HARVARD UNIVERSITY Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology MCZ LIBRARY THE JOURNAL MAR 2 8 1989 OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTE^:^vafJD * THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA ISSN 0022 4324 PUBLISHED By: The Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. 9620 Heather Road Beverly Hills, California 90210 (213) 274 1052 Founder: William Hovanitz Editorial Staff: Rudolf H. T. Mattoni, Editor Scott E. Miller, Assistant Editor, Newscetter Editor Associate Editors: Emilio Balletto, Italy Henri Descimon, France Thomas Emmel, U.S.A. Lawrence Gall, U.S.A. Hansjuerg Geiger, Switzerland Otakar Kudrna, Germany Dennis Murphy, U.S.A Ichiro Nakamura, U.S.A. Arthur Shapiro, U.S.A. Atuhiro Sibatani, Japan Manuscripts may be sent to the Editor at: 9620 Heather Road, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (213) 274-1052 Notices Material may be sent to the Newscetter Editor. Department of Entomology, Bishop Museum, P. O. Box 19000 A Honolulu, HA 96817 (808) 848-4193 The JOURNAL is sent to all members of the FOUNDATION. Classes of Membership: Regular (Individual) Contributing Student/Retired — Worldwide Subscription Rate/Institutions Life $ 18.00 year (vol.) $ 25.00 or more, year (vol.) $ 15.00 year (vol.) $ 25.00 year (vol.) $250.00 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA is published four times a year. Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, by THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. The office of the publication and the general business office are located at 2559 Puesta Del Sol Road, Santa Barbara, California 93105. The publisher is THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. The Editor is R. H. T. Mattoni at the above Beverly Hills address. The Secretary-Treasurer is Barbara Jean Hovanitz at the general business office. All matters pertaining to membership, dues, and subscriptions should be addressed to her, including inquiry concerning mailing, missing issues, and change of address. The owner in THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC., a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California in 1965. The President is R. H. T. Mattoni, the Vice President is John Emmel, the Secretary-Treasurer is Barbara Jean Hovanitz. The Board of Directors is comprised of Barbara Jean Hovanitz, Lorraine L. Rothman, and R. H. T. Mattoni. There are no bond holders, mortgages, or other security holders. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 26(1-4):1-12, 1988 Male Mate-Locating Behavior in the Desert Hackberry Butterfly, Asterocampa leilia (Nymphalidae) Ronald L. Rutowski and George W. Gilchrist* Department of Zoology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1501 Abstract. The mating system of the desert hackberry butterfly, Astero¬ campa leilia , is described with special reference to the site tenacious mate-locating behavior of the males. Males occupy perches on or next to the larval foodplant, desert hackberry ( Celtis pallida ). Other males are not tolerated within several meters of a male’s perch site and are chased away when they fly nearby. Males occupy perch sites in the morning. Some hackberry trees are more likely to be used as perch sites than others and males at these sites experience the highest rate of contacts with females and other males. Females passing a perch site are chased, courted, and, if receptive, mated. The data indicate that males defend perch sites as a means of maximizing potential contacts with newly-emerged, virgin females leaving the plant adjacent to their perch site. Introduction Male butterflies show a wide interspecific diversity in the extent to which they are site tenacious in their mate-locating behavior (Scott, 1974, 1975, 1982). At one extreme males are not tied to any given site but fly widely through the environment searching for females. This strategy has classically been referred to as patrolling. At the other extreme males are very site tenacious and an individual may defend a space on a hilltop or other place for several days usually during some restricted daily activity period (Powell, 1968; Baker, 1972; Douwes, 1975; Suzuki, 1976; Davies, 1978; Bitzer & Shaw, 1979, 1983; Cal¬ laghan, 1982; Lederhouse, 1982; Alcock, 1983, 1985; Wickman & Wiklund, 1983; Knapton, 1985; Wickman, 1985; Alcock & O’Neill, 1986). In territorial species males interact with other males in ways that are very different from their interactions with females. Aerial combat occurs in the form of ascending flights and wing contact. Between these extremes of patrolling and highly territorial species there are species in which males, although showing some site tenacity, *Current address: Department of Zoology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195. 2 J.Res.Lepid. may only briefly occupy a site and be less aggressive toward conspecifics. Detailed studies of these behaviors are lacking. Males of the desert hackberry butterfly (. Asterocampa leilia Edwards) occupy perch sites near the larval foodplant, desert hackberry ( Celtis pallida Torrey), that they appear to defend against conspecific males (Austin, 1977). Our preliminary observations of this species in central Arizona suggested that individual males do not spend much time on specific sites. Here we describe in detail the perching behavior of the males of this species and document the extent to which males are site tenacious and their perch site preferences. The discussion focuses on the ecological circumstances favoring this sort of mate-locating behavior, especially in comparison with mate-locating techniques in other species. METHODS Asterocampa leilia males and females were observed and collected at two flat or gently sloping sites near water courses in the upper Sonoran desert habitat typical of central Arizona. Our primary site was near the Salt River about 40 km northeast of Tempe, Arizona, and the other site, used primarily for observations of courtship with hand-reared females, was along Sycamore Creek about 70 km from Tempe. At both sites the large vegetation included palo verde ( Cercidium spp.), mesquite (. Prosopsis spp.), saguaro cactus ( Carnegia giganteus (Engel- mann) Britton and Rose) and desert hackberry ( Celtis pallida ). At the Salt River site we identified a triangular, 1700 m2 area that extended on the north to the beginning of a small mountain range, on the south to a line of paloverde trees, on the west to a low ridge extending out from the mountains, and on the east to a small dry wash. This area contained fifteen discrete clumps of hackberry that varied in size. Males were captured and carefully marked by writing numbers on the dorsal and ventral hindwings with a felt-tipped marking pen (Sanford SharpieR). On 17 mornings from 6 May to 11 June in 1985 we walked through the study area at 30 min intervals and noted the location and identity, if marked, of each male seen perched. We also observed the activities of males at individual perch sites, especially those that were most often occupied, and recorded the interac¬ tions between the perch site occupant and intruding individuals of both sexes. Wherever possible these observations were made on marked males that occupied perch sites. Courtship, Copulation, and Spermatophore Counts Successful courtships and the ensuing copulations were elicited by releasing hand-reared virgin females near perched males in the field. The females were reared from eggs collected by placing field-caught females in cages with a sprig of the larval foodplant. After copulation, mated pairs were killed and stored by freezing. Later the females were thawed, weighed, and dissected under insect Ringer’s solution. The bursa copulatrix of each female with its contents was examined and weighed to the nearest 0.01 mg. The male of each pair was also thawed and weighed. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 3 To estimate the frequency with which females mate, we collected and froze a sample of females from the population. They were later thawed and dissected under insect Ringer’s solution, and the contents of the bursa copulatrix of each was examined. The wing wear of these females was assessed as an indicator of age. Each female was placed in one of three wing wear categories: fresh — little or no scale loss or tattering, worn — substantial scale loss or tattering on one or two wings, and very worn — substantial scale loss or tattering on all wings. Statistical Summary and Tests Parametric summary statistics are given as the mean ± the standard deviation. The results of all statistical tests were evaluated at the 0.05 level of significance. RESULTS Spatial Organization and Daily Pattern of Male Activity Male perch sites were found in only 20 locations within the Salt River study area. A perch site was an area of approximately 1-2 m2 in all cases except one on or immediately adjacent to a hackberry tree, confirming Austin’s (1977) result. Some sites were occupied more frequently than others. In 97 censuses made over 17 days the average occupation frequency among the 20 perch sites was 21.9 ± 20.6%; however, the two most frequently occupied sites were occupied in 83.5% and 61.9% of the censuses, respectively. Only one of the hackberry clumps in the study area never had a male perched next to it. The behavior of the males followed a daily pattern. Males occupied perch sites when they first became active in the morning. Fig. 1 shows the number of males seen perching as a function of the time before and after the observed time of peak activity. Peak activity was defined as the time at which the number of sites occupied reached the maximum number observed on a given day. The average time of peak activity was 900 MST (range: 800-1000). Late in the morning the males moved into the shade of hackberry trees and became inactive. Site Tenacity of Males One-hundred and two males were captured, marked, and released. Of these 34% were resighted at some point after release (Fig. 2). After being marked and released, a male typically left the area and was not seen again on that day. The probability that a marked male would be resighted was highest the day after marking (18%). The longest time between release and the last resighting of a male was 10 days. A male did not occupy a given perch site for long. Fig. 3 shows the distribution of site occupation durations observed on single days during the study. Most males were on a site for only 30 min or less on any given day. However, one male was observed on the most frequently occupied 4 J.Res.Lepid. Fig. 1 . The daily pattern of perching activity for A. leilia males averaged over 17 days. The number above each indicates the sample size. □ LlJ Fig. 2. The probability of resighting previously marked males as a function of the days since they were marked. The number above each bar is the number of males in the population marked on day zero that were available on a given day for recapture. Fig. 3. For all sites that were seen occupied by a marked male this figure shows the duration of site occupation as the number of consecutive census periods on the same day that the male was seen on a given site (n = 67). 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 5 site on the study area for 5 census periods one day and then two more on the next. It is possible our censusing activities scared males prema¬ turely from their perch sites; some males did take to wing when we approached but they returned to their perch after a brief flight. In any event we took some pains not to disturb males during the censuses. Site Defense Males perched on sand, rocks, and low vegetation (especially the hackberry tree) (Fig. 4). From these positions a male flew out and chased passing conspecifics, heterospecific butterflies, other insects (flies, wasps, etc.), birds, and even thrown stones. Conspecific males flying near a male’s perch were typically approached and chased on the wing for several meters. In this species, no male-male interactions led to ascending flights. Occasionally a male perched near the resident with¬ out being detected. Such intruders were not detected until they flew, at which point they were approached and chased from the area. In 73% of 37 male-male interactions involving at least one marked male, the male that was originally perched in the area returned alone and reoccupied the site. This is significantly more frequently than expected from chance (X2 = 7.81, 1 df, p < 0.05). On occasion a male spontaneously flew up from his perch and patrolled an area by flying back and forth in front of the hackberry tree for a few seconds before perching again. When the resident alit after such a patrol flight or after an interaction he typically perched on or within a meter of his original perch. The behavior of the males varied with the site and with the time of the morning. The more attractive sites were more likely to be occupied for more than one period by a single male (Table 1; X2 = 11.5, 1 dr, p < 0.05). Males that occupied the two most popular sites tended to stay on them throughout the activity period in spite of frequent intrusions by other males. Eighteen perched intruders were observed at these sites in 528 min of observations during the hour surrounding the time of peak Table 1. Howr site identity affects the number of consecutive census periods that the site will be occupied by the same male. Sites IN and 15 were the most frequently occupied sites. No. of periods Sites All other occupied IN and 15 sites 1 39% 82% 2-3 39% 18% 4-5 22% 0% Total observations 18 49 Fig. 4. Males of A. leilia perched on their sites. A male perched on staghorn cholla (above) and on the ground (below). 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 7 activity, while no perched intruders were observed in 107 min of observations on other sites at the same time. Males do spontaneously abandon sites. Some sites were less likely to be abandoned for no apparent reason than less attractive sites. For example, during a total of 803 min of observation at sites 15 and IN only one abandonment was observed. In contrast 6 abandonments were observed in 111 minutes of observations at three other sites (IS, 3S, and 3N) during the same time period. There were significantly fewer abandonments at site 15 and IN than expected from the time spent observing there x2 = 35.5, 1 df, p < 0.05). Competition for sites is intense as indicated by the fact that when we sequentially removed 10 males during one hour from the most frequently occupied site, the site was reoccupied within a few minutes by a new male after each removal. Furthermore, the intensity of the competition changed over the morning. This was evident in two ways. First, if a male observed on a site in one census was not there when the site was censused 30 min later, at the time of peak activity there was a greater than 50% chance that the site would be occupied by a new male (Fig. 5). Late in the morning sites were rarely reoccupied if for some reason the male left. Second, the frequency of perched intruders waned as the morning progressed (Fig. 6; Spearman rank correlation coefficient = -0.87, p < 0.05). Courtship and Copulation The rate of appearance of wild females varied among sites. Females appeared at a rate of 0.0177 per min (790 min of observation) and 0.0123 per min at (163 min of observation) at the first and second most frequently occupied sites, respectively. In contrast, during a total of 203 min of observation no females were seen at several other sites when a male was present. A total of 6 successful and 8 unsuccessful courtships were observed during this study. All successful courtships involved hand-reared virgin females released near males. On three occasions during observations of males on sites the male chased a female and did not return; the pair flew off so quickly we were unable to determine the outcome of the interaction. When a female flew by a perched male he immediately took wing and followed the female. In successful courtships the female immediately perched in vegetation near the male’s perch site. The male then landed behind the female, moved up beside her, and began attempting to insert his abdomen between the female’s hind wings. The female then either remained still and permitted the male to couple or moved away from the male for some time before becoming still and permitting copulation. In unsuccessful courtship the female did not perch when the male appro¬ ached and in 5 cases engaged in ascending flights with the male in pursuit. The male abandoned the female and returned to his perch after an ascending flight interaction. 8 J . Res. Lepid. -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 30 MIN PERIODS SINCE PEAK ACTIVITY Fig. 5. The likelihood that a previously occupied site will be occupied by a new male in the census period after the site was seen to be occupied is plotted against the time of the post-occupation census. The sample size for each time period is shown above each bar. Fig. 6. The rate of appearance of undetected perched intruders is shown as a function of the time since peak activity. The number of minutes of observation from which the data point was calculated is shown above each point. Copulation averaged 49 ± 16.8 min (n = 6, range: 21 - 65 min). During copulation a male formed a spermatophore and deposited some loose white secretions within the female’s bursa copulatrix. The mass of material averaged 2.49 ± 0.78 mg (n = 7, range: 1.47 - 3.73 mg) which correspond to 2.96% ± 0.59% (n = 7, range: 1.9 — 3.71%) of the male’s estimated precopulatory body weight. The quantity of material passed was significantly positively correlated with the estimate of a male’s precopulatory body weight (r = 0.797, t = 2.96, 5 df, p < 0.05). Twenty-six females were collected in the field and the contents of the bursa copulatrix of each was examined. In this sample 73% were fresh, 19% worn, and 7% very worn. No female carried more than one spermatophore and three (all fresh) had bursae that were empty. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 9 DISCUSSION Characteristics of Male Perching Behavior The data reveal several features of the perching behavior of A. leilia. First, as Austin (1977) suggested, males perch most often near C. pallida trees. Second, a perched male does not tolerate other males in their perching area but are not likely to defend any given perch site for long. Third, males occupy and defend perch sites for only a restricted part of the day. Males became inactive toward the middle of the day and roosted well within C. pallida trees on or near their site. Such temporal restrictions on site-tenacious strategies of mate-location are common in butterflies (Callaghan, 1982; Alcock, 1983; Wickman, 1985) and are probably best explained by heat stress due to high midday temperatures (Rawlins, 1980; Kingsolver and Watt, 1983) which favors abandonment of perches in the late morning or by variation during the day in the availability of receptive females. Fourth, some sites are strongly pre¬ ferred over others as indicated by the frequency with which they were occupied, the rate at which undetected intruders perched on them, and the rate with which they were abandoned by males. Similar preferences are found in other perching species (e.g. Bitzer & Shaw, 1979; Leder- house, 1982; Alcock, 1983). Finally, the sites that were preferred by males were also those visited most frequently by females although it is not clear that these females were receptive. This has been shown for three other territorial species of butterflies (Davies, 1978; Lederhouse, 1982; Wickman, 1985). The Function of Male Perch Site Placement and Defense We interpret site occupation and defense as a mate-locating tactic in this butterfly. The sites contained no nectar or water resources that might be of interest to males or females and so defense of resources for personal use or to gain access to females seems improbable. Why then are the sites on or next to the larval foodplant? There are at least two possible hypotheses. A male may perch near the larval foodplant to gain access to females that come to oviposit. Such behavior has been observed in bees, dungflies, odonates, and many other insects (Thornhill & Alcock, 1983). However, there are apparently no benefits from trying to intercept mated females in that A. leilia females mate only once. We conclude that males perch near the larval foodplant to maximize their chances of contacting virgin females as they emerge on their first flight. However, this assumes that the larvae pupate on the larval foodplant. This is likely. We have found cast pupal skins on C. pallida , and the pupae bear a striking resemblance to the leaves of the host plant, suggesting that the larvae routinely pupate on the larval food- plant. Why do males perch at some trees and not others? Females may prefer 10 J. Res. Lepid. certain trees as oviposition sites and therefore these trees are more likely to produce virgin females than others. We do not at this point know if females are more likely to oviposit on the trees preferred by males; we only know that females are more likely to appear there. It may also be that some trees provide better vantage points for looking for newly-emerged butterflies. We are currently testing this hypothesis by setting up large visual barriers and seeing if they affect male perch site selection. Variation in Site Tenacity and Defense Asterocampa leilia males fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum of site tenacity and defense shown by male butterflies. Site tenacity and defense are typically closely tied. Some butterflies show essentially no site tenacity, such as the alfalfa butterfly ( Colias eury theme Boisduval). On the other hand, males of some species perch on and defend the same site during the activity period for several days (Davies, 1978; Suzuki, 1978; Lederhouse, 1982; Alcock, 1983, 1985; Knapton, 1985; Alcock & O’Neill, 1986). In A. leilia even the most attractive sites were occupied and defended for only a few consecutive 30 min census periods and rarely for more than one day. What ecological factors have favored this sort of behavior? Site occupation and defense in butterflies is associated with mate location. Hence, the form of this behavior will depend on a complex interaction between the spatial and temporal distribution of receptive females and the density of competitors (Rutowski, 1984; Courtney & Parker, 1985; Odendaal et al., 1985; Alcock & O’Neill, 1986). Currently our understanding of this interaction awaits further detailed studies of mate-location in species that perch. Spermatophore Size and Mating System Structure Male butterflies expend energy in reproduction in two ways. The first is in mate location. The second is in making spermatophores which contain not only sperm but also accessory gland secretions that may be used by the female as nutrients for egg production (Rutowski, 1984). In species that engage in site defense we expect that the amount of effort put into site defense will be a major determinant of reproductive success. Although males that patrol also expend energy in mate location the cost of this can be ameliorrated by their ability to feed while searching for females. Vigilance during site defense precludes feeding and defended sites rarely contain nectar resources. We predict, therefore, that in species in which males defend perch sites, the males will expend more on mate location and less on sper¬ matophore production than in species in which the males patrol in search of mates. As expected, males of A. leilia (this study) and males of Pararge aegeria Linnaeus (Svard, 1985), another site defending species 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 11 (Davies, 1978; Wickman & Wiklund, 1983), produce spermatophores that are small in relation to their body weight (2-3%) compared with other species that have been examined. Rutowski et al. (1983) surveyed 10 species of butterflies in which males patrol in search of females and found that typically 6 to 7 percent of the male body weight was donated in each spermatophore. Further studies are needed to test the predic¬ tion that mating system structure is linked with the investment males make in nutrient contributions to their mates. Acknowledgements. We thank Barbara Terkanian and Rob Gardner for assi¬ stance in the field, Dr. John Alcock, Dr. Tim Friedlander, and an anonymous reviewer for helpful criticism of an earlier draft of the manuscript and the National Science Foundation for financial support through NSF Grant No. 85- 00317 to R. 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Observations were made during 1979-1982 in the state of Colima, Mexico, by Paul Spade. Resumen. Se presenta information sobre los estadios inmaduros y la ecologla de los siguientes papilionidos que comen aristolocareas: Bat¬ tus philenor philenor (Linnaeus), B. polydamas lucayus (Rothschild and Jordan), B. eracon (Godman and Salvin), B. laodamas procas (Godman and Salvin), Parides photinus (Doubleday), P. montezuma (Westwood), y P. erithalion trichopus (Rothschild and Jordan). Los datos fueron obtenidos durante 1979-1982 en el estado de Colima, Mexico. Introduction Four species of Battus Scopoli are known from the state of Colima, Mexico: B. philenor philenor (Linnaeus), B. polydamas lucayus (Roth¬ schild and Jordan), B. eracon (Godman and Salvin), and B. laodamas procas (Godman and Salvin). In the same region three species of Parides Hiibner have been documented: P. photinus (Doubleday), P. montezuma (Westwood), and P. erithalion trichopus (Rothschild and Jordan). Both genera are confined to the New World, predominantly South America. Battus is the smaller, containing 14 species; Parides encompasses between about 32 and 45 species, 9 of which occur in Mexico. Battus and Parides are members of the tribe Troidini (Papilionidae), commonly referred to as aristolochia swallowtails (Rothschild and deceased; forward correspondence and reprint requests to John Brown. 14 J. Res. Lepid. Jordan 1906; Munroe 1960; Ehrlich and Raven 1965) because their larvae feed exclusively on members of the genus Aristolochia Linnaeus (Aristolochiaceae). This plant genus, composed primarily of tropical vines, can be divided into two natural groups in the Americas: pentan- drous and hexandrous species (5 and 6 stamens respectively) (Pfeifer 1966, 1970). Table 1 outlines the major characteristics and distributions of Aristolochia species utilized by Battus and Parides in Colima. Aristolochia species contain a number of secondary plant compounds including aristolochic acids, benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, and sesquiter- penoids, which in general deter both insect and vertebrate phytophagy (Fraenkel 1959). Some members of the Troidini are known to sequester these substances from their foodplants, rendering the butterflies dis¬ tasteful to vertebrate predators. Consequently their colors are aposema- tically adapted (Brown, Damman and Feeny 1981). Hence adults are models in Batesian mimetic complexes involving butterflies of the same family in the genus Papilio Linnaeus (Brower 1958) and Eury tides Hiibner. Various Battus and Parides species form Mullerian mimicry complexes as well (Young 1971a, 1971b, 1972; Brown, Damman and Feeny 1981). The purpose of this paper is to present brief descriptions and illustra¬ tions of the early stages, summarize data on host utilization and geographic distribution, and identify the major mimetic complexes among the seven troidine swallowtails that occur in Colima, Mexico. Methods and Study Area The field work, including photography, was carried out by Paul Spade from November 1979 to November 1982. Specimens of both butterfly and Aristolochia species were sent by Spade to Hamilton Tyler who arranged for their determination. Voucher specimens of the butterflies were deposited in the San Diego Natural History Museum; no larvae were preserved. With the assistance of Michael Parsons, a preliminary draft of the present manuscript was completed. After the untimely death of Tyler, John Brown was responsible for the final organization and presentation of the paper. Field work was conducted at 23 sites in Colima and 3 sites in the neighboring states of Michoacan and Jalisco (figure 1). Only the Colima localities mentioned in the text are shown in figure 1. All records of oviposition and hostplant selection are based on the discovery of eggs and larvae, or the observation of ovipositing females, in the field. Once located, the early stages were brought into the lab (Spade residence in Colima) and reared on the field-associated host at ambient temperature. All photographs were taken in the lab. No measurements of the early stages were noted as they were nearly identical, and most have been presented previously elsewhere (see literature citations in Observa¬ tions). 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 15 Fig. 1. Map of Colima, Mexico. Colima is located along the western coast of mainland Mexico. Although one of the smallest states in the Republic, it is topographically extremely diverse; elevation ranges from sea level to nearly 3900 m at the peak of the Fuego Volcano. The Pacific shoreline, approximately 160 km long, is bordered by a narrow coastal plain. Low coastal ranges rise abruptly from the plain and quickly attain an elevation of 700—1300 m. Colima, the capital city, is located in the east-central part of the state on a dissected plateau which varies in altitude from 300-600 m. The interior mountain ranges rise to a nearly uniform elevation of about 2000 m. According to Schaldach (1963), eight distinct vegetational zones occur within Colima, six of which are relevant to this study. These can be summarized as follows: (1) Arid thorn scrub. A low, semi-open scrub community composed of spiny deciduous shrubs and legumes occurring along the coastal plain and the basal slopes of the coastal mountains. (2) Arid thorn forest. A relatively tall (10—12 m), homogeneous forest of flowering trees, mostly legumes, found on hillsides and in many of the interior valleys. These deciduous forests are often dense with a thick undergrowth of thorny vines. (3) Riparian gallery forest. Heavily shaded forests of tall, mainly evergreen trees, bordering all the permanant watercourses of the lower tropical area. (4) Tropical deciduous forest. Tall, climax deciduous forest com¬ posed of many species of tropical trees; generally found above arid thorn 16 J.Res.Lepid. forest at higher, moister habitats, but may occur in lower elevations in response to local precipitation. (5) Oak woodland. Nearly pure stands of low oaks found on the higher ridges of the mountains. Scattered pines occur amid the oaks, but nowhere do they form significant forests. (6) Arid pine-oak forest. Open, dry forests of tall pines interspersed with medium-sized oaks, occurring primarily around the volcanoes from about 1800—2400 m. This is the highest habitat in which troidines occur in Colima. Observations Battus philenor philenor (Linnaeus) Early stages. The early stages of B. philenor in Colima closely resemble those from elsewhere. First described by Edwards (1881), they are summarized in numerous accounts (e.g., Klots 1951; Emmel 1975; Opler and Krizek 1984; etc.); they are not illustrated here. The spherical egg is russet in color. First through third instar larvae are gregarious; later instars feed singly. The ground color of fourth and fifth instar larvae is usually dark purple with contrasting orange-red tubercles. However, a second color form also occurs in which the ground color is the same orange-red as that of the tubercles; the outer two-thirds of the anterior tubercles and the tips of both the longer thoracic and first abdominal tubercles, are tipped with black. This second color morph also occurs in southeastern Arizona populations of B. philenor (A. Shapiro, personal communication). The pupae are dimorphic, as noted by West and Hazel (1979). One clutch of B. philenor yielded 15 brown, 3 green, and one mixed (brown and green) pupae. Thoracic projections of the pupae of B. philenor from Colima are less prominent than those from elsewhere. Ouiposition and foodplants. Eggs are laid in small batches of 4— 6 on the undersides of the leaves of the foodplant, forming a well spaced group (as opposed to a close cluster). At Madrid, Colima, the preferred foodplant was Aristolochia acontophylla, on which larvae of Parides montezuma also were found. Where A. acontophylla was unavailable, the butterfly rarely utilized A. tentaculata. At higher altitudes, larvae occurred on A. pringlei. Many other species of Aristolochia are used by B. philenor in other parts of its wide geographic range; these are summarized by Scriber and Feeny (1976). Rausher (1980, 1981) provides data on host plant selection and temporal changes in oviposition preference. Habitat and range. In the Colima region, B . philenor occupies relative¬ ly dry habitats receiving an annual precipitation of less than 1200 mm and characterized by a long dry season .B. philenor occurs from sea level to about 2400 m, reaching its upper limit in the arid pine-oak forests. In 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 17 western Michoacan, B. philenor was present on the coast at Placita and Aquila, but just inland, in the northern region near Zapotan, no adults were observed during a six-month period from June to November 1982. The species was common in regions of arid thorn scrub and arid pine-oak forest, but it was conspicuously absent from the humid forest above Colima (city). Battus polydamas lucayus (Rothschild and Jordan) (figures 2, 8, and 14) Early stages. The life history of this species has been recorded by Moss (1919), Comstock and Vazquez (1960), Young (1971a), and Brown, Damman, and Feeny (1981). Eggs (fig. 2) are pale brown bearing 10-12 orange-brown vertical ribs of a glue-like colleterial substance that adheres them to the leaf of the foodplant. The first instar larva is pale straw yellow; the short, hirsute tubercles bear long black setae. The second instar is brown-black, sparsely marked with tan-brown; the tubercles are light brown except those of abdominal segments 3 and 7, which are orange. The third instar is tan-gray with contrasting transverse, oblique, brown lines on each segment. The tubercles have a light brown base and darken towards the apex; the lateral tubercles are twice the length of the dorsal ones. The fourth instar larva is gray with thin, black transverse lines. All of the tubercles are cream-white with black tips, except the lateral tubercles, which are black with a cream base. The fifth instar is dimorphic. The pale form (fig. 8) is yellow-brown and resembles the fourth instar, while the other form is dark brown with black transverse lines, and black-tipped pink tubercles. The base of the lateral prothoracic tubercles is pale pink in the dark form, creamy yellow in the light form. The pupae are dimorphic: one form (fig. 14) is green with pale yellow saddle and antennae, the other form brown. The pupa has a prominent, conical, dorsal thoracic projection, and the abdomen bears two pro¬ minent dorsolateral ridges. Oviposition and foodplants. Females typically lay eggs in small clusters of 2— 9 in a band around the stem of the host. In Colima, larvae were found on Aristolochia acontophylla,A. foetida,A. odoratissima,A. tentaculata , and A. conversiae. Habitat and range. B. polydamas is the most common troidine in Colima. Throughout its range in the State it occupies primarily open habitats such as agricultural land, gardens, and arid thorn scrub; but it also occurs in riparian gallery forest. It is common from sea level to about 500 m, ranging as high as 900 m. An exceptionally high elevation record for this species in Colima is 1360 m at Cofradia de Suchitan. Battus eracon (Godman and Salvin) (figures 3, 9 and 15) Early stages. There are no details of the life history of this species in the literature. Eggs (fig. 3) are pink with irregular rib-like globules of Figs. 2-7. Eggs of Battus polydamas (2); B. eracon (3); B. laodamas procas (4); Parides photinus (5); P. montezuma (6); and P. erithalion trichopus (7). Figs. 8-13. Last instar larvae of Battus polydamas (8); B. eracon (9); B. laodamas procas (10); Parides photinus (11); P. montezuma (12); and P. erithalion trichopus (13). Figs. 14-19. Pupae of Battus polydamas (14); B. eracon (15); B. laodamas procas (16); Parides photinus (17); P. montezuma (18); and P. erithalion trichopus (19). 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 19 orange glue-like colleterial secretion which binds each egg within the batch and gives them a warty appearance. Unfortunately, field collected eggs were eaten, presumably by ants, so first and second instar larvae were not obtained. Subsequent field collected larvae were all in later instars. Third instar larvae are chocolate brown with only the tips of the tubercles orange; the lateral prothoracic tubercles are concolorous with the body and much longer than the rest. Of the four species of Battus in Colima, B. eracon has the shortest tubercles. The fourth instar is indistinguishable in pattern from the third, but its ground color is maroon-brown. Fifth instar larvae are dimorphic: the dark form (fig. 9) is the most common and is almost entirely purple-black; only the tubercles are orange-tipped. The pale form is brown with oblique brown-black markings similar to those of Battus polydamas , with the lateral prothoracic tubercles entirely black. In both forms the head and thoracic prolegs are black. The first three instars probably feed gregariously, later instars feed singly. The pupae are dimorphic: one form is green and yellow, the other (fig. 15) brown with greatly reduced yellow markings. Pupae average 37 mm long and 20 mm wide, with a dorsal thoracic projection of about 5 mm, more club-shaped than that of B. laodamas procas. Oviposition and foodplants. A single female was observed ovipositing. Eggs were irregularly piled in batches of 20-30, near the ground, on the sides of stems supporting the foodplant, Aristolochia tentaculata. Habitat and range. B. eracon is the most restricted mainland Battus , limited to the coastal regions of Colima, Jalisco, Michoacan, and Guer¬ rero, Mexico (Hoffman 1976; Diaz Frances and de la Maza 1978). It is common between sea level and 200 m, where its range includes the coastal hills at Caleras. In Colima, B. eracon is locally abundant at Cerro de la Vieja (near Coquimatlan) and Tepames; both localities are about 500 m in elevation. It has not been observed above 610 m. In Michoacan, B. eracon occurs at Placita, Aquila, San Telmo, and Zapotan. Its principal habitats are riparian gallery forest, arid thorn forest, and tropical deciduous forest; adults are avidly attracted to nectar sources within these habitats. It is scarce in urban and arid thorn scrub areas. Battus laodamas procas (Godman and Salvin) (figures 4, 10, 16) Early stages. Comstock and Vazquez (1960) described the final instar and pupa of this species. Eggs (fig. 4) are pale yellow with six irregular vertical, rib-like strands of glue-like colleterial substance of the same color. First instar larvae are light brown with black-tipped tubercles bearing long setae; the head is shiny black. Second, third, and fourth instar larvae are entirely black. Two distinct forms and intermediates are exhibited by fifth instar larvae: one form is entirely black, the other (fig. 10) is light brown with oblique black markings similar to those of B. 20 J. Res. Lepid. polydamas. In the brown form the tubercles are black-tipped. All instars feed gregariously. The pupae are dimorphic with a green and yellow form, and a gray-brown form (fig. 16) that has greatly reduced yellow markings. The abdominal tubercles are reduced, forming two dorsolateral ridges. Ouiposition and foodplants. Eggs are laid in parallel rows in batches of 20—30 on the upper surface of leaves of Aristolochia tentaculata. Oviposition is generally between 3— 4 m above the ground and always above 2 m. Habitat and range. B . laodamas procas has the same distribution as B . eracon along the Pacific coast, but ranges further inland and into higher altitudes. It is most common from sea level to about 500 m. However, in the mountains it has been recorded as high as 1280 m. Parides photinus (Doubleday) (figures 5, 11, and 17) Early stages. The life history ofP. photinus has been described in detail by Ross (1964). The following descriptions are based on observations in Colima. The egg (fig. 5) is dark pink with about 15 irregular, warty, vertical strands of yellow-orange colleterial secretion. Each egg rests on a short pedestal of the same substance, to one side of the base. First instar larvae are gray with the dorsal tubercles of abdominal segments 4 and 7 pale yellow, and the thoracic and anal two pair of dorsal tubercles pale orange. The remaining tubercles are burgundy. Second instar larvae are darker; dorsal tubercles four and seven are creamy white. The thoracic tubercles and those at the anal end of the abdomen are pink. The third instar is dimorphic. The lighter form is similar to the preceding instar, but the dorsal tubercles on abdominal segments 4 and 7 are ivory-white. An oblique white line joins tubercle four with the lateral tubercle on abdominal segment 3 which is also ivory-white. The thoracic tubercles and the two pair of dorsal tubercles on the last abdominal segment are creamy orange, tipped with orange-red. The dark form is similar but the lateral and dorsal tubercles on abdominal segments 4 and 7 are ivory-white with a white stripe joining those on segment 4. All of the remaining tubercles and the ground color are dark red. First through third instar larva bear black setae at the tips of the tubercles. The fourth instar is also dimorphic, the two forms similar to those of the third instar The fifth instar is dimorphic: one form (fig. 11) is black with white and red tubercles which have an orange cast; the other is purple-black with dark red tubercles. The pupa (fig. 17) is pale yellow dorsally and pale green ventrally. It has two short, triangular, dorsolateral processes on the thorax, and the abdomen bears a row of three pairs of triangular-shaped dorsolateral projections. In Colima, the duration of the early stages is fairly rapid: egg, 6 days; first and second instar, 3 days; third instar, 3 days; fourth instar, 2 days; 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 21 fifth instar 3 days, prepupa to eclosure, 18-20 days. In Battus and Parides species studied by Brown, Damman, and Feeny (1981), larvae developed in 20—30 days. They suggest that in addition to temperature, developmental rates dependent greatly upon the species of Aristolochia utilized. Ouiposition and foodplants. In low to mid-elevations Aristolochia tentaculata is the larval host. At slightly higher elevation A. conversiae is utilized. In the vicinity of the Nevada de Colima Volcano, Jalisco, just north of the Fuego Volcano, the host is A. pringlei. Eggs are laid singly on the leaves. Habitat and range. In Colima, P. photinus was observed in lower arid thorn forests at about 400 m, in oak woodlands at about 1680 m, and in arid pine-oak forests at 2400 m. It seems to favor forest margins and areas of disturbed or secondary vegetation. P. photinus exhibits the greatest altitudinal range of any of the Colima troidines except for B . philenor. Parides montezuma (Westwood) (figures 6, 12, and 18) Early stages. There are no details of the life history of this species in the literature. The egg (fig. 6) is pale gray-brown with about 12 irregular, warty, vertical rib-like strands of yellow colleterial substance. The egg rests on a pedestal of colleterial substance which is shorter than that of P. photinus. First instar larvae have a pinkish yellow ground color with yellow- orange tubercles that bear long gray setae. The head is tan-brown. The second instar larva is dark gray with the tubercles light orange except for the dorsal ones of the mesothorax and abdominal segments 4 and 7, which are white. The third instar is white with the tubercles red-orange except for the lateral ones on the meso- and metathorax, and on abdominal segments 3 and 7, which are white. There are oblique gray-brown stripes laterally on each segment. The fourth instar is similar in pattern, but the white tubercles are highlighted by a more extensive pattern of darker brown stripes. The remaining tubercles are red. The head and thoracic prolegs are black. In the fifth instar (fig. 12) the ground color is gray-black, with numerous oblique black stripes, the white tubercles strongly contrasting. The remaining tubercles are burgundy. Both the ground color and tubercle color exhibit a narrow but conspicuous range of variability in the fifth instar. The pupa (fig. 18) is yellow with a lavender-gray lateral abdominal band that continues onto the wings and the lateral tubercles of the mesothorax. The same color forms a midline dorsally along the thorax, continuing onto the frontal tubercles and those of the abdomen as well. The dorsal saddle of the abdomen has a pink midline and two fine dorsolateral lines of gray. Ventrally the wings and legs are greenish yellow. 22 J. Res. Lepid. Oviposition and foodplants. Eggs are always laid singly on the undersides of leaves of the foodplant or on the tips of new vegetative shoots. Ovipositing females are easily followed as they exhibit a slow, fluttering flight close to the ground. Eggs are never deposited higher than 1.5 m above the ground. At Estapilla, in arid thorn scrub, a female was observed ovipositing on an Aristolochia acontophylla plant which was only 15 cm tall. The same species of foodplant is utilized at Zapotan and Madrid. In the latter locality P. montezuma also was observed ovipositing on A. foetida, although no larvae were ever encountered on this species. At Madrid an undescribed species of Aristolochia was available, but never utilized by P. montezuma. Eggs of P. montezuma were found once on A. cardiantha. At higher elevations A. conversiae is utilized. Habitat and range. P. montezuma is generally common throughout its range from sea level to about 1360 at Cofradia de Suchitan, occupying a variety of habitats including arid thorn and tropical deciduous forests. Unlike P. photinus, P. montezuma does not occur in the arid pine-oak forest. Parides erithalion trichopus (Rothschild and Jordan) (figures 7, 13, and 19) Early stages. An outline description of the early stages of this species was presented by de la Maza (1980). The egg (fig. 7) is pale gray with about 12 irregular, warty, vertical rib-like strands of orange glue-like colleterial secretion. Eggs are laid singly on the underside of leaves of the foodplant, and rest on a short pedestal of colleterial substance to one side of the base. The glue-like strands are more granular in appearance than on the eggs of either P. montezuma or P. photinus , and the pedestal is shorter than in those two species. The first instar is orange-yellow except for the mesothoracic tubercles and the dorsal tubercles of abdominal segments 4, 7, and 9, which are translucent white. The prothoracic shield is gray-brown and the head is shiny black. The second instar is yellow-gray with the lighter tubercles brighter white. The lateral tubercles of the prothorax, metathorax, and abdominal segments 7 and 9 are also white. The remaining tubercles are translucent orange-yellow. In the third instar the ground color is reddish brown, the darker tubercles pinkish red. The lateral tubercles of abdominal segments 7 and 8 are white. The fourth instar is similar, but the ground color and darker tubercles are burgundy, and the white tubercles on abdominal segments 3 (lateral) and 4 (dorsal) are joined by an oblique white stripe. The tips of the dorsal tubercles on abdominal segment 5 are white. In instars one through four, the tubercles bear setae. These are longest on the first instar and decrease in length at each successive molt. Fifth instar larvae are dimorphic: one form (fig. 13) is gray -black, the other dark brown. Both are marked with oblique 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 23 charcoal-black lines. The white of the lighter tubercles is quite exten¬ sive and gives the larva a clearly defined anterior, median, and posterior pattern of lines and spots. The pupa (fig. 19) is greenish gray; the dorsal region, the saddle of the abdomen, and the cremaster are yellow. The dorsolateral tubercles of the abdomen are broad and triangular in profile. Ouiposition and foodplants. Females exhibit a slow, low, fluttering flight while searching for foodplants. Eggs are laid singly on the underside of leaves of the host, or occasionally near the tips of new shoots. At Tamala, La Salada, Madrid, and Caleras, P. erithalion utilizes an undescribed, deciduous species of Aristolochia. Other hosts documented from the lowlands include A. tentaculata and A. mutabilis. Aristolochia conversiae is assumed to be the host at mid elevations (e.g., San Antonio and Tonila) where it is the only potential foodplant available. Habitat and range. P. erithalion trichopus is limited to western Mexico. In Colima it has been observed from sea level to 1520 m, but this may not be its upper limit. The species was abundant in arid thorn forest, less common in arid thorn scrub. With the exception of large urban areas, P. erithalion was fairly common in all habitats. Mimetic Associations of Adults In Jalisco, Battus philenor and Parides alopius (Godman and Salvin), both assumed to be unpalatable, form a Mullerian mimetic complex. In Colima, B. philenor is the model for the palatable Papilio polyxenes asterius Stoll, a Batesian mimic over much of their extensive concurrent geographical ranges. B. polydamas, B. laodamas, and B. eracon are assumed to be unpalatable, and comprise a Mullerian mimetic complex in Colima, in which B. polydamas is the most common species. Also associated with these species are the Batesian mimics Papilio uictorinus morelius Rothschild and Jordan, which is common, and females of Papilio astyalus Godart, a population similar to P. astyalus occidentalis Brown and Faulkner, which are uncommon. Females of Papilio an- drogeus epidaurus Godman and Salvin also may be Batesian mimics of the Battus complex. The three Parides species in Colima form their own Mullerian mimetic complex, again assuming unpalatability. Papilio pharnaces (Westwood), P. anchisiades Esper, Eurytides thymbreus aconophus (Gray), and E. belesis (Bates) are Batesian mimics of the Parides group, the former representing an extraordinary convergence to Parides in both coloration and pattern. The nymphalid butterfly Biblis hyperia (Cramer) is also a Batesian mimic of Parides in Colima. Conclusions Table 2 summarizes the field data of foodplant utilization by Troidini 24 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1. Characteristics and distribution of Aristolochia species in Colima, Mexico. hexandrous/ growth elevations general species_ pentandrous habit size habitat in Colima_ distribution A. tentaculata Schmidt hexandrous glabrous small lianas large; to 7 m widespread common to 800 m; sparse 800-900 m; pockets to 1036 m Colima, Michoacan, Guerrero, D.F. A. glossa Pfeifer hexandrous glabrous lianas very large riparian 0-250 m Colima and Michoacan A. odoratissima Linnaeus hexandrous glabrous lianas large riparian 0-250 m Mexico to Panama A. n. sp pentandrous dwarf herb small; 2. 