T?jHHc^?f^ iiii-m^ -. ■i '1 "1 1 ■i z ■ y-y-i' ] ; i JOURNAL THE PROCEEDINGS THE LINNEAN SOCIETY ZOOLOGY. 4 VOL. IIL LONDON: LONGMAN; BROWN, GREEN, LONGMANS & ROBERTS, AND WILLIAMS AND NORGATE. [/^51i-}s59. Lo. a - /Z PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET, LIST OF PAPERS. Page Baikib, Dr. Extract of a Letter from Dr. Baikie to Sir John Richardson, M.D., C.B., F.R. & L.S., dated 29th October, 1857, Rabba, on the Qworra 76 Bate, C. Spence, Esq., F.L.S. On the Importance of an Examination of the Structure of the Integument of Crustacea m the determination of doubtful Species. — AppHcation to the genus Galathea, with the Descrip- tion of a New Species of that Genus 1 Bell, Thomas, Esq., P.L.S. Description of a new Genus of Crustacea, of the Family Pinno- theridse ; in which the fifth pair of legs are reduced to an almost imperceptible rudiment 27 Darwin, Charles, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S., & F.G.S., and Wallace, Alfred R., Esq. On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties ; and on the Per- petuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection 45 H anbury, Daniel, Esq., F.L.S. Note on Two Insect-products from Persia 1/8 HiGGiNS, Rev. Henry. Death of the Common Hive Bee ; supposed to be occasioned by a parasitic Fungus 29 Huxley, T. H., Esq., F.R.S., Professor of Natural History, Govern- ment School of Mines. On some points in the Anatomy of Nautilus Pompilius 36 Page Knox, R., Esq., M.D., F.R.S.E. Contributions to the Anatomy and Natural History of the Cetacea. 63 Smith, Frederick, Esq., Assistant in the Zoological Department in the British Museum. Catalogue of Hyraenopterous Insects collected at Celebes by Mr. A. R. Wallace 4 Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace at the Islands of Aru and Key 132 Walker, Francis, Esq., F.L.S. Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected in the Aru Islands by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species 71 Catalogue of the Heterocerous Lepidoptera collected at Singapore by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species 183 Catalogue of the Heterocerous Lepidopterous Insects collected at Malacca by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species 196 Wallace, Alfred R., Esq., and Darwin, Charles, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S., & F.G.S. On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection 45 Washington, Captain. Natural-History Extracts from the Journal of Captain Denham, H.M. Surveying Vessel * Herald,' 1857 32 Wetherell, John W., Esq. Notice of the occurrence of recent Worm Tracks in the Upper Part of the London Clay Formation near Highgate 31 Index 199 PROCEEDINGS OP THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON November 5th, 1857. Thomas Bell, Esq., President, in the Chair. The Secretary announced that during the recess an additional pair of Cabinets for the Society's Collection of Fruits and Seeds bad been presented by Thomas Corbyn Janson, Esq., E.L.S. ; and the special thanks of the Society were directed to be presented to Mr. Janson for this useful and acceptable present. Dr. Berthold Seemann, E.L.S., read a detailed report of his visit to Montreal, as the representative of the Lianean Society at the Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in that city, of which the following is an abstract : — Availing himself of the free passage placed at the disposal of the Linnean Society by the liberality of the British and North American Eoyal Mail Steam Packet Company, Dr. Seemann em- barked at Liverpool on the 25tli of July, on board the ' Persia,' and arrived at New York on the 5th of August. Thence he continued his journey by railway, via Albany and Burlington, to Montreal, which he reached a few days previous to the commence- ment of the meeting, and was most hospitably received, and treated with much consideration by the Local Committee, including Sir AYilliam Logan, E.B.S. (the Chairman), the Lord Bishop of Mon- treal, Professor Dawson, and other distinguished men. On the 11th, Dr. Seemalin was introduced by Lieut.-Colonel Munro, LINN. PEOC. a 11 PEOOEEDINaS OF THE F.L.S., at his conversazione ^ to Professor Caswell, of New Pro- vidence, the Acting President, and to Professor Levering, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, the Secretary of the Meeting ; and on the following day presented to them the official letter of the President of the Linnean Society, of which he was the bearer. Both gentlemen expressed themselves highly gratified with the attention shown by the Linnean Society in sending a delegate to the meeting, and showed him marked attention during its con- tinuance. He was also introduced in his official capacity to Sir "W. Eyre, K.C.B., Acting Governor- General of Canada, who com- plimented the Linnean Society on the encouragement given by it to the first meeting of the American Association held on British ground. The meetings were held in the New Court House at Montreal, commencing on the 12th of August and lasting for a week. Professor Caswell opened the session with a powerful speech, in the course of which he announced the presence of delegates from the Geological and Linnean Societies of London, and introduced Professor E-amsay and Dr. Seemann to the meeting. In his reply. Dr. Seemann took occasion to express the high esteem and respect of the Linnean Society for the American Asso- ciation, and the deep interest vrith which the Society regarded its labours, and to offer in the name and on the behalf of the Linnean Society the most sincere wishes for the unabated continuance of that success which had hitherto attended it. The number of members attending the meeting amounted to upwards of five hundred, the greater part of whom had come from the United States, although Canada and the other British provinces of North America were, in proportion to their extent and population, equally well represented. It was generally considered to be one of the most successful meetings that had been held in any part of the American continent. Geologists were in great force; Phy- sicists and Ethnologists were also numerous; but there was a comparatively small attendance of Botanists and Zoologists. Dr. Seemann attended daily, and at one of the meetings read a Paper " On the so-called Parthenogenesis in Animals and Plants," in which he presented a summary of the present state of that inter- esting question. Two other Eellows of the Linnean Society were also present at the meeting, viz. the Eev. William Hincks, Pro- fessor of Natural History in the University of Toronto, and Lieut.- Colonel Munro, in command of the 39th Begiment, stationed at Montreal, both of whom showed Dr. Seemann great attention. Of our Foreign Members, there were present, Professor Dana, of LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. Ill New Haven (elected President of the Natural History Section), and Dr. Torrey of New York. Of the scientific bodies of Europe which had been invited to send delegates to this meeting, the Geological and Linnean Societies of London were the only ones that responded to the call, and their representatives were also the only Members who had come from Europe for the occasion. The cordial reception which they met with, and the universal desire expressed by the Americans for a more frequent intercourse with their European brethren in science, took, on the occasion of the last Greneral Meeting, a substantive form in the following Reso- lution, moved by Professor Bache of Washington, and carried by unanimous consent : — " That the American Association recog- nizes with peculiar satisfaction the presence of eminent scientific men from the Old World who have honoured this meeting with their attendance, and it hopes that now, since the ice has been broken, these meetings of fraternity among men of science from different continents will be more frequent." On the 20th of August, after the termination of the meeting. Dr. Seemann left Montreal for the Palls of Niagara, the managers of the railroads and steam-boats on the route kindly placing a free pass at his disposal. Thence he proceeded, by way of Buffalo and Indianopolis, to St. Louis, Missouri, where the Academy of Natural Sciences elected him a Corresponding Member. On the 1st of September he quitted St. Louis for New York to pay a visit to Dr. Torrey, and from thence proceeded to Boston, where he was kindly re- ceived by Professor Asa Gray. On the 9th he went on board the steamer * America,' and after touching at Halifax, reached Liver- pool on the 22nd of the same month, after an absence from England of fifty-nine days. The thanks of the Society were voted to Dr. Seemann for the readiness with which he had undertaken, and the ability with which he had executed his mission. Bead, first, a " Note on the Occurrence of PJiyllosoma commune on the coast of Cornwall;" by Jonathan Couch, Esq., P.L.S. (See " Zoological Proceedings," vol. ii. p. 146.) Bead, secondly, the commencement of a Memoir *' On the Agamic Eeproduction of Aphides;" by T. H. Huxley, Esq., E.B.S. Communicated by Professor Busk, Zool. Sec. L.S. (See " Transactions," vol. xxii. p. 191.) a 2 IV PEOCEEDINGS Or THE November lOth, 1857. Thomas Bell, Esq., President, in the Chair. Charles Knight, Esq. ; George G. Macpherson, Esq. ; and Wilfred Dakin Speer, Esq., were elected Eellows. Eead the following letter from Lady Smith, the widow of the Founder of the Society : — « Lowestoft, 12th November, 1857. " Gentlemen, — I hope you will do me the honour to accept the accompanying nineteen volumes, comprising the whole of Sir J. E. Smith's scientific correspondence from the time of his be- coming possessed of the Collections of Linnaeus tiU his death in 1828. There are some among your number who, I believe, will peruse these letters with a pleasure nearly equal to that I have enjoyed in arranging them for the present object. They bear ample testimony to the correctness of an observation Sir James made long ago — ' That the pursuit of Natural History is an unerring clue to an intercourse with the best minds.' A spirit of afiection and respect flows through the whole correspondence, so that those who may take no interest in the pursuits that occasioned this intercourse, will nevertheless be attracted by the warmth of friendship, the confidence and personal attachment and esteem that pervade the whole. " I have two conditions to propose concerning these volumes. The first is, that they shall not be taken from the Society's rooms for perusal. " The second, that if in the course of events the Society of which you are members should cease to exist, or merge into any other Society, I wish these volumes to escape being dispersed, and desire they may be placed in the British Museum with the library of Sir Joseph Banks, and there preserved. " Trusting that such a disposition of them may long be averted by your continuance as a Society, in which I feel the deepest interest, I remain, Gentlemen^ with great respect, " Tour faithful Servant, (Signed) " Pleasanoe Smith." " To the President cmd Fellows of the Linnean Society ^ On the motion of Dr. Boott, seconded by C. Cardale Babington, LLNKEAN SOCIETY OE LONDON. V Esq., it was resolved that the cordial and affectionate thanks of the Society be given to Lady Smith for her invaluable present. Head, first, a " Notice of Pour Yarieties of British Plants ;" by John Hogg, Esq., M.A., P.E.S., P.L.S. (See "Botanical Pro- ceedings," vol. ii. p. 133.) E/cad, secondly, a " Notice of a Monstrosity of Scahiosa succisa, L., and of some other Vegetable Monstrosities;" by Professor Bentley, P.L.S. Eead, thirdly, a " Note on a diseased bunch of Grrapesj" by M. T. Masters, Esq. Communicated by the Secretary. Bead, fourthly, " A short Exposition of the Structure of the Ovule and Seed-coats of Magnolia ;" by Asa Gray, M.D., P.M.L.S. (See " Botanical Proceedings," vol. ii. p. 106.) Head, fifthly, " Notes of a Botanical Eamble in the North of Spain;" by Joseph Woods, Esq., F.L.S. (See "Botanical Pro- ceedings," vol. ii. p. 111.) December 3rd, 1857. Thomas Bell, Esq., President, in the Chair. Thomas Allis, Esq., and Henry Letheby, Esq., M.B., were elected Pellows. Professor Owen, P.E.S., F.L.S., exhibited specimens of the pods of Oleditsia triaccmthos, L., which had ripened fully and abundantly in his garden in Eichmond Park, during the present year. ^ Eead, first, " Observations on Entozoa^ with descriptions of several new species;" by Thomas S. Cobbold, Esq., M.D., P.L.S. (See " Transactions," vol. xxii. p. 155.) E^ad, secondly, a Paper " On the genus of Annelida^ named '.Palolo ' by the Samodas ;" by J. D. M'Donald, Esq. Communi- cated by George Busk, Esq., P.E.S., Zool. Sec. L.S. (See " Transactions," vol. xxii. p. .) yi PROCEEDINGS OF THE December 17th, 1857. Thomas Bell, Esq., President, in the Chair. Edward "William Cooke, Esq., A.E.A., and Francis Day, Esq., were elected Fellows. E^ad, first, a Memoir " On the Zoology of New Guinea;" by Philip Lutley Sclater, Esq., M.A., F.L.S. (See " Zoological Pro- ceedings," vol. ii. p. 149.) Eead, secondly, a " Botanical Eeport on the North- Australian Expedition, under the command of A. C. Gregory, Esq. ;" by Dr. Ferdinand Miiller, Botanist to the Expedition. Communicated by the Colonial Office. (See " Botanical Proceedings," vol. ii. p. 137.) Eead, thirdly, " Notes on Dr. Asa- Gray's Observations on the Ovules and Seed-coats of Magnolia ;" by John Miers, Esq., F.E.S., F.L.S. January 21st, 1858. Thomas BeU, Esq., President, in the Chair. Walter Lowry Buller, Esq. ; "William Charles Hood, Esq., M.D. ; William Lauder Lindsay, Esq., M.D. ; John Lubbock, Esq.; Buxton Shillitoe, Esq. ; and Francis Cornelius Webb, Esq., M.D., were elected Fellows. Among the presents were specimens of the fruits of Physianthus albens and StepJianotis Jlorihunda, ripened in Cornwall, the former in the open air and the latter in a greenhouse, presented by Mrs. Fox, of Grove Hill, near Falmouth ; of the fruit of Koelreuteria paniculata, ripened (for the first time) during the past autumn, in Chelsea Garden, presented by Thomas Moore, Esq., F.L.S. ; and a specimen of the fruit of Ailcmtus glandulosa, ripened, last autumn, at Stoke Newington, near London, presented by Eichard Kippist, Esq., Librarian L.S. Eead, first, an Extract of a Letter from Dr. Baikie to Sir John LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. VU Eichardson, M.D., C.B., F.E.S. and E.L.S., dated 29th October, 1857, at Eabba on the Quorra, giving some account of tbe pro- ceedings of the Expedition under his charge up to that date. (See " Zoological Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 76.) Eead, secondly, a Note " On the importance of a Microscopic Study of the Integuments in Crustacea;" by T. Spence Bate, Esq., E.L.S. (See " Zoological Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 1.) Eead, thirdly, the conclusion of Professor Huxley's Memoir " On the Agamic Eeproduction oi Aphides \'^ commenced at the meeting of November 6th, 1857. February 4th, 1858. Francis Boott, Esq., M.D., Vice-President, in the Chair. Peter Squire, Esq., was elected a Fellow. Eead, first, a Memoir " On the Shell-bearing Molluscous Animals with reference to Structure and Form ;" by Eobert Garner, Esq., F.L.S. Eead, secondly, an Extract of a Letter addressed to Professor Bentley, F.L.S., by Mr. Barter, the Naturalist accompanying the Expedition up the Quorra, dated Eabba, September 29th, 1857. Eead, thirdly, a Paper " On the Question whether Linnaaus, in a spirit of ill-will, altered the spelling of the name of the genus IBuffoniaV by Mons. A. L. A. Fee, Professor of Botany of the Faculty of Medicine at Strasburg. Communicated by Thomas Moore, Esq., F.L.S. (See " Botanical Proceedings," vol. ii. p. 183.) Eead, lastly, a " Note on M. Fee's communication;" by John Joseph Bennett, Esq., F.E.S., Sec. L.S. (See "Botanical Pro- ceedings," vol. ii. p. 188.) February 18th, 1858. William Baird, Esq., Member of Council, in the Chair. Alexander Fry, Esq., was elected a Fellow. Vlll PROCEEDINGS OF THE Eead, first, a Memoir " On the Muscles of the Larvae of several species of Tipulidcje ;'' by John Lubbock, Esq., P.L.S. (See " Transactions," vol. xxii. p. 173.) Head, secondly, a "Note on the genus Hemigymnia, Griffith;" by Thomas Thomson, Esq., M.D., E.E.S., E.L.S. (See " Botanical Proceedings," vol. ii. p. 126.) Eead, thirdly, a Paper " On the probable Metamorphoses of Fedicula/ria and other genera of Gasteropoda ;" by J. D. M'Donald, Esq., E.N. Communicated by George Busk, Esq., E.E.S., Zool. Sec. L.S. (See "Transactions," vol. xxii. p. .) Eead, fourthly, a " Monograph of the Eucalypti of Tropical Australia ;" by Eerdinand Miiller, Ph.D. Communicated by Dr. Hooker, Y.P.E.S., E.L.S. (See " Botanical Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 81.) Eead, fifthly, a Paper " On the Anatomy of Eurylia Oaudi- cJiaudiy as bearing on the position of the JBteropoda\'^ by J. D. M'Donald, Esq., E.N. Communicated by the Zoological Secre- tary. (See '.'Transactions," vol. xxii. p. .) March 4th, 1858. J. D. Hooker, Esq., Member of Council, in the Chair. Mr. Allan Black was elected an Associate. Mr. Ward, E.E.S., presented specimens of White or Eat Turf from the Island of Yalentia in the west of Ireland ; and a letter was read addressed to Mr. Ward by Dr. Lecky, giving some account of the substance. Eead, first, a Note " On Pseudocentrum, a new genus of Orchi- dacecB from Peru;" by Professor Lindley, E.E.S., E.L.S. (See " Botanical Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 63.) Eead, secondly, a second part of Professor Lindley' s " Contri- butions to the Orchidology of India." (See "Botanical Proceed- ings," vol. iii. p. 1.) LINNEiLN SOCIETY OF LONDON. IX Bead, thirdly, a Memoir "On the Tribe Legnotidece ;" by George Bentham, Esq., E.L.S. (See "Botanical Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 65.) Read, fourthly, a " Synopsis of the Fructification of the com- pound Sphcerice of the Hookerian Herbarium;" by Frederick Currey, Esq., F.L.S. (See " Transactions," vol. xxii. p. .) March 18th, 1858. Thomas Bell, Esq., President, in the Chair. John Cockle, Esq., M.D., and William Hitchman, Esq., M.D., were elected Eellows. Among the presents was a cast of a Bu st of the late Dr. Pereira, E.E.S., F.L.S., presented by Mrs. Pereira, to whom the cordial thanks of the Society were voted for her very acceptable present. B«ad, first, " Contributions to the Anatomy and Natural His- tory of the Cetacea-;' by Eobert Knox, M.D., E.E.S.E. Com- municated by the Secretary. (See " Zoological Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 63.) Eead, secondly, "A Note on the genus Ahuta:,^'' by N. Grrise- bach. Professor of Botany in the University of Gottingen. Com- municated by Dr. Hooker, E.L.S. (See " Botanical Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 108.) April 1st, 1858. Thomas Bell, Esq., President, in the Chair. Eobert "W. Hall, Esq., was elected a Eellow. Mr. Bentham, E.L.S., exhibited specimens of AsterantJios, Desf., collected by Mr. Spruce on the B/io Negro in Northern Brazil and read some observations on its history and affinities. (See "Botanical Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 80.) Eead, "Contributions to Organographic Botany;" by Chris- topher Dresser, Esq. Communicated by the Secretary. X PROCEEDINGS OF THE AprH 15th, 1858. Thomas Bell, Esq., President, in the Chair. "WiUiam Frederick Saunders, Esq., was elected a EeUow. Eead, first, a " Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects, collected at Celebes by Mr. A. R. Wallace;" by Frederick Smith, Esq. Communicated by W. "W. Saunders, Esq., V.P.L.S. (See " Zoo- logical Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 4.) Eead, secondly, a Paper " On some tuberiform "Vegetable Pro- ductions from China;" by the Ilev. M. J. Berkeley, M.A., E.L.S. (See " Botanical Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 102.) Eead, thirdly, "Notes on Arctic Plants;" by George Dickie, M.D., A.L.S., Prof. Nat. Hist. Queen's CoU. Belfast. (See " Botanical Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 109.) May 6th, 1858. Thomas Bell, Esq., President, in the Chair. Eardley G. Culling Eardley, Esq., was elected a EeUow ; and Professor Albert KoeUiker, and Professor Karl Theodor Ernest von Siebold, were elected Foreign Members. S. James A. Salter, Esq., E.L.S., exhibited a living specimen of a species of Eat, frequently observed of late on board of vessels in British ports, and made some observations on the characters by which it is distinguished from the original British Eat (Mus Battus, L.). Eead, first, " Contributiones ad Acaciarum Australise cogni- tionem;" by Dr. Ferdinand MiiUer. Communicated by George Bentham, Esq., F.L.S. (See " Botanical Proceedings," vol. iii. p. .) Eead, secondly, a Note " On a new species of Bellevalia from Mount Ida;" by Maxwell T. Masters, Esq. Communicated by the Secretary. (See " Botanical Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 113.) Eead, thirdly, an "Enumeration of the Mosses of India;" by WiUiam Mitten, A.L.S. (See " Botanical Proceedings," Supple- ment for 1858.) LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. XI May 24th, 1858. Thomas Bell, Esq., President, in the Chair. This day, the Anniversary of the birth of Linnaeus, and the day appointed by the Charter for the Election of Council and Officers, the President opened the business of the Meeting with the fol- lowing Address : — G-ENTLEMEN, "When I first ventured to break through the previous custom of the Society, by offering an address to the Eellows at the Anni- versary, I felt that I must not depend upon always finding, in the annual retrospect of our own doings, sufficient subject for the occupation and amusement of the time allotted to that object. On one or two former occasions I had indeed many circum- stances of interest to communicate to you, relative to our removal to the place of what I trust may prove our permanent abode, and I last year took the advantage which that event offered me, of adverting to the foundation, development and results of our Society. As long as our circumstances were changing and our final destiny was in abeyance or suspense, there were subjects constantly presenting themselves sufficiently interesting to occupy a due portion of the time which intervenes between the initiatory routine of the day's business, and the final ceremony of the open- ing of the ballot glasses. But the very settlement of our diffi- culties, and the solution of our doubts, whilst filling us with the happy sense of the fruition of our hopes and wishes, deprive me of such themes for my address, and throw me again upon the consideration of some of those means of increasing the prosperity and thus extending the usefulness of our Society, which are indi- cated by daily experience, and the ever-changing and progressing march of natural knowledge. "When I last addressed you on a similar occasion to the present, we had just entered upon the occupation of our new abode. We could not then consider ourselves settled, scarcely even secure ; but a twelvemonth's occupancy has now removed all doubt of the absolute enjoyment of the advantages which we then only believed in, and might almost tempt us to yield to a feeling of quiet and satisfied security, and to adopt the sentiment of the Poet, " Invenimus portum ; spes et fortuna, valete ! " XU PEOCEEI>INaS OF THE But if any such feeling of finality in our labours could ever enter tlie mind or pervade the feelings of the Society, surely no- thing could be more entirely misplaced, nothing more calculated to interfere witli the fulfilment of our great mission, and to para- lyse those efforts without which we must fail in carrying out the objects of our corporate existence. It is, indeed, in our present improved condition, with an increased income, enlarged communi- cation with the scientific world, and a closer association with other scientific bodies, employed like ourselves zealously and con- stantly in the advancement of knowledge, — with responsibilities increased in proportion to our means and the requirements of scientific progress, — that we ought to recognize an irresistible claim upon our energies, and fresh inducements to enter, with all our powers, and with all the zeal which so noble an object de- mands, upon the fulfilment of the duties which are imposed upon us, and which we have solemnly accepted as our own. That it is unnecessary, however, to employ any argument to remind the Society of those duties, or to stimulate it to their fulfilment, is proved by the state of activity and vigour by which it is at present characterized. The number and importance of the communications which have occupied our ordinary meetings, where we have no longer the necessity of listening to, or {proh pudor !) of nodding over the fortunately interminable commentary on the Hortus Malabaricus, which served for so many years as a piece de resistance, not to say a stop-gap, to prevent the formal expose of our occasional literary bankruptcy, — these circumstances, with the usually satisfactory attendance at our meetings, show a degree of active vitality which is at once a cause of thankful satisfaction and of hopeful anticipation. With reference to the latter portion of our functions, there is, however, one point which calls for observation, and has been a source of great regret. I aUuded to it at the last Anniversary, and made some observations upon the subject, to which I am sorry to have again to recur. I mean the comparative paucity of zoological communications when contrasted with the number and extent of those devoted to the sister science. The high character of many of those zoological papers which we have received, does not render it less a matter for serious con- sideration, whether some plan might not be adopted to effect an improvement in so important an element of our functions. That the principal cause of the deficiency is to be sought in the same direction as that to which I pointed on the former occasion, can- LINNEAN SOCIETY OP LONDON. XIU not be doubted. I mean tbe existence and working of minQj? societies ; one pursuing a single isolated branch of zoology ; another adopting an exclusive means of investigation, and thereby con- tracting its sphere of information on any particular branch ; and a third taking up the whole extent of the Animal Kingdom, an^ thus antagonizing directly and throughout its entire scope, that important portion of our own field of action; for there is scarcely a meeting of any one of these departmental Societies, as I may term them, at which there are not communications read, which would deserve a place in our own Transactions or Journal. This subject has long engaged my most auxious attention, and I cannot but hope that some plan might be wrouglit out, which would enable this Society to afford tlie great advantage of its aQkn.owledged prestige, and the extensive circulation of its publi- cations, to many of the more important of the communications to which I refer. I do nob profess satisfactorily to have matured any such plan ; but I Jiave thought much on the subject, and have conferred with those whom I thought likely to afford me available counsel ; and I will now take the libedy of laying before you some thoughts respecting it, which, though crude, may induce those whom. I address to give it their consideration, and thus probably lead to some practicable and available expedient. At the same time it must be acknowledged that there are great difficulties in the way of such an adjustment. The whole subject of the relation between minor or branch societies and the parent or central one, and the question of the utility to Science of such dismemberment are involved in it. This is a matter to be ap- proached with diffident and cautious, but I trust not without hopeful consideration. On the motives which usually lead to the establishment of such societies it is not necessary to dwell at any length, and in some instances I fear that any such investigation would appear an invidious one. It it more important to endeavour to discover the means by which such diversion of the stream of knowledge into smaller collateral channels, shall be rendered innocuous or useful, and temptation to further subdivision diminished. It is an argument commonly urged by the advocates of such dissociation as we are now considering, that it comes within the same category as the great general question of the advantages resulting from the subdivision of labour ; but it appears to me that the analogy is altogether unreal, or at most very partial in XIV PEOCEEDINGS OF THE its application. "Were a Society, engaged in the promotion of any great department of science, made to consist of various sections, to each of which should appertain the cultivation of one indivi- dual branch, and each contributing its gains to the general treasury of the whole body, the analogy would be true and comprehensible. But far different from this is the case before us. In the present instance the contributions of the different sec- tions are wholly diverse in their direction and aim ; and the indi- vidual bodies, so far from deriving strength and efficiency from their separate action, are weakened like the segregated sticks of the bundle in the fable, by the absence of mutual support and cooperation. That a sincere anxiety and singleness of endeavour for the ac- quisition and spread of scientific knowledge is the worthy motive which induces many a zealous naturalist to join in and promote the subdivision in question, cannot for a moment be doubted. The overwhelming mass of daily additions to our knowledge of mere isolated facts, the constant influx of newly discovered species, having no obvious bearing on any question of moment, the geo- graphical distribution of individual forms, the periodicity of the various phases of animal functions and habits, and a thousand other circumstances which, although unimportant in their indi- vidual and unassociated entities, are yet worth preserving as truths, or as having some future possible bearing upon more im- portant generalization, appear to require some means by which their record may be established and their publicity secured ; and this necessity has doubtless its bearing upon the utility of asso- ciations having for their object the fixing and utilizing of such otherwise evanescent units of knowledge. But it becomes again a question whether their preservation might not be equally pro- vided for, without the expense both of time and money which is contingent upon the working of so many distinct bodies. This observation leads me to consider for a moment another, and I have reason to believe a very general reason for the exclusive association of good and zealous men with some of the minor societies. I mean the small comparative expense to which they are subjected. This certainly appears, on the face of it, a very plausible reason for abstaining from a union with the larger and more expensive institutions. The difference between three gui- neas and one guinea annually is so considerable, that I doubt not there are many sincere and devoted naturalists to whom it would just present the alternative between the propriety and prudence LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. XV of expending the one or the other in the enjoyment of their favourite pursuit. For myself, I have always been the advocate for reducing the annual subscription in Scientific Societies to the lowest sum con- sistent with the efficient carrying out of their objects ; and I have not only entertained myself, but proposed for the consideration of my colleagues, the question whether some reduction might not be adopted in our own annual contribution or entrance fee. My full conviction, however, is that under existing circumstances such reduction is utterly impracticable ; but how far this desirable end would be furthered by the members of the minor societies joining us, and thus at once increasing our income and strength- ening our efficiency, is, I submit, worthy their consideration. Besides this, if we even adhere to the argument of the quid pro quo, it must be recollected that the Transactions and other publications of those Societies are not presented to the members without payment, whereas ours, often of considerable pecuniary as well as intrinsic value, are given to every contributing Member without additional expense. Surely these advantages, which ap- peal to the mere financial motive, in addition to the free use of all the noble libraries now collected within these walls, are more than an equivalent for the additional annual expense. You will at once perceive that these remarks are only partially appKcable. There are some Institutions with pursuits collateral with our own, which have not even the pecuniary plea for separation. I am too well aware, however, of the importance of the contri- butions to Natural Science emanating from the various societies to which I have referred, to look with indifference or lack of re- spect upon their labours. I know fuU well that many of the most important works of the first naturalists of our age and country have come before the public under the auspices of these associa- tions ; that the Transactions of the Zoological Society are half- filled with the contributions of the most eminent naturalists of this country ; that those of the Microscopical and Entomological Societies contain papers of great value on recondite physiological subjects, or learned generalizations on some of the most interest- ing branches of Natural History. But it must be remembered that the separate working of each of these bodies is attended with great expense, independent of that which is required by the mere publication of each individual paper in connexion with others, and that this expense would be greatly lessened in each case, XYl PEOCEEDINGS OF THE were the power by which the separate bodies are moved, concen- trated into one great machine. In Botanical Science this distribution of the means of recording discovery has not been thought necessary ; and it would certainly appear somewhat strange if we were to hear of the formation of a Eanunculaceous Society, as distinguished from a Liliaceous, or even a Ciyptogamic as independent of, and antagonistic to, a Phanero- gamic Society. Yet, viewed with relation to the true principles of classification, there appears to be no more incongruity in these absurd examples, than in the separation of the Entomologists from other cultivators of Natural History, and still m.ore, the subdivi- sion of the former into Coleopterists and Lepidopterists, and the latter into as many branchlets as there are groups in the gTeat order of scaled-winged insects. In the vegetable kingdom, the Linnean Society is the main recipient of contributions to that important branch of natural science in this country ; and I rejoice as heartily as the most ex- clusive votary at the shrine of Flora, at the vigorous strides which that charming science is making, and at the high character of the papers in that department of Natural History which appear in our own publications. I feel it to be matter of honest congratu- lation, that the Society has been so long, and still continues to be, the medium of thus contributing to the diifusion of botanical knowledge throughout the world. It is not because I have been led more particularly into the study of animal existences, that I can have any wish to see Zoology occupy an undue or predominant situation in our proceedings here. It would ill become me, in the position in which you have done me tbe honour to place me, to exhibit or to feel any partiality for either. Not Dido herself could have uttered with more sincerity than I do, " Tros Tyriusve mihi nullo discrimine agetur." It Las, I hope, been the guiding principle of my conduct, certainly of my intentions, since I have occupied this chair ; but I cannot but consider it most desirable and important that a Society like ours, professedly devoted equally to the two branches, and with all the machinery necessary for the equal promotion of both, should not Lave its means curtailed, and its usefulness impaired in relation either to one or the other. The relative number of contributions to our Society during the past year in the two departments, exclusive of statements of isolated facts, or passing and ephemeral subjects, gives force to my present appeal, and shows the reality of my complaint. In the remarks which I have considered it my duty to make LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. XVll upon this difficult and somewliat distasteful subject, I hope it is unnecessary for me to declare that I have not been actuated by any feeling inconsistent with a full appreciation of, and sincere respect for, those scientific bodies on whose relation to ourselves I have animadverted, and of admiration of the results of their labours. Still less is it possible that I could entertain any feeling of personal or corporate rivalry. Many of the most distinguished members of those very Institutions are our fellow-members here, our personal friends and joint labourers in the same field. Nay, many are at this moment within the hearing of the unpalatable truths which I have felt called upon to utter. But I have consi- dered it right to speak plainly my thoughts upon a matter which has long caused me great anxiety, and to which, perhaps from long pondering upon it, I may have been led to attribute what others may deem a more than deserved importance. And now it may be reasonably demanded, after all that has been said on the disadvantages of such divisions as I have been deprecating, supposing all that has been asked to be granted, what means are proposed to meet the difficulty and to obviate the asserted evil ? This is, indeed, a much more perplexing and com- plicated question ; and I am free to confess that I, for one, am not prepared with any immediate practicable remedy. There are, however, some suggestions which have occurred to my mind in re- flecting upon the subject, which, with great diffidence and a deep sense of all the vagueness and obscurity that hangs about them, I will venture to offer. In the first place, even acknowledging on the one hand all the evils of the system which I have assumed, these Societies do exist, and have existed long enough to be firmly established. They are working and working with good eflfect. There are honest, truthful, talented, enlightened men engaged in that working. They consti- tute a great and important fact ; — and must be dealt with, if at all, as associate and fellow Institutions with our own. What I am anxious to see is, not their present antagonism, but their union with us, as far as practicable, in such a relation as shall be mutu- ally advantageous. Not as at present, the child taking food from the parent's mouth, — not the sucker depriving the tree from which it springs of its nourishment and growth and strength. One of the most obvious means suggesting itself for carrying out this object, is that the Societies in question should, in such manner as they may see best, communicate to the Linnean So- ciety such papers as appear particularly calculated for publication LINN. PROO. * XVlll PROCEEDINaS OF THE in our Transactions or Proceedings. There are three Societies especially, from which papers might, on this plan, be communi- cated,— the Zoological, the Entomological and the Microscopical. With regard to the first of these, it would be impossible for us, without considerable pecuniary assistance, to publish the luxuri- ously beautiful illustrations which, from the pencil of the first animal draughtsman of this or perhaps any former period, have, for some years, rendered the octavo publication of that Society the most beautiful and elegant periodical work on the Natural History of Animals that has ever appeared. Nor does it seem necessary or desirable, even were it possible, that the description and figuring of every new species should devolve upon the Lin- nean Society. There are many very valuable papers requiring few and inexpensive or perhaps not any illustrations, which, from their more abstract scientific character, would form suitable and important matter for our publications ; and these may either be read at the meetings of both the Societies, or sent directly to us from the Publication Committee of the other Society ; or it may be so far understood that papers of this description are not con- sidered as their legitimate object, as that authors would send their papers immediately to us. The proposal of this change in the publishing province of that important Institution, cannot be considered as in any degree dis- respectful to its scientific members. It is in fact perfectly consist- ent with a step in the same direction which the authorities of the Society have themselves adopted. By the recent discontinuance of the quarto Transactions, they have virtually implied the future refusal of such papers as require quarto illustrations; and the change which I have now suggested is only another step in ad- ■ vance of their own progress. They have repudiated a certain class of papers upon no principle whatever having relation to either the matter or design or character of such papers ; but only with reference to the size of the plates required for their illustra- tion ; and there can be no sacrifice of principle involved in the further change suggested, but only an extension upon principle of a course already arbitrarily commenced. And it must not be forgotten that the whole scientific element of that great Society (the abolition of which element, be it remembered, is not within the terms of my proposition) is but an adjunct to its original constitution and aim, organized too by an almost suicidal act of the Zoological body of this Society, who converted a very pro- mising auxiliary of their own raising into a powerful and successful LINNEAN SOCIETT OF LONDOK. XIX rival. But I will not trouble you by a recapitulation of the ob- servations which I made on this fact last year ; I recur to it prin- cipally to show that the two characters in which the Zoological Society appeals to the public are essentially different, and that there is no more congruity in such an association, than there would be if the Horticultural Society were now to attempt to combine with that useful practical character which has rendered it so de- servedly popular, a more purely scientific element, and, usurping the functions of our own botanical department, receive and pub- lish such papers as now find their place in our own Transactions. With respect to other Societies having the same relation to ours as regards their objects, a similar course, mutatis mutandis, might be adopted ; but it is unnecessary that I should further take up your time by suggesting details, the discussion of which, whatever might be the result of the consideration of the general principle, would at present be wholly premature. The great importance of the object of these observations pre- vents me from wholly passing over two other ideas which have occurred to my mind, and, in various modifications, to the minds of others, but which at present appear so impracticable, and to require for their fulfilment so large a change in the present work- ing of the Society, that I cannot for a moment entertain them as worthy of serious discussion. In the first place, it has been questioned whether the desirable result of bringing those conge- nial Societies, which are now separated from us, within our own sphere, might not be obtained by offering to those of their exist- ing members who have been such for a given number of years, the remission or reduction of the entrance fee, supposing that, on being proposed and balloted for, they should be elected as Fellows of this Society. The other proposal has been, to form a new body of Associates, for the admission of such persons as, cultivating any branch of Natural History, are willing to join our Society, paying a smaller annual contribution, and having limited advantages. I do not enter into any detailed plan as connected with either of these proposals, because I do not believe that it would be possible or desirable to carry them out ; but I thought it my duty to lay before you whatever had occurred to myself or others, as a means for obviating the difficulty in which the present state of things has placed us. I must repeat, that I consider the serious imperative mission of this Society, as the centre of Natural History Science in this country, to consist in taking every available means, honestly and h2 XX PEOCEE DINGS OF THE earnestly and with a high and unselfish aim, to further the advance of those branches of science to which it is devoted. If circum- stances are found to exist which interfere with the fulfilment of this object, it becomes our duty to endeavour by all the fair and honourable means in our power to obviate them. I have ap- proached the subject on which I have so long detained you with great diffidence and reluctance. I am well aware that I may have laid myself open to misapprehension, but I felt it imperative upon me, placed where I am by your confidence and good opinion, to give you unreservedly my feelings and thoughts upon a matter in which I believe the welfare of the Society, and consequently the progress of Natural History, are in a greater or less degree in- volved; and I have only now to say, "liberavi animam meam," and to leave the subject in your hanc^p. And now, Grentlemen, I apply myself with great pleasure to matters of a more agreeable character. It is with great satisfaction that I call your attention to what I hsLve always considered a very important and useful portion of our Museum department, and one peculiarly appropriate to the origi- nal object of this Society as distinctly expressed in our charter, which defines that object to be " the cultivation of the Science of Natural History in all its branches, and more especially of the Natural History of Grreat Britain and Ireland." I allude to the British Herbarium. The existence of several typical and well- known collections of our native plants which have at various times come into our possession, appeared, now that we have ample room for their arrangement and use, to afford a most desirable opportunity of forming as complete an assemblage as possible of our national Elora, of which those collections should form the nucleus. Tour Council have therefore named a Com- mittee, consisting of three of the most competent British bota- nists in the Society, for the accomplishment of this object ; and I am sure you will agree with me, when I mention the names of Dr. Alexander, Mr. Charles Cardale Babington, and Mr. Bentham, that a better selection could not have been made. These gentle- men have conferred a great benefit on the Society by kindly accepting the task, and they have now entered upon their labours. The basis of the proposed herbarium is being selected from the collections of Mr. Winch and of Dr. Withering, and the deficien- cies will be filled up by contributions offered by various Fellows of the Society. The Committee have the advantage of the assist- ance^ of Mr. Daniel Oliver, one of our Fellows, who has under- LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. XXI taken the task of selecting, laying out and arranging the speci- mens, and Mr. Babington that of checking the names attached to them. The Committee report their full confidence that, by this means, a very complete British Herbarium will be formed, in which all marked varieties will be included ; and there can be no doubt that it will be found a most useful standard collection for refer- ence. I cannot but believe that this new feature in our arrange- ments will be viewed with the greatest satisfaction by the nume- rous cultivators of British Botany, who will thus have, at length, a complete and well-arranged herbarium of our native plants con- stantly accessible for consultation and comparison. It is not my intention to occupy your time by entering upon any analysis of the papers, many of them of great interest, which have occupied the Society at its meetings during the past year. A glance at our two publications will suf&ciently attest the zeal anil talent which have characterized them, and I believe I may without hesitation assert that they have not been surpassed by those of any former year. That the forthcoming part of the Trans- actions will consequently maintain the character, both at home and abroad, which has for so long a period attached to that our prin- cipal publication, I cannot doubt. The Journal of Proceedings also continues to give the greatest satisfaction in every quarter from whence I have had an opportunity of obtaining an opinion, and its efficiency and importance are now fully established. It has enabled us to publish very many papers of high interest, which but for such a vehicle could scarcely have been published at all, or at least only after a long interval. I may here aptly quote the words of one of our most distinguished Fellows, who thus expressed himself in a letter which I not long since received from him : — tf) r30ii9t;i7ts it/ie!Mi^^ i: "The number of excellent papers," he says,'"wliich we' have had this session, constitute quite an epoch in the history of Natu- ral Science. I know of no Society at home or abroad that can boast of such an array of valuable papers as we. can already show for this one half-session." ;^ oria aiifli :Ci;>a^ uiiooii' The general satisfaction of the Fellows of the Society with its present condition and with the manner in which its affairs are conducted, is evinced by the cheering and I believe unprecedented fact, that the whole past year has not witnessed a single instance of withdrawal from its ranks. I cannot but attribute this circum- stance in great measure to the manner in which their interest is kept alive by the appearance at intervals of our Journal of Pro- XXU PROCEEDINGS OF THE ceedings, especially as regards our country Fellows, whose con- nexion with the Society is mainly kept up by this means. The present state of our Finances, with so considerable a balance in our hands, for which I refer you with great pleasure to the Auditors' Beport, will I trust enable your Council to turn their attention to the gradual increase of the Library, which is very deficient in some departments of Natural History literature. The proximity and common use of the Library of the Boyal Society, which contains a considerable number of the more expensive works on local Natural History, such as several of the beautifully illus- trated French Voyages and others, will assist in enabling us to direct our means towards the acquisition of less expensive but equally useful works, and to the completion of some important serial publications. At the same time it must be remembered that this can only be done at present to a very limited extent, as the illustrations of some of the most valuable of the papers which have been lately read will necessarily be very expensive. Amongst those who have been recently removed from us by death, is our old and respected friend Eichard Horsman Solly, w^ho for more than thirty years was one of the most constant attendants at our meetings, and a liberal contributor to any pecu- niary exigency whenever an appeal was made to him ; and he has shown a lasting interest in the welfare of the Society to which he was so long and so warmly attached, by a legacy of 56IOO. I cannot conclude this brief allusion to the most prominent cir- cumstances or events of the past year, without calling particular attention to the accession to our library of the whole of the scientific correspondence of our founder, presented to us, since the last anniversary, by his honoured widow. This important gift is not more acceptable on account of its intrinsic value, great as that is, than as a graceful evidence of attachment and respect from one, who, during the life of her revered husband, was ever associated with him in the deep interest he took in Natural Science and in the welfare of our Society in particular ; and who now, at a very advanced age, and as full of energy as of years, has shown, by this munificent act, that she still recurs mth fond recollection to the favourite object of her husband's scientific life, and retains, even now, a vivid interest in our pursuits, and a warm and earnest wish for our prosperity. There are some other additions to our rooms by gift which I cannot pass over without remark. The widow of one of our liighly valued members, the late Dr. Percira, has kindly presented LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. XXIU US with a faithful bust of her excellent husband. A portrait of our esteemed friend and Fellow, Mr. Ward, painted by Mr. Knight the E-oyal Academician, and acknowledged to be an ad- mirable likeness as well as an interesting and beautiful picture, has been presented by a number of gentlemen, not confined to Fellows of this Society, by whose subscription, this pleasing testi- mony to Mr. Ward's scientific and social claims to our esteem and gratitude has been produced. And lastly, we have received within the last few days an interesting bust of the great Linn-^jus, a copy of the original in the Hall of the Academy of Sciences of Stock- holm ; this valuable addition to our memorials of the distinguished men who have been more or less closely associated with the ob- jects of the Society, was presented to us by Professor Anderson. We have now had twelve months' experience of our close local association with the Eoyal Society, and have been able to test the result of our meeting on the same evening with them. With regard to the first, I think I may safely say that our proximity has been the source of great advantage to us, and I am sure that it has tended to the increase of kindly feeling and good fellowship between the two bodies. On more than one occasion this has been evident, when a union of action was necessary to carry out some important object ; and it is my pleasant duty to say that nothing can exceed the kind consideration and ready cooperation which have characterized the conduct of the authorities of that respected body. Our evening association with them after the business of the two Societies has been concluded, has also had the efiect of bringing us into close and friendly relation, and has never materially interfered with our scientific arrangements. I have now, I believe. Gentlemen, glanced at the principal cir- cumstances which demand allusion from me. Upon the whole, our retrospect affords us ground for great thankfulness and congratu- lation. Our position is in almost every respect greatly improved. Our finances are not only now in a prosperous state, but our means will be still further increased, by the cessation of rent for the house in Soho Square at the approaching autumnal quarter. Our numbers are gradually being augmented by the addition of active and zealous and intelligent naturalists. Our publications are in- creasing in importance, and are everywhere more and more appre- ciated and valued. That this state of progress may continue, nothing now is need- ful but a perseverance in the same course of energy and vigour, combined with good feeling and kindly brotherhood, which, I thank God, has long been characteristic of our Society. XXIV PEOCEEDINGS OF THE OBITUAEY NOTICES. The Secretary then read the following notices of deceased Fel- lows and Foreign Members : — Eor the brief notice which I am about to offer to the Society, of Henry James JBroohe, Esq., I am chiefly indebted to an article in the last Anniversary ' Proceedings ' of the Eoyal Society, of which what follows is little more than an abstract. He was bom on the 25th of May, 1771, in the city of Exeter, where his relatives were engaged in the manufacture of broadcloth, but was himself des- tined for the bar, for which profession he had nearly completed his studies when an advantageous opening led him to engage in the Spanish wool-trade. He spent nearly two years in Spain, and subsequently formed an establishment in London, where he took up his abode in 1802, devoting his leisure to the study of mine- ralogy, geology, and botany, but especially of the two former sciences, to which he became devotedly attached. He became a Eellow of the Geological Society in 1815, of the Linnean in 1818, and of the Royal in 1819. When the trade in Spanish wool was in a great measure superseded by that with Germany, Mr. Brooke turned his attention to other objects of commercial pursuit more congenial to his tastes, and entered warmly into the formation of companies for working the mines of South America; but these speculations having for the most part failed, he became secretary to the London Life Assurance Association, of which he had been one of the founders. In 1828 he maintained the principles on which the business of that association was carried on, in " Obser- vations on a pamphlet by Mr. Morgan, entitled a View of the Bise and Progress of the Equitable Society." A slight concussion of the brain, the result of being thrown down by collision with a horse, and followed by sympl^oms of undue cerebral excitement, compelled him for some years to limit his customary mental efforts ; and during this period he occupied himself in the collection of shells and of engravings. Of the former he made a large collec- tion, which he afterwards presented to the University of Cam- bridge. While engaged in its formation, he published, in the fifth volume of the ' Zoological Journal,' a paper on " Conchology, regarded as a distinct branch of Science," in which he maintains that " the proper study of shells may not inaptly be considered as analogous to that of the skeletons of the higher classes of animals, and may be regarded as the comparative anatomy of the molluscous LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. XXV inhabitants; and if it were so pursued, those who study shells alone might, without the fear of being regarded as triflers, confess themselves to be conchologists, and might thus assert their title to a place in the ranks of science." Mr. Brooke's reputation as a man of science was, however, chiefly derived from the eminence which he attained as a mineralogist, and especially as a crystal- lographer, in which department he stood almost unrivalled in this country. His " Familiar Introduction to Crystallography, including Explanations of the Principle and "Use of the Groniometer," was published in 1823, and was followed, at a considerable interval, by a treatise on the same subject in the ' Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.' In the latter of these works he greatly simplified the system which he had proposed in the former, and reduced the number of primary crystalline forms to six. With much labour and perseverance, he applied the reflective goniometer to the crystals of artificial salts, and published, in the * Annals of Philosophy' for 1823, the deter- mination of the forms of no fewer than fifty-five different laboratory crystals. He published also numerous mineralogical notices,' in- cluding the description of thirteen new mineral species, in the pages of the ' Philosophical Magazine' and 'Annals,' and in the ' Edinburgh Philosophical Journal,' and was the author of the treatise on mineralogy in the ' Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.' His latest labours were directed to the general relations and geome- trical similarity of all crystals belonging to the same system, a paper on which subject, read before the JRoyal Society, was in the press at the time of his decease, and affords a striking proof how little his advanced age had diminished the strength and energy of his reasoning powers. He died, at his residence at Clapham, on the 26th of June, 1857, soon after completing the 86th year of his age, from natural decay, accelerated by the depression of his system produced by a severe cold ; and his splendid collection of minerals has since been presented to the University of Cambridge, as the best means of rendering it subservient to the advancement of mineralogical science. William Maddochs Bush, Esq., M.D., died at "Weston-super- Mare on the 17th of December, 1857, aged 44 years. Dr. Bush completed an excellent general education at Eton in 1830, when he commenced his course of medical studies at St. George's Hos- pital, and subsequently prosecuted them at the London University. Having become a Member of the Hoyal College of Surgeons of England, and a Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries, he was appointed one of the House Surgeons of the Marylebone Infirmary, XXVI PROCEEDINGS OF THE where he acquired extensive medical knowledge and experience. After this he visited the Medical Schools of Paris and Germany, in one of the universities of which latter he graduated as an M.D. During all these professional labours his mind was not inattentive to other kinds of knowledge. He was an ardent lover of nature under all her forms ; but perhaps his greatest leaning to either branch of Natural History was to Botany, of which he had ac- quired considerable knowledge. He was elected a Eellow of the Linnean Society in 1843, and about the same time the Royal College of Physicians in London admitted him a Licentiate, ex urhe, of their body. The time having now arrived for selecting a department of his profession in which to bring his acquirements to a practical use, he selected that of Psychology, with the treat- ment of the insane mind. In this, both in the Metropolis and in the provinces, he was eminently successful, and was much con- sulted by his professional brethren. In connexion with this subject he was the author of an excellent pamphlet on "The General Paralysis of the Insane," a subject at that time but little attended to ; and more lately he wrote a valuable monograph on " Moral Delinquency in Children," or an exposition of the early tendency to insanity in childhood, partly the result of hereditary predispo- sition, and partly the consequence of imperfect and misdirected education. When the photographic art became more generally known, Dr. Bush very early observed how advantageously a good manipulator might apply the processes to record objects in Natural History. He became an ardent practitioner of the art, and had gained great efficiency in it, producing beautiful specimens from various natural sources, especially from the vegetable kingdom ; but, unfortunately, in his manipulations his skin absorbed some of the poisonous matters used in the preparation of his paper, and this becoming diifused through his body led to inflammation of the veins in his extremities ; from thence the inflammation spread gradually to the great blood-vessels of the trunk, and led to his premature decease. His rectitude of heart and life, his amiable and conciliatory manners, and his devoted love of nature endeared liim to a numerous circle of friends ; while this Society has to record the loss of a member who promised greatly to advance the objects of the Society itself, and who happily blended the characters of the gentleman and the man of science. Lieut. James Ilolman, B.N., F.H.S., universally known as " the blind traveller," was born at Exeter, in the county of Devon, October 15th, 1786. Although not distinguished as a naturalist. LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. XXVll tlie career of this gentleman offers so remarkable an instance of energy and perseverance in carrying out what appears to have been an irresistible impulse for visiting foreign and distant lands under circumstances which might be supposed to present almost insuperable obstacles, that I need scarcely apologize for dwelling upon it at some length. He was first sent to a day school in Theatre Lane, Exeter, kept by an old woman, at which he re- mained until he was between eight and nine years of age, when he was transferred to a private school near Alphington Cross, kept by the well-known Dr. Halloran ; and afterwards to another school, where, as he says, he was crammed with geography, astro- nomy, algebra, geometry, navigation, &c., in order to fit him for the position of first-class volunteer obtained for him by Lord Bridport through the kindness of Greneral Simco. He accordingly joined, in December 1798, being then twelve years old, the Royal George, 100, Captain C. M. Pole, bearing Lord Bridport' s flag, in the English Channel; was present at the attempt at Basque Eoads, and, after two unsuccessful applications to Lord Bridport to be allowed to join cruising frigates, was placed on board the Cam- brian, 40, Captain Legge, in which he served from 1799 to 1805 on the Home and North American stations. He then joined in succession the Leander and Cleopatra, of which latter frigate he was appointed lieutenant, April 27, 1807. He was next employed in the Gruerriere frigate, on the North American station, from October 1808 to November 1810, when, in consequence of severe rheumatism brought on by the hard service on that station, he invalided, and was placed on half-pay, returning to England in January 1811, in H.M. Brig Eantome. In July of that year he was visiting his friends at and near Bath, when he was attacked with severe ophthalmia, which in a short time entirely deprived him of sight. In 1812, having become permanently blind, he was made a Naval Knight of Windsor. During the next seven years he devoted his time so much to the study of literature (entering at the University of Edinburgh, where he obtained a diploma), that his health suffered severely, and he was compelled to seek restora- tion in the air of his native county. Not finding the benefit he expected, this, together with the permission which he had obtained to absent himself from Windsor, induced him, in the year 1819, to visit the South of France alone, and without any knowledge of the continental languages. He then made the grand tour, passing through the south of France into Italy, traversing the greater part of both the southern and northern states of that peninsula, cross- XXVlll PBOCEEDINGS OF THE ing into Savoy by Mount Cenis, proceeding thence by Cbambery to Geneva, and througb Switzerland to Basle, descending the Ehine to the sea, and from Amsterdam passing by the Hague, Rotterdam, and Antwerp to Brussels, returning to England, by Ostend, in September 1821. An account of these travels was published by him in 1822, under the title of " A Narrative of a Journey under- taken in the years 1819, 1820, and 1821, through France, Italy, Savoy,' ' &c. &c. In July 1822, he embarked alone from the London Docks for St. Petersburg, and had proceeded through Eussia into Siberia, traversing it as far as Irkoutsk (2000 miles beyond To- bolsk), intending to embark at Kamtschatka for Sitka on the north- west coast of America, and thence to proceed to the Sandwich Islands, &c., when his progress was checked by a mandate from the Emperor of Eussia, under which he "was conveyed as a state prisoner to the confines of Cracow, and there dismissed. The motive for this proceeding was said to be a belief that he was an English spy and that his blindness was only feigned. He then proceeded through Austria, Bohemia, Saxony, Prussia, and Hanover to Hamburgh, and arrived at Hull in June 1824. Of these travels also a narrative was published in 1825. In July 1827 he proceeded with Captain Owen of H.M.S. Eden to South Africa, visiting by the way Madeira, Teneriffe, St. Jago, Sierra Leone, Cape Coast, Accra, Fernando Po, Bonny, Calabar, &c., Prince's Island and Ascension; after leaving which island, falling in with a Dutch galliot on its way to Eio de Janeiro, he transferred himself and baggage to that vessel. From Eio he visited the gold mines, and after journeying through the Brazils, quitted S. America for the Cape of Grood Hope in H.M. Brig Falcon, Captain Pole, and after traversing .the Cape Colony and part of Caifreland, left Simon's Bay for Mauritius, Madagascar, the Comoro Islands, Zanzibar, and the Seychelles, returning thence to the Mauritius. He then pro- ceeded to Colombo, and having travelled through Kandy and made the ascent of Adam's Peak, embarked at Trincomalee for Pon- dicherry and Madras, and thence for Bangalore, returning by Chittoor and Arcot to Madras, from which he sailed for Masuli- patam and Calcutta. In August 1830, he left that city for China, visiting Penang, Malacca, Singapore, and Canton, whence he sailed for Hobart Town. He next traversed Van Diemen's Land, pro- ceeded to Sydney, and after travelling in the interior of Australia, left for England, visiting on his way home New Zealand, Bahia and Flores, and arriving in August 1832. The narrative of these travels was published in four volumes in 1834* and 1835, under the LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. XXIX title of " A Voyage round the World." In August 1836, he pro- ceeded to the north of Ireland, where he remained during the next three months. He paid a short visit to the Channel Islands, St. Malo, and Dinant in the summer of 1839. In the latter part of 1840 he embarked at Blackwall for Falmouth and Oporto, landed there, and visited the following places in succession, viz. the Alto- Douro, Lanego, Oporto, Lisbon (visiting St. Ubes, the salt-pans of Eio Lado, Cintra, Colares, and the English lines), Cadiz, Seville, Port St. Mary, and Xeres, Gibraltar, Ceuta, Malaga, Grranada, Almeria, Carthagena, Alicante, Valencia, Barcelona, and Tarragona. From Barcelona he proceeded to Majorca, Minorca, Algiers, Bona, Tunis, and Carthage ; thence to Malta, the Ionian Islands, Patras, Athens, the island of Syra, Smyrna, E/hodes, Beyrout, and Alex- andria ; from thence to Cairo, Suez, Moses' Wells, &c. Then from Cairo he crossed the Desert, to Jerusalem by way of El Arish, then to the Jordan, Dead Sea, and Bethlehem ; then from Jeru- salem to Nazareth, the Sea of G-alilee, Mount Carmel, Acre, Tyre, Sidon, and Beyrout. From Beyrout he went to Tripoli, the island of E/hodes, Latakia, Sudea (on the Orontes) ; thence to Antioch, Aleppo, and Hamman, by the Desert, to Damascus, and across the Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon back to Beyrout. This he left for Alexandria, Malta, and Naples, from the latter place making his way through Apulia, Calabria and Sicily to Eeggio, and thence back to Naples. He then proceeded through the Abruzzi to Pes- cara on the Adriatic, Loretto, Eimini, Eavenna, Ferrara, Padua, Venice, Udine, Goritz, and Trieste ; thence to Fiume, Zara, Libe- nico, Nur, Seigu, Spalatio, by sea to Eagusa and Boca di Cataro, making a tour in Montenegro, and returning to Boca di Cataro and Eagusa, then voyaging to Stagno, crossing the Isthmus, thence through the Gulf of Narenta, up the little Narenta river, returning to Fort Opus and Metcavitch, and descending the main stream of the Narenta to the sea, along the coast to Spalatio, from thence going to Seigu, and entering Bosnia by Billibuch, passing to Zavena, Travnich, Kisslovoda and Sana, to the frontiers of Servia, thence to Belgrade, down the Danube to Giurgevo, Bucharest, and Ibrail, across the Sereth to Galatz, thence to Jassy and through the Bukovina, Transylvania, and Hungary to Vienna. Then through Austria, Bavaria, and the Tyrol to Italy, visiting Verona, Lodi, Milan, Pavia, Genoa, and Nice ; thence to Toulon, Marseilles, Avi- gnon, Nismes, Montpellier, Cette, Perpignan, St. Louis, and the Pyre- nees, Arriege, Bagneres de Bigorre, Cauterets, Pau, and Bayonne. Thence into Spain by Vittoria to Valladolid, visiting from thence XIX PBOCEEDINQS OF THE Leon, thence to Madrid, Talavera, Badajoz, and into Portugal, visit- ing Elvas, Lisbon, Bucellas, Eiguera, Cintra, Oporto, and Vigo, returning to Oporto by sea, thence by Corunna, Bilboa, and San Sebastian to Bayonne. Leaving Bayonne for Bordeaux, Saintes, Cognac, Charente, Bochfort, Bochelle, Bourbon- Vendee, Nantes, L' Orient, Brest, Morlaix, Dinant, Avranches, Granville, Cher- bourg, Caen, Havre, Bouen, Chateauroux, Limoges, Agen, Auch, Pau, Cauterets, Bagneres de Bigorre, Toulouse, Lyons, Vichy, Moulins, Macon, and Chalons-sur-Saone to Bijon, Chalons-sur- Maine, Bheims, St. Quentin, Valenciennes, Lille, and Dunkirk to Calais and Boulogne, returning to England in October 1846. In the spring of 1852 he again embarked from Hull for Norway and Sweden ; after travelling through which countries for a few months, he returned to England. This was the last journey he made, otherwise than by paying occasional visits to Boulogne and Bath. During the last few years most of his time was spent be- tween "Windsor and London, while at the former place secluding himself completely from all society, occupying himself wholly in writing the account of his later travels and an autobiography, and thereby so materially injuring his health that after a short illness of four or five days he died, July 28th, 1857, in the 71st year of his age. He became a Eellow of the Linnean Society in 1826, and of the Boyal Society in the following year. As many among us can bear testimony, he was a most cheerful and agreeable com- panion, full of information and anecdote on a great variety of subjects ; and these qualities are so conspicuously displayed in the published Narratives of his Travels, that it is earnestly to be hoped that those of later date may also ere long be given to the world. John Macmillcm, Esq., M.D., entered the Eoyal Navy and be- came full Surgeon in 1807. He was for some time on the South Sea station, and after his return to England became, in 1820, a Eellow of the Linnean Society. He subsequently retired to Cul- ross in the county of Perth, where he died on the 1st of the present month, after a long illness, at the age of 81. Sir George Magrath, M.D., G.JB., K.H., Sfc, entered the Navy at an early age as an Assistant Surgeon, and was present in that capacity on board the Theseus at the evacuation of Eort Matilda, Guadaloupe, in the year 1794. As Surgeon of the Eussell he took part in the action oiF Camperdown in 1797, and was appointed Superintendent of the Hospital for Dutch prisoners subsequently established at Yarmouth. In 1801 he was again surgeon of the LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. XXXI Kussell at the attack on Copenhagen, and was afterwards Flag Medical Officer to Lord Nelson in the Mediterranean, and had charge of the hospital at Gibraltar during the fever which raged in 1804 and 1805. He was elected FeUow of the Colleges of Physicians of London and Edinburgh, and became Physician Ex- traordinary to the Duke of Clarence when appointed Lord High Admiral. In 1841 he was promoted to the rank of Inspector of Hospitals, and continued during the remainder of his life to reside at Plymouth, where he died on the 12th of last June, at the age of 82. His remains were interred in the burying-ground of St. An- drew's church, and were attended to the grave by a large concourse of people, including many of the neighbouring gentry. He became a Fellow of the Linnean Society in 1816, of the Eoyal Society in 1 819, and was likewise a Member of the Royal Irish Academy, and a Fellow of the Geological Society. Besides the distinctions already mentioned, he had a medal with two clasps for Camper- down and Copenhagen, and was a Ejiight Commander of the Portuguese Order of the Cross of Christ. John Forbes Boyle, Esq., M.D., F.B.S., F.O.S., Officer of the Legion of Honour, was the only son of Capt. William Henry Boyle, an officer in the service of tlie Hon. East India Company, and was born at Cawnpore. Having lost his father while yet a child, he received his early education, first under the care of Dr. Sangster, and afterwards at the High School of Edinburgh. He was originally destined for the profession of arms ; but while waiting for an appointment at Addiscombe, he became a pupil of Dr. Anthony Todd Thomson, under whose able tuition he acquired so strong a taste for Natural History, and especially for Botany and its useful applications, that he was induced to decline the military appointment, and to accept in its place, as soon as he had obtained his diploma, an Assistant- Surgeoncy in the Company's service. In 1819 he proceeded to Calcutta on the medical staif of the Bengal army. He was first posted to the artillery at Dum- dum, and for two or three years afterwards he was moved from station to station in Bengal or the North-western provinces, dis- charging subordinate medical duties, as the ordinary routine and exigencies of the service demanded. While thus employed, he availed himself of every opportunity that change of locality afforded to acquire a knowledge of the natural productions of the country. Among these, the study of Indian plants occupied the first place, and drew him into correspondence with Dr. Wallich, at that time Superintendent of the Hon. Company's Botanical Garden at Cal- XXXU PBOCEEDINGS OF THE cutta. A vacancy having occurred in the charge of the Botanical Garden at Saharunpore, Dr. E-oyle was, fortunately for science, selected as the best-qualified candidate, and appointed Superin- tendent in 1823. No station in India is more happily situated for the cultivation of the natural sciences. Eastward of Delhi, elevated 1000 feet above the level of the sea, near the extreme northern limit of that part of the great plain of India which is included in the valley of the Ganges, within a few miles of the Sewalik Hills, and within easy range of the great chain of the Himalayah, the position commands alike the tropical flora and fauna of the plains of India, the temperate of the snowy range, and every transitional stage between the two. Dr. Hoyle possessed the acquirements, through education and self-culture, the energy of character, and the ardent love of science, to avail himself to the full measure of these advantages. The public garden, supported by a native endowment, and laid out after the simple native geometrical plan, with abundance of fruit-trees and common flowering plants, was entirely remodelled by the new superintendent, after the most approved style of English land- scape gardening. A large addition was made to the number of species grown, indigenous and exotic ; a scientific arrangement was introduced ; a conservatory sprung up ; an ample stream of running water was introduced, which fell into an artificial lake ; in short, every refined alteration was adopted by which a tame oriental garden could be converted into a beautifully-planned and useful scientific institution. The v,'hole was the creation of Dr. Eoyle. His other duties, including the medical charge of the station of Saharunpoor, with two hospitals, deprived him of the oppor- tunities of travelling, necessary for the thorough investigation of the natural history of so rich a field ; but, to compensate as much as possible for this drawback, he deputed parties of plant-col- lectors in successive years to the various mountain provinces in the neighbourhood, across the snowy range into the Thibetan boundary of Kunawur; and as far westward as the vaUey of Cashmeer. By these means he soon amassed a rich and valuable herbarium. But his natural bent was most strongly exhibited in the investigation of the properties of plants, and their application to the wants of man. Eor a considerable time he supplied the hospitals of Bengal with indigenous drugs, as substitutes for the expensive articles imported from Europe. He devoted himself with great success to the identification of the articles now occurring in the bazaars of the East with the medicines familiar to the LINNEA.N SOCIETY OF LONDON. XXXlll Greeks, as described by Dioscorides and Theophrastus. He inves- tigated the agricultural resources of the plains of India, with a view to the improved culture and introduction of various grains, and of plants yielding fibres and other useful products ; and he endeavoured to direct attention to the capabilities of the valleys and slopes of the Himalaya for the growth of tea, which has been so successfully carried out by his successors. Dr. Royle's principal work, " The Illustrations of the Botany, &c. of the Himalaya Mountains," is a storehouse of valuable facts and information, bearing on all these and other allied subjects, and has been largely drawn from by every writer of authority who has since devoted his labours to the properties and uses of plants. The favourable situation of Saharunpoor provided other tempting fields of natural investigation, which his ardent zeal would not permit him to neglect. Single-handed he undertook the severe task (for a tropical climate) of horary observations of the thermometer dry- and wet-bulb, and of the barometer, on a single day in each month throughout the year, besides the regular ordinary observations twice a day, and by these means attained excellent data for determining the meteorological conditions of the climate, and fixing one of the standard stations by which the range of mean temperature over the continent of India has been ascertained. He made collections of the mammalia, birds, reptiles, and insects of the northern plains and mountains of India, in themselves so valuable and extensive that they furnished materials for two important and distinct me- moirs, by eminent British naturalists, upon the fauna of India, contained in his great work before referred to. During his various journeys through the Himalayan mountains, he carefully eoUected specimens of all the rocks he met with, marked the direction and measured the inclination of the strata, ascertained the elevations of the successive ridges, and the depressions of the intervening valleys, by barometrical measurement, and recorded the whole of the observations with such care, that, gleaning materials from other sources, and aided by Sir Henry De la Beche, he was enabled to produce a very creditable approximative geolo- gical section across the chain of the Himalayas, from the plains of Hindostan on to the snowy range, which was also brought out in his ' Illustrations.' All these varied and extensive researches were condensed within the comparatively short period of eight years. Patient of labour, and self-exacting to the full measure of his physical powers, he never remitted his exertions, nor yielded to the enervating effects of a tropical climate. Gifted by nature LINN. PROC. c XXXIV PROCEEDINGS OF THE with a strong frame and a constitution that never failed him, and which sickness never touched, he toiled on, from first to last, the earnest and ardent investigator of every natural object that came within his reach. One incident, connected with Dr. Royle's service in India, redounds so highly to his scientific credit that it appears deserving of an honoured record. The first Burmese and other wars had brought the finances of India to an unusually disastrous state ; and the home authorities devolved upon the Governor- General, Lord William Bentinck, the ungrateful task of retrieving the un- toward position by unpopular measures. B/Ctrenchment the most ruthless was applied to every department of the public service that would admit of the process. The medical branch suffered most, and was struck down at one blow from affluent ease to com- parative indigence. Dr. Boyle, in his medical relations, suffered equally with the rest of his brethren ; but the Botanical Garden at Saharunpore was for the time spared, as an outlying exception. At last the Go venor- General visited the station with the announced intention of abolishing the Botanical Garden. It was remote and unfrequented, and therefore doomed. Dr. Boyle, dissatisfied with the turn which the service had taken, was on the eve of vacating his appointment, on promotion to a higher grade, and returning to Europe to resign the service. Yet so good a show did he make of sterling, honest, and useful work, and of practical results effected by the Botanic Garden, that the Governor- General, finding at the same time that it was supported by a native endowment, was compelled to abandon the threatened decree for the abolition of the institution, and the Saharunpore Garden was saved. For this service Dr. Boyle is entitled to the enduring gratitude of all Indian naturalists. In 1831 he returned to Europe with a large and valu- able collection of materials. "With characteristic energy he threw himself at once upon the investigation of what he had amassed, and between that period and 1840 he devoted himself chiefly to the publication of his great work, the " Illustrations of the Botany and other branches of the Natural History of the Himalaya Mountains," which is distinguished alike by a very large amount of original information, and by the most comprehensive, exact, and useful research. He became a member of all the leading scientific societies of the Metropolis His election as aEellow of the Linnean Society dates from 1833 ; and in the same year he read a Paper " On the Lycivm of Dioscorides," which is printed in the 17th volume of our ' Transactions.' About the same time he received from the University of Munich the diploma of a LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. XXXV Doctor of Medicine ; and in 1837 he became a Fellow of the Eoyal Society, of which he was afterwards for a time a Vice-President. He also became a Fellow of the Geological Society, in which for several years he filled the office of one of its Secretaries; latterly, for several years, he was Secretary of the Horticultural Society, in the business and well-being of which he always took the most lively and active interest ; and for several of the later years of his life he was Secretary of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. The signal success with which he had studied the materia medica of the East led to his being appointed to fill the chair of that branch combined with Thera- peutics, in King's College, when vacated by the late Dr. Paris ; and the introductory lecture to his first course in that institution formed the basis of an essay " On the Antiquity of Hindoo Me- dicine," published in 1837. About the same time he was united in marriage to a lady of highly cultivated intellect, daughter of the late Edward Solly, Esq., who became the earnest and competent partner of all his subsequent labours : never was a man of science more fortunate in his domestic ties. In 1840 he published an "Essay on the Productive Eesources of India," a work of high importance in an economical point of view, and the basis of aU that has since been written on the subject. In 1844, being Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at King's College, he was requested to publish his introductory lecture " On Medical Edu- cation;" and in 1847 he published, in a thick 12mo volume, for the use of his pupils, " A Manual of Materia Medica and Thera- peutics," which became widely popular, on account of the unusual pains taken in the elaboration of the botanical and commercial history of the various substances. A second edition was published in 1853, and a third in 1856, both in 8vo, the last " revised and enlarged by F. W. Headland." In the changes which took place in the Eoyal Society about the year 1847, he took an active part, and was one of the founders of the Philosophical Club, established in that year. Besides the societies connected with the cultivation of natural science, he took an active share in the business of the Eoyal Asiatic Society, and with habitual energy soon struck out a new branch of inquiry in it. The 'Transactions' of that learned body had hitherto been directed chiefly to the languages, history, mythology, archaeology, and numismatics of the East. At the instance of Dr. Eoyle, a committee was organized for the investi- gation of the productive resources of India, and a series of valu- able communications upon interesting commercial objects, either c2 XXXVl PEOCEEDINGS OF THE new or but imperfectly known, emanating from Dr Eoyle, was the result. The commercial interest of the manufacturing districts was naturally awakened to these raw products ; and the India- house became exposed to inquiries upon the subject, to which no department of that great establishment was at the time com- petent to give a reply. The natural and inevitable result soon followed : an oifice, that of " Correspondence relating to the Vege- table Productions of India," was created for Dr. Eoyle, who had now resigned his medical appointment ; and Leadenhall Street henceforth became the centre of his labours and public usefulness. From this time forward he devoted his whole attention to the development of the productive resources of the country of his birth. Having the entire charge of the correspondence in relation to this most important subject, he was naturally one of the first to be consulted with regard to the Indian Department of the Great Exhibition of 1851, on which he furnished a valuable memoir, which was published in the Appendix No. 3 to the Pre- liminary Report of the Commissioners. In the management of this Exhibition he was appointed one of the Local Commissioners for the City of London, and had the entire charge of the Indian department. The results of his labours on this occasion are too well known to render it necessary to dwell on the skill, energy, and taste which presided over its organization and arrangement. "When the Great Exhibition of Paris took place in 1855, he was again selected to superintend the Oriental department, which was, by his exertions, placed on a scale of truly oriental magni- ficence. For his eminent services on this occasion he received from the Emperor the large honorary medal, together with the decoration of an Officer of the Legion of Honour. Once again his talents were called into requisition in a similar manner, in the organization of the Indian Collection at the Exhibition of Art- Treasures in Manchester in 1857. In the meantime, although so busily occupied in these exhibitions and in the ordinary duties of his office, he had published in 1851 an elaborate work " On the Culture and Commerce of Cotton in India and elsewhere," and had contributed a series of Articles to the ' Penny Cyclopaedia,' and to Dr. Kitto's ' Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature,' and numerous Notices in different Journals, besides Lectures at the Society of Arts and elsewhere, among which were two on the Results of the Great Exhibition, " On the Arts and Manufactures of India," " On Indian Fibres, &c." This latter, when the war with Russia threatened to cut off our supply of the principal fibrous materials LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDOIf. XXXVll for the navy, was expanded into an important work, entitled " The Fibrous Plants of India, fitted for Clothing, Cordage, and Paper: with an account of the Cultivation and Preparation of Flax, Hemp, and their Substitutes," Lond. 8vo, 1855. The im- mense collections of Indian products, raw and manufactured, many of the latter of great interest either as fabrics or as exquisite models of design, which had been brought together with a view to these several exhibitions, afforded Dr. Eoyle an opportunity of pressing upon the authorities of the India House the importance of forming a museum in Leadenhall Street, where they might be collectively exposed for the benefit and instruction of the public. The plan was adopted ; and to carry it out became the great object of the last year of his laborious and valuable life. He survived to see the rooms filled, and most of the specimens laid out. The day before his death, after an interval of confinement for some weeks, he was again at his post, to urge on the final arrangements of the museum ; but mortal disease was then upon him, and on the following morning he was carried off by a sudden sti'oke. He died at his residence, Heathfield Lodge, Acton, on the 2nd of January in the present year, and in the fifty -ninth year of his age, leaving a widow, two sons, and a daughter to bemoan his loss, and a deep-seated sentiment of respect and regret among a wide circle of friends. It would be unjust not to mention, that in the preparation of this notice I have been largely indebted to the kindness of my friend Dr. Falconer, who succeeded Dr. Boyle in the charge of the Botanic Garden at Saharunpore, and was through life one of his warmest and most intimate friends. Joseph Smith, JEsq., F.JR.S., well known to many of us as having filled for a considerable period the office of Treasurer of theEoyal Society Club, was called to the Bar as a Member of Gray's Inn, within the precincts of which he continued to live during the remainder of his life, and where he died on the 26th of May 1857, at the age of eighty-three. He became a Fellow of the Linnean Society in 1811, and of the Royal Society in 1819, and was a constant attendant at the meetings of the latter, until the infir- mities of age precluded his appearance abroad. He was well acquainted with British plants, and wrote a memoir on the Guern- sey Lily, which however has not been published. The Bev. William Smith, Professor of Natural History in Queen'' s College, Gorh, was the fifth son of the late Samuel Smith, Esq., of Balnamere, near Ballymoney, in the county of Antrim, XXXVm PROCEEDINGS OF THE and was born on the 12th of January 1808. He received his collegiate education in the EcPyal Belfast Academical Institution, and, devoting himself to the ministry, attached himself first to the Presbytery of Antrim, and afterwards to the Remonstrant Synod of Ulster. At a very early period of life he was chosen minister of the Unitarian congregation of Dundee, whence, after the lapse of a few years, he removed to Bolton in Lancashire, and subse- quently to Stockport, where he continued in the exercise of his ministerial functions from 1834 to 1845. Compelled by his health to seek a milder climate, he became successively pastor of the congregations in Torquay, Jersey, Cheltenham, Wareham, and Lewes ; and towards the end of 1854 he was appointed, on the recommendation of the late Professor Edward Porbes, to the Chair of Natural History at Cork, which he occupied till his decease. He was for many years a martyr to the gout ; but his ailment, although severe, did not preclude the application of his mind to study ; and in the pursuit of natural history, to which he had been addicted from his youth, he found both solace from pain and a pleasing occupation. Although well-versed in the knowledge of British plants generally, he determined to restrict his more immediate studies to one particular group ; and his fondness for microscopical investigation led him to select the Diatomacem as the family to which his attention should be especially .devoted. Accordingly he published, in 1853 and 1856, two crovm 8vo vo- lumes, entitled " A Synopsis of the British Diatomacese," illus- trated by sixty-nine plates, containing figures of nearly four hun- dred species of that singular group. The specimens which formed the materials for this work are now deposited in the British Museum, and constitute a striking memorial of his industry in collecting, and patience in determining, objects so minute, but at the same time so curious and interesting. As a professor, he soon became exceedingly popular, and his class was one of the most successful in the college; but his health had long been declining, and he died on the 6th of October last, after having occupied the chair only about three years, in the fiftieth year of his age. He became a Pellow of the Linnean Society in 1847. Richard Horsmcm Solly, JSsq., was the eldest son of Samuel Solly, Esq., P.E.S., P.S.A., of Serge Hill, near Abbots' Langley, Herts, and was born on the 29th of April, 1778, at the house of his father in Great Ormond Street, which he himself continued to inhabit until the close of his life. Mr. Samuel Solly was ori- ginally a very considerable merchant in the Italian and Levant LINKEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. XXXIX trade, and inherited from hia uncle, Mr. Timothy Holies, the house in Grreat Ormond Street, together with a handsome legacy and a museum of curiosities, which descended to our late Fellow, and contributed, no doubt, to awaken in him that taste for natural and physical science, and that spirit of inquiry by which he was through life distinguished. His mother was one of the two daughters and co-heiresses of Dr. Horsman, an eminent London physician ; and his school-days were passed at Cheam in Surrey, under the tuition of Mr. Gilpin, son of the celebrated author of the work on " Forest Trees." He became a student of Magdalen College, Cambridge, where he took his degree of M.A. in the year 1800, and was subsequently called to the bar as a member of Lincoln's Inn. On the death of his father in 1807, he succeeded to a considerable property, and devoted himself thenceforward to the indulgence of his inclination for the pursuits of science and art, and to the cultivation of friendly relations with those Vho were most eminent in both. He became in the same year a Fellow of the Eoyal Society, and was early led, by his intimacy with the late Mr. Thomas Andrew KJaight, at whose house at Downton he was a frequent visitor, to take a warm interest in the Horticul- tural Society, of which he continued through life to be an active supporter. He was also for many years an assiduous promoter of the Society of Arts and of the E/oyal Institution ; and became a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, the Greological, the Zoological and numerous other Societies. But the subject which more than any other attracted his attention, was the improvement of the microscope ; and his patronage and encouragement were liberally bestowed on those able opticians who contributed so greatly, some twenty or thirty years since, to the perfection of an instrument, the importance of which in scientific investigation is daily be- coming more widely acknowledged. To this recognition was subsequently due the formation of the Microscopical Society, of which Mr. Solly, notwithstanding his strong predilection for micro- scopical studies, became a somewhat reluctant member, inasmuch as he felt that the microscope was simply an instrument of research in various branches of science, each of which was already provided with its own appropriate Society. Of the Linnean So- ciety he became a Fellow in 1826, and was frequently a member of our Council, in which his business habits and the activity of his mind rendered him peculiarly useful, especially in relation to financial questions. To him we are chiefly indebted for the clear- ness and simplicity of our balance-sheet and especially of that Xl PROCEEDINGS OF THE portion of it which relates to our assets and liabilities ; and as a last proof of his good-will and of the warm interest which he ever took in our affairs, I have to record that he has bequeathed to us by his will a legacy of a hundred pounds, of which his executors have courteously announced the speedy payment. To many of us he has been so long known by his constant attendance at our meet- ings, both scientific and social, by his liberal hospitality, by the kindliness of his disposition, and by that spirit of universal good- will which he both felt and inspired, that his loss will leave a marked vacancy in the ever-narrowing circle of our older friends. He died at his house in Great Ormond Street on the 31st of March in the present year, having nearly completed the 80th year of his age, and was buried on the 7th of April in the New Cemetery at Woking, Surrey. The Rev. William Stockdale, M.A., second in seniority on the list ^ our Members, having been elected a Fellow of the Linnean Society in the year 1796, died on the 27th of February in the present year, at Mear's Ashby Hall, near Northampton, in the 91st year of his age. He had been for forty-four years vicar of East Ashby, and for nearly sixty-two years a Fellow of the Linnean Society. For many years past I have received from him, at each recurrence of this Anniversary, a letter expressing his warm sympathy wdth the Society, and occasionally enclosing a botanical specimen with a query attached to it, evincing his con- tinued interest in its pursuits. William Wood, Esq., F.B.S., was born in Kendal in the year 1774, and was educated for the medical profession. Having com- pleted his studies at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, in London, under the tuition of Abernethy, he commenced practice as a surgeon at Wingham, in the neighbourhood of Canterbury. Attaching him- self early to the study of Natural History, he became in 1798 a Fellow of the Linnean Society ; and published, in 1801, in the sixth volume of our ' Transactions,' a useful Paper entitled " Ob- servations on the Hinges of British Bivalve Shells," carefully illustrated by figures from the pencil of Mr. Henry Boys, also an early Fellow of the Society, and still, I believe, living at Toronto in Canada West, of the University of which city he has long been one of the Professors. About 1801 Mr. Wood removed to London, where he continued to practise his profession until 1815, when he entered into business as a bookseller in the Strand, dealing chiefly in books of Natural History, and publishing some important works in that department of Science. He had pre- LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. xll viously, in 1812, become a Fellow of the Eoyal Society, and had given to the world an English translation of Buffon's " Natural History," and a work entitled " Zoography, or the Beauties of Nature displayed in select Descriptions from the Animal and Vegetable, with additions from the Mineral Kingdom," in three vols. 8vo. 1807-1811. In 1815 he published the first volume of a work, entitled " Greneral Conchology ;" but this intended work subsequently gave place to his " Index Testaceologicus, or a Cata- logue of Shells, British and Foreign, arranged according to the Linnean System," commenced in 1818, and completed in 1828. Of this work, containing about 3000 coloured figures of shells, " a new and entirely revised edition " was published by Mr. S. Hanley in 1855. The success of this ' Conchological Index ' in- duced Mr. Wood to publish, in 1839, on a similar plan, an " Index Entomologicus, or a complete illustrated Catalogue, consisting of 1944 figures, of the Lepidopterous Insects of Great Britain," of which also a second edition, " with figures of the newly discovered species," was given in 1852 by Mr. Westwood. In the meantime he had also published "Illustrations of the Linnean Genera Insects," in two vols. 12mo, London, 1821 ; a new edition of Gustavus Brander's " Fossilia Hantoniensia," 4to, London, 1829 ; and three 4to parts of "A complete Illustration of the British Freshwater Fishes, with some account of their Habits." He quitted business in 1840, and since that time has continued to reside at Ruislip in Middlesex, at which place he died on the 26th of May, 1857, in the 84th year of his age, and in the 60th year of his Fellowship of the Linnean Society. Since his retirement from