera- ture does not dift^r in any sensible degree from that indi- cated by theory. If the first observation shoved a little higher temperature, it is because it was made in a place, where air from without, and consequently warm, as the ex- periments were made at th^ end of summer, was continually passing. Observations 5 and 6 show, that the temperature of th^ lower 151 Tabulated temperatures and depths, with remarks. General de- ductions. Superficial temperature; agreeable to theory. Temperature 152 ' ON SUBTERRANEAN HEAJ. increases with lower parts of the niiue is ijaore> considerable than that of * ' the upper parts. If in the cjeptbs the air a])pear hotter than the water, it is probably because it has retained a part of the heat it possessed enter^gl the mine. I have al- ready pointed oui the reason why in 7, 8, and 9, the heat was less than the depth requires. Pyrites do not > Experiments 10 and 11 ,sl^oiy, that there are circum- ahvays occa- stances in which the presence of pyrites does not occasion sioa heat. i . i i • ,. V heat. That which they indicated was not occasioned by them, for in St. George's shaftj. where there was none, the -.temperature was the same. Heat increases Thus, setting aside every extraordinary cause, the ob- ^d° fV"th^ servations I have reported appear to me to indicate, that at the depth of 150 met. [iCS yards] the temperature at Poul- laouen is 2° Qr 3° [3*6° or ^?4J JF,,] ^ore^ than at the siir- fiace. Observations made at Huelgoat. Huelgoat THE mine of Huel is in latitude 48° 18' J?"' N., lon^. iniae. go j/ 45'/^ ^][^he opening of its shaft is 173 met. [188 yards] above the level of the sea ; and is on a large hill, that sepa- rates two valleys, the depth of which is 80 or <)0 met. [87 or 97 yards]. Me^n temper- From this latitude and elevatioJi we may infer the mean Tatlon^' ''•'"" temperature to be 1 1° [50° F.] Insciiist. '^^^ rock, like that of PouUaouen, is an argillaceous schist, but it likewise contains some strata of aluminous , schist. Observations The following are the observations I made on the 5th of the same day. September, the same day as those at PouUaouen. Tabulated 1» In a gallery about 16 yards below that Tempe- ^17.T ^ ^^[''^ the workmen commonly enter the "'^l ^^ ' ^ith remarks, mine, into which no person had been for se- renh. Ft. In. veral years, which has no other outlet, and in ' . which there was no current of air, a therna^)- nieter at its northern end after twentyminutes indicated 50^ After having descended the shaft called the miners, and goiie a few dozen yards into Jthe gallery ON SUBTERRANEAN HEAT. ] 53 j^allery at its foot, I entered another shaft, Tempe- Depth. Tabulated wliirh terminates in a gallery that hjas no com- ''^^"'^* In'd depths^ munication with the rest of the mine, and in with renjark*. yfhiCh consequently tVjfive is no current of air. 2. Here the thermometer immersed in a lit- tle stat^nant water on the ground rose to .... S2'2^ 228* .6 3. I then ascended to the former gallery, and under a strong infiltration, in the water, and in a jjlace traversed by a cun-ent of air, the thermometer iudicated 54*9^ 195, 10 I then directed my course to the south, where the present workings are. 4. At the second gallery, at a little distance from the main shaft, in a place where people are continually passing, and where there was a pretty Strong. current of air, a httle stagnant vrater indicated .« 57.00 261 .5. At the iil'th gallery, the thermometer im- mersed in a reservoir of water, which was near ^he main shaft, rose to 6v)'8° 457 6. At the extremity of the gallery, No. 9^, the part where the works are farthest ad- vanced in a southerly diiection, a large quan- tity of water, slightly vitriolic, spouts from the rock. The thermometer, kept a quarter of an hour in the midst of this stream, con- stantly marked 65*7° 750 7. Held on one side of it, in the open air, it equally gave the sanje temperature ........ 65' 7° 750 8. Tt was the same about sixty paces to- ward the shaft, when immersed in the middle of the rivulet formed by the spring just men- tioned 65*7*=' 750 The bottom of the mine was inundated, the vater lying on it about 16 met. [52 feet] deep: and by a small shaft, at a little distance from the main shafts I descended to the level of this subterranean lake. 9. The thermometer, kept a quarter of an hour 154 Tabulated temperatures •nd depths, with remarks. ON SUBTERRANEAN HEAT. 1 1 1 rt .• 1 . ,. Tempo- Depth. hour on a board tioatjiij^ on the water, mni- rauire. 776 77(J cated *. Q4p 10. Immersed in the water it equally indi- cated .....'.......' (J40 All the water that enters into this southern part of the mine runs into the lake, from which it is pumped up. 11. The temperature of the water issuing from the pumps into the gallery No. 7 was • • 65*1® 587 ''G Following the course of this gallery the wa- ter runs to another shaft in the north part of ^e mine. 12. There it mixes with a small quantity of V^ter, the temperature of which is • • « 57*2° 391 * •$ 13. And when the water thus mixed is con- veyed by the pumps to the discharging g^allery iiTO-> at: it raises the thermometer to 63-3^ ti -rq v. General de- uke a point of endeavouring to answer any quesiious, that shall be addressed to him by the learned who cultivate sieogra- phy, p])ilo!ogT, archaeology, numismatics, &c. He intends' to traverse Hungary, Transylvania, Buchowina, the Ukraine, embark at Odessa for Constantinople, and thence proceed' to Aleppo. Ancient busts Mr. Jefferson, the president of the United States of Ame- Scan ladumsr ^'*^''*' ^^^^ "^ possession several busts made by Indians. They are nearly of the natural s ze, and reach to the middle of the body. The features are well marked, and characteristic of the copper^coloured or American race. In one, represent- ing an aged savage, the wrinkles and the expression of the coimtenance are very well marked. These busts were found in digging at Palmyra, on the river Tennessee. The sub-- stance of which they are formed, and which is extremely- hard, is not known: some suppose them to have been cut by the chissel out of solid stone ; others that they are a com- position, first moulded, and then burned. Whether they were idols, or busts of distinguished persons, is equally questioned. Who were the progenitors of the present race of Indians, that were capable of thus executing a tolerably good resemblance of the human head, face, neck, and shoul- ders? Extensive General David Memweather writes to Dr* Mitchill p£ ridges of shells i^fg^ York, that the vast bauks of shells commencing on. the southern bank of the Savannah, near White Blutl, ex- tend in a right line through a space of about a hundred miles from the borders of the sea toward the sotith-w est; The ridges are not entire, but the ground is rnqre. elevated to the breadth of six or eight miles than it is above or be- ^gw. Not only oyst-er-shclls, but those of cockles, and others, are SCIENTIFIC NEWS. loj are found. Some are entire, and very large : others are ag- j>Uitinated as by a cement. Some are iaige enough to cpa- tuiia a man's foot. In different parts of the emiaences for forty miles some of these sliells occur. They are used ror makiijg hme ;. but a Uttle hi^her up to the south-west there a heap of shells forming a kind of rock, that is preferred -1 this purpose. At some distance still higher, and in the Fossil shells in same direction, there are several quarries of a kind of sili- * ceous stone, in which a great number of shells of all kinds are interspersed here and there. These are petrified, and ^^^^ ^^ ^"^** as hard as the flint itself. Millstones are made of it, in qua-^^^ljsto^es 1- ,1 , n TT made of it. lity nearly the same as those or r ranee. At Hudson's Bay some experiments have been made with Quicksilver ■ frozen mercury. It was reduced to a plate as thin as paper, ^^^^j^ plate, by beating it on an anvil with a hammer brought to the same temperature as the mercury. A piece of it being thrown into a glass of hot water, the water froze instantly, the glass flew to pieces, and the mercury became fluid. Dr. Bacoaio 'of Milan has lately composed a galvanic pile entirely of vegetable substances. He forms it of disks of red beet root, two inches in diameter ; and disks of wal- nut tree, of the, same size, divested of their resinous princi- ple by digestion in a solution of cream of tartar in vinegar. With this pile he produces galvanic efl'ects on a frog, taking a leaf of scurvy-grass for an exciter. THE seventh number of the new series of the Mathe- J;^atl^ematicaJ Kepository, matical Repository, by Mr, Thomas Ley bourn, contains : 1. Solutions to thirty curious mathematical questions pro- posed in a former number; 2. Solutions to some mechanical problems by Mr. John Dawson; 3. Solution of a curious diophantine prob*jem by Mr. Cunliflc ; 4. An essay on the theory of amicable numbers by Mr. JohnGough; 5. An investigation of some theorems for finding the sums of cer- tain infinite series b}^ Mr. Cunliffe: 6, Le Gendre on elliptic transcendentals : and 7. Thirty new questions to be an- swered io a subsequent number. Mr. l^Q SCIENTIFIC NEWS. Newmitieralo- Mr» ACCUM, to whom the public is indebted for a Sys- liica wor . ^gj^ ^^f practical Chemistry and several otlier works, has pnt to the press a System of Mineraloj^^y and Mineral o«i,"ical' Chemistry, and its application to the arts. This work, which is formed chiefly on the plans of Haijy and Erongniait, will^ be in 2 vols. 8vo. with eight copper[)lates. Sargical and pbysiological lectures. Medical and chemical lec- tures. Lectures on Surgery, and on Physiology, Mr. A. CARLISLE, F. R. S, F. L. S. and surgeon tc/ the Westminster Hospital; will begin his course of lectures^ on .the art and practice of surgery, in all its branches, on Tuesday, October 6th*, at eight o'clock, P. M. at his housfe in Soho Square. The subject will be continued on Tues- days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at the same hoar. The diseases and accidents allotted to tfie province of surgery tvill be fully treated of, and illustrated by cases from the lecturer's experience. The diiferent operations will be de- monstrated, and the anatomy of the parts explained. On ttie same evenings, a course of lectui'^s will be delivered on the natural history, physiology, and pathology of the human body, calculated to illustrate the several processes of heal- ing, and to afford a; compendious *iew of the animal econo- my. The introductory discourse will be open to all stu- dents. Medical and Chemical Lectures, St. George's Hospital, and George Street, Hanover Square. ON Monday, October 5th, a c6urse of lectures on phy- sic and chemistry \^ill recommence at No. 9, George Street, Hanover Square, at the usual morning hours : viz. the me- dical lectures at 8, and the chemical at 9 o'Clock. By Ge6rge Pearson, M. D. F. R. S. senior physician of St. George's Hospital, of the College of Physicians, &c. Note, a register is kept of the cases of Dr. Pearson's patients in St. George's Hospital, and an account is given of them at a chemical lecture every Saturday morning at g o'clock. Proposals may be had at the Hospital, and at No. 9, George Street, .A JOURNAL OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, CHEMISTRY, AND THE ARTS. NOVEMBER, 1807^. ARTICLE L Facts toward a Hhtonj of PitcoaU ty Professor ProuSt^ A : Coal of Decise, distilled by Siige, left '59 or -60 of Coal left from carbonaceous residuum, or coak. A coal of Cevenes yield- ^^^ '^'^ "^ ^ all in Asturia. The environs of Madrid exhibit a few Vestiges of earth No coal near impregnated with bitumen, but no coal, as was hoped; for " ^ " * there is not a city in Europe at present ^o mudh in want of where it is it. I hdve visited nO coal pits in Spaih, but some of those "^^ch wanted. of the fertile and picturesque province of Asturia; a coun- try that exhibits in miniature whatever of grand and sublime the traveller admires in the Alps. The coal there in gene- ral is in veins of little thickness; scarcely any so much as 18 inches. The follow ing were the products of a hAindred poun(is o*f - some of the coals I examined. ♦ Abridged frrtm Journal de Physique, vol. LXIII, p. S.20, Oct. 180G. Vol. XVII I— Nov. I8O7. 78. M ViUanueva 162 BISTORf OF PITCOAL. Products of dif- ferent coals. General con- clusions. « Coak» OiL tbs. oz. dr. lbs. oz. Viilanueva ''Gs 8 4'» 7 9 Belmez 70 0 2- -10 4 Langreo •..•75 0 0"1] 11 English ....64 1 0-. 7 0 Wafer, dr. 0. 0- 4- 4. Ib^. 4 7 7 4 7 12 14 Gasses lost* lbs. oz, dr. 5 () 7 4 3 2 t) 2 19 12 8 16 Tliose which yield most tar not easiest to distil. From these observations it follows, that the oily product is more abundant than the aqueous froni three of these coals. 2. Tliat the weight of the gasses is as variable as that of the liquid. a. That the veal quantity of coal furnished by these bi- tuminous substances is in general above '60, and less thain •80. 4. That it is three tiilies as riluch &s wood affords : atid we know nothing but indigo, that can be compared with pitcoal ID this respect. 5. That the matter of pitcoal varies as much in its car- bonaceous, oily, gaseous, and other products, as the organ-*' ized bodies, that are formed at present before our eyes. 6. That its oily produce is in general much greater, than our resinous woods, as the oak, elm, ash, &c., can furnish. 7. That pitcoal is thrice as serviceable, in furnaces that admit its use, as any wood known, since it leaves thrice as much coally matter. 8. That its coak, in consequence of its azotization, de- rives from our atmosphere much more tire thaa charred wood, since it cannot burn but by decomposing a much larger quantity of oxigen, 9. That as tlie oily and gaseous products are formed as well in the open air as in close vessels, some coals produce more flame than others, and are consequently better adapt- ed to furnaces where a considerable current of flame is re- quired; as those of bronze, porcelain, earthenware, &c. 10. That those which leave most coak after distillation ^ill consequently last longer in iron works, reverberatorj furnaces, &c. Of these four coals perhaps the richest in oil would not be the most easy to distil, at least by lord Dundonald s me- thod, since they run, swell up, and agglutinate, so as to- ward Ht'sTOliY OF PiTCOAL. 153 ward the end to become a uniform mass, no#to be divided without labour. All pitcoals iii general <^ive out more cr less sulphurous Yield sulphur- acid toward the end of their combustion, which is owing^ to ^"^ acid, pyrites. At first I supposed, that they contained a peculiar compound of sulphur and carbon ; but all that I passed through nitric acid, to free them from pyrites^ burned to the end without emitting the slightest smell of sulphurous acid. The oily product of these coals varies greatly in consist- Oily product ience; it is more or less fluid, and a direci experiment is al- si^tence" '^^^^ ways necessary, to ascertain how much thick oil, or tar, it will afford. Is this tar really more preservative, ^.nd better Should be far- adapted to retard the spontaneous oxidation of cordage, and ^^^er examined, the rigging df ships, than that of resinous wood? This has been asserted, but should it not be farther examined ? The light oil separated from it is succinated, and not lin- Light oil, pleasant. It is readily turned brown by the air. No parti- cular use for it is known. The aqueous product c6ntair<; of What data then have we after all for ascribing to plant* plants in the ^y^^ orii^ln of bitumens? a few traces of mosses or ferns, surrounding i . i p , i • schist only scattered through the leaves of slate, that serve as their en- proire, that velope ? ' Such vestip'cs ])rove at most, that nature, durincf sr.oit then ex- , •..>,, ^ ' ,• ri • a ^ ^ iatitil: the period oi these great operations, likewise made plants grow, and nourished animals in the seas, since we find shells in the strata that separate the coal in some countries ; but not HISTORY OF PITCOAL. iGS not tl+at It reaped from those plants sufficient materials to till those inexhaustible lakes of bitumen, that intersperse our ^lobe from one pole to the other, and which the genera- tions vet to be born will perhaps never exhaust. Thev ^'^.'■^.^^'^*/"^^ ' ^ . ., ongiuutcd on would |>rove too, if this could be doubted, that it did not jij^ surface of fabricate this composition, as it does that of minerals, mihe Earth, the interior of the earth, but on its surface only ; that is, in the region it has chosen for the existence of organized beings. It is true, that trunks of trees are found in veins of coal : Trunks of trees consequently trees existed at that period. But are these jj^^^, really trunks themselves coal ? Have they been analysed with a coal? view to compare their products, and examine whether simi- lar changes have taken place in these trees, and in those that are supposed to have been converted into coal ? The Analysis of importance of analysiui^ fossil wood in this respect appears dossil woodim- , • r<. . 1 11 1* -1^. 1 portaat to the obvious. It It were once demonstrated, that a tossil trunk qucbtion. of a tree contains charcoal in the same proportion as the bi- tumens surrounding it; and that this charcoal, beside its degree of concentration, is combined with a fresh dose of uitix)gen, so as to have lost that prompt and easy combusti- bility, which characterizes the charcoal of our woods ; we might flatter ourselves, that we had an argum.ent of great weight in favour of the opinion here attempted to be shaken : and we should be less surprised to find in this astonishing result of their metamorphosis, pitcoal, seventy or eighty Quantity of per cent of cliarcoal ; that is to say a proportion, which, if charcoal m pit- • 1 1 1 PI • • 1 p ^^'^' incoasis- it had been that of the vegetables existing before those pe- teni with such riods, would appear difficult to reconcfte with that elastic ^'^?^'^^^'^^ ^'^ . . . . . ours. and robust organization, which our forest trees require, to raise tirm and secure trunk, and resists the storms of an atmosphere agitated like ours. This weak part of the grand problem may sooij be elucidated, if our cabinets do not de- lay the eagerness of chemistry to decipher the medals of this kind they contain : and if natural history, assisted by thp light of analysis, do not discover something more satisfac- tory, than any thing that has yet been advanced respecting the origin of pitcoal, we ought no longer to waste our time in reasoning on this prodigious event in geology, but banish ail tjje hsarned hypotheses that have been started o a the sub- ject, l66 HISTORY OF PITCOAL. ject, in CQiisort with those romances concerning the origiu of metullic veins, to which our age has given birth. Coal as nnich J ],ave said, that analysis discovers in these bitumens cha- resenibles an '' animal as a ve- racters, that do not show a greater affinity to vegetables getable pro- than to animals. The following are the facts : and 1 leave it to the learned to decide which way the balance inclines. Its smell not J, Thp ^mell that coals exhale when heated is avomatic, ■wood bu° succin^ted, and decidedly resinous: it irritates neither the fricndjy to the eyes nor the lungs, like that of wood or vegetables when burn- "^^s- ej. and this resinousr smell has ev^n been considered as friendly to the diseases of the chest. Softens and 2. All coals soften, Icjse their shape, run, mould them- by^heat?^ ^^ selves to the shape of the retort, and fill it with a spongy or puffy coal, like that common to mucous substances, resins, indigo, gluten, and animal matters; ]3ut npt like that of any known wood or- plant. Yields more oil ^. Distillation obtains from it a lighter, more aromatic, ammonia, ^^^ niore abundi^nt oil, than the nonresinous woods used fo^r but no vinegar, fuel; and 4 great deal of water and ammonia, but none of that vinegar, which abounds in the distillation of our vege- tables ; that encipyreumatic acid, which reriders thpir smoke so troublesome and suffocating; vinegar whic'h is formed, whenever oxigen is an integrant part of ap organic oxide, and the absence of which in the products of coal would au- thprise us in a certain degree to doubt, that oxigen is one of its products*. Coak does not 4, The combustipn of coak does npt at all resemble that ?eTwood •''^'''' ^^ ^^^ vegetable charcoals.. It is slow and difficult like t\m% of mineral coals, because it likewise contains condensed ni^ trogen ; accordingly it requires a condensed atmosphere to burn it. *' affords prussic 5, Coak passed through potash always affords a prussic ' lixivium, which vegetable charcoals in general do not. cannot be set 6. Animal charcoal cannot be set on tire by nitric aci(|, on fire by mtric ^y^^ after it is disazotizf d by potash : neither can coak, everi passed through this alkali. Pyroliirneous * ^ f^"" some time doubted the fact, that the pyroligneous acid wac acid formsace- really vinegary but J am now convinced of it, as the sail I formed with ttite of copper, pxlde of copper and the acid of elm displayed is characters after three purifications. It gave larsje rhombs^^ difxeriug in no respect from acetate of copper. A ri|ixture HISTORY OF PITCOAL. l67 A inixtLire of nitre and coak burns with the same diffi- and mixed jcalty as mixtures of nitre and charcoal of blood, white <>f bums difficult- egg, indigo, &c. ^Y ' 7. There are few kinds of wood, that do not leave more Coal leaves ashes than pitcoal. Coal therefore Is not clay impregnated ^J'^^f ^.^^1?^? with bitumen, ais some naturalists have thought. fore not day I have not yet found any oxide of manganese in animal "y,'^^^^^^^^^^ '^^" charcoal; and I have sought it equally in vain in the five j^^ ^,^.j^ ^^ kinds of coal mentioned above, manganese. 8. Vegetable ashes contain a great deal of carbonate of Ashes ofvege- lime, beside magnesia, alumine, and silex. Those of the f^^^m^holrof five coals I examined afforded me t)nly a great deal of silex, coaL a little magnesia, alumine, and sulphate of lime, but very little carbonate; and in particular not an atom of those salts, jyhich are habitually contained in our vegetable ashes;' no phosphate, no muriate of soda, though the mud of these bi- tumens is supposed to have been formed with sea-water. 10. All the soft or liquid parts of animals contain sulphur. Contains tul- They cannot be dissolved in potash, without having the so- " lution loaded with :t. Wool cannot be dipped in a bath of litharge and lime without being blnckened, in consequence of the sulphuret of lead that adheres to it. If no pitcoal be absolutely free from pyrites, is it not be- Nonefreefitom cause Ihe sulphur and iron, those two habitual elements of P>"^^^"* animal matters, have withdrawn from the organic substance converted into bitumen, to form a separate combination? I content myself with bringing together these facts, and refrain from dt ducing any consequences from them, as they require to be compared with a greater number of coals, that it may be known whether they be as general as I suppose. But we now come to other properties, which sepa- ate still Farther differ more the analogies supposed to exist between pitcoal and ve- *^"'^^^* getables. ^ If, for exaiTiple, the carbonaceous principle be an ele- Charcoal fee- pient of their composition, in the same manner, and in the !^' ^^nibine same sense, as it is in our vegeta'^es and animals, we shall chow, that it is very feebly combined however, verj- weakly enchained at least by the hidrogen, nitrogen, and oxigen: I could almost veniure to say independant of them, since it may be ex.tracted from pitcoal by means, that certainly would never 168 HtSTORY OF PITCOAL. Coal treated witli nitric acid. reduced to coak. This not the The same as produced in distillation. Hence the never succeed with any vegetable or animal production we know. Let powdered coal, such as that of Villanucva, wliich af- fords 68 per cent of coak, be heated in nitric acid of 18° or 20®; and thus in a few moments it will be- deprived of the property it had before of forming' oil, oily gas, and ammo- nia. The coal thus prepared, washed, and dried, and then exposed to a moderate heat, affords products of a new order, but with indications of those just mentioned, and is reduced to '66 or *67 of coak. All pitcoals afford this extraordinary result, which is ob- case even with tained from no organic production known, not even from in- incugo. . . . digo, though it contains '7- or '73 of charcoal, or much more than many kinds of pitcoal. The carbonaceous principle, freed from the other ele- ments of the compound by this method, has all the proper^ ties of what would be obtained by the simple distiHation of pitcoal ; for, if it be treated with potash, it gives a prussic lixivium like coak itself. I proceed to the conse((uences. If in these bitumens the carbonaceous part be thus feebly blackness and enchained by the other elements, and consequently approach brittleness of . . ' . . . , • i i "^ , coal. in its properties charcoal uncombmed, we need not be sur- prised either at the blackness or fragility of pitcoal. The charcoal The Carbonaceous principle of organized bodies, freed m coal retains fj^Q^ ^\^q fetters of combination by any means, and conse- gome hidrogen , ^ ■, - ' and nitrogen, quently brought nearly to its natural density, may not sepa- rate totally from the hidrogen and nitrogen, in consequence of the reciprocal affinity of these three combustibles ; as is shown by the habitual state of the coal in our fires, which always contains more or less of them : but the same cannot but no ox-gen. be said of the oxigen. The condensation of the charcoal, carried to the degree that makes it appear black, is a state decidedly opposing the capacity of this principle to adhere to it as easily as the oihers. This admitted, if the charcoal in these bitumens be near its habitual density, we must not be surprised, that, remaining still united with the nitrogen and hidrogen, it cannot be equally so with the oxigen. On this principle neither is it strange toUnd, that pitcoal does liot contain oxigen in a state to concur, during its distilla- - tioiii HISTORY OF PITCOAL. 16^ tioii, in the formation of vinegar; as it does, when it is a constituent pact of our vegetables. But lastly, if nitric acid separate from these bitumens a ^^^i^^^J^'^fhe-" charcoal united with nitrogen, such as distillation would micaily cora-» furnish, it uiu«t be acknowledged, that coak exists free and bined, condensed in their constitution; but not in that state of per- fect combination, or mutual interlacement, which never fails to efface the characters of the elements of organized sub- stances, as they reciprocally mask each other. I have said enough. I beheve to show, that pitcoal, if it ^oal '-etain* ^ . . * noth n«^ of the consist of vegetables, has retained nothing of the characters, veg^itable ch*- that would approximate it rather to vegetable than animal '■=^'^^^'"' substances. Vegetables, animals, bitumens, all have the same elements; tliat is nitrogen, hidrogen, oxigen, charcoal, sulphur, &c. : but the combination of these elements in pit- coal certainly does not in any respect resemble those, that vitality now forms in the beings arising before our eyes. Where in fact are the vegetables or animals, that contain charcoal simply deposited in their texture, as an oil or resin is in a plant .^ Besides, what organization could admit with- out inconvenience such a considerable excess of charcoal as that we see unemployed in these bitumens? Such a prof u- eion certainly could only be an oversight of nature. We must therefore stop at one or other of the following Eitlier there consequences. Either nature was once capable of producing "^'^"^* '^^'''*^ , . *■ . . . I r o been organized beings, the organization of which could admit so large a beings difFer- proportion of charcoal ; and then the life, object, end, and ^'^* ^'■^^rn the means of existence of such beings, could in no respect be compared with those that now share the surface of the earth ^'ith us ; and on this supposition pitcoal could only be the remains of animals or vegetables, which like so many others have disappeared from it for ever : Or, if coal have originated from organic productions si- or their ele- iiiilar to ours, its interment has not only destroyed all marks ["^"^^^ ^^^^ ^ '' '' have been pi organization, but has displaced their elements, to reframe separated, and them, and fabricate with them tiiose fossil masses, which ^'^'"^"'-^ '" * . . ... . difft-rent way, have indeed retained all the combustibility of their nature, to form coa,)'. but in which we discern no trace of vegetation or animaliza- tion, no indication of the part they had to perform on the jsurface of the earth. Oxide iro HISTORY OF PITCOAt. Charcoal unites •with oxigcn to form an oxide. Coal tieate4 ^vith nitric acid, gains an in- crease. This owing to a real coajbi- jiation. Oxide of char- coal, heated, in a retort. detonates ob- scurely. Oxide of Charcoal. Charcoal and oxig-en are susceptible of a kind of union, whicli does not appear to me to have been noticed. It is totally diiierent from carbonic acid, and from gaseous pxide of carbon. These always take place between carbon and oxigen; but the other readily admits chai-coal, whether azotized or not ; such indeed as we burn. The following are the facts. A hundred parts of coal of Villanueva,' the coak of which amounts cp Ob, y^e increased by the application of nitric acid at 18° or 20° to 120 or 121 parts. Hence it follows, that, if this acid destroy by ovulation all the principles contained in this bitumen between o;* and 80, it leaves in their place first 32, and next 20, of" sotiie other principle, the nature of which we shall §oon perceive. The coal of i3elmez likewise yields 120 or 121 ; that of Langreo the same; and the English, which leaves 64 of coakj proctuces 1 16, which amount to nearly the same. That this is not owing to any thing merely imbibed, or to defective washing of the product, is decisively proved by the following experinient. Five drachms of Villanueva coal became 6 by the application of nitric acid. These 6 drachms were thrown into boiling water; but, after they had been collected and dried, they returned precisely to the weight of 5 drachms. Such a result clearly shows a surcharge, which, being of 50 Or 52, amounts to half the coal emploj^ed. It is now time to make known its nature. Hold in the hand a small retort containing one or two hundred grains of oxided charcoal, its belly being at some distance above a chatingdish, so as to receive a gentle heat, and its beak being kept under water, to give vent to the at- mospheric air, which the aqueous vapour t)egins to expel ; and the instant the powder is agitated by a rapid movement of ebullition, move the beak under an inverted jar tilled with water. This movement, which raises up the charcoal brisk- ly, is a strong' but obscure detonation, which terminates quickly, and without the least danger. At the same time a copious dew is produced, which, by its precipitation at, its exit> HISTORY OF PITGOAl. 17)^ exit, always canies some powdered charcoal out of the re- tort. > The srasses in this experiment are snch as miight easily be Fvolres car- -> * . X 1 • -J J -1 „bonic' acid and toreseen : a mixture or carbonic acid and gaseous oxide ot aaseous oxide, carbon, burnini^ with a blue flame, and not detonating. If it be yellow, it is owing to the charcoal having retained some iiitric acid. This is perceived too by its reddening with oxi- gen gas. From the great quantity of water formed during this dis- ^uch water tlllation, I was led at first to believe, that the oxigen of the nitric acid, hidrogen, and charcoal, might form together a sort of union comparable to that of a vegetable oxide, which a higher temperature would occasion to be converted into water, carbonic acid, and gaseous ojiide of carbon. Ailni periiaps it is so. Yet the experiment I made immediately witli powder of fir charcoal induced me, to consider the phe- nomena as belonging exclusively to charcoal and oxigen. Let nitric acid of 20® or 25° be boiled on calcined char- Wood charcoal coal of fir, elm, or other wood, reduced to powder; the ^^.^^.*^^ ^'^^ pharcoal, after being washed and dried, will commonly have a surcharge of twelve or thirteen per cent. If it be heated with the precautions already given, it will detonate with agi- tationj and afford the two gasses abovementioned, without any mixture of nitrous gas. Other experiments will be seen presently to prove, that this charcoal is in a state of pecu- liar combination, and not contaminated by remains of nitric acid. I cannot fix with precision the method of thus oxiding This more va- vegetable charcoal, because I have found it variable. But '^^'^^^^' It is not the same with that of pitcoal, the state of extreme division in which it is when deprived of hidrogen by the acid facilitating that union, so as not to leave us to grope our way. Liquid potash, even at a boiling heat, has no action On Oxide of char- pitcoal ; but if heated for a moment, in a very dilute state, coal soluble b/ on its oxide, or that of fir charcoal, a coffee coloured solu- tion holding a considerable quantity is obtained, which is not altered by standing, or by the addition of water. Ammonia acts with equal efficacy on them. A hundred and by ammo- grains of oxide of charcoal from Villaneuva coal dissolved "^^* in 17S ttlSTORV OF PtTCOAL. in it all except 15 grains, perhaps either because ihey were not oxided, or because the oxigen had accumulated in the rest, to facilitate its solution. From this solutiou an acid threw down a precipitate, which was black and shining when dry. It did not nnielt, and exhaled no smell on burning coals. Oxigenized muriatic acid precipitated it, without acting on the precipitate. Tlie solution, TJiis same charcoal, oxided, dissolved, and precipitated, ySed sUe^< ^^'^ ^^^"^ burnt gray ashes, a little ferruginous, in which I alamine, and found, silex, alumine, and a httle oxide. What sort of *'^' union is there then between charcoals and their ashes? We should suppose potash could not dissolve the latter. 1 ap- plied nitric acid to difft^rent sorts of charcoal, to divest thera of ashes, and try whether they would burn away entirely ; but I could not succet^d. I had intended to pursue the inquiry farther, but have What so t of t>een prevented. TMeantime it will naturally be asked, what combuiativ^n is (.Qj^Vj^f^^^^Qj^ qP Qjj^™gj^ ^j^jj charcoal is this, that excludes neither nitrogen, nor any of the foreign substances it usually contains ? and again what kind of union can charcoal form with the same principle, without losing any thing of its den»- eity or colour, which appears so little conformable to the lavvd of combination ? I can only say, I know nothing on the subject. We Icnow less I would likewise ask, what is the nature of the combina- c^ charcoal tiou that charcoal enters into with hidroo-en and nitrogen, tflanoi carbon. . . ^ . and other gasses which it absorbs and condenses in such large quantity? In fact we are far from being as well acr quainted with charcoal, which we see daily, as with carboq, which never comes under tUe cognizance of our senses. Duhidrogenized coal. Coal divested When we consider how much the proportion of coak of hidrogen. varies m pitcoals, we shall find it difficult not to believe, that, if these bitumens be really derived from plants like ours, the concentration of the carbonaceous principle, which is nothing but the loss of hidrogen, must h;ive varied considerably in different countries, A coal that yields '77 of coak cannot contain HISTORY OF PITCOAL* 1/3 contain as mucli hidrogen as another, that yields but '57 or 'Go, This diminution of hidrogen has been carried so far in some coals, that from a total loss of hidrogen they are pure charcoal. But if hidrogen have been capable of withdrawing entire- Nitrogen a ^^ MURIATIC LtllLIi, tljer exainiHed, and particAilarly to be compared with tlio-^^* plants, the bituminization of which is not far advau- ed, tQ ■ see what changes its progress effects in their constitntjoii. By hoiling dis- Nitric acid of 40°, with a boding heat, dissolves tn\f. solves It. Crj'stallizable oxalic acid is oV)tained from it, and thj yel- low bitter matter ; but no detonating product, like that of jet. T know not whether Hatchett's tannim be found in it. Incinovated. Its incineration is tolerably slow. Its coal does not emit the aramoiiiacal smell of azotlzed charcoals. Its ashes arc* gray, without the least indication of saline matter or lime. Their lixivium does not alter tlie juice of the blue-bottle* Acids do not occasion the slightest eJ^ecvcscence with theiri. They contain a great deal of silex, sulphate of lime, and st little magnesia. II. Ahslract of a Memoir on Muriatic Ether, read at the Insti- tute February the lyth, 180/, bt/ Mr. Tiienard*. Mnnatic ether jtjlFTER having examined why muriatic ether has re- hi herto un- kriowa° """ niained hitherto unknown to chemists, though it has been repeatedly an object of their research, the author gives the A gas at the process for obtaining it. As it is habitually in the state df pemluro ^'''^" g^^' ^^^*^ following apparatus must be employed. Arrantf<-mcr.t I'^to a retort, capable of containing no more than the mix- of the appara- turc in its belly, equal parts by measure of highly concen- lus for obuin- ^j.^jg^ muriatic acid and alcohol at 3ij° are to be put, and well shaken, to bring all the particles of each into contact. This done 7 or 8 grains of sand at most- are to be thrown into the retort, to prevent th^ sudden ebullitions that might otherwise take place in the course of the process : aftet xvhich it is to be supported on the naked fire of a common furnace by a grate of iron wire, and a Welter's tube adapted to it, terminating in a threeiiecked bottle, the capacity, of which is double that of the retort, and which must be half • Annales (le Chimie, vol. LXI, p. 201, March, 1807: andjoufnal 4c Physi:]ue, vol. LXIV, p. i'60. filled ON MURIATIC ETHEA. 177 fiHed with water at 20® or 25° [66^ or 72** F.]. THe tube must be immersed in the water to the depth of 7 or 8 cent. [2f or 3 in.]; a strai^^ht tube of safety must be introduced into the central tubulure; and from the third a curved tube must proceed, opening under inverted phials filled with wa- ter at the same temperature in an earthen bowl. The apparatus being thus arranged, the retort is to be Process, heated gradually ; and twenty or five and twenty minutes after the fire is kindled bubbles will be seen to rise from the lower part of the fluid, particularly from the surface of the grains of sand. These bubbles presently become more nu- merous, and abundance of ethereous gas is soon obtamed. Acid, alcohol, and water, at the same time pass ovor, but remain in the first phial. From 500 gr. [7722| grs.] of acid, Proportion of and an equal bulk of alcohol, jupward of 20 litres [wiiue g'^s obtained, -quarts], or even as far as 30, of ethereous gas, perfectly pure, may be obtained. Much more will be obtained, if, as soon as the extrication of gas begins to slacken, fresh alcohol be added to the residuum ; that is, to the strongly acid resi^ duum, which remains in the retort, and will then be about two fifths of the bulk of the original mixture. I even think, „ , , , ... . P , ' Probably still - that, rf hot alcohol were occasionally poured into the retort more by parti- through a tube 6 or 7 decim. [24 or 27 in.] long reaching '"^"^^ manage- to its bottom, the formation of etherized gas would be still more abundant ; for it is obvious, that more alcohol than muriatic acid rises every instant, thus therefore we should reestablish their original proportions, which are best adapted to the success of the process. In all cases the management Great atten- <*f thte fire is of the highest importance : if it be too weak *'°" ^^ the fire ... , 1 "• 1 . , . requisite. It wjil produce no etherjzed gas ; li it be too strong, it will produce but little. Neither will the alcohol be etherified in If the acid, or «:ny sensible degree by loading it with muriatic acid g-as, or ^«'^'^- '" ^!^^ 1 • 1 I 1 1 I • -I < , r* ' state of gas, lit- by causing tiie alcohol and acid both to meet in vapour in tie or no ether a tube about 80^ [I74f ° F.]. It is only therefore by main- ^ili Reformed, taining a due medium in the application of the fire, that we can 6u<^ci?€d completely. The cauae of this is, that too great or too little elasticity in the alcohol and in the muriatic acid is injurious to their mutual action on each other. Ano- The water dis- ther precaution to be taken is, to use the same water for col- solves a certaia Vol. XyiU— Nov. I807. N lectino- quantity. 17S ON MURIATIC ETHEE. lecting the gas, afid to employ as little as possible, because it dissolves a certain quantity of it. Characters of The gas is perfectly colourless ; it has a strong smell of ^ ^^' ether ; and its taste is perceptibly saccharine. It has no action whatever on infusion of litmus, sirup of violets, or limewater. Its specific gravity, compared with that of the air, is 2-219 Jit 18« [63° F.], and 75 cent. [29*4 in.] of atmospheric pressure. At this pressure water dissolves its own bulk. At the same pressure, but at the tempe- rature of 11° [50° F.], the gas assumes the liquid state. Method ofob- A large quantity may be procured in this state by emplojv taiiiing the Jng an apparatus similar to that already described ; only in- quid state. stead of causing the last tube to open under a bottle filled with water it must be made to reach to the bottom of a long, narrow vessel, well dried, and surrounded with ice, which must be renewed as it melts. The ethereous gas will arrive alone in this, and be completely condensed : for as soon as all the common air is expelled from the vessels, their commu- nication with the atmosphere msj-y be cut off without danger. Characters of This ether in the liquid state ig remarkably limpid. Like the liquid ^j^g gas it is colourless, and has no action on litmus or sirup . * of violets: is very soluble in alcohol, from which it may in great part be separated by water : has a very decidecl smell, and a very distinct taste resembling that of sugar, which is particularly observable in water saturated with it. Proba- 'bly it may thus be employed with success as a medicine. Poured on the hand it suddenly enters into ebullition, and produces considerable cold, leaving a small whitish sediment. At the ternperature of 5^^ [39^2° F.] its weight is to that of Fater as 874 to 1000. Thu§, though it is much more vola- tile than sulphuric ether, and of course than alcohol, it is? not only heavier than the first, but even than the second of these. Finally itiloes not congeal at a temperature of- 29** [2^-2° below OF.]. Thus far we s^e nothing in this ether but agrees with the phenomena exhibited by other bodies. It is an object of curiosity only on account of its novelty, and the facihty with which it is converted into a gas or a Hquid. But if w^ A -lingular study it farther, it will appear one of the most singular and compound. extraordinary compounds we caii form. It; does not redden the ON MURIATIC FTHER. 179 the most dilute infusion of litmus; the strongest alkalis have No test indi- 1 - . /. •! • 1 1 • ^1 cates the pre- no action ou it ; the solution of silver is not rendered lu the ^^^^^^^ of murU least turbid by it: and all this whether it be used in the atic acid in it, gaseous or liquid state, or dissolved in water. But set it on ^ greal'quan- fire, and ianmediately such a large quantity of muriatic acid tity when is developed, that it precipitates a concentrated solution of nitrate of silver in a solid mass, sufix)cates those who inhale it, and is even visible in the form of vapour in the surround- ing air. Is the muriatic acid formed in this combustion, as we is the acid then might be tempted to suppose? or is it only set at libert3^ formed,oronly which is possible ? These questions Mr. Thenard afterward endeavours to solve. If the muriatic acid be formed in the combustion of the If the former, ethereous gas, the radical of this acid must exist in the gas ; jf^^^^f^^liTthe and it must necessarilyproceed from the alcohol, or from the alcohol, the muriatic acid decomposed by the alcohol, or, which is ira- ^*^^^» orboti. probable, though not impossible, from both together. In Tests of these the first case, on distilling a mixture of niuriatic acid and J.JJ"®^^^ supposi- alcohol, we should find after the distillation all the muriatic acid employed, beside what arises from the combustion of the gas formed. In the second case, on the contrary, a large quantity of acid ought to disappear in the distillation : but the whole of this quantity, and no more, ought to reappear on the combustion of the acid formed, in the third case, a loss of acid should be occasioned by the distillation ; but this loss should be more than compensated by the quantity of acid, which is produced from the combustion of the gas formed. Now if the process be performed with 450'937 grq.m. Proof that the- [6062-722 grs.] of muriatic acid, of the specific gravity of [^"^^^^^f ^f^^^^j^^^ 11*349, at temperature 5° [39*2° F.], with an equal bulk of alcohol alone, highly rectified alcohol, 23 lit. [quarts] of ethereous gas will be formed at the temperature of 21° [68° F.]