■m$$ THE JOURNAL OF THE QUEKETT MICROSCOPICAL CLUB. VOL. IV. 1874—1877. t^J t^ WOODS 40L£ Sonbon : [Published for the Club,] HARDWICKE AND BOGUE, 192, PICCADILLY. THE JOURNAL OF THI^ utlutt lltirr0st0pintl <&htfr. On the Salivary Glands of the Cockroach. By T. Charters White, M.K.C.S., F.R.M.S., &o. Read Sept. 25, 1874. As my communication this evening must be regai'ded more in the light of an introduction to an interesting object than in that of an elaborated paper, I shall not enter to any great extent into the structure and functions of the various glands met with in the animal frame, but it is necessary to the proper understanding of the salivary glands of the cockroach which I exhibit to-night that I should, for the advantage of those present who may have no technical knowledge of the subject, explain briefly the functions destined to be performed by a gland, and the types upon which the various glands are constructed. The office of a gland is the elimination of certain materials from the blood, which are either stored up for future use in the animal economy, or are cast out as effete and deleterious to the system ; we may instance the gastric, juice and the saliva, as illustrating the first, and the urine and < sweat as examples of the second. That this process may be fully and perfectly carried out, the blood must be brought into close proximity with the agents by which this eliminating process is effected, and an examination of the gland will show the elements whereby this change is produced. We may realise from Dr. Sharpey's description better than from any words of mine, the structural elements concerned in secretion, and therefore with your permission I will quote them. He says — " In the structural adap- YOL. III. b 2 T. C. WHITE ON THE SALIVARY GLANDS OF THE COCKROACH. tations of a secreting apparatus, it is in the first place provided that the blood vessels approach some free surface from which the secretion is poured out. The vessels, however, do not open upon the secreting surface, for the coats as well as the tissues covering them are permeable to liquids ; and the most favourable conditions for the discharge of fluid are ensured by the division of the vessels into their finest or capillary branches, and by the arrangement of these capillaries in close order as near as possible to the surface. In this way their coats are reduced to the greatest degree of tenuity and simplicity, and the blood brought into contact with the permeable parietes of its containing channels, as well as effectually and by reason of its slow motion, for a long time exposed to those influences, whether operating from within or without the vessels, which promote transudation." One of the elements of this process is the extension of the surface over which the blood may be exposed ; it may either be spread otit like the sweat glands in the skin, or it may be drawn into complicated folds, as in the kidney ; but, however accomplished, the blood must be brought into contact with the layer of secreting cells by which the peculiar elements are withdrawn. We have various examples of the types upon which the glands were formed depicted in the diagram taken from Quain and Sharpey's Anatomy, and by it you will see that whatever the form of the gland, the elements entering into it are a layer of capillary blood vessels, a basement membrane, and a layer of secreting cells. The glands may be simple membranes with a plain secreting surface, or they may be pouch-like inflections of that surface, or these pouches may have pouches again on their walls, and so the gland may become sacculated or lobular. Those of you who have read Mr. Lowne's valuable monograph on the anatomy of the Blowfly, will remember his drawing of the salivary glands of that insect, and will readily recognise in it the simple tubular character of the gland, while a reference to the salivary glands of the Cockroach which I exhibit under my microscope, will give you a very good illustration of glands of the compound or lobulated kind. These organs occupy in the Cockroach the same position as the salivary glands of the fly, and are analogous to them in function without a doubt; they are situated in the anterior part of the thorax, and in front of the anterior thoracic ganglion from which they may derive part of their nerve supply; to expose them, it T. C. WHITE ON THE SALIVARY GLANDS OF THE COCKROACH. 6 is necessary to remove the segment carrying the first pair of legs, when upon searching amongst the muscular debris left by that removal, the glands will readily be found attached to the oesophagus on either side. They are of a twofold character, being made up of two sacs and two compound glands. The salivary sacs are not at first readily distinguishable as sacs, as they are collapsed and not inflated as the air sacs of insects usually are — they appear to be formed of two coats, the external being composed of nucleated membrane, while the internal coat appears to be base- ment membrane carrying a layer of columnar epithelium. The sacs communicate with the mouth by means of ducts which unite as a common channel as they emerge from the anterior part of the thorax. The ducts bear a general resemblance to the tracheal tubes, but of a larger calibre, a slight constriction being noticeable at the point of their union with the sacs, but nothing resembling the valve pointed out by Mr. Lowne as existing in the salivary duct of the fly exists in the case of the Cockroach. More closely attached to the outside of the oesophagus, and lying between it and the salivary sacs, the glands may be found spread out as a layer : they are exceedingly delicate, and require very tender manipulation to detach them from the oesophagus, which they embrace very closely. Upon a more minute examination, they will be seen made up into a number of lobes, like a bunch of grapes, each lobe being a congeries of cells, attached by fibres of connective tissue to adjoining lobes. Between the cells small passages may be observed which form the beginnings of fine tubes, these, coalescing with others, ulti- mately join to form the principal duct, which running on by the side of the duct of the salivary sac meets its fellow of the opposite side a short distance anterior to the bifurcation of the two ducts of the salivary sacs, the four ducts there uniting and entering into the formation of a common duct, which eventually opens on the upper surface of the labium. The supply of nerves to these glands has been a point of great difficulty, and I have not made a demonstration of them that I can positively rely on, but I believe that the common duct passes down between the ganglionic cords, and there receives some of the fibres of the anterior ganglion, but you can easily imagine that in a dissection of this kind, where great delicacy of touch and manipulation is required, that many of these fine nervous fibres would of necessity be ruptured and their traces lost. On Cutting Sections of the Eyes of Insects, and on a New Instrument for that purpose. By R. Packenham Williams. {Read Oct. 23, 1874.) The general subject of cutting sections of soft tissues, has been so much before the Club of late, that I fear it may have lost some of the interest properly belonging to so important a branch of practical microscopy. Insect eye-sectioning is, however, a speciality which will I am sure command a special interest ; as it is comparatively speaking, a new field of labour for the enthusiastic microscopist, and one in which extraordinary activity has recently been exhibited. Skilful dissectors have no doubt been able to make out sufficient of the structure of insects' eyes to justify them in presenting the ideal sections of those wondrous organs of visions, which are to be met with in the various hand-books for the Microscope. Indeed it must be conceded, that the ideal sections are in advance of those that are real, for, are they not the results of the " Scientific use of the imagination ?" and can we not conceive of tilings as they ought to be, far more easily than we can execute them ? I, therefore, think it unlikely that any one has ever seen, or ever will see, a real section as perfect as the ideal one figured on p. CG3of " Carpenter's Hand-book for the Microscope," for the necessities of the case demand that a section to be as perfect must be considerably thinner towards the ganglion, so as to show the filamentous termination of the diaphanous bodies. Be that as it may, sections of wonderful perfection have been exhibited from time to time in this room ; and I, as one of the workers in this field, am encouraged to hope that what little information I have to give, will be regarded in the light of a contribution to our knowledge of a somewhat difficult subject. I propose treating, in the first place, of the preparation of the head for cutting ; in the next place, of the method applicable, ON CUTTING SECTIONS OF THE EYES OF INSECTS, &C. 5 whatever instrument may be used for cutting ; and finally, of the instrument I have devised for this purpose. The preparation for cutting is to the last degree important, for, however perfect the cutting instrument may be, if the head be not properly prepared, all attemps at sectioning it will be in vain I have found, after many trials, that alcohol, 60° over proof gives the most uniform results : but previous to putting the insect into spirits I give it a gentle shaking in a phial of Benzine. I do so because, in the subsequent embedding in bees-wax, greasiness would prove fatal to the adhesion of the wax. Now oil dissolves wax, with which it mixes mechanically, but alcohol effects the complete separation of its components, so that alcohol as a hardening medium has here a great advantage, there being an affinity at the temperature necessary to melt the wax, between it and that substance. The head may be allowed to remain in spirits from four to forty-eight hours. I have cut some very good sections after four hours' soaking, while others, after forty-eight hours' preparation, were still soft ; again others, after forty-eight hours' soaking were absolutely brittle. This appears to indicate that some condition of which we can only guess the nature, influences the result. The great difference inter se in the composition of the layers of the eye, and the different extent to which they are influenced by alcohol, constitutes to my mind the difficulty of preparation. I have therefore thought that the best heads on which to operate, would be those of insects just on the point of emergence from the chrysalis or pupa state, as the mass of the head is then more nearly homogeneous, the integuments not having been hardened by exposure. The head having been hardened, the next step is to imbed it in wax or some other more suitable material, to hold it firmly . during the operation of cutting. For this purpose I have used , unbleached bees-wax, which I abandoned for a wax of my own preparation ; I did so, because I found that the melting point of the wax (142° F.) was dangerously near that at which complete collapse of the head might be expected — if the cornea be at all soft, as in the case of dipterous insects. Some use solid pa- raffin, which melts at the temperature of 128° F. This is certainly a safer medium, but it is to my mind rather brittle ; I therefore sought for some wax which would have a low melting point, and b R. P. WILLIAMS ON would be afc the same time capable of being cut into very thin slices without breaking. Such a wax I at length obtained, by melting togelher butter of cocoa and bleached bees-wax, adding a little new Canada balsam. Butter of cacao, extracted from the seeds of the Theobroma cacao, melts, according to Thompson, in his " Chemistry of Organic Bodies," at 122°, and is capable of being rendered almost colourless by agitation in hot water. I could not succeed in doing so with the samples I obtained, which also had very variable melting points ; one sample melting at 80°, and another as high as 100°. However, a compound wax with any desired melting point can be readily prepared in the manner just mentioned. That which melts at about 120° can be safely recom- mended Let the bead be put up in the wax in such a way that the cutting instrument shall be presented at right angles to the chord of the more or less circular segment, which is the figure of the outline of the eye ; thus, the plane of the section' will pass through the centre of figure of the eye. By far the most satisfactory section to take, is that cut in a direction to show the structure of both eyes,* as sometimes a feature not observable in the one may be discovered in the other. It may at first sight appear difficult to imagine how this can be the case, and, indeed, it has been questioned if such a section can be cut. It will, I am sure, be evident that it can be done, when we reflect, that if a plane passes through a line joining the centres of two contiguous spherical segments, that it must — it would appear almost superfluous to add — be radially presented. If the head, having been put up in the wax, be tilted up a little at the crown, such sections may be removed, when the cutter passes in the direction indicated, i.e., through a line joining the centres of figure for each eye, and only such sections will show the radial arrangement of the vessels, whatever position the head occupies whether cutting for one eye or for both. The razor or cutter being presumably perfect, must be moistened with spirits of * These sections, in the case of the Blow and House Flies, will show, when well cut, not only the structure of the compound eyes, but also the very curious mem- brane named by Mr. Lowne, the "Frontal sac," and which is said by him to be an auxiliary organ of special sense — that of the olfactory. It is suspended almost free in the frontal cavity, being attached but slenderly to the integument in front and posteriorly to the central ganglion of the head. (See ," The Anatomy of the Blow Fly," pp. 40 and 94.) CUTTING SECTIONS OF THE EYES OF INSECTS, &C. 7 turpentine,* and having cut from the edge towards the summit of the segment, and having arrived at that point where we may expect to get the more perfect sections, the operator will find it to his advantage to have a wax with a little lower melting point, and taking up a bead of it on the end of a small steel rod, hold it in a spirit lamp until it melts, then apply it immediately to the exposed cut face of the head. This will have the effect of supporting by a thin film of wax the next offcoming section, and with respect to the cavities of the head, previously unfilled with wax, filling them, and so supporting the head more effectually. A much more delicate adjustment of the setting screw can be made by this means, to the extent of one-third the thickness of those sections un- supported in this way. I have found a small piece of tissue paper dipped in turpentine, gently laid on the face of the section, to answer nearly, if not quite as well, and it has the advantage of rendering the application of any further heat unnecessary. The wax may be removed from the section by heating — very gently — in spirits of turpentine, and may be kept in that medium, till it may be convenient to mount them, which is most easily done by arranging on the slip with turpentine, and letting quite new balsam be taken in by capillary attraction, in the usual way. Let me now direct your attention to the instrument I have devised for the cutting of these delicate sections. It is probable that we are all more or less disposed to look upon our own handiwork with too partial eyes. I have, nevertheless, keenly criticised the theory on which the instrument is constructed. I invite you to do the same, knowing well that the result of your criticism — whether favourable to the machine or otherwise — will be to the advantage of microscopical science. The indispensable conditions of success in soft section cutting, where extreme thinness is desired, are, I apprehend, first, perfect stability of the object — with relation to the cutter's motion ; secondly, that the resultant , motion, whether of the cutter, the object, or both, must be positively * Some objection having been taken to the use of turpentine as a lubricant, I think it proper to add, that such objections are completely met by the following very simple plan. Place the sections in a small test-tube with turpentine, drain off the turpentine when the wax is dissolved, and substitute absolute alcohol. After allowing it to remain some few minutes, drain again, and add fresh alcohol. It will then be found possible to stain with any of the aqueous solutions. The secret of the success of this operation, is the use of absolute alcohol ; none other, though considerably overproof, having the desired effect on the turpentine. It is right to add, that it was Mr. Mclntire who communicated the fact to me, that absolute alcohol dissolves turpentine. 8 R. P. WILLIAMS ON in one plane. This is the " sine qua non" of the operation, which it is the object of the constructors of such instruments to meet in the most effective manner. Now a circular cutter fully meets these requirements — as it can be made perfectly true, can be ground, polished, and sharpened on the points, and in the position which it will permanently occupy, and when made, can be submitted to a rigid test in the following manner. Let the image of a small fixed object, reflected from the acting part of the disc, which is highly polished, be observed during revolution, at a moderate speed. If it has been worked to a true figure, the image will appear as fixed as the object viewed, directly; if, on the contrary, it be untrue, the extent of the error will be seen at once, in the aberrations of the image. If a disc be executed so as to stand this test, then, the section of its cutting edge will be represented by a right line ; that is to say, its parts will lie evenly between its extremities, and it is only necessary to make the object we desire to section move by mechanical contrivances in a direction parallel (one plane of course coinciding) with the plane of the cutter's motion, to have a theoretically perfect section-cutting machine. I have sought to accomplish this in the machine before you, by a screw underneath the plate, the circular motion of which is made available by band and pulleys, for revolving the cutter, which revolves in a vertical plane in the same direction as the object is caused to move in, by means of the aforesaid screw. A second sliding apparatus is securely screwed to the first mentioned slide. This second slide is to advance the object for each succes- sive section, and is furnished with a fine screw for that purpose, with 100 threads to theinch. By the milled head and index, a further division of a hundredth of that interval can be effected, so that the finest setting possible, is the l0^00, expressed decimally 0-0001 of an inch. The slide to which the adjusting screw is attached, carries a little block faced with ebonite, on which the head is placed for sectioning. This block is capable of motion round its centre, for the adjustment of the head in any vertical plane, and the frame carry- ing the cutter being moveable, is set so as just to clear the cutter of the ebonite, which provision also enables us to introduce cutters of larger size. One turn of the traversing screw advances the object through a space equal to -£$ of an inch, the cutter having CUTTING SECTIONS OF THE EYES OF INSECTS, &C. 9 simultaneously revolved three times, being equivalent to a straight draw of three inches for every -J^. of an inch ; thus, if the head or object be T^ of an inch thick, and a cut be made through it, the cutter will revolve six times, or eighteen inches of cutting edge will have been employed. I would point out, too, another advan- tage, in the fact that the motions of the object and cutter are cor- related, so that if the motion of the object is retarded, or stops altogether, so does also that of the cutter. I have tried the effect of great speed, by means of a multiplying wheel, but was so ill satisfied with the result, as to return with greater confidence to the velocity here adopted; there appears to be a very sensible advantage in a tolerably quick, very steady, and correlated speed. It (the instrument) cuts with a mechanical ease — so to speak — which de- lights me every time I use it. A clear idea of the construction of this machine may be obtained, if you conceive of it as being composed of two parts, one having two dove-tail slides urged by screws, at right angles to each other, like the slide rest of a lathe, for carrying the object underneath the cutter, and for adjustment. The other part is a contrivance for transmitting while changing the direction of the motion of its traversing screw to the cutter. It is, you will see, then, not quite 60 complex as it might at first sight appear to be, and is suitable for cutting any soft tissue. One word with reference to the shape of the cutter. It is of the utmost importance with this cutter, as with any other, that it should be perfectly flat at the extreme edge, even the feather edge thrown up in the process of sharpening, must be removed by attrition with an equally flat surface. While recommending thus briefly to your notice a machine which has cost me many troublesome, not to say anxious moments, I am vividly conscious that no machine, however delicately perfect, can supply the place of that happy knack of doing things which is such an essential element of success in microscopical manipula- tion. But there can be no real objection to the proper use of 1 instruments for all that, for I make bold to say, that, although there may be members present who can cut a very presentable section with an ordinary pen-knife sharpened for the purpose, yet, where great delicacy is required, the ordinary means must perforce be superseded by that which promises better results, and is therefore of more delicate construction. It will be seen that I have drawn no comparison between this 10 ON CUTTING SECTIONS OF THE EYES OF INSECTS, &C. instrument, which I propose calling the Quekett Section Cutting Machine (if it finds a place in your favour), and others. All I need say on this point is, that it may fairly be left to the opera- tion of the law of " natural selection," as to which being the weakest shall go to the wall, for doubtless the fittest will survive. EXPLANATION OF PLATE.