I JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH Vol. 1, No. 1 June 1981 CONTENTS V. G. Burrell. Jr., J. J. Manzi and W. Z. Carson Growtli and Mortality of Two Types of Seed Oysters from the Wando River, South Carolina 1 James A. Perdue, John //. Beat tie and Kenneth K. Chew Some Relationships between Gametogenic Cycle and Summer Mortality Phenomenon in the Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in Washington State 9 George C Miller, Donald M. A Hen and T. J. Costello Spawning of the Calico Scallop Argopecten gibbus in Relation to Season and Temperature 17 Douglas S. Jones Reproductive Cycles of the Atlantic Surf Clam Spisula solidissima, and the Ocean Quahog Arctica islandica off New Jersey 23 Michael J. Fogarty Distribution and Relative Abundance of the Ocean Quahog Arctica islandica in Rhode Island Sound and Off Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts 33 Richard S. Appeldoorn Response of Soft-shell Clam (Mya arenaria) Growth to Onset and Abatement of Pollution 41 J. L. McHugh Recent Advances in Hard Clam Mariculture 51 Herbert Hidu, Samuel R. Chapman and David Dean Oyster Mariculture in Subboreal (Maine, United States of America) Waters: Cultch- less Setting and Nursery Culture of European and American Oysters 57 Scott M. Gallager and Roger Mann Use of Lipid Specific Staining Techniques for Assaying Condition in Cultured Bivalve Larvae 69 B. B. Goldstein and O. A. Roels Nitrogen Balance of Juvenile Southern Quahogs (Mercenaria campechiensis) at Different Feed Levels .... 75 Carolyn Brown A Study of Two Shellfish -Pathogenic Vibrio Strains Isolated from a Long Island Hatchery during a Recent Outbreak of Disease 83 Robert W. Elner Diet of Green Crab Carcinus maenas (L.) from Port Hebert, Southwestern Nova Scotia 89 Stephen C Jewett Variations in some Reproductive Aspects of Female Snow Crabs Chionoecetes opilio 95 Abstracts of Technical Papers Presented at the 1980 Annual MeetingNational Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts - June 9-12, 1980 101 Abstracts of Technical Papers Presented at the 1 980 Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association, West Coast Section, Tumwater, Washington - September 5-6, 1980 127 COVER MICROPHOTOGRAPH: 20-day-old, late-umbo larva of Gould's shipworm /'Bankia gouldi Bartsch) stained with oil-red O (see page 69). La/ral dimensions: length, 220 ptn; height, 240 pin. Light micrograph: Ektachrome 200; No. 80A filter. (Micrograph by Scott Gallager, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 1981.) Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1-7, 1981. GROWTH AND MORTALITY OF TWO TYPES OF SEED OYSTERS FROM THE WANDO RIVER, SOUTH CAROLINA1 V. G. BURRELL, JR., J. J. MANZI, AND W. Z. CARSON South Carolina Marine Resources Research Institute, Charleston, South Carolina 29412 ABSTRACT Two age groups of seed oysters, one less than a year old, and the other several years old, were transplanted from the Wando River, South Carolina, to four sites in coastal South Carolina. Transplanting took place in March and in July 1974. Growth and mortality were determined every 2 months for 1 year. The young seed grew much faster than did the old seed, and survival was twice that of the old seed. Initial mortalities were greater in seed transplanted in July than in March. Initial stunting of old seed from the Wando was not reflected in subsequent growth. Factors influencing growth and survival in the Wando River are discussed. INTRODUCTION Historically, the South Carolina oyster industry has been based on intertidal oysters. In recent years, however, interest has developed in the culturing of subtidal oysters as an alternative to lower-value intertidal oysters. A basic require- ment for a subtidal oyster fishery is a source of high-quality seed. Naturally occurring, well-shaped, small single oysters grow in dense subtidal beds in the Wando River, South Carolina, a moderately polluted estuary closed to direct commercial shellfish harvesting. These oysters seldom grow to more than 6.25 cm (2.5 in.) in total length and, therefore, offer the greatest potential as seed for transplanting to commercial or recreational growing areas. The South Carolina Marine Resources Research Institute has investigated growth and mortality of Wando seed oysters transplanted to several subtidal areas in the state. This paper compares growth and survival characteristics between the two types of transplanted Wando seed: naturally occurring stunted seed of unknown age, and young seed caught on planted cultch. MATERIALS AND METHODS Two types of seed oysters were dredged from the Wando River in March and in July 1974; naturally occurring old seed attached to bits of phosphate rock, and new seed from a bed which was established in July 1973 by planting oyster shell. The age of naturally occurring seed was not known. Age, however, was estimated to be at least several years since the seed was heavily shelled and relatively unif- orm in size. There was no indication of mortalities among larger oysters in the river which would be evidence of die-off upon reaching a certain age. New seed oysters caught on planted cultch were approximately 8 and 1 1 months old when transplanted. Seed oysters of each type (old and new) were placed in 1-cm2 mesh hardware cloth trays measuring 1.2 x 0.61 x 0.14 m. These trays were reinforced with South Carolina Marine Resources Center Contribution No. 131. 1.25 cm (dia.) iron rods, and were supported on legs that raised the trays approximately 20 cm above the bottom. Old seed oysters were considerably larger than young seed and were stocked at 100 per tray (160/m2).New seed oysters were stocked at 200 per tray or 320/m2 . Two trays containing old seed and two trays containing new seed were placed in subtidal locations at Cape Romain and at Dale, South Carolina. One tray of each (old and new seed) was placed at Murrell's Inlet and in the Wando River, South Carolina (Table 1 , Figure 1 ). All trays were positioned in March 1974; however, those in the Wando River and at Murrell's Inlet had to be replaced in July due to vandalism. Cape Romain and Murrell's Inlet are important commercial oyster growing aeas. Oysters at Dale were placed in a coastal impoundment, and those in the Wando were planted in close proximity to where the old seed had been obtained initially. All oysters in each tray were examined every 2 months to determine survival. A subsample of 50 (all, when less than 50 remained alive) oysters from ea? h tray was measured using Vernier calipers every 2 months during 1974, and in January and March of 1975. Measurements to the nearest millimeter were recorded from the umbo across the shell over the posterior adductor muscle to the distal edge of the shell. The experiment at Dale was terminated in September 1974, when the impoundment was drained. Water samples for salinity and temperature determinations were taken one- half meter above the bottom with a Kemmerer Bottle at each sampling date. Determinations were made by refrac- tometer and by stem thermometer, respectively. A sample of 25 oysters growing in natural beds adjacent to the trays in the Wando River and At Cape Romain was examined each month (except June through September at Cape Romain) for Perkinsus marinus (Dermo). The incidence of infection was determined using the method of Ray (1952) as modified by Quick (1972). Degree of infection was estimated using criteria established by Quick and Mackin (1971) with the exception that their very light and light categories were combined into a single class, designated as light; their light medium and medium into medium; and their medium heavy and heavy into heavy. BURRELL ET AL. TABLE 1. Growth and mortality study sites of seed oysters from Wando River, South Carolina. Location Area Description Murrell's Inlet A coastal estuary in northern South Carolina with little freshwater input. Trays were placed in one of many tidal creeks which drain extensive salt marshes. Tray depth at low tide, 1 meter. Cape Romain A large high-salinity estuary in Charleston County, South Carolina, protected on the seaward side by barrier islands and circumscribed by vast salt marshes. Depth at study site, 1 meter at low tide. Dale Pond A 18. 2-hectare pond on Chisolm Island in southern South Carolina fed by South Wimbee Creek. Water exchange is restricted and occurs only during the last half of flood tide and first half of ebb. It is surrounded by maritime forest and salt marsh. Tray depth at low tide, 1 meter. Wando River An estuary of Charleston (South Carolina) Harbor draining approximately 134 km . It is bound on either side by extensive salt marshes. Water depth at the tray site was 1.5 meters at low tide. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Old seed grew most rapidly at Dale Pond and at Murrell's Inlet during the first sampling period (Figures 2 through 5). Growth continued throughout the warm season at all stations except at Dale Pond where growth ceased after May. In spite of this, total length of oysters at the Dale Pond location equaled that of other locations for the entire warm season. The slow summer growth rate of old seed at the Dale location may have resulted from inadequate food, high temperature, or other factors associated with poor water circulation in the impoundment. With the onset of winter, growth rates decreased at Cape Romain and at Murrell's Inlet, and continued at a reduced rate until spring. New seed grew at a rate twice that of old seed at all loca- tions. At the Dale location the growth rate of new seed did not cease after May as it had in old seed, but continued until the final observation in September. New-seed controls at the Wando River location grew at a slow, but continuous rate throughout the warm season and stopped during winter. This was the same pattern observed by McGraw (1979) in Mississippi. In a subsequent study (Manzi et al. 1977), new seed from the same source were transplanted at age two in October 1975 into other trays in the Wando River. The seed averaged 45 mm at transplanting, and grew just 5 mm in 6 months in trays (October to April). These observations support the postulation that the majority of naturally occurring Wando River oysters (old seed) were several years of age, and that growth ceased at some period before the oysters reached market size (> 75 mm). Cole and Waugli (1959) found that early stunting in Ostrea edulis in many instances adversely affected growth when the oysters were MURRELLS INLET Winyah Bay SCALE 0 10 20 In ii In ill | NAUTICAL MILES Figure 1. Locations of oyster trays. Seed Oysters from South Carolina 90 80 70 60 I 5° E E 40 Z " 30 20 __ - ^^^^ „., '— •-* OLD NEW Figure 2. Growth of old and new seed oysters transplanted to Cape Romain, South Carolina. 90-i 80- 70 E 60 e S 50 E 40 _l 30 20 10 OLO NEW JUL SEP NOV JAN MAR Figure 3. Growth of old and new seed oysters transplanted to MurrelTs Inlet, South Carolina. transplanted to suitable growing grounds. This does not appear to be the case in transplanted Wando oysters. Young seed did grow faster than old, but the old seed when moved from the Wando grew at a rate expected of oysters above 3 or 4 years old. Size frequency distributions were determined for seed derived from the Wando bed. These approximated a normal distribution both at the beginning and at the termination of the experiment. This, if oysters were of one stock, would indicate that greater mortalities were not occurring in any particular size group. Growth rates appeared similar in all areas except for controls replanted in trays in the Wando River location (Figure 6). Growth data were tested for normality with a chi-square goodness of fit test. Data were normalized with a log [log (x + 1)] transformation and tested for homoscedasticity with an F-max test. A two-way analysis of variance indicated significant differences between old and new seed, and between growth rates at the four locations. Inspection of the growth data indicated that only the Wando River con- trols (both old and new seed) did not conform to the rela- tively uniform growth rates expressed at the other locations (Figures 2 through 6). It was not an objective of this study to determine why growth was poor in the Wando River location, other than to 90 80 70 60 H ^ 50H 5j 40-1 30- 20 I0H 0 / / / / / y OLD NEW MAR MAY JUL SEP Figure 4. Growth of old and new seed oysters transplanted to an impoundment at Dale, South Carolina. 90- 80- 70- 60 50 40 30-1 20 io H OLD NEW JUL SEP NOV JAN MAR Figure 5. Growth of old and new seed oysters transplanted to trays in the Wando River, South Carolina. determine if genetic influence might be a possible cause. Several factors may enter into this phenomenon: water circulation, food availability, temperature, salinity, turbidity, disease, pollution, and shell pests. Salinity and temperature may be discounted because neither approached established extremes of oyster tolerance (Figures 7 and 8) (Galtsoff 1964); temperature never fell below that at which the oyster ceased to pump. Shell pests such as Polydora or Cliona were not present on Wando beds to the extent that they persisted at the other tray sites. Food supply may have been a factor, while density on the Wando beds was much less than Haven et al. (1978) reported on leased grounds in Virginia, the amount of food available in the Wando may have been more limited. Circulation in regard to current flow was adequate as evidenced by a 2-m semi- diurnal tide. Silt load carried by the tidal current may be BURRELL ET AL. OLD SEED 1974 1975 NEW SEED 1974 1975 MURRELLS INLET CAPE ROMAIN DALE 30- 25- 20- 15- 10- 5- 0- 40- 35- 30- £25- jS 20- £ 15- ° 10- 5- 0- fc 40- 35- 30- 25- k 20- H 15- 1 10- z 5- 0- 50 I 70 50 I 70 I 90 60 WANDO RIVER 25- 20- 15- 10- 5- 0- 40 I 60 I 80 50 70 90 60 80 60 I 80 I 100 70 I 90 I i | i I i 50 I 70 I 90 60 I 80 60 80 20 I 40 30 50 40 I 60 I 80 I 50 I 70 I 20 I 40 I 60 80 30 50 LENGTH IN MM 50 I 70 I 90 60 80 50 I 70 I 90 60 80 100 4t4 60 I 80 I 20 I 40 I 40 I 60 I 80 70 90 30 50 50 70 30 I 50 I 40 60 Figure 6. Growth in mm of transplanted seed oysters. Seed Oysters erom South Carolina 40- 50- a a > i- Z20- ^**"\ _l ,-" ■ *•* V . .«•* \ 10- \ \ \ MURRELLS "INLET - CAPE ROMAN -DALE - WANDO RIVER MAR MAY JUL SEP NOV JAN MAR Figure 7. Salinity at tray locations during study period. implicated if it was such that it reduced feeding time and shell-generating activities of the mantle (Cole and Waugh 1959). There was also a possibility that factors such as heavy metals may play some role in reducing growth. In a study of several metals, only copper concentrations in Wando oysters were unusually high when compared with concentrations in other growing areas. The Wando River copper concentration had an average of 108 jug/g as com- pared to an average of 19 /ug/g at ten other South Carolina locations (Mathews and Boyne 1979). Shuster and Pringle (1969), however, found that copper apparently enhanced growth in oysters, so a direct affect here did not appear likely. Survival data were normalized with an arcsine trans- formation and tested for homogeneity of variance with an F-max test. A two-way analysis of variance indicated a significant difference in survival between old and new seed, but no difference in survival rates between the four locations. Mortality exceeded 50% of old seed at all locations except for the Wando River controls. Highest mortalities were recorded in the July transplant at the Wando River and Murrell's Inlet sites (Table 2). This could be a result of high air temperatures and concomitant dessication during transplanting. Highest mortalities were recorded in summer and fall, characteristics of those associated with Perkinsus marinus (Andrews and Hewatt 1957). Incidence of infection in Wando River and Cape Romain oysters was similar to that reported by Quick and Mackin (1971) in Sarasota Bay, showing a spring minimum and fall-winter maximum. After initial mortality, possibly associated with replanting, few additional old oysters died in the Wando River controls. Salinity may have been low enough for a sufficient time to control Perkinsus marinus in the Wando River controls as postulated by Quick and Mackin (1971); however, a similar decrease in infection was observed at Cape Romain where salinity remained high (Figures 9 and 10). Incidence and intensity of infection were remarkably similar at the two locations, making it difficult to attribute high mortalities in Cape Romain to Perkinsus marinus when they were not observed in the Wando River controls. As expected, D < 20 CAPE ROMAIN DALE WANDO RIVER MAR MAY JUL SEP NOV JAN MAR Figure 8. Temperature at tray locations during study period. mortality was low in winter at Cape Romain (Tray 1) and at the Wando River sites; however, at Cape Romain (Tray 3) and at MurreLTs Inlet, high mortality was recorded on two cold weather sampling dates. These deaths could not be explained. TABLE 2. Percent mortality of new and old seed oysters during study period. Cumulative mortality is shown in first column, and relative mortality in parenthesis. Tray 1 Tray 2 Tray 3 Tray 4 Old New Old New Cape Romain March 1974 — — — — May 2 (2) 1 (2) 1 (1) 8 (8) July 12 (10) 3 (2) 6 (5) 11 (3) September 36 (27) 6 (3) 27 (22) 14 (3) November 52 (25) 12 (6) 34(10) 19 (5) January 1975 54 <<1) 14 (2) 52(27) 19 (0) March 56 (<1) 21 (8) 55 (6) 20 (2) Dale Pond March 1974 — — — — May 16 (16) 9 (9) 4 (4) 3 (3) July 37 (25) 11 (3) 26 (23) 3 (6) September 58 (33) 23 (13) 47 (28) 22 (10) Murrell's Inlet July 1974 — — September 53 (53) 16 (16) November 58 (11) 21 (7) January 1975 58 (0) 22 «D March 73 (36) 22 «D Wando River July 1974 — — September 21 (21) 9 (9) November 24 (4) 13 (4) January 1975 25 (1) 16 (3) March 27 (3) 20 (5) BURRELL ET AL. □ light 0 MEDIUM ■ HEAVY n^ MAR Q FEB MAY APR MAR FEB JAN 1974 No Infection □ LIGHT £3 MEDIUM ■ HEAVY L. MAR FEB □ JAN 1975 DEC gS N0V ^ OCT No Sample No Sample No Sample No Sample T Lx SEP AUG JUL JUN MAY APR ^ MAR FEB JAN 1974 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o o PERCENT INFECTION Figure 9. Percent and intensity of Perkinsus marinus infection in Figure 10. Percent and intensity of Perkinsus marinus infection in oysters from Wando River, South Carolina, January 1975 - oysters from Cape Romain, South Carolina, January 1974 - March 1975. March 1975. O O O O O to »; Figure 3. Sections of gonadal (issue from male ocean qualiogs Arctica islandica in each phase of the reproductive cycle. A. Early active phase (EA)-spermatogonia developing from thickened alveolar walls. B. Late active phase (LA)-spermatogonia developing at periphery while ordered packing of spermatozoa has begun in the lumina. C. Ripe phase (R)-swirling masses of mature sperm fill gonadal alveoli. D. Partially spawned phase (PS)-ripe sperm much less dense than in previous phase, alveoli no longer distended. E. Spent phase (S)-lumuia devoid of ripe sperm, spermatogonia developing along liasal membrane. Ri PRODUCTivi- Cycles of Surf Clams and Ocean Quahocs 29 • CiB«™A ^""* ' Dl f ' !j25£ - w?-»^«* Arctica islandica •i '^*w*P fig **?*WI $£& A. *3 ,# ** '%~'^, Female Gonads 0.1 mm Figure 4. Sections of gonadal tissue from female ocean quahogs Arctica islandica in each phase of the reproductive cycle. A. Early active phase (EA)-oogonia maturing along periphery of alveoli. B. Late active phase (LA)-enlarging oocytes filling lumina, most still attached by stalk to basement membrane. C. Ripe phase (R)-ripe oocytes free in lumina, alveolar walls thin and gonad distended. D. Partially spawned phase (PS)-few ripe oocytes remain in alveoli, gonad is flaccid. E. Spent phase (S)— lumina devoid of ripe oocytes, alveolar walls thickening, oogonia developing at periphery. 30 JONES A M J MONTHS A S O 100 YEAR 1 50 100 YEAR 2 AVERAGE BOTTOM TEMPERATURE (°C) 50 % % (°C) 1 M i J "T J 1 A 1 ! s o MONTHS i N i O M Figure 5. Percentages of inshore surf clams (Spisula solidissima) in each phase of the reproductive cycle during each month of this 2-year study are shown in the top two diagrams. YEAR 1 = April 1977 through March 1978; YEAR 2 = April 1978 through March 1979. Abbreviations for phases of reproductive cycle are explained in Figures 1 through 4. For comparison, a record of average monthly mean sea surface temperatures for the same time interval in the region where the surf clams were collected is included (bottom diagram). REPRODUCTIVE CYCLES OF SURF CLAMS AND OCEAN QUAHOGS 31 YEAR 1 50--: $-50 % A M J JASON M 100 YEAR 2 •100 -50 % 20 AVERAGE BOTTOM TEMPERATURl (°C) 15 10- M —r- A ~ i — 0 MONTHS —r- S — T— N —r- D T" F 20 15 10 >5 (°C) M Figure 6. Percentages of ocean quahogs (Arctica islundica) in each phase of the reproductive cycle during each month of this 2-yeai study are shown in the top two diagrams. YEAR 1 = April 1977 through March 1978; YEAR 2 = April 1978 through March 1979. Abbreviations for phases of reproductive cycle are explained in Figures 1 through 4. For comparison, a record of average monthly mean sea surface temperatures for the same time interval in the region where the ocean quahogs were collected is included (bottom diagram). 32 Jones Therefore, it was not possible to interpret accurately the events of the reproductive cycle in terms of environmental influences. Some useful observations may nevertheless be gleaned from the data: (1) in consecutive years, rate of gonadal ripening, and the initiation and duration of spawning may vary, probably in response to environmental factors; (2) spawning off New Jersey appeared to be an autumnal to early winter event rather than summer/early autumn as previous studies suggested; and (3) comparison of gonadal observations with average bottom temperatures for the area of collection (Figure 6) suggested that initiation of spawning was coincident with highest bottom water temperatures. Loosanoff (1953) concluded that spawning began when water temperatures reached ~ 13.5°C. This was consistent with the present study. It should be emphasized, however, that monitoring of bottom temperatures was not a part of either study. In both cases, temperatures were estimated from published summaries. ACKNOWLEDGM ENTS 1 thank I. Thompson and A. G. Fischer of Princeton University for their guidance, encouragement, and sugges tions. For helpful discussions and reviews of the manuscript. I thank J. Ropes of the National Marine Fisheries Service and R. Mann of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. R. Dempsey of Snow Food Products graciously supplied many of the samples at no charge. I thank Elizabeth Vinson and Carla Jones for typing. This work was done as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. at Princeton University. Support was provided by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- istration Sea Grants 04-6-158-44076 and 04-7-158- 44042, National Science Foundation EAR77-23571. and a Sigma Xi grant-in-aid of research. REFERENCES CITED Allen, R. D. 195 1 . The use of Spisula solidissima eggs in cell research. J. Cell. Comp. Physiol. 37:504-505. . 1953. Fertilization and artificial activation in the egg of the surf-clam, Spisula solidissima. Biol. Bull. (Woods Hole) 105: 213-239. Bigelow, H. B. 1933. Studies of the waters on the continental shelf. Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay. I. The cycle of temperature. Pop. Phys. Oceanogr. Meteorol. 2 : 1 - 1 35 . Bowman, M. .1. 1977. Hydrographic properties. MESA New York Bight Atlas. Monograph 1. New York Sea Grant Institute, Albany, New York. 78 pp. Colton, J. R. & R. R. Stoddard. 1973. Bottom-water temperatures on the continental shelf, Nova Scotia to New Jersey. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS Circ. 376. 55 pp. Jaeckel, S., jun. 1952. 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Sea Grant Program, University of Massachusetts and Massachusetts Institute of Technology SP- 112. Thompson, I., D. S. Jones, & J. W. Ropes. 1980. Advanced age for sexual maturity in the ocean quahog .4 rctica islandica (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Mar. Biol. 57:35-39. von Oertzen, J. A. 1972. Cycle and rates of reproduction of six Baltic Sea bivalves of different zoogeographical origin. Mar. Biol. 14:143-149. Walford. L. A. & R. I. Wickland. 1968. Monthly sea temperature structure from the Florida Keys to Cape Cod. Serial Atlas of the Marine Environment, Folio 15. American Geographical Society of New York, New York. 2 pp., 1 6 plates. Westman, J. R. & M. H. Bidwell. 1946. The surf clam. Economics and biology of a New York marine resource, (unpublished) (Copies available from: Library, National Marine Fisheries Service, Oxford, MD 21654.) Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, 33-39, 1981. DISTRIBUTION AND RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF THE OCEAN QUAHOG ARCTICA ISLANDICA IN RHODE ISLAND SOUND AND OFF MARTHAS VINEYARD, MASSACHUSETTS MICHAEL J. FOGARTY1 Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management , Division of Fish and Wildlife 150 Fowler Street, Wickford, Rhode Island 02852 ABSTRACT Estimates of minimum biomass (total wet weight and meat weight) were derived for Arctiea islandica in parts of southern New England. Total harvestable biomass for the survey area was estimated at 1.004 x 106 metric tons (mt) total wet weight, and 1.33 x 10 mt meat weight. Stepwise linear discriminant analysis was used to isolate sediment com- ponents which contribute to separation of regions of high- and low-ocean quahog densities (arbitrarily assigned values of >0.75 kg/m and<0.10kg/m total wet weight, respectively). The percentage of four sediment fractions: gravel, coarse sand, medium sand, silt/clay, and the percentage of shell in the sample were sufficient to significantly (P<0.01) discrim- inate between the two levels of ocean quahog densities. Size composition data and shell length-meat weight regressions for three depth intervals within the survey area are presented. INTRODUCTION The ocean quahog Arctiea islandica supports a small but valuable commercial fishery in Rhode Island coastal waters. Initial exploitation of this resource in the United States was centered in Rhode Island (Arcisz and Neville 1945); until 1976, the entire United States fishery was based in New England. Declining yields in the highly exploited surf clam Spisula solidissima fishery (Serchuk et al. 1979, Ropes 1979) resulted in a marked increase in exploitation of Arctiea along the Atlantic coast. The shift in directed effort from the surf clam to ocean quahog, particularly in the Mid- Atlantic Bight, resulted in a substantial increase in reported landings. Total catch in the Fishery Conservation Zone (FCZ) increased nearly five fold from 1976 to 1978 (Fisheries of the U.S., 1 976- 1978). The Rhode Island catch in the same period increased 86% from 1 ,446 mt to 2,684 mt (Rhode Island Landings 1976-1978). Distribution of Arctiea along the northeastern coast of the United States was examined in research surveys con- ducted by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and its predecessor, the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (Merrill and Ropes 1969, 1970; Parker and McRae 1970; Ropes 1979). Murawksi and Serchuk (1979a) summarized and integrated the results of these surveys to provide mini- mum biomass estimates for the Middle Atlantic (Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras) region. The present study was undertaken to determine the dis- tribution of Arctiea in Rhode Island Sound and off Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, in relation to depth and sediment type. A quantitative assessment of some of the factors governing ocean quahog density was deemed important for Present address: National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fish- eries Center. Woods Hole, MA 02543. predictive purposes in identifying potentially exploitable quahog concentrations. Bearse (1976) reviewed the known ecological determinants of ocean quahog distribu- tion. This paper presents information on distribution, minimum biomass, substrate affinities, size composition, and length-weight relationships for Arctiea within the survey area. MATERIALS AND METHODS Ocean quahog samples were obtained aboard a chartered commercial fishing vessel equipped with an hydraulic dredge with a 1 .52-m blade, and a 3.8-cm spacing between the bars of the retaining cage. Standard sampling tows were of 4-minute duration at a speed of approximately 2.8 km/hr. Distance covered by the dredge was determined from LORAN C coordinates recorded to the nearest 0.1 /isec at the start and end of each tow. The mean distance covered was 190.2 m (± standard error [SE] = 5.13), resulting in an average areal coverage of 289.1 m2 per standard tow. A simple random sampling design was employed with stations selected from a grid interval of 1 .8 x 1 .8 km through- out the survey area in water depths ranging from 18.2 m to 45 .7 m (Figure 1 ). Stations falling on an untowable bottom were randomly reassigned to an adjacent site. A total of 191 stations were occupied between June 15. 1978 and August 3, 1978, and an additional 21 stations were sampled on March 22, 1979. For comparative purposes, the survey area was divided into three arbitrary depth intervals (18.3— 27.4, 27.5-36.5, and > 36.6 m). Survey catch data were analyzed according to Aitchison (1955) and Pennington (NMFS, Woods Hole Laboratory, personal communication), a method in which the data are partitioned into zero and nonzero catch values. The condi- tional distribution of the nonzero class is assumed to be lognormal (the A-distribution, Aitchison and Brown 1957). 33 34 FOGARTY Figure 1. Location of sample sites for Arctica in Rhode Island Sound and south of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. An unbiased estimator of the sample mean (Aitchison 1955) is: C = -exp(y)*m(s2/2) and the variance of the sample mean (Pennington, personal communication) is given by: Var(c) = n-:exp(2y)[Il1^il(s2/2) m ■ m v m * ( s2)] where m is the number of nonzero observations, n is the total number of observations, y and s2 are the mean and variance of the log-transformed nonzero observations, respectively, and ,2i-l v> 1+-! 1 (n+D -I t+ S -., j=2nJ(n+l)(n + 3)...(n + 2j-3) J- fJ At each station the ocean quahog catch was weighed to the nearest 0.5 kg. In instances where the catch-per-tow was high (> 250 kg), two level 35-liter (1 U.S. bushel) containers of ocean quahogs were weighed to the nearest 0.5 kg, and the remaining catch recorded in number of 35-liter con- tainers. Estimates of the total sample weight were then obtained by expanding the mean of the two weighed samples to the total number of containers. A random sample of 100 ocean quahogs was retained for size frequency analysis at each station where Arctica were obtained. In instances where the total catch was less than 100 individuals, the entire catch was measured. A random subsample of 20 quahogs was selected from the length-frequency sample for length-weight analysis and taken to the laboratory for processing. Shell dimensions were recorded to the nearest millimeter and meat weights recorded to the nearest 0.5 gram. Regression equations relating drained meat weight and shell length were fit by nonlinear least squares using a modified Gauss-Newton algorithm (Ralston and Jennrich 1978). Comparisons between regression equations derived for the three depth intervals were made using Rao's homogeneity X test (Rao 1973, pp. 389-391). Sediment samples were collected at each station using a Mann sampler (Krumbein and Pettijohn 1938 ) with a 10.2-cm opening. The Mann sampler was attached to the hydraulic dredge and collected the sediment sample simultaneously with the biological sample. Stations at which residual sedi- ment in the dredge differed from than in the Mann sampler, or where substantial quantities of rock and stone were retained, were not further analyzed. An attempt was also made to limit analyses to samples from unexploited sites based on prior knowledge of the fishery. Detailed grain-size analyses were completed for a total of 127 sediment samples. The substrate samples were washed, oven dried, disaggre- gated, and dry sieved. The sieves conformed to the standard Wentworth mesh dimensions (2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.062, and < 0.062 mm). No attempt was made to further separate the silt/clay (< 0.062 mm) fraction. Shell particles in each fraction were weighed separately. Linear discriminant analysis (Fisher 1936) was used to differentiate between regions of high- and low-ocean quahog densities (arbitrarily assigned values of > 0.75 kg/nr and < 0.10 kg/m2 , respectively) on the basis of sediment com- position and water depth. Sediment data were expressed in the linear Krumbein scale 0 = -log2 (d) where d is the Wentworth particle size diameter in milli- meters (Krumbein and Pettijohn 1938). Percentage values were treated with an arcsine transform prior to analysis (Cassie and Michael 1968). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Minimum Biomass Minimum biomass estimates (total wet weight and meat weight) were derived for the entire survey area and at each depth interval. These estimates must be considered mini- mum since the dredge is not completely efficient, and the selection characteristics of the dredge cage prevented the complete retention of quahogs < 70 mm shell length (Fogarty 1979). Ocean quahogs were obtained at 139 (bbrY) of the stations sampled. The conditional distribution of the nonzero densities was approximately lognormal (Figure 2); therefore, estimation of the sample mean and its variance using A-distribution theory was considered appropriate. The estimated mean density (total wet weight) of Arctica for the entire survey area was 0.377 kg/m2 (Table 1). No significant differences (P < 0.05) in quahog density between Distribution and Abundance of Ocean Quahogs 35 depth intervals were discerned (Kruskal-Wallis test; X2 = 3.61 ,ns [not significant] ). A similar estimate of 0.401 kg/ni2 can be calculated from Bearse ( 1 976 ) based on grab and SCUBA samples collected off Rhode Island. 