0-2. 5 m rocky hillsides 0-250 m unknown (Colima) A. acontophylla Pfeifer pentandrous sprawling herbaceous perennial small; less than 1.0 m open sunny areas in thorn forest below 300 m Colima and Michoacan A. cardiantha Pfeifer pentandrous procumbent perennial herb small; 2.0 m +- thorn forest ca 1000 m Colima, Guerrero , Mexico D. F. A. foetida H. B. K. pentandrous procumbent perennial herb small; less than 1.0 m thorn forest 200-1128 m Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, and Guerrero A. conversiae Pfeifer pentandrous procumbent perennial herb small pine-oak, tropical deciduous 960-1740 m Colima, Mexico D.F. A. pringlei Rose pentandrous twining perennial herb small moist meadows in pine-oak forest 2285 m Nayarit, Jalisco, Morelos, and Michoacan A. mutabilis Pfeifer pentandrous procumbent perennial herb small thorn forest 0-250 m Colima, Michoacan, and Guerrero Table 2. Summary of foodplant utilization by Colima Troidini. philenor polydamas eracon laodamas photinus montezuma erithalion A. tentaculata + + +. ++ ++ + A. qlossa ? 7 A. odoratissima + 7 7 A. n. sp. + A. acontophylla ++ + ++ A. cardiantha + A. foetida + 7 + A. conversiae + ++ ++ 7 A. pringlei + + + A. mutabilis + + + = preferred foodplant (4 or more observations) + = documented foodplant (1-3 observations) ? = possible foodplant (most likely available host; no observations) in Colima, Mexico. Aristolochia tentaculata is an important foodplant to nearly all the species studied. K. Brown (personal communication) suggests that the relative toxicity of different species of Aristolochia varies, and that the first choice of foodplant would be the least toxic species available. Where troidines occur in sympatry, there may be competition for such a foodplant. In the absence of specific biochemical data on plant secondary compounds, A. tentaculata is suspected to represent such a species in Colima. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 25 From this study Battus eracon and B. laodamas procas appear to be monophagous, although this may not be the case. It is possible that both species utilize all three of the large hexandrous Aristolochia species available. B . poly damas is the most polyphagous troidine; it successfully utilizes five species of Aristolochia in Colima. There is no unequivocal evidence from the data or observations that Colima troidines are partitioning hosts to avoid interspecific competi¬ tion, but this is implied by regional shifts in foodplant choice. Where, for example, several troidines are sympatric, host utilization seems to differ from allopatric situations. Partitioning by Battus and Parides between hexandrous and pentandrous species of Aristolochia in Colima is also suggested. Pentandrous species are small, usually only 1— 2 m in height; hexandrous species are typically much larger (table 1). Parides species lay their eggs singly (Brown, Damman, and Feeny 1981); females usually search at ground level. Parides thus are able to exploit small, low-growing pentandrous species. In contrast, Battus species typically lay eggs in batches. Gregarious larvae soon devour small foodplants and have to search for additional host material. Survival is possible on pentandrous species only where close growing stands occur. In general, Battus species would seem to have greater survival and face less intraspecific larval competition on large hexandrous species, where ample foodplant is available for large numbers of actively feeding larvae. This assumption is supported by the fact that B. eracon and£. laodamas were observed to feed exclusively on the large hexandrous A. tentacula- ta. Evidence to the contrary includes the preference for pentandrous species exhibited by B. philenor, which is moderately polyphagous, and the inability to determine preference of B. poly damas. Acknowledgements. We wish to thank the following for reading the manu¬ script at various stages and offering valuable suggestions: John R. Arnold, Carlos R. Beutelspacher, Keith Brown, William Burger and the botany staff at the Field Museum, David K. Faulkner, Javier de la Maza, Michael Parsons, Jerry A. Powell, Tommaso Racheli, and Arthur Shapiro. We also thank Kerry Berringer of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, for identifying specimens of Aristolochia from Colima, and Jose F. Ortega Ortiz for information on Aristolochia species in eastern Mexico. Joyce Hayashi provided the map of Colima and helpful suggestions. The senior author offers special thanks to Biologo-Investigador Sergio Her¬ nandez Tobias of Colima, for sharing information on collecting localities. Literature Cited BROWER, J. V. Z. 1958. Experimental studies of mimicry in some North American butterflies. II. Battus philenor and Papilio troilus, P. polyxenes, and P. glaucus. Evolution 12: 123—136. BROWN, K. S„ A. J. DAMMAN, & P. FEENY. 1981. Troidine swallowtails (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in southeastern Brazil: natural history and foodplant rela¬ tionships. J. Res. Lepid. 19(4): 199-226. |“1980”1. 26 J. Res. Lepid. COMSTOCK, J. A. & L. VAZQUEZ G. 1960. Estudios de los ciclos biologicos en lepidopteros Mexicanos. An. Inst. Biol. Mex. 31: 349-360. DE LA MAZA E., R. 1980. Las poblaciones Centro- Americanas de Parides erithalion (Boisduval) (Papilionidae: Troidini). Rev. Soc. Mex. Lepid. 5(2): 51-73. DIAZ FRANCES, A. & J. DE LA MAZA. 1978. Guia ilustrada de las mariposas Mexicanas. I. Papilionidae. Soc. Mex. Lepid. Publ. Esp. 3. EDWARDS, W. H. 1881. Description of the preparatory stages of Papilio philenor , Linn. Can. Entomol. 13: 9-14. EHRLICH, P. R. & P. H. raven. 1965. Butterflies and plants: a study in coevolution. Evolution 18: 586-608. EMMEL, J. 1975. The family Papilionidae, in, Howe, W. (ed.), The butterflies of North America. Doubleday and Co., Inc., Garden City, New York. 633 pp. FRAENKEL, G. S. 1959. The raison doetre of secondary plant substances. Science 129: 1466-1470. HOFFMAN, C. C. 1976. Catologo sistematico y zoogeografico de los lepidopteros Mexicanos. Soc. Mex. Lepid. Publ. Esp. 1. KLOTS, A. B. 1951. A field guide to the butterflies of North America east of the Great Plains. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Mass. 349 pp. MOSS, A. M. 1919. The papilios of Para. Nov. Zool. 26: 296—319. MUNROE, E. 1960. The generic classification of the Papilionidae. Can. Entomol. Suppl. 17: 1-51. OPLER, P. A. & G. O. krizek. 1984. Butterflies east of the Great Plains. John Hopkins Press Ltd., London. 294 pp. PFEIFER, H. w. 1966. Revision of the North and Central American hexandrous species of Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden 53: 115-196. _ 1970. A taxonomic revision of the pentandrous species of Aristolochia. Univ. Conn. Pub. Series. 134 pp. RAUSHER, M. D. 1980. Host abundance, juvenile survival, and oviposition prefer¬ ence in Battus philenor. Evolution 34: 342—355. _ 1981. Host plant selection by Battus philenor butterflies: the role of predation, nutrition, and plant chemistry. Ecological Monographs 51(1): 1-20. ROTHSCHILD, W. & K. JORDAN. 1906. A revision of the American papilios. Nov. Zool. 13: 411-752. SCHALDACH, W. J. 1963. The avifauna of Colima and adjacent Jalisco, Mexico. Proc. Western Found. Vert. Zool. 1(1): 1-100. SCRIBER, J. M. & P. FEENY. 1976. New foodplant and oviposition records for Battus philenor (Papilionidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 30: 70—71. WEST, D. A. & W. N. HAZEL. 1979. Natural pupation sites of swallowtail butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae): Papilio polyxenes Fabr., P. glaucus L., and Battus philenor (L.). Ecological Entomol. 4: 387—392. YOUNG, A. M. 1971a. Mimetic associations in natural populations of tropical butterflies. I. Life history and structure of a tropical dry forest breeding population of Battus polydamas polydamas. Rev. Biol. Trop. 19: 210-240. _ 1971b. Mimetic associations of tropical papilionid butterflies (Lepidop¬ tera: Papilionidae). J. New York Entomol. Soc. 79: 210—224. _ 1972. Mimetic associations in populations of tropical butterflies. II. Mimetic interactions of Battus polydamas and£. helus. Biotropia 4: 17—27. Journal ofResearch on the Lepidoptera 26(l-4):27-31, 1988 The Mating Behavior of Papilio glaucus (Papilionidae) Robert A. Krebs* Department of Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 Abstract. Male and female Papilio glaucus were released in a large flight cage containing vegetation simulating a forest clearing. Obser¬ vations were made to study courtship behavior and the mating system of P. glaucus. Mechanisms of female choice through solicitation of males and rejection behavior during courtship are presented. Introduction The tiger swallowtail, Papilio glaucus L., has monomorphic non- mimetic males as well as two female forms: one male-like and the other a Batesian mimic of Battus philenor L. It has therefore been of interest in studies of assortative mating (Burns, 1966; Platt, Harrison and Williams, 1984) and sexual selection in mimetic species (Brower, 1963; Silberglied, 1984; Krebs, 1986). Despite this general interest, little information is available on its mating behavior. This note describes courtship and mate avoidance behaviors in P. glaucus and suggests mechanisms for female choice. Materials and Methods Adults were reared from eggs of field-caught females (Virginia) and females sent by Mark Scriber, University of Wisconsin (Wisconsin and Illinois), for experiments in 1984 and 1985. Although geographically variable, all butterflies used were P. glaucus glaucus. Larvae were reared on fresh black cherry leaves {Prunus serotina ) in the laboratory under a long photoperiod to prevent diapause which allowed rearing of three generations. The experimental population for 1985 was produced by randomly crossing field-caught, Wisconsin, and Illinois butterflies early in the experiment and rearing and crossing these offspring throughout the summer. Observations therefore began with pure strain individuals presented at random and continued with offspring of geographically mixed parentage. Observations made in the Spring of 1984 included only reared Blacksburg individuals. Observations were made in a flight cage (5 x 8 x 5 m) in Blacksburg, Virginia. The cage resembled a forest clearing with small trees, including Prunus serotina , inside. Vines lined the sides and larger trees surrounded the cage. Because an outdoor cage was used, weather conditions could not be controlled. All observations were made between noon and 4:30 PM on days ranging in temperature from 22 to 33°C. Temperatures outside this range, high winds and cloudy conditions decreased flight too much to allow for efficient testing. A single virgin female, 1 to 3 days old, was released to one male, 2 to 4 days old. Present address: Dept, of Zoology, Arizona State University, Tempe Az 85287 28 J. Res. Lepid. Observations were made until either several unsuccessful courtships or a mating occurred. The average observation time was one hour per pair. Results General A total of 196 courtships using 70 P. glaucus pairs (17 in 1984 and 53 in 1985) was observed. Of these, 34 (17%) led to matings. Because results were similar when either Virginia butterflies were presented to each other (1984) or the geographically mixed populations (1985) were used, structure of successful courtships versus unsuccessful ones for all presentations are grouped when discussed below. Successful courtships Typical courtships leading to copulation involved an exchange of behaviors in flight between males and females. These flights were initiated when responsive males encountered females, usually in air (27 of 34) or on vegetation (6 of 34). Within the cage, males usually initiated courtship. However, in nine courtships leading to copulation, females flew toward the male, soliciting courtship. One such flight was directed to a male on vegetation. Following initial interactions, females flew up and away from males which pursued 5-15 cm below and behind. Most of these courtship flights therefore occurred along the cage top at 5 m. In two observations butterflies released in the field ascended into and over tree tops and out of sight. Courtship flights were highly variable in length (x=16.5s±3.9s, n = 18, range 0-59 s). However, only 7 of 34 matings occurred after the first courtship. Total courtship flight time preceding copulation averaged 58 ± 12 s (n = 18). Successful males averaged 2.6 courtships (n = 34) before they were accepted by females. Pursuit flights continued until the females landed with wings either open (7 of 31) or closed (24 of 31). The male hovered above the female for a second or two before attempting to land beside her (23 of 34), but sometimes (11 of 34) immediately landed by the female. When a female landed with open wings, the male always hovered. Wing closing by a female was quickly followed by the male alighting beside the female. Three courtships leading to mating lacked usual courtship flights. In those, the males hovered over the females perched on vegetation, landed and were accepted. However, courtship flights had occurred previously in all three. A male, once beside the female, extended his abdomen to contact the female’s genitalia. After acceptance, he relaxed, dropped below the female and remained stationary in copula for 45 min to an hour. Most matings occurred along the cage top, with only a few as low as three 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 29 meters. No post copulatory flights were observed unless the pair was disturbed. In flight, females flew with males hanging below. Unsuccessful courtships Unsuccessful courtships were ended by either males or females. Of 162 unsuccessful courtships, designated as those interactions between males and females which lasted at least a second, 33 encounters in air never led to a pursuit flight. These interactions ended when males failed to respond to females (26 males, not included in the above total, never courted females presented to them). Of the other 129 courtship flights, 104 broke up while males were pursuing females. The remaining 25 ended after males interacted with perched females. Because these males were responding positively to females, failure to mate was probably due to behaviors on the part of females to evade or reject courting males. Unsuccessful courtships lasted longer than those that ended in copulation (x = 103 ± 15 s, n = 18, p<0.02). Number of courtships, however, did not differ, 2.72 ± .21 for unsuccessful males and 2.56 ± .26 for successful ones (p>0.3). Discussion Several aspects of P. glaucus mating behavior are very different from that of other species. Most notable is the high incidence of courtship solicitation by females. Solicitation flights were generally made directly to males in flight, although perching males were also solicited. Females flew across either from the side or above males within 15cm, turned, and flew up and away. If males failed to pursue, solicitation was often repeated. Solicitation flights have also been observed in Pieris protodice Bois- duval and LeConte (Rutowski, 1980), Heliconius erato L. (Crane, 1955), Danaus gilippus Cramer (Brower, Brower and Cranston, 1965) and Aphantopus hyperanthus L. (Wicklund, 1982). In P. glaucus , solicita¬ tions were observed for 53% of males that mated; 9 of 34 matings had been immediately preceded by solicitation. Thirty-seven percent of all first interactions between males and females were initiated by females. Also, of 26 males that were not responsive to females, 85% received solicitations. A second unusual feature of P. glaucus courtship is lack of antennal contact between males and females. Brower et al. (1965) described males of D. gilippus brushing antennae of females with specialized scent scales. Scent is important in courtship to many other butterfly species (Thornhill and Alcock, 1983). However, as P. glaucus males court from below and behind females, some wing contact occurs from below but none near the female’s head. Opportunity to pass scent did occur when females landed but only occasional wing contact was observed before the 30 J. Res. Lepid. male attempted to land and copulate. These behaviors suggest that visual cues are far more important than olfactory in mate choice in this species. With only 17% of all courtships with virgin females leading to matings, females are able to reject and avoid males. Longer courtship times of unsuccessful males suggested that females avoided landing until pursuing males were evaded. Two observed avoidance postures were closing and depressing the wings when a male flew near, and depressing the abdomen to the substrate to avoid genital contact when a male landed. Rejection behaviors during pursuit included “quick landing,” a sudden stop with wings closed and depressed, and “dropping,” a relaxed free fall into brush. Females also employed slow descending flights, which forced males to abandon courtship when females hovered less than 30 cm above the ground. Two less obvious behaviors were flying through thick brush, also observed in D. gilippus (Brower et al. 1965), and simply not flying, a behavior I observed when females were released with a high male density. Virgin females have been observed to reject males by like means in other species (Rutowski, 1982, 1984). Comparisons in this study suggested no differences between male responses to the two female forms, mimetic and male-like. While the experimental design did not provide for controlled comparisons of details within courtship flights, overall mating success and male courtship frequency were not different. One question in this study is its application to mating behavior in nature. Only two courtship flights, described earlier, were observed outside of the cage, although releases, albeit unsuccessful, were at¬ tempted. However, vegetation within the cage, and its size, provided more natural conditions than in most other cage studies. Brower (1963) says that P. glaucus males fly around courting any females located. No other description of a mating system exists for this species, and no territorial behavior is known. Multiple male releases in the cage elicited no male-male interaction. Attempts by several males to court the same female simultaneously were observed. None were successful. Only in mudpuddling aggregations are high densities of males found. Rutowski (1984) suggests that prolonged searching polygyny is the most likely mating system to be found in butterflies. Strong rapid flight, lack of male-male competition and dispersed abundant food and ovipo- sition sites suggests the existence of this system in P. glaucus. Acknowledgments. Thanks to Dave West for discussion and advice throughout my work, Ron Rutowski for reviewing an earlier draft of this manuscript and to Therese Markow for making me take the old data off the shelf. Two anonymous reviewers suggested several ways to improve clarity. This research was funded by small grants from Sigma Xi and the Virginia Academy of Science. 26(1-4): 1-288, 1988 31 Literature Cited BROWER, L. P., 1963. The evolution of sex-limited mimicry in butterflies. Inter. Congr. Zool. 16(4):173-179. BROWER, L. P., J. V. Z. BROWER & F. P. CRANSTON, 1965. Courtship behavior of the queen butterfly, Danaus gilippus berenice (Cramer). Zoologica 50:1-39. BURNS, J. M., 1966. Preferential mating versus mimicry: disruptive selection and sex-limited dimorphism in Papilio glaucus. Science 153:551-553. CRANE J., 1955. Imaginal behavior of a Trinidad butterfly, Heliconius erato hydara Hewitson, with special reference to the social use of color. Zoologica 40:167-196. KREBS, R. A., 1986. The effect of female mate preference on the evolution of Batesian mimicry. M. S. thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. PLATT, A. P„ J. HARRISON, & T. F. WILLIAMS, 1984. Absence of differential mate selection in the North American tiger swallowtail Papilio glaucus, pp. 245- 250. In R. I. Vane-Wright and P. R. Ackery (eds.), The Biology of Butterflies. Symp. R. Entomol. Soc. Lond. No. 11. RUTOWSKI, R. L., 1980. Courtship solicitation by females of the checkered white butterfly, Pieris protodice. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 7:113-117. RUTOWSKI, R. L., 1982. Mate choice and lepidopteran mating behavior. FI. Entomol. 65:72-82. RUTOWSKI, R. L., 1984. Sexual selection and the evolution of butterfly mating behavior. J. Res. Lepid. 23:125-142. SILBERGLIED, R. E., 1984. Visual communication and sexual selection among butterflies, pp. 207-223. In R. I. Vane-Wright and P. R. Ackery (eds.), The Biology of Butterflies. Symp. R. Entomol. Soc. Lond. No. 11. THORNHILL, R. & J. ALCOCK, 1983. The evolution of insect mating systems. Cambridge, Massachusets: Harvard University Press. WICKLUND, C., 1982. Behavioural shift from courtship solicitation to mate avoidance in female ringlet butterflies ( Aphantopus hyperanthus ) after copulation. Anim. Behav. 30:790-793. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 26(l-4):32-38, 1988 A New Heritable Color Aberration in the Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio glaucus (Papilionidae: Lepidoptera) J. Mark Scriber1 and Mark Evans Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 Abstract. A new wing color aberration in the Eastern tiger swallow¬ tail, Papilio glaucus L., has been discovered and is called “dark cell”. This dark scale suffusion into the dorsal forewings has a genetic basis and appears restricted to females. We describe the new aberration and our attempts to rear offspring of hand-pairings for elucidation of the genetic basis of the trait. Introduction A number of wing color aberrations in Papilio glaucus L. have recently been described by Clark and Clark (1951), Clarke and Clarke (1983) and Scriber et al. (1987). Here we report a new wing color aberration in Papilio glaucus L. which is apparently genetically based and sex-limited in expression. Following the first appearance of this aberration (which we call “dark cells”) in our 1982 laboratory cultures, we hand-paired (sibs) in an attempt to elucidate the genetic basis of the character. Methods Oviposition by adult females was induced by placing each wild- captured or hand-paired female into its own clear plastic box (approxi¬ mately 10 cm deep x 15 cm x 30 cm) with a moist paper towel and selected larval foodplant leaves. Leaf turgor was maintained in these plants by use of floral aquapics® (water-filled plastic vials with a rubber cap, through which leaf petioles or small branches can be inserted; see Scriber, 1977). Heat and light were provided by an incandescent bulb placed at a distance of approximately 0.3-0. 5 meter from the plastic boxes. Larvae were reared through to pupation on black cherry, Prunus serotina Ehrh., or another foodplant (leaves were changed three times per week) under controlled environment conditions (16:8 photo-/scoto- phase with corresponding temperatures of 23.5°/19.5°C, respectively). 1Current address: Dept. Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI48824 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 33 Pupae were weighed 2 days after pupation (the weight subsequently serving as an identification number for the individual) and then placed in cylindrical screen cages (15 cm diameter x 12 cm height) under larval rearing conditions to permit development and eclosion as adults. Non- diapausing individuals normally emerged within 2-3 weeks after pupa¬ tion. Other pupae were allowed at least 6 weeks before being refrigerated in darkness (at 40-45°F for 3 months or more) to break diapause. Hand- pairings were generally attempted 12-48 hrs after adult female eclosion and 2-3 days after male eclosion. Results We first observed our new color aberration in females of a 1982 lab- reared brood (#56). We term this aberration “dark cell” because of the abnormal suffusion of dark scales into the normally yellow cells of the forewings (Fig. 1). Brood #56 was the result of a yellow morph mother (a virgin P. g. glaucus, 3rd generation lab-reared, originally from stock collected in 1981 from Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania by William Houtz) which was mated to a male whose mother was also from this PA stock but whost father was a subspecies hybrid (from a P.g. canadensis female from Clarke Co., Wisconsin mated to a P. g. glaucus male from Pennsylvania). Crosses #290 and #296 (Table I) are both crosses from a “dark cell” daughter and one of her male siblings (all from brood # 56). It can be seen that this dark cells trait occurs only in the females. The four siblings shown here (Fig. 1) represent some of the variation in the “dark cell” trait. The origin of this character, and the genetic basis of its expression are difficult to decipher because of the complexity of the parental lineages, and the fact that no livestock currently exists from this lineage (brood #56, #290, or #296). Only two additional related females were hand- paired: one with a P. g. glaucus from Richland Co., Wisconsin (brood #299; see Table 1), and the other produced no eggs. While checking the results of our 1982-1986 hand-pairings, lab rearings, and field captures, we discovered a total of 5 additional “dark cell” phenotypes in our research collection (> 25,000 butterflies). Each of these individuals resulted from a subspecies pairing involving a P. g. canadensis male parent, and each also emerged in 1984 from hand- pairings done in 1982. The first was one of 13 female progeny (19 male progeny) from a dark male P. g. glaucus from Georgia meted to a P. g. canadensis from northern Wisconsin (pairing #39). A second was one of 4 female progeny (9 male progeny) of a lab-reared yellow P. g. glaucus female (from Pennsylvania parents) mated to a P. g. canadensis from Bayfield County, Wisconsin (pairing #116). The third and fourth were female siblings out of a total of 7 females (4 male sibs) from a yellow lab- reared P. g. glaucus female (from Pennsylvania parents) mated to a P. g. 34 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1. Adult phenotypes1 from laboratory crosses. Madison, Wiscon¬ sin (1982) Number of Female Mother number Pairing Larvae/ Number Offspring Background total of Male “Normal” “Dark (female x male) eggs Offspring yellow cell” Female #56 (#71 x #H15) 74/132 8 3 9 Female #290* (#56 x #56) 172/391 15 8 7 Female #296 (#56 x #56) 201/271 18 1 22 Female #299 (#56 x P. g .) 190/208 13 6 0 xThe “dark cell” aberration was first detected in offspring of female #56. Two fertile sibling-sibling pairings (290 and #296) both resulted in some “dark cell” phenotypes, differing from #299. One additional daughter from #56 was mated (female #537) but produced no eggs. No other pairings were made from the female #56 lineage. *One deformed pharate female was not able to be classified. canadensis from Juneau County, Wisconsin (pairing #144). The final “dark cell” phenotype was a female from a yellow lab-reared P. g. australis female from Florida, mated to a P. g. canadensis from Bayfield County, Wisconsin (pairing #115). Only one living pupa from these lineages currently exists. Discussion Sir Cyril Clarke and colleagues have been investigating the genetic basis of abnormal wing coloration in Papilio glaucus for decades (see Clarke and Clarke, 1983 for a review). They point out that color mosaics and gynandromorph P. glaucus can be striking, because of the contrast between the yellow background (of males and yellow morph females) against the black/brown melanic background of the dark morph females Fig. 1 . Four female siblings (of 22 "dark cell’’ produced in brood #296) exhibiting variations of our "dark cell’’ aberration: Left, dorsal; Right, ventral. This aberrant was originally detected in the parental brood (#56; see text and Table 1) A) pupal weight 0.8720 g; eclosed 29 Sept. 1982 B) pupal weight 1.1946 g; eclosed 29 Sept. 1982 C) pupal weight 1,6900 g; eclosed 23 Sept. 1982 D) pupal weight 1.2956 g; eclosed 20 Sept. 1982 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 35 36 J.Res.Lepid. These dark/yellow gynandromophs and color mosaics are quite rare, and considerable attention has been given to existing specimens. For example, the Herman Strecker collection (currently on loan from the Chicago Field Museum to the Allyn Museum in Florida) contains a number of such mosaics. This valuable collection, assembled during the second half of the 19th century, contains a number of P. g. glaucus mosaics previously discussed in the literature (Strecker, 1878; Ehrmann, 1894; Howard, 1899; Walsten, 1977; Ehle, 1981; Shapiro, 1981b Clarke and Clarke, 1983). The Milwaukee Public Museum (Milwaukee, Wis¬ consin) also contains (in the Neidhoefer collection) two partial color mosaics reared by E. Dluhy in Chicago, Illinois. Color mosaics also exist from Richmond County, NY (5 July 1971; A.M. Shapiro; currently in the University of California Davis Collection) and from Washington County, PA (9 May 1927; George F. Patterson Collection at Pennsylvania State University). Scriber and Evans (in press) describe an additional two dozen color mosaics from Papilio glaucus (see also Scriber et al, 1987); however, in the investigation of this entire group of color aberrations and in investigations of Papilio glaucus from (many) institutional and personal collections (see Scriber and Evans, 1986b), we have never encountered material similar to the “dark cell” aberration P. glaucus females described here (Fig. 1). We are aware of the superficial resemblance of “dark cell” to the melanic aberration “fletcheri” in males of P. g. canadensis , and we have reviewed the literature and figured this form from Wisconsin previously (Scriber and Lintereur, 1983). The “fletcheri” aberration has been noted several times from northern Wisconsin (Ebner, 1960; Scriber and Lintereur, 1983; and W. Gould, J. Trick, D. Robacker, D. Matusik pers. comm.) and it is possible (though we consider it remote) that there has been introgression from our handpairing with P. g. canadensis in the lineage leading to the male parent of brood #56. It should be noted however that the “fletcheri” aberration is generally believed to be restricted to the male, and apparently toP. g. canadensis. Furthermore, “fletcheri” exhibits significant suffusion of dark scales into both the hind wings and fore wings, with an orange smear encroaching ventrally as well as dorsally across the hindwings (see color figure in Scriber and Lintereur, 1983). Our “dark cell” aberration is essentially restricted to the forwings, and only their dorsal surface (Fig. 1). We do not necessarily mean to imply that the “dark cell” trait (restricted to females) can not be genetically related to the “fletcheri” aberration (apparently restricted to males). In fact, we know that sex- linked (female Y-chromosome) control of the dark morph color poly¬ morphism in P. glaucus females (Clarke and Sheppard, 1962) can be transmitted by males in what we consider to have been either a crossover event or a non-disjunction (Scriber and Evans, 1986). The role ofP. g. canadensis introgression in these events is unclear, but such 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 37 gene flow between the two subspecies can be disruptive in a number of ways to other morphological/color traits (Scriber, 1982; Luebke, 1986; Rockey et al, 1987; Scriber, 1987). Unfortunately we will be unable to conduct any further studies of this now extinct “dark cell” lineage. Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (DEB #79 21749, BSR #8306060), by the Graduate School and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (Hatch Project 5134) at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. In these studies and our discussions we are especially greateful to: Thomas Allen, William Bergman, Susan Borkin, Don Caine, Susan Heg, Sue Helgeson, William Houtz, Greg Lintereur, Dave Matusik, Jeanne Pomraning, Howard Romack, Donald Strasburg, Bill Warfield, and Allen Young. We are also especially thankful to Jacqueline Miller and Lee Miller for their assistance at the Allyn Museum in examining the Herman Strecker Collection mosaics and gynandromorphs. An anonymous reviewer made several helpful suggestions to an earlier manuscript. Literature Cited CLARK, A. H. & L. F. CLARK. ( 1951) The butterflies of Virginia. Smithsonian Institute Miscellaneous Collection, 116(7), 124-144. CLARKE, C. & F. M. M. CLARKE ( 1983) Abnormalities of wing pattern in the eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly Papilio glaucus. Systematic Entomology, 8, 25- 28. CLARKE, C. A. & P. M. SHEPPARD (1962) The genetics of the mimetic butterfly, Papilio glaucus. Ecology 43:159-161. EBNER, J. A. (1960) A striking melanic male of Papilio glaucus. J. Lepid. Soc. 14:157-158. EDWARDS, w. H. (1868) Notes on a remarkable variety ofP. turnus and descrip¬ tions of two species of diurnal Lepidoptera. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc., 2, 207. EDWARDS, w. h.(1884) Butterflies of North America. Vol. II. Philadelphia Houghton Mifflin Co. EHLE, C. (1981) Letter to the editor. News of the Lepidopterist’s Society (No. 5, Sept. /Oct.), p. 63. EHRMAN, G. A. (1893) A few remarkable variations in Lepidoptera. Canadian Entomologist, 26, 292-293. HOWARD, L. O. (1899) An abnormal tiger swallowtail. Insect Life, 7, 44-47. LUEBKE, H.J. (1986) Hybridization in th e Papilio glaucus group: A morphometric study using multivariate techniques. M. S. Thesis, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison. 102 pp. NIJHOUT, H. F. (1981) The color patterns of butterflies and moths. Scientific American. November: p. 140-151. ROCKEY, S. J., J. H. HAINZE, & J. M SCRIBER. (1987) A latitudinal and obligatory diapaus response in three subspecies of the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio glaucus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae): Amer. Midi. Naturalist (in press). SCRIBER. J. M. (1982) Foodplants and speciation in the Papilio glaucus group, pp. 307-314 In Proc. 5th Intern. Symp. Insect-Plant Relationships. Pudoc, Wageningen. 38 J.Res.Lepid. SCRIBER, J. M. (1987) Tale of tiger: Beringial Biogeography, bionomial classifica¬ tion, and breakfast choices in the Papilio glaucus complex of butterflies. IN: Chemical Mediation of Coevolution (K. C. Spencer, ed.) (submitted Dec. '85). (in press, AIBS). SCRIBER, J. M. & M. H. EVANS. (1986) An exceptional case of paternal transmission of the dark form female in the tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio glaucus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera (25: in press). SCRIBER, J. M. & G. L. LINTEREUR (1983) A melanic aberration of Papilio glaucus canadensis from northern Wisconsin. Journal of Research on the Lepi¬ doptera 21: 199-201. SCRIBER, J. M„ M. H. EVANS & D. RITLAND (1987) Hybridization as a causal mechanism of mixed color broods and unusual color morphs of female offspring in the eastern tiger swallowtail butterflies, Papilio glaucus. In (M. Huettel, ed.) Evolutionary Genetics of Invertebrate Behavior. Univ. of Florida (in press). SHAPIOR, A. M. (1976) Seasonal polyphenism. Evolut. Biol. 9:259-333. SHAPIRO, A. M. (1981b) Letter to the editor; Ripples. News of the Lepidopterists’ Society (Jan.-Feb., No. 1, p. 5). STRECKER, H. (1878) Butterflies and moths of North America. Owen Press, Reading, PA. 280 pp. WALSTEN, D. M. (1977) Letter to the editor; Ripples. News of the Lepidopterist’s Society (Sept.-Oct., no. 5, p. 6). VANE-WRIGHT, R. I. & P. R. ACKERY. 1984. The biology of butterflies. Academic Press, London. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 26(l-4):39-57, 1988 Bilateral gynandromorphs, sexual and/or color mosaics in the tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio glaucus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) J. Mark Scriber1 and Mark H. Evans Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 1Current address and reprint requests to: Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 Introduction Mosaic specimens of Lepidoptera may be of a sexual nature (gynan¬ dromorphs or intersexes) or homeotic (involving an inappropriate location for a particular feature or pattern; see reviews by Sibatani, 1980, 1983a, b). Intersexuality typically arises from development errors late in development, and involves an individual which possesses a mosaic of traits, some of which are female, and some of which are male (see McCafferty and Bloodgood, 1986). Gynandromorphs generally develop a sex abnormality much earlier in development; when this occurs at the formation of one of the first two blastomeres, it is possible for individuals to become bilaterally differentiated with one half male and the other half female (Clarke and Ford, 1980; Ayala and Kiger, 1984). The relationship between intersexual mosaics and gynandro¬ morphs is not entirely clear, partly because of the infrequent occurrence of both (Ford, 1955). The combined use of laboratory crosses of species or subspecies, and the recent development of a technique to monitor the heteropyknotic ‘Smith’ (S) body in the nucleus of somatic cells (derived from the Y-chromosome of female Lepidoptera) should contribute to our understanding of the development of these abnormalities (see Cross and Gill, 1979; Clarke and Ford, 1980, 1983; Bull, 1983). From the Papilionidae (see Table 1) gynandromorphs have been reported from Papilio polyxenes asterias Stoll (Edwards, 1984; Blau, 1978; and Wm. Bergman, pers. comm.); Ornithoptera victoriae Gray, and O. priamus L., (Schmid, 1973), O. croesus Wallace (Parrott and Schmid 1984), O. poseidon (D’Abrera 1976); Parnassius autocrator (Sbordoni and Forestiero, 1984); Papilio androgeus (Sbordoni and Forestiero, 1984) and Papilio glaucus L. (Skinner, 1919; Cockayne, 1935; and Clarke and Clarke, 1983). In addition to these published records of gynandromorphs and a large number of additional records reviewed by Cockayne (1935), several hundred sexually mosaic and bilateral gynandromorphic specimens exist in the Lepidoptera collec¬ tion of James R. Neidhoefer (housed at the Milwaukee Public Museum). 40 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1. Gynandromorphs (Lepidoptera) reported in the literature. Family Genus species References Saturniidae A utomeris io F abricius Eacles imperialis Drury Callosamia promethea (Drury) Cassino and Reiff, 1917, Hessel, 1964; Muller, 1966; Manley, 1977 Pyralidae Hedylepta accepta (Butter) Riotte, 1978 Geometridae Phaeoura mexicanaria (Grote) Antepione thisoaria (Guenee) Blanchard, 1969; Durden, 1984 Lymantriidae Lymantria dispar (L.) Muller, 1976 Nymphalidae Limenitis weidemeyerii latisfacia L. L. arthemis-lorquini (Boisduval) L. arthemis-astyanax (Fabricius) Speyeria atlantis dodgei (Gunder) Grey, 1959; Perkins and Perkins, 1972; Platt, 1983; H. Romack pers. comm., 1984 Pieridae Conepteryx rhamni L. G. cleopatra. L. Pieris brassicae L. P. protodice Bdv. & LeC P. rapae L. Colias Christina Edwards C. eurytheme Bdv. C. philodice Godart Pontia daplidice (L.) T atochila steradice Stgr . Emmel, 1964; Hovanitz, 1965; Nekrutenko, 1965; Shapiro, 1970; Gardner, 1972; Sbordoni and Forestiero, 1984; Shapiro, 1978, 1981, and 1985. Hesperiidae Polistes mystic (Scudder) P. origines (Fabr.) Erynnis horatius Scudder & Burgess Hesperia Columbia (Scudder) Nielsen, 1977; Israel andCilek, 1982; Scott, 1986 Lycaenidae Strymon bazochii Godart Lycaena gorgon (Boisduval) Agriades rustica rustica (Edwards) Mitoura gryneus (Hubner) Celastrina ebenina Clench Cyaniris semiargus (Rott.) C. argiolus (L.) Opler, 1966; Riotte, 1978; Rahn, 1982; Sbordoni and Forestiero, 1984; Shuey, 1984; Shuey and Peacock, 1985 Papilionidae Papilio polyxenes asterias Stoll P. glaucus L. P. androgeus Cramer Ornithoptera victoriae 0. croesus Wallace 0. poseidon Doubleday O.priamus L. Parnassius autocrator Avinoff Skinner, 1919; Schmid, 1973; Cockayne, 1935; Blau, 1978; W. Bergman, pers. comm. 1983; Clarke and Clarke, 1983; Sbordni and Forestiero, 1984; Parrott and Schmid, 1984; D’Abrera, 1976 Table 2. Progeny ( 1982 reared) of pairing #9 ( P . g. glaucus yellow morph female x P. g. canadensis male; see text for further details). Eclosion Bilateral Males Females Dead Pupae year Gynandromorph eclosed pharate1 eclosed pharate1 pupae still alive 1982 0 7 0 0 0 4 0 1983 1 2* 4 6 1 8 0 1984 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 (Total) (1) (9) (4) (12) (1) (12) (0) *One of these males had assymetrical external valuae. pharate = adults dying inside the pupal case with wings formed. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 41 Table 3. Progeny (1983 reared) of pairing #628 ( P . g. glaucus dark morph female x P. g. canadensis male; see text for further details). Eclosion Bilateral Males Females Dead Pupae year Gynandromorph eclosed pharate1 eclosed pharate1 pupae still alive 1983 0 13 0 0 0 9 - 1984 1 25 0 4 0 10 - 1985 0 0 0 13* 0 3 - (Totals) (1) (38) (0) (17) (0) (22) (20) *One of these females is a “yellow intermediate” and one is a “dark intermediate”, between the two typical color morphs while all other females are typical yellow morphs (see also Scriber et al, 1987). The bilateral gynandromorphs in this collection alone include 49 Pieridae, 70 Nymphalidae, 6 Hesperidae, 20 Lycaenidae, 1 Danaidae, and 11 Papilionidae (S. Borkin and A. Young, pers. comm.). It has been suggested that either viral diseases (Gardiner, 1972; Blau, 1978; Sevastopulo, 1973) or parasitism, and/or abnormal temperatures could be responsible for inducing such abnormalities (Riotte, 1978). It has also been observed that bilateral gynandromorphs and mosaics can occur in multiples from the same brood (Cockayne, 1935; Ford, 1955; Sevastopulo, 1973) and that a variety of laboratory hybrid crosses have yielded intersexual or gynandromorphic individuals (Standfuss, 1900; Whicher, 1915; Cockayne, 1935; Clarke and Sheppard, 1953, 1960; Clarke et al., 1977; Clarke and Ford, 1980; Platt, 1983). Sir Cyril Clarke and colleagues have been investigating the genetic basis of abnormal wing coloration in Papilio glaucus for decades (see Clarke and Clarke, 1983 for a review), and they point out that color mosaics and gynandromorphs are sometimes strikingly visible in P. glaucus because of the marked differences between the yellow back¬ ground of males and yellow morph females and the black/brown background of dark morph females. The Herman Strecker collection (currently on loan from the Chicago Field Museum to the Allyn Museum in Florida) contains a number of such mosaics. This valuable collection, which was assembled during the second half of the 19th century, contains a number of P. glaucus mosaics previously described and/or reported upon the literature (e.g. Strecker, 1878; Ehrmann, 1894; Walsten, 1977; Ehle, 1981; Shapiro, 1981b). Edwards (1884) also figures an individual with V2 black and V2 yellow which he describes as a female (Edwards, 1868). Clarke and Clarke (1983) figure similar specimens (essentially half yellow/half dark) from the Strecker collection, one of which is a color mosaic female (from Indiana) and the other an apparent gynandromorph from Pennsylvania. Partial color (sex?) mosaics in Papilio glaucus are also rare, but have been collected in Pennsylvania and previously described by Strecker (1878), and figured by Walsten (1977), Ehle (1981), and Clarke and Clarke (1983). In addition to the partial color mosaics we report here (see also Scriber et al, 1987a), additional cases for Papilio glaucus are 42 J. Res. Lepid. known to exist (e.g. personal collections of James Sternberg and David Ritland). The Milwaukee Public Museum contains two partial mosaics of Papilio glaucus reared by E. Dluhy in Chicago, Illinois. It is intri¬ guing that the few cases of female coloration patterns unlike their mother’s which Clarke and Sheppard (1962; see also Clarke et al., 1976) encountered in their studies were all tracable to a group of pupae obtained from E. Dluhy (from Chicago, Illinois). It was suggested (Scriber et al, 1987a) that similar chromosomally abnormal stock might be involved in both the color mosaics and the abnormal segregation of dark and/or yellow female forms of Papilio glaucus. We now feel that an explanation for this abnormality may involve introgression between P. g. canadensis and P. g. glaucus subspecies near the “blend zone” in Wisconsin (Scriber 1982, 1983) and across the Great Lakes region (Scriber et al., 1987b). In this paper we shall report aspects of our laboratory studies with members of the North American tiger swal¬ lowtail, Papilio glaucus L., group. Methods In the past 6 years we have reared through to the adult stage or collected in the field (from southern Florida to northern Canada) over 28,000 specimens of the Papilio glaucus species complex. Field captured specimens have included all three P. glaucus subspecies as well as P. eurymedon, P. rutulus, P. multicau- datus, and P. alexiares garcia. Lab reared specimens have included pure stock of all of these species and subspecies as well as geographic site crosses within subspecies, subspecies-level and species-level crosses. Oviposition by adult females is induced by placing each wild-captured or hand-paired female into its own clear plastic box (approximately 10 cm deep x 15 cm x 30 cm) with a moist paper towel and selected larval foodplant leaves. Leaf turgor was maintained in these plants by use of floral aquapics® (water- filled plastic vials with a rubber cap, through which leaf petioles or small branches can be inserted; see Scriber, 1977). Heat and light were provided by incandescent bulbs placed at a distance of approximately 0.3-0. 5 meter from the plastic boxes. Larvae were reared to pupation on one of various foodplants, (leaves were changed three times per week) under controlled environment conditions (16:8 photo-scoto-phase with corresponding temperatures of 23°/19°C, respectively). Pupae were weighed 2 days after pupation (the weight subsequently serving an identification number for the individual) and then placed in individual cylin drical screen cages (15 cm diameter x 12 cm height) under larval rearing conditions or similar laboratory conditions (21-24°C) to permit development and eclosion as adults. Direct developing individuals normally emerged within 2-3 weeks after pupation. Other pupae were given at least 6 weeks before being refrigerated in darkness (at 40-45°F for 3 months or more) to break diapause. Hand-pairings were generally attempted 12-48 hrs after adult female eclosion and 2-3 days after male eclosion. Since dark female color suppression and obligate diapause are linked on the X-chromosome (R. Hagen and J.M. Scriber, manuscript), we observe one year delayed emergence of F, females from both yellow (Table 1) and dark (Table 2) females when maled with P.g. conadensis males. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 43 Table 4. Gynandromorphs, mosaics, and their siblings (1981-1986). a,m Siblings in the Brood Brood # Rearing Year Gynand. Mosaics Fig. # Males Yel Dk Pupae (as of 7 Nov. 86) Dead Pupae 9 82 1 1 13b 13 0 0 12 628 83 1 2 38 17c 0 20d 22 631 83 1 10 6 6 0 2 3 1091 84 1 4 2 0 1 0 0 2025 84 1 9 1 2 0 0 0 2830 85 1 7 40 0 0 22 3 3622e 86 1 6 8 0 18 9 0 3935 86 1 8 6 0 11 13 0 4196e 86 1 5 26 1 10 20 0 4210 86 1 3 31 2 27 4 3 JMS 81 1 11 5 0 12" 0 0 658 83 1 14 7 0 10 1 0 688 83 14 20 22f 0 24g 34h 6 717 83 1 29 30 0 34 0 1 1064 84 1 12 9 0 11 0 1 1128 84 1 15 16 0 24‘ 0 1 1348 84 1 28 22 18s 0 2 0 1351 84 1 27 52 37j,k 1 24 7 1534 84 1 26 0 0 0 0 0 1905 84 1 X 23 0 31 3 7 1914 84 1 23 42 0 41 14 2 1999 84 1 13 9 0 6 0 1 2030 84 1 X 7 0 2 0 0 3122 85 1 X 1 0 0 0 0 3604 86 1 24 11 0 15 18 0 3770 86 1 25 34 0 31 28 0 3800 86 1 17 29 0 28 19 1 3973 86 1 16 19 0 15 6 0 4230 86 1 30 8 2 8 1 0 Subtotals: Total Reared to pupae = 1282 10 32 512 98 320 240 70 “Pharate adults are included with “emerged adults”. bOne male has asymmetrical valvae. cOne female is a “yellow intermediate” and one is a “dark intermediate”. dTwo of these pupae are unaccounted for as of 1984. eAn additional emerged adult has no sex recorded on printout. fOne male has very reduced claspers and one male has extra dark scaling. H’wo females are slight intermediates and one female has extra yellow and unusually high density blue. hApproximately 6 weeks after pupation, these were refrigerated to break diapause and not brought out of the refrigerator the first time until 14 mos. later. Although they still appear viable, it is uncertain if they will eclose in the future. ‘One female is a dark intermediate. JSome of these may be “yellow intermediates” but did not get recorded as such. They are not all pinned now and colors cannot be easily verified. kFour females are “yellow intermediates” (i.e., more yellow than dark). 'Two females are “dark intermediates” (i.e., more dark than yellow). mWild collected mosaics (see Table 3) are excluded from this table as they have no sibling data. "Two females were “dark intermediates”. 