OL, The Journal of Research g;J|ON THE Lepidoptera Volume 39 2000 (2006) The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera ISSN 0022 4324 Published by: Founder: Edu'orial Staff: The Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. 9620 Heather Road Beverly Hills, California 90210-1757 TEL (310) 399 6016 E-MAIL: Editorial: mattoni@ucla.edu Business: mattoni@ucla.edu Technical: jrl_lepidoptera@yahoo.com William Hovanitz (1915-1977) Andrew Warren, editor Rudolf H.T Mattoni, assistant editor Nancy R. Vannucci, managing editor E-MAIL: jrleditor@yahoo.com E-MAIL: mattoni@ucla.edu E-MAIL: jrl_lepidoptera@yahoo.com Associate Editors: The Lepidoptera Research Eoundation is in process of reorganization. A board of associate editors will be established. Manuscripts and notices material may at present be sent to the assistant editor, Rudolf H.T. Mattoni, E-MAIL: mattoni@ucla.edu. The editor is in process of relocation, btu either the assistant or managing editors can be contacted at the addresses given. Please note the instructions to atuhors on the back inside cover of this Journal M.vn.aginc editor at the address: Nancy R. Vannucci, Maza 3340, Moron B1708GOP, Buenos Aires, Argentina The journal is sent to all members of the Eoundation. Classes of membership: Regular (Individual) Contributing Student/ Retired-Worldwide Stibscription Rate/ Instittitions Life $ 25.00 year (vol.) $ 30.00 or more year (vol.) $ 20.00 year (vol.) $ 35.00 year (vol.) % 300.00 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT THE JOURNAL OE RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTER\ will be published two times a year by the LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. Publication and business offices are located at the Beverly Hills, California address given above. The Foundation is a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of California in 1965. The president is Rudolf H. T. Mattoni, the vice-president is Jeremiah Ceorge, the secretary-treasurer is Leona Mattoni. The board of directors (2005-) is comprised of Konrad Fiedler, Dan Rubinoff, Jeremiah Ceorge, and Rudolf H. T. Mattoni. Past issues are .available .at our temporary website : www.doylegroup.harvard.edti/~carlo/JRL/jrl.html jnumul of Research on the Lepidoptera 39; 1-7, 2()()() (2006) Total sperm ejaculation in monandrous (Papilio machaon) and polyandrous {P. xuthus) swallowtail butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) restricted to larval stage-derived nutrients Mamoru Watanabe Institute oi Biological Sciences, University of Tsuknha, 'Isukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572, J K-mail: walanabe@kankyo.envr Isukuba. ar.jp Taihei Kobayashi Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 'Isukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572, Japan Abstract: Potential capacities of male swallowtail butterflies for ejaculation containing siDerin were examined in laboratory studies in monandrous {Papilio machaon) and |5(dyandrons {P. xuthus) species. Virgin males transferred a spermato|thore and accessor)' substances that corresponded to an average of 2.4% and 2.1% of their body weight at eclosion in P. xuthus And P. machaon, respectively. The spermatophore contained about 41 and 120 eupyrene sperm bundles and 247,000 and 202,000 apyrene spermatozoa for P. xuthus -And P. machaon, respectively. Individual eupyrene and apyrene spermatozoa of P. machaon were smaller than those of P. xuthus. I lowever, when the males re mated at two days after the first mating, they |troduced a spermatophore of 55% and 32% of full si/e in P. xuthus and P. machaon, respectively. The ntunber of eupyrene sperm Irundfes in the second spermatophore increased while the apyrene .s|)ermatozoa decreased in P. xuthus. I'he larger number of eupyrene sperm Itundles and the relatively smaller number of a|tyrene spermatozoa in the first and the second mating of P. machaon compared to P. xuthus are discussed from the viewpoint of female monandr)' and polyandry. Key words: apyrene sperm, eu]5yrene .S|)ei'm bntidle, Papilio machaon, Papilio xuthus, second mating, spermatophore. Introduction In many bntterfly species, the male’s second sper- matophore is significantly smaller than his first (Svard & Wikhmd 1986, 1989; Oberhanser 1988). Before production of a second spermatophore of full size, a resting period of several days is required, during which the male’s activity consists of feeding, flying, avoiding predators, and so on (Watanabe & Hirota 1999). The copula duration of the second mating is often significantly longer than that of the first, [irob- ably due to the size of the ejaculate (Svard Sc Wikhmd 1986; Kaitala & Wiklimd 1995). Among the yellow swallowtail butterflies in Japan, females of Papilio xuthus Linne (Papilionidae) mate three times during their life span while females of P. machaon hippocrates C. et R. Felder are apt to be monandrous (Watanabe & Nozato 1986). For poly- androus species like P xuthus, each mating provides the female with nutrients and some alkaloids with both transferred to her via the male’s spermatophore (LaMimyon & Eisner 1994). It has been suggested that Recehied: 13 December 2003 Accepted: 14 February 2005 butterfly females can use such male-derived nutrients for somatic maintenance, to enhancement of their fecundity, and to increase fitness of their offspring (Friedel & Gillott 1977; Watanabe 1988; Boggs 1990). The potential importance of male-derived nutrients might correlate positively with the size of the male ejaculate and the degree of female polyandry (Svard & Wikhmd 1989). When the male re mates, he must jjroduce another spermatojihore of sufficient size with a sufficient number of sperm in order to fertilize as many eggs as possible. Therefore, the duration of the male’s recovery time and the rate of lecovery in terms of spermatophore size and sperm number are important for males under sperm competition (Wa- tanabe & Hirota 1999; Wedell & Cook 1999a). The former correlates with the duration of the female’s non-receptive refractory period following mating (Kiiitala & Wikhmd 1995), and high sperm numbers seemed to be advantageous in sperm competition (Parker 1992). Rather than utilizing the sperm of all her mates, the female uses predominantly those from the last partner in P. dardanus (Simmons &: Siva-Jothy 1998). On the other hand, for monandrous species like P. machaon, the female may not exercise such postcopulatory sperm selection (Sims 1979). Intact /. lifs.Lepid. spermatophores have been observed in the bursa co])nlatrix of aged females of inonandrous species, such as P. machaon (impnblisbed) and Lycaena phlaeas (Watanabe & Nisbimnra 2001), suggesting that these females did not use male ejaculate to obtain the nu- trients necessary for reprodtictive success. Most butterfly species produce two types of sperm, enpyrene and apyrene, which can often represent up to 90% of the total sperm number (Cook & Wedell 1996; Watanabe et al. 1998a, b) . Males vary the size of spermatophores produced as well as the mimber of both types of sperm transferred de})ending on their mating status (Cook & Wedell 1996; Wedell & Cook 1999b). Previously mated males of /I xu//m.v produce spermatophores that are about half the size of those they [jrodnced as virgins, when they used nutrients derived only from their larval stages (Watanabe & Hirota 1999). However, there have been no studies on sperm competition in swallowtail butterflies. The aim of this study was to compare male’s exploitation of larval stage-derived nutrients for spermatophore production between monandrous and polyandrous swallowtail butterfly species in terms of copula dura- tion, spermatophore mass, and the number of apyrene and enpyrene spermatozoa produced. Materials and methods General methods One and three-day-old males were mated with vir- gin females of both P. xuthus And P. machaon. Sperm transfer h'om the males to spermatophore was assessed immediately after copulation. All animals were ob- tained from a continuously breeding culture reared in the laboratoiy at room temperature in the summers of 2001 and 2003. Adults were collected in the held, and females were allowed to oviposit on leaves of Citrus unshu (Rutaceae) for P. xuthus'Awd those of Heraclmm lanatum (Umbelliferae) for P. machaon. Larvae of both species were reared in the laboratory under an 18-h light (>h dark regime at 25°(i to avoid diapause. All the pupae were placed in an emergence cage to ensure normal eclosion. Adults were weighed on the day of eclosion and given a unique mark on the hind wing with a felt tipped pen. Then, males were maintained in flight cages (30x40x45 cm) without intake of any nutrients; i.e., they were fed on only water during their life span. On the other hand, females were kept in individual envelopes (14L10D light cycle at a tem- perattire of 26-27°C) to maintain their virginity. The mean weight of male at emergence was 453.5±63.6 mg for P. xuthus And 588. 1±128.3 mg for P. machaon (±SD) . One of the best indicators of nutrients obtained dur- ing the larval stage is butterfly mass. Because the mating ability of males on the day of eclosion is low, we hand-paired one-day old males with virgin females (one to three-days old) in the morning. Hand-pairing is widely used in the laboratoiy rearing of butterflies (West 1983; Scriber & Lederhouse 1988; Watanabe & Hirota 1999). In this study, we brought the tips of the male and female abdomens together, squeezed the male in order to open his claspers, and then joined him with the female. After joining, the pair was removed to a small cage and the copula dura- tion was recorded. Males were returned to the flight cages immediate- ly after their hrst mating and held to attempt a second copulation three-day.s-later with virgin females. A total of 26 mated males for P. xiith us and 24 mated males for P. machaon were hand-paired. Spermatophore mass and the number of enpyrene sperm bundles and apyrene spermatozoa in the spermatophore were determined. Becau.se the accessory substances were ejaculated otUside the spermatophore into the bursa copulatrix of the female, we could easily separate them during the di.ssection of the bursa copulatrix. Immediately after copulation, the females were de- capitated and di.ssected under a stereo microscope to measure the weight of ejaculates in the bursa copula- trix. The intact spermatophore and gel-like accessory substances were weighed (accuracy, 0.001 mg). Males that had successfully mated twice were returned to flight cage to attempt a third copulation. Sperm counting procedure The procedure used for sperm counting has been described in detail iit Watanabe et al. (1998a, b). We evaluated the number of both types of sperm derived in females by counting the number of sperm in the transferred spermatophore. Immediately after copulation, the enpyrene sperm are packed in the spermatophore in a bundle, whereas the apyrene bundle has already dissolved, and thus tlie apyrene sperm can be observed individually (Kiitsuno 1977). Enpyrene sperm bundles are clearly visible at x40 mag- nification and apparently uniform in size. Therefore, we first mechanically disrupted the spermatophore and directly counted the eiq^yrene sperm as a bundle using a stereo microscope. Then, all of the ejaculate was washed out into a small tube containing a known volume of saline solution (Ringer’s solution for in- sects). The tube was gently stirred for 1 min in order to homogenize the sperm suspension. A total of six, 10 pi subsamples were removed from each sample us- ing a Gilson autopipette and allowed to diy on slides under dust covers. The dry slides were then dipped 39: 1-7, 2000 (2006) 3 for about 3 sec in distilled water and again allowed to dry. Each subsample was examined under a darkfield phasecontrast microscope (xlOO) to count the num- bers of apyrene sperm and etipyrene single sperm. The total number of apyrene spermatozoa in a spermatophore was calculated by multiplying the average sperm count in 10 pi of suspension by its dilu- tion factor. All means are shown with their standard errors. All weights were determined to the nearest 0.001 mg. Results All one-day-old (one day after eclosion) virgin males of both species were successfully mated to females by the hand-pairing. Each mean duration for copulation of the first mating was about one hour, without a significantly difference between the species (Table 1). Although several mated males of both species failed to copulate in the second mating, the copula duration of successfully re mated males was also about one hour, which was not significantly different from that of the first matings. The reasons for failure included inability to conjoin or failure to transfer a spermatophore after long in copula dura- tion. No males successfully mated a third time. There was no relation between copula duration and the spermatophore weight in virgin males. Table 2 shows that a virgin male of P. xuthus transferred a spermatophore of about 5.5 mg with accessory sub- stances of about 5.2 mg to the female bursa copulatrix. Therefore, virgin males produced ejaculates of 10.7 mg, or 2.4% of their body weight at eclosion. Mated males then produced a subsequent spermatopbore of 3.0 mg with accessory substances of 2.9 mg, both of which weights were 55% of those from the first mat- ing. For P. machaon, on the other hand, a virgin male transferred a spermatophore of about 8.0 mg with accessory substances of about 4.1 mg to the female bursa copulatrix, and both of these weights were sig- nificantly different from those of 71 xuthus (Table 2). Therefore, virgin males produced ejaculates of 12.1 mg, or 2.1% of the body weight at eclosion. Mated males then produced a subsequent spermatophore of 2.6 mg, which was not significantly different from that of mated males of 71 xuthus. This value was 32% of the spermatophore size of the first mating. The mass of accessory substances (1.3 mg) from tbe mated males was also 33% of that from the virgin males. There was no relationship l^etween the spermato- phore weight and the copula duration in the mated males (F=0.971 in P xuthus and F=().333 in P. mach- aon). Since the copula duration at each mating for each species was roughly one hour, the ejaculation speed was a function of the mass when the copulation terminated. Therefore, the speed at the first mating was higher than that at the second mating, and the difference of the speed between the first and the second mating in P. machaon was longer than that in P. xuthus. In addition, spermatophore weight of the mated males depended on that of the first mating in P. xuthus (F=10.365, P<0.()1). Males that produced a larger spermatophore at the first mating also pro- duced a larger one at the next mating, though the mass of the second spermatophore was generally half that of the first mating. By contrast there was no trend in regard to spermatophore mass between the first and the second mating in P. machaon (F=().333). All spermatophores in this study included both eupyrene sperm bundles and apyrene sperm. Since the bundles were usually coming loose and meander- ing widely under the microscope, we measured the length of a free eiqjyrene spermatozoon instead of the bundle. For P. xuthus, the length of a eupyrene spermatozoa was 916. 7±44.() mm (10 males), and that of an apyrene spermatozoon was 627.9±8.3 mm. For P. machaon (10 males), the length of a eupyrene sper- matozoon was 562.5±1 1 .0 mm, and that of an apyrene one was 274.5±10.5 mm. Therefore, both eupyrene and apyrene spermatozoa of 77 machaon were smaller than those of P. xiithus (U=0.00, P<0.01 and U=0.00, Table 1. Copula duration for P. xuthus and P. machaon males that were successful at the first and the second mating (min, ±SE, Mann-Whiteney U-test). 1st mating 2nd mating P. xuthus 59.3±4.5 (n=15) 62.6±3.4 (n=15) U=91.5, n.s. P. machaon 55.3+2.7 (n=13) 56.3+3.3 (n=15) U=92.5, n.s U=87.(), n.s. U=79.0, n.s. n: number of males /. Res.Lepid. Table 2. Ejaculate mass transferred from P. xuthus and P. machaon males that were successful at the first and the second mating (mg, ±SE, Mann-Whitney U-test). Isi mating 2iid mating .S|)einum)ph()re It .XltlllU.'i It machaon 5.5()±0.2.5-' (11=1.3) 8.():t±()..S3- (11= lit) :t.()3±0.20'> (n=13) 2.6()±0.19'’ (n=16) U= 5.0, P<().()1 U= 0.0, P<0.01 Accessoiy siibstaiice.s It xuthus It machaon 5.I7±().26' (ii=13) 4.()3±().,3.3‘ (n=i;t) 2.89±().16'‘ (n=15) 1..3.3±().22'‘ (n=16) U=6.0, P<0.01 U=11.0, IMI.Ol n: number of males a: IJ=9.5, P<().()1 b; U=90.0, n.s. c: LI=47.(), 0.()3>P>().()1 (1: U=I7.5, P<().()l P<().()1, respectively). Table 3 shows that virgin males of /■! xuthus trans- ferred about 41 enpyrene sperm bundles in one spermatopbore. There was no relation between the number of bundles and the spermatophore weight for the first mating (F=().()25), e.g. the number of enpyrene sperm bundles did relate to spermatophore size. In fact, the mated males transferred about (iO enpyrene sperm bundles, which was significantly larg- er than the number at the previous mating, though the spermatophore weight at the second mating was significantly lighter. There was no significant relation between the number of bundles and the spermato- phore weight at the second mating (F=().243). For P. machuon, on the other hand, a virgin male transferred about 120 enpyrene sperm bundles in a spermatophore, and there was a positive correlation between spermatophore weight and the number of bundles (F=8.69(), ().()5>P>().01 ), ranging 71 to 192 bundles and (i.2 to 9.8 mg in weight. A virgin male transferred about three times the number of bundles in P. xuthus (Table 3). Then, the mated males of P. machaon produced about 134 bundles, which was not significantly different from the number of bundles at the previous mating. There was no significant relation between the numl)er of bundles and the spermato- phore weight at the second mating (F=0.787). 4'here was no relation between the number of apyrene spermatozoa and the spermatophore weight for either the first (F=().()07) or the second (F=().534) matings in P. xuthus. The number of apyrene sper- matozoa at the first mating was significantly larger than that at the second mating, suggesting that at the second mating males tratisferred more enpyrene and less apyrene spermatozoa irrespective of their second mating ejaculate mass, but related to mating status. Fhere was no relation between the number of ajjyrene spermatozoa and the spermatophore weight for either the first (F=1.212) or the second (F=().373) matings in P. machaon. The number of apyrene sper- matozoa at the first mating was signihcatitly smaller than that in P. xuthus, but not significantly larger than that at the second mating. Discussion Although copula duration in butterflies seems to be under male control (Wickman 1985), one of the possible costs of mating incurred by males in transfer- ring spermatophores is time. Many butterflies try to decrease copula duration against the risk of preda- tion (Rutowski 1984), while prolonged mating has a function other than just spermatophore transfer irrespective of the size. In pierid butterflies differen- tial transfer rates are due to behavioral competition among males (Svard Sc Wiklund 1988; Watanabe et al. 1997). In this study, however, copula duration of the second mating with small spermatophores in both P. xuthus and P. machaon was not longer than the first, unlike in other butterfly species (Sviird & Wiklund 1986; Kititala & Wiklund 1995). Male P. xuthus produce full-size spermatophores when virgins, or when they mate after several days of abstinence (Watanabe & Hirota 1999). The present study shows that, during an abstinence period, mated males produce a spermatophore that is 55% {P. xuthu.s) and 33% {P. machaon) of the size of a full-size spermatophore. In many butterfly species, the second 39: 1-7, 2000 (2006) 5 Table 3. Number of eupyrene sperm bundles and estimated number of apyrene spermatozoa in a spermatophore transferred from P. xuthus and P. machaon males that were successful at the first and the second mating (±SE). 1st mating 2nd mating Eupyrene sperm bundtes F. xuthus P. machaon 41.3±.5.76'‘ (n=14) 1 19.8±13.7{)' (n=10) .59.6±6.86'’ (n=14) I33.7±l 4..3‘)'> (n=16) U=.’i9.0, P<().05 U=72.5, n.s. Apyrene spermatozoa P. xulhus P. machaon 247,43.6±30,I97^ (n=13) 202,143±.3.3,719' {n=10) 16r>,100±2(),8.W (n=14) 165,()98±2(),888" (n=l(i) U=52.(), P<().05 U=61.(), n.s. n: number of males a: U=4.0, P<0.01 b: U=35.0, P<0.01 c: U=39.0, 0.05>P>0.01 d: U=86.0, ii.s. spermatophore is smaller than the hrst (Sims 1979; Oberhatiser 1988; Svard & Wikhmd 1989; Watanabe et al. 1998a). Larger spermatophores induce longer periods of sexual imreceptivity in some lepidopteran females (Oberhaiiser 1989), during which females lay eggs exclusively fertilized by that male. In CoUas eurytheme, female fecundity has been shown to corre- late positively with the size of the received ejaculate (Rutowski et al. 1987). Therefore, a reduction in spermatophore size may potentially be costly in terms of a reduced female reproductive output and shorter female refractory periods. In addition, He & Miyata (1997) have shown that small spermatophores might contain less eupyrene and apyrene spermatozoa than large ones. In the present study, however, the number of eupyrene spermatozoa in the second spermato- phore produced by the male was more than that in the hrst spermatophore for P. xulhus and identical to that in the hrst spermatophore for P. machaon. Males of both species were fed only water as adults, meaning that they were using only larval nutrients to produce sperm. Cook& Wedell (1999) stated that in many butterfly species there are typically 256 eupyrene spermatozoa per bundle. Therefore, the range of approximately 10,000 (=41x256 in P. xulhus) to 34,000 (=134x256 in P. machaon) eupyrene spermatozoa was above the level guaranteeing adequate fertilization, since a fe- male of either species has fewer than 1000 eggs after eclosion (Watanabe & Nozato 1986). Furthermore, a single eupyrene spermatozoon might be used for insemination of a single egg (Watanabe & Hachisuka 2005). Wedell & Cook (1998) pointed out that mated males compensate by increasing sperm numbers. resulting in high fertilization sncce.ss during sperm competition. For females, the mean lifetime mating frequency is 3 and 1 for P. xuthus 'and P. machaon, respectively (Wa- tanabe & Nozato 1986). Svard & Wikhmd (1989) also showed that the mean number of mating in the Euro- pean P. machaon was 1.16. Assuming that every female attempted to load a sufhcient number of eupyrene spermatozoa for insemination of her eggs, the total number of eupyrene spermatozoa in relation to her fecundity must be similar among si)ecies, because the number of eggs in the ovaries was roughly same. A female ot' P. xuthus mated with 3 virgin males during her life span would received 123 (=41x3) eupyrene sperm bundles. This is comparable with the number received at a single mating by a female of /f machaon, though the eupyrene spermatozoon size of /I machaon was smaller than that of /I xuthus. Lastly, a female of /I xuthus mating 3 times must receive 750, 000 apyrene spermatozoa. For a male swallowtail butterfly second mating, the probability of encountering non-virgin females who accept copulation must be high in nature, due to the long flying season and to contimtous genera- tions during sitmmer. Hence for P. xuthus, it may be numbers of eupyrene spermatozoa in spite of reduced nutrient donations. The number of eupyrene sperm bundles in the spermatophore significantly increases for the second mating. During s])erm competition, an increased risk with the degree of polyandry, produc- tion of high numbers of sperm may be advantageous. In Pieris rapae, males transferred significatitly more eupyrene sperm on their second mating, although the spermatophore size was reduced (Cook & Wedell 6 /. Kes.Lepid. 1996; Watanabe et al. 1998a; Wedell & Cook 1999a). Since there might he little sperm mixing in P. xulhiis dtie to the apyrene sperm in spermatheca (Watanabe et al. 2000), it appears advantageous for males to transfer an excess of enpyrene spermatozoa with an exce.ss number of apyrene spermatozoa at the second mating. Male swallowtail hutterllies apparently lack means to decrease sperm competition since they leave only a small sperm plug after copulation. Further, males have no provision for removing a rival male’s sperm. Their penis cannot reach the spermatheca, where eupyrene sperm is stored. The interval of mating and the morphology of fertilization ducts allow etipyrene spermatozoa from the second mating to be positioned close to the exit. With ctil-de-sac spermatheca, the sperm enter and leave by the same dtict, such that sperm from the second mating should be the first to leave, restilting in last-male priority in P. xuthus (Watanabe et al. 2()()()). Last-male priority has been established as the predominant pattern of sperm tise in most butterfly species that have been sttidied (Sims 1979, Lederhotise 1981). On the other hand, females of P. twac/mon seemed not tise the spermatophore and accessory substances for either energy or egg prodtiction (unpiiblislied) and were rnonandrotis. In fact, they had larger fat bodies in their abdomens after eclosion than P. xuthus. This finding corresponds with body weights of the males. Males of P. marhaon had clearly more fat body than male P. xuthus, even though their body sizes were similar. Tberefore, non-virgin females of P. machnon nuist have reqtiired no further ejactilate from males, and therefore avoided their conspecifics and/or reftised mating when males were encoun- tered. Since only \irgin females permitted copulation, the operational sex ratio was biased toward males. The probability of mating in males may be low in the field, but the probability of re mating by mated males must be zero if females are able to detect mated males. Then, males of /^l machaon, particularly virgins, might increase the number of eupyrene spermatozoa as well as the maximum ejaculation mass as much as possible when they coptilate. Consequently, sperm size wotild decrease. Althotigh the ntimber of apyrene spermatozoa in P. xuf/uw significantly decreased for any second mating, the life time production of apyrene spermatozoa was higher than that in P. machnon, partictilarly in relation to the number of eupyrene spermatozoa. Based on the different amounts of eupyrene and apyrene spenn in the testis (Hiroyoshi & Mitsuhashi 1999), males independently vaiy the numbers of the two types of sperm ejactilated into the spermatophore (Cook & Gage 1995; Watanabe et al. 1998b; Wedell & Cook 1999a). The fact that apyrene sperm migrates earlier than etipyrene sperm from spermatophore to sper- matheca following copulation suggests that apyrene sperm for the second mating can fill the spermatheca with etipyrene sperm of the first mating in order to prevent fertilization (Watanabe et al. 2000). There- fore, it may be advantageous for P xuthus males to provide polyandrous females with a certain number of large apyrene spermatozoa at each mating to effect sperm competition. We have no information on the mating frequency of male swallowtail butterflies in nature. We suspect that males of both P xutlms and P. machaon mate at intervals of more than a few days, extrapolated in part by their 3-5 weeks life span in the laboratoiy Note well that in the jtresent study P. xuthus'Awd P machaon males were restricted to larval stage nutrients and never mated more than three times. All males mating only two times died the day after the second mating. Fherefore, P xt/Z/ucs males produced a smaller number of large eupyrene spermatozoa, while P. machaon produced a large number of small eupyrene sper- matozoa. However, there were more larger apyrene spermatozoa in P. xuthus than in P machnon. Conse- quently, P. xuthus males must provide for the extra cost to produce eupyrene sperm and ignore the cost to produce apyrene sperm for each mating under severe sperm competition. By comparison P. machaon males decrease the apyrene sperm mass under low sperm competition in the reproductive organs of females. Since survival, and thus mating frequency in nature, should be supported by nutrients from nectar, field studies comparing the mating behavior of P. xuthus and P. machaon males are necessary. Acknowledgements We would like to thank M. Kamikubo of University of Tsnknba, and A. Hachisnka and N. Dainone of Mie University, for their as- sistance in rearing the swallowtail butterflies. Thanks are also due to N. Uihi, Y. Nakatani and T. Yamamoto of the Kashihara City Insectarinm, for their provision of the diet of the larvae. Comments of two anonymous reviewers improved onr mantiscript. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture of Japati (No. 10640612) to M. Watanabe. Literature cited Boggs, C. L. 1990. A general model of the role of male-donated nutrients in female in.sects’ reproduction. American Naturalist 136: 598-617. Cook, P. A. & M. J. G. Gage. 1995. Effects of risk of sperm competition on the numbers of eupyTene and apyrene sperm ejaculated by the moth Ptodia inlerpwictetla (Lepidoptera: 39: 1-7, 2000 (2006) 7 Pyralidae). Beha\ioral Ecology and Sociobiology 36: 261-268. Cook, P. A. & N. Wkdell. 1996. Ejaculate dynaniic.s in bntterllies: a strategy for maximizing fertilization success? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 263: 10471051. . 1999. Non-fertile sperm delay female remating. Nature 397: 486. 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Journal of Ri'searrh on the I.(‘j>idol)lera 39: 8-17, 2000 (2006) Flight Patterns and Mating Behavior in a Zephyrus Hairstreak, Neozephyrus japonicus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Michk) Imaflikh Departnieiit of Zoology, (’iiaduate School of' Science, Kyoto L'niversity, .Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8502 Japan ima@ethol. zool. kyoto-u.ar. jji Yasutoshi Matsui '■ Institute f’of Etivironinental Management Technology, National fnstititte of'Advaticed Industrial Science and Technology, 16-1 Onogawa, Tsiiknba, Ibaraki, 305-8569 Japati Hideko Matsui " .5-102, 740Santiki, Ryngasaki, Ibaniki, 301-0033 Japan ' Present address: 7-106, 1-2-63 Enjimi. I ligashitnnrayama, Tokyo, 189-002 I Japati Abstract: Elight patterns atid tnating behaviors of a /ephyrits hairstreak, Neozephyrus japonkus, were itivestigated in a woodland in Rvngasaki (lity, Ja|)an. dtiritig its adult flight period in late June and |nlv, Iroin 2000 to 2003. This species was most active around dusk, fiom 1 7:00 to 18:00 hrs, during which males actively flew around the canopy and edges of the forest. (Circling flights performed by two individitals were lre(|itently observed, as were chase flights, sometitnes cotnposed of mitlti|tle individuals. (Circles flowti chiring circling flights averaged 14 can in diameter and 2.9 rotations/s, tints the velocity of these flights averaged about 130 cm/s. Ehe directioti of rotatioti sometitnes changed ditring circling llights. A third individttal occasionally joined a circling flight, which would sometimes disrupt the flight, or rarely, would replace one of the origitial circlets, (lhase llights, sometimes in a zig/ag pattei n, ttsualK' included a female, atid sometimes led to the initiation of courtship. Uourtship atid copulation sometitnes occut red jitst after chase flights. Coitrtship time was between 30 seconds and one minute, and coptilation tittle vai ied from 45 minutes to over three hours. Examination of the bitrsa co|iulatrix of females of N. japonkus from the sttidy site indicated the sporadic occut fence of imiltiple matings. Key word.s: activitv titne, circling flight, chase flight, mating, Lycaenidae, sperniatophore Introduction Butterflie.s in the tribe Theclini, commonly called “zephyrtrs haiustreaks” in Japan, are biologically intere.sting for a variety of rea.sons. This relatively small grotip shows great variation in adult and larval morphologies, life histories, physiology, behavior and ecology (Saigtisa 1988). In Japan, this group includes 2,5 species in 13 genera such as CJirysozephy- rus, NeozeJ)hynis and Favonius, whose phylogenetic relationships have been sttidied, using morphologi- cal (Shirozn & Yamamoto 1956) and molecular data (Saigusa & Odagiri 2()()()) . An intriguing aspect of the Theclini in Japan is variation in wing colors; 13 species show sexttal di- morphism, 1 1 species are nearly or perfectly mono- morphic, and 1 species is in an intermediate situa- Recewed: 10 June 200-4 Acrepled: 10 March 2005 tion. Some species of Chrysozephyrns, Neozephyrus And Favonius sd\o\s^ the most conspicuous color differences between sexes among butterflies occurring in Japan. These color variations may be related to the behavior and ecology of the various species. Males of some species are territorial, and mate-locate by guarding perches, whereas others mate-locate through patrol- ling. Adult activity times vaiy among the different species; some are active early in the morning, some during midday, and others are most active at dusk (Fuktida et al. 1984). However, published informa- tion on the behavior and ecology of the zephyrus hairstreaks is incomplete, and systematic stitches on the ecology of these hairstreaks have not been previ- ously conducted. This is partly because adults are largely arboreal, and thus, makedifficult subjects for behavioral or ecological studies. Previously, the senior author observed mating behaviors of one of the sexually dimorphic zephyrus hairstreaks, Neozephyrus japonicus (Murray, 1845), 39: 8-17, 2000 (2006) 9 males of which have metallic green scales on the dorsal surface of the wings, while females have mostly brown or black wings above. Two attempts at courtship, and one copulation event were witnessed, among 22 indi- viduals released in a large cage (Imafukn et al. 2()()()). Stibsequently, the junior authors observed copulation events among wild pairs of TV. japonicus. Their results were reported at the meetings of the Lepidoptero- logical Society of Japan from 2()()() to 2002. Since then, we have conducted a systematic investigation of mating and related behaviors of a wild population of TV. japonicus. Herein we present the results of those studies, including details of mating behavior from the initiation of courtship to final copulation, along with information on diurnal activity, circling and chase flights, and experimental results on male responses to female models. Materials and Methods Study area This study on the behavior oi' Neozephyrus japonicus was conducted in a small wooded area in Ryugasaki City, Ibaragi Pref., Japan (35T55’N 14()‘’1()’E), during the butterfly’s adult flight season, from the end offline to July, 2000 to 2003. The wooded area was divided Fig. 1 . Study site in Ryugasaki City, Ibaragi Pref., Japan. Patches of willow and alder trees were separated by a path. A thermometer (T) and an illuminator (L) were placed as indicated. A digital video camera (C) was installed for observations of a fixed area, north of the alder grove. A and B indicate sites at which individuals of N. japonicus were marked (see Results). Wil. = willow; Ches. = chestnut. by a narrow lane into two sections; one composed of tall (10-15 m) alder trees, Alnus japonica Steude], and the other composed of willow trees (4-6 m), includ- ing Salix subfragilis Andersson and S. cliaenomcloiclcs Kimura (fig. 1). Alnus japonica is a local foodplant for larvae oi' Neozephyrus jajwnicus. The study site was surrounded by grasses such as the reed Phragmites co?» wunisTrinius, the goldenrod Solidago allissima L., and also by cultivated fields. Observation of diurnal activity The number of butterflies observed in flight was recorded every 15 to 60 minutes, from dawn to dusk, by slowly walking along the lane. The air temperature was recorded every 5 minutes with a temperature data logger (Gemini Data Logger, temperature) settled in the willow grove (T in fig. 1). The light intensity was recorded by an illuminator situated in open space (shown with L in fig. 1 ) , and data were stored every 5 minutes in a second data logger (Gemini Data Logger, voltage) . These counts were conducted from June 30 to July 2, 2002. Observation of flight activity using a video camera Tliese sinweys were conducted on 4 days between July 2 and 7, 2002. During the peak time of adult activity, near dusk, many butterflies were observed flying over the canopy and edges of trees, occasion- ally performing chase flights and circling flights (or the spiral flight described by Davies 1978). To record a detailed temporal seqitence of changes in these activities, a digital video catnera (Sony, DGR-rRV20) was set at a fixed point (Ci in fig. 1) to record flying bittterflies. The camera remained stationary, and recorded individuals that appeared on the north side of the alder woods. Numbers of butterflies, of circling flights and of chase flights appearing every 10 minutes were recorded from 16;3() to 19:00 hrs. Numbers of butterflies were estimated by treating each individual appearing on the .screen, until the time it disappeared from view, as separate individuals. The air temperature and light intensity were recorded with a thermometer and illuminator (Mother Tool, LX-lOO). Detailed observations and experiments In order to document detailed patterns of circling and chase flights, butterflies were recorded with a hand-held digital video camera. Recorded images were then incorporated into a personal computer using “iMovie, 2.1.1” (Microsoft), and flight paths 10 J. Res.Lepid. were plotted using “NIH images, 1 .62” (courtesy of the National Institute of Health, USA). For draw- ings in figs. 5 and 6, and in measurements of flight velocity, a reduced scale was calculated by comparing the image size of a butterfly oil the computer screen to the average natural size of butterflies collected at the study site. Two arbitrarily determined reference points were also plotted to compensate for changes in images caused by zooming and movement of the camera during recordings. As chase flights were inferred to occur on par- ticipation of a female, two model experiments were performed. In the first experiment (“female model,” July 4, 2001), a female hairstreak was allowed to fly, but was tied to the tip of a 3.3 m fiberglass rod with 60 cm of cotton string (#50) secured to her thorax, between the fore-and hindwings. In the second experiment (“female wing model,” July 7, 2001), female wings were pasted on both sides of a plastic figure (made from a plastic plate), shaped to mimic a female hairstreak holding its wings open, which was secured to a rod and rotated with a small motor. In each experiment, models were situated in areas where male hairstreaks were active. In order to determine the sexes of butterflies involved in chase flights, capture with an iirsect net was attempted. For observations of mating behaviors, binoculars and a tddeo camera were used, and detailed \erbal descrijttions of various processes were recorded on the latter. Results Diurnal activity Adults of Neozephyrus japouicris were most active from 17:00 to 18:00 hrs., just before dusk (fig. 2). This period of peak activity was essentially the same on clear days (e.g., June 30 and July 2, with the high- est air temperature over 28”C and the maximtim light intensity exceeding 60,000 lux) as it was on cloudy days (e.g., July 1, with temperatures lower than 25.5‘’C through the daytime and the maximum light intensity lower than 20,000 lux). On clear days, some adult activity was observed in the morning. Shortly before the period of peak adult activity, around 16:00 hrs., females were frequently observed on grasses around the woods, sometimes basking with open wings. As time elapsed, they moved to higher sites in the trees. Around 16:30 hrs., males started to fly over the sides and canopy of the alder and willow groves, andocca- sional circling flights by two males were performed. As it became darker, chase flights occurred, in which some butterflies appeared to be rapidly chasing other individuals. With increasing darkness, numbers of flying hairstreaks decrea.sed, and no butterflies were observed by 19:30 hrs. Evening flight activity Observations recorded with the fixed video cam- era during the evening period of peak activity are shown in fig. 3. Flying butterflies first appeared at 16:55 brs., when the light intensity was 13,000 lux, and numbers of flying butterflies gradually increased with a peak around 18:15 hrs. (fig. 3b). The average time of peak adult activity was calculated to be 18:07 hrs. The lightintensity at this time was about 4,000 lux. After this time, the number of flying butterflies gradually decreased. Circling flights started to occur as number of fly- ing butterflies increased, and continued until flight activity ended (fig. 3a) . The frequency of chase flights Light int. XIO^ lux Time (hrs.) Fig. 2. Changes in the number of flying individuals of N. japonicus (thick line) on three days in 2002. Thin and dotted lines indicate light intensity and temperature, respectively. Two days (June 30 and July 2) were sunny, while July 1 was cloudy. 39: 8-17, 2000 (2006) 11 Table 1 . Diameter and rotation speed of circling flights in Neozephyrus japonicus. Sample Sampling time (s) Diameter (cm) Rotation .speed (roimds/s) #1 1..30 11 3.8 #2 l.-TO 12 2.9 #3 2.77 16 2.6 #4 2.93 15 2.4 #5 3.73 19 2.6 #6 2.07 12 3.2 #7 2.63 11 3.1 #8 2.63 20 2.1 #9 .3.13 12 3.3 #10 1.97 15 3.1 Average Range 2.47 1., 30-3.73 14 1 1-20 2.9 2. 1-3.8 was greater in the later half of the evening activity period. The greatest average number of circling flights occurred at about 18:05 hrs., while the great- est number of chase flights occurred slightly later, at about 18:20 hrs. When males were active in circling flights, captur- ing attempts were made for butterflies straying around a canopy or sub-canopy level, with a result that 4 out of 5 captured individuals were females. Flight behavior of females appeared to be somewhat diflerent than that of males, in that they flew slightly slower, and at a lower altitude. Circling flights Circling flights involved two male butterflies, each flying rapidly in a small circle. Most circling flights were completed in a few seconds, whereas some lasted longer. Durations of 46 circling flights observed from July 12 to 17, 2002, are shown in hg. 4. Most circling flights (72 %) were completed within 30 s. The long- est circling flight lasted 6 min 18 s. The diameter of the circle varied from 1 1 cm to 20 cm, with an average of 14 cm (Table 1). Butterflies engaged in a circling flight rotated 2. 