80-1 >-60 o z 111 D 240- 20- 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 .4 6 8 1.0 1.2 1.4 DENSITY 1— r— i-^—r 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 >Z3 Figure 2. Frequency distribution of untransformed ocean quahog density (kg/m total weight) and log-transformed nonzero density values (insert). Estimates of total wet weight were converted to meat weight assuming a meat weight:total weight ratio of 0.133 for Arctica collected in Rhode Island Sound (Arcisz and Sandholzer 1947). Converted density of 0.051 kg/m2 meat weight derived for the entire survey area, and estimates of 0.087 kg/m2 for Rhode Island Sound (Bearse 1976) and 0.011 kg/m2 for the offshore waters of southern New England (Murawski and Serchuk 1979b) were of the same order of magnitude. TABLE 1. Total area, sample size, estimated density (total wet weight [kg/m' ] ), and estimated biomass (total weight and meat weight [mt]) for individual depth intervals and for the entire survey area. Depth Intervals (m) 18.3 - 27.4 27.5 - 36.5 36.6 - 45.7 Total No. of samples 26 101 85 212 Stratum area (km2) 6.0833 x 102 1.1197 x 103 9.3758 x 102 2.6656.x 103 Density (kg/m2) 0.3746 0.3428 0.4176 0.3767 Variance 0.0199 0.0077 0.0082 Total weight (mt) 2.279 x 10s 3.838 xlO5 3.915 x 10s 1.004 x 106 Meat weight (mt) 3.03 x 104 5.10 x 104 5.21 xlO4 1.33 x 10s Minimum biomass for the entire survey area was esti- mated at 1.004 x 106 mt total weight with a corresponding estimate of 1.33 x 105 meat weight (Table 1). Murawski and Serchuk (1979a) estimated the minimum biomass (meat weight) of Arctica for the southern New England region to be 1 .59 x 105 mt. Effect of Substrate Type Stepwise linear discriminant analysis was used to differ- entiate between regions of high (> 0.75 kg/m2) and low (< 0.10 kg/m2) ocean quahog density on the basis of sedi- ment grain-size characteristics and water depth (Table 2). Preliminary analyses indicated that the density of Arctica was highest in medium-to-fme grain sand, and density declined as mean particle size decreased (Figure 3). Estimated density also was low in very coarse sand environments. Ocean quahogs were not present in substrates comprised primarily of gravel and stone, nor in those with high levels of silt/clay. TABLE 2. Variables used in linear discriminant analysis differentiating regions of high (> 0.75 kg/m2 ) and low (<0.10 kg/m2) ocean quahog densities. Variable Code Description -10 00 + 10 + 20 + 30 + 40 + 50 Shell Depth Mean SC % gravel (>2 mm) %very coarse sand (1.0-1.99 mm) % coarse sand (0.50-0.99 mm) % medium sand (0.25-0.49 mm) % fine sand (0.125-0.249 mm) % very fine sand (0.062-0.1249 mm) % silt/clay (<0.062 mm) '", shell fragments water depth (m) mean grain size (0) sorting coefficient (standard deviation) 10 0)6 Jt - 4-1 Z J 2- C- D »-l MEAN GRAIN SIZE (phi) Figure 3. Ocean quahog density (kg/m2 total weight) as a function of mean grain size (0 units). Data given as mean (horizontal line) ± 2 standard errors (enclosed rectangle). 36 FOGARTY Grain -size analyses were available for a total of 47 stations assigned to the low-density classification and for 26 stations designated as high-density sites. The stepwise discriminant analysis was based on the pooled covariance matrix, and the maximum F-ratio was used as the selection criterion. Five variables were found to provide maximum group separation (F5(67 = 14.67. P < 0.01 ; Table 3). The relative magnitude of the standardized discriminant coefficients indicates the contribution of each variable to the discrim- inating power of the function; the sign of the coefficients denotes the direction of this contribution. The percentage of three grain-size fractions (gravel, coarse sand, and silt/ clay) contributed negatively to the discriminant function while the percentage of medium-grade sand and shell contri- buted positively, confirming the results of preliminary analyses (Figure 3). The remaining grain-size fractions did not significantly enhance the discriminating power of the function. Water depth did not significantly contribute to the discriminant function, supporting inferences made earlier; however, the depth ranges sampled were restricted. The classification matrix indicating the actual and predicted group membership based on the five discriminating variables was: Predicted Actual High Density Low Density High density Low density 22 (84.6%) 4( 8.5%) 4(15.4%) 43(91.5%) demonstrating the predictive power of the derived function (89% correct classification). TABLE 3. Standardized stepwise discriminant coefficients for five variables providing maximum separation of regions of high (>0.75 kg/m2) and low (<0.10 kg/m2) ocean quahog density. Variable Coefficient -l + 10 + 20 + 50 Shell -0.60647 -1.23598 +0.48943 -0.95893 +0.23318 DeWolf and Loosanoff (1945) described the preferred substrate of Arctica as a mixture of sand and mud in Rhode Island Sound. Parker and MacRae (1970) indicated that the highest ocean quahog catches were made on sand and sandy mud in exploratory surveys in the western North Atlantic. Maurer et al. (1974) reported that Arctica was collected most frequently on medium grade and coarse sand/shell substrates in Delaware Bay. Bearse (1976) utilized multivariate analyses to examine the effect of sediment characteristics on the abundance of Arctica at two locations in Rhode Island Sound. Stepwise linear discriminant functions derived for one of these loca- tions and for combined data, isolated different discrimin- ating variables. Patchy distribution of sediments in the areas studied was cited as a possible factor in conflicting results between these analyses. Bearse (1976) isolated organic carbon as one factor of importance in determining ocean quahog distribution. Phelps (1959) and Saila et al. (1967) demonstrated the importance of organic carbon on hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) distribution in Narragansett Bay. Although carbon levels were not measured in the present study, it was recognized that this variable may play an important role in determining ocean quahog distribution patterns. The observed relationship between ocean quahog density and sediment characteristics cannot be taken to imply sub- strate preference or selection. Particle-size distribution may simply be the visible manifestation of other factors (e.g., current velocity, food availability), critical to ocean quahog distribution (Bearse 1976). Further, dredge efficiency may have varied with substrate composition and compaction, resulting in biases in density estimates. These results retain a practical significance, however, since the data may be used to assess the probability of locating commercially exploitable ocean quahog beds based on a knowledge of substrate characteristics. Size Composition Shell length (standard length [SL] , longest linear dimen- sion) measurements were obtained for a total of 1 1 ,925 ocean quahogs. Little variation in size frequency distribution was noted between depth intervals (Figure 4), and no significant differences (P < 0.05) in mean shell length were detected when depth zones were compared using a one-way analysis of variance. Bearse (1976) reported a mean shell length of 90.5 mm for samples collected by SCUBA and grab sample at two sites off Rhode Island. Mean shell length noted in the present survey was 88.5 mm; the similarity of these esti- mates may indicate that the dredge provided relatively unbiased estimates of size composition. DeWolf and Loosanoff (1945) reported a mean shell length of 83.8 mm for- samples collected by mechanical dredge in Rhode Island Sound. The maximum shell length noted in the present survey was 1 14 mm. Murawski and Serchuk (1979a) reported that ocean quahogs larger than 1 19 mm SL were seldom collected off southern New England during survey cruises in offshore waters, while samples collected off New Jersey frequently contained individuals > 120 mm SL. An attempt was made to separate the length-frequency distribution into component size classes by the method of Cassie (1954); however, it proved impossible to identify Distribution and Abundance or Ocean Quahogs 37 probability modes with reasonable accuracy, a result con- sistent with the slow growth rates demonstrated for this species (Murawski et al., in press). N = 1392 fl ^r^^ IP 60 80 90 SHELL LENGTH Imml 100 110 Figure 4. Shell length frequency distributions of ocean quahogs from arbitrary depth intervals of 18.3-27.4 m (upper), 27.5-36.5 m (middle), and 36.6-45.7 m (lower). Regression equations relating meat weight and shell length were derived for ocean quahogs assigned to three arbitrary depth intervals and for combined data (Table 4). Bearse (1976) derived a similar length-weight relationship for Arctica in Rhode Island Sound: W = 0.00091 14 L2 (n= 129). Murawski and Serchuk (1979c) reported the length-meat weight relationship for ocean quahogs collected during winter in the southern New England-Long Island region as W = 0.0001090 L2-775 (n = 1,351). Direct comparisons between this equation and regression equations developed in the present study were not possible because of differences in the size range of sampled individ- uals and in the time frame of sampling. The higher meat yields predicted by the equations derived in the present study and by Bearse (1976) may be due to higher productivity in inshore waters, or by condi- tion factors related to reproductive activity. Loosanoff (1953) noted that the spawning period for Arctica extended from June through October, with peak reproductive activity in August and September off Rhode Island. More recent work (Mann 1979) has indicated, however, that Arctica is capable of spawning throughout the year and that spawning activity may be intermittant. Comparisons between parameter estimates for each depth zone using Rao's homogeneity x2 test (Rao 1973) indicated no significant differences between depth strata for the parameters a (xl = 0.378; ns) or b (\l = 1.261; ns). Further comparisons for all possible pairwise combinations for each parameter also indicated no significant differences between depth zones. Parameter estimates for the shallow depth strata exhibited relatively high variability (Table 4), possibly due to the low sample size. Murawski and Serchuk (1979c) did not detect any consistently significant differ- ences in meat weight-shell length regression equations by depth foi Arctica collected from the Middle Atlantic. CONCLUSIONS The estimated minimum biomass for the survey area, 1.36 x 105 mt meat weight, is high relative to recent landings in Rhode Island (1,228 mt in 1979), indicating that exploitation has not been severe. However, the slow growth rate of this species (Murawski et al., in press) and the presumably low natural mortality rate indicate that productivity of the resource may be very low. The fishery could conceivably be operating on accumulated biomass without comparable recruitment. Although density esti- mates derived from dredge data are necessarily minimum TABLE 4. Parameter estimates and asymptotically valid standard errors for allometric equation (W = aL ) relating drained meat weight (g) and shell length (mm) for ocean quahogs off Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Depth Interval Parameter a Asymptotic Standard Error Parameter b Asymptotic Standard Error 18.3 - 27.4 189 0.0013901 0.0012035 2.257166 0.183371 27.5 - 36.5 934 0.0006412 0.0002779 2.470849 0.095965 36.6 -45.7 710 0.0006282 0.0002656 2.482145 0.093499 Combined 1,833 0.0006585 0.0001732 2.463526 0.077496 38 FOGARTY estimates, the results may be reliable indicators of total harvestable biomass. These survey results are similar to esti- mates derived using SCUBA and grab samples (Bearse 1976), indicating that the hydraulic dredge may provide reasonable density estimates. Medcof and Caddy (1971) reported an efficiency of over 90% for a commercial hydraulic dredge; there is considerable precedent for the use of dredge-type sampling devices in assessment surveys of commercially important marine bivalves (Saila et al. 1965; Russell 1972; Loesch 1974; Loesch and Ropes 1977; Murawski and Serchuk 1979a, 1979b). Stratification of sample data into two classes, one of which contained only zero catch values, allowed measure- ment of the sample mean with relatively low variance. Aitchison (1955) noted that estimates of the sample mean derived in this manner can be best unbiased estimators, i.e., have minimum attainable variance. This approach also allows recognition of the fact that, in large scale surveys of marine organisms, areas of unsuitable habitat will necessarily contribute to a potentially high proportion of zero catches (Pennington, personal communication), resulting in highly skewed sample distributions. Observations on the effect of sediment type on ocean quahog distribution indicate that density is highest in sedi- ments containing high proportions of medium (0.25— 0.49 mm) sand and shell fragments, and lowest in sediments containing a high silt/clay fraction or coarse sand-gravel. Stratification by sediment type may further increase the precision of population estimates for this species in areas where detailed substrate data are available. Size-composition data for each depth interval generally were similar; no significant differences in mean shell length were detected. Estimated mean shell length for this survey was similar to that determined by Bearse (1976), off Rhode Island, based on in situ collections using SCUBA and grab samples, possibly indicating that small individuals were not a significant component of the population and that the potential bias of the selection characteristics of the dredge were minimized. Shell length-meat weight regressions were similar to those derived for Rhode Island (Bearse 1976), and indicated higher meat yields than those predicted for the offshore waters of southern New England (Murawski and Serchuk 1979c). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, NMFS, Fisheries Development Division (Grant 03-7-043-35 1 19). I am gTateful to R. Sisson,T. Lynch, A. Ganz, and R.Wood for assistance at sea, and to S. Desillier, P. Kullberg, C. Coyne, and K. Billington for laboratory analyses. I thank B. Simon for programming and data man- agement. S. Murawski and F. Serchuk reviewed the manu- script and offered many helpful suggestions. I am grateful to S. Saila for Ins encouragement and review of an earlier draft of this manuscript. D. Dearse generously provided advice and shared his expertise on ocean quahog distribution patterns. REFERENCES CITED Aitchison. J. 1955 On the distribution of a positive random variable having a discrete probability mass at the origin. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 50:901-908. & J. A. C. Brown. 1957. The Lognormal Distribution. Cambridge Univ. Press. 176 pp. Arcisz, W. & W. C. Neville. 1945. Description of the fishery. Pages 7-14 in The Ocean Quahog Fishery of Rhode Island. Rhode Island Department of Agriculture and Conservation, Division of Fish and Game. Arcisz, W. & L. A. Sandholzer. 1947. A technological study of the ocean quahog fishery. Commer. Fish. Rev. 9:1 -21 . Bearse. D. T. 1976. Density and distribution of the ocean quahog (Arctica islandica) in Rhode Island waters relative to various environmental factors. M.S. thesis. University of Rhode Island, Kingston. 91 pp. Cassie, R. M. 1954. Some uses of probability paper in the analysis of size frequency distributions. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 5:513-522. & A. D. Michael. 1968. Fauna and sediments of an inter- tidal mud Hat: a multivariate analysis. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 2:1-23. DeWolf. R. A. & V. L. Loosanoff. 1945. Biology of the ocean quahog. Pages 14-15 in The Ocean Quahog Fishery of Rhode Island. Rhode Island Department of Agriculture and Conserva- tion, Division of Fish and Game. Fisher, R. A. 1936. The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems. Ann. Eugen. [Annals of Human Genetics] 7:179 -188. Fogarty, M. J. 1979. Assessment of the ocean quahog, Arctica islandica. resource in Rhode Island Sound and south of Martha's Vineyard, MA. Final report. Rhode Island Dept. Environ. Man., Div. Fish Wildl. Contract 03-7-043-35119.44 pp. Krumbein, W. C. & F. J. Pettijohn. 1938. Manual of Sedimentary Petrology. Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., New York. 549 pp. Loesch, J. G. 1974. A sequential sampling plan for hard clams in lower Chesapeake Bay. Chesapeake Sci. 15(3): 134- 139. & J. W. Ropes. 1977. Assessment of surf clam stocks in nearshore waters along the Delmarva Peninsula and in the fishery south of Cape Henry. Proc. Nat. Shellfish. Assoc. 67:29- 34. Loosanoff, V. L. 1953. Reproductive cycle in Cyprina islandica. Biol. Bull. (Woods Hole) 104:146-155. Mann, R. 1979. The biology of the ocean quahog. Arctica islandica. Sea Grant Project Summary. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- tion, Woods Hole, MA 02543. 29 pp. Maurer. D.. L. Watling & G. Aprill. 1974. The distribution and ecology of common marine and estuarine pelecypods in the Delaware Bay area. Nautilus 88:38-45. Medcof, J. C. & J. F. Caddy. 1971. Underwater observations on performance of clam dredges of three types. Int. Counc. Explor. Sea CM. 1971/B:10. Merrill, A. S. & .1. W. Ropes. 1969. 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Use of a commercial dredge to estimate a hard- shell clam population by stratified random sampling. J Fish. Res. Board Canada 29:1731-1735. Saila, S. B., J. M. Flowers & R. Campbell. 1965. Applications of sequential sampling to marine resource surveys. Ocean Sci. Eng. 2:782-802. Saila, S. B., J. M. Flowers & M. T. Cannario. 1967. Factors affecting the relative abundance ofMercenaria mercenaria in the Providence River, Rhode Island. Proc. Nat. Shellfish. Assoc. 57:83-89. Serchuk, F. M., S. A. Murawski. E. M. Henderson & B. E. Brown. 1979. The population dynamics basis for management of off- shore surf clam populations in the Middle Atlantic. Pages 83- 101 in Proc. Northeast Clam Industries: Management for the Future. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 1,41-49, 1981. RESPONSE OF SOFT-SHELL CLAM (MYA ARENARIA ) GROWTH TO ONSET AND ABATEMENT OF POLLUTION RICHARD S. APPELDOORN Graduate School of Oceanography University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI 02881 ABSTRACT Length-frequency analysis was used to generate age-length curves for six populations of the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria exposed to a sudden pollution event. Five populations were each subjected to a single oil spill. A sixth popula- tion was subjected to the onset and subsequent abatement of the effluent from a heavy metals mine. With one exception, the onset of pollution was accompanied by a noticeable break in the age-length curve representing a decrease in growth rate following the event. At the site where abatement occurred, the age-length curve showed a second break indicating resump- tion of near-normal growth. An attempt is made to relate severity and persistence of the pollution effect on growth to the degree of deflection in the age-length curve. A method that estimates prepollution growth is presented and applied to two populations. INTRODUCTION The need for more information on the effects of pollution in marine ecosystems has long been recognized. However, only recently has significant progress been made. Early investigators studied only acute lethal effects, and variability in the number and reliability of the methods involved led to much confusion (Hyland and Schneider 1976). With improving methodology there has been increased interest in chronic and sublethal effects (Anderson 1977). Coupled with this has been the realization that such research should concern itself with population processes rather than with individuals (Vanderhorst et al. 1978). Notable studies involving long-term monitoring of populations following a pollution event are those of the West Falmouth oil spill (Sanders et al. 1980), the Chedabucto Bay oil spill (Thomas 1978), and studies of pulp mill effects in Sweden (Rosenberg 1976). One major problem in studying the effects of a sudden environmental change is the availability of reliable control data from either measurements made prior to the change or from a suitable control area. Recently, the status of soft -shell clam {Mya arenaria) populations and their relationship to various forms of pollu- tion have been investigated (Brown et al. 1979). In this investigation samples were collected from several sites characterized by a sudden change in environmental quality due to onset or abatement of pollution. Growth was one of the parameters studied; the effect of each pollution event on growth obviously was of particular interest. The primary purpose of this paper is to present age- length curves of soft-shell clam populations from sample sites where a pollution event occurred. Based on a few assumptions, these curves can be used to represent growth. This paper also shows that a sudden change in environ- mental quality resulting from the onset or abatement of pollution is reflected by a shift in the age-length curve. In addition, a method is presented whereby growth prior to a pollution event may be estimated. METHODS Clam growth was studied at six sites where a discrete pollution incident (either onset or abatement) occurred. Five of the sites were affected by spills of various types of oil. The sixth site was exposed to the effluent from an inter- tidal heavy metals mine. Table 1 lists the sampling sites, briefly characterizes each area, and provides estimates for the extent of polltuion. Each site was sampled once with the exception of Sears- port which was sampled quarterly in 1977 and 1978. Clams were dug with a standard clam hoe. All excavated clams were measured for length to the nearest millimeter using vernier calipers. For Searsport, length data for clams setting after the spill were obtained from Dow (1978, Table 2, p. 47), who used growth-ring measurements on live clams from the 1971 year-class. Clams were aged using length-frequency analysis to obtain growth rates. The single exception was Goose Cove where shell-ring counts were used exclusively to age the clams. Length-frequency analysis was based on the assumption that modes in the length-frequency distribution represented different cohorts and that size was distributed normally within a cohort (Cassie 1954, Tanaka 1962, Tesch 1971). This assumption of normality was seldom exact because of stacking effects as growth decreased in larger individuals (van Sickle 1977), and because of size-dependent mortality, generally affecting the smaller members of each cohort. The degree of skewness introduced by these processes was assumed to be small. Because the interest was on relative shifts in the age-length curve rather than on the exact description of that curve, the consequences of skewness were rendered negligible. Length-frequencies for each population were plotted at 1-mm intervals; modes on the resulting graph were broken down into a series of normal curves by the Peterson method using a Dupont 310 curve resolver, an analog computer which allowed the investigator to break down a complex 41 42 APPELDOORN & < o o Oh o S ° o ;=, ~ o a. .5 S 3 5 = x o c 3 33 ° >,'5 i— 0) S3 in > S. ^ c —— 6 CT> o '3 — i— 3 "a> =3 .3 ri -O 0 fC s — r-i CD _: o D, a> z 21 S. _3 HE < 3 s '_f a> X c S -a 5 C3 u o ca X x £ 7 o 3= ,_, w .— i. — ' •£? o> 0 cd ^ c a. - 1 - ra '■*- t; — o 5 u C ON T3 cd (/) Cd < o c CO +2 "cd £ - a> X cd 3 o 61 -*■ p-,r, li -*-1 c « !2 c 2 "o ~ 42 S - ag C ^3 3 — a> o c j « c " ^. 3 "5. « o o p r- ' — _ --* _ S v •a .tl ^ OO 3. o. 22 ra T3 3 -O l> 3 ;S Z -o c/) < s _ o c 5 ■e « ££ d ri 6t = x .2 oo o o E ~ " 5 o C " o ro H O o 5 o 2 cj 3 _C o ~ o - t-. u 2 -c 42 >, 2 j? 3 °- III II J •— c -a «. ^ a 5 £ -a ^ rt "S. S 3 E "2 « 2 o " ■~ c 5 io rt o . -a .S « » -g u K S o SS s-S S C 3 O T3 ■o S c n 2 o 5 4= C s - 2 E c — c CO o X (J y o = ■ "53 5. , o « « Z .3i,S _ S o U s oo trt C '-1: o a> -1 1/3 3 C u S T3 ■a _r: 3 O E C T3 o c O cd T3 ^ 4> a t J ■a j2 > Ui 22 S o a » » O on ^-^ 4= s » 3 >. ^ s «> - . c c — i 3 > CA -I 9 "" M 5 t-* 4» « CU N 2 §|1 °-§3 ■3 u 2 < 3 5 bO X E O o 60 •£ o •& 3 3 "SB >, 3.x. o -a .5 >. -a -S =3 c ■° c 2 — blj ^t "OS; •a c oj ITS 3 Ill o o ™ S u 0 42 00 O o r- m '5 ^ J a. C 0 - V 5 0 ■_J o> M < '-' c cy X 3 t-1 £Q ~ -1 3 — ' E E. 0 CD c t3 a O O Cd _ —1 - s 3 C O 0- E E 16 E O u in in ~z > PL, E 0 T3 (L> in 4T 3 O CD 2 CD 'A SI B O c 0 Tf > T3 CO Z _0 3 C -, C r* in u !>> — c .3 2 u C-^ CL "^3 -3 E o Q O ^ > 3 n K5 O -a — .„ ON 3 n -1 _ S CJ > a> 0 0 3 'c/5 a? 0 O -C O X 0. E cd 00 ^; >, j; O, cd a 0 0 ^ •S c & 0 0 ■« E M 0 .2 a a " 1 cd c 00 3 " 0 >» 0 X) _ ->_, cd JZ S DO O 'S 5C > CU >. _5 ■5 ai 60 _T ■~~~ 3 00 O 3 1 — c 0J w ■■5 1 cu cd 0"\ .^ — C/5 ■si ™ a> O ^_- |2 B _3 1— c ° — •2 & b rt 52 -!=: at V) c 2 p^ c 3 ■^ cd 0 - *a 3 S cd u O a, cu a •13 cu cd ^ £i .5 ■= 3 5b — O <^ 0 Response oi Soi t-Shell Clam Growth to Pollution 43 envelope into its basic components (in this case normal curves) in a graphical fashion. It utilized 10-function gen- erator channels each capable of generating a normal curve on a cathode-ray tube. The images of those curves could then be projected onto a length-frequency histogram. The histogram was broken down from left-to-right (young-to- old) in the following manner. One channel was switched on and the projected curve was positioned such that its location, width, and height corresponded to the left edge of the histogram. The remainder of the histogram was then resolved by successively turning on the channels and positioning them such that the envelope projected (formed by the summation of the out- puts of all the "on" channels) matched the outline of the histogram. The optical output gave the observer immediate feedback, and repeated trials could be made quickly by varying size, shape, position, and number of curves until a reasonable "fit" to the data had been obtained. At that point, the output of each channel could be turned on and displayed independently, and its projection traced on the histogram. The result of this process is exemplified in Figure 1 . From the resulting graphs, mean and standard deviations of each distribution were obtained (Macdonald and Pitcher 1979). The mean occurred at the peak; the standard devia- tion was the half width at 61% of the height (Figure 1, curve 4). The curve resolver was equipped with an integrator enabling the investigator to obtain the percentage of the whole sample under each component curve. Ages were assigned to each cohort (Brothers 1979) by inspecting the histograms and subsequent age-length curves, and taking into consideration local recruitment processes and sampling efficiency. These results were corroborated by comparing them to previously published age-length data for the same or nearby areas (e.g., Belding 1930, Dow 1978, Appeldoorn 1980). Additional corroboration was sought for the Searsport sample by using annual shell-ring counts on a subsample of clams to develop a rough age-length key. The ages assigned were relative rather than absolute where the time beyond the least yearly increment represented the percent of expected yearly growth already obtained. Hypo- thetically, if a clam first set in the beginning of April and was collected in November, 3 years later, its relative age would be 4 rather than 3.6 because it no longer would be 40 x +1 SD LENGTH (mm) Figure 1. Length-frequency histogram for Janvrin Lagoon with superimposed distributions for each age group as determined with the curve resolver. Solid curves represent age groups. Dashed curves represent the total fitted envelope. The mean plus one standard deviation (SD) are shown for the fourth curve. Numbers above the curve represent the percentage of the sample under each curve, respectively. 44 APPELDOORN expected to grow significantly during the rest of its third year. The size obtained by November would equal roughly its size at age 4. This process resulted in a smoother growth curve since it avoided the problems of seasonal variations in the growth rate which would otherwise necessitate the use of a more complex growth model (Cloern and Nichols 1978). For three sites. West Falmouth, Searsport, and Janvrin Lagoon, sufficient numbers of year classes were represented to allow a von Bertalanffy growth curve to be fitted to the data (von Bertalanffy 1938). Only postspill age classes were used to fit the curve which reduced the number of points available for analysis. The growth curve was fitted by non- linear regression according to Gallucci and Quinn (1979) using the NLIN procedure of SAS 76 (Barr et al. 1976). This procedure yielded estimates of the parameters for the von Bertalanffy growth equation: L = L^ < 1 - exp [— K (t - t oM } where t = time, L = length at time t, L^ = maximum asymptotic length, K = growth constant, and t = time when L = 0. Using the calculated von Bertalanffy curve, the growth rate prior to pollution was estimated. This analysis was based on the assumption that growth followed a fixed schedule or pattern. Growth prior to pollution may be different (i.e., have its own growth schedule) from growth after pollution. It was assumed that the postpoUution growth schedule was adequately modeled by the calculated von Bertalanffy curve. The prepollution growth schedule was then approximated in the following manner. The length (L,) was found of the last year-class to set prior to pollution. Then the age was determined corres- ponding to that length on the von Bertalanffy curve. One year was subtracted from that age and its corresponding length (L2) was determined on the growth curve. Next the length (L3) was found corresponding to an age equal to age at Li — 1 . The difference between L2 and L3 represented the extra growth experienced by clams having one year of growth on the prepollution growth schedule. That difference was then added to the expected length at year one on the postpoUution curve (von Bertalanffy curve) to obtain the expected length at year one on the prepollution curve. The second point on the prepollution schedule was found by applying the above procedure to the year class that had set 2 years prior to pollution. That process was repeated for all available prepollution year classes. RESULTS Mean length and standard deviation are shown in Table 2 for each age group per site as obtained from the length- frequency analysis. These data are plotted in Figures 2 through 7. The calculated von Bertalanffy curves for West Falmouth, Searsport, and Janvrin Lagoon, are also plotted; parameters for those curves are given in Table 3. Prepollution growth approximations for Searsport and Janvrin Lagoon also are plotted. For the remaining three areas, approximate curves have been drawn "by eye" to smooth out the age- length relationship and to accentuate its change following a pollution event. These figures demonstrate that changes in the incidence of pollution were reflected by changes in the growth rate. Only West Falmouth failed to show a significant change. Breaks in the curves clearly indicate that pollution has had an adverse effect on growth, and they also reflect the degree to which growth had been reduced. Growth was severely affected at Searsport, Janvrin Lagoon, and at Goose Cove. At Goose Cove growth improved following pollution abatement. At West Falmouth the lengths of the year classes existing prior to the spill failed to differ signifi- cantly from the lengths expected on the basis of postspill growth. It appears that the spill had no drastic effect on growth of clams from the collection site. For comparison purposes, the age-length determinations for Potato Island (Appeldoom 1980) are plotted in Figure 2. That area was used as a control site by Thomas (1978), and by Gilfillan and Vandermeulen (1978) in their studies of Chedabucto Bay. In the latter study, it was reported that soft-shell clam growth at Janvrin Lagoon and Potato Island were similar prior to the spill. The estimate of prespill growth calculated in this study agrees remarkably well with the age-length determinations for Potato Island. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy curve for Searsport appear anomolous in comparison to the other values shown in Table 4. That probably resulted from sampling errors (note the standard deviations in Table 3) associated with a small sample size (N = 15), and from successive improve- ments in postspill growing conditions. The latter would tend to increase the initial slope of the age-length curve, thereby increasing K. DISCUSSION The problems inherently associated with the estimation of population age structure and growth through length- frequency analysis were reviewed by Brothers (1979), Macdonald and Pitcher 1979), and others. A reiteration of those problems is not necessary here. It should be pointed out, however, that the growth measured herein is for a cohort of the population and not for individuals (see Ricker 1975, pp. 217-218). The difference between the two arises because the older modes in the length-frequency histogram usually are composed of slower growing individuals. Gerking (1957) has shown for fish that rapidly growing individuals tend to mature, become senile, and die, earlier than slower growing individuals. In general, for Mya arcnaria, an inverse relationship has been found between longevity and the rate of growth (Newcombe 1936), i.e., older clams are slow growers. A good example has been shown by Dow (1978) for clams growing at Searsport. As clams grow their burrow Response oi Soft-Shell Clam Growth to Pollution 45 TABLE 2. Mean length and standard deviation as determined by length- frequency analysis for sample population at six sites. Age (yr) Length (mm) Standard Deviation Basset's Island, Bourne, MA (N = 187) Sample (%) 1.15 22.7 2.2 8 2.15 3CX6 2.4 5 3.15 40.8 2.4 14 4.15 48.2 2.3 27 5.15 54.4 1.3 10 6.15 58.9 1.5 9 7.15 64.3 2.1 12 8.15 70.5 1.3 8 9.15 75.7 2.0 3 West Falmouth, MA (N = 183) 1.15 28.6 2.6 9 2.15 38.8 2.6 3 3.15 45.2 1.5 2 4.15 53.3 2.9 27 5.15 61.6 1.5 8 6.15 68.2 1.9 20 7.15 73.4 1.7 7 8.15 78.8 1.4 5 9.15 84.5 2.6 1 Goose Cove, Ha borside, ME (N = 101)' 3 24.1 1.9 7 4 34.3 3.8 12 5 36.4 4.1 25 6 39.6 3.2 23 7 46.6 9.8 5 8 47.7 17.2 17 9 55.2 6.9 6 10 61.5 2.1 2 11 59.5 5.8 4 Janvrin Lagoon, Nova Scotia, Canada (N = 201) 3.5 21.0 0.5 4.5 26.7 0.7 3 5.5 29.9 0.9 6 6.5 32.6 0.8 11 7.5 36.2 1.3 24 8.5 39.7 1.0 24 9.5 43.8 1.0 17 10.5 47.4 1.0 11 11.5 50.3 1.0 3 12.5 54.0 0.5 Long Cove, Searsport, ME (N = 152)2 1 10.0 3.0 2 18.3 3.7 3 24.9 3.7 4 31.1 4.2 5 34.4 4.5 6.2 38.0 0.6 2 7.2 41.5 1.4 3 8.2 44.9 1.0 6 9.2 47.2 0.6 5 10.2 49.9 1.0 14 11.2 53.0 1.2 15 12.2 55.3 0.7 11 13.2 57.0 0.8 10 14.2 59.0 0.9 18 Gleason Cove Perry, ME (N = 180) 3.67 36.4 1.5 3 4.67 41.1 1.5 11 5.67 47.1 1.8 29 6.67 55.2 2.3 46 7.67 62.3 0.8 5 8.67 66.9 0.8 3 9.67 70.9 1.9 100 80 E 60 E o 20 JANVRIN LAGOON SPILL 4 6 8 10 AGE (y eors) 12 Figure 2. Age-length curve for Janvrin Lagoon, Nova Scotia, Canada. Open ciicles: mean length at age for each age-class. Closed circles: calculated estimates for mean length at age prior to spill. Triangles: mean length at age for Potato Island, a control site. Lower line: postspill growth pre- dicted by the von Bertalanffy equation. Upper line: prespill growth and was drawn by eye. 100 r Ages determined by counting shell rings. First five year-classes from Dow (1978). 4 6 8 10 AGE ( years ) Figure 3. Age-length curve for Long Cove, Searsport, ME. (All symbols as in Figure 2.) 46 APPILDOORN 100 80 E60 E 2 40 UJ 20 PERRY SPILL j_ _L 4 6 8 10 AGE (years) 4 6 8 10 AGE ( yea rs ) Figure 4. Age-length curve for West Falmouth, MA. (AU symbols as Figure 6. Age-length curve for Gleason Cove, Perry, ME. Circles: as in Figure 2.) in Figure 2. Solid line: age-length relationship (drawn by eye). 