JOURNAL OF THE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Hebotcti to iSntomologp in ©eneral. Voluin^e VII, 1899. Edited ry Wm. Beutenisiuller. NEW YORK. Published by the Society, Quarterly. 1S99. Press of Thk Nkw Era Printing company, T/ANCASTKR, Pa. Contents of Volume VII. AsHMEAD, William H., Super-Families in the Hymenoptera and Generic Synopses of the Families Thynnida;, Myrmosidae and Mutillidse, . 45 Banks, Nathan, The Smynthuridse of Long Island, New York, . . 193 BeutenmIjller, William, New /African Sesiidae, . . . • • • .170 Descriptions of and Notes on some North American Lepidop- tera, 254 Casev, Thomas L., A Revision of the American Coccinellidae, . • -7^ COCKERELL, T. D. A., New Records of Coccidae, . . . . • -257 COQUILLETT, D. W., On the Early Stages of some California Lepidoptera, . 209 New Genera and Species of Dexidae, . . • .218 Notes and Descriptions of Trypetidse, .... 259 Davis, William T., Whirligig-Beetles Taking a Sun-Ba'th, . . . .222 Doane, R. W., Notes on Trypetidse with Descriptions of New Species, 177 DvAR, Harrison G., The Life-Histories of the New York Slug Caterpillars, XVin and Conclusion, 61,234 Life-History of Diphthera fallax, ..... 67 Note on the Secondary Abdominal Legs in the Megalopyg- idae, 69 Note on Two Hydroecia Larvae, . . . • -70 iv Contents. Dyar, Harrison G., The Megalophygid Genus Trosia with Description of a New Species, . . ■ • 173 New Species of Syntomidae,. ...... 174 Life-History of a European Skig Caterpillar, Cochlidion avellana, . . • ■ • • • 202 A New Genus of Cochlidionidae from Virginia, . 30S Description of the Mature Larva of Acronycta connecta, . 253 Fail. H. C, Synopsis of the Species of Acmaeodera of America, North of Mexico, ......... I Lander, Benjamin, Note on the Seventeen -year Cicada, . . . .212 Morse, A. P., New North American Tettiginfe. — HI., .... 198 Schaus, William, New Species of Lithosiidae from Tropical America, . .214 Smith, John B. Notes on Scotogramma and Oncocnemis with Descriptions of New Species, ........ 37 New Noctuids and Notes, . . . . . -223 Proceedings of the New York Entomological Society, . . .176 JOURNAL JOfId JBork Qntomologiral Horiftg. \^ol. VII. MARCH, 1899. No. 1. SYNOPSIS OF THE SPECIES OF ACM/EODERA OF AMERICA, NORTH OF MEXICO. By H. C. Fall. It is safe to say that any synopsis of coleoptera, no matter how excellent, dating back twenty years and dealing with a genus or group of any considerable magnitude, is to-day inadequate for the arrange- ment of the material in any of our larger collections. Particularly is this true if the metropolis of the group lies west of the Mississippi valley. The skilled labor of many visiting and resident collectors has brought to light in this western country hundreds of new things, which after a vain effort to fasten to existing descriptions we have relegated to empty spaces and vacant corners, until in many of our boxes all semblance of order has disappeared. It is the object of the present paper to give to a small number of these nondescripts a local habitation and a name ; and while a com- plete revision of Acmceodera is not yet greatly needed, the discoveries in the twenty years that have elapsed since Horn's paper appeared, have been sufficiently numerous it is thought, to warrant the follow- ing notes. Though none of our species of AcmcVodera are above medium size, they are as a rule very pretty insects, and would doubtless share the popularity of the family to which they belong, were it not for a some- what unusual amount of individual variation, which gives them the reputation of being a difficult lot to deal with. In his Notes on Bu- prestid^e,* Crotch said " — but I am entirely unable to discover any characters except the variable ones of color, sculpture and form ; so that the limits of the species appear to be merely opinionative. ' ' Five *Proc. Acad. Sc. Phil., 1873, p. 89. 2 Journal New York Entomological Society, [Voi. vii. years later Horn in his Revision of the species of Acmaodera,^ after quoting Crotch, remarks that "possibly the following pages may show- quite to the contrary." The paper to a large extent fulfills the pre- diction, and with a few exceptions, the species prove — notwithstand- ing much variation — to be about as capable of definition as those of any other genus of like extent. The student, however, who attempts without some preparatory study to identify his specimens by means of the tables therein given, encounters several difficulties, the chief of which is the inexactness of the characters upon which the group divis- ions are based. The tarsi in the great majority of species are said to be not longer than one-third the tibiae, but in two species — comata and alacris — they are longer than half the tibiae, and for this reason these two species are made to constitute the group Graciliformes. As a matter of fact, there is no species in our fauna with tarsi so short as described, and in only two — subbalteata and opinabilis, the latter unknown to Horn at time of writing — do they even approximate this condition ; the great majority having the tarsi distinctly longer than half the tibire. This error, however, need cause little confusion, as alacris and comata are very peculiar species, separable quite as well by other characters. The interpretation of the form of the anterior margin of the pro- sternum, upon which the larger groups are based may prove more difficult. Judging both from the figures and description, this primary division should be accomplished with ease and certainty, but it must be remembered that these figures are only conventional diagrams rep- resenting typical forms which are more or less completely connected by intermediates. The " Emarginata^ " while not the largest, maybe regarded as a central group, characterized by the prosternum in front, being nearly straight or feebly emarginate from side to side and dis- tinctly retracted so as to meet the flanks at some distance behind the front angles. In most species assigned to this group however, the margin is faintly trisinuate and occasionally the prominence on either side of the middle becomes so w^ell marked as to create a doubt as to whether the form in question should be referred to this or to the Sinuatae group. If the front margin is less retracted than usual, ap- proach is made to the Truncatai, where it often happens that the sides of the prosternum more or less obviously fail to reach the front angles. I Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, 1878, p. 2. Mar. 1899.] Fall: On American Species of Acma:odeka. 3 Notwithstanding tliat the form of the prosternuni is thus in some measure unsatisfactory as a point of departure, a better has yet to be found and I shall continue the division into groups substantially as proposed by Horn, calling attention in the proper place to the am- biguous forms. That modification of the last ventral segment variouslv described as the apical ridge, plate, crest or carina, is certainly of exceptional value in specific characterization. It may be thick or thin, broadly or narrowly rounded, truncate or angulate, with regular or irregular edge, but I have never in the hundreds of specimens examined discovered any variation in type within specific limits. It does vary somewhat in development in certain species and very rarely to such a degree as to be either well developed or quite lacking in the same species. This fact together with its apparent lack of coordination with other features of structure or facies, render it unfit for a means of primary division, though it was thus made use of by Leconte for the sixteen species treated in his revision of 1859. Further experience shows that the yellow spot at the side of the thorax is much less constant than was supposed by Horn, there being at least nine species in which it may be either. present or absent. Ex- ternal sexual characters seem to be almost lacking. The last ventral segment in the males of certain species has been observed to be shorter and more truncate at tip than in the female, but the difference is feeble and I have not attempted to investigate the extent or constancy of its occurrence. In certain small species of the Truncate {tubiihis and allies) the claws in the males are provided with a distinctly longer, stouter tooth than in the females. I have not noticed a similar dis- parity elsewhere, but I am not prepared to say that it does not exist. The character has not been used at all in classification, and the student who has a sufficient series of specimens can, if he is curious, easily in- vestigate for himself. In distribution the genus is practically confined to the southwestern region. Aside from the two West Indian species — cubcEcola and pul- cherrivia, which have lately been found on the Florida Keys, three species only — ornata, pulchella and culta — are known from the region east of the Mississippi River ; variegata extends its range into eastern Oregon ; all other species hail from the territory embraced by the fol- lowing States or Territories — Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and the Californias. At the time of Horn's revision 4 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. not more than ten species were known from Southern California, but careful collecting in recent years by Messrs. Coquillett, Van Dyke, Fenyes, Daggett, and the author, make it possible to say that fully thirty species, or nearly half the number in our entire fauna, are now known from the same region, and it is probable that further explora- tion will add to this total. In the notes following the tables reference will be made in the case of each species to the place of original de- scription ; for complete bibliography the student is referred to the revision of Dr. Horn. For a cabinet arrangement it would be better to follow the order in which the species are mentioned in the notes, rather than in the tables. It only remains to express my grateful appreciation to the friends and correspondents for the generally hearty response to a:ll calls for specimens or information. I have thus been privileged to study a far larger material than any previous student has been able to command, while the courtesies extended by the California Academy of Sciences, the American Entomological Society of Philadelphia, the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge and the National Museum have enabled me, by the examination of all the types of Leconte and Horn, to speak with more of authority than would otherwise have been pos- sible. As might be expected, there remain in the material before me sundry specimens — mainly uniques — which I have left unplaced. The proper disposition of such as these, and the precise definition of the limits of the species in the neighborhood of acuta and subbalteata must be left to the wider view and larger experience of the future in- vestigator. The table given by Dr. Horn for the separation of the genus into groups, is, with some modification, given below : Elytral intervals 3-5-7 costiform, from narrow, agriloid 2 Elytra with never more than a single interval distinctly costiform in more than basal half, usually entirely devoid of cost;^^, form broader, usually more or less depressed i 1. Front margin of prosternum retracted, side not reaching the front angles. Prosternum trisinuate in front Acm^oder^ sinuat.^. Prosternum scarcely sinuale in front, the margin nearly straight or feebly arcu- ate from side to side Acm^oder^ emarginat^. ^Front margin of prosternum, not or very slightly retracted, usually straight ACM.-EODER.^ TRUNCAT.T.. _. Front margin of prosternum lobed at middle, sides attaining the angles ACM.EODER.^s LOBAT.^. 2. Front margin of prosternum sinuate or lobed, tarsi unusually long ACM.qjODER.^i GRACII.I FORMES. Mar. 1S9; ] Fall: On American Species of Ac.\leodera. 5 ACM.EODER.^ SiNUAT/E. The members of this, the largest section of the genus, agree in having the front margin of the prosternum retracted and more or less prominent on either side of the middle. \x). scapular is, pubiventris, lanata, fcnyesi, recticollis, plagiaticmtda, jocosa, coqiiilletti, miliaris, and sparsa, the prominence is dentiform, and though not equally- strong, is conspicuous in all. In flavomar^^inata the prosternum is broadly subangulate, and this angulation becomes more rounded and less advanced through Jiiaciilifcra, ainplicollis, disjiiucta, etc., until in co/ivicfa, Serena, tiita, liepbiirnii and quadriseriata the margin becomes scarcely more than broadly undulate. It must be borne in mind that specimens occur in many species and are likely to in all, in v^^hich the sinuation is decidedly more or less marked than is usual in the species ; therefore too much stress must not be laid upon this character when unsupported by others. The elytra in cuprina and scapnlaris exhibit a discal costa, quite strong in the former, less marked in the latter species; jiavoinarginata, some specimens oi fenyesi 2Si^ occasional in- dividuals of other species show traces of this costa. The thoracic spot is so far as observed constant either in its presence or absence in all but two species — scapnlaris and hepbitrnii — in both of which the spot is rarely lacking. The tarsi are in all species more or less evidently longer than one-half the tibiae. The apical ventral plate is more or less defined in all except macra, scapnlaris and pnlcherj-ima, but is very small in tnta. The thirteen species tabulated by Horn iiave now increased to twenty-eight ; they may be separated as follows : Thorax more or less distinctly wider than the elytra, side margin usually well defined, and visible (except in claiisa, robiista and convicta) in its entire extent from above . I Thorax not wider than the elytra, side margin very narrow, becoming inferior, at least posteriorly 9 1. Elytral punctures very coarse, nearly obliterating the intervals except the intra- humeral, which is costiform ; color greenish bronze without ornamentation. cuprina. Elytral punctures finer, intervals distinct, body above ornate 2 2. Thoracic margin rather wide, distinctly reflexed 3 Thoracic margin narrow, not reflexed 8 3. Reflexed margin suddenly narrowed and nearly obliterated just before the hind angles, marginal spot small, posterior Scapularis. Reflexed margin a little narrowed before the hind angles which are produced out- ward in the form of an obtuse lobe maculifera. Reflexed margin equally broad throughout 4 6 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vn. 4. Last ventral without apical plate, thoracic spot triangular, broader behind 7 Last ventral with distinct apical plate, thoracic spot elongate, parallel, extending in front of the middle 5 Last ventral with apical plate, thorax without spot, surface lustre deep blue green, elytra ornate with small yellow spots SUbcyanea. 5. Elytra without discal markings, the ornamentation consisting of a yellow marginal band extending beyond the middle and two transverse bands before the apex red (rarely yellow) flavomarginata. Elytra with discal markings 6 6. Fonn very broad, surface lustre greenish, elytra with marginal and discal stripe reaching about to the middle, behind which there are several transverse fasciiie, all yellow amplicollis. Form ver} broad, surface without metallic lustre, markings much as in aiiipUcoIlis, but the dorsal strip broken into spots ; apical fasciae reddish at sides, disjuncta. Form less broad, surface more or less bronzed, elytra without discal stripe. Prosternum coarsely rather densely punctate opacula. Presternum linely .sparsely punctate amabilis. 7. Thoracic margin rather narrow, marginal spot wider behind, surface bluish, elytra with transverse fascite macra.' 8. Side margin of thorax only visible near the base when viewed from above. More robust ; thorax with yellow spot at sides both above and beneath, elytra with three broad transverse bands interrupted at the suture and an apical spot ; last ventral with feeble apical plate robusta. Less robust; thorax, with yellow spot above only, last ventral with broad apical plate!, clausa^ Side margin of thorax visilile only in front when viewed from above ; not robust, depressed, thorax with yellow spot at side, elytra with rather narrow fasciiv, apical ventral plate large COn victa. 9. Thorax with yellow spot at side (except ijuadriscriafa) 13 Thorax unicolored 10 10. Under surface, more especially the sides of the metasternum and abdomen abund- antly clothed with long whitish hairs. Second ventral segment rather more finely and distinctly more densely punctate at middle than the first ; pubescence of abdomen dense, and except at sides recumbent. Elytra each with two yellow vittps which are usuallv somewhat irregular, and occasionally broken up into numerous irregularly placed spots. lanata. Elytra with bluish lustre, marked quite uniformly with larger spots as fol- lovi's : a .spot at the middle of the base, sometimes wanting, two spots at the basal third, a fascia at niiddle, and three spots near the apex, some- times confluent pubiventris. First and second ventral segments similarly punctate at middle, hairs of under surface not recumbent] fenyesi. Under surface much leso conspicuously hairy 1 1 Mar. i899 ] FaI.L : On AMERICAN SPECIES OF ACM/EODERA. 7 11. Maculation of elytra consisting of numerous very small spots 12 Maculation of elytra consisting of comparatively few much larger spots. Thorax scarcely twice as wide as long, sides parallel in basal half or three fourths , recticollis. Thorax more than twice as wide as long, sides not parallel or but for a short distance in front of the base. Elytra with a conspicuous discal subbasal spot. Upper surface with coppery bronze lustre { .42-.44 inch. ) plagiaticauda. Upper surface black with faint bluish lustre (.28-. 36 inch. ) . .jocosa. Elytra without discal spot, but witli a lateral series of three or four spots, the median largest, the subhumeral small and often wanting . . . .coquillettl. 12. Elytra strongly sinuate behind the humeri, as wide at apical two-fifths as at base, spots very numerous miliaris. Elytra moderately sinuate behind the humeri, gradually narrower from base to apex. Spots more or less numerous, scattered sparsa. Spots comparatively few and tending to coalesce in narrow transverse lines which do not reach the suture angelica. 13. Last ventral without trace of double apical margin pulcherrima. Last ventral with more or less distinct apical plate or crest. Apical plate wide, the free edge thin and broadly evenly rounded ; elytra blue black with numerous yellow spots Serena. Apical plate similar in form but much smaller, surface bronzed. Robust more convex, elytra with broad fasciae intenupted at suture . .tuta. Depressed, elytra with irregular markings hepburnii. Apical crest thick, angulate posteriorly, size small quadriseriata. A. cuprina Sj^i/i., Ann. Ent. Soc. Fr., 1838, p. 367. No examples of this species so far as I am aware, have been re- ported from our territory, except the single one in the Leconte col- lection, which is said to be froin Texas. There are specimens in the Horn collection from Mexico, and as remarked by that author, it is very doubtful if it should be retained in our list. The rows of very coarse punctures, so closely placed as to nearly obliterate the intervals (except the intra-humeral, which is quite strongly costiform nearly to the tip) give it an aspect which is only in some degree approximated by scapiilaris and cubcecola, two other subtropical forms, occurring re- spectively at Cape San Lucas and in the Florida Keys. Length, 1 1 . 5 mm., .46 inch. Habitat : Texas ? Mexico. A scapularis Horn, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., IV, p. 369, PI. VIII, Fig. 6. A large species, very strongly attenuate posteriorly, the markings nearly as 'n\ flavosticta. The sudderi narrowing of the thoracic margin 8 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vn. immediately before the liind angles is a peculiar character which has not been noticed elsewhere. The last ventral is without apical plate. Length, 13 mm., .52 inch. Habitat : Sierra El Chinche (Cape Region, Baja, Cal.). A. flavomarginata Gray, An. King., I, p. 358, PI. XXXI, Fig. 2. A well known and easily recognizable species. The subapical bands are sometimes connected on the disk, giving the appearance of a broader band enclosing spots as described by Horn. The fifth elytral interval is feebly costiform. According to Horn the last ventral is " without trace of double margin or carina at tip." In nine of the ten examples before me, the carina is as distinct as is usual in the genus, and in the tenth is evident though feeble. The markings are occasionally entirely yellow. Length, 8-12.5 mm., .32-.50 inch. Habitat : Southwestern Texas to southeastern California, and in LowerjCalifornia (Cape San Lucas). A. maculifera Horn, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., IV, p. 382, PI. YIII, Fig- 5- A large, very broad, and strongly depressed species, the elytra yellow with rounded black spots. The coloration is peculiar, and the formation of the hind angles of the thorax as described in the table has no parallel in our fauna and does not seem to have been fittingly described by Horn. The apical plate is strongly developed, broad, with free edge only feebly rounded. Length, 10. 5-12 mm., .42-.48 inch. Habitat : Texas, New Mexico (Las Cruces). I have seen but two examples, the type from the former, and a specimen submitted by Mr. Wickham from the latter locality. This specimen was taken by Cockerell and bears the label " On Bigelovia, sp. Sept. 23." A. subcyanea, sp. nov. Closely agrees with the two following species in form and size. Black with very distinct blue-green lustre. Thorax without spot at sides, closely punctate, lateral margin a little less broad than in am- pUcoUis, but reflexed and visible throughout from above. The elytra have the discal punctures distinctly finer than in amplicollis or dis- juncta and are irregularly marked with small yellow spots, represent- ing a discal and marginal series, which become confused behind the middle. Abdomen more finely and a little less closely punctate than Mar. 1899] Fall : On American Species of Acm-^odera. 9 in ampliioUis, the apical plate well de\eloped, broad with the free edge thin and subtruncate. Length, 11 ram., .44 inch. Habitat : Arizona. A single specimen in the Horn collection, evidently allied to ampUcolIis, disjuncta, etc., by the broad depressed form and thoracic characters, but easily distinguished from all by the unspotted thorax, blue-green lustre and maculation of the elytra, which more nearly re- sembles ornata than any of the species with which it is structurally as- sociated. In siihcyanea, as is usual, the punctuation of the thorax in- creases in density from the middle to the lateral margin where it is more or less cribrate, but in those species with yellow marginal stripe it will be observed that the yellow area is generally distinctly less densely punctate than the adjacent surface. A. amplicollis Lee, Proc. Acad. Sc. Phil., 1866, p. 383. A very easily recognized species, and one which varies but little in coloration judging from the one hundred or more specimens which have come before me. Length, 9-13 mm., .36-. 52 inch. Habitat : All specimens seen are from the southern portions of Arizona. A. disjuncta, sp. nov. Very similar in form, size and markings to amplicollis, from which it differs as follows. The color is black without metallic lustre ; the thorax exceeds the elytra slightly less in width, and is less closely punctate ; the marginal elytral stripe in ainplicollis is here more or less broken, and the discal stripe is replaced by a series of three spots, the posterior sometimes connected with the margin ; the apical fasciae are more broken and are invariably red at the sides. The hairs of the up- per surface, more especially of the thorax, are darker in color. The fifth interspace of the elytra is slightly but distinctly elevated in basal half in amplicollis, not at all so in disjuncta. The under surface is not quite so strongly punctate, and is b ack, not greenish as in amplicollis. Length, 9-12 mm., .36-. 48 inch. Habitat: Arizona. Described from a series in the Horn collection, the larger of which were placed with amplicollis, and the smaller with opacula. They are perfectly homogeneous and undoubtedly distinct from amplicollis, and have a very different look from the type of opa cuius, though it must be confessed that the status of this latter species is not very well de- fined. 10 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vil A. opacula Lee, Proc. Acad. Sc. Phil., 1859, p. 69. I have seen nothing just like the Leconte type, which however seems to have been collected in alcohol and has not, perhaps, quite its normal appearance. The specimens which Horn mentions from Ari- zona are quite surely distinct from the type, and are described above under the name disjuncta. The character given in the table for the separation of opacula and amabilis is the one given by Horn. This difference is evident enough in the types, but there is scarcely any- thing in the descriptions to support it, and I cannot think it of much value in itself. We must wait for more specimens. Length, 10.5 mm., .42 inch. Habitat: Texas (El Paso). A. amabilis Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VH, p. 7, PI. I, Fig, 3. The relation of this species to opacula is alluded to above. As compared with amplicollis it is decidedly more slender, with the thorax less narrowed in front. The marginal thoracic stripe is very narrow ; the apical ventral plate is strongly rounded or subangulate, with free edge inclined to be a little irregular. The markings do not vary much in the specimens before me and are well represented by Horn's figure. The apical band is always red in great jDart. Length, 8-1 1 mm., .32- .44 inch. Habitat : New Mexico and Arizona. Taken by Prof. Snow in some numbers in the Magdalena Mountains, of New Mexico, and a considerable series has lately been received from southeastern Arizona by Mr. Daggett. A. vc\^cV2i Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VII, p. 8, PL I, Fig. 5. As remarked by Horn, this species is more strongly arched when viewed in profile than any others except alacris and comata. It most nearly resembles serena in color, but that species is spotted (not fas- ciate), and with different thoracic margin. The apical plate is en- tirely wanting in all specimens seen, a character quite unusual in this section. Length, 7.5-11 mm., .30-. 44 inch. Habitat : Texas. A. robusta Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VII, ^). 9, PI. I, Fig. 7. I have seen only the two specimens from which the description was drawn. The side margin of the thorax, visible only posteriorly when viewed from above, combined with the presence of the yellow spot on the inferior margin of the thorax distinguish the species from any Mar. i?99] FaLI, : On AMERICAN SPECIES OF ACM.'EODERA. 11 Other in our fauna. The first named character is shared by clausa, and the last by cubcecola. Length, lo— ii mm., .40-. 44 inch. Habitat: California (Owen's Valley). A. clausa Horn, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 1894, p. 374. PI. VII, Fig. 3- A pretty species, of medium size, and having no close allies. Its distinctive character lies in the fact that the side margin of the thorax is more clearly visible from above toward the base than in front, a re- versal of the ordinary condition and noted elsewhere only in robusta. The elytra have more often a bluish rather than a bronze luster, as de- scribed by Horn, and the thorax is invariably a little wider at base than the elytra. I have, therefore, removed it from the neighborhood of tuta and liepburnii, with which it is associated in the description. The prosternal margin is feebly trisinuate ; the apical plate large, its free edge rather thin and evenly rounded. Length, 7.8-10 mm., .31- .40 inch. Habitat : Cape region of Lower California. A. convicta, sp. nov. Moderately slender, depressed, distinctly bronzed, thoracic margin rather broadly yellow from apical fourth to base, the yellow spot a little broader behind. Elytra with four transverse fasciae as follows : the first, subbasal, extending from the scutellar region obliquely outward and backward to margin ; second, median, posteriorly curved ; third, at apical third, oblique ; fourth, subapical ; the last two broken. In addition there is a minute spot beneath the humerus, a narrow marginal stripe between the first and second fasciae, a small marginal spot between the second and third fascia; and a small apical spot. Head rather deeply longitudinally impressed, vertical carina feeble. Thorax very slightly more than twice as long as wide, widest at basal two- fifths where it is very slightly wider than the elytra, moderately narrowed in front, side margin inferior except toward the apex, surface moderately closely but not densely punctate. Elytra feebly striate on the disk, more deeply at sides and tip, intervals uniseriately punctulate. Hairs of upper surface short, brownish. Beneath bronzed, abdomen with slight violaceous lustre, evenly, not very closely punctate and clothed with short gray hairs. Front margin of presternum rather feebly trisinuate ; last ventral with wide apical plate, the free edge broadly evenly rounded ; tarsi distinctly longer than half the tibi?e. Length, 8 mm., .32 inch. Habitat : Arizona (Santa Rita Mts.).' Oiie specimen, collected by Mr. Wickham. A. \SiX\sXz. Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VIII, 1880, p. 148. This species begins a series which as a rule are more convex than those that precede ; they also lack the thoracic spot, the front margin of the prosternum is strongly toothed each side, and the apical ventral plate is thicker. 12 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. Lanata was described by Horn as related \o pubiventris, but differ- ing in abdominal sculpture and vestiture. On careful comparison I am unable to discover any material difference in the ventral punctua- tion of the two species, which is substantially as described of laiiafa. The first segment is sparsely finely punctate at middle, and quite densely at sides as is almost universally the case ; the following seg- ments are finely rather densely nearly evenly punctate throughout. The contrast between the punctuation of the first and second segments at middle is striking, and peculiar in this group. All the specimens of puhiventris in collections, so far as I know, were taken in Owen's Valley, Cal. They were apparently long immersed in alcohol, and the vestiture is almost entirely removed from the upper surface, and from the abdomen except at the sides. I have no doubt that fresh specimens would agree perfectly with laiiaia in this respect, as they certainly do in abdominal sculpture. The markings of puhiventris consist of rather large yellow (darkened by alcohol) spots, and are quite constant as described by Horn. Lanata is typically vittate, but a series from Utah and the desert regions of Southern California shows forms varying from regularly through irregularly vittate to confusedly maculate. In none of these are the size and disposition of the spots, nor is there present the well-defined bluish surface lustre of the latter (one example of lanata is very faintly bluish), but it may well be doubted li puhiventris is anything more than a local race of the more widely diffused Az/w/rt;. Length, 7.5-10.5 mm., .30-.42 inch. Habitat: Utah and desert regions of Southern California. A. puhiventris Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VII, p. 9, PI. I, Fig. 7. See remarks under the preceding species. Length, 8.5-10.5 mm., .34— .42 inch. Habitat : California (Owen's Valley). A. fenyesi, sp. nov. Moderately stout, somewhat depressed, piceous, feebly bronzed, clothed with long, fine erect hair, which is usually fuscous (sometimes paler) above, and grayish- white beneath. Head feebly impressed, vertical carina indistinct. Thorax twice as wide as long, sides usually straight for a short distance before the base, then gradu- ally rounded to apex ; occasionally a little dilated before the base ; lateral margin not visible from above except near the front angles ; surface moderately strongly punctate, densely at sides, the punctures well separated at middle. Elytra with striae of rather coarse punctures, intervals uniseriately punctulate, the fifth sometimes slightly elevated as far as, or even beyond the middle ; maculation consisting of small Mar. iSog] FaLL : On AMERICAN SpECIES OF ACM/EODERA. 13 yellow or reddish yellow spots arranged in discal and lateral series of four or five each, the corresponding spots at and behind the middle sometimes confluent. Abdo- men rather finely and sparsely punctate, clothed with long hair which is unusually dense and conspicuous toward the sides of the body. Front margin of the prosternum with a stout blunt tooth on either side. Last ventral with distinct apical plate which is rather thick and strongly narrowed or subangulate posteriorly. Length, 8-1 1 mm., •32--44 inch. Habitat: Various localities in southern California between the mountains and the coast. The spots are usually very small and sometimes nearly wanting, but I do not remember to have seen a specimen in which they are en- tirely absent. The lower surface is more conspicuously hairy than in any other species except lanata 3i\\d pi/biventris, from either of which it is at once distinguished by the hairs of the ventral surface being erect and the form more depressed. Small specimens are greatly like dolorosa in general appearance, but the latter has a very different pro- sternum ; on the other hand, large nearly immaculate specimens re- semble inorbosa, but this also is a species of the next group and is normally hairy beneath. Fcnyesi is by no means rare and is doubtless represented in many collections. In local collections it has for some reason or other passed as sparsa, a non -related species which does not occur in California at all, and it is not unlikely that it has been sent east under this name. For many of the specimens before me I am in- debted to the diligent collecting of my friend. Dr. Fenyes, of Pasa- dena, to whom I take great pleasure in dedicating the species. A. recticollis, sp. nov. Robust, parallel, feebly depressed, black without oeneous lustre, clothed above and below with sparse short grayish hairs, thorax without markings, elytra maculate with yellow and red. Head not very densely punctate, feebly impressed, thorax dis- tinctly less than twice as wide as long, sides parallel in basal half or three fourths, thence rounded to the apex ; lateral margin visible from above only in front, surface moderately closely not coarsely punctate on the disk, more densely and coarsely at sides ; impressions rather feeble. Elytra of same width as thorax, sides parallel to behind the middle, umbones not prominent, strire not impressed on the disk, punctures moderate, intervals more strongly punctate than usual. The maculation may be de- scribed as two rows of spots, one discal and the other lateral, the median and post- median pairs of spots confluent. The discal series begins with a spot at the extreme base, the corresponding marginal spot being very small ; the apical spots are more or less reddish. Prosternum with a prominent tooth each side of the middle ; abdomen finely punctulate at middle, basal segment densely and more coarsely at sides as usual ; last ventral-with short thick angulate apical carina. Length, lo mm., .40 inch. 14 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. Habitat : One example from Winslow, Arizona (Wickham), an- other in the Horn collection from New Mexico. Nearest plagiaticaiida, but differing somewhat in naarkings and distinctly in its different shaped and less transverse prothorax. Rccti- collis, plagiaticaiida, jocosa and coqiiilletti form a group of rather closely allied species, agreeing well in the form of the prosternal margin and the character of the apical ventral plate. The two last are much smaller than the others and very constant in markings. Their separa- tion by means of the tabular characters could not be difficult. A. plagiaticauda Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VII, p. lo, PI. I, Fig. 8. A large species, which is apparently rare. I have seen only three examples, viz., one specimen each in the cabinets of Leconte and Horn, the third collected by Coquillett in Los Angeles county, Cal., and differing from the type in that the spots are in part yellow instead of being entirely red. The prosternal cusps are very prominent, the apical ventral plate thick and acute behind with somewhat uneven outline. Length, ii mm., .44 inch. Habitat : California (Mariposa and Los Angeles counties). A. jocosa, sp. nov. Moderately robust, black, shining, without metallic lustre. Elytra each orna- mented with a longitudinal series of four yellow spots ; the first rather large, within and posterior to the umbone ; the second median large, subtransverse reaching from the third or fourth stria to the lateral margin ; the third smaller and nearer the suture, the fourth smallest, subapical. There is a red marginal spot at the apical third which may or may not be connected with the third discal spot. The head is densely punc- tured as usual, front moderately convex, vertex without carina. Thorax not wider than the elytra, twice as wide as long, sub-parallel to middle, thence moderately rounded to the apical angles, lateral margin not visible from above ; disk very finely and sparsely, sides more coarsely and closely punctate. Elytra subparallel to apical third, umbone moderate, strial punctures not coarse, intervals nearly flat on the disk, uniseriately punctulate ; erect hairs rather long, fuscous on the elytra, fuscous, mixed with cinereous toward the base, on the thorax. Prosternum trisinuate with stout cusps, sparsely punctured at middle. Abdomen very finely sparsely punctulate at middle, a little more coarsely and closely at sides. Last segment with narrowly rounded rather thick apical plate. Length, 7-9 mm., .28-. 36 inch. Habitat : Foothills of the Sierras of southern California. This species does not exhibit much variation ; there may be a small spot external to the basal, and there is occasionally a very small apical marginal red spot, which is seldom present on both sides. Mar. i8j9 I FaLL : On AMERICAN SpECIES OF ACM/EODERA. 15 A. coquiltetti, sp. nov. Elongate, rather slender, scarcely depressed, black, strongly bronzed, clothed with rather long erect hairs, which on the upper surface are brownish throughout except for an intermixture of cinereous on the thorax. Elytra with three more or less transverse lateral spots, the anterior median in position and largest, the two others reddish externally ; there is also occasionally a very small yellow subhumeral spot. Head densely punctate with a more or less evident vertical carina. Thorax not twice as wide as long, widest at base, sides feebly arcuate, moderately narrowed anteriorly ; disk rather sparsely, sides closely punctate ; lateral margin visible from above only in front. Elytra as wide as the base of the thorax, striae not impressed on the disk, in- tervals flat, finely uniseriately punctate. Body beneath rather sparsely punctate, not much more closely at sides, sparsely clothed with moderately long grayish hair. Pro- sternum rather strongly sinuate in front ; last ventral with rather thick apical plate which is narrowly rounded or subangulate posteriorly. Length, 7.5-8 mm., .30-. 32 inch. Habitat : California (Los Angeles county). Described from a series of seven specimens taken by Mr. Coquillett, whose name I am pleased to use for the species. A. miliaris Horn, Trans, Am. Ent. Soc, VII, p. lo, PI. I, Fig. 9. This and the following species are very closely allied, and the characters given for their separation in Horn's table are not reliable; in fact, the much more common sparsa has circulated extensively as miliaris and doubtless stands as such in many collections. There is, however, little doubt that the species are distinct, and the best dis- tinguishing character is the form of the elytra as given in the table. In addition it may be said that the spots are more numerous in miliaris, the abdomen is more strongly punctate, the prosternal cusp is less strong, and the lateral impressions of the thorax are inclined to be less developed anteriorly. The apical plate is moderately thin and sub- acutely rounded in both miliaris and sparsa. Length, 8-10.5 I'firn., .32— .42 inch. Habitat : I have seen only some seven or eight examples, all from Texas. A. sparsa Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VII, p. 11, PI. I, Fig. 10. For comparison with miliaris see remarks under that species. The type specimens came from Colorado and are rather more sparsely punctate and less spotted than those from New Mexico and Arizona. These latter area pparently venusta Waterh., judging from the figure in the Biologia. The apical marginal spots are more or less red as in miliaris, though not so mentioned by Horn in his description. Length, ^•5-12.3 mm., .34-.49 inch. 16 Journal New York Entomological Society. [voi. vil Habitat : Colorado (Colorado Springs), New Mexico (Magdalena Mts., Snow), Arizona (Fort Huachuca, Daggett), Utah (Fuchs). A. angelica, sp. nov. Moderately robust, shining, black not bronzed, clothed sparsely with fine erect hairs, which are fuscous above and grayish beneath. Elytra marked with four trans- verse series of small spots, yellow on the disk and usually reddish at the side, more or less coalescent into narrow transverse bands, which reach the margin but not the suture. The post- humeral spots are frequently nearly obsolete and never coalesce into a well defined band. Head densely punctate, vertical carina not distinct. Thorax not wider than the elytra, widest at base, sides feebly rounded, moderately narrowed from the base ; margin visible in front from above ; disk coarsely closely punctate at sides, more finely at the middle where the punctures are separated by their own diameter. Punctures of elytral striae rather coarse, intervals rather narrow, flat on the disk, and uniseriately punctulate as usual. Body beneath bronzed, ventral segments rather uniformly not very closely punctate ; last ventral with thick angulate apical crest; prosternum distinctly but not very strongly trisinuate. Length, 6.5-9 mm., .26-. 36 inch. Habitat: California (Los Angeles Co.). More than thirty examples are before me, exhibiting a considerable amount of variation in form and punctuation of thorax and elytra. The thorax is in some examples a little widened before the base, but is not in any case wider than the elytra across the humeri. The an- tennae are distinctly more slender in certain specimens which might be considered distinct were not intermediate forms present. A. pulcherrima Z>//?'., Ins. Cuba, 1857, p. 56. Moderately depressed, black, thorax usually more or less aeneous, elytra with slight bluish or greenish lustre. Hairs of upper surface pale, rather short and not very fine. Thorax Avith elongate orange spot at sides, elytra each with seven rounded orange colored spots ar- ranged in two longitudinal rows, the apical spot forming a part of both discal and marginal series. Specimens will probably occur with the spots more or less confluent transversely. The last ventral is en- tirely without double apical margin. Length, 8 mm., .32 inch. I have seen three examples labelled " Metacumbe Key, Fla." The identification of this species and cnbcecola is due to the late Mr. Linell and I have not thought it necessary to verify the conclusions of so careful a student. A. Serena, sp. nov. Form moderate, somewhat depressed, black, elytra very deep blue, very sparsely clothed above with short semi-erect pale hairs. Head not ver}^ densely punctate, a faint vertical carina. Thorax not wider than the elytra, nearly twice as broad as long. Mar. iSgo ] FaLL : Ox AMERICAN SPECIES OF ACM.tODERA. IT narrowed from base to apex, side margin narrow, inferior behind ; punctures on the disk rather tine, separated by more than their own diameters on the average, coarser and more closely placed laterally ; impressions moderate, side margin narrowly yellow in basal three fourths. Elytra with numerous yellow spots of varying size and shape irregularly dispersed ; base equal in width to the prothorax, gradually narrowed from base to apex, striw moderate, impressed at sides and apex, intervals fiat, each with a single series of fine punctures. Beneath clothed with rather sparse hairs. Prosternum feebly trisinuate in front ; abdomen finely evenly not closely punctate, last ventral w-ith large apical plate, the free edge thin and very broadly rounded. Length, 9-9.5 mm., .36-. 38 inch. Habitat : Arizona (Tucson). Described from two specimens collected and communicated by Mr. 'NMckham. Serena resembles both macra and elaiisa quite closely. As compared with niaci-a the thoracic margin is narrow and not visible throughout from above, the form is less arcuate when viewed in profile, the markings are more broken, and the apical ventral plate which is nearly wanting in maera is here strongly developed. From c/aitsa it may be separated by the more sparsely punctured thorax, and the thoracic margin becoming inferior behind as is usual. A. tuta Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VII, p. 11, PI. I, Fig. 11. I have seen but four specimens of this species and these present no variation from the description and figure given by Horn. The pros- ternum is feebly trisinuate, the apical ventral plate very narrow, nearly truncate with thin free edge. Length, 8-9.5 mm., .32-. 38 inch. Habitat : Utah and desert portions of California (Death Valley). A. hepburnii Lee, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, 1859, p. 254. A species which there is no danger of mistaking for any other in this grou]j, but which might easily be confused with connexa, acuta and labyrinthica of the following group. The prosternum while not at all strongly trisinuate is sufficiently constant so to warrant its present position. The thorax varies very little in form, is never wider than the elytra, and is narrowed from base to apex, while in acuta, etc., the thorax is oftenest widest a little in front of the base, and frequently more or less distinctly wider than the elytra. Again, in these species the thoracic spot is rarely present and the side margin of the elytra beneath the humerus is always black in part ; in hepburnii the thoracic spot is absent in only three of the forty-five specimens before me, and the elytral margin at the humerus is entirely yellow. The apical ventral plate is narrow, the free edge thin and broadly evenly rounded. Length, 8.7-12 mm., .35-. 48 inch. 18 Journal New York Entomological Society. l^oi. vii. Habitat : A rather common species west of the California Sierras nearly throughout the length of the state. A. quadriseriata, sp. nov. Form cylindro-conic, feebly depressed, piceous, somewhat bronzed, clothed with fine erecft blackish hairs. Head with fine vertical carina, punctures large, shallow, closely placed. Thorax twice as wide as long, widest at basal third, where the sides are strongly rounded, apex much narrower than base ; surface not very closely punc- tate on the disk, more densely at sides ; median and basal impressions rather feeble, lateral margin inferior posteriorly. Elytra wider than the thorax, sides sinuately nar- rowed to apical third, thence more rapidly to apex ; punctures of striae rather fine, in- tervals flat except at sides, uniseriately punctulate ; each elytron marked with two longitudinal series of four or five elongate yellow spots, one discal the other lateral. Beneath more plainly bronzed, sparsely clothed with pale hairs ; abdomen rather finely and sparsely punctate, last ventral with thick apical carina, the free edge more or less uneven and narrowly rounded. Length, 5.5-7 mm., .22-. 28 inch. Habitat : Twelve examples are before me, all from southern Cali- fornia (Los Angeles and Santa Barbara Counties). The present species well illustrates the inexactness of the form of the prosternum as a basis for a natural group division. The form is here a little variable and may be nearly paralleled in any one of the three larger groups — Sinuatte, Emarginata^ or Truncate. A strict interpre- tation would exclude it from the last, and I believe it may best be as- signed to the Sinuatce. It re.sembles very closely in color certain small fonns of acuta, but is more pointed behind and with very different last ventral. The maculation is quite constant so far as seen. ACM.EODER.E EmARGINAT-^. Attention has already been called to the fact that the front margin of the prosternum in this series is usually in some faint degree trisinuate, and when this is more pronounced than usual, as it is likely to be in individuals of almost any species, a survey of both groups may be necessary for identification. I have removed viariposa from the Truncate and placed it in the present series next to doiirni, with which it is very closely allied, if not actually identical. This course is justified by an examination of the prosternum, which is really retracted in all specimens seen, though in varying degree. The form of the prothorax seems less stable here than in either of the other groups, and the thoracic spot is less constant than elsewhere, its presence or absence being fortuitous in six of the ten species in which it occurs. The nineteen species now recognized separate as follows : Mar. 1S99.] Fall; On American Species of AcM^obtRA. 19 Thorax with lateral margin yellow in more than basal half 8 Thorax unicolorous or with only a small lateral yellow spot behind the middle I 1. Last ventral with thick subapical crest which is subangulate at middle 6 Last ventral without apical crest (except rarely in connexa) 3 Last ventral with thin apical plate which is not subangulate at middle (sometimes feebly developed or nearly obsolete in acuta and labyrinthica') 2 2. Thoracic margin narrow, not reflexed, not or scarcely visible posteriorly from above. Surface bronzed without spots morbosa. Surface bluish, elytra with scattered small yellow spots ornata. Surface bronzed, elytra with yellow markings. Markings more constant, a lateral transverse spot at the middle of the elytra being most conspicuous ; form depressed. . , flavosticta. ' Markings more intricate and very variable. Form narrower, less depressed, punctures of elytral stride finer, .acuta. Form broad, depressed, punctures of elytral stride coarser. labyrinthica. Form depressed, strongly narrowed posteriorly CUneata. Thoracic margin slightly reflexed, visible throughout from above ; elytra with nu- merous .small yellow spots, often intricately joined, sides at tip red.rubronotSita. 3. Thorax widest at base, form rather narrow, less flattened 5 Thorax more or less distinctly widest a little in front of the base, and usually slightly wider than the elytra ; form broader and more flattened 4 Thorax widest at middle 7 4. Elytra with yellow markings on the disk. Form more slender and more gradually narrowed behind ; thorax without lateral spot, yellow markings of the elytra irregularly longitudinally joined toward the base connexa. Form less slender, more parallel, and less gradually narrowed behind ; elytra with three more or less irregular transverse bands not reaching the suture, and an apical spot variegata. Elytra with a few (mostly lateral) small orange red spots which show a tendency to coalesce transversely . . van dylcei. Elytra with three or four lateral yellow spots, that at the middle being largest. prorsa. r. Bronzed, sides of thorax more strongly rounded, elytra with three reddish spots at the sides behind the middle, the middle one extending inward dohrni. Blue, sides of thorax less rounded, elytra with same markings mariposa. 6. Piceous, faintly bronzed, elytra with a few inconspicuous yellow spots toward the sides dolorosa . Cupreous, elytra each with two apical marginal red spots postica. 7. Sides of elytra entirely yellow, inner margin strongly indented, no discal mark- ings liorni. 8. Outer interval of elytra acutely tuberculate behind the middle daggettl. Outer interval of elytra not tuberculate Thoracic margin reflexed, plainly visible throughout from above, .decipiens. -^^ Thoracic margin narrow, not reflexed fcCalaris. 20 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii A. morbosa, sp. nov. Moderately robust, somewhat depressed, elytra slightly, pronotum and under sur- face rather strongly bronzed, entirely without markings ; erect hairs whitish beneath, dark and paler intermixed above. Head with indistinct vertical carina, thorax twice as broad as long, very slightly wider before the basal angles, moderately rounded and narrowed anteriorly, side margin posteriorly not visible from above ; rather closely punctate, more densely at sides. Elytra as wide, or very nearly so, as the thorax, humeri not prominent, sides very slightly convergent to a little behind the middle,, then more rapidly to apex ; striae and punctures moderate. Prosternum with front margin retracted and slightly but distinctly sinuate. Abdomen rather strongly but not closely punctate, last segment with very small apical plate. Length, 9 mm., .36 inch. Habitat: Two examples, Los Angeles Co., California, collections of Dr. Fenyes and myself. Structurally very close to labyrintliica and possibly an immaculate variety of that species, but in the many specimens of the latter that I have seen, there is no tendency whatever toward even a noticeable re- duction of the yellow markings. A. flavosticta Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VII, p. 9, PL I, Fig. 6. The thorax is said to be unicolored in the description and it is usually so in specimens from Lower California. In those from south- ern California the marginal spot is about as often present as absent. The apical ventral plate is thin with posterior edge nearly squarely truncate. Length, 7-10.3 mm., .28-. 41 inch. Habitat: The twenty-one examples before me range from Cape San Lucas as far north as Riverside, Cal. It was taken in some num- bers in San Diego Co., by Mr. Coquillett, and is apparently a common species in the Peninsula. A. acuta Lee, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, Ser. 2, XI, p. 224. Unfjuestionably distinct from connexa in my opinion, the doubts expressed by Horn arising from the including under this name the form which I have separated as labyrintliica. See remarks under laby- rintJiica. Length, 5-9 mm., .20— .36 inch. Habitat: Our commonest Californian species, occurring nearly everywhere in the mountains and foothills from San Diego to Shasta. I have never seen typical examples from east of the Sierras, though it is not unlikely that it extends into Nevada in the Lake Tahoe region. Horn gives also L^tah, but his specimens from that locality are laby- rinthica. Mar 1399] Fall: On American Species of Acm^odera. 21 A. labyrinthica, sp. nov. This name is proposed for a form which is indiscriminately mixed with connexa and acuta, according to the size of the specimens or the taste of the individual. It may usually be separated at a glance from both by its stouter form and the more profuse and irregular markings of the elytra. Like connexa the form is strongly depressed, but is less gradually narrowed posteriorly and with more distinct bronze lustre. The thorax in connexa is usually conspicuously wider than the elytra and widest immediately before the base ; in labyrinthica the thorax is less noticeably though usually slightly wider than the elytra with the broadest part a little less basal and with a more evident sinuation be- fore the hind angles which are consequently a little less obtuse. The abdominal punctuation is a little less fine in labyrinthica, the last ventral shorter with the apical carina often very small, but rarely lack- ing. From acuta, labyrinthica differs by the flatter form and much coarser strial punctures. In both there is rarely a small yellow spot at the side of the thorax, but I have never seen this in connexa. In many specimens of labyrinthica the last ventral suture is broadly feebly sinuate or subangulate at the middle : not noticeably so in acuta or connexa in my experience. Typical connexa, labyrinthica and acuta, and even after allowing for a considerable variation the great majority of specimens are such, are easily separable, but there are not lacking specimens which are very disconcerting. It is possible that these are only additional forms which indicate a single excessively variable species ; it is, however, quite as likely that they are representatives of still other closely allied species and, perhaps, still more probable that we have to do with a complex combination of completely and incompletely differentiated forms which the presence of hybrids may render still more confusing. Whatever may be the true status, the separation of labyrinthica, either as a species or a subspecies, goes far toward relieving our series of connexa and acuta of that heterogeneous appearance which is nowhere better illustrated than in the Leconte and Horn collections. Length, 7.5-10.5 mm., .30-.42 inch. Habitat: Inhabits nearly the same region in California as acuta, though I have not seen specimens from quite so far north, and also extends its range into Nevada and Utah. A. cuneata, sp. nov. Depressed, strongly narrowed behind. Head rather deeply, broadly impressed. 22 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. Thorax a little wider than the elytra, shaped nearly as in connexa, moderately coarsely closely punctate, unicolorous, a small indistinct spot in one example. Elytra intricately ornate with yellow, the markings much as in labyrinthica, but broader and less diffused. Sculpture of elytra and lower surface nearly as in lahyrinthica. Length, 8-IO mm., .32-. 40 inch. Habitat : Southwestern Utah and Arizona (Rio Verdi and Tempe Desert). Two specimens from the former locality in the Horn collection and others from Arizona in the collection of Dr. Griffith, to whom I am indebted for my representatives. Cutieata is nearest to, but ap- parently distinct from lahyritithica, from which it is difficult to separate it by description, though quite different in appearance. The strongly narrowed and pointed elytra are characteristic of all the specimens seen, and will, I think, make its recognition tolerably certain. From co?inexa it diiTers both in form and markings, and in the much deeper frontal impression. Lahyrinthica occurs in the same region, but con- nexa has not yet been seen from either Utah or Arizona. A. connexa Lee, Proc. Acad. Sc. Phil., 1859, p. 72. For comparison with acuta and lahyrinthica, see remarks under the last named species. The markings in connexa are tolerably constant, especially the oblique fascia at the apical third and the apical spot ; the markings in the basal half of the elytra are confusedly joined, but are very rarely in any way connected with the posterior fascia. The apical ventral plate is nearly or quite lacking in most examples, but is occasionally well-defined though small. I have never seen a speci- men with a thoracic spot. Length, S-12.5 mm., .32-. 50 inch. Habitat : California and Nevada. A somewhat common species in the sierras of California, not reaching either the extreme northern or southern portions of the State so far as known. A, variegata Z*!^. , Proc. Acad. Sc Phil., 1852, p. 67. This species may be separated quite certainly from all others by the tabular differences. It is nearest connexa, but if typically marked may be at once distinguished by the transverse fasciae. These fasciae are, however, quite often much broken, in which case the stouter, more parallel form, coarser sculpture, with the thorax widest further in front of the base will make it recognizable. The thoracic spot is about as often absent as present, the thorax is usually not wider than the elytra, but is occasionally distinctly so. There is no apical ven- tral plate. Length, 7.75-10 mm., .31-. 40 inch. Mar. 1899] Fall : On American Species of Acm^^odera. 23 Habitat: Colorado, Utah, California (desert regions), Oregon (Hood River). A. ornata Fab., Syst. Ent., p. 220. This common and widespread species is too well known to need any comment. Habitat: Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas, Utah, Nevada. 37. A. rubronotata Lap. e^" Gory, Mon., I, p. 5, t. i, f. 5. According to the authors of the Biologia, the above name should be used for the species now standing on our list as j-/inal>ilis) 3 Thorax with yellow spot at sides. i Sides of thorax narrowing from base to apex. Forni narrower, hairs of upper surface nearly white alicia. • Form stouter,- hairs of upper surface brownish pulchella. Sides of thorax more strongly rounded, widest a little behind the middle. -<(2uf ' ^L obtusa. ^'^ 3. Thorax wider than the elytra, discal imjjressions as in preceding groups. consors. , Thorax not wider than the elytra, discal impressions feeble 4 ] 4. Subapical crest of last ventral with thin edge, which is broadly evenly rounded. ! texana. Subapical crest of last ventral thick, more or less irregular 5 Color blue, or blue green, elytra with red marginal spots 6 5. Color piceous, more or less bronzed, elytra with yellow markings. Hind tarsi a little shorter than half the tibin?, hairs of upper surface short, seti- form. Front margin of prosternum straight, thorax without yellow marginal spot. subbalteata. Front margin of prosternum distinctly sinuate, thorax with yellow spot at sides opinabilis. Hind tarsi distinctly longer than half the tibia% hairs of upper surface fine and rather long versuta. 6. Prosternum with a stout tooth each side the middle sinus Stigmata. ^ Prosternum with a short broad lobe at middle which is broadly emarginate with rounded angles bivulnera. Mar. 1899] Fall: On American Species of Acm^.odera. , 20 7. Last ihree ventral segments densely finely punctate and clothed with long fine hairs which curve forward guttifera. Ventral segments normally punctate and pubescent 8 8. Thorax densely cribrately punctate, size larger — .30 inch or more. , . . cribricollis. Thorax more or less closely punctate but never cribrate at the middle ; size never exceeding .30 inch, and usually much less. Elytra maculate. Larger, more pointed behind, clypeus very broadly emarginate. . .conoidea. Smaller, less pointed behind, clypeus more deeply emarginate. Generally larger, more shining, elytral intervals wider, spots dis- tinctly separated, front niipressed tubulus. Smaller, less shining, elytral intervals narrower, spots always con- fluent, front convex neglecta. Elytra vittate quadrivlttata. 6. Vestiture of under surface scale-like insignis. Vestiture of under surface hairy gemina. A. censors ^(^/vz, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VII, p. 20, PI. I, Fig. 30. I have seen only the type in the Leconte collection and can add nothing to the original description. It is said to be distinguished from any in this group by the sculpture of the prothorax being like that of the preceding group. There is accordingly to the description a "short subapical ventral carina," but in the present condition of the type it is not sufficiently clearly visible to determine its character. Length, 7.5 mm., .30 inch. Habitat : Texas. A. pulchella I/crht, Col., IX, p. 211, PL CLIV, Fig. 6, a, b. Our most widely distributed and best known species. Length, 5.5-10 mm., .22-.40 inch. Habitat: Pennsylvania to Florida and westward to eastern California. A specimen submitted by Professor Cockerell is labeled "Red Mesa, N. Mex. , on Opimtia, June. ' ' A. obtusa ^^r;;. Trans. Am. Ent Soc, VII, p. 19, PI. I, Fig. 29. Resembles some varieties of pulchella, but is inore obtuse behind and with the thorax widest near the middle instead of at the base. There is also a well-defined greenish-blue surface lustre in place of the bronze of pulchella. The elytral fasciae are sometimes completely broken up into small spots. Length, 8-10 mm., .32-. 40 inch.- Habitat : Texas. A. alicia, sp. nov. Elongate, subcylindrical, black with faint tinge of blue, thorax with lateral mar- 30 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. gin yellow in basal two-thirds, elytra each with margin beneath the humerus, sculellar spot, and four transverse bands which extend from the side margin to the sutural in- terval, yellow. Head closely punctate, vertical carina distinct. Thorax rather less than twice as wide as long, moderately rounded and narrowed in front, side margin not visible from above, dorsal impressions feeble, the lateral terminating in punctiform basal fove^e ; punctuation a little finer at the middle, but dense and nearly uniform throughout. Elytra as wide at base as the thorax, rather gradually narrowed to apex, striae and punctures moderate, intervals with the usual series of punctures. Hairs of upper surface whitish, inclined backward on the elytra, and forward on the thorax. Presternum truncate in front, .sparsely punctate at middle ; abdomen rather closely not coarsely punctate, the punctures nearly uniform in size and distribution ; last ventral with distinct apical plate, the free edge thin and feebly arcuate. Length, 9.5 mm., .38 inch. Habitat: California (Los Angeles Co.), Arizona. A single specimen from the former locality in the National Museum collection was captured by Mr. Coquillett and has served as the basis of the above description. I have seen three others in the Horn col- lection (there placed with decipiens') from Arizona. The hind tarsi are unusually short, barely equalling one-half the tibiae. A. texana Z^r., Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, Ser. 2, Vol. XI, p. 228. A small species of the same general aspect as tuhilus and neglecta, but the hairs are fine and longer, and the ventral plate is thin and well-developed ; the thorax is also less narrowed in front. Length, 6.5 mm., .26 inch. Habitat: Texas. ' I know of no examples except the single specimens in the Leconte and Horn cabinets. A. subbalteata Lcc, New Species, 1863, p. 82. Known only by the unique type in the Leconte cabinet. I have seen two examples from New Mexico, which either belong here or to a closely allied species, but renewed comparison with the type would be necessary to decide the question. Length, 6 mm., .24 inch. Habitat : Peninsula of California. A. opinabilis, sp. nov. Moderately convex, subopaque, the thorax less dull and slightly bronzed, elytra ornate with yellow, upper surface with short whitish suberect sette which are coarser toward the apex. Head densely punctate, vertex carinate. Thorax scarcely twice as wide as long, sides arcuate and widest a little in front of the base ; surface densely punctate, basal foveas as in ciilta, sides with yellow spot. Elytra a trifle narrower than the thorax, gradually narrowed behind, punctures of stria: coarse, intervals rather narrower than the striae. The maculation may be described as consisting of about four irregular transverse spots which tend to coalesce longitudinally Abdomen Mar. 1899] Fall: On American Species of AcMi^ODERA. 31 coarsely rather closely punctate, last ventral without or with a trace of a thick sub- apical carina. Prosternum sinuate in front and nearly attaining at the sides the an- terior angles of the thorax. Hind tarsi barely as long as half the tibia;. Length, 6-7.5 mm., .24-. 28 inch. Habitat : Lower California (San Jose del Cabo). Mixed with the typical specimens above described are smaller ex- amples having the same general appearance but differing quite con- stantly in being more pointed behind, in lacking the thoracic spot, in the posternum being almost without trace of sinuation in front, and in the better developed carina of the last ventral. It will be noted that these differences are, except the first, precisely those used to dis- tinguish suhbalteata from opinabilis, but whether they are a variety of opiiiabilis or of suhbalteata, or a new species, or whether all three are one, is a question for the future student to answer. The specimens before me were received from Mr. Fuchs and bear the label '^ texana teste Horn ;" there must however be some mistake here, as the speci- mens in the Horn cabinet are not placed with texatia nor does the latter name appear on the list of species from Lower California. A. tubulus i^^/;., Syst. EL, H, p. 200; cii/ta Web. Obs. Ent., I, P- 75- No comment on this species seems necessary. It is closely allied to neglecta, but the tabular characters are, I think, sufiicient to separ- ate it. Length, 5-7.5 mm., .20-. 30 inch. Habitat : Eastern United States extending to Texas. A. neglecta, sp. nov. This name is proposed for a form occurring abundantly in Texas and heretofore considered merely a form of tubulus. The characters given for its separation in the table, viz. — generally smaller size, con- vex nearly unimpressed front, narrower elytral internals, and confluent markings are so constant in the large series at hand that I am con- vinced of its distinctness. I have seen one specimen of tubulus from Texas, differing scarcely at all from the typical eastern form. Length, 4.2—5.6 mm., .17-. 23 inch. Habitat : Texas. A. conoidea, sp. nov. Convex, pointed behind, surface dull, clothed with short coarse setiform hairs ; thorax unicolored, elytra with an irregular median yellow stripe formed by the coalescence of the usual spots. Head coarsely closely punctate, the punctures shal- low ; front feebly convex scarcely impressed at middle, vertical carina obsolete, cly- 32 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vn. peus very broadly emarginate. Thorax widest a little before the base, not wider than the elytra, sides moderately rounded, surface rather densely punctate, impressions nearly obsolete, the three basal fovese as usual in the group. Elytra with moderately coarsely punctate stride, intervals subequal in width to the stria; on the disk, the ninth and tenth wider. Beneath closely quite strongly punctate, abdomen somewhat .shin- ing and with greenish surface lustre ; last ventral without apical crest. Prosternum with the front margin nearly straight from side to side Length, 5.7-7.6 mm., .23-. 30 inch. Habitat: Arizona. A small series in the Horn collection without more definite locality. The markings are much like those in ueglecta, but the larger size, more pointed elytra and much more broadly emarginate clypeus will easily distinguish it from either ncglccta or tiihiilus with which it must be as- sociated. The ungual teeth are acute and nearly as long as the claw in the male, less acute and more basal in the female. In neglecta and more notably in tiilnilus the ungual teeth are blunt or even truncate at tip. A. stigmata Horn, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., IV, p. 370, PL VII, Fig. 2. Superficially not distinguishable from the next, which see for a statement of differences. Length, 5.8-8 mm., .23-. 31 inch. Habitat : Lower California (San Josedel Cabo), Arizona (Tucson). A. bivulnera Horn, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., IV, p. 371. Distinct by its color from everything else in our fauna except stigmata, from which it is separated, aside from prosternal characters, by the denser recumbent white hairs broadly clothing the sides of the metathorax and abdomen, and the abruptly denser punctuation of the abdomen beginning with the second segment. This last character has been noted previously in pubiventris, and again appears in gibbiila. Length, 6.2-7.5 mm., .25-. 30 inch. Habitat: Arizona (Tucson). A. versuta Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VII, p. 21, PI. I, Fig. 33. The distinguishing characters of this species are the strongly rounded sides of the prothorax which is widest at the middle and a little sinuate before the hind angles ; the strongly sinuate sides of the elytra ; the vestiture, which is relatively longer and finer than in any other species of this group, and the sinuate prosternal margin, the mid- dle sinus limited by more or less prominent cusps. The disparity in the punctuation of the ventral segments mentioned by Horn is scarcely at all appreciable in any of the five examples before me. Length, 6-6.5 mm., .24-. 26 inch. Mar. .8,9 1 FaLL : ON AMERICAN SPECIES OF ACM/F.ODEKA. 33 Habitat: California. The type from Mariposa, other examples from Los Angeles county. An odd little species and apparently rare. A. guttifera Lee, Proc. Acad. Sc. Phil., 1859, p. 72. In the strongly sinuate sides of the elytra and shape of the pro- thorax this species closely resembles vcrsuia ; it is however distinctly larger and at once separable from this and every other species by the extraordinary ventral character mentioned in the table. In the Leconte collection are three examples : the type from Fort Tejon, California, the other two from Arizona. The type has the pro- sternum noticeably retracted and with distinct prominences, the elytral strife not impressed on the disk, the intervals uniseriately punctate, the vestiture of the upper surface consisting of moderately long fine erect hairs. In the Arizona examples both upper and under surface are clothed with broad plumose recumbent scales, the form is stouter, the stride impressed throughout, intervals more or less convex, the sutural quite irregularly densely punctate, the second somewhat so and others having a tendency toward irregularity though apparently offering only a single series of punctures ; the posternum less markedly sinuate in front, in one example nearly reaching the front angles, and in the other falling a little short ; prothorax more densely punctate. These differences would seem amply sufficient for specific distinction, but the matter is complicated by the presence of a specimen collected at Big Springs, Texas, by ^Ir. Wickham, in which the vestiture is as nearly as possible intermediate between the two forms mentioned above, con- sisting of semirecumbent squamiform seta^ which become hair-like on the prothorax and broader, more recumbent and plumose at the sides of the elytra ; the form narrower than in the Arizona specimens, the prosternum more strongly sinuate than either and the elytral intervals with single series of punctures which are however somewhat irregular. It is not likely that the above forms represent three distinct species, at all events it would not be wise to attempt their definition without a much larger material than exists at present in collections. Length, 6.8-7 rnm., .27-. 28 inch. Habitat: California (Fort Tejon — Leconte, Los Angeles County — Van Dyke), Arizona, Texas (Big Springs — Wickham). A. cribricollis Horn, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., IV, p. 375, PI. VII, Fig. 4. The cribrate punctate thorax distinguishes this species from all ex- 34 Journal New York Entomological Society, [voi. vil cept ge/m'ua, and cubcccola ; the former is much smaller and has dif- ferent antennae, and the latter is different in every respect. Following Horn's description I have placed cribricollis among those species hav- ing the last ventral unmodified, but a specimen in my collection which almost surely belongs here, has a well-defined thick sub-apical crest. Length, 8-10 mm., .32-. 40 inch. Habitat: Texas. A. quadrivittata Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VII, p. 23, PI. I, Fig. 37- Cannot be mistaken for anything else. The yellow vittre are often so broad as to leave only the suture and a narrow stripe beginning at the humeral umbone dark. The thorax is always distinctly shining with the punctures on the disk well separated. Length, 4- 5-5- 5 mm., . 1 8-. 22 inch. Habitat : Occurs from El Paso, Texas, to the Mojave Desert in California. A. insignis Horn, Proc. Cal. Acad Sci., IV, p. 377. Our tiniest species. The type is the only specimen known. Length, 4 mm., .16 inch. Habitat : Lower California (San Raymundo) ; on cactus. A. gemina Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VII, p. 23, PI. I, Fig. 37 ; nebulosa Horn, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., IV, p. 376. I have been quite unable to discover characters which will permit the retaining of nebulosa as distinct from gemina. The only differ- ences mentioned by Horn are those of size and markings, both of which are of no value whatever, as is amply shown by the dozen or more ex- amples which I have examined. Typical gemina — that form with sharply defined elytral vittae — is exceptional ; from this there is a grad- ual transition to the more common ;/^/w/(?j-a form with elytra intricately maculate. There is a noticeable variation in the density and rugosity of the abdominal punctuation, but in all specimens, with a single ex- ception, the surface of the basal segments is smooth and shining be- tween the punctures, at least at the middle, becoming more rugulose and subopaque toward the apex. In the exception noted — a speci- men taken by me on Mt. Tamalpais near San Francisco — the en- tire abdomen is alutaceo-rugulose and opaque. I prefer to consider this an extreme variation until further specimens appear. Length, 5-6.1 mm., .20-. 25 inch. War. 1899] Fall: On American Species of Acm.^odera. 35 Habitat : Occurs in California from Siskiyou to Los Angeles and San Barnardino Cos. ACI\L«ODER.