1 to 3.8 times per second, 2.9 times on average. Thus, their flight velocity in circling flights was calculated to be about 130 cm/s. A trace of a typical circling flight is shown in hg. 5b. Circling flights were frequently initiated when males happened upon each other, either through random movements (fig. 5a), or through a chase. Rotation direction was not always fixed, and as shown in fig. 5c, sometimes changed. In some cases, a third individual joined into ongoing circling flights. Out of 46 circling flights observed, 14 were invaded by a third individual. Among these, six were continued by the original circlers with the third butterfly fly- ing away (fig. 5e), six were broken up, and two were continued by the original and the newly arrived third individual (fig. 5f) . At the end of circling flights, one of the circlers flew away sometimes, chased by the other (fig. 5d). Time Fig. 3. a. Temporal distribution of circling flights (gray bar) and chase flights (solid bar) during the evening activity period of N. japonicus at the study site. b. Temporal distribution of flying butterflies at the study site. Light intensity and temperature are shown with solid and dotted lines, respectively. Duration (sec.) Fig. 4. Frequency of circling flights in N. japonicus, plotted against their duration. 12 /. Res.I.epid. Fig. 5. Traces of flight patterns related to circling flights of N. japonicus. In each figure, alphabetical letters (upper cases) indicate individual butterflies and their positions in the first frame of the figure. Each point on the trace line represents the position of the butterfly in successive frames, thus, every 1/30 s. A scale bar below each figure indicates 10 cm. a. Initiation of a circling flight (17:12:55, July 1, 2002). b. Typical circling (18:09:44, July 1, 2002). c. Change of rotation direction; the initial right rotation for the butterfly (left rotation for the observer below) changes to a left rotation (17:48:1 1 , July 1 , 2002). d. End of circling, resulting in a chase of one butterfly (A) by the other (B) (18:14:52, July 1 , 2002). e. Approach and subsequent retreat of a third butterfly (C) to a circling flight (1 7:34:21 , July 1 , 2002). f. Replacement of circlers. One of the initial circlers (A) continues to circle with the invader (C), while the other circler (B) retreats (18:00:37, July 12, 2002). Residency (Circling flight.s or .spiral flights are usually shown by territorial species (see Discu.ssion). Males of Ne- ozrphyrii.s japonicus in the study area did not show clear territorial behavior, but some males repeatedly flew around a specific jjarts of the canopy. Therefore, residerrcy was examined for orrr poprrlation. Two but- terflies at points A atrd B on fig. 1 wer e captur ed and marked with a black felt-tip pen on the irnder sides of the wings at aborrt 18:00 hr s on Jrrne 29, 2002. The birtterlly marked at point A was recaptur ed at the same site arrd at similar times the following 3 days, irntil obser vations at the site were terminated. The brrtterfly rrrarked at point B was recorded from the sarrre site the following 2 days, brrt not on the last day of the study. Thrrs, butter flies in the study field exhibited a certain degr ee of r esidency. Chase flight Chase flights were occasionally initiated immedi- ately after circling flights, and sometimes involved multiple individirals (fig. 6d). Some chase flights were very persistent, covering a lar'ger distanceim- mediately after cir cling flights. Rar ely, zigzag flights involving two irtcliviclirals were obser ved. A tr ace of a zigzag flight is shown in fig. 6b, whei'e one birtterfly (A) appr oaches another (F), and proceeds to follow it closely. The chasing birtter fly (A) showed a similar tirrning pattern to that of the butter fly being chased (F), with a delay of 2 to 3 frames (67 to 100 msec). Fig. 6. Traces of flight patterns related to chase flights of N. japonicus. Presentations are the same as in Fig. 5, unless otherwise noted, a. A persistent chase of a presumed female (F) by a male (A). Traces were interrupted because of tree branches; 12, 31 and 24 frames were lacked at circles 1 , 2 and 3, respectively. This chase continues at least 5.8 s (1 7:51 :26, July 2, 2002). b. A zigzag flight. A presumed female (F) is chased by a male (A) which approaches from below (17:02:56, July 2, 2002). c. Flight path of the presumed female prior to chase by a male, showing a “swinging” flight. The final point of this figure continues to the start point of figure b (17:02:54, July 2, 2002). d. A group chase. A presumed female (F) is always at the lead. “The male “C” appears in the figure after at the 12th frame (17:22:07, July 2, 2002). e. Chase flight by two males (A & B) to the tied female model (M) (18:28:29, July 4, 2001). f. Simultaneous approach of a solitary male (A) and circling males (B & C) to the female wing model (shown with a cross near the center) rotated by a motor (17:58:03, July 7, 2001). Zigzag flights observed at the study site are thought to involve the chasing of a female by a male (see Dis- cussion). Prior to the zigzag flight shown in hg. bb, the presumed female (F) descended from the alder canopy into an open space, where she flew in a swing- ing flight (fig. 6c). Occasionally, a hairstreak was observed to ap- proach a circling flight involving two males, which resulted in the chasing of the third individual by the two males that had been circling. In cases such as this, the approaching individual may have been a male (as seen in figs. 5e and 5f), but in several cases it was thought to be a female, because the resulting chase by males was vei'y persistent. The model experiments sought to test the idea that chase flights are frequently composed of a male (chasing) and female (leading) hairstreak, and the reactions of males upon identifying a potential female mate. Multiple males were attracted to the “female model” tied with thread, and closely followed her flight when she turned sharply (fig. be). In fig. be, the chasing male followed the abrupt turn of the tied female with a delay of about 2 frames (67 msec). When the “female wing model” rotated by a motor was revealed at the study site, one or more males were frequently attracted (fig. bf). It should be noted that males engaged in circling flights were sometimes at- tracted by both of the models. Finally, the capture of butterflies engaged in chase flights was attempted, using an insect net. Among each of the three successf ul captures, one female and one male was involved. 14 /. Res.Lepid. Table 2. Copulation statistics for Neozephyrus japonicus (^ase Date Time Temp. Duration Site (from the ground) #1 l()-7-’()0 18:46 24.5“!: on an alder leaf at 3.8 m #2 12-7-’()l 18:20 27..6°C ca. 3:20 on a goldenrod leaf at 1.2 m #3 15-7-’()l 18:20 28..5°C .3:18-21 on a goldenrod leaf at 0.9 m #4 12-7-’()2 18:20 25.5°C - on an alder leaf at 4.0 m #5 l.'i-7-’()2 18:13 28..5"C 3:07* on a willow leaf at 1 .8 m #6 17-7-’()3 17:13 21.6”C 3:43-4:27 on an alder leaf in 4-5 m #7 17-7-'()3 17:48 21.6“C 5:12-6:08 on an alder leaf in 4-5 in #8 18-7-’()3 17:22 20.9“C 3:40-4:38 on an alder leaf in 4.5 m *Pairs were caretiilly broiiglit to a room (30.()"C) and continuously obsen'ed. Courtship and copulation During the study period from 2000 to 2003, eight instances of copulation were witnessed (Table 2). ("opulation usually occurred on leaves, between 3 to 5 m above ground level. On July 10, 2000, at 18:46 hrs, a chase flight involving four butterflies was broken up when a male and a female split away from the group, and lauded on an alder leaf 3.8 m above ground level. Subsequently, tlie male situated himself at a right angle to the female. About 30 seconds after laud- ing, the male walked toward the female and aligned himself next to the female, in a parallel position, so that they were both facing the same direction. Five to six seconds later, the male curved the tip of his abdo- men toward the female’s genitalia, and after another five to six seconds, succeeded in connecting with the female, to assume a V-shaped body position. At 18:47, the male straightened his figure, and the butterflies faced opposite directions in a normal end-to-end copulation posture. Then, they remained stationary for several hours. At 4:25 hrs the following morning, the pair was found separated. Anatomical examina- tion of the female revealed one spermatophore in the bursa copulatrix. On July 15, 2001, acopiilation event was witnessed after a pair of hairstreaks landed on a goldenrod leaf 0.9 m above ground level, permitting close ob- servations. Upon landing of the female, the male barely clung to the leaf on which the female normally perched. After the male climbed up the leaf, it ap- proached the female from behind at an angle of 60°. Once the male had oriented himself to be side by side with the female, in a parallel position, he retreated slightly, sharply curving the posterior part of his ab- domen to contact her genitalia. About 30 seconds elapsed between the time when the pair landed on the goldenrod leaf and the time they assumed a normal end-to-end copulation posture. Pairs of hairstreaks landing together after a chase flight sometimes did not couple. In three such cases (17:45 and 17:55 on July 11, and 18:00 on July 12, 2000) copulation attempts ended in failure when the female flew away, even though in one case the male attempted copulation. In most of the copulation at- tempts observed, males did not open or flutter their wings. However, on July 12, 2002, one male slightly but rapidly and repeatedly fluttered his wings, while situated next to the female, prior to successful copula- tion. As shown in Table 2, copulation times observed for Neozephyrus varied from about 45 minutes to 3 hours and 20 minutes. To check for multiple matings, the btirsa copulatrix of 8 females was examined. Five of these females possessed one spermatophore, one female had two, and two females had three. Discussion Activity time Different species of zephyrus hairstreaks are most active at different times during the day. Previously, Neozephyrus japonicus has been described as being most active around dusk (Fukuda et al. 1984), but no detailed observations were presented. Herein, we have documented that the peak activity period of wild N. japonicus 'AdnXxs is between 17:00 hrs and 18:00 hrs.These results agree with those of an earlier study on a captive population of N. japonicus, where adults remained inactive until 16:00 hrs, and were most ac- tive after 17:00 hrs (Imafuku et al. 2000). Peak periods of activity for some other zephyrus hairstreaks have been determined using quantitative data. As shown by Koda (1982) for Chrysozephyrus 39; 8-17, 2000 (2006) 15 bnllnntinus (Staudinger, 1887) and by Takeuchi & Imafuku (2005) ior Favonius taxila (Bremer, 1864), some species are most active during the morning, from 7:00 to 11;00 hrs. Hirowatari and Ishii (2001) showed that Favonius cognatus (Staudinger, 1892) is most active during midday, from 10:00 to 14:00 hrs. According to Koda (1982), adults of Chrysozephyriis smaragdinus (Bremer, 1864) and Favonius orienlalis (Murray, 1875) are most active from 8:00 or 9:00 to 16:00 hrs, with suppression of activity during periods of great light intensity. A bimodal pattern with activ- ity peaks in the morning and evening is known for Artopoetes pryeri (Murray, 1873) (Koda 1982), Antigius attilia (Bremer, 1861) (Koda 1982; Hirowatari 8c Ishii 2001) and Favonius saphirinus (Staudinger, 1887) (Hirowatari & Ishii 2001). As shown by Akiyama et al. (1969) and Hirowatari & Ishii {2^01), Japonica saepestriata (Hewitson, 1865) is most active during the evening hours. Thus, times of peak adult activity are very different among different species of zephy- rus hairstreaks. Species-specific activity times might be explainable in terms of predation pressures and intraspecific mating behaviors. The evening crepuscular activity of Neozephyrus japonicus may be related to predator evasion. Birds are known to be one of the most important predators of butterflies, and their activities usually decline at dusk. Swallows, however, were sometimes witnessed to attack circling males ot' N. japonicus during our observations, and some butterfly specimens collected during the course of this study had “beak marks” (Johki 1985) on their wings. Thus, it seems possible that the time of peak activity for adult N. japonicus is sittiated between the time in the evening when most local bird species become inactive, and when it becomes too dark for hairstreaks to see. Circling flights In N. japonicus, the diameter of circling flights averaged about 14 cm (Table 1). Apparently, the diameter of circles flown by other species of zephyrus hairstreaks has not been measured. However, Fiijii (1982) illustrated flights of Chrysozephyrus smaragdinus, Favonius taxila, Iratsume orsedice (Butler, 1881), and (Hewitson, 1865) in “small circles.” In contrast, the diameter of circles flown by another lycaenid, Holo- chila helenita (Semper, 1879) , extends up to 1-2 meters (Sibatiini 1998). Among nymphalid butterflies, Davies ( 1978) depicted two individuals of Pararge aegeria (Lin- naeus, 1758) spiraling in small circles, and Sibatani (1998) observed a co-rotating flight of 20-50 cm in diameter for Mycalesis gotama Moore, 1857. Sibatani (1998) also observed Hyjwlimnas holina (Linnaeus, 1758) flying in a circle with a diameter of 50 cm to 1 meter. Bitzer & Shaw (1979) figured a trace from the flight of a red admiral, Vanessa atedanta (L., 1758), flying in an ascending helical path, as large as 9 meters in diameter. Circling individuals of N. japonicus occasionally changed the direction of the spiral, as shown in fig. 5c. Such changes were also observed in circling flights of M. gotama (Sibatani 1998). However, two interact- ing individuals of V. atedanta reportedly circled “most often in a counter clockwise direction as seen from below” (Bitzer & Shaw 1979). As for circling or spiral flights, some functions have been proposed. A contest for occupation of territories by males of territorial species has been widely accepted (Baker 1972; Davies 1978; Bitzer & Shaw 1979; Wickmann & Wiklund 1983; Takeuchi & Imafuku (2005) . Neozephyrus japonicuswus described as a territorial species by Fukuda et al. (1984). The two individuals of N. jafx)7iicus that were marked during our study and observed for several days persisted in guarding the same perching sites, day after day. As noted by Sibatini (1989), circling flights are also known for non-territorial butterfly species such as Holochila helenita, Furema blanda (Boisduval, 1836) and Neptis sapfjho (Pallas, 1771). This suggests that the behavior is not always related to the defense of a territory, but that it may serve to aid in recognition of potential mates (Scott 1974; Suzuki 1976). A further possible explanation for circling flights among males of N. jafmnicus could be to attract fe- males. Such a scenario may parallel displays by two males toward a female as seen in manakin birds (Snow 1963; Grzimek et al.l968), where ornamented males show a specific synchronotis dance in front of a fe- male.This idea is discussed in further detail below. Chase flights Chase flights between two individuals sometimes attracted the attention of other hairstreaks, and small groups were occasionally involved in chases. Capture of hairstreaks engaged in chase flights revealed that such flights included at least one female. Chase flights were often terminated when two individuals break out of the chase, and land near each other. This often led to subsequent courtship or copulation. Thus, chase flights are thought to represent the pursuit of a female by males, and may be one of the steps in courtship. Zigzag flights observed in the j^resent study (fig. fib) seem to be a type of chase flight, where a female is being chased by a male. A similar flight pattern was observed in another zephyrns hairstreak, Chrys- ozephyrus smaragdimis (Imafuku pers. obs.). Males of Hi /. Ri’s.Lipd. C. smaragdinus have brilliant green wings above, and are most active during midday, from 10:00 to 16:00 Ill's. Therefore, we could easily determine that zigzag nights were composed of a male and a female. It seems possible that females are exerting some selec- tive choice on males, perhaps as judged through their maneuverability, during zigzag flights. Courtship and copulation Courtship and copulation events between pairs of N. japonicus were witnessed ihronghout the peak activity period of adults, around dusk, and usually oc- curred on vegetation between three and five meters above ground level. The timing and placement of these events may protect coupled pairs of N. Japonicus avoid diurnal predators, and tiiay help them avoid terrestrial predators, such as centipedes and carabid beetles, through periods of relative inactivity duritig the night. Duration of copulation between pairs of A^. japoni- ncs ranged from 3 to 6 hours (Table 2). This does not largely differ from times observed among individuals of N. japonicus in captivity, between 2.5 and 3.5 hours (Imafnkn et al. 2000). Scott (1973) .summarized copu- lation times for various butterfly species. Extremes included 10 mituites for PapiUo xulhulus, two days for some Parnassius and Picris species, and among lycaenids, two to eight hours for Pallophyrus augustin us (Westwood, 1852) and 1 hour or more for Nojdmannia iiicis (Esper, 1779). According to Wlklund (2003), copulation times varied from 10 min in Coenonympha panipliilus (Linnaeus, 1758) to a week in Goncpteryx rJtamni (Linnaeus, 1758). Multiple matitigs were conhrmed among females of N. japonicus. This phenotnenon is widespread atnong butterfly species. Scott (1973) examined females of various butterlly species and found that about 95 % of those species sometimes engaged in multiple matings. Suzuki ( 1988) studied the number of spermatophores in females of 29 butterfly species, and found that all of them possessed two or more s])ermatophores, except Lycacna jddaeas (Linnaeus, 1761) with had only one. The maximum number of spermatophores found in a single female butterfly was 15 in a female oi' Danaus gilijprus (Cramer, 1775). Seventeen papilionid species studied by Matsumoto & Suzuki (1995) included female individuals that had tnated more than once, atid some females of Papilio Linnaeus, 1758 and /I bianorCA Amer, 1777 had tnated 6 times. Thus, the phenomenon of multiple matings seems to be general among butterflies. The function of multiple matings for females is thought to iuclude the production of heterogeneous offspring (ref. Suzuki 1988), or the accjuisition of nutrients by females from spermatophores contents (Boggs & Gilbert 1979). The function of male coloration deserves further di.scussion. Since the fittest males in various animal populations are often those who successfully compete for mates (Krebs & Davies 1981), male coloration in sexually dimorphic species may serve to attract or court females. As early as 1874, Darwin (p. 505) pro- j)osed this hypothesis when he noted that “when we see many males pursuing the same female, we can hardly believe that the pairing is left to blind chance — that the female exerts no choice, and is not influenced by the gorgeous colours or other ornaments with which the male is decorated.” Scott (1973: 101) subsequently noted that “this places selective pressure on males to develop sexual characteristics to make the unrecep- tive females receptive, . . . This may explain why males have brighter colors...” Rntowski (1985) showed that males of Colias eurytheme Boisduval, 1852 with strong LIV reflectance patterns were more readily accepted as mates by females than were males with weak or no UV reflectance. However, Silberglied (1984) could not confirm this for the nymphalid Anartia amathea (Linnaeus , 1758), in which males preferred colorful females but females apparently exhibited no choice between colorful and colorless males. If male colora- tion serves to attract or court females, it seems that males should actively display their wings during court- ship. During courtship betw'een pairs of the sexually dimoi'phic lycaenid Pseudozizema maha (Kollar, 1844), the male’s wings are held wdde open, as seen in photos by Wago et al. (1976) and Wago (1978), or may be violently fluttered, demonstrating the conspicuous blue upperside coloration (pers. obs.). However, such behavior was not observed among courting males of N. japonicus, although slight fluttering of wings was seen on one occasion. In onr study, presumed females of N. ja/)onicus were occasionally observed to approach a pair of circling males, resulting in the formation of a chase flight. In such cases, the female may have been attracted by male coloration, but at the moment, no evidence to support this idea has been presented. Eurther studies on the function of male coloration and of circling flights in N. jafmnicus 'dr e needed. Acknowledgements We thank Dr. Andrew Warren ot the Department of Zoolog)’, Oregon State University wlio elaltorately read and extensively im|)roved the mantiscript together with valuable comments; Messers Ktt/ito Matsubara and Katsnyoshi lino, the owners of the sttidy site, for permitting tts to work there and also for arranging the path to allow for easier observations; Tasnkn Kitamnra, of the EthologicalLaboratory of Kyoto University, for assisting in onr 39: 8-17, 2000 (2006) 17 study; and the United States National Instittite ol 1 lealth lor use of computer software to create images presented herein. Literature cited Akiv.vm-\, Y., T. Sekiguchi & N. Kovam\. 1969. Fluttering activity of a lycaenid butterfly, yfl/;r)/;/c« saepcstriata Hewitson. New Entomologist 18: 1-17. (In Japanese with English al)stract) Baker, R. R. 1972. Territorial behaviour of the nymphalid butterflies, Aglais utikae (L.) and Inachis io (L.). Tlie jotirnal of Animal Ecology 41:453-469. Bitzer, R. [. & K. C. 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Sexual selection atid the evohttion of butterfly mating systems, ]>p. 67-90 In: Boggs, G. L., W. B. Watt & P. R. Ehrlich (eds.). Butterflies: ecology and evolitlion taking flight. The Lhiiversity of Ghicago Press, Ghicago atid London. journal of Ri’scarch on the I .ej>idol)lera 39: 18-37, 2()0() (‘2()()6) Feasibility of light-trapping in community research on mothsi Attraction radius of light, completeness of samples, nightly fhght times and seasonality of Southeast-Asian hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) Jan Beck* and K. Eduard Linsenmair Dept, of Animal Ecology' & Tropical Biology, Biocenter, University of Wnr/.bnrg, Am Unbland, 97074 Wnrzbnrg (Germany) jan.beck@g)nx. net Ab.stract: Elx|)erimental data and {|nantitative samples of Spbingid assemblages from tropical Soiitheast-/Vsia were analyzed to investigate metbodologically relevant tojtics of light-trapping. Mark- Release-Recaptnre experiments revealed differences between lepido|tteran families in the attraction radius of a light sotirce, but no such differences cotild be fotmd between 18 species within the familv S|thingidae. Attraction radii (for 50% return rate within 5 mintites) were generally below 30 meters, which confirms results from previotisly published studies. Arrival of Sjthingidae individuals at a light source was .symmetrically distributed around midnight, and species differed significantly in median arrival time. No evolutionan' hvpoihesis for such flight time differences (such as avoidance of interspecific mating or an effect of body size) could be confirmed from oiir data. At appropriately chosen sample sites (avoiding dense nndergrowth), all-night sampling with a 125 Watt mercnrv- vapor lam|) yielded more than % of the expected species richness of S|3hingidae in an average of 5-6 sample nights. Seasonality and tem])oral changes of local assemblages can probably be neglected for samples f rom largely non-seasonal regions like Borneo if data stem from a relatively short stndv time of a few years. In conclusion, ( 1 ) there are no indications that light trapping ‘draws’ specimens from distant habitats to the sampling site, (2) we did not find |)roof that species within the family Sphingidae are differentially drawn to light, which would lead to biases if hght-tra|3ping data are used as a measure of relative abundance in the habitat, (3) such biases, on the other hand, probably exist between taxonomically or morphologically more diverse taxa (e.g. for different families) , and must be considered for a proper interpretation of results, and (4) hgbt-trap|3ing is an effective means of asse.ssing species composition and relative abundances of Spbingid assemblages in Southeast-Asia, btit sam|)hng has to be carried out all night in order to maximize catch size and avoid biases due to different llight times of species. Introduction The use of artificial light sources is a commonly employed technique to attract night-active Lepidop- tera for the study of taxonomy, biogeography and bio- diversity (e.g. Holloway et al. 200 1 , Intachat & Woiwod 1999). While neither the physiological mechanism (Spencer et al. 1997, Sotthibandhu & Baker 1979, Hsiao 1973, Bowden 1984) nor the evolutionary significance (e.g. Holloway 1967) of this well-known attraction is known to a satisfying degree, it offers a number of advantages over alternative methods such as torchlight-transects (Birkinshaw &: Thomas 1999), baiting with fruits, red wine (Sussenbach & Fiedler 1999, 2000), cheese or shrimp paste (S. Benedick & J. Hill, pers. com.), malaise traps (e.g. Butler et al. 1999), suction traps, rotary traps or other methods of passively sampling the air space (see Southwood * Corresjmnding author Received: 21 October 2004 Accef)ted: I February 2005 Sc Henderson 2000). Light trapping yields a large number of specimens with a minimum of effort (Holloway et al. 2001, Fiedler &: Schulze 2004). This is particularly true for automatic light-traps (see Southwood & Henderson 2000 for an overview of designs), which do not even require the [jresence of the researcher during trap- ping. However, some groups of Lepicloptera such as Sphingidae, which are the main subject of this study, have a tendency not to enter such traps in large num- bers, but settle on the outside and in the perimeter of the light source. A comparison between data from automatic light-traps (Nasir Abd. Majid, pers. com.) and hand-sampling at light (own data) showed a ca. 30-fold higher yield for the latter method in lowland Borneo (see also Axmacher & Fiedler 2004, Brehm 2002). Thus, for the rest of this article, the term ‘light trapping’ refers to attracting moths with light, but sampling them by hand or net. Light can be as- sumed to sample the community more ‘neutrally’ than trapsbaited with food or pheromones, where specializations are more likely to occur. Last but not 39: 18-37, 2000 (2006) 19 least, light trapping allows sampling and killing most specimens relatively undamaged, an important re- quirement for precise species identification, which is not met by many ‘passive’ sampling techniques such as malaise or rotary traps. On the other side, a number of objections to light trapping have been put forward, and Lepidopterists regularly face skeptic criticism by journal reviewers when publishing light-trapping research. The unre- solved question of why moths actually come to light (see above for references) might further erode the scientific credibility of the method. The main argu- ments against light trapping in community ecology (see also Schulze & Fiedler 2003, Brehm 2002 for a more detailed discussion), as well as common re- sponses to these arguments, are: 1 ) Light traps sample communities selectively rath- er than randomly. Besides measuring activity rather than relative abundance (see e.g. Wolda 1992, Simon 8c Linsenmair 2001), not all species are attracted to light to the same extent (Bowden 1982, Butler et al. 1999). Some species of hawkmoth are rarely or not at all attracted to light, but can be caught in numbers by other methods (e.g. Butler et al. 1999, Kitching & Cadiou 2000) . Some species seem to be attracted only in parts of their range (e.g. Daphnis nerii comes to light in Africa, but not in Asia; I.J. Kitching, pers. com.). Females are generally rarer in light catches of Lepi- doptera than males (see e.g. Brehm 2002 for data), which might reflect differences in activity as well as in attraction to light between the sexes. Janzen (1984) described arrival patterns of neotropical Sphingidae and Saturniidae at light and hypothesized on behav- ioral mechanisms leading to differences between taxa, sexes and age groups. Thus, it can be suspected that relative abundances of species at light are distorted by differential attraction to light and different levels of flight activity. While these potential problems are undeniable, their actual effect on the results of stud- ies on the community ecology of moths remains to be quantified. Light trapping has often been proven to produce readily interpretable and ecologically meaningful results in studies on the biodiversity of Lepidoptera (e.g. Holloway 1976, Schulze & Fielder 2003, Fiedler & Schulze 2004). Furthermore, the constraints of light trapping are shared with any other comparable sampling method (Schulze & Fiedler 2003, Southwood & Henderson 2000). 2) The effective attraction radius of light sources might be so large that moths are drawn from other habitats to a sampling site. Measurements of the attrac- tion radii of light revealed distances of 3-250 meters (depending on study method and species; Muirhead- Thompson 1991, Bowden 1982), but attraction radii are probably smaller than 30 meters in most situations for ‘normal’ light sources in entomological research (Butler & Kondo 1991, Muirhead-Thompson 1991). Furthermore, studies on the stratification of moth communities in the forest produced clear community differences between strata at height differences of 20-30 meters (e.g. Beck et al. 2002, Schulze & Fiedler 2003, Beck & Schulze 2003, using 15 Watt blacklight sources). Thus, while this is a common point of criti- cism, there is actually little indication that ‘drawing’ specimens to light from distant habitats really under- mines the interpretability of samples. 3) The abundance of specimens at light is influ- enced by weather, lunar light and vegetation. While the effect of vegetation density around a sample site might be overestimated (Schulze 8c Fiedler 2003), effects of moonlight and weather (temperature, rain, fog, wind) have been clearly documented and discussed (e.g. Persson 1976, Muirhead-Thompson 1991, Holloway et al. 2001, Intachat et al. 2001, Yela & Holyoak 1997, McGeachie 1989, Brehm 2002). Generally, warm, moist and moonless nights produce highest specimen counts (as has been already noted by R. A. Wallace in 1869, pp. 95-97). Thus, raw abun- dances at light can never be used as reliable indicators of absolute population sizes in a region, but must be adequately ‘converted’ into figures which are compa- rable across samples with regard to the initial question of a study (Southwood & Henderson 2000). Different light sources (power, wavelength) might also influence sample size and species composition (though this is mainly anecdotal; see Brehm 2002), as does the time of the night during which a trap is operated (e.g. Schulze 2000 found a steady decline in Pyraloidea specimens during the first 3 hours of the night in samples from tropical Borneo). In an attempt to add new quantitative data to this discussion, two sets of questions were experimentally investigated in Sphingidae and other lepidopteran families in Southeast-Asia: 1 ) What distances of light attraction can we obseiwe under ‘real life’ research conditions in a tropical habi- tat? This is particularly interesting for the Sphingidae - very large and extremely fast- and far-flying moths, which might thus be expected to exceed known fig- ures of light attraction radii. 2) Is there evidence for differences in the attrac- tion radius a) between Lepidoptera families with largely differing size, body shape and flight ability, and b) between species of the family Sphingidae? Such differences would be a clear indication that relative abundances of moths at light might present a distorted picture of real abundances, even if species which do not come to light at all (e.g. largely diurnal taxa such 20 /. Res.Lepid. Table 1: List of sampling sites in north-eastern Borneo where release experiments were conducted. Note that latitude and longitude are given in metric format. Additional sampling sites which were re-sampled and used for assessments of seasonality are both on canopy platforms In primary dipterocarp forests at Danum Valley (DV1 - N4.96°, El 17.80°, Elev.: 220m a.s.l.), and at Poring Hot Springs in Kinabalu Park (PORI - N6.04°, El 16.70, Elev. 570m a.s.l.). Site Nights Released Latitude moths Longitude Elevation I labitat a.s.l. [m] Region CROl t) 2S5 .5.44° 116.08° 1170 Ridge with road & planted banana liclds, overlooking PF valley & mountains Crocker Range Park DV.S 5 .‘54 4.9()° 1 1 7.86° 220 selectively logged (1988), opening tilong road Danum Valley DV4 6 1.S4 4.97° 117.84° 340 selectiveh logged (1988/89), along road overlooking valley Danum Valley TORS 14 1.127 (5.03° 116.77° .350 Local agricnltitral area near village Poring Hot Springs as Macroglossiim) were not considered. Fnrtherinore, sampling data were analyzed to assess an.swers to the following general problems of sampling tropical insect po|)nlations: 3) What i^ercentage of a local tropical community of hawkmoths can be sampled in a short-term light trapping program? WTiile this (piestion is not par- ticular to light trapping but to any time-constrained ecological study, it is an important Itackgronnd figure to interpret light trapping results. 4) How does the nightly trajiping time influence specimen numbers and species composition of sam- ples? It has been suggested (e.g. Kitching & Cadion 2()()(), Diehl 1982) that certain species can only be successfully caught at certain times of the night, but so far no qnantitati\’e data for whole local assemblages were available. 5) How does .seasonality or other temporal change in the Sphingid a.ssemblages of wet-tropical Borneo affect the credibility of results from short-time sam- pling of local a.ssemblages? While it is often inferred from the climatological stability of tropical habitats that seasonal changes in connmmities are minute compared to temperate regions, significant effects of weather and season (mostly defined by rainfall) on insect populations have been shown (e.g. Schnlze & Fiedler 2003, Sh.ssenbach 2003, Intachat et al. 2001, Novotny & Basset 1998, Wolda 1978, 1988, Wolda & flowers 1985, Tanaka & Tanaka 1982, Kato et al. 1995, Smythe 1985). Snch effects are often ignored in ecological studies in the tropics, as time and logistic constraints do not nsnally allow for year-round, long- term sampling. Methods a) Field methods Attraction radius experiments During two periods of field work in 2001/2002 and 2003, four suitable sampling sites in north-eastern Borneo (Sabah, Malaysia; see Table 1 for details) were chosen for release experiments. Site characteristics that influenced their choice were a high yield of Sphingid specimens (known from previous sampling), overall favorable logistic conditions and the existence of a straight stretch of logging road of at least 120 meters length. A generator-powered merctiry-vapor bulb (125 M/itt) was placed inside a white, cylindri- cal gauze-bower’ with a height of approximately 1.7 meters from the ground. Sampling was carried out in the period of reduced moonlight from a week before new moon until a week after new moon to maximize catch size. Nightly sampling was carried out from ca. ka hour after sunset until V2 hour before sunrise, except if logistic problems made this routine impossible. All arriving Sphingidae were hand-sampled from the light or nearby vegetation (120m were not used for this analysis, as they were not available from all sites. A multi-dimensional contingency table, containing the frequencies ret urns tls, well as those of suspected influential factors (such as release distance class, species identity), was constructed with all possible interactions between these factors, and then tested against the actual data (for a detailed description of loglinear models see StatSoft 2003). Logistic Regression As a second mode of analyzing the release ex- periment data we used logistic regressions (Trexler & Travis 1993). While cariying the disadvantage that not all data sets can be fitted well by logistic regression (predicting return/non-returnheiiei' than random, see below), they allow assessing attraction radii (as the distance of 50 percent return-probability) in meters, rather than just comparing them on a class level. The k:)gi.stic equation (see e.g. Trexler & Travis 1993) was fitted to the return /non-retum (1/0) data 39: 18-37, 2000 (2006) 23 (original data in 5 meter intervals) . Regression valnes- can be interpreted as probability for return (StatSoft 2003), the point of 50% return probability (x^ = turning point oi the logistic regression for species i) is used as a measure of attraction radius. The variance of is calculated from the variance of the regression parameters bp as var{i,)=(i,)- • For graphic display, 95% confidence intei-vals were assessed as 1.96*(SD (x)). For a more rigorous test of the hypothesis of a difference between two turn- ing points, a z-test (StatSoft 2003) was used. Both the loglinear models and the logistic regressions were calculated with the computer program Statistica 6. 1 (StatSoft 2003). Estimating total species richness From the distribution of species in discrete sam- ples an estimate of the total species richness at a site can be assessed by several methods (see Chazdon et al. 1998, Colwell & Coddington 1994, Colwell 2000, Melo et al. 2003) . Of these, the non-parametric Chaol- estimator was used as it has proven robust in pilot studies (Chazdon et al. 1998, Peterson & Slade 1998) and yielded realistic figures in studies on temperate moths (Beck & Schulze 2003, Siissenbach & Fiedler 1999), where the total species richness is much better known than in tropical regions. Assessments of the species diversity of habitats by Chao l-esthm\tes are often congruent to those with well established meth- ods like Fisher’s a or rarefaction curves (e.g. Beck et al. 2002, Schulze 2000). However, Brose & Martinez (2004) have concluded from simulation studies that in assemblages of species with variable mobility other estimators might perform better. In order to account for this finding, we additionally followed the suggested procedure of finding the ‘optimal’ estimator for the sample coverage at each site (calculated from the means of ACIi, ICE, MMMmeans, Chaol, Chao2, 1'‘ order Jackknive and 2'"' order Jackknive estimators; see Brose & Martinez 2004) . All species richness estimates were calculated with the computer program Estimates 5.01 (Colwell 2000). The ‘False Discovery Rate’-control of Beujamini & Hochberg (1995) was applied to avoid spurious significances due to multiple tests from the same data set, and all results which pass the criteria are marked with an asterisk (*). However, it was not considered necessary to control analyses of different data sets, even if they overlap or are nested within another (see also Moran 2003). Phylogenetic independence Correlations of species’ characters might not be statistically independent because of their common phylogenetic history (see e.g. Garland et al. 1999 for a review). The phylogenetic signal in data was tested with a randomization test (1000 runs), using the pro- gram Phylogenetic Independence 2.0 (Reeve & Abouheif 2003, see also Abouheif 1999, Freckleton et al. 2002) . Hawkmoth phylogeny was based on an updated ver- sion of the systematics in Kitching & Cadiou (2000, 1.J. Kitching, pers. com.), allowing for unresolved nodes where applicable. To control for non-independent data, ‘independent contrasts’ (Felsenstein 1985) were calculated using the computer program Phyiip 3.61 (Felsenstein 2004; all branch length set to 1 except unresolved nodes, which were set to 0.0001). Ree^ la) Release experiments: Loglinear models A sample size of 1527 released moths was available for loglinear model analysis. The data structure was tiot suitable to include all interesting variables (return frequency, distance, species identity, family affiliation, experimental site) into one model. Therefore, certain variables were tested in separate models. The first model analysis (see box 1 ) suggests that the research site had no influence on return frequen- cies, so data from different sites were pooled for all further analyses. Family affiliation of specimens had a clear influence on return frequencies (see 2"'* model in box 1, figure 1), while for 18 species within the family Sphingidae no significant effect of species identity on return frequencies could be found (3'‘‘ model in box 1). All analyses show a significant ef- fect of release distance on return frecpiencies. This was expected, since the frequency of returns should decrease with diminishing light intensity at larger release distances. lb) Release experiments: Logistic regression For the three families, as well as for twelve Sphingid species, logistic regression models could be construct- ed, while for six Sphingid species the models did not pass the -f^-test of a better-than-random prediction of the data. These species were consequently excluded 24 /. Res.Ij'pid. Box 1: I .oglinear models Model 1: “Effects of'i csearch site" [site (4) x reliini (2) x release distance (6)] (N=1527) Model 1 ^ (max, likel.) cff g_ Start model with 3 double-interactions 15.807 15 0.395 Best model (retnrn-dist., site-dist. interactions) 18.715 18 0.410 Already the optimized model does not contain interactions of research site Sc return frequency. Conclusion 1: No effect of site on rettirn frequencies. Model 2: “Effects of fainilv" [family (3) x return (2) x release distance (0)] (N=1527) Model 2 ^ (max, likel.) df £_ Best model: 3fold- interaction fain. X return X dist 0 0 1 Ex|5. model 1 ; no 3-fold, but all 3 2-fold interactions 20.399 10 0.026* Exp, model 2: no .S-fold and no fam.