100 80 £ 60 E Z 40 20 BOURNE SPILL _L 100 80 E 60 E z 40 20 j_ _L GOOSE COVE MINING STOPS MINING STARTS _L 4 6 8 10 AGE (years) 12 4 6 8 10 AGE (years) 12 Figure 5. Age-length curve for Basset's Island, Bourne, MA. Circles: as in Figure 2. Solid line: age-length relationship (drawn by eye). Figure 7. Age-length curve for Goose Cove, ME. Circles: as in Figure 2. Solid line: age-length relationship (drawn by eye). Response 01- Soi t-Shell Clam Growth to Pollution 47 TABLE 4. Parameters for von Bertalanffy growth equation fitted to postspill age classes of soft-shell clams from three areas. Area K Loo t o West Falmouth, MA Janvrin Lagoon, Nova Scotia. Can. Scarsport, ME 0.0917 0.05 75 0.2358 136.73 88.74 50.48 -1.357 -1.622 0.074 depth increases. Faster growing clams were penetrating the buried stratum of oil-polluted sediment at an earlier age whereup mortality occurred. Hence, only the slower growing individuals survived; they now constitute the bulk of the older age groups in the population. The assumption that clams grow according to a fixed schedule (especially after a pollution incident) probably is not valid. For example. Dow (1978) has shown successive improvements in growth of M. arenaria for each year-class following the Searsport oil spill. This was due to both the further weathering of the oil, and the further deposition of clean sediment over the oil-contaminated sediment. However, at Searsport and at Janvrin Lagoon postspill recovery has been slow enough to allow the use of the von Bertalanffy curve to generate prespill growth estimates. Since only approximate growth estimates have been obtained, no effort was made to apply rigorous statistical analysis to the data. The results show that there was a response in the growth rate to environmental changes caused by pollution. That response was characterized by a noticeable break in the age- length curve. In each case the onset of pollution was coupled with a reduction in growth. The exact mechanisms for the observed growth reductions at each site are unknown. The volume of literature on the effects of pollution on marine organisms in general, and on bivalves in particular, is vast but it is still difficult to relate specific effects in the labora- tory to responses observed in the field. Other field studies of M. arenaria have shown that the onset of oil pollution generally was followed by a reduction in growth and an increase in mortality. Dow (1975) found a 65% reduction in annual growth rate of clams transplanted to a site polluted with Iranian crude oil. At Searsport, Dow (1978) reported a reduction in growth of soft -shell clams following the spill. Mortality at Searsport greatly increased when clams burrowed into oiled sediment indi- cating either a direct toxic effect or smothering (Dow and Hurst 1975, Dow 1978). Smothering was considered the main cause of the large soft-shell clam mortality following the spill of Bunker C oil at Chedabucto Bay (Thomas 1973). Gilfillan and Vandermeulen (1978) found a reduced carbon flux in soft-shell clams from Janvrin Lagoon as compared to Potato Island. This was coupled with a calculated reduction in the rate of shell growth in Janvrin Lagoon clams following the spill. In an earlier study, Gilfillan et al. (1976) found a 50% reduction in the carbon flux of soft-shell clams polluted by No. 6 fuel oil. They concluded that for bivalves a reduc- tion in the assimilation ratio was a general response to environmental stress which could be triggered by a number of factors including pollution. The age-length curve for West Falmouth failed to show a break at the time of the spill. There are two possible explana- tions for this. First, because sampling took place 8 years after the spill, it could be possible that the sample age masked any true effect. Only 6% of the sample consisted of clams that had set prior to the spill. Such a small sample size could have led to underestimation of the mean lengths for each age class. Second, the curve could accurately reflect the true effect of the spill on growth. While this may be true, studies made after the spill indicated initially severe effects. Blumer et al. (1970) reported numerous mortalities among the benthos, including shellfish, immediately following the spill. Site II particularly was devastated (Sanders 1978); high concentrations of hydrocarbons were found in shellfish from the tidal creek (Blumer et al. 1970) one month after the spill. It seems unlikely, then, that clam growth would have remained unaffected. With improving conditions, however, any effect might become unnoticeable. Sediment oil concen- trations at Site II decreased steadily over time reaching 140 jug/g after 2 years, only twice the level reported for indigenous sedimentary hydrocarbons within the area (Blumer and Sass 1972). The degree of this decrease may be attributable to sediment characteristics at the sampling site. Loose, coarse, shifting sand should facilitate rapid depura- tion or burial of the oil; therefore, growth may have been affected only during the first few years. Significantly improving conditions invalidate the assumption of a fixed postspill growth schedule. Hence, the von Bertalanffy curve cannot be expected to approximate the growth of an affected population. With the sampling problems mentioned above, and the 8-year time lag between sampling and the spill, any initial effect on growth now would be undetect- able by the methods used. The West Falmouth situation differed from both the Bourne and the Perry sites, where little oil was found when sampled shortly after the spill, and the Searsport and Janvrin Lagoon sites, which were sampled several years after contamination but still con- tained enough oil to affect growth adversely. Mining operations at Goose Cove could have led to a reduction in growth via three mechanisms: siltation. food destruction, and direct heavy metal toxicity. Dow and Hurst (1972) suggested that much of the damage caused by the mining operations resulted from heavy siltation and smothering. These would definitely interfere with feeding by clogging the gills of the clams. They also reported that the mine effluent was highly toxic to phytoplankton, the main food source for soft-shell clams, and that alone could contribute to malnutrition and starvation. Eisler (1977) reported that M. arenaria was susceptable to heavy metal 48 APPELDOORN contamination. Many of the metal concentrations reported by Dow and Hurst (1972) were higher than the lethally toxic concentrations found in bioassay studies dealing with pure (Eisler and Hennekey 1977) and mixed (Eisler 1977) metal solutions. Conditions in the field and laboratory differed significantly, thus, the observations were not directly com- parable, but it was evident that the levels found at Goose Cove were relatively high. Concentrations of metals in soft-shell clams at Goose Cove were still high at the time of sampling, 4 years after mining operations had ceased (L. Fink, University of Maine, Walpole, personal communication). It can be seen from the graph in Figure 7 that growth improved following pollution abatement, although it did not return to its original rate. If starvation and smothering were major factors contributing to reduced growth, then growth should have improved dramatically upon cessation of mining activities. This could have been the case; however, the exact degree of recovery was difficult to assess because of variability of the data. These observations showed that smothering and starvation were major factors working in conjunction with direct toxicity to reduce growth during the period of mining operations. In addition, to some extent, it appeared that growth was still being affected adversely at the time of sampling perhaps because of direct toxic effects. The pronounced growth reduction at Goose Cove can be attributed to (1) the variety of ways in which the mining effluent affected the clams, and (2) the constant output of effluent during mining operations. Once mining operations ceased, recovery was fairly rapid. This was in contrast to growth recovery at oil-polluted sites, and reflected the persistence of oil remaining in the sediment, and the different mechanisms by which oil and mining effluents affect clams. Major contributing factors to reduced growth at Goose Cove, such as siltation and food reduction, were removed after mining operations ceased. On the other hand, oil itself is a major factor in growth reduction. Oil can be taken in through the siphons (Fong 1976), and oil leaching from saturated sediments following a spill can result in a contaminated water supply for an extended period of time (Mayo et al. 1975). Because oil can be detrimental upon contact (Dow 1978), the effects of a spill can persist after burial of the oiled sediment. In addition, Vandermeulen (1977), and Vandermeulen and Penrose (1978) found that significant quantities (40%) of oil remained in polluted soft-shell clams following a 3-month exposure to clean water. All of those factors contributed to the persistance of a growth reduction effect following initial hydrocarbon contamination. Some areas sampled, though, did show signs of recovery. No break in the age-length curve was observed at West Falmouth as discussed earlier. Bourne seems to be a similar case. Little evidence of oil was found at the time of sampling, and the break in the curve (Figure 5) appears like a short depression in an otherwise normal growth curve. This would indicate that growth was disrupted only for a short period of time, on the order of a few years. The techniques used here are considered valuable in assessing pollution effects. Primarily they are useful in detecting gross responses in growth due to changes in environ- mental quality and they allow estimation of prepollution growth. This is helpful because measurements taken prior to a pollution event are rare and usually fortuitous. A number of studies have used shell-growth bands to monitor, in detail, subtle environmental changes (e.g., Kennish and Olsson 1975). However, these techniques are limited in their application and the methods are involved and costly. The techniques used here sacrifice detail but have more general applicability. For example, by using these techniques, studies are possible of M arenaria populations south of Cape Cod where annual ring formation is unreliable (Mead and Barnes 1904, Shuster 1951). The responses observed only directly reflect the effects on growth. They do not directly reflect changes in mortality, settlement, or population age structure. As was observed at Searsport, however, continued size-dependent mortality may indirectly affect the resulting growth curve. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author expresses gratitude to those persons and agencies who assisted in clam collection, in particular, R. L. Dow and M. Richards, Maine Department of Marine Resources; J. M. Hickey, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries;andM. L.H.Thomas, University of New Brunswick. Collection was funded by a grant from the American Petroleum Institute. Saul Saila reviewed the manuscript and provided helpful criticism. 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Sickle, J. van. 1977. Mortality rates from size-distributions. Oecologia 27:311-318. Shuster, C. N„ Jr. 1951. On the formation of midseason checks in the shell of Mya. Anat. Rec. 1 1 1 :543. Tanaka, S. 1962. A method of analyzing a polymodal frequency distribution and its application to the length distribution of the porgy, Taius tumiforms (T. and S.). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 19:1143-1159. Tesch, F. W. 1971. Age and growth. Pages 98-130 in W. E. Ricker (ed.), Methods for Assessment of Fish Production in Fresh Waters. Int. Biol. Program, Handbook 3. Blackwell Scientific Publica- tions, Oxford. Thomas, M. L. H. 1973. Effects of Bunker C oil on intertidal and lagoonal biota in Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia. /. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30:83-90. . 1978. Comparison of oiled and unoiled intertidal com- munities in Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia. /. Fish. Res. Board Can. 35:707-716. Vanderhorst. J. R., J. W. Anderson, P. Wilkinson & D. L. Woodruff. 1978. Estimation of effects from oil on intertidal populations: experimental perturbations versus natural variaton. Pages 807- 820 in Proceedings of the Conference on Assessment of Ecological Impacts of Oil Spills, 14-1 7 June 1978. American Institute for Biological Sciences. Washington. D. C. Vandermeulen, J. H. 1977. The Chedabucto Bay spill-Arrow, 1970. Oceanus 20(4):31-39. & W. R. Penrose. 1978. Absence of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity in three marine bivalves. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 35:643-647. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, 51-55, 1981. RECENT ADVANCES IN HARD CLAM MARICULTURE1 J. L. McHUGH Marine Sciences Research Center,2 Slate University of New York, Stony Brook, NY 11794 ABSTRACT Failure to develop a satisfactory method of hard clam aquaculture, despite about 70 years of research, may be based on faulty premises. There is no problem raising hard clams to market size under artificial conditions provided adequate attention is given to care and to cleanliness. The only impediment is cost, which under present methods is too high for economic gain. The flaw may be reliance on small numbers of clams, thinking millions are sufficient when billions may be required to smother predation. Another flaw may be lack of adequate law enforcement. Grounds must be patrolled constantly to keep out violators. That means adequate coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. It also means adequate support in the courts so that the penalty for being caught is not worth the risk. Experimental management of the grounds might be a better method. An area could be divided into three parts, keeping one open and two closed -rotating the closed areas each year. If enforced adequately that would give sufficient protection to seed clams, and the management plan could be adjusted accordingly as knowledge accumulates of local conditions. INTRODUCTION Interest in the possibility of growing hard clams (Mercen- aria mercenaria) artificially has been evident in this country for at least 70 years. Shortly after the turn of the century. Belding (1909) advocated mariculture as a means of halting overfishing and increasing the supply of clams. Kellogg (1910) also believed that mariculture was the answer. Beginning in the late 1930s, Loosanoff and Davis (1949, 1963), and their associates believed that mariculture was feasible, and they developed many of the techniques on which present-day artificial propagation is based. Carson (1945) said that the fishery could be greatly developed by extensive farming. Since that time many people have toyed with the idea that artificial production of clams is feasible; but to date I am not aware of any enterprise operating on a consistently profitable basis. If it was, one would think that such procedures would be routine by now, and that substan- tial quantities of the hard-clam catch would be produced by artificial means. But they are not. What is the problem? Were the early enthusiasts too optimistic in their views? Were there unexpected difficul- ties not anticipated at first? Has development proceeded too haphazardly, failing to capitalize upon earlier break- throughs or failures? Which of those or other circumstances have interfered with success? What are the prospects for the future? STATUS OF KNOWLEDGE It is not necessary to go into great detail to show that there is no insuperable handicap to rearing hard clams under artificial conditions from fertilization of the egg to metamorphosis, or to market size. Environmental conditions '"The studies on which this paper is based were supported by grants from the New York Sea Grant Institute and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Department of Commerce. 2 Contribution 287, Marine Sciences Research Center. are known; food requirements are understood; disease can be controlled; and growth and survival are more than adequate. The chief problem is the cost of doing all those things. Production under artificial conditions to market size is simply not financially feasible, even though growth under ideal conditions can be several times faster than natural, and survival is much greater. Large quantities of eggs can be raised to metamorphosis at acceptable cost, and some growth of young also is possible. But at some stage, well before commercial size is reached, juveniles must be transferred to the natural environment if costs are to be held down. At the juvenile stage, clams are highly vulnerable to predators, of which there are many, and not enough survive to make the operation cost effective. Mike Castagna. of Chincoteague Bay, has come closest to solving that problem. He plants early juveniles in beds covered with an appropriate layer of crushed stone aggre- gate or other suitable material, provides baffles to cut down the disturbing action of waves, and also fences to keep out larger predators. He has been able to produce market-size clams at a cost of about 2.2 cents each (in 1976 dollars [Castagna and Kraeuter 1976]). That appears to be well within the economic feasibility of clam growing, especially since young clams are the most valuable and can be brought to market size in about two years. Yet, despite this apparent advantage there is no evidence that people in the industry are rushing to try the method. In fact, it has been tried in other places but with only limited success. More recently. MacKenzie (1979) proposed that preda- tion could be controlled easily by removing predators mechanically and at a reasonable cost. His method seems so simple that it is difficult to believe it is not already standard procedure. MacKenzie pointed out that the method must be demonstrated, must clearly be beneficial, that political support must be stimulated, and that clam-production specialists must guide the program until it is working properly. In addition, MacKenzie suggested that other 51 52 MCHUGH regulations including adequate protection of undersize clams must be continued, which could be the least workable portion of his method. ENFORCEMENT Enforcement of laws (or rather the lack of enforcement) could be one reason for failure of all clam-management plans. We cannot be sure of the reasons in other states, but in New York there certainly is reason to doubt that laws are being observed or enforced. It is most important that the minimum size law, especially, be rigidly observed because the basis of a clam-management plan is to assure an adequate nucleus o\ spawners to provide recruitment of new stocks. The present minimum size limit of one inch across the valves probably is satisfactory. A sizable take of clams less than one inch could have serious effects because the numbers of eggs produced would drop rapidly. In 1976, when the catch was only about 63% or less of the maximum, the lack of adequate law enforcement at the present time could seriously reduce the available brood stock. In Great South Bay, where most of New York's clam production is made, very few clams survive beyond littleneck stage because harvesting is so intense (Greene 1978). When production declines as it has in Great South Bay, and when prices are high, there is considerable incentive to ignore the cull law especially if law enforcement is inadequate. There is no doubt regarding the laxity of present enforcement (Mirchel 1980). Even if the laws are being applied well at the harbormaster level, judges are notably easy on violators, and may often reduce charges to lesser levels. It is not much of a deterrent to a violator if he pays S25 for the privilege of taking SI 00 or S200 or more worth of clams when there is a reasonably good chance he may get away with it altogether. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MAJOR CLAM SPECIES The decline in clam landings of the major species has not been significantly different. Hard-clam landings have dropped from almost 20 million pounds in 1947, to about 7.2 million in 19^9. a decline of about 63.9% (Figure 1). Soft-clam landings have dropped from about P.4 million in 1939. to about 8.3 million in 1979. a drop of about 52.4% (Figure 2). Surf-clam landings have dropped from about 96.1 million pounds in 1974, to 33.7 million pounds in 1979. a drop of about 65% (Figure 3). The main difference is the time it took to decline by those amounts. Surf-clam landings took only five years to show a decline. Surf-clam fishery history is shorter than the other clam fisheries, not beginning as a major fishery until after World War II. The hard- and soft -clam fisheries are much older. Despite their apparently greater vulnerability, they have taken much longer to decline from their peaks- hard clam: 32 years, and soft clam: 40 years. Intuition would suggest that just the opposite should have taken place. Easily accessible in nearshore shallow waters, hard and soft clams are taken with relatively inexpensive gear and boats, are considerably more vulnerable to pollution, and are subject to violation of laws, all of which would tend to indicate that they would also decline more quickly. That obviously was not so, and the question arises, why? An answer to that question might help to correct some manage- ment problems; but the answer is not clear. It is possible that restrictions on inshore clamming, which some biolo- gists and others have criticized as being unnecessary, have actually helped. For example, hard- and soft-clams cannot be taken with mechanical devices in most places. They must be harvested with tongs, rakes, or by hand. Nonmechanical harvesting is relatively easy on the bottom and usually does not break large numbers of clams. Heavy dredges, however, used on surf clams may break large numbers of clams, especially young clams. Dredges may also bury large num- bers of young, thus effectively destroying much of the recruitment that otherwise could be available. That difference is largely one of degree, however. Although they have declined more slowly, hard and soft clams also CO Q Z Z) o Q_ U. O CO z O z yo red. ^QL QUJ UJCL (- COCO 3t- "3 Z Q uj 5 days a year. It also means ade- quate support in the courts, so that the penalty for being caught is not worth the risk. An alternative method might be to try experimental management. One possibility would be to divide an area into three parts, keeping one open and two closed, then rotating the closed areas each year. If the closed areas Recent Advances in Hard Clam Mariculture 55 were adequately patrolled by law enforcement personnel, then the seed clams would be protected, and the plan could be adjusted to provide optimum yields as knowledge accumulated. All three methods probably should he tried, and adjusted as necessary to provide the best yields. That would be far better than the present system, which is haphazard and not notably successful. references cited Belding, D. L. 1909. A Report Upon the Mollusk Fisheries of Massachusetts. Wright and Potter Printing Co., Boston. 243 pp. Bricelj. V. M. 1979. Fecundity and related aspects of hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) reproduction in Great South Bay, New York. M.S. thesis. State University of New York, Stony Brook. 98 pp. Campbell. R. 1967. A report on the shellfish resources of Raritan Bay, New Jersey. Proceedings of the Conference on Pollution of Raritan Bay and Adjacent Interstate Waters. Third session. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, New York. App. A:653-681. Carson, R. L. 1945. Fish and shellfish of the middle Atlantic coast. U.S. Dcp. Inter. Conserv. Bull. 38:1-32. Castagna, M. & J. N.Kraeuter. 1976. The aggregate protection method of culturing the hard dam, Mercenaria mercenaria. 10th European Symp. Mar. Biol. Ostend, Belgium. Vol. 1:33 (abstract). Greene, G. T. 1978. Population structure, growth and mortality of hard clam at selected locations in Great South Bay, New York. M.S. thesis. State University of New York, Stony Brook. 199 pp. Kellogg, J. L. 1910. Shell-Fish Industries. American Nature Series. Croup IV, Working with Nature. Henry Holt and Co., New York. 361 pp. Loosanoff, V. L. & H. C. Davis. 1949. The spawning of quahogs in winter and culture of their larvae in the laboratory. 1949 Con- vention Addresses. National Shellfisheries Association: 58-66. . 1963. Rearing of bivalve mollusks.Pp. 1-1 36 in F.S.Russell (ed)., Advances in Marine Biology. Vol. 1. Academic Press, N.Y. MacKenzie, C. L., Jr. 1979. Management for increasing clam abun- dance. Mar. Fish. Rev. 41(10): 10-22. Mirchel, A. C. F. 1980. Enforcement of hard clam laws on Great South Bay, New York. M.S. thesis. State University of New York, Stony Brook. 135 pp. Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 1 , No. 1 , 57-67, 1981 . OYSTER MARICULTURE IN SUBBOREAL (MAINE, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) WATERS: CULTCHLESS SETTING AND NURSERY CULTURE OF EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN OYSTERS1 HERBERT HIDU, SAMUEL R. CHAPMAN AND DAVID DEAN Ira C. Darling Center for Research, Teaching and Service, University of Maine at Orono, Walpole, Maine 045 73; ABSTRACT This paper describes the development of cultchless setting and nursery culture techniques for European and American oysters [Ostrea edulis L. and Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), respectively] as adapted for the subboreal Maine, United States of America, environment. For several years the University of Maine has functioned as a supplementary com- mercial seed source and has evolved commercially workable techniques by a combined experimental and iterative approach. Ideally, the Maine oyster culturist should receive a 10- to 20-mm seed oyster at the end of May to most efficiently take advantage of the delayed but long-growing season. This may be achieved by starting the hatchery operation in late winter with a complete dependence on cultured algae. The alternative is a seed-hatchery operation during the optimal summer season necessitating development of overwintering techniques for very small cultchless oysters. Initially in developing cultchless setting techniques, it was found that polished marble was highly stimulatory as a setting surface. Unavoidable shell damage upon removal of the set and subsequent invasion of the protozoan Uronema marinum, however, compelled the development of small particle substrate to procure the cultchless seed oysters, in the interest of immediate production. Several kinds of calcium carbonate particles were found that stimulated setting including tropical beach sand, forami- niferal sand, marble chips, and mollusk shell chips. All larval setting techniques involved placing the particles in screened boxes housed in recirculating water baths. Larvae were stimulated to set by increased water temperatures and by the addition of adult oyster metabolites or extrapallial fluid. Nursery culture of cultchless oysters to commercial seed (10 to 20 mm) proceeded in two phases. Early nursery culture (to 2-mm size) was accomplished best in floating screened trays housed in recirculating water baths with cultured algae fed commensurate with clearing rates. Late nursery to market size seed was reared best either in field rafts housing nested screened boxes, or indoor stacked screened modules which could be operated either as open or closed systems. Culture gear including some overwintering apparatus is described and illustrated. INTRODUCTION This is the first in a series of papers describing the devel- opment of hatchery and growout techniques for European and American oysters, Ostrea edulis L. and Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), respectively, on the subboreal Maine. United States of America, coast. In 8 years of hatchery- related research at the University of Maine, a purely experi- mental approach has evolved into a production role for a predictable supply of seed to commercial oyster culturists. Resultant advances in techniques and gear innovations reported herein should be useful to commercial hatcheries in similar environments around the world. In 1970 and 1971, it was found that hatchery-reared cultchless oysters of both species performed exceptionally well in many of the diverse estuarine environments of Maine (Packie et al. 1976). Commercial use of hatchery-produced cultchless seed was attractive because Maine lacks a con- sistent natural-seed supply for either American or European oysters. Availability of cultchless oysters, by air freight from the west coast of the United States, further enhanced the feasibility of a new Maine oyster industry at that time. Through a modest extension program, Maine citizens were encouraged to experiment with commercial culture using a three-dimensional technique. By the mid-1 970's, over 100 persons were in various stages of experimentation with 1 Ira C. Darling Center Contribution No. 154. several beginning commercial and pilot-commercial culture operations. In 1976 and 1977, the west coast seed supplies became unreliable compelling the University of Maine to begin a commercial seed-production role to ensure that the new Maine growout industry would survive and grow. This subsidiary commercial role required that hatchery research be viewed from an entirely different perspective, i.e., from the view of a commercial operation trying to develop a financially viable business. Because yearly demand for seed oysters had increased to between 5 and 10 million cultchless seed oysters, it was necessary to construct culture gear and to innovate new techniques without benefit of an adequate reserach base. Techniques that sufficed on an experimental scale often were quite useless on a production scale. Because equipment had to be built before the season got underway, it was very difficult to change course in mid- season if the gear or technique proved inadequate. Occasion- ally crisis experiments were necessary to improve gear and techniques for the following season. This situation, we surmised, was very similar to that encountered by a new commercial hatchery. If some production was to be main- tained, time did not permit the luxury of more basic but relevant research. Faculty and students, however, developed research centered around the problems encountered (Hidu et al. 1975, Packie et al. 1976, Hidu et al. 1978, Plunket and Hidu 1978). Tins research, plus improvements in gear and technique through a process of 57 58 HIDU ET AL. iteration, led to significant advances in culture technology particularly with European oysters. Recently the seed-production mission was transferred to three private entrepreneurs* in Maine. The real value of this unusual University seed-production role is that significant advances in culture techniques can be reported; similar development accomplished privately would remain proprie- tary. Presented here are integrated descriptions of cultchless setting and nursery techniques that either incorporate original research, employ significant gear innovations, or are improvements on known hatchery techniques. HATCHERY LOCATION The University of Maine aquaculture facility is located at Wentworth Point, midway on the Damariscotta River estuary, in south-central Maine. The estuary is a narrow drowned river mouth, properly a ria, approximately 24 km in length. The selection of this site was dictated in part by nonhatchery-related considerations, although the location proved to be. for the most part, very favorable for a hatchery operation. Hydrography of the basin has been described by McAlice (1977). At the Wentworth Point site, which has a 0.75 km width and a 12-m depth, the estuary approaches a well- mixed condition. Seawater from the Gulf of Maine moving upstream at depth dominates the circulation. A mean tidal height at Wentworth Point of 2.8 m produces currents up to 1 m/sec, assuring excellent water circulation in field nursery trays adjacent to the hatchery. Annual salinities range between 27 and 33 ppt with only slight influence from the freshwater Damariscotta Lake discharging 12 km landward. Temperatures range from below 0.0°C (—1.8° during January and February) to midsummer maxima of 17 to 18°C during July, August, and many times, into September. The location is free of domestic, farm, or industrial pollution and is relatively productive (Packie et al. 1976); as much as 1.1 mg Carbon/L was fixed per 24 hr during the spring and late summer plankton blooms. These blooms have been dominated by chain-forming diatoms from the Gulf of Maine, most notably Skeletonema costatum, Asterionella japonica, and Chaetoceros spp. These algal species, however, were not useful as a supple- ment for larval and early juvenile feeding; therefore, reliance on cultured algae in hatchery operation has been necessary. HATCHERY STRATEGY Most Maine oyster growers prefer 10- to 20- mm seed in late May or early June to allow best utilization of the growing season which, in most areas, lasts from June to November. There have been difficulties associated with 'Marine Bioservices Inc.. South Bristol, ME: Cozy Harbor Sea Farms, Southport Island, Boothbay Harbor. ME; and Intertide, Inc., Harpswell, ME. smaller seed (< 10 mm), most importantly the need for increased equipment and handling. If oysters have been received late in the summer, the grower cannot take advan- tage of the full growing season and the chances for over- winter loss of small oysters increased. Growers should strive to have the bulk of their seed reach a size of at least 25 mm during the first season. To produce seed oysters of a suitable size and at the right time, the hatchery operator is faced with two alter- natives, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The first option is for an early season operation. It is possible to produce 10- to 20-mm oysters in May by starting condi- tioning of broodstock in late winter, i.e., February or March. The advantage of this alternative is the short inventory period from hatchery to sale, eliminating the need of risky overwintering procedures. Disadvantages include the cost of maintaining a seawater system during a difficult period, costly heating of seawater, and, most importantly, the absolute dependency on cultured algae for all phases of hatchery and nursery operations. The other alternative is a summer hatchery operation followed by a fall and winter nursery period to producd seed oysters of the proper size for the following spring. In Maine, conditions are optimal for a hatchery operating during the summer; hatchery systems are maintained easily; there is a minimal need to heat seawater: natural broodstock conditioning is advanced or retarded easily; and finally, natural algal popu- lations are abundant for feeding the spat in the late mursery phase. The drawback is that the seed stock must be over- wintered before sale, and overwintering of small European oysters is unreliable. If this element can be made secure, we would opt for a strong summer hatchery progTam. HATCHERY TECHNIQUE Setting Early experiments investigated the feasibility of using a variety of substrates including glass, various plastics, and polished granite, none of which was stimulatory to the setting of .American and European oysters. Similarly, the use of "Mylar" sheets (Dupuy and Rivkin 1972) did not appear feasible because European oysters were not stimu- lated to set, and the space and labor involved in incubation of sheets to finally obtain cultchless oysters appeared prohibitive in cost in a commercial application (Lipschultz and Krantz 1978). Polished marble, which is largely calcium carbonate, was found to be highly stimulatory to setting larvae of both species (Hidu et al. 1975). However, very large losses in the juvenile phase, described later, forced abandonment of these techniques in favor of small calcium carbonate particles in setting. Other experiments investigated factors that might stimu- late setting in mature European oyster larvae. Earlier work with American oysters indicated that a waterborne pher- mone from adult oysters stimulated setting of their larvae Oyster Mariculture in Subboreal Waters 59 (Hidu 1969, Veitch and Hidu 1971). A concentrated source of pheromone was found in extrapallial fluid (EPF); EPF was utilized routinely in the setting process with American oysters. With European oysters, however, Britisli workers strongly contented that the "gregarious setting response" was mediated by contact with specific compounds on the setting surface (Crisp 1965. 