« LOBAT.B. Two species are here added to gibbula which alone formerly con- stituted this group. They agree in having the prosternum more or less prominently lobed at middle, the sides reaching the front angles. They are not otherwise closely related, ciibcecola indeed being de- cidedly aberrant. They easily separate as follows : Prosternal lobe less prominent, rounded, not emarginate ; last ventral without apical crest cubscola. Prosternal lobe more prominent, angulate at sides with the summit emarginate ; last ventral with apical crest. Elytra not carinate, not produced at apex, yellow spots much larger and less numerous gibbula. Elytra caudate, third and fifth elytral intervals subcarinate in basal half, yellow spots much smaller and more numerous grif f ithi. A. cubaecola Duv., Ins. Cuba, 1857, p. 57. Depressed, opaque, rusty black, elytra variegated with yellow. Thorax wider than the elytra, very coarsely cribrately punctate, hind angles broadly yellow above, more narrowly beneath. Elytra with closely placed striffi of coarse rounded punc- tures, intervals narrow, not well defined. Beneath coarsely punctate, the abdomen less coarsely so toward the tip, the last ventral without crest. Prosternum with short, broad median lobe, truncate with rounded angles. Length, 6-7 mm., .25-28 inch. Habitat : One example from the National Museum labelled Key Largo, Fla. ; another kindly given me by Mr. Henry Wenzel is labeled simply " Fla.," but is doubtless also from one of the Keys. This species even more than ciiprina possesses a facies that stamps it at once as an interloper. In only one other species — robusta — is the margin of the thorax in part yellow beneath as well as above, and in no other are the punctures at the middle of the first abdominal segment coarser than at the sides and apex. A. gibbula Lee, Proc. Acad. Sc. Phil., 1858, p. 69; delumbis Horn, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., IV, p. 378. This species is generally well known and needs little comment. The punctuation of the thorax and abdomen varies somewhat in den- sity, and the thorax is either unspotted or with two marginal spots. The ventral plate is truly apical, giving the appearance of a double margin; it is thin and nearly hyperbolical' in outline. I have care- fully compared the types of delumbis with a long series of gibbula and 36 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Vol vil have no hesitation in announcing the above synonymy. Length, 10-12 mm., .40-. 48 inch. Habitat : Desert regions of Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico (near Rincon, Cockerell), Peninsula of California (Cape region). A. griffithi, sp. nov. Broad, depressed, piceous, thorax slightly purplish bronzed, elytra with faint tinge of blue, maculate over their entire surface, with small yellow spots, and each with a series of about seven similar red spots extending from the umbone to the tip ; the two or three apical spots tending to coalesce. Upper .surface sparsely clothed with short erect blackish hairs, beneath with more abundant whitish hairs which are longer and denser at the sides, especially of the metasternum. Head closely deeply punctate, longitudinally broadly impressed. Thorax unicolored, twice as wide as long, sides regularly arcuately narrowed from Ijase to apex ; impressions broad and deep, surface closely punctate, side margin narrow, not visible behind from above. Elytra as wide at base as thorax, sinuately very feel)ly narrowed to beyond the middle, then strongly narrowed to the tips which are conjointly jnoduced much after the manner of certain Dicercas ; strire impressed, with coarse deep rounded punctures, second, third and fifth intervals more convex, especially toward the base ; fourth, sixth and seventh nearly obliterated by the approximation of the stride ; intervals with single series of distant fine punctures. Beneath densely but not very coarsely punctate throughout ; presternum produced in front in a subrectangular lobe which is feebly emarginate in front ; last ventral with distinct subapical carina. Length, 13 mm., .52 inch. Habitat: Arizona (Tempe Desert). This fine species is dedicated with much pleasure to Dr. H. G. Griffith, of Philadelphia, to whose liberality I am indebted for this and other interesting additions to my cabinet. ACM/EODER^ CiRACI LI FORMES. Two species, alacris and comata, were separated from all others by Dr. Horn on account of their unusually long slender tarsi. In cotnata the hind tarsi are sul)equal in length to the tibiae and in alacris are much longer than half the tibiae. These two species are furthermore peculiar by their very narrow form which is strongly arched above from head to tip and by the third, fifth and seventh elytral intervals being subcostiform. The following are the characters given by Dr. Horn for their separation. Prosternum emarginate at middle and on each side angulate, sXx attaining the anterior angles. Thorax above unicolored. Abdomen more densely punctured at the sides with longer hair comata. Prosternum squarely truncate beneath, alas attaining the angles. Thorax above yel- low at the sides. Abdomen ver}' sparsely punctured alacris. Mar. 1893. J Smith : On New Species of Moths. 37 A. comata Lee, Proc. Acad. Sc. Phil., 1858, p. 70. Length, 9.5 mm., .38 inch. Habitat: : " One specimen from near Fort Yuma, California." A. alacris Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, VII, p. 25, PI. I, Fig. 40. Length, 9 mm., .36 inch. Habitat : "One specimen given to Dr. Leconte by Dr. Sharp, of Scotland, collected by Mr. Hardy in the .same region with the pre- ceding." I am not aware of the existence of any specimens of these species other than the types, and it is a little peculiar, if the above localities are correct, that one or the other should not have turned up again in all the collecting which has since been done in the same region. NOTES ON SCOTOGRAMMA AND ONCOCNEMIS WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. By John B. Smith, Sc.D. Oncocnemis barnesii, sp. nov. Head and collar rich sienna brown. Thorax powdered with whitish and gray, darker posteriorly. Primaries ashen gray at the base, brown beyond the t. p. line. T. a. line black, single, broad, with an even and slight outcurve. T. p. line black, single, broad, the edges not sharply defined, almost upright. In the dusky portion of the wing beyond this line the veins are marked with black scales and there are black streaks in the interspace. There is a black terminal line, followed by a pale line at the base of the fringes. Ordinary spots entirely wanting. Secon- daries whitish at base, shading to almost blackish at the fringes which themselves are white. Beneath whitish, a little powdery. Expanse, 1.50 inches = 37 mm. Habitat : Yellowstone Park, Wyo. , in August ; Dr. Barnes. A single female example of this very strongly marked species is at hand. There is nothing like it in the genus, and the two simple trans- verse black lines on the gray ground will suffice to identify it. It has something the appearance of atrifasciata without the dark median filling. Oncocnemis melantho, sp. nov. Ground color is a mottling of white, gray, black and ocher yellow. Head ocher yellow with some black scales intermingled. Collar yellow with a blackish central band. Thorax mottled, blackish and white, with the tip of the basal tuft yellowish. 38 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoI.vil Primaries with all the markings fragmentary. The extreme base of the wing is whit- ish to the black basal line. T. a. line obscurely geminate, the inner part very feebly marked. The outer portion of the line black, oblique to the submedian vein then with an abrupt outcurve. The basal space is black marked on the costa, then there is a whitish shade to the median vein ; below this is an ocher yellow shade to the sub- median vein which is black marked ; below this point it is gray, shading outwardly to ocherous. T. p. line geminate, the outer portion obscure, except on the costa, inner line narrow, black, denticulate on the veins ; as a whole with a moderate outcurve over the reniforn and an almost equal incurve below. White scales follow the outer points of the line and the veins through the s. t. space are more or less white pow- dered. The median shade is broad, black and irregular, rather the best defined marking of the wing. The median space is yellowish through the center, grayish through the cell and white marked along the costa. The s. t. line is broken, ir- regular and marked principally by preceding or following dark shades. The most prominent black shading is on the costa. Another is about the middle of the s. t. space, but is strongly gray powdered. Another shade is on the internal margin and this is also powdered with gray. As a whole the s. t. space may be said to be ocher yellow, palest on the costa and mottled with gray and black scales. The terminal space is mostly gray, with black shadings in the interspaces. There is a broken black terminal line, the fringes are long, yelloM'ish, cut with smoky on the interspaces. The claviform is indefined, ocher yellow. The orbicular is almost round, just a little elongate, whitish, with a few gray central scales. The reniform is a broad lunule out- lined by blackish scales, yellow, with a smoky center. Secondaries black at base and outwardly, with a pale straw yellow, central band in which the veins are black marked, and there is a black discal lunule. The fringes are white. Beneath creamy white ; both wings with broad black outer margins. Primaries with a black discal spot and the indications of a median band on the costa. The secondaries have the median band fully developed There is a discal spot, and beyond it indications of an extra median band, which is marked only on the veins. Expanse, 1. 36 inches = 34 mm. Habitat: Yosemite Valley, California. A single specimen was received from Dr. H. G. Dyar, and is numbered 9615. It is a difficult creature to describe owing to the peculiar mottlings. The most prominent feature of the forewing is the black median shade and beyond this the blackish shading in the s. t. space which, however, is broken. It is quite probable that in other specimens the mottling may be somewhat differently distributed. The species belongs with fasciata and pudorata in which the seconda- ries are similar ; but in the mottled primaries it is unique. Oncocnemis pohono, sp. nov. Ground color a dark smoky fuscous. Head and thorax without defined mark- ings ; but powdered by a few white scales. Primaries very even in color with the maculation very simply written. Basal line geminate, black. The included space with a very few white scales. T. a. line l)lack, single, preceded by a few white Mar. 1899.] Smith: On New Species of Moths. 39 scales, with three unequal outcurves ; the line as a whole only a little outwardly 'oblique. T. p. line single, black, followed by white scales, marked by little black points on the veins, very abruptly bent below the costa and then very evenly oblique to the hind margin ; broken, however, by a feeble incurve below the center of the wing. The claviform is not visible in the specimen. The orbicular very small, round, marked only by an obscure black circlet. Reniform very narrow, lunulate, defined by white scales which give rather a strong contrast. S. t. line irregularly diffuse below. There is a series of narrow black terminal lunules. Secondaries pale at base, becoming smoky outwardly, with an irregular pale line at the base of the fringes which are white tipped. Beneath powdery, ashen gray, the secondaries more whitish toward the base and with a dusky discal spot. Expanse, 1. 28 inches = 32 mm. Habitat : High Sierras, California. A single male was received from Mr. H. G. Dyar, numbered 1 1 138. The name is given at his suggestion and is the Indian term for the Bridal Veil Falls near which, as I understand it, the speci- men was taken. The species is quite unlike any other referred to this genus, and this may not be its best place, eventually. It has, how- ever, the essential characters of the genus to which I have referred it, and it is so well marked that its recognition should not be difficult. An accident has rendered the type defective ; but all the wings are in good condition. Oncocnemis melalutea, sp. nov. Ground color a powdery clay yellow. The powdering made up of gray with a few black scales. Head blackish in front. Collar with a black line at base and a white line just below the tip, which is gray. Patagise marked with gray scales. Primaries with all the markings present, the basal space and all beyond the t. p. line quite strongly gray powdered, leaving the comparatively clear median space somewhat in relief. Basal line geminate,, the inner line best marked, reaching to the submedian interspace and inclosing a little area which is hardly powdery. T. a. line geminate, blackish, the outer portion of the line best defined ; as a whole oblique, a little irregular, but hardly lunulate. T. p. line geminate, blackish brown, strongly outcurved over the cell and well incurved below. The outer portion of the line is ab- sorbed in the dark color of the s. t. space, leaving on the veins a seiies of white dots that serve to emphasize the otherwise obscure marking. A median shade is traceable on the costa ; but is hardly visible below that point The s t. line is marked by a series of white dots, which are very irregularly set and can hardly be said to have any connection between them. There is a broken blackish terminal line and the fringes are of the yellowish ground color cut with smoky at the interspaces. The claviform is small, of the ground color, outlined by a few smoky scales. Orbicular round or nearly so, paler than the ground color, outlined by smoky scales. The reniform is moderate in size, broad, somewhat kidney-shaped, paler than the ground color, with a dusky lunule, defined by slightly darker scales. Secondaries a glistening, yellowish white at the base, with a blackish outer border, before which is a trace of a blarkish 40 Journal New Vork Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. line. The fringes are white beneath, both wings \ toward the base, with a broad, smoky outer border ; the secondaries in addition with a smoky extra-median line, a trace of which is also seen on the primaries. Expanse, 1. 20 inches = 30 mm. Habitat : Foothills near Denver, Colorada (Bruce). The type is a female which has been in my possession for a long time awaiting the advent of a male. None has been received ; but as the species seems very distinct I have given it a name. It may be as- sociated with lioDwgcua, although it is much less sharply marked than that s])ecies. Oncocnemis corusca, sp. nov. Head, thorax and primaries blackish, more or less mixed with white scales. Head pale powdered, below the vertex more evenly blackish. Thorax without dis- tinct tufting, the scales tipping collar and patagice w^hite. Primaries veiy dark to the t. p. line with the markings veiy obscurely marked ; the vestiture a little glistening. Basal line marked with gray, and the extreme base of the wing is Cjuite strongly powdered with similar scales. The t. a. line is hardly traceable ; but its position is indicated by gray scales. T. p. line white, very obscurely marked to vein 4 ; bu below that point easily traceable through the blackish ground color. S. t. line white, distinct only near the hind angle. The orbicular is small, round, defined by a whitish ring. Reniform moderate in size, kidney-shaped, whitish with a smoky curved line, and from this point begins a whitish powdering that obscures the outer margin of the reniform as well as the upper jiart of the t. p. line. There is a series of obscure dark terminal lunules. The abdomen is yellowish. Secondaries orange yellow, with a well-defined moderate black outer border; the fringes white. Beneath, primaries smoky, with a yellowish tinge, without obvious markings. Secondaries yellow, with a blackish outer border and a blackish shading in the costal region. Expanse, 1. 08 inches ^= 27 mm. Habitat: Los Angeles, California; Yosemite, California. I have two male specimens of this species, one of them received from Mr. H. G. Dyar and numbered 9040, taken by Lembert in the Yosemite Valley, the other taken by myself. The species differs ob- viously from the other yellow winged species of Oncocnemis by the ob- scure marking of the primaries and the somewhat glistening vestiture. In all the other species the markings are quite sharply defined. Scotogramma Smith. The species of this genus are increasing in number and several un- described forms occur in collections. Five of these are in sufficient numbers to warrant description. Plve species were recognized in 1889 and differen*:iated in Vol. XII, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 462. Of these I knew the male of one species only. Three species have been since described, but the sexual characters have not been figured. Mar. 1899.] Smith : On New Species of Moths. 41 Males of eight species are now in hand and will be figured when op- portunity serves. It will be noted that phoca, unifonnis, i/ifiiscafa, hitcola and discolor agree very closely in general type while sufficiently dissimilar to avoid confusion. The harpes are all a little bent and in each case there are two corneous claspers ; the inner longer and more dense in texture, the outer nearer the tip, lying under the other and much lighter in color. The sketch of subrnarina on PI. XXII, Fig. 17, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. , XII, shows an essentially different structure in which both harpe and clasper are concerned. There is a distinct tendency toward some of the species of Mamestra ; but indeed the other type finds almost equally close relatives in that genus. The structures in 5. deusa and S. inegiei-a differ from the others in the widest possible way, while so closely alike that I was strongly inclined to consider the species identical on this character alone. Yet they differ so much in superficial appearance that I have risked a new name, par- ticularly as the localities in which the two species were found are widely separated and thus far no great range of variation has been noted in the species. I have no males of the described perplexa, con- cifina and umbrosa, nor of sedilis and conjugata described in this paper. All these forms are related to each other more nearly than to any of the other species, and it is passing strange that females should be so much the more commonly found. Scotogramma conjugata, sp. nov. Ground color ashen gray powdered with smoky and blackish. Palpi reddish brown ; the head darker brown in front. Collar with a central black line, below which it is smoky to the head, the tip being very pale gray. The patagire are crossed by an oblique black line and the posterior tuft is also black marked. Primaries with all the marking fairly visible. The basal space is grayer than the rest of the wing, and is rather larger than usual, because of the distance of the t. a. line from the base. The basal line is black, .single, very distinct, outcurved between the veins and reach- ing the s. m. vein. T. a. line single, black, a little diffuse, evenly oblique to the s. m. interspace ; then with a slight incurve to the inner margin. T. p. line blackish, single, lunulate, followed by rather feebly marked pale lunules, strongly bent over the cell and then rather deeply incurved below. A smoky shade on the costa marks the beginning of the s. t. line ; but beyond this point it is lost in the uniform gray of the space beyond the t. p. line. There is a vague shading between the veins in the ter- minal space in one of the specimens before me. The orbicular is black-ringed and extends the full distance between the median lines, so that they are completely con- nected. As a whole the median space is a trifle darker than any other portion of the wing. The ordinary spots are grayish, incompletely outlined, of moderate size and 42 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vil best marked l^y the black filling between them. There is a broken smoky line at the base of the fringes. Secondaries smoky fuscous with a vague trace of a median line. Beneath, fringes powdered ; both wings with an outer line which is barely traceable on the fore wings ; the hind wings with a discal spot. Expanse, 1. 40 inches = 35 mm. Habitat: Garfield County, Colo., 6,000 feet. (Bruce.) I have two female specimens under examination and believe that I have seen others. The species is a very distinct one by the markings ; the black -filled spaces between the ordinary spots and the connected median lines being quite characteristic. Unfortunately no male is at hand, and it is not impossible that the species may have to be trans- ferred to Ma)nestra. The vestiture consists of flattened hair and in the poorer specimen of the two there is a distinct indication of ab- dominal tufts. The wing form, however, is of the usual type found in. this genus and more triangular than in most species of Maiiicstra. Scotogramma infuscata, sp. nov. (iround color a very dark smoky yellow, strongly black powdered. Head and thorax a little more evenly smoky in color. Primaries with all the markings black and fairly distinct. Basal line distinct, single, black, twice toothed. T. a. line irregular, black, almost upright in general course, irregularly toothed to below the median vein and then with a strong inward tooth on the submedian vein. T. p. line black, lunulate, single, very nearly parallel with the outer margin. There is a some- what indefined, broad, smoky, median shade, which is bent over the reniform and below that point runs close to and parallel with the t. p. line. S. t. line marked by a smoky preceding shade in which are darker, almost blackish blotches, which em- phasize this .shade as against the very even and uniform terminal space. There is a broken terminal, dusky line and the fringes have also a dusky interline. Orbicular round, small, outlined by blackish scales. The reniform is vague, hardly traceable in fact in most of the specimens ; but sometimes fairly evident as a narrow upright shad" ing. Secondaries smoky fuscous, dusky outwardly, with a vague median line and a faintly marked discal lunule. The fringes are yellow. Beneath, very strongly pow- dered with yellow-, with a well-marked smoky extra-median line, a broad outer margin and a discal lunule. Expanse, 1.25 to 1.45 inches = 23 to 36 mm. Habitat: Colorado, Park County, 10,000 feet, July 9th; 13,000 feet, July 6th; Gibson Mountain, 12,500 feet. One male and three females, all collected by Mr. Bruce. The in- sect has almost exactly the same markings that are found in the species previously described and the vestiture is also fine and hairy ; but the colors are all very much darker and the insect has quite a different habitus. Mr. Bruce's number is 646. Scotogramma discolor, sp. nov. Llround color dull gray over a somewhat luteous base. Head and thorax much paler, the hair being quite distinctly yellowish and the anal tuft of the abdomen is also yellowish. Primaries with the basal space, owing to an admixture of Mar. 1899.] Smith : On New Species of Moths. 43 yellow hair with the vestiture. All tlie markings more or less obvious. Basal line distinct, single, blackish. T. a. line distinct, geminate, very irregular, as a whole nearly upright. The outer part of the line black, the inner gray. The line is some- what irregularly toothed to below the median vein and then makes a deep incurve on the submedian vein. T. p. line lunulate, single, blackish, as a whole almost parallel with the outer margin. There is a fairly well marked median .shade which is bent over the reniform and from that point runs close to and parallel with the t. p. line. Beyond this line the wing is smoother and more even in color ; but is broken by a quadrate dusky patch on the costa, extending to the point usually occupied by the s. t. line. At about the middle there is another almost quadrate dusky shade, extending outwardly to about the same point, and on the inner margin there is a third smoky or dusky shade, outwardly marking what would be the tennination of the s. t. line. A series of dusky lunules' is at the base of the fringes and beyond them it is cut with dusky. The orbicular is round or nearly so, small, yellowish. The reniform is vague, marked by yellowish hair ; but inferiorly darkened by the angle of the median shade. Sec- ondaries smoky, whitish toward the base, especially along the costal margin and with a whitish shade beyond a dusky extra-median line. There is also a dusky discal lunule. Perhaps it would be better to describe these wings as whitish with a broad smoky outer band, a smoky extra-median line which sends in a somewhat dusky shade to the base, and a smoky discal lunule. The fringes are whitish. Beneath whitish powdery, with very distinct discal lunules on all wings, a dusky extra-median shade which is quite sharply limited outwardly and a dusky terminal space, which is particularly marked on the secondaries. On the primaries the fringes are distinctly checkered with smoky yellowish. Expanse, 1. 20 inches =30 mm. Habitat: Park County, Colorado, 13,000 feet (Bruce). A single male specimen from the U. S. National Museum is the type. The vestiture is hairy and the insect has the appearance of an Anarta. Indeed it may be one of the species described in this genus, and yet unknown to me ; but the eyes are round and the species can- not therefore be properly placed in that genus. From the described species of Scotogrannna this insect differs quite strongly by the mot- tled colors. It should find a place nearest to my uniformis. Scotojframma sedilis, sp. nov. Ground color smoky gray, more or less powdery. Head smoky, the palpi a little paler, collar tipped with blackish. The patagire with a black submargin and the basal tuft also marked with blackish. Primaries with all the markings more or less ob- scured by the powderings and incomplete. Basal line geminate, one part of the line black, the other smoky, the intervening space a little whitish powdered. The basal space is very broad, more even than the rest of the wing. T. a. line geminate, the outer portion fairly evident, smoky, strongly bent outwardly ; the inner parts smoky and sometimes not traceable. T. p. line geminate, lunulate, the inner line narrow, blackish, the points on the veins being strongly marked : the outer line rather a shad- ing which may be absent in some specimens, and with a tendency to a white powder- ing between the lunules of the inner line. As a whole the line is nearly parallel with the outer margin. S. t. line whitish or pale preceded by a black shading which be- 44 Journal New York. Entomological Society. [Voi. vil comes diffuse inwardly. It shows a tendency to lireak up into spots, especially to- ward the inner margin. There' is a series of small terminal smoky lunules, and a yel- lowish line is at the base of the fringes. The claviform is small, black marked, and does not extend across the median space though this is very narrow. The ordinary spots are very imperfectly marked ; the orbicular varying in shape, sometimes with a smoky center, sometimes entirely gray : the reniform upright or nearly so, not com- pletely outlined in any specimen before me. As a whole the median shade is the darkest part of the wing and between the ordinary spot the shade is deepest of all, so that we have the appearance of a dusky median shade. Secondaries evenly smoky. Beneath smoky, powdery, with more or less obvious outer line and discal lunule. Expanse, I.25-1.40 inches ^31-35 mm. Habitat: Garfield County, Colo., 6,000 feet (Bruce). Three female specimens are before me, two of them from the U. S. National Museum, and each different from the other. The markings are all obscured by the powdering, but as a whole the species very much resembles conjiigata in color and wing form. It differs, however, by having a very strong s. t. line and by lacking the promi- nent claviform connecting the median lines in the other species. There is also considerable difference in the markings of the head and thorax, so that there does not seem to be any likelihood that the species will prove to be the same, though they are, I think, close allies. Scotogramma megEcra, sp. nov. Clrouiul color a powdery pale yellowish gray ; body parts without markings. Pri- maries with all the ornamentation present ; but very obscure and difficult to make out. The wings are almost uniformly powdered and the lines are scarcely darker than the powderings. The basal line is very vaguely indicated. T. a. line almost upright, geminate on the costa, with three strong outward angulations. T. p. line lunulate, evenly bent over the cell and then almost parallel with the outer margin. There is a vague paler shading that indicates an s. t. line, and a series of minute dusky terminal lunules, followed by dusky streaks across the fringes ; also a vague trace of a median shade. The orbicular is absent in one specimen, marked by a dusky outline in an- other. The reniform is narrow, dusky, upright, hardly defined. Secondaries whitish at the base, becoming smoky outwardly, the fringes again being whitish. The veins are dark marked and there is a small discal lunule. Beneath the wings are whitish, a little powdered, becoming a little darker outwardly. Primaries with a discal lunule. Secondaries with a small dot. Expanse, 1. 40 to 1. 45 inches ^ 35 to 36 mm. Habitat: Glenwood Springs, Colorado in July. Dr. Barnes has sent me two specimens, male and female. The new species resembles siibmarina and deusa, but is larger and paler than either. It is perhaps nearest to the former, but the markings are much less evident and the peculiar yellowish tinge is quite different from anything that I have ever seen in other specimens. The vesti- ture consists of flattened scales. Mar. 1899.] Ashmead: On Synopses of Families of Hvmenoptera. 45 SUPER-FAMILIES IN THE HYMENOPTERA AND GENERIC SYNOPSES OF THE FAMILIES THYN- NIDiE, MYRMOSID^ AND MUTILLID^. By William H. Ashmead, Assistant Curator, Department of Insects, U. S. A'ational Aluseum. The three families, Thynnidffi, Myrmosidce and Mutillidae have never been properly defined, or characterized, and their genera, at present, on account of the diversity between the sexes, and the diffi- culties attending their proper correlation, are in utter confusion, and often wrongly placed. This confusion is also due, to a certain extent, to a lack of sufficient study, and the careless and insufficient charac- terization of some of the species and genera by the original describers, so that until lately it has been impossible to bring them into anything like order. This statement is well exemplified in Blake's description of the genus Photopsis. The genus is not only most carelessly and meagrely described, but the type of the genus is not mentioned ; besides Blake has placed in it species that do not agree at all with his meagre de- scription. I find placed in it, and in another geuus characterized by him, representing females, representatives of no less than six distinct genera, some of which do not belong to the Mutillidae at all, but to an allied family, characterized here under the name Myrmosidc'e. During the past two or three years I have devoted much time to the study of large series of the Mutillida;, and the closely allied families, and have been able to correlate the sexes of most of the genera, either from specimens bred, taken in coitu, or from structural characters. The results of these studies I desire to present here succinctly, with the hope that it will help to clear up much of the existing confusion in these families, and thus make it easier sailing for other students. The Hymenoptera may be conveniently separated into ten very natural superfamilies, and these again into minor families. In order that these may be recognized and to show the position that I believe the Thynnidae, Myrmosida^ and Mutillidae should occupy, I give below a table for distinguishing these superfamilies, and a table of the families of the Vespoidea, the superfamily to which they belong. Attention is also called to the position assigned the Vespidae, Eu- 46 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vil J '] menid?e, Masarid^e, Chrysididre, Bethylidje (part of the Proctotrypidae, which I now consider a distinct family), Trigonalidce, the new family Cosilidse, and to the separation of the families Myzinida; and Tiphii- dte, from the old family Scoliid^. The superfamilies recognized may be thus distinguished : Table of Supcrfainilies. Suborder I. Heterophaga. Abdomen petiolate or subpetiolate, never broadly sessile ; larvag apodous. * Hypopygium entire and closely united with the pygidium, the sting or ovi. positor when present always issuing from the tip of the abdomen. a. Pronotum not extending back to the tegulae. b. Tarsi dilated or thickened ; pubescence of head and thorax feathery or plumose Superfamily I. APOIDEA. bb. Tarsi slender, not dilated or thickened, pubescence of head and thorax simple, not plumose Superfamily II. SPHEQOIDEA. aa. Pronotum extending back to the tegulie, or the latter absent. c. Trochanters always one-jointed. d. Abdomen variable, rarely twice longer than the head and thorax united, most frequently much shorter ; hind tibiae in 9 neither inflated nor strongly constricted at base. Petiole or first segment of abdomen simple, without a scale or node ; winged forms with well developed tegula;. Superfamily III. VESPOIDEA. Petiole or first segment of abdomen composed of one or two scales or nodes ; winged forms without or with imperfectly formed tegulre Superfamily IV. FORMI OIDEA. dd. Abdomen in f greatly elongated, several times longer than the head and thorax united, the segments constricted at sutures and flexible ; hind tibii^ inflated and strongly constricted at base ; abdomen in $ clavate. (pars) ( Family Pelecinida?) Superfamily V. PROCTO 1 RYPO nobsenus Spiuola ( ;= Chestus Spinola). 6. Abdomen subpetiolate, with a strong constriction between the second and third segments ; front wings with one very small submarginal cell and a median and a submedian cell ; abdomen ending in an aculeus Aptero^yna LatreiUe. 7. Abdomen ending in an aculeus which ciu-ves upwards ; front wings with a short marginal cell 8 Abdomen unarmed at apex, without an upward curved aculeus. Front wings with three subrharginal cells. Marginal cell long, and with four submarginal cells, the second and third each receiving a recurrent nervure Myrmosa Latreille. Marginal cell rather short, triangular, the second submarginal cell triangular, receiving the first recurrent nervure near the middle, the third submarginal cell hexagonal ; eyes large, extending to base of mandibles with an emar- gination within Ephutomma Ashm. g. n. 8. Middle tibiae with 2 apical spurs 9 Middle tibiae with i apical spur. Front wings with three submarginal cells, the second and third each receiving a recurrent nervure ; cubitus in hind wings interstitial or nearly, with the transverse median nervure ; mesonotum with furrows. Abdomen with a more or less distinct constriction between the first and sec- ond segments ; scutellum rounded, subconvex ; first recurrent nervure usually joinijig the second submarginal cell before the middle ; mandibles tridentate Brachycistis Fox. 54 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoI. vil Abdomen 7vtthoitt a constriction between the first and second segments ; scutellum quadrate ; first recurrent nervure joining the second submarginal cell beyond the middle Milluta Andre. 9. Front wings with three submarginal cells and two recurrent nervures lO Front wings with two submarginal cells. Only one recurrent, which is received by the second submarginal cell. Typhoctes AsHjh g. n. 9 Two recurrent nervures, both received by the second submarginal cell. Cyphotes Blake (pars. ) 10. Second submarginal cell receiving both recurrent nervures. . . Cyphotes Blake. Family XLI. MUTILLID.E. The genera Scaptodactyla Burmeister and Scaptopoda Lynch- Arri- balzaga, are not included in the following table, since I have not been able to secure specimens, or to consult the descriptions ; the works in which these genera are described not being in the libraries in Wash- ington and Philadelphia. Table of Genera. Males 15 Females. 1. Abdomen petiolate or subpetiolate, or 7vith a distinct constriction or furrow be- tween the first and second segments 8 Abdomen sessile or subsessile, -without a constriction or furrow between the first and second segments, the first segment uniting with the second its entire breadth. 2 2. Thorax obpyriform, or narrowed posteriorly, or strongly contracted medially at sides, as seen from above often hexagonal 5 Thorax quadrangular or cubiform, not narrowed posteriorly, rather abruptly or per- pendicularly truncate behind, the dorsal profile straight, the lateral margins parallel or scarcely perceptibly curved inwardly medially ; head most fre- quently quadrate or subquadrate. Pygidium without a pygidial area .3 Pygidium with a pygidial area, or at least with elevated lateral margins 4 3. Antennal fove^e bounded by a carina superiorly. Head large, quadrate, wider than the thorax ; eyes oval ; mandibles broadened towards apex, tridentate ; first joint of flagellum about twice as long as the second or as long as joints 2-3 united ; lateral margins of thorax parallel. Myrtnilla IVesfnael. Head not so distinctly quadrate, more rounded, not wider than the thorax ; eyes ovate or oval ; mandibles not broadened towards apex, bidentate, the outer tooth the longer, acute ; first joint of flagellum longer than joints 2-3 united ; lateral margins of thorax slightly curved inwardly medially. . . . Ronisia Costa. 4. Antennal fovese not bounded by a carina superiorly 7 Antennal foveae bounded by a carina superiorly. Head quadrate or subquadrate ; eyes moderately large, ovate, oval or elliptical, but never round. Mar. 1899.] AsHMEAD : On SvxVoPiES OF Families of Hvmenoptera. 55 Lateral margins of the metathoracic truncature normal, rarely dentriculated ; anterior tarsi with a long, stiff tarsal comb. Lateral margins of the thorax straight, parallel ; head large, quadrate, usually much wider than the thorax ; mandibles at apex tridentate, the outer tooth the longer, acute Vlutilla Linne. Lateral margins of the thorax usually slightly curved inwardly medially, therefore not exactly parallel ; head subquadrate not or scarcely wider than the thorax; mandibles simple, narrowed towards apex, dentate or at most with a slight tooth within before apex ; maxillary palpi long, 6-jointed, labials 5-jointed ; third joint of antenna; thicker toward apex, as long as joints 4-5 united. (Type M. diibitata Smith) Timulla Ashm. Lateral margins of the metathoracic truncature dentate, or denticulated ; an- terior tarsi with a short tarsal comb ; mandibles simple without a tooth within ; maxillary palpi long, 6-jointed, labials 4-jointed, joints 2-4 com- pressed, the second wider than long ; first joint of tlagellum obconical, not longer than wide at apex. (Africa.) (Type 0. abhottii h^\vs\. ms. ) Odontomutllla Ashm. g. n. 5. Antennal fovea: shallow, not bounded by a carina superiorly 7 Antennal fovece bounded by a distinct carina superiorly. Eyes round, prominent, distant from base of mandibles o Eyes prominent, oval, ovate, or elliptical. Pygidium smooth, without a pygidial area ; thorax very elongate, more than thrice longer than wide, coarsely pitted or rugose, the anterior margin rounded, the lateral hind angles of the mesonotum produced outwardly into a triangular tooth ; second ventral segment with a median tooth ; head subquadrate, hardly as wide as the thorax, rounded behind ; mandibles edentate. (Africa.) (Type M. guineensis Fabr. ) Dolichomutllla Ashm. g. n. Pygidium with a pygidial area ; thorax scarcely twice as long as wide, un- armed, the sides more or less contracted medially, almost violin-shaped ; second ventral segment normal ; head large, quadrate, wider than the thorax, the hind angles acute, cheeks beneath armed with a strong tooth ; mandibles usually bidentate, rarely simple, the outer tooth much the longer. Hseudomethoca Ashm. 6. Head quadrate or subquadrate, the hind angles rounded, not acute ; pygidial area distinct; mandibles not excised beneath, simple, edentate or with a slight tooth within before apex. Thorax elongate, nearly thrice as long as wide, very coarsely irregularly pitted or foveolated, the anterior margin squarely truncate, the angles acute or toothed; lateral hind angles of mesonotum produced ^^'-^jdly into a tri- angular tooth; mandibles edentate; maxillary palpi 6-jointed, the first t.o short ; labials 4-jointed, the third dilated, the last long, fusiform. (Australia ) (Type M. rugicollis Wf.stw. ). BothriomutlUa Ashm. g. n. Thorax hardly twice as long as wide, as seen from above more or less hexagonal, unarmed. 56 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. Head quadrate or subquadrate ; mandibles beneath entire, acuminate, eden- tate or with one or two small teeth within before apex ; body most fre- quently bare or nearly bare, more i-arely with a short dense pubescence, generally confined to the abdomen NomiaephagUS Asliin. g. n. Head transverse ; mandibles beneath with a sinus or emargination on basal one-fourth or third, apex acuminate with a slight tooth within be- fore tip ; body clothed with a dense pubescence. (Type S. authophone AsHM. ) Pyrrhomutilla Ashiii. g. n. 7. Thorax fully as wide as long, hexagonal ; head subglobose, much narrower than the thorax ; mandibles simple, acute at apex, edentate ; maxillary palpi 5-jointed, labials 3-jointed (Australia) Eurymutilla Ashm. g. n. Thorax almost quadrangular, about I J2 times as long. as wide, or a little longer, only slightly narrower posteriorly than anteriorly ; head transverse or subglobose ; eyes somewhat rounded or very short oval ; mandibles with an emargination beneath, pointed at apex, edentate ; first joint of flagellum not or scarcely longer than wide, shorter or very little longer than the third; body almost bare. Photopsis Blake Thorax obpyriform, about twice as long as wide ; head subquadrate or subglobose eyes short oval or rounded. Mandibles excised beneath Tricholabiodes Radoszk. Mandibles not excised beneath Sphaerophthalma Blake (pars) 8. Thorax obpyriform, or at least always narrowed posteriorly, never c}uadrangiilar or cubical, often hexagonal or fiddle-shaped, the lateral margins not parallel, the dorsal profile most frequently arcuate or convexly rounded 9 Thorax quadrangular or cubiform, not narrowed posteriorly, usually abruptly or al- most perpendicularly truncate behind, the dorsal profile straight or nearly, the lateral margins parallel or nearly, rarely with a slight inward curve medially. Head subquadrate ; eyes oval, distant from base of mandibles ; antennal fove?e bounded by a carina superiorly ; mandibles simple, with a slight tooth within before apex ; first joint of flagellum longer than joints 2-3 united ; meta- thorax with a prominent median tooth or spine above Konisia Costa. 9. Antennal fovese deep, distinct, and bounded by a carina superiorly 10 Antennal foveae rather shallow, not bounded by a carina superiorly II 10. Head subc|uadrate, transverse or subglobose. Eyes round, far from base of mandibles ; mandibles not excised beneath, simple, edentate or with a slight tooth within before apex. Sphaerophthalma Blake. Eyes short oval or round ; mandibles sinuate or excised Ijeneath with usually a small tooth within before apex Tricholabiodes Radoszk. (pars) 11. Pygidium not smooth, often longitudinally striated or rugulose, and always tvitli a distinct pygidial area 12 Pygidium smooth, without a pygidial area. Thorax only about twice as long as wide, unarmed ; head subquadrate, not wider than the thorax ; eyes short oval, nearly round, the malar space as long as the eye ; mandibles with a tooth within before apex ; first joint of flagellum ob- conical, longer than the second Stenoitiutilla Andi-e. Mar. 1899.] ASHMEAD : On SYNOPSES OF FAMILIES OF HyMENOPTERA. 57 12. Eyes round or rounded J Eyes ovate, oval, or elliptical ; mandibles not excised beneath. Head very large, quadrate, about twice as wide as the thorax, or very much wider, the hind angles sharp, or acute ; beneath armed with 4 teeth, two small ones at base of gula and two much larger ones, one on each cheek ; mandibles bidentate, the lower tooth much the longer. (Type M. spmosa Roed. ) Hoplomutilla Ashm. g. n. Head quadrate or subquadrate, unarmed beneath, and not or rarely much wider than the thorax. Metathorax truncate behind, the spiracles linear ; mandibles with one or small teeth within before apex ; first joint of flagellum longer than the 5gj.o,.,d Dasylabris Radoszkoivski. Metathorax convexly rounded behind, the spiracles rounded or very short oval ; mandibles simple or at most with a slight tooth within some dis- tance before the apex ; first joint of flagellum usually wider than long, smaller than the second Ephuta Say. (Type E. scrupea Say $ ) = M. parvula Cr. 9 13. Head globose or subglobose. Mandibles entire, not excised beneath, eyes small ; first joint of flagellum not much longer than thick Cystomutilla Andre. Mandibles strongly excised beneath, with a process or projection before the incision ; eyes^di.stant from base of mandibles . . Tricholabiodes Radoszk. Head quadrate, subquadrate or transverse. i\Iandibles not excised beneath 4 Mandibles, or at least the left mandible, excised beneath and usually with a process or projection before the incision. Thorax in profile arcuate ; eyes usually with a slight sinus on outer edge ^gjjj. apex Tricholabiodes Radoszk. 14. Eves extending to or nearly "to the base of the mandible ; metathorax subtnin- 'cate • the spiricals oval or elliptical ; mandibles subfalcate with a small tooth within, much before apex ; first joint of flagellum obconical, as long or longer than the second Photopsis ^/./v. Eyes distant from the base of the mandibles, a wide space between. Body vei7 hairy ; mandibles simple, acuminate, edentate, or at the most with a sli-ht tooth within before apex ; maxillary palpi 6-, labials 4-jointed, the second and third dilated ; first joint of flagellum as long as joints 2-3 united (Type 5. gorgcms BlaKE) DasyitlUtilla Ashm. g. n. Body bare or nearly bare, or at least not densely hairy; mandibles simple, edentate, or with a light tooth within some distance before apex ; maxillary palpi 6-, labials 4-jointed Sph^rophthalma Blake. ,, 10 I s. Winged ' ' ' „. , ^ „,. , . . Myrmilla ]Vesinad. ^^mgless ^ ^^ 16. Flagellum simple, filiform • " " " TTi 11 fl 1 iiot« Psammotherma Ztf/r. Flagellum nabellate 17. Second submarginal cell receiving only one recurrent nervure, the second recurrent when present, received by the third submarginal cell i Second submarginal cell receiving both recurrent nen-ures. (Type M. melicerta Smith) Allomutllia Ashm. g. n. 58 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vn. 1 8. Eyes round, or short oval, not emarginate within 22 Eyes very large, occupying most of the sides of the head, not emarginate within, but sinuate or emarginate on their external margin superiorly 21 Eyes long oval, or ovate, and always more or less deeply emarginate within at their apical third. Front wings with two submarginal cells 20 Front wings with three submarginal cells, or the third at least partially formed, not entirely obliterated. I9 19. Metathoracic angles, normal, neither produced nor dentate ; abdomen sessile or .subsessile, the first segment not separated from the second by a constriction or furrow. Scutellum conically or triangularly elevated ; mesonotum with distinct furrows ; mandibles bidentate ; hypopygium margined at sides, emarginate at apex. (Africa. ) (Type M. medon Smith) Trogaspidia AsJnn. g. n. Scutellum normal, at the most subconvex. Mesonotum with distinct furrows or the furrows always indicated posteriorly; stigma usually well developed, but sometimes pale or open in the middle ; scape normal. Mandibles excised or sinuate beneath before the middle and usually wuth a process or projection before the incision ; dorsal abdom- inal segments 3-6 without a median longitudinal carina. Mandibles at apex tridentate ; first joint of flagellum usually longer than the second Mutilla Linne. Mandibles at apex bidentate ; first joint of flageHuni not longer than the second Timulla Aslun. g. n. Mandibles simple, not excised beneath, at apex bidentate ; dorsal ab- dominal segments 3-6, usually with a median longitudinal carina. Ronisia Costa. Mesonotum luithout distinct furrows ; stigma not well developed ; man- dibles normal, bidentate Scape bicarinate beneath ; first and second joints of flagellum usually transverse or not longer than wide Ephuta Say. 20. Metathorax with the upper hind angles produced into a tooth ; mesonotum luith- out distinct furrows ; scutellum large, flat, the hind angles produced into a tooth which curves inwardly. (Africa.) Type O. a/'/'o//i AsuM. Odontomutllla Ash?n. g. n. Metathorax normal ; mesonotum 'coith distinct furrows ; scutellum iiDrmal, the post scutellum armed on each side with a small nearly vertical tooth or spine; stigma large, the marginal cell long Pseudophotopsis Andre. 21. Post scutellum armed on each side with a small nearly vertical tuoth. PseudophotopsJs Andre. Post .scutellum unamied ; abdomen longly petiolated, the petiole subclavate ; mesonotum ivith distinct furrows. Front wings with three submarginal cells, the third sometimes incomplete or only partially formed ; stigma small and indistinct or hyaline within ; mandibles strongly excised beneath Trichoiabiodes J-iadoszk. Mar. 1899] AsHMEAD: On SYNOPSES OF FAMILIES OF HyMEKOPTERA. 59 Front wings with tliree suhmarginal cells, the third cubital again divided into two nearly equal cells by a longitudinal vein originating from the mid- dle of the second transverse cubital vein ; mandibles excised beneath ; eyes extending to the base of mandibles. (Asia. ) Alioneurion Ashm. g. n. (Type A. kotepetica Radoszk.) 22. Abdomen petiolate or subpetiolate, or always with a constriction or furrow be- tween the apex of the first and base of second segment 26 Abdomen sessile or sub-sessile, without a constriction or furrow between the first and second segments, the apex of the first broadly sessile with the base of the second. Front wings with three submarginal cells or the third is more or less partially formed, not entirely obliterated 25 F"ront wings with only two submarginal cells, the third entirely obliterated. .23 23. Eyes oval ; head quadrate, usually wider than the thorax. Myrmilla IVcnnael. Eyes round ; stigma well developed 24 24. Mesonotum with well defined furrows, or with furrows distinct posteriorly. Mandibles of an equal thickness to apex, where they are tridentate ; beneath with a slight emargination before the middle ; malar space short, but dis- tinct PhotOpsis Blake ( pars. ) Mandibles more pointed toward apex, bi- or tridentate, but with the lower or outer tooth much the longer, acute ; beneath sinuate or emarginate ; malar space entirely wanting, the eyes extending to base of manibles. Tricholabiodes Hadoszk. (pars.) Mesonotum w ithotit distinct furrows. Head transverse, the temples very oblique ; ocelli large ; first joint of flagel- lum cylindrical, longer than wide, but still shorter than the second ; second submarginal cell triangular ; submedian cell much larger than the median. (Type P. nanus AsHM. ) /Vlicroniutilla Ashm. g. n. Head quadrate, the hind angles acute ; ocelli small ; first joint of flagellum quadrate or hardly longer than thick ; second submarginal cell jientagonal ; submedian cell not longer than the median PseudOtnethoca Ashm, 25. Marginal cell rounded off at apex, not broadly truncate. Head subquadrate, the ocelli small ; mandibles toward apex broadened and tridentate, the outer tooth the longest, acute ; mesonotal furrows wanting ; first joint of flagellum scarcely longer than thick, much shorter than the sec- ond (Type S. sanbornii Blake) I\omi£ephagus Ashm. g. n. Head transverse, seen from above obtrapezoidal, the ocelli large ; mandibles beneath with a sinus or an emargination, acuminate and with a tooth within before apex, mesonotal furrows distinct ; first joint of flagellum twice as long as thick and as long as the second. (Type 5. atithophoi-ce h.'iwsi.) Pyrrhomutilla Ashm. n. g. Marginal cell broadly truncate at apex ; mesonotum with distinct furrows ; man- dibles at apex bidentate, not excised beneath; second ventral segment more or less conically produced or elevated at basal middle. Eurymutilla Ashm. 60 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi.vii. 26. Second ventral segment 7i'ith a small longitudinal impression on each side towards the middle, tilled with a pubescence resembling dull black felt. Stenotnutillla Andre. Second ventral segment luithotit such impressions. Front wing with two submarginal cells, the third entirely obliterated 30 Front wings with three submarginal cells, or the third partially formed, not entirely obliterated 27 27. Stigma more or less well developed, truncate or rounded at apex 28 Stigma not well developed, minute. Marginal cell rounded, not truncate at apex, the third submarginal cell along the radius very .short, shorter than the second ; me.sonotum with distinct furrows on the posterior half or two-thirds, obliterated anteriorly. Mandibles at apex tridentate ; first joint of flagellum about half the length of the second Dasylabrls Radoszk. 28. Stigma well develojjcd, oblong oval, rounded at apex ; the luargiiial cell usually short 29 Stigma not so large or well developed, obliquely truncate at apex or sublanceo- late, often clear or open in the middle. Marginal cell broadly truncate at apex. Mesonotum without distinct furrows at the most with an indistinct furrow on the shoulders ; third submarginal cell ahjng the radius fully twice as long as the second, or even longer ; pygidial area distinct. Mandibles at apex broad, tridentate, with a slight sinus or emargi- nation beneath nearly the middle. Sphserophthalma Blake (Type S. sccwa Blake) Mandibles toward a]iex more or less bluntly pointed with usually one tootli within tjefore apex ; body densely clothed with long hair. Dasymutilla Ashm. g. n. (Type S. gorgons Blake) 29. Marginal cell rounded, not truncate at apex. Mesonotum ivith four more or less distinct furrows. Eyes extending to base of mandibles or nearly ; ocelli large. Mandibles not excised beneath, of an equal thickness to apex, where they are truncate and tridentate, the teeth nearly of an equal size. Photopsis Blake (Type P. iinperialis Blake) Mandibles strongly excised or emarginate beneath from near the middle to apex and usually with a process or projection before the incision, bi- or tridentate, the teeth very unequal. Tricholabiodes Radoszk. 30. Stigma not well developed, indistinct ; mesonotum luithotit furrows ; abdomen distinctly petiolate Dasy labris Radoszk. Stigma well developed ; mesonotum with furrows ; abdomen .subpetiolate. Head large, quadrate, armed beneath with four teeth, two at base of gula and a very large tooth or spine on each cheek beneath ; ocelli small. Hoplomutilla Ashm. g. n. Head normal, unarmed, subquadrate or subglobose. Ocelli not large, mandibles not excised beneath. . Cystomutilla Andre. Ocelli large, ])rominent ; mandibles excised or sinuate beneath, at apex bidentate Photopsis Blake (pars) Mar. 1899-] DyAR : LiFE- HISTORIES OF N. Y. SlUG CATERPILLARS. 61 THE LIFE-HISTORIES OF THE NEW YORK SLUG- CATERPILLARS.— XVIII. PLATE I, FIGS. I-IO. By Harrison G. Dyar, A.M., Ph.D. Natada nasoni Grote. 1876 — Sisyrosea nasoni Gkote, Can. Ent. VIII, 112. > 1882 — Lima codes rude Hv. Edwards, Papilio, II, 12. ' 1887 — Perola daona Druce, Biol. Cent.-Am., Lep. Het. I, 219; pi. 23, f. II. 1892 — Sicyrosea nasoni and rude, KiRBY, Cat. Lep. Het. I, 554. 1892 — Perola daona KlRBY, Cat. Lep, Het. I, 532. 1894 — Sisyrosea nasoni Nkumoegen & Dyar, Joikn. X. Y. Ent. Soc. II, 70. Larva. 1878 — Glover, 111. N. Am. Ent. pi. 11, fig. 9. 1898— Dyar, Psyche, VIII, 173. 1898 — Beutenmuller, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H. X, 395. Special Structural Characters. Dorsal space broad, even, a very little narrowed at either end, widest centrally, though almost perfectly uniform, flat ; lateral space broad, steep, almost perpendicular, straight, not concave nor flared at base, of uniform width, rounded, narrowed to the terminal joints 3 and 13 ; subventral space strongly retracted and so short that the lateral horns almost touch the leaf. Outline a parallelogram, slightly rounded, scarcely elliptical. Ridges slight, indicated by the horns. These are flexible in the subdorsal row, bent outward at will, normal in arrangement for the spined Eucleids, short, thick and rounded. The subdorsal horns extend at an angle of 45° when erected, those of joints 3 to 5 being larger than the rest except that of joint 13 which is longer and more slender. Lateral horns horizontal, those of joints 5 and 1 2 slender and longer than the subdorsals of the same segments, markedly shortened at the last moult. The spines on the horns are of the normal stinging type after stage I, but not very numerous, while the marginal ones are club-shaped and setiferous. Those on the large horns are stained with black pigment, some even banded black and white. In stage I the horns are surmounted by a central swollen- tipped seta and a series in a circle as in Sisyrosea textula on the an- terior and posterior segments, but centrally reduced to three setre of 62 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. equal length, with the others rudimentary at the base, or absent. De- pressed spaces represented by whitish spots, distinct but unmodified at the surface of the skin; (i) paired and alternating with (2) in the dorsal space; (4) and (6) on the posterior half of the segment in the lateral space in an unpigmented area; (5) indistinguishable. The spiracle of joint 5 is above the line of the lateral horns. No caltropes or detachable spines are present. Skin at first wrinkled shagreened, later finely granular. This larva neatly connects Sisyrosea textula with the other spined Eucleids. The horns are of nearly equal length as in S. textula, but the three anterior ones are a little length- ened, while the subdorsal of joint 8 is not, thus foreshadowing the structure of Sibine. The general shape is that of the spined Euclids, not specially flattened as in S. textula, though the lateral horns are longer than the subdorsals at one stage, indicating an affinity with Sisyrosea that is shown also in the wrinkled skin, the depressed spaces situated in posterior pigmentless areas separated by raised bars, the absence of caltropes, etc. The similarity is by far greatest in the early stages and the two larvre continually diverge during ontogeny. Stage I is almost the same as in S. textula. Examples of the latter occur with the central horns partly degenerated as in N. nasoni. This condition is an evident approach to the three-spined horns of the higher member of the groups such as Sibine, Euclea, Parasa, etc. Affinities, Habits, Ere. This larva represents the oldest type of spined Eucleid, possessing true stinging spines, that is found in North America. The moth be- longs to a wide-spread type. Species with exactly the same pattern of coloration occur in both India and Africa and one at least of them is con- generic with our species. I am not certain that it may not prove con- specific. N. nasoni occurs throughout the Southern States to Mexico. Mr. H. Druce has redescribed it from the latter country as Perola daona from Jalapa and Costa Rica. In New York State it finds its northern limit and has only a precarious foothold in the State. The occurrence is in a limited area through the hilly central portion of Long Island, including the towns of Ronkonkoma and Yaphank, where I have collected it. Southward it reappears at Plainfield, N. J., and further south is doubtless more wide-spread, although not often reported by collectors. It is not rare in the District of Columbia. The moths emerge at the end of June and early in July. The emer- Mar. 7890.] DVAR : LiFE HISTORIES OF N. Y. SlUG CATERPILLARS. 63 gence takes place late in the afternoon or early evening, flight occurs early, pairing the same night and the eggs begin to be laid the following night. They are placed singly or in small groups on the under sides of the leaves. The larvae are found usually several on the same plant on low shrubs or the lower limbs of trees of their food plants. The first stage may be found rarely as late as the first of August, and the first mature larvae early in September. There is but a single brood in the year. The larvae rest on the under sides of the leaves, colored green, without conspicious marks. The sting- ing power of the spines is not great, and the subdorsal ones are bent down outwardly at maturity when not in use. There are eight larval stages, occasionally but seven by the omission of the normal stage III. The sexes have different attitudes of rest. The 9 moth sits with the body bent over the back, the wings closed beneath it and parallel to the twig, as is usual. The S sits in the reverse position, the head hanging down, the body enclosed by the wings of which only the tips touch the twig. It holds loosely by the middle legs, which are partly extended, the other pairs being folded up. In this position the white dots at the bases of the forelegs and bases of antennae are quite con- spicuous. The 9 does not exhibit the white dots, though possessing them. Criticism of Previous Descriptions. Glover gives a recognizable figure of the larva, life-size, but with- out identification. I have myself briefly referred to some of the char- acters in comparison with certain Australian forms. Description of the Several Stages in Detail. £gg. Elliptical, flat, very large, translucent whitish, shining ; reticulations distinct, linear, irregularly quadrangular. Size, 2xi.6x . I mm. Stage I. (Plate I, fig. i.) Head whitish, eye black; body el- liptical, dorsal space broadest anteriorly, not narrower centrally ; seg- ments fairly well marked ; skin smooth. A subdorsal and a lateral row of thick, horn-like prominences, eleven in the subdorsal row (joints 3 to 13), nine in the lateral row (joints 3, 4, 6 to 12); the subdorsals of joints 3, 4 and 13 large, well developed, of the structure of Sisyrosea textula, an apical seta and radiating crown around it, all with enlarged tips (Plate I, fig. 3). The central subdorsals, as well 64 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi.vii. as the laterals (except on joints 3 and 4) have essentially the same structure, but are smaller and the setas are partly reduced or degen- erate, three setce of equal length, with very rudimentary ones around the bases of these. The subdorsal row stand nearly erect, the lateral ones are horizontal. Color whitish, a faint, more opaque yellowish tint centrally on joints 6 to 9. Length i.i mm. The larva does not feed. Stage II. As in stage II of Sisy rosea textiila; dorsal space not rounded at joint 3, even, subdorsal horns nearly erect. There are 7 to 10 spines on a horn, the apical one not setiferous. Segmental in- cisures rather well marked. No depressed spaces, the skin pitted- shagreened, finely reticulate, the lines catching the light under a high power. Color greenish white, immaculate. Length, i.i to 1.8 mm. Stage III. As in the next stage, but without color. Horns sub- equal, the subdorsals a little longer than the laterals, the subdorsal of joint 13 rather large and directed backward; lower spines of lateral horns bulbous and setiferous, the rest stinging spines, black tipped. Skin finely reticulate, granular, irregular, without definite form to the sculpturing. All pale green, a square, yellowish patch centrally, seen by transparency. Length, 1.8-2.8 mm. In seven-stage larvae the length reaches 3.9 mm. Stage IV. Elliptical, rather square before and behind ; dorsal space moderate, lateral space a little broader, subventral space re- tracted, small. Horns normal in number (subdorsals on 3 to 13, lat- erals 3, 4, 6 to 12) short, rather thick, all alike, forming a regular ellipse from side view, the subdorsals of joints 3, 4, 5 and 13 and lat- erals of 3 and 4 a trifle stouter than the others. Each horn has about 15 black-tipped spines arising from conical bases. Color green, a faint yellow subdorsal line on joints 3 to 13, the pair parallel, a nar- row broken yellow dorsal line ; addorsal spaces appear as white dots and a larger yellow dot on joint 9 anteriorly. Horns concolorous ex- cept the subdorsals of joints 3 to 5, which are bright red, especially 4 and 5 (Plate I, fig. 4). Skin densely flat or concave-granular, shagreened, the joining of the obscure granules appearing like a fine reticulum. Depressed spaces (i) and (2) represented by pale dots, (4) as slight hollows without difi"erentiation of the surface. At end of stage a yellow bridge joins spaces (i) on joint 9. Length, 2.8 to 3.9 mm. Stage V. Essentially as before. The subdorsal horns of 3, 4, 5 Mar, 1899.] DyaR : LiFE-HlSTORIES OF N. Y. SlUG CATERPILLARS. 65 and 13 are a little larger than the others, those of joints 4 and 5 bright red, that of 3 as well as the laterals of 3 and 4, pale red ; all the rest green. An obscure yellow line along the subdorsal ridge on joints 3 to 1 2 connects the horns in a series of lunate dashes ; a dorsal row of segmental pale dots, largest on joint 11. Segmental incisures well marked in paler lines. Body green from the blood, brighter anteriorly. The addorsal depressed dots and the large lateral ones (4) are whitish. Horns short, rounded, not much tapering, well spined. Skin very finely densely clear granular, the granules much like those in the bot- tom of the depressed spaces of H. flexuosa.^ Length, 3.7 to 6.0 mm. Stage VI. Dorsal space moderately broad, even, flat or a little concave, only turning down at the ends ; sides folded in above the lateral horns, concave, nearly perpendicular above ; subventral space much contracted, the lateral horns touching the leaf. Subdorsal horns small, conical, projecting at an angle of 45° except those of joint 13, which project obliquely backward ; 3 to 5 and 13 are a little the larg- est. Lateral horns distinctly longer than the subdorsals, bearing sev- eral swollen-tipped setiferous spines among the others. Cleiar leaf green, horns of joints 3 and 4 and the subdorsals of 5 and 13 red, 13 the palest ; a narrow yellow subdorsal line ; a geminate dor.sal yellow line composed of a double series of lunate marks, which enclose the addorsal dots in the concavities and touch the paired dorsal dots with theirapices (Plate I, fig. 5). This marking is faint on joints 3 and 13. On the sides, the reniform (4) and round (6) spots are whitish in a single large depressed area, cutting off the front of the segment as a dark green bar. The paired dorsal dot on joint 9 is now scarcely defined from the regular dorsal marking. Skin uniformly granular shagreened, the sides of the low granules radially corrugated to the base. Horns granular ; spines of the red horns blacker than the others. No caltropes. Length, 6 to 9.3 mm. Stage VII. Elongate, dorsum flat, sides not narrowed till the ends, the lateral horns almost touching the leaf. Bright green, the narrow, pale yellow subdorsal lines of joints 4 to 13, joined by a straight line *The skin structure is practically the same in stages II to IV, showing under the microscope shining lines in small, dense, irregularly hexagonal reticulations, not re- vealing a very definite structure (Plate I, fig. 8). It is the same as in S. textula, but the reticulations are more regular, distinctly round, not elongate. In S. textula they are elongate, somewhat sinuate and more confused. After stage IV the larvae diverge, nasoni becoming granular. 66 Journal New York Emtomological Societv. [Voi. vii. between the horns of joint 4 enclosing a double pale waved line of nine loops around the paired dorsal dots, much as in the next stage (Plate I, fig. 6); a tiny single dot between the pairs of (i). Be- tween the horns of joints 3 and 4 are six dots ; a bar before the last pair. On the sides the white dots (4) and (6) are in large reniform pigmentless areas with a whitish bordering line. Horns all red tipped, the former red ones the brightest. Spines black and white, some banded, darkest on the largest horns. Skin very finely subconic, or pointed granular, not shagreened except slightly at the bases of the subdorsal horns above. No caltropes, but the spines of the later a horns are short and dense at base. Length, 9- 3-1 3- 5 mm. StOi^e VIII. Shape as described, the side horns suddenly shortened to less than half their former length. They are now shorter than the subdorsals which become contractile on joints 4 to 1 2 and are bent outward, appressed to the sides. Subdorsal horns of 3 and lateral of 3 and 4 are small and short, the laterals of 6 to 1 2 green, broad and low, not as long as wide, with only a few short spines and some clubbed ones on the lower outer side. Subdorsals of joints 5 to 1 2 red, forming round cushions not as long as wide, bearing a tuft of banded or black-tipped spines at the apex ; on joint 13 longer and tapering, pinkish red. Body green, well pigmented, apparently uni- formly in both bars and spaces down to and surrounding the lateral horns. Depressed spaces (i), (2), (4) and (6) and the pattern of lines more distinct than before, pale whitish, the subdorsal line narrow, concolorous and uniform with the other lines (Plate I, fig. 6). Depressed space (i) forms a long curved slit instead of paired dots as before, and there is a pale dot behind it. Skin nearly contin- uously conic, clear granular, horns, depressed spaces and all, the green pigment situated in the bases of the granules just as the red is in Eiulea itidetermhia, absent in the light markings which are colored only by the blood. Spines with sharp black tip, shaft white, often banded, the degenerated ones clubbed (Plate I, fig. 9); some at the bases of the horns are very small. (Plate I, fig. 2.) Length, 13.5 to 18.3 mm. The color for pupation is only a slight paling. The larva still rests on the leaf for twenty -one hours, the horns dull red, erected. Finally it voids a little clear fluid and enters the ground to spin. Cocoon. With the characters of the group, but thin, less firm in texture than usual and more blackish in color. Food plants. Black oak, hickory, chestnut, beech and ironwood. Mar. iSgg] DyAR : LiFE HiSTORY OF DiPHTHERA FaLLAX. EXPLANATION OF PLATE L Fig. I. Larva, stage I, enlarged. " 2. Horns of last stage, enlarged ; lateral horn above, subdorsal below. " 3. A single horn of stage I, enlarged (joint 3). " 4. Larva, stage IV, dorsal view. " 5. Pattern of dorsal marking, stage V. " 6. Mature larva, three-quarters view, enlarged. " 7. The same, front view. " 8. Skin sculpture, stage IV. " 9. Some of the spines enlarged. " 10. Moth of jVatada nasoni. LIFE-HISTORY OF DIPHTHERA FALLAX H.-S. By Harrison G. Dyar. This larva possesses the characters of the Apatelae, having many- haired warts. The warts degenerate during ontogeny, becoming functionless. The nearest allies seem to be Polygra»imate hebraicum and Harrisimemna trisignata. Egg. — Circular, much flattened, domed, about 48 ribs, diminish- ing by confluence toward vertex, which is irregularly reticularly ribbed ; ribs slightly fluted, the space smooth, finely punctate shagreened ; no cross striae ; micropyle smooth. Waxy white, scarcely shiny, no marks ; diameter, i mm. ; height, 2 mm. Stage I. — Head rounded, eye black, mouth brown, otherwise translucent, colorless; width, .25 mm. Body translucent, slightly whitish ; segments convex ; hairs white, spinulose, single, i to v pres- ent, i slightly blackish except on joint 11 which looks paler; hairs equal, quite distinct, iv above v ; no subprimaries ; feet normal. Stage II. — Head slightly bilobed, colorless; width. 4 mm., warts almost in line transversely, iv nearly imperceptible ; all Avith central hair and distinct crown of long hairs. Hairs pale, except the central one of warts i and ii which are black. Translucent green from the foot with faint traces of a white subdorsal line. Stage III. — Head whitish green; width .75 mm. Body some- what flattened, especially behind ; head retracted at apex. Body clear green with narrow white subdorsal line and a broken dorsal one. Warts moderate, i and ii on joint 12 in a square ; iv behind the upper edge of the spiracle, v just below, iv and v about equal, vi large. Hairs quite numerous, short, pale and black mixed, spinulose. Later all the warts are narrowly pale brown. Body narrowed behind. 68 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi vii. Stage IV. — Head round, whitish green, a diffuse dark brown shade on the angles of the lobes ; width 1.4 mm. Body short and hunched, thick, somewhat flat, anal feet spreading ; clear green, warts i to v purplish brown, the dorsal and subdorsal lines narrow, broken, white. Hairs very short, fine, but numerous from all the warts, purplish brown mixed with pale. Warts i and ii about in line transversely, iv behind the spiracle, v very remote and below it, vi small, pale, somewhat hidden. Skin finely brown spinulose. Later all the warts i to vi be- came brown, a brown ring around spiracles. Wart ii on joints 2, 5, 8, 9 and 1 1 have slightly larger brown spots and these have a slight tendency to form a brown stripe. Stage V. — Head rounded, green, wrinkly, black dotted on the angles of the lobes ; width 2.4 mm. Body flattened, short and thick, smaller behind ; feet normal, of good size. Warts nearly obsolete, not elevated ; the hairs, though still numerous, very short and fine, minute, invisible without a lens, so that the larva looks hairless. Soft velvety green, the skin minutely spinulose ; narrow dorsal and broader subdorsal pale lines, faint, not contrasting. All the wart areas faintly marked in velvety red-brown, the spiracles also and tips of feet. The most distinct spots are on the front edge of cervical shield, spiracle of joint 12 and a dorsal patch between the subdorsal lines on joint 13, which are here closely approximated. Hairs on head, anterior edge of joint 2 and anal plate coarser than elsewhere and rather distinct. Spiracles black. The larva narrows much behind and sits on the leat stem which it fits admirably, the brown dorsal spot blending with the bark. With growth the brown spots fade, except at the ends and spiracles, and the warts appear as uncolored scars ; all velvety green, soft, not opaque, quite smooth, the hairs as inconspicuous as the skin spinules. The only marking is the three narrow white lines. At the end of the stage the larva turns sordid waxy-red and leaves the plant. Cocoon. — Bored in soft wood or a frail web in a crevice. The larva threw out some dust, but formed no balls of chips. Pupa. — Smooth, slightly shining, the cases obscurely wrinkled, and abdominal segments slightly punctured anteriorly ; normal for Noctuidas. Cremaster low, four spines in a transverse row, stout, straight, directed obliquely upward ; a slight ridge on cremaster below each spine. Food plant. Viburnum dentatum. The larvae occurred sparingly, solitary, in moist land at Southhaven, L. I. Joiirn. N V. Km. Soc. Vol. VII. PL I. Life-History of Natada nasoni. JOURNAL Jlf\a JBork ^Inj^omologiral HoriFig* \rol. VII. JUNE, 1899. No. 2. NOTE ON THE SECONDARY ABDOMINAL LEGS IN THE MEGALOPYGIDiE. plate ii, figs. 1-3. By Harrison G. Dyar. I have contended that the additional pairs of abdominal legs present in Megalopygidse on abdominal segments 2 and 7 are secondary struc- tures, leading up to the form shown in the Eucleidae. Recently in watching the progression of a larva of M. operciilaris on a smooth glass surface, I observed that the parts of the feet bearing crotchets were not used, but a small disk on the anterior side of each foot was applied to the glass in the same way as the membranous feet of segments 2 and 7. There is no disk on the last segment. Thus the Megalopygidse have two distinct sets of abdominal feet, the normal ones, with crotchets, on segments 3 to 6 and 10 and the secondary membranous ones, function- ing more as sucking disks, on segments 2 to 7. The larvae are adapted to walk both on rough surfaces with the r hooked feet, or on smooth ones with the membanous disks. The structures which I mention have been detected by Burmeister and accurately described. He says that segments 2 and 7 have " un couss n rond aplati, qui res- semble a la plante d'un pied ;" on segments 3 to 6 ** il y a un second coussin plus grand, qui ressemble, a une veritable patte membraneuse porvue d'une plante sineuse et d'une couronne de petits crochets cor- nes;" on segments 10 a normal foot " completement conformee comme les quatres moyennes des six anneaux anterieurs mais sans la petite plante accessoire de celles-ci." I have italicized the important words. Fig. I shows the ventral aspect of the membranous foot of M. opercii- laris on abdominal segments 2 and 7 ; Fig. 2 the foot of segments 3 to 6 with the disk in front and the bent line of crotchets behind; Fig. 3 shows the normally formed foot of segment 10. I wish to emphasize this interpretation of these peculiar abdominal feet, as I believe that it shows very well the origin of the creeping disk of the Eucleidae. Me- 70 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. ga/opyge differs from the Anthroceridse and Pyromorphidae only in the addition of the menabranous pads to the ordinary feet. We have only to imaging the loss of the crochets and the extension of the pads till they touch each other, to give essentially the Eucleid structure.