-retiirn interaction 54.360 12 <0.0001* riie exclusion of the 3-fold interaction (“family influences distance-return interaction”) leads to a significant difference between model predictions and real f requencies in efata. Further excltision of the family-return interaction brings another significant loss of predictive |)ower of the model ( ‘’^,,2=34, p<0.0001*). Conclii.sion 2: Families have different return rates from different distances, i.e. different attraction radii. Beyond that, families differ in overall return rates (exp. model I vs. 2). Model 3: “Effects of species" |s|)ecies (18) x return (2) x relea.se distance (6)] (only Sphingidae, N=1352) Model 3 (max, likel.) eff £_ Start model with 3 dotible-intei actions 68.625 85 0.903 Best model (onlv retnrn-dist interaction) 169.99 187 0.809 Exp, model without any interactions 298.73 192 <0.0001* Conclusion 3: No effect of species identity (within the S|)hingidae) on return frequencies is evident: already the o]Jtimized model does not include species. The exp. model onlv jrroves the es.sentially expected effect of release distance on return rates - othenvise the experiments would have been senseless. from analysis. Figure 2 shows an example of a logistic regression for one species, figure 3 plots the attraction radii of the light (measured as the ‘turning points’ of the regression) and their estimated confidence intervals for the hawkmoth species. On family level, 50% return rates vary between ca. 10-13 meters for Sphingidae and Noctuidae, whereas negative values for Geometridae were calculated due to veiy low overall return rates for Pingasn (5 returns of 44 releases) and particularly the small Geometrinae of the 77/rt//a.s,vocfev-group (5 of 34). Possibly handling effects have affected results in this veiy delicate group, although no obvious inability of flight was observed. The other Ennominae species showed attracticin radii comparable to that of Sphingidae or Noctuidae (data not shown). Turning points for Sphingid species vaiy between 26 meters and negative values (for species with very low return rates). Confidence intervals are large and indicate a high, unexplained variability in return behavior. For two species no variance of parameters could be calculated due to the structure of the data matrix. Maximum confidence estimates range up to 60 meters, which is still a value in reasonable bounda- ries of the literature for attraction radii of light (see e.g. Muirhead-Thompson 1991). No significant dif- ferences between species could be found for the 10 species for which testing was possible. Turning points of species do not correlate with the average body size of the species (N=12, r-=0,()31, p=0. 588), whereas Fie- dler et al. (unpublished) have found effects of body size on return rates in other, temperate Lepidoptera families. Thus, the results obtained by logistic regression 39: 18-37, 2()()0 (2006) 25 confirm the analyses with the loglinear models. 2) Completeness of samples During an average of 5-6 nights per sampling ses- sion, an average of more than % of the C/«ao /-expected ‘true’ species richness could be collected (see Table 3 for details). Sampling success is weakly related to the number of sample nights as well as the number of sampled specimens, but not to (observed species richness or diversity (as Fisher’s a; see figure 4 for test details). Measurements of sampling success based on six other selected estimators of species richness (see methods) yield mostly quite similar figures, although Kendall’s concordance coefficient for the seven esti- mators is surprisingly low at 0.173 and a Friedman- ANOVA indicates significant differences between estimator ranks (N=23, |,=23.85, p<0.()()l*). An application of the method suggested by Brose & Martinez (2004) lead to the tise of ICE, V and 2'"' order fackknive estimators, depending on the sample coverage for each site. However, overall results are very similar to C/taoi-based estimates and indicate an average sample coverage of 77.3 percent. Comparison with other samples from the region In Table 4 the species richness (observed and ex- pected) of the 23 standardized samples is compared to a combination of data from our own samples, published literature (Chey 1994, 2002, Holloway 1976, Tennent 1991, Zaidi & Chong 1995, Schulze 2000) and unpublished collections (Azmi Mahyudin and J.D. Holloway, pers. com.). These data vary in the use of different light types, sampling regimes and specimen numbers (local samples <20 speci- mens were not considered). Observed local species richness ranges up to 50 species (see figure 4: only samples with >1000 specimens contained over 40 spe- cies). Thus, the highest C/moi-estimate of 68 species (Table 4) is still in a realistic range. The slope of the data in figure 6 suggests that tliis may be close to the maximum local species richness that can be found by light-trapping in this region. Schulze et al. (2000) reported 59 night-active Sphingidae species from a compilation of data from several sampling sites within Kinabalu Park, Sabah. Higher records of local spe- cies richness in Southeast-Asia can probably only be found from continental regions (e.g. 67 species from year-round sampling on a site in northern Vietnam, T. Larsen, pers. com.), where regional species rich- ness is higher than in insular Southeast-Asia (Beck & Kitching 2004). 70 20 40 60 80 100 120 Distance class [m] Figure 1 : Return rates within 5 minutes (in percent) of three Lepidopteran families from six release distance classes (note that ‘Noctuidae’ contains only the genus Asota, see Table 2). Loglinear contingency table analysis (see box 1 ) indicates significant differences in return rates between the families. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Release distance [m] Figure 2; Exemplar logistic regression fit of the binary data {return/ non return) for the Sphingid species Ambulyx canescens (N=37). Regression values (y-axis) range between 0 and 1 and can be interpreted as probability for ‘return’. The ‘attraction radius’ (turning point of the regression curve = 50% return probability) is estimated at 23.9m for this species. Note that several data points may lie on the same position, which are not shown in the graph but influence the slope of the curve. 3) Flight time during the night Figure 7 shows the distribution of arrival times of 1450 hawkmoths at 6 sample sites. Arrivals are clearly 26 /. Res.Lepid. Box 2: Z-tests for flilTerciiccs of logistic regression turning points (a) of families (b) of tlie most extreme species. Values in bold indicate significanl differences (z>1.9(i, p<0.0,'j). a) z-value Sphin^dae Noctuidae Noctuidae -(1.664 Geometridae 2.173 2.418 6) z-value A. shen>i/lii /'. liilirilUi T. rhesus Asota 4sp. T. latreillii 1 .469 r. rhesus 1 .624 -0.966 Asola 4sp. (1.908 -l.l 12 -0.307 1). subfluvata 1.790 -0.29,6 1 .094 1 .436 Table 3. Mean values of 23 sampling sessions for the number of individuals (N), species (S), sampling nights, as well as the C/rao?-estimate of true species richness (Colwell 2000), the proportion (in percent) of observed/ estimated species richness (% and the mean number of individuals per sampling night. The median is also given where distributions deviate from normality (KS-test, p<0.05). Mean ±SE Median Min. Max. N 220.9 ±-tX.5 1 16 25 847 ^obs 22.1 ±1.5 10 38 Nights 5.5 ±0.3 3 9 Chaol 30.1 ±2.5 28 14 68 % 75.9 ±3.2 37.9 94.4 N / night 35.9 ±6.5 26.2 6.2 121 Table 4. Species richness (observed and estimated) of local samples from Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia. See text for data sources of “all data”. Samples Mean SD Min Max S„bs 23 22.1 7.4 10 38 Chaol-est (own) 23 30.1 12.1 14 68 All data S , obs 60 20.2 10.4 5 50 symmetrically distributed around midnight, with a steep rise in specimens in the third hour since sunset, and a decline after eleven hours. This is in marked contrast to smaller moths in Borneo or in temperate regions (e.g. Thomas 1996, Schulze 2000, and own observations), which considerably decline in numbers after 2-3 hours past sunset. Flight times clearly differ between species (figure 8). Median flight times also differ between Sphingid subfamilies, with Smerinthinae flying on average earlier in the night and Sphinginae later (KW-Anova: H^if^^=20.27, p<0.0001*). However, median values for subfamilies are still quite tightly clustered around midnight (Smerinthinae 6h, Sphinginae 7.5h past sunset). Median arrival times also differ between sites (KW-Anova: 130.8, p<0.0001*), which is most probably the effect of different moonlight and weatlier conditions. Over the range of sample sites, however, these differences are leveled out as figure 7 shows a veiy symmetric distribution. Assuming flight times are adaptive, two hypo- thetical factors can be tested with for an influence on flight time differentiation: a) Avoidance of mating in closely related taxa might be a reason for differences in activity patterns. Species within genera should have le.ss (light time overlap than average species couples, b) With decreasing temperatures during the night, larger species can maintain their flight muscle tem- perature, hence their agility, more easily than small- bodied species. Pianka’s niche overlap of flight times was calcu- lated for the 20 most commonly recorded Sphingi- dae species _,p>12] as well as for intra-generic comparisons [N^^.^^^^e”K)] within the genera Amhulyx [5 spp.], llieretra [4 spp.] and Acosmeryx [2 spp.] (see Southwood Sc Henderson 2000, computed with Pro- grams for Ecological Methodology, Kenney 8c Krebs 2000). Mean values of niche overlap range around 0.57 for all Sphingidae and >0.7 for the intra-generic comparisons. Thus, no indication for a lower overlap for within-genera comparisons was found. There is a tendency for smaller species to fly earlier than large species (N=49, Pearson’s r‘-’=().109, p==0.021; body size was measured as mean forewing length, which is a good surrogate for body mass within a group of similar body architecture; Loderetal. 1998, Schoener 1980). However, a clear phylogenetic signal was detected in body size data (randomization test: p=0.001* for phylogenetic independence), whereas no signal was detected in flight time data (p=0.430) . A correlation of independent contrasts for body size and flight time is not significant (N=48, rM).0l7, p=0.376), nor is a cor- relation of contrasts for body size with ‘raw data’ for flight time (N=48, r-=0.002, p=0. 769), using contrasts for a neutral, star-like phylogeny (see also Rheindt et al. 2004 for methods). These analyses indicate that the weak relation between flight time and body size (see above) must be considered spurious under the 39: 18-37, 2000 (2006) 27 Ac_sfterv. Ain _pryen Dajiypotfi Psjnenepfi. Thjatreilfii Th__t1fesus Ain_canes. Ainp _panop. Me_obfiqua Tli_cJobto Thjiessus Th_silhet Figure 3. Turning points’ of logistic regressions for Sphingidae species, which indicate the distance of 50 percent return-probability (±1.96SD) after experimental release. No significant differences can be found between the species. above described assumptions. 4) ‘Seasonality’ and temporal change Comparisons of the ‘within-habitat’ diversity of re-sampling sessions (figure 9) showed a remarkable constancy of measures; only at one site (CROl) a significant change in diversity could be observed, even though the species inventory in both samples was identical (Table 6). No inlluence of ‘seasons’ (see Table 5) on diversity differences could be observed, indicating that changes in the structure of hawkmoth assemblages are either random or directional in a longer time scale than one year (Beck et ah, 2006). Measures of between-session similarity of sampled assemblages are relatively high, particularly for NESS- indices (Grassle & Smith 1976) which are not biased (towards lower values) by incomplete speciesinvento- ries as S0rensen-indices are (Southwood & Henderson 2000) . If common species are weighted high for calcu- lation of NESS(OT=i ), it seems that primary forest sites (DVl, PORI) are more stable than disturbed sites. This pattern, however, breaks down if rare species are weighted higher at m=21. All NESS(rrt=27)-values are >0.82 for within-site comparisons of sessions (as e.g. in Novotny et al. 2002). Multidimensional Scal- ing (figure 10) of NESS(j«=2i)-values illustrates that fatmal differences between seasons are mostly smaller than those between sites. The sampled assemblages were tested for spatial and temporal differences (see Table 5 for classification) by the randomization test Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM), using PRIMER 5 (2002). In one-way designs, significant effects could be found between sites (Global R=0.711, p^O.OOl*), but not between seasons (Global R=-0.043, p=0.552) or sampling year (Global R=0.026, p=0.397). Further- more, in various two-way designs (including nested designs) no temporal effects (season or year) could be found. Relative abundances of sampled species were correlated to each other (Table 7) to assess how well sampling in one session reflects the rank order of species in other sessions at a site. All relevant cor- relations are highly significant, though R’-values are not particularly high. Within-site correlations have significantly higher R'^-values than between-site cor- relations (t-test; t_jj^^.j=7.47, p<().0()01*). O (D cn Q. cn iS) ^ "CD -£= D O CO o o < 11] in II] o^: a, in III 11] c- I- l'^ I 'a; .. I:*; ill i ^(-1 t I '•w ^ l-J 't-r LO LH s'^ ■S5 I t ■fl -t J; OK u:i in o m in X in in in m c- ni m R] o ni ■■ ? 'i.E 9-5 5 m Ri t- 0,1 Si? 0 t I lo i"- '■■’iS di-t'ts'a" m i in S;* o'o S th ^ ^<3 oj’ in I r-' <■■ l__r^ Oji^ ■^U] a. u m m m Ri in :d e t o;? o ^ a, f 5 o o i- ^ ^ Q- 1 I - ‘1 ill t -| in iM Figure 8: Median, earliest and latest arrival times of 50 Sphingid species in Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia (N=:1450). A KW- Anova of the 24 species with individual numbers e”10 indicates that different species have clearly and significantly differing flight times during the night (N=1375, ^23=509. 04, p<0. 00001*). ingly complete picture of the species assemblage that is present in a habitat at a particular time (excluding the day-active taxa, of course). An average of% of the expected species (and often much more) could be in- ventoried with this method. S])hingidae are not a very speciose taxon in Sontheast-Asia (e.g. species ntimbers from Borneo: 1 13 Sphingidae (Beck & Kitching 2004), compared to ca. 1000 described Geometridae (Hollo- way 1993, 1990, 1997) ), but a relatively high degree of available ‘background information’ even for tropical species (taxonomy, distribution, host plants: Kitching & Cadion 2000) renders them a very attractive group for ecological research within the Lepidoptera. It is difhcnlt to judge how reliable species richness estimates really are. CV/r/o /-estimates increased with increasing within .some sites (see Schulze & Fiedler 2003 for a similar effect on Fisher’s a of Pyralidae), even though they often reached relatively stable values with addition of the last 1-2 sample nights (see e.g. figure 5). Alternative estimators (see results) came to very similar figures of expected species, and figure 6 indicates that extrapolation estimates are generally in a realistic range. Particularly, ‘optimal estimators’ ac- cording to Brose Sc Martinez (2004) correlate well with Cliaol (Spearman rank correlation: N=23, R-=0.525, p<0.00001 *) and lead to an overall veiy similar assess- ment of sampling success. Thus, estimates are consid- ered credible, although only more empirical studies on Colwell’s (2000) estimators can reallyjudge their value as predictors of true species richness. Moreno & Halffter (2000) used randomized spe- cies accumulation curves to determine asymptotes of species inventories for Neotropical bat assemblages, which were suggested to be used for the comparison of incomplete samples, across different sampling methods or sampling efforts. This was criticized by Willott (2001; but see Moreno & Halffter 2001), who pointed out that (1) the number of sampled individuals is a better measurement of sampling ef- fort than the number of sampling units, and (2) the method is not suitable for high diversity taxa where only a small fraction of a local assemblage has been santpled. The MMMeans method of richness estima- tion (Colwell 2000, Chazdon et al. 1998) follows a 39: 18-37, 2000 (2006) 31 similar approach by fitting an asymptotic Michaelis- Menten type curve to randomized species accumu- lation curves. MMMmns-estimates were generally very similar to C/woi-estimates in this study. Figure 5 shows an example of species accumulation curves. Estimates of total species richness from Chaol were in an acceptable range when viewing randomized species accumulation curves, which adds credibility to both approaches. Flight times The analysis of flight times shows that it is crucial to stay out all night in order to sample Southeast-Asian hawkmoth communities successfully and completely. Not only does the greatest number of specimens come around midnight to the light (and moths keep com- ing until dawn) , but a shorter sampling period would also systematically under-represent certain species, as median flight times vary significantly between spe- cies. The ability of Sphingidae to warm up their flight muscles by shivering gives them the ability to make their flight activity relatively independent of ambient temperatures, at least under the moderate tempera- ture changes of a tropical night. However, in other tropical moth taxa empirical data prove that numbers of moths arriving at night decrease after the first few hours (Schulze 2000, Brehm 2002, Sfissenbach 2003). Hence, the judgment stated above might not be valid for such taxa, and the ‘coverage’ of the assemblage in samples may be considerably higher even if sampling is carried out only for parts of the night. It remains to be seen from similar data on other taxa, if ‘niches’ in flight time are a general feature of moth assemblages. Anecdotal information points into this direction - Southeast-Asian Saturniidae, for example, are found in numbers only after midnight (pers. obs., see also Janzen 1984). No ecological reasons for temporal niche segregation could be con- hrmed from our data, though early-flying taxa tended to be smaller than late-flying ones. Studies on other organisms suggest that partitioning of activity times is only rarely caused by competition or predation, and that endogenous rhythmicity may be an evolutionaiy constraint (e.g. Kionfeld-Schor & Dayan 2003). We did not find any decline in the number of Sphingidae specimens (nor for other groups, though this was not quantihed) under conditions of heavy rain. No moths might be flying during the peak minutes of a tropical rainstorm, but they still keep coming under very unpleasant sampling conditions. Thus, breaks from a sampling schedule due to heavy rain (which are commonly reported in the literature) cannot be excused by low sampling success, although more Figure 9: Fisher’s a (±95% confidence interval) as a measure of within-habitat diversity for re-samples of four sites in north-eastern Borneo (see Table 1). Only at one site (CR01) a significant difference in diversity between re-samples within a site (dashed lines) can be observed. There is no indication for systematic influences of season (see Table 5) on diversity. Fisher’s a (±95%CI) for pooled sample sessions are: DV1 : 5.98±0.99, CR01 : 8.15±1 .23, PORI: 8.65±2.46, POR8: 7.97±1.05. All samples fit the tofiiser/es-distribution sufficiently good to justify the use of Fisher’s a (Southwood & Henderson 2000). CN C o to c <1» E Q 08 CROIJI (01) 0.6 POR8-II (02) 0 4 DV1-III (03) ^ ° P0R8-I (01) DV1-IV(03) O 0.2 A 0.0 DV1-I (01) • POR8-III(03) -0.2 CRori (01) O -0 4 PORl-j(02) DV1-II(01) -O.B POR1-II (03) 0 -20 -1.5 -10 -05 0,0 05 1,0 1 5 2.0 Dimension 1 o A 'Dry season' SW-monsoon NE-monsoon Figure 10: Multidimensional Scaling of NESS(m=27)- values ordinate sampling sessions according to their faunal similarity. Different symbols indicate season (see Table 5 for classification), labels give sample acronyms and the year of sampling (in brackets). Temporal differences (season, year) do not produce meaningful patterns, whereas samples are differentiated according to site affiliation (see text for randomization test). fragile taxa might by damaged beyond identification by wet equipment. 32 /. I^s.Lepid. Table 5. Timing of re-sampling sessions (4-9 nights each) at four sites in Sabah, Borneo. Numbers in brackets indicate ‘seasons’ based on rainfall measurements at Danum Valley Field Centre (see Marsh & Greer 1992), but our assessment of seasons is based on means of 1 7 instead of 6 years of meteorological data collection (data not shown, G. Reynolds pers. com.): (1 ) = ‘Dry Seasons’ February-April, July-September (<230 mm rainfall per month), (2) = ‘South-West Monsoon’ May-June, (3) = ‘North- East Monsoon’ October-January (>250 mm). Climate patterns might differ between parts of Borneo island, see also Walsh & Newbery (1999), Kato et al. (1995), Kitayama et al. (1999). Site Sample I Sample II Samjtle III Sample IV DVl Jim 2001 (2) Dec 2001 (3) Mar 2003 ( 1 ) Dec 2003 (3) CROl May 2001 (2) Nov 2001 (3) PORI Jan 2002 (3) Keb 2003 ( 1 ) POR8 Jul 2001 (1) Jan 2002 (3) Feb 2003 ( 1 ) Table 6. Measures of between-sample diversity between sampling sessions at four sites in Borneo. All indices range from 0 (no species in common between sessions) to 1 (identical samples). While Sorensen-indices consider only presence-absence data (Southwood & Flenderson 2000), NESS-indices (Grassle & Smith 1976) use quantitative data with increasing weight on rare species with increasing m (see e.g. Brehm & Fiedler 2004 for an assessment of between-habitat diversity measures). For comparison between-sample diversity of 10 samples (within 12 months) in seasonal northern Vietnam (Hoang Lien Nature Reserve, data from T. Larsen, pers.com.) is presented. Site Re-.sam|)les Soien.sen (Mean±SD) NESS (w=/)(Mean±SD) NESS (w=27)(Mean±SD) DVl 4 0.83 ±0.18 0.9,5 ± 0.04 0.85 ± 0.09 CROl 9 1.00 0.80 0.95 PORI 9 0.67 0.86 0.94 POR8 3 0.87 + 0.12 0.78 ± 0.07 0.92 ± 0.07 HOA 10 0.47 ± 0.24 Seasonality and temporal change We have found no evidence of ‘seasonality’ in Spltingid assemblages from north-eastern Borneo, though otir data were too limited for an application of rigorotis tests of cyclic patterns (e.g. Wolda 1988). Previous studies suggested that not only in tropical habitats with clear wet and dry seasons (e.g. Frith & Frith 1985, Jan/.en 1993), hut also in less seasonal regions (Novotny & Ba.sset 1998, Intachat et al. 2001, Wolda 1978) insect abundances can lluctuate con- siderably as an effect of changes in precipitation. Our data stiggests that while there are considerable changes of relative and absolute abtmdances of indi- vidual species between sampling sessions (see below), measures ol'diversity (figtire 9) , community structure (Table 6) and the rank order of species (Table 7) are not dramatically different. A number of other studies also concluded that temjioral changes did not affect meastires of community structure for studies of ants in Borneo (Briihl 2001) or Lepidoptera in Sulawesi (Barlow 8c Woiwod 1993), New Guinea (Novotny et al. 2002) and Borneo (e.g. Fiedler & Schulze 2004, Schulze & Fiedler 2003) . Thus, in the aBsence of clear seasonal patterns (see also Walsh & Newbery 1999), we conclude that short-term samples probably give reasonably good data for analyses of local assemblages of Sphingidae in Borneo - even though it has to be kept in mind that assemblages might change over timescales of several years (Beck et al., 2006) . For a few species ( Theretra rhesus, T latreillii, T insularis, Daph- nis hypothoiis, Mnrumhn juvenciis, Enpinanga borneenis, Cechenena Ihieosa) we have indications of larger long- term poptilation fhictuations from the re-samples in our data as well as in comparison with older literattire (e.g. Holloway 1976, 1987, Tennent 1991). Conclusions From the experimental and empirical data that we presented above, the following conclusions and methodological advice can be drawn: 1) For complete and efficient sampling of Sph- ingidae (at least in Southeast-Asia) , hand-sampling 39: 18-37, 2000 (2006) 33 Table 7: R-values for Spearman rank correlations of relative abundances of species across 1 1 (re-)sampling sessions in Borneo. All correlations have p-values <0.05* (N=58), values in bold print mark correlations at p<0.0001*. The latter include all within- site correlations of sessions (in boxes). DVl-I DVl-II DVl-III Dvi -rv CROl I CROl-II PORl-I PORl-II POR8-I POR8-II DVl-II 0.812 DVl-III 0.673 0.624 DVl-IV 0.650 0.701 0.576 CROl-I 0.555 0.572 0.465 0.515 CROl-II 0.493 0.586 0.379 0.410 0.740 PORl-I 0.603 0.650 0.577 0.525 0.657 0.621 PORl-II 0.598 0.643 0.504 0.425 0.525 0.549 0.676 POR8-I 0.359 0.430 0.272 0.274 0.419 0.388 0.309 0..393 POR8-n 0.425 0.510 0.395 0.409 0.422 0.458 0.538 0.474 0.767 POR8-III 0.373 0.441 0.370 0.400 0.478 0.449 0.453 0.534 0.775 0.842 at a light source during the whole night is necessary. Shorter nightly sampling sessions miss a considerable number of specimens, and - more importantly - might specifically miss species with particular flight times, which wotild bias data. However, as long as sampling is kept standardized across habitats to be compared, and provided that the samples are stifficiently large and representative (e.g. by sampling during the peak hours of activity around midnight) between-site com- parisons might still yield valid results. 2) Under these conditions, a week of sampling will usually yield over 100 specimens, which often repre- sent more than % of the expected species in a habitat (excluding day-active species). Pre-condition to this is an adequate choice of sampling site, which shotild sample from some open airspace rather than dense vegetation (Schulze & Fiedler 1997). Seasonality of assemblages can probably be neglected for practical purposes, though care has to be taken when includ- ing data from older sources or from more seasonal regions. 3) There is no indication that a significant frac- tion of specimens are not sampled locally, btit drawn from some distant natural habitats to the sampling site by the light. A 125 Watt mercury-vapor bulb has a 50% attraction radius of less than 30 meters (which confirms older measures from the literature) , so even highly active, fast-flying taxa such as Sphingidae can be very locally sampled. However, individual specimens might fly far from their normal (breeding) habitat for natural reasons (e.g., dispersal, migration). 4) No evidence was found that species within the family Sphingidae differ significantly in their attrac- tion to light. While this does not generally rule out that such effects may occur, natural variation of sam- pling conditions will effectively level out such stibtle differences. We tentatively concltide that abundances at light sources do largely reflect relative abundances (or rather flight activity) in a habitat. However, wherever there is au option of comparing relative abundances at light with other measures of relative species abundance (e.g., counts of caterpillars from random samples) these should be employed and critically discussed. 5) There is indication that attraction towards light sources differs between higher taxonomic units such as Lepidopteran families. Large differences in body size or shape might be a key predictor for the dimen- sion of such differences. Data for taxonomically or morphologically diverse assemblages should be criti- cally explored for potential biases resulting from dif- ferent attraction radii of light. In biodiversity studies that compare different habitats, for example, it should be explored whether different taxonomic sub-units follow similar patterns before they are presented as one common trend from a pooled data set. Acknowledgements We thank Dr. Chey Vun Khen (Fore.st Research (lentre of .Sabah, FRC), Dr. Jamili Naisand Maklarini bin Lakiin (Sabah Parks), Peter Chong (DVMC, Innoprise Inc.) , Glen Reynolds and Dr. Roiy Walsh (Royal Society), Intraca Woods Inc. and Henry Barlow ((tenting Tea Estate) for productive cooperation and/or for granting |)erinission to sample on sites tinder their respective control. Ftirthennore, we thank the Economic Planning Unit (EPH) of Malaysia for granting a Research Permit for Malaysia, and the British Royal .Society for accepting this project as part of their Sontheast-Asian Rainforest Research Project (SEARRP). Dayang .Siti Nortasha (Universiti Malaysia Sabah) and Katrin Blassmann (I'niversitat Wiirzbtirg) helped with the mark-release experiments. Dr. Ian |. Kitching (NHM, London) helped with the identification of specimens and methodological advice. Ftirthennore, we thank Dr. Konrad Fiedler, Dr. Christian H. Schulze and Dr. Jereim D. Holloway for helpful comments and discussions. Two anonymous reviewers gave 34 /. Res.Lef)id. veiT helpful comments on an earlier draft ttf'the manuscript. The study was financially sni>|jorted hy the ‘Clraduiertenkolleg’ of the German Research Council (l)F(i, ‘Grundiagen des Arthropoden- verhaltens’), the ‘Sy.s-Resource’ program of the European Union and by a Ph.D.-scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Literature cited AisomiEiF, E. 19f)9. A method for testing the assumption of phylogenetic independence in comparative data. Evolutionary Ecology Research 1 : 89.5-909. Axmaciier, |. G. & Firni.KR, K. 2004. Manual versus automatic moth samjtling at ef|ual light sources - a comparison of catches from Mt. Kilimanjaro. |ournal of the Le|)ido[)terist Society .58: 19(>-202. B.vri.ovv. 11. S. & l.P. VVoiwon 1993. Seasonality and diversity of Macrolepidoptera in two lowland sites in Dumoga-Bone National Park, Sulawesi Utara. jtp 107-172. Itv. W.J. 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Journal of Researrh on the LepidoJHera 39: 37-79, 2()0() (2006) A review of the genus Manerebia Staudinger (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) in the northern Andes Tomasz W. Pyrcz Zoological Museum of thejagielloiiian University, Ingardena 6, 30-060 Krakow, Poland j)')m'ztomasz@hotmail.com KkilTH R. WiLLMOTT Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Oaine.sville, Florida, USA kmnllmolt@holmail.com Jason R W. Hall National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA hallja@si.edu Angel L. Viloria Uentro de Ecologi'a, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones CientiHcas, Apartado 21827, Caracas 1020-A, Vene/uela aviloria @oikos. ivic. ve Abstract: The taxonomic limits of the neotrojrical montane satyrine genus Manerebia Staudinger are defined, with the names Penrosada Brown and Po.steuptychia Forster treated as junior subjective .synonyms. The taxonomic history of the genus is discussed and the current knowledge on the distribution, ecology and behavior of all tiorth Andean species is sumtnarised. A specie.s-level taxonomic review of north Andean Manerebia is pre.sented that inchtdes 23 species and 37 taxa. Of these, 10 new species and 13 new subspecies are described here: M. gennaniaen. sp., M. golondrina n. sp., M. magnifica n. sp., M. manimulhus n. sp., M. pervaga n. sp., M. phiviosa n. sp.. A/, prattorum n. sp., M. rufanalis n. sp., M. seducta n. sp., M. undulala n. sp., M. franciscae rodnguezi n. ssp., M. germaniae vitaki n. ssp., M. inderena antioquiana n. ssp., M. inderena clara n. ssp., M. inderena jina n. ssp., M. inderena leaeniva n. ssp., M. inderena mirena n. ssp., M. inderena similis n. ssp., M. leaena gonzak'zi ii. ssp., M. rufanalis fernandina ii. ssp., M. .salura lamasi n. ssp., M. satura pauperata n. ssp., M. undulala milaena n. ssp. A lectotype is designated for M. leaena to stabilise future nometiclature and Penrosada lanassa f. negkcta is placed as a subs|)ecies of Manerebia ignilineata n. stat. Accounts are |)resented for each species, discussing identification, taxonomy and ecolog)’, and listing known geogra|rhic and elevational range data. Adult specimens, drawings of male genitalia and distribution maps are figured for all taxa where possible and the location of type material is given. Keywords: cloud forest, Colombia, ecotone, Ecuador, elevational range, elfin forest, identification, M. franciscae rodriguezin. ssp., M. gennaniaen. sp., AT germaniae vitaki n. ssp., AT golondrina n. sp., M. indeiena antioquiana n. ssp., AT inderena clara n. ssp., M. indere?ia pna n. ssp., M. inderena kaeniwi n. ssp., M. inderena mirena n. ssp., M. inderena similis n. ssp., M. seducta n. sp., AT leaena gonzalezi n. .ssp., AT magnifican. sp., M. rnammuthusn. sp., M. pemaga n. sp., M. pluvio.sa n. sp., M. jnattorum n. sp.. AT rufanalis n. sp., AT rufanalis fernandina ii. ssp., M. .salura lamasi n. ssp., AT satura pauperata ii. ssp., AT undulala n. sp., AT undulala milaena n. ssp., paramo, Penrosada, Peru, Po.steuptychia, .sy.stematics, taxonomy, tree-line, Venezuela. Introduction and methods The taxonomy of the neotropical Satyrinae re- mains the most poorly understood of any nymphalid butterfly group. The high levels of endemism and diversity in the tropical Andes make understanding the systematics of its fauna particularly challenging, Received: 21 December 2004 Accepted: 28 May 2005 and this is certainly true of the speciose genus Maner- ebia Staudinger. A notable feature of the genus is the external similarity of many species, which can only be identified with certainty through dissection, and this fact has led to much confusion in the literature and resulted in a significant underestimation of the true taxonomic diversity of the genus. In this paper we review the Manerebia fauna of the north Andean region, where the highest number of undescribed and taxonomically confusing taxa occur. The genus is 38 /. Res.Lepid. remarkable for only 13 of the 23 known north Andean species, and 14 of the 37 known north Andean taxa, having been described to date, clearly illustrating the importance of continuing collection activity in this region. We aim to establish the identity of all historical names applying to taxa from this region and describe all unnamed taxa known to us, hopefully creating a firm foundation for future taxonomic revision of the entire genus. The authors have been involved in studying the diversity and taxonomy of the Andean satyrine but- terflies of Venezuela, (Colombia and Ecuador for more than a decade (e.g. Pyrcz et ai, 1999; Pyrcz & Viloria, 2004; Viloria, 2001). The region between southern Ecuador and northern Peru forms a prominent biogeographic divide for many montane butterfly taxa (Willmott, Hall, Pyrcz, unpublished data), and the majority of north Andean Manerebia species do not occur further to the south. We therefore define, for the purpose of this paper, the north Andes as the area north of the Rio Chamaya - Maranon valley in northern Peru, also known as the Huancabamba deflection (Dillon, 1994). Original descriptions were consulted for all pub- lished Manerebia names and attempts made to locate type material. specimens were examined in collections in Europe, North and South America, as listed below. One problem faced by earlier authors was a lack of reliably labelled material in collections. How- ever, extensive fieldwork throughout the region by ourselves and others has provided a large amount of new information on habitat preferences, geographic and elevational distribution and phenotypic variation. This information has been extensively used in propos- ing new relationships between allopatric taxa, but we have nevertheless had to make a number of arbitrary assignments of taxonomic rank, based on incomplete information. In general, where there are no appar- ent differences in either genitalic characters, or wing pattern cliaracters that do not vary intraspecifically elsewhere in the genus, and closely allopatric taxa have similar elevational ranges and occur in similar habitats, we have regarded them as conspecific. Dissections were made of males only, due to the rarity of females in collections, and where necessary, type specimens were dissected to confirm their iden- tity. Abdomens were soaked in hot 10% KOH solution for 15 min and subsequently stored in glycerol for study under binocular microscope. Morphological terms for genitalia largely follow Klots (1956) and for venation follow Comstock & Needham (1918). The following collection codens are used in the text; AFEN: Collection of Andrew F. E. Neild, London, UK AME: Allyn Mnseiini otFintoinology, Sarasota, USA (now at McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Gainesville, U.SA) BMNH: The Natural History' Museum, London, UK (T=Type coll.. R=Rothschild coll., A&B=Adams & Bernard coll.) GR: Collection of Gabriel Rodriguez, Medellin, Colombia IMLT: Fundacidn e Institiito Miguel Lillo, Tucuman, Argentina JFLC: C lollection of Jean-Frangois Le Grom, Bogota, Colombia KWJH: C lollection of Keith Willmott and Jason Hall, Gainesville, USA MALUZ: Mirseo de Artropodos de la Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela MBLI: Collection of Maurizio Bollino, Lecce, Italy MECN: Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales, Quito, Ecuador MHNUN: Mirseo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Nacional, Bogota, Colombia MHNUP: .Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Redagdgica, Bogota, Colombia MI2^: Museo de F.utomologi'a de la Universidad Central, Maracay, Venezuela MZPAN: .Muzeuin i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warsaw, Poland MUSM: Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru MZUJ: Muzeum Zoologiczne Uniwersytetu jagiellohskiego, Krak(')w, Poland. PB: Collection of Pierre Boyer, Le Puy Sainte Reparade, France PUCE: Museo de Fnitomologi'a, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador, Quito PUJ; Dep: irtainento de Biologfa, Pontificia Lbiiversidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia SMTD: Staatlische Museum fiir Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany TWP: Collection of Tomasz Wilhelm Pyrcz, Warsaw, Poland USNM: United States National Museum - Smithsonian Institution, Washington, USA ZMHU: .Museum fur Naturkunde der Humboldt Universitat, Berlin, Cermany DHW, VHW, DFW, VFW: dorsal hindwing, ventral hindwing, dorsal forewing, ventral forewing Systematic overview The name Manerebia was initially proposed by Staudinger (1897) for five new, closely related Boliv- ian and Peruvian species (M. cyclopina, M. cyclopeUa, M. Cyclops, M. lyphlops and M. thyphlopsella) . Subse- quent taxa described in the genus were also typically from the sonthern tropical Andes (Schaus, 1902; Hayward, 1949; Eorster, 1964), with the exception of the Colombian M. nevadensisYechg^Y (Kriiger, 1925) and Ecuadorian M. knadialeuka Hayward (Hayward, 1968). Brown (1944) introduced the generic name Pen rosada for a cluster of mainly north Andean species formerly often placed in Lytrertwo/toz/a Westwood, 1851, including P. leaena (Hewitson), P. apiculata (C. & R. Felder), P. lanassa (C. & R. Felder), P lisa (Weymer, 1911), P. sat lira (Weymer), P. cillutinarcn (Weymer, 1912, a synonym of M. zoippus (H. Druce, 1876) ) , and P keithi (Dyar, 1913, a synonym of M. satura) . Adams & Bernard (1979, 1981) and Adams (1986) described a further four species of Penrosadabom Colombia and Venezuela, and historically authors have continued 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 39 to regard both Manerebia and Penrosada as distinct genera, without further discussion of the taxonomic relationships of their members (e.g., Forster, 1964; Miller, 1968; Adams & Bernard, 1977, 1979, 1981; Ad- ams, 1985, 1986; D’Abrera, 1988; Racheli & Racheli, 2001). Having examined the head, thorax, wing vena- tion and pattern, and male genitalia of all species formerly placed in Penrosada Brown and Manerebia we have found no synapomorphies that distinguish the two genera, and we therefore follow Lamas & Viloria (2004) in considering the former as a sub- jective junior synonym of the latter. Brown’s (1944) original description of Penrosada made no reference to Manerebia, and his morphological diagnosis of the genus applies fully to the species originally treated in MrtncrcZ^t’rtby Staudinger (1897), namely, the hindwing vein M1-M2 is characteristically short (shorter than in Lymanopoda Westwood) and gently curved, the root of vein M3 is much closer to vein Cul than M2, the hindwing is slightly incised near the anal angle, the ocellus in cell 1A-Cu2 of the forewing and hindwing is usually fully developed, and the walking legs are yellowish. The conspicuous obliqtie, straight yellow or whitish band on the hindwing underside present in most Penrosada of Brown and absent in the hve origi- nal Manerc/^irt of Staudinger almost certainly does not define a monophyletic group, being highly variable between and even within populations. Some species of Manerebia, as defined here, such as M. ignilineata, M. interrupta and M. apiculata, are polymorphic, with the band shortened, discontinuous or even entirely absent. Other typical features of the genus Manerebia include male genitalia characterised by a long, arched uncus, fully developed subuncus, and slender valvae with a strongly dentate dorsal edge. We also consider the genus Posteiiplychia Forster a subjective junior synonym of Manerebia, where it was placed by Lamas & Viloria (2004). Forster (1964) erected the monotypic Posteiiplychia for Pronophila mycalesoides C. & R. Felder on the strength of its slightly unusual male genitalic morphology, but did not notice that species he treated in Manerebia were also similar in this respect, and shared similar wing color pattern and venation. Indeed, M. mycalesoides is perhaps genitalically most similar to M. nevadensis, one of the few north Andean species actually originally described in Manerebia. Miller (1968) placed Manerebia in the tribe Pronophilini Reuter, a neotropical section of the Satyrinae. Adams & Bernard (1977, 1979, 1981), Adams (1986) and Pyrcz (1999) did not question this decision, but Viloria (2001) suggested that Manerebia does not belong in the Pronophilina, but in the pre- dominantly Holarctic Erebiina (following Harvey’s (1991) arrangement, downranking former tribes to subtribes of the Satyrini). Viloria (2001) listed three putative synapomorphies of the Pronophilina absent in Manerebia: setose eyes, hindwing cross vein M1-M2 curved basad into the discal cell and hindwing discal cell equal or shorter than the maximum length of the hind’wing. The absence of setae on the eyes also occurs in the Erebiina, where the genus is currently placed (Lamas & Viloria, 2004), as well as in the Palearctic Satyrina. We believe the character evidence in stipport of this subtribal position is currently weak, and a thor- ough cladistic analysis of the tribe Satyrini is clearly needed, hopefully including additional characters, especially those from the early stages (e.g., Harvey, 1991) and molectilar sequence data. Pyrcz (1995) and Viloria (2001) suggest Idmania Pyrcz or Idioneunila Strand as possible sister genera of Manerebia. The species-level systematics of Manerebia are very complex and have not been rendered easier by mul- tiple errors made by earlier workers (see Appendix 1). Three publications are especially significant for the description of new taxa: Brown (1944), Forster (1964) and Adams (1986). In addition to describing the generic synonym Penrosada, Brown (1944) also attempted to treat all Ecuadorian species, though he seemed unaware of two species already described at that time from the cotmtry, M. trimaculala and M. ig- niUnenln, redescribing the latter as forms of “Penrosada Innassri'. He also mistakenly applied the names leaena, lanassa and apiculata to various species and described several infrasubspecific forms differing in the expres- sion of the hindwing band as new taxa. In the absence of any figures of specimens, identification of the taxa that Brown was really treating mtist be based largely on the imprecise genitalic illustrations. Eorster (1964) clarified, to some extent, the classification of the Boliv- ian species and illustrated the most poorly known taxa described by Staudinger ( 1897) . LInfortunately, he did not examine the genitalia of any species, and hence he also did not notice that Penrosada ‘And Posleuplychia were morphologically similar to other Manerebia. Einally, Adams (1986) treated most of the species of Manerebia (under the name Penrosada) occurring in Colombia and Venezuela, jrroviding valuable distri- butional data and describing a number of new taxa, but also made some errors in identification similar to earlier authors. Lamas & Viloria (2004) provided a synonymic checklist for the entire genus, thus cor- recting previotts taxonomic errors. Morphology The wing patterns of all Manerebia species are very 40 /. Res.Lcpid. simple (Figs. 1-9). Both dorsal and ventral surfaces are generally uniformly brown (though M. /tsr/ and two new species described here have a coloured dorsal band), and the most visible character, the ventral hindwing postdiscal band, is also one of the most variable. In addition to simple local and geographic variation in width, orientation and color, the band may be absent altogether, split into spots, or reduced to small sections, all within a single population. The evolutionary basis for the polymorpliism within this hindwing band remains unknown, but it occurs in several species that are apparently not a monophyletic group. The only other apparent pattern elements are fine, darker postdiscal and submarginal lines, and oc- casional submarginal ocelli in cells Cul-Cu2 on the forewing and cells Cail-Cn2 and IA-Cu2 on the hind- wing, and these subtle characters prove to be some of the most useful for distingnishing species. The male genitalia (Figs. 10-14) are also taxonomi- cally extremely useful, for although also simple in structure they may differ significantly between species that are externally almost indistinguishable. In the north Andean fauna, taxa frequently fall into one of two principal morphological groups (that may or may not be monophyletic); one in which the nncns is strongly arched, the subunci relatively long, the ‘teeth’ at the distal tip of the valva often extending anteriorly along the dorsal edge, and the dorsal base of the valva armed with a projection with numerous small ‘teeth’ (M. leacna, M. gennaniae, M. pluviosa n. sp., M. apiciilata, M. iiavarrae, M. Jmnriscae, M. mam- muthusn. sp., M. satura), and one in which the nncns is slightly curving or straight, the snbunci relatively short, the ‘teeth’ confined to the distal tip of the valva, and the dorsal base of the valva armed with a simple projection only (A/, inderena, M. golondrina n. sp., M. prnttorum n. sp.. A/, trimaculatn, AT undulata n. sp., M. inlerrupta) . Within these two groups, more subtle characters in the shape of the uncus, subunci and valvae are often consistent within and between populations, and provide clues to the relationships of allopatric taxa. Diversity, distribution, ecology and behavior Lamas & Viloria (2004) recognise a total of 45 Manerebin species, including both described and un- described species. The genus is exclusively Andean, including the peripheral ranges of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Venezuelan Cordillera de la (iosta (Figs. 15-20), and local faunas in the central and northern Andes comprise three to eight species (Appendices 2, 3) . Some species ot' Manerehia occur in premontane forests as low as 800 m ( A4. niycalesoides, M. mngnifica n. sp. and some Bolivian species) . The genus is, however, most diverse in middle and upper eleva- tion cloud forest and elfin forests from 2300-3000m. A few species occur in the paramo grassland above the tree line up to 4000m (M. kvana, M. ignilineala, M. sedurta n. sp.). Most north Andean Manerehia occur in low popula- tion densities. This is particularly true for species in Venezuela and northern Colombia, where they are among the rarest cloud forest butterflies. Manerehia mycalesoides, the sole representative of the genus in the Venezuelan Cordillera de la Costa, remained unknown there until 1999, despite this being prob- ably the best sampled mountainous area in South America. In Colombia and Ecuador Manerehia s\icc\c^ abundance remains relatively low in comparison to that of other sympatric cloud forest satyrine genera, such as Pedaliodes Sutler, 1867, PronophilaMouhXc&Ay, [ 1 849] , or Lynianopoda. Aggregations at water seepages of more than a couple of individuals are a rare sight, but, surprisingly, towards the southern tropical Andes the reverse may be true. In the cloud forests of Bolivia certain species o^ Manerehia Are occasionally extremely abundant, and literally hundreds of individuals can be i'requently observed along roadsides and forest trails (Pyrez, pers. obs.). Seasonal fluctuations in abundance have also been noted (Adams & Bentard, 1981) I'or some north Andean species, especially those occurring in the paramo. Adults of some species are observed almost exclusively during the wet season {M. Jranciscae, M. inlerrupta) , whereas others seem to be tnnch more abundant during the dry season {M. undulata n. sp., M. inderena). Several Manerehia species are confined to very narrow ecological zones, such as the forest-paramo ecotone {M. inlerrupta), while other north Andean Manerehia, although wider ranging, are inconspicuous butterflies of dense cloud forests, usually overlooked by lepidopterists. These facts have resulted in their poor representation in major collections. Fortunately, however, all of the cloud forest species o^ Manerehia Are readily attracted to decomposing organic matter, es- pecially dung and carrion, and the use of baited traps provides a rapid and reliable method of sampling. Paramo species also come to bait, but less readily, and sampling for species above the tree-line must also be done with hand-nets. Some species of Manerehia demonstrate notable wing pattern similarities to unrelated, microsympat- ric pronophiline satyrines. Adams & Bernard (1979) remarked on the similarity of tw'O Colombian species, M. quinterae Aud M. navarrae, to two respectively sym- patric Eretris species, and stated that there was “little doubt” that mimicry was occurring. A further, even 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 41 more striking example concerns M. pluviosa n. sp., which has a very unusual wing pattern for the genus, a wide postdiscal orange band on both wings. This species is microsympatric with a similarly patterned Pedaliodes species (Pyrcz & Viloria, in press). To date there is no evidence for unpalatability in any of these species, and it remains to be demonstrated that these similarities result from mimicry. Very little is known about the early stages of Maner- ehin. Adams & Bernard (1981) recorded the montane bamboo Chusquea (Poaceae) as the food plant for Manerebia frandscae. Greeney (Greeney & Pyrcz, in prep.) observed second to fourth instar larvae of M. inderena daran. ssp. inYanayacu (Ecuador, Napo) also on a species of Chusquea. This food plant is also that of most Neotropical cloud-forest satyrines and will probably apply to the entire genus. Species accounts Manerebia Staudinger, 1897 Manerebia Stimdinger, 1897; 139. Type-specie.s Manerebia cyrlopi- Staudinger, by sub.seqiient designation (Heinining, 1943: 24). = Penrosada Brown, 1944: 25.6. Type-species Lymanopoda leaena Hewitson, by original designation. = Posleuptychia Forster, 1964: 137. Type-species Pronophila my- calesoides C. & R. Felder, by monotypy. [NOTE: only north Andean taxa are included here, with the exception of M. satura satura; - indicates a subspecies, — indicates a synonym] leaena (Hewitson, 1861) -lanassa (C. & R. Felder, 1867) -gonzalezi Pyrcz & Viloria, ii. ssp. germaniae Pyrcz & Hall, n. sp. -vitalei Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. pluviosa Pyrcz & Viloria, n. sp. apiculata (C. & R. Felder, 1867) — rurvilhiea Weymer, 1912 frandscae (Adams & Bernard, 1981) -rodriguezi Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. mammuthus Pyrcz & Willmott, n. sp. satura (Weymer, 1911) -paupirata Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. -laniasi Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. navarrae (Adams & Bernard, 1979) quinterae (Adams & Bernard, 1979) inderena (Adams, 1986) -antioquiana Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. frna Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. -sirnilis Pyrcz & Willmott n. ssp. -rlara Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. -leaeniva Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. -mirena Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. golondrina Pyrcz & Willmott, n. sp. prattorum Pyrcz & Willmott, n. sp. Irimaculata (Hewitson, 1870) undidata Pyrcz & Hall, n. sp. -milaena Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. interrupta (Brown, 1944) — keradialeuka (Hayward, 1968) rufanalis Pyrcz & Hall, n. sp. -jernandina Pyrcz & Willmott n. .s,sp. ignilineata (Dognin, 1896) -neglecta (Brown, 1944) n. stat. — disrontinua (Brown, 1944) seducta Pyrcz & Willmott. n. sp. mycalesoides (C. & R. Felder, 1867) — (Butler, 1867) magnifica Pyrcz & Willmott, n. sp. neiiadensis Kriiger, 1 925 levana (Godman, 1905) pervaga Pyrcz & Viloria, n. .sp. Manerebia leaena (Hewit.son, 18(51) The identity of leaena, the oldest available name in Manerebia, is crucial for establishing a stable no- menclature for this genus in the northern Andes. The original description is concise (“Upperside dark brown from the base to the middle, rufous-brown [be- yond. Underside as above, except that the posterior wing is crossed transversely beyond the middle, from margin to margin, by a regular, nearly straight band of pale yellow. Exp. 19/20 inch”) and accompanied by a black and white figure of the ventral surface (Hewitson, 1861). Hewitson did not give any type locality, sex or number of sjjecimens examined, which makes the correct identification of leaena difficult. However, several other pronophiline satyrines were described in the same paper (e.g., Lymanopoda laclea, Lymanopoda labda, Lymanopoda aUmcincta) , all of which were from Colombia. Kirby (1879), in his catalogue of butterflies in the collection of Hewitson in the BMNH, mentions seven specimens of leaena from Ecuador. Four Hewit- son specimens labelled as leaena were located at the BMNH, including two labelled Ecuador and two without any locality. Since these specimens actually represent two different species, M. leaena and M. imdulala n. sp., a lectotype designation is necessary. The specimen selected as the lectotype of leaena very closely matches the original figure, in particular in the precise shape of the pale hindwing ventral surface band, which is slightly notclied along the basal edge at the base of vein M3 and tapers at the tornus, and in its uniform ground colour and lack of ocelli. Given the accuracy of Hewitson figures, we believe it is probably the specimen on which the illustration was based. The specimen has a typed label, which would have been added subsequent to the specimen’s accession to the BMNH, which has “PEcuaclor” written on it, with “Quito” written over the top. Presumably the original specimen lacked locality data and a guess was made as to its origin based on other similar Hewitson speci- mens. However, a very careful comjjarison of leaena- like specimens from all samjjled localities in Ecuador 42 /. lifs.Lepid. (specified in this paper) and Colombia reveals that the wing shape and colour pattern of the lectotype matches perfectly only those found in the Colombian (iordillera Oriental east of Bogota. Adams (1986) col- lected a series of specimens of M. leaena recently in that area. The genitalia of the lectotype confirm this, being typical of (Colombian I me na 'ds treated here. It is not the only case when a pronophiline butterfly described by Hewitson bears incorrect “Ecuador” lo- cality data. Eretris pliyllalia (Hewitson), whose syntype specimen shares the same type of label as the lectotype of leaena, is a synonym oi' Erelris ajndeja apiileja (C. & R. Felder, 1867) found in the vicinity of Bogota. Having no access to the British type material, Brown (1944) misidentified M. leaena dnd applied the name to an uncertain number of Ecuadorian species. Adams (1986) correctly recognised that M. leaena is found in the Bogota region, but implied that it was sympatric with M. 1. lanassa, which he considered a se])arate species. He treated M. leaena as a species occurring thronghont the eastern Andes from Colombia to Pern, and figured the genitalia of a Peruvian specimen of Manerebia haywardi (Pyrcz, 2004) that is similar externally but actually has very distinct genitalia. Hence, the genitalia illustrations of y\/. leaena dnd most other taxa in Brown (1944) and Adams (1986) are incorrect. Further misidentifica- tions are found in D’Abrera ( 1988), whose treatment was based on the arrangement of the main collections in the BMNH, and corrections to names of figured specimens are provided here (Appendix 1). In fact, M. leaena, although externally similar to many other species, has distinctive male genitalia, which have a toothed projection near the base of the ampulla and a strongly arched uncus, similar to M. germaniae n. sp., M. pluviosa n. sp., M. apirulala, M. navarrae, M. satura, M. fra nciscae and iM. mamniuthus n. sp. Within this group, the short, squat valvae, with numerous spines at the tip and pronounced spines on the am- pulla, closely resemble only those of M. germaniae n. sp. However, M. leaena consistently differs from M. germaniae in having fewer spines on tlie dorsal edge of the valva near the ba.se. In addition, the thin dark brown submarginal lines on the ventral surface are undulate in M. leaena, but almost straight in M. ger- maniae. Although these two taxa are not known to be sympatric to date, the wing pattern and genitalic char- acters that distinguish them are consistent throughout their respective ranges (with the exception of a single specimen of M. leaena leaena discussed ixnder that taxon). In addition, M. germaniae nrdy actually prove to be the sister taxon of M. pluviosa (see under that species), which also has straight ventral submarginal lines, and which occurs .sympatrically with M. leaena gonzalezi n. ssp. in the Venezuelan Sierra de El Tama. There is slight subspecific genitalic variation in M. leaena, in the number and distribution of spines along the dorsal edge of the valva. Manerebia leaena leaena (Hewitson, 1861) Figs. lA.B, lOA, 15 Lymanopoda leaena Hewitson (1861: 156, jil. 9, fig. 1). TL: [doloinhia, Ciorclillera Oriental]. LT male (here designated): “PF.cnador, Quito”, Hewitson (loll. 79-69. B.M. Type No. Rh. .S9.^5. BMNH(T) [examined]. Penmsada leaena (Hewitson); Brown (1944: 256) (inisidenti- lication). Manerebia leaena (Hewitson): Lamas & Viloria (2004: 215). Diagnosis: In tlie nominate subspecies (Figs. lA, B) the VHW postdiscal band is ajtproximately twice the width of that in M. leaena lanassa, ;md also broader than in A/. /. gonzalezi (described below) . This taxon is similar in wing pattern to M. inderena leaeniva (described below), but theV'HW band is slightly contracted basally at the anal margin and a richer yellow than in M. inderena leaeniva or A/, inderena clara (described below). In addition to the characters given in the species account above, A/, germaniaen. s|r. is also gener- ally larger, has narrower \'HW postdiscal bands and a characteristic convex FVV outer margin, that is straight in M. leaena. A single male specimen in the BMNH(.A&B) from the Colombian Sierra Nevada del Cocny has straighter ventral submarginal lines, similar to Af. germaniae, but the genitalia, size and other wing pattern characters suggest that it is a slightly aberrant specimen of Af. leaena. CommeiiLs: The nominate subspecies occurs in the Cordillera Oriental in Colombia (Cnndinamarca. Boyaca) on the eastern slopes of the Andes, in Cacheta at 2500 m (Adams, 1986) and Cruz Verde, over 2700m (Kruger, 1925). Remaining literattire localities must be considered less reliable, with some probably applying to A/, inderena (Adams, 1986). Pyrcz’s (1999) report of a specimen of Af. leaena collected by Kruger in the Cordillera Central refers to Af. germaniae n. s|). (described below). Manerebia leaena lanassa (C. & R. Felder, 1867), stat. rest. Figs. 1C, 1), lOB, 15 Pronophila leaena \c\v. lanassa C. & R. Felder (1867: 474). TL: Colombia, Cnndinamarca, Bogota. HT male: Colombia, Cimdi- namarca, Bogota, I.indig, Feldei coll. BMNH(R) [examined], Lymanopoda leaenaiorm lanassa (C. & R. Felder); Weuner (1911: pi. 52, rowf; 1912: 249). Penmsada lanassa (C. & R. Felder); Brown (1944: 258) (misi- dentified); Adams (1986: .Af)5). Manerebia leaena lanassa (C. & R. Felder); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 215). Diagnosis: Male genitalic and wing pattern characters show that this taxon is very closely related to M. leaena leaena. The male geni- talia (Fig. lOB), inclutling that of the holotype, share the characters of other Af. leaena subspecies, an arched uncus atid s|tines at the dorsal edge of the valva near the base. However, the latter are less prominent, there are no 'teeth' between the shotilder and the apex, the a]tical 'teeth' are fewer and the valva is more slender. The VHW yellow band is half the width of nominate Af. leaena and slightly narrower than in Af. 1. gonzalezi n. ssp. Adams (1986) considered Af. leaena and lanassa to be separate species, and stated that the latter taxon ttccurred on both slopes of the Colombian Cordillera Oriental. However, we have found no e\idence to support the latter statement, and a careful examination of Adams material deposited in the BMNl 1, and material in collections in Bogota did not reveal any s|tecimen of lanassa from the east slopes of the Cordillera. Similarly, in other consulted collections (TWP, JFL.Ci, MHNUP, 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 43 PUJ) this taxon is represented only by specimens collected west and northwest of Bttgota. Since lanassa therefore seems to be the western slope replacement of M leaena leaena, we consider the two taxa conspecific (Lamas & Viloria, 2004). Comments: Maneivhm leaena lanassa is restricted to the western slope of the Cordillera Oriental in Colombia (Ciindinamarca, Boyaca). Adams (1986) reports that it occurs from 2250-2700 m, while TWP has collected it at 2900 m near Facatativa. Manerebia leaena gonzalezi Pyrcz & Viloria, n. ssp. Figs. IE, IOC, 15 Manerebia leaena n. .ssp. (Pyrcz & Viloria); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 215). Diagnosis: This taxon differs from the nominate subspecies primarily by having narrower VHW postdiscal bands, that are, however, not as narrow as in M. leaena lanassa. The VHW postdiscal band is slightly arched in comparison with the straighter bands of M. /. lanassa or the nominate subspecies. The genitalia (Fig. IOC) are also distinct in having additional ‘teeth’ along the whole dorsal edge of the valva. Description: MALE (Fig. IE): Head, f/joravand abdomen-, same as in other subspecies. Wings: Forewing (length: 18.5-19 mm, mean: 18.75 mm, n =4) triangular, torniis obtuse. Hindwing rotinded, anal margin very slightly excavated near angle. DFW' uniform cof- fee brown. DHW coffee brown; reddish scales sparsely scattered towards submarginal and marginal areas; basal half of hindwing with dense, long hairs. VFW dark brown; reddish scales scattered along costal margin and distal half of wing, more heavily towards apex and marginal area; submarginal dark chocolate brown zigzag line; vestigial postdiscal white dot in cell Ciil. VHW ground colour chestnut, except for veins which are covered with chocolate brown scales; narrow yellow band (c. 1 mm wide) from apex to anal margin close to torna! angle, crossing just at extremity of discal cell but not entering into it, dark brown submarginal line lightly undulate. Male genitalia (Fig. IOC): similar to other subspecies except with additional ‘teeth’ along dorsal edge of valva. FEMALE: Unknown. Etymology: We dedicate this new subspecies to Luis Alfonso Gonzalez, a forest guard of the Venezuelan Parque Nacional E4 Tama, one of the few in the area who knows every detail of its geogra- phy and nature, in gratitude for his cooperation and hospitality. Types: Holotype ma\e: VENEZUELA: Tachira, Parqtie Nacional El Tama, selva nublada ariiba de Betania, 2400-2480 m, 24. VI 11. 1996, A. Viloria leg., MALUZ; Paratypes (3 males): VENEZUELA: 1 male: Tachira, Parque Nacional El Tama, via La Lfnea, 2300-2700 m, 17.rV.1996, T. Pyrcz leg., TWP; 1 male: Tachira, via Bramon a De- licias, Mata Mula, 1850-2020 m, 18. IX. 1997, A. Neild leg., Af’EN; COLOMBIA: 1 male: Norte de Santander, Parque Nacional Natural El Tama, Henan, 2500 m, X1L1993, J. F. Le Crom /eg., JFLC. Comments: Manerebia leaena gonzalezi is known from a few indi- viduals seen and collected in the cloud forest at elevations between 2300-2700 m. It flies high around bamboos (Chnsquea) along with Lymanopoda lebbaea C. & R. Felder, 1867, ssp. (Pyrcz & Viloria, in press), Lymanopoda albocinrla (Hewitson, 1861 ) and Erelris porphyrin (C. & R. Felder, 1867) ssp. (Pyrcz & Viloria, in press), but it is not such a fast flying insect as most of the butterflies found with it. Manerebia germaniae Pyrcz & Hall, n. sp. This species is superficially very similar to several sympatric Manerebia, especially M. inderena. Manerebia inderena is best distinguished by the usual presence of submarginal ocelli on the VHW that are most visible in cells Cu2-Cul and Cul-M3, while in M. germaniae the pale dots representing the submarginal ocelli are most visible in the middle of the wing. Also, in most M. inderena Ldxix the thin dark siibmarginal line is undulate, but straighter in M. germaniae. The male genitalia of M. germaniae, however, which has a toothed projection near the base of the ampulla and strongly arched uncus, readily helps distifiguish M. germaniae from all other externally sitnilar species. The genitalia is most similar to that of AT leaena, M. pluviosa n. sp., M. apiculata, M. navarrae and M. salura. Within this group, the short, squat valvae, with munerous spines at the tip and pronounced spines on the ampulla, are most similar to proliable close relatives M. leaena and M. pluviosa, both of which also occupy similar habitats and occur allopatrically. In comparison with M. leaena, M. germeiniaehns more ‘teeth’ at the dorsal edge of the valva, is larger, and the submarginal lines on the ventral surface are nearly straight (rather than zigzag) , running close to the outer margin. The latter character also occurs in AT pluviosa, which is easily distinguished by wing pattern atid which is sympatric with AT leaena in the Venezuelan Sierra de El Tama. There is considerable infraspecific variation in M. germaniae involving the width of the VHW yellow postdiscal band, but only one geographic population is differentiated enough to deserve subspecific status. However, when additional data become available, more fine-scale patterns in geograijhic variation iti AT germaniae iWMf become apparetit. Manerebia germaniae germaniae Pyrcz & Hall, (n. sp.) Figs. 1F,G, lOD, 15 Manerebia n. sp. (Pyrcz, Willmotl & Hall); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 216, n. 1 123). Diagnosis: The nominate snlrspecies differs fnnn M. g. vilalei in having a narrower yellow postdiscal band on the \'HW. Description: MALE (Fig. IF): Head: ffons with a tuft of dark brown hair; eyes blackish-brown, smooth; labial pal])i covered with blackish-ftrown hair; antennae dorsally chestnut, ventrally rufous, with white scales at the base of each .segment, club dorsally slightly darker than shaft. Thorax, dtnsal and ventral surface dark brown; legs paler yellowish-brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface darkt)rown. W7ngs; forewing (length: 17.5-20.5 turn; mean: 19 mm: n=12) distal tnargin convex, ajtex rounded to subacute; liindwing rounded with w'eaklv pronotinced notch at tornus. DF\V medium brown. DHW medium brown, slightly darker towards base, with pale postdiscal band from apex to tornus indistinctly showing from ventral surface. \'FW ground colour medium brown, becoming slightly paler from base to apex; very faint, thin, straight, darker fjrown postdiscal line, panillel to distal margin, in cells Cu2-Cul to M1-R5; a row of faint, pale |)ostdiscal spots in center of cells Cn2-Cul to M2-M] gently curved basally, in sttme individuals outei spots indistinct; thin, faint, uneven (btit not zigzag), darker brown submarginal line from apex to tornus. VHW medium brown, slightly paler towards distal margin; stniiglit, cream-colored postdiscal band from costa to tornus through base of cell Cul-M3; thin, faint, slightly uneven (but not zigzag), darker brown submarginal line from apex to tornus. Male genitalia (Fig. lOD): uncus smoothh arching, subunci relatively long, valvae short and squat with uu- merous ‘teeth’ at distal tip, some extending towards base, and 44 /. Ih’s.Lepid. dense c luster of 'teeth' at dorsal edge of valva near base; aedeagus shallowly curving dorsally, with several short, jrosteriorly directed spines laterally neat middle. FEMAl.E (Fig. IG): Similar to male except slightly larger (t'orewing length 21 mm) and lighter coloured on both wing surfaces. Types: Holotype male: FIGU/VDOR: Gotojtaxi, Pilalo, 27,5()-S()()() m, Vlf.l99b. 1. Aldas /eg., MZUJ; Allotype female: same data as the holotype except 1997, FW’l’; Paratypes (76 males and 6 females): ECUADOR: 3 males: Fichincha, San |uan-La Victoria road, 3200 m, 30. 1.2002, T. Pyrez /eg., I'VV'P (2), MUS.Vl (1); 1 male: same locality, 2900-29.50 m, 01.11.2002, F. Pyrez /eg, TWP; 2 males: same locality, 33,50 m. 11.2002, I. Aldas /eg. 'FWP; 2 males, Pichincha, Aloag-Tandapi road, km 13, 3000-3050 m, 11,2002, I. Aldas /eg, TWP: 2 males: Pichincha, Aloag-'l’andapi road. Sector Los Alpes, 2700-2750 m, 20.1.2004, T. Pyrez & R. (farlacz /eg, FWP; 1 male: Pichincha, Volcan Pasochoa 2000-2750,. 22.V11I.2003, T. Pyrez /eg, TWP; 2 males: Cotopaxi, Pilalo, 2750-3000 m, \'I1.1990, 1. Aldas /eg, TWP (I), MECN (I): 1 male: Pichincha, old Quito - Sto. Domingo rd. 2700m. 12.\'lll. 1993, |. I fall /eg., KVy[ll; 1 male, Pichincha, Yanacocha, V'olcan Pichincha, 3500 m, IS. IX. 1997, K. Willmott /eg., KW|I 1: 4 males: Fungurahna, Triimfo - Patate, El Tablon, 3000 m. 21. XI. 1998, P. Royer /eg., I VVP ( I ), I’B (3); 2 males: I'ungurahua, Friunfo - Patate, El Fablon, 3000 m, 1.1999. I. .Aldas /eg, FWP; 3 males: Fungurahua, Banos. Rimtiin, 3000 m, 111.1999, 1. Aldas /eg, FWP; 2 males: Fungurahua, Banos, Pondoa, 3365 m. 19. 1. 2002, J. Wojuisiak & R. Garlacz /eg., FWP; 32 males: Tungurahua, Banos, E,1 Tabl<')n, 3000 m, 111.1999, 1. .Aldas /eg MBl.l; 5 males: 'Fungu- rahua, Banos, .3000 m. III. 1999, I. Aldas /eg, MBl.l; 1 male: Mo- rona-.Santiago, Gualaceo-Lim(')n road, 3100 m, 09.11.2002, 1. Pyrez /eg., TWP; 1 male: same locality, .3100 m, 09.111.1998. I’. Boyer /eg, FWP; 1 male: Carchi, Fulcan-Maldonado, Volc;'m Chiles, 3000-3050 m, 27. VIII. 2004, T. Pyrez /eg, FWP; 1 male: Carchi, near lluaca, 2900-3200 m, HI. 1999, 1. Aldas /eg, MBl.l; 1 female: Pichincha. San jttan-La Victoria, 3,300-3400 in', 30.1.2002, T. Pvrez /zg., FWP; 1 female: 'Fungurahna, I’riunfo-Patate, F4 Fablon, .3000 m, 2 1 .IX. 1998, P. Bover /eg, FWP; 1 female: Fungurahua, Banos, Runtnn, 3000m. \'III. 1998, 1. .Aldas /eg, FWP; 1 female: Fungurahua. Runtun, 2900- 2950 m, 21.1.2002, |. Wojtusiak, /eg, FWP; 1 female: Tungurahua, Banos, El Fablon, 3000m, 111. 1999, 1. Aldas /eg, MBl.l; CGI.OMBIA: 5 males; Cauca, AAilcan Purace, Fermales de San Juan, 3150-3200 m, 28-30.111.1996, F. Pvrez /eg, FWP; 1 male; Caldas. Paramo de I.etras. 2.3.\'II.1993, ]-F. l.e Crom /eg, FWP; 2 males: Antioquia, El Retiro, 2300-2800 m, 2fV30.\'II1.2003, G. Rodriguez /eg, TWP; 1 male: .Antioquia, El Retiro, Reserva San Sebastian, 2500-2800 111. 12. IX. 200.3, T. Pyrez /eg, FWP: 1 female: Antioquia, El Retiro, 2300-2800 m, 18-25A'II.200.3, G. Rodriguez, /eg, FWP. Etymology: Fliis species is named after the Ecuadorian ento- mologist, Ciermania Estevez, formerly of the Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Natnrales in Quito, in recognition of her help during our research in Ecuador. Comments: Manerebia germaniae occurs at high elevations, near or at the tree-line, and has been recorded in Ecuador from 2700-3500 111. The nominate subspecies is widespread along the central .Andean ridge from Colombia (Antiocpiia) to south-central Ecuador, where it occurs on both Andean slopes (Fig. 15). It is associated with intact cloud Forest and remnant scrub. In western Ecuador (Pichincha, Cotopaxi) it generallv replaces the local subspecies of A/, inderena at higher elevations, but there is a nar- row elevational band where the two occur in sympatiy, generally between 2800-3100 m. Manerebia germaniae vitalei Pyrez & Willmott, n. ssp. Figs. Ill, lOE, 15 Manerebia n. sp., n. ssp. (Pyrez, Willmott & Flail); l.anias &• Viloria (2004: 216, n. 1 1231)). Diagno.sis: In this taxon the VFIW yellow postdiscal band is a|)proximately 1 .5 times the width of that of the nominate subspe- cies. Description: MALE (Fig. IH): Head, thorax and abdomen: as in the nominate subspecies. Wings: Forewing (length: 19.5 mm; mean: 19.5 mm; n=2) distal margin veiy slightly convex, ajiex subacute; hindwing rounded with weakly pronounced notch at tornus. DF'W surface medinm brown. DHW medium brown; pale postdiscal band from apex to tornus indistinctly showing from ventral surface. VFAA' ground colour medium brown, slighth lighter in snbmarginal area; very faint, thin, darker brown postdiscal line, straight and parallel to outer margin Irom vein R5 to Cu2, then curving towards tornus; a row of faint, barely visible pale yellow postdiscal spots in center of cells Cu2-Cul to M2-M1; thin, faint, uneven (but not zigzag), darker brown submarginal line from a|)ex to tornus. VI IW medium brown, slightlv paler towards distal margin; straight, approximately 2mm wide, cream-colored (with an orange shade towards anal margin) postdiscal band from costa to tornus through base of cell Gu 1-M.3; occasional 3 to 4 minute pale yellow postdiscal spots; faint, slightly uneven (but not zigzag), darker brown submarginal line from apex to tornus. Male genitalia (Fig. lOE): similar to that of the nominate stibspecies. FF.M.ALE: Unknown. Type.s: Holotype male; ECU.ADOR: F.oja, 0.8ld road Loja - Zamora. 2500 in, XI-XIL1999, 1. Aldas leg., ex MBl.l, MZUJ. Paratype male; same data as the holotype, MBLl. Etymology: Fhis stibspecies is dedicated to the Italian lepidop- terist Fabio A'itale, from Lecce, who specializes in the Ithomiinae. Comments: Fhis subspecies consistently differs from the nomi- nate throughout its range in the width of the VFIW postdiscal band. It is the souihei nmost representative of yV/. germaniae, and is known to date only from the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes in the province of Zamora-Chinchipe (Fig. 15), though it may also extend into extreme northern Peru. Manerebia pluviosa Pyrez & Viloria, n. sp. Figs. 2A, I OF, 15 Manerebia n. sp. (Pvrez & A'iloria); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 216, n. 1 120). Diagnosis: This sjtecies is easily distinguished from any conge- ner by the wide yellow postdiscal band on both fore- and hindwing dorsal and ventral surface. Description: MALF) (Fig. 2A): Head: frons with a tuft of dark brown hair; labial palpi covered with short dark brown hair; eyes dark brown, smooth; antennae dark brown dorsally, chocolate brown ventrally with white scales at base of each segment, chib twice as wide as shaft, of same colour. Thorax, dorsally dark brown, haii^, ventrally |)ale brown; legs paler yellowish-brow n. Abdomen: dorsally dark brown, laterally and ventrally pale browm. Wings: Forewing (length: 19 mm, n=2) triangular; tornus slightly obtuse. Hindwing rounded, anal margin slightly excavated near tornus. Dorsal ground colotir itnifortn chocolate brown, except for entire postiscal yellow band on both wings, more distinct on hindwing; basal half and anal region of hindwing with long thin brown hairs. VFW colour pattern similar to dorsal surface but in general more intense; |)ostdiscal band more distinct and wider, reaching torntts; snbmargitial and marginal regions lighter brown. VHW similar to dorsal sttrface but more intense in coloitr; postdiscal band slightly broadened towards central portion; series of four submarginal white dots in cells M2-M.3 to Cit2-1 A, respectivelv. the first one half diameter of others, which are ca. 0.8 mm. Male genitalia (Fig. lOF): uncus arched, valva with spitiy dorsal proce.ss near base, aedeagus short. FF.MALE: Unknown. Type.s: Holo/ypemale: VENEZUEIA: Tachira, Parqtie Nacional El Tama, entre Betania y F.a Banderola, 2810 m, 23.VIIL1996. A. Viloria leg., MALLIZ. Para/ypemale: VENEZL’ELA: Tachira, Parqtie Nacional El Tanui, Fundo Piedra Blanca, San Vicente de la Revan- cha, 2400 m, 9-12.XII.1997, F. Rey leg., TWP. 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 45 Etymology: The name is the feminine form of the Latin atljec- tive “pluviosiis”, meaning rainy. The male liolotype was collected while flying veiy weakly during heavy rain in the upper cloud forest of the Sierra de El Tama . Comments: The male genitalia of this species are most similar to those of yV/. leaena Mid M. germaniae, with an arched tmcns and spiiu' process at the dorsal base of the valva. In M. pluviosn the narrow dark VHW snbmarginal line is smoothly curving, not dentate like M. leaena, and in this respect resembles that of M. germaniae, which may prove to be its sister species. Manerebia pluviosa occurs in the Sierra de El Tama in habitats similar to those of M. germaniae, close to the tree-line, and possibly replaces M. leaena gonzalni at higher elevations. The paratype was collected in disturbed habitat in San Vicente de la Revancha at an elevation that is probably beneath that at which the species usually occurs. Manerebia pluviosa is extremely similar (though about half the size) to the microsympatric pro- nophiline Pedaliodes sp. Pyrcz & Viloria (in press), though it is not clear whether this similarity results from mimiciy, and if so, what the basis for this mimicry might be. Some 30 years ago M. pluviosa wds also captured by j. Bechyne, at 3100 m in the paramo of a remote mountain range in the north Colombian department of Norte de Santander (Cerro Oroque), where no other butterflies have since been collected. That specimen shows some distinctive characters and might represent a separate subspecies, so it is therefore ex- cluded from the type series. This species seems to be a rare insect and has only been recorded during the wet season. Manerebia apiculata (C. & R. Felder, 1867) Figs. 2B,C, llA, 15 Pronophila apirulataC. 8c R. Felder (1867: 474). TL: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotii. ST male: “apicu-lata Feld/Felder Colin./ Rothschild Bequest B.M. 1939-1/4/Bogota Lindig type/Type”. BMNH(R) [examined]. = Lymanopoda apiculata form curvilinea ’Wcymer (1912: 248). TL: Colombia, East Cordillera, Cundinamarca, Boquerdn de C(h)ipaque. ST male(s): ZMHU? [not located]. Lymanopoda apiculata (C. & R. Felder); Weymer (1911: pi. 53, row a (apkkulata [sic]); 1912; 248). Penrosada apiculata (C. & R. Felder); Brown (1944; 257, |>1. 1, fig. 1622) (male genitalia); Pyrcz (1999: 367). Manerebia apiculata (C. 8c R. Felder); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 215). Diagnosis: The male genitalia (Fig. 1 lA) of this species are similar to those of M. leaena. The species is easily distingtiished externally from all other sympatric Manerebia in the Colombian Cordillera Oriental by the acute forewing apex. The expression of the VHW band is variable, exhibiting a similar polymorphism to the Ecuadorian M. interrupta (Fig. 6E,F,G) and M. ignilineata (Fig. 7D,E,F) . The syntype specimen in the BMNH lacks any VHW jtost- discal band, while the form in which the band is fully develo|)ed flies with typical specimens (Adams, 1986) and was named form curvilinea by Weymer (1912) (Lamas & Viloria, 2004). Although we have not located any types of curvilinea, the desci iption clearly applies to tliis form of M. apiculata, which cannot be confused with any other Mnwcrcfoift species from the region of the type locality. Comments: This species inhabits the forest/ paramo ecotone on both slopes of the central Cordillera Oriental in Colombia (Cundinamarca: Sibate, Fusagasuga, Facatativa), from 3150-3300 m, where it occurs with M. levana (Adams, 1986). Manerebia franciscae (Adams & Bernard, 1981) This species is most closely related to M. mam- muthus n. sp., M. satura and M. navarrae, and all four species are allopatric. The males of all of these species are unique among north Andean Manerebia in having a distinct dark brown patch of androconial scales on the DFW^ in the posterior third of the discal cell and basal part of cells 1A-Cn2 to M2-M1 (Figs. 2, 3). The male genitalia are also similar, with an arched linens, relatively long snbimci and valva with a spiny dorsal process near the base, similar to M. leaena and related species (Figs. 10, 11; see Discussion under that species). Manerebia /rancbcrtc differs from the two neighbouring species M. navarrae and M. mam- muthus in having an almost smooth aedeagus, with only a few spines on the left side. Other differences are discussed under those two species. It differs from M. satura in the narrower, distal process of the valva being relatively longer, with the mid-ventral edge of the valva more indented. There is geographic variation in the presence or absence of the pale VHW postdiscal band, as in M. satura, and two subspecies are recognised. Manerebia franciscae franciscae (Adams & Bernard, 1981) Figs. 2D, E, IIB, 16 Penrosada franciscae Mhwws 8c Bernard (1981: 365, tigs 1 I, 25, 26). TL: Venezuela, Merida, above La Montana, S. of Merida. HT male: BMNH(A&B) [examined]. Manerebia franciscae (Adams & Bernard); Lamas & Viloria (2004:215). Diagnosis: This subspecies is .sujjerficially most similar to M. inderena inderena, with which it occtirs, btit the large tortial and a|)ical ocelli on the VHW, with those in the middle of the wing reduced, are diagnostic. Comments: Contraiw to the sttitemeut of Adams & Bernard (1981 ), this taxon is not restricted to the Venezuelan Cordillera de Merida, but also occurs in the Sierra de El Tama and on the western slopes of the Cordillera Oriental in Colombia (Racho, LWP, SMTD) (Fig. 16). Adams & Bernard (1981) report that M. /. franckcae dies with a skipping action, usuallv more than 2 m above the ground, and rests on foliage. Eggs are laid on the brownish |3etioles of young leaflets, near the nodes of Chu.»iuea bamboo canes, from 1-4 m above the ground. The species was seasonally common at the type locality, and Adams & Bernard ( 1981 ) collected it from 23(K)-26()() m. We have also found the species to be seasonal, only observing and collecting it in the Cordillera de Merida in the rainy .season from June to September (Pyrcz, pets. obs.). Manerebia franciscae rodrigiiezi Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. Figs. 2F,G, 1 1C, 16 Diagnosis: This taxon differs from nominate At. franciscae pi i- marily by the absence of VHW yellow postdiscal band. The apical ocelli on the VHW are also reduced, the yellowish rings surrounding the VHW ocelli are indistinct, and the dark, thin submarginal lines on the VFW and VHW are slightly reddish. Description: .MALE (Fig. 2F): Head, thorax And abdomen sAme as in the nominate subspecies. Wings: Forewing (length: 21,5-22 mm; mean; 21,7; n=3) distal margin straight to slightly convex, apex rounded; hindwing rounded with almost no notch at tornus. DFW^ chocolate brown; darker brown androconial scales occupying posterior one-third of discal cell, basal half of cells 1A-Cu2, basal third of cell Cul-M3, and basal (|uarter of cells M3-M2 and M2-M I . 46 /. lies.Lepid. DHW unitonii cliocolate l^rown; occasionally one small black sub- marginal white oval clot ringed with black in Cul-Cu2 and two, even smaller, in 1 A-(]u2. VFW ground colour medium brown becoming jralei and lighter towards distal half; thin, irregtilar reddish brown submarginal line, jrarallel to distal margin and very thin, reddish brown marginal line jrarallel to outer margin, from apex to tornus. VHW uniform medium brown; veiy faint, darker brown, straight postdistcal line from apex to anal margin near tornus; uneven, faint stibmarginal reddish blown line and reddish brown marginal line; small, white, oval submarginal dots in cell Cu2-Cail, and two in cell 1A-Cai2, ringed with black. Male genitalia (Fig. 1 1C); uncus long and arched; subunci long and thin; numerctus small spines on distal tip of valva extending anteriorly along dorsal edge, dorsal base of valva with a projection with two ‘teeth’; aedeagus length of valva, slightly curved. FEMAL.Fl (Fig. 2G): .Slightly larger than male (forewing length 23 mm), with more prominent white dots on ventral surface oc- casionallv taking shape of fulb develo]>ed ocelli, particularly in cell Cul-M3 on VFW, showing through on dorsal surface, and additionally with mintite submarginal white dots presetit in tnost cells of fore and hindwing. Types: Holotype male: COLOMBIA; Antioeptia, Guarne, 2600- 26,50 111, 14.111.1097, G. Rodriguez leg., MZL'J; Allotype female; Aiitioqiiia, K1 Retiro, 1800 m, I9.V111.2002, G. Rodriguez leg., FVVP; Paratypes (4 males and 2 females); COLOMBIA; 1 male; Antioquia, no data, G. Rodriguez leg., GR; 1 male; Antioquia, El Retiro, Rio Agtidelo, 2400 m, VIE 1999, G. Rodiiguez leg., GR; 1 male; Antio- quia, El Retiro, 2800 ni, 24. VI. 2001 , G. Rodriguez leg., GR; 1 male; Antior|uia, El Retiro, 2200-2600 m, 20.V111.2003, G. Rodnguez. leg., MZUJ; 1 female; Atitioc]uia, Envigado, 2600 in, 29.XI.2002, G. Rodriguez leg. GR; Antioquia, Santa Elena, Represa de Piedras Blancas, 2600m, 1, 5. IX. 2003, Rodriguez leg., GR. Etymology; Phis subspecies in named after its first collector, Gabriel Rodriguez from Medellin. Comments; Ellis taxon is associated with M. jranrisene based on similar male genitalia and VI IW |)attern, with characteristic stibmarginal white dots in cells Cu2-Gul and 1A-Cu2. Maneiebia fmnchcaerodriguezih apparently endemic to the northern Cordillera Central in Colombia, where it occurs in mid-elevation cloud forest, similar to the nominate subspecies, Manerebia mammiithus Pyrez & Willmott, n. sp. Figs. 211, I in, 16 Manerebia n. s]t. (Pyrez, Willmott &■ Hall); Lamas & Viloria (2004; 216, n, 1127). Diagnosis; Phis sirecies is distinguished from its ckxsest relatives, M. franci.vae and M. satura (see Discussion tinder M. franrisrae) , by its large size, the virttial absence of any ventral stibmarginal ocelli and characters of the male genitalia. The aedeagus has a large patch of dense, tiny sjiine.s on both sides, while M. franei.'irae and M. .satura have at most a single lateral line of spines on each side or are smooth. 