business he has been but rarely seen among us ; but this brief out- line of his industrious and useful career will recall to many of our older Fellows the remembrance of an honourable and estimable man, who laboured earnestly for the promotion of natural science. I[e has left a son, who succeeded him in business, but also retired a few years ago, and who, it is but justice to add, has considerable talent as an artist, and had no small share in the production of some of his father's publications, and especially of the two Indexes above-mentioned. Among Foreign Membees our losses have been heavy, amount- ing to no less than five : — Charles Jules Laurent Lucien Bonaparte was the eldest son of Lucien Bonaparte, brother of the first Napoleon, by his second marriage with Alexandrine, de Bleschamps. He was born at Paris Xlii PBOCEEDINGS OP THE on the 14th of May, 1803, and in 1804 accompanied his father into Italy, and was with him in 1810 on board the vessel in which he made his unsuccessful attempt to proceed to America. Being taken prisoners on their passage by an English cruiser, Lucien and his family were brought to this country, where they passed several years in the neighbourhood of Ludlow, where the young Charles first betrayed that taste for natural history by which he was afterwards so eminently distinguished. After the conclusion of the peace of 1814, Lucien returned to Italy, and acquired by purchase from the Apostolic Chamber the principality of Canino, in the neighbourhood of Yiterbo, while his son Charles took the title of Prince of Musignano. Residing at Eome for the next seven years, the young Prince devoted himself with great ardour to the study of natural history, successively taking up plants, insects, and vertebrated animals, and finally attaching himself especially to the class of Birds, which continued through life to be his favourite study. In 1822 he married, at Brussels, his cousin Zenaide, the eldest and only surviving daughter of his imcle, Joseph Bonaparte, who was then residing, under the title of Count de Survilliers, in the United States, whither Charles Lucien also soon after proceeded with his youthful bride, and took up his residence in the neighbourhood of his father-in-law. Here, in 1824, he published the first volume of his continuation of "Wilson's * American Ornithology,' which was followed by two other volumes m 1828, and by a fourth in 1833. This important work, together with the " Grenera of North American Birds," published in the * Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York,' in 1826 and 1827, at once established his reputation as a systematic zoologist, and gave evident proof both of his extensive knowledge of the subject, and of the unwearied industry with which he pur- sued it. In 1827 he came to England, and was elected, at the early age of 24, a Foreign Member of the Linnean Society. On his return to Eome in the following year, he commenced the forma- tion of a spendid zoological cabinet, and soon after issued the first numbers of a magnificent work entitled " Iconografia della Eauna Italica per le quattro classi degli Animali Vertebrati," three vols. 4to, Eome, 1832-42, which forms unquestionably the most com- plete and elaborate work that is extant on the Vertebrated Eauna of any country in the world. In 1837 he again visited England, and communicated to our Society "A new Systematic Arrange- ment of Vertebrated Animals," which was published in the eigh- teenth volume of our ' Transactions,' and contained many valuable LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. xliii suggestions in regard to the classification of the Vertehrata. On the principal element of the primary subdivisions of the class mammalia first promulgated in this paper, Professor Owen has recently remarked in our ' Journal,' " that he considers it as the most important improvement in the classification of mammalia which has been proposed since the establishment of the natural character of the Implacental or Ovo-viviparous division." From this time the Prince became a frequent visitor at the meetings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science ; and so strongly was he impressed with the advantages derived from such meetings, that he laboured long and successfully in the founda- tion of a similar Association in Italy, the first meeting of which took place at Pisa, in 1839, where and at the subsequent meetings, until 1847, he was constantly President of the Zoological Section, to which he made many interesting communications. By the death of his father in 1840, he succeeded to the title of Canino ; and in 1844 he was elected a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the French Institute. He continued to reside at Kome, occupying himself incessantly with zoological subjects, until the political events of 1847 rekindled in Italy the revolutionary spirit, when he threw himself ardently into the Republican cause, and became President of the Itoman Constituent Assembly, which position he retained until the Roman Republic fell before the arms of France. Proscribed in Italy, he retired first to England, but finally took up his residence at Paris, frequently, however, visiting this country, especially with a view to the meet- ings of the British Association. For some years past he had suffered severely from swellings and ulceration of the legs, which at last terminated in dropsy of the chest, of which he died, after much suffering, at his house in the Rue de Lille, at Paris, on the 30th of July, 1857, in the 55th year of his age. By his wife Zenaide, who died in 1854, he had twelve children, nine of whom survive him. The number of his works and papers comprised in the list of the ' Bibliographia Zoologiae ' of the Ray Society, amounts to forty-nine ; but these extend no lower than 1842, and consequently contain none of his later zoological writings. The production of a complete "'Systema Avium " was the great object of his ambition ; and at this he laboured indefatigably, notwith- standing his sufferings, to the last hour of his life. The portions relating to Insessores and Grallatores are already published, and the remainder is left in MS. ready for publication. A special work, in continuation of Temminck's splendid Monograph of Xliv PROCEEDINGS OF THE Pigeons, of which several numbers have been published, occupied him up to the time of his death. This extreme ardour in the pur- suit of science, and the unremitting attention which he devoted to it, increasing even as his physical powers gave way, were his most striking characteristics. Confining himself to Vertebrated zoology, and especially conversant with the class of Birds, which few men have studied more successfully, his labours have contributed largely to our knowledge of the faunas of Europe and of North j^merica in particular, to the improvement of their systematic arrangement, to the establishment of many well-marked genera, and to the di- stinction and description of a multitude of new or imperfectly- known species. Of his conduct in public life it is not my busi- ness to speak ; but I only echo the general sentiment in saying that in private he was amiable and estimable, a warm friend, and an agreeable companion. Martin Heinrich Karl Lichtenstein, Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy, Member of the Boyal Academy of Sciences at Berlin^ Director of the Zoological Museum, and Professor of Zoology in the University of that city, was born at Hamburg, on the 10th of January, 1780. He devoted himself to the study of medicine, and took his Doctor's Degree at Helmstadt in 1801. In the following year he became tutor to the children of General Janssen, the Dutch Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, and accompanied him, partly in that capacity and partly as his physician, to Southern Africa. Soon after his arrival, he was made Surgeon-Major in the battalion of Hottentot Light Infantry, raised for the Dutch ser- vice, and was appointed in 1804 one of the Commissioners for visiting several then unknown parts of the interior, on missions connected with the outbreak of the war with the native races. In this capacity he was enabled to collect a great amount of informa- tion relative to the geography and natural history of the regions which he visited, and in particular to gratify that ardent inclina- tion for zoological investigation which had become his ruling passion. After the capture of the Cape by the English, he returned to Holland with his patron, bringing with him large collections and other materials, on which he laboured for several years, and having settled at Berlin in 1810, commenced his academical career in the following year as ordinary Professor of Zoology in the University. The narrative of his African Travels, published under the title of 'E-eisen im Siidlichen Africa,' two vols. 8vo, Berlin, 1810-12, added greatly to the reputation which he had already acquired, and was speedily translated into English LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. xlv and other European languages. In 1815 he was appointed First Director of the Zoological Museum ; and in that capacity pub- lished, in 1816, an 8vo volume, entitled ' Das Zoologische Museum der Universitat zu Berlin ; ' and in subsequent years a series of Catalogues under the title of " Verzeichniss der Dubletten des Zoologischen Museums, &c.," in which many new species, especially of birds, were from time to time described. His " Darstellung neuer oder wenig bekannter Saugethiere in Abbildungen und Beschrei- bungen," a splendid folio work, published at Berlin from 1827 to 1829, contains figures and descriptions of many important animals from the collection of the Berlin Museum ; and a multitude of other works and essays in the 'Transactions ' of the Berlin Academy, in Wiegmann's 'Archiv,' and in other periodicals, attest his con- tinued attention to his favourite pursuit nearly to the close of his long and useful life. Among these, not the least interesting and instructive are his Commentaries on Marcgrave and Piso, and on Hernandez, in which he has not only ably illustrated the labours of those early pioneers of American zoology, but has added much valuable information derived from the study of the important collection of which he had the principal charge. In 1826 he received the order of the Eed Eagle ; in 1835 he was elected a Foreign Member of the Linnean Society ; and he died suddenly, at Berlin, in September last, having nearly completed his 78th year. Johannes Muller, M.D., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Berlin, Member of the Boyal Academy of Berlin, Foreign Mem- ber of the Boyal Society of London, and Correspondent of the French Institute, was born at Coblentz, on the 14th of July 1801, became Professor at Berlin in 1831, Foreign Member of the Linnean Society in 1837, and died at Berlin of an apoplectic stroke on the 28th of April of the present year, in the 57th year of his age. The news of the death of this great physiologist is so recent, that I must entreat the Society to excuse my not having prepared a sketch of his life, which has had too great an influence on the existing state of science to be treated of without due con- sideration. Christian Gottfried Nees von Esenbech, President of the Imperial Academy " Naturw Curiosorum,'' was born on the 14th of February 1776, and educated at the Psedagogium of Darmstadt, where he first imbibed a taste for the pursuit of natural history. He studied medicine at the University of Jena, where he took his Doctor's Degree, and afterwards established himself as a practising phy- sician at Frankfort-on-the-Maine. His first botanical publication, Xlvi PEOCEEDINGS OF THE * Die Algen des siissen "Wassers nach ihren Entwickelungsstufen dargestellt,' Bamberg, 1814, 8vo, was speedily followed by a much more important work in 4to, entitled ' Das System der Pilze und Schwamme,' Wiirtzburg, 1816. By these works he became so favourably known, that in 1818 he was appointed Ordinary Professor of Botany, and Director of the Botanic Garden of the University of Erlangen, where he published, as an introduction to his first course of lectures, a ' Synopsis specierum generis Asterum herbacearum, prsemissis nonnuUis de Asteribus in genere, earum structura et evolutione naturali,' Erlangse, 1818, 4to, which he enlarged in 1§32 into a much more important book on the same subject, under the title of ' Genera et Species Asterearum,' Vratislaviae, 8vo. In the same year, 1818, he was appointed editor of the ' Nova Acta Academise Cesarese Leopoldino-Caro- linae Naturae Curiosorum,' the direction of which he retained, as President of the Academy, until his death. In 1819 he became Ordinary Professor of Natural History in the University of Bonn, where he laboured assiduously, in conjunction with his scarcely less celebrated brother, Theodor Priedrich Ludwig, in the esta- blishment of an excellent botanic garden, and where his lectures were in high repute, until 1831, when he was transferred to the Botanical Chair of the University of Breslau. Professor Nees von Esenbeck was not only one of the most laborious, but also one of the most distinguished systematic botanists of the present century. His principal botanical publications, besides those already mentioned, are his ' Handbuch der Botanik,' in two vols. 8vo, Niirnberg, 1820-1 ; his ' Agrostologia Brasiliensis,' forming the second volume of Professor Von Martius's intended ' Flora Brasiliensis,' 8vo, 1829 ; his ' Cyperaceae Brasilienses ; ' his ' Na- turgeschichte der Europaischen Lebermoose,' four vols. 8vo, 1833-38 ; his ' Systema Laurinearum,' 8vo. 1836 ; the " Acan- thaceae" of DeCandolle's ' Prodromus;' and his "Monograph of the East Indian Solanece,'' printed in the seventeenth volume of our ' Transactions.' Besides these, he assisted largely in several important works, published by his brother and other writers, and wrote numerous papers in the ' Nova Acta,' and elsewhere. It is not, however, as a botanist only that he deserved well of natural history ; as an entomologist also he is well known by his extensive series of researches on the family of Ichneumonidcd and their allies, of which his ' Monographic der Ichneumoniden,' two vols. 8vo, Stuttgard, 1828, and his ' Hymenopterorum Ichneumonibus Affi- nium Monographiae,' two vols. 8vo, Stuttgard, 1830, contain the LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. xlvii most complete resume. But perhaps the greatest service that he rendered to natural science was in the revival of the German Academy Naturae Curiosorum, after a repose of twenty-seven years, and the skill and industry which, for a period of forty years, he bestowed upon the superintendence of the highly important series of its ' Transactions ' from the ninth to the twenty-fourth volumes. He became a Foreign Member of the Linnean Society in 1827, and communicated to us, in addition to the paper pre- viously mentioned, " A Descriptive Catalogue of the Graminece and Cyperacew contained in the Indian Herbarium of Dr. Eoyle," the characters of the new genera contained in which are given in the first volume of our ' Proceedings.' He died at Breslau at the commencement of the present year, in the 82nd year of his age. Conrad Jacob Temminck, Member of the Boyal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands, and one of the most distinguished ornithologists of the present century, was born at Amsterdam, of a good family, on the 31st of March 1778. His father, Jacob Temminck, was Treasurer of the East India Company ; and he was himself destined for a mercantile career, his friends obtaining for him, at the age of 17, an appointment as one of the Vendu- masters to the Company. In this capacity he had many oppor- tunities of making himself acquainted with the numerous objects of natural history brought home by the Company's ships. He had also the advantage of studying a small collection of birds made by his father, whose taste for natural history led him to give such recommendations and other assistance to Levaillant in his voyage to the Cape of Grood Hope, as induced the latter to dedicate to him the first volume of his ' Oiseaux d'Afrique.' Many of the specimens of birds brought home by Levaillant, and still extant in the Museum at Leyden, were prepared by the younger Temminck, who acquired great skill in the preservation of the remains of animals, and especially of fishes, his mode of pre- paring which became afterwards celebrated under the name of Temminck' s method. His intimacy with Levaillant contributed in no small degree to increase his taste for natural history, and is supposed to have given him that facility in the use of the French language, both in speaking and writing, which was so useful to him in after-life ; but his chief instructor in natural science was Bernhard Meyer, the collaborateur of "Wolf in the well-known * Taschenbuch der Deutschen Ornithologie,' with whom he was united by ties of the closest friendship. For some time he busily occupied himself in the formation of a fine collection of birds and Xlviii PROCEEDINGS OF THE quadrupeds, and first appeared in the character of a writer in a ' Catalogue Systematique du Cabinet d'Ornithologie et de la Collection de Quadrumanes de C. J. Temminck ; avec une courte description des Oiseaux non-decrits.' His next appearance in print was as the author of the text of the first volume of the splendid work of Madame Knip, ' Histoire Naturelle des Pigeons,' Paris, 1808, which was followed by his ' Histoire Naturelle Ge- Berale des Pigeons et Gallinaces,' Paris, 1813-15, three vols. 8vo. These works established his reputation as one of the most accu- rate and laborious of systematic ornithologists, and recommended him to the notice of the then existing government. King Louis appointed him one of his Chamberlains, and decorated him with the Order of Union, which he had just established. After the expulsion of the French, when the peace of Europe was again threatened, he became for a short time Captain of a volunteer corps of cavalry formed in Amsterdam ; but these distractions withdrew him only for a short time from his favourite pursuits. In 1815 he published, in one vol. 8vo, his 'Manuel d'Ornitho- logie, ou Tableau Systematique des Oiseaux qui se trouvent en Europe,' which was afterwards expanded into four vols. 8vo, Paris, 1835-40, and was illustrated by an atlas by Werner, containing figures of nearly all the birds described. In this, which must be regarded as one of his most important works, he attempted to establish a system differing in many respects from those which had preceded ; but the accuracy of the descriptions, the extent and careful elaboration of the synonymy, the detailed observa- tions on the habits and change of plumage of the birds, and the attention paid to their geographical distribution especially di- stinguish this Manual as a most valuable contribution to Orni- thological Science. His next great work, for which he had long been preparing, was commenced in 1820, and completed in 1844, under the title of ' Nouveau E/Ocueil de Planches Coloriees d' Oi- seaux,' intended as a supplement to the ' Planches Enluminees ' of Buftbn, and containing 600 splendid folio plates. The name of Baron Meiffren-Laugier is associated with his on the title ; but it is well known that the Baron had no share in the scientific elabo- ration of the work. In the same year in which he commenced this great work, he was named, on the death of Brugman, Director of the Natural History Museum at Leyden, to which he transferred his own extensive collection, and which, under his superintendence, became in a few years equal in many respects, and in some supe- rior, to the principal Museums in other states of Europe. The LINiS^EAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. xlix formation of this immense collection and the publication of his great ornithological work did not, however, so completely occupy his time as to preclude him from giving some portion of his atten- tion to the study of the mammalia; and his two volumes of * Monographies de Mammalogie,' published in 4to at Paris and at Leyden, between 1825 and 1841, attest the extent of his ac- quirements in that department of Zoological Science. His original predilection for everything connected with the East Indies had been strengthened and renewed by the acquisition and description of a multitude of zoological novelties from the Dutch possessions in the Eastern Islands, and was strongly evinced in his work entitled ' Coup d'oeil general sur les Possessions Neerlandaises dans rinde Archipelagique,' 3 tom. 8vo, Leide, 1847-9. JS'or must I omit to mention the splendid work, in three volumes folio, published under his superintendence, chiefly by the officers of the Leyden Museum, under the title of ' Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke Geschiedenis des Nederlandsche overzeesche bezit- tingen,' or the important aid given by him to the ' Eauna Japonica' of Yon Siebold, likewise published under his direction. His last work, published at Leyden in 1853 and the two follow- ing years, under the title of ' Esquisses Zoologiques sur la cote de Gruinee,' affords conclusive evidence that, at the age of 77, his industry was undiminished, his faculties were unimpaired, and he continued to enjoy uninterrupted good health ; but in the course of that year it became evident that his health was suffering, and he died on the 30th of January in the present year, having nearly completed his 80th year. He was thrice married, and has left a widow and three sons by his last marriage. On his first visit to England, in 1819, he laid before our Society "An Account of some new species of Birds of the genera Fsittacus and Columla, in the Museum of the Linnean Society," the greater part of which, he states, were brought from the south, east, and north coasts of JsTew Holland by Mr. Brown, who communicated much useful information derived from his notes. This valuable memoir was published in the thirteenth volume of our ' Transactions ; ' and in the following year, 1820, M. Temminck was elected a Eoreign Member of the Linnean Society. Besides the honours which he received in his own country, he was a Correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of Paris, of tlie Eoyal Academy of Sciences of Berlin, of the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg, and of many other scientific bodies. He had also received the decorations of the Lion of the Netherlands, of the Legion of Honour, and of the LIKN. PBGC, 4 1 PROCEEDINGS OE THE Portuguese Order of the Conception. Many of his detached memoirs, in addition to the more important works above quoted, will be found in the ' Annales Generales des Sciences Physiques,' in the 'Bijdragen tot de Natuurkundige "Wetenschappen,' in the ' Tijdschrift voor Natuurlijke Greschiedenis,' and in the ' Proceed- ings of the Zoological Society.' The Secretary also announced that twenty Pellows, two Poreign Members, and one Associate, had been elected since the last Anniversary. At the election which subsequently took place, Thomas Eell, Esq., was re-elected President ; Francis Boott, Esq., M.D., Trea- surer ; John Joseph Bennett, Esq., Secretary ; and G-eorge Busk, Esq., Under- (Zoological) Secretary. The following five Pellows were elected into the Council in the room of others going out : — viz. Charles Cardale Babington, Esq. ; William Benjamin Car- penter, Esq., M.D. ; Charles Darwin, Esq. ; Daniel Hanbury, Esq. ; and S. James A. Salter, Esq., M.B. The President nominated Erancis Boott, Esq., M.D. ; Eobert Brown, Esq., D.C.L. ; Eichard Owen, Esq., D.C.L. ; and William Wilson Saunders, Esq., Vice-Presidents for the ensuing year. In pursuance of the Ee solution of the Special General Meeting of June 17th, 1856, the Council, on the 24th of June, 1856, in- vited the Members to enter into a subscription for defraying the expenses attendant on the Society's removal to Burlington House ; and the Treasurer now reported the following LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Thomas Bell, Esq. {President). £ s. d. Adams, H., Esq 2 2 0 Alexander, R.C., Esq., M.D. 10 0 0 AnseU, T., Esq., M.D. ..220 Archer, W., Esq 5 0 0 Ashton, R. J., Esq. ...500 Atkinson, W., Esq. ...550 Babington, C.C.,Esq.,M. A. 5 0 0 Baird,W.,Esq.,M.D. ..110 Barlow, Rev, John, M.A. .500 Bedingfeld, Rev. J. ..,110 £50 0 0 £ s. d. Bennett, J. J., Esq. {Secre- tary) 20 0 0 Bentham, G,, Esq. . . . 20 0 0 Bentley, R., Esq 5 0 0 Blackwall, J., Esq. . . . 10 0 0 Boott, F., Esq., M.D., Y.P. {Treasxirer) ..... 20 0 0 Borrer, W., Esq 10 0 0 Botfield, B., Esq 20 0 0 Bowerhank, J, S., Esq. . .20 0 0 LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. li Brisbane, Oen. Sir T. M., Bart Brooke, H. J., Esq. . . . Brown, R., Esq., D.C.L., V.P. Brydges, Sir H. J. J., Bart. Buccleuuli, H. &. the Duke of BucktoH, a. B., Esq. . . BiirclieU,W.J.,Esq.,D.C.L. Busk, G^., Esq Cautley, Sir P. T., K.C.B. . Christy, H., Esq. ... ColHngwood, C, Esq., M.A. Couch, J., Esq Cuming, H., Esq. . . . Currey, F., Esq Darwin, C, Esq., M.A. Daubeny, C. G-. B., Esq., M.D Deane, H., Esq Dickinson, J., Esq. . . . DiUwyn, L. L., Esq., M.P. Dyster, F. D., Esq., M.D. . Edgeworth, M. P., Esq. . Ewer, W., Esq Falconer, H., Esq., M.D. . Ferguson, W., Esq. . . . Forster, J., Esq Francis, W., Esq., Ph.D. . Gamier, Yery Eev. T., D.D., Dean of "Winchester . . Gaskoin, J. S., Esq. . . . Goderich, Lord Viscount, M.P . Gould, J., Esq HamUton, E., Esq., M.D. . Hanbury, D., Esq. . . . Hankey, J. A., Esq. . . . Hawkes, Rev. H Henderson, J., Esq. . . . Henslow, Rev. J. S., M.A. . Heward, R., Esq. . . . Hincks, Rev. W Hogg, J., Esq., M.A. . . Hooker, Sir W. J., K.H. . Hooker, J. D., Esq., M.D. . Horsfield, T., Esq., M.D. . £ s. d. 10 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 10 10 0 5 0 0 10 10 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 1 1 0 0 10 0 £ 2 20 1 11 5 u 5 0 0 2 2 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 2 2 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 2 2 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 3 3 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 Howson, Rev. J., M.A. . Hudson, R., Esq. . . IlifF, W. T., Esq., M.D. . Janson, T. C, Esq. . . Jesse, J,, Esq. . . . Jones, J. D., Esq., M.D. . 1 Kennedy, B., Esq. ... 5 Kippist, R., Esq 5 Lance, J. H., Esq. ... 2 Lindley, J., Esq., Ph.D. . 20 LyeU, Sir C, M.A., D.C.L. 6 M'Andrew, R., Esq. . . 10 MaUard, Lieut. C, R.N. . 5 Mann, T. W., Esq. ... 2 Miers, J., Esq 20 Miles, Rev. C. P., M.A. . . 5 MitcheU, D. W., Esq. . . 1 Morson, T. N. R., Esq. . . 5 Murchison,SirR.L, D.C.L. 10 Osborn, W., Esq. ... 3 Owen, R., Esq., D.C.L.,V.P. 10 Owen, R. B., Esq., M.D. . 2 Pamplin, W., Esq. ... 1 Peckover, A., Esq. ... 10 Penney, W., Esq 1 Potter, H. G., Esq. ... 5 Pratt, S. P., Esq. . „ . 5 Read, W.H.R., Esq., M.A. 5 Reeves, J. R., Esq. ... 20 Richardson, Sir J., C.B. . 2 Eigby, E., Esq., M.D. . . 10 Rothery, H. C, Esq. . . 10 RusseU, J. W., Esq., D.C.L. 10 Salmon, J. D., Esq. ... 5 Salter, S. J. A., Esq., M.B. 5 Sansom, T., Esq 1 Saunders, W.W., Esq., Y.P. 20 Seemann, B., Esq., Ph.D. . 5 Sheppard, Major E., R.A. . 2 Solly, R. H., Esq. ... 20 Solly,W. H., Esq. ... 5 Spence, W., Esq 20 Stockdale, Rev. W., M.A. . 5 Syme, J. T., Esq. ... 2 Tagart, Rev.E 5 Tagart, F., Esq 5 Taylor, R., Esq. {Under Secretary) , , » . , 20 d2 s. d. 2 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lii PROCEEDINGS OV THE Thomson, J., Eeq., M.D. Thomson, T., Esq., M.D. Thwaites, G. H. K., Esq. Townley, J., Esq. . . Tulloch, J„ Esq, . . . Van Voorst, J., Esq. . Vinen, E. H., Esq., M.D. Wakefield, E., Esq. . . Wakefield, E., Esq. , . Ward, N. B., Esq. . . Waring, E., Esq., M.D. Watson, H. 0., Esq. Westwood, J, O., Esq. . £ s. cl 1 1 0 20 0 0 3 0 0 2 2 0 5 0 0 10 10 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 2 2 0 s, d. 1 0 Wheeler, J. L., Esq. . , White, Alfred, Esq. ... 10 0 0 Wight, E., Esq., M.D. . . 10 0 0 Windsor, J., Esq. . • . 2 2 0 Wollaston, T. V., Esq, ..500 Woods, J., Esq 5 0 0 Yarrcll, W., Esq. (JMe Treasurer) ..... 20 0 0 Yates, J., Esq., M.A. . . 20 0 0 Young, J. E., Esq., M.D. .220 Total . £1108 15 0 June 3rd, 1858. Thomas Bell, Esq., President, in tlie CKair. "Woodyer Merricks Euckton, Esq., was elected a Eellow. The special thanks of the Society were directed to be presented to Professor Andersson, of Stockholm, for his very acceptable pre- sent of a cast from the bust of Linnaeus (at the age of 64 years) in the Meeting-Eoom of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm. Eead, first, a Note " On the death of the Common Hive-Eee, supposed to be occasioned by a parasitic Fungus;" by the Eev. H. Higgins. Communicated by the President. (See " Zoological Proceedings," vol. iii. p, 29.) Eead, secondly, a Paper " On some points in the Anatomy of Mmiilus 2')or/ipiUus ;'' by T. H. Huxley, Esq., P.B.S. Communi- cated by the Zoological Secretary. (See "Zoological Proceed- ings," vol. iii. p. 36.) Eead, thirdly, " Natural-History Extracts from the Journal of Captain Denham, H.M. Surveying Vessel ' Herald,' 1857, 1858 ;'* Communicated by the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty. (See *' Zoological Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 32.) Eead, fourthly, a " Notice of the discovery of a gigantic species of Ug[uisetumj upwards of twenty feet bigh, at Canaloo in the LTNNEATS^ SOCIETY OP LONBOK. liii Andes of Peru;" by Eicliard Spruce, Esq. Comimmicated by' Dr. J. D. Hooker, E.L.S. Eead, fifthly, a Note " On the Nidi and habits of a species of Zumhricus, found in the London Clay near Highgate ;" by J. W. Wetherell, Esq. Communicated by James Yates, Esq., E.L.S. (See " Zoological Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 31.) Eead, sixthly, a " Description of AonorpJiojpuSj a new genus of Crustacea, of the Eamily of JPinnotheridcd ;" by Thomas Bell, Es^., President of the Linnean Society. June 17th, 1858. Thomas Bell, Esq., President, in the Chair. The necessary business of the meeting having been disposed of, it was proposed by the President, and unanimously resolved : — ** That in consequence of the recent death of Eobert Brown, Esq., Vice-President, and formerly President of the Society, and in consideration of his long connexion with and eminent services to the Society and to Natural Science, the meeting should now adjourn." In proposing this resolution, the President made the following observations ; — Gentlemen, — It becomes my very painful duty to advert for a few moments to the unspeakable loss which has accrued to science in general, and to the Linnean Society particularly, since our last meeting. At that time I could not shut my eyes to the probability that before we should again meet, science and society would be de- prived of one who was equally the ornament of both. That event, as you are well aware, has now occurred, and Bobert Brown is removed from amongst us. I will not, on such an occasion as the present, attempt to offer you a formal eulogy on one whom yoii all knew so well, and loved and respected so warmly. I will not dwell upon his unequalled attainments in his favourite science, on the extent and variety of his learning, on his wide and pro- found research, his acute discrimination, his solid good sense, the liv PEGCEEDINGS Or THE quiet reflective wisdom of his decisions on points of doubt and difficulty, — these and the other qualities of his clear and acute intellect will hereafter have full justice done to them by an abler hand than mine. But I cannot suppress the expression of my deep sorrow at the loss of that warm and kindly heart, that cheerful and genial spirit, those cordial and benevolent affections, and that intense love of justice, which combined to render our departed friend as heartily and warmly loved as he was deeply respected and revered. One of our lamented friend's latest acts evinced the unfailing interest which he continued to the last to take in the welfare of the Linnean Society. Only a week before his death he placed in Mr. Bennett's hands, to be given up to the Society, the two bonds for one hundred pounds each, which he held as security for two shares of the loan by which we were enabled to purchase the Linnean collection. You will agree with me that such a proof of his attachment, on the near approach of his final separation from us, ought not to be passed over without a grateful record. I am spared the necessity of detaining you with any longer detail, by the opportunity of referring you to a beautiful and touching notice of his great merits which appears in the ' Times ' of this morning, in which you will easily recognize the hand of one of our most valued members, who knew him perhaps better 'than any other, and by whose unceasing tender and all but filial devotion, his last days and nights were soothed and comforted and cheered. The latest moments of that true and affectionate friend, to what period soever his life may be prolonged, will be brightened by the hallowed refiection of the peace which he brought to the dying hours of him whom he so much loved and revered. July 1st, 1858. Special Meeting. Thomas Bell, Esq., President, in the Chair. The meeting having been specially summoned for the Election of a Member of Council in place of Eobert Brown, Esq., Y.P., deceased, George Bentham, Esq., was elected a Member of Council in his place. LINNBAN SOCIETY OP LONDON. Iv The President nominated Q-eorge Bentham, Esq., to be a Vice- President in tlie place of Eobert Brown, Esq., for the ensuing year. It was moved by Sir C. Lyell, seconded by Mr. Bennett, and resolved unanimously : — "That this Meeting desires most emphatically to record its deep sense of the eminent services rendered by the late Eobert Brown, Esq., both to the Linnean Society and to Botanical Science, by the entire devotion of a long life and of talents of the highest order, to the promotion of the great objects for which the Society was formed. " That it looks back with heartfelt satisfaction to the long period of sixty years, during which Mr. Brown was connected with the Society, as an Associate, as Librarian, as a Eellow, as a Vice-President, and as President ; and is profoundly sensible of the honour which the Society has derived from its long and intimate connexion with so great a master in Botanical Science. " That while thus recording its high appreciation of the eminent talents of this great man, and of their successful application to the pursuits of Natural Science, this Meeting cannot re- frain from also paying a just tribute to the simple-hearted benevolence of disposition, the high moral purity of mind, and the unswerving rectitude of judgment, which formed the most striking distinctions of his individual character. " That, influenced by these various considerations, this Meeting deeply deplores the loss which the Linnean Society and Natural Science have sustained by the death of so distin- guished, and at the same time so estimable, a man." Eead, first, a Letter from Sir Charles Lyell, F.L.S., and Dr. J. D. Hooker, E.L.S., addressed to the Secretary, as introductory to the following Papers on the laws which affect the production of Varieties, Eaces, and Species, viz. : — 1. An "Extract from a MS. work on Species, by Charles Darwin, Esq., P.E.S., E.L.S., &c., sketched in 1839 and copied in 1844." 2. An " Abstract of a Letter addressed by Mr* Darwin to Professor Asa Grray, of Boston, U.S., in October 1857." 3. An " Essay on the Tendency of Varieties, &c. to depart Ivi PROCEEDING^S Or THE LINNEAK SOCIETY OF LONDOK. ' ' indefinitely from the Original Type," by A. E. Wallace, Esq. (For these Papers, see " Zoological Proceedings," vol. iii. p. 45.) Read, secondly, " Notes on the Organization of PJiaronis Si])' pocrepis;'' by P. D. Dyster, Esq., M.D., F.L.S. (See "Trans- actions," vol. xxii.) Eead, thirdly, " Observations on the Metamorphosis of Ammo- ccetus]^^ by — Highley, Esq. Communicated by the President. Read, fourthly, a " Description of Hanburya, a new genus of CncurbitacecB ','^ by Perthold Seemann, Esq., Ph.D., E.L.S. Eead, fifthly, a MS. Memoir by the late Professor Pavon, en- titled "Nueva Quinologia;" with observations by John Eliot Howard, Esq., F.L.S. Eead, sixthly, two Letters " On the Vegetation of the Portu- guese territories in Western Africa," addressed to William Wilson Saunders, Esq., Y.P.L.S., by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch. (See *' Botanical Proceedings," vol. iii.) Ivii ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRART OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, BECEIVED EEOM JUNE 20, 1857, TO JUNE 30, 1858. {^Continued from Vol. II. ;page Ivi.] Titles. Donoes. Academies and Societies. Amsterdam: — Kon. Akademie van Wetenschappen. Yerslagen en Mededeelingen. Afdeeling NatuurTcunde, deal 5, stuk 2 & 3, & deel 6. Amsterdam, 1856-57, 8vo. Afdeeling LetterTcunde^ deel 2, stuk 2-4. lb, 1856-57, 8vo. The Academy. Basel : — Naturforsehende Gesellscliaft. Verhandlungen, heft 4. Basel, 1857, 8vo. The Society. Batavia: — Bataviaasch G-enootschap van Kunsten en "Weten- schappen. Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde, deel 3-5. Batavia, 1854-56, 8vo. The Society. Berlin: — Konigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen aus dem Jalire 1856. Berlin, 1857, 4to. Monatsbericlit ; von Januar — Dec. 1857. lb. 1857-58, 8vo. The Academy. Yerein zur Beforderung des Gartenbaues in den K. Preus- sischen Staaten. Yerhandlungen, Neue Eeihe, jabrg. 4, heft 2 & 3. Berlin, 1857, 8vo. The Society. Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. Proceedings, vol. 3, no. 7, and vol. 4, no. 1. London and Alnwick, 1857, 8vo. The Clup, Iviii ADDITIONS TO THE LIBEABT. Titles. Donoes. Academies and Societies (continued). Bombay : — Asiatic Society (Bombay Branch). Journal, no. 20. Bom- bay, 1857, 8vo. The Society. Hon. East India Company's Observatory. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at, in the years 1854-56. Bombay, 1856-57, fol. The Company. Bonn : — Naturhistorischer Verein. Verhandlungen, jahrg. 13, heft 4, & 14, heft 1. Bonn, 1856-57, 8vo. The Association. Boston : — Anjerican Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs, New Series, vol. 6, part 1. Cambridge and Boston, 1857, 4to. The Academy. Society of Natural History. Proceedings, vol. 5, sheets 21-27, and vol. 6, sheets 1-10. Boston, 1856, 8vo. The Society. Breslau: — Imperial Academy "Naturae Curiosorum." Nova Acta, vol. 23, supplementum. Yratisl. et Bonnse, 1856, 4to. The Academy. Brussels : — Academic Eoyale des Sciences, &c. Memoires couronnes, &c. Collection in 8vo : tome 8. BruxeUes, 1858, 8vo. Bulletins. 2^ serie, tomes 1-3. 15. 1857, 8vo. Annuaire. 24^ annee. Ih. 1858, 12mo. The Academy. Calcutta: — Asiatic Society. Journal, vols. 14-23. Calcutta, 1845-54, 8vo. The Society. Canada : — Geological Survey. Beport of Progress for the years 1853-56 (with plans of lakes and rivers between Lake Huron and B. Ottawa). Toronto, 1857, 4to. SiE W. E. Logan. Charleston, S. Car. : — Elliott Society of Natural History. Pro- ceedings, sheets 7-11. 1856-57, 8vo. The Society. Cherbourg : — Societe des Sciences Naturelles. Memoires, tome 4. Paris, 1856, 8vo. The Society. Copenhagen : — Kong. Danske Yidenskarbemes Selskab. Oversigt i aar. 1856. Kjobenhavn, 8vo. Supplement aux Tables du Soleil. Ih. 1857, 4to. The Society. ' Cornwall :— ^B. Cornwall Polytechnic Society. Annual Beport (24th). Ealmouth, 1856, 8vo. The Society. ADDITIONS TO THE LIBBABT. llX. Titles. Donoes. AcADiiui^s audi SocTETiEB (continued). Dublin:— Greological Society. Journal, vol. 1, parts 2-4 ; vol ii. parts 1-3 ; and vol. 7, parts 3-5. Dublin, 1834-57, 8vo. The Societt. Natural History Society. Journal and Proceedings for 1856-57. Dublin, 8vo. The Society. Eoyal Irish Academy. Transactions, vol. 22, part 2. Dublin, 1850, 4to. Catalogue of the Antiquities of Stone, Earthen, and Vegetable Materials in its Museum, by W. E. Wilde. Dublin, 1857, 8vo. The Academy. Edinburgh : — Eoyal Society. Transactions, vol. 21, part 4. Edinburgh, 1857, 4to. Proceedings, no. 47. lb. 1857, 8vo. The Society. Giessen: — Oberhessischen Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und heil- kunde. Bericht 4-6. Giessen, 1854-7, 8vo. The Society. Gbttingen: — Kongl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, &c. Abhandlungen, band 7. Gottingen, 1857, 4to. The Society. Halle : — Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fiir Sachsen, &c. Zeit- schrift fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften : redigirt von C. Giebel und W. Heintz. Band 10, heft 7-12. Berlin, 1857, 8vo. The Society. Lausanne : — Societe Yaudoise des Sciences Naturelles. Bulletin, nos. 38-41. Lausanne, 1856-57, 8vo. The Society. Leeds : — Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Eiding. Eeport of the Proceedings for 1856-57. Leeds, 1857, 8vo. The Society. Philosophical and Literary Society. Eeport (37th). Leeds, 1857, 8vo. The Society. Xii^ge . — Societe E. des Sciences. M§moires, tomes 11 & 13. Liege, 1856-58, 8vo. The Society. Lisbon :— Academia E. das Sciencias. Historia e Memorias. 2* serie, tomo 1-3. Lisboa, 1843-56, 4to. Memorias : — Nova Serie. Classe 1*. Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas, e Naturaes ; tomo 1, parte 1 & 2. Ih, 1854-55, 4to. he ADDITIONS TO THE LIBBAEY. Titles. Donoes. Academies and Societies (continued). Lisbon: — Memorias — Nova Serie {continued). Classe 2*. Sciencias Moraes, Politicas, e Bellas Lettras, tomo 1, parte 1 & 2, and tomo 2, parte 1. Ih. 1854-57, 4to. Annaes das Sciencias e Lettras. Classe 1. Sciencias Mathem.-Phys., &c., tomo 1, nos.1-7. Ih. 1857, 8vo. Classe 2*. Sciencias Moraes e Politicas, &c., tomo 1, nos. 1-5. Ih. 1857, 8vo. Portugalise monumenta historica. Scriptores, vol. 1, fasc. 1. Olisipone, 1856, fol. Leges et Consuetudines, vol. 1. fasc. 1. Ih. 1856, fol. The Academy. Liverpool : — Literary and Philosophical Society. Proceedings, no. 11. Liverpool, 1857, 8vo. The Society. London: — Irt-Union. Beport of the Council for 1857 ; with a List of the Mem- bers. London, 1857, 8vo. Almanac for 1858. Ih. 12mo. The Aet-Fnion. Athenaeum. List of the Members, 1857 ; and Donations to the Library in 1854-56. London, 1857, 12mo. The Club. British Association. Eeport of the 26th Meeting. London, 1857, 8vo. The Associatiois-. Entomological Society. Transactions. New Series, vol. 4, part 4. London, 1857, 8vo. The Society. S-eological Society. Quarterly Journal, vol. 13, parts 2-4, and vol. 14, parts 1 & 2. London, 1857, 8vo. The Society. Geological Survey of Great Britain. Memoirs. British Organic Eemains; decades 5, 8, & 9. London, 1855-58, 4to. Mining Ilecords. Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom for 1853-56 ; by Eobert Hunt, P.E.S. Ih. 1855-57, 8vo. On the Tertiary Eluvio-marine Pormation of the Isle of Wight ; by Professor E. Porbes, P.E.S. Ih. 1856, 8vo. The Iron-ores of Grreat Britain, part 1. Ih. 1856, 8vo. The Geology of the country around Cheltenham ; by Edward Hull, A.B., P.G.S., &c. Ih. 1857, 8vo. Hee Majesty's Goveenment. ADDITIONS TO THE LIBEAET. Ixi Titles. Donoes. Academies and Societies {continued). London (continued) : — Medical and Chirurgical Society. Transactions, vol. 40. London, 1857, 8vo. Proceedings, vol. 1, no. 3, and vol. 2, no. 1. Ih. 1857-58, 8vo. The Society* Microscopical Society : — v. Journals. , Pharmaceutical Society : — v. Journals. Boyal Society. Philosophical Transactions for 1856, and parts 1 & 2 for 1857. London, 1856-58, 4to. Proceedings, vol. 8, nos. 26-31. lb. 1857-58, 8vo. The Society. Eoyal Agricultural Society. Journal, vol. 18. London, 1857, 8vo. The Society. Boyal Astronomical Society. Memoirs, vols. 25 & 26. London, 1857-58, 4to. Monthly Notices, vols. 16 & 17. Ih. 1856-57, 8vo. The Society^ Boyal Greographical Society. Journal, vol. 27. London, 1857, 8vo. Proceedings, vol. lj,nos. 9-11, and vol. 2, nos. 1 ^ 02 S :3 p^ H I 1 3* 36 PROF. HUXLEY ON SOME POINTS IN TUE On some points in the Anatomy of Nautilus pomjpilius. By T. H. Huxley, F.E.S., Professor of Natural History, Government School of Mines. [Eead June 3rd, 1858.] Some time ago my friend Dr. Sinclair, of New Zealand, had the kindness to offer me two specimens of the Pearly Nautilus which had been brought to him from New Caledonia, preserved in Goadby's solution. I gladly accepted the present, and looked forward to the dissection of the rare animal with no little plea- sure ; but on proceeding to examine one of the specimens, I found its anatomical value greatly diminished by the manner in which a deposit from the solution had glued together some of the internal viscera. Other parts of the Nautilus, however, were in a very good state of preservation ; and I have noted down such novel and interesting peculiarities as they presented, in the hope that an account of them will be acceptable to the Linnean Society. Of the six apertures which, besides the genital and anal outlets, open into the branchial cavity of Nautilus pompilius, one on each side lies immediately above and in front of that fold of the inner wall of the mantle which forms the lower root of the smaller and inner gill, and encloses, the branchial vein of that gill. The aper- ture is elongated and narrow, with rather prominent lips. It measures about ^th of an inch. The other two apertures are larger, and lie at a distance of y^^ths of an inch below and behind the other. They are in close juxta- position, being separated only by a thin triangular fold of mem- brane, which constitutes the inner lip of the one and the outer lip of the other. The inner aperture is the larger, measuring y^^ths of an inch in long diameter, and having the form of a triangle with its base directed posteriorly. The outer aperture is not more than -i^th of an inch long. The two apertures lie just above the edge of the fold of membrane which runs from the inner root of the larger or outer branchia, across the branchial cavity and beneath the rectum, to the other side. These apertures lead into five sacs, which collectively constitute what has been described as the pericardium. The sacs into which the superior apertures open, by a short wide canal with folded walls, are situated on each side of and above the rectum. Their inner boundaries are separated by a space of not less than f ths of an ANATOMY or NAUTILUS POMPILIUS. 37 inch in width, in which lie the vena cava and the oviduct. Each cavity has a rounded circumference, and a transverse diameter of about half an inch. In a direction at right angles to this diameter the dimensions vary with its state of distension ; but a quarter of an inch would be a fair average. The anterior or outer wall of the cavity is formed by the mantle ; the posterior, inner, or visceral wall by a delicate membrane. The former separates it from the branchial cavity ; the latter from the fifth sac, to be described by-and-by. I could find no natural aper- ture in the thin inner wall, so that I conceive no communication can take place between either of these sacs and the fifth sac. Two irregular, flattened, brownish, soft plates depend from the posterior wall of the sac into its cavity ; their attached edges are fixed along a line which is directed from behind obliquely forwards and upwards. The outer and smaller of the inferior apertures on each side leads into a sac of similar dimensions and constitution to the preceding, but having a less rounded outline in consequence of its being flattened in one direction against its fellow of the opposite side, from which it is separated only by a delicate membranous wall, whilst on another side it is applied against the inferior wall of the superior sac, and is in like manner separated from it only by a thin and membranous partition. Like the upper sacs, each of these has two dark-brown, lamellar, glandular masses depending from its membranous visceral wall. A delicate, but broad, triangular membranous process, about ■^th of an inch long, hangs down freely from the visceral wall of the cavity just behind the opening of the short canal which con- nects the sac with its aperture. The third and largest aperture on each side opens directly into a very large fifth cavity, whose boundary is formed anteriorly by the visceral walls of the sacs already described, and behind this by the mantle itself as far as the horny band which marks and connects the insertion of the shell-muscles. In fact this cavity may be said to be co-extensive with the attached part of the mantle, — the viscera, enclosed within their delicate " peritoneal" membranous coat, projecting into and nearly filling it, but nevertheless leaving a clear space between them- selves and the delicate posterior wall of the mantle. A layer of the " peritoneal" membrane extends from the poste- rior edge of the muscular expansion which lies between the shell- muscles and from the upper wall of the dilatation of the vena cava, 38 PBOF. HUXLEY ON SOME POINTS IN THE and passes upwards and backwards like a diaphragm to the under surfaces of the gizzard and liver. It is traversed by the aorta, to whose coats it closely adheres. Along a line nearly corresponding with the horny band which proceeds from the insertions of the shell-muscles and encircles the mantle below, the pallial wall is produced inwards and for- wards into a membranous fold or ligament, which I will call the pallio-visceral ligament ; and this pallio-visceral ligament becoming attached to various viscera, divides the great fifth chamber into an anterior inferior, and a posterior superior portion, which com- municate freely with one another. Commencing with its extreme right-hand end, the ligament is inserted into the line of reflection of the mantle, and then into the wall of the oviduct, which becomes enclosed as it were within the ligament. The latter then ends in a free edge on the inner side of the oviduct, and is continued along it until it reaches the inferior surface of the apex of the ovary, into which it is inserted. The free edge is arcuated ; and the rectum passes over it, but is in no way connected with it. Here, therefore, is one great passage of communication between the anterior and posterior divisions of the fifth chamber. On the left side, this aperture is limited by the heart, whose posterior edge is, on the left side, connected by means of a liga- mentous band with the surface of the apex of the ovary ; but on the right, for the greater part of its extent, receives a process of the pallio-visceral ligament. Between the ovario-cardiac ligament and this process lies the small oval aperture already described by Professor Owen, which gives passage to the siphonal artery. It constitutes the middle aperture of communication between the two divisions of the fifth chamber. The left-hand end of the ligament is inserted into the upper wall of the dilated end of the vena cava ; but between this point and the heart it has a free arcuated edge, as on the right side. Thus there are in reality three apertures of communication between the two divisions of the fifth chamber, the middle, by far the smallest, being alone hitherto known. A delicate membranous band passes from the whole length of the middle line of the rectum to the heart and to the ovary. The singular " pyriform appendage" of the heart lies in the left process of the ligament, its anterior edge nearly following the arcuated contour of that process. The siphuncular process of the mantle was broken in my speci- ANATOMY OF NAUTILUS POMPILIUS. 39 men ; but its aperture appeared to communicate quite freely with the posterior division of the fifth chamber. Four sets of brownish, glandular-looking bodies depend into the anterior division of the fifth chamber, from parts of the delicate septa dividing this from the four small sacs, corresponding with the insertions of the glandular bodies above described. In fact, on distending the vena cava with air, it is found that the four branchial arteries traverse these septa, and that the ap- pendages in question are diverticula of their walls. Consequently the anterior wall of each branchial vein is produced into two glandular appendages, which hang into one of the four smaller sacs, while the posterior wall is produced into a single mass of appendages, which hangs into the anterior division of the fifth chamber. Although, as I believe, the five chambers do not communicate directly, all the appendages must nevertheless be equally bathed with sea-water, which enters by the apertures of the chambers. An impacted yellowish-white concretionary matter filled the anterior chamber ; and a small quantity of it lay as a fine powder at the bottom of the posterior one. In the latter, however, its presence might, by possibility, have been accidental. My col- league. Dr. Percy, who kindly undertook to examine this sub- stance, informs me that he has been unable to detect uric acid in it. The follicular appendages of the branchial arteries present remarkable differences in their external appearance. The eight which hang into the four anterior chambers are similar, slightly festooned, but otherwise simple lamellae; while the four which depend into the posterior chambers are produced into a number of papillary processes. This external difference is obvious enough : whether it be accompanied by a corresponding discrepancy in minute structure I am unable to say ; for I have not as yet been able to arrive at any satisfactory results from the microscopic examination of the altered tissues, and, as will be seen below, the only observer who has had the opportunity of examining the Nautilus in the fresh state has not noted any difference of struc- ture in the two sets of follicles. One is naturally led to seek among other moUusks for a struc- ture analogous to the vast posterior aquiferous chamber of the Nautilus ; and it appears to me that something quite similar is offered by the Ascidioida and the Brachiopoda. In both cases, the viscera, inclosed within a delicate tissue, project into a large cavity communicating freely with the exterior by the cloacal aper- 40 PEOF. HUXLEY ON SOME POINTS IN THE ture in the one case, and by the funnel-shaped channels which have been miscalled " hearts " in the other. The rudimentary renal organs of the Ascidian are developed in the walls of the cavity in question ; and an aquiferous chamber of smaller dimensions has the same relation to the kidney in Lamellibranchiata — in Gasteropoda, Heteropoda, Pteropoda, and dibranchiate Cephalopoda. But although such is likely enough to be the case, we do not know at present that the aquiferous chambers in any of the last named moUusks attain an extension similar to that which obtains in Nautilus. On comparing the observations detailed above with the state- ments of previous writers, I find that, in his well-known " Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus" (1832), Professor Owen describes "on each side, at the roots of the branchiae," "a small mamillary eminence with a transverse slit which conducts from the branchial cavity into the pericardium. There is, moreover, a foramen at the lower part of the cavity (o, pi. 5) permitting the escape of a small vessel ; and by the side of this vessel a free passage is con- tinued between the gizzard and ovary into the membranous tube or siphon that traverses the divisions of the shell, thus establish- ing a communication between the interior of that tube and the exterior of the animal." The foramen here described is easily seen ; but, as I have stated, there are other modes of communication between the so-called pericardium and the cavity with which the siphuncle communi- cates, of a far more extensive nature. With respect to the pericardium itself. Professor Owen states, " The peritoneum, after lining the cavity which contains the crop and liver, and enveloping those viscera, forms two distinct pouches at the bottom of the pallial sac, in one of which, the left, is con- tained the gizzard, and in the other the ovary ; anterior to these, and on the ventral aspect of the liver, is another distinct cavity, of a square shape, which contains the heart and principal vessels, with the glandular appendages connected therewith," This is what the author terms the pericardium. As Van der Hoeven has pointed out, however, the gizzard lies to the right and the ovary to the left. Moreover, the gizzard is superior to the ovary, so as only to overlap it a little above ; and I can find no evidence of the existence of such distinct pouches as those described. Professor Owen states that the branchiae " arise by a common peduncle from the inner surface of the mantle." My own obser- ANATOMY OP NAUTILUS POMPILTUS. 41 vations, however, and Van der Hoeven's figures, of both male and female, lead me to believe that the peduncles of the branchiae are perfectly distinct from one another. The follicles of the branchial arteries are thus described in the " Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus :" — " They are short and pyri- form and closely set together. To each of the branchial arteries are appended three clusters of these glands, of which one is larger than the united volume of both the others ; and the larger cluster is situated on one side of the vessel and the two smaller on the opposite side. Each of these clusters is contained in a membra- nous receptacle proper to itself, partitioned off, as it were, from the pericardium, but communicating with it The two canals which form the communication between the pericardium and the branchial cavity commence at the receptacle of the lesser cluster attached to the superior branchial arteries, and terminate at the papillae before mentioned, which are situated at the roots of the branchiae. The pericardium and these receptacles of the glands, when first laid open, were found filled with a coagulated substance so closely compacted as to require a careful removal, bit by bit, before the contained follicles and vessels could be brought into view." Like Yalenciennes and Yan der Hoeven, I have been unable to find any communication between the four sacs in which the small double clusters of follicles are contained, and the " pericardium ;" and I hold it to be certain that the other four sets of follicles are not contained in sacs at all, but lie free in the " pericardium " or posterior chamber. No notice is here taken of the widely different characters of the anterior and posterior follicles ; and the figure gives both a similar structure. Valenciennes (" Nouvelles Eecherches sur le Nautile Flambe," * Archives du Museum,' ii., 1841) pointed out the existence of three pairs of apertures opening into the branchial sac, besides the genital and anal openings ; and he affirms that they open into as many closed sacs, which communicate neither with one another nor with the cavity that contains the heart. M. Valenciennes indicates the difference in the structure of the anterior and posterior venous appendages. He seems to me to have seen something of the part which I have described as the pallio-visceral ligament ; but I cannot clearly comprehend either his figure or his description. Van der Hoeven, in his ' Contributions to the Knowledge of the Animal o£ Nautilus pompilius,^ 1850, confirmed the statement 42 PROF. HUXLEY ON SOME POINTS IN THE of Valenciennes with regard to the existence of three pairs of apertures ; but he showed, in opposition to him, that one of these pairs of apertures communicated with the pericardium. The sacs into which the other two pairs open are, according to this anato- mist, blind. In the aperture of the anterior blind sac he found a concretionary matter which he supposed to contain uric acid, but chemical analysis did not confirm the supposition. Yan der Hoeven refers to some observations by Yrolik ; but as these are in Dutch, and have not, so far as I can find, been translated into either French, German, or English, I know not what they may contain. In his more recent essay, translated in ' Wiegmann's Archiv ' for 1857, under the title of " Beitrag zur Anatomie von Nautilus pom^iliuSj^^ Van der Hoeven states that he has again found hard concretions in the chamber enclosing the appendage of the anterior branchial artery, and that these on chemical analysis yielded phos- phate of lime and traces of fat and albumen, but no uric acid. Mr. Macdonald, in a valuable paper on the anatomy of Nau- tilus umhilicatus, published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1855, thus describes the follicular appendages of the branchial arteries : — " These follicles are subcylindrical in form, somewhat dilated at the free extremity, to which is appended a folded and funnel- shaped process of membrane, which expands rather suddenly, pre- senting a jagged and irregular border. They open by a smooth and oval or slit-like, orifice into the afierent pulmonary vessels, on each of which, as Professor Owen has observed, they are disposed in three clusters. The outer membrane is smooth and glassy, homogeneous in structure and sprinkled over with minute rounded and trans- parent bodies, probably the nuclei of cells. Beneath this layer, flat bundles of fibres, apparently muscular, are traceable here and there, principally disposed in a longitudinal direction, and some- times branched. The lining membrane consists of a loose epi- thelial pavement in many respects similar to that of the uriniferous tubules of the higher animals, the ceUs containing, besides the nuclei, numerous minute oil-globules, or a substance much re- sembling concrete fatty matter. This membrane is thrown up into an infinite number of papillae and corrugations, so as to augment the extent of surface considerably. The papillae are more numerous at the inner part or towards the attached end; and a circlet of longitudinally disposed folds radiate from the bottom of the follicles, in which a number of small pits or fenestra- tions are sometimes visible. Tlie sides of these folds are wrinkled ANATOMY OF NAtJTILUS POMPILIUS. 43 transversely so as to present a median zigzag elevation. The funnel-shaped membranous process above noticed is continuous with the lining membrane, consisting of an extension of the same epithelial pavement ; but the cells are somewhat larger and more regular in form. The cavity of each follicle, therefore, communi- cates with the exterior through the centre of this process ; and the aperture is thus guarded by a kind of circular valve, permitting the escape of secreted matter, but effectually preventing the entrance of fluid from without." In his fig. 9, pi. XV., Mr. Macdonald depicts certain " crystal- line bodies often occurring within the follicles." From what Mr, Macdonald states, one would be led to conclude that all the follicles have the same structure ; but I suspect this to be an oversight. In the second edition of Professor Owen's Lectures on the Invertebrata (1855), I find no mention of Valenciennes' discovery Nautilus pompilius. Fig. 1. Viewed from the left side and a little behind. Two of the anterior chambers, and the fifth or posterior chamber, laid open. Natural size. a. Shell muscle, b. Ovary, e. Intestine, d. Heart ; d'. its pyriform appendage. e. Superior anterior chamber ; e'. its foUicles. /. Inferior anterior chamber ; /'. its follicles, ff. Posterior chamber ; ^'. FoUicles. h. Cut ends of bran- chial arteries, i. Teimination of vena cava. k. Pallio-visceral ligament. 44 THE ANATOMY OF NAUTILUS POMPILIUS. of the additional four apertures ; but the author states that " on each side, at the roots of the anterior branchiae, there is a small mamillary eminence with a transverse slit, which conducts from the branchial cavity to one of the compartments of the pericar- dium containing two clusters of venous glands. There are also two similar, but smaller, slits, contiguous to one another, near the root of the posterior branchia on each side, which lead to and may admit sea-water into the compartments containing the posterior cluster of the venous follicles." In this work the ovary is not only described, hut figured, on the right side of the gizzard. The figure, however, rightly places the greater part of the ovary below that organ. Nautilus pompilius. Fig. 2. Natural Size. The pallio-visceral ligament seen from below : torn on the right side to show the rectum and oviduct ; cut through on the left side along the dotted line close to d' in the preceding figure. a. Anus. b. Oviducal aperture, c. Heart, d. Left branchial veins, e. Right branchial veins. /. Oviduct cut through, ^j^. Ovary. A. Rectum. ». Mantle. k h h. Pallio-visceral ligament ; V. its torn portion. The oval " aperture for the siphonal artery" is seen to the left of c', and the right-hand style in Fig. 1 passes through it. ON THE TENDENCY OF SPECIES TO EOKM VARIETIES. 45 On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties ; and on the Per- petuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection. By Ciiaeles Dabwin, Esq., F.E.S., E.L.S., & F.G-.S., and Alfred Wallace, Esq. Communicated by Sir Charles Lyell, E.E.S., F.L.S., and J. D. Hooker, Esq., M.D., V.P.E.S., E.L.S., &c. [Read July 1st, 1858,} London, June 30th, 1858. My Dear Sir, — The accompanying papers, which we have the honour of communicating to the Linnean Society, and which all relate to the same subject, viz. the Laws which affect the Pro- duction of Varieties, Eaces, and Species, contain the results of the investigations of two indefatigable naturalists, Mr. Charles Darwin and Mr. Alfred "Wallace. These gentlemen having, independently and unknown to one another, conceived the same very ingenious theory to account for the appearance and perpetuation of varieties and of specific forms on our planet, may both fairly claim the merit of being original thinkers in this important line of inquiry ; but neither of them having published his views, though Mr. Darwin has for many years past been repeatedly urged by us to do so, and both authors having now unreservedly placed their papers in our hands, w^e think it w^ould best promote the interests of science that a selec- tion from them should be laid before the Linnean Society. Taken in the order of their dates, they consist of ; — 1. Extracts from a MS. work on Species*, by Mr. Darwin, which was sketched in 1839, and copied in 1844, when the copy w^as read by Dr. Hooker, and its contents afterwards communicated to Sir Charles Lyell. The first Part is devoted to " The Variation of Organic Beings under Domestication and in their Natural State ;'* and the second chapter of that Part, from which we propose to read to the Society the extracts referred to, is headed, " On the Variation of Organic Beings in a state of Nature ; on the Natural Means of Selection ; on the Comparison of Domestic Eaces and true Species." 2. An abstract of a private letter addressed to Professor Asa Gray, of Boston, U.S., in October 1857, by Mr. Darwin, in which * Tliis MS. work was never intended for publication, and therefore was not written with care.— C. D. 1858. 46 MESSES. C. DARWIN AND A. WALLACE ON THE he repeats his views, and which shows that these remained un- altered from 1839 to 1857. 3. An Essay by Mr. "Wallace, entitled " On the Tendency of Varieties to depart indefinitely from the Original Type." This was written at Ternate in Eebruary 1858, for the perusal of his friend and correspondent Mr. Darwin, and sent to him with the expressed wish that it should be forwarded to Sir Charles Lyell, if Mr. Darwin thought it sufficiently novel and interesting. So highly did Mr. Darwin appreciate the value of the views therein set forth, that he proposed, in a letter to Sir Charles Lyell, to obtain Mr. Wallace's consent to alJ.ow the Essay to be published as soon as possible. Of this step we highly approved, provided Mr. Darwin did not withhold from the public, as he was strongly inclined to do (in favour of Mr. Wallace), the memoir which he had himself written on the same subject, and which, as before stated, one of us had perused in 1844, and the contents of which we had both of us been privy to for many years. On representing this to Mr. Darwin, he gave us permission to make what use we thought proper of his memoir, &c. ; and in adopting our present course, of presenting it to the Linnean Society, we have explained to him that we are not solely considering the relative claims to priority of himself and his friend, but the interests of science generally ; for we feel it to be desirable that views founded on a wide deduction from facts, and matured by years of reflection, should constitute at once a goal from which others may start, and that, while the scientific world is waiting for the appearance of Mr. Darwin's complete work, some of the leading results of his labours, as well as those of his able correspondent, should together be laid before the public. We have the honour to be yours very obediently, Chaeles Lyell. Jos. D. HOOKEE. J. J. Bennett, Esq., Secretary of the Linnean Society. I. Extract from an unpublished Work on Species, hy C. Daewin, Esq., consisting of a portion of a Chapter entitled, " On the Variation of Organic Beings in a state of Nature ; on the Natural Means of Selection ; on the Compariso7i of Domestic Baces and true Species.''^ De CandoUe, in an eloquent passage, has declared that all nature is at war, one organism with another, or with external nature. TENDENCY OF SPECIES TO FORM VAEIETIES. 47 Seeing the contented face of nature, this may at first well be doubted ; but reflection will inevitably prove it to be true. The war, however, is not constant, but recurrent in a slight degree at short periods, and more severely at occasional more distant periods; and hence its effects are easily overlooked. It is the doctrine of Malthus applied in most cases with tenfold force. As in every climate there are seasons, for each of its inhabitants, of greater and less abundance, so all annually breed ; and the moral restraint which in some small degree checks the increase of man- kind is entirely lost. Even slow-breeding mankind has doubled in twenty-five years ; and if he could increase his food with greater ease, he would double in less time. But for animals without artificial means, the amount of food for each species must, on an average, be constant, whereas the increase of all organisms tends to be geometrical, and in a vast majority of cases at an enormous ratio. Suppose in a certain spot there are eight pairs of birds, and that only four pairs of them annually (including double hatches) rear only four young, and that these go on rearing their young at the same rate, then at the end of seven years (a short life, exclu- ding violent deaths, for any bird) there will be 2048 birds, instead of the original sixteen. As this increase is quite impossible, we must conclude either that birds do not rear nearly half their young, or that the average life of a bird is, from accident, not nearly seven years. Both checks probably concur. The same kind of calculation applied to all plants and animals affords results more or less striking, but in very few instances more striking than in man. Many practical illustrations of this rapid tendency to increase are on record, among which, during peculiar seasons, are the ex- traordinary numbers of certain animals ; for instance, during the years 1826 to 1828, in La Plata, when from drought some millions of cattle perished, the whole country actually swarmed with mice. Now I think it cannot be doubted that during the breeding-season all the mice (with the exception of a few males or females in excess) ordinarily pair, and therefore that this astounding increase during three years must be attributed to a greater number than usual surviving the first year, and then breeding, and so on till the third year, when their numbers were brought down to their usual limits on the return of wet weather. Where man has intro- duced plants and animals into a new and favourable country, there are many accounts in how surprisingly few years the whole country has become stocked with them. This increase would 48 MESSllS. C. DARWIN AND A. WALLACE ON THE necessarily stop as soon as the country was fully stocked; and yet we have every reason to believe, from what is known of wild animals, that all would pair in the spring. In the majority of cases it is most difficult to imagine where the checks fall — though generally, no doubt, on the seeds, eggs, and young ; but when we remember how impossible, even in mankind (so much better known than any other animal), it is to infer from repeated casual obser- vations what the average duration of life is, or to discover the different percentage of deaths to births in diiferent countries, we ought to feel no surprise at our being unable to discover where the check falls in any animal or plant. It should always be re- membered, that in most cases the checks are recurrent yearly in a small, regular degree, and in an extreme degree during unusually cold, hot, dry, or wet years, according to the constitution of the being in question. Lighten any check in the least degree, and the geometrical powers of increase in every organism will almost instantly increase the average number of the favoured species. Nature may be compared to a surface on which rest ten thousand sharp wedges touching each other and driven inwards by incessant blows. Fully to realize these views much reflection is requisite. Malthus on man should be studied ; and all such cases as those of the mice in La Plata, of the cattle and horses when first turned out in South America, of the birds by our calculation, &c., should be well considered. Reflect on the enormous multiplying power inherent and annually in action in all animals ; reflect on the countless seeds scattered by a hundred ingenious contrivances, year after year, over the whole face of the land ; and yet we have every reason to suppose that the average percentage of each of the inhabitants of a country usually remains constant, rinally, let it be borne in mind that this average number of individuals (the external conditions remaining the same) in each country is kept up by recurrent struggles against other species or against external nature (as on the borders of the Arctic regions, where the cold checks life), and that ordinarily each indi\ddual of every species holds its place, either by its own struggle and capacity of acquiring nourishment in some period of its life, from the egg upwards ; or by the struggle of its parents (in short-lived organ- isms, when the main check occurs at longer intervals) with other individuals of the same or different species. But let the external conditions of a country alter. If in a small degree, the relative proportions of the inhabitants will in most cases simply be slightly changed ; but let the number of TEKDENCT OF SPECIES TO FOEM VABIETIES. 49 inhabitants be small, as on an island, and free access to it from other countries be circumscribed, and let the change of conditions continue progressing (forming new stations), in such a case the original inhabitants must cease to be as perfectly adapted to the changed conditions as they were originally. It has been shown in a former part of this work, that such changes of external conditions would, from their acting on the reproductive system, probably cause the organization of those beings which were most affected to become, as under domestication, plastic. Now, can it be doubted, from the struggle each individual has to obtain subsistence, that any minute variation in structure, habits, or instincts, adapting that individual better to the new conditions, would tell upon its vigour and health ? In the struggle it would have a better chance of surviving ; and those of its offspring which inherited the vari- ation, be it ever so slight, would also have a better chance. Yearly more are bred than can survive ; the smallest grain in the balance, in the long run, must teU on which death shall fall, and which shall survive. Let this work of selection on the one hand, and death on the other, go on for a thousand generations, who will pretend to affirm that it would produce no effect, when we re- member what, in a few years, Bakewell effected in cattle, and Western in sheep, by this identical principle of selection ? To give an imaginary example from changes in progress on an island : — let the organization of a canine animal which preyed chiefly on rabbits, but sometimes on hares, become slightly plastic ; let these same changes cause the number of rabbits very slowly to decrease, and the number of hares to increase; the effect of this would be that the fox or dog would be driven to try to catch more hares : his organization, however, being slightly plastic, those individuals with the lightest forms, longest limbs, and best eyesight, let the difference be ever so small, would be slightly favoured, and would tend to live longer, and to survive during that time of the year when food was scarcest ; they would also rear more young, which would tend to inherit these slight pecu- liarities. The less fleet ones would be rigidly destroyed. I can see no more reason to doubt that these causes in a thousand generations would produce a marked effect, and adapt the form of the fox or dog to the catching of hares instead of rabbits, than that greyhounds can be improved by selection and careful breeding. So would it be with plants under similar circumstances. If the number of individuals of a species with plumed seeds could be increased by greater powers of dissemination within its own area LINS-. PKQO.— ZOOLOGY. 4 50 MESSRS. C. DAHWIN and a. WALLACE ON THE (that is, if the check to increase fell chiefly on the seeds), those seeds which were provided with ever so little more down, would in the long run be most disseminated ; hence a greater number of seeds thus formed would germinate, and would tend to produce plants inheriting the slightly better-adapted down*. Besides this natural means of selection, by which those indi- viduals are preserved, whether in their egg^ or larval, or mature state, which are best adapted to the place they fill in nature, there is a second agency at work in most unisexual animals, tending to produce the same effect, namely, the struggle of the males for the females. These struggles are generally decided by the law of battle, but in the case of birds, apparently, by the charms of their song, by their beauty or their power of court- ship, as in the dancing rock-thrush of G-uiana. The most vigor- ous and healthy males, implying perfect adaptation, must gene- rally gain the victory in their contests. This kind of selection, however, is less rigorous than the other ; it does not require the death of the less successful, but gives to them fewer descendants. The struggle falls, moreover, at a time of year when food is gene- rally abundant, and perhaps the effect chiefly produced would be the modification of the secondary sexual characters, which are not related to the power of obtaining food, or to defence from enemies, but to fighting with or rivalling other males. The result of this struggle amongst the males may be compared in some respects to that produced by those agriculturists who pay less attention to the careful selection of all their young animals, and more to the occasional use of a choice mate. II. Abstract of a Letter from C. Darwin, Esq., to Prof. AsA Gray, Boston, U.S., dated Down, September 5th, 1857. 1. It is wonderful what the principle of selection by man, that is the picking out of individuals with any desired quality, and breed- ing from them, and again picking out, can do. Even breeders have been astounded at their own results. They can act on difterences inappreciable to an uneducated eye. Selection has been methodi- cally followed in Europe for only the last half centuiy ; but it was occasionally, and even in some degree methodically, fol- lowed in the most ancient times. There must have been also a kind of unconscious selection from a remote period, namely in * I can see no more difficulty in this, than in the planter improving his rarieties of the cotton plant. — 0. D. 1858. TEKDENCT OF SPECIES TO FOBM VAllTETIES. 61 the preservation of the individual animals (without any thought of their offspring) most useful to each race of man in his par- ticular circumstances. The "roguing," as nurserymen call the destroying of varieties which depart from their type, is a kind of selection. I am convinced that intentional and occasional selec- tion has been the main agent in the production of our domestic races ; but however tliis may be, its great power of modification has been indisputably shown in later times. Selection acts only by the accumulation of slight or greater variations, caused by ex- ternal conditions, or by the mere fact that in generation the child is not absolutely similar to its parent. Man, by this power of accumulating variations, adapts living beings to his wants — may be said to make the wool of one sheep good for carpets, of another for cloth, &c. 2. Now suppose there were a being who did not judge by mere external appearances, but who could study the whole internal or- ganization, who was never capricious, and should go on selecting for one object during millions of generations ; wlio will say what he might not effect ? In nature we have some slight variation occa- sionally in all parts ; and I think it can be shown that changed conditions of existence is the main cause of the child not exactly resembling its parents ; and in nature geology shows us what changes have taken place, and are taking place. We have almost unlimited time ; no one but a practical geologist can fully appre- ciate this. Think of the Glacial period, during the whole of which the same species at least of shells have existed ; there must have been during this period millions on millions of generations. 3. I think it can be shown that there is such an unerring power at work in Natural Selection (the title of my book), which selects exclusively for the good of each organic being. The elder De Candolle,'W. Herbert, and Lyell have written excellently on the struggle for life ; but even they have not written strongly enough. Eeflect that every being (even the elephant) breeds at such a rate, that in a few years, or at most a few centuries, the surface of the earth would not hold the progeny of one pair. I have found it hard constantly to bear in mind that the increase of every single species is checked during some part of its life, or during some shortly recurrent generation. Only a few of those annually born can live to propagate their kind. What a trifling difference must often determine which shall survive, and which perish ! 4. Now take the case of a country undergoing some change. This will tend to cause some of its inhabitants to vary slightly — 4* 52 MESSES. C. DARWIN AND A. WALLACE ON THE not but that I believe most beings vary at all times enough for selection to act on them. Some of its inhabitants will be extermi- nated ; and the remainder will be exposed to the mutual action of a different set of inhabitants, which I believe to be far more im- portant to the life of each being than mere climate. Considering the infinitely various methods which living beings follow to obtain food by struggling with other organisms, to escape danger at various times of life, to have their eggs or seeds disseminated, &c. &c., I cannot doubt that during millions of generations individuals of a species will be occasionally born with some slight variation, profitable to some part of their economy. Such individuals will have a better chance of surviving, and of propagating their new and slightly different structure ; and the modification may be slowly increased by the accumulative action of natural selection to any profitable extent. The variety thus formed will either coexist with, or, more commonly, will exterminate its parent form. An organic being, like the woodpecker or misseltoe, may thus come to be adapted to a score of contingences — natural selection accu- mulating those slight variations in all parts of its structure, which are in any way useful to it during any part of its life. 5. Multiform difficulties will occur to every one, with respect to this theory. Many can, I think, be satisfactorily answered. Natura non facit saltum answers some of the most obvious. The slowness of the change, and only a very few individuals under- going change at any one time, answers others. The extreme imperfection of our geological records answers others. 6. Another principle, which may be called the principle of divergence, plays, I believe, an important part in the origin of species. The same spot will support more life if occupied by very diverse forms. "We see this in the many generic forms in a square yard of turf, and in the plants or insects on any little uniform islet, belonging almost invariably to as many genera and families as species. We can understand the meaning of this fact amongst the higher animals, whose habits we understand. We know that it has been experimentally shown that a plot of land will yield a greater weight if sown with several species and genera of grasses, than if sown with only two or three species. Now, every organic being, by propagating so rapidly, may be said to be striving its utmost to increase in numbers. So it will be with the offspring of any species after it has become diversified into varieties, or sub- species, or true species. And it follows, I think, from the fore- going facts, that the varying offspring of each species will try TENDENCY OP SPECIES TO EORM VAEIETIES. 53 (only few will succeed) to seize on as many and as diverse places in the economy of nature as possible. Eacli new variety or species, wlien formed, will generally take the place of, and thus exterminate its less well-fitted parent. This I believe to be the origin of the classification and affinities of organic beings at all times; for organic beings always seem to branch and sub-branch like the limbs of a tree from a common trunk, the flourishing and diver- ging twigs destroying the less vigorous — the dead and lost branches rudely representing extinct genera and families. This sketch is most imperfect ; but in so short a space I cannot make it better. Your imagination must fill up very wide blanks. C. Daewin. III. On the Tendency of Varieties to depart indefinitely from the Original Type, By Alebed Rtjssel Wallace. One of the strongest arguments which have been adduced to prove the original and permanent distinctness of species is, that varieties produced in a state of domesticity are more or less un- stable, and often have a tendency, if left to themselves, to return to the normal form of the parent species ; and this instability is considered to be a distinctive peculiarity of all varieties, even of those occurring among wild animals in a state of nature, and to constitute a provision for preserving unchanged the originally created distinct species. In the absence or scarcity of facts and observations as to varieties occurring among wild animals, this argument has had great weight with naturalists, and has led to a very general and somewhat prejudiced belief in the stability of species. Equally general, however, is the belief in what are called " permanent or true varieties," — races of animals which continually propagate their like, but which difier so slightly (although constantly) from some other race, that the one is considered to be a variety of the other. "Which is the variety and which the original species, there is generally no means of determining, except in those rare cases in which the one race has been known to produce an offspring unlike itself and resembling the other. This, however, would seem quite incompatible with the "permanent invariability of species," but the difficulty is overcome by assimiing that such varieties have strict limits, and can never again vary further from the original type, although they may return to it, which, from the 64 MESSES. C. DABWIN AND A. WALLACE ON THE analogy of the domesticated animals, is considered to be higlily probable, if not certainly proved. It will be observed that this argument rests entirely on the assumption, that varieties occurring in a state of nature are in all respects analogous to or even identical with those of domestic animals, and are governed by the same laws as regards their per- manence or further variation. But it is the object of the present paper to show that this assumption is altogether false, that there is a general principle in nature which will cause many varieties to survive the parent species, and to give rise to successive variations departing further and further from the original type, and which also produces, in domesticated animals, the tendency of varieties to return to the parent form. The life of wild animals is a struggle for existence. The full exertion of all their faculties and all their energies is required to preserve their own existence and provide for that of their infant offspring. The possibility of procuring food during the least favourable seasons, and of escaping the attacks of their most dan- gerous enemies, are the primary conditions which determine the existence both of individuals and of entire species. These con- ditions will also determine the population of a species ; and by a careful consideration of all the circumstances we may be enabled to comprehend, and in some degree to explain, what at first sight appears so inexplicable — the excessive abundance of some species, while others closely allied to them are very rare. The general proportion that must obtain between certain groups of animals is readily seen. Large animals cannot be so abundant as small ones; the carnivora must be less numerous than the herbivora ; eagles and lions can never be so plentiful as pigeons and antelopes ; the wild asses of the Tartarian deserts cannot equal in numbers the horses of the more luxuriant prairies and pampas of America. The greater or less fecundity of an animal is often considered to be one of the chief causes of its abundance or scarcity ; but a consideration of the facts will show us that it really has little or nothing to do with the matter. Even the least prolific of animals would increase rapidly if unchecked, whereas it is evident that the animal population of the globe must be sta- tionary, or perhaps, through the influence of man, decreasing. Fluctuations there may be ; but permanent increase, except in re- stricted localities, is almost impossible. For example, our own observation must convince us that birds do not go on increasing every year in a geometrical ratio, as they would do, were there not TENDENCY OF SPECIES TO FOEM VABIETIES. 55 some powerful check to their natural increase. Very lew birds produce less than two young ones each year, while many have six, eight, or ten ; four will certainly be below the average ; and if we suppose that each pair produce young only four times in their life, that will also be below the average, supposing them not to die either by violence or want of food. Yet at this rate how tre- mendous would be the increase in a few years from a single pair I A simple calculation will show that in fifteen years each pair of birds would have increased to nearly ten millions ! whereas we have no reason to believe that the number of the birds of any country increases at all in fifteen or in one hundred and fifty years. With such powers of increase the population must have reached its limits, and have become stationary, in a very few years after the origin of each species. It is evident, therefore, that each year an immense number of birds must perish — as many in fact as are born ; and as on the lowest calculation the progeny are each year twice as numerous as their parents, it follows that, whatever be the average number of individuals existing in any given country, twice that number must 'perish annually, — a striking result, but one which seems at least highly probable, and is perhaps under rather than over the truth. It would therefore appear that, as far as the con- tinuance of the species and the keeping up the average number of individuals are concerned, large broods are superfluous. On the average all above one become food for hawks and kites, wild cats and weasels, or perish of cold and hunger as winter comes on. This is strikingly proved by the case of particular species ; for we find that their abundance in individuals bears no relation whatever to their fertility in producing offspring. Perhaps the most re- markable instance of an immense bird population is that of the passenger pigeon of the United States, which lays only one, or at most two eggs, and is said to rear generally but one young one. Why is this bird so extraordinarily abundant, while others producing two or three times as many young are much less plen- tiful ? The explanation is not difficult. The food most congenial to this species, and on which it thrives best, is abundantly distri- buted over a very extensive region, offering such differences of soil and climate, that in one part or another of the area the supply never fails. The bird is capable of a very rapid and long-contiuued flight, so that it can pass without fatigue over the whole of the district it inhabits, and as soon as the supply of food begins to fail in one place is able to discover a fresh feeding-ground. This example strikingly shows us that the procuring a constant supply 56 MESSRS. C. DARWIK AND A. WALLACE ON THE of wholesome food is almost the sole condition requisite for ensu- ring the rapid increase of a given species, since neither the limited fecundity, nor the unrestrained attacks of birds of prey and of man are here sufficient to check it. In no other birds are these peculiar circumstances so strikingly combined. Either their food is more liable to failure, or they have not sufficient power of wing to search for it over an extensive area, or during some season of the year it becomes very scarce, and less wholesome substitutes have to be found ; and thus, though more fertile in offspring, they can never increase beyond the supply of food in the least favourable seasons. Many birds can only exist by migrating, when their food becomes scarce, to regions possessing a milder, or at least a different climate, though, as these migrating birds are seldom excessively abundant, it is evident that the countries they visit are still deficient in a constant and abundant supply of wholesome food. Those whose organization does not permit them to migrate when their food becomes periodically scarce, can never attain a large population. This is probably the reason why woodpeckers are scarce with us, while in the tropics they are among the most abundant of solitary birds. Thus the house sparrow is more abun- dant than the redbreast, because its food is more constant and plentiful, — seeds of grasses being preserved during the winter, and our farm-yards and stubble-fields furnishing an almost inexhaust- ible supply. Why, as a general rule, are aquatic, and especially sea birds, very numerous in individuals ? JSTot because they are more prolific than others, generally the contrary; but because their food never fails, the sea-shores and river-banks daily swarm- ing with a fresh supply of small moUusca and Crustacea. Exactly the same laws will apply to mammals. Wild cats are prolific and have few enemies; why then are they never as abundant as rabbits ? The only intelligible answer is, that their supply of food is more precarious. It appears evident, therefore, that so long as a country remains physically unchanged, the numbers of its animal population cannot materially increase. If one species does so, some others requiring the same kind of food must diminish in proportion. The numbers that die annually must be immense ; and as the individual existence of each animal depends upon itself, those that die must be the weakest — the very young, the aged, and the diseased, — while those that prolong their existence can only be the most perfect in health and vigour — those who are best able to obtain food regularly, and avoid their numerous enemies. It is, as we commenced by remarking, "a struggle for existence," in TENDENCY OF Si?EOIES TO TOEM VAEIETIES. 57 which the weakest and least perfectly organized must always succumb. Now it is clear that what takes place among the individuals of a species must also occur among the several allied species of a group, — viz. that those which are best adapted to obtain a regular supply of food, and to defend themselves against the attacks of their enemies and the vicissitudes of the seasons, must necessarily obtain and preserve a superiority in population ; while those species which from some defect of power or organization are the least capable of counteracting the vicissitudes of food, supply, &c., must diminish in numbers, and, in extreme cases, become altogether extinct. Between these extremes the species will present various degrees of capacity for ensuring the means of preserving life ; and it is thus we account for the abundance or rarity of species. Our ignorance wiU generally prevent us from accurately tracing the effects to their causes ; but could we become perfectly acquainted with the organization and habits of the various species of animals, and could we measure the capacity of each for performing the different acts necessary to its safety and existence under all the varying circumstances by which it is surrounded, we might be able even to calculate the proportionate abundance of individuals which is the necessary result. If now we have succeeded in establishing these two points — 1st, that the animal population of a cotmtry is generally stationary, heing kept down hy a periodical deficiency of food, and other checks \ and, 2nd, that the comparative abundance or scarcity of the indi- viduals of the several species is entirely due to their organization and resulting habits, which, rendering it more difficult to procure a regular swpply of food and to provide for their personal safety in some cases than in others, can only be balanced by a difference in the population which have to exist in a given area — we shall be in a condition to proceed to the consideration of varieties, to which the preceding remarks have a direct and very important appli- cation. Most or perhaps all the variations from the typical form of a species must have some definite effect, however slight, on the habits or capacities of the individuals. Even a change of colour might, by rendering them more or less distinguishable, affect their safety ; a greater or less development of hair might modify their habits. More important changes, such as an increase in the power or dimensions of the limbs or any of the external organs, would more or less affect their mode of procuring food or the range of 58 MESSES. C. DAEWIN AND A. WALLACE ON THE country which they inhabit. It is also evident that most changes would affect, either favourably or adversely, the powers of pro- longing existence. An antelope with shorter or weaker legs must necessarily suffer more from the attacks of the feline carnivora ; the passenger pigeon with less powerful wings would sooner or later be affected in its powers of procuring a regular supply of food ; and in both cases the result must necessarily be a diminu- tion of the population of the modified species. If, on the other hand, any species should produce a variety having slightly increased powers of preserving existence, that variety must inevitably in time acquire a superiority in numbers. These results must follow as surely as old age, intemperance, or scarcity of food produce an increased mortality. In both cases there may be many individual exceptions ; but on the average the rule will invariably be found to hold good. All varieties will therefore fall into two classes — those which under the same conditions would never reach the population of the parent species, and those which would in time obtain and keep a numerical superiority. Now, let some alteration of physical conditions occur in the district — a long period of drought, a destruction of vegetation by locusts, the irruption of some new carnivorous animal seeking " pastures new" — any change in fact tending to render existence more difficult to the species in question, and tasking its utmost powers to avoid complete exter- mination ; it is evident that, of all the individuals composing the species, those forming the least numerous and most feebly organ- ized variety would suffer first, and, were the pressure severe, must soon become extinct. The same causes continuing in action, the parent species would next suffer, would gradually diminish in numbers, and with a recurrence of similar unfavourable conditions might also become extinct. The superior variety would then alone remain, and on a return to favourable circumstances would rapidly increase in numbers and occupy the place of the extinct species and variety. The variety would now have replaced the species, of which it would be a more perfectly developed and more highly organized form. It would be in all respects better adapted to secure its safety, and to prolong its individual existence and that of the race. Such a variety could not return to the original form ; for that form is an inferior one, and could never compete with it for existence. Granted, therefore, a " tendency" to reproduce the original type of the species, still the variety must ever remain preponderant in numbers, and under adverse physical conditions again alone survive. TENDENCY OE SPECIES TO FORM VAEIETIES. 