1974; Bayne 1969). No material stimulated metamorphosis in European oysters when added in solution or suspension by the British. However, we felt the surface chemistry versus waterborne pheromone mech- anisms needed further study since the outcome could have considerable bearing on our setting procedures. Contrary to British findings, all our experiments indicated stimulatory action of a waterborne pheromone in setting of European oysters (Hidu et al. 1978). Initially, extensive trials indicated that the addition of EPF in suspension was stimulatory immediately to setting in European oysters. A waterborne factor was demonstrated further by exposing mature European oyster larvae to EPF prior to exposure to cultch surface. The "pretreated" larvae then set at signifi- cantly higher rates than untreated controls but significantly lower than larvae in cultures that contained EPF and cultch shell together. Thus evidence was obtained that European oyster larvae would respond to metabolites in suspension similar to American oysters. Ultimately, all of this informa- tion was utilized in our hatchery setting procedures. WORKABLE SETTING TECHNIQUES By using 300-^m calcium carbonate particles and changing nursery techniques, survival rates of mature larvae to 2 -mm spat quickly rose from less than lOSc to over 50%. Small par- ticle techniques are still being refined, but for the present, the following has been the most workable method. The objective has been to obtain a batch of uniform mature larvae, the majority of which would set on the small particles in a relatively short time . This has been accomplished by grading larvae with stainless steel screens. Mature larvae have been removed selectively using a sieve series of 70, 80, and 90 meshes per inch. The larvae retained on the 70-mesh screen should have the ability to set when stimulated to do so. Metamorphosis should be delayed as long as possible before putting the larvae into setting baths to ensure the best response to the particles. This has been accomplished by retaining graded mature larvae in 400-liter polyethylene vessels before introduction into the setting baths. Polyeth- ylene surfaces have not (in most cases) been stimulatory to setting, especially to European oysters. An early workable system utilized a 60-liter polyethylene vessel into which a PVC -lined screened box was placed. Setting particles were added to cover the screen to a depth of about 5 mm and cultured algal foods were added in excess. The water was then recirculated gently through the box with an air-lift system. More recently, the screened boxes with larvae and chips were merely inserted into the recirculating baths which also were used for initial rearing of early juveniles (Figure 1). In the setting baths conditions were manipulated to obtain a massive set in as short a time as possible. Water quality in the setting baths was maintained and the conver- sion of larvae to spat maximized. Since it has been demon- strated that adult waterborne oyster metabolites and increased temperatures may stimulate setting in oysters (Lutz et al. 1969), the water temperature was raised to 24 to 26°C; several liters of 1 jjni filtered seawater from the adult oyster conditioning baths were added. With a vigorous brood of larvae which have delayed setting, these conditions produced a heavy set on the small particles within several hours up to a day. The setting bath was then maintained for several days with daily water changes until the spat achieved a sufficient size to be screened away from the 300-jum particles. Spat reaching a diameter of 500 /Jin were separated from the particles using a 50-mesh/inch screen. Behavioral differences between American and European oysters in setting have been noted; therefore, apparatus and procedures had to be modified accordingly. For example, European oysters were delayed easily in their metamorphosis in polyethylene larval culture vessels, but American oysters would set, en ?nasse, on the sides of the vessel almost instantly. American oysters have a high tendency to set on the sides of the PVC-lined box inserts, whereas European oysters "seek out" the particles on the screens. Therefore, it appeared necessary to have very shallow inserts for American oysters or to construct the inserts of material that was not conducive to setting. Adding a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the sides of the inserts prevented setting on the vessel sides and apparently was not detrimental to the oysters. The two species have different preferences for calcium carbonate particles. European oysters would set well on a variety of particles including shell chips, marble chips, tropical beach sand, and foraminiferal sand from marine deposits. The American oyster was more selective, with beach sand giving poor results. Overall, the European oyster at setting was a more cooperative animal in the hatchery than its American cousin. NURSERY CULTURE Cultchless oysters must be carefully nurtured to a size that would allow a commercial grower to efficiently handle the product . Originally, the culturists purchased a 3- to 6-mm "window screen" size oyster; commercial growers, however, experienced variable performance and handling difficulties with the very small seed oysters. The optimal size salable seed oyster was 10 to 20 mm. To achieve that size, the hatchery-nursery system had to be divided into two or three components: (1) an early nursery, entailing an indoor controlled system to grow seed oysters from metamorphosis to 2- to 3-mm size; (2) a late nursery, a controlled indoor or outdoor system to produce 10- to 20-mm seed, and/or (3) an overwintering procedure if small oysters were produced late in the growing season. 60 HlDU ET AL. \J/ Figure 1. Setting and early nursery dual tanks each with a 270-liter capacity. Construction materials: 1.9 cm exterior plywood. 5.08 cm x 10.16 cm planks. 0.25 cm PVC sheet stock. PVC Sch 80 pipe, PVC ball values, and plastic magntic drive pumps. Construction: laminate the PVC sheets to the plywood sheets before cutting plywood for the tank, eliminating cumbersome procedure of fitting PVC sheets to tank interior. Weld all PVC seams to ensure a watertight seal. Mount pump for each side behind tank in a wooden enclosure for protection from salt spray. Overall inside tank dimensions: 0.6 < 0.6 \ 1.8 m with enure system resting on a 0.6 x 2.4 m plywood base. Cost: approximately $250 per tank plus 25 hours labor for construction using purchased materials for five dual units (1978 dollar value). In use, the tank is tilled just below the PVC ball valves. Tank water is drawn into the pump from a port location one-third the distance from the bottom of the tank and is pumped to a manifold at the top rear of the tank. Each tank is drained centrally. The recirculating system, including pumps and piping, should be drained and rinsed periodically with fresh water. On a regular schedule the entire tank should be tilled with freshwater detergent or Clorox mixture and recirculated for several hours to remove protozoan, bacterial and algal Him buildup. Tank inserts include (a) early design wooden PVC impregnated setting boxes, and (b) floating PVC frames with mesh. Wooden boxes were constructed of 1.27 cm exterior plywood painted with heavy duty PVC cement. Bottoms were covered with 180 Nytex mesh with a surface area of 2,173 cm and can accommodate 250,000 setting larvae. The newer floating frames were constructed of 3.8-cm PVC-OWV pipe, mitered and welded at the corners. These were fitted with 180 N'ytex mesh when used as setting trays, or fiberglass window screen when used for spat growth. The Nytex mesh must be glued to the frames; the fiberglass window screen may be welded on. A bead of clear silicone sealer was laid between the inside mesh edge and the PVC frame to prevent larvae or spat entrapment. Frames were built 2.5-cm smaller than inside dimension of the tanks to facilitate handling. The PVC frames have a mesh surface area of 3.825 cm" and easily accommodate 350.000 setting larvae. These frames also may be used in conjunction with the spat growing module described in Figure 3. Oyster Mario/litre in Sebbori al Waters 61 Early Nursery Culture -Evolution of Technique Cultchless oysters have to be nurtured up to the 2- to 3-mm size under closely controlled hatchery conditions. New cultchless oysters were very fastidious in their food requirements. The fine screens necessary for holding them were very resistant to water flow due to a surface-tension effect. Thus, an early outdoor placement was impractical, whatever the season. Nursery operations in the first 3 years suffered cata- strophic losses of cultchJess spat, preventing any significant hatchery production. Losses, in most cases, followed a similar pattern. Spat (removed from polished marble and placed under a variety of closed systems) were observed to repair damaged shell edges readily and to grow rapidly until an 0.8- to 1 .0-mm size was attained. Then the spat became very transparent, ceased significant growth, and eventually were lost in a mass mortality. A free-swimming ciliated protozoan. Uronema marinum, and attached ciliates f'orticella sp. and Zoothamnium sp. became epizootic prior to and during the mortalities. At the time, several probable causes for the losses seemed apparent and. no doubt, the causes were interrelated. It was apparent that uncoated fiberglass in a closed system with 3 2-day period between water changes was marginally toxic to spat. Further, severe damage to some spat removed from the marble may have allowed buildup of ciliated protozoan U. marinum populations (Piunket and Hidu 1978). Although studies have indicated that U. marinum is entirely a bacterial feeder, the protozoan readily entered healthy appearing oysters and, in large numbers, probably con- tributed to the oyster mortalities. Cessation of oyster growth at intermediate sizes, in the presence of sufficient food, suggested that food quality was not a problem but that some other element (either depleting or excessive) became limiting with the larger oyster biomass in the tanks. Ammonia buildup or calcium depletion also appeared possible, either of which would affect oyster growth. The slowed growth rates contributed to the eventual mass invasion of commensal protozoans; thus, the protozoans became food competitors and, in severe cases, appeared to prevent the oysters from feeding. Because of these continued losses, and the urgent need to produce large numbers of seed oysters as quickly as possible, a change in approach became necessary. The following simultaneous steps were taken in the nursery system: 1. Change of cultchless setting procedure eliminating the polished marble technique and utilizing small particle technology. 2. Elimination of fiberglass and metal from all water- contact surfaces in rearing modules. 3. Change of maintenance protocol to more frequent changes with more coarsely filtered seawater. and the use of redundant culture modules that had been purged with a water-Clorox mixture during downtime. With these new techniques, oyster survivals increased dramatically to over 50%. At once, U. marinum became rare in the cultures, and the epifaunal protozoa, although always present in low numbers, never built up to epidemic proportions. Workable Early Nursery Techniques Cultchless spat of either species at 0.5 mm size were separated by screening from vacant 300-Mm particles in the setting containers and placed on floating screens in a 270- liter closed system (Figure 1 ). Initially, a 0.5 x 0.5 m screen carried 250.000 new spat with the numbers reduced to 50.000 spat at 2 mm. Baths were drained daily, and new seawater added was coarsely bag-filtered to 10 £im and held at 25 ± 1°C for both species. Spat were sprayed daily on the screens with cold fresh water to reposition the oysters and to remove as much particulate waste material as possible. On alternate days the oysters were removed to a clean screen and placed in a culture module purged wnh a water-Clorox mixture during the previous 48 hours. Cultured algae Isochrysis galbana, Monochiysis luthcri, and Cyclotella nana were added daily at an initial rate of 8 x 1010 cells per 250.000 spat. As the seed oysters grew, food demands increased to several times the original amount. In all cases, the feeding rate was varied commensurate with clearing rates of the spat. A reduction in clearing rates from the previous day was an indication of adverse conditions or loss of vigor of the spat. The early nursery phase normally ended when the spat reached 2 mm: about the same time we were no longer able to meet the demand for cultured food. Larger culturing facilities may find it advantageous to extend the early nursery phase. Late Nursery Culture The late nursery stage began when daily food require- ments of growing seed exceeded the ability to provide them with cultured algae, and extended to the time optimal salable size had been attained. If conditions were adequate in the outdoor nursery area, the cultchless spat were placed directly outside in floating invertible boxes (Hidu and Richmond 1974,Gillmor 1978, Walker 1979), or in a rafted tray culture module similar to that pictured in Figures 2a and 2b. In either case, testing with small batches of seed prior to a large placement was essential. More research is needed to determine acceptable outdoor conditions for early cultchless spat. An adequate algal standing crop of the proper species with adequate salinity, temperature, and current velocity are obvious necessities. To illustrate the uncertainty of outdoor placement, in 1974. a batch of 2-mm European oysters was placed in invertible floating trays. Temperatures were 9°C in mid-May with a verv apparent bloom of natural phytoplankton. The seed oysters responded immediately, doubling and redoubling their size in a short period time. In the following year, HiDii r:T al. The field module (Figure 2A) is constructed in two separate parts-the flotation collar-workdeck and the inner submersed tray stacking frame. Workdeck is constructed of 2 x 4" and 4 x 4" spruce, 0.62 x 10.16-cm steel plate, and styrofoam flotation (2,475 kg). Overall dimensions are 2.14 x 0.46 x 6.71 m. The inner stacking frame is constructed of 2 x 4", 4 x 4" and 2 x 8" spruce, 0.63 cm steel plate, 1.27-cm steel rods, and 0.64 x 3.81-cm steel angle iron. Overall dimensions are 1.83 x 0.076 x 5.2 m. The inner framework is divided into six bays constructed 1.27-cm larger than the 0.61 x 0.61-m wooden trays it accepts. It is crossbraced and stiffened with 1.27-cm steel rods running from corner to corner, and others running between the bays. There are four angle-iron brackets which hang from the inner framework and act as self-locking stiffeners for the workdeck when the frame is bolted up into the floating workdeck. The inner unit is removable to allow placement of spat on bottom during Maine winter-ice conditions. Each bay in the submerged frame will accept 14 stacked trays. The top tray is a spacer to keep the stack properly submerged; the bottom tray is fitted with stryofoam to provide a constant positive flotation when the wooden trays are water sodden. With flotation on the bottom, the stacked trays behave much like trays in a cafeteria tray dispenser. When the top tray is removed, the next tray will float and the remainder continue to surface as the top trays are removed. Trays are constructed of 3.48-cm spruce, 3.48-cm galvanized epoxy-dipped lobster trap staples, and appropriate mesh sizes on two ends and on the bottom of the tray. The upper and lower edges of the trays are rabbeted to provide positive locking of the stacked trays and to help prevent small spat from being washed out by wave action. Nylon line (0.64 cm diameter) looped about the tray stack and tied taut on the top easily secures the trays within the stack preventing spat loss. This facilitates raising the stacks when the submerged tray framework is heavily fouled. In the field, the complete module is positioned perpendicular (Figure 2B) to the prevailing current to provide maximum water exchange in the trays. This unit is a highly stable work platform, and provides ample work space with all the trays removed and stacked on deck for periodic air drying. Total cost of the finished unit plus 200 trays was approximately S2,100 (1978 dollars). The unit requires 125 to 140 manhours of labor to assemble. The field nursery unit has been in use for 5 years and shows only minor wear and rusting on the flotation collar-workdeck. Underwater inspection of the submerged framework has revealed no appreciable erosion or deterioration of the wood, and no noticeable corrosion of the steel rods. This unit is expected to provide continuous service for at least 7 to 10 years. Oyster Mariculture in Subboreal Waters 63 Figure 2A. Field module designed to accept stacked wooden trays to grow cultchless spat in an outdoor nursery environment. Figure 2B. Field module positioned perpendicular to prevailing current. 64 HlDU ET AL. however, with temperatures at 1 1°C and an apparent similar bloom, a test group of European seed oysters did not grow and eventually were lost. Therefore, the qualitative nature of the phytoplankton bloom, i.e., presence of usable small forms, may be crucial to the early field success of seed oysters. Commercial growers also have noted this effect, reempha- sizing the need for hatchery production of larger seed oysters. A major problem with outdoor nursery culture in any area is marine fouling of the tray mesh resulting in reduced water flow and food transport. Provisions must be made for redundant trays so that oysters can be transferred to clean trays, thus allowing several days of air drying and cleaning of the fouled trays before reuse. A system of floating invertible tr3ys (Hidu and Richmond 1974, Gillmor 1978, Walker 1979) which allows periodic air drying also is an effective method for reducing fouling of the small tray mesh. Overwintering Successful overwintering of small seed oysters would allow hatchery operations to be continued to the summer season when the operations are most efficient. Studies, now in progress, are defining an optimal overwintering procedure; several helpful suggestions for optimal overwintering can be offered. Initially, there appeared to be strong species differ- ences in winter hardiness. Overwintering small (down to 5 mm) American oyster seed presented no problem regard- less of condition. Small European oysters, however, did present a problem. European oysters, whatever their size, did not withstand prolonged periods of water temperature below 0.0°C. Overwintering, either in a tempered laboratory or in a more stenothermal oceanic situation, appeared mandatory. Size of seed oysters was a factor. While over- wintering large experimental batches of European oysters in the Great Bay estuary. New Hampshire, Kevin Tacey (personal communication) experienced high losses of seed oysters below a 35-mm size; his larger size oysters suffered little mortality. Late handling (December) also may be detrimental because shell margins may be chipped when the spat can no longer repair themselves. Equipment for overwintering small European seed oysters is under development (Figures 3 and 4). It may be possible to hold large numbers of small seed oysters with slightly tempered water temperatures and periodic, low-level feeding. Preliminary results are encouraging but no definite recom- mendations can be made at this time. CONCLUSIONS The development of cultchless setting techniques raises important questions concerning the legal or proprietary nature of the process. It is difficult to work with any aspect without apparently infringing on patents which often are broadly stated. If this situation is not resolved, then the cultchless oyster may not achieve its potential in marine food production. The origin of the concept of cultchless setting, and the legal right to patent the concept appear questionable. The French appear to have originated the concept before the turn of the century with naturally produced seed oysters. Lime-coated tiles were placed in a spat-collecting area throughout the summer and fall, and "cultchless oysters" were procured during the winter months by stripping the tiles. The French procured about 1 billion cultchless seed oysters (0. edulis) in this manner annually for use in their on-bottom growout beds (Bardach et al. 1972). The concept of procuring cultchless oysters in the hatchery is attributed generally to William Budge of Pacific Mariculture. Inc.. of California. U.S.A. (Budge 1970). The Budge Patent No. 3,526,209 was filed on November 30, 1967, and patented, September 1. 1970. A second patent, however, by Long Island Oyster Farms, Inc. (LIOF 1970) was filed later on April 12, 1968, but patented earlier. February 17, 1970. If both patents are valid, then one must conclude that the concept of cultchless setting is not patentable but specific approaches to the process are. Although the processes and apparatus reported herein were derived in a completely independent fashion, several aspects of our methods appear to infringe on rather broadly stated patents. For example, it is difficult, if not impossible, to rear early cultchless oysters without housing the spat on a screen and passing food-laden water through the screen. Our nursery apparatus (Figures 1 and 3) depends on this and yet the patents of Budge and LIOF both claim the method. Similarly, our field-rearing module (Figures 2A and 2B) depends on stacked screened cages secured in a floating raft to allow algae-laden seawater to pass through. But such an apparatus is specifically prohibited by Fordham (1972), Patent No. 3.650.244. The floating invertible tray, although we picture it (Hidu and Richmond 1974), and mention it (Gillmor 1978) herein, has been patented by Walker (1979). These interactions border on the ludicrous and the ridiculous; however, the overall effect may be to stifle all progress in cultchless oyster culture. It is literally impossible to rear a cultchless seed oyster without infringing on someone's broadly stated patent. Unfortunately, the remaining problems with rearing cultchless oysters appear not to be biological, but legal. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the support of NOAA, Office of Sea Grant, University of Maine at Orono, Project No. R/A-l, and the financial support of the University of Maine at Orono through Dr. Frederick E. Hutchinson, Vice President for Research and Public Service. Mr. William Bowers of Wiscasset, Maine, drafted the figures; Mr. Samuel Chapman, the second author, originated many of the concepts and constructed all of the culture gear pictured herein. Dr. Malvern Gilmartin and Mr. Ronald Dearborn added encouragement throughout the study. Oyster Maricultcre in Subboreal Waters 65 Figure 3. Experimental module for overwintering smal] cultchless oyster spat. Essentia! components of this unit consist of a series of stacked trays housing floating PVC frames, dual holding tanks for particulate settlement, degassing and algal food reservoir, and an apparatus to operate the unit either as an open or as a closed system. The stacked tray unit is constructed of 5.08-cm Sch 80 PVC pipe, 0.64-cm exterior plywood painted with floor enamel, various Sch 80 PVC fittings, and floating PVC framed screens as described in Figure 1 . The structural frame for the trays consists of six 5.08-cm Sch 80 support legs, and fourteen 1.91-cm Sch 80 pipe sections welded onto 0.61 x 1.5 m rectangular frames and spaced 10.16 cm apart for sliding the plywood trays. The 5.08-cm PVC legs also serve as the water distribution and drainage mechanism. Threaded tees 5.08-cm fitted with threaded plugs attach lo the bottom of the legs and allow for watertight drainage plus the ability to level the entire unit by adjusting the threaded plugs. The painted plywood trays accept the PVC floating trays and provide a water depth of 3.81 cm. The wooden trays are fabricated from 0.64-cm exterior AB plywood, with pine sides nailed and glued with a water-resistant glue, and painted with three coats of floor enameL Inside dimensions of the trays are 4.45 x 52.68 x 85.09 cm. The PVC welds between the 1.91-cm pipe and the 5.08-cm legs are strong enough to preclude the necessity of cross bracing. This unit is capable of handling 7 million oyster spat in the 1- to 2-mm range, and 3 to 5 million spat in the 5- to 10-mm range. During a flov. -through operation, seawater at the proper tempera- ture enters tank A through 10 \Jra nylon filter bags Tank A overflows through a standpipe into tank B. Residence time for both tanks is 12 minutes which is adequate for degassing when the AT is no greater than 8 C above ambient. From tank B the water is pumped through PVC piping into the leg manifold (C) of the stacked module. Here water flow is adjusted to between 1 and 2 liters per minute into each tray by 0.64-cm PVC ball valves. The stream of water flows in diagonally, and drains from a portal opposite the entry point The drains are 1.27-cm 90 male insert adapters that have had their openings enlarged with a 1.27-cm drill. The 90 adapter is connected to the drain leg by vinyl tubing which is secured to the drain leg with a bored stopper. The drain support legs are connected to and empty into a sump well (D). During the feeding operation, the unit is operated as a closed- recuculating system The mixed temperature water is shut off at tank A. Algae is added to tank B through fill-line E. The water and algae mixture follows path B-C-D-B. During this feeding phase, the sump pump in well D pumps algae-laden water back into tank B. By controlling the algal flow from E to B, specific feeding regimes for specific times may be achieved with minimal algal wastage. Cost of the PVC framework is about $280 plus approximately 40 hours of assembly time. The wooden trays cost about $7 each including materials and labor: the floating frames cost $12 each. It is recommended a minimum clearance of 10 cm be allowed between wooden trays. This provides enough space to visually monitor the spat without disturbance. Wooden trays are removed easily if a bottom drain plug is included for draining prior to sliding trays from the module. 66 HlDU ET AL. Figure 4. Universal laboratory module which allows advancement or retardation of conditioning broodstock or holds cultchless seed oysters under ambient or a modified temperature regime. This unit may be operated as a closed system in artificial feeding. In that case, the catch basin acts an an ileal reservoir and the trays are supplied by activating the recirculation pump. The ambient seawater to this sytem is coarsely filtered through a 1-mm mesh to take advantage of natural phytoplankton production. Water is piped to this unit through a 2.54-cm PVC drop-down. Manifolds of 1.91-cm PVC then branch out horizontally across the tray levels and deliver water through 0.64-cm PVC ball valves. The ball valve openings have been drilled to 0.64 cm. and will deliver 4 liters per minute when water pressure is 4.5 to 5 psi. All of the piping in this unit can be disassembled for periodic cleaning which is mandatory under constant usage. This is accomplished by using PVC unions which may be expensive initially but quickly pay for themselves in time saved when cleaning the system. The water temperature control may be attached to the end of the module. A water-filled glass tube houses the copper temperature probe near the bottom of the unit. The mixing tank holds 42 liters of water and measures 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.45 m. The back is constructed of 1.27-cm PVC stock, while the front and other sides are 0.64 cm PVC sheeting. The corners of the tank are welded to form a sturdy, watertight compartment. The 0.64-cm thickness will withstand drilling and tapping for additional connections and drains. Tempera- ture mixing is accomplished by the thermostat switching on and off solenoids. One solenoid is always open and, at a water pressure of 4.5 to 5 psi. provides a constant flow of 81 liters per minute at - 3 C. In the 26.5-liter trays, a lesser flow 1 1 liter per minute) allows the temperature to be controlled within ± 0.25 C. Solenoids are the dry type, no seawater touches the metal plunger which valves the water. The body is nylon, the plunger diaphragm :s neoprene. and the valving is "normally closed." Normally closed solenoids stop water flow when deenergized. This assures "hat. in the case of a power failure, experiments or animals fed by the mixing tank will not be killed by high temperatures. All electrical connections are made with watertight fittings to make the unit as safe as possible. However, there is a measurable electrical leakage from the metal solenoid core to the seawater ground. Required maintenance of the mixing tank includes cleaning the interior with hot fresh water whenever fouling is noticeable, keeping the glass sensing bulb full with fresh water, and occasional replacement of i solenoid coil or diaphragm. A 0.64-cm PVC ball valve is threaded into the top of the mixing tank and serves as an escape vent for gases evolved in heating water. One of these units has been continuously used for 5 years with only occasional replacement of component parts. Total cost of materials for this mixing box was S140 in 1974, and at least 8 hours of assembly time was required. Oyster Mariculture in Subboreal WATERS 67 REFERENCES CITED Bardach, J. E., J. H. Rythcr&.W. 0. McLarney. 1972. Aquacullure: Vic Fanning and Husbandry of Fresh water and Marine Organisms. Wiley Interscience, New York. N.Y. 868 pp. Bayne, B. L. 1969. The gregarious behavior of the larvae of Ostrca cdulis L. at settlement. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 49:327:356. Budge, W. W. 1970. Method and apparatus for growing free oyster spat. U.S. Patent No. 3.526,209. Crisp, D. J. 1965. Surface chemistry, a factor in the settlement of marine invertebrate larvae. Botanica Gothoburgensia III. Proc. Fifth Marine Biol. Sym.. Goteburg. pp. 5 1-65. . 1974. Factors influencing the settlement of marine invertebrate larvae. Pages 177-265 in P. T. Grant and A. M. Mackie (eds. ), Cheinoreccption in Marine Organisms. Academic Press, London. Dupuy, J. L. & S. Rivkin. 1972. The development of laboratory techniques for the production of cultch-free spat of the oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Chesapeake Sci. 13:45-52. Iordham, E. C. 1972. Method and apparatus for protecting and enhancing the growth of young shellfish sets. U.S. Patent No. 3,650.244. Gillmor, R. 1978. Suspension culture of European oysters [Ostrca edulis D.Proc. Nat. Shellfish. Assoc. 68:78 (abstract). Hidu, H. 1969. Gregarious setting in the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica Gmelin. Chesapeake Sci. 10(21:85-92. . S. Chapman & P. W. Soule. 1975. Cultchless setting of European oysters, Ostrca edulis, using polished marble. Proc. Nat. Shellfish. Assoc. 65:13-14. Hidu. H. & M. S. Richmond. 1974. Commercial oyster aquaculture in Maine. Maine Sea Grant Bull. 2, IraC. Darling Center, Univer- sity of Maine at Orono, Walpole, Maine. 59 pp. Hidu, II., W. G. Valleau & F. P. Veitch. 1978. Gregarious setting in European and American oysters-response to surface chemistry vs. waterborne pheromones. Proc. Nat. Shellfish. Assoc. 68:11-16. Lipschultz, F. & G. Krantz. 1978. An analysis of oyster hatchery production of cultched and cultchless oysters utilizing linear programming optimization techniques. Proc. Nat. Shellfish. Assoc. 68:5-11. Long Island Oyster Farms, Inc. 1970. Artificial rearing of oysters. U.S. Patent No. 3,495.573. Lutz, R. A., H. Hidu & K. G. Drobeck. 1969. Acute temperature increase as a stimulus to setting in the American oyster, Cras- sostrea virginica Gmelin. Proc. Nat. Shellfish. Assoc. 60:68-71. McAlicc, B. J. 1977. A preliminary oceanographic survey of the Damariscotta River estuary, Lincoln County, Maine. Maine Sea Grant Technical Report 13. TR-13-77. Ira C. Darling Center, Walpole, Maine. 27 pp. Packic, R. L.. H. Hidu & M. S. Richmond. 1976. The suitability of Maine waters for culturing oysters C. virginica and O. edulis. Maine Sea Grant Technical Report MSG-TR- 10-76. Ira C. Darling Center, Walpole. Maine. 22 pp. Plunket, L & H. Hidu. 1978. The role of Uronema marinum (Protozoa) in oyster hatchery production. Aquaculture 15:219-224. Veitch, F. P. & 11. Hidu. 1971. Gregarious setting in the American oyster Crassostrea virginica Gmelin. I. Properties of a partially purified "setting factor." Chesapeake Sci. 12(3): 173- 178. Walker. 1. 1979. Method of raising oysters. U.S. Patent No. 4,170,197. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. l,No. 1,69-73, 1981. USE OF LIPID-SPECIFIC STAINING TECHNIQUES FOR ASSAYING CONDITION IN CULTURED BIVALVE LARVAE1 SCOTT M. GALLAGER AND ROGER MANN Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 ABSTRACT A simple, inexpensive, rapid technique for qualitatively assaying the nutritional status of bivalve larvae in large-scale cultures is described and evaluated. Lipid has been identified as being the major energy reserve of developing and metamorphosing larvae. Adverse culture conditions affect normal patterns of lipid accumulation and utilization. A lipid-specific staining technique, using either Sudan Black B or Oil Red O, was used to monitor metabolic dysfunction and larval health as related to culture conditions, and subsequently evaluated as a diagnostic tool for culture assessment. In a series of matrix design experiments with larvae of the bivalve Teredo navalis Linne" [three temperatures: 10°, 20°, and 30 C; and two food species, Isochrysis galbana (Parke) and Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bohlin), plus relevant starva- tion controls] , both temperature and food species were demonstrated to have profound affects on growth, on size of the stained lipid reserve area of the digestive gland, and on the extent of lipid mobilization as indicated by the presence of diffuse coloration in the tissues following staining. The high lipid content of healthy larvae and subsequent depletion during imposed starvation periods were visualized with the staining technique and substantiated by comparative gross biochemical analysis of actively growing and starved larvae. The study concluded that the lipid staining technique could be used as a diagnostic tool for rapidly assessing condition of cultured larvae. INTRODUCTION With the development of refined techniques for large- scale culture of bivalve larvae by Walne (1956), and by Loosanoff and Davis (1963), hatchery rearing of bivalve seed offered a realistic option for restocking the depleted natural supply of bivalve shellfish. Since that time hatchery techniques have been modified and improved so that excellent production usually can be expected (Dupuy et al. 1978). However, the inability to adequately control certain parameters, such as state of broodstock or periodic changes in water quality , and to predict the effects of such variability on larval growth has led most hatchery operators to adopt an array of larval-condition monitoring techniques. These include shell growth rate, larval mortality rate, microscopic examination of behavior, morphology, and disease signs (Elston and Leibovitz 1 980). More involved assay procedures, such as histological examination for tissue necrosis and respir- ation rate measurements as an indicator of metabolic activity, generally have been confined to research laboratories. Lipid plays an essential energetic role in the normal pattern of growth and metamorphosis in bivalve larvae (see Holland 1978, for review). Helm et al. (1973) described a direct relationship between total lipid content of newly released larvae of the oyster Ostrea edulis L. and subsequent viability and larval growth rate. These studies suggested that continuous monitoring of total lipid content of larvae in intensive culture systems could provide valuable information concerning their general condition and relative metabolic state (e.g., stressed, starved, or healthy). Techniques neces- sary to effect such analyses are labor- and time-intensive, Contribution No. 4772 from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- tion, Woods Hole. Massachusetts 02543. and require expensive equipment not found in average hatchery operations. A simple and inexpensive technique has been developed to qualitatively monitor both accumu- lation of larval lipid reserves during normal growth and changes in lipid distribution associated with adverse culture conditions or environmental stress. The technique involves staining subsamples of culture populations with a lipid- specific stain and microscopic examination of whole larvae. METHODS AND MATERIALS A series of matrix experiments were designed to deter- mine the effects of two environmental variables, tempera- ture and food species, on growth and lipid accumulation in larvae of the bivalve Teredo navalis L. Two species of uni- cellular algae , Isochrysis galbana (Parke) and Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bohlin), were grown in semicontinuous culture using the methods of Walne (1965) and Ukeles (1973) on f/2 medium (GuiUard and Ryther 1962) at 20°C. Nine groups of T. navalis larvae were grown in four L-glass jars at an initial density of 1 larva/ml; seawater (0.22 nm filtered) and food were changed at 2-day intervals. Three of the nine groups were maintained at 10°C, three at 20 C, and three at 30°C. One group from each temperature regime was fed I. galbana at a density of 5 X 104 cells/ml, one was fed P. tricornutum at the same density, and the third was maintained in the 0.22 pirn filtered seawater with no food additions (hereafter termed starved). At each change of seawater and food, subsamples of approximately 100 larvae were removed from each of the nine groups. These were, in turn, narcotized by a modifi- cation of the method of Turner and Boyle (1974), and stained specifically for lipid with either Sudan Black B 69 70 Gallaglr and Mann (C.I. 26150) or Oil Red O (C.I. 26125) by the procedure outlined below. After staining, the shell length and height, and the diameter of the stained digestive gland area were recorded for 30 individuals from each group. Larvae repre- senting the mean of both parameters were photographed at a magnification of 250X with high contrast black and white film (Kodak Technical Pan 2415) to accentuate the stained material. Procedure for Narcotizing and Staining Bivalve Larvae I. Narcotizing and Fixing A. Pipet larvae (10 to 1000) into 6 ml vial or small petri dish with ~ 2 ml seawater. B. Add 2 drops 7.5 MgCl2 solution, wait 5 minutes; add 1 ml MgCl2 , wait 5 minutes; add 2 ml MgCl2 , wait 5 minutes. C. Remove fluid leaving larvae on bottom— replace with MgCl2 . D. Test state of larvae by pipetting a few into 10% buffered formalin, when ready (i.e., larvae do not contract), add ~ 5 drops formalin. II. Preparation of Stain A. Dissolve 0.75 g Sudan Black B (C.I. 26150) or Oil Red O (C.I. 26125) in 100 ml ethylene glycol heating to ~ 60°C. B. Filter hot through Whatman no. 2 paper and refrigerate, filter again when cool. III. Staining for Lipid A. Allow larvae to settle from step ID, remove all fluid leaving larvae on bottom. B. Add ~ 1 ml Sudan Black B or Oil Red O solution and stain for a minimum of 1 hour. C. Pipet off stain solution and add pure ethylene glycol (~ 1 ml) to clear excess stain. D. Let stand for a minimum of 30 minutes for Oil Red O or for 4 hours for Sudan Black B (large larvae in Sudan Black B may require up to 24 hours to clear). E. Pipet off discolored ethylene glycol and replace with pure ethylene glycol; clearing is completed when excess stain ceases to color the medium. F. Observe and photograph/mount in viscous medium (e.g., glycerol jelly). The narcotization procedure is not absolutely necessary to achieve desired results but does increase the potential for localizing lipid droplets in the velum. If necessary, larvae may be left in 10% buffered formalin (step ID) for a few days prior to staining. There is no maximum time for the staining procedure (step IIIB) since ethylene glycol should not alter gross lipid distribution (Humason 1962). Further information for obtaining permanent whole mounts of larvae may be found in Humason (1962). Tissues surrounding the digestive gland remained stained after a prolonged clearing period of up to 48 hours for some groups. This diffuse coloration of the tissues did not photo- graph well with black and white film making it necessary to note the coloration present while observing through the microscope. Quantitative data for total lipid levels of T. navalis larvae grown at 20°C and fed /. galbana with subsequent 3-day star- vation periods were determined colorimetrically on groups of 1,000 to 2,000 freeze-dried larvae after chloroform- methanol extraction using the method of Marsh and Weinstein(1966). RESULTS Prior to feeding, the straight hinge stage larvae contained many small lipid droplets spread throughout the tissues with a major concentration at the base of the velum (Figure 1). Upon starvation, these disappeared gradually over a period NOT STAINED STAINED Figure 1. Newly spawned larvae of Teredo navalis (0 days), starved for 3 days (starved), and either preserved in formalin (not stained) or stained with Sudan Black B (stained). Larvae after 4 days of feeding (4 days) and a subsequent 3-day starvation period (starved). Lipid Staining techniques eor Bivalve Larvae 71 of a few days, while the area surrounding the digestive gland became more heavily stained as growth continued. Sudan Black B worked especially well for young larvae and was retained in the tissues for a longer period of time than Oil Red O. However, if microscopic examination of the larvae was possible within a few days of staining and color photographs were to be taken, then the visually striking bright-red coloration of the lipid droplets produced by Oil Red 0 was far superior to the coloration obtained with Sudan Black B. Shell growth was poor at 10°C regardless of the food species, and greatest at 30°C when /. galbana was the food source (Figure 2). The diameter of the darkly stained area representing the digestive diverticula increased with growth of the larvae at both 10° and 20°C (Figures 2 and 3). Larvae fed either /. galbana or P. tricornutum at 10°C accumulated large lipid reserves relative to their shell size. There was no major accumulation of lipid at 30° with either food species. Dispersed tissue coloration was present in all starved larvae at 20°C and 30°C, in larvae fedP tricornutum at 20° and 30°C, and in larvae fed /. galbana at 30°C. Quantitative analysis of total lipid levels of T. navalis larvae grown at 20°C on /. galbana revealed a steady increase in lipid level throughout development, reaching a maximum of 0.12 jug lipid/larva at the pediveliger stage (Figure 4). Obvious decreases in total lipid level occurred at each developmental stage when 3-day starvation intervals were imposed. DISCUSSION The variable culture conditions and subsequent larval growth encountered in any bivalve hatchery system neces- sitates the use of condition indicies throughout larval development. Since all of these indicies (e.g., growth rate, mortality, disease signs, etc.) are essentially post facto in nature, the culturist has little real-time control over prob- lems that may arise during development. It is possible that the normal pattern of storage and utilization of bio- chemical components concerned with energy metabolism would be influenced by adverse culture conditions. If the progression of this dysfunction could be monitored on a routine basis with a simple assay then such a technique could be used as a diagnostic tool for early reparative measures. The biochemical component utilized during times of energetic imbalance in invertebrate larvae has been identi- fied as lipid rather than protein or carbohydrate because it is the most abundant and easily mobilized storage material (Holland 1978). Helm et al. (1973) concluded that healthy adult oysters (Ostrea edulis), fed a food supply supplemented with phytoplankton during conditioning, produced more viable larvae, with higher lipid levels, upon release at the straight hinge stage than those oysters whose diets had not been supplemented. Millar and Scott (1967) also have shown that larval lipid levels were dramatically reduced within a few days when newly liberated O. edulis larvae were starved. These results were visually reproduced in this study with shipworm larvae indicating that the present lipid staining technique could be used to make viability judgments on newly spawned larvae as well as throughout larval development. 200- 100 - to +1 E & UJ X 200- 100 — 100 — 70S 15 2 2 3i3 4 ISOC HRYSIS i 1 T 9*12 3 8*3 0 2 OS I 7 24? 7 3 PHAEODACTYLUM "i 1 T STARVATION 0 10 20 30 40 50 DAYS FROM FERTILIZATION Figure 2. Shell growth of Teredo navalis larvae at three temperatures: IOC (■), 20 C (A), and 30 C (•) on two food species and a starva- tion control. Bars represent 1 standard deviation (SD). Numerical values are the mean ± SD of the diameter of the darkly stained area of the digestive diverticula at various stages of development (N = 30 for each value). Bayne (1965) observed that large numbers of oil droplets began to appear at the onset of metamorphosis in Mytilus edulis larvae. When metamorphosis was delayed, these droplets gradually disappeared. A similar pattern occurred during periods of starvation. The author suggested that this could represent an important food supply during times of stress and metamorphosis. Culliney (1975) observed clusters 72 Gallager and Mann I 0' 2 0 3 0 ■- © & & © ft & O 2 0 day* Figure 3. Three stages of Teredo navalis larvae fed hochrysis galbana (I), Phaeodactylum tricornutum (P), and starved (S) grown at three temperatures. All larvae were stained with Sudan Black B (i: , died; bar = 200 Ltm). 0.05 — 0.0 1 — ~o\ /A •-• I ' 1 ' 1 ■ I O 10 20 30 DAYS FROM FERTILIZATION 40 Figure 4. Total lipid levels of Teredo navalis larvae fed hochrysis galbana at 20 C before (•) and after (O) a 3-day starvation period. Arrow indicates 50% of population attained functional pediveliger. of "transparent globules" in umbo stages of Teredo navalis surrounding the digestive gland. The 10 to 20 /jm globules, thought to be important food reserves, were equivalent in size to the lipid droplets described in this study. Other mol- luscan larvae have similar patterns of reserve accumulation. Fretter and Montgomery (1968) noted the increase in size and darkening in color of the digestive gland of prosobranch veligers throughout growth and development. They suggested that this could be used as an index of feeding because varying color regimes were produced in the gland with different diatoms in the diet. The diffuse tissue coloration and relatively small digestive gland area observed upon staining larvae grown at high temperatures, fed P. tricornutum or starved, could represent a shift in the pattern of lipid storage. These forms of stress may necessitate mobilization of stored energy reserves into the tissues surrounding the digestive gland to meet imposed metabolic demands. Conversely, larvae grown at low tempera- tures retained relatively greater quantities of lipid in the digestive gland area, presumably due to decreased energetic costs. Elston et al. (1981) have shown that the normal pattern of lipid accumulation and utilization was disrupted in the larval disease "vibriosis". Staining subsamples of large cultures specifically for lipid could be used to test for early signs of this disease; staining will show an abnormal dis- tribution of lipid droplets in the digestive diverticula (R. L. Elston, Cornell University, personal communication). The present staining technique illustrates gross lipid accumulation and depletion in relation to environmental variables. These results have been substantiated by total lipid analysis. It may be possible to employ this method as a diagnostic tool for determining food quality, larval condition, and potential for rapid growth in large-scale bivalve cultures. Lipid Staining Techniques eor Bivalve Larvae 73 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors express their gratitude to Mr. Bradford C. Calloway for his advice concerning the larval narcotization procedure, and to Ms. E. M. Lynch for typing the manu- script. This investigation was supported by the Office of Naval Research, contract N00014-79-C-0071 and NR 083-004. REFERENCES CITED Bayne, B. L. 1965. Growth and delay of metamorphosis of the larvae of Mytilus edulis (L.). Ophelia 2:1-47. Culliney, J. L. 1975. Comparative larval development of the ship- worms Bankia gouldi and Teredo navalis. Mar. Biol. 29:245-251. Dupuy. J. L.. N. T. Windsor & C. E. Sutton. 1978. Manual for design and operation of an oyster seed hatchery. Va. Inst. Mar. Sci. Tech. Rep. No. 142. 109 pp. Elston, R. L. & L. Leibovitz. 1980. Pathogenesis of experimental vibriosis in larval American oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 37:964-978. , D. Relyea & J. Zatila. 1981. Diagnosis of vibriosis in a commercial oyster hatchery epizootic, a case history. /. Shellfish Res. 1(1):113 (Abstract). Fretter, V. & M. Montgomery. 1968. The treatment of food by prosobranch veligers. /. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 48:449-520. Guillard, R. R. L. & J. H. Ryther. 1962. Studies on marine plank- tonic diatoms. I. Cyclotella nana Hustedt and Detonula confervacea Cleve. Can. J. Microbiol. 8:229-239. Helm, M. M., D. L. Holland & R. R. Stephenson. 1973. The effect of supplementary algal feeding of a hatchery breeding stock of Ostrea edulis L. on larval vigour. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 53: 673-684. Holland, D. L. 1978. Lipid reserves and energy metabolism in the larvae of benthic marine invertebrates. Pages 85-1 23 in P.C. Malins and J. R. Sargent (eds), Biochemical and Biophysical Perspectives in Marine Biology. Academic Press, London and New York. Humason, G. L. 1962. Animal Tissue Techniques. W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, California. 468 pp. Loosanoff, V. L. & H. C. Davis. 1963. Rearing of bivalve molluscs. Adv. Mar. Biol. 1:1-136. Marsh, J. B. & D. B. Weinstein. 1966. Simple charring method for determination of lipids. J. Lipid Res. 7:574-576. Millar, R. H. & J. M. Scott. 1967. The larva of the oyster Ostrea edulis during starvation. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 47:475-484. Turner, R. D. & P. J. Boyle. 1974. Studies of bivalve larvae using the scanning electron microscope and critical point drying. Bull. Am. Malacol. Union Inc. 1974:59-65. Ukeles, R. 1973. Continous culture-a method for the production of unicellular algal foods. Pages 233-254 in Janet R. Stein (ed.), Handbook of Phycological Methods. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Walne, P. R. 1956. Experimental rearing of the larva of Ostrea edulis L. in the laboratory. Fish. Invest. Ser. II Mar. Fish. G.B. Minist. Agric, Fish. Food No. 20. 23 pp. . 1965. Observations on the influence of food supply and temperature on the feeding and growth of the larvae of Ostrea edulis L. Fish. Invest. Ser. II Mar. Fish. G.B. Minist. Agric, Fish. Food No. 24. 45 pp. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, 75-81, 1981. NITROGEN BALANCE OF JUVENILE SOUTHERN QUAHOGS (MERCENARIA CAMPECHIENSIS) AT DIFFERENT FEED LEVELS1'2 B. B. GOLDSTEIN3 AND O. A. ROELS University of Texas, Port Aransas, Texas 78373 ABSTRACT A Tahitian strain of Isochrysis sp. was grown in outdoor continuous culture and fed at four different cell densities to juveniles of the southern quahog clam Mercenaria campechiensis (Gmelin). Those cell densities were: 1x10, 5 x 10 , 1 x 10 , and 5x10 cells/ml. Controls consisted of trays without animals receiving an inflow cell density of 5x10 cells/ml, and trays with animals, but receiving only filtered seawater. Duplicate populations of 100 animals received each treatment; each population had a whole wet weight of 10 g. The total flow rate to each population was 120 ml/min. Incoming filtered seawater, incoming algal culture, and effluent from each shellfish population were collected daily and analyzed for nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, urea, dissolved free amino acids (DFAA), soluble protein, total dissolved nitrogen, and particulate protein nitrogen (PPN). A nitrogen balance for juveniles ofM. campechiensis in a continuous flow system was calculated; 85 to 95% of all total incoming nitrogen was accounted for in the different treatments. Change in concentration of the various nitrogen-containing compounds as a result of passage through the shellfish culture containers is described. Only those populations receiving an inflow algal protein concentration of 5.75 jUgat PPN/1 showed a significant excretion of ammonia. Any excretion of DFAA or urea was absorbed by microorganisms present in the shellfish culture containers. Both nitrite and nitrate were absorbed by algae present in the copious biodeposits of shellfish populations receiving an inflow algal protein concentration of 56.01 /Llgat PPN/1, and a significant uptake of soluble protein by shellfish populations receiving ^5.75 £lgat PPN/1 was noted. INTRODUCTION The successful cultivation of bivalves requires control of the reproductive cycle of the organism and knowledge of its environmental and nutritional requirements. This latter criterion requires investigating the best type(s) and amounts of food. Criteria for determining the best type and/or amount of food include growth, feeding rate, food chain efficiency, ecological efficiency, protein conversion effi- ciency, and condition index. These criteria help to determine the best feeding regime for the organism, but may not indicate the best feeding regime insofar as the total culture system is concerned. No organism can be cultured without regard to its role in the culture system. If a particular food type is difficult and/or expensive to grow, it may not be the best food organism to use in the culture system, even though it may be very nutritional for the bivalve. A particular food density that is optimal for growth of the bivalve may result in the excretion of toxic ammonia. For these reasons, a complete study of the nutritional requirements of a bivalve being considered for intensive aqua- culture must take into account the role of the animal in the This work was supported by the Caesar Kleberg Foundation for Wildlife Conservation. B. B. Goldstein was the recipient of a fellow- ship from the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation. University of Texas Marine Science Institute Contribution No. 000. Present address: Systemculture Corporation, 828 Fort Street Mall, Suite 610, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. managed food chain. One must determine how a culture system affects the bivalve and how the bivalve affects the system. An excellent way to gauge those affects is by constructing a nitrogen balance of the entire managed food chain. A nitrogen balance should be constructed because: (lj nitrogen often is the limiting nutrient of the growth of the primary trophic level (Ryther and Dunstan 1971), (2) nitrogenous waste products of the bivalve can be toxic to the animals themselves or to other organisms downstream, (3) these nitrogenous waste products may be used for the growth of macrophytes, and (4) the production of animal protein is often the primary goal of such managed food chains. An important byproduct of studying nitrogen dynamics of bivalves in a continuous-flow, managed food chain is understanding the role of bivalves in the nitrogen cycle of their natural environment. The results of such a study may not be as realistic as a field study, but is more con- trollable and subject to more intensive investigation, i.e., studying the effect of varying different elements of the biotic and abiotic environments of the animal. Those studies in which a small number of clams were unfed for 24 hours prior to the experiment, placed into a small bowl of static, synthetic seawater, and the change in concentration of different nitrogen compounds measured in the medium. may be even more controlled and precise than studies involving a continuous-flow, managed food chain. However, they are so far removed from "real" life as to render the results interesting but almost irrelevant. A continuous-flow, managed food chain perhaps is the best method to use to study the physiological responses of an organism to biotic and abiotic factors of its environment. 75 76 Goldstein and Roels Field studies can raise questions and validate the results of studies in managed food chains. A nitrogen balance was constructed for juveniles of Mercenaria campechiensis (Gmelin) that were fed Isochrysis sp. at different densities. Juveniles were used because little is known of the bioenergetics and nitrogen cycling of juvenile shellfish, and the greater growth rate of juveniles resulted in more measurable growth in a shorter period of time. The increased metabolism of juveniles resulted in more measurable changes in various physiological responses, such as ammonia excretion, in a shorter period of time. Mercenaria campechiensis was used because little informa- tion is available in the literature on its growth and physiology, although the clam is abundant along the Gulf coast. Its growth is usually faster than that of the northern quahog Mercenaria mercenaria (Linne), or their reciprocal hybrids; it is more tolerant to high temperatures than M. mercenaria. MATERIALS AND METHODS Algae The alga used in this study is a Tahitian strain of Iso- chrysis (T. Iso.) obtained from Dr. K. C. Haines of the St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Artificial Upwelling Project. The algae were grown in outdoor continuous culture at the Port Aransas Marine Laboratory on the Texas Gulf coast during October through November 1978, at a daily turnover of 0.4. Guillards' F medium was used to enrich the incoming 1 ^-filtered seawater to a level of 150 /Jgat N03 - N/L. Shellfish Brood stocks were collected in an intertidal area of Redfish Bay, an estuarine area between the mainland and the barrier islands of the Texas Gulf coast near Corpus Christi, in late February 1978. The clams were kept in the laboratory for acclimation and gonad ripening, and were fed T. Iso., exclusively. Spawning was induced by thermal shock and the addition of stripped gonad suspensions. The experimental animals were the progeny of one female and two males. The larvae were fed a variety of phytoplankton species including T. Iso. , Chaetoceros sp., and others. There was no mortality after spat settlement indicating that water quality was good and that T. Iso. (fed exclusively after spat settlement) was a good food for juveniles of M. campechiensis. Prior to the experiment, 1,100 clams with shell lengths of 7.62 ± 0.4 mm were divided into 1 1 groups of 100 each. The average whole wet weight of each of those groups was 10.2 g ± 0.01. Group 11 was used to determine the shell length, whole wet weight, and protein content of the other experimental groups. Each experimental group was kept in round plastic bowls with tapered sides. Top and bottom diameters were 14 cm and 10 cm, respectively. A plastic standpipe in the center of each bowl maintained the water level at a depth of 4 cm for a total volume of 250 ml. The inflow of cultured algae and/ or filtered seawater created a vortex in the containers ensuring thorough mixing. The clams were spaced evenly on the bottom of each bowl. Each group received a contin- uous flow of 1 /i-filtered seawater and/or cultured algae as indicated in Table 1 . TABLE 1. Flow rates and cell densities of experimental treatments. Corresponding Algal Filtered Inflow Algal Culture Seawater Cell Protein-N Flow Flow Density Concentration Treatment (ml/min) (ml/min) (cells/ml) Otgat/I) 1 120 0 5 x 10s 56.0 2 24 96 1 x 10s 11.3 3 12 108 5 x 105 5.7 4 2.4 117.6 lxlO4 1.3 5 0 120 0 0 Two replicate populations were utilized for each treat- ment. Treatment 5, the control, received filtered seawater only. Another control, which consisted of an identical experimental setup but no clams, received 5 x 104 cells/ml (Figure 1). Experimental clams were kept in the dark throughout the experimental period. Water temperatures ranged from 23° to 28°C, and salinities from 25 to 29 ppt during the 4-week experiment. At the end of each week, the clams were removed from their containers, blotted dry, and each group weighed after the effluents from each clam group had been taken and flow rates checked. The groups were then culled back to their starting whole wet weights, and the remaining clams returned to the experimental culture containers. The culled clams were frozen for later analysis. Biodeposits or tank deposits from the experimental containers were removed and stored for later analysis prior to returning the clams. ANALYTICAL METHODS Cell Densities Cell densities were measured with a Speirs-Levy eosino- phil counter. Particulate Protein Nitrogen (PPN) The method of Dorsey et al. (1977) was modified for use with the Auto Analyzer II. The auto analyzer (AAII) dispensed IN phenol reagent and absorbance was read on the AAII colorimeter. Nitrogen Balance oe Juvenile Southern Quahoc.s 77 SHELLFISH CULTURE CONTAINERS Control 1x104 INFLOW CELL DENSITIES (CELLS/ml.) 5x104 NO ANIMALS 5x104 (T. ISO) Indoor Algal Cultures oo ooo Outdoor Algal Cultures (T. ISO) 6 6 o o 1x105 5x105 □ Nutrients Figure 1. Experimental design. Soluble Protein Nitrogen (SPN) For this method, developed by the authors, the sample was filtered through a 47-mm Gelman glass fiber filter, 0.45-/i pore size, and the filtrate was retained. Dissolved protein was precipitated by the addition of 5.0 ml of con- centrated perchloric acid per 100 ml of sample. The sample was carefully mixed by swirling and cooled in a circulating water bath for 2 hours at 5°C. It was then filtered through double 25-mm Gelman glass fiber filters (0.45-ji pore size). The sample container, filter holder, and filters were washed with glass-distilled water. Precipitated protein remaining on the filters was then determined by the PPN method of Dorseyet 31.(1077). The lower limit of sensitivity of the method was deter- mined by the reagent blank. At least 0.10 /jgat protein nitrogen must be present on the filters. Thus, a 100-ml sample with a concentration as low as 1 .0 jugat protein nitrogen per liter was sufficient for an assay. This method was linear over the range of 1 .0 to 80 /ugat protein nitrogen per liter. Other Nitrogen-Containing Compounds Standard methodologies were used to analyze nitrate plus nitrite (Technico Corp. 1978), ammonia (Berg and Abdullah 1977), urea (DeManche et al. 1973), DFAA (Coughanower and Curl 1975), and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) (D'Elia et al. 1977). Shellfish Wet Weight, Dry Weight, and Protein Content Clams were blotted dry with a paper towel and weighed on a Mettler analytical balance H54AR(precision: ±0.01 mg). They were then frozen for later analysis. This gave the whole wet weight value. When needed for further analyses, the frozen clams were placed in pretared aluminum weighing dishes and kept at room temperature for at least 2 hours to ensure that all clams were gaping. They were then dried in an oven at 70°C for 24 hours. This gave the whole dry weight value. No more than 5.0 g whole dry weight of clams were put into 100 ml of IN NaOH in a 125-ml glass Erlenmeyer flask. The flask was covered and boiled at 100°C for 100 minutes along with two flasks containing a standard of Bovine Serum Albumin and a -IN NaOH blank. The flasks were swirled and allowed to cool to room temperature. Duplicate 0.5-ml aliquots were taken from each flask and placed into acid-washed test tubes that were rinsed in glass-distilled water. The supernatant from the flasks was decanted, and the remaining shells were rinsed repeatedly with glass-distilled water to remove all traces of NaOH. They were then dried 78 Goldstein and Roels to constant weight at 70°C for 24 hours in a pretared alum- inum weighing dish to obtain dry shell weight. Dry meat weight was taken as the difference between whole dry weight and dry shell weight. Tank Deposits Tank deposits that accumulated over 1 week in each clam container were collected at the end of the week in a 1-6 polyethylene screw-cap bottle and the volume brought to 1 1 with filtered seawater. Contents of the bottle were filtered through 47-mm Gelman glass fiber filters (0.45-^1 pore size). Different numbers of filters were necessary for different samples depending on the amount of particulates present. The filters were stored frozen for later analysis of protein content. When needed, the filters were put into a pretared aluminum weighing dish and dried in an oven to constant weight at 70°C for 24 hours. Filters were digested as described for clams, and protein content was determined using the method of Dorsey et al. (1977). Statistical Tests Statistical tests used included Edwards' (1972) factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) for both independent groups and repeated measures, Scheffe's test for pairwise differ- ences, and the one-sample t-test described by Edwards (1972). A 95% confidence level was the minimum acceptable level. RESULTS Nitrogen Balance Overall Nitrogen Balance. A nitrogen balance is an accounting of all nitrogen-containing compounds entering and leaving a system. In the present study, the concentration of a number of nitrogenous compounds flowing into and out of experimental groups of clams was determined. The total amount of nitrogen "going" to each group of clams was determined by summing the inflow amounts (in mg nitrogen) of particulate protein, nitrite ion, nitrate ion, ammonium ion/ammonia, dissolved free amino acids, urea, and soluble protein. The total amount of nitrogen "leaving" each group of clams was determined in a similar manner except that the protein of the biodeposits (tank deposits) and the protein gain of the shellfish themselves were added to this total. The fraction of total inflow nitrogen (TIN) accounted for was determined by the calculation: TINin=100-(Nm-Nout)/NinX100. A summary of those calculations for each of the experi- mental treatments is shown in Table 2. TABLE 2. Nitrogen balance of juveniles of Mercenaria campechiensis. SNin 2Nout Treatment (mg/week) (mg/week) % Accounted For 1 1761.41 1502.31 85.29 2 485.39 425.06 87.57 3 325.88 298.18 91.49 4 198.28 180.63 91.10 5 166.39 159.59 95.91 Total dissolved nitrogen was determined in all influents and effluents. That analysis measured all dissolved nitrogen regardless of its form. Strong oxidizing agents, and high temperatures and pressures (via autoclaving) oxidized all N-containing compounds to a nitrite ion which was then assayed directly. Thus, a different nitrogen balance can be constructed using PPN and TDN only. The percent of inflow nitrogen accounted for when using PPN and TDN only was fairly constant (see Table 3). TABLE 3. Nitrogen balance using PPN and TDN only. Treatment Mean Weekly Nitrogen In (mg) Mean Weekly Nitrogen Out (mg) % Accounted For 1 2202.002 1983.078 90.06 2 755.488 680.079 90.02 3 574.676 521.757 90.79 4 430.024 382.847 89.26 5 393.864 351.261 89.18 Particulate protein nitrogen of the outflow included the PPN of tank deposits (biodeposits) and the gain in protein by the clams. Individual Nitrogen-Containing Compounds Ammonia. The ammonia-N excretion increased with increasing inflow algal protein concentration (APC). Maxi- mum excretion of ammonia-N was noted for those clams receiving an inflow APC of 5.75 /igat PPN/1. Further increases in inflow APC decreased ammonia excretion (Table 4). A t-test (Edwards 1972) was used to determine if the change in concentration (difference between inflow and outflow concentrations) of ammonia-N was significant at the 95% confidence level. Only the change in ammonia-N concentrations of treatment 3 was significant at the 95% Nitrogen Balance oe juvenile Southern Quahogs 79 confidence level. That treatment resulted in the fastest growing animals (see Table 5). inflow APC of 5.57 /jgat PPN/1. Those clams receiving more or less APC had lower excretion rates (Figure 2). TABLE 4. Percent of total nitrogen accounted for by individual nitrogen compounds. Nitrogen Compound In PPN N02~ N03" NH4 +NH3 DEAA Urea SP PPN N02~ N03~ NH4~ + NH3 DFAA Urea SP PPN N02~ N03" NH4~ + NH3 DFAA Urea SP PPN N02~ N03" NH4~ + NH3 DFAA Urea SP PPN N02" N03" NH4" + NH3 DFAA Urea SP Treatment 1 49.9 1.6 40.1 1.1 1.8 1.7 3.8 Treatment 2 36.6 1.8 46.4 2.4 3.1 5.0 4.7 Treatment 3 27.7 1.9 50.6 3.3 4.1 7.2 5.2 Treatment 4 10.2 2.2 58.8 5.1 5.9 11.5 6.4 Treatment 5 1.6 2.3 62.9 5.9 6.8 13.7 6.9 Out 38.9 1.8 42.2 1.1 2.2 1.4 2.6 30.3 2.0 50.6 4.3 4.0 5.0 3.9 21.1 2.1 51.3 7.6 6.0 7.3 4.6 7.9 3.1 58.3 7.4 8.3 8.6 6.5 1.9 2.5 63.8 6.5 7.7 9.9 7.6 All treatments had the same size, weight, and number of animals at the start of the experiment. Thus, any difference in ammonia excretion rates during the first week must be due primarily to differences in feeding regime. The rate of excretion of ammonia-N per gram of dry meat weight for the first week was maximum for those clams receiving an ( ) INFLOW APC ^] OUTFLOW APC 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 ALGAL PROTEIN CONCENTRATION Uigal N/1) Figure 2. Weight specific ammonia excretion rates as a function of inflow and outflow algal protein concentration. Urea. An ANOVA was performed on urea-N concen- trations of the outflows, and on the dfference between inflow and outflow concentrations. No significant differ- ences existed between treatments for either outflows or net concentrations. Mean weekly inflow concentrations for each treatment were nearly identical (Table 5). A t-test showed that changes in urea-N concentrations were not significant at the 95% confidence level for any treatment. Dissolved Free Amino Acid. The DFAA excretion rate increased with increasing inflow APC until a maximum "excretion" rate was recorded by those clams receiving an intermediate inflow APC of 5.75 jugat PPN/1. Further increases in inflow APC resulted in a decreased excretion rate (Table 5). A t-test did not detect a significant difference between the average weekly mean value of DFAA-N of inflow and the effluent concentrations. There was no significant uptake or excretion of DFAA in any of the experimental treatments at the 95% confidence level. Soluble Protein. An ANOVA showed a significant difference (at the 95% confidence level) among treatments between inflow and effluent soluble protein concentrations. The net uptake of soluble protein was greatest at the densest food treatment, and decreased with decreases in the inflow APC until a net