4 he narrower distal portion of the valva is relatively sliorter than in M. franrheae, and the mid-ventral edge of the valva is indented, like M. jranciscaehui not M. satura, in which it is flatter. Description; MALE (Fig. 211); Head: Irons with a tuft of dark brown hair; eyes blackish-brown, smooth; labial palpi covered with blackish-brown hair; antennae dorsally chestnut, ventrallv riifotts, with white .scales at the base of each segment, club dorsally slightly darker than shaft. Thorax, dorsal and ventral surface dark brown; legs paler yellowish-brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface dark brown. Wings: forewing (length; 22.5-24 mm, mean; 23.3 mm, 11=2) distal margin convex, ajrex rounded; bindwing rotmded with almost no notch at torntts. DP’W medittm brown; darker brown androconial scales occtipying posterior half of discal cell, basal half of cells lA-Gtil, basal third of cell Gul-M3, and basal quarter of cell M,3-M2. DIIW medium brown, slightly darker towards base, with pale |tostdiscal band from apex to torntts indistinctly show- ing from ventral surface. VFW^ ground colour meditim brown, becoming slightly paler from base to apex; veiy faint, thin, straight, darker brown postdiscal line, parallel to distal margin, in cells lA- R5; three whitish postdiscal dots in centers of cells Giil-Ml; thin, faint, uneven, darker reddish brown submarginal line from apex to tornus; margin thinly lined with darker brown. VHW meditim brown; thin, straight, yellowish cream-colored postdiscal band from costa to torntts through base of cell Ctil-M3; thin, faint, zigzag, darker reddish brown stibmarginal line from apex to tornus; tiny white stibmarginal dots in centers of cells 1A-M2. Male genitalia (Fig. 1 ID); uncus long and smoothly arching; subunci relatively long; valvae thinning gradually at middle towards posterior tip, dorsally grooved, with 4-6 ‘teeth’ at distal lip and several additional ‘teeth’ extending basally along inner etlge; thin, pointed projection at dorsal edge of valva near base, with numerous tiny sjrines; aedea- gus curving dorsally, with patches of nttmerotis short, posteriorly directed spines laterally near middle, on both sides. FliMAPT; Lhiknown. Type.s; Holotype male: EGUADOR; Sucttmbios, km 9 La Bonita- Ttilcan rd., El 1 ligtierdn, 2200 m, 10.XI.1997, K. Willmott leg., to be deposited in AME; Paratypes (3 males); EGUADOR; 1 male; same data as the holotype, KWJH; COLOMBIA; 1 male; same locality as the holotvpe, 2000-2400 m, X.200L L Aldas leg., ex MBl.l, TW'P; 1 male; same data as preceding, MBLl. Etymology; The specific name is a nottn in apposition derived from the elephant genus Mamniuthus, with reference to this spe- cies’ large size, almost uniform brown coloration and elongate uncus and subunci, resembling the trunk and tusks of these extinct creatures. Comments; We deliberated as to whether to treat this taxon as a sub.s|)ecies of either M. satura or M. franrisrae. However, the number of consistent wing pattern and genitalic differences between these three sjtecies suggest they should be maintained. In addition, it ap- pears to occur at higher elevations than M. satura. This species is known from onlv four specimens, all collected in far northeastern Flcitador along the valley of the Rio Chingual along a trail through secondai'y growth, with large tracts of tmdistiirbed forest within 50 111 distance, from 2000-24()() in. The two males collected by KW were encountered on the same dav puddling on wet sand and feeding on horse dung. Despite a inimber of other \isits to the same locality the species has onlv been seen on tw'o occasions. Manerebia satura (Weymer, 1911) Fig.s. 3A, IIG Lymancjpoda leaenavar. saturaWeymer (1911; pi. 52, rowt; 1912; 249). TL; Peru, Cuzco; Colombia, Tolima, Qtiindiu Pa,ss. ST male(s); ZMHLl? [not examined]. Penrosada satura (Weymer); Brown (1944; 258) (stattis uncer- tain). Manerebia satura (Weymer); Lamas & Viloria (2004; 216). This is a large species, closely related to the allo- patric M. franriscae, M. mam.muthus and M. navarrae, as discussed tinder M. franciscae. The male genitalia are distinctive, with the distal, narrower portion of the valva being relatively short, and often only bear- ing a few large spines, rather than numerous smaller spines. Unlike M. mammiithus, the aedeagus is smooth or has only a single lateral line of spines. It is the most widespread member of the genus and it is fairly polytypic, occurring along the eastern slopes of the Andes from Bolivia to Ecuador in lower to mid-eleva- tion cloud forests. Manerebia saturawas described based on specimens 39: 37-79, 2000 (200B) 47 from two localities, Cuzco (Peru) and Quindiu Pass (Colombia), representing two distinct species. The specimen figured in the original description repre- sents the species as treated here, while those from Colombia are actually M. wdcrcna Adams (see Adams, 1986) , which also has a white VHW band but is smaller, with smaller VHW ocelli, and is not closely related to M. satura. The syntype specimen (s) should be in the ZMHU (G. Lamas, pers. comm.), but despite some searching we have been unable to locate any. For the present we do not designate either a lectotype or neotype, since the type specimens may yet be found, but our usage of the name preserves nonienclatural stability, as should any future type designation. The nominate subspecies, distinguished by the wide white VHW postdiscal band and large tornal and apical ocelli, particularly in cell Cu2-Cul (Fig. 3A), occurs in southern Peru only (Cuzco, Puno, perhaps to northern Bolivia) . An undescribed subspecies of M. satura, characterised by a yellow VHW band, occurs from central Peru (Junin, Pasco) to northern Peru (San Martin, Amazonas) (Pyrcz, in prep.) . In extreme northeastern Peru in the Cordillera del Condor, and in eastern Ecuador, occur two distinct subspecies, described below. Manerebia satura lamasi Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. Figs. 3B, IIF, 16 Diagnosis: This subspecies is larger than the similar and neigli- bouring M. s. paupmita (described below), darker brown on both wing surfaces, with smaller ocelli on the VHW and a small ocellus in cell M1-M2 on the VFVV'. There is no slightly paler brown postdiscal line and the narrow, dark submarginal lines are less marked. Description: M/\LE (Fig. 3B) : Head, thoraxiind abdomen as in M. satura paiiperata. Wings: forewing (length: 22.5-23.5 mm; mean: 23 mm; n=3) distal margin straight, apex rounded; hindwing rounded with very weakly pronounced notch at tornus. DFW' dark brown; androconial scales occupying posterior half of discal cell, basal half of cells lA-Cul, basal third of cell Cul-M3, and basal quarter of cell M3-M2. DHW uniform dark brown, with two small suhmarginal black ocelli thinly ringed with yellow in cells 1 A-Cu2 and Cu2-(ai; a barely visible subniarginal blackish line. VYW ground colour dark brown, slightly lighter along outer margins; tiny black submarginal ocelli with white pupils in cells M2-M1, Cu2-Cul (and in M1-R5 in one individual); faint, black submarginal line from tornus to apex; two thin, straight, dark brown marginal lines. VHW uniform dark brown; barely visible straight, thin, blackish postdiscal line from tornus to apex, joining with a better marked, blackish submarginal line that is smoothly curving and parallel to distal margin; black submarginal ocelli, ringed with dark yellow, with white piqtils, as follows: two small in cell 1 A-Cu2, one larger in cell Cu2-Cul (half width of cell), one in cell M2-M1, one small in cell Ml-Rs, and tiny white dots in cells Cu2-M3; thin, blackish marginal line close to and parallel with distal margin. Male genitalia (Fig. IIF): uncus long and arched; subunci relatively long; valva thinning gradually throughout from base to posterior tip, dorsally grooved, with 6 ‘teeth’ at distal tip; wide, toothed projection at dorsal edge of valva near base; saccus shallow; aedeagus short, slightly curved dorsally and smooth. FEMALE; Unknown. Types: Holotype male: PERU: Amazonas, Cordillera del Con- dor, 2-3 km N PV3 (Alfonso Ugaite), 0345/7826, 1600-1750 m, 22. VI 1.1 994, G. Lamas leg., MUSM; Paratypes: 2 males: same data as the holotype, MUSM. Etymology: This subspecies is named for Gerardo Lamas, the collector of the type series, in gratitude for all his help and cor- respondence over many years. Comments: Manerebia satura lamasi appears to be endemic to the Cordillera del Condor. Other pronophilines that are also a])par- ently endemic to this mountain range include Manerebia magnifica n. sp. (described below) , which occurs in the same area but at lower elevations, and an unde.scribed sjjecies of Panyapedaliodes Forster. 1964 (Viloria & Lamas, in pre]t.). Manerebia satura pauperata Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. Figs. 3C,D, HE, 16 Euptychia jovita (C. & R. Felder); D’Abrera (1988: 778) (misi- dentification). Penrosada sp.: D’Abrera (1988; 824) (misidentification). Manerebia satura n. ssp. (Pyrcz, Willmott & Hall); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 216). Diagnosis: Males of this sub.s|>ecies are distinguished from all other M. 5«/Mra subspecies, except A/, .s. lamasi, by the absence of the pale VHW postdiscal band. In females the band is well-developed and chalky white, but specimens may easily be identified by the large ocellus in cell Cu2-Cul that is visilrle on the dorsal surface of bt)th wings. The characters that distinguish this subspecies from A/, s. lamasi dre discussed under that taxon. Description: MALE (Fig. 3C): Head: Irons with a tuft of dark brown hair; eyes blackish-brown, smooth; labial palpi covered with blackish-brown hair; antennae dorstilly chestnut, ventrally rufous, with white scales at the base of each segment, club dorsally slightly darker than shaft. Thorax, dorsal and ventral surface dark hrown; legs paler yellowish-brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface dark hrown. W7ngs: forewing (length: 19.5-22 mm; mean: 20.7 mm, 11=10) distal margin straight, apex rounded; hindwing rounded with very weakly pronounced notch at tornus. DFW medium brown; darker brown androconial scales occu|jying posterior half of discal cell, basal half of cells lA-('uL basal third of cell Cul-.M3, and hasal quarter of cell M3-M2. DHW medium brown, slightly darker towards base, with two submarginal black ocelli ringed with yellow in cells 1A-Gu2 and Gti2-GtiL VFW ground colour medium hrown, hecoming slightlv paler from base to distal margin; thin, straight, darker brown postdiscal line, parallel to distal margin, in cells 1 A-R5; a tiny black subniarginal .s|K)t ringed with yellow in cell Gu2-Gul; distinct, uneven, darker brown submarginal line from tornus to apex, becoming more imdidate towards apex; two thin, straight, dark brown marginal lines. VHW medium brown, darker in basal half; distinct, thin, darker brown jiDstdiscal line from torntis to apex, joining with a distinct, dat ker brown submarginal line that is stnoothly curving and parallel to distal tnargin; black subniarginal ocelli, ringed with dark yellow, with white pupils, as follows: two small in cell 1 A-Cu2, one large in cell Cu2-Cul (almost width of cell), one medium in cell M2-M 1 , one small in ceil M 1-Rs, and tiny white dots in cells Cu2-M3: thin, dark brown marginal line close to and parallel with distal margin. Male genitalia (Fig. HE): uncus long and smoothly architig; subunci relatively long; valvae thinning gradually throitghout from base to posterior tip, dorsally grooved, with 4-6 ‘teeth’ at distal tip; thin, rounded projection at dorsal edge of valva near base; aedeagus curving dorsally, with a row of several short, posteriorly directed spines laterally near mid- dle, on each side. FEMALE (Fig. 3D): Differs from male as follows: larger (slightly length: 22-23 mm; mean: 22.5 mm, n=2) paler brown throughout. DFW lacking androconial scales, with large submarginal black, yellow-ringed ocellus with white piqril in cell Cu2-CuL DHW with ventral ocelli visible in cells 1A-Gu2, Gu2-Gul, Cul-M3, and M2- Ml. VFW' with similar large ocellus in cell Gu2-Gul. with yellow 48 /. Res.Lepid. ring extending into cells anterior and posterior, and tiny white stibinarginal dots in cells ('.til-M 1 . V^HVV with broad, chalky white postdiscal hand posterior to dark brown postdiscal line, broadest in cells 1A-Cti2 and (in2-C'.nl, ocellus in cell Ml-Rs larger. Types: Holotype male: EdUADOR: Zaniora-Chinchipe, Loja - Zamora km 40,’ 1500 m, 31.V111.1990, P. Gros & S. Attal, MZUJ; Allotype female: same data as the holotype, MZUJ; Paratypes (10 males and 2 females): EGUADOR: 1 male and 1 female: Zamora- Chinchipe, Loja-Zamora i d., nr. Sabanillas, Qiiebrada San Ramon, 1700 m, 27-29. X. 1997, K. Willmott leg., KWJH; 2 males: Zamora- Ghinchipe, Zamora-Loja rd., 1800 m, 9.X1.1996, K. Willmott leg., KWin {1),MEGN (1);1 female: Zamora-Chinchipe, Loja- Zamora km 40, 1500 m, 01 .IX. 1990, P. Gros & S. Attal, TWP; 3 males: same data as the holotype, TWE; 1 male: same data but 03. IX. 1990, TWP; 1 male: same data but 08. XI. 1990, TWP; 1 male, Zamora-Chinchipe, West ofVallatlolid, 1800 m, 22.1V. 1997, A. Jasihski /r'g.,TV\'P; 1 male: Zamora-Chinchi[te, Vtilladolid, 2.5.V11.1992, G. Estevez, MECN; 1 male: Timgnrahna, Machay, 17.X.I994, 1. Aldas leg., EWP Etymology: Ehe name is the feminine form of the Latin adjec- tive “pan|3erattis”, metming impoverished, with reference to the absence of the ptile ventral hindwing prtstdiscal band in males, in comparison with the nominate subspecies. Comments: This taxon was illustrated twice by D’Abrera { 1988) as Fenrosadd up. (p. 824) and as Euptyehin jovita (p. 778). It ajtpar- ently occttrs from northeastern (Napo - one male in coll. TWP from Cordillera de 1 Inacamtiyos, no date, A. Jasihski leg., Tnngtirahna) to sontheastei It (Zamora-Chinchi|)e) Plctiador (Fig. 16), although it is more common in the south, and has been collected in cloud forest habitats in a narrow elevational band from 150()-18()() m. The s])ecimen from Cordillera de los lliiacamayos is exchided irom the type series since it shows slight dilferences to southern specimens. We have found males puddling along forested streams, and a single female flying low to the ground in a small field at the forest edge. Manerebid ruivarrae (Adams & Bernard, 1979) Fig.s. 3E, 1 IH, 16 Penrosmla /t«w/nr«' Adtims & Bernard (1979: 1 14. tigs 11, 32). TL: Colombia, Cesai, Serrania de Valledtipar, 2300 m. HT male: BMNHfA&B) [examined]. Manerehia navamie (Adams & Bernard); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 215). Diagnosis: This s|3ecie.s sttperficially resembles several other Manerebid that lack the jtale \'l IW postdiscal band, but may be dis- tingthshed by the orange wedge extending basally from the VHW postdiscal line at the tornus, and by the ocellus in cell Cu2-CuL which is absent in tbe sttperficially similar M. quinterae. The male genitalia (Fig. 1111) are distinctive in the dorsal process at the base of tbe valva being more elongate than in other species, while the thickened, strongly curved aedeagtis with a dense patch of spines on the right side only is unique. Comments: This sjDecies appears to be most closely related to M. satiira, M. nunnniullni.s irnd M. franciscae, as discussed tinder the last of these species. It is known only from the type locality in the Serrania de Valledu|tar in the Sierra de Perija range on the Colombia/Veneztiela border, at 2300 m. Adams & Bernard (1979) state that the entire type series was caught before 10:00 hrs, flying around a single patch of bamboo. Manerehia quinterae (Adams & Bernard, 1979) Figs. 3F, 111, 16 Penrosddd quinterae Adiims & Bernard (1979: 115, figs 12, 33, 34). TL: Venezuela, Ztilia, Serrania de Valledtipar, 3050 m. HT male: BMNH(A&B) [examined]. Manerehia quinterae (Adams & Bernard); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 215). Diagnosis: The ventral stirface of M. quinterae (Fig. 3F’) some- what resembles that of M. navarrae, but M. quinterae may be easily distinguished by the irregular dark postdiscal line, lack of any well developed submarginal ocelli, and instead a stibinarginal line of whitish spots in cells Cti2-ML The male genitalia (Fig. Ill) are distinctive in lacking a spiny dorsal process at the base of the valva, unlike all |3receding species, but notably have an arched uncus, like many of the preceding species. The affinities of this species are therefore unclear. The small, lateral patches of spines on both sides of the aedeagtis near its posterior tip are distinctive. Comments: Adams & Bernard (1979) reported that this species occurred f rom 2750-3050 m in the Serrania de Valledtipar, where it could be locally and seasonally common. It is known to date only from the type locality. Manerebia inderena (Adams, 1986) The male genitalia of this species do not differ from those of M. golondrinan. sp., which can be immediately recognised by the lack of a VHW postdiscal yellow or white band, and are also similar to M. pratlorum n. sp. These three species can be distinguished from other species by the simple valva (lacking a prominent spiny process at the dorsal edge near the base), the uncus which is strongly “bent” near the base (almost straight in M. undulatan. sp., M. trimarulat a and M. interrupta) , then approximately straight (smoothly curving in M. rufanaUs), and in usually liaving several tiny ‘teeth’ on the lefthand side of the aedeagus. The VHW narrow dark submarginal line is irregularly zigzag, but never as undulate as in M. undidata or parallel to the distal margin as in M. germaniae. This is a widespread and polytypic species. The various taxa are grouped together on the basis of similar genitalia, habitat and elevation, and close range allopatiy Reasons for considering M. golondrina a distinct species are discussed under that species. Manerebia inderena inderena (Adams, 1986) Fig.s. 3G,H, 12A, 17 Penrosada inderena Xd'Amf, (1986: 305). TL: Colombia, Tolima, south above Cajamarca. HT male: BMNH(A&B) [examined]. Manerebia inderena (Adams); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 215). Diagnosis: The nominate subspecies (Fig. 3G,H) is character- ized by medium wide, whitish VHW postdiscal band, that is yellow and usually thinner in M. i. antiuquiana, white and much thinner in M. i.Jina, whitish and wider in M. i. clara, wider and yellow in M. i. mirena, M. i. leaeniva and M. i. similis. The nominate subspecies and M. i. antioquiana may also be distinguished from other similar sjiecies (M. germaniae, M. leaena, M. franciscae) by the three marked submarginal ocelli in cells 1A-Cu2 and Cu2-Ctil only. Male genitalia as illustrated (Fig. 12A). Comments: Adams (1986) stated that this taxon cotild be found skipping around clumps of bamboo, resting on the foliage, and occasionally descending to feed on excrement on the ground. In Colombia it has been found in the Cordillera Central in Tolima and Cauca (Volcan Purace) where it occurs from 2450-3100 m (Pyrcz, 1999) (Fig. 17). It is locally sympatric with M. germaniae n. s]). (described below) at the highest reach of its altitudinal range. Specimens of M. inderena from extreme northern Ecuador on the eastern slopes of the Andes (Sucumbi'os, Carchi) are considered 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 49 for the |)resent as representing tlie nominate snbs|)ecies, although in general they are sliglitly larger, with a slightly broader pale VHW band, and generally reduced VHW ocelli, in some specimens ap- proaching M. i. fina. Manerebia inderena antioqidana Pyrcz & Willmott n. ssp. Figs. 4A,B, 12B, 17 Manerebia inderena n. ssp. (Pyrcz, Willmott & Hall); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 21.5). Diagnosis: This subspecies has yellow VHW bands, instead of' white as in the nominate subspecies, and is typically smaller than the latter. Description: MALE (Fig. 4A): Head: eyes, labial palpi and antennae same as in the nominate stibspecies. Thorax, dorsal and ventral surface dark brown; legs paler brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface dark brown. Wings: forewing (length: 16.5-18.1 mm, mean: 17.3 mm, n=4) distal margin straight, apex rounded; hindwing rotinded with veiy weakly pronounced notch at tornns. DFW' meditim brown; darker brown in discal area. DHW medium brown, slightly darker towards base, with two snbmarginal black ocelli ringed with dark orange in cells 1A-Cti2 and Cn2-CuL VFW^ ground colour medium brown, becoming slightly paler from base to apex; thin, straight, darker brown postdiscal line, parallel to distal margin, in cells 1A-R5; a tiny black snbmarginal spot ringed with dark orange in cell Cu2-(ai1; distinct, zigzag, darker brown snbmarginal line from torims to apex; thin, straight, dark brown marginal line. VHW medium brown; pale yellowish postdiscal band from apex to tornns, passing through base of cell Cul-M3; distinct, darker brown, strongly zigzag submarginal line; tw'o small black submarginal ocelli, ringed with dark orange-brown, with white pupils, in cells 1A-Cu2 and (ai2-Cnl; thin, veiy faint, dark brown marginal line close to and parallel with distal margin, Male genitalia (Fig. 12B): similar to nominate subspecies. FEMALE (Fig. 4B): Similar to male, except VHW postdiscal band whitish, instead of yellow, and ventral ocelli better marked. Types: Holotype male: COLOMBIA: 1 male: Antioquia, San Felix, Las Antenas, 2700-3050 m, 13.1X.2()03, T. Pyrcz leg., MZUj; Allotype female: COLOMBIA: Antioquia, Medellin, El Retiro, Reserva San Sebastian, 2500-2800 m, 12. IX. 2003, T. Pyrcz leg., TWP; Paratypes ( 14 males): COLOMBIA: 1 male: Antioqtiia, Medelh'n, El Retiro, Reseiwa San Sebastian, 2500-2800 m, 12. IX. 2003, T. Pyrcz leg., TWP; 1 male: same locality, 2600m, 09.XL2002, C. Rodriguez leg., TWT; 1 male: same locality, 2300-2800 m, 1 8-25. VII. 2003, C. Rodriguez leg., TWP; 2 males: same locality, 2600-2800 m, 20.Xn.2002, C. Rodriguez leg, (1 TW'P, 1 BMNH); 1 male: same locality, 2600-2800 m, 26-30.VI1L2003, G. Rodriguez leg, TWP; 1 male: same locality, 2200-2600 m, 20.V111.2003, C. Rodn'gtiez leg., TWP; 2 males: Antioquia, Medelh'n, El Retiro, 2700m, 0LV11I.1993, J-F. Le Crom leg, TW'P; 1 male: Antioquia, Polmifor, 24.V11,200L C. Rodriguez leg, 'TWP; 1 male: Antioquia, Envigado, 2600-2800 m, 06. VI. 2004, G. Rodriguez leg., TWP; 1 male: Antioquia, Los Llanos, via a San Andres km 10-14, 2600-2750 m, 14.XI.2003, T. Pyrcz leg, TW'P; 2 males, Antioquia, El Retiro, 2600-2700 m, 18.X11.2001, G. Rodrfguez leg., MBLl. Etymology: This taxon is named after the Colombian depart- ment of Antioquia, where the type locality is situated. Comments: To date this taxon is known only from the northern part of the Colombian Cordillera Central, from 2500-2800 m, where it appears to be locally not tmcommon. Manerebia inderetta fina Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. Eigs. 4C,D, 12C, 17 Manerebia n. sp., n. ssp. (Pyrcz, Willmott & Hall); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 216, n. H24b). Diagnosis: This subspecies differs from other Ecuadorian sub- sjtecies by having a narrower VHW postdiscal band. Along with M. i. simili.s, it may also be distinguished from all other subspecies by the dark, thin snbmarginal line on the VtlW being more sinoothh curving, rather than dentate as in other taxa. The nominate sub- species and M. i. anlioqHiana also differ in having marked VHW snbmarginal ocelli, especially in 1A-Cu2 and Cu2-Cul, that are usually absent or much reduced in A/, i.fina. The w'idth of the band in M. i.Jinais about the same as in M. gennaniae germaniae, which is locally sympatric, though generally occurring at higher elevations. The latter is distinguished externally with diffictilty, by several sub- tle characters (see under A/, gennaniae). Another similar (though not .sympatric) taxon is the Colombian M. leaena lanassa. Both M. leaena And M. gennaniaeiu c most reliably distinguished by the male genitalia, which have a curving iincits, relatively long subnnci and ‘teeth’ at the dorsal edge of the valva near the base. Description: MAl.E (Pig. 4C): Head: frons with a tuft of dark brown hair; eyes blackish-brown, smooth; labial palpi covered with blackish-brown hair; antennae dorsally chestnut, ventrally rtifotis, with white scales at the base of each segment, club dorsally slightly darker than shaft. Thorax-, dorsal and ventral surface dark brown; legs paler yellowish-brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface dark brown. Wings: forewing (length: 18.5 mm, mean: 18.5 mm, n=2) distal margin almost straight, a|)ex rounded; hindwing with distal margin rounded, with tornal notch almost absent. DFW' medium brown, darker brown towards base. DHW’ medium brown. VFW' ground colour medium brown, basal half slightly darker, bordered distally by very thin, indistinct, darker brown postdiscal line, that is slightly inclined towards apex, and curves slightly distally on approaching costa; faint, slightly wary, darker brown snbmarginal line from tornns to apex; veiy thin, straight, dark hrown marginal line. VHW’ medium brown; thin (r. 1.5 mm) veiy pale yellowish (almost white) postdiscal band from apex to tornns, veiy slighth concave, passing through base of cell C;ul-.M3; faint darker brown submarginal line, smoothly curving from tornns to cell (ail -M3, then slightly undulate to apex; white submarginal dots in cells Cu2-Cul and Cul-M3; thin, dark brown marginal line close to and parallel with distal margin. Ma/egetitta/ta (Fig. I2G): uncus curving slightly ventrally near middle, and bent more sharply near base, snbunci of medium length; valvae thinning sharply at middle and tapering posteriorly, dorsally grooved, with 5-7 ‘teeth’ at distal tip; aedeagns curving dorsally, with a couple of tiny ‘teeth’ on left hand side near middle. FEMALE (Fig. 41)): Differs from male as follows: slightly larger (forewing length: 19 mm, n=l). Both wing surfaces paler brown. VHW’ postdiscal band wider. Type.s: Holotype male: ECU.\DOR: Fichincha, Aloag-Tandapi rd., km 18, Sector Los Alpes, 27()l)-275() m, 26.1.2004, T. Pyrcz & R. Garlacz leg, MZL[J; Allotype female: Fichincha, Volcan Pasochoa, nr. Amaguaha, 3500 m, 7.X.1997, K. W'ilhnott leg, KW'fH: Paratypes (23 males): ECL’ADOR: 4 males: Fichincha, Reserva Geoho- tanica Fuhilahua, 2300-2600 m, 11-12.11.2002, T. Pyrcz leg. TW’P; 1 male: Fichincha, Chilk) Gallo, San Juan-La Victoria, 3300-3400 m (unreliable), 30.1.2002, T. Pyrcz leg., 'TV\'P; 1 male: Pichincba, Volcan Fichincha, 3000-3050, X.2002, 1. Aldas leg, TW’P: 2 males: Fichincha, Aloag-Tandapi rd., 2800 m, 11.2002, 1. Aldas leg. FW’P; 1 male: Fichincha, Nono - Nanegalito km 15/20, 2100 m, F. Boyer leg, MZUJ; 1 male: Fichincha, Volcan Pasochoa, 3000-3200 tn, 07. X. 1997, A. Neild leg, FW'P; 1 male: Fichincha, Volcan Pasochoa, 2600-2700 m, 28.1.2002, T. Fvrcz leg., TW'P; 5 males: Fichincha, /Vloag-'Eandapi rd., km 1 8, Sector Los .\lpes, 2700-2750 m, 26.1.2004, T. Pyrcz & R. Garlacz leg, TW'P; 1 male, same data, FB; 1 male, Fichincha, Nono-Nanegalito, 2700-3000 m, 10.V.I999, F. Boyer leg., PB; 1 male: Fichincha, environs de Nono, 2600m, 15.111. 1998, F. Boyer leg, PB; 1 male: Fichincha, Nanegalito, 1800 m, IX. 1996, P. Boyer leg, FB; 1 male: Fichincha, km 26 Nanegalito-Qnito rd., Quebrada Molino, 2400 m, 16.X.I996, K. W’ilhnott leg., KW'[H: 1 male, Fichincha, km 7 Aloag-Tandapi rd., 2500 m, 13.V1.1994, [. 50 /. Res.Lepid. Fig. 1 . Adult Manerebia, left dorsal view, right ventral view. Double arrows above names indicate image is reflected in vertical plane, so figured wings are righthand pair. A, M. leaena leaena male; B, M. leaena leaena female; C, M. leaena lanassa male; D, M. leaena lanassa female; E, M. leaena gonzalezi n. ssp. male; F, M. germaniae germaniae n. sp. male; G, M. germaniae germaniae n. sp. female; H, M. germaniae vitalei n. ssp. male. See Appendix 4 for specimen data. 39: 37-79, 2000 (200(i) 51 M. apiculata M. pluviosa M. apiculata M. franciscae franciscae M. franciscae rodriguezi M. mammuthus Fig. 2. Adult Manerebia, left dorsal view, right ventral view. Double arrows above names indicate image is reflected in vertical plane, so figured wings are righthand pair. A, M. pluviosa n. sp. male; B, M. apiculata male; C, M. apiculata female; D, M. franciscae franciscae male; E, M. franciscae franciscae female; F, M. franciscae rodriguezi n. ssp. male; G, M. franciscae rodriguezi n. ssp. female; FI, M. mammuthus n. sp. male. See Appendix 4 for specimen data. M. franciscae franciscae M. franciscae rodriguezi 52 /. Rps.Lf'pid. 1 lall li% MEC.N; 1 male: Pichinclia, kin 5 /Vloag-Tandapi rd., 27()()ni, 13.VI.I994, |. Hall % KVV;|I1: Etymology: The name is tlie leiiiitiine form of the Latin adjec- tive “fiiitis”, meaning narrow, with reference to the thin jtostdiscal band on the VI IW. Comments: Tliis subspecies occurs on tlie w'estern .slo|tes of tlie .Viides in northern Ecuador (Pichincha, Imbahura) and possibly also in southern Colombia (Nariho). It has been recorded from 2100-3200 m, and once at 3500 m (Volcan Pasochoa), though it is most common between 2200-2600 m. It is generally replaced at higher elevations by A/, ffrtnmiiae. Males are often encotuUered ]juddling along roads or streams, and are also attracted to rotting fish. We have also found males hilltopping on Loma La Palmira, flying low’ over the stunted bushes growing on the stunmit during bright sunlight, after 09:30 hrs. Manerebia inderena similis Pyrez & Willmott n. ssp. Figs. 4E,F, 121). 17 Manerebia n. sp., n. ssjt. (Pyrez, Willmott & Hall); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 216, n. 1 124c). Diagiio.sLs: fhis subspecies differs from the neighbouring M. i. fina to tbe north by the broader, pale \'HW postdi.scal band which is more strongly yellow especially towards anal margin. It is very similar to the east Andean A/, i. leaeniva, but both west Andean subspecies (A/, i. similis mu\ M. i. fina) are distinguished from it and all others by the thin, dark submarginal line on the VHW be- ing in most examined individuals more smoothly curving, rather than dentate. Description: MAl.F. (Fig. 4E) : Head: eyes, labial jtalpi and anten- nae as in nominate stibspecies. Thorax, dorsal and ventral surface dark brown; legs palei brown. Abdomen', dorsal and ventral surftice dark brown. Wings: forewing (length: 19-20 mm; mean: 19.3 mm; 11=3) distal margin almost straight, apex rounded; hindwing with distal margin rounded, with tormil notch almost absent. DFW itiedi- um brown, darker brown towards base. DHW medium brown. VFW ground colour medium brown, basal half slightly darker, bordered distally by very thin, indistinct, darker brown postdiscal line, that is slightly inclined towards apex and curves slightly distally on ap- proaching costa; faint, slightly wavy, darker brown stibmarginal line from tornus to apex; veiw thin, straight, dark brown marginal line. VHW medium brown; broad (r. 2.5 mm) yellowish (more intense towards tornus) postdiscal band f rom ajjex to toriuts, straight and of even width exce|tt tapering slightly at tornus. passing through base of cell (ai I-M3; faint, uneven darker brown submarginal line, more undulate in cells Cu2-Cu 1 to M3-M2; white submarginal dots in cell (ail -M3; tiny black submarginal ocellus, ringed with dark orange, with white pujjil. in cell (ai2-(ail. a black spot in anterior half of cell lA-(ai2; thin, dark brown marginal line close to and parallel with distal margin. Male genitalia (Fig. 12D): uncus curving slightly ventrally near middle, and bent more sharply near base, subunci of medium length; valvae thinning sharply at middle and tapering posteriorly, dorsally grooved, with 5-7 'teeth' at distal tip; aedeagus curving dorsally, with a couple of tiny ‘teeth’ on left hand side near middle. FEMAf.E (Fig. 4F): Similar to male but slightlv paler brown ventrallv. Type.s: Holotyfie male: EOLADOR: Bolivar, Balzapamba, ar- riba de Santa Lucia, 2206-2250 m, 03. IX. 2003, T. Pyrez leg., MZUJ; Allotype female: same data as the holotype, TWP; Paratypes (34 males and 3 females): ECiUADOR: 3 males: Bolivar, Balzapamba. arriba de Santa Lucia, 2600-2650 m, 03. IX. 2003, T. Pyrez /eg., TWP; 12 males: Bolivar, Balzapamba, arriba de Santa Lucia, 2200-2250 m, 03. IX. 2003, T. Pyrez leg., FWP (II), BMNH (2): 5 males and 1 female: Bolivar, Balzapamba, arriba de Santa Lttcfa, 2200-2250 m, 05. IX. 200 1, T. Pyrez. leg, FWP; 1 male: same locality and date, 2400-2450 m, T. Pvrez. leg, 'FWP; 1 male: .same locality and date, 2500-2550 m, T. Pyrez leg, IW'P; 2 males: Bolivar, Balzapamba, Rio Alcacer, 2700m, 04. XL 1996, S. Altai kg, MZUJ; 1 male: Bolivar, old Uuaranda road, VIII. 1997, I. Aldas leg, TWP; 3 males: Uotopaxi, above Pilalo, 3000-3050 m, 03. IX. 2004, T. Pyrez leg., TWP; 6 males and 2 females: Azuay, Uuenca - Naranjal road, Molleturo, 2600- 2650 m, 01 .IX.2003, T. Pyrez leg, TW'P. Etymology: The name is derived from the Latin “similis”, meaning similar, with reference to this taxon’s resemblance to the subspecies M. i. leaeniva, which occurs on the east slojtes in central Ecuador. Comments: I’liis suhs|tecies occurs in central western to southwestern Ecuatlor, where it has been recorded above Pilalo (Colo|taxi), .Santa Lucia (Bolivar) and on the western .slo|>e.s of the Cajas massif near Molleturo (Azuay) from 2200-3000 m. In all these localities A/, i. similis \s the upper parapatric replacement of A7. nndnlata n. sp. Manerebia inderena clara Pyrez & Willmott, n. ssp. Figs. 4G,H, 12E, 17 Manerebia n. sjt., n. ssp. (Pyrez, Willmott & Flail); l.amas & Viloria (2004: 216, n. I124d). Diagnosis: I his subspecies differs from all others by the broad, pure whitish VI IW postdiscal band, which is yellow in neighhoring A/, i. leaeniva to the .south and yellowish posteriorly and tajiering anteriorly in the similar A7. i. similis from western Ecuador. The thin, dark submarginal line on the VHW is noticeably dentate, slightly more so than in M. i. leaeniva 'dnd noticeably more so than in M. i. mirena. Description: MALE (Fig. 4G): Head: as in the nominate sub- species. Thorax, dorsal and ventral surface dark brown; legs paler brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface dark brown. Whigx. forewiiig (length: 17. .5-19 mm; mean: 18.2 mm; n=19) distal margin slightlv convex, apex rounded; hindwing with distal margin slightly angled at vein M3, with tornal notch almost absent. DFW medium brown; darker brown in discal area. DHW medium brown, slightly darker towards base, with small black submarginal ocellus ringed with dark orange in cell Cu2-CuL VFW- ground colour medium brown; thin, very indistinct, sligbtly curv'ed, darker brown |30stdis- cal line, in cells Gu2-M2; a minute white submarginal dot in cells Gul-M3; indistinct, zigzag, darker brown submarginal line from tornus to apex; distal margin lined indistinctlv with dark brown. \'I IW medium brown; whitish postdiscal band from apex to tornus, passing through base of cell Cul-M3, straight and of even width, except ta|)ering slightly in cell 1 A-Cu2; faint, darker brown, strongly zigzag submarginal line; a small black submarginal ocellus, with a white |5upil, faintly lined with dark orange, in cell Gii2-Cul, with minute white submarginal dots in cells Ciil-M3 and M.3-M2; distal margin lined indistinctly with dark brown. Male genitalia (Fig. 12F)): uncus bent near base then flat, subunci of medium length; valvae thinning sharply at midtlle and tapering posteriorly, dorsally grooved, with 4-6 ’teeth’ at distal tip; aedeagus ciining dorsally, with a couple of tiny ’teeth’ on left hand side near middle. F’EMALE (Fig. 4H) : Differs from male as follows: larger (forew- ing length 20.5 mm) ; ventral surface paler brown, with dark .submar- ginal lines more distinct; a large ocellus in cell Cu2-Cul on VFW. Types; Holotype male: ECUADOR: Napo, Baeza, Rio Florituy- acu [OritoyacuJ, 1800 m, 08.VI.1999, T. I^tcz & J. Wkijtusiak leg. MZUJ; AZ/o/y/te female: ECUADOR: Napo, Hda. San Isidro, 2000 m. 18. XII. 1996, P. Boyer leg, PB; Paratypes (31 males): ECUADOR: 2 males: same data as the holotype, TWP; 1 male: Napo, Quito-Baeza rd., east of pass, 2300 m, 17.VI.1994, J. Hall leg, KVyjH; 1 male: Napo, Baeza - Papallacta, 2100 m, 07.IAa998, A. Neild kg, IWP; 1 male: Napo, SE of Cosanga, Rfo Chonta, 2000 m, 18. X. 1996, K. Willmott kg, KWJH; 1 male: Napo, Baeza - Papallacta, 2100 m, 07. IV. 1998, A. Neild kg, FWP; 5 males: Napo, Baeza area, 2050-2200 m, 02.x. 1995, A. Neild kg, TWT (4), MECN (1); 2 males: Napo, Baeza, 2000-2200 m, 19. X. 1996, A. Neild kg. TWP; 7 males: Napo, Baeza, 1800 m, IX. 1996, P. Boyer kg, TWP (5). BMNH (1), MZLJ 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 53 (1); 1 male: Napo, Baeza, 1800 ni, 10. XII. 1996, P. Boyer leg., rWP; 1 male: Napo, San Isidro, 2000 ni, 08. XII. 1996, P. Boyer hg., TWP; 1 male: same data but 18. XII. 1996, TWP; 1 male: Napo, Closanga, 1600 m, 06.XI.1996, P. Boyer kg., PB; 1 male: Napo, Baeza - Tena km 19, 2100 m, 04.XII.1997, P. Boyer leg, TWP; 3 males: Napo, Reserva Yaiiayacu, 2100-2150 m, 06-07. IX. 2003, T. Pyrcz leg, TWP; 3 males: same locality, no date, H. Greeney leg., MBLI. Etymology: The name is derived from the Latin “darns”, mean- ing pale, with reference to the pale VHW postdiscal band. Comments: Manerehia inderena clam has been recorded only in the Baeza area, in the valleys of the Rios Papallacta and Cosanga, sotith to the Cordillera de los Htiacamayos, from 1700-2400 m. It is not uncommon, and males can be found puddling along mountain streams in cloud forest, or feeding on horse dung or rotting lish. Manerebia inderena leaeniva Pyrcz & Willmott, n. ssp. Figs. 5C, 12F, 17 Manerebia n. sp., n. ssp. (Pyrcz, Willmott & Hall); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 216, n. 1 124a). Diagnosis: The yellow VHW band is twice as wide in this sul> species as in the nominate, and the VHW stibmarginal ocelli are reduced, similar to AT i.Jiria, M. i. iiw/fo and M. i. clam. In AT i. clara the VHW postdiscal band is as wide as in AT i. leaeniva, but white, while in AT i. similis from the west Andes it is as wide hut a more intense yellow, and the VHW submarginal line is smoothly undulating rather than dentate. The southern subspecies M. i. mirena has a VFV\^ ocellus in cell Cu2-Cul, two to three ocelli in cells 1A-Cu2, Cu2-Cul on the VHW and an ocellus in cell Cu2-Cul on the DHW. Description: MALF. (Fig. 5C): Head: frons with a tuft of dark- brown hair; eyes blackish-brown; labial palpi covered with dark- brown hair; antennae dorsally pale brown, ventrally light beige, club laterally rufous, white scales at base of each segment. Thorax. dorsal and ventral surface dark brown; legs paler brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface dark brown. Wings: forewing (length: 17-20.5 mm; mean: 19 mm, n=ll) distal margin slightly convex, apex rounded; hindwing with distal margin slightly angled at vein M3, with tornal notch almost absent. DFW' medium brown; darker brown in discal area; androconial scales not apparent. DHW me- dium brown, slightly darker towards base, with two minute white submarginal dots in cells Cu2-Gul and Cul-M3. VFW ground colour medium brown, becoming slightly paler from base to apex; thin, indistinct, slightly curved, darker brown postdiscal line, in cells Cu2-M2; a row of minute white submarginal dots in cells Cai2-Cu1 to M2-M1; indistinct, zigzag, darker brown submarginal line from tornus to ajrex; very thin, straight, dark brown marginal line. VHW medium brown; pale yellowish postdiscal band from apex to torntis, passing through base of cell Gul-M3, straight and of even width; distinct, darker brown, strongly zigzag submarginal line; a small black submarginal ocellus, with a white pupil, in cell Cai2-CuT, tiny white submarginal dots in cells Cul-Ml; thin, very faint, dark brown marginal line close to and parallel with distal margin. Male genitalia (Fig. 12F): uncus flat and bent near base, suhunci of medium length; valvae thinning sharply at middle and tapering posteriorly, dorsally grooved, with 4-6 ‘teeth’ at distal tip; aedeagus curving dorsally, with a couple of tiny ‘teeth’ on left hand side near middle. FEMALE: Unknown. Type.s: Holotype maie: F.CUADOR: Tungurahua, Chinchin, 2000 m, 06.11.2004, T. Pyrcz kg, MZUJ; Paratypes (15 males): ECUAFXDR: 2 males: Tungurahua, Rio Verde Chico, 2100 m, 08.X.1995, A. Neild kg., TWP; 2 males: same data as preceding but 24. IX. 1995, TWP; 2 males: Tungurahua, Banos, Runtun, A. Jasinski kg., TWP; 2 males: Tungurahua, Viscaya, 2100 m, 17. XI. 1996, P. Boyer kg, 'TWP; 5 males: Ttingurahua, Triunfo - Patate, El Tablon, 3000m, P. Boyer kg, TWP (2), PB (3); 1 male: Tungurahua, Banos, El Tahlon, 3000m, III. 1999, 1. Aldas kg, MBLI; 1 male: Tungurahua, Runtun, 2900-2950 m, 22.1. 