59 But this new, improved, and populous race might itself, in course of time, give rise to new varieties, exhibiting several diverging modifications of form, any of which, tending to increase the facili- ties for preserving existence, must, by the same general law, in their turn become predominant. Here, then, we have progression mid coiUinued divergence deduced from the general laws which regulate the existence of animals in a state of nature, and from the undis- puted fact that varieties do frequently occur. It is not, however, contended that this result would be invariable ; a change of phy- sical conditions in the district might at times materially modify it, rendering the race which had been the most capable of supporting existence under the former conditions now the least so, and even causing the extinction of the newer and, for a time, superior race, while the old or parent species and its first inferior varieties con- tinued to flourish. Variations in unimportant parts might also occur, having no perceptible eflfect on the life-preserving powers j and the varieties so furnished might run a course parallel with the parent species, either giving rise to further variations or re- turning to the former type. All we argue for is, that certain varieties have a tendency to maintain their existence longer than the original species, and this tendency must make itself felt ; for though the doctrine of chances or averages can never be trusted to on a limited scale, yet, if applied to high numbers, the results come nearer to what theory demands, and, as we approach to an infinity of examples, become strictly accurate. Now the scale on which nature works is so vast — the numbers of individuals and periods of time with which she deals approach so near to infinity, that any cause, however slight, and however liable to be veiled and counteracted by accidental circumstances, must in the end produce its full legitimate results. Let us now turn to domesticated animals, and inquire how va- rieties produced among them are affected by the principles here enunciated. The essential difference in the condition of wild and domestic animals is this, — that among the former, their well- being and very existence depend upon the full exercise and healthy condition of all their senses and physical powers, whereas, among the latter, these are only partially exercised, and in some cases are absolutely unused. A wild animal has to search, and often to labour, for every mouthful of food — to exercise sight, hearing, and smell in seeking it, and in avoiding dangers, in procuring shelter from the inclemency of the seasons, and in providing for the subsistence and safety of its offspring. There is no muscle of 60 MESSBS. C. DAEWIN AND A. WALLACE ON THE its body that is not called into daily and hourly activity ; there is no sense or faculty that is not strengthened by continual exercise. The domestic animal, on the other hand, has food provided for it, is sheltered, and often confined, to guard it against the vicissitudes of the seasons, is carefully secured from the attacks of its natural enemies, and seldom even rears its young without human assistance. Half of its senses and faculties are quite useless ; and the other half are but occasionally called into feeble exercise, while even its muscular system is only irregularly called into action. Now when a variety of such an animal occurs, having increased power or capacity in any organ or sense, such increase is to- tally useless, is never called into action, and may even exist without the animal ever becoming aware of it. In the wild animal, on the contrary, all its faculties and powers being brought into full action for the necessities of existence, any increase becomes inunediately available, is strengthened by exercise, and must even slightly mo- dify the food, the habits, and the whole economy of the race. It creates as it were a new animal, one of superior powers, and which will necessarily increase in numbers and outlive those inferior to it. Again, in the domesticated animal all variations have an equal chance of continuance ; and those which would decidedly render a wild animal unable to compete with its fellows and continue its existence are no disadvantage whatever in a state of domesticity. Our quickly fattening pigs, short-legged sheep, pouter pigeons, and poodle dogs could never have come into existence in a state of nature, because the very first step towards such inferior forms would have led to the rapid extinction of the race ; still less could they now exist in competition with their wUd allies. The great speed but slight endurance of the race horse, the unwieldy strength of the ploughman's team, would both be useless in a state of nature. If turned wild on the pampas, such animals would probably soon become extinct, or under favourable circumstances might each lose those extreme qualities which would never be called into action, and in a few generations would revert to a common type,'which must be that in which the various powers and faculties are so proportioned to each other as to be best adapted to procure food and secure safety, — that in which by the full exercise of every part of his organization the animal can alone continue to live. Domestic varieties, when turned wild, must return to something near the type of the original wild stock, or hecome altogether extinct. TENDENCY OP SPECIES TO FOEM VAEIETIES. 61 "We see, then, that no inferences as to varieties in a state of nature can be deduced from the observation of those occurring among domestic animals. The two are so much opposed to each other in every circumstance of their existence, that what applies to the one is almost sure not to apply to the other. Domestic animals are abnormal, irregular, artificial; they are subject to varieties which never occur and never can occur in a state of nature : their very existence depends altogether on human care ; so far are many of them removed from that just proportion of faculties, that true balance of organization, by means of which alone an animal left to its own resources can preserve its existence and continue its race. The hypothesis of Lamarck — that progressive changes in species have been produced by the attempts of animals to increase the development of their own organs, and thus modify their structure and habits — has been repeatedly and easily refuted by all writers on the subject of varieties and species, and it seems to have been considered that when this was done the whole question has been finally settled ; but the view here developed renders such an hypo- thesis quite unnecessary, by showing that similar results must be produced by the action of principles constantly at work in nature. The powerful retractile talons of the falcon- and the cat-tribes have not been produced or increased by the volition of those animals ; but among the different varieties which occurred in the earlier and less highly organized forms of these groups, those always survived longest which had the greatest facilities for seizing their prey. Neither did the giraffe acquire its long neck by de- siring to reach the foliage of the more lofty shrubs, and constantly stretching its neck for the purpose, but because any varieties which occurred among its antitypes with a longer neck than usual at once secured a fresh range of pasture over the same ground as their shorter-necJced companions, and on the first scarcity of food were therely enabled to outlive them. Even the peculiar colours of many animals, especially insects, so closely resembling the soil or the leaves or the trunks on which they habitually reside, are ex- plained on the same principle ; for though in the course of ages varieties of many tints may have occurred, yet those races having colours hest adapted to concealment from their enemies would inevi- tably survive the longest. We have also here an acting cause to account for that balance so often observed in nature, — a deficiency in one set of organs always being compensated by an increased development of some others— powerful wings accompanying weak 63 ON THE TENDENCY OF SPECIES TO FOEM VABIETIES. feet, or great velocity making up for the absence of defensive weapons ; for it has been shown that all varieties in which an unbalanced deficiency occurred could not long continue their ex- istence. The action of this principle is exactly like that of the centrifugal governor of the steam engine, which checks and cor- rects any irregularities almost before they become evident ; and in like manner no unbalanced deficiency in the animal kingdom can ever reach any conspicuous magnitude, because it would make itself felt at the very first step, by rendering existence difiicult and extinction almost sure soon to follow. An origin such as is here advocated will also agree with the peculiar character of the modifications of form and structure which obtain in organized beings — the many lines of divergence from a central type, the increasing efficiency and power of a particular organ through a succession of allied species, and the remarkable persistence of unimportant parts such as colour, texture of plumage and hairj form of horns or crests, through a series of species differing con- siderably in more essential characters. It also furnishes us with a reason for that "more specialized structure" which Professor Owen states to be a characteristic of recent compared with extinct forms, and which would evidently be the result of the progressive modification of any organ applied to a special purpose in the animal economy. We believe we have now shown that there is a tendency in nature to the continued progression of certain classes of varieties further and further from the original type — a progression to which there appears no reason to assign any definite limits — and that the same principle which produces this result in a state of nature will also explain why domestic varieties have a tendency to revert to the original type. This progression, by minute steps, in various directions, but always checked and balanced by the necessary con- ditions, subject to which alone existence can be preserved, may, it is believed, be followed out so as to agree with all the phenomena presented by organized beings, their extinction and succession in past ages, and all the extraordinary modifications of form, instinct, and habits which they exhibit. Ternate, February, 1858. KNOX ON THE CETACEA. Contributions to the Anatomy and Natural History of the Cetacea. By E Knox, Esq., M.D., F.E.S.E. Communi- cated by the Secretary. [Eeceived Oct. 6, 1857.] Part I. The Dolphins. The dissection of the Cetacea, and more especially of the larger kinds, is attended with great difficulty, and not unfrequently entails heavy expenses on those who attempt it. For these reasons I have thought that zoologists might be pleased to have, even now, submitted to them the results of numerous dissections made many years ago, when, not stinted in means, and having the aid of excellent assistants, I attempted the dissection even of the gigantic Arctic Rorqual, the largest, perhaps, of all living beings. Certain of the details have been from time to time laid before the public, but in an extremely scattered and incomplete form, and without the illustrations (artistic), which explain so much better than any verbal description. The greater part is still before me in manuscript. It is my intention in the following contributions to endeavour to connect them together, adding to those already published many facts I find in MSS. The original drawings, made by my brother and by Messrs. Edward Forbes and Henry Goodsir (who were at that time my students and assistants), are still in my possession. Determination of Species. — The determination of species as regards the Cetacea is one of much difficulty ; Cuvier met this difficulty by an appeal to anatomy. The number of vertebrae com- posing the vertebral column (exclusive of the cephalic) seemed to me a tolerably secure guide in the determination of species, — being aware, however, that some doubted the method, believing that the number of the vertebrae might vary, first, with the individual, secondly with the age of the specimen. I still continue to be of my original opinion, that the number of vertebrae comprising the vertebral column, properly so called, may safely be trusted in de- termining the species of the Cetacea ; and with this view I drew up the following Table, excepting from it the genus Dugong, which I have never considered to be a Cetacean : — LINN. PROC— ZOOLOGY. 5 64 KNOX ON THE CETAOEA. Tabular View of the Number of the Vertehrce (Cephalic vertebree excluded.) certain Cetacea. Species. Authorities. CuVlEJi. RlTDOLPHI. Knox. J. HUNTEE. Htjntee (Glasgow.) 1. Mysticettts. Skeleton of the fcetus (the cervical reckoned as 7) of the Mysticetns horealis, Greenland... 48 65 48 61 or 62. 46 90 90 Adult Mysticetus^ Whale of Commerce . B.Mysticetus australis^ True Whale of the Cape Seas unknown 59 2. Bal^nopteba. Gigantic Northern Ror- qual Specimen of Rorqual de- scribed by Rudolphi . B. rostrata of Fabri- cius ; on the authority of Van Beneden : A. Rorqual 54 Great Whale at Ant- werp. Yan Beneden. Species not stated . . . The lesser Rorqual of the North. . 48 81 46 Great Rorqual of the Cape 52 60 67 a. Phtsetee. Sperm Whale or Ca- chalot 4. Delphinus. D. Bel/phis JD. Belphis. In my B. Belphis. In the Museum of Dr. R. Hunter, Glasgow B. Belphis. Dissected by John Hunter 60 51 B. Phoccena 66 65 B.Ehsenii. Van Bene- den In a late number of the ' Bulletins of the Eoyal Academy of Brussels ' I find some valuable remarks in respect of these points by M. Van Beneden. He praises, and deservedly, no doubt, the exertions of M. Eschricht to collect a proper Museum of the Cetacea. It appears, according to M. Eschricht, that at no age whatever do we find in true whales (meaning, I presume, the KNOX ON THE OETACEA. 65 Mysticetus horealis and australis) any distinct vertebrsB in the cervical region as in other mammals. A fusion of all into one bone or cartilage seems to take place even in the youngest foetus. In the foetus examined by me of this species (a specimen removed from the uterus of a true Mysticetus killed in the G-reenland seas), I do not recollect the- precise appearance of the cervical vertebrae ; but the skeleton is in existence, and shaU be referred to. To the skeleton of the Eorqual now in the Museum at Antwerp, and which seems to me of the same species as the one I dissected in Scotland (and of which the skeleton, prepared with infinite care by my brother and myself, was presented by me to the Town Council of Edinburgh, and is now preserved in the Zoological Gardens of the same city), he gives the following vertebrae : — Skeleton of the Eorqual at Antwerp — Cervical . . 7 Dorsal . . 14-15 Lumbar . . 15 Caudal .. 25* Total 61 or 62 In the skeleton of the Great Eorqual now in the Zoological Gardens at Edinburgh, and originally dissected and prepared by my brother and myself, these vertebrae are — Cervical 7 Dorsal 15 Lumbar and Caudal 43 Total.... 65 In that of the Lesser Eorqual I dissected in 1830, the skeleton of which I think is still preserved in the Museum of the University of Edinburgh, we found — VertebrcB. Cervical 7 Dorsal 11 Lumbar 13 Caudal 17 Total 48 The specimen was that of a young animal, and of the same species, * It is stated that some of the last of these are of wood. The skeleton in Edinburgh is perfect. 5* 66 KNOX ON THE CETACEA. I believe, as the one described by Mr. Hunter and Fabricius ; it is a distinct species, and not merely the young of the Great Eorqual. I shall return to the Dugong, as not being a Cetacean, in a future Section : its skeleton has been examined in a masterly way by De Blainville, an anatomist and observer of the highest order, since the time I wrote and published my Memoir on the Dugong. The first great step in the anatomy of the Cetacea is unques- tionably due to Cuvier ; but his dissections were almost confined to the genus Delphinus, or the common Porpoise of our coasts. I repeated all his dissections, and found them, as they almost always were, scrupulously exact ; but when I came to examine Cetacea with whalebone instead of teeth, I was surprised to find how difierent, in fact, the anatomy of the two great families was. Scarcely in any great natural family do we find Cuvier' s favourite theory of anatomical and physiological co-relations so entirely at fault as in the Cetacea. The teeth or whalebone, as natural-history characters, lead to no results ; the whole structure of the interior defies all a-priori reasoning. The brain in whalebone-whales does not fill the interior of the cranium ; so that the capacity of the one is no measure of the solid bulk of the other. Their food is various, having no relation to the teeth or buccal appendages; vascular structures surround the spinal marrow, and extend in the Balwnopterce into the cavity of the cranium, which seem to be without any analogy in other mammals, or, at the least, a very obscure one, and whose functions are wholly unknown. Cetacea might with some propriety be divided into whales with whalebone, and whales with teeth. Those with whalebone have rudimentary teeth in both jaws in the foetal state. Fossil Cetacea exist, and they seem to have been of both kinds, but, no doubt, were generically and specifically distinct from the recent. Jud- ging from the remains of those I have seen, I am inclined to think that those with teeth were of a stronger and firmer build in the skeleton than those called recent; that the neck was longer, and the caudal portion of the column shorter than in the recent kinds, and that they approached the Saurians in form. There is a remarkable want of symmetry in the crania of some of the Cetacea ; but most remarkable is the cranium of the Narwhal. Of this fact I have already spoken, in the article published in the Transactions of the Eoyal Society of Edinburgh. Delphinus PJioccena. Dissection of a small Cetacean sent to me from Orkney in the month of May 1835. — This species is said to abound on the coasts, and to furnish a kind of fishery to the in- KNOX ON THE CETACEA. « 67 habitants. On dissection we found 81 vertebrsB, exclusive of the cephalic. The species must be quite distinct from those pre- viously and subsequently examined by myself and many others, in which the number of vertebrae ranged from 61 to 66. It is also, I think, distinct from the specimen I saw in Dr. R. Hunter's Museum in Glasgow, in which the number of vertebrae was 90, exclusive of the cephalic in all the cases. Thus it stands with regard to the Cetacea called Porpoises and Dolphins. In certain species of Delphinus the vertical column is com- posed of 61 vertebrae, in others of 65, in others of 66, in others of 81, in others of 90. The specimen I now describe was, no doubt, that of a young anin^al ; and the skeleton was prepared, consequ(mtly, as a natural one. This method has the advantage of security against the loss of any important osseous structures, which too frequently happens when the bones require to be macerated. The bones con- tained little oil, and weighed, head included, only ^\ lbs. ; the whole animal, when entire, weighed 14 stone, or 196 lbs. ; the skeleton therefore was about a twenty-fourth part of the whole weight. It was a fetnale. The external nostrils terminated in a single orifice of a semilunar shape, with the concavity turned towards the snout. Measurements of young animals have not the importance of those of the adult ; but I give them here because I think that the specimen, although young, had nearly attained its full growth : — ft. in. Total length over the dorsum 6 5f „ „ lateral surface 6 llf „ „ abdominal surface 6 llf From the snout to the nostrils 0 11-| From the nostrils to the dorsal fin 1 6-| Base of the dorsal fin ; Oil Erom dorsal fin to foot of tail 3 Of Breadth of pectoral limb 0 4-| From the snout to the organs of generation . . 3 9f Circumference anterior to the arm 2 9 „ „ dorsal fin 3 2-| „ posterior to dorsal fin 2 10 „ at setting on of the tail 0 8-| Length of pectoral limb 0 10 Breadth of tail . . . . " 1 2 Greatest height of the dorsal fin : . . 0 9 68 KKOX ON THE CETACEA. From the notes taken at the time, I find that my brother remarks that the Dolphin of Orkney differed a good deal in shape from those found in the Forth and seas in the South of Scotland. There were, moreover, 16 more vertebrae than in the skeleton of the Common Porpoise of authors. The teeth generally weighed 2^ grains each. Further, the muscles of the tongue, intrinsic as well as ex- trinsic, were extremely well developed. The isthmus faucium was 3 inches long. All this part was extremely glandular. A well-marked muscular gullet followed, composed of two layers of muscular fibres, — one circular internally, and one longitudinal ex- ternally. These latter sent a slip to the base of the arytaenoid car- tilages. The mucous membrane of the gullet had no true epidermic covering, and in this respect diifered remarkably from the first gastric compartment, from which a cuticular lining could be peeled off, as strong as that from the sole of the foot in man. The larynx presented that organization so well described by the illustrious Cuvier, and which I believe to be peculiar to the whales with teeth. It differs very much, as I explained long ago, in its arrangement from that of Whalebotie Whales, — a fact of which I think Cuvier was not aware. The cricoid cartilage was imperfect in form ; the hyo-epiglottic muscles very strong. The proper arytaenoid were present, and strong, but did not extend so high as in man ; the thyro-arytaenoid muscles were very fully de- veloped. In the interior of the larynx there were no projections nor ventricles, no cuneiform cartilages, nor cornicula laryngis. The rings of the trachea formed complete circles. Stomach. — The cuticular lining is limited to the first cavity or compartment. It is in the second compartment that is found the curious glandular arrangement first, I believe, described by me in the ' Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.' This structure is most probably not limited to the second compart- ment. There are four distinct compartments in the stomach of this animal. A dilated duodenum follows, 6 inches in length. It is possible that this may have been in some instances mistaken for a stomach. The valvulae conniventes commence with the jejunum ; these are longitudinal, and extend to within about 6 inches of tlie anus, terminating at a point where the intestine seems enlarged. The length of the intestines, large and small, was 90 feet ; circum- ference generally about 2 inches. Thousands and tens of thou- sands of parasitical worms were found in the stomach, but none in the intestine. In the stomach also we found four mandibles of KNOX ON THE CETACEA. bU the cuttlefish, but no remains of anything in the intestines, and no parasites. Heart and Vessels. — The heart weighed exactly one pound. The Eustachian valve was small, that of Thebesius imperfect. The aorta proceeded for about 3 inches of its course before giving off any branches. At a point corresponding to the 15th or 16th lumbar vertebra the vessel divided into the common iliacs. The art. sacri media, its continuation, continued its course protected by the Y-bones, and giving off branches corresponding to the inter- vertebral spaces. Brain and Nervous System. — The erectile tissue surrounding the spinal cord and origin of the spinal nerves in the Cetacea did not extend into the interior of the cranium. The entire ence- phalic mass weighed 2\ lbs. : cerebrum, 2 lbs. ; cerebellum, \ ; pons and medulla, -j=2J. Compared with a drawing of Camper of the Belphinus Fhoccena, the brain was found to differ remark- ably, in being much broader in the line of the middle and poste- rior lobes. In no animal did I ever find the fibrous structure of the brain so well marked ; and this extended to the cerebellum *. I give here some measurements of the brain, which may be of use to future observers. The brain is short from before backwards, but broad transversely : — Antero-posterior diameter 5f inches. Breadth 8 „ Greatest breadth of the cerebellum 4 „ Length of the cerebellar hemisphere . . . . 4f „ Depth of ditto 3f „ Weight of the encephalic mass 2^ lbs. Depth of the interhemispherical fissure . . If inches. Length of the corpus callosum 1^ „ Weight of cerebrum 2 "j „ cerebellum OJ \=^^ lbs. „ the pons and med. oblongata . . 0^ J Nerves. — The 7th pair was found to be unexpectedly large and firm, including both portions. The anterior roots of the spinal nerves were far more numerous than the posterior or dorsal. * " The substance of the brain is more visibly fibrous than I ever saw it in any other animal, the fibres passing from the ventricles as from a centre to the circumference, which fibrous texture is also continued through the cortical sub- stance."—Huntee, " On Whales," ' Animal Economy,' Palmer's edit. p. 373. 70 KNOX ON THE CETACEA. Muscles. — The panniculus carnosus, strong and fleshy, extended nearly over the whole trunk. The recti abdominis were power- ful, and attached inferiorly in this way : — A portion runs to the pelvic bones ; a much stronger to a strong aponeurosis, situated between the anus and the root of the tail. The erector muscles of the spine (sacrolumbalis, longissimus dorsi and multifidus spinse) weighed fully 16 lbs. They had but slender costal attachments ; but their spinal (small delicate ten- dons) were innumerable. The scaleni were very large ; and the vessels held the same relation to them as in man. The serratus magnus was comparatively small. The larger rhomboid had no spinal attachment ; the minor rhomboid seemed to be the larger of the two. The pectorals were comparatively small. The adi- pose tissue appeared to be wholly confined to the subcutaneous region. The muscles were of a deep brown colour, full of blood, with a short, dark, and well-flavoured fibre : when cooked, they had a strong resemblance in flavour and taste to the flesh of the hare. Part II. The Bal^na Whales, oe Whales with Whalebone. In February 1834 a young whale of the family of Balaena Whales was caught near the Queensferry, in the Firth of Forth. One much larger had been seen some time before, but escaped. I purchased it for dissection, although I was aware that it was im- possible for me, during the hurry of the winter session, to devote much time to it. But I had able assistants (Mr. Henry Goodsir, Mr. Edward Forbes, and my brother), from whom I expected a good deal of aid. Some very beautiful drawings of this whale, made for me by Mr. Edward Forbes and by my brother, are still in mj possession. It was easy to see, by the dorsal fin and by the numerous plaits or folds on the abdominal surface of the throat and chest, before any dissection, that the specimen was a young Balsenopterous whale, differing in a great many points from the true whale or Mysticetus : for, 1st, the form of the head was entirely different ; 2nd, it had a dorsal fin ; and, 3rd, occupying the lower surface of the throat and thorax were numerous folds of the integuments. To this class of whales I have been in the habit of giving the name of Eorqual, to distinguish them from the other class of Whale- bone Whales, the Mysticetus both horealis and australis. KNOX ON THE CETACEA. 71 It appears from my notes, that at that time M. Gr. Cuvier considered the species I now describe as identical with the Great Rorqual I had described about two years previously ; but I felt convinced then, as now, that they form distinct species, and in this opinion some continental anatomists seem to coincide. Being persuaded that there was some inaccuracy in former drawings of the species, I had the specimen suspended and drawn with great care by Mr. Edward Eorbes. This position explained the mechanism of the mouth, showing its great size, even in the short Balsena Whales ; its great capacity in the Mysticetus had never been doubted. As to the species, the conclusion I arrived at was, that the specimen belonged to that termed by Fabricius rostrata, and that individuals of the species had been seen by John Hunter, Sir James Watson, and Fabricius. Measurements. f^ in. Total length of the specimen 9 11 Circumference immediately behind the pectoral extremities 5 2 Circumference where the folds or rugae terminated 4 8^^ Ditto of the tail at its origin 1 6^ Length from the back fin to the setting on of the tail 2 10 „ from the snout to the ear 3 0 „ from snout to nostrils 1 4 „ of lower jaw 2 3 „ of arm ; inner side 1 3 „ from the angle of the mouth to the arm. . 1 3 „ from snout to arm 2 9 „ of tail in depth 0 11 „ of back fin at the base 0 8 Height of back fin 0 8| From top to tip of tail 2 8^ Stomach : — 1st compartment, in length 1 2 2nd „ „ 14 3rd „ „ 0 8 4th „ „ 0 7 5th „ „ . 0 3 Spleen weighed 4 ounces ; its length was 0 5 Liver, 9 lbs. Small intestines, length 20 0 72 KNOX ON THE CETACEA. ft. in. Iiarge „ „ 2 4 Kidney, weight 2^ lbs. Brain (including 2 inches of spinal marrow), S^ lbs. Cerebellum, pons, and 2 inches of spinal marrow, f lb. G-reat hemisphere of the brain measured 3 inches in length, in breadth, 6-|- ; at the base, 8 inches. Tuber annulare 0 If Olfactory nerves, in length 0 1-^ Ditto, breadth 0 2^ Skeleton : — Length of cranium 2 11 Grreatest breadth between the orbits . 1 3 Length of vertebral column 7 8 When we compare the skeleton of this Eorqual with the Grigantic Eorqual I also dissected, we find as follows : — i2. giganteus, R. minor. Cervical .... vertebrae 7 vertebrae 7 Dorsal 15 11 Lumbar, sacral, caudal 43 30 65 48 These differences must be specific. At the extremity of the snout in either jaw there were 8 strong bristles, being the only vestiges of hair found on the external surface. The mouth was of great size ; the tongue large and tolerably free, and of a pale rose or vermilion colour. The baleen, where deepest, measured about 4 inches ; there were* 370 plates on each side ; but anteriorly and posteriorly these plates w^ere re- duced to mere bristles. The isthmus faucium allowed the closed hand to pass through it ; through this isthmus I do not believe that any water ever passes into the pharynx, unless it be accidentally, as in man. The "spout" of the Whalebone Whale is composed, no doubt, of the pulmonary vapour, and not of any water received into the pharynx from the mouth. The stomach seemed composed of five compartments externally, but presented only four when laid open, the fifth being manifestly the duodenum. In the intestines no remains of food were found, but abundance of intestinal worms, and a substance strongly re- sembling the human meconium. There was an ilio-csecal valve as KNOX ON THE CETACEA. 73 distinct as in man. In the rectum the folds of the mucous mem- brane were transverse. Organs of Hespiration. — The external nostrils were double ; and the cavities of the nostrils provided with the remarkable carti- lages and muscular apparatus I discovered and described in the anatomy of the Grreat Eorqual. In this specimen they were about 4 inches in length, but of as many feet in the large Eorqual. The mode of breathing in the Eorquals does not differ much from that in man, with the exception of the apparatus of the protruding cartilages, which in man are rudimentary. The Olfactory Nerves were quite as large as in other mammals ; and in this respect the Balaena "Whales are quite unlike the Dol- phins *. The trachea communicated, near its upper part, with a sac or pouch; the lungs were each composed of a single lobe. The rings of the trachea were mostly deficient anteriorly. In the heart the foetal arrangements had wholly disappeared. The dura mater seemed divisible into three layers, the external being vas- cular. A remarkable vascular substance connected with this layer covers the back part of the brain and cerebellum, extending into the spinal canal, and even into the chest. At the base of the brain the vascular plexus was about 2 inches in thickness. It is, as is well known, a sort of erectile tissue, of whose functions we are wholly ignorant. It is not confined to this course, but extends to the neck, and, passing through the foramina inter- vertebralia, fills the intercostal spaces exterior to the pleura. There was evidently a canal in the centre of the spinal marrow. Wherever the nerves of the lungs and stomach were traced, they terminated in loops. "We did not observe in the Grreat Eorqual any tracheal pouch like that in the smaller ; but it may have escaped notice: if absent in the Grreat Eorqual, it would be another proof of the distinctness of the species. The doubts raised by M. St. Hilaire, as to the Whale being a mammal in the true sense of the term, were set aside long ago by an appeal to facts. The young of the Whale tribe suckle like the young of all mammals ; nevertheless I showed, in 1834, that * In his paper " On the Structure of Whales " (PhH. Trans. 1787), Hunter remarks that the organ of smell " is peculiar to the large and small Whalebone Whales." He further remarks, that, " in those that have olfactory nerves, the lateral ventricles are not continued into tliem as in many quadrupeds ;" and he notices " the want of the olfactory nerves in the genus of the Porpoise." — ' Anim. Economy,' Pahner's edit. pp. 372, 373, 376. 74 KNOX ON THE CETA.CEA. the lactiferous glands in the Balanoptercd differ in structure from the same organs in most mammals. I do not find in my notes anything to add to the description of the Great Eorqual already published in the ' Transactions of the Eoyal Society of Edinburgh' for 1827, to which I beg leave to refer the reader. A single remark must be added regarding the nature of the vascular plexus which, in the Cetacea, surrounds the spinal marrow, and extends into the chest. On selecting the artery which seemed to form the plexus, which was, if I rightly recollect, in this instance an intercostal artery, and dissecting it under water, I found, to my surprise, that the artery, so long as I followed it, never gave off any branches, but continued of the same calibre throughout, making innumerable flexuosities or turnings. Thus, on a plexi- form mass of this kind being cut across, the first impression is, that a great number of arterial branches or arteries have been divided, whilst in fact the entire plexus seems to be formed of one artery. As was to be expected of animals so much withdrawn from human observation, there is but little to say on the natural history of the Cetacea properly so called. Their food, no doubt, is va- rious, and seems to have little or no relation to the character of their dentition. The enormous Cachalot, with its vast teeth im- planted only in one jaw, is generally understood to prey chiefly on the Cuttlefish. The food of the true Whale, or Mysticetiis, is well known to be the Clio and other smaller Mollusca, with which certain regions of the ocean abound; the same, or similar, is probably the food of the more active and restless Eorquals, found in both hemispheres. The Dolphins, or Toothed Whales, generally prey, no doubt, on fishes of various kinds ; yet, even as regards these, it has been proved by my esteemed friend, the late Mr. Henry Goodsir, that some of the largest, following in the wake of the herring shoals, prey not on these, but on the various microscopic food (the Entomostraca and other marine animals) which I was the first to prove to be the natural food of many ex- cellent gregarious freshwater fish, as the Vendace, Early Loch Leven Trout, the Brown Trout of the Highland and Scottish lakes generally, and of the Herring itself*. It is scarcely necessary to add, that the complex apparatus connected with the exterior * See Memoirs in the ' Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh ' for 1832. KNOX ON THE CETACEA. 75 nostrils of the Dolphins is wholly wanting in the Balsena "Whales, — a fact of which M. Cuvier was not aware when he wrote his cele- brated Treatise on Comparative Anatomy. Appendioc. — Since writing the above, I have received an answer to a letter I addressed to my friend, John Groodsir, Esq., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh. The request con- tained in my letter to Mr. Groodsir was, to examine for me the skeleton of a foetal Mysticetus now in the University Museum. The foetus from which this skeleton was prepared was removed from the uterus of the mother, killed in the North Seas by the seamen of a whaling ship, by one of my former students, Mr. E. Auld, who presented the specimen to me. The point at issue was the composition of the cervical vertebrae in the true or Greenland "Whale, the Balcena Mysticetus. M. Yan Beneden, to whose memoir I have referred in the commencement of this, says, on the authority of Eschricht, that at no age whatever do we find in true Whales (meaning, I presume, the Mysticetus horealis and australis) any distinct vertebrae in the cervical region, as in other mam- mals. A fusion of all into one bone or cartilage seems to take place even in the youngest foetus. Now, I had enjoyed the rare opportunity of dissecting the foetus of the Mysticetus, and I knew that the skeleton, prepared with the greatest care, was still pre- served in the Museum of the University of Edinburgh. I wrote to Mr. Goodsir to re-examine this point for me, for I did not find in my notes any confirmation of the observations of Eschricht. Mr. Goodsir' s reply to my note is as follows : — " University, Edinburgh, " My dear Sib, ^^P*- ^0' 1857. " In the skeleton of the foetal Mysticetus now in the University Museum, the bodies of the axis and atlas have shrivelled up toge- ther, having evidently consisted of cartilage only ; but the bodies of the five posterior cervical vertebrae are beautifully distinct, having well-formed osseous centres, which give them more of the con- figuration of the succeeding vertebral bodies than they present in their compressed form in the adult. " The neural arches in the cervical region of this skeleton are five in number ; the two anterior, which are distinctly those of the atlas and axis, have an osseous nodule on each side, where the transverse processes pass off". The third arch belongs to the third vertebra, the fourth and fifth to the sixth and seventh. These three arches are cartilaginous, and present no osseous centres. It 76 BA.IKIE ON NATURAL HISTORY Or WEST COAST OF APBICA. is impossible to determine from the preparation whether the arches of the fourth and fifth vertebrae had been cut away in dis- secting the parts, or whether they have shrivelled up in drying ; but as the skeleton was very carefully prepared, .and as these two arches are deficient (at least laterally) in the adult Mysticetus, I presume that the cartilaginous matrices were at least extremely delicate in the foetus. " I believe I have stated all the facts, afforded by this skeleton, which bear upon your questions. They appear to me to afford no support to the views to which they refer. " Yours very sincerely, (Signed) " John Goodsie." The conclusion I arrived at is this, — that the actual number of cervical vertebrae in the Mysticetus is, as in most other mammals, seven, and that, notwithstanding their earlier fusion, they are ori- ginally quite distinct. Extract of a Letter from Dr. Baikie to Sir John Eichaedson, M.D., C.B.., r.E.&L.S., dated 29th October, 1857, Eabba, on the Qworra. [Eead January 21st, 1858.] " In natural history my collection is advancing, especially in skins and skeletons of birds. I am collecting skulls of all the domesticated animals, and skeletons of the sheep and goats. I have got a few fish, including a prettily-marked Diodon ovTetraodon, probably new, and a Myletes which I did not meet with formerly. The Siluridce are the most abundant fishes ; and one species closely resembles the HypophtJialmus, figured by EiippeU in his ' Fishes of the Nile and Eed Sea.' I have not met with another JPolypterus. I shall get a Lepidosiren in the river, and have heard of an electrical fish, I believe a Malopteruris, such as I formerly found. I enclose two scales of a fish which is said to grow to the length of 5 feet, but of which I have specimens half that size only, — also a sketch of a curious fish 2^ feet, which I put into spirits ; it has neither ventral nor anal fins, a very peculiar caudal, and a slender head, while the dorsal extends along the whole back ; eyes very small; teeth numerous and hard, but not sharp." He adds, in a postscript, that he had got the Lepidosiren. He had collected WALLACE ON DIPTERA OF AEU ISLANDS. 77 700 species of plants, and numerous fine fruits, which he says " will rejoice Sir William Hooker's heart." Dr. Baikie's postscript, however, mentions that his vessel had been wrecked ahout twelve miles above Lagos, and that she sunk in a few minutes after she struck. He does not say what was the fate of his collections, but states that all the party had fever from fatigue and sleeping in swamps after the wreck. — J. E. Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected in the Aru Islands by Mr. A. E. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. By Feancis Walkeb. Artj Island. Fam. MYCETOPHILID^, Raliday. Q-en. SciAEA, Meigen. Div. A. a., Meig. vi. 305. 1. SciARA SELECTA, D. s. Mus. Nigra, cinereo-tomentosa, antennis sat validis, pedibus piceis, ahs cinereis, venis costalibus crassis. Male. Black, with cinereous tomentum; antennae rather stout; legs piceous ; wings greyish ; veins black ; radial and cubital veins thick ; radial vein extending to the fork of the subapical. Length of the body If line; of the wings 4 lines. Fam. BIBIONID^, Haliday. G^en. Pleolal, Hoffmansegg. 2. Plecia dorsalis. Walk. See Vol. L p. 5. Fam. CULICIDiE, Haliday. 3. CuLEX scuTELLARis, n. s. Mas. Nigro-fuseus, capite thoraeeque argenteo trivittatis, scutello rufescente ; abdominis segmentis argenteo faseiatis, genubus et tarsorum posticorum fasciis niveis ; alis subcine- reis, venis nigris ciliatis. Male. Blackish brown. Head and thorax with three silvery stripes, the middle one very distinct ; scutellum reddish ; pectus with silvery gloss ; abdomen with silvery bands, which are narrow above, broad beneath ; femora pale towards the base ; knees snow-white ; hind tarsi with 5 broad snow-white bands ; middle tarsi with the first and second joints white at the base ; wings slightly greyish ; veins black, fringed. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. 78 WALLACE ON DIPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS. Fam. TIPULID^. Q-en. Megistoceea, Wied. 4. Megistocera tuscana, Wied. Auss. Zweifl. 1. 55. 1. Inhabits also Java. Gren. GrYNOPLiSTiA, Westw. 6. Gynoplistia jurgiosa, n. s. Mas. et Fam. Nigra, capite rufes- cente, alis cinereis, plagis costalibus nigro-fuscis. — Mas. Abdomine ochraceo, apice nigro, femoribus basi testaceis. — Foem. Abdomine atro fasciis albidis apice luteo. Male and Female. Black. Head reddish ; antennae testaceous at the base ; thorax testaceous in front ; wings greyish, blackish-brown along the costa, and with three subcostal blackish -brown patches, the third continued along the veins towards the hind border. Male. Abdomen ochraceous, black at the tip; femora testaceous at the . base ; halteres testaceous. Female. Abdomen deep black, with whitish bands on the sutures ; tip luteous. Length of the body 5-6 lines ; of the wings 9-10 lines. Fam. STEATIOMID^, Haliday. Gen. Ptilocera, Wied. 6. Ptilocera quadridentata. See Vol. I. p. 7. 7. Massicyta inflata, n. s. Fcem. Nigra, capite viridi maculis nigris, antennis basi ferrugineis, pectoris callis duobus scutelloque testaceis, abdomine basi sordide albido lineis tribus nigris, fasciis duabus cano- tomentosis, segmentis tertio quartoque apice ferrugineis, tibiis basi tarsisque albidis, alis subcinereis fusco marginatis, stigmate nigri- cante, halteribus testaceis. Female. Black. Head dull green, with several black spots; mouth testaceous ; antennae dark ferruginous towards the base ; two pec- toral calli and the scutellum testaceous ; abdomen at the base dingy- whitish and semihyaline, and with three black lines ; third and fourth segments with hoary bands, their hind borders ferruginous ; tibiae towards the base, and tarsi, whitish ; hind tibiae with the two colours most .distinctly marked ; wings grey, with broad brownish borders ; stigma blackish ; veins black ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 11 lines. 8. Massicyta cerioi'des, n. s. Foim. Nigra, capite testaceo maculis nigris, antennis basi ferrugineis, pectoris callis duobus, thoracis vittis duabus interruptis, sciitello abdominisque fasciis tribus viridibus, segment© abdominali secundo maculis duabus testaceis, tarsis albis, alis nigricanti-fuscis, lialteribus viridibus. WALKEE ON DIPTEEA OF ARU ISLANDS. 79 Female. Black. Head testaceous, with some black spots on the vertex. Antennae dark ferruginous towards the base. An interrupted stripe on each side of the thorax, two pectoral calli, the scutellum, and the hind borders of the second, third, and fourth abdominal segments green. Abdomen testaceous at the base beneath ; first band inter- rupted, having before it two testaceous spots. Knees lurid ; tarsi white. Wings blackish brown; stigma and veins black; halteres apple-green. Length of the body 5-6 lines; of the wings 10-12 lines. G-en. Salduba, n. g, Male. Corpus angustum, sublineare. Caput transversum; vertex an- gustus. Oculi magni. Antennce capite transverse valde longiores; articuli primo ad septimum breves ; flagellum longum, lanceolatum, subarcuatum. TAoraa? longus, subcompressus ; scutellum inerme. Ab- domen planum, thorace pauUo longius. Pedes graciles ; postici longi. Alee angustae. Male. Body narrow, nearly linear. Head slightly transverse, nearly as broad as the thorax ; vertex narrow. Eyes large. Antennae shorter than the thorax ; joints from the first to the seventh short ; flagelluni long, lanceolate, slightly curved. Thorax long, slightly increasing in breadth from the head to the base of the wings. Abdomen nearly flat and linear, a little longer than the thorax. Legs slender; hind pair long. Wings narrow ; veins complete, distinctly marked ; first cubital areolet rather short, divided from the second by the oblique first cubi- tal rim ; discal areolet large, hexagonal ; subanal and anal veins united at some distance from the border. 9. Salduba diphysoides, n. s., Mas. Nigra, ore flavo, thorace vittis quatuor subauratis, abdominis apice cinereo, pedibus albidis, femoribus posticis apices versus tibiisque posticis nigris, alis cinereis, venis stigmateque nigris, halteribus testaceis. Male. Black. Mouth yellow ; thorax with four stripes of slightly gilded tomentum ; tip of the abdomen with cinereous tomentum ; legs whitish, hind femora towards the tips and hind tibiae black ; wings greyish, veins and stigma black; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Gen. Stratiomts. 10. Stratiomys confertissima, n. s. Fam. Nigra, subtus ferru- ginea, capite fulvo, antennis basi fulvis, thorace vittis quatuor sub- auratis, scutelli margine fulvo, ventre piceo basi testaceo, pedibus fulvis nigro fasciatis ; alis subcinereis, venis stigmateque nigris, hal- teribus testaceis. Female. Black, ferruginous beneath. Head, antennae at the base, border of the scutellum, and legs tawny ; antennae a little shorter than the breadth of the head; thorax with four slightly gilded LINN. PROC. — ZOOLO&T. 6 60 WALKER OF DIPTEEA OF ABTJ ISLANDS. stripes ; abdomen beneath pieeous, testaceous at the base ; femora and tibiae with broad black bands ; wings greyish, stigma and veins black ; halteres testaceous. Length of the b^dy 4 lines ; of the wings 72 lines. 11. Stratiomys nexura, U.S. Mas et Foem. Nigra, antennis basi fulvis, capite transverso brevioribus, abdominis lateribus, ventre, tibiis, tarsis halteribusque fulvis, alis limpidis, venis testaceis. Mas. Thorace atro piloso. Foem. Thorace nigro-aeneo angustiore. Male and female. Black. Head rather prominent ; antennae tawny towards the base, shorter than the breadth of the head ; spines of the scutellum, abdomen beneath, tibiae, tarsi, and halteres tawny ; wings limpid, veins testaceous. Male. Thorax deep black, pilose; abdomen tawny along each side. Female. Head shining; thorax aeneous black, narrower than that of the male ; abdomen with the tawny stripes much narrower than those of the male. Length of the body 3| lines ; of the wings 6^ lines. Gren. Clitellaeia, Meigen. 12. Clitellaria bivittata, Fahr. See Vol. I. p. 7. Gen. Gabaza, n. g. Fcem. Corpus breve, latum. Caput transversum, thorace paullo an- gustius ; facies valde obliqua. AntenncB capite transverso breviores ; articuU breves, transversi ; arista longa, gracihs, filiformis. Scutellum promiuens, spinis duabus minutis. Abdomen transversum, thorace multo latius. Pedes graciles, breviusculi. Alee sat angustae; venae tenues. Female. Body short, broad. Head transverse, a little narrower than the thorax ; face very oblique. Antennae shorter than the breadth of the head ; joints short, transverse ; arista slender, filiform, longer than the preceding part, which is lanceolate. Scutellum prominent, armed with two minute spines. Abdomen transverse, much broader than the thorax. Legs slender, somewhat short. Wings rather narrow ; veins feeble, in structure like those of Stratiomys. 13. Gabaza argentea, n. s. Foim. Nigra, antennis fulvis, arista alba, thorace abdomineque argenteo-tomentosis, tarsis albido-testa- ceis, ahs limpidis, venis pallidis. Female. Coal-black. Antennae tawny, arista white; thorax and ab- domen with bright silvery tomentum; tarsi whitish testaceous; wings limpid, veins pale. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 3^ lines. Gen. Saegus, Fabr. 14. Sargus metallinus, Fabr. See Vol. I. p. 1 10. WALKEB ON DIPTERA OF AKU ISLANDS. 81 15. Sargus complens, n. s. Fcem. Rufescente-fulvus, capitis vertice nigrO;, antennis testaceis, abdomine fasciis latis abbreviatis piceis, tarsis posticis basi tibiisque posticis nigris, alis cinereis, basi sub- luridis, apud costam exteriorem nigro-fuscis. Female, Reddish tawny. Head black above, testaceous beneath ; an- tennae testaceous; abdomen with four broad abbreviated piceous bands; legs tawny, hind tibiae black with a tawny apical mark, hind tarsi black towards the base ; wings greyish, slightly lurid towards the base, blackish-brown about the exterior part of the costa, veins black, tawny towards the base ; halteres testaceous, tawny towards the tips. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. 16. Sargus rogans, n. s. Mas et Fcem. Capitis vertice nigro, an- tennis pedibusque testaceis, tibiis tarsisque posticis nigris, alis sub- cinereis apice obscurioribus. Mas. Luteo-testaceus. Fcem. Ferru- gineus. Male and Female. Head black above ; antennae and legs testaceous ; hind tibiae and hind tarsi black ; wings greyish, darker towards their tips ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Male. Lutescent testa- ceous. Female. Ferruginous ; wings darker than those of the male. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. G-en. Nebua, n. g. Foem. Corpus longiusculum, sublineare. Caput transversum, thorace non latins. Antennce breves ; aiticulus tertius rotundus ; arista api- calis, longa, tenuis, setiformis. Thorax productus. Scutellum spinis quatuor longiusculis. Abdomen depressum, sublineare, thorace vix latins, non longius. Pedes graciles, non longi. Ake angustae ; venae bene determinatae. Female. Body rather long, nearly linear. Head transverse, not broader than the thorax. Antennae short ; third joint round ; arista apical, long, slender, setiform. Thorax long. Abdomen flat, thin, nearly linear, hardly broader and not longer than the thorax. Legs slender, not long. Wings narrow ; veins distinctly marked, in structure like those of Clitellaria. This genus may be distinguished from Culcua by the shape of the abdomen. 17. Nerua scENOPiNoiDES, u. s. F(£m. Atra, nitens, antennis fulvis, scutelli spinis pedibusque albis, alis nigrocinereis, postice pallidiori- bus, venis nigris, halteribus testaceis. Female. Coal-black, shining ; antennae tawny ; thorax slightly to- mentose ; spines of the scutellum and legs white ; wings blackish grey, paler towards the hind border, veins black; halteres testa- ceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5 hnes. 6* 82 WALKER ON DIPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS. Gen. Adraga, n. g. Mas. Corpus sublineare. Caput thorace non latius. Oculi connexi. Antenna brevissimae j articulus tertius rotundus ; arista apicalis, gra- cilis, setiformis. Thorax sutura transversa bene determinata. Scu- tellum prominens, trigonum, marginatum. Abdomen thorace paullo brevius, non latius. Pedes breviusculi, validi, non dilatati. AI(B mediocres. Male. Body nearly linear, rather thick. Head not broader than the thorax. Eyes connected. Antennae very short ; third joint round; arista apical, long, slender, setiform. Thorax with the transverse suture very distinct. Scutellum prominent, triangular, with a border. Abdomen a little shorter and not broader than the thorax. Legs stout, rather short, not dilated. Wings moderately broad; veins in structure like those of Clitellaria. 18. Adraga univitta, n. s. Mas. Nigra, subtilissime punctata, an- tennis piceis, thorace vitta cinerea, tarsis posterioribus albis, alis nigricantibus. Male. Coal-black, hardly shining ; antennae piceous ; thorax and abdo- men very minutely punctured; thorax with a stripe of cinereous tomentum; posterior tarsi white; wings blackish, veins black. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. Gen. Obrapa, n. g. F(£m. Corpus breve, latum, crassum, convexum. Caput transversum, thorace angustius. Antennae breves; articulus tertius rotundus; arista apicalis, gracilis, setiformis. Thorax sutura transversa bene determinata. Abdomen transversum, thorace paullo latius, valde bre- vius. Pedes breviusculi, validi ; antici subdilatati. Alee mediocres. Female. Body short, broad, thick, convex. Head transverse, narrower than the thorax. Antennae short ; third joint round ; arista apical, slender, setiform. Thorax with the transverse suture very distinct. Scutellum large, prominent, with a marginal suture. Abdomen trans- verse, a little broader than the thorax, and not more than half its length. Legs stout, rather short, the fore pair slightly dilated. Wings moderately broad, veins rather irregular ; discal areolet large, quadrilateral ; externomedial veins, subanal vein, and anal vein very slight ; subanal vein and anal vein united at some distance from the border. 1.9. Obrapa perilampoides, n. s. Foem. Atra, nitens, subtilissime punctata, capite glabro, antennis piceis, tarsis posterioribus albidis, alis limpidis, venis albidis basi nigris, halteribus niveis. Female. Deep black, shining, very minutely punctured ; head smooth ; antennae piceous; posterior tarsi whitish, with black tips; wings limpid, veins whitish, black towards the base ; halteres snow-white. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. WALKEE ON DIPTEEA OF AEU ISLANDS. 83 20. Obrapa CELYPHoiDES, n. s. Foem. Atra, nitens, subtilissirae punctata, capite glabro, antennis piceis, tarsis albidis, alls nigro-cine- reis, venis nigris, halteribus niveis. Female. Deep black, very minutely punctured. Head smooth ; antennae piceous; tarsi whitish; wings blackish cinereous, veins black; hal- teres snow-white. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 hues. Earn. TABAISTID^, Leach. G-en. Tabanus, Idnn. 21. Tabanus recusans, n. s. Fosm. Piceus, cinereo-subtomentosus, callo nigro angusto, antennis rufis apice nigris, humeris rufescentibus, abdomine basi glaucescente, tibiis obscure ferrugineis, alis nigro-fuscis, apice margineque postico cinereis. Female. Piceous, slightly covered with cinereous tomentum. Callus of the head black, long, slender, entire ; antennae red, black towards the tips, angle of the third joint very small; thorax reddish on each side in front of the forewings ; abdomen with glaucous tomentum towards the base; tibiae mostly dark ferruginous; wings blackish- brown, cinereous towards the tips and along the hind border ; veins black ; forebranch of the cubital vein simple, very slightly undulating, its tip, like that of the radial vein, clouded with blackish -brown. Length of the body 6^ lines; of the wings 12 lines. Earn. ASILID^, Leach. Subfam. Dastpogonites, . Walk. Gren. Dastpogon, Fabr. 22. Dasypogon inopinus, n. s. Fcem. Piceus, facie aurata, mystace parvo albo, antennis ferrugineis, apices versus nigris, capite transverse longioribus, articulo tertio lineari, pectore fasciis tribus canis, abdo- minis segmentis ferrugineo fasciatis, alis luridis, apud costam nigro- fuscis, halteribus testaceis. Female. Piceous. Face flat, brightly gilded ; epistoma not prominent ; mystax with a few white bristles ; mouth black ; antennae ferruginous, black towards the tips, longer than the breadth of the head ; third joint linear, longer than the first and the second together; pectus with three hoary bands ; abdomen subclavate, nearly twice the length of the thorax ; a ferruginous band on the hind border of each seg- ment ; legs mostly ferruginous ; wings lurid, blackish-brown towards the costa, veins black; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. 23. Dasypogon honestus, n. s. Luteseente-fulvus, capite, antennis, pedibus alisque nigris, thorace vitta schistacea nigro marginata vit- 84 WALKEE ON DIPTEEA OF ARU ISLANDS. tisque duabus lateralibus cinereis, pectore postico nigro, abdomine ?, tibiis tarsisque posticis fulvis. Luteous-tawny. Head, anteimse, hind part of the pectus, and legs black, shining ; mystax with very few bristles ; antennae almost as long as the breadth of the head, third joint long, slender, linear ; thorax with a slate-coloured blackish-bordered stripe, a short slate-coloured stripe on each side ; abdomen wanting ; hind tibiae and tarsi tawny ; wings blackish, veins black. Length of the body 4? lines; of the wings 7 lines. Subfam. Laphrites, Walk. Gen. Lapheia, Fahr. 24. Laphria scapularis, Wied. Auss. Zweijl. 1. 516. 29. Inhabits also Java. 25. Laphria aurifacies, Macq. See Vol. I. p. 10. 26. Laphria gloriosa, n. s. Mas et Fcem. Aurata, capite pec- toreque albis, abdomine purpureo, guttis lateralibus albis, basi viridi, lateribus pedibusque cyaneis, alis fuscis basi cinereis, halteribus testaceis. Male and Female. Head and pectus with white tomentum and hairs ; mystax with a few black bristles ; mouth and antennae black ; third joint of the latter linear, conical at the tip, longer than the first and the second together ; thorax with cupreous-gilded tomentum ; abdo- men purple, green at the base, blue and with a row of white dots along each side ; legs blue ; wings brown, cinereous towards the base, veins black ; halteres testaceous. Male. Legs very thick and pilose. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 16 lines. 27. Laphria socia, n. s. Fam. Cyaneo-viridis, capite aurato, an- tennarum articulo tertio longissimo subfusiformi, thoracis tomento subaurato, vitta media nuda, pectore argenteo, abdomine purpureo- cyaneo basi viridi maculis lateralibus argenteis, alis nigro-cinereis basi cinereis. Female. Bluish-green. Head brightly gilded, hind part silvery; mystax with six long black bristles; third joint of the antennae very elongate subfusiform ; thorax with slightly gilded tomentum, excepting a broad bare middle stripe; pectus with silvery tomentum ; abdomen purplish- blue, green towards the base, with spots of silvery tomentum along each side ; hind borders of the ventral segments white ; wings grey, blackish-grey for almost half the length from the tips and along three- fourths of the length of the hind border, veins black ; halteres ferru- ginous. Length of the body 8^ lines; of the wings 16 lines. 28. Laphria consobrtna, n. s. Fam. Purpurea, capite aurato, pec- tore argenteo, abdomine viridi-cyaneo, maculis lateralibus argenteis, alis nigricantibus basi cinereis. WALKEE ON DIPTERA OF ABU ISLANDS. 85 Female. Purple. Head brightly gilded, hind part silvery, underside with white hairs ; mystax with six long black bristles ; pectus with sijvery tomentum ; abdomen greenish blue, with spots of silvery to- mentum along each side ; hind borders of the ventral segments white ; wings slightly grey, blackish for full half the length from the tips and along full three-fourths of the length of the hind border, veins black ; halteres ferruginous, with black tips. Length of the body 7f luies ; of the wings 14 lines. This species much resembles L. socia, but may be distinguished by the difference of colour, and more especially by the more undulating first branch vein, by the much less oblique third externo-medial vein, and by the subanal vein, which is united to the anal vein much nearer the border. 29. Laphria sodalis, n. s. Mas. Cyanea, capite aurato, antenna- rum articulo tertio fusiformi, thoracis lateribus purpureo-viridibus, pectore ventreque argenteis, abdomine maculis lateralibus argenteis, alis cinereis, apice posticeque nigricantibus. Male. Blue. Head brightly gilded, vertex and hind part silvery, un- derside with white hairs ; mystax with four long black bristles, and with several gilded bristles; third joint of the antennae elongate- fusiform ; sides of the thorax varied with green and purple ; abdomen with spots of silvery tomentum along each side, underside and pectus silvery ; wings grey, black towards the tips and along half the length of the hind border ; halteres white. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. The veins of this species are hardly different from those of L. conso- brina in structure, excepting the third externo-medial, which is united to the fourth nearer the border. 30. Laphria comes, n. s. Mas et FcBm. Viridi-cyanea, capite aurato, antennarum articulo tertio fusiformi, pectore ventrisque lateribus argenteis, abdomine viridi (mas) aut purpureo-cyaneo (fcem.) maculis lateralibus argenteis, alis nigricantibus basi cinereis. Male and Female. Greenish blue. Head brightly gilded, hind part silvery; mystax with six long black bristles; third joint of the an- tennae elongate-fusiform ; pectus with silvery tomentum ; abdomen green in the male, purplish-blue in the female, with silvery spots along each side, underside with two silvery stripes; wings blackish, grey at the base and along the costa for more than one-third of the length, veins and halteres black. Length of the body 6-6^ lines; of the wings 11-12 lines. This may be only a small variety of L. consobrina ; but the wings are not darker towards the costa as in that species, and the first branch- vein is much more straight. 31. Laphria consors, n. s. Mas et Fasm. Viridis (mas) aut cyanea (fcem.), capite aurato, antennarum articulo tertio brevifusiformi, pectore 86 WALKER OK DIPTERA. OF ARU ISLANDS. argenteo, abdoraiue seneo-viridi (mas) aut cyaneo-purpureo (foem.) maculis lateralibus argenteis, alls nigricantibus, basi cinereis. Male and Female. Green (male) or blue (female). Head gilded, hind part silvery; mystax with a few black bristles; third joint of the an- tennae short-fusiform ; pectus silvery ; abdomen seneous-green in the male, bluish-purple in the female, with silvery spots along each side ; wings blackish, grey at the base and along the costa for more than one-third of the length ; veins and halteres black. Length of the body 4|— 5 lines ; of the wings 8-9 lines. The straight and not obhque third externo-medial vein distinguishes this species from all the preceding Laphrice, 32. Laphria germana, n. s. Fosm. Cyanea, facie aurata, antenna- rum articulo tertio longissime subfusiformi, abdominis maculis late- ralibus pectoreque argenteis, alis cinereis, basi subcinereis, halteribus albis. Female. Blue. Head gilded in front, vertex and hind part silvery; mystax with six black bristles ; third joint of the antennae very long, subfusiform ; pectus silvery ; abdomen purplish blue, shorter than in the preceding species, with silvery spots along each side ; wings grey, slightly grey towards the base ; halteres white. Length of the body 3-^ lines; of the wings 7 lines. 33. Laphria flagrantissima, n. s. Mas. Rufescente-eervina, capite aurato, antennis pedibusque rufescentibus, thorace vittis tribus la- tissimis (lateralibus abbreviatis) pectoreque nigricantibus, alis lutes - centibus, plaga postica interiore fasciaque latissima exteriore nigri- cantibus. Male. Reddish fawn colour. Head gilded; mystax with numerous gilded bristles ; mouth lanceolate, very stout ; antennae reddish, third joint long, lanceolate, abruptly acuminated at the tip ; thorax with three very broad blackish stripes ; disk of the pectus black ; abdomen with the segments darker towards the base, underside black towards the tip ; legs reddish, stout ; tarsi with black bands beneath ; wings somewhat luteous, with a large blackish patch on the hind border near the base, and with a very broad blackish band near the tip ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 22 lines. 34. Laphria justa, n. s. Mas. Lutea, capite aurato, ore, antennis apice, thoracis maculis duabus posticis, pectore, abdominis fasciis latis femoribusque nigris, alis cinereis, apud costam luridis. Male. Luteous. Head gilded ; mystax with numerous gilded bristles ; mouth short, black ; antennae reddish tawny, third joint lanceolate, black except at the base ; thorax with the disk somewhat darker, two large black spots hindward ; pectus black ; abdomen linear, with a broad black band on the fore border of each segment ; femora black above except at the tips, hind femora black also beneath ; wings WALKER ON DIPTEBA OF ARTJ ISLANDS. 87 greyish, slightly clouded with dark grey, lurid along the costa for three-fourths of the length ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. 35. Laphria manifesta, n. s. Mas et Fcem. Fulva, capite argenteo (mas) aut pallide aurato (foem.), antennis apice nigris, thoracis disco et abdominis maculis subtrigonis subseneo-ferrugineis, scutello qua- drisetoso, alis subcinereis. Male and Female. Tawny. Head silvery in the male, pale-gilded in the female; mystax with several slender bristles; mouth lanceo- late; third joint of the antennae very elongate-subfusiform, black towards the tip ; disk of the thorax and nearly triangular dorsal spots of the abdomen ferruginous with a slight aeneous tinge ; pectus tes- taceous, shghtly silvery; wings slightly greyish ; veins black, testaceous at the base, where the wings also have a testaceous tinge ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 4^5 lines ; of the wings 8-9 lines. 36. Laphria aperta, n. s. Fcem. Testacea, capite subargenteo, antennis abdominisque apice nigris, alis nigricantibus basi limpidis, halteribus albidis. Female. Testaceous. Head with whitish shghtly silvery tomentum; mystax with very few bristles ; antennae black, third joint long, linear, conical at the tip ; thorax with a very indistinct darker stripe ; abdo- men black towards the tip ; wings blackish, limpid towards the base ; veins black, testaceous at the base ,- halteres whitish. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. 37. Laphria declarata, n. s. Mas. Fulva, capite albo, facie ar- gentea micante, antennis tibiisque posticis nigris, thorace atro, alis cinereis, venis nigris, halteribus testaceis. Male. Tawny, slender. Head white, face brilliant silvery; mystax with four bristles ; mouth black, short, slender ; eyes flat in front ; an- tennae black, almost as long as the breadth of the head ; third joint long, slender, lanceolate ; thorax deep black ; scutellum reddish tawny ; hind tibiae black, with tawny tips ; wings greyish, veins black ; discal veinlet and third externomedial vein forming one straight line, as in the genus Atomosia ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3 1 lines ; of the wings 6 lines^ Subfam. ASILITES, Walk. Gen. Trupanea, Macq. 38. Trupanea contradicens, n. s. Mas et Fcem. Nigricans, cine- reo-subtomentosa, thoracis vittis pectoreque cano-tomentosis, pedibus nigris, tibiis rufis apice nigris, alis fusco-cinereis, areola radiali schista- ceo vittata. Mas. Capite subaurato, barba testaceo-albida, abdominis segmentis lutescente marginatis. Fcem. Capite barbaque albidis, ab- domine stylato, segmentis cano marginatis. Male and Female. Blackish. Antennae and legs black ; thorax slightly 8^ WALKER ON DIPTEEA OF AEU ISLANDS. covered with cinereous tomentum ; stripes, pectus, and underside of the abdomen hoary ; tibiae red, with black tips ; wings brownish grey ; radial areolet with a slate-coloured stripe. Male. Head slightly gilded ; mystax with a few black bristles and many gilded bristles ; beard testaceous- whitish ; sides of the abdomen and hind borders of the segments lutescent. Female. Head and beard whitish ; mystax with many black bristles and a few white bristles ; abdomen with an apical style, more than one-third of the length of the preceding part, sides and hind borders of the segments hoary. Length of the body 12-14 lines ; of the wings 14-18 lines, G-en. AsiLTJS, Idnn. 39. Asilus longistylus, Wied. Auss. Zweifl. 1. 433. 13. Inhabits also Java. G-en. OMMATirs, Illiger. 40. Ommatius noctifer, n. s. Mas. Niger, capite aurato, thoracis incisuris, scutello, pectore, segmentorum abdominalium marginibus ventreque canis, tibiis fulvis apice nigris, alis cinereis costa apiceque nigricantibus, halteribus ferrugineis. Male. Black. Head gilded; mystax with a few black and several gilded bristles ; sutures of the thorax, scutellum, sides, pectus, hind borders of the abdominal segments, and underside hoary ; tibiae tawny, with black tips; wings cinereous, blackish along the costa and to- wards the tips, veins black; halteres ferruginous. Length of the body Qt-^^ lines ; of the wings 11-12 lines. 41. Ommatius lucifer, n. s. Mas, JEneo-niger, capite argenteo, pectore albido, abdominis segmentis ferrugineo marginatis, pedibus testaceis, femoribus nigro-vittatis, tarsis nigris, alis limpidis apice nigricantibus costa atra apud medium incrassata, halteribus testaceis. Male. Bronze-black. Head silvery in front ; mystax with a few black and a few whitish bristles ; pectus whitish ; hind borders of the ab- dominal segments ferruginous ; legs testaceous ; femora striped with black ; tarsi black, ferruginous at the base ; wings limpid, blackish at the tips ; costa deep black, incrassated in the middle ; halteres testa- ceous. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. 42. Ommatius retrahens, n. s. Fmm. Cinereo-niger, facie argen- tea, pectore albido, pedibus testaceis, tarsis, femoribus tibiisque apice femoribusque posticis nigris, alis limpidis apice subcinereis, halte- ribus testaceis. Female. Cinereous-black. Head silvery white in front; mystax with very few white and black bristles ; pectus whitish ; legs testaceous ; tips of the anterior femora and of the middle tibiae black ; hind femora and hind tarsi black ; anterior tarsi and hind tibiae black, testaceous towards the base ; wings limpid, slightly cinereous towards the tips ; WALKEE ON DIPTEEA OF AEU ISLANDS. 89 veins black ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. Gren. Leptogastee, Meigen. 43. Leptogaster ferrugineus, n.s. Mas. Ferrugineus, pectore albo, abdomine nigro, segmentorum marginibus ventreque testaceis, pedibus fulvis, feraoribus apice nigris, tibiis piceo vittatis, tibiis posticis tar- sisque nigris basi testaceis, alis sublimpidis, halteribus testaceis apice piceis. Male. Ferruginous. Head pale, gilded in front, hind side and pectus white; mouth and antennae tawny, the latter blackish towards the tips J abdomen black ; hind borders of the segments and under side testaceous ; legs tawny -, anterior femora with a testaceous band before the tips, which are black ; hind femora and anterior tibiae striped with pieeous, the latter black towards the tips ; tarsi and hind tibiae black, testaceous at the base ; wings very slightly greyish, veins black ; halteres testaceous, pieeous towards the tips. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. 44. Leptogaster longipes, n. s. Mas. Ferrugineus, pectore albido, abdomine piceo, segmentis apice fulvescentibus, pedibus anterioribus fulvescentibus, posticis piceis longissimis, femoribus posticis basi tes- taceis, alis subcinereis basi obscurioribus costa venisque nigris, halte- ribus testaceis apice nigris. Male. Ferruginous. Head testaceous in front; mouth and antennae black ; pectus whitish ; abdomen pieeous, hind borders of the seg- ments somewhat tawny; legs somewhat tawny; hind legs pieeous, very long, their femora testaceous at the base ; wings slightly greyish, darker towards the base, costa and veins black ; halteres testaceous, with black knobs. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 hues. 45. Leptogaster albimanus, n. s. Mas. Niger, capite antico pec- toreque albis, antennis basi ferrugineis, abdominis segmentis cano fasciatis, femoribus, tibiis tarsisque basi albis, femoribus posticis luteo fasciatis, alis limpidis, halteribus albidis apice piceis. Male. Black. Head in front and the pectus white ; antennae ferruginous at the base ; abdomen long, a hoary band on the hind border of each segment ; femora, tibiae, and tarsi white at the base ; hind legs long, rather stout ; hind femora with a luteous band ; wings limpid, veins black; halteres whitish, with pieeous knobs. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. Earn. LEPTID^, Westw. G-en. Leptis, Fair. 46. Leptis ferruginosa, Wied. See Vol. L p. 118. Gen. Chetsopila, Macq. 47. Chrysopila vacillans, n. s. Mas et Fcem. Lutescens, capite 90 WALKEE ON DTPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS. nigro, thorace subvittato, abdominis segmentis nigro fasciatis, alis sublimpidis apud costam flavescentibus, venis fusco latissime margi- natis, stigmate nigro-fusco. Male and Female. Lutescent. Head of the female black, shining; thorax with two brown bands which are paler and indistinct hind- ward; abdomen with a broad black band on each segment; tarsi blackish towards the tips ; wings nearly limpid, yellowish along the costa, veins exteriorly with very broad brownish borders, stigma blackish brown. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. Fam. BOMBYLID^, Leach. Subfam. Theeevi-tes, Walk. 48. Thereva congrua, n. s. Mas. Nigra, glaucescente albo tomen- tosa, albo pilosa, capite argenteo, thorace trivittato et bilineato, pedi- bus nigris, femoribus albis, alis cinereis stigmate elongato venisque nigris. Male. Black, with glaucous-white tomentum and with white hairs. Head silvery in front ; thorax with three blackish brown stripes, the middle one with a dark stripe on each side, broader and more distinct than the lateral pair ; abdomen beneath and legs black, femora white ; wings grey, with an elongated black stigma and black veins ; halteres black. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Subfam. Bombtlites, Walk. G-en. Antheax, Fahr. 49. Anthrax pelops, n. s. Mas. Ferruginea, thoracis margine rufo piloso, pectore abdomineque nigris, abdomine fasciis duabus, maculis duabus apicalibus, plagaque ventrali subtrigona argenteis, alis cine- reis, basi costaque nigris. Male. Closely allied to A. Tantalus. Dark ferruginous. Head above, antennae, pectus, abdomen, and legs black ; thorax bordered with red hairs ; pectus with a silvery dot on each side ; abdomen with red hairs on each side at the base, with two silvery bands, with two silvery apical spots, and with a ventral, nearly triangular, silvery patch; wings cinereous, black at the base and along five-sixths of the length of the costa, veins and halteres black. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. 60. Anthrax semiscita, Walk. See Vol. I. p. 118. 51. Anthrax degenera. Walk, See Vol. I. p. 15. Gren. GrEEON, Meigen. 52. Geron simplex, n. s. Mas. Ater, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis subcinereis, halteribus fulvis. WALKER ON DIPTERA OF AETJ ISLANDS. 91 Male. Deep black. Eyes bright red ; proboscis a little longer than the thorax ; antennae and legs black ; wings slightly greyish, veins black ; halteres tawny. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. Fam. EMPIDO^, Leach. Gen. Htbos, Fair. 63. Hybos b I CO lor, n. s. Mas. Fulvus, ore antennisque testaceis, abdomine, femoribus posticis apice tibiisque anticis piceis, tarsis ante- rioribus ferrugineis, alis obscure cinereis. Male. Tawny. Mouth and antennae testaceous j abdomen, hind femora at the tips, and fore tibiae piceous, anterior tarsi ferruginous ; wings dark grey, veins black. Length of the body 3i lines ; of the wings 7 lines. Fam, DOLICHOPID^, Leach. Gen. PsiLOPTJS, Meigen. 54. Psilopus aeneus, Fahr. Syst. Antl. 268. 9. Inhabits also Java. 55. Psilopus benedtctus, n. s. Mas et Fcem. Aureo-viridis, facie pectoreque argenteis, antennis testaceis apice nigris, thorace vittis tribus cupreis, abdomine fasciis cupreo-purpureis, maculis lateralibus albidis, pedibus testaceis tibiis posticis tarsisque nigris, alis subcine- reis, costam versus et apud venas transversas nigrofuscis, halteribus testaceis. F(Em. Vertice cyaneo-purpureo, abdomine fasciis cyaneis. Male and Female. Golden green. Face silvery; antennae testaceous, black towards the tips, arista full as long as the thorax ; thorax with three cupreous stripes ; pectus silvery ; abdomen with cupreous purple bands and with whitish spots along each side ; legs testaceous, tarsi and hind tibiae black ; wings slightly greyish, blackish brown along the costa and about the transverse veins, veins black, fore branch of the praebrachial vein curved inward, discal transverse vein undu- lating ; halteres testaceous. Female. Vertex bluish purple ; abdomen with blue bands. Length of the body 4-4^ lines; of the wings 7-8 lines. 56. Psilopus lucigena, n. s. Mas. Aureo-viridis, facie pectoreque argenteis, antennis tarsisque nigris, thorace vittis tribus rufo-cupreis, abdomine fasciis cupreo-purpureis, femoribus lutescentibus, tibiis piceis, femoribus anticis apice nigricantibus, ahs nigris apice albis, halteribus fulvis apice nigris. Male. Golden green. Face and pectus silvery ; antennae black, arista longer than the thorax; thorax with three broad reddish cupreous stripes ; abdomen with broad cupreous purple bands ; femora lutes- cent, tibiae piceous, fore femora blackish towards the tips, tarsi 92 WALKEE ON DIPTEEA OF AETJ ISLANDS. black ; wings black, tips snow-white, fore branch of the praebrachial vein slightly curved inward, discal transverse vein much curved out- ward ; halteres tawny, with black tips. Length of the body 4i lines ; of the wings 9 lines. 57. Psilopus flavicornis, Wied. Auss. Zweifl. 11. 227. 31. Inhabits also Sumatra. 58. Psilopus terminifer, n. s. Mas. Aureo-viridis, vertice cya- neo-purpureo, facie pectoreque argenteis, antennis, pedibus halte- ribusque testaceis, abdomine apicem versus atro fasciis duabus cupreis, alis subcinereis apice nigris. Male. Golden-green, slender. Vertex bluish-purple ; face and pectus silvery ; antennse testaceous, arista about half the length of the body ; fourth and fifth segments of the abdomen deep black with a cupreous band on the hind border of each segment, tip blue ; legs and hal- teres testaceous; wings greyish, paler along the hind border, tips black, fore branch of the praebrachial vein slightly curved inward, discal transverse vein slightly undulating. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. 59. Psilopus orcifer, n. s. Fcem. Purpureus, facie pectoreque sub- cinereis, antennis, pedibus halteribusque nigris, abdomine cyaneo- viridi segmentorum marginibus posticis purpureis, alis nigricantibus margine postico cinereo. Var. Viridis, vertice cyaneo, abdominis segmentis basi nigris. Female. Purple, rather stout. Face and pectus slightly cinereous ; antennae, legs, and halteres black ; abdomen bluish-green, hind bor- ders of the segments purple ; wings blackish, cinereous along the hind border, fore branch of the praebrachial vein forming an obtuse angle, discal transverse vein very undulating. Var. Green. Vertex blue; abdominal segments black at the base. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. 60. Psilopus egens, n. s. Mas et Fmm. Purpureus, facie pectore- que cyaneo-viridi cinereo subtomentosis, antennis, pedibus halteri- busque nigris, metathorace viridi, abdomine cyaneo, suturis nigris, alis cinereis. Male and Female. Purple, Face and pectus shghtly covered with cine- reous tomentum, the latter bluish-green ; antennae black, arista much more than half the length of the body ; metathorax green ; abdomen blue, sutures black ; legs and halteres black ; wings grey, fore branch of the praebrachial vein much curved inward, discal transverse vein straight; length of the body 2|— 2f lines; of the wings 5 lines. Gen. DoLiCHOPUS, Latr. 6L DoLiCHOPUS TRIGONIFER, n. s. F(Em. Cupreo -viridis, facie ar- gentea, antennis, pedibus halteribusque testaceis, pectore, ventre ab- WALKEE ON DIPTEEA OP AEU ISLANDS. yd dominisque maculis lateralibus trigonis albidis, abdomine purpui*eo marginibus posticis nigris, tarsis posterioribus nigricantibus, alls cinereis. Female. Cupreous green. Face silvery ; antennae, legs, and halteres testaceous ; pectus, abdomen beneath, and triangular spots on each side whitish ; abdomen purple, hind borders of the segments black ; posterior tarsi blackish; wings grey, veins black, praebrachial vein forming a right angle at its flexure, between which and the border it is much curved inward, discal transverse vein very slightly curved outwards. Length of the body 3 hues j of the wings 5 lines. This species resembles the Psilopi in the structure of the praebrachial vein. Gen. DiAPHOBUS, Meigen. 62. DiAPHORUS RESUMENS, n. s. Mus ct F(Bm. Obscure viridis (mas) aut niger (fcem.), facie pectoreque albidis, antennis piceis, abdomine nigro-cupreo basi obscure testaceo, pedibus anterioribus tibiisque posticis basi obscure testaceis, pedibus posticis nigris, alis nigrican- tibus apud marginem posticum pallidioribus, halteribus testaceis. Male and Female. Dark green (male) or black (female). Face and pectus whitish ; antennae piceous ; abdomen cupreous-black, dull tes- taceous towards the base ; hind legs black, hind tibiae towards the base and anterior legs dull testaceous ; wings blackish, paler along the hind border, veins black, praebrachial vein and discal transverse Vein straight ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 3^ lines. Earn. SYEPHID-^, Leach. Gen. Ceeia, JFahr. 63. C^RiA smaragdina, n. s. Fcem. Saturate metallico-viridis, sub- tilissime punctata, faciei lateribus cupreis, antennis nigris, arista nivea, thorace bivittato, abdomine aeneo-viridi, tarsis nigris, alis di- midio costali nigro, halteribus testaceis. Female. Deep metallic green, very finely punctured. Head blue in front, sides of the face cupreous-purple ; mouth, antennae, and tarsi black ; arista snow-white ; thorax with two almost contiguous darker stripes ; abdomen aeneous green, with the exception of the petiole, which is very thick ; wings slightly greyish, costal half black ; hal- teres testaceous. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. 64. Ceria relicta, n. s. Mas. Nigra, faciei lateribus, thoracis ma- culis quatuor humeralibus, pectoris fasciis duabus laterahbus, scutello, abdominis maculis duabus basahbus fasciisque duabus flavis, tibiis flavescentibus apice piceis, alis apud costam nigris, halteribus testaceis. Male. Black. Head yellow beneath, and in front with the exception of a black stripe on the disk of the face ; arista white ; thorax with 94 WALKEB ON DIPTEEA OF ARU ISLANDS. two yellow spots on each side in front ; scutellum yellow ; pectus with an oblique yellow band on each side ; abdomen not petiolated, with a tumid yellow spot on each side at the base, hind borders of the third and fourth segments yellow ; femora at the tips and tibiae yellow, the latter piceous towards the tips, tarsi piceous ; wings greyish-black towards the costa, excepting a lurid costal streak which extends along half the length from the base ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. 65. Ceria relicta, n. s. Fcem. Nigra, faciei lateribus abdominisque fasciis duabus flavis, antennis ferrugineo variis, pedibus fulvis, alis cinereis costam versus nigris, halteribus stramineis. Female. Black. Head yellow, beneath and in front with the exception of a black stripe on the disk of the face ; first and third joints of the antennae somewhat ferruginous, arista white ; thorax with two indi- stinct yellowish marks on the transverse suture, hind border of the scutellum and hind borders of .the second and third abdominal seg- ments yellow ; legs tawny, tibiae paler towards the base ; wings green, black for nearly half the breadth from the costa ; halteres straw-colour. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. This may prove to be the female of C relictura, notwithstanding its great difference from that species in the marks of the thorax and of the abdomen, and in the colour of the legs. Gen. MiCEODON, Meig. 66. MiCRODON FULVicoRNis, n. s. Mas. Niger, aureo-subpubescens, antennis, abdoraine, pedibus halteribusque fulvis, femoribus nigris, tibiis nigro vittatis, alis fuscis postice cinereis. Male. Black. Head with gilded pubescence, cinereous behind and be- neath ; antennae tawny, second joint above towards the tip and third joint piceous ; thorax slightly covered with gilded tomentum ; pectus with cinereous tomentum ; abdomen with gilded tomentum towards the tip ; legs tawny, femora mostly black, tibiae with black stripes ; wings cinereous, dark-brown about the costa, veinlet which bisects the subapical areolet incomplete, as it is also in the following species ; halteres tawny. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. 6']. MiCRODON APicALis, u. s. Mas et Foem. Niger, aureo-pubes- cens, thorace abdomineque fasciatis, pedibus halteribusque fulvis, alis nigro-fuscis postice obscure cinereis. Male and Female. Etlack, with gilded tomentum, which forms two bands on the thorax, and one on each side of the pectus ; abdomen with three gilded tomentose bands, the third subapical, first segment ferruginous beneath ; legs tawny, femora at the base and coxae black ; wings blackish-brown, dark cinereous hindward ; halteres tawny. Length of the body 5-6 lines ; of the wings 10-12 lines. WALKES OIT DIPTEEA OF AUIJ ISLANDS. 95 Gen. GrEAPTOMYZA, Wied. G8. Graptomyza tibialis, n. s. Mas. Testacea, vertice pectovis- que fasciis duabus piceis, antennis supra nigris, abdominis lateribus fasciis duabus subtrigonis apiceque nigris, alis cinereis. Male. Testaceous. Vertex and mouth piceous ; epistoma with a pi- ceous Hne on each side ; third joint of the antennae black above ; abdo- men black along each side and at the tip, and with two black bands which are angular in front; wings cinereous. Length of the body 3-1 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. Gen. Eristalis, Zatr. 69. Eristalis splendens, Leguillon, Voy. aut. du Monde ; Macq. Dipt. Exot. Inhabits also Solomon's Islands. 70. Eristalis resolutus, n. s. Mas et Foem. Niger, capite an- tice albo, thorace vittis duabus fasciaque pectorisque disco cinereis, scutello fulvo, abdomine fasciis interruptis a3neO'viridibus, tibiis basi fulvescentibus, alis fuscis (mas) aut obscure fuscis (foem.) basi cinereis, halteribus testaceis. Male and Female. Black. Head shining, with white tomentum be- neath and on each side of the face ; third joint of the antennae pi- ceous, arista simple i thorax with two cinereous stripes and with one cinereous band, somewhat chalybeous towards the scutellum, which is tawny ; the band continued on each side of the pectus, whose disk is cinereous ; abdomen with an interrupted reneous-green band on the second segment, third and fourth segments aeneous-green, each with three large black spots ; tibia somewhat tawny towards the base ; wings brown (male) or dark brown (female), cinereous towards the base ; hal- teres testaceous. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 10 lines. 71. Eristalis coNDUCTus, n.s. Fam. Niger, faciei lateribus albis, antennis, scutello, abdominis fasciis pedibusque testaceis, thorace antico albido, alis subcinereis apice obscurioribus. Female. Black. Head shining, with white tomentum behind, beneath and on each side of the face ; antennae, scutellum, and legs testa- ceous, arista simple ; thorax whitish in front, the whitish part con- tinued in a short baud on each side of the pectus ; abdomen testaceous at the base and beneath, and with three testaceous bands ; hind tibiae with black tips; wings slightly greyish, darker towards the tips, cubital vein much less bent than usual ; halteres testaceous. Length , of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. 72. Eristalis suavissimus, n. s. Fam. Fulvus, capite testaceo vertice nigro, thorace vittis quinque testaceis, abdomine nigro ma- culis sex lutescentibus, segmentorum marginibus posticis aineis, pe-" dibus nigris testaceo fasciatis, alis subiimpidis punctis duobus costa- libus nigris. LIKIf. PROC. — ZOOLOGY. 7 9G WALKER ON DIPTEEA OF AEU ISLANDS. Female. Tawny. Head with testaceous tomentum, vertex black, shining; antennae testaceous, arista simple ; thorax with five testaceous stripes ; pectus with two oblique testaceous bands on each side; abdomen black, with six somewhat luteous spots, the basal pair larger and darker than the middle pair, which are larger than the hind pair, apical segment with two testaceous points, hind borders of the seg- ments aeneous above, testaceous beneath ; legs lilack, tibia? at the base and tarsi testaceous ; wings nearly limpid, costa with two black points; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 5^ lines; of the wings 10 lines. 73. Eristalis MUSCoiDES, n. s. Mas. Cyaneo-viridis subchaly- beus, capitis callo antennisque fulvis, faciei lateribus albo tomentosis, thorace subvittato, abdomine nigro maculis seneo-viridibus, pedibus nigris, alis subcinereis, halteribus albis. Male. Bluish-green, with a slight chalybeous tinge. Face with white tomentum along each side, middle callus tawny, shining; antennae pale tawny, arista plumose ; thorax with three indistinct black stripes, the lateral pair oblique, callus on each side beneath pale tawny; abdomen black, second segment with a broad interrupted bluish green band, third segment with four aeneous-green streaks, fourth segment also with four streaks which are united on the hind border, ventral segments whitish on each side; legs black; femora bluish black towards the base ; wings slightly cinereous ; halteres white. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 hnes. Gen. Helophilus, Meigen. 74. Helophilus quadrivittatus, Wied. Auss. Zweifl. 11. 168. 22. (Eris- talis). Inhabits also Hindostan. 75. Helophilus mesoleucus, n. s. FcBm. Niger, faciei lateribus niveo tomentosis, thorace vittis quatuor canis, scutello, abdominis fascia antica latissima interrupta basique lutescentibus, aUs cinereis, venis basi halteribusque fulvis. Female. Black. Face with snow'-white tomentum on each side ; thorax with four hoaiy stripes ; pectus with a cinereous disk ; scutellum pale luteous ; abdomen pale luteous at the base, and with a broad inter- rupted pale luteous band on the second segment, third and fourth segments somewhat chalybeous, the former livid along the fore border, under side with two lateral abbreviated pale luteous stripes ; hind femora thick ; wings grey, veins towards the base, and halteres, tawny. Length of the body 62- lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Gen. Xtlota, Meigen. 76. Xylota ventralis, n. s. Fosm. Nigro-chalybea, capite albido tomentoso, scutello fulvo, vittis duabus ventralibus latis abbreviatis WALKEE ON DIPTEEA OE AETJ ISLANDS. 97 testaceia, pedibus piceo et testaceo vaviis, alls fuscis basi cinereis, halteribus testaceis. Female. Blackish chalybeous. Head with whitish tomentum, except- ing the callus on the vertex and another on the front ; mouth and antennae black; scutellum tawny; abdomen beneath with two very broad testaceous stripes extending from the base to two-thirds of the length ; legs dingy testaceous, femora and hind tibiae partly piceous, hind femora thick, piceous, slightly chalybeous, armed with spines beneath; wings dark brown, cinereous towards the base ; halteres tes- taceous. Length of the body A^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Gen. Orthonetjea, Macq. 77. Orthoneura basalis, n. s. Foim. Chalybeo-nigra, nitens, cano- subtoraentosa, antennis ferrugineis basi fulvis articulo tertio elongate, tarsis posterioribus piceis, tarsis anticis tibiisque anterioribus fulvis, his nigro fasciatis, alis subcinereis fusco fasciatis, halteribus testaceis. Female. Chalybeous-blaek, very shining, partly and slightly covered with hoary tomentum ; antennas tawny, third joint ferruginous, long, linear, tawny at the base ; anterior tibiaj tawny with a black band, fore tarsi tawny, hinder tarsi piceous; wings greyish, with a sub- apical brown band which is abbreviated hindward, veins towards the base and halteres testaceous; alulae whitish. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. Gren. Syephus, Fabr. 78. Syrphus aegrotus. Fair. See Vol. I. p. 124. 79. Syrphus ericetorum, Fahr. Ent. Syst. iv. 287. 34. Inhabits also Sierra Leone, Hindostan, and Java. Pam. MTJSCID^, Zatr. Subfam. Tachinides, WalJc. G-en. Masiceea, Macq. 80. Masicera notabilis, n. s. Mas. Nigra, longiuscula, capite abdominisque fasciis albis, frontalibus atris, pectore cano, scutelli margine postico abdominisque lateribus ferrugineis, alis cinereis, venis fusco marginatis. Male. Black, rather long, with long stout bristles ; head white, silvery, with white hairs behind and beneath, frontalia deep black, widening slightly to the face, faciaha without bristles, epistoma not promi- nent ; eyes bare ; palpi ferruginous at the tips ; antennae extending to the epistoma, third joint shghtly widening towards the tip, nearly four times the length of the second, arista slender, very much longer than the third joint; pectus and sides of the thorax hoary, hind border of the scutellum ferruginous ; abdomen fusiform, much longer 7* i WALKER ON DIPTERA 01? AEU ISLANDS. than the thorax, with a broad slightly interrupted white band on the fore border of each segment, sides of the second and third segments slightly ferruginous ; wings grey, veins black bordered with brown, prsebrachial vein forming a slightly acute angle at its flexure, near which it is much curved inward, and is thence straight to its tip, discal transverse vein curved inward, parted by less than its length from the border, and by rather more than half its length from the flexure of the prsebrachial ; alulaj white ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. 81. Masicera? tentata, n. s. Nigra, cinereo-tomentosa, capite argenteo frontalibus atris, antennarum articulo tertio basi rufo, thorace quadrivittato, abdomine ?, pedibus longiusculis, alis nigricantibus pos- tice cinereis. Black, with cinereous tomentum and with moderately stout bristles. Head silvery with white hairs behind and beneath, frontalia deep black, slightly widening towards the face, facialia without bristles, epistoma not prominent ; antennae extending nearly to the epistoma ; third joint cinereous, slender, linear, red towards the base, rounded at the tip, more than four times the length of the second ; arista slender, much longer than the third joint j thorax with four slender black stripes j scutellum not cinereous ; abdomen wanting ; legs rather long and slender ; wings blackish, cinereous hindward and at the tips, veins black, pra^bracbial vein forming a very obtuse angle at its flexure, from whence it is almost straight to its tip, discal transverse vein slightly undulating, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little less than its length from the flexure of the , pracbrachial ; alulae large, yellowish white -, halteres piceous. Length of the body 4 ? lines ; of the v/ings 7 lines. 82. Masicera solennis, n. s. Foem. Nigra, breviuscula, cinereo-to- mentosa, capite albo, frontalibus atris, thorace quadrivittato, scutelli margine postico ferrugineo, abdomine subtessellato, alis cinereis. Female. Black, rather short, with cinereous tomentum. Head white, with white hairs behind and beneath, frontalia deep black, widening towards the face, faciaha without bristles, epistoma not prominent ; eyes bare ; antennae almost reaching the epistoma, third joint cine- reous, linear, rounded at the tip, more than four times the length of of the second, arista slightly stout towards the base, much longer than the third joint ; thorax with four slender black stripes ; scutellum ferruginous along the hind border ; abdomen short-conical, with three broad interrupted cinereous bands; legs rather short; wings grey, veins black, prajbrachial vein forming a slightly obtuse angle at its flexure, from whence it is almost straight to its tip, discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by much less than its length from fhe border and by a little less than its length from the flexure of the prse- brachial ; alulte cinereous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. WALKER ON 1>IPTEEA OF AKU ISLAND?. 90 S3. Masicera simplex, n. s. Fcem. Nigra, capite albo, frontalibus atris, thorace cinereo-toraentoso quadrivittato, abdomine fasciis cine- reis late interruptis, alls cinereis. Female. Black, with stout bristles. Head white, with white hairs be- neath, frontalia deep black, linear, face oblique, facialia without bristles, epistoma not prominent ; eyes bare ; antennas almost reach- ing the epistoma, third joint cinereous, linear, rather broad, almost truncated at the tip, about four times the length of the second, arista slender, very much longer than the third joint ; thorax and pectus with cinereous tomentum, the former with four slender black stripes ; abdomen shining, subelliptical, a little longer than the thorax, with a widely interrupted cinereous band on the fore border of each segment ; legs stout; wings cinereous; veins black; prsebrachial vein forming a very obtuse angle at its flexure, from whence it is straight to its tip, discal transverse vein almost straight, parted by hardly less than its length from the border, and by very much more than its length from the flexure of the praebrachial ; alulae white. Length of the body 3^^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. 84. Masicera guttata, n. s. Fcem. Nigra, capite albo, frontalibus atris, thoracis vittis tribus pectoreque cinereis, abdomine guttis late- ralibus albis, alis cinereis. Female. Black, with short slight bristles. Head white, frontalia deep •black, widening slightly towards the epistoma, face oblique, facialia without bristles, epistoma not prominent; antennse reaching the epistoma, third joint linear, slightly truncated at the tip, full four times the length of the second, arista slender ; thorax with three cinereous stripes ; pectus cinereous ; abdomen elongate-oval, a little longer than the thorax, a row of white dots along each side on the fore borders of the segments ; wings cinereous, a little darker along the costa towards the base, veins black, praebrachial vein forming a very obtuse angle at its flexure, from whence it is almost straight to its tips ; discal transverse vein straight, parted by more than its length from the border and by nearly twice its length from the flexure of the praebrachial; alulse whitish. Length of the body 2^ lines; of the wings 4 hues. G-en. EuEYGASTEE, Macq. 85. Eurygaster tentans, n. s. Fcem. Nigra, latiuscula, cinereo tomentosa, capite albo, frontalibus atris, thorace vittis quatuor nigris, scutelli margine .postico ferrugineo, abdomine subtessellato, alis ci- nereis apud costam subfuscis. Female. Black, rather broad, with cinereous tomentum. Head white, with white hairs behind and beneath, frontalia deep black, narrow, widening towards the face, which is oblique, facialia with bristles along more than one-third of the length from the frontalia, epistoma not prominent; eyes pubescent, palpi ferruginous; antennae ex- 100 WALKER ON DIPTEEA- OF AEU ISLANDS. tending to the epistoma, third joint cinereous, hardly widening from the base to the tip, which is somewhat truncated, arista slender, very much longer than the third joint ; thorax with four indistinct black stripes ; scutellum feiTuginous hindward ; abdomen conical, not longer than the thorax, with three broad, slightly interrupted, cine- reous bands, second segment indistinctly ferruginous on each side ; legs stout ; wings grey, slightly brownish in front, veins black, testa- ceous towards tlie base, praebrachial vein forming an obtuse angle at its flexure, hardly curved inward from thence to its tip, discal trans- verse vein very slightly undulating, parted by much less than its length from the border and from the flexure of the praebrachial; alulae whitish. Length of the body 4'^ lines ; of the wings 8 hues. 86. EuRYGASTER DECiPiENS, n. s. F(Em. Nigra, aureo-tomentosa, capite antico argenteo frontalibus atris, antennis ferrugineis, thorace vittis quatuor nigris, abdomine fulvo subtessellato vitta basali nigra, pedibus fulvis, alis cinereis. Female. Black, stout, with gilded tomentum. Head silvery white in front and beneath, frontalia deep black, widening slightly towards the upright face, the bristles on each side hardly extending to the facialia, epistoma not prominent ; eyes bare ; antennae ferruginous, extending to the epistoma, third joint linear, somewhat truncated at ' the tip, more than four times the length of the second joint, arista slender, much longer than the third joint ; thorax with numerous long bristles, with four slight black stripes ; pectus cinereous ; abdo- men tawny, conical, not longer than the thorax, with short stout bristles, and with three broad, slightly gilded, somewhat interrupted bands, a short black stripe at the base; legs tawny, stout, tibiae darker than the femora, tarsi piceous ; wings grey, somewhat darker in front, veins black, praebrachial vein forming a right angle at its flexure, near which it is much curved inward, discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by more than half its length from the border, and by a little less than its length from the flexure of the praebrachial ; alulae slightly cinereous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. 87. EuRYGASTER PHASioiDES, u. s. Mtts. Nigra, cano-tomentosa, capite albo frontalibus atris, antennis, scutello, abdomine femoribusque fulvis, abdomine fasciis duabus posticis albidis vittaque nigra, alis cinereis basi albis, costa plagaque nigricantibus. Male. Black, with hoary tomentum. Head white, frontalia deep black, widening towards the upright face, facialia with bristles along more than half the length from the epistoma, which is not prominent ; eyes bare ; palpi testaceous ; antennae tawny, extending to the epi- stoma, third joint linear, slightly rounded at the tip, more than four times the length of the second joint, arista slender, much longer than the third joint ; thorax with four very slender black stripes ; WALKEE ON DIPTEBA OF ABU ISLANDS. 101 abdomen tawny, short-oval, not longer than the thorax, with a black stripe which does not extend to the tip, third and fourth segments with a white band along each fore border ; legs very stout, femora tawny ; wings cinereous, white and with testaceous veins at the base, blackish along the costa, and with a broad black band which is ab- breviated hindward, praebrachial vein forming an obtuse angle at its flexure, from whence it is very' slightly curved inward to its tip, discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by hardly less than its length from the flexure of the praebrachial ; alulas whitish. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. Subfam. Dexides, Walk. Gren. EuTiLiA, Desv. 88. Rutilia plumicornis, Gueririf Macq. Dipt. Exot. 11. 3. 82. 3. PI. 9. f. 8. Inhabits also Off'ak, New Guinea. 