44 J. Res. Lepid. Table 5. Phenotype, geographic origin, and brood number of gynan- dromorphs. Gynandromorphs Brood # b Phenotypes &/or geographic origins3 Perfect Bilateral < 50% one sex generating aberrant Georgia 1 2025 Ohio 3 631 3622 3935 Texas 1 1091 Pa Yel x Pgc (Juneau) 1 9 S. Car Dk x Pgc (Marinette) 1 628 Ill. Dk x Fi (GaDk x Pgc) 1 4196 W. Va. Dk x P. rutulus 1 2830 Ohio Dk x P. alexiares 1 4210 Totals 3 7 aWhen phenotype or geographic site crosses are listed, the female background is listed first. bFor information on siblings of aberrants, look up brood numbers on table #1. Results Of the 28,000 reared adults we have observed 10 gynandromorphs and 32 color mosaics (Tables 4 and 5). Of the obvious gynandromorphs four of the five perfect or near perfect bilateral gynandromorphs (Figs. 1-5) were progeny of subspecies of species crosses. The fifth could also be considered a subspecies cross if the Texas population is P. g. australis (Scriber, 1986). Of the remaining five gynandromorphs (Figs. 6-10) only one (Fig. 7) involves two different taxa. Of approximately 8,500 field collected specimens during 1981-1986, we have never collected an obvious gynandromorph. Of the 32 color mosaics listed in Table 4, all but 6 are of either pure P. glaucus glaucus or P. g. australis (Table 6). These mosaics are dark morph females with varying amounts of yellow dorsally and/or ven- trally on their wings or body. Of the 37 total P. glaucus mosaics, one was a field collected P. g. australis from Highland Co., Florida (Fig. 22) and two were field collected P. g. glaucus from Dane Co., Wisconsin (Figs. 18 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 45 Table 6. Phenotype, geographic origin, and brood number of color mosaics. Gynandromorphs Dk w / Yel w/ Brood # b Phenotypes &/or exceptional exceptional generating geographic origins3 color yellow color black aberrant Georgia 3 1064 2030 3122 Illinois 2 1905 1999 Ohio 4 658 1128 3800 3973 Texas 2 1039 (wild) 3270 (wild) Wisconsin 17c JMS 688 729 (wild) 736 (wild) Georgia x Ohio 1 3604 (Ga. x Wis.) x Ill. 1 1914 P. glaucus australis 1 no # (wild) Ga. Dk x Pgc (Green Lake) 1 1348 Ga. DK x Pgc (Tompkins) le 3770 Tx Dk x Pgc (Juneau) 1 1534 Tx Dk x Pgc (Wood) 1 1351 Bx (Fx (GaDk x Pgc) x Wis.) x Pga 1 717 Ill Dk x P. alexiares 1 4230 Totals 34f 3 aWhen phenotype or geographic site crosses are listed, the female background is listed first. bFor information on siblings of aberrants, look up brood numbers on table #1. cOf these 17 mosaics, 14 were siblings in brood #688. dCounties of specimen origin are shown in parentheses and all are Wisconsin except Tompkins which is New York. ‘This is actually an intermediately colored specimen but the exceptional color is yellow. fOf the 34 dominantly dark color mosaics listed, 27 are shown in the following illustrations. (All other aberrants in this table are illustrated). 46 J. Res. Lepid. W\Y fr 4% Igl > W JNL & i , Wl / J} v 1 JkI'I 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 47 48 J. Res. Lepid. Fig. 1. A bilateral gynandromorph (from brood #9, pupal wt. 1.0605, ex ova, reared in 1982, eclosed on 21 May 1983) from a lab cross of a yellow morph P. g. glaucus female (2nd generation lab-reared from wild stock collected by W. Houtz in Schuylkill Co., Pennsylvania) mated to a wild collected male P. g. canadensis from Juneau Co. Wisconsin. A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 2. A bilateral gynandromorph (from brood #628, pupal wt. 0.9310, ex. ova, reared in 1983, eclosed on 30 May 1984) from a lab cross of a dark morph P. g. glaucus female (reared from eggs obtained from a wild dark morph female collected by R. Peigler in Pickens Co., South Carolina) mated to wild collected male P. g. canadensis from Marinette Co., Wisconsin (collected 1-5 July 1983 by Don Caine). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 3. A bilateral gynandromorph (from brood #4210, pupal wt. 1 .1099, ex. ova reared in 1986, eclosed on 26 Sept. 1986) from a lab cross of a dark morph P. g. glaucus female (2nd generation lab reared from wild stock collected by J. Thorne and MHE in July 1985 in Adams Co., Ohio) mated to a wild collected male P. alexiares garcia from Nuevo Leon, Mexico (collected 2, 3 Aug. 1 986 by W. Warfield, D. Robacker and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 4. A nearly perfect bilateral gynandromorph, or sexual mosaic, (from brood #1091 , pupal wt. 1 .1493, ex. ova, reared in 1 984, eclosed on 27 June 1 984) from a wild collected dark morph P. g. glaucus female from Jasper Co., Texas (collected on 9 April 1984 by JMS and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 5. A gynandromorph, or sexual mosaic, which appears to be more than 50% female (from brood #4196, pupal wt. 1.2779, ex. ova, reared in 1986, eclosed on 29 Sept. 1 986) from a lab cross of a dark morph P. g. glaucus female (reared from eggs obtained from a wild dark morph female collected by M. Berenbaum in Champaign Co., Illinois in June 1986) mated to a subspecies hybrid male (whose mother was the daughter of a dark morph P. g. glaucus female collected in Georgia in Aug. 1985 by J. Maudsley and whose father was a P. g. canadensis collected in Lincoln Co., Wisconsin on 3 June 1 986 by D. Ware, V. Viegut and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 6. A gynandromorph, or sexual mosaic, which appears to be more than 60% female (from brood #3622, pupal wt. 1.2866, ex. ova, reared in 1986, eclosed on 12 Aug. 1986) from a pure P. g. glaucus lineage (in which the mother was the daughter of a dark mQrph female collected in May 1986 in Hocking Co., Ohio by S. Stribling and the father was the son of a dark morph female collected in July 1 985 in Adams Co., Ohio by J. Thorne and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 7. A gynandromorph, or sexual mosaic, which appears to be more than 60% male (from brood #2830, pupal wt. 1.1341, ex. ova, reared in 1985, eclosed on 1 June 1 986) from a dark morph P. g. glaucus female (reared from eggs obtained from a dark morph female wild collected in Clay Co., W. Virginia on 12 July 1984 by W. Warfield and MHE) mated to a wild collected P. rutulus male (reared from eggs obtained from a wild female collected by R. Dowell in Sacramento Co., CA). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 8. A gynandromorph, or sexual mosaic, which appears to be more than 75% female but with male claspers (from brood #3935, pupal wt. 1 .5321 , ex. ova, reared in 1986, eclosed 14 Sept. 1986) from a wild collected dark morph P. g. glaucus female (collected in Scioto Co., Ohio on 4 July 1986 by J. Thorne and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 9. A gynandromorph which appears to be more than 80% male (from brood #2025, pupal wt. 1 .1541 , ex. ova, reared in 1 984, eclosed on 1 2 May 1 985) from a yellow morph P. g. glaucus female wild collected in Clarke Co., Georgia (collected on 29 Aug. 1984 by J. Maudsley). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 1 0. A gynandromorph which appears to be more than 90% male (from brood #631, pupal wt. 0.9980, ex. ova, reared in 1983, eclosed on 25 Oct. 1984, was paired to 2054 but produced no progeny) from a yellow morph P. g. glaucus female wild collected in Adams Co., Ohio (collected on 9 July 1983 by W. Warfield and 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 49 MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 11. A female color mosaic (ex. ova, reared in 1 981 by D. Ritland and J. M. S., eclosed Aug. 1981) from a normal appearing dark morph P. g. glaucus female (collected in Dane Co., Wisconsin in June 1981 by P. Kingsley and D. Ritland). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 12. A female color mosaic (from brood#1064, pupal wt. 1.2526, ex. ova, reared in 1 984, eclosed on 9 July 1 984) from a wild dark morph P. g. glaucus female (collected in Oglethorpe Co., Georgia on 1 4 Apr. 1 984 by J. Maudsley). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 13. A female color mosaic (from brood #1999, pupal wt. 1.2960, ex. ova, reared in 1984, eclosed on 10 May 1985) from a wild dark morph P. g. glaucus female (collected in Rock Island Co., Illinois on 25 Aug. 1984 by W. Warfield). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 1 4. A female color mosaic (from brood #658, pupal wt. 0.9439, ex. ova, reared in 1983, eclosed 2 June 1984) from a wild dark morph P. g. glaucus female (collected in Adams Co., Ohio on 9 July 1983 by W. Warfield and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 15. A female color mosaic (from brood #1128, pupal wt. 1.5200, ex. ova, reared in 1 984, eclosed 1 2 July 1 984) from lab paired parents which were propgeny of two wild dark morph P. g. glaucus females (both collected in Adams Co. , Ohio and 9 July 1983 by W. Warfield and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 16. A female color mosaic (from brood #3973, pupal wt. 1.1323, ex. ova, reared in 1986, eclosed 18 Sept., 1986) from a wild dark morph P. g. glaucus female (collected in Adams Co., Ohio on 5 July 1986 by J. Thorne and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 17. A female color mosaic (from brood #3800, pupal wt. 1.4466, ex. ova, reared in 1986, eclosed 7 Oct. 1986) from a wild dark morph P. g. glaucus female (collected in Adams Co., Ohio on 6 July 1986 by J. Thorne, and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 18. A wild collected P. g. glaucus female color mosaic (assigned #729 and set up for oviposition but died laying only one infertile egg: collected in Dane Co., Wisconsin on 7 Aug. 1983 by MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 19. A wild collected P. g. glaucus female color mosaic (assigned #736 and set up for oviposition but died laying no eggs: collected in Dane Co., Wisconsin on 7 Aug. 1983 by W. Warfield). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 20. Fourteen female siblings with various color mosaic patterns were generated from one brood (#688, ex. ova, reared in 1 983) from a normal appearing wild dark morph P. g. glaucus female (collected in Dane Co., Wisconsin on 1 Aug. 1983 by W. Warfield). Nine of those female siblings are shown here. A) dorsal, B) ventral. eclosed 25 Oct. " 29 May " 30 May " 25 Oct. " 25 Oct. 1 June " 25 Oct. " 25 Oct. " 31 May Pupal wt. 1.2253 " wt. 0.9834 " wt. 1.1072 " wt. " wt. " wt. " wt. " wt. 1 .2296 1.1742 1 .3444 1 .2375 1 .2555 wt. 0.9885 1984 A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) Fig. 21 . A wild collected P. g. glaucus female color mosaic (assigned #1039 and set up for oviposition: she laid 5 eggs which produced 2 larvae. One reached the adult stage as a normal appearing male which was not mated.) wild collected (in Jasper Co., Texas in April 1984 by JMS and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 22. A wild collected P. g. australis female color mosaic (collected in Highlands Co., Florida in Apr. 1981 by B. Giebink, JMS and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 23. A female color mosaic (from brood #1914, pupal wt. 0.9309, ex. ova, 50 J. Res. Lepid. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 51 reared in 1 984, eclosed 28 Oct. 1 984) from a dark morph. P. g. glaucus female (the daughter of a lab pairing of a dark morph P. g. glaucus female reared from stock collected in Oglethorpe Co., Georgia in April 1 984 by J. Maudsley, mated to a wild P. g. glaucus male collected in Richland Co., Wisconsin on 7 June 1984 by S. Sippl, and JMS) lab mated to a wild P. g. glaucus male (collected in Rock Island Co., Illinois on 11 Aug. 1984 by W. Warfield). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 24. A female color mosaic (from brood #3604, pupal wt. 1.4616, ex. ova, reared in 1986, eclosed 4 Aug. 1986) from a dark morph P. g. glaucus female (the daughter of a wild dark morph P. g. glaucus female, #31 45 collected in Habersham Co., Georgia in Aug. 1985 by J. Maudsley) lab mated to a P. g. glaucus male (the son of a wild dark morph P. g. glaucus female, #2868, collected in Adams Co., Ohio on 9 July 1985 by J. Thorne and MHE). Fig. 25. A female color mosaic (from brood #3770, pupal wt. 1 .7029, ex. ova, reared in 1 986, eclosed 25 Aug. 1 986) from a dark morph P. g. glaucus female (the daughter of a wild dark morph P. g. glaucus female, #31 04, collected in Athens Co., Georgia in Aug. 1985 by A) lab mated to a wild P. g. canadensis male (collected in Tompkins Co., N.Y. by R. Lederhouse on 17 June 1986). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 26. A female color mosaic (from brood #1534, pupal wt. 13389, ex. ova, reared in 1984, eclosed 3 Aug. 1985) from a dark morph P. g. glaucus female (the daughter of a wild dark morph P. g. glaucus female, #1038, collected in Jasper Co., Texas on 9 April 1 984 by JMS and MHE) lab mated to a wild P. g. canadensis male (collected in Juneau Co., Wisconsin on 1 8 June 1 984 by W. Warfield). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 27. A female color mosaic (from brood #1351, pupal wt. 1.2429, ex. ova, reared in 1 984, eclosed 1 4 May 1 985) from a dark morph P. g. glaucus female (the daughter of a wild dark morph P. g. glaucus female, #1025, collected in Newton Co., Texas in April 1984 by JMS and MHE) lab mated to a wild P. g. canadensis male (collected in Wood Co., Wisconsin on 12 June 1984 by C. Plazk, Y. Allen, K. Hale, and W. Warfield). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 28. A femal color mosaic (from brood if 1348, pupal wt. 1.1453, ex. ova, reared in 1984, eclosed 1 July 1986) from a dark morph P. g. glaucus female (the daughter of a wild dark morph P. g. glaucus female with yellow discal cells, #1231 , collected in Oglethorpe Co., Georgia in May 1984 by J. Maudsley) lab mated to a wild P. g. canadensis male (collected in Green Lake Co., Wisconsin on 12 June 1984 by J. Thorne, S. Sippl, and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 29. A female color mosaic (from brood #71 7, pupal wt. 1 .3006, ex. ova, reared in 1983, eclosed 26 Sept. 1983) from a ‘‘peppered ’’-colored yellow female (from brood #558; a dark morph female GA Pgg x Pgc, backcrossed to a Pgg from Wise.) mated to a wild P. g. australis male (collected in Highlands Co., Florida on 3 Aug. 1983 by JMS). A) dorsal, B) ventral. Fig. 30. A female color mosaic (from brood #4230, pupal wt. 1 .0948, ex. ova, reared in 1986, eclosed 4 Oct. 1986) from a dark morph P. g. glaucus female (the daughter of a dark morph P. g. glaucus female, #3540, wild collected in Champaign Co., Illinois in June 1986 by M. Berenbaum) lab mated to a wild P. alexiares male (collected in Nuevo Leon, Mexico 2-3 Aug. 1986 by W. Warfield, D. Robacker, and MHE). A) dorsal, B) ventral. 52 J. Res. Lepid. and 19). Fourteen other P. g. glaucus mosaics are all siblings from one wild collected female from Dane Co., Wisconsin (e.g., Fig. 20). Two field captured females from Texas were mosaics (Table 6; Fig. 21). Of the six lab-reared mosaics that were not of “pure” subspecies lineage four are progeny of subspecies crosses between P. g. glaucus females and P. g. canadensis males (Table 6). Three of these are yellow females with the exceptional and asymmetrical color being black (Figs. 26-28) while the fourth is an intermediately colored female with the exceptional color being yellow (Fig. 25). The fifth non-pure P. g. glaucus mosaic is the product of a lab pairing involving all three P. glaucus subspecies as ancestors. The mosaic is 50% P. g. australis , 12.5% P. g. canadensis , and 37.5% P. g. glaucus (Fig. 29). A sixth mosaic arose from a P. g. glaucus paired with a male P. alexiares garcia (Fig. 30). Discussion The reported frequency of color mosaics or gynandromorphs is quite low. We have reared more than 28,000 individuals of the Papilio glaucus complex (1981-1986) and have observed only 37 color mosaics and only 5 perfect or nearly perfect bilateral gynandromorphs. While from previous literature records it would seem that the “blend zone” (i.e. the zone of potential/probable hybridization) across the Great Lakes and Appala¬ chian Mountain region has accounted for most previously reported aberrant types of P. glaucus (Edwards, 1868, 1884; Skinner and Aaron, 1888; Ehrman, 1893; Howard, 1899; Clark and Clark, 1951; Ehle, 1981; Scriber et al, 1985; H. Romack, pers. comm.), we have in this 5-year period observed mosaics in stock from Georgia, Texas, Illinois and Ohio as well as Wisconsin. In addition to our Dane County field-captured mosaics (near the zone of suspected hybridization), color mosaics exist from Richmond County, NY (5 July 1971; A.M. Shapiro; currently in the Univeristy of California-Davis Collection) and Washington County, PA (9 May 1927; George F. Patterson Collection at Pennsylvania State University), both also near the proposed blend zone (see Ritland and Scriber, 1985; Scriber and Hainze, 1987). Since in our studies, 4 of 5 perfect or nearly perfect bilateral gynan¬ dromorphs are progeny of subspecies or species crosses in the P. glaucus species complex, and since 32 of 37 mosaics are progency of “pure” (i.e. single subspecies) lines, it could be argued that factors inducing the expression of gynandromorphic traits are likely to be different than factors inducing the expression of mosaic traits. In fact, for the occurence of mosaics the observed distribution between inter-taxa versus intra- taxa crosses does not differ from the expected (n = 5105, Chi square, p = 0.25), whereas for the near perfect bilateral gynandromorphs signifi¬ cantly more resulted from the inter-taxa crosses (n = 11, 112, Fisher Exact test, p < 0.038). The mechanism(s) by which hybridization may catalyze these events leading to color/sexual abnormalities is uncertain at this time. Clarke 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 53 and Clarke (1983; see also Scott, 1986) suggest that in P. glaucus maleness is dependent upon the presence of two X chromosomes and femaleness is dependent upon a single X chromosome (the Y chromo¬ some assumed to be relatively inert, except of course that it carries the locus for dark morph color; Clarke and Sheppard, 1962; Clarke et al., 1976) . If this is true (cf. Tazima, 1964; where femaleness in silk moths may be related to the Y chromosome), then the P. glaucus sexual mosaics in the Strecker collection may represent the results of either non-disjunction or double fertilization (Clarke and Clarke, 1983). Three specimens are figured by Clarke and Clarke: 1) The female half black/half yellow may be the result of non-disjunction, i.e. XY/XO with the gene for melanism on the Y and the XO half being yellow; 2) the gynandromorph which is approximately half black (female) and half yellow (male) may be the result of a double fertilization (i.e. XX/XY); and 3) a sexual mosaic specimen (a partial mosaic described by Howard, 1899) could be the result of XX/XY (non-disjunction) or XY/XO (double fertilization). While Clarke and Clarke were not aware of the potential hybridization ofP. g. glaucus withP. g. canadensis , we now suggest with our laboratory results that hybrid individuals in the “blend zone” may indeed be naturally predisposed to non-disjunction or chromosome loss as appears to be the case with other Papilio hybrids (see Clarke et al., 1977) . In fact, we also have evidence suggesting the loss of a segment of the Y-chromosome controlling the melanic (dark) background color¬ ation in brood number 674 reared in 1983 (with transfer of this chromosome fragment independently, via a crossover or via a non¬ disjunction) with the melanic locus to at least one of the male sibs!). This aberrant male, when mated to a virgin P. g. canadensis from northern Wisconsin and to a yellow morph P. g. glaucus female from a yellow morph lineage from Ohio, produced daughter progeny which were both typical dark morph and typical yellow morph (Scriber et al., 1987). Never before has any male P. glaucus been known to transmit the trait for female melanism (see Scriber and Evans, 1986). The ability to distinguish between color mosaics and sexual mosaics is not easy, even with the distinctive pattern of the melanic form female. It is even more difficult to distinguish between yellow morph gynandro- morphs (where the male and female regions differ from each other both phenotypically and in genetic constitution) and intersexes (where male and female regions appear phenotypically different, but have identical chromosomal constitution: see Whiting et al., 1934; Doutt and Smith, 1950; Clarke and Ford, 1980). We hope that additional studies will clarify the genetic basis of gynandromorph production (see reviews by Cockayne, 1935; Drescher and Rothenbuhler, 1963), and of the differ¬ ential suppression (modification) of female phenotypes dark/yellow polymorphism in Papilio glaucus due to hybridization. Some morpho¬ logical characteristics differ between the male and female halves of the F j specimens figured (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) as well as the obvious differences in melanism in Fig. 3. The usefulness of developmental physiology 54 J. Res. Lepid. studies in this regard would be significant, especially since the color patterns on the upper and lower surfaces of Lepidoptera wings develop independently (see Nijhout, 1981 for a discussion), and can be modified by environmental temperature (Ritland, 1983). Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (DEB #7921749, BSR #8306060, and BSR #8503464), the USDA (#85CRCR-1-1598), and by the Graduate School and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (Hatch Project 5134) at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. In these studies and our discussions we are especially grateful to: Thomas Allen, Yvonne Allen, Matt Ayres, Penny Barker, May Berenbaum, William Bergman, Susan Borkin, Don Caine, Sir Cyril Clarke, Michael Collins, Robert Dowell, Robert Hagen, Kathy Hale, Susan Heg, Sue Helgeson, William Houtz, Judy Johnson, K.C. Kim, Robert Lederhouse, Heidi Luebke, Dave Matusik, Jim Maudsley, Jacqueline Miller, Lee Miller, Ric Peigler, Jeanne Pomraning, Christina Plzak, Carrie Richards, David Ritland, Dave Robacker, Sarah Rockey, Howard Romack, Jane Schrimpf, Brian and Bradley Scriber, Art Shapiro, John Shuey, Jane Siebenhorn, Shawn Sippl, Sam Skinner, Jim Sternberg, Donald Strasburg, Sam Stribling, Jeff Thorne, David Ware, Vicki Ware (Viegut), Bill Warfield, Gilbert Waldbauer, and Allen Young. We are also thankful for Jacqueline and Lee Miller for their assistance at the Allyn Museum in examining the Herman Strecker Collection mosaics and gynandromorphs. Literature Cited AE, S. A., (1979) The phylogeny of some Papilio species based on interspecific hybridization data. Systematic Entomology, 4:1-16. AYALA, F. J. & J. A. KIGER, Modern Genetics, 2nd Ed. Benjamin/Cummings Inc., Menlo Park, CA. BLANCHARD, A., (1969) A gynandromorphic Phaeoura mexicanaria (Geome- tridae). J. Lepid. Soc., 23:274. BLAU, W. 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Courtney Department of Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403 Abstract. Females of Pieris napi dispersing through an unfavourable habitat were able to detect Cardamine flexuosa L. individuals hidden from sight. Such peripheral hostplants receive more P. napi eggs than conspecifics at the population centre; this is partly due to females laying several eggs at a single visit, apparently a tactic adopted in response to low hostplant density. Inverse density-dependent host selection may have important effects on hostplant communities, such as increased herbivore pressure on peripheral host species. Introduction Several recent investigations have reported that individuals within a butterfly population may adopt different reproductive tactics in re¬ sponse to environmental variation (Wiklund, 1981; Tabashnik et al., 1981). For instance, females experiencing low availability of foodplants may respond by ovipositing more readily upon suboptimal hosts (Singer, 1982, 1984) or by increasing the number of eggs deposited on a host (Parker and Courtney, 1984). Further observations are badly needed to document the factors which influence such changes in behaviour. However, it is normally hard to make extensive observations on females in marginal habitats, where the insects are, by definition, scarce. I report here observations on Pieris napi (L.) at Delamere Forest, Cheshire, England, where individual females were regularly watched during July and August 1982, as they entered apparently unfavourable habitats during dispersal from population centers. Several unusual behaviours were seen, and are described here because of their importance to population and community processes. Observations and Results Two population centres for C. flexuosa were found in wet meadows to the north-east of Delamere. Nasturtium officinale R. B and Cardamine pratensis L. (both Cruciferae) were the predominant hostplants, with some C. flexuosa. Both populations bordered a large coniferous planta¬ tion which contained felled areas where Bracken ( Pteridium aquilinum L.) and Bramble (Rubus fructicosus L. agg.) grew densely. 600 m of trees separated the two marshy areas where, in July-August, the second brood of P. napi was in good numbers, making short flights among the 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 59 Table 1. Individuals of P. napi observed in two areas of Delamere Forest on 28.7. and 4.8.1982. Comparison of the main population (marsh) with dispersing individuals (heath) yields a significant difference in sex-ratio (X2 = 5.906 p< 0.025). Marsh Heath P. napi Males 32 17 Females 8 15 vegetation. A few butterflies were also seen in the felled areas of the plantation, flying rapidly and directly across the apparently unsuitable habitat. The sex ratios of individuals in the marsh and heathland areas were significantly different: proportionately more females were seen away from the main population areas (Table 1). This difference probably arises more from differential conspicuousness of the two sexes in the main population areas (Gilbert and Singer, 1975) than from differential dispersal of the sexes (e.g., Shapiro, 1970). No differences were found in spermatophore counts of five females from either habitat; all females had mated once. On 28th July, two females were observed in the felled area in characteristic “oviposition search” style of flight, which is adopted in the vicinity of hostplants (Chew, 1975; Wiklund and Ahrberg, 1978). Close inspection showed that these females had located a small group of C. flexuosa plants, growing in an old, moist ditch underneath the Bracken. These hostplants were located 900 m away from each of the two marshy areas. The hostplants were largely hidden from sight below the Bracken, and subsequent observation on other P. napi individuals confirmed that females did not visually detect the C. flexuosa patch. Butterflies were, on several occasions, seen to switch, from rapid, direct flight to slow, host-location flight, when in the vicinity of completely hidden C. flex¬ uosa. Olfactory stimulation of searching behaviour of Pierinae has long been suspected; antennal chemoreceptors are known to respond to glucosinolates, a major family of phytochemicals in Cruciferae (Den Otter et al., 1980). Field observations of such behaviour have been lacking until now. No females were observed to search in any other felled or wooded area, and an extensive search revealed only two more C. flexuosa plants in the wood; one plant bore four P. napi eggs. On adopting the ‘oviposition search’ mode of flight, the female would investigate the ground layer of vegetation, approaching and occasionally landing upon small herbs. Females were sometimes seen deep under¬ neath the Bracken, flying among the fronds in their search for hosts. On locating a host, a female would flutter around it, settle on a leaf and, bending the abdomen underneath, deposit an egg. On two occasions (of 32 observed ovipositions) a second egg was immediately deposited. On five other occasions the female flew up and returned to the same plant to lay a second egg. Multiple oviposition by Pieris rapae L is well known, but P. napi has rarely been seen to lay more than one egg at a host (F.S. Chew, pers. comm.). In this sub-population of dispersing individuals, 60 J.Res.Lepid. Table 2. Average height (cm.) and leaflet number (with standard error) of C. f/exuosa individuals growing in four categories of shading by Bracken, with the average eggload of P. napi on such plants (Number of eggs/Number of leaflets). Data from the marsh popula¬ tion are given for comparison. All data collected 28.7. 1982. Shading n Height Leaflets Eggload Heath <25% 7 9.3 5.29(1.82) 1.16 25-50% 15 9.0 3.87(1.10) 1.12 51-75% 14 15.0 4.86(0.90) 0.32 >75% 26 18.1 11.69(2.61) 0.27 Marsh 35 14.1 9.20(1.31) 0.12 multiple oviposition seemed frequent, though it was never seen in the main marshy populations. Numerous eggs were found on the 62 C. flexuosa individuals in the ditch. Table 2 presents these data for four groupings of plants according to the degree of overtopping by Bracken. Seven individuals had less than 25% of the sky above obscured by Bracken (estimated by eye); these plants received a very heavy load of P. napi eggs, with over one egg per leaflet (far more than could be supported through larval development). The majority of C. flexuosa were more shaded and 21 (41.9%) were almost completely obscured by Bracken. Relatively few eggs were found on heavily shaded plants, although these were the largest. Chew (1977) reports that shaded individuals of Nearctic Cardamine similarly escape P. napi oviposition. These and similar results in Anthocharis cardamines L. have been interpreted as consequences of females restricting their activity to areas of direct sunshine (Courtney, 1982). Note that the eggloads, of even the heavily shaded C. flexuosa plants in the ditch, are much heavier than those seen in the marshes where C. flexuosa was more plentiful. Figure 1 illustrates the combined effects of shading levels, and of host size, which also influences eggload. Similar results obtain in Nearctic P. napi and Cardamine populations (F. S. Chew, pers. comm.). Since a single P. napi larva would consume all the above ground biomass of a C. flexuosa plant, probably few hosts in the ditch escape serious grazing. Examination of the number of eggs on the leaflets of those plants with at least one egg suggests a tendency towards clumped distributions (Table 3). The trend occurs in all three shading classes, but is significant only in the most heavily shaded class. The results contrast with data from the marsh sub-population where the distribution fortuitously agrees well with the random expectation. These results are to be expected if multiple oviposition occurs in the ditch, but not in the marsh. Discussion The very large eggloads, received by some C. flexuosa plants in the ditch, are far in excess of the number which can be supported through larval development. Courtney and Courtney (1982) described similar 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 61 10 A A 20 Eggs/ Plant 10 . 20 20 50 Leaflets / Plant Fig. 1. The relationship between the number of leaflets on C. f/exuosa individuals and the number of P. napi eggs deposited, in four categories of shading (determined by eye). The value of the cor¬ relation coefficient, r, is shown A. (<25% of Sky obscured) B. (25-50%) C. (51-75%) D. (>75%) All data summed r = .810 r = .955 r = .779 r = .698 r = .555 p < 0.005 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 inverse density dependent egg distributions in P. napi and A. car- damines and ascribed them to changes in receptivity of females. It is suggested that females accept suboptimal oviposition sites (such as those already bearing an egg or larva) when hosts are rare. The present results, which link increased eggloads to observed changes in behaviour, support the idea that females modify their behaviour in response to resource availability. Such behaviour may have important consequences for population and community processes: Shapiro (1975) and Courtney and Courtney (1982) show how both intra- and inter-specific competition are greatly increased by clumped egg distributions. The present study suggests that such competition may be more important in peripheral habitats and in the offspring of dispersing individuals, than in main population centers. Similarly, Wiklund and Ahrberg (1978) have discussed the 62 J. Res. Lepid. Table 3. Distributions of P. nap/ eggs over leaflets of those C. flexuosa plants with eggs (elimination of other plants from the analysis follows the conservative procedure of assuming that such individuals were unsuitable/unavailable for oviposition). Only three classes of shaded plant are given forthe heathland site, thetwo lighter classes (<25% and 25-50%) being summed (mean eggloads are very similar as in Table 2). Values are given for X2 comparisons with expected values from a random (Poisson) distribution. Eggs per leaflet Shading 0 1 2 3 4 5 9 X2 d.f. P Heath <50% 35 28 17 8 3 2 — 3.13 3 n.s. 51-75% 40 10 2 1 — 1 — 1.94 2 n.s. >75% 231 22 9 5 2 2 1 36.90 2 <0.001 Marsh 69 17 2 — — — — 0.03 2 >0.975 effect of inversely density related oviposition in a community of host- plant species which differ in their dispersion. A. cardamines attack was most severe on low density or highly dispersed hosts. In the present study, P. napi in the marsh were mainly supported by the hosts C. pratensis and N. officinale. C. flexuosa individuals in the marsh suffered fewer attacks than conspecifics growing alone in the ditch. It seems that the C. flexuosa population in the wood suffers from being in the vicinity of large marshland populations of other Cruciferae. It is a general predic¬ tion from the studies of Wiklund and Ahrberg, and of Courtney and Courtney, that peripheral species surrounding major hostplant localities may suffer disproportionately from herbivore attack. Literature Cited CHEW, F. S. 1975 Coevolution of Pierid butterflies and their Cruciferous food- plants. I. The relative quality of available resources. Oecologia 20: 117— 127. CHEW, F. S. 1977 II. The distribution of eggs on potential foodplants. Evolution 31: 568-579. COURTNEY, S. P. 1982 IV. Crucifer Apparency and Anthocharis cardamines oviposition. Oecologia 52: 258-265. COURTNEY, S. P. & COURTNEY S. 1982 The ‘edge-effect’ in butterfly oviposition: causality in Anthocharis cardamines and related species. Ecological Entomology 7: 131-137. DEN OTTER, C. J., BEHAN, M. & MAES, F. W. 1980 Single cell responses in female Pieris brassicae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) to plant volatiles and conspecific egg odours. J. Insect Physiology 26: 465-472. GILBERT, L. E. & SINGER, R. C. 1975 Butterfly ecology. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 6: 365-397. PARKER, G. A. & COURTNEY, S. P. 1984 Models of Clutch Size in Insect Oviposition. Theor. Popul. Biol. 26: 27—48. SHAPIRO, A. M. 1970 The role of sexual behavior in density related dispersal of Pierid butterflies. Am. Nat. 104: 367—373. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 63 SHAPIRO, A. M. 1975 Ecological and behavioral aspects of coexistence in six crucifer-feeding Pierid butterflies in the central Sierra Nevada. Am. Midi. Nat. 93: 424-433. SINGER, M. C. 1982 Quantification of host specificity by manipulation of oviposi- tion behaviors in the butterfly Euphydryas editha. Oecologia 52: 224-229. SINGER, M. C. 1984 Butterfly-hostplant relationships: host quality, adult choice and larval success. Symp. R. Ent. Soc. 11: 81—88. TABASHNIK, B. E., WHEELOCK, H„ RAINBOTT, J. D., WATT, W. B. 1981 Individual variation in oviposition preference in the butterfly Colias eurytheme. Oeco¬ logia 50: 225-230. WIKLUND, C. 1981 Generalist vs. specialist behaviour in Papili machaon (Lepi- doptera) and functional aspects on the hierarchy of oviposition preferences. Oikos 36: 163-170. WIKLUND, C. & AHRBERG, C. 1978 Hostplants, nectar source plants and habitat selection of males and females of Anthocharis cardamines (Lepidoptera). Oikos 31: 169-183. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 26(l-4):64-72, 1988 Enzyme electrophoresis and interspecific hybridization in Pieridae (Lepidoptera)-The case for enzyme electrophoresis Hansjuerg Geiger Zoologisches Institut, Universitaet Bern, Baltzerstrasse 3, CH 3012 Bern, Switzerland Abstract. In a comparison of results from laboratory intertaxa hybri¬ dizations and enzyme electrophoresis in Pieridae, Lor ko vie (1986) recognizes differences in the estimates of genetic relationships of the taxa investigated. Lor ko vie concludes in his paper that these dif¬ ferences are due to the electrophoretic approach. It is the purpose of this publication i) to analyze this opinion, ii) to discuss possible limitations and pitfalls of the hybridization approach, and iii) to show that an adequate interpretation of the data may well lead to a generally accepted idea on the genetic relationships in Pieridae. Introduction In a recent paper, Lorkovic (1986) compared results from his impres¬ sive work on artificial interspecific hybridization in Pieridae with results of an analysis of the genetic relationships in this family by means of enzyme electrophoresis. Lorkovic (l.c.) concludes that the observed discrepancies between the results of the two approaches are due to the electrophoretic analysis which gives inadequate estimates of divergence at low taxonomic levels, and limitations of the scope of the the biochemical method. Lorkovic, further limits the significance of enzyme electrophoresis to the study of populations and denies the possibility to delimit taxa with this method. However, in his discussion Lorkovic does not analyse the real extent of the alleged discrepancies, the limitations and pitfalls of his method, or the problem of control data. There are also a number of misunder¬ standings of the electrophoretic approach and the interpretation of the biochemical data. In this publication I analyze the Lorkovic paper and demonstrate the power of the biochemical-genetic approach. Discrepancies between and results Lorkovic (l.c.) compares the results of his crosses with the degree of enzyme dissimilarity (EDf) in his Table 1. (Note: The values given in Lorkovic’s Table 1 are actually I-values, not EDf-values. A more appropriate statistic would be Nei’s D (Nei, 1972) for the degree of genetic differentiation). We analyse here the statistical differences 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 65 between the results of the two approaches. For this investigation we use the correct value for the comparison between Pontia daplidice and P. protodice (I-value =.59, not .55; neither values have ever been pub¬ lished). We also disregard the fact, that Lorkovic (l.c.) has used his data of crosses between Euchloe crameri and the taxon graeca for the comparison of crameri and simplonia (electrophoretic data for graeca are not available, but there is unpublished evidence that graeca might be another species; this may be the reason for the observed differences between our results). Furthermore, P. daplidice in South Europe actually consists of two species (Geiger and Scholl, 1982a) and we use here the value for the comparison of species 2, the eastern european species, with protodice and Pieris rapae (these values were not available to Lorkovic, but the differences are small). If we calculate now the correlation coefficient for a linear regression between the two sets of data we find r = .88 (lOdF) which corresponds to a P < 1%. This is a very good fit and it seems unjustified to emphasize the differences. Of course this does not mean that there is absolute correlation for any individual comparison and the reasons for any observed deviations remain to be discussed. As Lorkovic (l.c.) already pointed out, such differences occur mainly at the lowest taxonomic ranks. Advantages and disadvantages of enzyme electrophoretic methods Enzyme electrophoresis is a method that allows one to compare populations and taxa using a set of genetic markers (loci). The zymo¬ grams obtained by this method make it possible to collect directly data on the genetic composition at individual loci. This means that different alleles at a locus can relatively easily be recognized. It is very important that the genetic interpretation of the zymograms is confirmed, if possible by analyzing the progeny of parents with various electrophoretic phenotypes, as with some enzymes additional bands may appear that have no direct genetic background (e.g. conformeric forms). For the Pieridae, an extensive analysis has been carried out on Pieris brassicae (Geiger, 1982). The pattern found corresponds perfectly with a simple Mendelian distribution. If we are working with population samples of one or several taxa, we obtain two kinds of information: i) which alleles can be found at a locus in a population or in a taxon (qualitative information) and ii) in what frequencies (quantitative information). The qualitative information can be used to investigate the distri¬ bution of alleles among populations. If we find e.g. a situation in which geographically separate populations of two taxa have different alleles at one or several loci, but share a common polymorphism at these loci in a zone of sympatry, it seems reasonable to conclude that the two taxa are in reproductive contact or have been so only a very short time ago. If we do not find such a common polymorphism in sympatry this is a strong 66 J. Res. Lepid. argument to assume interruption of gene-flow, and the existence of two species (e.g. Geiger and Scholl, 1982b; Geiger and Shapiro, 1986; Shapiro and Geiger, 1986). As the genetic variants are easily distinguishable (they are, for all practical purposes, not detectably modified epistatically) the analytical power of such an investigation can hardly be reached with ’’classical” methods. The qualitative information obtained by means of enzyme electrophoresis also allows a cladistic approach (Ward, 1985). This has not yet been done for the Pieridae, but it is planned for the future. Quantitative information: It is one of the advantages of enzyme electrophoretic methods that the degree of genetic correspondence between populations or taxa can be quantified. There are a number of different coefficients of genetic identity or distance that have been proposed during the last 20 years. In most modern investigations the statistic I for genetic identity or D for distance as developed by Nei (1972) and modified by Hillis (1984), are used. The D value (D = — lnl), used here, is an estimate of how many gene substitutions have been accumulated per locus since interruption of gene-flow between two populations or taxa. Of course, these values are strongly influenced by i) the choice of loci and ii) the number of loci investigated. Therefore, it is only possible to directly compare values of two different investigations in those rare cases in which an identical set of loci has been scored. The argument raised by Lorkovic (l.c.) that the fact that the values obtained in different systematic groups are different is a serious obstacle for the use of enzyme electrophoresis in taxonomy, is therefore only in part valid, as most investigators use different sets of loci. Thus, Lorkovic is perfectly correct when he states that the work of Racheli (1984) on Parnassius apollo cannot be directly compared with our analysis in the Pieridae, but this is only a problem if we want to relate the results of different studies. In all cases in which identical sets have been analyzed, as in our Pierid studies, the results are comparable It has already been demonstrated (Geiger, 1981) that the levels of genetic identity found in different subfamilies of the Pieridae are in fact comparable. This is now confirmed by a much larger sample (over 100 taxa currently, all compared at the same 22 loci). However, how well do these levels correlate with the systematic rank of the taxa? Out of this large survey I have selected 42 taxa whose systematic rank is currently not seriously questioned and have related the D-values with the systematic rank. The result is summarized in Table 1. The outcome is an excellent agreement between the systematic rank generally used for the taxa and the D- value. Futhermore, most levels are nearly free of overlap; only between the levels of populations and subspecies as well as genera and subfamilies is this not true (see also Geiger and Scholl, 1984). Therefore, it seems justified to use quantified enzyme electro¬ phoretic data to discuss the systematic rank of taxa under review (Kitching, 1985) 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 67 This result found in the Pieridae is supported by similar investi¬ gations in other organisms (e.g. Avise, 1976). Once again, the important thing is not the absolute I- or D- value, but the correlation with the taxonomic rank. I agree with Lorkovic (l.c.) that it is not possible to “prove” that a taxon is differentiated to the species level by using the I- or D-value alone. As I have already pointed out, a qualitative analysis of the genetic data may be conclusive in cases of sympatry. In allopatric taxa the degree of genetic differentiation may provide important arguments in the discussion of the systematic position of taxa with unclear rank. Again, the strongest clues in such situations may come from a qualita¬ tive analysis. There is little else one can do in such situations as the biological species concept can only be applied with some restrictions. This is exactly what we have always done when arguing at the species level. In most cases for which a substantial level of genetic differentia¬ tion has been found, this level is due to an unshared polymorphism or fixation of different alleles at one or more loci, rather then mere differences in allelic frequencies (Geiger, 1981; Geiger and Scholl, 1982 a and b; Geiger and Scholl, 1985; Geiger and Shapiro, 1986; Shapiro and Geiger, 1986). A similar analytical power could only be reached by a cladistic analysis of characters from ’’classical” or electrophoretic data. Such a cladistic analysis of classically used characters would also be the only real test for the genetic relationships evaluated by means of enzyme electrophoresis. Another argument against the use of enzyme electrophoresis used by Lorkovic (l.c.) is that speciation probably does not take place due to changes at the loci covered by the electrophoretic approach. This is certainly true, but it should be clear now that we have good evidence that after the speciation event the taxa slowly accumulate changes at these loci. The argument is not the speciation occurs because of these alterations, but that due to the interruption of gene-flow after the speciation event we can very often find changes at the loci investigated. Therefore, it is also not important that not all the variation at the enzyme loci can be detected by routine investigations. Nevertheless, the amount of undetected variation mentioned by Lorkovic (l.c.) is only true for some extremely polymorphic loci not usually used in the Pieridae (Lewontin, 1986). For all other loci most of the variation is usually detectable. A possible severe limitation for the electrophoretic approach may be that in rapidly evolving groups of taxa time was too short to result in distinct differences at loci covered with this method. It has to be expected that such cases will occur also in the Pieridae. However, it has to be pointed out again that there is no such case in the control data as yet. This is a clear sign that speciation events are generally reflected by accumulation of genetic differences at the set of loci used in the Pieridae. The scepticism towards using these biochemical-genetic data to 68 J.Res.Lepid. evaluate systematics in the Pieridae also may have a historical reason. The first case in which I applied this approach in this family was the much debated European Pieris raap j-group taxon bryoniaei Geiger, 1978). In this investigation it was not possible to detect any genetical dif¬ ferences between alpine bYyoniae and lowland napi. This first analysis covered relatively few loci, but the results have since then been confirmed by a much greater number of loci (among them also the highly polymorphic esterases, Geiger, unpublished data), individuals, and taxa (Geiger, 1981; Geiger and Scholl, 1985). It is a remarkable result of this extensive work that genetic differences are very often greater among geographically close populations of napi as well as of bryoniae than between the two taxa. There was no other choice than to interpret these results as a support for those authors who argued for conspecifity of the two taxa. It lies in the nature of a disputed case that this conclusion was contradictory to the published opinions of others. But are the enzyme data really that much in opposition to the facts presented by such authors? To answer this question it is necessary to discuss the situation we encounter in the field and then the laboratory results. Eitschberger (1984), one of the most convinced proponents of the species rank for bryoniae , reports a significant number of hybrids found in the field. Similar observations have been made by others (e.g., Varga, 1967). This fact clearly demonstrates that gene-flow between napi and bryoniae is not interrupted under natural conditions even in Central Europe. Lorkovic (l.c.) points out that the two taxa show a reduced “hybrid fertility” in his laboratory crosses. This is certainly supported by data presented by Lorkovic (l.c.). However, his data also clearly show that there is some “hybrid fertility” even in the F2 crosses! The degree of this “hybrid fertility” is remarkably high, especially in the black- crosses (Rl, see Table 2, Lorkovic, l.c.) which clearly means that the laboratory results confirm the observation of gene-flow in nature (morphologically intermediate individuals). The enzyme data strongly support this view indicating that there is no sign of an interrupted reproductive contact. Clearly, a certain degree of reduced fertility can be observed, but it seems safe to state that the data from different approaches are not as contradictory as they have been presented; the opposite is true. To solve the nomenclatural problem I propose to take advantage of the rules in the new edition of the “International Code of Zoological Nomenclature” (1985). We now have the possibility to take into consideration a somewhat reduced degree of fertility, and rank such a taxon as a semispecies. This is also exactly what Lorkovic (1962) has done in earlier papers. Interspecific hybridization and phylogenetic relationships In his publication Lorkovic (l.c.) uses his data from laboratory inter¬ specific hybrid crosses to test the enzyme electrophoretic data. The basic philosophy behind the use of these hybridization results to evaluate 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 69 phylogenetic relationships is the speculation that after interruption of gene-flow the taxa gradually accumulate characters that directly affect the degree of genetic incompatibility. However, to use his method as a test for the enzyme electrophoretic data Lorkovic should first demon¬ strate that the results from the interspecific crosses in the Pieridae are in fact strongly correlated with the phylogenetic relationships. This has not been done and is no easy task, the reason of course being that we are dealing with a historical process and there is no method available to reveal unequivocally the real course of evolution. There are some methods (like cladistic analysis) that have a high potential to do so, but all methods have their pitfalls. All we can do is to try to apply as many methods as possible and find the most parsimonious family tree. Again, it has to be pointed out that the high correlation between Lorkovic’s data and the enzyme electrophoretic analysis is highly encouraging and should be the basis for future investigations. A third approach with a potentially high power of resolution would be a cladistic analysis, but such an analysis is not available for the Pieridae. One case for which our approaches give different values of evolutionary distance has already been discussed ( Pieris napi/bryoniae). There are two more such cases: Euchloe crameril simplonia , and Pieris rapae / mannii. To discuss these we first have to analyse possible problems and limitations of the interspecific hybridization approach. I) The interspecific hybridization approach as presented by Lorkovic (l.c.) works uniquely with postcopulative isolating mechanisms. All precopulative factors that prevent gene-flow between taxa such as olfactory, behavioral, ecological, and partly morphological incompati¬ bilities are excluded by this approach since the usual method of mating is hand-pairing. The importance of such factors should not be under¬ estimated. Strictly speaking, by this method, it is only possible to compare taxa that have only developed postmating isolating mechan¬ isms, yet much effort should be devoted to evaluating both pre- and postmating barriers. Such premating isolating factors seem to be the reason for the discrepancies in at least one of the above mentioned cases: Euchloe crameri and simplonia (again, Lorkovic used graeca instead of simplonia , a fact that itself may account for the differences). Lorkovic (l.c., p.345) himself mentions that there is a well-expressed premating barrier between these two taxa. Taxa that are separated by such mechanisms do not need to develop additional strong postcopulative mechanisms (Mayr, 1963). The approach used by Lorkovic (l.c.) will in such cases underestimate the degree of genetic differentiation. On the other hand enzyme electrophoresis measures the accumulated dif¬ ferences since interruption of gene-flow regardless of the true nature of isolating mechanisms. Therefore, it seems unjustified to solely blame enzyme electrophoresis for the observed differences in the results of the two approaches in the sense of not revealing the true degree of genealogical relationships. Moreover, as most of the populations of the 70 J. Res. Lepid. two taxa are allopatric, relatively weak isolating mechanisms seem to be sufficient to maintain genetic identity (this is also an important problem for the hybridization approach in clear-cut allopatric taxa, especially in taxa from different continents, islands, or mountain ranges. In such situations theoretical problems in applying the bio¬ logical species concept also arise). A similar problem may be the basis for the differences in the results of the comparison of Pieris rapae/mannii. These two taxa are sympatric in large parts of their recent distribution area. To avoid gene-flow and maintain identity as distinct species the two taxa have obviously developed strong postmating isolating factors. This does not mean that speciation occured because of the same factors. The degree of hybrid sterility will in such situations tend to overestimate the phylogenetic distance. Furthermore, it should be noted that strong hybrid sterility may be caused by mutations at one or a few loci and need not reflect profound genomic differences. Complete sterility among strains within a species may also occur due to transposable elements (hybrid dysgenesis in Drosophila, Kidwell et al., 1977; Engels, 1983) or as a consequence of an infection by a microorganism ( Tribolium , Wade and Stevens, 1985). II) I have already mentioned several times the fact that enzyme electrophoresis is primarily a method to estimate the time passed since interruption of gene-flow (Berlocher, 1984; O’Brien et al., 1985). There is good evidence that this is also true for the Pieridae, one indication being the non-overlap of the levels of genetic differentiation (Fig. 1). To make the hybridization data comparable one would have to demon¬ strate that the factors used by Lorkovic (l.c.) such as “size”, “number of offspring”, “development” and “in viability” are also correlated with the phylogenetic age of the taxa. Furthermore, the proposed quantification of these factors needs also to be tested for this correlation. IH) The interspecific hybridization approach as used by Lorkovic (l.c.) works with individual, essentially randomly-selected animals, not populations. The numbers of comparions are in many cases very low. Therefore, it would be highly important to know more about the reproductive success of randomly chosen individual butterflies. Our own observations among European and North- American taxa show that the degree of fertility, even among individuals of one population, may vary enormously and may be different among taxa. In other words, we first have to know more about the variance of fertility among individuals of local populations before we can quantify such rates among taxa. In some critical cases there should even be a detailed analysis comparing the fertility among individuals of geographically distant and close populations and especially within a zone of contact. Unfortunately, the amount of labor required to do such an analysis may often be prohibi¬ tively great. Nevertheless, there are investigations that use this approach (e.g., Oliver, 1978). 