2002, J.WoJiusiak kg, TWP. Etymology: The subspecific name is derived from “leaena”, the name of the species with which this taxon has been most ofteti confused. Comments: This subspecies is known from the upper valley of the Rio Pastaza (Titngurahita) soitth to Morona-Santiago, where it has been recorded from 2100-3000 m, although it is more com- mon in the lower part of this elevational range. Specimens from Morona-Santiago (Gualaceo-Limon road, via Las Chacras, 2600- 2850 m, TWP, KW|H) apparently represent this subspecies, bttt are excluded frotn the type series hecause we have been unable to examine sufficient tnaterial to reliably assess variation. Manerebia inderena mirena Pyrcz & Willmott n. ssp. Figs. ,5A,B, 12G, 17 Diagnosis: This subspecies generally has a slightly wider VHW postdiscal band than AT. /. leaeniva, a slightly tnore reddish brown ground colour, and promitient ocelli, in most individuals, iti cell (’At2-Cul on the DHW and occasionally on the VFW and VHW itr cell Cu2-Cul. The uncus in AT i. mirena is usitallv more noticeably ctirved ventrally in the middle than iti rtther subspecies, and the saccus is distinctive iti always being swollen anteriorly. Description: MALE (Fig. .5A): Head: frons with a tuft of dark brown hair; eyes blackish-brown, smooth; labial palpi covered with blackish-brown hair; antetinae dorsally lirown, ventrally dirty yellow, club slightly darker than shaft. Thorax, dorsal and ventral surface dark brown; legs yellowish-brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral sur- face dark brown. Wings: forewitig (length; 18-19.5 mm; mean: 18.6 mm; n=3) distal margin slightly convex, apex roitnded; hindwing with distal margiti rounded, with tornal notch almost absent. DFW medium brown; darker browti iti discal area. DHW mediitm brown, slightly darker towards base; a mitmte white sitbmarginal dot in cell Gu 1-M3, a small black ocellus ritiged with dark orange with a white jiupil in cell 1 A-Gu2, a larger sitnilar ocelhts in cell (’At2-Cul . VFW groitnd coloitr meditttn brown, liecotning slighth jialer from base to apex; thin, indistinct, straight, darker brown postdiscal line iti cells ( At2-M2: a row of minute white submarginal dots in cells ( ai2- Gttl to M2-M1; in most individuals the dot in Cu2-Gttl is replaced by a black ocellus, ringed with orange and with a white pupil, of variable size; indistinct, undulate, darker brown sitbmarginal line from tornus to apex; veiy thin, straight, dark brown marginal line. \'HW medium brown; a wide pale yellowish (tnore inten.se at tornns and costa) postdiscal batid from apex to tornus, passing through base of cell Cul-M3, straight and of even width; tnost individuals have one or two simill black siibtnarginal ocelli, with white jmpils, in cell 1A-Cu2, and occasiotially a larger ocellus in cell Cu2-Gttl, and white submarginal dots in other cells; darker brown, zigzag siibtnarginal line; thin, dark brown marginal line close to and parallel with distal margin. Male genitalia (Fig. 12G): uncus curving slightly ventrally near middle, and bent more sharply near base, subunci of medium length; valvae thinning sharply at middle and tapering posterioi ly, dorsally grooved, with 4-6 ‘teeth’ at distal tip; aedeagus curring dorsally, with a couple of tiny ‘teeth’ on left hand side near middle. FEMALE (Eig. 5B): Similar to male but paler with a fainter |)attern on both dorsal and ventral wing surfaces. Types: Holotype male; EGLIADOR: Zamora-Ghinchipe, Val- ladolid, Quebracia de los Muertos, 2550 m, XI. 1999, I. Aldas kg, MZUJ; A//ofype female: EGUADOR: L.oja, Loja-Zumba, km 9,5-l()0, 2500-2600 m, 27. XI. 1998, R Boyer kg., PB; Paratypes (59 males and 1 female): EGLIADOR: 2 males: Zamora-Ghinchipe, Valladolid, no other data, P. Boyer kg, f’B; 2 males, Zamora-Ghinchijte, km 34 jimbura-San Andres rd., 2900 m, 23. IX. 1997, K. Willmott leg., RWJH (1), MEGN (I); 41 males: Zamora-Ghinchi|5e, Valladolid, Quebracia de los Muertos, 2550 m, XI. 1999, I. Aldas kg, TWP (8), MBLI (33); 2 males; Zamora-Ghinchipe, L()ja - Zamora 2600m, 22.XI.1996, P. Boyer kg., PB; 1 male: l.oja, Loja-Zumba, km 95-100, 54 /. Res.Lepid. M. satura satura ftf. satura lamasi M. satura pauperata M. satura pauperata M. navarrae M. quinterae M. inderena inderena M. inderena inderena Fig. 3. Adult Manerebia, left dorsal view, right ventral view. Double arrows above names indicate image is reflected in vertical plane, so figured wings are righthand pair. A, M. satura satura male; B, M. satura lamasi n. ssp. male; C, M. satura pauperata n. ssp. male; D, M. satura pauperata n. ssp. female; E, M. navarrae male; F, M. quinterae male; G, M. inderena inderena male; H, M. inderena inderena female. See Appendix 4 for specimen data. 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) Fig. 4. Adult Manerebia, left dorsal view, right ventral view. Double arrows above names indicate image is reflected in vertical plane, so figured wings are righthand pair. A, M. inderena antioquiana n. ssp. male; B, M. inderena antioquiana n. ssp. female; C, M. inderena fina n. ssp. male; D, M. inderena fina n. ssp. female; E, M. inderena similis n. ssp. male; F, M. inderena similis n. ssp. female; G, M. inderena clara n. ssp. male; H, M. inderena clara n. ssp. female. See Appendix 4 for specimen data. 56 J. lii's.Lefnd. 25()()-26()()ni, 27. XI. 1998, 1’. Boyer PB; 2 males: Loja, Barque Nacional Podoearpus, (^ajanunia, 27()()ni, 10. XI. 1996, A. Neild, TVVP; 1 male: Loja, Loja-Zaniora, K1 Basurero, 260()m, 22. XI. 1997, P. Bover leg., PB; 2 males: Loja, Old road L()ja - Zamora, 2800 m, XL 1999, 1. Alda.s leg, .VIBLI; 4 males, 1 female: .same data as preceding but 2500 m, MBLI; 1 male: Loja, Cenen Alto, 2800m, XL 1999, 1. Aldas leg, MBLI. PERL': 1 male: Cajamarca, Tabaconas, I. Aldas leg, LWP. ' Etymology: Ebe name “mirena” is composed from the subspe- cific names “milaeua” and “inderena”. Comments: This stibspecies occurs lrt>m southeastern Ecuador on both slopes ol the Andes (Zamora-Chincbipe, Lttja) to north- eastern Peru (Tal)aconas). It has been recorded in cloud forest within ;i narrow elevational band, from 2500-3000 m, where it may, however, he locttllv common. Manerebia goloudrina Pyrcz & Willniott n. sp. Figs. 5D, 1 21 1, 17 Manerebiii n. s|t. (Pyrcz, VVillmoti & Hall); Lamas & Viloria (2004:216,11.1128). Diagnosis: fins species lacks die pale VI IVV postdiscal hand that occtirs in oilier A/«)im7w/ species with similar genitalia (M. inderena, M. /nallornm n. sp.) . The wing shape, ocelli on the VHW and ocellus on the f)I IW in cell Ctt2-Cul are somewhat similar to M. inderena. fhe male genitalia are indistiuguishahle from those of A/, inderena, excejit for lacking latertil teeth' on the aedeagtis as jiresent in A/. inderena, a character that varies within other species. Description: MALE (Fig. 51)): Head. Irons with a ttift of long, dark lirown hair; eyes glahrotis, dai k brown; labial palpi covered with black and brown hair ventrally and dorsally, laterally with shot t black and light brown .settles, last segment covered with light brown scales and ventnilly with short brown hair; antennae blown with white .scales at the base of each segment, club only slightly thicket than shaft. Thorax- dorsal and ventral stirface dark brown; legs paler btown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface dark brown. Wings: forewing (length: 19-21 mm, mean: 20.1 mm, n=10) distal margin slightlv convex, apex rouiuled; bindwing with distal margin sliglulv angled at vein M.3, with tomal notch almost absent. DRV medittm brown; darker brown in distal area, androconial scales not apparent. DHVV medium brown, with small black sttbmarginal ocel- Itis ringed with dark orange in cell Cti2-CuL \'FVV ground colotir medium brown, dai kei brown in basal half; very indistinct, darker brown postdiscal line, in cells (’.ti2-(atl to costa; indistinct, slightly tmdtilate, darker brown submarginal line from torntis to apex; distal margin lined indistinctly with dark brown. V'HW medium brown, dai ker towards base; slightly paler brown, thin, straight postdiscal line from apex to tornus; faint, darker Itrown, undulate submarginal line; a black sttbmarginal ocellus, ringed with dark orange, with a white pupil, in cell ('.u2-('.u 1 , a similar but smaller ocellus in the anterittr half of cell lA-(at2, and a black dot in the posterior half of the same cell; distal margin lined indistinctly with dark brown. Male genitalia (Fig. 1211): uncus bent near base then flat, subtmei of medium length; valvae thinning sharply at middle and tapering postei iorly, dorsally grooved, with 4-6 'teeth' at distal tip; aedeagtis curving dorsally, laterally smooth. FEMALE: Unknown. Types: Holotype male: EULfVDOR: Uarchi, Reserva Forestal Las C'.olondi inas, 2350 m, 20.V.1999, T. Pyrcz & J. Wojttisiak leg. MZL'|; Paratypes (29 males): ECUADOR: 1 male: same data as the holotvpe btit 26()0m. 22.VI.1999, fWP; 3 males: same data but 2200 tn, 22.VI.I999, IVVP; 2 males: same data but 2150 m, 23.VL1999, 'RVP; 3 males: .same data btit 2000 m, 23.\'L1999, TWP; 1 male: same data Imt 2550 m, 02.VIL1999, fWP. 1 male: .same data bttt 2300 111, 23.VI. 1 999, IVVP; 1 male: .same data btit 2200 in, 22.VI. 1999, TVVP; 1 male: same data but 27.VL1999, TWT; 1 male: same data but 2150 111, 21.\'L1999, BMNH; 2 males: Carchi, nr. La Carolina, Reserva Las Colondrinas, Santa Rosa, 1700 in, 05. IX. 1996, K. Will- niott leg., KVy|H; 1 male: Carchi, Tulcan - Maldonado, 1 300-1600 m, 24. V. 1997, A.Jasinski leg, TVVP; 1 male; Carchi, Tulcan-Maldonado km 40 a 50, 2800-3200 in, P. Boyer leg, PB; 2 males: same locality, 2450 111, 27.V^I1L2004, T. Pyrcz leg., TVVT; 9 males: hnbabura. La Carolina, Route de Btienos Aires km 25, 2600ni, 05.V.2000, P. Boyer leg, PB (7),TW'P (2). Etymology: The specific name is derived from the name of the private cloud forest reserve where most of the individuals, includ- ing the holotype, were collected, the Reserva Las Colondrinas, managed by Fundacidn Golondrinas. Comments: This sjiecies is most closely related to M. inderena, with which it is currently not known to be sympatric. We treat it as a distinct species because it occurs at notably lower elevations than AT inderena Jina, and because of the phenotypic similarity of A/, inderena fina and AT inderena inderena from northeastern and western Ecuador. In addition, specimens of AT inderena fina are known from Cotacachi at 30()()m, approximately 40 km sotith of the nearest locality of M. golondrina, between which there are no obviotis geographical barriers. This species is known to date only from northwestern Ectiador (Fig. 17), an area that is a local centre of endemism forclotid forest satyrines (e.g., Lasiophila phalaesia (dee Pyrcz, CoradesviolaeeaVxYcv., Pedaliodes phrasicla inmaeidalaVyrcv.) . It is found on the south (Buenos Aires) and north (Las Golondrinas) banks of the Rio .Mira. It should certainly also occur in sotithwestern Golombia south of the Rio Narifio valley. The two males collected by KRVV were both attracted to rotting fish. Other individuals were cof lected in traps baited with excrement. Manerebia golondrina occurs in middle elevation cloud forests from 1600-2600 in, but sani|iling with baited trajis carried otit by the first author in the Reserva I.as Golondrinas, along an elevational transect, indicated the species to occur most commonly from 2000 to 2600ni. Manerebia prattorum Pyrcz & Willniott n. sp. Eig,s. .5E, 121, 17 Manerebia n. s|). (Pyrcz, Willniott & Hall); Lamas & Vdloria (2004:216,11.1129). Diagiio,si.s; This species is easily distinguished from its congeners in the northern Andes by the postdiscal orange band on the DHVV’ only, fhe only species with somewhat similar pattern is Manerebia lisa (VV'eynier), occurring in central Peru, but in that taxon the btiiid is darker, with blurred edges, narrowing gradually from anal to costal margin. The male genitalia of AT lisa show that the two species are not closely related, however, being similar to AT salura (see cbaracters grouping M. salura with M. franciscae, tinder the latter species) . The size and wing shape of AT prattorum are similar to AT inderena mirena n. .ssp. and AT undulata milaena n. .s|i, n. ssp. Manerebia prattorum, however, lacks the ventral magenta or greyish sheen in the distal marginal areas that characterises M. undulata, and does not have the DHVV stibinarginal ocelli that occur in AT inderena mirena. The male genitalia differ from AT inderena and AT undulata in having only 2-3 'teeth' at the distal tip of the valva, and from AT rufatmlis in having a straighter uncus and dif ferently shaped valva (see diagnosis of the latter species). Description: MALE (Fig. 5E): Head: Irons with a tuft of short, brown hair; eyes chocolate brown, smooth; labial palpi covered with short, meditmi brown bair; antennae medittm brown, slightly lighter on ventral surface. Thorax- dorsal and ventral stirface dark brown; legs paler brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral stirface dark brown. Wings: forewing (length: 1 7-1 7.5 mm; mean: 1 7.2 mm, n=4) distal margin almost straight, apex rotinded; hindwing with distal margin slightly angled at vein M3, tornal notch almost absent. DRV medium brown, darker brown towards base. DHVV' ground colour medium brown; a broad, orange postdiscal band extending from costa to anterior half of cell 1 A-Cu2, basal edge straight, distal edge kinked at vein M3, so that widest point of band is at vein M3. V’RV ground colotir mediimi brown, basal half slightly darker, bordered distally by veiy thin, indistinct, darker brown postdiscal line, that 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 57 is sliglitly inclined towards afrex; faint, slightly wavy, darker brown siibmarginal line t'roni torniis to apex. VHW medium brown; broad whitish postdiscai band from apex to tornus, tapering towards costa and tornus and widest in cells Cu2-Cul and Cai1-M3, passing through base of cell Cnl-M3; faint, slightly undulate darker brown submarginal line. Male genitalia (Fig. 121): uncus nearly straight except where bent sharply near base, subunci of medium length; valvae thinning sharply at middle and tapering posteriorly, dorsally grooved, with 2-3 ‘teeth’ at distal tip; aedeagus curving dorsally. FEMALE: Unknown. Types: Holotype male: PERU: Piura, arriba de Canchaciue, 2100 m, 0522/7934, 05.V1.2000, G. Lamas kg., MUSM; Paratypes (10 males): PERU: 2 males: same data as the holotype, MLISM; 2 males: same data as the holotype except R. Robbins kg., USNM; 1 male: same data as preceding except 07.VI.2000, LISNM; 1 male: same data as preceding except G. Lamas kg., MUSM; 4 males: West slopes of Andes, N. Peru, 10 ()()() ft., June 1912, Pratt,Joicey Bequest, Brit. Mus. 1934-120, BMNH. Etymology: This species is dedicated to Antwerp Edgar Pratt and his son Felix Pratt, who first collected it almost a centuiy ago. Comments: Manerebia prattorum occiiva at 2100-2600 m on the western slopes of the Andes in northwestern Peru, on the west slopes of the Andes, east of the locality of Ganchaque and possibly in the valley of Huancabamba (Piura). Specimens potentially represent- ing another unde.scribed subspecies have also been collected in northwestern Peru (Cajamarca) , west of Chiclayo, above the locality of La Florida (Fig. 17). Manerebia Irimaciilata (Hewitson, 1870) Figs. 5F,G,H, 13A, 18 Lymanopo/la trimarulala Mewitson (1870: 159). TL: Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, St. Rosario. ST male: BMNH(T) [examined]. Manerebia trimaculala (Hewitson); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 216). Diagnosis: Manerebia trimaculata dnd the related species, M. iin- dulala n. sp. and M. interrupla, are all characterised by a light greyish or magenta marginal sheen along the distal quarter of the ventral surface of both wings, and a thin, dark brown, undulate line passing through the center of the VHW discal cell. The male genitalia (Fig. 13A) of all three species are distinctive in the uncus being almost straight, so that the dorsal edge of the tegumen and uncus form a smoothly curving line, the subunci are very short and the valva is sharply constricted in the middle to |)roduce the attenuated distal half. This species might arguably be considered conspecific with the west Andean M. undulala, but our reasons for keejring them separate are discu.ssed under that species. The VHW yellow band in specimens of the syntypic series is reduced to three spots near the tornus (Fig. 5F), but in other specimens it can be fully developed, but rather irregular at the basal edge (Fig. 5G). Manerebia trimaeu- lata is readily distingidshed from other similar species by the two or more well developed submarginal ocelli in cells Gu2-Gul and Cul-M3 on the DHW, and usually by the submarginal ocellus in cell Cu2-Cul on the VFWf Some specimens of M. interrupla have similar but smaller ocelli and are typically smaller in size. Comments: This species is confined to southeastern Ecuador (Morona-Santiago and Zamora-Chinchipe) (Fig. 18), where it is rather uncommon, and it was omitted entirely by Brown (1944). Manerebia trimaculala occurs in relatively intact cloud forests from 2500-2800 m, and in contrast to the closely related M. interrupla, it frequents openings within the forest, rarely straying into cleared areas. A single specimen was collected in the Cordillera del Condor on the border between Ecuador and Peru (Camp Achupalla, 15 km E. Gualaquiza, 2100-2200 m, MUSM). Manerebia undulata Pyrcz & Hall, n. sp. Manerebia undulatais characterised by a thin, dark brown, undulate line passing through the center of the VHW discal cell, a character only otherwise oc- curring distinctly and consistently in M. inlerrupln and M. trimaculala. Also distinctive is the paler brown or purplish shading around the distal margin of the VHW and apical area of the VFW' (also occurring in M. trimaculata and M. inlerrupta) , and the markedly undulate dark brown VHW submarginal line. The first two of these characters distinguish M. undulala from most other west Ecuadorian species (M. inderena, M. germaniae, M. ignilineala) . The last two characters also occur in M. ruf'analis n. sp., but that has distinct male genitalia, with a smoothly arching uncus (not straight), longer subunci and a smooth ventral edge to the valva, which gradually tapers posteriorly. The most closely related species, as indicated by wing pattern and the male genitalia (see discussion un- der M. trimaculata) , seem to be M. interrupta and M. Irimaciilata. The former occurs at higher elevations and in drier habitats on the western slopes and may be distinguished by its smaller size, the more pointed forewing apex, DHW submarginal ocelli, and uneven VHW postdiscai band (in forms with a full band). Manerebia undulata is not known to be sympatric with the eastern slope M. Irimaculala, with which it might be considered conspecific, but given that M. undulala is much commoner at substantially lower elevations, not (or only exceptionally) |)olymorphic in expression of the hindwing band, and lacks prominent ocelli on the DHW in any subspecies, we treat the two taxa as distinct species. Unlike M. trimaculata And M. interrupta, polymor- phism of the pale VHW postdiscai band in M. undu- lala is rare or absent (but see discussion under M. u. undulata). Two subspecies are recognised. Manerebia undulata undulata Pyrcz & Hall, (n. sp.) Fig,s. 6A,B,C, 13B, 18 Manerebia ii. sp. (Pyrcz, WillmoU & Hall); l.amas & Viloria (2004:216,11.1125). Diagnosis: The nominate subspecies has narrower, although somewhat variable, pale VHW |io.stdiscal bands and is slightly larger than A'/, undulata milaena (described below). Description: MALE (Fig. 6A): Head: Irons with a tuft of butwn hair; eyes dark brown, smooth; labial palpi covered with brown hair; antennae dorsally greyish-brown, ventrally orangeish, with whitish scales at base of each segment, tip darker brown. Thorax. dorsal and ventral surface dark brown; legs paler brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface dark brown. Wings: forewing (length: 17.5-19 mm; mean: 18 mm; n=12) distal margin slightly convex, apex rounded; hindwing with distal margin slighth' angled at vein M3, with tornal notch almost absent. DFW medium brown, darker brown in basal half. DHW medium brown, slightly darker towards base; mintite black submarginal ocellus with white pupil in cell Cu2- Cul. VFW ground colour medium brown, slightly darker towards base; thin, distinct, almost straight, darker brown postdfscal line from anal margin to near costa; distinct, tmdulate, darker brown submarginal line from tttrnus to apex; very thin, indistinct, dark 58 /. lit's.Lrpid. Fig. 5. Adult Manerebia, left dorsal view, right ventral view. Double arrows above names indicate image is reflected in vertical plane, so figured wings are righthand pair. A, M. inderena mirena n. ssp. male; B, M. inderena mirena n. ssp. female; C, M. inderena leaeniva n. ssp. male; D, M. golondrina n. sp. male; E, M. prattorum n. sp. male; F, M. trimaculata male (form); G, M. trimaculata male (form); FI, M. trimaculata female. See Appendix 4 for specimen data. 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 59 Fig. 6. Adult Manerebia, left dorsal view, right ventral view. Double arrows above names indicate image is reflected in vertical plane, so figured wings are righthand pair. A, M. undulata undulata n. sp. male; B, M. undulata undulata ? male; C, M. undulata undulata n. sp. female; D, M. undulata milaena n. ssp. male; E, M. interrupta male (form); F, M. interrupta male (form); G, M. interrupta male (form); FI, M. interrupta female. See Appendix 4 for specimen data. 60 /. Res.Le/ml. brown inarsi;inal line; |)ale brownish scaling extending in from distal margin to siirroimd dark brown siibmarginal line, from cell Cnl-M3 to apex. VI fW medium brown; indistinct, undtilating dark brown line f rt)m costa to anal margin through middle of discal cell; thin, whitish postdiscal band from apex to tornus, passing through base of cell C,ul-M.3, slightly convex and thinning slightly towards costa; darker hrown, strongly zigzag submarginal line; minute black submarginal ocelli, with white pupils, in cell lA-(ai2 (two) and cell (.u2-(ail, white submarginal dots in cells Cul-M3 and M3-M2; pale brownish scaling extending in from distal margin to surround dark brown submarginal line from tornus to apex; veiy faint, thin, dark brown marginal line close to and parallel with distal margin. Male genitalia (Fig. 1.3B); uncus straight, with dor.sal edge and dorsal edge of tegumen forming a smooth cune, subunci short; valvae thinning shaiply at middle and tapering posteritn ly, dorsally grooved, with 4-6 'teeth’ at distal tij); aedeagtis curving dorsally, laterally smooth. FEMALE (Fdg. 6(1); Differs from male as follows; ventral surface lighter and duller; an ocelltis in cell 1 A-(lu2 ttn the forewing. Type.s: Hololype male: Edl'ADOR: Bolivar, Balzapamba, arriba de Santa Lucia, 1700-1 7.50 m, 03.1X.2003, T. Pvrcz leg.. MZUJ; Al- lotype female; same data as the holotvpe, MZL’J; Parafypes (55 males and 2 females): EdL’ADOR: 31 males and 1 female: same data as the holotvpe, TWP (29), BMNl I (2 males); 2 males: Bolivar, Balza- ])amba, arriha de Santa Lucia, 1400-1450 m, 03. IX. 2003, T. Pvrcz leg, I'WP; 2 males; same locality, 1600-1650 m, 05. IX. 2004, T. Pvrcz leg, FVVP; 9 males: Loja, Zamhi, 2200-2.300 m, 08. III. 1998, P. Boyer leg, I'VX'P (4), PB (5); 2 males: Loja, dtiayqtiichuma, 28.V.1996, S. Attal & 1. Aldas leg, FWP; 1 male: same data but 2LV.1996, FWP; 4 males: Loja, duaycjtiichuma. 1800-2000 m, 15.1V. 1997, A. Jasihski leg, FVVP (3), Ml INLld ( 1 ); 1 male: Zamora -dhinchiite, Zambi, A. [asihski leg, FW'P; 3 males: dotopaxi, Pilald, 2500-3000 m, VII. 1996, I. Aldas leg, 4 WP; 1 male: Pichincha, .Vloag-Sto. Domingo rd., Tan- dapi, 1550 m, 10. VIII. 1993, |. Hall leg, MEdN; 2 males: same data as preceding except 1700 m, 3.\'1II. 1996, R. VVillmott leg., KV\']H; 1 male: Pichincha. old (.)uito-Sto. Domingo rd., nr. dhiriboga, Rio Las Palmeras, 1900 m, 14.VIIL 1993, |. Hall leg, R\y|H; 1 female: f.oja. Zambi, P. Boyer leg, PB. Etymology: I'he name is the f eminine form of the Latin adjec- tive “nndulattis”, meaning undulate, in reference to the undulate VHVV submargiual line. Comments: VVe have examined two specimens of A/, undulata in the TWP recentlv collected by Ste|thane Attal in southwestern Ectiador (Loja) and lahelled "\angana. route de Valladolid, 2600m, 23.V.2000” which have a hroken jtale \41W postdiscal band (Fig. 6B). A single male in the BMNH from “Ectiador” is similar. These specimens are associated with M. undnlatavaxher thaw M. inlerriipla tm the basis of their larger size (30% larger than A/, interrupta) and rounded forewing apex. It is possible that these specimens re]3resent a local population in which the hroken band is monomorphic, given the lack of known specimens with a comjrlete hindwing band from this area and phenotyjric stability of the species elsewhere, but more material is retpiired to confirm this. The nominate subspecies occurs on the western and south- western slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes, where it may be locally common. It has been recorded from 1400-2300 m. Manerebia undulata milaena Pvrcz & Willniott, n. ssp. Eigs. 6D, 13C, 18 Manerebia n. sp., n. ssp. (Pvrcz, VVillmott & Hall); L.amas & Viloria (2004: 216, n. 1125b). Diagnosis: This subspecies is smaller than the nominate. The VHVV pale postdiscal hands are wider, and broaden from the costa to tornus. Fhe ventral distal marginal sheen is wider and a purplish, rathei than jtale brown, colour. The dor.sal surface ground colour is also paler, so that the VHVV postdiscal band is faintly visible. The male genitalia do not differ consistently from AT undulata undulata. Description: MALE (Fig. 6D): Head: eyes, lahial palpi and an- tennae as in the nominate subspecies. Thorax, dorsal and ventral surface dark brown; legs paler brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface dark brown. Wings: forewing (length: 17-18.5 mm; mean: 17.1 mm, n=3) distal margin angled slightly at vein ML apex rounded; hindwing outer margin almost |jerfectly rotmded with a very slight angle at vein M3, and a slight tornal notch; fringes light brown. DF'W medium brown, darker brown in basal half, androconial scales not a|tparent; a faint, darker, tmdulate suhmar- ginal line. DI fW medium brown, slightly darker towards base; very faint, |)ostdiscal band of pale .scales reflecting VHW band, stronger at costa; slightly paler yellowish brown, sparse scales in marginal area; darker, zigzag submarginal line. VFW^ ground colour medium brown, darker towards base; thin, distinct, almost straight, darker brown [tostdiscal line from anal margin to near costa; distinct, slighih undulate, darker brown submarginal line from tornus to ajtex; very thin, indistinct, dark brown marginal line; pale purplish grey scaling extending in from distal margin to surround dark brown snbmarginal line, f rom cell CuTM3 to a|3ex; row of tiny white submarginal dots in cells Cat2-Cti 1 to M2-M 1 . VHVV' medium brown; indistinct, undulating dark brown line from costa to anal margin through middle of discal cell; thin, yellowish white postdiscal band from apex to tornus, passing through base of cell Cail-M3, ap|)roxi- mately straight and broadening continuously f rom costa to torntis; darker brown, strongly zigzag submarginal line; pale purplish grey scaling extending in from distal margin to surround dark brown submarginal line from tornus to cel Ml-Rs. Male genitalia (Fig. 13(1): tmeus straight, with dorsal edge and dorsal edge of tegumen forming a smooth ctirve, stibunci short; valvae thinning sharply at middle and ta|tering posteriorly, dorsally grooved, with 4-6 'teeth' at distal tip; aedeagtis curving dorsally, laterally smooth. FEMAI.E: Unknown. Types: Holotype male: F.dLlADOR: Loja, Cordillera de Lagunil- las, Jimhura- Laguna Negra, 3000-3200 m, 15.V.1998, A. Jasihski leg, .MZLJ; Paratypes: 2 males: same data as the holotype, TVV'R. Etymology: The name is a composite of the names of two other related Ecuadorian Manerebia taxa; (AT inderena) mirena and (AT i n derena) leaen iva. Comments: Unlike A/, undulata undulata, which is a cloud forest species of intermediate elevations, the type series of A/, undulata milaena was collected at the tree-line in the Cordillera de Lagtmillas range, at 3000-3200 m. Unforttmately, there is virtually no natural vegetation remaining in sotithwestern Ecuador helow 2800m. so it may he impossible to locate the true natural lower elevational limit. A single individual of (apparentlv) AT undulata milaena (in the MLI.SM), collected ftirther south on the west slopes of the Andes in Peru, east of Chiclayo (Cajamarca), at 2400-2600 in, is exchided from the type series. Specimens of AT prattorum irom the same locality (see southernmost data point on Fig. 17) re|)resent a stibspecies different from that in sotithern Ecuador, and the same might apply to M. undulata. Manerebia interrupta (Brown, 1944) Eigs. 6E,F, G, H, 13D. 18 Penro.sada apicutata form interrupta Brown (1944: 257, male genit. Fig. 1618). TL; Ecuador, Aztiay, Seville de Oro. HT male: Ecuador, Azuay, Seville de Oro, 2500 m, 15.11. [19] 39. AME [pho- tograph examined]. = Manerebia keradialeuka Hayward (1968; 205, Hgs. 4, 8). TL: Flc- uador, Aztiay, Tarqui. HT male: Ecuador, Azuay, Tarqni, 08.\'. [ 19]65, L.tiis Pena teg. IMLT [examined]. Penro.sada apicutata form ciDiiilinea (W'eymer); Brown (1944: 258) (misidentifkation). Manerebia interrupta (Brown); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 215). Diagnosis: As in AT trimaculata, the VHVV' yellow band is variably expre.ssed, and varies from complete absence (Fig. 6G), through 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 61 a series of semicircular spots (Fig. 6F), to being complete, with an uneven distal edge (Fig. 6E). Manerebia interrupta is much smaller than M. trimcinilata, has a more acute forewing apex, and lacks an ocellus on the VFW in cell Cul-Cu2. Brown (1944), and presum- ahly earlier workers, misidentified this species in Ecuador as the superficially similar but genitalically distinct Colombian M. apicu- Idtn, and named a form with the band broken into spots as form interrupta. Hayward (1968) subsequently named a form without any hindwing band as Manerebia keradialeuka. Brown’s name interrupta thus becomes the first available name for this species, to which M. keradialeuka Hayward is a junior synonym (Lamas &Viloria, 2004). Male genitalia as illustrated (Fig. 13D). Comments: Manerebia interrupta appears to be most closely re- lated to M. undulata'dnd M. trirnaculata (see discussion under those species). Although it has not been reported from the same sites as either M. trirriarulataor M. undulata, its closest relatives, it appears to replace each locally at higher elevations and in drier habitats. This species occurs from south-central (Morona-Santiago: Gulalaceo- Chiguinda rd.; Gualaceo-Limon road,) to southern Ecuador (Loja: above Catamayo; Cerro Palma, Loja-Zamora rd.) and in northern Peru (Piura: entre Las Minas y El Tambo) on the western slopes of the Andes. It occurs from 2400 m up to the tree-line around 3200 m. Males were found flying low to the ground in areas of recent bamboo regrowth on landslips in elfin forest/ paramo mosaic, and also in a dry river gulley through desert scrub on the southwestern slopes. The species is most commonly encountered in drier habitats, such as those of the inter-Andean valleys. We have also observed males hilltopping at Cerro Palma, and occasionally puddling at damp sand. The species appears to be highly seasonal; whereas it was very common along the Gualaceo-Limon road in February (wet season), no individuals were observed in the same locality in August, during the dry season. Manerebia rufanalis Pyrcz & Hall, n. sp. This species is clistinguislied from all others by the rusty suffusion and submarginal ocelli at the tornus of the DHW. The light magenta sheen along the distal margins on the ventral surface, especially at forewing apex and on the hindwing, is also distinctive. The VFW' ocellus in cell Cul-Cu2 is generally, but not always, well developed and is occasionally also apparent in adjacent cells. The VHW^ yellow band is variable and appears to be relatively wider in smaller specimens. The genitalia are distinctive within the genus, and differ from those of M. inderena and M. undulata by having an arched uncus and relatively long subunci, similar to species such as M. fe/maand M. salum, while the elongate valva, which lacks ‘teeth’ at the dorsal edge near the base, similar to M. inderena and M. trirnaculata, has a smoothly upwardly curving (rather than “stepped”) basal edge. In addition, the valva always has relatively few (usually 2-3) large ‘teeth’ at the distal tip. Manerebia rufanalis rufanalis Pyrcz & Hall, (n. sp.) Figs. 7A, B, 1,3E, 19 Manerebia n. sp. (Pyrcz, Willmott & Hall); Lamas & Viloria (2004; 216, n. 1126). Diagnosis: The nominate subspecies is distinguished from M. r femandina ds disussed below. There is some variation in this taxon. and some individuals have an additional ocellus on the DHW in cell Ctil-M3. Description: MALE (Figs. 7A): Head: Irons with a tuft of dark brown hair; eyes chocolate brown, smooth; labial jtalpi covered with dark brown hair; antennae dorsally chestnut, ventrally rufous, with white scales at the base of each segment, club same colour as shaft. Thorax, dorsal and ventral stirface dark brown; legs |)aler brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface dark brown. Wings: forewing (length: 18-21 mm; mean; 19.9 mm; n=8) distal margin slightly angled at vein M2, ajtex rounded; hindwing slightly angled at vein M3, with slight tornal notch. DEW medium brown, darker brown in basal half. DHW medium brown, slightly darker towards base; a small submarginal black ocellus ringed with orange, with a white pupil, in anterior half of cell 1 A-Cu2, a larger similar ocel- lus in cell Cu2-Cul; orange-brown scaling alotig the anal margin, broadening into tornus to extend to edge of ocellus in cell 1 A-Cu2. VFW ground colour medium brown, darker in basal half; thin, very faint, straight, darker brown |)ostdiscal line in cells Cu2-Ml; black submarginal ocellus ringed with dark yellow, with a white pupil, in cell Cu2-Cul; three white submarginal dots in cells Cul-M3 to M2-M1; indistinct, unditlate, darker brown submarginal line from tornus to apex; thin, very faint, dark brown marginal line; pale greyish scaling extending from distal margin to surround dark brown submarginal line in cells M3- .M2 to costa. VHW medium browti, scattered with very .sparse red-brown scales in basal two- thirds, denser along anal margin and costa, particularly at apex; pale yellow postdiscal band (becoming white at basal edge) from apex to tornus, passing throngh base of cell Cul-M3, straight and of even width; faint, darker brown, zigzag snbmarginal line; three small black submarginal ocelli, with a white pupil, in cells I A-Cn2 and Cu2-Cul; a white submaiginal dot in cell Cul-M3; thin, dark brown marginal border; pale greyish scaling sparsely extending in Ifom distal margin to just past dark brown submarginal line from tornus to cell M.3-M2. Male genitalia (Fig. 13E); uncus smoothiv arching, subunci relatively long; basal edge of valvae smootbly curving, dorsally grooved, with 2-3 ‘teeth’ at distal tip; aedeagus thin and shallowly curving dorsalK, latei ally smooth. FEMALE (Fig. 7B); Similar to male but lighter on both wing surfaces. Types: Holotype male: ECL'ADOR: Tungurahua, Banos, Rnntun, 26()()-300() m, Ob.VllI. 1998, T. Pvrcz leg., MZL(J; Allotype female-. EC- UADOR: Loja, Old road I.oja-Zamora, 26()()m, XL 1999, 1. Aldas, leg, MBL.I; Paratypes (32 males and 1 female): ECUADOR: 1 male: Tungurahua, Banos, TWP; 1 male: Tnngnrahua, Banos, V. 1995, I. Aldas leg, TWP; 1 male, Tungurahua, Run tun, 3()()()m, 21 .XL 1998, P. Boyer leg., PB; 1 male: rungurahua, Bahos-Puyo rd., Rio Machay, 1700 m, 19-20.VI11. 1993, J. Hall leg, MECN; 1 male: .same data as preceding except 12. IX. 1993, KW|H; 1 male: Napo, Baeza, 1800 m, IX. 1996, P. Boyer leg., PB; 1 male; Zamora-Chinchi|)e, San Andres, 2200 m, 1 3.VI11. 1998, T. Pyrcz leg., fWP; 1 male; Zamora- Chinchipe, region de Valladolid, 2500 m, 25. XL 1993, B. Mery & S. Attal leg., TWP; 1 male; Zamora-Chinchipe, Ri'o San Francisco, 1400[?] m, 1 1 .XI. 1989, A. Crosson-dn-Cormier & S. Attal leg, TWP; 1 male; Zamora-Chinchi|5e, San Andres - Calderon, 2200-2600 m, 20.V.1998, A. Jasihski leg., TWP; 1 male; Zamora-Chinchipe, nr. Valladolid, Quebrada Tapichalaca, 1950 m, 4. XI. 1997, K. VV'ill- mf)tt leg, KWJH; 1 male: Zamora-Chinchi|5e. km 34 Jimbura-San Andres rd., 2900 m, 23.IX.I997, K. Willmott leg, KVy|H; 1 male: Zamora-Chinchipe, Zamora-Loja i d., nr. Sabanillas, Quebrada San Ramon, 1700 m, 27-29. X. 1997, K. Willmott leg., KVy[H; 13 males: Zamora-Chinchipe, Valladolid, Quebrada de los Muertos, 2550 m, XL 1999, 1. Aldas leg, TWP (4), MBLI (9); 3 males: Loja, Old road Loja-Zamora, 2500-2600m, XI-XII.1999, 1. Aldas, leg, .MBLI; 1 male; Tungurahua, El Tablon, .3000m, III. 1999, 1. Aldas leg, IVIBLI; 1 male; Tungurahua, Banos, Rio Verde, 2300 m. III. 1999, G. Velastegui leg, MBLI; 1 female; Loja, Old road Loja-Zamora, 2600m, XL 1999, 1. Aldas, teg., MBLI. PERL': 1 male; Cajamarca, faltaconas, VIII. 1996, 62 /. Rn.Lepid. M. ignilineata ignilineata M. ignilinaata ignilineata Fig. 7. Adult Manerebia, left dorsal view, right ventral view. Double arrows above names indicate image is reflected in vertical plane, so figured wings are righthand pair. A, M. rufanalis rufanalis n. sp. male; B, M. rufanalis rufanaiis n. sp. female; C, M.. rufanalis fernandina n. ssp. male; D, M. ignilineata ignilineata male (form); E, M. ignilineata ignilineata male (form); F, M. ignilineata ignilineata male (form); G, M. ignilineata ignilineata female. See Appendix 4 for specimen data. I. Alcki.s leg.. TWF. Etymology: Tlie .s|)ecifs name is derived from the Latin “rufus”, reddish brown, referring to tlie distinctive color in the anal area of the DHW. Comments: fhis subspecies is known from the east Andean slopes in central Ecuador to far northern Peru, and it is one of the most common Manerebia, occurring in fairly intact cloud for- est habitats from 17()()-29()() m. Males may often be encountered ]mddling at stream and river banks, particularly at urine, and are attracted to rotting fish. We have also observed males hilltopping on open, grassy summits with low bushes, along the Jimbura-San Andres road. Manerebia rufanalis fernandina Pyrez & Willmott, n. ssp. Figs. 7C, 13F, 19 Manerebia n. sp., n. ssp. (Pyrez, Willmott & Hall); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 216, n. 1126b). Diagnosis: This sitbspecies is slighdy smaller than the nominate. 39: 37-79, 20()() (2006) 63 M. ignilineata neglacta M. ignilineata neglacta M. ignilineata neglecta M. seducta M. ignilineata neglecta M. seducta M. magnifica M. mycalesoldes M. mycalesoldes Fig. 8. Adult Manerebia, left dorsal view, right ventral view. Double arrows above names indicate image is reflected in vertical plane, so figured wings are righthand pair. A, M. ignilineata neglecta male (form); B, M. ignilineata neglecta male (form); C, M. ignilineata neglecta male (form); D, M. ignilineata neglecta male (form); E, M. seducta n. sp. male; F, M. seducta n. sp. female; G, M. magnifica n. sp. male; H, M. mycalesoldes male; 1, M. mycalesoldes female. See Appendix 4 for specimen data. /. Res.Lepid. ()4 has reduced reddisli-Irrowii scaling on the DI IW anal area and the ocelli are smaller on both wing surfaces. Description: MALE (Fig. 7(1); Head, frons with a tuft of dark brown hair; eyes chocolate brown, smooth; labial palpi covered with long, dark brown hair; antennae dorsally chestnut, ventrally orange, with white scales at the base of each segment, chib same colour as shaft. Thorax, dorsal and ventral surface dark brown; legs paler brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface dark brown. forewing (length; 18 mm. mean: 18 mm, n=l) distal margin slightly angled at vein M2, apex rounded; hindwing slightly angled at vein M3, with slight tornal notch. DEW medium brown, darker browti in basal ball. 1)1 IW meditim brown, slightly darker towards base; two small snbmarginal black ocelli ringed with orange, with white jttipils, in anterior half of cell 1A-Cln2 and in cell Cn2-Clnl; orange-brown scaling in the tornns, not extending to ocellus in 1 A-(ai2. VFW ground colour medium brown, darker in basal half; thin, very faint, straight, tlarkei brown postdiscal line in cells (;tt2- M 1 ; small black submarginal ocellus ringed with dark orange, with a white pu[)il, in cell C:n2-( ai I ; three white subtnarginal dots in cells C'.ul-M3 to M2-.M1; distinct, tmdulate, darker brown submarginal line from tornns to apex; thin, very faint, darker brow'ii marginal line; pale purplish grey .scaling extending from distal margin to surround dark brown submai ginal line in cells Cu2-Cul to costa. \'I IVV medium brown, scattered with very sjtarse red-brown scales in basal two-thirds; |)ale yellow |tostdiscal band (becoming white at basal edge) from ajtex to tornns, passing through base of cell ('.ul-M3, slightly concave and of even width; faint, darker browti, zigzag submarginal line; two small black snbmarginal ocelli, with a white pupil, in anterior half of cell I A-(iu2 and in Cu2-C'.u 1 ; a w'hite snbmarginal dot in cell (lul-M.S; ibin, dark brown marginal border; pale ptirplish grey scaling .s|)arsely extending in from distal margin to jtist jiast dark brown stibmarginal line from tornns to cell M3-M2. Male genitalia (Fig. 13F); tmens smoothly arching, subnnei relatively long; basal edge of valvae smoothly curving, dor.sally grooved, with a single “tooth" at distal tip; aedeagns thin and shallowly curving dorsally, laterally smooth. FEMALE; Unknown. Types: Holotypemale: FULIADOR: Aztiay, Clirdn, San Fernando, 2500 m, 08.