. and pies- sure -745 met. [29*2 in.], and 122-288 gram. [1888*738 grs.] of acid disappear. Consequently the first supposition is false, since it is demonstrated, that, if the radical of the muriatic acid exist in the ethereous gas, it must proceed, not from the alcohol solely, but either from the muriatic acid alone, or from the muriatic acid and alcohol. IS 2 180 py MUftlATTC ETHEft. It might pro- Let us see whether it can proceed from the muriatic acid add afoi^ \n ^^^iie, agreeably to the second supposition. There are two two ways. ways in which this may he conceived to take place : either the muriatic acid may have been decomposed by the alco- hol, so that its radical is found in the ethereous gas separated from its other principle : or the decomposition may have taken phice in suph a way, that both the principles of the muriatic acid exist in the etiiereous gas, not united together, not forming muriatic acid, but combined with the principles of the alcohol, in the same state in which hidrogen, oxigen, carbon, and azote, are found in vegetable and animal sub- stances. If the radical Now if the radical of the muriatic acid exist alone, or aloue enter m- ^j^jjQjj^ gQprie pjjit of the other principle, in the ethereous to the ga^j n ' i i x • • i i i cannot lep.o- gas, we ought to obtain no acid, when we decompose this due- he acid ™jjg \^-^ ^ redhot tube with exclusion of air, or less than dis- when buraed ° . . , . t, -^ , without access appeared m the expermient that produced it. But if the of air. gjjs contain not only the radical of the muriatic acid, but all li enter'into ^^^ constituent principles ; as the principles of this acid, it, the wliole whatever they arc, have a great tendency to corrt.bine toge- iSpioduced!^ thi. •', we ma i/rr nine, ihat, on destroying the ethereous g^s by fire v/ith( iit liie contact of air, we shall probably obtain the whole quantity of muriatic acid, that disappeared in the exp<^riment in which the gas was formed. " The gas de- It was of t\ie highest rmportance therefore, to effect this conpos; d iii decomposition in close vessels. This was accordingly done with 900 gram. [29 o?. troy] of concentrated muriatic acid, and an equal bulk of well rectified alcohol. Between the redhot tube of glass, in which the gas was decomposed, and the retort where it was produced, a large tubulated bottle was placed containing water at IS^orlG*' [57° or 59^ F.], to retain the acid, alcohol, and water, that might rise with the gas. The glass tube l:(ad a comrQunication also with "two other bottles, one containing water, the other potnsh, ~'l!o kt)sor6 all the acid that might reappear in the operation, ■ iLlistiy by means of another tube the gasses were collect* ed. That this operation may be attended with success, the glass tube must be well coated, and the fire ca^u- ' lioui^ly managed, to prevent it from melting. Though ucas O^ MURIATIC ETHEHi |g| ft'ear ^)0 litres of tthereoiis gas must have been produced in this (Experiment, and near 250 gram, of acid have disappeared N<2arly the . . !. • , . , r , • , whole of the m the first instance, yet the whole ot the acid, except 4- gram, acid repro- [62 grs.] reappeared in the rcdhot tube, and were dissolved ^"c^* in the last two bottles of the apparatus. "^ Thus of all the suppositions above made, which are the The elements only ones that can reasonably be formed Considering the mu- therefore exist riaiic acid as a compound, there is only one admissible ; in the gas, if it which is, that the elements of the muriatic acid exist in the ^ ^ ^°'^" , . , . pound. ethereous gas combined with those of the alcohol, in the same manner as the elements of water, carbonic acid, ammonia, &LC., exist in vegetable and animal substances. But if we suppose the muriatic acid to be a simple sub- Supposition ., • 1 ^1 ^1 that the acid stance, we must necessarily consider the ethereous gas as jj..^gijj^p]^gjy{^ formed of muriatic acid and alcohol, or as a substance de- stance, rived from the decoiiiposition of the alcohol : for perhaps the alcohol is decomposed when we distill it with muriatic acid, at least this will easily be seen by and by. The question there- fore being reduced to a choice between these two hypotheses, let us endeavour as far as possible to discuss their weight. The latter presents us witli phenomena very diflicult to ex- Difficulties plain* In fact we must suppose that the alcohol, or the prin- obSc'tecf to^it. ciple it contains, acts on the muriatic acid with much more energy than the strcmgest alkali ; since this alkali cannot take the acid from it, and muriate of potash, as I shall hereafter uhow, contains less acid than the ethereous gas. How too can \ve conceive, that nitrate of silver, which takes the whole of the muriatic acid from muriate of potash, cannot take any" from the ethereous gas, which contains still more? On the other supposition, on the contrary, every thing is The other naturally explained. We see why the ethereous gas does not naturally ac- 11 ^ ■ r ■ 'T I 11T1 yv • COUntS fof redden the intusion or litmus; why alkalis do not aflect it ; every thing, why nitrate of silver does not produce a precipitate with it; and why on burning it so large a quantity of muriatic acid is generated, that it appears in the surrounding air in the form of vapour: in short every thing is reconcilable with the pheno- mena exhibited by other substances. Mr. Thenard however is far from absolutely adopting one Yet it cannot hypothesis and rejecting the other. Both deserve to be inves- arabsoluSy^ tigated decided. 1S2 O* MtyRlATIC ETHER, tigatcd, aud on this he is at present eagerly engaged, sinccj however it may turu out, the results cannot lall to be very important. Note on the Discovery of the Muriatic Ether; hy Mt, Thenard. The muriatic When on the 18th of February last 1 read to the Institute known la"^' my paper on muriatic ether, all the members, among whom France, were Messrs. BerthoUet, Chaptal, Deyeux, Fourcroy, Guyton, Vauquelin, and Gay-Lussac, considered the results it con- tained as perfectly novel, and were struck with the conse- and in Spain j quences, that might be deduced from them. Mr. Proust, who is at present in Paris, and before whom I was eager to repeat, at his desire, the experiments I had made with the ethereous gas, was not less surprised than the French chemists. But last friday, that is twenty-five days after I had read my paper, but not inGer- j\|jr^ Gay-Lussac, turning over Gehlen's Journal, accidentally found in a note, that Gehlerj himself had made experiments on muriatic ether, and recorded them in on& of the volumes of his Journal published in 1804. Gehlen made ^^ appears, that Mr. Gehlen made muriatic ether from it in dififerent equal weights of the fuming muriate of tin and alcohol. He ■' ' likewise made it in Basse's method, by a mixture of seasalt, concentrated sulphuric acid, and alcohol ; from which till Basse's time, and even Gehlen's, sulphuric ether onl}' was supposed to be obtained. He did not obtain any with muri- atic acid alone. Mr. Gehlen however observed most of the properties in muriatic ether, that I have mentioned. The chief differences between us are, that he has not attempted to investigate the source of the muriatic acid produced by burning the gas, the quantity it is capable of affording, or the Hk'wAslessin *^®°^y ^^ *^^^ formation of the ether. My process-too not quantity, and only affords ether in larger quantity probably than any other, less pure, jj^j much purer; for the specific gravity of mine was '87 ^y of his only "845, and in this case the greater gravity is a proof of greater purity. He likewise marks tlie point of its conden- gation as about 10° of Reaumur [54'5° F]. As from the account of Mr. Gehlen I could no longer doubt but muriatic ether had been made in Germany, and its property ACTION OF MURIATES, •&C. ON ALCOHOL. 183 {)roperty of yielding a large (juantity of muriatic acid in burning observed ; and at the same time convinced, that a fact so important was altogether unknown both in France .and Spain ; I was desirous of satisfying myself, whether the Kng- Not known in lish chemists were any farther advanced in this respect. For ^ this purpose I addressed myself to Mr. Riffault, who is trans- lating the third edition of Thomson's Chemistry, a work of great erudition, begun long after Gehlen's paper was pub- lished. Mr. Riffault read to me every thing in it concerning muriatic ether. No mention is made ihere of Gehlen, or of the singular properties of the muriatic ether. Hence I con- sider myself authorized to conclude, that the muriatic ether was unknown in England, as well as in France'and Spain; and that, without having information of Gehlen's labours, I hiay claim at least the merit of having made it known here. How often has it already happened/that a discovery has been Discoveries of^ made in one country some years after it had been made in ^.^^^^y ^ji^g the another ; and this because unfortunately all learned men do first remaining not speak the same language, and all the works published in foJeieners.^^ one are far from being translated into the rest. In an additional note Mr/Fhenard says, that, ten days after his paper was read, Mr. BouUay, an Jipothecary of Paris, ac- Mr.BoulIay quaintedhim,thathehad likewise formed muriatic ether direct- ^°^^^*^ ^^^ ly from muriatic acid and alcohol, but had not made it public, because he had not yet completed his labours on the subject. HI. Abstract of a Memoir on the Products tlidt result from the Action of Metallic Muriates^ oxigcnized Muriatic Acid, and Acetic Acid, on Alcohol : by Mr, Tii en a r D *. I N this paper Mr. Thenard shows, that the nvetallic mtiri- Metallic muri* ates form but a very small quantity of ether with alcohol : ^.^^ ^^^-^ ^"^"^ that this ether, which at first is found dissolved in a large withaicohoL quantity of alcohol, may be separated from h in the state ofc • Annales de Chimie, tol. LXI. p. SOS, March, 1807. aM ACTION or MURIATtS, &C. ON ALCOHOL, Kot so volatil* as that frop the acid. Formed wholly from tlie excess of acid inthemu riate. Oxigenized muriatic acid decomposed by alcohol. But no ehter produced. Mistake of 45cheele in this respect. gas by a n;entle heat ; particularly by mean'* of hot water, which seizes on the alcohol, and to a Certain poit.t sets the ether at liberty: that this ethereous gas has the greHtost Hiia- lojry with that which is obtained from muriatic acid nnd alcohol: that both have the same smell, taste, and solubility in water, and burn in the same' manner with a grem flame, and diffusinfi; vapours of muriatic acid, though nrevious to the combustion no test can delect the presence of any in the gas: and that thry differ only in this,, that the muriatic ether- eous gas is not condensible at a temperature above I'i*^'' [or?" F], while the other is at l6-5« [6o" F.] This difference being but slight, Mr. Thenard conceives, that the nature an»l mode of formation of both are the same; and that in the metallic muriates it is only the excess of acid that acts on the alcohol. For this reason a large quantity of metallic muriate is necessary to convert alcohol into ether; and it is the more easily effected, in proportion as the muriate contains a greater excess of acid, and is more soluble in alco- hol. Hence the process succeeds better with the muriate of tin than with any other. In every case the muriate is not disoxigenized, and a portion of the oxide only is found to be precipitated. Considering afterward the action of oxigenized muriatic acid on alcohol, he shows, that in the mutual action of these two substances on each other, which is very powerful, almost all the oxigenized muriatic acid is decomposed: and the re- sult is a great deal of water; a great deal of muriatic acid ; some alcohol not decomposed ; a tolerable quantity of an oily matter heavier than water, having a cool taste analogous to that of mint, a peculiar smell differing from that of ether ; and beside these a small quantity of carbonic acid, of a sub- stance easily carbonized, and probably of acetous acid, but no ether. Farther, that the oxigenized muriatic ether of Scheele is nothing but muriatic ether properly so called, when made with a mixture of alcohol, muriatic acid, and black oxide of manganese; or a mixture of muriatic and sulphuric ether, when made from black oxide of manganese, common •salt, alcohol, and sulphuric acid: that Pelietier's is of the same nature,. since he made it of a similar mixture: and that what ACTION OF MURIATES, &C. ON ALCOHOL* } S5 i\'hat is said to be abtaincd by passing; oxigenized muriatic acid Solution of a Lms throiidi alcohol is nothing but a solution ol more or less peculiar oil lit ^ -^ " alcohol mista- of the oily matter in alcohol. The oil may even be separated ken for eiliw, from th€! alcohol by the addition of water, and the same com- pound formed again by dissolving this oil in a given quantity of alcohol. What is new in this part of Mr. Thenard's labours is not the formation of the oily matter, water, acetous, acid, &c., by the decomposition of oxigenized muriatic acid: for Scheele, in his Chen)ical Essays, speaks of the oily matter; and Ber- thollet, in the Memoirs of the Academy for 1785, speaks not only of this, but of the water, acetous acid, &c., formed in the process: but it is the having proved"^, that oxigenized muriatic acid cannot form ether with alcohol, and having ex- pluified why Scheele and so many other chemists did obtain some. Finally, desirous of examining the formation of acetic Acetic ethejv ether, Mr. Thenard mixed together 120 gram. [1853 grs.] of alcohol as highly rectified as possible, and as much acetic acid, of an acidity determined by the quantity of potash the jacid requires to saturate it. He distilled the mixture, coho- bated it twelve limes, and thus evidently decomposed all the alcohol employed, beside 66' \6 gram. [1022 grs.] of acetic acid, answering to 32 gram. [509 grs.] of dry acid, or such as it exists in acetate of potash well fused. Yet about 120 gr, [1853 grs.] only of acetic ether were formed; though no gas was evolved, and, when the process was finished, a loss of 7 gram. [108 grs.] only appeared. Hence Mr. Thenard is led ^, , . r .1 . /> t . . . .'Water formelt to suppose, that part of the oxigen of the acetic acid com- in this procesa, bines with part of the hidrogen of the alcohol, while the other principles of the acid, and those of the alcohol, unite to form the ether. Otherwise, if no water were formed, we must ad- mit, in order to account for the appearances, that the best rectified alcohol contains nearly a fifth of its weight of water, which is scarcely probable. This • Mr.Berthollet even mentioned, that the oxigenlzod muriatic acid and alcohol produced but very little ether ; and we perceive, that hy ii> clined to consider this small quantity of ether as foreign to the mutual action of these two substances. tSfi HtNTS ON ACCLIMATING tENDER PLANTS. Characters of This ether has an agreeable smell of ether and acetic acid ; acetic ci er. ^^^^ j^ reddens neither the infusion nor paper of litmus: and it has a peculiar taste, not very different from that of alcohol. N^either its spqcific gravity nor degree of elasticity was ac- curately ascertained : but it is lignter than water, and swims on it, and heavier than alcohol. Water appears to dissolve Imuch more than it does of sulphuric ether. It burns with a, yellowish white flame, and produces an acid, which is probably the acetic. It does not appear to undergo any alteration by keeping;, at least It did not in the course of six months. IV. Some Hints respecting the proper Mode of inuring Tender \ Plants to our Climate. B(j the Right Hon, Sir Jose Pit Banks, Bart. K. B. P. K. 6'. 4'C*v tnteresting and Jt^ESPECTABLE and useful as every branch of the horti-^ advantageous Qu^m-^l art certainly is, no one is more interesting; to the to harden ten- -^ ^ aratlve cold to excessive heat is productive of the same rapid progress in the growth of tlie plants, and advancement of the fruit to Black cluster maturity. My first attempt was to combine the hardiness united with the of the blossom of the black cluster, or Burgundy grape, Sweetwater, ^y-^|^ the large berry and early maturity of the true sweet- water*. The seedling plants produced fruit in my vinery at three or four months old, and the fruit of some of them was very early ; but the bunches were short, and ill formed, and the berries much smaller than those of the sweetwater, and the blossoms did not set by any means so well as I had hoped, and with the Substituting tlje white chasselas for the sweetwater, 1 ob- tained several varieties, whose blossoms appear perfectly hardy, and capable of setting well in the open air; and the fruit of some of them is ripening a good deal earlier in the present year than that of either of the parent plants. The beriies, however, are smaller than those of the chasselas, and with less tender and delicate skins : and, though not • This grape is often confounded by gardener?, hoih with the white chasselas and white jnuscadine. without chasselas. METHOD OF PfeODUCING NEW AND EARLY FRUITS. IQS Vvllhout considerable merits for the desert, they are gene- rally best calonlated for the press : for the latteV purpose, Good forvrin^ in a cold climate,'! am confident that one or two of them ^^^g^ possess very great excellence. I sent a bunch of one of those varieties to the Horticultural Society, in the la^t au- tumn, and I propose to send two or three others in the pre- sent year. I have subsequently obtained plants from the white chas- selas and sweetwater, the appearance of which is much more pfomising ; and the earliest variety of the grape I have ever Y^^ ^^^^Y ^^ yet seen, sprang from a seed of the sweetwater, and the farina of the red frontignac. This is also a very fine grape, resembling the frontignac in colour and form of the bunch ; but I fear its blossoms will prove too tender to succeed in the open air in this coiintry ; a single bunch, consisting of a few berries, is, however, all that has yet existed of this kind. The present season also affords me two new varieties of the Vine with vine, with striped fruit, and vafiec^ated autumnal leaves, pro- ^^"i'^^^ f"""'* , 1 • 1 1 > . r- ^"^ variegated / duced by the white chasselas and the farina of the Aleppo leaves. vine: one of these has ripened extremely early, and is, I think, a good grape. When perfectly ripe, I propose send- ing a bunch of it for the inspection of the Horticultural Society. * In all attempts to obtain new varieties of fruit, the propa- gator is at a loss to know what kinds are best calculated to ianswer his purpose ; and therefore, I have mentioned those varieties of the grape, from which I have propagated with the best prospect of success. My experiments are, however. Experiments still in their infancy; and I do not possess the means of y^'^ »^ ^lieir in* making them on so large a scale, or in so perfect a manner as I wish : nevertheless, the facts of which I am in possession, leave no grounds of doubt in my mind, that varieties of the Better varieties grape, capable of ripening perfectly in our climate, when niay no doubt trained to a south wall, and of other fruits, better calculated ^^ pro^-uc«I 11 '^ ^ ' T ty it. tort we cannot extract halt the sulphur it contams. In Saxony the distillation of pyrites in the large way never yields more than 13 or 14 per cent of their weight of sul- phur. ^ As these facts were r.ot sufficient to determine my opinion respecting the efl[ects of heat, because all the experiments that DESUI.PIIURATION OF METALS, JQQ that liad come to my knowledge were made at no very high Powdered py- temperature,. I put into a crucible line*! with charcoal some for^anhourina powdered pyrites, covered it with churc(jal powder, and ex- forge fire, was~ posed it for'^an hour to the heat of a forge., The result was \^^^ fj^'^ J^; a mass still retaining all the characters of pyrites. It ap- of its sulphur, peared to have been completely melted, and retains tvvo thirds of the sulphur originally belonging to it. This ex- periment, having been repeated, left me no doubt of the ef- fects of heut alone on sulphuret of iron ; and I think I may conclude from it, that, whatever be the temperature, only a partial decomposition can be produced by it. On sulphuretted copper and pyritous copper heat pro- Sulphuretted duces effects analogous to those observed with irou. The ^"<^' pyntous ,...,. V „ . rt. 1 1 i . 1- , copper similar. distillation (>f pyritous copper aftorded me but veiy little sulphur. T^hese two ores however may be considered as mixtures of the sulphurets of copper and of iron, and the sulphur separated by heat comes from that of iron almost wholly. The sulphuret of lead, or galena, is one of those mine- Galepa. rals, the tieatment of which is most, varied. All chemists agree in considering it as a compound of sulphur and lead only, in the proportion of 15 parts sulphur to S5 of lead. I was the more careful in observing the eiiiscts of caloric on galena, as in separating the sulphur by its means I might hope to obtain metallic lead, the weight and fusibility of which would render its union ver}'" easy. I could likewise without difficulty exclude the air in the process. Into a retort I put 30 gram. [463 grs.] of powdered ga- Heated gently lena, which I heated for tvvo hours so gently as not to a^glu- g^ive out a lit- ttnate it. Only a little sulphurous acid produced by the lcV,"but no"^ - action of the air of the vessels was evolved, a^d I perceived sulphur. no sulphur sublime in the neck of the retort. I then in- Heated nearly creased the fire, and kept it thus two hours more, till both ^^ ^"sioii 5the galena and the retort experienced a commencement o^ ' fusion. The sulphur volatihzed in this second stage of the operation was so little, that T could not detach it from the very little sul- vessel and weigh it. The residuum had the metallic bril- P^"'^^"^^*"^®*^* liancy, was agglutinated, and did not contain an atom of ductile lead. As the heat in this experiment was not very great;» I sub- Fused in a jefted 20Q UESULP^!J9.ATfjON QF METALS. fprg- fre jected to a forge irie «ome powdered galeim in a cruoibJe vTihlsLrhiur ^^"^'^^ ^"'^ covered w,>h charcoal powder. The result was a pxpeile4. itass. ihat had fjeen well fused, and resembled what metal-r lurgists call lead matt Tliere was in it no lead united to- gether, but some parts of the button were merely a little ductile. By analysis I found, that about three fiftl)s of the ;^03s -27 from gulphur still remained. Part of the loss it had experienced fi2aS)i7" ^''' ^y ^'^^ action of the lire, which was 27 per cent, I ascribed to the vplatizatipn of a portion of the suiphuret; for that owing ^p the separation of the sulphur could not have exceeded G per cent at most. Galena then is but yery imperfectly decomposed by heat. I shall npt speak particularly of tlie sulphurets of zinc, antimony, &c., because I am npt acquainted with any expe* riments sufficient to determine with certainty the eiTects, that heat produce^ on them : but I am led to believe froa^ analogy, that it does not decompose them completely. Heat alone All the facts I have adduced appear to me to evince, that ihen expels ^^e action of .caloric a:lone on metallic sulphurets, and par- but little oi the _ ^ . sulphur. ticulurly pn those of iron, copper, and lead, is limited to %he taking from them a small portipn of the sulphur con? t.ained, an4 aftejrwg^rd fusing and even volatilizing them, Sect. 11. Of the simultaneous action of heat and air on metallic sul' phineis. ' Roasting by That metallurgical process, thp object of which is the de- the joint action of heat and air. the iomt action gulphuration of metals, is known by the name of roasting. Most authors, who have treated of it, seem to Consider ca- loric as the sole agent in" the decomposition ; and even those who have remavked the influence of the air, since the esta*- blishment of- the new chemical theory, have not considerecJ ^ . , it as essential. The experiments 1 have collected having^ Oxigen has a • : , ^ * ^ . ^^ great share iu ^hpwn tiie insufficiency of heat alone to decompose a metal- ^^' lie suiphuret, the oxigen of the air must be considered as having a g'reater ^hare in the desulphuration of metals by- toasting. The affinities both of sulphur and metalHc sub- stances for this principle render it very probable ; and it i^ likewise proved by the chemical examination of the product^ ■'■■•-■-■ '■• ■ . . • ^ . ■ '• '-^^ ©ESUI>5IIURATI0N OF METAXS. £tOI of all roaslincrs, sis well as by the manner in which the prOf .cess is conclnrtcd. In the roasting- of snlphurets, instead of seeino' the volatilization of the sulphur effected by a mo- ' t^rnace as at Poullaouen, such a complete separation of the sulphur a complete se- is accomplished in this furnace, that, when the roasting is P^Y'\^'«n ^'f the ' , . . o sulphur may judged to be finished, nothing more than the addition of be effected. charcoal is requisite, to obtain directly a large quantity of metallic lead. It cannot be doubted however, but a great Yetsulphatei5 deal of sulphate of lead is formed, which, as we have seen, **^'""^^"" is a necessary result of the action of air on galena subjected to a high temperature : besides, the chimneys of the fur- naces are filled with it. The decomposition of this sulphate by the charcoal produces a sulphuret, or lead matt, and though sulphurous acid may be evolved, it is very difficult to explain how the addition of charcoal causes the lead to ^ flow immediately in considerable quantity. I have imagined that the sulphate of lead was decomposed during the roast'- ing; and that after this operation nothing remained but an oxide very little mixed : and I think I have found the cause ©f this decomposition in the action of the galena still unde- composed on the sulphate formed. The following experi- ments will make known the nature and result of this action. Into a retort I put a mixture of one part of powdered sul- Sulphuret 1 phuret of lead and three of sulphate; which at first I heated J^ef^'^'^^^^j^t* slowly, i2.04 DESULPHURATION OF METAI.S. ed together in filrtwly. When the retort was redhot, a pretty considerable p retort, quantity of sulphurous acid gas was evolved; and this conr tinned for an hoyr, at the expiration of whicli the retort The result a began to melt. The residuum had been fused, and wa» ^'T'ViT ^^^^'^ to be a mixture of oxide and sulphate of lead. I Jd;. & sulphate. . , . ^ . satisfied myself, that the sulphurous acid, which had been received into water, was not mixed with any sulphuric. The sulphate This experiment proves the possibility of the decomposi- ^ecomposed ^j^^^ ^f ^j^^ Sulphate of lead by the sulphuret ; or rather that by the sulphu- c ^ l ret. of the sulphuric ^cid it contains by the sulphur and lead of the galena. The sulphurous acid arises no doubt equally from the oxigenation of the sulphur, and the semidecom- position of the acid ; for I convinced myself, that the re»ir Equal parts duum contains no sulphate. I repeated the process with *^?h^*^^^^"^ equal parts of galena in sulphate, when the evolution of sulphurous acid was still more abundant, and what remained in the retort was a mixture of oxide and sulphuret. Hence I concluded, that, if tlie proportion of sulphuret of lead were too small in the former experiment, it w^as too large in this* I made also an attempt to ascertain more nearly the propor- tions, that would exactly effect the mutual decomposition ; and at the same time I endeavoured to satisfy myself of the oxidation of the lead contained in the galena in the metallic state. 14 parts to 8. With this view I put 14 gram, of sulphate and 8 of sul- phuret, well mixed together, into a crucible, not lined, which I suffered to grow redhot undisturbed. I observed. Sulphurous that a considerable ebullition took place, occasioned by the evolution of sulphurous acid; and I did not withdraw the crucible, till the matter was in quiet fusion. When cold I Result, sul- found two distinct substances; one, which was at the bottom, ^tasroHead ^'^nsisted entirely of sulphuret of lead, that had been fused, without any mixture of ductile lead ; the other exhibited all the characters of the oxide called glass of lead, and was 4 compound of oxide and silex from the crucible, without any indication of sulphate of lead. This experiment convinced me, that the le£^d of the ga- lena had been oxided at the expense of the sulphuric acid : but it did not show the quantity of galena necessary for the Sulphuret 1 complete decomposition of the sulphate. I believe, how- ever. DESULPHURATION OF METALS. £05 ever, tlmt the pi-oportion of one part of galena to two of sul- sulpliate 2 1 T 1 1 -1 •. j-rr would produce phate will be very near the mark ; and besides it ditters ^ decomposi- littie from what a calculation of their component parts t^^/^- would indicate. The followiiiir are the natural consequences of these facts : Conclusions^. ], Galena and sulphate of lead mutually decompose each other at a high heat. 2, This decomposition gives rise to the formation and evolution of a large quantity of sulphurous ax'id, and consequently to the separation of a considerable portion of the sulphur contained in the ore. 3, The result is oxide of lead, when the proportions are suitable; and when. otherwise a mixture of oxide and sulphate, or oxide ? and galena. >. .^ The application of these consequences to the roastinar of ''^^^^''5^ ^^ , ■ , r. 1 1 • 1 1 n • T roasting galea* sulphuret ot lead in the reverberatory furnace is easy. 1 in the reverbe^ shall explain the theory of this process in the manner in ratory furnace* which I conceive it. The powdered galena, or washed ore . of lead, spread on the bottom of the furnace to the thickness of a few inches, the upper part of which is exposed to the action of the air, gives rise to the phenomena we have ob- served in ordinary roastings. The heat vaporizes a little sul- ^ phur: the air converts part of that on which it acts into sul- phurous acid, which is evolved, and another more consic^^ra- * ble into sulphuric acid, which combines with the lead oxided at the same time. The ore is stirred : the sulphate of lead mixes witk that which is not decomposed, and their mutual decomposition produces sulphurous acid : the fresh surface reproduces sulphate, which serves to occasion a fresh extri^* -cation of giis, and thus to continue the desulphuration, which is limited only by the complete decomposition of the galena. If the process have been well managed, and too much sulphate of lead has not been formed, the result of the roasting will be almost pure oxide of lead : if the contrary, some sulphate may remain, which the charcoal will reduce to the state of sulphuret, and the decomposition of which will be ejected in the same way as that of so much galena, Jlence we may learn the importance of not fusing the sul- phuret of lead subjected to the process of roasting; for the action of the air on the fused ore would soon be rendered null by the formation of oxide of lead which would cover it, and f £05 l>ESULPHUrvATlON OF METALS. ond as the sulphate of lead could uo longer mix with tlic galena, there would be mo way oj desulphurating it. *rhis the n>ost The roasting- of galena in the reverberatory furnace then is^ sulnliu ration. i"educed to the conversion of the sulphur it contains into sulphurous acid; and as this is in great measure effected by the intervention of the sulphate of lead, wiiich is coatinually forming, it admits a more complete clesulphuration than other processes. Decomposi- A similar decomposition of the sulphuret of lead by the Scotch furnace ^^^P^^**^ appears to uie also to take place in the treatment similar. of lead ores in the Scotch furnace. In Scotland galena i* roasted and smelted in an uninterrilpted process by means of coal and turf. TTsed \»ithsuc- The same furnace is employed with success at Pezey for cess at Pezey. fusi^o- roasted galena containing at least one third of its weight of sulphate of lead. Its liual result gives no matts, which proves, that it permits the decomposition of the sul-^ phate, and the separation of the sulphur it contains. I con- ceive, that the action of the part reduced to the state of sul- phuret, by the contact of the charcoal, on the undecomposed sulphate, is one of the principal causes of the desulphur- ation effected. In some fiirna- Ssc:ircely any effect from and the Scotch, in which metallic sulphurets undergo a real roasting. roasting; but there are others, in vvhich this effect is scarcely- sensible. Some reflections on their differences in this res- pect will probably not be out of place here ; and they will be the more interesting, as they are intimately connected with our subject, and account for phenomena, which are inexpli- cable according to the idea generally entertained of roasting. the higher the . It is a fact well known in smelting houses, that the highest le Tsui \uir ftnnaces are least favourable to desulphuration, or in the carried off, language of nvetallurgists produce the most noatts. If an indisputable proof of this were required, I need only say, that at Pezey I have seen roasted lead ores containing a great deal of sulphate of lead, which smelted in the Scotch furnace yielded not matts as the ultimate result, but pro- duced a large quantity in the fourneau d tnauche [a kind of |)igh furnace]. Heat alone inr if heat alone could easily and completely decompose me- effectual. . tallic DESULPIHTRATION OF METAtS. ' gO/ tallic sulp]uirets,the upper partof lnt>b furnaces would be well adapted to the roasting of ores ; for, beside that the tempe- rature there is not too great, the air that comes thither, being deprived of part of its oxigen, scarcely forms any of those sulpluites, that oppose the separation of the sulphur. But th€ fact is the reverse of this, which is to me an additional proof of the little effect of the action of caloric alone on these substances. The sulphur is separated, from the sulphu- rets, as has been seen, in the state of sulphurous acid, and oxigen is indispensable to its formation. In furnaces of no Advantages of G^reat heisfht the air that comes into contact with the fresh ^ J^werfur- . . , nace. charge of ore still contains a great deal of oxigen, and the sulphurous acid formed is soon withdrawn from the dis- oxidiug jaction of the charcoal : but if a small portion be de- composed, a fresh sulphuret is formed, which is afterward roasted in the same manner as the ore. In the Scotch fur- nace for instance, when any matts flow from it, they are im- ^ mediately thrown into the furnace again, and what escaped decomposition in the first process is decomposed in a second. In high furnaces on the contrary the ore placed in the upper Disadvantage part undergoes a very incomplete desulphuration, because ^^^^'^'^^^S^^" the air coming into contact with it contains but very little free oxigen ; the sulphurous acid formed in the Interior is far the greater part decomposed in traversing all the height of the furnace fdled with coals, and a sulphuret is recomposed ; this by its gravity tends to descend into the basin, which it does not reach till after a succession of decompositions ; and the consequence must be a considerable loss of metal, as in fact is observed. All these facts together seem to me to place it beyond These proofs doubt, that the decomposition of metallic sulphurets j^ '^^^^^"^'^'^>'^^' roasting is produced by the oxigenatioii of their component parts, and the sulphur is separated more or less completely ia the state of sulphurous acid. Sect. III. Desulphurdtion of metals independently of the action of the air* The I'arious affinities of sulphur for different mineral sub- Desulphura- stances afford means of decomposing certain sulphurets, and tion by electiye metallurgists have already availed themselves of several with success. JJ08 BESULPimRATlON OF METALS. Requisite con- success. In order that thef decomposition of a metallic sul- phuret b^ any mineral may constitute the basis of a metal- lurgical pfocess, it is not sufficient, that the affinity of this mineral for sulphur be greater than that of the metal : it ijT farther necessary, beside the conditions economy requires^ that several others indispensable to the success of the process' be satisfied, which greatly diminishes the number of ag'ent^ iudicated by chemistry. For example, if the sulphuret re- fiultintr from the decomposition be infusible, or nearly so; or if it have the property of combining with the metal to be V separated, or witli the sulphuret yet undecom posed ; it is obvious, that the object sought, which is the separation of the metal, will not be obtained. Hitherto scarcely any thing. but lime and iron has been employed. Desulphuration of mefcury. Sulphuret of The sulphufet of mercury is easily decomposed. It is Jnercury by sufficient to present to the sulphur a substance capable of lime or iron. . . . , , , t >•,• i i retammg it, and the mercury may be volatilized alone. Thus iron and lime are erriployed singly or conjointly in the treatment of cinnabarine ores. Desulphuration of copper. Cojjper pyrites Copper pyrites afe smelted in some works with lime, hy lime. either in the fourneau a mancfie^ or the reverberatory fur- nace; but this process is not sufficiently known in detail, to' enable us to judge of the efficacy of this agent. tran tfoes not ^ ^*^^^ thought with some metallurgists, that tlie acknow- answer. ledged greater affinity of i ron than of copper for sulphur might occasion the decomposition of sulphnret of copper by this metal, at least in some cases : but the experiments lam about to give induced ^ne to relinquish this opinion. Experiment in ^^t E.vp. I mixed 10 gram. {155 grs.] of pyritous copper, proof. the composition of which 1 knew, with 4'3 gram. [66 grs.] of iron filings ; put the mixture into a crucible ; covered it with charcoal powder ; and heated it in a forge fire three quarters of an liour. The proportion of iron was calculated so as to be sufficient for taking up all the sulphur combined with the copper in the ore en>ployed. In the crucible I found a perfectly homogeneous mass, weighing 13*1 gram. [202 grs], which dlid not contain the least globule of metallic copper, nor DESULP«tjRATION OF lilETALS. 209 or any sign of ?'eparatioti between the sulphuret of iron and that of copper*. ' QdExp, Another trial was made with 10 gram. [155 grs] 2d experimetit. of pyiitous copper and 5 gram. [77 g's] of the same mineral roasted, which is nearly the state of the product when the ore or matts have not been completely desulphurated. The proportion of iron was still insufficient to separjite any cop- per, of which there was abundance in the mixture. I heated it three quarters of an hour, and found, as in the preceding experiment, a homogeneous mass, without any sign of me-^ tallic copper, or pure sulphuret of copper : it was a tru6 coppfer matt. 3d Exp. Equal pJirts of crude and roasted copper py- Sdexperimeat. rites were mixed, moistened with olive oil, and heated strongly for half an hour in a crucible lined with charcoal,; The product was nothing but a powder, that had not un- dergone airiy fusion, no doubt owing to the superabundance of iron. These few trials I conceive are sufficient to prove, that th^ Iron, sulphur, desulphuration of copper by means of iron will always be fr^m^a^tri^^le f eiy difficult to effect, because a triple compound of sulphur, compound in iron, and copper, is formed, or a combination tak,es place be- fj^^^^°^*^^* tween the sulphurets of copper andiron, which obstructs the Aeparatiou of the copper. Desulphurhtion of galena. Galena is one of those sulphurets, in which this decom- Sulphuret of positioii is most readily effected; The fusibility of lead, which facilitates the union of its particles, as Well as the little affinity it has for sulphur, are the cailses of the Success of the attempts of this kind. Lime and iron are employed in dif- by lime and ferent circumstances for the desulphu ration of galena* The ^'■^'^- use of lime is not very general, and it is impossible to judge Lime httle of its effects from is known of the properties of sulphu- ret of hme. The treatment of galena by malleable or cast iron pr^f^rsK* iron in small pieces is more in use, and appears very advan- ble. tageous. * In the decomposition of galena by iron, when the latter, is ill toa *mall quantity, three distanct substances may be observed : lead, sulphu-? ret of lead, and lastly sulphuret of iron at the upper part. Vol. XVI—Nov. IS07. P At 210 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS IN FRANCE. Experiments ^t tlie school of mines of Montblanc a ffreat many expe- at the School . ^ , , . , , , , . „ jj nments nave been made on the desulphuration of galena by- iron, the results of which were of sufficient importance, to render the publication of them desirable. Hints may he The Drcsent paper contains several facts applicable to the facish^'^^"*^^^^*^*^^ metallurj^y, and capable of sugj^esting different ex- given, periments to those who cultivate it. I have not pointed out any, because they wilT readily suggest themselves to those, who are capable of conducting them. Mr. Descotils AH the experimental researches here given were made in th3 «cpS-^ ^^® laboratory of the Council of Mines, and under the eye meats. of Mr. Descotils, whose advice was of great advantage to me, in giving them that accuracy, which he is accustomed to observe even in the least operations. VII. Heights of various Places determined hy the Barometer, in the Course of several Tours through France, Switzerland, and Italy: 6^ F. Berger, M. D.y of Geneva*. Ascertauiing JtSlMONG the means best calculated to advance the phj*- heights o^^^ ^^ gj^^l department of geography in the present state of our the improve- knowledge we may reckon the ascertainment of the eleva- ment of geolo- ^j^^j^ of a great number of points on the Earth's surface. La Place The learned author of la Mecanique celeste has proposed to employ with this view observations with the barometer con- jointly with the longitude and latitude, to obtain a more complete and extensive levelling than trigonometrical mea- surement will admit, and at the same time to acquire a knowledge of the direction of mountainous chains, the slope * of rivulets, and the forms of countries. To promote these useful objects I shall add to the researches of these natural philosophers, who have attended to this branch of physics* the observations I have collected in different journies. They will form the subject of a f'ewpapers, which I shall publish i * Abridged from the Journal de Physique, vol. LXlV, p. 220, March, 1807. CEOLOGtCAt OBSERVATIONS IN FRANCE. 211 in Succession, and in which I shall point out generally the n^iire of the' countries mentioned, that ray labour^ may be more immediately useful to geoloj^y. All the heisi:hts were calculated according to the formulae Hcic^hts calcu- o? Messrs. de Luc and Trembley: not that I mean to speak lk rock includes different kinds of petrifactions, as well petrifactions as flints, and nodules of pyrites, which are decompos;ed by '"'^d pyntes in oxidation when exposed to the air. The cliff is continued up the course of the Seine : and at Orcher, a pleaisant vil- lage 3 leagues [7|- miles] east of Havre, it is about 200 feet high. Here it is more abrupt than at cape de la Heve, and Sandstone un- about a tifteenth part at the bottom is composed of a sand7 d^' ^'• stone with small siliceous pebbles. At Honfleur the cliff ceases to contain strata of flint, and prij^ts cea^e. diminishes in heig!,t as it approaches the mouth of the Toucques, 4 leagues [10 miles] farther. From Tronville §ar mer to within 4 miles of the mouth of the Dives it al- most 214 GfOLOQICAL OBSERVATIONS IN FRANCS. Sand, Caen river building stone. Reddish, most whoUy disappears. A reddish, shelly calcareous stone stone/ is very abundant' on the shore. Imperceptibly the clitT rises again, and opposite the rocks called the l5Uick Cows it is Blue marie in- about 150 feet high, about two thirds of the lower part, be- cludiug fossil . 