89. Rutilia angustipennis, n. s. Foem. Nigro-viridis, capite ci- nereo frontalibus atris, thoracis lateribus subpurpurascentibus, scu- tello purpureo, abdomine viridi basi purpureo, tibiis ferrugineis, alis angustis lanceolatis obscure fuscis basi nigris. Female. Blackish-green. Head cinereous, frontalia deep black, widen- ing much towards the face, epistoma very prominent, arista stout, bare ; thorax with almost obsolete stripes, purplish along each side ; scutellum mostly purple ; abdomen dark green, purple at the base ; legs black, tibia3 ferruginous ; wings narrow, lanceolate, dark brown, black towards the base, praebrachial vein forming a much rounded angle at its flexure, near which it is slightly curved inward, and is thence straight to its tip, discal transverse vein very slightly undu- lating, parted by less than half its length from the border, and by much more than half its length from the flexure of the praebrachial ; alulae dark brownish cinereous. I/cngth of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. Gren. Dexia, Meigen. 90. Dexia PECTORALis, n. s. Fcem. Testacea, capite pectore que albis frontalibus atris, antennis fulvis, thorace cinereo vittis quatuor nigris, abdomine fulvo apicem versus spinoso fasciis duabus nigris, pedibus longis tibiis tarsisque nigris, alis cinereis venis subfusco late mar- ginatis. Female. Testaceous. Head white, frontalia deep black, widening to- wards the face, facialia without bristles, epistoma prominent; an- tennae tawny, not reaching the epistoma, third joint of the antennae long, linear, arista plumose ; thorax cinereous, with four black stripes, of which the inner pair are much narrower than the outer pair ,* scu- 102 WALKER ON DIPTERA OE AHU ISLANDS. tellum tawny hindward ; pectus white ; abdomen tawny, with a few spines towards the tip, hind borders of the third and fourth segments and tips black ; legs long, black, coxa3 and femora testaceous ; wings grey, veins very broadly bordered v/ith pale brown, prsebrachial vein forming a slightly obtuse angle at its flexure, between which and its tip it is slightly curved inward, discal transverse vein undulating, parted by about half its length from the border, and by a little less than its length from the flexure of the prsebrachial ; alulae cinereous Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. Gen. Peosena, St.-Far^. 91. Prosena argentata, n. s. Mas et Foem. Testacea (mas) aut . nigra (foem.)^ capite thoraceque argenteis, antennis fulvis, abdomine longo fasciis vittaque nigris (mas) aut breviore fasciis cinereis lateri- busque basi testaceis (foem.)j pedibus nigris femoribus testaceis, alis subfuscescentibus (mas) aut cinereis (foem.). Male and Female. Head and thorax with bright silvery tomentum, facialia without bristles, epistoma slightly prominent ; eyes bare ; mouth black, testaceous towards the base, full as long as the thorax ; antennae tawny, not reaching the epistoma, arista plumose; legs black, coxa; and femora testaceous ; wdngs grey, veins black. Male. Testaceous. Pectus mostly white; abdomen elongate-conical, with slight whitish reflexions, dorsal stripe and hind borders of the seg- ments black ; legs long ; wings brownish towards the costa and about the veins, prsebrachial vein forming a slightly obtuse angle at its flexure, between which and its tip it is very slightly curved inward, discal transverse vein hardly undulating, parted by less than half its length from the border, and by less than its length from the flexure of the prsebrachial. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Female. Black. Pectus silvery; scutellum deep black; abdomen conical, with broad cinereous bands, first and second segments with broad interrupted testaceous bands, a testaceous mark on each side of the third segment at the base; legs rather long, femora with black tips ; prajbrachial vein forming a right angle at its flexure, curved in- ward from thence to its tip, discal transverse vein curved inward near its hind end, parted by less than its length from the border and from the flexure of the prsebrachial. Length of the body 3^- lines ; of the wings 7 lines. Subfani. Saecophagides, WalJc. Gen. Saecophaga, Meigen. 92. Sarcopiiaga compta, n. s. FcBm. Nigra, cinereo-tomentosa, capite aurato subtus fulvo piloso, thorace vittis tribus nigris, abdo- mine tessellato, alis obscure cinereis. Female. Black, with cinereous tomentum. Head gilded in front, clothed behind and beneath with tawny hairs, frontalia deep black. WALKER ON DIPTEKA OE ARU ISLANDS. 103^ hardly widening towards the face ; thorax with three black very di- stinctly marked stripes, the middle one dilated on the scutcUum ; abdomen distinctly tessellated with six large cinereous excavated spots; wings grey, precbrachial vein forming a right angle at its flexure, near which it is much curved inward, and is thence straight to its tip, discal transverse vein hardly undulating, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by little more than half its length from the flexure of the prscbrachial ; alulae white. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. 93. Sarcophaga invaria, n. s. Mas etFcem. Nigra, cinereo-tomen- tosa, capite maris albo, thorace vittis quinque nigris, abdomine tessel- lato, alis cinereis. Male and Female. Black, with cinereous tomentum. Thorax with five black stripes, the lateral pair incomplete ; abdomen distinctly tessel- lated, the spots being much excavated -, wings grey, prajbrachial vein forming a right angle at its flexure, near which it is much curved inward, and is thence straight to its tip, discal transverse vein hardly undulating, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by rather more than half its length from the flexure of the prsebra- chial ; alulaj white. Male. Head silvery white, frontalia deep black, linear ; tomentum of the thorax and of the abdomen more whitish than that of the female. Female. Frontalia slightly widening towards the face. Length of the body 4-44^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Subfam. MrsciDES, Walk. Gen. Idia, 3Ieigen. 94. Idia australis. Walk. Cat. Dipt. pt. 4. 809. == /. oca.^U^^c^'Uz^, kk'e.a\ Inhabits also Australia. 95. Idia ^qualis, n. s. Fam. Mnea, capite subtuberculato, thoracis lateribus pectoreque albido-testaceis lineis duabus lateralibus ajneis, abdomine fulvo fasciis tribus seneis, pedibus testaceis tibiis apice femoribusque seneis, alis cinereis apice nigricantibus. Female. iEneous-whitish, testaceous beneath. Head with minute tuber- cles on each side of the front, frontalia piceous, linear ; thorax with an aeneous stripe on each side in a line with the base of the wings, and with numerous points between these lines and the disk ; abdomen pale tawny, with three seneous bands on the hind borders of the seg- ments; legs testaceous, tibia3 towards the tips and femora aeneous; wings greyish, with blackish tips, prsebrachial vein forming an obtuse and much-rounded angle at its flexure, from whence it is almost straight to its tip, discal transverse vein parted by about half its length from the border and by about its length from the flexure of the pra;- brachial ; alulae very slightly cinereous ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3| lines ; of the wings 6 lines. 104 WALKEB ON DTPTEEA OP AEU ISLANDS. Q-en. MuscA, Linn, 9Q. MuscA GLORiosA, n. s. (genus Silbomyia, Macq.). Fcem. Cyaneo- viridis, capite Is&tissiine aurato frontalibus atris, antennis pedibusque nigris, thorace vittis quatuor cupreis, pectore maculis quatuor albis, abdomine viridi-cyaneo, vitta tenui purpurea, alls cinereis apud costam nigris, alulis albis. Female. Golden green. Head brilliantly gilded, frontalia deep black, widening towards the face -, a brilliantly-gilded lanceolate streak be- tween the antennae, which are black ; epistoma piceous, slightly pro- minent ; thorax with four cupreous stripes ; pectus with four white tomentose spots ; abdomen greenish blue -with a very slender purple stripe ; legs black, femora blackish green ; wings grey, black for full one-third of the breadth from the costa, praebrachial vein forming a very obtuse angle at its flexure, from whence it is nearly straight to its tip, discal transverse vein very slightly undulating, parted by less than half its length from the border, and by more than half its length from the flexure of the praebrachial ; alulae pure white. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. 97. MuscA OPULENTA, n. s. (gcnus Silbomyia, Macq.) Fcem. Aureo- viridis, capite aurato, frontalibus atris, antennis piceis, thorace vittis quatuor subobsoletis cupreis, pectore maculis duabus albis, alis cine- reis apud costam nigris, alulis albis. Female. Golden green. Head brightly gilded, frontalia deep black, linear, epistoma piceous, slightly prominent; antennae piceous; thorax with four almost obsolete cupreous stripes ; pectus with a spot of white tomentum on each side; abdomen vvith a very indistinct cu- preous stripe J tibiae and tarsi black ; wings grey, black along the costa, praebrachial vein forming a right angle at its flexure, near which it is shghtly curved inward, and is thence straight to its tip, discal transverse vein undulating, parted by more than half its length from the border and from the flexure of the praebrachial; alulae white. Length of the body 4i lines ; of the wings 8 lines. 98. MuscA MACULARis, n. s. (genus Chrysomyia? Desv.) Mas et Foem. Aureo-viridis, capite argenteo antice aurato frontalibus atris, antennis pedibusque nigris, thorace vittis tribus cupreis vix conspicuis, scutello cyaneo, pectore maculis quatuor lateralibus albo tomentosis, abdomine viridi-cyaneo maculis quatuor lateralibus albis, alis cinereis basi nigricantibus, alulis nigricantibus. Male and Female. Golden green. Head brightly gilded, white behind ; antennae, tibiae, and tarsi black ; thorax with three indistinct cupreous stripes ; scutellum blue ; pectus with two white tomentose spots on each side ; abdomen greenish blue with two transverse white spots on each side; femora blackish-green; wings grey, blackish at the base, praebrachial vein forming a slightly obtuse angle at its flexure, nearly straight from thence to its tip, discal transverse vein curved WALKER ON DIPTEEA OP AEU ISLANDS. 105 outward towards its fore end, parted by about half its length from the border, and by much less than its length from the flexure of the prse- brachial; alulae blackish. Female. Head with a silvery white vertex, frontalia deep black, linear. Length of the body bQ lines ; of the wings 10-12 lines. 99. MuscA MARGiNiFERA, n. s. (gcnus LuciUa, Desv.) Fcem. Viridi- cyanea, capite albido frontalibus atris, antennis pedibusque nigris, abdominis segmentis purpureo marginatis, alis cinereis basi subnigri- cantibus, alulis cinereis. Female. Greenish-blue. Head whitish, frontalia deep black, linear, face and third joint of the antennae cinereous ; abdomen with a purple band on the hind border of each segment ; legs black ; wings grey, almost blackish at the base, praebrachial vein forming a hardly obtuse angle at its flexure, between which and its tip it is hardly curved inward, discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by about half its length from the border, and by more than half its length from the flexure of the prsebrachial ; alulae cinereous. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. 100. MuscA BENEDiCTA, u. s. (gcuus Pyrellia, Desv.) Mas. Aureo- viridis, capite albo, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis cinereis basi sub- luridis venis basi fulvis, alulis testaceo-cinereis. Var. ? Abdominis apice purpureo. Male. Golden green. Head white in front ; antennae and legs black ; wings cinereous, slightly lurid towards the base, veins tawny towards the base, praebrachial vein curved at the flexure, almost straight from thence to the tip, discal transverse vein slightly undulating, parted by full half its length from the border, and by little less than its length from the flexure of the praebrachial ; alulae cinereous \Yith a testaceous tinge. Var. ? or a distinct species : darker ; abdomen purple at the tip. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines. 101. MuscA OBTRUSA, u. s. (gcuus Pyrellia, Desv.) Mas et Fcem. Purpureo -cyanea, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis cinereis, alulis ob- scurioribus. Very nearly allied to M. refixa and to M. perjixa, but difi'ering slightly in the veins of the wings. Male and Female. Blue, more or less mingled with purple. Head black, slightly cinereous in front ; an- tennae and legs black; wings grey, veins black, praebrachial vein forming an almost angular curve at its flexure, nearly straight from thence to its tip, discal transverse vein very slightly undulating, parted by little more than half its length from the border, and by about its length from the flexure of the praebrachial; alulae dark cinereous. Length of the body 2|^-3 lines ; of the wings 5-6 lines. 102. Musca domestica, hinn. See Vol. I. p. 128. 103. Musca obscurata, n. s. Fcem. Nigra, subcinerascens, capite postico albo, thorace vittis quatuor angustis nigris, abdomine tessel- 106 WALKER ON DIPTERA OF ABU ISLANDS. lato, alls obscure cinereis apud costam nigricantlbus, alulis testaceo- cinereis. Female. Black, slightly covered with cinereous tomentum. Head white behind ; thorax with four slender black stripes ; abdomen distinctly tessellated with four rows of cinereous reflecting spots ; wings very dark grey, blackish towards the costa, praebrachial vein forming a somewhat rounded and very slightly obtuse angle at its flexure, hardly curved inward from thence to its tip, discal transverse vein slightly undulating, parted by less than half its length from the body, and by more than half its length from the flexure of the prsebrachial ; alulae cinereous, with a testaceous tinge. Length of the body 3-^ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. 104. MuscA PATIENS, n. s. Fcem. Nigra, cinereo-tomentosa, frontali- bus antennisque piceis, thorace vittis quatuor tenuissimis nigris, abdomine tessellato, alis cinereis. Female. Black, with cinereous tomentum. Head whitish behind, fron- talia piceous, linear ; antcnnse piceous ; thorax with four very slender black stripes ; abdomen tessellated ; wings grey, veins black, prae- brachial vein forming an obtuse and somewhat rounded angle at its flexure, from whence it is hardly curved inward to its tip, discal transverse vein undulating, parted by less than half its length from the border, and by more than half its length from the flexure of the praebrachial ; alulae slightly cinereous, with testaceous borders. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. 105. MuscA ERiSTALoiDES, n. s. (gcuus Pollcnia? Desv.) Mas et Foem. Aureo tomentosa, crassa, subtus testacea, capite antico albo fjontalibus antice rufis, antennis piceis basi rufis, thorace vittis tribus abbreviatis fulvis, scutello cyaneo, abdomine cyaneo basi fasciisque duabus albis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis tarsisque nigris, alis cinereis apud costam fuscescentibus. Var. mas. Minor, thorace vittis tribus nigris. Male and Female. Body thick; head white; frontalia of the female piceous, linear, red in front ; epistoma prominent ; proboscis long ; palpi whitish; antennae piceous, red at the base; thorax with gilded tomentum, and with three tawny bands which are abbreviated hind- ward, scutellum blue ; pectus testaceous ; abdomen blue, white at the base and with two white bands on the 3rd and 4th segments, 1st segment with a transverse blue spot on each side; legs taw^ny, tibiae and tarsi black ; wings grey, blackish along the exterior part of the costa, praebrachial vein forming a right but rounded angle at its flexure, near which it is curved inward and is thence straight to its tip, discal transverse vein slightly undulating, parted by a little more than half its length from the border, and by much more than half its length from the flexure of the praebrachial ; alulae testaceous. Var. Male. Smaller ; thorax with three black stripes ; abdomen with only WALKEE ON DIPTEBA OF ARU ISLANDS. 107 one white band, which is on the 4th segment. Length of the body 4-5 Hnes j of the wings 8-10 Unes. Gen. Bengalia, Besv. 106. Bengalia spissa, n. s. Mas et Fcem. Fulva, capite nigro antice albo, antennis testaceis, pectore fasciis duabus obliquis albidis, pedibus nigris femoribus basi coxisque fulvis, alis cinereis. Male and Female. Tawny. Head black, with silvery tomentum in front, epistoma not prominent ; palpi black ; antenna) testaceous ; pectus with an oblique whitish band on each side ; legs black, femora to- wards the base and coxee tawny ; wings grey, veins black, testaceous towards the base, pra^brachial vein forming an obtuse and rounded angle at its flexure, which is very near the border of the wing, straight from thence to its tip, discal transverse vein straight, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by very much more than its length from the flexure of the pra^brachial ,- alula) testaceous. Length of the body 3|- lines ; of the wings 7 lines. Subfam. Anthomyides, Walk. G-en. Aricta, Mcieq. 107. Aricia significans, n. s. Mas et Fcem. Fulva, subtus testaeea, capite nigro argenteo-tomentoso, antennis testaceis, thorace vittis tribus albidis, abdominis apice piceo, alis cinereis. Male and Female. Tawny, testaceous beneath. Head black, with silvery tomentum, vertex much broader in the female than in the male ; palpi tawny ; . antennas testaceous ; thorax with three whitish stripes in the disk, and with one on each side ; abdomen piceous at the tip ; tarsi blackish towards the tips ; wings cinereous, veins black, tawny towards the base, discal transverse vein hardly undulating, parted by more than its length from the procbrachial transverse, and by less than its length from the border ; alulee pale cinereous, with testaceous borders. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7 hnes. 108. Aricia canivitta, n. s. Foim. Fulva, subtus testaeea, capite nigro, facie argentea, palpis antennisque testaceis, thoracis disco, ab- dominis plagis duabus trigonis pedibusque nigris, thorace vitta cana, alis cinereis. Female. Tawny, testaceous beneath. Head black, face silvery ; palpi and antennae testaceous ; disk of the thorax blackish, with a broad hoary stripe ; disk of the scuteilum piceous ; second and third seg- ments of the abdomen with triangular black bands ; legs black, coxas and trochanters testaceous; wings grey, veins black, discal trans- verse vein hardly curved inv\^ard, parted by more than half its length from the border, and by a little less than its length from the prse- brachial transverse; alula) pale cinereous, with testaceous borders. Length of the body 3] lines, of the wings 7 lines. 108 WALKER ON DIPTERA OF ABU ISLANDS. Gren. Anthomtia, Meigen. 109. Anthomyia procellaria, n. s. Mas. Nigra, subtus albida, capite argenteo, thorace fasciis duabus (prima interrupta) albis, abdo- mine vitta tenui fasciisque iiiterruptis albidis, alis cinereis, halteribus testaceis. Nearly allied to A. pluvialis and to A. tonitrui. Male. Black, whitish beneath. Head silvery; thorax with two whitish bands, the first in- terrupted in the middle, widened on each side ; scutellum elongate ; abdomen with a slender whitish stripe, and with interrupted whitish bands, which are widened on each side ; wings grey, veins black, discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by less than half its length from the border and by hardly less than its length from the pra3brachial transverse ; alulai grey, with testaceous borders ; hal- teres testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. Gen. C^KOSIA, Meigen. 110. C^NOSiA LUTEicoRNis, n. s. Mas. Cana, capite antennisque pallide luteis, abdomine basi testaceo maculis octo nigris, pedibus halteribusque testaceis, alis subhmpidis apice nigris. Male. Hoary. Head pale luteous, frontalia darker, widening towards the face j palpi white ; antennae pale luteous, extending to the epi- stoma, third joint long, slender, linear, arista plumose for half the length from the base ; abdomen testaceous towards the base, with four dorsal black spots and with two black spot-; on each side towards the tip ; legs testaceous ; wings nearly limpid, with a black apical spot, discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by less than its length from the border and by very much more than its length from the prsebrachial transverse ; alulae white ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. Subfam. Helomtzides, Fallen. Gen. CcELOPA, Meigen. 111. Cgelopa inconspicua, n. s. Fcem. Cinerea, antennis piceis, pectore antico, abdomine pedibusque fulvis, his nigro variis, alis cinereis, halteribus testaceis. Female. Cinereous, flat. Antennae piceous j fore part of the pectus, abdomen and legs tawny, the latter with diffuse blackish bands; wings grey, veins black, with the usual structure, tawny towards the base ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 2 hues ; of the wings 3^- lines. Gen. Xaentta, Wallc. 112. Xarnuta leucotelus. Walk. See Vol. I. p. 28. WALKEE O-S DIPTEEA OF AEU ISLANDS. 109 G-en. Helomtza, Fallen, 113. Helomyza picipes, n. s. Fozm. Fulva, capite, antennis femo- ribusque nigris, abdominis segmentis nigro marginatis, tibiis tarsisque piceis, alis cjnereis apud costam luridis vena discali transversa fusco subnebulosa, halteribus testaceis. Var. Thoracis vitta lata abdo- mineque piceis. Female. Tawny. Head and antennae black, arista plumose; thorax with two slender, darker, almost obsolete stripes ; hind borders of the abdominal segments black ; legs piceous, femora black, coxae tawny ; wings grey, with a lurid tinge towards the costa, discal transverse vein straight, slightly clouded with brown, parted by about half its length from the border, and by more than twice its length from the prsebrachial transverse ; halteres testaceous. Var. Thorax with a broad piceous stripe ; abdomen piceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. 114. Helomyza atripennis, n. s. Mas. Fulva, scutello nigro, pec- tore piceo, abdomine ferrugineo, alis nigris postice cinereis. Male. Tawny. Antennae pale tawny, arista plumose ; thorax with two slender, darker, almost obsolete stripes; scutellum black; pectus piceous; abdomen ferruginous; wings black, cinereous along the hind border for more than half its length from the base, veins as in the preceding species. Length of the body 2|- lines ; of the wings 5 lines. 115. Helomyza restituta, n. s. Fosm. Testacea, abdomine punctis sex nigris, alis cinereis apice nigricantibus venis transversis nigricante nebulosis. Female. Testaceous. Third, fourth, and fifth segments of the abdomen with two black points on each fore border ; wings grey, with a slight lurid tinge towards the costa, blackish at the tips, transverse veins clouded with blackish, veins with the usual structure. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. Gten. Detomyza, Fallen. 116. Dryomyza semicyanea, n. s. Fcem. Ferruginea, vertice piceo, antennis fulvis, thorace cyanescente, abdomine cyaneo basi ferrugineo, pedibus testaceis, alis subcinereis apud costam luridis. Female. Ferruginous. Vertex piceous, face slightly covered with whitish tomentum ; antennae tawny, arista very minutely pubescent ; thorax tinged with blue ; abdomen blue, tawny at the base ; legs testaceous ; wings greyish, lurid along the costa, veins tawny, prae- brachial vein forming a very slight angle where it joins the discal transverse, with a slight curve from thence to its tip, praebrachial transverse stout, slightly clouded, discal transverse straight, upright, parted by much less than half its length from the border and by a ilO ■VVALEER ON DIPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS. little more than its length from the praebrachial transverse ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3^-4^ lines ; of the wings 7-^ lines. Geu. Sepedon, Latr. 117. Sepedon costalis, n. s. .Mas. Cinerea, capite testaceo guttis quatuor nigris, antennis nigris basi testaceis arista alba, abdoniine pe- dibusque fulvis femoribus posticis denticulatis, alis fuscescenti-cine- reis, costa testacea. Male. Cinereous. Head testaceous, with a black dot on each side above and two more towards the mouth ; antennae black, testa- ceous at the base, second joint very long, arista white ; thorax with four slender indistinct darker lines, pectus hoary ; abdomen and legs tawny, tarsi piceous, hind femora denticulated ; wings brownish cine- reous, slightly testaceous along the costa; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 4}^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Subfam. Laxjxanides, Walk. Gen. Latjxania, Zatr. 118. Lauxania duplicans, n. s. Fcem. Nigro-cyanea, antennis pi- ceis, articulo tertio longissimo, tarsis basi albidis, tibiis intermediis sordide albidis, alis limpidis. Female. Blackish-blue, shining. Antennse piceous, third joint very long, reddish beneath, arista bare j legs black, tarsi whitish towards the base, middle tibiae dingy whitish ; wings limpid, veins pale, discal transverse vein white, parted by a little less than its length from the border and by nearly twice its length from the praebrachial trans- verse ; halteres white. Length of the body 2-2^ lines ; of the wings 3-4 lines. 119. Lauxania minuens, n. s. Fcsm. Nigra, uitens, antennis longis arista nuda, tarsis albidis, alis sublimpidis, halteribus albis. Female. Black, shining. Third joint of the antennae long, arista bare ; tarsi whitish; wings very slightly greyish, veins pale, of the usual structure; halteres white. Length of the body 1} line ; of the wings 2| lines. Gen. Lo]S"CHiEA, Fallen. 120. LoNCH^A? INOPS, n. s. Mas et Fcem. Nigra, nitens, antennis piceis arista plumosa, scutello ferrugineo, tibiis, tarsis halteribusque fulvis, alis subcinereis. Male and Female. Black, shining. Antenna3 piceous, third joint short, arista plumose ; scutellum somewhat ferruginous ; tibiae, tarsi, and halteres tawny ; wings slightly greyish, veins pale, discal transverse vein parted by much less than its length from the border and by nearly twice its length from the flexure of the praebrachial. Length of the b.ody 1^ line ; of the wings 3 lines. WALKER ON DIPTEllA OE ATIUJ ISLANDS. Ill Subfam. Ortaltdes, Haliday. Gen. Lamprogaster, Macg^. 121. Lamprogaster auADRiLiNEA, n. s. Mas et Foem. Cyaneo- viridis; capite pedibusque nigris; antennis piceis, basi rufis ; thorace vittis quatuor albidis ; abdomine purpureo-cyaneo ; alis limpidis, litura basali, fasciis duabiis (prima abbreviata, secuiida interrupta) strigaque costali apicali nigris. Male and Female. Bluish green. Head black ; proboscis red at the tip ; antennae piceous, red at the base ; thorax with two whitish stripes on each side; abdomen purpHsh blue; legs black, tarsi with pale tomentum towards the base ; wings hmpid, two black streaks, one basal including a limpid dot, the other apical, first band oblique, extending from the costa to the disk, second widely interrupted in the middle, its hind part occupying the discal transverse vein ; veins black, testaceous along the costa ; prajbrachial vein forming a slight angle at its junction with the discal transverse, the latter parted by not more than one-fourth of its length from the border, and by more than its length from the pra^brachial transverse. Length of the body 3^-4^ lines; of the wings 7-9 lines. 122. Lamprogaster marginifera, n. s. Fosm. Testacea; capite maculis duabus fasciaque nigro-aeneis ; thoracis disco nigro-aeneo, vittis tribus testaceis, vittis duabus lateralibus albidis, scutelli margine tes- taceo; abdominis dorso nigro-aeneo; alis limpidis, fasciis plurimis fuscis. Female. Testaceous. Head with tw^o blackish aeneous spots on the vertex, and with a blackish aeneous band in front ; mouth and an- tennae tawny ; disk of the thorax blackish aeneous, with three testa- ceous stripes which are united in front, the middle one slender, the lateral pair united on the border of the scutellum, a whitish stripe on each side ; abdomen blackish aeneous above ; wings limpid, with eight or nine irregular brovna bands; veins black, testaceous along the costa; discal transverse vein parted by much less than its length from the border, and by about its length from the praebrachial transverse. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. 123. Lamprogaster DELECTANS,n. s. Fo2m. Ferruginea; capite tes- taceo, postice albido, vertice luteo fasciis duabus nigris, vittis quatuor anticis antennisque nigris; thorace vittis septem et metathoracis fascia albidis ; abdomine cyaneo-viridi, basi discoque fulvis ; pedibus nigricantibus, femoribus testaceis apice nigris; alis sublimpidis, costa, striga obliqua subcostali guttaque marginali nigricantibus. Female. Ferruginous. Head testaceous, whitish behind; vertex lu- teous, blackish in front and behind; fore part with four blackish stripes; antennaj blackish; thorax with seven whitish stripes, the middle one broad, the inner pair very slender, the second pair broad, the third pair lateral ; abdomen bluish green, slightly varied with LINN. PROC. — ZOOLOGY. 8 112 WALKEll ON DIPTEEA OF A.UV ISLANDS. purple, base and fore part of the disk tawny ; legs blackish ; femora testaceous, with black tips ; wings nearly limpid, with a slight lurid tinge in the discal areolet, blackish along the costa, and with a blackish oblique streak which extends from the costa along the pra;- brachial transverse vein ; a blackish dot on the hind end of the discal transverse vein ; veins black, discal transverse vein parted by about one-fourth of its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the prsebrachial transverse which is very oblique; alulae white ; halteres testaceous, with black knobs. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. 124. Lamprogaster scuTELLARis, n. s. Mas. Subcinereo-nigra ; oculis albido submarginatis ; thorace vittis tribus cinereis, vittis duabus lateralibus, scutelli subquadrati margine, tibiis interraediis tarsisque albidis ; alis nigricantibus, fasciis duabus integris duabusque maculari- bus incompletis albidis. Male. Black, with a slight cinereous tinge ; eyes partly bordered with whitish ; third joint of the antennae elongate-conical ; arista plumose, the bristles few; thorax with three indistinct cinereous stripes, and with two whitish lateral stripes ; scutellum nearly qua- drate, with a whitish border ; middle tibiae, knees and tarsi whitish, the latter with black tips ; wings blackish, whitish at the base, and with four whitish bands, first and third bands entire, second and fourth macular, very irregular and incomplete ; veins black ; discal transverse vein straight, parted by about one-fourth of its length from the border, and by hardly more than its length from the prae- brachial transverse. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 lines. This species has some resemblance to the genus Platy stoma, and differs rather from the characters of Lamprogaster ; it and the two following species, which are still more aberrant, will probably be considered as three new genera. 125. Lamprogaster CELYPHOiDES, n. s. Mas et Foem. Atra,nitens, brevis, lata ; capite, antennis pedibusque testaceis ; abdomine nigro- cyaneo ; alis limpidis, strigis transversis subcostalibus fuscescentibus. Male and Female. Deep black, shining, short, broad. Head testaceous, face transverse ; antennae testaceous, third joint elongate-conical ; arista bare ; abdomen blackish blue, second segment very large, third and following not visible; legs testaceous; wings limpid, with four transverse pale brown subcostal streaks ; discal transverse vein parted by less than half its length from the border, and by less than its length from the flexure of the praebrachial ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 2-2^ lines ; of the wings 4^ lines. 126. Lamprogaster tetyroides, n. s. Mas. Atra, nitens, bre- vissima, latissima ; capite transverso, subruguloso ; thorace scitissime punctato ; abdomine cyaneo ; tarsis flavis ; alis nigris albido punctatis apud marginem posticum obscure cinereis. WALKER ON DIPTERA OP ARU ISLANDS. 113 Male. Deep black, shining, very short and broad. Head transverse, slightly rugulose; third joint of the antennae conical; arista thinly plumose; thorax very finely punctured; scutellum almost semicir- cular ; abdomen blue, smooth ; tarsi yellow ; wings black, dark grey towards the hind border, with whitish points towards the costa; discal transverse vein parted by about its length from the border and by more than its length from the prsebrachial transverse. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. Gen, Platystoma, Latr. 127. PlatyvStoma fusifacies, n. s. Mas et Foem. Cinerea; capita postice et apud oculos albo; vertice pallide luteo (mas) aut rufo (foem.) ; facie plana, fusiformi, subargentea ; anteanis piceis ; thoracis vittis tribus peetoreque canis ; abdomine conico punctis albis ; alis iimpidis, guttis transversis interioribus fasciisque exterioribus nigri- cantibus. Male and Female, Cinereous. Head white hindward and about the eyes, black and shining towards the mouth ; vertex pale luteous in the male, red in the female ; face flat, fusiform, somewhat silvery ; antennae piceous, third joint long, slender, linear, arista plumose; thorax with three hoary stripes, the middle one much broader than the lateral pair; pectus hoary; abdomen conical, with numerous white points ; wings limpid, with blackish dots towards the base, and with four exterior blackish bands, two of which are dilated towards the costa, and there contain some limpid dots; veins black, discal transverse vein straight, parted by about one-fourth of its length from the border, and by more than its length from the praebrachial trans- verse ; halteres whitish. Length of the body 3|-5 lines ; of the wings 8-10 lines. 128. Platystoma multivitta, n. s. Mas. Cinerea; capite postice et apud oculos albo, vertice luteo, facie et antennis fulvis ; thoracis vittis octo peetoreque canis ; abdominis segmentis cano fasciatis ; ventre ferrugineo ; pedibus nigris ; alis Iimpidis, fasciis quatuor stri- gisque interioribus nigricantibus. Male. Cinereous. Head white behind and about the eyes, vertex luteous ; face and antennae tawny, third joint of the latter long, slender, linear ; arista very slightly plumose ; thorax with eight hoary stripes ; pectus hoary; abdomen with a hoary band on the fore border of each seg- ment ; legs black ; wings limpid, with four blackish bands, and with some blackish marks nearer the base ; two blackish streaks between the first and second bands ; veins black ; discal transverse vein straight, parted by one-fourth of its length from the border, and by very much more than its length from the praebrachial transverse ; halteres black. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. 8* 114 WALKEE ON DIPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS. Gen. Dacus, Fahr. 12.9. Dacus EXPANDBNS, n. s. Fcem. Fulvus, latiusculus ; antennarum articulo tertio piceo angusto linear! longissimo ; abdomine vitta tenui nigricante ; alis limpidis, costa vittaque postica fuscescentibiis. Female. Tawny, rather broad, very slightly covered with hoary tomen- tura, which forms stripes on the thorax and indistinct bands on the abdomen ; third joint of the antenna? piceous, slender, linear, very long ; arista bare ; abdomen with a slender blackish stripe ; wings limpid, brownish along the costa, and with a short oblique brownish stripe extending from the base to the interior border; veins black, discal transverse vein oblique, parted by full one-fourth of its length from the border, and by more than its length from the praebrachial transverse ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. 130. Dacus pectoralis, n. s. Fosm. Cinereo-niger ; capite fulvo, facie guttis duabus nigris ; antennarum articulo tertio piceo angusto lineari longissimo ; callis duabus humeralibus, fasciis duabus obliquis pectoraUbus lateralibus, scutello tarsisque testaceis ; thoracis vittis tribus abdominisque una canis ; pedibus fulvis piceo cinctis ; alis lim- pidis, costa vittaque postica fuscescentibus. Female. Black, slightly covered with cinereous tomentum. Head tawny, with two small black dots on the face; third joint of the antennae piceous, slender, linear, very long, arista bare ; thorax with three indistinct hoary stripes ; humeral calli, an oblique band on each side of the pectus, scutellum and tarsi, testaceous; abdomen with one hoary stripe ; legs tawny, with diffuse piceous bands ; wings limpid, brownish along the costa, and with a short oblique brownish stripe, extending from the base to the interior border ; veins black ; discal transverse vein parted by less than one-fourth of its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the prae- brachial transverse ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3f lines ; of the wings 71 lines. 131. Dacus lattfascia, n. s. Fosm. Niger; capite postice et apud oculos albido ; antennarum articulo tertio vix longo ; thoracis fascia, metathorace pectorisque fasciis duabus obliquis canis ; abdomine cyaneo ; femoribus albidis apice nigris ; alis albo-limpidis, costa atra, fasciis duabus latissimis nigris ; halteribus testaceis. Female. Black. Head whitish behind and about the eyes ; third joint of the antennae linear, round at the tip, hardly long, arista plumose ; thorax with a band on the hind border of the scutum ; metathorax and an oblique band on each side of the pectus hoary; abdomen blue; coxae and femora whitish, the latter with black tips; wings limpid white, deep black along the costa, and with two very broad black bauds ; veins black ; discal transverse vein very oblique, parted WALKER ON DIPTERA OE ABU ISLANDS. 115 by about one-sixth of its length from the border, and by little more than half its length from the prsebrachial transverse ; halteres tes- taceous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. 132. Dacus mutilloi'des, n. s. Fcem. Rufescens ; capite nigro, pos- tice et apud oculos albo ; antennarum articulo tertio angusto linear! longissimo; thoracis vittis tribus, pectoris fasciis duabus obliquis lateralibus abdominisque fasciis duabus (secunda interrupta) albis, abdominis dimidio postico nigro-aeneo; pedibus piceis; alis sublim- pidis, costae apice venisque transversis nigro nebulosis; halteribus albidis. Female. Reddish. Head black, white behind and about the eyes and on the grooves of the face ; antennae black, reddish at the base, third joint slender, linear, very long, arista bare, rather stout ; thorax with three whitish stripes ; pectus with a more distinct oblique white band on each side; metathorax whitish; abdomen aeneous, pubes- cent, finely punctured, reddish and slightly contracted towards the base, with two white bands, the second widely interrupted; oviduct long, lanceolate; legs piceous; wings nearly limpid, clouded with black at the tip of the costa and on the praebrachial transverse vein, hardly clouded on the discal transverse vein; veins black; discal transverse vein straight, parted by about one-fourth of its length from the border, and by much more than its length from the prae- brachial transverse ; halteres whitish. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. 133. Dacus longivitta, n. s. Mas. iEneo-viridis, subpubescens, subtilissime punctatus ; capite nigro apud oculos albido, epistomate ferrugineo, antennarum articulo tertio longo linear! ; thorace sub- vittato ; pedibus nigris, femoribus ferrugineis ; alis subcinereis, costa vittaque apud venam praebrachialem nigris ; halteribus piceis. Male. iEneous green, with slight hoary tomentum, very finely punc- tured. Head black, whitish about the eyes; epistoma ferruginous, prominent ; antennae black, ferruginous at the base, third joint long, linear, conical at the tip ; arista bare ; thorax with an indistinct broad hoary stripe ; abdomen compressed, nearly linear ; legs black ; femora ferruginous ; wings slightly greyish, black along the costa and with a black stripe which extends along the praebrachial vein to the discal transverse vein ; veins black ; discal transverse vein straight, oblique, parted by a little more than half its length from the border, and by very much more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres piceous. Length of the body 4-6 lines; of the wings 5-7 lines. 134. Dacus lativentris, n. s. F(Bm. Nigro-viridis, subtihssime punctatus ; capite piceo apud oculos albido ; antennis fulvis, articulo tertio sublanceolato ; abdomine brevi, lato ; pedibus nigris, femoribus anticis fulvis ; alis subcinereis, costa vittaque apud venam praebra- 116 WALKER OK DIPTEBA OF AUU ISLANDS. chialem nigris, rena discali transversa nigricante nebulosa ; halteribus albidis. Female. Blackish green, very minutely punctured. Head piceous, whitish about the eyes; epistoma ferruginous, slightly prominent; antennae tawny, third joint rather long, somewhat lanceolate, arista bare ; abdomen nearly round, broader than the thorax ; legs black, fore femora tawny ; wings very slightly greyish, black along the costa to the tip of the prsebrachial vein, with a black stripe along the praebrachial vein to the discal transverse vein, and with a blackish tinge about the discal transverse vein and along the adjoining part of the hind border; veins black, discal transverse straight, vein parted by less than half its length from the border, and by very much more than its length from the praebrachial transverse ; halteres whitish. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. 135. Dacus odtrudens, n. s. Mas, Nigro-viridis, subtilissime punc- tatus ; capite nigro apud oculos albido ; antennis piceis basi rufes- centibus, articulo tertio lineari longissimo ; abdomiae lineari maculis duabus lateralibus testaceis ; pedibus nigris, femoribus apice tarsisque posticis basi fulvis ; alis subcinereis, costa, apice maculaque apud venam transversam discalem nigricantibus ; halteribus albis. Male. Dark green, very minutely punctured. Head black, whitish about the eyes, ferruginous towards the epistoma ; antennae piceous, reddish towards the base ; third joint linear, very long, arista bare ; abdomen linear, compressed, with a testaceous spot on each side before the middle ; legs black, femora tawny towards the tips, hind tarsi tawny at the base ; wings slightly greyish, blackish along the costa and at the tips, and about the transverse veins; veins black, tawny at the base ; discal transverse vein straight, oblique, parted by about half its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the praebrachial transverse ; halteres white. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. 136. Dacus pompiloides, n. s. Mas. Niger; capite albido, episto- mate ferrugineo ; antennis piceis basi rufis, articulo tertio longo lineari ; abdomine nigro-cyaneo ; pedibus piceis ; alis subcinereis, striga costali basali, fascia tenui postice abbreviata et triente apicali strigam sub- cineream includente nigricantibus ; halteribus albis. Male. Black. Head with whitish tomentum, epistoma ferruginous, prominent ; antennae piceous, red at the base, third joint long, linear, arista bare ; abdomen linear, blackish blue, longer than the thorax ; legs piceous; wings slightly greyish, with a blackish costal streak extending from the base, with a slender blackish band which is abbre- viated hindward, and with more than one-third of the apical part blackish and including a slightly greyish streak ; veins black, discal transverse vein straight, oblique, parted by a little less than its length from the border and by about its length from the praebrachial trans- WALKEK ON DIPTERA OF AEU ISLANDS. 117 verse ; halteres white. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. Gen. Beea, n. g. Platystomae affinis. Fades lata. AntennoB breves; artieulus tertius longiconicus ; arista nuda. Femora intermedia inerassata, denticulata. Allied to Platy stoma. Face broad ; antennae short, third joint elongate- conical; arista bare; middle femora incrassated, denticulated beneath. 137. Brea discalis, n. s. Mas. Nigra; capite testaceo apud oculos albido, fronte ochracea ; antennis piceis basi rufescentibus ; thorace vitta lata cana ; abdomine fulvo, disco nigro cupreo ; pedibus fulvis, femoribus anticis apice tibiisque antieis basi nigris ; alis sublimpidis, fascia media lata postice abbreviata guttam limpidam subcostalem includente lineaque transversa exteriore nigricantibus ; halteribus testaceis. Male. Black. Head testaceous, whitish about the eyes, front ochra- ceous ; antennae piceous, reddish at the base ; thorax with a broad hoary stripe ; abdomen tawny, with a blackish cupreous disk ; legs tawny, fore femora at the tips and fore tibiae at the base black ; wings nearly limpid, with a broad middle blackish band, which is abbre- viated hindward and includes a limpid dot by the costa, and has beyond it a blackish transverse line ; veins black, testaceous towards the base ; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by half its length from the border, and by much more than its length from the prsebrachial transverse; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. 138. Brpa contraria, n. s. Mas et Fcem. Nigra ; capite fulvo apud oculos albido, fronte ochracea ; antennis rufescentibus ; thorace vitta cana ; abdomine purpureo apice cyaneo ; pedibus nigris, femoribus anticis tarsisque testaceis ; alis sublimpidis, fascia lata media postice abbreviata, guttis interioribus lineaque transversa exteriore nigri- cantibus. Male and Female. Black. Head tawny, whitish about the eyes; an- tennae reddish ; thorax with a hoary stripe ; sides and pectus also hoary ; abdomen purple, blue towards the tip ; legs black ; tarsi and fore femora testaceous ; wings nearly limpid, with a broad blackish middle band which is abbreviated hindward, with some interior blackish dots, and with an exterior transverse blackish line; veins black; discal transverse vein straight, parted by less than half its length from the border, and by less than its length from the prsebrachial trans- verse ; halteres black. Length of the body 3-3| lines ; of the wings 6-7 lines. Gen. Adeama, n. g. Mas. Corpus longiusculum. Caput thorace vix latius, setis duabus posticis erectis. Aniennce sat lougae ; artieulus tertius linearis, apice 118 WALKEE ON DTPTEEA OF AEU ISLANDS. conicus; arista pubescens. Abdomen sublineare, thorace longius et an^ustius. Pedes mediocres j femora posteriora spinis minutis armata. AlcB sat longae. Male. Body rather long. Head transverse, hardly broader than the thorax, with two erect setae on the hind part of the vertex ; face vertical ; epistoma shghtly prominent. Antennae nearly reaching the epistoma ; third joint long, linear, conical at the tip j arista pubes- cent. Abdomen almost linear, longer and narrower than the thorax. Legs moderately long and slender; posterior femora with minute spines beneath. Wings rather long ; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by hardly half its length from the border, and by rather more than its length from the prabrachial transverse. 139. Adrama selecta, n. s. Mas. Testacea; capite guttis tribus nigris ; thorace disco antico vittisque duabus posterioribus nigris ; tibiis tarsisque anticis piceis, tibiis posticis subpiceis ; alls subfusces- centibus, fascia lata limpida nigricante marginata postice abbreviata. Male. Testaceous. Head with a black dot above the antennae and one on each side of the epistoma ; thorax with the fore part of the disk black, and with two hindward black stripes ; fore tibiae and fore tarsi piceous ; hind tibiae somewhat piceous ; vdngs slightly brownish, with two blackish bands, the first on the praebrachial transverse vein, abbre- viated hindward, the second on the discal transverse vein, abbreviated in front, intermediate space limpid, veins testaceous, black towards the tips ; halteres pale testaceous. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Gen. Oetalis, Fallen. 140. Ortalis prompta, n. s. Fcem. Nigro-viridis ; capite piceo apud oculos albido ; antennis rufescentibus ; thorace vitta abdomineque fasciis cinereis ; pedibus nigris ; alis limpidis, vittis tribus nigris, prima postice abbreviata, secunda tertiaque latis ; halteribus albidis. Female. Blackish green. Head piceous, whitish about the eyes ; epi- stoma somewhat prominent; antennae reddish, third joint somewhat lanceolate, piceous towards the tip; arista bare; thorax with a cine- reous stripe; sides and pectus also cinereous; abdomen with two cinereous bands ; legs black ; wings limpid white, slightly cinereous towards the base, with three black bands, the first abbreviated hind- ward, the second and third very broad ; veins black, discal transverse vein curved inward, parted by much less than its length from the border and by a little less than its length from the praebrachial trans- verse; halteres whitish. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 6 lines, 141. Ortalis complens, n. s. Mas et Fam. Nigro-viridis; capite antennisque testaceis, articulo tertio brevi, arista plumosa ; abdomine atro ; pedibus testaceis, femoribus nigris ; alis albo Umpidis, strigis WALKEE ON DIPTEBA OF ARU ISLANDS. 119 duabus apiceque nigro-cinereis, fasciis tribus satis nigricantibus ; hal- teribus albis. Mas. Vertice luteo postice nigro, femoribus apice testaceis, alarum fasciis subconnexis. Fcem. Vertice nigro, tibiis nigris, posticis basi testaceis. Male and Female. Blackish green. Head testaceous; antennae tes- taceous, third joint short, conical ; arista plumose ; abdomen deep black ; legs testaceous ; femora black ; wings limpid white, with three broad blackish stripes, the second emitting a branch from its outer side to the costa, a streak connected with the outer side of the third band, and the tips blackish cinereous; discal transverse vein straight, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the prsebrachial transverse ; halteres white. Male. Vertex luteous, black hindward ; femora with testaceous tips; bands of the wings partly connected. Female. Vertex black ; tibiae black, the hind pair testaceous towards the base. Length of the body 1^-2 lines ; of the wings 3-4 lines. Gren. Tetpeta, Meigen. 142. Trypeta multistriga, n. s. Fcem. Testacea; thorace pecto- reque nigro-strigatis ; abdomine maculis quatuor lateralibus anteri- oribus fascia lata apiceque nigris ; femoribus posterioribus nigro vittatis ; alis nigricantibus basi marginal! maculis guttisque albis. Female. Testaceous. Third joint of the antennae short, conical; arista plumose ; thorax with black bristles on each side, with eight black streaks, four in front, of which the middle pair are very short, four hindward, the middle pair short, the outer pair connected in front of the scutellum, two lateral black streaks ; pectus with a black inter- rupted streak on each side; disk also black; abdomen with two transverse black spots on each side towards the base, and with a broad black band ; oviduct black, flat, lanceolate, obtuse at the tip ; posterior femora striped with black ; wings blackish, limpid for a space from the base along the costa and along the hind border, and with twelve white marks of various size, four discal, eight marginal ; discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by one-fourth of its length from the border, and by about its length from the praebrachial transverse. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. 143. Trypeta dorsigutta, n. s. Mas. Atra; capite piceo vitta tes- tacea, subtus albo ; antennis testaceis ; thorace cinereo punctis late- ralibus albis, pectore albido ; abdominis segmentis testaceo marginatis ; tibiis albido fasciatis, tarsis albidis ; alis albo-limpidis, strigis basalibus fasciisque duabus latis nigricantibus, prima antice furcata ; halteribus albis. Male. Deep black. Head piceous, with cinereous tomentum, white behind and beneath, a testaceous stripe on the vertex ; antennae tes- taceous, black at the base, third joint conical, white at the base. 120 WALKER ON DIPTEllA OF AllU ISLANDS. arista plumose j thorax with cinereous tomentum, white points along each side ; pectus whitish ; hind borders of the abdominal segments testaceous with cinereous tomentum; tibiae with a dingy whitish band ; tarsi dingy whitish ; wings limpid white, with several blackish marks towards the base and with two broad blackish bands, the first forked in front ; discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by less than its length from the border, and by more than twice its length from the praebrachial transverse ; halteres white. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 4 lines. 144. Trypeta basalis, n. s. Mas. Nigra, nitens ; capite antennisque fulvis, vertice maculis duabus piceis ; abdomine basi pedibusque tes- taceis ; alis limpidis, striga basali, fasciis tribus costaque apicali nigricantibus ; halteribus testaceis. Male. Black, slender, shining. Head tawny, with two elongated piceous spots on the vertex ; antennae tawny, third joint linear, rather long, arista bare ; abdomen nearly fusiform, testaceous at the base ; legs testaceous ; wings limpid, with a blackish oblique streak extending from the base, with three blackish bands, and with a blackish costal streak extending round the tip, first and third bands slender, second broad, abbreviated like the first hindward; discal transverse vein straight, parted by about one-fourth of its length from the border, and by less than its length from the praebrachial transverse ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body U line ; of the wings 3 lines. 145. Trypeta IMPLETA, n. s. Foem. Cinerea; capite albido ; anten- narum articulo tertio albido apice nigro ; thorace vitta fusca, scutello albidO; abdomine nigro ; pedibus albidis nigro fasciatis ; alis albis, maculis plurimis nigricantibus ex parte confluentibus ; halteribus albidis. Female. Cinereous. Head whitish ; third joint of the antennae short, conical, whitish, blackish at the tip, arista plumose ; thorax with a brown stripe ; scutellum whitish ; abdomen black ; legs whitish, with black bands ; wings white, with many blackish spots, some of them confluent ; discal transverse vein straight, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little less than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres whitish. Length of the body H line ; of the wings 3 lines. 146. Trypeta subocellifera, n. s. Mas. Cana ; antennis albidis ; thorace guttis fuscis, scutelli margine albido ; abdomine fusco apicem versus cano maculis fuscis ; pedibus albidis fusco fasciatis ; alis lim- pidis, maculis nigricantibus pallido signatis ex parte confluentibus. Male. Hoary. Antenna3 whitish, third joint short, conical, arista plumose ; thorax with some slight brown dots ; scutellum brown, hind borders of the scutellum white ; abdomen brown, hind borders of the segments and apical part cinereous, the latter with brown dots ; legs whitish, with brown bands ; wings hmpid, with several blackish WALKEE ON DIPTERA OF AKU ISLANDS. 121 (lots containing pale marks, some of them confluent and forming a middle band ; discal transverse vein straight, enclosed in a pale streak, parted by much less than its length from the border and by much more than its length from the prabrachial transverse; halteres whitish. Length of the body 1^ hne ; of the wings 3 lines. Subfam. Achiides, Walk. Gren. AcHiAS, Fahr. 147. AcHiAS LONGiviDENS, n. s. Mus et FcBm. Viridi-cinerea ; capite testaceo fasciis duabus vittisque tribus anticis nigris ; antennis nigris ; thorace vittis quatuor purpureo-nigris, pectore ferrugineo ; abdomiue viridi-fulvo ; pedibus piceis ; alis limpidis, costa lurido-nigricante, vena transversa discali fusco nebulosa ; halteribus testaceis apice nigris. Mas. Oculis longissime petiolatis, scutello viridi, femoribus basi fulvis. Fcem, Oculis subpetiolatis, scutello nigro-purpureo. Male and Female. Greenish cinereous. Head with two black bands on the vertex and w ith four black stripes in front ; antennae black, third joint linear, very long, arista plumose ; thorax with four purplish black stripes, middle pair abbreviated hind ward and having behind them a spot of the same hue, lateral pair interrupted ; pectus ferruginous ; abdomen tawny, with bright green reflections, testaceous beneath; legs piceous ; wings limpid, blackish, and with a lurid tinge along the costa, whence a short oblique blackish streak proceeds by the prae- brachial transverse vein ; discal transverse vein clouded with brown, hardly curved, parted by less than one-third of its length from the border, and by much more than its length from the prsebrachial transverse, which is very oblique; halteres testaceous, with black tips. Male. Head with the fore black band interrupted ; eyes with very long petioles, the latter about three-fourths of the length of the body ; scutellum green ; femora tawny towards the base. Female. Eyes with short petioles, extending a little beyond the sides of the thorax ; scutellum blackish purple. Length of the body 5-6 lines ; of the wings 12-13 lines. 148. AcHiAS LATiviDENS, n. s. FcsM. Viridi-ciuerea ; capite testaceo, vittis tribus anticis nigris, oculis subpetiolatis ; antennis nigris ; thorace vittis quatuor purpureo-nigris, scutello cyaneo basi viridi, pectore fulvo ; abdomine viridi-fulvo; pedibus nigris, femoribus basi luteis, tibiis luteo fasciatis; alis subcinereis, vitta costali nigricante iuterrupta lurida strigata, vena transversa discali fusco nebulosa ; halteribus tes- taceis apice nigris. Female. Greenish cinereous. Head testaceous, with three black stripes on the face ; eyes very slightly petiolat^d ; antennae black ; thorax with four purplish black stripes; scutellum blue, green at the base; pectus tawny; abdomen tawny, with bright green reflections; legs black ; femora luteous towards the base ; tibiae with indistinct luteous 122 WALKEB ON DIl'TEEA OF ARU ISLANDS. bands; wings slightly greenish, with a blackish interrupted costal stripe containing luteous streaks ; discal transverse vein clouded with brown ; veins in structure like those of the preceding species ; hal- teres testaceous, with black tips. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 13 lines. This species at first sight seems like a variety of the preceding one, but the petioles of the eyes are shorter and thicker, the costal stripes of the wings are interrupted, and the shade on the discal transverse vein is more diffuse. 149. AcHiAS AMPLiviDENS, n. s. Foem. Fulva, subtus testacea ; oculis extantibus non petiolatis; thorace submetallico,vittis quinque cinereis ; abdomine purpureo basi testaceo, tibiis tarsisque nigris ; alis sub- cinereis, costa nigro-fusca, venis transversis nigro-fusco nebulosis. Female. Tawny, testaceous beneath. Head testaceous ; eyes very pro- minent, but hardly petiolated ; antennae tawny ; thorax slightly metallic, with five cinereous stripes, which are abbreviated hindward, the inner pair slender ; abdomen purple, testaceous at the base ; legs black ; coxse and femora testaceous, the latter with black tips ; wings slightly greyish, costal stripe brown, blackish towards the tip ; prae- brachial transverse vein clouded with blackish, discal transverse vein clouded with a much paler hue than that of the prsebrachial trans- verse vein, in structure like those of the two preceding sf)ecies; halteres testaceous, with black tips. Length of the body 4^ lines; of the wings 9 lines. Subfam. ? Gren. POLTAEA, n. g. Mas. Corpus longiusculum. Caput transversum; facies lata, plana, non obliqua. Palpi lati. Antennce parvae; articulus tertius longi- conicus; arista plumosa. Thorax oblongo-subquadratus. Abdomen sublineare, thorace multo longius et angustius. Pedes breves, tenues. AlcB latiusculae ; venaj optime determinatse ; venae duae transversae inter venas radialem et cubitalem ; vena praebrachialis apicem versus valde flexa. Male. Body rather long. Head transverse, a little broader than the thorax; face broad, flat, vertical. Palpi broad. Antennae small; third joint elongate-conical, not extending more than half the length to the epistoma ; arista plumose. Thorax oblong-subquadrate. Ab- domen nearly linear, much longer and more slender than the thorax. Legs short, rather slender; fore femora somewhat setose beneath. Wings rather broad, flat in repose ; veins very strongly marked ; a transverse vein between the cubital and mediastinal veins ; two trans- verse veins between the radial and cubital veins ; cubital vein slightly angular between the pracbrachial transverse vein and the tip of the wing ; praebrachial vein much curved tovv£U'ds its tip. WALTCEB OK DTPTERA OF ABU ISLANDS. 123 The structure of the wing veins in this genus is very peculiar, and it does not agree well with any of the established subfamilies of Muscidce. 150. PoLYARA INSOLITA, n. 8. MttS. Tcstacca ; faciei sulcis albidis ; abdomine lutescente fulvo; alis subcinereis, nig ricante-fusco sub- marginatis et subfasciatis. Male. Testaceous, })aler beneath. Facial grooves for the antenna? whitish; thorax with some almost obsolete stripes, the middle pair approximate, slender, somewhat more distinct than the others; ab- domen somewhat lutescent-tawny ; wings slightly greyish, irregularly blackish-brown along the costa, brown at the tips, and with a brown band which is indistinct in front but much darker on the discal trans- verse vein ; praebrachial vein largely bordered with brown ; veins black, testaceous towards the base, discal transverse vein straight, parted by about one-sixth of its length from the border, and by rather less than half its length from the prajbrachial transverse ; alulae very small. Length of the body 6^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Subfam. Sepsides, Walk. Gen. Angitula, n. g. Fcem. Corpus convexum, glaberrimum, nitidissimum. Caput subro- tundum ; epistoma valde prominens. Antennee epistoma non attin- gentes ; articulus tertius longiusculus, linearis, apice conicus ; arista subpubescens. Thorax anticus valde productus et attenuatus ; scu- tellum bispinosum; metathorax magnus, declivis. Abdomen longi- subfusiforme ; segmentum primum gibbosum. Pedes longi, graciles ; coxaj auticai longissima3. Alee longse, angusta3 ; alulae obsoletae. Female. Body convex, very smooth and shining. Head nearly round ; front subquadrate; face short; epistoma very prominent. Mouth short. Antennae not reaching the epistoma; third joint linear, rather long, conical at the tip ; arista somewhat pubescent. Thorax much produced and attenuated in front ; scutellum armed with two spines ; metathorax slanting, well developed. Abdomen elongate-subfusiform, longer and much more slender than the thorax ; first segment gibbous above. Legs long, slender, without bristles ; fore coxae very long. Wings long, narrow ; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by less than half its length from the border, and by nearly twice its length from the praebrachial transverse. 151. Angitula longicollis, n. s. Fcem. Nigro-aenea; capite subtus albido, frontis disco rufescente, fascia albida ; antennis piceis basi rufis ; pedibus nigris, femoribus basi coxisque anticis albidis ; alis limpidis, costa nigra. Female. iEneous black. Head whitish beneath, front with a reddish disk, face whitish. Antennae piceous, first and second joints red; 1^4 WALKER ON DTPTEBA OF ABIT ISLAIfDS. legs black, bare ; femora towards the base and fore coxae whitish ; wings limpid, with a black costal line extending to the tip of the praebrachial vein; veins and halteres black. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Gen. Sepsis, Fallen. 152. Sepsis basifera, n. s. Mas et Foem. Nigra ; thorace nigro-seneo ; tarsis, femoribus basi pedibusque anticis testaceis ; alis limpidis, costa basi nigra. Mas. Metatarsis intermediis dilatatis, alis apice vix nigricantibus. Fcum. Alis apice nigris. Male and Female. Black, shining. Thorax aeneous black ; pectus cinereous ; tarsi, femora at the base, and fore legs, pale testaceous ; wings limpid ; costa at the base and veins black. Male. Basal joint of the intermediate tarsi dilated; wings hardly blackish at the tips. Female, Wings black at the tips. Length of the body 2-2^- lines ; of the wings 3-3^ lines. Gen. Calobata, Fahr. 153. Calobata albitarsis, Wied. Auss. Zweijl. /I. 544. 22. Inhabits also Java and Australia. 154. Calobata indica, i>esv. Ess. Myod. T^l' 4. (Nerius). Inhabits also Hindostan. 155. Calobata Abana, Walk. Cat. Dipt. pt. 4. 1054. 156. Calobata sepsoides, n. s. F(Bm. Nigra; antennis ferrugineis, articulo tertio conico brevi, arista nuda ; pedibus testaceis nigricante subnotatis, femoribus anticis nigris basi testaceis, tibiis anticis nigris, tarsis anticis niveis, posticis albidis ; alis subcinereis, fasciis duabus indistinctis fuscescentibus. Female. Black, shining. Antennae ferruginous, third joint short, conical, arista bare ; pectus slightly covered with cinereous tomentum ; legs testaceous, with a few very indistinct blackish marks; fore femora black, testaceous towards the base ; fore tibiae black ; fore tarsi snow- white, black at the base ; hind tarsi whitish ; wings greyish, with two almost obsolete brownish bands ; discal transverse vein parted by less than its length from the border and by about four times its length from the praebrachial transverse. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. Gen. Caediacephala, Macq. 157. Cardiacephala. DEBiLis, U.S. FcEOT. Tcstacea, gracilis ; thoracc linea transversa interrupta nigra ; pedibus anticis parvis, posterioribus longis, tarsis albis brevissimis, tibiis anterioribus piceis ; alis limpidis apice cinereis, fascia lata pallide lutea. Female. Testaceous, slender. Vertex somewhat luteous ; third joint of WALKEB ON DIPTEKA or AHIT ISLANDS. 125 the antennae conical, very short, arista bare; thorax attenuated in front, with a transverse inteiTupted black line hindward ; abdomen longer than the thorax, lanceolate hindward ; fore legs short, posterior legs long ; tarsi white, very short ; anterior tibial piceous ; middle femora rather thicker than the hind pair ; wings limpid, grey towards the tips, with a pale luteous middle band ; veins testaceous, cubital and praebrachial converging towards the tips of the wings, discal transverse vein straight, parted by less than its length from the border and by about thrice its length from the preebrachial transverse. Length of the body 3^ lines j of the wings 5 lines. Subfam. Psilides, Walk. G-en. LissA, Meigen. 158. LissA CYLiNDRicA, n. s. Mas. Cyanea, gracilis, cylindrica ; antennis piceis basi albidis, arista plumosa; abdomine piceo basi apiceque cyaneis ; pedibus albidis, femoribus posterioribus nigris apice albidis, femoribus posticis subtus spinosis, tibiis posticis nigris ; alis subcinereis apice subftiscis ; halteribus albidis apice nigris. Male. Blue, slender, cylindrical. Head broader than the thorax ; an- tennae whitish, third joint piceous, arista plumose ; abdomen piceous, slightly increasing in breadth to the tip, blue at the base and at the tip, hind borders of the first and second segments whitish -, legs whitish, posterior femora black, whitish at the base and towards the tips, hind femora spinose beneath, hind tibiae black ; wings slightly greyish, brownish towards the tips; veins black, praebrachial and perbrachial very near together for more than half their length, discal transverse vein straight, parted by more than its length, and by about four times its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres whitish, with black tips. Length of the body 3-^- lines ; of the wings 5 lines. Gen. Neeiijs, Fahr. 159. Nerius duplicatus, Wied. Auss. Zweijl. li. 553. 8. Inhabits also Java. Subfam. Oscinides, Haliday. Gen. OsciNis, Fair. 160. OsciNis LiNEiPLENA, n. s. Mas. Fusca; capite subtus testaceo apud oculos albo, vitta frontali alba ; thorace pectoreque lineis sex albidis ; abdomine sordide testaceo, pedibus albidis, tibiis tarsisque apice femoribusque anticis nigris ; alis subcinereis, halteribus albidis. Male. Brown. Head testaceous in front and beneath, w^hite about the eyes, with a white stripe on the front ; thorax and pectus with six whitish stripes on each, thorax with an indistinct middle testaceous 126 WALKEB 0T7 DTPTERA OT AETJ ISLANDS. stripe ; abdomen dull testaceous ; legs whitish ; tibiae and tarsi at the tips and fore femora black ; wings greyish ; veins black, discal trans- verse vein oblique, parted by more than its length from the border, and by full twice its length from the praebrachial transverse ; halteres whitish. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 3 lines. 161. OsciNis NOCTiLux, n. s. Mas. Atra; capite pallide flavo subtus albo ; antennis luteis, arista nuda ; scutello, maculis duabus pecto- ralibus abdominisque apice albis ; tibiis tarsisque intermediis testaceis ; alis nigricantibus postice cinereis, halteribus niveis. Male. Black. Head pale yellow, black hindward, white beneath; an- tennae pale luteous, third joint very short, arista bare ; scutellum white ; pectus with a white spot on each side ; abdomen white at the tip ; middle legs with testaceous tibiae and tarsi ; hind wings blackish, cinereous hindward ; halteres snow-white. Length of the body I line ; of the wings 1| line. Subfam. GtEOMTZIDes, Fallen. Gren. Deosopiiila, Fal 162. Drosophila? FiNiGUTTA, n. s. Mas. Fulva ; capite antice tes- taceo, antennis testaceis, articulo tertio conico; abdomine maculis quatuor apicalibus nigris, tarsis nigris ; alis cinereis venis nigris. Male. Tawny. Head testaceous in front ; antennae testaceous, third joint conical ; abdomen with two black spots on each side at the tip ; legs testaceous; tarsi black; wings grey; veins black, discal trans- verse vein straight, parted by full half its length from the border and by full twice its length from the praebrachial transverse ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 1^ line ; of the wings 3 lines. 163. Drosophila? melanospila. Foem. Testacea; antennarum articulo tertio conico, arista plumosa; thoracis disco abdominisque guttis duabus apicalibus atris ; tarsis piceis ; alis subcinereis. Female. Testaceous. Vertex luteous ; third joint of the antennae conical ; arista plumose ; disk of the thorax and a dot on each side of the tip of the abdomen deep black ; tarsi piceous ; wings slightly greyish ; veins black, discal transverse vein straight, parted by about half its length from the border and by twice its length from the prae- brachial transverse. Length of the body 1 line ; of the wings 2 lines. 164. Drosophila? imparata. Foem. Pallide testacea; pedibus pallidioribus ; alis subcinereis, venis pallidis. Female. Pale testaceous, with a few bristles. Legs paler than the body ; wings slightly greyish ; veins pale, discal transverse vein straight, parted by about twice its length from the border and by more than twice its length from the praebrachial transverse. Length of the body | line ; of the wings 1| line. WALKEE ON DIPTEBA OF AEU ISLANDS. 127 Subfam. Htdbomtzides, Raliday. G-en. Ephtdea, Fallen. 165. Ephydra ? taciturn a, n. s. Fcem. Atra, nitens, antennis nigris, arista plumosa, abdomine nigro-cupreo, pedibus nigro-piceis, alls nigricantibus, veuis nigris. Female. Deep black, shining. Antennae black, third joint linear, rather long, arista plumose; legs blackish-piceous ; wings blackish j veins black, discal transverse vein straight, parted by a little more than its length from the border. Length of the body 1^ line; of the wings 2\ lines. Fam. PHOEID^, Raliday. Gen. Palluea, n. g. Mas. Corpus latiusculum, pubescens. Os retractum. Oculi pubes- centes. Antennm brevissimse ; arista longissima. Scutellum magnum, conicum. Abdomen subellipticum, thorace non longius. " Pedes lati- usculi, pubescentes, non setosi. Alee amplae, venis sequalibus. Male. Body rather broad, pubescent. Proboscis small, withdrawn ; eyes pubescent ; antennae very short, arista very long ; scutellum large, conical, very prominent, extending beyond the base of the abdomen ; abdomen nearly eUiptical, not longer than the thorax ; legs rather broad, pubescent, without bristles; wings rather long and broad ; veins of equal size, costal vein ending at rather before half the length of the wing, radial ending at somewhat in front of the tip of the wing, cubital ending at hardly in front of the tip, praebrachial ending at a little behind the tip, pobrachial ending on the hind border at half the length of the wing, discal transverse vein straight, parted by more than twice its length from the border and from the praebrachial transverse. 166. Pallura invaria. Mas. Lutea, immaculata, alis cinereis basi luteis, apice nigricantibus, venis nigris robustis. Male. Luteous, of one colour. Wings grey, luteous at the base, blackish towards the tips ; veins black, robust. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. Earn. HIPPOBOSCID^, Leach. Gen. Oenithomyia, Leach. 167. Ornithomyia parva ?, Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. 11.2. 279. 3. LINN. PEOC. — ZOOLOGY. 128 walker on diptera of aru islands. Key Island. Fam. ASILIDiE, Leach. Subfam. Lapheites, Walk. Gren. Laphria, Fabr. 1. Laphria paradisiaca, n. s. Mas. Ciiprea, aureo pilosa, capite pectoreque argenteis albo pilosis, mystace subaurato setis nonnullis nigris, abdomine apice purpureo subtus albido piloso, pedibus cyaneo- purpureis albido pilosis, femoribus cyaneo-viiidibus, alis nigricantibus basi cinereis, halteribus albidis nigro notatis. Male. Cupreous, with gilded hairs. Head and pectus silvery, with white hairs ; mystax slightly gilded, with a few long black bristles ; antennae and mouth black; abdomen purple at the tip, underside clothed with long whitish hairs, silvery white at the base, the follow- ing segments bordered with silvery white; legs blue and purple, thickly clothed with long whitish hairs, femora bluish-green, fore tibiae with pale gilded down beneath, hind tibiae with a black bristly apical tuft beneath ; wings blackish, grey towards the base ; halteres whitish, marked with black. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 20 lines. 2. Laphria placens, n. s. Mas. Cyanea, capite aurato, mystace setis paucis longis nigris ; antennis nigris, articulo tertio fusiformi ; pectore albido, abdomine angusto, femoribus intus tibiisque purpureis ; alis nigricantibus basi cinereis, halteribus piceis. Male. Blue. Head gilded in front, whitish behind; mystax with a few long black bristles ; proboscis and antennae black, third joint of the latter fusiform ; pectus whitish ; abdomen cylindrical, much nar- rower than the thorax, and about twice its length; femora on the inner side and tibiae purple, tarsi black ; wings blackish, cinereous towards the base ; halteres piceous. Length of the body 4^- lines ; of the wings 8 lines. Subfam. Asilites, Walk. Gen. AsiLiJS, Linn. 3. AsiLus SUPERVENIENS, u. s. Mtts. Cincrcus, capite subaurato, mystace aurato setis paucis nigris, thorace vittis tribus latissimis nigris, abdomine fulvescenti-cinereo, pedibus rufescentibus, femoribus nigro vittatis, tarsis nigris, alis cinereis apice nigricantibus, halteribus testaceis. Male. Cinereous. Head slightly gilded, pale cinereous, and clothed with pale hairs behind; mystax composed of gilded bristles, above which there are a few shorter black bristles ; antennae black, third joint elongate-fusiform, arista much longer than the third joint ; thorax with three very broad hardly divided black stripes ; abdomen WALKEU ON DIPTERA OF ARF ISLANDS. 129 with a slight fawn-coloured tinge, tip black, sexualia very small ; legs reddish, femora striped above with black, tarsi black, reddish at the base ; wings cinereous, blackish towards the tips ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 14 lines. G-en. Ommatitjs, IlUger. 4. Ommatius noctifer. Walk. See page 88. Fam. EMPID^, Leach. Gen. Htbos, Fahr, 6. Hybos deficiens, n. s. Mas. Niger, thorace fulvo globose ma- cula dorsali nigra, abdomine basi fulvo, pedibus anterioribus testaceis, feraoribus posticis subtus spinosis, alis cinereis apice obscurioribus, stigmate venisque nigris, halteribus testaceis, apice piceis. Male. Black. Thorax and pectus tawn}'^, the former globose, with a black dorsal spot ; abdomen tawny at the base ; anterior legs tes- taceous, hind femora spinose beneath ; wings grey, darker at the tips ; stigma and veins black ; halteres testaceous, with pieeous tips. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. Fam. STRPBIDM, Leach. Gen. Eeistalis, Latr. 6. Eristalis resolutus. Walk. See p. 95. Gen. Baccha, Fahr. 7. Baccha purpuricola, n. s. Foem. Purpureo-fulva ; capite eha- lybeo ; antennis rufis ; pedibus fulvis ; tibiis posticis apice tarsisque posticis basi piceis ; alis nigricantibus, apud costam obscurioribus, spatio apicali subcostali cinereo ; halteribus testaceis. Female. Tawny, tinged with purple. Head chalybeous ; antennae red ; legs tawny, hind tibiae pieeous towards the tips, hind tarsi pieeous towards the base ; wings blackish, darker along the costa, cinereous towards the tips with the exception of the costa ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 5^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. Fam. MUSCID^, Latr. Subfam. Sarcophagides, Walk. Gen. Sarcophaga, Meigen. 8. Sarcophaga basalis, n. s. Mas. Nigra, subaureo tomentosa; capite aurato ; thorace vittis tribus nigris ; abdomine albido tessel- lato ; alis cinereis ; venis lurido marginatis ; alulis testaceis. 9* 130 WALKEB ON DTPTEEA OF ABU ISLANDS. Male. Black, with slightly gilded tomentum. Head gilded; frontalia deep black, hardly widening in front ; thorax with three black stripes, an indistinct blackish line on each side of the middle stripe ; abdomen tessellated with white ; wings grey ; veins bordered with a lurid hue, especially towards the costa; praebrachial vein forming a sHghtly acute angle at its flexure, near which it is much curved inward, and is thence straight to its tip ; discal transverse vein slightly curved inward near its hind end, parted by a little more than half its length from the border and from the praebrachial transverse ; alulae testaceous. Length of the body 5| lines ; of the wings 9 lines. Subfam. Mtjscides, Walk, Gen. Idia, Meigen. 9. Idia xanthogaster, Wied. Auss. Zweifl. 11. 349. 2. Inhabits also Hindostan and Java. 10. Idia testacea, Macq. Hist, Nat. Dipt. 77. 246. 3. Inhabits also Mauritius. Gen. MuscA, Linn. 11. Musca obtrusa. Walk. See p. 105. Subfam. Anthomyides, Wal/c. Gren. Aricia, Macq. 12. Aricia viCARiA, n.s. Fwm. Fulva, subtus testacea ; capite nigro, apud oculos albo ; antennis testaceis ; alis cinereis, apud costam luridis. Female. Tawny, testaceous beneath. Head black, white about the eyes ; antennae testaceous ; abdomen clothed with short black bristles ; legs testaceous, tarsi piceous ; wings grey, with a lurid tinge towards the costa; veins black, discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by about its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the preebrachial transverse ; alulae slightly testaceous ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. 13. Aricia squalens, n. s. Fam. Nigra, cinereo tomentosa; facie argentea ; antennis testaceis ; thorace vittis nigris vittisque duabus lateralibus latis testaceis ; abdomine obscure testaceo ; pedibus piceis ; femoribus nigris; tibiis anticis testaceis; alis cinereis; apud costam subluridis ; venis halteribusque testaceis. Female. Black, with cinereous tomentum. Face silvery white; an- tennae pale testaceous, third joint long, linear, extending to the epistoma ; thorax with black stripes, and on each side with a broad testaceous stripe; abdomen dull testaceous; legs piceous; femora black, fore tibiae testaceous ; wings grey, with a lurid tinge towards WALKER ON DIPTEEA OF AEU ISLANDS. 131 the costa ; veins testaceous, diseal transverse vein very slightly curved inward, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the prsebrachial transverse ; alulae whitish ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. Subfam. Oetalides, Haliday. Gen. Lampeogaster, Macq^. 14. Lamfrogaster \entralis, n. s. Fam. Testaceo-cinerea ; capite apud oculos albo, vertice luteo, facie pallide fulva; thorace lineis septem indistinctis nigricantibus j abdomine fusco maculis dorsalibus canis, subtus cavo lateribus ferrugiueis; pedibus nigris, tibiis ferru- gineo fasciatis ; alis limpidis basi subtestaceis, fasciis incompletis guttisque fuscis apud costam nigricantibus. Female. Cinereous, with a testaceous tinge. Head white about the eyes, vertex luteous; face pale tawny, with white grooves for the antennae ; antennae tawny, small ; arista slightly plumose at the base ; thorax with seven indistinct blackish lines; abdomen brown, with dorsal hoary nearly triangular spots, under side marsupial- like or with a pouch, ferruginous on each side ; legs black, each tibia with a ferruginous band ; wings limpid, slightly testaceous at the base, with brown dots and bands, the latter abbreviated hindward, blackish towards the costa ; veins black, testaceous towards the base ; diseal transverse vein straight, parted by about one-third of its length from the border and by much more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; alulae cinereous; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. Gen. Tetpeta, Meigen. 15. Trypeta roripennis, n. s. FcRm. Fusca ; capite nigro, facie alba ; antennis nigris rufo-fasciatis ; thorace vittis quatuor canis ; abdominis segmentis testaceo marginatis ; pedibus nigris, tarsis hal- teribusque testaceis; alis nigris, punctis plurimis albis. Female. Brown. Head black ; face white ; antennae black, third joint red, linear, rather long, black towards the tip; arista plumose; thorax with four hoary stripes; abdominal segments with testaceous hind borders ; legs black, tarsi testaceous ; wings black, with very nume- rous white points, a few of which are rather larger than the others ; diseal transverse vein straight, parted by less than its length from the border, and by more than twice its length from the praebrachial trans- verse ; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. 132 SMITH ON HYMENOPTEEA OF AKU ISLANDS. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects collected by Mr. A. E. Wallace at the Islands of Aru and Key. By Fbedeeick Smith, Esq., Assistant in the Zoological Department, British Museum. Communicated by W. W. Saunders, Esq., r.E.S., V.P.L.S. [Read December 3rd, 1858.] This Collection of Hymenoptera is the most important contribu- tion which has been made to the Aculeata through the exertions of Mr. Wallace ; in point of geographical distribution, it adds much to our knowledge. In the Aru, Key, and neighbouring islands, we meet with the extreme range of the Australian insect- fauna ; and as might be expected, it is found amongst the Yespi- dious Gi-roup, and in one or two instances in the EormicidsB. The latter, being frequently conveyed from one island to another, can perhaps scarcely be considered indicative of natural geogra- phical distribution. Of the forty-six species of the Eormicidous Grroup, only six were previously known to science. Of the genus JBodomyrma here established, one species only, from Adelaide, was previously known ; it is one of the most distinct and remarkable genera in the family. The Pompilidce are species of great beauty, some closely resembling those of Australia in the banding and maculation of their wings ; amongst the Vespidce will be found some of the most elegant and beautiful forms in the whole of that protean family of Hymenoptera. Earn. ANDEENID^. Gen. Peosopis. 1. Prosopis malachisis. p. nigro-cseruleo-viridis, nitida et deHca- tule punctata ; aUs hyalinis. Female. Length A\ hues. Deep blue-green, with tints of purple in cer- tain lights, particularly on the head, the clypeus with a central longi- tudinal ridge, its anterior margin slightly eraargiuate ; the flagellum rufo-piceous beneath, the ocelli white. Thorax : the wings hyaline and brilliantly iridescent ; the legs dark rufo-piceous with a bright purple tinge. Abdomen delicately punctured, the head and thorax more strongly so ; the latter with a semicircular enclosed space at its base, which is smooth and shining. Hah. Key Island. Gen. NoMiA. 1. NoMiA ciNCTA. iV. nigra, capite thoraceque punctatis, pedibus ferrugineis ; segmentis abdominis apice fulvo-testaceo late fasciatis. Female. Length 6 lines. Black : the two basal joints of the flagellum, SMITH ON HYMENOPTERA OF ARIJ ISLANDS. 183 the apical margin of the clypeus, the labrum, mandibles, and legs ferruginous ; the wings fulvo- hyaline, the nervures ferruginous, the tegulae more or less rufo-testaceous ; the sides of the metathorax with tufts of pale fulvous pubescence and the floccus on the posterior femora of the same colour, the tibiae and tarsi with short ferruginous pubescence. Abdomen shining, the apical margins of the segments broadly fulvo-testaceous, very bright, having a golden lustre. Hab. Key Island. 2. NoMiA LONGicoRNis. N. nigra, lucida et delicatule punctata, facie pube brevi grisea tecta, femorum posticorum flocco pallido, tibiis externe fusco-pubescentibus ; maris antennis, capita thoraceque longioribus. Male. Length 4 lines. Brassy, with tints of green on the clypeus, meta- thorax, and thorax beneath ; the head and thorax very closely and finely punctured; the clypeus produced and highly polished; the mandibles rufo-testaceous, the antennae as long as the head and thorax. Thorax : the wings hyaline and splendidly iridescent, the tegulae and the tarsi rufo-testaceous. Abdomen closely punctured, the apical margins of the segments smooth and shining ; the head and thorax above with a pale fulvous pubescence, that on the sides of the meta- thorax and legs pale and glittering ; the abdomen has a pale scattered glittering pubescence. Hab. Aru. 3. NoMiA DENT ATA. N. nigra et punctata, facie metathoracisque late- ribus cinereo-pubescentibus, postscutello medio unidentato. Mas. antennis filiformibus longitudine thoracis. Female. Length 5 lines. Black ; head and thorax rather finely punc- tured ; the face covered with short cinereous pubescence ; the clypeus naked and much produced, the anterior margin and the tips of the mandibles ferruginous ; the cheek with long whitish pubescence. Thorax : the sides of the metathorax, the floccus on the posterior femora and the postscutellum with whitish pubescence, the latter produced in the middle into a blunt tooth ; the legs fusco-ferrugi- nous, with the anterior tibiae and apical joints of the tarsi brighter ; wings hyaline and iridescent. Abdomen shining and punctured, the apical margins of the two basal segments broadly depressed, and more finely and closely punctured than the rest ; the apical margins of the second, third, and fourth segments pale testaceous ; the apical margins of the two basal segments narrowly fringed with white pubescence, usually more or less interrupted in the middle. Male. Resembles the female very closely, but has the face much more pubescent ; the antennae filiform and longer than the head and thorax ; the scutellum armed at its posterior lateral angles with an acute tooth ; the metathorax truncate and slightly concave, its base with short lon- gitudinal grooves, the lateral margins fringed with long pubescence. Hab. Aru. 134 SMITH ON HTMEITOPTEEA OF AEU ISLANDS. Subfam. DastgastrjE. Gen. Megachile, Latr. 1. Megachile lateritia. M. nigra, abdomine pube ferruginea ves- tito, alis fuscis. Female. Length 8 lines. Black ; head and thorax very closely and finely punctured ; the mandibles with a single blunt tooth at their apex ; the anterior margin of the clypeus transverse. Thorax : the wings brown, the posterior pair palest, their base subhyaline. Abdo- men clothed with bright brick-red pubescence above and beneath ; the basal segment with bright yellow pubescence above. Hob. Am. 2. Megachile scabrosa. M. nigra, metathorace antice rude sca- brato, abdomine subttis nigro-pubescente. Female. Length b\ lines. Black ; the clypeus, mesothorax anteriorly, and the posterior tibiae outside coarsely rugose, the roughness on the thorax consisting of transverse little elevated points ; the face with a thin griseous pubescence ; the anterior margin of the clypeus fringed with fulvous hairs ; the cheeks have a long pale fulvous pubescence. Thorax: the wings hyaline, the nervures black. Abdomen smooth and shining, with black pubescence beneath ; beneath, the apical mar- gins of the segments with a fringe of very short white pubescence. Hab^krw. 3. Megachile insularis. M. nigra, nitida, delicatule punctata, facie pube pallide fulva vestita, abdomine subtils pube laete ferruginea vestito, alis hyalinis. Female. Length 5 J lines. Black; the head and thorax finely and closely punctured, the abdomen delicately so ; the face clothed with pale fulvous pubescence, the mandibles with two blunt teeth at their apex ; the clypeus shining and strongly punctured. Thorax ; the wings subhyahne with a slight cloud at their apex ; the basal joint of the posterior tarsi with a dense dark ferruginous pubescence within. Abdomen : the four basal segments with transverse impressed lines in the middle ; beneath, clothed with bright ferruginous pubescence ; the abdomen has an obscui'e aeneous tinge above. Hah. Aru. Gen. Ceocisa, Jurine. 1. Crocisa nitidula, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 386. 2. Hab. Aru ; Key Island ; Australia ; Amboyna. Gen. Allodape, St.-Farg. 1. Allodape nitida. a. nitida nigra, clypeo flavo, ahs hyalinis, ab- domine ad apicem punctato. Female. Length 3 Imes. Black and shining ; the clypeus yellow, pro- SMITH ON HYMENOPTERA OF ART! ISLANDS. 135 duced in front ; the sides of the face depressed ; the ocelli prominent and reddish. Thorax very smooth and shining; the wings colourless and iridescent, their extreme base yellowish, the nervures and stigma brown, the tegulae pale testaceous-yellow ; the posterior tibiae with a scopa of glittering white hairs, the tarsi ferruginous and with glitter- ing hairs. Abdomen, from the third segment to the apex, gradually more and more strongly and closely punctured. Hah. Aru. Gen. Xtlocopa, Latr. 1. Xylocopa aestuans, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 96L 53 $; St.-Farg. Hym. ii. p. 193. 36 c? 2- Hab. Aru; India; Singapore; Celebes. Gen. Saropoda, Latr. 1. Saropoda bombiforrais, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. pt. 2. p. 318. 6. Hab. Aru ; Australia (Richmond River). Gen. Anthophora, Latr. 1. Anthophora zonata, Linn. Syst. Nat. Hab. Aru Island ; Celebes ; Ceylon ; India ; Borneo ; Hong-Kong ; Shanghai; Philippine Islands. 2. Anthophora elegans. A. nigra, pube capitis thoracisque nigra, abdomine fasciis quatuor Isete caeruleis ornato; tibiis posticis ferru- gineo-pubescentibus. Female. Length 6 lines. Black ; the labrum, a narrow line down the middle and another on each side of the clypeus, a minute spot above it, and the scape in front testaceous yellow, the base of the mandibles of a paler colour ; the flagellum fulvous beneath. Thorax : the pubescence black; wings subhyaline, the nervures dark rufo- fuscous, tegulae obscurely testaceous. Abdomen with four fasciae of brilliant blue, which is changeable, with pearly tints in diflPerent lights ; the posterior tibiae densely clothed outside with fulvo-ferru- ginous pubescence ; the pubescence inside is black. Hab. Key Island. Gen. Trigona, Jurine, 1. Trigona la3viceps. Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins.,Journ. Proc. Linn. -Soc. ii. p. 51. 8. Hab. Aru ; Singapore ; India. Fam. FOEMICIDiE. Gen. Formica. 1. Formica virescens, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. p. 355. 23 c? $ ^. — Lasius virescens, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 417- 8. 136 SMITH ON HYMENOPTERA OF AEU ISLANDS. 2. Formica gracilipes, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins., Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 55. 13 ^ . 3. Formica fragilis. F. pallide testacea, elongataet gracilis, capite postice angustato ; thorace medio compresso, pedibus elongatis ; squama incrassata triangulata. Worker. Length 3^ lines. Pale rufo-testaceous, smooth and slightly shining ; antennae elongate, longer than the body, the flagellum slen- der and filiform, the scape nearly as long as the h£ad and thorax ; head oblong, narrowed behind the eyes into a kind of neck, the sides parallel before the eyes, which are black and round, the clypeus slightly emarginate anteriorly, the mandibles finely serrated on their inner margin and terminating in a bent acute tooth. Thorax elongate, narrowest in the middle, the prothorax forming a neck anteriorly ; legs elongate and very slender. Abdomen ovate, the node of the petiole incrassate, and viewed sideways is triangular or wedge-shaped. Hub. Aru. This is one of those remarkable forms which recede so greatly from the normal type of Formica as apparently to indicate a generic distinc- tion ; but in those exotic species of which we have obtained all the forms, we find many which approach closely to the present insect, which is probably only the small worker of some already described species. No one would venture, without the authority of the personal observation of some competent naturalist, to unite all the forms of any exotic species of Formica. 4. Formica flavitarsus. F. nigra, elongata et gracilis; thorace postice compresso, pedibus elongatis, tarsis flavis. Worker. Length 4 lines. Black and sub-opake ; head elongate, nar- rowed behind, the clypeus truncate anteriorly, the mandibles pale fer- ruginous ; antennae elongate and slender, the flagellum filiform and pale rufo- testaceous ; the thorax and legs elongate, the latter slender with their tarsi pale rufo-testaceous. Abdomen ovate, the scale of the petiole incrassate and slightly notched above. Hab. Aru. 5. Formica coxalis. F. nigra, nitida; flagello, coxis et abdomiue subtus pallide testaceis. Worker major. Length 5 lines. Black and very delicately roughened with a fine transverse waved striation only perceptible under a good magnifying power. Head large, much wider than the thorax, oblong- ovate with a deep emargination behind ; the clypeus slightly produced and truncate anteriorly, the angles of the truncation rounded, and with a central shining carina ; the flagellum, except the tarsal joint, pale rufo-testaceous. Thorax elongate, compressed behind, the coxae pale rufo-testaceous. Abdomen ovate, the scale of the petiole in- crassate, somewhat wedge-shaped when viewed sideways, the abdo- men sparingly sprinkled with long pale hairs. SMITH ON HYMENOPTERA Or ARTJ ISLANDS. 137 6. Formica cordata. F. pallida rufa; abdornine fusco, capite cor- date. Worker. Length 2 lines. Pale rufo-testaceous ; the head heart-shaped ; the eyes black, the flagellura fusco-ferruginous with the basal joints pale ; the mandibles ferruginous. Thorax narrow, deeply strangulated at the base of the metathorax. Abdomen more or less fuscous, the node of the petiole narrow and pointed above ; the entire insect is smooth and shining. Hub. Aru. The worker minor is rather smaller and has the abdomen darker, in all the specimens received, but in other respects agrees with the above. 7. Formica oculata. F. pallide ferruginea; capite oblongo, oculis magnis, thorace compresso. Worker. Length 2^ lines. Pale ferruginous, with the vertex and apex of the abdomen black ; the head oblong, the sides nearly parallel, with the anterior margin truncate ; the mandibles with fine acute teeth on their inner margin ; the antennae inserted wide apart about the middle of the head ; the eyes very large and ovate, placed backwards on the sides of. the head, reaching to the posterior margin of the vertex, forming as it were its posterior lateral angles. The thorax narrow and compressed behind ; abdomen ovate, entirely smooth and shining. Hab. Aru. 8. Formica MUTiLATA. F. nigra ; capite oblongo, truncate antice et sanguineo, antennis tarsisque rufo-testaceis. Worker. Length 2f lines. Black and shining ; the head truncate an- teriorly, the antennae inserted wide apart, about the middle, the face blood-red before their insertion and deeply striated longitudinally, behind the antennae the head is black, smooth, and shining ; the eyes ovate and placed backwards on the sides of the head. Thorax rounded in front and strangulated between the meso- and metathorax, the latter obliquely truncate ; legs rather short and stout, the femora compressed, the anterior pair broadly dilated, the base and apex of the femora, the tibiae, and tarsi rufo-testaceous, the tibiae with a darker stain behind. Abdomen oblong-ovate, the apical margins of the seg- ments narrowly pale testaceous ; the scale of the petiole compressed, with its superior margin rounded. Hab. Aru. This is a very singular insect in many respects, and closely resembles in form the Formica truncaia of Spinola. 9. Formica quadriceps. F. nigra, nitida; capite antice oblique truncate, thorace postice compresso. Worker. Length 3^ lines. Shining black; head oblong-quadrate, slightly narrowed anteriorly, wdth the sides nearly straight, the pos- terior angles rounded, and very slightly emarginate behind ; the head obliquely truncate from the base of the clypeus ; the truncation as 138 SMITH ON HTMENOPTEEA OF ARU ISLANDS. well as the mandibles obscurely ferruginous ; the apex of the flagellum and the apical joints of the tarsi pale rufo-testaceous. Thorax rounded anteriorly, compressed behind, with the metathorax abruptly truncate. The scale of the petiole narroAV, incrassate, its anterior margin slightly curved, its posterior margin straight ; the abdomen ovate. Worker minor. About 3 lines long, very like the larger worker, the head being truncate in front ; but it is, in proportion to the thorax, narrower ; the latter is compressed and abruptly truncate ; in other respects it agrees with the worker major. Hab. Aru. 10. Formica l^vissima. F. nigra nitida laevissima, sparse pilosa ; squama oblonga subdepressa. Worker. Length 4 lines. Jet-black, very smooth and shining; head wider than the thorax, slightly emarginate behind, the sides slightly rounded; the anterior margin of the clypeus rounded, the mandibles striated and obscurely ferruginous ; the scape with a few glittering silvery-white hairs. Thorax not quite so wide as the head an- teriorly, narrowed behind, with the disk somewhat flattened, slightly convex, a deep strangulation between the meso- and metathorax, the latter obliquely rounded ; the legs and abdomen sprinkled with glittering white hairs. The node of the petiole incrassate, very slightly elevated ; viewed sideways, broadly wedge-shaped ; the abdomen ovate. Hab. Aru. 11. Formica nitida. F. capite abdomineque nigris, antennis tho- raceque pedibusque rufo-testaceis laevissirnis et lucidis. Worker. Length 4 lines. Head and abdomen shining black; the flagellum, thorax, legs, and scale of the petiole rufo-testaceous ; the legs palest ; the scape fuscous, with its base pale ; the head large, wider than the abdomen, and emarginate behind ; the clypeus and mandibles obscurely ferruginous. Thorax compressed, not strangu- lated in the middle. The scale of the petiole narrow, with its margin rounded above ; abdomen ovate, and sprinkled with a few erect pale hairs. Hab. Aru. 12. Formica scrutator. F. nigerrima, mandibulis tarsorumque articulo apicali pallide ferrugineis, thorace medio profunde coarctato. Worker. Length l|-2 lines. Shining black ; the mandibles pale, fer- ruginous, with their inner margins finely denticulate ; the eyes placed rather forwards on the sides of the head, the latter emarginate be- hind. Thorax deeply strangulated in the middle; the metathorax elevated and obliquely truncate behind. Abdomen ovate ; the scale of the petiole sub-incrassate, with its margin rounded above; the insect very thinly covered with a fine cinereous pile. Hab. Aru. SMITH ON HYMENOPTEEA OF AEU ISLANDS. 139 '13. Formica angulata. F. nigra nitida; flagello capite antice pe- dibusque obscure ferrugineis, mctathorace angulato. M'^orker. Length 3 lines. Shining black ; head of moderate size ; the clypeus and mandibles obscure ferruginous ; the flagellum fusco-fer- ruginous, with the tip pale testaceous. Thorax rounded anteriorly and compressed behind ; the scutellum prominent, forming a small tubercle ; the metathorax obliquely truncate, the margin of the trun- cation elevated, so that when viewed sideways the metathorax forms an obtuse angular shape. Abdomen ovate, the node of the peduncle elevated, incrassate, rounded anteriorly, and flat behind. Hab. Aru. Gen. PoLYEHACHis, Smith. 1. Formica sericata, Guer. Voy. Coq. Zool. ii. 203; Atlas Ins. pi. 8. f. 2, 2 a, b, c, d, ^ . (Polyrhachis sericata. Smith, Append. Cat. Form. p. 200.) Hab. Aru ; New Hebrides. 2. Formica sexspinosa, Latr, Hist. Nat. Fourm. p. 126, pi. iv. f. 21 ^ . (Polyrhachis sexspinosa. Smith, Cat. Form. p. 56. 3.) Hab. Aru ; India ; Philippine Islands. 