* NOTE ON TWO HYDRGECIA LARVAE. plate ii, figs. 4-6. By Harrison G. Dyar. Mr. H. Bird has recently presented to the National Museum larvai of Hydnvcia uitela and H. piirpm-ifascia. A remarkable difference is seen between them in the ])osition of one tubercle on the seventh abdom- inal segment. The general rule in the Noctuidseis to have tubercle iv on the seventh segment low down near tubercle v, and this position is seen in H. nitela (Plate II, Fig. 5) In H. purpurijascia, however, this tubercle has been moved upward to the upper corner of the spiracle as on the other segments (Plate II, Fig. 4). The Hydroecia larvae are borers, and it is apparently requisite that such larvae should protect the extremities and surround the spiracles by corneous shields. For this purpose all the tubercles are large and distinct, even the ordinarily ob- scure tubercle iiia is plainly seen before the spiracle (compare the other- wise generalized Hypena hicmuli (Plate II, Fig. 6), which does not show iiia). On most of the segments tubercle iv behind the spiracle, iii above it, iiia before and v below form sufficient protection ; but on the seventh abdominal segment there is a lack of protection behind, ap- parently in a place where it is most needed. It would appear that the two Hydrxcia larvae before me have independently attempted to cor- rect this defect, and owing to some inherent difference of organization, have used different means to this end. H. piirpi/ri/ascia has moved tubercle iv bodily upward into the place of greatest efficiency. H. nitela, on the other hand, has developed an additional small tubercle at the upper corner of the spiracle, which bears no seta. This little shield va- ries in size in different larvae, its character being still not firmly fixed in the species. It would be interesting to examine the other species of Hydroecia in this respect. *It is to be noted that there are no feet on the anal segment in the Eucleidse- The suckers are on the first eight abdominal segments, the first and last not so well developed as the others. These (/. e., on abdominal segments I and 8) are in excess of those present in AI'\s;alopyge , but their less degree of development favors the view of their recent acquisition. June 1899.1 CaSEV : On AMERICAN CoCCtNEl.l.lD/E. 71 A REVISION OF THE AMERICAN COCCINELLIDiE. Bv Thos. L. Casey. The object of the following pages is to give a short outline or sketch of every species occurring within the limits of the United States accessible to me at the present time, and also to invite attention to certain features in the taxonomy of the family which do not seem to have been hitherto brought to notice. In an appendix a list of African species is given, containing quite a number of novelties, and the descriptions of certain new species from other parts of the world are also appended. COCCINELLID^.. The separation of this family into two parts based upon mandibu- lar structure has never seemed entirely satisfactory to me ; first, because of the difficulty of observing the character, causing the classification of Chapuis to be unpractical, and, secondly, because Epilachna and related genera are merely pubescent halyziids, slightly modified by reason of perverted food habits and attendant environments. Many of the Harpalini of the Carabidte are known to be either Avholly or partially phytophagous, but no one has proposed to divide the Carabidte on these lines, and would scarcely do so even if a minute structural divergence in the mandibles existed, and it has never been demon- strated that the mandibular teeth serving as the basis of the Chapuisian classification are not found elsewhere in the family. The Epilachnini, in fact, resemble the Psylloborini in all external structures, including the long antennae, a character of more importance than has apparently been conceded. In view of these facts I have not employed the classi- fication of Chapuis in the following pages. The latter author appeared also to be constantly striving to reduce the generic groups hitherto proposed, but this cannot be done with pro- priety, and many more will be needed, both of genera and tribes, before the taxonomy of the family can be made entirely clear. This is well shown by some small species which we had held to belong to the genus Peutilia, until Weise recently proved that they were in no way re- lated, and separated them under the name Sinilia ; as a matter of fact they do not resemble Pentilia at all, and are much more closely allied 72 JouRiNAL New York Entomological Society. [Voi. mi. to Scvmniis. Again, our representatives of Cryptognatha are likewise widely separated from the Cryptognatlia of Mulsant, and form in reality one of the most isolated types of the family, the special character re- lating to the prosternum, which caused LeConte to associate them, being of subordinate value and liable to appear in any tribe ; it exists, for instance, in Stethorus of the Scymnini, and in Nipiis of the Crano- phorini, though not the distinguishing feature of that remarkable type. In Zagloba of the Scymnillini it also tends to reappear. Again the genus Rhyzobius is tribally distinct from Stymnits in the structure of the eyes, antennae and epipleurae. The character relating to the anterior coxal cavities, announced by LeConte, is apparently of no significance even if wholly true, as it would bring together genera with no special affiliation otherwise, and the character made use of by Mulsant to separate Coccinellini from Cariini is of no value, there being no tribal difference between Cocci- nella and Synonycha, in spite of their general dissimilarity of habitus. The abdomen is composed throughout of five segments, but the genital armature sometimes becomes distinct and assumes the form of a sixth segment. This character is very useful in the classification of the tribes related to Chilocorini, and of the compact Coccinellidaj hav- ing narrow epipleurse, as will appear ; it generally affects both sexes and is particularly developed in the Hyperaspini. The Hyperaspini of Chapuis include several distinct tribes, and those with but five ventral segments should be removed, the retractility of the legs and epipleural depressions not being tribal characters necessarily, but ap- pearing in several tribes with the legs generally free. The tarsi in this family are in reality 4-jointed, the third small and generally forming a rigidly anchylosed basal lobe of the last, but it is sometimes free or partially so. The second is lobed beneath, the lobe truncate at tip and hollowed on its upper surface, not bilobed as stated by Crotch (Rev. Cocc, p. 53). In the following pages I have made use of all generic types, for- eign and native, which have been accessible to me, and regret that my exotic material might not have been more extensive. Where names not belonging to the fauna of the United States are introduced they are preceded by an asterisk. Crotch employs the name affinis Rand., for the species vefiusta and notulata, but in error, as affinis, of Randall, is simply a synonym of Hypcraspis hi not at a Say. June 1899]. Casey : On American Coccinellid.'e. 73 The family may be divided into numerous tribes, as follows: — Middle coxae narrowly separated ; body glabrous, elongate-oval, the epipleurre mod- erately wide, horizontal ; legs long, free, the femora extending beyond the sides of the body ; abdomen with the genital or sixth segment visible in both sexes ; head not deeply inserted, the prothorax strongly sinuate but not covering the eyes ; epistoma, eyes and antennce as in Coccinellini Hii-podamiinI INIiddle coxce widely separated ; legs shorter, the femora generally not extending be- yond the sides of the body ; head deeply inserted, the pronotum covering a con- siderable part of the eyes except in certain rare cases such as Selvadius 2 2 — Eyes finely faceted 3 Eyes coarsely faceted ; antennae long, with the club loose ; body pubescent ; abdo- men with the sixth segment visible in both sexes 18 3 — Epipleurae wide, concave, strongly descending externally ; body loosely articulated, generally rounded in form 4 Epipleurte narrow, generally horizontal, flat or feebly concave ; body compact, generally oval in form 14 4 — Fourth joint of the maxillary palpi securiform 5 Fourth joint narrow, elongate with circular section, finely acuminate at tip 13 5 — Epistoma narrowed from the base, sometimes expanded slightly at apex, the an- tennal fossae more or less exposed 6 Epistoma broadly dilated, concealing the antenna and subdividing the eyes II 6 — Legs free ; antennae more or less elongate ; sixth ventral segment small but visible in both sexes 7 Legs retractile and lodged in moderately deep to shallow depressions ; antenna; short ; abdomen with five segments, the fifth longer, the sixth always invisible. 10 7 — Upper surface of the body glabrous 8 Upper surface pubescent 9 8 — Epistoma more or less sinuate at apex and obliquely dentiform at the sides, the sinus generally more or less closed by a semi-corneous additional piece united to the front without visible suture ; antennas more or less approximate to the eyes, which are narrowly and rather deeply emarginate, the fossae large, with dis- tinctly overreaching superior ridge ; prothorax deeply emarginate ; body mod- erate to large in size Coccinellini Epistoma narrower, truncate, without serai-corneous additional piece and not ob- liquely denticulate at the sides, the antennae more frontal in insertion and more distant from the eyes, which are broadly and more feebly sinuate, the fossae small, more exposed frontally and with very slight superior ridge ; body smaller, with thinner integuments, the head small, the prothorax smaller, very feebly sinuate at apex, with broadly rounded apical angles; antenna; slender, with the last joint elongate Psylloborini 9 — Antennas long, with loosely articulated club, inserted within very small and com- pletely exposed subfrontal foveae remote from the eyes, nearly as in Psylloborini, the eyes not or only very feebly sinuato-truncate ; epistoma truncate, not denticu- late at the sides ; prothorax deeply emarginate at apex ; mandibles bifid at tip and denticulate within ; body rounded or elongate-oval, the legs free. Epilachnini 74 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vh. lo — Epistoma feebly sinuate, with rounded lateral angles and coriaceous margin within the sinus, the sides sinuate above the moderate exposed antennal fovese, the eyes deeply but very narrowly emarginated by the post-antennal canthus ; mandibles simple and finely acumiuate at tip ; body rounded, very convex, the prothorax very deeply emarginate and formed as in Chilocorini . . . .*PentiliinI II — Upper surface glabrous ; body very convex or subcompressed, rounded, the abdo- men with five segments, a small genital segment visible in the males ; antennae very short, more or less bent, the club with four connate joints ; legs free or feebly retractile Chilocorini Upper surface pubescent ; legs retractile within shallow depressions ; antennae very short, bent 12 12 — Abdomen composed of six segments nearly as in Hyperaspini, the fifth short. *Platynaspini Abdomen composed of five segment, the fifth large and rounded, the sixth wholly invisible in both sexes ; body very small, rounded *Telsimiini 13 — Body rounded or oval, very convex, pubescent or partially so ; epistoma large but not dilated, broadly rounding from the base into the apex, which is feebly sinuate medially ; eyes entire, the antenna; short and slender, straight, inserted in small exposed fovea; very close to the eyes ; prosternum widely separating the coxae, bicarinate, flat ; abdomen composed of but five segments, the fifth large, rounded ; basal node of the last tarsal joint free ; legs retractile, the impressions feebly concave ; prothorax deeply emarginate *Pharini 14 — Abdomen composed of only five segments, the genital segment wholly obsolete in both sexes, the fifth segment large, ogival or rounded 15 Abdomen with the sixth segment well developed and distinct in both sexes, the fifth shorter 16 15 — Legs strongly retractile within deep concavities of the under surface ; prosternum widely separating the coxce, strongy deflexed at tip, forming a protection to the mouth in repose; eyes entire; antennae with exposed insertion; body oval) moderately convex, glabrous or only partially pubescent (Eneini Legs free ; prosternum flat, remotely separating the coxa;, the apex not deflexed or with feeble tendency thereto ; antennal foveee shallow, the eyes narrowly and deeply emarginate ; body rounded or oval, moderately convex, pubescent or par- tially so SCYMNILI.INI 16 — Body glabrous ; epipleura? generally slightly descending externally but relatively narrow ; legs moderately retractile or free ; eyes emarginate or entire. Hyperaspini Body pubescent ; epipleura; generally flat and horizontal ; legs always free 17 17 — Pronotum covering the head, rounded or feebly truncate in front; body oval or elongate-oval, moderately convex, subglabrous in Nipus Cranophorini Pronotum deeply sinuate at apex and never produced ; body oval or oblong-oval. SCYMNINI 18 — Prothorax narrowed anteriorly from the base ; epipleurae moderately wide and more or less concave, descending externally Rhyzobiini Prothorax narrowed at base ; body elongate ; epipleurix very narrow, flat and horizon- tal COCCIDULINI June 1899.] Casey: On American CocciNELLiDye. 75 The Rhyzobiini are not marked with an asterisk as they have been to some extent acclimated in California ; they are not however, as far as known, endemic. HiPPODAMIINI. The characters heretofore used to distinguish this tribe from the Coccinellini are of little or no value, as the sternal and ventral post- coxal plates or arcs are frequently both as distinct in the former as in the latter, but the ventral plates are always short, as in those Coccinel- lini allied to Adalia. The Hippodamiini are not relatively very numerous and are almost essentially American. They may be distinguished at once from the Coccinellini by the elongate-oval form of the body, narrowly separated intermediate coxa^ and the other characters given in the table. The frequently obsolete or ill-defined post-coxal lines are the obvious re- sult of long disuse, as the legs are unusually developed for the present family and perfectly non-retractile. The genera before me may be distinguished as follows : — Tarsal claws simple, being evenly arcuate, slender and very acutely pointed, with a more or less slight bulbifomi enlargement at base 2 Tarsal claws acutely pointed, with a large quadrate basal tooth within, separated from the slender apical part by a deep acute fissure — a very usual structure in Coc- cinellidae 5 Tarsal claws slender, bifid within behind the apex, the two lobes unequal in length and both acutely pointed 7 2 — Sternal and ventral coxal plates both dis inct ; basal angles of the prothorax obtuse but distinct and not rounded 3 Sternal plates distinct, the abdominal obsolete 4 Sternal and ventral plates both completely obsolete 5 3 — Body'oval, the elytra maculate and stronglv punctate ; side margins all strongly and quite broadly reflexed Anisosticta Body elongate and subparallel, the elytra vittate and finely punctate ; side margins very narrowly reflexed Macroiisemla 4 — Basal angles of the prothorax broadly rounded Nsemia 5 — Basal angles broadly rounded as in Ncrmia ... Paraosemia 6 — Body nearly as in Nctini'i, the elytra andpronotum almost similarly ornamented ; sternal and ventral plates both completely obsolete Megilla 7 — Base of the prothorax rounded in the middle ; sternal and ventral plates variously developed or wanting hippodamia Another genus of our fauna, — Ceratoviegilla of Crotch, — is un- known to me but is said to differ from Megilla in having the third joint of the antennae dilated and triangular. Eriopis, which is said to 76 Journal New York Entomological Society, [voi. vii. occur here, differs from Hippodamia only in having the base of the prothorax sinuate at the middle. Afiisos/icfa is represented within our confines by bitriangularis Say (^^multiguttata Rand.), related to the European ig-pi/tictata, and still more closely to strigata, but distinct from either. Maa'oncemia (gen. nov.) has for its unique representa- tive the Coccinella episcopalis of Kirby, assigned to NcBtnia by Mulsant. JVcEfuia has for its type, and only species within the United States, the Coccinella seriafa of Melsheimer (^■=Iitigiosa Muls. ). Parangemia, gen. nov. The type of this genus is the Hippodamia viitigera, of Mannerheim, assigned to N^icniia by Mulsant. The specimens in my cabinet may be grouped in the two following closely allied species or perhaps sub- species : — Form short and broadly suboval, the prothorax twice as wide as long and broadly rounded at base ; elytra rather shining and distinctly punctate. Length 4.8— 5.2 mm.; width 2.9-3.0 mm. California vlttigera Mann. Form more elongate but broad and subparallel, larger, though similarly ornamented with black, the prothorax much less than twice as wide as long and more strongly rounded at base ; elytra strongly alutaceous and more finely and very much more sparsely punctate. Length 5.2-6,4 mm.; width 2.9-3.4 mm. Colorado and Arizona similis, .sp. nov. Megilla Muls. The type assumed by Mulsant is the M. mac 11 lata, of De Geer (Spec, p. 24), but this name was applied by its author to one of the large South American forms, which are in all probability specifically distinct from our farailar and very constant modification, and it is therefore proper to apply the name fuscilabris to the latter. The ma- terial before me indicates three species or subspecies as follows : — Head finely and feebly punctured ; surface lustre alutaceous ; pronotum narrowly re- flexed at the sides 2 Head strongly and closely punctured ; lustre much more shining, the pronotum more broadly reflexed at the sides 3 2 — Prothorax less than twice as wide as long. Length 4.7-6.2 mm.; width 2.7- 3.4 mm. Delaware, North Carolina, Iowa, Arizona and California (Yuma). luscilabris Muh. Prothorax twice as wide as long ; body larger and much more broadly oval. Length 5.2-7.2 mm.; width 3.0-4.0 mm. Texas (Brownsville) .. .htrenua, sp. nov. 3 — Body in form and size nearly as in fuscilabris, the ground color of the type yel- lowish, the discal tran.sverse spot of the elytra posteriorly angulate ; punctures of the elytra fine and rather close. Length 5 7 mm.; width 2.9 mm. Hon- duras meoialis, sp. nov. JuneiSgg-] CaSEY : O.V AMERICAN COCCINELLID^. 77 These forms are all virtually similar in ornamentation to the com- mon yz/jv/Az/r/^. Hippodamia Chev. The species of this genus are rather numerous, and constitute by far the larger part of the tribe ; they are frequently closely allied among themselves and are common to the arctic and subarctic faunas of both hemispheres, although poorly represented in the paltearctic provinces. The sternal and ventral plates lose all value in a generic sense, and the Adonia of Mulsant, must consequently be suppressed, as suggested by Crotch. Sometimes, as in parenthesis and apiealis, both the' sternal and ventral plates are distinct and as perfect as in Anisosticta. In obliqiia and eonvergens, also, they are similar, though more feebly out- lined. In leeontei, qin?iqi/esi'gnata, with related species, and in the siniiata group, the sternal plates become obsolete or very indistinct, but the ventral are still complete or very nearly. In glaeialis the sternal plates are completely obliterated and the ventral are only represented by an oblique and isolated external line, and finally in tredeeempunc- tata, the type of the genus, both plates become obsolete. Hippodamia (^Adonia') variegata of Goeze, {constellata Laich.), is a European species which is said to occur within the United States ; this is probably an error, however, and it is omitted from the following table of the American species known to me by actual examples. The sternal and ventral plates are exactly as va. parenthesis and apiealis, but in habitus and ornamentation it agrees with the majority of species much better than they : — Pronotum with a broad pale lateral border enclosing an isolated black dot or dot- like spur from the central black area, the latter without trace of the usual white discal diverging lines ; elytra each very constantly with six rounded black dots, and also a small common scutellar spot ; femora black, the tibice and ^tarsi pale throughout ; claws rather thicker and more feebly arcuate than usual. Length 4.3-5.3 mm.; width 2.4-3.3 "^i"- Europe, Siberia and the United States. {tibialis Say] 1 3-punctata Linn. Pronotum with a narrower white lateral margin which is intruded upon by a more or less pronounced angulation of the central black area, occasionally completely dividing the white area, in which case the white near the basal angles also fre- quently disappears ; legs black throughout, the anterior sometimes in part pale, especially in those species with distinctly formed sternal and ventral plates 2 2 — Pronotum without trace of a median white spot at the basal margin ; sternal and abdominal plates very variable in development ■ 3 Pronotum with a white or whitish median spot at the basal margin ; sternal and abdominal plates both distinct, the latter complete but short, extending to about the middle of the segment 21 78 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoLvii. 3_Elytra completely black, with two small and obsolescent transverse whitish spots at the basal margin and one on each elytron, larger and triangular, at the lateral margin and apical fourth. Length 6. 0 mm. ; width 4. o mm. California to Van- -, 1 J moestaZ^f. couver Island Elytra red, with a transverse basal fascia of black, either complete and constant, or formed occasionally and in certain individuals by the coalescence of the small scutellar and two post-scutellar spots with the two humeral 4 Elvtra never with a transverse basal fascia, the two post-scutellar points when pres- ' ent never coalescent with the scutellar spot, the latter always very small or obso- lete ■ elytra frequently immaculate, generally very .finely and inconspicuously ' , II punctured Elvtra never with a tranverse basal band or post-scutellar spots, the scutellar spot ' larger and more or less elongate-oval or rhomboidal, sometimes involving almost the entire suture ; discal and humeral spots tending to unite to form a black vitta; marginal white area of the pronotum narrow and subequal m width throughout, the diverging discal lines distinct, the outer post-median spot when disconnected always small, the inner large '7 4-Subapical black spot of the elytra constantly large and chstinct ; body generally more broadly oval ' * Subapical black spot constantly wanting or extremely rudimentary ; body generally more narrowly oval ; lateral angulation of the pronotal black area pronounced, ' the white margin very broad anteriorly, frequently intenupted in the middle, the basal part sometimes obsolete as in typical externa 8 5-Lateral angulation of the black pronotal area strong, frequently dividing the white marginal area, the apical and basal parts of the latter wider, the basal becoming obsolete in typical examples oi 5-signata ; body larger and more broadly oval^ the pronotal punctures very fine and not close-set Lateral angulation of the central black area very obtuse, the marginal white area nar- row throughout but entire ' 6— Basal band of the elytra broad, very constant and almost equally wide throughout, obtusely truncate at its lateral limits on the callus and angularly involving the scutellum; post-median black spot large, somewhat obliquely transverse, straight, even, extending nearer to the side margin than the suture. Length 6.2 mm. ; width 4.0 mm. Colorado, Lake Superior and Hudson Bay [ nmhanti , ' 5-signata Kirhy Basal band of the elytra rarely entire and then very irregular, the scutellar and post- scutellar points generally coalescent, forming a trilobed star, which is generally isolated from the humeral spots ; post-median black spot transversely arcuate or sinuate, evidently formed by the amalgamation of two transverse spots, the sub- sutural slightly the more basal. Length 4-9-6.0 mm. ; width 3.2-4.0 mm. New Mexico, Colorado. Utah and Oregon lecontei Muh. 7-Pronotum more strongly and quite densely punctate ; basal band of the elytra strongly developed and entire, the humeral dilatation well marked ; post- median spot composite, consisting of a large, outwardly and anteriorly oblique spot, united behind its anterior limit, with a smaller external, inwardly and ante- riorly oblique spot ; subapical spot transversely oval, with an internal postenor angulation; body smaller. Length 4 7 mm.; width 2.9 mm. Canadian Rocky Mts puncticolUs, sp. nov. June. 8,9) Casey: On American Coccinellid/E. 79 8 — Pronotum closely punctulate ; basal band of the elytra ecjually broad throuCThout, with a scutellar angulation as in j-signata ; post-median spot broad, slightly oblique and oval, the subapical wholly obsolete; surface of the elytra strongly alutaceous and rugulose ; body small and more depressed. Length 4.5 mm.; width 2.7 mm. Colorado dispar, sp. nov. Pronotum minutely and sparsely punctulate, more convex and polished ; basal band of the elytra crescentiform, acuminate at the callus, with an anterior scutellar an- gulation ; elytra polished g 9 — -Elytra undulato-rugulose externally and toward apex, without trace of black spots behind the basal band. Length 5. 1 mm.; width 3. i mm. California (Ala- meda) extensa Muis. Elytra smooth throughout lo 10 — Elytra closely punctate ; post-median feebly oblique line narrow and composed of two slightly confluent transverse spots ; subapical spot of j-signa^a and allies visible as a minute and feeble point. Length 4.75 mm.; width 3. 1 ram. Cali- fornia? subslmilis, sp. nov. Elytra sparsely punctate, the post-median spot almost transverse, narrow and subentire, the subsutural part not more basal — as it evidently is in su/jsi/jiilis — the sub- apical spot completely obsolete ; surface very highly polished throughout. Length 5.8 mm. ; width 3.6 mm. Wyoming — Mr. Wickham. . . vernix, sp. nov. II — Pale lateral margin of the pronotum wider anteriorly and posteriorly, the angu- lar extension of the black area strongly marked 12 Pale margin narrower and much less unequal in width from apex to base, the angu- lar extension of the black area more obtuse ; diverging discal pale spots distinct ; elytra each with six black spots nearly as in i^-punctata, the three posterior gen- erally more developed and constant, the lustre faintly alutaceous 16 12 — Subapical spot of the elytra large, constant and conspicuous, the two post-median spots large and obliquely coalescent ; anterior spots always wanting, the scutel- lum alone black; body large and rather broadly oval. Length 5.9-7.0 mm.; width 3.75-4.7 mm. New Jersey and Indiana glacial is Fabr. Subapical spot of the elytra invariably wanting 13 13 — Elytra very feebly alutaceous, being distinctly microreticulate under sufficient amplifying power 14 Elytra veiy highly polished and rather more distinctly, though not more closely, punc- tate, the punctures rather more impressed, the interspaces devoid of distinct mi- croreticulation 15 14 — Form broadly oval, the elytra wholly devoid of black spots, excepting a small scutellar sutural dash ; pronotum frequently devoid of diverging discal pale spots. Length 5.2-6.6 mm.; width 3.6-4.5 mm. Coast regions of California from San Diego to Sonoma \_piiuctiilata Lee] ambigua Lee. Form narrowly oval, the elytra generally with a small subsutural transverse spot be- hind the middle which is sometimes joined to another external and more poste- ior, frequently wholly immaculate or with only a small scutellar dash and, rarely, exhibiting very minute post-scutellar points ; scutellum always black ; discal di- verging lines of the pronotum always very fully developed, sometimes coalescing anteriorly with the lateral pale area. Length 4.2-5.0 mm. ; width 2.5-3.5 mm. California (Sonoma Co. ) obiiqua, sp. nov. 80 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vn. 15 — Form rather short and broadly oval, the prothorax relatively small, with largely developed pale diverging discal spots ; elytra wholly immaculate, the scu'iellum alone dark. Length 4.7 mm.; width 2.8 mm. California (Monterey Co.)- politissima, sp. nov. 16 — Three posterior spots of each elytron invariably isolated among themselves. Length 4.6-6.4 mm.; width 2.7-4.4 mm. New Jersey to California (Sonoma Co.), Texas (Brownsville) \_obsolefa Cr. ] convergens Gi^er. Three posterior spots much larger and coalescent ; humeral spot distinct, the two at basal fourth equal and extremely minute, the two post-median very large and slightly coalescent, the subapical also large and joined to the inner — not the outer as usual — of the post-median spots by a short straight vitta parallel to the suture. Length 5.2 mm.; width 3.2 mm. California (Sonoma Co. )..juncta, sp. nov. 17 — Scutellar spot shorter and broad, abruptly terminating at or before basal third. .18 Scutellar spot narrower and elongate 19 18 — Elytra opaque, finely rugose and minutely punctate, each with a black vitta from the callus abruptly ending in a bifurcation at three-fifths from the base, the inner branch not truncate opposite the suture, also with a detached transversely triangu- lar subapical spot; pronotum polished, minutely punctate. Length 5. 1 mm.; width 3.0 mm. California (Lake Co. ) crotchi, sp. nov. Elytra more convex, nearly smooth, shining though feebly alutaceous and more dis- tinctly, though not strongly, punctate ; elytra each with a very irregular continu- ous vitta from the callus to apical sixth or seventh, the vitta strongly constricted just behind the callus, then much dilated inwardly just behind the middle, this part presenting a very broad rectilinearly truncate face opposite and close to the suture, also slightly dilated externally at three-fifths from the base, thence curving in almost regular arc, becoming transverse, and ending at a short distance from the suture at a considerable distance from the apex, this apical part probably being isolated in less fully developed specimens. Length 4.9 mm.; width 3.0 mm. Vancouver Island complex, sp. nov. 19 — The scutellar spot extendmg to about basal third ; elytra more elongate and more acutely rounded behind, the spots four in number, one at the callus, one larger and anteriorly angulate slightly post-median, another, very small and more ex- ternal, at three-fifths, and the fourth transverse, rather small, submedian, and at apical fifth or sixth, the first and second of these doubtless frequently connected. Length 5.6 mm.; width 3.2 mm. Colorado spuria Lee. The scutellar spot verj- elongate, extending to apical fourth or fifth, with a slight rhomboidal enlargement near the base 20 20 — Elytral .spots generally not greatly tending to confluence ; inner post-median some- times uniting with the spot on the callus to fonu the usual broad vitta, the sub- apical always isolated and distant from the apical angles ; lustre of the elytra generally dull, but with the surface almost smooth, the punctures fine, but distinct and rather close-set. Length 5.0 mm.; width 3.1 mm. New Mexico (Fort Wingate) americana Cr. Elytral spots all confluent, forming a broad and nearly even straight vitta from the callus to within a very short distance of the apical angles, slightly angulate ex- ternally behind the middle, and thence moderately oblique nearly to the sutural angle, the entire design nearly as in Paraiticniia vittigera ; lustre of the elytra June 1899.] CaSEV : On AMERICAN COCCINELLID^. 81 alutaceous, the punctuation sparse and almost obsolete. Length 4.5 mm.; width 2.7 mm. California (Sonoma Co.. ) trivittata, sp. nov. 21 — Subapical arcuate spot of the elytra not attaining the suture or apical angles. Length 3.8-5.0 mm.; width 2.3-3.2 mm. New Jersey to Puget Sound \_tride»s Kirby ; hinatoniacnlata Mois. ] parenthesis Say Subapical arcuate spot flexed posteriorly and inwardly, attaining the suture and apical angles; body smaller and more distinctly punctate. Length 3.7-4.75 mm.; width 2.25-2.6 mm. Nevada and California (valley of the Truckee River). itpicaiis, sp. nov. Of the described species not included above, i^-maculata, of Mul- sant, has a scutellar dash and generally six spots on each elytron, the anterior juxtasutural dilated and apparently formed of two ; it is said by Crotch to occur in Missouri and may be inserted after convergeiis ; Icporina Muls. , has a subbasal band from one callus to the other and the elytra each two black spots, the anterior transverse and almost tri- angular, the posterior smaller, obtriangular and joined to the anterior; it is described from California and may be placed after vernix. Sinuata, of Mulsant, has the elytral suture black for three-fourths and the elytra each a vitta from the callus for five-sixths the length, almost semi- circularly curved in its posterior half and dilated opposite the suture near the anterior limit of the arcuate portion ; its dimensions are said to be 5.9 X 33 mm., which is larger than any of the allied species known to me ; it belongs near trivittata in the table ; interrogans is placed as a synonym of sinitata by Crotch. Finally, oregonensis, of Crotch, is similar to spuria, but lacks the discal white spots of the pro- notum and fakigera is allied to trivittata^ but is also devoid of the discal diverging lines. The sexual characters are well marked, the anterior and middle tarsi being distinctly dilated and the abdomen emarginate at apex in the males. Extensa, siihsimilis and vernix, together with leporina Muls., may all be subspecies of the last, but I have no means of stat- ing this with certitude. Ma'sta is said to be a variety of lecontei by Crotch, but in my opinion there is no reason for this assumption, as there is no individual known to me which can be considered a connec- tive bond, my series of both being quite homogeneous; the elytra in mih'sta are more elongate and more pointed behind than in lecontei. The last two species of the table are almost generically distinct from the others. Eriopis connexa Germ., of our lists, is a South American species which is said by Crotch to occur also in California and Vancouver 82 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoLvil Island, but is not recorded from Mexico or any other intervening region. It should be removed from the lists, as there is almost cer- tainly some error of indentification or locality. Coccinellinl This is by far the most extensive tribe of the family, containing also the largest species and is the most difficult to treat taxonomically, because of the slight amount of structural variety and the evidently great number of groups, which must be accorded generic rank because of habitus or summation of minor characteristics. Type of ornamen- tation has not been regarded as a generic character hitherto, but is in reality one of the most important, especially that of the pronotum. All of our numerous species of Cocciuclla, for instance, have precisely the same type of pronotal ornamentation and this is true also of Adalia, Cycloneda, Aiiatis, and all others which comprise enough specific torms to admit of generalization. Where two forms exist, therefore, which seem to belong to different generic types but which do not differ structurally to any decisive extent, I have regarded the general scheme of pronotal ornamentation, and, to a less degree, that of the elytra, as the deciding criterion. In the following table all the genera accessible to me are included, the exotic ones having an asterisk affixed : — Metacoxal lines arcuate or feebly angulate, continuous, not quite entire, the plates distinctly shorter than the first ventral segment; body oval (Subtribe Adalia ).. 2 Metacoxal lines curving outward to the sides of the body along the first suture, the in- cluded area frequently divided by an oblique line, which may or may not join the curve posteriorly ; body rounded, rarely oval or suboblong 5 2 — Tarsal claws simple, long and well developed ; body broadly oval, distinctly punc- tured, pale, maculate with black spots, the scutellum moderate in size ; antennre moderately short, with a rather broadly obtriangular compressed 3-jointed club ; metacoxal lines arcuate, the plates slightly shorter than the segment ; basal node of the last tarsal joint partially free. Palsearctic ^Buleea Tarsal claws with a large subquadrate basal tooth ; antennre slightly longer, with an obtriangular and more closely connate club, the last joint as wide as long 3 3— Scutellum very small and equilaterally triangular ; body distinctly punctate ; pro- sternal process not distinctly bicarinate. Subarctic of both hemispheres . Adalia Scutellum slightly larger, acutely pointed and longer than wide. Austral Africa. . .4 4 — Body oval, subimpunctate ; prosternal process not evidently bicarinate. ^Lloadalia Body more rounded, finely punctate ; prosternal process very narrow, with two strong parallel carinii? extending almost to the apex */SOra JuneiSgo] CaSEV : On AMERICAN COCCINEL LIDyE. 83 5— Tarsal claws willi a large subquadrate internal tooth at base 6 Tarsal claws cleft within 21 6 — Scutellum very minute ; body small , rounded, pale with black spots, the meta- coxal plates without an oblique dividing line ; prosternal process very narrow, strongly bicarinate to apical third or fourth ; antennas with a narrow, obtri- angular club, the last joint rather longer than wide ; claws slender, the basal tooth but slightly developed transversely. Africa *iVlicraspis Scutellum not extremely minute or punctiform ; basal tooth of the claws large and conspicuous 7 7 — Epistoma truncate or subtruncate at the apex of the coriaceous or semi-corneous margin ( Subtribe C()CCINELL,« ) 8 Epistoma deeply sinuate. (Subtribe Cydonl-t:)... 18 8 — Metacoxal plate divided by an oblique line joining the bounding arc at about its middle point, forming an angulate inner plate 9 Metacoxal plate not or only partially divided, the oblique line either wholly obsolete or feeble, or, when more distinct, not joining the boundary curve posteriorly. .14 9 — Oblique line meeting the bounding curve at a point which is but little beyond the middle of the segment; body oval, rather depressed, with coarse and unequal punctuation, the side margins abruptly but very finely reflexed ; prosternal process concave along the axial line ; mesosternum with a very small, circularly rounded median notch ; antennal club large, obtriangular, compact, ihe last joint nearly as long as wide and obliquely truncate. . , ... Agrabia Oblique line meeting the bounding curve at or very near the hind margin of the seg- ment 10 lo — Mesosternum transversely truncate anteriorly ; body strongly convex, oval, more or less finely and equally punctate, the side margins very finely reflexed ; pro- notum solidly black, with a more or less subquadrate pale spot at the apical angles ; hind angles rather naiTowly rounded Coccinella Mesosternum broadly sinuate at the anterior margin ; side margins more broadly re- flexed II 1 1 — Pronotum solidly black, with broad pale side margins ; body oval, rather strongly convex, the elytra sometimes having a transverse subapical plica ; punctures fine and subequal. Palaearctic. * PtychanatfS Pronotum variegated throughout its extent with black and pale markings, or pale with small black spots 12 12 — Body globularly convex and very broadly rounded, minutely and equally punc- tate, the pronotum pale with small black points, the elytra with transverse series of spots on a pale ground, or, by extension, of pale spots on a dark ground ; prosternum with two fine carinae converging anteriorly and extending slightly be- yond the middle. Africa * Stictoleis Body moderately convex or somewhat depressed, oval in form ; pronotum pale, varie- gated with black 13 13 — Elytral punctures strong and unequal ; prosternum not bicarinate. Neoharmonia Elytral punctures finer and equal; prosternum with two fine approximate carina, con- verging slightly in front and extending to about the middle of the length. Africa. * (Enopia 84 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoLvii. 14 — Elytral punctures very minute and inconspicuous, equal ; side margins distinctly reflexed 15 Elytral punctures strong, conspicuous and more or less unequal 16 15 — Mesosternum truncate anteriorly ; body broadly rounded and very convex ; pro- notum black with pale lateral markings, the elytra immaculate as in CEito/>ia ; nietacoxal plates very rarely with a distinct trace of the dividing line. Cycloneda Mesosternum broadly and rather feebly sinuate ; body as in Cycloneda and similarly punctulate, but having a feeble submarginal furrow somewhat as m Chilocoriis, disappearing behind the middle and particularly pronounced in the black forms ; ornamentation dimorphous ; oblique line of the metacoxal plates distinct but not united with the bounding curve posteriorly Olla Mesosternum truncate but with a very small, shallow and circularly rounded median notch ; body broadly rounded but rather depressed ; pronoium pale, variegated with black, the elytra pale, usually with black vitt£E. Africa * Vtrania 16 — Mesosternum truncate, with a very minute shallow rounded notch at the middle as in Vcrania ; body oblong-oval, moderately convex ; pronotum pale, varie- gated with black markings, the elytra pale, with an irregular dark design. Cleis Mesosternum broadly and deeply sinuate ; body more or less broadly oval, moderately convex 17 17 — Prosternal process narrow, strongly bicarinate ; pronotum with two large sub- quadrate black spots, narrowly and rectilinearly separated ; elytra spotted with black, or dark with pale spots Anisocalvia Prosternal process broad, strongly convex in a transverse direction and prominent at the apical margin ; pronotum black, with pale lateral or sublateral and basal areas, the elytra generally pale with black spots or immaculate ; body large in size »natis 18 — Hypomera with a well-marked but .shallow rounded antennal depression ; pro- notum ornamented almost exactly as in Coccinella ; body moderate in size, very broadly rounded 19 Hypomera without an antennal depression ; body more broadly oval, the pronotum nearly as in Anatis 20 19 — Antennae inserted very close to the eyes, the latter broadly and^feebly sinuated by the large antennal cavity ; epistoma without a semi- corneous margin at the bottom of the sinus ; body moderately convex, the elytra pale with black vittje. South Africa. ( Type 4 lineafa. ) * C> doaia Antennte not quite so close to the eyes, which are more deeply and narrowly sinuated by the post-antennal canthus ; epistoma with the usual semi-corneous apical margin at the bottom of the sinus ; body .strongly convex, the elytra black, irregu- larly ornamented with large red areas. Africa. (Type htnatus.) ^Cheilomenes 20 — Antenn;e and eyes as in Cydonia ; epistoma with a narrow coriaceous apical margin at the bottom of the sinus ; elytra very finely punctulate, black, orna- mented with large irregular red blotches ; sides gradually less declivous to the edge, which is not reflexed or thickened ; prosternum narrowly excavated along the median line to beyond the middle. Siberia. (Type hexaspilota. ). • •* Ithone June iSgg.] CaSEV : On AMERICAN CoCCIXEl I.ID/K. ,S5 21 — Body very broadly rounded, minutely punclulate, the elytra very broadly ex- planate at the sides, the edge not thickened, pale, spotted with black, the epi- pleun^ very broad, continuing to the sutural angles, with a large deep impression internally at about basal third ; prosternum transversely convex along the median line, not bicarinate ; metacoxal plates as in Cycloneda ; epistoma feebly emargin- ate, with coriaceous margin, the sides strongly dentate ; antennre and eyes as in Cydonia. Asia and East Indies. (Subtribe Synonych.^. ) * Synonycha liody oval, rather strongly convex, minutely punctulate ; epistoma obliquely denticulate at the sides, the extreme margin subtruncate ; antennee and eyes as in Coccinella ; pronotum ornamented nearly as in Anatis, the apex less deeply sinuate and the apical angles less pronounced ; elytra pale, or ornamented with irregular or in- terrupted dark vittK, the side margins very narrowly reflexed, with the edge thickened, the epipleurce narrower and simple ; metacoxal plates as in Cyiloneda ; prosternum feebly convex along the median line. (Subtribe My.SI.E. ) Neomysia Adalia Muh. The type of this genus is the Coccuiella bipiinctata of Linne, which is now distributed very widely over the world through commerce. The species before me are as follows : — 1-nytra without transverse series of spots ; metacoxal plates rounded or parabolic ; ely tral punctures fine 2 Elytra with transverse series of spots or transverse bands ; metacoxal plates frequently somewhat angular postero-externally ; pronotum pale, with an M-shaped black design and a submarginal black spot 3 2 — Elytra red, each with a rounded or oval black spot at the centre of the disk ; pro- notum with a broad M-shaped median black design, the broad pale margins im- maculate ; metacoxal plates rounded, extending but slightly beyond the middle of the segment. Length 3.8-5.2 mm.; width 2.9-3.9 mm. United States (ex- cept Pacific Coast) bipunctata Linn. Elytra red throughout and immaculate, the reflexed lateral margins usually yellowish ; pronotum with M-shaped design and a black point at the centre of the broad yellow margin ; metacoxal plates rounded, extending nearly to apical fourth of the segment. Length 3.2-4.3 mm.; width 2.3-3.2 mm. California. melanopleura Lcc. Elytra black with fine yellow side margins, each with a large oblong yellow* spot at the humerus and another, smaller and rounded, at three-fifths and close to the suture ; pronotum black with narrow apical and side margins pale ; metacoxal plates par- abolic, extending nearly to apical third. Length 3.9-4.6 mm.; width 2.8-3.25 mm. Utah to California (Siskiyou Co. ) humeralis Say 3 — Submarginal black spot of the pronotum rounded and isolated, or only connected to the black design by a narrow isthmus .4 Submarginal black spot broadly amalgamated with the central black design, forming a parallel-sided lateral extension of the latter ; elytra reddish-yellow with black bands 5 86 Journal New York: Entomological Society. [VoI. vii. 4 — Elytra red, coarsely punctured, each with two small black points arranged trans- versely a little before the middle, the outer one on the median line and not quite so basal ; inetacoxal plates evenly parabolic, extending nearly to apical fourth. Length 4.8 mm. ; width 3.6 mm. Nebraska oph thai mica Muls. Elytra pale reddish-yellow, rather feebly punctured, each with a small oblique black dash from the scutellum and two small subbasal spots, the inner the larger and both oblique and uniting on the humeral callus, also with three widely isolated black spots in a transverse line just before the middle, the inner more basal and the outer very close to the margin, and two, very small, on a transverse line at apical fourth, very near the margin and at inner third ; metacoxal plates extend- ing nearly to apical fourtli, ol>tuseIy angulate postero externally. Length 4.5 mm. ; width 3.0 mm. California ( Sonoma Co. ) ovipennis, sp. nov. Elytra reddish-yellow, rather sparsely and moderately strongly punctate, each with a longitudinal posteriorly pointed dash at each side of the suture from the base, and two subbasal spots generally disconnected, the outer more basal and on the callus, also with a transverse series of three rather large spots just before the middle, the outer two generally connected, and two at apical fourth nearly as large, the outer slightly more apical, transverse and very close to the margin ; metacoxal plates rounded though a little more narrowly so posteroexternally, ex- tending nearly to apical fourth. Length 3.9-4.6 mm. ; width 2 8-3.5 ni"^- Colorado annectans Cr. 5 — Elytra coarsely and closely punctured, each with a transverse basal spot acuminate externally and extending from the suture to inner third, and a large triangular subbasal spot involving the callus, also with a transverse uneven band near the middle of the length, not interrupted at the suture, extending to lateral ninth or tenth, the outer two-thirds straight and transverse, the inner third more basal and posteriorly oblique toward the suture, and a transverse, somewhat bilobed spot at apical fourth, equidistant from the suture and margin ; metacoxal plates but slightly angulated, extending fully to apical fourth. Length 4.0 mm ; width 3 I mm. New Mexico (Las Vegas) transversalis, sp. nov. Elytra coarsely but rather less closely punctured, completely devoid of any trace of basal or subbasal black spots, each with an irregula: transverse band just before the middle, extending from inner sixth to outer third, and a small rounded spot in the same line at outer fourth or fifth, also with an uneven transverse spot at apical fourth, extending from inner fifth or sixth very nearly to the margin ; meta- coxal plates parabolic, extending to apical third. Length 3.8 mm. ; width 2.7 mm. Colorado ornateila, sp. nov. Hiiincralis is said to be a variety of Inpitnctafa by Crotch, and is even omitted entirely from the Henshaw list, but my ample series of each is perfectly homogeneous and without trace of any evidence of re- lationship, the only variation from the normal being a .small red point in one example just behind the middle and near the side margin ; it is Smaller and more narrowly oval than bipunctata, has a differently formed metacoxal plate, and inhabits a different geographical region. The last five species of the table are related closely tofrigida, but they June 1899-] CaSEV: On AMERICAN COCCINELLI 1 •.€. St are distinct among themselves and therefore probably not mere varietal forms of that species. Annectans is quite unaccountably placed in Coccinella by Crotch. Lutfoviccr of Mulsant, cannot be identified and has a different type of pronotal ornamentation from any noted in the table. The CocciueUa disjuncta of Randall, is evidently an Adalia, allied to frig/da, but I have not been able to identify it ; it must re- semble ornatclla very closely. Agrabia, gen. nov. The species given below, together perhaps with the Mexican viridi- pennis Muls., is the only known representative of this genus, which resembles Adalia in the oval, moderately convex form of the body. The side margins are exceedingly narrowly and finely reflexed : — Oval, moderately convex, pale rufo-testaceous throughout above and beneath, except the elytra which are bright blue, sometimes with a feeble greenish tinge, the side-margins very narrowly testaceous from the humeral angles to apical four- fifths, where the pale margin is inwardly dilated, forming an elongate, internally arcuate spot, which narrows and disappears completely veiy near the sutural angles ; punctures strong and rather close-set, somewhat unequal. Length 5.5 mm. ; width 3.9 mm. New Mexico C^anoptera Muls. The description of Crotch is very inexact, especially in regard to the antennas, which are not unusually short for the Coccinellini, and the mesosternum, also in stating that the body is "subhemispherical." Coccinella Linn. This genus is still a receptacle for many discordant elements ; venusta, which is assigned to it by Crotch (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, 1873), is the type of a distinct genus, named Neoharnionia in the table, and, in the "Revision," picta belongs to Cleis and not to Harnionia, where is was subsequently placed, and cyanoptera to Agrabia and not to Harnionia. Even as restricted in the present essay, however, the genus is still a large oiie and our species may be conveniently separated as follov.'s : — Elytra without trace of a basal fascia, the spot on the callus wanting or moderately developed ; body large, usually broadly oval or elliptic 2 Elytra with a transverse subbasal fascia, sometimes disintegrating ; body large, strongly convex and broadly oval 1 1 Elytra with a transverse subbasal fascia, sometimes disintegrating into three spots ; body smaller and generally more narrowly oval, polished ; pronotum with the apical margin and a subquadrate externally broader spot at each apical angle pale in color 12 88 Journal New Yorr Entomological Society. [Vni. vii. Elytra with a broad subbasal fascia, not quite attaining the side margins, broadly sin- uate medially at its posterior margin and deeply emarginate at each side at base by two triangular pale areas ; body very small, narrowly elliptic 13 2 — Scutellar spot small and oI>long or rhomboidal 3 Scutellar spot large, transversely suljoval or elliptical, the subhumeral always want- ing ; suture never black 8 3 — Pronotum distinctly margined with yellowish- white along the apical margin ; each elytron with four spots, no one of which is ever altogether wanting, that on the callus and the post-humeral small, the medio-juxtasutural and subapical large ; suture finely black 4 Pronotum without a pale apical margin toward the middle 5 4--Elytral spots well developed, the juxtasutural rounded or oval and subequal to the subapical, the subhumeral and post-humeral sometimes connected by a fine line extending from the outer side of the former to the inner side of the latter, which rarely shows also a tendency to extend forward externally in a fine line ; under surface and legs black, the meso- and met-epimera white. Length 5-5~6-7 mm-; width 4.2-5.0 mm. New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Indiana and Iowa. 9=notata Ilbst. Elytral spots very small and feebly developed, the subhumeral and post-humeral re- duced to small points, the juxtasutural transversely linear and much smaller than the transverse subapical, which is the largest ; coloration as in g-notata, the body smaller. Length 4.7-6. 3 mm.; width 3.S-5.0 mm. New Mexico' (Fort Win- gate), Arizona (Canon of the Colorado River) and Colorado. degener, sp. nov. 5— Elytral suture not at all darker in color ; body broadly oval, strongly convex, the pronotum black with a subquadrate pale spot at each apical angle, the punctures fine and unusually close-set, giving a feebly alutaceous lustre ; elytra immacu'ate, except a small black scutellar spot flanked at each side by a paler spot at the basal margin, the punctures fine and rather close-set, becoming quite strong- lat- erally. ; abdominal plates strongly defined, broadly ogival in form internally. Length 5.8 mm.; width 4.5 mm. Nevada (Reno) nevadica, sp. nov. Elytral suture darker in color Init extremely finely so, the scutellar spot, when well developed, sharply rhomboidal ; elytral punctures very fine, sparse, the elytra frequently immaculate 6 Elytral suture broadly black from the rhomboidal scutellar spot to the apex, toward which the vitta is noticeably broader- 7 6 — Base of the prothorax very strongly arcuate, the sides scarcely more than two- thirds as long as the median length, the apical angles very obtuse and broadly rounded, with the pale spot large, transverse, somewhat prolonged and sharply angulate at its inner posterior limit ; elytra with spots nearly as in g-nofaia, but smaller, the median discal rather more transverse, and the subhumeral frequently wanting. Length 6.4 mm.; width 4.7 mm. Utah prolungaia Cr. Base of the prothorax very broadly arcuate, the sides but slightly shorter than the median length ; apical angles more prominent and narrowly rounded, the pale spot small and subcjuadrate ; elytra generally wholly immaculate, but in rare in- stances when spots are present they are rounded and disposed nearly as in g-no- JuneiEgjJ CaSEY : On AmERICANT CoCCINELLID.^. 89 tata. Lengtli 5.2-6.2 mm.; width 3.9-4.7 mm. California ( region.s from Sonoma to San Diego) [franciscana Muls.] californica Alattn. 7 — Body more narrowly oval than usual in this group and very much les.s convex, the pronotum finely but strongly and closely punctured, with the pale spot at the apical angles small and subquadrate ; elytra with an even oblique band just be- fore the middle, terminating at ec|ual distances from the suture and margin, and also with a short transverse spot at apical fourth or fifth ; subhumeral spot com- pletely obsolete, the punctures rather strong and close-set. Length 5.7 mm.; width 4.1 mm. Colorado SUturalJS, sp. nov. 8 — Pronotum polished, the minute punctures well separated, the pale spot at the apical angles moderate in size and subquadrate ; elytra each with a long oblique spot just before the middle ancl another shorter near the apex 9 Pronotum strongly alutaceous, the minute punctures deep and close-set, the pale spot at the apical angles large, extending to basal third lO 9 — Submedian oblicjue fascia broad, entire and veiy conspicuous ; pronotum evenly con- vex toward the sides. Length 6.0 mm. ; width 4.6 mm. Vancouver Island [/«(?«- trU Lee ] tnonticola Muls Submedian oblique fascia tending to disintegrate into an outer smaller and inner and larger spot ; body more broadly oval, polished, strongly punctured toward the sides of the elytra, the impression along the side margin of the pronotum extend- ing arcuately inward just before the middle, disappearing at some distance from the edge ; inner part of the abdominal plates acutely angulate behind. Length 6.4 mm.; width 5.0 mm. California iiTipressa, sp. nov. 10 — Body oval, very strongly convex, the elytra dull, finely and feebly punctate, each with a transverse spot at the middle as in ^-notata, and a small rounded spot near the margin and somewhat more anterior, the two sometimes subunited, the subapical transverse spot nearer the margin than the suture. Length 6.7 mm.; width 5-2 mm. New Mexico alutacea sp. nov. 1 1 — Elylral punctures rather strong, moderately close and conspicuous, finer toward the suture ; besides the common subbasal fascia, each elytron has a transverse spot from the center of the disk to inner fifth, and a similar or rather wjder trans- verse spot near the apex ; submarginal spot before the middle extremely rare ; suture always pale ; pronotum with a subquadrate pale spot at each apical angle. Length 5.8-7.5 mm.; width 4.5-5.8 mm. Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana and northward, and probably also northern California; \^ransverso- } uttata Cr. nee Fald. , migitoria Muls.] 5=notata Kit by 12 — Elytra with a broad subbasal fascia, equally wide throughout and but little prone to disintegration, each also with a broad oblique fascia at the middle and another near the apex ; punctures strong and close-set. Length 4.9 mm.; width 3.75 mm. Rhode Island and Wisconsin \tr fas data Cr. nee Linn.] perplexa JMds. Elytra with a narrower and more irregular subbasal fascia tending to disintegrate into three spots, and each also with two oblique bands as \n ptrphxa but nar- rower and frequently altogether obsolete, the punctures fine, sparse and feeble. Length 4.0-5.2 mm.;, width 2.9-3.8 mm. California (northern and middle coast regions ) ; \^harJa Lee. ] Juliana Mu s. Elytra with a small and evenly equilatero-triangular black scutellar spot widely de- 90 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. tached from the subhumeral spots, which are well developed, and each also with the two oblique bands of the preceding species, which are here rather nar- row ; body [more narrowly oval, the elytra sparsely but more strongly punc- tured. Length 4.5 mm.; width 3.2 mm. California (Siskiyou Co). eugenii Muh. 13 — Body strongly convex, the pronotum with a transverse pale spot at each anterior angle extending narrowly across the median parts of the apical margin ; elytra rather strongly punctured, each with a large irregular transverse discal spot at apical third in addition to the broad basal fascia. Length 4.1 mm.; width 2.9 mm. Lake Superior \^kirhyi Cr.] tricuspis Knbv Perplexa, jiiliaiia and eiigcnii are related to frifasciata, but are all distinguishable at once by the form of the white apical area of the pro- notum, which is expanded into a larger transverse spot in the Ameri- can forms, but only narrowly and nearer the edge in the European. Californica is in no wise related to j-notafa or transversoguttata as stated by Crotch and others, the occurrence of the very rare spotted examples showing that it is more closely allied to g-notata. Qiiinque- notata is certainly distinct enough from traiisversoguttata to be entitled to specific rank, and the variety tratisversalis seems to be identical with fiugatoria ; at any rate the name must disappear as it is preoccu- pied by Fabricius. Difficilis Crotch, I have failed to identify; it ap- pears to resemble p?-ohvigata completely and may be synonymous. Subversa Lee, is probably allied closely to dcge/ier, but the author states " elytris distincte et subtiliter punctulatis, scutello nigro, et prcecipue macula obliqua ad medium nigra notatis," which will not agree, as the most conspicuous spot in degeiicr is the subapical ; Crotch states that it is a variety of trifasciata^ and that the elytra are spotless. Mulsant describes ciigenii as being subhemispherical ; this would be very inexact for the example before me, which seems to be typical in every other way ; the appearance of the spots indicates that they never coalesce to form the subbasal fascia of perplexa and jiiliaiia. Neoharmonia, gen. nov. The genus Hannoiiia is not considered sufficiently distinct by Eu- ropean authors, and Crotch, while admitting the name to the Ameri- can lists, assigned to it a number of species belonging to several differ- ent genera, no one of Avhich appears to be a true Hannoiiia. The Harinonia of Mulsant is also composed of numerous dissimilar ele- ments. In view of this confusion of judgment, it seems best to sep- arate our two species as a distinct genus, allied to Harmoiiia, but dif- fering apparently in the more widely reflexed side margins. The June 1899.] Casey: On American Ci ccinei.lid/E. 91 form and ornamentation of the bcdy, more broadly reflexed side margins, more depressed surface and emarginate mesosternum are all departures from Coccinclla, to which these species have been at- tached, and the two genera are not even closely allied. The genus Neohannonia probably includes also the Mexican ampla Muls. , which I have not been able to examine. Our two species are the following : — Broadly rounded, feebly convex, relatively strongly and unequally punctate ; head black, yellovif along the eyes ; pronotum pale, with a large oblique fascia of black at each side extending from near the sides to the scutellum, gradually narrowing inwardly and departing slightly from the basal margin externally, also with two approximate median spots before the middle, which are sometimes united with the basal fasciae at about their medial points ; scutellum black ; elytra pale yellow or reddish, each with two large subquadrate subbasal black spots and one still larger just before the middle, subtriangular and near the margin, also a large subquadrate spot near the margin at apical fourth, extending to inner third, where it is united with a common sutural vitta extending from near the apex to just behind the middle, also with a rounded spot just before the middle and near the suture, prolonged in- ternally obliquely forward meeting — but not quite amalgamating with — its dupli- cate of the other elytron at the suture some distance behind the scutellum, form- ing two oblique inverted commas ; under surface and legs blackish. Length 6.0mm.; width 4. 7-5.0 mm. Indiana; \_notiitata vnr. A Muls.] . . venusta Aid Ji. Similar in fonii to venusta but smaller and less strongly and less unequally punctured, black above, the elytra with violaceous reflection, the pronotum with'a rather wide oblique pale border, becoming very narrow basally and extending very finely along the apex, with a small medial dilatation ; elytra each with a transverse pale fascia extending from inner third or two-fifths to and enveloping the margin, its posterior limit transverse and feebly sinuate, especially toward the margin, its an- terior limit deeply sinuate, forming two acute points, one on the margin and one on the medial line, the inner flank of the inner point straight and oblique ; legs black; epipleurae with the outer edge black toward base. Length 5.0 mm.; width 4.0 mm. Louisiana ; \_notulata var. B Muls.] notulata Muls. These two species seem to be amply distinct and not varietal forms of one — at least no intermediate forms are known. This may how- ever be another case of dimorphism. Cycloneda Crotch. The type of this genus is the Coccinella sanguinea of Linne, de- scribed from- Surinam. Sanguinea is therefore in all probability speci- fically different from any of our forms, and it is not included in the table given belovv. The species are all very closely allied ; they have the elytra pale red or yellow or black and immaculate, those with spotted elytra belonging to other genera. The metacoxal plates gen- erally have no trace of the oblique dividing line, but in honditrasica 92 Journal New York EyroMOLooiCAL Society. [Voi. vii. there is a short but well developed line, which fails to attain the bounding curve by a long distance. The body is rounded or oval, very convex, minutely and obsoletely punctulate, with the side margins of the elytra quite broadly refiexed, the gutter extending around the outer and anterior parts of the humeral callus as in Neohannonia, and the edge strongly and abruptly thickened ; the gutter is always more strongly, closely and subrugosely punctured toward base. The species before me may be outlined as follows : — Pronotum black, with a narrow pale side margin extending with etjual width pos- teriorly and internally along the base, terminating abruptly at about lateral sixth and sometimes extending more narrowly along the median parts of the apex, also with an isolated small pale spot at the middle of the length and lateral fourth. .2 Pronotum as in the preceding section, except that the apical margin is always broadly pale, with a posterior medial spur in both sexes, and the sublateral pale spot is always united to the pale apex and sometimes also to the basal pale border, isolating a large black spot ; body smaller 6 Pronotum completely black 7 2 — Body broadly oval but distinctly longer than wide, the marginal bead of the elytra not or only slightly darker 3 Body extremely dilated, very nearly as wide as long, the marginal bead distinctly black. , 5 3 — Metacoxal jilates with a distinct but short disconnected oblique line ; body rather more convex ; female without a white apical pronotal margin at the middle. Length 5.6 mm. ; width 4.6 mm. Honduras hondurasica, sp. nov. Metacoxal plates devoid of any trace of an oblique line 4 4 — Elytra generally luteo-flavate, without distinct paler spaces at the sides of the scutellum ; pronotum of the female generally with the apical margin nan-owly pale, usually subinterrapted at the middle and not posteriorly spuned. Length 5.7-6.0 mm.; width 4.7-5.0 nun. Florida immaculata Fabr. Elytra deep and bright scarlet, with a short transverse basal paler spot at each side of the scutellum which is black as usual ; pronotum relatively narrower than in immaculata and rather more strongly rounded at the base, the median length relatively greater when compared with the sides, having a narrow apical margin with narrow parallel posterior prolongation pale in the male, the female inter- ruptedly margined with paler and without a medial spur. Length 4.4-5.8 mm.; width 3.7-4.8 mm. Texas (Brownsville), and California (San Diego and Los Angeles) . . ...*... rubripennis, sp. nov. 5 — Body nearly as in the preceding but with the isolated pale spots of the prono- tum smaller, the apical margin rather broadly pale in the male, with a parallel medial spur extending rather beyond the middle ; in the female the apical edge is wholly devoid of a pale margin, the pale border ending abruptly at the eyes. Length 4 5-55 mm.; width 4.2-4.9 mm. Bahama Islands (Egg Island) — Mr. -- Wickham limbiter, sp. nov. 6 — Sublateral spur from the pale apical margin never joining the basal pale area, the medial spur of ttie pale apex .short and triangular and not parallel as in the JuneiSgo.] CaSEY : On AMERICAN CoCCINELLID/E. ■ 1)3 preceding species ; body more elongate-oval, the elytra luteo-flavate, with more narrowly reflexed margins, which are always paler. Length 4.0-5.0 mm.; width 3.5-4.0 mm. New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Iowa. munda Hay Sublateral spur longer, frequently joining the basal pale border ; medial spur long and naiTow, gradually acuminate and extending to or beyond the middle of the disk ; body smaller and rather more rounded, the elytra 'generally bright scarlet in color and with almost completely obselete punctures, occasionally yellow, and, in a northern example, with more distinct punctuation. Length 3.8-4.7 mm.; width 2.9-3.4 mm. California (Sta. Cruz to Siskiyou Co.), Washington State, British Columbia and Idaho (Coeur d'Alene) polita, sp. nov. 7 — Body bi-oadly rounded and rather less convex, shining, deep black throughout above and beneath, the sides of the prothorax rather less arcuate, and the basal angles more narrowly rounded ; elytral punctures much larger and more distinct than usual but sparse. Length 4.3 mm.; width 3.5 mm. Locality not recorded. ater, sp. nov. Ater is widely divergent, both in coloration and to some extent in punctuation and form of the prothorax, but seems to be assignable to Cycloneda. The unique type was discovered in the Levette cabinet but had no label attached. Olla, gen. nov. In this diinorphic genus the ventral plates are almost as completely divided by an oblique line as in Coccinella, but the line does not quite form a junction with the posterior bounding curve ; in view of the close similarity of the body with Cycloneda, therefore, I have placed the genus at this point of the series rather than near Coccinella, with which it has little or no affinity. The following species represents the pale forms with spotted dorsal surface, more numerous in Mexico : — Broadly oval and strongly convex, very finely and obsoletelypunctulate, the side mar- gins as in Cycloneda ; upper surface pale brownish-yellow, the head pale and im- maculate ; pronotum with a basal black spot at two-fifths from the middle and a short transverse spot before the scutellum, also with two poste iorly converging black spots at the centre and a narrow elongate spot on the median line joining the ante-scutellar spot, and, at lateral eighth and basal third, a small rounded spot ; scutellum black in the male ; elytra each with a subbasal transverse series of four small black spots, a medial series of three spots, the inner the largest and transversely crescentiform and, at apical fourth near the margin, another small rounded black spot; under surface and legs pale. Length 4.25-5.25 mm.; width 3.4-4.0 mm. Indiana, Texas (Brownsville and El Paso), Arizona and California (Sta. Cruz and San Franci.sco) abdominalis Soy The large series before me exhibits an extremely small amount of variation, which, considering its extended geographical range, is very remarkable. The male has the fifth ventral truncate, becoming very feebly sinuate toward the middle, with the edge there slightly concave; 94 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vil the female has the fifth segment a little longer and very broadly ogival at apex. The following black species were said by Crotch to form a simple variety of abdoniiiialis. My series of abdominalis, as before stated, and of two of the species given below, are quite extended, and I am un- able to detect any noteworthy variation of any kind, even in the out- line of the spots, the constancy of form and ornamentation being in fact one of the most remarkable instances of the kind known to me ; these series are each made up of males and females. Although I do not remember to have ever taken the black with the pale spotted form in California, where the latter is abundant, it should, however, be noted as a suspicious fact that several of the localities yielding abdom- i/ia/is in my series are common also to the black species given below. It is, therefore, possible that we may have here a case of dimorphism, and the same may be true of Adalia hiii/icralis and bipitnctata, and of Hippodamia divergens, or allied species, and masfa, but in the absence of intermediate forms any consanguinity in these very puzzling cases can only be proved by systematic biological observation. I might prefer rather to consider these perfectly constant and well-established aberrations of color — and, to some extent, of accompanying structure as well, such as the more finely reflexed side margins in the black forms, — more as protective adaptations to slightly changed environ- ments. Of these black forms we have, at any rate, three quite well- defined variations, as follows : — Body very broadly rounded, die head pale, sometimes more or less nubilate with piceous, the pronotum black, without a well-defined pale apical margin, but with a small central spur, the side margins obliquely pale, the pale area either curving narrowly around the basal angles or disappearing before reaching the base, its oblique inner boundaiy nearly straight and biit slightly uneven ; elytra minutely punctulate, gradually rather more distinctly toward the sides, which are but nar- rowly though strongly reflexed, with the edge beaded, each with a large trans- verse and irregular spot before the middle, which is emarginate internally at apex and externally at base ; under surface, epipleurte and legs black ; meso- and met-episterna, hypomera, tarsi and abdomen pale. Length 4.2-4.9 mm.; width 3.5-4.2 mm. Texas ( Brownsville and El Paso), Arizona and California (Los Angeles and San Francisco ) plagiata, sp. nov. Body as in the preceding but larger and similarly colored, except that the apical margin of the pronotum is narrowly pale with the medial spur disUnct and the oblique inner boundary of the lateral pale area more distinctly spurred at its middle point ; elytral pale spot before the middle smaller, triangular and feebly oblique, the outer side truncate, the inner angle narrowly rounded. Length 5.0-5.7 mm.; width 4.5-4.8 mm. Florida sobrlna, sp. nov. June 1899.] Casey : On American Coccinellid/E. 95 Body nanower and oval, more strongly convex, the pronotum similarly colored but without a pale apical margin or medial spur, the oblique lateral spot not reach- ing the base in the type, but vfiih a minute detached spot at the basal angles ; elytra with a large pale spot having a straight transverse base, from the ex- tremities of which anteriorly the outline is evenly semi-circular. Length 4.8 mm. , width 3.75 mm. New Mexico (Las Vegas) fenestralis, sp. nov. One of these species was described by Mulsant under the name biiwtata Say (^=-affiius Rand.), which belongs to Hyperaspis, and the ocuhita of Fabricius, to which they were referred by Crotch, is de- scribed as having a large rounded pale spot at each side of the pro- notum, and must therefore apply to some other species, possibly of Ncda. Cleis Mills. The species which I have ventured to assign to this genus are rather small in size and have a distinctly oblong-oval form, with irreg- ular elytra] ornamentation. Those before me may be recognized by the following characters : — Pronotum with three spots forming a central posteriorly pointed triangle, the posterior the smallest and elongate-oval, the anterior each with a small spot attached antero-externally, also with a larger irregular basal spot at the middle of each side and another subtriangular at the middle and lateral eighth, some or all of the spots generally united, forming an irregular design with a large M- shaped central figure ; scutellum black ; elytra a little longer than wide, somewhat broadly ogival at apex, distinctly but not very unequally punctate, pale in color with a piceous-black design, the most conspicuous feature of which is a longitudinal and slightly oblique vitta from the callus to apical fifth, the two united transversely across the suture behind and at basal two-fifths, and with a subcontiguous spot externally at the posterior, limit ; in the most developed form the entire elytra are black, with a pale bpider dilated internally at the middle, a large discal spot be- hind the middle and a- hasail fascia irregularly dilated ; in the paler forms the dark fascia at two-fifths is broken up and all the lines much reduced in width ; under surface and legs pale -reddish-brown, the prosternum, hypomera, median parts of the mes. > and mclaitems, epipleura; and entire parapleural of the hind body pale yellow ishrwhite. ■• Length 4.0-5.0 mm. ; width 3.0-3.5 mm. Massa- chusetts, New In-ey and Wisconsin (Bayfield) ; [_< oncinna/a Melsh., contcxta Muls.] /v; picta i?(7W. Pronotum similar, e\rr]it that thck sublattral spot is feebler and usually disintegrated ; body similar in form and with but slightly feebler punctures but smaller and with the dark design of the ^\xa imler in-color and less developed, the external spot near the posterior extremitji.of the vitta frequently prolonged irregularly to the side margin. Length 3.7-'3.