1 I • 1 1 • 1 1 1 • /■ r 1 she\!s and '"g a blueish marie, include a large species ot tossjl oyster, traces of bitu- called the crested oyster, other petrifactions, and signs of bi- miai-ied wood. ^ ... , n i ^ • i n tuminized wood. 1 he upper part is chalk. From Dives to Savenelles, or Sallenelles, at the mouth of the Orne, nothing appears but sand, forming in some places downs. On proceeding up the Orne, .near a mile and half beyond Savenelles, arc quarries of a large grained cakarecnis stone, soiled with yellow earth, lying in horizontal strat.T, and used for building in the country round. From Gray, at the mouth of the Seule, no cliff is seen till we come to Tracy, a village 8 or 10 miles to the west- CUffof blueish south-west. There it is about 200 feet high ; and is formed ireestoue. ^^ ^ ^^^y. fine grained bluoish freestone, tolerably hard, in- terspersed with scah^s of mica, lying in horizontal strata, and including a prodisious quantity of cornua Ammonis, some of which are very large. The whole of this coast abounds in fuel and other marinj plants. The sum.' calcareous freestone forms the substratum of the soil from -BayouK to Littry, a village 5 miles to the south- west. At Litt-r\ is a coalpit, that deserves the attention of the naturalist. It was opened in 174-1, and has two shafts, -one of v.hich, called St. George's, is 343 feet [36'8 Eng.] deep, and has several extensive galleries issuing from it. The thickness of the coal varies from 4^ to 9 feet [4 feet 10 in. to 9 feet 7 in.] : it lies on a calcareous freestone, but It tie effervescent ; and this an a clay, very soft to the touch, and not attackable by acids. At 250 feet [267 Eng.] from the surface occurs a stratum of a- primitive congluti- nated stone, composed of siliceous pebbles generally an inch or tv'o in liiameter, nodules of steatite, and thin laminae of coal, cemented by a finer freestone, which does not effer- vesce with acids. , No petrifaction has yet been found in this coal mine, except one branch of a tree, in which traces of woody fibres are perceptible. The coal is in general very sulphurous ; that of the best miality is sold on the S|)ol (or, ^Q^. Cornua Am- m^iiiis. Fuci. Coalpit. GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS IN FRANCE. Q\;^ $6s. [13cl,] the bushel, \ypighing about 130 lbs; and the worst fetches 15s. [Zftl.l. The water of a well 18 feet deep, Water at the . . r c. r-y > i r. r '^ f • bottom at the bottom of St. George s shaft, freezes on its surface in j„ wmcr. winter. On the 27th of. September Deluc's thernpomeler Cokl greater stood there at 12'8 fSO'S F.l, while in the open air it was tliani" the V -* ' open air. at 17-6 [7V6 F.]. The water of this well is extremely acid. 'J'he Vire, which falls into the sea not far from Isigny, forms Sand bank. a considerable bank of sand at its mouth. There is no ap- pearance of cliff here; but at Vierville, a small town on its left bank, and not far from the sea, there are some traces, which soon give way to the sands and downs, that extend to Ravenoville 7^ miles N. N. VV. Throughout this space an Shells and zos- r I 11 r 11-1 11 1 tera marina immense quantity of shells are found, which are collected ^g^.^! ^s ma- " and sold to the farmers for dressing their grass land. The nure. zostera marina, which covers the shore, is collected for the same purpose. Thc^ rudiments of cliff seen at Vierville con- sist of horizontal strata of free stone, alternating with clay ; Voth including many petrifactions, particularly gpyphites and ammites. At Ravenoville, which lies opposite the isles of St. Mar- Petrosilex, couf, we enter at once upon the primitive class of stones. A beautiful kind of reddish scaly petrosilex forms the transi- tion from the primitive substratum of the peninsula of Cher- bourg to the shelly calcareous stone of the surrounding coun- try. The houses of the neighbouring villages, as well as the forts on the coast of la Hougue, are built with this petro- silex. The islands of St. Marconf are probably of a similar rock, since the corresponding coasts of England are; so that, as Granite proba- Mr. Delametherie observes, we can scarcely doubt, that the ^^^ extends 1 r • I ' t I • 1 ' /. 1 1 1 under the sea granite extends far into the sea on both sides ol the channel : acoss the and if it were ever to be laid drx', we should probably find channel, the continuation of the gmnitic chain from one country to the other; or at least they would be separated Vonly By a few plains of secondary formation, as are the granites of Biitanny and what was formerly Limousin. Ravenoville is perhaps the most northerly place in France, Salt pans^ where salt is made byimitating to a certain point the pro- 216 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS IN FRANCE. ■ •>, - ■ .... ,, cess of salt marshes; the tide flowing into basins formed in the sand, where the \yater standi some time to evaporate be- fore it is boiled down. The cliffs do not reappear as far as fort de la Ilougue, where I was obliged to give up my design of doubling cape Barfleur, viewing the real granite in its native situation. A idisngrecable event, which it would be useless to mention, obliged me to proceed directly to Valogne. On this road I Schist. continually met vyith argillaceous schist, which as it proceeds in land forms a series of woody hills, rising in height as they Furze sown to recede from the coast. Near Valogne the ulex EjiropceuSf manure. furze, is seen in abundance. It is sown there, to be burned on the land as a manure. Woody coun- From Valogne to Cherbourg the country is w-oody, and the ^' soil re<]dish. Cherbourg is built on a substratum of light Steatite. ^rcen steatite, very greasy to the feel, in laniinse more or less Curved. In some places they are in separate pieces, coarse ITarbourof grained, and easily broken. The new basins for the harbour ler ourg. ^^^ Cutting out of this rock. Large nodules of true granite, and veins of quartz, are included in the' steatite. The mountain of Roule, a little to the south-south-east of Cherbourg, may be considered as constituting the cliff. Ij; terminates abruptly toward the town in a precipice about 4Q Petrosilex. toises htgh. It consi'^ts of a kind of dull petrosilex, with a shelly fracture, in some places reddish, in others whitish, much like that of Ravenoville, but evidently in strata seve^ ral feet thick, all rupning S S. E. and N. N. W. Quartz Quarried for crystals are occasionally found in it. This rock is wrought the haroour of - , , _ , , , , ,, , • i * Cherbourg. i^r the works of the harbour, blasted in large masses. Hilly pcuntry. Between Cherbourg and St. Lo the soil is variable. Thence to Aulnay and on to Falaise it is hilly, and woody, but the trees are in general low. The usual direction of these hills is noith and south, and they diminish \n height as they ap-- Schist. proach the coa*it. They consist of a micaceous argillaceous schist, which does not effervesce with acids, and includes no ciganic bodies. In some places it passes into true slate. Limestone '^^»r Villers hbv^^eyier, in the Hlstrici of Cam, is found a gra- Cattlefed on ^'"^"^s limestone containing a prodigious quaiitity of belem- furve; - '' nhes. Tiic lurze on the downs is employed for feeding cattle. The GEOLOGICAj:. OBSERVATIONS IN FRANCE. 31/ I'he country on the right bank of the Orne begins to differ Limestonf perceptibly from that on the left. At Ussy 10 or 11 miles N. N. VV. of Falaise, limestone occurs in strata. The course of the Orne indeed appears the boundary of two different jkinds of country : on the left bank we find micaceous argil- divided from laceous schist, and on the right limestone. The argillaceous thebctiitbf . the Orne, schi^t of the woody part of Normandy may be considered as forming the transition to the primitive rork, that constitutes ihe most advanced part of the peninsula of Cherbourg to the N. N. W. At Veriieuil nodules of flint reappear in the Flinty challc. ' chalk, and we begin to perceive vineyards. The line traced * '^ y^ by Mr. Arthur Young on this point appears to me very ac- curate. Thus we see, 1st, that the part of France where we find a Extent of tli-i« chalky soil interspersed with flints stretches S. E. and N. VV., ^^^^• and is pretty accurately included between the mouths of the Seine and fhe Lys, occupying a breadth of about 50 leagues [125 miles] and a length of 70 [175 miles]: 2dly, that in this the highest cliffs occur, at Ica.^t among those that are seen between St. Valery on the Somnie and Cherbourg. The following table will show this more conspicuously. Heights above the sea in Table of faces. toises&thousandih parts. heio-bts above According According the level of the to Deluc toTrt'nibley. ^^^* Beaumont-sur-Oise •• .^.. .•35'352- 39 514 ^Amiens*.. f....38'801 3S-977 Frixecourt SO'OOp 30'321 Ault 25-437 26'-100 Treport 59*458 6'0'99O Etretat 52-944 54*243 Cape de la H^ve 46'"545 47 729 Honflour 41798 42*887 Caumunt 14r32() 143-707 Cahagnes 88*206' 89-13.5 Auinay * 58-61 7 58-913 Harcourt ...-*. 22'672 23'229 yiif. 2lfi JfEW CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS. VIIT. A new Method of Chssing the Hymenopteraiis and Dipterous Infects: bij L. Jurine, Correspondent of the Institute, Professor of Anatomiji Sfc*, H -mcnoDtcra *"" ^^^ distinction of the order fiymenoptera, pointed out a natural order, by Aristotle, is SO natural, that it has been retained in ev^ery Genera distin- System of entomology to the present day. Linneus, Geoff guished arbi- froy, and Degeer, divided it into a few genera, more or less arbitrary, from various particularities of confirmation : while Fabricius and Lareilje have attended in this point to the or b the arts P^^'^® ^^ *^^ mouth. The difficulty of dissecting this organ of the mouth, however in the smaller species is a great inconvenience; to which IS diiii- avoid which, and at the same time adhere more closely to the / system of classiiication by the wings, Mr. Jurine has recourse" to the disposition of the principal ribs of the wing for the generic characters. New method Having observed, thtit these ribs, by intersecting or termi- by the ribs of nating in each other, form various reticulations, which are c vngs. constantly aniibvm in insects of the same kind, he has stu- died these systematically, and given aci-'urate representations of those of the hymenoptera in 14 coloured plates, included in a quarto volume, in which he details his method. On the outer edge of the upper or larger wing of the hymenoptera are two large parallel ribs, appearing to issue from the corse- let, and strongly united by an expansion of the membrane. The outermost of these he terms the radi a f r'lh, the inner- most the aihifdL The phice where they terminate toward the end of the wing, which is commonly distinguished by a ?':ot or mark more or le'ss deep, he calls the pointy or carpus. The rib that proceeds f'om this point to the extremity of the wing has a membranous' space between it and the outer edge of tlie wing, forming one or more areas, whiph he names Tudtal celts. From the extremity CTf the cu'uital rib, and near the carpus, another -prominent line proceeds towards the ex- tremity of the wing, and the interval between this and the * Abri tged frorri tlie Magazhi Eucycloptdio^ue for April, 1807, p. 434. preceding PLOTTING QUADRANT, LEVEL, AND CALCULATOR, «i]g, ^recedhit^ is the cubital cell, which is commonly divided into two, three, or lour. All these cells exhibit a g-eat many differences : thus they are iiicouipieie, appea liculdte,'petiolate, &c. These difFer- encCv-i coiist.tute the. characters. Tt e whole of the hyraenoptera with which Mr. Jurfne is DiYided into » ^aoquuinted, and his own collection contains 2200 species, he gg^gg^^^* *'^* .inciu in i^iS j^ejiera, which he arranges in three suborders, didti li^uisiied b the manner in which the abdomen is at- jtac ed. The vdiptera, arranged according to the i^ame me- Thediptcri thoa, w 11 siiortly appear. promised. IX. Description and Manner of Using Mr, Robert Salmon's Gf'ometrical Plotting Quadrant^ J^evely and Calculator, for the Use of JSavigatiun and Land~Survei/ing; ascertaining inac essible JJistances, aud Demonstrating and JJetermin" ing vuriou» Problems in Geomtiry and Trigonometry*, N the instrument and parts thereof are engraved the Terms used. names given by the inventor, and made use of in these ex- planations; the base line being that at right angles with the 90 degrees on the arch, as it is also to the perpendicular, which perpendicular always moves parallel to thejJO degrees. -For the use of land-surveying, where the instrument can be made stationary, the sight (mai'ked a. Fig, 1, P/. V.) with the small hole in it, must be applied; but for sei c?rvicc, the one h, Pig. 2, with the mirror, must be substituted in its place. Every person who has iiad occasion to rlescribe or calculate ^^^t riie under consideration, so is any other side of the same tabular triangle, to the corresponding side supposed to be souo-ht, of the triangle in quesi-ion. It is _ t V). ^^'^^^'^^' *^^*' hy means of the base line, perpendicular, and pUcableto either the upper ^ or lower limb of my instrument, by the two t^esej motions of which the perpendkidar is capable, and the an- gular motion of which the limbs are capable ; any right- angled triangle whatsoever, as C B E, or C D E, in the diagram Fig. 6, P/. V, may be instantly formefl, (by bring- . ing the top corner of the perpendicular to touch the lirnb) with the same or greater facility, than it could be taken out of a trigonometrical table, measured by the compasses on the sector, or set on any instrument now in use for that purpose. But no instrument that I have seen or read of is capable of and ennally to forming immediately ani/ obtnse-ttvgled triangle, as on my cbiuse angles, geometrical plotting (jvadrant can be done; nor can the tri- gonometrical tables be applied, to produce the sides and angles of such a triangle, without some trouble, in any case ; and in some of the most useful cases in practice, the labour is very considerable. 1 shall therefore give the solution of Prob1ems(6be live problems. First, supposing, that Figure 6, PLY, solved by it. represents my instrument, set to answer-ihis and the follow- ing problems ; A, B, C, being the triangle under consider- ation ; PLOTTtNG RANf, LEVEL, AND CALCULAToiR* ^^J ation ; then since the Z A C E, is by Euclid (I, 90) equal to the Z B A C, it is evident that this angle will be shown, or may be set, by means of the divisions on the arc F G; also, that since C B E> and I C B, are also eq^ual, the arc H I,' with the addition of 90*^ (for the angle E B A), will show the Z C B A, of the triangle ; it is equally evident, that the a7X F H will show the sum of the two Zs B C A, and AC F, af the same time that the lengths of alt the sides may be read off", on the divisions or scales, on C A, C B, and B A. Therefore : First, — To construct or set a triangle, having two of its angles and the side hetioeen them given. Set the limb C G, to the division at G upon the arc an- to set a triaa- sweriug to one of tlie angles, say A, and make it fast, then S^® "^ which 2 to this ZA add the (rther given angle, (which we will call C) side between and set the other limb C H, and make it fast at the division them are glv^, H, on the arc answering to the sum of their degrees; then on the limb C G seek the length of the given side C A ; next, push the perpendicular up or down, till the parallel cuts the point A, (always observing, the divided edges are those you Work to), and by the help of the mill-headed nut, move the perpendicular, till its top corner just touches the limb C H, say in the point B; when it is evident that the degrees oa the arc H I, added to 90°, is equal to the angle B, and that the other sides C B, and B A, may be read orf thereon. Or supposing C B D 16 be the triangle, whose angles B and C and side B C are given, we have only to move the limbs so as to make 1 H equttl to B, and H G equal to C, and then to bnngthe top of the perpendicular to touch C H, at the divi-* sion B, answerii'g to the sideSl^ B, when the other Z D will be shown by the division on the arc G F, adding 90° thereto ; and the remaining sides C D and B D may be read off on their respective scales. Second. — To set a triangle, having fivo sides and iht angle included between them given. Let A B C be the triangle, A B aud A C the given sides, T\7o sides and and A the given angle; iirst set the litnb C G to the division ^^^ ^"g'® ^2- • answering to A, then bring the parallel up to the point A, any J^Ien. S52 PLOTTI?JG QUADRANT, LEVEt, AND CATXULATOR/ swering to the side C A, and by the ?/?// move the perpendi^ cular, till B A answers to the given side B A; next bring down the limb C H to touch B, and on C B mav he read the other side, while H G will show rbe aiifrle C, and 1 H -f Q0° the Z B, wlienee all the six parts a,e known. Third. — To set a triangle^ having two sides and an angle oppO" sile to one of them given. Two sides and Let A B C be the triangle, A C and G B the given sides, an angleoppo- and A the given angle ; first read the angle A on F Gj and them given! ^^^ ^^'^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ thereto ; then push up the parallel lo the division at A, answering to C A, and with one hand work the nvt and with the other move the limb C H, till they touch at B, the division answering to the side C B ; then B A is the side sought, and the arc G H will show tlie Z C, and I H + Q

r limb fstill at 90^) may be in the siime line as when at tbe first station ; this done, iriove the upper limb into the di- rection of the nearest, and the Imver Ihhh into the direction, of the most distant object; which /i/n^.? being so set, and inade fast, the distance of both objects from the second sta-* tion will be seen on the two limbs, and the distance from the first station a:t th^ same time seen on the base line, by setting;, and moving the perpendicular as directed in the last case. This is also a case of right-angled triangles. " Thirdly. — To measure an inaccessible distance in an oblique^ angle, where a right angle cannot be obtained, by reason of some impediment on the ground. To measure an At tlie first station, from which the distance is required, inaccessible p]ace the instrument; then set up a staff in any attainable ifHtance in an ^ . i , , ,. •Mi^ue angle, direction, to any distance at pleasure (the more distant the better). The instrument being set with its base in direction to the staff, with one of the moving limbs take the angle of the object, and with the screw fix it thereto. This done, move the instrument in the direction of its base (being be- tween the first station and staff set up] to any certain distance, (say 50 yards or measures) as a second station. From this secoftd station again take the angle of the object, and theieto fix the other moving limb ; this done, the distance both from first and second station, as also the bases and perpendiculars thereto will thus readily be seen. Set the perpendicular 2cX random to any height, move the same till the upper point intersect the upper limb, or that most distant fiom the base, then read off on the parallel, the divisions parallel to the base subtended between the two hjpothenuscs or limbs; if this distance or division be equal to the distance measured on the base line, {i. e. 50) then the distance of the object from both stations will be shown on the two limbs, as will also tl»e base and perpendicular on the resf>ective lines. If the divi- sions on the parallel (\o not agree with the distance measured, the perpendicular mu^t he altered till that division is shown, when PLOTTING QUADRANT, LEVEL, AND CALCULATOR. g^J when the required distance will be given. This is a case of our first problem. Fourthly. — To leveU or measure the altitude of any object. It is only neces«*ary to set the plane of the instrument ver- To measure tical, instead of horizontal, by means of the joint under the '^^ object. ^ instrument, whence it is evident every case may be known as on the horizon; and to level, it is onlv requisite to set the spirit level at the back of the instrument, the base line and every object cut by the same will be level thereto. Fifthly. — To take angles or altitudes at sea, where the instru- ment cannot be made statiof/ari/. For this purpose, it is first requisite to chanp^e the sight a. To take angles Mg, 1, and substitute the ond b, Fig. 2; which being firmly or^ltiiudes at fixed and adjusted at right angles with the upper limb, it is evident that when by reflection any object is brought to co- incide on the mirror, at the extremity of the base Hue, with another object seen in the dire( tion of such base, the angle will then be known, being double what the uup'^r limb de- notes on the arch, to which true angle, or ?ts double, the loiver limb may be fixed, leaving the oc.e with the mirror again at liberty to take another observation and angl<% a^ any- distant place, or time; which being ^o taken, thi;s li^nb may be also moved and fixed to double its appar/ent angle, and the altitude or distance be then determined, by sctt ?;g the perpendicular and parallel as in other common caa^ is on land. From this mode of determining distances, as the use o( cal- Su; '^r^edefthe culations and of tables of sines and tangents is supeseded, use of calcula- itis presumed that much convenience will arise to th^ unlet- 1,;^',^ of s .. T tered who may have occusion to use it, and thereb} the errours ^'^^ t.u geats. of calculations will be avoided. As well as the before-mentioned purposes to which the in- '^ arions other strument appHes, it is presumed there will be i'ouuti oiher """'^ 'o vv^^^hJi things which it will pes f urn, some it is hoped useuii, and jBome amusing, amongst which may be enumerated. Multipli- cation, Division, Rule of Three, Double Kuh of Thee, &c. ; d'Ctermining the area or s-.des of any sort o^ fia^jgle i\om any jnoperdata; determining the inscribing or inscribed circle YuL. XVIU— Nov. 1807. Q of ' ^26 PLOTTING QUADEANT, LEVEL, AND CALCULATOR. of any triangle, square, or polygon, showing a mean propor- tional between two numbers, &o. It is presumed, that an instrument, if perfectly made, on a large scale, would be found very useful and accurate in various practical calculations, as well for making them, as for proving them after made in tigures. The following are specimens of the manner of calculating by this instrument. First Question. — Jf £\Q0 in 12 months produce 80 shillijigs interest, what will ^£'200 produce in 18 months, and also what will it produce in 12 months? Question in On the base line of the instrument set ^100. On the «d by U ^^^ 'perpendicular set 80 for shillings interest. Then bring the lower limb to intersect, whkh angle will then be, as per question, equal to 12 months at all places on the base; hav- ing so fixed the loiver limb, move forward the perpendicular till it intersects the lower limb at the height 12 on the perpenri dicular, then mise the perpendicular to 18, and to the extre- inity thereof fix the upper limb to intersect, which angle will then be in proportion as 18 to 12 to the loicer limb, being equal to the different times. The limbs being so fixed, it is only requisite to move the perpendicular to 200 ©n the base; and, raising the perpendicular till it intersects the upper limb, you will have thereon the answer 240 shillings, and at the same time, at the intersection on the lower limb, l6o, beijig the interest for 12 months only. ' Question second. — To determine the imcrihed or inscribing circle of any polygon, the side being given; for exampUi a hexagon the side ojtvhich is 100 Jeet. To determine Set one of the limbs to half the angle included in the the inscribed or • i • i /. i i /• i » i . .i inscribing cir- »'ec(uired side ot the hexiigon (i. e, 30 degrees), then set the cleofapoiy- perpendicular to the height of half the side given, being as per question 60. Then move the perpendicular till the ex- tiTmity intersects the limb before set, on which, at such inter- section, will be denoted the radius of the inscribing circle, and at the same time may be seen on the base the radius of the inscribed circle. Question PLOTTING QUADRANT, LEVEL, AND CALCULATOR. QQJ Question third. — Tojinda mean proportional as between 6C0 and 200. This depends on the well known property of a right angled triangle. Set the perpendicular on the hase line, at the distance of To find a mean lialf of the difference of the two numbers [i. e. eoo — «o.o); this P'-oportional. done, raise the perpendicular, and move either of the lifnbs till the extremity of the 7)topping it The discovery of stonping the main-spring when wound with.uta ^jp witbrnt a fusee, I must beg leave to say, gives me a great deal of satisfaction; and will, I hope, be useful to my brother workmen. To show with what ease a watch will turn the larum screw, I made the following exp' -iinent. Ease with When the machine was wound up and the lever put u|)0i^ which it acts, j^^ screw, I turned the a\is of the screw, while one o^ the pins, which has a communication with the key when the ** The Society of Arts voted Mr. Prior their silver medal and twer ♦; ^ui- lU'jii; for thi^ iiiYcntiou. Traus, Vol. XXIII, p. ;39.3. match . DESCRIPTION OF A LARUM FOR A WATCH. 22?^ tvatch is put to the larum, was parallel to the horizon ; its distance from the centre of motion was one eighth and three fourths of an inch. I hunj^ a slender thread upon the pin, with ten grains troy weight tied to it^ which moved the crew. This larum maybe seta week before-hand, if the watch May be set as would go as long, by increasing the number of threads of hand as the the screw. watch will go. When a watch is made to wind up the contrary way, it is Left hand necessary only to take out the pin in the axis of the detent, ^^^^ * and turn the lever the other side up, and then it will drop off at the other end of the screw to disengage the laru'^. By taking notice at what hour you wind up your ^'atch, Number of and by winding it up again at twenty-four hours, you v, ill ^£^i^J^(^^qq^^ ascertain how many hours are contained in one turn of the fusee, the most common are four, five^ six, hours for each , turn. I have divided the common index into 120, which does for three concentric circles. That next the centre is for a watch fusee of four hours a turn ; the next five, and the last six. While the hand of the larum passes over one of the "jdi visions, it will be equal to two minutes to the four hours «ircle, two and a half to the five hours, and three minutes to the si!t hours circle, all shown by the same hand. Before a v/atch is put to the larum, it must be fitted with A particular n key that will not drop off when the watch is turned with ^^^ i^ecess^ry. the key-hole downward, something like that which I have sent ; then hang up the watch by the pendant to the holder, which may be turned while the key end on the watch is opposite to the axis of the screw, and the face of the watch parallel to the plate. Then turn the sliding pieces any way, as may suit the watch in that situation, and screw it fast. Supposing the watch is four hours in making a turn of the Method of set- fusee, turn back the hand of the larum while one of the pins ^i"§ ^^« touches the pin in thew^atch key, and if the han^ is not at top, turn it back till it is. If the larum is required to go off 4n foui* hours, lift the lever into the first turn of the screw ; if in fi^e hours, turn back the larum hand one hour; if in six horn's, two back; if in seven hours, three back ; and if in eight 2^0 DESCRIPTION OF A lAEUM OF A WATCH. eight hours, do not turn it back, but put the lever into th* second turn of the screw ; and so for the rest. I am, Sir, Your very humble servant, JOHN PRIOR. Reference to the Engraving of Mr, Prior' slL^arunu PL VL Explanation of pig. \ shows a bird's-eye view of the machine, t e p ate ^^ shows the position of the watch on the larum. B. The spiral cylinder, fixed on the axis, and moved by a pm across a key placed on the fusee square of the watch. C. The acting lever, one end of which lies upon the spiral, the other end is movable upon an arbor D. E, shows a notch cut in the arbor D. This notch is cut more than half through the arbor, in a situation opposite to a pin at F, in the middle of the rim of the larum contrate wheel G. When the lever C falls off the cylindrical spire B, the notch E is moved to a situation so as to allow the pin F to pass through the notch which discharges the larum hammer H, which works by pallets in the contrate wheel G in the usual manner* O. The barrel which contains the spring, the inner hand of which is connected with the same axis as the contrate wheel. K. The finger piece which winds up the spring. h, b, b. The three sliding pieces which hold the watch. e, c. Two projecting pins, which are carried round by the pin d, which is fixed across the key fitted to the fusee. Fig, 2 shows that side of the machine on which the watch is fixed. a. The sliding piece, on which the pendant of the watch is hung. b, b, b, The three sliding pieces which serve to adjust the watch, and hold it in such a position that the fusee square maybe in a line with the axis of the spiral cylinder B, slwwn in Fig. 1. 1 is a ratchet wheel, on the centre of which is a button or finger-piece K, to wind up the larum spring. L. The ON Blasters ajmd soaps, g31 L. The click which works in the teetli of the ratchet wheel. IJ. The lower part of the arm of the hanimer. M. The bell, within which the hammer strikes* N. The cock in which the pivot of the axis of the pallets acts, and to which the hammer is connected. Fig. S, shows a section of the ratchet wheel and spring barrel, which are screwed together, and move at the same time, bat are kept in their place by two pieces e, e, which fit a groove in the barrel. K. The button or finger piece;; I. The ratchet wheel. P. The box for the spring; 'R* The cap which covers the spring box; V. The axis on which the main spring is wound* Fig, 4. R. The cap, under which is the spring. On th8 edge of this cap, at S, is an indent to retain the spring when wound up; T. A lever, with a hook at its end. At the end of this lever, on a line v/ith the hook, is a small piece of steel, which goes through a hole in the box, and presses upon the main spring; so that, when the main Spring is wound up on the axis V, the hook is at liberty to fall into the way of the indent S, and is there stopped. Under the lever T is a small spring, which presses it against the main spring within the barrel. Fig. 5} shows the' index of the larum ; the outside circle of which is divided into 120 parts, which index serves for three concentric circles; that next the centre is for a watch fusee of four hours a turn, the next five, and the last six, as explained in the letter* ' XI. Ohservatioris on the Comhination of fixed Oils ivlth the Oxides of Lead, and with Alkalis: by Mr. F. Fremy, Apothecary ^ of Versailles*. CHEELE was the first who observed, that the water, ^y^^^j. ^^^^ .^^ which serves as an intermedium when fat oils are combined making ti tkarg'^ plaster • Annales de Chimie, Vol. LXII, p. 25j April, 1807. is sweet. with 232 ON PLASTER! AND SOAPS. with litharge, hold in solution a substance, that he called the Svreet ptjnci- sweet principle of oils, because it has a very decided saccha- pco oi b. rinfi taste. But as, acrordins^ to the observations of that eminent chemist, the water likewise holds in solution a cer- Is •• not ow-ng tain quantity of oxide of lead, may it not he inferred, that this taste is owing to the property that metal has of impart- Que^tions to ins^ sweetness to n;ost of its compounds? If experience be aiiswcrvid. pjoye the cont'ary, would it not be interesting, to inquire how tins principle is formed ? what are its properties ? in what state the oil is left, alter having lost the principles that give birth to it ? whether this abstraction be indisDensable to the combination of oil with oxide of lead? and on the exj>eriments necessary in this research to establish the theory of one of the most important operations of pharmacy and the analogy of its results to alkaline soaps ? Such were the propositions that led to the experiments I am about to describe. Oil litharge ^"*^ ^ tubulated glass body I put equal parts of olive oil, and water litharfre, and water. To its tubulure I adapted a tube, ter- tUer^ minating in a vessel of lime water ; and to its orifice a blad- der, to prevent the contact of air. This bladder was so contrived, as to allow me to stir the matter with a spatula, so The oxide as to prevent it sticking to the bottom. Having brought the changed yel- ^jixture to boil, I observed the oxide of lead change in sue- low, andthen . „ , „ , p ,, ?. 1 white, cession from red to yellow, and irom yellow to white : and and carbonic during the experiment carbonic acid was almost always fly- acid evolved, ing off. Having suffered the apparatus to cool, I examined the results of the experiment in succession. Tiie water hjad The water, that had served as an intermedium, had a te'^rl' would strong metallic taste. With the addition of yeast, and at a not ferment, proper temperature, I could never biing it to ferment*. It Lead precipi- formed an evident precipitate with sulphuric acid, and with uted from it. hidroguretted sulphuretsf. I passed sulphuretted bidrogen through it, till nothing more was thrown down, and then lil» tered to separate the sulphuret of lead. • I was for a moment led into an errour, by employing yeast, which, not having been washed, contiintd some iilcohol. _,, ,. , + I satisfievi myself by various expcrimeiii^, that it is of no consc- Oil dissolves ' ■' ' , ; , , r , ,, ■, t«^d without quence to the solution of oxiJe of lead, thai the oil or fat should be ran. teing rancid, eid, as Scheele supposed. The ON PLASTERS AND SOAPS. Q33 The filtered liquor still retained a strong saccharine taste. The filtered U* It was evaporated to the consistence of a sirup, and the ace- Evaporate4. tate of lead then no longer indicated the presence of suU phurctted hidroL^en. My attempts to ferment it vvefe as Would not fejir unsuccessful, as before the oxide of lead was separated. *^^'^"'- Exposed to tb.e air, it strontjly attracted moisture: thrown on Attracted burning coals^it flamed like an od: on boilingit with the red, burned >vith j^ellow, and white oxides of lead, it dissolved only the yeU ftame: dissoly^ low: on distilling it repeatedly with nitiic acid, oxalic acid of^ad-*formed was formed: distilled in a retort on an open fire, part of it oxaiic acid. rose, as Scheele observed; and by increasing the heat the its products. products were an empyreumatic oil, acetic acid, carbonic acid, carburetted hidrogen gas, and a light, spongy coal, containing ho oxide of lead. Froiu what I have mentioned it might be presumed, that the oil, when it had combined with the white oxide of lea^d, was not in the same state as before the combination. , To free it from this oxide I employed acetic acid, because rated^from^the the solubihty of acetate of lead would affo-d ready means oxide. of separating it from the oil, the properties of which I wishe4 to examine. This oil has the cons:stence of soft fat, and the taste of ^^^ characters, this animal substance when rancid. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol ; from which it is precipitatfivd by water as volatile oils are, and like them partly rises in dijitiilation*. The slightest boiling is sufficient to combine it perfectly Readily unites with white oxide of lead, and give it the consistence of a )'^^^^ y,'"^'^^ <^^- fttrong plaster, which does not take place with litharge, or with massicot. The yellow and white oxides of lead cannot comlane with Neither white common oils. I satisfied myself of this fact by boiimp-them ."°/y-'^^w °^- -^ -' "> '^ ide unites witt^ t<)g€ther much longer, than would have been necessa'-y if I common oil. had used litharge. From these experiments it follows, that, when fat oils are Oxigen of li- treated with litharge, the oxigen of the latter takes from ^^^^'S^ takes them carbon, and previously hidrogen, to form with them dro^^en from water aud carbonic acid. oils, ♦ All fat oils are soluble in alcohol j but they are far from possesiJiig ^ this property in so striking a manner, as after they have been boiled with litharge. ' That 234 ^^ i*LASTERS AND SOAPS. and thus pro- That this abstraction, rendering the oxigen more abim- priudokr'^''^* dant in the oil, j^ives birth to that saccharine substance, which Scheele calls the sweet volatile principle ol' oiLs. BifFers from That this sweety principle differs from the raucoso-saccha- mucilage and ^.-jp^ ]^^ -^g property of dissolving the yellow oxide of lead : that its presence is independant of the presence of oxide; and that it differs f-om sugar by its volatility, and by the impossibility of brii.ging it to ferm nti The oil ac- That the oil, deprived of the elements that give birth to proptrUes"of *^^^^ sweet principle, and the quantity of hidrogen and car- irolutile oils, bon that constituted it hxed oil, acquires several of the pro* perties of volatile oh The only state And finally, that this last state of oil is the only one, in combines with ^^^^'^^ '^ ^^^ combine with white oxide of lead. lead. From the knowledge 1 had' thus acquired of the theory of Are plasters this combination of oils, I thought I ishould not neglect to la ic soaps, examine how far the opiaion of several chemists, who con- sidei' plasters as real metallic soaps, is well founded. The analogy between plasters an the niotiicr of some chickens, the cock became their pro- ^ ^ ^^ tector, took them under his wings in the night time, and whenever it was cold ; and continued this paternal care, not- ^vithstandiug that his wives often tried to seduce him from the chickens, to attend to themselves. Here too I was in- ^nd young pi- fornied, a pigeon took care and fed the young himself; his |^^|^* yt e wife, the mother of the young ones, having been seized and carried off by an insidious cat. XIV. Facts respecting Indian Corn, hy Professor PRouyT*. A Hundred parts of the grains of maize, subjected to dis- Charred maize tilIation,left twenty four of charcoal. I converted into charcoal <^^'''^^'*i"s Pj^os- 1 1 * 7 -11 • -rur 1 , . pnoric acid, as much as wiren very dry weigned 3^100 grains. Washed m distilled water, this afforded indications of phosphoric acid ; it rendered lime water turbid, and precipitated nitrate of lead. This charcoal was very difficult of incineration. Its ashes, Ver}^ difficult to obtain which I was obliged to repeat its combustion five ^^ ^"^■^'^^'^'^^^• different times, weighed only 6o grains. They'^ were carbon^ aceous, f^itty, and without any particular taste. W'^ater ex- tracted from them but two grains. Ten drachms of charcoal of maize, after being calcined Ten drachms for two hours, were reduced to seven. There was no an- ^^ repealed f. 1 rr.1 11 1 • . n calcination r©- pearance or ashes. 1 nese seven drachms, ca'cuied tor two duc«4 hours and half, were reduced to sontewhat less than five, without any uhhes appearing. On calcining them three hours longer, they were reduced to two drachms thirty ^ Journal dc Physique, Vol I.-XIII, p. 4^i9, Dec. 1806. 240 CHARCOAL OF MAIZE. ^iins. The residuum was still very black, pasty, and ad- ^ hered to the iron with which it was stirred. On washing it was reduced to two drachms 8 of rains. toatoutone. These two drachms 3 grains were calcined another hour, which reduced the weight to about 6o grains ; and were theu Gave ISgrs.of lij^.jviat^^]^ The lixiviums mixed t^opetheryielded ISi^rainsofa saline extract. ,. , • ^ i • i .,.,... salnie extract, the taste or which was not perceptjnly alkalme. Phosphate of These IS grains, redissolved and drie^l, would not crystul- potasi. ij^^^ and were reduced to 14. Suspecting that tlie potash was saturated with phosphonc acid, I dissolved it in distilled vinegar, and afterward treated it with alcohol. This opera?* lion reduced it to 11 grains of that acidulous phosphate, whici. crystallizes in letraedral pnsms termin;ited by similar pyramids. I foget whether the faces of the pyramids anr EwCiCd to the faces or edges of the prisn>* If 10 drachms of chavcou!, the produce of 41 of maize, gave 14 grains of phosphate, 100 drachms of maize v.ould J'icld but 34 or 35 gtaiiis, which is far from 40 per cent, as itienticned in Dpiamctherie's Journal. So great a ditference could not have escaped such a man as de Saussure: it^ must have been nn errournf the press therefore, or of the manuscript. The obstinacy with which the cliarcoal of maize resistsbiirn- in^ is astonisinnj;: animai charcoal could not exhibit more. Charcoal frprh i he same plaint affords a ciiarcoal of very different kind. th^ sMlk bums The charcoal of the stalk, triturated with five sixths its the time. weight of saltpetre, is consumed in a tube of a given diameter in '28 seconds, /Vs milar mixture made with the charcoal of the grains rev^u-ret, 52 seconds for its being consumed in the same tube* To Correspondents* The comiriiracat'on with winch N. R. D. promises to fa-- vour me will be Very acceptable. I have likewise to thank him for his concluding hint, and shall certainly avail myself of the sour( e it points out. Mr. Cayley*s communication is received, but on account of the engraving it could not be inserted in the present month. I hope to be able to give some correct Observations and Resalts in oar next respecting the Comet, which is at pre- Wiut visible. 2fuholscivfrhilclock Fig. 12, describe on half the diagonal, A B, the semicircle B C D A; and C B, or D B, v/ill show the position of a line, which being made horizontal, the block will be sup- ported in equilibrium. If the horizontal line cross the cir- cle between C and D the end B will slide downwards, but if between A and J>, or B and C, it would be urged up- wards, but the bearing will be transferred to the lower cor- ner, and the whole will remain at rest: and this will be the case in all positions, when the circle falls wholly within the side of the block, that is, when its thickness is not much less than half its length. Thus two common bricks would Bricks in an remain firm in all elevations if placed with the narrow sides ^|;^clined posi- of their ends lowermost; even without any friction: but the narrow sid# with the wider sides lowermost, they would slide down the '*^°^"^*'^'^' abutments if the distance of their ends were more than about twO; and less than fourteen inches. The last additional circumstance which requires to be ex- Effects of frio amlned, with regard to the stability of bricks or stones in *^^^* R 2 oblique 244" OW THE STRUCTURE OF COVERED WAYS, t'f ,<'>.0':ivv'j ,,',iiyih\\^ :■■■ -i"^.''; • . iii'.i .i,'-. "tJifl 'J/jl.Si' oblique aitiiations, is the effect of friction or adliesion. Tnis force may be corL5i(^eied, ii) all practical .inyefefigaiions, as proportional to tlie mutual pressure of the surfaces concern- Convenient ed; arid the mo^t convenient way of estimatirisr its mai^ni- niode of mea- I -^ .. : . .. ,: . .