3. Polyrhachis marginatus. P. niger; antennis, palpis pedi- busque ferrugineis ; thoracis marginibus recurvis, metathorace peti- olique squamula bidentatis. Worker. Length 2^ lines. Black ; the antennae and legs ferruginous ; the head and thorax rugose; the prothorax transverse, its anterior margin slightly curved, with the lateral angles produced forwards and very acute ; the thorax narrowed to the metathorax, which is armed with two divergent acute spines. Abdomen velvety black and glo- bose ; the scale of the petiole produced laterally into long, bent, acute spines, which curve backwards to the shape of the abdomen. Hab. Aru. 4. Polyrhachis hostilis. P. niger, longitudinaliter striatus, tho- racis marginibus expansis, metathorace squamulaque petioli spinis duabus crassis acutis curvatis. Worker. Length 3 lines. Black ; the head and thorax longitudinally striated, the abdomen very finely and evenly so ; the prothorax trans- verse, wider than the head, the anterior and lateral margins recurved, the latter acute at their anterior angles, and rounded at the posterior ones ; the lateral margins of the mesothorax recurved, a deep notch between the meso- and metathorax ; the latter with a long, stout, curved, acute spine on each side. The scale of the petiole produced above on each side, into a long, curved, stout, acute spine, which curves backwards round the sides of the abdomen. Hab. Aru. 140 SMITH ON HYMENOPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS. 5. PoLYRHACHis LONGIPES. P. nigcr ; flagelli dimidio apicali ti- biisque anticis pallide ferrugineis, prothorace petiolique squamula bidentatis. Worker. Length 3 lines. Black ; the head and thorax finely rugose ; the antennae elongate, longer than the insect ; the apical half of the flagellum pale ferruginous. Thorax rounded above, the sides not margined ; two spines on the thorax anteriorly, two on the meta- thorax, and two on the scale of the petiole ; the legs elongate, with the anterior tibiae ferruginous. Abdomen globose, sometimes rufo- fuscous, or the base obscurely rufous. Hab. Aru. 6. PoLYRHACHis SERRATUS. P. uiger ; capite thoraceque rugosis, abdomine dense punctato, squama petioli transversa, margine supemo serrata. Worker. Length 2 lines. Black, with the antennae and legs ferru- ginous. Thorax oblong-quadrate or very slightly narrowed towards the metathorax, slightly convex above, not margined at the sides, the divisions not perceptible ; the head and thorax rugose and pubescent. Abdomen globose, shining, and closely punctured ; the scale of the petiole transverse above, produced into an acute spine on each side, the upper margin finely serrated, the lateral margins narrowed to their base, and having two or three small sharp spines. Hab. Aru. 7. PoLYRHACHis scuTULATUs. P. uigcr, fortitcr politus et lucidus, metathorace petiolique squamula dente longo curvato acuto in latere utroque, pedibus nigro-ferrugineis. Worker. Length 2| lines. Black and very smooth and shining ; the legs dark ferruginous. Thorax : the disk expanded, slightly convex above, with the margins acute and curving upwards ; the anterior margin transverse, rather wider than the head, with the lateral angles slightly curved forwards, and very acute ; the lateral margins of the prothorax curved backwards and inwards ; the margins of the meso- thorax are rounded ; the pro- and mesothorax highly polished above, forming an escutcheon-shaped disk; the metathorax opake, and sprinkled with a few short glittering hairs, armed posteriorly with two long very acute spines, divergent and directed backwards. Ab- domen globose ; the scale of the petiole with two long curved acute spines, directed backwards to the curve of the abdomen. Hab. Aru. 8. PoLYRHACHis MUCRONATUS. P. laevis, uitidus, niger; thorace spinis duabus crassis compressis acutis postice armato. Worker. Length 2\ lines. Black, smooth, and shining, very deli- cately and indistinctly aciculate ; the antennae beneath and the tibiae and femora obscurely ferruginous, the anterior and intermediate tibiae brightest ; the apex of the mandibles ferruginous. Thorax transverse SMITH ON HTMENOPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS, 141 in front, or very slightly curved, with the lateral angles acute ; the thorax is rounded above, and not mai-gined at the sides ; the meta- thorax armed with two long, stout, acute compressed spines; the spines divergent, as well as two on the scale of the petiole, which are long and very acute. Abdomen globose. Hab. Am. .9. PoLYRHACHis GEOMETRicus. P. niger ; antennarum apice, tibiis tarsorumque apice ferrugineis, thorace circulariter striato. Worker. Length 2 lines. Black ; the apical joints of the flagellum, the anterior legs, the anterior and intermediate tibiae, and the apical joints of the tarsi pale ferruginous ; the extreme base of the anterior tarsi black. Thorax rounded above, not margined, gradually narrowed posteriorly ; the prothorax of the same width as the head, its lateral angles toothed; the disk with a circular striation. Abdomen globose and pubescent; the scale of the petiole compressed, its superior margin rounded, and with four minute teeth. Hah, Aru. 10. PoLYRHACHis iRRiTABiLis. P. uigcr, pube pallide aurea ves- titus ; thorace quadridentato, petioli squamula bidentata. Female. Length 6^ lines. Black, and densely clothed with short pale golden pubescence ; all parts of the insect sprinkled with erect cine- reous hairs; the mandibles shining black, the palpi pale testaceous ; the head elongate, the eyes placed high on the sides of the head, fer- ruginous and very prominent. Thorax elongate-ovate; the pro- thorax with a short, stout, acute tooth on each side, slightly curved and directed forwards ; the metathorax with a similar tooth on each side directed backwards ; the wings subhyaline, the nervures fuscous ; the legs fusco-ferruginous, the femora and coxae brightest. Abdomen ovate ; the scale incrassate, armed above with two stout acute teeth. Hab. Aru. This is probably the female of P. sexspinosus. \\. PoLYRHACHis L^vissiMus. P. niger, laevis uitidusquc ; mcta- thorace bispinoso, petioli squamula quadrispinosa, pedibus ferrugineis. Worker. Length 2| lines. Black, very smooth and shining ; the legs ferruginous, with the coxae, articulations, and the tarsi black. The thorax not flattened above, or margined at the sides ; the division between the pro- and mesothorax distinct, that between the meso- and metathorax not discernible, the latter with two erect acute spines ; the scale of the petiole with four short acute spines. Abdo- men globose. Hab. Aru. This species is very like P. mucronatus ; on close examination, how- ever, it is seen to be very distinct : it may be at once distinguished by its larger head, which is wider than the thorax, rounded behind the eyes, and widely emarginate behind. 142 SMITH ON HYMENOPTEEA OF ARU ISLANDS. 12. PoLYRHACHis BELLicosus. P. capite abdomineque nigris, thorace femoribusque rufis, thorace quadrispinoso, petioli squamula biharaata. Worker. Length 3^ lines. Black, with the scale of the petiole, thorax, coxae, and femora blood-red. Thorax : the lateral margins raised above, with two slightly curved divergent spines in front, and two stout, acute, long curved spines in the middle, directed backwards ; the scale of the petiole forming a long erect pedestal, which termi- nates above in two much bent acute hooks, directed backwards, and being as high as the basal segment of the abdomen ; the spines and hooks black at the apex. Abdomen ovate. Hab. Aru. 13. PoLYRHACHis Hector. P. niger et vestitus pube palHde aurea ; prothorace petiolique squamula bispinosis, pedibus ferrugineis. Worker. Length 3 lines. Black ; the apex of the scape and the legs ferruginous j the extreme base of the tibiae and the tarsi black ; a stout acute spine on each side of the prothorax, directed forwards; the thorax flattened above, its lateral margins raised ; the divisions of the segments very distinctly impressed ; the pale golden pubescence on the abdomen thinner than on the head and thorax. The scale of the petiole angled at the sides towards its summit, the angles dentate, the upper margin straight, and at each lateral angle an acute spine, directed backwards, and curved to the shape pf the abdomen; the spines parallel. Hab. Aru. 14. PoLYRHACHis RUFOFEMORATUS. P. nigcr, laevis, nitidus; fe- moribus abdominisque squamula ferrugineis. Worker. Length 3^ lines. Black ; head oblong ; the eyes placed high at the sides near the vertex, the front very prominent, with two elevated carinae in the middle, at the outside of which the antennae are inserted. Thorax : the divisions strongly marked, flattened above with the sides elevated ; the prothorax with an acute spine on each side anteriorly ; the coxae and femora ferruginous, with the apex of the latter more or less fuscous. Abdomen : the base and the scale ferruginous, the latter angled at the sides and emarginate above. Hab. Aru. Gen. PoNEEA, Latr. 1. Ponera rugosa. Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. 66. 5. Hab. Aru. Borneo. 2. PoNERA scuLPTURATA. P. nitida nigra ; capite, thorace abdomi- nisque segmentis primo et secundo profunde striatis, nodo spinis duabus acutis armato ; pedibus abdomineque apice ferrugineis. Worker. Length 5 lines. Black and shiny, the legs obscurely ferru- SMITH OK HYMENOPTEEA OP AETT ISLANDS. 143 ginous as well as the mandibles; the head strongly and evenly striated longitudinally. The prothorax with a circular striation above ; behind, the thorax is compressed, the sides being obliquely striated, the striae uniting and crossing the central ridge of the thorax. The node of the petiole and basal segment of the abdomen with a curved striation, the second segment longitudinally striated and depressed at its base, which is smooth and shining ; the basal half of the third seg- ment is longitudinally striated. Hab, Aru. This species is at first sight very like the P. geometrica from Singa- pore ; but the striation of the abdomen alone will serve to distinguish it. 3. PoNERA PARALLELA. P. nigra, opaca ; antcnuis, maudibulis, pcdi- bus abdominisque apice ferrugineis. Worker. Length 3^ lines. Opake black; the autennae thick and scarcely as long as the thorax, their apex and the mandibles bright ferruginous ; the legs somewhat obscure ferruginous, with the articu- lations much brighter ; the head a little wider than the thorax and subovate ; the thorax, node of the petiole, and the abdomen of nearly equal width, the abdomen being slightly the widest ; the node of the petiole nearly quadrate ; the apical margin of the first segment and base of the second slightly depressed. Hab. Aru. 4. PoNERA QUADRiDENTATA. P. atro-fusca ; antcnuis, facie antic^, antennis, mandibulis, tibiis tarsisque ferrugineis ; alis subhyalinis. Female. Length 3| lines. Nigro-fuscous ; the antennae with a carina between then: base, the face anteriorly, the mandibles, the legs, and the abdomen at its apQX and beneath, ferruginous; the femora and coxae above, fuscous ; the head subquadrate with the angles rounded ; the eyes small and placed forwards on the sides of the head towards the base of the mandibles, the latter with four strong teeth on their inner margin. Thorax oblong-ovate with the metathorax truncate; the wings fusco-hyaline, the stigma large and black. Abdomen : the second segment slightly narrowed at its base, the node of the petiole incrassate and compressed, its upper margin rounded. The insect entirely covered with a short downy cinereous pile, the abdomen having also a number of scattered erect glittering hairs. Hab, Aru. Gren. ECTATOMMA, 1. EcTATOMMA RUGOSA. JE. fusco-brunnea ; capitc, thoracc, nodoquc rugosis ; abdomine delicatule aciculato. Worker. Length 4 lines. Obscure fusco-ferruginous, the antennae and legs bright ferruginous; the head, thorax, and node of the petiole coarsely rugose ; the eyes very prominent and glassy ; the mandibles LIKN. PEOO. — ZOOLOGY. 10 144 SMITH ON HYMENOPTEEA OF AEU ISLANDS. longitudinally but very delicately striated, their inner margin eden- tate ; the thorax slightly narrowed behind. Abdomen very delicately aciculate. Male. Length 3| lines. Of the same colour, and sculptured like the worker; the head rounded behind the eyes and narrowed before them J the eyes very large, prominent and ovate j the ocelli very bright and prominent; antennae elongate and slender, the scape short, not longer than the second joint of the flagellum. Thorax : the scutellum prominent, forming a rounded tubercle, the metathorax elongate and oblique. Abdomen aciculate as in the worker, but much more deeply strangulated between the first and second seg- ments ; the petiole rugose and clavate. Hah. Aru. Gen. Odontomachus, Latr. 1. Odontomachus simillimus. Smith, Cat. Form. p. 80. 11 $• Hah. Aru. Ceylon. 2. Odontomachus tyrannicus. 0. capite thoraceque nigris, an- tennis abdomineque ferrugineis, margine interno mandibulorum serratulo. Worker. Length 7 lines. Head oblong, narrowed behind, posteriorly deeply emarginate; the mandibles rufo-piceous, brightest at their apex, which is armed with two long teeth which are bent abruptly inwards, their tips black ; the anterior portion of the head striated obliquely from the centre ; the head, behind the anterior sulcation, very smooth and shining and having a deep longitudinal central depression. Thorax transversely striated, the articulations of the legs and the tarsi ferruginous. Abdomen smooth, shining, and fer- ruginous ; the node of the petiole incrassate, cylindric, and tapering upwards into a very acute spine. Hah. Aru. 3. Odontomachus MALIGNUS. O. ferrugineus ; capite supra oblique striato ; margine interno mandibulorum confertim serrato ; metatho- race transversim striato ; squama unispinosa ; abdomine lajvissimo. Worker. Length 7 lines. Ferruginous ; the flagellum and legs palest ; head much narrowed behind, the posterior margin deeply emarginate j mandibles smooth and shining, their inner margin strongly serrated, their apex abruptly bent or elbowed, and armed with two stout teeth ; the face anteriorly evenly striated obliquely ; the head behind the anterior sulcation very delicately striated obliquely. The prothorax smooth and shining, the meso- and metathorax transversely striated. Abdomen very smooth and shiDing; the node of the petiole incrassate and tapering upwards into an acute spine. Hah. Aru. This species most closely resembles 0, maxillaris from Brazil ; but its SMITH OK HYMENOPTEEA OF AUU ISLANDS. 145 smooth polished prothorax alone would distinguish it j its head is much broader anteriorly, and less elongate. Gen. PsEUDOMYEMA, Quer, 1. PsEUDOMYRMA LiEViCEPS. P. nigra, laevis et nitida; antennis, mandibulis, tibiis anterioribus, tarsisque rufo-fulvis. Worker. Length 2\ lines. Black and shining ; head very smooth and slightly emarginate behind, the eyes large and ovate ; the mandibles and antennae rufo-fulvous. Thorax with the sides flattened, the disk slightly convex ; a deep strangulation between the meso- and meta- thorax, the latter rounded above and oblique behind ; the trochanters, articulations of the legs, and the tarsi rufo-fulvous. Abdomen thinly covered with a fine cinereous pile ; the first node of the petiole some- what oblong-ovate, the second subglobose, the petiole of the first node short. Hab, Aru. Gen. PoDOMYEMA, Smith. Head oblong in the female, rather wider than the thorax ; in the worker subovate and much wider; eyes small, ovate and placed about the middle at the sides of the head ; antennce geniculated, the scape about two thirds of the length of the flagellum which is clavate, the club three-jointed; the mandibles stout and dentate; the labial palpi 3' jointed; the maxillary palpi 4-jointed. Thorax, oblong-ovate in the female, in the worker transverse in front and narrowed behind with the metathorax bidentate ; the anterior wings with one elongate mar- ginal cell and two submarginal cells, the second extending to the apex of the wing ; the legs stout, the femora incrassate ; abdomen ovate, the peduncle with two nodes. The insects included in this genus are undoubtedly most nearly allied to those belonging to the genus Myrmecina ; but, excepting that they agree in having the same number of joints in the palpi, they have little resemblance to each other. With the exception of the genus Myrmecia, these are the largest insects in the subfamily Myrmicidae ; and all the species are distinguished by their remarkably thickened femora and margined thorax : we are unacquainted with the males. 1. PoDOMYRMA FEMORATA. P. ferruginea ; capite oblongo, oblique striato, thorace abdomineque laevibus nitidis ; alis subhyalinis fusco- nebulosis; fcmoribus valde incrassatis, basi tenuissimis, femoribus posticis infra compressis. Female. Length 8 lines. Uufo-testaceous ; the mandibles and anterior margin of the face black, the inner margin of the mandibles rufo- piceous and armed with six short stout teeth, the apical tooth largest. The head oblong, slightly narrowed posteriorly and emarginate be- 10* 146 ^MITH ON HYMENOPTEEA OF ARTT ISLANDS. hind; longitudiDally striated, the striae diverging from the centre at the anterior ocelhis ; at half the distance between the posterior ocelli and the margin of the vertex the striae are transverse. Thorax smooth and shining, with scattered fulvous hairs ; the wings fusco-hyaline, with a dark fuscous stain occupying the marginal cell and traversing the course of all the nervures ; the legs with the femora much incras- sated, the posterior pair compressed beneath into a flattened process or keel. Abdomen ovate, smooth, shining, and with a scattered ful- vous pubescence ; the first node of the petiole rounded in front, nar- rowed and truncate behind, with a large compressed tooth beneath ; the second node subglobose. Worker major. Length 4 Hnes. Ferruginous, entirely smooth and shining; the thorax, legs, and abdomen more or less obscure, the femora being usually rufo-piceous ; the mandibles striated with their margins black. Thorax nearly flat above, very slightly convex with the sides margined, the anterior margin slightly rounded, the lateral angles produced into small acute spines ; a deep strangulation at the base of the metathorax, a little before which the lateral margins are produced into an angular tooth, the metathorax with two short acute spines ; the femora thickly incrassate. Abdomen ovate. Hab. Aru. 2. PoDOMYRMA STRIATA. P. fcrruginca; capite thoraceque longi- tudinaliter striatis, femoribus vald^ incrassatis, basi tenuissimis. Worker. Length 3 lines. Rufo-ferruginous with the abdomen obscure, becoming blackish at the apex, the head coarsely striated, with a central portion from the insertion of the antennae to the hinder margin of the vertex delicately so ; the mandibles striated, with the teeth on their inner margin black. Thorax rugose- striate, the anterior lateral angles dentate, the metathorax without spines; the femora thickly incrassate and greatly attenuated at their base. Abdomen ovate, smooth and shining ; the nodes of the petiole rugose. Hab. Aru. This species resembles P.femorata, but is easily distinguished by its striated head and thorax ; the latter is similarly flattened above and margined at the sides ; the femora are also thickened precisely as in that species. 3. PoDOMYRMA L^viFRONS. P. obscure fcrruginca ; capite abdomi- neque laevissimis lucidisque ; thorace longitudinaliter striate ; femori- bus medio valde incrassatis, basi tenuissimis. Worker. Length 2i hnes. Head and abdomen smooth, shining black, in some examples fusco-ferruginous ; the antennae, legs, and thorax ferruginous, the latter longitudinally striated; the thorax margined at the sides, the disk slightly convex, the anterior margin slightly rounded, with the lateral angles armed with short acute spines, the SMITH ON HTMBKOPTEBA OF ABU I0LAKD0. 147 thorax deeply strangulated posteriorly, the metathorax not spined; the femora thickly swollen in the middle and very slender at their base and apex. Abdomen ovate, the first node of the petiole oblong, the second globose. Hab. Aru. There is considerable variation in intensity of colouring in examples of this species, the thorax and legs being sometimes pale ferruginous ; in the specimen described they are dark ; every shade of gradation occurs in different individuals. 4. PoDOMYRMA BASALis. P. fusco-fcrruginca ; abdominis basi pallide testacea ; femoribus medio incrassatis, basi tenuibus. Worker. Length 3 lines. Obscurely ferruginous, the scape of the antennae, the base of the femora and the tibise pale fen*uginous ; the base of the abdomen pale testaceous y the head and thorax with deep coarse longitudinal furrows; the flagellum blackish-brown towards its apex, with the extreme tip pale. Thorax : the anterior margin slightly rounded with the lateral angles very acute; the femora very thickly incrassate in the middle ; the apex of the tibise ferru- ginous. Abdomen smooth and shining; the basal half pale testa- ceous, the apical half and the following segments black ; the nodes of the petiole rugose ; the first node elongate, with a short acute tooth at the base above, and a blunt one beneath. Hab. Aru. Gen. Mtemioa, Latr. 1. Myrmica parallela. ilf . rufo-ftdva ; antennis pedibusque pal- lide testaceis ; abdomine fusco-ferrugineo ; capite thoraceque longitu- dinaliter striatis. . Worker. Length 1 line. Head and thorax ferruginous and longitudi- nally and evenly striated; antennae and legs pale rufo-testaceous. Thorax margined at the sides, the disk slightly convex, the anterior margin transverse, the lateral angles acute ; the metathorax with two short spines; abdomen dark fusco-ferruginous, the nodes of the petiole subrugose ; club of the antennae 3-jointed. Hab. Aru. 2. Myrmica scabrosa. M. nigra; capite thoraceque scabrosis, meta- thorace bispinoso, abdomine ovato laevi. Worker. Length 1 line. Black ; the head, thorax, and nodes of the petiole roughened ; the mandibles, flagellum and tarsi rufo-testaceous ; the lateral angles of the prothorax acute, the sides narrowed sUghtly to the base of the metathorax, the spines on the latter acute ; nodes of the petiole globose. Abdomen ovate, smooth and shining; club of the antennae 3-jointed. Hab. Aru. 148 SMITH ON HIMENOPTEEA OP AHU ISLANDS. 3. Myrmica thoracica. M. capite abdomineqiie nigris; antcnnis, mandibulis thorace pedibusque flavis. Worker. Length f line. Head and abdomen jet-black ; the antenna?, thorax, and legs of a clear honey- yellow ; the mandibles of a more obscure yellow; the anterior margin of the thorax transverse, the lateral angles acute, narrowed from thence to the base of the meso- thorax, the disk anteriorly slightly convex; the metathorax armed with two acute spines. Abdomen nearly round, and very smooth and shining ; the first node of the petiole vertical anteriorly, and gradually rounded behind, the second node transverse, its anterior margin straight, the angles rounded, the sides narrowed towards the abdo- men ; the club of the antennae 3-jointed. Hab. Aru. The singular form of the thorax of this species, as well as the construc- tion of the nodes of the petiole, appear to indicate an uncharacterized division of the genus Myrmica. 4. Myrmica suspiciosa. M. rufo-testacea, laevis, tota nitidissima nuda; mandibulis, antennis, pedum articulationibus tarsisque palles- centibus ; metathoracis spinis minutissimis. Worker. Length 1 line. Rufo-testaceous and very smooth and shining ; the antennae as long as the insect ; the flagellum, mandibles, tarsi, and articulations of the legs pale testaceous. The thorax narrowed an- teriorly into a short neck, behind which it is dilated, the sides being rounded, the meso- and metathorax narrower and of nearly equal width, the spines of the metathorax minute and slender. The first node of the petiole somewhat wedge-shaped, the second globose, the abdomen very smooth and shining ; club of the antennae 3-jointed. Hab. Aru. I can detect no specific diiFerence between this and Myrmica Icevigata, taken by myself in the neighbourhood of London ; but it is not uncom- monly met with in hothouses, near to which I captured my specimen, I believe M. IcBvigata is identical with (Ecophthora pusilla, the House- Ant of Madeira. 6. Myrmica mellea. M. capite thoraceque flavis; abdomine pallide fusco. Worker. Length If line. Head, antennae, thorax, and legs honey- yellow and very smooth and shining ; thorax strangulated at the base of the metathorax, which is not spined ; the first node of the abdo- men is oblique anteriorly, and vertical behind, the second node sub- globose. Abdomen : the base honey-yellow, the apical margin of the first segment, and the following segments entirely, pale fuscous ; the club of the antennae 2-jointed. Hab. Aru, 6, Myrmica carinata, M, obscure fusco-ferruginea ; thorace rufo- SMITH ON HYMEKOPTERA OE AEU ISLANDS. 149 fulvo ; capite thoraceque carinis irregularibus ; metatliorace spinis duabus longis armato. Worker. Length H lines. Head and abdomen black, with more or less of an obscure ferruginous tinge, particularly at the vertex and base of the abdomen; the thorax and nodes of the petiole ferru- ginous; the legs rufo-piceous, with the tarsi and articulations fer- ruginous, the antennae and mandibles ferruginous ; the head and thorax with irregular distant longitudinal carina?; the sides of the thorax rugose; the spines on the metathorax long and acute; the abdomen very smooth and shining ; the club of the antennse 3-jointed. Hab, Aru. Gen. Crematogastee, Zund. 1. Crematogaster obscura. Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins., Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. 76. 4 ^ . Hab. Aru; Borneo. 2. Crematogaster elegans. C. pallide rufo-testaceus ; abdomine nigerrimo nitido ; thorace bispinoso. Worker. Length f line. Entirely pale rufo-testaceous, excepting the eyes and abdomen which are jet black ; the nodes of the petiole pale, smooth, and shining. Head about the same width as the abdo- men. The lateral angles of the anterior margin of the prothorax acute, the metathorax armed with two long acute spines. Abdomen heart-shaped, its apex acute. Hab. Aru. 3. Crematogaster insularis. C. niger, Isevis et nitidus; antennis tarsisque pallide testaceis ; thorace spinis duabus acutis armato. Worker. Length 1| line. Black, smooth and shining; the vertex, thorax and nodes of the peduncle with an obscure ferruginous tinge ; the antennae, tarsi, and articulations of the legs pale rufo-testaceous ; the spines which arm the metathorax stout, elongate, and acute, with their apex pale testaceous. Abdomen heart-shaped and very acute at the apex. Hab. Aru. Gen. SoLENOPSis, Westw. 1. SoLENOPSis CEPHALOTES. S. pallide fcrruginca J capite maxime in medio sulcato, abdomine apice fusco. Worker major. Length 2^ lines. Pale ferruginous, with the anterior part of the face darker, the mandibles incrassate and very dark fusco- ferruginous; head very large and divided by a deep longitudinal channel, emarginate behind, nearly quadrate; the eyes small and placed forwards on the sides of the head. The metathorax truncate, not spined. Abdomen ovate, truncate at the base, its apex fuscous ; the first node of the petiole compressed, its margin rounded above. 150 SMITH ON HTMENOPTEBA OP ABIT ISLANDS, the second node incrassate and subglobose; club of the antennae 2-jointed. Worker minor. Length 1^ line. Of the same colour as the worker major, but with the head of the ordinary size and shghtly narrowed behind, the mandibles of the same colour as the head ; the legs and antennae longer, as well as the petiole of the abdomen ; the body is very smooth and shining, the club of the antennae 2-jointed. Hab. Aru. Subfam. Cetptocebid^, Smith. Gen. Meeanopltjs, Smith. 1. Meranoplus spinosus. M. castaneo-rufus j abdomine nigro, tho- race sexspinoso ; abdomine ovato. , Worker. Length 1 1 line. Head and thorax rugose ; the antennae and tarsi rufo-testaceous ; the eyes rather prominent, the groove above them at the sides of the head extending backwards to the vertex. Thorax : the anterior margin curved forwards, the lateral angles pro- duced into a bifurcate process on each side, behind the processes, slightly narrowed to the base of a long curved tooth ; the posterior margin emarginate with a long sharp spine at each angle of the emar- gination ; the node of the petiole globose. Abdomen black, smooth and shining. Hab. Aru. Fam. MUTILLID^, Leach. Gen. Mftilla, Idnn. 1. Mutilla Sibylla, Smith, Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. 86. 11 ? . Hab. Aru; Borneo; Celebes. 2. Mutilla manifesta. M. capite abdomineque nigris, thorace sanguineo-rubro, maris alis nigro-fuscis. Female. Length 4f lines. Head black and rugose. The thorax blood- red and coarsely rugose, its anterior margin widest and straight, the sides gradually narrowed to the apex in a slight curve ; the lateral margins have two teeth not wide apart. Abdomen black, rugose, and slightly shining, with black pubescence above ; on the under surface it is glittering silvery-white ; the legs and sides of the thorax have a similar pubescence. Male. The same size as the female, and the same colour ; the eyes notched. The thorax oblong-quadrate, the posterior lateral angles acute ; the tegulae large and red ; the wings dark brown, with their extreme base hyaline. Abdomen shining black, the first and second segments strongly punctured, the rest much more finely and not very closely so. Hab. Aru. 3. Mutilla carinata. M. capite thoraceque metallico-purpureis BMITH OIT HTMEKOrTERA 01' AETT ISLANDS. 161 viridi tinctis, pedibus ferrugineis, abdomine nigro, basi pallido fasciata, segmento secundo ad apicem fascia bilobata ornato. Female. Length 4 J lines. The head and thorax of a metallic purple tint with shades of green and copper ; the scape of the antennae, the mandibles, palpi, and legs ferruginous ; the head and thorax closely and strongly punctured. The abdomen velvety black; the base truncate, the truncation smooth and shining j its margin carinate ; the upper surface of the basal segment yellowish-white, a broad bilobed fascia of the same colour at the apical margin of the second segment ; the apex ferruginous. Male. The head and thorax metallic green, strongly and closely punctured ; abdomen black and shining, much more finely punctured than the thorax ; wings light brown, with their base and extreme apex hyaline ; the legs ferruginous. Hai. Aru. 4. MuTiLLA NIGRA. M. nigra et punctata, abdomine laevi et nitido, delicatule punctato, alis fuscis, basi hyalinis. Male. Length 6^ lines. Black ; head and thorax closely and strongly punctured; the eyes slightly notched; the face with silvery-white pubescence, the mandibles shining, the palpi black. Thorax : the metathorax densely clothed with yellowish-white pubescence ; the legs with glittering white hairs, the calcaria white ; wings brown with their base hyaline. Abdomen smooth and shining, delicately and sparingly punctured, with a few silvery hairs at the sides. Hab. Aru. 5. MuTiLLA ExiLis. ilf. nigra ct punctata ; abdomine laevigato, nitido ; alis subhyalinis ; facie et metathorace pube argentata vestitis. Male. Length 6^ lines. Black ; head and thorax strongly punctured ; the eyes emarginate, the face with glittering silvery-white pubescence, the cheek thinly sprinkled with silvery hairs ; the palpi testaceous. Thorax : the metathorax densely clothed with silvery pubescence, beneath, at the sides, and also the legs with scattered silvery hairs, the calcaria white ; the tegulse shining ; the wings subhyaline with the nervures dark fuscous. Abdomen shining black, smooth, and very delicately and sparingly punctured, the apical margins of the segments very thinly fringed with glittering silvery hairs, Hab. Aru. Tribe POSSOEES, Latr. Earn. SCOLIAD^, Leach. Gen. Mtzine. 1. Myzine tenutcornis. M. nigra, ahs hyalinis, abdomine nitido flavoque variegato. Male. Length 7 hues. Black ; the head and thorax very closely punc- tured, thinly clothed with griseous pubescence, that on the face, thorax 162 SMITH OK HTMENOPTEEA OF AETT ISLANDS. beneath, and on the coxae most dense and ghttering; antennae more slender than is usual in this genus, and tapering to their apex, the joints slightly subarcuate ; the mandibles bidentate at their apex and with a yellow spot at their base. Thorax : the posterior margin of the prothorax, a spot beneath the wings, the tegula;, and the post- scutellum yellow; the anterior and intermediate tibia; ferruginous and more or less dusky above, the posterior pair ferruginous beneath. Abdomen shining, the margins of the segments deeply depressed ; a small ovate spot on each side of the first segment, the second and three following segments with a narrow stripe on each side in the middle, yellow ; the yellow markings obscure ; the apical segment coarsely rugose; beneath, the segments are closely and strongly punctured. Hab, Aru. Gen. ScoLiA, Fair. Division I. The anterior wings with two submarginal cells and two re- current nervures. [ 1 . ScoHa grossa, Burm. Ahh. Nat. Ges. Halle, i. p. 23. (Tiphia grossa, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 232. 4.) Hab. Aru ; Java. The specimens of this species received from Aru are only 9 lines in length ; I have examined others from Celebes, Borneo, India, and Java, showing every difi^erence between 9 lines and 18 lines. Division II. Anterior wings with two submarginal cells and one recurrent nervure. 2. ScoLiA NiTiDA. S. nitida, atcrrima ; alis seneo et violaceo splendide micantibus. Female. Length 11 lines. Shining jet-black, the abdomen with pris- matic tints. The flagellum fusco-ferruginous beneath, the mandibles ferruginous at their apex ; the wings dark brown with a splendid lustre of coppery and golden tints mixed with shades of violet. The head with a few punctures behind the ocelli ; the thorax with scattered punctures ; the metathorax finely but not closely punctured ; the disk of the mesothorax impunctate ; the abdomen with fine scattered punc- tures ; the apical segment opake, rugose, and with its apical margin pale testaceous ; the abdomen beneath with strong distant punctures. Hab. Aru. 3. ScoLiA FULGiDiPENNis. S. nitida, nigra ; abdomine prismatico, alis fuscis viride et violaceo micantibus. Female. Length 12-13 lines. Jet-black, shining ; head veiy smooth, the hinder margin of the vertex finely punctured, the face with a few fine scattered punctures ; the fiagellum obscurely rufo-fuscous. Tho- rax finely punctured, the disk of the mesothorax impunctate ; wings dark brown with a splendid green iridescence, with violet tints to- SMITH ON IIYMEKOPTEIIA Or AEU ISLANDS. 15B wards their base ; the legs thickly spinose and pubescent ; the cal- caria simple. Abdomen with scattered fine punctures; the apical segment densely clothed with black pubescence ; beneath, with strong scattered punctures. Male. Rather smaller than the female, much more closely punctured, and not so shining and smooth j the face with a transverse arched carina above the insertion of the antennae, which enters the emar- gination of the eyes ; the clypeus strongly punctured ; in other re- spects resembling the female. Hah. Aru. This species belongs to Guerin's division Liacos, of which S. dimU diata is the type; the third discoidal cell is petiolated, the petiole entering the second submarginal about the middle. 4. ScoLiA iNSULARis. S. uitida nigra; abdomine prismatico, alls obscure fuscis cupreo submicantibus. Male. Length 7-9 lines. Shining black ; head punctured, the vertex most finely and distinctly so. Thorax punctured, the disk of the mesothorax im punctate, the punctures wide apart on the seutellum and metathorax; the wings dark brown with a coppery iridescence, which has a remark- able dimness as if breathed upon. The basal segment of the abdomen strongly and closely punctured ; the following segments more finely and distantly punctured, particularly the second and third segments. Hah. Key Island. b. ScoLiA QUADRICEPS. S. nitida nigra; fceminae capite magno sub- quadrato, alis fuscis cupreo iridescentibus. Female. Length 6-8 lines. Black and shining; head subquadrate, smooth and shining, as wide as the thorax, with a few punctures at the sides of the face and between the antennae. Thorax finely punc- tured, with the disk of the mesothorax impunctate ; wings dark brown with a rich coppery iridescence. Abdomen with a fine prismatic lustre, closely and strongly punctured towards the apex and at the extreme base, the second segment and the middle of the third with only a few very fine scattered punctures. Hah. Aru. This species also belongs to the division Liacos ; the petiolated cell is small and oblong -quadrate ; the male exactly resembles the female, ex- cept that its head is smaller and narrower than the thorax ; the abdomen is rather more strongly punctured. Gen. PoMPiLrs, Fair. 1. PoMPiLUS DUBius. P. uigcr, pilis mutabili-sericeis tectus; alis subhyalinis, apice nebuloso. Female. Length 4{ lines. Black and covered with a thin changeable silvery pile, which is most dense on the sides of the metathorax and base of the segments of the abdomen. The vertex emarginate behind, the eyes very large, their inner orbits emarginate, reaching high on tfft SMITH ON HTMEKOPTEEA OF AETJ ISLANDS. the sides of the head nearly to the margin of the vertex ; the clypeus emarginate in front, the labrum produced. Thorax : the prothorax subelongate, narrowed anteriorly j the wings subhyaline, their apex clouded ; the intermediate and posterior tibiae with a double row of spines ; all the tarsi simple ; the calcaria stout and elongate. Ab- domen shining, with the margins of the segments slightly depressed. Hab. Aru. Subgen. Agekia, Schiodte. 1. Agenia blanda, Guer, Voy, Coq, Zool. pt. 2. ii. p. 260. Hah. Celebes ; India ; Singapore ; Malacca ; Borneo ; Key Island. 2. Agenia Callisto. A. nigra, pilis sericeis vestita; facie thoraceque subtiis pube argentato-alba dense vestitis; alis fasciis duabus an- gustis. Female. Length 8 lines. Black ; the face, clypeus, and cheeks with a dense silvery- white pile ; the tips of the mandibles obscurely ferru- ginous, the palpi black. Thorax with a brilliant , silvery-white pile on the sides, beneath, and on the coxae ; the metathorax transversely rugose ; the wings hyaline ; the anterior pair with a narrow fuscous fascia at the apex of the extemo-medial cell, and a second rather broader at the base of the marginal cell, which does not quite cross the wing; the apex of the wing fuscous. Abdomen petiolated, smooth and shining, with a beautiful glossy pile, which is most dense at the sides ; the apical segment longitudinally subcarinated in the middle above. Hab. Aru. 3. Agenia jucunda. A. nitida nigra; facie metathorace abdomineque pube serice^ vestitis ; antennis, pedibus, abdominisque marginibus apicalibus ferrugineis ; aUs hyalinis. Female. Length b^ lines. Black ; head, pro- and mesothorax, as well as the scutellum, glassy-smooth and shining; the face covered with silvery- white pile ; the antennae, tips of the mandibles, and the legs ferruginous ; the palpi elongate and pale rufo-testaceous. Thorax : the wings hyaline and iridescent, the nervures very slender and pale rufo-testaceous, the stigma fuscous ; the metathorax rounded behind, transversely rugose, and covered with silvery-white pile. Abdomen petiolated ; the apical margins of the second and following segments ferruginous, the apical segment entirely so ; the ferruginous band on each segment produced in the middle into an angular shape ; on the abdomen beneath they are similarly produced; the basal segment entirely ferruginous, with a black spot on each side, Hab. Aru. 4. Agenia Althea. A, nigra ; facie pube argentato-alba vestita, tho- raoe abdomineque sericeo pubescentibus ; alis hyalinis, venis nigris. SMITH ON HYMEKOPTEBA OF ABU ISLANDS. 155 Female. Length 5 lines. Black ; the face silvery ; the anterior mar- gin of the clypeus rounded and narrowly smooth and shining ; tips of the mandibles ferruginous; the mandibles elongate and pale rufo- testaceous. Thorax : the metathorax finely transversely rugose, the sides with bright silvery-white pubescence ; the coxse, the thorax be- neath and on the sides, with fine silky sericeous pile ; the anterior tibiae and tarsi, and all the femora at their apex beneath, ferruginous ; wings hyaline and iridescent, nervures black ; the outer margin of the - tegulae testaceous. Abdomen shining, and with a fine silvery seri- ceous pile ; the apical margins of the segments narrowly rufo-pice- ous ; the terminal segment with an elongate, smooth, shining space, which extends to the apex, which is testaceous. Hah. Aru. 5. Agenia Alcyone. A. nigra, pilis sericeis cinereis vestita; an- tennis pedibusque ferrugineis, alis hyalinis ; abdomine petiolato ; mar- ginibus apicalibus segmentorum flavis. Male. Length 7 lines. Black ; the antennae, tips of the mandibles, and the legs ferruginous ; the scape in front, a narrow line on the inner orbit of the eyes, and the anterior portion of the clypeus yellow ; the antennae fuscous above towards their base. Thorax : the femora beneath towards their base, the trochanters and coxae, except their apex, black; the apical joints of the intermediate and posterior tarsi fuscous; wings hyaline, the nervures fusco-ferruginous, the tegulae reddish-yellow. Abdomen petiolated ; the apical margins of the seg- ments with reddish-yellow fasciae ; beneath, the margins of the seg- ments are rufo-piceous, not fasciated. Hah. Aru. 6. Agenia Amalthea. A. nigra, pilis tenuibus cinereis sericeis ves- tita ; antennis antice pedibusque anticis et intermediis antice fen'u- gineis ; abdomine petiolato ; alis hyalinis bifasciatis. Female. Length 6 lines. Black ; the face densely covered with silvery pile ; the antennae in front, the anterior margin of the clypeus and the tips of the mandibles ferruginous ; palpi elongate and pale rufo- testaceous. Thorax : the posterior margin of the prothorax narrowly, the tegulae, the anterior and intermediate femora in front, the poste- rior pair towards their apex beneath, the anterior tibiae and tarsi, the intermediate and posterior tibiae more or less beneath, and their tarsi, ferruginous ; the tarsi sometimes dusky above ; the wings hyaline, a narrow fuscous fascia at the apex of the extemo-medial cell, and a broad one crossing at, and being the width of, the second and third submarginal cells; tips of the wings milky-white; the metathorax rounded posteriorly, transversely finely rugose and densely covered with short silvery-white pubescence at the sides and apex. Abdomen petiolated, smooth and shining, with the apex and the margins of the segments narrowly rufo-piceous. Hah. Aru, 156 SMITH ON HYMENOPTEBA OE ABU ISLANDS. Geu. Pbiocnemis, ScJdddte. 1. Priocnemis pulcherrimus. p. laete ruber; alls flavo-hyalinis, apice late fusco, abdominis lateribus nigris. Female. Length 71 lines. Bright red; the anterior margin of the clypeus with a minute tooth in the centre; the tips of the mandibles fuscous. The metathorax slightly striated transversely, and with a central as well as a lateral longitudinal groove ; the wings flavo-hya- line, their apex with a fuscous cloud, which commences at the base of the first discoidal cell, the extreme tips pale ; the tibiae and tarsi with short slender spines ; the extreme apex of the joints of the posterior tarsi black. Abdomen : the short petiole of the basal segment, and the sides of the second, third, and fourth segments black, leaving a red line down the middle of each ; beneath, the second, third, and base of the fourth segments black. Hab. Aru. 2. Priocnemis pervidus. P. capite, antennis, thorace pedibusque ferrugineis ; abdomine nigro ; alis fuscis basi subhyalinis. Female. Length 9 lines. Ferruginous, with the abdomen black ; the anterior margin of the clypeus rounded. The metathorax transversely rugose ; the pectus, and coxae at their base within, black ; wings brown, with a violet iridescence, their base rufo-hyaline ; the inter- mediate and posterior tibiae with a double row of spines, all the tarsi spinose. Abdomen shining black, with the extreme apex slightly ferruginous, Hab. Aru. Gen. Macbomebis, 8t.-Farg. 1. Macromeris iridipennis. M. caeruleo-nigra ; abdomine irides- cente, alis caeruleo-violactoque splendide micantibus; pedibus rau- tieis, simplicibus. Female. Length 12 lines. Blue-black; abdomen with a changeable iridescent pile ; head and thorax with a black velvety pubescence ; the metathorax very finely rugose and opake ; the legs simple ; the posterior tibiae villose within ; the wings very dark brown, with a splendid violet and blue iridescence. Male. Very closely resembling the female, but rather smaller; the anterior and intermediate femora more incrassate, and all the femora with a simple row of teeth or serrations on their inferior margins. Hab. Aru. Although this species of Macromeris is very similar in colour to the M, violacea of St.-Fargeau, the femora are not so thick as in that species, not in fact much more so than in the female ; and the row of teeth beneath is a strong specific character. SMITH ON HYMENOPTEEA OF XRV ISLANDS. 157 G-en. SALirs, Fahr. 1, Salius malignus. S. niger, pube cinerea sericea vestitus; alis fuscis, albo fasciatis. Female. Length 9 lines. Black, and covered with a fine thin ashy pile ; the scape in front, and the anterior margin of the clypeus nar- rowly, obscure yellow ; the mandibles ferruginous at their apex, which has a single notch ; the palpi pale rufo-testaceous. Thorax : the pro- thorax with a slightly interrupted narrow fascia a little before its posterior margin, and the scutellum, yellow ; the anterior femora broadly dilated, and, as well as the anterior tibiae, ferruginous within ; the intermediate tibiae ferruginous at their apex in front, and the posterior pair with a yellowish-white spot at their base outside ; the calcaria pale testaceous, the claws ferruginous, the anterior tarsi en- tirely so, but more or less obscure; the posterior tibiae slightly spi- nose ; the anterior wings brown, with a white fascia crossing at the first discoidal cell, and a second at the apex of the third submarginal, the extreme base and the anterior margin of the externo-medial cell hyaline. Abdomen : the apical margins of the segments with a little bright silvery pile. Hab. Aru. Gen. Mtgnimia, Smith. 1. Mygnimia aspasia. M. caeruleo-nigra ; capite thoraceque pube holosericea vestitis; alis fulvo-hyalinis ; abdomine pilis iridescentibus vestito. Female. Length 14 lines. Black, with shades of blue in certain lights ; the abdomen with bright tints of blue and violet, caused by fine iri- descent changeable pile j the legs have a similar pile, very bright on the femora within ; the head and thorax with a short black velvety pubescence ; the wings flavo-hyaline ; the nervures pale ferruginous ; the extreme base of the wings blackish, their apical margins with a narrow fuscous border. The legs spinose ; the posterior tibiae with a double row of strong serrations. Gen. Sphex, Fair. 1. Sphex argentata, Dahlh. Hym. Eur. i. 25. 1. Hab. Aru ; Celebes ; Sumatra ; India ; Greece j Africa ; East Florida. 2. Sphex sericea, Fabr. Syst. Piez. 211. 19. Hab. Aru J Malacca; Borneo; Java; Philippine Islands. 3. Sphex aurifrons. S. niger; facie pube aurea vestita, alis flavo- hyalinis apice fuscis, abdomine pilis sericeo-aureis vestito. Female. Black ; the face densely clothed with golden pubescence, the head having a number of scattered long golden-yellow hairs. Thorax 168 SMITH ON HTMENOPTEBA OF AETJ ISXANDS. thinly covered with long yellow puheseence, which is most dense at the sides of the metathorax ; the tibiae, tarsi, and posterior femora ferruginous ; the claw -joint of the tarsi black ; the tibiaj and tarsi with black spines ; the wings fulvo-hyaline, their apex with a narrow fuscous border, the nervures ferruginous. Abdomen covered with a fine, thin, golden-reflecting pile ; the apical margins of the segments rufo-testaceous, the testaceous margin produced in the middle into a triangular shape, most conspicuously so on the segments beneath. Hab. Am. 4. Sphex NiTiDivENTRis. S. niger ; abdomine nigro-cseruleo, laevi- gato, nitido ; alis fuscis. Female. Length 12 lines. Black; the face with silvery pubescence, and thinly covered with long black hairs ; the clypeus with a central longitudinal carina at the base, which terminates at the middle, from whence to the anterior margin is a broad, smooth, shining space. Thorax shining and finely punctured; the metathorax opake and covered with long, loose, black pubescence ; the legs shining, the pos- terior tibiae with shining grey pile within ; wings brown, darkest at their base. Abdomen blue, and very smooth and shining, oblong- ovate ; the apical segment vertical. Hab. Aru. 5. Sphex sepicola. S. niger; facie pube aure^ vestita; alis sub- hyalinis apice fuscis ; abdomine nitido. Female. Length 9 lines. Black ; the face densely clothed with golden pubescence, the cheeks with iridescent pile, with a long, loose, scat- tered pale yellow pubescence on the head and thorax ; the mandibles smooth, shining black. The disk of the thorax with an obscure cha- lybeous tint, shining and finely punctured ; the metathorax opake and finely rugose ; the wings subhyaline, their apical margins fuscous, the nervures fusco-ferruginous. Abdomen with a slender subelongate petiole, and with a thin, silky, grey pile ; the apical margins of the segments narrowly and obscurely rufo-piceous. Male. Rather smaller than the female, more slender and more pubes- cent, the pubescence on the face paler. Hab. Aru. 6. Sphex gratiosa. S. capite thoraceque nigris, abdomine caeruleo, ahs fusco-hyalinis. Male. Length 10 lines. Head and thorax black; the face densely clothed with pale golden pubescence; the labrum and mandibles highly polished, very smooth and shining ; a thin pale pubescence is scattered over the head, pro- and mesothorax, the latter obscurely cha- lybeous above, shining, and finely and closely punctured, with an abbre- viated, deeply impressed line in the middle anteriorly ; the posterior margin of the prothorax covered with shining silvery pubescence ; the SMITH ON HYMENOPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS. 159 metathorax opake, and clothed w ith black pubescence ; wings fusco- hyaline, the anterior pair darkest towards their base, the nervures dark fusco-ferruginous, nearly black. Abdomen smooth, shining dark blue ; beneath, the margins of the segments have a bright, gUttering, pale-golden pile. Gen. Pelopceus, Latr. 1. Pelopceus laboriosus. P. niger; scapo antice, pedibus petio- loque rufescenti-flavis, alis hyalinis fulvo tinctis. Female. Length 12 lines. Black, with black pubescence on the head and thorax ; the face with a fine cinereous pile ; the scape yellow in front; the mandibles smooth and shining. Thorax: the legs pale ferruginous, the posterior femora darkest ; the coxae, the anterior and intermediate trochanters, and base of the femora black ; wings fulvo- hyaline, the nervures ferruginous; the metathorax obliquely striated. Abdomen slightly shining at the base, with the petiole reddish- yellow. Hah. Aru. Gren. Laeeada, 1. Larrada modesta.* I/, nigra ; abdomine pilis argentatis fasciato ; alis hyalinis. Female. Length 6| lines. Black ; the face covered with silvery down ; the mandibles smooth, shining, black, and fringed beneath with ful- vous hairs, the cheeks silvery. Thorax slightly shining, closely and delicately punctured ; the metathorax opake and transversely striated ; wings subhyaline, with a fuscous border at their apex, the nervures black. Abdomen slightly shining ; the apical margins of the first, second, and third segments with fascia of silvery pile, which is very brilliant in certain lights. Male closely resembles the female, but has an additional fascia on the abdomen. Hah. Aru. Gen. Larea, Fahr. 1. Larra simillima. L. nigra, pulchre prismatica, maculis fasci- isque variis flavis ornata. Female. Length 6^ lines. Black; the abdomen with tints of blue violet ; the thorax slightly prismatic ; the labrum, clypeus, an angular s<^ape above, an abbreviated line on the inner orbits of the eyes, the scape in front, and the antennae beneath, yellow ; the cheeks with a silvery reflexion. The thorax beneath, and the metathorax, with a shining white silvery pile ; the anterior and intermediate femora and tibiae beneath yellow ; the tarsi pale ferruginous, and more or less fuscous above ; wings subhyaline, the nervures fuscous ; a spot on the lateral posterior angles of the metathorax, two ovate spots on the scutellum, and a line on the postscutellum yellow. Abdomen : the basal segment with a broadly interrupted fascia a little before its LINN. PROG. — zoology. 11 160 SMITH ON HYMENOPTEBA OF ABU ISLANDS. apical margin ; the second and fourth segments with a narrow yellow fascia at their apical margins, which is widened laterally; beneath, the second and third segments with a yellow spot on each side. The Male differs from the female in having a large quadrate black spot on the clypeus, and a spot at the base of the labrum ; there is also a narrow yellow line on the posterior margin of the prothorax ; and the third segment of the abdomen has a yellow fascia : it is also rather smaller. Hab. Aru. This insect very closely resembles Larra prismatica, from Borneo, Malacca, and Celebes, of which it may be a variety. Gen. Bembex, Fahr. 1. Bembex melanehoHea, Smith, Cat. Hym. pt. iv. p. 328 ; Proc. Linn. Soc, ii. p. 105. Hab. Aru ; Sumatra ; Borneo. Many of the specimens from Aru are less highly coloured than those of Sumatra or Borneo : the yellow markings on the abdomen are fre- quently much obliterated in the females ; others are as highly coloured as any examples I have seen. ♦ G-en. PisoN, Spin. 1. PisoN NiTiDus. p. nitidus, niger, distincte pmictatus; alis sub- hyalinis, venis fuscis ; segmentis abdominalibus apice depressis. Female. Length 5 lines. Black and shining ; the head and thorax strongly punctured ; the face beneath the antennae, the clypeus, cheeks, and the sides of the segments of the abdomen covered with a silvery down; the palpi pale testaceous; the mandibles obscurely ferruginous at their apex. The metathorax transversely striated be- hind, with a central longitudinal impressed line above, which is transversely striated, and terminates in a deep fovea just beyond the verge of the posterior inclined truncation ; the wings subhyaline ; the nervures dark fuscous; the first recurrent nervure received at the apex of the first submarginal cell, and the second at the base of the third submarginal. Abdomen shining, and more delicately punc- tured than the thorax ; the margins of the segments deeply depressed. Hab. Aru, Key Island. Gen. GoETTES, Latr. I. GoRYTES CONSTRICTUS. G. niger ; clypei lateribus flavis ; coUari, tuberculis postscutelloque flavis ; segmentorum abdominis marginibus apicalibus flavis constrictis, pedibusque flavo variegatis. Female. Length 6 lines. Black ; the head and thorax very closely punc- tured and opake, the head slightly shining on the vertex ; the antennae beneath and the apical half of the mandibles ferruginous, the latter black at their tips ; the clypeus yellow at the sides, and coarsely rugose in front. Thorax : the metathorax coarsely longitudinally SMITH ON IIYMENOPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS. 161 rugose, with cinereous pubescence at the sides ; the antennae and intermediate tibiae, the tarsi, and articulations of the legs reddish- yellow ; wings subhyaline, with a fuscous cloud in the marginal cell, which passes beyond to the apex of the wings ; the nervures fusco- ferruginous ; the tegulae ferruginous. Abdomen shining, covered with a thin, fine, cinereous pile, and with the margins of the segments constricted; the apical margins of the segments with narrow yellow fasciae, that on the fourth abbreviated on each side, on the fifth it is obsolete; beneath, the second segment is opake, finely punctured, and pilose ; the following segments smooth, shining, and with five scattered punctures. The Male strongly resembles the female, but is smaller and less varie- gated with yellow ; the face covered with silvery down ; the scape and base of the flagellum ferruginous beneath ; the clypeus yellow, except its extreme base. The thorax black, with the legs rufo-piceous ; the tibiae and tarsi pale ferruginous, variegated with yellow ; the sides of the thorax beneath the wings longitudinally striated in both sexes, most conspicuously so in the male. The abdomen with three narrow interrupted fasciae. Hab. Aru. 2. GoRYTES VAGUS. G. uigcr ; clypeo maculis duabus flavis notato ; postscutello et segmentis primo et secundo fascia apicali flavis, fascia in segment© primo subinterrupto. Female. Length 6 lines. Black; the head finely punctured and shining ; the anterior margin of the clypeus emarginate in the middle, and more deeply so on each side ; on each side of the clypeus, at its base, is an oblique yellow spot, and anteriorly it is roughly punctured ; the mandibles roughened at their base, their apical half smooth, shining, and ferruginous, with their apex black. Thorax subopake, very closely punctured, and slightly shining ; the metathorax coarsely longitudinaily rugose-striate ; the postscutellum yellow ; wings sub- hyaline and iridescent, the nervures fusco-ferruginous ; a dark fuscous cloud occupies the marginal cell. Abdomen smooth and shining, with a slightly interrupted fascia a little before the apical margin of the basal segment ; the second segment has a fascia at its apical margin ; both are yellowish white ; the first is gradually widened to- wards the sides of the segment, the second abruptly widened, with the angle of the widened portion pointed inwards ; beneath the abdomen is glossy, with the basal segment closely punctured and subopake ; the margins of abdominal segments slightly constricted. Hab. Key Island. G-en. Teypoxtlon, Latr. 1. Trypoxylon ExiMiUM. T. nigrum ; clypeo argentato-pubescente ; abdominis segmentis secundo tertio quartoque basi rubris ; alis hya- linis. 11* 162 SMITH ON HTMENOPTEBA OE ARU ISLANDS. Female. Length 8^ lines. Black, smooth, and shining ; the head and thorax very delicately punctured ; the face and clypeus below the in- sertion of the antennae densely covered with silvery-white pubescence ; the anterior margin of the clypeus rounded and much produced, with a slight curving upwards at its margin ; the mandibles yellow, with their apex ferruginous ; the palpi pale testaceous ; the inner orbits of the eyes very deeply notched. Thorax : the metathorax, the sides, and beneath with a thin silvery-white pubescence, most dense on the former ; the metathorax not distinctly enclosed at its base, but with two shallow impressed lines, which mark the form of the usual en- closed space ; a central longitudinal channel extends from its base to the apex, slightly sub-interrupted in the middle ; the wings hyaline and iridescent, the nervures dark fuscous ; the anterior and inter- mediate tibiae in front, their tarsi, the apical joints of the posterior pair, and the base of the tibiae very pale ferruginous ; the claw-joint of the intermediate and posterior tarsi fuscous above; the calcaria pale testaceous. Abdomen, the second, third, and base of the fourth segment more or less ferruginous ; the apex of the basal petiolated joint ferruginous beneath. Hah. Aru and Key Island. (j^en. Crabro, Fah\ 1. Crabro solitarius. C. niger; abdomine petiolato ; scapo flagel- lique articulo ultimo, collari, tuberculis, postscutelli maculis duabus flavis ; pedibus petioloque basi ferrugineis. Female. Length 5 lines. Black and opake ; the head large, quadrate, and wider than the thorax ; the ocelli in a curve on the vertex ; the clypeus covered with silvery pubescence, carinated in the middle, and slightly produced ; the scape and basal joint of the flagellum pale yellow. Thorax : an interrupted line on the collar, the tubercles, a spot beneath the wings, and two minute ones on the postscutellum yellow ; the disk of the thorax longitudinally delicately rugose ; the metathorax obliquely striated, with an enclosed space at its base, and having a central longitudinal channel, the sides covered with thin silvery pubescence ; the wings hyaline and iridescent, the nervures fuscous ; the legs ferruginous, variegated with yellow. Abdomen : the basal petiolated segment ferruginous, with its apical half black above ; the apical segment with an angular shape at its base, which is smooth and shining, with its lateral margins carinate, the extreme apex ferruginous; beneath smooth and shining, with the apical margins rufo-piceous. Hah. Aru. This species would, according to the views of some Hymenopterists, belong to the genus Rhopalum of Kirby. SMITH ON HYMENOPTEKA OE ARU ISLANDS. 163 Group SOLITARY WASPS. Earn. EUMEJNTIDiE, Westw. Gen. EuMENES, Latr. 1. Euraenes arcuata, Fabr. Syst. Piez. 287. H. Hab. Key Island; coast of New Guinea (Triton Bay); Australia. Gen. Pachymenes, Sauss. 1. Pachymenes viridis. p. Isete viridis ; facie pube argentato-alba tecta ; alis hyalinis. Female. Length 8 lines. Bright green; the head, thorax, and basal segment of the abdomen rugose, the rest of the abdomen finely and very closely punctured ; the clypeus thinly covered with a fine silvery- white pubescence, its apex produced and truncate. Thorax : the metathorax rounded behind, a deep longitudinal impressed line in the middle, and with fine silvery down at the sides and behind ; the wings subhyaline, with a fuscous stain along the anterior margin of the superior pair; the legs rufo-piceous ; the coxse, femora, and tibiae more or less tinged with green. Hab. Aru. Gen. Ehtnchium, Spin. 1. Rhynchium mirabile, Sauss. Mon. Guepes Sol. 106. 6, t. 14. f. 5^ . Hab. Aru ; Tasmania. The Male of this fine species closely resembles the female ; it is black, with a transverse spot above the insertion of the antennae, an abbreviated narrow line behind the eyes, another on the lower margin of their emargination ; the scape in front and the clypeus yellow, the latter notched at its apex ; a minute yellow spot at the base of the mandibles ; the antennae, tibiae, apex of the femora, and the tarsi ferru- ginous ; the basal joint of the intermediate and posterior tarsi dusky ; the intermediate femora deeply excavated or hollowed beneath ; the prothorax yellow above ; the metathorax truncate, transversely striated with several minute teeth on the lateral margins; the wings hyaline, tinted with yellow, their apical margins slightly clouded; the apical margins of all the segments of the abdomen bordered with yellow, that on the first segment narrowest. The only particulars in which the female apparently differs from Saussure's description, is that the second fascia on the abdomen is widest at the sides, and there are three little teeth on each side of the margins of the metathorax. The Female is also in the Paris Museum. 2. Rhynchium superbum, Sauss. Mon. Guepes Sol. p. 113. 18. Hab. Aru; New Holland. X64 SMITH ON HYMENOPTEllA OF AHU ISLANDS. Our example of this species slightly diifers in coloration from the description of Saussure. He says, " black, with the vertex, the front, the prothorax, and the border of all the segments of the abdomen, except the first, yellow ; the wings yellow ;" in the Aru specimen, the sinus of the eyes, a spot above the clypeus, a reversed crescent-shaped spot crossing the ocelli, two oblique spots behind them, and a broad elongate stripe behind the eyes yellow. These slight differences cannot charac- terize more than a variety ; in every other particular they exactly cor- respond. Gen. Odyneeus, Latr. 1. Odynerus petiolatus. O. niger; clypeo apiculato; capite, thorace abdomineque flavo variis ; abdomine petiolato ; alis sub- hyalinis. Female. Length 7i lines. Black ; head' and thorax strongly punc- tured ; two confluent spots between the antennae, a line on the inner orbits of the eyes, terminating in their emargination, an oblong spot behind them, a spot at the base of the mandibles, the scape in front, and the clypeus yellow ; the latter with a large black spot in the middle, and with its anterior margin prolonged into an acute point ; the mandibles ferruginous, with their base and margins black ; the flagellum fulvous beneath. Thorax : an interrupted line on the collar, a spot beneath the wings, the outer margin of the tegulse, two spots on the scutellum, two longitudinal curved lines on the metathorax, extending from the base to the apex, yellow ; the yellow lines on the metathorax curving inwards. The tibiae, tarsi, and apex of the femora ferruginous ; the intermediate and posterior tibiae with a fuscous line outside, a spot on the coxae outside, a stripe at the apex of the anterior femora beneath, another on the intermediate pair, and a line on the anterior tibiae, behind, yellow; wings subhyaline, their margins fuscous. Abdomen petiolated ; a fascia on the apical margins of all the segments, and the petiole, yellow ; the third and following fasciae narrowest ; all the fasciae continued beneath the abdomen. Hab. Aru. 2. Odynerus agilis. 0. niger ; capite thoraceque distincte, abdomine delicatule punctatis ; pedibus ferrugineis ; abdominis segmentis du- obus basalibus flavo fasciatis ; alis subhyalinis. Male. Length 6 lines. Black ; the scape in front, a line on the inner margin of the eyes, terminating in their emargination, an abbreviated line behind them, and the clypeus yellow ; the latter deeply emargi- nate, forming two teeth. Thorax : a line in the middle of the ante- rior margin of the prothorax, two spots on the verge of the emargina- tion of the metatliorax, and a fascia on the apical margins of the first and second segments of the abdomen yellow ; the legs ferruginous ; the wings subhyaline, the anterior margin of the superior pair fuscous ; the outer margin of the tegula; yellowish. Hab. Aru. SMITH ON HTMENOPTERA OF AEU ISLANDS. 165 3. Odynerus multipictus. O. niger, flavo raaculatus et punctatus; pedibus flavis, alis hyalinis. Female. Length 4 lines. Black ; the head and thorax strongly punc- tured, the abdomen finely and distantly so ; the clypeus, a spot above it, the inner and outer orbits of the eyes, and the scape in front yellow ; the clypeus deeply emarginate in front ; the mandibles fer- ruginous, with a yellow spot at their base. Thorax : the prothorax in front, the tegulse and two spots beneath the wings, the scutellum, and sides of the metathorax yellow; the legs yellow, with ferru- ginous stains ; the femora with a black or dark stain above ; wings hyaline, with a fuscous stain along the anterior border of the superior pair. Abdomen : a yellow fascia on the apical margins of the two basal segments ; the three following segments with very narrow yellow borders, and the apical segment entirely reddish-yellow. Hab. Aru. 4. Odynerus modestus. O. niger ; abdominis segmentis duobus basalibus flavo fasciatis j tibiis tarsisque ferrugineis ; alis hyalinis ; abdominis segmento primo basi transversim biearinato. Female. Length 4 line's. Black ; head and thorax coarsely punctured ; the vertex swollen ; the scape of the antennae, a spot between them, and the clypeus yellow ; the latter with a transverse black spot in the middle, deeply notched in front, and having a carina on each side, in a line with the angle or tooth of the emargination ; the flagellum ferruginous towards the apex beneath ; wings hyaline, with a fuscous cloud in the marginal cell ; the tibiae and tarsi ferruginous. Abdo- men : the base truncate, with an oblique space above the truncation, the margin of both defined by an elevated ridge or carina ; a narrow fascia on the apical margin of the basal segment, and a broader one on the second ; the latter continued beneath the abdomen. Hab. Aru. This species is undoubtedly allied to 0. Sichellii of Saussure ; but, beside dijBPering in the colour of its legs, and of the bands of the abdo- men, it wants the strong tubercle at the base of the second segment of the latter. Gren. Alastoe, St.-Farg. 1. Alastor unifasciatus. a. niger; macula inter antennas, ab- dominisque margine apicali et segmento secundo flavis ; ahs fuscis. Female. Length 6^ lines. Black ; the head and thorax strongly punc- tured ; the face, sides of the clypeus, cheeks, and base of the man- dibles with a fine silky silvery-white pubescence ; the clypeus convex, its anterior margin emarginate ; from each angle of the emargination a shining carina runs more than halfway up the clypeus; a minute spot between the antennae, and two on the anterior margin of the prothorax, yellow ; the wings fuscous, palest at their posterior mar- 166 SMITH ON HYMENOPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS. gins. Abdomen finely and closely punctured ; the third segment strongly so ; a broad yellow fascia on the apical margin of the second segment. Hab. Aru. 2. Alastor apicatus. A. niger; abdominis segmentis primo et se- cundo aurantiaco-rubris ; alls fuscis. Male. Length 5 1 lines. Black; the head and thorax strongly punc- tured; a spot between the antennae, the scape in front, and the clypeus yellow ; the latter with a large black spot at its base, ante- riorly deeply emarginate; wings fuscous; the tegulse with a rufo- testaceous spot at their outer margins ; the tarsi and articulations of the legs ferruginous. Abdomen bright orange-red, with the third and following segments black ; the base rugose, the second segment finely punctured, the rest much more strongly so. Hab. Aru. Group SOCIAL WASPS. ram. VESPID^, StepJi. \. IscHNOGASTER IRIDIPENNIS. I. rufcsccnti-fuscus flavo varius; vertice et metathorace nigris, alis subhyalinis et pulcherrime iridescen- tibus. Male. Length T\ lines. Head yellow, above the insertion of the antennae black; antemige black, with the scape, basal joint of the antennae, and the mandibles feiTuginous ; the flagellum obscurely ferruginous beneath ; the clypeus produced at the apex into an acute tooth. Thorax pale ferruginous ; the metathorax black, with a ferru- ginous spot on each side in front ; the scutellum with a reddish-brown spot in the middle, the postscutellum yellow and subinterrupted in the middle; the sides of the thorax yellow anteriorly, the yellow portion w^ith two black spots ; the legs slightly variegated with yellow ; wings subhyaline and brilliantly iridescent, the marginal cell with a fuscous cloud. Abdomen brown ; the petiole pale testaceous at its apex and ferruginous beneath, longer than the head and thorax ; the second segment has a yellow macula on each side, and, beneath, a smaller spot on each side in a line with the side spots ; the first seg- ment has its basal portion yellow beneath, and a blackish spot in the centre rather behind the middle. Hab. Aru. This species in many particulars agrees with the I. nitidipennis of Saussure, but diff'ers in too many, I think, to be considered the same species ; the second recurrent nervure is straight at the upper extremity, then curved towards the margin of the wing, and again straight at its lower extremity; the third submarginal cell is much wider than the fourth. SMITH ON HYMENOPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS. 167 Q-en. IcARiA, Sauss. 1. Icai'ia maculiventris, Saiiss. Mon. Guepes Soc. p. 23. 1. — Rhopalidia maculiventris, Gu&. Voy. Coq. Zool. ii. pt. 2. Ins. p. 267, pi. i^- fig- 8. Hab. Aru; New Guinea. 2. IcARiA NIGRA. I. nigra; clypeo antice angulato; metathorace con- cavo et transversim striate; alis hyalinis. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, punctured and opake ; the clypeus terminating in a sharp-pointed angle ; the base and apex of the man- dibles rufo-piceous ; the scape ferruginous in front ; the face with a thin, fine, griseous pubescence. Thorax shghtly margined in front ; an obscure testaceous spot on each side of the postscutellum, the metathorax concave and transversely striated ; wings hyaline. Ab- domen with a short petiole to the basal segment, which is very short and cam})anulate ; at its posterior margin are two minute, obscure, pale spots ; beneath, the margins of the apical segments are rufo-piceous. Hab. Aru. 3. IcARiA FASCiATA. /. nigra; clypei margine antico, maculis duabus postscutelli flavis ; segmentis abdominis ad apicem flavo anguste fasciatis. Female. Length 5 lines. Black ; the clypeus angular in front, its anterior margin and a spot on the mandibles yellow ; the antennae rufo-testaceous beneath. Thorax: the anterior margin of the pro- thorax slightly rebordered ; the anterior coxse with a spot in front and two spots on the postscutellum yellow ; the anterior and inter- mediate tibise beneath, the tarsi beneath and the claw-joint entirely, ferruginous; wings hyaline with a fuscous stain along the anterior margin of the superior pair; the metathorax oblique and slightly concave, with an acute stout tooth on each side. Abdomen : the basal segment campanulate, the petiole short ; a narrow yellow fascia on the apical margin of all the segments. Hab. kxvi. 4. IcARiA BRUNNEA. /. rufesccuti-fusca ; coxis femoribusquc obscuris ; alis hyalinis. Female. Length 3| lines. Reddish-brown; head and thorax punc- tured, the abdomen finely rugose; the clypeus and mandibles pale ferruginous, the former with a darker spot in the middle, the anterior margin angular. The anterior margin of the prothorax slightly re- bordered ; the wings hyaline and iridescent, with a fuscous stain . along the anterior margin of the superior pair; the metathorax abruptly truncate. Abdomen : the basal margin of the third and following segments black. Hab. Aru. 5. IcARiA GRACILIS. I. nigra flavo variegata; abdominis scgmento basali elongato, gracili et petiolato ; alis hyalinis. 168 SMITH ON HTMENOPTEEA OF AEU ISLANDS. Female. Length 7 lines. Black; the seape in front, the sides and apical margin of the clypeus, and a spot at the base of the mandibles yellow; the cheeks reddish-yellow; the antennae ferruginous; the head covered with short griseous pubescence. Thorax with obscure ferruginous tints and a short griseous pubescence, most dense on the sides and beneath ; the anterior margin of the prothorax, the tegulaj, scutellum and postscutellum, a broad stripe on each side of the metathorax, the coxae, and the anterior and intermediate femora, at their apex beneath, yellow ; the scutellum with a ferruginous stain in the middle, the postscutellum with a black stain, the coxae ferru- ginous above, the tibiae and tarsi ferruginous beneath ; wings hyaline, with a fuscous stain along the anterior margin of the superior pair. Abdomen : a yellow fascia on the apical margin of the first and second segments ; that on the following segments rufo-testaceous. Hab. Aru. 6. IcARiA UNicoLOR. I. rufesccnti-fusca, tenuiter cinereo-pubescens. Female. Length 5 lines. Reddish-brown, covered with a thin cinereous pubescence; the clypeus acutely angular anteriorly; the metathorax oblique and delicately striated transversely ; wings fusco-hyaline ; the petiole of the abdomen long, the segment campanulated and narrow. Hab. Key Island. Gen. PoLiSTES, Latr. \. Polistes tepidus, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 271. 7- Hab. Aru ; Key Island ; Solomon Islands ; New Guinea ; Australia. 2. Polistes diabolicus, Sauss. Mon. Guepes Soc. 68. 26, t. 6. f. 7- Hab. Aru; Java; Timor. 3. Polistes stigma, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 261, 41. Hab. Aru; Celebes; Ceram; India. Var. The specimens from Aru differ from the typical ones in wanting the two longitudinal yellow lines on the metathorax, which is entirely black. Saussure has a variety with the metathorax black between the lines ; of two examples from Celebes, one has the yellow lines entire, the other has them abbreviated at half their length. 4. Polistes nigrifrons. P. capite thoraceque nigris, flavo et ferru- gineo variegatis; abdomine ferrugineo, segmentis basi nigris, mar- ginibus apicalibus flavis. Female. Length 8 lines. Head and thorax black ; the anterior margin of the clypeus angular and narrowly rufo-testaceous ; the mandibles, palpi, and antennae ferruginous ; the scape, and flagellum above, except the basal joint, fuscous ; the outer orbits of the eyes with a narrow yellow line. The anterior margin of the prothorax slightly rebordered, the posterior margin ferruginous ; the outer margin of the tegulae reddish-yellow ; wings subhyaline with a fusco-ferruginous stain along the anterior margins of the superior pair ; the metathorax SMITH ON HYMEKOPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS. 169 finely striated transversely, and with two yellow stripes running upwards halfway from the base, the posterior margin of the pectus, tips of the coxae, the femora at their base and apex, the tibise and tarsi beneath, ferruginous ; tips of the femora, and tibise above, yel- lowish. Abdomen ferruginous, with the base of the second and fol- lowing segments black ; the first and three following segments with a yellow fascia on their apical margins; beneath, the two basal seg- ments entirely ferruginous. Hab. Aru. This species is closely allied to the P . fastidiosus of Saussure, and, notwithstanding the difi^erence in colouring, may possibly, I think, be an extreme variety of that species. 5. PoLiSTES ELEGANS. P. ferrugiueus ; capite thoraeeque flavo variis ; segmentis abdominis flavo marginatis. Female. Length 8 lines. Ferruginous ; the clypeus, mandibles, cheeks, and the face, as high as the middle of the emargination of the eyes, yellow. Thorax: the margins of the prothorax, two longitudinal stripes on the mesothorax, the scutellum, postscutellum, and sides of the metathorax broadly, yellow ; the legs beneath, the coxae and the sides of the thorax spotted with yellow ; the intermediate and pos- terior coxae spotted with ferruginous or fusco-ferruginous ; the meta- thorax finely striated transversely ; the wings hyaline with the nervures ferruginous. Abdomen : the first and three following segments with yellow marginal fasciae, that on the fourth usually more or less obli- terated. Hab. Aru; Key Island. X. Fam. EYANID^, Leach. . ^ ^. .J^li a^W if: Gen. FffiNTis, Fahr. , . 1. FcENUS GRACILIS. F. nigcr, facie lateribusque thoracis argenteo pilosis ; pedibus anticis et intermediis pallide -rufo-testaceis, tibiis posticis basi tarsisque albis; abdomine subtus rufo-testaceo. Female. Length 6 lines. Black; sub-opake ; the face, sides of the thorax and beneath with silvery pubescence ; the mandibles, palpi, and scape in front rufo-testaceous. Thorax : the anterior and inter- mediate legs rufo-testaceous, the femora having a darker stain above ; the posterior legs black, with the base of the tibiae and the tarsi white. Abdomen rufo-testaceous beneath; the ovipositor white at its apex. .J/ Hab. Aru. C >DC?^^'^ Gen. Stenophasm¥s. --- 0\ Head globose; antennae longer than the body, and very slender and setaceous ; the prothorax forming a slender neck ; the anterior wings with one marginal and three submarginal cells ; the femom shghtly 170 SMITH ON HYMENOPTEEA OF AllU ISLANDS. incrassate, not denticulate ; the tarsi 5-j()iuted. Abdomen petiolated, the petiole as long as the abdomen; the ovipositor as long as the petiole and abdomen united. This genus is founded on the examination of a single individual, which in general appearance exactly resembles the smaller species of the genus Megisnhus', on examination, however, it will be found that it differs from that genus in the neuration of the anterior wings ; its femora are not denticulate, in which character it differs from both Megischus and Stephanus ; with the latter genus it agrees in having 5-jointed tarsi. 1. Stenophasmus ruficeps. -S. niger; capite et antennarum basi rufis ; ovipositore tarsisque pallid^ testaceis ; petiolo abdominis cylin- drico ; alis subhyalinis. Female. Length 5 lines. Black, slightly shining; head globose, red and sprinkled with white hairs, and delicately striated transversely. Thorax sprinkled with white pubescence above, the sides more thickly clothed with the same ; above, the thorax is transversely rugose, on the metathorax becoming more regularly striate ; the metathorax has a central longitudinal carina and also one on each side ; the legs sprinkled with erect white hairs ; the tarsi pale rufo-testaceous with the claw-joint black; wings subhyaline, with a broad light-fuscous stain along the centre of the anterior pair ; a hyaline streak crosses them at the base of the stigma. Abdomen : the petiole as long as the thorax, narrowest at the base of the abdomen ; it is rugose at the base ; the ovipositor pale testaceous. Hab. Aru. Fam. ICHNEUMONID^, Leach. Gen. Ichneumon. 1. Ichneumon insula ris. I. niger; capite thoraceque albo varie- gatis ; abdominis segmentorum primo, secundo tertioque albo macu- latis. Length 7i lines. Black ; the orbits of the eyes, the face before the antennae, the mandibles and palpi yellowish -white ; the fllagellum with the joints from the 14th to 25th white. Thorax : a line on each side before the tegulse, a spot beneath the wings, two at the sides of the pectus, the anterior coxae in front, and a narrow line on each side of the scutellum yellowish-white ; the anterior and intermediate legs and a spot beneath the posterior tibiae rufo-testaceous; the wings hyaline, the nervures black. Abdomen : a minute spot at the lateral apical margins of the three basal segments, and a large central one on the two apical segments, white. Hab. Key Island. Gen. Crtpttjs, Fabr. 1, Cryptus scutellatus. C. ferrugineus; tibiis posticis tarsisque albo annulatis : scutello tuberculato. SMITH OK HYMEKOPTERA OF ARTI ISLANDS. 171 Female. Length 5 lines. Ferruginous ; the face testaceous-yellow, an elongate black spot on the vertex enclosing the ocelli and extending to the insertion of the antennae ; the latter black, with the scape ferruginous in front. Thorax : the scutellum elevated, forming a compressed tubercle, its side view wedge-shaped ; the wings hyaline the nervures black, the base of the wings yellowish ; the apical joints of the intermediate tarsi, the tips of the posterior femora, the extreme base of the tibiae, their apical half, and the tarsi black ; the inter- mediate portion of the tibiae yellow ; the apical segment of the abdomen black. Hab. Aru. Gen. Mesostenus, Grav. 1. Mesostenus pictus. M. niger; capite thoraceque flavo striatis et punctatis; pedibus flavis nigro et ferrugineo lavatis; segmentis ab- dominalibus flavo marginatis ; alis hyalinis. Female. Length 8 lines. Black; a large ovate spot on the cheeks touching the mandibles, the labrum, palpi, inner orbits of the eyes, and from the 7th to the 10th joints of the antennae yellow^ish-white. Thorax : an ovate spot in the middle of the disk of the mesothorax, the tegulae, a spot beneath them, two larger spots beneath the wings, the scutellum, a spot on the postscutellum uniting with another at the base of the metathorax, a trilobed spot at its apex, and a subovate one on each side yellowish-white ; the coxae white with black stains on the intermediate and posterior pairs ; the femora white beneath, the ante- rior and intermediate pairs with a black line above, the posterior pair ferruginous above ; the tibiae and tarsi whitish beneath, stained more or less fusco-ferruginous above; wings hyaline. Abdomen: all the segments with yellowish-white fasciae on their apical margins, the fasciae continued beneath ; the ovipositor about the length of the abdomen, the valves broadest at their apex. Hab. Am. 2. Mesostenus agilis. M. niger; antennis medio albis; thorace pe- dibusque albo variegatis ; abdominis marginibus fasciis albis. Female. Length 6 lines. Black ; the joints of the antennae, from the 6th to 13th, white, the vertex also white. Thorax : a spot in the middle of the disk of the mesothorax, the scutellum, a spot on the postscutellum, two beneath the wings, the apex of the metathorax, and a spot on each side white; the legs white, the anterior pair slightly fuscous above ; the intermediate femora and tibiae beneath, and the tarsi above, black ; the posterior femora above and beneath the tibiae, except their extreme base and the base and apex of the tarsi, black ; wings hyaline, the nervures black. Abdomen : the apical margins of the segments, excepting the fourth and fifth, with white fasciae, the second and third fasciae attenuated in the middle. Hab. Aru, 172 SMITH ON HTMENOPTEBA OF ARU ISLANDS. 3. Mesostenus albopictus. M. niger, albo variiis; alls hyalinis. Female. Length 7 lines. Black ; the clypeus, mandibles, palpi, the joints of the antennae from the sixth to the thirteenth, and a broad stripe at the inner orbits of the eyes white. Thorax : an ovate spot on each side of the prothorax above, a similar spot in the middle of the mesothorax, the tegulse, scutellum and postscutellum, a T-shaped spot reversed on the metathorax, a large quadrate one on its sides, three irregular-shaped maculae beneath the wings, and the anterior and intermediate legs white, the legs with a black line above ; the posterior legs have a large spot on the coxae behind, the trochanters, the tibiae, and tarsi white, the tibiae black at their apex, and the femora palish at their base outside ; the wings hyaline and iridescent, with the nervures black. The abdomen beneath, and the apical mar- gins of the segments above, white. Male. Rather smaller than the female, but only differs otherwise in the colour of the legs, the anterior and intermediate pairs being entirely yellowish-white, excepting the intermediate tibiae and tarsi, which are slightly fuscous above ; the posterior femora are ferru- ginous, the tibiae and tarsi white, with the base and apex of the two former black as well as the apical joint of the tarsi. Hab. Key Island. Gen. PiMPLA, Fahr. 1. PiMPLA OCHRACEA. P. ochracca ; antcunis ferrugincis ; facic lutca ; alis hyalinis, apice fuscis. Female. Length 5 lines. Entirely ochraceous, with the face and scape in front yellow ; the body beneath is pale ochraceous ; the antennae ferruginous, above dusky ; the eyes emarginate within ; the tarsi have the tips of the claws black ; the wings flavo-hyaline, with the apex of the anterior pair fuscous, the nervures black, becoming yellow at the base of the wings. The head, thorax, legs, and base of the abdomen smooth and shining ; the abdomen, except the base, finely punctured ; a transverse impressed row of punctures a little before the apical margin of each segment, and the space between impunctate. Hab. Aru. 2. PiMPLA BRACONOiDEs. P. rufo-flava ; antennis tarsisque et abdo- minis dimidio posteriori nigris ; alis fuscis, dimidio basali ilavis. Female. Length 6 lines. Ferruginous ; the posterior tarsi and the fourth and following segments of the abdomen black; the head is reddish yellow, the eyes brown ; the scape and two or three of the basal joints of the flagellum ferruginous, the rest fuscous ; the basal half of the wings flavo-hyaline, the apical half fuscous ; the stigma yellow, with a subhyaline macula beneath, and two other similar irregular-shaped spots. The abdomen with two longitudinal carinae SMITH OS HYMENOPTEEA OF ARU ISLANDS. 173 on the basal segment, and a transverse curved impressed line on the other segments. Hab. Key Island. This species might at first sight be mistaken for a species of the genus Bracon. The male only differs from the female in having the abdomen black, with only the basal segment yellow ; the wings are only very slightly yellow at their base ; it is also rather smaller. 3. PiMFLA PENETRANS. P. flavo-fcrruginea ; flagello fusco ; alis flavo-hyalinis, apice fuscis. Female. Length 4^ lines. Reddish yellow, smooth, and shining ; the face testaceous, with slight fuscous stains ; the scape and two or three of the basal joints of the flagellum yellow in front ; the wings hyahne, with a yellowish tinge ; the nervures black, except the costal nervure, which is ferruginous towards the base, the apex of the wings slightly clouded ; the posterior tibiaj fuscous above. Abdomen : the segments with slightly impressed oblique depressions, the ovipositor shorter than the abdomen, and black. The Male only differs in having the abdomen rather more slender. Hab. Aru. 4. PiMPLA FERRUGiNEA. P. flavo-fcrruginea ; autennis supra fuscis ; alis hyalinis. Female. Length 5^ lines. Ferruginous, with the head and thorax beneath yellow -testaceous ; the coxae also are of the same colour; the flagellum slightly fuscous above ; the wings flavo-hyaUne, the ner- vures black; the two basal segments of the abdomen shining, the third and the following segments subopake ; the ovipositor as long as the abdomen. Hab. Key Island. 5. PiMPLA PLAGiATA. P. flavo-rufa ; antennis strigisque tribus mesothoracis nigris ; alis hyalinis, apice cellulae marginalis fusco uni- maculato. Female. Length 5| lines. Yellow, the legs with ferruginous stains; the antennae black, with the scape yellow in front ; the head with a large ovate black spot behind the ocelli. Thorax finely punctured on the disk of metathorax, which has three longitudinal broad black stripes, a narrow black line on the posterior margin of both the scu- tellum and postscutellum ; wings hyaline, the nervures black, with a dark fuscous spot at the apex of the marginal cell. Abdomen reddish-yellow, with the apical margins of the segments yellow ; the ovipositor black, and shorter than the abdomen. Hab. Aru. Gen. Ehyssa, Grav. 1. Rhyssa maculipennis. R. rufescenti-flava ; antennis et vertice nigris ; alis hyalinis, plaga nigro-fusca. 174 SMITH ON HYMENOPTERA OF ABU ISLANDS. Male. Length 9 lines. Ferruginous ; the head of a yellow testaceous, with the vertex and antennae black ; the scape ferruginous in front ; the mandibles black. Thorax : the mesothorax and scutellum trans- versely rugose, the former with two deeply impressed lines in front, which converge inwards, and meet in the middle of the disk ; wings hyaline, with a yellow tinge on the anterior pair, the nervures black ; a black stripe crosses the middle of the marginal cell, and terminates at the inferior margin of the discoidal cell ; the legs ferruginous, with the posterior tarsi black. Abdomen smooth, shining, ferruginous. Hob. Aru. 2. Rhyssa vestigator. R. ferruginea ; antennis, mesothorace, me- tathoracisque basi nigris ; abdomine lineari, nitido et Isevi ; alis hya- linis, apice subfuscato. Male. Length 9 lines. Head testaceous -yellow, with the vertex ferru- ginous; the antennae fusco-ferruginous. Thorax black, with the prothorax, a large oblique spot beneath the wings, the scutellum, and metathorax yellow, the base of the latter black ; the mesothorax and scutellum rugose ; the metathorax smooth and shining ; the legs ferruginous, with the anterior coxse in front and the posterior pair behind yellow ; the posterior coxae black beneath ; wings hyaline, faintly clouded at their apical margins. Abdomen elongate, linear, glossy, smooth, and shining, ferruginous, with the base and lateral margins blackish. Hah. Aru. G-en. Beacon, Fair, \. Bracon basalis. B. capite, thorace, pedibus anticis et inter- mediis, femoribus posticis ferrugineis; tibiis tarsisque et abdomine nigris, segmento basali flavo ; alis fusco-hyalinis. Female. Length 4^ lines. The head, scape in front, thorax, anterior and intermediate legs, the posterior coxae, trochanters, and femora, and the first segment of the abdomen, and a semicircular spot in the middle of the base of the second, yellow-ferruginous ; the antennae, the posterior tibiae and tarsi, fuscous ; abdomen shining black ; the thorax smooth and shining ; the wings fusco-hy aline. The basal segment of the abdomen with a longitudinal impressed line on each side, the second segment with an oblique depression, the third with an impressed line, curved forwards and extending to the lateral mar- gins ; the base of the segment has a row of short, deeply impressed striae ; the ovipositor shorter than the abdomen. Hah, Aru. 2. Bracon albo-marginatus. JB. capite, thorace pedibusque ferru- gineis ; abdomine nigris annulis albo-marginatis ; alis fusco-hyalinis. Female. Length A\ lines. Head, thorax, and legs ferruginous, smooth, and shining; antennae and abdomen black, the latter smooth and SMITH ON HYMENOPTEEA OY ARTJ ISLANDS. 175 shining, the posterior margins of the third and following segments with a narrow bluish-white fascia ; the posterior tarsi slightly fuscous ; the wings fusco-hyahne ; the ovipositor a little longer than the abdomen. Hab. Aru. 3. Bracon nigripennis. B. thorace, pedibus anticis et intermediis, femoribusque posticis ferrugineis ; tibiis tarsisque posticis et abdomine nigris ; alis nigro-fuscis ; capite luteo-testaceo. Female. Length 9 lines. Head testaceous, the antennae black. Thorax, anterior and intermediate legs, the posterior coxae, trochanters and femora, the tegulse, extreme base of the wings, and the base of the stigma ferruginous ; the thorax smooth and shining ; the wings brown- black, with a small hyaline spot in the first submarginal cell. Abdo- men longitudinally aciculate, a central carina at the base of the first segment, the second segment with an oblique impressed line running from the lateral angles of its basal margin, and meeting in the centre of its posterior margin ; the margins of all the segments constricted ; the ovipositor shorter than the abdomen. Hab. Aru. 4. Bracon EXOLETus. B. niger ; capite, thorace, pedibus anterioribus et intermediis ferrugineis ; alis subhyalinis. Female. Length 5 lines. Head, scape of the antennae, thorax, ante- rior and intermediate legs, ferruginous ; flagellum and tips of the mandibles black. Thorax smooth and shining ; wings fusco-hyaline, the nervures dark brown ; the posterior legs fusco-ferruginous. Ab- domen rugose and subopake ; the basal segment black in the middle, with the base and lateral margins ferruginous, the sides deeply chan- neled; the second segment with an arrow-headed shining space in the middle of its base ; the ovipositor shorter than the abdomen. Hab. Aru. 5. Bracon ABDOMiNALis. B. rufo-flavus; antennis fuscis ; alis sub- hyalinis ; abdomine ovato. Female. Length 3 lines. Reddish yellow ; head and thorax smooth and shining ; the head narrower than the thorax ; wings fusco- hyaline ; abdomen ovate, broader than the thorax, the first and second segments rugose, with deep sculptured impressions ; the second seg- ment has an ovate shining space in the middle at its basal margin ; the third segment is deeply depressed and sculptured at the base, leaving a transverse arched space at its apex, the width of the entire segment ; the following segments have their margins very deeply depressed. Hab. Aru. 6. Bracon nitidus. jB. niger ; capite, thorace pedibusque et abdo- minis segmento primo ferrugineis, totis nitidissimis. Female. Length 4 lines. Ferruginous, with the flagellum, second and LINX. PROC. ZOOLOGY. 12 176 SMITH ON HYMENOPTERA OF ARU ISLANDS. following segments shining black ; the thorax smooth and shining, with the scutellum prominent; the wings subhyaline, their apical margins clouded, their extreme base yellowish, the nervures dark brown, the stigma black. Abdomen : the second and third segments with deeply impressed oblique lines on each side, and the basal mar- gins of the following segments depressed. Hab. Am. 7. Bracon pallifrons. B. niger; thorace pedibusque anticis et intermediis ferrugineis ; alis fuscis. Female. Length 6 lines. Head obscure, testaceous yellow ; the eyes brown; the antennae black. Thorax and the anterior and intermediate legs ferruginous ; an ovate black spot on the metathorax ; and the posterior legs black, with the articulations obscurely ferruginous ; wings dark fuscous, with the nervures and stigma black, the base of the latter yellowish, and a hyaline streak beneath it, which crosses the first submarginal cell. Abdomen black and shining; the first segment with some coarse striae at the apex ; the second with a central forked carina and an oblique one on each side running inwards to the apex of the segment ; between the carinas are a number of deep grooves ; the lateral margins of the three basal segments carinated ; the third segment has a row of short deep striae at its base ; the ovi- positor longer than the body. Hab. Aru. 8. Bracon intrudens. JB. niger ; thorace, pedibus anticis inter- mediisque et abdominis segmento basali ferrugineis ; alis hyalinis. Female. Length 5 lines. Black ; the thorax, anterior and intermediate legs, the articulations of the posterior pair, and the base of the abdo- men ferruginous, entirely smooth and shining ; the wings subhyaline, the nervures fusco-ferruginous, an irregular fuscous stain at the base of the first submarginal cell, extending beyond it. Abdomen : the basal segment margined at the sides ; the second segment with an oblique deeply impressed line running inwards, not quite meeting or extending to the apical margin. Hab. Aru. G-en. Agathis, Latr. 1. Agathis fumipennis. A. ferruginea; capite, abdominis apice tarsisque posticis nigris ; alis obscure fuscis. Female. Length 4 lines. Reddish-yellow; the head, apical joint of the intermediate tarsi, the apex of the posterior tibiae, and the third and following segments of the abdomen black ; the thorax and legs with a thin, short, pale fulvous pubescence ; the head and abdomen smooth and shining ; the head produced before the eyes into a kind of beak, rufo-piceous anteriorly. Thorax narrowed before the wings, which are dark fuscous, with a hyaline irregular mark below the SMITH ON HYMEHfOPTEEA OF ARU ISLANDS. 177 stigma, crossing the submarginal cell; the anterior margin of the anterior wings pubescent ; the metathorax broad, margined laterally, with a central forked carina, and a crooked one on each side ; the posterior legs incrassate. Abdomen with the sides of the upper sur- face carinated. Hah. Aru. Fam. CHEYSIDID^, Leach. Gren. Stilbum, Spin. \. Stilbum splendidum, Fahr. Syst. Piez. p. 1/0. 1. Hab. Aru; Senegal; Java; Bengal. 2. Stilbum amethystinum, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 176. 32. Hab. Aru ; Australia. Fabricius includes this insect in the genus Chrysis ; the typical spe- cimen, however, proves that it belongs to the more modern genus Stilbum : it is very distinct from -S. splendidum, being much more strongly and coarsely punctured ; and the teeth which arm the apical segment are diiFerently disposed on the margin. Fam. TENTHEEDINIDiE, Leach. Gren. Oetssus, Fabr. 1. Oryssus maculipennis. O. niger, punctatus ; pedibus ferru- gineis ; alis fuscis fascia hyalina ante cellulam marginalera sita. Female. Length 5| lines. Black ; the head rugose, the front coarsely so, with a row of transverse tubercles running from the vertex along the inner orbits of the eyes, and crossing the front at half their length ; the cheeks with a cinereous down, and a line of silvery-white pubescence or down, along the outer orbits of the eyes. Thorax coarsely punctured ; the mesothorax with a central longitudinal smooth elevation ; wings fuscous, with a broad transverse hyaline fascia before the base of the marginal cell, the tips of the wings hya- line ; the legs ferruginous, with the coxae and trochanters black ; the posterior tibiae with a double row of serrations outside. Abdomen shining and closely punctured ; the base and a[)ex coarsely so. Hab. Aru. Gren. Xyphidkia, Latr. 1. Xyphidkia rufipes. X. nigra; mandibulis, antennarum scapo, pedibusque ferrugineis ; alis hyalinis et iridesccntibus. Female. Length 4 lines. Black and shining ; the vertex highly pohshed; the front from the posterior ocelli forwards closely punctured and opake; the mandibles, scape, and basal joint of the flagellum ferruginous. The thorax anteriorly punctured and opake, posteriorly shining, and with a few punctures at the base of the scutellum ; wings hyaline and iridescent, the nervures black, the extreme base of the wings and the 12* 178 HANBURT ON TWO INSECT-PRODUCTS FROM PERSIA. tegulae pale testaceous ; the legs pale ferruginous, with the claws of the tarsi darker. Abdomen : the base of the segments depressed and very delicately and closely punctured, subopake; the apical half highly polished and shining ; beneath obscurely rufo-piceous. Hab. Aru. Gen. Teemex, Jurine. 1. Tremex iNSiGNis. T. nigro-purpureus ; abdominis fasciis basalibus albis ; alis nigris cupreo nitentibus. Female. Length 11 lines. Obscure steel-blue, with shades of green, purple, and violet ; the head and thorax punctured ; the prothorax with an oblique smooth shining space on each side ; the wings very dark brown, with a brilliant coppery effulgence. The base of the abdomen opake, velvety, purple-black ; the first segment with a trans- verse cream-coloured fascia in the middle, the second very slightly whitish at its base ; the rest of the abdomen is highly polished, and has a scattered, short, black pubescence. Hab. Aru. Note on Two Insect-products from Persia. By Daniel Hanbtjrt, Esq., P.L.S. [Read December 16th, 1858.] In the month of June last, my friend Professor Gruibourt, of Paris, laid before the Academic des Sciences* some account of a remarkable substance called Trehala, the cocoon of a Curcu- lionidous insect found in Persia, where, as well as in other parts of the East, it enjoys some celebrity as the basis of a mucilaginous drink administered to the sick. Specimens of this substance, as well as of another insect-pro- duct of Persia, together with the insects themselyes, were pre- sented a few years ago to the British Museum by "W. K. Loftus, Esq., who obtained them while engaged by the British Grovern- ment on the question of the Turco-Persian boundaries. The precise determination of the species of these insects being a matter of doubt, they have at my request been lately examined by M. Jekel, of Paris, an entomologist with whom the family of Curculionidcd has long been an especial study. One of these insects M. Jekel has identified with a species of wide distribu- tion ; the other proving undescribed, he has drawn up a descrip- tion of it, which, accompanied by a figure, I have the honour to lay before the Linnean Society. To this, I venture to add a few observations upon the productions to which I have alluded. * Coitiptes Rendus, 21 Juin, 1858, p. 1213. HANBTJET ON TWO INSECT-PRODUCTS FROM PERSIA. 179 The first of these is Trehala or Tricala, under which name it formed part of the Collection of Materia Medica sent by M. Delia Sudda, of Constantinople, to the Paris Exhibition of 1855, and since deposited in the Ecole de Pharmacie in Paris. Trehala (fig. 2) consists of cocoons of an ovoid or globular form, about f of an inch in length ; their inner surface is composed of a smooth, hard, dusky layer, external to which is a thick, rough, tuberculated coating of a greyish-white colour and earthy appear- ance. Some of the cocoons have attached to them the remains of the tomentose stalk of the plant upon which they were formed ; others have portions of a tomentose spiny leaf built into them ; and, more rarely, one finds portions of the flowering heads of the plant, a species of EcJiinops, similarly enclosed. Many of the cocoons are open at one end and empty; others have a longi- tudinal aperture, originally closed by the stalk of the plant, and still contain the insect ; a few are entirely closed. Specimens of this insect, extracted from the cocoons sent to Paris, were exa- mined in 1856 by my friend Mr. W. Wilson Saunders, who pro- nounced them to be Larinus maculatus of Faldermann, — a deter- mination also arrived at by M. Jekel from specimens presented by Mr. Loftus to the British Museum. Respecting these latter, one of which is represented in fig. 1, M. Jekel makes the fol- lowing remarks : — "Larinus maculatus, Faldermann, Faun. Transcauc. ii. p. 228, 449, tab. 6. f. 10, et iii. p. 198. — ScJionh. Gen. et Sp. Curcul. iii. p. 112et vii. 2. p. 7.—Hochhuth, Bull. Moscou, 1847, No. 2. p. 538 (var. y). "Var. y. Larin. Onopordinis, Sch. loc. cit. iii. p. Ill (excl. synon.). " Of this species, Mr. Loftus captured several specimens, all of small size : from some of them the poUinosity had been rubbed off, as is represented in the figure by Mr. Ford {vide fig. 1), which shows only a part of the inferior layer of tomentum and the greyish ground of the dorsal and lateral maculae ; the latter, being the most densely coloured in fresh specimens, are always the most persistent. These belong to Schbnherr's var. y, which that author formerly regarded as the Larinus Onopordinis, Fabr. Others of Mr. Loftus's specimens, which are very fresh, belong to var. /3 ; none to the typical variety, which is often larger in size. " This species has a very extended habitat : I have received it from European Turkey (Frivaldski), Beyrouth, Caucasus, Persia (Dupont), &c. &c. ; and it is recorded by Schonherr as also found in Barbary and Portugal. " This is the insect which proceeds from the rough chalky-looking nidus figured by Mr. Ford. (Vide fig. 2.)" 180 HANBURY ON TWO INSECT-PllODUCTS TROM PERSIA. The entomological question being so far disposed of, I may be permitted a few remarks upon the properties which have obtained for Trehala a place among drugs and dietetic substances. The first author who gives any account of the substance is Father Ange, who, in his ' Pharmacopoea Persica*,' describes it in the following terms : — " Est autem istud medicamentum ve- luti tragea ex nucleo pistacii integro confecta ; nam revera sac- charum istud exterius corrugatum et agglomeratum adhseret cuidam nucleo, in quo non fructus, sed vermiculus quidam nigricans Persice C-hezouheh bombycis instar reconditur et moritur." Father Ange also states that the substance is called in Per- sian ScJiakar tigal (^A\kJj Jj^)) literally Sugar of nests ; but his Arabic names, Schakar el ma-asdher (^uoc obtusi, oblique ascendentes ; articulus tertius minimus. Antennte setaceae, simplices. Abdomen conicum, alas posticas non superans. 