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 71 + + i— .00 + H - 1 - 1- .05 - 1 - Species of different subfamilies - 1 - Species of different genera Species of different species-groups Species of the same species-group Subspecies Local populations -I - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - i.o 1-5 D- values Fig. 1 . Levels of genetic differences among 42 taxa whose systematic rank is currently not debated (22 loci) Conclusions It was the purpose of this publication to continue the discussion on how best to estimate the degree of the phylogenetic distance between taxa. It has been concluded that it can not be inferred from the observed differences between the results of the interspecific hybridization and enzyme electrophoretic approaches that the latter method gives in¬ adequate estimates. In fact such differences only occur in some much- debated cases for which there are good reasons to assume that the first method may over- or underestimate the phylogenetic age of the taxa discussed. It has been demonstrated in a set of Pierid taxa whose systematic rank is generally not questioned that enzyme electrophore¬ tic data are highly correlated with the systematic rank of the taxa. The generally good agreement between the results of the two approaches is regarded as highly encouraging for future analysis. Acknowledgements. I thank Profs. Z. Lorkovic (Zagreb) and A.M. Shapiro (UC Davis) for very stimulating criticisms on earlier drafts of this paper and Prof. H. Descimon (Marseille), A. Porter (Davis, CA), and M. Lortscher (Bern) for discussions. S. Whitebread (Magden, Switzerland) read the english version of the manuscript. If I do not agree with Prof. Lorkovic on several subjects, this is entirely due to our differing views and does not alter my deep respect for this eminent scientist. Literature Cited AVISE, J.C., 1976. Genetic differentiation during speciation. In: AYALA, F.J.(Ed), Molecular evolution. Sinauer, Massachusetts, p. 106-122. BERLOCHER, S.H., 1984. Insect molecular systematics. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 29:403-433. EITSCHBERGER, U., 1984. Systematische Untersuchungen am Pieris napi- bryoniae- Komplex. 1/1 and II. Herbipoliana, Marktleuthen. 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The larval hostplant is found to be Atamisquea emarginata Miers., a plant confined to the Sonoran Desert. This population, while closely related to Ascia josephina josepha, is distinct in maculation, androconial pattern, genitalia, and larval host. Its taxonomic status is discussed. Full species status is given to the insect as Ascia howarthi (Dixey). Introduction During the course of a study for the National Park Service on arthropods of the Quitobaquito Management Area in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (OPCNM), Pima County, Arizona, the author discovered an apparent population of a pierid butterfly in the Asia josephina (Godart) complex. The discovery is noteworthy in that records of this species complex are scarce in Arizona, in that the insect appears to be breeding in the area, and in the distinct phenotypes of the population. The genus Ascia is divided into two subgenera, each represented by a single Nearctic species or species complex (Howe, 1975). An additional taxon, A. sevata (C. & R. Felder), is recorded in Mexico. The subgenus Ascia includes the species monuste (Linnaeus) and its subspecies. The subgenus Ganyra Billberg includes the species (or species complex) josephina (Godart) with its Central and North American subspecies josepha (Salvin & Godman), howarthi (Dixey), and kuschei (Schaus) and it also includes the species sevata. Only josephina josepha from Ganyra has been cited within the United States (Pyle, 1981, et al.). However, the recent studies at Quitobaquito, OPCNM confirm the presence of an Arizona population of the josephina complex and suggest assignment outside the subspecies josepha. This paper examines the dimensions of the Arizona Ganyra population and its relationships with other populations in the josephina complex. It links the Sonoran Desert Ganyra population to a specific larval foodplant and alters the taxonomy of the species complex. A series of both sexes of adults of Sonoran Desert Ganyra was collected from several wild populations. Those were further augmented by specimens from the San Diego Natural History Museum, the California Insect Survey collection, and the private collection of Kilian Roever. A 74 J. Res. Lepid. small series of A.josephina from southern, eastern, and western Mexico, as well as Texas, was also obtained. The Texas A & I collection and the private collections of J. Brock, D. Mullins, and P. Hubbell were also used. Steve Prchal of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum photographed all stages of the life history. Measurements were done using a Lassico Ocular Filar. An ISI-DS-130 scanning electron microscope at the Uni¬ versity of Arizona campus was used for the micrographs. Taxonomy Most of the taxa in the A.josephina complex were originally described in the genus Pieris Schrank. They were later placed in the genus Ascia Scopoli and still later in either the genus or subgenus Ganyra , depending on the author. Godart described nominate josephina in 1819 from the Antilles, probably Haiti and Cuba (Salvin & Godman, 1868). It is characterized by the large size, falcate fore wing, and a large black forewing discal cell-spot. Two other closely related Antillean subspecies have been described: paramaryllis Comstock from Jamaica, and krugii (Dewitz) from Puerto Rico. Both of these are somewhat smaller, with the characteristic black forewing cell-spot narrow (Comstock, 1943). The subspecies josepha (Salvin & Godman) is the widespread Mexican and Central American form. It differs from nominate josephina primari¬ ly in the shape of the wings. The fore wings are not as falcate as those of josephina and the hindwings are more squared and less produced at the anal angle. It occurs from southern Texas (straying northward to Kansas) through eastern Mexico into Central America and north along the west coast of Mexico into Sinaloa. Dixey (1915) described subspecies howarthi from Baja California Sur, Mexico. He described it as having more noticeable marginal spotting on the forewing and more pronounced reticulations on the ventral hind¬ wing than typical josephina, as well as being comparatively small (males 58 mm wingspread, females 52 — 54 mm). Schaus (1920) described kuschei from Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. It is characterized by a greater extent of the submarginal maculation on the forewings in both males and females. He cited both sexes as having wingspreads of 56 mm which is considerably smaller than typical josephina. Felder & Felder (1861) described the taxon sevata from Venezuela. Rindge (1948) cited the Baja California population of Ganyra as A. sevata kuschei, a new combination at that time. The original description of sevata mentioned a solid white dorsal surface except for the apical marginal border, wider in females than in males. Fruhstorfer (1908) subsequently named a more northerly subspecies, A. sevata tihurtia, from Guatemala. It differs from true sevata in the narrowing or absence of A. sevata’ s 5 mm forewing border. The ventral hindwings of A. sevata and A. tihurtia are also suffused with shades of violet and pink respectively. No mention of forewing cell-spots is made for either taxon. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 75 There are obvious close superficial relationships among the various members of the subgenus Ganyra. A closer look will now be given to the exact relationships between those taxa (north of Guatemala) and where the OPCNM population lies in reference to them. Several key points suggest that A. sevata sevata and A. s. tiburtia are more distantly related to the josephina complex. The lack of the black forewing cell-spot does not in itself suggest removal from the group since Cuban, Jamaican, and Puerto Rican populations of josephina also have this spotting weak to non-existent (Comstock, 1943). However, the presence of a narrow to wide continuous forewing border and pink to purple ventral hindwing coloration do set these taxa apart. More importantly, there are significant differences in the form of the male androconia. These average only 0.24 mm in length in sevata , approx¬ imately half that of the josephina complex members (Dixey, 1915). Hoffman (1976) cited tiburtia from southern Mexico, a range overlap¬ ping that of josepha. This sympatry suggests distinction at the specific level. Sevata is here considered outside the josephina complex. The relationship between A. howarthi and A. kuschei needs clarifica¬ tion. Although kuschei was described from Mazatlan, it appears to have been collected far north of there. There are many recent records of a Ganyra from the Mazatlan area, all of which represent josepha , not kuschei. The maculation, androconia, and size are all consistent with josepha. The location “Mazatlan” was probably used in a broad sense by Kusche. Phenotypes matching the kuschei description occur from ex¬ treme northern Sinaloa northward, where he easily may have collected. Many specimens from Sonora and Arizona, and a few from Baja California closely match the kuschei description, especially for broods during the summer rains. The type locality for kuschei should probably be amended to San Miguel, near Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico, the southernmost locality for which that taxon is known. The howarthi phenotype, at least ventrally, is restricted to Baja California. But other phenotypes with unmarked ventral hind wings also occur there. These unmarked phenotypes are also widespread in central and northern Sonora and represent the majority of the specimens taken at OPCNM. The three phenotypes — heavily marked kuschei , ventrally marked howarthi , and the unmarked population — all blend with each other. Also, the OPCNM population was reared on a Sonoran Desert shrub, Atamisquea emarginata Miers., in the family Capparidaceae. When mapped together, the distribution of the three phenotypes duplicates that of the probable hostplant, A. emarginata (Fig. 1). Kuschei and howarthi , plus the unmarked phenotype are therefore considered synonymous. Similarities in size, androconial pattern, and the distribu¬ tion of the larval foodplant all suggest this. Since howarthi has priority, the name kuschei is suppressed as a junior synonym. The third clarification necessary is the relationship between josepha and howarthi. On the basis of size, howarthi and josepha represent two 76 J.Res.Lepid. Fig. 1. Distribution of Atamisquea emarginata, probable larval host of Ascia howarthi. very different populations. Both sexes of howarthi average in excess of 10 mm smaller in fore wing length than those of josepha. There is no size overlap in the males and only a single small female josepha overlaps the size range of female howarthi. The size mentioned for howarthi by Dixey (1915) seems inflated. He cited the male wingspread as 58 mm but the male figured is only partially spread. His figure has a 55 mm wingspread with a 26 mm forewing length. In contrast, a well-spread specimen with a 26 mm forewing length has only a 45 mm spread. The wing shape is also different in the two taxa. In howarthi , the forewings are somewhat shortened and the hindwings are very rounded. In josepha , and apparently even more so in nominate josephina, the 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 77 forewings are produced or even falcate while the hindwings have the anal angles extended (Figs. 2—5). In their maculation, the males of howarthi are generally more heavily patterned than those of josepha, especially with forewing marginal and submarginal spotting. Females are very similar in the two taxa, but in josepha dark morphs are often produced where the ground color is heavily overlaid with cinnamon brown. All specimens of this morph seen were mid-summer captures and probably parallel the long-day form of Ascia monuste (Pease, 1962). The absence of dark morphs in howarthi is interesting in light of the paucity of records away from breeding colonies (Fig. 6). Both sexes of howarthi have an additional diagnostic mark on the ventral hindwing. Aside from the dark scaling distal to the cross- vains at the base of cells M3 and Cul, there is a darker spot on and around the cross- vein at the base of cell M2. While males of josepha will rarely have that cross- vein darkened (even dorsally) it is not scaled away from the vein as in howarthi. While the androconial scales of howarthi and josepha are similar in size and configuration (Dixey, 1915), their placement on the wings is vastly different. All androconia of howarthi are confined to fore wing cells M3, Cul, Cu2, and 2A (Fig. 4). On josepha , the androconia in these cells are far more extensive. In addition, scent scales are present in cells M2, Ml, and the discal cell. Furthermore,yosep/ia invariably has androconia on the hindwing as well, in cells RS, M2, M3, the discal cell, and occasionally in Cul. The general configurations of the male genitalia of both taxa are similar. Due to the larger size of josepha , the entire genital capsule is larger in that taxon than in howarthi. However, the length of the saccus Ascia howarthi Ascia howarthi Fig. 2. Venation Fig. 3. Ventral maculation Fig. 4. Androconia pattern 78 J. Res. Lepid. Fig. 5. Phenotypic range of Ascia howarthi (top two rows, males above, females below) and Ascia josephina josepha (bottom row). is proportionately greater in howarthi than in josepha. Likewise, the aedeagal elbow (Fig. 7) of josepha is proportionately larger than that of howarthi. These genitalic differences are present but best used cautiously. For the genus Ascia , members of the families Cruciferae, Cappar- idaceae, and Batidaceae have been reported as hostplants (Howe, 1975). More specifically, Capparis fro ndosa Jacq. was cited as a hostplant for A. josephina josepha (Jordan, 1981). Although this caper is confined to the eastern slope of Mexico, mostly Tamaulipas and Veracruz (Standley, 1961), other members of the genus have wider distributions in Mexico and probably serve as foodplants in other parts of the range of josepha. Members of the genus Capparis , whose distributions include Sinaloa, areC. flexuosah., C. verrucosa Jacq., andC. indica (L.) (Standley, 1961). Any of these might serve as larval hosts for josepha since the northern distributional limits of the plant and insect appear to match one another. None of the members of the genus Capparis has been reported as far north as Sonora. Records for josepha extend north to Mazatlan, Elota, and Guamuchil, approximately 100 km southeast of Los Mochis in northern Sinaloa. Records of howarthi extend south into northern Sinaloa, near Los Mochis. This brings the two taxa within 100 km of each other. In fact, a somewhat questionable record of a dark morph female josepha taken near Alamos, Sonora would bring the two populations into overlap. The lack of an apparent cline or anything resembling intergrades suggests a high integrity and differentiation between the two populations. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 79 Fig. 6. Distribution of Ascia howarthi. This differentiation between the Sonoran Desert Atamisq wea-feeding howarthi and the Capparzs-feeding josepha of the remainder of Mexico persists even when howarthi is compared to josephina as a whole. It therefore appears that the differences are at the species level, not at the subspecies level. Therefore, I propose to elevate the taxon howarthi to species status. It is most closely related to A. josephina , less so to A. seuata. The genus north of Guatemala and exclusive of the Antilles would be composed of four species as follows: Genus: Ascia Scopoli Subgenus Ascia Scopoli 80 J . Res. Lepid. Fig. 7. Aedeagus of Ascia howarthi showing "elbow” to left of center. 1. monuste (Linnaeus) a) monuste (Linnaeus) b) phileta (Fabricius) c) cleomes (Boisduval & Le Conte) Subgenus Ganyra Billberg 2. josephina (Godart) a) josepha (Salvin & Godman) 3. howarthi (Dixey) 4. seuata (C. & R. Felder) a) tiburtia (Fruhstorfer) Literature Cited BOWERS, J. E. 1980. Flora of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. J. Ariz.- Nev. Acad. Sci. 15: Issue 1, 11, p. 1-47. COMSTOCK, w. P. 1943. The genus Ascia in the Antilles. Amer. Mus. Novit. #1229: 1-7. DIXEY, F. A. 1915. New Species and Subspecies of Pierinae. Trans. Entomol. Soc. Lond. Part 1: 9—17. FELDER, C. & R. FELDER. 1861. Lepidoptera nova Columbiae. Wien. Entomol. Monatschr. V: 72—87. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 81 FRUHSTORFER, H. 1908. Neue Sudamerikanische Pieriden. Societas Entomol. XXII: 139-140. HASTINGS, J. p., TURNER, R. M„ & D. K. warren. 1972. An atlas of some plant distributions in the Sonoran Desert. Instit. Atmos. Phys., Univ. Ariz. Tucson, AZ. Tech. Rep. No. 21. HOFFMAN, C. C. 1976. Catalogo Sistematico y Zoogeografico de los Lepidopteros Mexicanos. Soc. Mex. Lepid. A. C. HOWE, W. H. 1975. The Butterflies of North America. Doubleday. New York. 633 pp. JORDAN, C. T. 1981. Population biology and host-plant ecology of caper-feeding pierid butterflies in northeastern Mexico. Dissertation. U. Tex., Austin. PEASE, R. W. 1962. Factors causing seasonal forms in Ascia monuste (Lepidoptera). Science. 137: 987—988. PYLE, R. M. 1981. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butter¬ flies. New York. Alfred A. Knopf. 916 pp. RINDGE, F. H. 1948. Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera. No. 8 of Contributions toward a knowledge of the insect fauna of lower California. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 24: 289-312. SALVIN, O. & F. D. GODMAN. 1868. On some new species of diurnal Lepidoptera from South America. Ann. Mag. Nat. His. Vol. II: 141-152. SCHAUS, W. 1920. New species of Lepidoptera in the United States National Museum. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 57: 107 — 111. STANDLEY,P. C. (Issued) 1961. Trees and Shrubs of Mexico. Cont. U. S. Nat’l. Mus. Vol. 23. Smith. Inst., Washington, D. C. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 26(l-4):82-88, 1988 On Pieris (Artogeia) marginalis macdunnoughii Remington (Pieridae) S. R. Bowden Lydeard, Merryfield Way, Storrington, W. Sussex, RH20 4NS, U.K Abstract. Some previous work on Pieris (Artogeia) ssp. macdunnoughii and ssp. marginalis is summarised. Experiments in which Colorado macdunnoughii were hybridized with European P. napi L. are reported, with particular attention to inheritance of yellow pigmentation and viability of Fx hybrids: no females are obtained from napi 9 x macdunnoughii cf- Macdunnoughii carries two distinct systems of yellow coloration, both the bisexual recessive sulphurea and the female-limited dominant flava. Whether this unusual condition has any ecological or evolutionary significance is uncertain. It is concluded that neither subspecies marginalis nor macdunnoughii is conspecific with the typical napi of Europe, but Eitschberger’s opinion that macdunnoughii is a subspecies of a species marginalis Scudder may well be correct. However, the relative position of the subspecific taxa venosa Scudder, microstriata Comstock and mogollon Burdick requires experimental investigation. Introduction This Colorado subspecies was described as of Pieris napi L. by Barnes & McDunnough in 1916 under the name pseudonapi. The type-locality was “Silverton, 10,000 ft., where it is single-brooded”. The description as very close to European napi “although in the females the black dots of the primaries are practically obsolete” is very meagre for a subspecies; the females varied in the amount of black markings. The completeness of the picture is improved if we can add the authors’ description of pallidissima, the second generation at Provo, Utah, which they seem to have regarded as consubspecific with pseudonapi. Remington (1954) pointed out that the name pseudonapi had been used by Verity (1911) for a race of Pieris melete Menetries, and re-named the Colorado insect P. napi macdunnoughii. He added that the series of Pieris napi at Yale University from Colorado, Utah, Nevada and Wyoming [i.e. the populations considered as subspecies macdunnoughii and ssp. pallidissima by Eitschberger 1983] indicate that all represent a single race. He says, “My series from the Teton Mountains of Wyoming shows very dark and very pale individuals taken flying together” — one supposes that the reference is to melanic markings, not to any yellow pigmentation. I conclude that Remington, like Barnes & McDunnough before him, regards macdunnoughii and pallidissima as showing no differentiation worthy of separate subspecific naming. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 83 Eitschberger (1983) treats these populations as separate subspecies of a species Pieris marginalis Scudder, which is said to include also mogollon Burdick (New Mexico) and six newly named subspecies as well as ssp. marginalis (Washington Terr.) and perhaps hulda Edwards (Alaska). Warren (1963), working from androconial scales, had attributed ssp. marginalis to napi and ssp. macdunnoughii to a species oleracea Harris, but the present writer is inclined to follow Eitschberger in respect of these two subspecies, if only on account of their special pigmentation. The Ssp. marginalis In 1970 I reported experiments in which a N. W. Oregon (Saddle Mt. State Park) stock of “Pieris napi marginalis ” was crossed with the bright yellow British napi form sulphurea Schoyen (Head’s “citronea”) and with certain other European forms. The Oregon insects were yellow in ground-color: very faintly citron-shaded in the males but deeper in the females. The markings of the latter sex differed from those of napi by the often unequal development of the melanic markings: though the fore¬ wing hind-marginal streak was generally present, the second and even more the first discal spots were much reduced and often absent. The breeding results seemed to indicate that the population was homozygous for an intermediately recessive gene of the subtalba- sulphurea series (Bowden 1963), indistinguishable from that producing “Thompson’s pale yellow” rarely in the British Isles. The conclusion then was that “pale yellow” heterozygotes should be sought in other American subspecies of the napi group : it was hardly expected that other homozygous populations would be found, but macdunnoughii might perhaps be polymorphic in respect of sulphurea? However, the flava (ochreous) color whch was found in the napi- hybrid females was then attributed to the European parents and it was not realized that the marginalis stock might also carry some flava. But Shapiro (1985, in litt .) had noticed that some marginalis populations had high frequencies of a buff female. Looking at the 1970 marginalis specimens now, it seems beyond dispute that the females possess an ochreous tinge as well as the lemon, and that the Fx hybrid females’ color is unlikely to have come entirely from the European side. The Ssp. macdunnoughii In 1971 I reared only two females of this subspecies from Gunnison Co., Colorado (W.B. Watt). They were caged with two (later four) English (Herts.) males, but these paid no attention, though brothers were pairing with other butterflies in nearby cages. After two days three (later five) Scottish males were supplied, but again showed no concern. A male from French Pyrenees showed minimum interest. It appeared that at least these two individual females had no pheromone attraction for European males. 84 J.Res.Lepid. Not until 1985 were we able to raise macdunnoughii in adequate numbers (brood 1985-r), by pairing offspring of females taken in Grand Co., Colorado, in 1984 (Shapiro). We found that the fresh females were definitely a greenish yellow (very near the color of the forewings of Gonepteryx rhamni L. $), the males very palely yellow, but quite distinct from the white of napi. Apart from slight fore wing apical blackening, our males were typically without marking, and the females carried only the forewing discal spot that normally marks napi males; even this was sometimes absent and the hind-marginal female streak hardly ever showed at all. Thus comparing the markings of these two subspecies with those of typical napi , the females departed from type in opposite directions: the expression of marginalis forewing markings was biassed posteriorly, those of macdunnoughii even diminished in that direction. Experimental Macdunnoughii males of brood 1985-r paired in August 1985 with British napi f. sulphurea females, but the mere 15 eggs produced only nine pupae, of which six (presumably female) proved unable to develop. One male hybrid emerged normally in September, a very pale lemon yellow, with faint black forewing apices and spots, and very slight veining below. Two more pupae colored as males and split their thoraces but failed to eclose: these were dissected out and appeared similar to the first male. This rather disappointing result, as far as it goes, does indicate that the macdunnoughii lemon tint, like that of marginalis , belongs to the sulphurea series of alleles. Three other pairings of macdunnoughii males (one from 1985-r, two from the subsequent inbred 1985-qO were made with single napi females of mainly European stock (which however carried some genes derived from ssp. oleracea and were of funebris form — see Lorkovic 1971, Bowden 1983). The resulting broods (1985-&, 1986-g1, gu) were large, but nevertheless only male hybrids emerged, even after diapause; their upperside ground-color was uniformly pure white, without yellow toning, as expected from heterozygous sulphurea. There was indeed one female ing11, but this was rejected. ( Marginalis and macdunnoughii hybrids with napi usually carry radiating black markings on the distal ends of the veins. Such are uncommon on pure ssp. napi , and napi waifs can thus be recognised, though without certainty.) The melanic pig¬ mentation of the hybrids may be described and discussed later. The apparently more difficult reciprocal hybridization was obtained in August 1986, using a funebris heterozygote male of 1985-/i. The macdunnoughii female came from brood 1985-g. It was expected that in this case female hybrids would precede the males, if the apparent sexual imbalance in the earlier hybrids was due to a disturbance of diapause control. In this brood, 1986-rc, losses of larvae in early stages were appreciable, probably 15-20%. Twenty males emerged 14-21.ix.86, 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 85 followed by a mixture of 19 cf 4- 25 9 by 23.X.86, giving a final ratio of 8 cf : 5 $• A few other pupae died. Surprisingly, all the F: hybrid females were of a light yellow color, rather with a flava tinge, and none were very near white. Thus this color was inherited from the macdunnoughii mother in the dominant mode, and was expressed only in the females. It was thought unlikely that a straight F2 hybrid brood would be productive. Males of the first F1, 1985-&, were back-crossed in each direction: JJfunebris hz., 1985-/i x cfcf 1985-& —> 1986-c, 33 cf + 24 $, 9 macdunnoughii , 1985-r x cf 1985-& — > 1986-y, 5 cf + 3 J, the sexes here being not significantly far from equality (x2 = 1.4, p = 0.23 and x2 = 0.5, p = .90 respectively). Brood 1986-c gave 57 adults the same year. All the males were white, as were some of the females, others varying from slightly tinted up to near a full flava color in two cases. The pigmentation here was definitely not of the sulphurea series, and as the brood had two mothers, a ratio 2 flava: 22 no-flava would be meaningless. Fifteen individuals of 1986-c were funebris (though of varying expression), almost exactly the anticipated number. The other back-cross 1986-j resembled pure macdunnoughii in respect of wing ground-color: tinted citron even in the males, very definitely so in two of them. The one white male was small (2 x 19 mm), but the other seven insects were large. The striking markings of several females, possibly influenced by the funebris gene, may be discussed in a later paper. Pigmentation Systems More than thirty years ago (1954) I was able to write of general agreement that there were at least two distinct forms of napi with extra yellow on the wings: ochreous flava Kane confined to the female and with the color not extending to the fore wing disc underside, and the primrose sulphurea Schoyen with the more extensive bisexual colora¬ tion. Thus all the Pieris butterflies with yellow wing-uppersides have since been interpreted in terms of these two modes: female only — brownish — dominant or semi-dominant genetically bisexual — citron yellow — recessive genetically. So the tests are: if a problem male (white or yellow) crossed with a sulphurea female napi produces any yellow sons, it carries sulphurea; if a problem female (yellow or ochreous) crossed with a sulphurea male napi produces any yellow sons, it carries sulphurea; if only white sons, it carries flava; if a problem female crossed with wild-type napi produces any yellow daughters, it carries flava, provided that numbers are adequate. 86 J. Res. Lepid. In both flava and sulphurea the saturation of the color can vary from very faint to intense, sometimes by the action of different alleles (cf. Bowden 1961) and sometimes environmentally. Some sulphurea alleles give only a very faint coloration to male butterflies: in all doubtful cases the forewing underside disc should be examined (Bowden 1961). Also, the sulphurea color is particularly liable to fade, especially in sunlight. At paler levels visual discrimination between flava and sulphurea becomes more uncertain. It was known that both kinds of color could occur together in the same individual — Bowden (1962) described the transference of sulphurea genes to P. (napi) bryoniae Ochsenheimer. Unfortunately I never considered that any natural population might constantly use a com¬ bination of the two systems of pigmentation. It was thus that I came partly to misinterpret the Oregon marginalis coloration. When the pigments do co-exist in uncertain proportions in the females of a species they are difficult to distinguish visually, even in a fresh specimen. Photographic rendering a usually imperfect. If the flava and sulphurea systems are acting together in a population with yellow males, it is possible to identify them by hybridizing with napi carrying neither flava nor sulphurea. The result in the F x should be white males plus ochre-tinted females. This is the result obtained with both mar¬ ginalis and macdunnoughii , which therefore carry flava as well as sulphurea. Is the matter therefore to be considered closed? Perhaps not quite. Though sulphurea and flava pigments are generally separable by eye, chemical composition within each class may not be constant, and genetic controls in these Pierids may involve more than two loci. Moreover, some biological aspects of the situation remain puzzling. Have these fainter colors any ecological effect? Do they offer clues to the phylogeny of taxa carrying them? Bowden (1977) figured a female macdunnoughii extremely reflective of U.V. light, indeed much more so than marginalis , but this phenomenon needs wider investigation in N.W. American Artogeia. Specific Status How distinct from Pieris napi L. is ssp. macdunnoughii ? And how close to ssp. marginalis ? The pterin pigmentation systems of these two subspecies are so similar as to suggest a close relationship. How do they react to hybridization with the European species? Male napi have seemed rather unwilling to pair with macdunnoughii females, but one cage pairing occurred within a quarter of an hour. The reciprocal pairing is easy. In either case fertility is very good. But the three large broods 9 napi x cf macdunnoughii produced no F ! daughters (the one female obtained showed no characters negating a pure napi origin and was probably a waif). The one brood 1986-n from 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 87 9 macdunnoughii x c? napi yielded both sexes, but females were the less numerous (40%) and generally appreciably smaller; their fertility was not tested. It is appropriate to compare the results for the marginalis x European hybrids reported in 1970: napi 9 x marginalis cf — > 1968-6, 7 cf + 1 9 + 15 undeveloped pupae, marginalis 9 x napi cf — > 1968-a, 9 cf + 8 9 (incl. 1 cf after diapause), Irish napi 9 x marg. cf — » 1966-/, 38 cf -I- 1 9 + 15 undeveloped pupae, marginalis 9 x Irish cf — > 1968-y, 32 cf + 39 9- They agree very well with those quoted above for macdunnoughii : on the whole it can be said for both ssp. marginalis and ssp. macdunnoughii , the cross 9 napi x cf m. produces no viable female offspring — it is only too likely that the single females in 1968-6 and 19 66-/ were waifs. Such a sexual disturbance is more serious than a diapause disorgani¬ zation, and is normally sufficient ground for a specific separation (cf. Lorkovic 1978). One could, however, expect marginalis and mac¬ dunnoughii to be mutually fully fertile and so probably conspecific. This should be confirmed experimentally, if possible. Subspecific Relationships It will be necessary also to study sexual relations between these subspecies and adjacent ones, especially microstriata Comstock and uenosa Scudder. Shapiro (in litt. 1979) stated that microstriata seemed to intergrade into marginalis in N. W. California. Geographic bound¬ aries between these taxa, as well as the other adjacent “subspecies” mentioned by Eitschberger (1983), may be very uncertain (even inde¬ finite), and it can be unsafe for us to generalize from results obtained on constituent local demes. Differences may be in part environmental (e.g. in altitude) rather than genetic. It would be desirable to re-consider the criteria for separating subspecies in this area. Our (1981) experiments with ssp. microstriata were incomplete, as acknolwedged at the time, and there was a mistake in the report (p. 3, para. 5). This should read: “One good female emerged on 20.V.79, and from this one individual all hybrid broods were derived. About 1-2 hr. after caging with a British sulphurea heterozygote napi male she paired with him ...” However the argument is little affected and the conclusions are un¬ changed. The female hybrids included pale yellows with the fore wing underside disc pale yellow; a sulphurea allele must have been present in the white microstriata female used. This could be taken as suggesting at least introgression from marginalis or macdunnoughii into spp. micro¬ striata , which could conflict with Eitschberger’s (1983) specific separa¬ tion of venosa and marginalis. Acknowledgements. I have C.L. Remington, W.B. Watt, F.W. Chew and particularly C.W. Nelson and A.M. Shapiro to thank for sending living material of the two subspecies with which this paper is concerned. 88 J. Res. Lepid. Literature Cited BARNES, W. & J. H. MCDONNOUGH, 1916. Notes on N. American diurnal Lepidop- tera. Contrib. Nat. Hist. Lepid. N. Amer. 3:57-59. BOWDEN, S. R., 1954. Pieris napi L. f. hibernica Schmidt, eine kunstliche Aberra¬ tion? Mitt. ent. Ges. Basel 4:9-15, 17-22. _ , 1962. Ubertragung von Pieris napi- Genen auf Pieris bryoniae durch wiederholte Ruckkreuzung. Z. Arbeitsgemeinschaft osterr. Entomologen 14:12-18. _ , 1963. Polymorphism in Pieris : forms subtalba Schima and sulphurea Schoyen. Entomologist 96:77-82. _ , 1970. Polymorphism in Pieris: f. sulphurea in Pieris napi marginalis. Entomologist 103:241-249. _ , 1977. Pieris — the ultra-violet image. Proc. Brit. ent. nat. Hist. Soc. 9:16-22. _ , 1983. A palaeomorph of Artogeia ? — f. funebris Lorkovic. Proc. Brit, ent. nat. Hist. Soc. 16:76-80. EITSCHBERGER, U., 1983. Systematische Untersuchungen am Pieris napi-bryoniae Komplex. Marktleuthen. LORKOVIC, Z., 1971. Pieris napi (L.) morfa funebris, osebujna nova rekombinacija krizanja. Acta entom. Jugoslav. 7:1-9. _ , 1978. Types of hybrid sterility in diurnal Lepidoptera: speciation and taxonomy. Acta entom. Jugoslav. 14:13-26. REMINGTON, C. L., 1954. A new name for the Colorado race of Pieris napi. Lepid. News 8:75. WARREN, B. C. S., 1963. The androconial scales in the genus Pieris, 2: the Nearctic species of the napi-growp. Entomol. Tidskr. 84:1-4. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 26(l-4):89-97, 1988 The Mating System of Three Territorial Butterflies in Costa Rica John Alcock Department of Zoology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 Abstract. Territorial behavior was observed in three Costa Rican butterfly species whose males perch in sunspots and open areas along a forest stream. Males of Calaenorrhinus approximatus occupied sunspot clearings for 1-2 hr in the early morning, with the same individual defending a site for up to 19 days. Males of Astraptes galesus cassius perched on the broad leaves of a piper in a tree fall clearing by the stream, with one individual returning for 17 days as the territory holder. Males of Mesosemia asa asa perched in streamside vegetation with a maximum territorial tenure of 25 days. Territorial males of all three species regularly patrolled the area about their perching sites and responded to intruders with circling chases and ascending pursuit flights. One mating occurred in the territory of a C. approximatus male, and three were recorded for M. asa in or near a perch territory. The mating systems of these species appear convergent with other butter¬ flies whose males defend landmark territories. Introduction Although there is a growing literature on butterfly mating systems (reviews by Ehrlich, 1984; Rutowski, 1982, 1984), little is known about the mating tactics of tropical butterflies. Here I describe the territorial and mate-locating behavior of two skippers ( Celaenorrhinus approxi¬ matus Williams & Bell and Astraptes galesus cassius Evans) and a riodinid butterfly ( Mesosemia asa asa Hewitson), demonstrating that these butterflies have convergently evolved a number of similarities in their mating systems. I then compare their behavior with that of a number of temperate-zone species with similar tactics. Materials and Methods Calaenorrhinus approximatus Williams & Bell On the basis of two specimens, one taken outside the study period, the skippers I studied were assigned to Celaenorrhinus approximatus , although another very similar species, C. eligius , also occurs in Costa Rica (John Burrns, pers. comm.). This skipper was observed at two locations separated by about 2 km along the Rio Guacimal, a 2-3 m wide and 0.5 m deep stream that flows through lower montane wet forest at 1300 m in Monteverde, Costa Rica. The study took place from 26 April to 14 July 1986 with the observer capturing and 90 J. Res. Lepid. marking six males with Liquid Paper Typing Correction Fluid while relying on natural wing tears to identify five other individuals. I observed sites occupied by males beginning about 0800-0900. 