excretion of soluble protein was noted for those clams receiving only filtered seawater. However, a t-test showed that the difference between 80 GOLDSTEIN AND ROELS average weekly inflow and effluent concentrations of soluble protein for the two lowest food densities was not significant at the 95% confidence level. There was a net uptake of soluble protein by those clam populations receiving an inflow APC greater than or equal to 5.75 tigat PPN/1. A multiple regression analysis of the difference between inflow and effluent concentrations of soluble protein on ingested protein showed a strong (R2 = 0.87), positive, nonlinear relationship that was significant at the 95% confidence level. TABLE 5. Mean weekly inflow and effluent concentrations (jugat N/1). Nitrogen Compound In Out Treatment 1 PPN 56.01 45.40 N02 1.77 1.67 N03 45.76 41.06 NH4 +NH3 1.28 1.05 DFAA 2.05 2.06 Urea 1.88 1.34 SP 4.49 2.62 TDN 85.31 80.73 Treatment 2 PPN 11.33 7.03 N02 0.55 0.53 N03 14.49 13.81 NH4 +NH3 0.76 1.17 DFAA 0.97 1.10 Urea 1.54 1.36 SP 1.51 1.06 TDN 37.15 35.40 Treatment 3 PPN 5.75 2.93 N02 0.39 0.39 N03- 10.58 9.84 NH4 +NH3 0.69 1.44 DFAA 0.84 1.14 Urea 1.50 1.42 SP 1.14 0.90 TDN 31.14 29.45 Treatment 4 PPN 1.28 0.69 N02 0.27 0.36 N03 7.45 6.71 NH4 +NH3 0.64 0.85 DFAA 0.73 0.95 Urea 1.47 0.98 SP 0.84 0.76 TDN 26.32 23.54 Treatment 5 PPN 0.16 0.16 N02 0.24 0.26 N03" 6.67 6.49 NH4 +NH3 0.63 0.66 DFAA 0.70 0.78 Urea 1.46 1.01 SP 0.76 0.80 TDN 25.12 22.27 Nitrate. Most of the nitrate flowing to the clams came from the mass algal cultures as excess nitrate supplied to the algae. This was shown by the decrease in nitrate concen- tration of the inflows as the algal cultures were diluted more and more with filtered seawater to make up the different food densities. The incoming filtered seawater had a mean concentration of 6.7 /ugat N03~— N/1. An ANOVA indicated significance at the 95% confidence level among treatments in the difference between nitrate concentrations of inflow and effluent. However, a Scheffe test for pairwise differences indicated that only the densest treatment showed a net change in concentration of N03~ which was significantly different from the other treatments at the 95% confidence level. The net uptake of nitrate in this treatment was probably by living algae in the copious biodeposits produced by the clams (Table 5). Nitrite. A pattern of inflow nitrite concentrations indicated that most of the nitrite came from the algal cultures. The mean weekly nitrite concentration of the filtered seawater was 0.24 /Jgat N/1. An ANOVA indicated a significant difference at the 95% confidence level among treatments in changes in nitrite concentration between inflow and effluent. However, a Scheffe test for pairwise differences indicated that only the treatment with the greatest inflow APC was significantly different (at the 95% confidence level) from the other treatments. The net uptake of nitrite in this treatment was probably caused by living algae in the biodeposits produced by the clams (Table 5). Clam growth, expressed as the mean weekly production of wet meat, was optimum with the treatments providing an inflow APC of 1 1 .3 and 5.7 ;ugat protein-N/1 (treatments 2 and 3) (Figure 3). Q INFLOW APC □ OUTFLOW APC DOD -€ □ ALGAL PROTEIN N CONCENTRATION [ug al N/L ) Figure 3. Growth as a function of inflow and outflow algal protein nitrogen concentration. Nitrogen Balance of Juvenile Southern Quahogs 81 Clam growth was significantly higher than that shown with the higher or lower food densities. It should be stressed that the food concentration experienced by the clams was somewhat lower than the inflow concentrations (7.0 and 2.9 Mgat protein-N/1, respectively) (i.e., effluent PPN concentrations). DISCUSSION An overall determination of the fate of incoming nitrogen was accomplished by summing the individual concentrations or amounts of the different compounds. The difference between total nitrogen of the inflow, and of the effluent divided by the total nitrogen of the inflow, was the fraction of total nitrogen not accounted for. In this study, the percent of inflow nitrogen accounted for varied between treatments from 85 to 95%. The missing nitrogen may, in part, be attributed to loss of free ammonia from the system and from the sample bottles during analyses. Additionally, only PPN was assayed in the algal cells and in the clams. The nitrogen present as nucleic acids, amino sugars, or other forms was not deter- mined and, thus, was not accounted for. Also, some organic nitrogen compounds may have been formed as the result of chemical transformation and not detected in the effluents from the clams by the analytical techniques used in this study. Finally, some of the missing nitrogen may be actually the accumulation of sampling, measurement, and calculation errors. Only rarely does a single nitrogen-containing compound, other than PPN or nitrate, account for more than 10% of the total nitrogen. Thus, quantitatively. PPN and nitrate are the most important components of the nitrogen balance, but some of the other nitrogen-containing compounds have a qualitative importance. However, in many instances, the weekly mean change in concentration between inflow and effluent of a particular compound(s) was not statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. The small changes in concentration of nitrogen-containing compounds between influent and effluent that were noted in this study may have resulted from attempts to measure concentrations in a continuous-flow system in which the volume of seawater flowing past the animals was very great compared to the biomass of the animals. Thus, very large amounts of a compound have to be taken up or generated by the clams to cause a significant change in concentration between influent and effluent. Measuring concentration changes of nitrogen-containing compounds in such a system gives more realistic results than other types of determinations. Studies in which the clams were not fed for 24 hours prior to an experiment and then placed in a bowl of standing synthetic seawater for 24 hours resulted in larger changes in concentration of a particular compound. However, the results cannot be used to describe the normal metabolic activity of the animals. The method described herein approximates more closely the normal metabolic activity of a feeding clam. An improvement of this method may result from increasing the biomass to volume ratio, leading to greater concentration changes of a nitrogen-containing compound as it passes through shellfish-culture containers in a continuous-flow system. That may result in better resolu- tion of concentration changes associated with static methods of excretion measurements, but will maintain the realism of a continuous flow system. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Robert Godbout, Lisa McDonald, Paul McDonald, Diane Spence, and Jacqueline Goldstein for their fine work, advice, and support. REFERENCES CITED Berg, B. R. & M. I. Abdullah. 1977. An automatic method for the determination of ammonia in seawater. Water Res. 1 1 :637-638. Coughenower, D. D. & H.C.Curl, Jr. 1975. An automated technique for total dissolved free amino acids in seawater. Limnol. Oceanogr. 20:128-131. D'Elia, C. F., P. A. Stendler & N. Corwin. 1977. Determination of total nitrogen in aqueous samples using persulfate digestion. Limnol. Oceanogr. 22:760-764. DeManche, I. M., H. Curl, Jr. & D. D. Coughenower. 1973. An automated analysis of urea in seawater. Limnol. Oceanogr. 18:686-689. Dorsey, T. E., P. W. McDonald & O. A. Roels. 1977. A heated Biuret-Folin protein assay which gives equal absorbance with different proteins. Anal. Biochem. 78:156-164. Edwards, A. L. 1972. Experimental Design in Psychological Research. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York. 220 pp. Ryther, J. & W. Dunstan. 1971. Nitrogen, phosphorus and eutrophi- cation in the coastal marine environment. Science 171:1008-1013. Technicon Corporation. 1978. Technicon Nitrite and Nitrate Method 43-69W. Tarrytown, New York. 000 pp. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, 83-87, 1981. A STUDY OF TWO SHELLFISH-PATHOGENIC VIBRIO STRAINS ISOLATED FROM A LONG ISLAND HATCHERY DURING A RECENT OUTBREAK OF DISEASE CAROLYN BROWN National Oceanic and A tmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Center, Milford Laboratory, Milford, Connecticut 06460 ABSTRACT Two bacterial strains belonging to the genus Vibrio were implicated in a recent outbreak of disease in larvae of Crassostrea virginica at a Long Island shellfish hatchery. Bacteriological observations made during the disease period suggested that the two bacterial pathogens represented an extremely small proportion of the total bacterial population in the seawater system of the hatchery. This was further supported by the appearance of spontaneous disease only after the tenth day of larval development. Although the two strains were morphologically distinct, their biochemical and physiological characteristics suggested that they were closely related to Vibrio anguillarum. The disease could be initiated in the labora- tory when small numbers of the two pathogenic strains were added (2 cells/ml) after each change of larval culture water. The two strains could be recovered from larval cultures 3 days after a single inoculum of less than 10 cells/ml of larval culture water, even though the water in the cultures was changed daily. This carry-over of bacterial cells shows that extremely small numbers of pathogenic cells present in a seawater system can eventually lead to a disease situation. Ultra- violet radiation was found to be an effective method of eliminating one of the two pathogens. The other partially recovered from exposure within 24 hours. INTRODUCTION In 1956, Walne suggested that too little attention was being given to the effect of bacteria on shellfish larvae. His experiments showed that bacterial populations in larval cultures might be 100 times greater than those in the sea. Three years later the first laboratory experiments proving the pathogenicity of specific bacteria were reported by Guillard (1959). Since that time, many studies have been conducted to find effective methods of eliminating or, at least, substantially reducing the occurrence of bacterial diseases. The need for routine sanitary procedures has been recog- nized as good preventative medicine (Tubiash 1975). Leibovitz (1978) reported that, since individual hatcheries are different, it is also important to monitor the qualita- tive physical, chemical, and bacterial changes in larval culture media to determine optimal conditions for each hatchery. Certain antibiotics, i.e.. neomycin and chlora- mphenicol, are recognized as being effective against some bacteria pathogenic for shellfish (Tubiash et al. 1965, Le Pennec et al. 1973); their routine use is not recommended, however, because it can lead to drug resistance. Blogoslawski et al. (1978) reported that ozone can be an effective disin- fectant when used with adequate precautions. A combination of filtration and ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation of seawater also has been found to reduce substantially the occurrence of larval diseases (Brown and Russo 1979). Although these and other disinfection methods have been reported, shellfish hatcheries generally do not use them and, therefore, continue to be plagued by intermittent occurrences of bacterially related diseases which commonly destroy larval cultures around the sixth day of development. One such outbreak occurred during the summer of 1979 at a Long Island (New York) hatchery. The present paper discusses the findings of an ensuing investigation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Isolation and Identification of Bacteria During a visit to the hatchery, samples were taken of the bay water, moribund 10-day-old oyster larvae, and seemingly healthy 5-day-old oyster larvae. Portions of the samples were immediately streaked on seawater agar plates consisting of 0.1% trypticase (BBL)*, 0.1% yeast extract (Difco), 1.0% agar (Difco) in 80% aged, membrane-filtered seawater, and 20% distilled water. Remaining portions of the samples were held overnight in screw-capped test tubes at room temperature and then streaked on seawater agar plates. All plates were incubated for 2 weeks at 26°C; dominant, morphologically distinct colonies were selected from plates inoculated with moribund larvae and grown in seawater broth (same constituents as agar plates minus the agar). Broth cultures were incubated at 26°C overnight and streaked on agar plates for verification of purity. Procedures described by Evelyn (1971) were used to determine the physiological and biochemical characteristics of the suspect pathogens. Tests for Pathogenicity The ability of suspect shellfish-pathogenic bacteria to cause mortality was tested by adding from 103 to 108 bacterial cells from 24-hour broth cultures of the micro- organisms to 1 liter of oyster embryonic culture water "Trade names referred to in this publication do not imply endorse- ment of commercial products by the National Marine Fisheries Service. 83 84 Brown just prior to addition of fertilized oyster eggs, and daily after each change of culture water. In all cases, including untreated controls, the fertilized oyster eggs were reared in 1.3-liter polypropylene beakers at a density of about 15,000 fertilized eggs/liter of lO-jim-filtered, UV-treated seawater (Brown and Russo 1979). Cultures were main- tained in a constant-temperature water bath at 26°C. Larval culture water was changed on a daily basis; larvae were fed a mixture of laboratory -grown phytoplanktonic cultures of Isochrysis galbana, Monochrysis lutheri, and Dicrateria inomata. Larval cultures were sampled and counted on the second and sixth or seventh day of development using the procedure described by Brown (1973). Larvae sampled on the second day were classified into two groups: normal larvae, those which had developed the standard "D"-shaped larval shell; and abnormal larvae, those which had shells that deviated from the standard "D" shape. These two groups were further subdivided according to whether they were living or dead prior to fixation. Larvae sampled on the sixth or seventh day were classified only as alive or dead prior to fixation, and 50 or 100 live larvae were measured to the nearest 5 /im. In preliminary experiments to deter- mine which isolate(s) was pathogenic, culture water was seeded with an isolate only once, prior to the addition of fertilized oyster eggs. These embryonic cultures were neither changed nor fed; on the second day, they were sampled and discarded. The Student's t test was used to determine significant differences between controls and experimentals at P < 0.05. Koch's postulates were satisfied by reisolating the experimental bacterial strains from moribund larvae and infecting healthy larvae with the isolates. Bacterial Control A modification of procedures described by Brown and Russo (1979) was used to test the killing efficiency of UV radiation on the two pathogenic bacterial strains. A black fiberglass tank having a capacity of 135 liters was filled with lO-Aim-filtered, UV-irradiated seawater and seeded with a cell suspension of one of the pathogenic isolates, bringing the number of pathogenic cells to 104 to 10s /ml of seawater. Sterile 1.5-liter glass beakers were filled to the 1.0 liter mark with water taken either directly from the seeded tank or after UV irradiation, using a flow rate of 3 liters/minute through an Aquafine Aluminum SL-1 Sterilizer. Samples were taken from the beakers for total plate counts at zero time and 24 hours after the beakers had been filled. Plates were incubated for 1 week at 26°C and counted. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION It is not uncommon for a shellfish larval culture to begin to show overt signs of microbial disease after the tenth day of development. This is consistent with the possibility that the responsible microbe(s) is present in the seawater system at very low numbers but, with time, can reach lethal pro- portions in larval culture containers. Last summer such an outbreak of disease occurred at a Long Island hatchery. Oyster larval cultures routinely were kept for 5 to 6 days in a small room and then moved to a larger one; within 5 days of the move, they would succumb to disease. The larvae showed no signs of bacterial swarming at this time. Globules, however, were found in the umbo of otherwise healthy looking animals. The nature of these globules is unknown, but some investigators at the Milford Laboratory have associated their appearance with disease. Two bacterial isolates were found capable of producing mass mortality in laboratory experiments. Preliminary experiments showed that 3 x 108 cells of Strain 1, or 1 x 108 cells of Strain 2, added to 1 liter cultures of fertilized oyster eggs resulted in mass mortality within 24 hours. If the number of bacterial cells added was reduced to 10s /liter, 48 hours were required to produce mass mortality. Examination of the original plates revealed that the two bacterial isolates grew on plates inoculated with moribund larvae, and on all plates inoculated with samples that had been held overnight before culturing: moribund larvae, bay water, and seemingly healthy larvae. Apparently, the patho- gens were present in the seawater in very low numbers, but increased with time to a lethal population size since they did not grow on plates inoculated at the hatchery. The two bacterial isolates, although they form colonies that are morphologically distinct from each other and have some biochemical differences, may be strains of Vibrio angiiillarum. Strain 1 forms colonies that are translucent and have diffusing edges, while Strain 2 forms white, nondiffusing colonies. Although Strain 1 is morphologically identical to the Vibrio sp. described by Brown and Losee (1978), some biochemical and physiological differences do exist between the two isolates. Table 1 shows common characteristics of the two isolates from the present study, and the strain reported by Brown and Losee (1978) with the emerging archetype of V. anguillarum described by Evelyn (1971). They were Gram-negative, nonpigmented motile rods capable of fermenting glucose without gas production. The strains were oxidase positive and could attack arginine but not lysine. They were sensitive to Vibriostat. Growth was inhibited when sodium chloride was either absent or present in a high concentration (10%). Differences among the isolates are presented in Table 2. Although vibrios normally are resistant to penicillin (Shewan 1963), Strain 2 was sensitive to 10 units of penicillin. Strain 2 was able to produce acid in salicin but not in trehalose. It did not produce nitrate from nitrite, but it did produce hydrogen sulfide and deaminate phenylalanine. Unlike the vibrios described by Evelyn (1971) and by Brown and Losee (1978), neither Strain 1 nor Strain 2 grew at 5°C. Strain 1 did not produce acid in fructose, mannose, or trehalose. Whether the differences among the bacterial isolates are enough to warrant placing them in separate species is not yet known. The answer must await determination of the DNA base ratios, moles percent guanine plus cytosine. Shi lliish-Pathogenic Vibrio 85 TABLE 1. Common characteristics of three shellfish-pathogenic vibrios and the emerging archetype of Vibrio anguillarum *. TABLE 2. Characteristic differences between three shellfish-pathogenic vibrios and Vibrio anguillarum. Characteristics Reaction Characteristics Reaction Gram stain — Citrate as sole Pigmented — C-source for Motility + growth + Fermentative (glucose) + Methyl red Gas from glucose — reaction + Oxidase (Kovacs) + Acetoin Acid from: produced — Adonitol — Gluconate Dulcitol — utilized — Inositol — Lysine Inulm — decarboxylated — Lactose — Arginine Maltose + attacked + Raffinose — Urease Rhamnose — produced — Sorbose — Ammonium Sucrose + produced + Xylose — Growth in: Sensitive to 0/129 + 0% NaCl — Catalase produced + 3% Nacl + Starch hydrolyzed + 7% NaCl + Gelatin hydrolyzed + 10% NaCl — ■"Characteristics of the emerging archetype of V. anguillarum as reported by Evelyn (1971). Table 3 shows that the addition of 103 cells of either one of the two strains, or a combination of the two, will cause mortality in a liter larval culture within 48 hours. Live-normal development was significantly less (P < 0.05) in cultures exposed to Strain 1 (6 x 101 cells/ml) or Strain 2 (4 x 10' cells/ml) than in untreated controls. Live-normal development of fertilized oyster eggs was only 41% in the presence of Strain 1, and 43% when exposed to Strain 2, compared to 75% in controls. Exposure to a combination of the two isolates (5 x 101 cells/ml) resulted in 47% live- normal development. Table 4 shows that survival and growth were significantly less (P < 0.05) in the presence of Strain 2 than in untreated controls. Survival and size averaged 34% and 99 jum, respectively, during exposures to Strain 2, while controls averaged 79% and 116 Mm, respectively. Strain 1 appeared to affect survival (40%) but not growth; mean size was 115 fim. Only survival was significantly affected (P < 0.05) during exposure to a combination of the two strains. Data indicate that Strain 2 was more virulent than Strain 1 . Thirty-three percent fewer cells of Strain 2 were added to cultures than Strain 1 cells, yet the effect was more severe in the presence of the former. The fact that a combination of the two strains did not substantially reduce larval growth suggests that 4 x 101 Strain 2 cells/ml of culture water is very close to the minimal number of cells required for larval growth inhibition. Characteristics Strain 1 (3)* Strain 2 (2) Brown and Losee(1978) Vibrio sp. Evelyn(1971) V.anguillarum Sensitive to penicillin (10 units) — + — — Acid in: Arabinose — — — +? Vf Celtobiose — + + + Fructose — + + + Galactose — — — + V Glycerol — — + + Mannitol + + — + Mannose — + + + Salicin — + + — Sorbitol — — — + V Trehalose — — + + Nitrate produced + — + + Indole produced — + + + V Hydrogen sulfide produced — + — — Phenylalanine deaminated — + — — Growth at: 5°C — — + + 37°C — — + — *Number within parenthesis indicates number of isolates tested. fV signifies that 20% or more of the strains compared by Evelyn (1971) gave reactions different from that indicated for the emerging archetype. TABLE 3. Percentage development of fertilized oyster eggs after two days of exposure to 10 bacterial cells. Strain 1 Strain 2 Both Control Number of replicates Live-normal (x ± SE*) Dead-normal (x ± SE) Live-abnormal (x ± SE) Dead-abnormal (x ± SE) No. bacterial cells added/ml 12 41 + 30 ± 1 ± 1 ± 12 43 ± 22 + 1 ± 1 ± 6x10* 4x10* 12 47 ± 5t 27 ± 4t 0± Of 1 ± Of 5 x 101 12 74 ±11 1 ± 1 1 ± 0 0+ 0 None *Standard error at 95% confidence interval. fSignificantly different (P <0.05). TABLE 4. Percentage survival and average size (JJm) of oyster larvae after six days of exposure to 10 bacterial cells added daily at each change of culture water. Strain 1 Strain 2 Both Control Number of replicates Survival (x±SE*) Size(x±SE) No bacterial cells added/ml 10 10 10 10 40 ± 5f 34 ± 7f 35 ± 3t 79+9 115 ± 4 99± 5t 1 10 ± 3 116 +7 6 x 101 4x10' 5x10' None *Standard error at 95% confidence interval. fSignificantly different (P <0.05). 86 BROWN Figure 1 shows that one small inoculum of bacteria could remain in larval cultures for many days, even when the cultures were changed daily. Both Strain 1 and Strain 2 were recoverable from the culture water three days after a single inoculum of 1 x 101 cells/ml and 3 x 10' cells/ml, respec- tively, was added. The counts increased the first two days, 1 x 105/ml for Strain 2 and 6 x 104/ml for Strain 1, and then started to decline. This carry over of bacterial cells illustrates that extremely small numbers of pathogenic cells present in a seawater system can eventually lead to a disease situation. The decline may have been due to invasion into larvae. 48 72 TIME (HR) Figure 1 . Growth of two pathogenic bacterial strains in oyster larval cultures over a three-day period. When the number of bacterial cells was further reduced, live-normal development was significantly greater in the presence of Strain 1 (1 cell/ml) than in untreated controls after two days (Table 5). Development was only 77% in controls, compared to 84% in exposures to Strain 1 . Although live-normal development was greater in the presence of Strain 2 (2 cells/ml) than in controls, the difference was not considered significant; live-normal development for cultures exposed to Strain 2 was 81%. Contrary to what was found in the presence of 10' cells/ml, Table 6 shows that the addition of very small numbers of two bacterial strains together had a greater effect than either of the two used singly. Survival in the presence of Strain 1 (3 cells/ml) was 75%, and 70% in the presence of Strain 2 (1 cell/ml). Survival and growth of larvae were significantly less (P < 0.05) in cultures exposed to both strains (2 cells/ml) than in control cultures. Survival averaged 63%, while size was 1 16 jum in the presence of both strains. Survival and growth, on the other hand, averaged 71% and 121 /im, respectively, in the controls. TABLE 5. Percentage development of fertilized oyster eggs after two days of exposure to 10 bacterial cells added daily at each change of culture water. Strain 1 Strain 2 Control Number of replicates 10 10 10 Live-normal (x ± SE*) 84 ± 6t 81 ± 6 77 ±6 Dead-normal (x ± SE) 5± 2 4± 2 5±3 Live-abnormal (x ± SE) 2 + 1 3± It 2±1 Dead-abnormal (x ± SE) 2± It 1 ± 1 1 ±1 No. bacterial cells added/ml 1 x 10° 2x 10° None *Standard error at 95% confidence interval, t Significantly different (P <0.05). TABLE 6. Percentage survival and average size (pm) of oyster larvae after six days of exposure to 10' bacterial cells added daily at each change of culture water. Strain 1 Strain 2 Both Control Number of replicates 15 15 15 15 Survival (x±SE*) 73 ± 5 70 ± 8 63 ± 8t 71 ±7 Size(x±SE) 120 ± 4 118± 3 116 ± 3t 121 ±4 No. bacterial cells added/ml 3x 10° 1x10° 2 x 10° None *Standard error at 95% confidence interval, t Significantly different (P <0.05). Data indicate that at 101 cells/ml the two strains, singly and together, have an adverse effect after only 2 days. If less than 10 cells/ml are employed, a beneficial effect is seen at the straight-hinge stage. This effect, however, slowly declines with time. The decline is probably due to an increase in bacterial numbers caused by the carry over of bacteria during changes in the culture water. One possible Shi lli ish-Pathoginic Vibrio 87 explanation of the data is that the microbes produce a metabolite which is beneficial in minute quantities, but becomes detrimental in larger amounts. If this is so, then it is conceivable that development to the straight-hinge stage was enhanced during the spontaneous outbreak of this disease in the commercial hatchery; the number of patho- genic cells was very small in the bay water. Table 7 illustrates that the dosage of UV radiation used in this study was effective in killing cells of Strain 2 but not of Strain 1. Strain 1 suffered growth inhibition immedi- ately after the radiation dosage; some cells, however, were able to recover within 24 hours. It must be kept in mind, however, that very high numbers of bacteria were used in this study; whereas, very low numbers were present in the bay water used by the hatchery. Hence, there is reason to believe that UV treatment could be effective; Tables 5 and 6 show that at very low numbers both pathogenic strains were required for the disease process. Killing Strain 2 then would prevent an outbreak of the disease, at least until Strain 1 could reach a lethal level. Since it took 10 days for mortality to occur without treatment, with treatment the animals should be able to metamorphose before this level is reached. The animals then would be more resistant to infection because larval resistance increases with age TABLE 7. Effect of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on survival of two pathogenic Vibrio strains. 0 Hours 24 Hours UV* No UV UV NoUV Strain 1 Strain 4\ 10" 2x]04 7x 104 5 x 10" 3xl04 3 x 10s 4 \ in1 3 x 102 6 x 102 3x 105 1 x 10s 2x 10s 5 x 105 3 x 10s 9x 10s "Numbt'r of pathogenic bacterial cells/ml of seawater. (Brown 1973). Juvenile clams held at the hatchery were affected during the outbreak of disease that occurred during the summer of 1979. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author thanks Mr. Dave Reylea of the Frank M. Flower Company, Bayville, New York, for generously supplying water and oyster larvae samples for this study. REFERENCES CITED Blogoslawski, W. J., M. E. Stewart & E. W. Rhodes. 1978. Bacterial disinfection in shellfish hatchery disease control. Proc. World Maricult. Soc. 9:589-602. Brown, C. 1973. The effects of some selected bacteria on embryos and larvae of the American oyster, Crassostrea virgiiiica. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 2 1 :2 15 -223. & E. Losee. 1978. Observations on natural and induced epizootics of vibriosis in Crassostrea virginica larvae. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 31:41-47. Brown, C. & D. J. Russo. 1979. Ultraviolet light disinfection of shellfish hatchery sea water. I. Elimination of five pathogenic bacteria. Aquaculture 17:17-23. Evelyn, T. P. T. 1971. first records of vibriosis in Pacific salmon cultured in Canada, and taxonomic status of the responsible bacterium, Vibrio anguillarum. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 28: 517-525. Guillard, R. R. L. 1959. further evidence of the destruction of bivalve larvae by bacteria. Biol. Bull. (Woods Hole) 117:258-266. Leibovitz, L. 1978. Shellfish diseases. Afar. Fish. Rev. 40:61-64. Le Pennec, M., D. Prieur & P. Chardi. 1973. Developpement larvaire de Mytilus edulis (L.) en presence d'antibiotiques. 2 Parties Action sur la croissance de quatre antibiotiques: aureomycine, erythromycine, chloramphenicol et sulfamerazine. Rev. Int. Oce'anogr. Med. 30:115-137. Shewan, J. M. 1963. The differentiation of certain genera of Gram negative bacteria frequently encountered in marine environments. Pages 499-521 in C. H. Oppenheimer (ed.). Symposium on Marine Microbiology. C. C. Thomas Co., Springfield, Illinois. Tubiash, H. S. 1975. Bacterial pathogens associated with cultured bivalve mollusk larvae. Pages 61-71 in W. L. Smith and M. H. Chanley (eds.). Culture of Marine Invertebrate Animals. Plenum Press, New York. , P. E. Chanley & E. Leifson. 1965. Bacillary necrosis, a disease of larval and juvenile bivalve mollusks. I. Etiology and epizootiology. J. Bacteriol. 90:1036-1044. Walne, P. R. 1956. Bacteria in experiments on rearing oyster larvae. Nature (London) 178:91. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, 89-94, 1981. DIET OF GREEN CRAB CARCINUS MAENAS (L.) FROM PORT HEBERT, SOUTHWESTERN NOVA SCOTIA ROBERT W.ELNER Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Biological Station St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, EOG 2X0 ABSTRACT Stomach contents of 762 green crabs Carcinus maenas collected from the intertidal zone at Port Hebert, southwestern Nova Scotia, during May and August 1978, were examined. Present in the 608 stomachs that contained food were 20 different, identifiable food items. Bivalves, such as Mya arenaria and Mytilus edulis, were the most important food items in terms of both estimated volume and frequency of occurrence. Algae, gastropods, and crustaceans appeared of lesser importance. Cancer crab remains were identified in some stomachs, but there was no evidence of green crab predation on lobsters. Significant differences were apparent between the green crab diet in May and in August, although the order of importance of the various food items remained relatively constant. Green crab diet appears to overlap that of sympatric crab and lobster species. High abundances of 69 and 99 green crabs per-man-hour-searched were found on both sampling dates, respectively. There were significant differences in crab mean carapace width and male:female sex ratio between the two samples. INTRODUCTION The green crab Carcinus maenas, introduced accidentally from the eastern Atlantic, is found along the eastern coast of Canada and the United States from southern Nova Scotia to Virginia (Holthuis and Gottlieb 1958). Green crab popu- lation size appears closely associated with long-term temper- ature trends, reaching maximum abundance during periods of increasing temperature (Welch 1968). Green crabs were first observed in Nova Scotia in the early 1950's, in phase with such a period of increasing temperature (Glude 1955, MacPhail et al. 1955). Green crabs are commonly found from the high tide level down to 3 fathoms (5.5 m) (Crothers 1969), although some have been reported as deep as 10 fathoms (18.3 m) (Perkins and Penfound 1971). They occur on all shore types, but attain maximum abundance in the most sheltered habitats where they outcompete all other crab species (Crothers 1970). Adult green crabs migrate up and down the shore with the tide, but are regularly stranded, under cover, between tide marks at low tide (Naylor 1958). In contrast, juveniles appear to remain fairly stationary on the shore and show no rhythmical migration patterns (Atkinson and Parsons 1973). American lobsters Homants americanus can be found intertidally in southwestern Nova Scotia, and are trapped commercially in depths as shallow as 3 m (MacKay 1926, Stasko and Campbell 1980). Sheltered inshore areas are possibly important 'nurseries' for juvenile lobsters (Mann 1977). Similarly, rock crabs Cancer irroratus, and jonah crabs Cancer borealis, occur in intertidal and sublittoral zones. Therefore, since green crabs, Cancer crabs, and lobsters can coexist in the same habitat in southwestern Nova Scotia, these species may compete for common resources. The only previously published analyses of North Ameri- can green crab stomachs were performed on specimens from Massachusetts and New Hampshire (Ropes 1968), and suggest that prey eaten largely reflects the species available in the immediate habitat. The present study investigates the diet of green crabs from the northerly limit of their North American range to determine how that diet corresponds with the diet of lobsters and Cancer crabs from the same general region; and whether small lobsters and Cancer crabs are part of the diet of green crabs. METHODS Male and female green crabs were collected by hand from a sheltered, rocky bay close to Port Hebert, Queens County, Nova Scotia, at low tide on the afternoons of May 18 and August 17, 1978. Collections were timed in terms of crabs found per-man-hour-searched so that approximate abun- dance estimates could be made for both dates. All crabs collected were in a hard-shell condition. They were sexed and measured across the widest part of the carapace, from tip to tip of the most distal marginal teeth to enable assess- ment of size frequency. Within an hour of capture, the top of each crab's carapace was pulled away to reveal the stomach sac which was then removed and preserved in 10% formalin. Contents of each stomach were identified with the aid of a dissecting micro- scope. The importance of each food category was evaluated by a points method, which considers abundance and volume, and by frequency of occurrence. The points method (Swynnerton and Worthington 1940) is especially useful when the food consists of many small organisms. Points were allotted according to the amount of food each stomach contained. For example, a full stomach was allotted 100 points, and a one-third full one was allotted 33 points. The relative amount of each food category present was then estimated visually and allocated points, e.g., the mass of bivalve shells making up three quarters of the bulk of a half-full stomach (worth 50 points) is worth 89 90 Elner 38 points, while the remaining quarter of the bulk, com- prised of algae, is then worth 12 points. Although the personal element influences the visual assessment of the relative amounts of the different organisms, the method was felt to indicate adequately the composition of the bulk of the animals' diet. However, differences in digestion rate and feeding behavior probably enhance the actual impor- tance of some food items over others. Frequency of occurrence of each food category was recorded on a presence or absence basis. Data from both points and frequency of occurrence methods were expressed in percentage terms based on the number of stomachs that contained food, not on the total number of stomachs examined. Data from both sexes were combined; Ropes (1968) and Elner (1977) failed to demonstrate sexual differences in green crab diet. RESULTS Diet of Green Crabs From the green crab collection in May, 364 stomachs were analyzed, and from the August collection, 398. From those crabs collected in May and in August, 71 (20%) stomachs and 83 (21%) stomachs, respectively, were empty. Skeletal structures were largely used to identify prey in the remaining stomachs. Because of the form and fragmented nature of the remains, assigning a food item to a definite species was not always possible, but the food usually could be identified to a more general taxonomic group. Therefore, the total percentage of stomachs or points for a general taxonomic group is not necessarily the sum of the percent- ages from all categories within that group. Figures 1 and 2 show percentage frequencies of occurrence of each major prey category for the two collection dates. Quantitative results based on percentage points for each collection date are given in Figures 3 and 4. Chi-square (X2) tests indicate significant changes in the relative proportions of the food categories in the diets of crabs between May and August, both in terms of frequency of occurrence (X2 = 72.3; df = 13; P< 0.001) and points (X2 = 18.27;df= 10;P<0.005). However, the order of dietary importance of each food category, in terms of frequency of occurrence and points, is similar in both samples. Molluscs appeared to be the most important food items in terms of frequency of occurrence and points, and were further separated into four categories. Bivalves, such as Mytilus eclulis and Mya arenaria, could be recognized by their shell shape, color, and hinge structure. Although present, other bivalves, such as Ensis directus and Macoma baltica, were not plentiful enough to be placed into separate categories. The gastropods Hydrobia totteni and Littorina spp. were identified from shell fragments and operculae. These snails, although encountered frequently, were of low importance in terms of the points method. 