-9- mm. ; width 2.6-2.9 mm. California (Alameda and Siskiyou Cos. ) ./: minor, sp. nov. Pronotum similar but relatively smaller and with the black design more irregular, with a few black points at the middle of each side of the apex in addition ; 96 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi.vii. elytral design less developed, consisting of a fine straight vitta from the callus to the middle at apical fourth, where it is slightly dilated internally, each also with ,a small elongate dark spot near the vitta internally at two-fifths, and another at three-fifths from the base at the lateral margin and remote from the vitta. Length 4.0 mm. ; width 3.0 mm. Hudson Bay hudsnnica, sp. nov. The last of these is quite distinct from the other two in the more depressed form and in the displacement of the small postero-external spot with reference to the dark vitta ; it also has the suture finely black throughout. Anisocalvia Crotch. The type of this genus is the European 1 4-gitttata , which is erro- neously referred to Hannonia in our lists; it is more narrowly oblong than any of our species and has the upper surface brownish-orange in color, the elytra with fourteen small rounded paler yellow spots. The pronotum has a longitudinal impression along the sides, close to, but independent of, the concave margin caused by the reflexed edge. The body is evenly oval, moderately convex, with rather narrowly reflexed side-margins, becoming broader around the base of the callus ; the punctures are coarse and unequal and the mesosternum quite deeply sinuate, the prosternum bilineate. Our species may be distinguished as follows : — Elytra black, or black with pale spots , 2 Elytra pale, with eleven large rounded or oval l)lack sjiots, of which three are on tlie suture, the one at the apex transverse 3 2 — Body in the female black, the pronotum but little more than twice as wide as long, black with a narrow apical and lateral margin and t.edian line pale, the sides feebly convergent, rounding and more con\ ai Ult Sit apex ; elytra black through- out, with the reflexed side-margin jwk- ; f 'ekth rUack, ihe epipleuree pale. Length 5.3 mm.; width 4.3 mm. New r. k (Adironihu k Mts. ); \_sinnlis Rand. , oliliqiia Rand. ] -Ii cardisce Rand. Body in the female less broadly oval, black, the - »tum witii i narrow ajjical and lateral margin and a fine median line not m Tting the ba-c pale ; sides rather strongly convergent, evenly and broadly a(*j|i' ; from base tn apex, the disk dis- tinctly more than twice as wide as long, stroi ', moderaicK closely punctured ; elytra black, with a fine side margin, towar .'-pex onl} , paler, and a rounded discal pale spot near the suture and two-thir S'frbna tbe base; femora black; epipleurre piceous-black, the abdomen jiale- ai»- 'id the entire limb ; in the male the body is similar, the pronotum similarly colo id, btt the elytra have fourteen pale spots, that near the suture and apical third being the largest and with its postero-external margin nubilate, the legs and epipleurx pale throughout, the latter slightly black opposite the back arin^ of (he npjier surface, the abdomen pale, clouded with blackish toward the miiM. and l)ase. Length 5.2 mm. ; width 4.0 mm. British Columbia ' victoriana, sp. nov. June 1899 1 Casey: Ox American Coccinellid/e. 97 3 — Body evenly elliptical, pale yellowish in color, the pronotum black with apical and lateral margins and entire median line pale, the black area joining the basal margin at the middle of each side ; punctures strong and quite close-set ; !^ides evenly convergent, broadly and evenly arcuate ; elytra longer than wide, rather narrowly rounded behind, the spots large, separated generally by about one-half their widths ; epipleurte, limb of the abdomen, tibiie and tarsi pale. Length 5.2 ram ; width 3.9 mm. British Colimibia 12=maculata Gebl. Body similar but smaller and rather more broadly oval, with the prothorax relatively smaller and having the sides very much more strongly convergent, the Vjasal angles more broadly rounded and the punctures finer and sparser ; coloration similar, except that the elytral spots are relatively much larger and only very nar- rowly separated, the two transversely placed at the middle, generally confluent. Length 4 O mm. ; width 3. 2 mm. Hudson Bay elliptica, sp. nov. The form named hesperica by Crotch, is not included above and must be regarded as a manuscript name. If any modification whatever of a species is worthy of a distinctive name, it is worthy also of a de- scription better than this : " Ventral segments and metasternum almost smooth — .\rizona," which is not even of comparative worth, as these parts in the. similis, described immediately above under the name of 14-giif/afa, are not alluded to at all in regard to their sculpture. Anatis Mn/s. These are large, broadly oval or rounded and convex species, with rather coarse unequal punctuation and deeply sinuate mesosternum. The prosternum is rather broad between the coxae, and is transversely convex along the median line throughout, terminating at apex in a conspicuous prominer.ce. The antennae are moderately developed in proportion to the size of th body, and the prothorax is less transverse than usual. The America; :)ecies are as follows, ocellata being intro- duced for comparison : — Body oval or subrhomboidal, ti , )notum black with broadly pale side-margins and a black marginal spot e.xteni g from the basal angles to about two-fifths, angu- larly oblique internally but /er attaining the central black area^ the sides of which are feebly converges rectilinear but emarginate at the middle, also with two approximate pale basai acts at the middle 2 Body broadly subrhomboidal, thf; pronotum black with a broad yellow vitta extending from base to apex, paralle and slightly distant from the side margin, which it joins at the apical angles, i^Lso with two very minute pale points near the basal margin at the middle .,.,",..,. 3 2 — Elytra evenly oval, distinctly lonm 1 than wide, the side-margins black, the sub- marginal spot at two-fifths, elonL;,uj-oval and not laterally extended, the subsutural spot of the sanieirimge el^gatr ; basal pale spots of the pronotum subquadrate, not united at ba^-j palp/xical margin transverse, finely interrupted at the mid- dle. Length S.5 mm.; Jth d :; mm. Europe. *OCellata Linn. 98 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. Elytra rounded or feebly dilated at two-fifths, scarcely as long as wide, the sides gen- erally evenly arcuate with pale margin, the spots not ocellated, the external at two-fifths rounded, generally not or only naiTowly prolonged laterally ; basal spots of the pronotum slightly oblique, never united at base, the pale apical margin bioblique, interrupted or very nearly so at the middle. Length 6.5-8.7 mm.; width 5-5-70 mm. Rhode Island, New Jersey, Indiana, Iowa and Arizona {labiculata Say] 1 S=punctata OHv. Elytra oval, not or scarcely appreciably dilated at two-fifths, rather longer than wide ; submarginal spot at two-fifths geminate, the outer part enveloping the margin, which is pale elsewhere with the fine thickened edge slightly darker ; spots all surrounded by a broad pale border, the ground tint red-brown ; basal spots of the pronotum .short but rather large, angulate antero-externally, united at base ; pale apical margin transverse and entire, not interrupted but rather broader at the middle. Length 8.7-Io.p mm.; width 6.8-7.4 mm. Indiana, Wisconsin (Bayfield) and Idaho (Coeur d'Alene) mali Say Elytra decidedly rhomboidal, scarcely as long as wide, strongly dilated at two-fifths, where there is a small marginal spot ; remainder immaculate or with faint vestiges of one or two of the .spots of the preceding species, the punctures much smaller and nearly equal ; basal spots of the pronotum large, much extended antero-ex- ternally, unitng with the lateral pale area and broadly united at base"; pale apical margin transverse, not interrupted but rather wider at the middle. Length 8.3 mm.; width 6.9 mm. California (Siskiyou Co.) ralhvoni Let. 3 — Elytra very broadly rounded or subrhomboidal, slightly more dilated at two-fifths, scarcely as long as wide, the punctures strong but rather less coarse and more nearly equal than in j^-p'Aiinata, bright brownish-red or ochre, without trace of maculation but having the entire limb deep black, the border clearly defined and scarcely occupying the entire reflexed portion, broadening a little at two-fifths ; pronotum scarcely three-fourths wider than long, broadly, feebly convex, deeply impressed just within the lateral margins, rather finely and not closely punctate ; head black ; entire legs and under surface black, the epipleuroe black in external and red in internal half of their width from base to apex. Length 8. 7-10.0 mm. ; width 7.5-8.7 mm. New Mexico (Fort Wingate) lecontei, sp. nov. It can be readily observed that i^-punctata is not even closely re- lated to the European ocellata. SignaticoUis of Mulsant, I have not seen, but it may be the same as mali Say. Lecontei somewhat re- sembles the Me.xican Pelina hydropica, but I cannot see that it differs generically from our other species oi Anatis ; the antennal club is ob- triangular with the three joints rather loosely articulated, shorter than wide and but little more developed internally than e.xternally. Neomysia, gen.''ti6v. " ""'■*" In the shorter, more feebly emarginate pi;otbofa.x^ with more broadly rounded apical angles, the present geim^ evidently' approaches the Psylloborini closer than any other of the Coccinellini, and this is also June 1899. Casey : On American Coccinellid^. 99 confirmed somewhat by the antennae, which are rather long, slender, with very feebly dilated 3-jointed club having somewhat elongate and loosely connected joints. The anterior coxae are not unusually widely separated, and the prosternum is not prominent at the middle of the apex ; the mesosternum is broadly sinuate. The genus seems to differ from Afysia, the type of which is oblotigoguttata, in the more narrowly reflexed margins, very fine punctuation and polished surface ; it has but little affinity with Anatis. Our species are the following : — Pronotum without a well-defined discal darker area 2 Pronotum with a large trapezoidal median dark area, which is well defined externally.. 3 2 — Pronotum pale yellow, with a feeble red-brown clouded basal spot at lateral fourth and a small nubilate V-shaped spot just before the middle on the median line, also with a feeble disintegrated discal cloud near each side ; elytra yellow, each with three fine incomplete and intenaipted subequidistant longitudinal vittae of pale red-brown Length 7.0 mm.; width 5.7 mm. New Mexico (Fort Win- gate) interrupta, sp. nov. Pronotum pale yellowish-brown, without maculation, except a feeble trace of the two basal clouded spots of the preceding ; elytra similar in color, with three very feeble incomplete nubilate vittse on each, the two inner uniting near the apex and broader, the outer narrow and almost completely obsolete. Length 6. 7 mm. ; with 5.4 mm. Cahfornia horni Cr. 3 — Elytra uniformly pale yellow-brown, sometimes slightly paler along the base and externally, rarely with feeble trace of two brown vittae uniting near the apex at the middle of the width ; pronotum in the male black, with broad yellow side mar- gins, obliquely subrectilinear internally, inclosing a detached central black spot and with barely a trace of a small pale spot before the scutellum, the apex rather broadly yellow in a straight line slightly broader at the middle ; female similar but with the dark area pale brown with clouded blackish lateral edges, the pale apex not dilated at the middle. Length 6.4-7.2 mm.; width 4-9-5-5 ™'"- Canada, New Jersey, Indiana and Texas (Galveston); [/7 8 4 — Each elytron with nine spots, some of which are more or less confluent among themselves, the outer basal considered as having disappeared by fusion ; punc- tures distinct 5 Each elytron with a large discal reniform spot, the punctures minute and sparse 7 5 — Form broadly oval, the elytral spots black 6 Form narrowly oval, the elytral spots brown in color ; pronotum faintly punctulate, the ante-scutellar spot distinct ; elytra much longer than wide, quite strongly but not closely punctured, each with two large .subequal and approximate basal spots, the inner more oblique, the outer rounded, aLso with two equal subsutural spots, slightly elongate -oval, at ba.sal third and near apical fourth, three submarginal at two-fifths, three-fourths and subapical, increasing in size posteriorly, a large discal median spot fused with a smaller one in the same line at two-thirds, the central spot equal in size to the suljapical. Length 2.15 mm. ; width 1.4 mm. Iqwa (Keokuk) obsoleta, sp. nov. 6 —Pronotum finely but distinctly punctate, the ante-scutellar spot small but distinct ; elytra strongly and very closely punctured, the spots well developed and occupy- ing together as much area as the pale interspaces, arranged as in obsoleta, but with the outer basal much larger and more prolonged posteriorly, and the sub- apical much smaller, oblique and subdivided into two small equal spots, the two discal confluent spots similarly united to the subsutural and submarginal spots near two-thirds. Length 2.I-2.7 mm.; width 1. 6-2.0 mm. Rhode Island, New Jersey, Iowa and Wisconsin 20=tTiaculata Say Pronotum subimpunctate, the ante-scutellar spot obsolete ; elytra as in the preceding, barely as long as wide, distinctly but much less closely punctured, the spots oc- cupying nearly the same relative positions but very much smaller, the pale area in excess, the spots all isolated, the submarginal at a much greater distance from the edge, the outer basal smaller and not prolonged posteriorly, the subapical quadrate. Length 1.9 mm.; width 1. 5 mm. Florida (Palm Beach). parvinotata, sp. nov. 7 — Body very small, roimded, with very minute sparse punctures ; pronotum subim- punctate, the five spots present but pale brown in color ; elytra very pale yellow- ish-white, with brown markings consisting, on each, of two subbasal spots, the outer the larger and with a lobe on the callus, a small faint subsutural cloud at one-tbird, a large bilobed discal spot extending from basal third to apical fifth, 102 Journal New York Entomological Society. [ prolonged and acuminate antero-extenially and a large bilobed and less well-de- fined subapical spot. Length 1.6 mm.; width 1.3 mm. Texas ( Brownsville) — Mr. Wickham renifer, sp. nov. 8 — Similar in form and size to 20-iiiaiiilata ; pronotum impunctate, the five spots smaller and somewhat clouded ; elytra as long as wide, narrowly rounded at apex, the punctures extremely minute, sparse and not impressed, the spots black and well defined, nearly coincident in position with those of 20-iuaculata, but with the outer basal subdetached, the submarginal at one-third very small, an- terior subsutural much more elongate and the oblique subapical more nearly sub- divided and in the form of a dumb-bell. Length 2.7 mm.; width 2.0 mm. Idaho (Coeur d'Alene) borealis, sp. nov. Similar to 20-ni(XciiIata but rather more broadly rounded, smaller than borcalis and with the elytral punctures impressed though minute and sparse ; elytral markings as in IhTcalis but pale brown in color, the subapical completely divided, forming two small rounded and widely separated spots. Length 2.2 mm; width 1. 75 mm. California ( .Siskiyou Co. ) separata, sp. nov. 9 — Body broadly oval ; pronotum subimpunctate, the five spots more or less nubilate, the two anterior transversely triangular ; elytra about as long as wide, with rather fine but impressed sparse punctures, pale in color, with spots arranged as in 20-7naadat(i but pale sufitused brown in color, except the inner basal and the two submarginal at one-third and two-thirds from the base, which are well developed, particularly the anterior, which three spots are blackish in color ; subapical spot very faint but usually completely divided Length 1.9-2.6 mm.; width I.4-I.9 mm. California (coast regions from San Diego to Humboldt Co. ) tfedata Lcc. Body broadly oval and similar in punctuation and ornamentation to tccdata, except that the pronotal spots are so faint as to be scarcely traceable and the anterior of the two darker submarginal spots of the elytra almost completely obsolete, the two subbasal nearly equal in depth of coloration, and that the outer — which is perfectly simple and elongate-oval in tccdata, uniting generally with the central spots — is here aljbreviated and isolated and united to a distinct semi-detached spot on the callus. Length 2.6 mm.; width 1. 9 mm. California. deficiens, sp. nov. 10 — Much more narrowly oval than 20-iiiaiulata but similar in size, and with the five pronotal spots similarly placed and large, except the ante-scutellar, which is very small and punctiform ; elytra inuch longer than wide, white in color, very minutely, sparsely punctulate, the punctures not impressed, the markings deep black and abruptly defined, consisting, besides the sutural marks, of eight spots on each : two basal, the outer irregular and obliquely prolonged postero-externally parallel to the margin for a short distance, one large and triangular, nearer the suture than the margin at two-fifths, one small submarginal at one-third, another larger at three- fourths obliquely united to a small spot behind the discal, and two iso- lated subapical, the inner the larger. Length 2.7 mm.; width 1.8 mm. Florida ( Dry Tortugas) nana Muh. The form of the outer basal spot of the elytra seems to be a valu- able character, and the large series before me show that most of the June 1899.] Casey: On American Coccinellid^. 103 others employed in the table are sufficiently constaiit to afford specific criteria. Epilachnini. A very extensive tribe, especially in the tropics of the western hemisphere, but of which only two or three species occur within the United States. It is probable that the great genus Epilachna may be subdivided for convenience, as there is a remarkable variety in form, sculpture and style of ornamentation among its species. Epilachna Oicv. The two species known to me may be defined as follows : — Body very broadly oval, shining, pale orange-yellow, the punctures rather coarse, deep, unequal and moderately close ; pubescence short, moderately abundant ; head immaculate, the pronotum pale, with an apical and basal black spot on the median line, the basal the larger, and one at each side just behind the middle near the margin ; elytra each with two elongate-oval sutural spots just behind the middle and at basal fifth, the posterior much the larger, also with two submargi- nal in range with the two subsutural, a median subbasal very small, a central sub- equal to the posterior submarginal, and a large subquadrate subapical spot ; meta- sternum blackish ; legs pale. Length 7.2-8.0 mm.; width 6.0-6.6 mm. Eastern United States ^ borealls Fahr. Body more narrowly oval and distinctly smaller, duller in lustre, densely pubescent and very closely, unequally punctured, pale yellowish-brown in color, the head and pronotum without spots ; each elytron with three very small subbasal spots, the median less basal, and three in a transverse range just before the middle, scarcely larger than the subbasal, the median a little larger, and two near apical fourth, as small as the subbasal, placed near inner fourth and outer third ; under surface and legs pale throughout. Length 6.4-7.0 mm. ; width 5.0-5 5 mm. Sonoran regions COrrupta Mills. Mcxicana Guer. , is said to occur within the United States, but I have seen no examples from this country ; the upper surface is black throughout, the elytra each with six large rounded pale spots in two equilateral triangles ; my specimens, from Guerrero, have the legs pale, the femora black except at apex, in fact colored exactly as in de- fccta, from Honduras. Defecta is, however, a shorter and more broadly ovular species, with less pronounced dilatation at basal fourth of the elytra. The metacoxal plates in Epilacliua, are arcuate but not ■ <]uite entire, and are always much shorter than the first segment. Pentiliini. This tribe includes the genera Pentilia, ■ Cryptognatha and probably Bura of South America and the West Indies, Lotis and Xcstolotis of 104 Journal New York Entomological Society, [Voi.vii. Africa and Sficholotis of Asia. They are rounded, subglobular insects of small or moderate size, recalling Chilocorini in general appearance but with the formation of the front nearly as in Cocci nellini. The minute species of the United States, which we have heretofore desig- nated by the name C/yptog/iatha, because of prosternal structure, to- gether with CRueis, belong to another taxonomic division of the family characterized by a more compact body and narrow epipleurs. Xestolotis will be characterized in an appendix to the present paper. It is possible that Menoscelis and Thalassa may also form either a part of this tribe or a special tribe closely related, but I have seen no examples, Chilocorini. The genera of this tribe have quite a different general habitus from those of the Coccinellini, being still more strongly convex and even subcompressed, with the outer part of the ejjipleura; still more steeply descending ; the prevailing type of ornamentation, also, is different, being black with pale spots, while in the latter it is usually pale with black spots. Besides the radically different structure of the epistoma, the antennas diverge widely from those of the preceding tribes, except some of the Pentiliini, being very short, compact and narrowly clavate. The three American genera represented before me are the following : — Tibiii; obUisely dentate externally near the base ; pronotum pubescent toward the sides, with a double marginal line laterally at the base ; posterior legs moderately re- tractile, the abdomen and epipleurte concave for the femora t hilocorus Tibiie not dentate externally ; pronotum not pubescent toward the side margins, with the double marginal line at the sides of the base not evident ; in Axioii, how- ever, with the edge impressed near the sides of the base, forming a clcser junction" with the edges of the e'ytra 2 2 — Posterior legs strongly retractile, epipleura; and base of the abdomen deeply con- cave for the femora ; body large, extremely convex or subcompressed and very minutely punctulate Axion Posterior legs not retractile, the abdomen and epipleura' not concave behind the coxcV ; body small, usually with more distinct punctuation ; ornamentation variable. Exochomus In Chiloconis and Axion the upper surface is deep black, the com- bined elytra having two or three red spots ; the former occurs on both sides of the continent but Axion seems to be peculiarly characteristic of the Sonoran fauna. Chilocorus Leach. In this genus the species have a remarkable superficial community June i?99 ] CaSEY : On AMERICAN C0CC!NELL1D/E. 105 of habitus, and are consequently difficult to define ; they are generally larger than in Exochomus, but smaller than in Axio/i. Those before me may be identified as follows : — Sterna black, the abdomen red, generally black toward the middle of the base 2 Sterna in great part red, the prosternum alone black ; abdomen red throughout, the legs black as usual ; prothorax more narrowly rounded at the sides ; body deep black above 4 2 — Elytral spot small, rounded ; body black al)ove, very broadly oval, the elytral punctures generally stronger and becoming quite coarse toward the margins ; head distinctly pubescent. Length 4.4-5.0 mm.; width 3.8-4.3 mm. Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Iowa blvulnerus Mttls. Elytral spot more or less evidently larger and always transverse, the head less con- spicuously pubescent ; elytral punctures finer 3 3 — Broadly oval and less compressed, black with distinct bluish reflection ; sides of the pronotum but little more than a third as long as the median line ; elytral spot large, transversely oval, extending from basal fifth to the middle and from inner fifth or sixth to outer fourth. Length 4. 2-4.8 mm.; width 3.4-3.8 mm. Cali- fornia , . orbus, sp. nov. Narrowly oval and more pointed behind, smaller and narrower than biviiliients, com- presso-convex, deep black above without metallic reflection ; sides of the pro- notum fully two-fifths as long as the median line ; elytral spot distinctly variable in size, but as an average extending from rather more than basal fourth to a little before the middle and from inner to outer third or fourth. Length 3.7-4.75 mm. ; width 3.0-3.8 mm. California (San Francisco) to Washington State. fraternus Lee. 4 — More broadly oval ; pronotum deeply impressed apically near the angles in the male, with the edge there rufescent ; elytral spot more uneven in outline, gener- ally extending from basal fourth to the middle and from inner fifth or sixth to outer fourth or fifth. Length 5.0 mm.; width 4.5 mm. Honduras. cacti Linn. Narrowly oval and more compressed, the pronotum in the male not, or only very feebly and indefinitely, impressed apically near the angles, with the edges there not at all paler ; elytral spot, more evenly outlined, generally extending from basal fifth to the middle and from inner fifth or sixth to outer fourth ; punctures very fine, becoming slightly larger toward the margins. Length 4.4-4.6 mm ; width 3.75 mm. California (San Diego) confusor, sp. nov. The longitudinal impression on the flanks of the elytra are analo- gous to those previously noted in Olla, of the Coccinellini. Axion Mills. These species are the largest of the tribe and are colored nearly as in Chilocoriis, but with a greater development of the red spot. The surface of the elytra is almost completely impunctate ; the pronotum is feebly punctate near the side margins, and the apical margin near the ]06 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vil angles is always more or less pale. The four species in my cabinet uiay be separated by the following characters : — Elytra together with two large obliquely oval red spots, the side margins not at all thickened ; abdomen black. Sonoran regions 2 Elytra with three smaller red spots one of which is sutural, the edges with a strongly thickened Ijead ; abdomen red throughout. Atlantic regions 4 2 — Elytra quite broadly reflexo-explanate at the sides ; upper surface strongly shin- ing ; body large, broadly rounded behind in both sexes, the male with the elytral sf)Ot rather small, but slightly oval, extending from basal fifth or sixth to the middle and from inner third or fourth to outer fourth or fifth, the spot in the female larger, extending from very near the base at outer two-thirds to the mid- dle and from inner fourth to outer sixth or seventh near the humeri. Length 6.0-6.7 mm.; width 5.2-5.75 mm. Arizona; [/c'.r««///// Lee.]. plag;iatum Oliv. Elytra very narrowly, and but slightly, less declivous toward the edges, the body smaller 3 3 — Body broadly rounded behind, alutaceous in lustre, the elytral spot in the female rather small in size, rounded, with the anterior outline oblique and emarginate, extending from Ijasal sixth to the middle and from inner two-fifths to outer fourth ; abdomen and legs black as in plagiatum. Length 5.3 mm. ; width 4.6 mm. New Mexico (Las Vegas) alutaceum, sp. nov. ]>ody pointed and ogival behind, the elytra polished, the sjiot siniihir in the sexes and very large, obliquely and broadly oval, extending from the basal margin — which it very narrowly attains or virtually attains at outer two-fifths — to three-fifths of the length and from inner fifth or sixth to outer eighth, where the outline is parallel to the side margin for a considerable distance. Length 5.3-5.7 mm. ; width 4.6-5. 1 mm. California ( Los Angeles) and Arizona. .... pleurate Lee. 4 — Body very broadly oval and compresso-convex, the upper surface strongly .shining, the pronotum more alutaceous, with the entire apical margin very finely and indefi- nitely paler ; elytra very broadly ogival at tip, each with a small parallel-sided red .spot extending, parallel to the side-margin, from the base at outer two-thirds for one-fifth the length, and also with a small oval red spot on the suture at apical third ; legs black. Length 6.6 mm. ; width 5.6 nmi. Rhode Lsland. tripustulatum DeG. TripiistitlatiDii does not seem to be at all abundant, and my cabinet contains only the single specimen taken some tvventy years ago. Pila- tei of Mulsant, because of its red abdomen, is almost surely specifically different from plagiatum ; it is said to be from Texas but I have not seen a representative. Exochomus J^cdf. The metacoxal plates are rounded as usual, but they are not com- plete as stated by Crotch, the bounding arc not cjuite attaining the basal margin of the first segment. The species are rather numerous, and are much smaller and generally less convex than in the preceding JuneiS99] CaSEY : On AMERICAN COCCINELLID^. lOT genera, only rarely exhibiting any trace of lateral compression. The punctuation is very minute or subobsolete, but in marginipennishecomts (luite distinct though sparse. The species before me may be outlined as follows : — r.ody strongly com presso- convex as in Chilocorm, the anterior tibiae more dilated and arcuately sublarainate externally ; body rounded, deep black above, the under surface and legs throughout testaceous ; head slightly rufescent at the apical mar- gin ; pronotum with the edge slightly rufescent at the apical angles ; elytra mi- nutely punctulate, more distinctly toward the margins, which are evenly decliv- ous to the edge and not at all reflexed, with a very fine marginal bead, each with an elongate-oval red spot on the median line, extending two-fifths from the base, with its margins rather nubilate. Length 3.7-3-9 n™- 5 ^^'''^th 3.0-3.2 mm. . „^ arizonicus, sp. nov. Arizona '^ Body evenly and less strongly convex, not at all compressed, the anterior tibui; nearly 'straight externally and not laminate, the elytral margins narrowly but abruptly reflexed, and with a more distinct marginal bead . 2 2— Pronotum black throughout ; body oval ; elytra black, with a large humeral and small discal posterior spot pale, the marginal bead black 3 Pronotum black throughout ; body rounded, more convex, the elyira pale with black spots and marginal bead black "+ Pronotum black, nubilously pale at the sides or at the apical edges near the angles ; body rounded or oval, moderately convex, the elytra with a black design, the side margins always pale 5 3— Elytra polished or feebly alutaceous, obsoletely punctulate, the pale humeral spot parallel with the side margin, about twice as long as wide, without tendency to prolongations along the basal or lateral margins, the discal spot rounded, clearly defined, situated at apical fourth and inner third ; under surface and legs black, the epi'pleurK pale except behind the middle. Length 2.8-3.8 mm.; width 2.3-3.0 mm. California (San Francisco to Humboldt Co.). californicus, sp. nov. Var. A— Similar but with the elytra strongly alutaceous, and with the humeral spot extending narrowly along the margin for a short distance posteriorly but not along the base. San Francisco. Elytra polished, v'erv minutely punctulate, black, the pale humeral .spot more sinuate within and more angular internally at its posterior limit, continued along the margin with broadly sinuate internal outline and gradually narrowing, becoming extinct at a point opposite the discal spot, also extended narrowly along the basal margin very nearly to the scutellum ; discal spot subtriangular, at posterior fourth or fifth and much nearer the suture than the margin. Length 3.0-3.3 mm.; width 2.2-2.7 mm. Indiana? OVOideus, sp. nov. Elytra polished, minutely and sparsely but somewhat more distincdy punctulate, the humeral spot oblong and about twice as long as wide, as in the two preceding somewhat prominent within at its posterior limit, abruptly narrowed and con- tinued along the lateral and basal margins as in ovohkm but more broadly at the base, the discal spot subtriangular, at the same position but continued forward 108 Journal New York Entomological Suciety. [Voi. vu. nairowly becoming luibilously extinct twci-fifths from the base ; under surface and legs as in the preceding. Length 3.15-3.3 mm.; width 2.4-2.6 mm. Nevada. desertorum, sp nov. 4 — Body broadly rounded, polished, minutely, very obsoletely punctulate ; head and pronotum black throughout ; elytra pale orange, the sutural, basal and external margins extremely finely black, with a commoj". transverse spot across the suture at the apex ; each also with two very small rounded black .spots, the anterior on the callus, the posterior slightly larger and near apical third nearly on the median line ; under surface and legs bhick, the epipleuraj pale, edged externally and finely with black. Length 3.3-4.0 mm.; width 2. S-3. 4 mm. I'exas (El hogei Cork. 5 — Elytra very finely but evidentl)- punctulate, entireh- pale, each with a transversely oval black spot near the apex, approaching the suture rather nearer than the ex- ternal margin ; head and pronotum pale in the male, the latter with a median dark cloud toward base, black in the female with the pronotum broadly and nubilously pale at the sides ; legs pale or so in great part. Length 2.6-2.9 mm.; width 2.0-2.4 "Til- Texas (Austin); \_gnL\xi Lee. ] children! Muh. Elytra ])ale, with two broad transverse fasci;v of black , 6 Elytra black on the di.^k ; body in general more Ijroadly rounded ; punctures very minute and sparse 9 6 — Anterior fascia not attaining the base and always separated from the posterior ; elytral punctures extremely minute and subobsolete 7 Anterior fascia broadly attaining the base and broadly united with the posterior fascia at the median line of each elytron ; punctures sparse and fine but very distinct... 8 7 — r)ody Ijroadly oval, almost rounded and larger, the sides of the pronotum broadly and nubilously pale in both sexes, the head blackish in the female ; thoracic mar- gins very strongly convergent. Length 2.8-3.3 mm. ; '^^'i^lth 2. 5-2. 9mm. Texas (Brownsville ) — Mr. Wickham latiusculus, sp. nov. Body more narrowly oval, the head and pronotum black, apparently in both sexes, the apical angles only nubilously and not very markedly pale, the thoracic sides nuich less convergent from base to apex. Length 2.4-2.9 mm.; width 1. 8-2. 1 nun. Southern California (Pasadena, Los Angeles and San Diego). fasciatus, .sp. nov. 8 — Body not very broadly oval ; head and pronotum black, the apical angles of the latter distinctly pale in color; elytra black, with a rounded or oval pale spot at each side of the scutellum and a common, transversely rhombiform spot on the suture at three-fifths, extending laterally as if to narrowly unite with the median projection of the pale margin, which extends from the base very nearly to tl e apex and broadly bisinuate within, not tending to spread along the basal margin. Length 2.5-2.8 nnn.; width 1.9-2.2 nun. Tennessee and Floriancisco) annexa Lee. Discal vitta not joining the marginal but separated therefrom near the sutural angles by a space not as wide as its own width ; elytra more obtusely subtruncate at tip. Length 2. 2 mm. ; width 1. 35 mm. Kan?as 4=vittata Lee. 40 — Elytra with remnants of the discal vitta behind the middle, sometimes with three narrow and feeble marginal spots, the margin frequently black throughout ; body more depressed. Length 2.1 mm. ; width 1.4 mm. Lake Superior; [toiisimiiis Lee. — Oxy}iychus'\ moerens Lee. Elytra wholly without pale markings of any kind, except a narrow suffused humeral streak at the margin ; prothorax relatively more elongate along the median line. Length 2. 1 mm. ; width 1. 5 mm. Arizona simulans, sp. nov. I have been unable to examine any exponents of cruentata, lewisi, tccdata, geviina^ pratensis, punctata, tristis or floridana, following the order of the most recent table of LeConte (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., VIII, 1880, p. 186), but in assigning them to places in the above table would venture to place the first immediately after tceniata, lewisi z.wA prate n sis after pleuralis, tcedata after regalis, gemina after proba, piuictata after paludicola and tristis after effeta, with which it is evidently very closely related. Floridajia cannot be identified. June iSgg] CaSEY : On AMERICAN CoCCINELLID^. 129 In the above arrangement it is evident that the species from montan- ica to IcBvipennis are close derivatives of the lateralis type, that those from tceniata to inflexa are close, and those from elliptica to stibdepressa, but slightly less close, derivatives of \h^ fimbriolata type, and further, that those from disconotata\.o paludicola, and then from ««;/^xa to simu- lans, are also more or less closely related to the same type. Most of the others are rather isolated in relationship, except, perhaps, signata and binotata, which may possibly be varietal forms of one type, but I have no evidence to prove this and have never seen a series from any one locality which contained the two forms intermingled. There is before me a large series of binotata collected in Indiana, not one of which has a vestige of the subapical spot, and my only representative of signata was taken in a wholly different region. Although it is possible that many of the forms in the table above may prove to be more properly subspecies of a i&w type forms, which could only be definitely determined by future collecting and careful investigation, they are at least apparently worthy of distinctive names for future reference, and that is all that can be positively affirmed at present ; anything else would, in the absence of evidence, be mere speculation and individual opinion. The genus is an extremely diffi- cult one so far as the differentiation of species is concerned. Helesius, gen. nov. The two species for which this generic group seems to be desirable, differ from Hyperaspis in having the anterior tibiae thickened externally, and in having a suffused coloration, devoid of any trace of the abruptly defined pale areas of that genus. They may be defined as follows : — Form oval, strongly convex, moderately shining, the head and prothorax rufo-piceous, the latter gradually black toward the middle, finely but distinctly, rather closely punctulate, more closely so toward the sides, the length at the middle nearly one- half greater than at the sides, the base evenly rounded in circular arc ; elytra barely as long as wide, the sides continuous with those of the prothorax, evenly rounded behind, very minutely, sparsely and obsoletely punctulate, black throughout ; under surface piceous, the legs rufo-piceous. Length 2.7 mm.; width 1.8 mm. Texas (Brownsville) — Mr, Wickham nubilans, sp. nov. Form oblong-oval and less convex, shining, the pronotum alutaceous in one sex, the head and prothorax rufous, the latter minutely punctulate, more strongly and closely toward the sides, the latter nearly three-fourths as long as the median length, the base broadly rounded or subparabolic ; elytra longer than wide, the sides feebly arcuate, the base not quite as wide as the base of the prothorax, the apex very obtusely rounded, black or paler, minutely and sparsely but distinctly punctulate; under surface and legs pale. Length 2.3 mm. ; width 1.4 mm. Colorado (Florissant) nigripennis Lee. 130 Journal New York Entomological Society, [Voi. vn. The latter of these species was described as a Scymnus by its author, under the supposition probably that the pubescence had been accidentally removed ; the example before me is slightly smaller than the type. Hyperaspidius Crotcli. This is an aberrant genus in the present tribe, in having the elytral epipleura^ devoid of depressions for the posterior femora, although in every other feature it is perfectly normal. The type of ornamentation differs from anything observed in Hypcraspis or Bnichyacantha, and the species are much smaller as a rule. The absence of epipleural foveae shows that the presence or absence of this character is not so important in itself as it has been assumed to be, and that it is not necessarily a tribal character at all ; this is shown also in the Chilo- corini, and the same statement can be made regarding the structure of the tarsal claws. The epipleural depression in the Hyperaspini never assumes the form of an abruptly excavated pit, as it does in some ptinids and to some extent in Delphastus. The species are few in number and may be defined as follows : — Elytra with a pale discal vitta not joining the marginal pale area 2 Elytra with the discal vitta entirely wanting 3 Elytra with the discal and marginal vitta largely united, leaving merely an elongate black spot from the callus = 4 Elytra completely pale 5 Elytra black, with suftused humeral and subapical pale markings 6 2 — Head and pronotum pale in the male, the latter with the basal margin to lateral fourth and two median dashes, converging posteriorly and united with the dark basal area, piceous-black, black in the female, with a narrow lateral margin of the pro- notum pale ; elytra in both sexes fully as long as wide, oblong, subtruncate, finely, rather sparsely punctate, with a pale yellowish-white basal margin, con- tinued along the sides and apex very nearly to the sutural angle, receding slightly from the edge at apex, and also with its inner basal limit continued posteriorly as a rather broad, sharply defined vitta to or very slightly beyond apical third, re- ceding visibly from the suture from a point slightly behind the scutellum. Length 1.9-2.2 mm.; width 1. 25-1. 4 mm. Texas (El Paso) ; \yittigera Lee.]. trimaculatus Linn. Head and pronotum piceo-rufous in the female, the side margin of the latter very nan-owly pale and rather nebulously so toward base ; elytra scarcely as long as wide, subquadrate, with arcuate sides and subtruncate apex, blackish, finely but strongly, sparsely punctate, with a basal and marginal pale area nearly as in the preceding species but with the subsutural vitta nearly straight, almost parallel throughout to the suture and extending posteriorly to apical fifth ; legs pale. Length 1.8 mm. ; width 1.2 mm. California (Alameda Co.). comparatus, sp nov. h JuneiS99,J CaSEY : On AMERICAN C0CCINELLID.«. 131 Head and pronotum of the male pale yellowish-white, the latter with a black an- teriorly sinuate basal margin extending to lateral sixth ; elytra oblong, longer than wide, obtusely subtruncate at tip, with pale vitta and lateral and basal margins nearly as in the two preceding species, except that the basal margin is almost interrupted at outer third by the black vitta, the pale vitta parallel and very close to the suture, as wide as the black vitta or wider, obtusely acuminate at apical fifth ; punctures very fine and rather close-set ; body much narrower than in the preceding. Length 1.6 mm.; width 0.8 mm. New Mexico (Las Cruces)— Mr. Cockeiell ingenilUS, sp. nov. Head and pronotum of the male pale flavate throughout, the latter suffused with reddish toward base, of the female dark rufo-piceous, the pronotum blackish toward base and with a narrow side-margin, extending inward slightly at apex, pale ; elytra in both sexes black, finely, rather sparsely punctate, oblong, verj' broadly rounded at tip, with a narrow pale basal and lateral margin terminating near the sutural angles, as in the preceding species but narrower and more deeply sinuate around the base of the callus, and also sinuate at apical fourth, the pale vitta forming merely an elongate discal spot just behind the middle in the female, and extending from basal two-fifths to apical third in the male, the elytra in the latter barely as long as wide, rather longer in the female ; body much larger. Length 2.65-2.8 mm.; width 1. 4-1. 75 mm. Colorado (Colorado Springs)— Mr. Wickham insignis, sp. nov. 3_Elytra entirely black, with a narrow pale margin along the base and down the sides as far as the middle ; front of the head and apical margin of the pronotum u-regularly yellow in the male. Length [2.0 mm.]. California. .arcuatUS Lee. 4 Broadly oblong-oval, broadly rounded behind, finely punctate, the head and pro- notum black in the female, the latter with a narrow parallel pale side-margin ; elytra about as long as wide, pale flavate, the suture broadly black, the vitta constricted slightly just behind the scutellum and strongly at the apical angles, each with an elongate triangular black dash involving the callus and extending from the basal margin at outer third for two-fifths. Length 2.1 mm.; width 1. 4 mm. Florida militaris Lee. 5_Body oblong, subtruncate behind, pale luteo-flavate throughout above and beneath, except the head, which is piceous ; prothorax only slightly wider than the head, very feebly sinuate at apex, the latter only very slightly narrower than the base, the sides feebly arcuate, the punctures very fine ; elytra slightly longer than wide, finely but rather strongly, moderately sparsely punctate. Length 1.9 mm.; width 1.3 mm. Massachusetts (Mt. Tom) transfugatUS, sp. nov. 6_Sody almost evenly oval, only slightly obtuse at apex, the sides strongly arcuate, dark piceo-castaneous throughout, the legs scarcely paler, the head nebulously paler toward the apex; the pronotum very nan-owly flavate at the sides toward apex, finely punctulate ; elytra but slightly wider than the prothorax, about as long as wide, finely and sparsely but distinctly punctate, the humeral angles, extending more or less briefly along the edge posteriorly, and two subapical spots arranged subtransversely and frequently coalescent, pale flavate. Length i. 4-1. 6 mm.; width 0.S5-I.O mm. California (Monterey) . COnsplratUS, sp. nov. 132 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi.vii. Cranophorini. The remarkable development of the pronotum over the head, with total or partial obliteration of the anterior thoracic emargination, so universal in the famil)^, is probably due to environments essentially similar to those of Saciiim, where the structure is similar and points apparently to a true affinity between these genera, confirming the re- lationship between the Coccinellid^e and Corylophidae, which is well known to exist. The body is narrowly oval, usually rather pointed behind, the abdomen with the genital segment large and well devel- oped, generally with a terminal seventh segment in the males, the metacoxal arcs entire in Cranophorus but extremely short. The middle coxae are widely separated, the anterior very narrowly for the present family, the scutellum rather small, the palpi securiform, the antennce only moderately short, with the joints of the club well defined though not very loose, and the legs are perfectly free. The three genera known to me may be thus defined : — Antennal club narrow, parallel or fusiform and 3-jointed ; body small or minute.. 2 Antennal club gradually inflated and 5-jointed 3 2 — Pronotum evenly rounded in circular arc at apex, the cephalic opening beneath horizontal, the presternum convex in the middle, not at all deflexed ; fifth ventral segment not much longer than the fourth ; epipleurne gradually dilated toward base but relatively narrow even at the widest part and horizontal or feebly descending externally ; tarsal claws cleft within beyond the middle and also with an internal basal enlargement ; body distinctly pubescent ^ Cranophorus Pronotum truncate at the middle of the apex, the cephalic opening inclined upward posteriorly, the mouth protected in part by the prosternum, which is very strongly deflexed, flat, with strongly arcuate apex ; fifth ventral very much longer than the fourth, the sixth less developed ; epipleurK not dilated, very narrow, flat, but little wider than the met-episternum ; tarsal claws small, apparently merely en- larged within at base ; body minute and subglabrous Nipus 3 — Body larger ; metacoxal arcs complete and about two-thirds as long as the segment. *Oryssomus Cranophorus is South African and several new forms will be de- scribed in the appendix to the present paper. Oryssomus is South American, and Nipus is Californian and perhaps Sonoran. Nipus, gen. nov. The two species of this genus at present known may be defined as follows : — Body elongate-oval, the elytra gradually obtusely pointed behind, black, the pronotum nebulously pale and broadly impresso-explanate at the sides, especially toward I June 1899.] Casey: On American Coccinellid.'e. 133 apex, one-half wider than long, the sides continuing the curvature of the elytra, impunctate, alutaceous, the pubescence more visible toward the sides ; elytra one- half longer than wide, rapidly narrowed from slightly behind the middle, finely but rather strongly, somewhat unequally and very sparsely punctate, each with a large oval central red spot, which is nebulously defined ; pubescence very incon- spicuous. Length 1.2 mm.; width 0.7 mm. California (Los Angeles). biplagiatus, sp. nov. Body narrowly and evenly elliptical, rounded behind, black or piceous-black, the under surface and legs rufescent, the elytra not maculate ; pronotum slightly pube.scent and paler laterally in the impressed area, two-thirds wider than long, impunctate, alutaceous, the sides rather more arcuate than the contiguous limb of the elytra, the latter nearly one-half longer than wide, rather coarsely, deeply and not very sparsely punctate, the hairs erect and microscopic. Length 0.85 mm. ; width 0.55 mm. California ( Sonoma Co. ) niger, sp. nov. Both the above species have the elytral suture finely margined, ex- cept toward base. Scymnini. The numerous small species of this tribe may be distinguished at once by the distinct pubescence, there being but one genus in which the body becomes virtually glabrous throughout the dorsal surface. The antennae are short and the eyes entire or subentire, and the pos- terior legs are always free. The genera may be defined as follows : — Antennae free, rapidly descending along the sides of the head before the eyes in repose, the front not dilated ; head and maxillary palpi moderate in size, the metaster- num not foveate ; anterior coxae moderately separated ; antenna apparently 1 1- jointed 2 Antennae resting in repose upon wide dilatations of the front under the antennal foveae and before the eyes, apparently 9-jointed, with a naiTOw solid 4-jointed club ; head large ; anterior coxa; very widely separated, the prosternum flat and not darinate 6 2 — Pronotum with a fine oblique line at the apical angles, the body apparently glabrous, each puncture of the upper surface bearing an extremely minute erect hair, only visible under considerable enlargement with oblique illumination ; antennae inserted in very deep narrow emarginations at the sides of the front, strongly bent, the last three joints forming a compressed club ; last joint of the maxillary palpi narrow, the apex narrowly oblique ; clypeus narrow and rather long ; prosternum short, flat, with two abbreviated parallel carina?, the apical margin abruptly deflexed for a short distance, but not enough to afford protection to the mouth ; metacoxal arcs joining the apical margin of the first segment near the sides of the abdomen ; tarsal claws simple ; body oval, convex, the elytra more or less pointed at apex, the eyes small Smilia Pronotum without an oblique line near the apical angles ; body always distinctly pubescent ; tarsal claws cleft within 3 134 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. 3 — Clypeus extremely short before the rather large and well-developed eyes, truncate with rounded angles, the antenna; inserted under its sides adjoining the eyes, straight, the club small, with the three joints equal in length ; prosternuni trans- versely convex, not carinate, broadly and gradually deflexed, forming a protection to the mouth in repose ; metacoxal arcs complete, the first suture nearly obliterated at the middle ; tarsal claws cleft at the middle Stethorus Clypeus prolonged for a considerable distance before the eyes, the sides converging, the antenna; inserted in very small shallow emarginations just befoi'e the eyes. .4 4- Last joint of the maxillary palpi narrow, obliquely pointed at lip ; antenna; bent, with the club well developed, the head very small, with well -developed eyes ; prothorax much narrower than the elytra ; prosternum rather narrowly separating the coxae, with two short feeble carina;, gradually and feebly deflexed toward apex but not affording protection to the mouth ; metacoxal plates entire . . Didion Last joint of the palpi large and normally securiform ; antennae with the club moderate ; prosternum flat, not at all deflexed toward tip, generally bicarinate 5 5 — Head exserted and moderately deflexed, the eyes small and not attaining the an- terior margin of the prothorax, which is parallel at the sides ; antenna; well- developed and straight ; prosternum flat, with two distant parallel and entire carina; ; metacoxal arcs short, widely incomplete, not extending to the first suture ; body parallel and straight at the sides Selvadius Head inserted within the prothorax, the eyes well developed and partially covered ; antennce shorter and bent ; body more or less oval, the prothorax narrowed in front, the prosternum and metacoxal arcs varying subgenerically Scy mnus 6 — Metasternum with a large circular and densely pubescent pit near each lateral mar- gin ; body oblong-oval, rather depressed, pubescent ; metacoxal plates entire ; eyes oval, entire or virtually so, somewhat prominent and barely attaining the prothorax ; maxillary palpi very long ; first two tarsal joints short, the last long, the claws well developed and simple CephaloscyiTinus These genera are all very widely distributed, except Didion and Selvadius, which are founded upon local types. Cephaloscxmnus is a remarkably aberrant and specialized form, but its general affinity with Scy mnus is sufficiently evident. Smilia Weise. These are small, apparently glabrous species, formally assigned to Pentilia ; they inhabit the entire territory of the United States. Those thus far discovered may be identified as follows : — Elytra uniform in coloration throughout, the suture finely and distinctly margined. . .2 Elytra bicolored, each having a large oval red spot ; sutural margin " not dis- tinct " 6 2 — Head transverse, the clypeus broader and shorter, rapidly expanding before the antennal sinus 3 Head but little wider than long and perfectly flat throughout, the clypeus narrower and more prolonged ^ only very feebly expanding before the antennoe ; species very minute, black, the pronotum minutely reticulate and alutaceous but not dis- tinctly punctured 5 JuneiSgg.] CaSEY : On AMERICAN CoCCINELLID^. 135 3 — Body castaneous in color throughout, rather more broadly oval, shining, the elytra rather strongly, moderately closely punctate. Length i.i mm.; width 0.75 mm. Michigan ( Marquette) marginata Lee. Body black throughout, the under surface and legs more piceous in atronitens 4 4 — Pronotum minutely but strongly reticulate and alutaceous ; elytra finely but rather strongly, sparsely and somewhat unevenly punctate. Length 0.8-1.0 mm. ; width 0.6-0.7 ™tn- Pennsylvania to Texas (Brownsville) misella Lee. Pronotum perfectly devoid of minute reticulation and highly polished throughout like the elytra, finely punctulate, the sides almost continuous ; elytra distinctly longer than wide, gradually narrowed behind, the punctures extremely minute but deep, even and relatively sparse; size much larger. Length I.15-I.3 mm. ; width 0.8-0.9 mm. California (Siskiyou Co. ) atronilens, sp. nov. 5 — Nan'owly oval, the prothorax as wide as the base of the elytra, the sides nearly continuous ; elytra narrowed behind from far before the middle, finely and not very conspicuously punctured. Length 0.85 mm. ; width 0.55 mm. Texas. minuta, sp. nov. More broadly oval, the prothorax much narrower than the elytra, with the sides dis- tinctly discontinuous ; elytra but little longer than wide, more rapidly narrowed behind from a point which is but little before the middle, the punctures strong, deep and rather close-set, much more conspicuous than in minuta. Length 0.8 mm. ; width 0.65 mm. California , . planiceps, sp. nov. 6 — Spots oval, narrowly separated at the suture ; pronotum not distinctly punctate. coccidivora Ashm. Ova lis, said by Dr. Horn to be the same as felschei Weise, is omitted from the table, as I have not seen a specimen ; the suture is said by Dr. Horn to have the marginal stria not evident, but this is not borne out by the description of LeConte, or by the other species ; it is brown in color, 0.8 mm. in length and inhabits Florida. It is quite possible that coccidivora may differ generically, but not having an example before me I am unable to decide. Stethorus Weise. The species of this genus are as small as in Sniilia, but differ very greatly structurally ; they differ from Scymnus in the fc mation of the front of the head and prosternum. The genital segment is as large and conspicuous as in the Hyperaspini. Stethorus vs, probably cosmo- politan and the species are rather difficult to distinguish among them- selves. The following table contains all that are known to me at present, those from Europe and Africa being introduced for the sake of completeness : — Metacoxal plates short and very broad, never extending much beyond the middle of the segment 2 Metacoxal plates narrow and strongly rounded, much longer, approaching closely to the hind margin of the segment ; species more minute as a rule 6 136 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. \ii. 2 — Legs pale and bright flavo-testaceous, the femora black with the apex distinctly and conspicuously pale ; sides of the prothorax nearly continuous and strongly converging 3 Legs piceo-fuscous, the femora blackish ; body similar in form to the preceding. ... 5 3 — Metacoxal plates shorter, frequently extending much less than half way to the suture ; elytral punctures moderately close-set, quite strong and distinct, the pubescence short. Length 1. 2 mm. ; width 0.8 mm. Eurojie ; [w/w/w/z-.f Payk.]. * punctiilum Wi/it' Metacoxal plates less transverse, extending to or beyond the middle, varying some- what according to the sex of the individual ; body somewhat smaller, with shorter and more transverse prothorax and less conspicuous elytral punctures but longer pubescence 4 4 — Elytral punctures fine but strong and (|uite sparse. Length I.0-I.2 mm. ; width 0.75-0.9 mm. Lake .Superior to Pennsylvania and Delaware, North Carolina and Kansas puactum Lee. Elytral punctures finer, feeble and less sparse ; prothorax slightly more transverse, the body a little more oblong-oval but otherwise extremely .similar. Length 1. 15 mm. ; width 0.8 mm. Cape of (lood Hope (Cape Town). ^jejunus, sp. nov. 5 — Elytra very distinctly longer than wide, finely but strongly, sparsely punctured, the pubescence moderately long, recurved as usual. Length 1. 0-1.3 nim. ; width 0.75-0.9 mm. California (Humboldt, Sonoma and Sta. Cruz Cos.). picipes, sp. nov. Elytra not obviou.sly longer than wide ; body smaller and more broadly oval, the pro- thorax shorter and more transverse ; elytral punctures stronger and more close-set. Length 0.9 mm,; width 0.75 mm. California ( Siskiyou Co. ). brevis, sp. nov. 6 — Legs pale rufo-testaceous throughout ; l)ody evenly oval ; elytral punc'ures very small and sparse, the pubescence moderately long, recurved as usual. Length 0.9 mm. ; width o. 72 mm. Florida ( Haulover near Jupiter Inlet) . . Utilis Horn Legs pale testaceous, the femora black except at apex ; body narrower, more elon- gate and more oblong, with much less arcuate sides ; prothorax transverse, with the sides continuous as in utilis but rather less arcuate ; elytral punctures stronger and less sparse, the pubescence nearly similar but somewhat fuscous in color. Length 0.95 mm. ; width 0.7 mm. Texas (Columbus) atomus, sp. nov. Piinctinii and picipes are both abundant, and the difference in the coloration of the legs, noted in the table, appears to be constant ; in picipes the form is a trifle more elongate and more narrowly oval ; Jejunus, five specimens of which were taken by the writer about sixteen years ago, resembles /////<:///;;/ so closely that the two could scarcely be distinguished unless examined in series. Gilvifrons Miill., which is associated with, piincii/iinu in the European catalogues, I have not seen, but the genus Stethorus, Avhich is there considered a subgenus of Scymnus, is in no wise to be so regarded ; it is a perfectly valid genus. June 1899.] Casey: On American Coccinellid^. 137 Didion, gen. nov. This genus resembles Scyniniis in most of its structural features, but differs in its narrow prothorax with rapidly converging sides, small, deeply inserted but feebly inclined head, with narrowly oval eyes and flat surface, in the feebly deflexed prosternum, and especially the nar- row and obliquely pointed last joint of the maxillary palpi. The pubes- cence is rather abundant but very short and decumbent. Individuals appear to be very rare, and the genus is confined as far as known to the Upper California Sequoia belts. The two species represented be- fore me may be defined as follows from the female only : — Metacoxal plates more narrowly rounded, extending extremely near to the suture, black throughout, the legs piceous ; body oval, convex, moderately shining, the head finely, sparsely punctate, the eyes widely separated ; prothorax not quite twice as wide as long, about two-thirds as wide as the elytra, the sides strongly convergent and evenly but very feebly arcuate throughout, the punctures very minute and inconspicuous; elytra much longer than wide, evenly rounded at apex, finely but strongly, rather closely punctate. Length 1.6 mm.; width 0. 95 mm. California (north of San FrancisCo) longulum, sp. nov. Metacoxal plates distant from the suture by a third or fourth of their own length ; in coloration and sculpture nearly similar to longulum, the pubescence slightly longer, the body much smaller, the prothorax rather more than twice as wide as long, with the sides much less convergent but more strongly arcuate and notably more discontinuous with those of the elytra, the latter more broadly and obtusely rounded behind, much longer than wide. Length 1. 25 mm. ; width 0.8 mm. California (Sonoma Co. ) parviceps, sp. nov. These species are both represented by single examples thus far, but very recently Dr. Blaisdell has sent me a male from Calaveras Co., which appears to be identical with parviceps. Selvadius, gen. nov. Differs remarkably from Scymni/s in its 'narrow parallel body, exserted, feebly inclined and transversely orbicular head, small eyes and longer straight antennae. The maxillary palpi are larger than usual in Scymims, thick, with the last joint strongly securiform. The single type may be described as follows : — Body narrowly oblong, rather feebly convex, moderately .shining, piceous-brown in color, with the legs, palpi and antennae yellow ; punctures fine but strong and close-set throughout, those of the elytra larger but shallower than those of the pronotum ; pubescence short, fine and decumbent ; head relatively well developed in size, feebly convex, the eyes small, convex, oval, entirely exposed before the prothorax and entire, the vertex very broad between them ; antennse nearly as long as the head, ii-jointed, the second joint subglobular, three to five sub- 138 Journal. New York Entomological Society. [Voi.vii. equal, narrower, elongate and cylindric, six and seven shorter, the latter a little broader toward tip, eight to eleven forming the usual narrowly oval compact club, the eleventh joint short and somewhat spong)'-pubescent ; prothorax but little more than twice as wide as long, the sides parallel and straight, rounding and slightly convergent at apex ; elytra but little wider than the prothorax, much longer than wide, obtusely and broadly subtruncate at tip ; mesocoxal arc not attaining the episternal suture, the metasternal curving outward and very short, attaining apical fourth of the segment; genital segment distinct and well developed. Length 1.4 mm. ; width 0.65 mm. Arizona (Tugson) rectus, sp. nov. The type was taken by the writer some years ago, but no note relative to habits can be found ; if my memory serves however, it was taken while sorting riparial detritus. Scymnus Kug. This is one of the largest genera of American Coleoptera. The species possess a remarkable uniformity of appearance, the body be- ing oval or oblong-oval and always pubescent throughout, with the legs almost completely free, the anterior alone being somewhat contractile, with an attendant depression or well-defined pit at the base of the epipleur?e for the tip of the femur. The prosternal ridges are impor- tant, on some occasions, in discriminating species which may be closely allied otherwise. The postcoxal plates or arcs of the first ventral segment serve as sharply defined criteria in grouping the species, but the several sections can scarcely be regarded as distinct genera. The species have been almost completely neglected in the United States, as far as systematic work is concerned, and the recent revision of Dr. Horn (Tr. Am. Ent. Soc, XXII, p. 81) had no further aim than an exposition of the groups, into which the genus can be advan- tageously divided, together with the publication of a few of the more strikingly distinct species. The latter are very difficult to discriminate in many parts of the series, and especially in the small and obscure forms of the Pacific coast and Arizona. I am not at all confident that my interpretations may be entirely correct, but it can be said at least that the total number of species here recorded will be increased rather than diminished in the future. I have been acctunulating a large material during many years, with the object of monographing the genus, and all localities are tolerably well represented. The following table may assist in identification, but actual comparison will be neces- sary in many cases : — June 1899.] Casey: On American Coccinellid^. 139 Abdominal lines arcuate throughout, curving forward externally 2 Abdominal lines extending outward externally parallel to the edge of the segment and at a slight distance therefrom ; prosternum relatively slightly wider between the coxae, flat and wholly devoid of carin^e ; genital or " sixth " ventral segment unusually developed. ( Scymnobius sg. n. ) .71 Abdominal lines gradually curving into the first suture externally and forming a part thereof ; prosternum scarcely as wide between the coxse as in Scymnobius, but always rather flat and finely but strongly bicarinate, the carina straight, widely separated and gradually converging ; eyes occasionally with a very small and feeble emargination. ( Diomus Muls. ) 79 2 — Abdominal plates entire, the bounding arc extending to the basal margin of the first segment ; prosternum rather narrow and convex between the coxae, with two strong and well -developed carin^e, which are but rarely abbreviated in front. {Pulhis Muls. ) 3 Abdominal plates incomplete externally, the bounding arc not attaining the basal margin ; prosternum somewhat variable between the coxae, the carinas always present but frequently abbreviated in front and more feebly developed than in Pullus. ( Scymnus in sp. ) 64 3 — The carinte entire or subentire 4 The carinae greatly abbreviated, attaining about the middle of the prosternum ; ab- dominal plates very small, broader in nanus ; prothorax varying in form 63 4 — Abdominal plates large and long, attaining the apical margin of the first segment ; prosternal carinae arcuate, most narrowly separated well behind the apex ; body oblong-oval, about one-half longer than wide, evenly pale flavo-testaceous above, the head and under surface piceous-black ; last ventral segment and legs pale ; head and pronotum very finely and remotely punctulate, the latter less remotely and rather more visibly toward the sides, strongly transverse, with the sides strongly convergent, broadly and evenly arcuate, almost continuous with the out- line of the elytra, the latter finely, evenly and sparsely punctate, the hairs laid' longitudinally and evenly almost throughout ; under surface strongly and closely punctured, the abdomen more finely and less closely, the plates polished and al- inost impunctate throughout. Length 2.3 mm. ; width 1. 5 mm. Colorado. flavescens, sp. nov. Abdominal plates normal, always shorter than the segment ; prosternal carinae gen- erally straight but sometmies bent outward through a short distance from the apex 5 5 — Elytra uniform in coloration on the disk, not considering the apex 6 Elytra bicolored on the disk, the pale areas either clearly defined and constant spots or nubilate and variable 57 6 — Elytra entirely pale in color ; prosternal carince entire, feebly converging through- out 7 Elytra black, with the common apex more or less broadly pale, the anterior margin of the pale area biarcuate and generally very well defined 8 Elytra black, with the apex not paler or more or less finely so, in which case the anterior limiting line of the pale area is usually quite well defined but transverse or not biarcuate 16 140 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. 7 — Somewhat narrowly and evenly oval, very pale throughout, except beneath, where the body is black, the hypomera, epipleuree, tip of the abdomen and legs pale ; prothorax but little more than twice as wide as long, the sides rather strongly convergent and evenly arcuate, the punctures scarcely visible ; elytra quite closely punctate, the punctures very minute, with larger punctures which tend to lineal arrangement intenningled toward base. Length 1. 3- 1. 6 mm. ; width 0.9-1. 1 nmi. California and Arizona pallens Lee. Broadly oval and more convex, shining, dark rufo-testaceous, the pronotum slightly clouded toward the middle and base ; elytral suture verj^ finely piceous ; body beneath and legs pale, except the post-sterna, parapleurffi and abdomen which are black, the latter pale at tip ; head and broad sides of the pronotum paler than the elytra, the prothorax short, nearly three times as wide as long, with moderately converging and feebly arcuate sides, which are not continuous with those of the elytra, the punctures sparse and very minute, closer and distinct to- ward the apical angles ; elytra finely but distinctly, evenl)' and rather sparsely punctured ; under surface closely punctate, the ventral plates distant from the hind margin of the segment by two-fifths of their own length ; legs rather slender. Length 1.6 nmi. ; width 1. 2 mm. C\)lorado nugator, sp. nov. 8 — P^orm very broadly oval, the elytra not at all longer than wide 9 Form more narrowly oval, the e'ytra longer than wide II 9 — Prothorax entirely orange yellow, a little more than twice as wide as long, the sides evenly arcuate and subcontinuous with those of the elytra, the latter finely but distinctly, not very densely punctate, the pale apical area advancing to apical two-fifths at the sides and beyond apical fourth on the suture ; abdomen and legs throughout pale. Length 1.6 mm.; width 1. 1 mm. Plorida (Indian River). semiruber Horn Prothorax partly or complete'y black in color and more transverse 10 10 — Apex of the fifth ventra' segment very broadly and feebly sinuato-truncate in the male ; pale area of the elytra veiy constant, extending to about apical sixth or seventh. Length 2. 1-2. 3 mm. ; width 1.6 mm. North Carolina, Texas and Arizona ; \astutus Muls. ] creperus Mtils. Var. A — Nearly similar to sp. nov. Male with the fifth ventral broadly, feebly sinuate, the surface strongly beveled in the middle, the first segment with an elongate impunctate area at the middle of the apex ; prosternal carinae narrowly separated at the apical margin ; body similar to gilic in form and sculpture, the sides of the prothorax more nearly continuous with those of the elytra and more convergent, and the base more oblique at each side. Length 1.8 mm.; width 1.3 mm. L^tah (southwestern) — Mr. Weidt. decipiens, sp. nov. 39 — Form less broadly oval, the prothorax relatively smaller, with the sides evidently discontinuous, moderately convergent, evenly and rather feebly arcuate, finely punctured, rather closely toward the sides ; elytra distinctly longer than wide, quite coarsely but not very closely punctured, the pubescence coarse, ashy and conspicuous. Length 2.25 mm.; width 1.6 mm. Colorado (Garland) — Mr. Schwarz Saarland icus, sp. nov. Form very broadly oval, the prothorax relatively larger, the sides almost continuous with those of the elytra, strongly convergent, evenly but feebly arcuate, the punctures fine but strong, sparse, becoming notably close-set and distinct broadly toward the sides ; elytra not longer than wide, rather coarsely and strongly but not veiy closely punctate, the pubescence rather short, fine, more decumbent and not very conspicuous. Length 2.2 mm.; width 1.7 mm. California (Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras Co. ) — Dr. Blaisdell blaisdeill, sp. nov. 40 — Form rather narrowly oval, the elytra opaque and finely rugulose, finely, closely and asperulately punctate, the pubescence rather short and decumbent ; prothorax strongly transverse, as wide at base as the base of the elytra but with a feeble re- entering angle, smooth, polished, extremely minutely and sparsely punctulate, the sides rather strongly convergent, evenly and distinctly arcuate. Length 1.6 mm.; width 1. 15 mm. California (Sonoma Co. ) advena, sp. nov. 148 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi vil Form broadly oval, the elytra smooth and polished 41 41 — Prothorax short, about two and one half times as wide as long ; head wholly or partly red 42 Prothorax about twice as wide as the median length, the base strongly oblique at each side, the sides evidently discontinuous, only moderately convergent, evenly and feebly arcuate, the punctures minute and sparse ; elytra strongly and closely punctate. Length 2.0 mm.; width 1.5 mm. California ( Sonoma Co. ). extricatus, .sp. nov. 42 — Sides of the prothorax evidently discontinuous, feebly convergent, evenly and feebly arcuate, the punctures strong and close set in the middle, becoming finer and sparser toward the sides ; elytra evenly, finely but strongly, moderately closely punctured, the pubescence fine, infuscate and only moderately con- spicuous Length 1. 6-1. 9 mm.; width 1.15-1.4 mm. California (Monterey to Sonoma) ardelio Horn Sides o{ the prothorax nearly continuous, strongly convergent, evenly and distinctly arcuate, the punctures nearly as in ardelio but sparser throughout ; elytra finely but strongly, sparsely punctured, the pubescence rather coarse and distinct ; male with a feebly impressed, elongate-oval area at the middle of the apex of the first ventral, the fifth broadly sinuato-truncate and impressed, the characters nearly as in extricatus throughout. Length I.75-I.S mm.; width 1.3-I.4 mm. Cali- fornia ( San Diego) jacobianus, sp. nov. Sides of the jjrothorax strongly discontinuous, very feebly convergent, evenly and feebly arcuate, the surface punctured nearly as in jacobianus ; elytra notably wider than the prothorax, rounded, finely but strongly, rather sparsely punctate, the apical margin red for a distance equal to about a fifth the length of the pro- thorax ; male with a very small, wholly unimpressed and feebly defined glabrous area at the middle of the apex of the first ventral, the fifth broadly sinuato-truncate and impressed ; pubescence of the upper surface coarse and conspicuous. Length 1.6 mm.; width 1.2 mm. California (San Diego) jaclnto, sp. nov. 43 — Species of the Atlantic regions 44 Species of the Pacific and Sonoran regions, laciistris and ahbrcviatus extending to the eastward as far as Lake Superior 45 44 — Broadly oval, strongly convex, shining, black throughout, the legs uniformly colored but varying from pale testaceous to blackish ; pubescence rather coarse ; prothorax relatively rather small, finely but strongly, sparsely punctured, very closely near the sides, the sides discontinuous, strongly convergent, evenly and strongly arcuate ; elytra quite coarsely, strongly and sparsely punctured. Length 1. 6-2. 3mm.; width I.15-I.7 mm. Atlantic States (trom Massachusetts to North Carolina and Alabama) tenebrosus Muls. Narrowly oval, shining, black, the legs bright red; prothorax relatively larger, the punctures extremely minute, sparse and subobsolete, becoming quite large but only moderately close-set near the sides, the latter almost continuous with those of the elytra, strongly convergent and rather feebly, evenly arcuate ; elytra dis- tinctly longer than wide, the punctures quite coarse, strong and somewhat sparse, the pubescence coarse and conspicuous. Length 1. 9 mm.; width 1.3 mm. Li- diana COmpar, sp. nov. June iSyy] CaSEY : On AMERICAN CoCCINELLlD^. 149 45 — Narrowly oval, small, l;)lack throughout, the apical angles of the prothorax perhaps becoming paler in some examples ; legs pale testaceous throughout ; prothorax small, much narrower than the elytra, the sides very discontinuous, only moder- ately convergent and straight, becoming feebly arcuate at the apex ; punctures sparse and scarcely visible throughout, really larger toward the middle but ex- cessively feeble and shallow and variolate as usual ; elytra somewhat strongly nar- rowed behind and evenly rounded from near the humeri, the apex rather nar- rowly rounded ; punctures fine, only moderately close, the pubescence rather short but coarse, ashy and distinct. Length 1.5 mm.; width l.omm. Arizona — Mr. Wickham infans, sp. nov. Broadly oval and much larger, strongly convex, smooth and shining 46 46 — Legs black throughout, the tarsi pale ; body oval, convex, the sides of the pro- thorax almost continuous, strongly convergent, evenly and distinctly arcuate, the punctures quite coarse, not very close-set, as large as those of the elytra or larger, becoming gradually very fine, sparse and obsolescent toward the sides ; elytra a little longer than wide, moderately obtuse behind, not very coarsely but strongly, moderately sparsely punctured, more minutely toward the suture, the pubescence rather long and coarse ; under surface deep black throughout. Length 2. i mm. ; width 1.5 mm. Utah (southwestern) — Mr. Weidt weidti, sp. nov. Legs red, the hind femora black, testaceous toward apex 47 Legs red, the hind femora Vjlack at the extreme base 55 Legs bright and uniform rufo-testaceous throughout 56 47 — Hind femora testaceous only well beyond the middle 48 Hind femora becoming testaceous in about apical half. 53 48 — Tip of the elytra pale testaceous in a border which is about a fifth or sixth as wide as the length of the prothorax, the latter relatively small, short and strongly trans- verse, the sides evidently discontinuous, rather feebly convergent, evenly and somewhat strongly arcuate, the punctures minute and inconspicuous ; elytra scarcely longer than wide, rather narrowly rounded behind, finely but strongly, evenly and not very closely punctured, the pubescence ashy-white, rather short and .somewhat abundant ; tip of abdomen pale, the hind femora very gradually pale apically. Length 1. 