1 recorded the identity of the male or males at the location over a period of several hours, while also on some days noting the number of male-male aggressive interactions, their duration, the number of patrol flights made by the male perching in the area, and the time spent in each flight. Astraptes galesus cassius Evans The study of this skipper took place in one of the two locations where C. approximatus was observed. Nine males were captured and marked with Liquid Paper during the period from 7 June to 30 July 1986. On all but 5 days I checked the perching area at intervals during the morning to record the identity of the male or males present. On some days the butterflies were observed continuously for 15 min to 1 hr in order to record the frequency of social interactions, and the duration of flights taken by the male perching at the site. Mesosemia asa asa Hewitson I watched this riodinid butterfly at two stream sites separated by about 150 m. I captured and marked (with Liquid Paper) eight males; five other males were identified through their distinctive patterns of wing damage. The sites were monitored from 7 June to 30 July 1986 to record which males perched there. Some days one or more males was selected for continuous observation for 15 min to 1 hr, during which time social interactions, patrol flights, and their duration were noted. The data collected provide a picture of the daily activity pattern and the nature of territoriality of males of the three species. In addition, for two of the species, C. approximatus and M. asa, incidental observations of male-female interactions permit a description of mating behavior. Means are presented ± 1 S.D. Results Daily Activity Pattern of Celaenorrhinus approximatus On sunny days males flew to and perched upon leaves within sunspots 2— 4 m in diameter that were located within 10 m of the Rio Guacimal. At one sunspot selected for special study between 1-14 May 1986, the first male appeared between 0801-0906 (X=0834, N=10 days). At a second sunspot 2 km upstream the first male arrived between 0836-0910 (N=4 days). On overcast mornings, arrival times could be delayed until 1100. Once have perched, usually on a broad-leaved plant less than 0.5 m from the ground, the male engaged in frequent patrol flights in which he darted about the sunspot. At both sites, resident males not only patrolled the sunspot at which they had arrived, but also occasionally visited and perched in one to three othersunspots up to 30 m distant. These patrol flights lasted from 3-32 sec (X=10.4±5.7 sec; N=60 flights 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 91 by 5 males). The frequency of these flights was 1.01/min based on a total of 80 min of observations of three males on four days. Typically males ceased flying about sunspots at some time between 0930-1030 on sunny days with the male alighting upside down under a leaf after a flight about the sunspot. Flight activity averaged 76.3 ± 18.5 min (N=7 days). Site Tenacity and Territoriality I identified six individuals at the same sunspots on 4 to 10 dates with a mean interval between first and last sighting of 12 ±3.5 days. Some of the returning skippers stayed only briefly on any given day but others occupied the site for most or all of the morning activity period. These individuals, referred to hereafter as resident males, dashed after any conspecifics that flew near them. The two males would then chase one another in tight circles about the sunspot. Circle chases always preceded ascending flights, in which the two combatants flew up and away from the sunspot in near vertical flight into the forest canopy. Some interac¬ tions consisted of a series of circle and ascending flights, with the two rivals descending separately after an ascent and returning to the sunspot to repeat the cycle anew. The frequency of aerial fights was 9.5/hr (N=10.9 hrs of observation). The mean duration of these contests was 46.4±42.0 sec (N=34 fights recorded on 11 days). Intraspecific chases lasted much longer on average than either patrol flights (X = 10.4 sec, see above), or flights triggered by other passing butterflies, tachinid flies and damselflies (X=4.7±2.1 sec, N=24 chases recorded on 4 days). In 66 of 85 fights, only one male returned to perch in the sunspot after a circle flight or ascending flight. In 63 of 66 cases, the sole returning male was the resident male who had occupied the site first that day. When two males did land in the same sunspot after an aerial chase, it was generally only a matter of a minute or two before one male patrolled the sunspot eliciting a new chase and (usually) the departure of the newcomer. Ousters of territory-defending males were observed three times. On 1 May an unmarked male with fresh undamaged wings displaced yellow after a long series of aerial chases. Twice males that had been residents on preceding days arrived late at their sunspot to find the site occupied by another male; in both cases turnovers occurred, with the previous day’s resident quickly ejecting the newcomer. Thus the general pattern was for one male of claim a perch site for all of the morning activity period over several days. Other males, including previous residents, might visit the site over a number of days but they did not remain long. Male-Female Interactions I saw one copulation in about 20 hr of observation. This mating was discovered after its inception when I noticed that the resident male was 92 J. Res. Lepid. no longer perhcing in his sunspot. In his place was an unmarked individual. The resident was under a broad leaf within his territory copulating with an apparently fresh female with unworn wings. If the mating occurred at about the time when the resident disappeared from view, the duration of copulation would be about 1 hr. Daily Activity Pattern of Astraptes galesus cassius Males of A. g. cassius came in the morning to a stand of broad-leaved Piper auritum (Piperaceae) growing at the edge of the Rio Guacimal. On six sunny mornings between 7 June and 13 July, the first male to perch on an exposed piper leaf appeared before 0830 (0808 was the earliest record). On cloudy days arrivals were delayed, but one or more males perched on the piper for at least brief periods on 30 of 36 days during the study, even if the sun did not shine. Activity ceased in steady rain but otherwise males remained at the site until some time between 1100-1200 (the latest record was 1157). Thus males were active 2-3 hr per day. The leaves used as perches were 2-3 m above the ground with the primary perch site situated in the middle of a large (roughly 15 m diameter) clearing created by tree falls. The piper received direct sunlight only for a short period during the latter part of the morning. Perching males often flew out from and returned in a few seconds to the same leaf. Longer (10-20 m) patrol flights along the stream course lasted from 4 to 25 sec with a mean of 10.2 ± 4.2 sec (N = 79 flights of 5 males on 7 days). The frequency of patrol flights was 39.3/hr (4.5 hr of observations of 4 different males on 8 dates). Site Tenacity and Territoriality Marked individuals often returned to the piper patch over many days and stayed for several hours each morning (Table 1). The resident male chased intruders in straight horizontal pursuits and ascending flights that were not as structured as the circle/ascending flights of C. approxi¬ mate. Visitors usually left the area quickly when pursued. Male-male interactions occurred an average of 16.6 per hr (N = 5.5 hr observation of 4 residents). Chases of conspecifics lasted an average of 25.3 ±12.6 sec (N = 39). A change in territory ownership occurred on 7 occasions (Table 1) during 52 days. The new males all had less damaged wings than the old residents that they replaced after a number of chases. Previous residents continued to return to the site on subsequent days in 4 cases (Table 1), often coming earlier than their replacements. For example, on 24 June, green occupied the central piper plant from 0919-0952, giving way only when yellow finally arrived {yellow having claimed the territory on 16 June). Although past residents were always quickly displaced by the new owner, at least one male {yellow ) succeeded in reclaiming the site Table 1 . Identified males of Astraptes galesus cassius at one site from 7 June to 28 July 1986. R=resident territory owner, v=non- territorial visitor, R*= males loses territory to rival. Male June 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 pink R— -R* V V V green R- . R* V V V V yellow o/o R - June 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 pink V green R* v V V V V V V yellow o/o R— R* V V R — blue R — - -R July 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 pink green yellow o/o R* v blue wing mark R . - . R* yellow ii R — - R* wing notch 1 l- for 12 more days (Table 1) when the male that had defeated him failed to reappear on 30 June. Daily Activity Period of Mesosemia asa asa Males arrived at their streamside perches between 0930-1030 (N=12 days) and they departed on sunny afternoons between 1400-1500 (N=3 days) with one record of a male present until 1516. The butterflies perched on exposed leaves 0.5 to 1.5 m above the ground, and they faced out into the open space created by the stream channel. Early in the morning males often selected sites that were in full sun, but they were active even when all perches were shaded. During 6 hr of watching five males, I recorded 14.3 perch shifting flights of 1-3 sec per hr. Longer patrol flights of 3 m or more lasting on average 9.1 ±4.6 sec (N=14) occurred at the rate of just 3.8 per hr during this same period. Territorial Behavior Along a 150 m stretch of stream there were only four perching sites, 94 J. Res. Lepid. one downstream at a bend in the Rio Guacimal, and three 10-15 m apart at an upstream bend near the piper stand occupied by males of A. g. cassius. The relatively open forest canopy at these places permitted the sun to penetrate to a greater degree than elsewhere. Marked males often returned to the same perch location day after day (Table 2), chasing away intruders in slow circling flights, or occasionally slow ascending flights, a series of which might last as long as 4 min. Intraspecific aerial interactions occurred at the rate of just 5/hr based on 8 hr of observation. The mean duration of these interactions was 24.7 ± 25.1 sec (N=48 chases). Interspecific chases of certain other butterflies lasted on average 5.9 ± 4.4 sec (N = 51 chases). Turnovers in territory ownership took place six times during 43 days at three different perch sites (Table 2). The most dramatic of these occurred at a perch site that had been occupied for 25 days by a male that had lost the tip of one forewing. On 12 July an unusually large, fresh male with no wing damage displaced the resident from a perch site next to clipped wing’s territory. The next day the large male moved into clipped wing’s territory and engaged him in at least 16 aerial chases. Clipped wing left the site but continued to return at intervals on this and the next day, each time being chased off by the newcomer. Male-Female Interactions Three matings of M. asa were observed at 1138 on 8 June, 1205 on 24 June, and 1248 on 21 July. All occurred when a female flew into a territory and was pursued by the resident male. The female then landed Table 2. Territorial males of Mesosemia asa at four territories observed from 18 June to 30 July. Note shifts between territories 1 and 2 by male B. June 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Territory T1 Male A T2 T3 MaleC T4 MaleB MaleD July 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 T1 Male A - B . E F - G . -H - T2 MaleB - 1 - B - T3 Male C - 1 - T4 Male D 26(1-4): 1-288, 1988 95 on the underside of a leaf with the male alighting beside her. Copulation followed quickly with minimal courtship; “Tf” (Burns, 1970) was exactly 52 min in one case, while copulation lasted between 40-75 min in the two other cases. Discussion Table 3 provides a summary of male behavior in the three butterflies. There are both differences and similarities in the mating system of these unrelated species. The butterflies differ in the timing and dura¬ tion of their daily mate-locating activity, but each species is active for only a fraction of each day. All three species perch in relatively open areas, with Celaenorrhinus especially dependent on sunspots. These areas are not only relatively free from visual obstruction so that males may detect passing females, but may also offer thermoregulatory advantages in cool rainforest habitats. Males of the two skippers patrol their territories often, whereas the riodinid M. asa flies from perches infrequently. Territorial males of all three species engage intruders in ascending flights (although speed of flight varies greatly among species). Residents are able to control their perching areas up to two weeks or more, but they encounter receptive females at very low frequency. Callaghan (1982(83)) has documented similar behavior in a number of other tropical riodinids whose males wait on perches along the very edge of forests or in treefall areas; Scott (1974, 1975, 1982) has observed some North American skippers in which male mate-locating activity is concentrated in gulches and ravine bottoms. In these cases, males appear to take advantage of natural features that channel females past certain points. Similarly, hilltopping species (Shields, 1967; Scott, 1970), seem to be making use of conspicuous topographic features that may guide the movements of females. Landmark-based mating systems Table 3. A comparison of the mating system of two territorial stream- side skippers, Celaenorrhinus approximatus and Astraptes galesus , and the riodinid butterfly, Mesosemia asa. C. approximatus A. galesus M . asa Activity period < 2 hr 0830-1030 ca. 3 hr 0830-1130 ca. 4 hr 1000-1400 Patrol flights - frequency: mean duration 60/hr: 10 sec 39/hr: 10 sec 3.8/hr: 9 sec Fights-frequency: mean duration 9.5/hr: 46 sec 16.6/hr: 25 sec 5.5/hr: 25 sec Observed matings 1 0 3 Maximum territorial tenure 19 days 21 days 25 days 96 J. Res. Lepid. apparently evolve when males cannot profitably search for mates at larval foodplants or adult nectar sources (Thornhill and Alcock, 1983). Territoriality is widespread in the landmark and sunspot mating system group (e.g. Shields, 1976; Davies, 1978; Bitzer & Shaw, 1979(80); Callaghan, 1982(83); Lederhouse, 1982; Wickman & Wicklund, 1983; Alcock, 1983, 1985; Alcock & O’Neill, 1986). Males typically compete for landmark territories with elaborate circling and vertical ascending flights (see also MacNeill, 1964). These interactions appear to involve demonstrations of speed and aerial agility to rivals, as well as endur¬ ance in those cases in which repeated vertical pursuit flights occur. Con vergent evolution is also evident in the behavior of females of this group, which fly toward perched males, leading them on a slower, more direct pursuit flight than that seen in male-male fights. Females that are receptive alight quickly, and males land beside them to offer only the briefest of courtships before copulation occurs (e.g. Alcock, 1985; Alcock & Gwynne, in press; Wickman & Wiklund, 1983). Acknowledgements. John Bums graciously agreed to identify the skippers, a major task given the confused state of Celaenorrhinus systematics, and he also reviewed the manuscript. William Haber assisted in species’ identification. Ron Rutowski provided a useful critique of the manuscript, as did an anonymous reviewer. Literature Cited ALCOCK, J., 1983. Hilltopping territoriality by males of the great purple hair- streak, Atlides halesus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae): Convergent evolution with a pompilid wasp. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 13: 57-62. - , 1985. Hilltopping in the nymphalid butterfly Chlosyne calif ornica (Lepidoptera). Amer. Midi. Nat. 113: 69-75. ALCOCK, J. & D.T. GWYNNE, In press. The mating system of Vanessa kershawi: Males defend landmark territories as mate encounter sites. J. Res. Lepid. ALCOCK, J. & K. O’NEILL, 1986. Density-dependent mating tactics in the Grey hairstreak, Strymon melinus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). J. Zool. 209: 105- 113. BITZER, R.J. & K.C. SHAW, 1979(80). Territorial behavior of the red admiral, Vanessa atalanta (L.) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). J. Res. Lepid. 18: 36-49. BROWER, L.P., J.V.Z. BROWER, & F.P. CRANSTON, 1965. Courtship behavior of the queen butterfly, Danaus gilippus berenice (Cramer). Zoologica 50: 1-39. BURNS, J.M., 1970. Duration of copulation in Poanes hobomok (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) and some broader speculations. Psyche 77: 127-130. CALLAGHAN, C.J., 1982(83). A study of isolating mechanisms among neotropical butterflies of the subfamily Riodininae. J. Res. Lepid. 21: 159-176. DAVIES, N.B., 1978. Territorial defence in the speckled wood butterfly ( Pararge aegeria ): The resident always wins. Anim. Behav. 26: 138-147. EHRLICH, P.R., 1984. The structure and dynamics of butterfly populations. Symp. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. 11:25-40. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 97 LEDERHOUSE. R.C., 1982. Territorial defense and lek behavior of the black swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polyxenes. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 10: 109-118. MACNEILL, C.D., 1964. The skippers of the genus Hesperia in western North America with special reference to California (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). Univ. Calif. Publ. Entomol. 35:1-230. RUTOWSKI, R.L., 1982. Mate choice and lepidopteran mating behavior. Fla. Ent. 65: 72-82. - , 1984. Sexual selection and the evolution of butterfly mating behavior. J. Res. Lepid. 23: 125-142. SCOTT, J.A., 1970. Hilltopping as a mating mechanism to aid the survival of low density species. J. Res. Lepid. 7: 191-204. - , 1974. Mate-locating behavior of butterflies. Amer. Midi. Nat. 91: 103- 117. - , 1975. Mate-locating behavior of North American butterflies. J. Res. Lepid. 14: 1-10. - , 1982(83). Mate-locating behavior of western North American butter¬ flies. II. New observations and morphological adaptations. J. Res. Lepid. 21: 177-187. SHIELDS, O., 1967. Hilltopping. J. Res. Lepid. 6: 69-178. THORNHILL, R. & J. ALCOCK, 1983. The evolution of insect mating systems. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 547 pp. WICKMAN, P.-O. & C. WIKLUND, 1983. Territorial defence and its seasonal decline in the speckled wood butterfly (. Pararge aegeria). Anim. Behav. 31: 1206-1216. Journal ofResearch on the Lepidoptera 26(l-4):98-108, 1988 Stratification of fruit-feeding nymphalid butterflies in a Costa Rican rainforest P.J. De Vries Dept, of Zoology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 78712 and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Box 2072, Balboa, Panama, Central America Abstract. 1) Paired traps showed that fruit-feeding nymphalid butter¬ flies in the subfamilies Nymphalinae, Charaxinae, Morphinae and Satyrinae are stratified between the canopy and the understory by species composition, and abundance, size, and color pattern. 2) Short wing lengths and uniform underside patterns are found in the canopy, whereas long wing lengths and underside patterns bearing eyespots are found in the understory. 3) Wing length and color pattern cannot be separated from taxonomic affinity, and hence, these butterflies stratify by subfamily: Charaxinae and Nymphalinae in the canopy, Morphinae and Satyrinae in the understory. 4) A general model is presented to explain the apparent breakdown of stratification along forest edges and how light levels act as barriers to maintain insect stratification. Introduction The tropical rainforest has been described in terms of component layers or strata (Richards, 1966), and stratification (i.e. vertical distri¬ bution) of rainforest organisms has been documented for mammals and birds (Allee, 1926; Dunn et al., 1968; Orians, 1969; Pearson, 1971), and for insects (Bates, 1944, 1947; Corbet, 1961a & b; Davis, 1944; Elton, 1973, 1975; Erwin, 1983; Erwin & Scott, 1980; Garnham et al., 1946; Galino et al., 1951; Haddow, 1945; Haddow & Corbet, 1961a; Jackson, 1961; Papageorgies, 1975; Pittendrigh, 1950a & b; Rees, 1984; Snow, 1955; Sutton, 1979, 1984; Sutton & Hudson, 1980; Wolda, 1979). Studies on the stratification of insects other than mosquitos range from general overviews of all insect taxa taken in a sample (Elton, 1973; Sutton, 1984; Sutton & Hudson, 1980) to comments on a few taxa within a sample (Corbet, 1961b; Erwin, 1984; Erwin & Scott, 1980; Jackson, 1961; Papageorgis, 1975; Rees, 1984; Wolda, 1979). Of these studies, only two have attempted to quantify the stratification of butterflies. Jackson (1961) documented the presence of rare Lycaenidae and Nymphalidae in a Ugandan forest canopy, but his study ignored all species in the understory. In Peruvian lowland rainforest, Papageorgis (1975) found that some warningly colored butterflies and diurnal moths tend to fly at different levels in the forest according to mimetic pattern. 26(1-4): 1-288, 1988 99 Excluding those species where males visit wet sand or plant material for non-nutritional resources (see Boppre, 1984; Collenette & Talbot, 1926; Norris, 1936), any tropical forest community of butterflies can be divided into two adult feeding guilds: those species that obtain the bulk of their nutritional requirements from flower nectar (all Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Riodinidae and some Nymphalidae), and those species that feed upon the juices of rotting fruits, fermenting sap, or animal waste (several subfamilies of the Nymphalidae (sensu Ehrlich, 1958)). In the neotropics, only the members of the nymphalid sub¬ families Satyrinae, Morphinae, Charaxinae, and some members of the Nymphalinae feed exclusively on rotting fruits or other non-floral liquid as adults. These latter subfamilies, hereafter referred to as “fruit- feeding nymphalids,” may account for over 50% of the nymphalid species diversity in some Central American habitats and can, in general, only be collected by baiting them with rotting fruits (DeVries, 1987). By virtue of their feeding habits, fruit-feeding nymphalids may be used to study stratification because individuals can be selectively sampled with traps. In this paper I present quantitative evidence for several patterns of stratification among these butterflies from a Costa Rican rainforest, and discuss how forest structure may effect stratifi¬ cation. Methods The study was conducted from 20 October 1979 through 2 January 1980 at Finca La Selva, Heredia Province, Costa Rica, within the area known locally as the ‘Washington Plots.’ Five trapping sites (see trap design in DeVries, 1987) within closed canopy forest, each of which had an emergent canopy tree with a small lightgap at its base, were chosen on the basis of their receiving at least one hour of direct sunlight each day. The entire study was done during the rainy season, a time when butterfly abundance is low. One trap of each pair was placed in the canopy, the other in a small lightgap immediately below it. Canopy traps were positioned by fastening a pulley to a tree limb growing over a lightgap and using a rope to raise and lower the trap from ground level. Traps were checked twice each day, and rotting banana bait replaced regularly. All butterflies caught in the traps were killed, measured (winglength), and determined to species and sex and the trap position of capture was noted. Winglength data (measured from base of forewing to the forewing apex) were supplemented for species with small sample sizes using Costa Rican specimens from the Museo Nacional or British Museum (Nat. Hist.) collections (Table 3); these data were log transformed for analysis. The nomenclature used here follows DeVries (1987), and for analyses the subfamily (Table 2) Brassolinae was collapsed into the Morphinae of Ehrlich (1958). Results: Patterns of Stratification The wet season depression of butterfly abundance is reflected by the low numbers of individuals trapped: in 10 weeks the traps collected a total of 100 J.Res.Lepid. 182 butterflies in 46 species (Table 1). As one might expect, some rare species (based on museum abundance) were common in the canopy, and in all categories (by subfamily and trap position) significantly more (DF = 4; G = 49.1; p < .001, DF = 1; G = 42.3; p < .001 respectively) males were caught than females (Table 1). The trap samples also contained previously undescribed taxa (see Singer et al. 1983; DeVries 1987). Without addressing the problems of trap effect, heterogeneity of trap catch, or the possible effects of sampling without replacement, these overall patterns were noted: 1. Most species tended to be trapped only in the canopy or the understory, but a few species were found in both (Table 1). 2. Species richness was about the same in canopy and understory, with 24 taxa trapped only in the canopy, 15 only in the understory, and 7 taxa in both (Table 1). 3. Canopy taps collected significantly more individuals than did understory traps (Table 1). 4. Stratification occurred at the subfamily level, with members of the Charaxinae and Nymphalinae in the canopy, and members of the Morphinae and Satyrinae in the understory (Table 2). 5. Species trapped in the canopy had smaller mean winglengths than those species trapped in the under story (Table 3). 6. Mean winglengths differ between subfamilies, implying that winglength and position of capture cannot be separated from phylo¬ genetic affinity (Table 3). 7. Canopy and understory butterflies differ in possession of eyespot patterns (Table 4), and these differences are linked to taxonomic affiliation: Morphinae and Satyrinae have eyespots while other groups generally do not. Discussion This study showed that certain genera and species of fruit-feeding nymphalid butterflies were trapped consistently in the canopy, others in the understory, while a small fraction of the species were found in both canopy and understory. Overall, the data here indicate differences between canopy and under story butterflies in abundance, species com¬ position, wing length, and color pattern (Tables 1-4). However, the stratification of butterfly species by wing length and color pattern cannot be separated from taxonomic relatedness. This is to say that position of capture, size, color pattern, and subfamily are correlated to some degree, and that similar patterns may be found in other arthropods. The winglength data presented here are consonant with size data from other arthropod studies (Wolda 1979; Erwin & Scott 1980; Rees 1982; Erwin 1983), suggesting that smaller relative size may be a general characteristic of canopy insects. This trend, however, is reversed 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 101 for Costa Rican Papilionidae, where larger winged butterflies occur in the canopy (DeVries, unpublished data). Stratification by color pattern in fruit-feeding nymphalids is not likely to be explained by the mimetic resemblance hypothesis of Papageorgis (1975) per se. In her system, predators maintain the stratification of butterflies by selecting for similar mimetic patterns within distinct strata. However, virtually all of the species in the present study are cryptically colored, palatable to predators, and non- mimetic (Chai 1986; DeVries 1987). Since predators are clearly import¬ ant in selecting the appearance of cryptic insects (Kettle well 1955, 1956; Chai 1986), the stratification of eyespots (or lack of them) found in this study may also be due to stratification patterns of the butterflies’ predators. It is quite reasonable to assume that the species composition of vertebrate predators (i.e., lizards and birds) differs between the canopy and understory, and that these predators exert differing selec¬ tion pressures on butterflies. Perhaps studies on a single subfamily that contains species found in both canopy and in the understory (e.g., Nymphalinae or Satyrinae) may prove fruitful for probing the effects of how predator communities in the canopy and understory act on eyespot pattern (and body size) of these cryptic butterflies. Although the data here show that fruit-feeding nymphalid species are stratified between canopy and understory when feeding, they do not necessarily indicate where these butterflies spend their time when not feeding. For instance, the males of some species trapped only in the understory (Archaeoprepona Camilla, Morpho cypris ) spend much of their time patrolling in the canopy (presumably searching for females), and conversely, females of some rarer canopy species ( Cissia pseudo - confusa, Megeuptychia antonoe, Catonephele orites) are known to ovi¬ posit on hostplants occurring near ground level in gaps and along forest edges (DeVries 1986; 1987). Clearly, the location of mate seeking areas or larval hostplants can be entirely different from where non-ovipositing adults are found. Furthermore, these data here do not indicate whether or not further stratification would be revealed if traps had been placed at intermediate levels between the canopy and under story. The data do, however, raise the question of why these butterflies show pronounced stratification: if Newton was correct about apples, rotting fruits fall to the ground and canopy butterflies should feed on them there. This suggests that fruit-feeding nymphalids may eventually be shown to have feeding specializations with respect to rainforest fruit species. Most tropical collectors are aware that canopy flying nymphalids can be trapped close to ground level along a forest edge. Such knowledge implies an intuitive appreciation that stratification breaks down in some situations. A testable, general model is offered here to explain how different light levels maintain the stratification observed in fruit¬ feeding nymphalids, and why stratification is less pronounced in certain habitats. The model assumes that for diurnal insects such as butterflies, Table 1. Summary of taxa trapped during the study. See DeVries (1987) for nomenclatural details. Species Canopy Understory CHARAXINAE Prepona omphale 6 1 Agrias amydon 1 0 Archaeoprepona demophon 2 1 Camilla 1 4 meander 0 1 Zaretis itys 1 0 Memphis morvus 5 0 cleomestra 3 0 laura 1 0 aureola 1 0 xenocles 3 0 NYMPHALINAE Hamadryas laodamia 21 0 arinome 16 2 amphinome 3 0 Catonephele numilia 4 0 orites 11 0 Nessaea aglaura 1 4 Myscelia leucocyana 5 3 cyaniris 1 0 Eunica monima 1 0 Callicore lyca 1 0 patelina 2 0 Historis odius 3 0 acheronta 3 0 Smyrna blomfildia 3 0 Colobura dirce 8 0 Tigridia acesta 2 2 Total 7 1 3 5 1 1 5 3 1 1 3 21 18 3 4 11 5 8 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 8 4 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 103 Table 1. (cont’d) Species Canopy Under story Total MORPHINAE Morpho peleides 0 1 1 amathonte 0 1 1 cypris 0 1 1 Antirrhea miltiades 0 1 1 Caligo eurilochus 0 4 4 atreus 0 9 9 illioneus 0 2 2 Catoblepia orgetorix 0 1 1 Opsiphanes tamarindi 0 1 1 invirae 2 0 2 cassinae 2 0 2 SATYRINAE Cithaerias menander 0 2 2 Dulcedo polita 0 1 1 Cissia pseudoconfusa 3 0 3 joycae 1 0 1 hesione 0 3 3 Megeuptychia antonoe 11 0 11 Taygetis Andromeda 0 5 5 xenana 1 3 4 Total 129 53 182 male-female male-female Subfamily canopy understory Total Charaxinae 19:5 5:2 31 Nymphalinae 59:26 7:4 96 Morphinae 2:2 15:6 25 Satyrinae 13:3 14:0 30 Total 129 53 182 104 J.Res.Lepid. Table 2. Abundance of individuals by subfamily and position of traps. Expected values are in parentheses. Significantly more butterflies were trapped in the canopy than the understory [DF = 3; G = 54.67; p. < .0001]. Subfamily Canopy Under story Total Charaxinae 24 (21.97) 7 (9.03) 31 Nymphalinae 85 (68.04) 11 (27.96) 96 Morphinae 4 (17.72) 21 (7.28) 25 Satyrinae 16 (21.26) 14 (8.74) 30 Total 129 53 182 Table 3. Mean Winglengths based on Costa Rican Specimens Species N = Winglength Subfamily Position omphale 7 48.4 charax both demophon 9 55.5 charax both Camilla 6 59.5 charax both meander 8 53.7 charax under itys 7 35.1 charax canopy morvus 8 32.4 charax canopy cleomestra 12 32.8 charax canopy aureola 7 35.4 charax canopy xenocles 7 29.5 charax canopy laodamia 8 35.0 nymph canopy arinome 8 37.0 nymph both amphinome 9 37.7 nymph canopy numilia 7 36.2 nymph canopy orites 8 34.1 nymph canopy aglaura 8 35.9 nymph both leucocyana 9 29.3 nymph both cyaniris 10 34.1 nymph canopy monima 10 21.8 nymph canopy lyca 10 25.7 nymph canopy patelina 8 28.7 nymph canopy odius 8 56.0 nymph canopy acheronta 5 44.0 nymph canopy blomfildia 8 41.2 nymph canopy dirce 7 32.5 nymph canopy acesta 10 25.7 nymph both peleides 12 71.3 morph under amathonte 10 78.1 morph under cypris 8 70.0 morph under miltiades 9 47.3 morph under eurilochus 9 81.6 morph under atreus 8 77.7 morph under 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 105 Table 3. (cont’d) Species N = Winglength Subfamily Position illioneus 6 69.9 morph under orgetorix 10 51.8 morph under tamarindi 13 48.9 morph under invirae 8 43.0 morph canopy cassinae 11 42.0 morph canopy menander 10 30.3 satyr under polita 6 34.4 satyr under pseudoconfusa 8 20.9 satyr canopy hesione 7 20.8 satyr under antonoe 7 31.9 satyr canopy andromeda 8 37.0 satyr under xenana 9 36.4 satyr under One Factor ANOVA on Winglength across trap position and subfamily. Source S.S. DF Mean sq. F-test between traps 1.343 2 0.672 6.716 within traps 4.000 40 0.100 p < .005 Total 5.344 42 between subfams 2.935 3 0.978 15.84 within subfams 2.409 39 0.062 p < .0001 Total 5.344 42 Table 4. Stratification of species by presence or absence of eyespot pattern. Expected values are in parentheses. Eyespot patterns are found with a significantly greater frequency in the understory than in the canopy (DF = 1; G = 25.23; p = .0001). Note that this cannot be separated from taxonomic affinity: Morphinae and Satyrinae have eyespots. Eyespots Canopy Understory Both Total Present 5 (9.39) 13 (5.87) 0 (2.74) 18 Absent 19 (14.61) 2 (9.13) 7 (4.26) 28 Total 24 15 7 46 light is more important than the related factors of temperature and humidity for explaining patterns of stratification. The model therefore predicts that: 1) butterfly taxa usually fly in certain light levels within any habitat, and that 2) drastic changes in light intensity act as barriers between habitats. 106 J. Res. Lepid. The flower-feeding butterflies Anartia fatima (Nymphalidae), Phoebis philea (Pieridae), Battus polydamas (Papilionidae) that usually fly in bright sun, at ground level, provide an illustration of the effects of a light barrier. I commonly see these butterflies fly across a pasture towards the forest edge, ascend at the forest edge, fly across the canopy, and descend once again to ground level when the next pasture is encountered. They do not move through the shade of the forest, but rather they treat the canopy as an elevated pasture, despite the 40 meter difference in height be ween canopy and ground levels. In this example, a butterfly changes vertical distance from the ground without experiencing an appreciable change in light intensity. I strongly suspect that butterfly species that inhabit the vegetational interface between sunny and shaded areas (i.e., canopy /edge) treat the forest canopy and forest edge without regard to vertical position, since light levels within the interface should remain roughly the same regardless of height. Stratification then, in both canopy and pasture species is probably maintained by their preference for certain light levels. From field observations I further reason that there are three major distribution zones for butterflies within a closed canopy forest: open areas above and around the canopy (high light levels), the combination of within canopy and forest edge (medium light levels), and the shade of the forest interior (low light levels). Canopy species can be trapped at ground level at the forest edge because they normally inhabit the light level interface between bright sunlight and deep shade, and like vining plants, treat the forest edge as the canopy come to the ground. Light is considered to be an important factor in maintaining stratification in some forest and marine communities (Bainbridge et al. 1966; Allee et al. 1969), yet the effect the forest edge or disturbed forests have on stratification has not been addressed in tropical forest insects. If differences in light levels are important for maintaining stratification in rainforest butterflies, we might predict that in habitats without pronounced differences in light levels (i.e., disturbed forest, in deciduous forest during the dry season, or along the forest edge), stratification will not be as distinct as in closed canopy forest. The study of fruit-feeding nymphalids across various forest successional stages with the methods described herein may provide the necessary tools for understanding the role of light levels and forest structure in the maintainence of stratification of rainforest butterflies. Acknowledgements. This manuscript was improved over the years by comments and discussion provided by T. M. Aide, R. Brown, N. Greig, D. Grimaldi, D. J. Harvey, R. Lande, E. Leigh, M. Singer, and J. Zimmerman. For field-related discussion and help thanks go to I. Chacon, J. Gamboa, D. Perry, D. H. Janzen, F. G. Stiles, and the 1979-80 denizens of Finca La Selva. A special thanks is due to D. Feener and D. Ng for statistical consultation, and to N. Greig for critical comments. Portions of this study were supported by a Fulbright Hayes fellow¬ ship, a Smithsonian predoctoral fellowship, the Museo Nacional de Costa Rica, 26(1-4): 1-288, 1988 107 and the University of Texas at Austin. This paper is dedicated to the stratified diversity of Clifford Brown, Horace Silver, and Art Blakey. Literature Cited ALLEE, W. C., 1926. Measurement of environmental factors in the tropical rainforest of Panama. Ecology 7:273-302. ALLEE, W. C., A. E. EMERSON, O. PARK, T. PARK, & K. P. SCHMIDT, 1969. The Principles of Animal Ecology. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia. BAINBRIDGE, R„ G. C. EVANS, & O. RACKHAM (EDS ), 1966. Light as an Ecological Factor, British Ecol. Symp. no. 6. Blackwell, Oxford. BATES, M., 1944. Observations on the distribution of mosquitos in a tropical forest. Ecology 25:159-170. BATES, M., 1947. The stratification of mosquitos in cages. 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While anicia and chalcedona are closely related, distinct differences can be identified, thus substantiating their separa¬ tion as two species. Introduction The taxa Euphydryas anicia (Doubleday) and E. chalcedona (Double¬ day) have been considered historically to represent separate species, and they have been so treated in the two most recent lists of the North American butterflies (Miller & Brown, 1981; Hodges et al., 1983), as well as in two recent papers (Brussard et al., 1985; Spomer & Reiser, 1985). Based upon his analysis of the male genitalia of these insects, Scott (1978 [80]) considered these two taxa conspecific. My field studies in Idaho indicate that E. anicia and chalcedona occur sympatrically at several localities, and that they may be separated on the basis of characters in the male genitalia and dorsal wing maculation. Following the findings of Brussard et al. (1985), the generic name Euphydryas is used in this paper rather than Occidryas Higgins. Study Areas Fig. 1 is a map showing the distributions of Euphydryas anicia and E. chalcedona in Idaho. The records are based on my own collecting and data provided by Stanford (1985). Both species occur widely in Idaho, but to date they have been found to be truly sympatric in two localities only. The first site is in Boundary Co. and lies east of Hwy. 95 and northwest of Moyie Springs in the Kaniksu National Forest. Both E. anicia and E. chalcedona were collected on July 6—7, 1985 flying together in a small open meadow near a railroad right-of-way. The second site is in the Bear Valley region of Valley Co. in the 1 Published with the approval of the Director, Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal Article No. JA 1390. 110 J.Res.Lepid. Fig. 1 Idaho map showing distribu¬ tion by county of E. anicia (triangles) and E. cha/cedona (solid circles). vicinity of the Deer Creek crossing of the Boise National Forest road that connects Warm Lake with Hwy. 12. Specimens of the two species were taken together along the road and on an adjoining cleared forest slope on July 24, 1984. Elsewhere in Valley Co., chalcedona occurs in the Payette National Forest just north of McCall, and anicia is found in the general vicinity of Warm Lake and Stolle Meadow. Study Material During this study, 283 Idaho specimens (106 anicia , 175 chalcedona , 2 equivocal) were examined. Wing Maculation Euphydryas chalcedona throughout its range in Idaho is relatively constant in facies. Adults are dor sally predominately black with red- and-white maculation; ventrally the ground color is brick red. The subspecific epithet usually applied is wallacensis Gunder (= huelle- manni dos Passos). Two typical pairs are shown in Fig. 2. Euphydryas anicia in Idaho is variable. In the broad sense, it can be divided into two color groups: 1. dorsal ground color generally black; 2. dorsal ground color red/orange. Both forms manifest pale white or cream-colored spots dor sally. The dark form displays red markings similar to those of chalcedona. The ventral ground color of Idaho anicia varies from brick red to red-orange. The VHW pale intercellular maculation varies in extent according to local colony. Because of the variability of anicia in Idaho, no subspecific epithets are applied in this paper. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 111 Fig. 2. E. cha/cedona wa/lacensis from Idaho. Dorsal surfaces left; ventral right. A. Male. Payette Nat. For., 1 mi. N. McCall, Valley Co., 1.vii.83. B. Female. Same locality, 13.vii.84. C. Male. Canyon Creek, Idaho Co., 31.V.85. D. Female. Kaniksu Nat. For. NW Moyie Springs, Boundary Co., 7.vii.85. All C. D. Ferris Coll. Specimens of anicia collected at the Boundary Co. site are brightly colored and belong to the red/orange category. Two color forms of anicia occur in Valley Co.: 1. a red form similar to the Boundary Co. phenoty¬ pe, but not so brightly colored; 2. specimens that generally fall into the black category, but variable. Some of the dark anicia specimens appear in maculation superficially similar to chalcedona. These two species can be separated, however, on the basis of the form of the marginal spot-band on the DFW, as illustrated in Fig. 3. In both sexes of anicia , the DFW marginal spots form a complete border along the outer edge of the wing. In chalcedona wallacensis , the spot-row normally terminates about vein Cu! in the males, and although it frequently extends to vein 2A in the females, the spots are much reduced in size below vein Cu^ This spot-row in anicia is clearly double at the apex of the FW, while in chalcedona immediately basad of the marginal red spot-row, there is a blackish band distad of a row of small whitish spots. The apical double spot-row in anicia may present concolorous spots, or the inner row may contain whitish spots. Ventrally, especially on the HW, chalcedona generally 112 J.Res.Lepid. Fig. 3. DFW marginal spot-band maculation in Idaho E. anicia and chalcedo- na. displays much more extensive brick-red coloration than is found in anicia , but this character is not relaible. Fig. 4 depicts specimens of E. anicia from the Boundary Co. (A-B) and Valley Co. (C-D) populations. Fig. 5 illustrates a pair of the dark phenotype from Stolle Meadow in Valley Co. Genitalic Studies Fig. 6 depicts the diagnostic portions of the male genitalia of E. anicia and E. chalcedona from Idaho. In this figure, drawings A and E represent typical chalcedona , while B-D and F represent typical anicia (G will be addressed subsequently). These illustrations show the distal portion of the right valve and its processes with the abdomen rotated 90° from normal life position. This is the view of the genitalia seen using a binocular dissection microscope after the abdominal hairs have been removed (by use of a stiff brush). It is not necessary to dissect the genitalia from the abdomen. To achieve the views shown in Fig. 6, it may be necessary to angle the specimen relative to the microscope objective. As the illustrations show, E. chalcedona manifests one long and curved process, and a short pointed process (which may be slightly recurved). By contrast, anicia presents two long curved processes (frequently of nearly equal length) which various authors have likened to knitting needles. In my studies of males of anicia collected from Chihuahua, Mexico to the southern Yukon Territory, the valvular processes are remarkably consistent in form, and do not intergrade into the form found in chalcedona. The two species, however, may hybridize as discussed below. Intermediate Specimens Of the Idaho material, only one pair of intermediate specimens has been found. They are illustrated in Fig. 7, with male genitalia in Fig. 6 (G). In dorsal maculation, both specimens are closer to chalcedona than anicia , although the form of the male genitalia is closer to anicia. This pair may represent a hybrid between the two species, but more likely it Fig. 4. E. anicia from Idaho. Dorsal surfaces left; ventral right. A. Male, red/orange form. Kaniksu Nat. For. NW Moyie Springs, Boundary Co., 6.vii.85. B. Female. Same data. C. Male, red/orange form. Deer Creek, Boise Nat. For., Valley Co., 24.vii.84. D. Female. Same data. All C. D. Ferris Coll. Fig. 5. E. anicia dark form from Stolle Meadow, Boise Nat. For., Valley Co., Idaho, 13-17.vii.83. A. Male, dorsal. B. Male, ventral. C. Female, dorsal. D. Female, ventral. All C. D. Ferris Coll. 114 J.Res.Lepid. E ^ B F \ C G ^ J\ D ^ A = chalcedona, IDAHO CO., IDAHO B = anicia, BOUNDARY CO., IDAHO C = anicia, BOUNDARY CO., IDAHO D = anicia. VALLEY CO., IDAHO E = chalcedona, VALLEY CO., IDAHO F = anicia, VALLEY CO., IDAHO G = intermediate, VALLEY CO., IDAHO Fig. 6 Male genitalia (valvular processes) of Idaho Euphydryas. A, E. E. cha/cedona. B-D, F. E. anicia. G. Equivocal specimen. Fig. 7. Equivocal Euphydryas pair from Deer Creek, Boise Nat. For., Valley Co., Idaho, 24.vii.84. A. Male, dorsal. B. Male, ventral. C. Female, dorsal. D. Female, ventral. All C. D. Ferris Coll. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 115 is an extreme variant of the anicia phenotype. Occasional dark indi¬ viduals occur in many anicia populations, perhaps as a consequence of thermal shock during the prepupal stage. Various authors have suggested that paradoxa McDunnough (usually referred to chalcedona) represents a stable hybrid between chalcedona and anicia. It is not the intent of this paper, however, to review species that occur outside of Idaho. Conclusion On the basis of my studies in Idaho and the data presented above, I conclude that the taxa anicia and chalcedona represent closely related but separate species. They can be distinguished by differences in the male genitalia and FW maculation. Their flight periods overlap, with chalcedona on the wing from mid-May into late July depending upon geographic location and elevation. E. anicia generally appears in early July and survives into August at suitable elevation. Acknowledgements Prof. Nelson S. Curtis, Moscow, Idaho, kindly directed the author to some of the collection sites visited. Dr. Richard Holland, Albu¬ querque, New Mexico, provided specimens of E. anicia from northern Mexico. This paper was critically reviewed by Drs. Robert E. Pfadt and C. C. Bur- khardt, Dept, of Entomology, University of Wyoming, Dr. F. M. Brown, Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Dr. Lawrence F. Gall, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University. Literature Cited BRUSSARD, F.F., P. R. EHRLICH, D. J. MURPHY, B. A. WILCOX & J. WRIGHT, 1985. Genetic distances and taxonomy of checkerspot butterflies (Nymphalidae: Nympha- linae). J. Kans. Ent. Soc. 58(3): 403-412. HODGES, R.W., et al., 1983. Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico. London: E. W. Classey, Ltd., 284 pp. SCOTT, J.A., 1978[80]. A survey of valvae of Euphydryas chalcedona, E. c. colon, and E. c. anicia. J. Res. Lepid. 14(4): 245-252. SPOMER, S. M. & J. M. REISER, 1985. Observations of the life history of Occidryas anicia bernadetta (Nymphalidae) at the type locality. J. Lepid. Soc. 39(1): 55-57. STANFORD, R. E., 1985. Rocky Mountain butterfly distribution maps. 4th ed. Privately published. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 26(1-4):116-124, 1988 The Mating System of Vanessa kershawi: Males Defend Landmark Territories as Mate Encounter Sites John Alcock and Darryl Gwynne Department of Zoology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 85287 and Depart¬ ment of Zoology, University of Western Australia, Nedlands WA, 6009 Abstract. Males of Vanessa kershawi (McCoy) occupy perch terri¬ tories in the late afternoon in sunspots on hilltops and other locations in southwestern Australia. Perching males respond to intruders with chases and ascending flights, with some individuals defending the same perch site for several consecutive afternoons. Females visit territories strictly to mate and not to use any resources in these areas. In the absence of hilltops males wait at sites where local topography and vegetation create passageways that might channel dispersing females to them. Landmark-based mating systems of this sort appear to evolve in species whose females are highly dispersed because of the distribution of the food and oviposition resources that they exploit. Introduction Although the painted lady butterflies — genus Vanessa — are common and widespread, relatively little is known of their reproductive behavior. Accounts of V. atalanta , V. cardui , V. caryae , and V. indica indicate that males of these species go to certain conspicuous land¬ marks, particularly hilltops, but also forest-meadow edges, where they perch in the late afternoon (Alcock, 1984; Bitzer & Shaw, 1979(80); Niimura, in Suzuki, 1976; Scott, 1975, 1986; Shepard, 1966; Shields, 1967). Although males of some species are territorial, defense of the perch site does not occur in several of these species when population densities are high (Alcock, 1984). It has been assumed that perched males on hilltops and other landmarks are awaiting the arrival of receptive females, but no observations of copulations at these sites have been recorded in the literature. This report describes the reproductive behavior of V. kershawi (Mc¬ Coy), an abundant species throughout Australia (Common & Water- house, 1972). Some authors consider V. kershawi to be a subspecies only of V. cardui (Zimmerman, 1958), and there is no question that the two are very similar. We show that this butterfly uses landmarks as mate- encounter sites but that in different locations males establish territories at very different kinds of landmarks. We discuss the significance of this finding for an understanding of landmark-based mating systems, as well as documenting that landmark territoriality is associated with mate-acquisition in this species. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 117 Methods The butterflies were observed on 6— 7 October at Tutanning Reserve, approximately 25 km east of Pingelly and 175 km southeast of Perth, W. A., on 18-19, 23-24 October and 19-20 November at Watheroo National Park, W. A., in the south-central portion of the park about 250 km north of Perth, and from 29 October to 13 January at King’s Park, an area of natural bushland in Perth, W. A. The descriptive data were largely collected by selecting a site that contained a male perched on the ground in the late afternoon and then recording the behavior of the male or males that resided in that location for periods ranging from 10 min to 2.5 hr. In some cases resident males were captured in an insect net and marked with Liquid Paper typewriter correction fluid through the folds of the net before being released. The sites at which males were observed were checked again on subsequent days to determine if some perch sites were used repeatedly. Means are presented ± 1 S.D. Results Perch Site Selection In all three study sites, males arrived at their perching sites on the ground in sun spots or sunny strips in the mid- to late-afternoon. Although on some days males arrived as early as 1500 hr, the density of perching males was greatest between 1700—1800 hr in all three places. All males were gone from their perching areas by dusk. But the vegetation and topography of the areas in which males chose perch sites varied considerably among the three locations. At Tutanning, males selected sun spots on moderately forested hilltops, particularly on the edge of rocky escarpments, but also on the flat “plateaus” of the hilltops, sometimes dozens of meters from the steep hillsides. The sunspots were scattered among a forest of Eucalyptus wandoo and Casaurina huegliana. In King’s Park there are no well-defined hilltops but instead gently rolling terrain with gradual ascents and descents. At this site males were found throughout the area perched on concrete pathways (Fig. 1) and cleared firebreaks, with no obvious concentrations on the higher elevations. The paths and firebreaks cut through a forest of Banksia , Casaurina and Eucalyptus marginata in places and elsewhere through more open stretches of tall shrubs, mainly blackboys ( Xanthorrhea preissii). In Watheroo National Park the terrain was almost completely flat and the forest an open one composed of pricklybark ( Eucalyptus tod- tiana ), scattered Banksias , and zamia palms ( Macrozamia reidlei). Males perched in sunny avenues in the woodland, particularly in one area where low pricklybark foliage formed a green barrier; the des¬ cending sun illuminated a long strip of ground parallel to the barrier. 