13* 194 WALKEE ON HETEROCUROUS LEPIDOPTERA Pedes validi, breviusculi ; tibiae anticae brevissimae, posteriores latis- sira«, calcaribus longis. AIcb breviusculse, sat latae ; anticae acutae. Male. Body robust. Proboscis very short. Palpi short, stout, obtuse, obliquely ascending; third joint very small. Antennae setaceous, simple. Abdomen conical, not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, rather short ; tibiae pilose ; fore tibiae very short ; poste- rior tibiffi very broad, especially the middle pair. Wings rather short, moderately broad. Fore wings straight along the costa, acutely rectangular at the tips ; exterior border rather obhque. 47. Daristane tibiaria, n. s. Mas. Cinerea, nitens, ahs nigro conspersis, fascia media rufescente non bene determinata, anticis H)^ costa albida nigro punctata. Male. Cinereous, shining, a little paler beneath. Wings speckled with black ; an indistinct oblique reddish middle band ; costa of the fore wings whitish, with black points. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Fam. P ALTADiE, Gu^n^e. G-en. Eumelea, Duncan. 48. Eumelea Rosaliata, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. 152, pi. 368. f. F. (Pha- laena Geometra Rosalia.) Inhabits also Amboyna. Fam. EPHYEID^, GuSnee. ^ Gen. Ephyra, Dwponchel. 49. Ephyra quadristriaria, n. s. Fcum. Rufescens, subtus flava, alis flavis rufescente conspersis, fascia exteriore perobliqua rufescente, anticis acutis, lituris duabus costalibus obliquis fuscis. Female. Reddish, yellow beneath. Proboscis short. Palpi short, slightly ascending; third joint linear, obtuse, a little shorter than the second. Antennae short, stout, setaceous. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs bare, rather long and slender ; spurs long. Wings yellow, with reddish speckles, and with a straight reddish band, which extends from beyond the middle of the interior border of the hind wings to the tips of the fore wings. Fore wings acute, with two oblique brown costal marks ; exterior border rather oblique. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. Gen. Anisodes, Gu4n^e. •^60. Anisodes expunctaria, n. s. Fatm. Luteo-cervina, palpis longis angulatis, antennis breviusculis, alis ferrugineo subconspersis. linea media fusca undulata valde indistincta, lineis interiore et exte- riore e punctis nigris, punctis marginalibus nigris. COLLECTED AT SINGAPORE. 195 Female. Pale luteous fawn colour. Proboscis short. Palpi long, slightly decumbent ; third joint a little shorter than the second, with which it forms an obtuse angle. Antennae simple, short. Wings minutely and indistinctly sprinkled with ferruginous ; a brown, diffuse, undulating, very indistinct middle hne, which is obsolete in the hind wings ; interior and exterior lines indicated by widely separated black points ; marginal points black. Fore wings rectangular at the tips ; exterior border slightly oblique. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. ' Fam. ACIDALlDJi, Gu^n^e. Gen. Stnegia, Gu4rv^e, 51. Synegia botydaria, Gu^. Uran, et Phal. i. 423. 694. Inhabits also Borneo. Gen. Dbapetodes, Gu^n^e. 52. Drapetodes mitaria. Gum. Uran. et Phal. i. 424. 695. Inhabits also Hindostan. * Gen. TiMANDRA, Buponchel. '53. TiMANDRA Ajaia, n. s. Mas. Glaucescenti-cinerea ; antennis setosis, ahs linea perobliqua fusca antice abbreviata, linea marginali nigra, anticis valde acutis, reniformi tenui fusca. Male. Cinereous, with a glaucous tinge. Proboscis short. Palpi very short, obliquely ascending; third joint extremely small. Antennae setose, somewhat shorter than the body. Wings with a straight, very oblique, brown line, which extends from the middle of the inte- rior border of the hind wings towards the tip of the fore wings, on approaching which it is obsolete ; marginal line black. Fore wings very acute ; exterior border extremely oblique ; reniform mark brown, very slender. Hind wings extending beyond the abdomen. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 17 lines. Gen. Zakcloptertx, Herr.-Schceffer. bA. Zanclopteryx saponaria, Herr.-Scheeffer, Guen. Uran. et Phal. 11.16, 915. Inhabits also Ceylon. Fam. MICEONID^, Gu^n^e. Gen. MiCRONTA, Gu^n4e. 55. Micronia rectinervata, Guen. Uran. et Phal. 11. 27, 933. 196 WALKER ON HETEROCEKOUS LEPIDOPTEEA • Fam. ZEEENID^. Gen. Stalagmia, Qu^n4e. 56. Stalagmia guttaria, Guer. Icon. Regn. Anim. Ins. pi. 90 (Phalaena). Catalogue of the Heterocerous Lepidopterous Insects collected at Malacca by Mr. A. E. Wallace, with Descriptions of New Species. By Feancis Walker. Earn. SPHINGID^, Leach. Gen. Macro GLOSSA, Ochsenheimer. 1. Macroglossa Passalus, Drury,Ewot. Ins. ii. 52, pi. 29. f. 2 (Sphinx). Inhabits also Hindostan and Java. 2. Macroglossa corythus, Boisd. MSS.; Walk. Cat.Lep. Het. viii. 92. 14. Inhabits also Hindostan, Ceylon, and Java. Earn. AGAEISTID^, Swainson. Gen. Eusemia, Dalman. ' 3. Eusemia maculatrix, Westw. (See Singapore Sp. No. 2.) 4. Eusemia mollis. Walk. (See Singapore Sp. No. 3.) ^ 5. Eusemia subdives, n. s. Mas. Atra, antennis subpectinatis, abdomine fasciis luteis, alis anticis fascia exteriore recta non obliqua testacea ; posticis ochraceis atro marginatis. Male. Deep black. Antennae slightly pectinated, slightly hooked at the tips. Abdomen with a luteous band on the hind border of each segment. Fore wings with an upright, straight, testaceous exterior band, which does not extend to the interior border. Hind wings bright ochraceous, with a deep black border, which is irregular on the inner side and is joined in front to a black spot, the latter, on the under side, containing a white curved line. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 28 lines. Earn. LITHOSIID^, Stephens. Gen. Nyctemera, Hiihner. 6. Nyctemera tripunctaria, Linn. Syst. Nat. 864. 226 (Geometra). Inhabits also Hindostan and China. Gen. EuscHEMA, Hiihner. 7. Euschema subrepleta. Walk. Cat. hep. Het. xi. 406. 3. Inhabits also Ceylon and Borneo. COLLECTED AT MALACCA. 197 Fam. LIPAEID^, Boisduval. Gen. Pantana. 8. Pautana bicolor, Walk. (See Singapore Sp. No. 17.) Fam. OETHOSID^, Gu^n^e. Gren. Caeea, Walk. 9. Carea varipes, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. x. 475. Fam. HYBLiEID^, Gu^n^e. Gen. Hybl^a, Fahr. 10. Hyblaea tortricoides, Gum. Noct. ii. 391. Inhabits also Borneo. 11. Hyblaea erycinoides. Walk. Cat. Lep. Het, xv. 1792. Fam. PHYLLODID^, Gu^n^e. Gen. Ltgniodes, Gu^n^e. 12. Lygniodes endoleuca, Guen. (See Singapore Sp. No. 30.) Fam. OPHIUSIDiE, Gu^n^e. Gen. Ophiusa, Ochsenheimer. 13. Ophiusa fulvotaenia, Guen. Noct. iii. 272. 1/10. Inhabits also Hindostan, Ceylon, Java, and Sumatra. Fam. THEEMESID^, Gu^n^e. Gen. CoTiJZA, Walk. 14. CoTUZA coNPiRMATA, n. s. Mtts. Cinereo-ferruginca, robusta, dense vestita, subtus alba ; palpis latis compressis oblique ascenden- tibus ; articulo tertio minimo, antennis plus dimidio basali subpeeti- natis, alis linea media recta perobliqua nigro-fusea antice angulosa et retracta, linea exteriore e denticulis nigrofuseis albido terminatis, fim- bria apice alba, alis anticis subhamatis, linea interiore nigrofusea un- dulata orbiculari nigra punctiformi, reniformi et litura costali albis nigro marginatis. Male. Cinereous-ferruginous, stout, densely pilose, white beneath. Palpi broad, compressed, obliquely ascending, not rising higher than the head ; third joint obtuse, extremely short. Antennae slightly pectinated to nearly two-thirds of the length, bare from thence to the tips. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. Legs white ; 198 HETEKOCEROTTS LEPIDOPTEBA OF MALACCA. tibiae ferruginous above. Wings ample ; a blackish brown, straight, very oblique line, which is zigzag, and retracted towards the costa of the fore wings ; exterior line composed of blackish-brown, very acute, whitish-pointed angles ; fringe white exteriorly. Fore wings slightly hooked, with an interior undulating blackish-brown line ; orbicular mark black, punctiform ; reniform white, black-bordered, forming a triangular spot and an anterior point ; a small exterior white costa, with mark. Length of the body 1 1 lines ; of the wings 28 lines. Fam. ACIDALIDiE, Guen^e. Gen. Zancloptebtx, Herr.-Schcef. 15. Zanclopteryx saponaria, Herr.-Schaff. (See Singapore Species, No. 54.) INDEX. Page Achsea mercatoria, Fahr. . . . 191 Achias longividens, Walk. . . . 121 latividens, Walk 121 amplividens, Walk. . . .122 Achiides, Walk 121 Acidalidse, Ghienee .... 195, 198 Adraga, Walk 82 univitta, Walk 82 Adrama, Walk 117 selecta, Walk 118 Agaristidse, Swainson . . . 183, 196 Agathis fumipennis, Sm 1V6 modesta, Sm 25 nitida, Sm 26 sculp turalis, Sm 25 Agenia, Alcyone, Sm 155 Althea, Sm 154 Amalthea, Sm 155 bimaculata, Sm 13 blanda, Guer 13, 154 Callisto, Sm 154 jucunda, Sm 154 Alastor apicatus, Sm 166 unifasciatus, Sm 165 Allodape nitida, Sm 134 Animophila insolata, Sm. ... 14 Amorphopus, Bell 27 cylindraceus, Bell .... 27 Amphidasydse, Guenee .... 193 Anas punctata, Cuvier .... 33 Andrenidse, Leach 5, 132 Angitula, Walk 123 longicollis, Walk 123 Anisodes expunctaria. Walk. . .194 Anomi8 mutilata, Walk 189 Anthomyia procellaria, Walk. . . 108 Anthomyides, Walk. . . . 107,130 Anthophora elegans, Sm. . . . 135 zonata, Linn 8, 135 Anthrax degenera, Walk. ... 90 pelops. Walk 90 semiscita, Walk 90 Apis zonata, Sm 8 Argiva hieroglyphica, Drwy . . 191 Argonauta tuberculosa .... 34 Aricia canivitta. Walk 107 Page Aricia significans, Walk 107 squalens, Walk 130 vicaria. Walk 130 Artaxa varians, Walk 189 Asilidse, Leach 83, 128 Asilites, Walk 87 Asilus longistylus, Wied. ... 88 superveniens. Walk. . . . 128 Attacus Atlas, Linn 188 Baccha purpuricola. Walk. . . . 129 Bee, death of the Common Hive Bee occasioned by a parasitic fungus 29 Bembex melancholica, Sm. . . . 160 trepanda, Dahlh 15 Bembicidse, Westw 15 Bengaha spissa. Walk 107 Bibionidse, Raliday 77 Bizone hamata. Walk 186 Bombilidse, Leach 90 Bombyx subnotata, Walk. . . .188 Bombycidse 188 Bombylites, Walk 90 Bracon abdominaUs, Sm. . . .175 albomarginatus, Sm. . . . 174 basalis, Sm 174 exoletus, Sm 175 insinuator, Sm 24 intrudens, Sm 24, 176 nigripeniais, Sm 175 nitidus, Sm 175 pallifrons, Sm 176 Braconidse 24 Brea, Walk. 117 contraria. Walk 117 discalis. Walk 117 Briarda plagifera. Walk 189 Bulonga, Walk 193 schistacearia. Walk. . . . 193 Coelyoxys fulvifrons, Sm. ... 7 Calobata Abana, Walk 124 ■ albitarsis, Wied 124 indica, Lesv 124 sepsoides, Walk 124 Cardiacephala debilis. Walk. . .124 Carea varipes, Walk 197 200 INDEX. Page Catephidse, Ouenee 190 Ceratina hieroglyphica, Sm. ... 7 viridis, Ghuer 7 Cerceris fuliginosa, Sm 19 instabilis, Sm 18 unifasciata, Sm 19 varipes, Sm 19 Cereopsis Novae Hollandise ... 33 Cerea relicta, Walk 93, 94 smaragdina, Walk, ... 93 Cetacea, H. Knox on the Anatomy and Natural History of the . . 63 Chrysididse 26,177 Chrysis insularis, Sm 26 purpurea, Sm 26 sumptuosa, Sm 27 Chrysophila vacillans, Walk. . . 89 Clitellaria bivittata, Fabr. ... 80 Cseeila complexa, Walk 191 Cffilopa inconspicua, Walk. . . . 108 Csenosia luteieomis, Walk. . . . 108 Cotumix pectorahs, Gould ... 33 Cotuza confirmata, Walk. . . . 197 Crabro (Rhopalum) agilis, Sm. . . 18 soHtarius, Sm 162 Crabronidse 18 Crematogaster elegans, Sm. . . . 149 insularis, Sm 149 obscura, Sm 149 Crocisa nitidula, Fahr 134 Cryptoceridse, Sm 150 Cryptus scuteUatus, Sm 170 Culex scuteUaris, Walk 77 CuHcidse, Haliday 185 Cyclosia nivipetens, Walk. . . . 185 subniaculans, Walk. . . . 185 Dacus expandens, Walk. . . . 114 latifaseia, Walk 114 lativentris, Walk 115 longivitta, Walk 115 mutLUoides, Walk 115 obtrudens, Walk 116 pectoralis, Walk 114 pompiloides, Walk. . . . 116 Darabitta, Walk 187 strigicosta, Walk 187 Darantasia, Walk 186 cuneiplena, Walk 186 Daristane, Walk 193 tibiaria, Walk 194 Dasygastrse, Sm 6, 134 Dasypogon inopinus, Walk. . . 83 honestus, Walk 83 Pasypogonites, Walk 83 Deiopeia detracta, Walk. . . .186 Denudata 7 Dexia pectorahs, Walk 101 Dexides, Walk 101 Diaphoras resumens, Walk. . . 93 Diodon 76 Page Dolichopidse, Leach 91 Dolichopus trigonifer, Walk. . . 92 Delphinis 63 Drapetodes mitaria, Chier. . . .195 Drosophila? finigutta, Walk. . . 126 ? ixmperata, Walk 126 ? melanospila, Walk. . . . 126 Dryomyza semicyanea, Walk. . . 109 Ectatomma rugosa, Sm 143 Empidce, Leach 91, 129 Ennomidse, Guen 193 Ephydra ? tacituma. Walk. . . 127 Ephyra quadristriaria. Walk. . . 194 Ephyridse, Gnenee 194 Erebidse, Guenee 191 Eristahs conductus. Walk. ... 95 muscoides, Walk 96 resolutus, Walk. . . .95,129 splendens, Leguillon ... 95 suavissimus, Walk. ... 95 Evanidse, Leach 169 Eumelea RosaHata, Cram. . . . 194 Eumenes architectus, Sm. ... 20 arcuata, Fabr 163 circinahs, Fabr 20 florahs, Sm 20 fulyipennis, Sm 20 vindex, Sm 20 Eumenidae, Westw 19,163 Eurygaster decipiens, Walk. . . 100 phasioides. Walk 100 tentans, Walk 99 Euschema subrepleta, Walk. . . 196 Eusemia maculatrix, Westw. 183, 196 moUis, Walk. . . . 183, 196 subdives. Walk 196 Ecenus gracihs, Sm 169 Formica angulata, Sm 139 cordata, Sm 137 coxahs, Sm 136 flavitarsus, Sm 136 fragihs, Sm 136 gracihpes, Sm 136 Isevissima, Sm 138 mutilata, Sm 137 nitida, Sm. 138 oculata, Sm 137 quadriceps, Sm 137 scrutator, Sm 138 sericata, Guer 139 sexspinosa, Latr 139 virescens, Fabr 135 Formicidse 135 Grabaza, Walk 80 argentea. Walk 80 Galathea Andrewsii, Sp. Bate . . 3 depressa, Sp. Bate .... 3 dispersa, Sp. Bate .... 3 nexa 3 squamifera, Sp. Bate ... 3 INDEX. 201 Page Galathea strigosa 2 Graramarus affinis, M.-Ed. ... 3 Kroyii, Rathke 3 Locusta, Leach 3 Olivii, M.-Ed 3 Gi-eomyzides, Fallen 126 Geron simplex, Walk 90 Gonopteridse, Quenee 189 Gorytes constrictus, Latr. . . . 160 vagus, 8m 161 Graptomyza tibialis, Walk. ... 95 Gynoplistia jurgiosa. Walk. . . VS Hsematopliis fuliginosus .... 33 Halmaturus Billardierii .... 32 Hedyclirum flammulatum, 8m. . 26 Helomyza atripennis. Walk. . .109 picipes, Walk 109 restituta. Walk 109 Helomyzides, Fallen 108 Helophilus mesoleucus. Walk. . . 96 quadrivittatus, Wied. ... 96 Hiatieula bicineta 33 Hippoboscidse, Leach 127 Hybos bicolor, Walk 91 deficiens. Walk 129 Hybls&a tortricoides, Ghien. . . . 197 Hyblseidse, Ghienee 197 Hydromyzides, Haliday . . . .127 Hypena ruralis, Walk 192 Hypemdse, Serr Schceff. .... 192 Hypernaria diffundens, Onen. . . 192 Hypogrammidse, Quenee .... 189 Hypsa egens, Walk. . , . , . 185 sHvandra, Cram 185 Icaria brunnea, 8m 167 fasciata, 8m 167 ferruginea, 8auss 22 gracilis, 8m 167 maculiventris, 8m. . . . . 167 nigra, 8m 167 pilosa, 8m 22 unieolor, 8m 168 Ichneumon insularis, 8m. . . . 170 Ichneumonidse, Leach . . .23, 170 Idia sequalis. Walk 103 australis, Walk 103 testacea, Macq 130 xanthogaster, Wied. . . .130 Ischnogaster iridipennis, 8m. . . 166 Lamprogaster celyphoides. Walk. 112 delectans, Walk Ill marginifera, Walk Ill quadrilinea, Walk Ill scuteUaris, Walk 112 tetyroides. Walk 112 ventralis, Walk 131 Laphria aperta. Walk 87 am'if'acies, Macq 84 comes. Walk 85 consobrina, Walk 84 Page Laphria consors, Walk 85 declarata, Walk 87 flagrantissima. Walk. ... 86 germana, Walk 86 gloriosa, Walk 84 justa. Walk 86 manifesta, Walk 87 paradisiaca, Walk 128 placens, Walk 128 scapularis, Wied 84 socia, Walk 84 sodalis, Walk 85 Laphrites, Walk 128 Larinus maculatus, Falderm. . .179 mellificus, Jekel 181 Larra prismatica, 8m 16 simillima, 8m 159 Larrada sedilis, 8m 16 aurifrons, 8m 16 aurulenta, 8m 16 exUipes, 8m 16 festinans, 8m 17 personata, 8m 16 modesta, 8m 159 rufipes, 8m 17 LarridsB 16 Larus pacificus 33 Lauxania duplicans. Walk. . . .110 minuens. Walk 110 Lauxanides, Walk. . . . . .110 Lepido siren ....... 76 Leptidse, Westw. 89 Leptis ferruginosa, Wied. ... 89 Leptogaster albimanus, Walk. . . 89 ferrugineus. Walk 89 longipes, Walk 89 Leucanidae, Guenee 188 Limacodidse, Dwponchel .... 188 Liparidae, Boisduval . . . 187, 197 Lissa cylindrica, Walk 125 Lithosiidae, 8tephens . . . 184, 196 Lonchsea inops, Walk 110 Lygnioides endoleuca, Guen. 190, 197 Macna pomalis, Walk 192 Macroglossa corythus, Boisd. . . 196 Passalus, JDrury .... 196 Macromeris iridipennis, 8m. . . 156 splendida, ^S'i^. Farg. ... 13 Malopteruris 76 Margarodes amphitritalis, Guen. . 193 Margarodidse, Guenee 193 Masca abactalis, Walk 192 Masicera guttata, Walk 99 notabHis, Walk 97 simplex, Walk. ..... 99 solennis, Walk. . . . ' . . 98 tentata. Walk 98 Massicyta cerioides, Walk. ... 78 iAflata, Walk 78 Megachile fulvifrons, Sm. ... 6 202 INDEX. Page Megacliile incisa, Sm. ..... 6 insularis 134 lateritia 134 ■ scabrosa 134 terminalis, Sm 7 Megischus indicus, Westw. ... 23 Megistocera tuscana, Wied. ... 78 Meranoplus spinosus, Sm. . . .150 Mesostenus agilis, Sm 171 albopictus, Sm 172 albospinosus, Sm. .... 23 pictus, Sm 171 Microdon apicalis, Walk. ... 94 fulvicomis, Walk 94 Micronia rectinervata, Ghien. . . 195 Micronidse, Guenee ..... 195 Miresa curvifera, Walk 188 Montezumia indica, Sauss. ... 19 Morphota formosa, Sm 17 Musca benedicta, Walk 105 domestica, Idnn 105 eristaloides, Walk 106 gloriosa, Walk 104 macularis, Walk 104 marginifera, Walk 105 obscurata, Walk 105 obtrusa, Walk. . . . 105,130 opulenta, Walk 104 patiens, Walk 106 Muscidse, Zatr 97, 129 Muscides, Walk 103,130 Mutilla carinata, Sm 150 exilis, Sm 151 manifesta, Sm 150 nigra, Sm 151 rufogastra, Sm 9 sexmaculata, Swed. N. A. Solm. 9 SibyUa, Sm 150 unifasciata, Sm 9 volatilis, Sm 9 Mutillidse, Leach 9, 150 Mycetophilidse, Haliday .... 77 Mygnimia aspasia, Sm 157 fumipennis, Sm 13 iridipennis, Sm 13 Myrmica carinata, Sm 148 mellea, Sm 148 parallela, Sm 147 scabrosa, Sm 147 suspiciosa, Sm 148 thoracica, Sm 148 Mysticetus 70 Mythynana inducens, Walk. . .188 Myzine tenuicomis, Sm 151 Nautilus pompilius, T. H. Huxley on the anatomy of 36 Nerius duplicatus, Wied. . . . 325 Nerua, Walk 81 scenopinoides, Walk. ... 8 Neurina procopialis. Cram. . . . 193 Pago Nomia cincta, -Sw 132 dentata, Sm 133 flavipes, Sm 5 formosa, Sm 5 haliotoides, Sm 6 longicornis, Sm 133 punctata, Sm 5 Notodontidse, Stephens . . . .187 Nyctalemon Hector, White . . .183 Nyctemera mundipicta, Walk. . . 184 tripunctaria, Zdnn 196 Obrapa, Walk 82 celypho'ides, Walk 83 perilampoides, Walk. ... 82 Odontomachus malignus, Sm. . . 144 siraillimus, Sm 144 tyrannicus, Sm 144 Odynerus agilis, Sm 164 (Ancistrocerus) clavicomis, Sm. 21 fulvipennis, Sm 22 (Leionotus) insularis, Sm. . 21 modestus, Sm 165 multipictus, Sm 165 petiolatus, Sm 164 Ommatius lucifer, Walk. ... 88 noctifer. Walk 88, 129 retrahens. Walk 88 Ommatophoridse, Guenee . . . 191 Ophideres discrepans. Walk. . . 190 Salaminia, Cram 190 smaragdipicta, Walk. . . . 190 Ophideridse, Guenee 190 Ophisma Umminia, Cram. . . .191 Ophiusa fulvot«enia, Guen. . . .197 Ophiusidse, Guenee . . . 191, 197 Omithomyia parva, Macq. . . . 127 OviQ^deB, Haliday . . . . 111-131 Ortalis prompta, Walk 118 complens, Walk 118 Orthoneura basalis, Walk. ... 97 Orthosidee, Guenee 197 Oscinides, Haliday 125 Oscinis lineiplena, Walk. . . . 125 noctilux. Walk ]26 Oxybelus agiKs, Sm 18 Oxyssus macuHpennis, Sm. . . . 177 Pachymenes viridis, Sm 163 PaUura, Walk 127 invaria, Walk 127 Palyadee, Guenee 194 Pantana bicolor, Walk. . . 187, 197 Patula macrops, Linn 191 Pelopseus bengalensis, DahXb. . . 14 flavo-fasciatus, Sm 15 intrudens, Sm 15 laboriosus, Sm 154 madraspatanus, Fahr. ... 14 Phaps elcgans 33 Phoridse, Haliday 127 Phyllodidee, OweWe . . . 190,197 INDEX. 203 Page Pidoms constrictus, Walk. . . .185 Pimpla braconoides, Sm 172 ferruginea, Sm 173 ochracea, Sm 172 penetrans, Sm 173 plagiata, Sm 173 trimaculata, Sm 24 Pinnotheridse, M. Ed 27 Pison nitidus, Sm 160 Platydidee, Guenee 192 Platystoma fusifacies, Walk. . . 113 multivitta, TFalk 113 Plecia dorsalis, Walk 77 Podomyrma, Sm 145 basalis, Sm 147 Isevifrons, Sm 146 femorata, Sm. ..... 145 striata 146 Polistes diabolicus, Sauss. . . . 168 elegans, Sm 169 fastidiosus, Sauss 22 nigrifrons, Sm 168 philippinensis, Sauss. ... 22 Picteti, Sauss 22 Sagittarius, Sauss 22 stigma, Sauss 22 tepidus, Fabr 168 Polyara, Walk 122 insolita, Walk 123 Polypterus 76 Polyrhachis bellicosus, Sm. . . . 142 geometricus, Sm 141 Hector, Sm 142 irritabilis, Sm 141 Igevissimus, Sm 141 longipes, Sm 140 marginatus, Sm 139 mucronatus, Sm 140 hostilis, Sm 139 rufofemoratus, Sm 142 scutulatus, Sm. . . . . . 140 serratus, Sm 140 Pompilidse, Leach 11 PompUus analis, Fabr 11 contortus, Sm. . . . . . 12 deceptor, Sm 12 dubius, Sm 153 pilifrons, Sm 12 saltitans, Sm 11 Ponera parallela, Sm 143 quadridentata, Sm 143 rugosa, Sm 142 sculpturata, Sm 142 Priocnemis fervidus, Sm. . . ,156 ptilcherrimus, Sm 156 rufifrons, Sm 120 Prosena argentata, Walk. . . . 102 Prosopis malacliisis, Sm 132 Pseudomyrraa Iseviceps, Sm. . . 145 Psilides, Wallc 125 Page Psilopus leneus, Fabr 91 benedictus. Walk 91 egens. Walk 92 lucigena, Walk 91 orcit'er, Walk 92 planicomis, Wied 92 terminifer. Walk 92 Ptilocera quadridentata. Walk. . 78 Puffinus brevicaudus, Brandt. . . 33 Rhynchium argentatum, Sauss. . 19 atrum, Sauss 19 hsemorrhoidale, Sauss. . . 19 mirabile, Sauss 163 parentissimum, Sauss. ... 19 superbum, Sauss 163 Rhyssa maculipennis, Sm. . . . 173 vestigator, Sm. , . . . .174 Rutilia angustipennis, Walk. . . 101 plumicornis, Guerin . . . 101 Salduba, Walk 79 diphysoides, Walk. ... 79 Salius maUgnus, Sm 157 Sarcophaga basalis, Walk. . . .129 compta, Walk 102 invaria, Walk 103 Sarcophagides, Walk 102 Sargus complens, Walk 81 metallinus, Fabr 80 vagans, Walk 11 Saropoda bombiformis, Sm. . . . 135 Satumiidse, Walk 188 Sciara selecta, Walk 77 Scolia agilis, Sm 10 Alecto, Sm 10 aurenta, Sm. ...... 9 erratica, Sm 9 fulgidipennis, Sm 152 fulvipennis, Sm 10 grossa, Burm 152 insularis, Sm 153 minuta, Sm 11 nitida, Sm 152 quadriceps, Sm 153 terminata, Sm 10 Scoliadse, Leach 151 Scopulipedes, Sm 8 Sepedon costalis, Walk 110 Sepsides, Walk. ...... 123 Sepsis basifera, Walk 124 Setina bipunctata, Walk. . . . 185 Siluridge 76 Solenopsis cephalotes, Sm. . . . 149 Sphegidse 14 Spheniscus minor, Temminck . . 33 Sphex argentata, Bahl 157 aurifrons, Sm 157 gratiosa, Sm 158 nitidiventris, Sm 158 prsedator, Sm 14 sepicola, Sm. 158 204 INDEX. Page Sphex sericea, Fahr 157 Sphingidse, Leach 196 Stalagmia guttaria, Guerin . . . 196 Steiria phryganeoides, Walk. . . 190 Stelis abdominalis, Sm 7 Stenopliasmus, Sm 169 ruficeps, Sm 170 Stilbum amethystinum, Fahr. . . 177 splendidum, Fabr 177 Stratiomidse, Haliday .... 78 Stratiomys confertissima, Walk. . 79 nexura, Walk 80 Sulu australis, Gould 33 Synegia botydaria, Quenee . . . 195 Syntomis annosa, Walk 183 chloroleuca, Walk 183 xanthomela, Walk 184 Sypna subsignata, Walk. . . . 191 Syrphidse, Leach 93, 129 Syrphus aegrotus, Fahr 99 ericetorum, Fabr 99 Tabanidse, Leach 83 Tabanus recusans, Walk. ... 83 Tachinides, Walk 97 Tachytes morosus, Sm 18 Tenthredinidse 23,177 Tentbredo (AUantus) purpurata, Sm. 23 Thalatta aurigutta, Walk. . . .189 Thereva congrua. Walk 90 Therevites, Walk 90 Thermesia? recusata. Walk. . . 191 Thermesidae, Ouenee . . . 191, 197 Timandra Ajaia, Walk 195 Tipulidse 78 Page Trehala 178 Tremex insignis, Sm 178 Trigona Iseviceps, Sm 135 Trupanea contradicens, Walk. . . 87 Trypeta basalis, Walk 120 dorsigutta, Walk 119 -impleta, Walk 120 miiltistriga, Walk. . . .119 roripennis. Walk 131 subocellifera, Walk. . . .120 Trypoxylon eximium, Sm. . . . 161 Vespa affinis, Fahr 23 fervida, Sm 23 Vespidse, Stephens 19, 166 Ugia disjungens, Walk 192 Uraniidae, Walk 183 TJrothoe elegans 3 inostratus, Dana .... 3 Worm-tracks, notice of in London Clay 31 Xarnuta leucotelus. Walk. . . . 108 Xema Jamesonii 33 Xylocopa sestuans, Linn. ... 8, 135 collaris, St. Farg 8 Dejeanii, St. Farg 8 fenestrata, Fahr 8 nobOis, Sm 8 Xylota ventralis. Walk 96 Xyphidria rufipes, Sm 177 Zanclopteryx saponaria, H. Schceff. 195, 198 Zerenidse 196 Zethus cyanopterus, Saus.^xJ- m; JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OE LONDON, Contributions to the Orchidology of India. — No. II. By Professor Lindley, F.E.S., E.L.S., &c. (Continued from. voL i. p. 190.) [Eead March 4th, 1858.] Dendkobium, Swartz. Tins great Indian genus varies extremely in the habit of its nu- merous species, — some being little larger than the mosses among which they grow, while others are surpassed in stature by few of the Order. Like the Oncidia of the New World, there are some species of which the foliage is ancipitous, others having it terete, while in the majority it is in the usual flat condition. A few have no other stem than a wiry creeping rhizome ; others have small conical pseudo-bulbs ; many form clavate horny stems, leafy only at the summit ; but the greater part produce long leafy branches. In the majority the colour of the flowers is some shade of purple ; a few are destitute of all colour except green ; and a rather con- siderable group is especially distinguishable by the rich yellow tint of their blossoms. Of such distinctions advantage has been taken in the following sketch of the entire genus, now consisting of more than 200 species, of which I have examined the larger part. In this all the species agree, that there are only foin* pollen-masses, nearly equal in size, and of uniform breadth at either end. On the contrary, the Erias, which in some cases have been mistaken for Denchohium, have the pollen-masses pyriform, so that when, in the LINN. PEOC. — BOTANX. B 2 PEOFESSOE LINDLEl's CONTEIBUTIONS TO herbarium, a specimen has lost a part of its pollen-masses, as is frequently the case with JE. muscicola, DalzelU, &c., its true genus may still be determined. It is mainly because Sarcostoma has the pyriform pollen-masses of an ^ria, although their number is that of Dendrobium, that I now hesitate to reduce it to the latter genus. In forming the sections now proposed, it will be seen that a regular sequence of the most nearly allied forms is not wholly ob- tained. However desirable, indeed, such an arrangement may be in theory, it is certainly unattainable in practice in cases where great numbers of species are brought together ; for the points of resemblance and difference are so various and complicated, that, like countries in a geographical map when placed in a continuous series, some must of necessity be dissevered from those to which they are conterminous in nature. Thus the JBolhodia, forming a natural group among each other, run into Stachyobium as much as into Eudendrobium^ next which the section is placed ; and such species as JD. Dalhousieanum are much allied to the Holochrysals. It would, moreover, be desirable to collect into one subdivision such species as D. excisum^ metachilinum, Tmesipteris^ lycojpo- dioides, &c., now forming a part of JEudendrobitim ; but I do not at present see what combining characters are available for the purpose. The following Table brings into one view the distinctions of the groups under which the annexed memoranda are collected : — Foha verticalia (scalpellifolia) 1. Aporum. teretia 2. Strongyle. horizontalia. Caulis nuUus, rhizoma tantum 3. Rhizobium. apice tantum 1-3-phyllus. Folia coriacea... 4. Dendrocoryne. a. labello continue. b. labello in crinibus solute (Desmotrichum). Gaulis undique fohatus : Flores omnino aurei 6. Holochrysa. rosei aut candidi, labello tantum quandoque luteo. MentonuUe 6. Aclinia. predu6to : Flores fasciculati aut solitarii : a. Caule brevissimo, conice {Bolbodium). b. Caule elongate /• Eudendrobium. Flores dense racemosi, mente elongate 8. Pedilonum. Flores laxe racemesi, mente brevi : petalis conformibus 9. Stachyobium. petalis elongatis spathulatis 10. Ceratobium. THE ORCHIDOLOay OP IKDIA. 3 § I. Apoeum, Blume, The ancipitous leaves clearly distinguish this group from all other Dendrobia. The genus Oxystophyllum differs in nothing except having only two globose pollen-masses instead of four. D. (Aporum) sinuatum of the ' Bot. Eegister, 1841, Misc. No. 3,' which has quite the habit of Oa:. carnosum, seems to connect the two genera ; for although it has four pollen-masses, two are much smaller than the others, as if rudimentary*. * Flores terminales et laterales. Caules apice scepe aphylU. 72. D. (A.) micranthum {W. Griffith, in Calcutta Journal of Natural History, iv. 376 ; lb. v. 369). Java, T. Lobb. His erroneous description of the lip of this plant was corrected by Grriffith in a later paper : the specimen in my herbarium which I refer to here differs in the lip being too broad to be called " linear-oblong" ; but I have seen nothing else to which Griffith's description will apply. 73. D. (A.) Serra, Undl. Gen. Sf Sp. Orch. No. 5. Java, T. Lobb. in hb. Hooker. A flower in the Hookerian Herbarium shows this to be the Macrostomium aloifolium, Blume, which is confirmed by one of Kuhl and Hasselt's unpublished drawings. It is, however, not the Herha supplex quinta of E-umphius, as I formerly suspected, the figure of that plant certainly representing D. {A.) suhteres. According to G-riffith this is also the Dend. acinaciforme, Boxb. 74. D. (A.) LoBBii : caulibus apice aphyllis, foliis scalpeUiformibus duplo longioribus quam latis; floribus minutissimis terminalibus ; se- palis recurvis ; labello erecto carnoso trilobo ; lobis lateralibus bre* vioribus unguiculato. Borneo, forests of Labuan, T. Lobb. This looks like a very small state of D. Serra ; but the leaves are * Prof. H. Gr. Reichenbach reduces Oxystophyllum to Dendrobitim. Neither the materials with which he has favoured me nor those in my own herbarium enable me to form a decided opinion on the subject. In fact that whole genus, if it be one, is in inextricable confusion. A fragment of Blume's Sarcostomat and a drawing of the details of its structure, for which I am also mdebted to my learned friend, seem to show that that genus should be preserved. The pollen-mass<^ are represented as having long tails, and have no resemblance to Blume's figure. b2 4 PROFESSOU LINDLET's C0J7TRTBUTI0:jfS TO more distant and rather narrower, tlie sepals are recurved, and tho lip quite different in form. The flowers are not larger than those of the smallest Oberonia. The whole plant forms a tuft little more than 2 inches high. 75. D. (A.) anceps, WalUch, Catalogue, No. 2020. My flowers of this are unexaminable. It cannot be the D, ancej9S of Eoxburgh, which has lateral flowers only. 76. D. (A.) LUNATUM : foliis scalpeUiformibus densis obtusiusculis, labello lunato ante ungiiem canahculatum crista transversa instructo. Phihppines, Cuming . Flowers scarcely larger than in D. (A.) Lohhii, The lip is quite unlike that of any other of the section. 16h. D. pareiflommi Rchb.f. MSS. (D. Jenkinsi, W. Griffith, in Calc. Journ. N. H. v. 367. t. 25) ; an Assam plant with large white terminal flowers, I have not seen. 77' D. (A.) subteres, Griffith in Calc. Journ. N. H. v. 370. (Herba sup- plex quinta species, Rumph. Amb. vi. t. 51. f. 2?) Malacca, Griffith. This is a very distinct plant, with the long slender leafless ter- minations of its shoots yellow, polished, and remarkably flexuose. 78. D. (A.) Roxburghii, Griffith, I. c. (Dend. Calceolum, Roxb. Flor. Ind. iii. 370. Herba supplex femina, Rumph. Amb. vi. t. 51. f. 1.) New Guinea, Hindes; Amboyna, Roxburgh. Judging from the account of this plant given by Griffith, it must be a very distinct plant, with " large dull-orange flowers slightly veined with dull red." The lip, he adds, is represented as almost 4-lobed, or 3-lobed with the central lobe emarginate. In my specimen, without flowers, the long leafless branches are straight, not flexuose, and the distant leaves when full-grown are thin, 1} inch long by ^ of an inch wide. The figure in Rumphius makes them broader. ** Flores laterales tantum. 79. D. (A.) anceps, Roxb, Flor. Ind. 487 ; Griffith in Calc. Journ. N. H. V. 369 ; Bot. Mag. t. 3608 ; Bot. Reg. t. 1239 ; Bot. Cab. 1. 1895, not of WalHch's Catalogue. Sikkim, hot valleys, J. D. H. (14). 80. D. (A.) cuspidatum, Wallich in Bot. Reg. 1841, Misc. 7. Khasija, at 2000 feet, /. D. H. Sf T, T. (14 in part) j Moulmein, T, Lobb, THE OEOHIDOLOQY Or INDIA. 6 Perhaps this is not distinct from D. anceps, with which it is mixed in the Khasija specimens; but its long naked terminal shoots, narrower leaves, much smaller flowers, and almost flabel- liform lip, seem to be sufficiently difierent. 81. D. (A.) EULOPHOTUM : fohis crassis scalpelliformibus obtusiusculis approximatis ; labello rotundato crista maxima transversa utrinque acuta. Mergui, Griffith ; Java, T. Lohh in hb. Hooker. Of this I have a carefully prepared drawing by Griffith. Its great transverse crest on the lip resembles nothing except what is found in D, indivisum of Blume ; but that plant, the Schismoceras distichum of Presl, has terminal capitate flowers. The Java plant is rather difierent, the apex of the lip being deeply and widely retuse, while Griffith's plant is, according to his drawing, regu- larly rounded ; but I see no other difference. § II. Steongtle, Lindl. in Pacot. Fl. Qard. i. sub t. 27. Under this are included all the species with terete leaves. Some occur among the collections from continental India. I have one or two to add to those already on record. 82. D. UNCATUM : foliis rigidis triquetris brevibus disticliis retrorsum uncatis acutis ; labello obovato bilobo intra sinum obsolete tristiche papilloso. Java, T. Lohb (156). This differs from D. suhulatum in its strongly hooked leaves, broader, more emarginate lip, and larger flowers. Nevertheless Prof. Beichenbach, who saw both in my herbarium, does not distinguish it. (See Bonplo/ndiay March 1, 1857.) It is not unlike a small form of D. suhteres, § III. Bhizobium, Lindl.j I. c. Of this there is no Indian species. § lY. Dendbocobyne, Lindl. iit Bot. Beg, 1844, t. 53 ; 1847, t. 36. Baxton, I.e. This section must be confined to the species with stems or pseudo-bulbs bearing leaves at the apex only, and always of a thick leathery structure. "What I have formerly called Desmo- tricJivmi, only in part the same as Blume' s genus of that name, have for their character the same vegetation, with a lip whose middle lobe is broken up into long threads. 6 PEorEssoB lindley's conteibutions to * Flores terminales. Labellvm margine continuvm. 83. D. Macraei, lAndl. Gen. ^ Sp. Orch. No. 3. (?D. nodosum, Dalzell in Hook. Journ. iv. 292.) Ceylon, Macrae; Nilgherries, Madras Herbarium, J.B.H. (27) ?j Khasia, at the height of 4000 feet, J. D. H. (26)? The flowers of D. Macraei were described as having an entire lip, upon the faith of a Cingalese native drawing. It is, however, very doubtful whether such is their structure, and I can hardly doubt that DalzeU's D. nodosum^ of which I have examined per- fect flowers out of the herbarium of my late lamented friend Dr. Stocks (No. 30), is the same plant. Its leaves, indeed, are nar- rower, and its pseudo-bulbs less unequal-sided, in the specimens before me. Of Dr. Hooker's No. 26, from Khasia, the flowers are unknown, but are said to be solitary and white ; the leaves are not half the width of B. Macrcei, and the pseudo-bulbs are so slender as to be scarcely distinguishable from the main stem. All are nearly allied to D.flabellum of Eeichenbach. 84. D. PUMILUM {Griff. Notul. iii. p. 315); pseudobulbis clavatis te- tragonis nitidis diphyUis, foUis brevibus ovato-oblongis obtusis, flo-» ribus inter squamas subsessilibus, sepalis petahsque acuminatis, mento attenuato incurvo ovario subaequaU semifisso, labello unguiculato oblongo nudo dimidia superiore acuminata crispa. Mergui, on trees, Griffith (24 and 1175). riowers small, white, sweet-scented, according to Q-riffith, whose description is, however, not quite exact. In habit it resembles D. tetragonum. 85. D. Labuanumj pseudobulbis parvis diphyUis secus caulem aroti adpressis, foliis obtusis anguste ovalibus obtusiusculis, floribus soli- tariis, labello trilobo intra apicem papilloso axi elevata carnosa abrupta. Borneo, T. hohh. This is related to D. cymlidioides and its allies, but the flowers are much smaller. 86. D. BRACHYPETALUM J pscudobulbis parvis monophyllis secus cau- lem arete adpressis, foliis obtusis, floribus geminis subsessilibus, sepalis acuminatis, petalis acutissimis duplo brevioribus, mento brevi, labello brevi oblongo acuto bicarinato. Java, T. Lohb in hb. Hooker. A small species with flowers not larger than in an Oberonia. l)he short acute petals and lip are unusual, THE ORCHIDOLOtlY OF INDIA. 7 87. D. Rabani; pseudobulbis subcylindraceis monophyllis secus caulem imbricatis, folio oblongo obtuso, floribus parvis sessilibus terminalibus, sepalis petalisque acutis aequalibus, mento brevi, columna bicamerata, labello basi excavato laevi lamina intus villosa medio tuberculata. Khasia, in Mr. Raban's garden, at 4000 feet, /. JD. H. (25). " Mowers small, white, sweet-scented." I have been unable to ascertain the form of the lip ; but the other characters are amply sufficient to distinguish this. ** Mores laterales. Labellum margine continuum. Some of the supposed species of this section are probably founded on insufficient grounds. D. Farmeri (Bot. Mag. t. 4659), for instance, is scarcely distinct from D. chrysotoxum (Bot. Keg. 1847, t. 36), although its flowers are tinged with pink, and its lip less abundantly fringed. In like manner my Z>. palpehrcB ( Journ. Hort. Soc. V. 33) may be a white-flowered variety of D. Griffith- ianum (Bot. Eeg. xxi. 1756). The only species among the col- lections of Hooker and Thomson is — 88. D. densiflorum, Wallich, Plant. As. rar. t. 40 ; Bot. Mag. t. 3418. Sikkim, at 1000-5000 feet of elevation, J. D. H. (7 and 150) ; Khasia at 2000-4000 feet, J. D. H. ^ T. T. (7). 89. D. EUPHLEBiUM (H. G.'Rchb. MSS.) ; eaule angulato clavato basi angustato, foliis geminis membranaeeis ovali-lanceolatis, flore solitario laterali, labello oblongo unguiculato eoneavo emarginato cordato, venis ab axi carnoso rectangulis divergentibus. Java, T. Lobb. A very distinct plant, remarkable for its clavate angular stem tapering to the base, and solitary lateral flower. *** Lahelli lohus medius stuposus (Desmotrichum). The species hitherto known are wholly insular. • § Y. HOLOCHEYSA. * Fasciculata ; floribus solitariis, fasciculatis aut breviter racemosis. In proposing now, for the first time, to collect into one group aU the distichous-leaved yellow species, I have no character to rest upon except the uniformly yellow colour of all parts of the flower, a colour disappearing somewhat in D. aureum, whose yellow almost fades into white in the variety called D. rhomheunif just as that of D. Griffithianum disappears in its variety Falpehra. 8 PEOFESSOE LINDLEY's CONTEIBUTIONS TO * Mores fasciculati, aut geminati, aut in racemulis B-4i-Jloris. 90. D. HooKERTANUM ; foliis ovatis acuminatis, pedunculis 3-4-floris, bracteis minutis, sepalis petalisque subsequalibus integris, labello ovato fimbriis crinitis cincto laminai ipsee aequalibus, ungue convoluto basi retrorsum bidentato. Sikkim, at 1000-5000 feet, J. D. H. (8). A very striking species, witb flowers as large as Dalhousieantmt, with very long shaggy fringes surrounding the labellum, which has two blood-red spots on each side above the unguis itself, fur- nished at the base with a double reversed tooth. There is a figure among Mr. Cathcart's drawings. 91. D. chrysanthum, WallicJi, Cat, No. 2012; Bot. Reg. 1299. Darjeeling, Griffith-, Khasija, Griffith ; at 3000- 5000 feet, J. D. H. <^ T.T. (13); Churra, J. D. H. J Sikkim, in hot valleys, at 2000-5000 feet, J. D. H. (13). There is scarcely any variation among the numerous specimens before us. All have the broad rounded sepals and strictly fascioled flowers so characteristic of this beautiful species. Dendrobium Faxtoni (Bot. Eeg. 1839, Misc. 56), of which I have seen no wild specimen, diflers in its longer and less rounded petals, which are slightly serrated. 92. D. oclireatum, Lindl. in Wall. Cat. jio. 7410. (D. Carabridgeanum, Paxton, Wlag. Bot. vi. 265 ; Bot. Mag. t. 4450.) Khasija, Griffith. Prof. H. Gr. Eeichenbach informs me that the odd stigma is at the base of the fovea stigmatica, and not at the apex beneath the rostellum as usual, — a circumstance I have not had an opportunity of observing. Other species of this section are aureum^ Lindl., or Jietero- carpoii, Wallich, of which D. rTiombeum, Lindl. is a white variety ; villosulum, "Wall., or Jerdonianum^ Wight ; JRucheri, Lindl. ; san- guinoJentum, Id. ; rugosum and salaccense, Blume ; and I suppose intermedium and ochroleucum, Tijsmann. ** JRacemosa ; racemis multifloris. 93. D. moschatum. Wall. PI. As. ii. p. 83. ; B.M. t. 3837. Khasija, at 4000 feet, J.D. U. ^ T. T. (16). .94. D. FuscATUM ; foliis oblongo-laneeolatis acutissimis, racemis fili- formibus flexuosis, bracteis linearibus herbaceis, petahs sepalisque subrequalibus oblongis rotundatis, labello oblate cucuUato retuso den- ticulate ciliato. Sikkim, Cathcart, in hot valleys, J.D. H. (12); Khasija, at 2000-4000 feet, J. D.H.§- T.T. (12). TUE OUCHIDOLOOY OF INDIA. 9 This remarkable plant has orange-brown sepals, and in the shape of its parts is like I). cJirysanthum, but with ten or twelve flowers in a slender raceme. The petals are orange-yellow, as also is the lip, which has two crimson spots on each side. The flowers of the Khasija specimens are smaller than in those from Sikkim. § YI. AcLiNiA, Griffith, JSfot. iii. 320. In retaining this supposed genus as a section of Dendrobium, I must at the same time observe that the species are probably Pelorias of others, although, with perhaps one exception, their parentage cannot be traced. They are all characterized by a per- fect, or nearly perfect, regularity in the inner as well as outer series of floral envelopes, one result of which is the loss of the mentum, which belongs to all the other plants collected under the genus. In the case of D. nonjtale, the column seems to be always triandrous ; and in D. Pseudaclinia, there is sometimes an apparent attempt to gain that structure. It is, however, for Indian botanists to investigate this curious subject, and trace the monsters, if monsters they are, to their origin. Prof. H. Gr. Beichenbach has discovered that Endlicher's genus Theltohiton, founded on a terrestrial Norfolk Island plant, is one of these Aclinias . Judging from a tracing from Ferdinand Bauer' s drawing in the Vienna Museum, it seems possible, perhaps probable, that this plant {Dendrohium macropus, H. Gr. Echb.) is a Peloria of D. elongatmrif A. Cunn. (Z>. hrishanense, H. Gr. Echb.). I also much [suspect my genus Paxtonia to be nothing more than a Pe- loria of ^athogloUis spicata. 95. D. Adinia. (Aclinia, Griff. Not. iii. 320. t. 351 A. fig. 21.) Mergui, Griffith (809). I can have no doubt that this is a Peloria of D. incurvum (infra, No. 133), which seems to have been gathered by Griffith in the same place on the same day. The flowers are in pedunculate divaricating secund racemes, and appear to have been white, aa Griffith describes them. 96. D. Pseudaclinia. (Dend. Aclinia, Rchb.f.inBonpl. OctA5, 1856.) Bootan, Hort. Kew. This has flowered with Consul Schiller at Hamburg as well as at Kew ; and Prof. Rchb. informs me that it has also been received by the same great Cultivator from Manilla. It is a slender erect plant with yellow flowers, springing in pairs or singly from the sides of the stem. I have before mo a sketch by Echb. made at XO PEOFESSOR LINDLEY'S OONTEIBUTIONS TO Hamburg, and another of my own dated Sept. 1854, in both which the stigmatic hollow is concealed by a tooth-like elevation of its lower edge, a structure also occurring in TJielychiton and D. normale ; in the Kew plant there was, moreover, a bristle on one side of this front tooth, and external to it ; but Prof. B/cichen- bach did not find it in many fresh flowers examined by himself, nor does either the bristle or the front tooth occur in the original Aclinia. The meaning of these malformations opens a curious field of inquiry, to which I hope to address myself on a future occasion. 97. D. Lawanum ; caule juniore camoso ascendente foliis membra- naceis lauceolatis acutis, florido aphyllo vaginis laxis membranaceis fere abdito, sepaUs petalisque ovatis obtusiusculis, labello paulo majore conformi eoncavo. (Dendrochilum roseum, Dalzell in Hooker's Journal, iv. 291.) On trees on the Syhadree range of mountains, Dalzell in hb. Stocks (31) J Concan, Law in hb. Hooker (2). Mr. Dalzell states that in this plant, " across the front of the column and below the orifice of the stigmatic cavity, there is a small crest terminated on each side by a deeply-coloured horn, two- or three-toothed at the apex." This seems as if we had here also some monstrous structure ; but I am unable to refer the plant to any of the Eudendrobia, unless indeed D. transparens should claim it ; and I must add, that there was nothing unusual in the column of the only flower I have had an opportunity of dissecting. 98. D. TETRODON {H. G. Rchb. in Hit.); caulibus floridis tenuibus pendulis aphyllis junioribus foliis anguste lanceolatis membranaceis subobliquis, floribus geminatis, sepalis petalisque lineari-laneeolatis acutissimis,mento obsoleto, labello conformi paulo majore et obtusiore, clinandrio quadridentato. Java, on trees at the foot of M. Salak, Zollinger (11). Of this I have a good specimen from Prof. Eeichenbach. It has the habit of such a plant as D. transparens ; and there is a slight tendency to the extension of the lateral sepals at the base. Can it be a Peloria of D. macrostacTiyum ? I find nothing mon- strous in the column. 99. D. normale, Falconer in Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 196 ; Griffith, Not. iii. 255. t. 284. Western Himalayas ; Mussooree and Landour, Col. Vicary ; pass near Paoree inGurwhal, at 4000-6000 feet, T. Thomson (17); Saharunpur, Falconer, THE OBOHIDOLOaY OF IKDIA. H My examination of this singular plant agrees with Dr. Fal- coner's description. Although a monster, I am unable to indi- cate the species to which it may possibly belong. Suspicion points to D.fimbriatum ; but that species seems to be quite an eastern plant, while D. normale has hitherto been seen only in the Western Himalayas. The late Col, Yicary informed me that the specimens which he first found, and from which Dr. Falconer's description was taken, were gathered in 1832, in the vicinity of Mussooree and Landour. § YII. EuDENDEOBiUM, Lindley, in Paxton's Fl. Gard. i. sub t. 27. I have no other change to make in the limits of this large sec- tion than the exclusion of all the species with great yellow flowers, which now stand in the first section of Holochrysa. A. Caule 0, v. hrevissimo carnoso (Bolbodium, Lindl. I.e.). No species are among the Hookerian collections. The following are new. 100. D. SUBACAULE, Reiuwardt, MSS.; fohoparvo oblongo pedicellis geminatis breviore, sepalis petalisque acuminatis, labello nudo latiori subconformi, mento gracili recto petalis duple longiore, ovario triptero. Java, on the top of Momit Tidore, Reinwardt. "Whole plant, the vermilion flowers included, is little more than an inch high. This is the smallest of the genus. 101. D. PRASiNUM; folio ovali obtuso, floribus solitariis, sepalis lan- ceolatis petahsque ovatis acutissimis, mento brevi obtuso, labello un- guieulato auriculato rhombeo acuminato concavo nudo bilineato. Feejee islands, 2000 feet above the sea, Asa Gray. A very distinct plant, of which I only know a drawing by Agati, in the possession of my learned friend Prof. Asa Gray. The flowers are sea-green, nearly two inches in diameter. The sepals about J of an inch wide. 102. D. extinetorium^ Lindl. in Bot. Reg. sub t. 1756. Moulmein, CfriJUth, on Careya arborea, in damp places. A true Dendrohium, as is shown by its pollen-masses. Pseudo- bulbs depressed. Peduncles filiform, erect, 2 to 3 inches long, one-flowered, with a minute bract about an inch off" the ovary. B. Caule elongato. * Labello integro. This group consists of numerous species so nearly related to 12 PEOFESSOE LlJfDLEY's CONTEIBUTIONS TO each other that it is scarcely possible to find good distinctions for them. Even when seen alive in their natural state, the uncer- tainty is the same. " All the species," says Griffith, " with cochle- ate labella are nearly akin ; they run into each other so much, that distinguishing marks are very difficult." (Itinerary Notes, p. 185, speaking of a form of Dendrobmm nohile found at Panukka in Bootan.) 103. D. pulchellum, Lindl, Gen. 8f Sp. No. 35 ; Bot. Cab, t. 1935. (D. brevifolium, Hort. D. Devonianum, Pawfon, B. M. t. 442.9. D. pictum, Griffith.) Khasija, J. D. H. (15); Bootan, Griffith. I have this from Bootan from Griffith, under the name of D. pictuTiiy but have failed to discover any trace of it in his Itinerary Notes. 104. D. Pierardi, Boxb. Fl. Ind. 3. 482. Valleys of Sikkim, Cathcart ; J. D. H. (5). 105. D. primulinum, Lindl. in Gard. Chron. 1858, no. 223. (D. nobile palHdiflorum, Bot. Mag. t. 5003.) Hot valleys of Sikkim, J. D. H. (154). Possibly this is not distinct from D. cucullatum, as is suggested in the work above referred to. 106. D. transparens, Wallich, Cat. No. 2008. (D. Henshalli, Bchb. f.; Bot. Mag. t. 4663.) Sikkim, at 2000 feet, J. D. H. (153) ; on rocks towards Chuka, in Bootan, and near Murichom, at 3500 to 4000 feet, Griffith. I am unable to distinguish the Sikkim specimens from this plant, although they are somewhat larger than such as have ap- peared in our gardens ; there can be no doubt that it is the No. 1135 of ' Griffith's Itin. Notes,' p. 198, and Prof. Echb. has himself pointed out the identity of his D. Henshalli. 107. D. amoenum, Wallich, in Lindl. Gen. c^' Sp. Orch. p. 78. Sikkim, Cathcart (Jc). This is readily known by its narrow, blunt, nearly equal sepals and petals, each with a purple stain at the point. 108. D. nobile, Lindl. Gen. Sf Sp. Orch. 24. (D. cserulescens, Lindl. Serf. Orch. t. 17.) Khasija, Griffith, J. D. H. ; Darjeeling, Griffith ; Assam, Id. Evidently variable in the size, and probably in the colours, of the flowers. It is the No. 940 of Griffith's Itin. Notes, p. 184. THE ORCKIDOLOGY OF INBTA. 13 109. D. Lindleyanum, Griffith, Not. iii. 309. Hot valleys in Sikkira, at 1000-5000 feet of elevation, J. D. H. (6). This, notwithstanding the size of the flowers, which are twice as large as in JD. nobile^ is probably a mere variety of that species. 110. D. FURCATUM (Reinwardt) ; caule gracillimo, foliis linearibus apieem versus angustatis obtusis, sepalis ovatis obtusis, petalis un- guiculatis euneatis retusis latioribus, labello lanceolate acuto nudo intra mentum rectum sepalis longiorem clausum fere abdito. Celebes, Reinwardt. A remarkable plant, which, because of the sepals almost com- pletely united into a long chin, might be perhaps better referred to Fedilonum. I have only seen fragments of a stem and leaves, and a perfect flower. The broad cuneate petals are very charac- teristic. 111. D. DISTACHYON J foliis distichis linearibus oblique bidentatis basi latioribus, floribus solitariis, axillaribus subsessilibus, sepalis petalisque angustioribus acutis, labelli ungue lineari-elongato lamina oblata nuda. Borneo, Thomas Lobb. This and the two following resemble D. excisum, revolutum, and metachilinum in habit. 112. J). LYCOPODioiDES; foliis distichis densis linearibus apice ob- liquis apiculatis, floribus solitariis, bracteis lineari-lanceolatis carinatis pungentibus, sepalis acutissimis lateralibus latis triangularibus, pe- talis angustioribus minus acutis mento subrotundo, labello sessili obovato concavo apiculato lamellis 2 maximis carnosis. Borneo ; forests of Sarawak, T. Lobb. Very like one of the larger Lycopodia. Flowers scarcely more than 2 lines long. Both this and the following are distinguished by two fleshy parallel plates almost as broad as the lip itself on which they lie. 113. D. TMESiPTERiSi foliis distichis distantibus linearibus apice ob- liquis, floribus solitariis, bracteis lineari-lanceolatis carinatis pungen- tibus, sepalis acutissimis dorsali apice recurvo lateralibus antice ar- cuatis, petalis angustioribus acutissimis subfalcatis, mento oblongo prominente, labello sessili obovato concavo mucronato margine apicis membranaceo crispulo lamellis 2 maximis carnosis. Borneo ; forests of Sarawak, T. Lobb. Very like a Tmesipteris. Differs from the last in the flowers being even smaller, as well as in the points above described. 14 PROFESSOB LIITDLET's CONTRIBUTIONS TO 114. D. spiNESCENs ; caulibus erectis, foliis distantibus oblougo-lan- ceolatis, pedunculis oppositifoliis squamosis demum spinescentibus, sepalis labelloque oblongis obtusis, petalis conformibus triplo mino- ribus. {Cymbidium spinescens, Ic. Reinwardt.) Java? Reinwardt. Very different, in its flowers having the sepals spreading and | of an inch long, from any of the allied species. According to Beinwardt's drawing, the fruit is nearly cylindrical, angular, and surmounted by the sepals, petals, lip, and column, much enlarged and become quite green. There is no specimen in the herbarium of Reinwardt. ** Labello trilobo ; calvee. 115. D. BREViFLORUM ; fasciculo florum sessih subgloboso, sepalis petalisque duplo brevioribus carnosis obtusissimis, labello oblato nudo lobis lateralibus falcatis auriformibus intermedio truncate plica utrinque sub sinubus. Singapore? Herb. Loddiges. I know nothing like this, which flowered in 1844, in the nursery of Messrs. Loddiges. The flowers are white, fleshy, with stripes of crimson spots. 116. D. stuposum, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1838, misc. 94. Khasija mountains, at 2000-4000 feet of elevation, J. D. H. ^ T. T. (11). The lip is 3-lobed, not entire as is stated in the original defi- nition taken from an imperfect garden specimen, which led Prof. Reichenbach to suppose that his D. sphegidoglossum was different, — a mistake the blame for which is mine. 117. D. Bluniei, Lindl. Gen. 8f Sp. Orch. No. 65. (Onychiura firabri- atum, Blume, Bijdr. p. 325. Dend. planibulbe, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1843, misc. 70.) Java, Zollinger ; Manilla, Loddiges. An authentic fragment from Prof. Beichenbach shows that the Manilla plant is identical with that from Java. 118. D. aqueum, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1843, misc. 6. t. 64; Bot. Mag. t. 4640. (D. album, Wight, Ic. t. 1645.) Khasija hills, T. Lobb. This is not to be found in the collections of Hooker and Thom- son ; nor have I seen any wdld specimens, except a few flowers sent home by Mr. Thomas Lobb to Messrs. Veitch. These want the long hairs represented by Dr. Wight's artist, but agree perfectly with the figure in the Botanical Magazine. D. ramosum, an obscure plant with a slender pendulous branched stem and Ian- THE OECHIDOLOGY OF INDIA. 15 ceolate acuminate leaves, is apparently near this ; but the frag- ments of flowers before me afford little information except that the lip is broad with fine hairs on the inside near the edge. 119. D. spathaceum; caulibus gracilibus erectis, foliis anguste ob- longis apice oblique obtusis, bracteis linearibus membranaceis basi coloratis, sepalis petalisque sequalibus acutis mento brevi rotundato, labelli angusti lanceolati laciniis lateralibus rotundatis medio tuber- culatis ad sinus plicatis intermedia duple longiore acuta. Sikkim, at the height of 6000 feet, /. D. H. (143). A solitary specimen of this exists in Hooker's herbarium; the stems are about 6 inches long, and the flowers (apparently solitary) the size of those of D. macrostacJiyum. 120. D. SCABRILINGUE J foliis oblongis apice obtusis valde obliquis, floribus geminatis, sepalis petalisque ovalibus sequahbus, mento conico, labelli 3-lobi medio pluries canahculati lobis lateralibus semi- ovatis obtusis intermedio carnoso oblongo scabro multo brevioribus. Borneo, T. Lohh. A pair of flowers and a single leaf, communicated by Messrs. Yeitch, are the materials on which this very distinct species is established. Its structure is, however, so peculiar, that no doubt can exist of its perfect distinctness from any other yet known. The flowers appear to be white. The lateral sepals from the point of the mentum to their own apex are about an inch long. 121. D. TRUNCATUM J caulibus gracilibus ramosis basi ramulorum sub- rotundis incrassatis, fohis linearibus obhque emarginatis, floribus solitariis, sepahs petalisque ovatis acutissimis sequalibus, mento ascen- dente valde obtuso ovario duplo longiore, labelU laciniis lateralibus semicuneatis intermedia lineari basi unidentata. Java, Reinwardt, Lohh. I find this among Eeinwardt's plants under the name of Ophrys puhescens of Blume ; probably owing to some error in labelling, for there is no such name known to me, nor has this any structure that can be called pubescent. It is a very small-flowered slender species, closely allied to D. tetraedre, from which it differs in the labellum, and in the thickened bases of the branches being round or roundish oblong, not at all angular. 122. D. INVOLUTUM ; caulibus teretibus, foUis ovato-lanceolatis oblique obtusis, gemmis oppositifoliis conicis, sepalis petalisque lineari-lan- ceolatis sequalibus acuminatis apice incurvis, mento brevi acuto, labelli laciniis lateralibus acutis falcatis intermedia revoluta crispa acuminata brevioribus. Society Islands, pendulous from the branches of trees, Mathews. 16 PRorEssoR lindley's contributions to Flowers a quarter of an inch long, with the points of all the divisions hooked or rolled downwards. *** Labello trilobo ; nigro-Ursutce. These species are all distinguished by the presence of short blach hairs on the young stems, a peculiarity which separates them from everything except D. furcatum. 123. D. formosum, Roxh. Flor. Ind. m.; Wallich, PI As. t. 39; Bot. Reg. 1839, t. 64. Khasija, J. D, H. ^ T. T. (1007) ; T. Lobb (373). Moulinein, Griffith (350), 124. D. INFUNDIBULUM; foliis lanceolatis angustis acutis, sepalis li- neai'i-oblongis, petalis oblongis obtusis triple latioribus, mento infun- dibular! pedicello aequali, labelli lobis lateralibus rotundatis integris intermedio subrotundo piano serrulate emarginato. Moulmein, at 5000 feet on Thoung-gyun, T. Lobb, in hb. Hooker. A very striking plant, intermediate between D.formosmn and longicornu, having the large flowers of the former and the slender habit and narrow leaves of the latter. The lip mth large round lateral lobes also distinguishes it from the former, and the large petals with a circular middle lobe to the lip and short funnel- shaped mentum from the latter. 125. D. longicornu, Lindl. in Wall. Cat. 1997; Bot. Reg. t. 1315. (D. flexuosum, Griffith, Notul. iii. 317. D. hirsutum. Id. iii. 318. t. 305.) Khasija, T. Lobb, Griffith ; at 4000-6000 feet, J. D. H. Sf T. T. (10) ; Sikkim, inner valleys at 5000 feet. J.D. H. (10); Assam, Griffith. A variable plant as to the form of the middle lobe of the lip, which is broken up into fringes in very unequal degrees, and as to the size of the flowers, which however appear to have always a membranous lip, with strong orange-coloured veins on the lateral lobes. 126. D. XANTHOPHLEBIUM {Lindl. in Gard. Chron. 1856, no. 196) ; caule foliisqueD. longicornu; sepalis petalisque linearibus acutis, mento brevi, labelli carnosi lobis lateralibus trianguhs obtusis intermedio ovato dilatato apiculato crispo scabro : axi elevata carnosa. Moulmein, T. Lobb (176, 177). Mowers much smaller than in the last, with quite a different, fleshy not membranous, lip. Plowers white. Lip yellow with orange-coloured veins and disk. It is cultivated by Messrs. Veitch. THE ORCHIDOLOGY OP INDIA. 17 127. D. ATTENUATUM ; foliis Unearibus gramlaeis i)atentissimis, flo- ribus solitariis squamulis minutis obtusis, sepalis petalisqiie obtusi- usculis, mento linear! obtuso, labelli elongati spathulati lobis lateralibus dentiformibus intermedio subrotimdo margine carnoso medio sub- aspero tubereulis geminis linearibus. Borneo, T. Lobb. Flowers small, apparently white. Leaves long, narrow, and grassy. Stems slender, ascending, from 6 to 8 inches high. *if/^ The only other species of this section are Z). calcaratum (Bot. Beg. 1840, misc. 218) and D. nutans (G-en. & Sp. Orch. No. 73), whose lip is not undivided as it was supposed to be, but lanceolate with short entire lateral lobes and a crisp, almost linear, middle part, as I learn from specimens communicated by my learned cor- respondent Mr. Thwaites (156). § VIII. Pedilonum, Blume. No continental species of this section have been observed, nor have I found among the collections examined by me anything like Roxburgh's D. purpureum, a Molucca plant. The following are new insular species. 128. D. AUROROSEUM {Rchb. f. in litt.); foliis angustis ovato-lan- ceolatis acutis, sepalis petalisque aequilongis acutis, mento elongato obtusissimo, labello nudo oblongo apice dilatato retuso utrinque reflexo ungue unituberculato. Java, T. Lobb; Zollinger (231). The oval lip, suddenly expanded into a broad apex reflexed on each side, and the extremely broad mentum, are like nothing else- where in this section. The flowers are the size of D. Fierardi. 129. D. BURSIGERUM J foliis oblongis acutis, spicis cylindraceis densi- floris, sepalis petalisque acutis, mento arcuato infra apicem ventricoso, labello spathulato acuto cucullato. Philippines, Cuming. Like D. secundum, but flowers are not half the size, and in longer, slenderer, not secund spikes. Lip apparently white with an orange-yellow tip. 130. D. Reinwardti ; foliis anguste oblongis obtusis apiculatis, spicis densissimis brevibus, bracteis setaceis divaricatis, sepalis acutis, petalis obtusiusculis, mento duplo longiore apiculato, labello nudo angusto spathulato obtusiusculo. Banda, Reinwardt. Near D. viridiroseuon of lichb. f., from which it diflers in its li:nk. proc.-— botaih'y. o 18 PEOrESSOB LINDLEY's CONTEIBUTIONS TO longer apiculate mentum, and in the blunt lip not at all contracted in the middle. § IX. Stachyobium, Lindl. in Faxton, Fl. Gard. i. sub t. 27. * Labello integerrimo. 131. D. Dalhousieanum, Paxton, Mag. Bot. xi. t. 145 ; Bot. Reg. 184, t. 10. Mergui, Griffith (Dendr. No. 7, Notul iii. 313). An authentic specimen from Grriffith shows that this fine species was described by him in the place above quoted ; and thus its native country is novr ascertaiued. 132. D. ramosissimum, R. Wight, Ic. 1648. S. Concan, Dalzell in hb. Hooker. {Stocks, 52). This is very near my D. Jierbaceum (Bot. Eeg. 1840, misc. 163) ; but the flowers are white with a yellow lip, not white tinged with green ; the lip itself is longer and more fleshy, and the flowers are considerably smaller. I have examined fresh specimens out of Mr. Bellenden Ker's garden from Dharwar. 133. D. INCURVUM ; foliis angustis membranaceis oblique obtusis api- culatis, racemis oppositifohis rectiusculis brevioribus, bracteis mem- branaceis uninerviis pedicellis sequalibus, sepalis angustis acutissimis antiee cum mento semiaperto acuto arcuatis, petalis angustioribus, labello oblongo venoso antiee serrato circa discum 2-denticulato. Mergui, Griffith (808). This is the Dendrobium No. 9 of Grriffith's JSTotul. iii. 314, forming the number succeeding to that of his AcUnia, and ap- parently gathered in the same place. It has so entirely the ap- pearance of that plant, that, as has been already observed, it is difiicult to doubt that it is not the customary state of the species, notwithstanding the very different structure of the flower. 134. D. PORPHYROCHILUM ; caulibus brevibus caespitosis tetraphyllis, foliis angustis membranaceis racemis terminalibus multifloris saepius sequalibus, bracteis setaceis ovario subsequalibus persistentibus, sepalis lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis, petalis paulo brevioribus, labello breviore ovato acuto concavo lineis 3 elevatis, mento brevissimo rotundato. Assam, Griffith ; Khasija hills, T. Lobb ; at 4000-6000 feet, J. D. H. Sf T. T. (28). " Sepals dirty pale yellow. Petals the same, with small red streaks at the base. Lip purple with a yellow margin." — J". D. IT. The whole plant seems thin and membranous, and varies in height from 2 to 5 inches. It approaches the Bolbodia. THE OECHIDOLOGT OF INDIA. W ** Labello triloho. 135. D. PANDURATUM ; subacaule, foliis membranaceis acutissimis racemis filiformibus erectis brevioribus, bracteis minutis squami- formibus, sepalis petalisque linearibus acuminatis, mento recto conico semiaperto, labello aequilongi pandurato (trilobo lobis lateralibus ro- tundatis intermedio duplo majore crenulato apieulato). Ceylon, hb. Hooker. (147); Thwaites (2353). A small species almost referable to Bolbodium. 136. D. eriseflorum, Griffith, Not. iii. 316. t. 307. Khasija, in My rung Wood, on dry ridges, Griffith (1020), on rocks and dry trunks of trees at 2000-5000 feet, J. D. H. Sf T. T. (18). This forms tufts from 4 to 9 inches high. The stems are covered with great loose sheaths of fallen leaves. The flowers are in dense nodding racemes ; according to Cathcart's drawing, greenish yellow with purple mentum. The lip is stronglv veined and edged with purple ; its side lobes regularly and sharply ser- rated, its middle lobe small, oblate, apiculate, and entire. It would be a beautiful species in a garden. 137. D. PYCNOSTACHYUM ; caulibus laxe membranaceo-vaginatis erectis carnosis, foliis , racemis densis cylindraceis, bracteis setaceis rec- tangulis persistentibus ovario sequalibus, sepalis linearibus acuminatis, petalis minoribus, mento brevi obtuso incurvo, labelli lobis lateralibus aeutis integerrimis intermedio triangulari recurvo crispo parum latio- ribus axi juxta sinus abrupto elevato. Moulmein, T. Lobb. Like B. ericBflorum^ but with smaller and denser flowers and a totally diiferent lip. 138. D. microbolbon, Ach. Richard, Ann. Sc. n. s. xv. t. 8. (D. humile, jR. Wight, Ic. 1643. D. crispum, Dalzell, in Hooker^s Journal, iv. p. HI.) Trees in Western India, Dalzell {Hh. Stocks. 34). There is no doubt that aU three of the above plants are the same. A. Eichard's figure is very formal and uncharacteristic. 139. D. denudans, Don, Prodr. 34. Sikkim, in the drier valleys, at 5000 feet, J. D. H. (20) ; E. Nepal, at 4000 feet. Id. This varies in height from 4 to 15 inches. In the Sikkim plant the colours are bright red on a pale yellow ground, according to a drawing by Dr. Hooker ; in gardens they are much greener. 140. D. PEGUANUM; caulibus ovatis ca;spitosis, foliis (linearibiis ?), racemis erectis densis multifloris, bracteis membranaceis acutissimis c2 20 PROFESSOR LINDLEY's CONTRIBUTIONS TO ovario longioribus, petalis linearibus falcatis sepalis raulto longioribus, mento clongato, labello longe unguiculato subrotuiido cochleato axi abrupla obtusa, lobis lateralibus seraicircularibus intermedio parvo triangulavi crispo. Pegu, M'Lel/and in lib. Hooker. ; Borneo, T. Lohh. A very small species with short erect dense racemes. The long falcate petals are very remarkable. 141. D. sarcantiium; caulibus casspitosis 3-4-pbyllis, foliis angustis racerao paucilloro longioribus, bracteis (testaceis) ovario longioribus, floribiis valde carnosis mento horizontali obtuso, labelli 3-partiti sagittati axi elevata trimcata lobis suboequplibus lateralibus oblongis intermedio ovato. Java, T. Lohb, 406, in hh. HooJcer. It is not certain where this curious little species was found. The whole plant is only 2 inches high with slender 3- or 4-leaved stems. The rachis is very zigzag, the flowers apparently pale yellow. I have only examined a bud, the extreme softness of which rendered it difficult to dissect. 142. D. clilorops, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1844, Misc. 54. (D. barbatulum, Wight, Ic. iii. 909.) Concan, Laiv in lib. Hooker (21) ; common on trees in both Concans, in the cold season. Stocks, in lib. Hooker, Flowers small, yellow tinged with green. 143. D. barbatulum, Lindl. Gen. Sf Sp. Orch. No. 44 ; Paxton's Fl, Card. 502. Ic. XyL Concan, Law, in hb. Hooker. (3) ; trees in the S. Concan, Balzell, in herb. Stocks. (32). The woodcut in Paxton's Flower Garden shows how different this species is from the last. § X. Ceratobium. No species of this fine division has been yet seen in continental India. Of one I have a leaf 18 inches long by 14 broad, found in Borneo by Lobb, the flowers of which are unknown ; and the fol- lowing undescribed species occurs among Beinwardt's drawings. 144. D. BiCAUDATUM {Reinwdt. MSS.) ; foliis oblongis acutis racemis horizontalibus 4-5-floris subaequalibus, petalis linearibus spathulatis erectis sepalis multo longioribus, labelli trilobi lobis lateralibus incurvis intermedio subrotundo minoribus. Java, Reinwardt. Plowers yellowish striped with green. Lip delicately marked THE ORCHIDOLOGY 01" INDIA. 21 with red transverse veins. Apparently the axis is fleshy, c-eva-.ed, and extended as far as the point of the lip. Ols. — Dendr. pumilum, E-oxb. PL Ind. 479, is not the plant so called by Griffith, if the statement in the former work can bo trusted ; but the specific character and description are so much at variance, that some error of the Indian transcriber is to be suspected. D. crepidahwt, Grifi*. Notul. iii. p. 319, is quite different from the species so named by me. But the printed description is so confused and self-contradictory, that I have not been able to identify the species. Prof. Eeichenbach reduces the genera Cadetia, Latouiiia, and DiCHOPUS to the present genus. I have examined no specimens of them. Crtptochiltjs, Wallich. 145. C. SANGUINEA (M); calycc oblongo bis longiore quam lato la- ciniis acuminatis, petalis labelloque obovatis acutis, poUiniis vhidibus. Khasija, Churra Punjee, Griffith, at an elevation of 4000-5000 feet, J. D. H. Sf T. T. (200) ; Sikkim, J. D. H., Catkcart. Plowers crimson. Capsule pyriform, strongly and equally six- ribbed. 146. C. LUTE a ; calyce ovato longitucline et latitudine aqualibus laciniis triangularibus, petalis labelloque lanceolatis, pohiniis luteis. Mishmee, Griffith ; Darjeeling, Id. ; Sikkim, Cathcart. This very distinct species occurs only among my specimens from Grriffith and in Cathcart' s drawings, according to which the flowers are of one uniform clear-yellow colour. Calyx much con- tracted at the mouth, and not at all longer than broad ; petals •linear-lanceolate ; lip lanceolate. Pollen-masses yellow, not green as in the last. Capsule obscurely six-ribbed. I can find no trace of this remarkable plant among Griffith's descriptions or notes. ACANTHOPHIPPIUM, JBlume. 147- A. sylhetense, Lindl. Gen. fy Sp, Orch. 1/7. (A. ringiilomm, Griffith, Noiul. iii. 347- Ic. 325.) Sikkim, Cathcart -, Khasija, at,the elevation of 2000-3000 feet, J. D. H. «^- T.T. (198). Plowers straw-colour, freclded with red inside. 22 PEOPESSOR LINDLET'S CONTEIBTTTIONS TO Anthogonium, WalUch. 148. A. gracile. Wall. Cat. 7398; Rchh.fil. in Allg. Gartenzeit, July 1856; Bonplandia, Oct. 15, 1856; Griffith, Notul. iii. 383, Ic. 345. (A. Griffithi, Rchb.f. in Bonplandia.) Khasija, grassy places, 4000-6000 feet, J.D. H. Sf T. T. (199), Lohh-, Assam, Griffith. This plant varies in the breadth of the leaves, which are some- times 9 lines and sometimes only 2 lines wide. I can find no ground for the separation of A. Griffithi, whose original specimens are before me. Spathoglottis, Blume. 149. S. ixioides, hindl. Gen. ^ Sp. Orch. p. 120. Sikkim, at an elevation of 8000-10,000 feet, J. D. H. (146). " Mowers yellow." J. D. H. 150. S. pubescens, Lindl. 1. c. Khasija, Lobb ; grassy hills at 5000-6000 feet, J. D. H. (145). " Flowers yellow," J. D. JS. I fear my Chinese Sp. Fortuni (Bot. !Reg. 1845, t. 19) is not distinct from this, which varies greatly in the breadth of its leaves and the form of the petals. 151. S. parvifolia, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1845, sub t. 19. (S. Khasijana, Griff. Not. p. 323, Jc. t. 311. 1. Khasija, on dry rocks near Churru, also in Assam, Griffith. N. B. Spathoglottis ? trivalvis of Wallich's Cat., No. 3742, the fruit of which alone is known, Prof. Reichenbach, jun. refers, and probably with justice, to Acriopsis. Grriffith's Sp. lilacina, Not. p. 325, Ic. t. 311. 3, is Sp.plicata ; the same author's Sp. plicata is Sp. cmrea. Aeundina, Blume. 152. A. bambusifolia, Lindl. Gen. 8f Sp. Orch. 125. Khasija, 2000-3000 feet, J. D. H. (149) ; hot valleys, Sikkim, Id. 153. A. affinis, Griffith, Notul. iii. 330. Khasija, at an elevation of 3000 feet, in shady wet places, on rocks near stream?, J.'d.H. (151); Churra Punjee, Griffith. " Labeiium yellow inside." Yery like A. cJiinensis, from which it seems to differ in having only two ragged lamellae on the lip instead of fiAe, the lateral and middle of which are shortest. My specimens are from G-riffith himself. THE OBCHIDOLOGT OP INDIA. 23 154. A speciosa, Blume. (Cymbidium speciosum, Hb. Reinwardt.) Java, Lobb (217) ; Goorgong, Assam, Griffith ; common in rocky places in wet situations on Mt. Ophir, at the height of 2500 feet, where it is called Paddam Bhattoo, Id. This is principally distinguished from A. hamlmifolia bj the terminal lobes of its lip being parallel and overlapping each other, while in A. bambusifolia they divaricate. A. affinis has smaller flowers and narrower petals. A. densa is much more distinct, its flowers being closely arranged, and the middle lobe of the lip almost obsolete. Nephelaphtllum, Blume. 155. N. cordifolium. (Cytheris cordifolia, Lindl. Gen. 8f Sp. p. 128.) Khasija, at 4000 feet, J. D. H. (147). " Flowers pale green, striped with pale purple ; lip pale purple." J. B. H. These specimens are much larger than "WaUich's from Silhet. The plant appears to spread and creep among moss, through which the leaves and flowering stem arise. In N. tenuiflorvm^ Bl., which resembles this, the flowers are much smaller as weU as more numerous, and the leaves are frequently almost truncate at the base. iV.^wZcAr«^w,Bl., which is the Limodorum maculatum of Eeinwardt's unpublished drawings, is much dwarfer, the scape not being longer than the leaves, which are purple beneath, clouded with varying tints of green on the upper side, and in form oval-acuminate ; the flowers are straw-coloured with a purple spur and a yellow crest in the middle of an undivided lip. The genus certainly belongs to Epidendrece, in the neighbourhood of Bletia. EiJLOPHiA, B. Br. 156. E. bracteosa, Lindl. in Wall. Cat. No. 7366. (E. grandiflora. Id. Gen. 8f Sp. p. 181.) Khasija, at 2000 feet, J. D. H. Sf T. T. (222). Further examination has satisfied me that there is no difference between the above two supposed species. I even doubt whether there has not been some error in making B. grandiflora a native of Ceylon. 157. E. graminea, Lindl. 1. c. No. 13. Malacca, Cuming ; Burma, at Amherst, in woods near the sea, Griffith; plains of Behar, J. D. H. ^ T. T. (221). This must no longer be regarded as a Malay plant, the spe- cimens from Behar difl'ering in nothing except the flowers being rather smaller, with the lip less deeply 3-lobed. 24 PEOFESSoii lindley's conteibutions to 158. E. iriconspicua, Griffith, Not. iii. 349. t. 326. This Malacca plant I have not seen. It seems to differ from the last in little beyond the processes on the labellum. 159. E. brachypetala; fohis oblongo-lanceolatis, scapi vaginis 2 longis raembranaceis, racemo raro secundo, sepalis erectis lineari- lanceolatis, petalis conformibus multo brevioribus, labelli trilobi venis ciispulis lobis lateralibus acutis intermedio multo longiore oblongo obtuse, calcare subgloboso. N. W. Hiaialaya, Gurwhal at 2000-3000 feet, T. T. (216). I have not seen the pollen-masses of this plant, which might be mistaken for Ania angustifolia. It must be re-examined with better materials than I possess. Much like JE. FromensiSj but the lip is different . 160. E. virens, R. Brown, Courtallum, J. D.H. (221). 161. E. herbacea, Lwic?/. 1. c. (E. albiflora, i^c/^'ewoW/i, MSS.) Himalayas, JSdgeworth, in Jib. Bentham. ; Conean, Law, in hb. Hooker. (220). The long green narrow sepals, the much broader and shorter petals, and the fringed veins of the lip are peculiar. 162. E. ocHREATAj foHis oblongis acutis, scapo laxe trivaginato, bracteis liuearibus acuminatis ovariis longioribus, racemo cylindraceo, sepalis ovalibus acutis cpncavis, petalis planis latioribus, labello ob- longo serrate venis omnibus firabriatis, calcare parvo hemisphserico. Conean, Law, in hb. Hooker.; Canara, Stocks (71). A small-flowered species with a rather dense cylindrical raceme 4 or 5 inches long. All the parts of the flower membranous. 163. E. bicolor, Dalzell, in Hooker'' s Journ. iii. 43. Western Ghauts, Dalzell, in hb. Stocks. (23) ; Conean, Law, in hb. Hooker. Much like U. herhacea ; but the spike is longer and more slender, and the flowers are not half the size. Moreover the spur is longer, and the middle lobe of the lip obovate with long fringes on the veins. 164. E. campestris, Lindl. I.e. (E. ramentacea, Wight, Ic. 666,) Western India, Jacquemont (653 in Herb, Mus. Par.) ; plains of Rohil- cund, T.T. (218). Both these, especially Jacquemont' s plant, are taller and more slender than Wallich's Oude specimens, but do not appear to differ otherwise. THE OUCIIIDOLOGY Or IKDIA. 25 165. E. iiemileuca; aphylla, vaginis 4 apice lierbaceis, racemis longis laxis subsecundis, sepalis lineari-lanceolatis herbaceis, petalis latioribus planis, labelli trilobi laciniis lateralibus apice vectangulis acutis intermedia concava crispa, ramentis venarum paucis sparsis, calcare brevi conico. Plains of Rohileund, T. T. (219). Sepals green, petals white. The lip is very membranous, with a very few scattered ramenta on the veins of the middle lobe. Next E. camjpestris. 166. E. PRATENSis J aphylla, vaginis caulis 5 acutissimis, racemo laxo multifloro, sepalis petalisque brevioribus oblongis acutis, labello oblato 3-lobo laciniis lateralibus ovatis obtusis intermedise ovatae obtusae subaequalibus venis tribus cristatis, calcare brevi conico obtuso. Pasture lands in the Deccan, in the cold season. Stocks (22 bis. E. virens, in herb. Hooker.). Quite a different plant from E. virens, to which Stocks referred it, known at sight by its short oblong sepals, still shorter petals, and obtuse 3-lobed 3-crested lip. 167. E. densiflora; aphylla, vaginis pluribus obtusis, racemo dense, bracteis inferioribus herbaceis ovario longioribus, sepalis petalisque lineari-lanceolatis his brevioribus, labelli trilobi calcare conico lobis lateralibus rotundatis intermedio ovato crispo, venis tribus fimbriatis, ovario calcaris longitudine. Bootan, Griffith. I have this by favour of the East India Company, through the good offices of Dr. Eoyle. It is much larger in all its parts than any other of the aphyllous section. The ovary is not at all longer than the spur. 168. E. raraentacea, Lindl. 1. c. (not Wight). Bootan, Griffith. 169. E. rupestris, Lindl. I.e. N. W. Himalayas, Royle, Jacquemont, Herb. Mus. Par. (53, 47). 170. E. HASTATA ; aphylla, racemis gracilibus densis multifloris, brac- teis setaceis ovario brevioribus, sepalis petalisque linearibus distantibus acuminatis, labello unguiculato hastato trilobo acuminato lamellis 2 altis integris supra unguem ortis ad sinus evanescentibus, calcare brevi oblongo. Assam, Griffith. The flowers are smaller than in any other of the aphyllous spe- cies. The nearly hastate lip, the side lobes curving forwards, and the two deep lamellae beginning above the unguis and vanishing into mere lines opposite the re-entering angles, are unlike anything else in the genus. 26 PBOFESSOE lindlet's contbibtjtions to 171. E. STENOPETALA; aphylla, scapo gracili 3-4-vaginato, racemo brevi, bracteis ovatis acuminatis incurvis ovario longioribus, sepalis se- cundis petalisque porrectis linearibus aequalibus, labello infundibiilari : limbi trilobi lobis lateralibus rectangulis interraedio subrotundo crispo ramentis 3 parvis fissis siuubus oppositis, calcare elongate apice inflate, foliis hysteranthiis gramineis. Bootan; Panukka on dry hills, Griffith (847, Itinerary Notes, p. 164). Authentic specimens, sent me by Griffith himself, show this to be a slender plant, with a graceful scape 18 inches high, termina- ted by from 5 to 8 flowers, with large herbaceous bracts ending in fine points. According to Griffith's Itinerary, the flowers are purplish with darker veins; at least such seems to have been written by that lamented botanist, as far as can be judged from the wretched state of the printed text. CoBALLOEHizA, Haller. 172. C.indica: floribus subglobosis, sepalis petalisque oblongis aequa- libus secundis obtusis, labello unguiculato coneavo reflexo lamina subrotundo-quadrata utrinque medio unidentata intus nuda. N. W. Himalaya; upper part of Hattee? T. T. (no number). A solitary specimen, found by Dr. Thomson, is before me. It has no root, a stout scape a foot high with two distant close- pressed sheaths, a loose spike of 7 flowers, with linear acuminate spreading bracts, the lower of which are empty. The flowers are about f inch in diameter. The only flower I have been able to dissect had lost anther and pollen-masses ; but I think the plant must belong to the present genus. The leafy Corallorhizas formerly published by me I have now had better means of examining. G. foliosa I have redissected ; and a second species, from Dr. Thomson, has proved to be in a good examinable state. In both, the pollen-masses are globular, not at all compressed, and in the latter I have found them attached to a true caudicle with its gland. It is therefore clear that they must be separated from Corallorhiza and placed near Eulophia, from which their pollen-masses distinguish them. A third species is the Siberian Corallorhiza patens. The alpine habits of all lead me to propose the name of Oreorchis for this small group. Oeeoechis, gen. nov. Tuberosa. Folia ^ngusta radicalia plicata. Scapi simplices di- stantes vaginati, apice dense racemosi. Sepala et petala sub- gequalia secunda, lateralia basi obHqua. Labellum unguiculatum THE OBCHIDOLO&Y Or INDIA. 27 cum columna continuum tripartitum membranaceum intus bica- rinatum. Columna elongata marginata, stigmate excavate. jPoI- linia 4, globosa, disjuncta, caudicula lineari, glandula carnosa. 173. O. foliosa; sepalis petalisque oblongo-linearibus, labelli lobis lateralibus ovatis obtusis medianis, carinulis parallelis membranaceis. — Corallorhiza with leaves, Lindl. in Royle's Botany of the Himalayas, p. 362. Mussooree, Royle ; Lachen in Sikkim, at 11,000-12,000 feet, J. D.H. (213), rare. Sepals red ; labellum white dabbled with red. Tuber roundish, the size of sparrow's egg. Leaves from 5 to 15 inches long. Mowers small, somewhat secund. In my sketch of Dr. Eoyle's plant the lip has two distinct parallel carinulae terminating opposite the re-entering angles of the lip : in the only imperfect flower from Sikkim which it has been possible to dissect, the carinula3 are short, broad, and acute ; yet the plants are indubitably the same. 174. O. micrantha; tubere foliis seapoque praecedentis, labelli lobis lateralibus filiformibus basilaribus intermedio apice lunato crispo basi appendice cochleari carnosa instructo. N. W. Himalayas, 8000-10,000 feet; Yaklul Mountain, Kumaon, T. T. (214). Habit exactly that of the last. Elowers not a quarter the size ; petals broader than the sepals. Pollen-masses 4, globular, per- fectly distinct, on the end of a spathulate caudicle, connected with an oblong fleshy gland. Capsules pendulous, oval, mucronate, not dehiscent in the plant before me. 175. 0. PATENS ; tuberibus ovatis monophyllis in rhizoma approximatis, folio (latiore), scapi vagina in medio lineari herbacea patente, labelli lobis lateralibus linearibus supra basin enatis carinulis 2 clavatis distantibus. — Corallorhiza patens, Lindl. Gen. Sf Sp. 535. Siberia, Prescott. Flowers intermediate in size between the two preceding ; lateral lobes of the lip springing neither from the base nor above the middle, but below the middle. Ctmbiditjm, Swz. 176. C. aloifolium, Swartz ; Wight, Ic. 1687?? Nilgherries, J. D. H. (234) ; Sikkim, 1000-3000 feet, J. D. H. (228). The racemes in the Sikkim plant are short, the flowers are rather more fleshy, and the lip shorter than in the southern form. There is however a drawing in Cathcart's collection representing 28 rEOPDSSOE LINBLEy's COyTBlBUTIONS TO a plant with leaves 2 feet long, If broad, and a raceme almost as dense as in C. elegans. "Wight's figure resembles C. pendulum ; but that does not seem to be a continental species. O. erectum (Wight, Ic. 1753) is very near this ; I have not seen it. 177. C. cyperifolium, Wallich, Cat. No. 7353. (Cymbidium viridi- florum. Griff. Itin. Notes, p. 126, No. 454.) Khasija, J. D. H. Sf T. T. (267) ; Bootan, Griffith. The long leaves of this resemble those of some Carex ; its long linear-lanceolate bracts far overtopping the flowers ; and the linear distant straight lamellae are quite peculiar. 178. C. cochleare; foliis longissimis angustissimis caricinis, racemo debili multifloro, bracteis obsoletis, sepalis petalisque linearibus acu- minatis, labello angusto versus apicem dilatato trilobo laraellis in cochlear semiliberura apice confluentibus. Sikkim, in hot valleys, J. D. H. (235). The habit is that of C. ci/perifoUum ; but the bracts are almost obsolete, the very narrow sepals, petals, lip, and column are full 2 inches long, and the lamellae of the perfectly bald lip are united into a spoon-shaped process attached by its middle. The form of the end of the lip is unknown to me. 179. C. eburaeum, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1847, t. 67. (C. syringodorum, Griff. Not. iii. 338.) Khasija mountains, Myrung, Griffith. 180. C. affine, Griffith, Not. iii. 336, t. 291. Khasija hills, Surureem, Griffith. It is impossible to reconcile the statements made for Grriffitli by his editor, without assuming that some confusion of papers has taken place. This plant, which I have from himself with his own name, is evidently that to which the second description of his C. densiflorum applies, and has nothing to do with the first description, which applies either to a variety of C, elegans, or to something very near it. The hairy middle lobe of the lip assists in distinguishing this from C elegans, to which it approaches. 181. C. elegans, Lindl. Gen. Sf Sp. Orch. 163, No. 9, Sertum Orchi- daceum, 1. 14. (Cyperorchis elegans, Blume, Mns. Lugd. Bot. i, 48. C. densiflorum, Griffith, Not. iii. 337, so far as the first description goes.) Khasija hills, 5000-6000 feet, J.B. H. ^' T. T. (231) ; Myrung, Grif- fith; Darjeeling, Id.; Sikkim, Cathcart, 5000-8000 feet, J. D. H. (232). This species varies greatly in the number of orange-yellow flowers (THE OECHIBOIOOY Or INDIA. 529 collected in its great oblong nodding racemes. In all states it is to be known by the connivent sepals and petals, and probably also by the presence of a pair of teeth near the base of the two con- tiguous parallel lamella). I must however observe, that I cannot find the latter in my specimens of C, densiflorum^ from Griffith, although he describes them as being present. 182. C. longifolium, D. lion ; JAndL, 1. c. Sikkim, Cathcart ; Khasija, J. D. H. ^ T. T. (230). Flowers appear, from Cathcart' s figure, to be olive-brown, with a white lip spotted with crimson. The lip is covered with down in the inside, and the appearance of the species is that of a smaU C. giganteum. 183. C. giganteum. Wall. Cat. No. 7355 ; hot. Mag. 4844. Khasija, Nunklovv on trees, Griffith j Darjeehng, Id. j Sikkim, 5000- 7000 feet, /. D. H. (227, 233). Varies much in the size and colour of the flowers and the breadth of the leaves. Among Cathcart' s drawings, one represents them as dull red on a greenish ground, with the inside of the lip streaked with red, the whole flower being about 3 inches in diameter ; another, on the contrary, represents them as nearly 5 inches in diameter, with deep bright-green whole-coloured sepals and petals, and a yellowish lip, the inside of wliich is profusely dotted with crimson. 184. C. micromeson; fohis linearibus loratis basi canaliculatis rigidis racemo erecto paucifloro longioribus, perianthio membranaceo patente, labello cimeato glaberrimo basi eonspicue saecato laciniis laterahbus rotundatis intermedia unguiculata oblata biloba apiculata multo mi- nora lamellas 2 fihformes crenulatas emittente versus medium la- bellum evanescentes. Khasija, Griffith. For this curious species I am indebted to the East India Com- pany, by whom it was communicated with many other of Grifiith's plants, through my friend Dr. Eoyle. The great bag formed be- tween the bases of the column, lip, and lateral sepals, the long lip smooth, wedge-shaped, with a very small double purple middle lobe,, from which run down two smooth crenated lamellae, disap- pearing before they reach the middle of the lip, are like nothing else in this genus. 185. C. ehloranthura, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1843, Misc. 102. (C. vari- ciferum, Rchb.f. in Bonplandia, Oct. 15, 1856.) This is not among the collections before me. I learn from Prof. Eeichenbach himself that his name has to be cancelled. 80 PEOFESSOB lindley's conteibutions to 186. C. sinense, Willd. Khasija, at 1500 feet, /. B. H. Sf T. T. (226). This does not seem to differ from the Chinese plant. 187. C. ERYTHRiEUM ; foliis angustis acutis racemis multifloris bre- vioribus, braeteis minutis, sepalis lanceolatis, petalis angustioribus patentissimis falcatis, labello convoluto intus tomentoso apice ajqua- liter trilobo laciniis rotundatis recurvis lateralibus planis intermedia erispa lamellis contiguis rectilineis pilosis apice confluentibus. Sikkini, in hot valleys, /. D. H. (229). " Panicle varies in length and density, flowers in size and colour. Upper and back part of column grows over stigma, and whole column very much incrassated." J. D. S. — From the sketches of Dr. Hooker I learn that the sepals of this fine species are spreading, oblong-lanceolate, green with dull-red broken streaks ; the petals somewhat narrower, rose-coloured, and curved back- wards ; the lip yellow, with numerous red streaks on the outside and inside. In the dried flowers the sepals are two inches long. 188. C. lancifolium. Hooker, Exot. Fl. t. 51. (C. Gibsoni, Paxton, Fl. Garden, No. 618, Ic. Xyl 301 ?— C. javanicum, Blume, Bijdr. 380.) Khasija, at 4000-5000 feet, J.D.H.S,- T.T. (139); Mishmee hills, lower ranges, Griffith; Sikkim, Cathcart ; Java, T. Lobb (187), Reinwardt (" C. vaginatum"). This plant has not appeared among the Hindostan collections, but it seems to be common in the North-eastern Provinces, its track then bending downwards into the Indian Archipelago. That it exists in Java is shown by the specimens above-mentioned from T. Lobb and Eeinwardt. Of the only other two Javanese Cymbids that I have seen, one is a grassy-leaved plant allied to C. ensi- foUum, the other is possibly Prof. Blume's C. cuspidatum; but nothing certain can be said without examining authentic spe- cimens. C. Gibsoni is only a half-monstrous state of this. Ceemastea, Imdl. Gen. ^ Sp. p. 172. 189. C. Wallichiana, Id. 1. c. Sikkim, at 7000 feet, /. D. H. (242). Plume's figure of the Japanese HyacintJiorcliis variabilis (Mus. Lugd. Pot. i. t. 16) differs in no respect whatever from the Indian plant, except in having a short shrivelled appendage of the lip instead of a long cucuUate one. If this is really so, the species would seem to be distinct ; if not, not. THE OECIIIDOLOGY OE INDIA. 81 Ctetopeea, Lindl. 190. C. bicarinata, Lindl. Gen. 8f Sp. Orch. 189. G-riffith's Cymhidium, Not, iii. 343, No. 9, is certainly this, and it is to that description, not to No. 8, that his figure 319 belongs. The description of No. 8 has nothing to do with any species of Cymbidium, Eulophia, or Cyrtopera. 191. C. CANDIDA; foliis oblongis acutis petiole sequalibus, bracteis subulatis ovario sequalibus, sepalis lineari-lanceolatis, petalis oblongis apiculatis brevioribus duple latieribus, labelli trilobi lobis lateralibus ovatis ebtusis intermedie subrotundo crispe apiculato recurve multe brevieribus tuberculis 2 rotundis versus basin venisque 3 majoribus came sis elevatis. Sikkim, Cathcart, J. D. H. (241). Corm orbicular, covered with coarse shreds. Mowers rather before the leaves, greenish white, except the sepals, which are herbaceous. The base of the column is saccate, but the lip is merely concave. Anther fleshy, triangular, stained with crimson. In a dried state it is much like C. tricarinata. 192. C. fusca, Wight, Ic. 1. 1690. Nilgherries, J.D.H. (215). ■Wight's figure is a good one, except that the lower half of the veins on the lip is represented as scabrous, like the upper half, while in reality it is perfectly smooth. 193. C. flava, Lindl. l.c. = C. CuUenii, Wight, Ic. 1754, no deubt. 194. C. ensiformis. (Eulephia exaltata, Rchb.f. in Bonplandia, Feb, 15, 1857.) Phihppines, Cuming. An authentic specimen, though but a single flower, from Prof. Beichenbach, enables me to identify his -£/. exaltata^ which is cer- tainly a genuine Cyrtopera. I am unable to find on the lip the elevated keels which my learned friend describes. "What I find is a somewhat fleshy middle lobe, hollowed out like a spoon, and compressed between the lateral lobes. This being smaller than some other Cyrtoperas, I am obliged to change the specific name.: that of ensiformis indicates one main feature of the species whose leaves are as long, straight, and narrow as any Iris or Griadiolus. 195. C. squaUda, Uchh. in Bonpl. Feb. 15, 1857- (Eulephia squahda, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1841, Misc. 164.) Phihppines, Cuming ; Borneo, T. Lobb. I assent to the removal of this from Eulophia, although the 82 PBOFESSOR LINDLEY's CONTRIBrTIONS TO short spur may almost as well be referred to tlie labellum as to the column. 196. C. MYSORENSis ; foliis oblongis petiolo longioribiis, bractids sub- ulatis ovario sequalibus, sepalis lineari-lanceolatis carinatis apiculatis, petalis planis minoribus? labello oblongo indiviso crispo apiculato iatus nudo. Mysore, Law in hb. Stocks. (56). A plant with the habit of C. ftcsca, but widely different in the structure of the lip. Owing to the bad state of my specimen, I am uncertain whether the petals are really much shorter than the sepals, or not. 197. C. SANGUINEA J aphylla, discolor, tubere crasso oblongo arti- culate, scape trivaginato, bracteis lineari-lanceolatis ovario longioribus, sepalis oblongo-lanceolatis, petalis ovatis brevioribus, labello obsolete trilobo apice rotundato recurvo, anthera mucronata. Sikkim, Cathcart; at 4000-5000 feet, J. D. H. (223 & 361). Plant from 1 foot to more than 2 feet high, of one uniform dull-greenish crimson tint, except the lip, wliich is rose-colour. The petals are not much more than f rds the length of the very acute sepals, which are rather more than 1 inch long. The inside of the lip is free from lamellge or other processes, but is obscurely papillose on all the veins. There is a Cyi'topera from Sumatra with dense pyramidal ra- cemes of dull-purple flowers among Professor DeYriese's drawings, where it is called Cymbidium geophilwn ; but I have seen no spe- cimen. It seems to be different from this. Saccolabium, JBhme. 198. S. guttatum, Lindl. Gen, 4' Sp. Orch. 220. Chittagong, Col. Fielding ; Kamaon, in the Simai valley, J. D. H. (185) ; Sikkim, in hot valleys. Id. (184). It may be doubted whether either Saccolabium Blmnei (which is S. Bheedii of Wight's Ic), or S. macrostacJiyum (Sertum, Orch. t. 47), are distinct from this common species, notwithstanding the difference in the form of the middle lobe of their lip and some other circumstances. At least I have from Java a plant gathered by Mr. T. Lobb, which combines the praDmorse leaves of S. gut- tatum with the short spike and retuse lip of S. Blumei. 199. S. GURWALICUM; subacaule, radicibus maximis compressis, foliis canaliculatis distichis trimcatis spicis simplicibus longioribus, sepalis petalisque obtusis, labelli calcare late conico rotundato compresso THE OBCHIDOLOGT OE INDIA. OO intus hirto lamina carnosa concava unguiculata subtriloba, fructu ovali brevi trialato ligneo. Gurwhal, N.W. Himalaya, at 3000 feet of elevation, T. Thomson (181) ; Gunai valley, Kamaon, Id. (185). A very distinct plant, nearly allied to S. guttatum. The raceme in my specimen is not more than 3 inches long, and very dense ; the lateral sepals are considerably larger than the petals and dorsal sepal. The ripe fruit is not above a quarter the size of that of >S'. guttatum, almost exactly oval, and much harder. 200. S. calceolare, Lindl. 1. e. ; Griff. Notul. iii. 356. t. 334. (Vanda pulchella, Wight, Ic. t. 1671.) Base of Khasija, J.D.H. ^ T.T. (187); Sikkim, in hot valleys. Id. (187), Cathcart; Java, T.Lobb. (339.) A most variable plant, constant in little except the extremely acuminate unequal-sided points of the leaves. The middle lobe of the lip is sometimes a mere ciliated rim, sometimes a deep trian- gular fringed plate, and occasionally quite entire. The leaves vary in breadth from }th of an inch, as in Griffith's figure, to fths, as in Hooker's Khasija specimens. The Java plant has the leaves less unequal at the end, and acuminate, and appears to be smaller than the Indian forms, one of my specimens not being more than ^ inch high. In all cases the flowers would seem to be spotted, with the sepals and petals fleshy and oblong. 201. S. obliquum, Liraf/Z. 1. c. Khasija, J. D. H. Sf T. T. (189). A careful examination of flowers in spirits does not enable me to point out any important distinction between this and S. cal- ceolare ; so that the broad leaves Avith very blunt ends aflbrd the only available specific character. Dr. Hooker writes on his label, " flowers exactly as in 188 (^S. calceolare}, but larger and whiter." The sepals and petals appear to be also narrower. 202. S. intermedium, Griff. MSS. (Sacc. no. 4, Griff. Not. iii. 357). Khasija hills : Moosmai, Oct. 1835, Griffith. I have this from the author. It is much like S. calceolare, but is more caulescent and more fleshy, with scarcely any appearance of a second lobe on the thin extremely acuminate end. The flowers are not half the size, with much narrower sepals and petals. The lip is, moreover, almost exactly hemispherical. It seems distinct. 203. S. acutifoliura, Lindl. 1. c. (S. denticulatum, Paxton, Mag. Bot. vii. 145; Bot. Mag. t. 4772.— Saccolabium, Griff. Itin. Not. p. 46, no. 713 ; Notul. iii. t. 333.) Sikkim, Cathcart; at 5000 feet, J. D.H. (367); Khasija, Griffith. LINN. PKOC. — BOTANY. D 34 PEOFESSOE lindlet's gonteibutions to This has numerous flowers on long stalks at the end of a stout peduncle ; and the very fleshy leaves are convex and acute. It is also quite different from S. calceolare in its decidedly cau- lescent habit. The flowers are whole-coloured, yellowish-brown, unspotted, with the lamina of the lip broad, triangular, and marked with a circular collection of crimson spots in the very disk. Grriffith's plant is a narrow-leaved small state, as compared with the Sikkim form, which has twenty flowers at the end of a stout peduncle 2^ inches long. I have seen no specimen ; and the Indian drawing, after which the definition in the Gen. & Sp. was prepared, seems to have been misunderstood. No Indian collection yet examined by me has contained a plant that answers to the account of S. dasypogon. 204. S. micranthum, Lindl. 1. c. Bootan, Griffith ; Mergui, Id. 205. S niveum, Lindl, 1. c. Ceylon, Thwaites, in the Hewahette district. 206. S. gemmatum, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1838, misc. 88; Uchb.fil. in Bonplandia, Oct. 15, 1856. Sikkim, at 4000-6000 feet, /. D. H. (209) ; Ceylon, Gardner, in hb. Hooker. (872). This has much the appearance of the last ; but the petals are short and obtuse, the leaves much broader, the racemes longer, and the flowers blood-red, except the lamina of the lip, which is white, with the two lateral short lobes greenish, succulent, and resembling oblong glands. The flowers are scentless (J. D.H.). I have it from Grriffith without locality. 207. S. PACHYGLOSSUM ; foliis semitcretibus spicis paniculatis sub- sequaiibus, sepalis carinatis oblongo-linearibus apice secundis, petalis linearibus, labelli calcare oblongo leviter arcuate Hmbo carnoso un- guiculato apice dilatato piano- subrotundo dorse convexo. Borneo, T. Lohh. Flowers not half as large as in the two last, which it much resembles. Sepals remarkably fleshy, narrow, with their points recurved, while from between the laterals projects the lamina of the labellum in the form of a minute spoon. 208. S. RAMULOSUM ; caulescens raraosum, foliis semiteretibus an- gustissimis recurvis, floribus (minutis) paniculatis clausis camosis, sepalis oblongis carinatis, petalis brevioribus retusis, labello apice plano-convexo calcare oblongo. — Schanorchis paniculata, Blume, Bijdr. 362. Java, De Vriese, THE OECHIBOLOGT OF INDIA. 85 This wants the peculiar column of Schoenorchis, and is in no respect distinguishable from Saccolabium. The leaves seem to vary much in size. 209. S. CHiONANTHUM ; foHis terctibus recurvis spicis simplicibus sequa- libus, floribus (minutis) carnosis, sepalis obtuse carinatis petalisque minoribus apiculatis, labello apice appendice plano-convexa trian- gulari instructo calcare horizontali oblongo, antbera apice lineari elongata erecta. — Schcenorchis micrantha, Blume, I. c. Java, Reinwardt. Like the last, this is quite without the essential character of Schoenorchis. The whole plant is only 4 or 5 inches long, with minute snow-white flowers. 210. S. ampuUaeeum, Lindl. in Sert. Orch. t. 17. (S. rubrutn, Id. Gen. 8f Sp. no. 11. — Aerides ampullaceura, Roxb. Fl. Ind. iii, 476.) Sikkim, in hot valleys, /. D. H. (196). The flowers are rather larger than in Wallich's specimens. S. miniatum (Bot. Beg. 1848, t. 58) differs in little except colour, varying greatly in the size of its flowers. 211. S. brevifolium, Lindl. \. e. no. 27. Ceylon, Thwaites (488. — S. virescens, Gardner MSS.), Gardner (871). The form sent from Ceylon by Thwaites appears to be identical with the original plant, except in having the flowers green in- stead of red. 212. S. gracile, Lindl. 1. c. Ceylon, Gardner (869) ; Hautane, Champion. 213. S. FALLENS {Cathcart, MSS.) ; caulibus longis pendulis ramosis radicantibus, foliis carnosis loratis oblique obtusis, racemis axillaribus laxis flexuosis foliis brevioribus, sepalis petalisque oblongis a3qualibus, calcare cornuto duplo longiore, limbi 3-lobi laciniis parvis subsequa- libus lateralibus rotundatis intermedia acuta. Sikkim, Cathcart. I have seen no specimen of what seems a very distinct and hand- some species ; the above description is taken from a figure of Mr. Cathcart. The plant is represented as having branches 9 inches long, protruding strong free flexible roots as long or longer than themselves, leaves 8 inches, and loose zigzag racemes 4-5 inches. The flowers are whitish, with a pink line in the middle of each sepal and petal, and on the outside of the long curved spur. It is very near the next species ; but the flowers are much larger, and the middle lobe of the lip, instead of being as long as the spur, is merely a triangular point. 3)2 86 PROFESSOR LINDLET'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO 214. S. Wightianum, Lindl. I.e.; Wight, Ic. t. 917. (Aerides radi- cosum, A. Rich, in Ann. Sc. 2 ser. xv. p. 65, 1. 