^ ; ., v i ' ' 'i suring it. tude is to incline the surbices to the horizon, until they begin to sl'd^ on each other. The angle at which this happens will be always very nearly il* pot exactly the same for sur- fages of the same kind, and it may with propriety be called Angle of re- the angle of repose : and it is obvious, that any other force poic. acting on the surface in the same angle as that in which the ^orce of gravity acts in this inst;ance, will be completely ob- yiated by the resistance of the surface : and the friction will be to the pressure as the tangent of the angle of repose to the radius. If therefore the surface A B (Fig. 13) is cal- culated to resist the presswe of the block A without frictioti, by making the angles B A C and BAD each equal to the angle of repose, we may determine the greatest and least inclination which will be sufficient for retaining the block by the assistance of the friction or .idhesion ; the stability being greatest of all in the original situation A B. In the same manner the rectangular block A B, (Fig. 14) will «be supported by its abutment a$ long as the horizontal line B C crosses the semicircle within the line AD, DAE being equal to the angle of repose. Caseofafacing When two blocks of equal dimensions form an overhang- on elchsidV *"o facing on each side of a triangular aperture, (Fig. 15) the upper one is in the same predicament as if it rested sim- ply on a fixed abutment; the lower oUe is retained in its ^situation by the force of friction only. If ABC be the ^aiigle of repose, the direction of the force supporting each of the upper blocks will be B C ; and if the vertical line B D represent tlie weight of the block A, B C will be the resisting force, and AC the friction, which Counteracts the tendency of the block B to descend along the abutment. Worst possible and this force is represented by E B'. In order therefore to position. flj^^ the postion in which the block B will most readily slide away, we must make the proportion of E B to AC a max- imum ; and this will happen, when the mean of ^le angles T> B A and D B C is equal to half a right angle. For the f: ilsd ON THE STRUCTURE OF COVERED WAY3. "1545 sine of the angle DB C being ?-£ and its cosine |^, and tlie sine and cosine of A B C "being —, and ^, the ^y^e of DBA is E2_i£i^ + ££A£,'and cpnsequ^nily^ ETlfe =: BD . D<^-A.B-t-gD A;C^ ^^1^;^,^^ divided by A C, is B C q r> n T^ C . A B 5-2Ji, and this must be a maximnm, con- AC.BCq^ B U q sequently, B C bemj^ supposed constant, —- . • ■■ 4-- ,, ;^ must also be a maximum. Then if we make D F perpen- dicular to B C, and the angle F D G =i A C B, D F will be 5^, F G = :^. ^££, and B F ^ i^, so that B G "X B C AC BC ^>^ ' must be a maximum, which will evidently happen wh^ti DG is a tangent to the semicircle BD G, and the angle D B C half D II C, which is the difference between ABC and a right a-rigle. If we wish to determine tlie ^oj>ortit)n Case of the of the friction to the pressure when tlie friction is barely ^J^^^f^ ^^^^ *■ ..... bureiv sum- capable of retaining the block in its situation in the most ci nt to retain unfavourable position, let x be the sine, and y the cosine 6f ^'^'^ ^^ock. hAlf the angle A B C, then the sine and cosine of half a right angle being -v/ J-, the sine of A B D or BD E, as well as that of B CD, will be a/ | ;r + 1/ f «/. Now, if the weight be B D, B C zz !iiL_, and the sine of ABC being 2xt/, A C is "^^^ but the weight which pro- duces the friction is three times the weight of a single block, the friction on the upper surface being derived from the pressure of the highest block, and that on the l«wer frOm the pressure of both blocks; while the tendency to descend belongs to the lower block only, and is therefore expressed by B D. -y/ 1^ [x + y) ; hence we have the equation V, | (.1- + 1/) - -7 r/-^V-^ ' tlierefore i {x + i,'] ^ - G x y, V 2 V'^ -r y) [x 4- y)2 — I'i xy, x^ 4- y^ = lO'J^y ==: Ij 2a:y — i, which is the sine of A B C, and the friction is in this case to .the oblique resistance as 1 to 5, and to the pressure nearly as The frictioh 10 to 47 : so that whenever the friction is ereater than this, sufficient to re- II taui two pairs which ^246 ON THE STRUCTURE OF COVERED WATS. of blocks in which is almost always the case with the materials common- poi,i ions, j^, employed, two pairs of equal blocks meeting each other in this manner will be secure from sliding in every possible When more, position. If there are mqre than two blocks on each side, or if the lower blocks are larger than the upper one, the force tending tp support thp lower ones, which is deriv«p!i y ture might give way: the lower portion revolving on its w*y, lowest point, and the higher either moving with it towards the opposite side, or sliding upwards in a contrary direction: and in order that the pile may stand, it is obvious that it must possess sufficient stability in both these respects. When there aie only two equal blocks on each side, it is • easy to determine whether or no their breadth is sufficient to prevent their both falling inwards, by^describing round the triangle ABC (Fig. 10), a segment of a circle, making D E vertical, and joining A E, which mu?>t either coincide with the diagonal A F, or be below it. If there are more ^han two pieces on each side, in order to determine the sta- bility of any joint A B (Fig. 17), let A C and D E be ho- rizontal, and F E vertical, draw D B C^ make E H zn E G, and II 1 horizontal and equal to half A C ; tlien if F I fall belovv ON THE STRUCTURE OF COVERED WAYS. £47" below B, tlie structure will not i^ive way at the joint A B. The demonstration may easily be deduced from the princi- Two modes ia pie of the equality of the horizontal thrusts in the case of'^'^^'^^^^^^y - an equilibrium : and it may be shown, that, if the aperture way. be equilateral, 15 common .bricks on each side will stand, but 16 will give way at the sixth joint from the summit. The stability is howeyer less considerable with respect to the second mode of failure, in which the upper brick slides out- wards, while all below it fall inwards (Fi^.18). In this case the angular motion of the two portions is initially equal, the points A and B remaining fixed. The velocities of the centres of gravity reduced to a vertical direction are as the distances C D, D E; in order therefore that there may be an equilibrium without friction, the weight of the upper portion must be to that of the lower as D E to C D ; and in all cases the force of A D, tending to support D F, is to the weight of D F, acting at its centre of gravity, as A G , C D to F G . D E, or as A G . ^ to F G. The friction of the upper block, of \vhich the magnitude may be determined in the manner already shovyn, will act upon the Vvhoje length of the arm F G, while the weight of D F acts only on the length of half I) E, consequently its effect ijiustbe considered as increased in the ratio of D E to twice F G. Thus if we take the example of an equilateral aper- 7 bricks would ture, constructed wjth 8 common bricks on each side, and ^^^"'^ ^y ^^^''' . , ■ ,. T • 1 /-( TTx Ml 1 ^ • 1 -•-.. T-. o^Vn weight t 9 without cement ot any kind, C U will be 9*3 inches, U E would not, 2*7, and F G 21 ; hence the brick A will produce imme- diately a force equivalei^t to the weight of 3*4 bricks, and by its friction, which is ^% of its weight, another force equi- valent to the weight of 7 more ; consequently the sum of both will be fully adequate to the support of the 7 bricks which form the lower portion of ttje structure. But if we mulve the same calculation for 0 bricks, we shall find that they will not stand without sdme external support. It is pbyious that in all these cases the addition of any This compared bad at the e^ummit of the structure would very materially ^'*^ ^^^ *^*^^* increase its stability, and that even a block, of sufficient magnitude to till up the angle only, would enable us cotisi- 4er:ibly to extend the base. It is also plain, that an inclined facing" 2'48 ' O^ THE STRUCTURE OF COVERED WAYS. facing of this kind is not distinguished from an arch by the want of a key stone, since the two middle blocks act nearly in the same manner ai if tliey were united, except when they are forced outwards by the pressure of the lower parts ; and a centre is as necessary for rasing a facing of this kind, as if it were an arch of any other form. I am, Sir, Your very obedient servant, 17 Oct, 1807. APSOPHUS. Postscripts — The equilibrium of the flattened arches, commonly placed over windows, may be determined in a si- milar manner, the princi|Sles being the same as those which are employed in the construction of Fig. 11 and Fig. 13. Supposing the blocks without friction and of equal height, if their di/isions converge to one point, the lateral thrust will be equal throughout, and the whole will remain in equi- librium,, provided that the ends do not slide outwards. In order to find the breadth which i^ within this limit, let the horizontal line A B (Fig. 19) pass through the centre of gra- vity of the blocks, draw any line C B from the centre of divergence C, make B D — A B, join C D, and let the vertical line B E meet it in E; then E F, drawn to the in- tersection of the semicircle E F G with the lower termina- tion of the blocks, will show the direction of the abutment d, which will afford an equilibrium : and C H parallel to it will determine the greatest breadth that will stand. But since the blocks thus disposed, and supporting a wall, can- not slide away without displacing the superincumbent weight, the whole wall may be considered as adding to the height of the blocks, and the stability in every case that can occur in practice, must be completer it is oiily neces- sary to reduce the horizontal thrust as much as possible, and this must be done by making the point C as near the blocks as convenient : the thrust being equal to the weight of the portion A H, supposing A C H half a right angle. If we wish to estimate also the eiiects of friction, let the segment E I G contain a right angle diminished by the angle of re- pose, then C K, parallel to E I, will be the direction of the abutment ON THE STRUCTURE OP COVERED WAYS, QJj^Q abutment wbicb will secure tbe blocks, from sbdlng out- wards, wltb tbe usbirftance of tbe force of friction. Gene- rally however tbe obbquity must be mucb less tban tbis ; and tbe resistance of tbe abutment becomes capable of be- inu: exerted in the most tavouruble direction that its friction will allow, that is, in a direction more nearly Vertical than tbe perpendicular to its surface, for example L M, M L N being the an^le of repose; and if we wish to have tbe thrust equal throughout, we must employ blocks of such a form that their divisions may make, with tbe lines converging to C, angles equal to M L N; this however would lead us to make the middle blocks of the form of inverted wedges (Fig. 20), or at k-ast to make their divisions pdrallel : but it will be sufficient in practice to cause the parts next tbe abutments to converge to points somewhat nearer than the point of convergence of tbe middle parts (Fig. 21); nor, indeed, has this arrangement any material advantage over the simpler form of lines converging to a single centre. From a consideration of these principles, we may derive Observatiota some useful inferences with respect to arches in g-eneral, ^'^ ^' , '^^ ^" especially such as are employed in buildings.- The objects to be attained in the construction of an arch are to diminish as much as possible the horizontal thrust, and to secure the stability by such an arrangement as requires the least size in the blocks and firmness in the joints. The size of the Size of the blocks must be such, that the curve of equilibrium, under ^^^^^^' the pressure actually produced by the walls, may be every where included within their substance, and even without coming very near their termination ; and the horizontal „ - . , thrust will be less in proportion as the curvature at the ver- thrust. tex is greater, that is, other things being equal, as the arch is higher. Supposing the height of the wall supported by tbe arch to be very considerable in proportion to that of the arch itself, the curve of equilibrium must be very nearly a Curvature. parabola : if the wall is raised but little above the arch, it will approach to a segment of a circle. In order therefore to find whether the size of the blocks is sufficient, describe a parabola through the summit and the abutments ; and if it pass wholly within I'he-blocks, they will stand ; provided hovv ever that their joints are either perpendicular to the CUA'C, 550 " CAPILLARY ACTION. curve, or are within the limits of the angle of repose on eirr ther side of the perpendicular. But if the wall is very low, and the arch flat, a segment of a circlp will be more cor- rect than a parabola. Hence it is obvious, first, that a seij;- Circle prefera- ment of a circle is a better form for an arch than an ellipsis lip^sis° " ^^ P^iual heij^ht and span, although less pleasing to the e^e^ the horizontal thrust being less: secondly, that for the same Pointed arch reason, a Gothic or pointed arch is preferable to a Saxon or rases"^ '^^^^^^^ semicircular arch, when its heiglit is greater; and even when the height is equal, an arch composed of two panibolic seg- ments meeting in the vertex is stronger than a semicircular arch : for, supposing the whU very high, the depth of the arch stones of a semicircular a^ch must be at least yV of the span, in order that the arch may stand,, but that of the stones of a Gothic arch, composed of two parabolic seg- ments, may be less by one twentieth ; the parabola of equi- librium touching in this case the internal limit of the arch In ptliers the at -j-Vir of its whole height above the abutments. If, how- circular. ^\^x^ the arch is flatter, a segment of a circle will be some-r what stronger than a pointed arch composed of parabolic or elliptical segments. When the arch is higher, it is obvious that a single circular curve is no longer applicable : and in this case, it is of little consequence whether the segments be circular or paraboSic, either of these forms approaching sufficiently near to the curve of equilibrium, and both pro- ducing equally a much smaller horizontal thrust than a se- micircular arch. TI. Additional Remarks on the capillary Actions of Fluids. By Aletes. To Mr. NICHOLSON. SIR, Capillary ac- JL T has been observed, with apparent justice, by Mr. Laplace, that the force of capillary action, other things being equal, must be proportional to the square of the den- sity of a liquid; and it is easy to deduce this result from the CAPILLARY ACTION. 25? the demonstrations which vou did me the honour to insert Capillary ac- in your 76th nuiuber. The area of the triangle A £ C ^'^^^ ^*^ ^"^^^*^ (Vol. XVill, PI. I, Fig. 8), which shows the magnitude of "the cohesive force at C, is proportional to the square of the line A C, representing the distance to which the force of co- liesion extends; and if the same number of particles be con- densed into any smaller space, the force will remain the same, and it will still be proportional to the square of the number of particles concerned ; or, in other words, to the square of the density of the substance. The same remark is also applicable to the tension of the common surface of two lifjuids, or of a liquid and a solid; and this determina- tion of the force ought perhaps to have been employed in the investigation of '* the angle of contact of a solid with a fluid"; but it is very singular that the result of this investi- gation will 'be precisely the same, whether we proceed on the supposition of a tension proportional simply to the difference, or to the square of the difference of the densities. Thus if the density of the fluid C B E (Fig. 6) be called «, that of the solid B, b, and that of a second fluid, supposed to oc- cupy the space C B A, c; if the tension be simply propor- tional to the difference of density, we may call the force acting in the direction B A, b — c, in the direftion B E, a — bf alid the difference of these, 2 b — c — c, must be equal to the force /« — c in B C, reduced to the direction B H, and must be represented by the line B H, if a — c be represent- ed by B C or \ B, A H being 2 6—2 c; or if A E be called a — c, A H will be b — c. Now if, instead of b — c, a — 6, and a — c, we take their squares, the difference of the first twQ will be c c — a a — 2 ^ c -f 2 a bzz^lb [a—c) — [a a—c c) " (2 b — ("a -f cj) . (a — t), which is to {a — c)^ as 2 b — a — c to a — c, and B H will be to B C in the same proportion as before." It is obvious that when there is only one fluid, and c — o, AH must be to A E as 6 to «, upon either supposi- tion. The two suppositions are however not indifferent with re-» spect to many other cases of the actions of capillary, forces, ■ Ihus if two liquids be capable of perfectly wetting a tube, supposing both of them to be contained in it at the same time, the whole weight supported by the force of capillary actioiv £ 5 21 C Al^IL t A|IY ACT^^p N. Capillary ac- , ^iqtjon would b^ jtbe s^me as wliep the densest only is con- Uon of fluids. tainjcd in it, if the tension of the oommon surface were simply as the difierence of the densities ; but it would be always less, if the tension .werCj as the square of the differ- ence. .■;,,,?...,-..,- ■. , ■ It is very easy tp determine this point by a simple experi- ment. Take a clean capillary tube, about one tenth of an inch in diameter, and iniaicrse it in water, so that about Jiftlf .s^n iiich of itft^ej^tieij^^ty ciay renoain empty :• introdup? slowly, with a bristle, a small quantity of oil in successive drops, so as to form a thin coatinj^ on the water. It will then be observed that the heij^ht of the fluid is very coiispir* cuously diminished, andreduced to about thr-ee fourths, or two thirds. Your readers* are not required to place implicit faith in the anonymous statement of an experiment : they may easily repeat it for thei;n selves ; and it is only adduced in support of a cliain of reasoning founded on mathematical analogy. In this respect therefore it cannot be allowed, that Mr. Laplace's second methoc] of considering the effects of capili- lary action is, so perfectly satisfactory as it ap)pears upon a cursory examination :.for both demonstration and experiment are in direct contradiction to his assertion, that '* If tlie in- dehnite vessel, in which the parallelopipedon is immersed,^ include-any number of fluids placed horizontally one above another ; tiie excess of the weights of these fluids contained in the tube, over the weight of the fluids which it would bave contained without capilljary action, is the same as the weight of thd In some of the: othef sleepers, in which life appears to be suspended, when ^j^ended. ' * cold weather comes on. This suspension f)f life is so com- plete in'some of the species, that iheir heart Ceases to beat for whole months. The snail and the toad undergo the same stupefaction. Snail and toa^i. Several serpeiits exhibit a phenomenon still more surprising: they can be frozen so as to become brittle, and die if they Serpents may be broken in this state; but if they he left in their holes, ^.'ifbefn'ykili' into which the warmth of spring penetrates by very slow dc- led. greos, they revive, and give proof tliey were not dea/I. it IS in the season when their food begins to fail, when the Little fructivo. fruits and herbs on which they fed disappear, after having sleep firlT-^ * fattened them by their temporary abundance, and in this fat supplied them with a narcotic to induce sleep as well as food to support them while it lasts, that most of these little dc- vourers conceal themselves to sleep, and cease to atford prey to the larger devourcrs their enemies, wliich in their turn lose then the larger thought and motion. ^ carnivorous. Those that would be deprived of food by the snow cover- They sleep ing it, sleep till the snow melts, and a little longer. Perhaps ^^'1^''^ ^l^eir ^ . •/ 1 , • , I • 1 't . ,- , food is wanting, for a similar reason the white bear, which lives by fishing on rr , . 1 , t • , 1 . Hence the the seashore during the summer, and on the islands of ice in white bear re- autumn, does not fall asleep till the ice united, thickened, ^i^es later than . , , . , . . , , the black bearj and raised too high above the water, is no longer the resort of the seal. His means of subsistence continuing longer, a much severer cold is requisite to deaden in him the call of seeking it, than in the black bear in the first place, a great devourer of honey and vegetables, and next in the brown ^^ ^y^j^ ^^^^ bear, which lives on animals that winter drives into their re- the browji. treats before him. That hunger should cease in these animals at the period p^^ jj . when faniine would take place, and in consequence of the ordered it thus, same degree of temperature, is certainly a great benefit con- lhe!n*^froin ferred on them by that luteiUgcncc, which regulates every starving, part 256 ox DEATH FROM COLt>. part of the UHiversc. If they retttine(J their energy, they wouhl peribh from inanition. They are unacquainted with want; they feel not its pains; ihcy incur not its danger* Nature saves theni from it by that axiom, which has b,een fedunJumfo^^ ^^ ^ i^^^' he who sleeps, dines. I'hc state of iood. .sUipefaction, in which their vital principle takes refuge as long a§ the cold and its companion want continue, occasions This stupor them no uneasine.s:, : it commences even with a sensation of but pleasurable, tranquil enjoyment, a sensation not unknown to ourselves. Notadisease, . It is certain, that being thus benumbed is not even a dis- ease : that the drowsiness, which brings it on, is pleasurable: but friendly to that sleep is an asylum, in which life fortifies itself, expend- ^'^* ing less, and husbanding its resources: that it is even a pro- tection from the injuries as well as from the^ pains of cold : and renders the and that it renders living bodies more capable of retainino- body a woise l - i i- • • i • ^i • i ,• ^ cbnductorof "^^^^ by diminishing their conductmg power. heat. When the Cold increases with too much violence, man be- ■ When our comes insensible to it. If one of his limbs freeze, he does we areinsensi- "^^ perceive it, till he is informed of it by others*. On the ble of it. contrar}', he fancies himself at length growing warmer; and Effects of ge- jf no one of his limbs be more affected than another, his state seems pleasurable : he feels a seducing and delightsome propensity to sleep: he is angry with his friends, who urge him to walk on, and prevent him from indulging his inclina- tion : he intreats them, to let him close his eyes for a few moments; and if they yield, he falls asleep, and appears dead like a dormouse. His death in Let US venture to suppose, that he is not more dead in this case only .. _, . i , . ■ ^i • 1.1 i 1 1 apparent, like reality. There is no doubt in this case, but he would sleep that of oiher Jike the dormouse, deprived of thought and of apparent vital action, at least as long as the same temperature continued, though it may ^^^ ^^^V ^^^'^ presume, that he would really and completely end in extinc- Jose his life at the expiration of a certain time, if he received tion o 1 e. 210 succour : for instance, after his fat was consumed, if he were not frozen a'S^well as asleep; or after the habit of the vital functions had been entirely extinguished by a frost too severe/ or of too long continuance, so as to stop the ahmeu- * This is very eommon in Poland and Russia. ^ tary ox DEATit FTcOM COLD. ^ S,57 tary transfusion of the fat, or stiffen the organs to such a de- gree, as to cause an absolute cessation of their secret move- tnents, which appears to be an accident that the mamTnalia are liable to, though some of the serpents and gelatinous ani- mals are not. This important point, that the general vitality of man is Wemayinfe? mcrelv suspended in this case, is indicated by the repeated t^»s by reason- -> r ' . . mg from a part experience of northern countries and lofty mountains with to the whole. respect to the particular vitality of frozen limbs. It is by no means uncommon for the nose, ears, hands, or EfFect of cold ifeet, to freeze in cold climates. If this be not quickly re- °"^^^ ^'"S^e medied, the contrast between the living state of the rest of the body and the incipient xieath of the limb attacked occa- sions this limb to sphacelate : Nature cuts it off by the stre- nuous resistance of the. contiguous and threatened limb. If hasty means be adopted to remedy it, the too rapid distension of the capillary vessels by the fluids contained in 'them rup- tures their sides, and extravasations take place ; the commu- nication, instead of being restored, is thus completely inter- rupted, and a gangrene is induced from the same cause. The Effects on ve- same thing happens to those buds of plants, that are exposed p^^^^^s sirai- to the rays of the sun, befoie the frost that covered them has been dispersed ; while those that are thawed gradually in the shade receive no injur3\ " Nature," 3a3-s the great Newton, ** is consistent with herself." In all things, and at all times, she follows the same laws. The more she is observed with a philosophic eye, the more we perceive, that these laws are few, alid combined with admirable, with astonishing benevo- lence. It is the same then with the limbs of animals, as with They must be those of vegetables. If they be thawed with cautious slow- mlnishing th« ness ; if the part frozen be removed from the extreme cold it ^^^^ ^Y slo'w has experienced to a less degree of cold ; if it be rubbed ^"^^ * ^^"^' with snow, then immersed in the water of melting ice, and this be suffered to warm gradually, at first by the mere con- tact of the contiguous unfrozen portion of the limb, the part frozen will recover its local vitality. The cure may then be completed by very small successive additions of water a little Vol. XVin— Dec. 1807. S warmer 258 ^^ DEATH TROM COLD. warmer than that by which the part was thawed, and thus the limb be saved. Similar treat- It is agreeable to all analogy to believe, or at least to sus- probabTy^suc- V^^^f ^^^^ ^^hat thus happens with complete certainty to cred when the every limb, lender such circumstances, must also take place nerd!°"'^^^" ^^'^^ respect to thcwhole of the limbs, if the same or still greater precautions were observed, if the delay of succour be not too long, and if its application be not too rapid. There are Instances of effectual assistance being given to men, either many facts m gj^tirely frozen, which however is perhaps doubtful, or at support of this. J » II > least profoundly benumbed, have occurred frequently in our glaciers, and are mentioned by our colleague Ramond. Hal- ler regrets, that no means were tried with a man, vvho was thrown up by a torrent of melted ice long after he had been buried under it, at least as far as could be judged by hi* dress, though his skin was not in the least discoloured. Tortal's me- Our learned colleague Portal, in his excellent work on thodgood, asphixies, points out for that which results from cold a me- thod of treatment founded on very good principles ; but I but too hasty, am apprehensive it would be found too hasty in its progress, as it is more so than that emplo^^d in the case of a single Should be limb, and it may be presumed than a general aftcction, being than in a mere more serious and formidable than an affection merely local, local affection, njugt require still more circumspection in the progressive gra- duation of the means employed : the rupture or even aneurism of a few vessels might have much more fatal consequences in Hjis case. The path is Be it as it may, it is evident, that the first steps are al- opened: ready taken toward a constant and complete theory of the effects of cold on plants and animals, in respect to the degree of temperature, that suits each species. But if this new branch of the beautiful stream of knowledge be opened, and begin to excite our attention with advantage, we must con- but not suffi- fess, that it has not hitherto been sufficiently explored ; that T^^ilf ^*" of the important phenomenon of the life or death of men frozen or simply laid asleep by cold we know nothing certain- ly, either with respect to the periods or the physiology of the transition from one of these to the other, the succession of •means to be employed for the preservation of those whose lives ON DEATH FROM COLD. 253 lives are thus endangered, or the path to be pursued for the advancement of our knowledge of them. Experiments have not been repeated sufficiently or with Desiderata, due regularity: they have neither been as scientifically di- rected, nor as scrupulously described, as the case requires. It appears to me therefore an object worthy the attention of the class, to point out these experiments; to indicate the proper path of inquiry with a view to improvement ; to as- • certain,- whether man be in fact, like the bear and the mar- mot, an animal that cold benumbs and lays asleep without killing; whether it be true, that he can endure being com- pletely frozen like the serpent ; and whether in this extreme case a gently graduated warmth, applied in time, and slowly developed, would restore life. This might throw a great light on the question, which Drs. Herholdt and Rafn have yet treated but in part, and the term of which you have pro- longed. We see that several animals destitute of vertebra?, among Difference in those with vertebrae serpents, and among the mammalia a ani^aU.^ great number of the smaller species with cutting teeth, sleep three or four months, or even more, in a ^-ery moderate de- gree of cold : that a greater degree, and this in different pro- portions, is required for the several species of bears, the sleep of which too, in this state of imperfect death, does not ap- pear to be so profound, or the suspension of life so complete: that man falls asleep in a still greater degree of cold : that it Man. is more than probable, nay almost certain, that judicious " means, prudently adminbtered, would be capable of awaking him from this dangerous sleep, so near akin to death : and that it might be the same with other animals, or, indeed, Perhaps all with all animals, that are rendered torpid only by a degree be^rendere? of cold still greater than that which deprives man of the ap- torpid by cold, c 1-r and recovered. pearance of life. Every particular, even to the minutest, that the respect- The minutest able monks of St. Bernard, and the guides to the glaciers of shouW bf coL- the Alps and Pyrenees, can give, should be collected. I lected. even think that the class would do well, to call the attention of all the learned to this subject, and particularly to invite the four academies of Europe, that are best situate to pur- S 2 su» 250 DESCRIPTION' OF AN AIR ENGINE. sue it with success, those of Petersburg, Wilua, Copenha- gen, and Stockholm, to investigate this point of natural his- tory. Wars have no- To this political circumstances can be no obstacle. There wl'hfilies^i- ^^ never \var between the learned, between academies. Nei- ences. ther our emperor nor the kino; of England has disapproved your communicating with the royaj society of London for the interests of the sciejiccs. Scientific voyages have been respected by both parries. In the electorate of Hanover the university of Gottingen was protected by our army. The republic of letters, that great and noble benefactress of all polished states, ever preserves its honourable and friendly neutrality. Suspended Already many of those who happen to be drowned, orsuf- animation of r ^ ^ , , . ., . ,,> „,. drowned and located by carbonic acid, are. restored to life. Ihese arc suffocated per- two provinces, which Humanity has conquered from thft sons- already . /• tn i ^ ' . . . ^ , . , . ,. testored. empire ot Death at the two extremities of his domain: for these two diseases, so long considered as deaths, are totally different in their nature, and require opposite means of cure. Those princes, who dispute with each other the territories of the living^ see with regret by how many murders they must be purchased : they would be the first to encourage the peaceful labours and fraternal correspondence, that might conduce to recover from the yet' doubtful bonds of death a third class of its victims, men benumbed by frost. IV. Description of an Engine for affording Mechanical Power from Air expanded by Heat; hy Sir George Cayley, Bart, To Mr. NICHOLSON. Sir, Brompton, Sept. 25, 1807. E^^pan^ion of JL Observed in your last vol. p. 368, thatsome experiment* air by heat ^^^^ 1^^^^^ lately made in Fiance upon air, expanded by considered as a •' ^ , '^ . first mover. heat, applied as a ^rst naover tiar raechamcal purposes. 1 his idea. yiSwUvtU- Ffutos. Journal. Vol.Xi'llL nvilp. 2i Sir Gee. Cini^'s E\xpanjioTv Ji;r Fngirn ^ n / ?fyvemloffigt^ Electrmneter DESCRIPTION OF AS AIR ENGINE. g^l idea, as you justly remark, is by no meaps new in this country; yet I have not heard that ^ny successful experi- ments have been made, exclusively upon this principle, in England, though you hint that something promising has been accomplished relative to it. The subject is of much importance, as the steam engine its advantages* has hitherto proved too v/eighty and cumbrous for most purposes of locomotion ; whereas the expansion of air seems calculated to supply a mover free from these defects. Under this impression I send you a sketch of an engine I projected upon this principle several years ago,^ it was made on a con- siderable scale at Newcastle, though I must confess without success in the result, which T attributed to the imperfect iilanner in which it was executed, the cylinders being made of sheets copper, and so irregular, as not to be rendered tolerably air-tight bv any packing of the piston. I think there can be no doubt that the scheme is practicable in some way or other ; and I conceive that the form of the engine here sketched will be the basis of whatever experience may prove to be additional requisite to perfection in the apparatus of the air engine. A and B, PI. VIIT, fig. 1, are two cylinders, placed one Description of above another; C and D, their respective pistons connected an engine; by one rod. F is a cylinder, containing a fire in a vessel btowhie cy^lir^ within it in such a manner, that any air passing between the der & a work- upper and lower portions of it must go through the fire. ^"^ '^^^'^ '^'^* This vessel also contains a long cylinder, open at the bot- tom, and directly over the centre of the fire, for the purpose of holding coke or other fuel. This cylinder is covered at the top, and packed air-tight when it has served the purpose of permitting the fire to be kindled through it : and has been filled with fuel. The cylinder B is fitted up to answer the purpose of a double stroke forcing pump, or bellows, to drive the air into the upper portion oi the vessel F, from whence it passes downwards thi-ough the fire for the purpose of consuming the smoke (the fresh fuel being supplied from the reservoir above) in its passage through the more completely ignited ■ -^f*"^ cinders below. In this act the air is expanded; and, by means of pipes from the low6r portion of F, it is conveyed alteriiately 25^ , DISEASES OF WHEAT., alternately above and below the piston of the cylinder A. In f ach pipe is fixed a stop cock or valve, so constructed as to open a passage to the external air, when it shuts the con- nexion with the fire vessel. These cocks are worked by a plug frame. From this construction it will appear evident, that what- ever expansion the air receives, its pressure will operate alike upon the piston of the bellows and of the receiver; and that always in opposition to each other : Hence the power of the stroke will be in proportion to the excess of the area of the receiving piston, over that of the feeding one, multiphed by the expansive force of the contained air, and by the length of the movement. The engine If, when the engine is well constructed, the expansion of maybe usRd for ^},p ^j,. \^ keeping up the fire be not found sufficiently sensi- p^ed water. b^^> ^^'^^ *^^ form of the engine is such as to admit of either inflammable gas, oil of tar, or other inflammable matters, being injected, each stroke, upon the fire; so that all the heat generated by the united combustion may operate without waste ; perhaps even a slight sprinkling of water, either upon, or round the sides of the fire, might answer the purpose. It scarcely need be observed, that a tube con- nected with a small forcing pump are the only things re?- c^uired for producing these effects. I remain, Sir, Your obedient Servant, GEORGE CAYLEY, A Letter from Mr. Rob«rt Harrup to the Editor, on ike Diseases of Wheat, To Mr. NICHOLSON. SIR, Keference to JLn a former communication on smut in wheat, inserted ia the author's you|. Journal last year, I gave an account of some experi- former paper. ■^ , , , . . , i. i i- inents which proved, that the principal cause oi the disease DISEASES OF %HEA.T. Q63 IS smut mixed with the seed, and that although the diseased grains do not ves^etate, they produce smut cars in the crop. It was also shown, that the seed corn prepared with lime })revented the disease from proving injurious in any consi- derable degree. At that time my observations led me to conjecture, that aninialcula might probably be the primary cause. By reasoning from analogy, it still, however, re- mained doubtful, whether these minute creatures might not be the eifect rather than the cause of the disease ^ I there- fore resolved to attempt an analysis of the smut itself. From various unexpected circumstances I have been pre- On the cause vented completing the inquiry, and am at present only war- ^yi^gat" ranted in announcing, that o«e of the component parts of srniit is the sole cause of that destructive malady, and that wherever it exists, whether in the seed or in the soil, the crop \vill be tainted. My chief motive in forwarding you at this /f we what may be deemed a- premature communication is, to earnestly recommend to all practical agriculturists the following receipt for the preservation of seed wheat. Put the wheat gradually into limewater*, at the same Receipt for time carefully taking off the light grains which float on the P'-ep^nng seed API- 1-11 wheat. — Soak surface. After standing covered with the water to the depth it well in lim«»« of five or six inches, and the vessel closely shut durins" 7^*^'^' ^}^^^ ^r. 1 ... . , . . , . ^ keep It for twelve or fitteen hours, stirring it twice or thrice in that time, some hours in the liquor is to be drawn off, and the wheat put on a floor, 'i'^i*- <^ water. The following mixture is then to be poured regularly over w^q powder, it, viz^ Lime, five pounds; boiling water, three gallons; stir ^"^ '^^^^ them together till the lime is reduced to a powder, which will happen in a minute or two. It is then to be intimately mixed with the wheat, which after lying covered with cloths for some hours may be dried with lime in poSvder, and im- mediately sown. The above quantities are sufficient for hve bushels of grain, and more ought not to be prepared toge- ther. • Limewater is made by mixing (boiling) water and quicklime toge- ther, about one pound of lime (more or less) will be sufficient for three gallons of water; and, -after standing ah hour or two in a covered vessel, pouring off the liquor, which, if not immediately used, must. be. kept in a vessel closely shut. There g64 DISEASES OF WHEAT. An alkali There can be little doubt but either of the iixed alkalis bly^haveUKT" ^^^^^ ^^^'^ ^^^^ ^^"^^ ell'ect as the lime; but as they are no watch glass, by frequently adding fresh water to them. They did not increase in size, neither were they changed in any respect. If they are not endowed with sight, they are and affected by at least very much affected by light. When placed in the ^'Sl^'* rays of the sun, or in the light of a candle, in a minute or two they run together into one or several bunches or knots, and continue so for some time. This effect is most distinctly viewed by means of the solar microscope. When placed in that instrument, they are seen floating from every part of the fluid to form themselves into an apparently inextricable bunch, 2g3 DISEASES OF WHEAT. bunch, and those which arrive last use every exertion to bury theniHelves amongst their companions. ' "* Many other particuhirs velutin<^ to them mi^ht be stated^l but as the subject seems not to lead to any purpose of uti* lity, 1 shall close this account of them by mentioning two facts, which may be of advantage to be known. — They are instantly kilfed by adding' a few drops of limewater to the water coritaining them. And if the entire grains are steeped in limewater from twelve to ttveuty-four hours, the anguillulee they contain are incapable of being revived, either by placing them in fresh ivater^ or by any other means. The evident inference from these facts is, that the same preparation^ \vhich has been recommended for the prevention of smut will also prove effectual for ear-cockle. The great va- An experimental inquiry into the nature, causes, and cure lue ai.d im- ^f the diseases c/f corn won hi prove a valuable acquis" tiori ; in-^ ponance of in- , , ., . . . - ■, • i • ^ . i quiries into the ^^^^ it is surprising, considermg the impo:tHnce of the sub- diseases of ject, that notliing of thit:^ kind has been attempted. Sir Joseph Banks, in his Short Account of the Cause of the Disease in, Com called by Farmers the Blight, &c., published in the be- ginning of 1805, presumes, that the want of actual observa- tion will be abundantly supplied by those, "whose leisure and residence in ihecountry enable them to examine, not only the progress of the crops, but the origin and advances also of all those obstacles which nature has opposed to the suc- cess of agricultural labours.'' We have still to regret, that the expectations of that justly celebrated philosopher have been hitherto disappointed ; for 1 believe little or nothing has been given to the public on the subject since that timie. Two species of From the few observations 1 have been able to make on funjii in the the blight, it appears, that the parasitic fungi which occa- " sion it are of several difl'erent species, and that none of them are particular!}" injuiious, except the dark coloured, such as that which destroyed the crops in 1804. I was never able to discover, that the orange coloured, which appears early in the summer, was the dark coloured in an immature state. the yellow and On the contrary, I have always found them ditlerent ; the the dark. yellow changing to a dirty ash colour as it approached to decay, and the dark coloured continuing unchanged from' its first appearance. In tlie summer of last year I carefully examined DISEASES OF WHEAT. fl|69i examined a number of wheat fields at different times, and found tlie' straw untouched by the blight, and in every re- spect in a healthy state. Every thing continued to have a promising aspect till the heavy rains which fell a few weeks before the eommencemcnt of harvest; the dark coloured blight then began to show itself, and continued to spread considerably ; and, if we may judge from its progress, had the cutting down the crops been delayed a fortnight or three weeks longer, it would have proved equally destructive with that which took place in 1804. A sufficient number of facts ' ^ is yet wanting to warrant any conject'.ire on the manner in which the fungi were produced by the heavy rains; however, we may be pretty well assured, that all diseases which de- pend so much on the state of the atmosphere, must ever baffle human ingenuity to prevent. The earlier the crops are ripe, the less liable will they be to be injured, and the only remedy at present known is, to cut down the crop when- ever the blight begins to make any progress. Although the above are all the principal diseases of wheat, Appearance of at least as far as my observation goes, I cannot take leave ^^tiy prrished of the subject without noticing a very common appearance plantsinacrop in wheat crops, which is more or less frequent every season, ^ ^ ^'^ * and varies considerably in different fields. Some time after the corn is come out in ear, but yet in a green, unripe state, we frequently observe several plants entirely white, with every appearance of having perished. As harvest approaches, and the corn changes to a bright yellovv, these plants, par- ticularly after rain or heavy dews, put on a blackish appear- ance, as if sprinkled with a black powder. Upon examina- tion by the microscope, this appearance is found to be occa- sioned by innumerable tuffets of a parasitic plant growing out of the poies of every part of the plant which is exposed, to the action of the air, very much resembling some species of the plantulae of mould ; even the sap vessels of the stravr are frequently filled in different parts with a black substance, « easily discernible by placing the straw between the eye and a strong light. The grains, as might be expected, are small in size, and of a reddish brown colour. Most probably this affection arises from some dcQay at the root, but whatever that may be I have not hitherto discovered.,^. I, have fie- / ' quently I j270 PORTABLE ELECTROMEfER. quently examined the roots with attention, both in an entire state and when dissected, but could never perceive the smallest difference between them, and those of healthy plants. With the hope that the subject will be further investis^ated by those whose leisure affords them opportunity, and whose abilities are adequate to the inquiry, I remain, SIR, Your obedient humble servant, Chohham, Oct. 1, 1807. ROBERT HARRUP. vr. Description of a simple and convenient portable Electrometer for Mineralogists. In a Letter from a Correspondents To Mr. NICHOLSON. SIR, trometer. Portable elec- JLjOOKING over Brongniart's Treatise on Mineralogy, lately published at Paris, ft appeared to me, that the elec- trometer he has figured and described for the purpose of de- tecting electricity in minerals deserves to be better known than I imagine it is ; its simplicity rendering it very porta- ble, and always ready to use, without being liable to be out of order. If you entertain the same opinion of its conve- nience to the mineralogical traveller, perhaps you may find a corner for it in some plate or other of your valuable and useful publication. I am, SIR, Your obliged reader, O. N. Method of de- To discover the production of electricity in a stone by ^^TV'' ft^^^^"' heat or friction, it is brought near to either end of the slen- der brass needle, a h, PI, VIII, fig. 2, and whatever kind of electricity the stone has acquired, it will make the needle ttiove, if this be done with proper precaution. . But ITEVT ROTATION OF GROM. 27^ But to distinguish the kind of electricity developed in the Mode of dis- -i-iii !