— I. Fig. I. a. The adjusting screw for regulating the thickness of the sections. b. The main or traversing screw moving the slides. c. The cutter. d. d. d. Guide pulleys for carrying the string to the cutter pulley. e. Small frame for supporting the object. x. Cutter frame moveable on its pivots. Fig. IT. Sectional view of the object-frame. e. Frame as in figure 1 capable of motion on its pivot horizontally. f. Brass piece also capable of motion on its pivot (p) and faced with, g. A piece of cork. h. The head or object. c. The cutter. 11 On the Generative Processes op the Oyster, Mussel, and Cockle.* By Daniel Moore, M.D. {Read Oct. 23, 1874.) The three common edible shell fish — the cockle, mussel, and oyster — belong, as you know, to the Lamellibranchiate Mollusca. The general anatomy of this class I do not intend to touch upon, and the special anatomy only in so far as the generative glands of the three I have named is concerned, feeling sure that you must all be more or less familiar with these creatures. I think I cannot do better in introducing the special subject I wish to draw your attention to to-night than by quoting a passage from the second edition of Professor Owen's " Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals," published in 1855. In p. 522 he says: — " The latest and best observations of naturalists and physiologists on the sexual characters and generation of the Lamellibranchs have established the correctness of Leuwenhoek's original conclusion, that these mollusks are of distinct sexes, some individuals being male and others female. In the small species of Anarnia, parasitic upon fuci on the south coast of England, I have found the males and females nearly equal in number, the males being distinguished by their opaque white testis abounding in spermatozoa, the females by their yellow or .orange-coloured ovarium." I would contrast with this, the statement on the subject found in Professor Eolleston's " Forms of Animal Life," published in 1870, Int. p. xcvii. He says : — " The Lamellibranchiata are, with a few exceptions, such as Ostrea and Cyclas, dioecious. There is no sexual congress in this class ; the spermatozoa find their way to the ova either in the circumam- * The Publication Committee, in printing the above paper, do not commit themselves to the opinions advanced in it, which are much disputed. At the same time they are desirous of drawing the attention of the members of the Club to what they deem a thoughtful and carefully considered paper upon a subject of great interest to Microscopists. 12 D. MOORE ON THE GENERATIVE PROCESSES bient water or in the cavity of the mantle, or in that of the outer gill, or in the cloacal space, or in the few viviparous species, Kellia, Galeomma, Montacuta, within the ovary itself." This evidently indicates a change of opinion among naturalists within the last 20 years with regard to one, at least, of the creatures I wish to draw your attention to. Professor Owen distinctly assert- ing that the oyster has two sexes, Professor Rolleston, 20 years after, as distinctly stating that the sexes are united in one individual. I have been led by the facts I have observed to think that the cockle and mussel ought also to be classed as having the sexes united in one individual. The plan I adopted in studying the subject was to examine a few of these creatures week by week, knowing that I was more likely to thoroughly master one or two at a time, and thinking that as the breeding season approached I was sure to see individuals exhibit- ing characteristic phenomena. I was indebted to the great kindness of Mr. Fell Woods, the managing director of the South of England Oyster Company, for a weekly parcel of oysters and cockles. The mussels I received week by week from friends at Hastings. The generative gland in the cockle is a somewhat loosely attached, racemose structure, with its principal mass at the base of the foot, but ramifying freely among the intestines and throughout the muscular structure of the foot. The gland thus distributed is made up of a vast number of lobules, connected together by stalks ; roughly it may be compared to a very large bunch of grapes, or many bunches united together by a common stalk ; the stalk varying according to the state of gland, being either a delicate transparent thread, or a convoluted mass of tubes, and the lobules or grapes either containing spermatozoa in all stages, or spermatozoa and clear cells, or eggs in various stages of perfection. An isolated lobule appears to be composed of two membranous sacs, one within the other; when spermatozoa are present they are found between the outer and the inner sac; when eggs are present they are found to be attached by their micropyle to the circumference of the inner sac, and when hatched the young find their way into the tubular structure, which appears to be continuous with the outer sac. The tubular structure, when full of young, appears muscular, and exhibits faint indications of striation, and when ruptured forcibly expels its contents. The OF THE OYSTER, MUSSEL, AND COCKLE. 13 young are gradually expelled from the genital orifices as they come to perfection. The generative gland of the mussel is a closely packed, racemose structure, distributed chiefly between two layers of the mantle in each shell, but also extending throughout all available parts of the body, around the base of the foot, and the muscles of the byssus. The gland thus distributed is made up of a vast number of lobules, as in the case of the cockle, being also connected together in the same way by stalks, using the same illustration of bunches of grapes, the gland of the mussel might be roughly compared to closely packed raisins, united together by a common stalk. The stalk varying again with the contents of the gland, in the same way as in the cockle, the tubes containing the young, however, being much more limited in extent, and found chiefly among the muscles of the byssus. The lobule, when filled with spermatozoa, or spermatozoa and clear cells, appears as if composed of a radiating and branched tubular structure, uniting in the common stalk, the spermatozoa being confined to the radiating lines, the clear cells being disposed between them. When the eggs are present they appear to open by their micropyle into the branched tubing, which ultimately unites into the common stalk. When the young are hatched they are found in all stages of growth in the tubular structure, and are ultimately expelled from the genital orifices when sufficiently advanced. The tubular structure is much like that of the cockle, being, however, much less extensive, and not so muscular. The generative gland of the oyster is a branched structure of large size, and is distributed around the liver and intestines, so that it may almost be described as encasing the animal. The portion which gives origin to the spermatozoa is a branched and reticulated structure which forms an expanse immediately beneath the mantle, sending prolongations down into the general substance of the gland. When eggs are present they are found arranged in an early stage around and between the prolongations of the spermatic portion of the gland. At a later stage they occupy the whole gland, and may be described as forming its branched structure. The eggs, instead of hatching into tubes as is the case with the eggs of the cockle and mussel, are extruded from the genital orifice, and, enclosed in a gelatinous substance, lie in the buccal pouch, between the palpi and branchial plates, until they are developed into actively moving 14 D. M0011E ON THE GENERATIVE PROCESSES ciliatfd young, when they are puffed out from the parent shell in small quantities at a time. In the foregoing description of the generative gland of these creatures, I have taken for granted that the sexes are united in one individual ; that the gland with spermatozoa is only a prior stage in the history of the gland with eggs and young. If these creatures are of different sexes, of course I ought to have described the male gland and female ovarium. It is impossible to prove that I am right in any direct way. We cannot open a cockle, examine the contents of its gland, and then keep it separate to allow it to go on to perfection. One great difficulty in the way of these investigations is the necessity of causing the death of the animal, or so injuring it as to render it incapable of carrying out its natural processes. I can only say that I have seen in the different animals examined such a continuous series of steps, from the presence of imperfect spermatozoa to the last stage of extruding the young, that I personally believe I am right, and that I think any one with sufficient patience, and using right methods, would also convince himself that the description I have given is sub- stantially correct. I should like to add a few general considerations which I think have some weight in deciding the question. Those who advocate the opposite theory to the one I have put before you ought to furnish conclusive evidence of the discharge of spermatozoa from the glands of these creatures. I have never seen any such evidence, and personally I have never seen an animal in the breeding season whose gland did not contain either spermatozoa, eggs, or lame, and surely if it be held that the spermatozoa from one animal impregnate the eggs in another, we ought, at the same time we see eggs and larval forms, also to see in other animals glands emptied of spermatozoa. I have never seen such. Then, again, I think the mechanical difficulty is great. In none of these creatures are the eggs discharged before impregnation. The cockle and mussel are ovo-viviparous, and in the oyster (although it retains the eggs in the layers of the Branchiae until fully de- veloped, possibly thus affording an opportunity for impregnation) such a provision is manifestly unneeded, as we may find eggs in an early stage in the gland with spermatozoa in another part. The confusion in studying the oyster, arising from the fact that different portions of the same gland are in various stages of OP THE OYSTER, MOSSEL, AND COCKLE. 15 progress, is very great, although, doubtless this fact led to the early assertion that it was truly hermaphrodite from the presence of easily recognized eggs with bundles of spermatozoa in the same gland. But in the cockle and mussel we have to imagine the dis- charge of spermatozoa into the water, or mud and sand, to be taken up by the genital orifices of other creatures and distributed throughout their very complex glands — a very difficult thing to imagine, I think. But supposing this mechanical difficulty not insuperable, evidence, I think, ought to be furnished of this influx of spermatozoa into the glands of animals containing eggs. I may mention also that the gradual change in colour of the glands of the creatures points in the same direction. In mussels especially this variation of shade from pale creamy white to a rich orange is very noticeable. I have not examined the Anomia mentioned by Professor Owen in the extract I read, but I was struck with its truth in reference, we will say, to a bed of mussels. Roughly examining any number, seeking for the presence of spermatozoa or eggs, you would probably find a nearly equal number of animals containing each, but the intermediate stage would require a much more thorough examination to discover. The fact of the aggrega- tion of these animals in beds has been accounted for as a wise provision of nature, to allow of the easy access of spermatozoa to the females of these anchored mollusks, and the transmission of spermatozoa by water has been compared to the transmission of the pollen of plants by the air. I think the fact might be more reason- ably accounted for by the limited power of motion in the young, and by the fact that the places in which they are found are suited to their requirements in the important matters of food and tempera- ture. I will now conclude, gentlemen, hoping that you will deal leniently with me in the matter of criticism, and that your remarks may furnish me with facts about the three mollusks to set me right where I am wrong, and to help me in any future investigations.* EXPLANATION OF PLATE II. The plate attached to this paper gives, as far as possible in ao limited a space, a concise history of the changes in the generative glands of these creatures, from * The lateness of the hour at which the above paper was read precluded any discussion upon it. Dr. Moore has promised a further paper upon this very in- teresting subject, in March or April — a suitable time to commence practic.il observations. This paper will have special reference to the supposed larval forms of the Cockle and Mussel.— Ed. J. Q. M. C. 16 * D. MOORE ON THE GENERATIVE PROCESSES the presence of immature spermatozoa to the young animal ready to be set free from its parent. The necessity of getting many objects into a small space has obliged me to alter the figures slightly from the original camera lucida drawings, so that al- though there is some approach to micrometric exactness, the magnification given may be taken rather as an indication as to what may be seen with certain mag- nifying powers than as exact results of careful measurement. About 100 diameters, or about 250 diameters, &c, would be a more truthful statement than X 100, X 250, taken literally. Cardium edule. Fig. 1. — A shows a lobule of the generative gland containing immature sperm cells. B is a highly magnified perfect spermatozoon. 2. — A shows a lobule slightly compressed in the compressorium, the spermatozoa being nearly all squeezed out ; clear cells are seen remaining. B is a small quantity of the expressed spermatozoa and clear cells from the above, and C shows what I believe to be the act of impregnation in the cockle by the entrance of a spermatozoon into a clear pellucid cell, which I take to be a germinal vescicle. The extremely rapid lashing motion of the spermatozoon after its entrance into the cell is very remarkable, and continues unabated long after surrounding spermatozoa, which have not penetrated, are still. After some hours of movement the spermatozoon seemed to fade, if I may so express it. 3. — A, shows a lobule filled with eggs ; the attachment of the lobule to the tube is shown. B, Some eggs, showing the micropyle well. This, I may mention, is more easily seen after staining with carmine. 4. — A is a branched portion of ovarian tubing. B, a yelk ball. Yelk balls are found abundantly mixed with the young in these tubes. 5. — A, an early stage of young, showing it enclosed in a membranous sac. B. — The larval form as it appears when discharged from the parent. Mytilus edulis. ■\ — A, a transverse section of the generative gland, containing immature spermatozoa. B, — A highly magnified perfect spermatozoon. The point of this spermatozoon moves at right aDgles to its length, C, and presents a very curious and interesting appearance when in active movement. 2. — A, a more advanced stage, when spermatozoa are present, which are shown expressed at B ; the section is through the long diameter of a lobule. 3. — A, a lobule with eggs. B,— Eggs. The micropyle is shown. 4# A, a branched portion of ovarian tubing. B. — A yelk ball. Yelk bulls are abundantly distributed among the young in the tubes. 5. — A, an early form of young. B, the larval form as discharged from the parent. Ostrea edulis. 1. — A, a drawing of a stained section of generative gland, containing immature sperm bundles. The darker portion shows distribution of the male element ; the line above represents the surface of the animal. B, a perfect spermatozoon highly magnified. 2. — A, the sperm bundles mature and breaking up, drawn from a stained section of gland, out of which the clear cells and bundles of spermatozoa at C were expressed. D, shows a perfect bundle of spermatozoa, with their extended OF THE OYSTER, MUSSEL, AND COCKLE. 17 filaments ; the other represents a bundle breaking up into its individual sperma- tozoa. B is a bundle of imperfect sperm cells. 3. — A is a drawing of a stained section of generative gland containing eggs The dark portions represent the places where the male element was. In this animal it had not entirely disappeared. B are eggs. 4. — C is an egg after its discharge from the gland, when it is retained between the branchial plates, &c, until it reaches the larval form. 5. — A B, possessing cilia, by which it moves freely, and is soon puffed out of the parent shell. Notes on " Personal Equation," with reference to Microscopy. By John E. Ingpen. (Communicated Nov. 27, 1874.) Abstract. The subject of Personal Equation is probably less interesting tban important. It is well recognised in astronomy, especially as regards transit observations. But tbe term is also applied by astronomers to all differences by a constant quantity between observers, sbort of actual defects of vision. The subject bas not attracted so much attention among microscopists as it deserves, and it is worthy of consideration now that very delicate observations are being frequently made, and high powers employed ; while many differences of opinion, otherwise inexplicable, may possibly be traced to this source. Mental personal equation is very obscure, though it certainly exists. It may be suggested that many of us see what we wish, or expect, or have been taught to see — par- ticularly in the case of test objects. As an instance may be quoted the difference of opinion as to when certain objects, such as blood discs or Podura scales, are in focus. The interpretation of this and similar problems seems subject as much to an " equation " as to any difference in reasoning.* Closely allied to this is nervous equation, as when observations are affected by the greater or less * Dr. Richardson, in an article in the "Monthly Microscopical Journal" for January 1, 1875, p. 21, remarks: — " How few investigators have minds achro- matic enough to enable them to see objective facts without subjective colouring." 