118 J.Res.Lepid. Territorial Behavior Perching males flew up at objects moving near them including stones and chunks of wood thrown over them, as well as flying dragonflies, other butterfly species, and even birds. In addition perched males sometimes spontaneously flew 2-10 m away from their perch before returning to land usually at or near the previous perching area. These spontaneous “patrol flights” occurred at the rate of 8.7/hr based on 360 min of observation of focal males in the three locations. If at any time, a conspecific male entered the perching area, a chase invariably resulted. Whereas chases of non-conspecifics lasted only a few seconds, chases of fellow males regularly lasted about 30 sec (X = 28.9 ± 17.0 sec, N = 36, range 7—75). Chases began with horizontal dashes, roughly 5— 15 m in length and oriented back and forth over the territory. Chases lasting more than 10—15 sec usually terminated with rapid ascending flights that took the participants 5 or more meters high, far away from the territory and out of view of the observer in woodland habitats. The frequency of male-male interactions varied from 18.4/hr (based on 5 hr of observation) at Tutanning to 5.7/hr (11.3 hr of observation) at King’s Park, and 4.7/hr (4.25 hr of observation) at Watheroo. Generally only one male returned from a chase to perch at the site which had been occupied before the interaction. Thus males used chases to monopolize perching sites and to disperse their rivals. At King’s Park and at Watheroo perching males were separated by at least 25 m on most days. At the highest density site (Tutanning Reserve) a maximum of 11 males occupied an area of 1452 m2 with a minimum distance of 6.3 m between nearest neighbors (X = 9.1 m, N = 9). Note that it was at this site that interactions among males were most frequent. Some males were able to control a territory for substantial periods of time in an afternoon. At King’s Park we secured 15 records of identified males (either marked with Liquid Paper or with distinctive wing damage) that held their site for a minimum of 30 min in an afternoon (up to a maximum of 140 min). Six marked males showed considerable site tenacity by returning to their perch site on the same day as capture, despite the trauma of netting. Residents generally succeeded in repel¬ ling intruders, winning 46 of 53 interactions sampled on seven days and involving five different residents at King’s Park. On four occasions both resident and intruder returned to perch in the same general area and only in three cases did the intruder replace the resident. Some males were also able to reclaim the same location on several days. In the 10 day period from 9—18 November, all resident males (10) at one territory in King’s Park were identified by marks or wing damage, and the area checked daily. Table 1 shows that during this time three territory owners returned to the site on more than one day. In addition, a different male defended the same location for the four days 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 119 Fig. 1. A male Vanessa kersha wi per¬ ched in a sunspot on a con¬ crete sidewalk slab in King's Park, Perth. Fig. 2. A frequently occupied per¬ ching area in King's Park, Perth. Males defended con¬ crete slabs in the left hand lane of the track in the mid¬ dle of the figure. Note that the surrounding vegetation creates a tunnel of sorts over the perching area. Fig. 3. A copulating pair of Vanessa kershawi that mated after the female flew to the male's landmark territory on a hilltop in Tutanning Reserve, W.A. 120 J.Res.Lepid. between 26—29 November. Thus at least under some conditions males exhibit site tenacity. But the competition for perch ownership also led to turnovers. On seven occasions when observing an identified male at King’s Park or Tutanning, a new male replaced the past owner after a chase or series of chases. Thus some perches attracted more than one male owner in a single day (see Table 1), and the same spot could be occupied over a series of days by many different males. At Watheroo one site that was held on 19, 23-24 October was also claimed a month later on 19 November. A focal territory at King’s Park was held by six different residents during 9—18 November and at least four other males visited the site. The recorded number of visitors is surely a gross underestimate of the actual total because most intruders were promptly chased away before they could be captured, marked or identified. The focal territory at King’s Park was occupied by a resident male on 20 of 22 afternoons when the site was checked from 29 October to 13 January. Three other sites on a transect of King’s park paths 420 m long were also occupied on a majority of these days (Site B = 15/22, Site C = 13/22, and Site D = 14/22). Male -Female Interactions Encounters between males and females were rare. At Tutanning Reserve two matings were recorded, both at times of peak male density: Table 1. Resident and visitor males of V. kershawi at one perching site in King’s Park, Perth from 9—18 November 1985. R = resident male — present for most of observation period; v = visitor male — present only for brief period(s) before being chased away by the resident male; R* = new male takes site from previous resident site during an afternoon. November Male Date 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 171 18 A B C D E F G H I J R R R v v v R v v R R R R* R* R R* R xno observations made on this day 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 121 1729 hr on 6 October and at 1733 hr on 7 October. These took place at two different territories on the edge of a hilltop when a female flew into a territory, and was pursued by the resident away from the perch site. The pair flew much more slowly and more erratically than male-male interactors, and with no ascending component to the chase. In both cases the two butterflies landed on the foliage of a sapling wandoo eucalyptus, approximately 24 and 5 m from the point of first encounter, respectively. The male landed by the female, facing in the same direction. Copulation followed quickly with no preceding wing-fluttering by the female in one instance, although in the other the female flew off the perch several times before alighting for good. Once the female had ceased moving, the male simply probed with his abdomen twisting it to the side to couple with the female, after which he turned to face directly away from his partner (Fig. 2). In both cases copulation was still in progress lhr after its initiation. One mating was recorded at King’s Park at 1707 on 16 November. It followed the same pattern, although in this case the female led the male on a long pursuit as she flew away from and then returned to pass over the perch territory several times before finally landing on a casaurina cone some 3 m above the ground and about 10 m from the perch site. Copulation was still in progress 30 min after it began. Two other probable male-female interactions were seen at King’s Park. One occurred at 1648 on 11 November when a male visitor with a distinctive wing mark that had been perching near the territory holder suddenly flew up after another visitor and departed. The pair flew off in the distinctive, relatively slow horizontal flight that characterized male-female pursuits but the butterflies were lost to view in the woodland. The male did not return within a hour. The second inter¬ action took place at 1715 on 18 November when an individual, probably a female, flew into a male’s territory and led him on a brief chase before landing on the ground. The male perched immediately behind the visitor and flew up when it left. The pair went into the woodland in a slow horizontal pursuit flight and were lost in the scrub. The male did not return within a minute as was normally the case in male-male chases. Discussion The term “territoriality” covers a variety of behavioral phenomena, but in its most widely accepted sense it refers simply to the defense of space by an individual (Brown, 1975). In this sense males of V. kershawi are territorial, with individuals defending perches that may be visited in the late afternoon by receptive females. The distinctive features of male-male chases, which are very different from male-female encoun¬ ters and pursuits of heterospecifics, leave little doubt that male-male interactions determine ownership of a perch site. Similar behavior has been labelled “territorial” in two reviews of insect territoriality (Baker, 122 J.Res.Lepid. 1983; Fitzpatrick & Wellington, 1983; but see Scott, 1986, for argu¬ ments on the absence of territoriality in butterflies). Some perch sites are consistently occupied by many different males over a period of several months; other similar locations never attract a territory owner. What properties make a perching area worth defend¬ ing? There are no flowering plants or oviposition resources in the territories of V. kershawi ; females visit perched males solely to acquire a mate and males defend their perching areas solely to maintain a site from which to scan for incoming females. We suggest that the mating system of V. kershawi is based on landmarks with local topography dictating where females are most likely to be travelling, and this in turn determines where males compete for waiting sites. As is true for a host of butterflies and other insects, prominent hilltops may serve as orientation guides or attraction points for females (Scott, 1970; Shields 1967; Thornhill & Alcock, 1983), and when hilltops are available (as at Tutanning Reserve) males of V. kershawi wait at the highest points. But in some regions, hilltops are absent and then males use alternative topographic features as productive waiting sites. In King’s Park, many territories are on walking tracks, sidewalks and firebreaks at points where the trailside vegetation creates a passageway likely to channel or funnel passing females toward a perched male. Similarly at Watheroo males appear to wait in open sunny areas in the woodland through which traveling females might be guided by the foli¬ age of plants beside the clearings. Thus, whatever their environment, males of V. kershawi seem to take advantage of natural orientation marks, clearings through vegetation, and foliage barriers to station themselves at points most likely to be visited by dispersing females. Males of other Lepidoptera that use landmarks as mate-encounter sites may also be using topographic channels and funnels that concentrate travelling females (Callaghan, 1982(83)). Flexibility in the use of landmarks also occurs in other butterflies (Scott, 1982(83)), including V. atalanta (Alcock, 1984; Bitzer & Shaw, 1979(80)), whose males station themselves on peaktops in hilly or mountainous terrain, but wait in clearings and forest-meadow edges in flat, forested areas. The use of landmark and topographic guides appears widespread in the genus Vanessa (Alcock, 1984; Bitzer & Shaw, 1979(80); Shields, 1967). The behavior of V. kershawi and V. atalanta , for example, is close to identical in terms of sites selected by waiting males, the nature of male-male interactions, the duration and frequency of aerial chases, the consistency with which some territories are defended from day to day, and the restriction of territoriality and mating to the late afternoon (Bitzer & Shaw, 1979(80); Dimock, 1984(85)). Why should males of these butterflies be so prone to wait at resource-less areas rather than searching actively for females at foraging or oviposition sites? The general rule among insects is that when either food or egg-laying 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 123 resources are concentrated, thereby concentrating females spatially, males focus their search at these locations (Thornhill & Alcock, 1983). In many butterflies, including Vanessa species whose larvae and adults feed on a wide range of hosts (Common & Waterhouse, 1972), females are often not clumped and therefore are not easy to locate (Rutowski, 1984). Under these circumstances males may be forced to wait in portions of their environment where travelling females may occasional¬ ly appear (Rutowski, 1984). Vanessa butterflies are well-known for their tendency to travel long distances (Johnson, 1969; Smithers, 1969). One would predict, however, that if females of a Vanessa species happened to become aggregated at a restricted food- or hostplant, their males would respond by searching for mates at these productive locations. When females of V. cardui occur in large numbers on flowering Encelia farinosa in central Arizona, some males do search for mates at the foodplant (Alcock, 1984). A combination of hilltopping and searching at flowers has been reported for a few other butterflies as well as by Scott (1982(83), 1986). Likewise, 10—20 males and females of V. kershawi were found at a local patch of a flowering Verticordia on 19— 20 November at Watheroo National Park. The plant had not been in bloom a month earlier when late afternoon perch defenders were common in other areas, but by 19—20 November only a single perch defender was located. Instead, throughout these days males frequently engaged in what appeared to be brief (< 5 sec) horizontal sexual chases at the foraging site. Apparently when females of Vanessa are spatially clustered at flowers, males travel to these locations to search for receptive partners. But if no such clusters exist, males wait at travel points for diffusely distributed females to come to them. Acknowledgements This study was done while J. A. was on sabbatical leave from Arizona State University while visiting the Department of Zoology, University of Western Australia. UWA kindly provided a fellowship and other forms of support. We received fine assistance in watching the butterfly from Sue and Nick Alcock and from Sarah Brooks. Ron Rutwoski and two anonymous reviewers helpfully criticized the manuscript. Literature Cited ALCOCK, J., 1984. Convergent evolution in perching and patrolling site preferences of some hilltopping insects of the Sonoran desert. South¬ western Nat. 29: 475-480. BAKER, R. R. 1983. Insect territoriality. Ann. Rev. Ent. 28: 65-90. BITZER, R. J. & K. C. SHAW, 1979 (80). Territorial behavior of the red admiral, Vanessa atalanta (L.) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). J. Res. Lepid. 18:36—49. brown, J. L., 1975. The evolution of behavior. W. W. Norton, New York. 761 pp. 124 J.Res.Lepid. CALLAGHAN, C. J., 1982(83). A study of isolating mechanisms among neotropical butterflies of the subfamily Riodininae. J. Res. Lepid. 21: 159—176. COMMON, I. F. B. & D. F. WATERHOUSE, 1972. Butterflies of Australia. Angus & Robertson, Sydney. 498 pp. DIMOCK, T. E., 1984. Culture maintenance of Vanessa atalanta rubrica (Nym- phalidae). J. Res. Lepid. 23: 236-240. FITZPATRICK, G. W. & W. G. WELLINGTON, 1983. Insect territoriality. Can. J. Zool. 61: 471-486. JOHNSON, C. G., 1969. Migration and dispersal of insects by flight. Methuen & Co., London. 763 pp. RUTOWSKI, R. L., 1984. Sexual selection and the evolution of butterfly mating behavior. J. Res. Lepid. 23: 125—142. SCOTT, J. A., 1970. Hilltopping as a mating mechanism to aid the survival of low density species. J. Res. Lepid 7: 191—204. - , 1975. Mate-locating behavior of North American butterflies. J. Res. Lepid. 14: 1 — 10. - , 1982(83). Mate-locating behavior of western North American butter¬ flies. II. New observations and morphological adaptations. J. Res. Lepid. 21: 177-187. - , 1986. The Butterflies of North America. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA. 583 pp. SHEPARD, J., 1966. A study of the hilltopping behavior of Pieris occidentalis Reakirt. Pan-Pac. Ent. 42: 287-294. SHIELDS, O., 1967. Hilltopping. J. Res. Lepid. 6: 69-178. SMITHERS, C. N., 1969. A note on migrations of Vanessa kershawi (McCoy) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) in Australia. Aust. Zool. 15: 185—187. SUZUKI, Y., 1976. So-called territorial behavior of the small copper, Lycaena phlaeas daimio Seitz (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Kontyu 44: 193-204. THORNHILL, R. & J. ALCOCK, 1983. The evolution of insect mating systems. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 547 pp. ZIMMERMAN, E. C. 1958. Insects of Hawaii. Vol. 7. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HW. 542 pp. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 26(1-4):125-140, 1988 Apodemia palmerii (Lycaenidae: Riodininae): Misapplication of Names, Two New Subspecies and a New Allied Species George T. Austin Nevade State Museum and Historical Society, 700 Twin Lakes Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107 Abstract. The subspecific names of Apodemia palmerii, A. p. palmerii and A. p. marginalis, have been variously used for the phenotypes of the species. Examination of the types and series of topo types indicates that they are synonymous. New subspecific names are proposed for the darker phenotype distributed east of the Colorado River drainage and another in central Mexico. Southern Baja California, Mexico popula¬ tions, often referred to as Apodemia “palmerii” are described here as a new species. Introduction William Henry Edwards (1870) described Lemonias palmerii from Utah. Subsequently, Skinner (1920) named the taxon Lemonias palmerii marginalis from a California population of the species. The name “ marginalis” has been variously treated as a form synonymous with Edwards’ concept (dos Passos 1964, Howe 1975, Miller and Brown 1981, Austin 1985b) or as a recognizable subspecies distinct from nominate A. palmerii (Comstock 1927, Holland 1931, Emmel and Emmel 1973, Tilden 1975, Austin and Austin 1980). Populations from southern Arizona and western New Mexico generally have been referred to as nominate A. palmerii (Comstock 1927, Holland 1974, Howe 1975, Ferris 1976). Study of material from throughout the range of the species and examination of the type specimens of the two presumptive subspecies indicate errors in the application of A. p. marginalis and that new names are needed for the A. palmerii popula¬ tions east of the Colorado River drainage and those in Mexico. Yet another phenotype, previously referred to as A. palmerii (Rindge 1948, Holland 1972), occurs in southern Baja California, Mexico, but it is, in fact, an undescribed species. Throughout this paper, butterfly size (given as mean and range) is the length of the right primary from the base to the apex in millimeters. Measurements are for 15 specimens unless otherwise indicated. Speci¬ mens indicated by “M” and “F” are male and female, respectively. 126 J.Res.Lepid. Names and Populations The description of the male oiApodemia palmerii was based on Utah material taken by Edward Palmer (Edwards 1870). Later, Edwards (1884b) stated that his description was based on a single male. Brown (1967, 1968) presented ample evidence that the specimen was most likely collected in Utah, probably in the vicinity of St. George, Washing¬ ton County during June 1870. The holotype male (Brown 1968) at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History is a typical spring brood specimen with entirely orange margins. Skinner’s (1920) description of A. p. marginalis was based on two males and a female from Acme (once called Morrison, ca. 4 miles south of Tecopa), Inyo County, California. He distinguished it from supposed nominate A. palmerii by its orange wing margins (hence the name “ marginalis”) and by its pallidity. No mention was made of either the geographical or seasonal source(s) of the material to which he compared his types. A male [holojtype and a female [allojtype are among the type material transferred to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History from the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (see also Gillham and Ehrlich 1954). These were collected by Morgan Hebard on 8 August 1919 and represent the typical pale late summer phenotype. I first became aware of a possible nomenclatural problem during my studies of southern Nevada butterflies (Austin and Austin 1980). My series from this area was of a seasonally variable, dark to pallid, orange- margined butterfly which was obviously distinct from the darker southern Arizona insect. It seemed unlikely on biogeographic and ecological bases that nearly all Colorado River basin populations were of one phenotype while southern Utah examples should be a disjunct population of the same sort as found in southern Arizona. I, therefore, collected representative series from eastern California near the type locality of A. p. marginalis , from southern Utah in the St. George region (the designated type locality of A. palmerii ) and from southern Arizona (Pima, Cochise and Pinal counties). I also took a small number from western Arizona (Maricopa and Mohave counties). These along with material borrowed from various museums and collectors indicate that two phenotypes are indeed involved in this region but that the names available have been inappropriately applied. The distribution of the species Apodemia palmerii includes extreme northeastern Baja California, Mexico; the southeastern, desert portions of California; southern Nevada; extreme southwestern Utah; south and eastward through southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico to western Texas (Fig. 1). It occurs in northwestern and northcentral Mexico (where its distribution is incompletely known, Hoffmann 1976), but it occurs south into the central portions of the country (to Hidalgo and Michoacan) and in the western states of Sonora and Sinaloa. The southern Baja California populations also traditionally have been treated as this species. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 127 Fig. 1. Distribution of Apodemia palmerii sspp. and Apodemia murphyi (open symbols indicate specimens not examined). A pale phenotype with prominant orange margins from the Colorado River drainage and nearby areas of California, Nevada, Utah and western Arizona generally has been referred to as Apodemia palmerii marginalis. The darker populations from east of the Colorado River drainage, on the other hand, have been considered nominate A . palmerii. No other names have been applied to other variations within the species. While Edwards’ description must serve as that for the species, it is not detailed enough to distinguish that phenotype from others in question. Skinner’s description unquestionably refers to the pale pheno¬ type. The application of the name “marginalis” was, in my opinion, 128 J.Res.Lepid. probably based on comparisons with Arizona material since Arizona specimens are more widely represented in collections than those from southern Utah. My experience is that A. palmerii is uncommon in the St. George region, even where good stands of its foodplants, honey mesquite ( Prosopis glandulosa Torr.) and screwbean mesquite (P. pubescens Benth.) are available. The species, however, is abundant in similar situations in southern Arizona. Apodemia palmerii palmerii (W. H. Edwards, 1870) (Fig. 2) Lemonias palmerii W. H. Edwards (1870, p. 195), Kirby (1871, p. 650), W. H. Edwards (1872, p. 38), W. H. Edwards (1874, p. 38), W. H. Edwards (1877, p. 38), Kirby (1877, p. 760), Strecker (1878, p. 104), Brooklyn Entomological Society (1881, p. 3), W. H. Edwards (1884a, p. 294), W. H. Edwards (1884b, p. 301), Maynard (1891, p. 126), Skinner (1898, p. 43), Smith (1903, p. 6), Snow (1907, p. 156) Chrysobia palmerii Scudder (1876, p. 103) Lemonias palmeri Holland (1898, p. 231), Skinner (1904, p. 16), Wright (1905, p. 202), Haskin (1914, p. 306) Poly stigma palmerii Dyar (1902, p. 34) Apodemia palmerii Mengel (1905, p. 120), Stichel (1911, p. 288), Seitz (1924, p. 700), Barnes and Benjamin ( 1926, p. 16), Stichel (1930, p. 590), McDunnough (1938, p. 23), dos Passos (1964, p. 51), Brown (1967, p. 129), Scott (1979, p. 191), Fisher in Ferris and Brown (1981, p. 198-199), Miller and Brown (1981, p. 132), Pyle (1981, p. 530), Miller and Brown in Hodges (1983, p. 57) Apodemia palmerii palmerii Stichel (1911, p. 288), Brown (1968, p. 121), Callaghan and Tidwell (1971, p. 198), Austin (1985a, p. 128), Austin (1985b, p. 107). Apodemia palmeri Barnes and McDunnough (1917, p. 13), Holland (1931, p. 213), Ehrlich and Ehrlich (1961, p. 245), Tietz (1972, p. 504), Powell in Howe (1975, p. 270), Gillette (1983, p. 15). Lemonias palmerii marginalis Skinner (1920, p. 175) Apodemia palmerii from “marginalis” Barnes and Benjamin (1926, p. 16), McDunnough (1938, p. 23), Martin and Truxal (1955, p. 20), dos Passos (1964, p. 51), Hoffmann (1976, p. 68), Fisher in Ferris and Brown (1981, p. 198-199), Miller and Brown (1981, p. 132), Miller and Brown in Hodges (1983, p. 57) Apodemia palmerii marginalis Comstock ( 1927, p. 151), Comstock and Dammers (1932, p. 37), Davenport and Dethier (1937, p. 170), Emmel and Emmel (1973, p. 49), Tilden (1975, p. 30) Apodemia marginalis Holland (1931, p. 213) Apodemia palmeri marginalis Gillham and Ehrlich (1954, p. 102), Emmel (1972, p. 3), Austin and Austin (1980, p. 23) Apodemia palmeri form “marginalis” Tietz (1972, p. 504), Powell in Howe (1975, p. 270) Apodemia palmeri palmeri Austin and Austin (1980, p. 23) Specimens of Apodemia palmerii from southwestern Utah, southern Nevada, southeastern California, extreme western Arizona and extreme northern Baja California Norte, Mexico (essentially the Colorado River and Death Valley 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 129 2a 2b Fig. 2a. Apodemia palmerii subspecies (dorsal surface). Top left — A. p. arizona holotype male, A Z: Cochise Co.; Az. 90, 14.6 mi. N Az. 82, 4 Sept. 1980, leg. G. T. Austin. Top right — A. p. arizona allotype female, same data. Second left — A. p. palmerii topotype male of form “marginalis”, CA: Inyo Co.; 0.3 mi. N Tecopa, 8 Sept. 1 981 , leg. G. T. Austin. Second right — A. p. palmerii topotype female of form "marginalis”, same data. Third left — A. p. palmerii male of form "marginalis”, NV: Clark Co.; Whitney Mesa at Sunset Rd., 6 Sept. 1977, leg. G. T. Austin, Third right — A. p. palmerii female of form "marginalis”, NV: Clark Co.,; Las Vegas, Paradise Valley, 6 Sept. 1977, leg. G.T. Austin. Fourth left — A. p. palmerii male, NV: Clark Co.; Las Vegas, Paradise Valley, 24 May 1978, leg. G. T. Austin. Fourth right — A. p. palmerii female, same data. Bottom left — A. p. australis holotype male, MEXICO, Durango 1 mi. S. Nombre de Dios, 1760 m, 30 Aug. 1973, leg. L. D. and J. Y. Miller, Bottom right — A. p. australis allotype female, same data. Fig. 2b. Apodemia palmerii subspecies (ventral surface). Same specimens as in Fig. 2a. drainage basins, Fig. 1) are virtually identical in their general pallidity, in the presence of continuous orange margins on the dorsal surface of both wings, and in seasonal variability (Fig. 2). This geographical extent encompasses the type localities of both A. p. palmerii and A. p. marginalis. The latter name thus is clearly synonymous with the nominate and refers to the pale late summer/ autumn form. Examination of the types confirmed this. The butterfly is often locally abundant and flies in three to four broods in southern Nevada (Austin and Austin 1980) and two to three broods in southern California (Emmel and Emmel 1973). Nominate Apodemia palmerii is seasonally variable. Early season (April- June) specimens are generally large (male x = 11.2, range = 10.6- 11.8,; female x = 12.5, range = 11.7-13.1, May sample) and relatively dark with a restriction of the fulvous on the wing bases, especially on males. Later (July-October) specimens are smaller (male x = 10.1, range 9.0—10.9; female x = 11.2, range 130 J.Res.Lepid. 10.2-12.2, September sample) and paler with considerable fulvous on the wings. The type specimen of A. palmerii was illustrated by Brown (1968). Holland (1931) figured a paratype of form “marginalis” but his indicated “type” of A. palmerii is a pseudotype (Brown 1968, see below). Emmel and Emmel (1973) illustrated a male of the spring phenotype. Holland (1931), Emmel and Emmel (1973) and Howe (1975) illustrated form “marginalis”. Comstock and Dammers (1932) described and illustrated the life history of a California population. The larval host plants ar eProsopis glandulosa ( = P.juliflora) andP. pubescens (Fabaceae) (Comstock and Dammers 1932, Austin and Austin 1980). This then leaves populations exhibiting somewhat darker phenotypes from outside this area without names. To rectify this situation, I describe here two new subspecies. Apodemia palmerii arizona new subspecies Austin (Fig. 2) Lemonias palmerii Kirby (1871, p. 650), Kirby (1877, p. 760), W. H. Edwards (1877, p. 38), W. H. Edwards (1883, p. 9), W. H. Edwards (1884a, p. 294), W. H. Edwards (1884b, p. 301), Maynard (1891, p. 126), Skinner (1898, p. 43), Smith (1903, p. 6), Snow (1904, p. 337), Snow (1907, p. 156) Chrysobia palmerii Scudder (1876, p. 103) Apodemia palmeri Edwards (1882, p. 28), Godman and Salvin (1886, p. 468), Barnes and McDunnough (1917, p. 13), Holland (1931, p. 213), Rindge (1948, p. 300), Ehrlich and Ehrlich (1961, p. 245), Powell in Howe (1975, p. 270), Austin (1978, p. 210) Lemonias palmeri Godman and Salvin (1886, p. 468), Holland 1898, p. 231), Skinner (1904, p. 16), Haskin (1914, p. 306), Stone (1921, p. 114). Poly stigma palmerii Dyar (1902, p. 34) Apodemia palmerii Mengel (1905, p. 120), Stichel (1911, p. 288), Seitz (1924, p. 700), Barnes and Benjamin (1926, p. 16), Stichel (1930, p. 590), McDunnough (1938, p. 23), Bauer (1954, p. 100), Martin and Truxal (1955, p. 20), dos Passos (1964, p. 51), Brown (1965, p. 112), Lewis (1973, p. 112), Tilden (1974, p. 24), Hoffmann (1976, p. 68), Fisher in Ferris and Brown (1981, p. 198— 199), Miller and Brown (1981, p. 132), Pyle (1981, p. 530), Miller and Brown in Hodges (1983, p. 57), Austin (1985b, p. 107) Apodemia palmerii palmerii Comstock (1927, p. 151), Brown (1968, p. 123), Holland (1974, p. 44), Ferris (1976, p. 46) Apodemia palmeri palmeri Austin and Austin (1980, p. 23) MALE. Dorsal ground color dark brown, sometimes nearly blackish-brown. Basal one-third of both wings usually fulvous, often with considerable black overscaling. White markings and their associated black outlines much as on Apodemia palmerii palmerii. Marginal area usually of ground color, especially apically, with small areas of fulvous in each cell (not broadly fulvous), these fulvous areas usually broader posteriorly on both wings and usually somewhat over scaled with ground color. Ventral ground color largely fulvous with markings of dorsum repeated but larger. Distinct submarginal black points on both wings. Male genitalia virtually identical to those of Apodemia palmerii palmerii. FEMALE. Somewhat larger in size than male with a more rounded (less pointed) apex to primaries. Color and pattern similar to male. TYPES (data as on labels, clarified in brackets). Holotype male — A[RI1Z [ONA]: Cochise Co. [unty]; A[ri]z[ona State Route] 90, 10.8 mi. [les] N. [orth of] 26(1-4): 1-288, 1988 131 A[ri]z[ona State Route] 82, 7 September] 1980, leg. G. T. Austin. Allotype female — same data as holotype. Paratypes (32M, 26F) — same data as holotype (26M, 21F); some data as holotype except 14.6 mi. N (6M, 4F); same data as holotype except 8.4 mi. N (IF). DEPOSmON OF TYPE MATERIAL. The holotype, allotype, 11M and 6F paratypes will be deposited in the type collection of the Nevada State Museum. A pair of paratypes will be deposited in each of the following institutions: Allyn Museum of Entomology, American Museum of Natural History, National Museum of Natural History, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Natural History Museum, San Diego, and Los Angeles County Museum. The remainder are to be retained by the author. TYPE LOCALITY. ARIZONA: Cochise County, Arizona State Route 90, 10.8 miles north of Arizona State Route 82. The types were collected on the west side and within 100 feet of the road. Most were perched on mesquites ( Prosopis glandulosa ) (Fabaceae) which undoubtedly serves as the larval host plant. DISTRIBUTION AND PHENOLOGY. Apodemia palmerii arizona occurs from Arizona south and eastward through southwestern New Mexico to western Texas, south into at least Chihuahua, Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico (Fig. 1). The subspecies has at least two (but probably more) broods in southern Arizona (Austin 1978) and two broods In southwestern New Mexico (Ferris 1976). In southern Arizona, Brown (1965) reported it as a late rainy season species although Austin (1978) found it to occasionally have a large spring brood, at least in years with spring rainfall. ETYMOLOGY. This subspecies is named for its type locality, the state of Arizona. DIAGNOSIS AND DISCUSSION. The new taxon, Apodemia palmerii arizona, is at once distinguished from nominate A . palmerii by the largely dark margins of the dorsum of both the primaries and secondaries. This same area of A. palmerii is broadly fulvous with considerably less or no ground coloration. A very few A . p. arizona approach A.p. palmerii in this respect just as occasional A . p. palmerii have the margins somewhat darkened. The dorsal ground color of A. p. arizona is darker and with less fulvous flush basally than A. p. palmerii giving the impression of an overall darker butterfly. Some late season females of A.p. palmerii are very pale with the ground color approaching a pale tan (a condition I have not seen among A. p. arizona). The ventral color is paler than the average early season A. p. palmerii but somewhat darker than late season material. The submarginal black points are larger and more distinctly indicated than on nominate A. palmerii. An aberrant female from Patagonia, Arizona (5 Sept. 1951) has the postmedian and basal white markings absent on all wings; the submarginal markings are normal. There is no appreciable seasonal variation in Apodemia palmerii arizona and late season specimens have the size (male x = 11.5, range = 10.6-12.0; female x = 12.4, range = 11.6-13.2, September sample) and a comparable dark ground color of early season A. p. palmerii. The figures in Howe (1975) adequately illustrate A . p. arizona. Edwards (1884b) and Holland (1931, as the type of A.p. palmerii) also illustrate this taxon. Edwards (1884b) described and illustrated the egg and young larva from southern Arizona. Apodemia palmerii arizona, at least, applies to southern Arizona, southern New Mexico and adjacent northwestern Mexico populations (Fig. 1). The few specimens I have seen from the extreme eastern portion of its distribution in 132 J. Res. Lepid. Texas (but not near El Paso) and east central Chinhuahua (but not north¬ western) consistently have broader white markings and are somewhat larger (female x = 13.2, range = 12.4— 14.3, N = 7) but otherwise closely fit the concept. Material from central Mexico is yet darker dorsally and browner ventrally. It is recognized as follows: Apodemia palmerii australis new subspecies Austin (Fig. 2) Apodemia palmeri Godman and Salvin (1887, p. 709), Holland (1931, p. 213), Ehrlich and Ehrlich (1961, p. 245), Powell in Howe (1975, p. 270) Lemonias palmeri Holland (1898, p. 231) Lemonias palmerii Skinner (1898, p. 43) Apodemia palmerii Seitz (1924, p. 700), Fisher in Ferris and Brown (1981, p. 198-199), Pyle (1981, p. 530) MALE. Dorsal ground color blackish with slight fulvous basal overscaling on secondaries and occasionally on primaries, white markings as on other Apodemia palmerii subspecies but often smaller in size. Outer margins with fulvous indistinct, usually restricted to small area at anal angle of primaries and posterior half of secondaries. Ventrum dull brownish-orange ground color, apex of primaries and entire secondaries dark tan, markings of dorsum repeated, black submarginal points minute. Genitalia of typical Apodemia palmerii type with broadly rounded uncus, hooked upper process of valve, distinctly rounded vinculum and relatively short saccus. FEMALE. Wings more rounded than male, color and pattern similar on both surfaces, ventral black submarginal points larger. TYPES, (data as on labels, clarified in brackets). Holotype male — MEXICO: Durango; 1 mi[le] Sfouth] Nombre de Dios, 1760 m[eters elevation], desert scrub, 30 viii [August] 1973, leg. L. D. & J. Y. Miller, Sta. No. 1973-53. Allotype female — same data as holotype. Paratypes (all MEXICO: Durango; 43M, 20F) — same data as holotype (37M, 7F, AME); 1.5 mi. SW Durango, 1920 m, ground scrub, 28 Aug. 1973, (5M, 5F, AME); Durango, 6200', 13 Aug. 1947 (1M, 5F, AMNH); Durango, 1 Aug. 1964 (IF, CIS); Yerbanis, Cuencame Dist., 19 Aug. 1947 (IF, AMNH); Nombre de Dios, 5900', 13 Aug. 1947 (IF, AMNH). DEPOSITION OF TYPE MATERIAL. The holotype, allotype, 41M and 11F paratypes are deposited at the Allyn Museum of Entomology; 1M and 7F paratypes are at the American Museum of Natural History; IF paratype is at the California Insect Survey; and one pair of paratypes are retained by the author. TYPE LOCALITY. MEXICO: Durango; 1 mile south of Nombre de Dios, 1760 meters. The vegetation here is desert scrub with trees to 25 feet in height, some mesquites ( Prosopis ), various other low trees with a grass undergrowth on a valley floor ( fide L. D. Miller). DISTRIBUTION AND PHENOLOGY. This subspecies occurs mostly in the central mountains of Mexico from Durango to Hidalgo and Michoacan usually above 4500' in elevation (Fig. 1). There are at least two broods with records in April (once), May (once) and from mid July through mid September, most records are for August. ETYMOLOGY. This phenotype is the most southerly distributed of the species, thus the name “australis” (= southern). 26(1-4): 1-288, 1988 133 DIAGNOSIS AND DISCUSSION. This is a very dark Apodemia palmerii subspecies, appearing nearly black when fresh. Individuals are considerably darker above than those from other known populations of the species and lack a conspicuous basal flush of fulvous. The white spots average small and sometimes appear smudged. Ventrally this butterfly is brown rather than distinctly fulvous as are both of the more northern subspecies. The basic pattern, wing shape and the structure of the male genitalia leave no doubt that this subspecies falls within the range of variation expected of A. palmerii. It approximates the size of other A. palmerii (male x = 11. 5, range = 10.6— 12.5; female x = 12.6, range = 11.3-13.2). An even more distinctive series of populations occurs in the southern portions of Baja California, Mexico. This heretofore has been called Apodemia palmerii but closer examination reveals that this is a very different insect with a unique combination of characters. This new species is here described as: Apodemia murphyi new species Austin (Fig. 3) Apodemia palmeri Rindge (1948, p. 300), Powell in Howe (1975, p. 270) Apodemia palmerii Holland (1972, p. 156), Fisher in Ferris and Brown (1981, p. 198-199), Pyle (1981, p. 530) MALE. Dorsum with blackish-brown ground color. Late summer and fall (July- mid November) specimens usually with well-defined fulvous basal area; winter and spring (late November -April) specimens heavily overscaled with ground color on this area, often black without fulvous. White markings as on Apodemia palmerii palmerii and A . p. arizona but considerably reduced in size, especially on primaries. Marginal area mostly of ground color except for, usually, posterior one or two cells on each wing, these with small areas of fulvous. Ventral ground color brownish-orange, markings of primaries repeat dorsal pattern but tending slightly larger. Ventral secondaries with white markings considerably larger than dorsally, those in postmedian area form a continuous broad band. Wings narrow, apex of primaries very long and pointed, often approaching subfalcate. Genitalia similar to Apodemia palmerii but with several subtle differences as discussed below. FEMALE. Similar to male except dorsal white markings larger and more fulvous marginally, especially posteriorly on secondaries. Shape of primaries more rounded than on males but with distinctive tendency towards a subfalcate tip. Seasonal variation similar to male. TYPES. Holotype male — MEXICO: Baja California Sur; Arroyo San Bartolo, 28 Aug. 1982, leg. fJ. W.l Brown and |D. K.l Faulkner (SDNHM). Allotype female — same data as holotype (SDNHM). Paratypes (all MEXICO: Baja California Sur; 103M, 54F) — same data as holotype (2M, IF, SDNHM); A. San Bartolo, 3 Nov. 1961 (2M, CM), 12 Nov. 1961 (2M, IF, CM); San Bartolo, 3 Oct. 1981 (2M, IF, SDNHM); 2 mi. S of Buena Vista, 30 Nov. 1979 (3M, IF, SDNHM); Buena Vista at Monument Rd., 4 Jan. 1980 (IF, JB); 3 mi. S Rio Buenavista, 25 Oct. 1961 (2M, CM); 5 km S Rio Buenavista, 25 Oct., 1961 (2M, CM); 4.2 mi. W. Miraflores, 30 Sept. 1981 (1M, SDNHM); Miraflores, 25 Oct. 1961 (1M, CM), beach, Todos Santos, 26 July 1981 (6M, SDNHM); estuary at Todos Santos, 26 July 1981 (9M, 2F, CM), 31 July 1981 (2M, CM), 20 March 1974 (4M, IF, CM); El Pescadero, 20 March 1974 (IF, CM); 1/4 mi W Todos Santos, 20 March 1974 (2M, SDNHM), 19-20 March 1974 (3M, GF); 14 mi N Todos Santos, 4 Oct. 1981 (1M, IF, SDNHM); Santiago, 6 Nov. 1946 (1M, 3F, SDNHM); 19 mi. SE El Cien, 134 J.Res.Lepid. 3a 3b Fig. 3a. Apodemia murphyi and Apodemia hepburni (dorsal surface). Upper left — A. murphyi holotype male, MEXICO: Baja California Sur; Arroyo San Bartolo, 28 Aug. 1 982, leg. Brown and Faulkner. Upper right — A. murphyi allotype female, same data. Second left — A. murphyi male dark phenotype, MEXICO: Baja California Sur; 12.2 mi. SE San Perdito near Rancho Saucito, 8 Oct. 1981, leg. F. Andrews and D. Faulkner. Second right — A. murphyi female dark phenotype, MEXICO: Baja California Sur; 7 mi. SE Guerrero Negro, 8 Apr. 1976, leg. Doyen and Rude. Third left — A. murphyi aberrant female, MEXICO: Baja California Sur, 1 0 mi. N Bahia Asuncion, 25-27 April 1984, leg. Bloomfield. Third right — A. murphyi normal female, same data. Bottom left — A. hepburni male, MEXICO: Baja California Sur; 2 mi. SW Cadauno, 26 Aug. 1982, leg. Faulkner and Brown. Bottom right — A. hepburni female, same data. Fig. 3b. Apodemia murphyi and Apodemia hepburni (ventral surface). Same specimens as in Fig. 4a. 27 Sept. 1981 (1M, IF, SDNHM); Cabo Pulmo, 4 Nov. 1946 (1M, SDNHM); 1.5 mi. SW San Jose del Cabo, 30 Sept. 1981 (3M, SDNHM); San Jose del Cabo, 17 Feb. 1940 (4M, SDNHM), 1 July 1968 (1M, CM), 22 Nov. 1961 (IF, CM); 3 mi. N San Jose del Cabo, 22-23 Nov. 1961 (2M, 5F, CM); Cabo San Lucas, Hotel Finisterra, 8-10 Oct. 1979 (1M, IF, SDNHM); Cabo San Lucas, 22 March 1939 (IF, AMNH), no date (1M, AMNH), 2 Apr. 1949 (1M, SDNHM), 23 Nov. 1961 (1M, CM); 20 mi. N Cabo San Lucas, 29 Sept. 1970 (IF, CM); 15 mi. S La Paz, 1 Nov. 1946 (5M, 2F, SDNHM); La Paz airport, 10 Oct. 1979 (IF, SDNHM); 7 mi. SW La Paz, 4 Aug. 1966 (IF, SDNHM); La Paz, 17-22 Sept. 1967 (1M, SDNHM), 9 July 1968 (2F, CM); 13 Sept. 1959 (1M, CM); La Paz, Guaycura Hotel grounds, 6-8 Nov. 1961 (5M, IF, CM); SE shore La Paz Harbor, 5 Nov. 1961 (1M, CM), 10 Nov. 1961 (5M, CM); E shore, La Paz Bay, 8 Nov. 1961 (6M, 8F, CM); 3 mi. S Santiago, 25 Oct., 1961 (IF, CM); Las Barracas, ca. 30 km E Santiago, 7/12 Apr. 1982 (1M, CIS); Puerto Chileno, 22 Nov. 1961 (1M, CM); Boca de la Sierra, 17-24 Nov. 1961 (1M, 2F, CM); Ro. Palmarito, 27 Oct. -5 Nov. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 135 1961 (2M, 2F, CM); Rancho El Salto, 28 Oct. 1961 (1M, CM); Bahia de Palmes, 20 Nov. 1961 (2F, CM); Isla Espiritu Santo, 19-23 Feb. 1936 (IF, SDNHM), 17 April 1958 (1M, LACM), 14 July 1985 (1M, SDNHM), 30 Dec., 1938 (3M, 3F, AMNH); San Jose I., Gulf of California, 5 March 1975 (IF, UCD); Isla Partida, 17 April 1958 (1M, LACM); Bahia Agua Verde, 20 April 1958 (2M, LACM); 31 km N Todos Santos, 29 Nov. 1980 (IF, SDNHM); 7 km S Candauno [sic], 26 Aug. 1982 (2F, SDNHM); Punta Conejo, ca. 32 km SW El Cien, 9 Jan. 1977 (1M, G. T. Austin); Todos Santos Rd., ca. 42 km N Cabo San Lucas, 14 Jan. 1977 (1M, G. T. Austin); Muertos Bay, 24 March 1939 (1M, AMNH), 29 Dec., 1938 (1M, AMNH). DEPOSITION OF TYPE MATERIAL. The holotype, allotype, 36M and 17F paratypes are deposited at the Natural History Museum, San Diego; 51M and 3 IF paratypes are in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History; 6M and 4F paratypes are in the American Museum of Natural History; 4M paratypes are in the Los Angeles County Museum; 1M paratype is in the collection of the California Insect Survey; IF paratype is at the Bohart Museum, University of California, Davis; IF paratype is in the private collection of J. Brock; 3M paratypes are in the private collection of G. S. Forbes; and 2M paratypes are in the author’s private collection. TYPE LOCALITY. MEXICO: Baja California Sur; Arroyo San Bartolo. San Bartolo is on Mexico Highway 1 between La Paz and San Jose del Cabo. All specimens examined from south of 25°N latitude are designated paratypes. DISTRIBUTION AND PHENOLOGY. Apodemia murphyi occurs throughout much of Baja California Sur and to extreme southern Baja California Norte, Mexico (Fig. 1). Its northern limit appears to be the Bahia de las Animas and Bahia de Los Angeles area on the east coast (Rindge 1948, Holland 1972). No records of an Apodemia palmerii- like butterfly exist north of this point (Rindge 1948, Powell 1958, Patterson and Powell 1959, Holland 1972) for nearly 450 km virtually to the United States border (one specimen of A. p. palmerii from Mexicah, Baja California Norte, AME) although Hoffmann (1976) indicated that A. p. “marginalis” is found in Baja California. The insect is apparently continuously brooded and has been collected in every month. The majority of specimens (127 of 250 examined with dates) are from October, November and December. This may reflect collecting patterns rather than phenological patterns of the butterfly. Fresh specimens occur throughout the year. ETYMOLOGY. I name this insect after Dennis D. Murphy to whom I owe numerous debts. DIAGNOSIS AND DISCUSSION. The taxon Apodemia murphyi is most distinctive. It is about the size of Apodemia palmerii but the sexes are nearly the same (male x = 11.7, range = 10.4-13.2; female x = 11.6, range = 10.8-12.7, October sample). The basic pattern above is similar to A. palmerii arizona but the white spots are smaller in size (but are distinct and not smudged as on some specimens of A. p. australis). The ventral pattern is very different from any A. palmerii , especially the secondaries with the broad (up to ca. 25% of wing surface) and continuous white postmedian band. On A. palmerii this band is disjunct and more of a sinuous series of spots. The shape of the primaries is different from any A. palmerii being more drawn out and pointed towards the apex, especially on the male, and subfalcate. The fulvous basal area of the wings is sharply set off from the dark distal area, particularly on summer and fall specimens. These areas grade into one another on A. palmerii. 136 J.Res.Lepid. An interesting aberrant female was seen (MEXICO: Baja California Sur; 10 mi. N Bahia Asuncion, 25—27 April 1984, leg. Bloomfield, SDNHM; Fig. 3). Most of the postmedian white spots of the dorsum are absent. Those present along with the basal white spots are small. These are similar on the ventral primaries and the typical postmedian of the secondaries is absent anteriorly and narrowed posteriorly. The black submarginal macules and the black lines associated with the postmedian are nearly obsolete. This is not as extreme as the aberrant A. p. arizona noted above. Aberrations are rare among the Riodininae with none described for the North American fauna (Kendall and McGuire 1984). The male genitalia, while similar to those of Apodemia palmerii, differ in several respects (note above that genitalia of A. palmerii are constant over the entire range of the species). Overall, the structures are slightly more massive although the aedeagus is proportionally shorter, terminating just beyond the lower arm of the valve (extends considerably further posteriorly on A. palmerii). The uncus is relatively narrow (dorsal aspect) and rounded (posterior aspect). The uncus of A. palmerii is broader with more rounded lobes and flatter. The falces are stouter on A. murphyi , the dorsal arm averages slightly longer and the ventral arm is considerably shorter than on A. palmerii (dorsal arm: ventral arm = 0.7 for A. murphyi , 0.5 for A. palmerii). The valves of A. murphyi are broader and stouter with a pointed (but not hooked) upper process. The saccus is proportionally longer on A. murphyi and the vinculum is straighter and not broadly rounded ventrally as on A. palmerii. Apodemia murphyi resembles Apodemia hepburni Godman and Salvin in wing shape and the continuous postmedian band on the ventral secondaries (Fig. 3). The latter is otherwise distinctive with a less complete spot pattern (lacking the submarginal series among others), no clear basal fulvous area on the dorsal primaries and a considerably narrower postmedian band on the ventral secondaries. The figures show these characters clearly. Apodemia hepburni is sympatric and synchronic with A. murphyi at many localities from Mulege southward. Apodemia hepburni records extend from 26 August through 6 April; A. murphyi from 26 July through 8 April at these localities. Label data (also fide J. W. Brown) indicates that A. murphyi nectars commonly on Bebbia juncae (Asteraceae) and also on Melochia tomentosa (Sterculiaceae) and Bac- charis sp. (Asteraceae). The species is associated with Prosopis glandulosa (Fabaceae) throughout its range; this probably is a larval host plant. Acknowledgements. I thank several curators and others for loans of specimens from and/or space to work at their respective museums: L. D. and J. Y. Miller, Allyn Museum of Entomology, Sarasota, Florida (AME); F. H. Rindge, American Museum of Natural History, New York (AMNH); D. K. Faulkner, Natural History Museum, San Diego, California (SDNHM); J. P. Donahue, Los Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles, California (LACM); R. K. Robbins, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. (USNM); J. E. Rawlins and C. W. Young, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (CM); J. A. Powell, California Insect Survey, Berkeley, California (CIS); R. Schuster, Bohart Museum, University of California, Davis (UCD); T. W. Davies, California Academy of Sciences (CAS); and G. Haijes, Nevada State Museum, Carson City, Nevada. I gratefully acknowledge the loan of specimens from the private collections of J. Brock, Tucson, Arizona (JB); G. S. Forbes, Las Cruces, New Mexico (FG); E. V. Gage, San Antonio, Texas; R. W. Holland, 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 137 Albuquerque, New Mexico; C. S. Lawson, Las Vegas, Nevada; S. McKown, Boulder City, Nevada; D. Mullins, Tucson, Arizona; P. J. and S. Savage, St. George, Utah; M. Smith, Las Vegas, Nevada; and S. Spomer, Lincoln, Nebraska. L.D. Miller called my attention to the Apodemia palmerii australis phenotype and provided habitat information. R. O. Kendall commented on Texas records. J. W. Brown was helpful in providing information about Apodemia murphyi and on Baja California in general and D. D. Murphy read manuscript drafts and offered helpful suggestions. The manuscript was also improved from suggestions from R. H. T. Mattoni and an anonymous reviewer. Literature Cited AUSTIN, G. T. 1978. Phenology and diversity of a butterfly population in southern Arizona. J. Lepid. Soc. 32:207-220. AUSTIN, G. T. 1985a. Lowland riparian butterflies of the Great Basin and associated areas. J. Res. Lepid. 24:117-131. AUSTIN, G. T. 1985b. Nevada butterflies: preliminary checklist and distribution. J. Lepid. Soc. 39:95-118. AUSTIN, G. T. & A. T. AUSTIN. 1980. 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Apodemia palmerii arizona UNITED STATES: ARIZONA (type series plus 407M, 335F; 17 April-24 October): Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Graham, Maricopa, Pima, Pinal, Santa Cruz, Yavapai counties; NEW MEXICO (19M, 15F; 12 May-11 September): Dona Ana, Hidalgo, Lincoln, Luna, Otero, Socorro counties; TEXAS (8M, 25F; 13 April-9 September): Brewster, El Paso, Presidio, Terrell counties. MEXICO: CHIHUAHUA (2M, 6F; 14 July-31 August); SINALOA (1M, IF; 28 June); SONORA (35M, 31F; 12 March, 3 August-25 October). Apodemia palmerii australis MEXICO: AGUASCALIENTES (1M; 27 August); DURANGO (type series plus 16M, IF; 30 July-20 August); HIDALGO (4M, 9F; 30 April, May, 19 July-8 August); JALISCO (1M, 26 July); MICHOACAN (15M, 3F; 9 August); QUERETARO (2F; 20 July); SAN LUIS POTOSI (5M, 5F; 20 July-23 August); TAMAULIPAS (4M; 20 September); ZACATAS (1M, IF; 30 August). Apodemia murphyi MEXICO: BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE (1M, 3F; 30 March, 19 September-6 October); BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR (type series plus 80M, 33F; 7 March-28 June, 11 August-December including 5M at AME and 1M, IF at SDNHM labeled Baja California Norte). OTHER RECORDS Apodemia palmerii UNITED STATES: NEW MEXICO; Catron, Grant counties (Ferris 1976); TEXAS: (31 March-7 October; Tilden 1974, Freeman 1981): Culberson, Jeff Davis, Pecos counties (Tilden 1974, fide R. O. Kendall). Apodemia murphyi MEXICO: BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE (8 May; Rindge 1948). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 26(1-4):141-160, 1988 Correlations of Ultrastructure and Pigmentation Suggest How Genes Control Development of Wing Scales of Heliconius Butterflies Lawrence E. Gilbert and Hugh S. Forrest and Thomas D. Schultz + and Donald J. Harvey* Department of Zoology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712 Introduction In the last two decades there have been extensive genetic studies of the mimetic wing patterns of Heliconius butterflies (Turner, 1981; Sheppard et al., 1985), but these analyses have not probed the precise nature of color patterns at the ultrastructural level. Thus, while many ecological and evolutionary phenomena have been elucidated, the nature of the genes involved and the mode of their action in the course of wing pattern development remains obscure. One another front there is renewed interest in general models of pattern formation in butterfly wings (Nijhout, 1986), but studies of pattern development have relied upon comparisons among related species or upon experimental manipulations of wing development within species. Remarkably, there has been a lack of genetical analysis applied to the problem of butterfly wing pattern development on the one hand, and little attention given to the chemical and ultrastructural basis of “color pattern” on the other, although excellent studies have been carried out on chemistry (e.g., Umebachi and Yoshida, 1970; Descimon, 1975) and ultrastructure (e.g., Ghiradella, 1974; 1985) separately. In an attempt to refine genetic hypotheses which explain the variation of wing pattern observed in crosses involving different races and species of Heliconius (Sheppard et al. 1985; Gilbert, in prep.), it appeared + Current Address: Division of Entomology, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511 *Current Address: Department of Entomology NHB Stop 127, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560 142 J.Res.Lepid. appropriate to investigate the chemical and morphological basis for color and pattern. This paper summarizes our initial investigations of wing scale structure and chemistry on four species of Heliconius which have been subjects of genetic studies in the senior author’s laboratory. The findings presented for Heliconius below provide the first clear evidence from lepidopteran wings that genetic control of pigmentation patterns simultaneously involves patterns of differentiation in scale ultrastructure, a result anticipated in general terms by Descimon (1965). Thus, beyond elucidating the connections between genes and wing patterns in butterflies, the results suggest that Heliconius wings may provide a useful system for addressing general questions about the genetics of pattern development. Material Examined All butterflies for ultrastructural and chemical studies were reared in greenhouses at Patterson Laboratory, The University of Texas at Austin. Heliconius species examined included Heliconius cydno galan- thus (stock origin, La Selva, Costa Rica), Heliconius pachinus (stock origin, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica), Heliconius melpomene rosina (stock origin, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica), and Heliconius ismenius clarescens (stock origin, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica). Hybrid “bar-shadow” regions (explained below) were from FI hybrids of the H. cydno and H. pachinus stocks above. In addition, fore wing red/brown scales were examined in H. cydno — H . melpomene crosses. Illustrations of these species may be found in DeVries (1987) and of their hybrids in Gilbert (1984). Because a wide variety of methods are used in this study, necessary details of techniques will be provided below. SCALE MORPHOLOGY Scales were examined by standard methods of scanning electron microscopy. Dry wing fragments with uniform scale color were coated with 25 A of gold-palladium in a Hummer V sputter coater and examined at 600 and 10,000X using an ISI Super IIIA. Scale cross sections were created by cutting wing fragment with a razor blade and searching that area for appropriately cut scales. Descriptive terminology used below follows the system developed by Downey and Allyn (1975). It should also be stressed that while we are confident in distinguishing the following major scale types, interpreta¬ tion of many morphological details is tentative. Type I scales. Yellow/white (Fig. 1 A, B, C, D; Fig. 5B; Fig. 6A) In Heliconius , yellow and white scales appear to represent the same morphological type. Average spacing of scute peaks (= lamellae of Ghiradella, 1985) along the ridge is approximately the same as the inter-ridge distance. Obverse membrane obscures the scale internal 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 143 structure. Many variable sized windows may occur in the membrane, especially in the central region of the scale. Transverse flutes (= micro¬ ribs of Ghiradella, 1985) run over the membrane surface between, and perpendicular to, longitudinal ridges. Such flutes are evenly spaced and occur at a density of 8-10 per inter-scute interval. White and yellow scales appear to lack crossribs, and scale cross sections show trabeculae primarily below longitudinal ridges. The spacing of ridges in Type I scales is narrower on the dorsal wing surface, so that dorsal wing scales often have 1.5 to 2 times the number of ridges per scale width as do ventral wing scales (compare Fig. IB vs. 1A). This ultrastructural difference may help account for the sheen and richer colors of the dorsal versus the ventral wing surfaces. Type II scales. Black (Fig. 2A, B, C, D; Fig. 5A, C; Fig. 6B) The melanic scales of Heliconius possess longitudinal ridges con¬ nected by ladder-like crossribs, most of which are supported by trabe¬ culae. Crossribs appear more narrow than ridges and are arranged in poorly aligned rows. There is usually no obverse membrane in melanic scales and flutes are visible only on the vertical walls of longitudinal ridges. As in Type I scales, ridges are spaced more widely on ventral wing scales than on dorsal scales. In both H. cydno galanthus and H. pachinus, dorsal scales noted as “dull” proved to have more widely spaced ridges than those noted to be “shiny” (e.g., Fig. 2C vs. 2B). Type IT Hybrid “bar-shadow” scales. Black (Fig. 3 A, B, C) The ‘"bar shadow” is a region of altered reflectance on the melanic region of a hybrid Heliconius ventral hindwing. This region corresponds to the location of yellow scales in one parent race of a cross, the other parent of which possess a totally melanic hindwing. The bar shadow is used to diagnose hybrid genotypes in ecological genetic studies (Mallet, 1986). These scales are identical to Type II scales except that roughly 5% of spaces between crossribs are covered by obverse membrane (Fig. 3). In some cases the membrane is intact over the inter-rib space, but in most cases these scales resemble partly dissolved tissue draped over chicken wire. This subtle change is visible to the naked eye, but not under light microscope. This scale type might be viewed as a small step toward a morphological hybrid of Type I and Type II scales. However the membrane, where present, lacks supportive flutes and the scales are otherwise identical to Type II scales. Type HI scales. Reds and browns (Fig. 4A, B, C, D; Fig. 5D; Fig. 60 “Red and brown” scales in Heliconius include orange, orange-brown, brown, pink, and red scales. These share a basic morphology, Type III. Crossribs often appear to be wider than those of Type II scales, and one 144 J.Res.Lepid. or two strengthening flutes pass over each crossrib, connecting adjacent ridges. In addition, obverse membrane appears to be retained over each crossrib and immediately adjacent to longitudinal ridge. This may account for the thicker appearance of ridges and ribs in Type III scales, as well as the angular appearance of crossribs. Cross sections of Type III scales do not reveal trabeculae supporting presumptive crossribs, but they can be seen supporting longitudinal ridges, and may simply occur less frequently than in Type II scales. Without further detailed work, it is not possible to exclude the possibility that strips of membrane supported by flutes function as pseudo-crossribs rather than overlay them as suggested above. Close examination of Type III scales suggests their closer relationship to Type I than to Type II scales. For example, the inter-ridge space on the left extreme of the brown scale in Fig. 4A is virtually identical to the obverse membrane of a dorsal Type I scale (e.g., Fig. IB). These characteristics gradually change to typical Type III features toward the center of the scale. Like Types I and II, Type III scales typically possess more narrow spacing of the longitudinal ridges on the dorsal wing surface. Scale Chemistry White Scales: No pigment White scales of Heliconius oydno possess a highly reflective quality or sheen quite unlike the flat white of Pieris. Under light microscope at low power, these scales are brighter where two or more overlap. These observations suggested a structural rather than chemical basis for the white color. To test this possibility, scales were immersed in a solution whose refractive index is near that of chitin (1.55). When single scales were observed in such a solution (xylene or Permount) against a black background, they became essentially transparent. Scales in xylene regain their white luster when the liquid evaporates. Comparisons with yellow and black scales indicate that luster, but not color, disappears in these liquids. Uric acid tests were negative on chromatographs of Type I scale areas. White scales in Heliconius are therefore due to structural features of the scale rather than pigments. Yellow Scales: 3-hydroxykynurenine A small circle of the yellow part of the wing was cut out with a cork borer, and positioned carefully at the aperture of the Cary Recording Spectrophotometer. Measurement of the UV spectrum revealed peaks at 282nm and 405nm (a rather broad peak). These are essentially identical to the peaks produced by 3-hydroxykynurenine in 0.1 N NaOH (pH 14) (285 and 395nm). Extraction of the pigment using water or dimethyl sulfoxide and 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 145 rerunning the spectrum of this extract in 0.1N NaOH or 0.1N HC1 gave the following values: X max 0.1N NaOH 280(285) 395(395) X max 0.1N HCl 252(252) 312 shoulder(312) 3-hydroxykynurenine peaks (in parentheses) These data indicate that the yellow pigment in Heliconius spp. is the alkaline form of 3-hydroxykynurenine. This pigment is previously described from Heliconius (Brown, 1967). An interesting question concerns the maintenance of 3-hydroxyky- nurenine in its alkaline form in the wing scales of Heliconius. Chro¬ matographic studies were carried out to elucidate this phenomenon. Fragments of yellow wing areas of H. pachinus were ultrasonicated, then agitated in 80% methanol. This extract was spotted on Whatman No. 1 filter paper and subjected to one dimensional chromatography using BAW, n-butanol/acetic acid/water (4:1:1) as solvent. A ninhydrin test (lg of ninhydrin dissolved in 50ml acetone; chromatograph was immersed in this solution, allowed to dry, and heated at 110°F until color developed) revealed that an amino acid or peptide was located in the identical spot with the alkaline form of 3-hydroxykynurenine (revealed by UV light). A comparison with white scales using the same procedure showed the identical ninhydrin sensitive spot, but no yellow pigment. Two-dimen¬ sional chromatographic studies of all basic amino acids using the same solvent, BAW, did not duplicate the spot derived from Heliconius wing extract. It is therefore likely that a peptide or small polypeptide is responsible for keeping 3-hydroxykynurenine in the alkaline state. The precise location of this complex within the scale is not yet determined. Black Scales: melanin Chromatographic evidence verified that black scales contain melanin but tryptophan is also present in extracts of black scales. Melanie scales embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and examined with light microscope revealed that pigment is found in the walls of ridges and in crossribs. Brown and Red Scales: xanthommatins Wings were extracted with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or with 2% HCl in methanol. The spectrum of the extracts and of standard com¬ pounds are given in Table 1. There are two problems of interpretation with these data. First, the spectra of xanthommatin and dihydroxan- thommatin are notoriously difficult to reproduce because of rapid decomposition and slight changes in state of reduction (see Linzen, 1974). Second, it was not possible to make comparisons of extracted 146 J.Res.Lepid. Table 1. Extraction methods and absorbance values (nm) of chemical standards and wing pigments of Heliconius (* Values from Denys, 1982) PIGMENTS EXTRACTION ABSORBANCE MAXIMA (nm) CONDITIONS Brown from H. ismenius DMSO DMSO pH7-7.5 Acid Methanol 5N HC1 2% Digitoxin pH6.5 2% Digitoxin pH 10.4 440-450,365 1 DMSO acidified to 5N HC1 450,360 2 acid methanol 450, no distinct peak at 360 3 Red from H. melpomene DMSO 490,365 4 DMSO extract + acetone/ether, resulting ppte. in H20 pH7.0 465,368 5 acid methanol 448, no distinct peak at 360 6 Red from H. pachinus acid methanol 458,360-380 7 acid methanol, oxidised with NaN02 448 8 Brown from pure sample xanthommatin dissolved as indicated 440 475-480, 370-375 *450 *478 9 Red from pure sample dihydro¬ xanthommatin dissolved as indicated 505-510 475-360 500(shoulder), 390 10 Reduced with NaBH4 490,370 11 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 pigments from Heliconius wings with standard samples of xanthom- matins under absolutely identical or controlled conditions. However, taken as a whole, the data indicate first that the major brown or red pigments of Heliconius butterflies are xanthommatin and dihydroxan- thommatin and second, that variations in color from bright red to brown are due to variations in the state of oxidation of dihydroxanthommatin (or the state of reduction of xanthommatin). First note the correspondence in the spectral maximum between the brown pigment of H. ismenius and that of xanthommatin (Table 1, row 1 and 2 versus row 9). Further note the DMSO extract of H. melpomene red pigment (Table 1, row 5, col. 1), the spectrum of which peaks near that of dihydroxanthommatin under reduced conditions (Table 1, row 11, col. 3). Obviously these extracts of red dihydroxanthommatin are in various stages of oxidation to xanthommatin. Given the in vitro instability of the reduced red form of xanthom- matins, the observed stability of various shades of orange and red on the wings of various races of H. melpomene and H. erato presents an 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 147 interesting mystery. However, the likelihood that 3-hydroxy kynurenine is maintained in an alkaline state by a gene product suggests that such associations may allow races to “select” localized pH conditions within Type III scales by modification of a peptide or protein associated with xanthommatin pigment, and thereby affect subtle variation in the actual color displayed on the wing. Evidence from H. cydon X H. melpomene crosses indicates genetic control of separate factors maintaining the reduced form of xanthom¬ matin (red) in H. melpomene. Thus, in all FI hybrids of H. pachinus or H. cydno with red forewing banded H. melpomene races (illustrated in Gilbert, 1984), brown scales appear on the ventral side of the dorsal fore wing red band, and with appropriate crosses, one can convert the dorsal red forewing band of hybrids to brown (Gilbert, unpublished data). Discussion Different hypotheses can be proposed for how genes determine final color patterns in Heliconius. At one extreme, scale morphology and pigmentation would be separately determined by independently re¬ gulated genes such that any combination of structure and color could occur. This possibility is not the case in Heliconius because of melanic scales (including bar-shadow scales), which are consistently found to have a particular subset of ultrastructures, scales with Type I ultrastruc¬ ture which consistently lack melanin or xanthommatin, and Type III scales are never white, yellow, or melanic. At the other extreme, genes which determine pigment production in a developing scale might pleiotropically determine its ultrastructure. This would be the case if the product of a single gene directly or indirectly regulates both morphological events and the pigment path¬ way within a scale. In Heliconius , this possibility appears to hold true at the level of major pigmentation differences (eg. xanthommatin vs. melanin). However, some pigment variation such as brown vs. red in Type III scales, or white vs. yellow in Type I scales, represents minor pigment variation within the major categories. We hypothesize that such minor variation in Type III scales is based on variation in genes coding for those peptides which act to stabilize pigments at particular oxidation states in the scales. Any useful model for scale development in Heliconius should explain the observed correlations of structure and pigmentation (summarized in Table 2) in genetic and chemical terms. It should also be in general accord with current knowledge of scale development, pigment chemi¬ stry, and genetics. Fortunately, development of scale pigmentation has been carefully studied in another nymphalid genus, the pigments involved are relatively well-studied in other systems, and extensive classical genetics is available for Heliconius. 148 J.Res.Lepid. With respect to scale development, Nijhout’s (1980) observations and experiments provide a useful model for the development of different colored melanic scales in Precis (Nijhout, 1980, p.287). 1. Enzymes for pigment synthesis are insoluble but active within cuticle of the scale. 2. Substrates for pigment synthesis circulate in the hemolymph and are produced in sequence. 3. Substrates can gain access to scales at all times. 4. Scales in each presumptive color region possess only a single enzyme and are capable of utilizing only a single substrate. Nijhout (1980) also observed that longitudinal ridges formed before melanin deposition, indicating that the pigment per se only stiffens the scale, but does not direct its morphogenesis. We therefore assume that in Heliconius , any pleiotrophic effects of genes involved in pigment pathways on scale structural distinctiveness is not via the pigment, its precursors, or substrates. Rather it seems most likely that the product of a “scale selector” gene acts as a turn-on switch for other genes involved in scale ultrastructure on the one hand, and genes for pigment pathway enzymes on the other. Our interpretations of the chemistry of yellow, red, and brown variation in Heliconius benefit from the extensive genetic and bio¬ chemical work on Drosophila eye color variation which is based on the same ommochrome pathway (Summers et al ., 1982). Xanthommatin pigments derive from tryptophan via intermediates such as kynurenine (Linzen, 1974), but two lines of evidence suggest that the substrate for xanthommatin production is 3-hydroxy kynurenine. First, in Drosophila eyes, normal xanthommatin production depends on external kynurenine and/or 3-hydroxykynurenine supplied via the hemolymph (Summers et al., 1982). Second, Linzen (1970) reviews evidence that a) in holometa- bolous insects, including Lepidoptera, tryptophan accumulation in hemolymph and other tissues is transitory and b) 3-hydroxykynurenine is the metabolite most likely to persist at elevated levels. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the substrate for xanthommatin in Heliconius Type III scales is 3-hydroxykynurenine. Similarly, although melanins arise ultimately from oxidation of tyrosine, the substrates for melanin production are likely to be dopa or dopamine if Heliconius follows the usual pattern for insects (Wiggles- worth, 1972) and for Precis wing scales (Nijhout, 1980). Association of xanthommatin and other ommochromes with specific proteins in silkworm blood (see Linzen, 1974 for review) make our suggestions about mechanisms of color fine- adjustment and stability a credible working hypothesis. On the other hand, reports of ommochrome- binding protein in cecropia moth eyes (Ajami and Riddiford, 1971) have not been verified in parallel studies on Drosophila (Wiley and Forrest, 1979), nor have the subtle variations in Drosophila eye color been adequately explained. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 149 Additional parts of the Heliconius scale puzzle are provided by genetic evidence. Certain genes for xanthommatin scales (Type III) are domin¬ ant (Sheppard et al., 1985) or epistatic (in single dose) to those for melanic scales (Type II) (Gilbert, in prep.) in H. melpomene. Other dominant or epistatic genes, active in the same regions of the wing, may replace yellow scales (Type I) with melanic or xanthommatin containing scales (see Sheppard etal ., 1985). We suggest these observations are due to our hypothesized scale selector genes, the interaction of which generally produces an unambiguous scale type in the following order of dominance or epistasis: III > II > I. Bar shadow scales on the ventral hindwing may represent an exception to this rule if they indeed possess intermediate features. Genetic variation for pigmentation within scale types appears to have no common theme. In Type I scales, white is dominant to yellow (see FI of H. cydno X H. pachinus, (Gilbert, 1984). This is counter to what we would expect if the heterozygote simply possesses one half the amount of yellow pigment. We hypothesize a gene involved with transport of 3- hydroxykynurenine into the developing Type I scale. The bar shadow variant of Type II scales (ID probably reflects dosage of Type II selector gene, M, (but only expresses on one wing surface!). Color variation of xanthommatin pigments may be due to a structural gene for the binding peptide as previously discussed. At this stage of knowledge, many alternative models of Heliconius scale development might be equally difficult to reject. With this caveat, we present a model which is consistent with the observed relationships of scale structure and color (Table 2) and which assumes as valid, the foregoing points about scale development, pigment chemistry, and genetics. Finally, for simplicity, we develop the model as a series of binary choices which depend upon the state of scale selector genes in cells which give rise to the scales. The following model should be considered a tentative scheme rather than a well-substantiated theory. During the course of development, cells would be fated to give rise to a particular scale type at a particular wing location by the combination of selector genes which are switched on or off. The threshold conditions for such switching might allow trichogen cells of the same genotype to end up as different scales types depending upon the strength of morphogen signals at that location (see Nijhout, 1986). A fundamental decision in scale development seems to be between Type I versus Type II or III, because Type I scales do not require pigment to stiffen, and are apparently not manufacturing complex pigments from simple substrates. For simplicity, we consider this scale type the null state, that scale type which develops if no other selector genes are switched on. Next, if Type II selector switch gene M is turned on, cells are fated to develop Type II or Type III scales. Given that only M is on, and given appropriate positional information, the M + signal would turn on 150 J.Res.Lepid. Table 2. A summary of the relationship between scale mor¬ phological types and scale pig¬ mentation observed in the four Heliconius species and two inter¬ specific crosses of this study. Type IF refers to the bar shadow scale type, yellow, brown, and red refer to 3-hydroxykynurenine, xan- thommatin, and dihydroxan- thommatin respectively (see text). PIGMENTATION none yellow brown T3 a melanic I X X II X II' X m X X morphological programs and melanin pathway enzymes. However, the scale would not melanize and stiffen until dopa or dopamine circulate in the hemolymph. In keeping with a binary decision model of genetic determination, we suggest that the selector gene for Type III scales, X, can only be expressed in M 4- cells, and that its signal initiates Type III morphology and turns on genes for xanthommatin pathway enzymes. Genetic evidence summarized above indicated that M++X+ cells give rise to Type III, xanthommatin containing scales. Thus, it appears that the xanthommatin pathway inhibits in melanin pathway by a method similar to its inhibition by another oxidative pathway, xanthopterine synthesis (Wigglesworth, 1972). Since in Heliconius pupae, homozygous and heterozygous fore wing Type III patches develop xanthommatin well ahead of the melanization of Type II areas (Gilbert, unpublished observation), it may be that the pigment itself inhibits the oxidation of substrates of the melanin pathway as is the case with xanthopterine and melanin. In explaining the epistasis of X over M in determining scale morphology, it may be less complicated to assume that morphology is a direct result of pigment-scale interaction. However, as one reviewer pointed out, in the absence of further information, independent determination is a better null hypothesis. In our model therefore, the X+ signal overrides M++ to redirect morpho¬ genesis, and acts separately on genes involved with morphology and pigmentation as M is hypothesized to do. This scheme of developmental genetic control is summarized by Figure 7. This diagram also shows the final genetically controlled decisions which occur after scale type is established which we have discussed above. For each branch, the gene dosages necessary for each state of a scale is indicated by plus (one gene dose) or zero (null). 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 151 Summary Scanning electron microscopy reveals three morphological categories of wing scales in Heliconius butterflies. Type I, white or yellow scales, possess an obverse membrane between longitudinal ridges and lack conspicuous crossribs. Type II, melanic scales, have ladder-like, regular crossribs supported by trabeculae. Type III, red or brown scales, are characterized by crossribs which feature flutes and a thicker, more angular appearance. In hybrids, whose parents possess Type I and Type II scales on the hind wing bar respectively, the “bar shadow” scales which replace the yellow bar appear to be a slightly modified version of Type II scales. Spectroscopic analyses reveal that yellow, red, and brown pigments are tryptophan derived 3-hydroxykynurenine, dihydroxanthommatin, and xanthommatin, respectively. White is a structural color expressed when yellow pigment is not present, while red and brown are different oxidation states of xanthommatin. Chromatographic evidence suggests the possibility that unstable forms of pigments in this pathway are maintained by association with peptides in the scale. Thus, although substantial color variation occurs within scale morphological types, it is chemically trivial. These observations are supplemented by evidence from the literature to develop an hypothesis for the relationship between genes, scale pigmentation, and scale structure (Figure 7). Because of the variety of scale morphology and pigment chemistry within the Lepidoptera, it is not possible to assess the degree to which this scheme for Heliconius wing color pattern constitutes a model for other groups. However, it will be surprising if the Heliconius system described here turns out to be other than a variation on a theme common to all butterflies and moths. Indeed, a similar correlation of color and structure has been described for zygaenid moths (Burgeff and Schneider, 1979). More generally, Heliconius wings may contribute to some of the unsolved problems of the genetics and development of tissue specific ommochrome pigmentation. This is because one can work with scale specific regulation of the pathway on the wings within species having distinctively patterned genotypic varieties or races, rather than rely on constitutive mutants. Acknowledgements. We gratefully acknowledge the help of Ian Millett who conducted preliminary work on wing pigments, Bob Riess, who carried out most of the SEM work, and Sharon Bramblett, who helped rear butterflies and typed the various versions of the manuscript. We thank Susan Weller, Jim Bull, and Suzanne Dyby, all of whom read and criticized the manuscript. We also thank two constructively critical reviewers whose suggestions improved the paper. This was work was supported by a University of Texas University Research Institute grant R-511 and (indirectly) by NSF BRS-8315399 to LEG. 152 J.Res.Lepid. Literature Cited AJAMI, A. & L. RIDDIFORD, 1971. Identification of an ommochrome in the eyes and nervous systems of saturiniid moths. Biochemistry 10: 1455-1460. BROWN, K. S., 1967. 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Biol. 80:275-288. NIJHOUT, H. F., 1986. Pattern and pattern diversity on lepidopteran wings. Biosci. 36:527-53. SHEPPARD, P. M„ J. R. G. TURNER, K. S. BROWN, W. W. BENSON, & M. C. SINGER, 1985. Genetics and the evolution of Mullerian mimicry in Heliconius butterflies. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 308:433-613. SUMMERS, K. M„ A. J. HOWELLS, & N. A. PYLIOTIS, 1982. Biology of eye pigmentation in insects. Adv. Insect Physiol. 16:119-166. TURNER, J. R. G., 1981. Adaptation and evolution in Heliconius : A defense of neoDarwinism. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 12:99-121. UMEBACHI, Y. & K. YOSHIDA, 1970. Some chemical and physical properties of Papiliochrome II in the wings of Papilio xuthus. J. Insect Physiol. 16:1203- 1228. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 153 WIGGLESWORTH, V. B., 1972. The Principles of Insect Physiology. 7th ed. London, Chapman and Hall. 827 pp. WILEY, K. & H. S. FORREST, 1979. Drosophila melanogaster lacks eye-pigment binding proteins. Biochemistry 18:473-476. 154 J.Res.Lepid. Fig. 1. Type I, white or yellow scales. All cover scales viewed perpendicular to surface at 10k. A. White scale, ventral forewing, H. cydno galanthus. B. White scale, dorsal forewing, H. cydno galanthus. C. Yellow scale, dorsal hindwing, H. pachinus. D. Yellow scale, dorsal forewing, H. pachinus. Note on bottom left of D, where ridge spacing increases, obverse membrane of dorsal scale resembles that of a ventral scale. J Fig. 2. Type II, melanic scales. All viewed approximately perpendicular (± 1 0°). A. Ventral forewing, H. cydno galanthus. B. Dorsal hindwing (shiny scale), H. cydno galanthus. C. Dorsal forewing (dull area), H. cydno galanthus. D. Dorsal forewing, H. ismenius. 155 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 156 J.Res.Lepid. zwunmm IIWuwih Sssasss Fig. 3. Type II, "shadow" scales. These ventral hindwing scales lie in zones of altered reflectance and are diagnostic of hybrids between forms with yellow hindwing bars X forms with all black hindwings. A. Shadow region of a H. cydno galanthus X H. pachinus, FI hindwing. B. Non-shadow region of a H. cydno galanthus X H. pachinus, FI hindwing. C. Shadow region of H. cydno galanthus X H. pachinus, FI hindwing, D. Shadow region of H. cydno galanthus X H. pachinus, backcross hindwing. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 157 9 * **}**>$* •»* * -:nm i Fig. 4. Type III, red or brown scales. A. Ventral hindwing, H. cydno galanthus (brown). B. Ventral hindwing, H. pachinus (basal red spot). C. Ventral forewing, hybrid H. cydno with H. melpomene forewing band (brown). D. Dorsal forewing, hybrid H. cydno with H. melpomene forewing band (brown). if h< Fig. 5. Angled views of various scale types (all of H. pachinus) showing scutes, all at 10k. A. Dorsal hindwing, melanic, H. pachinus. B. Ventral hindwing, yellow, H. pachinus. C. Ventral hindwing, melanic, H. pachinus D. Ventral hindwing, basal red scale, H. pachinus. 158 J. Res. Lepid. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 159 Fig. 6. Cross sections of various scale types, all at 1 0k. A. Ventral forewing, white (Type I), H. cydno. B. Ventral forewing, melanic (Type II), H. cydno. C. Basal red spot, ventral hindwing, H. pachinus. Dorsal hindwing, melanic, H. cydno. 160 J.Res.Lepid. trichogen cell M+ II or m xanthommatin pathway (T)3-OH-K— ► T xanthommatin X+ m i o+,++ 00 (off) -► (on) melanin pathway dopa — ► melanin X- I, - • — II or IT 0+ red in m brown melanic IF bar shadow M- 3-OH-K I 00 0+,++ yellow white undifferentiated cells mature scales Fig. 7. Hypothetical scheme for genetic control of Heliconius wing scale develop¬ ment based on morphological, chemical, and genetic information discussed in text. Solid circle represents time that morphological characteristics of mature scale begin to be established. M and X are selector genes regulating morphological decisions and pigment pathways as shown. Effect of genes which act within major scale categories are indicated on the final branches of the diagrams in terms of doses (indicated by Type I scales vary in terms of a gene which affects transport of 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-OH-K) to the developing scale, one dose (o+) gives a white scale. Type IF scales probably represent scales heterozygous for M (o+). Type III scales vary according to a structural gene for a pigment binding peptide. One dose (o+) stabilizes xanthommatin in its reduced state. (See text) Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 26(1-4):161-172, 1988 A mutant affecting wing pattern in Parnassius apollo (Linne) (Lepidoptera Papilionidae) Henri Descimon Laboratoire de Systematique evolutive, Universite de Provence, 3 place Victor Hugo, 13331 Marseille Cedex 3, France. and Jean-Pierre Vesco 14bis rue Montplaisir, 84600 Valreas, France. Abstract. A mutant affecting wing pattern has been observed re¬ peatedly and over a large number of years in a population of P. apollo from the upper Durance basin in France. It is dominant and morpho¬ logically modifies the postcellular region of forewings and the posterior part of hind wings, inducing a mask-like design in the former and obliterating the second eyespot in the latter. The frequency of the mutant in the population was 1 to 2% in the late 1970’s. It has markedly decreased since. Introduction Scores of aberrations have been described in Parnassius apollo. However, no genetic work has been carried out although breeding of this species has been practised for some time. The main difficulty is obtaining mating in captivity. One of us has mastered the problem by hand¬ pairing. The method may permit production of a practically indefinite number of successive generations and thus genetic experimentation. The present paper, the first of a series with such experiments, involves a very spectacular aberration. Materials and methods Ova of either field-collected or bred females are obtained by placing females singly in a plastic-gauze cage of ca 1 liter (this device will be described with more details in a later paper). Oviposition is induced either by filtered sunshine or by a 60-100W incandescence bulb placed 20 to 50cm from the cage. In all cases, overheating must be carefully avoided. Ova are deposited singly or in small batches upon 1) a cellulose towel placed on the bottom of the cage, 2) foodplant fragments ( Sedum sp, Sempervivum) which are not necessary to elicit laying, or 3) the cage walls. Regular feeding, once or twice a day, by a honey-water mixture (1:10) is essential. We have observed that old, almost exhausted wild females will recommence laying if carefully fed for several days. In all cases, it is 162 J.Res.Lepid. preferable to allow the females to lay for only a limited period (1-2 hours per day) and to keep them quiescent in a cool, shady place the rest of the time. Under these conditions, females can live 3 weeks or more and lay between 100 and 200 ova. The ova generally diapause and are best refrigerated for at least 2 months at 0-4°C. However, a small portion of ova (1 to 5% in French populations, but much more in Spanish ones) hatch immediately and may be reared to adults by the end of summer (this observation implies the possibility of a potential partial second generation under natural conditions). For breeding larvae, it is important to maintain a condition of cool or even cold air while using a heat radiating light: this condition can be satisfied using either sunshine or artificial light. It is possible to greatly accelerate caterpillar growth rate by continuous lighting, pupae being obtained within 10 days. Foodplants are various species of Sedum, according to their availability. S. album , of low vegetation, is especially convenient for starting young caterpillars, which do not spin silk and are consequently unable to climb over elevated plants. Some cultivated species are refused ( e.g . S. acre) and may be toxic. The broods must be well ventilated, covering with gauze is unadvisable. Glass or plastic pans with appropriately high walls are convenient, since the walls are impassable barriers to the non-climbing caterpillars. Palik’s method (1980), using cellophane walls, is more sensitive to use and can cause trapping of young larvae at the base of the plastic sheet. The offspring of a mutant female was lost in this way in 1980, which delayed the completion of the present study until 1984. Copulation is easily obtained between bred individuals. The butterflies may pair freely even in a small cage (for instance a 50cm side cube), provided there is sufficient sunshine. However, hand-pairing affords the most reliable control of partner choice. We used Clarke and Sheppards’s method (1953). Although Parnassius are markedly more difficult to pair than Papilio, success is generally complete when conditions are good and the operator skilled. Key factors are that males must be excited by sunshine and the females young. Although females can be kept ready for mating in a refrigerator at 4°C for several days, the freshest are best. Pairing lasts several hours (the couple is left still for this time under attenuated light). One male is capable of fecundating at least three females. In the first mating, a large, well formed sphragis is secreted; in the second one, this appendage is rudimentary and is absent in the third. In all cases, however, fecundation is complete. We recall here that the sphragis is not a “laying pouch” as once stated, but a true “chastity belt”, precluding further fecundation. The presence of fecund females with no sphragis or with a rudimentary one in the field is a strong indication that males can practise several successive matings. It is also possible that a female could be fecundated at least twice, first by an old male no longer able to secrete a sphragis and again by a young male. Such an event would be exceptional yet possible to check by counting the spermatophores present in the bursa copulatrix. Results FIELD OBSERVATIONS: For obvious reasons, we will not give the exact location where mutant individuals have been observed. It gener¬ ally lies in the upper Durance basin, in french southern Alps. The habitat is a large set of rather smooth, sunny barren slopes, inter¬ mingled with mowed meadows, at ca. 1800m elevation. Few trees are 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 163 present, a condition quite probably due to forest destruction by man. The substrate is essentially formed by moraines and screes, with some thalwegs, not very accentuated, and a small stream. Sedum and Sempervivum are quite abundant and provide food for Parnassius apollo. The Parnassians themselves are very abundant over a large area. We carried out a mark-release-recapture study over a precisely defined small area of the flight locality. This experiment allowed us to estimate the population flying upon this area to 400-500 individuals (Napolitano, Cooke and Descimon, in preparation). The total area of the locality is much larger and extrapolation of the data allows to estimate the order of magnitude of the population being at least 10,000. By direct behavioral observation, it was seen that the butterflies move freely from one point to another over distances of at least one kilometer, as confirmed by the capture of marked individuals at distances of this order from their previous marking area. However, inhospitable zones circumscribe flight areas to some extent. In such inhospitable zones, individuals are casually seen, but are much scarcer by comparison. Other high density flight areas exist some kilometers away from the main one, but they are markedly smaller. The first aberrant individuals were taken August 9, 1977, with three taken on one day. Only later on did we realize that, since the aberration was recurrent, it was probably due to mutation and that its frequency was worth further investigation. Still later, we discovered in the correspondence of the senior author a letter from Lucien Jean, who mentioned the capture of an ’’aberrant apollo” by another collector, Mr. Dreano, in the same locality. The letter was accompanied with a color slide which allowed us to verify that the female aberrant collected by Mr. Dreano belonged to the same type we found. This specimen had been captured around 1975. The population has been followed regularly to 1981 and less inten¬ sively since 1982. We attempted to count all individuals seen to obtain a gross estimation of the mutant frequency (Table I). In most cases, counts were made by direct sighting, without marking correlation, so results must be considered approximate. At face value the frequency of the mutant decreased from ca. 2% to ca. 0.5% in five years. However, the 1985 capture of a normal female which produced mutant offspring indicated it had been mated by a mutant male and that the gene was still present in the population at that time. A substantial fraction of the mutant individuals was secured, in particular 3 females for laying. Foolishly, we made the faulty assump¬ tion that the mutation was recessive, which would have implyed that removing the thus supposedly homozygous individuals was not detri¬ mental. This supposition was quite unfortunate, as we will see further. It is worth noting that, when mutants were observed, they generally were in a group of 2-5 individuals flying in a restricted “pocket” surrounded by areas where none was to be found. It seems that this pocket correspond to the laying area of the mother female. Sometimes, J.Res.Lepid. 164 Table I. Number and percentages of “Zorro” mutant vs. “normal” phenotypes of P. apollo. Year Numbers of P. apollo observed Percentage 1977 “normal” phenotype “Zorro” mutants 1977 ca 600* 12 (8 6, 4 9) 2.0 1978 co 800* 14(12 6,2 9) 1.7 1979 1184** 7 (6 d, 1 9) 0.6 1980 136** 1 9 0.3 1981 ca 300* 0 0.0 1983 ca 200* 1 6 0.5 1985 ca 200* ^ g*** 0.5 1987 co 150* 0 0.0 * Individuals counted but not marked; in this case, we applied a correction coefficient keeping in account multiple captures and deduced from marking-releasing experiments. ** Individuals marked before being released. *** Individual not observed, but existence deduced from the offspring of a “normal” female. mutants were observed flying slightly more awkwardly than the normal butterflies and, in some cases, the degree of wing damage indicated they were less sturdy. Behavior was unaffected, but phenotype modification was discernible during flight to an experienced eye from a distance. When at rest in the absence of sunshine, Parnassius display a charac- teristical protective behavior. They open their wings in a horizontal plane and reveal their posterior eyespots. This display is accompanied by a kind of stridulation obtained by brushing the ventral face of hindwings with posterior legs (Descimon, 1965). The resultant noise resembles bruising silk and is perceptible to human ear from at least 1 meter. This behavior seems to occur in all species of Parnassius, including both P. mnemosyne, in which the hindwings do not have red eyespots, and the very ornate blue and red Himalayan species (F. Michel, pers. comm.). The mutants also display this behavior, but it’s effect is entirely different to human observer’s eye: attention is drawn from the hindwings, where the posterior eyespot is missing, to the forewings with their striking mask-like design. BREEDING. In 1983, a male was secured and handpaired with a virgin female from the Luberon (Vaucluse, France). A 1:1 segregation appeared in the offspring and, since the mutation had never been observed among thousands of butterflies in the Luberon population, the mutation must be dominant. The gene was subsequently introduced into other stocks, including those from the Mercantour ( Alpes Maritimes, France) and the Causse du Larzac (Aveyron, France). Further, a new mutant strain, isolated from the original Durance locality, was recovered 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 165 by chance. As already mentioned above, a normal female was collected amongst a group of normals. This female yielded mutants in a 1:1 ratio, which indicated that it had been fecundated by a heterozygous mutant male. In all mutant x normal crosses a 1:1 segregation appeared (table II). The only heterozygote x heterozygote cross (table II No. 6) yielded a high proportion of mutant individuals. This result is puzzling. Indeed, the other crosses do not depart significantly from a 1:1 ratio, which precludes considering a superiority of heterozygotes over normal homozygotes. In No.6 cross, the excess of mutant phenotypes is not only too high to allow considering the possibility of homozygous mutant lethality (2:1 ratio, X2 = 9.6, p<0.01), but even to fit with the expected 3:1 ratio (X2 = 5.4, p<0.02). We, however, cannot draw conclusions from a single cross. Actually, the genetic composition of this brood was fairly heterogenous, which could give rise to “hybrid breakdown” phenomena and distort the ratios. In particular, we have indications that the Causse du Larzac population is peculiar; for instance, its ova are on the average twice as heavy as those from Alpine populations. The concerned cross was the only laboratory-bred of a series of identical parentage which was used to make an experiment of founding an artificial population of P. apollo on the Sainte Baume mountain, where it is absent. Now, this experiment, which involved the deposition of 1,000 ova upon favorably Table 2. Results of crosses with “Zorro” mutant of Parnassius apollo. Number of the cross 1 Parents 8 : “Zorro” from “Zorro“ 9 x “normal” <5 from Mercantour 9 : wild, normal, Briangon Offspring “normal” ‘Zorro’ 21 24 (9 d, 12 9) (9 d, 15 9) 8 : wild, “normal”, Causse du Larzac 9 : “Zorro” from “Zorro” 9 x wild “normal” 8 , Luberon 16 17 (7 d, 9 9) (10 d, 7 9) 8 : “Zorro” from a “normal” 9 caught in the wild 9 : “normal” from all-normal F x from the original locality 40 39 (14 d, 16 9) (19 d, 10 9) 8 : wild, “normal”, Mercantour 4 9 ; “Zorro” from 3 5 8 : wild “normal”, Luberon 9 : “Zorro” from 3 12 8 : “Zorro” from 2 9 : “Zorro” from 2 28 166 J.Res.Lepid. sited foodplants, has been unsuccessful. Moreover, the mortality in the brood was high (only 30 adults from 110 ova), in spite of having been pampered. More experiments are needed but, unfortunately, they are at present impossible. MUTANT GENE EXPRESSION AND VARIATION. The average mutant phenotype is represented on figure 1 (A: male, B: female). On the forewings, it is the region posterior to vein 7 which is modified: the discal spot is elongated distally into a point following vein 7. Basally, this spot shows a tendency to be connected to the median (discocellular) spot of the cell by two black streaks following the anterior and posterior limits of the cell. The marking gives mutant butterflies a striking aspect, as if they bear a black mask. The postdiscal row of spots is shifted distally and partly obliterated in 5-6 and 6-7 intervals. No obvious modification is to be noticed in 2-3 and 3-4 intervals, but the spot of the lb-2 interval, very characteristic of the species, is conspicuously shrunken and divided into two parts by lc rudimentary vein. On the hind wings, the anterior eyespot is absolutely unaffected, while the posterior one, which lies in 2 cm Fig. 1. “Zo/ro” mutation of Parnassius apollo. A - male mutant, wild collected, 2 VIII 78. B - female mutant, wild collected, 14 VIII 78. C - male, normal phenotype, same locality, 28 VII 79. D - female, normal phenotype, same locality, 6 VIII 78. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 167 3-4 and 4-5 intervals, is extremely modified. It is dissociated into two parts, as if a factor following vein 4 inhibited the formation of the eye- spot pattern. The series of anal spots in lb, lb-2 and 2-3 is diminished but still present. Premarginal black scales lunules and marginal hyaline band are slightly displaced basally. It is rather obvious that such a remarkable mutation deserves a name. Here we meet with a problem which has not been considered seriously for Lepidoptera. In species such as Drosophila melanogaster, which has not been plagued by a crowd of aberrational names given by mere “curios” collectors, matters are clear. Mutational names are indispensalbe working tools, with simple and clear terminological rules. In all animals, the practice of giving latin names to any infrasub¬ specific form has been rejected by the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature. We believe that this does not preclude using non-linnean names which would follow the rules of genetic nomenclature in the case of variants which have in fact been studied genetically. The controversial situation arises in the case of “classically named aberra¬ tions” or morphs which later prove to be mutants. At first sight, it seems advisable to retain the old names. However, some cases would be quite puzzling; for instance, for the white female of Colias croceus , should we use the old name of “Helice” given by Hiibner or, following the American authors, the generic name of “AZ6a”, which assume that all white female mutants are homologous? In any event, we propose here the mutational name of “Zorro” for the described variant of P. apollo. Names that we would have preferred, such as mephisto or diaholicus , have been already given to Parnassius variants or subspecies; otherwise, the selected name will recall that nomenclature need not be such a serious topic, after all. . . Field-collected, as well as bred examples of “Zorro” display variability. We noted above this is not due to incomplete dominance. The argument is reinforced by the fact that the probability of occurrence of homozygous mutant individuals in natural populations is very low (practically equal to variant frequency, that is 2 to 0.5 percent). Moreover, when variation is observed within bred individuals, it must be due mainly to interaction of the mutant gene with its genetic background, since rearing conditions were kept relatively constant. Fig. 2 shows some of this variability; individual 1 is among the least accentuated and 2 among the most. There is also an interaction with sexual dimorphism. If venation is not markedly modified on forewings, some striking abnormalities may be observed on hindwings. In all cases, a rudimentary cell is present at the outer extremity of the cell between Ml and M2 normal veins, but much more spectacular modifications can also occur: the cell is open between Ml and M2; Ml is often branched and in some cases a complex system of supplementary cells is formed. These modifications are often assy me¬ trical. Figure 3 gives an idea of these atypical vein patterns. Fig. 2. Variation in the expression of “Zorro” mutation in Parnassius apollo. 