90 r 80 70 60 SO S. 40 r 30 20 s.^ ,^ J* tr * *»* V ■*" Figure 1. The relative importance of food types (analyzed by their percentage frequency of occurrence) in the stomachs of green crabs from Port Hebert, May 1978 (n = 293). 90r 80- 70 60 50 40 I 30 20 10 ^5€^^/^^ o- V Figure 2. The relative importance of food types (analyzed by their percentage frequency of occurrence) in the stomachs of green crabs from Port Hebert, August 1978 (n = 315). 90 r 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0L Diet or Grken Crabs 90 r 80 70 60 91 -* ^ afc <^ ^jf * * ,r Figure 3. The relative importance of food types (analyzed by the percentage points method) in the stomachs of green crabs from Port Hebert, May 1978 (n = 293). Crustacea were not common enough to warrant subdivi- sion into separate food categories. Green crabs and rock crabs were identified from their chelae, limbs, color, and exoskeleton. Barnacles, Balamis spp., were identified from their thick white shells and cirripedia; and amphipods from their light brown, flattened exoskeletal plates. Other crustaceans such as Isopoda and hermit crabs (Pagurus spp.) occurred more rarely. No lobster remains were identified in the stomachs examined. Prey items, such as colonial hydroids, bryozoans, various unidentified eggs, polychaetes (Nereis spp.), and echino- derms (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, Asterias vulgaris ), were identified infrequently and were placed in a universal group, 'Others (animals)'. Crescent-shaped pieces of algae were encountered frequently but in relatively small quanti- ties, and were separated into brown and green categories when possible. Material that was unidentifiable by visual techniques was classed as either 'Unidentified' or 'Uniden- tified (animals)'. Frequently contained in stomachs examined were inorganic materials (such as mud or sand particles) which were classed as 'Sediment'. More exotic nondigest- ible materials, such as plastic and paint flakes, were also included in this latter group. It should be noted that certain epifauna, such as barnacles or hydroids, could have been ingested accidentally when the crab ate mollusc or alga prey to which epifauna were attached. 50 40 a- 30 20 10 P "T— — ■ >•» ,y, A K^ \J» j5» Cv Or vo ,o~ #- ^ *•> r^ «y^ f Figure 4. The relative importance of food types (analyzed by the percentage points method) in the stomachs of green crabs from Port Hebert, August 1978 (n = 315). Size Frequency and Littoral Abundances of Green Crabs In the May and August surveys, 69 and 99 green crabs, respectively, were found per-man-hour-searched. Size and sex composition for samples on both dates are shown in Figures 5 and 6. The male: female sex ratio changed from 1:0.85 in May to 1:1.26 in August. In the May survey, the mean carapace width (± standard error) for male green crabs, 36.4 ±1.2 mm, was significantly larger than that for females, 28.0 ± 0.9 mm (t = 2.33, df = 362, P < 0.02). Similarly, there was a significant difference between the mean carapace widths for male (41 .7 ± 0.9 mm) and female (36.5 ± 0.7 mm) crabs in the August survey (t = 4.59, df = 396, P < 0.001). Mean carapace width for both male and female green crabs increased significantly between May and August (males: t = 3.58, df = 371, P < 0.001; females: t = 7.28, df= 387. P< 0.001). DISCUSSION Stomach analysis strongly suggests that green crabs from Port Hebert rely on mostly bivalves and, to a lesser extent, on algae and crustaceans as prey. This trend was confirmed by both points and frequency of occurrence methods. Dietary importance of bivalves substantiates the reputation of green crabs as a major pest of bivalve fisheries (Dare and 92 Elner Males May N = I97, X=36 4+ 1.2 mm 50 40 30 20 10 Females _May N= 167, X=28.0± 0 9mm 10 20 30 40 50 60 Carapace Width (mm) 70 80 Figure 5. Size frequency of male and female green crabs sampled at Port Hebert, May 1978. Edwards 1976, Welch 1968). Furthermore, presence of infaunal bivalves, such as Mya arenaria and Ensis directus in the stomachs examined, suggests that the green crab is an efficient burrower. Significant differences between green crab diets in May and in August, in terms of points and frequency of occur- rence, possibly reflected seasonal variations in the abundance of certain prey. The only other North American survey on green crab diet (Ropes 1968) revealed a more diverse diet than the Port Hebert study but a similar dependence on bivalves. Elner (1977) analyzed green crab stomach contents from the Menai Straits, Nortli Wales, and found the diet to consist mainly of crustaceans and algae. Polychaetes, which were almost entirely absent from the Port Hebert survey, were only slightly less important by frequency of occurrence than molluscs in the North Wales samples. Differences in diet among the three locations probably reflect the avail- ability of food types in each particular habitat, and the crab's opportunistic foraging behavior. Differences in mean carapace width and sex ratio of the green crabs sampled between the May and August surveys could have been caused by seasonal migration as observed Males August N = I76, X= 41.7 td 9mm 50h 40 30 20- Females August N=222, X=36 .5+ 0.7mm 10 20 70 80 30 40 50 60 Carapace Width ( mm) Figure 6. Size frequency of male and female green crabs sampled at Port Hebert, August 1978. by Naylor (1958). Increases in mean carapace width also may have been due to molting and growth between sampling dates. In the laboratory, adult green crabs are able to capture and feed on juvenile lobsters, and adult lobsters and rock crabs prey on adult green crabs (R. W. Elner, unpublished data). Although no lobster remains were identified in the stomachs examined, there was evidence of cannibalism and predation on Cancer irroratus. Klein-Breteler (1975) suggests that predation by larger green crabs on smaller ones is an effective density-dependent mortality factor. Laboratory observations (R. W. Elner, unpublished data) have shown that all sizes of green crabs are vulnerable to cannibalism after ecdysis. In surveys of lobster diets from Newfoundland (Ennis 1973, Squires 1970), and from the Northumberland Strait (Miller et al. 1971), bivalves, gastropods, crabs, polychaetes, and echinoderms were the most frequently occurring food items. However, each survey produced different proportions and positions of importance for each food category. This variability is probably explained by the different habitats, and subsequent differences in prey availability in which the sampling took place. Scarratt and Lowe (1972) determined Diet or Green Crabs 93 the diet of the rock crab in the Northumberland Strait to be composed principally of polychaetes, mussels, and sea urchins. In a study off Shelburne, southwestern Nova Scotia (R. W. Elner, unpublished data), crabs, bivalves, and brittle stars were the major food items in lobster stomachs based on the points method; bivalves, crabs, and amphipods were dominant in rock crab stomachs. There are no published data on jonah crab diet, although it can be expected to be similar to that of the rock crab. The many similarities in diet among green crabs, rock crabs, and lobsters indicate that in food-limiting situations these species probably com- pete for food types such as bivalves, gastropods, polychaetes, and crustaceans. Elner and Hughes (1978), Elner and Jamie- son (1979), and Elner and Raffaelli (1980) have shown that green crabs, rock crabs, and lobsters are versatile molluscan predators able to open the shells of a wide size range of prey; therefore, competition is unlikely to be lessened sub- stantially by any partitioning of food resources on the basis of prey size. Miller et al. (1971) determined that American lobsters endure intense interspecific competition for food within kelp communities. Scarratt (1968) for American lobsters. and Chittleborough (1970, 1975) and Chittleborough and Phillips (1975) for western rock lobsters (Panulints longipes), found evidence of intense spatial competition on lobster grounds. Competitive interactions can depress the carrying capacity of a habitat for the species concerned, and displace members into marginal habitats where they may be inade- quately nourished and subject to increased predation. High abundances of green crabs, as observed in these surveys, may be capable of sufficiently depressing the carrying capacity of an inshore habitat, in terms of space and food, resulting in a decreased abundance of lobsters and Cancer crabs. Therefore, the green crab should be viewed not only as a proven direct pest of commercial molluscs but also as a possible indirect and direct competitor of lobsters and other crab species. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to Jim Steeves and Dr. Janet K. Elner who helped collect and process the green crabs. I also thank Drs. Alan Campbell, Peter Daye, and Aivars Stasko for critically reviewing drafts of the manuscript. Figures were prepared by Frank Cunningham. REFERENCES CITED Atkinson, R. J. A. & A. J. Parsons. 1973. Seasonal patterns of migration and locomotor rhythmicity in populations of Carcinus. Neth.J. Sea Res. 7:81-93. Chittleborough, R. G. 1970. 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Note on the food Stasko, A. B. & A. Campbell. 1980. An overview of lobster life of fish inHaweswater (Westmorland). J. Anim. Ecol. 9:183-187. history and fishery in southwestern Nova Scotia. Proceedings Welch, W. R. 1968. Changes in abundance of the green crab, Carcinus of the workshop on the relationship between sea urchin grazing maenas (L.), in relation to recent temperature changes. Fish. and commercial plant/animal harvesting. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Bull. 67:337-345. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, 95-99, 1981. VARIATIONS IN SOME REPRODUCTIVE ASPECTS OF FEMALE SNOW CRABS CHIONOECETES OPILIO12 STEPHEN C. JEWETT Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 ABSTRACT Knowledge of the reproductive biology of female snow crabs (Chionoecetes opilio) from northern Alaska waters is important because of the potential impact on this dominant species from increased petroleum-related activities there. Size at 50% maturity for female snow crabs from the southeastern Chukchi Sea is 50 mm carapace width. Fecundity of three North American populations of Chionoecetes opilio decreases progressively at a given body size with increasing latitudes. Crabs from the southeastern Chukchi Sea have a smaller body-size range and larger eggs than those from the southeastern Bering Sea and from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Also, a small percentage (3.3%) of female Chukchi Sea crabs of egg-bearing size are ovigerous. INTRODUCTION Snow (tanner) crabs Chionoecetes opilio (O. Fabricius) are present on both sides of the North Pacific Ocean— to the west in the Sea of Japan, and to the east in the Bering Sea— where they extend northward to Chukchi Sea and Arctic Ocean (Wolotira et al. 1977; Yoshida 1941 ; K. Frost, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, personal communi- cation). In the Atlantic Ocean, they range from the Gulf of Maine northward through the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Garth 1958). Various reproductive aspects (i.e., maturity, mating, egg deposition, fecundity, and egg size) of female C. opilio have been reported from many geographic localities (Brunei 1960, 1961, 1962; Ito 1963, 1967; Powles 1968; Watson 1969, 1970; and Haynes et al. 1976). This paper compares some reproductive aspects of C. opilio toward the northern limit of its range, the southeastern Chukchi iSea (68° 1 8. 0'N), with data from the southeastern Bering Sea (56°15.0'N), from the Gulf of St. Lawrence (48°43.5'N and 48°21.0'N) (Haynes et al. 1976), and, to a limited extent, from the Sea of Japan (approximately 35° 50.0'N) (Ito 1963). Additionally, baseline knowledge of various reproductive aspects of female snow crabs from northern Alaska waters is important because of the potential increase in petroleum- related activities in that area. Baseline data can be compared with data from future impacts, if any, on this dominant crab species. METHODS In the Chukchi Sea near Point Hope, Alaska, 193 new- shell females (130 immature and 63 mature individuals) This study was supported under contract No. 03-5-022-56 between Dr. Howard M. Feder, University of Alaska, and NOAA, Department of Commerce, through the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program to which funds were provided by the Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior. Contribution No. 437, Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Alaska 99701. were collected during a northeastern Bering Sea-southeastern Chukchi Sea benthic trawl survey in September— October 1976 (Wolotira et al. 1977, Feder and Jewett 1978). Speci- mens were selected to encompass the size range of ovigerous individuals and to determine size at maturity. Carapace width, the widest portion of the carapace excluding spines, was measured to the nearest 0.1 mm. Eggs were dried to a constant weight at 60°C (see Lovegrove [1966] for drying technique) and weighed to the nearest 0.001 g. After drying, the eggs were rubbed gently to free them from connective tissue. Two estimates of egg number were obtained for each crab by comparing the weight of a 200-egg subsample to the weight of the entire egg mass (Lagler 1957). The mean of the two estimates was used in all calculations. The number of eggs from crabs of the same size have been reported to decrease approximately 50% from the time of egg extrusion to the time of hatching (Brunei 1962, Kon 1976); presumably this egg loss was due topredation,unfer- tilization, and/or abnormalities. Therefore, to make adequate latitudinal comparisons in snow crab fecundity, crabs with eggs in the early stages of development were collected for comparison with eggs of similar stages of development from the southeastern Bering Sea and from the Gulf of St. Law- rence. Fecundity may be a function of spawning history, i.e., differences in clutch size may exist between primiparous and multiparous spawners. This aspect was not examined. To determine egg diameter, a sample of 10 eggs from each of five crabs was removed from the blotted egg mass, and the diameter measured to 0.01 mm with an ocular micrometer. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The geometric mean (GM) regression (Ricker 1973) was used as the measure to express the functional regression of number of eggs (Y) on carapace width (X). The GM regres- sion method also was used by Haynes et al. (1976) for C. opilio fecundity data from the southeastern Bering Sea 95 96 JEWETT and from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It is presented here for comparison. The relationship between log fecundity and log carapace width is expressed as: logeY = logeM+t'logeX. The correlation coefficient for Chukchi Sea crabs was 0.767, indicating a reasonably good relationship between number of eggs and carapace width (Table 1). Similar correlation coefficients were obtained for crabs from the southeastern Bering Sea and from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, i.e., 0.808 and 0.733, respectively. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals of the regression coefficients (v) were used to test the null hypothesis that the slope equaled 3 for C. opilio in the Chukchi Sea; a similar test was made on crabs from the southeastern Bering Sea and from the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Haynes et al. 1976). Regression coefficients for crabs from the Chukchi Sea, as well as those from the southeastern Bering Sea, were not significantly greater than 3, indicating that egg number and carapace width increased at similar rates. The number of eggs of C. opilio from the Gulf of St. Lawrence increased at a rate greater than the width of the crab (Haynes et al. 1976). TABLE 1. Relationship of log number of eggs to log carapace width for Chionoecetes opilio from three geographic localities. Parameters Southeastern Southeastern Gulf of St. Chukchi Sea Bering Sea Lawrence Latitude 68 18.0 Number of crabs 63 Regression coefficient V 3.4822 95% confidence limits ± 0.5720 Intercept logg Ql) - 3.6905 Correlation coefficient (V) 0.7670 56 15.0 23 48"43.5 48°21.0' 99 2.7206 4.2000 ± 0.7265 ± 0.5686 - 0.7125 - 6.7472 0.8086 0.7329 Source: Haynes et al. 1976. Size at Maturity The smallest mature and largest immature female crabs were 40.3 mm and 54.0 mm, respectively, indicating an approximate 14 mm size difference between the smallest and largest immature female ready to molt to maturity. Size at 50% maturity was the same as that for females from the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Watson 1970), i.e., about 50 mm. Female C. opilio elongatus from Korean waters mature at 63 mm (Yoshida 1941), whereas 50 to 55 mm was the size at maturity of the same species from the Sea of Japan (Kato et al. 1956, Ito 1967). Female C. bairdi from the Gulf of Alaska reached 50% maturity at approximately 80 mm (Hilsinger 1976). Carapace Width- Fecundity Observed mean number of eggs for a given carapace width group (5 mm) was smaller for C. opilio from the Chukchi Sea than for C. opilio from the southeastern Bering Sea and Gulf of St. Lawrence (Table 2; Figure 1). The smallest ovigerous female size class from Chukchi Sea was approximately 10 mm smaller than the smallest ovigerous female size class from the southeastern Bering Sea and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The largest Chukchi Sea female size class was approximately 15 mm smaller than the largest Bering Sea crab size class and nearly 25 mm smaller than the largest Gulf of St. Lawrence crab size class (Table 2). Maximum difference between the lowest and highest number of eggs in a 5-mm size group in Chukchi Sea crabs was 24,773 eggs (50 to 54 mm); the mean difference was 10,647 eggs. Maximum and mean differences in the south- eastern Bering Sea crabs were 30,452 eggs (55 to 59 mm) and 17,857 eggs, respectively; in the Gulf of St. Lawrence the differences were 64,787 eggs (70 to 74 mm) and 52,088 eggs, respectively. TABLE 2. Observed mean fecundity (x 10 eggs) of Chionoecetes opilio (number of crabs in parentheses) from three localities. Carapace width (mm) Gulf of St. Lawrence Southeastern Bering Sea Southeastern Chukchi Sea 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 31.8 (1) 28.2 (2) 39.6 (8) 33.3(5) 44.1 (21) 37.4(5) 65.5(28) 44.6 (5) 70.9(23) 49.8 (5) 97.9(12) 74.8(1) 117.5 (3) 114.9 (3) 12.9 (8) 19.2(19) 25.5 (22) 28.0(11) 37.1 (3) 'Source: Evan Haynes, National Marine Fisheries Service, Auke Bay, Alaska. Ito (1963) examined the fecundity of C. opilio from the southeastern part of the Sea of Japan and determined that most crabs carried 30,000 to 80,000 eggs per individual (range = 5,500 to 150,000); the mode was approximately 50,000 to 60,000 eggs. Corresponding crab sizes were not presented. Egg Size The range (0.64 to 0.88 mm) and mean size (0.71 mm) of eggs from Chukchi Sea crabs were greater than those for eggs from the southeastern Bering Sea (range: 0.56 to 0.74 mm; mean: 0.66 mm), and from the Gulf of St. Lawrence (range: 0.56 to 0.75 mm; mean: 0.65 mm). Coefficients of variation of egg size among Chukclii Sea crabs ranged from 2.4 to 5.5%, indicating uniform egg size. Some Reproductive Aspects oi- Chjonoecetes opilio 97 — E 5, 3 O. E o ON (spuesnoqj) SD03 o 0) < ca Q- « o < 2 u (0 tz 3 5 < o Si o 2 « •5 -J c „ • ^£ 0) — IT) ir> =5 3 o O ■-■ Z. ■2 c >: « tfl CO £ 1 a a o o c in P= 5 O 3 vl o g§ ". » M — 0) 0 CO m S r ** ■2 u <*— o E I - E x) o *t • o h- — 3j ■o 98 JEWETT Similar uniformity in egg size of crabs existed for crabs from the southeastern Bering Sea and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. No significant correlation was found between mean egg size and crab size for crabs of the Chukchi Sea region (r = —0.530); this lack of relation between sizes of crab and egg was consistent with data from the other two areas. Gravid Females Changes in percentages of egg-bearing females may indicate that stocks were over-exploited or under environ- mental stress (Hilsinger 1976). Only a small proportion of female Chionoecetes opilio of the northeastern Bering Sea and the southeastern Chukchi Sea were gravid. Among 5,200 females exceeding 40 mm in carapace width (size of the smallest ovigerous female), only 169 (3.3%) were bearing eggs (Wolotira et al. 1977). Additionally, examination of the ovaries of 130 immature and 63 mature females revealed that 48 and 97%, respectively, had developing internal orange ova (Table 3). This high proportion of females with advanced ovarian development and low proportion of egg-bearing females seems paradoxical. The seminal recep- tacles of mature females were not examined to determine the presence or absence of sperm. Snow crabs are not commercially exploited in the northeastern Bering Sea or in the southeastern Chukchi Sea; therefore, the reduction of egg-bearing females may be environmentally related, but no information is available to substantiate this. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special thanks go to Mr. Evan Haynes for his assistance and critical review of this manuscript, and to Mr. Robert Sutherland for his statistical assistance. TABLE 3. Maturity of 130 immature and 63 mature Chionoecetes opilio from southeastern Chukchi Sea. Carapace Width (mm) Totals Maturity 15- 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-69 60-64 Percent Number of Crabs Immature ovary absent ovary present, empty and white ovary orange 8 7 0 3 4 0 3 5 0 3 12 1 3 3 1 3 12 3 0 1 34 0 1 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 45 62 130 18 34 48 100 Mature ovary orange ovary empty and white 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 18 1 22 0 10 1 3 0 61 2 63 97 3 100 'Source: Hilsinger (1976). REFERENCES CITED Brunei, P. 1960. Observations sur la biologic et biometrie du crabe- araignee Chionoecetes opilio (Fabr.). Rapp. Stn. Biol. mar. Grande-Riviere. P.Q.:59-67. (Translated from French by Linda Nielson, National Marine Fisheries Service, Alike Bay, Alaska.) . 1961. Nouvelles observations sur la biologie et la bio- metrie du crabe-araignee Chionoecetes opilio (Fabr.). Rapp. Stn. Biol. mar. Grande-Riviere. P.Q.:63-71. (Translated from French by Linda Nielson, National Marine Fisheries Service, Auke Bay, Alaska.) . 1962. Troisieme serie de'observations sur la biologie et la biometride du crabe-araignee Chionoecetes opilio (Fabr.). Rapp. Stn. Biol. mar. Grande -Riviere. P.Q.:81-89. (Translated from French by Linda Nielson, National Marine fisheries Service. Auke Bay, Alaska.) Feder, H. M. & S. C. lewett. 1978. Survey of the epifaunal inverte- brates of Norton Sound, southeastern Chukchi Sea, and Kotzebue Sound. Institute of Marine Science Report R78- 1. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. 124 pp. Garth, J. S. 1958. Brachyura of the Pacific coast of America. Oxyrhyncha. Allan Hancock Pacific Exped. 21(1 & 2). 854 pp. Haynes, E., J. R. Karinen, J. Watson & D. J. Hopson. 1976. Relation of number of eggs and egg length to carapace width in the brachyuran crabs Chionoecetes bairdi and C. opilio from the southeastern Bering Sea and C. opilio from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33:2592-2595. Hilsinger, .1. R. 1976. Aspects of the reproductive biology of female snow crabs, Chionoecetes bairdi, from Prince William Sound and adjacent Gulf of Alaska. Mar. Sci. Comm. 2(3 &4):201-225. Ito, K. 1963. A few studies on the ripeness of eggs of zuwai-gani Chionoecetes opilio. Bull. Jpn. Sea Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 11:65-76. (Translated from Japanese by Fisheries Research Board of Canada Translation Service No. 1117.) . 1967. Ecological studies on the edible crab, Chionoecetes opilio (O. Fabricius), in the Japan Sea. I. When do female crabs first spawn and how do they advance into the following repro- ductive stage. Bull. Jpn. Sea Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 17:67-84. Some Reproductive Aspects oe Chionoecetes opilio 99 (Translated from Japanese by Fisheries Research Board of Canada Translation Service No. 1 103.) Kato, G., I. Yamanaka, A. Ochi & T. Ogata. 1956. General aspects on trawl fisheries in the Japan Sea. Bull. Jpn. Sea Reg. Fish. Lab. 4:1-331. (In Japanese with English summary; translation of pp. 293—305 , available from National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, WA.) Kon, T. 1974. Fisheries biology of the Japanese tanner crab. VI. On the number of ovarian eggs and eggs held on the pleopods. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 40(5):465-469. Lagler, K. F. 1956. Freshwater Fishery Biology. 2nd edition. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa. 421 pp. Lovegrove,T. 1966. The determination of the dry weight of plankton and the effects of various factors in the values obtained. Pages 429-467 in Harold Barnes (ed.), Some Contemporary Studies in Marine Science. George Allen and Unwen Ltd., London. 716 pp. Powles, H. W. 1968. Observations on the distribution and biology of the spider crab, Chionoecetes opilio. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Report Series (Biol.) No. 950. 30 pp. Ricker, W. E. 1973. Linear regression in fishery research. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30:409-434. Watson, J. 1969. Biological investigations on the spider crab, Chionoe- cetes opilio. Can. Fish. Rep. 13:24-27. . 1970. Maturity, mating, and egg laying in the spider crab, Chionoecestes opilio. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 27(9): 1607-1616. Wolotira, R. J., Jr., T. M. Sample & M. Morin, Jr. 1977. Demersal fish and shellfish resources of Norton Sound, the southeastern Chukchi Sea, and adjacent waters in the baseline year 1976. U.S. Dep. Comm., NOAA, NME'S, Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center, Washington. Processed Report. 292 pp. Yoshida, H. 1941. On the reproduction of useful crabs in North Korea (II). Suisan Kenkyushi 36:116-121. (Translation from Japanese, available from National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, Washington.) Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, 101-126. 1981. ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL PAPERS Presented at 1980 Annual Meeting NATIONAL SHELLFISHERIES ASSOCIATION Hyannis, Massachusetts June 9-12, 1980 National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 103 CONTENTS Betsy Brown, Leslie Williams and Melbourne R. Carriker Role of Chemoreception in Predation by the Oyster Drill Urosalpinx cinerea. I. Feeding Behavior 107 George R. Abbe Nonradiological Studies of Tray-Held Oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in the Vicinity of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in Chesapeake Bay, 1970-1979 107 T. Amaratunga The Short-Finned Squid lllex illecebrosus Fishery in Eastern Canada 107 T. Amaratunga A Study of the Growth and Feeding Parameters of the Short-Finned Squid lllex illecebrosus in Relation to a Fishery Model 108 Richard S. Appeldoorn, Robert S. Brown and Keith R. Cooper Factors Affecting the Development of Molluscan Neoplasia in the Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria: Indications from Laboratory and Field Observations 108 Walter J. Blogoslawski, Stephen T. Tettelbach, Lisa M. Petti and Barry A. Nawoichik Isolation, Characterization, and Control of a Vibrio sp. Pathogenic to Crassostrea virginica and Ostrea edulis Larvae 1 09 V. M. Bricelj and R. E. Malouf Aspects of Reproduction of Hard Clams, Mercenaria mercenaria, in Great South Bay, New York 109 James T. Carlton and Roger Mann Population Maintenance, Manageability, and Utilization of Introduced Species: Path- ways, Patterns, and Case Histories 109 Melbourne R. Carriker, Robert E. Palmer and Robert S. Prezant New Information on the Functional Ultrastructure of the Valves of the Oyster Crassostrea virginica 110 L. R. Connell, Jr. and R. E. Loveland Growth Rates and Fouling in Sediment-Free Raft Culturing of Juvenile Hard Clams, Mercenaria mercenaria (L.) 110 Keith R. Cooper and Robert S. Brown Diagnosis and Prognosis of an Hematopoietic Neoplasm in the Soft -Shell Clam Mya arenaria L Ill Robert K. Cox The Geoduck Clam Fishery in British Columbia, Canada Ill E. G. Dawe Development of the Newfoundland lllex illecebrosus Fishery and Management of the Resource Ill E. G. Dawe Forecasting Inshore Abundance of Squid lllex illecebrosus from a Preseason Biomass Survey 112 E. G. Dawe Progress Toward Validating the Aging of Short-Finned Squid Using Statoliths 112 N. Dean Dey Growth of Sibling Hard Clams, Mercenaria mercenaria, in a Controlled Environment 112 R. Elston, L. Leibovitz, D. Relyea and J. Zatila Diagnosis of Vibriosis in a Commercial Oyster Hatchery Epizootic, A Case History 113 Arnold G. Eversole, Peter J. Eldridge and William K. Michener Reproductive Response to Increased Density: Some Observations from Molluscs 113 Lowell W. Fritz and Dexter S. Haven An Investigation of Sea Scallops (Placeopecten magellanicus) of the Mid-Atlantic from Commercial Samples in 1979 114 Scott M. Gallager and Roger Mann An Apparatus for the Measurement of Grazing Activity of Filter Feeders at Constant Food Concentrations 114 R. B. Gillmor Intertidal Growth in Mytilus edulis L 114 Julius Gordon, Daniel Rittsehof, Leslie Williams and Melbourne R. Carriker Preliminary Chemical Characterization of Mantle Cavity Fluid of the Oyster Crassostrea virginica 115 104 Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis. Massachusetts CONTENTS (Continued) Herbert Hidu Mya arenaria— Nonobligate Infauna 116 Roy W. M. Hirtle and Ronald K. O'Dor A Comparison of Feeding and Growth in Natural and Captive Squid (Illex illecebrosus) 116 R. F. Hixon, R. T. Han Ion and W. H. Hulet Growth, Fecundity and Estimated Life Span of Three Loliginid Squid Species in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico 116 R. M. Ingle, D. G. Meyer and M. R. Landrum Preliminary Notes on a Pilot Plant for the Feeding of Adult American Oysters 116 Douglas S. Jones Reproductive Cycles of the Ocean Quahog Arctica islandica and the Atlantic Surf Clam Spisula solidissima off New Jersey 117 Richard C. Karney Shellfish Propagation on Martha's Vineyard 117 Victor S. Kennedy and William C. Boicourt Water Circulation and Oyster Spat Settlement in Two Adjacent Tributaries of the Choptank River, Maryland 118 A. M. T. Lange History and Present Conditions of Squid, Loligo pealei and Illex illecebrosus. Fisheries off the Northeastern Coast of the United States 118 A.M. T. Lange Yield-per-Recruit Analysis for Squid, Loligo pealei and Illex illecebrosus, from the Northwest Atlantic 118 Roger Mann Reproduction in Arctica islandica and its Relationship to the Oceanography of the Middle Atlantic Bight 119 John J. Manzi, Victor G. Burrell, Jr. and M. Yvonne Bobo Comparative Gametogenesis in Subtidal and Intertidal Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) from Bulls Bay, South Carolina 119 Carol A. Moore Phagocytosis and Degradation of a Unicellular Algae by Hemocytes of the Hard Clam Mercenaria mercenaria 119 M. P. Morse, W. E. Robinson, W. E. Wehling and S. Libby A Problem of Giant Seed: A Preliminary Study of the Bay Scallop Argopecten irradians in Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod 119 Steven A. Murawski, John W. Ropes and Fredric M. Serchuk Population Biology of the Ocean Quahog in the Middle Atlantic Bight 120 Gary F. Newkirk Do Fast Growing Oyster Larvae Produce Fast Growing Adult Oysters? 