9 mm. ; width 1. 35 mm. Nevada (Reno). renoicus, sp. nov. Tip of the elytra only paler along the fine reflexed marginal bead ; hind femora pale at apex only 49 49 — Head pale toward the clypeal margin in both sexes but more broadly in the male 50 Head deep black throughout to the margin of the clypeus, at least in the female. ..5 1 50 — Sides of the prothorax nearly continuous, strongly convergent, evenly and strongly arcuate, the punctures slightly closer and more evident toward the sides, fine but distinct throughout ; elytra rather coarsely, strongly, evenly and sparsely punctured; abdomen not pale at apex, the fifth segment of the male broadly sinuato-truncate, the surface deeply impressed in a transverse, posteriorly arcuate and well-defined concave bevel, the first with an elongate triangular glabrous area at the middle, defined by fine dense punctures. Length 2.2 mm. ; width 1.6 mm. Lake Superior ; [var. ? nigrivestis Muls, New Orleans, La.] lacustris Lcc. 150 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. Sides of the prothorax not quite continuous, less convergent, evenly and feebly arcu- ate ; punctuation similar ; elytra shorter, not quite as long as wide, very obtuse at apex, the punctures even, rather fine but strong and quite sparse ; pubescence coarse, yellowish- cinereous in color and conspicuous ; male characters nearly as in /actistris, the fifth segment more feebly impresso-beveled and the glabrous area of the first less defined. Length 2.0-2.15 mm.; width I.5-I.65 mm. Cali- fornia (Lake Tahoe) tahoensis, sp. nov. 51 — Pronotum impunctate at any part, the sides continuous witli tho>e of the elytra, strongly convergent, evenly and rather strongly arcuate ; elytra distinctly longer than wide, rather strongly but not closely punctate, the vestiture somewhat, coarse, not very aljundant but rather conspicuous. I>ength 2.15 mm.; width 1.5 mm. Utah (southwestern) — i\Ir. Weidt subsimilis, sp. nov. Pronotum tiistinctly but finely punctate, the punctures somewhat larger and more or less close-set toward the sides, the latter not quite continuous with those of the elytra, less strongly convergent, subevenly and moderately arcuate ^2 52 — Elytra scarcely as long as wide, strongly, evenly but unusual y sparsely punc- tured, the pubescence long, coarse, not dense but very conspicuous, yellowish- white in color. Length 2.1 mm. ; width 1.6 mm. Utah (southwestern) — Mr. Weidt mormon, sp. nov. Elytra fully as long as wide, somewhat less obtuse behind, rather strongly, evenly punctate, the punctures moderately close-set, the pubescence shorter, finer, darker in color, more decumbent and rather less conspicuous though more abundant. Length 2.1-2.2 mm. ; width 1.6 mm. California (Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras Co.) — Dr. Blaisdell ; (Dunsmuir, .Siskiyou Co.) — Mr. Wickham. Calaveras, sj). nov. 53 — Head pale at the clypeal margin, more broadly in the male 54 Head black throughout ; body large, very broadly oval, the prothorax much narrower than the elytra, the sides strongly discontinuous, feebly convergent, evenly and strongly arcuate, the punctures fine and not conspicuous ; elytra about as long as wide, rather coarsely, strongly and closely punctured, the pubescence fine, short, decumbent, rather abundant but dark in color and inconspicuous ; under surface densely punctate. Length 2.5 mm. ; width 1.8 mm. California (Siski- you Co. ) saginatus, sp. nov. 54— I^arge, strongly convex, polLshed, the prothorax moderate in size, much narrower than the elytra, the sides strongly discontinuous, moderately convergent, evenly and moderately arcuate, the punctures fine and sparse, closer toward the sides ; elytra as long as wide, not very coarsely but deeply, evenly and rather sparsely punc- tured, the pubescence moderately long and coarse but dark in color and rather sparse ; male with a concave median glabrous area, defined by fine dense pilife- rous punctures, at the apex of the first ventral, the fifth broadly sinuato-truncate and medially impressed as usual. Length 2 4 mm. ; width 1.8 mm. California (probably near San Francisco) strentlUS, sp. nov. Smaller, equally convex and polished, less broadly oval, the prothorax shorter and more transverse, the sides strongly discontinuous, rather feebly convergent, evenly and somewhat strongly arcuate, the punctures fine, rather sparse, even, more close-set toward the sides ; elytra a little longer than wide, evenly, almost semicircularly rounded behind, not very coarsely but deeply, evenly and rather sparsely punc- I June 1899.] Casev : On Americax Coccinellid.^. 151 tured ; male with a small feebly concave glabrous area on the first segment bord- ered by finer denser piliferous punctures, the fifth sinuato-tnmcate and impressed as usual. Length 1.7-1.9 mm.; width I.3-I.45 mm. California (Humboldt and Siskiyou Cos. ) mendocino, sp. nov. 55 — Prothorax large, nearly as wide as the elytra, about two and one-half times as wide as long, the sides slightly discontinuous, feebly convergent, evenly and moderately arcuate, the punctures fine, sparse, but slightly larger and less sparse toward the sides ; elytra about as long as wide, finely, rather feebly and sparsely punctured, the pubescence moderately long and coarse, sparse and slightly dark in color ; head of the male red in apical third ; middle and hind femora black at base. Length 2.0-2.25 mm-; width I.5-I.7 mm. California (Sonoma Co. ). stygicus, sp. nov. Prothorax relatively .smaller, much narrower than the elytra, shorter and more trans- verse, the sides strongly convergent, evenly and strongly arcuate and very markedly discontinuous with those of the elytra, the punctui^es nearly similar ; elytra barely as long as wide, more coarsely, quite strongly, very evenly and not so sparsely punctured, the pubescence very fine, even, decumbent, dark in color and inconspicuous ; head black, the extreme apical margin of the clypeus pale in the female, probably more in the male ; hind femora black at base, the trochanter pale. Length 2.1 mm.; width 1.6 mm. California (Siskiyou Co.). tenulvestis, sp. nov. 56 — Rather broadly oval, smooth, black, the clypeal apex, tip of abdomen feebly, and legs throughout, pale testaceous ; prothorax relatively rather small, much narrower than the elytra but only moderately transverse, the sides discontinuous, moderately convergent, evenly and feebly arcuate, the punctures rather large and close-set in the middle, shallow, variolate and feebly umbilicate, becoming fine and sparser toward the sides ; elytra evenly, finely but strongly, moderately closely punctured, the pubescence rather coarse but unusually short, subdecum- bent, ashy and distinct. Length 1.8 mm.; width 1.4 mm. Arizona (Grand Canon of the Colorado) — Dr. Prudden papagO, sp. nov. 57 — Prosternal carinse entire as usual ; elytral pale areas more or less nubilate and variable in extent 58 Prosternal carince not quite attaining the apical margin 62 58 — Body broadly oval 59 Body narrowly oblong-oval 61 59 — Body depressed, the pale areas of the elytra predominating 60 Body normally convex, testaceous, the pronotum with a large parabolic black spot nearly attaining the apex, the elytra black, each with a short, narrow, longitudinal and slightly oblique median vitta at the middle of the disk, which sometimes almost disappears, the under surface black ; legs dusky, the femora black except at tip ; prothorax closely and strongly punctulate, the sides slightly discontinu- ous, rather strongly convergent and evenly arcuate ; elytra fully as long as wide finely but strongly, evenly and very closely punctate. Length 1. 8-2.0 mm.; width 1. 25-1.45 mm. Arizona (Yuma) nubes, sp. nov. 60 — Elytral punctures moderately large and not very close-set ; upper surface testa- ceous, the pronotum with a broad parabolic black spot not attaining the apex, the elytra with a large triangular black common spot extending nearly to the 152 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoI.vil sides at the base and having its apex on the suture at apical seventh or eighth, sometimes enveloping the entire base and extending posteriorly along the sides behind the middle ; under surface black, the legs dusky-testaceous, with the femora darker. Length 1.8-2.0 mm.; width 1. 3-1 4 mm. Louisiana, Texas and Arizona ( Tugson ) citlctUS Lee. Elytral punctures tine, strong and very close- set ; upper surface testaceous, the prono- tum with a broad parabolic and rather poorly defined black spot, extending to about apical fourth; sides .slightly discontinuous, the punctures minute and incon- .spicuous, very close broadly toward the sides ; elytra with a black sutural vitta, sinuously expanding toward base, where it does not extend laterally much beyond the middle of each, finely attenuate posteriorly and not attaining the apex ; under surface and legs as in cinciiti. Length 1. 8-2.0 mm.; width 1. 2-1. 4 mm. California (Sta. Barbara); \siituralis |j Lee] lecontei Cr. 61 — Head testaceous, the pronotum black, with the apical margin narrowly, and apical angles more broadly, indefinitely pale, short and transverse, the sides strongly discontinuous, feebly convergent, evenly and moderately arcuate, the punctures fine but strong and very close-set throughout ; elytra dark rufo-testa- ceous, with sutural black vitta gradually expanding to the base and a nubilate lateral area not attaining base or apex, varying thence to entirely black, with a narrow oblique red discal streak on each closely approaching the suture posteriorly ; punctures fine, strong, even and extremely close-set ; pubescence rather long, coarse and conspicuous ; under surface black, the legs slender, testaceous, the femora black with the extreme tip red ; male with the fifth ven- tral less feebly sinuate at apex than in leeoiitei. Length 1. 8-1. 9 mm.; widtli I.I-I.25 mm. California (Sonoma Co.) sarpedon, sp. nov. 62 — Body broadly oval, each elytron with a distinctly defined discal red spot just be- fore the middle, the spot obliquely subrhomboidal in form ; pronotum pale at the apical angles, the sides continuous and strongly convergent, arcuate ; elytra sparsely punctate, the pubescence coarse and distinct. Length 2.5 mm. ; width 1.7 mm. California paciticus Cr. Body broadly oval, each elytron with a more elongate oblique red spot before the middle of the, the spot nearly attaining the suture ; pronotum entirely black. Length [2.5 mm]. New Mexico strabus Horn Body narrowly oblong-oval and much smaller, the elytra pale testaceous, with the suture narrowly blackish, the dark tint extending nubilously along the basal mar- gin to the sides and .sometimes prolonged backward along the latter for some distance, the punctures not very close ; prothorax much .smaller, distinctly nar- rower than the elytra, the sides strongly discontinuous, feebly convergent and feebly arcuate, black, gradually paler toward the apical angles ; under surface and legs black, the ventral plate distant from the segmental apex by half of its own length. Length 1.6-1.9 mm.; width 0.8-1. 1 mm. California (Lake Tahoe, Truckee and Monterey) coniferarum Cr. 63 — Very narrow and elongate-oval, polished, black, each elytron with a large triangu- lar red spot at the centre cf the disk; under surface and legs black, the trochanters and tarsi paler ; prothorax unusually feebly transverse, scarcely twice as wide as long, the sides obviously discontinuous, feebly convergent and nearly straight, becoming feebly arcuate at apex ; punctures remote and almost obsolete ; elytra June iSgg.] CaSEV : Ox AMERICAN CoCCINELLID.^. 153 fully a third longer than wide, rather narrowly obtuse behind, the punctures sparse and rather strong ; pubescence coarse ; male with the fifth ventral evenly sinuate at tip, the surface narrowly beveled along the sinus, the first gradually glabrous toward the middle. Length 1. 5 mm. ; width 0.8 mm. Pennsylvania. punctatus Say Much more broadly oval, the body smaller, less polished, black throughout, the pro- notum feebly picescent at the apical angles, not more than three-fifths as wide as the elytra, scarcely more than twice as wide as long, the sides quite strongly con- vergent, very discontinuous and almost straight, the punctures very minute and inconspicuous ; elytra but little longer than wide, obtusely rounded at apex, very finely, rather feebly, evenly but not closely punctured, the pubescence rather short and fine, not very conspicuous ; legs rufo-piceous ; ventral plates approach- ing the hind margin of the segment by a third or fourth of their own length but rather narrow and strongly rounded. Lengtli I.25-I.35 mm.; width 0.8-0.95 mm. Nevada (Reno) OCCiduus, sp. nov. Evenly and not very broadly oval, black, the frontal margin, mouth, apical angles of the pronotum and legs throughout pale ; marginal bead of the elytra at apex also testaceous ; prothorax nearly as wide as the elytra, finely, not densely and evenly punctate, the sides almost perfectly continuous, strongly convergent and feebly arcuate ; elytra distinctly longer than wide, rather finely but strongly, evenly and not closely punctate, the pubescence moderately long, cinereous and distinct ; metacoxal plate approaching extremely close to the suture, broadly rounded ; male with the fifth ventral broadly trapezoidal and sinuato-truncate, the edge nar- rowly beaded and the surface just anteriorly more convex. Length 1. 5 mm. ; width 0.95 mm. New Mexico nanus Lee. 64 — Upper surface black, each elytron with a large oval red spot on the median line of the disk jiist before the middle ; form very broadly oval, the head and pronotum black throughout, the latter finely, strongly and closely punctate ; elytra rather coarsely, evenly and moderately closely punctate, not pale at apex, the pubes- cence coarse ; under .surface black throughout, the legs fusco-testaceous, the femora black. Length 2.5 mm. ; width 1. 85 mm. Texas ; [Tennessee and Loui- siana— Horn. ] circumspectus Hodi LIpper surface black, the prothorax bicolored ; elytra without discal pale spot 65 Upper surface pale flavo-testaceous to piceous-black ; sides of the prothorax discon- tinuous 69 65 — Elytra distinctly and somewhat broadly margined with red at the apical margin, oval, polished, the head and prothorax generally pale, the latter broadly black toward the middle and base, sometimes black throughout, the sides not quite con- tinuous, rather strongly convergent and evenly, moderately arcuate, the punctures generally distinct but not very dense ; elytra coarsely and sparsely punctate, the pubescence coarse, rather long, ashy and conspicuous ; legs pale to blackish in color. Length 1. 8-2. 7 mm. ; width I.3-I.9 mm. New York, Delaware, Mi.s- sissippi, Texas, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa americanus Muls. Elytra not red at tip, or only extremely finely so, the punctures very much smaller and more close-set, the body more narrowly oval ; vestiture rather short and decum- bent, cinereous 66 154 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voivii. 66 — Pronotum black, sometimes with the sides paler, minutely, sparsely and incon- spicuously punctulate, the sides not quite continuous, moderately convergent, evenly and rather strongly arcuate ; elytra black, finely but very clearly, evenly and not very closely punctate ; legs red. Length 1.9 mm.; width 1.4 mm. Oregon — Mr. Wickham CSiUrinus Horn Pronotum pale testaceous, with a parabolic and frequently somewhat ill-defined median black spot at the base, extending almost to the apical margin, the sides subcon- tinuous with those of the elytra, convergent and rather strongly arcuate, the sur- face minutely reticulate and distinctly alutaceous, the punctures extremely small, sparse and inconspicuous ; elytral punctures very small, rather feeble; legs red throughout 67 67 — Abdominal lines only partially interrupted externally, approaching very close to the hind margin of the segment, as apparently in the two following also ; male with the fifth ventral segment broadly sinuato-truncate, feebly impressed and very inconspicuously pubescent along the sinuous portion. Length 1.7 mm.; width 1.15 mm. Nevada (Reno) innoCUUS, sp. nov. Abdominal lines distinctly interrupted externally, as usual in the present group. . .68 68 — Male with the fifth ventral segment very feebly sinuate at apex but conspicuously clothed with coarse, dense, erect and subflavous pubescence. Length 1.9-2. i mm.; width I.3-I.55 mm. Lidiana — Cab. Levette rusticus, sp. nov. Male with the fifth ventral short and broadly truncate but scarcely at all sinuate, the edge with a short and steep bevel and clothed with fine inconspicuous pubescence. Length 1.8-2.0 mm.; width 1. 25-1. 5 mm. California (Sonoma Co.). aluticollis, sp. nov. 69 — Elytral punctures rather coarse and sparse though only moderately deep.... 70 Elytral punctures fine and close-set ; body smaller and more narrowly oval uniform piceous-black above or paler, with the pronotum still paler toward the apical angles ; prothorax relatively small, moderately transverse, much narrower than the elytra, the sides moderately convergent and feebly arcuate, the punctuation close but very fine ; elytra longer than wide, not very obtuse at tip, feebly black- ish toward the suture and side-margin in some of the paler forms, the pubescence short, abundant and rather coarse. Length I.75-I.9 mm.; width I.0-I.2 mm. California (Monterey to Humboldt Co. ) difficiliii, sp. nov. 70 — Upper surface pale rufo-flavate, polished, immaculate, the pubescence rather short,, moderately coarse ; prothorax much narrower than the elytra, minutely, not very closely punctate, the sides only moderately convergent and more or less feebly arcuate; elytra about as long as wide. Length 1. 7-2.5 mm.; width 1. 0-1.75 mm. British Columbia to northern California phelpsl Cr. Upper surface pale luteo-flavate, the elytra with small irregular blotches or dashes of black, the pronotum frequently blackish except at the sides, strongly transverse ; elytral punctures binary, as in phclpsi, the larger sometimes tending to linear ar- rangement toward the suture and base ; post-mesocoxal line generally entire but sometimes more or less abbreviated, in one specimen only extending two-thirds the distance to the epistemal suture. Length 1.8-2.25 mm.; width I.15-I.6 mm. California ( Humboldt to Los Angeles) nebulOSUS Lcc. 71 — Elytra black, each with a single sharply defined rounded discal pale spot. ... 72 I June 1899.] Casey : On American Coccinellid;e. 1 55 Elytra black, each with two sharply defined oval spots, or a design formed by an amalgamation of such spots 73 Elytra black or piceous, with irregular paler design or maculation 75 Elytra pale, or sometimes pale with the suture or margins dusky 77 72 — Prothorax entirely testaceous, each elytron with a very large circular red spot just behind the middle, the apex not paler ; pubescence rather coarse, cinereous and conspicuous, the punctures very fine and not very dense ; legs flavo-testaceous, Length 1.25 mm.; width 0.85 mm. Florida (Dry Tortugas) . .bivulnerus Horn Prothorax entirely black, the head red or black ; legs testaceous, the femora black, especially the posterior ; elytra each with a smaller spot near apical third ; body moderately large and stout, the sides of the prothorax nearly continuous with those of the elytra; elytral punctures rather small, the pubescence coarse, rather abundant and conspicuous. Length 1. 9 mm ; width 1.3. Pennsylvania. flavifrons Mehh. Var. A — Much smaller and generally somewhat more narrowly oval, the elytral punctures relatively rather larger, the pubescence not quite so con- spicuous. Length 1.4-1.6 mm.; width 0.95-I.I mm. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Georgia bioculatus Muh. 73 — Spots of the elytra narrowly but clearly separated, oval. Length 2.0 mm.; width 1.2 mm. Lake Superior ornatus Lee. Spots of the elytra broadly coalescent, forming an elongate, bilaterally sinuate discal maculation 74 74 — Larger species and more broadly oval, the abdomen strongly and rather closely punctured at the sides of the first segment, the epipleurse scarcely attaining the middle of the side-margin of the second segment, the arrangement of the punc- tures at the sides of the first segment indicating derivation from a form having complete ventral plates, with the bounding line bending abruptly to the front very near them argin ; prothorax black throughout, minutely and rather closely punctate, the sides not quite continuous with those of the elytra, strongly con- vergent, evenly and strongly arcuate ; elytra much longer than wide, rather strongly rounded at apex, finely but deeply, moderately closely and somewhat ir- regularly punctate; legs red, the femora blackish. Length 2.15 mm.; width 1.35 mm. Massachusetts sanguinifer, sp. nov. Small and narrowly oval but similar to the preceding in form, the abdomen finely and sparsely punctate over the post-coxal areas, the lines curved forward at their ex- treme limit but not much prolonged, the epipleur?e attaining the apex of the second segment, blacl^ the elytral spot less defined than in sangtiinifer ; the punctures rather sparser and the apex more narrowly rounded. Length 1. 65 mm.; width 0.8-0.9 mm. Colorado (Rocky Mts. ) naviculatUS, sp. nov. 75 — Black throughout, broadly oval, the legs piceous, each elytron with two trans- verse discal spots which are almost, or completely, divided each into two very small pale spots, the outer of which are the more linear and oblique ; punctures fine and very close-set, the pubescence rather coarse, cinereous and conspicuous but easily denuded. Length 1.8 mm.; width 1.2 mm. California. guttulatus Lee. Piceous-black, narrowly oval, the legs dark testaceous throughout, each elytron with a transverse reniform pale spot just behind apical third, and also paler toward the 15G Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. apical angles, the suture, however, dark to the apex ; prothorax veiy minutely punctulate, the sides not quite continuous, feebly convergent and rather strongly arcuate ; elytral punctures fine and moderately close, the pubescence coarse. Length 1.4 mm. ; width 0.8 mm. California scitus, sp. nov. Piceous-black, the head and prothorax dark testaceous, sometimes feebly infuscate toward the middle of the base ; form broadly oval, each elytron with a large pale area, evidently consisting of two transverse spots longitudinally prolonged back- ward and forward, so as to unite and wholly or partially enclose an oval dark spot at the centre ; elytral punctures minute, the pubescence rather coarse and distinct, cinereous ; legs pale throughout 76 76 — Sides of the prothorax only slightly discontinuous, strongly convergent, evenly and moderately arcuate ; posterior transverse spot short, not extending to the apex. Length 1. 75 nmi.; width I. 2 mm. California (Humboldt Co.). suavis, sp. nov. Sides of the prothorax strongly discontinuous, feebly convergent and very feebly arcuate ; posterior spot extending nearly to the apex, the elytra being pale with the base broadly, suture and side-margin more naiTowly to behind the middle, and a small central spot, dark ; elytral punctures less close-set. Length 1. 7 mm.; width 1.2 mm. Colorado COloraOensIS Honi 77 — ^Each elytron pale, with all the margins nubilously blackish, more broadly at base, the pale area feebly oblique and elongate-oval, finely and rather closely punctate ; body elongate-oval, the pronotum piceous, minutely, not very closely punctulate, the sides not quite continuous. Length 1. 65 mm.; width 0.9 mm. California (southern) . .sordidus Ho'ii Each elytron pale throughout, or just visiiily and sufiusedly piceous toward the suture 78 78 — Larger, more narrowly oval, the elytra longer than wide, the j)ronotum finely and sparsely but evidently punctulate ; pubescence rather abundant, suberect, coarse and conspicuous. Length 1. 3-1. 6 mm.; width o. 8-1. o mm. Maryland,, Indiana, Kansas and Texas , intr U^ US Horn Srhaller, shorter and more broadly oval, the elytra not longer than wide, sparsely punctulate, the pubescence rather sparse, more decumbent and less con.spicuous ; pronotum wholly impunctate, sparsely pubescent, the sides continuous with those of the elytra but more arcuate, feebly convergent. Length 1. 1 mm.; width 0.75 mm. Florida (Tampa) inops, sp. nov. 79 — Prosternal carinre entire, attaining the apical margin ,80 Prosternal carince abbreviated in front ; body pale throughout or nearly so 87 80 — Elytra l)lack, with a transverse post-basal pale band narrowly prolonged along the suture to the base ; body narrowly oblong and parallel, the punctures fine and sparse ; prothorax testaceous. Length 1.4 mm. ; width 0.8 mm. Florida ( Haulover near Jupiter) balteatUS Lee. Elytra black, each with a single small yellow spot slightly in front of the middle, the apex narrowly pale ; body oval ; prothorax piceo-testaceous, paler at the sides, the latter almost continuous with those of the elytra ; legs testaceous ; size very small. Length [1.25 mm.]. Florida (Biscayne Bay and Punta Gorda). bigemmeus Horn I I June 1899.] Casey: On American Coccinellid^. 157 Elytra black or piceous, each with two pale spots , 8l Elytra black throughout, the apex broadly pale in fourth or fifth, the pale area di- vided by the rather broadly black suture to the apical angles ; body very small, broadly oval, the head, prothorax and legs throughout pale testaceous ; prothorax short and transverse, finely punctulate, the sides nearly continuous, strongly con- vergent and arcuate ; elytra barely as long as wide, very finely, evenly and not densely punctate, the pubescence short but pale and coarse. Length 1.2 mm. ; width 0.85 mm. Locality not indicated dichrous Muls. Elytra black, with a broad apical red area which is not divided by the suture ; legS red throughout 83 Elytra black or brown throughout, the apex not, or only very narrowly, paler. . . .84 Elytra pale, with a black spot or design 86 Si — Form very narrowly oblong and parallel, black, shining, the legs pale ; pronotum pale, infuscate toward the middle ; punctures fine and sparse, llie pubescence short, suberect and quite conspicuous ; elytra each with two large pale spots, the anterior at basal third the larger, extending somewhat obliquely and becoming subattenuate toward the humeral callus, the posterior at apical fourth and obli- quely suboval. Length 1.6 mm. ; width 0.9 mm. Florida (Enterprise) and Louisiana 4-t£eniatUS Lee. Form broadly oval , 82 82 — Prothorax black, faintly piceous toward the apical angles, the sides nearly continu- ous, strongly convergent and feebly arcuate ; elytra longer than wide, finely and not very closely punctate, each with a moderate subquadrate spot just before the middle, nearer the suture than the side, and another, smaller and reniform, in the same line at apical fourth ; apex scarcely paler ; pubescence rather coarse and distinct. Length 1. 7 mm. ; width 1. 15 mm. Pennsylvania. myrmedon Mnls. Prothorax pale rufo-testaceous throughout ; head and legs similar in coloration, the hind femora blackish, except at tip ; abdomen pale, blackish toward base ; body stout, oblong-oval ; prothorax short and transverse, finely but distinctly, rather closely punctate, the sides slightly discontinuous, moderately convergent, evenly and strongly arcuate ; elytra subquadrate, as long as wide, very obtuse at apex, black, finely but strongly, evenly and not very closely punctured, each with a very oblique pale line from anterior two-fifths and inner third to and enveloping the entire humeri, subdivided near its middle point, and a transverse broader spot at apical foui-th or fifth, narrowly and equally distant from the suture and side margin, the apex very narrowly pale ; pubescence coarse, suberect and distinct. Length 1.7 mm. ; width 1. 2 mm. North Carolina (Asheville). adulans, sp. nov. Prothorax yellow, darker in front of the scutellum ; elytra piceous, a narrow apical border and two spots, one small and rounded in front of the middle, nearer the suture than the side, and the other transverse and slightly sinuous, at apical third, touching the side but not the suture [not so drawn in the figure], pale; legs yellow. Length [l. 25-1. 5 mm]. Southern New Jersey . .liebecki //or« ?>2i — Prothorax black, with the apex narrowly, and the apical angles more broadly, testaceous, the sides not quite continuous, moderately convergent and broadly 158 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. arcuate, the punctures fine but strong and moderately close-set ; elytra distinctly longer than wide, finely but strongly, not very closely punctate ; pubescence coarse and distinct. Length I.3-I.8 mm. ; width 0.9-1.25 nmi. New York to Texas and Iowa ; \_feinoralii Lee. ] terminatus Say Prothorax flavo-testaceous, with a broad parabolic basal spot of black not extending to the apex, the sides strongly discontinuous, feebly convergent, evenly and strongly arcuate, the punctures fine, strong and very close-set ; elytra broadly oval, not longer than wide, with the apical fourth abruptly pale, the punctures strong but very small, finer and closer than in terminatus, the pubescence rather short and fine, darker in color and less conspicuous. Length 1. 7 mm.; width 1.25 mm. Texas (Austin) partitus, sp. nov. 84 — Form broadly oval, the elytra not longer than wide, black, shining, the pubescence coarse, suberect, cinereous and conspicuous ; head, legs and pronotum pale testaceous, the latter slightly infuscate before the scutellum, the sides continuous, strongly convergent, evenly and rather feebly arcuate ; elytra minutely, sparsely punctulate, the apical margin naiTowly and indefinitely pale, the scutellum black. Length 1.25 mm.; width 0.9 mm. Texas (Columbus). . . .houstonl, sp. nov. Form narrowly oval, the elytra distinctly longer than wide ; head and legs pale, the elytra narrowly paler at apex, almost imperceptibly so in brtvmcscens ; sides of the prothorax continuous but a little more arcuate than those of the elytra, rather strongly convergent 85 85 — Pronotum testaceous, gradually infuscate in the middle toward base, finely but rather strongly and closely punctulate ; elytra black, shining, rather strongly and somewhat closely punctured, the pubescence cinereous, only moderate in length and coarseness. Length I.2-I.3 mm.; width 0.8-0.85 mm. North Carolina ( Asheville) , appalacheus, sp. nov. Pronotum pale flavo-testaceous throughout, the elytra very pale brown, sometimes slightly darker and picescent in a large triangular nubilous basal region on the suture, rather sparsely and very finely punctate, the pubescence quite long, coarse suberect, bristling and conspicuous ; under surface blackish-piceous, the abdomen paler. Length I.3-I.6 mm.; width 0.9-I.05 mm. Texas (Brownsville) — Mr. Wickham brunnescens, sp. nov. 86 — Oval, much longer than wide, shining, pale flavo-testaceous throughout above and beneath, the legs still paler; head and pronotum subimpunctate, the latter short, the sides continuous but more arcuate, moderately convergent ; elytra distinctly elongate, minutely, sparsely punctate, with a slightly transverse common sutural spot at apical third, which is feebly arcuate anteriorly and semicircular behind ; pubescence only moderate in length. Length 1.3 mm.; width o. 88 mm. Florida. Stigma, sp. nov. Oval, minute, not much longer than wide, very pale albido-flavate, the legs very pale \ sterna of the hind body, and sometimes the median basal parts of the abdomen, black ; pronotum short and verj' transverse, scarcely punctulate, the sides not quite continuous, feebly arcuate and moderately convergent, pale, with a short transverse black .spot before the scutellum ; elytra scarcely as long as wide, pale, with a sharply defined deep black design, consisting of a large common basal spot semicircularly rounded behind, continued narrowly along the basal margin. June 1899.] Casey: On American Coccinellid^. 159 flexed posteriorly at the humeri and continuing narrowly along the side-margin to the middle, the large basal spot also connected by a short sutural isthmus with a small rounded common sutural spot just behind the middle ; pubescence long, coarse and bristling. Length 0.9-I.0 mm.; width 0.65-0. 75 mm. Bahamas (Eleuthera and Egg Islands) — Mr. Wickham bahamictlS sp. nov. Oblong, much longer than wide, very pale luteo-flavate, the pronotum less pale than the elytra but uniform throughout and without a median basal spot, much less transverse than in bahamicus ; sides somewhat discontinuous, feebly convergent, evenly and feebly arcuate, the punctures minute but visible and rather close-set ; elytra evidently longer than wide, nearly straight at the sides, very obtuse at apex, finely but strongly, somewhat closely punctate, the darker design piceous- black and less abruptly defined than in bahamicus, consisting of a large subtriangular common basal spot, somewhat prolonged in a fine acuminate line at each side of the suture, but not united to the rounded common sutural spot at apical two-fifths ; flanks infuscate at the middle and again at the external apical arcuation ; pubes- cence rather short and inconspicuous. Length 1. 15 mm.; width 0.78 mm. Bahamas (Egg Island) putUS, sp. nov. 87 — Larger species, broadly oblong-oval, pale and uniform luteo-flavate throughout, the abdomen piceous at the middle of the base ; pronotum finely punctulate, the sides almost continuous but a little more arcuate, strongly convergent ; elytra a little longer than wide, parallel, very obtusely but circularly rounded behind, finely but strongly, rather closely punctate, the suture with a parallel nubilous piceous vitta from the base to rather behind the middle ; pubescence coarse and moder- ately short. Length 1.55 mm.; width 1.05 mm. Kansas. .. .dulcis, sp. nov. Smaller and more narrowly oval, the elytra not darker on the suture 88 88 — Elytra about as long as wide, not narrowed behind except toward tip 89 Elytra longer than wide, narrowed behind from near basal third ; prothorax well developed, only moderately transverse, scarcely perceptibly punctulate, the sides continuous with those of the elytra but rather more arcuate, moderately conver- gent ; elytra rather narrowly subtruncate at tip, finely but distinctly and rather closely punctate, the pubescence very short and subdecumbent. Length I.I-I.2 mm.; width 0.65-0.7 mm. Michigan and Illinois £eger, sp. nov. 89 — Prothorax minutely punctulate, the sides continuous with those of the elytra, rather strongly convergent and very feebly arcuate ; elytra finely and quite closely punctate, the pubescence very short, abundant and subdecumbent. Length i.i- 1.3 mm.; width 0.75-0.8 mm. California (Alameda Co. ) debilis Lee. Prothorax relatively smaller and more convex, impunctate, the sides evidently discon- tinuous, feebly convergent, evenly and rather strongly arcuate ; elytra distinctly and somewhat abruptly wider than the prothorax, obtusely rounded or subtruncate at tip, with somewhat coarse but very shallow and sparse punctures, the pubes- cence longer, sparser and more erect than in debilis, but still quite short. Length I.I mm. ; width 0.68 mm. Florida pusiOt sp. nov. Ill the subgenus Scymnobiiis the presternum is wholly devoid of carinae, but there is frequently a fine short groove following the margin of each acetabulum ; this is a very well-marked group of 160 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoLvil species, and may pro\e to have full generic value. In Diomiis the prosternal carinae are as distinctive and charcteristic a feature as in Piilliis or Scymnus proper, and they are by no means obsolete as stated by Dr. Horn ; they are, however, finer and less visible under low powers of amplification. In this group, which is indeed almost entitled to generic rank, the first ventral suture is generally more obliterated toward the middle than in the others. The separation of Scymnodes Blackb. , from Scymnus, upon this character, would not be warranted even if the line of demarkation could be distinctly drawn. In the old world, Scymnus proper seems to be about as abundant as Pullus', but in America the disparity in numbers is very great, the former being relatively very feebly represented. Scymnus punctum of LeConte, which is closely allied to the Euro- pean/////r//////;;;, belongs to the genus Stethorus oi Weise, very distinct on account of the deflexed prosternum; it is in no way related to nanus, with which it is compared by Dr. Horn. The following species are omitted from the table because of un- certainty regarding their true position. 5. briillei Muls. — Oval -oblong ; elytra black, each with a rounded red spot in apical third. Length 3. 1 mm.; width 1. 5 mm. Florida. May be placed before heniorrJious but the proportional elongation is much greater. S. piDicticollis Lee. — Broadly oval, black, the head and prothorax finely and densely punctured, the latter with a small yellow spot at the apical angles ; elytra densely punctate, .with a narrow testaceous apical margin ; legs pale, the femora piceous. Length 2.25 mm. Upper Mississippi. Maybe placed just before agricola in the table. S. abbreviatus Lee. — Black throughout, the legs rufo-piceous ; prothorax sparsely punctured, densely toward the sides ; elytra densely and coarsely punctured, the metacoxal plates three-fifths as long as the segment. Length 2.1 mm. Lake Superior ( Eagle Harbor). To be placed immediately after wv?V/// in the table. S. flcbilis Horn — May be inserted just before nnbes in the table S. opaculus Horn — May be placed just after cv-cutnspedits. S. bisignatus Horn — To be inserted immediately after bividuerus. S. ainabilis Lee. — To be placed just htiort guttiilatus. S. xanthaspis Muls. — Should appear immediately before houstoiii. S. icteratus and cyanescens of Mulsant, cannot be placed, and the atramentarius and infitscatus of Boheman, cannot be certainly identified. Cephaloscymnus C/vfcIi. The two species thus far discovered are mutually closely allied, but differ in color and sculpture. The Cephaloscymnus ornatus of Horn, jiineiSj9l Casey: On American Coccinellid.'e. 161 is in no way related, but belongs to the Scymnillini, where it forms the type of a new and rather isolated genus. The color of the body is uniform and black or piceous. Ijlack, the elytra sparsely punctured. Maryland and South Carolina. zimmermanni O-otch Brownish or piceous ; elytra more coarsely and (juite closely punctured. Southern California and Arizona. OCCidentalis Horn These species are of an oblong-oval form and 1.5-2.0 mm. in length. They may be recognized at once by the very large head and deeply emarginate prothorax, the sides of which are discontinuous with those of the elytra. Rhyzobiini. The insects of this tribe are of a regularly oval, moderately convex form and are clothed throughout with more or less fine semi-erect pubescence, as in Scymnini. They are not, however, closely allied to that tribe, as they possess wider, moderately descending and internally margined epipleurse, long and slender antennae, with loosely connected serrate 3-jointed club, entire or subentire and coar.sely faceted eyes and entire metacoxal plates, always shorter than the segment, and, in the two genera defined below, the prosternum is flat, moderately or widely separating the coxae and with two strong entire converging carinas. The abdomen has six segments, the sixth very small, the maxillary palpi normally securiform and the legs perfectly free. The prothorax is very feebly and evenly sinuate at apex, with broadly rounded angles as in Psylloborini. The tarsal claws are well developed, evenly arcuate and slender, with a moderate subquadrate dilatation internally at base, but in the males the anterior and intermediate are thick and bifid, thus forming an exception to the entire family as far as known. The genera before me may be defined as follows : — Epistoma transversely truncate and simple at apex ; hypomera nearly simple ; proster- nal cariniB arcuate, diverging widely at base, coalescent at apex ; metacoxal plates very short *Rhyzobius Epistoma deeply emarginate, the bottom of the sinus transverse and having a mem- branous margin ; hypomera with a narrow deep groove extending, parallel to the side margin, from the apex nearly to the middle, the prosternal carina; straight, not coalescent at apex ; metacoxal plates much larger, extending almost to the apex of the segment Lindorus The definition of Rhyzobius, — the original spelling of which I agree with Wollaston in following, — is taken from the South African trimeni Csy. 162 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoKvii. Lindorus, gen. no\ . The single species is represented before me by two examples, kindly communicated by Dr. Blaisdell, and one taken by myself in Sonoma County, in 1885, which is apparently prior to its introduction by the Agricultural Department. Broadly oval, pale rufo- testaceous throughout, e.xcept the entire elytra, which are black with feeble a;neous lustre ; pronotum frequently with a transverse piceous cloud just before the middle, the sides but feebly convergent, slightly arcuate and distinctly discontinuous, the punctures fine and rather sparse ; elytral punctures slightly stronger but not very close-set, the pubescence unevenly directed. Length 2.2-2.7 mm.; width 1. 5-2.0 mm. California (Coronado to .Sonoma); \toowoombcB Blackl) ] lophanthse Blaisd- COCCIDULINI. A single remarkable genus, apparently confined to the palsearctic and nearctic provinces, demands tribal separation. The body in Coc- cidula is elongate -oval and moderately convex, pubescent throughout, with the eyes, antennae, palpi and metacoxal plates as in Rhyzobiini, and the abdomen composed of six segments, the sixth large and dis- tinct. The mentum is not impressed, as it is in Rhyzobiini, the epi- stoma truncate, with coriaceous margin, the prosternum tuniid in the middle anteriorly, becoming flat and rather widely separating the coxae at base, bicarinate, the carinae coalescent before the apex upon the sum- mit of the tumidity, the hypomera simple; epipleuras narrow, hori- zontal, more finely margined within, becoming obsolete at the fourth abdominal segment, the metacoxal plates about half as long as the segment, the legs perfectly free, rather stout, with the claws feebly bifid within at some distance from the apex. The T)rothorax is nar- rowed at base and very feebly sinuate at apex. Coccidula Kugel. The single species before me resembles the European very closely and may be thus briefly defined : — Elongate ; body and head black, the prosternum, legs, abdomen, except in the middle at base, and pronotum, testaceous, the latter with a small and transverse dark area at apical fourth ; elytra testaceous, arcuately black at base and along the sides to behind the middle, also with a common transversely oval sutural black spot at two-thirds, the punctures rather coarse, deep, close-set and uneven in size, the larger tending vaguely to lineal arrangement at some parts of the disk; pubescence very short, almost even. Length 3.0 mm.; width 1.4mm. Michigan (Detroit) lepida Lee. June 1899] CaSEV : On AFRICAN COCCINELLID/E. 163 Sufiiralis Ws. (Ann. Belg., March i8g5, p. 132), described from Ohio, ot which the Californian occide?iialis Horn, is said by Weise to be a synonym, is not before me at present and is therefore omitted. APPENDIX. I. List of Coccinelhdc'e taken in equatorial and southern Africa by Messrs. Cook and Currie, and by the author, while a member of the Transit of A'enus expedition to the Cape of Good Hope, in 1882. Lioadalia flavomaculata DeG. — Wellington, near Cape Town. Isora anceps iMitls. — Wellinglon. Stictoleis 22-maculata Fabr. — Liberia (Mt. Coffee). The black spots coalesce in some individuals. CEnopia cinctella Muh. — Cape Town. Verania comma Tliunb. — Wellington. Cydonia 4-lineata AIuls. — Wellington. The specimens are in three varieties. First : the median vitta of the elytra is entire, with a finer external arcuate vitta joining the principal vitta near the base and apex — the normal form, which is rare. Second : the principal vitta is abruptly abbreviated at apical fourth, and, third : the principal vitta extends only to basal third or fourth. Both of the last two varieties are more abundant and have the external vitta wholly obsolete. Cheilomenes lunatus Fabr. — St. Helena, Cape Town and Wellington. Cheilomenes orbicularis, sp. nov. — Similar in form to iiinatus, but with the discal spot before the middle of each elytron broadly amalgamated with the humeral elongate spot, the latter narrowly separated at base from the inner basal spot and not fused with it as in lunatus. Further, with the transverse blotch at the suture and apical third evidently formed of two spots and not forming a regular arcuate band as in lunatus. Both of these species are represented by large series, and the markings are extraordinarily constant in each. Liberia (Mt. Coffee). Thea variegata Fabr. — Wellington. Epilachna reticulata Oliv. — Liberia (Mt. Coffee). The pale ground color be- tween the spots is frequently filled with a black reticulation which never ap- proaches the spots by more than half of their own diameter, the latter becom- ing ocellated. Epilachna africana Crotch. — Liberia (Mt. Coffee). Epilachna liberiana, sp. nov. — Somewhat similar to africana, but larger and more dilated. Broadly rounded, strongly convex, rufo-testaceous, the elytra, epipleurae externally and legs throughout, black, the elytra sparsely and rather finely but unequally punctate, each with six large subequal irregular pale blotches, three subsutural and three submarginal, the anterior subsutural not attaining the base and the posterior submarginal not in line with the three subsutural. Length 6.8 mm. ; width 6.5 mm. Liberia (Mt. Coftee). 1C4 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vil Epilachna occidentalis Crotth. — Liberia (Mt. Coffee). Epilachna peringueyi, sp. nov. — Ovate, the elytra subprominently rounded and widest at basal fifth, black throughout, the epipleura;pale, margined externally with black, the elytra minutely, not densely punctate, with larger, widely scattered punctures intermingled, black, each with three large subconfluent spots in apical half, two smaller spots in a transverse line at two-fifths, the external of which is broadly confluent with a lunate basal spot extending al- most to the scutel'um ; head and pronotum without pale spots at any point. Length 5.8 mm. ; width 4.7 mm. Cape Town. ISelongs near iiifJnna. Chnootriba erythromela IVidoii. — Cape Town. Chnootriba assimilis Muls. — Liberia (Mt Coffee). Chnootriba curriei, sp. nov. — Similar to assimilis, but shorter and more broadly oval, with the fine punctures of the elytra much sparser and the coarse punc- tures very much larger, the surface more convex and more shining ; subhu- meral spot rounded ; median band — composed of two spots — much less oblique, almost transverse. Length 5.4 mm. ; width 3.9 mm. Liberia (Mt. Coffee). Named in honor of Mr. R. P. Currie. Lotis neglecta Mids. — Broadly rounded, polished, black above ; pronotum finely, closely punctulate toward the sides, the apical angles pale ; elytra each with two large orange .spots on the median line, the anterior the larger and extend- ing from one-sixth to two-fifths and from inner fourth to outer third, the pos- terior from two thirds to five-sixths and from inner fifth or sixth to outer two- fifths ; limb feebly rufescent ; punctures fine and not close-set ; under surface and legs testaceous, the sterna and median basal parts of the abdomen darker. Length 2.0-2.2 nmi. ; width 1.8-2.0 mm. Cape Town. The elytral spots are a little larger than indicated by Mulsant. Lotis distincta, sp. nov. — Similar to neglecta in form but alutaceous and with still more minute and obsolete punctures, black throughout above, each elytron with two spots in the same position but smaller, not more than a fifth as wide as the elytron, the posterior elongate-oval ; punctures gradually becoming distinct to- ward the sides ; surface with obscure and very obsolete impressed longitudinal striiform lines toward the suture ; under surface and legs black throughout, the epipleurre piceous. Length 2.3 mm. ; width 2.1 mm. Cape Town. Lotis stigmatica, .sp. nov. — Slightly smaller and more narrowly rounded behind, polished, black above, with a feeble greenish reflection, the elytral punctures .small and sparse but distinct, the spots similarly placed but very small, the anterior rounded, about a seventh as wide as the elytron, the posterior very Miiall, circular, with rather nubilous outline ; under surface and legs black throughout, the epipleurte piceous. Length 1.75-2. 1 mm.; width 1. 6-1. 9 mm. Wellington. Lotis nigerrima, sp. nov. — Similar io sliginatica in form, size and sculpture, but deep black above, polished and without trace of elytral spots ; under surface black, the legs and abdomen picescent ; epipleur?e pale testaceous, margined with black externally. Length 2.1 mm. ; width 1. 9 mm. Wellington. Much larger than nigritiila Cr., and with more distinct punctures. Xestolotis (gen. nov.) stictica, sp. nov. — Almost circular, very convex, pol- I June 1899.] Casey : On African Coccinellid^. 165 ished, black, the head, pionotiim and suffused limb of the elytra dark piceo- rufous ; under surface piceous, the legs, palpi and antennie pale testaceous ; pronotum and elytra strongly and equally punctate, the former closely, the lat" ter sparsely and without trace of impressed lines at any part. Length 1.8 mm. ; width 1. 7 mm. Liberia (Mt. Coffee). Taken in abundance by Mr. Cook. The genus Xcstolotis is similar to Lotis in the structure of the front, but has the clypeal margin more broadly truncate and only very feebly sinuate ; the eyes are not emarginate and the antennae are rather well developed, with the club flattened, compact and elongate-oval ; the fourth joint of the maxillary palpi is very obliquely securiform, the free apex somewhat prolonged and finely acuminate. The coxae are all widely separated, the tarsi well developed and subcompressed, and the claws simple, becoming arcuately thickened internally toward base. The abdomen is composed of five segments ; the metacoxal plates at- tain the segmental apex toward the sides and are concave. The fifth ventral is longer than the preceding, as in all genera with true five- segmented abdomen, and, in all my representatives, the tip of the ab- domen is deflexed, this being apparently a normal condition. The epipleurae are uneven and subfoveolate, the met-episterna remarkably divided at a point opposite the extremity of the straight mesocoxal line, and the third tarsal joint is evidently free. It may be distin- guished from Sticholotis (^punctata) by the characters of the epipleurae and met-episterna, as well as by the more finely faceted and entire eyes, which, in Sticholotis, are nearly as coarsely granulated as in the rhyzobiids and slightly emarginated by the post-antennal parts of the front. Chilocorus cooki, sp. nov. — Broadly rounded, polished ; head, pronotum, entire under surface and legs pale brownish-testaceous ; elytra black, a large oval basal spot on the suture of the same color as the anterior parts, extending, at the basal margin, two-fifths from the suture, and, on the latter, slightly beyond the middle ; punctures minute and sparse, each surrounded by a fine irregular ring of extremely minute punctulation ; epipleurce piceous-black, testaceous inwardly. Length 5.4 mm. ; width 4.8 mm. Liberia (Mt. Coffee). Named in honor of Mr. O. F. Cook. Exochomus versutus AIuls. — Wellington. Exochomus flavipes Thunb. — Wellington. Platynaspis capicola Crotch. — Wellington. Telsimia (gen. nov.) tetrasticta, sp. nov. — Broadly elliptical, evenly and moder- ately convex, shining, finely but strongly, sparsely impresso-punctate, clothed rather sparsely throughout with somewhat long suberect and ashy pubescence, black, the legs but slightly picescent ; each elytron with two rounded testaceous 166 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. spots nearly as in Lotis, both near inner third and at two-fifths and three-fourths from the base respectively ; flanks regularly declivous to the edge, which is minutely reflexo-beaded. Length I.5-I.6 mm.; width 1.25 nmi. Wellington. Differs from the following in its larger size and maculate elytra. Telsimia inornata, sp. nov. — Broadly rounded, strongly somewhat compresso- convex, shining, strongly, closely punctate, the pubescence rather .short, ashy, suberect and moderately abundant ; elytra without ornamentation, the edge slightly more thickly reflexo-beaded than in tetrastida ; metacoxal arcs more apical but still far from the apex of the segment, the tarsi more slender, with the basal joint more elongate. Length I.I mm.; width 0.9 mm. Liberia (Mt. Coff"ee). The genus Telsimia has been sufficiently characterized in the body ot the present paper under the head of Telsimiini. Pharus 6-guttatus Gyll. — Wellington. Pharus inaequalis, sp. nov. — Similar to 6-guttatus but more oblong and less rounded, with the prothorax relatively narrower, more rounded at the sides and more strongly and closely punctured ; elytra with the spot at the middle and inner fourth very much smaller than the other two, and not subequal as in 6-guttatus ; under surface and legs black throughout. Length 2.4 mm.; width 1.8 mm. Cape Town. Pharopsis (gen. nov.) subglaber, sp. nov. — Broadly oval, very strongly convex, black throughout above and beneath, the legs not paler, minutely but evidently punctate, the elytra sparsely so, polished and glabrous ; head and pronotum duller, strongly microreticulate and clothed with very short, rather sparse, de- cumbent and inconspicuous silvery-gray hairs ; basal joint of the tarsi elongate, the claws simple and strongly arcuate. Length 1.45 mm.; width 1. 2 mm. Wellington. This genus has been defined previotisly in the present paper, under the head of Pharini. Hyperaspis felixi Muls. — Wellington. Hyperaspis newcombi, sp. nov.— Elongate, suboblong-oval, moderately convex, polished, black throughout above and beneath, the head, except at the basal margin, and the sides of the pronotum in a parallel area nearly twice as long as wide with the inner outline feebly bisinuate, orange-yellow ; elytra with a rounded marginal pale spot at apical sixth of the length; anterior legs pale, the two posterior pairs black. Length 2.7 mm.; width 1.8 mm. Wellington. Named in honor of Prof. Simon Newcomb. Differs from 7nercki in the form of the subapical spot of the elytra, which is here much smaller and separated throughout its extent from the margin by the fine black bead, becoming only slightly more distant posteriorly ; it is separated from the suture by rather more than its own width. Cranophorus notatulus Muls. — Wellington. The male has the fifth segment broadly sinuato-truncate, with a small suberect liguliform tooth at the middle of the apical edge, the sixth angularly emarginate, with the surrounding surface deeply impressed, and, through the emargination, a small seventh segment can be discerned. June 1899.] Casey: On African Coccixellid^. 167 Cranophorus 4-notatus Muh. — Cape Town. Cranophorus trapezium, sp. nov. — Similar to ^-notatus but more broadly oval, shining, moderately pubescent, finely, rather closely punctate, deep black above, the pronotum pale and diaphanous at the apical margin, more broadly laterally, the pale margin extending only to the middle of the length ; elytra each with two small rounded pale spots, nearly equal in size, near one-third and two-thirds from the base and both at about two-fifths from the suture ; under surface and legs black ; male with the fifth ventral feebly sinuate, not denticulate, the sixth sinuato- truncate and broadly impressed. Length 1. 7 mm.; width I.I mm. Wellington. Abundant. Cranophorus parvulus, sp. nov. — Similar to the preceding but much smaller, the elytra more finely, sparsely and obsoletely punctate and more truncate at tip, the two spots of each elytron extremely small and nearly on the median line ; male with the fifth segment truncate and not modified, the sixth perfectly flat, broadly subtruncate at apex, with a very minute angulate median notch. Length I.15-I.25 mm.; width 0.75-0.85 mm. Wellington. A single pair. Stethorus jejunus Csy. (Ante, p. 136) — Cape Town. Scymnus (Scymnusj morelleti Miils. — Wellington. Scymnus (Scymnus) capicola, sp. nov. — Broadly oval, black, the elytra! apices narrowly margined with red ; abdomen black, the apical margin paler ; legs testaceous throughout ; head rufo-piceous in the male, black in the female, the pronotum black throughout in both sexes, finely but strongly, not closely punc- tate, the sides nearly continuous, strongly convergent and moderately arcuate ; elytra as long as wide, rounded behind, punctured nearly like the pronotum but less finely ; under surface dull, very densely punctate throughout, more finely on the abdomen. Length 1. 7-2.0 mm.; width 1.2-I.5 mm. Welling- ton. The male has the fifth ventral broadly, feebly sinuate at the middle of the apex but not notably impressed. Scymnus (Scymnus) monroviae, sp. nov. — Broadly oval, moderately pubescent, finely but strongly, somewhat closely punctate ; head black, the pronotum black with the apex nubilously pale toward the sides, the latter strongly con- vergent, feebly arcuate and rather discontinuous ; elytra black, the apical mar- gin narrowly and nubilously pale, each with a rather large, obliquely oval discal red spot just before the middle ; under surface blackish, dull, very densely but finely punctate, the abdominal apex slightly paler ; legs pale tes- taceous, the femora somewhat infuscate except toward tip. Length 1. 75 nim.; width 1.25 mm. Liberia (Mt. Coflee). A single female. Scymnus (Nephus) angustus, sp. nov. — Very narrowly oval, about twice as long as wide, moderately convex, minutely and very closely punctate, black, the elytra testaceous, with the suture and side-margin in basal three-fifths blackish, the dark areas broadening toward base and becoming coalescent ; under sur- face and legs piceous or blackish, the knees and tibiae somewhat paler. Length 1.6 mm.; width 0.8 mm. Wellington. Rhyzobius trimeni, sp. nov. — Oval, moderately convex, the pubescence ashy, moderately long and abundant ; body black, the tarsi and abdominal limb broadly throughout pale ; pronotum with the apex at and near the angles pale, the sides reflexed, strongly convergent, evenly, rather strongly arcuate and dis- 16S Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vn. continuous, the base finely margined ; elytra finely but distinctly, sparsely punctate, each with two rather small rounded pale spots, the anterior, slightly the larger, near one-fourth and very slightly nearer the suture than the margin, the posterior not quite at three-fourths and near inner third or two-fifths ; ab- domen finely, not densely punctulate. Length 2.6—3.0 mm.; width 1.8-2. 15 mm. Wellington. Named in honor of Mr. Roland Trimen. The basal angles of the prothorax are slightly more than right, and are not at all rounded but not prominent, the base being oblique and straight from the scutellum to the sides. II. The present opportunity is taken to describe a few new members of the Coccinellidse from regions beyond the United States. Epilachna parvicoUis, sp. nov. — Ovate, very convex, polished, the pubescence short and only moderately dense ; head and pronotum black throughout, the latter finely, not densely punctate, broadly concave and reflexed at the sides, two and one-half times as wide as long, distinctly narrower than either elytron, the sides rather feebly convergent ; scutellum blackish, a little longer than wide ; elytra but little longer than wide, widest at basal third or fourth, where the sides are evenly rounded to the base and gradually less strongly, becoming strongly convergent, to the ape.x, which is ogival, pale rufo-testaceous in color, the reflexed margins evenly throughout, a small rounded spot on each at the middle and inner two-fifths, and another in the same range near the margin and transverse, black ; sculpture sparse, consisting of very coarse deep punctures, with others, small and feebly impressed, intermingled, the surface subrugose ; under surface, epipleur.s and legs throughout black. Length 9.6 mm.; width 8.0 mm. Bolivia. Some time after this description had been written I received a second Bolivian specimen, agreeing exactly with the type, from Mr. Fruhstorfer, under the name " u/fipen/u's.'' I have been unable to find this name in the literature of the subject, and Mr. Fruhstorfer in- forms me that he also is unable to recall its origin. Nephaspis (gen. nov ) gorhami, sp, nov. — Oval, moderately convex, finely, closely punctate, finely, evenly and aljundantly pubescent, the hairs all directed longitudinally on the elytra ; head, pronotum, prosternum, legs and abdominal apex and sides pale testaceous ; elytra piceous-black. Length 1.2 mm.; width 0.85 mm. Colombia (Panama). Nephaspis brunnea, sp. nov. — Similar but more nan^owly oval, the minute punc- tures sparser, the surface more polished, the pubescence similar and subde- cumbent but sparser ; body dark piceous-brown throughout, the head, proster- num, legs and abdomen toward tip testaceous ; sterna closely and more coarsely punctured. Length 1.2 mm.; width 0.8 mm. Colombia (Panama). The genus Nephaspis is remarkable, among those allied to Scym- iius — and in fact the entire family, — in the structure of the proster- June 1899.] Casey: Os South American Coccinellid^. J69~ num ; this widely separates the coxae, which are obliquely conical and decumbent upon the surface separating them, the latter being thus ob- liquely biconcave, the elevated part reduced to a mere cusp point anteriorly, the coxae being subcontiguous at their apices. The sterna of the hind body are very convex, and the mesosternum is abruptly terminated anteriorly by a deep vertical wall. The coxal arcs are nearly as in the subgenus Nephus^ but the tarsal claws are long, feebly arcuate, extremely slender and perfectly simple. The epipleurae are extremely narrow, and extend scarcely behind the middle, and the two basal joints of the antenna are large and compressed, the re- mainder very small and slender ; the palpi are normally securiform. The eyes are simple and almost entire and are well developed, the clypeus deeply sinuate. The prothorax is as wide at base as the elytra and, in repose, heads rest upon the body in such a way as to conceal all anterior to the mesosternum. The abdomen has six segments as in Scymnus, the first as long as the next three combined. The genus will form a distinct tribe in the neighborhood of Scymnini. Zagloba beaumonti, sp. nov. — Broadly oval, shining, finely, rather sparsely punc- tate and somewhat sparsely clothed with long stiff ashy-yellow hairs, unevenly directed and suberect ; body pale brownish-testaceous in color throughout, the legs more flavate ; sides of the prothorax moderately convergent, very feebly arcuate and distinctly discontinuous with those of the elytra. Length 1.5 mm.; width 1. 1 mm. Colombia (Panama) — Mr. J. Beaumont, to whom I am indebted also for the two species described above. This species has the metacoxal arcs incomplete and formed as in the subgenus Scymnus, the emargination of the eyes normal and the prosternum wide and flat between the coxae, not carinate but tumid or beaded laterally along the acetabula ; the tarsal claws are strongly arcuate, and have a large quadrate internal tooth at base. no Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vil NEW AFRICAN SESIIDiE. By Wm. Beutenmuller. Sesia gabuna, sp. nov. $ . Head and antennae black ; collar black above, white at sides and beneath ; palpi black above and at tip, yellowish-white beneath. Thorax black with a greenish re- flection, a yellow line on each patagia and a yellow transverse mark on the posterior end. Beneath with a golden yellow patch on each side. Abdomen blue-black with a golden yellow ring on the posterior edge of the 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 segments and a yellow line on each side from the base meeting the first ring. Anal tuft blue-black, narrowly edged with yellow on each side. Legs blue-black, anterior coxa; white on each end ; tarsi yellowish on one side. Fore wings transparent bordered with violet black, outer border very broad ; transverse mark rather prominent. Hind wings trans- parent with a narrow violet black outer border. Fore wings beneath as above but with silvery rays between the veins in outer border. Expanse, 20 mm. 9 • Larger and more robust than the male, with rings on abdomen white and with a white ring at base on hind tibiae. Anal tuft entirely black. Expanse, 25 mm. Habitat : Valley of the Ogowe River, French Congo, i ^ , 49 9- Allied to Ses/a basiformis (^lustrans Grote). Sesia africana, sp. nov. Head, thorax and abdomen above metallic green-black. Abdomen beneath whitish. Collar very slightly orange above ; palpi beneath pure white ; anterior and hind pair of coxae pure white. Legs green-black, middle and hind pair with white annulations. Fore wings green-black with three small transparent spaces, basal one linear, the one in cell oval, and the one beyond the transverse mark largest and rounded. Hind wings transparent with very narrow outer border. Antennae long, black. Expanse, 26 and 34 mm. Habitat : Valley of the Ogowe River, French Congo. 299. Coll. W. J. Holland. Easily recognized by its uniform color and by the three transparent spaces on the fore wings. It evidently comes near the European scoli(eformis, but has no anal tuft ; this may have been worn off. Sesia festiva, sp. nov. Head black with a minute orange spot at the base of the antennre, which are black above and brown beneath. Collar golden orange above, white beneath. Palpi white beneath, black above. Thorax brilliant orange red, except in the middle above brownish-black. Abdomen violet black with a white ring on the 4th, 6th and 7th segments. Anal tuft violet black, slightly white in the middle beneath. Legs violet with white tufts ; anterior coxaj white. Wings transparent with narrow violet black borders and transverse mark. Hind wings transparent, border very narrow. Wing nealh as above. Expanse, 18 mm. June 1899.] BeutenmOcLer : New African Sesiid^. 171 Habitat: Valley of the Ogowe River, French Congo, i^. Coll. W. J. Holland. May be known by the golden orange red thorax and violet abdo- men. Sesia albiventris, sp. nov. Head black above, front white ; palpi white, tip black. Antennae black ; thorax black, white on each side beneath ; patagia tipped with white posteriorly. Abdomen black with a metallic green reflection and a narrow white ring on the 4th segment ; last segment edged with white, anal tuft black; underside of abdomen white on the 3d, 4th, and 5th segments. Legs black, annulated with white, middle femora and anterior coxre white. Fore wings violet black with a basal transparent streak and a small spot composed of white scales beyond the middle. Hind wings transparent, border and fringes violet black. Wings beneath as above. Expanse, II mm. Habitat : Valley of the Ogowe River, French Congo, i S . Coll. W. J. Holland. Sesia olenda, sp. nov. Wholly bronzy violet-black above and below, except the fore coxae, ringlets on legs and palpi white; last joint of palpi black. Fore wings with a very small rounded transparent mark in the cell and a large transparent area beyond the transverse mark. Expanse, 15 mm. Habitat : Valley of the Ogowe River, French Congo, i 9 . Coll. W. J. Holland. Sesia nyanga, sp. nov. Head, thorax and abdomen above and below bronzy black, except the last two seg- ments beneath white. Anal tuft bronzy black. Fore wings largely transparent, borders and transverse mark very narrow, black ; similar beneath with the costa yel- lowish. Legs black, middle coxse white. Expanse, 17 mm. Habitat . Valley of the Ogowe River, French Congo, i 9 . Coll. W. J. Holland. Sesia nuba, sp. nov. Head black, front white on each side ; antennae black, ferruginous beneath ; palpi with loose hairs, black, white at tip. Thorax and abdomen bronzy black, the latter with a pale, dirty yellowish band on the 2d, 4th, and two last segments, encirc- ling the body ; legs black with white ringlets, hind pairs with loose black hairs ; fore •coxae white. Fore wings transparent, borders and transverse mark, moderately broad, bronzy black. Hind wings transparent, border narrow, bronzy-black. Ex- panse, 14 mm. Habitat: Valley of the Ogowe River, French Congo. 2$ $. Coll. W. J. Holland. One example differs by having the last four segments of the abdomen ringed ; the transverse mark on fore wings orange outside, a little 172 Journal New York Entomological Societv. [voi. vil orange on inside of outer border and the patagia finely lined with yellow. The hind tibiae and tarsi are clothed with rather long hair. Sesia malimba, sp. nov. Head brovvn-lilack, face pale orange-yellow ; palpi orange ; antennai black above, orange beneath ; thorax brown-black with indication of a tine orange stripe along the patagia. Abdomen brown-black with a broad yellow band on the 2d and 4th segments above, brown beneath. Legs orange, femora brown. Fore wings with transparent areas small, the outer one round, border and transverse mark broad brown-black ; rayed with a little orange between the veins on outer part, along inner margin and in the basal transparent area. Underside similar to the above. Hind wings transparent with narrow brown margin. Expanse, 20 mm. Habitat : Valley of the Ogowe River, French Congo, i 9 . Coll. W. J. Holland. Allied to 5. inelliiiipeimis. Sesia brillians, sp. nov. Head black ; palpi orange; antenna' black. Underside of abdomen, thorax and legs orange. Thorax and abdomen above blue-black, the former with a transverse orange mark posteriorly, the latter with an orange ring on 2d segment and 4th and 5th segments orange. Anal tuft blue-black. Fore wings orange, basal half and outer border blackish. In the orange field are two very small opalescent spots, and a simi- lar one in the cell but is a little larger than the rest. Hind wings transparent, outer border broad, and gradually narrowing as it reaches the hind angle, bronzy brown marked with orange inside. Fore wings beneath golden orange, outer part brown- black, spots repeated. Hind wings as above. Expanse, 13 mm. Habitat : Valley of the Ogowe River, French Congo, i $ . Coll. W. J. Holland. May be easily known by the orange fore wings with three opalescent spots. Sesia tropica, sp. nov. Head black ; palpi, thorax posteriorly, legs and abdomen above wholly orange ; anal tuft blue-black, beneath golden yellow. Thorax anteriorly black. Antennn; brown-black with a white patch before the tip. Fore wings orange, outer part and fringes brown ; costa narrowly brown ; in the cell is a small triangular space, and an oblong one beyond the transverse mark. Hind wings transpai'ent, border narrow, brown. Fore wings beneath golden yellow at base, gradually becoming brown. Expanse, 13 mm. Habitat : Valley of the Ogowe River, French Congo, i 9 • Coll. W. T. Holland. June 1899.] Dyar : On the Genus Trosia. 173 THE MEGALOPYGID GENUS TROSIA, WITH DE- SCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES. Bv Harrison G. Dyar. Genus Trosia Hubner. 1822 — Trosia HuBNER, Verz. bek. Schmett. 196. 1855 — 5 fringe ocherous. Below both wings as secondaries above ; body largely white ; coxlv and femora red above, tibia; and tarsi ringed with black. Expanse, 27 mm. Nearly allied to T. tricolora Fab. , which is however an inhabitant of the tropical regions, whereas this comes from the Mexican plateau. One male, Nogales, Koebele collector, August 15, 1898, U. S. Nat. Mus., type no. 4104. Nogales is a town on the border line be- tween Arizona and Mexico. 3. T. purens Walk. 1856 — Edebcssa purens y^^KtK¥.K, Cat. Brit. Mus. VII, 1755. 1892 — Scialhos purens KiRRY, Cat. Lep. Het. I, 540. Sir G. F. Hampson has kindly examined Walker's types of the species for me and the generic characters correspond with Trosia. 4. T. dimas Cram. — 1775 — Bo?nbyx dhnas Cramer, Pap. Exot. I, pi. 59 C. 1822 — Trosia dimas HuBNER, Verz. bek. Schmett. 196. 1854 — Chrysau^e dimas '^ KLVX^, Cat. Brit. Mus. II, 375. 1892 — Idalus (?) dimas Kirby, Cat. Lep. Het. I, 198. 1894 — Sciathos dimas DoGNiN, Lep. Loja. 173. 1897 — Sciathos dimas Druce, Biol. Cent.-Am. , Lep. Het., II, 440. 5. T. ribbei Dnice. — 1898 — Sciathos ribbei Druce, Biol. Cent.-Am. Lep. Het. II, 441, pi. 88, fig. i. NEW SPECIES OF SYNTOMIDiE. By Harrison G. Dyar. Pseudapinconoma elegans Auriv. var. curriei, var. nov. Under side of thorax entirely crimson, legs white, femora and basal half of hind tibije crimson above ; abdomen bluish gray, segmental black bands linear, the basal segments with orange hair and the lateral tufts orange ; a dorsal series of crimson dots. Wings as in elegans, but the hyaline patches between veins 2 and 6 large and diffuse, reaching nearly to the termen, with ill defined outer border. Two males, Mt. . Coffee, Liberia (R. P. Currie). U. S. Nat. Mus., type no. 4247. June 1899] DyAR : NeW SpECIES of SVNTOMIDiE. 175 Cosmosoma sicula, sp. nov. Black, pectus, frons and abdomen with metallic blue patches, the latter in sub- dorsal and lateral series. Wings hyaline, veins black, an orange red streak below costa and above internal margin, the former reaching three-fourths to apex, the latter almost reaching tornus ; a small orange red patch at base above vein I ; outer margin black, very broad at apex but widening gradually and regularly ; a narrow black bar at end of cell and the space between veins 2 and 3 up to cell filled in with black, powdered with red scales as well as the extreme base of the space between veins 3 and 4 ; a small red spot near end of vein 2 below. Hind wings with black border, broad on the outer margin. Tegulas and patagia with orange red scales. One male, Venezuela. Expanse, 27 mm. U. S. Nat. Mus., type no. 4248. Allied to C. festiviim and C. centrale, next to which it comes in Hampson's tables. Cosmosoma perfenestratum, sp. nov. Head black, frons and vertex with metallic blue ; antennce black ; thorax orange red, black below ; legs with patches of blue ; abdomen black with dorsal red stripe not reaching base or extremity and subdorsal series of metallic blue spots. Wings hyaline, the veins and margins black ; fore wing with orange red basal patch and streaks below costa and above internal margin running nearly to termen ; an orange red discal patch cut by the black veins ; an orange red patch filling in the space be- tween veins 2 and 4, but not completely ; terminal band very wide at apex, almost wholly orange red, only the veins and extreme margin black, expanding at tornus and joining the patch between veins 2 to 4. Hind wing with some red at base, the ter- minal band black, expanding at apex and tornus, edged within by red scales. One male received from Staudinger and Haas as " La^JHocJian's fenestratay U. S. Nat. Mus., type no. 4244. This falls in Hampson's table between C. achemon and C. hypocheilus. Eriphioides ustulata Feld. var. columbina, var. nov. Differs from ustulata in having a large discal orange patch on the under side of fore wings, powdery and diffuse and cut by the black veins. The fore coxae are white. One male, received from Staudinger and Haas as ^' Ai/tocJi Ion's columbina.'''' U. S. Nat. Mus., type no. 4245. Cyanopepla melinda, sp. nov. Black, thorax and abdomen strongly shot with metallic blue green, also on the head, palpi and legs and forming a dorsal band and segmental rings on the abdomen ; coxae, tibffi, tarsi and venter of abdomen powdered with white. Fore wings with a metallic blue dot at base of costa and a streak in submedian interspace ; a crimson fascia from within end of cell to tornus at vein I, not reaching costal edge or margin ; 176 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. a smaller oblique spot between veins 5 and 7. Hind wings with the basal two-thirds shot with metallic blue ; a rounded submarginal crimson spot between veins 2 and 4, narrowly cut by the black vein 3. Expanse, 4 1 mm. Two males, Petropolis, Brazil (F. G. Foetterle). U. S. Nat. Mus., type no. 4246. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOG- ICAL SOCIETY. jMeETING of OlTOBK.R l8, IS98. Meld at the American Museum of Natural History. In absence of the President and Vice-President, Mr. Chas. Palm was elected chairman /ro tein. Twelve members present. Mr. Beutenmuller proposed Mrs. W. H. Browning for active membership. Mr. Beutenmuller spoke on his collecting trip to Florida in July last and stated that he was fully satisfied with the results. About two thousand specimens of Coleoptera were taken, amongst which were Dyschirhis schaumii, Holopeltis larvalis, Langnria ma>'ginipcnnis, Elater s/tirinii, Polycesta, sp., Acteiiodes auronotata, JMccas cana, Oedionychus ulkei, Oxacis tceniata, Helops viridimicans, Formico)iuis stifulits (?), and many other good species: A large gray Katydid Cyrtophyllus allied to C. concaz'tis was also taken as well as many species of other insects. After discussion, adjournment. Meeting of Novemher i, 189S. Held at the American Museum of Natural History. President Love in the chair. Ten members present. Mrs. W. H. Browning was elected a member of the Society. Mr. Rabe pro- posed Mr. Chas. Wunder, for active membership. Mr. Davis spoke on Cicindcla conscntauea, which was taken at Manchester, N. J. He thought that it was a valid species and not a variety of sexguttata. Mr. Schaefter read a paper on Dineutes. He called attention to the variability of the apices of the male elytra of D. hornii, which are described as rounded, but a large series shows all intergrades from the rounded to projected apices of the female elytra. i\Ir. Zabriskie exhibited under the microscope a transverse section of the elytron of Cylloie robinits, showing faded portion, also a few scales which retained their color. He spoke on coloration of insects and stated that dermal coloration will in- variably remain, while hypodemal color will more or less fade after death. He further stated that the brightness of living insects depends greatly upon their emotion. Mr. Davis stated that he succeeded in preserving the color of gold-tish with a mixture of Epsom Salt and Fonnaline, while he failed to preserve the color of some insects with this mixture. Dr. Love stated that a 2 % solution of Formaline is sufficient for preserving, but cannot be recommended as the Formaline will evaporate and nothing but water will remain. Mr. Beutenmuller exhibited a curious abberration of Pyrameis huntera and Dr. Love showed a melanic form of Argynnis aphrodite. After a general discussion, adjournment. Journ. X. V. Ent. Soc Vol. VII. PL II. HyDROFCM PL/RPURiTASClA 5 HrDROECIA NlTTLA 7 ACROM/CTAXONNECTA JOURNAL JOf&i ]9ork 6!nloraoIogirflI Horipfg. Vol. VII. SEPTEMBER, 1899. No. "^z NOTES ON TRYPETIDiE WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. BV R. W. DOANE. Since the publication of Loew's Monograph of the Trypetid?e of North America in 1873 several new species have been described by various authors. For the reception of some of these species new genera have been erected. Others very obviously belong to- some of the already established genera, but in order to include these new forms the definitions of these genera have needed more or less modification. Thus we find in this group, as in every other, that no matter how care- fully they may be worked up at any time, in the course of a few years a revision of the work becomes very desirable. Until such a revision shall be made the true location of some of the forms already described and several of those described herewith cannot be definitely deter- mined. In describing the new species that have come before me in the past year I have erected no new genera, choosing rather to place them in genera already established, and to which they seem more or less closely related, leaving the determination of their true location until the time when the family shall be revised. In an article on "A New Trypetid " in Ento. News, Vol. IX, No. 3, I set forth my reasons for believing that the segment usually referred to as the ovipositor in this family is really the last abdominal segment, and in drawing up the description of J?. 7-ibicola referred to it as such. Further study of the group gives additional evidence in support of this view, but in order to avoid confusion I have in the fol- lowing descriptions followed the usual custom and referred to this segment as the ovipositor. I have to thank Professor J. M. Aldrich, of the University of Idaho ; Mr. Trevor Kincaid, of the University of Washington, and 178 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii Professor V. L. Kellogg, of Stanford University, for kindly placing their collections of Trypetidae at my disposal while preparing the present paper. Acidia fratria Loeiv. Several specimens reared on Heraclciiinixom. Almota, Wash., others collected at Pullman, AVash. In the single female in this lot the ovipositor is black, whereas Loew describes his specimens as having this segment yellow. In comparing these specimens with Thompson's description of liogastcr there seems to be little doubt but that liogastcr and fratria are the same species as Loew suspected. The black ovi- positor also lends much weight to the supposition that this may be the same as T. heraclei Linn. The coloring of the body and the depth of the coloring of the wings is subject to considerable variation. Epoch ra canadensis Lorw. Quite abundant over the state and of considerable enconomic im- portance as the larvae attack both currants and gooseberries. Straussia longipennis JVied. I have many specimens before me from widely different localities, which seemingly might be distributed among seven or eight different varieties, but there is such an inte'gradation of forms that it is almost if not quite impossible to fix the limit of any group. I have seen no specimens from this state. Spilographa electa Say. A single male from Tennessee. Spilographa setosa, sp. nov. (PI. Ill, Fig. i). $ 9 • Head and its appendages, thorax, legs and abdomen wholly yellow. Front of medium width ; bristles brownish black ; third joint of antennae slightly con- cave on upper side, anterior corner rather sharp ; face with moderately deep furrows ; oral margin not at all projecting ; proboscis and palpi short. Thorax with very short brownish black pile ; besides the two black spots on the metanotum there is a small black spot just back of the base of the wing usually concealed by the alulets. Pos- terior femora with a few weak brownish bristles near the tip on upper side ; the short weak cilia of the posterior tibia are also brownish. Abdomen with brownish black pile and a few bristles of the same color ; ovipositor conical of same color and about as long or a little longer than the preceding segment. Wings hyaline, yellowish toward base and with brown cross-bands. The first of these, which is broken and more or less indistinct, extends from the humeral cross- vein quite across the anal cell, the posterior corner of which is much produced ; the second cross-band extends from the stigma across the anterior cross-vein and about half way across the third posterior cell, not reaching the posterior margin ; the third Sept. 1899] DoANE : Descriptions of New Trypetid^. 179 cross-band is more oblique, beginning just before the tip of the second vein and ex- tending across the posterior cross-vein it reaches the posterior margin of the wing just back of the tip of the fifth vein, where it is usually broader, fading out gradually as it nears the second cross-band ; completely united with the third cross-band anteriorly and seaming the tip of the wing is another band reaching a little beyond the tip of the fourth vein ; between the second and third cross-bands and parallel with the latter is a narrow band reaching from the costa to the third vein ; the whole of the anal and second basal cells and the bases of the first basal and sub-marginal cells show a dis- tinct yellowish tinge ; veins yellowish ; first and third with rather stout bristles, latter with very few, one or two of which are beyond the anterior cross-vein. Length, ^ 5 mm.; ^ 6 to 7 mm. Nine males, four females. Habitat : Wash., Ida., Mich., S. D., Minn. I have before me quite a large series of this species which seems to be subject to little variation, although in a single female the abdomen is much darker, almost brownish, and the third cross-band is inter- rupted at the third vein. Differs from T. flavonotata Macq., which it most closely resembles in having no trace of lighter markings on thorax ; dark instead of light cilia on hind tibia ; in having bristles on posterior femora and the black spot behind the wings, etc. CEdicarena diffusa Snow. The length of the ovipositor is subject to some variation, some- times being fully as long as the three preceding segments taken to gether. Habitat : Wash., S. D., Colo. Plagiotoma obliqua Say. Illinois, Iowa. Trypeta palposa Loeiu. Minnesota, Iowa. Trypeta occidental is Snow. It may be well to add to the description of this species that the color is light grayish yellow, lighter than T. palposa; fifth segment of male with a black spot on each posterior corner. In some speci- mens the band seaming the tip of the wing is not united anteriorly with the third cross-band, but separated from it by a narrow hyaline space. Habitat : AVash., Ida., Colo., S. D. Trypeta straminea, sp. nov. (PI. Ill, Fig. 2). $ . 9 . Yellow ; head brighter yellow ; front rather broad ; bristles brownish black ; postorbital bristles whitish ; antennre yellow ; third joint rather short broad, rounded ; arista yellowish at base, darker towards tip ; palpi broad, rather large, with 180 Journal New York Entomological Society. [voi. vii. small black bristles. The black on the dorsum of the thorax is partially concealed by whitish pollen and whitish yellow pile ; the posterior pair of the four dorsal bristles is situated in the yellow rectangular area in front of the scutellum and arise from large black dots, the anterior pair arising from smaller dots is situated along the anterior margin of this area ; metanotum, a spot back of the base of the wing, a spot at the base of the halteres, and another above the posterior coxae, black ; legs wholly yellow, tarsi slightly darker. Abdomen wholly yellow with the following black spots on the male : two on the anterior margin of the second segment near the middle ; four on the anterior margin of the third, fourth and fifth segments, two of which are median and two lateral ; two on the posterior lateral margin of the fifth segment. Female with the black spots as in the male with the addition of the four borne on the sixth segment, but with none on the posterior lateral margin of the fifth ; ovipositor reddish yellow, black at extreme tip, flattened, longer than the three preceding segments taken together ; pile of abdomen whitish yellow ; bristles black. ^Yings rather long and narrow ; whitish hyaline with a brownish yellow picture which extends along the costal border from the base of the wing to the tip of the first vein ; the first portion reaches posteriorly as far as the sixth vein, covering the basal cross-veins and leaving only the basal portion of the Second basal cell and a small spot at the extreme base of the sub-marginal cell, hyaline ; the second por- tion of this picture extends posteriorly only to the third vein ; the band arising at the tip of the first vein and extending over the anterioi cross-vein fades out about the middle of the third posterior cell ; the second band, however, which arises on the costa some distance before the tip of the second vein and extends across the posterior cross-vein reaches almost, if not quite, to the posterior margin of the wing ; seaming the tip of the wing and connected along the costal border with the second cross-band is another band reaching a little beyond the tip of the fourth vein. All these bands are edged with darker brown ; veins yellowish or brownish ; first with bristles ; third with three or four bristles at the point where the second vein branches from it. Along the posterior border of the wing and in a large triangular spot in the first and second posterior cells the whitish hyaline is replaced by a much darker hyaline. Length, (J 4.5 mm. ; f 5 to 6 mm. Sixteen males, six females. Habitat: Washington. Different from T. occidentalis, which it must closely resembles, in the following particulars : Smaller, dark reddish yellow instead of lighter yellow ; pile on thorax and abdomen not so long or dense ; wings comparatively narrower. I have a large series of both species before me and find these differences to be constant with no inter- mediate form. (Edaspis anthracina, sp. nov. (PI. Ill, Fig. 3). 9 • Deep shining black ; front rather broad ; yellowish brov/n with a median narrow dark brown line running forward from the dark brown ocellar triangle to meet a crescent shaped line of the same color which extends transversely across the middle of the front ; beside the usual bristles on the vertex and front which are black, the head is furnished with short, bristle-like or stubble-like white hairs of which there is Sept. 1899 ] DoANE : Descriptions of New Trypetid^e. 181 a postorbital row an^i a single row arranged between the frontal bristles and the eyes, and others scattered over various parts of the head ; face and cheeks grayish white, slightly infuscated under the eyes ; oral opening small ; proboscis and palpi short ; antenn:e honey yellow ; the black arista slightly incrassated at base. Thorax shining black with short white stubble-like pile and a few black bristles ; the tumid scutellum concolorous, with four black bristles ; the shining black metanotum has, under the swelling lying immediat'^ly under the scutellum, a cross-band of white pollen. Abdo- men shining black ; second segment with short white pile posteriorly ; third and fourth segments with white pile anteriorly and with black pile medianly and pos- teriorly ; fifth and sixth segments wholly with white pile ; ovipositor flattened, much elongated, nearly as long as all the preceding taken together, wholly shining black with verj' short black pile. Coxce and femora, except the tips of the latter, black ; trochanter, tip of femora, tibia and tarsi reddish yellow ; front femora on under side with a few black bristles. Wings whitish hyaline, rather broad and with three broad dark brown cross-bands and a sub-triangular basal spot ; extreme base of wing whitish with a faint tinge of yellow ; a dark brown, almost blackish brown, triangular spot extending from the costa across the basis of the basal cells to the axillary incision ; the first two cross-bands are connected anteriorly but posterior of the third vein they are separated by a hyaline space slightly narrower than the second cross-band ; the first cross-band is widest posteriorly where it spreads on toward the base of the wing, filling about two-thirds of the axillary corner ; the third cross-band is separated from the second by a hyaline space which is about twice as broad posteriorly as anteriorly ; it borders the apex of the wing far beyond the tip of the fourth vein, but, as it does not quite touch the margin at all points, it leaves a small sub-triangular hyaline spot just before the tip of the second vein and a narrow hyaline space between the tips of the second and third veins upon the dark brown cross-bands between the stigma and the hyaline space separating the first and second cross-bands, is a rather broad light brown spot which bends downward along the middle of the second cross-band across the small cross-vein and reaches the fourth longitudinal vein ; there is also a light brown spot in the third cross-band, extending from near the costa quite to or slightly beyond the third vein ; also a small round light spot in the second cross-band in the discal cell ; veins brownish ; first with bristles ; cross-veins very approximate and perpendicular. Length, 9 5 ^^nra. Two females. Habitat : Idaho, Michigan. This species differs from O. aira, which it most closely resembles, in having the ovipositor flattened instead of conical, the first and second cross-bands not so divergent, the second and third cross-bands more widely separated, no stripes on the thorax, etc. Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh. Habitat : Mass., Colo., S. D. Not known to occur in Washington. Rhagoletis ribicola Doane (PI. Ill, Fig. 4). Destructive through- out the State. Habitat : Washington, Idaho. 182 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoL vii. Rhagoletis caurina, sp. nov. (PI. Ill, Fig. 5). 9 • Black ; head and its appendages yellow ; front darker, rather broad, not narrowed anteriorly ; bristles black ; oral opening rather large ; margins only slightly projecting ; proboscis and palpi moderately long ; dorsal side of third joint of antennae only slightly concave, anterior corner rounded ; arista black ; occiput black ; thorax black, sparsely dusted with whitish pollen and with thick short black pile ; scutellum fo^ the most part yellow, black at sides, with four black bristles ; legs for the most part reddish yellow ; coxce, a spot at base of femora and the fourth and fifth tarsal joints black ; the spot at base of femora sometimes fomis a more or less complete band and the third tarsal joint is sometimes also darker. Abdomen shining black with thick, short, black pile ; ovipositor shining black, flattened, a little longer than the three pre- ceding segments taken together. Wings hyaline with a brown picture consisting of short bands and dots, arranged as follows : a rather faint dot on humeral vein ; a narrow band running from the first vein across the basal cross-veins ending abruptly at the sixth vein ; a broader band beginning in the costa just before the tip of the first vein and running across the anterior cross-vein, ending abruptly at the fourth vein ; a short band beginning in the costa a short distance beyond the tip of the first vein and ending abruptly on the third vein ; a dot at the tip of the second vein ; a spot in the tip of the wing filling the tip of the first posterior cell and extending into the extreme tip of the sub-marginal cell ; a short band across the first posterior cell below the tip of the second vein, a band covering the posterior cross-vein ; a rather large roundish dot on the fifth vein about the middle of the length of the discal cell. Length, 3.5 mm. One female. Habitat: Oregon. Although the picture on the wings of this species differs greatly from any of its co-genators, the general structure and coloring of the body is so like that of other Rhagoletis that I do not hesitate to assign it to this genus. Aciura insecta Lotto. Jamaica, W. I. Aciura ferruginea, sp. nov. (PI. Ill, Fig. 6). Head and its appendages yellow ; front rather broad hardly narrowed anteriorly ; bristles reddish brown ; third joint of antenna? rounded at tip ; arista yellow at base, darker towards tip ; palpi and proboscis long. Thorax cinerous, covered with a thick, short, reddish pile ; scutellum yellowish along the posterior margin, with two bristles ; legs wholly yellow ; front femora with rather long yellow hairs below. Wings dark brown, yellowish at base with the following spots whitish hyaline : Two in costal cell ; two in marginal cell beyond the tip of first vein, the second extending quite across the sub-marginal cell ; two in the second posterior cell ; three in the third posterior cell, the middle one of these being smallest and not reaching the margin as do the others ; a round one in the first basal cell opposite the stigma and a similar one in the discal cell beyond the anterior cross-vein. In the region of the anterior cross-vein the dark brown of the wing is variegated with a somewhat yellowish irregular spot ; a very much smaller but similarly colored spot also occurring in the stigma ; first and third veins bristly, latter with only a few weak ones. Sept. 1899.] DoANE: Descriptions of New Trypetid^. 183 Habitat : Washington. A single specimen in which the abdomen is missing, but the red- dish pile of the thorax, the yellow on the posterior margin of the scu- tellum and the characteristic markings of the wings make it easily recognizable. Aciura nigricornis, sp. nov. (PI. Ill, Fig. 7). Wholly reddish yellow ; front broad, the lateral portions remarkably produced, each side bearing three large spines and two bristles ; the anterior pair of spines is the largest and more curved ; the posterior pair shortest and straight ; a single pair of the black vertical bristles very long and stout ; face somewhat flattened and receding ; oral opening large ; proboscis and palpi short but prominent ; antennas reaching about to the middle of the face ; third joint rounded ; arista black, yellowish toward base ; thorax with short black pile and black bristles, with a small black spot just above the base of the wings ; the broad somewhat tumid scutellum with two strong black bristles ; legs wholly reddish yellow ; front femora slightly incrassated and with a few weak bristles below. Wings rather broad, rounded, dark brown ; the extreme base, the axillary corner and the following spots whitish hyaline : one in the costal cell ex- tending from the costa to the third vein ; two just beyond the tip of the first vein, the first extending posteriorly a little more than half way across the sub-marginal cell, the second reaching entirely across this cell ; a large somewhat triangular incision in the second posterior cell and a much narrower one in the third posterior cell ; a round spot in the first posterior cell in front of the posterior cross-vein ; another in the discal cell almost behind the anterior cross-vein and another in the first basal cell below the stigma. The hyaline in the axillary corner extends into the third posterior cell and reaches the fifth vein at one point ; first and third veins with bristles. Habitat: Pennsylvania. I possess only a single specimen of this interesting species and un- fortunately the abdomen is missing. The picture of the wings and the two bristled scutellum show a close relation to the genus Aciura, but the larger size, the broader wing and the remarkably developed front with its strong spines and bristles would seem to furnish sufficient character for the erection of a new genus. This, however, I hesitate to do until I have examined more specimens. Acrotsenia otopappi, sp. nov. (PI. Ill, Fig. 8). 9 . Yellowish ; with very thick white pile ; head whitish yellow ; front with a brownish tinge ; a single pair of frontal bristles white, others brownish ; face whitish, deeply excavated ; oral openings not very large, margins but slightly projecting ; pro- boscis and palpi short ; antennse darker yellow ; third joint rounded ; arista brown ; the black on the drosum of thorax almost wholly concealed by the very thick white pollen and the short pile ; with three indistinct brownish lines ; scutellum yellow with four brown bristles ; metanotuni black with thick white pollen ; legs wholly light yel- low ; abdomen blackish ; the posterior margin of each segment and an intenupted 184 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. median line yellowish ; ovipositor flattened, reddish yellow, blackish at base and tip, a little longer than the three preceding segments. Wings very broad and rounded ; the picture for the most part light brown, but the portion between the second vein and the margin much darker brown ; the first of the hyaline incisions in the second pos- terior cell extends nearly half way across the first posterior cell, the second hardly reaches beyond the fourth vein ; a rather large hyaline spot a little before, and another somewhat larger one just beyond the tip of the second vein. The remaining portion of the wing is covered with a multitude of small hyaline spots, those in the apical half much smaller than those in the basal half, many of which coalesce ; distal half of second vein sinuous ; first and third veins bristly. Length, 9 4-5 ™'^- A single female found dead in the head of a dried specimen of Oto- pappus acuminatus from Mexico. Eutreta diana O. S. Habitat : Nebraska, Washington. Those from Washington reared from galls on Artemisia tridentata. Eutreta sparsa U'ied. These show considerable variation in the picture of the wings. One from South Dakota, male, is a typical specimen. Those from California have the wings somewhat narrower and the rather dim pel- lucid drops extend to the costa anteriorly, resembling closely Mr. Snow's figure in Kans. Univ. Quart. , PI. VI, Fig. lo. The single specimen from Pennsylvania, a male, is much smaller and has nar- rower wings. Habitat : Colo., S. D., Cal., Pa. Eutreta nora, sp. nov. (PI. Ill, Fig. 9). 9 • Brown ; head and its appendages and legs yellow ; front very broad, more reddish yellow medianly and with each of the three black bristles on either side aris- ing from a small dot ; face slightly hollowed out ; mouth opening large, edge pro- jecting ; proboscis short ; palpi short and broad ; third joint of antenna; short, broad, slightly concave above, anterior corner rather sharp ; arista brown with a very short pubescence. Thorax grayish brown with blackish piliferous spots and fuscus streaks; the short, sparse pile is reddish ; scutellum somewhat yellowish with a broad median fuscus band and a rather large fuscus spot at the bases of the bristles ; the four bristles of the scutellum, as well as those of the thorax, black ; metanotum black with grayish pollen latterly. Abdomen dark velvety brown, with a narrow median longitudinal grayish line ; pile white ; ovipositor, except a reddish lateral spot, shining black, flattened, about as long as the four preceding segments taken together. Wings broad, round, black, covered with numerous white round dots which vary considerably in size, the largest ones being found in the marginal cell and second and third posterior cells ; interspersed among the whitish hyaline dots are many small yellowish spots ; posterior cross-vein very much curved ; the bristles on the third vein are short and Sept. iSgg.] DOANE : DESCRIPTIONS OF New TrYPETID^. 185 weak, but extend far beyond the anterior cross-vein. On one wing in the single speci- men before me, there are two short spurious veins extending from the costa into the marginal cell, on the other wing only one of these veins is present. We cannot con- sider them as being of any taxonomic importance. Length, 9 5 ^nm. One female. Habitat : Idaho. Eutreta aurantiaca, sp. nov. (PI. Ill, Fig. lo). 9 . Black ; the broad, flattened front yellowish brown with black bristles, those nearest the vertex having small black dots at their bases ; face more whitish, broad, flattened, slightly receding ; oral opening large ; margin not produced ; antennae yel- low ; third joint slightly concave above, anterior corner sharp ; arista yellow at base, brownish toward tip ; occiput black. Thorax black with reddish pollen and thick reddish pile ; scutellum shining black with a small yellowish spot on each side poste- riorly ; the four black bristles as well as those of the thorax and vertex tipped with yellow or white ; metanotum shining black ; legs reddish yellow ; femora with a black spot a little beyond the middle on the ventral side. Abdomen shining black ; each segment, except the first, with three yellow spots ; pile for the most part black, but along the posterior margin of the second segment and in the region of the yellow spots it is golden yellow ; ovipositor shining black, flattened, very short, about as long as the preceding segment. Wings rather broad, rounded at apex, dark brown with whitish hyaline spots somewhat equally distributed over the whole surface of the wing, being largest along the anterior and posterior margins, those in the basal por- tions are somewhat infuscated, usually with a yellowish tinge ; first and third veins with bristles. Length, 24 mm. One female. Habitat: Washington. Carphotricha culta Wied. I have before me a number of specimens all of which I believe be- long to this species, but which may be easily separated into three groups ; the first of these contains forms which are undoubtedly T. ciilta Wied., differing in no respect from Loew's figure and descrip- tion. The second group contains smaller, lighter-colored fornns which I would unhesitatingly identify as T. cultaris Coq., were it not for the fact that I find intermediate forms. The typical members of this group have only one brown ray between the apices of second and third veins, others have only a slight trace of a second ray, still others have a complete second ray ; the length of the last segment of the ab- domen varies, so this character is useless ; the only constant difference I can find is the absence of the darkish spots in the second posterior cell, but in the first group containing typical culta I find some speci- mens in which this spot is nearly or quite wanting. The third group contains specimens slightly larger and darker than typical culta but with three brown rays between apices of second and third vein and a 186 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. triangular spot between the apices of third and fourth vein, the base of the triangle resting on the margin of the wing ; but again between these extreme forms I find intergradations, some with only two rays and a trace of a third, others with two complete rays and a third al- most complete, etc. The second and third groups might be con- sidered as distinct varieties, but certainly not distinct species. Habitat : Wash., Oregon, Ida., S. D., Fla. Eurosta solidaginis Fitcli. I have a large series of this species from widely different localities, showing considerable differences in the picture on the wing and the coloring of the body. Habitat : Wash., Ida., S. D., Minn., Nebr., X. H. Eurosta comma Wicd. A single male, the hyaline space at the tip of the sixth vein is much larger than in Loew's figure (Mon. Ill, Tab. XI, fig. 2). Eurosta reticulata S)wuk Colo., S. D., Minn. Eurosta conspurcata, sp. nov. (PL IV, Fig. i). $ . Brown ; front very broad, brownish yellow ; face whitish, somewhat hollowed out ; mouth opening large, edge projecting ; antennte light yellow, third joint shorter ; arista yellowish darker toward tip ; bristles of the head, thorax and the four bristles of the scutellum, black ; thorax broad, very convex with short reddish and black pile ;' nietanotum black except on the sides which are reddish brown ; legs reddish yellow, femora darker ; front femora much darker, slightly incrassated, with black bristles be- neath ; abdomen quite broad, brown with thick short black pile; posterior margin of segments ligther ; wings rather broad rounded, brown with large round or roundish whitish hyaline spots and smaller yellowish spots. In the third posterior cell several of the hyaline spots are united so as to appear as a single large hyaline space ; in the second posterior cell three or four, and in the first posterior cell three, of the spots are thus united. Beside these, the following spots also occur : Two or three in the costal cell before the tip of the auxiliary vein ; three in the marginal cell, two of which are just beyond the tip of the first vein, the third a little before the tip of the second vein ; four in the sub-marginal cell, three near the tip, the other over the anterior cross-vein ; one in the first basal cell below the stigma ; one in the discal cell below the anterior cross-vein, and a few other smaller ones over the posterior portion of the wing. There are two spots on the stigma, one yellowish, the other nearly hyaline. Beside the yellowish dots in the middle portion of the wing there is a small yellowish area in the region of the anterior cross-vein ; in the first posterior cell is a somewhat darker shining spot which at an oblique view shows much darker. The first and third veins bristly. Length, $ 5 mm. One male. Habitat : Washington, New Hampshire, New Jersey. The picture of the wing resembles that of JS. reticulata Snow, but Sept. iSgg.] DoANE : DESCRIPTIONS OF New Trypetid^. 181 the hyaline spots and spaces are larger and somewhat differently ar- ranged, and there are not as many small yellow spots. Eurosta aterrima, sp. nov. (PI. IV, Fig. 2). 9 . Dull black ; head and its appendages, scutellum, pleura and legs yellow ; front remarkably broad, more brownish yellow ; bristles black ; face lighter, excavated ; oral opening large, margins projecting ; proboscis and palpi short ; antennas short, third joint rounded, nearly as broad as long, arista brown, yellowish at base ; thorax with short sparse white pile and black bristles ; the four bristles of the scutellum black ; posterior femora with an inconspicuous black spot on under side near the base ; abdomen wholly dull black with short sparse white pile ; ovipositor flattened, black, reddish brown latterly, a little longer than the preceding segment. Wings with a brown picture, the basal portion of the wing, a broad deep irregular incision reaching from the posterior margin to the third vein and the following spots whitish hyaline : one on the costa just before the stigma reaching as far back as the second vein ; four in the marginal cell beyond the tip of the first vein ; first and second small, third and fourth large ; a large one in the sub-marginal cell ; two larger ones in the first posterior cell and a large indentation in the second posterior cell reaching from the posterior margin to the fourth vein ; the six spots last named foiming an irregular hyaline band across the wings. The other hyaline spots which are much smaller are scattered over various parts of the wings, but are confined for the most part to that portion beyond the hyaline cross-band. Beside these hyaline dots the brown picture is marked by numerous small yellowish brown spots which are most numerous in the middle portions of the wing along the second vein. The stigma is darker and marked by two yellowish spots. In the first of the hyaline indentations arising from the posterior margin are four or five small isolated brown spots ; in the second indentation only one such spot. Length, 5 mm. One female. Habitat: Colorado. Neaspilota brunneostigmata, sp. nov. (PI. IV, Fig. 3). J" . 9 • Light yellow ; the grayish black on the dorsum of the thorax almost con- cealed by the thick pollen and pile ; head and it appendages yellow, front rather broad slightly narrowed anteriorly ; face lighter yellow somewhat hollowed out ; oral opening rather large, margin slightly projecting ; proboscis and palpi prominent, palpi quite long and narrow ; antennce darker yellow ; arista yellow, darker toward the tip; the black on the cephalic aspect of the thorax is not covered with white pollen and appears as a shining black round dot ; scutellum yellow ; the four bristles, as well as the others of the thorax and head, brownish ; metanotum black, yellow at the sides and for the most part covered with gray pollen ; legs yellow ; tarsi, especially the last segment, darker; wings hyaline; veins yellowish, the stigma, the costal vein, the anterior and posterior cross-veins, and the tips of veins two, three and four, brown ; first vein only with bristles. Abdomen yellow, sometimes brownish with short, thick, white pile ; ovipositor reddish yellow as long or longer than the three preceding seg- ments taken together. Length, ^ 3 to 4 mm., 9 3 *^° 7 ™"^- Three males, two females. May easily be separated from T. alba Loew, and T. signifer Coq. k 188 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. by the stigma being wholly brown and from T. albidipcutiis by the coloring of the body. The great difference in the size of the two females is somewhat remarkable, but they are alike in every other particular. Icterica seriata Loc7v. — New Jersey, Illinois. Ensina humilis Z<^. — Washington (reared from the heads of various Compositce), Ida., S. D., Colo., Cal., N. M. Tephritis variabilis, sp. nov. (PI. IV, Fig. 4). $ . f Cinerous ; head cinerous ; front brownish except at sides and with two fer- ruginous stripes ; face only slightly hollowed out ; mouth opening large, margins slightly projecting; palpi rather large, whitish; proboscis long, yellow, geniculate; antennse light brown, arista brown ; postorbital bristles and a single pair of the frontal bristles white, others black ; occiput and ocellar triangle black ; thorax, cine- rous with short whitish pile and five ferruginous stripes ; the three median ones broader posteriorly ; also a small ferruginous spot on the humeri ; scutellum with two ferruginous stripes ; the four bristles of the scutellum, as well as those of the thorax, are black and arise from minute black spots ; coxse and femora, except the tips of the latter, cinerous ; tibire and tarsi reddish yellow. Abdomen cinerous with two rather broad ferruginous stripes ; ovipositor wholly shining black, flattened, about as long as the three preceding segments taken together. Wings with a brownish reticulation which is subject to considerable variation ; the stigma and the region between the first and fourth veins usually much darker and containing only small or medium sized drops ; usually four, but often only three, hyaline drops in the marginal cell beyond the tip of the first vein ; over the entire wing there are numerous smaller drops inter- spersed among the larger ones, the latter often confluent in the discal and third pos- terior cells ; the round spot in the stigma is yellowish ; basal portion of some of the veins sometimes with a yellowish tinge ; first only with bristles. Length, ^ 3 to 4 mm., 9 3 t'» 5 mm Habitat : Washington, Oregon. I have befcg"e me a large series of specimens which I believe to be- long to this saVjie species, although the coloring and size of the body and the reticulation of the wings is subject to considerable variation. In some specimens all the parts described above are black and the fer- ruginous stripes hardly or not all visible, but this I take it is due to various stages of desiccation, as I find all stages between these and the well-marked forms. The six specimens from Oregon are much larger and the ovipositon is as long as all the preceding segments taken to- gether ; these may prove to be distinct, but as yet I can find no char- acters constant enough to separate them. Sept. 1899.] DoANE : Descriptions of New Trypetid.*. 180 Tephrltis fucata Fabr. — Jamaica, Florida. Tephritis albiceps Loew. — New Jersey. Tephritis murina, sp. nov. (PI. IV, Fig. 5). $ . 9 . Grayish ; head whitish ; front lemon yellow narrowly whitish on sides ; mouth opening rather large, margins somewhat projecting ; palpi and proboscis long, the former whitish, the latter yellowish and geniculate ; antennae yellow ; arista brown ; postorbital and a single pair of frontal bristles yellowish white, others black ; occiput for the most part black ; thorax grayish with yellowish white pile ; posterior half of scutellum yellowish ; bristles black ; legs wholly reddish yellow ; front femora of one of the males with a short narrow brown stripe on side. Abdomen of female somewhat narrowed, grayish, with rather long thick white pile ; ovipositor wholly shining black with very fine reddish pile, flattened, as long or longer than the four preceding segments taken togerher. Wings rather narrow with a guttate brown reticulation ; basal portions nearly without markings ; the dark brown stigma with a round sub-hyaline spot ; the hyaline spots for the most part large and quite round, nearly confluent except in basal and posterior portions of the wing ; few small hyaline dots interspersed among the larger ones in the apical portion of the wing ; third vein with a few widely separated bristles. Length, $ 4 mm., 9 4-5 to 5 mm. Three males, three females. Habitat : ^\'ashington, The reticulation of the wings closely resembles that of T. albiceps, but the larger size of this species, together with the absence of black markings on the abdomen, the greater length of the ovipositor, etc., makes it easy to distinguish the two species. Tephritis webbii, sp. nov. (PI. IV, Fig. 6). 9 . Black ; head yellowish ; front darker, rather broad ; face hollowed out ; mouth opening large with its edges projecting ; first and second joints of antennae yel- lowish, third joint brown ; arista brown, lighter toward base ; some of the postorbital bristles white ; other bristles of the head as well as those of the thorax and scutellum black. Thorax with brownish pollen and short white pile above and whitish pollen below ; legs brownish yellow, thickly beset with short black hairs ; femora somewhat darker, front femora with a few black bristles below and a few white hairs above. Abdomen blackish, almost slate color, thickly beset with short black pile, a few black bristles and some white pile ; ovipositor, except for two yellowish spots on lateral margins, shining black, flattened, not quite as long as the two preceding segments taken together. Wings uniformly slate color with whitish hyaline spots ; these are largest along the apical and posterior margins, where they are often confluent ; in the middle portions of the wing are several smaller round hyaline spots ; basal portions with little of the gray markings ; stigma black ; first vein with bristles. Length, 9 5 mm. Two females. Habitat : Idaho, Minnesota. A single specimen from Minnesota is much lighter, the abdomen 190 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoI.vii. showing a reddish tinge and the picture of the wing being more brownish. Tephritis californica, sp. nov. (PI. IV, Fig. 7). 9 . Head and its appendages, legs, humeri, a line running from humeri to ba?e of wings and the scutellum, except the black median portion, yellow ; front rather broad somewhat narrowed anteriorly ; postorbital bristles and a single pair of frontal bristles yellow, other bristles of the head as well as those of the thorax and scutellum dark brown, almost black ; third joint of antennre rounded ; arista brown- ish, yellowish at base. Thorax black with yellow pollen and short yellow pile. Ab- domen brown with very thick rather long yellow pile ; ovipositor flattened ; black except a lateral reddish or yellowish spot on either side, not quite as long as the two preceding segments taken together ; bristles on the posterior margin of sixth segment brown. Wings rather broad with a yellowish or brownish tinge ; with a brown reticu- lation indistinct in basal portions, but fonning two irregular cross-bands in the distal portions, one near the middle and the other toward the apex of the wing ; the first of these is narrower and runs from the costa across the stigma and the two cross-veins and reaches the posterior margin at the tip of the fifth vein ; the second, which extends across the apical portion of the wing, emits three rays; the first, which is narrower and rather broken, reaches the anterior margin between the tip of the first vein and the cross-band itself; the second, which is also narrow, reaches the margin at the tip of the third vein ; the third reaches the margin at the tip of the fourth vein, where it widens somewhat ; both of the cross-bands are everywhere marked with mostly round- ish hyaline or sub-hyaline dots, third vein with only a few bristles. Length, 5 mm. One female. Habitat : California. Tephritis rufipennis, sp. nov. (PI. IV, Fig. 8). . California. Euaresta pura Loezv. Massachusetts. Urellia abstersa Loeiv. S, D., la., Minn., N. M. Urellia pacifica, sp. nov. (PI. IV, Fig. lo). $ . 9 . Brown ; front yellow or brownish yellow ; face lighter yellow ; mouth opening rather large ; proboscis short ; palpi short but rather prominent ; antennce yellow, short, third joint but little longer than broad; arista brown, yellowish at base ; ground color of the thorax and the scutellum black, but so thickly covered with a brown pollen as to make it appear light brown in color ; pile whitish, short, rather sparse ; humeri and usually a spot in front of base of wing yellowish ; scu- tellum with two strong and two weak brownish bristles ; legs dark reddish yellow. Abdomen somewhat darker, the whitish pile a little longer and thicker than on the thorax ; ovipositor shining black, also with whitish pile, flattened, about as long as the two preceding segments taken together. Wings whitish hyaline, distal two-thirds, with a brown picture which emits eleven rays ; the first is very broad and runs from the anterior cross-vein across the stigma to the costa, the second is short and nanow and reaches the costa midway between tips of the first and second veins ; the third is very broad and contains a small hyaline dot just beyond the tip of the second vein ; the fourth and fifth end upon the tips of the third and fourth veins ; the sixth and seventh cross the second posterior cell ; the eighth follows the posterior cross-vein ; the ninth, tenth and eleventh, which are less distinct, cross the third posterior cell, the ninth sometimes reaching the posterior margin ; a large hyaline drop in the first posterior cell just in front of the posterior cross-vein and sometimes smaller drops on other portions of the picture ; stigma yellowish in extreme apex ; first vein only with bristles. Length, $ 2.5 to 3 mm., J 3 to 3.5 mm. Two males, seven females. Urellia aldrichii, sp. nov. (PL IV, Fig. 11). $ . 9 • (jray ; head and its appendages yellow ; front with a brownish tinge ; slightly narrowed anteriorly ; face lighter, excavated ; oral opening large ; margin projecting; palpi rather long ; proboscis short; antennce short, third joint rounded, but little longer than broad ; arista brown, yellowish at base ; bristles of front and vertex brown. Thorax gray ; humeri and pleura yellowish ; scutellum with four bristles narrowly margined with yellow and yellow on under side ; metanotum black with whitish pollen ; legs wholly reddish yellow ; the white pile on abdomem longer and thicker than that on the thorax ; ovipositor black with a little pile, broad, flat- tened, but little longer than the preceding segment. Wings whitish h>aline, the brown picture resembling somewhat Urella pacifica with the following differences : Lighter brown ; the first broad ray originates some distance before the anterior cross- veins ; the ninth, tenth and eleventh rays are less distinct; the hyaline spaces are more numerous and larger ; the picture is darker on the stigma and along the veins ; the first and third with bristles. Length, $ 3 mm., 9 3-5 to 4 mm. Five males, four females. Habitat : South Dakota. Sept. iSgg.] BaNKS : SmYNTHURID/E OF LoNG ISLAND, N. Y. 193 EXPLANATION TO PLATES. Plate III. 1. Spilographa setosa, s^). nov. 6. Aciura ferrughiea^ s^. nov. 2. Trypeta straminea, sp. nov. 7. Aciura nigricornis, sp. nov. 3. CEdaspis anthracina, sp. nov. 8. Acrotcenia otopappi, sp. nov. 4. Rhagoletis rihicola DoANE. 9. Eutrcta nora, sp. nov. 5. H/iagoietis caurina, sp. nov. 10. Eittrcta aurantiaca, sp. nov. Plate IV. 1. Eurosta conspurcata, sp. nov. 7. Tephritis californica, sp. nov. 2. Eurosta aterrima, sp. nov. 8. Tephritis rtifipennis, sp. nov. 3. Neaspilota brunneostigmata, sp. nov. 9. Euaresta tricolor, sp. nov. 4. Tephritis variabilis, sp. nov. 10. Urellia pacijica, sp. nov. 5 Tephritis murina, sp. nov. II. Urellia aldr.ichii, sp. nov. 6. Tephritis webbii, sp. nov. THE SMYNTHURIDiE OF LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK. By Nathan Banks. Among the Thysanura the Smynthuridae are doubtless the most in- teresting group. Higher developed and more handsomely marked than their fellows they more readily attract attention and study. Their habits are various. Some live on stagnant water, several on living healthy plants, most upon decaying vegetation, many on fungi, some among ants, a few in caves, and others among moss. Like most of the Collembola they are quiet until disturbed, when, by the aid of the powerful spring or furcula, they make a great jump, nearly always fol- lowed by several other leaps of less extent. Their structure affords several good points for classification and discrimination of species, most prominent of which are the antenna and furcula. The two common garden species, S. arvalis and 6". Iwrtcnsis, are of some eco- nomic importance. The spring-tails with a short body constitute the family Smynthu- ridse. Lubbock separated certain forms from them under the name of Papirid^e, but to my mind without just cause. Early in the history of these insects they were arranged by Bourlet in two genera, Smyn- liU Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. tliiinis and Dicyrtoina. But Bourlet did not see clearly the structure of the antennae of Dicyrtoma, which he stated to be eight jointed. He was misled, doubtless by poor magnifiers, to consider the slight swellings on the second and third joints to represent the terminations of so many joints. Lubbock, unable to see through Bourlet' s mistake, erected a new genus, Papirius, for precisely similar forms. Since Bourlet's name for these forms has the priority I believe it should be used in spite of his mistake in generic description. Yet to my mind it was a mistake so natural, and so easily explained, that there was no excuse for not accepting Bourlet's name. Smyntluirns is readily, and I believe naturally, divisible into two groups ; one having the fourth joint of the antennae long and slender, and with at least fifteen annu- lations ; the other group with the last joint of antennae shorter and with less than ten annulations. The former group comprises the larger forms. The differences which separate these two groups are evidently not of as great value as separate them from Dicvrtonia, yet I think it would be well to use at least subgeneric names to designate these groups. Now the type of Smynthurus (^S. fuse its') belongs to the first group, and that name must be retained for these species in case of a division ; therefore I propose to give the subgeneric name of Bou)-letiella to the latter group in honor of him who first seriously investigated these in- teresting forms. S. Iiorfensis Fitch shall serve as its type. The following list of species which the writer has taken at or near Sea Clifi", Long Island, cannot be considered complete, as other groups often attracted more attention. Yet it is larger, doubtless, than can be made of many localities ; and will serve, I hope, to induce others interested in these tiny insects to list the species of their own regions. Our two genera may be separated by the following table : Antennie elbowed between third and fourth joints, the fourth joint longer than any of the others, no tubercles on the dorsum of abdomen Smynthurus. Antennae elbowed between the second and third joints, the fourth (or apical) joint shorter than the second, which is very long, often a pair of tubercles on dorsum. Dicyrtoma. Smynthurus Latr. I — Fourth joint of antennre long and slender, with at least 15 annulations [Siiiyn- thurus proper ) 2 Fourth joint of antennre shorter, with less than ten annulations [Botir/etielhi) . .7 2 — Dentes with spines each side, greenish species spinatus. Dentes without spines each side 3 Sept. 1899.] Banks: Smynthurid^ of Long Island, N. Y. 195 3 — Wholly black (except between eyes) legs jet black -, nigripes. Not wholly black, legs paler 4 4 — Legs pale, with black marks, no silvexy marks on sides of abdomen sylvestris. Legs^^without dark marks 5 5 — Some^silvery spots on sides of abdomen, legs pale argenteornatus. No silvery spots 6 6 — A pale area above on dorsum, legs pale dorsalis. No pale area above, legs brown fraternus, 7 — Body furnished with clavate hairs above clavatus. Only simple hairs on body 8 8 — A horn or spine each side near anal tubercle ; pale, marked with black. macgillivrayi. No such horn or spine 9 9 — Black, with pale between eyes hortensis. Not black 10 10 — White or yellowish, with dark antennce arvalis. Not all pale, 'marked with dark stripes on dorsum of abdomen elegans. Smynthurus spinatus Mac Gill. A few specimens taken on stagnant water. Smynthurus nigripes, sp. nov. Black ; head black, paler between eyes ; basal joint of antennae blackish, rest pale, fourth a trifle darker ; abdomen black ^ove and below ; legs black, except pale claws ; furcula black, except pale mucrones. Head broad, large ; antennae with basal joint short, second twice as long, third scarcely one-fourth longer than second, slightly curved, and above at curve is a stiff bristle, fourth longer than rest of an- tennce, slightly curved, with about 16 or 18 annulations ; abdomen broader behind than in front, sub-truncate behind, anal tubercle large ; furcula moderate, denies three and one-half times as long as broad at base, below with some hairs, mucrones moderate, fine, slender distinctly serrate below ; abdomen with many long pale hairs above. Length, 1.4 mm. In woods on .otten logs, Sea Cliff, N. Y. Known by its uniform black color. Smynthurus sylvestris, sp. nov. Pale ; head often darker on sides, and some dark spots in front, and many be- tween eyes, and a row along occipital margin ; antennae pale, basal joint darker ; legs pale, a dark band or mark on femora and three on tibire, one at base, one at middle, and one befop tip ; abdomen thickly mottled with black, brown, and purplish mark- ings above, becoming most dense on the lower sides, a rather large black subm,edian spot each sid^ behind middle ; anal tubercle above with a median black spot ; beneath abdomen is pale, with a few purplish blotches each side; furcula pale, dentes darker on base. Antennae of moderate length, basal joint a litde longer than broad, second twice as long as first, third once and one-half as long as second, fourth nearly as long as the rest together, with about 18 annulations ; abdomen rather long, hairy above ; 196 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. furcula of moderate length, dentes nearly four times as long as broad at base, with hairs beneath, mucrones about one-third the length of dentes, serrate below, tip down-curved. Length, 2 mm. Among dead leaves in \vood.s, Sea Cliff, N. Y. Known by banded legs, and mottled abdomen. Smynthurus argenteornatus, sp. nov. Pale; head with various pale brown markings, but obscure, more prominent be- tween antenntE, and one larger near each eye : antennae pale, dark on apical joint ; legs pale, the tibiae sometimes brownish ; abdomen pale on base, darker on apical half, often the distinction veiy marked ; the basal part, however, has brown marks and lines ; on each side are about six silvery white spots or patches, venter pale, ana- tubercle when fully marked shows a pale round spot each side above ; furcula pale, dentes rather darker. Antennae of moderate length, basal joint a little longer than wide, second not twice as long, third nearly twice the length of second, fourth longer than others together, with about l8 annulations ; abdomen of usual shape, not elon- gate, broader behind, hairy above ; furcula moderate, dentes fully three times as long as wide at base, a few hairs below, mucrones about one-third the length of the deutes, slender, serrate below, and down-curved at tip. Length, 1.8 mm. In woods, on ground. Sea Cliff, N. Y. Differs from S. sylvesiris in pale color, unbanded legs, silvery spots on sides, and longer third joint of antennte. There is a form which I take to be but a variety of this species, variety albesc€7is. Pale whitish or greenish, eyes black, antennce dark except basal joint, silvery spots on sides show in fresh specimens. Does not differ in structure from the type, except pos- sibly a slightly shorter third joint of antennae. It occurs only in a moss {^Polytrichiiin co/n/nii/ie^. Smynthurus dorsalis, sp. nov. Head pale, faintly lined with reddish, sometimes showing a more distinct reddish band connecting bases of antenna;, eyes black ; antenna; pale on basal joints, last joint dark ; abdomen pale yellowish, but with many fine blackish marks on sides becoming closer behind and extending farther on dorsum till they meet somewhat before tip, where it is black ; this leaves a pale broad dorsal mark, [rather sharply outlined be- hind, but not in front, anal tubercle dark ; legs and furcula pale, venter pale, dark marks on basal part. Head rather large ; antenna; arise directly in front of eyes, first joint nearly one-half as long as second ; third is one-half longer than second, fourth longer than second and third together, at first simple, then with i8 annulations ; legs short ; abdomen nearly twice as long as broad, with scattered hairs above, more numerous behind and on anal tubercle ; furcula short, manubrium short, dentes nearly twice as long, tapering, with a few hairs below, mucrones short, about one-third the length of dentes, covered at tip, serrate below. Length, 1.5 mm. In woods, Sea Cliff, N. Y. Recognized by pale dorsal area. Sept. 1899.] Banks: Smynthurid^ of Long Island, N. Y. 197 Smynthurus fraternus, sp. nov. Head pale, dark on face, but shading into pale above ; antennns pale ; legs dark brown, rather purplish ; abdomen dark brown, slightly purplish, venter darker on base, light on apical half, furcula dark. Very similar to S. Jiigripes in general ap- pearance and structure, but it is larger, the abdomen longer and the sides more par- allel, the color more pm-plish, the head pale above and pale on apical half of venter. The structural characters are practically the same as S. nigripes ; but the species, side by side, appear to be different. Seca Cliff, N. Y. Smynthurus clavatus Banks. Easily known by the clavate hairs on dorsum ; it occurs on rotton logs. Smynthurus macgillivrayi Banks. This species was swept from grass on a high hill (Harbor Hill) at Roslyn, Long Island. The pair of small horns easily separate it from all other species. Smynthurus hortensis Fitdi. This is abundant on garden vegetables, and also in lawns. Smynthurus arvalis Fitch. Common in fields, and also on garden vegetables. Smynthurus elegans Fitch. Rare, on sandy ground. A form has dark stripes connected, and a spot behind on each side separate from the stripes. Genus Dicyrtoma Boitrl. Abdomen maculate guttata. Abdomen not maculate uniCOlor. Dicyrtoma guttata Say. Papirins inarmoratus Pack. A few specimens of this handsome species which I believe is the same as Say's. Dicyrtoma unicolor Harvey. Papiriits imicolor Harvey. Papirius piirpwascens MacGill. Rather common in woods among dead leaves ; it appears to agree exactly with Harvey's figure and description. Two specimens smaller and darker are scarcely more than a variety. 1*.)8 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. NEW NORTH AMERICAN TETTIGINvE.— III. By Albert P. Morse. Paratettix hesperus, sp. nov. Vertex narrower than eye ; crown of head between eyes nearly twice as long as its middle breadth, distinctly narrowed in front ; profile of face similar to that of cucidlattis : facial costa narrowly forked but rather widely open below ; eyes smaller and less protuberant. Pronotum granulose, similar in texture to that of aicitllatus, but with the humeral angles less pronounced, giving a narrower and more convex ap- pearance to the shoulders ; the hind process pass* the hind femora from 2.5 to 4 mm., and the wings pass the process I to 2 mm. Tegmina narrow, acuminate at apex. Fore and middle femora rather slender with upper margin convex, lower margin nearly straight but slightly sinuate at distal third. First joint of hind tarsi slightly longer than the remaining two together ; pulvilli rounded beneath, the proximal two acutely pointed at tip and together about equal in length to the third. Color rather uniform, ranging from rufous or ash gray to black, but frequently with the hind femora and lower third of sides of pronotum pale. Total length: $, 12-14; 9, 14-163. Pronotum: $, 10.3-11.8; 9, 12- 14.5. Body: (J, 7.5-9; 9,9-11. H. fem.: ^,5-6; 9, 6-7.5 mm. Similar to P. ciiciillatiis in size and form but more nearly related to P. aztccus. The types consist of 276 $ $ and 9 9 taken by me at Glendale, Or., Sept. 9, 1S97. I found it also at Ashland, Corvallis, Drain, and Philomath, Or., Sept. 7-15, Ahwanee, Calif., Aug. 15; I have also seen specimens from the Dalles, Or., Wickham (Bruner), Sonoma and Marin Co., Calif., Osten Sacken (S. H. Scudder), and the follo\ving from the Leland Stanford Jr. University collection : Santa Cruz Mts. , Aug. 3; Palo Alto, May 10, 12, Aug. 3 ; Mt. Hamilton, May 13, 14 — in all 303 adults. Nymphs were common at Glendale on Sept. 9. This species appears to be locally plentiful on the stony margins of rivers and streams in western Oregon and the Transition Zone of at least the northern part of California. Paratettix toltecus extensus, new form. This is a dimorphic form of P. toltecus distinguished by the possession of fully developed wings and pronotum of normal size, and may be recognized by the char- acters of that species. Totallength : $, I1.5-13.5; 9, 12-14.5. Pronotum: $, 8.7-10; 9, 8.5- II. 5. Body: ^,7-9; 9,9-11. H. fem.: ^,5-6; 9, 5.5-6.5 mm. The pro- notum passes the hind femora about l mm. and the wings pass the pronotum from 2 to 3 mm. Sept. 1899.] Morse: New North American Tettigin.^. 199 One 9, Arizona (Cornell Univ.), and 18 ^ ^, 20 9 9, from the following localities in California : Ahwanee, Colton, Sacramento, San Bernardino, and Tulare, July 15 to x\ug. 27, usually in company with typical tolteciis. Merotettix, gen. nov. Posterior sinus of lateral lobes of pronotum shallow, in the type the caudal margin of upper lobe about one-half as long as the ventral margin. Frontal costa of face narrowly forked, the branches straight and evenly divergent. Body relatively com- pressed in the type, the humeral angles very obtuse, and shoulders narrow. The type is J/, pristiuus, described below. This genus is intermediate between Paratettix Boli\'ar and Neotettix Hancock. It is more nearly related to the latter in the shallowness of the posterior sinus of the lateral lobes of the pronotum and general form, but differs from it especially in the structure of the frontal costa of the face and slender form of body. Merotettix pristinus, sp. nov. Vertex resembling that of Paratettix rtigosus but narrower, its front margin equal in width to an eye or slightly less, somewhat convex, projecting very little in advance of the eyes, narrowly sulcate on each side of the mid-carina at its union with the frontal costa ; the crown between eyes broadly and shallowly sulcate on each side of high median ridge, rapidly widening backward from the middle of the eyes. Face in profile quite retreating below antennse, the frontal costa roundly protuberant, scarcely sinuate above ; forks of the costa straight, slightly and evenly divergent. Pronotum scabrous or rugose ; disk nearly flat, slightly elevated in front of shoul- ders, the front margin truncate ; mid-carina distinct throughout, highest and almost sub-cristate midway between fxont margin and shoulders, undulate behind ; lateral carinse distinct, their anterior portions converging behind ; shoulders narrow and with very obtuse humeral angles ; hind process with straight sides, acute, sometimes de- flected apex, about reaching posterior knees. Posterior sinus of lateral lobes very shallow, the caudal margin of the upper lobe less than half as long as the ventral margin. Wings two-thirds or three-fourths as long as the pronotal process, but ap- parently abortive. Fore and middle femora slender with entire or slightly sinuate margins ; hind femora only moderately stout, much less so than in Neetettix. Hind tarsi with first joint distinctly longer than succeeding ones united, pulvilli straight or rounded below, acutely pointed, the third nearly as long as the others combined. Body: (?, 6.5-7.5; 9 > 8-9. Pronotum: J' , 6-7 ; 9, 7.7-9. H. fem. : $, 4-5-5; 9' 6 mm. Four $ $ , four 9 9 ("mostly in poor condition) San Domingo, M. A. Frazer (S. H. Scudder). In the form of the vertex (except width) and facial costa and the rugosity of pronotum this species resembles Paratettix rugosus, but is 200 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoI. vii. readily separated from it by the narrow shoulders and shallow posterior lateral sinus. Tettix tentatus, sp. nov. Stout, with the general appearance of a large N'omotettix, to which genus this species and T. acadicits are apparently allied by the frequently shallow form of the teg- minal sinus. Vertex resembling that of T. granitlatits, more than twice the width of an eye, much advanced in front of eyes and obtuse-angled, the carina not at all or barely projecting ; crown with the sides excavate opposite the anterior middle portion of eyes and slightly broadened anteriorly, rather flat, sulcate anteriorly on each side of the moderately developed carina, convex posteriorly, without occipital mammillee. The face in profile is very similar to that of Nom. parvus but is less deeply excavate op- posite the eyes. Pronotum rather shai-ply tectiform ; the mid-carina high, sub-com- pressed, in profile convex opposite shoulders, horizontal or a little upturned pos- teriorly ; anterior margin very obtuse-angled, nearly truncate ; hind process barely or considerably passing hind femora, its sides nearly straight ; wings equalling or slightly passing the pronotum. Measurements. Total: $, 10.3; 9> II-4-I4-5- Pronotum: $, 9.3; 9, 10. 5-12. H. fem.: ^,5.6; 9,6-6.6. Width of shoulders : ,J , 3 ; 9,3-5- An- tenna: -■S~l>- Pi'on. passes H. fem.: .3-2.5 mm. Described from 1^,5 99.1 9 , Oregon (Scudder) ; i 9 , Lag- gan, Bean (Scudder) ; i 9 , Green River, Wyo., Garman (M. C. Z. ) ; I 9 , Laggan, Wickham (Bruner) ; i $ , \ 9 , Tennessee Pass, Colo. (Bruner). This species resembles T. acadiciis but may be distinguished from it by the angulate (instead of toothed) vertex in dorsal view and the flatter face in profile, the frontal costa being less protuberant opposite lower part of eyes. These two species are apparently on the border- land of the genus, presenting characters allying them to Nomotcttix. Tentatus was first distinguished four years ago, from three specimens ; three additional specimens, representing both sexes, coming to hand, I have now no hesitation in describing it. Tettix hancocki, sp. nov. Allied to T. ornatus from which it differs in its more robust form with wider and generally more projecting vertex, slightly more prominent mid-carina, in the gen- erally more abruptly forked and wider facial costa, and notably in the enlarged middle femora ; the expanded poi^tion of the latter in the male is nearly or quite one-half as broad as long (in ornatiis seldom more than one-third), in the female the difierence is less noticeable. The humeral angles of the pronotum are more pronounced and the mid-carina is a little more elevated in its anterior portion. Dimorphism in wing- and pronotum-length occurs, the specimens (and sexes) before me (19 ^ (J, 27 9 9)' being about equally divided between the two forms, with a few of intermediate char- acter. For the short-winged form the trinomial T. Ii. abbreviatiis may be used. Sept. 1899] Morse: New North American Tettigin^. 201 Measurements. Total: ^',8.3-12.4; 9 > 9~I3- Pron.: J',8.2-11; ^,^-12. H. fem.: ^, 5-5.5; 9, 5-5-6. Width of shoulders: ^, 2.6-3; 9; 2.8-3.5- Antenna : 3-3.5. In long-winged examples the pronotum and wings pass the hind femora from 3 to 4 mm. The types consist of 14 $ $ , 14 9 9j from Ames, Iowa, received from E. D. Ball, taken from April 18 to Sept. 27, chiefly in April and May. I also refer to this species specimens now before me from iSIontreal, from Prince Arthur, Sudbury, Toronto, DeGrassi Pt., Ont., from the North Red River, Englewood, S. D., Lincoln, Neb., Ind., and Moline, 111. Named in honor of Dr. J. L. Hancock, in defer- ence to his critical study of this group of locusts. Tettix crassus, sp. nov. A variable and very perplexing form of the ornatiis group, closely related to and seemingly intermediate between typical ornatus, han- cocki, and acadicus. It is distinguished from or?iatus by the more robust form with wider shoulders, wider and more projecting vertex, and less prominent eyes ; it lacks the enlarged middle femora of han- cocki, which it otherwise resembles closely ; the form of the body is shorter and more depressed, the humeral angles more pronounced, the vertex less projecting, and the tegminal sinus less frequently shallow than in typical acadicus. I refer to this form with some hesitation 18 ^^,23 9 9? from Colorado, as follows : 14 c? ^ , 12 9 9 , (Scudder), 4 c? ^ , 5 9 9 , (Henshaw), all of Morrison's collecting; i 9, Denver (Scudder), I 9, Poudre Riv. (Bruner), 4 9 9 , C. P. Gillette (Morse). I cannot close without reiterating what I have said before, in the hope of impressing upon collectors the desirability of securing consid- erable series of specimens from each locality. This is a matter of the utmost importance ; in fact, a necessity to the acquisition of an adequate knowledge of the group in consequence of the wide individ- ual variability and close specific resemblance among its members. To Mr. E. D. Ball I am indebted for an opportunity to study an excellent lot of material from Iowa, including several species in considerable series, an opportunity which has enabled me to distinguish and char- acterize one of the species described above. '202 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. LIFE-HISTORY OF A EUROPEAN SLUG CATER- PILLAR, COCHLIDION AVELLANA. PLATE V. By Harrison G. Dyar, A.M., Ph.D. Cochlidion avellana Linn. 1758. Tortrix avellana LlNN.«US, Syst. Nat. I, 531. 1761. Tortrix avellana LlNN^US, f'aun. Suec. 334. 1767. Bombyx limacodesYiXiY^k.G^\., Berl. Mag. Ill, 402, 425. 1777. Bojuhyx sidphurea Fabricius, Gen. Ins. 279. 1780. Phahcua Umax BoRKHAUSEN, Eur. Schmett. Ill, 449. 1784. Bombyx limacodes ESPER, Schmett. Ill, 140, pi. 26, figs. 3 to 9. 1787. Bombyx btifo Fabricius, Mant. Ins. II, 121. 1787. Bombyx testudoYPCSKVZ\\i%, Mant. Ins. II, 121. 1794. Phahtna fiinalis Donovan, Brit. Ins. Ill, 76. 1801. Bombyx asella EsPER, Schmett. Ill (l) 36, pi. 85, fig. 4. 1803. Tortrix testudinana HObner, Eur. Schmett. Tortr. figs. 164. 165. 1806. Cochlidion testudo HiJBNER, Tentamen, 2. 1809. Apoda testudo Haworth, Lep. Brit., II, 137. 1822. Limacodes testudo Godart, Lep. France, IV, 279, pi. 28, figs, r, 2. 1825. Limacodes testudo Latreille, Fam. Nat. 474. 1829. Limacodes testudo ^■X'E.vyi.^'m, 111. Brit Ent. Haust. II, 86. 1830. Tortrix testudinana Treitschke, Schmett. Eur. VIII, 14. 1S55. Limacodes testudo Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. V, 1145. 1858. Limacodes testudo Rambur, Cat. Lep. And. 340, note. 187 1. Heterogenea limacodes Staudinger, Cat. Lep. Eur., 62. 1892. Apoda avellana KiRBY, Cat. Lep. Het. I, 552. |^ 1896. Apoda limacodes Grote, Syst. Nord. Schmett. Larva. 1776. Schiffermiller, Syst. Verz. Wiener Geg. pi. 18, fig. 17. 1787. Fabricius, Mant. Ins. II, 121. 1800. Sepp, Nederland. Ins. II, 15. 1810. HUENER, Samml. Eur. Schmett. VI, 6a. 1835. Treitschke, Schmett. Eur. VIII, 15. 1861. Wilde, Syst. beschr. Raup. 70. 1886. Buckler, Larv. Brit. Moths, III, 53. 1893. HoFMANN, Raup. Gross Schmett. Eur. pi. 18, fig. 17, end plate, fig. 35. 1894. Chapman, Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 345, pi. VII, figs 14.10 20. Special Structural Characters. Dorsal space broad, narrowing slightly toward the extremities, end- ing behind in the quadrate, slightly notched joint 13 : not strongly I Sept. iSgg.] DVAR : LiFE-HlSTORY OF CoCHLIDION AVELLANA. 203 arched. Lateral space broad, oblique, slightly concave, narrowing a little toward the extremities. Subventral space very small, contracted. Subdorsal ridge at first prominent, finally smooth, not elevated. Lat- eral and subventral ridges moderately prominent, approximate, the lateral at first tubercular, later smooth. Warts single haired ; in stage I the subdorsal now bears two spines on joints 3 and 13, a single spine with short branch about the middle on joints 4 to 12, leaning in alter- nating directions ; later the warts are represented by tubercles bearing two setge on subdorsal ridge and on the central thoracic wart, one seta on lateral ridge ; in the last stage obliterated. Subventral seta^ rudi- mentary, but persistent. Depressed areas moderately well developed, rather small, rounded, slightly sunken, not very sharply defined, smooth. The series (i) to (8) are present. Skin at first smooth, later covered with papillose granules which become converted into round granules with irregular divided crests or numerous thick spinules and in the last stage with dense, round, clear granules of unequal size. After the last molt the larva becomes very smooth but there is no dis- tinct change in coloration, the ancestral yellowish green persisting. The larva is marked like the leaves, adapted to escape observation. Affinities, Habits, etc. This larva is allied to C. y-inversa Pack, as pointed out by Miss Morton and myself (Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, III, 152), but it differs in some interesting particulars that I did not suspect from the examina- tion of my former material. It is in seVeral respects more generalized. The color remains yellowish green nearly to the end, not becoming suffused with white pigment as in y-inversa ; the outline of the lateral ridge is slightly waved ; there is frequently a red border to the trans- verse yellow line on joint 3 and the granules before the last stage have irregular crests. In all these characters the larva departs from y-inversa and approaches Heterogenea. There is no dorsal red patch, as is characteristic in that genus, yet there is a distinct tendency to the production of red color in the edge of the collar and the dark dots of the subdorsal line. The condition of the granules is especially inter- esting, for it explains the origin of the " fur " of Heterogenea, by the splitting up of the apex of a papillose granule into short thick spines which become borne on the crest of the granule and may easily be imagined further modified into the " fur " structure by becoming slen- derer and more attenuated. The larva belongs to the group of palse- 204 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. arctic smooth Eucleids which extends through northern Europe, Asia and America, reaching to the mountainous parts of India and in America even southward to the tropics in the case of one species.* C. avellana is European, but its nearest ally is the North American species above referred to {y-ifivcrsa'). In certain respects the Ameri- can Lithacodes fasciola is also a closely allied larva. The eggs are laid singly, the larvas feed on the backs of the leaves and have a single brood in the year, all apparently as in the allied forms. As I have no experience with the larva in a wild state, I will not enter further into this subject, but refer to the European literature. The material from which this life history was worked out was obtained from Staudinger and Haas, of Dresden, Germany. Criticism of Previous Descriptions. The early figures are more or less successful attempsat reproducing the general appearance of the full grown larva, natural size. Dr. Chapman gives some very full and interesting observations on Stage I, especially in regard to the evagination of the spines on hatching, and an accurate enlarged figure. This evagination occurs in all the larvfe that have the primitive first stage. I think it can be shown that the setce of the evaginated tubercles are absent and that it is the spine- like tubercle that is thus modified. f Setas iv and v are true setae and are not evaginated, besides being much slenderer and different in ap- pearance from these stiff spines. The supposition that the spines are tubercles also explains the coalescence of the subdorsal ones (i and ii) into a single organ which is far advanced in this species, but goes even further in Packardia and reaches the maximum in Phobetron. I have already referred (Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, HI, 152, note) to Dr. Chapman's mistake in considering the apparent dislocation of the subdorsal tubercles as evidence that they represented two rows as in Erioccpliala, and to ray disagreement with the generalization he has made. Stage I, in these Cochlidians, is only a primitive first stage with tubercles i to v present, arranged as in the highest "micro" type, but further modified by the absence of set^ on tubercles i to iii, the * Lithacodes fasciola. See Schaus, Pioc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1896, 650 and Walker, Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1862, 82, said to be from " South America." t In the Notodontians that have hypertrophied tubercles only the primitive setse are present at birth and the " horns " grow out much as in the Cochhdians, but here the true setae are present and appear on or near the apices of the horns. Sept. 1899.] Dyar : Life- History of Cochlidion avellana. 205 enlargement of these tubercles into spines and the alternation of the subdorsal warts on the successive strong and weak segments. ^^ I do not think that Dr. Chapman would have reached any other conclusion if he had had as extensive a fauna in the family as is present in America. The English species consist of only two members of the paltearctic group without any of the others, and it is not surprising that from these only he should have been misled, especially as the homology of the tubercles of the Cochlidians is decidedly involved. Description of the Several Stages in Detail. £gg. — Elliptical, flat as usual, clear, translucent whitish with trans- parent rim ; reticulations obscure ; size i.i x.8 x.i mm. Duration six days. S/age I. (Plate V, Fig. i.) Head slightly testaceous, eye black, mouth brown ; cervical shield blackish brown, covering the head when it is retracted. Body thick, truncate before, narrowed and rounded behind ; dorsal and lateral spaces moderate, flat ; subventral space retracted. Tubercles large, round, the spines arranged as in the other species of Cochlidion, the short limbs of the forked sub- dorsals (joints 4 to 12) forming a short prominence on the shaft (Plate V, Fig. 2) as in y-tnversa, not as long as in bigiittata. The subdorsals of joints 5, 7, 9 and 11 lean outwardly. Spaces a little hollowed in- tersegmentally both dorsally and laterally. Color whitish, after feed- ing, becoming pale green from the blood, smooth, shining. Subdor- sal ridge white, the lateral ridge less distinctly so ; setae pale with dusky tips. The cervical shield pigment is less than in C. biguttata. Length, i.o to 1.5 mm. Stage 11. (Plate V, Fig. 4) — Elliptical, truncate, narrowing behind, widest through joints 4 and 5. Dorsal and lateral spaces broad, narrowed at the ends, gradually so posteriorly ; sub -ventral space retracted. Ridges prominent, with rounded tubercles, two long black tipped setse on subdorsal ridge and at middle of joints 3 and 4, one seta on the lateral ridge on joints 3 to 12, normal. Skin remotely finely granular with pale secondary spines on the tubercles, the spines bluntly tipped. The subdorsal setje still show some of the alternation of stage I, those of joints 5, 7, 9 and 11 leaning outward, but all bear two setfe. Pale green, subdorsal ridge whitish, a black shade under joint 2 at the cervical shield. Length, 1.5 to 2.4 mm. * I owe the suggestion of strong and weak segments to Dr. Chapman's work on Acronycta. 