18 J. E. INGPEN ON PERSONAL EQUATION, rapid transmission of sensations to the brain. It is known that the ear generally transmits impressions more quickly than the eye. Differences exist in the power of observing ciliary and other move- ments, and more especially in sensibility to vibrations, causing more than one conflict between the advocates of the Jackson bar and the Ross arm on the score of steadiness. Optical differences are numerous, and may be classed under the heads of colour, focus, and form. With regard to colour, much equation exists ; probably scarcely any two observers see an object exactly alike in this re- spect. In Admiral Smyth's " Sidereal Chromatics " the difficulty of deciding upon the colours of certain well-known double stars is narrated, and equation, in many cases, can be traced. The same subject formed the basis of some acrimonious remarks respecting " Bluish-green and greenish-blue " in the " Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science" for 1861. It is found that, even between the right and left eye of the same person, a difference often exists, one showing an object bluer or yellower than the other — in other words, referring the colours of all objects to points a little nearer the violet or red end of the spectrum. This subject formed part of an interesting lecture by Professor Liebreich upon " Turner and Mulready,"* in which he traced the blueness of Mulready's later pictures to the existence of yellow crystalline lens, which was affected differently by natural colours and pigments. The effect of a "bluish haze " caused by partial opacity of the cornea or crystal- line is also noticed, and its existence may account for certain differences of opinion concerning the colour correction of objectives. Some eyes have a greater power than others in distinguishing the Fraunhofer lines at the violet end of the spectrum ; this in some instances almost amounts to fluorescence. In a case of cataract, in which a yellow crystalline lens had been extracted, this was par- ticularly noticed. The effect of contrasts is also of importance — white upon black giving the greatest amount of irradiation, while to some eyes definition is clearest on a red, to others on a blue or green field of view. Sir John Herschel advocated red for viewing sun spots and measuring double stars ; some observers have used full deep yellow with good effect. The eye is not achromatic, and the objective is sometimes blamed for colour due to defective vision. Slight colour-blindness also frequently exists, though unsuspected, * Delivered at the Eoyal Institution on the 8th of March, 1872. WITH REFERENCE TO MICROSCOPY. 19 and greatly influences the observer's judgment. Tliese causes may also affect the length of focus, and with it the cover corrections of high power objectives. Focal equation causes many differences of opinion. Great difference often exists between the focus of the right and left eye. In such a case, even if each has the power of throwing a clear image upon the retina, those images are of dif- ferent sizes, and cause confusion when combined in the binocular microscope. An eye of short focus projects a smaller image upon the retina, and generally has a larger angle of aperture, and greater capability of resolving surface markings, but it has less depth of focus than a long-focussed eye. In using high powers eyes of different focal lengths often require different adjustment of the objective ; this is peculiarly apparent with Dr. Piggott's " Searcher," where the range of adjustment is great. The diffi- culty of realising binocular vision from the above causes, as well as the want of accommodation and non-union of focus and other differences of the camera effect of vision, frequently cause dissatis- faction with binocular arrangements ; — the matter is worthy of careful investigation. Form. — The general tendency of the eye is to show ultimate particles circular, and lenses rather exaggerate this than otherwise. In the use of double cylindrical lenses, how- ever, for examining photographs, &c, a fictitious squareness is produced in two directions, which has the effect of simulating greater sharpness of definition. Triangular apertures have often been used in star-gazing, and diffraction rings are thereby got rid of, except in certain directions. A hexagonal aperture has also been used to counteract certain atmospheric effects. The existence of astigmatism produces great differences in estimation of form — particularly in the examination of closely-ruled lines or rows of (Jots. Though long known as a scientific fact, it is only of late years that public attention has been prominently drawn to it, or its effects taken into consideration. It forms part of the subject of Professor Liebreich's lecture on " Turner and Mulready " above cited, in which he attributes to this defect the extravagances of Turner's later paintings. Astigmatism is caused by the distortion of the lenses of the eye from a globular to a slightly ellipsoidal figure. Its effect is to elongate points into lines, squares into oblongs, circles into ellipses, &c, thus giving to rows of dots greater distinctness when viewed in a certain direction. Similarly lines appear black and distinct in one direction— grey or confused 20 ON PERSONAL EQUATION, WITH REFERENCE TO MICROSCOPY. in all others — the clearest view being at right angles to that which is least distinct. The direction and amount of this defect can be ascertained and corrected by the use of cylindrical lenses. The existence of astigmatism can sometimes be inferred from the ob- servations both of astronomers and microscopists, and it is pro- bably very common, though in general unsuspected. Ihe foregoing notes are only intended to draw the attention of microscopists to a subject which has not hitherto been considered of importance. Its full discussion, if undertaken by some com- petent authority, could not fail to be of great interest and utility. The Aquarium as a Field of Microscopical Research. By T. Charters White, M.R.C.S., F.R.M.S, &c. {Read Jan. 22, 1875.) It is now nearly 25 years since the Aquarium, as it exists in its present form, elaborated by the observations of Dalyell, Warring- ton, Gosse, and Lloyd, became un fait . accompli : and although it has been largely employed and productive of much good work by many observers, it is to be regretted that it has not been more freely used as an aid to microscopic research. While the last quarter of a century has seen much progress in other departments of natural science, comparatively little has been added to our knowledge of the development of the many forms of animal and vegetable life with which the aquatic king- dom abounds, and two causes exist which may account for this. First, microscopists as a rule are too much satisfied with the collection of pretty objects for their cabinets, and not sufficiently alive to the interest and importance of observing and recording the various stages through which those much admired objects attain their ultimate condition ; and secondly, an idea seems prevalent that the maintenance of an Aquarium in such a state as would conduce to the growth and development of microscopic life is a matter of immense difficulty, and only to be undertaken by a few especially gifted individuals. No greater mistake can interpose itself in the way of your intellectual enjoyment than this, for the maintenance of an Aquarium is a much more easily managed affair THE AQUARIUM AS A FIELD OF MICROSCOPICAL RESEARCH. 21 than the keeping of a birdcage, and should offer no obstacle even to a child. As I feel, from the qestions often put to me by members of this Club, that many would willingly adopt this means of adding additional observations to those already made in this department of natural history if they could be put in the way of aquarian research, I propose this evening1 to lay before the Club such directions as an experience of 10 or 12 years' successful manage- ment of a small marine Aquarium may enable me to offer towards the attainment of a similar success by any member who may feel inclined to take up this particular study. If in carrying out my proposal I may seem to dwell too much upon details, I must crave your indulgence, asking you to believe that they are not trivial, and that while their faithful observance will ensure success, their neglect will result in failure. The treatment of this subject will naturally resolve itself into three divisions — first, the vessel employed to hold the water ; secondly, the water employed ; and thirdly, the most suitable occupants of the Aquarium. The vessel employed may be anything that will hold water, and at the same time keep its natural character unaltered. Successful observations have been made in vessels of every size and shape, from earthern pans and pie dishes through the entire range of glass jars and propagating bell glasses up to the regularly constructed tank, and therefore the vessel employed should present no difficulty to those who wish to commence this method of microscopical research. In these days of amateur ingenuity a tank could be constructed witli much facility by anyone wishing to possess one, or, if money be no object, tanks can be bought ready for the reception of the inhabitants intended to be observed. These tanks are formed of slate and glass — materials which are not affected by sea water. No metal entering into its construct ion, should be allowed to come in contact with the sea water. The form of tank I have found so successful is of an oblong shape, throe feet long, eighteen inches wide, and nine inches deep, and capable of containing sixteen gallons ; its bottom, back, and two ends arc of slate, and the front of stout plate glass ; these are all firmly bolted and cemented together, and all the joints are perfectly water-tight. Inclining from before, upwards and backwards, at an angle of about 15° with the glass in front, a slate false bottom is 22 T. C. WHITE ON THE AQUARIUM placed. This should not fit too accurately round its edges, so that if necessity requires its removal, no difficulty may be experienced in doing so. The object of this inclining false bottom is worthy of being borne in mind, as it is of some importance. It affords, in the first place, a varying depth of water, enabling your animals to select the depth most suited to them, and secondly, it divides the tank into two compartments, that under it being filled with water which is always cool and in a state of rest, while that above it is exposed to the light, and actively engaged in ministering to the animal and vegetable life growing in it, and a compensating action takes place between these two compartments which very materially aids in keeping the water in a wholesome and healthy condition. The great object to be kept in mind in working an Aquarium is to assimi- late its conditions as much as possible to those of natural rock pools. All attempts to construct grottoes, arches, or temples, or, in short, any such like ornamentation, are to be strongly deprecated ; but sandstone rockwork, roughly disposed, is of much use, affording shelter for your stock, and, by extending the superficial area of the bottom, increasing the aerating capacity of the vegetation, which will ultimately clothe it. This rock may be cemented on the sloping bottom with Portland cement, but none must be placed on the sides of the tank, as that would interfere with the removal of the false bottom, should that be required. Care must then be taken to thoroughly soak the rockwork and cement for a fortnight, or even longer, frequently changing the water, that all the soluble matters may be removed from them. When you feel sure that these are sufficiently soaked, and that no more lime will be eliminated from the cement, you may move on a step further. While some forms of animal life cling to the rocks, others will burrow in the sand, therefore a supply of this must be added. If you are not in a position to get sea sand, an excellent substitute may be found in the silver sand sold at any of the oil shops, and for an Aquarium the size of mine, two gallons will not be too great a quantity. This must be repeatedly washed till the water is quite clear when the sand is stirred up in it, and then it may be placed in the tank. Everything being now ready for the sea water, this brings me to the second division of my subject. The water employed may be artificial or natural sea water. Of course, where attainable, the preference is to be given to real sea water, because however closely its composition may be imitated in these days of AS A FIELD OF MICROSCOPICAL RESEARCH. 23 accurate analysis, there are principles in it which no chemist can supply. There are, however, many difficulties in obtaining real sea water in London, and in some inland localities these would constitute an almost insuperable barrier to the establishment of an Aquarium had we not the artificial substitute to fall back upon. But since science has furnished us with the constituents of sea water, this may be concocted in any place where the necessary chemical salts can be obtained, and we may feel great confidence in employing it, since most of Mr. W. Alford Lloyd's first observa- tions were made while using it, and in his hands it was productive of very satisfactory results. As the cost of its production is about 3^d. a gallon, I shall introduce to your notice the formula for making it, as given by Mr. Gosse in his " Handbook to the Marine Aquarium " — " Common Salt, 3^ ounces . . . ") A . , ™ ci i. , C Avoirdupois. Eusom Salts. + ) * Epsom Salts, Chloride of Magnesium, 200 grains Chloride of Potassium, 40 „ } Troy. These salts are dissolved in little less than four quarts of fresh water, so that a specific gravity bubble of 1026 would just sink in it." Having made sufficient of this solution to fill your tank, wash several hanclfuls of freshly-gathered sea-weeds in it, especially " Ulva latissima," but do not leave them permanently in ; also add any pieces of rock that may have Marine Alga? growing on them, and let the water be exposed to the sunlight for about a fortnight. At the end of that period it will be fit for the reception and healthful preservation of your animal life, the rockwork will have become fairly covered with the growing Diatoms, and the germs of marine vegetation will be giving off a plentiful supply of bubbles of oxygen. Now, all these preliminaries may seem very tedious to those who are anxious to see their tank blossoming with all its animal beauty, but the great error into which so many fall who start an Aquarium is that of being in a hurry to see the occupants placed in it before its vegetation has sufficiently advanced to supply the atmosphere necessary to their existence, and thus too many begin in haste and leave off in disgust ; but follow minutely these details, and I promise you success and satisfaction. There are one or two pieces of accessory apparatus which, while not of absolute 24 T. C. WHITE ON THE AQUARIUM importance, yet will be of great service — a specific gravity bubble, that will just sink in sea water of tbe rigbt density, may be kept in your tank ; if it floats to tbe top of tbe water you may know tbat tbe water bas evaporated and become too salt, when it will require diluting with fresh water till the bubble slowly sinks again. Many mark the side of the tank by gumming a piece of paper at the level of the water, but this method is not sufficiently delicate. I have recently added a means of injecting atmospheric air into my Aquarium, which serves the double purpose of aerating the water and creating a current in it, which seems to be appreciated by my anemones, and it may be of service to describe it. At one end of my Aquarium, and just above high water mark, a hole has been drilled through the slate and a piece of tin gas pipe cemented in ; it is left projecting about one inch on the outside, and on the inside just sufficient to carry a length of glass tubing about the diameter of an ordinary quill ; this is bent at several angles to enable it to lie safely along the sides and bottom of the tank, and at its extremity is bent, so that its end, drawn in a gas flame to a capillary point, projects into the middle of the water. To the metal tube on the outside of the Aquarium a piece of elastic tube, attached to an india-rubber bellows, is fixed, and by this means I am. enabled to drive a stream of air into the water till it appears effervescing ; the fine bubbles from the spray remain in suspension for hours, and become ultimately absorbed. This apparatus, although not absolutely necessary, is attended by such good re- sults that I recommend its adoption ; but a great deal of benefit arises from syringing the water with a glass syringe. And now for a few words on the third division of my subject — the Occupants of tbe Tank. If you add nothing more to your Aquarium than what will be found growing and multiplying, as it were spon- taneously, you will have abundant material for microscopical obser- vation. I have been enabled in mine to watch the conjugation and multiplication of some of the Diatornaceze, the development of the Foraminifera, the growth of the germs of the Marine Algaj, tbe development of the Polyzoa, and the various transitional stages through which all these forms of marine life pass; these, and many other subjects of study, a successfully-established Aquarium would afford, and if, after the example of Drs. Drysdale and Dal- linger, these researches were recorded, and every change faithfully drawn and preserved for future reference, abundant light would be AS A FIELD OF MICROSCOPICAL RESEARCH. 25 thrown upon many obscure points in the developmental history of these subjects. Every fact impartially observed and faithfully re- corded, although per se but of small value, yet in the aggregate will prove that no more enticing path for the student of micros- copic life can be offered than that which leads him through the comparatively untrodden and, therefore, unreaped fields of aquarian research. But I know that an apparently empty Aquarium looks a joyless wilderness, and you will be anxious to see it tenanted by more visible objects of interest ; and here let me give you a word of caution, be content with still life. Crabs and the Crustacea generally may be very amusing and lively denizens of your tank, but they are fatal to that state of rest re- quired for the development of microscopic life; they are like mis- chievous puppies in a boot-room, and everything is overhauled by them in a most ruthless manner. Eolis and the Nudibranchiate Mollusca devour everytbing, and are to be avoided, unless they are especially to be studied, and scarcely anything more favourable can be said for the Echinoder- mata ; therefore the student must be guided by his subject of study in stocking his tank. No harm will arise from putting in a few of the hardier varieties of the Actinidaj, some Serpulse or Sabelke, and such like objects, but my experience is decidedly against over- crowding with anything ; the atmospheric condition of your Aquarium, if I may use the term, must not be abused any more tban that of our own. We may now consider your Aquarium in healthy working condition, and the probable objects of interest that may soon present themselves. One of the first may probably be the multiplication of the Actinida^. This process takes place in three ways, by gemmation most commonly, especially in Actinia mesembryanthemiim, sometimes as many as thirty tiny well-formed anemones being ejected from the oral opening of the parent at a time. Again, buds may be given off from the sides, as in Sagartia bellis. Multiplication takes place by fission, as may be observed in the Plumose Anemone {Actinolobus dianthus), which often slides, like a snail, along the glass front of your Aquarium, leaving in its trail little pieces of its basal disc, which ultimately become young anemones ; or fission may take place bodily, as in Anthea cereus, which often divides into two or more parts by a gradually deepen- ing sulcus, which, forming from crown to base, results in the estab- lishment of two or more of these anemones where only one existed. 26 T. C. WHITE ON THE AQUARIUM But the third and rarest form of multiplication consists in the ejection of ova, and this I was fortunate enough to witness in my Aquarium. It occurred in a specimen of Bunodes gemmacea, which had taken up a favourable position close to the glass. I was attracted to it by noticing a drab-coloured stream of ova pouring from its mouth and falling in a heap at its feet ; upon more closely examin- ing the creature with a pocket lens I found it distended with water, and the tentacles especially so, while globular bodies were circu- lating up and down the interior of them, but did not pass out at their extremities. I examined some of these bodies under the microscope, and found them opaque, and non-ciliated spheres filled with granular contents. I had hoped to have seen the develop- ment of these ova into the adult form, but, as in Mr. Gosse's ex- perience of similar ova, decomposition speedily set in. Dr. Spencer Cobbold was more fortunate, and in the annals of " Natural History" for February, 1853, he describes the various changes through which these ova at last arrive at their final shape. A de- pression takes place in the surface of the globose embryo, which becomes the general cavity, the edges become incurved, and descend into the cavity, forming the stomach ; septa spring from the inner wall beginning from the summit and extending downwards, and ten- tacles bud from around the mouth. He made these observations at a continuous sitting occupying the whole of one night before decom- position had commenced its attack upon them. I once saw the ejec- tion of ova in a Serpula ; noticing occasional bursts of cloudy matter from the centre of its plumose branchia?, I collected some of it by the dipping tube, and found it consisted of an immense number of minute orange-coloured globules, each enveloped in a clear sac of a probably albuminous nature. I was not fortunate enough to trace out the development of these ova, but I shall hope to do so at some future time by means of a method I have the last few months adopted. I place ordinary microscopical slips of glass in various parts of my Aquarium, and especially near such objects as are likely to eject ova or to develope a stem like the Polyzoa, and then they can be taken out and examined under the microscope, a drawing made of any developing form, and replaced to undergo further examination as changes advance. In this manner I have been much interested in watching the growth of Foranii- nifera, which have attached themselves to these slips, and which, apparently, have not suffered from the trip they took out of the A3 A FIELD OF MICROSCOPICAL RESEARCH. 