• 'i tin^uislnng Stone, the electronaeter must be insulated, by placing it on whether it be a cake of resin, and positive or negative electricity may be posiuve or &«* commuuicated to it in the following manner. Place a lin- ^ ger on the metallic base c of the electrometer ; and bring within a proper distance of it a rod of glass, or resin, e^ electrified by friction. When the instrument may be pre- sumed to be charged with the kind of electricity desired, withdraw first the finger from the base, and then the rod of glass or resin. The stone being then presented to one of the knobs of the electrometer, a or h; if the stone repel it, the electricity it possesses is of the same kind as that im--^ parted to the electrometer; if it attract it, it is of the oppo- ^ site kind. Some stones communicate positive electricity to the .resin Soma stone*- on which they are rubbed. To discover this, property, a ^o^tTve^g^ec- piece of sealing wax may be flattened on a smooth substance, tricity to resia and the stone rubbed gently on this plane surface. The ^^^ "ictjQa* )cind of electricity the resinous matter has received may then be found by means of the insulated electrometer. VII. A Method of Sowing Clover, and a new Plan for a Rotation of Crops; by Mr. de V is cess, of Thcde, near Clermont*, T the end of winter, after the hard frosts are over, and Clover sowe4 when the weather is dry, I sow twenty pounds of clover seed ^^ ^^^ on a septerce of land, about l^OO toises [2500 yards] in cir- cumference, sowed with rye the preceding autumn. This seed is harrowed in with a common wooden harrow, which is ^nd harrowei drawn all over the field by a pair of oxen. Instead of in- ini« juring the rye, this harrowing accelerates its growth, and it actually affords a finer crop than rye that has not been har» rowed. When the rye is ripe, I cut it in the usual mode ; and • Sonnini's Biblioth. Physico-6cQnomique, Oct. 1807, p 14. ^ when ^72 ^EW ROTATtON OF CROP^. tvhen it is cnrried, the clover forms a green sward interniixcd witli yellow stubble. CTrtyer mown The clover may be mown in September the same year; andcnitlc^um- ^"^ cattle may afterward be fed on it till the frosts come ed on it. on, without inconvenience. 2d year cut The second year the cjover will be in its most productive three or four state J it maybe mowed at least three times for hay, or four then pastured ^^r green foflder; beside which it will afford an abundant pasture till the frosts come*. 2d year cut The third rear I mow it but twice, and when it has shot t\vice,and then ■,• ^ n i t. • t i • • -it ploughed ill. "P ^ httle alter the second cuttmo^, I plow it m with the simple plow of the eountry. I afterward plow and harrovr it repeatedly, till the land is brought to a proper tilth for jye or wheat, which I sow without any manure. CloTcranatu- j^ is to be observed, that clover is a natural manure fof ml manure for . -mi wheat, wheat; that, as is well known^ a i^ood crop of wheat may bt. had any where after a good crop of clover; that the wheat particularly vvill be so much the better, if the clover have been dressed -nith plaster of , ,. . . , ^ r i r rt • Paris, the precedmg spring with 2 cwt. of plaster of Fans to every quartelee of 300 toises scattered over the surface. Wheat after Wheat succeeds veryAvell after clover without plaster or clover requires ^^ ^^^^ other dressing, but it is indispensable to weed it, and for want of hands I shall in future prefer rye, which when once sown requires no farther care. Advantajres of To prove the advantage of my practice in every respeet^ ■s practice, ^jjjggj.^^^ ^)^^^ ^^^ ^y^ | ^^^.\\ manured I sow my clover in the spring. This clover costs me nothing either for ploughing or manuring ; but only the price of the seed] and the labour of sowing and harrowing it]. A septeree of clover furnishes me, beside the feed at the end of the first and second years, at least five crops of hay during the two jxars that it wholly occupies the land. Rotation (dt * If the farmer would adliere to the order of cropping where corn is com eveiy sown every other year, he must plow in the clover after the second mow- other year. .^^^ ^^ ^^^ y^^^ ' Rye better t ^ prefer sowing clover on rye to sowing it on oats, in the first place than oats with because; the crop of rye is more valurbic, and in the next because expe- clover. rience has convinced me, that the clover is mure forward ; no doubt be- cause the rye being already at somo height, it germinates and grows more advantageously under its shelter, particularly in dry seasons. Calculating NEW UOTATION OF CHOPS. Q^ Calculatiiiff efach croi) to mve me a ton of hay, at £2 10s. a Average price ,. , • 1 1 .- xu- ij ofcloverhay ton, Its niedmm value since the revolution, this would pro- -^^ y^^^ce duce me £l2 10s. for the two years, at the expense only of £2 lOs. a ton. the seed, mowing, making, and carrying. To this considerable return may be added the saving of A fine crop of dung for the rye or wheat sown immediately after, and a tine 'Ji^i^^^y^^^^ crop of which is certain ; if no unforeseen and irremediable nure. accident, as hail or frost, disappoint our expectations. After this first crop of corn without dung, I immediately Rye. sow rye, manuring it well. As soon as this crop is carried off the ground, I sow win- Winter pease. ter pease immediately on the stubble, covering them in with one single plowing and harrowing. This crop has never failed me: it is eaHier than that of corn, and nearly at the same time with winter barley. When the pease are carried I plow and dung the ground. Rye. and sow it with rye. After this rye I crop the ground in the spring partly with Mixed crop. . potatoes, partly with other roots, and the rest with vetches mixed with oats, to be cut as soon as the seed has formed, and employed as pasture. All these crops are previously well manured. When the ground is cleared of these, I manure it tvell. Rye and clover and begin ray rotation again with rye, on which I sow clover ^S*^"* in the spring, as I mentioned above. If I intended only to sow rye, I should not manure the The manure land, after its havinej been well manured for the roots and "^cessary on '=' , accouatoi the pasturage, and my rye would be the fuller eared. But as clover. the rotation of clover will leave the land three years without dung, 1 consider this dressing as necessary. ^ I shall recapitulate my rotation of ci-ops in the following Rotation of table. ^"^^P^- 1st year. Rye manured: clover sown on it in spring, during dry weather, and harrowed in, without fear of injur- ing the corn. 2d year. Clover in its most productive state. If you would have a crop of clover seed, the second growth this year must be left to ripen. With this view it should be mowed the first time in May or June, when in full ilower, »nd then left to stand for seed. ' Vol. XVIII,~-Dec. I8O7. T 3d 27^4 ^^^ ROTATION OF CROPS. 3ti yi»«*« Glorer to be mowed only twic«. The third growth to be plowed in for raanui-e. - 4th t/ear. Rye, or wheat, without jnanure. The wheat Luast be hoed. 5 th 1/ear, Rye uiauui-ed. tith year. WiQter pease, sowed on the stubble, and co- vered by one plowing and one harrowing. 7th year. Rye manured, Sth year. Vetches, oats, and turnips to be fed off, and potatoes: the whole well manured. yth year. Rye manured, on which clover is to be sown in sprino' as before. Obsenrations. Observations oh this rotation of crops. Com o«cc in ^^ the first place it will be seen, that I take care to have a ttro years. crop of com once in two years. If my clover interrupt this course by occupying the land two 5^ears following, this is balanced bj^ two successive crops of corn after the clover ; the first without manure, the second with. Croi>s charged As the land is rested by changing its produce, I do not jj^jjjj sow clover on the same laud till after an interval of five years. CropcTcry My land produces a crop of some kind or other every year, with roa- ygg^j, j^j^^ j,j jj-ji,^ r^jj^jj^ years I manure it but four timee. nure once ia i: -^ ., , i . • -c -^ ri years. Consequently 1 have twice as many crops as it it were tal- lowed every other year, without more expense of manure, and I might almost say without more labour. It is particularly to be observed, that, except after the Pease do not clover, my land has never two successive crops of grain, un- exlKuist the j^^g |.jjg winter pease be reckoned so, which do not exhaust the land; and that it is so ordered, as to be cropped witli P .. . Corn one year, and with green feed or roots the next. This hi rejected ^* last rotation interposed between the crops of corn before the withouvciover. ^joyp^ comes round again, appears to do away the necessity of fallowing, without the assistance of clover, which however I am fur from wishing to exclude by tliis observation. ANNOTATION. „ ' A continual succession of crops without fallowing has a constant crop- specious appearance ot ben)g profitable at first sight ; but as COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF ALUM. Q^S as an ihtelliij^ent friend of mine, an excellent practical far- pingeomparcd n ■ .• X !• 11 -.1 1 ^ c c ^ with occasioi.- mer, observes, a lair estnuate ot all the advantages ot i»i- ai fallowing. lowing is seldom taken into the comparative calculation. That land may be broui^ht to bear a crop of some sort or other every year, there can be no dotibt; though it is obvi- ous, that precisely the same manaj^ement cannot suit every •pecies of soil. But when we compute the true value of this practice, we should not reckon from the produce of a few years at first, which wTll probably be higher than the average at the long- run : at the same time we must consider, where a proper rotation of fallows is observed, the saving of seed, of labour in sowing, cutting, inning, threshing, and carrying to market; and the advantage of having the land clean, and reduced to a proper tilth by repeatedly plowing and stirring the soil at times when the cattle and servants of the farm are not required for more necessary labour. Thus when we take into account the certain additional expense on the one hand, to be deducted from the produce of two moderate or perhaps indifferent crops; and on the other the savings in one year, and the produce of a good crop in the next, beside the cer- tainty of keeping the land in heart; we may perhaps be inclined at least to doubt on which side the balance prepon- derates, in cases where the too sanguine speak decidedly without hesitation. At present it may be presumed no country in Europe can be put in competition with our own for agricultural skill; certainly France cannnot : as however it stands foremost among the useful arts, whatever seems likely to suggest any hint toward its promotion is not unde- serving of notice, from whatever quarter it may come. VI 11. A Memoir on Roman Alum, compared ivith different Kinds manufactured in France ; bi/ 3Iessrs, Then ard and Ro ard. Abridged by Mr. Bouilhn'^Lagrange*. Jl HE art of manOfacturing alum ori ' History of and remained for a number of years the exclusive property alum works, * Annales de Chimie, vol. LIX, p. 58. July, 1806. T 2 ' of sr6 Mistake of Bergman. Potash neces- sary. « Vauquelin. Alum a con- stant salt, but frequently contaminated with ammonia and iron. Preference givfen to Ro- man alum by the dyers sup- posed to be without cause, COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF ALUM. of some cities in Syria. In the 15th century it was brought into Europe, and soon becfime common in Ituly, where that of Tolfa required great reputation by the constant unifor- mity of its product, as well as its purity. But this art, slill m its infancy, was very slowly improved; and it was not till three hundred years after, when chemistry was sufficiently advanced to discover the intimate nature of substances, that it made some progress. Mar^ratf, Monnet, Erxleben, and Bergman, then analysed all the kinds of alum most gene- rally known. Bergman in particular was so well aware of the importance of the question, that he wrote a dissertation of considerable length on the history, preparation, analysis and purification of alum ; in which he lays particular stress on the' necessity of carefully separating the iron from it by repeated crystallizations, by means of^which he says he ma- nufactured alum even purer than that of Rome. He had some erroneous ideas however, which modern chemists have corrected. Mr. Chaptal first perceived Bergman's mistake in pro- posing to saturate the acidulous solutions with clay ; and the simultaneous discoveries of Decroissilles, ChaptaV, and Van* quelin, on the action of potash in the formation of alum, and on the various combinations of the sulphuric acid with alumine, left us nothing more to wish on these heads. The knoVvledge thus acquired gave rise to several alum works, the produce of which, though approaching that of Tolfa, was not able to diminish the preference given it by all manufacturers, or to lower the price it bore. The learned awaited with impatience the solution of this important pro- blem, when Mr. Vauquelin made known the result of his analyses of Roman alum' compared with that of some other kinds mo?t generally known. He showed, that the p'ropor- tion of the constituent, principles of alum is always the same, and that they differ only in consequence of a few par- ticles of sulphate of ammonia and of iron, which he could not find in any appreciable quantity in Roman alum. He concluded his interesting analysis by saying, that, if there w^re so much difference in alum as the dyers say, chemistry in its present state was not able to detect the cause ; but that it appeared to him more natural to suspect them of exagge- ration : •COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF ALUM. 277 ration; and he concluded, that any ttlum,' free from iron, would be as good for use as the Roman. To place this be- yond question however, it would be proper to make compa- rative experiments with them in dyeing. Encouraged by this some skilful manufacturers farther improved the produce of their works, and supplied the shops with alum, that wantM only a diiierent name and appear- ance to rival the Roman. But the predilection for Roman alum was soon abused; FactitJoits and considerable quantities of the alums of Liege a"^ ""a^rforR^ ^"^ Javelle, to which all the outward appearance of that of man. Totfa had been given, were sold. Most of the dyers and manufacturers however, wlio at first had been imposed on by this appearance, were induced afterward to be only so much the more eager for the true Roman alum : for it was much more easy to deceive tlum to convince them. Sucli was the state of our knowledge repecting alum, Piize offered by when the Society of Encourasjement, ever animated with a ^^^ Society of -t • n ' • ' r. 1 Encouraae- desire ol givmgour own manutactures a great preponderance ment. over those of foreign countries, thought fit to oifer a prize for the means of giving our alums all the properties of that of Rome. The society having employed Messrs. Thenard Directed a and Roard, to compare the Roman alum with that of French examl'^'tionJi manufacture", in order to ascertain the difference both of of F'enL-haoSf their nature and effects; these gentlemen, after having ac- ^"^^^^^^ '^ ^""^1 quainted the society with the results of their inquiry, sub- mitted them to the Institute, before whom they laid the numerous experiments they had made to solve the question. They were very careful to, obtain the French alums in the Their prccau- state in which they are commonly sold, and accordingly ^'°"*' procured them themselves either from the manufacturers or from the warehouses, taking at a venture a great variety of cr^^stals from among considerable heapa. It was of particular importance likewise, that they should procure unmixed Roman alum. Accordingly they applied to Mr. Schlumberger, their colleague, who has the care of the warehouse at Paris on account of the proprietors, and to \. v> ■ ' * Messrs. Thenai a and Roard say nothing of the English alum, though it appears from Vauqudiu's paper, that the French consumers give it a' decided preference over any made in Fri\nce. T. . 't; ^,,,,. whom 278 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF ALUM. Plan of their proceedings. •♦ Alums com- j)dred. Analysis. For the sul- pliuric acid. whom all the Roman alum is directly sent. Accordingly lie had a great number of cask^ opened, that they mi^ht exa- mine the external appearance, figure, and colour of the crystals; and from each they took what they judged proper, to make up in the whole the weight of 30 kilogrammes [about 67lbs.] Tlie superiority of the Roman alum over all other kinds met with in the shops being the object of the dis- pute between the chemists and manufacturers, Messrs. Thenard and Roard conceived, that to decide it an analysis on a large scale alone would be insufficient ; and that it was particularly necessary, to make numerous and very accurate experiments with the best known colouring drugs on the fabrics most iu use : and they conceived, that if, from the whole of the facts, they could discover any necessary and direct connexion between the results of the analysis and the practical experiments, between the principles found by the one and the effects obtained by the other, all the difficulties would be elucidated, all doubts removed, and theory con- joined with experience would lead them to a complete solu- lution of the question. The French alums subjected to their researches corapa- rative'y with the Roman were those of Bouvier, Liege, Javelle, and Curaudau. Before they compared the effects of these various alums in dyeing, their first care was to subject them to all the ana- lytical trials already made by the chemists we have men- tioned : thus at the same time they determined the propor- tions of acid, alumine, potash, and water, and observed, as Bergman, Vauquelin, and Chaptal had done before them, the dangerous influence of iron. The experiments they made on this subject constitute the first part of their memoir. Part I. Avalysis of Afums, Exp, 1. To determine the proportions of sulphuric acid, they dissolved in l6 litres [or wine quarts] of water 489 gr. [15 oz.,6dr. troy] of each of the preceding alums entirely freed from the dust that coiners the surface of some of -them*. ♦ The rosy du&t on the Roman alum yielded on analysis saturated sulphate of alumine and ^mta<^ silex^ and oxide of iron. - I» COMPARISON OF DIFFEREXT KINDS OF Al.lJM. 279 loto the limpid solution of each, when completely dis- solved, they poored muriate of barnes to saturation, and even adJed a very slight excess, that they might be certain all the sulphnric nt'id was throwii down. Each of the solu- tions required precisely the same quantity of muriate of barytes. The precipitates were washed in 90 quarts of water; and wlieu that of the last washing was rendered but very slightly turbid by nitrate of silver, as the water vised for the purpose itself was, they were collected with the greatest care. After being dried, and calcined at a red heat for an hour, the weight of the sulphate of barjtes produced was: No, grammes. 1 , Roman alum 489-42 2, Alum of Bouvicr 45)070 3, ■ Liege 490*27 4, Javelle 490*27 5j -. Curaudau •••• 488*23 Mean of the whole • • 489*63 Messrs. Thcnanl and Roard adopted the proportion of 26 per cent of sulphuric acid in sulphate of barytes, because it is the mean between the results of the anHi}'Sis of this sul- phate obtained by one of them, and those found by Mr. Berthollet after experiments made with the greatest care» The determination of the proportion of sulphuric acid ' being the most important experiment, they attempted it a second time with as much precision as beiore, and found no difference between the quantities of sulphate of barytes ob- tained by the two analyses. Exp. 2. The equal quantities of sulphate of barytes ob- For the alu- tained by Messrs. Thenard and Roard in the preceding tnals min^^* leaving them no doubt with respect to th*^ projiortions of sul- phuric acid in the alums they had examined, they did not think it necessary to analyse any but those oi Rome, Bduvier, and Liege, for the purpose of acertaining the proportions of the other principles. These give us one artificial alum, and two native alums, of which one is the most common, the other the most esteemed. Of each of these 4S9 grammes v well 0^30 COMPAEISON OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF ALUM. well powdered were dissolved- by heat in 16' quarts of water, and decomposed by equal quantities of ammonia, which was added in very great excess. The alumine precipitated was washed with b'O quarts of water ; and whea that of the last washing ceased to precipitate muriate of barytes, it was col- lected, and dried in a large silver basin. After being dried, and kept at a red heat for an hour, it weighed: No. gtammes. 1^ Roman alum .... 60*92 2, Alumofljouvier • 61*82 3, Liege 6l-02 Thus Messrs. Thenard and Roard found in these alums exactly the same quantity of alumine ; for the Jrifiing differ- ences observed between them do not amount to a gramme [15 ~ grains], and are such as could not be avoided in such a long series of operations. The authors took so -much care in washing the alumine, and not pouring off the water till the sediment was com- pletily formed, and liad left it perfectly clear, that they can- not fear having assigned the quantity too small. Neither can it be too great, i»iuce, when it was dissolved in nitric acid, the solution did not render muriate of barytes turbid: it was completely freed from any sulphate therefore, that might have increased its weight. For the potash ^^P ^' '^^^ ^^ quarts of lixivium produced by washing each of these alums were evaporated to dryness in a silver bowl, and the products obtained were boiled several hours with an equal weight of quicklime. The residuum was treated four times successively with boiling water, to take up completely every thing soluble; and these waters were'^va- porated to dryness, the residuum dissolved in a very small quantity of distilled water, and this repeated alternately se- veral times, in order to separate completely the last portions of sulphate of lirae. The solution of each of the sulphates of potash was evaporated for the third time, and at length heated red hot in ^ platina capsule. The. COMPAUISON OF DIFFEllENT KIIJDS Of ALUM. SSV The weights of the sulphate of potash thus obtained were : - No. 7 gtammes. 1, Roman alum 77*05 2, Alum of Bouvier 76*80 3, Liege • 77*33 These sulphates no longer gave any sensible precipitate with oxalate of ammonia, and rendered nitrate of silver but very slightly turbid. They contained a little excess of alkali, but in so small a quantity, that a few grains of sulphuric acid were sufficient to saturate it. Messrs. Thenard and Roard preferred treating the sulphates with lime to employing calcination, for they had satisfied themselves that by calcination acidulous sulphate of potash can only be obtained, part of the alkali always flying off. The analysis of the sulphate of potash, repeated several Constituent times following, constantly afforded them the same results, P'^^"^^^^^^ of r 1 • 1 ■ r sulphate o^ and showed, that a hundred parts of this salt consist of potash. Sulphuric acid 36*4 Potash 63'6 100 ' Exp. 4. Desirous of knowing whether the alums they had Analysed foi- analysed contained ammonia, they treated them with caustic ^"^"^o"^^* potash, and with lime; and as they obtained none by this but none method, they heated jhem strongly in a retort with an equal ^o^nd. weight of powdered quicklime; but they could not thus discover the slightest trace of it. In fact, say the}-, we should have been surprised, if we had found any, for we knew to a certainty, that it could not be one of the consti- tuent parts of the artificial alums we examined; and as to the native alums of Liege anust not however conceal, that it is possible to find Mayexi^tin alums with an aniinoniacal base, though they must be very *^"''^ ^^""^* rare, for the practice of saturating the excess of acid in the aluminous lixivia by means of urine has been very confined, as 1852 Analysed for iron. Mode of esti- mating its quantity. Pvoportions. Component parts of alura. COMPARISON OP DIFFERENT KINDS OF ALUM. as it has generally been supposed, that this alkali would in- jure the beauty of dyes» Exp, 5. The presence of iron in alums had been demon- strated in a positive manner by several eminent chemists, who considered them all, including the Roman, as one and the same salt, except so far as its properties were altered by fo- reign matters, and particularly by sulphate of iron. To ascertain its influence, it was necei^sary to know the quantity contained in the alum: but analysis not affording, any means of determining it with sufficient accuracy, Messrs, Thenard and Roard had recouse to the synthetical plan. Accordingly they took some alum perfectly free from iron, to the solution of which they added from t^tt t<^ tAtj P^J't of sulphate of iron ; and then ihey compared the effect of prus- siate of potash on each of these solutions., more or less ferru- ginous, with that it produced in solutions of the rive kinds of alum. By this method they found, that the alum of Liege con- tained at most T^otr of sulphate of iron, that of Javelle a little less, that of Bouvier and of Curaudau riros ^^ tt'W* and the Roman scarcely ^o-Vo* From all these experiments it follows, that the alums of Rome, Bouvier, Liege, Javelle, and Curaudau contain pre- cisely the same quantities of sulphuric acid, alumine, potash, and water, and differ only by a few thousiindth parts of sul- phate of iron: and that a hundred parts consist of Sulph uric acid Q6'04> Alumine • • 12*53 Potash 10-02 Water • 51*41 , /- 100 Part IL - Experiments with Di/cs. r ' t After havins; given the results of their analyses in the first r^xpcrimcnts ° '^ '' with dyes. patr, Messrs. Thenard and Roard proceed to the second, which includes all their experiments with dyes. As this docs not COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF ALUM. 2l83 not appear to US capable of being abridged, we shall give it entire. Convinced, sav they, by tlie preceding oxperiments, that All the alums the alums of which we iiave spoken are formed of the same J.'^^lf ^ronrSie quantities of sulphuric acid, alumine, potash, and water ; sulphate of and that they may be considered as identical, differing ^^^^^'^ only by a thousandth part of sulphate of iron, we began with examining, whether their action in dyes were as different as is commonly asserted. Desirous that this part of our labours should not be inferior in precision to the former, we endeavour- ed to remove every cause of uncertainty that might occur ei- ther fro^u the mixture of the colouring matters or the substance dyed, the variations produced by the time or vessels employed iji the application of the monlant, the unequal body of liquor, or the ditTerence of temperature in the baths of dye. As we w«re anxious to observe with the greatest care all the effects, that might present themselves in the course of our experi- ments, we performed the greater part of them ourselves, and all the rest were executed under our inspection in our own dyehouse. We have not laid before the Institute the results of more than five hundred experiments with dyes that we have made, the greater part of which served only to point out our course, or confirm facts we had already observed : all those we have suppressed would have added nothing to the various proofs we set before them. All our researches were made at the Gobelins: we could- not choose a dyehouse more convenient, or offering us more advantages; for the processes there constantly carr;ying on, to supply the demands of three imperial manufactories, ena- bled us to make without interruption very numerous and varied experiments, which could not have been executed elsewhere without considerable expense. There we found every thing we wanted, whether of vessels, dyes, or matters to be dyed; and no where else could we have been assisted by a more able dyer than our foreman, Mr. Blondeau, who to great skill in colours adds very extensive practical knowledge. Art. 284 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT KI^'DS OF ALlTM. Art. I. ComparisoJi of the effect ■<: obtained in dj/cing with the alums of Rome, Bouviert LiegCj Javelle, and Curaudau. Comparative The materials we employed in operating with these five w'^ol'^ilk II- ^^ums were wool, silk, thread, and cotton. Each of these f»en, and cot- we subjected to the preliminary preparations adopted in the. *^"* most celebrated dyeho^ises. Aware of the extensive use of With printed Cotton for printed goods, and that Roman alum i.>. emp'ioyed couons. exclusively for all their delicate colours, we were desirous of making some trials, that would enable iis to decide upon this subject. We then had recourse to Mr. Davilliers, who rea- dily, and with the greatest politeness, made a trial of our five alums in his manufactory. The patterns he was so obliging as t6 send us agreed very well with our results; but as the unequal application of the mordant might with some plausi- bility have been objected to us, we endeavoured to obvinte this by adopting another method, that used in dyeing piece goods. Mr. Berthollet, jun., who has already distinguished himself in the science and in its application to the arts, particularly ■with respect to printed calicoes, which he has studied with great care in the tine manufactory of Jouy, had the civility to come and direct us in this important part of our labour, and assist us in all the researches we made on this subject. List of expert- Each of the experiments that compose this article was ments. made with all the five alums. Woollens. Exp. 1. Weld yellow. 2. Cochineal. 3 & repeated. IMadder. 4. • • Kermes. 5. Archil. T/iread. 6. Weld yellow. Cotton Thread. ,7. Weld yellow. H.* Madder. Exp. 9. Sumach. Calicoes. 10, - . . Weld yelKow. 11. JMadder. 12 ,.,,,. . .Sumach. Silks. 13. ;.Weld. 14. . . .V . ,. .Crimson, Silks xoith the acetates produced from the fixe alums. lo. .Weld.- By COMPAUISON OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF ALUM. ggj By these experiments we find, that the five alums act ge-NNo difference nerally in the same maoner on woollens, that they produce ^JJ ^^^^^Jj, ^ * some (lifterencc in cotton, and that their effects differ greatly great on sUk, on silk. But these alums contain precisely the same propor- tions of the same principles, and differ only by t-s^o-tt of sul- phate of iron: we are therefore obliged to conclude, that the differences mentioned must be ascribed to this sulphate. The following are the experiments we made to establish this fact. Art. II. Alums of Rome, Boutier, Liege^ Javelle, and CU" raudau, in their common state, compared with the same alums pur'ificd. After having freed these five alums from all the iron that The difference* existed in thep, we made comparative trials with them si^lplfate of ^ thus purified, and with Roman alum and the alums of French iron. manufacture. We first employed prussiate of potash to precipitate their iron ; but as this method was slow and expensive, we substi- tuted the more simple and -well-known process of dissolving the alum rn boiling water, and washing the pulvcriform crys- tals in cold water. In this way we obtained the complete separation of all the sulphate of iron iVoTn our most impure alum, which then was no longer perceptibly affected by prus^- siate of potash, even after several days exposure to the air. So complete a purification however is altogether unnecessary for the purposes of the arts. Wool. Exp. \6. Weld yellow. J7- Cochineal. 18. Madder. 19. '• •• ••Kermes, Thread. 20. -....Weld. Cotton thread. 21. Weld, 22. Madder. Exp. 23. Sumach. Calicoes. 2i.......Weid, 25. Madder. 26. Sumach, Silks. 27. Weld. 28. •«.» ••Cochineal, 29. .... .. i'ustiic. Table of ejfpf. rinjents. v^'nk tV> o? ^'^^ i ^^ ^^^^' phate of iron, and of sulphate of iron alone. The silks were alumed in the same proportions with the five different alums, and with pure alum to which from ^-^q-o to Too- of sulphate of iron was added. additions of iron. Table of expe- riments. Exp. 30. -| fr ool. Lxp.36.^ 37. , Madder. 32. J . . . \vpbl 38.. 39.-1 • • • > 1 CKI, . 33. -^ 40. Kermes. 34. t • • • ••Cochineal. 41.. 35.- 42.. • Prussiate of potash. Exp. COMPARISON OF DIFfc'ERENX KINDS OF ALUM. a%7 7'hrcad. Exp. 43. Weld. Cotton. * 44-. Weld. 4.5...'-... Madder, 4:6, Sumach, Calicoes. 4.7..... V.Weld. 48.' Madder. 49. ••••• 'Sumach. Exp. 50. 51. < Silks, ...Weld. • >» 'Cochineal. • . . Fustic. Silks. 53.- Weld. 54,. . . . ..Cochineal. 55. Fustic. 55. Weld. 57. • ••• ..Cochineal. From these experiments it appears, that weld yellows are General ef. - greened and deadened by sulphate of iron. That cochineal f^*^"* is turned violet by it, without being altered so quickly as kcrhies, or even as madder: and that^ without being made dull its colour is sulllciently heightened for persons not much used in comparing colours to prefer generally on wool those produced by Roman alum with ^V ^^ sulphate of iron to those of the pure Roman alum. In the colours 011 cotton, whether sumach or weld yellow, Oa cottoo. or madder red, notwithstanding the slight differences from the drying of the mordant, experiments 44, 45, and 46, with purified Liege alum and xiu- ^^ sulphate of iron, never af- forded us deeper or duller colours than the same experiments with Roman alum and tIo of sulphate of iron. Sulphate of iron acts in a more striking manner on silfcs, On silk. fcr tli£ wc\d yellows and cochineal cririsons on them were more affected by -j-o u <^f sulphate of iron, than on woollens Knowing the great sensibility of silk in manifesting the The quantity smallest quantities of iron, we employed it to satisfy ourselves by^sllk*^*^*^ whether our alums did not contain abo^ve tttW part, as we had found synthetically by pouring prussiate of potash into solutions of pure alum, afterward altered by greater or smaller quantities of sulphate of iron. We alunied silks with alum freed from iron, Roman alum, the alums of liouvier, Liege, Javelle, and- Curaudau, ai)d similar quantities of pure alum, to which we had addocj irom T-yVij- to -^^ of sulphate oi iron. AftCF Sigg C0MPARIS6T^ OF DIFFfiRENT KINDS OF ALUM. After they were dyed,' we found in the series of tints ex- . peiiments 56 aiid 57> produced by our pare alum rendered more or less ferruginous, colours perfectly similar to those of our ordinary alums. Thus ^^V^ part of sulphate of iron added to this pure alum, afforded us with weld and cochineal , the same colours as Roman alum ; -■^'^tt the same as the alums of Bouvier and Curaudau; ttVit ^^^ same as that of Javelle; and tAtt the same as that of Liege. J he different We can no longer therefore ascribe the differences we ob- ow^ncto 1^"^ *^^"^^ ^^ clyeing with different alums to. any other cause, than these infinitely small quantities of sulphate of iron ; since, by adding this substance, we converted purified and Roman alum into alums, which gave us the same results with reagents as the most impure kinds of the shops; and. On the contrary, by abstracting the sulphate of iron, we could make at pleasure, from the most impure kinds, alums pro- ducing as fine or finer colours than those obtained with Roman alum. Art. IV. Experiments on the injiuence of sulphate of ammo^ nia, and of alum with an nmmoniacal base. Experiments Many distinguished chemists have asserted on the autho- with sulphate ^^^ ^^ Ber^rman, that alums with an ammoniacal base are «>t ammonia. ... . . . rn • i i i • • • mjurious m dyemg. 1 o ascertam whether this opinion were well founded, we treated wool and silk with several propor- tions of sulphate of ammonia, which we added to Roman alum, and with alum without potash, having its base entirely of alumine and ammonia, it produced no _».^ and j^y of sulphate of ammonia produced no percep- fcjtec , tible change in silk or wool with weld or cochineal colours, unless in consi- ^i^.^ „>_., x, and V of this salt produced a regular degrada- Vtv^ ^ quan- ^-Qj^^ -j^ which the colour with Roman alum and -y its weight of sulphate of ammonia was two or three shades weaker than t^iat with Roman alum alone. Common Hence we had reason to expect evident changes from alum alums not in- with an ammoniacal base, but we found no difference in its iured by this. ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^,^^ ^^ Roman alum. Wool tOMPAnrSON OF nrFFERENT KINDS OF ALUM. 289 Wool loith sulphate of ammonia. Exp. 59 Weld. 59. .. . . .Cocliiaeal. Silk with aliun having an ammo- iiiacal base, Exo. 60 Weld. Such are the facts we were dcs'iroiis of laying before the General dqK Institute, relative to the long' undecided question of the au- ^"cuons, periority of Roman over all other alums. They afford us an exact and complete coincidence between the results of our analyses and of our experiments with dyes : they show us, that much too extensive an action has been ascribed to the sulphiite of iron, the wholfe of the influence of which we have pointed out, at the snine time marking its limits: and in particular they pvove, that the opinion of the evclu-« sive advantages of Roman alum, formerly perlsaps sufficient- ly just, is now to be considered as an errour successfully combated by theory, and demonstrated by experiment. These facts lead us directly to the following consequences. 1. All alums contain precisely the same proportions of sul- Alum Itself phuric acid, alumine, potash, and water; though they pro- ^^®"^^'^^^- duce sensible differences with reagents, and in their applica- tion to the art of dyeing. '•1. These diiferences arise solely from the unequal quanti- D'ffers from ties of sulphate of iron found in them, amounting merely to beuig conta- a few thousandth parts, for they disappear completely on ir^^'^ the purification of the alums, and are reproduced with the same intensity, if we. refetore to them as much sulphate of iron as had been abstracted. 3. The Roman alum contains the least sulphate of iron : Roman alum the alums of Bouvier and Curaudau aflbrd us a little more, f'-'^t^rom it^ but the quantity they contain is appreciable oidy by reagents, and on silk in weld and cochineal colours. In the alums of Javelle and Liege prussiate of potash immediately indicates the presence of sulphate of iron. 4. Roman alum does not merit the exclusive preference Other alum given it over other alums, for we have oUtained on wool, ™'*y ^^ {"^de cotton, and silk, with Liege alum purified by uieans of wa- ter, and even with the alums of Bouvier and Curaudau, us fine and brilliant colours as those produced by Roman alum : and if the latter appeared to us to have tlie advantage over Vol, XVTII— Dec. I8O7. U the Qquul to it. £90 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF ,AL13M. the aliiras of Bonvier and Cu:-audau, we can afiBrm, that the differences were very trifling, and onlv to be perceived by an expene^iced eye. i-oW part of 5. The alum of Javelle, and that of Lie<>e in particular, Loix luTurioixs. though not containing above a ihousaiKlth part of sulphate of iron, almost always produce duller and lesa brig;ht colours than those with purified or pure alums. Its effect great- ^. The effect of sulphate of iron is not the same on all est on silk, s . ^ i -,.1 n i • ^^ • • . substances, and with all colounnj^ matters: it is very evi- dent on silk ^vith \*eld and cochineal colours: it is a little least on wool, less so on cotton, and it is much less on wool, with the same substances. Wool appears to fix a less quantity of sulphate of iron than cotton, atid particularly than silk ; for the co- lours oil wool are less altered by ^V o^ t^'s sulphate than on Little with silk by T^^i ^^^ ^^ all madder, archil, and kermes coloui*s, *" kern*^'^'^^''' very large pro^wrtions of this substance are necessary to alter the shade, or^even to diminish its liveliness. Every manu- ?• Every manufacturer of alum therefore, if he will, may facuirer "^^^7 ^bansre his most impure alum, by siuiple and not expensive makeahimof '' . ....... the best qua- means, Hito an alum, that lu its application in all the aits, ^'^y- to the most lively colours, and to substances the most sen- sible to the influence of sulphate of iron, shall possess all the properties of the long: boasted Roman alum. Remarks on Let US hope, that the importation of foreign alum into the French France, which amounted a few years ago to several millions of livres, and which has already decreased in a considerable degree, will soon cease entirely : that our alum manufactu- rers, better acquainted with their real interest, will no longer endeavour to distinguish their good.s by' that coloured coat- ing, which has most frequently been the resource of fraud : that their endeavours to furnish the shops with an alum con- stantly pure will soon lead all our manufacturers to think no more of Roman alum : and that ultimately our alum works, obtaining deserved celebrity, will be greatly increased, ex- tend their sale to foreign countries, and enrich France with a consideijable branch of trade. IX. ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF POTTERY. , ^91 IX. Essays on the. Improvement of Pottery in general, or the Art of making, at the least Expense, Vessels for every Use, tnore handsome, strong, and wholesome, without employing Lead or Tin, in the Composition of the Coating, Enamel, or Glaze: by Mr. C. R. Jousselin, Manufacturer at , Nevers, An Abstract by Mr, GvYTO]r culi- oapable of sustaining the transition from heat to cold, and '^*'"y "'^^^' because it is not refractory enough to support a greater heat. For the same reason it can only have a very fusible covering. This is commonly sulphuret of lead, and oxides of copper, . , iron, and manganese. ^ • Annales de Chimie, Vol. LXII, p. 213, Mai, 1807. U 2 Delft 2£^^ ON tChe improvement of pottert. Delft. Delft ware, which was a grand invention in its time, on account of the beauty of its coating, has likewise the defect of being baked only so far as to vitrify the enamel, as a de- gree of heat beyond tliis would spoil it. This renders it ne- cessary, to employ a sufficient quantity of lime in it, to give it a little consistency by a conamencement of fusion* Its defects. "^ Its coating, composed of glass of lead and silex, rendered white and opake by oxide of tin, cannot support changes from heat to cold, and its biscuit is liable to imbibe grease. Queen's ware. The white or pipe ware, after the English fashion, is lighter; its biscuit has more solidity, being composed of purer clay, and prepared flints ; and it is previously baked : but the coating given it is much more fusible than that of delft ; it is a glass, incapable of enduring an equal heat; is subject to crack; is very easily scratched, when any oily matter will penetrate the biscuit and leave spots ; and if the glass of lead be in excess, which is unfortunately a too com- mon case, oils and vegetable acids attack it, and render its use dangerous. Its glaze defec- The memoir published by an able chemist, Mr. Proust, tive and dan- ^^ remove any apprehension of injury from its use, induced Mr. Gay-Lussac and myself, to pay great attention to this subject, at the time of the last exhibition of the products of French Industry. We found very little, that was capable of completely resisting the edge of a knife ; and after this it could not stand the test even of boiling acetic acid, or the yolk of egg boiled hard. We cannot therefore avoid adopt- ing the opinion of Mr. Jousselin, that, whatever attempts be made to improve this manufacture, it can never form good pottery. Is stone-ware Hence then it may be admitted as a general principle, capable of be- ^^^^^ ^^^j ^.