200 Journal New York Entomological Society. fVoi. vn. Shige III. — Elliptical, rounded before, tail slightly quadrate and notched ; ridges prominent, the lateral a little exceeding the sub- ventral ; dorsal and lateral spaces broad, subventral small, retracted. Depressed spaces (i) to (6) all distinct, whitish, (2) somewhat ob- lique; (7) and (8) indicated as large, smooth hollows. Tubercles moderately large, the lateral the largest, forming the ridges and bear- ing long, smooth, stiff set?e, blackish at the tips ; subventral hairs (iv and v) fine, white, situated on joints 5 to 13. Skin sparsely granu- lar, a k\v of the granules prolonged into papillae with cleft tips. These are most numerous on the lateral ridge and the ends of the body. Green, not pigmented, but well colored ; a whitish subdorsal line on joints 3 to 13, slightly tinting joint 3 transversely. Depressed spaces (i) to (6) whitish. Later the subdorsal line becomes pale yellow and distinct ; but there is no transverse line on joint 3. Length, 2.3 to 3.2 mm. Stage IV. — Tubercles somewhat less prominent, but still distinct; dorsal and lateral spaces nearly flat. Elliptical, more narrowed be- hind ; tail quadrate, not notched distinctly. Depressed spaces dis- tinct, moderately large, the granules on the latticed ridges more numerous than before, some on the lateral tubercles papillose, not so elsewhere, not forming secondary spines. SetK large and black tipped. Green, pigmented dorsally as before, depressed spaces whitish, subdorsal line distinct, pale yellow ; a transverse pale yellow line on joint 3, not touching the subdorsal lines nor quite reaching the lateral edge ; a small white line along subventral edge on joints 5 to 13. In some larvae the transverse line is edged with salmon color in front. Length, 3.2 to 4.5 mm. Stage V. — Elliptical, tail quadrate, a little notched at the sides ; dorsum slightly arched ; tubercles still distinct with stiff, black tipped setcTe. Latticed ridges with small not contiguous, clear granules (Plate V, Fig 8), each somewhat roughened or crested on the vertex (Plate V, Fig. 9), a few of those on the lateral tubercles slightly pro- duced or papillose. Depressed spaces rounded, (i) to (6) all dis- tinctly present, smooth in the bottom. Green, emerald green pig- ment in dorsal and upper half of lateral spaces ; subdorsal line and lateral row of yellow dots ; transverse line on joint 3 yellow, salmon tinted before, joining the white subventral line below. Depressed spaces white, (i) and (4) with dark green centers. During the stage a broken dark green line borders the subdorsal above. Length, 4.5 to 6.5 mm. Sept. 1899J Dyar : Life-History of Cochlidion avellana. 207 Stage VI. — As before, the tubercles still distinct, the tail a little notched on the end ; setse nearly if not quite as large as before. Skin granules dense, but not exactly contiguous, round, each with a crown of rough points or tiny granules or roughly tufted centrally (Plate V, Fig. 10); none papillose. The granules cover the tubercles and extend on the bases of the setse. Yellowish green, depressed spaces all pale yellow, a little paler than the yellow subdorsal line ; (4) with round dark centers. The subdorsal line is edged above with dark green ; a row of yellow dots on lateral ridge ; the transverse line on joint 3 joins the white subventral line as before and is edged before with salmon brown-. Subventral space finely granular, spaces (7) and (8) obliquely confluent, not pigmented ; setse iv and v distinct, whitish. Length, 6.3 to 9.1. Stage VII. — (Plate V, Fig. 11). — Shape as described. Lateral ridge a little segmentarily scalloped, especially posteriorly. Smooth, not shining except on the depressed spaces ; skin densely irregularly clear granular, the granules perfectly smooth (Plate V, Fig. 12) ; tubercles absent, setse imperceptible except the subventral ones which are about as distinct as before. Head green, jaws and eyes brown, retracted as usual. Body yellowish green, bright green pigment in the dorsal portion, clear green on lateral ridge and below. Subdorsal line yellow, slightly waved, edged above with dark green and centered with a series of dark red segmentary dots ; transverse line on joint 3 free from the subdorsals, joining the white subventral line, yellow, edged before more or less with crimson, sometimes distinctly so, the color even traversing the yellow in the center of the dorsum. A row of pale yellow dots on lateral ridge. Depressed spaces pale yellow, (i) and (4) green centered, the center of (i) not a dot, but a trans- verse slit, showing its paired origin. All the depressed spaces show the glandular dots faintly. Length, 8.5 to 12.5 mm. This stage lasts ten days as in y-inversa. On the. eighth day the color whitens a little, but only a little and the tint only pales decidedly when the larva loses its hold on the leaf. Cocoon. — With the characters of the group. Hofmann says it is spun on the leaf and falls to the ground in autumn. Food-plants. — Hofmann gives oak, beech and chestnut. My larvse fed readily on the black oak {Quercus coccinea'). 208 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. EXPLANATION OF PLATE V, Fig. I. Larva, stage I, side view, X 60. Fig. 2. One of the branched horns (subdorsal tubercles of joints 4 to 12), en- larged. Fig. 3. Rear view of the larva, stage I, showing the setce of the last~two seg- ments. Fig. 4. I^arva, stage II, side view, X 4°- Fig. 5. One of the lateral tubercles more enlarged, showing setK and granules. Fig. 6. A lateral tubercle, stage III, much enlarged. Fig. 7. A subdorsal tubercle of the same stage. Fig. 8. A lateral depressed space (4) with skin granules, stage V. Fig. 9. The same, some of the granules more enlarged. Fig. 10. Skin gi'anules of stage VI, enlarged. Fig. II. Mature larva, .stage YII, dorsal view, X 5- Fig. 12. Skin granules of stage VII, enlarged. Fig. 13. Moth of Cochlidion avellaiia. A NEW GENUS OF COCHLIDIONID^ FROM VIRGINIA. By Harrison G. Dyar. Isochaetes, gen. nov. Male antenna; shortly bipectinate to the tips, the pectinations longest centrally. Palpi upturned, not reaching the vertex, yet nearly so, evenly, smoothly scaled, third joint distinct, three times as long as wide. Legs slender, front and hind ones sparsely hairy, middle legs densely tufted on tibia and two basal tarsal joints ; middle and hind legs with long apical spurs. Venation as in Phobetron ; primaries with veins 2 and 3 separate, 7 from ape.x of cell, 8 to 10 stalked, veins all present; secondaries with 6 and 7 stalked, 8 anastomosing with cell to near middle ; costa conve.x ; pattern of markings as in PJiobetron. I. beutenmulleri Hy. Edw. Male warm ochraceous ; thorax and fore wings marked ill-definedly with light brown and dark purplish brown. Hind wings blackish, fringe and abdomen dull ocherous. The pattern of markings recalls that of the female Phobetron pitheciuin. The ocherous ground color is shaded with pale purplish; a brown, dentate t. a. line on inner half of wing and a short basal streak ; a curved t. p. shaded band, traversed by a small U-.shaped mark resting on veins 3 and 5, the open end outward ; this mark and two dots on the fringe opposite the lower limb of the U, dark purple brown. Sept. 1899.] COQUILLETT: LaRV.-E OF SOME LePIDOPTERA. 20i) One male, Alexander County, Virginia. Differs from the 9 type in lacking all the dark purple brown shades. The 9 has also four spurs on the hind tibiae but otherwise agrees. Larva. — This is the insect figured by Glover, (111. No. Am. Cont., PI. II, Fig. i; PI. 20, Fig. 40) and referred to by me in some detail (Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., iv, 300). The larva occurs sparingly in the vicinity of Washington, D. C, and has been known for a long time to the entomologists of the Department of Agriculture, but has not before been raised to maturity. There are some colored figures of the larva amiong the notes left by Dr. Riley and I have copied a description written by Mr. Pergande. Last season, with the kind assistance of Mr. Schwarz and Mr. Ash- mead, I succeeded in getting a few larvae from which the above described male moth was bred. The larva has the arrangement of tubercles of Phobetron and only differs in their special modification. The subdorsal horns are of equal length, the lateral ones though covered by the subdorsals are rather long and slender and the whole larva is of a clear, pale green like glass, covered with the clear, spinulose hairs. Found on beech and oak. ON THE EARLY STAGES OF SOME CALIFORNIA LEPIDOPTERA. By D. W. Coquillett. Hydroecia angelica Smith. The larvae live singly in the stems of Psoraka macrostachya, some- times causing the tops of the infested plants to die, but never killing the entire plant. Before pupating the larva gnaws a hole to the bark, but never or very seldom through it, then retires several (sometimes as much as eight) inches below this hole and closes the burrow both above and below itself, pupating within the cavity thus formed. The main burrow usually extends to, but never into the roots. The chrysalis is of the usual form, robust, polished, dark reddish brown and terminates behind in two diverging points; length, 22 mm. Eight of the 210 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoI. vii. chrysalids and one empty chrysalis-skin was found Sept. 12, 1882, near Anaheim, Cal. The moths issued from Sept. 20 to Oct. 9. Larvffi and chrysalids were also found on Aug. 6, 1893, at Los Angeles, Cal., and the moths issued from Aug. 16 to 31. Gloveria medusa Strecker. Body mottled light and dark gray, a broad light gray dorsal stripe having a dark central line and showing lighter, more whitish spots sit- uated on the anterior end of the middle segments ; body very thickly covered with long black and shorter black and white hairs springing from the skin and not from warts ; head clothed with hairs like the body, black, opaque, rough, a white median line extending from the vertex to the clypeus, where it divides and passes down along each edge of the latter ; labrum white ; spiracles very narrow, yellowish, ringed with black ; venter colored like upper part of body ; length, 80 mm. Found one June 29, 1890, crawling upon the ground near Newhall, Cal. Pupated July 26, in a very thin gray silken cocoon through which the chrysalis is plainly visible. Chrysalis of the usual form, dark brown, thinly covered with quite long yellowish hairs ex- cepting on the antenna;, leg and wing-cases ; ends posteriorly in a broad transversely flattened process which is thickly covered with short hooked spines ; length, 2,^ mm. Moth issued Aug. 24. Nola involuta Dyar. The description recently given as N. minuscii/a Zell (Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. , VI, 249) should be credited to this species (Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, VI, 42). Arthrochlora februalis Grote. Resembles Pyrophila pyramidoides. Body green, a white dorsal and stigmatal line and a narrower, broken, more yellowish subdorsal line ; on the posterior part of segment 10 this subdorsal line bends upward, almost crossing the following segment and nearly reaching the dorsal line ; posterior end of body tapering rapidly to the anal legs, causing segment 11 to appear slightly humped ; piliferous spots white, each giving rise to a short hair ; spiracles pale brownish, faintly ringed with black ; stigmatal line bordered above with pinkish on the anterior part of the body ; 16 legs, each marked with pink- ish ; venter deep green, unmarked ; cervical shield not apparent ; head bluish green, the mouth-parts marked with black and reddish ; Sept. iSgg] CoQUILLETT : LaRV.'E OF SOME LePIDOPTERA. 211 length, 30 mm. Found one June i, 1890, on a wild plum tree {Fru/ii/s ilicifolia), in San Diego Co., Cal. A few days later it fastened several leaves together with a {e:\\ silken threads but did not spin a perfect cocoon. It pupated June 7th and the moth issued April 9th of the following year. Lycsena exit is Boisd. Body flattened below, convex above, green, granulated, and covered with a short, sparse, whitish pubescence ; head very small, wholly retractile, brownish black ; 16 legs, very small ; length, 6 mm. Found two August 4, 1887, near Los Angeles, Cal. One pupated August 8th and the butterfly issued August 14th. Lycasna amyntula Boisd. Body green, a blackish dorsal and less distinct, subdorsal stripe, a faint black spot in the subdorsal space on segments 4 to 10 ; two faint pinkish stigmatal stripes ; head shining black, wholly retractile ; length, 12 mm. Found two in seed pods of Astragalus crofalaria early in April, 1887, near Riverside, Cal. One of them pupated April 2 2d and the butterfly issued May 6th. Pamphila phylasus Drury. Body olive green, tinged with pink, and covered with small black granulations ; a subdorsal row of larger, polished, brown piliferous spots ; first segment broadly bordered behind with brownish black, reaching from one spiracle to the other, and divided by whitish dorsal line ; other segments marked with a black dorsal line ; spiracles light gray, ringed with black ; head covered with small rounded elevations, brownish black, the groove on upper part of face bordered with light gray, reaching from apex of head to the clypeus, the latter bordered each side with a light gray line reaching from apex half way to base ; near middle of clypeus are two vertical light gray dashes and outside of each lower corner is a light gray spot ; in certain lights the ground color of the face appears to be light olive gray, spotted and dotted with brown; length, 22 mm. Found two under a stone near Los Angeles, Cal., October 22, 1888. One pupated November 2d and the butterfly issued on the 24th of the same month. Nisoniades funeral is Scudd.-Burg. Body gray, thickly covered with raised whitish dots ; a white sub- dorsal line which sometimes contains a yellow spot near the suture of 212 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vn. some of the segments ; spiracles wholly whitish ; head concave on top, brown, marked irregularly with darker brown, a row of three orange yellow spots on each side of the face and an additional one on each side of the head ; posterior part of head where it joins the body velvet black, which color is interrupted above; length, 21 mm. Found two May 8, 1887, near Los Angeles, Cal., living singly in a nest of leaves on Hosackia glabra. One pupated May 14th and the butterfly issued June 4th. NOTE ON THE SEVENTEEN-YEAR CICADA. By Benjamin Lander. Having had exceptional opportunities in 1894 to study the habits of the seventeen-year Cicada, I sent from time to time the results of my observations to the late Professor Lintner, then the State Entomol- ogist at Albany, who requested me to watch for "left overs," as he termed them — belated ones likely to appear in 1895 and 1896. In both those years I noticed a few in the woods back of Nyack. Last year I was not so fortunate, but I heard of two specimens that were seen in the pupa state. It will no doubt be interesting to those who have specially studied the Cicada to learn that during the last summer there were great num- bers seen and heard in the woods and orchards about Nyack ; even in the village streets. So many, in fact, that in .some places in the woods their peculiar note could be heard almost continuously. On one tree back of my house I counted nine pupa-cases. It is not at all likely that these were " left overs " from the great Hudson River Valley brood of 1894. It seems altogether likely that they were a part of brood XVII, of 1898, which are recorded as hav- ing appeared in the counties of Westchester and Richmond of this state, and in Essex County, New Jersey. If so, this is probably the first note of their occurrence in Rockland County, N. Y. On June loth, while visiting a piece of woods where the Cicadas appeared in vast numbers in 1894, I could hear them in every direc- tion, but what was of far more interest to me, I saw the ruins of four Sept. 1899] Lander: On the Seventeen-Year Cicada. 213 of their singular mud structures capping their burrows ; one of them fairly well preserved as to shape, but badly washed. Probably a more extended search would have revealed others, though few could have stood the long rains. Early in April, 1894, I discovered several widely extended areas thickly studded with sun-baked mud Cicada huts, three or four inches high, built in extension of the burrows at the surface of the ground ; the first account of which was published in the New York Times. Subsequently I offered in the Scientific American a theory as to the cause of the phenomenon and a more extended notice in this journal for March, 1895. I had observed that the huts were weather-worn as if from rain. It was evident that they had been built in March, which I remembered was an unusually warm month. Inquiries at the weather station in New York showed that that month had been the hottest March of which there was any record. It seemed probable that the builders of the huts had been prema- turely stirred to activity by the phenomenal warmth, but the colder weather that followed prompted them to close their burrows with mud caps to await a more propitious season or full maturity to cast their pupa-cases and emerge in their imago state. Of course there was some special reason for the close aggregation of such vast numbers of huts in more or less well-defined limits. Investigation showed that in all the hut areas I discovered the soil was thinly overlying a rocky foundation, either near quarries or on top ot the rocky hills, and on the Palisades, worn down by glacial action. Some areas had been recently burned over, exposing the soil to the full heat of the sun. It seemed probable, therefore, that the abnormal heat of March and the fact that the hut-builders were in shallow burrows were the causes that had impelled the insects to prematurely open their burrows which they subsequently closed with mud caps, Of course any pupa that happened to be near the surface, no matter how deep the soil be- neath it, would be like affected. This brief summary is for the purpose of accentuating the fact that the finding of Cicada huts in 1898 under exactly the same circum- stances goes far towards demonstrating the truth of the theory. March of 1898 was very warm ; the weather bureau at New York reports that the mean temperature was but |- of one degree lower than 214 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. March of 1894, which was the hottest month of March on record. March of 1898 was, like that of 1894, followed by a long season of cold and wet weather. Moreover, the huts found last summer were on one of the areas where they occurred in 1894. In shallow soil over smooth rocks on the hill top. NEW SPECIES OF LITHOSIIDiE FROM TROPICAL AMERICA. By William Schaus. Pronola magniplaga, sp. nov. (f . Color head and thorax light yellow, palpi brown. Abdomen brown above, last segment and underneath yellow ; legs yellow. Primaries above with a large lilacine brown spot, leaving the base, costal margin narrowly, apex, and outer margin yellow ; fringe brown on inner margin and at inner angle, otherwise yellow ; a cluster of darker scales on the inner margin near the angle. Underneath the spot is replaced by brownish shadings and the hairs in cell are blackish brown. Secondaries above whitish at the base, somewhat tinged with yellow outwardly ; the outer margin broadly brownish, except at apex ; underneath yellowish with the fringe on outer margin brownish. Expanse, 17 mm. Habitat : Sao Paulo, S. E. Brazil. Pronola diffusa, sp. nov. Body creamy white. Primaries above creamy white, the inner margin and outer portion of the wing clouded with grayish brown, leaving the apex, outer margin, and a .spot in the cell creamy white. Underneath pale yellowish with a broad brown spot extending from the inner margin near the angle and not reaching the costa. Sec- ondaries yellowish white. Expanse, 1 6 mm. Habitat : Peru. Eugonosia angulifer, sp. nov. Entirely pale yellowish red, the primaries with all the margins finely black, and a fine black line extending from the inner margin at a third from the base to the end of the cell where it forms an angle and then descends to the outer margin at the end of vein two ; a few blackish scales extend from the angle itself to the costal margin. Ex- panse, 22 mm. Habitat : Castro, Parana, Talara rufa, sp. nov. Head and thorax brownish. Abdomen, deep yellow witli a brown subdorsal line. Primaries above reddish yellow, thickly irrorated with lilacine brown scales, espe- Sept. 1899.] ScHAUs : New Species of Lithoshd/e 215 cially at the apex and along the outer margin ; terminal line, and large blotches on the fringe, dark gray ; traces of a fine sub-terminal line. Underneath reddish yellow, the base and costal margin heavily shaded, with gray. Secondaries reddish yellow. Ex panse, 20 mm. Habitat: Castro, Parana. Rhodographa phseoplaga, sp. nov. Head and thorax orange red, abdomen yellowish. Primaries with a large brown space edged with crimson, except on the inner margin, and leaving the base of the wing, costal margin, apex and outer margin bright yellow ; a terminal row of small crimson spots. Underneath the brown spot is replaced by crimson. Secondaries reddish above, yellowish underneath. Fringes yellow. Expanse, 1 7 mm. Habitat: Sao Paulo, S. E. Brazil. Maepha ditrigona, sp. nov. Palpi reddish ; frons black. Collar yellow. Thorax yellow with a large dorsal gray spot ; abdomen yellow ; legs yellow, black at the joints. Primaries bronze, streaked with yellow on the basal half, especially above the inner margin. Just beyond the middle of the wing two triangular yellow spots, one ori the costal, the other on the inner margin, and nearly touching ; both spots edged with dark violet bronze ; costa and inner margin shaded with violet bronze ; the fringe gray, darker at its base. Secondaries yellow, with an apical black spot narrowing to the center of the outer margin. Expanse, i8 mm. Habitat : Nova Friburgo, Brazil. Prepiella pexicera, sp. nov. Head and collar yellowish, the latter with two dark gray spots. Abdomen pink above, yellowish below. Primaries yellowish, the veins on the basal and outer por- tions streaked with black, and confined by two transverse lines, outwardly oblique from the costa and parallel, then angled, the inner line below the cells receding towards the base on the inner margin, the outer line angled beyond the cells and then curving to the inner angle ; the two lines connected on the median vein by a blackish streak above which is a carmine spot. Underneath the median space is pink instead of yel- low. Secondaries pink with a small black spot at the apex. Expanse, 12 mm. Habitat: Aroa, Venezuela. Haematomis uniformis, sp. nov. Body dark gray ; base of patagia and anal hairs roseate. Primaries dark gray. Secondaries whitish towards the base and disk, otherwise gray, darkest at the apex. Expanse, 20 mm. Habitat: Oaxaca, Mexico. Parablavia xanthura, sp. nov. Body dark brown. Collar and anal segment yellow. Primaries gray, the costa yellowish with a dark streak on the extreme margin at base. Secondaries dull black. Expanse, 21 mm. Habitat : Castro, Parana. 216 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoI. vii. Xantholopha purpurascens, sp. nov. Palpi, collar and back of head orange, otherwise body dull greenish brown ; the anal segments circled with orange. Primaries dark purplish black. Secondaries dull black, faintly tinged with green. Expanse, 26 mm. Habitat : Castro, Parana. Lamprostola molybdipera, sp. nov. Head, thorax and primaries dark greenish black, slightly iridescent ; the veins still darker. Abdomen and secondaries dull brownish black. Expanse, 17 mm. Habitat : Jalapa, Mexico. Agylla obliquisigna, sp. nov. Head and thorax light brown, the palpi edged with a dark velvety brown. Abdo- men dull yellowish. Primaries above yellowish white ; the costa linely and apex broadly tinged with yellow ; the inner margin broadly shaded with brown, and at two- thirds from the base an inwardly oblique brown band reaching the median at vein 2. Secondaries whitish. The primaries underneath are brownish gray, the margins somewhat yellowish. Expanse, 30 mm. Habitat: U. S. Colombia. Agylla nubens, sp. nov. Head and thorax dark silvery gray ; a line behind the head. Ab- domen and legs yellow. Primaries silvery white ; the costa finely yellowish]; the inner margin broadly dark gray. Secondaries white ; some yellow hairs on the inner margin. Primaries underneath smoky gray ; the costal margin yellow ; a white streak in and beyond the cell. The 5* has the dark shade on inner margin of primaries somewhat narrower. Expanse, 35 mm. Habitat : Jalapa, ]\Iexico. Agylla barbipalpia, sp. nov. Palpi brown. Head and thorax gray, the collar finely edged with paler scales. Abdomen brownish white. Primaries above creamy white, the costa finely yellow ; the inner margin broadly dull gray. Underneath yellowish brown, the outer third suffused with gray. Secondaries white. Expanse, '},t, mm. Habitat : Castro, Parana. Agylla polysemata, sp. nov. $ . Head and thorax light gray. Abdomen whitish gray. Primaries silvery white, faintly tinged with grey on the inner margin ; underneath the fold below cell containing long yellow hairs. Secondaries silvery white ; the basal tuft yellowish, containing a streak of white hairs, and contiguous to it outwardly is a small cluster of black scales. The 9 has no tufts of scales and the primaries are narrower. Ex- panse, ^ 34 mm.; 9 37 mm. Habitat: Nova Friburgo, Castro, Parana. Sept. iSgg] ScHAUS : New Species of Lithosiid^. 217 Cyclosticta discata, sp. nov. $ . Body brownish yellow. Primaries above yellowish white, the inner margin faintly clouded with brownish ; the costal margin yellow ; underneath purer white ■with a patch of chrome yellow velvety scales at the end of the cell. Secondaries white, faintly tinged with yellow above. Expanse, 24 mm. Habitat: Rio Janeiro. Mintopola braziliensis, sp. nov. Head and thorax light reddish brown. Abdomen grayish. Primaries above pale creamy brown, with darker shadings beyond the cell and on either side of vein 2. Underneath light brown, the bas-e of costa darker. Secondaries yellowish white. Underneath with an orange patch at base of inner margin. Expanse, 25 mm. Habitat: Nova Friburgo, Brazil. Thyone melanocera, sp. nov. Antennae black ; palpi brownish. Head, collar and patagia white. Thorax and abdomen yellowish white. Wings above white, the primaries heavily scaled. Under- neath the primaries are faintly suffused with yellow. Expanse, 21 mm. Habitat: Trinidad, B. W. I. Nyctosia coccinea, sp. nov. Head and thorax blue black. Abdomen brownish black. Primaries dull dark olive green. Secondaries crimson, the costal margin narrowly and the fringe black. Expanse, 35 mm. Habitat : City of Mexico. Roeselia medioscripta, sp. nov. Head and thorax silver gray. Abdomen yellowish ; legs darker gray. Primaries silvery gray ; the basal third of costa blackish ; a median black band slightly curved and starting from a broader spot on costa ; a fine transverse outer line, curved beyond cell and nearly contiguous to median band below vein 3 ; a faint subterminal and ter- minal darker gray shade. Secondaries grayish white with a darker terminal line. Expanse, 20 mm. Habitat : Orizaba, Mexico. 218 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. NEW GENERA AND SPECIES OF DEXIDiE. By D. W. Coquillett, Washington, D. C. At the time of the publication of Osten Sacken's Catalogue of the described Diptera of this country, no family was in greater dis- order than the Dexidse, the major portion of which were listed under the old genus Dexia, a genus which does not occur in our fauna so far as I am aware. Of these catalogued species, Dexia analis Say, pedestris Walk., and pristis Walk.; Melanophora diabroticce Shinier, and nigripes Desv.; Walker's three species of Illtgeria, and Microph- thalma nigra Macq., are treated in my " Revision of the Tachinidse " (Bull. No. 7, Technical series, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Div. of Entom.; Oct., 1897). The remaining species from this region, together with those described subsequently and in the present paper, are listed below. The synonymy, except where otherwise stated, is by the writer ; names of genera and species unknown to me are preceded by a mark of in- terrogation (?). References to the descriptions of the genera and species catalogued by Osten Sacken are omitted. Megerlea rufocaudata Bigot, if my identification is correct, belongs to the Sarcophagid genus, Sarcophiiodes. The receipt of a specimen of Dexiosonia longifacies Rond. , from Brauer and Bergenstamm, of Vienna, Austria, proves that this is a synonym of Microphthalma disjuncta Wied., and the statement of the above authors that Dexiosonia is a synonym of Alicrophthalma is evidently correct. Descriptions of New Forms. Megaparia opaca, sp. nov. Male and female. Black, the two basal joints of antenna, palpi, apex of pro- boscis, apices of femora, tibiie and base of tarsi, yellow, lower half of head brown. PVont of male at narrowest point one-lhird as wide as, in the female almost twice as wide as either eye, the sides and those of the face covered with stout black bristles, two orbital bristles in the female, wanting in the male ; antennre not reaching one- third of distance from their base to the oral margin, the second and third joints sub- equal in length, longest hairs of arista twice as long as its diameter at its base ; vibrissse inserted near the middle of the face, cheeks in the male two-thirds as broad as, in the female as broad as, the eye-height ; head in profile nearly elliptical, over twice as high as long, face considerably retreating below, a low carina in the middle of the depression, eyes bare, proboscis rather slender, the portion beyond the basal Sept. 1 899-] Coquillett: North American Dexid^. 219 articulation less than one-fifth as long as height of head, labella very small. Body opac[ue gray pruinose, thorax marked with four indistinct black vittae, bearing four postsutural dorso-central and three sternopleural macrochreta?, hairs of abdomen de- pressed, the last three segments bearing discal and marginal macrochsetse. Wings grayish hyaline, the veins bordered with brownish, most distinct in the female, third vein bearing three or four bristles near its base, veins otherwise bare, costal spine longer than the small cross vein, the latter noticeably before the middle of the discal cell, fourth vein strongly curved backward at the bend, the latter V-formed. Calyp- teres gray. Hind tibire not ciliate, pulvilli of male greatly elongate. Length, lo to II mm. Jackson, Fla. A specimen of each sex collected by Mrs. A. T. Slosson. Type No. 411 7, U. S, Nat. Museum. Phasiops flava, gen. et. sp. nov. Male and female. Yellow, the frontal vitta of female yellowish brown, the hairs and bristles black. Front in the male at the narrowest point not wider than width of lowest ocellus, frontal vitta obliterated on nearly the upper half, front of female slightly wider than either eye, frontal bristles descending to base of antennje, four pairs of orbital bristles in the female, wanting in the male ; antennae not reach- ing to middle of face, the third joint one and one-half times as long as the second, longest hairs of arista about twice as long as its greatest diameter at its base ; face considerably retreating below, the sides bare, the median carina very high ; vibrissa inserted more than the length of the second antennal joint above the front edge of the oral margin, two or three bristles above each, facial ridges arcuate, rather remote at the vibrissae ; cheeks of male two-fifths, of female two-thirds as broad as the eye- height, eyes bare, proboscis rather slender, the portion beyond the basal articulation less than one-fourth as long as height of head, labella small, palpi nearly linear and rather short. Body subopaque, thinly gray pruinose, thorax bearing four pairs of postsutural dorso-central and two or three sternopleural macrochaetffi, second and third segments of abdomen with marginal ones, hypopygium of male exserted and curved under the abdomen. Wings hyaline, those of the female strongly tinged with yellowish, veins bare, posterior crossvein nearly midway between the small and the bend of the fourth vein, the latter arcuate, apical cell open, ending close to the extreme wing-tip ; calypteres yellow. Hind tibiae not ciliate, pulvilli of male greatly elongate. Length, 7 to 9 mm. Caldwell, New Jersey.. A specimen of each sex collected by Mr. C. W. Johnson, whose generous donations have greatly enriched the collection of Diptera of the National Museum. Type No. 4118, U. S. Nat. Museum. An unusually short and robust form. Atelogossa cinerea, gen. et sp. nov. Male. Front less than one-fourth as wide as either eye, frontal bristles descend- ing almost to base of antennae, no orbital bristles, antennae reaching halfway to the oral margin, the third joint almost twice as long as the second, longest hairs of arista twice as long as its greatest diameter at its base, head only slightly shorter at the 220 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. vibrissse than at base of antenna-, median carina of face very high and broad, vibrissa inserted more than the length of the second joint of the antennx above the front edge of the oral margin, two or three bristles above each, facial ridges arcuate, remote at the vibrissa, sides of the face bare, cheeks slightly more than one-third as wide the eye- height, eyes bare, proboscis rather slender, less than half as long as height of head, labella small, palpi wanting. Body subopaque, thinly gray pruinose, thorax marked with five black vittce, bearing four pairs of postsutural dorso-central macrochtette, second and third segments of abdomen with marginal but no discal ones. Wings hyaline, third vein bearing one or two bristles near the base, veins elsewhere bare, posterior cross-vein a short distance beyond middle between the small and the bend of the fourth vein, the latter arcuate, destitute of an appendage, apical cell open, ending a short distance before the extreme wing-tip, calypteres gray. Hind tibiae not ciliate, pulvilli greatly elongated. Length, 7 mm. Waldoboro, Maine, A single specimen collected by Mr. J- H. Lovell. Type No. 41 19, U. S. Nat. Museum. Has much the form of the common house-fly. Metadexia tricolor, gen. et sp. nov. Male and female. Black, the antennse, at least basally, palpi, labella and abdomen yellowish, first segment of abdomen largely or wholly, a dorsal vitta on the second and third, sometimes the bases of these segments, or their apices and the base of the fourth and the under side from the base to beyond the middle of the third seg- ment, black or brown, femora and tibiae sometimes partly or wholly yellow, scutel- lum tinged with reddish. Front of male one-fourth, of the female almost as wide as either eye, two pairs of orbital bristles in the female, wanting in the male, frontal bristles descending almost to base of antennae, head at the vibrissa; noticeably shorter than at base of antenna;, epistoma produced forward, sides of face bare, white prui- nose, facial ridges nearly straight, strongly diverging below, vibrissae widely separated, inserted slightly above the front edge of the oral margin, two or three short bristles above each median carina of face very low ; antennas reaching from two-thirds to three- fourths of distance to the oral margin, the third joint from one and one-half to two and one-half times as long as the second, hairs of arista nearly three times as long as its greatest diameter at the base, cheeks over one-third as broad as the eye-height, proboscis rather robust, half as long as height of head, la- bella rather large, palpi well developed. Thorax opaque, gray pruinose, marked with four black vittae, bearing four postsutural dorso-central and two sternopleural macrochastae. Abdomen shining, bases of the segments white pruinose, each segment bearing marginal macrochaetae and in the male the last three segments with discal ones. Wings hyaline, the veins bordered with brownish, most distinct in the female, first vein bearing several bristles near its middle, the third bristly at least one-third of distance to the small crossvein, posterior crossvein beyond the middle of the distance from the small to the bend of the fourth vein, the latter almost rectangular and des- titute of an appendage, apical cell open, ending some distance in front of the extreme wing-tip ; calypteres white. Hind tibiae not ciliate, pulvilli of male very elongate. Length, 6 to 9 mm. Sept. 1899.] Coquillett: North American Dexid.^^. 221 Shreveport (June 12, 1891 ; F. W. Mally); and Opelousas (April, 1897; G. R. Pilate), La.; Lawrence, Kan. (J. AL Aldrich); and St. Augustine, N. Mex. (T. D. A. Cockerell). Three males and three females. Type No. 4120, U. S. Nat. Museum. A rather slender and elongated form. Chsetona bicolor, sp. nov. Male. Black, the first two joints of antennse, palpi, apex of proboscis, femora except bases of first two pairs, tibiae and abdomen yellow, base of first segment of abdomen, extending across the segment in the middle of the dorsum, also the narrow apex of each segment, brown. Front at narrowest part scarcely wider than the lowest ocellus, the frontal vitta obliterated for a short distance, frontal bristles descending to base of antennee, no orbital bristles, antennse nearly reaching the oral margin, the third joint three times as long as the second, longest hairs of arista over twice as long as its greatest diameter at the base, sides of face bare, no median carina, cheeks less than one-seventh as wide as the eye-height, proboscis almost half as long as height of head, rather robust, labella rather large. Thorax subopaque, thinly gray pruinose, marked with five indistinct black vitt£e, bearing three prosutural dorsocentral and two sternopleural macrochneta?. Abdomen polished, very thinly gray pruinose, each seg- ment bearing a marginal row of short macrochsetK, the last two also with discal ones. Wings hyaline, tinged with yellow at the base and along the veins, the latter bare, small crossvein at the middle of the discal cell, calypteres yellow. Length, 7 mm. White Mts., N. H. A single specimen collected by the late H. K. Morrison. Type No. 41 21, U. S. Nat. Museum. Chaetona nitens, sp. nov. Female. Black, the labella yellowish. Front two-thirds as wide as either eye, frontal bristles descending below middle of second antennal joint, two pairs of orbital bristles, antennre reaching the oral margin, the third joint very strongly pubescent, four times as long as the third, longest hairs of arista only slightly longer than its greatest diameter at the base, sides of face bare, extremely narrow, no median carina, facial ridges straight, diverging below, vibrissse near the oral margin, one or two bristles above each, cheeks scarcely one-tenth as broad as the eye-height, proboscis about one-fourth as long as height of head, very robust, labella unusually large. Thorax polished, the sides anteriorly and the pleura white pruinose, three postsutural dorso- central and two sternopleural macrochceta;. Abdomen polished, the front angles of the last three segments white pruinose, these segments bearing only marginal macro- chastse. Wings distinctly smoky on the costal half, the remainder nearly pure hyaline, third vein bearing one or two bristles near the base, veins elsewhere bare, small crossvein at middle of discal cell, hind crossvein midway between the small and bend of fourth vein, the latter arcuate, apical cell open, ending at the extreme wing-tip ; calypteres whitish. Length, 3.5 mm. Franconia, N. H. A single specimen collected by Mrs. A. T. Slosson, Type No. 4122, U. S. Nat. Museum. 222 Journal New York. Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. Chsetona spinosa, sp. nov. Male. Differs from the above description of nit ens a.s follows : Sides of second segment of abdomen, hind corners of the first and front corners of the third segment, yellow. Front one-fifth as wide as either eye, frontal bristles descending to insert on of antennae, no orbital bristles, antennae reaching three-fourths of distance to oral mar- gin, the third joint short pubescent, two and one-half times as long as the second, cheeks one-seventh as broad as the eye-height. Thorax white pruinose along the suture and with two subdorsal vitta: in front of it. Abdomen white pruinose at bases of the second and third segments, the last three segments bearing discal macrochaeta?. Length, 5-5 nim. Pennsylvania. A single specimen. Type No. 4123, U. S. Nat. Museum. Chaetona grisea, sp nov. INIale. Differs from niteiis as follows : Base of antennae and the palpi yellow. Front less than twice as wide as the lowest ocellus, frontal bristles descending to in- sertion of antennae, no orbital bristles, antennae reaching three-fifths of distance to the oral margin, the third joint bare, nearly twice as long as the second, longest hairs of arista three times as long as its greatest diameter, sides of face bearing a few bristly hairs on the upper half, facial ridges rather strongly arcuate. Thorax, scutellum and abdomen subopaque, gray pruinose. Length, 6 mm. Georgia. A single specimen. Type No. 4124, U. S. Nat. Mu- seum. WHIRLIGIG-BEETLES TAKING A SUN-BATH. By William T. Davis. Walking along the banks of the Pequanock River in Passaic County, New Jersey, on the 30th day of May, the writer noticed one of the very common assemblages of whirligig-beetles swimming about among the twigs of a tree branch that lay in the water. Upon draw- ing nearer it was discovered that three of the beetles had climbed up the branch several inches above the water, and were evidently enjoy- ing a sun-bath, in the same manner that turtles do under similar cir- cumstances. Like turtles, also, they slipped off of the branch into the water, but they allowed one to approach quite close before taking alarm. Several specimens from the assemblage were captured, all of them proving to be Dinciites discolor. Entertaining accounts are given of the habits of whirligig-beetles in various entomological text-books, but the sun bath custom does not appear to be mentioned. Jourii. N. V. Ent. Soc. Vol. VII. PL III- North American Trypetidae. Journ. N. Y. Eitt. Soc. Vol. VII. PL IV North American Trypetidae. Joiini. N. V. Eiit, Soc. Vol. VII. PL V. Life-History of Cochlidion avellana JOURNAL TOfId JBoph €!ntomoIogirfll HoriFtg. \^ol. VII. DECEMBER, 1899. No. 4. NEW NOCTUIDS AND NOTES. By John B. Smith, Sc. D. Cobalos, gen. nov. Eyes naked, without lashes or lateral fringes, hemispherical. Head of good size, but retracted ; front flat, broad, palpi short, not exceeding middle of front, termi- nal joint small, a little oblique. Tongue strong. Antennae in the $ lengthily bi- pectinated, in the 9 simple. Thorax sub-quadrate, rather short, collar and patagise defined, vestiture somewhat loose, divergent, composed of scaly hair, forming no ob- vious anterior tuftings and but a loose though well-marked basal tuft. Abdomen ex- ceeding the anal angle in both sexes, conic in the 9 > ^ small dorsal tuft on the basal segment, else untufted. I^egs well developed, tibia without claws or spines, spurs of middle and posterior pair moderate in length, vestiture of under side fine woolly. Wings moderate ; primaries abruptly widened on inner margin. Costa and outer margin oblique, the former a little depressed at middle, apex acute. The genus is Hadeniform, allied to Hyppa and Valeria ; with loose, more hairy vestiture and slighter build than either, the wing- form, retracted broad head and very lengthily pectinated antennae being further characteristic. The insect has more the appearance of Eiicoptocnemis than anything else, but the tibiae are not spinose. Cobalos angelicus, sp. nov. Ground color light fawn brown with gray or white shadings or powderings. Head and thorax without definite maculation. Primaries with the median space somewhat more even, deeper brown than the rest of the wing, s. t. space and apex bluish white. Basal line marked on the costa only. T. a. line geminate, narrow, brown, the inner line vague, included space more or less white filled, not well marked, more or less broken, widely outcurved, inwardly dentate on the veins. T. p. line geminate, narrow, brown, the outer portion less obvious, only a little irregular, not much curved over cell and very decidedly incurved in the sub-median interspace, in- cluded space white. S. t. line irregular, yellowish, defined by the brown terminal space except at apex, and partly by a brown s. t. shade which fills the s. t. space on costa, then breaks and starts again, broadening gradually to the hind margin where it is aJmost half the space. On veins 3 and 4 white rays accompany an indentation of 224 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. the s. t. line almost to the outer margin. A series of blackish terminal lunules at the base of the broad fringes. Claviform outlined in brown, concolorous, moderate in size, a somewhat darker shading extending across the median space at this point. O^'bicular oblong, oblique, somewhat irregu'ar, hardly defined, more or less powdered with bluish white. Reniform moderate or rather small, narrowly kidney-shaped, very narrowly and incompletely ringed with brown, annulate with bluish white, more or less whitish powdered superiorly and a little dark shaded inferiorly, neither of the spots at all prominent. Secondaries in the male whitish with an indefinite smoky outer margin, in the J darker throughout, and with a yellowish tinge. Beneath whitish, powdery, 9 darker, more smoky, primaries more powdered than secondaries, both wings with a vague discal spot. Expanse, 32-35 mm. = I.28-I.40 inches. habitat: Los Angeles, California. Three examples, r $ , 2 9 9 ; the ^ from Mr. Coquillett (Coll. U. S. N. M.), the others of uncertain source. The species is quite dis- tinctive in appearance, the pale s. t. space, with its distinct W mark somewhat recalling Mamcstfa liquida. But the naked eyes and lengthily pectinated $ antennae dispel the illusion at once. Cobalos franciscanus, sp. nov. Ground color rich fawn brown without contrasts except in the s. t. space of primaries. Head and thorax concolorous. Primaries with the median space some- what deeper in tint, the t. p. line prominently white-shaded below vein 3. Basal line not obvious. T. a. line vague, brown, apparently simple, as a whole upright or a little outcurved, a small outward angle in the sub-median interspace. T. p. line brown, geminate on costa, else single, crenulate and outcurved over the cell, then even, with a regular incurve to vein I, where it has a little outward tooth. S. t. space in costal region of ground color, below that paler along the t. p. line until, below vein 4, the latter is white shaded, the shade broadest in the sub-median interspace and forming the most prominent ornamental feature. Outwardly the space shades into a reddish brown border to the s. t. line which is narrow, pale, irregular and very poorly defined. On vein 3 a pale ray extends almosj to the outer margin cutting through and not indenting the s. t. line. There is a series of brown terminal lunules, and the fringes have a pale line at base. None of the usual spots are defined. Claviform and orbicular are scarcely even indicated, reniform traceable in narrow, incomplete outline and by a dusky filling. Secondaries uniform smoky brown, a darker ter- minal line at the base of the paler fringes. Beneath very pale reddish gray powdery, primaries with a discal spot and a feeble reproduction of the t. p. line of upper side, secondaries with a dusky discal spot and no outer line. Expanse, 28 mm. = 1.12 inches. Habitat: San Francisco County, California, a single $ specimen only, with the vestiture a little marred in spreading. This is a smaller species than angelicus with proportionately shorter, broader wings, more robust thorax, shorter antennae, tho equally pectinated and de- cidedly darker colors. The maculation is practically all lost except for the pale shading in the s. t. space and the prominent white margin Dec. 1899.] Smith : New Noctuids and Notes. 225 to the t. p. line. The single pale ray on vein 3 gives the species a unique character that should make its recognition easy. Stretchia Hy. Ediv. S. pulchella Harv. — The male of this species was unknown to me in 1889 and it was not until recently that I identified two male speci- mens taken by Mr. Bruce in Colorado as belonging here. They are decidedly unlike the type, which I compared in the Edwards collec- tion in that they lack that sharp contrast in color which justified the name pulchella, but in essential details of maculation they are alike. A characteristic feature is the almost quadrate orbicular which is slightly oblique, and another the peg-like projections from the t. p. line on the veins. In male characters the species resembles erythrolita, as it does in- deed in other features, but there is considerable difference in detail. S. addenda Smith. — This species, described by me as a TcEnio- campa proves more satisfactorily referred to Stretchia, not only by wing form but in the structure of the male genitalia. These are sim- ilar to those oi pulchella but much heavier and more compact, as a comparison of figures will show. It is probable that addenda and pulchella can be confused, though the former has no contrasts of any kind on any specimen seen by me. It seems likely however that the latter may vary in the direction of uniformity and in such cases there may be a close resemblance to addenda. More material of both forms is needed to clear the situation satisfactorily. Taeniocampa flaviannula, sp. nov. Ground color a rather light fawn brown, more or less powdered with blackish scales. The vestiture of the head and thorax is fine loose and a little divergent, a trifle darker and more grayish than the primaries. The palpi are very short, black at the sides and scarcely reach the front. Primaries with all the markings obscured ; but in most specimens fairly traceable. The most prominent feature being the unusually large, broadly oval reniform which is ringed with yellow, the spot itself being some- times a little darker than the rest of the wing. In some specimens the basal line is indicated by black dots and in one example it is geminate. It may, however, be entirely wanting. The t. a. line is generally represented by a series of black dots on the veins ; but these may be entirely wanting, and on the other hand the line may become complete and even geminate. In the latter instance the line is seen to be a little irregular between the veins ; but as a whole it is upright or only a little out- curved. There is a median shade line from near the middle of the costa, outwardly bent so as to cross the lower part of the reniform, then forming almost a right angle and a little oblique inwardly to the inner margin. This shade also may be entirely 226 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoI. vn. absent. The t. p. line in all my specimens is a series of black dots on the veins. It originates over the reniform, is strongly bent outwardly over it and then runs very evenly oblique and inward to the hinder margin, which it reaches very close to the median shade. The s. t. line is marked by a powdery preceding shade and when most obvious shows a fairly well marked " w," a little below the middle of its course ; but this line also may be entirely absent. There is a series of dots between the veins a little within the outer margin. Fringes are concolorous and with only a bare trace of a paler line at the base. The orbicular is moderate in size, a little elongate, ringed with yellowish ; but this also may be entire'y absent. The renifonii has been already described, and this is present in all the specimens that I have seen. The secondaries are smoky and powdery, with a distinct discal lunule and a blackish terminal line. Beneath, both wings are reddish gray, powdered with a black discal spot and a more or less complete extra median line. Expanse, 1.50 to 1.75 inches = 37 to 44 mm. Habitat : Glenwood Springs, Colorado, in March and April. I have four males and one female under examination. All the males are from Dr. Wm. Barnes, one of them labelled April 20th. The only female was received from Mr. David Bruce and bears his number, 438. The antennae in the male are lengthily pectinated, and the insect belongs in appearance and wing form with alia. None of the specimens have all the markings present and one specimen has practically no markings except the somewhat indistinct reniform and vaguely shaded s. t. line. The single female has the primaries ap- parently a little broader and the s. t. line at the base marked ; but this may be an individual character and not so in that sex generally. This most obvious character is the shape of the reniform. Taeniocampa reliqua, sp. nov. Ground color a deep, somewhat rusty red brown. The scales of the front are tipped with gray, as are also those forming the indefinite tuft on the posterior part of the thorax. Basal line marked by a few black scales, and there are also a few black scales in the basal space below the median vein. T. a. line fairly distinct, obsoletely geminate. The outer portion of the line formed of black scales which are preceded and emphasized by a few white scales. The inner line is marked on the costa only and is rather a discal shading than a line. As a whole, the line is upright ; but is outwardly bent in the interspaces. T. p. line very dark brown, deepened by a few black scales, as a whole evenly bisinuate and nearly upright, followed by white scales which make this feature the most prominent part of the wing. The s. t. line is yellowish, narrow, even, continuous, followed by a series of brown points in a some- what gray -powdered terminal space. The fringes are long, a little paler than the ground color ; but broadly cut by the darkest wing color on the veins. The ordinary spots are vague and are present rather as paler, indefined blotches. The orbicular large and elongate. The reniform somewhat lunate. There is an undefined deeper brown median shade. Secondaries reddish gray, the fringes a little more pinkish. The veins are dusky marked and there is a feeble dusky lunule. Beneath, the wings Dec. 1899.] Smith : New Noctuids and Not£S. 227 are reddish powdery, with the disc a little smoky. The secondaries have an outer blackish line and a fairly distinct discal spot. Expanse, I inch=25 mm. Habitat: Park County, Colorado; 10,000 feet. Bruce. The type is a unique female from the collection of the U. S. Nat- ional Museum, and it is therefore impossible to say to which section the insect belongs. It has, however, the apj^earance and some of the characters of trifascia, and may be associated with that species for the present. It is a small species with stumpy wings and the mottlings of red brown with the white scales on the median lines give it rather a distinctive appearance. Xylomiges pallidior, sp. nov. Ground color white, flecked with black and smoky scales ; lines and dots black, shading smoky. Head with a black frontal line. Collar with a broad black central line. Thorax with a few patagial scales black tipped and a black margin at the base of primaries. Abdomen cream yellow. Primaries with a black basal streak, reach- ing to the t. a. line. Basal line indicated by a white break in the smoky shading of the costa. T. a. line fragmentary and marked chiefly by the endings of the maculation that usually starts or terminates there, on the costa and internal margin by a smoky shade. T. p. line marked by the geminate spots on the costa, is then single, smoky over the- cell, black, linear and denticulate on veins 2, 3, 4, smoky, broken and linear to the hind margin. S. t. line consists of a series of interspacial, somewhat elongate black spots, the third from the angle a little out of line and nearer the mar- gin, dividing the series into two groups. Median shade prominent, from costa outwardly oblique along the upper margin of the orbicular, forming an acute angle on the me- dian vein, smoky to the end of the claviform and filling the space below vein I to the t. a. line. Claviform concolorous, very large and broad, extending almost across the median space, the outline black. Orbicular white, incompletely black bordered, ir- regular, elongate, oblique, very large, extending to the end of the cell in the form of a loop along the median vein. Reniform indicated by an obscure smoky lunule, but not at all outlined. There is a series of black terminal dots, beyond which is a smoke line through the fringe. Vague smoky shadings are along the costa and inter- nal margins and slight darkenings in the s. t. and terminal spaces. Secondaries white, with a large, half round discal spot a venular median line and a narrow termi- nal line, black. Beneath white, primaries powdery along the costa : a common ven- ular extra-median line and a discal spot, small on primaries, large on secondaries, black. Expanse, 28 mm. =^ 1. 52 inches. Habitat : New Westminister, British Columbia (Fletcher). One female only, in fine condition. The insect is, in markings, an exaggerated simplex with white instead of gray ground color and without the shadings of the older species. This white color on which the huge claviform and orbicular spots are outlined in black will serve to identify the species ; the other prominent character being the broad oblique costal portion of the median shade. 228 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. Xylina Ochs. The following descriptions in this genus are presented in advance of a systematic treatment of the genus at large and to permit the dis- tribution of material before the publication of the revision, which may be somewhat delayed. Xylina torrida, sp. nov. Ground color bluish gray. Antennce white basally, else brown. Head with a black line across the middle of the front, the vertex usually a little smoky. Collar, as a rule, paler than ground color, sometimes whitish, usually with a reddish flush to- ward a sub-apical black line, which in some examples is almost obsolete. Thorax more or less white powdered, not definitely marked, patagise black edged at the base of the wings. Abdomen with a reddish flush in well preserved specimens. Pri- maries more or less powdered with smoky or blackish scales, varying the tint and often clouding the median space. Basal line geminate, blackish, marked through the costal cell only. A black longitudinal line extends from the base through the s. ra. interspace half way to the t. a. line and is then obliquely extended by a black or blackish shade to the costa within the origin of the t. a. line. The space included in this boundary at the base of the wing is whitish or much paler than the rest of the wing, further emphasized by a rusty shading just above the black streak. T. a. line geminate, black, the outer portion most sharply defined, outcurved in the interspaces and quite sharply toothed inwardly on the veins, as a whole a little outwardly oblique. T. p. line lunulate, geminate, outer line smoky, indefinite and quite even, lines black, often disconnected and tending to obsolescence : as a whole the line is outwardly ex- serted over the reniform and almost upright below that point. S. t. line marked by a series of triangular black, preceding spots, except at the costa where a smoky shade precedes it. This series of spots is in a way the most prominent and certainly the most constant feature of the wing. A series of terminal spots which are not at the extreme edge of the wing and which are elongate though not connected into a line. A more or less diffuse median shade, almost or quite filling the space between the or- dinary spots, parallel with and close to t. p. line below the reniform. Claviform black ringed and sometimes almost black filled, small, pointed, not reaching the middle of the median space. Orbicular upright, oval, of good size, as pale as any other part of the wing, black ringed except superiorly ; below the median vein there is attached to it a smaller, less prominent, sub-orbicular, which is usually smoky centered and may become entirely obscured. Reniform large, upright, oval, only a little kidney-shaped, black ringed, centered with smoky in which is a reddish shading. The veins are more or less smoky. Secondaries smoky with a reddish tinge, sometimes quite pale. Beneath with a reddish flush, powdery, both wings with an outer smoky line and round discal spot. Expanse, 40-46 mm. = 1. 60-1. 80 inches. Habitat : Pullman, Washington, October, March and April (C. V. Piper); Garfield Co., Colorado, 4000 feet (Bruce); N. W. British Columbia (Ottolengui); Soda Springs, California, October 1 6th (Hy Edwards). D,,. ,899.] Smith: Naw Noctuids and Notes. 229 In all ten specimens are before me, varying only in the relative dis- tinctness of the maculation. In one example everything is clear cut and every line and shade recognizable at a glance ; in another all save the s. t. line and the ordinary spots is obscured, and between these extremes the others range. The species resembles tepida most nearly in type of maculation ; but it is much larger and the more obscure examples remind one of the antennata type. The male characters are distinctive and confirm the superficial points of distinctness from other species. Xyiina dentilinea sp. nov. Ground color a dirty ashen gray with an admixture of smoky shadmgs. Head brown^ n f ont, a black line rising on each side at the base of the antenna and ex- Sin oHicuely'to the middle of the collar on each side. This ^-^ ^^^^ - feriorly by a reddish shading and superiorly by ^^ scales The ^b-- ^^^ a little smoky and is not well marked, the tuft being loose and diffuse Pnmaries with AemTrlings fairly evident. The basal line is marked by a blackish lunule It thTttal spaci The t. a. line is geminate, black, ^^^e inner ne..e brownish and hardly visible. The intervening space hghter gray. I----^^^'^^ forms one large outward tooth in the middle of the submedian mtersp ce. On the n enalvein \ forms an angle from which the line extends outward to the m,dd of he n ernal margin. The t. p. line is broken, not complete m any ^Pe-- ^^fo^ L black followed by a whuish or gray shading which is lost opposite th cell. As Twhole the line seems to be rather abruptly bent over the cell, it becomes more dis- It bltth':: oin. and is rather strongly incurved in the submedian i.e.pace where it is usually connected with the outward tooth from the t. a. line the s. t. hnesr^egular, broken, indicated principally by shades and dashes and charactr- tkaUv marked by a roundish spot in the submedian interspace, which pre- des U and beyond which an oblique dash crosses vein two to the upper margin. Tht mlrkt prLent in all the specimens and if the wings be t.ned - - e^^ ..pward the n.rk -s the appearand of an e . - ^P^^^^^ ^- -_^„5 3:r^;:::yr:i:^:ain:::-.e:s:Siine. The .nges .e ,^^ SsHortl^^'ls there is a -^ obvious iire^ansj^e^.s best marked on the costa and internal margin. Secondaries w^iit h at ba^e be g of the outer margin. Expanse, 1. 30 to 1. 5 2 inches :=. 3^ to 38 mm^ Habitat: Senator, Arizona, Dr. Kunze. Denver, Colo., at light, Mr. Bruce. Garfield Co., Colo., Mr. Bruce. Fort Collins, Professor Gillette. rp, „fpr- Six specimens representing both sexes are before me. The reler 230 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. ence of this species to Xylina is not quite satisfactory : the wings are more pointed, more triangular and with a more even outer margin than in the normal form. The character of the secondaries also is a little defined, the wings being proportionately smaller and more tri- angular than in the typical forms. The thoracic crest is very imper- fectly marked and the abdomen is longer and more cylindrical in both sexes. Xylina pomona, sp. nov. Ground color a dirty bluish gray with a slight admixture of red. Head a little darkest between the antenna; ; collar inferiorly with a reddish tinge, a black line just above the center emphasized by a surmounting series of whitish scales. The thoracic crest is not prominent ; but both of my specimens are a trifle imperfect in the thoracic vestiture. The primaries are irregularly mottled with smoky brown and none of the markings are distinct The t. a. line is geminate, the defining lines black, the very narrow included space a little paler gray. It is very strongly zigzaged, forming long teeth in the interspaces. 1 he t. p. line is not sufficiently evident to be described in either of the specimens before me. The s. t. line is broken and consists of a series of sagittate black spots which are outwardly marked by reddish or whitish scales. Just below the apex is a dusky terminal shade that emphasizes the line at that point. There is a series of blackish terminal marks on the veins and an appearance of pale terminal lunulas. The ordinary spots are vaguely traceable. The orbicular is a little paler than the ground color, without defining line ; but with four black dots arranged almost in a square. The reniform is large, a little dilated inferiorly, yellowish brown centered and the lower margin marked with blackish scales. Secondaries silky, red- dish gray with a discal lunule. Beneath with reddish tinge, powdery, somewhat smoky gray, both wings with an outer line and a discal spot. Expanse, 1. 35 to 1.55 inches=34 to 39 mm. Habitat: Alameda County, California, in July, larva on apple, Koebele. Olympia, Washington. I have a male and female, the former from Washington, the latter belonging to the National Museum, from California. The species is somewhat obscure and a little off type for the genus. The prima- ries are a trifle more pointed and less parallel than is usual, while the thoracic crest is less marked. Yet this appearance may be in part due to the fact that neither of the specimens is in very good condi- tion. Xylina longior, sp. nov. Ground color a bright bluish ash gray with a more or less obvious admixture of reddish. Head with black scales between the antennK and the front also blackish or smoky. Collar with a distinct reddish shade crowned by a short blackish line, above which the scales are white-tipped at the base of the prominent crest. The thorax has some reddish scales intermingled, and there is a distinct black line at the sides of Dec. 1899.] Smith : New Noctuids and Notes. 231 the patagiK covering the base of the wings. The primaries are in most cases quite distinctly marked. There is a blackish basal streak which extends below the median vein and reaches a little beyond the inner fourth of the wing. The tendency of this streak is to become lost. The t. a. line when present is very narrow, black, but shaded with smoky and emphasized by a few preceding white scales. It is strongly bent outwardly, irregular in the interspaces and forms an acute tooth at the middle of the submedian interspace, where it touches a short and prominent black dash. It is then bent inward, so that it reaches the internal vein just about as far from the base as is the inception of the line on the costa. The tendency of this line is also to dis- appear and to leave only a black streak extending from the internal vein about one- fourth from base to the middle of the submedian interspace. This portion of the line is distinctly present in all the specimens seen by me. The t. p. line is not complete in any specimen. It is traceable in one example as a lighter shading through the darker powderings in the costal region. It is marked by black points below the cell and by blackish scales which connect it with the short black dash already described as attached to the tooth of the t. a. line. Below that point it is not traceable in any specimen. The s. t. line is indicated only by two oblique triangular blackish or brown shades. The first of these starts from a blackish point between veins 4 and 5 and reaches the external margin just below the apex. The second of these shades is more brownish and starts from a point below vein 2, reaching the external margin just below vein 4. The ordinary spots, at least the reniform, are traceable in most cases. The orbicular is large, oval, oblique and is outlined by a few paler scales. The reniform is large, broad, a little constricted- in the center, extending inward in- feriorly, so that it touches and may become connected below to the orbicular. It is marked inferiorly by a reddish shading and is outlined by whitish scales, which at the latter margin are preceded and followed by a black shade that makes this part of the wing characteristic. All the veins are somewhat marked by black scales. The sec- ondaries are smoky brown, the fringes a little paler and with a pinkish tinge. Be- neath smoky gray, powdery, the disc a little darker, both wings with discal spots. Expanse, 1. 56 to 1. 80 inches^39 to 45 mm. Habitat : Glenwood Springs, Colo., March loth, 27th, April loth, October. Dr. Barnes. There are five specimens under examination, both sexes being represented. No two specimens are quite alike, yet that they belong together is easily seen. In the best marked examples the characteristic appearance is given by the blackish basal dash, by the very prominent oblique portion of the t. a. line, by the blackish inferior margin of the reniform surmounted by a brownish red shade and by the upper of the two triangular shades marking the s. t. line. As to size, the largest specimen happens to be a male. Xylina itata, sp. nov. Ground color a dull ashen gray with very fine blackish powderings. All the markings obscured. Head and thorax without ornamentation. The thoracic crest prominent. Primaries with the markings extremely vague, in one specimen showing 232 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. only a smoky median shade, which is brightest on the costa, is bent at the end of the cell and is a little emphasized by a short blackish dash in the submedian interspace. In the best marked specimen the ground color is a little brighter. T. a. line is traceable, very narrow, black, irregular, strongly bent outward, so that at the sub- median interspace it forms a sharp tooth whose apex is about at the middle of the wing. Above that point it is outcurved between the veins ; below that point it makes a long inward angulation and is hardly traceable below the internal vein : a few whitish scales may emphasize this blackish line. The t. p. line is brownish, very slender, barely traceable over the cell where it is crenulate, a little better marked below that point, becoming black in the submedian interspace where a short black dash connects it with the t. a. line. The median shade is broad on the costa filling the outer part of the median space, narrowing toward the middle of the wing and less evident toward the inner margin. The s. t. line is marked by two triangular dusky shades, the first of which leaves the apex clear, and has its point at a black spot which almost touches the t. p. line between veins 4 and 5. The second of these comes to a point at a blackish spot which is just below vein 2. The ordinary spots are just traceable, the orbicular is elongate, oval, of the gray ground color, vaguely outlined in brown. The reniform is upright, rather narrow, with a blackish point inferiorly, the outline a trifle paler than the surrounding tint. The fringes have a pale interline. Secondaries a somewhat silky brownish gray, the veins a trifle more dusky and a vaguely marked discal spot. There is a smoky terminal line at the base of the whitish fringes. Beneath, smoky gray, powdery, the secondaries with a small discal spot. Expanse, 1. 40 to 1.50 inches = 35 to 37 mm. Habitat: Colorado, Bruce. Glenwood Springs, Col., April 30th. Dr. Barnes. There are two female specimens before me at this time ; but I have seen others that are like them. The specimen from Mr. Bruce has the markings indicated just sufficiently to enable them to be de- scribed. The specinien from Dr. Barnes, though good, is a little flown and only the dusky median shade seems apparent. The sec- ondaries have a distinct excavation on the outer margin below the apex. Eucalyptera pectinicornis, sp. nov. Ground color a dirty clay yellow, more or less powdered with black. Head and thorax without markings, the sides of the palpi more brownish. Primaries with the median space a little more heavily powdered than the rest of the wing, giving it a darker shade. No trace of a basal line is observed in the specimens before me. T. a. line single, blackish, rather close to the base, a little irregular ; but as a whole with an even outcurve. It is rather well defined inwardly ; but tends to become dif- fuse outwardly. T. p. line single, blackish, tolerably well defined outwardly, a little diffuse inwardly. It is oblique to the subcostal, then bends rather abruptly outward over the cell and is afterward a little incurved ; but as a whole nearly oblique to the inner margin. It is followed by a series of lunules of the ground color which are almost indistinguishable, except for the fact that their points indent the t. p. line, the lunules being outcurved. From this point the s. t. space becomes black powdered to Dec. 1899.] Smith : New Noctuids and Notes. 233 the s. t. line, which is rather even, broken and marked only by the black shading which terminates at this point. In some cases it is scarcely marked at all, in others fairly defined, always best in the costal region. There is a series of small black ter- minal lunules in the interspaces. The orbicular is reduced to a black point which is visible in all the specimens. The reniform is marked by a few black scales, followed by fewer pale scales, altogether indefinite. Secondaries uniform, smoky clay yellow, with a darker scalloped line at the base of the fringes. Beneath almost uniformly clay yellow, in some specimens with a trace of an outer line and a discal lunule. Expanse, 1.10-1.50 inches = 27-37 mm. Habitat : Phoenix, Arizona. I have five specimens, two males and three females, from Dr. Barnes ; all more or less dilapidated, but sufficiently good to make the species easily recognizable. One specimen indicates that the female may in good examples have a dense tuft of scales at the tip of the abdomen. The antennae of the male are quite lengthily pec- tinated ; the branches very slender, tipped by an unusually long bristle and lengthily ciliated at the sides. In wing form the pri- maries resemble hipunctata, except that the apex is distinctly better marked, a little acute, while there is a slight cutting below the apex, so that the latter seems a little pointed. The middle of the outer margin is correspondingly a little produced. In the structure of the palpi the insect agrees with Scolecocampa and Eucalyptera. This is the first species belonging to this genus from the Southwest, and thus far we have no indications as to its habits. Epizeuxis suffusalis, sp. nov. Ground color a dull brownish yellow, overlaid by sooty brown scales which allow the paler ground to become visible only on the lines in the ordinary spots or where the covering scales are defective. Head and thorax without obvious markings. Abdo- men more gray, a little powdery. Primaries with all the markings obscure. T. a. line diffuse, of the ground color, more or less obliterated by the overlaying scales, outwardly bent on the subcostal and below the median vein, as a whole almost up- right. T. p. line equally obscure, very irregular, best marked on the costa, only a little outcurved. In the male the s. t. line is marked by the yellowish ground, and a somewhat darker preceding shade ; in the female a few pale scales indicate the line. A series of connected black terminal lunules followed by a narrow pale line at the base of the fringes, which are interlined with ^pale near the tip. Orbicular small, round, obscurely yellow, not defined. Renifonn moderate in size, kidney-shaped, not well defined, ocherous, with a few central brown scales. Secondaries paler, smoky, whit- ish toward the costal margin, crossed by three wavy brown lines, each of which is followed by a paler shade. A black, followed by a narrow pale terminal line. Be- neath powdery, smoky, primaries with the reniform and orbicular marked with black dots, an extra-median bisinuate line, a vague pale s. t. line and a series of black, connected terminal marks. Secondaries with a blackish discal spot and the lines of the upper side feebly reproduced. Expanse, .96-1.04 inches = 24-26 mm. 234 Journal New York. Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. Habitat : Santa Rita Mts., Ariz., June i6, 19, E. A. Schwarz. One male and one female only, the latter the larger and much the more obscure. While we have here a representation of all the mark- ings found in the common eastern forms, all are very much obscured and the s. t. line is hardly defined at all. The femoral structure of the male is as in the other species ; the antennae are furnished with tufts of long hair and are apparently without the longer single bristles found in the other species. In the female the usual single bristles are obvious. THE LIFE-HISTORIES OF THE NEW YORK SLUG CATERPILLARS.— ( Conclusion. ) PLATES VI— VIII. By Harrison G. Dyar, A.M., Ph.D. The life-histories of all the Eucleids* of New York listed by me (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc, III, 145, 146) have now been made known with the exception of the little larva recorded as T. tesfacea. I have never seen this larva myself, and included it on Miss Morton's author- ity. It is, however, not T. tesfacea as Miss Morton thought, for I have raised that moth freely from other larvae (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc, VI, 151). From what Miss Morton tells me, I think that she had before her the larva of Reakirt's Kroiicca minuta. This is the only record of this species that I know of since Reakirt's time (1864); but this would seem to prove it a true inhabitant of New York. It is so rare that I doubt whether I shall find it in sufficient numbers to ob- tain the lite history, and therefore I close this series, for the present, without it, assuming it to belong to "type 7 " of the revised table given below. * I find it necessary to revert to the old name Cochlidiidse for this family. The consensus of opinion among lepidopterists is averse to Kirby's date of 1810? lor Hiibner's Tentaraen, preferring 1806, and I have concluded to accept this correction. This has the effect of changing the genus Apoda Haw. to Cochlidion Hubn. The family name founded on this genus is, therefore, again valid and antedates Eucleidae, ■which was used by Comstock, Neumoegen and Dyar on the basis of the old names being invalid. Dae. iSgg.l DvAR: LiFE-HlSTORIES OF N. Y. SlUG CATERPILLARS. 