27 Aquarium. In a short practical paper like this I cannot do more than suggest various objects of interest to be taken up and fol- lowed by ourselves ; therefore I can only briefly describe such as have presented themselves to me at various times, and afforded me the pleasure I hope you may derive from similar observations. I have been much pleased by the hatching of the Zoe of the Cral> and Prawn, and can recommend this to your notice. Crabs and Prawns bearing ova can be safely transported from the coast packed in wet sea weed. I once brought a pint of live Prawns, most of them bearing ova, from Dawlish, merely packing them together in a basket in their wet state. They endured a twelve hours' journey without apparently suffering, and I placed a dozen of them in the Aquarium ; in about six weeks the young ones hatched out, and could be distinguished in the sunlight as clouds of tiny specks swimming together in shoals. They, like the Crabs, are entirely unlike the adult form at first, and it would have been interesting to have observed the number of moults they underwent before arriving at that condition ; but, unfortunately for my observations, the Anemones and the parent Prawns admired the young fledg- lings as much as I did, but after a different manner, and they gradually disappeared. It would be better in this case to establish a separate tank for the study of these Crustacea, removing the parents when the hatching was complete, for I can promise you a rich store of interest in observing the changes which are effected in these creatures in passing from the strangely-shaped Zoe to the final stage of development. I would also suggest the study of Foraminifera as likely to interest you. The stock may be pro- cured from many sources, but the most abundant is the ooze of oyster beds, where living specimens of many varieties may be found. They may also be found attached to sea weeds and to old shells dredged up from the sea bottom, and in your tank they will soon multiply, and present themselves in every stage of develop- ment. In my Aquarium various stages of the Miliolidce may be seen in the summer time, anchored up by their pseudo-podia to the front glass. I have had also an abundant supply of Textularia and Eosalina. I do not point to these as rarities, but only to show that once get your Aquarium fairly started and it will form an inexhaustible store of interesting study. The Chitonidaj live well in confinement, and a study of their developmental changes will repay you. The eggs are exceedingly interesting objects. The 28 THE AQUARIUM A8 A FIELD OF MICROSCOPICAL RESEARCH. Chitons deposit their eggs closely united in clusters, each egg pre- senting a curious appearance from the -folds of transparent mem- brane, which, gathered up in branches at different points on its exterior, give it the appearance of a statoblast. The young have no shell when first hatched, but their backs are marked with seven furrows, between which close granules indicate the future shelly structure. I have placed upon the table, among other microscopic slides illustrating the minute life of my Aquarium, some of these eggs mounted in sea water. The shells that are sometimes dredged up from a good depth at sea will be found most prolific in develop- ing forms of animal life, and some kindly sent me from Wey- mouth bore several specimens of Grantia compressa in a living state, but unfortunately sponges do not live long in a tank, nor are they desirable tenants, they exhaust the water very quickly, and then dying, poison it. This is to be regretted, for much has yet to be learned in reference to them, especially about their reproduction. Some sections of a Grantia are on the table. Various forms of Tunicata are found attached to these shells, and to sea weed. Many of you may remember some Perophora I have exhibited on our gossip nights, which were brought from the Aquarium, where it grew and budded for months. The growth of Bowerbankia, Syncoryna, and other Polyzoa, may be readily observed and noted by this additional aid to microscopic research, and I should, I fear, sadly try your patience if I detained you while I enumerated the many forms of marine life I have had brought thus before me, but which, alas ! I have been too lazy to profitably use as I ought; but if I can by these few suggestions stimulate any amongst you to adopt this line of observation, I can promise you that your pleasure shall not be satiated, but that fresh stores of interest will be continually opening to your gaze. 29 PE OCEEDING S. August 14th, 1874. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Animalcules from rain-water by Mr. Ingpen. Vegetable organisms from the water in St. James's Park , , New Miniature Portable Lamp Mr. Moginie. Section of Sori of Puccinia M alvacearum Mr. Sigsworth, Sheath of Chrysalis Acherontia Atrojpos Mr. G. Williams. Mantle of Terebratula ,, Attendance— Members, 31 ; visitors, 2. August 28th, 1874.— Dr. Matthews, F.E.M.S., President, in the Chair. The minutes of the'preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The following donations were announced : — " The Monthly Microscopical Journal" ... from the Publisher. " Science Gossip" ... ,, "The 2nd Annual Report of the Zoological) Society of Philadelphia" > from the Society. " The American Naturalist," July and August in Exchange. < c Proceedings of the Eoyal Society," Nos. "> from ^ god _ 153 and 154 5 The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for and duly elected members of the Club :— Mr. E-W. Barnett, Mr. W. B. Haynes, and Mr. James Love. The Secretary stated that Mr. Curties had handed him a further letter from Mr. Staniforth Green, of Colombo, and read the following extracts from it bearing upon the subject of " Insect mounting in Hot Climates," and supple- menting the account previously given of the methods employed : — " As I have received such encouragement I am going on mounting insects in their natural state. * * * I do not care to look at a ' pressed' preparation now. The insect, in its natural shape, is a beautiful object. You see its plump thorax in which you can clearly trace the insertion of the wings. I do not now dry insects in the sun, nor were many of those that you presented to the Quekett Club so treated. I find spirits of wine the best drier. * * * My opinion is that insects can be mounted in England successfully under the process I adopt." The usual plan was as follows : — "1st. I drop the insects alive into gin. 2nd. When they are dead I take them out of the gin, and try to put them into position, but my endeavours are not always successful, as some insects will crumple up their legs in a most un- compromising way. 3rd. I drop them in strong spirits of wine, where I leave them for a week or two, until I think all the watery matter has been extracted 30 from them. 4th. Taking them out of the spirits of wine I immerse them in spirits of turpentime, in which I allow them to remain until symptoms of transparency set in. 5th. If the insect is a pretty thick one, I take a slide to which a glass ring has been cemented to serve as a cell ; I then put the insect in the cell with as little turpentine adhering to it as possible, after that I take on the point of a very big needle a lump of very stiff and thick Canada balsam, and with the help of a similar needle I drop it on the insect. If the first lump is not sufficient to fill the cell to overflowing, I take another, and when the balsam is heaped up beyond the level or rather the rim of the cell, I hold the slide for a second or two over a spirit lamp, and when the balsam softens a little, I put a thin cover over it, but do not press it close down upon the glass ring. I leave it tilted on one side for the escape of air bubbles, which are very numerous when thick balsam is used. I then put the slide away, and do not operate upon it again until all the air bubbles have disappeared, when I subject the thin covering glass to slight pressure, which can be nicely done with the assistance of Smith's mounting machine. Sometimes a lot of balsam is pressed out of the cell in this way, which can be easily removed." The President remarked upon the difficulties attendant upon the mounting of insects whole, owing to the breaking of their bodies. Another difficulty was that of getting rid of the air and moisture of the insect. A third difficulty was the tilting of the cover, which would produce refraction. A cell would obviate this if not over-filled. The Secretary explained that Mr. Green referred to the tilting of the whole slide to expel air bubbles. The tilting of the cover in the slides presented to the Club might have occurred during transit to England, but the viscid state ot the balsam rendered it nearly impossible to correct this. It was very difficult to account for the fact of the fatty matter being so thoroughly got rid of. The climate probably had much to do with this, but the amount of fat varied greatly in different specimens. In the absence of a paper Mr. Ingpen made some remarks upon a gathering of Volvox globafor collected on the 1st of January last in two bottles, one quite clean, the other with the admixture of a little conferva. Each bottle contained about 100 specimens. They were placed in an east window, and at the end of the month shewed no diminution in numbers. On the 9th of February the water in the bottle containing conferva froze slightly — not at the top, but in thin plates stretching obliquely across the middle of the bottle. Next day all the Volvox in this bottle had assumed the winter state, while those in the other, which had not frozen, remained unchanged. The latter continued to develop till about the middle of March, from which time they gradually diminished in number, the last disappearing on the 8th of April. Shortly after which the water became turbid and dried up. No specimens in the winter stage were found in this bottle, but they continued in that which was frozen till the middle of April, when that bottle also began to dry up, no water having been added to either. At the end of February Closterium lunula made its appearance in great numbers in both bottles, giving place, a few days afterwards, to a much smaller variety, apparently produced from sporangia, and not subsequently in- creasing by fission. In the middle of April water was added, after which conferva greatly increased in the bottle which had been frozen. On the 1st of June no Volvox in any stage was found in either bottle. The points considered worthy of note were— the continuance of Volvox in a small quantity (3oZ.) of water, for three months, and the rapid transition to the winter state upon the occurrence of a slight frost. 31 The President remarked that much still Remained undiscovered respecting Volwx. He thought that the attention of the members might well be directed to clearing similar points"of life history in well-known objects. Announcements of meetings, &c, were made by the President, and the pro- ceedings closed as usual with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Section of Alveolina by Mr. Hailes. Plates and anchors of Synapta symmetrically arranged Mr. Sigsworth. A fine specimen of the Sea Holly (Eryngiwm maritimum) Mr. Smith. Attendance — Members, 44 ; visitors, 2. September 11th, 1874. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Exuvia of pupa of Cercoptes by Mr. Freeman. Wings of various Lepidoptera Mr. Groves. Dactylopora ( Foraminifera ) Mr. Hailes. Varieties of Lepralia (a vacation gathering) Dr. Matthews. Potato starch, polarized Mr. Sigsworth. Section of stem of Sparganium Mr. Slade. Salivary glands of Cockroach Mr. T. C. White. Stellate hairs on Ivy (Hedera helix) in situ, polarized Mr. G. Williams. Attendance — Members, 29 ; visitors, 3 ; total, 32. September 25th, 1874. — Dr. Matthews, F.R.M.S., President, in the Chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The following donations to the Club were announced : — "The Monthly Microscopical Journal" ... from the Publisher. " Science Gossip" ,, (( The American Naturalist in Exchange. " Grove on Arranging and Cataloguing 7 &Qm ^ Author_ Microscopical Specimens" ... •> Six Slides of Wood Sections from Mr. Geo. Williams. The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. Mr. Alfred Allen was balloted for and duly elected a member of the Club. The President said that having an intimate friend in Barbadoes he had written to him to send home some of the earth which contains the well-known Polycistina, and which was commonly known as Barbadoes Earth. After several failures, owing probably to the specimens sent having been taken from the surface of the ground, he had at length received a quantity which appeared to be rich in them. The earth which he had thus obtained was from four different localities, viz., Cambridge, Springfield, Chimborazo, and Seeley Hall Estate, and he had brought samples of each to the meeting for distribution amongst the members. He had been in correspondence with a gentleman who had asked if " Davies on Mounting" was right in stating that these objects usually came from " the rocky parts of Bermuda ?" He believed that the part referred to was a place situated at the confluence of the James Kiver, U.S., but it was, of course, possible that Bermuda might be as good for this purpose as Barbadoes. Mr. T. C White read a paper " On the Salivary Glands of the Cockroach," 32 illustrating the subject by coloured diagrams, and by prepared specimens shown under the microscope. The President, in proposing a vote of thanks to Mr. White for his paper, said he thought the subject was just now a most delicate one to express opinions upon. No doubt it was well-known that quite recently in " Nature" great doubt had been cast upon this organ being a gland at all. A vote of thanks to Mr. White was carried unanimously. Mr. Curties said he had brought with him to the meeting, and exhibited under his microscope a slide of the same object, prepared by Mr. Tatem, of Reading, and presented by him to the Cabinet of the Club. It was accompanied by the following letter: "I send you three preparations of the Salivary Glands of the Cockroach. They show satisfactorily enough the lobules, sacs and ducts, the latter held open, as in all other insect salivary glands, by spiral filaments, those of the lobes coated with the yellowish epitheleae, glandular structure of Pfliiger. Apropos of these slides is a letter in last week's number of ' Nature,' in which the writer (Mr. Hollis) questions the salivary character of these organs. Certainly as regards the secreting nature of their lobular portions I think there can be no doubt, but I quite concur in his opinion that the sacs are not reservoirs for saliva, as is commonly believed, but for the same reasons ad- vanced by him, I have ever considered them as air sacs only, which, when the adult condition is attained, and the wings fully developed, the insect may possibly inflate, and so effect its migrations by such aids to flight. It is an assured fact that during life, or rather immediately after death, when the dis- section is made, they are always found empty, flattened, and folded on them- selves on either side of the aesophagus, having to be drawn out and spread as in the preparations. Seeing, however, that the common duct opens by a longitu- dinal slit a little in advance of the base of the tongue, I do not see in what way they can be filled with air from without. Can they possibly be inflated from time to time according to the exigencies of the insect, with secreted air, as is the case in the bladders, having no ducts, of some fishes ? But this is mere specula- tion."* Mr. B. T. Lowne said that some years ago Dr. Pfliiger made some very in- teresting observations on the salivary glands, and he was, if not the first, cer- tainly one of the first who discovered the ultimate nerve fibres, and who showed that the epithelial cells contained the termination of the nerves. The subject was one which required extreme delicacy in working out, but to his own mind it appeared that the evidence in favour of what Pfliiger said is extremely strong. He had been for a long time engaged upon other matters, and had been unable to give to this subject the attention which he desired. Pfliiger had not demonstrated his points sufficiently to others, but he had long thought that they might be demonstrated, and that this might be done as Pfliiger had done it, by means of chloride of gold, and he trusted that if Mr. White would just try this process he might be able to demonstrate it. The process is an extremely troublesome one, because it was always so very uncertain whether or not the preparations would bo successful. It is as follows : — A very weak solution of Ter-chloride of gold— about a ^ per cent, solution — should be used to soak the perfectly fresh glands in for a longer or shorter period. How long they should * Siuce the discussion upon this subject Mr. Tatem has communicated the following': — " I can neither abandon or modify my opinions, based as they are on my own observa- tions and dissections. I have ever found these sacs empty and flaccid, and most commonly folded on themselves— so that they have to be drawn out and spread. If proved to be salivary sacs. I shall conclude that the condition in which I always found them was brought about by the mode of killing the insect by drowning — the sacs becoming emptied and intussusoepted." 