1. fig. C. Courtallum, Wight (90/) ; Nilgherries, Perrottet {75 Herb. Mus. Par.) ; Khasija, T. Lobb. Like the last, except in the circumstances already mentioned. In my specimen the lip has sharp lateral triangular lobes, and a middle one acute, rather fleshy towards the base, but thin and slightly crenulate above the middle. A. Bichard's plant, which came from the neighbourhood of Ootacamund, is certainly to be referred here. 215. S. DISTICH UM; caulibus elongatis fihformibus, foUis lanceolatis setaceo-acuminatis distichis, pedunculis paucifloris terminalibus et axillaribus, sepalis petahsque oblongis carnosissimis, labello calceolari lobo medio semicirculari membranaceo acute disco didymo carnoso. Sikkim, 6000-8000 feet, J. D. H. (206) ; Khasija, 5000-6000 feet. Id. (83). A very peculiar species, probably most nearly allied to S. acu- tifolium, and remarkable for its long weak stems and fleshy distichous leaves about an inch long. The middle lobe of the lip is not exterior to the two others, and it has a remarkable glandular convex double disk. 216. S. ringens, Lindl. I.e., is S. rubrum, Wight, Ic. t.l673, a good figure, but not the plant of the Genera and Species Orch. 217. S. viRiDiFLORUM; acaule, foHis (2) oblongis planis obtusis cmar- ginatls, pedunculo laterali bivaginato paucifloro foliis multo breviore, sepalis petalisque unguiculatis obtusis, labello ovali nudo ealcare in- fundibulari incurvo sequali. Micropera viridiflora, Balzell, in Hooker's Journal, iii. 282. Western India, Dalzell, in hb. Hooker. Very near (Eceoclades pusilla, but with much shorter spikes, and fleshy, not membranous, flowers. This (E. pusilla, with flexuosa, panieulata (Sacc. ^arvulum, m.), and perhaps tenera, are Saccolabia, while others are certainly Angrceca ; and it is probable that (E. maculata is the only plant to which the generic name wiU attach. Note. — The Barcanihus roseus, Wight, Ic. 1685, and Jiliformis, Ic. 1684, are certainly species of this genus, and perhaps not distinct from each other. I have seen no specimens. Saceolahiitm papillosimi of the same author, Ic. 1672, is not Acampe pajpillosa, nor do I recognize it. PoDOcniLus, Blvme. 218. P. densiflorus, Bl, Rumphia, iv. p. 43. Borneo, T. Lobb. I THE OECHIDOLOaY OF INDIA. 37 219. P. lucescens, Blmne, Bijclr. 295, 1. 12. Borneo, in Sarawak, T. Lobb. The unguiculate labellum, with a pair of appendages at its base, and the absence of all cohesion between the labellum and lateral sepals, are characters at variance with the usnal structure of this genus ; and yet it is the original typical species. 220. P. cultratus, LindL Gen. ^ Sp. p. 234. Sikkim, in hot valleys, J.D.H. (1); Assam, Griffith, Masters. It is remarkable that all the specimens examined by me con- tinue to be without flowers. 221. P. microphyllus, Lindl. I.e. Khasija, at 3000 feet, J. D. H. (84) ; Penang, Gaudichaud. Elume's P. scalp ellifolius, which T have not seen, if accurately ' dissected by his artist, differs in the lip being linear, not broad at the base, and cordate ; and in the sepals being almost wholly united, like some species of TsBniophyllum. In general appearance it is undistinguishable from this. Ifote. — Blume's Cryptoglottis serpyllifolia, which I have from T. Lobb, gathered in Borneo, is only a Podochilus with an ex- cessive development of the lateral sepals into a long spur : the basal processes of the lip are analogous to those of JPodochilus lucescens. Camarotis, Lindl. Gen. & Sp. p. 219. 222. C. purpurea, Lindl. 1. c. Sertum Orch. 1. 19. E. Bengal, Chittagong, and base of Khasija, /. D. H. ^' T. T. (186). 223. C. pallida. (Micropera pallida, Lindl. 1. e.) This is not among the collections recently placed in my hands. It is undoubtedly nothing more than a Camarotis. 224. C. PHiLiPPiNENSis J folio oblongo oblique obtuso, racemis ar- cuatis multifloris, sepalis lateralibus liberis labello suppositis, labello subtriangulari saccato-cucullato apice carnoso tridentato incurvo. Philippines, Cuming. . Plowers larger than in either of the former, somewhat trian- gular in the bud, apparently fleshy. There is no adhesion between the sepals and labellum, as in C. purpurea and pallida^ on which account the generic character requires to be modified; and the same is the case in my Saccolalium fasciculatum, as Prof. Rei- chenbach has suggested, if indeed the leaves and loose flowers of that species really belong to the same plant. 38 PRorEssoE lindlet's conteibutions to MiCEOPEEA, Balzell. 225. M. maculata, Balzell, in Hooker's Journal, iii. 282. On trees near Tulkut, in the Western Ghauts, in lat. 16° N., Balzell, in hb. Stocks. (25). I have already stated that my genus Micropera must be reduced to Camarotis. The present plant, which seems not to be referable to any known genus, may as well, however, retain the name. Mr. DaUzell's account of it is good as far as it goes, describing cor- rectly the very curious lip, which looks like a side saddle with two horns instead of one, — the pouch, into which there is an opening only between the horns, being almost concealed by the lamina, which hangs down in the manner of saddle-flaps. The column, which Mr. Dalzell does not mention, falls back, is small, short, semiterete, with a vertical rostellum pointing downwards, and dividing into a pair of broad scissor-like blades. Upon this lies a great oblong gland, to which is attached an obovate channeled membranous caudicula. N.B. Micropera viridijlora, Dalzell, is Saccolahitim viridi/lorum, No. 217, Steeeochilus, n. gen. Acaulis. Folia lorata, apice obliqua. ^acemi laterales, laxi, flexuosi, pauciflori (hirti) . Sepala et petala subaequalia paten- tissima, lateralibus labello leviter adnatis. Ldbellum solidum, carnosum, sacciforme, facie superiore concava basi bicorni. Go- lumna recta, teres, basi baud producta, rostello horizontali subulato. Follinia 4, oblonga, omnino distincta, caudicula se- tacea, glandula minutissima. This genus is near Camarotis, from which it differs in its solid bag-shaped lip with a pair of horns at the base, in its se- taceous caudicula, and in the 4 oblong poUen-masses being per- fectly distinct from each other. 226. S. hirtus. Khasija, at 5000 feet, J. B. H. Sf T. T. (177). Leaves narrow, rather more than 4 inches long by f ths wide. Eacemes 7-8-flowered. Flowers less than i an inch in diameter, free from the coarse short hairs that clothe the ovary and pedicels. Sgh(enoechis, Blume. 227. S. juncifoha, Blume^ Seems to be the only species, if the genus is characterized by the two long erect filiform processes of the column. Otherwise there is nothing sufficient to distinguish the genus from SaccO'* THE OECHIDOLOaY OF INDIA. S9 labium, to which SchoenorcJiis pcmiculata and S. micrantha certainly belong. Sabcanthus, Lindley. 228. S. peninsularis, Dalzell, in Hook. Journ. iii. 343. (S. pauciflorus, Wight, Ic. 1747). Western India, Dalzell ; Malabar, on trees, Jerdon {Wight). Specimens of this from Dalzell occur in Stocks' s Herbarium now at Kew ; and I also have it in a very young state from Dr. "Wight, whose figure is by no means so good as usual. (Wight's three other Sarcanthi belong to Saccolabium.) G-riffith's Sarcanthus secundm, Not. iii. 363, t. 336, from Suddyah in the Mishmee hills, seems to be this, which, if so, will no longer be merely a western plant. 229. S. pallidas, Lindl. Bat. Reg. 1840, misc. 185. (S. tricolor, Rchb. f. in Bonplandia. — Saccolabium racemiferum, Lindl. Gen, ^ Sp, Orch. 224, no. 24.) Khasija, at 4000 feet, /. D. H. ^ T. T. (178), also found in Mr. Raban's garden, E. Nepal, J. D. H. {id.). This differs in no respect w^hatever from the garden plant. Prof. B/eichenbach's synonym is derived from a communication from that learned Orchidologist. CoTTONiA, B. Wight, Ic. no. 1755. . 230. C. macrostachya, Wight, 1. c. ( Vanda peduncularis, Lindl. Gen. 8f Sp. p. 216.) S. Concan, Dalzell, in hb. Stocks. (4). 231. C. Championi, LindL in Hook. Journal, vii. p. 35. Khasija, at 3000-4000 feet, /. D. H. ^ T. T. (190). This seems to be in no respect different from the plant found by Champion on Victoria Peak in Hong Kong, and thus affords another remarkable instance of epiphytal Orchids occurring in stations widely remote, without, as far as we at present know, any intervening locality. Ukcifeka, gen. nov. Caulescens. Folia disticha, subcarnosa. Bacemi densi, opposi- tifolii. Sepala libera, erect a, obtuse carinata, SBqualia. Petala paulo minora, retusa. Lahellum infundibulare, in calcar re- trorsum uncatum vacuum productum, membranaceum leviter trilobum, apice carnosum. Columna teres, decurva, apice dila- tata, biauris, area stigmatica horizontali prona. Anthera apice membranacea, elongata, bidentata. Caudicula maxima, carti- laginea deorsum canaliculata supra medium dilatata, apice in falcem obtusam contracta cujus acies labellum respicit. Fol- 40 PEorESSOE lindlet's conteibtjtions to linia 4, arctissime geminata, sequdia, aciei falcis per ligulas 2 elasticas adnata. Glandiila longissima, cartilaginea, sagittata. 232. U. OBTUSIFOLIA ; foliis latis loratis obtusis oblique bilobis, pe- talis 3-veniis, labelli margine utrinque 1-dentato a])ice retrorsum bidentato, calcare a pice inflate. Base of Khasija, /. D. H, 8f T. T. (194). Flowers twice as large as in the following. 233. U. acuminata; foliis. lanceolatis oblique acuminatis obtusis pe- talorum venis 3 eis apicem evaneseentibus, labelli 3-lobi lobis late- ralibus rotundatis intermedio brevi tereti carnoso obtuso, calcare acuminato. Assam and Khasija, Griffith; base of Khasija, J. D. H. ^ T. T. (193). Mowers much smaller than in the last. Spur of lip tapering to the point. Petals 3-veined, as in IT, obtusifoUa ; but the veins stop short of the blunt end, instead of running out. Of this very curious genus the two species exactly agree in their column and its parts, although so diflferent in the details of the petals and lip. I know of no parallel to the terete column, bent down till the stigma is brought into a horizonal position, looking down as it w^ere into the spur ; or to the singular caudicle, which after expanding laterally from its narrow point, and bending down its sides so as to form an arch over the anther-bed, which is here the apparent back of the column, suddenly contracts into a process like a billhook, the edge of which faces the front and bears the pollen-masses. The abruptly hooked lip, which has sug- gested the name, is itself unlike anything among Indian Orchids. Ange^cum, Thouars. The only Indian species that I have seen of this African genua is the following : — 234. A. Zeylanicum ; subacaule, foliis lanceolato-loratis lobo altero apicis elongato subfalcato, racemis filiformibus paucifloris duplo lon- gioribus, sepalis petalisque acuminatis sequalibus, labello cochleato acuminato calcare horizontali clavato. Ceylon, at Narawelle, Champion. Yery like A. caulescens ; but the leaves are broad, 10 inches long, with one of the terminal lobes much longer than the other, and the spur not inflated at the point. I have not seen the column in an examinable state. Aeeides, Loureiro. 235. A. Wightianum, Lindl. Gen. ^- Sp. p. 238. (A. testaceum. Id. — Vanda parviflora, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1844, misc. 57.) Ceylon, Tangalle, Champion; Concan, Law, in hb. Hooker. (183). THE ORCIIIDOLOGT OP INDIA. 41 2.36. A. cylindriciim, Lindl I.e. ; Wight, Ic. 1744; Bot. Mag. 4982. Nilgherries, J.D.H. (210); Sikkim, at 5000 feet, Id. (210). 237. A. tseniale, Lindl. i.e. (Aerides carnosum. Griff. Not. t. 338 A.) BootaD, Griffith ; Khasija mountains, up to 3000 feet, J. D. H. Sf T. T. (191). "Elowers pale lilac," J. D. II. In the Khasija specimens the leaves are from 4 to 5 inches long, and 1 to 1^ inch broad. 238. A. affine, Wallich, Cat. no. 7316; Sertum Orch. 1. 15; Bot. Mag. t. 4049, bad. (A. roseum, Loddiges; Paxton, Fl. Gard. t. 60. — A. trigonum, Klotzsch,Jide Rchb.f.) Plains of E. Bengal and Assam, J. D. H. ^ T. T. (185); Assam and Bootan, Griffith. Among the many specimens I have seen, flowers have occurred in drooping and upright racemes, deep crimson and pale rose, with the lip and other parts acute or obtuse, all which are there- fore marks of one and the same variable species. 239. A. odoratum, Loureiro. Base of Khasija, up to 2000 feet, J.D.H. Sf T. T. (182); Garden of Sabarunpore, Id. ; Sikkim, in low valleys, J. D. H. 240. A. crispum, Lindl. Gen. ^ S,p. Orch. p. 239 ; Bot. Reg. 1842, t. 55; Bot. Mag. t. 4427. (A. Brookei, Bateman, in B. R. 1841, misc. 116. — Saccolabium speciosum, Wight, Ic. t. 1674.) Concan, Law, in hb. Hooker. (268) ; Dalzell, in hb. Stocks. (75). Several varieties of this beautiful plant are in our gardens. The flowers in A. Brookei are rather smaller than usual. 241. A. Lindleyanum, Wight, Ic. t. 1677. " On clefts of rocks bordering the Kartairy falls below Kaitie ; also on rocky clefts on a high hill over Coonoor, flowering nearly the whole year," R. Wight-, Nilgherries, T. T. (208). One of the finest of its order, the flowers being larger than in either A. crispum ov falcatMin, and in larger more branching pa- nicles. For this reason the localities given by Wight are stated exactly, in the hope that some collector may send it home. In front of the opening into the spur stands a pair of large curved tubercles, which have not been observed in A. crispum. 242. A. difforme, Wallich, in Lindl. Gen. ^ Sp. 242. Khasija, at 3000-4000 feet, J. D. H. Sf T. T. (204), Griffith. This, which is the plant that Wallich had before him, seems to diff'er from the following in having smaller flowers, with the middle lobe of the lip only 2-lobed, the basal ones longer and a little undulated, and the leaves more tapering to the base. This I learn in part from careful dissection, and in part from one of 42" PEOFESSOB LINDLEY's CONTEIBtTTIONS TO Dr. Hooker's admirable sketches. The Sikkim plant may therefore be defined thus : — 243. A. HYSTRix ; foliis oblongis, petalis linearibus, labelli lobis late- ralibus planis intermedio trilobo fimbriate apice recurve brevioribus. Sikkim, at 4000-6000 feet elevation, /. D. H. (204). The flowers are yellow with crimson streaks along the sepals and petals ; the middle lobe of the lip, which is deeply fringed and crimson, consists of two lateral lobes diverging at the base, and converging upwards over a circular recurved middle lobe. 244. A. decumbens. Griff. Not. iii. t. 320, a Burmese plant, seems te be a true Aerides ; but I have seen ne specimen. Vanda, H. Brown. To the species described in ' Folia orchidaeea,' the following fine addition to the section Eieldia has to be added : — 245. V. UNDULATA ; foliis distichis obtusis bilebis peduncule apice pauciflore triple brevieribus, sepalis petalisque recurvis membranaceis lineari-lanceolatis undulatis, labello breviore carnose cochleate in laminam linearem acutam sub apice tuberculatam preducto. Sikkim, Cathcart, Ic. The whole habit is that of V. spathulata and ccerulescens. The flowers are fully two inches in diameter, with thin white sepals and petals tinged with pink, and a yellow fleshy lip fasciated internally with red lines. I have only seen a drawing prepared by Mr. Cathcart' s artists. T^NioPHYLLUM, Blume. 246. T. Alwisii; minutissimum, spica pauciflora erecta, bracteis cari- natis triangulis, perianthii laciniis omnibus connatis acutis confor- mibus, calcare hemisphaerico, polUniis pyriformibus in glandulam sessilibus. On the branch of a Symplocos, Ceylon, DeAlwiz. The smallest Orchid I know, the flat roots not being more than 1| inch long, and the stem, including flowers, J inch. The whole plant is pale green, even the flowers having no other colour. Mr. Thwaites, who sent me a drawing of it (and I have seen nothing more), proposed to call it Alwisia minuta, after his excellent native draughtsman, who was the first to discover it ; and if the figures in Blume and the Xenia represent the invariable characters of Ta?niophyllum, this and Bendrohium algosum of Eeinwardt's MSS. ought to be distinguished ; but Prof. Eeichenbach, jun., who has had the opportunity of examining Tseniophylla, assures me that this is one, and I possess no materials on which to form an opinion for myself. * THE OECHIDOLOaY OF INDIA. ^ Chilosciiista, Lindl. Gen. ^ Sp. p. 219. 247- 0. usneoides. Id.; Wight, Ic. 1741. Sikkim, at 4000 feet, J. D. H. (192). According to Cathcart's drawings, the caudicula is short and broad, with a large semicircular gland, not subulate with a minute gland, as represented by both Wallich's and "Wight's artists. The plant seems to be constantly leafless. AcEBAS, JR. Br. 248. A. angiistifoha, hindl. Gen. Sf Sp. Orch. p. 282. Khasija, 5000-6000 feet, /.D.H. 4- T.T. (280); N.W. Himalaya, 5000- 8000 feet, T. T, ; Sikkim, in hot valleys, /. D. H. Flowers green, in a very long slender spike. Heeminium, H. Br. 249. H. monorchis. Id. N.W. Himalaya, 8000-12,000 feet, T. T. (263); Nutra, W. Thibet, 11,000 feet, M 250. H. congestum, Lindl. Gen. ^ Sp. Orch. p. 305. (H. unalaseh- kense, Rchh.f. Orch. Fl. Germ. p. 107, t. 6b, excluding the syn. of Platanthera Schischmareffiana.) Sikkim, 11,000-12,000 feet, /. D. H. (265). Differs from H. monorchis in its erect blunt obovate-lanceolate leaves and entire lip. Satybium, Swartz. The first knowledge we had of the existence in India of this African genus was derived from the collections of Buchanan Ha- milton, from which, in the year 1824, David Don published his Sati/- rium nejpalense. In 1838 I became aware of the existence of two others, and described them under the names of S. Wightianum and ciliatum. Three years later Achille Eichard described three others from the Nilgherry collections of Perrottet, — Berrotte- tianuMj albiflorKm, and pallidum. Authentic specimens of all these are before me, together with a considerable number from various parts of India, among which is a fine series from Drs, Hooker and Thomson. These materials show, not only that the genus Satyrium abounds in individuals, but that it is subject to very great differences of stature, foliage, and inflorescence. I think, however, the three species admitted in 1838 are to be distinctly recognized ; but the Nilgherry plants of Achille Eichard are not distinguishable from S. nepalense, not even his 8. pallidum., said to have yellow flowers, which is probably a mistake. 4^ The original S. nepalense is distinctly known by its somewhat lax inflorescence, large coloured bracts, and spurs as long as the ovary, or longer. The two others have very short spurs. Of these, 8. ciliatimi has a thin inflorescence like that of >S'. nepalense itself ; S. Wightianum has a very dense inflorescence ; both are much dwarfer than S. nepalense. The specimens under my exami- nation may be arranged thus v — 251. S. Nepalense. D. Bon, Prodr. Fl. Nep. 26; Wight, Ic. 929. (S. Perrottetianum, Ach. Rich, Ann. Sc. ser. 2. xv. 76 ; Wight, Ic. 1716. — S. albiflorum, A. Rich. 1. c; Wight, Ic. 1717' S. pallidum, A. Rich. 1. c). Sikkira, 7000-12,000 feet, stout, like Gymnadenia, J. D. H. (259) ; Ceylon, Macrae (9); Nilgherries, Wight, Perrottet {193, hb. Mus. Par.)', Mysore, Stocks (53) ; Khasija, Gn;^^A, 1/066, 4000-6000 feet, J. D. H. Sf T. T. (259) j N. W. Himalayas, T. T. S. Ferrottetianum is merely a gigantic state of the species, while ;S^. pallidum is its starved form ; not, however, the most so, for the old specimens sent from Nepal by "Wallich among his earliest collections are still more attenuated. 252. S. Wightianum, Lindl. Gen. Sf Sp. Orch. p. 340; Wight, Ic. 1718. Nilgherries, Perrottet (191 & 850 in hb. Mus. Par.), Wight; Khasija, Lobb. A much dwarfer plant than the preceding, with two broad radical leaves suddenly changing to about two great inflated herbaceous sheaths, and an extremely dense blunt spike. Plowers "rubri aut coccinei" according to Perrottet, pink according to Wight, and smaller than in >S'. nepalense. 253. S. eihatum, Lindl. 1. c. Sikkim, 7000-12,000 feet, J.D.H. (259); Bootan, grassy sward above Tongsa, 10,000 feet, Griffith. The very short spurs of this are so different from the long attenuated ones of S. nepalense, that I think it must be distinct. Moreover it is a smaller plant with 2-3 spreading herbaceous distant sheaths, but little inflated. In the original specimen the bracts are large and herbaceous, in those from Bootan much smaller and deflexed, the plant varying like S. nepalense in that respect. DiPLOMEEis, D. Don. 254. D. pulchella. Id. Khasija, Griffith, 2000-4000 feet, /. D. H. ^ T. T. (256). Plowers pale straw-colour or nearly white, variable in size. Spur green. THE ORCHIDOLOaT OF INDIA. 40 PoGONiA, Jussieu. 255. P. flabelliformis, Lindl. Gen. ^ Sp. Orch. 415. Concan, Law, in hb. Hooker. (350); near Dharwar, Stocks, in Tib. Hooker. (68) ; Mysore, Id. (54). It is probable that Blume's BopJiostemon eoncolor should be referred to this species. 2bQ. P. carinata, Lindl. 1. c. ; Wight, Ic. 1. 1720. (Pogonia 2, Griffith, Notul. iii. 377, Ic. 345.) I have never seen this plant, which appears to be perfectly distinguished by its stout habit, very large tubers, and lip acute and shaggy within, instead of being nearly naked and rounded at the point. Grriffith's Pogonia No. 2 is evidently the same ; of his Pogonia No. 1, which seems to be near P. Juliana^ but distinct, I have seen no specimen. Eeia, Idndley, in Bot. Beg. 904. This genus, like Dendrobium, consists of species extremely dis- similar in habit, and must now receive several supposed genei'a, created by different authors before the limits could be definitely settled. These are ConcMdmm and Xipliosium of Grifiith, Ty- lostylis, MycarantJies, Cylindrolobus, and Trichotosia of Blume, and my own Bryobium and Tricliosma. But although no longer admissible as genera, the species collected under these names are for the most part convenient sections. The careful study of a very large quantity of materials leads me to propose the following classification. In the first place, the species of Griffith's Conchidium, analogous to the small Stachyobia in Dendrobium, are readily knownby their thin leaves, almost stem- less habit, and smooth flowers ; such stem as they form is merely a depressed pseudobulb covered by the bases of the leaves. Then follow the species with true fleshy pseudobulbs and nothing more, separable into large-flowered woolly species (Dendbolieium), large-flowered naked species (Xiphosium), large-flowered woolly species with an unguiculate flat roundish lip (Tylosttlis), and small-flowered woolly species (Mycaeais'thes), in which the fleshy pseudobulb is sometimes exchanged for a slender cylindrical stem like that of Trichosma. Next to these stands Teichosma itself, with its long slender 2-leaved stems, large smooth flowers, and fleshy anther. Another group, Hymeneeia, includes the species with thin sepals and petals, which are usually naked, and short fleshy stems having a few leaves towards the top. The remainder are truly caulescent ; among these, four well-marked 46 PROPESSOE lindlet's conteibutions to subdivisions may be formed : viz. Eeitjea, remarkable for a tuft or two of wool on the axis of the lip, Tbichotosia with coarse shaggy racemes, Cylindeolobus, with 1- or 2-flowered peduncles clothed with smooth coloured membranous bracts below the flowers, and finally Ueostachta, which includes the species that will go into none of the preceding sections. § I. CoNCHiDiUM, Qriffith. This group bears the closest analogy to the second section of Stachyobium among Dendrobia, like it, consisting of small stem- less species, with round or depressed pseudo-bulbs, membranous leaves, and flowers solitary or in few-flowered racemes, for the most part very minute. To this last, however, E. hraccata and Idchenora are exceptions. In E. pusilla, microchilos, and others, four of the pollen-masses are rudimentary and easily overlooked : in muscicola and microchilos, indeed, I have only succeeded in finding four ; but their form, tapering downwards into a point, seems to be a safe mark to separate them from the minute Den- drobia. 257. E. braccata. (Dendrobium braccatutn, L. O. p. 75. — Eria reticosa, Wight, Ic. 1637. — Eria uniflora, Dalzell in Hooker's Journal, iv. 111.) Ceylon, Macrae, Gardner (869), Thwaites (235G); Horton plains. Champion (Eria velifera, R. W.) ; Nilgherries, Wight ; comnion on trees in the Western Ghauts, in the rainy season. Stocks (24). When this was first published I had been unable to examine the pollen-masses. It varies in the size of the flowers ; those from the "Western Ghauts, preserved among Stocks 's plants, are four times as large as the Cingalese, with much more acuminate sepals and petals. 258. E. Lichenora. (Lichenora Jerdoniana, Wight, Ic. 1738.) Malabar mountains, Wight. This remarkable plant is certainly not different from Eria. 259. E. nana, Ach. Rich, in Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. ii. xv. 19. Nilgherries, A. Richard, Wight (171, 172). My authentic specimens from A. Eichard are identical with "Wight's 171. His 172 is somewhat different, with flowers as large as those in Richard's very bad figure of his Eendrohium mi- croholhon, which looks as if it had been made up from the leaves and flowers of E. nana, while the dissections belonged to another plant. The thin broad obovate leaves of this have, however, no resemblance to Richard's figure. THE OBCHIDOLOGT OF INDIA. 47 260. E. MuscicoLA; foliis binis lanceolatis basi angustatis scapo apice bifloro aequalibus, bracteis cucuUatis membranaceis cuspide herbaceo flore breviore, sepalis petalisque lineari-lanceolatis aequalibus ascen- dentibus, labello lanceolate canaliculato dorso pubescente. Dendrobium muscicola, Lindl. Gen. Sf Sp. 75. Ceylon, Champion, Gardner (853). I can only find 4 pyriform pollen-masses in the single ilower at my disposal. The whole plant not more than 2 inches high. Flowers resemble those of M^ia nana on a very small scale. Since it has never been found among collections from the N. of India, it is probable that the old locality " Nepal," was erroneous. 261. E. mierochilos. (Dendrobium microchilos, Dalzell, in Hooker's Journ. iii. 345.) On Mango trees in Western Bengal, Dalzell, Stocks (28). I have this as D.fimbriatum of Dalzell, out of Stocks' s her- barium ; it is certainly distinct from that plant, although very much like it. The flowers are smaller, more fleshy ; and the lip is slightly unguiculate, then irregularly widened and thick-edged, after which it contracts into a thin-edged acute apex. Only two pairs of pollen-masses could be found in the flowers I dissected. The tubercles at the base of the lip, spoken of by Mr. Dalzell, I have not succeeded in finding. 262. E. DalzelU. (Dendrobium Dalzelli, Hooker, Journ. Bot. iv. 292. Dendr. fimbriatum, Dalzell, 1. c. — Dendr. filiforme, Wight, Ic. 1642.) Western Ghauts, on trees, Dalzell; hollow trees in the ruins. Stocks (27); Concan, Law {hb. Hooker. 166, 91); Bombay Presidency, Dalzell {hb. Hooker. 167). I am not surprised at Mr. Dalzell' s having taken this for JE. microchilos, as he tells us was the case ; for the two are exceed- ingly similar, as is indeed shown by so accurate an observer as Stocks having given the name of microchilos to specimens now before me. The flowers are, however, rather larger and less fleshy ; the lip is membranous, ovate-lanceolate, and distinctly serrulate to- wards the point. As to the marginal glands of the sepals, which gave rise to the nannejlmhriatum, they are very evanescent, and I suspect sometimes altogether absent. They are hardly discover- able in Mr. Law's Concan specimens. Imperfect specimens from Ceylon (2353 Hb. Hooker.) probably belong here. Of the eight pollen-masses, four are quite rudimentary. 263. E. ARTicuLATA ; pscudobulbis oblongis in catenae speciem arti- culatis, foliis , scapo setaceo flexuoso 5-7-floro, bracteis ovatis cucuUatis, petalis acutis multo brevioribus. Ceylon, Mrs. General Walker {hb. Hooker.) ; Gardner. 48 PROFESSOK LIND ley's CONTRIBUTIONS TO Of this singular ])lant I have a fragment from Grardner, and several are preserved in the Hookerian herbarium, but all without leaves. The pseudobulbs are oblong shrivelled bodies, jointed into a sort of chain or necklace. The flowers are very small and with no elongation of the sepals. Neither lip nor pollen-masses are known to me. 264. E. pusilla. (Conchidium pusillum, Griffith^ Not. 321. t. cccx. — Phreatia imiflora, Wight, Ic. t. 1734.). Kbasija, Griffith; Churra Punjee, Id. {6G6). This, the original Conchidium, has not eight equal pollen-masses, as is represented in the figure of Wight's artist, but they are even more unequal in size than is shown in Griffith's plate. It is not in the Khasija collections formed by Hooker and Thomson. 265. E. sinica. (Conchidium sinicun], Lindl. in Hooker^ s Journ.) Hong Kong, Champion (278). Differs from the last in the sepals and petals not being acu- minate, in the lip being serrated ; the scape is both 1-flowered and 2-flowered. I fear, not distinct from the Khasija species. § II. Dendeolieitjm, Blume. If we collect into one group all the large-flowered woolly spe- cies with pseudobulbs only, an assemblage will be formed both natural and obvious, to which Blume's happy name of Dendro- lirium may be applied. Some terete-leaved plants can hardly indeed be said to form pseudobulbs ; but their leaves fall even- tually from the summit of very short stems altogether analogous to pseudobulbs, although unlike in form. Two divisions are effected by taking into account the form of the leaves. A. Leaves flat and hroad. 266. E. ornata, Lindl. Gen. Sf Sp. p. 66. (E. armeniaca, Id. Bot. Reg. 1841, t. 42.) • Moulmein, Griffith ; Khasija, at 2000 feet, J. D. H. (66) ; Java, T. Lobb (219); Philippines, Cuming. 267. E. AERIDOSTACHYA {Rchb. f. in litt.) j folio lanceolato-oblongo coriaceo, racemo cylindraceo multifloro ferrugineo-tomentoso, bracteis rainutis, mento elongato obtuse reetiusculo, labello lanceolato acuto nudo medio involute basi concavo. Batavia, Loddiges, in hort. I learn from Prof. Beichenbach that this is among Zollinger's unpublished Java plants. It resembles what I suppose to be the Bendrolirium sulcatum of Blume, but is very much more densely tomentose. THE OECHIDOLOGY OF INDIA. 49 268. E. flava, Lindl. in Wall. Cat. 1973. Sikkim, hot valleys, 1000-2000 feet, /. D. H. (63). iS. rubida; floribus minoribus, petalis virescentibus, labelli lobis late- ralibus rotundatis. Sikkim, Cathcart. The type of this plant is the Dendrobitmi pubescens of Sir AV. Hooker, well figured and. described in the ' Exotic Flora,' t. 124. It is important to observe this, if we are to determine to which of the other nearly-allied woolly species tlie name belongs. In that plant the lip has scarcely any hairs on the inner surface, and the lateral lobes are extremely short, which is the case with the plants above quoted. The variety /3 is only known from a native figure ; and the account given of it must be judged of accordingly. It looks different, especially as the pollen-masses seem to be long and tapering, not roundish, and plano-convex. 269. E. ELONGATA ; pscudobulbis ovalibus, foliis lato-lanceolatis cori- aceis acuminatis basi angustatis, raceme niveo lanato elongate distan- tifloro, bracteis ovatis acutis Isevibus dorso lanatis, petalis ovalibus subtrinerviis, labelli lobis lateralibus scabro-tomentosis intermedio subcuneato multo brevioribus rotundatis, clinandrio alte marginato.— (E. flava, Griffith, Not. iii. 301.) Burma ; Moulmein, on trees in damp woods, Griffith (346) ; in woods at Zimjaik, Id. (347) ; Moulmein, T. Lobh. As in U.Jlava, the clinandrium is surrounded by a membrane, which in this species is remarkably deep ; the lip has rounded lobes, clothed inside with coarse, scattered felt, and the middle lobe has two obscure raised lines as well as a distinct middle line. That it is perfectly distinct from the last is certain ; but it varies in the form of its lip, the 34(5 of Griffith having the lateral lobes rather acute and falcate instead of rounded, and the middle lobe larger, with a more distinct superficial lamella in the middle. 270. E. lanata, Griffith, Not. iii. 301. Mergui, Griffith (810). So much is this in habit like the Sikkim Eria flava, that it may be easily mistaken for it ; but its petals are linear lanceolate-acu- minate, and the long narrow lip has a quadrate cuspidate middle lobe, a long isthmus, and a narrowly wedge-shaped hypochilium with small rounded lobes and three distinct elevated distant ribs. The pseudobulbs are ovate, not oval. LINN. PROC. — BOTANY. B B. Leaves terete or very narrow. 271. E. pannea, Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1842, misc. 79. (E. teretifolia. Griff. Not. iii. 298, t. 300. fig. 2; Itinerary, 202, no. 1185.) Bootan, at 3600 feet, on Gordonia, Griffith ; Khasija, at 2000 feet, and Sikkim, on rocks in hot valleys, J. D. H. (62) ; T. Lobb. A long creeping slender rhizome bears, at intervals of 2 to 4 inches, very short woolly stems, each furnished with from one to four terete fleshy leaves, varying in length from 1 to 6 inches and more, the longest belonging to the Khasija plant. Griffith's figure is thus far bad, that I do not find in his own specimens the lip anything like so wavy as he represents it. I have a very similar plant collected in Borneo ? by T. Lobb, with very short one-leaved pseudobulbs that touch each other, and leaves more linear ; but my solitary flower does not bear examination. 272. E. siCARiA ; pseudobulbis oblongis 1-2-phyllis, foliis linearibus carnosis acutissimis semiteretibus, racemis lanatis lateralibus multi- floris folio multo brevioribus, bracteis ovatis patentibus intus glabris, floribus albo lanatis, labello apice convexo apiculato. Mergui ; Tharapown, in woods, Griffith. " Folia carnosa, linearia. Sepala extus albovelutina, intus cum petalis viridescentia, lateralia maxima purpureo lineata et notata. Labellum albofuscum, intus brunneum disco calloso." Griffith, MSS. Very like a narrow-leaved Eriajlava. Leaves about 6 inches long, resembling slender stilettos, but tapering at the base into a furrowed petiole. My flowers give no more information. § III. XlPHOSITJM, Oriff, Although this supposed genus is undoubtedly an Eria, it may form a section sufficiently distiuguished by its large smooth flowers and distinctly-formed pseudo-Jbulbs. It only differs from Den- droliria in the flowers not being woolly. 273. E. rosea, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. t, 978. Hong Kong, Champion (275). This certainly diflers from the next, with which I formerly confounded it, in its broad blunt lip with the lower half much wider than the upper. 274. E. carinata, Gibson, in Calc. Journ. Nat. Hist. v. 365. (Xiphosium acuminatum, Griffith, 1. c. c. ic. ; Itin. Not. 78, no. 1153 ; Notul. iii. 332, t. 316.— E. rosea, M'all. Cat. 7409.) Khasija, Griffith; Sylhet, Wallich. Differs from the last in having the sepals, petals, and lip acu- minate, the middle lobe of the latter being as wide as the hypochil, I THE ORCHTDOLOGY OF INDIA. 51 which has two continuous, not interrupted, rugose elevated lines. Not among the collections of Hooker and Thomson. 275. E. SCABRILINGUIS ; pseudobulbis ovatis suleatis, foliis binis ob- longo-lanceolatis trinerviis, raceme oblongo erecto densifloro, labelli trilobi aspero-cristati lobis lateraUbus brevibus acutis intermedio rotundato. Sikkim, ic. Cathcart. Flowers pale green. Lip deep violet. I have seen no specimen of either this or the next. 2^^. E. viTTATA ; pseudobulbis oblongis, foliis binis oblongo -lanceo- latis 5-nerviis, racemo oblongo elongato pendulo densifioro, labello oblongo costis 3 elevatis marginibusque erispis. Sikkim, ic. Cathcart. Flowers larger than in the last, pale green with crimson stripes ; iip the same colour, but paler. § IV. Ttlosttlis, JBlume, Fl, Jav. p. vi. (Callostylis, Id. Bijdr. 340.) The long slender curved column and unguiculate roundish un- divided lip of these plants make it convenient to place them in a section by themselves, especially considering their peculiar inflo- rescence, consisting of flat round woolly horizontal bracts. 277. E. pulchella, Lindl. in Wall. Cat. no. 7407; Bot. Reg. 1841. misc. 106. Malacca, Cuming. This is possibly the Callostylis rigida of Blume's Tabellen, 74; but if so, the figure is a bad one. 278. E. discolor; pseudobulbo in caulem subarticulatum extenso, labello oblongo subcordato acuto glabro concolore. Sikkim; Glen Cathcart, 3000-4000 feet, J.D. H, (168). I have seen no flower of this, and therefore trust to one of Mr. Cathcart' s drawings, and a solitary specimen of the stem and leaves. It is much like the last ; but the lip appears to be longer than broad, as well as whole-coloured and smooth, while in U. pulchella it is broader than long, yellow with a small purple disk, and conspicuously tomentose. § V. MXCARANTHES, JBltime. The only species figured by Blume, M. latifolia, is an Eriura. Whether his M. ohliterata and lobata belong to the same section is uncertain, nothing being known about them. With me, the e2 62 piiorESSOR lindley's contributions to species are only the following, easily known by their dense spikes of small woolly flowers, the lateral sepals of which have scarcely any obliquity. 279. E. stricta, Lindl. Coll Bot. t. 41 B. (E. secundiflora, W. Griff. Not. ill. 302. t. 301.— Mycaranthes stricta, Lo. 63 ; Wight, Ic. 1733.) On the Naga hills, on a species of Gordonia at the elevation of 3500 feet, W. Griffith ; Darjeehng, Id. ; Malacca, Id. fide cl. Wight ; Sik- kim, at 3000 feet, and Khasija, at 4000 feet, J. D. H. (59). 280. E. retusa, Rchb. f. in Bonplandia, March 1, 1857. (Phreatia retusa, Lindl. Orch. p. 64. — Dendrolirium retusum, Blume, Bijdr. 351. — Bryobium pubescens, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1838, misc. no. 145.) Java, Zollinger. The extrication of this synonymy is due to Prof. Echb. fil. 281. E. MERGUENSis ; caulibus caespitosis camosis clavatis, foliis pa- pyraceis oblongis basi angustatis apice obliquis uncinulatis, spicis lateralibus elongatis griseo-tomentosis pedunculo evaginulato, floribus (minimis) pilosis, labello trilobo infra isthmum transverse lamellato. Mergui, Griffith (1034); Moulmein, Lobb. Something like a small specimen of J7. stricta ; but the stems are fleshy and clavate, the flowers much smaller and not secund, and the lip quite diff'erent. § VI. Trichosma, Lindl. in Bot. Beg. 1842, t. 21. Now that the limits of the genus Eria begin to be understood, I must admit that Prof. Reichenbach is right in reducing to its ranks my genus Trichosma, notwithstanding its very peculiar habit. It will now, therefore, stand as a section, distinguished by its great fleshy anther and long slender 2-leaved stems, resembling those of a gigantic Pleurothallis. 282. E. suavis. (Trichosma suavis, Lindl. 1. c. — Eria cylindripoda. Griff. Notul. iii. 299.) Khasija, Griffith (1013, 1258); J. D. H. Sf T. T. (144) ; Sikkim at 5000- 6000feet, J^. I>.H. (144). § YII. Htmenebia. This name is proposed for all those species which, to a fleshy somewhat shapeless stem with a few thin leaves, add a many- flowered inflorescence that is smooth or nearly so. Possibly it might be subdivided into those with a dense inflorescence like JE^. convallarioides and pumila, and such as have the thin racemes oi E. hractescens. THE OECHIDOLOGT OE INDIA. StSi- 283. E. convallarioides, Lindl. Gen. 8f Sp. Orch. p. 70 ; Bot. Reg. 1841. t. 62, 1847, t. 63. Khasija, Griffith; at 4000-6000 feet, J.D.H. (60); Sikkim, at 6000 feet. Id., valleys 3000-4000 feet, Id. Varies in the colour of the flowers, and in their size. 284. E. excavata, Lindl. Gen. 8f Sp. p. 67. This differs from U. alha chiefly in having the middle lobe of the lip cordate, acute, ribbed, and much smaller than the middle lobes which are broad, falcate, and acute. 285. E. alba, Lindl. 1. c. p. 67. a. Lip white. Sikkim; Darjeeling, in valleys at 3000-4000 feet, J. U. H. (142). ^. Lip yellow. Sikkim, 4000-5000 feet, J. D. H. (68) ; Mussooree, Edgeworth. In P the lateral lobes of the lip are shorter and blunter than in a, and the leaves are thinner and more acuminate. 286. E. LiNEATA; foliis oblongis subcoriaceis acutis, racemis multi- floris, bracteis ovalibus membranaeeis reflexis, ovario tomentoso, sepalis ovatis subsecundis, labelli lobo medio subrotundo retuso piano lateralibus obtusis minoribus, axi lineis 3 erassis elevatis ad isthmum evanescentibus. Java, hort. ( Veitch) ; Continent of India, hort. This is very like JE. alba a, and may be a variety ; but the flowers are dirty yellow with distinct purple stripes, not white, and are much smaller, the leaves are twice as broad and more co- riaceous, and the dull purple blunt lateral lobes of the lip are not wider than the yellow almost 3-toothed middle lobe. It is a garden plant of doubtful origin. 287. E. obesa, Lindl. Gen. Sf Sp. p. 68. (Eria Lindleyana, Griff. Not. iii. 300.) Moulmein and Mergui, Griff th. I have no doubt about the correctness of this identification, notwithstanding that in Griffith's NotulaB it is said to be 554 of his Mergui herbarium, for I have from himself a drawing, made in Moulmein in February 1834, and a specimen from Mergui numbered 374, which agree with his description. Neither Wal- lich's bad old specimens, nor that from Grriffith, have any leaves. He states them to be " lanceolata v. ovato-lanceolata integerrima glabra venosa apice recta v. torta." By a typographical error in the Botanical Eegister, the stems are said to be 27 instead of 2^ inches long. There is a variety with larger flowers and the lower half of the lip very gradually passing into the upper, formerly 64 PBorEssoB lindley's contbibtjtiot^s to named by me E. trilophota, which has been found in Moulmein by Lobb as well as by Grriffith (no. 370), and is now in cultivation as a Java and even Borneo species, but probably without foundation. The flowers are pure white with a lemon-coloured lip, marked by three longitudinal purple elevated lines. 288. E. affinis. Griff. Not. iii. 297. Burma, Griffith (10/4). This is remarkable for a very long narrow cuneate lip, with two small acute teeth (or lobes) at the base of a roundish ovate acute terminal lobe ; it has also two converging principal veins slightly raised above the surface into a thin narrow edge, inter- rupted in the middle. The mentum is long, narrow, and obscurely 2-lobed. 289. E. pulchella, Griff. Not. iii. 297. Mergui (1055), and on trees in Moulmein (345), Griffith. Resembles E. hractescens ; but the stems are 3 or 4 inches long and cylindrical, the flowers are yellow, and the lip has three con- tinuous elevated lines, of which the two lateral are shorter and clavate. 290. E. pubescens, Wight. Ic. t. 1634. Khasija, Lobb. The lateral veins of the lip rise into short vertical plates near both the points and the base. 291. E. MYSORENSis; foliis oblongo-laneeolatis conduplicatis nervosis racemis paulo longioribus, ovario pubescente, braeteis ovahbus acutis reflexis glabris, sepalis petalisque acuminatis, labello unguiculato sub- coidato oblongo acuto juxta basin dilatatam pandurato omnino laevi. Mysore, Law. (Coelogyne, Hb. Stocks. 70.) 292. E. GRAMiNiFOLiA; caule elongate vaginis membranaceis laxe vaginato, foliis lineari-lanceolatis gramineis nervosis, racemis tomen- tosis multo brevioribus, braeteis ovatis reflexis glabris, sepalis ovatis acutis mento brevi, petalis liuearibus, labello hastato lobis lateralibus truncatis brevioribus intermedio subrotundo acuto, lamellis 2 oblique transversis bidentatis infra isthmum, ungue lato canaliculate. Darjeeling, Griffith. 293. E. SPH^ROCHILA ; caulibus brevibus imbricatis ovatis, foliis lato- lanceolatis membranaceis undulatis racemis tomentosis longioribus, braeteis linearibus acutis erectis, sepalis tomentosis ovatis subsequa- libus acutis, petalis conformibus, labelli sessilis lobo intermedio sub- repando rotundato venis varicosis lateralibus auriculiformibus. Khasija, 4000-6000 feet, J. 1). H. (68). Like E. alba in general appearance, but wholly different in the details of its flowers. THE ORCHIDOLOGY OE INDIA. 55 There is also, under the number 68 in Hooker and Thomson's Herbarium, a plant from Gurwhal and Khasija, which is quite different from this, and which may be my E. acervata, notwith- standing some discrepancies. 294. E. Dillwynii, Bot. Mag. t. 4163, is certainly E. bractescens in a state of great vigour. 295. E. ringens, Rchb.f. in Bonplandia, is E. ovata, Bot. Reg. 1844, sub t. 29. § VIII. Eriuea. Under this name may be collected the species having small flowers more or less woolly, very large lateral sepals, and a lip flat at the base, furfuraceous in the axis, with a wooUy tubercle at the apex and base, or at least at the apex. ^. javensis, abhreviata, and Sonkaris, Echb. f., together with the following, are all at pre- sent known with certainty. 296. E. paniculata, Lindl. in Wall. PI. as Rar, i. 32. t. 36. Sikkim, 10,000 feet, J. D. H. {67) ; rocks near Sarapanee, Griffith (1152). 297. E. obliqua. (Mycaranthes obliqua, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1840, misc. 184.) Singapore, Cuming, in hort. This differs from JE. bifalcis in the form of the lip and in the presence of a large tumour at the base of the furfuraceous axis. 298. E. MONOSTACHYA; fohis longissimis coriaeeis gramiueis canaU- culatis, racemis longis cyhndraeeis tomentosis, labeUi quadrilobi laciniis triangularibus acutis apicalibus minoribus, lamellis 2 triangu- laribus aristatis infra isthmum, tubercuHs axeos 3 quorum tertium ultra apieem protrusum. Mount Gembolo, in the east of Java, Zollinger (53). I have this from Prof. Echb. as Eria paniculata, from which it differs in its long cylindrical racemes, and the presence of two sharp-pointed triangular plates below the lateral incisions of the lip, as well as in the other characters above described. 299. E. Reinwardtii ; foliis distichis Unearibus rigidis apice obhquis acutis, racemo solitario tenui sessiU multifloro, labelU quadrilobi basi et apice tubereulati laciniis lateralibus obtusis planis terminalibus subcrispis minoribus. Jaxsi, hb. Reinwardt. {Cymbidium parvijiorum). Leaves 5 or 6 inches long, somewhat distichous. Spike 4 inches long, terminal, sessile, with small reflexed bracts nearly as long as the ovary. 66 PEOFESSOE LINDLEI*S CONTEIBUTIONS TO 300. E. BiFALCis; foliis linenribus coriaceis obtusis apice valde obli- quis, spica araneosa dissitiflora simplici terminali, floribus albo-tomen- tosis, labello cuneato 3-lobo laciniis lateralibus falcatis intermedia oblata tridentata, tuberculo apieis maximo inflexo baseos obsolete. Borneo, T. Lohb. In habit much like E. Beinwardtii, hut not more than 5 or 6 inches high. Plowers the size of E. oUiqua. 301. E. sclerophylla; foliis patentibus duris lanceolatis distichis apice acutissimis obliquis, raeemis pluribus elongatis terminalibus albo-tomentosis, labelli cuneati lobis lateralibus acutissimis intermedio a lata basi lineari apice dilatato cuspidate, tuberculo apieis maximo baseos erecto foveato, lamella lineari a quoque isthmo decurrente apice libera. Java, Junghuhn (279). Much like E. paniculata ; but the leaves are shorter, broader, and more spreading, and the lip wholly diiferent. No. 300 of Junghuhn seems to be the same, but is only in fruit. Mycaranthes latifolia, Blume, may also belong to this section. § IX. Teichotosia, Blume.' This supposed genus differs in nothing whatever from Eria. It may only stand as a section, with a caulescent habit and flowers covered with coarse ferruginous hairs. The surface and degree of division of the lip offer no available mark of recognition. All the species are conspicuous for the long brown hair that clothes the stem and leaves. 302. E. biflora. (Trichotosia biflora, Griffith Not. iii. 331. t. 315.) Malacca; on rocks and trees, Goondong Toondook, Mount Ophir, Gnffith. Near E. annulata, BL, from which its excessively shaggy lip distinguishes it, as well as the want of the long glabrous recurved bracts of that species. 303. E. PULViNATA ; villosissima, caulibus brevibus ascendentibus,' foliis ovatis, pedunculis unifloris, sepalis hirsutis in cornu obtusum basi productis ovario sequale, petalis linearibus sepalo dorsali sequalibus, labello obovato emarginato intus piloso infra apicem pulvinato. Mergui, Griffith, no. 2, Aug. 17, 1834. I only know this from a drawing by Griffith, who represents it as having whitish solitary flowers, with an ob cordate- spathulate lip, hairy and speckled with red inside, and a tuft of longer hairs below the apex. The clinandrium is also shown to be 4-lobed. It is probably the same as one of T. Lobb's plants distributed as coming from Borneo, but I suspect from Moulmein, of which THE ORCHIDOLOat OF INDIA. 67 I have an imperfect specimen. In that plant the petals are acute, spathulate, and bordered with brown near the points, and the leaves are linear lanceolate, and much less hairy. 304. E. LEioPHYLLA; caule ferrugineo tomentoso apice glabro di- phyllo vaginis 2 membranaceis oppositis in medio, foliis oblongo-lan- ceolatis glabris, spica brevissima uniflora (?) arete tomentosa, bracteis truneatis, labello rhorabeo carnoso glabro obtuso basi convexo. Borneo ; on trees, Sarawak, at the height of 2700 feet, T. Lobb. My specimen is nearly glabrous except the inflorescence. The stem is terete, 2-leaved, with a long brown sheath at the base, and a pair of smaller opposite membranous ones in the middle. The lip seems to be deep crimson. 305. E. annulata, Bl. Mus. Lugd. ii. 184. A unique specimen from Sikkim comes near this species ; but the flowers are very old. The leaves are broad and hairy, and filled with large masses of calcareous concretions. 306. E. ferruginea, Lindl. in Bot. Reg, 1839, t. 35. E. Bengal -, Jyntea mountains, at the height of 4000 feet, J. D. H. (65) ; Khasija, Griffith. 307. E. VULPINA {Rchb.f.); moUiter ferrugineo-villosa, foliis oblongo- lanceolatis papyraceis obsolete nervosis, spica multiflora recta lanata, bracteis ovatis recurvis, floribus distantibus mento rotundato, petalis linearibus brevioribus ciliatis, labello carnoso glabro laciniis lateralibus dentiformibus intermedia rotundata. Phihppines, Cuming. This is the plant hastily referred to in the Botanical E-egister (1845, t. 2) under E. vestita ; but a more careful examination shows it to be quite distinct in its straight, not flexuose rachis, ovate not acuminate bracts, round, not elongated chin, short ciliated, not long smooth petals, and in the whole superficies of the lip, w^hich appears to want the hairs and lamellae of E. vestita. I have not been able to observe the tubercle seen at the base of the limb by my learned friend BcJib.f, ; but the lip is so fleshy and compressed when dry, that I may have missed it. 308. E. capitellata; caulibus ad insertionem foliorum juniorum ferrugineo-hirtis, foliis carnosis anguste lanceolatis acuminatis glabri- nseulis, spicis brevibus densifloris, sepalis lateralibus ovatis, labello concavo carnoso ovato apice decurvo sub lente tomentoso infra apicem convexo. Java, T. Lobb (263). Until I received a specimen of the real E. annulata, I mistook 68 PROFESSOE LINDLEY's CONTRIBUTIONS TO this for it. There are, however, these differences : the leaves are twice as broad and much less acuminate ; the spikes are so dense as to be almost ovate ; the lateral sepals are not acuminate ; the lip is more rounded at the point and without the raised median line, instead of which there is only a slight convexity above with a corresponding concavity below. The linea verruculosa, ascribed by Blume to his E. annulata, does not exist in Zollinger's no. 15 of his second collection, which I take for that species ; but there is a distinct elevated even midrib, with a slightly raised . line on either side. § X. Cylindeolobus, Blume, Fl. Jav. 'prcef, vi. (Ceratium, Id. Bijdr. 341.) There is nothing in the structure of the plants of this section, as far as I am acquainted with them, that corresponds with the character proposed by Prof. Blume in his Mus. Lugd. Bat. ii. 182. Undoubtedly a protuberance at tlie foot of the column does sometimes occur, but it affords no sectional mark ; for if it exists in JE. nutans, it is not to be found in E. Khasiana, which is only distinguishable upon careful examination ; and it is a mere rudiment in -E7. hicolor, another very closely allied species. The siliquose fruit is of as little importance. I think, however, that the section may be conveniently adopted for all the caulescent species whose flowers, whether lateral or terminal, are solitary or in pairs, and arise from among empty coloured bracts. Such is the principle upon which the following have been collected. A. Mowers terminal. 309. E. TRUNCATA ; foUis 3 lanceolatis terminalibus apice subaequa- hbus, floribus geminis ovario tomentoso, sepalis oblongis obtusis, pe- tahs subsequalibus antrorsum arcuatis, labello carnoso truncate hnea media tenui elevata infra apicem triplici. Moulmein,»on Shoung-gyen at the height of 5000 feet, T. Lobb. " Elowers white." The lip has two small ovate lateral lobes ; but the middle lobe is obsolete, appearing only in the form of a broad line lying between the side lobes. 310. E. pauciflora, Wight. Ic. 1. 1636. Khasija hills, T. Lobb ; Nilgherries, Wight. Wight's figure of this is unusually good. The withered reflexed sheath at the base of the last joint of the stem seems to be cha- racteristic of the species. 311. E. bicolor. (Dendrobium bicolor, Ldndl. Gen. Sf Sp. p. 90.) Ceylon, Thwaites (2761). THE OECHIDOLOGT OF INDIA. 69 I have been favoured by Mr. Thwaites with a sketch of this, showing it to be a true Eria. The pollen-masses were previously- unknown to me. A re-examination of the old fragments in my herbarium has shown the lip to be much like that of Eriapau- ciflora, as represented in Wight's plate, but with a shorter middle lobe. There is a small orange- coloured process at the base of the column. The surface of the middle lobe of the lip is rather pulverulent. 312. E. nutans. Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1840, misc. 196. Singapore, Cuming in hort. Loddiges. In this plant there is a large tubercle on the foot of the column, which is very short. 313. E. Khasiana ; foliis binis (?) lanceolatis acutis, floribus geminis glabris, sepalis petalisque siibaequalibus, labello obovato laciniis late- ralibus membranaceis obtusis subfalcatis incurvis intermedia oblata camosa lamella tomentosa in medio lineisque 2 truncatis secus axin pulverulentum, columnae pede omnino nudo. Khasija, Gri^th. Much like E. nutans Q,nd pauciflora, but entirely different in the form of the lip. B. Flowers lateral. 314. E. clavieauHs, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1840, misc. 219. Khasija, at 4000-5000 feet, J. D. H. \ T. T. (9). The specimens in hb. Hooker, are not in flower, so that some uncertainty attends this species. It approaches the last section in having the leaves at the end only of the stem ; and the flowers are almost terminal. 315. E. mueronata, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 1842, misc. 2/. Philippines, Cuming. Blume's JE. elongata seems to be near this ; but in my plant the little tuft of hairs at the base of the lip cannot be called " tubercu- lum dilatatum dense glanduloso-fimbriatum." Among De Yriese's Sumatra drawings is a "Dendrobium macranthum," with large solitary white flowers, very short lower sepals, and violet spreading bracts, which may be this Eria elongata. What appears to be the same plant exists in the Hookerian herbarium, collected in Tobie Island by Barclay. 316. E. brachystachya, Rchb.f. in Bonplandia. Philippines, Cuming. In this, which is perhaps a variety of the last, there is a small truncated tubercle on the foot of the column. 60 PBOFESSOE LINDLET's CONTRIBUTIONS TO 317. E. VALiDA; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis coriaceis apice valde ob- liquis obtusis, pedunculis bifloris bracteis ovatis erectis papyraceis cucuUatis, floribus glabris, sepalis lateralibus ovatis dorsali petalisque 3-nerviis oblongo-linearibus, labelli lobo intermedio oblongo rotun- dato margine papilloso lateralibus duplo brevioribus acutis sinubus ro- tundatis apertis, lineis tribus clavatis apice divergentibus infra isthmum. Java, T. Lobl (205). A stout erect plant, with a stem half an inch in diameter, and leaves 6 inches long. I can find no tubercle on the foot of the column ; nor can I identify it with any of Blume's plants. 318. E. APOROIDES ; foliis brevibus obtusis acinaciformibus equitan- tibus, pedunculis unifloris, bracteis linearibus obtusis carnosis, floribus glabris, sepalis petalisque ovatis obtusis, labello acute 3-lobc^lobo intermedio majore carnoso. Phihppines, Cuming. This has very much the appearance of the plant figured by Adolphe Brongniart as Aporvm incrassatum (Duperrey, t. 42 B) ; but the lip is 3-lobed, not entire. § XI. Ubostachya. The caulescent species with numerous leaves, and long racemes or panicles of flowers, without the woolly lip-appendages of §Eiii- URA, form a natural group which may be conveniently placed apart from others. The flowers, with the exception of JE. hamhusifolia, are very small and densely arranged. 319. E. floribunda, Undl. in Bof. Reg. 1844, t. 20. Java, hb. Junghuhn (307) ; Mergui, Griffith. Of this ^. leucostacJiya of the Hort. Soc. Journ. iii. xv. and xvi. is, as was then suggested, a mere variety. 320. E. micrantha, Lindl. Gen. and Sp. Orch. p. 68. Java, Lobb (314). The Octomeria racemosa of Kuhl and Hasselt seems, from a tracing sent me by Prof. E/cichenbach, to be this plant, which is very like U.florilunda, but with smaller flowers, and with the lip- auricles perfectly lateral and not intralabellar. 321. E. PACHYSTACHYA; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis nervosis, spicis densissimis elongatis glabris, bracteis squamiformibus reflexis, floribus (minutis) tomentosis mento elongato incurvo, petalis glabris line- aribus obtusis falcatis sepalis brevioribus, labello sessili oblongo acuto Isevi. Java, Junghuhn (298). 322. E. RETROFLEXA ; foliis anguste oblongis spicis tenuibus duplo THE OECHIDOIO&T OF INDIA. 61 longioribus, bracteis oblongis glabris retroflexis, floribus glabris, sepalis petalis labelloque subaequalibus ovatis acutis. Philippines, Cuming. The lateral sepals are very little oblique, and the lip is scarcely- distinguishable except in being more fleshy ; it is quite destitute of all superficial processes. 323. E. BAMBUSiFOLiA; foliis oblongis acuminatis nervosis paniculis terminalibus laxis tomentosis multifloris subaequalibus, sepalis ovatis obtusis tomentosis, petalis obovatis acutis, labello ovato piano glabro inappendiculato apice dilatato. Khasija, Griffith ; at 2000 feet, Mr. Simons^ in hb. Hooker. (64). I have no species very nearly allied to this, whose great leaves resembling a Bamboo, and loose tomentose terminal panicles as much as 10 inches long, are very peculiar. Pheeatia, Lindl. Gen. Sf Sp. p. 63. Prof. Eeichenbach has detected the identity of Plexaure, End- licJier, with this well-marked genus. But he has referred it to Eria, to which I must withhold assent. The bifid somewhat car- tilaginous rostellum, which led Endlicher to refer the genus to Neottiese, appears to aflbrd an absolute mark of distinction, espe- cially when accompanied, as in this case, by a very peculiar and scarcely mistakeable habit. Blume refers JPhreatia elegans to Thelasis (Mm. JLugd. Bat. ii. p. 187), for reasons which I am unable to appreciate. No two genera can be more wholly distinct. In Hooker and Thomson's herbarium one species only occurs ; but a few may be added from other sources, in addition to those described by Prof. E^eichenbach. 324. Phreatia elegans, Lindl. 1. c. (Thelasis elegans, Blume, Mus. Lugd. ii. 187.) Khasija, 4000 feet, J. D. H. Sf T. T. (93). 325. Ph. myosurus; foliis membranaceis late loratis planis apice obliquis cuspidatis basi equitantibus, spicis elongatis folio multo lon- gioribus, floribus subverticillatis, bracteis fuscis acuminatis floribus longioribus, labello cuneato juxta apicem biplicato quasi trilobo. (Eria [Phreatia] myosurus, Rchb.f. in Bonplandia, March 1, 1857.) Java, Lobb (166 in hb. Hooker.). The largest of the genus except A.Eichard's two *' Oberonias," gladiata and micrantha, which Professor Eeichenbach has pointed out to be Phreatias. O. micrantha especially seems very near this ; but the bracts are represented as being much shorter than even the pedicels. Flowers very small, hardly longer than the cinnamon-brown bracts, and arranged in a somewhat verticillate 02 PROFESSOE LINDLET'S CONTBIBXJTIONS TO manner. The lip is so dilated and folded near the end as to seem to be 3-lobed. — Possibly A. Brongniart's Oxy anther a mi- crcmtha may be this ; but if so, the inflorescence is taken from another plant, perhaps the Thelasis, which furnished his mag- nified dissections (as Prof. Reichenbach has pointed out to me in conversation). My learned friend's definition of his Eria myo- surus appears to have been taken from an incomplete specimen, for which reason the above specific character is now proposed. 326. Ph. minutiflora; foliis linearibus coriaceis recurvis equitan- tibus obtusis spicis tenuibus sequalibus, bracteis triangulo-setaceis, labello obovato concave. Borneo, Lobb. Leaves about 2 inches long. Plowers the smallest in the genus, in an erect very slender spike. Bracts brown, setaceous, broad at the base. 327. Ph. microtidis ; foliis linearibus coriaceis equitantibus apice acutis recurvis spicis densis angulatis aequalibus, bracteis floribus bre- vioribus, labello orbiculari concavo basi pandurato. Java, Lobb. Much like a pigmy Microtis, the whole plant not exceeding 2 inches in height. Blume's Dendrolirium pusillvm, formerly referred by me to Phreatia (Gren. & Sp. p. 64), seems to be rather an Appendicula, and can have nothing to do with the present species. 328. Ph. tahitensis ; folio oblongo coriaceo piano oblique bilobo spicae densse multiflorse sequali, scapo trivaginato, mento oblongo obtuso, labelli acuti rhombei longe unguiculati angulis lateralibus runeinatis, bracteis oblougis herbaceis acutis canaliculatis florum longitudine. Tahiti, Bidwill. Plant between 3 and 4 inches high, of which 1^ inch is occupied by a dense spike whose flowers are the largest in the genus, measuring in their dried state nearly -^th of an inch in length. The lateral sepals are extended into a long blunt chin, which probably led M. Heichenbach to remark, that " here the genera Phreatia and Eria run together." But the cartilaginous bifid rostellum of the former genus is perhaps more strongly marked in this than in any other species. Thelasis, Blume. The extremely short characters assigned by Prof. Blume, both in his * Bijdragen,' and in his recent ' Museum Lugd. Bat.,' to the species of this curious genus, render all attempts at identifying his plants almost hopeless — especially since, in the latter work, THE ORCHIDOLOOT OP INDIA. 63 he has referred to the genus so wholly different a plant as Phreatia elegans. The only species known at present on the continent of India itself, furnishes some addition to the perplexity that sur- rounds the genus. 329. Th. pygmsea. {'EA\^Yoho%Q\% ^y^mddd^, Griffith, in Calcutta Journal of Nat. Hist. V. 372. t. 26; Wight. Ic. t. 1732, not 1733.) Khasija hills, Griffith, Lobb ; at 2000-4000 feet elevation, flowers white, J. D. H. Sf T. T. (29). Griffith's figure of his Euprohoscis pygmcea, in the Calcutta Journal, is sufficient for the identification of this plant, which seems to be common on the Khasija mountains. In that work the name E. Grifflthii, quoted by Prof. Eeichenbach (Bonplandia, Feb. 15, 1857), does not occur. Prof. Blume refers it to his Th. capitata which differs in having a " spica densa ovoidea deinde cylindrica," and an ovate obtuse lip, a description that in no way applies to this. Dr. Wight's figure is a good one, but from a small specimen whose flowers are in a state of Peloria. The name pygm(Ba is objectionable, for there are specimens before me as much as 8 inches high ; it must however stand. A Thelasis from Hong Kong, sent by Dr. Hance (287), appears to be either this or Th. triptera-, but my specimens are not good enough for positive determination. 330. Th. ochreata; foHo coriaceo lorato obtuse canaliculato basi squama maxima laxa truncata stipato, scapo foliis duplo breviore vaginis maximis laxis truncatis baseos binis medii solitaria, spica den- si ssima bracteis reflexis acutis amplexicaulibus duris concavis, ovario obovato, sepalis alte carinatis supremo galeato, labello ovato obtuso. Borneo ; low forests of Sarawak, T. hobb. I should have thought that this might have been Blume's Th, capitata, judging from his latest definition ; but Prof. Eeichenbach, who has carefully examined that plant, describes the leaves as cuneate and equally 2-lobed, and the sepals entirely without carinse. The leaves are a foot long when full-grown. I have two or three more species of the genus, but until some authentic evidence concerning Blume's plants reaches me, I can- not venture to name them. A Note upon Pseudo centrum, a New Genus of Orchidacece. By Prof. LiNDLET, F.E.S. [Read March 4th, 1858.] Among the numerous collections of Peruvian Orchids which have been communicated to me from time to time by my excellent corre- 64 PEOFESSOE LINT)LET*S NOTE ON PSETJDOCENTRUM. spondent Professor Jameson, there is one possessing so very extra- ordinary a structure that it seems worthy of being brought sepa- rately under the notice of the Society, although nothing more is known of it than that it is a terrestrial plant from the valley of Lloa, a couple of spikes of flowers having alone reached me. These spikes are dense, erect, cylindrical, 10 inches long, and very slightly coated with minute distant hairs. A thin lanceolate three-veined bract supports each flower, reaching beyond the summit of the ovary. The flowers themselves are not unlike, in general appearance, those of a minute Aconitum lycoctonum, being furnished with what seems at first sight to be a slender curved galea many times longer than the limb ; but upon dissection this galea proves to consist of the two lateral sepals excessively pro- duced at their base and forming a sheath, within which the labellum lies concealed. Thus far there is nothing in the structure to which a parallel may not be found elsewhere, as in Dendrobium, Bifrenaria, Comparettia, and especially in Pelexia, a genus to which the plant before us is nearly allied. But when the labellum is examined, it is found to be extended within the fold of the lateral sepals, not in the form of a spur arising from its base, but in that of a long slender channeled body proceeding from its point, the base of the labellum being acutely hastate. In other words, the labellum is sessile, hastate, 3-lobed, with the middle lobe extremely long, linear, channeled, and directed upwards between the sepals which conceal it. In this manner the appearance of a spur is produced without recourse being had to the arrangement which occurs in every other genus of this large order, hitherto described ; for which reason I propose the name Pseudocentktjm, to which the following technical character may be added : — PsEUDOCENTEUM (Gcnus Ncotticarum PelexisB affine). Herba terrestris ; Spica elongata, densa, striata, cylindracea. Ovarium rectum. Sepaltim anticum parvum, lanceolatum, patens ; lateralia dorsalia, multo majora, triangularia, basi in canalem longum ascendentem arcuatum obtusum producta. P«- tala lineari-lanceolata, apice recurva, sepalo antico breviora. Labellum membranaceum, sessile, trilobum; lobis lateralibus acutis hastam referentibus, intermedio lineari, canaliculato, intra canalem sepalinum incluso eique aequali. Colnmna nana, semiteres; stigmate depresso marginato, rostello acuminato. Anthera dorsalis apiculata, bilocularis (?) ; pollinia 4, pulverea, lateralia majora glandula parva oblonga. Sp. 1. Fseudocentrum macrostachywm. Peru, Jameson. MR. BENTHAM's synopsis OF LEGNOTIDE^. 65 Synopsis of Legnotidece, a tribe of Rhizoplioracecd. By GrEOROE Bentham, Esq., P.L.S [Read March 4th, 1858.] Among the plants of the great East Indian collection distributed by the late Dr. Wallich, is one from Heyne's Peninsular Her- barium, entered in the catalogue under the number 6320 as BlepJiaristemma corynibosum, Bentb. I have no recollection nor any record of having ever given it that name, and I feel certain that I never examined it. The specimen which I received from Dr. Wallich in 18»32 has remained ever since unnamed in my herbarium, but meeting with it accidentally a short time since, and ascertaining that it bore a name supposed to have been given by myself, I have been led to examine it in detail, and to pass in review the allied genera forming the small but interesting group of Legnotidece, a tribe of JRhizophoracece. Although most of these genera have been well described by Arnott, Blume, Korthals, Asa G-ray and others, yet as they have not all been brought together in a comparative form, I am induced to lay before the Linnean Society a short synopsis of the tribe. The Legnotidece agree with the true Bhizophorece in their opposite undivided leaves with interpetiolar stipules, their axillary inflo- rescence, valvately lobed calyx, perigynous petals often fringed or divided at the top and folded over the anthers in the bud, their perigynous definite stamens with versatile 2-celled anthers, their several-celled ovary with two or more collateral or clustered pen- dulous ovules in each cell (rarely one-celled by the disappearance of the dissepiments between the placentas), and in their simple style with a capitate or discoid stigma, either entire or radiating into as many lobes as placentas. The chief difference consists in the seed, which in the true BJiizopJwrece is exalbuminous, the embryo germinating and forcing its radicle through the pericarp whilst still adherent to the tree ; whereas in the Legnotidece the embryo is imbedded in a fleshy albumen. In the true Bhizophorece the seed-bearing part of the ovary is inferior or adnate to the base of the calyx ; in the Legnotidece it is either inferior, or superior and free with the exception of the broad base. With regard to the affinities of Legnotidece as illustrating those of BhizopJioracece, there is little to add to those suggested by E. Brown in the Appendix to Tuckey's ' Congo,' p. 437, and con- firmed by subsequent observers, — a general affinity with Cunoniacece and with Lythracece. With the former, Legnotidece agree in their LINN. PROC. — BOTANY. F 66 MR. bentham's synopsis of leonotideje, opposite leaves with interpetiolar stipules, their valvate calyx, and in many respects in the general arrangement of the parts of the flower ; but differ in inflorescence, in the aestivation of the petals, in the more complete consolidation of the styles (although in the latter respect they agree with Broussaisia) , and in the pen- dulous collateral or clustered ovules. With Lythracecs they agree more generally in habit and inflorescence, in the aestivation of the calyx, and completely consolidated styles ; and where the ovary is free, it is often enclosed in the base of the calyx, as in Lythracece ; they differ, however, in their dotted leaves, interpetiolar stipules, in . the aestivation of the petals and insertion of the ovules, and in their albuminous seeds. The arrangement of the petals and stamens is also somewhat different, even in the genera which have the ovary free, as in Lythracece, In the latter order, the disk which bears the petals and stamens is so completely combined with the calyx-tube as scarcely to thicken it, or form any perceptible border at its edge, where the petals are inserted close among the calyx- teeth, and the stamens are usually inserted more or less irregularly lower down on the inner face of the disk. In Legnotidew, the disk, whether very short in the base of the calyx-tube, or lining the tube up to the teeth or lobes, is always very perceptible, and sometimes thick and fleshy ; its margin is usually more or less pro- minent, either as an entire or crenate ring, or as a short cup-shaped tube round the ovary ; the stamens are usually inserted either on the margin, or more frequently just below the margin on the outside, and the petals outside the stamens at the base of the disk, that is, in the angle which the free part of the disk makes with the calyx-tube. It is probably this disk which induced Dr. Wallich originally to consider the GynotrocJies as a species of Microtropis among Celastrinece. The fringed and folded petals of most Legnotidece have perhaps some analogy to the crumpled petals of Lythracece ; the manner in which they are folded over the larger stamens, or over all the anthers, has some analogy to the hooded petals of Mliamnacece, which enclose the anthers in the bud; but there is very little other affinity with that order. So the opposite dotted leaves or the inflorescence give a general resemblance, without much affinity, to MyrtacecB and Memecylew. The fringed petals of Gardner's Anstrutheria had induced him to refer that plant to Elceocarpew ; but that and the valvate calyx are almost the only characters in which the Legnotidece coincide with that tribe ; still less can I see any affinity between Legnotidece b A TEIBE OF EHIZOPHOEACEJ:. 67 and LoganiacecB, near which Lindley places them in his * Vegetable Kingdom.' The free petals and their aestivation, the stamens inserted on a perigynous disk, not in the tube of an essentially gamopetalous corolla, the placentation and other points, appear to me to remove them far away from any of the orders between which the Logcmiacece form the connecting link. The number of genera of Legnotidece now known is nine ; but as they most of them consist of only one or two species, and some are but imperfectly known, it is probable that a better ac- quaintance with the flora of their chief geographical area — across tropical Africa, through the Mascarene Islands, Ceylon and the Indian Archipelago to tropical Australia, — may enable their future consolidation into natural groups. Of these genera, three, Caralliay Fellacalyx and Haplopetalum, have the seed-bearing part of the ovary and fruit completely adnate or inferior ; three, Gynotroches, Crossostyles and AnstrutJieria, have the ovary superior, but attached by a broad base to the broadly turbinate calyx-tube; and the remaining three, Blepharistemma, Dactylopetalum and Cassipoureay have the ovary much less dilated at the base, quite free within a campanulate or ovoid calyx, as in LytJiracece, Caeallia, This genus, originally established by Eoxburgh, has been more accurately described in detail by Blume, Mus. Bot. vol. i. p. 128. He shows that although the fruit is often by abortion one-celled and one-seeded, the ovary is divided into 4 or rarely 3 or 5 cells with 2 pendulous ovules in each; not one-celled, as stated in Arnott's observations, ' Ann. Nat. Hist.* i. p. 371, in consequence probably of Roxburgh's having so described one of his species. Blume also first described the albuminous seeds of Carallia with a curved embryo, which I have verified in different specimens of C. integerriina, and in the O. Icmcecefolia also, as far as I could tell in a not quite ripe fruit. With regard to the species of Carallia, they have evidently been much multiplied. There is one very common one, extending from Ceylon and the Indian Peninsula to Khasiya, China, the Indian Archipelago and north-west Australia. The leaves in the Cin- galese specimens are often all obovate and very obtuse ; in some Chinese and Philippine Island ones, narrow-oblong and acumi- nate ; in the majority of specimens from the greater part of the area, oval-elliptical, with or without a short acumen ; but in each district these forms appear to pass gradually one into the other, r2 68 MR. bentham's synopsis or legnotide^, and sometimes on the same specimen. The leaves are generally quite entire; occasionally some may be found with a few very small teeth towards the extremity, but never toothed all round, as in the G. lancecdfolia. I have therefore no hesitation in con- sidering this as the G. integerrima, DC, to which I would refer the G. zeylcmica, corymhosa and sinensis of Amott, G. timorensis, BL, G. octopetala, F. Muell. (the parts of the flower are often in eights in the Indian specimens), and Pootia cereopsifoUa, Miq. O. laneecefoUa, E-oxb., is only known to me from specimens from the Calcutta G-arden and one or two from Sylhet. It appears well distinguished by the leaves being regularly serrulate all round, and, as far as I have seen, by a more pear-shaped fruit, which appears to ripen generally more than one seed. The leaves are usually considerably broader than those figured by Wight from Roxburgh's drawing. The G. conjlnis, BL, is evidently closely allied to this species, if not identical with it. G. sym- metria, BL, appears to be a form of 0. integerrima with the leaves slightly toothed at the top. G. lucida, Boxb., appears to me to be in some respects a made- up species, resulting perhaps in a confusion between G. integerrima and G. lancecufolia. The specimens originally sent from the Cal- cutta Garden as G. lucida belong to the broader-leaved forms of G. lancecefolia, although I have not seen any quite so broad as those figured in Eoxburgh's ' Coromandel Plants ' and in Wight's * Icones.' Both these figures are taken from Roxburgh's drawings, the work probably of a native artist ; and, as is so frequently the case, more or less made up, as is evidenced by the venation of the leaves, so difierent from that of any Garallia. I should there- fore be disposed either entirely to reject G. lucida, or to consider it merely as an ill-represented variety of G. lancecefolia. G. celeUca, BL, judging from Borneo specimens which agree with his description, is a distinct species with looser inflorescence, much larger flowers, &c. G. cuspidata, BL, and G. multijlora, BL, both from Borneo, but unknown to me, appear from his description to be both of them good species. Baraldeia, Dup. Thou., is considered by B. Brown, and after him by other botanists, as a species of Garallia. It is unknown to me : the Hookerian herbarium, although now rich in Madagascar plants, contains, as far as I can find, no Legnotideous species from that island. i a teibl of ehizophoeace^. 69 Pellacalyx. Of the single species known of this genus, P. axillaris, Korth., I have seen specimens from Penang, from Phillips's Collection, formerly in the Horticultural Society's herbarium, and among Griffith's Malacca plants. To Korthals's detailed and accurate description I have only to add that the seed, as in GynotrocJies, is small, ovoid, with a crustaceous testa, and a straight cylindrical embryo in the centre of the albumen. The genus is quite distinct both from Carallia and Sa/plopetalum in the form of the calyx and the clustered ovules, as well as in habit and other characters. Haplopetalum. I have seen no specimens of this plant ; but A. G-ray's elaborate description and beautiful plate in the ' Botany of the American Exploring Expedition' are sufficient to characterize it in every respect, excepting the fruit, which is unknown. The habit, inflo- rescence and flowers are those of Gynotroclies, except that the petals are sessile and entire, the ovary inferior with a central axis, but not divided into cells, probably from the disappearance of the dissepiments after a very early stage, and that there are but two collateral ovules to each cell. G-TIJrOTEOCHES. This genus was originally established by Blume in his 'Bijdragen,' but having been referred to Guttiferce, it was very naturally over- looked by Arnott, when describing his Dryptopetalvm. Blume has subsequently, in his ' Museum Botanicum,' established the generic identity of these two plants, which indeed are probably but one species, not uncommon in the Indian Archipelago. The length of the pedicels and number of parts of the ovary and stigmata vary equally in the Javanese, the Penang, and the Malacca specimens. Blume' s third species, however, with minute, almost sessile flowers, from Borneo and Sumatra, is probably distinct. As a genus they differ from Cassipourea (of which they have the inflorescence and most of the characters) by the small deeply -cleft ■ calyx, the ovules 4, not 2 only, to each cell of the capsule, and by the terete embryo. As in Blepharistemma, the flowers of the common species are to a certain degree dioecious ; in some specimens the ovary is slender and empty, whilst the petals and stamens are very fully developed ; in others the ovaries are complete and the petals and stamens more or less reduced. This gives to different specimens a very different aspect, and may explain the differences which induced A. Grray to describe as distinct his G. reticulata from 70 ME. BENTHAM'S synopsis or LEGNOTIDEiB, Singapore, where, amongst other places. Dr. Wallich gathered the original species. There are some slight inaccuracies in Blume's dissections of Oynotroches. The disk is very incorrectly represented, and in fig. N + , one stamen is inserted outside, and another inside of it; in fact, the filaments are united at their very base into a narrow ring just outside the crenulated margin of the very short disk, whilst the petals are inserted outside the staminal ring. In figs. I-f and N-}-, the seeds are shown as attached by their lower instead of their upper end. So in fig. O 4- , the hilum should be represented as near the upper broad extremity, and the upper slender end of the embryo should be the entire radicle, the lower and thicker end being split into the two cotyledons. Ceossosttles. Forster's detailed description of his Grossostyles hijlora, pub- lished by Guillemin in his ' Zephyritis Taitensis ' (Ann. Sc. Nat. Par. ser. 2. vii. p. 353), enabled Asa Grray to recognize it in ohe plant which he has figured and described in detail in the Botany of the American Exploring Expedition.' Unfortunately these specimens were in some respects imperfect, and the seed has not yet been described. I have, however, little hesitation in referring to the same genus, as a second species, some fruiting specimens collected on the Feejee Islands by Dr. Harvey, differing from the G. hiflora chiefly in the smaller narrow leaves and in the reduced number of parts of the pistil. The remains of the stamens show that their insertion and numbers were about the same as in C. hiflora; but there is nothing to indicate the presence or absence of the nectaries of Foster, or sterile stamens of A. Grray, so peculiarly characteristic of this genus. It is not stated by either, whether they are precisely in the same ring as the stamens, or a little withinside of them. If the latter supposition be correct, they probably represent, not sterile stamens, but the teeth of the disk, which are more or less prominent within the stamens in several LegnotidecB. If really alternating with the stamens in the same verticil, there is nothing in the slightest degree analogous to them in any other genus. The seed of Grossostyles Harveyi has an embryo much nearer to that of Gassipourea than that of Gyno- trocJies. Ansteutheeia. This genus was originally proposed by Dupetit Thenars in his * Grenera Nova Madagascariensia,' under the name of Bichcdia. It A TEIBE OP EHIZOPHOEAOE^ . 71 has since, however, at the suggestion of E. Brown (in the Ap- pendix to Tuckey's * Congo '), been reduced by DeCandolle in his * Prodromus' to Cassipourea ; and I described as such, in the ' iN^iger Flora,' a West African species, which, as I there mentioned, may not improbably be the Congo Cassipourea referred to by B. Brown. In the mean time Gardner met with a plant in Ceylon, which he did not immediately recognize as belonging to this group, but conceived to be allied in its fimbriate petals to Elceocarpece. He accordingly described and figured it in the ' Calcutta Journal ' as a new genus of that order, under the name of Anstrutheria. Sub- sequently Major Champion, in a note addressed to Dr. G-ardner in 1849, pointed out its relation to Cassipourea, and in the Hook- erian herbarium it is identified generically with Bichceia both by Sir "W. Hooker and by Planchon. Under these circumstances, the genus, if maintained as distinct from Cassipourea, should have re- tained Dupetit Thenars' name of Hichceia, were it not that it may be considered as too close, both in sound and derivation, to the previously published Michea in Mpacridece. Its union with Cassi- pourea can only be effected with propriety, in the present state of our acquaintance with these plants, by uniting into one genus all the LegnotidecB with a free or superior ovarium, from Gynotroclies to Cassipou/rea. If that view be adopted, the six genera here characterized may be considered as so many sections, and Anstru- theria will still be the name to be preferred, whether for a section or a genus. The three species it comprises are evidently closely allied to each other. I have seen abundance of good specimens of the Ceylonese one, which varies with broadly ovate, almost membranous leaves, or much narrower and more coriaceous ones. Prom the latter form, the West African specimens, which I have in fruit only, and in very young bud, appear scarcely to differ, except in the size of the flowers, which appear to have been considerably smaller ; and I have seen no specimen of the Madagascar one. I am therefore quite unable to give at present any distinctive dia- gnosis of the three species, if such they be. Blephaeistemma. The history of the name and original specimen of the only species constituting this genus has been already given. It was also collected in the Indian Peninsula by Hochstetter, and has been distributed with his Canara plants under the name of Dryp- topetalum memhranaceum, Miq. It is, however, much nearer re- lated to Cassipourea than to Gynotroclies ; it scarcely differs indeed 72 ME. bentham's synopsis or legnotidejb, from the American Cassipoureas except in habit and inflorescence, in its almost dioecious flowers, and in the rather more dilated stigma. Still the habit is so distinct, that it cannot be joined with Cassipourea, unless, as before mentioned, the whole six genera are united into one. The leaves appear to be deciduous, and have none of the coriaceous texture which all other Bhizo- pJiorecd acquire, at least when full-grown ; the loose cymes are like those of several LythrariecB. The perigynous disk is cupular, as in Cassipourea, but much more developed. Daotylopetalum. This genus is founded on a single specimen gathered on the island of Nossi-be, ofi" the north-west coast of Madagascar, by Boivin. With the habit, inflorescence, and most of the characters of the American Cassipoureas, I could not include it in that genus on account of the structure of the ovary, which has no dissepiments and only two pairs of pendulous ovules round the central axis, and the stamens are only twice the number of the petals. The fruit is unknown. Cassipotjeea. This genus must remain restricted to the three tropical American species enumerated in DeCandolle's ' Prodromus.' Additional specimens have proved to me that the C. serrata I described among Schomburgk's plants was founded on a specimen of C. macrophylla with remarkably toothed leaves, and the C. qiiadri- locularis of Spruce's plants belongs also to the same species, which, as well as the two others, occurs occasionally with four instead of three cells to the ovary. The number of stamens varies in all the species, either four times or five times that of the petals ; and in one specimen only of the C. elliptica, the one figured in Hooker's 'Icones,' vol. iii. t. 280, does it appear to be generally (but not always ?) three times that of the petals. The genus Anisophyllum, Don, or Tetracarpcea of Grardner, which I had formerly considered rather as an anomalous Bhizophoracea than as a Hamamelidea, certainly differs essentially from the former in its alternate leaves, its inflorescence, and more divided styles. Its immediate affinities must, however, remain uncertain until the whole group of small orders clustered round the Saocifragacecs shall have been more carefully reviewed. The following is the more technical synopsis of the genera and species : — A TRIBE or BHIZOPHOEACE^. 73 EHIZOPHOEACEAETJM tribus 2« LEaNOTiDEiE. Semina albuminosa ante germinationem caduca. Flores quam in Bhizophoreis veris vulgo minores. Inflorescentia axillaris, flori- bus nunc fascicnlatis sessilibus v. breviter pedicellatis, nunc in cjmas pedunculatas di-tri-chotomas dispositis. BracteaD ad rami- ficationes v. ad basin pedicellorum parvaD concavse, juniores saepe in cupulam connatse, per anthesin persistentes v. caducse. Stamina quae sepalis opposita in alabastro cum petalis alternant ; caetera aestivatione petalis involuta, 1, 2, 3 v. 4 intra quodque petalum. Stigma plus minus peltato-dilatatum (nisi in Cassipoureis non- nuUis) integrum crenatum v. radiato-lobatum, crenis v. lobis tot quot ovarii loculis. § 1. Ovarii parte ovulifera adnata. 1. Carallia. Calyx supra ovarium campanulatus, lobis brevi- bus. Stamina numero petalorum dupla. Ovula gemina. Inflo- rescentia cymosa. 2. Pellacaltx. Calyx supra ovarium campanulatus, lobis brevibus. Stamina numero petalorum dupla. Ovula fasciculata. Pedicelli fasciculati. 3. Haplopetalum. Calyx usque ad ovarium partitus. Stamina numero petalorum quadrupla (v. quintupla?). Ovula gemina. Pedicelli fasciculati. § 2. Ovarium liber um, lata hasi calycis tubo turbinato impositum. 4. Gtnotroches. Stamina numero petalorum dupla. Ovula quaterna. Pedicelli fasciculati. 5. Crossostyles. Stamina numero petalorum quadrupla (v. quintupla?). Ovula gemina. Pedunculi subcymoso-pauciflori. (Discus perigynus lobatus ?) 6. Anstrtjthebia. Stamina numero petalorum quadrupla (v. quintupla?). Ovula gemina. Pedicelli subfasciculati. Discus perigynus integer v. crenulatus. § 3. Ovarium basi minus dilatatum, in f undo calycis campanulati liber um. 7. Blepharistemma. Stamina numero petalorum dupla. Ovula in ovarii loculis gemina. Inflorescentia cymosa. 8. Dactylopetalum. Stamina numero petalorum dupla. Ovula in placentis ovarii non septati gemina. Pedicelli (brevis- simi) fasciculati. 74 ME. BENTHAM's synopsis op LEGNOTIDEiE, 9. Cassipourea. Stamina numero petalorum quadrupla v. quintupla (rarius tripla). Ovula in ovarii loculis gemina. Pedi- celli brevissimi fasciculati. I. Caeallia, Boxl. Calycis tubus supra ovarium campanulatus, lobis 5-8 brevibus. Discus staminifer usque ad apicem tubi adnatus. Petala tot quot calycis lobi, unguiculata, orbiculata, subserrata v. apice lacera. Stamina numero petalorum dupla, circa disci marginem crenulatum inserta. Ovarii pars ovulifera calyci adnata, 4- (rarius 3- v. 5-) locularis. Ovula in loculis gemina. Pructus abortu ssepius unilocularis, 1-oligospermus. Semen globoso- reniforme, ad hilum impressum. Embryo intra albumen copi- osum teres curvatus. — Cymse pedunculatse ssepius trichotomse. 1. C. integerrima (DC. Prod. iii. p. 33); foliis integerrimis v. versus apicem rarius serrulatis, obovatis ellipticis v. oblongis, floribus 6-8-meris ad ramulos cymarum capitato-sessilibus. — C. ceylanica, corymbosa et sinensis. Am. in Tayl. Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. i. p. 371. C. timorensis, Bl. Mus. Bot. vol. i. p. 128, ex. char. C. octopetala, F. Muell. PI. Austr. Trop. Occid. Pootia cereopsifolia, Miq. PI. Hochst. Hab. in Indiae orientalis sylvis frequens. In ins. Ceylon, Walker, Gardner, n. 278; Kelaart, Thwaites, n. 1.963 et 1964; in Peninsula circa Quilon, Wight, n. 2447 ; in Concan, Law; prope Bombay, Dalzell; in Terra Canara, Hochstetter, n. 307 et 307a ; in Khasiya, Griffith ; Sillet, Hooker et Thomson, Wallich Cat. n. 4880 ; Sikhim, Hooker ; in China australi, in ins. Hong Kong, Champion; in ins. Philippinis, Cuming, n. 1066 et 1027; Mergui et Moolmeyn, Griffith; Rangoon, Maclellan; (Java et Timor ?) ; in Australia tropica ad Brunswick Bay et York Sound, Cun- ningham ; Macadam's Range et Upper Roper River, F. Mueller. Magnopere variat foliorum forma, in speciminibus plerisque Ceylonensibus obovata sunt v. obovali-oblonga obtusissima v. retusa, nonnunquam tamen Indicis omnino similia v. intermedia; in his ssepius amphora ovah-elliptica obtusa v. plus minus obtuse acuminata, rarius late obovata, v. anguste oblonga; in Sinensibus et prsesertim iu Philippinensibus pleraque angustiora et longius acuminata, sed in his etiam occurrunt folia Indicis simiha ; specimina Orientalia et Australasica omnino Indicis similia. Flores etiam magnitudine variant (interdum abortu semi- dioici ?). Calyx vulgo circa 2 lin. longus. Cymse subcorymbosse ramis brevibus crassis, floribus densius laxiusve depresso-capitatis. Bacca vulgo globosa monosperma, rarius dispermam vidi. Specimina tamen fructifera baud multa vidi. C. symmetria, Bl. Mus. Bot. vol. i. p. 130, e Java, ex descriptione non differre videtur a speciminibus C. integerrima foliis apice dentatis. A TEIBE OF BHIZOPHOEACEiE. 75 2. C. cuspiDATA, Bl. I. c. p. 129, e Borneo, ex charactere suo affinis videtur formis angustifoliis C. integerrimce, sed di versa floribus minoribus. 3. C. LANCEiBFOLiA {Roxb. Fl. lud. vol. ii. p. 481 ; Wight, Ic. vol. iii. t. 604) ; foliis elliptieis oblongisve regulariter serrulatis, floribus 6-8- meris ad ramulos cymarum subcapitato-sessilibus, petalis reniformibus erenulatis. — C. conjinis, Bl. Mus. Bot. vol. i. p. 129? Hab. In Sumatra, Roxburgh. Specimina quae vidi omnia ex horto bo- tanico Caleuttensi. A C. integerrima differt imprimis foliis a basi ad apieem regulariter crenu- lato-serrulatis. Bacca etiam major videtur, turbinato-globosa, 2-3- sperma. Flores iis C. integerrimce similes, minus tamen eonferti. C. lucida, Roxb. PI. Corom. vol. iii. t. 211, et in Wight, Icon. vol. iii, t. 605 (eujus specimina sicca vidi e horto Caleuttensi) videtur C. lan- cecefolicB forma latifolia male depicta. 4. C. CELEBICA {Bl. Mus. Bot. vol. i. p. 131, ex charact.); foliis elliptieis oblongisve serrulatis, floribus in cymis trichotomis subpedicellatis, pe- talis late cordatis fimbriatis. Hab. (In ins. Celebes, Blume), in Labuan, ins. Borneo, Motley. Species bene distincta. Flores 3 lin. longi. Calycis lobi latiusculi tubo bre- viores. Pedicelli breves et crassi, sed saepius distincti. Fructus non vidi. 6. C. CALYCiNA ; foliis ovatis ellipticisve integerrimis, pedunculis longi- uscule dichotomis, petalis late cordatis fimbriatis. Hab. in ins. Ceylon, Thwaites, n. 3468. Ramus adest dichotomus, ad nodos leviter incrassatus. Folia pleraque bipoUicaria, breviter acuminata, coriacea. Cymse quara in C. celebica magis elongatae, pedunculo bis terve bifido, floribus alaribus nuUis. Flores fere 4 lin. longi, angustiores quam in C. celebica ; calycis lacinise 4, lanceolataj, crassae, tubo turbinato sublongiores. Discus parti tubi liberae brevissime adnatus. Petala lata subreniformia, insigniter fimbri- ata. . Ovarium 4-loculare. Stigma 4-crenatum. — Specimen unicum vidi, floribus paucis, quorum unicum tantum examinavi. 6. C. MULTiFLORA, Bl. I. c. p. 131, c Bomco, a me non visa, dififerre dici- tur a C. celebica corymbis magis ramosis multifloris, floribus minoribus. 7. C. Baraldeia, Am. in Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. i. p. 371. Baraldeia, Dup. Thou. Gen. Nov. Madag. p. 24, e Madagascaria, quam non vidi, distinguitur imprimis floribus 6-meris, nee ut in praecedentibus 6-8-meris. Diatoma brachiata, Lour. Fl. Cochinch. p. 296, ab auctoribus vero- similiter baud immerito ad Caralliam reiata, a C. integerrima dififerre videtur petalis ut in C. celebica fimbriatis. Specimina nulla vidi. II. Pellacalyx, Korth. Calycis tubus supra ovarium campanulatus, lobis 5-6 brevibus. Discus staminifer usque ad apieem tubi adnatus. Petala tot quot calycis lobi, apice lacera. Stamina numero petalorum 76 MR. bentham's synopsis of legnotide^, dupla, circa disci marginem crenulatum inserta. Ovarii pars ovulifera calyci adnata, 5- (rarius 6- ?) locularis. Ovula in loculis plurima (8-12) fasciculata. Pructus subglobosus, car- nosus, calycis limbo coronatus. Semina parva ovoidea. Embryo in albuminis axi rectus teres, cotyledonibus vix radicula lati- oribus. — Pedicelli axillares fasciculati. Species unica. P. AXILLARIS, Korth. in Van der Hoeven et De Vriese, Tijdschr. vol. iii. p. 20. t. 2. Hab. in ins. Penang, Phillipps ; in Malacca, Griffith. Folia oblonga acuminata 4-5-pollicaria supra scabriuscula subtus pube stellata rufescentia. Bacca 3-4 lin. diametro, tubo calycis 2^ lin. longo coronata. Dentes breves reflexo-patentes. Semina iis Gynotrochis similia v. pauUo majora. III. Haplopetalum, a. Gtray. Calyx fere ad ovarium 4-partitus. Petala 4 subsessilia inte- gerrima. Stamina numero petalorum 4-pla (v. 5-pla?) ad marginem disci brevissimi inserta. Ovarii pars ovulifera calyci adnata, 1-locularis. Ovula 8-10 e columna centrali geminatim appensa. Pructus ignotus. — Pedicelli axillares fasciculati. Species unica. H. RiCHEi, A. Gray, Bot. Amer. Explor. Exped. vol. i. p. 608. t. 7^- Hab. in insulis Feejee. Habitus folia et flores parvi Gynotrochis axillaris. ly. Gynoteoches, -BZ. Calycis tubus brevissime turbinatus Hmbus 4-5-partitus. Petala tot quot calycis lacinise unguiculata apice lacera. Stamina niunero petalorum dupla, disco brevissimo crenulato inserta. Ovarium superum, lata basi calyci impositum, 4-6-loculare. Ovula in loculis 4, fasciculata. Bacca ovoideo-globosa, inde- biscens. Semina parva, ovoidea. Embryo in albuminis axi rectus teres, cotyledonibus vix radicula latioribus. — Pedicelli ad axillas fasciculati. 1. G. AXILLARIS {Bl. Mus. Bot.\o\. i. p. 127. t. xxxi.); pedicellis calyce longioribus. Dryptopetalum coriaceum, Arn. in Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. i. p. 372. Microtropis coriacea, Wall. Cat. n. 4338. Gynotroches Dryp- topetalum, Bl. Mus. Bot. vol. i. p. 127. G. reticulata, A. Gray, Bot. Amer. Explor. Exped. vol. i. p. 607, ex descr. Hab. insylvis montanis Archipelagi Indici, Blume, Seemann; in ins. Penang et Singapore, Wall. Cat. n. 4338 et 8467 ; in Malacca, Griffith, Cuming, n. 2367 ; ad Moulmeyn, Lobb. A TUTBE or RHIZOPHORAOE^. 77 Folia oblonga v. elliptica acuminata, 2-5 poll, longa coriacea reticulato- venosa. Flores in axillis immerosi parvi, brevius longiusve pedicellati, calyce circa 1 lin. longo, abortu subdioici ; masculi stftminibus petalisque perfectis, ovario ssepius tenui vacuo, stigmate baud dilatato ; foeraineo- hermaphroditi longius pedicellati, petalis staminibusque saepe minoribus his interdum effoetis, stigmate radiato-lobato. Bacca 1^-2 lin. diametro pleiosperma. 2. G. MiCRANTHA, Bl. Mus. Bot. vol. i. p. 128, a me non visa, a prae- cedente differre dicitur floribus minutissimis subsessilibus. Hab. in Borneo et Sumatra (Blume). Y. Ceo s so STYLES, Forst. Calycis tubus brevissime turbinatus, limbus 4-5-partitus. Petala tot quot calycis lacinise unguiculata, apice lacera. Stamina numero petalorum quadrupla (v. quintupla ?) disco brevissimo inserta; filamenta brevia totidem cum staminibus alternantia (an disci lacinise? an stamina sterilia?). Ovarium superum basi latissima calyci impositum, 5-12-loculare. Ovula in loculis gemina. Eructus carnosus subglobosus in valvulas septicide tardius debiscens. Semina ovoidea. Embryo in albuminis axi rectus, radicula tereti, cotyledonibus anguste ovatis. — Pedunculi axillares bi-pluri-flori, floribus pedicellatis. Petala et filamenta sterilia in sola C. hiflora observata. Semina in C. Sarveyi. 1. C. BiFLORA {Forst. ; Guillem. Zeph. Tait. in Ann. Sc. Nat. Par. ser. 2. vol. vii. p. 354 ; A. Gray, Bot. Amer. Explor. Exped. vol. i. p. 610. t. 77) ; foliis amplis obovatis, gynaecio sub-12-mero. Hab. in insula Societatis Raietea {Forst er) ; in Tutuila insularum Samoa {Amer. Explor. Exped.). Folia 4-7 poll, longa, 2-3 poll. lata. Pedunculi 3-4 lin. longi, pedicellis 2-3 (rarius 4) unifloris v. rarius 3-floris. 2. C. Harveyi ; foliis ovali- v. oblongo-ellipticis, gynsecio 5-7-mero. Hab. in insulis Feejee, Harvey. Arbor? glabra, ramulis ad nodos incrassatis. Folia petiolata, obtusa, coriacea, 2-2^-pollicaria. Pedunculi 2-3 lin. longi petiolo subbreviores, ssepius ad axillas solitarii biflori. Pedicelli pedunculo subaequales. Bractese caducae. Calycis fructiferi tubus late et brevissime turbinatus, laciniis crassis reflexis 2 lin. longis. Discus in calyce fructifero fere obliteratus. Staminum vestigia supersunt numero laciniarum quadrupla, filamento brevi, antheris oblongis. Capsula baccans circa 4 lin. diametro 5-7-locularis, stylo brevi stigmate 5-7-radiato coronata, maturitate val- vulis 5-7 crasso-carnosis dehiscens. Semina axi persistent! appensa, ovoidea, duplo fere majora quam in Gynotrochi. , 78 MR. bentham's synopsis of leonottde^, VI. Anstrtjtheria, Qardn. Calycis tubus brevissime turbinatus, limbus 4~5-partitus. Petala tot quot calycis laciniae unguiculata apice lacera. Stamina numero petalorum quadrupla (v. quintupla?) disco brevissimo inserta; filamentis nullis interjectis. Ovarium superum basi lata calyci impositum, 3- (rarius 4-) loculare. Ovula in loculis gemina. Fructus carnosus subglobosus in valvulas crassas demum septicide dehiscens. Semina ovoidea. Embryo in albu- minis axi rectus, cotyledonibus late ovatis. — Pedicelli axillares solitarii v. pauci. Bracteae quam in Cassij^owea crassiores, ju- niores in cupulam connatae calycem basi amplectentes, demum apertaB v. caducae. Species v. formaB tres, patria diversa inter se tamen valde affines, et specimina ad diagnoses conficiendas adhuc non sufficiunt. 1. A. CEYLANICA, Am. in Calc. Journ. Nat. Hist. vol. vi. p. 344. t. 4. Hab. in ins. Ceylon, Klein, Walker, Gardner, Champion, Thwaites, 8fc. Folia variant nunc late ovata tenuiora, nunc ovali-elliptica magis coriacea. 2. A. AFRICANA. Cassipourea africana, Benth. in Hook. Fl. Nig. p. 341. C. congoensis, Br. ex DC. Prod. vol. iii. p. 34?. Hah. in Africa tropica occidental, Vogel. Specimina fructifera tantum vidi cum alabastris junioribus ; simillima sunt iis e Ceylonensium foliis angustis coriaceis donatis, flores tamen multo minores videntur. 3. A. MADAGASCARiENSis. Cassipourett madagascariensis, DC. Prod, vol. iii. p. 34. Richeeia, Dup. Thou. Gen. Nov. Madag. p. 25. Hab. in Madagascaria, Dupetit Thouars. Species a me non visa. VII. Blephaeistemma, Wall. Calyx ovoideus, breviter 4-lobus. Petala in fiindo calycis circa discum inserta, unguiculata, apice lacera. Stamina numero petalorum dupla, disco cupulato apice crenato inserta. Ovarium in fundo calycis liberum obovoideum 3-loculare, ovulis in quoque loculo geminis. Pructus ignotus. — Cymae pedunculatae axillares corymboso-multiilorae. Flores abortu subdioici. Species unica. B. coRYMBosuM, Wall. Cat. n. 6320. Dryptopetalum membranaceum, Miq. in PI. Hohenack. n. 713. Hab. In Indise Orientalis Peninsula, Herb. Heyne ; in Terra Canara prope Pellitschery, Hohenacker. Frutex ?, excepta inflorescentia gemmisve novellis glaber. Folia opposita, petiolata, ovali-elliptica v. oblonga acuminata, irregulariter sinuato- A TRIBE OF RHIZOPHOEACE^. 