235 Another species which has not been worked out and which is of somewhat doubtful value is Packardia albipuncata. I included this with some doubt, as a synonym of P. gtmiuaia (Jour. N. Y. En t. Soc. , VI, pp. I and 3); but Miss Morton told me last summer that she was now able to distinguish the larvae and that the moths fly at different hours of the night. It is therefore probable that we have in the form a true species, though closely allied to P. gemiiiata. I have not been able to obtain it in recent years, though formerly it occurred to me at Rhinebeck, N. Y. Besides these, two other species may occur in New York, at least occasionally. Mr. Beutenmiiller tells me that he remembers to have seen a specimen of Apoda rectilinea which was taken close to New York City and Monoleitca semifascia has occurred at Morris Plains, N. J. (Papilio, III, 25), which is so near to New York as to make it probable that it may occur there also. These two species are essentially southern in their distribution and New York is probably their extreme limit, if not normally beyond their limit. Therefore I shall not delay this article for them ; but I hope to return to them later, and will do so if I should be so fortunate as to secure the larvae. At the most. New York State will have twenty-one or twenty-two species of Eucleida^, the larvae of eighteen of which have now been made known in all their stages in this series of articles. The three species not yet known are included in the genealogical tree in their probable positions, but are not represented as attached to the main stem. (Plate VI, Fig. 6, /, /and q.^ Summary of Structural Characters. The eggs of all our species are alike, elliptical, flat and very thin, colorless and reticulated, except Phobett-on pitheci'im, which differs in being circular and b:own. Some of the eggs are yellow or almost orange color, but Phobetroii is the darkest. They hatch in periods varying from seven to ten days, rarely fifteen days. The larvje com- prise several structural types whose relations may be briefly defined by the following Revised Synoptic Table. Section j. (Tropic hairy Eucleids). — Larv^ hairy ; subventraL space somewhat reduced; tubercles produced into horn-like appen- dages, fleshy and more or less deciduous, bearing many setae ; spira- cle on joint 5 higher up than the others and the tubercle above it. 236 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoI. vn. absent ; three tubercles on the mesothoracic segment. Primitive first stage present : tubercles I and II completely united. Type I. — Three tubercles on last two thoracic segments ; subdorsal horns of joints 4 to 12 functional, the rest and the lateral horns reduced ; horns deciduous. Horns irregular at maturity ; setae of many kinds ; color dead-leaf brown. Phobetron pitheciutn. Horns regular at maturity ; setre of several kinds ; color green.* (Plate \'I, fig. 6 D, upper. ) Isochsetes beutenmulleri. Type la. — Only two tubercles on the last thoracic segment ; subdorsal horns of joints 3 to 13 functional, the laterals reduced to hairless papillre ; horns not normally deciduous, but detachable. Horns regular at maturity ; setse of several kinds ; color green with red marks.* (Plate VI, fig. 6 D, lower.) Alarodia slossonise. Section 2. (Tropic spined Eucleids. ) — Larvae spiny ; subventral space reduced ; tubercles horn -like, firmly attached and never decid- uous, of varying length, bearing stinging spinules ; spiracle on joint 5 moved upward, the lateral tubercle jof this joint absent; only two tubercles on the thoracic segments. No priniitive first stage ; the horns with several non-spinous setae in stage I. Type 2. — More than three setffi on the horns in stage I or on some of them ; horns subequal, short ; no detachable spinules at maturity. Shape normal ; subdorsal horns bent outward, but erectile ; skin granular at maturity ; green, horns red tipped, dorsum and sides marked with irregular yellow lines Nadata nasoni. Shape flattened, dorsal space reduced ; subdorsal horns shortened, slender, non- functional ; skin marked with waved ridges ; green with yellow subdorsal lines and a few small red dots centrally Sisy rosea textula. Type J. — Only three setae on each horn in stage I ; subdorsal horns prominent, dis- tinctly unequal ; detachable spinules, at least the " caltropes " always present at maturity. Horn of joint 8 longer than the adjoining ones in stage 1 and often throughout all the stages. Without patches of detachable spines between the terminal horns. Subdorsal horns of joint 13 separate ; horns normal. Red or yellow with purple and white lines. Euclea indetermina. Green, subdorsal band yellow ; dorsum with a broad purple band, irregularly five times widened ; terminal horns short. Adoneta spinuloides. Green, subdorsal band yellow ; dorsum with a broad purple band, irregularly five times widened; terminal horns long. (Plate VI, fig. 6 R.)t *This species does not occur in New York. "f Supposed to be Monoleiica setnifascia. Dec. iSgg.] DVAR! LiFE-HlSTORIES OF N. Y. SlUG CATERPILLARS. 237 Subdorsal horns of joint 13 conjoined to form a pointed tail, often pro- duced ; largest subdorsal horns erectile. Body humped in front ; dead-leaf brown with a red patch pos- teriorly Euclea chloris. With detachable spines between the terminal horns in small pointed clusters. Slightly flattened, green or purplish, variously marked with shades of red or yellow. The larvse tend to hide by day...EucIea delphinii. Horn of joint 8 not longer than the adjoining ones in stage I, those of joints 6 to 10 reduced, often obsolete; terminal detachable spinules fully developed, present in large flat patches. Horns of joints 5 and II long ; purple with a large green mark, wliite edged, squarely truncate belbre and with a central saddle-like spot. (Plate VI, fig. 3.) Sibine stimulea.* Section j. (Tropic smooth Eticleids. )— Smooth larvae ; dorsal space broader than the lateral one, subventral space little reduced. Tubercles not produced, single setae by degeneration after stage I, ru- dimentary ; spiracles in line. No primitive first stage, the tubercles represented by small two-haired warts in stage I ; no tubercles ab- sent. Type 4. — Lateral space absent, the two ridges conjoined, the sides formed by the large subventral area. Depressed spaces large, plate-like, the skin granules scaled. Green, more or less spotted with brown and yellow. Prolimacodes scapha. Section 4. (Paleearctic smooth Eucleids). — Smooth larvae; dor- sal and lateral spaces subequal, subventral space reduced ; tubercles not produced ; sette single by degeneration, rudimentary ; spiracles in line. A primitive first stage with tubercles I and II united more or less perfectly. T'yP^ 5- — Depressed spaces small, not sharp; spines i and ii of unequal length in stage I, one reduced to a small knob on the other ; joint 13 rounded quad- rate ; skin granules produced into secondary spines in the early stages ; no dorsal red marks. Yellowish green, no bordering dark shade to the yellow subdorsal line. Head green in stage I ; skin granular shagreened beside the usual spinose granules. Lithacodes fasciola. Whitish green at maturity, a dark line bordering the subdorsal line ; head with a black patch behind in stage I ; skin smooth except for the ordinary granules. No transverse band on joint 3; subdorsal and subventral lines free. Cochlidion biguttata. A transverse yellow band on joint 3 in front, joining the subventral lines. Whitish green, subdorsal lines edged within by a blackish green * See Can. Ent., XXTX, 77, for a table of other larvae of this group. 238 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoI. vil broken line; skin granules single pointed.. Cochlidion y = inversa. Yellowish green, only slightly whitening at the end of the last stage; edge of subdorsal line red; skin granules with a crown of points till the last stage* Cochlidion avellana. 73^/1? 6- — Depressed spaces small ; tubercles i and ii almost completely united in stage I, the resulting single spine short ; joint 13 produced into a pointed tail. Skin granular, not spinose nor crested at any stage ; no dorsal red marks. Well pigmented, whitish green, subdorsal line straight Packardia geminata. Poorly pigmented, yellowish green; subdorsal line wavy. Packardia elegans. Type 7. — Depressed spaces large, sharp ; spines i and ii in stage I of abovu e(|ual length, united at base, forming a Y-shaped structure ; tail (|uadrate ; skin granules not spinose ; larva- marked with red dorsally. Skin granules with a crown of minute spines before the last stage ; joint 3 with a transver-e yellow band in front ; dorsal red mark very small. Anterior edge of joint 3 smooth, rounded ; red mark a round spot. Heterogenea shurtleffii.f Joint 3 with a pair of yellow prominences in front ; red mark a cross. Kronaea minuta.J Skin granules more or less papillose in the early stages, not crested ; no transverse yellow line on joint 3. Dorsal red mark large, reaching the lateral margin ; setce rudimentary but persistent. Dorsal mark twice widened, symmetrical antero-posteriorly. Tortricidia testacea. Dorsal mark widened, but more so posteriorly, forming a pair of cxca vations on the sides Tortricidia pallida. Dorsal red mark moderate, not reaching beyond the middle of the sides ; setae absent after stage I Tortricidia flexuosa. The cocoons and pup^e of the New York species present no marked differential characters in most cases. There is a difference in size, sometimes in color and the presence or absence of an outer veil. But many of the species are inseparable. The Ori(;inal Eucleid Larva. A generalization of the eighteen species just worked out gives the following result : Elliptical, subcylindrical, not greatly flattened, the abdominal feet absent, replaced by a creeping disk with suckers on joints 5 to II, possibly a small one on joint 12. Joint 2 without warts and retracted partially under joint 3, but forming a hood when *This species does not occur in New \'ork. (European.) JoURN. N. Y. Ent. Soc, VII, 202. t The European //. cruciata apparently diflers from this in having the red mark very lai'ge, much as in Tortricidia testacea. X Not seen. The characters are inferential from Reakirt's description. Dec. 1899] Dyar: Life- Histories of N. Y. Slug Caterpillars. 239 the head is extended. On the thorax three warts ; on the abdomen two on each segment with a third rudimentarj' subventral row reduced to two setos (iv and v); subprimary tubercles, as well as vii and viii lost. Warts not produced, bearing hairs only after stage I, not degen- erate ; no stinging spines or at least these not predominant. A primi- tive first stage present, the tubercles i and ii united at base to form a Y-shaped structure. Spiracles in line, normal. Warts all present. Depressed spaces not present, but represented by their glandular centers at least as far as those numbered (i), (2), (4), (5) and (6) ; (i) paired and double on all the segments. No secondary hairs. Skin minutely spinulose or possibly finely granular. There is some evidence that the color was green, as both our present lowest species on the two sides of the tree are green. But since the above characterization fits so exactly (except for the feet) some of our sparsely haired Megalopygidae and the whole Zygseno-Pyromorphid group in general, I should rather expect the coloration to have been like theirs, yellow with black, red or white marks. Concerning the origin of this generalized Eucleid, it is clearly from the Megalopygid^e or their ancestors. The Megalopygidse retain the abdominal feet, but they also have pads on joints 6 to 11, and it is these pads, extended to joint 5 and possibly 12, which I think are the homologues of the Eucleid suckers. In other respects, excluding the necessary reduction of the subventral hair structures in the Eucleid, there is absolutely no difference between my generalized Eucleid and the Megalopygid type. Construction of the Genealogical Tree. The larvae divide at once into two groups, the " smooth " and the " spined," separated not only by the differences between the tendency to atrophy of the warts on the one side and hypertrophy on the other, but by the peculiar structure of joint 5 in the spined group. This represents a dichotomous division in the line of descent, and our genealogical tree will start forked (Plate VI, Fig. 6, B and a). The spined Eucleids separate into sections i and 2 of the revised table given above, all those on the branch F being furnished with true stinging spines and no longer feeding in stage I, which retains the ancestral setae in reduced number. Branch G comprises this stock, but J includes those which possess detachable spinules and correspond to "type 3 " of the table. Branch C is clearly the oldest, becaase 240 Journal New York. Entomological Society. [Vni. vii. these species alone of the spined Eucleids retain the middle thoracic wart atid possess a primitive iirst stage, all as in the smooth Eucleids on branch a. At F it is probable that bright " warning " colors be- came prominent along with the development of true stinging spines. At present these are well retained only in two species, Euclea inde- tennina and Sihine s/iinulea, and these two are the only ones that are strongly urticating to the touch. The smooth Eucleids present the two very different types described in sections 3 and 4 of the table. The first is represented by but a single species in our territory, and no other is at present well known to me. Consequently I cannot decide positively which are the specific and which the congenital characters in this phylum, the more so as our species is highly specialized. Yet it is most impor- tant, for it retains warts in its first stage, thus showing that the smooth Eucleids are descended from wart-bearing ancestors. The other group (Fig. 6, (f) is well represented. In this the primitive first stage is re- tained and the warts are completely cut out at the passage between stages I and II, which thus represents a much greater phylogenetic in- terval than in the otherwise more specialized Prolimacodes scabha. Branch c again divides at d and e on the characters of types 5 and 7 of the table. Branch e retains the forked spines of stage I, but de- velops the depressed spaces well; branch d specializes in stage I by the partial loss of spine ii, but retains the small, and more primitive depressed spaces. The two branches are thus about equal, represent- ing a secondary dichotomy. The smaller branches separate on the minor characters of the sculpturing of» the skin and are more fully described in the explanation of the plate below. The present will suffice to illustrate how the tree was constructed. The heights to which the s[)ecific stems are drawn shows my idea of the relative de- grees of specialization. Technique of Larva Raising. My experience in this family may be of use to others, especially as the group is considered a difficult one. I have had the valuable as- sistance of Miss Emily L. Morton in first starting these studies. Al- though she was obliged to abandon the plan of joint authorship after the first two articles, yet the whole series is dependent upon the impetus which she gave it at first. Latterly I have been assisted by Mrs. Knopf with the drawings. Dec. 1899.] Dyar: Life-Histories of N. Y. Slug Caterpillai-s. 241 The process of finding the Eucleid larvae differs somewhat from the usual one. In the majority of cases it is not a question of searching on a given food plant at a given season. Only two species are to be so found, Apoda bigutfata, feeding on oak and A. y-inversa on hickory. Most of the species have several, or an indefinite number of food plants. The question is one of locality ; first the general locality where the species occurs and next the particular position in regard to distances from the ground and conditions of light and shade. These I have tried to give under each species in the descriptions. It is scarcely ever worth while to look on rough or downy leaved trees. The Eucleids principally frecjuent smooth, glabrous leaves of trees and shrubs. The tree probably most attacked is the black or red oak (^Quercus coccinea) and nearly all our species may be found on it, A. y-inversa of course excepted. The season of the year is here less im- portant than usual, as the Eucleids cover a long period in their larval state. I find the month of July the best collecting season. The larvffi are then numerous, not having been devoured by their many enemies, and their small size at this time gives opportunity to observe the earlier stages. Also this season makes certain no loss of the early species, like Tortricidia testacea, which are often all gone at the end of August and at the same time secures at least some of the late species like T. pallida. I recommend the search for the eggs. Though they are probably the most difficult objects to find on the leaves with which we have to do, by a little practice it is quite possible to get them suc- cessfully. The appearance of the eggs is that of shining elliptical spots of moisture, rather than that of any ordinary lepidopterous egg. When the eggs are found the great advantage has been secured of obtain- ing all the life history without the trouble of rearing moths for mating. However, if mating is necessary, or becomes desirable for other rea- sons, a number of larva; must be obtained. This is almost always possible, early enough in the season, by continuing the search in the same or similar locations to that where the first larva; were found. I have found from fifteen to thirty larvae sufficient, because the indi- viduals of a species, if kept under proper conditions, emerge nearly simultaneously. These conditions are plenty of moisture and natural cold. I have found satisfaction in an ordinary flower pot, three-fourths full of earth in which the cocoons are placed, and covered with moss and leaves, protected by a cloth and wire screen. This is sunk in the ground to the level of the top of the pot and left out of doors from 242 Journal New York Entomological Society, [vm. vii. November to the following May, when it is placed in a convenient situation, best still out of doors, but covered by a wire cage a foot high to leave the moths room to spread. I have two such cages which fit the top of the flower pot, so that one can be removed containing the emerged moths and replaced by the empty one. The treatment must be different for Hcterogenca s)iiirtlcffi.i. This species normally spins in the cracks of the bark and if the cocoons are put in the flower pot they all perish. I have succeeded with a short log fastened in a wooden box with a screen top. The larvae were allowed to spin on the log and the whole left out of doors over winter. The moths must be mated the next night after emergence ; they emerge in the day time or early evening. The females of one species i^Packardia gei/iniafa) will last two or three days and mate normally after this time, but most females begin to fly after the first night and are useless. The species of Phobctron and Calyhia may be mated even after they have begun to lay infertile eggs ; but the larvas from them, even if they hatch, fail to eat or die in the earliest stages. Therefore if a male does not emerge on the same day as the female, it is necessary to attract a wild male. My mating cage is cubical, about one foot high, of green wire screen except the bottom and back, which are of wood. The back contains a large vertically hinged door, in which is a circular hole about four inches in diameter, closed by a slide. The door is used to place the female in the cage ; it is large enough to admit the screen from the flower pot. The cage is then left in the woods where the moths are known to be, with the back towards a tree or' some other shadow, the front facing the wind and the slide open. I leave it thus all night. As the moths fly toward the light the female does not pass out through the slide, yet the male finds access, perceiving the odor of the female which passes from the back of the cage with the wind. The male is also retained in the cage, even if the pair separate before morn- ing. 1 find this method easier and I believe cpiite as satisfactory as sitting up with or without a lamp to catch the males to insert in the cage (See Ent. News, III, 3). The female may be removed from the cage on the following evening and placed in a glass jelly tumbler with tight fitting tin top with one or more leaves. The eggs will be readily deposited over the leaves and glass. In raising the larvte the following points are to be noted : The eggs must be kept slightly moist, as by keeping the tumbler in which they are laid closed, with a drop of water now and then if the leaves tend to dry. When the larvae hatch Dec. 1899.] Dvar: Life-Histories of N. Y. Slug Caterpillars. 243 the leaves are no longer fit to eat and the larvre must be at once trans- ferred to fresh leaves with a moist camel's hair brush, as they will not walk to the leaves themselves. The jar containing the larvje should be cleaned every day, but the leaves will keep from three to six days if the conditions of moisture are properly attended to. When a little grown, the larvse will move themselves to the fresh leaves. The Eucleid larvae are hardy, and if attended to properly and not unduly crowded, grow up nicely in closed jars. Some patience is required, as their period of growth usually takes two months. In raising large numbers of one species it will be found useful to place them on the growing tree, covered with a large bag of cheese cloth. This method is often attended with great loss from the accidental inclusion of para- sites, chiefly the predaceous Hemiptei-a, which as eggs easily escape observation. I have lost a whole bag full of larvae from placing them in a bad location where the heat was too intense. Therefore I do not recommend the method except for numbers of larvae too large to handle in tumblers. Generic Revision of the North American Eucleids (CoCHLIDIIDyE). Assuming my genealogical tree to represent the actual phylogeny of the Cochlidiid?e, we may prepare a generic revision of the family, using as primary characters those imaginal ones that corre- spond to the large branches of the tree, and as secondary ones those corresponding to the smaller branches. This will serve also to test the relative phylogenetic value of the ordinary generic characters as used in this family. Beginning with those that prove the more funda- mental, we have : The character is gained once in phylogeny. 1. The antennae of the male were originally pectinated to the tip. In branch a they have become simple ; in branch B they remain pec- tinate, but at branch J the pectinations are restricted to the basal por- tion, the tips becoming simple. 2. The labial palpi * may have been originally short and porrect, but exceeding the frontal tuft. At branch a the character is exag- gerated, at least never lessened ; but at branch C they are shortened, not reaching beyond the frontal tuft. * Not including Isoc/icetes, which adds another exception in both palpi and tibial spurs. 244 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. 3. The weak discal vein (Media) dividing the cell is forked at tip, the fork forming the closure of the cell, short and open. At branch J it becomes long and closed without, more or less distinctly, by a cross vein. 4. The fore wings have twelve veins, but at stem 0-R vein 8 has disappeared. The character is gained hvice in phyioge>iy. 1. The palpi-^= may have been short and porrect, not reaching vertex of head. At branch a they become elongated, upturned, reaching vertex of head, or extending al)ove it in branch /// (coincident with the loss of the jjectination of antennae); but at ^^'- they are shortened again, not reaching vertex of head and porrect. Branch B retains the primitive short i)a]pi, except at I, where there is a slight lengthening with upturning, but not so as to approach vertex of head. 2. Vein 6 of hind wings arose from the cross vein of cell, sepa- rate from vein 8. At branch B vein 6 becomes coincident with 7 at origin or stalked with it; also at branch /'. Branch c retains the primitive character. TJic character is gained thrice in phylogeny. 1. Vein 7 of the fore wings arose from the cell, remote from the stalk of 8 and 9. It has become united with this stalk, either arising from its base or at a varying distance along the stalk in branches C, I and J. Branches h and c retain the primitive character. 2. The hind tibije* had two pairs of spurs, at the middle and end of the tibire respectively. The middle pair of these has been lost at branches I, J and g. The character is gained six tin/es in phyh^geny. A^ein 10 of fore wings arose from the cell, before the origin of the stalk of veins 8 and 9. It has become coincident with this stalk for varying distances at branches Q, M-N, I, C, /; and f. This char- acter seems too flexible to be of use in generic definition. SYNOrSIS OF GENERA. Male antennse pectinate at least in part. I'alpi, long, upturned nearly to vertex Isochaetes.f * Not including IsocJicctes, which adds another exception in both palpi and tibial .spurs. -j- This genus was unknown to me when this article was prepared and has been inserted in the proof. The larva belongs definitely to the Pliobetron group (Tropic hairy Eucleids), yet the imago contradicts the character that I had selected as defining Dec, r^,.] DvAR: LlFE HISTORIES OF N. Y. Sl-.G CATERPILLARS. 245 Palpi short, not reaching beyond frontal tuft. phobetron. Head sunken.. ■■.... Alarodia! Head subpvominent Palpi longer, reaching distinctly beyond frontal tuft not to vertex. 'Media of fore wings short-forked and open ; nrale antenn. P-t-ated o t.p. Vein 7 of fore wings from cell ; four spurs on huid tibise .^..Natada. Vein 7 stalked ; two spurs on hind tibiae Sisyrosea. Media of fore wings long-forked and more or less distinctly closed by a cross vein ; male antenna simple towards the tip ; two spurs on hmd tibi«. Interior margin of fore wings straight. Fore wings with all veins present. Vein I o usually from the cell Parasa. , „ ■, Euclea. Vem lo stalked Fore wing with eleven veins (vein 8 absent). Exterior margin of fore wings entire Monoleuca. Exterior margin slightly excavate below apex Adoneta. Interior margin of fore wings sinuate ; excavated before anal an^^e,^^^ Male antennce simple. Prolimacodes. Vein 6 of hind wings stalked with 7 Vein 6 of hind wings from the cell. Palpi reaching vertex of head. . 'costa nearly straight ; fore wing rather square at ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the cell r ^■L- Fore wing broader, more rounded ; costa ^<^^^^^jj^^^ Fc^fwing m;;e'po:n;ed;'cosua;;:hed, vein XO usually ^^^^k^^^^.^.^.^^ r , „,,, Lithacodes. Palni reaching above vertex ot neaa 1% „„. ,e„l„, o.e. .»,f «>■ .o ve„« of .>=.^ ; «">^ - -— " tibiee Genus Phobetron Hilbner. I8i6 Phobetron Hubner, Verz. bek. Schmett. 398- ^ 1841 Ecnomidea WestwoOD, Nat. Lib. Exot. Moths, 183. , 1855 Euryda H;.:RRicH-ScHAFFER, Ausser. Schmett. I, 7- 18=;=;. Nemeta Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. IV, 968. 1864. Phohetnun Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. Ill, 34°. 1802. Phobdnmi Kirby, Cat. Lep. Het. I, 535- ^^ ^_ ^^ ^ ^ . TT 66 1894. Phobetron Neumoege. AND Dyar, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. II, 66. Type, pithecium Abb. & Smith. Species: pithecium Abb. & Sm. (New York slug caterpillars^ ti^ii^^^^u^^^^^r^Tti;^^ ous that from miaginal characters the lower memoer. o th J-P^ S?- ( Natada and Snyrosea ) seem almost strictly referable to the preceding g P ^ P hairy Eucleids). 246 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. Genus Isocheetes Dyar. 1899. IsocJuctes, Dyar, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. VII, 208. Type and species, bcidenmiiUcyi Ily. Ed. Genus Alarodia Moschler. * 1865. Phyrnt Grote, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. V, 246. 18S6. Alarodia MdscHiER, Abb. Senek. Ges. XIV, 3 Heft, 35. ' 1892. Calybia KiRiiY, Cat. Lep. Het. I, 446. • 1893. Eupoeya PACKARD, Ent. News, IV, 169. ' 1S97. Calybia Dyar, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. V, 121. Type, iiaiia Moschb Moschler describes the palpi oi Alarodia as "dunn," which is not as explicit as could be desired ; otherwise his description fits the forms heretofore grouped as Calybia. I have not seen 7iana in nature, but think I am correct in the present reference, especially as the pattern of coloration of nana fits in well here. Species: slossonicz Pack. (Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, Sept., 1S97, and Sept., 1898). Genus Natada JJ'alker. 1855. Natada Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. V, iioS. - 1858. Phlossia Walker, Cat. Brit. Mus. XV, 1673. 1892. Natada Kirby, Cap. Lep. Het. I, 541. 1892. Natada Hampson, Motbs of India, I, 3S0. Type, rufi'scens Walk. Species: nasoni Grote. (New York slug caterpillars, XVIII.) Genus Sisyrosea Grote. • 1864. \ha Packard, Proc. Ent. Soc. PhiL III, 347. 1876. Sisyrosea Grote, Can. Ent. VIII, 112. 1891. ha Dyar, Ent. News, IT, 156 1892. Sosiosa Kirby, Cat. Lep. Het. I, 551. 1894. Sisyrosea Neumoegex & Dyar, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. II, 66. Type, textula H.-S. Species: textula H.-S. (New York slug caterpillars, VI.) Genus Euclea Hiiihn. 1816. Euclea Hubner, Verz. bek. Scnmett. , 149. •• 1854. ||iV^(f;-?ist.), var. — Guadalupe Island, off the coast of Lower California, on fruits of the palm Erytliea edu/is S. Wats. Div. Entom., U. S. Dep. Agric, no. 4933. Dried 9 ochreous, but when boiled in KHO becoming purplish or even crimson. The largest 258 Journal New Yurk Entomological Society. [Voi. vn. and most cephalad lateral bristles (a pair on each side) of the pygidial area are much larger than those figured by Comstock for safia/is, being long enough to reach the level of the hind end of the insect. Circum- genital glands: caudolaterals, lo to 13; mediolaterals, 7 to 8; cephalo- laterals 5 to 6. Scales as in sa/nx/is. This is the second coccid re- corded from Guadalupe I., the other being Aspidistus rapax Comst. (Howard, Yearbook Dept. Agric. for 1894, p. 262). No coccid is yet known from the mainland of Lower California. Howardia biclavis {Comsf.) and Aspidistus personatus Comst. — Both species on the skin of an orange from Colima, Mexico, found by Mr. Craw in the course of his horticultural quarantine work at San Francisco. I was surprised to see personatus on an orange; there was only one scale, but it was unmistakable. I had never seen biclavis on the fruit before; it commonly occurs on the bark. ChionaspisfurfurusTv/r/^ — Hurley, S. Dakota, " rapidly spread- ing over certain varieties " of apple trees. Coll. Laura A. Alderman. Pseudoparlatoria parlatorioides ( Gw/j^/. ).— Guanajuato, Mexico, in quantity on peach. Coll. Dr. Jesus Aleman. The food-plant is new, and quite surprising. The specimens represent a slight variety, with the median lobes broad and low, and five groups of circumgen- ital glands; median of 2, cephalolaterals 11, caudolaterals 9 to 10. Parlatoria these var. viridis Ckll. — On stems of '' Ilex pedun- culafa''' (no doubt Ilex pediaicu/osa ^i\(\). from Japan, quarantined by Mr. Craw at San Francisco. The 9 has a curious purple color, except the mouth parts and lobes, which are yellowish-brown. The purple turns to green directly the KHO touches it. Palatoria proteus var. crotonis {Ckll.). — On Croton.,! presume under glass, Columbus, Ohio, March, 1896. Coll. Bogue. New to the U. S. Aspidistus forbesi W. G. Johns. — On peach, Auburn, Ala- bama, Coll. Baker. On Fn/nus, Lake City, Florida, Coll. Quaint- ance. On Acer pseudoplatanus, Reading, Mass., Feb. 24, 1898, a form with paler and rather larger scales. Coll. Kirkland, Com. Cooley. This species is evidently widely distributed. Aspidistus tenebricosus Co/nsl. — In quantity on bark of apple, Auburn, Alabama, Coll. Baker. A new locality and food-plant. Dec. 1899.] COQUILLETT : On NoRTH AMERICAN TRYPETIDyE. 25'.* Aspidistus scutiformis Ckll. — On a Citrus fruit from Acapulco, Mexico. (]om. Craw, who quarantined it at Safi Francisco. Aspidistus dictyospermi Morgafi. — On Pandamus in green- house, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Coll. Ckll. On Areca lutescens in greenhouse, Columbus, Ohio. Coll. J. S. Hine. Also found at Columbus in 1896 by Prof. Bogue. NOTES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF TRYPETIDiE. By D. W. Coquillett. In the Wiener Entomol. Zeitung for 1882, page 192, Osten Sacken states in substance that Trypeta, Meigen, 1803, is a synonym q{ Trupanea Guettard, 1756, and of Schrank, 1798. Guettard used the term in a popular sense, and did not refer to any previously described species, nor did he give specific names to any of the species of which he wrote. His paper, therefore, must be regarded as a popular one, which does not in the least affect our binomial nomen- clature. Moreover, it appeared two years earlier than the tenth edi- tion of Linne's Systema Naturae, which the majority of naturalists have adopted as the starting point of our nomenclature. As to Trupanea Schrank, Osten Sacken overlooked the fact that this genus appeared in the third volume of that author's work, which was published in the year 1803, the same year in which Trypeta appeared. In a case of this kind, later writers are at liberty to choose either of the two names ; and since Trypeta has been very generally adopted in the past, there is no good reason for not following this course. At the time of treating of our Trypetid?e, Dr. Loew separated them into smaller groups which he sometimes referred to as genera but quite as often as subgenera, and as subgenera they are listed in the Osten Sacken catalogue. By changing some of the species, however, the greater part of the groups proposed by Loew are well worthy of being considered as valid genera. Acrotoxa Loew, is a synonym of Anastrepha Schiner, as given in the Osten Sacken catalogue ; but the African genus Leptoxyda, or Leptoxys Macquart, which is also given as a synonym, evidently is not the same genus, owing to the course of the fourth vein. The 260 Journal New York Entomological Society. [VoL vii. species a)nabilis belongs to the preceding genus, Hexachceta, instead of to Anasirepha, under whicli it is ])laced in the catalogue. Acidia uncinata, sp. nov. Yellow, the abdomen largely brownish red, two spots on the metanotum, one on each side of the second abdominal segment and the ovipositor black, the hairs, bristles and antennal arista except its base, also black. Front, except the nanow lateral margins, reddish yellow, slightly longer than wide, face strongly retreating at the oral margin, antennre three-fourths as long as the face, the third joint nearly twice as long as wide, rounded at the apex ; body polished, scutellum bearing four bristles ; ovipositor convex, scarcely longer than the preceding abdominal segment ; wings yellow, dark brown and hyaline ; the brown forms a spot on the humeral crossvein, a larger one covering the stigma, a small one in base of third posterior cell, another in its apex extending upward along the hind crossvein, finally a broad border to the wing from a short distance beyond apex of first vein to beyond apex of the fourtn ; an elongate, whitish hyaline spot in middle of costal cell, another beyond middle of the first basal, one beyond apex of first vein extending to the third just before the small crossvein, a large one filling middle of first and second posterior cells encroaching on the submarginal and almost crossing the discal between the small and hind crossveins ; axillary angle and middle of third posterior cell also hyaline ; third vein bristly over almost its entire length, small crossvein near last third of discal cell ; length, 5 mm. Habitat : Ft. Wrangle, Alaska. A female specimen collected by Prof. H. F. Wickham. Type No. 4396, U. S. National Museum. Acidia fausta and sitavis belong to Rhagoletis ; the small crossvein is near or before the middle of the discal cell. Epoch ra rubida, sp. nov. Yellow, the front, except its lateral margins, and the body reddish yellow, meta- notum very thinly pruinose with grayish and marked with five indistinct darker vittse, body otherwise polished, the hairs and bristles black ; face almost straight, slightly produced at the oral margin ; third antennal joint rounded at the apex, scutellum bearing four bristles ; ovipositor convex, scarcely longer than preceding segment of abdomen ; wings hyaline, marked with five yellowish or brown crossbands ; the first begins at the humeral crossvein and extends to the anal cell where it is connected with the second band ; the latter begins on the stigma and extends to the apex of the anal cell ; the third band begins a short distance beyond apex of first vein, passes over the small crossvein and almost reaches the hind margin of the wing slightly beyond apex of sixth vein ; the fourth band begins a short distance before tip of second vein and passes over the hind crossvein ; the fifth band begins at the costal end of the fourth and borders the wing to slightly beyond apex of fourth vein ; third vein bristly to slightly beyond the small crossvein, the latter noticeably beyond middle of discal cell ; length, 5 mm. Habitat : Colorado. Dec. iSgg.] COQUILLETT: On NORTH AMERICAN TRYPtTID.E 261 Seven males and four females. Type No. 4397, U. S. National Museum. CEdicarena diffusa Snow belongs to Straussia. Zonosenia basioluin Osten Sacken, and Spilographa setosa Doane are synonyms oi flavoiwtata Macquart. The latter and electa Say belong to Zonosenia. Zonosema vittigera, sp. nov. Head yellow, face slightly convex, only slightly projecting at the oral margin, third antennal joint produced into a sharp point at the outer apical angle ; thorax pol- ished, dark yellow, metanotum marked with three whitish yellow vittre, the median one tapering to a point anteriorly, the lateral ones each marked with a broad black vitta interrupted at the suture ; a narrow black vitta extends from humerus to wing, a black spot back of each wing ; pleura whitish yellow on upper edge and with a similar colored vitta near the middle, above this a black vitta which does not extend on the front part of pleura, a black spot in front of middle cox£e ; scutellum light yellow, its base brown and black, a black dot at each lower front angle ; metanotum black, the upper corners yellowish ; abdomen polished yellow, a black spot on each side of the fourth segment in the male, fifth m the female, ovipositor not longer than the last abdominal segment; legs yellow; bristles, including those fringing the hind tibiae, black ; wings hyaline, marked with four brown bands and a costal spot between the two median bands extending to the third vein ; the first band extends from humeral crossvein to middle of last section of sixth vein, wing basally from this band, except behind sixth vein, yellowish ; the second band begins at the stigma and passes over the small crossvein, almost reaching the wing-margin midway between apices of the fifth and sixth veins ; the third band starts from just before apex of second vein and passes over the hind crossvein ; the fourth band begins at costal end of the third band and borders the wing to slightly beyond tip of fourth vein ; third vein bristly nearly to its apex, small crossvein at middle of discal cell ; length, 5 to 6 mm. Habitat : Eagle Pass, Texas (J. Cram), and Las Cruces and Mesilla, N. Mex. (T. D. A. Cockerell). Two males and two females. Type No. 4398, U. S. National Museum. Spilographa maculosa, sp. nov. Light reddish yellow, face and cheeks grayish pruinose, a light yellow vitta on upper edge of pleura ; face greatly retreating below, third joint of antennte rounded at the apex, scutellum bearing four bristles ; ovipositor flattened, slightly longer than the preceding abdominal segment ; wings hyaline, an indistinct brownish band ex- tends from forking of the second and third veins to apex of anal cell, a brown band, which is sometimes interrupted in the submarginal and discal cells, runs from the stigma over the small crossvein and stops midway between the fifth vein and the hind margin of the wing, hind crossvein and apex of fifth vein bordered with brown, a brown costal spot midway between apices of the first and second veins extending slightly below the second vein, broad apex of wing, usually from slightly before apex of second vein to slightly beyond apex of the fourth, brown ; third vein bristly nearly to its apex, small crossvein noticeably before middle of discal cell ; length, 4 to 5 mm. 262 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vn. Habitat : Colorado. Two males and two females. Type No. 4399, U. S. National Museum. Trypcta straininea Doane is a synonym of occidciitalis Snow. Neas- pilota ver)wiU(V Loew belongs to Trypeta. Trypeta notata, sp. nov. Head and its members yellow, its hairs and bristles, and those of the entire insect also yellow ; body black, the thorax and scutullum opaque, densely gray pruinose, scutullum bearing only two bristles, ovipositor convex, as long as the last two abdom- inal segments; legs yellow; wings hyaline, stigma, a costal dot nearly midway be- tween it and apex of second vein, the extreme apex of marginal cell, a border to the small and hind crossveins, and a dot on the third vein above the latter, yellowish brown ; third vein bare, small crossvein near second third of the discal cell ; length, 4 mm. Habitat : Albuquerque, N. Mex. Two females received from Prof. L. Bruner. Type No. 4400, U. S. National Museum. Trypeta undosa, sp. nov. Head and its members yellow, third joint of antennce rounded at the apex. Thorax yellow, metanotum black, thinly gray pruinose, a vitta each side of the middle and the broad lateral margin, yellow, a black spot back of each wing ; scutellum yellow, bearing four bristles, a black spot at its apex ; metanotum black, the sides yellow. Abdomen yellow, each segment marked with four black spots, ovipositor flattened, almost as long as the last three abdominal segments ; legs yellow ; wings hyaline, the base almost to apex of auxiliary vein yellowish except middle of front pc)rtion of second basal cell and behind the sixth vein ; a yellowish band margined with brown starts at the costal portion of this spot, filling the stigma and extending over the small crossvein, stops halfway between the fifth vein and the wing-margin ; a similar band begins a short distance beyond this one and extends over the hind cross- vein to the wing-margin ; from the costal end of this band another proceeds along the edge of the wing to slightly beyond apex of fourth vein ; third vein bare, small crossvein slightly beyond middle of discal cell ; length, 5 mm. Habitat : Colorado. A single female collected by Mr. C. F. Baker. Type No. 4401, U. S. National Museum. CEdaspis setigera, sp. nov. Head and its members yellow, the occiput, except the sides, black ; body pol- ished black, thorax bearing three pairs of dorso-central bristles, the anterior pair in- serted in front of the suture, ovipositor convex, slightly longer than the last three abdominal segments ; legs yellow, the femora, except their apices, dark brown ; wings hyaline, a black basal spot extending slightly beyond the humeral crossvein, and three brown bands connected at the costa, except sometimes the last one ; the first is the broadest and extends transversely to the hind margin of the wing just before tip of sixth vein ; the second band extends obliquely over both crossveins and reaches the hind margin of the wing at apex of the fifth vein, the hyaline spot between Dec. 1899.] Coquillett: On North Ameri an Trypetid/E. 263 this and the preceding land is in the form of a broad triangle ; the last band borders the wing from near the stigma to beyond apex of the fourth vein, and is narrowly separated from the costa at least between apices of the second and third veins ; third vein bare, small crossvein near the fourth fifth of the discal cell ; length, 3 to 5 mm. Habitat : Bristol, R. I. (Burgess); Va. (T. Pergande); Ga. (Mor- rison); Kirkwood, Mo. (Miss M. E. Murtfeldt), and Baldwin, Kan. (C. S. Parmenter). Six males and seven females. Type No. 4402, U. S. National Museum. Aciura opaca, sp. nov. Head and its members yellow, center of occiput grayish black, hairs and bristles of entire insect yellow ; body black, the thorax and scutellum opaque, densely grayish pruinose, scutellum bearing only two bristles ; ovipositor somewhat flattened, only slightly longer than the preceding abdominal segment ; legs yellow, the femora except the apices blackish brown ; wings at base nearly to base of discal cell hyaline, the remainder brown and hyaline ; an elongate hyaline spot in first basal cell just beyond its middle, a hyaline band extends from costa nearly midway between apices of first and second veins and almost reaches the fifth vein, passing between the small and hind crossveins ; an oblique hyaline spot in last third of first posterior cell almost in contact with a smaller one below the fourth vein ; a triangular hyaline spot almost crossing the second posterior cell near its base, finally a large hyaline spot in middle of third posterior cell, communicating along the wing-margin with one in the axillary cell which in turn is in contact with the hyaline at base of wing ; third vein bare, small crossvein noticeably beyond middle of discal cell ; length, 4 mm. Habitat : Elko, Nev. A single female specimen. Type No. 4403, U. S. National Museum. Aciura limata, sp. nov. Reddish yellow, the abdomen and bristles black ; body polished, scutellum bear- ing four bristles, ovipositor convex, about as long as the preceding abdominal seg- ment ; wings brown and hyaline, the base yellowish ; a large hyaline spot near middle of costal cell, a sub-triangular one just beyond apex of first vein, reaching the third vein a short distance before the small crossvein, another a short distance beyond it, extending nearly halfway across the first posterior cell a short distance beyond the small crossvein, one at apex of fourth vein extending almost to second vein a short distance before its apex, one near middle of second posterior cell extending from the wing-margin across the first posterior cell almost parallel with the preceding spot, a small spot in discal cell on the fifth vein a short distance from the hind crossvein, a large one in third posterior cell beginning at tip of sixth vein and extending, attenu- ated and interrupted, obliquely to the one in the costal cell ; axillary cell hyaline ; third vein bare, small crossvein noticeably beyond middle of discal cell ; length, 4.5 mm. Habitat : New Bedford, Mass. A single female specimen collected by Dr. Garry De N. Hough. Type No. 4404, U. S. Nat. Museum. 264 Journal New York. Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. Aciura lutea, sp. nov. Yellow, body polished, scutellum bearing only two bristles, ovipositor very convex, almost as long as the last three abdominal segments ; wings brown and hya- line, two subquadrate hyaline spots in costal cell between humeral crossvein and apex of auxiliary vein, a subtriangular one just beyond end of first vein not extending below the second vein, and one a short distance beyond it which almost reaches the third vein, a rounded one just beyond the second third of first basal cell and a similar one in discal cell along the fourth vein just beyond the small crossvein, the middle of the second and third posterior cells, occupying about half the area of these cells, a small spot just before the apex of the fifth vein, a rounded one in front edge of the axillary cell, hyaline ; broad hind margin of this cell grayish hyaline ; third vein bristly at its base, small crossvein near the third fourth of the discal cell ; length, 5 mm. Habitat: Pareah, Utah. A single female, received from A. L. Siler. Type No. 4405, U. S. Nat. Museum. Carphotriche ciilta differs in too many respects from the type species to be retained in the same genus, and I have, therefore, made it the type of a new genus, as follows : Paracantha, gen. nov. Upper half of front bearing a row of three whitish setae nearly midway between the regular frontal row and the median line of the front, face in profile strongly con- cave, the oral margin considerably produced forward, scutellum not swollen, bearing four macrochactoe and three pairs of nearly erect yellow setse a short distance inside of the margins ; fourth vein not curved forward at its apex, small crossvein near the second third of the discal cell. Eiirosta coiispiircata Doane is a synonym o'i reticulata Snow. Trypeta aurifera Thomson, and Ensina humilis Loew, are synonyms oS. Acinia picciola Bigot; the latter belongs to Tephritis. Euaresta aqualis Loew also belongs to Tephritis. Tephritis nora Doane is a synonym oi platyptera Loew. T. affinis Snow is a synonym oi finalis Loew ; and T. obscuripennis Snow is a synonym of Trypeta genalis Thomson, which belongs to Tephritis. Eutreta aurantiaca Doane, and E. tricolor Doane, also belong to Tephritis. Tephritis tenebrosa, sp. nov. Head and its members yellow, the occiput grayish black, the two pairs of bristles in front of the inner vertical ones, and those fringing the occiput, white, the other bristles black ; body black, opaque gray pruinose, the hairs white, bristles of thorax and scutellum black, those of the abdomen white, scutellum bearing four bristles, last three abdominal segments each marked with a dorsal pair of blackish spots ; legs Dec. 1899.] COQUILLETT : On NoRTH AMERICAN TrYPETID.^. 265 yellow, the femora, except their apices, dark brown ; wings dark brown, the base hyaline, including the costal and marginal cells to apex of auxiliary vein except a costal dot near middle of the former, the first basal cell to apex of the second basal cell, also the whole of the latter and of the anal cell ; a hyaline spot just beyond apex of first vein extending to the third slightly beyond the small crossvein, a rounded spot just beyond this in the marginal cell, a smaller one on lower side of third vein just before the hind crossvein, three small marginal ones in the second posterior cell and a larger one along the fourth vein shortly beyond the hind crossvein, three marginal and about six discal spots in the third posterior cell, the hind margin and two spots along the sixth vein in the axillary cell, two in the discal along the fifth vein of which one is near the middle and the other which is about four times as large is toward the base ; third vein bare, small crossvein noticeably beyond middle of discal cell ; length, 3 mm. Habitat : Custer Co., Col. A male specimen collected by Pro- fessor T. D. A. Cockerell. Type No. 4406, U. S. Nat. Musemii. Euaresta munda, sp. nov. Head and its members yellow, center of occiput grayish black, face not projecting forward at the oral margin, antennae scarcely reaching halfway to the oral margin ; body black, thorax and scutellum opaque, densely gray pruinose, the hairs yellow, bristles brown, scutellum bearing two bristles ; abdomen polished, its hairs black, ovipositor slightly convex, nearly as long as the last three segments of the abdomen ; legs black, tarsi yellow, front tibiae yellowish brown ; wings dark brown, the follow- ing spots hyaline : two in costal cell, three between apices of first and second veins, the last two spots extending halfway across the submarginal cell, two between apices of second and third veins, the second extending into the first posterior cell, one in extreme apex of this cell, three between apices of fourth and fifth veins, the second almost crossing the cell, the last one extending into the first posterior cell, three be- tween apices of fifth and sixth veins, two on front side of sixth vein of which one is beyond the middle of its last section and the other contiguous to the anal cell, three marginal and one discal in the axillaiy cell, one in front part of discal cell midway between the small and hind crossveins, finally one in posterior part of first basal cell opposite middle of discal cell ; third vein bare, small crossveins near second third of discal cell ; length, 3 mm. Habitat: Elko, Nev. A single female specimen. Type, No. 4407, U. S. Nat. Museum. Euaresta mundula, sp. nov. Differs from the above description of munda only as follows : Pleura reddish brown, apex of scutellum yellow, legs yellow, none of the hyaline spots between apices of first and second veins extend into the submarginal cell, only two in axillarj' cell, none in the discal ; length, 3 mm. Habitat : Pareah, Utah. A male specimen collected by Mr. A. L. Siler. Type No. 4408, U. S. Nat. Museum. Trypeta acutangula Thomson is a synonym of Urellia abstersa Loew. The latter belongs to Euaresta. 266 Journal New York Entomological Society. ivoi. vii. Tephritis califonnca Doane and Urellia pacifica Doane are syno- nyms of Eiiaresta araueosa Coquillett. Tephritis ivebbii Doane and Urellia aldrichii Doane, belong to Eiiaresta. - Urellia actiuobola Loew and Solaris Loew, are synonyms of Try- peta vievarna Walker, which is a true Urellia. Urellia stigmatica, sp. nov. Head and its members yellow, center of occiput grayish black, third joint of an- tennas evenly rounded at the apex ; body black, opaque, densely gray pruinose, the hairs whitish, bristles black, scutellum bearing four strong bristles, ovipositor flattened, almost as long as the last two abdominal segments ; legs yellow, middle femora des- titute of bristles on the under side ; wings hyaline, a large black spot toward the apex, containing two small hyaline spots, one just beyond apex of second vein, the others on front side of fourth vein almost above the hind crossvein, and sending nine rays towards the wing-margin, all of which reach it except the two which cross the discal cell ; the first ray, which is very much broader than any of the others, extends ob- liquely from the region of the small crossvein to the stigma which it fills excepting the lower basal corner, and also fills apex of first basal cell to middle of discal cell ; the second ray crosses the marginal cell midway between apices of the first and second veins, the next two extend to the apices of the third and fourth veins, the following two cross the second basal cell, the next one borders the hind crossvein, the remain- ing two cross the discal cell, the first stopping a short distance from the wing-margin, the other ending in the center of the third posterior cell ; third vein bare ; length, 4 mm. Habitat: Colorado. A specimen of each sex. Type No. 4409, U. S. Nat. Museum. Urellia bisetosa, sp. nov. Differs from the above description of sti^^matica as follows : Third joint of an- tennae very oblique at apex, the front corner rounded, scutellum bearing only two bristles, ovipositor longer than the last three segments of the abdomen, black spot of •wings sends out only eight rays, only one crossing the discal cell and this one stops at the fifth vein, the ray which in the preceding species extends to the center of the third posterior cell, is wanting in the present species ; length, 4 mm. Habitat: Las Cruces, N. Mexico (T. D. A. Cockerell), and Marysvale, Utah (M. E. Jones). A specimen of each sex. Type No. 4410, U. S. Nat. Museum. Urellia nigricornis, sp. nov. Differs from stigmatica as follows : Third joint of antennae black, very oblique at its apex, scutellum bearing only two bristles, middle femora each bearing two or three long bristles on the under side just beyond the middle, no hyaline spot near apex of second vein, the black spot of wings sends out only six rays, none of which go to apex of the fourth vein nor cross the discal cell ; the ray extending to the stigma is in the form of a subquadrate spot, two of its sides being nearly perpendicular to the Dec. 1899.] COQUILLETT : On NoRTH AMERICAN TrYPETID/E. 267 costa, and the hyaline space between it and the next ray is also almost quadrangular and nearly as large as the first ray ; the latter is almost separated from the brown of the small crossvein, the first basal cell being hyaline along its hind edge almost to its extreme apex ; length, 3 mm. Habitat: Colorado. A single male collected by Mr, C. F. Baker, Type No. 441 1, U, S. Nat. Museum. Urellia radifera, sp. nov. 1 Jitters from stigviatica as follows : Third joint of antenna- slightly oblique at the apex, scutellum bearing only two bristles, middle femora each bearing several bristles on the under side beyond the middle, black spot of wings sends out only four rays none of which extend to the stigma nor to apices of third and fourth veins, and none cross the discal cell, stigma yellowish hyaline ; length, 2.5 mm. Habitat: Tucson, Ariz. A male specimen collected April 21, 1897, by the late Mr. H. G. Hubbard. Type No. 4412, U. S. Nat. Museum. As the table of genera given in Williston's manual is somewhat de- fe( tive (^Epochra is placed in the section in which the distal portion of the wing has two hyaline indentations of which the posterior one is in the second posterior cell, while none of the species are marked in this manner, and Eutreta is located in the group having the face spotted, although four of the five known species have it wholly un- spotted), I subjoin a new table of the genera of this country north of Mexico. Three of the genera, CEdicareiia, Acidogona and Xenochceta, are known to me only by the descriptions and figures : 1. .Small crossvein noticeably beyond middle of discal cell 6 Small crossvein near or before middle of this cell 2 2. F"irst vein not abruptly curved backward near its apex, stigma much longer than wide 3 P'irst vein near its apex abruptly bent backward parallel with apical portion of the auxiliary, stigma subquadrate, as wide as long Stenopa 3. Third vein bristly at least almost to small crossveins 4 Third vein bare Rhagoletis 4. Last section of third vein strongly bowed upward 5 Last section of third vein straight CEdicarena 5. Apex of antennas produced in the form of a sharp tooth at the lower front angle Zonosema Apex of antennae rounded Spilographa 6. Scutellum not swollen, its upper surface nearly flat 8 Scutellum strongly swollen, wings banded 7 7. Upper side of scutellum strongly convex, third vein bare CEdaspis Upper side of scutellum almost flat, third vein bristly Peronyma 8. Front and scutellum destitute of yellowish spines in addition to the usual bristles 9 268 Journal New York Entomological Society. [Voi. vii. Front bearing three pairs of yellowish spines between the rows of frontal bris- tles, scutellum with three pairs of similar spines Paracantha 9. With, at most, four bristles on the scutellum 10 With six bristles on the scutellum, front very broad Xenochaeta 10. Wings unusually short and broad, black, thickly dotted with white or yellow ish, the apex partly or wholly hyaline, the margins destitute of large hyaline indentations Eutreta Wings unusually naiTow, yellowish, thickly covered with small brown spots, the disk destitute of pure hyaline spots, the margins partly brown and desti tute of large hyaline indentations Icterica Wings neither unusually broad nor narrow, not marked like the above 11 11. The wings are hyaline except sometimes in the stigma Neaspilota The wings are almost or wholly hyaline except a brownish spot toward the apex which sends out several rays Urellia The wings not marked like these 12 12. Brown on disk of wings containing many hyaline or yellowish dots or spots 13 Brown, containing only a few hyaline spots, the margins with several large hyaline indentations 16 Brown of wings in the form of bands or spots which do not contain hyaline or yellowish dots or spots 18 13. Front longer than broad, not unusually broad 15 Fron t broader than long 1 4 14. Margins of wings with large hyaline indentations usually composed of several dots Eurosta Margins destitute of such indentations Acidogona 15. Apex of first posterior cell broadly hyaline, at most with narrow brown border to the two veins Euaresta Apex of this cell brown, or only a small portion hyaline Tephritis 16. Face retreating at the oral margin ; 17 Face not retreating, usually produced forward Aciura 17. Cheeks posteriorly more than one-fourth as wide as the eye-height, under side of head strongly convex Straussia Cheeks less than one-sixth as m ide as the eye-height, under side of the head horizon tal Acidia 18. Third vein bristly at least almost to the small crossvein 19 Third vein at most bristly at its extreme base Trypeta 19. Crossbands on disk of wings very oblique Plagiotoma Crossbands almost or quite perpendicular Epochra Index to Volume VI I, Acidia, genus of, fausta, fratria, suavis, unicincta, sp. nov., Acidogona, genus of, Acinia picciola, Aciura, genus of, ferruginea, sp. nov., insecta, limata, sp. nov., lutea, sp. nov., nigricornis, sp. nov., opaca, sp. nov., Acronycta connecta, larva, Acrotsenia otopappi, sp. nov., Acmaeodera, synopsis of, angelica, sp. nov., conoidea, sp. nov., convicta, sp. nov., coquilletti, sp. nov., cuneata, sp. nov., daggetti, sp. nov., dolorosa, sp. nov., fen\esii, sp. nov., griffithii, sp. nov., horni, sp. nov., jocosa, sp. nov., labyrinthica, sp. nov., morbosa, sp. nov., opinabilis, sp. nov., neglecta, sp. nov., postica, sp. nov., prorsa, sp. nov., quadriseriata, sp. nov. recticollis, sp. nov., Serena, sp. nov., Actinodes auronotata, Adalia, synopsis of, ornatella, sp. nov., ovipennis, sp. nov., Adoneta, spinuloides, 236, 247 iElurus, genus, Agrabia, gen. nov., cyanoptera, Agriomyia, genus. 268 260 178 260 260 268 264 268 182 182 262 262 183 262 257 183 I 16 31 II 15 21 26 25 12 36 25 14 21 20 30 31 25 23 , 18 13 16 176 85 86 86 51 83.87 87 49. 52 50 , 97 98 97 97 96 75 5" 49 238 237 238 46 53 Agylla, barbipalpia, sp. nov., 216 nubens, sp. nov., 216 obliquisigna, sp. nov., 216 polysemata, sp. nov., 216 Alarodia slossoniae 236, 246 Alloneurion, gen. nov., 59 Amblysoma, genus, Anatis, .synopsis of, S lecontei, sp. nov., Anisocalvia, synopsis of, elliptica, sp. nov., victoriana, sp. nov., Anisosticta, genus, Anodontyra, genus, Anthobosca, genus, Apoda avellana, larva, biguttata, larva, y-inversa, larva, Apoidea, family, Apterogyna, genus, Argynnis aphrodite, aberr ation of, 176 Ariphron, genus of, 50, 5 1 Arthrochlora februalis, larva, 210 Ashmead, W., article by, 45 Aspidiotes dictospermi, 259 forbesi, scutiformis, tenebricosus, Ateloglossa cinerea, sp, nov. et. gen., Axion, synopsis, alutaceum, sp. nov., Banks, N., article by, Bethylidie, 48 Beutenmuller, W., articles by, 170, 254 Bothriomutilla, gen. nov., 55 Brachyacantha, synopsis of, congruens, sp. nov., decora, sp. nov., illustris, sp. nov., pacifica, sp. nov., socialis, sp. nov., stellata, sp. nov., testudo, sp. nov., 258 259 258 ! 219 105 106 193 T16 117 119 118 119 119 117 118 Brachycistis, genus of,"" 53 Brady nobrenus, genus of, 52 Bulasa, 82 Caiasesia, gen. nov., 256 coccinea, 256 Carpotricha culta, 185, 264 Casey, T. L., article by, 71 Cephaloscymnus, synop. 1 61 Ceroplastodes niveus, 257 ChixHona bicolor, sp. nov., 221 grisea, sp. nov., 222 nitens, sp. nov. , 221 spinosa, sp. nov., 222 Chalcidoidea, family, 47 Cheilomenes, genus, 84 lunatus, 163 orbiculatus, sp. nov., 163 Chilocorini, 74, 104 Chilocorus, synopsis, 104 confluens, sp. nov., 105 cooki, sp. nov., 165 orbus, sp. nov., 105 Chionaspis furfurus, 258 Chnootriba assimilis, 164 curriei, sp. nov., 164 erythromela, 164 Chrysidee, 47 Cicada septendecem, 212 Cicindela consentanea, 176 Cleis, synopsis, 84, 95 hudsonica, sp. nov., 96 minor, sp. nov., 95 Cobalos, gen. nov., 223 angelicus, sp. nov., 223 franciscanus, sp. nov., 224 Coccinellidte, revision of, 71 Coccinella, synop. of, 83, 87 alutacea, sp. nov., 89 degener, sp. nov., impressa, sp. nov.. nevadica, sp. nov. suturalis, sp. nov., Coccinellini, Coccidulini, Coccidula lepida, Coccidiie, records of, Cochlidion avellana, 202, 248 Cochlidiidse, 243 89 73,82 74, 162 162 257 270 Index. Cockerel), T. D. A., article by, 257 Comstockiella sabalis, 257 Coquillett, D. W., articles by, 2, 209, 218 Cosilidse, 48 Cosmosoma perfenestra- tum, sp. nov., 175 scicula, sp. nov., 175 Cranophorini, 74» ^3^ Cranophorus notatulus, 166 4-notatus, 167 parvulus, sp. nov., 167 trapezium, sp. nov., 167 Cyanopepla melinda, sp. nov., 175 Cycloneda, synopsis of, 84,93 ater, sp. nov., 93 hondurasica, sp. nov., 92 lirabifer, sp. nov., 92 polita, sp. nov. , 92 rubipennis, sp. nov., 92 Cyclostica discata, sp. nov., 217 Cydonia, 84 4-Iineata, 163 Cyllene robinias, 17(3 Cynipoidea, family of, 46 Cyphotes, genus of, 53 Cystomutilla, genus of, 57, 60 Dasylabris, genus of, 57, 60 Dasymutilla, gen. nov., 57, 60 Davis, W. r. , article by, 222 Delphastes, synopsis of. III, 112 sonoricus, sp. nov., 112 De^idae, 218 Dicyrtoma, synopsis ot, I97 Didion, gen. nov., 137 longulum, sp. nov , 137 parviceps, sp. nov., 137 Dineutes, notes on, 176 discolor, 222 hornii, 176 Diphthera fallax, life-hist., 67 Doane, R. W., article by, 177 Dolichomutilla, gen. nov., 55 Eirone, genus of, 50, 51 Elater, sturmii, 176 Elaphroptera, genus of, 50 Ensina humilis, 188, 264 Entelus, genus of, 50, 52 Ephuta, genus of, 57) 58 Ephutomma, genus of, 52, 53 Epilachna, africana, 163 borealis, 103 corrupta, 103 liberiana, sp. nov., 163 occidentalis, parvicollis, sp nov., peringueyi, sp. nov., reticulata, Epilachnini, Epizeu.xis suftusalis, sp. nov., Epochra, genus of, canadensis, rubida, sp. nov., Eriococcus quercus, Eriphioides ustulatavar. columbana, v. nov., Exochomus, synop. of, arizonicus, sp. nov., californicus, sp. nov., desertorum, sp. nov., flavipes, latiusculus, sp. nov., ovoideus, sp. nov., subrotundus, sp. nov., versutus, Euaresta, genus of, £equalis, 19I, araneosa, bella, bellula, festiva, munda, sp, nov., mundula, sp. nov., pura, tapestis, tricolor, sp. nov., Eucalyplera pectinicornis, sp. nov., Euclea delphinii, larva, indetermina, 236, Eugonosia angulifer, sp. nov., Eumenida;, family of, Eurosta, genus of, aterrima, sp. nov., conspurcata, 186, comma, reticulata, solidaginis, Eurymutilla, Eutreta, genus of, aurantiaca, sp. nov., diana, nora, .sp. nov., sparsa, tricolor. Fall, C. H., article by, Fonnicomus scitulus, Formicoidea, Gloveria medusa, larva, Glyphometopa, genus of, 164 Hsematomis uniformis, sp 168 nov.. 215 164 Helesius, gen. nov., 129 163 nubilans, sp. nov.. 129 73 Helops viridimicans, Heterogenea shurtleffii, 176 233 -^^' 249 268 Hippodamia, synopsis 178 of, ' 75> 77 260 apicalis, sp. nov., 81 257 complex, sp. nov., 80 crotchii, sp. nov.. 80 175 dispar, sp. nov. , 79 106 obliqua, sp. nov., 79 107 politissima, sp. nov.. 80 107 puncticollis, sp. nov., 78 1 08 subsimilis, sp. nov. , 79 165 trivittata, sp. nov.. 81 108 vernix, sp. nov., 79 107 Hippodamini, synopsis 0 f>75 108 Holopeltis larvalis. 176 165 Hoplomutiila, gen. nov., 268 5/ , 60 264 Howardia biclavis. 258 266 Hydroecia nitela, larva. 70 191 purpurifascia, larva. 70 192 Hymenoptera, families of, 45 191 Hyperaspidius, synop. of. 130 265 conspiratus, sp. nov., 131 265 comparatus, sp. nov.. 130 192 ingenetus, sp. nov.. 131 191 insignis, sp. nov.. 131 191 transfugatus, sp. nov.. 131 Hyperaspini, 74, "3 232 Hyperaspis, synopsis of. 120 237 angustula, var. nov.. 127 246 bicentralis, sp. nov.. 124 gemma, sp. nov., 123 214 eftecta, sp. nov. , 127 47 felixi. 166 268 globula, sp. nov.. 124 187 illeptica, sp. nov., 126 264 inflexa, sp. nov., 126 186 lasvipennis, sp, nov.. 122 186 limbalis, sp. nov., 126 186 medialis, sp. nov., 123 59 montanica, sp. nov.. 122 268 nevadica, sp. nov.. 125 185 newcombi, sp. nov.. 166 184 notatula, sp. nov.. 121 184 nupta, sp. nov.. 126 184 8-notata, sp. nov., 121 264 oculaticauda, sp. nov., 127 I pinguis, sp. nov., 122 176 pluralis, sp. nov.. 125 46 psyche, sp. nov.. 125 210 regalis, sp. nov., 124 51 rotunda, sp. nov., 123 Index. 2tl simulans, sp. nov. , 128 1 subdepressa, sp. nov., 127 j triangulum, sp. nov., 123 [ wickhami, sp. nov., 124 Ichneumonoidea, 47 < Icterica, genus of. 268 seriata, 188 Isochsetes, gen. nov., 288 j beutenmulleri, 236, 288 [ Isora, genus of, 82 j anceps, 163 ; Iswara, gen. nov., 50' Iswaroides, gen. nov., 50, 51 Ithone, genus of, 84 1 Kronsea, minuta, 238 Languria marginipennis, 176 Lander, B., article by, 212 Lamprostola molybdi- pera, sp. nov., 216 Lecanium armeniacum, 257 imbricatum, 257 quercitronis, 257 Lindorus, gen. nov. , 162 lophanthre, 162 Liodalia, genus of, 82 flavomaculata, 163 Lithacodes fasciola, 237, 249 Lithosiidae, new, 214 Lotis distincta, sp. nov., 164 neglecta, 164 nigerrima, sp. nov., 164 stigmatica, sp. nov., 164 Lycerna amyntula, larva, 211 exilis, larva, 211 Macronremia, 75 Mffipha ditrigona, sp. nov., 215 Masaridse, 47 Mecas cana, 176 Megaparia opaca, sp.nov.,218 Megilla, genus of, 75 fuscilabris, 76 medialis, sp. nov., 76 opaca, sp. nov., 218 strenua, sp. nov., 76 Memythrus, genus of, 255 Merotettix, gen. nov., 199 pristinus, sp. nov., 199 Methoca, genus of, 50, 51 Metadexia, gen. nov., 220 tricolor, sp. nov., 220 Mintopola braziliensis, sp. nov., 217 Micraspis, 83 Micromutella, gen. nov., 59 Milluta, genus of, 53, 54 Morse, A. P., article by, I93 Mutilla, genus of, 55, 58 Mutillidae, genera of, 49, 54 Myrmosa, genus of, 52, 53 Mynnosicla:, 48, 52 Myrmilla, genus of, 54, 57, 59 Myzinidre, 48 Nsemia, genus of, 75 Natada nasoni, 61, 236, 246 Neaspilota, genus of, 268 brunneostigmata, sp. nov., 187 vernonice, 262 Neoharomia, gen. nov., 83, 90 notulata, venusta, Neomysia, gen. nov., interrupta, sp. nov., montana, sp. nov. , randalli, sp. nov., Neophaspis, gen. nov., brunnea, sp. nov. , gorhami, sp. nov., Nipus, gen. nov., biplagiatus, sp. nov., niger, sp. nov., Nisoniades funeralis, Nola involuta, larva, Nomiasphagus, gen nov. , Nyctosia coccinea,sp.nov.2l7 Odontomutilla, gen. nov., 55, 58 CEdaspis, genus of, 267 anthracina, sp. nov., 180 setigera, sp. nov., Qidicarena, genus of, diffusa, CEneini, Qidionychus ulkei, Ginopia, genus of, cinctella, 011a, gen. nov., abdominalis, fenestralis, sp. nov., plagiata, sp. nov., sobrina, sp. nov., Oncocnemis barnesii, sp. nov., corusca, sp. nov., melalutea, sp . nov., melantho, sp. nov., phono, sp. nov., Oncorhinus, genus of, Ornepetes, genus of, Oiacis taeniata, Packardia elegans, 238, 248 geminata, 2j8, 248 Pamphila phylaeus, larva, 211 Parablavia xanthura, sp. nov., 215 91 91 «5 99 100 99 168 168 168 132 133 133 211 210 56, 59 262 267 179, 261 74, iio 176 83 163 84, 93 93 95 94 94 37 40 39 37 38 49 50 176 Paracantha, gen. nov., 262, 268 culta, 262 Paransemia, gen. nov., 75,76 similis, sp. nov., 76 vittigera, sp. nov., 76 Paranthrene pepsidiformis, 255 Parasa chloris, larva, 237 Paratettix extensus, n. form, 198 hesperus, sp. nov., 198 Parlatoria thea, var. viri- dis, 258 Pentiliini, synop. of, 74, 103 Peronyma, genus of, 267 Phobetron pitheceum, 236, 245 Pharini, 74, no Pharopsis, gen. nov., no, 116 subglaber, sp. nov., 166 Pharus, genus of, no 6-guttatus, 166 innequalis, sp. nov., 166 Phasiops, gen. nov., 219 flava, sp. nov., 219 Photopsis, genus of, 56, 57, 59, 60 Plagiotoma, genus of, 268 obliqua, 179 Platynaspini, 74, 109 Platynaspis capicola, 165 Pompilidse, 47 Ptychanatis, genus of, S;^ Prepiellapexicera, sp. nov., 215 Proc. N. Y. Ent. Soc, 176 Prolimacodes scapha, 237, 238 Proctotrypoidea, 46 Pronola diffusa, sp. nov., 214 magniplaga, sp. nov., 214 Psammotherma, genus of, 57 Pseudapinconoma elegans, var. curriei, 174 Pseudomethoca, genus of, 55, 59 Pseudoparlatoria parlatoro- roides, 258 P.seudophotopsis, genus of, 58 Psyllobora, synopsis of, 100 borealis, sp. nov., 102 dificiens, sp. nov., loi obsoleta, sp. nov. , loi parvinotata, sp. nov., loi renifer, sp. nov., 102 272 Index. separata, sp. nov. , 102 Psylloborini, 73, 100 Pyrameis huntera, aberr- ation of, 176 Pyrrhomutella, gen. nov., Rhagiogaster, genu.s of, 5^, 59 Rhagoletis, genus of, caurina, sp. nov. , pomonella, ribicola, 50, 51 267 182 i8i iSi Rhodographa phreophora, sp. nov. , 215 Rhopalosomidoe, 48 Rhyozobiini, 74, 176 Rhyzobius trimeni, sp. nov., 167 Roeslia medioscripta, sp. nov., 217 Ronisa, genus of, 54, 56, 58 .Sanninoidea exitiosa, 256 .SapygiTsida;, 48 .Schaus, W., article by, 214 Scoliida^ 48 Scotoena, genus of, 51 Scotogramma, notes on, 48 conjugata, sp. nov., 41 discolor, sp. nov. , 42 infuscata, sp. nov., 42 megjera, sp. nov., 44 sedilis, sp. nov., 43 Scymnillini, 74, I12 j Scymnillus. synop. of, 1 13 [ aterrimus, ^^5 eleuthera;, sp. nov., 115 lateralis, sp nov., 115 Scymnini, 74, I33 Scymnus, synop. of, 138 asger, sp. nov., 159 adulans, sp. nov., 157 agricola, sp. nov., 145 1 angustatus, sp. nov., 167 ! aluticollis, .sp. nov., 154 apachianus, sp nov. , 146 appalacheus, 158 aridus, sp. nov., 146 bahamicus, sp. nov., 159 blaisdelli, sp. nov., 147 brunnescens, sp. nov., 158 Calaveras, sp. nov., 150 canterius, sp. nov., 142 capicola, sp. nov., 167 chromopyga, 141 cockerelli, sp. nov., 144 compar, sp. nov., 148 decipiens, sp. nov., 147 desertorum, sp. nov., 145 ditticilis, sp. nov., 154 dulcius, sp. nov., 159 extricatus, sp. nov. , 148 flavescens, sp. nov., 139 garlandicus, sp. nov., 147 gila:, sp. nov., 147 houstoni, sp. nov., 158 humboldti, sp. nov., 146 indiitus, sp. nov., 145 infans, sp. nov., 149 innocens, sp. nov. 145 innocuus, sp nov., 154 inops, sp. nov., 156 iowensis, sp. nov., 14^ Jacinto, .sp. nov., 148 jacobianus, sp. nov. , 148 kansanus, sp. nov., 142 kinzeli, sp. nov., 143 laurenticus, sp. nov., 140 luctuosus, sp. nov., 146 medionotatus, sp. nov., 143 mendocino, sp. nov., 151 monrovia;, sp. nov., 167 mormon, sp. nov., 150 natchezianus, sp. nov., 143 naviculatus, .sp. nov., 155 nubes, sp. nov. , 151 nugator, sp. nov., 140 occiduus, sp. nov., 153 papago, sp. nov., 151 partitus, sp. nov., 158 postpinctus, sp. nov.. 141 pusio, sp. nov., 159 putus, sp. nov., 159 renoicus, sp. nov., 149 rhesus, sp. nov., 144 rubicunda, sp. nov. 141 rusticus, sp. nov., 154 saginatus, sp. nov., 150 saguinifer, sp. nov., 155 sarpedon, sp. nov., 1:52 scitus, sp. nov., 156 solidus, sp. nov., 145 sonom?e, sp. nov., 147 stigma, sp. nov., 158 I strenuus, sp. nov., 150 I stygicus, sp. nov., 151 suavis, sp. nov., 156 i subaeneus, sp. nov. , 141 | subsimilis, sp. nov., 150 subtropicus, sp. nov., 143 | talioensis, sp. nov., 150 tenuivestis, sp. nov., 15 1 j texana, sp. nov., 141 uteanus, sp. nov., 144 weidti, sp. nov., 149 Selvadius, gen. nov., 137 rectus, sp. nov., 138 Sesia africana, sp. nov., 170 albiventris, sp. nov., 171 asilipennis, 256 brillians, sp. nov., 172 festiva, .sp. nov.. 170 gabuna, sp. nov., 170 malimba, sp. nov., 172 marica, sp. nov., 254 nuba, sp nov., 171 nyanga, sp. nov., 171 olenda, sp. nov., 171 Seminole, sp. nov., 255 tropica, sp. nov., 172 Sphserophthalma, 56, 57, 60 .Sphegoidea, 46 Spilographa, genus of, 266 ilecta, 178 maculosa, sp. nov., 261 setosa, sp. nov., 178, 261 .Stictoleis, genus of, 83 22-maculata, 163 Stenopa, genus of, 267 Stenomutilla, 56, 60 Stretchia addenda, 225 pulchella, 225 Stethorus, synopsis of, 135 atomus, sp. nov., 136 brevis, sp. nov., 136 jejunus, sp. nov., 136 picipes, sp nov., 136 Straussia, genus of, 268 longipennis, 178 Tceniocampa flaviannula, sp. nov., reliqua, sp. nov., Talara rufa, sp. nov., Tarsa asilipennis, Telsimiini, Telsimia, gen. nov., inornata, sp. nov., Telephoromyia, genus of, 49 Tenthredinoidea, Tephritis, genus of albiceps, affinis, californica. 225 226 214 256 74, 109 165 166 49 47 268 189 264 p. nov., 190, 266 188, 264 189 finalis, fuscata, murina, sp. nov., 189 obscuripennis, 264 nora, 264 platyptera, 264 tenebrosa, sp. nov. , 264 rufipennis, sp. nov , 190 variabilis, sp. nov., 188 webbii, sp. nov., 189. 266 Tettix crassus, sp. nov., 201 Index. 273 200 200 100 163 252 hancocki, sp. no v., tentatus, sp. nov., Thea, genus of, variegata, Thecla ilavia, sp. nov Thynnickt, genera of, 48, 49 Thynnus, genus of, 50, 52 Thyone melanocera, sp. nov., 217 Timulla, gen. nov., 55, 58 TiphiidK, 48 Tortricidia flexuosa, 238, 248 pallida, 238 testacea, 238, 248 Trachynomyia, genus of, 50 Trachypterus, genus of, 49,51 Tricholabiodes, 56, 57, 58, 59. 60 Trigonalida;, Trogaspidia, gen. nov., Trosia, synopsis of, obsolescens, sp. nov. Trypeta, genus of, acutangula, 58 173 173 268 265 aurifera, 264 genalis, 264 mevarna, 266 notata, sp. nov. , 262 occidentalism 179, 262 palposa, 179 straminea, sp. nov., 179, 262 undosa, .sp. nov., 262 Typhoctes, gen. nov., 53, 54 Urellia, genus of, 268 actinobola, 266 abstersa, 265 aldrichii, sp. nov., 192,266 bisetosa, sp. nov., 266 nigricornis, sp. nov., 266 pacifica, sp. nov., 192, 266 radifera, sp. nov., soluris, stigmatica, sp. nov Verania, Vespida;, Vespoidea, Vinsonia stellifera, 267 266 266 84 47 46 257 Xantholopha purpuras- cens, sp. nov., Xenocha-ta, genus of, Xestolotis, gen. nov., stictica, sp. nov., Xylina dentilinea, sp. nov., ilata, sp. nov., longior, sp. nov., pomona, sp. nov., torrida, sp. nov., Xylomiges pallidior, sp. nov., Zagloba, gen. nov., synopsis of, beaumonti, sp. nov., bicolor, sp. nov., hystrix, sp. nov., laticollis, sp. nov., orbipennis, sp. nov., Zeleboria, genus of, Zonosema, genus of, basiolum, vitligera, sp. nov. , 216 268 164 164 229 231 230 230 228 227 "3 "3 169 114 114 114 114 51 267 261 261 Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Vol. VII. PL VI. New York Slug Caterpillars. Jfliir?i. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Vol. VII. PI. VII. TRIASSIC Joiini. N. Y. Eiit. Soc. Vol. VII. PI. VIII. IPPFR CRETACEUS "IP i SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES 3 9088 00833 6109 I 1