1 - male, wild, 13 VIII 77. 2 - D°, D°, 27 VII 78. 3 - D°, D°, 14 VIII 78. 4 - D°, D°, 28 VII 79. 5 - Female, D°, 2 VIII 78. 6 - D°, D°, 10 VIII 77. 7 - D°, bred (Brood Number 1, see table II). 8 - D°, D° (Brood Number 2) Fig. 3. Abnormalities of venation in “Zorro” mutation of P. apollo. 1 . Normal female. 2. "Zorro" female (n° 6 of fig. 2), with supplementary distal vein. 3. D°, brood n° 6: supplementary distal vein plus intracellular rudimentary vein. 4. D°, male, brood n° 6: D°, with different branching. 5. D°, female, brood 5: supplementary cell with atrophy of normal cell closure. 6. D°, female, brood 5: supplementary distal cell. All figures represent right hindwing in the region where median veins (Ml , M2, M3) take rise from the cell, except n° 6, where it is left hindwing which has been photographed. 170 J.Res.Lepid. Discussion From a morphogenetic point of view, “Zorro” is one of the most striking aberrations in Parnassius. A thorough survey of the previous described forms in available literature ( e . g. Bryk, 1935, Eisner, 1966) did not reveal any close equivalent. It may be remarked that, in both pairs of wings, the mutation modifies only the posterior half, while the anterior one remains unaffected. Pattern and venation are most per- turbated at the suture between the imaginal disk compartments which, according to the studies of Sibatani (1981), follows the axis of symmetry of the cell and the corresponding distal part of the wing. It is obvious that “Zorro” could provide a choice tool for the study of the development of wing pattern, using for example the methodology of Nijhout (1985). Unfortunately, it is probable that practical difficulties would render such a study rather difficult. From the point of view of evolutionary genetics, the history of this mutation appears clear. It arose once, at one locus of one individual of the population. It is more difficult to understand how its frequency reached 1 or 2 percent. If we assume the size of the population, previously estimated to roughly 10,000, the original frequency must be around 0.5 xl0~4. To reach thelO-2 frequency observed in 1977, the “Zorro” allele therefore must have been multiplied by 200. The simplest explanation would be to assume the population had been reduced to few individuals in at least one year, the mutation having been preserved by chance (or having appeared) during the time of the population con¬ traction. Further, its frequency would have been amplified in parallel to the population increase. We can provide some observational support to this hypothesis: the senior author and his brother Robert Descimon have collected and observed butterflies very regularly in the region until the present time and P. apollo was noted as very scarce at the end of the 1960’s. It is further noteworthy that the “Zorro” mutation was not observed in the locality where it was later discovered. Many P. apollo were seen during early 1960’s. Could selection have played a role in the variation of the frequency of the mutation? From 1977 to 1981 “Zorro” has obviously decreased. It is very unfortunate that we did not surmise that this aberration could be a dominant but postulated it was a recessive, with a gene frequency of about 0,14, providing the observed “homozygote” frequency of 2 percent. Under these conditions, we incorrectly believed that securing and killing some individuals was not detrimental. Actually, we introduced a massive selection coefficient, “destroying our own subject of study”, according to the accurate expression of Dubois (1983). Fortunately, only a portion of the population was screened and the mutation was not eradicated in totality. The most distressing consequence of this thought¬ less action is that we are now hindered from drawing conclusions. Would “Zorro” frequency have decreased anyway? It has been clearly observed that the mutants appear a trifle handicapped in flight activity. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 171 At the larval stage, however, no disadvantage appears to exist; in one brood, an excess of mutants has been observed. The experiments should be repeated with a larger sample. The modification of wing pattern does not obviously impair its deterrent effect. To human eye, it is even more frightening! Therefore, we may not rule out the hypothesis that the mutation was slowly increasing its frequency when we clumsily intervened. Although rather unusual, the dominance of “Zorro” seems to be best interpreted in terms of physiological genetics. The observed variation in expression does not seem related to overdominance but to the inter¬ ference with the entire genotype. It would not be relevant to hypothesize that the mutation should have become dominant after a process of “evolution of dominance” (Ford and Sheppard, 1966), since none of the conditions for it appear here. We have planned to “repair our fault” by breeding and releasing mutant individuals (with, of course, no mixture with foreign strains) into the locality. To do so, we would introduce yet another perturbation into the population. The best would be to proceed but with seriously controlled and monitored conditions. Only accidental difficulties have delayed this operation. We also intend to undertake again experiments of creating artificial populations like the one previously mentioned, which has been probably unsuccessful. Such attempts (which are debatable if not carefully designed) have proven successful and quite instructive in some cases (Descimon, 1976, Holdren and Ehrlich, 1981). Cases of decreasing mutation frequency in natural populations by collecting are already known. The most striking is probably the “honnoratii” form of Zerynthia rumina in the region of Digne (Alpes de Haute Provence, France). The problem, which has elicited some row in the local press (with ridiculously exaggerated considera¬ tions, especially about the prices fetched on butterfly market) led to the promulgation of a law forbidding all insect collecting in the concerned department. Notwithstanding the inadequacy of enforcing the law, it is almost certain that it has improved the chance of maintaining the mutant gene. Z. rumina “ honnoratii ” has been observed in recent years (P. Bonnet, pers. comm.). We believe that, for “Zorro” as for “honnoratii” , the best protection is to breed and distribute them to collectors, who would be deterred from painstakingly seeking for them in nature. Further, lowering the venal value would render the “black market” less likely. One would pass from “hunting and gathering” to “farming”. We strongly suggest “desperate hunters” not only search for new aberrations, but breed them, obtaining at the same time not only fine collection items, but genetic information. Such a practice has been frequent for some time in England - it must be generalized. Acknowledgements. We thank Rudi Mattoni for having kindly helped us edit the present work. 172 J. Res. Lepid. Literature Cited BRYK, F., 1935. Lepidoptera Parnassiidae pars ii (subfam. Parnassiinae). Tierreich 65: i-li, 1-788, 698 figs. CLARKE, C.A., 1952. Hand pairing of Papilio machaon in February. Entomol. Rec. J. Var. 64: 98-100. DESCIMON, H., 1965. Quelques comportements protecteurs des Lepidopteres. Alexanor IV: 61-66. - , 1976. L’acclimatation des Lepidopteres: un essai d’experimentation en Biogeographie. Alexanor IX: 195-204. DUBOIS, A., 1983. Renforcements de populations et pollution genetique. C. R. Soc. Biogeogr. 59: 285-294. FORD, E.B. & P.M. SHEPPARD, 1966. Natural selection and the evolution of domin¬ ance. Heredity 21: 139-147. EISNER, C., 1966. Parnassidae-Typen in der Sammlung J.C. Eisner. Zool. Verhand. 81: 1-190, PI. 1-84. HOLDREN, C.E. & P R. EHRLICH, 1981. Long range dispersal in checkerspot butter¬ flies: transplant experiments with Euphydryas gillettii. Oecologia (Berlin) 50: 125-129. NIJHOUT, F., 1985. The developmental Physiology of color patterns in Lepidoptera. Adv. Insect Physiol., 18: 181-247. PALIK, E., 1980. The protection and reintroduction in Poland of Parnassius apollo Linnaeus (Papilionidae). Nota lepid. 2: 163-164. SIBATANI, A., 1983. A Compilation of Data on Wing Homeosis in Lepidoptera. J. Res. Lepid. 22: 1-46. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 26(1-4):173-176, 1988 Mimicry by illusion in a sexually dimorphic, day-flying moth, Dysschema jansonis (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae: Pericopinae). Annette Aiello Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Box 2072 Balboa, Ancon, R. Panama and Keith S. Brown, Jr. Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, C. P. 6109, Campinas, Sao Paulo 13.081 Brazil Abstract. Sexual dimorphism and development in Dysschema jansonis (Butler, 1870) are discussed, and wing patterns of females and males are compared with those of their models, female Parides spp. (Papilion- idae) and transparent-winged ithomiine nymphalids, respectively. Two questions are addressed: Why does D. jansonis not display more accurate mimicry? How does D. jansonis create the illusion of mimicry? Introduction Species of the genus Dysschema Hiibner, 1818 are well-known examples of diurnalism in moths (Klots & Klots, 1959), and sexual dimorphism of wing pattern and color in Lepidoptera (Watson & Whalley, 1975). They are presumed mimics of unpalatable butterflies of various groups (Fisher, 1958; Gilbert, 1984; Watson & Whalley, 1975), and it is possible that they themselves are unpalatable, Mullerian mimics. The following remarks concern D. jansonis in the Republic of Panama. Sexual Dimorphism In general appearance, males and females of D. jansonis are strik¬ ingly different (Figure 1). However, a careful inspection reveals that the same wing pattern elements are present in both sexes. The dorsal forewings of the two sexes are quite similar, except that the pattern shows slightly more contrast in males. The hind wing pink forms a large blotch at the posterior margin in females, but is reduced to a tiny dot or is absent in males. The dorsal yellow, restricted to a round mark near the anterior margin of the hind wing in females, occupies the basal three fourths of the wing in males. In both sexes, the ventral side closely resembles the dorsal side except that in the male the forewing markings are more pronounced on the ventral surface than on the dorsal, and in 174 J. Res. Lepid. Fig. 1 . Left column, from top: Dysschema jansonis males (D, YCF), (D, WCF), Oleria rubescens (D), D. jansonis male (V, WCF); Middle column, from top: Eurytides ilus (D), Papilio anchisiades (D); Right column, from top: D. jansonis females (D), (V), Parides areas female (D). Figure codes: D = dorsal, V = ventral, YCF = yellow color form, WCF = white color form. the female the ventral forewing bears a yellow band that is only faintly evident on the dorsal side. Sexual Differences During Development Five males and six females of D. jansonis were reared from a clutch of 13 eggs laid by a single female, 10. XI. 1982 during daylight hours, on the underside of a leaf of Spiracantha cornifolia (Compositae) at the Summit Observatory in the Canal area of the Republic of Panama (Aiello Lot 82-62). All 13 eggs hatched on 22. XI. 1982. One larva died in its first stadium, another died as a late instar, but the other 11 completed development to adult. Females passed through eight larval stadia and required 72-80 days (x = 75.83 days, s = 3.19) to complete development from egg to adult, whereas males had only seven larval stadia dnd completed development in 66-69 days (x — 67.60 days; s = 1.14). The late larva that died, did so on day 69 as a ninth instar. One can only guess at the sex of that individual; possibly it was an exceedingly small male who had difficulty achieving the minimum weight necessary for pupation. Early stadia were synchronized; all 13 eggs hatched on the same day, and molting occurred synchronously through stadium six. Larvae in the first through third stadia aggregated, and fed by scraping the upper leaf surface either while strung out along one edge of a leaf, or while lined up parallel to one another to form a feeding front. Fourth 26(1-4): 1-288, 1988 175 instars began to show conspicuous size variation, and from then on were solitary and ate whole leaf instead of scraping the surface. Molts to seventh and eighth stadia were asynchronous; the molt to stadium seven occurred over two days, and that to stadium eight took place over four days. Following the molt to stadium seven, all larvae were transferred to separate cages and given individual numbers. Six indivi¬ duals that were larger than the others were numbered 1-6, and all proved to be females; the smaller larvae (numbered 7-11) turned out to be males. Adult eclosions in both sexes took place between 1500 and 1700 hours. Mimicry in Females Dysschema jansonis females resemble females of the aposematic butterflies Parides spp. (Papilionidae), when in flight. Like Parides (Figure 1), they have yellow and pink markings against a black background. However, in Parides the yellow is on the forewings and the pink is on the hind wings, while in D. jansonis both color elements are located on the hind wings. This seemingly important discrepancy does not detract from the mimetic effect when the moth is in flight; the human observer, at least, sees the rapidly fluttering moth as a fast- moving Parides. The illusion is made possible partly by exposure of the yellow band, on the underside of the forewing, during the high wing- stroke flight of this moth, and partly by the fact that when the wings are spread they are somewhat translucent, and the underside yellow shows through them from above. There exist a number of other Parides look-alikes with much more convincing mimicry. In Panama, Eury tides ilus and Papilio anchisiades (Papilionidae) (Figure 1) have the yellow on the forewings and the pink on the hind wings as does Parides. A probable explanation for D. jansonis’ s “imperfect” mimicry of Parides can be found in the resting posture of this moth. Both sexes rest, with the fore wings covering the hind wings, on foliage or bark where they blend with their background or resemble a bit of dead leaf. A yellow band or large white area on the dorsal forewing might interfere with this resting-posture crypsis. D. jansonis has overcome this constraint by employing mimetic illusion, and as a result possesses two distinct modes of visual protection. Another example of mimicry by illusion can be found in the nymphalid butterfly Consul fabius , which resembles a dead leaf when at rest with its ventral cryptic pattern showing, and a tiger-striped Heliconius when in flight with the dorsal pattern exposed. The illusion occurs when C. fabius flies in sunlight and the dorsal mimetic pattern shows through the wings from below as well (DeVries, 1987). Mimicry in Males Dysschema jansonis males resemble various genera of transparent¬ winged ithomiine nymphalid butterflies (Figure 1). Although scaled, 176 J.Res.Lepid. the wings of D. jansonis males appear transparent when in flight, an illusion made possible by the fact that dorsal and ventral surfaces are identically patterned, and enhanced by exposure of the strongly marked ventral forewing during flight. In addition, when the wings are spread, the paler areas are translucent, a fact which can be demonstrated by holding a pinned specimen to the light. Males’ fluttery flight further contributes to the ithomiine resemblance. When at rest, with the forewings covering the hind wings, transmitted light and wing pattern contrast are reduced, and the moths blend well with mottled bark or dried leaves. Reduced contrast can be demonstrated by placing a pinned specimen over a dark background. Male Color Dimorphism Some males have white, instead of yellow, hind wings, and while it has been supposed (Druce, 1884; Hering, 1925) that the two forms are mere color variations of the same species, no evidence has been presented until now. Of the five males reared from the single clutch of 13 eggs, three were the white color morph and two were the yellow. Presumably both are ithomiine mimics; transparent-winged ithomiines include species with clear, and species with yellow-tinged wings. Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Gordon B. Small who observed the female D. jansonis during oviposition and collected her egg clutch, to Phil DeVries who commented on the manuscript, to Diomedes Quintero and the University of Panama for loan of the Oleria specimen, and to Carl Hansen who photographed the adult specimens. Literature Cited DEVRIES, P. J., 1987. The Butterflies of Costa Rica and Their Natural History. Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersey, xxii -I- 327. DRUCE, H., 1884. Pericopidae pp. 105-112, In Biologia Centrali- Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Heterocera I. 490 pp. FISHER, R. A., 1958. The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection. Dover. New York, xiv -1- 291 pp. GILBERT, L. E., 1984. The Biology of Butterfly Communities, pp. 41-54, In R. I. Vane-Wright and P. R. Ackery (eds.), The Biology of Butterflies. Symposium of the Royal Entomological Society of London, No. 11. Academic Press. London, xxiv + 429 pp. HERING, M., 1925. Arctiidae: Pericopinae pp. 425-455, In A. Seitz, editor, The Macrolepidoptera of the World. II Division: The Macrolepidoptera of the American Region. Volume 6. The American Bombyces and Sphinges. 1304 pp. KLOTS, A. B. & E. B. KLOTS, 1959. Living Insects of the World. Hamish Hamilton. London. 304 pp. WATSON, A. & P. E. S. WHALLEY, 1975. The Dictionary of Butterflies and Moths in Color. Exeter Books. New York, xiv -I- 296 pp. Journal of Research on theLepidoptera 26(1-4):177-186, 1988 “Black-Light” Induction of Photoperiod-controlled Diapause Responses of the Viceroy Butterfly, Limenitis archippus (Nymphalidae) A. P. Platt and S. J. Harrison1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 5401 Wilkens Avenue, Catonsville, Maryland 21228 Abstract. The nearctic viceroy butterfly, Limenitis archippus (Cramer), is a typical long-day insect. The 2nd and early 3rd instars are photosensitive. Half-grown larvae respond to short-day (autumn) photoperiod by constructing hibernacula and entering diapause. Long- day photoperiod induces rapid growth and direct development. Previous experiments testing this facultative response have used fluorescent bulbs emitting both UV and visible light (320-700 nm). However, both diapause and direct development can be induced in larvae exposed to “black-light” photoperiod regimes containing mainly the near UV (violet) and UV portions of the spectrum (320-436 nm). The stemmata and dorsolateral abdominal saddlepatch areas of the 2nd and 3rd instar larvae represent possible photoreceptors for mediat¬ ing these responses. Introduction Many temperate insects respond to changes in daylength through hormonally regulated physiological mechanisms influencing direct development or diapause (Lees, 1955, 1960; Danilevskii, 1965; Andre- wartha & Birch, 1973, Saunders, 1976, 1977; Tauber & Tauber, 1973, 1976; Beck, 1980). Typical long-day insects exhibit diapause when exposed to short daylength (< 11 hr light per 24 hr day) but show direct development under longer photoperiods. Such environmentally induced responses are termed facultative. The photosensitive stages vary between species, and may involve eggs, larvae, pupae, or adults (Wig- glesworth, 1970, 1972). Such responses exhibit variability within and between broods in a single species. Temperate insect strains from different latitudes or altitudes, exhibit similar variation. (Tauber & Tauber, 1972; Beck, 1980; Ujiye, 1985). Diapause is related to insect endocrine control and metabolism (Gilbert et al, 1960; Harvey, 1962; de 'Present address: EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc. (formerly Ecological Analysts, Inc.) 15 Loveton Circle, Sparks, MD 21152 178 J.Res.Lepid. Wilde, 1965; Harvey and Haskell, 1966), and is under polygenic control in most species. Recently, a dual system involving photoperiod and temperature for regulating circadian rhythms and diapause has been proposed (Beck, 1977; Neumann & Kruger, 1985). Facultative diapause in the nymphaline butterfly Limenitis ( Basil - archia) archippus (Cramer) has been studied by Clark & Platt (1969), Hong & Platt (1975), Frankos & Platt (1976), and Williams & Platt (1987). This species enters larval diapause when exposed to short-day photoregimes at room temperature. Second and early 3rd instar larvae respond to photoperiod over a seven to ten day period. Larvae preparing to diapause grow more slowly than their long-day siblings. Those reared in either continuous light or in complete darkness exhibit nearly 100% mortality (Platt, pers. obs.). Diapause initiation and termination take place while development is arrested in the 3rd instar. Thus, the diapause responses of Limenitis are not complicated by developmental processes associated with metamorphosis, as they are in other species which diapause as pupae. Complex innate behavior precedes larval diapause and can be con¬ veniently studied in short-day larvae. This behavior is genetically based (Clark & Platt, 1969; Hong & Platt, 1975), but is expressed only under short-day conditions. Short-day larvae grow slowly and construct hibernacula (overwintering chambers) from the basal portions of poplar (. Populus spp .) and willow ( Salix spp.) leaves ( Salicaceae ) on which they feed. These tubular structures are made by chewing the leaf in a characteristic manner, and then covering the remaining basal leaf surfaces with silk to form an enclosed curving tube which remains open at its outer (distal) end. The hibernaculum is attached to the foodplant twig with a substantial silk girdle formed around the leaf stem and surrounding next season’s bud (Edwards, 1884; Scudder, 1889; Weed, 1926; Klots, 1951). The hibernaculum remains attached to the plant throughout the winter months following leaf drop. Short-day larvae crawl into these chambers prior to diapausing. Physiological changes such as water loss and glycerol accumulation accompany diapause (Frankos & Platt, 1976). Diapause onset can be reversed by switching short-day larvae to long-day conditions (LD 16:8), even after hiberna¬ culum formation and entry have occurred. However, the reciprocal transfer of 2nd and 3rd instar larvae (from long-day to short-day photoregimes) usually results in larval death (Clark & Platt, 1969). Few papers have addressed the wavelengths (colors) of light which influence insect diapause. Beck (1980) states that the most effective wavelengths are between 400-550 nm for most species. Biinning and Joerrens (1960) found that blue light induced diapause in Pieris 2Larvae were not reared in photochambers containing the insect “black-light” bulbs, because plants placed in these chambers wilted within 12 hrs, and their leaves dried up. This evidently resulted from the light quality emitted by these particular bulbs. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 179 brassicae L. (Pieridae) during early photophase, but that red light promoted diapause later in the diel photoperiod cycle. However, Beck (1980) criticized their conclusions, which he believed could be explained more simply by assuming that the red light regime was equivalent to total darkness in their experiments. The spectral limits for diapause induction in Limenitis have not been previously determined. In this paper we show that Limenitis larvae exhibit normal diapause reponses when grown in photochambers containing fluorescent “black- light” bulbs emitting a partial spectrum of violet-blue and ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths. UV light is known to be an important spectral component of many insects, especially Lepidoptera (Silbergleid, 1979). Clark & Platt (1969) suggested that the dorsolateral grey- white abdo¬ minal saddlepatch of young larvae may represent a photosensitive region. This pale saddlepatch makes the small larvae cryptically patterned, and helps them resemble bird droppings when at rest in curved positions on the leaves and twigs of their foodplants. The stemmata (ocelli) of larvae also are known to possess UV receptors (Ichikawa & Tatda, 1982). Materials and methods All larvae were reared from eggs in light-tight wooden photochambers (61 x 61 x 42 cm inside dimensions) at room temperature (25 ± 2°C). The inside wahs of the chambers were painted a non-fluorescent flat white. Experimental chambers contained single 15" G. E. fluorescent “black-light” bulbs emitting a partial spectrum between 320-436 nm [so-called “poster lights” Fig. 1A)]. The quahty of hght emitted by these bulbs is a deep, dim violet. The “poster light” bulbs are dark purple in color, but the wavelengths emitted are not the same as those of “black-lights” used commonly to attract and trap insects (Fig. IB)2. Control chambers contained G. E. cool white fluorescent bulbs identical in size and wattage, which emitted wavelengths throughout the visible spectrum and some UV as weh (Fig. 1C). The emission spectra were measured as follows: Light from each type of source passed through an Oriel computer-driven monochromator to a photomulti¬ plier (PM) tube (Hamamatsu R-928) through an evacuated quartz window. The lamp’s output was measured at each nm from 300-600 nm by averaging the digitized photocurrent of the PM tube (200 measurements per nm), without correction for the spectral response curve of the PM tube. These data were subsequently normalized to the peak value. The different emission spectra obtained from the three kinds of fluorescent tubes are shown for comparison in Fig. 1. The larvae were reared on rooted cuttings of weeping willow ( Salix babylonica L.) in moist conditions using long-day (LD 16:8) and short-day (LD 8:16) photoperiods. The onset of photophase occurred at 8:00 a.m. EST in all chambers. A total of 81 larvae was reared during the experiments. * Individual larvae were taken from stock cultures maintained in the labora¬ tory, or were collected as diapausing larvae in hibemacula. Eggs from three L. archippus females, which had been hand-paired using Platt’s (1969) method, were used in the induction experiments (Table 1). Eggs from each brood were 180 J.Res.Lepid. divided evenly between the control and experimental conditions. Diapause termination studies were done using overwintering L. archippus larvae obtained by collecting hibernacula from the vicinity of Conowingo Dam, Cecil Co., Maryland (Table 2). Some wild-collected larvae had been parasitized by wasps, as noted in the table. Photochambers were checked daily to determine the condition of the eggs, developing larvae, and the foodplants. Plants and larvae were misted with water each time they were examined. The laboratory in which the photo¬ chambers were kept was light-tight, and was totally darkened before the chambers themselves were opened. Under these conditions the “black-lights” emitted so little visible light that it was difficult to find the individual eggs and larvae in the experimental chambers. Results Results of the diapause induction experiments are shown in Table 1 . The experimental “black-light” and control white light chambers gave comparable overall results. All surviving larvae on long-day underwent direct development whereas the majority of short-day larvae entered diapause. Only four short-day larvae showed direct development under “black-light”. None of the short-day insects reared in white light developed directly. Mortality was minimal (11.5%) for the early larval instars and was evenly distributed among the groups. Chi square analyses of the Table 1 data show no significant differences exist between the “black-light” and control regimes when comparing the numbers of larvae which died, developed directly, or those which 2 diapaused. For short-day, a 2 x 3 contingency test yielded X x — = 2 4.43, with p > 0.10. For long-day, a 2 x 2 analysis gave S x = 0.31, with p x* 0.05. Thus, the null hypothesis that the larval responses are the same in both the experimental and control photoregimes is upheld in both cases. All of the diapause termination experiments (Table 2) were carried out using long-day photoperiods. Resumption of larval activity following diapause is independent of photoperiod in L. archippus. Repeated observations by Platt (unpubl.) show that diapause termination can take place either in long-day or short-day photoperiods. Our present experiments show that diapause termination occurs equally well in 3In a preliminary experiment to determine whether larvae would survive in the “black- light” photochambers, four eggs of the banded purple butterfly, Limenitis arthemis (Drury), from Vermont were placed on a willow plant in experimental (“black-light”) conditions. One larva soon disappeared, and could not be found in the dim light. The other three grew well, underwent normal metamorphosis, and produced perfect adults. Both L. arthemis and L. archippus exhibit similar facultative diapause responses (Greenfield & Platt, 1974). The availability of strains was the sole criterion for choosing which species to use in the main experiments. 100 80 60 40 20 0 3 100 80 60 40 20 0 3< 100 80 60 40 20 0 3( . Cc Wc Wc 36 A. POSTER "BLACK-LIGHT" z> _i CD <0 ro 1 »0 500 600 B. INSECT "BLACK-LIGHT LlI > I IT) ID A- 400 500 600 C. COOL WHITE LIGHT D WAVELENGTH (nm) nparative emission spectra of G. E. flourescent bulbs (No. F15T8, 15 :). The poster “black-light" (A) emits a partial spectrum with most elengths within the UV range (between 313-400 nm), and peaking at nm. Additional visible lines occur at 405 nm and 436 nm, producing a , deep violet color. Both the insect “black-light" (B — shown for iparative purposes only), and the cool white tube (C) have additional ssion peaks at 546 nm and between 577-579 nm as well. These spectra q measured for us by T. W. Cronin of UMBC using a microspectro- tometer as described in the methods section. 182 J.Res.Lepid. Table 1. Diapause induction in Maryland L. archippus larvae sub¬ jected to “black-light” (experimental) and white light (control) photoperiods. Photophase Short-day (LD 8:16) Long-day (LD 16:8) “Black-light” White light “Black-light” White light Initial No. of eggs 21 20 10 10 No. & % dying 1 (4.7%) 2 (10%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%) No. & % of survivors diapausing 16 (80%) 18 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) No. & % of survivors showing direct development 4 (20%) 0 (0%) 7 (100%) 9 (100%) both the “black-light” and white light chambers under long-day condi¬ tions. Emerging larvae in both groups completed development success¬ fully. All mortality encountered in these experiments was attributed to larval parasitism, which was equal in both test groups. A 2 x 2 chi 2 square test of these data gave 2 x — (Yates) = 0.00, with p > 0.90. All of the larvae used in these experiments had been wild-collected. Thus, they had been exposed to ambient (outdoor) photophase until we collected them in December and January prior to the experiments. The larvae exhibited no apparent physiological or metabolic difficulties adjusting to either the artificial photoregimes or other laboratory conditions to which we subjected them. Discussion Insects in general, and Lepidoptera in particular possess visual sensitivity which peaks in the UV range between 320-400 nm (Lutz, 1933; Goldsmith, 1961; Ferris, 1972; Goldsmith & Bernard, 1974; Platt, et al, 1984). However, Lepidoptera and other insects can perceive colors in the visible portion of the spectrum as well (Burkhardt, 1964; Ichikawa & Tateda, 1982). Insect perception of infrared wavelengths 26(1-4): 1-288, 1988 183 Table 2. Diapause termination in over- wintering L. archippus larvae collected in hibernacula near Conowingo Dam (Cecil Co.) MD. Larvae were reared under long-day (16L:8D) photo¬ period at room temperature with high moisture in the chambers. Black light White light No. of hibernacula with live larvae 10 10 No. & % dying (all parasitized)1 4 (40%) 3 (30%) No. & % of survivors maturing to adults 6 (100%) 7 (100%) 1The braconid wasp parasite was Apanteles limenitidis Riley. Parasitized larvae emerged from their hibernacula (terminated diapause) and fed briefly. Soon they became inactive and never molted beyond third instar. Wasp maggots emerged from the dying larvae and spun tiny yellow silk cocoons nearby. Each larva yielded a single wasp. Adult wasps emerged about one week later. The parasites obviously regulate their own cyclic development to correspond with that of their host, since the larvae had been parasitized the previous autumn prior to entering their hibernacula. (600 nm and above) has not been well-documented in most species. Often the individual ommatidia of insect compound eyes are specialized for receiving a specific spectral range. Individual stemmata (important larval photoreceptors) also are known to respond to specific wavelengths in the same manner (Ichikawa & Tateda, 1982). However, these stemmata (larval ocelli) are not believed to be functional in diapause responses (Tanaka 1950, a, b, c, 1951, a, b). Insects can respond to low intensities of light. Chapman (1969) states that intensities above 1.0 foot-candle (f.c.) are sufficient to induce photo¬ responses. Above this level, light intensity is not important in insect photoreception. In both our experimental and control photochambers the light intensities were well above these minimal levels. Earlier studies on L. archippus larvae done in our laboratory revealed that white light intensities as low as 0.10 f.c. were sufficient for inducing either larval diapause or direct development, although adults from larvae reared under such extreme conditions often possessed malformed wings (Frankos & Platt, pers. obs; Platt, 1984). Our experiments demonstrate that exposure to short-day “black- light” photophase regimes induces facultative larval diapause in L. archippus. Photoregimes consisting of the blue-violet and UV portions 184 J.Res.Lepid. of the spectrum will either induce and terminate diapause, or produce direct development, just as well as those consisting of white light do. Only four of 20 larvae in one short-day “black-light” group failed to diapause, but even here 80% of the larvae made hibernacula and entered diapause as did all under white light. The failure of all larvae to enter diapause is not unexpected for such a complicated life history trait which is under polygenic control (Hong & Platt, 1975; Williams & Platt, 1987). Failure to diapause occurs in natural populations of Limenitis spp. in the late summer and autumn. As the ambient photoperiod decreases, a few prediapause larvae continue to show direct develop¬ ment late in the season, when most others are diapausing (Weed, 1926; Greenfield & Platt, 1974). The “black-light” portion of the spectrum may not be the only portion to which these larvae respond. This portion may not even be necessary for diapause induction, but it is sufficient for eliciting the same responses that occur in white light. Clark & Platt (1969) suggested that the grey- white saddle patch of 2nd and 3rd stage Limenitis larvae may represent a photosensitive region. Future experi¬ ments are planned to investigate the possibility that the saddle patch is photosensitive, as well as a cryptic pattern. Acknowledgements. We thank C. F. Stroup, Martin Marietta Enviromental Systems, and T. W. Cronin, F. E. Hanson, and P. G. Sokolove of UMBC, and P. F. Brussard of Montana State University for helpful comments on our manuscript. T. W. 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Crosses between Papilio g.glaucus and P.eurymedon pro¬ duced fertile offspring of both sexes, and backcrosses to P. g.glaucus revealed an autosomal suppressor in P. eurymedon which prevents expression of the black female phenotype of P. g. glaucus. Similar suppressors are demonstrated in P. rutulus, P. multicaudatus and P. g. canadensis. Introduction It is well known that in Papilio glaucus Linnaeus 1764, black females usually produce black daughters and yellow females yellow ones, irrespective of the provenance of the male. Occasional exceptions to this rule have been reported over many years and various explanations given (Clarke and Sheppard, 1959; Clarke et al., 1976). The present paper highlights the importance of autosomal genes which suppress, to a greater or less extent, the black female wing pattern. This can occur in the wild or be laboratory produced, and the phenomenon occurs in various species of the group. In Section I we report a new example, bred by one of us (D.A.W.) in hybrids between black glaucus and Papilio eurymedon Lucas 1852. Section II deals with further examples of suppression of black by P. rutulus Lucas 1852, P. glaucus canadensis Rothschild & Jordan 1906 and probably by Papilio multicaudatus Kirby 1884 (C.A.C.). Section I: Suppression of Black in Hybrids Between P. glaucus and P. eurymedon (D.A.W.) Papilio eurymedon (Fig. 1&2) is closely related to two other North American Swallowtails, Papilio glaucus (Fig. 11-13) and Papilio rutulus (Brower, 1959). Although laboratory crosses between P. eurymedon and P. rutulus have not been reported, Wagner (1978) described an almost certain male hybrid of these species from Idaho. In 1956 hybrids were 188 J. Res. Lepid. obtained between black and yellow female glaucus and male P. euryme- don (see Clarke and Sheppard, 1957) but only male insects were produced. In the present paper an account is given of female hybrids which were obtained (D.A.W.), and these are very informative as regards a gene suppressing the black of glaucus . Materials and Methods P. eurymedon were provided by Michael Collins from the vicinity of Nevada City, Nevada Co., California and Monitor Pass, Mono Co., California. They were collected as pupae from native food plants, Ceanothus integerrimus Hooker & Arnott (Rhamnaceae) and Prunus virginiana, var. demissa (Nuttall) (Rosaceae), in late summer 1984 and 1985 and eclosed in the laboratory in Blacksburg the following springs. P. glaucus were reared from local stock (Montgomery Co., Virginia) or from Wisconsin and Illinois stock provided by J. Mark Scriber. The latter originated from south of the principal zone of interaction of P. g. glaucus and P. g. canadensis in Wisconsin (Scriber et al. 1986 and see Section II). The insects were hand-paired, and the females laid eggs on Prunus serotina Ehrhart (a local foodplant of P. glaucus ). Larvae were reared on this species, either in tight plastic boxes or on leafy stems kept turgid in Aquapics® in ventilated plastic canisters. Rearing was on natural mid-summer day length supple¬ mented to 15 to 16 h by artificial light. Samples of P. glaucus from Virginia and West Virginia and of P. eurymedon from northern California and western Oregon were used for morphological j comparisons with the hybrids. P. eurymedon differs from P. glaucus most conspicuously in ground color, which is white or very pale yellow in the former but bright yellow in males and some yellow females of the latter. Some yellow j females of P. glaucus are more orange-yellow. The black stripes and wing margins ofP. eurymedon are broader than those ofP. glaucus. As an index of the extent of the black pattern, the width of the under fore wing black margin from , its inner edge to the margin of the wing along vein Cux was divided by the length of vein Cux from the cell to the wing margin. The resulting ratio separates P. glaucus from P. eurymedon. Results Table 1 summarizes the successful crosses and Table 2 the unsuccess¬ ful ones. The Fx hybrids (Broods 85.1 and 86.1, Figs. 3, 4, 15) are nearly intermediate between the parental species in the black pattern, in the larval thoracic eye spots (as in Clarke and Sheppard, 1957, Fig. 1) and in pupal proportions. As Clarke and Sheppard (1957) noted, the hybrid pupae do not show the green/brown dimorphism of P. eurymedon , all being brown as in P. glaucus. In fact the female pupa of brood 85.2 had some green markings, but they were in areas in which occasional P. glaucus pupae are green and not in the well-defined zones in which that color is found in green P. eurymedon pupae. In both sexes the ground color of the wings is nearly as yellow as that of P. glaucus. The submarginal spots on the upper and under sides of the hindwing of P. Table 1. Successful matings between Papilio glaucus and P. eurymedon. 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 189 © 3 a 3 a CO 3 -a « o c *0*0 ® *o *o in n n -a - Q) CD 4S §* 3 a g* >- 3 © CL J= x *o 3 *o _q a> >> G £ 3 ^ £ > >. x co co CH O CH *o CH *o CH *o CH CH £ CO si *o £ o o CM o 32 *o CH 3 *° £!h >>"0 0 >>"o CH a> >> CM CO CO Tf 03 H i-H 3 S Cd o 3 3 a 3 ^ a © 3 3 a 3 a > a CO a CO « s .. CO cd CH 3 T3 2 3 — . 3 2 £ o T3 2 -5 a -a *o 'O -5 CH CH CH 3 >> *o rH »— 1 i-l lO CM © 3 X X CH *o CH *o *o 03 CO 03 CO CH *o CH *o CH *o a 3 *o C~ CH O. CO CO o *C> CH r-H a x CM i-H i-H i-H 03 X CH *0 o+ *o g> o S3 co a; tx > sx © a G ~ i> a a — |l * I 3 e O c 3 ^ a c ■t- 3 CO CM CO X CM X X CM X co CO co rf cd cd X X id x 8 3 8 b a * I 3 e w C -2 § t»c 3 3 >> ej 3 Cu © 2 la -5 • — § o tic -2 u § 3 ,0 "Bi © JS -<-> o s 1 i 25 yellow (WI) if -X o ^3 3 X X X X 03 X X 3 © © >> T3 c 3 vy _ S T3 f-H 3 CM 3 CO C id 1-3 id ^ cd x id 3 X X X X X CM X 3 ^ -2 e ?i £ c C 4d f! CO X £> 3 t> X CO X ao ^ 3 ^ co _o c 00 "Be £ « o w £ c - o x. x — c ©3 r "* >,2 &• X X X X X X X X j>> CM ^ _>> 3 _>> 3 ^>> 3 X x 03 X X cd t^ cd x cd x cd c- x X -< X ^ x —• 190 J.Res.Lepid. Table 2. Unsuccessful matings between Papilio glaucus and P. eurymedon. Mating No. and date Source of Parents Mother Father Remarks 86.3 28 May 86 yellow glaucus (unknown) eurymedon (Nev. City, CA) 14 infertile eggs (no spermatophore) 86.4 31 May 86 eurymedon (Nev. City, CA) glaucus (unknown) 41 infertile eggs 4 June 86 " glaucus (unknown) 28 infertile eggs (1 tiny spermatophore) 86.5 14 July 86 yellow glaucus (unknown) Fx ‘A’ ex 86.1 12 infertile eggs 19 July 86 // Fx ‘L’ ex 86.1 unsuccessful pairing 19 July 86 rt Fx ‘Q’ ex 86.1 very long pairing (1 spermatophore?) 86.6 14 July 86 Fx ‘B’ ex 86.1 Fx ‘D’ ex 86.1 20 infertile eggs (1 spermatophore) 86.10 17 July 86 Fj ‘N’ ex 86.1 glaucus (unknown) 2 infertile eggs (very long pairing, no spermatophore) 86.13 29 July 86 Fx ‘Y’ ex 86.1 Fx ‘P’ ex 86.1 © # 39 infertile eggs (1 spermatophore) 86.14 29 July 86 yellow glaucus (unknown) Fx T* ex 86.1 23 infertile eggs (1 spermatophore) glaucus are variable in size, shape and color but are usually rounder and oranger than those of P. eurymedon. The hybrids are also variable in these spots but are closer to P. glaucus in color and intermediate in size and shape. In all respects the male hybrids in broods 85.1 and 86.1 resemble those described by Clarke and Sheppard (1957) from the reciprocal species cross. Brood 85-3, a backcross of a male Fx from brood 85.1 to the black female form of P. glaucus , produced males (Fig. 5) and females of both forms: two black ones with a somewhat intermediate phenotype (Fig. 6), resembling occasional specimens taken in Virginia (Fig. 14), and two yellow ones (Fig. 7). One of the yellow females was backcrossed again, to a male P. glaucus (brood 86.9). All of the female pupae developed, and they produced six black and one yellow adults (Fig. 9 and 10; male in 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 191 Figs. 1-14. Species and hybrids of Papilio. 1. 8 eurymedon (Nevada Co., California) Forewing base-to- tip = 52 mm, all other figures to the same scale; 2. 9 eurymedon (Lake Co., Oregon); 3. F, 8 (brood 86.1 , 9 eurymedon x 8 glaucus)', 4. F, 9 (as in Fig. 3); 5. Backcross 8 (brood 85.3, black 9 glaucus x 8 ex 85.1); 6. Backcross 9 (as in Fig.5); 7. Backcross 9 (as in Fig. 5); 8. 2nd backcross 8 (brood 86.9, yellow 9 ex 85.3 x 8 glaucus)', 9. 2nd backcross 9 (as in Fig. 8); 10. 2nd backcross 9 (as in Fig. 8); 11. <5 glaucus (Montgomery Co., Virginia); 12. 9 glaucus (reared, Montgomery/Giles Co., Virginia); 13. 9 glaucus (Montgomery Co., Virginia); 14. 9 glaucus (Giles Co., Virginia, 1970). 192 J.Res.Lepid. Fig. 8). Fig. 15 shows that the variation in the fore wing black margin ratio is inherited in hybrids and backcrosses as a quantitative trait with little evidence of dominance. Discussion Brood 86.1, and backcross and F2 broods 86.7, 86.9, 86.11 and 86.12, show that the cross eurymedon 9 x glaucus 6 can be completely compatible, to the extent that fertile males and females are produced. All pupae of brood 86.1 eclosed 12-13 days after pupation, the normal minimum time for imaginal development. Taken with Clarke and Sheppard’s results (1957) and brood 85.1, in all of which only male hybrids eclosed, brood 86.1 suggests that there is variation in the crossability of the two species and that Haldane’s Rule need not apply (Haldane, 1922). Thus one of the reasons that Brower (1959) judged P. glaucus more closely related to P. rutulus than to P. eurymedon is sometimes removed. More crosses will be needed to assess the variation in cross-compatibility among these three species. The ground color of yellow female P. glaucus is often just like that of males, and the genes responsible for it should therefore be autosomal (or X-linked), being found in both sexes. The black pigment, which Clarke and Clarke (1983) believe is “added” in black females, is of course Y- linked in its inheritance (Clarke and Sheppard, 1962; Clark and Clarke, 1983). The female hybrids in brood 86.1 support the view that yellow is autosomal or X-linked, because they are nearly as yellow as P. glaucus but are carrying a Y chromosome from P. eurymedon The blue scaling of P. glaucus females appears also to be autosomal (or X-linked) since, although P. glaucus males usually lack the blue, and P. eurymedon has reduced blue scaling, the female hybrids have nearly full expression as in P. glaucus. The male parent evidently carried the genes, but they were expressed only in females. The two yellow daughters in 85.3 (Fig. 7) were a surprise, since all the daughters should be carrying the mother’s Y chromosome, and there is ample evidence that black is Y -determined (Clarke and Sheppard, 1962). This suggests that P. eurymedon has a suppressor of that black pheno¬ type, as discussed below in P. g. canadensis (Scriber et al., 1986) and P. rutulus (Clarke et al., 1976). The possibility of a suppressor was tested by a further back cross of one of the yellow daughters in brood 85.3 to a male P. glaucus (brood 86.9). Black reappeared in six of the seven female offspring (not different from a 1:1 ratio) and this could have been because the yellow female parent was heterozygous for the suppressor. The suppressor cannot be X-linked, because the mother in 86.9 passed it to her yellow daughters but would have passed an X only to her sons. It also cannot be Y-linked, because an Fx male passed it to some of his daughters (brood 85.3). There are therefore good grounds for invoking an autosomal suppressor of black in eurymedon , though another remote 26(l-4):l-288, 1988 193 P eurvmedon cftf 1 — 1 — 1 1 — 1 1 1 1 — 1 P eurvmedon 9 9 r— i — t i — i — i n t □ F2 c ?cf 6 4 i i i i i i i t i m r J _ 1 _ 1 n oo J _ 1 _ a F. 9 9 2 i — t _ □ 1 1 i— ] _ r— i a/aucus back cross d'd1 t „TI r- ■ r ■ "i n/m in iq hnrkrrnQQ 0 0 1 — [ n T i — i 2nd glaucus backcross cfcf 2nd glaucus backcross 99 P glaucus 9 9 P glaucus cfd1 T i i — i i — 1 l l rn i n-r rT t -rTh-rn n r-T t 1 — 1 • « t l t I_ 1_ 1 .32 .34 .36 .38 .40 .42 .44 .46 .48 .50 .52 .54 .56 .58 .60 .62 under forewing black margin cell to margin Fig. 15. Distributions of the relative width of the forewing black marigin of P. glaucus, P. eurymedon and hybrids between them. Relative width is given as the ratio of black margin to the distance from cell to margin, measured along vein Cu^ Means are marked by arrows. possibility must be mentioned. The suppressor could have been intro¬ duced from glaucus of Wisconsin stock by the male parent of the original cross 85.1, but arguing against this are the facts that the Wisconsin male came from south of the range of P. g. canadensis and had a black mother and, more importantly, that among the black glaucus broods raised in Blacksburg from that particular stock there were none with suppression of the black phenotype. Section II: Suppression of Black in Hybrids Between P. g. glaucus and P. rutulus, P. g. canadensis , and P. multicaudatus (CA.C.) There are hybrid zones where naturally occurring crosses can take place between some of these species (see map in Scriber et al. 1986) and all are easy to initiate using the hand-pairing technique. Hybrids between P. g. glaucus and P. rutulus (Table 3) In 1955 we hand-paired a female rutulus with a male glaucus and obtained 10 males and 8 yellow females (Clarke and Sheppard, 1955), 194 J. Res. Lepid. Table 3. Crosses between black glaucus females and rutulus males where suppression might occur. Some of the black insects had yellow “brackets” on the forewings, but these are probably normal variants. Type of Brood Parent Offspring Cross No. Mother Father dd Black Interm. 99 99 Yellow 99 Fx 14013 black glaucus rutulus California 18 0 2+ 0 15416 rutulus Vernon, B.C. 1 0 0 2 backcross 8455 glauclrut Fx hybrid 8 4 0 2 " 9608 " " 13 6 0 1 " 9699 " * 8 3 1 0 » 14173 " " 18 3 4 0 2nd back. 14655 " 14173 25 16 2 0 9769 ex bl. glauc. 9 x ( glauclrut ) Fx