33 be soaked it is impossible to say — it depended upon temperature and otber cir- cumstances, and it might be perhaps from five minutes to as many hours, no one could tell beforehand how long a time would be required. The glands must be taken from the insect and put immediately into the solution, which must be kept in the dark ; when sufficiently soaked they must be well washed in distilled water, and after that they should be put into more distilled water and exposed to strong daylight until they acquired a beautiful purple colour. If such a preparation were then examined with a high power — nothing less than a good £ would be of any use— there would be seen a fine network of nerves (diagram drawn on the black board representing what would be seen if the observer were lucky). He considered that it was extremely probable that all the nerves of special sense end in modified epithelial cells. In the ear it is well known that there are great numbers of hairs — four or five thousand of them — all tuned to receive and transmit different sounds to the nerves with which they are connected, and which nerves all end in epithelial cells. In the nose and in the tongue the same kind of thing occurs, and in the eye there are found what might be regarded as a modified epithelial structure in the rods and cones of the retina. Now when they had all this evidence of the termination of nerves in cells, the one seemed to substantiate the other, whereas if they had no instances of the kind to refer to there might perhaps have been room for doubt with regard to Pliiger's statements ; when they thought of the extreme delicacy of the investigation, and that the few persons who had followed it out had con- firmed Pliiger's view, he thought there was very good ground indeed for believ- ing it to be the correct one. He thought that if Mr. White would try the process he had suggested (and he knew that he liked working in gold), he would no doubt be able to demonstrate the fact. He might say that he had never seen better specimens of the glands than those which were exhibited by Mr. White and Mr. Tatem. Eeferring to the portions coloured red in Mr. White's diagram, Mr. Lowne explained that these were certainly absent in the fly, which possessed what was known as the tubular form of salivary gland, one which was common to all suctorial insects. The beetles and gnawing insects have another form of gland ; and in the cockroach and the hemiptera two pairs of glands are found. In the human subject there were three kinds of salivary glands, one of which supplies a quantity of viscid saliva, another produces large quantities of a more watery kind, and the 3rd, or sublingual glands, furnish a small quantity of very viscid saliva — and as it was quite clear that in vertebrates there are three kinds of saliva, he thought there was nothing improbable in the idea that there migtft be two kinds of saliva in insects. The ringing of the tubes was no proof whatever that they are tracheal tubes, because all, or nearly all, the tubular structures in insects exhibit rings. He had never seen the air sac of any insect collapsed after death — they were all made of elastic material — the insect had the power of compressing them, but they were naturally kept open by their own elasticity. In our own cases the air is forced out of the lungs by their elasticity, but in insects the opposite condition occurs. When the insect is dead these sacs are said to be always found empty, and no one has ever found them either before or after the death of the insect filled with air. He asked where is the evidence that they are air sacs ? And when they had before them such very conclusive evidence that they are not, he should certainly continue so to regard them until very convincing proof to the contrary is produced. The President, after announcing that the Club was that evening honoured by D 34 the presence of a distinguished visitor, Dr. Barker, of Dublin, said he thought it might be well to read the letter by Dr. Hollis, in the last number of " Nature," bearing upon the subject of Professor Pfliiger's observations. (The President then read the letter referred to.) fie confessed that he was not con- vinced even before Mr. Lowne had spoken. Certainly he did not regard the presence of tracheae as conclusive, for he had a specimen of the eye of a drone fly which was full of tracheae, and no one would doubt that it was an eye because of these tracheal tubes ! He thought that, on the whole, the reasoning was quite inconclusive. Mr. T. C. White said that he had dissected many of these insects, and had found the tubes in every case [collapsed. He had, in some cases, sealed up the mouths of the insects before killing them, and still had found them collapsed. He had also kept the insects for two days in a carmine solution placed under the air pump, but with the same result. Mr. Loy said he had had some practice in dissecting these insects, and, from what had come under his own observations, he certainly agreed with Mr. Lowne. He believed that these organs were secretory vessels, and he had never found the slightest evidence of air in them ; and although they were found closed, it was by no means impossible that there might have been some- thing in them. He felt quite sure that they were not tracheal tubes, because these were at all times easily recognised by their silvery appearance. His own idea was that they were merely reservoirs in which the saliva was stored until pumped by the tube to the stomach. He differed from Mr. Tatem in regarding them as assistants to flight. In a large number of insects examined he had never found any evidence of tracheal or air sacs forming part of their salivary glands. Mr. T. 0. White said that in the cockroach there were two enormous tracheal ducts, but there was no connection whatever between the tracheal system and these salivary sacs. Mr. Loy said that this could be seen in the specimens. Mr. Lowne said Mr. Loy had observed that there was a difference in the colour of the two sets of glands, and this would seem to confirm the idea that there were different kinds of saliva. In Catypsa, and also in the silkworm, it was quite evident there were two kinds. The President inquired if any peculiarity had been observed in the saliva of insects which inflicted poisonous bites ? Mr. Lowne referred the question to Mr. Loy. Mr. Loy said that all those fluids were very irritating, but he was not aware of their precise nature. He had noticed that in the case of the caterpillar of the Dicranura, a small globule was thrown out immediately the creature was irritated, and that it came from an orifice situated just below the mouth. In action he thought that in the process of feeding the caterpillar pressed this gland upon ithe edge of the leaf, and lubricated it as it proceeded. He had killed them immediately after the discharge of the fluid, and had then found the bag empty. The President asked if there was any truth in the idea that the saliva had the effect of thinning the blood, so as to enable the insect to draw it in more easily ? Mr. Loy could not speak positively upon this point. Mr. Hailes could not see in what way these glands could assist in flight, even if they were filled with air— seeing that the insect flew in air. The analogy to the fish would hardly hold good, because if the fish filled its air bladder with water, it would make no difference whatever in its specific gravity. 35 Mr. Lowne thought they should not concern themselves about what " might be," they had only to find out what was. If anyone thought that these bodies were air sacs, let him prove it. Mr. Hailes said he had mentioned the matter because he understood it to be stated that there was an analogy to the air bladder of the fish. Mr Lowne said many insects have air chambers; the cockchafer and stag beetle have hundreds of them. Mr. T. C. White said he had been asked how these insects were dissected, and he proposed to answer this by bringing up some cockroaches to the nest gossip meeting, and giving a demonstration. Mr. Loy suggested that if Mr. White did this it would be well to bring several of the insects and kill them in different ways— say one in methylated spirit, another with ammonia fumes, and a third in boiling water — possibly it miglit be found that during the slower processes the sacs would be emptied. The President remarked that they had had a most interesting discussion. With reference to the Barbadoes earth, he wished to explain, in reply to questions, that the portions marked " Chimborazo" were not from the South American Volcanic district, but from an estate in Barbadoes bearing the same name. After the announcements of meetings, &c, the meeting terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Section of Stem of Potamogeton natans by Mr. W. J. Brown. Lacinularia Sultana Mr. W. G. Cocks. Salivary glands of the Cockroach (prepared by) Mr. Tatem) > Fredericella Sultana Aulacodiscus Soliltanus ... Section of Bye of Sphinx ligustri Cyclosis in Vallisneria spiralis Microphotographs, and a new miniature portable lamp Wing of Culex pipiens Salivary glands of Cockroach (four preparations) Mr. Curties. Mr. Hainworth. Mr. B. Hinton. Mr. Mclntire. Mr. Martinelli. Mr. Moginie. Mr. Sigsworth. Mr. T. C. White. Attendance— Members, 73 ; visitors, 5 ; total, 78. October 9th, 1874. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Formica Sp. ... Eotifera, Vorticella, &c, alive Section of Rush (Juncus communis) ... House ant Batrachospermum moniliforme, from Caesar's well, } Keston ) Globular Silex Plates and spicules of Synapla (to show difference') in refractive indices) ) Palate of Trochus striatus Antennae of Carrion beetle (polar) Chlorate of Potash (polar) Attendance— Members, 58 ; visitors, 7 ; by Mr. Andrew. Mr. Badcock. Mr. F. Coles. Mr. Goodinge. Mr. F. H. P. Hind. Mr. Ingpen. Mr. Ingpen. Mr. B. W. Priest. Mr. Sigsworth. Mr. G. Williams, total, 65. 36 October 23rd, 1874. — Dr. Matthews, F.R.M.S., President, in the Chair. The minutes of the preceding rueetiDg were read and confirmed. The following donations to the Club were announced : — " The Monthly Microscopical Journal" ... from the Publisher. " Science Gossip" ,, " The Popular Science Review" ... ... ... ,, "Proceedings of the Literary and Philoso.") fromihe Society. phical Society of Manchester" ... ) " Proceedings of the Geologists' Association"... the Association. " The Protoplasmic theory of Life, being the-\ President's address to the Liverpool > from the Society. Microscopical Society" J " The American Naturalist" ... in Exchange. " The Quarterly Journal of Microscopical > , p ■, Science" > The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to the donors. Mr. Frederick Haydon was balloted for and duly elected a member of the Club. The President announced that arrangements had been made for the re- opening of the slide cabinet, which had been for some time past closed in consequence of the continued absence of Mr. Ruffle through severe domestic affliction. The Commitee had thought it desirable that the slides should again be available for distribution, but that they should be issued, not as formerly on the ordinary meeting nights, but on the " Gossip nights." They had asked Mr. Marks to act as Mr. Euffle's deputy by giving out the slides during his absence/and Mr. Hailes had also kindly offered to assist in the matter. The Secretary reminded the members that the task of giving out the slides was no easy matter, and that it would be greatly facilitated if they would put down in paper a list of the slides they required before they applied for them. Mr. Ruffle had often said that members frequently did not make up their minds what they wanted until they came to the cabinet, and that this led to delay, and to a great increase in the trouble of distribution. Mr. Smith, their librarian, reminded him that he had a number of copies of the catalogue of slides which he would be happy to supply at Is. each. Mr. R. P. Williams read a paper " On cutting sections of the eyes of insects, and on a new instrument for the purpose." The machine was exhibited in the room, and was deservedly admired by those who had the opportunity of a close inspection. The President said that it had been his lot to see many machines for cutting sections, but he had never seen one so beautiful or so exquisitely made as the one which Mr. Williams had brought before them. All its motions seemed absolutely perfect ; he had never seen anything to compare with it ; indeed it was, he thought, beyond praise. The whole of its arrangements seemed to be of the most perfect kind, and every motion and requirement seemed to have been provided for. He had not done much himself in such minute objects, but he knew that some gentlemen present had made this a study, and he hoped they would have something to say upon the subject. Mr. Ingpen inquired if Mr. Williams had made any provision for tilting the object in either direction, in such a way as could be done by a ball and socket joint, so that it might be shifted to a different plane if required? 37 Mr. R. P. Williams said he had made provision for adjusting the object in any vertical plane, by means of the ebonite block described in the paper ; if any other alteration were required it would be necessary to soften the wax and tilt the head. The President suggested that Mr. Ingpen meant to inquire whether, suppos- ing the head were found to be embedded in such a position that the plane of cutting did not coincide with the horizontal axis of the eye, it could be shifted into such a plane of coincidence without the necessity of remelting the wax. Mr. R. P. Williams said he could not do that, but he thought it might be done, and he would endeavour to do it. Mr. E. T. Newton asked for information upon one point which he did not quite see was provided for. In cutting sections he had found it to be absolutely necessary that they should be cut in fluid in order to get them off the knife. The machine itself was beautifully true in all its parts, and seemed perfectly to meet wants often felt, but he should like to know how he was to get the section off the knife, to which it would certainly adhere after being cut ? Mr. R. P. Williams said he had mentioned in his paper that the knife must be moistened before using with oil of turpentine, otherwise the section would cling to it. When the section was cut, it would be found upon the cutter, but by placing a piece of paper upon the edge, and then easing tbe section off the cutter with a piece of wood cut to a thin edge, it could be easily transferred to the paper, and thence to the fluid. Mr. Newton was doubtful whether so thin a section would bear to be pushed off in this way without injury. Mr. R. P. Williams said of course it must not be pushed. The President inquired if there would be the same degree of adhesion to a revolving cutter as to an ordinary shaped one ? Mr. R. P. Williams thought there would be about the same, but was quite sure that if oil of turpentine was used, it would effectually prevent the wax from adhering to the knife. He had formerly used oil for the purpose, but found this softened the wax, and would, therefore, not do ; oil of turpentine did not dissolve the wax, but prevented it from adhering, and enabled it to be easily removed in the manner described. The President did not know how far the oil of turpentine would affect the after process— such as staining— and asked if Mr. Williams stained his sections. Mr. William's said he had not done so ; he did not know that it was necessary. The President said he had seen some very nice sections of eyes cut by Mr. Mclntire, and hoped that gentleman would give them the results of his ex- perience. Mr. Mclntire said that in cutting sections of insects' eyes he depended entirely upon luck. He had seen some very beautiful sections cut by Mr. Stewart, and thought he should like to try his hand at them. He accordingly got one of Topping's machines, and embedded the heads in a mixture of bee's wax and oil. He first tried upon the heads of flies, soaking them in spirit to harden them — from six to 24 hours. Great care was required in sharpening the razor. He found in practice that it was impossible to get a section of both eyes at the same time. The eyes having been hardened as described, must then be put into tbe wax, after which the sections could be pared away, taking care always to keep the razor thoroughly moistened with spirit, and to float the sections off the blade into a watch glass of spirit— they must on no account be touched or they would come aoart. They should be lifted out of the spirit on a 38 piece of tin foil, and put into the staining fluid — either hematoxylin or carmine very much diluted — and after this they should be transferred to methylated spirit. If the specimen was successful, it might then be put into clean alcohol, and, when all the water was gone, it could be lifted out and placed in a drop of oil of cloves upon a clean glass slide; it should then be slightly warmed, and Laving teazed away the wax with a fine needle, and got rid of it by a sudden tilt, the section would be ready for mounting in balsam. This should be done directly, but the cover must on no account be touched for fear of disturbing tbe object. He had found the eyes of flies to be the easiest to prepare— those of beetles were more difficult because of the harder and more horny nature of the outside covering, and he found that it was necessary to know the proper angle at which to cut each different insect's eye. Mr. Stewart was of opinion that the brittleness complained of might be got rid of by soaking in glycerine. The President thought that a machine with a revolving cutter would be peculiarly applicable to the horny eyes of the Coleoptera. He felt sure that all present must have heard the paper with pleasure, and no one could examine the machine without admiring it — there was only one thing wanted to make it complete, and this was so easily added that he was sure Mr. Williams would soon do it. A vote of thanks to Mr. Williams for his paper was then unanimously passed. Dr. Daniel Moore read a paper " On the Generative processes of the Oyster, Mussel, and Cockle," and illustrated the subject by numerous coloured diagrams, and by preparations exhibited under microscopes in the room. The President thought that the Club was peculiarly fortunate in having two such papers brought before them in one evening as those they had just listened to. It was not everyone who bad the opportunity of so carefully going into this subject as Dr. Moore had done. He would like to ask whether Dr. Moore had ever observed the spermatozoa gain access to the ovum, and, if so, what change resulted. Dr. Moore said he had not actually seen this take place. The thanks of the Club were then voted to Dr. Moore for his interesting paper. The President called attention to a side reflector for illuminating opaqu'e objects ; it was merely the substage reflector mounted upon a separate stand. He had proposed the idea to Mr. Wenham some time ago, but found that he had already carried it out. He mentioned it, and had brought it with him to the meeting, because he thought it would suggest the idea that by utilizing their own apparatus they might often save it from being unnecessarily multiplied. The President announced that he had brought with him to the meeting a further supply of Barbadoes earth for distribution amongst the members. He had also some mounted specimens prepared by himself, and some which had been prepared by Mr. Topping. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Lung of Boa Constrictor (injected) by Mr. J. W. Goodinge. Larva of Bot-fly (GEstrus) in the egg Mr. Hainworth. Volvox Globator (alive) Mr. Martinelli. A Series of preparations illustrating the generative | ^ jjoorei process of the Oyster, Mussel, and Cockle j Jiaphiodesma lingua— showing clusters of anchorate ") ^T -g y^ Priest. spicula ... ... ... ) Feather of a Foreign duck (polar) Mr. J. C. Sigsworth. 39 Mildew from Cuticle of Apple Mr. J. F. Tafe. Section of the eye of a Moth Mr. Topping. Parasite of Beetle Mr. Underwood. Attendance— Members, 97 ; visitors, 18 ; total, 115. November 13th, 1874. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Crystals of silver forming on lead and brass filings ... Skin of Eel, showing scales and pigment cells New form of portable lamp by Swift Spinnerets, web and calemistrum of Ciniflo atrox Perryia pulcherrima (a new Diatom) ... ... Wing of a Mauritian Butterfly Crystals of Stearic acid Cyclosis in Vallisneria Foot of Wasp (Vespa vulgaris) Section of pad of Dog's foot, the vessels injected-) with carmine, and tissue stained with > hematoxylin ... ... ... ... J Foraminifera from the river Dee Demonstration of Insect dissection Vertical section of pad of Kitten's foot Spiral vessels of Banana Attendance — Members, 62 j visitors, 6; Mr. E. Bartlett. Mr. F. Coles. Mr. Dunning. Mr. H. E. Freeman. Mr. H. F. Hailes. Mr. Ingpen. Mr. S. Israel. Mr. Martinelli. Mr. Sigsworth. Mr. Topping. Mr. C. C. Underwood. Mr. T. C. White. Mr. G. Williams, total, 68. November 27th, 1874. — Dr. Jno. Matthews, F.R.M.S., President, in the Chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The following donations were announced : — " The Monthly MicroscopicalJournal" " Science Gossip" ... " Proceedings of the Geologists' Association"... " The A m'erican Naturalist" " Eichardson on the value of high powers in \ the diagnosis of blood stains" ... 3 Two Reprints from the " Canadian Naturalist" Two Photographs Fourteen Slides of Foraminifera ... Four Slides of Moss — collected on the excur- ) sion to Weybridge j Baird's " British Entomostraca" was added") to the Library ... ... .. ... ) The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. The Secretary called attention to the paper by Dr. Eichardson on the use of high powers in the diagnosis of blood stains — the rules of the Club would not permit of its being read to the meeting on account of its having been already published in the " American Journal of Medical Sciences," and an abstract of it had also appeared in the " Monthly Microscopical Journal." It was of interest as pointing out the constancy of the relative sizes of the blood discs of from the Publisher. the Association. in Exchange. from the Author. from Mr. G. M. Dawson. Mr. C. White. Mr M. C. Cooke. Mr. W. G. Cocks, by purchase. 