^^^^ kinds are admissible, stone-ware and porce- ing made a *^ . ., , substitute for lain. But is it possible, to answer every purpose of strength, every thing but gjggj^,^(,g^ wholesomeness, and economy, in a word, to ren- der stone-ware capable of supplying the place of common earthen-ware, or such as is required to stand the tire, of delft, ixnd of pipe-ivare ? Mr. Jousselin affirms, that he is Tes. convinced it is by numerous experiments. As he is esta- blishing a manufactorj% it is natural for him to keep secret th(e ON-THE IMi»ROVEMENT OF POTTERY, 2^3 the processes he has tiiscovered, tliough what he says ap- pears sufficient, to give him a claim to our contidence. Without attempting to divine his secret, 1 shall add in stone-ware support of its possibility, that it might reasonably have been "^^y ^^^ made questioned, when the art wiis but a traditional practice, and fire. when ail our stone-ware was of a close texture, incapable of supporting the fire witliout cracking: it might have beeti' questioned before the expevimeuts of Lauraguais in 1762, Lauraguais. whence Mr. Jousselin dates the first conception of a com- mon porcelain, and whose successes did not meet the en- couragement thev deserved: before the property of magne-Useof magne- • i . . 1 ^1 f • • ? . • X- 1 siaawdbarytes. sia to put a stop to the fusion without impartmg any colour- ing principle, and that of barytes to supply the place of saline fluxes, were known: before the analyses of feldtspar Artificial feldt- had taught us to compose it artificially with very common ^^^^' materials: before the property of pumice stone to afford a Pumice stone covering not attacked by any menstruum was discovered ; ^^^S^^^®* and before the inventor of this process, Fourmi, crowned by the Institute in the year 12, had fabricated his ht/gio- Ilygiociramcs, ccrames, a species of common porcelain capable of standing the fire: before the effects of heat prolonged to devitrifica- Devitrification tion had been observed : and before the productions of the ^^ ^^^^' manufactories of Utschneider, Lambert, and Mittenhof, had been seen, which the jury of the exhibition of I8O6 recognized as a true stone-ware capable of standing the fire, that is to say common porcelain*. Thus * I have here pointed out only the principal facts. 1 might quote many others, that tend nit less powerfully to confirm the opinion For instance, the spuma maris, the keffekil of Kiiwan, to which the name KefFekil, of magnasite has been given, and of which the Turks make their pipes, contains according to Klaproth but 0 50 silex, and 0 17 magnesia I have found, that it loses 023 of its weight in the fire. It has the pro- its use. perty of stopping both the vitrification and the contraction of the com- positions ill 10 which it enters. Mr. Giobert has shown, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Turin Magnesian for 1802, that the earth of Baudissero, long considered as almost pure earth, alumine, and used with success m the porcelain manufactory of Viuovo, is a magnesian earth, containing about 0-14 of silex Among the results of the syuihetical essays made in my laboratory at ^Jmj Imperial Polytechnic School, 1 obtained a ghis>s perfectly similar to Glass from ar- that 294 TEST OF THE GLAZE OF POTTEKY. Every necessa- Thus ki the present state of our knowledge it is far from terv mav be i Impossible, that an artist perfectly acquainted witli it, and made without improved by practice, should succeed in fabricatinfi^, as Mr. any metal. Jousselin profejsses, three kinds of pottery, to snpply the place, 1st, of close grained stone-ware, for containing li- quids and other matters, with or without glazing : 2dly, of less close grained stone-ware, with a brown glaze externally, and a white enamel internally, for culinary utensils: and 3dly, of delfts and white earthen-wares, retaining both ele-? gance of form and lustre of glazing, without employing any metal. Very cheap The enamel of which Mr. Jousselin announces the dis- ^one *^ ^^' covery is entirely earthy, and composed of materials so cheap, that the enamel, which now costs the manufacturer at the rate of 320 franks for a certain quantity of ware, will come to no more than 15 or 20. X. Process for proving the QuaHty of a Glaze of Earthen- War^ *. Defects of Jl HE glaze of earthen-ware may hare several defects : it glaze. jnay be scratched more or less readily by a hard body; weak acids, such as vinegar, lemon-juice, verjuice, &c., may at- tack and dissolve the lead it contains ; or oily substances standing long on it may produce the same effect, stain it, and render it dull. tific'al feldt- that afforded me ' y the feldtspar of Baveno, by urging to fusion in a spar. platina crucible a mixture of 62 parts silex, 16 alumine, 10 lime, and Porcelain with- 12 i/otjsh. I have likewise made, without kaolin, a biscuit having the out kaolin. hardness, semitransnarsncy, and grain of porcalain, by giving the pro- per d-'gre3 of baking to a paste composed of 50 parts s.Iex, 20 alumine, 24Tnagne-»ia, and 6 lime I need not say, that it would be very easy to employ the same proportions of silex and alumine, by choosing a good clay, without being oblige^ to have recourse to the decomposition of «lum for the earth. • Soonini's Bibliotheque PhysicQ^6cononiique, July, 1807, p. 43. To GEOLOCtCAL OBSERVATFONS IN FRANtJE. 295 To (leterririfie its'po^^er of resisting friction, it raay ^ Jfiji'^g^iat^it. nibbed with sand ; and if this scratch it more readily than it does a glaze known to be good, we may be assured it is soft. If vinegar be boiled for some hours in a vessel coated with y■'nep^^^^l • -t. » t , 11-1 *• dissolve us a soft ghize, it will attack the glaze, and dissolve a portion jt^^d, of its lead, which w.ll ])c precipitated from the vinegar on ., the addition of a few drops of sulphuric acid, commonly called oil of vitriol. , But a method more within eveiy one*s reach, and there- '»k a ready fore deserving to be known, is, to let fall a drop of strong ink on a piece of earthen-ware, dry it before the fire, and then wash it. If tbe glaze be too soft, the ink will leave oa it a slight spot. XL Heights of vartovs Places in France, ^'c. ; bt/ Dr, Berger. Continued^ from p, i217. Sect. H. Heights ascertained during a tour in the ci-devant Promnce of Auvergjie, JL HE following observations were collected in a tour made Tour in A.u- in the spring of 1802, in company with Mr. Leopold von vergne. Buch, a celebrated Prussian mineralogist, and Mr. A* Ju- rine. With these gentlemen 1 set out from Geneva to visit the chain of the mountains Dome and d'Or, traversing the ci-devant provinces of Bugey, Bresse, Lyonnois, and Forez, and returning through Dauphiny. As all this country, par- ticularly the most interesting, which is for the greater part included in the circle forming the department of Puy-de- ,Porae, has been carefully exaiuiued by several able mine- 'i»logists, I shall say little respecting its physical constita- tion. Most of the heights were calculated by Mr. von Buch from the simple formula of tlie difference of the logarithms of the numt)ers expressmg the heights of the barometers at ' • , the 52P6 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS IN FRANCE. From Geneva along the course of the Rhone. Lakes Syant andNantaa. Extremity of the Jura. the two stations* : neither were they made witli such strict attention to accuracy, as to be considered as absolutely de- termined. It wouhl be diflficiilt to add any thinji^ to what Mr. von Saussure says of the road from Geneva to Lyons in his Tours to the Alps: I shall only* enlarge a little more than he has done on some places where pebbles or blocks of primitive rocks occur. Following more or less closely the course of the Rhone from Geneva, we meet with some at the villages of Coniigoon and petite Grave, where they rest on a bed of soft gritstone; at Chancy, where we found on the banks of the Rhone a granite with' reddish feldtspar ; and in the bed of the Loudon, a small river that comes from mount Jura, and falls into the Rhone, where there are several pebbles of serpentine, including^ tolerably large garnets. But in a marshy bottom situate below the village of Fougny a large quantity of primitive compound rocks are seen^ some with a base of diallage [sraarag'dite of Saussure] and jade, others of almost pure jade, or compact petrosilex. Not far from the loss of the Rhone, near the village of Vanchy, primi- tive pebbles are still perceptible; afterward toward Chatil- lon they become more rare ; yet I have seen blocks of gneiss on this road, about a mile from the little lake of Syant or Sylant, which no doubt formerly made but one with that of Nantua, about 120 yards below it. Every thing leads us to believe, as Mr. Saussnre remarks, that the latter ex- tended much farther to the south-west, covering the large flat meadows observed in that quarter, the soil of which is composed of rounded pebbles for tlie inoit part calca- reous. From this place to the extremity of the Jura, between Poncin and Pont-d'Ain, scarcely any primitive pebbles oc- cur. There we begin to meet with pebbles of quartz in considerable quantity, and some blocks of gneiss in the en- ♦ "Though the correction for temperature, with respect to the dilation -of the air, is indispensable in nieasunr.g differences o( level in the same cpuntry and at the same time j it is not quite certain, that it ought to bs emj)loyed when we comt>are countries very distant from each other, and take the mean of a great number of observalions." J. B. Biot's Phy- sical Astronomy, vol. 1, p. 145, virons GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS IN FRANCE. £9l7 Virons of Priay; wlience the road to Lyons is over plains Road to Lyons* covered with pebbles,, frequently in such quantity as to pre- vent the bind from b,eing cultivated. The prevailing species are quartz, and hard quartzose gritstone. The pebbles of the Alps indeed frequently occur, as micaceous s hist, schis- l^se Korn.blende, and serpentines: yet when We traverse the bed of any torrent or river coming from the adjacent moun- tains, the calcareous stones always predominate. Between lake Sylant and Ghatillon, about two or three miles from this town, on the left bank of the little river is a tolerably fine spring, called Entrebilliet, the temperature Heat of of which on the 1st of April was 7*5° of Deluc [49° F.], ''P'-^'^S^' while that of the open air was 6-5° [467^]. The height of the place above the sea, as found by the barometer, was 241 toises. At Varambon, near Pont-ci'Ain, a spring rose out of the ground, the temperature of which was 9° [5ii*25°], and that of . the open air 12° [59°]- The height of this agreeing with place was about 1 40 toises. These two observations agree ^^"^^^'^^''*^^' sufficiently with the law established empirically by Mr. Saussure, that the heat of the air decreases about l°of Deluc for every hundred toises in height. From Ghatillon to Nantua we found a prodigious quan- Box. - tity of box. All the country, except the summits of the ' mountains, which are crowned with firs, is covered with this shrub ; and from the warmth of its local aspect, it grows to a considerable size, as in Campania and the East. From the environs of the loss of the Rhone we do not Vines, meet with any vines in the road, till we reach Cerdon*. At this place is a plantation, reaching from the top of the moun- tain, which is 403 feet higher than the lake of Geneva, to the bottom of the declivity on the high road, which is 192 feet lower than the lake. if in proceeding from Lyons into Auvergne we travel di- rectly westward, traversing the Lyonnois and Forez, we are constantly on the primitive soil. The chief base of the Granitic coun* countiy of Limagnej that fine part of France, is well known ^' •- The extent to which Mr. Arthur Young has availed himself of his accurate ob.servations on the locality of certain cultivated plants, among which is the vine, is well known. 1 do not hesitate to pursue his views of vegetable physics, when opportunity offers, to g^5 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS I\ FRANCK. to be granitic : the same kind of soil too, that we meet with in going down the Rhone from Lyons by the way of Vieinld and Tonrnon, occurs when we proceed to Beaujolois by way of Tarare, Thizi, and la Claire : thus from the consi- derable extent ocx^upied by this kind of soil in these coun- tries the centre of all these chains cannot be far distant, and it is not without reason, that Mr. Delametherie places it in TheCevennes. the Cevennes, which he considers as one of the principal centres of the primitive mountains of France. M«untain of rjy^^ ^,^^^ ^j^^^ composes the mountain of St. Bonnet-le- S». Bonnet. . . ^ . Froid is an undulated reddish gneiss, evidently strutitied, and intersected by strata or ve.ns of other rocks, particularly white quartz, and schistose hornblende, which assumes a porphyritic appearance mi the back of the mountaiiv to the West, particularly between the villages of Conrsieux and Ste Foy-l' Argentic re. Throughout the whole district of the latter, situate in a valley watei-ed by the little river Bre- Coat. venne, pitcoal is found. Among the fruit-trees surrounding Chesnuts* the houses a few chesiiuts are to be seen, but all of them . poor and low : probably thistree will not thrive without sheU ter. Vines and -waU On the back of the mountain of St. Bonnet, toward nutsc ligema . (;;p^^g;gQj^_^ these are some tine plantations of vines; and in the bottom of the valley very line walnut trees. This, is not the only place where [ have observed the vine and the walnut thriving- together ; probably therefore they require nearly a similar temperature. Holly The holly is common among the firs in the mountains of till the Lyonuois, "und sometimes appears as a tree ten or eleven and smooth ^^^^ high. In these cases the upper leaves are smooth, while leaved at top., the lower ones are prickly as usual. Lake diminish- The plain of Forez is covered with a multitude of ponds, eoads. ^^^^ ^^ doubt formerly was one extensive lake. In it there Basaltic moun- is a basaltic mount/m. The level of this plain is 185 feet lain. below that of Limagne. Its soil is evidently formed by the decomposition of the primitive rocks; but it appears per- Wood sorrel, fectly adapted to wheat. One weed only infests all the fields, the wood sorrel; but this is in great abundance, particularly ou the i'aliows : hov/ever it is betieficial to the sheep folded on CE0L0G1CAL»0BSEIIVATI0NS IN FRANCE. 299 on them, for they prefer it to any other plant, whence Ta- Sheep fond of bernaemontanus called it pxalis ovina. In. the jrj.ej^hbourhood of Feurs I saw furze for the first Furze, time on my road, a plant not to be met with in any part of Switzerland. Tahle of heights above the sea in toises and thousandth parts. Table of heights aboTC Without Accord- Accord- As . the level of the cor. for ing to ing to given jea. Places. tempera- Deluc. Trem- by , ture. bley. Deluc. Chataillon de Michaille 286*068 287*945 264 Lake Syant 302-582 304-843 Cerdon •• • 191'820 193-874 158 Mexinieux 131080 132'634 118 Lyons 89*680 88 By Saussure 84 or 80 Petit-St.-Jean 121-500 The highest part of the road over St. Bonnet- le-Froid 390-500 Coursieux 188-000 Ste Foy-l'Argentiere ••229-500 St. Martin de I'Estra • • 297*000 Feurs • 173-000 St. Germain-le-Val . . . • 210*000 St. Just-en-Chevalet • • 352-636 The highest point of the chain of Thiers, taken on the road, near Ar- consat ^ 481*601 488*096 Boen • 200-000 Noire-Table 344-500 Thiers, at the lower part of the town 192*000 Clermont 200-000 Summit of the Pradelle, an ancient basaltic pro- ., montory, restiiig on granite, but separated from ir by a thin stra- tu m of bolar earth .... 352*500 Orginet 300 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS J.N FRANCE. Without cor. for temi)erature. Table of Orgines* 393-000 heights above The summit of Puy-de-UAmef 751-657 the level of the ^ r t^ . , , „ . fj^^ot gea^ Jt^uy-de^lr'arion, on the edge of the crater GlO'833 at the bottom of the crater :J: • • • • 574-166 Puy-de-Barme 561-166 Orcival 448-000 Mount Jiughat, on the edge of the crater 574*166 ; at the bottom of the crater 552 500 Issue of the current of lava from Puy-de-la-Vache 50y 000 Hake Aidat ........ > .;..... 419-000 MouiitUins of Croix-Marand 6.93^166 Village of Mont-d'Or-les-Bains. ................ 523-333 Cascade of la Dogne,' at bottom 654-000 — at the top § 694-333 Rock of the Cousiijs|l , . . . 8P>5-33t>' Mountain of Cacadogneil ^)0l'Q6(i Summit Lava. * Here is found the grand stream of lava from Puy de-Pariou, This lava is very fragile, and contains' only sniall crystals of feldtspar, which retain their native hstrt, ^oii>hyry. -f This mountain is formed of a sort of porphyry, the cement of which, not very hard, and of an earthy {^r»y colour,- includes mica and a great many large crystals of feldtspar, which are- cracked and have a vitreous appearance; while those found in the granite, that constitutes the base of these mountains, have a pearly gloss. According to Perrier the height of this, mountain above the sea is 700 toises j accoRling to Cassini and le Monnier, 757. Crater. % 1 '^'^ crater, which is perfectly circular, measures 200 paces round : it is covered with graSs, and cattle feed in it. Volcanic pro- § ^" ^^^^ cxcur^ion fine feldtspars are found, in large double crystals, ductions. in a porphyry, which according to Mr.' von Bueh cannot liave a very dif- ferent origin from that of Puy-de-D6me. He adds, that it is a volcanic production, but not lava. ■ . . II If we proceed along the ridge of the inQuntain from the top of the cascade of la Dogne, says Mr. von Buch, we arrive at the rock of the Cousins, where we see substances that have much more ai)pearance of Basaltes. basaltes, and in which the feldtspar becomes more rare. Continuing along the ridge iov*ard Cacadogne, we go round's frightful, semicircular precipice, the sides of which are covered with scoria;. This is the only P J) lace in the neighbourhood, that can be termed a crater. From Caca- dogne the ascent to the summit of Mont-d'Or is easy. It is an immcHSG circus. GEOLOGICAL OBSERVA'nO^'S IN FRANCE. 301 Without c 1 near the lake the Leman lake. ' of Geneva. Mount Salhe, four miles east of Geneva, is narrow, but Sal^ve. of considerable length froiii N. N. E. to S. S. W. On the W. N. W. it exhibits naked and steep rocks, in nearly hori- circus, truly alpine, terminated on one hand by the sides of the valley of la Cour, and on the other by the rock of the Cousins. These answer to each other, and formerly closed the circus on the side of the valley of Bains. But the whole of this vast circus cannot be a crater. I conceive, continues Mr. von Buch, that there are two, the valley of la Cour, and Formerly two* the funnelshaped hollow between Cacadogiie and the rock of the Cou- sins; the remamder of the cavity was formed by the falling in of the parts between these two craters, as is shown by the bare and salient an- gles below the summit of Mont d'Or, and the valley of Enfer. * According to Cassini the height of this mountain above the sea is Y048 toises : and he afterward calculated by the barometer its height ^ 'above the village of les Bains to be 512 toises, while according to our observations it is only 435. ' \ Cassini makes this 224 toises higher than les Bains, and 760 above 'the level of the sea. ., X ^ causeway of basaltes in prisms of six feet diameter, with deci- Basaltes evi- sive appearances of having been oritjinally a stream of lava, is seen here. "^, v "om a ■ \. J^ , ^ J i volcano. Von Buck. § In this place is a grand colonnade of basaltes resembling the pipes Colonnade of of an organ. it. ^ zontal gQ3 CEOLOOICAL OBSERVATIONS IN^ FRANCE. zontal strata. On the E. N. E., toward the valley of Boraes, or the Alps, which lie beyond it, the strata decline with a gentle and almost uniform slope. On this side we find strata of soft sandstone imposed on calcareous strata inclining un- der an an^le of 45°. Similar strata are found on the little Saleve, sloping- in tlie same manner to the east. The sand- stone^strata extend to some distance from the foot of Saleve, joining underground those of the hill of Essery, and still fetaining the same direction. The brook Viezou has hol- lowed itself out a very deep hed in this soft standstone. The Arve too has made its way across it : and in the little Sa- leve we see beneath it strata of calcareous breccia, cover- ing those of compact limestone tiiat form the body of the mountain. The sides of the mountain toward the village of Croisette are woodj^, and on the top the vegetable mould Covers a considerable bed of white sand. In the interior of the calcareous strata are petrified marine bodies in great va- riety, some indications of coal, several nuclei of silex or pe- trosilex of a naturally round form, iron in the state of earthy oxide, &c. ^Voifoas. Mount Vuirons, three miles farther from the Leraan lake than Saleve, would be in some measure parallel with it, if it did not incline more to the south. Its summit forms a long ridge. Ou the side next the lake its slope is gentle for about two thirds of its height, where there is a small plain ; and thence it becomes very steep, and is covered with firs* it is comyjosed "chiefly of a calcareous gritstone, the nature of which however varies greatly ; for the southern part of its ridge is a kind of primitive puddingstoae, in which I have found nuclei of a fine granite with red feldtspar and black mica, the most rare, as Mr. Deluc observes, in that part of the Alps which" approaches Geneva. Its declivity - toward the Alps is much more steep than that of Saleve. Near the southern extremity, about half way up the moun- tain, is a large limestone quarry, the strata of which are • nearly perpendicular to the horizon, lie east and west, and include several species of marine petrifactions. Among others Mr. Deluc found two large bufoniteS, which he co'n- iniders »s new. The GEOLOGICAL OBSERVA'TIO^'S IN FRANCE. 30$ The valley d'AJnmdance, rich in fine pastures, ascends J^le of Abuu- with an imperceptil)le slope to a defile, in wbichis placed a cross, raarking the limits between France and the Vulais, Thence the descent to the village of Monteiche, not far from f^ff^ the Pchone, is pretty quick. All the mountains on this road are calcareous, generally steep toward the lake, and in seve- nil places their strata are nearly vertical. Above the cot- tages of Size, on the chaiil skirting this valley, good coal Coal, has been found, and is wrought with advantage. The mouix- tainsjiere are higher and steeper than those nearer Geneva, becaiise they are nearer the centre of the Alps, and probably too, as Mr. Saussure observes, because some of t])e lower steps of the grand amphitheatre of the Alps are wanting ^ere. ^* The Mule is a long mountain, lying W. N. W. and E. S. E. Mdl«. It is composed of compact limestone, which in some places begins to assume the appearance of a schist by its disposi- ^ tion to split in leaves. There is some irregularity in the situation of these rocks, yet they follow the law common to all the exterior mountains of the chain of the Alps, their slopes beiujg on the inner side, and their precipices on the outer. Here Mr. Sausgure observes for the first time, that SeG(»nc!ary tlie seeondasy mountains are so much the more irrepular niountains ,.,..'. . , , , . most irregular and mcljnjijg- m proportjon as they approach the primary, xiear the pri^ It is from the Mole too we perceive very distinctly, that the mary. Alps, to which all the surroundineds of limestone. The Dole, twelve miles north of Geneva, has been gee nerally deemed the highest summit of the Jura. Accord- ing to Mr. Deluc it is 658 toises above-the lake, a«d copse* quently 847 above the sea. I co|isideF the Reculet, ten miles north-west of Gerieva, as rath eF higher. It is one oi the number of mountains in Ihe chain, that appear to con- tradict the general for m, of, th^ strata above given; for, iri-. stead of rising against the/centre of the chain, they present' their cliffs to the Alps. - ., .-w.'-ii: u».' ; In an expursjoii I made on the Re(cu.let,,the 7th of 4"- ^ust, 1802^ 1 5 J^scertaii^ed; th^ tejaiperature ofivvo; springs at the same time with their,hei^ht .^bo\e. tl},e sea. The tem- perature x)f one, situate above the chalet of Arderau, and 730 toises above the sea, was 48° [43° F.], while that of the open air was 21-5° [80-3 F.]. That of the other, called ^oqverse, 815 toises above the sea, was 4° [41° F.], the thermometer in the open air bting at 20*5° [78° F.]. These twp. observations agree sufficiently with the law of the de- crease of heat laid do^n by Mr., Saussure ;^ the following is pot quite so consistent with it. Oa the 29th of August, X^Q2, .the thermometer ip a fine spring near the village of V^irisf at the foot of .mount Saleve, 200 toises above the sea, stood at 8*5° [51-2^ F.], and in the open air at 13*7® ^62-8°F.]. XII. ON dubuat's hydraulic theorem. 309 XII. Trantformation of Mr. Dnhuafs Hydraulic Theorem, Bif Thomas Young, M,D. F,R,S. To Mr. NICHOLSON. SIR, i N the course of some investigations respecting the mo- Dubuat's hy- tion of the blood, and the rause of fever, I have had occa- transformed, sion to employ the rules derved from the hydraulic experi- ments of Dubuat ; and haviudj reduced them into a more correct form than those which are mentioned in the second volume of my Lectures on Natural Philosophy, p« 225, I beg leave to make public, through the medium of your Journal, the formula which I have obtained. Dubuat's rule, reduced to English inches, is "^ — b, h and V — 153 [*/ cZ — -2) . ( — -} — ; ^ — -001) I being the length of a pipe, d its diameter, h the height of the reservoir, and tj the velocity in a second. Now hA.xzznxii — M, when n is infinite, for the fluxion ''J^JL becomes ultimately ~ ; and th6 same is very nearly true when n is any large number: we may therefore express the hyperbolical logarithm, taking n zr l6, in the terms d i tV — S 4-1-,; and the whole formula may be changed into another, which will often be more convenient, in this manner, making c-h^\-^\yV=. 153 (v^(/ — -2) . (— ^ + ''Sl±l — '0012.) This expression will be found as near the truth, in all cases, as can be supposed to have been correctly as- certained by Pubuat's experiments. I am, SIR, Your very obedient servant, THOMAS YOUNG. Wdhech Street, 22 Nqv, XIII. 310 iriEORY or bar xavMPETS, XIII. Ohsercdtwns on tht Theory of Ear trumpets, with a View t» their Improvement ; A3/J0HV Gouch, K^q, Sir, Middfeshau\ *iOtk Nov. 1807'. Animpro^red ^JTNE of your correspondents, who appears at pas,e 51 o£ requested. >^ur XlHth volunae, under the signature of A. B. has lately *' addressed me in the same anonymous character on the subject of ear ti umpets. He requests to learn my sentiments res- pecting these instruments, and hints leading to their improv** ment through the medium of your Journal, •ni^subject hi- j^ believe but liltlc attention has been hitherto bestowed OQ therto reglect- cd by philoso- this part of acoustics, though the inquiry is intimately con- P*^^*** nected with the ease and happiness of the partially deaf ol all ranks and ages. This negligence in experimental philo- phers, who have done so much for the improvement ot optics, obi ges me to begin with a fundamental and essental point ' of my subject; for we are in uncertainty at present in what Two theories manner an ear trumpet acts on the auditory organs. We trumpeTpro- ^^*y Conceive the sonoriterous pulses to be collected in the posed. cavity of the vessel, and to pass thence into the meatus au- ditorius in a state of increased condensation. On the other hand, we ma^ suppose, that the same pulses strike the sides of the trumpet, and excite similar vibration* in this metallic s..c'}, vliich imparts them to the orifice of the The latter the- iiud it ory duct. The latur supposition is rendered plausible ry p u I . ^^ ^ simple experiment ; if the porches of the ears be se- curely stuffed with wet paper, you may convey the clicking of a watch along a rod of wood or metal to the seat of bearing by simply. touching the watch with one end of the rod, and pressing the other against the'forehead, your teeth, or the wet paper in your ears. The preceding fact, in conjunction with other circumstances and arguments, induced me at first to prefer the second theory of ear trumpets, and to conclude, that the vibrations of the metal ccmstitute the real cause of augmented sound rather th;in the condensation offlcnoriferou? pulses. After THEORY OF EAU TRUMPETS. 3]! After taking this view of the subject, I was inclined to M^. Nichol- ^ r t • 4 son's idea, vol, Adopt your opinion in vol. XIIi, page 52, that an instrument xiii, page 52, Cppsisting of a broad thin surface, furnished with a tail or exwnined, Stem, promises to relieve partial deafness as effectually and more conveniently than a trumpet. A number of experi- ments, however, made for the purpose, have convinced me, that the vibration excited in thin plates of metal, wood and pasteboard, by sonoriferous pulses of air, cannot be condensed in a stem attached to these substances, so as to be conveyed with effect to the seat of hearing. My first trial was con- Not continued ducted in the foUowing manner : a hole was made through a ^g^^^^^^* • partition of lath and plaster, which was just large enough to receive a rod of deal 2 feet long, and f an inch in diameter. Some circular plates of metal were provided at the same time, as well as thin boards and pieces of pasteboard of the same figure, which were fixed at pleasure on the ends of the i rod, by means of holes in their centres. This contrivance gives the observer an opportunity of placing himself in one room and the sonorous body in another; and this precaution prevents all the pulses from reaching his ear, except those that are conveyed by the rod, provided the force of the sound be too weak to make its way through the partition itself. The eff<»cts produced by this apparatus were the following: when one of the circular plates properly mounted on the end, was slightly scratched with a pin, or even with a piece of twisted paper, the sound passed very distinctly along the deal into the room where the observer was situated, and was thrown off into the air from a circle of wood or metal fixed on the rod in that apartment. The same circumstance took^ place when a watch was brought into contact wifh one of the circles, and the observer stood near the other; but absolute contact was found to be necessary, for the sound ceased as oft as the watch was removed the shortest distance from the circle. The discovery of this fact damped the expectation which I Other experi- had hitherto entertained of affording relief to partial deafness "»^"'s to the by solid conductors of sound, but not to dismiss the inquiry apparently- in a negligent manner, I procured two or three plates of different elastic substances, furnished with slender tails 3UI THEORY or EAR TRUMPETS. tales of wood, with which I made an unsuccessful experiment on the ears of a lady who labours under a considerable degree of nervous deafness. An attempt was also made to convey weak sounds by the same instrument to the auditory organs through the medium of the teeth, when the ears were stopped ; but att these trials failed, unless the sonorous body happened to touch some part of the apparatus. This succession of disappointments convinced me, that solid conductors can be of no advantage to the partially deaf. ^Probable use of Instances of great insensibility may occur indeed, in which •^lid cofaduc-^e may arrive at the seat of hearing by their assistance, through the channel of the mouth, after every trial to ap- proach it by the natural ducts and passages have proved 'fruitless. In this manner, perhaps, some persons apparently in a state of absolute deafness, might acquire some idea of the musical scale by attaching one end of a stick to a harpsi- chord, and holding the other in the mouth. At the same time, lam apprehensive your correspondent A. B. will be un- fortunately disappointed in his expectations of relief from conductors, which are to be held in the teeth in the manner of a tobacco pipe. Anexperiment The next experiment relates more directly to ear trumpets, trumpet. ^"^ discovers the mode in which they operate on the auditory organs. I took a hollow copper cone, the mouth of which ^ was finches in diameter, and having closed one of ray ears with wet paper; I introduced the small end of the tube into the other, taking care to cover that side of my face with a ^ 'folded handkerchief, with a view to intercept as much as possible such vagrant pulses as were not received by the * trumpet. Upon directing the wide end of my clumsy instru- tnent towards a' watch on'a' table, I found that it rriagnified the strokes of the balance beyond my expectation. But this * was the case only while the tube remained open, for the watch ceased to be audible after a plug of wet paper had been forced into the narrow part of the tube, at the distance Trumpets con- ^f ^ ^^ 3 inches frorri the smaller extremity. This experi- Hense sonori- nflent poihts out the officfe of an ear trumpet in ii satisfactory ferous pulses. , , • i i .111 manner. Its business is to condense the pulscsvvhich happen ' tO" fall into its cavity, and thereby to discharge them \yith ' ' ■ ■ ' greater THEQRY PF EAR THUMPETS, gjj greater effect into the auditory ducts; our attention therer- fore, must be turned in future to the most probable means of increasing the condensing power oi the instrument, if we wish to mitigate the inconvenience of nervous deafness. A vessel of a parabolical figure, and well polish(>d, promise^ Parabolictruift. to be of service to the infirmity of partial deafness, on asu- Jered*^"^*' perficial consideration of the subject, because such an in- strument would concentrate in its focus all the pulses whiclji happened to enter its mouth at the same instant, in a direc- tion parallel to its axis. A trumpet of this description is liable to two serious objections, for the construction of it is very difficult, if not impossible; and if such a thing could be made, it would be attended with inconveniences, arising from its shape and ilimensions, that would render the appli- cation of it very troublesome. This may be easily proved by Q. few simple calculations derived from the properties of the parabola; in reality it may be feared, that the partially deaf have little to expect from any kind of ear trumpets, but those The itnprore- of a conical fisuie; and apparently strong reasons lead me ments of coni- " ' * ^ . ^ cal trumpets to suspect the best of them to be very imperfect augmenters difficult, of sound. Perhaps! may take a future opportunity to con- sider their defects mathematically; Out it will be sufticient for the present purpose to observe, that very few of the pulses received at the mouth of a conical tube are trans- mitted "^o the ear through the opposite extrcxiiity. This might be demonstrated on the well known laws of incidence and reflection, and the truth of it is experimental!, proved by the office of the funnel in the invisible lady, which does ** not transmit the whisper committed to ic so much as it re- ■ . ■ -'♦ fleets it. It may be here naturally asked, if the partially deaf are to Anmstrument lay aside all future hopes of additional relief from the im- ^^'^ ^^® P""^^' . ^ . . > T -11 ' . ' pie of a drum provement ot acoustic instruments? 1 will not venture to give recommended. a decisive answer to this question ; perhaps future experi- ments may discover a more convenient and efficacious form of the ear trumpet ttiaij any in use at present; but I would re- commend your correspondent A. B. or some one of his fellow sufferers, to exchange his trumpet f)r a drum, by way of trial. Perhaps tliij> hint will appear obscure in its present form, 914 THEOUT OF EAR TRUMPETS. form, and an explanation will be expected. By a drum I mean a circular box, or funnel, furnished with nn car pipe, and having its mouth or widest aperture covered with a thin elastic membrane, which must be stretched with an uniform force in every direction, like the vellum of a military drum. The pulses which fall from the atmosphere upon this mem- brane will be immediately transmitted by it to the air con- fined in the box, and their escape from this cavity must evi- flently he through the" ear tube, because the covering of the mouth will not permit them to return into the atmosphere by that aperture. An experi- The instrument here recommended is not a mere project of with such an ^^^^'T? ^^^ ^ \mve made some experiments, which induce me instrument. to hope for beneficial consequences from a contrivance of the kiiSdV'' I tooka metal funnel of 2 inches radius, And a circu^ lal- wood box of the same diameter, which was a' segment 6f '^ A sphere of 8 inches radius. The mouth of each vessel was covered with apiece of hog's bladder, moistened in water, and securely fixed by a thread to the outside of the instru- tieiiC The bladder contracted in drying, by whicih it ac- quired a considerable degree of tension; and I do not hesitate to say, that both these drums, when properly applied to my ^a'r, augmented the beats of a watch and other weak sou rid «, The further in a manner which was very perceptible. Should tHe experi- thre'^jeT °^"l^"^ however, appear worthy of further attention, it must jnent left to be left in future to those who expect advantage from it', Be- ^epartially cause such inquiries are attended with the greatest difficul- ties, when undertaken by persons who possess the sense of hearing in perfection. If your correspondent A. B. should conclude to pursue the subject, he will recollect, that a fine membrane is prepared from the intestines of cattle, which is called gold beater's skin, at least in the north of England ; and it is unnecessary to inform him, that this substance is preferable; in every point of view to the bladder which 1 used in my experiment. JOHN GOUGH. P, S. I have long expected, that some of your corrcspon- dentb would call an opinion in question, which \ advanced nearly ON SPARRY IRON ORIS. 315 ntari)' two years ago in the Philosophical Journal ; but their ::>ileiice obliges me to become my own accuser. Jiome expe- riment of mine will be found in your number for JVJarch, Water may be 1806', from which I inferred, that water cannot retain its go© fluidity when cooled below 32°. Such was my opinion at the time, but I was soon induced to suspect its accuracy from a conversation on the subject with Mr. Dalton, of Manches- ter. The gla&s vessels Ubed in my experiment:* were exter* nally covered, witb the freezing mixture nearly to their brims; but in consequence of this gentleman's infownation, I repeated the same experiment last winter, care being taken to raise the upper half of the vessel, containing the water, above the salt and snow which surrounded its bottom. With this precaution I found water might easily be cooled many de- grees beiow the freezing point ; in consequence of which dis- covery, I was obliged to abandon the theory referred to above, and HI pronouncing it to beanerrourlamonly doing justice to the truth and your excjrllent miscellany. XIV. Report made to the Mathematical and Physical Class of the Institute, on a Memoir of Mr. Descotils, relative to Iron Spar: hy Messrs, Berthollet, Lelietre, and Vav- QUELIN*. spara vary JLN January 1806 Mr. Descotils read to the class a memoir iron in wbich he proved by expenmer\t8, that the iron spar, which ^"^ *heir princi- was the subject of it, varied in the proportions of its consti- be differently tuent principles ; and hence he explained the differences treated. that the ores require in their metallurgic treatment. The difficulty of fusing some of them constituted at that time the principal object of his research; and the comparative Their refracto- analysis he made led him to the conclusion, that the mag- '■'"^ss owing to, nesia, which is frequently found in them in large quantity, was the cause of their refractoriness. Reflecting on the processes adopted to deprive these ores Processes Tsy •j^nales de Chimie, vol. LXIJ, p. 135^ May, 1807. of 516 ON SPARRY IRON ORES. whi h he are deprived ot it. Their moc^e of operdticn. Hassenfrata; started some objections, but appears to have Ifiven them up. The author has repealed his experi- ments, and made fresh. Experiment with ore of Elba. Effect not ow- ing to its being powdered. R«riaotoflness of the principle of their infusibility, which consist chiefly in exposure to the air and raiu, eitlier before or alter roasting, Mr. Descotils conjectured, that these piocestes had no other effect than that of separating- the magnesia. In the lirst case, that is to say, when these ores were ex-* posed to the air before roasting, he supposed, that this earth was dissolved in the slate of carbonate by the rain, in the second, on the contrary, he ascribed this ettt-ct to the sulphu- ric acid developed by the eiflorescence of the pyrites, with which the iron spar is aunost always accompatiied. Since that period Mr, Descotils ht s ccumiumicatedtothis assenably a second memoir, in which he fu.nishes substan- tial proofs of the explanations he had oiie^ed in the lor- mer paper as merely conjectural ; at the same time avails himself of them to answer some objections, that had been advanced by Mr. Has?enfratz. The latter gevjtleman how- ^ver,^ after having made some fresh experiments and obser- vations, has withdrawn his memoir, w-hich the class had re-» fer red to the same committee: we shall not therefore enter into any discussion of the points, on which these two learned chemists differed, but shall consider the facts related by Mr, Descotils, and the conclusion he has deduced from them, as jf they had never been disputed. * On this second occtislon Mr. Descotils has repeated his former experiments, which gave him the same results. He has likewise made new ones; and all, mutually supporting each other, have only confirmed him in his opinion. But let us relate some of these experiments.. He exposed to the fire a mixture of fifteen parts of mag-» nesia, and a hundred parts of iron ore from the isle of Elba, finely powdered ; and the result he obtained was perfectly similar to what every magnesian iron spar has furnished him. To ascertain whether the division of the particles of the substance had any influence on its fusibility, lie made atrial with part of the same specimen of iron ore of Elba, without wasting or powdering it, and he obtained a perfectly compact button, at a degree of heat similar to what would have been requisite for an assay of earthy iron ore with the addition of borax. This fact shews, snys the author, that cohesion does not diminish Olf SPARRY IRON ORES. # diminish the fusibility of iron ores; at least if this cohesion therefore not can be estimated by the harclncss of the ore, and the resis- gjon. ' tance it offers to the action of acids, for none possess these two qualities in a more striking degree than the iron crystals of the isle of Elba. The committee are of a similar opinion, only the fusion must requife so much lousier time in pro- portion as the ore is in frag^ments of a larger bulk, ' 'Mr.'DescOtils could have wished to analyse specimens of i^fractory iron "spar coin pari tively with specimens of th6 same ore become fusible by exposure to the air: bat