\f 1998, F. Krdl leg.. MZUJ; Paratypes: 2 males: same data as the holotyjje, EWR Etymology: The name is derived from that of the tvpe locality, San Fernando. Comments: I'he three types of A/. rufannlA femandina me the only known specimens of this species from the western Andes. The tvpe locality of fernandina (San Fernando) is in the Cuenca valley, an area of endemism in clotid forest satyrines, generally at the stibspecibc level (e.g., Lasiophiln phalaesia krnWPyrcv., Fedaliodes xan/ho.sphenisra ssp. I’yrcz, in prep.). Since a number of other east Andean cloud forest taxa cross o\er to the western slopes in south- ern Ecuador (Willmott & 1 bill, in jti ep.), this taxon may also occtir further south, where little habitat remains at a suitable elevation. Manerebia igpiilineata (Dogniii, 1896) Tills is the smallest species of Manerebia. and is easily distinguished from all other species by the elongate, rounded wings (a character shared with M. pervaga), the irregular VHW stibmarginal line placed relatively far from the distal margin, and the male genitalia. The latter are markedly distinct from all other north Andean species, except M. seducta, in the short, squat valva, which is enlarged in the basal half, lacks a dorsal groove, has very large, sparse distal ‘teeth’, and whose tips flare otitwards in ventral view. Like M. trimaculata and M. interrupla, this species is polymorphic in the expression of the VHW postdiscal band, and occurs in three fairly discrete forms; one form has a fttlly developed VHW band (Fig. 7D), the second has the band broken into a row of quadrate spots by dark brown lines on the veins (Fig. 7E), and the last has the band completely absent (Fig. 7F). Manerebia ignilineata ignilineata (Dognin, 1896) Figs. 7D, E, F, C, 14A, 20 Lymanopoda ignilineataliognm (1896: 134). TL: Ecuador, Ltija, Loja. HT male: Ecuador, Loja, Environs de Loja, 1890. BMNII [examined] Penrnsada ignilineata (Dognin); D’Abrera (1988; 824). Manerebia ignilineata (Dognin); Lamas & Viloria (2004; 215) (in part). Diagnosis; 4 be nominate subspecies differs from M. i. neglerta as discussed under that taxon. The expression of the VHW jiale postdiscal band is polymorphic in both sexes (Figs. 7D, E, F, (1). Male genitalia as illustrated (Fig. 14A). Comments; Dognin’s (1896) description of this species is concise but clear, and the holotype male, which has an indistinct, broken \'HW |iostdi.scal band intermediate between the specimens ligured in Figs. 7E and 7F, is in the BMNH. Manerebia ignilineata ignilineata occurs at the cloud forest/paramo ecotone, and in the lower paramo, in southern Ecuador (Morona-Santiago; Gualaceo- Limbn; Loja; Jimbura-San Andres rd.; Loja-Zamora rd.) on the eastern, and in far south, western slopes of the Andes, from 2700- 3300 m. Lite species seems to be veiy local and seasonal. Males fly usually 1-3 m above dense stands of bamboo growing in paramo intermixed with elfin forest. Manerebia ignilineata occurs also in northern Peru, east of the Rio .Marahon, as a distinct subspecies, M. ignilineata jalra Pyxxr (2004). Manerebia ignilineata neglecta (Brown, 1944), n. stat. Figs. 8A, B, C, D, 14B, 20 Penrnsada lanassa form neglecta Brown (1944; 260, male genit. fig. 1619). TL; Ecuador, Tungurahua, Minza Chica. HT male; Ec- uador, Tungurahua, Minza Chica, 08.1V.[19]39, 3200 m, leg. F. M. Brown, No. B1619. AME [jrhotograph examined], n. stat. = Penro.sada lanassa form disrontinua Brown (1944; 260, male genit. fig. 1617). TL; Ecuador, Tungurahua, Minza Chica. HT male; Ecuador, I'ungurahua, Minza Chica, 08.1V.[19].39, 3200 m, leg. F. M. Brown, No. B1617, AME [])hotograph examined]. [Penro.sada lanassa (C. & R. Felder); Brown (1944; 258)] Manerebia ignilineata (Dognin); Lamas & Viloria (2004; 215) (in |)art). Diagnosis; This subspecies differs from the nominate in the forewing distal margin being nearly straight, except angled slightly at vein M2, instead of convex, and in the hindwing being slightly angled between M I and M2 and at M3, instead of almost perfectly rounded. It also lacks the shining magenta colour on the distal margin of the VHW and apex of the VFW, and the VHW submar- giiial line is more zigzag than in the nominate. Redescription; MALE (Figs. 8A, B, C); Head: frons with sparse blackish hair; eyes blackish-brow'n, smooth; labial palpi covered with black hair; antennae dorsally brown, ventrally dirty yellow, club formed of 10-11 segments, nrice width of shaft. Thorax, dorsally blackish-brown, ventrallv medium brow'n. Abdomen: dor.sally black- ish-brown, laterallv and ventrally medium-brown. Wings: forewing distal margin nearly straight excejit angled slightlv at vein M2, apex rounded; hindwing slightly angled between Ml and M2 and at M3, tornal notch absent. Fringes of both fore and bindwings light- brown. DfAA' medium brown, darker towards base. DHW almost uniform metlium brown, except for faint trace of postdiscal band 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 65 Fig. 9. Adult Manerebia, left dorsal view, right ventral view. Double arrows above names indicate image is reflected in vertical plane, so figured wings are righthand pair. A, M. nevadensis male; B, M. nevadensis female; C, M. levana levana male; D, M. levana levana female; E, M. pervaga n. sp. male; F, M. pervaga n. sp. female. See Appendix 4 for specimen data. of pale scales reflecting VHW band, noticeable only towards costal margin. VFU' grotind colour medium brown, slightly lighter in distal third; two or three tiny, barely noticeable yellow submarginal dots; rufous-brown, slightly undulate submarginal line. VHW medium brown; indistinct, “S”-shaped postdiscal line, a thin (r. 1 mm) pale yellow postdiscal band from apex to tornus, nearly straight, ]>ass- ing along distal edge of discal cell at vein M3, in some individuals broken into a series of spots or completely absent; a thin, wasy submarginal darker brown line, area distal to it and immediately basal pale grey with a light magenta sheen. Male genitalia: as il- htstrated (Fig. 14B). FEMALE (Fig. 8D): Similar to male except with a paler ventral surface. Comments: Brown (1944) introduced the names discontinua and neglecta ior two individual forms of kinassa". The original illustrations of the holotype male genitalia of each, though |rooi ly drawn, show the sparse, large dorsally directed spines at the tijr ol the valva, the very broad base of the valva, and the short, curved un- cus and stibunci that occtir only in M. ignUinmta. yi’e have examined photographs of the holotypes of neglecta and discontinua (provided by Gerardo Lamas), now deposited in the AME, and both names apply to a population of M. ignilineata occurring in central Ecuador that a|)pears to be consistently distinct from the nominate. Lamas & Viloria (2004) placed both names as synonyms of M. ignilineata, and since no other atithors have dealt with Brown's names, we select neglecta as the name for this taxon (n. .stat.). Manerebia ignilineata /. lies.Lepid. 6(i Fig. 10. Manerebia male genitalia, lateral view; v = valva ventral view, a = aedeagus lateral view, ad = aedeagus dorsal view. M. leaena, M. germaniae n. sp., M. pluviosa n. sp. See Appendix 5 for specimen data. neglecta is known from (ianai : Pimo. Gun, Zliud-Alansi km 2, 3100 m; rnngurahua: Minza Ghica, 3200 m; Napo: Fairallacta-Archidona trail; Picliincha: Quito-Rio Toachi trail; Gliimborazo: Huigra; Hda. Licay, above Ilnigra; Bolivar; Pilald, 3100 m sttnth to Ganar, from 3100-3200 m. It is locally common in the forest-paramo ecotone near Zluid (A/.uay), where it flies with Neopedaliodes parrhoebia n. ssp. and Lymanopoda hazflana n. ssp. (Pvrcz, in prep.). Manerebia seducta Pyrcz & Willniott, n. sp. Figs. 8E,F, 14G, 20 Manerebia n. sp. (Pvrcz, Willniott & Hall); Lamas & Viloria (2004; 216, n. 1 122). Diagnosis; Phis species is recognised by the elongate shape of the wings, the white VHW hand unitjuelv lying distal of the disco- cellidars, and by the small single ocelli on the fore and hindwing (absent in the female). Phe male genitalia are most similar to A/. igniUneala, which may he the sister species, and are characterised by the broad base to the valva, with few terminal 'teeth’, and elongate aedeagus. Manerebia seducta differs principally from M. igniUneala by the less reddish ground colotir to the wings and more pointed forewing apex. The two species are microsympatric. Description; MALE; (Fig. 8F1); Head: Irons with a tuft of brown hair; labial |ial|)i covered with dense and long black hair; eyes blackish, smooth; antennae dorsally brown, ventrally chestnut, white scales at base of each segment. Thorax, dorsal and ventral surface dark brown; legs paler brown. Abdomen: dorsal and ventral surface dark brown. PFmgs; forewing (length: 23 mm, mean; 23 mtn, n=2) elongate, triangular, with almost straight distal mar- gin and sharply pointed apex; hindwing elongate and smoothly rotmded, with no tornal notch. DFW' uniform medium brown. 14HW tmiform medium brown. VFW ground colour medium brown, somewhat variable, slightly lighter towards outer margin; irregular dark brown submarginal line; area between it and outer margin suffused with magenta; a minute black ocelltis with white pupil in cell Gtt2-Cu 1 . VI IW medium brown; barely visible, uneven, dark brown line through middle of discal cell, fading near costa and anal margin; thin, milky white postdiscal band from apex to tornus, with somewhat irregular inner and sharp otiter edge; thin, smoothly curving darker brown submarginal line, parallel to distal margin, from tornus to near apex; thinner dark browti marginal line; the area between submarginal line and otiter margin suffused with magenta, twice as wide as on the forewing. Male genitalia: (Fig. 14G) tegumen slender; uncus arched, subuncus half the length of uncus; valvae stout, sharply thinning at middle with three promi- nent distal 'teeth' and grooved dorsal surface; aedeagus long, thin and smooth, with a pronounced 'collar' at junction of anterior and 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 67 Fig. 1 1 . Manerebia male genitalia, lateral view; v = valva ventral view, a = aedeagus lateral view, ad = aedeagus dorsal view. M. apiculata, M. franciscae, M. mammuthus n. sp., M. satura, M. navarrae, M. quinterae. See Appendix 5 for specimen data. posterior portions. uniform medium brown. VFW' ground colour medium brown; basal FEMALE: (Fig. 8F) Head, thoraxAnd abdomenasin male. Wings: two-thirds separated from distal third by sharp vertical boundar)', forewing (length: 17.5 mm, n=2) similar to male. DFW and DHW basal two-thirds darker brown; minute jjaler submargiual dots iii /. lies.Lejnd. (i8 Fig. 12. Manerebia male genitalia, lateral view; v = valva ventral view, a = aedeagus lateral view, ad = aedeagus dorsal view. M. inderena, M. golondrina n. sp., M. prattorum n. sp. See Appendix 5 for specimen data. centers of cells (4i2-{'.nl and (ail -M3; thin distal marginal border of sjtarse, pale greyish .scales. VHW niedinin brown; basal half with sparse, long brown hairs and scattered with very sparse paler brown scales; convex, tnieven, dark brown line tbrongb middle of discal cell, fading near costa and anal margin; thin white postdiscal band from apex to tornns, broadest in cells ('ai2-('ail to M3-M2, tapering to a point at costa anti anal margin, lying distal of cliscocelltilars; thin, stnootbly citrvitig darker brown snbmarginal litie, parallel to distal margiti, from toi tins to neat apex; marginal border distal of snbmargitial litie dusted with sitarse pale greyish scales. Types: Holotypema\e: PERU. San Martin, Pnerta del Monte, ca. fiO km NE Los Absos, 32.50 tn, 22.VI11. 198 1 , L. j. Barkley leg., MUSM; Allotype female: ECUADOR: Loja, km 20 Jimbnra-San Andres rd., 3300 m, 24. IX. 1997, K. Willmott leg, KWjH; Paratype male: PERU: San Martt'ti, Parqtie Nacional Abiseo, Hnicimgo, Pnerta del Monte, 3190-3250 m, 19.V1I.1990, M. Medina leg, MUSM. Etymology: The name of this species is the femitiine form tif the Uatiti adjective “sediictiis”, meaning remote or distant, with referetice to this species isolated range and rarit)'. Comments: The two males of this species were collected in the Central Cordillera in northern central Pern, whereas the only ktiown female specimen was collected in the Cordillera de l.agn- nillas iti extreme soittbern Ecuador. Manerebia seducla tints has a wide, and as yet only rongblv defined range, ft is apparently a lower 39: 37-79, 2()()() (2006) 69 Fig. 13. Manerebia male genitalia, lateral view; v = valva ventral view, a = aedeagus lateral view, ad = aedeagus dorsal view. M. trimaculata, M. undulata n. sp., M. interrupta, M. rufanalis n. sp. See Appendix 5 for specimen data. paramo gra.ssland species, similar to A/, ignilineata, wltich occurs sympatrically and much more abundantly in the same habitat. The elongate wings of the female of this species are similar to M. Iniana, and those of other paramo butterflies (e.g., the satyrine genus Lymaiiapoda, see Pyrcz rl al, 1999), and may be an ada|>tation to flying or resting in the strong winds that are fretiuent in these high elevation grasslands. Manerebia 7uycalesoides (C. & R. Felder, 1867) Figs. 8H, l,'l4D, 20 Pronophila ni'icaksoidesV.. & R. Felder (1867: 473) . TL: Colombia, Cimdinamarca, Bogota. ST male: BMNH(R) [examined] = Euptychki iHhe Butler (1867: 46.6). TL: Venezuela. ST males: BMNH(R) [examined] “Penrosada" ktlie (Butler); D’Abrera (1988: 824, fig.). Pedaliodes mycalesoides (C. & R. F’elder); Thieme (1905: 69). Eiiptychia mycalesoides (C. & R. Felder); Weymer (1911: 224). Postetiplychia mycalesoides Forster (1964: 137, fig. 171) (male genitalia). Manerebia mycalesoides (C. & R. Felder) ; Lamas & Viloria (2004: 215). Diagnosis: Manerebia mycaksoides is easily distinguished from all other congeners, except M. magnifica, by the large ventral ocelli on both fore and hindwing and wavy, dark, prominent postdiscal line on both VPAV and VHW (Figs. 8H, 1). The genitalia (Fig. 14D) are distinctive in the elongate distal part of the valva which is strongly curved upwards, ending with several short ‘teeth', being most similar to M. magnifica and M. nevadensis. Manerebia magnifica is distinguished under the account for that species. Comments: Pronopbila mycalesoides was described from Bogota (Colombia) (C. & R. Felder, 1867), but the ]trecise type locality' is un- known and the species was not reported by Adams ( 1 986) . Shortly afterwards in the same year the same taxon was also de.scribed as Euptychia leihe by Butler (1867), from an unspecified Venezuelan locality. We have examined the .syntypes of both names at the BMNl 1 and lelbe IS a junior subjective synonym of mycalesoides (l.amas & V'iloria, 2004). Manerebia mycalesoides seems to be a veiy rare spe- cies. It is found in lower cloud forest on the foothills of the Sierra de El Tama at 1000 m. Nothing was known about the behavior or ecology (tf this species until Andrew Neild (|5ers. comm.) observed and collected it at l.oma del Viento, Tachira, in 1997, where it flies in an open, windswe|rt area, in association with bamboo. Tbe range of the species has been extended by recent collecting, with records in the Venezuelan Cordillera de la Costa (San Antonio de Los Altos, Colouia Tovar), Sierra de El Tama (San V'icente de l.a Revancha, Chorro El Indio), and the west Colombian Rio Cauca valley (l’o|tayan). Manerebia mycalesoides occurs in premontane rain forest habitats at around 1000 m, where it is a shy inhabitant of shadv places within dense forest. Usually only single individuals are encountered, but Pierre Boyer (pers. comm.) observed on one occasion a large group of over ten males in a forest clearing in the Avila range above Caracas. Manerebia magnifica Pyrcz & Williiiott, n. sp. Eigs. 8G, 14E, 20 Diagnosis: I bis species differs from its closest relative, M. 70 /. Res.Lepid. Fig. 14. Manerebia male genitalia, lateral view; v = valva ventral view, a = aedeagus lateral view, ad = aedeagus dorsal view. M. ignilineata, M. seducta n. sp., M. mycalesoides, M. magnifica n. sp., M. nevadensis, M. levana. See Appendix 5 for specimen data. mycalesoides, in tlie larger size of the VHW suhmarginal ocelli, with tin additional ocellus in cell (in I -M3, and in their shape being oval instead of rounded. The distal tip of the valva is also less enlarged and recurved. Description: MALE (Fig. 8G): Head, frons with a tuft of black hair; eyes black, smooth; labial |talpi covered with long, black hair; antennae dorsally dark brown, ventrally chestntit, with white scales at the base of each segment, club same colour as shaft. Thorax. dorsal and ventral sitrface blackish brown; legs pale brown. Abdo- men-. dorsal surface blackish brown, ventrally grey. Wings: forewing (length: 23-24.5 mm, mean: 23.8 nun, n=3) distal margin straight, apex rotmded; hindwing with distal margin vety slightly angled at vein .M3, tornal notch absent. DEW uniform dark brown; andro- conial scales not apparent; faint blackish submarginal line. DEfW dark brown, slightly paler towards distal margin, faint blackish submarginal line. VFVV' grotmd colotir meditim brown; indistinct, darker brown discal line rtmning across discal cell, to base of vein Cu2, continuing towards anal margin; postdiscal line of same colotir, bent distally in cell 1A-Cti2 to join submarginal line at tornus; submarginal line, and two dark brown thin marginal lines straight and parallel to otiter margin; large (nearly width of cell), rotmded, submarginal black ocelhis with a white pupil and ringed with orange in cell (ai2-Cul; another submarginal ocellus, half its size in cell M2-M1. VHW uniform medium brown; dark brown discal line from costa to inner margin, roughly parallel to otiter margin, passing through base vein Cu2; dark brown postdiscal line. 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 71 • leaena leaena ▲ leaena lanassa ■ leaena gonzalezi 0 germaniae germaniae germaniae vitalei □ pluviosa apiculata • franciscae franciscae ■ franciscae rodrignezi ^ mammuthiis 0 satura pauperata ffl satura lamasi ▲ navarrae c{)3 quinterae Fig. 15. Locality records for Manerebia in the northern Andes: M. leaena, M. germaniae, M. pluviosa and M. apiculata Fig. 16. Locality records for Manerebia in the northern Andes: M. franciscae, M. mammuthus, M. satura, M. navarrae and M. quinterae. nearly straight, with the extremities ctirving slightly distally at apex and tornus to merge with a thinner siibmarginal dark brown line; siibmarginal line and two marginal lines parallel to outer margin; a series ol black stibmarginal ocelli, four of them oval, two ocelli in cells 1A-Cti2, one each in C]u2-Cnl and Ciil-M3, one rounded in cell M2-M1, the biggest of which is ocellus in Cai2-Ciil, extends to entire width of cell and nearly half of its length, remaining ocelli diminishing in size anteriorly and posteriorly, with tornal ocellus smallest; all ocelli ringed with orange, pupils in cells 1A-Cu2 and Cu2-Cul white, those in cells Ciil-M3 and M2-M1 blue; blue sub- marginal dot in cel! M3-M2. Male genitalia (Fig. 14E): tegumen slender; uncus long and arched; subuncus rather short; extended apical part of the valva strongly ctirved upwards, ended with two ‘teeth'; aedeagtis straight with a pronounced ‘collar’ at junction of anterior and posterior portions FEMALE; Lhiknown. Types: Holotype male: PERLl: Amazonas, Cordillera del Con- dor, alto Rio Comaina, PV22, falso Paqtiisha, 800 m, 25. X. 1987, G. l-amas leg., MLISM; Paratypes: 2 males: same data as the holotype, MUSM. ' Etymology: This species name is the feminine form of the Latin acljective, “magnificus”, meaning magnificent, with reference to the impressive submarginal ocelli on the ventral surface. Comments: This species is clearly most closely related to M. mycalesoide,s, but the large apparent range disjunction between the two species and slight differences in the male genitalia stiggest the two shotild be treated as distinct for the present. Manerebia magnifica is known so far only from the eastern slopes of the Cordillera del Condor in Perti, where it occurs in premontane forest. Its apparent absence in the heavily collected Zamora valley further west suggests it may be endemic to this isolated mountain range. Manerebia nevadensis Kruger, 1925 Figs. 9A, B, 14F, 29 Manerebia nevadensis Kruger (1925: 25). TL: Colombia, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 2600m. LT male (designated by Pyrcz, 1999: 351): San Lorenzo, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 06.1X.19I9, 2600m, E. Kruger leg. MZPAN [examined]. Manerebia nevadensis Kniger, Adams &; Bernard ( 1977: 273, lig. 17, male genit. fig. 5); Lamai & Viloria (2004: 215). Diagnosis: Manerebia nevadensis superficially resembles some subspecies of M. satura in wing pattern, but the male genitalia (Fig. I4F) are strongly distinct from that sjtecies, instead indicating a relationship with M. myealesoides AnA M. magnifica. AW three of these species have a pronounced ‘collar’ at the junction of the anterior and posterior portion of the aedeagtis, upturned tijt to the valva and short subuncus, similar to certain southern Andean Manerebia 72 /. Ih'S.Lepid. Fig. 17. Locality records for Manerebia in the northern Andes: M. inderena, M. golondrina and M. prattorum. (e.g., M. ryrlopiiiaSVdiuVmgev). Comments; I'hi.s .sjjecie.s is endemic lo tlie Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, vvliere Adams & Bernard (1977) and Pvrcz (1999) report tliat it occitrs Irotn 2,5()()-3()()() m. It is an elttsive bittterfly, with a skipping flight, pret'erring to retnain inside dettse bamboo clttmps atid seldom comitig to the edges. Mnnen'bid lenana ((ioclnian, 1905) Figs. 9C, D, 14G, 20 Lywanopada Codman (1905: 188. pi. 10, fig. 10). TL: Colombia, Cimdinatnarca, Bogota. ST male; Colombia, Ctmdi- namarca, Bogota. BMNIl [examined]. Penrosada Imana (Codman); Adams (1986: 307); Pvrcz (1999: 367). Manerebia levann (Godman); Lamas & Viloria (2004: 215). Diagnosis: This is a small, very distinctive species, .sti|3erficially resetnbling only M. pemaga and to some extent A7. navarrae. The VHVV postdiscal band is yellowish, indistinct, oblique and marked at its distal edge by a thin, dentate atid dark brown line, dividing the wing into an yellow-orange area basally and a chestnut area distally. The ventral siibmarginal ocelli are mttch redttced, with only a small one in cells 1 A-Cn2 on the VHW and VFM'. Further distingitishing characters are discussed under M. pervaga. The male genitalia resemble only tho.se of A/, peivaga. The.se two species are unique within Manerebia in having a highly elongate distal portion of the valva atid elongate aedeagns, bearing two dorso-lateral patches of spines in the tniddle of the posterior section. The relationships of Fig. 18. Locality records for Manerebia in the northern Andes: M. trimaculata. M. undulata and M. interrupta the sjiecies to other congeners are tmcertain. M. hvana is geograjihi- callv variable and it remains possible that distinct sttbspecies will be recognised in ftittire. Male genitalia as illustrated (Fhg. 14G). Comments: .Mthoiigh Adatns (1986) reports this species from Panama, based on specitnens iti the BMNH, these are definitely tnislabelled. The species is known from both slopes of the Colom- bian Cordillera Oi iental in the Bogota region (Cerro Monserrate) f rom 27()()-33()() m, and Adams (1986) found it in jiaramo grassland between bamboo-filled gullies at the tree-line. Kruger (1924) de- scribed the female of this species (Pyrcz, 1999). Manerebia pervaga Pyrcz & Viloria, n. sp. Figs. 9E, F, 14M, 20 Manerebia n. .s]i. (Pvrcz & Vhloria) ; l.amas & Viloria (2004: 216, n. I 121). Diagnosis: This species differs from A7. levana in several char- acters. The VHW is more utiiformly coloured in the male, while the female is tmiformly brown, lacking the yellowish colouring of A/, levana. Both sexes lack tornal ocelli on both wings and the dark postdiscal line on the VHW is more basally |rositioned, be- ing |)resent in cell 2A-Cit2 (absent in M. levana). The female has a strongly dentate thin brown marginal line that is more basally irositioned, and the lot ewing, and to a lesser extent the hindwing, are mttch more rottiided than in M. levana. Finally, both sexes have a dark discocellular streak between the bases of veins M2 and Ml on the hindwing (also on the forewing in the female) that is uniqtie in tlie genus. Description: MAl.E (Fig. 9E): Head: frons with a tuft of dark brow'll bair; eyes dark coffee brown, smooth; labial palpi slightly longer than head, with light brown and black hairs; antennae with club twice as broad as sliaft, orange brown, darker dorsally. Thorax. moderately hairy, more densely on ventral surface, dorsally black- ish brown, ventially brown; legs medium brown. Abdomen: dark brown, lighter on ventral surface, especially at posterior tip. fTings.- forewing (length; 16.5-17.5; mean: 17 mm; n=3) triangular, tornus 39; 37-79, 2000 (2006) 73 Fig. 19. Locality records for Manerebia in the northern Andes: M. rufanalis obtuse; hindwing rounded, tornirs moderately pointed, anal niargiti straight; dorsal surface of both wings hairy in basal half and along anal margin. Dorsal surface ground colour coffee brown; diffuse orange patch on DHW tornns. VFW ground colour chocolate brown, slightly darkened at base; costal margin lighter; distal mar- gin, apical, and sitbapical region ochraceous brown (with reddish tone towards atiterior edges) , as well as base of costal margin region. VHW ground colour yellowish brown, darker at basal region; light suffusion of orange towards posterior postdiscal region, forming diffuse irregular wedge bordered distally with thin dark brown den- tate postdiscal line, fading anteriorly and posteriorly and parallel to distal margin, in cells 2A-Cu2 to M2-M1. Male genitalia (Fig. 14H): similar to M. Itniana v/nh elongate distal tip to valva, except dorsal ‘teeth’ at distal tip of valva more extensive, extending anteriorly; aedeagus similar to M. levaria, elongate, with two dorso-lateral patches of spines in middle of posterior section. FEMALE (Fig. 9F'): Head, frons with a tuft of brown hair; eyes medium brown, smooth; labial palpi 2.5 times length of head, with long brown hair; antennae with club three times as thick as basal segments, shaft dorsally and ventrally light brown, club vetitralh orange, dorsally blackish brown. Thorax, moderately baity, more densely on ventral surface, dorsally blackish brown, venti ally brown; legs medium brown. Abdomen: dorsally blackish brown, laterally and ventrally medium brown. W7«gs; forewing (length; 16.5-17.5 mm; mean; 17 mm; ti=2) costa slightly arched, apex bhtnt, distal margin and tornus rounded, Hitidwing overall triangular, with apex, tornus and margins smoothly rounded. Dorsal surface unilorm medium brown; fringes light grey. VFW greyish brown, darker brown in basal half; darker brown streak over discocellulars between bases of veins Ml and M2. VHW greyish brown, darker brown at base and posterior of discal cell; darker brown streak over discocellulars between bases of veins Ml and M2; postdiscal dark brown line composed of lunular streaks incurved basally in cells M2-M1 to 1A-Cit2, approximately jrarallel to distal margin; faint dark brown Fig. 20, Locality records for Manerebia in the northern Andes: M. ignilineata, M. seducta, M. mycalesoides, M. magnifica, M. nevadensis, M. levana and M. pervaga. suhmarginal 'V’-shaped streaks in cells Ml-Rs to IA-Ctt2. Material examined: Holotype male: VFINEZLIELA: Tachira, Parqiie Nacional El Tama, Venezuela, 3100-3350 m, 16-18.11.1992, A. Viloria &J. Camacho leg., MAI.UZ; A/fo/y/te female: COLOMBIA: Norte de Santander, Cerro Orotjtte, 3850 m, 12.VI.1965, j. Bechyne leg, MIZA; Paratypes (3 males) : VENEZLT'TA: 1 male: same data as tl'ie holotype, MALUZ; 1 male: Paramo El Tama, 2600m, 12.11. 1983, M. Vivas leg, MIZA; COLOMBIA: 1 male: Norte de Santander, Paratno El Tama via Henan , XII. 1993, J. F. Le Crom /eg., JFLC: 1 female: same data as allotype, MIZA. Etymology: The name is the feminine form of the Latin adjec- tive “pervagus”, meaning wandering, in reference to the flight of this species in the paramo grassland. Comments: Manerebia pewaga is known from the Sierra de El Tama on the Venezuela/Colomhia border and the Cerro Oroque iti Norte de Santander in Colombia. It occitrs in o|)en paramo covered with low growing fl/ttcvr/Mra thickets from 3200-3850 m. This is higher than that reported for any other congeners, even paramo species like M. seducta, M. ign Hi neat a and M. Iniana. Manerebia per- vaga shares with the last two of these species its small size and dull, ciyptic colours, which may be adaptations to paramo habitats and not necessarily indicate any close affinity. Phis species seems to be seasonal and has only been found Hying during the diy season, on days with bright, direct sunlight. 74 /. lies.Lepid. Acknowledgements We thank l’hili|) Ackeiy for giving ns access to the collections at the BMNH and lor permitting ns to make crucial dissections of type material. We thank Gerardo Lamas for photographs and informa- tion for a number of type s|5ecimens, permission to examine and loan of material from the MLkSM, and Pierre Boyer, Andrew Neild, Gabriel Rodn'gttez, Artur Jasihski, Jean Francois Le Crom, Piotr Krol and Piotr l.os for additional material. We are grateful to Manrizio Bollino for jiroviding certain genitalia drawings and information. I'WP thanks [annsz Wojtnsiak, Szczepan Bilihski and Rafal Garlacz, for supporting in many ways the research on Andean Le|)idoptera carried out at the Zoological Miisetim of ihejagiellonian Lhiiversity in Krakow and for their company in Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and Peru. We also thank the late Dr. Alvaro Jose Negret, director ol the Mnseo de Historia Natural de la Universidad del Caitca in Popayan fbi his co-operation in Colombia. We thank F.liza Manteca, Piet Sabbe atid 1 larold Greeney for accommodation and permission to collect in their private reserves. Las Golondrinas and Yanayacit res|tectively. Permits for research and collection in Ecuador were provided by INFT’AN and tbe Ministerio del Ambiente, Direccidn de Bosqites y de Areas Naturales Protegidas, through the Mttseo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales in Qtiito, with the helj) of Ger- matiia Estevez and Marfa de los Angeles Simbaha, and tlnoitgh the Pontilicia Lhiiversidad (iatolica, with the helj) of Giovanni Onore, who also provided institutional support for I'WP. lustitittional sitpport in Pent was provided by Gerardo Lamas and collecting permits weie gratited by INRF.NA. Fieldwork of TWP in Colombia in 1997 atid Ffcnadttr in 1998, 1999, 2002 and 2003 was stt|5]5orted by research gratits of the Institute of Zoology of the Jagiellonian I'niversity BW atid the Polish Committee for Scientific Research (KliN Grant 014()/P04/2003/2). The followitig also assisted KRW' and |PWH with the costs of held work in Ectiador: (1993-94) Mr. I Willmott. Mrs. M. Willmott, Christ’s College Cambridge L'niv., .\lbert Reckitt Charitable Trtist (C. T), Poulton Fund Oxford L'niv., Round Table Trttst, Lindeth C. T, Catherine Cookson Fotmdation, Morton C. T. Royal Entomological Society, Butler C. T, Mr. D. Exell. Peter Nathan C. T. ffarry Crook Fotitidatioti, Douglas Heath Fives C. T, R. & M. Foreman C. T, Northern Bank, Banbridge Academy, C. Britce, Hickley Valtone Ltd., Vera Trinder lad., Agfa. Phoenix Mottntaineering, Balfonr-Browne Ftttid, Worts Fund (KRW), Sigma Xi the Scientific Research Society (JPWH, 1995-6; KRW, 1996) and Eqtiafor; field and musenm research iti 1997-2000 was funded by a National Geographic Society Research and Exploratioti Grant (No. 5751-96), and from 2002-2004 by the National Science Foundation (BS&l gratit#0l0374(i). Literature cited Aiiam.s, M. |. 1985. Speciation in the Protiophiline Butterflies (Satvridae) of the Northern Andes. Jtiitrnal of Research on the Lepidoptera, 1985, Stip|)lement No.L 3,3-49. . 1986. Pronophilitie Initterflies (Satyridae) of the three Andean Cordilleras of Colombia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 87: 235-320. Ati.vMS, M. J., & C. 1. Bern.vro. 1977. Protiophiline butterflies (Satyridae) of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Systematic EtUotiiology, 2: 26,3-281. . 1979. Protiophiline butterflies (Satyridae) of the Serranfa de Valledttpar, Colombia-Venezttela border. 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Part 11: genera Manerehia to Thiemeia (Lepidoptera: Nympbalidae: Satyrinae). Lambillionea, 99(3): 351-376. Pyrcz, T. W., WiLLMon , K. R., &J. P. W. H.vi.i,. 1999. Contribution to tbe knowledge of Ecuadorian Pronophilini. Part HI. Three new species and live new subspecies of Lymanopoda (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). Genus, 10(3): 497-522. INrcz, T. W., & A. ViLORtA. 2006. Cloud-forest satyrine butterflies in the Sierra El Tama, Venezuela - Colombia border. Tropical Lepidoptera, [in press]. R.\c:heli, T, & L. Ru:iiell 2001. An annotated list of Ecuadorian butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nvinphalidae). Fragmenta entomologica, .33(2): 213-380. ScHAUs, W. 1902. Descriptions of new American btitterflies. Proceedings of the Lhiited States National Museum, 24(1262): 38.3-460. .SiAUniNGER, O. 1897. Netie sudamerikanische Tagfalter. Detitsche 39; 37-79, 2000 (2006) 75 Entomologische Zeitschrift “Iris”, 10(1): 123-151. Thieme, T. a. O. 1905. Monograi)hie der Gattung Fedaliodes Biitl. (Lepidoptera Rhopalocera. Satyridae). Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 50(1/2): 43-141. Vii,()Ri.\, A. L. 2001 . Studies on the systematics and biogeography of sttme montane satyrid butterllies (Lepidoptera). Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation. Weymer, G. 191 1-1912. 4. Eamilie: Satyridae. In: Seitz, A. (ed.). Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart; A. Kernen. 5: 224, pis. 52, 53 (1911), 248-2,50 (1912). APPENDIX 1. Errors in main references on north Andean Manei'ebia Brown (1944): Penrosada leaena = Manerebia mderena Imeniva Penro.sada apiculata = Manerebia interrupta Penrosada lanassa = Manerebia ignilineata D'Abrera (1988): Penrosada kaena (dorsal surface) = Manerebia undulata Penrosada leaena (ventral surface) = Manerebia n. sp., Peru (Pyrcz, in prep.) Penrosada lanassa (dorsal surface) = Manerebia rufanalis rufanalis Penrosada lanassa (ventral surface) = Manetebia satura sainra Penrosada sp. = Manerebia satura pauperata Euptychia jovita = Manerebia satura pauperata Penrosada lethe = Manerebia mycalesoides Adams (1986); Penrosada mderena male holotype = Penro.sada inderena female [taratype APPENDIX 2. Distribution of taxa along hypothetical elevational transects Approximate elevational range Ecuador, Zamora- Chinchipe, E. slope Ecuador, Pastaza, E. slope Colombia, Choachi, E. cordillera, E slope Colombia, El Tama E. cordillera, NE tip 1000-1 400m magnifica _ mycalesoides mycalesoides 1400- 1800m sahira pauperata satura pauperata franciscae franciscae fra n ciscae pan ciscae 1800-2200m rufanalis rufanalis ru fa n a Us rufan alis - - 2200-2600m trimandata - - - 2600-3000m inderena mirena i n deren a leaen iva leaena leaena leaena gonzalezi 2800-3200m geiinaniae vitalei gemaniae germaniae apiculata plinuosa 3000-3400m ignilineata ignilineata ignilineata neglerta leuana peraaga 3200-3600m seducta - - pemaga Total species 8 5 5 5 APPENDIX 3. Distribution of taxa by country Species Subspecies Ecuador Colombia Venezuela North Peru kaena leaena + . - lanassa - + - - gonzalezi - + + - geiinaniae germaniae + + - + vitalei + - - - pluviosa - + + - apiculata - + - - navarrae - + - golondrina + + - - satura pauperata + - - - lamasi + - - + 76 /. Res.Lepid. APPENDIX 3 (Com) Species Subspecies Ecuador Colombia Venezuela North Peru mammuthus + + - - 1 l int rise (le Imnciscae - + - rodrigitezi - + - - igniUneata igiti lilted la + - - + itegleila + - - - inderena iiidereita - + - - aitliiiijtiiana - + - - leaenivd + - - - (laid + - - - siiiiilis + - - - pita + + - - mirena + - - + jimllorum - - - + trimandata - - + inidulala tt ltd Ilia la + - - - iiidaena + - - + inlirruptii + - - + nipnifdis nilaiidlis + - - 4- jiTitaitdiita + - - - quintmie - + + - nnmdensis - + - - In'inin - + - - pm' ago - + + - myiali’soidt's - + + - mdgnijka + - - + si’diicla + - - TOTAL 23 37 spl2/ssp22 spl4/ssp20 sp7/ssp7 spll/sspll APPENDIX 4. Figured specimens Species Subspecies Locality Sex Type Coll. Fig. leaena leaena Colombia, (iundinamarca: Ciiasca-Gacheta ,M BMNH (A&B) lA leaena Colombia, Cimdiiiamarca; “Bogota” F TWP IB laitassa Colombia, Boyaca: \V below Arcabiico M BMNH (A&B) 1C lanassa Colombia, Boyaca: W below Arcabuco F BMNH (A&B) ID gonzalfzi Venezuela, I'acbira: Siena de El 'Fama M PT TW'P IE germaniae germaniae Ecuador, Cotopaxi: Pilalo M HT MZUJ IF germaniae Ectiador, Cotopaxi: Pilalo F AT TW’P 1C vilalei Ectiador, Zamora: Loja-Zamora old rd. M HT MZU) IH plmdosa Venezuela, Tacbira: San Vicente de la Revancha M PT TWT 2A apiculata Colombia, Cundinamarca: “Bogota” M BMNH 2B apictdala Colombia, Cundinamarca: “Bogota” F MIZPAN 2C fraiiciscae franiiseae Veneztiela, Merida: above La Montana M P4’ BMNH (A&B) 2D franciscae Venezuela, Merida: above La Montana F PT BMNH (A&B) 2E wdiiguezi Colombia, Antioquia: Cuarne M HT MZUJ 2F ludrignezi Colombia, Antioquia: El Retiro F AT TMT 2C mammuthus Ecuador, Sucttmbi'os: El Higtierdn M HT AME 2H satura sal lira Perti. latino: Carabaya, Santo Domingo M BMNH(R) 3A lamasi Peru. Amazonas: AUbnso Ugarte M HT MUSM 3B pduperala Ecuador, Zamora: Loja-Zamora rd. km 40 M H'F MZUJ 3C paiipiTala Ecuador, Zamora: Lxtja-Zamora rd. km 40 F AT TWP 3D navarrae Colombia, Cesar: S. de Valledtipar, Finca Altamira M PT BMNH (A&B) 3E quinterae Venezuela, Ziilia: E. above Manaure M PT BMNH (A&B) 3F iiiderena iiiderena Colombia, Tolima: S above Cajamarca M HT BMNH (A&B) 3G iitderena Colombia, Tolima: S above Cajamarca F PT BMNH (A&B) 3H aiiltoquiana Cokmibia, Antioquia: El Retiro M HT MZUJ 4A anlioqiiiana Colombia, Antioqtiia: El Retiro F AT TWP 4B 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 77 APPENDIX 4 (Cont) Species Subspecies Locality Sex Type Coll. Fig. firm Ecuador, Pichincha: Aloag-SaiUo Domingo rd. M PT KWjll 4G fin a Ecuador, Pichincha: Volcan Pasoclioa F PT Kwjll 4D sitnilis Ecuador, Bolivar: Balzapamba, arriba de Sta. Lucia M HT MZUJ 4E similis Ecuador, Azuay: Molleturo F PT FWP 4F clara Ecuador, Napo: Baeza M PT I’WP 4G clam Ecuador, Napo: Hda. San Isidro F AT PB 4H mireyia Ecuador, Loja: Cajanuina M PT TWP 5A mirena Ecuador, Loja: km 95-100 L(ja-Zumba rd. F AT PB 5B leaeniva Ecuador, Tungiirahua: El Tablon M PT TWP 5G golondrina Ecuador, Carchi: Santa Rosa, Las Golondrinas M PT KWjH 5D prattorum Peru: “West slopes of Andes” M P'F BMNH(R) 5E trimaculata Ecuador, Zamora-Ghinchipe: Rio San Francisco M FWP 5F Iriniaculata Ecuador, Zamora-Ghinchipe: Loja-Zamora rd. M FWP 5G trimaculata Ecuador, Morona-Santiago: km 37 Limon-Gualaceo F KWJH 514 undulata undulata Ecuador, Pichincha: Tandapi M PT KWJH 6A undulata ? Ecuador, Loja: Yaugana, Valladolid rd. M d’WP 6B undulata Ecuador, Bolivar: Balzapamba, arriba de Sta. l.ucia F AT TVM’ 6C rnilaena Ecuador, Loja: Jimbura-Laguna Negra rd. M HT MZUJ 6D interrupla Ecuador, Azuay: Sigsig-Granadillas M TWP 6E intmrupa Ecuador, Azuay: Sigsig-Granadillas M TWP 6F interrupta Ecuador, Azuay: Sigsig-(iranadillas M TWP 6G intrrrupa Ecuador, Azuay: Sayausi F TWP 6H rufanalis rufanalis Ecuador, Tungiirahua: Rimtiin M H'F MZUJ 7A rufanalis Ecuador, Zamora-(ihinchi|te: Loja-Zamora old rd. F AT MBLI 7B feniandina Ecuador, Giron: San Fernando M HT MZUJ 7G ignilineata ignilineata Ecuador, Moroua-Santiago: Gualaceo-Limou rd. M FWP 7D ignilineata Ecuador, Loja: Loja M ’FWP 7E ignilineata Ecuador, Loja: Loja-Zamora rd. M 'FWP 7F ignilineata Ecuador, Morona-Santiago: Gualaceo-Limou rd. F TWP 7G neglectn Ecuador, Bolivar: Pilalo M TWP 8A neglecta Ecuador, Ganar: Zhud M TWP «B neglecta Ecuador, Bolivar: Pilalo M TWP 8C neglecta Ecuador, Cahar: Zhud F TWP 8D seducta Peru, San Martin: Puerta del Monte M HT MUSM 8E seducta Ecuador, Loja: Jimbura-San Andres rd. F AT KWJH 8F magnifica Peru, Amazonas: Falso Paquisha M HT MUS.M 8G mycalesoides Venezuela, Miranda: Altos de Pipe M AFEN 814 mycalrsoides Venezuela, Tachira: Loma del Vieuto F AFEN 81 nevadensis Golombia: S. Nevada de Santa Marta, El Gampano M BMNH(A&B) 9A nevadensis Colombia: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta F PIT MIZPAN 9B levana Colombia: “Interior of Colombia” M BMNH 9G Imana Colombia, Tolima: Rio Chili F BMNH 911 pervaga Venezuela, Tachira: Sierra de El Tama M HT MALUZ 9E peraaga Colombia, Norte de Santander: (ierro Oroque F P'F MIZA 9F APPENDIX 5. Male genitalic dissections Species Subspecies Locality Type Coll. Dissection# Fig. leaena leaena Colombia, Cundinamarca: “Env. Bogota” BMNH 6443 leaena Colombia, Cundinamarca: Ghoachi IWP 02/02.05.1999 lOA leaena Colombia, Cundinamarca: Ghoachi B.MNH 6441 leaena Colombia, Cundinamarca: Guasca-Gacheta BMNH 6442 leaena Colombia, Boyaca: Sierra Nevada del Gocuy BMNH leaena No data: “PEcuador/Quito” IT BVINH lanassa Golombia, Cundinamarca: Facatativa FWP 04/07.04.1999 lOB lanassa Colombia: Santander TM'P lanassa Colombia, Cundinamarca: “Bogota” HT BMNH 29877 gonzalezi Venezuela, Tachira: Sierra de Fd Tama PT FWP 05/07.04.1999 IOC 78 /. lies.Lepid. APPENDIX 5 (Cont.) Species Subspecies Locality Type Coll. Dissection# Fig. germaniae germaniae C()loml)ia, C’aiica: Purace PT TWP germaniae Ecuador, I’ichiiicha: Quito-Sto. Domingo old rd. PT KWjH PENROS 12 germaniae Ecuador, Pichiiicha: Yanacocha P'P KWJH germaniae Ecuador, Pichiiicha: above (ihiriboga PP BMNH 645 1 germaniae Ecuador, Cotopaxi: Pilalo PI TWP 01/26.01.1999 lOD germaniae Ecuador, Tuiigurahua: El Pablon PT MBLl vitaln Ecuador, Zainora-Chincliipe: Ltija-Zamora rd. PT MBLI 2003-12-23 lOE pliwiosa Venezuela, Tachira: Sierra de El Pama PT TWP lOF apiculata Colombia, Cundinamarca: Zipacjuira TWP 05/30.03.1999 llA fraticiscae franciscae Venezuela, Merida: .Merida PT BMNH 6436 [mnciscae Venezuela, Tachira: Sierra de El Tama TWP 01/02.05.1999 IIB jmnciscae Colombia, Cundinamarca: Pacho PWP mdriguezi Colombia, Antioquia: El Retiro PI’ 'PWP 01/21/12/2003 lie mammiithus Ecuador, Sttctttnbt'os: El Iligtterdn HT KWIPl PENROS 8 1 ID mammuthiis Ecuador, Sttctttnbios: El Higtterdn PT KW'fH MAN 1 safura pauperata Ecuador, Najio: Sierra de los 1 hiacamayos PT TWP 02/31.03.1999 HE pfiuperata Ecitador, Pastaza: “Env. d'Ambato” P'P BMNH 6455 paupmUa Ecuador, Zatnora-Chincbipe: Loja-Zamora rd. PT KWIH PENROS 9 lamasi Peru, Ama/ona.s: Alf'on.so Ugarte PT MUSM 06/27.04.2002 HE ssp Peru, Cajamarca: La Balsa MUSM satin a Peru, Puno: Santo Domingo BMNH 6454 IIG Saturn No data: “Cauca valley, Colombia” - error BMNH 6437 fiavatTae Colombia, Cesar: Sierra de Perija P'P BMNH 29913 IIH quiiiterae Colombia, Cesai : Sierra de Perija P'P MA (punteme Venezuela, Ztilia: E. above Manatire P'P BMNH 6445 111 inderena inderena Colombia, Caldas: Paramo de Letras TWP inderena Colombia, Tolima: S. above Cajamarca BMNH 6453 inderena Colombia: Ruiillo TWP 09/30.03.1999 12A inderena Ecttador, Suctimbios: Qbda. de Piedras KWjH PENROS 13 inderena Ecttador, Suctimbios: El Higueron Kvyjn PENROS 19 antiotpiiana Colombia, Antioquia: El Retiro PT PWP 05/11.12.2003 12B Jina ticuador, Pichincha: Nono-Nanegalito rd. PT PWP 03/31.03.1999 12C pna Ecttador, Pichincha: Qbda. Molino PT KWjH PENROS 3 fin a Ecuador. Pichincha: .