79 crenata, basi acuta v, rotundata, 4-5 poll, longa, 1|— 2^ poll, lata, membranacea, penninervia. Stipulae interpetiolares lanceolatae mem- branacese pubescentes, 2-3 lin. longae, caducissimse. Cymae ad axillas v. ad basin innovationura oppositae, pedunculo semipollicari fultse, 2-3- chotomae, floribus 20-30 et ultra. Pedicelli circa lineam longi. Calyx ovoideo-campanulatus, 1^ lin. longus, crassiusculus, supeme extus minute liirtellus, lobis vix ad tertiam partem attingentibus. Petala mariura calyce duplo longiora. Stamina pauUo breviora uti petalorum ungues ciliata. Discus f lin. longus, a calyce fere omnino liber, apice 8-den- tatus. Ovarium angustum vacuum stylo brevi. Petala in floribus foemineis breviora. Stamina minora antlieris parvis (effoetis?). Discus minor, saepe fissus. Ovarium obtuse subtrigonum. Stylus calyce longior, stigmate obsolete trilobo. YIII. Dacttlopetalum, Benth. Calyx campanulatus breviter 5-lobus. Petala in fundo calycis circa discum inserta, unguiculata, apice lacera. Stamina numero petalorum dupla disco cupulato leviter crenato inserta. Ovarium in fundo calycis liberum uniloculare, ovulis 4, per paria circa axin pendulis. Fructus ignotus. — Flores in axillis glomerati subsessiles. Species unica. DaCTYLOPETALUM SESSILIFLORUM. Hab. In ins. Nossi-be, Boivin. Arbor? glabra. Stipulae breves, caducae. Folia petiolata oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata, integerrima, 3-4-pollicaria, coriacea. Flores ad axillas conferti subsessiles, ut videtur ebracteati. Calyx vix 2 lin. longus, lobis obtusis. Petala pauUo longiora, uti stamina glabra, apice in lobos circa 5 digitatim fissa. Discus quam in Blepharistemmate brevior. Stigma vix dilatatum. IX. Cassipoubea, Auhl. Calyx campanulatus, breviter 4-5-lobus. Petala in fundo calycis circa discum inserta, unguiculata, apice profunde fimbriato- lacera. Stamina numero petalorum 4-5-pla (rarius tripla), disco cupulato apice vix crenulato inserta. Ovarium in fundo calycis liberum ovoideum v. globosum 3-loculare (rarius 4-locu- lare), ovulis in quoque loculo geminis. Stigma vix dilatatum. Pructus carnosulus ovoideus in valvulas carnosulas septicide subdebiscens. — Plores in axillis glomerati, sessiles v. breviter pedicellati. Species tres, omnes Americanse, in Prodromo Can- dolKi enumeratse, inter se valde affines sunt. 1. C. ELLiPTicA (Poir. Diet. Suppl. vol. ii. p. 131 ; Hook.Ic. vol. iii. t. 280); foliis ovatis ellipticisve integerrimis, floribus distincte pedicellatis. Hab. in insulis Americae aequinoctialis ; in ins. Jamaica, Purdie ; Dominica, 80 ME. BENTHAM ON THE GENUS A8TERANTH0S, DESE. Imray ; S^ Vincentii, Anderson^ Guilding ; et in America centrali prope Chagres, Fendler, n. 191; in ins. Coyba Novae Grenadse, Seemann. Folia vulgo basi magis angustata quam in sequentibus. Calyx 2 lin. longus. 2. C. GuiANENSis {Aubl. PI. Gui. vol. i. p. 629. t. 211); foliis ovatis ellipticisve integerrimis, floribus subsessilibus. Hab. in Guiana Anglica, Hancock, Rob. SchomburgTc, coil. ii. n. 84 et 853 ; Rich. SchomburgJc, n. 32 et 1473 ; in Cayenne, Martin ; in Suri- namo, Hostmann, n. 1170. Folia basi ssepius obtusa, rarius acuta, petiolo brevi nunc brevissimo. Calyx circa 1^ lin- longus. 3. C. MACROPHYLLA [DC. Prod. vol. iii. p. 34) ; foliis ellipticis oblongisve superne hinc inde repando-dentatis, floribus subsessilibus. C. serrata, Bentb. in Hook. Journ. vol. ii. p. 223, et C. quadrilocularis, Bentb. in Spruce, PI. Exs. Hab. in Guiana Anglica ad flumina Essequebo et Rupununy, Rob. Schom- burgJc, coll. i. n. 527 ; in Brasilia boreali ad flumina Amazonura et Rio Negro, Martins, Spruce. Folia vulgo 4-6-pollicaria, hinc inde taraen iis C. guianensis similia. Flores quam in praecedentibus majores. Calyx 2^ lin. longus. Notice of tlie !Re-discovery of the Genus Aster antJios, Desf., by Mr. Spruce. By Geoeoe Bentham, Esq., F.L.S. [Read AprH 1st, 1858.] The plant, of which I here exhibit a specimen, has excited much interest, as well from its close relationship to the African Na/po- leona, as from the uncertainty of the origin of the only specimen hitherto known. This specimen, or rather fragment, was part of a herbarium brought from Portugal to the Museum of the Jardin des Plantes of Paris in the commencement of the present century, and which contained, together with several plants from the Brazilian provinces of Pernambuco and Hio Negro, others from Angola in Africa. From this fragment, consisting of a branch with two leaves and a few loose flowers, Turpin made up the figure in the ' Annales du Museum,' and Desfontaines drew up his description. Adrien de Jussieu afterwards dissected one of the loose buds, and as the result showed a great affinity to the Na]poleona and to no other plant known, it was supposed that the Asteranthos also was probably African, but had been misplaced into the Brazilian portion of the above-mentioned herbarium, by some confusion in sorting it, either in Portugal or on its arrival in Paris. Mr. Spruce, however, has now proved that its Brazilian origin was perfectly correct. He found it in great abundance on the banks DE. F, MUELLEe'S MONOGEAPH OF THE EUCALYPTI. 81 of the Guainia, the name given to the G-uainiu above its confluence with the Casiquiare, and also on the Atabapo, an affluent of the Orenoco below its junction with the Casiquiare. He describes it as a tree of 30 or 40 feet in height, with slender branches, and handsome, very highly scented, yellow flowers. He found the number of folds of the corolla to vary from 22 to 26 ; I have counted 28 in some flowers ; and in a loose corolla which he found floating very far down the Eio Negro there are 35. Adrien de Jussieu (Ann. Sc. Nat. iii. 2. p. 227) states that, in the bud he examined, he found a 5-celled ovary with three or four pendulous ovules in each. In the flowers I have examined I find six cells, corresponding to the six raised ribs of the base of the style described by Desfontaines. The four pendulous ovules in each cell are precisely as in Napoleona. There being no fruit with these specimens, they add but little to what was already known as bearing on the much-disputed question of the affinities of these plants. I cannot enter into Jussieu's views of their proximity to Sapotacece ; but it appears to me that everything confirms Lindley's views of their affinity with Myrtacecd. Indeed if we include in that family the Barringtoniece and Lecythidecd, we can scarcely exclude Asteranthos. The tendency to the union of the petals and stamens in concentric rings may be traced in several plants of the group. Monograph of the Eucalypti of Tropical Australia ; with an Ar- rangement for the use of Colonists according to the Structure of the Bark*. By Dr. Eeedikand Muellee, Government Botanist, Victoria, Australia. Communicated by Dr. J. D. Hookee,V.P.E.S., P.L.S, [Read February 18, 1858.] Conspectus Eucaltptoeum Austealij) iNTEETEOPiciE et SUBTE0PICJ3. I. Folia alterna, latitudine conspicvs longiora. § 1. ValvcB prorsus exsertce. 1. E. tereticornis. Operculum conico-subulatum. 2. E. rostrata. Operculum hemisphaericum, rostratum. 3. E. hrevifolia. Operculum hemisphaericum, muticum. * The accompanying MS. has been compared with the specimens from Dr. Mueller and A. Cunningham in the Hookerian Herbarium, by Mr. Allan Black, Curator of the Herbarium, who has added some habitats and notes. — J. D. H. LINN. PEOC. — BOTANY. G 82 DR. F. Mueller's monogeapii 4. E. patellaris. Operculum patellare, umbonatum. 5. E. exserta. Operculum conicum, obtusum. § 2. Valvce semiexsertcd. 6. E. signata. Operculum hemisphaericura ; fructus semiglobosus. 7. E. hemilampra. Operculum elongato-conicum ; fructus turbiuatus. 8. E. semicorticata. Operculum acuminatum ; fructus semiglobosus. 9. E. leptophleba. Operculum ; fructus semiovatus. 10. E. microtheca. Operculum ; fructus minutus, semiovatus. 11. E. fibrosa. Operculum tenui-conicum ; fructus semiglobosus. 12. E. crebra. Operculum semiovatum ; fructus semiovatus. § 3. Valvce omnino inclusce, 13. E. variegata. Operculum hemisphsericum ; fructus semiovatus. 14. E. tessellaris. Operculum patellare ; fructus semiovatus. 15. E. polycarpa. Operculum ; fructus oblongo-ovatus. 16. E. terminalis. Operculum ; fructus subcampanulatus. 17. E. dichromophloia. Operculum semiovatum ; fructus urceolatus. 18. JB. trachyphloia. Operculum ; fructus semiovatus. 19. E. bicolor. Operculum hemisphaericum, ecostatum ; fructus semi- ovatus. 20. E. ptychocarpa. Operculum hemisphaericum, costatum ; fructus subcampanulatus. 21. E. aurantiaca. Operculum hemisphaericum, costatum; fructus urceolari-campanulatus. 22. E. phoenicea. Operculum ; fructus urceolaris, ecostatus. § 4. Species fructu iqnoto, 23. E. citriodora. Operculum hemisphaericum ? 24. E. tectifica. Operculum acuminatum. II. Folia alterna, latitudine vix aut paulo longiora. 25. E. populnea. III. Folia opposita vel subopposita, latitudine vice aut paulo longiora. § 1. Valvce prorsus exsertce. 26. E. platyphylla. § 2. Vahce semiexsertcd. 27. E. melanophloia. § 3. Valvce omnino inclusce. 28. E. latifolia. Operculum ; fructus subcampanulatus. 29. E. aspera. Operculum ; fructus minuti, subcampanulati. 30. E. ferruginea. Operculum ; fructus globoso-ovati. 31. E. melissiodora. Operculum conico-hemisphaericum ; fructus campanulati. OF THE EUCALYPTI OF TROPICAL AUSTRALIA. 83 § 4. Species fructu incognito, 32. E. bigalerita. Operculum duplex. 33. E. floribunda. Operculum patellare. ly. Folia opposita, latitudine conspicue loncjiora. 34. E. tetrodonta. Y. Sectio duhia. 35. E. brachyandra. 36. E. clavigera, A. Cunn. 37. E. odontocarpa. 38. E. pachyphylla. I. Folia alterna, latitudine conspicue longiora. § 1. Yalvcd prorsus exsertcB. ^ 1. Eucalyptus tereticornis {Smith in Trans. Linn. Sac. iii. 284). E. subulata (All. Cunn, ex Schauer in Walp. Rep. Bot. Syst. ii. 924). Excelsa, ramulis tenuibus teretiusculis, foliis alternis longiuscule pe- tiolatis elongato-lanceolatis subfalcatis concoloribus vix nitidulis pel- lucide punctatis penniveniis, vena longitudinali a margine reraota, umbellis 4-6-floris, pedunculis axillaribus lateralibusque solitariis pedicellos longitudine excedentibus angulosis, calycis ecostati operculo conico- subulate subcurvato tubi hemisphserici longitudinem pluries excedente, capsules semisuperse subglobosse quadriloculatae valvis alte exsertis deltoideis, seminibus apteris. Hab. In montosis planitiebusque Australise orientalis usque ad flumen Burdekin. Anth. vere. (Brisbane River, Frazer, in hb. Hook.) Arbor trunco utplurimum recto, cortice undique cinereo laevi in stratis tenuibus fuscescentibus secedente. Folia longitudine inter 3 et 7" varia, inferne 6-10'" lata, in apicem longe sensimque angustata, breviter in petiolum decurrentia. Calycis tubus 1'" parum excedens. Fila- menta albida. Operculum pallidum circiter semunciale. Capsula ad ^ exserta, fere 3'" raetiens. Huic E. rostrata, Schlecht. et E. acuminata, Hook, proximse, et forsan nonnisi varietatis valore diversae. 2. Eucalyptus rostrata {Schlechtendal \ in Linncea, xx. p. 655. E. acuminata. Hook. ! in Mitchell, Trop. Austral, p. 390). Arborea, ramulis tenuibus apice angulatis, foliis alternis modice petiolatis elon-. gato- vel falcato-lanceolatis opacis prominenter penniveniis pellucide punctatis, vena peripherica a margine remota, umbellis axillaribus solitariis 5-7-floris, pedicellis calycis tubo subduplo longioribus pe- dunculo conspicue brevioribus quocum tenuibus angulatis, calycis tubo hemisphserico ecostato, operculo semigloboso conico- vel subulate- acuminate, fructibus quadriloculatis, valvis omnino exsertis, seminibus apteris. g2 84 DR. F. muellee's monogbaph Hab. In Australia tropica et subtropica secus rivulos, circum paludes lacusque, nee minus in pratis tempore pluviali inundatis fere ubique abunde occurrens. Anth. sestate. Arbor mediocris vel gigantea, ramulis pendulis. Cortex prseter trunci basin caesio- vel albido-cinereus Isevis rudimentis strati superi fus- cescentis seeedentis tenuibus interdum parce obteetus. Folia tenui- coriacea, pleraque 5-8" longa, inferne 6-10'" lata, in apicem longe angustata. Calycis tubus sesquilinearis. Operculi acumen longi- tudine et forma varians sed potius subito quam (in E. tereticorni) sensim protrudens. Stamina albida. Capsula circiter 3'" metiens. Adnot. Operculi acumen nonnunquam rudimento operculi alteri in- clusum. " Yarra-tree," Mitch. Trop. Austr. passim. "Flooded Gum-tree/' heichhardf s Overland Exp. et colonorum passim. "Red Gum- tree " inhabitantium coloniae South Australia. 3. Eucalyptus brevifolia. Arborea v. fruticosa, ramulis tereti- usculis, foliis alternis angusto- vel ovato-lanceolatis parum curvatis acutis vel sensim acuminatis modice petiolatis subtiliter penniveniis epunctatis, vena peripherica a margine vix remota, umbellis axillaribus paucifloris, pedunculis petiolo brevioribus obscure angulatis, calycis tubo semiovato vel hemisphserico laevi pedicellum duplo excedente operculi semiglobosi mutici longitudinem vix superante, capsula semi- exserta 3- raro 4-loculata vertice hemisphaerica stylo mucronata, valvis paulo infra marginem insertis, seminibus clathratis apteris. Hab. In eremis terrae tabularis ad flumina Victoria et Sturt's Creek, in plaga Arnheim's Land et circum sinum Carpentaria. Anth. vere. Frutex elatior vel arbor minor rarius mediocris, cortice laevi albido- cinerascenti. Ramuli fulvi. Folia pleraque 2-3" longa, ^-1" lata. Pedunculi 3-4'" longi. Calycis tubus longitudine 1^-3'" varians, fructifer hemisphaericus. Semina |-1"' longa ovata concavo-convexa fusca. Variat floribus duplo minoribus. 4. Eucalyptus patellaris. Arborea, ramulis teretiusculis apice vix angulatis, foliis alternis modice petiolatis angusto-lanceolatis sub- falcatis longe acutatis parce pellucide punctatis nitidulis subtiliter venosis, vena peripherica margini subcontigua, umbellis terminalibus axillaribusque 3-7-floris geminis vel pluribus paniculatis, pedunculo teretiusculo pedicellis angulatis paulo vel duplo longiore, calycis tubo campanulato pedicellum longitudine aequante operculum patellare umbonutum duplo excedente, capsulae quadriloculatae valvis prorsus exsertis. Hab. Ad rivulos exsiccantes fluvii Roper. Anth. aestate. Arbor elatior, habitu E. microthecce. Cortex sordide canus rugosus et rimulosus in trunco ramisque persistens. Folia 3-6" longa, ^1" lata. Pedunculi unciales vel breviores. Calycis tubus circiter 4'" OF THE EUCALYPTI OF TROPICAL AUSTEALIA. 85 longus viridulus. Operculum fuscescens coriaceum. ValvcB margini calycis adnatae. 5. Eucalyptus EXSERTA. Arborea, ramulis tenuibus angulatis, foliis alternis angusto-lanceolatis elongatis leniter curvatis raodice petiolatis acurainatis opacis pellucide punctatis subtilissime penniveniis, vena peripherica a margine remota, umbellis axillaribus lateralibusque soli- tariis 3-7-floris, petiolo pedunculum angulatum superante, calyce breviter pedicellato, operculo conico obtusiusculo calycis tubum he- misphffiricum indistincte costatum duplo excedente, capsula globosa 3-5-loculata semisupera, valvis alte ewsertis, seminibus apteris. Hab. In pratis minus fertilibus ad fluvium Burnett. Anth. Jan., Febr. Arbor mediocris vel minor, cortice in trunco ramisque persistente cinereo- fusco rugoso et rimoso, extus frustuloso, intus subfibroso. Folia 3-6" longa, 4-8'" lata. Pedunculi 3-5'" longi. Capsula circiter 3'" metiens, valvis brevibus deltoideis supra calycis marginem orientibus. Fructus igitur non dissimilis ei E. rostratce. Semina angulata subti- lissime rugulosa fertilia nigrescentia. Quoad corticis structuram inter arbores Eucalyptorum " Bloodwood-" et " Stringy-bark-trees *' vocatas quasi medium tenet, notis specificis ad E.fibrosam approximans. § 2. Valvce semiexsertcd. 6. Eucalyptus signata. Arborea, ramulis apice angulatis, foliis alternis elongato-lanceolatis falcatis modice petiolatis longe acumi- natis opacis prominenter venosis pellucide punctatis, venis erecto- patentibus : peripherica a margine remota, umbellis axillaribus et la- teralibus 6-10-floris, pedicellis angulatis pedunculo compresso bis terve brevioribus calycem ecostatum vix excedentibus, calycis tube operculum hemisphsericum apiculatum longitudine duplo superante tnvhmatOffructibusparvis hemisphcericis quadriloculatis vertice planis, valvis vix exsertis, seminibus apteris. Hab. In coUibus et montibus graminosis sylvaticis ad flumen Brisbane. (Macarthur, Sydney Woods, Paris Exhib. No. 163, in hb. Hook.) Anth. Nov., Dec. Arbor elata, " Spotted Gum-tree " in plagis ad Moreton Bay vocata, trunco cum ramis laevi e caesio et albido vel livido variegato lineisque flexuosis signato. Folia 3-6" longa, f-l^" lata venis angulo acutiore patentibus percursa. Pedunculi 5-9'" longi. Stamina albida ad 2'" longa. Operculum circiter 1'" altum, interdum obtusum rai'O acu- minatum. Fructus circiter 2\"' longi. 7. Eucalyptus hemilampra. Arborea, ramuhs compresso-tetra- gonis, /oZm alternis modice petiolatis cutvato-lanceolatis sensim acu- minatis pellucide punctatis subtilissime venosis supra nitentibus, subtus pallidioribus opacis, vena longitudinali a margine remotiuscula, umbeUis 5-7-floris axillaribus lateralibusque solitariis, pedunculo compresso petiolum acquante pedicellis angulosis longiore, calycis 86 DB. F. Mueller's mokogbaph tubo late obconico paucicostato, operculo elongato-conico acuto recto tubi longitudinem ter quaterve excedente ecostato, fructibus subtur- binatis quinqueloculatis vertice convexis, valvis semiexsertis, semi- nibus apteris. Hab. Ad rivulos torrentesque sylvaticos secus partes fluvii Brisbane su- periores. Anth. Dec, Jan. Arbor procera, trunco ramisque cinereis laevibus. Folia 4-5 poll, longa, inferne |-H" lata. Pedunculi i-l" longi. Pedicelli calycis tubo modo longiores modo breviores. Operculum semunciale sordide fla- vidiim. Filamenta albida ad i" longa. Fructus vix 3'" longi apice non contraeti. E. tereticorni similis, foliis quoque E. citriodorce, 8. Eucalyptus semicorticata. Arborea, ramulis angulatis, foliis alternis lanceolatis subfalcatis modiee petiolatis sensim acuminatis opacis subtilissime venosis imperforatis, vena peripherica a margine remota, umbellis axillaribus et lateralibus solitariis 5-8-floris, pedi- cellis angulatis pedunculo compresso bis tei*ve brevioribus calycis tubo vix longioribus, operculo acuminato calycis tubum semiovatum ecos- tatum aequante, fructibus hemisphaericis 3-4-loculatis vertice planis, valvis brevissime exsertis, seminibus apteris. Hab. In nemoribus montiura fertiliorum ad flumen Brisbane. (Illawarra, Macarthur, Sydney Woods, in Paris Exhib. No. 88, hb. Hook.) Antb. sestate. Arbor procera, " Blackbut " colonorum. Cortice trunci extus nigro- cinereo intus fusco fibroso, ramis denudatis albidis IcBvibus. Folia 2^-4" longa, 7-10'" lata. Pedunculi 6-10'" longi. Operculum 2'" longum semiovatum subrostratum. Fructus 3-4'" longi. Semina fusca r" longa angulata subtilissime pnnctulato-rugulosa. E. persicifolia, Lodd. non Schl., hue forsan pertinet ex nomine verna- culari " Blackbut" ad banc a Cunninghamio citato. 9. Eucalyptus leptophleba. Arborea, ramulis inferne teretius- culis supeme angulatis laevibus, foliis alternis modiee petiolatis falcato- lanceolatis epunctatis subtilissime venosis, vena peripherica a margine parum remota, umbellis axillaribus terminalibusque 3-5-floris geminis ternis vel paniculatis, pedunculis angulatis ', generali cseteris longiore, pedicellis calycis tubo semiovato brevioribus, fructibus semiovatis ecostatis 4-6-loculatis, valvis subinclusis deltoideis acuminatis infra marginem insertis. Hab. In pratis ad flumen Gilbert. Anth. sestate. Arbor mediocris vel major, cortice sordide cano rugoso et rimuloso in trunco ramisque persistente. Folia pleraque 3-6" longa, ad 1" lata. Pedunculi primarii petiolos ajquantes vel superantes. Pedicelli calycis tubo varie breviores. Fructus 3-4'" longi ore non contraeti. Valves non nisi apice exserta?. E. patellari approximanda. OF THE^TJCALYPTI OF TEOPICAL ArSTBALIA. 87 10. Eucalyptus microtheca. Arborea, ramulis tenuibus teretius- culis, foliis alternis breviuscule petiolatis lineari-lanceolatis subfalcatis acutiusculis opacis imperforatis subtilissime venosis, vena longitu- dinali margini subcontigua, umbellis axillaribus solitariis vel paniculatis paucifloris, pedunculis angulatis, fructibus parvis semiovatis ecostatis breviter pedicellatis 3-4-locularibus, valvis infra marginem insertis vix emergentibus, seminibus fertilibus nigrescentibus laevibus apteris. Hab. In Nova HoUandia tropica non rara, planities fertiliores inhabitans. Anth. vere. Arbor mediocris, cortice sordide fusco-cano rugoso et rimoso in trunco persistente, ramis superne decorticantibus cinereis Icevibus. Folia satis tenuia 2-5" longa, 4-8'" lata. PanicultB simpliciusculse foliis bre- viores. PeduncuU longitudine variantes. Fructus 1^2"' longi. Se- mina fere f '" longa peltato- vel truneato-ovata. 11. Eucalyptus fibrosa. Arborea, ramulis compresso-tetragonis, foliis alternis modice petiolatis lanceolato-falcatis acuminatis indi- stincte vel subtile venosis opacis imperforatis, vena peripherica a margine remota, umbellis axillaribus solitariis geminisque vel termina- libus paniculatis 5-6-floris, pedunculo anguloso petiolum vix aequante, pedicellis calycis tubo semiovato ajquilongis, operculo tenui-conico obtusiusculo quam tubus angustiore et duplo longiore, fructibus hemi- sphaericis 3-4-loculatis ecostatis, valvis infra marginem aflSxis breviter exsertis, seminibus apteris. Hab. In montibus nemorosis ad flumen Brisbane. Anth. sestate. Arbor magna, suo tractu "Stringy-bark-tree" colonis vocata, trunco recto cum ramis corticem extus rugosum nigrescenti-cinereum intus fibrosum gerente. Folia 3-5" longa, ^-1" lata. Calyx in pedicellum an- gulatum desinens. Operculum 3"' longum. Fructus lignosi 3-4"' longi. 12. Eucalyptus crebra. Arborea, ramulis teretiusculis apice an- gulatis, foliis alternis modice petiolatis lanceolato-falcatis acuminatis tenuissime vel indistincte penniveniis imperforatis opacis, vena peri- pherica a margine remotiuscula, umbellis axillaribus solitariis et ter- minalibus subpaniculatis 3-6-floris, pedunculis petiolum subaequan- tibus vel eodem brevioribus pedicellisque angulatis, calycis tubo semi- ovato ecostato pedicellum longitudine subscquante, operculo (juvenili) semiovato mutico tubo vix aequilongo angustiore, fructibus parvis semiovatis 3-4-loculatis, valvis parum convexis paulo infra marginem insertis breviter emergentibus, seminibus apteris. Hab. A montibus Newcastle-Range usque ad sinum Moreton Bay tam in solo fertihore quara steriliore praicipue autem montano vel coUino sylvas vastas apertas constituens. Anth. a3state. Arbor minor vel mediocris, cortice undique persistente rugoso nigrito. Folia 2-5" longa, 6-9'" lata, in petiolum ^-1" longum angustata. Fructus 2-2^"' longi, orificio non contracti. " Moreton Bay Ironbark-trce " apud colonos nuncupata. 88 DE. F. Mueller's monograph § 3. Valvce omnino indusce. 13. Eucalyptus variegata. Arborea, ramulis angulatis, foliis alternis modice petiolatis lanceolato-linearibus vel angusto-lanceolatis falcatis elongatis longe acutatis nitidulis crebre penniveniis pellucide punctatis, vena peripherica margini valde approximata, umhellis pani- culatis trijloris, calycis tubo semiovato operculi hemisphajrici longi- tudinem dupio excedente quocum ecostato, fmctibus truncato-ovatis triloculatis pedicello bis-quater longioribus ecostatis vertice planis, valvis inclusis, seminibus apteris. Hah. In collibus grarainosis ad flumen Burnett. Anth. estate. Arbor altior, trunco laevi cinereo-albido rudimentis strati extimi corticis csesiis vel sordide rufescentibus variegato. Folia pleraque 4-7" longa et totidem lineas lata. Pedunculi partiales 2-3'" longi angulati. Alabastra ovata. Fructus 5-6'" longi apice sensim contracti. " Spotted Gum-tree '* quorundam colonorum. Habitu vix differt ab E. tereticorni et E. rostrata nisi trunco stratis extirais corticis basi tenus denudato, nee ad basin stratis corticis vetustis lignescentibus rugosis riraosisque obducto. 14. Eucalyptus tessellaris. Arborea, ramulis inferne teretiusculis supeme angulatis Isevibus, foliis alternis breviuscule petiolatis angusto- lanceolatis subfalcatis subtiliter penniveniis imperforatis, umbeliis axillaribus et terminalibus geminis pluribusve paniculatis 2-4-floris, pedunculis angulatis ; generali caeteris longiore, alabastris ovatis pedi- cello fere duplo longioribus, operculo patellari obtuso, tubo operculi latitudinem paulo et longitudinem multo excedente, fructibus truncato- ovatis ecostatis, valvis inclusis. Hab. In graminosis tam collium quam planitierum praesertim arenoso- argillaceorum a parte austro-orientali sinus Carpentaria usque ad sinum Moreton Bay. Anth. Nov., Dec. Arbor mediocris vel major, cortice in parte inferiore trunci tantum per- sistente solido squalide cinereo rimis longitudinalibus transversisque numerosis ina3qualiter subtessellato frustula separabilia formante. Pars trunci superior cum ramis albida laevis. Ramuli cum foliis ut in plerisque speciebus penduli. Folia pleraque 3-4" longa, |—| " lata acuminata. Pedunculi primarii petiolo parum vel duplo breviores. Fructus 4-5'" longi, apicera versus leniter contracti. " Moreton Bay Ash," Leichhardfs Overland Expedition passim et colonorum. 15. Eucalyptus polycarpa. Arborea, ramulis teretiuscuhs rigi- dulis, foliis alternis vel suboppositis breviuscule petiolatis elongato- vel falcato-lanceolatis longe in apicem acutatis nitidulis imperforatis creberrime et subtilissime penniveniis subtus parum pallidioribus, vena peripherica margini subcontigua, umbeliis terminalibus ample panicu- /«/i54-6-floris, pedunculis partialibus pedicellorum longitudinem parum vel duplo excedentibus quibuscum teretibus, fructibus oblongo-ovatis OP THE ETJCALTPTI OF TROPICAL AUSTRALIA. 89 truncatis exangulatis ecostatis antice sensim contractis basi obtusis 3-4-loculatis pedicello aliquoties longioribus, valvis profunde inclusis, seminibus antice longe alatis. Hab. In locis apricis Novse HoUandiae intratropicae passim. Anth. vere. Arbor mediocris, cortice ubique persistente, extus sordide cano rugoso et rimoso, intus fuscescente, in frustulis separabili. Folia 3-5" longa, inferne 7-^'" lata crassiuscule coriacea basi in petiolum semuncialem vel breviorem acutata, apice saepe in acumen angnstum producta. Pedunculi generales crassi. Fructus cano-viriduli opaci non Isevigati, 6-8'" longi, interdum unciales, ore vix dilatati. Valvce deltoidese acu- minatse. E. terminali habitu et cortice persimilis, sed fructibus parum vel duplo minoribus et notis expositis diversa. 16. Eucalyptus terminalis. Arborea, ramulis teretiusculis rigidis, foliis alternis crassiusculis falcato-lanceolatis acuminatis opacis subti- lissime penniveniis imperforatis concoloribus modice petiolatis, vena peripherica margini contigua obscura, umbellis 3-6-floris in paniculas amplas terminales congestis, pedunculis partialibus pedicellos longitu- dine parum excedentibus quibuscum teretibus, fructibus magnis trun- cato-ovatis subcajnpanulatis exangulatis ecostatis quadriloculatis vertice planis pedicello fere duplo longioribus, valvis marginem sub- attingentibus, seminibus antice longe alatis. Hab. In pratis et planitiebus siccis fertilioribus Australiae intratropicae non rara. Anth. aestate. Arbor mediocris vel magna, cortice sordide fusco persistente rugoso rimosoque intus fulvo vel ferrugineo in frustulis irregularibus vix parce secedente. Folia utplurimum 5-7" longa, inferne circiter pollicaria vel paulo angustiora. Fructus unciam paulo excedentes antice vix contracti. 17. Eucalyptus dichromophloia. Arborea, ramulis subteretibus, foliis alternis modice petiolatis crassiusculis falcato- vel elongato-lan- ceolatis in acumen longe acutatis vix nitidulis subtilissirae venosis imperforatis, umbellis paniculatis 5-7-floris, vena peripherica margini contigua, pedunculis partialibus angulatis pedicello longioribus, ala- bastris ovatis pedicello aequilongis, tubo operculi mutici hemisphaerici longitudinem paulo excedente, fructibus urceolato-ovatis vel subglo- bosis ecostatis quadriloculatis, valvis profunde inclusis deltoideis, semi- nibus fertilibus apice alatis. Hab. In locis minus fertilibus sterilibusve Australiae intratropicae passim, Anth. Apr., Mai. Arbor mediocris vel major. Corticis stratum superum subpapyraceum lave cinereum rumpens et tarde secedens ab interiore rufo. Folia 3-8" longa, 6-12"' lata. Pedunculi 4-8'" longi. Pedicelli angulati. Flores nondum aperti 3'" longi. Fructus 4-6'" longi antice leniter contracti ; capsula a calyce demum secedens. 90 DR. F. Mueller's monograph 18. Eucalyptus tbachyphloia. Arborea, ramulis angulatis, foliis alternis modice petiolatis angusto-lanceolatis subfalcatis in acumen tenue angustatis opacis subtilissime venosis pellucide punctatis, vena longitudinal! margin! subcontigua, urabellis panieulatis 3-5-floris, pedicellis peduneulo brevioribus fmetu sequilongis angulatis, fructibus parvis eeostatis truncato-ovatis 3-loculatis, valvis deltoideis profunde inclusis, seminibus apteris. Hab. In collibus ad flumen Burnett. Anth. Sept., Oct. Arbor mediocris, cortice in trunco ramisque persistente cinereo-fusco frustuloso rugoso. Folia 3-5" longa, 6-8'" lata, in petiolum 6-9"' longum paulo angustata, subtus parum pallidiora. Fructus circiter 3'" metientes apice sensim contract!. 19. Eucalyptus bicolor {A. Cunn. in Mitchell^ Trop. Austr. p. 390. E. parviflora, Muell. MSS.). Fruticosa vel arborea, ramulis teretius- culis, foliis alternis lanceolato-linearibus v. lanceolatis leniter curvatis vel falcatis sensim acutatis subtiliter penniveniis nitidulis pellucide punctatis, vena peripherica a margine parum remota, umbellis axilla- ribus terminalibusque solitariis v. panieulatis 5-7-floris, pedunculis partialibus petiolo vix sequilongis, pedicellis calycis tubo semiovato ecostato sequilongis vel brevioribus, operculo hemisphaerico v. semi- ovato mutico tubo perparum breviore, capsulis minutis semiovatis obscure bicostatis apice vix contractis 3-4-loculatis vertice planius- culis, valvis infra marginem insertis inclusis, seminibus apteris. Hab. In planitiebus collibusque sterilibus a sinu Carpentaria usque ad regiones orientales Australise extratropicas. Anth. autumno. Frutex vel arbor minor, cortice sordide cano rugoso in trunco ramisque vestitus. Folia petiolo semuncial! vel paulo longiore praedita, ut- plurimum 2|— 4|^" longa, 3-6 lineas lata bas! acuta. Calycis tubus sesquilinearis. Filamenta alba ad \^" longa. Antherce subglobosae. Stylus staminibus paulo brevior. Stigma hemispliEericum. Capsula 2-2|^"' metiens. Semina fertilia i-f" longa nigrescentia angulato- ovata subtilissime rugulosa. " Scrub Box-tree " peregrinatorum, locos minus fertiles quam E. micro- theca occupans, absque foliis nitentibus et ramis omnino corticatis jam ex longinquo distinguenda. Arctius ad E. populneam approxi- mat. Anth. autumno. Huic quoque E. gracilis et E. Hookeri {E. viminalis, Hook, in Mitch. Trop. Austr., non Labill.) affines*. 20. Eucalyptus ptychocarpa. Arborea, ramulis angulatis, foliis magnis crassis alternis oblique lanceolatis tenui-acuminatis modice * Major Mitchell's specimens have black bark, and rather large pedicelled flowers. Mueller's, from Burdekin River, have also black bark and small sessile flowers ; those from Carpentaria have pale yellow bark, very narrow leaves, and pedicelled capsules. — (A. B.) or THE EIJCALTPTI OF TEOPICAL AUSTRALIA. 91 petiolatis supra subnitentibus suhtus pallidiorihus penniveniis margi- natis imperforatis, vena peripherica margini contigua, umbellis termi- nalibus paniculatis pauci-septemfloris, pedunculis partialibus pedicellos angulatos duplo triplove excedentibus, calyce alte octocostato, oper- culo hemisphaerico tubo bis terve breviore, capsulis magnis ovato-cam- panulatis alte octocostatis quadriloculatis, valvis profunde inclusis, seminibus fertilibus superne longe alatis. Hab. Ad rivulos rupestres necnon secus amnes exsiccantes versus origi- nem fluviorum Wentworth, Wiekham et Limmen Bight River. Anth. Mart., April. Arbor media vel major, cortiee squalide eano rugoso intus paulo fibrose, undique persistente. Folia 5-/" longa, H-2" lata. Capsula \-\^" longa antice paululum contracta, valvis brevibus. Semina 2'" longa (i. e. fertilia) alam membranaceam obovatam 3'" longara gerentia ; sterilia nuraerosa diminuta angusto-alata. Stirps corticis structura medium tenet inter species vernacule '* Stringy- bark-trees " et " Box-trees " vocatas. 21. Eucalyptus aurantiaca. Arborea, ramulis teretiusculis cum umbellis pruinoso-albicantibiis, foliis alternis oblique lanceolatis vel subfalcatis opacis modice petiolatis subtiliter venulosis parce pellucide punctatis, vena peripherica margini subcontigua, umbellis axillaribus lateralibusque solitariis 6-7-floris, pedunculo petiolum superante crasso subcompresso vel teretiusculo, calycibus sessilibus costatis : tubo turbinate operculi semiglobosi longitudinem dimidio excedente, fructibus magnis ovato-urceolatis alte octocostatis inter costas plicatis vel costa tenuiore praeditis tri-quadri-loculatis, valvis inclusis brevibus. Hab. In planitiebus arenosis sicuti in plagis elevatioribus petra-is circum sinum Carpentaria, ubi vegetationis ornamentum. Anth. Mai.-Aug. Arbor major vel mediocris. Cortex extus sordide fulvido-canus, fri- abilis facile separandus, lamellaris, fibris lignescentibus copiosius in- tertextus, in trunco tantum persistens. Rami validi decorticatione albentes. Folia 3-4" longa, f-l" lata. Calycis tubus cireiter sem- uncialis. Staminum filamenta ad i" longa aurantiaca ! Antherce flavae ovales. Stylus viridis stamina sequans. Capsula uncialis vel paulo longior sub ore leniter contracta. Species pulcherrima E. phoenicea cognata, cujus altitudinem ssepe excedit. 22. Eucalyptus phcenicea. Arborea, ramulis fulvescentibus apice angulatis, foliis alternis breviuscule petiolatis tenui-coriaceis oblique lineari-lanceolatis vel subfalcatis opacis parce pellucide punctatis, vena peripherica margini fere contigua, umbellis axillaribus et latera- libus lihivi-multijloris, pedunculo valido pedicellis pluries longiore teretiusculo, calycis tubo fere obconico ecostsito, fructibus majusculis vix lignescentibus ovato- vel eWipsoideo-urceolatis nervosis sub limbo constrictis pedicello pluries longioribns, valvis profunde inclusis. 92 DR. r. muellee's monograph Hah, In planitiebus elevatioribus collibusque saxosis vel arenosis a fluvio Victoria per terrain Arnheim circum sinum Carpentaria. Anth. Jun.-Sept. Arbor minor vel medioeris. Cortex in truneo ramisque persistens, tarde a ramorum parte superiore seeedens^ extus squalide fulvus, lamellarisy fibris lignosis parcius intertextus, friabilis et facile separabilis. Folia subchartacea 2|— 4" longa, inferne 5-9'" lata in acumen tenue elongatum terminata. Stamina phcenicea vel auran- tiaca. Fructus uncialis vel paulo longior. Species Formosa E. miniatce affinis cum E. aurantiaca et E. melissiodora ob corticem micaceo-lamellosum in genere paradoxa. § 4. Species fructu ignoto. 23. Eucalyptus citriodora {Hook, in Mitch. Trop. Austr. p. 235). Arborea, ramulis apice angulatis, foliis alternis modice petiolatis elongato-lanceolatis leviter curvatis sensim longe acutatis subopacis pellucide punctatis tenuissime penniveniis, vena peripherica a mar- gine paulo remota, umbellis terrainalibus et axillaribus mox laterali- bus simpliciter paniculatis trifloris, pedunculis angulatis, alabastris late ovatis apiculatis, tubo operculi longitudinem saltem duplo exce- dente, Hab. In vicinia portus Curtis, C. Moore. Anth. autumno. Arbor elatior, cortice cinereo Isevi. Ramuli sordide rubelli. PetioH compressi obscure canaliculati vix 1" longi. Folia 3-8" longa, f-H" lata tenui-coriacea in petiolum paulo decurrentia saturatius quam plurimorum congenerum viridia concoloria, odore insigni citreo ! Paniculee foliis breviores ex umbellis paucis constantes. Bracte^ Kia-choo-sJie^ HteraUy Hog's-dung, ■^ N^ASAe-^oA, literally Pi/*-ew^miZ5? l:rfj jp j?OK Te-woo-taou^ HteraUy Earth-walnuts. The foUowing is an abridged summary of the opinions of various Chinese observers relative to the Choo-Hng, It is found principally on the heights and valleys of Hang-shan *, as also in Shuh-chow and Seih-chow. It is picked up in spring and autumn. It is a parasite on the Fung-shoo tree \_AcacicB sp. ?], though also found upon other trees. It much resembles the Fuh-ling. The skin of the Choo-Hng is black, but the flesh is white and firm. It can be used only after scraping off this skin. In preparing it for medicinal pur- * [Either in the province of Kiang-nan, or in that of Hoo-nan.] 106 EEV. M. J. BERKELEY ON SOME TUBEBIFOBM delicate threads which traverse the mass in every direction ; but the nature of the bodies of which the greater part of the substance is composed, their form, and chemical characters are precisely the same, and there can be no doubt that they all belong to one and the same category. This matter consists of irregular bodies, varying very greatly in size, often globular, but frequently forming broad bands with transverse markings and clefts, exhibiting no trace of starch under iodine, and without the slightest appearance of an investing mem- brane. This substance has been submitted to chemical investi- gation by Professor EUett of South Carolina College, and has been ascertained to consist entirely of pure pectine of Braconnot. It is quite insoluble in water, though it dissolves in alkaline solutions, forming neutral pectates, whence the pectic acid is separated, by the addition of muriatic acid, in the form of a colourless jelly. By a particular management, with the details of which I am not acquainted, this jelly may be prepared so as to form an agreeable article for the dessert*. It is not surprising, therefore, that it is manufactured in China into a popular and nutritious food. It is probable that the cakes which are made of it are regarded as medicinal as well as econo- mical ; and it is curious that Prof. Ellett remarks that the nu- tritious jelly formed from the Tuckahoe is an excellent antidote against several of the most powerful mineral poisons. The structure of the Choo-ling is somewhat different from that of the Foo-ling. The several parts are far smaller in their dimen- sions, and there are none of the streaked and incised bands. The greater part of the mass consists of short, sometimes forked, and poses, scrape off the coarse skin with a copper knife, cut the Choo-Hng into thin slices, and steep them in Tung-lew f water for a whole night ; drain off the water thoroughly ; pack the sHces in a bundle of Shing-ma J leaves for a day, and, on removing the wrapper, they will be quite dry and fit for use. The smell and taste of the Choo-ling are mild, sweet, and not poisonous — something like the Fuh-ling. The diseases for which it is generally used are, severe ague, severe dropsy, long-suppressed urine, debility and age, abdominal swellings attended with violent pains, depression of spirits, diseases in the groin, dysentery, and some affections peculiar to females in pregnancy. * See " Observations on Tuckahoe," in Gardener's Chronicle, 1848, p. 829. t [If Tung-lew is the name of a place, it is in the department of Che-chow, province of Ngan-hwuy.] X Shing-ma, literally the Ascending Hemp : it is described in the ' Pun-tsaou,' chap. 13. fol. 29. VEGETABLE PBODUCTIONS FEOM CHINA. 107 sometimes torulose linear bodies, varying, however, much in out- line ; and dispersed among them are a number of small granules, many of which contain a minute nucleus ; while other larger bodies, exhibiting one or two faint traces of concentric circles, are scat- tered about, exactly like the asci of a truffle, but containing only a very small irregular nucleus. Treated with the same chemical tests as the Eoo-ling, it exhibits precisely the same reaction. There is not the slightest trace of starch or cellulose, and it is evident that the structure is not accordant with that of any Fungus or phsenogamous Tuber. As there is some outward resemblance between this production and the tuberiform body which precedes the growth of Pedza tuherosa, I have made a comparative examination of the two, and though there is some resemblance as regards chemical reaction, the structure is totally different. In the Peziza tuber the whole mass consists of large threads with very thick gelatinous walls, and an abundant proteinous endochrome. No fungus has ever been found on the American or Chinese tubers, and, unfortunately, Pachyma tuber regium, which gives rise to a species of Lentinus, as figured by E-umphius, is quite un- known. It is probably, however, of the same nature with the Pietra funghaja or Fungus-stone of Italy (a mere mass of earth and mycelium), which produces the edible Polyporus tuberaster even in our own hothouses. Unfortunately but little light is thrown upon the real nature of these productions by all the specimens and information we possess. Dr. Macbride asserts that the Tuckahoe originates between the wood and bark of living roots ; that it gradually detaches the bark, while it spreads round the wood and converts it into a sub- stance similar to itself; and that if it comes in contact with the root of another tree, that root is also assimilated with it. Speci- mens, however, are wanting to show this transitional state. I have still to -notice briefly the third production sent to me by Prof. Horaninow, of which I forward a portion for your inspec- tion. It is evidently closely allied to the native bread of Australia, but differs in the reddish, not black, cuticle, which does not crack and peel off, the total absence of an intermediate stratum between the cuticle and central mass, and the want of large clavate cells amongst the linear bodies of which the central mass is composed. The internal substance is marbled like a truffle ; but there is not a trace of fruit, and in consequence, together with Mylitta austra- lis, it must be considered of very doubtful affinity. 108 PEOr. GRISEBACH ON THE GENUS ABUTA. Notes on Ahuta, a genus of Menispermece. By N. Grtsebach, Professor of Botany in the University of G5ttingen. Com- municated by Dr. J. D. Hookee, F.L.S. [Eead March 18th, 1858.] The MenispermecB of tropical America, though less numerous than those of the East Indies, are in a state of some confusion ; and when I studied the West Indian forms for my intended Elora of those islands, Aublet's Ahuta seemed to require a particular in- vestigation. Miers had reduced correctly to Ahuta Persoon's genus Trichoa (Batschia, Thunb.), but at the same time he ex- cluded Ahuta concolor, Poepp., which Endlicher before him had referred to Trichoa. From this South American species, and from the West Indian Cocculus domingensis, which, together with some other forms, he considered congeners, Miers constructed his new genus Anelasma (Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. vii. p. 37 seq.). The re- sult of my inquiries is, however, at variance with his views, and the object of these remarks is to prove that Ahuta is a distinct genus of Cocculece, comprising Aublet's and Poeppig's species, and that Cocculus domingensis does not belong to the same. The character of Ahuta, which, as Miers has well suggested, approaches most to the East Indian genus Tiliacora (distinct by a greater number of carpels), is the following : — Ahuta, Aubl. Chae. gen. Sepals 6, biserial, the interior larger. Petals 0. (S : Stamens 6. $ : Ovaries 3 ; styles cyliudrical, uncinate. Drupes large, ovoid : the cavity divided by a thin vertical plate of the endocarp, penetrating from the base to the arch of the seed. Seed completely inflexed, with the inner sides flat and accumbent to the plate : endosperm thick, ruminated, and separated by nu- merous horizontal incisures penetrating almost to the middle : emhryo inflexed-cylindrical, almost equalling in length the endo- sperm, and included by its central channel. — Woody vines ; leaves leathery, entire, with the petiole thichened at the top ; flowers small arranged in axillary racemose panicles. The materials upon which this character has been constructed are : 1st, flowers of both sexes and fruit of A. rufescens, Aubl., from the Rio Negro, in the Brazilian Collection of Spruce ( 6 , Ahuta, no. 2 ; $ , no. 2340 ; fruit, no. 2303) ; 2nd, male flowers and fruit from the same ( c? , no. 2829 ; fruit, no. 2102). The genus is distinct from Cocculus chiefly by its ovoid (not compressed) drupes, by its ruminated endosperm, and by wanting petals : but its character, as given by different authors, was either DR. E. DICKIE ON ARCTIC PLANTS. 109 incomplete or erroneous. Thus, if we compare our specimens with the analysis of A. concolor, as represented by Poeppig (Nov. Gen. t. 190), his 3 petals do not exist, the monadelphy is only a slight adherence of the stamens at the base itself, and his embryo (figured erroneously on the inner side of the endosperm, and bearing foliaceous cotyledons) is merely a thickening of the endocarpic dissepiment, the real embryo having been overlooked in the interior channel of the endosperm. Miers, on the other hand, of whom I have compared such materials as exist in Sir "W. Hooker's and Bentham's herbaria, was mistaken, in conse- quence of the incompleteness of the specimens, in his character of Anelasma, which he describes as apetalous, and presenting an ex- albuminose embryo with large thick cotyledons, — though Poeppig, with respect to A. concolor, had given a nearly correct idea of the large ruminated albumen, formed exactly in the same way as in A. rufescens, and though Cocculus domingensis, the second species of his genus Anelasma, exhibits 6 petals in its male flower. A seed of the latter, which had been examined by Miers, I found not impregnated, and in consequence the drupe filled only partially by a dead tissue, taken possibly for an exalbuminose embryo. Abuta rufescens, Aubl., is characterized by ovate, pointed, five- nerved leaves, velvety on their under side, and by the inflorescence and the ovaries downy. Its apparent synonyms are Batschia racemosa and conferta, Thunb. (Nov. Act. Tips. v. t. 2. f. 1, 2, — a tolerable representation of the genus), both forms from New G-ranada, — the range of the species comprising the whole of equa- torial America from that country to the Amazons and Guiana. A. concolor, Poepp., approaching in habit to Cocculus domin- gensis, is distinguished by elliptical polished leaves, the primary veins of which are separate at the base itself, and the tertiary veinlets not prominent. Its synonyms are, Anelasma Sprucea/num, Miers!, A. guianense, Miers!, and probably Cocculus Icevigatus, Mart. Its geographical range comprises a still larger area, viz. equatorial Brazil !, Goyaz (Gardn. no. 3567 !), Cayenne (Martin). Notes on Arctic Plants. By E. Dickie, Esq., M.D., A.L.S., Professor of Natural History, Queen's College, Belfast. [Read AprU 15th, 1858.] Dr. J. D. Hooker, in April 1856, communicated to the Linnean Society " Eemarks on some Collections of Arctic Plants." It being desirable that as many facts as possible should be placed on 110 DR. E. DICKIE ON ARCTIC PLANTS. record respecting the vegetation of the North Polar circle, I have thought it right to put together notes on small collections made at various periods by some of my former pupils, whUe in medical charge of whaling vessels. The specimens were contributed by Messrs. W. F. Clarke, A. K. Clark, Maitland, Philips, Craig, and Sutherland. The localities extend on the east side of Davis's Straits, from lat. 691° N. to 76° N. ; and on the west side from 65° N. to 74° N. One of these gentlemen, Dr. P. C. Sutherland, now of Port Natal, made good collections when attached to Penny's and Inglefield's expeditions ; records of these are appended to the published accounts of these voyages. Ranunculus nivalis, L Cape Lawson; Black Hook. R. hyperboreus, ilo//6 Operniwick (full flower July 15); Durban Harbour. Papavernudicaule, L Operniwick (full flower July 15); Cape Lawson (full flower June 22) ; Duck Islands ; North Fore- land ; Exeter Bay ; Durban Har- bour. Draba alpina, Wahl Black Hook (full flower June 14); Pond's Bay. D. rupestris, R. Br Cape Lawson (full flower June 22) ; Frau Islands (full flower July 16) ; Cape Searle ; Durban Har- bour. Cardamine bellidifolia, L Frau Islands (flower July 15). Vesicaria arctica, Richards Black Hook (flower July 27). Platypetalum purpurascens, R. Br. Black Hook, sea-level to 500 feet. Cochlearia fenestrate, E. Br Cape Searle. C. anglica, D.C Cape Dudley Digges ; Durban. Silene acaulis, L Operniwick (flower July 1 5) ; Black Hook ; Exeter Bay. Lychnis apetala, L Operniwick (flower July 15); Cape Searle; Durban. Stellaria longipes, Goldie , Durban. Arenaria rubella, ffooA: Exeter Bay ; Durban. A. Rossii, R. Br Operniwick. Honckeneya peploides, Mr)^ Operniwick; Rugged Rock. Cerastium alpinum, L Black Hook; North Foreland; Exeter Bay ; Cape Searle (flower August 23); Durban; Cumber- land Inlet. Oxytropis campestris, D.C Pond's Bay (flower July 27). Astragalus alpinu L Pond's Bay (flower July 27). DB. E. DICKIE ON AEOTIC PLANTS. Ill Dryas octopetala, L Cape Searle. D. integrifolia, Fa^Z Cape Lawson (flower June 22); Cape Dudley Digges; Cape Searle. Potentilla nivea, L Cape Lawson (flower June 22); Black Hook (flower June 24) ; Duck Islands; Cape Searle; Pond's Bay ; Durban. Epilobium latifoliura, L Cape Searle (flower August 23); Cape Dudley Digges, sea-level to 500 feet ; Durban. Saxifraga tricuspidata, JRe^j? Cape Searle (flower August 21); Cape Dudley Digges. S. nivalis, L Operniwick ; Cape Searle (flower August 21) ; Black Hook ; Dur- ban. S. caespitosa, L Pond's Bay; Operniwick; Waigat Strait; Cape Searle (August 21 in flower). S. cernua, L Pond's Bay; Operniwick; Cape Searle (in flower August 23) ; Durban. S. rivularis, L MoUymoak Head. S. rivularis, var. hyperborea Black Hook, three miles inland. S. oppositifolia, 1/ Cape Lawson (flower June 22); Exeter Bay ; Waigat Strait. Galium pusillum, L Cape Dudley Digges. Gnaphalium supinum, L Durban (September 1, in flower); Cumberland Inlet. Arnica montana, L Frau Islands ; Cape Searle ; Durban . Erigeron uniflorum, L. Cape Searle. Campanula linifolia,y4. DC Cape Searle (flower August 21); Durban. Vaccinium uliginosum, L Operniwick ; Durban (flower Sept. 1 ) . Azalea procumbens, L Operniwick; Duck Islands; Dur- ban (flower July 13). Pyrola rotundifolia, L Cape Dudley Digges ; Durban, sea- level to 200 feet (flower Septem- ber 1). Cassiopea tetragon a, Do?i Operniwick; Exeter Bay; Black Hook, sea-level to 500 feet. Ledum palustre, L Durban ; Cumberland Inlet. Phyllodoce taxifolia, Don Durban (flower August 21 ). Rhododendron Lapponicum, L. ... Cape Lawson (flower June 22); Durban (flower September 1). Arctostaphylos alpina, -Sprew^reZ ... Exeter Bay ; Durban. 112 DK. E. DICKIE ON ARCTIC PLANTS. Menyanthes trifoliata, L Exeter Bay. Armeria maritima, Willd Cape Searle. Diapensia Lapponica, L Frau Islands. Mertensia maritima, Don E. side of Searle Roads. Pedicularis hirsuta, L Cape Lawson (flower June 22); Opemiwiek (flower July 6) ; Black Hook (flower July 12). Empetrum nigrum, L Opemiwiek, sea-level to 800 feet (flower July 15). Polygonum viviparum, L Cape Searle; Opemiwiek; Durban. Oxyria reniformis, He7Z Opemiwiek, sea-level to 400 feet (flower,July 15). Salix arctica, R. Br Operniwick ; Four Island Point ; Exeter Bay ; North Foreland ; Durban. S. herbacea, L Operniwick (flower July 15). Tofieldia borealis, fFiay Durban; Operniwick. Juncus biglumis, L Durban. Luzula campestris, R. Br Operniwick ; Frau Islands ; North Foreland ; Cape Lawson ; Cape Searle. L. hyperborea, R. Br. Durban; Cumberland Inlet. Festuca brevifolia, R. Br Durban Harbour. Poa abbreviata, R. Br Durban Harbour. P. caesia, Sm North Foreland. P. arctica. Hook."? Operniwick, sea-level to 1000 feet. Phippsia algida, JR. Br Cape Dudley Digges; Cumberland Inlet. Hierochloe pauciflora, R. Br Cape Searle. Alopecurus alpinus, Sm Cape Lawson ; Cape Searle ; Black Hook ; Cumberland Inlet. Trisetum subspicatum, BeaMi? Cape Searle; Durban. Eriophorum vaginatum, L Black Hook ; Operniwick. E. polystachyum, L Black Hook; Durban. Carex nardina, Fries Cape Searle; Waigat; Operniwick; Durban. C. rupestris, AIL, No. 2. Cape Lawson. C. glareosa, Wahl "Waigat Strait ; Durban ; Cumber- land Inlet. C. fuliginosa, Sternb. ^' Hoppe Cape Searle; Black Hook. C. stans, Drejer Cape Searle ; Durban. C. compacta, R. Br Operniwick. Lycopodium Selago, L Cape Lawson ; Durban, sea-level to 800 feet. Equisetum arvense, L Durban Harbour. Cystopteris fragilis, Bernh Black Hook, at 400 feet. MB. M. T. MASTEBS ON A NEW SPECIES OF EELLEVALIA. 113 On a new species of Bellevalia from Mount Ida. By Maxwell T. Masters, Esq., Lecturer on Botany at St. George's Hos- pital, &c. Communicated by the Secretary. [Read May 6, 1858.] Among the plants collected on Mount Ida by the medical officers attached to the Civil Hospital at Renkioi, during the Crimean war, is what appears to be a new species of Muscari, or rather of Belle- valia, Kunth. For this opportunity of describing it, I am indebted to my friends Drs. Armitage and Playne ; and I regret that the name proposed for it (supposing it to be an undescribed species of Muscari) is not applicable. Under this name, Muscari latifo- Hum, it has been described by Dr. Kirk, one of its discoverers, in a paper read before the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, in January, and reported in the 'Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal ' for April. But though in habit and external appearance it presents the greatest resemblance to the species of Muscari, yet the form of the perianth and the consolidated condition of the styles and stigmata necessitate its being placed in the genus Bellevalia of Kunth. If I am right in this conjecture, I would venture to propose the name of Bellevalia Mtiscarioides for it, and thus to define its characteristics more fully than has been done in the report above referred to. Bellevalia. Floribus inferioribus campanulatis basi angulatis pedicellatis horizontaliter patentibus vel pendentibus ; superiori- bus tubulosis sessilibus approximatis neutris ; folio unico erecto oblongo-acuto versus basin attenuate. Descr. — Habit, that of the species of Botryanihus or Mus- cari, Kunth. — Bulb ovate. Leaf erect, oblong-acute, tapering towards the base, 6-8 inches long, greatest width 8-10 lines. ^ca'pe erect, twice the length of the leaves, bearing an oblong crowded raceme 1-2 inches long ; lower pedicels horizontal or pendent, 2-3 lines long, decreasing in length upwards; upper- most flowers sessile. Bracts minute, membranaceous, lanceolate; Berianth in perfect flowers purple, 2-3 lines long, deciduous, cam- panulate, angular at the base, not contracted at the throat, limb divided into six short-ovate connivent lobes. Upper flowers azure- blue, tubular, sessile, barren. Stamens six, arising from the middle of the tube of the perianth, included. Anthers adnate, bluish. Ovary deeply three-lobed, slightly rugose on the surface, three^ celled, each cell containing two large flattened ovules superposed. Style one, tapering, as long as the ovary, included. Stigma entire LINN. PROG. — BOTANY. I 114 DR. F. MUELLER ON A.USTRALIAK ACACI.T:. Fruit membranaceous, three-celled. Seeds two in each cell, large, compressed, testa brown. The habit and general appearance of this plant are so entirely those of the species of Botryanthus or Muscari, Kunth, that some doubt may well be entertained as to whether this may not be merely a variety of one of the species of one or other of those genera. K so, the validity of the genus JBellevaliaj as distinct from the above-mentioned, will be much impaired. In the meantime, as the present plant agrees entirely with the genus Bellevalia in the characters derived from the perianth and reproductive organs, no other course seems open than to consider it a new species of that genus. x3 Contributiones ad Acaciarum Australise Cognitionem. By Dr. Ferdinand Mueller, Government Botanist, and Director of the Melbourne Botanic Garden, Victoria. Communicated by George Bentham, Esq., V.P.L.S., with notes on the new species. [Kead May 6th, 1858.] [Dr. Mueller's contributions are not only valuable for the num- ber of new and well-marked species which he has added to this extensive and polymorphous genus, but still more so for the addi- tional characteristic notes which enable us more or less to com- plete our knowledge of many species previously published from specimens so incomplete that they could scarcely be recognized. And there is still very much that is doubtful, chiefly from the difficulty of procuring specimens in fruit, or, when procured, of matching them with certainty with the flowering specimens. In so far as the specimens have admitted of it, I have, at Dr. Mueller's request, carefully compared his species with those nearly allied to them, and added any remarks which suggested themselves, at the end of his descriptions. In the few cases where I clearly identified them with others previously described, I have given the published DR. F. MUELLER ON AUSTRALIAN ACACIJE. 115 names, adding his manuscript ones for the purpose of reference, and retaining his characters as completing our previous knowledge of the plants. The following general observations by Dr. Mueller were contained in the letter to Sir W. Hooker, which accompanied this paper. — Gr. B.] The Uninerves, although comprising such a large array of species in the southern latitudes of Australia, are exceedingly rare within the tropics. Indeed, only two desert plants of wide range, A. Sentis (doubtfully combined by Mr. Bentham with A. decora) and A. salicina, Ldl., accompany some of their usual companions as far as North Australia ; and only a solitary new one, allied to A. elliptica, was observed in the Grregorian journey. Those of this group, which extend to subtropical latitudes in East Australia, are for the greater part identical with southern forms (for instance, Acacia falcata, penninerms, suaveolens, oleifolia) ; still A. podalyri' folia and A. prominens, from Moreton Bay and Wide Bay, are not to be found in Australia Felix. The plant referred by Mr. Bentham, in the 'Linnaea,' to the last-mentioned species, is as- suredly distinct, and probably A. lunata, Sieber. A new species, of this section, allied to A. vestita, seems to be restricted to the warmer parts of the east coast, while my southern collections exhibit three other unknown kinds. I feel very reluctant to com- bine our common A. reclinata with what I assumed to be A. leprosa, which is with us a rare species, occurring towards the sources of the Yarra. Unfortunately, many kinds ripen the fruits so rarely, that one of the best specific characters for distinction in this genus also remains often beyond avail. A. imhricata, from Spencer's Gulf, belongs to the Uninerves, not to A. conferta amongst Brimioidece, which I noticed near Wide Bay. The habitat " Ponindi," mentioned under A. vernicijlora in the ' Lin- nsea,' vol. xxvi., belongs to A. dodonccifolia, Bauer having, no doubt, collected it on the very spot, near Port Lincoln. A. salicina is remarkable for the scarlet arillus which surrounds the seed, — a character in which, as far as I know, only A. melanoxylon partici- pates. Acacia gladiiformis and A. haheoides seem combinable. Nearly related to them is A. notahilis, a desert plant of Spencer's Gulf and Lake Torrens, but scarcely referable to A. obtusata^ Sieb., a mountain-plant of East Australia. I venture also to deviate from Mr. Bentham' s opinion when he unites A. microcarpa (singular for the smallness of its fruit) with A. huxifolia ; for the figure in Sir W. Hooker's ' Icones Plantarum ' seems to exliibit something very different. i2 1 16 DE. F. MUELLER ON AUSTRALTAIf ACACIJE. The section Brachybotryae is not well represented in the tropics. We observed of it, in Mr. G-regory'a expedition, only two new species, — one with winged fruit, the other an Acacia from N."W. Australia, mentioned by Mr. Bentham under A. melanoxylon as imperfectly known from Cunningham's collection, and of w^hich a full description will be found in the accompanying pages. Both show the rather unusual character amongst phyllodineous Acacice^ of being deprived of the strophiolum. A. complanata and A. venulosa are not found beyond the warmer parts of East Australia. Unless imperfect specimens misled me in judging, I may pronounce that A. pendula and A. sclerophylla extend through Central Australia to Arnhem's Land, where A. translucens was likewise noticed. We possess a common desert-plant in South Australia and Australia Eelix, enumerated in the ' Linnsea ' (1856) as A. elongata ; it seems to me not identical with the Blue Mountain plant, which I have compared, but rather to belong to A. viscidula. A. multinervia is found rarely in this colony ; but quite common is A. iKMnalophyllay from Lake Torrens to the Darling and Murray, where A. steno- phylla likewise occurs. In a retrospective view it will be seen that 64 well-marked species alone occur in the collections of the North Australian Expedition, of which, after a patient scrutiny, I am obliged to admit 33 as new. By a further addition of some unpublished extratropical kinds, already contained in my former collections, the number of Australian Acacias becomes advanced to beyond 300, notwithstanding that some reductions of former species have been effected on this occasion. Most singular is the vast preponderance of Juliferce in N. Australia, being nearly equal in number to those of all other sections collectively. Only 4 desert-species traverse Australia from south to north ; and 8 only have hitherto been traced from Western Australia into the south-eastern portion of this continent. If, on the contrary, I rightly unite Acacia cuspidata with A. diffusa, not one of the Tasmanian species shows itself restricted to that island, except A, axillaris. Mr. Gregory observes that no pinnate-leaved Acacia is harboured by the interior of West Australia. Series I. Phyllodinece. § 1. AphyllfB. 1. Acacia spinescens, Bth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. of Bot. i. p. 322, pi. 2. Ad sinum Spencer's Gulf, C. Wilhelmi. Ad sinum St. Vincent's Gulf, prope montes Barossa Range. Ad flumen Onkaparinga. DK. E. MUELLER ON AUSTUALIAN ACACIA. 117 Legumina glabra coriacea valde curvata fusca basi acuta apice obtusa CDervia tenuiter marginata, intus coutinua inter semina valde con- tracta, 1|" longa v. breviora, \^"' latitudine vix excedentia. Semina turgide ovata 1'" tantum longa nitentia sordide obseuro-fusea utrinque areola cinerascenti notata. Strophiolum pallidum cymbiformi- acumi- natum dimidium semen saltern aequans. § 2. Alatcd. 2. Acacia Muelleri, Benth. in Linncea, xxvi. p. 603. (Acacia mega- phylla, Ferd. Mueller, MS.) In ditione districtus Portus Lincoln, C. Wilhelmi. Phyllodia crasso-coriacea raro oblongo-lanceolata. Capitula laete lutea. Calyx r" circiter longus glaber campanulato-cylindraceus ; dentes breves triangulares conniventes. Petala lanceolato-linearia inferne cohaerentia. Legumina coriacea fusca corapressa oblonga ad crassum marginem flexuosa oligosperma circ. \^" longa, fere |" lata, in stipitem brevem contracta, intus continua. Semina compresso-ovata e sordide cano et nigro variegata. Strophiolum lividum cyrabiformi- ianceolatum acuminatum in funiculum longissimum varie implexum rufum transiens. [In publishing this species as A. Muelleri, I stated my reasons foriiot adopting Dr. Miiller's manuscript name, which appeared to me too little appropriate in a genus which contains so many species with phyllodia twice or three times as large. — G. B.] § 3. ArmatcB. '6. Acacia armata, R. Br. in Ait. Hart. Kew. ed. 2. vol. v. p. 463. Ad sinum Spencer's Gulf, C. Wilhelmi. § 4. Triangulares. 4. Acacia pravifolia, n. sp. Puberula, ramulis rigidis spinescen- tibus teretibus striatis, stipulis brevibus setaeeis v. subulatis deciduis, phyllodiis parvis triangularibus crasso-coriaceis paucinerviis acutis mucronatis, angulo superiore valde protracto obtuso eglanduloso, capitulis subsessilibus v. breviter pedunculatis axillaribus solitariis, bracteolis magnis subcordatis, sepalis spathulatis diu cohserentibus coroUam dimidiam sequantibus margine ciliolatis, leguminibus pubes- centibus spiraliter contortis. In montibus Flinders et Elder's Range, et ad Crystal Brook. Phyllodia 1^-3'" longa et lata, '\\% A. decipientis non absimilia, nervo infimo magis prominente. Flores I'" longi. Calyx satis laxus. Le- gumina circ. 1^'" lata. lUustris Bentham forsan optime judicans hancce speciem cum sua A. sublanata combinat, tacens autem de bracteolarum indole et ramo- rum rigiditate pungeute. Nee vidit pedunculorum brevitatem. Le- 118 DE. F. MUELLER ON AUSTRALIAN ACACIA. gumina psene cincinnata contorta affinitatem cum A. obliqua et A. acinacea demonstrant. [Dr. Mueller's specimens were so very imperfect, that I was unable to detect any specific difference between them and A. sublunata. The branches in Bauer's specimen are not pungent ; but they are almost as stiff as in Mueller's, and they may not unlikely become pungent. The bracts, however, in Bauer's plant certainly are not such as Miiller describes them; they are broad at the base, with a narrow subulate point as long as the flower. — G. B.] 5. Acacia obliqua, AH. Cunn. ex Bent h. in Hook. Lotid. Journ. i. 334. Prope raontes Buffalo Range. Ad sinum St. Vincentii alibique in colonia South Australia. Frutex pluripedalis, ramis ssepe arcuatis. Ramuli plurimi conspicue angulati. Calyx 5-partitus corollae dimidium subsequans, laciniis spathulato-linearibus. Legumina fuscescentia setate fere nigrita tenui-coriacea insigniter cincinnato-spiralia stipitata enervia circiter 1^'" lata. Semina subfusco-nigrescentia fere reniformia nitentia 2'" longa breviter pallide strophiolata. Variat glabra et pubescens, 6. Acacia pravissima {Ferd. Mueller, First Gen. Report; Benth. in hinncea, xxvi. p. 608, adnot.). Arborescens, glaberrima, virens, ramulis gracilibus angulosis, stipulis perminutis subulatis v. oblite- ratis, phyllodiis parvis tenui-coriaceis oblique triangularibus v. trape- zoideis mucronulatis opacis imperfecte binerviis venosis supra basin glandulam gerentibus, angulo superiore rotundato-obtuso, racemis polycephalis phyllodia longe superantibus summis paniculam consti- tuentibus, bracteis minutis cymbiformi-deltoideis, capitulis pauci- floris, bracteolis rhomboideis fimbriatis, calyce obtuse 5-dentato petalis fere triplo breviore, leguminibus compressis linearibus tenui- coriaceis obtusis breviter stipitatis fuscescentibus enerviis margine repandis intus continuis, seminibus nigritis compresso-ovatis minutim livide strophiolatis vix areoligeris. In vallibus et ad torrentium ripas tractus Buffalo Range et secus partes superiores fl. Snowy River. Arbuscula v. frutex pulcherriraus flexilis altitudinem 20' attinens. Cortex sordide fuscus laevis. Rami ssepe recumbentes. Ramuli elongati adscendentes. Phyllodia utplurimum 3-4'" rarius ad 6'" longa et lata, sessilia, nervis antice evanescentibus, supero tenuiore. Racemi jam ante anthesin 1-2-unciales. Flores tantum e residuis aunotinorum descripti. Legumina bipollicaria v. breviora, 2'" lata. Semina sesquilineam metientia. Stirps quam maxime memorabihs, species triangulares, quibuscum phyllodiis convenit, cum quibusdara sectionis uninerviarum inflo- rescentia convenientium (e. g. A. vestita, A. cultriformi, et A. sca- pnliformi) conjungens. Anth. vere. Dfi. F. MUELLER ON AUSTRALIAN ACACIJi:. 119 [This will probably prove a very distinct species, if more perfect specimens show the inflorescence to be normal. The capitula appear to be reduced to a single flower each, and are arranged in a simple raceme ; but it is not impossible that the whole may be a monstrous or abnormal elongation of the axis of a single capitulum. — G. B.] 7. Acacia stipulosa, n. sp. Glanduloso-pubescens, ramulis tereti- usculis, stipulis persistentibus setaceis inferne connatis ciliolatis, phyl- lodiis confertis parvis oblique lanceolatis curvatis mucronatis tenuiter plurinerviis, margine supero prope medium glanduligero, pedunculis axillaribus solitariis monocephalis phyllodium superantibus capitulis globosis multifloris puberulis, bracteolis acutissimis, sepalis liberis linearibus obtusis corollaa subcequilongis, leguminibus coriaceis lato- linearibus hispidulis curvatis sessilibus intus subcontinuis inter semina non contractis, seminibus ovatis leviter compressis lucenti-nigris utrinque impressis strophiolo pallido plicato triplo breviore sufiiiltis. Secus partes australes fluminis Victorise. Hb. M. No. 71 • Phyllodia 1^3'" longa, 1-1^'" lata, mucrone tenui terminata. Stipules 1-1|"' longae. Capitula laete lutea. Corolla vix 1'" longa. Le- gumen circiter sesquipoUicare acutum, 3'" latum, satis compressum dilute fuscum. Semina 1^'" longa. Hue pertinere videtur A. deltoidea /3. pungens, Bth. I. c. p. 333, vix autem varietas primaria Cunninghami. [This plant diff'ers from the true^. deltoidea chiefly in the hairy pod; it is also generally more downy ; but I have still considerable doubts whether it will not prove a mere variety of ^. deltoidea. — G. B.] 8. Acacia Gunnii, Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ., i. p. 332 ; J. D. Hook. Fl. Tasman., t. xviii. (A. vomeriformis, A. Cunn. ex Bth. I. c.) In montibus ad sinum St. Vincent's Gulf et coloniae Victoriae, e. g. Grampians, Mount Alexander, &c. § 5. Pungentes. .9. Acacia latipes, Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. of Bot. i. p. 334. n. 40. Ad sinum Spencer's Gulf, C. Wilhelmi. Quidem nee flores nee fructus vidi ; speciem autem phyllodiorum forma facile recognitam hac occasione nolui praeterire. 10. Acacia phlebocarpa, n. sp. Fruticosa, viscidula, parce pube- rula, mox glabrata, ramulis teretiusculis, phyllodiis patentibus angusto- lanceolatis acutis subsessilibus breviter mucronatis basi minute glan- duligeris multinerviis sequilateris, nervo mediano prominente, stipulis triangularibus acuminatis, pedunculis axillaribus solitariis monoce- phalis phyllodio parum v. dimidio brevioribus, sepalis oblongo-linea- 120 DB. F. MUELLER OK AUSTllALIAN ACACIJ5. ribus obtusis demum liberis vix corollae dimidium aequantibus, legu- mine fuscescente coriaceo arcuato acuto subsessili marginato compresso venoso imperfecte oblique septato, seminibus nitenti-nigris ovato- rotundis leniter compressis areolam circularem utrinque gerentibus strophiolo bilobo pallido basi amplexis. Hab. In locis petrseis ad ortiim fluvii Seven Emu River sinus Carpen- taria3. No. 41. Frutex 2-5'. Phyllodia rigidula 1-1|" longa, li-2i"' lata. Pedunculi crassiusculi. FZores glutinosi 1'" paulo excedentes. Legumina 1-2" longa, cireiter 2'" lata. Semina li'" longa. [Closely allied to A. cochlearis, Labill. The phyllodia are rather thicker ; the nerves, especially the lateral ones, less distinct ; the minute brown stipules are broader, and the pod broader, thicker, with a more thickened margin, and much curved, that of A. coc^Ze«m being nearly straight.— G. B.] 11. Acacia colletioides, Benih. in Hook. Lond. Journ. of Bot. i. p. 336. n. 4^. Ad sinus St. Vincent's Gulf and Spencer's Gulf. Legumen arcuatum v. cyclicum tenui-coriaceum 1-^" longum, cireiter 2'" latum, extus sordide fuscum, intus continuum sessile acuminatum. Semina obscure fusca nitentia ovato-globosa turgida 1'" paulo exce- dentia strophiolo cymbiformi fuscescente praedita. 12. Acacia sicuLiEFORMis {Cunn.; Benth. in Lond. Journ. Bot. i. p. 337. — Acacia patens, F. Muell. MSS.). Glabra, erecta, ramulis teretiVi^QvXi^, phyllodiis reverso-patentibus coriaceis angusto- et oblique lanceolatis basi angustatis apice acutis mucronatis uninerviis indistincte venulosis prope basin et juxta medium obscure glanduligeris, stipulis minutis agglutinatis lanceolato-subulatis, pedunculis axillaribus soli- tariis phyllodia paulo superantibus monocephalis, capitulis globosis multifloris, leguminibus chartaceis linearibus rectis compressis enerviis spadiceis gracili-stipitatis intus continuis ad suturas flexuosis, semini- bus ovatis leniter compressis minutissime strophiolatis obscure fuscis nitidis. Ad rivos Hooker's et Sturt's Creek. No. 4. Phyllodia 4-10"" longa, 1-1|^"' lata. F/ore* evoluti desunt. Legumina 1-1^"' longa et totidem lineas lata tenuiter marginata. Seminal'" paulo excedentia. A. diffuscB proxima. Alteram hujus sectionis speciem tropicam et probabiliter A. siculceformi proximam absque floribus fructibusque vidi in montibus inter flumen Suttor et planitiem Peak Downs sitis. [F. Mueller's specimens of A. patens appear to agree in every respect with the original ones of A. siculceformis . — G. B.] 13. Acacia Stuartiana, Ferd. Muell. et Benth. in Linnaa, xxvi. p. fi09 ; J. D. Hook. Fl. Tasman. p. 104, t. 19. DE. F. MUELLEB ON AUSTKALIAK ACACIA. 121 Frutex orgyalis amplus v. humilior. Semina ovata satis turgida 1'" paulo longiora e spadiceo nigrita lucida. 14. Acacia cuspidata, All. Cunn. ex Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. i. p. 337. n. 51. Haud rara in colonia Victoriae. Legumina lato-linearia leniter compressa parum curvata fusca enervia marginata breviter stipitata acuminata 1^-3" longa, 2'" lata v. paulo latiora ad suturas recta intus continua, valvis coriaceis chartaceis. Se- mina atra vix nitidula ovata leniter compressa ly-2'" longa, strophiolo brevi crassiusculo sordide fulvescente suifulta. 15. Acacia Brownii, Steudel, Nomencl. Bot. i. p. 2. Variis locis in Australia Felice. Legumina chartacea dilute fusca. Semina nitida nigro-spadicea 1^'" longa ovata leniter compressa strophiolo brevi fulvescente praedita. 16. Acacia rupicola, Ferd. Mueller ex Benth. in Linncea xxvi. p. 610. In montibus Lofty Range et ad fluraen Bremer. Le^Mwiwa bipollicaria vel breviora circiter2"'lata fuscescentia compressa coriacea plus minusve curvata indistincte venulosa intus continua, basi stipitato-attenuata. Semina nigro-fusca nitidula circiter 2'" longa compresso-ovata strophiolo pallido majusculo praedita. 17. Acacia sphacelata, Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. of Bot. i. p. 338. n. 34. (A. tetragonophylla, Ferd. Muell. No. 6.) In pascuis siccis subsalinis ad lacum Torrens. Frutex divaricato-ramosissimus, raro arbuscula. Rami validi cano-ni- grescentes. Phyllodia f-1^" longa, ^-1'" lata. Pedunculi axillares solitarii vix semunciales. Sepala linearia obtusa prorsus libera et di- stantia, corollae dimidium aequantia apice non nigrescentia. Bracteolee spathulato-lineares. Legumina sessilia compressa valde curvata marginata. Specimina dubie hue relata, a cl. Bentham ad A. Brownii reducta. 18. Acacia ovoidea, Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. i. p. 339, f. ; Hook. Flor. Tasman. p. 105. t. xx. In paludosis et irriguis colonise South Australia affatim occurrens. In terra Gipps Land et aliis partibus colonise Victorise minus frequens quam A. verticillata. 19. Acacia verticillata, W. Sp. PL i v. p. 1049. y. cephalantha, phyllodiis tenuissimis setaceo-subulatis, spicis depaupe- ratis ad capitula subglobosa reductis, calycibus corolla ter quaierve brevioribus. Ad umbrosas subsalinas fluvii Yarra. Varietas insignis solo peculiari orta clare in formam normalem transiens. 20. Acacia Riceana, Henslow in the Botanist, iii. p. 135. In silvis densis montium ad Sealers' Cove. Antea tantum in Tasmania reperta. 122 DE. r. MUELLER ON AUSTRALIAN ACACIJE. § 6. Calamiformes. 2\. Acacia piNiFOhiA {Benth.in Mitch. Subtrop. Austr.Y>. 342. — Acacia tenuissima, n. sp.). Glabra, ramulis teretiusculis, phyllodiis tenuis- simis elongatis tetragono-filiformibus curvato-mucronulatis, stipulis minutis deltoideis diu persistentibus, pedunculis brevibus solitariis monocephalis, leguminibus chartaceis lato-linearibus rectis compressis marginatis enerviis ad suturas vix flexuosis breviter stipitatis basi et apice acutis. In locis lapidosis aridis ad originem fluvii M*Arthur sinus Carpentaria Gulf. No. 5. Frutex 5-8'. Phyllodia 3-8" longa, \-^"' tantum crassa. Flores desunt. Pedunculi leguminigeri fere semunciales. Legumina 2-4" longa, 1^-2^" lata. Semina matura deficiunt. Num eadem sit ac Acacia pinifolia (Bentham in Mitchell, Trop. Austr. p. 342) comparatio speciminum doeebit. [These specimens are in fruit ; Mitchell's were in flower ; but they appear in other respects identical. Dr. Mueller had inadvertently given the name of ^. tenuissima to two species; but the present one proving to be already published, his name will be retained for the one described below (No. 74).— G. B.] 22. Acacia chordophylla, Ferd. Muell. ex Benth. in Linncea, xxvi. p. 612. Ad fluvium Murray. Corolla calycem ciliolatum semisuperans. Legumen l|-2" longum et totidem lineas latum chartaceum dilute fuscum inter semina flexuoso- constrictum. Semina ovata nitenti-fusca leviter compressa \\"' longa strophiolo livido fere 1'" metiente suifulta. A. ephedroidi inter Juliferas valde cognata. 23. Acacia leptoneura, Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. i. p. 340. n. 64. Ad sinum Spencer's Gulf, C. Wilhelmi. Frutex laxus ramosissimus pluripedalis. Phyllodia in speciminibus cultis multo longiora et magis compressa quam in spontaneis A. chordo- phyllcB, abs quo etiam differre videtur corolla calycem paulo nee semi- superante. Pedunculi capitulo aequilongi appresso-puberuli. 24. Acacia sericophylla, n. sp. Subsericeo-puberula, ramis tere- tiusculis, phyllodiis filiformi-linearibus elongatis muticis subtilissime striolatis, floribus , leguminibus coriaceis elongatis curvatis torulosis inter semina conspicue constrictis extus tenuissime cano- puberulis. In eremo ad flumen Suttor. Phyllodia 5-8'" longa, 1'" lata, compresso-filiformia canescentia. Le- gumen circiter semipedale circiter 4'" latum. Semina et flores non- dum visa. Species A. calamifolice proxima. [Of this I have seen no specimen. — G. B,] DR. F. MUELLER ON AUSTRALIAN ACACIA. 123 25. Acacia nematophylla, Ferd. Muell. ex Benih. in Linneea, xxvi. p. 612. Spencer's Gulf, C. Wilhelmi. Legumina pliiripoUicaria, circiter 3'" lata, coriacea corrugata, demum fuscescentia, satis compressa, ad suturas flexuosa. Semina atra opaca ovata V. oblongo-ovata satis compressa stropliiolo crasso fulvido fere cymbiformi 1'" longitudine excedente suffulta. Acacia Wilhelmiana* , a g1. Bentham, I. c, cum A. nematophylla con- juncta mihi satis singularis videtur visciditate, phyllodiis brevioribus obtusioribus et leguminibus multo minoribus vix l^^'" latis. Ceterum vidi nulla hujus speciei exemplaria nisi imperfecta. Frutex orgyalis satis amplus. Specimina cujusdam Acacioe ad sinum Spencer's Gulf a G. Wilhelmi coUecta, phyllodiis A. calamifolice simillima legumine compresso (etsi magis recto et vix flexuoso) ad A. nematophyllam accedens, aut hujus format varietatem insignem aut potius speciem propriam phyllodiis longioribus acutioribus, legumine fere chartaceo et strophiolis angus- tioribus singularem. 7. BrunioidecB. 26. Acacia lycopodifolia, All. Cunn. in Hook, Ic. ii. t. 172. In clivis petraeis ad flumen Victoriae. Frutex 2-3' difFusus. Rami cano-pubescentes. Flores puberuli. Calyx corolla breviter 5-loba fere quater brevior, acute dentatus. Br act e- olcB diu persistentes angusto-lanceolatae v. lineares acutissimse ciliatae circiter 1'" longse. Legumina sessilia l-l^" longa circ. 2^'" lata marginata fusca. Semina pauca v. plura, immatura late ovata nigrita compressa strophiolo cymbiformi triple breviore livido praedita. 27. Acacia galioides, Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. of Bot. i. p. 344. In praeruptis rupestribus ad flumen Victoriae. Frutex humilis. Bracteolce lanceolatae acutissimae ciliolatae infracto- unguiculatae. Calyx triente corollae pubescentis paulo longior acute dentatus. Legumina longe stipitata valde compressa fuscescentia marginata parce viscidulo-puberula bipollicaria vel breviora, vix 5'" lata, transverse plus minus impressa. Semina 10 v. pauciora, imma- tura iis A. lycopodifolicB similia. 28. Acacia asperulacea, n. sp. Glabra v. pubescens, ramulis tenui- bus teretiusculis, stipulis lanceolato-linearibus subulatis subappressis, phyllodiis verticillatis teretiusculis subcanaliculatis apice recurvis mucronulatis, pedunculis phyllodia superantibus, capituhs multifloris, bracteolis unguiculatis lanceolato-linearibus acutissimis, calycis 5- fidi dentibus acutissimis, corolla 5 loba striolata calycem fere duplo superante, leguminibus rectis lato-linearibus sessilibus compressis * Ferd. Mueller, in Transact. Phil. Society Victoria, p. 37. 124 DR. Y. MUELLER ON AUSTRALIAN ACACIJE. basi et apice acutis marginatis fuscis Isevibus continuis, semini- bus In plaga petrsea (Sandstone table-land) terrae Amhemicae et ad flumen Victoriae. Hb. M. 1 & 73 partim. Rami adscendentes. Phyllodia 2-4'" longa, in quoque vertieillo 8-14. Stipules lineam metientes v. breviores. Capitula 3-4'" diaraetro tenentia nee ut in ^4. Baueri minima. Legumina circiter 1|" longa, 2'" lata. [Closely allied to the A. Baueri, of which it has the foliage ; but the heads of flowers, as well as the flowers themselves, are twice the size. — G. B.] 29. Acacia subternata, n. sp. Glabra, ramuHs augulatis sulcatis junioribus innovationibusque viscidulis, stipulis minimis v. obliteratis, phyllodiis lineari-filiformibus compressis ut plurimum ternatim con- fertis rarius geminis sparsisve brevissime recurvo-cuspidatis, pedun- culis solitariis phyllodia superantibus, capitulis multifloris glabris, calycis corolla semibrevioris 5-partiti laciniis spathulato-linearibus obtusis, legumine piano crasso-coriaceo marginato lanceolato sensim in basin longe angustato oblique striate et oblique septato, semi- nibus In plaga elevata petrsea terrae Arnhemicae ad flumina Yictoriae (No. 73 partim). Roper et Limmen; Bight River. Frutew 3-5'. Phyllodia 3-6'" longa,, y'lx ^"' lata. CoroW« 5-fidae circ. r" longae. Legumina addito stipite l|-2" longa, 2-2^'" lata. Species insignis, quintae seriei Juliferarum quoad legumina approxi- mans, ceteroquin ad Brunioideas certe pertinens. [Appears to be a good species. The arrangement of the phyllodia (should it prove constant) is singular : they are neither verticillate, as in the Brunioidea verticillata, nor solitary at each node, as in the Brunioidea sparsifolia ; but in most cases in fascicles of 2, 3, or 4 from each node, something like the leaflets of Aspalathus. — G. B.] 30. Acacia conferta, J//. Cunn. ex Benth. in Hook. Loud. Journ. of Bot. i. p. 345. Near Balmy Creek and near Mount Mereval, Sir T. H. Mitchell. In collibus ad flumen Dawson, Ferd. Mueller, No. 2. Frutex 1-2-orgyalis. Phyllodia semuncialia v. breviora marginulata (nullo modo ut habet cl. Bentham margine revoluta) in speciminibus suppetentibus acuta. Ca/ya? 5-fidus, lobis obtusis. Legumina \-\l" longa, circiter i" lata, valde compressa, coriacea, pruinosa, ad suturas flexuosa, oligosperma. Semina 2'" longa opaco-nigra non areolata, strophiolo sublivido V" longo cymbiformi sustenta. § 8. Uninervice. 31. Acacia dictyocarpa, Beitth. in Linneea, xxvi. p. 616. In virgultis ad flumina Ilutt et Hill River, prope St. Vincent's Gulf, DU. F. MUELLER ON AUSTRALIAlSr ACACIiE. 125 ad flumina Darling, Murray, et Murrumbidgee, in virgultis, ad lacum Alexandrinae. Frutex speciosus 3-5'. Semina 1^-2'" longa opaca atra compresso- ovata, areola laterali conspicua. Strophiolum lividum cymbiforme longe acuminatum dimidium seminis paulo excedens. 32. Acacia argyrophylla, Ferd. Mueller, Coll. Bot. 1847 et seq. Ad flumen South Rhine in virgultis. Frutex pluripedalis amplus. Legumina nigrescentia iis A. dictyocarpce latiora. 33. Acacia podalyrifolia, A. Cunn. in G. Don, Gen. Syst. ii. p. 405. n. 85. Wide Bay, Moore j Burnett River, Dawson River, on ridges, Ferd. Mueller, No. 16. Frutex altior. Legumen subsessile tenui-coriaceum oligospermum com- planatum glaucum puberulum \^-3" longum, ^-f " latum, margina- tum venosum flexuosum, inter semina contractum. Semina nigra ovata satis compressa circiter2^"' longa opaca, strophiolo crasso ful- vido triplo breviore suffulta. Variat foliis lato-ovatis obtusis et angusto-lanceolatis acutis. 34. Acacia oleifolia. All. Cunn. in Don, Gen. Syst. Dichlam. Plants, ii. p. 405. Wild Dog Creek, near Mount Remarkable. In virgultis ad flumina Dawson, Burdekin, et Burnett River. No. 22. Capitula reperi pluriflora. Legumina subnigrescentia stipitata ut plu- rimum l|^-2" longa laevia. Semina lucenti-nigra leviter compressa ovata, areolis valde indistinctis. Strophiolum crassum lividum semine triplo brevius. Variat phyllodiis sesquilineam latis et fere 2" longis falcatis. 35. Acacia lunata, Sieb. in DC. Prodr. ii. p. 452. In montibus sterilibus dumosis ad flumen Ovens, et in montibus Buffalo Range. Corolla calycem sinuato-dentatum vix ciliolatum pluries superans. Specimina e locis supra memoratis cl. Bentham, /. c, partim dubie ad A. bu^ifoliam partim ad A. prominentem retulit. 36. Acacia myrtifolia, Willd. Sp. PL Frequens in coloniis South Australia et Victoria. 3/. Acacia iteaphylla, Ferd. Mueller ex Benth. in Linncea, xxvi. p. 617. 3. latifolia, phyllodiis latioribus et brevioribus. Ad sinum Spencer's Gulf, C. Wilhelmi ; Ferd. Mueller. Ad ostium flu- minis Murray, Wuerth. Frutex orgyalis et altior amplus. Semina ovata leviter compressa baud areolata 2'" longa nitidulo-nigra. Strophiolum seminis dimidium aequans fulvescens angusto-cymbiforme. Glandula phyllodii inter- dura a basi distans. 126 DR. F. MUELLER ON AUSTRALIAN ACACIiE. 38. Acacia pycnantha, Benth. in Hook, Lond. Journ. i. p. 351. Frequens in coloniis South Australia et Victoria. Arbuscula v. frutex altior. Legumina recta obscure fusca coriacea lato- linearia marginata 2'" circiter lata, 1^-3" longa, inter semina quasi articulatim impressa, intus continua, ad suturas non aut parum flexu- osa. Semina circiter 1^'" metientia oblongo-ovata compressa nitenti- nigra, areola inconspicua. Strophiolum cymbiforme acuminatum lividura seminis dimidiura superans. 39. Acacia falcata, Willd. Sp. Plant, iv. p. 1053. Ad flumina Brisbane, Burnett, et Dawson River. 40. Acacia penninervis, Sieb., ex DC. Prodr. ii. p. 452. Ad flumina Burnett et Brisbane Australiae orientalis subtropicae. No. 13, 14. Broken River ! in montibus graniticis ad Snowy River ! Legumina pallide aetate saturate fusca coriacea plana 2-5" longa, se- munciam circiter lata venosa intus continua. Semina longitudinalia circiter 2^'" longa nitenti-atra non areolata ovata leviter compressa. Strophiolum obscure lividum cymbiforme acuminatum semini aequi- longum. Funiculi pars superior crassa plicata. 41. Acacia retinodes, Schl. Linncea, xx. p. 664. In coloniis South Australia et Victoria non rara. Frutex altior vel arbor parva. Legumina coriacea dilute fusca paulo pruinosa lato-linearia compressa recta stipitata 2-4" longa, circiter 3"' lata, venulosa, intus continua, ad suturas vix]^flexuosa. f .Semina oblonga ovata compressa nigra vix nitentia 1^"' longa. Strophiolum lividum crassiusculum cymbiforme semine aliquoties brevius. 42. Acacia salicina, Lindl. in Mitch. Three Exped. ii. p. 20. In terra Arnhem's Land, e. g. ad flumen Roper, hb. M. 12. In eremo ad flumen Suttor, No. 21. Corolla calycem glabrum triplo superans. Legumina plus minus cur- vata pallida paulo pulverulenta circiter ^" lata intus continua. Se- mina subrotunda v. late ovata compressa splendenti-nigra laevia 2'" metientia strophiolum coccineum longissimum flexuosum et varie pli- catum gerentia. ^. minor, phyllodiis et leguminibus conspicue minoribus. Spencer's Gulf, C. Wilhelmi ; St. Vincent's Gulf. 43. Acacia hakeoides, All Cunn. ex Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. i. p. 354. (A. gladiiformis, A. C. I. c.) In deserto ad fluvium Murray, lacum Torrens et montes Flinders Range. Frutex 5-6. Calyx fimbriolatus corollam dimidiam aequans. Legumina fusca inter semina longe tenuiter contracta 3-4" longa, coriacea, DR. F. MUELLEE ON AUSTRALIAN ACACIA. 127 loculis circiter 3'" latis turgidis. Semina oblongo-ovata nigra saltern 2'" longa. Strophiolum pallidum cymbiforme acuminatum dimidium seminis sequans. 44. Acacia notabilis {Ferd. Mueller). Glabra, ramulis superne an- gulatis, phyllodiis angusto- v. oblongo-lanceolatis obtusiusculis sessi- libus crasso-coriaceis basi tantum glanduligeris marginatis uninerviis pallidis venosis, racemis oligocephalis phyllodio brevioribus, legumi- nibus tenui-coriaceis nigrescentibus angusto-oblongis obtusis planis stipitatis marginatis venulosis parum pruinosis ad suturas rectis, semi- nibus transverse sitis nigris opacis compressis ovatis strophiolo eym~ biformi livido longe acuminate dimidio longioribus areolatis. Invicinitate portus Lincoln, C. Wilhelmi. Ad montes Flinders Range. Frutex circa orgyalis. Phyllodia 2-4" longa, 4-6'" lata. Flores desunt. Rachis fructifer flexuosus. Legumina 1^-2^" longa, circiter 4"' lata intus continua. Semina circiter 2"' longa. Species eremicola dubie a clarissimo Bentham, Acacice obtusatee montes cseruleos inhabitanti conjuncta, potius ad A. hakeoidem (legumine ceteroquin diversam) appropinquans. [I have still great doubts whether this species be a good one. — G. B.] 45. Acacia rubida. All. Cunn. exBenth. in Hook. Land. Journ. i, p. 355. In collibus petrseis inter montes May-day Hills et flumen Ovens. In regionibus montanis graminosis ad fluraina King et Delatite. In clivis saxosis ad fluvium Snowy River. Arbuscula v. frutex. 46. Acacia crassiuscula, Wendl. Comment, de Acaciis aphyll. p. 31, t. 8. /3. angustifolia, Benth. in Linnaea, xxvi. p. 619. Ad flumen Snowy River. y. pubescens, phyllodiis augustioribus et brevioribus glabriusculis, ra- mulis et inflorescentia pubescentibus. New South Wales. b. latifolia, phyllodiis conspicue latioribus e truncato apice oblique cuspidatis. Snowy River. Specimina evoluta hujus varietatis nondum vidi. 47. Acacia prominens, A. Cunn. in Don, Gen. Syst. ii. p. 406 ; non Benth. in Linncea, xxiv. p. 620. Frequens circum Moreton Bay, in montibus ad flumina Pine River et Burnett. Hb. M. no. 15. Frutex saepe biorgyalis. Calyx repando-dentatus corolla fere triplo brevior ciliolatus. Legumen fuscescens leniter pruinosum compres- sum fere biunciale fere ^" latum stipitatum chartaceum laeve inter semina plus minus contractum. Semina ovata leniter compressa 128 DR. r. MUELLEB ON AUSTRALIAN ACACIA. nitidulo-nigra laevia non areolata sesquilineam longa stropliiolo brevi crasso livido praedita. 48. Acacia decora, Reichb. Icon. exot. t. 199. (Acacia Sentis, Ferd. Mueller.) In Australia centrali, Sturt. Ad flumen Victoria?, iV. 19. Secus rivos siccos terrae Arnhemica>, No, 1 7- " Plains of Promise " sinus Car- pentariae. No. 20, In Australia orientali tropica. Ramuli inermes v. aetata spinis geminis praediti. Corolla glabra, circiter ad trientem divisa, laciniis angustis, tubo tenui calycem semisupe- rante. Calyx profunde quinquepartitus, laciniis spathulato-linearibus apice ciliatis. Legumina chartacea complanata, 1-1^" longa, circiter y" lata, dilute fusca, reticulato-venosa, glabra, oligosperma, inter semina plus minus margine constricta. basi acuta, apice obtusa. Semina suhglohosa splendentia e fulvo et spadiceo variegata sesqui- lineam longa, strophiolo brevi carnoso fulvescente praedita. [The specimens now sent show still more the identity of this plant with the A. decora, Reichb. — G. B.] 49. Acacia buxifolia, A. Cunn. in Field's New South Wales, p. 344. Pine Ridges on the Macquarie River, All. Cunn. auctoritate illustr. Hooker. /3. subvelutina, ramulis innovationibus rachibusque velutinis. Brac- teolce rhombeo-cordatae fimbriolatae minutae. Calyx fimbriolatus ob- tuse dentatus petalis fere triplo brevior. Legumen nigrescens prui- nosum brevissime stipitatum coriaceum marginatum fere ^" latum. Semina immatura fere rotunda nigra strophiolo livido praedita. In tergis montium subalpinorum ad flumen Freestone River. 50. Acacia microcarpa {Ferd. Mueller, Second Gen. Rep. p. 7). Glabra, ramulis tenuibus acute angulatis, phyllodiis lineari- v. ovato- oblongis obliquis sessilibus uninerviis obscure venulosis obtusis re- curvo-apiculatis infra medium glanduligeris, stipulis minutis delto- ideis, leguminibus parvis tenui-chartaceis angustis pallidis arcuatis inter semina parum contractis laevibus, seminibus parvis turgide ovatis nitentibus nigro-fuscis pallide areolatis, strophiolo rotundo-ovato acuminato vix dimidium seminis aequante. Ad margines fruticetorum ad Tumbey Bay, C. Wilhelmi. Ad fluraina Avoca et Murray. Frutex pauci- v. plm*ipedalis patentim ramosissimus. Phyllodla uncialia et breviora 1^-3'" lata. Flores omnino desunt. Legumina f-1^" longa, circiter 1'" lata. Semina \"' paulo excedentia. Strophiolum sordide fuscescens. Species fructus minutie valde singularis ex icone Hook. Icon. t. 164, cum A. buxifolia neutiquam jungenda. [Of this I have now no specimen, the fragment I formerly saw having been returned to Mr. Sonder. — G. B.] DR. F. MUELLER ON AUSTRALIAN ACACIiE. 129 61. AcACiA iMBRiCATA {Fevd. Mueller, in herb. Wilhelmiano). Glabra, ramulis confertis acute angulatis, stipulis obliteratis, phyllodiis parvis confertis sessilibus oblongo- v. cuneato-linearibus uninerviis aveniis apice obtusis glanduligeris et oblique cuspidato-apiculatis, pedunculis axillaribus solitariis phyllodia superantibus, floribus , leguminibus dilute fuscis lato-linearibus chartaceis subsessilibus ad suturas rectis leviter compressis pleio- v. polyspermis, seminibus ro- tundo-ovatis leniter compressis nitentibus nigrescentibus strophiolo cymbiformi acuminato fere duplo longioribus. Tumbey Bey, Spencer's Gulf ad margines fruticetorum, C. Wilhelmi. Frutex densus 3-4' altus. Phyllodia crassiuscula 2-6'" longa, |-1"' lata. Pedunculi tenues circiter semunciales. Legumen (a Bentha- mio in Linncea, xxvi. p. 614, sub A. conferta descriptum) H-2" longum, 2-3'" latum. Semina fere 1^'" longa utrinque distincte areolata. Species certo ad uninervias pertinens, A. lineatce affinis, a Benthamio, I. c, perperam cum A. conferta e Brunioidearum serie conjuncta, quae difFert habitu multo altiore : ramis pubescentibus non distincte angu- latis, phyllodiis acutis glandula terminali orbatis, nervo nullo v. indi- stincto praeditis, satis evidenter marginulatis, legumine valde com- presso multo latiore stipitato pruinoso oligospermo, ad suturas flex- uoso, seminibus majoribus minus nitentibus magis compressis baud distincte areolatis et forsan quoque floribus. [Dr. Mueller may be correct in referring this to the Uninervije next A. lineata. My specimen is too imperfect to determine the point. — G. B.] 52. Acacia acinacea, Lindley in Mitch. East Austr. ii. p. 267. In parte australi colonise Yictorise, a montibus Grampianis usque ad rivum Forest Creek, necnon ad portum Phillip. Frutex pluripedalis amplus ramosissimus, ramis ssepe recurvatis. Calyx 5-partitus corollam vix semisequans, laciniis lineari-spathulatis. Le- gumen spirale quasi cinnatum, ei A. obliques persimile. Transitum igitur a speciebus uninerviis ad triangulares parat. 53. Acacia aspera, Lindl. I. c. In locis sterilioribus virgultorum et nemorum Australiae Felicis ; e. g, Grampians, Black Forest, Goulburn et Broken River. Frutex pluripedalis valde ramosus. Legumina arcuata leviter com- pressa 1-2" longa, vix 1^"' lata, dilute fusca hispidula, ad suturas plus minusve flexuosa, basi et apice acuta. Semina nigrescentia ovata sesquilineam longa, strophiolo carnoso fulvido prajdita. 54. Acacia montana, Benth. I. c. DifFert ab A. leprosa phyllodiis minoribus obscure bi- v. plurinerviis juxta basin conspicue glanduligeris, capitulis multo intensius luteis, LINN. PROC. — BOTANY. K 130 DR. F. MUELLER OK AUSTRALIAN ACACIiE. pedunculis glabris et bracteolis brevioribus. Flores similes. Corolla 5-fida calycem obtuse 5-lobum puberulum semiajquans. Bractece ad pedunculorum basin rotunda? conspicuse. In eollibus ad flumen South Rhine. A. sclerophylla, Lindl., cum hae confluit, nisi fruetu differt. 55. Acacia exsudans, Lindl. in Mitch. East Australia, ii. p. 216. Differt ab A. reclinata et A. leprosa phyllodiis divaricatis brevioribus et obtusioribus minutim apiculatis non apice sphacelatis, nervo secundario secus marginem superum percursis, calycibus magis gla- bris, ab A. leprosa prseterea glandula minore basali, capitulis minus laete luteis. Legumina 1-2" longa, H-2'" lata, breviter stipitata, viscoso-puberula lato-linearia recta compressa sordide fusca coriaceo- chartacea. Semina ovato-oblonga nitentia fusco-nigra 1^'" metientia longe areolata. Strophiolum crassum breve. 56. Acacia dineura, n. sp. Fruticosa, glabra, ramulis striato-angu- latis, phyllodiis chartaceis angusto-oblongis v. oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis leniter falcato-curvatis hinerviis reticulato-venosis ad basin minute glandulosis, pedunculis axillaribus monocephalis solitariis phyllodio pluries brevioribus, leguminibus complanatis stipitatis elon- gate-oblongis marginatis venosis, suturis leniter undulatis. In plaga arenoso-rupestri juxta originem fluviorum Roper et Limmen, Bight River terrae Arnheraicse, h. M. no. 31. Frutex altior. Phyllodia 2-3" longa, 3-8"' lata. Areolce venationis magnae. Pedunculi tenues semunciam paulo excedentes. Legumina (immatura tantum visa) 2^-5" longa, circiter f"'lata. Flores et semina matura nondum cognita. A. elliptic^, Cunn. in Hook. Lond. Journ. i. p. 347, et A. hemignostce proxima. [Appears to be a distinct species. The phyllodia are thinner and differently shaped from the few 2-nerved species known with solitary flower-heads. — G. B.] 57. Acacia leprosa {Sieb. in DC. Pr. ii. 450). Elatior, ramuHs angulatis apice vix puberulis cernuis v. nutantibus, phyllodiis char- taceis patentibus elongato- et angusto-lanceolatis leviter curvatis sphacelato-apiculatis brevissime petiolatis basi et apice longe angus- tatis glabris viscoso-punctatis uninerviis tenuiter reticulato-penni- Teniis supra basin conspicue uniglandulosis, pedunculis axillaribus geminis-quinis cano-velutinis capitulo citrino multifloro aequilongis, corolla glabra 5-fida calycem subvelutinum dentatum semisuperante, bracteolis lanceolatis, leguminibus Ad ripas superiores fluvii Yarra-Dallachi. Rami graciles elongati. Phyllodia laete viridia pleraque 3-4" longa, 3-6"' lata. Capitula suaveolentia. DR. F. MUELLER ON AUSTRALIAN ACACIA. 131 58. Acacia leprosa {Sieb. in DC. Prod. ii. p. 450, var. sec. Benth. — Acacia reclinata, Ferd. Mueller, First Gen. Report, p. 12). Elatior, ramulis angulatis subglabris deraum nutantibus, phyllodiis chartaceis patentibus lineari-lanceolatis sphacelato-apiculatis vix cur- vatis subsessilibus ima basi minutim glanduligeris basi ut apice sensim angustatis glabris viscoso-punctatis uninerviis tenuiter reticu- lato-penniveniis, pedunculis axillaribus geminis ternisve capitulo sul- phureo multifloro sequilongis puberulis, corolla glabra 5-fida calycem dentatum puberulum semisuperante, bracteolis lanceolatis, In vallibus Australise Felicis orientalis et litoralis. Frutex densus alius. Phyllodia pleraque 1^-2-2" longa, 2-3'" lata. Legumen lineare falcatum arcuatum basi et apice acutum circiter 1- 2-pollicare 1^'" latum compressum tenui-coriaceum fuscum inter seraiua continuum non contractum. /3. binervis, phyllodiis binerviis. In collibus graniticis ad flumen Broken River. A. leprosa persimilis, vix taraen ejus varietas. [I still think it a mere variety of A. leprosa. — G. B.] 59. Acacia dodonaeifolia, Willd. Enum. PL Suppl. p. 68. (Acacia viscosa, Schrad. in Wendl. Comment, p. 30. — Mimosa dodonaeifolia, Persoon, Synops. ii. p. 261.) Ad sinum Spencer's Gulf prope Port Lincoln, C. Wilhelmi. Corolla 5-partita calycem glabrum viscidum dentatum triente supe- rans. Bracteolcs angustissime lineares, lamina spathulata termi- natse. Pedunculi solitarii v. gemini glabri capitulo longiores. Legu- mina dilute fulvida 1-4^" longa, \^"' lata lato-linearia curvata visci- dula satis compressa tenui-(;oriacea enervia intus continua inter semina hand aut vix contracta. Semina nitentia spadiceo-nigrescentia com- presso-ovata 1-2-2'" longa, strophiolo sordide fulvido replicato basi suffulta. Frutex 15-20'. Diflfert ab A. reclinata et A. leprosa phyllodiis distinctius venosis paulo crassioribus ratione longitudinis latioribus, obtusioribus, apiculo mi- nuto non sphacelato terminatis prope et supra medium glanduligeris (prseter glandulam basalem), pedunculis longioribus glabris saepe soli- tariis, calyce glabro, corolla profundius divisa, bracteolarum forma et forsan quoque leguminibus hactenus mihi ignotis. 60. Acacia stricta, W. Sp. Plant, iv. p. 1052. Kangaroo Island. Satis frequens in colonia Victorise. ^. binervis, phyllodiis binerviis. Tasmania, Stuart, y. pleiocephala, racemis brevibus oligocephalis. South Port, Tasmanise, Stuart. 61. Acacia plagiophylla, n. sp. Ramulis hirtellis angulatis, phyl- lodiis parvis glabris triangularibus sive ovato- deltoideis sessilibus k2 13^ DR. r. MUELLER ON AUSTRALIAN ACACI-S:. nmcronatis curvato-uninerviis subuveniis marginatis ad angulum superura obtusiusculum glanduligeris, Ad flumen Brisbane, No. 25, Hill et Muell. Habitu ad Acaciam pravissimam accedens. Phyllodia 2-4'" longa, lf-3'" lata, satis obscure viridia, nitidula. Flores et fructus hac- tenus ignoti. [Without further information, it will be impossible to judge of or identify this species. There are no specimens sent. — G. B.] § 9. Brachyhotrycd. 62. Acacia viscidula, Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. i. p. 363. no. 141 . (Acacia elongata, Benth. in Linncea, xxvi. p. 624, non Sieber.) Spencer's Gulf, Lake Torrens, St. Vincent's Gulf, et Murray River. Flores minuti. S6pala spathulato-linearia vix ciliolata corollam semi- aequantia. Legumina lineari-filiformia acuta sessilia \^-2l" longa, circiter l^'" lata fuscata longitudinaliter venosa coriacea leniter cur- vata, inter semina modice contracta. Semina nigro-fusca nitentia l-l^'" longa ovata vix compressa areolata. Strophiolum crassiusculum lividum basin seminis tantum araplexans. A. farinos(B Siftmis. 63. Acacia farinosa, Ldndley in Mitchell's Three Exped. ii. p. 146. Ad sinum Spencer's Gulf, C Wilhelmi. Frutew ramosissimus laxus paucipedalis. Corollce profunde S-partitse segmenta lanceolata glabra. Sepala libera lineari-spathulata ciliolata petalis semisuperata. Legumina turgida glabra spadicea circiter 2" longa, vix ultra 2'" lata, arcuata, basi obtusa sessilia, apice longe rostrata, inter semina constricta. Semina ovata l^'" longa sordide brunnea, strophiolo flavescente crassiusculo bilobo ter breviore suJBFulta. 64. Acacia multinervia, DC. Legum. Mem. p. 445. In vicinitate montis Alexander. Flores minuti. Capitula nonnunquam terna. Calyx 5-fidiis ciliolatus. Vidi in specimine meo ramos striato-angulatos puberulos. StipulcB e lata basi lineari-setacese demum deciduae. Species situ glandulae inter affines valde distincta. [The true A. multinervia, DC, is probably one of the Pungentes, as I pointed out (Linnaea, xxvi. p. 625). The plant here alluded to by Dr. Mueller, among the Brachybotryse, is probably the one I myself formerly mistook for the A. multinervia, — a variety of A. ixiophylla with a marginal gland. I have not, however, seen any specimen from Dr. Mueller.— G. B.] DE. F. MUELLER ON AUSTRALIAN ACACIJE. 138 65. Acacia translucens. All. Cunn. in Hook. Icon. Plant, ii. 1. 160. Ad rivos Sturt's Creek et Hooker's Creek Australise subcentralis et ad flumen Victoriae in locis petraeis, Hb. Muell. No. 8, 81, et 83. Calyx corolla aliquoties brevior. A. impress