40 the Mammalia, for the examination and accurate measurement of which tbe use of high powers was necessary. The President said that cards of admission to the Soiree of the West London Entomological Society had been placed upon the table, and he had also been requested to ask for the co-operation of any members of the Club who might be willing to assist the Society upon that occasion. The President referred to the excursions of the Club, and called upon those members who took part in them to communicate the results to the meeting, They often heard of excursions to be made, aud supposed that they were made, but they hardly ever heard anything more of them. No doubt they were of value, and bore abundant fruit to those who took part in them, but he must say that, so far as the Society was concerned, they were fruitless. They always happened upon a day when he could not possibly join them, but he should be profoundly glad to hear of the results from those who did. Mr. Cocks having presented to the Club four slides of mosses collected during the excursion to Weybridge. The President admitted that he had been a little premature in some of his observations, and was very glad to find it so. The slides which Mr. Cocks had presented showed what had resulted from one excursion, they were beautifully finished, and quite models of mounting ; and he should be very glad to see them under the microscope in the course of the evening. The President reminded the members that at their last meeting two very interesting papers had been brought before them, which he thought might form the subject of some further observations from gentlemen present, who had pur- sued similar studies, and invite remarks upon either subject. Mr. Ingpen communicated some notes on "Personal Equation," with reference to Microscopy, illustrating his remarks on the black board. The President, in proposing a vote of thanks to Mr. Ingpen for his communi- cation, observed that as they were essentially a Microscopical Society, nothing could be more useful to them than the discussions of such questions as those contained in the paper, which directly bore upon the subject of accuracy of observation. Mr. J. G. Waller said that one or two points in the paper touched him pro- fessionally, and he should like just to say with regard to the paintings of Mulready, that he thought the gentleman who had made the observations quoted by Mr. Ingpen must have been in error. When a painting was painted it was always begun on the blue side of the scale, and finished on the yellow side. Now Mulready was a very slow painter, and as he painted at times under pres- sure from his patrons, it might happen that some of the pictures were not quite finished and hence theblueness. He knew Mulready quite well, and could there- fore speak from knowledge in the matter. With regard to Turner he did not believe that the peculiarities adverted to were at all due to defects of vision, and quoted an anecdote to prove that Turner had on one occasiou, when ex- pressly requested to do so, painted a picture in which his accustomed extrava- gancies did not appear. Titian painted up to the last— he believed to the age of 93. He had seen some of his pictures which were painted at an advanced age, and certainly they were anything but blue, and he had never seen an instance of this in the case of a great artist. The President said that the paper suggested many considerations of much in- terest. With regard to astigmatism it most fortunately happened that it generally existed in one eye only, and it was due to the fact of there being some alteration in the curves of the front or back part of the line, making it more ov 41 less elliptical — the effect was as if it were pressed laterally and so made ellip tical. A necessary consequence of this was that dots which were very near to each other would be seen in one direction as a line, from their being converted into ovals and overlapping each other. Another frequent error of interpre- tation was as to whether a thing was within or outside the focus, and no two persons seemed to agree as to what was exactly the focus. A blond disc for instance, on one side of the focus appeared to be concave, whilst it did not appear so on the other side, and it was a question with many which was the reality. Then again there were the markings on Pleurosigma formosum. Some persons saw them as convex hemispheres and others thought them concave, and they were frequently seen to be more or less coloured for reasons which were entirely personal. Another question arose with regard to Micrometry— a long and a short sighted person would use the Micrometer, and their observations would not agree on account of their differences of focus ; whilst some persons see shadows and cannot tell accurately which is the margin of the object. As regarded the question of fluorescence, it was a very curious fact that when a person had been saturated with quiniue (given not in small quantities as a tonic, but in large quantities in cases of ague, as an antiperiodic medicine) the effect was generally headache and a confusion of vision, and they were able to see much farther towards the violet end of the Spectrum than under normal con- ditions. But in such cases it was found that vision was impaired in exactly the same proportion towards the red end, so that their range was not really increased. It should be borne in mind in connection with the subject of colour that all their microscopes were corrected for white light, but they were for the most part used in very yellow light, and they could not suppose that the effects under these conditions would be the same as in day light, and it was not possible to get by ordinary means within the reach of every one monochromatic light, strong enough for microscopical purposes. Irradiation, also, must not be over- looked, as being a frequent source of personal error; for even in landscape photography there was found to be an irradiation effect produced, which be came less marked when the back of the plate was smeared over with yellow. Its common effect was that 999 people out of 1000 could see light lines upon a dark ground better than they could see dark lines upon a light ground, and this would account for the better definition commonly produced by dark ground illumination— either by the paraboloid, or by oblique illumination from the mirror. The former of these methods was, however, much preferred, owing to the diffraction which was frequently caused when the other was adopted. If a pei- son were temporarily ill he could not see things in the same way as when in health and it was quite certain that the presence of bile where it should not be must tend to a disturbance of vision. He hal at that moment a person under his care who was dying from cancer of the liver, all of whose tissues and fluids were so saturated (and coloured) with bile that even the saliva was much tinged, and very bitter. In this case there was much confusion of vision, accompanied by spectra— probably owing to alteration in the density and colour of the humors of the eyes. It had even been asserted by some observers that objects seemed yellow to such sufferers, and the same had been observed by those who had taken Santonica medicinally. Mr. Ingpen said, in reply to Mr. Waller's remarks, that probably Professor Liebreich knew nothing of the special circumstances with regard to Mulready, but simply drew his conclusions from observation of the paintings themselves The fact of yellow cornea was very pertinent to the subject, and it was also quite possible that some artists might not have been affected in that way. With 42 regard to Turner, he believed that all that was said had reference to the pos- sibility of reducing the vertical streaks to a natural effect, by looking at the pictures through a cylindrical lens. Six gentlemen were proposed for membership. Meetings for the ensuing month were announced, and the proceedings terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Sertularia argentea Capsules of Moss (Bryum capillare) Upper Wing of fly from Brazil Aleyrodes Chelidonii ... Collection of Ferns from the Cape Micro-photograph " The Song of a Shirt" Lace fern Sections of Echinus Spines Transverse Sections of jaw and teeth of young rabbit by Mr. E. Bartlett. Mr. W. G. Cocks. Mr. A. L. Corbett. Mr. H. G. Glasspoole Mr. Golding. Mr. Moginie. Mr. F. Beeve. Mr. C. Sigsworth. Mr. A. Topping. Attendance — Members, 84; visitors, 13; total, 97. December 11th, 1874. — Conversational Meeting. Mr, The following objects were exhibited: — Tracheal system of larva of Dytiscus by Mr Mymax taprobanicus— minute parasitic Hymenopteron, ") ■»»• from Mr. Staniforth Green, of Colombo ) Salivary gland and tongue of Cockroach showing their 7 connection ... ... ... ... ... ... ) Pleurosigma angnlatum under Beck's fDth Immersion, \ with Dr. Matthew's oblique illuminator J Head of Taenia solium ... .. Mr. Haematopinus Asini (louse of the ass) Mr. Skin of Dog Fish (Scyllium canicula) Mr. A glaasphceria from Africa Mr. F.H.P. Hind. Ingpen. W. W. Jones. Dr. Matthews. B. W. Priest. J. A. Smith. Topping. Underwood. Attendance— Members, 39; visitors, 2; total, 41. January 8th, 1875.— Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Foraminifera from the London clay Cuticle of Onosma taurica (polar) Tongue and Salivary gland of Cockroach . . . Cirri of Barnacle (polar) Section of Nose of Cat (injected) Lepralia Brougmartii, Red Sea Deep Sea Dredgings, 1G80 Fathoms Photomicrograph of Diatoms, &c, Atlantic Cable attached to by Mr. H. F. Hailes. Mr. Ingpen. Mr. W. W. Jones. Dr. Matthews. Mr. Topping. Mr. C. C. Underwood Mr. T. C. White. | Mr. C. C. Wyatt. Attendance— Members, 73; Visitors, 7 ; total, 80. 43 January 22nd, 1875.— Dr. J. Matthews, F.R.M.S., President, in the Chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The following donations to the Club were announced: — " The Monthly Microscopical Journal" ... from the Publisher, " Science Gossip" „ " The Popular Science Review" ,, " Proceedings of the Royal Society" the Society. "Proceedings of the Literary and Philoso-7 phical Society of Manchester" ... ) c ' The American Naturalist" in exchange. ' ' The Natural History of the Diatomacese, ) ^e Author. by Dr. Arthur Meade Edwards ... > A Photomicrograph Mr. C. C. White. 1 Slide Mr Underwood. 3 Slides Mr Wm. McVean. Bowerbank'8 "British Spongidse,'' Ray Society by purchase. " The Quarterly Journal of Microscopical \ Science" ' Part I. of " Atlas der Diatomaceen. Kund 7 von Adolf Schmidt" -> The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. The Secretary said he had received a letter announcing the formation of a new Natural History Society at Watford, and asking him to bring it before the notice of the members of the Club, in order that any residing in that neigh- bourhood might avail themselves of the opportunity of joining. The following gentlemen were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Club :— Mr. Thomas Bolton, Mr. Edward Dadswell, Mr. F. W. Howard, Mr. Henry Power, Mr. A. Tinney, the Hon. J. C. Vivian. The Secretary said he had received a letter from Mr. R. Sedgwick, Hon. Sec. of the Tower Hill Microscopical Club, intimating that their Annual Soiree was arranged to take place on Wednesday, February 17th, and asking for the co- operation of the members of the Q. M. C. on that occasion. The Secretary called the attention of the members to a new Portable Micro- scope exhibited in the room, which had recently been designed and made by Mr. Moginie ; it was specially adapted for use with low powers. He always thought that the 4-in. objective of Ross had not been done full justice to on account of the small field of the A eyepiece. The new instrument had a large Huyghe- nian eyepiece of a very low power, giving a splendid field of view, and the lenses of the eyepiece were made to slide into the tube, instead of screwing in the usual way, so that they could be readily removed for wiping. The focussing was effected by a rackwork arrangement attached to the stage instead of to the body of the instrument, which was fixed to the stand ; thus adding greatly to the steadiness of the whole, and the rackwork was sufficiently delicate for use with £ or even \ inch objective. If required for use in the vertical position, the instrument could be screwed into a plate provided for the purpose on the lid of the wooden case, into which the microscope and apparatus were arranged to pack in a very small compass (12in. X 5 X 3£). The President said he had the pleasure of seeing an instrument of this kind shewn by Mr. Moginie a short time ago at the Royal Microscopical Society, and 44 was much pleased with it ; it could be used very well with a 4in. or even a 5in. objective, and showed a very much larger field than that of the ordinary eye- piece. He thought that if the diaphragm was removed from an A or B eye- piece, it would be much more useful with low powers, and he commended the practice of making the diaphragms moveable in such eyepieces to enable them to be easily adapted to show a larger field when a low power object glass was used. He could strongly recommend Mr. Moginie's new instrument for the use of students and for botanical purposes. Mr. T. C. White read a paper " On the Aquarium as a field for microscopical research," in which he minutely described the method of constructing, stocking, and maintaining a marine aquarium in a London home. The President said that Mr. White had in his paper spoken of his laziness, but he did not himself think that the paper was an evidence of it. The interest attached to the subject was boundless, and he should be very glad to hear the remark of any of the members upon it. Two or three minor points occurred to him in connection with it— first, he believed that the habits of the creatures kept in aquaria were, for thl most part, nocturnal, or at least that they often preferred a subdued light ; even amongst fishes, he believed this was largely the case, and yet he often went into rooms and saw great tanks of clear glass without a particle of shade provided for the creatures to take shelter in, and he could only call this gratuitous cruelty. Then all these creatures were expected to live for an indefinite time without any means being taken to aerate the water duly, no attempt being in many cases made to supply it, and then people said " they don't know how it is, but they can't get their fishes to live." The question of aeration was one of great importance, and required study. A friend of his made it a condition that everyone who went to look at his aquarium should give it three charges of the water from a syringe, and another fixed a bellows to the door of the room, by means of which a change of air was forced into the water whenever the door was opened. With respect to the difference between natural and arti- ficial sea water, he believed that iodides and bromides of magnesium and sodium entered into the composition of sea water in its natural condition, and he should like to ask Mr. White if lie found it necessary to supply them. Mr. T. C. White said that with regard to the iodides and bromides, their pro- portion was so extremely small that he thought their absence made no difference. Mr. Lloyd, of the Crystal Palace Aquarium, told him that they were not really necessary, but they would in the course of time be developed, especially if sea- weeds were washed in the water. The sea water in his own aquarium had been unchanged for three years ; it was given to him in the first instance by Mr. Lloyd and he believed it came from Brighton. During the last summer Oscillatorice were developed in it in such numbers that the water became foul and many of the creatures, including the Serpulce, died. He exposed it how- ever, to strong sunlight, and this caused oxygen to be given off in such large quantities that the water became quite purified, and it was now quite " lookino- up" again. • It was an excellent plan to occasionally wash fresh seaweed in the water, as this supplied quantities of germs and other matters which were beneficial. He quite agreed with the President as to some people's ideas re- garding an aquarium. Some of his patients having seen his aquarium went away delighted, and forthwith set up one for themselves ; they went to Brighton or Weymouth and brought home things to put into it, but very soon after there was no more heard of it, and they would say, "Oh, it was no good keeping it, 45 for all the things died." In giving instructions as to how to start an aquarium, he always laid particular stress upon getting the tank ready, and letting the plants grow in it for some days before the living inmates were introduced. The trouble would be amply repaid, for there were many developmental stages in the life-history of the creatures which were most interesting ; and one need not even go as far as the seaside to seek objects, [for Mr Lloyd had told him that he used at one time to go round in the neighbourhood of Smithfield, and when he came to a large oyster stall, he examined the shells, and often found beautiful little specimens upon them, and he had found even Crassicornis upon shells, as well as alga?. He recommended an examination of shells dredged up from a great depth as being very likely to yield specimens of much interest. The President suggested that there was a way of keeping water a long time from putrescence by putting into it a mass of charcoal (by preference animal charcoal). And with respect to objects found upon the oyster shells, he might mention that he had recently found many excellent specimens upon the shell of the Pecten maximns, which was very abundant in London at the present time. Mr. W. W. Jones thought that the best way to add the iodides and bromides to artificial sea water would be to put seaweeds into it. Mr. Russell inquired what was the best mode of feeding ? Dr. Foulerton asked if Mr. White had found any inconvenience from the great alterations in temperature which must occur in an aquarium. The deep sea was not subject to any great range of temperature, but water kept in a room in small quantities must get hot or cold according to the temperature of the air. Mr. White, in reply, said that with regard to feeding, the creatures might be allowed to go a month without food, the only thing being that they would in that case be found to diminish somewhat in size. He had found in practice that it was best to feed them once a fortnight, and the best food was an oyster well washed and cut up into small pieces ; if the creatures did not take it directly it was a sign they were not hungry, and the food should be removed at once to prevent it from polluting the water. As regarded temperature, some persons thought this an important matter, and recommended a thermometer, but this to others appeared to make the thing complicated. He had himself only a specific gravity ball, and had not " gone in" for a thermometer, because he found that the aquarium flourished very well without it. Mr. Russell had not done much with marine aquaria, but could speak from experience as to fresh water, and he found that variation of temperature was necessary, and that in a confined room it was necessary also to aerate the water constantly, and he did this by bringing down a small pipe from the cistern so as to discharge a fine jet with some force through the water. He found also that the weed would not grow properly until he put it out of doors. The variation of temperature between day and night he believed to be necessary, and certainly he had never found it to act prejudicially upon the animals. Overstocking was a very great evil- He had found that it was of great advantage to put in odd pieces of rock for shelter. The study of an aquarium was one of so much interest, that he strongly recommended those who had not done so to launch out in that direction. Mr. White said he did not intend at all to discountenance the use of rock- work, but he did very much deprecate the fanciful erections one often saw, giving a tea-garden appearance to some aquaria. Eockwork itself he liked very much ; it not only gave shelter, but it also increased the superficial surface of the bottom, and helped the growth of vegetation, which was so necessary for aeration. 4fi } A vote of thanks to Mr. White for his interesting paper was unanimously carried. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione, at which the follow- ing objects were exhibited : — Mcidiuvn, Ranunculi Sections of Human Scalp Salivary Glands and Tongue of Cock- roach Cyclops Fungoid growth on leg of Water Beetle. Foraminifera, from Mr. T. C. White's 7 Aquarium ... ... * Navicultz (selected) Brain of Mouse (injected) ... Eggs of Chiton Young Asterias Sphseraphides in stem of Viscum album. by Mr. W. H. Golding. Mr. W. W. Jones. Mr. Martinelli. Mr. Rolfe. Mr. J. Eussell. Mr. J. C. Sigsworth. Mr. Topping. Mr. T. C. White. Mr. B. P. Williams. Attendance— Members, 94 ; visitors, 11 ; total, 105. February 12th, 1875. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Leaf of A lyssum. Sp Lituola (Foraminifer), the test formed of Sponge) spicules ... i Intestine of Cat, injected ... Section of Tail of Horse— stained two colours Marchantia polymorpha Spicules of Gorgonia „ Section of Agate, polarised Transverse section of Human Tooth, polarised Demodex folliculorum (alive) JSozb'on Canadense ... ... ... American Aloe, transverse section Clematis ,, ,, » Attendance — Members, 69 ; visitors, 3 j total, 72. Mr. G. D. Brown. Mr. Hailes. Mr. W. W. Jones. Mr. Martinelli. Mr. B. W. Priest. Mr. Sigsworth. Mr. Topping. Mr. T. C. White. j) >) Mr. Geo. Williams. 47 DONATION TO THE CLUB. REPORT OF COMMITTEE. The Committee have great pleasure in reporting that Mr. Frank Crisp, one of the members of the Club, has made a donation, by which the sum of £20 annually is secured to the Club for five years, upon the condition that the same shall be applied in such a mode as will be calculated to promote its interests and welfare. Your Committee, in furtherance of the above purpose, and considering that it will be beneficial to the interests of the Club to offer an honorarium to any member who may distinguish himself in Microscopical work, have framed the following rules for the application of the fund thus placed at their disposal :— I. — That such honorarium be given, not in money, but in books or scientific instruments. II. — That the work for which such honorarium shall be awarded shall have been originally communicated to, or brought before the Club. III. — That the Committee shall decide to whom such honorarium shall be awarded, and that its members shall be excluded ex-officio from receiving the s^me. IV. — That the Committee shall communicate their decision to the Club at the Annual Meeting in July of each year. V. — That no one shall be eligible to receive an honorarium until he has been more than one year a member of the Club at the date of the Annual Meeting at which the same is awarded. VI. — That no member shall be eligible to receive an honorarium more than once in three years. VII. — That the Committee shall be at liberty to make their first award at the Annual Meeting, in July, 1875, if they shall so think fit. 48 VIII. — That if the Committee shall decide not to make any award, or shall not award the whole sum of £20 in any one year, such sum as shall remain shall be used for an award or awards in the sixth or some succeeding year, and that no greater sum than £20 shall be awarded in any one year. Your Committee hope that this mode of applying the fund so liberally presented to the Club will meet with the approbation of the members. It is designed to promote original research, and to give a stimulus to the performance of good and useful work, at the same time avoiding the evils consequent upon direct competition, the introduction of which might possibly diminish the cordiality which has hitherto existed in the Club, and which forms one of its most attractive features. 4) On an Instrument for Cleaning Thin Covering Glass. By W. W. Jones. (Read April 23, 1875.) A very common complaint amongst working Microscopists is of the trouble they have in cleaning very thin glass covers without breaking them ; in fact, I know that with many the annoyance is so great that they use the thicker glass for all specimens, and so render them utterly useless for examination with high powers. Now, I think you will hold with me when I say that nearly if not all transparent specimens would be of infinitely greater value if they were capable of being examined with the higher powers, and as the thinnest glass is just as cheap as the thick when you consider that you get about twice the number to the ounce, the only drawback to its more general use that I can see is the great breakage that occurs in cleaning, to obviate which I wish to bring before your notice a small and simple apparatus, which I find answers exceedingly well, having used it for the last 12 or 18 months. It consists of a small tube of brass or steel, of about an inch in diameter and the same in height, into which fits loosely a weighted plug. To the lower end of this plug is cemented a piece of chamois leather. Another piece of leather is stretched upon a flat piece of wood or plate glass to form a pad, which completes the apparatus. ' The mode of using it is this. You place the tube on the pad, breathe on the glass, drop it into the tube, put in the plug, and then holding the tube well down on the pad you can rub as much as you like with perfect safety, the weight of the plug giving sufficient pressure. With this simple arrangement you will find it almost as difficult to break the glass as many have hitherto found it easy. I hope that this may be the means, not only of saving time and trouble, but also of adding materially to the value of many good specimens which are now often half spoilt by the use of thick covers. 50 On Bucephalus Ilaimeanus and another Allied Organism. By Daniel Moore, M.D. {Read April 23rd, 1875.) Before introducing the special subject to which I am to draw your attention to-night, I must state that the filial corrections of my paper, which appeared in the last issue of our Journal, were, through some mistake, not attended to ; they are, however, unim- portant, except in one particular. The second paragraph at the commencement of the Explanation of the Plate ought to have appeared without its last clause, and, to prevent misunderstanding, ought to be as follows : — " The necessity of getting many objects into a small space has obliged me to alter the figures from the original camera lucida drawings, so that although in certain of them there is some approach to micrometric exactness, the magnification may be taken rather as an indication as to what may be seen with certain magnifying powers, than as exact measurements." In the report, also, a mistake has arisen. I am there represented as saying that I never saw the entrance of spermatozoa into ova, whereas my paper is based on the fact that I thought I had seen the entrance of spermatozoa into early stages of ova. Last Friday I was informed that Mr. W. Fell Woods intends to read a paper after me to-night, " On the Relation of Bucephalus Haimeanus to the Cockle." I have, there- fore, made my paper as brief as possible, leaving out matter that I feared might lead to needless repetition. In October last I read a short paper before this Club, giving the results of some observations on the Generative Processes of the Oyster, Marine Mussel, and Cockle, which observations had led me to the conclusion that these lamellibranchs were truly monoecious, and I detailed my reasons for so thinking. In the plate, accom- panying that paper, I figured what, I supposed, were the larval forms of the young of these molluscs, giving, however, no reason d. moore, m.d., on Bucephalus Haimeanus, &c. 51 for that opinion, beyond such as might be gathered from the plate itself, hoping that, if a discussion bad followed my paper, some facts might have been elicited in relation to them. I found shortly after that the organism I hal figured as the young of the Cockle had been very fully described by M. Lacaze-Duthiers, in the " French Annals of Natural History" (4th series, vol. 1), under the name of Bucephalus Haimeanus, and although the organism I figured as the young of the Marine Mussel has, as far as I know, never been named, it is evidently closely allied to Bucephalus Haimeanus, and, in all essential particulars, has the same life history as far as I have observed. When I promised to give a paper on these two organisms, I intended to bring before you previous observations and conclusions in reference to them, but since the Secretary of " Tbe Royal Microscopical Society" has in their Journal for the current month given an able resume of the subject, I feel it would be merely wasting time to go over the same ground. It will suffice here to say that M. Lacaze-Duthiers considers B. Haimeanus the cercarian form of some unknown Distoma, and describes the tubular structure in which it is found as a collection of sporocysts or nurses which he mentions as filling tbe abdominal glands of oysters and cockles, and rendering them sterile, his opinion being based on the likeness of this organism to the B. polymorphus, described by Von Baer, sup- ported by his own observations, last autumn. M. A. Giard announced, in a note to the Comptes Rendus, a translation of which appeared in the December number of " The Royal Micro- scopical Journal," that he had discovered this organism encysted in the common Garfish, Belone vulgaris, which, as you know, visits our shores annually, and in some parts is known as the mackerel guide. I have no intention, gentlemen, of disputing these statements ; efficient observers consider them facts, and I am thankful for the light they bring. My experience, however, of these organisms has been somewhat different, and as I wish, as far as possible, to avoid giving a controversial tone to my paper, I think it best merely to relate in detail the reasons which led me to a different conclusion, feeling sure that arguments about opinions tend rather to confirm in error, if a mistake has been made, than to settle a question which requires for its elucidation fresh facts or confirmation of facts already recorded. And it is my hope to induce members of the Quekett to examine the subject 52 d. moore, m.d., on Bucephalus Haimeanus for themselves, so that the life-history of these organisms may be fully settled. When I first saw M. Lacaze-Dutbiers' paper it was a great pleasure to me to read his account of an organism which had occupied a good deal of my attention, and to recognise, in the description of so good an observer, much with which I was familiar ; and you will see tbat the facts I have observed have been much the same as those recorded by him. I have, however, never found B. Haimeanus in the oyster, although receiving both oysters and cockles from the Hayling oyster beds, where, as they are in juxtaposition, it would appear probable that this organism might be found in both, if parasitic. I have also never found it in cockles containing spermatozoa, but only in those containing eggs, and never before the eggs were fully formed. These statements represent the examination of a large number of these molluscs, and although the explanation of this limitation may be of a local character, yet it had a decided effect in forming my opinion. Before going further, I think it may make the subject clearer to some here if I give a very brief outline of the facts (for which we are indebted to the observations of Nitzch, Siebold, Bojanus, and Steenstrup) concerning one of the Cercarice, whose life -histories have been the most clearly traced. Eliminating minor details, about which differences in opinion exist, it appears to be briefly as follows : — The perfect sexual form of fluke, found in certain water snails, lays eggs which are supposed to develope into a small vermiform organism of a yellowish colour, about two lines in length, which may be found adhering in large numbers to various parts of the snail, in which the distoma is parasitic. After a time the interior of these small vermiform organisms is observed to be occupied with a numerous progeny, which, being set free from this nurse, or sporocyst, and also from the host, appear as freely moving Cercarice in the water ; in this state they have a movable tail, a head furnished with booklets and a sucking mouth ; these Cercarice may be seen attaching themselves to the skin of the snail into which, their tails being cast off, they penetrate more or less deeply, and become encysted in a case of hardened mucus — after a time undergoing a further development into a well-formed Distoma, and then becoming distributed to their appropriate parasitical habitat. Siebold, however, thinks that the free Cercarice may penetrate insect larva*, and await their transference to higher organisms. So that we get first the ova from the Distoma, supposed AND ANOTHER ALLIED ORGANISM. 53 to develope in a way not clearly traced into a sporocyst contain- ing a large number of cercarice, sometimes all well formed, some- times found in various stages of growth ; these are set free from the nurse and the host in a way not clearly made out, and are then found as freely moving organisms which attach themselves to the outside of a snail, become encysted, and ultimately develope into sexual Trematodes, whose eggs start in the same round again, thus forming a complete case of alternation of generation. Such a history as I have sketched was supposed to apply to B. polymorphus somewhat modified, differences of opinion, how- ever, existed on some points, and M. Lacaze-Duthiers, after alluding to them, goes on to say " that it is still permissible to employ the name Bucephalus, given by Baer, while waiting for clearer light as to the transformations of this being ;" he accor- dingly names one of the organisms I bring before you to-night, Bucephalus Haimeanus, after his friend M. Haime, and describes the tubular structure in which they are found as sporocysts or nurses. This structure I have always found branched, as shown in the diagram. M. Lacaze-Duthiers says of it, " Taken out of the organs they unwound in long white filaments, which were very fragile, so tbat it was very difficult, I might say almost impossible, to obtain an entire one, so as to be able to examine its ex- tremities." Tbey are doubtless very fragile. I have never seen them unwind as described, but have found it necessary to teaze a portion out with needles in water, to get any good idea of its nature, and it was in this way that I found the bifurcations so evident, and in certain cockles where there were egg sacs these appeared attached as in the diagram ; when examining these under the microscope I came to the conclusion that the sacs were anatomically united to the tubular structure. On the supposition that we are dealing with cercarian sporocysts, this appearance may doubtless have arisen from such sporocysts being contained in the genital ducts. The striation perpendicular to the axis, as described by M. Duthiers, is evident in well developed portions of the tube, such portions when ruptured expel their contents with considerable vigour, but I have never observed any other kind of movement. M. Duthiers gives an account of an appearance of budding, which is figured in the diagram, this I have often seen, and interpreted it from my point of view as the remains of a short 54 d. moore, M.r>.; ox Bucephalus Haimeanus branch where an egg sac had been attached, which, when emptied of its contents, shrivelled to this form. The process of development of this structure, which M. Duthiers somewhat obscurely describes, I think I have also observed, and have thought it indicated the rapid growth of a temporary structure fitted to receive its contents ; nucleated cells sometimes alone, sometimes in groups, may be seen in certain stages with a £ inch objective ; such cells evidently running more or less in lines. Occasionally I have seen strings of these cells connected together by an indefinite membranous structure. One other point is mentioned by M. Duthiers, namely, an occasional appearance of beading which he compares to a rosary, and, if I understand what he alludes to, it has appeared to me to be produced by the stretching of imperfectly developed tubes during their removal from the animal ; partial tearing of the structure, in my experience, invariably leads to irregular con- traction in fully formed portions from the expulsion of some of the contents. This description applies with equal truth to the similar structure found in the mussel, which, however, has appeared to me somewhat less branched, and less pronounced in its striation. The contents of this tubular structure, about which I will now say a few words, are, first, a number of granular balls, which I have called yelk balls ; next the organism named Bucephalus Haimeanus, in all stages of growth, beginning, as described by M. Duthiers, as a flattened cone, and progressing through the stages figured in the diagram to this, the most perfectly developed I have seen. It is a rare occurrence to find a cockle exhibiting all these stages, and I have invariably found that the most perfectly developed forms existed when the whole structure was considerably diminished in bulk, which, as I thought, indicated the gradual extrusion of these organism on reaching that stage. M. Duthiers' figure appears to me to have been drawn from a specimen not fully developed. He describes and figures a mouth surrounded with a true sucker ; this I have not been able to see as drawn by him. To me it has appeared that the oral aperture was almost identical in all points with such as may be seen in an Anguilhda, and the only appearance at all resembling a sucking disc in relation to it has been when the creature is strongly contracted, then the oral lips appear somewhat withdrawn within the termination of the body. But as M. Duthiers says that when the animal is strongly contracted the sucking disc disappears, I am unable to say that AND ANOTHER ALLIED ORGANISM. 55 I have seen what he describes. He also draws and gives an account of a protuberance about midway in the length of the body, " at the top of which another orifice opens in a transverse direction in the shape of a button-hole." He continues, " I have never been able certainly to ascertain, although all my attention has been fixed on this point, whether this slit communicated with the central cavity. I cannot, therefore, say whether it ought to be considered an anus." I have never made out this protuberance, as clearly as M. Duthiers appears to have done, and think that the slit described may possibly be an optical illusion, produced by seeing somewhat askew the central organ, which I have drawn on an enlarged scale, from a favourable specimen which I took special care in examining. This organ had puzzled me much, and it is the only portion of the Bucephalus which has given me the im- pression of its being a sucker. It is usually seen tilted in relation to the long axis of the body, and I have fancied the oesophageal tube, which is easily traced to this point in well developed specimens, passed through the centre. His description of a central digestive cavity, which M. Giard calls in question, I have also never recognised, but have often seen what appeared like a vacant space of considerable extent in the centre of the body at a comparatively early stage of its development. The long fila- mentous appendages, which are finely striated throughout their length, much like voluntary muscular fibre, always vary in calibre when extended, being thickest at their attachment, and diminishing toward their free end, the striation varying in close- ness with the amount of extension. It is only in an early stage that these arms appear of equal calibre tbroughout, and then they are very obscurely striated. Beyond the origin of these filaments there is a peculiar structure, darker in colour, and looking like two pads, uniting in the long axis of the body. This is only seen, as in the diagram, when the organism is as fully matured as I have ever observed it. M. Duthiers appears to me to have drawn this portion from an immature specimen. These pads, when examined by polarized light, exhibited appearances which made me think that here might be the beginning of rudimentary shells. The organism found in the mussel is, as you see, chiefly different from B. Haimeanus, in the form of its lamellar appendages, but here the difference is very great in all stages of its development, and when matured the contrast is very remarkable, the filaments, 56 d. moore, h.d., on Bucephalus Haimcanus instead of ending abruptly in the general structure, are here attached to a large lamellar portion with its striation running in a different direction. The diagram explains this better than any description can; beyond, it exhibits a triangular marking when, seen directly in front, bnt when seen sideways, the appearance is as shown in the diagram, and which I have thought indicated the presence of rudimentary shells of a more defined character than in B. Haimeanus. The integuments of both these organisms are finely striated. The only trace of internal structure I have detected is an oesophagus leading from the mouth, and which I thought passed through the central organ. In early stages two vacuoles are generally seen, one at the oral, and the other at the lamellar extremity, and a much larger one I have often seen in the centre, which, however, as it is not invariable, may have been accidently produced. The general contents appear cellular, with only slight differences as to size and colour, when the organism has reached the most perfect stage at which I have seen it. I have now come to the end of all I need at present say about these organisms, and I will only add that if B. Haimeanus has been found in the oyster, the interpretation I was led to put on the facts observed must be wrong. The statement that it is so found has, as far as I know, never been confirmed, although it has been repeated. It is contrary to my experience of English oysters, a large number of which I have examined. I need not mention the supposed encystment further than to say, that if it is confirmed in the future, we should be introduced to a life history of a re- markable character, and of great interest. That the ova pro- duced by the perfect Trematode, presumed to develop its sexual character in some voracious devourer of the common Garfish, should be so abundantly deposited on our coasts as to supply cockles with sporocysts, in the number we find them, is such a wonderful phenomenon that we may well hesitate before at once accepting it as fact, seeing that at present nothing is known of the life-history of this supposed fluke, beyond the recorded presence of its sporocysts in certain molluscs, and the encystment of its cercarian form in the Garfish. How the eggs enter the cockle, and then follow their life-history, has not as yet been indicated, and, indeed, nothing is known as to the origin of the structure containing these organisms in the cockle if this hypothesis be AND ANOTHER ALLIED ORGANISM. 