-Moag-Sto. Domingo rd. P'P KWIH PENROS 6 fina Ecuatlor, Pichincha: ,Aloag-Sto. Domingo rd. PT KvyiH PENROS 4 fin a Ecuador. Pichincha: Volcan Pasochoa PT 'nvp similis Ecuador BMNH 6439 similis Ecuador, Bolivar: Balzapamba P'P lAVP 04/25.01.1999 121) clara Ecuador, Najio: Rio Chonta P'P KWJH clara Ecuador, Napo: Baeza PP TWP 06/25.01.1999 12E leaeniva Ecttador, Tuiigurahua: Volcan Ttingurahua PP TW'P 08/07.04.1999 12E leaeniva Ecuador, Tuiigurahua: Rio Verde Chico PP TWP leaeniva Ecuador, Tungurahua: Banos P'P BMNH 6457 leaeniva Ecuador PP BMNH 6456 leaeniva Ecuador, Mtirona-Santiago: Limon-Gualaceo rd. KVyjH PENROS 2 mirena Ecuador. Zamora-Chinch.: limbura-S. Andres rd. PP KWJH PENROS 14 mirena Ecuador. Zamora-Chinch.: Jimbura-S. Andres rd. PP 'TWP mirena Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe: Valladolid PI MBLI mirena Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe: Valladolid PP MBLI mirena Ecuador, Loja: Cajanuma PP TW'P 01/31.03.1999 12G mirena Peru, Cajamarca: Tabaconas PT TWP mirena Peru, Cajamarca: Hacienda Udima P'P MUSM golondriiia Ecuador, Carchi: Santa Rosa, Res. Goloiidrinas PT KVyjH PENROS 10 12H prattorum Peru: “W. Slopes ol' Andes” PT BMNH 6448 pmUorum Peru: “W. Slopes of Andes” PT TWP 03/02.05.1999 121 praltorum Peru. Piura: Canchaque PT MUSM trimacidata Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe: Loja-Zamora rd. TWT 03/07.04.1999 13A trimanilala No data BMNH 6447 undidata undidata Ecuador, Loja: Giiayquichuma PT TWP 09/07.04.1999 13B undidata Ecuador, Pichincha: Rio Las Palmeras PT KWJH PENROS 7 undidata Ecuador, Pichincha: Tandapi P'P KWJH PENROS 18 undidata Ecuador, Cotopaxi: Pilalo PT milaena Ecuador, Loja: Jimbura-San Andres rd. PT TWP 03/25.01.1999 13C 39: 37-79, 2000 (2006) 79 APPENDIX 5 (Cont.) Species Subspecies Locality Type Coll. Di.ssection# Fig. milaena Peru, Cajaniarca: Hacienda Udinia MUSM interrupta Ecuador, Azuay: Gualaceo-Cliiguinda rd. KW|11 PENROS 1.6 inteiTupta Ecuador, Loja: Loja-Ciuenca rd. TMd’ ()4/3().()3.1999 LSD rufaiialis rufanalis Ecuador, Tuiigurahua: Rio Machay PT KWJH PENROS 1 rufanalis Ecuador, Loja: (iajanuma PT TWP rufanalis Ecuador, Zamora-Chincliipe: Qbda. San Ramon PT KWjH PENROS 17 rufanalis Ecuador, Zamora-Chinch.: )imbura-S. Andres rd. PT KW|H PENROS 16 rufanalis Ecuador, Zaniora-Chincliipe: “Zuniba” PT TWP rufanalis Ecuador, Zamora-Cihinchipe: San Ancire.s PT TWP rufanalis Peru, Cajaniarca: Tabaconas PT TWP 07/31.03.1999 13E femandina Ecuador, Azuay: Giron PT TWP 10/25.01.1999 13F ignilineata ignilineata Ecuador, Loja: Jimbura-San Andres rd. KWjH PENROS 20 14A neglecla Ecuador, Cotopaxi: Pilalo TWP 10/07.04.1999 14B seducta Peru, San Martin: Abiseo PT MUSM 01/22.06.2002 14C mycalesoides Venezuela, Barinas: Uribante JFLC 74/1996 14D mycalesoides Venezuela, Tacbira: Sierra de El Tama TMT mycalesoides Venezuela, Miranda: Altos de Pipe AFEN NEILD 01 magnifica Peru, Amazonas: Falso Paquisba PT MUSM 07/27.04.2002 14E nevademis Colombia: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta MA nniadensis Colombia: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta BMNH 6444 14F levana Colombia, Cundinamarca: “Bogota” TWP levana Colombia, Cundinamarca: “Env. Bogota” BMNH 644(i 14G pervaga Venezuela, Tacbira: Sierra de El Tama HT MALUZ 14H journal of Research on the Lej)idol)l('ra 39; 80-85, 2000 (2006) Phylogenetic, habitat, and behavioural aspects of possum behaviour in European lepidoptera Tim G. Shref:vp: Oxford Brookes University, De|)artinent of Biological and Molecular Sciences, Headinglon, Oxford 0X3 OBP, U.K. lgshrepiie@bronkes. nc. uk Roger L.H. Dennis Oxford Brookes L'niversity, De|rartinent of Biological and Molecular Sciences, Headington, Oxford 0X3 OBP, U.K. NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology', Monks Wood, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, Cainbridgesbire PE28 2ES, U.K. rlhden nis@aol. com Andrew Waki-.ham-Dawson rite International Coininission on Zoological Nonienclatnre, c/o The Natural History Mtisentn, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, U.K. andrw@nhm.ac. ult Abstract: We describe the behavioin of |tlaying possum, or tbanatosis, in mate rejection by non- receptive female btitterflies of the Satvrinae of the Palearactic. In this behaviour females feign death with closed wings and release themselves from the stibstrate on which they are settled. This behaviour only occurs with extreme male ]tersistence and is the final part of a mate-rejection behaviotiral setpience. We suggest that this behaviour may be relatively rare, possibly restricted to the tribes Elvmiini and Maniolini. There are potential associations with female mating freqtiency, male mate-locating mechanisms and the physical strttctnre of habitats wbere attempted mating occurs. We stiggest that the behaviotir occtirs in species where females occasionally mate more than once, where the |)redominant male mating strategy is a perchitig sit-and-wait tactic and the species occupy woodland strnctnres. In stich circtimstances males have relatively few opportunities to mate, male-female encounter rates may be relatively infrequent and the physical strncttire of the habitat allows females that adojrt posstim mate-rejection to escape from males bv dropping into vegetation. W'e encourage further observations on this behaviour to allow a thorotigh analysis of its frequency amongst species in order to allow a phylogenetic analysis. Key words: |5redation, mate location, mate rejection, Pararge, La.siommata, Kirinia, Esperarge, Maniola. Playing possum (tbanatosis: feigning deatli) in butterflies bas been described for two very differejit circumstances. It was first described as a predator escape mecbanism in Govepteryx rhamni L. Pieridae (Dennis 1984) and Inachis io L. Nymphalidae (Den- nis 1998). More recently, it bas also been shown to have a role in mate refusal by females of Pararge And iMsiommata species (Satyrinae) (Sbreeve 1985, Den- nis 2003) and bas l)een described for Esperage cUmene (Satyrinae) (Wakeliam-Dawson et al. 1999). As far as we are aware it bas not been described in mate rejec- tion for any other liutterfly taxon apart from Satyrinae (nomenclature as in Ktirsbolt & Ra/.owski 1996) . Here, we summarise the bebaMonral, morphological, habitat and phylogenetic attributes for these behaviours as Received: 3 September' 2()(H Accepted: 21) June 2005 currently known; in doing so we focus attention on possum behaviour in mate rejection, the objective be- ing to encourage further observations (Table 1). In the Lepidoptera possum behaviour is a wide- spread secondary defence mechanism (Scoble 1992) and in the butterflies it has been recorded in species of Nymphalinae and Pieridae. On being caught by the wings, these species undergo tbanatosis and effectively play dead. When released they will lie on their side inert for some time before taking flight (Dennis 1984, 1998). Species which adopt this behaciour tend to be long-lived and have relatively robust wings. As manipu- lation by birds can lead to wing damage, evidenced in tears and scored beak marks across wings of butterflies caught by birds (Collenette 1935, Bowers & Wiernasz 1979, Bengston 1981, Dennis et al. 1984), this would give butterflies with tougher wings an advantage over those with weaker structures. Butterflies described 39: 80-85, 2000 (2006) 81 displaying possum behaviour in relation to predation typically hibernate as adults and have under-surfaces and wing shapes that characteristically mimic dead leaves. They spend much of the later summer feeding avidly on nectar and in such situations are particu- larly vulnerable to predation. G. rhamni are often so engrossed in feeding that they can be picked off the flower heads with ease (Dennis 1984). Experiments on possum behaviour indicate that the behaviour may be triggered more easily in autumn brood adults in- tent on accumulating resources for hibernation than in early summer broods actively engaged in mating. Although described thus far for G. rhamni 'And /. io, it is expected that this behaviour will extend to closely related species with similar life histories, morphology and behaviour (e.g., Aglais uriicae). Possum behaviour in mate rejection is the hnal stage of a behavioural sequence, with common ele- ments to more normally widespread mate rejection behaviour. First, when harassed by a male attempt- ing to copulate, a settled female may simply rai.se its abdomen to prevent copulation (e.g.. Finis napi L. Pieridae; Plehejus argus, L. Lycaenidae; Wilcockson 2002, Dennis, pers. obseiwation). This mayor may not involve wing fluttering as well. This behaviour, which may involve exposure of the genitalia with j)ossible chemical signalling, is common to many butterfly taxa (Obara 1982, Obara 1984), but not all. In butterflies that adopt abdominal raising, there may be a second stage of mate-rejection in which a non-receptive fe- male may attempt to prevent mating by completely closing its wings if the initial abdominal-raising proves unsuccessful. In butterflies that do not adopt abdomi- nal raising, wing closing is usually the first stage to prevent mating by a persistent male. The genitalia of a closed wing female are then completely inacces- sible to the courting male. Where possum behaviour differs from ordinary wing closing is in the subsequent stages. In possum-playing females the harassed female may lean over onto the substrate, effectively playing dead. Should the male persist then the female may then release its tarsal claws from the substrate on which it is settled and drop to lower vegetation or even the ground. In most instances when this occur s in Fararge aegeria L., and in the described behaviorrr oi Esperage climeneEspev, the male will lose the fenrale and fly off (Shreeve 1985, Wakehanr-Dawsotr et al. 1999). In other instances the male will pursite the female to the lower substrate or gr oirnd and persist in trying to enforce copulation befor e eventirally giv- ing rtp and flying off. This persistence may be lorrg (max 65 sec. in Fararge aegeria, Shreeve 1985). In no instance has srtccessful copulation of the appar'ently ‘dead’ female been recorded, either before or after falling from a srrbstr ate. W’hen a r ef usirrg female plays possitm it will r emain qrtiescetU after the irrale leaves before resuming its activities (flight or baskirrg). The two stages of orientatiorr and dropping make possitm behaviour unique. It appears to be part of ferrrales’ mate-rejection repertoires when the total dur ation of male har'assment is very long (Dermis 2003). Recorded instances (Table 1 ) of females inlay- ing possum behavioirr in response to attempted copulation by males is possibly restr icted to the tribe Elymniini and one member of the tribe Maniolini, Maniola jurtina L. (Satyrirrae, Maniolini). In tbe case of M. furtina, this behavioirr has been recorded in 4 instances out of 27 attempted courtships in dry Mediterranean scr ub/woodland in Provence, Fr ance obsei'ved between 27July and 1 1 August 1988 by one of us (TGS) . As far as we ar e awar e possum behavioirr linked to mate-rejection has not been r ecor ded in any higher taxa. Instances of similar', but not identical, behaviour are described in Garterocephalus palaemon, Hesperiidae (Ravenscroft 1994: 1 185) and females of other species will reject males by remaining quiescent during attempted courtships (e.g., Leptidea sinapis L. Disrnorphiinae; Wikhrnd 1977). In the case of G. palaemon unreceptive females dro]) to the ground with closed wings when pursrred by a flying male and the behavioirr of 1.. sinapis is different from true possirrn behavioirr in that irnreceptive flying females detected by flying males sail to the vegetation and r est quiescent with closed wings. Restr icting the analysis to the Satyrinae reveals that there are jjotential associa- tions with female mating frequency, male mate-locat- ing mechanisms and the physical str uctur e of habitats wher e attempted mating occirr s. Po.ssirrn behavioirr has not been r ecorded in those taxa wher e male access to already mated females is physically obstrrrcted by a sphragis (mating plirg) (e.g., I lipparchia, / leteronympha: Orr 2002). On the other hand, it has been recorded in those members of the Elymniini {Fararge aegeria, F xiphia Fabriciits, F. xiphiodes Standi nger) and in Maniola jurtina, (Shr'eeve 1985, Dennis 2003, J. Ten- nent, per'sonal communication) wher'e females may occasionally mate mor e than once {Faegeria 4- 10% Wickman & Wiklund 1983, Shreeve 1985; F.xiphiab% and Fxiphioides 8%, Shreeve unpirblished; AT jurlina 4%, Maier, 1998) The mating fr equency of Esperage climene, in which possirrn behaviour occurs, is not known. With one exception, female jrossirm behavioirr in mate-rejection has only been recor ded in species in which the primary rnecharrisrn of mate-locating by males is perching and where perching occurs in predictable woodland strirctures, with males prima- rily settled on vegetation above the gr ound. Partial possum behaviour (in which females do not release Table I.The occurrence of possum behaviour in relation to habitat structural associations, mate locating methods, female mating frequencies and congruence of hostplants with mating areas in Palearctic butterfly taxa 82 /. Res.Lepid. 5 - V Qj biO X 03 .Z ^ >. to z 03 r- U -T biD be 2 o w e o bc bc bc be be be X 5 ir XXX MMbc bCMbcbebe be XXX SxSSS X OJ s 5 XX 5 j o Cb a; cL qj G S ^ £ •£ •- ^ V "3 Q ii: U a. -£ 0; i-J “ ca Jd u C 5 ^ p ri ;a ■ S ^ a. J U < c/^ GJ X pioneer, scrub I,.petropilana - 0]>en grassland Perching ? High High L.paramegaera - Open grassland Perching ? High High L.maera - Open grassland Perching ? High High Super- Family Subfamily Tribe/Species Possum Habitat structure Primary male Female Egg-laying and Hostplant location family behaviour mate-locating mating mating location selectivity by laying mechanism frequency congruence females 39: 80-85, 2000 (2006) 83 bC S 5 C o o ? ^ o c o ^ J J bo bO bO bJD bo bO X S S S X £ bo bo X X o bo bo C C bo C p o- £ s s be ^ C XJ oj O Q- P O ^ Oh O bo O j:: O o ^ u X .. I bo bo C G C C u u Cl. O- 'V c? cS So So c c O (U rs /-t o o ■V. ^ bO X . D O J J bo bo o c O 0 ^ bO 'c 'p Cl C- c OJ a, o c)o O ^ bo bO C G be bo bo G .G S CO ^ « bo bo bo bo G G G G . 3j 3j O r3 G, -Z u 3 "5 = 3 3 2 y = S S 5 u ^ O ^ ^ S o o - P s ^ M .0 ^ g o ^ O CO c u c = 3. c- <; .£ 4- ^ faC c o ■ S- o 2 -s = S -S 3 S 2 E s ^ b. ^ -2-^ s :G GJ G ^ ■C s •S S-. CQ O o G C3 "g; Multiple female mating frequency = known instances of females mating more than once 8-1 /. Rn.Lepid. f rom the substrates they arc on) occurs within the La- siomniaUi genus, but in all instances occurrences have taken place on bare ground substrates (T.G. Shreeve, jjersonal observation). Recorded instances of possum behaviour by females of Maniola jurtina have been in woodland structures in southern Europe where summer aestivation occurs. With the exception of Maniola jurtina, females that ado]Dt jDossnm behaviour are also highly selective of the locations in which they lay eggs, even if plant species on which larvae feed are themselves widespread. Whilst information on the details of mate rejec- tion by females of the majority of species is extremely scant, the provisional analysis that we supply here is it.self revealing of a possible phylogenetic component with links to the overall behaviours of both sexes and the physical structure of the habitats in which species occur. The occurrence of female possum behaviour as a male rejection behaviour can be explained by a common set of characteristics; females potentially mating more than once, occupation of specific wood- land structures, the occurrence of perching within the male locating repertoire and selectivity by females for specific egg-laying locations. y\ common element of female possum behaviour is that it only occurs after other mate-rejection postures, such as abdominal rai.s- ing, wing fluttering and wing closing, have failed to deter the male. It is also potentially time consuming for both the male and even more so for the female, which will tend to remain (|uiescent after the courting male has left. If females easily and unecjuivocally communicate their non-receptivity then it is jiointless for any male to spend time attempting to court a non-receptive fe- male. In such circumstances it is unlikely that female po.ssum behaviour will be employed or even develop. Thus the behaviour is absent where there is the clear signal of a sphragis in single mating females (e.g., Hi/)j>airhia-, Satyrinae). It is also absent where there is multiple mating, but unreceptive females are plugged with a sphagris and males have limited resources to make plugs (e.g. Helnonyniplia species) or where ef- fective chemical signalling associated with abdominal raising occurs in potentially multiple mating females (e.g. /-’/cm spp.; Pieridae, Ohara & Hidaka 1964). It is also a|)parently absent in species suin which recep- tive females have specihc behaviours to advertise their receptivene.ss to males such as the jumping flights of virgin Aphantopus hyperantus L. (Maniolini) (Wikhmd 1982). Efficient communication of receptivene.ss is advantageous to females since they will not spend time harassed by males. When males are given an unambiguous early cue of non-receptivity then they are unlikely to harass, so more complex rejection behaviours may not be developed. In species in which female possum behaviour occurs the primary male mate locating mechanism is perching. Perching males sit and wait for females and their persistence with individual females may be high to try and enforce copulation with relatively scarce females. If mated females fly into areas where perching males detect them they do so because they are searching for other resources (e.g. egg-laying sites, nectar sources). In the case of Pamrgc species, females are highly selective of egg-laying sites (e.g. Shreeve 1985, 1986, Shreeve & Smith 1992) and pos- sum behaviour may be the only sure mechanism of deterring a courting male if the female is in a suitable egg-layiug location. Time spent playing po,ssum may be less than time spent searching for alternative re- ■sources elsewhere. In the case of Pararge aegetia, the maximum recorded time playing possum (65 seconds) is within the range of times spent on searching flight between egg-laying locations (Shreeve 1985). Eemale possum behaviour may be absent in strictly patrolling species. We suggest that it has not devel- oped in this circumstance because in such species females are readily a])]iarent to males by colouration (Dennis & Shreeve 1988) or are abundant. Thus it may be unproductive for males to persist with an im- receptive female since others will be readily detected or encountered. Similar arguments apply to lekking species (e.g. some Theclinae) ; the majority of females entering a lek will be receptive. Although we have limited data, it is possible that female possum behaviour may be restricted to spe- cies that use a specific set of woodland structures, though not universally so. Eor example, it has not been recorded for species that locate mates primarily within the woodland canopy (e.g. Argynnis species, Nymphalidae; Neozephyrus species, Lycaenidae) or on the ground layer of woodland (e.g. Arelhiisena species, Nymphalidae).. One key characteristic of those spe- cies that use this form of possum behaviour is the re- semblance of the wing underside to dry leaves, which are predictable components of the ground layer. As ex- amples, Argv?n? A and Neozephyrus species may be highly conspicuous to conspecifics and predators when on the ground layer and adoption of possum behaviour may increase predation risk. The absence of possum behaviour from multiple mating species of grassland and more open structures such as rock slopes may also be related to wing and substrate colouration, with the latter tending to be more variable than in woodland. In such circumstances any individual playing possum may render itself conspicuous and vulnerable to pre- dation. We suggest that contrast of underside wing colouration with background is itself a constraint on 39: 80-85, 2000 (2006) 85 the development of possum behaviour. Whilst the information on this behaviour is rather limited there are indications that it may also have a phylogenetic component. The adoption of possum behaviour in mate-rejection appears restricted to one or perhaps two tribes of the Satyrini. It may also be a derived trait associated with their adoption of woodland structures from ancestral open grassland structures (Dennis & Shreeve 1988) . Evidence for the possible restriction of possum behaviour to the tribe Elymiini within the Satyrinae comes from its appar- ent absence from the behavioural repertoire of Lethe (liana, which also occupies woodland structures (Ide 2002) . Where possum behaviour occurs in other taxa (e.g. Nymphalinae and Pieridae) , as indicated above, it is a primary response to predator attack and the species which adopt such a behaviour are long lived and have relatively thicker and more robust wings than the Satyrini (Table 1 ) . We suggest that a more detailed examination of possum behaviour would reveal much about the interrelationship of behaviour with habitat structural predictability and costs and benefits of in- dividual behavioural traits. In particular, information on the extent of its occurrence is required for a full analysis and a proper test of hypotheses to account for its occurrence. We would welcome observations. Acknowledgements The authors thank John Tennent for his observations on Pararge xiphia in Madeira and two anonymous referees for their useful comments. Literature cited Benoston, S. a. 1981. Does bird predation influence the spot- number variation in Maniola jurtina? Biological journal of the Linnean Society 15: 23-27. Bowers, M. D. & D.C. Wiernasz 1979. Avian |)redation on the palatable butterfly, Cercyonis pegala (Satyridae). Ecological Entomology 4: 20.5-209. CoLENEEi E, C. L. 1935. Notes concerning attacks by British birds on butterflies. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1935:201-217. Dennis, R. L. H. 1984. Brimstone butterflies (Gonepleryx rharnni) (L.) playing po.ssum. Entomologist’s Gazette, 35: 6-7. 1998. Thanatosis in Inachis io (L.) Nymphalidae. Entomologist’s Record & Journal of Variation 110: 1 15-1 16. . 2003. Playing possum as an alternative to mate-refusal posture in Pararge aegeria (L.), Satyrinae. Entomologist’s Record & Journal of Variation 115: 293. Dennis, R. L. H., K.Porter & W.R.Wiii.iams 1984. Ocellation in Coenonynmpha tullia (Midler) (Lepidoptera: Satyridae). 1. Structures in correlation matrices. Nota Lepidopterologica 7: 199-219. Dennis, R. L. H. &T.G.Siireeve 1988. Uostplant-habitat structure and the evolution of butterfly mate-location behaviour. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 94: 301-318. Ii)E,J. Y. 2002. Mating behaviour and light conditions cause seasonal changes in the dispersal |tattern of the satyrine butterfly Lethi’ (liana. Ecological Entomology 27: 33-40. Kvrsholt.O. & J.R\zowski 1996. The Lepidoptera of Europe. Apollo Books, Svenborg. M.vier, C. 1998. The behaviour and wing moiphology of the meadow brown butterfly {Maniola jurlinaL.) in Britain, the influence of weather and location. PhD Thesis, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford. Obar/V, Y. 1982. Mate refusal hormone in the cabbage white butterfly? Naturwissenschaften 69: 551-552. . 1984. Key stimuli eliciting the mate refusal |50sture in the mated female of the cabbage white butterfly, Pieri.s rapae crudvora. Proceedings of thc ja|)an Academy, 60: 145-148. Orr, a. G. 2002. The sphragis of I lol('rnnympha Waterhouse (Lepidoptera: Satyridae): its structure, function and role in s|>erm guarding. Journal of Natural History 36: 185-196. RwENSCRorr, N. O. M. 1994. Environmental influences on mate location in male chequered skipper butterflies, Carterocephahis palaemon (Lepidoptera: 1 lesperiidae). Animal Behaviour 47: 1179-1187. ScoBi E, M. J. 1992. fhe Lepidoptera: form, function and diversity. Oxford University Press, Oxford. SiiREEVE, T. G. 1985. I'he po|)nlation biology of the Speckled Wood butterfly Pararge aegeria (L.) (Lepidoptera: Satyridae). PhD Thesis (CNAA), Oxford Polytechnic, Oxford. . 1986. Egg-laying by the Speckled Wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria): the role of female behaviour, hostplant abundance and temperature. Ecological Entomology 1 1: 229-236. SiiREEV'E, T. G. & A.G.Smiiii 1992. The role of weather-related habitat use on the impact of the Enrojtean sjteckled wood Pararge aegeria'And the endemic Parage xiphia o\\ the island of Madeira. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 16: 59-75. WakI'.iiam-Dawson, a., T.Benton & V.Barniiam 1999. Butterflies and dragonflies in northei ii Greece, 27 June - 9 July 1997. Entomologist’s Record &Journal of Variation 111: 121-128 Wickman, P.O. & G.Wikiunii 1983. Territorial defence and its seasonal decline in the speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria) . Animal Behaviour 31:1 206- 1 2 1 6. WiKi.iiNi), C. 1977. Courtship behaviotir in relation to female monogamy in Leplidea sinapis (Lepidoptera). Oikos 29: 27.5- 283. . 1982. Behavioural shift from courtship soficitation to mate avoidance in female ritiglet butterflies (Aphantopns hyperantus) after copulation. Animal Behaviour 30: 790-793. Wtt.cocKSON, A. 2002. Phe ftinctional significance of wing morjtholog)' variation in the green-veined white butterfly (Pieri.s napi (L.)). PhD Thesis, Oxford Brookes L’niversity, Oxford. foHriKil of Research on the Lepidoptera 39: 86-89, 2000 (2006) Notes Observations on the shelter building behavior of some Asian skipper larvae (Lepidopterai Hesperiidae) Introduction The larvae of many lejiidopteran families modify their immediate environment by cutting, folding, rolling, and/or silking portions of their foodplant into a shelter (DeVries 1987, 1997, Scoble 1992, Stehr 1 987) . While only a few species have been investigated in detail, the possible functions of these structural retreats include reduced predation (Eubanks et al. 1997, Jones et al. 2002), prevention of dislodgment (Loeffler 1996), and creation of a more favorable mi- croclimate (Henson 1958). Among the most prolihc groups of shelter building larvae are the Hesperiidae, most of whom, with only a few exceptions (eg. Moss 1949, Scudder 1889), have been reported to construct shelters. A recent review of hesperiid larval shelters found there to be 10 basic shelter types constructed by skipper larvae, and pointed to the possible importance of shelter form for phylogenetic analysis (Greeney & Jones 2003). Here we use the classification and terminology proposed by Greeney & Jones (2003) to describe the shelters built by 4 species of hesperiids from China and the Philippines. Only shelters built in nature were considered. Species accounts Capila Iranslucida (Leech 1893). Larvae were reared on Cinnaviomum camphorn (Lauraceae) in Ru Yang, Peoples Republic of China. Larvae of all instars rest upside down inside their shelters, attaching their crochetts to a pad of resting silk laid down on the inside of the shelter lid. No frass accumulated within the shelters, and larvae of all instars forcibly eject frass from the anus. First instars were found to build Group II Type 5, center-cut folds. These are built by cutting into the middle of the leaf, away from the margin. The cut is nearly circular, with the proximal and distal ends converging outwards from the circular portion to give the cut an overall paddle shape. This round flap is then folded over at the narrow shelter stem to create a man-hole-like retreat (Fig. la). Later instars build Group III Type 10, two-cut stemmed folds. These are roundly triangular portions of the leaf cut from the margin using two cuts. The cuts curve towards each other near their distal ends and finally run parallel to create a narrow shelter stem. This narrow stem is heavily silked to pull the flap over to meet the leaf surface (Fig. lb). Often a minor cut is made on the edge of the shelter lid (Fig. Ih). Opposite sides of this small cut are then silked together to pinch the lid into slightly peaked or tented form. This modifica- tion is also occasionally accomplished without a cut, by sim[)ly laying silk along the lid margin to pinch it upwards into a peak. These modifications presum- ably give the larvae more room to maneuver inside the shelter. Final instars may build Type 10 shelters or may construct Group I Type 4, two-leaf shelters. Type 4 shelters are made by silking two leaves together to create a shallow pocket. The first instar shelter built by C. transiucida is very similar to that recently reported for first instars of the pyrgine, Noctuana haematospila (G. Felder & R. Felder 1867), in Ecuador (Greeney & Warren 2004) . The ontogenetic changes in shelter type, however, are quite different. For a description of the egg, larvae, and pupa of C. Iranslucida see Young & Chen (1999). Idgiades Utigiosus litigiosus (Moschler, 1878). Lar- vae were reared on Dioscorea fordii (Dioscoreaceae) in Kiui Tam Tso, Wu Kau Tan, and Tai Po, Hong Kong. Larvae of all instars rested upside down on the shelter lid, and kej)t their shelters clean by ejecting frass away from the shelter. First through fourth instars built Group III Type 9, two-cut unstemmed folds. These were built by making two cuts originating at the leaf margin which converged slightly towards their distal ends to create a broad shelter stem over which the re- sulting flap was folded onto the leaf surface. This cre- ated a broadly folded, roundly rectangular or square shelter (Fig. Ic). Heavy resting silk on the inside of the shelter lid caused the shelter to bow! slightly, giv- ing the larvae more room inside their retreat. Often the bridge (portion where the stem is folded) was scored along the inside by cutting only through the leaf epidermis to weaken the folding point. Final instars either constructed a larger version of the Type 9 shelters described above, or made Group 1 Type 4, two-leaf shelters by silking two adjacent leaves into a shallow pocket. The ontogenetic changes in shelter type, as well as the individual shelters tised by each instar were very similar to the shelters described for larvae of the pyrgine Eantis thraso (Hiibner, 1807) in 39: 86-89, 2000 (2006) 87 Fig. 1. Shelters built by larvae of Asian skippers: Shelters not drawn to scale, stippled areas represent the area hiding the larvae from view. A) First instar of Capila transiucida on Cinnamomum camphora, Ru Yang, Peoples Republic of China. B) Fourth instar of C. transiucida on C. camphora, Ru Yang, Peoples Republic of China, C) First instar of Tagiades litigiosus litigiosus on Dioscorea fordii, Hong Kong. D) Final instar of Coladenia agnioides on Eriobotrya fragrans, Ru Yang, Peoples Republic of China. E) First instar of Bibasis sena paiawana on Hiptage bengalensis, Los Banos, Philippines. F) Final instar of B. sena paiawana on H. bengalensis, Los Banos, Philippines. G) Final instar of B. sena paiawana on H. bengalensis, Los Banos, Philippines showing isolation of shelter by feeding damage. H) Secondary cut to allow tenting of shelter lid by fourth instar of C. transiucida. I) Externally visible tying silk, securing shelter lid of final instar of C. agnioides. Ecuador (Greeney & Warren 2003). Coladenia agnioides (Elwes & Edwards, 1897). Lar- vae were reared on Eriobotrya fragrans (Rosaceae) in Ru Yang, Peoples Republic of China. Frass was never observed to accumulate inside the larval shelters. Final instar larvae built Group III Type 10, two-cut stemmed folds. The two major cuts, initiated from the leaf margin, angled towards each other then ran parallel for some distance to create a narrow stem. At their distal ends, however, the cuts separated slightly to create a bridge which was broader than the stem. Larvae scored the inside of the bridge, presumably to facilitate folding. After constructing this long- stemmed, triangular shelter, larval feeding damage created large channels cut in from the margins of the shelter lid, giving the lid margins ajagged appearance. The final product, therefore, took on a form similar to a Christmas tree (Fig. Id) . Strong lines of tying silk attached the rim of the shelter lid to the surrounding leaf (Fig. li). A heavy pad of resting silk, laid in a roughly circular pattern on the inner surface of the shelter lid, caused the lid to bowl slightly. The chan- nels, by weakening the structural integrity of the lid, likely aided in this process. Bibasis sena paiawana (Staudinger, 1889). Larvae were reared on Hiptage bengalensis (Malphigiaceae) at Mount Mikiling, Los Banos, Philippines. Early instars built Group III Type 9, two-cut unstemmed folds. One primary cut, beginning at the leaf margin, was long and arcing, curving back towards the leaf margin. The second primary cut was much shorter, approaching the distal end of the larger cut directly from the leaf margin, but leaving a broad shelter bridge with no stem. The resulting flap was then folded to the leaf surface. This created a distinctly shaped shelter lid, rounded on one side, and straight along the portions consisting of the leaf margin and along the shelter bridge (Fig. le). The lid was not bowled or tented in any way and remained tighly appressed to the leaf surface. This shelter was then modified with several 88 /. lies.Lepid. peribrations in the shelter lid, created by larval feed- ing damage. Later instars built a Group 11 Type 6, one-cnt fold by making a single large cut near the distal portion of the leaf. This cut extended from the leaf margin, directly to the midvein. This side of the cut was then drawn together with the opposite leaf margin creating a large, flattened pocket (Fig. If). Heavy feeding damage around the area where the larvae rested often resulted in this portion of the shelter being nearly isolated from the surrounding leaf (Fig. Ig). If the original shelter had not been seen, the hnal product could easily be mistaken for a Group 11, Type 9, two-cut unstemmed fold. VA’hile there has been too little published concern- ing the details of larval shelter construction to make ct)mixirisons between and among taxa, these data pro- vide evidence that the classification system provided by Greeney &Jones (2003) is a useful tool in a variety of geographic regions. We hope this note encourages others to publish similar details so that such architec- tural features may be used in the development and testing of phylogenetic hypothesis. Acknowledgements We thank A. D. Warren for thonghlf'nl cnnnnent.s on earlier versions ol this inatinscript. I IFG wishes to thank Ruth Ann and |ohn \t Moore for their support throtigh the Population Biology Frtnndatioti. the PBNI IS spotisored atid eticonraged onr interest in natural histoiy This is publication tiittnher 32 of the Yatiayacn Natural History Research Group atid is dedicated to Alexander F. Skntch. Literature cited DicVRttcs, P. |. 1987. The bittterflies of Costa Rica and their tiatitral history, Vol. 1 , Papiliotiidae, Pieridae, Nyinphalidae. Princeton Univ. Press, Priticeton, New Jersey. 327 pp. DEVRtt'.s, P. [. 1997. The butterflies of Ctrsta Rica, Vol. 2, Riodinidae. I’riticetoti Utiiv. Press, Princeton, Newjersey. 288 p|5. Eiibanks, M.D., K.A. Nr.sct, M. K. Petersen, Z. Liu & H. B. S,\nche/,. 1997. The exploitation of an ant-defended host plant by a shelter building herbivore. Oecologia 109: 454-460. (iREENEV, H. F. &• M. Jones. 2003. Shelter building in the Hesperiidae: A cla.ssihcation scheme for larval shelters. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 37: 27-36. 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Acta Zoologica Lilloana 7: 27-29 Scoisi.E, .M.J. 1992. Fhe Lepidoptera. Form, function, and diversity. Oxford Univ. Pre.ss, New York. 404 jtp. SounuER, S. H. 1889. Fhe butterflies of Eastern United States with special reference to New England. Vols. 1-3. Cambridge, Mass. SiEiiR, F. W. 1987. Immature insects, Vol. 1. Kendall/Hunt I’tiblisliing Com|)any, Dubuc|ne, lA. Yoiino, ]. J. 1997. A brief note on the life histoiy of Celaenorrhinus leucocera (Kollar) in Hong Kong, China (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). Entomological Reports of Futao-Km no. 26. Youno, J. J. & X. C. CtiEN. 1999. A brief note on the life history of Capihi traiislucida (Leech) (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae) in Ru Yang, Gitandong, China. Entomological Reports of FUTAO- lv\l no. 31 . H.\rold R Greeney, Yanayacu Biological Station & Outer for Cireative Studies, Gosanga, Ecuador c/o 721 Foch y Amazonas, Quito, Ecuador. E-mail: revmmoss@ynhoo. com James J. Young, 4950 Connaught Drive, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6M 3E9 An interspecific mating attempt between a male Siproeta epaphus Latreille and a female Anartia amathea Linnaeus (Lepidoptera; Nymphalidae). Intersjjecific mating attempts between lejiidopter- ans are not uncommon (eg. Davies el al. 1997, Deer- ing & Scribner 2002). Here we report an attempted copulation between two nymj>halid species, Siproeta epaphus (Latreille 1819) and Anartia amathea (Linn. 1758) in western Ecuador. Observations were made a the Sachatamia Lodge (0.01. 35 S 78.45.34 W) near the town of Mindo, Pichincha Pro’vince, at 1700 m elevation. On OJuly 2004, at approximately 1 1:30 am, a male S. epaphus WAS seen and photographed in copula with a female A. amathea (Figure 1 ) . Uj3on closer examina- 39: 86-89, 2000 (2006) 89 Fig. 1. Male Siproeta epaphus in copula with a female Anartia amathea at 11:30 am, northwestern Ecuador. Photo by H. F. Greeney. Fig. 2. Close up of coupling of a male Siproeta epaphus and a female Anartia amathea in northwestern Ecuador. Inset shows resulting damage to female abdomen. Photo by H. F. Greeney. tion, it could be seen that, rather than beingjoined at the genitalia, the male’s claspers were attached to the side of the female’s abdomen around segment 7 or 8. The exoskeleton of the female was ruptured, and fluids and internal organs were pushing out around the male’s claspers (Figure 2). Damage was so severe, it is likely that the female had lost her reproductive capacity, and we doubt sperm transfer was possible. Both individuals were collected and deposited in the Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales in Quito. The close relationship between Anartia and Siproeta is well supported (Freitas & Brown 2004, Wahlberg et al. 2005), and both genera feed on plants in the family Acanthaceae (DeVries 1987). As plant-derived compotmds may be used to derive intraspecific com- munication pheromones (eg. Conner et al. 1981, Schultz et al. 1993), similarities in sex attractants may have resulted in the observed mistake. Acknowledgements We thankjane Lyons and Robert Johnsson for facilitating our trip to Ecuador and the staff and owners of Sachatainia Lodge for their liospitality. The work of HFG is supported in part by the Hertzberg Family Foundation, the Population Biologv' Foundation, Nattire & Ctilture International, and a Rufford Small Grant. Thank you to the PBNHS for their continued support. This is publication number 69 of the Yanayacu Natural Histoiy Research Group. Literature cited CoNNF.R, W. E., T. Eisner, R. K. V.wder Meer, A. Guerrero, D. Ghiringelli, & J. Meinw.^i.d. 1981. Precopulatory sexual interaction in an arctiid moth [Utetheisa ornalrix): role of a pheromone derived from dietaiy alkaloids. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiolog)' 9: 227-235. D.wies, N., a. Aiei,i.o,J. M.vllet, A. Pomlvnkow.ski, & R. E. Sii.BFRca.iED. 1997. Speciation in two Neotropical butterflies: extending Haldane's Rule. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Loudon B 264: 845-851. Deering, M. D. & |. M. 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Greeney, Yanayacu Biological Station & Center for Creative Studies, Cosanga, Ecuador c/o 721 Foch y Amazonas, Quito, Ecuador. E-mail: revmmoss@yahoo.com Wanda Dameron, 23424Jonathan Street, Los Angeles, California 91304, USA Hank Brodkin, 3050 East Carr Canyon Rd, Hereford, Arizona, 85615, USA 90 J. Res.Lepid. % Instructions to authors Submission of Manuscripts. Papers must be written in English. Your initial manuscript must be submitted as an electronic version by e-mail to the editor, preferably as a WORD document, double-spaced. Do not format the text and do not justify the right margin. Use only the regular and italic fonts, with the italic font only for the scientific names of the genus and species. Do not use boldface or vaiy type size (12 point preferred) for any sections or headers. Put returns only at the end of paragraphs, not at the end of each line. Use one tab to indent each paragraph. 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In the text, references should be cited in the form “... Wilson (1998a)...”, (Wilson 1988a), (Southwood et al. 1979), or (Thomas 8c Thomas 1994). Please give full name of journals and conform to the following style: Atkins, A. F. 1975. The life history of Anisv'^tn Waterhouse and Lyell (Lepidoptera:Hersperiidae: Trapezitinae). Australian Entomological Magazine 2: 72-75 — 1987. The life histoi'y of Trapeziies iacclioides Waterhouse and Trapezites phigalioides Waterhouse (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Trapezitinae). Australian Entomological Magazine 13: 53-58. Larsen, T. B. 1990. The butterflies of Egypt, Apollo Books, Svendborg. 112pp. Figurny-Puchalska E., R. M. E. Gadeberg & J. J- Boomsma. 2000. Comparison of genetic population structure of the large blue butterflies Macidinea nausithoiis and M. teleius. Biodiversity Conservation 9: 419-432. Thomas, J. A., R. T. Clarke, G. W. Elmes & M. E. Hochberg. 1998a. Population dynamics in the genus Maculinea (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), pp. 262-290. 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The Journal of Research ON THE LePIDOPTERA Volume 39 2000 (2006) IN THIS ISSUE Date of publication: May 30, 2006 Papers Total sperm ejaculation in monandrous (Papilio machaon) and polyandrous (R xuthus) swallowtail butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) restricted to larval stage-derived nutrients Mamorii Watanabe and Taihei Kobayashi 1 Flight Patterns and Mating Behavior in a Zephyrus Hairstreak, Neozephyrus japonicus (Lepidoptera^ Lycaenidae) Michio Imafukii, Yasutoshi Matstii and Hideko Matsui 8 Feasibility of light-trapping in community research on moths; Attraction radius of light, completeness of samples, nightly flight times and seasonality of Southeast-Asian hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) Jan Beck and Eduard Linsenmair 18 A review of the genus Manerebia Staudinger (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) in the northern Andes Tomasz W. Pyrcz, Keith R. Willmott, Jason R M". Hall and Angel L. Viloria 37 Phylogenetic, habitat, and behavioural aspects of possum behaviour in European lepidoptera Tim G. Shreeve, Roger L. H. Dennis and Andrew Wakeham-Dawson 80 Notes 86 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIFa 3 9088 01387 2528 ("over: Therelra nessus {Druvy, 1773) ©Jan Beck, 2005.