not hav- ini^been able to procure any, he thought he might supply their place by two pieces from the same vein, one of which was not altered, the otheir had passed to the state of a free ore. Without describing the method be employed for this pur- 'But tomagn*;. pose, which we' Consider as very accurate, we shall only say, *^^' tiiat be found the dtx!omposed ore no longer contained any magnesia or carbonic acid, while the other contained four per cent of carbonic acid and magnesia. The analysis of live other specimens of free ores, from Farther proofs, different places, gave him the same results, whence he con- cludes, that the separation of the magnesia is complete when the decomposition of the ores is complete. In some cases he suspects^ that it is to the efflorescence of Modeinwhick the pyrites, from which scarcely any spai-ry iron ore is free, the magnesia. that the solution and abstraction of the magnesia of the raw ^^ ^^^^'^ ; , ore is owing; since sulphate of magnesia is sometimes to be observed on heaps of ore of an analogous nature exposed to the air, as well as in the waters with which these ores are washed ; and he has obtained similar results in a small way, by putting magnesian iron spar in powder, into a solution of sulphate of iron. He believes however, that it is most frequently the carbo- Action of car- nic acid, which, disengaged from the iron in proportion as this absorbs oxigen, dissolves and carries ofl" the magnesia by means of watep, .1 As to the change effected in the roasted ore by exposure Effect of roa^-* to air and rain, the conjectures of Mr, Descotils are con- ing. firmed by analysing the waters, with which a heap of roasted ore long exposed to the air had been washed. These waters contained •1« ■;2?:rs'?''s Old ores more fusible than SL«vr, Magnesia most iiiiurious to rich ores. Ko external marks of its jprcience. Application of heal alone the best test. Marks of a re- fractory ore. Marks of a fu- sible ore. Indication of manganese. Loss in roast- ing. Quantities of ON SPARRY inON ORES. contained nothing but sulphate of magnesia, and a little sulphate of lime; which suits could have been produced only by the action of the sulphuric acid, arising from the pyrites, on the earthy substances contained in the ore. Mr. Descotils quotes letters of several well informed per- sons, and worthy of credit, v/ho, in agreeing on the point that sparry iron ores recently extracted and roasted are more difficult of fasion, and less productive, than those that have remained three or four years in the open air, give ftiil more force to his theory. Though it is certain, that the presence of magnesia in iron ores diminishes their fusibility more or less, the author of the memoir observes however, that, if it be accompanied with a sufficient quantity of lime, silex, and alumine, or of oxide of manganese, it is not so injurious, because it be- comes fusible by combining with these substances. Conceiving the advantage iron masters would find in hav- iiig an easy method of knowing by simple inspection a free from a refractory ore, Mr. Descotils has examined, whether among the external characteristics of these substances there might not be some, by which these properties could be dis- tinguished : but the strictest scrutiny in this respect waS without success. He has been obliged therefore, to have recourse to chemical means, and what he found most to the purpose was fusing the ore without the addition of any flwj^* If a^te^ this operation the matter present itself in a grayish, earth}^ friable mass, interspersed with small globules of cast iron, it is a proof, that the ore is niagne&ian, and consequently more or less refractory. But on the contrary, if a well fused button be obtained, with brown and not very abundant scoriai, the ore is fusible, and contains but little magnesia. When the scoriae are green, they indicate the presence of oxide of manganese, part of which is reduced, and mixes with the cast iron, by a high and long continued heat. The least altered kinds of sparry ores, that Mr. Descotils assayed, lost in roaating from 31 to 37 per cent. The altered or free ores lost at most but 14 per cent, and this loss was- merely water. The quantities of magnesia and manganese vary greatly j , sometimes ON SPARRY IKON ORES« ^|^ •ometiraes there may be 12 per cent of either in the raw ore, manganese and at others there is scarcely any. ^*^ magnesia. From the results of his analyses Mr. Descotils concludes, Never a maxi- that a high proportion of one excludes a high proportion "^^^*^^^^^' of the other, without the absence of the one necessarily in- dicating" the presence of the other; so that the iron, when brought to the state of red oxide, always amounts to 60 per cent at least. Hence Mr. Descotils explains what takes place in the Ca- Cataloniaa talonian forges, where the different species of ore are treated '^'^^^' according to the nature, number, and quantity of the prin- ciples they contain. He points out the method, that each requires, and the product they afford, according as the ope- ration is conducted. Sometimes it is cast steel, at others steel from th«. malleable iron, or some mixture of the two. On this occa- ^^'-' Pyreaoau ore. fion he expresses his surprise, that no one has yet thought of establishing a manufactory of cast steel in the Pyrenees. He thinks justly, that all rich iron ores, which contain btit Richores» few earthy parts, such as those of the island of Elba, might t)e fused with advantage in the Catalonian method. It follows evidently from the experiments of Mr. Descotils, General d©* that certain kinds of sparry ores owe their infusibility to the Auction** presence of a large quantity of magnesia: and that the prin- cipal object of the exposure of these ores to the air and rain, either before or after roasting, is to separate the magnesia, and render them fusible. The various experiments we have witnessed, and the results of which we have seen, leave us no -doubt on this head: since on the one hand the ores in which there is no magnesia are easy of fusion, and those which con- tain a certain proportion are wholly infusible; while on the other the addition of magnesia to fusible, ores divests them of this property, and infusible ores, when their magnesia is ab- stracted from them, become fusible. From the observations of Mr. Descotils it farther follows, that there is no external character, by which we can distin- guish whether a sparry iron ore be fusible or not: but he has pointed out chemical means of determining their nature, which are easy to put in practice. Hence we are of opinion, that Mr. Descotils has thrown much liglkt on the working of sparry iron ores; and that, as big 82d SCIENTIFIC NEWS. his memoir may in consequence be a verj^ advantageous guide to the iron master, both from the well conducted experiments it exhibits, and the reflections and ideas he has added to them, the class should direct it to be printed in the volumes of its foreign contributions. SCIENTIFIC NEWS. R. Bucliolzhas analysed the seed of lycopodium, which Analysis of has afforded him the following results. A thousand parts of ycopo mm. ^^^ ^^^j contain ^0 of a fat oil, analogous to castor oil, and very soluble in water, 30 of true sugar, and 15 of a mucila- ginous extract. The remainder consists of a suh'^tance alto- New substance g^t he p insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, oil of turpentine, or caustic lixivium of potash. By long boiling with liquid potash however this substance is decomposed, gives out am- monia, and is converted into an extractive matter. By distillation it affords carburetted hidrogen gas, and car- bonic acid gas; and afterward a watery liquor, impregnated with acetate of ammonia, and an empyreumatic oil. I'heie remains a coal very analogous to anthracite, and difficult of incineration. Nitric acid moderately concentrated being boiled on this substance converts it into a fat oil equally soluble in alcohol. The author concludes, from his experiments, that this peculiar matter must be considered as distinct from all other vegeta- ble or animal substances. Mr. Thenard had supposed, see our last number, p. 1^5, that a certain quantity of water was formed in the mutual Nowaterform ,. , i , , • i . i i • cd in making action of alcohol and acetic acid : but he now says he is con- acetic ether, vinced, that none is actually formed, of which he shall fur- nish proof in his memoir on ethers. To Correspondents, Mr. C. Sylvester's paper was too late to be inserted in the present nv^mber^ but will be given in the next. A J O U R N NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, CHEMISTRY, AND THE ARTS. SUPPLEMENT TO VOL, XVIIL ARTICLE I. On some Chemical Agencies of Electricity. Btj Humphry ' Davy, E*g. F,R,S, MALL A, Read November ^0^ . 1806 * 1. Introduction* 'A HE chemical effects produced hy electricity have been Introductoif for some time objects of philosophical attention ; but the ^^"^' novelty of the phenomena, their want of analogy to known facts, and the apparent discordance of some of the results, have involved the inquiry in much obscurity. Art attempt to elucidate the subject will not, I hope, be considered by the Society as unfitted to the design of the Bakerian Lecture. I shall have to detail some minute (and I fear tedious) experiments ; but they were absolutely es- sential to the investigation. I shall likewise, however, be able to offer some illustrations of appearances, which hitherto have not been fully explained, and to point out some new properties of one of the most powerful and general of ma- -terial agents. * From the Philosophical Transactions for 1807, Part I. Voj.. XVIIL— SuppiEMSNT. Y IL 322 ^N SOME CHEMICAL AGENCIES OF BtECTEICITY, 11. On the Changes produced by Electricity in Water. Early observa- The appearance of acid and alkaline matter in water acted *"*d^alLr"*^ on by a current of electricity, at the opposite electrified Voltaic experi- metallic surfaces, was observed in the first chemical experi- ments, raents made with the column of Volta *. Mr. Cruickshankt supposed, that the acid was the nitrous acid, and the alkali ammonia. M. Desormes J soon after attempted to show by experiments, that muriatic acid and ammonia were the products, and M. Brugnatelli § asserted the formation of a new and peculiar substance, which hehas thought proper to call the electric acid. The experiments said to be made in Italy, and in this country, on the pro- duction of muriate of soda are recent j], and the discussions with regard to them still alive. As early as 1800, I had found that when separate portions of distilled w ater, filling two glass tubes connected by moist bladders, or any moist animal or vegetable substances, were submitted to the elec- trical action of the pile of Volta by means of gold wires, a nitre-muriatic solution of gold appeared in the tube con- taining the positive wire, or the wire transmitting the elec- tricity, and a solution of soda in the opposite tube **; but I soon ascertained, that the muriatic acid owed its appear- ance to the animal or vegetable matters employed ; for when the same fibres of cotton were made use of in successive ex- periments, and washed after every process in a weak solu- tion of nitric acid, the water in the apparatus containing ' fhera, though acted on for a great length of time with a Tery strong power, at last produced no effect upon solution of nitrate of silver* In cases when I had procured much sodaj the glass at its *' Nicholson's Journal, 4to. Vol. IV, p. 183. t Ibid. Vol. IV', p. 261. I Annales de Chimie, Tom. XXXVII, p. 233. § Phil. Mag. Vol. IX, p. 181. li ByM. Pacchioni, and by Mr. Peele. Phil. Mag. Vol. XXI, p. 279. ** I showed the results of the experiment to Dr. Bed does at this time; and mentioned the circumstance to Sir James Hall, Mr. Clay- .field, aiid other friends in 1801. -point ON SOME CHEMICAL AGENCIES OP ELECTRICITY. 323 point of contact with the wire seemed considerably corroded ; Changes pro- and I was confirmed in my idea of referring the production tricity ia water. of the alkali principally to this source, by finding that no fixed saline matter could be obtained, by electrifying distilled water in a single agate cup from two points of platina con- nected with the Voltaic battery. Similar conclusions with regard to the appearance of the muriatic acid had been formed by the Galvanic Society of Paris, by Dr. Wollaston, who hit upon the happy expedient of connecting the tubes together by well washed asbestus; and by M. M. Bipt and Thenard *. Mr. Sylvester, however, in a paper published in Mr. Nicholson's Journal for last August, states, that though no fixed alkali or muriatic acid appears when a single vessel is employed ; yet that they are both formed when two vessels are used. And to do away all objections with regard to ve- getable substances or glass, he conducted his process in a Tcssel made of baked tobacco-pipe clay inserted in a crucible of platina. I have no doubt of the correctness of his results; hut the conclusion appears objectionable. He conceives, that he obtained fixed alkali, because the fluid after being heated and evaporated left a matter that tinged turmeric brown, which would have happened had it been lime, a substance that exists in considerable quantities in all pipe-clay; and even allowing the presence of fixed alkali, the materials em- ployed for the manufacture of tobacco-pipes are not at all ^ such as to exclude the combinations of this substance. I resumed the inquiry ; I procured small cylindrical cups of agate, of the capacity of about | of a cubic inch each. They were boiled for some hours in distilled water, and a piece of very white and transparent amianthus, that had been treated in the same way, was made to connect them together; they were filled with distilled water, and exposed by means of two platina wires to a current of electricity, from 150 pairs of plates of copper and zinc 4 inches square, made active by means of solution of alum. After 48 hours the process was examined : paper tinged with litmus plunged into the tube containing the transmitting or positive wire was immediately ■^ No. XL cfu Moniteur, 1806. Y ^ strongly <^g4 ^^ S&Sm eHEMtCAL AGENCIES OF SLCCTRICtTf* Changes pro- stroncrly reddened. Paper coloured by turmeric introduced ttid^^ in >vater *"^^* *^^® ^^^^^ *"^^ ^*^ ^** colour much deepened; the acid matter garc a very slight degree of turbidness to solution of nitrate of silver. The fluid that affected turmeric retained this property after being strongly boiled ; and it appeared more vivid as the quantity became reduced by evaporation; carbonate of ammonia was mixed with it, and the whole dried and exposed to a strong heat: a minute quantity of white matter remained, which, as far as my examination could go^ had the properties of carbonate of soda. I compared it with similar minute portions of the pure carbonates of potash and soda. It was not so deliquescent as the former of these bodies, and it formed a salt with nitric acid, which like ni- trate of soda soon attracted moisture from a damp atmos- phere, and became fluid. This result was unexpected, but it was far from convincing me, that the substances which I had obtained were generated. In a similar process with glass tubes, carried on exactly under the same circumstances, and for the same time, I obtained a, quantity of alkali which must have been more than twenty times greater, but no traces ef muriatic acid. There was tncch probability, that the agate might contain some minute • portion of saline matter, not easily detected by chemical analysis, either in combination, or intimate adhesion in it« |)ores. To determine this, I repeated the experiment a second, a third, and a fourth time. In the second experiment turbid- ness was still produced by solution of nitrate of siWer in the tube containing the acid, but it was less distinct; in the third process it was barely perceptible: and in the fourth the two fluids remained perfectly clear after the mixture. The quan- tity of alkaline matter diminished in every operation ; and in the last process, though the battery had been kept in great activity for three days, the fluid possessed in a very slight degree only the power of acting on paper tinged with tur- meric; but its alkaline property was very sensible to litmus paper slightly reddened, which is a much more delicate test: and after evaporation and the process by carbonate of am- monia, a barely perceptible quantity of fixed alkali was Still Jeft. The acid matter in the other tube was abundant ; its 4a.ste was sour; it smelt like /skater over which large quan- - * titieii on SOME CHEMICAL AGENCIES 0? ELi;CTIlICU'T. 33S titles of nitrous gas have beon long kept ; it did not aifpc* Changes pro- .-^ «olutio^ of muriate of barytes ; and a drop of it placed uppn ^^i'dL hf ^atei-.^ a polished plate of silver left after evaporation a black stain^ precisely similar to that produced by extremely diluted ni- trous acid. After these resnitsj I could no longer doubt that some . saline matter existing in the agate tubes had been the source < of the acid matter capable of precipitating nitrate of silyeFj^^ and of much of the alkali. Four additional repetition.'^ of the process, however, convinced me^that there was likewisa^ some other cause for the presence of this last substance; for it continued to appear to t]}.e. last, in quantities suffi- ciently-distinguishable, and apparently equal in every casQ,. I had nsed every precaution ; I had included the tubes iu glass vessels out of the reach of the circulating air;^ all the acting materials had been repeatedly washed with distillec^r Tfater ; and no part of them in contact with- the ^uid had ' been touched by the fingers. .,.....■ The only substance which I could now conceive capabl9, of furnishing the fixed alkali was the water itself, This^ water appeared pure by the tests of nitrate of silver and, muriate of barytes; brut potash and soda, as is well known^, rise in small quantities in rapid distillations ; and the New- River water, which I made use of, contains animal i\nd ve- getable impurities, which it was easy to conceive might fnr- nish neutral salts capable of being carried over in vivid ebullition. To make the experiment in as refuied a form as poseibk^^ I procured two hollow concs_of pure gold containing about 25 grains of water each, thoy were filled with distilled water,' connected together by a moistened piece of amianthus which: had been used in the former experiments, and exposed to the action of a Voltaic battery of 100 pairs of plates of copper and zinc of six inches square, in which the fluid Avas a solu- tion of alum and diluted sulphuric acid. In ten minutes the watet in the negative tube had gained the power of givi^^ a slight blue tint to litmus paper: and the water in the posi- tive tube rendered it red. The process was continued for 14 hours; the acid increased in quantity during the whole time, and tlie water became at last very spur to the taste* Th(? g2g O^ SOytE CHEMICAL AGENCIES OF ELECTRICITT. Changes pro- The alkaline proporties of the fluid in the other lube, on tHciiy in wa^t«r. *^® ^°^*^^^'5 remained stationary, and at the end of the time, it did not act upon litmus or turmeric paper more than in the first trial: the effect was less vivid after it had been strongly heated for a minute ; but evaporation and the usual process proved that gome fixed alkali was present. The acid, as far as its properties were examined, agreed with pure nitrous acid, having an excess of nitrous gas. ^ I repeated the experiment, and carried on the process for three days ; at the end of which time the water in the tube was decomposed and evaporated to more than one half of its original quantity; the acid was strong, but the alkali in as minute a portion as in the last experiment. It acted indeed rather more vividly on the tests, on account of the greater diminution of the fluid, but presented the same results after being heated. , It was now impossible to doubt, that the water contained some substancein very minute quantities, capable of causing the appearance of fixed alkali, but which was soon ex- hausted; and the question that immediately presented itself was. Is this substance saline matter carried over in distilla- tion ? or is it nitrogen gas, which exists in minute portions in all water that has been exposed to air, and which, if an element of the fixed alkali, would under the circumstance ^f the experiment have been soon exhausted, whilst its ab- sorption from the atmosphere would be impeded by the sa- turation of the water with hydrogen? i was much more inclined to the former than to the latter supposition. I evaporated a quart of the distilled water that I had used, very slowly at a heat below 140^ Fahrenheit, ih a silver still; a solid matter remained, equal to -/^ of a grain; this matter had a saline but metallic taste, and was deliquescent vvhen exposed to air : I could not obtain from it regular crystals; it did not afFect turmeric or litmus, but a part of it, after being heated red, in a silver crucible, ex- hibited strong alkaline properties. It M'as not possible to make a minute analysis of so small a quantity, but it ap- peared to me to be principally a mixture of nitrate of soda d iiitrate of lead ; and the metallic substance, it is most t Ikely, was furnislK-d by the condensing tiibe of the com- fiihh still, The ON SOME CHEMICIL AGENCIES OF ELECTRICITY. 327 The existence of saline matter in the distilled water being Changei pro- ' ihus distinct, it was easy to determine its operation in the ex- ^V<^.*^ f^X ^^^«" ' •' ^ tncity in water, periment. I filled the two gold cones with water in the usual manner ; that negatively electrified, soon attained the maxi, mum of its effect upon turmeric paper. I then introduced into it a very minute portion of the substance obtained by the process of evaporation that has been just described ; in less than two minutes its effects were evident ; and in five minutes the tint of the paper was changed to a bright brown. I now conceived that by collecting the water obtained in the second process of slow distillation I should be able to ^ carry on the experiment without any appearance of fixed alkali, and the trial proved that I was not mistaken. Some of this water was introduced into the gold tubes^ and the amianthus moistened by it. After two hours the water in the negative tube produced no effect upon turmeric paper ; it did produce an effect upon litmus, which it required great minuteness of observation to perceive; but it wholly lost the power by being heated strongly for two or three minutes, so there is every reason for supposing that it was owing to a small quantity of am- ^ monia. I made a similar experiment with a portion of the same water in the tubes of agate that had been so often used, and I had the pleasure of finding the results precisely the same. To detail any more operations of this kind will be unne- cessary ; all the facts prove, that the fixed alkali is not gene, rated, but evolved^ either from the solid materials employed, or from saline matter in the water. I have made many experiments in vessels composed of different substances, with the water procured by very slow distillation : and in almost every instance some fixed alkali appeared. In tubes of wax the alkaline matter was a mixture of soda, and potash; and the acid matter a mixture of sulphuric, muriatic, and nitric acids. In a tube of resin, the alkaline matter seemed to be prin- cipally potash. A cube of Carrara marble of about ^n inch, having tti aperture 338 ' •'^ *^^^ CHEmcAl. AdKNClES Of ELECTRICITY'; Changes pro- aperture in its centre, was placed in a crucible of platina, tridty in watei . "^^^^^ ^^^^ filled as high as the upper surface of the cube with the purified water, the aperture was filled with the same fluid; the crucible was positively electrified by a strong Voltaic power, and a negatively electrified wire introduced into the aperture. The water soon gained the property of affecting the tint of turmeric; and fixed alkali and lime were both obtained from it; and this effect took place in repeated experiments : the fixed alkali, however, diminished in quantity every time 5 and after eleven processes conducted from two to three hours each, disappeared altogether. The production oC lime-water was uniform. I made a solution of 500 grains of this marble in nitric acid; I decomposed the mixture by carbonate of ammonia, and I collected and evaporated the fluid part, and decom«. posed the nitrate of ammonia by heat. About | of a grain of fixed saline matter remained, which had soda for its base. It M as possible that the Carrara marble might have bee^ recently exposed to sea-water ; I therefore tried, in the same way, a piece of granular marble, which I had myself broken from a rock on one of the highest of the primitive moun- tains of Donegal. It afforded fixed alkali by the agency of negative electricity. A piece of argillaceous schist from Cornwall, treated in the same manner, gave the same result; and serpentine from the Lizard, and grauwacke from North Wales, both afforded 8oda. It is probable that there are few stone's, tbat do not contain some minute portions of saline matter, which in many cases may be mechiinically diffused through their sub- stance: and it is not difficult to conceive the possibility of l^is, when we consider that all our common rocks and strata bear evident niarks of having been anciently covered by the sea. I was now able to determine distinctly, tlmtthe soda pro- cured in glass tubes came principally from the glass, as I }iad always supposed. I used the two cones of gold with the purified water and the amianthus^ the process was conducted a« usual. After ^ (^uartei" ©N tOME CHEltflCAC AGENCIES OF ISEKCTRlCllf'i?, 3g^ •* quarter of an hour, the negatiTelj electrified 'tnT)e did iiot Changes pro^ <;hange the colour of turmeric. I introduced into the top fVx^^ .^^ ^^^ of it a bit of glass ; in a few minutes the fluid at th« surface rendered the tint of the paper of a deep bright brown, I had never made any experiments, hi which acid matter having the properties of nitrous acid was not produced, and the longer the operation the greater was the quantity that appeared. Volatile alkali likewise seemed to be always formed iii T«ry minute portions, during the fir&t few minutes in the pu^ >ified water in the gold cones, but the limit to its quantity was soon attained. It was natural to account for both these appearances, from the combination of nasceiit oxigen' and hidrogen respectively; with the nitrogen of the common air dissolved in the water: and Dr. Priestley's experiments on the ab- sorption of gasses by water (on this idea) would furnisli an «asy explanation of the causes of the constant production of the acid, and the limited production of the alkali; for hi- drogen, during its solution in water, seems to expel nitro- gen; whilst nitrogen and oxigen are capable of coexisting dissolved in that fluid *. To render the investigation more complete, I introduced tlie two cones of gold with purified water under the receiver of an air pump ; the receiver was exhausted till it contained only -j^ of the original quantity of air; and then, bymeanj; of a convenient apparatus, the tubes were connected with an active Voltaic pile of 50 pairs of plates of foiir inches square. The process was carried on for 18 hours, when (he result was examined. The water in the negative tube produced no eficct upon prepared litmus, but that in the positive tube gave it a barely perceptible tinge of red. An incomparably greater quantity of acid would have been formed in a similar time in the atmosphere, and the small portion of nitrogen gas remainiing in contact with the water seemed adequate to the effect. I repeated the experiment under more conclusive circum- stances. I arranged the apparatus as before ; I exhausted * Priestley's Experiments and Observations, Vol. I, p. 59. tht 330 ^^ SOME CHEMICAL AGENCIES OF ELECTRICITX. Changes pro- the receiver, and filled it with hidrogen gas from a convex tricitr in water. ^^^^^ airh older ; I made a second exhaustion, and again in,. troduced hidrogen that had been carefully prepared. Thp process was conducted for 24 hours, and at the end of thi^" time neither of the portions of the water altered in the slightest degree the tint of litmus. It seems eyident then, that water chemically pure is de- composed by electricity into gaseous matter alone, into ox- igen and hidrogen. The cause of its decomposition, and of the other de- compositions which h^ve h^en mentioned, will be hereafter discussed. III. On the Agencies of Electricity in th(? Decont^pontig^, of various Compounds. Action of elec- The experiments th^t have been detailed on the production liicity m de- ^ alkali from firlass, and on the decomposition of variouk composingconr . . ^ pounds. saline eo^ipounds contained in animal and vegetable sub*. stances, offered some curious objects of inquiry. It was evident, tha't in all changes in which acid and aK Valine matter had been present, the acid matter collected in the water round the positively electrified metallic surface; and the alkaline matter round the negatively electrified me- tallic surface; and thisi principle of action appeared imme- diately related to one of the first phaenomena observed iii the Voltaic pile, the decomposition of the muriate of soda attached to the pasteboard ; and io many facts which hav^ been since observed on the separation of the constituent parts of neutrosaline and metallic solutions, particularly those detailed by M. M. Hisiuger and Berzelius *. The first experiments that I made immediately with re- spect to this subject were on the decomposition of solid bodies, insoluble, or diflicultly soluble in water. From the eifFectsof the electrical agency on glass, I expected that Varibu's earthy compounds Mould undergo change nndor similar circumstances; and the results 6f the trials wef^ i|ecide(J and satisfactory. '■^ Annales de Clumie, Tom. LI, p. 167. ■"''■ ""'• ' ' two. ON SOME CHEMICAL ACENCTE!? OP EircYRldlTYi Sof' Two cups made of compact sulpliate of lime, contaiiiine Action of elec^ . i» ' ... u .,^ J t jA tricity in de- about 14 gram-measures of water each, weiositive side of the apparatus instantly reddened IHmusj tasted Tcry sour, and gave a distinct precipitate with a so- lution of muriate of barytes; the water on tke other side deepened the tincture of turmeric; but did not render so- lution of sulphate of potash turbid. There was a small quantity of white crust, however, on the sides and tha bottom of the cavity, and I conceived that this might be the barytes, which, during the extremely slow decompo* sition, would have combined with the carbonic acid of the atmosphere. To ascertain if this had been the case, I in- troduced into the cavity a drop of diluted muriatic acid ; a slight effervescence appeared, and the fluid obtained occa« , sioned a distinct white cloudiness in solution of sulphate of soda. In all these cases the constituent parts of the bodies newly arranged by the effects of electricity existed in con- siderable quantities, and exposed on a latge surfitce to its action, I had great reason to believe, from the trials M'ith distilled water in different vessels, that very minute portions of acid and alkaline matter might be disengaged by this agency from solid combinations, principally consisting of pure earths. This part of the investigation was easily elucidated. For a purpose of geological inquiry, which on a future occasion I shall have the honour of laying before the Society, I had made a careful analysis of a specimen of fine grained basalt from Port Rush in the county of Antrim, tN SOME CHEMICAL AGENCIES OB ELECTRICItY, 335 hy meaas of fusion with boracic acid : it afforded in 100 ActVm of eieso parts Sf parts of soda, and nearly { a part of muriatic ^^^^^^^ *" ^^' r z ir 7 ^ i r- Composing coqjjb acid, withi 15 parts of lime. This stone appeared to me pounds. Tery well fitted for the purpose of experiment: cavities were drilled in two pieces, properly shaped ; they contain, ed about 12 graias of water each ; they were connected by moistened amianthus, aud the process conducted as wsns^ with a power of 50 pairs of plates. At the end qf ten hours the result was examined with care. The fluid that had been positively electrified had the strong smell of oxi- muriatic acid, and copiously precipitated nitrate of silver ; the other portion of fluid alFected turmeric, and left by evaporation a substance which seemed to be a mixture of Jime and soda. A part of a specimen of compact zeolite, from the Giant's Causeway, which hy analysis had given 7 parts in 100 of soda, had a small cavity made in it ; it was immerged in pure water in a crucible of platina, and electrified in the same manner as the cube of Carrara marble, mentioned in page 328. In less than two minutes the water in the cavity had gained the property of changing the colour of turme- ric; aad in half an hour the solution was disagreeably alkaline to the taste. The matter dissolved proved to be soda and lime. Lepidolite, treated in the same way, gave potash, A piece of vitreous lava, from Etna, gave alkaline mat- ter, which seemed to be a mixture of soda, potash, aud lime. As in these trials the object was merely to ascertain the general fact of decomposition, the process was never con- ducted for a sufEcient time to develope a quantity of alka- line matter capable of being conveniently weighed, and of course any loss of weight of the substance could not b^ determined. I thought it right, however, to make one experiment of this kind, for the sake of removing every possibility of doubt on the source of the diflisrent products ; and I se* lected for this purpose glass^ as a substance apparently in, soluble iu water, and not likely to afford io auy way er- roneous results. 3^ ON SOME CHEMICAL AGENCIES Of EtECTRIClTT. Action of elec- Th^ bataiice that I employed was made for the Roya! iTicity in de- ini^titutiOQ, by Mr. Fidler, after the model of that belong- composing com- i t^ r^ poondi. J»g to the Hoyal Society 5 it turns readily with ^a^ of a grain when loaded with 100 grains on each side; a glass tube with a piatina wire attached^ weighing 84 grains ^^^ was connected with an agate cup, by amianthus ; they were tilled with purified water, and electrified by a power from 150 pairs of plates, in such a way that the piatina in the glass tube was negative. The process was continued for four days, when the water was found alkaline. It gave by evaporation and exposure to a heat of about 400'' Fah- renheit, soda mixed with a white powder insoluble in acids, the whole weight of which was ^W of a grain. The glass tube carefully cleaned and dried weighed 84 grains, ^y^. The dilFerence between the loss of weight of the tube and the weight of the products in the water may be easily ex- plained : some minute detached particles of amianthus were present, and the soda must have contained water, a sub- stance which it is probably perfectly free from in glass. Having obtained such results with regard to the disengage- ment of the saline parts of bodies insoluble in water, I made a, number of experimewts on soluble compounds: their de- composition was always much more rapid, and the pheno- / mena perfectly distinct. In these processes I employed tlie agate cups with piatina wires, connected by amianthus moistened in pure water ; the solutions were introduced into the cups, and the elec- trifying power applied from batteries of 50 pairs of plates, in the usual way. . A diluted solution of the sulphate of potash treated in this manner, produced in four hours at the negative wire a weak lixivium of potash; and a solution of sulphuric acid at the positive wire. The phenomena were similar when sulphate of soda, ni- trate of potash, nitrate of barytes, sulphate of ammonia, phosphate of soda, succinate, oxalate, and benzoate of am- monia, and alum were used. The acids in a certain time collected in the tube containing the positive wire, and the alkalies and earths in that containing the negative wire. Solutions of the muriatic salts, decomposed in the same way, uniformly gave oximuriatic acid on the positive side. When ON' SOME CHEMICAL AGEI^CIES Ot EtECTRIClTYk 335 ,' When compatible mixtures of neiitrosaline solutions cotl* Action of elec- faining the common mineral acids were used, the different tncity in de- acids and the different bases seemed to separate together in pounds. a mixed state, without any respect to the orders of af- finity. When metallic solutions were employed, metallic cry- stals or depositions were formed, as in common galvanic experiments, on the negative wire, and oxide was likewise deposited round it; and a great excess of acid was soon found in the opposite cup. With solutions of iron, zinc, and tin, this effect took place, as well as with the more oxidable metals: when muriate of iron was used, the black substance deposited upon the wire was magnetic, and dis- solved with effervescence in muriatic acid ; and when sul- phate of zinc was used, a gray powder possessed of the metallic lustre, and likewise soluble with effervescence, appeared; and in all cases acid in excess was exhibited on the positive side. Strong or saturated saline solutions, as might have been expected, afforded indications of the progress of decompo- ^ sition much more rapidly than weak ones ; but the smallest , proportion of neutrosaline matter seemed to be acted on with energy. A very simple experiment demonstrates this last principle. If a piece of paper tinged with turmeric is plunged into pure water in a proper circuit, in contact with the negative point, the very minute quantity of saline compound con- tained in the paper affords alkaline matter sufficient to give it instantly a brown tint near its point of contact : and acid in the same manner is immediately developed from litmus paper, at the positive surface. I made several experiments, with the view of ascertain- ing whether, in the decompositions by electricity, the se- paration of the constituent parts was complete from the last portions of the compound; and whenever the results were distinct, this evidently appeared to be the case. I shall describe one of the most conclusive of the experi- tnents: a very weak solution of sulphate of potash, con- taining 20 parts water and one part saturated solution, al 64"', was electrified in tlie two agate cups by the power x>f 50 paii't 335 ^^ »OMje CHEMltJAL AQtIfCli:* Of BLlCTftlCITT, Agtwa of eleo 5Q pairs of plates for ihrQe days : the connecting amianthuft^ Jlm/osingcom-^^*'^^ ^^'^ been niobteacd with pure water, was remoTedy Itouuds. washed M'ith pure water, and a^ain applied, tAvice every day; by this precautioA the presence of any neuiral salt that might adhere to it, and disturb the results, was. pre. \ented. The alkali obtained in this process in the solution had the properties of pure potash ; and when it had been saturated with nitric acid it gave no turbidness by mixtura with solution of muriate of barytes : the acid matter ex- posed to a strong heat evaporated without leaving any re« siduum. IV, On the Transfer of certain of the constituent Parts of Bodies by the Aotion of Electricity. Transference of M. Gautherot has stated*, that in a single galvani« certain consti- circle of zinc, silver, and water, in an active state, the oxid« tuent parts of . . - , . , ., \ -^r -xt bodies by elec- o* zinc formed is attracted by the silver t ; and M. M. tricity, Hisingcr and Berzelius detail an account of an experiment, in wliich solution of muriate of lime being placed in the ' positive part of a siphon, electrified by wires from a Voltaic . pile, and distilled water in the negative part, lime appeared in the distijlcd water. These facts rendered it probable, that the saline element* evolved in decompositions by electricity were capable of being transferred from one electrified surface to another, according to their usual order of arrangement; but to de« monstrate this clearly, new researches were wanting. I connected one of the cups of sulphate of lime, men» tioned page 331, with a cup of agate by abestus ; and, filling them with purified water, made the platiiia wire in the cup of sulphate of lime transmit the electricity from a power of 100; a wire in the agate cup received it. In about four hours a strong solution of lime was found in the agat* cup, and sulphuric acid in the cup of sulphate of lime. Bj reversing the order, and carrying on the process for m similar time, i^Q sulphuric acid appeiired in the agate cup, and the solution of lime on the opposite side. Many trials were made with other saline substances, witU * Chimle, Vol. XXXIX, page 203. t Ibul. Vpl. JLI^pag^ 171- ^ analogpu* t 43N SOME CHEMICAL AGENCIES OF ELECTRICITY. -337 a^ialogous results. When the compounds of the strong Transference of tniueral acids with alkaline or alkaline-earthy bases were J^ent pa^ns of' introduced^ into one tube of glass, distilled water connected bodies by «lec- hy amianthus being in another tube, both connected by ^"^''^" wires of platina in the Voltaic arrangement, the base al- ways passed into the distilled water when it was negative, and the acid when it was positive. The metals and the metallic oxides passed towards the noi^ative surface like the alkalies, and collected round it. in a Case in which solution of nitrate of silver was used on the positive side, and distilled water on the negative, silver appeared on the whole of the transmitting amianthus, so as to cover it with a thin metallic film. The time required for these transmissions (the quantity and intensity of the electricity, and other circumstances remaining the same) seemed to be in some proportion as the length of the intermediate volume of water. Thus when, with the power of 100, suiphate of potash was on the ne- gative side, 9,nd distilled water on the positive side, the dis- tance between the wires being only an inch, sulphuric acid, in sufficient quantity to be very manifies.t, was foumi in the water in less than five minutes: but wheit^ the tubes were connected by an intermediate vessel of pui^ water, so as to make the circuit eight inches, 14 hours were re^qijired to produce the same effect. To ascertain whether the contact of the saline solution with a metallic surface w^s necessary for the decomposition and transfer, I introduced purified wg-ter into two glass tubes; a vessel containing solution of muriate of potash was connected with them respectively by amianthus ; and the arrangement was made in such a way, that the level pf both the portions of purified water was higl^er than t^e level of uid saline sohition. In this case, the saline matter was distant from each of tlie wires at least |- of an inch ; yet alkaline matter soon ap.- pciired in one tube, and acid matter in the other : and in 16 hours moderatelj strong solutions of potash, and of juuriatic acid hgid been formed. In this case of electrical transfer or attraction, the acid ,-dAu\ alkaline matter seemed to be perfectly pure; and I am Vol, XVIII.— Suppj^^ewknt. Z incline^ S38 OS SOXfE CITEMICAL AGENCIES OF ELECTRICITY. Transference of inclined to believe, that this fs uniformly the case in'all ex. certain consti- . , if x% i /-» /..... .",.,, periments carefully made. One of the instances in which I tuent parts of bodies by elec- tricity. conceived acid most likel}^ to be present, was in the transfer of magnesia from sulphate of magnesia in the positive tube, to distilled water in the negative tube. I examined the case, taking care that the distilled water was never upon a lowxr level than the saline solution : the process was con- tinued for some hours, till a considerable quantity of mag. nesia had appeared. The connecting amianthus was re- moved, and muriatic acid poured into the tube: the satu- rated solution did not precipitate solution of niuriate of barytes. ' I endeavoured to ascertain the progress of the transfer, and the course of the acid or alkaline matter in these decom- positions, by using solutions of litmus and turmeric, and papers coloured by these substances; and these trials led to the knowledge of some singular and unexpected cir- cumstances. Two tubes, one containing distilled water, the other so- lution of sulphate of potash, were each connected by ami- anthus with a small oz, measure filled with distilled water tinged by litmus : the saline solution was negatively elec- trified; and as it was natural to suppose, that the sulphu- ric acid in passing through the water to the positive sid« would redden the litmus in its course, some slips of mois- tened paper tinged with litmus were placed above and below the pieces of amianthus, directly in the circuit. The pro- gress of the experiment was minutely observed; the first effect of reddening took place immediately above the posi- tiTe surface, where I had least expected it; the red tint slowly diffused itself from the positive side to the middle of the vessel, but no redness appeared above the amianthus, or about it, on the negative side, and though it had hcen constantly transmitting sulphuric acid, it remained unaf- fected to the last. The order of the experiment was changed, and the saline solution placed oh ihe positive side ; a solution and papers .tinged with turmeric bein^ substituted for those tinged with litmus. The effect was precisely analogous; the turmeric became brownf ^st oear ific negative wire, and ao change took ON VARIOUS che:.iical action*. SS§-^ loflk place ia the intermediate vessel near the ppsitive wire. in anpther process, the two gUss tubes were tilled with solutijon af muriate, of soda, and the intermediate vessel Avi 182, May, 180C. i % >yji.th9v^ S40 ^^ YARIOUS CirrMICAL ACTIONS. 