57 true. If a sporocyst, it is an anomalous one, and furnishes a subject for good work in tracing its parentage. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE HI. Fig. 1. — A nurse of Cercaria ephemera provided with a prolonged digestive canal, a, moutli cavity ; b, intestinal canal ; c, a Cercaria ephemera already developed in its interior ; d, germinative bodies which have not yet become Cercariw. After Siebold. This nurse is found living on Planorbis corneus. Fig. 2. — A portion of the structure in which Bucephalus Haimeanus is found, magnified about 12 diameters, a, is a blind extremity — these are abundant in certain stages ; b is a peculiar looking nodular termination, perhaps caused by the everted edges of a ruptured portion, a different example of which may be seen at c. Fig 3. — A diagrammatic representation of what looks like the attachment of egg sacs to tbe structure containing Bucephahis Haimeanus. A portion thus teazed out in water, when examined with a high power, exhibits, I think, an anatomical connection between the egg sacs and the tubular structure. Tbe appearance, however, may be caused by the presence of the structure in the genital ducts. Fig. 4. — Cercaria ephemera, after Siebold; it is half the size of his drawing. a, mouth cavity ; b, intestinal canal ; c, d, urinary organ ; e, queue ; /, three spots of pigment. Fig. 5. — Bucephalus Haimeanus. a, mouth ; b, lamellar appendages; c, pad ; d, central organ. Fig. 6. — Bucephalus, from Mytilus edulis. a, mouth ; b, lamellar appendages c, pad ; d, central organ. Fig. 7. — Stages of development of Bucephalus Haimeanus. Fig. 8. — Stages of development of Bucephalus from My tilts. Fig. 9. — Granular masses found in abundance in the tubular structure in which Bucephalus Haimeanus. and the other Bucephalus is found. Fig. 10. — Diagrammatic figure showing the appearance of the central organ when viewed in the long axis of the body. Fig. 11. — Diagram of the pad of the Bucephalus from Mytilis edulis. Fig. 12. — Cercaria ephemera encysted ; after Siebold. In the three figures from Siebold I have merely given the outline. 58 On the Relation op Bucephalus to the Cockle. By W. Fell Woods, Esq. {Read April 23rd, 1875.) It will be in the recollection of the Club that when Dr. Moore read his paper on the 23rd October opportunity could not be found for its discussion. In referring to it now I shall not touch upon the Mussel, of which I really know nothing. The Oyster has been long studied by me, and Dr. Moore will remember that T read a paper " On the Reproductive and Larval States of the Oyster" at our local Society at Forest Hill, in 1872. But I do not propose saying anything to-night concerning either the Oyster, or Dr. Moore's remarks thereon, save that I am glad to find he now supports many of my observations, though I do not think that he carries his evidence of its hermaphrodism, or, more strictly speak- ing, of its self-fertilising power, so far as I have done. Of his drawings, [I think Figures 5 A and B (Ostrea edulis) are not altogether happy illustrations of the stages they are supposed to represent. 1 turn now to " the Relation of the Bucephalus to the Cockle ;" and I ought, perhaps, at once to state that, in reference to the views which may be expressed, Dr. Moore and myself have not acted in concert, but with complete independence. When, how- ever, both had offered papers on some bi'anch of the subject, he suggested that, as I had proposed treating it in reference to the Cockle, he should deal with the Mussel. As Dr. Moore's drawings (Cardium edule) in the last number of the " Quekett Journal " (No. 28) sufficiently resemble and confirm my own, and the April No. (76) of the "Monthly Micro- scopical Journal " contains copies of some of the drawings of B. Haimeanus by M. Lacaze-Duthiers, I have thought it needful to trouble you only with such rough outlines of my own as were absolutely needful by way of supplement. ON THE RELATION OF Bucephalus TO THE COCKLE. 59 The recorded notes of my observations extend to nine only of the months of the year. In neither year do I appear to have made any examinations in September, October, or January. Each statement now advanced I have verified by extracting from my note books the date of at least one of the observations on which it is founded. It was during my investigations into the development of the eggs in the Oyster that, for purposes of comparison, I opened a Cockle on the 14th June, 1872. I therefrom obtained a mass of seem- ingly orange-coloured tubing, which lay amongst the muscles and around the liver and other organs of the mollusc. It was seen to be occasionally branched, to be distended in some places, and con- stricted in others.1 When severed there were poured forth, in various stages,. then roughly sketched, the forms of the creature now believed to be Bucephalus Haimeanus.2 I exhibited it at our local Society, and subsequently, in the spring of 1873, at the Annual Soiree of the Quekett, as a " Marine Parasite," that having been my first impression of its character. I thought I observed a motion of severed parts of the tube,3 indicating its separate existence as a mother or nurse of this progeny, but, from other observations, it seemed more likely that the movements were only due to the constriction or collapse of the tube upon its evacuation by the bodies contained near tbe fracture, and by the subsequent passage of those higher up, for whom room was thus made. More- over the tube appeared to be continuous and of immense length ;4 portions of the stem were sometimes frequently branched, and I think also the branch was sometimes bifurcated. No one seemed to know anything about it, and possibly through not being shown in my capacity as a member of the Quekett, but only as one of the visitors from a local society, who, I think, formerly did not fare so well in the arrangements made as they now do, it was the less prominent, and scarcely attracted notice. Referring to Diesing, I was thrown off the scent by his making no mention of any parasite in the Cockle. I continued my observations on a large number of Cockles in various conditions during different months, constantly strengthening the idea which soon presented itself, that, instead of 1 Fig. A. 2 Fig. H. Only the earlier stages are here shown ; the specimen contained all stages from spheres to well-developed Bucephalus. 3 June 14, 1872. February 28, 1873. May 20, 1873. 4 June 14, 1872. 60 W. FELL WOODS ON THE RELATION OF being parasitic, the creature was a larval form of the Cockle ; and, accordingly, from time to time, I exhibited it under that designa- tion. Of course I may be altogether wrong in my interpretations, and may but exemplify the truth of the proverbial expression that " first impressions are always the best ;" but if so, I may probably by this paper assist in guarding some other observer against similar error. The reasons for my opinion were these : I found five prominent states of the area occupied by the reproductive gland ; the first re- vealed bunches of lobules containing spermatozoa5 and possibly ovules ; the second, similar bunches of lobules filled with well-defined eggs,6 which exhibited each its capsule affording a zona pellucida around a membrane containing a mass of vitellus, within which was a germinal vesicle with so-called spot. There might be indications sometimes of a change in the latter, and also in the vitellus, but I never found in the sacs an egg segmented. This being so, and further never seeing any appearance of emptied sacs, pointing to a discharge of the eggs, the third state of the Cockle was now examined as to its possible connection with the two former. This third state was that which displayed the developed tube, sometimes containing only or mainly spherical masses of cellular structure in a membrane, at others several or all of the stages up to the fully developed Bucephalus!1 It must, however, be noted that, whilst many of the masses answered in size to what the eggs of a Cockle should be when segmented, yet they were frequently so much less opaque than I should expect that others could be seen through them.8 Yet a fourth state there was,9 in which, besides the tube with its contents, there were co-existent — sometimes, perhaps, in the tube, but certainly in the ovisacs — full-sized eggs of the Cockle. As a fifth state, I believe that on one occasion,10 I found in the tube, together with early forms of Bucephalus, the same eggs as in the second state of the gland. Hence it seemed highly probable that the spheres usually found in the tube might be the segmented eggs,11 whose continuous development up s April 19, 1873. April 25, 1873 (No. 5). May 2, 1873. April 18, 1874. e April 14, 1873. April 16, 1873. 7 June 14, 1872. February 18, 1873. March 21, 1873. April 29, 1873. May 20, 1873. May 27, 1873. 8 February 18, 1873. April 29, 1873. December 9, 1874. Fig. B 2. 9 July 4, 1872. April 16, 1873 (No. 2). April 29, 1873 (No. 3). May 9, 1873. May 17, 1873 (No. 4). May 20, 187a i° April 16, 1873. 11 March 21, 1873. May 9, 1873. May 12, 1873. Figs. H, J, and K. Bucephalus to the cockle. 61 to a larval form was henceforth so easily traced. One objection to my hypothesis suggested itself, viz., the fact that many of the spheres seemed too small to be developing eggs.12 But there is considerable variety in the size of the eggs of the Cockle whilst in the sacs,13 and I have seen similar variety of size in the segmented eggs of the Oyster when discharged into the mantle for incubation. Moreover, there is an advanced stage in the Bucephalus in which the embryonic buddings of its limbs become almost invariably detached whilst in the tube,14 owing partly to the struggles of the most advanced specimens, or to the rough usage sustained in their exit from the broken tube, and these portions appear to correspond thoroughly to the small spheres ;• the different stages of the creature being so often contemporaneous in one or other part of the tube,15 that under any of the conditions my difficulty was met, and the objection vanished.16 For several seasons I had offered rewards for Cockles in spawn, meaning thereby such as had eggs incubating in the mantle, as in the Oyster, on the supposition that the statements of the fishermen that they had seen them might be correct. But though very anxious to obtain the reward, the 11 cocklers " never succeeded, and many now believe they were mistaken. Although I observed the co-existence of, I did not trace any direct connection between, the ovisacs and the supposed uterine tube,17 yet it seemed possible that the latter might be either the development or the prolongation of the tube into which the ovisacs all led ; it appears impossible to disentangle the latter from the former so as to trace either. Seeing, moreover, that when the tube was present, it always exhibited, except when evidently just emptied,18 some stages of the same contents ; whilst no other development of the ovisacs themselves, nor of the unsegmented eggs in the ovary, either in the presence or the absence of the tube, was ever traceable ; and when, lastly, the same eggs were 12 February 18, 1873. April 29, 1873 (No. 3). Fig. H 1. 13 April 14, 1873 (No. 2). May 20, 1873. July 9, 1873 (No. 2). March 5, 1874. Figs. E 1 to 5 ; F 1 to 3; G 1, 2. 14 April 12, 1873 (No. 4). May 20, 1873. Figs. J 1 to 3. 15 June 14, 1872. 16 Since this paper was read, I have found a Cockle (April 29, 1875) in which none of the spheres equalled in bulk the vitellus of the eggs then present in the sacs, whilst the number of small spheres seemed so great, and they appeared so situated in the tube, as to be incompatible with the theory of detached members. » April 29, 1873 (No. 3). 18 April 16, 1873. Fig. C. 62 W. FELL WOODS ON THE RELATION OF found, sometimes in the ovary and sometimes in the tube, I seemed shut up to discard the idea that this frequently branched and ex- tremely lengthy tube could be other than a legitimate organ of the Cockle, and to suggest the theory I still advanced on the 4th November last, at a meeting of the Eoyal Microscopical Society, that this Bucephalus might be the larval form of the Cockle. There is another consideration which may strengthen my position (though its contrary would not necessarily invalidate it), viz., that if this be a parasite we onght certainly to find it when the male element of the Cockle is visible in the gland, and, though I cannot of course affirm that it may not be so found, I doubt if I have observed it.19 Moreover, when in May, 1873, Dr. Moore became interested in this creature, his examination of Cockles, which I sent him from time to time, led him to the same conclusions. The observations which I have now laid before you are all taken from notes made, from time to time, by me prior to the last mentioned date ; and the two series of observations are therefore independent and corroborative. But I must now adduce two recent observations of great interest, inasmuch as not only do they confirm the fourth and fifth states, but one of them offers a sixth still more valuable. The first was on the 6th and 7th of the present month. The tube was most dis- tinctly branched, composed of two layers, and in other ways as usual ; in removing a portion I obtained also a large piece of racemose structure, quite unlike the tube,20 and which it was not possible either to disentangle from it, or positively to trace to a junction with it. With lens or under microscope, it proved to be two or three of the usual bunches of lobules. Both tubes and sacs contained similar eggs variable in size,21 the tube seemingly having a larger proportion of the larger size. The eggs differed somewhat from those usually seen in the sacs, in that their capsules, if they had them, were contracted, or not yet enlarged, so as scarcely to show any zona pellucida. They had but little yelk, and in fact were \v._ an early stage.22 Lifting a portion of the tube 19 This argument must be abandoned, as on May 3rd I found a Cockle having both the tube with Bundry stages of Bucephalus and sacs containing sper- matozoa. 20 Figs. D 1 and 2. 21 April 6 and 7, 1875. Figs. F 1 to 3. 22 Compare Cockle eggs, no tube, April 7, 1875. Fig. E 5. Bucephalus to the cockle. 63 with a needle, the eggs, having considerable space available, shifted easily to and fro in the tube. The second case was noted on the 14th and 16th. Here there was a tube which gave the impression of having been recently emptied. The Cockle was not very fresh, and may have been delivered in the fresh water in which it had been placed, Bunches of sacs were found in every part ; they were filled with eggs like those just described, and noted as precisely the same as previously seen in the tubes.23 The bearing of these cases I shall presently indicate. Mean- while I must revert for a moment to the true character of the ovisacs of the Cockle. I doubt whether they are really com- posed, as Dr. Moore suggests, of two membranous sacs, one within the other ; if so, the outer seems to have disappeared when the eggs have begun to develop ; and differing from him, I suppose the tube to be continuous, at least by its inner layer, not with the outer sac, if such exists, but with that which contains the eggs and answers to the inner sac of Dr. Moore. Some of the characteristics of the sperm sacs and ovisacs make me still doubtful of the hermaphrodism of the Cockle. The discovery by Mr. Badcock of some free specimens of B. polymorphus in his aquarium was the means of calling my attention, last December, to existing descriptions of the Bucephalus, and upon these I wish to make a few comments. Of course the existence of Bucephalus in creatures whose own progeny has been traced would settle the question of its parasitic nature ; if, there- fore, the observations of M. Lacaze-Duthiers as to its presence in the Oyster be reliable, the Bucephalus found in our Cockle is a parasite. But, then, as I shall show, some interesting facts disclose themselves; for if the observations made by me are correct, it follows that the statements of M. Lacaze-Duthiers will not alto- gether hold good — at least they will not apply to the Cockles of our harbours. It is certainly curious that, whilst among those of the locality in which my observations are made the Bucephalus is found in so large a proportion, I have never seen it in a single Oyster from the same place. With regard to the development of Bucephalus described by Lacaze-Duthiers some differences have been noted by me. He says that from a perfectly transparent spherical globe, without 2S April 14 and 16, 1875. 64 W. FELL WOODS ON THE RELATION OF vesicle, germinal spot, or vitelline granulations, its first step is elongation, it then becomes oval, after which nipples appear, which also elongate, &c. Whereas I have shown eggs to be contained in the tube, and spheres, not perfectly clear, but of the same structure as that which the embryo continues to exhibit until it approaches its full development.24 These spheres become oblate, and then follow the course described by our author. He omits, however, to state that this development is made, until near the final stage, within an elastic membrane, in which I have seen the embryonic tentacular filaments uncoil and re-coil.25 The well- developed creature seems to me to display not one but three cavities,26 or if that in rear of the mouth is really one with the central cavity, I find another near the base, which no doubt also communicates with the latter. Both are so variously distended and contracted that their apparent size and position are very changeful, but when they approach each other most nearly they appear to be separated by a very well-defined partition. A rough outline may serve to indicate this.27 I am not sure that the basal filaments are attached precisely in the manner shown by the French writer. He also evidently considers them as cylindrical, which they may be : but I once watched one of a pair which had been detached in the tube, and it continued its contortions for a long time, as when well- developed they always do, allowing its base end especially to be very fairly seen through the tube. The filament appeared more like an eel cut open than a cylinder, the edges being curved inwards ; this was caused, I think, by a groove or channel along its centre.28 It is questionable whether the basal appendages are a necessary feature of every Bucephalus ; whilst many partially developed are only mutilated by accident,29 there are many very well advanced which appear fairly perfect without them, and I doubt if sufficient detached limbs could be found to match them. Is it possible there can be a difference of sex with which these are connected ? Since, also, I have never seen any Bucephalus which exhibited a contour exactly corresponding to either of the French drawings of Haimeanus, there may be a slight difference in the English kind. " June 14, 1872. February 18, 1873. March 12, 1874. Fig. H. 25 April 11, 1873. April 29, 1873. May 20, 1873. Figs J 1 to 5. 2