'i^Vthout diluting the vnlric acid of 40^ of Messrs. Coustou and Co. at Paris. I use this same acid, to convert sugar Patty matter into Q:?alic acid; and, vhcther I employ it of its full torn sugar. strength, or diluted with equal parts of water, I constantly obtain a little greasy matter, when I conduct the process in the large way on a vapour bath. Sugar treated On treating the same sugar three times snccossiTcly with with mtncaad.gqyal portions of this^cid^ either concentrated or diluted, the first portion occasions a broM-n colour, and produces a smell of burnt sugar. And when the action of the nitric acid has (icased, we already perceive some of this grease swimrning at the top; and it appears to be farther in- creased by the successive addition of the other two portions of acid, which cause the brown colour and smell of burnf sugar to disappear, forming a great abundance of oxalic acid, and a small quantity of the laalic and citric acids. Perhaps, if the gasscs were collected, we should find a littl« acetic acid also. No oil from it '^^ satisfy myself whether the sugar gave rise to the for*. by boiling. mation of the grease, 1 examined one of the largest sized sUjgar-loaves, wJiieh I commonly use. I divided it into two equal portions, the first consisting of the outer part of the loaf, the second of the inner. Kach of these portions 1 boiled for a few minutes in three times its weight of water. No grease swam on either of these solutions of sugar, after Frobably from they were cold; but as they were not very clear, I began ^^^^' to suspect, that, the sirup for common sugar being clari- fied with bullock's blood by the sugar ?3aker«, the gelatinous part of this animal substance unites in some measure with" -the particles of sugar by a forced and confused crystal- lization, and, when acted upon by nitric acid, may give None from tine rise to the separation of grease. 1 was not long before! sugar or cuudv. . ^ , ,i. , . * satisned myself, that my suspicion was just, for, on making oxalic acid with some fine w hite sugarcandy, and at th» game time with the finest loaf sugar I could procufCj neither of these showed any signs of grease. Fat oils sepa- Fat oils in their natural state have not the least action rated from -ooap? , , • , • i , , .i. , byanacidac- ^^^ asphaltum, jews' pitch, or copal: but if they be re* quire a solvent duced to a soap, and afterward separated by any acid, ^ '^' they not only exert a strong solvent power on these sub- ^tancds^ ON VAniOUS CHEMICAL ACTIONS. 241- stances, but they further acquire the property of decompo- sing acetate of lead, as well as other metallic acetates, and of combining readily with their oxides, the acetic acid of which is given out. These oils thus separated would produce the same effect perhaps on other metallic salts. In general This common all fats, resins, and turpentines, combine better with ^.^.^^^^5 other substances, after they have been reduced to soap and separated by an acid, than in their natural state. Wax comports itself in the same manner. A knowledge of this This oil exposed effect induced me to subject to the action of the process ^? ^^^ ^^*i°" ^ - - . ,. . - •' ,, . ^ ., nitric acxd. for forming oxalic acid a small portion of oil separated from Marseilles soap, which I mixed with sugar previously powdered. At the end of the operation I found, that the oil had acquired the consistence of suet, and that it had assumed a yellowish colour and a rancid smell, retaining the property of swimming on water. This grease, having been exposed to the same process a second time, had its rancidity increased, contracting at the same time a little of the smell of wax; and its specific gravity became so great, that, after it had been well washed and perfectly freed from acidity, it sank to the bottom of water, Mithout having lost its property of being soluble in alcohol. My memoir on indigo shows, that I had long ago built Indigo- great hopes on the action of nitric acid with respect to other substances, and it is with great pleasure I perceive, that Messrs. Fourcroy and Vauquelin have pursued my re- searches on indigo exposed to the action of nitric acid with more success than I obtained- I could only have wished, that Mr. A. Laugier had passed me over in silence in his abstract of the paper of those learned chemists, for my way of thinking in cliemistry is totally difi'erent now from what it was eighteen years ago. "When Mr. Laugier quoted me, he should not have forgotten that passage in my paper, which mentions the results of treating indigo with nitric acid, results that struck me so forcibly, as to induce me to recommend them to the attention of chemists. Neither had I omitted to mention the phenomena of the deflagration of the mixture, with the throwing of the glas« rod out of the evaporating vessel. As a little time before I undertook these experiments I had extracted the benzoic acid $a ON VARIOUS CIIKMICAL ACTION*^ acid irom its gura, I was too well acquainted with its smell, ftot to have distinguished it in purifying and drying the re* siduums of indigo treated with nitric acid, if my occupa- tions as a manufacturer, which prevent me from gratifying my iuclination for chtTinical experimenls, had not proved an obstacle. Perhaps too I should not have missed the dis- covery of the detonating property of the bitter portJon of the residuum : but it seems I was not born to make a figure I in the career of. discovery, Aysenical allca- With respect to the solution of indigo by means of an indjffo*^"^^^" ^ alkaline solution of red arsenic, which is used in calica printing, 1 no longer observe the proportions indicated in my memoir. 1 simply make a caustic alkaline solution of red arsenic, to which I add, while it is yet boiling, a suf- ficient quantity of brayed indigo, to obtain a very deep shade, which it is easy to render lighter afterward, ac- cording to the object proposed, by diluting the solution of indigo with a weak lixivium of caustic potash. Tliis i$ preferable to pure water, because it retards in some measure the absorption of oxigen froaii the al-mosph^.re, and cOnseq;U<3ntIy the regeneration of the indigo. The Cav.t:onsre- beauty of the blue in the ; calicoes requires, that this pifcation!'^^*^^"^^^^^'***^'^ should be neither too slow nor too speedy. The too slow absorptijon arising from too great exteiss ©€ caustic alkali ought to be avoided in pencilling blues, as weM as in the blues in block- printing, which are procured by passing the goods, first printed with bra/ed. indigo miwed with a gummy solutioti of sulphate of iron, alternately through vats of caustic potash, water, siilphate of iron at a minimum of oxidation, and lastly a vat acidulated by sulphuric or muriatic acid. Indigo and mw- On e?[posine to a sand-heat a mixture of brayed indiffa tiate of tin. . ^ . . . • ^ . . , , . . . With a muriatic Solution of tin oxided at a mimmum, m which there is an excess of acid, the colouring substance is decomposed, occasioning the evolution of a gas-of an in- supportable and noxious smell, whlcli deserves to be examined. Eulphate of in- . Jf indigo treated with the muriatie solution of tin oxided mteoi^tiii" at .> minimum, without the assistance of a caustic alkali, f cirinot be of. aiiy. use -in .d)dng, it is not the same with sulphate DISOXIDING PRINCIPLE IN DISTILLED WATERS. 343 sulphate of indigo, treated or mixed in difl'erent propor- tions Avith the same solution of tin, after having previously absorbed sulphuric acid. This is employed in the manu- facture of printed goods for producing all sorts of blues and greens. III. Observations on the Distilled Water of common Borage; hy Philip Antony Steinacher, Member of the Phar- maceutic Society of Paris *. -OITHERTO no particular property had been observed Borage wat<8f in borage water, except its depositing mucous filaments after being kept some time. Some that I distilled on the 7th of June, 1806, exhibited the following remarkable properties. The borage was very fresh, succulent, and immediately after being very finely shred was put into the body of a tinned copper alembic. Two parts of distilled water were poured very carefully on it, which moistened it sufficiently. The head of the still ^^^*^^^^^* was put on, and a receiver adapted to it, both of which were previously rinsed clean with distilled water. The.dis- tillation was commenced immediately with a heat so gentle, that 20 or 30 seconds intervened between the fall of the successive drops. Only half a part of water was drawn off, which was limpid and colourless, and smelt and tasted strongly of borage, at the same time having another smell resembling that of a cucumber. This water neither reddened litmus paper, nor turned Reddened infu- green paper tinged with an infusion of red roses ; but it®'°^ *" perceptibly reddened an aqueous infusion of litmus, which liad been diluted with distilled water so as to appear of a pure blue. It rendered lime-water turbid instantly. Precipitated A few drops of pure rectified sulphuric acid, distilled al- 1™«- most to dryness, and diluted with distilled water, produced ^cid eiftmscIX after the expiration of a few minutes a disengagement of * Aopales de Chimie, VoI.LX, p. 83, October, 1806. soaije ^44 plSOXlTilNG PRIXCIPLi: IN DIStlLLXD WATER*. some very sfnall bubbles, withont emitting any nitrotis, mu* riatic, or acetous smell, and without disturbing its trans- parency. A6tion of other It instantly whiteiied the aqueous solutions of oxalate ^®^^" of ammonia, muriate of barytes, nitrate of lead, and sul- phate of silver *. Oxigenized " The oxigenized muriate of mercury, purified by slow Mercury 'con- sublimation, produced in it a copious white precipitate. At venedby it into the expiration of half an hour 1 added lime-water in excess, muna e. ^j^j^.]^ increased the quantity of the precipitate, and did not turn it yellow even in twejity-four hours; which it would infallibly have done, if the oxigenized muriate of mercury had not been converted into muriate at a minimum. wHh acidsul- Finally, having mixed Mith it some acid sulphate of mer- phate of mer- cury in a liquid state, made by dissolving the yellow sulphate oS precipi- ^^ sulphuric acid, the addition of caustic potash purified by t*te. alcohol separated from it in a quarter of an hour flocks of an opal colour ; while the same alkali, added to the same sulphate of mercury without borage water, immediately ■ formed in it yellow flocks +. prtnoiples con- Hence it follows, that my borage water, distilled with so tamed in it. much care, and by a heat so gentle, contained carbonic acid, sulphate of lime, and a disoxiding principle. Siilnhate of * Sulphate of silver is decomposed by the action of sulphate of silver decom- lime. The following experiment is a direct proof of this. I took f o^ed by that sQ^e very limpid lime-water, and added a few small drops of pure sulphuric acid. The solution remained clear, and had an excess of acid. To this I added a little of my acid sulphate of silver> which immediately occasioned a flocculent precipitate. After this Forms an inso- had been washed, it was not soluble in muriatic acid. This fact with^out'ra* 'a- P'"^^'^' ^^^^^ ^^^ oxide of silver enjoys a very considerable power of lie acid. cohesion, and renders me very circumspect in forming a judgment of the experiments for deciding the presence of muriatic acid in delicate fluids from the single phenomenon of precipitation by jn»'ans of any solution of silver, and without examining the other circumstances, that might occasion the insolubility of the oxide of silver. Erratum in t According to Fourcroy's Chemistry, the sulphate of mercury Foiircroy'sChft-with excess of oxide is precipitated .gray by the alkalis; but this ^^' mu'^t be an errour of the press, our iilu^trious professor having before shown, that this property belonged to the neutral sulphate of mer- cury, which he had discovered. I must 0N ACETIC ACID. 345 I must observe, that several parcels of borage, gathered Some borage on different soils, and not so fresh, did not exhibit the same^''^^ ^^^ ^' phenomena in an equal degree. As to this disoxiding prin- Other distilled ciple, which has a sensible effect on mercurial solutions, I t^jg ^^^^^ ^^^^^ hate found it in several other distilled waters, particularly ciple. in the water of silver weed, potentilla anserina^ and strong scented lettuce, laciuca virosa. The water of the last- Wild lettuce mentioned plant holds in solution besides a fetid volatile oil, which is rendered visible by adding rectified alcohol at 37^. It is no wonder therefore, that these distilled waters are ca- Hence then pable of producing some Q^^ct in the art of dyeing* : they and in some must be of use likewise in some sthenic diseases. diseases. IV. A Memoir on Acetic Acid; hy Mr. J. B. Trommsdorff f. The object of Mr. Trommsdorff was, to know whether Nitrogen said *' ^ to be one ot the azote make a part of the acetic acid, as Proust asserted, principles of Having considered what is at present known respecting the^^^^^^^^*^"^ ^Y composition of ammonia, and of vegetable acids, he was justly surprised to find in Mr. Proust's paper, that he had found ammonia and prussic acid in decomposing acetates. Accordingly, notwithstanding the known accuracy and sa- gacity of the chemist of Madrid, he was desirous of satis- fying himself of the existence of azote in concentrated ace- tic acid. The importance of the fact, and a love of truth, led this indefatigable chemist to make a similar research. Before relating the processes Mr. Trommsdorff employed, i^ may be proper to give a succinct statement of the objec- tions, that occurred to him. If, says he, in the distillation of acetates ammonia be Objections, formed, it is evident that they contain azote; but whence * On consulting the anecdotes that Mr. Deyeux has published Distilled wtttrs On distilled waters, in No. 168 of the Annales de Chimie, it ap.actonsiJk . pears, that he found the distilled water of silver-weed had a decided *<< ^action on the silks that he used to make gauze. ■ t Annales de Chimie, Vol. LVllI, p. IPO, May, 180(J.— Abridged from the Berlin Journnl by Mr. Bergman. ,5 346 , ON ACETIC ACID. can this principle be derived ? Is it from tlift basft^' But (his cannot be, since ammonia was equally obtained from ace- tate of lead. In this case it could be furnished only by the acetic acid; or it must be allowed, that azote is only a mo- dification of hidrogen. D(ws nitrofjen He then inquires whether azote occur as frequently among tMe aHlds^^^^' ^'^-^^^^^^^ acids, as among 'Minimal acids: because, if it be so, their classification should be altered. Very pure sub- In repeating the experiments of Mr. Proust, it appeared ployed. " essential to Mr. Trommsdorff, to eiri])loy only very pure substances. Accordingly, in order to have acetic acid in the purest state possible, he decomposed the acetate of pot- ash by sulphuric acid; heathen saturated this acid with car- bonate of soda well purified, and efaporated the saline so- lution in a silver basin. The salt obtained, which he put into a bottle with a ground stopper, was extremely white. In preparing the acetates Of potash and of lead he em- ployed similar precautions. Tliese distilled. lie took eight ounces of each of these salts, and intro- duced them separately into three strong glass retorts. These retorts were placed on the open fire of a furnace, and to each was adapted a receiver, from which issued a glass tube, terminating under a jar for receiving the gasses that should come over. The products. ' The products were, as every body knows, an acidulous «thereous fluid mixed wilh oil. The alkali and carbone re- mained in the retort; and in the decomposition of the ace- tate of lead nothing of this salt remained but the lead ox- ided. The alkalis pro- Thus by the predisposing affinity of the alkalis for car- noted thede- Jjqj^j^ acid, these determined the decomposition of the acetic composition of ' ^ ^ , the acid, acid, to give rise to the formation of carbonic acid. The oxide of lead on the contrary, not having so great an affi- nity for carbonic acid, gave out the acetic acid in its greatest purity. How does the '^'^^ autlior asks, whether the metallic base yielded up metal act? oxigcn to burn the carbone ; or whether the attraction be- tween an oxide and an acid be less powerful than between an acid and an alkali. To answer this question, he would wish a great number of experiments to be made. Th^ ON ACETIC ACID* 347 ^ 'J'he ga^s^ ?Nnd thtypefore deserve raqst confidj^n^f . l>ii<; iVir. Klaproth conceived It necessary to satisfy hiuj^t'if by his own cxperirnents of the respective quantities of ti*e elements of sulphuric acid, that he ««i§ht afterward apply the results with more certainty to the analysis of pyrites or metallic sulphurets. For this pdr|>ose he employed, as other chemists had done, nitric acid and carbonate of bary- l^oportion of tes ; the elements of tiiis salt-having previously been aseer- the elements of taioted by him to ho. biu yfces -78, carbojtie acid -2^, sulphate of -^ j f barytes. Mr. BuchoJz, hovve\er having since asserted, that this salt consists of "79 barytes, ajid 'tX carbonic acid, Mr. Klaproth repeated/ his analysis wit4i 9JU possible care, and still obtained the same proportions m before. We may here add, that ^Mr. Buchol? admits OTvly '%6 of acid in the car- bonate of strontian., while Mr. Klaproth has found "30 in all the analyses he has made of this substance. The results of the analysis of the sulphate of barytes made by various chemists do not ditfer less than the propor- tions they have assigned to the constituent principles of sul- phuric acid. It is composed, Barytes. Sulphuric acid. ■Given diflFer- According to Fourcroy, of - 66 34 ently by differ- Clement and Dcsormes 67-82 32*18 tut authors. Thenard Chencvix Kirwan Richtcr Bucholz .Kirwan's-prc- If indeed we except the analyses of Chenevix and Thenard, fcfred byKIap-^l^g j.^^^ do not vary greatly from each other; and if we ta^^e a mean of t\(^s>e^ Kirwan's cosies nearest to it, which has induced Mr. Klaproth to adopt it as the most accurate. rroccss for de- Proceeding on these data, the followbig was the method cidiugtheques-^^^p^g^ by Mr. Klaproth. He introduced 200 grains of pure sulphur, and eight ounces of pure nitric acid, of the (Specific gravity of 1*32, into a retort, and distilled till about three fourths had passed over into the receiver. The pro* duct of this distillation was returned into ^e retort, and distilled a second time. Eight ounces more of acid wer« then added, and the whole distilled agaiu. The 74-82 25-lS 76-5 23-5 67 33 69 31 67 33 JRlNCIPLfiS OF «tTtriItfRIC ACID. 531 The nnlinrnecl sulpliiir was fdtirid to weigh 48 grains and lialf; consequently 15 If were converted into sulphuric acid. The product diluted in a certain quantity of water was min- gled with mnriate of barytcs, till no more precipitate was produced. The sulphate of barytes, well wiiifhed and dried, weighed 1109 grains; but, calcined in a platina crucible, its weight was reduced to 1082 grains. To 'find the proportions of the constituent principles of concrete sulphuric acid, Mr. Klaproth took a hundred grains of highly concentrated sulphuric acid,, the -specific gravity of which was 1*85: this he diluted with fifteen parts of water, and added to it muriate of barytes, till no more precipitate was formed. The sulphate of barytcs, carefully washed and dried, weighed 225 grains. Hence it follows: I'loportions of 1st, that 100 parts of sulphuric acid of the specific gravity Sd'.Sru* of 1*85 are composed of ric acid : Concrete sulphuric acid 74*4 or, sulphur 31*5 Water - - 25-6 oxigen 42-9 water 25-6 100 2dly, That 100 parts of concrete acid are formed of sul- of concrete phur 42-3, oxigen bl'l, ''^^^ '■ 3dly, That 100 parts of calcined sulphate of barytes and of sulphate contain barytes ^7^^ sulphur 14, oxigen 19. ^^ barytes. SCIENTIFIC NEJVS, S(c, A Clasmjication of Ves^etahlef^^ and Plan of a new Method formed on that of Tournefort, according to which the Plants of the Garden of the private School of Pharmacy/ ut Paris are arranged: bi/ D. L. Gu yart, Assistant Professor of Botany at the School, Sfc. •» If, among the different botanical methods, that of Tour- Tournefort's nefort has always been considered as the most easy, and best*^'^'*^^*^^*^^°^^^ calculated to guide the first steps of those who would study plants; it must also be confessed, that it is insufficiertt, when we endeavour to obtain an accurate idea of vegetable organization. For this reason, no doubt, the methods of Linneus and Juspieu are at present preferred, and almost jfinivarsally adopted by botanists. It S52 Improvement •f his method. M. Guyares arrangement. Useful to be- t^inners and those who wish for a general knowledge merely. fCIENTIflC NEWS. It is of importance, however, that Tournefort*s should not be lost, as well on account of the celebrity of its author^ as for the utility of which it may still prove to young stu* dents. By these motives Mr. Guyart has been induced to compose a new classification of vegetables, founded on the method of Tournefort; but in which, availing himself of the progress subsequently made in the science of botany, he has formed his classes from more striking and constant cha- racters than those adopted by Tournefort. Thus he has given fresh youth to the method of that botanist, and ren^ dered it more natural. Tournefort's new method, as proposed by Mr, Guyart, consists of sixteen classes. The first eight are formed of plants with complete simple flowers. The first containing the monopetalous : the second, the personate: the third, the labiate: the fourth, the cruciform: the fifth, the rosa-, ceous : the sixth, the umbelliferous : the seventh, the cary- ophyllaceous : the eighth, the Icguniinous. The next three include the plants with complete compound flowers, with united anthers : the semifloscular, the floscular, and the ra- diate. The four following are appropriated to the distinct incomplete flowers: the apetalous, the amentaceous, the glumaceous, and the liliaceous. The sixteenth and last is assigned to the anomalous plants, or those with indistinct incomplete flowers. This classification, as the author observes, is not free from defects ; but, notwithstanding its imperfections, al- most unavoidable, perhaps, in such an undertaking, in the opinion of some botanists of celebrity, whom he has con- sulted, it will much facilitate the study to beginners, and is still better adapted to those, who, not having time to cul- tivate the science to its full extent, require only an acquaint, ance with its elements. INDEX' INDEX. Absorption of gases by water, 123 ^cadcmy of Sciences at Petersburgh ; adjudication of prizes, and new ques- tion by, 70— at Munich, new orga- nization of, 156— History and anti- quities at Naples, 157 Acclimation of tender plants, 187 Accum, Mr. his lectures in chemistry, 80— His « System of Mineralogy and Mineralogical Chemistry," 160 Acid, fluoric, in teeth and bones, 75— njuriatic, production of by galvanism, 155 — Acetic, its action on alcohol, 185— Memoir oil, 315— Acetic prin- ciples of, 349 Acid« produce prismatic colours on polished steel, 125 Acoustics, 310 Adams's " Essays on tlie Microscope,'* 264 Air engine, 260 Aix la Chapelle, waters of, contain sul- phuretted nitrogen gas, 41 Alcohol, how affected by metallic mu- riates, oxigenized muriatic acid and acetic acid, 183 Aletes on some difficiilties which orcnr in the investigation of the capillary action of fluids, 1, 2 50 Allaire, M. his new method of scower- ing wool, 78 Alum, comparison of different kinds of, 275 — Analysis of, 278— Experiments vith dyes, 282 Alnm works, history of, 275 Amand, St. baths of, 42 Animation, suspended, 254, 266 Apples, hints for the improvement of, 192 voL.xvm. Ap«ophu5 on the structure of corered ways, independent of the prhiciple of the arch in equilibrium, and on the best forms of arches in buildings, 241 Arabic, gum, solution of, examined, 28, 37 Arch, ancient substitute for, 241 Arches in buildings, best forms of, 249 Argand, Mr. A. his valve syphon de- scribed, 61— His lamps with blue glaif chimneys, 78 Arrago, M. on the refractive power cff bodies, 27 Asparagus grows well in sand, 19 Attraction and repulsion, 2, 8 Auvergne, geological tour in, 295 6. Baconla, Dr. his newly indented vege- table galvanic pile, 159 ' * Baker, Mr. his experiments on smutted and mildewed corn, 264 ^ Banks, Sir J. on the proper mode of inuring tender plants to the climate of England, 187 Barometer, chamber, 81 Barometrical observations on the heights of various places in France, &c. 210, 295 ' • Barthelemy, M. on the Saero Catino of Genoa, 97 Barytic salts, see Salts. Basse, M. on sulphurous mineral waters, 42 — His mode of forming muriatic ether, 182 Bavarian Academy of Sciences, &c* 156 Bevger, Dr. F. experiments by, on the heights of various places, determined by the barometer, in the course of b fereral INDEX. several tours through France, Swis- serland, and Italy, 210, 295 Bergman, a mistake of, detected, 276 BerthoUet, M. 182 — Letter to, on the absorption of gases by water, by M. Biot, 12.3 — His experiments on rays of light and prismatic colours, 13 1— His fulminating compound of silver, 140 — Oil nitrous ether, 144 — On the action of oxigenized muriatic acid on alcohol, 180 — On iron spar, 315-— Letter to on various chemical actions, by Mr. Haussmann, 339 BerthoUet, jun. on. the reciprocal action of charcoal and sulphur, 43 — His ex- . periraents on different alums in dyes, 234 Benelius, M. on fluoric acid contained in the enamel of teeth and in bones, 75— Question by, respecting yttrium, 77 Biot, M. on the refractive power of bodies, 27 — Extract of a letter from to Mr. BerthoUet, on the absorption of gases by water, 123— His " Phy- sical Astronomy," extract from, 296 Blight in corn, its causes, and method of prevention, 262 Bones, existence of fluoric acid in, 75 Borage, distilled yrater of, observations on, 343 Bostock, Dr. J. on vegetable mucilages, 28 Botany, prize questions in, for 1807, by the Academy of Petersburgh, 74 Boudet, jun. on the formation of phos- phoric ether, 64 Bouesnel, M. 66 Bouillon Lagrange on grease, &c. 105— On alumj 275 BouUay, M. 183-^His mode of making phosphoric ether by means of a pe- culiar apparatus, 6Q Boyle, 16 Braconnet, Mr. H. his inquiries con- (rerning the assimilating power in ve- y. getables, 15 — On the Phytolacca^, or ' American pokeweed, 85 Brande, Mr. reference to his letter in vol. xiii. on the non-existence of fluoric acid in teeth and bones, 75 Bryant, Mr. on sea kale, 100 Buch, Mr. Von, his geological tour in Auvergne, 295 Bucholz, M. his analysis of a pretended pure native magnesia, 236, 320 Burnt wheat, a disease in corn, 265 Busts, ancient, made by American In- dians, 158 C. Capillary action of fluids, 1, 250 Carbon in sulphurous waters, 41 Carlisle, Mr. his lectures on surgery and physiology, 2^0 Cayley, Sir G. his engine for affording mechanical power from air expanded by heat, described, 260 Cerasin, a distinct principle peculiar to cherry gum, 39 Cerium and iron formed into an alloy, 77 Chance, table for the calculation of, 117 Chaptal, M. 182 — On paring and burn- ing land, 22— His correction of a mi,s- take of Bergman, 276 Charcoal and sulphur, reciprocal action of, 43 Charcoal of marze, 339 Chemical actions, 339 Chemistry, Mr, Accum's lectures in, m Chemists, Dutch, their hypothesis er- roneous respecting nitrous ether, 147 Cherry-tree gum, examination of, 29, 39 Chessy, mines of, 51 Classification of insects, 218 Clement, M. his experiments on car- binetted sulphur, 4S Clover, improvement in the cultiva- tion of, 271 Coal, see Pitcoal.— -pToductS ©f difft-rent kinds, 162 Colours, prismaticof thin }>eHJcIes, 128 Canclamine, M. his opinion of the Sacro Catitio of Gcnor.; 97 Cop^ir INDEX. Copper, pyrltous, account of the me- tallurgic treatment of in the depart- ment of the Rhone, 51 Copper, heated, displays piismatic lints, 135 Copper pyrites, effects of heat on, 20 1 Copper, desiilphu ration of, 208 tovereti ways of the ancients, 243 €rambe Maritimo, pr sea kale, cultiva- tion of, 100 Crops, rotation of, a n^w plan for, 273 Cruickshauk on the formation of water, 27 •urtis, Mr. his improvement in the culture of sea kale, 100 D. D'Arcet, M. on the decomposition of acetate of barytes, by means of soda, 66 Dalton, Mr. 315 DaviUiers, M.284 Davy, Humphry, Esq. on some chemi- cal agencies of electricity, 32 1 Danbuisson, M. his observations on subterranean heat, made in the mines of Poullaouen and Huelgout, in Brit- tany, 148 Death from cold, investigation of, 2!j4i becroissilles, M. 276 Delametherie, M. on the oxidation of the solder of leaden vessels used in wash-houses, 115— Letter to, on the production of muriatic acid by givlva- nism, 153 Degeer, 218 Delft earthenware, its defects, and a substitute proposed, 292 Densidoif, M. Procopius, his method of germinating seeds, 15 Descotils, M. his experiments on cu- preous pyrites, 51— His account of a fulminating compound of s.lver, 140 *— On spar, 315 Desormes, on carburetted sulphur, 43 Desulphuration of metals, 197 Detonating silver, 140 Deyeux, M. 182 •—On the reciprocal action of r^^lphur and chaiceal, 43 Diamonds contain hydrogen, 27 Disoxiding principle in distilled waters, 343 Donovan, Mr. his musaum, 121 Dubuat, M. his hydraulic theorertt transformed, 309 Duck's wing, colours of, how produced, 138 Ducloseau, M. on ascertaining the quality of window glass, 143 Dnhamel, 15 Duncan, Dr. his opinion on the preci- pitation of tragacanth by sulphate of copper, controverted, 31 Du Pont, Mr. De Nemours, on a kind of death that may be presumed to be only apparent^ 254 Diitens, M. a mistake of respecting a stone, which he describes as a varietf of the Peruvian emerald, Dyes, experiments with, 2^2 E. Ear-cockie in wheat, 265 Ear trumpets, theory of, 310 Earthenware, history of, 291— Fact for proving the quality of its glaze, 294 Earth, solubility of, by means of sugar, 9 Eckeberg, Mr. his comparison of bary- tes, yttria, and magnesia, 77 Eels, remarkable account of a migra- tion of, 236 Eilsen, baths of, 42 Electric spark, query respecting, 123 Electricity, 271, 321 Electrometer, a portable, described, 270 Emeralds, the largest known, 99 Encrinites, British nondescript, 121 Ether, phosphoric, apparatus for making, 63 Ether, nitrous, report on a paper on, 144 Ether, muriatic, memoir on, 176 — Ap- paratus for obtaining, described^ ib. Evaporation, 9 Expansion of air by heat, 260 b2 Wi I N tf^Xl I. Fabricluf, 218 ^aWun, description of the smelting furnace there, 202 Fire-damps in coal pits, 155 Flints, formation of, 114— Analysis of, 115 Flour paste, experiments on, 54 Fluids, resistance of, prize question on, by the Petersburgh Academy, and answers, 72 Fluoric acid in teeth and bones, 75 Folkes, M. Esq. 264 Fossil shells in America, 159 Fougeray de Laurmi, M 115 Fourcroy, M. 23, 182— On the action bf sulphur on charcoal, 4-3 Fourmi, his invention of a porcelain capable of bearing the action of fire, 293 France, geological tour through part of, 212 Fremy, M . his observations on the com- bination of fixed oils with the oxides of lead, and with alkalis,. 231 Fruits, new and early, method of pro- ducing, 189 Fulminating compound of silver, 140 Furnance at Fahlun, in Sweden, de- scribed, 202 Gahn, Mr. his alloy of cerium and iron, 77 Galena, e^Tects of heat on, 202, 209 Galvanic pile of vegetabk subs lance?, 159 Galvanism, 155 Gases, absorption of by water, 123— Produced by nitrous ether, 145 Gay Lussac, M. 182— On the absorp- tion of gases by water, 125— On eu- diometry, 126— On the glaze of com- nroa pottery, 29Z Gchlen, M. oii the existcnct of i\wn& acid in teeth and bones, 75— His dis- covery of muriatic ether, 1^2 Gems, artificial, method of det«cting, 99 Geneva, Lake of, brief description of several mountains in its neighboiu-* hood, 301 Genoa, account of the antique vessel there called Sacro Catinoy 97 Geoffrey, 218 Geological observations in France, &c. 210, 295 Geometrical instruments, improve<^ 219 Gimbernat, Dr. on the waters of Aix la Chapelle, 41 Giobert, M. on magnesian earth, 293 Glassy coloured, of remote invention,. 99 Glass, means of ascertaining the qua* Kty of, 142 Glass obtained from aitificial feldt spar, 294 Glaze of earthenware defective and per- nicious, 292— Test fur proving the quality of, 294 Gluten of flour paste, experiments on, 34, 37 Gough, J. Esq. his description of it correct chamber barometer, 81— *On the theory of ear trun)peti?, 310— Correction of a mistake respecting \.\\q. degree of cold at which water may retain its fluidity, 315 Gold, colours produced by when heat-» ed, 135 Gooseberry jelly, experiments on, 34 Gravesande, M. his experiments on in • flexiony 131 Grapesy hints on the improvement of the growth of, 194 Grease, medicinal compounds made with it, 105 Gueniveau, M. his account of the me- tallurgic treatment of pyritons copper at the mines of Chessy and Sainbel, in the department of the Rhone, 31 ^Oa INDEX. - €— On tlie desulphuration of metals, 197 Gums, see Arabic, cherry -tree, traga- canth, «&c.— General characters and species, 38 Gunpowder prober, 62 Cuyart, M. his new classification of plants, 351 Guyton, M. his account of the antique vessel that was preserved at Genoa, under the name of Sacro Catino, and , reputed to be an emerald, 97— On the means of forming a judgment on the quality of glass, particularly win- dow glass, and distiiiguishing such as is liable to alteration, 142— On ni- trous ether, 144— On conamon pot- tery and porcelain, 291 H. ilall, Rer. James, extracts from his " Travels in Scotland, 236 Haquet, M. on the formation of flint, 114 ' Uarrup, Mr, on the diseases of wheat, 2G2 Hassenfratz's experiments on'rogetatlon, 25, 27 — On copper pyrites, 51— On sparry iron ores, S16 Haussmaiin, M. on various chemical action*;, 339 Hauy, 98 Hearing trumpets, 310 Heat, subterranean, 148— Action of on metallic sulphurets, 108 Heinrich, Mr. his prize essay on light, 72 Helmont, Van, his experiment on ve- getable nutrition, 1 5 Hoegemuller, Chevalier Von, his in- . tended tour to the East, 158 Romberg on vegetation, 25 Howard, Mr. his fulminating mercury, 140 Hubert, M. on vegetation, 23 Humboldt, Von, on plants growing in deep mines, 26— On the absorption of gases by water, i:,'^>'— On audiome- try, 126 Huygens's experiments on vegetation, S4 Hyacinth roots, mucilage of, its proper ties, 52, 38 Hydraulics, 309 Hydrophilus, on the doctrine of chancfeg, 116 — ^An universal tide table by, 118 —Remarks on the breaking of the waves, ib Hygiocerames, a species of porcelain, capable of standing the hfe, 293 I. Indian corn, facts respecting, 239 Indigestion caused by the formation of acetous acid, 66 Iron pyrites, effects of heat on, 2QI Iron spar, 315 Insects, new classification of, 213 J. Jefferson, Mr. president of the United States of America, his collection oi Indian busts, 158 Jellies, vegetable, experiments on, 34 Joussclin, M. his " essays on the im- provement of pottery in general, or the art of making at the least expence vessels for every use, more handsom^ strong, and wholesome, without em- ploying lead or tin in the composi- tion of the coating, enamel, or glaze,'* abridged, 201 Juan, Don George, his theory of the resistance of flui analysis of, 40 Mitchell, Dr. letter to, 158 MittenJjof, M. 296 Moss used to promote the germination of seeds, 15 Mould, vegetable, analysed, 16 Mucilages, vegetable, 2B, 38 Mucus, generic characters and specie* of, 38 Munich, its Academy of Sciences, Li- brary, and Gallery of Paintings, 147 Muriatic acid, see acid. Muriatic ether, see ether. Muriate", metallic, their action on al- cohol, 183 Mustard seed, experiments on th# grow I h of, 17 N. Naples, institution of a Royal Academy of history und antiquities at, 157 Napolean Museum, 157 Natural INDEX. Natural history, some i:«markable oc- currences in, 236 Natural philosophy, see Philosophy. Is'eedham, Mr. his discovery of auimal- culae in diseased corn, 264 Nenndorf, in Hesse, waters of, contain sulphuretted nitrogen ga-s^ 41 Newton, Sir Isaac, on colours, 129, 267 Nordmark, Professor, his prize essay on the resistance of fluids, 72 Nutrition of vegetables, \b O, Oil, vessel fot preservuig free from co- agulation, 79 Oils, fixed, cdrabiuation of with oxides of lead and with alkalies, 231 Olbers, M. his discovery of a new planet, 75 O. N.'s description of a simple and con- venient portable electfometer for mi- neralogistis, 270 P. Paring and burning land, examination of its effects and their cat^ses, 21 Pajot la Foret, M. 142 Parkinson's description of the sea kale erroneous, 100 — On British encrintes, 121 farmentier, M. his opinion of the uses of manure, 17 Peaches, improvement in the manage- ment of, 195 Peacock's feathers, .summary consider- ations on the colours of, 137 Pearson, Dr. his medical and chemical lectures, 160 Perperrcs, M. on the causes of indiges- tion, 66 Petersburgh, Academy of SdeHces at, j^vQceedings of, 70 Philosophy, naturat, Dr. ToTing'f Te^ tures in, 79 Phosphoric ether, see ether. ' Physiology, lectures on, 160 Phytolacca, or American pokeweel, 85 Pigeon's neck, colours of, how producei| 138 Pitcoal, facts towards a history of, 161 Place, La, on determining heights by- means of the barometer, 210 Planet, new, discovered by M. OJbeis, 75 Plants produced by means of air and water only, contain less carbon than their seeds, 15— Analysis of, 18 Plants 1 tender, hints respecting the pro- per mode of inuring them to the cli- mate of England, 187 Plasters and soaps, 231 Porcelain, improvements in the fabrica- tion of, 293 Potatoes grow best in sand, 19 Pottery, improvement of, 291 Priestly, Dr. 24 Prienr, M. on the prismatic colours of bodies reduced to thin pellicles, with an explanation of the colours of an- i^ealed steel, and those of a pea- cock's feathers, 128 Prior, Mr. description of his larum for pocket watches, 228 Prismatic colours, see colours. Proteus Anguinus, description of, 91 Proust, Professor, 77, 182— His expe- riments on alcohol and lime, 23— Memoir on the glaze of earthenware incorrect, 292 — On pitcoal, 1 Gl— On Indian corn, 239 Pyrita^, copper and iron, effects of heat on, 51, 201 Quadrant and Stafti Mr. I^almon^s, de- scribeil, 227 Que;iPR*li INDEX. biquet, M. bis experiments on the action of sulphur on charcoal, 50 Rome's theory of the re;,istance of fluids, 72 Rotation of crops, a new, 273 S. Sacro Catino of Genoa, described, 97 Satnbcl, mines of, 51 Salmon, Mr. description and manner of using his geometrical plotting qua- drant, level, and calculator, for the use of navigation, and land-survey- ing, ascertaining inaccessible dis- tances, and demonstrating and de- termining various problems in geo- metry and trigonometry, 219 Salts, barytic, decomposed by nitric, 66 Saussure, M. Von, his experiment on the uses of carbonic acid to vegeta- tion, 22, 24— His tour to the Alps, 296 Schaub, '^"^ on the waters of Nenndorf, in Hesse, 41 Scheele, M. 2o2— On combinations of sulphur and hydrogen, 45— Notice isi his unsuccessful attempts to trans- form alcohol into ether, 63— Cor* rection of a mistake of his, respect- ing muriatic ether, 184 Schlumberger, M. 277 Schreiber, M. on the natural history ©f the Proteus Anguinis, 93 Scientiac News, 70, 55, 320, 351 Sea kale, cultivation of, 100 Sediment of water, arrangement of* 122 Seeds most difficult to germinate, suc- ceed in Moss, 15 Sennebier, on the decomposition and absorption of atmospheric carbonic acid by vegetables, 22, 23 Shell's extensive ridges of, in America* 158 Siauve, M. 91 Silver, detonating compoimd of , 1 40 Siphon, Mr. Argand's, described, 61 Skins, machine for splitting, 348 Smelting, furnace at Fahlun, in Swe- den, 202 Smith, Dr on the cultivation of sea kale, 100 Smut in wheat, its causes and method of preservation, 263 Soaps and plasters, 231 Solder of leaden vessels. Oxidation of, 115 Solubility of earths, by means of su- gar, 9 Spark, electric, its various appear- ances, 123 Sparry, iron ores, 315 Starch, mucilage of, examined, 23, 37 Steel, annealed, considerations on tha colours, of, 134 Steinacher, M. on the distilled water of common borage, 343 Stoneware proposed as a substitute for all glazed earthenware, 293 Stott, Mr. account of his engine for splitting sheep skins, 348 Strawberries, their varieties, 197 Sugar, Experiments on, 10 Sugar, mucilage of, examination of its properties, 34 2 Sulphuf INDEX. gulpliur, action of, on cUarcoal, 43— inflamed by* oxide of lead, 77 Sulphurets metallic, how affected by the action of heat, 198, 202 Sulphurous mineral waters, 40 Surgery, lectures on, 160 Sylvester, Mr. a 520 Tables of heights above the level of the sea in France, 217, 299 Tan mixed with mucilage of staich, 53 Teeth, fluoric acid in the enamel and bones of, 75 Tests, of vegetable mucilages, and jellies, 35 Thenard, M. on nitrous ether, 144 — abstract of his memoir on the mu- riatic ether, 176— 'Observations on its discovery, 182 — Abstracts of his me- moir on the products that result from the action of metallic muriates, oxigenized muiiatic acid, and acetic acid, on alcohol, 183, see also 320 Thenard and Roard, their memoirs on Roman alum, compared with differ' ent kinds manufactured in France 275 Thomson, Dr. his experiments on the mucilage of cherry-tree gum, 29, 35 — On the effects produced by an infusion of tan in the mucilage of starch, S3— Comment on his paper in the oxides of lead (inserted vol. viii.) 77 « Thomson's Chemistry," 183 Tide table, an imiversal, 118, 119 Tiilet's experiments on vegetation, 15 — On manure, 17. Tin, heated, produced prismatic colours, 135 Tour to the East, intended, 158 Tour through Picardy and Normandy, 212 — In Auveigne, 295 Tournefort's classification of plants, 351 Tragacanth, gum, examination of its pr©penies, 30, 39 Trembley, M. on the calculatitn of ijji titudes, 211 Tremery, M. 131 Trigonometry, use of, 2W Trommpdorff, M. on aaetic acid, 345 Turf, analysis of, 175 Tyro, questions by, on some appear- ances of the electric sparky 123 Valve Siphon, description of, 61 Vapours injurious to vegetation, 22 Vauquelin, M. 182 — On the action of Sulphur on charcoal, 43, 50— On the exides of lead, 77 — On tht Sacro Catino of Genoa. 98 — On ni- trous ether, 144 — On the solder of leaden vessels used by laundresses, 115 — His analysis of alum, 276— On iron spar, 315 Veau de Launay, Dr. on the produc- tion of oxigenized muriatic acid by the galvanic pile, 155 Vegetable mucilages, 28 — ^Jellies, 34 Vegetables, nutrition of, 15 Vincent, M. De, his method of sowing clover, and a new plan for a rotation of crops, 271 Vogel, M. on grease and some medici- nal compoimds of which ii is the basis, 105 U Urine, presence of fluoric acid in, 7^ Utschneider, M: 293 W. Water, inquiry relative to the arrange- ment of its sediment, 122 Water, sulphurous mineral, examined, 40 Waves, remarks on the breaking of, 1 18 Westrumb, M. on sulphurous mineral waters, 40 Wheat, diseases of, 262 Wind instruments, mechanical imita- tation of, 157 %Vitit«rl, I J^ D feX. 1 Wiaterl, Mr. on the existence of hy- drogen in diamonds, 27 Withering, Mr. on sea kale, 100 W. N. on an universal tide table, 119 Woodward, Mr, on sea kale, 100 Wool, new prolc-i5.^r.