120 /. Ogle and K. Flurry Studies on Various Substrates in Relation to Setting of Oyster Larvae with Comments on Commercial Applications 1 20 /. J. Oprandy and P. W. Chang Evidence for a Virus Causing Neoplasia in the Soft -Shell Clam (Mya arenaria) 120 W. F. Rathjen Squid Catches Along the United States Continental Slope 121 Donald C. Rhoads, Richard A. Lut: and Robert M. Cerrato Growth of Mussels at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents Along the Galapagos Rift 121 W. E. Robinson Statistical Analysis of Digestive Gland Tubule Variability in Mercenaria mercenaria (L.), Ostrea edulis L., and Mytilus edulis L 121 Oswald A. Roels The Economics of Artificial Upwelling Mariculture 122 National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 105 CONTENTS (Continued) John W. Ropes and Steven A. Murawski Size and Age at Sexual Maturity of Ocean Quahogs Arctica islandica Linne, from a Deep Oceanic Site 122 N. B. Savage and P. C Clark Survival of Recent Large Soft-Shell Clam Sets in Hampton-Seabrook Estuary and Progress to Harvestable Size 122 William N. Shaw Oyster Setting— Past, Present, and Future 123 Jon G. Stanley, Standish A. Allen and Herbert Hidu Polyploidy Induced in the Early Embryo of the American Oyster with Cytochalasin B 123 John E. S u pan and E. W. Cake, Jr. Use of an Oyster Rack for Offbottom Containerized-Relaying of Polluted Oysters in Mississippi Sound 123 David M. Taylor An Overview of the Snow Crab (Chionoecetes opilio) Fishery in Newfoundland 124 Rodman E. Taylor Preliminary Investigations of Local Populations of the Bay Scallop Argopecten irradians Lamarck in Falmouth, Massachusetts 124 Ronald B. Toll and Steven C. Hess Methodology for Specific Diagnosis of Cephalopod Remains in Stomach Contents of Predators with Reference to the Broadbill Swordfish Xiphias gladius 124 Donald J. Trider and John D. Castell Protein Digestibility in the Lobster Homams americamis 125 K. C. Turner and Robert K. Cox Seasonal Reproductive Cycle and Show Factor Variation of the Geoduck Clam Panope generosa (Gould) in British Columbia 125 Michael Vecchione Aspects of Loligo pealei Early Life History 125 Dennis Walsh Limitations and Potentials of Bay Scallop (Argopecten irradians) Culture in New England 125 W. E. Wehling, W. E. Robinson and M. P. Morse Seasonal Variations in Body Component Indices and Energy Stores in the Sea Scallop Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin) 126 National Shellfisheries Association. Hvannis, Massachusetts Abstracts. 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-1 2, 1980 107 ROLE OF CHEMORECEPTION IN PREDATION BY THE OYSTER DRILL UROSALPINX CINEREA. I. FEEDING BEHAVIOR BETSY BROWN, LESLIE WILLIAMS AND MELBOURNE R. CARRIKER University of Delaware, College of Marine Studies, Lewes, Delaware 19958 Research has been initiated to investigate the chemical ecology of feeding behavior in oyster drills, Urosalpinx cinerea and Ocencbra inomata, as a basis for drill control. To date, this work has focused on (1) quantifying the influence which feeding attractants. produced by the oyster Crassostrea virginica, have on the behavior of U. cinerea, and (2) isolating additional variables which may significantly modify feeding behavior. A Y-maze choice chamber has been designed which tests quantitatively the response of drills to a variety of stimuli (such as feeding attractants) presented to them. Observations on the influence of oyster feeding attractants show that U. cinerea: (1) preys on oysters reared in the laboratory on a unialgal diet of the diatom Thalassiosira pscwJonana; (2) migrates perferentially toward a high biomass of these oysters; (3) migrates preferentially toward well fed. as opposed to starved, oysters; (4) has a low frequency (less than 40%) of response to oysters in the winter under non- hibernating conditions (20 to 25°C); (5) searches for its prey most actively at night; (6) is slow in its response to oyster prey; and (7) feeds sporadically rather than contin- uously. Results from these experiments will assist in devel- opment of a rapid screening bioassay to elucidate in more detail the chemical nature of feeding attractants produced by oysters. Originally presented at NSA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C. August 1979. NONRADIOLOGICAL STUDIES OF TRAY-HELD OYSTERS, CRASSOSTREA VIRGINICA, IN THE VICINITY OF THE CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT IN CHESAPEAKE BAY. 1970-19791 GEORGE R. ABBE Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Benedict Estuarine Research Laboratory, Benedict, Maryland 20612 Growth and mortality of three age classes of tray-held oysters, Crassostrea virginica Gmelin, were monitored from 1970 to 1979 at several stations in Chesapeake Bay in the area of the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company's Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. Additional oysters were monitored for uptake of copper and nickel. During the preoperational years (1970—1975), one con- tinuous study was conducted, but during the operational period (1975-1979), several separate studies were initiated because of heavy losses of oysters and research platforms due to ice. Station differences in growth and mortality were minimal during preoperational years, but accelerated growth during operational years was evident in thermally affected areas. Overall growth rates during operational years, however, were not as high as those of 1970—1972. No differences in mortality rates occurred between the two periods. Nickel concentrations in oysters showed seasonal effects, but did not appear to be influenced by the plant. Mean wet- weight copper concentrations at the plant during the pre- operational period (59.6 mg/kg), and operational period (50.6 mg/kg) were both about twice those which occurred at a control station (29.8 and 19.6 mg/kg) during the same periods. Thus, the higher concentrations of copper in oysters at the plant appear to be unrelated to plant operation. This study was supported by the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company. THE SHORT-FINNED SQUID ILLEX ILLECEBROSUS FISHERY IN EASTERN CANADA T. AMARATUNGA Department of Fisheries and Oceans P.O. Box 550. Halifax, N.S. Canada B3J 2S7 The squid Illex illecebrosus traditionally had been important to Canada only as a small inshore fishery in Newfoundland. Fluctuations in inshore squid landings, common prior to 1975, probably were related to the avail- ability of squid. Since 1975, the inshore and offshore fisheries have shown tremendous increases in landings, and that has resulted in an upsurge in the economy and effort in the fishery. Historic trends related to the inshore fishery are dis- cussed. Recent statistics on the inshore fishery provide information on catch, season, area, and gear. Offshore statistics, prior to 1975, were not completely separated by species. Statistics compiled on the international and Canadian offshore fisheries from the FLASH computer information system provide a monitor of all activities since 1977. The historic and present state of the fisheries are presented in relation to the management of the resource. 108 Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 National Shellfisheries Association. Hyannis, Massachusetts A STUDY OF THE GROWTH AND FEEDING PARAMETERS OF THE SHORT-FINNED SQUID ILLEX ILLECEBROSVS IN RELATION TO A FISHERY MODEL T. AMARATUNGA Department of Fisheries and Oceans PO. Box 550, Halifax, .V.S. Canada B3J 2S7 Growth curves were determined for Illex illecebrosus from data collected between 1977 to 1979 from commercial fishing vessels and research cruises on the Scotian Shelf. The estimated asymptotic lengths ranged from 232 to 278 mm and 294 to 347 mm for males and females, respectively, while estimated time of birth was between December and February. The onset of sexual maturation of males was recorded at a mean length of 228 mm in late November; in females, the onset was between late November 3nd early December. Diurnal feeding patterns showed "recently fed" /. illecebrosus descend from the upper region of the water column shortly after sunrise. Gut contents are given and three major prey types, Crustacea, fish, and squid, are identified. A progression from an exclusively crustacean diet at squid sizes less than 145 mm to pre- dominantly squid and fish diets at squid sizes greater than 225 mm was attributed to size-related preference and avail- ability. Cannibalism was an important phenomenon, while predation on fish was relatively unimportant. Estimates of feeding, food conversion, and growth are discussed in relation to a fishery model. FACTORS AFFECTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF MOLLISCAN NEOPLASIA LN THE SOFT-SHELL CLAM MYA ARESARIA: LNDICATIONS FROM LABORATORY AND FIELD OBSERVATIONS RICHARD S. APPELDOORN.1 ROBERT S. BROWN: AND KEITH R. COOPER2 Graduate School of Oceanography . 'Department of Animal Pathology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston. Rhode Island 02881 An intensive multidisciplinary investigation of molluscan neoplasia as it occurs in the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria has been in progress for the past 4 years. The soft-shell clam has been found to be particularly susceptible to this disease and it is an ideal organism to study the factors affecting the development of neoplasia. The investigation, consisting in part of a field survey, seasonal sampling, field experiments. and laboratory transmission experiments, has indicated a viral etiology of neoplasia. Consistant patterns in the development and progression of neoplasia have been observed throughout the various surveys and experiments. A review of these patterns can elucidate some of the factors which affect neoplasia development. Four specific factors: temperature, size, dosage, and stress, have been indicated. Both cold and warm temperatures seem to suppress the development and progression of neoplasia. High tempera- ture may be detrimental to the infecting virus. The mech- anism whereby cold temperature reduces neoplasia remains enigmatic, possibly acting on the clam, virus, or both. Temperature affects are evidenced by an annual biphasic cycle of neoplasia incidence, and by the scarcity of neoplasia at the extremities of the geographical distribution of the soft-shell clam. Neoplasia was not found in newly settled individuals indicating an age-related or exposure-related affect. Young clams (< 40 mm) had a significantly lower incidence of neoplasia compared to adults. Neoplasia has been successfully transmitted by exposing healthy clams to the effluent of diseased clams. In replicate experiments, it was found that the incidence and severity of the developing neoplasia were dependent upon the effluent concentration. Evidence for that effect in the field has been observed in transplant experiments. Transmission studies using healthy clams held under varying sediment conditions have resulted in consistant differences between the treatments regarding neoplasia incidence and severity. The constancy of those effects suggests that they are nonrandom and predictable. The factors responsible for the observed differences are as yet unknown but it is postulated that stress resulting from certain environmental conditions increases the suscepti- bility of clams to neoplasia. More prevalent and severe cases were found in clams kept without sediment, and in very com- pacted, moderately oiled sediment. In a field experiment, the incidence and severity of neoplasia developing within different clam populations were found to be related to the initial conditions (an index of stress) of each population. Healthier populations (more weight per size) experienced reduced neoplasia development. These observations indicate directions where further research would be useful. Using direct viral inoculation techniques, controlled laboratory experiments could resolve some of the mechanisms under- lying these observations. National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 109 ISOLATION, CHARACTERIZATION, AND CONTROL OF A VIBRIO SP. PATHOGENIC TO CRASSOSTREA VIRGINICA AND OSTREA EDULIS LARVAE WALTER J. BLOGOSLAWSKI,1 STEPHEN T. TETTELBACH,1 LISA M. PETTI2 AND BARRY A.NAWOICHIK3 1 National Oceanic and A tmospheric Administration, NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Center, Milford Laboratory, Milford, Connecticut 06460; 2Central Conneticut State College, New Britain, Connecticut 06050; and 3 'Northeastern University. Boston, Massachusetts 021 15 During a disease outbreak at a west coast shellfish hatchery, ground-up samples of infected Ostrea edulis larvae and their culture water were pjaced on marine agar. Of the predominant isolates taken, one was shown consis- tently to cause greater than 90% mortality to both develop- ing O. edulis larvae and Crassostrea virginica embryos in challenge tests. Exponential growth of the suspect bacterium occurred immediately upon exposure to eggs; embryonic mortality increased steadily throughout 48-hour challenges. This bacterium was identified as a member of the genus Vibrio through a series of over 60 morphological and bio- chemical tests. Sensitivity to various antibiotics also was determined. Chlorine, ultraviolet, and ozone were evaluated as disinfectants for this pathogenic Vibrio which is presently controlled by ultraviolet treatment of shellfish hatchery seawater. ASPECTS OF REPRODUCTION OF HARD CLAMS, MERCENARIA MERCENARIA, IN GREAT SOUTH BAY, NEW YORK V. M. BRJCELJ AND R. E. MALOUF Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York. Stony Brook, New York 11794 A spectrophotometry method was developed for rapid quantification of hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) sperm and egg concentrations. An optimum gamete ratio of approximately 1.8 x 105 sperm per 100 eggs was deter- mined. Hard clams repeatedly were induced to spawn in the laboratory. Unfertilized spawned ova ranged in size from 50 to 97 pm, and were characterized by a bimodal size- frequency distribution. In spite of the high variability in egg production among individuals, correlation between size (length) and egg production of clams from Great South 3ay, New York, was signficant; 15 to 25% of the variation in fecundity was attributable to the difference in size of clams. Maximum egg production recorded for a single female over the spawning season was 16.8 million eggs. No signifi- cant differences in fecundity, size of eggs, or larval survival were detected between clams from two diverse Bay habitats. Quantitative comparison between gonads of clams from the Bay, and those spawned for this study suggested that laboratory spawning tends to underestimate natural fecun- dities. The proportion of sexes was approximately equal. The smallest clam to spawn was a sublegal female 33.1 mm in length. Seed clams were capable of producing viable spawn but had extremely low fecundities. The significance of the results was examined in the context of local management practices. POPULATION MAINTENANCE, MANAGEABILITY, AND UTILIZATION OF INTRODUCED SPECIES: PATHWAYS, PATTERNS, AND CASE HISTORIES JAMES T. CARLTON AND ROGER MANN Department of Biology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 The intentional or accidental introduction of exotic species into an ecosystem can be viewed in terms of species success along sequential pathways that consider (1) the presence of, or likelihood of establishment of, reproducing populations; (2) energy inputs required; (3) maintenance and manageability of the exotic species; (4) economic or ecological disadvantages, and (5) final management practices (in terms of continued maintenance or utilization). Modeling of these pathways permits rapid comparisons of most case histories of nonnative species introduced into marine and estuarine waters, and further permits the rapid identification of both "ideal" pathways (leading to economic success of a fishery based on an exotic species requiring no energy inputs), "detrimental" pathways (leading to the establishment of exotic species harmful to the ecosystem), and many intermediate stages. Ideal pathways that lead to economic success thus can be readily framed in terms of both aquaculture and fishery enhancement; (1) for a species that does not establish reproducing populations, this path- way consists of maintenance by seeding (that is not economi- cally prohibitive), through either protected cultivation (aquaculture) or by seeding the environment (fishery enhancement); while (2) for a species that does establish reproducing populaions, this pathway consists of a species that does not require management (no energy input or manipulation by man to maintain the population), is not 110 Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 National Shellfisheries Association. Hyannis, Massachusetts detrimental to the ecosystem, and can be utilized in a fishery. The detrimental status of an exotic species can upon occasion be dually scored: it may produce conspicuous changes in the native ecosystem (biologically detrimental) but it may enhance a local fishery (economically non- detrimental). Comparisons of case histories of exotic species in freshwater, terrestrial, and marine environments lead to the conclusion that nondetrimental and detrimental intro- ductions in the sea both almost always lead off on an identical pathway: once established, an exotic species in the sea is unmanageable in a biological sense (the halting of reproduction and dispersal cannot be controlled by man), and this is also the case in some, but not all, land and fresh- water environments. This phenomenon paradoxically emphasizes both the far greater potential benefit and danger of introductions in the ocean than in many land or freshwater ecosystems. adductor muscle scar is extremely smooth. The ventral edge of the myostracum is a narrow transitional zone laid down in advance of muscle attachment as the muscle migrates with growth of the animal. Conchlolin patches commence as a thin granular layer on laths. A band of ligostracal prisms is deposited in advance of deposition of ligamental resilium and tensilia as the shell grows. A rugose, pitted, foliated structure follows this and probably anchors the mantle isthmus to the shell. The resilium is reinforced by aragonitic fibers; tensilia lack these. Transitional zones of granular crystallites join juxtaposed prismatic, foliated, chalky, and myostracal layers. In young dissoconchs umbonal plicae strengthen attacltment of the left valve to the substratum. Microscopic shell annuli are present in the outer prismatic layer, resilium, chondrophoral and nymphal ligostraca, and adductor myostraca. The study provides new insights on shell structure, and suggests profitable avenues for future research on shell formation. NEW INFORMATION ON THE FUNCTIONAL ULTRASTRUCTURE OF THE VALVES OF THE OYSTER CRASSOSTREA VIRGIMCA MELBOURNE R. CARR1KER, ROBERT E. PALMER AND ROBERT S. PREZANT College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, Lewes. Delaware 19958 The oyster forms most of its shell from three basic mineralized microstructures (simple calcitic prisms, regularly and irregularly foliated calcitic laths, and irregular aragonitic myostracal prisms), their transitional microstructures, and conchiolinal materials. The periostracum is very thin and nonmineralized. Prismatic structure is present on both right and left valves; that of the left valve has been overlooked in previous studies. Prisms increase in size away from the margin of the valves. Multilayering of prismatic strata occurs primarily in the right valve. All shell structure con- tains organic matrix, but that of prisms is most prominent. The bulk of both valves consists of regularly foliated and chalky structure. Laths in the region of valves between the adductor muscle and ventral edge generally point ventrally: those between the adductor muscle and hinge are variably oriented. Motility of mantle on the ventral side may partly explain this orientation. Chalky shell, composed of blades and leaflets, bounds a system of pores. The surface of the GROWTH RATES AND FOULING IN SEDIMENT-FREE R\FT CULTURLNG OF JUVENILE HARD CLAMS, MERCESARIA MERCESARIA (L.) L. R. CONNELL.JR. AND R. E. LOVELAND Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 Juvenile clams, collected from natural Mercenaria inter- tidal beds, were transferred to all plastic (PVC) trays which were suspended from plastic flotation collars in the intake canal of a nuclear power plant. The clams ranged in size from 2 to 15 mm in length, and were maintained according to a size-frequency distribution similar to a natural popula- tion under study. Mortality over a 5-month period was less than 10%. in contrast to a mortality rate of nearly 90% for juveniles in natural beds. The maximum growth rate in sediment-free trays was 0.4 mm per week which occurred during September 1979. The influence on the growth rate of 10-mm clams of fouling organisms attaching to the trays was examined for screens composed of galvanized hardware cloth and two commercially available plastic meshes. Mortality was 5% or less in trays which held sediments in the range of 0.5 to 1.0 mm grain size, and which were covered by galvanized-wire mesh. National SheUfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 111 DIAGNOSIS AND PROGNOSIS OF AN HEMATOPOIETIC NEOPLASM IN THE SOFT-SHELL CLAM MY A ARENARIA L. KEITH R. COOPER1 AND ROBERTS. BROWN2 Department of Pharmacology , nomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105, and "Environmental Review, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M. Street, Washington, D.C. 20460 The severity of a disease can be determined by considering the number of organ systems involved and/or the degree of organ damage. The degree of tissue damage generally is correlated with the health of the animals, the course of the disease, and the final outcome. Three lustopathologic methods were employed to diagnose neoplasia in 991 soft- shell clams, Mya arenaria: (1) bright-field microscopy of hematoxylin- and eosin-stained tissue sections, (2) phase- contrast microscopy of fresh hemolymph, (3) bright-field microscopy of methanol-Glemsa fixed hemolymph. The accuracy of the blood cytologic techniques when compared to the histologic tissue diagnosis was 94%. The number of circulating neoplastic cells (as determined from hemolymph samples) correlated with the extent of organ system damage. Five degrees of malignancy (with 5 as the most severe) are proposed for grading the disease. The higher the malignancy level the greater the probability of death. Clams diagnosed at a 4 or 5 malignancy level had 100% mortality and a life expectancy of less than 6 and 3 months, respectively. An hematopoietic neoplasm followed one of three courses: (1) the disease progressed to a higher severity and resulted in death (this occurred at all degrees of malignancy), (2) the disease remained at a stable level for up to 10 months (this occurred at 1,2, and 3 degrees of malignancy), and (3) the disease diminished in extent or disappeared entirely (this occurred at 1,2, and 3 degrees of malignancy). In summary, an hematopoietic neoplasm oiM. mercenaria can be accurately diagnosed and the severity determined from hemolymph samples. THE GEODUCK CLAM FISHERY IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA ROBERT K. COX Marine Resources Branch, Ministry of Environment , Victoria, British Columbia Harvesting of subtidal stocks of the geoduck clam Panope generosa (Gould) in British Columbia began in the fall of 1976. Less than 43.4 metric tons were landed that year from areas in the Gulf of Georgia. By 1979, landings increased to 2,405 metric tons, and main fishing effort was focussed on the western coast of Vancouver Island in Clayoquot and Barclay sounds. Indications for 1980 are that the fishery will continue to expand into northern coastal regions with landing approaching 3,000 metric tons. A quota of 3,630 metric tons has been set for the fishery. Surveys to date indicate standing stocks in excess of 80,000 metric tons. Many coastal areas remain to be surveyed. The fishery is restricted to diver-harvesters who dig each clam individually using a high-pressure water jet. Present harvesting occurs between the 10- to 60-foot level. Average weight of adult geoducks in British Columbia is 1.1 kilos, and under good conditions a single diver can harvest 350 kilos per day. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEWFOUNDLAND ILLEX ILLECEBROSUS FISHERY AND MANAGEMENT OF THE RESOURCE E. G. DAWE Department of Fisheries and Oceans P. O. Box 566 7, St. John 's, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5X1 The Newfoundland squid fishery has experienced unpre- cedented success in recent years. Nominal catch has increased continuously since 1974 and reached a record high in 1979. The greatest proportion of the catch has come from the Newfoundland inshore jigger fishery, although in recent years a small proportion has been taken offshore. Improved market conditions have contributed greatly to the recent success of this fishery. Traditionally, squid (Illex illecebrosus) had been sold as bait in the line fishery for cod in the Northwest Atlantic. Recently, however, a foreign market for squid as food for human consumption has developed. Fishermen received higher prices for squid and more effort was invested in the inshore fishery. Improved fishing technology and an abundance of squid led to the high catches in the late 1970's. The general biology of Illex illecebrosus is outlined, and factors which affect its distribution and availability are con- sidered. Annual catches throughout the development of the fishery are presented. Fluctuations in nominal catch are related to changes in fishing technology, squid abundance, and market demand. The forum for management of this resource also is described and changes in management initiatives with the recent success of the fishery are discussed. The success of the Newfoundland squid fishery in recent years has relied heavily on demand by the Oriental market, especially Japan, for squid as food. Future success in 112 Abstracts. 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts marketing Newfoundland squid will depend on the quality of the product, on the status of fllex illecebrosus as a pre- ferred species among squids, and on the success of other squid fisheries. Implications are considered in managing a fishery which may be limited more by market potential than availability. PROGRESS TOWARD VALIDATING THE AGING OF SHORT-FINNED SQUID USING STATOLITHS E. G. DAWE Department of Fisheries and Oceans P.O. Box 5667, St. John s, Newfoundland. Canada A 1C 5X1 FORECASTING INSHORE ABUNDANCE OF SQUID ILLEX ILLECEBROSUS FROM A PRESEASON BIOMASS SURVEY E. G. DA WE Department of Fisheries and Oceans P. O. Box 556 7, St. John s, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5X1 The advance prediction of available biomass is funda- mental to the management of most fisheries. Conventional methods are based on calculating the contribution to the fishery for the next year by the various year classes which were represented in the catch of the previous year. Such methods are not applicable to the advance prediction of biomass of short-finned squid because of its short life cycle. The life span of fllex illecebrosus is approximately 1 year, rendering the fishery dependent entirely on new recruits. This is based on direct estimation of the strength of the new year-class from a preseason survey. In 1957, it was suggested that catch rates from otter-trawl surveys on the Grand Bank in May-June could be used to forecast inshore abundance of squid at Newfoundland. Since 1947, information is available on the relationship between otter-trawl catch rates and inshore abundance from incidental captures of Illex illecebrosus in spring gioundfish surveys. Using that relationship, prediction of inshore abundance generally has been successful, especially in recent years. However, predictability is not certain and forecasts have been wrong in some years. Details of the annual preseason survey are presented here and criteria for short-term forecasting of inshore abundance are described. Possible causes of fluctuations in otter-trawl catch rates and inshore abundance are considered and the reliability of this relationship is assessed as a means of prediction. Also, factors are discussed which complicate the interpretation of forecast information. Prospects are considered for more reliable predictions with respect to improvements in survey design and better estimation of inshore abundance. The possibility also is discussed of establishing a base for an earlier forecast. Management of the fishery for the short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) has been hampered by an incomplete understanding of the biology of the species. Paramount in this respect is the lack of a valid aging technique, without which such population parameters as natural mortality, growth, and recruitment cannot be estimated accurately. Recently, attention has been focused on the study of statoliths as a possible means of aging short-finned squid. The statolith is similar to the teleost otolith in structure, function, and chemical composition. Growth rings have been observed in statoliths of Illex illecebrosus, and the possibility has been investigated of chronological inter- pretation. Back calculation has shown that ring formation most closely approximates a daily cycle but poor correla- tion exists between days elapsed and number of rings counted. This could be due to inadequacies in preparation technique, interpretation of rings, or method of validation. Further, ring formation may be irregular. The procedure used to prepare statoliths for study, and the criteria for identification of growth rings are described. Other possible methods 3re discussed which have been used to prepare otoliths for aging studies. Data acquired from two studies are presented and analyzed with respect to problems in detecting and interpreting growth rings. Validation is discussed with respect to its limitations as attempted in those studies, and the relative merits are assessed of other possible means of validation. GROWTH OF SIBLING HARD CLAMS. \1ERCE.\AR1A MERCE.\ARIA, IN A CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT N. DEAN DEY Center for Mariculture Research University of Delaware Lewes. Delaware 19958 Sibling populations of clams were raised in a controlled environment with excess algal food. Within each population wide variations among individuals were observed in shell length and volume. Given populations were divided at an early stage into five successively larger size classes. It was found that clams in the larger size classes always grew at a much more rapid rate than smaller clams at both 18°C and 25°C. National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 113 Sibling populations in the laboratory exhibit an obvious nonnormal distribution in shell length within a few days of spawning. Setting time may be used to further subdivide the population within each size class. Early-setting clams grow at a more rapid rate than late-setting clams and comprise only a small fraction of the population. Size-frequency distribution of a sibling clam population maintained in the laboratory is strongly skewed toward the larger sizes. Such a size-frequency distribution pattern is observed in hatchery-raised populations for at least a year after setting, indicating that the late-setting clams never match the growth rate of the early-setting clams and, consequently, remain small relative to their larger siblings. Clam growth in the laboratory during the first 2 months after setting is composed of three distinct periods, each with a characteristic growth rate. During the first 4 weeks, growth of spat continues at the larval rate. This rate of increase then decreases (growth pause) for the next 2 weeks. Following the growth pause, rapid growth resumes, although at a reduced rate typical of juvenile clams. The growth pause may be associated with growth of the siphons. With proper selection of early-setting larvae, fast-growing commercial strains, as well as uniform groups of clams, may be produced for studies in such fields as toxicology and nutrition. In hatchery operations, where initial larvae num- bers are large, experience indicates that fast-growing larvae comprise fewer than 5% of the population. exclusion test was useful in demonstrating early signs of the disease such as detached mantle and velar cells. Histo- logical examination demonstrated attachment of bacteria to the larval shell and its growth through the mantle into the visceral cavity. Extensive vacuolation of digestive system organs, apparently related to lipid retention, also was a consistent feature of the disease. The F/in'o-specific fluores- cent antibody test provided rapid identification of the etiologic agent. The possible relationship of a nutritional imbalance, signaled by the vacuolation of the digestive tract organs, to a too rapid growth rate and low production is discussed. The trypan blue dye exclusion test proved to be a useful hatchery management tool for assessment of larval health. The fluorescent antibody test, while rapid and highly specific, is suited for laboratory use only. The pathogenesis of vibriosis in this commercial hatchery epizootic was identical to that previously described in experimental vibriosis. *This research was sponsored by the New York Sea Grant Institute under a grant from the Office of Sea Grant, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. REPRODUCTIVE RESPONSE TO INCREASED DENSITY: SOME OBSERVATIONS FROM MOLLUSCS DIAGNOSIS OF VIBRIOSIS IN A COMMERCIAL OYSTER HATCHERY EPIZOOTIC, A CASE HISTORY* R. ELSTON ' , L. LEIBOVITZ ' , D. RELYEA2 AND J. ZATILA2 Department of Avian and Aquatic Animal Medicine, New York State College of Veterinary Medicine Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 15853; and 2 Frank M. Flower Oyster Company, Bayville, New York 11 709 A case of epizootic vibriosis of American oyster larvae, Crassostrea virginica, in a commercial oyster hatchery is described from both hatchery records and observations, and by using laboratory diagnostic tools. Hatchery produc- tion of oyster larvae for the 1979 season was only half that of the 1978 season. This resulted primarily from a severe 6-week depression in hatchery output in the spring of 1979. Larvae from 2 of the 6 weekly spawns during that period were examined in the laboratory using interference microscopy, the trypan blue dye exclusion test, histological methods, and the fluorescent antibody test. The dye ARNOLD G. EVERSOLE1 , PETER J. ELDRIDGE2 AND WILLIAM K. MICHENER1 Department of Entomology and Economic Zoology, Clemson University. Clemson, South Carolina 29631; and National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Southeast Fisheries Center Charleston, South Carolina 29412 Increased population density is known to influence growth and fecundity in molluscs. Few reports exist for bivalves, and most of those neglect the reproductive response accompanying reduced growth with increased density. Recent studies have demonstrated a significant density- dependent reduction in growth of hard clams {Mercenaria mercenaria); however, histological evidence has provided no indication that gametogenesis has been affected by increased density. In the present study, the amount of gonadal tissue in clams grown at three population densities were compared. Clams at the lowest density were larger, weighed more, and had more gonadal tissue than clams from higher densities. Gonadal-somatic indices indicated that the density-dependent reduction of growth did not fully account for the reductions in the amount of gonadal 114 Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis. Massachusetts tissue. These results are discussed in relation to existing literature on density-dependent changes in the reproductive biology of molluscs with emphasis on ecological advantages and consequences of some changes. AN APPARATUS FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF GRAZING ACTIVITY OF FILTER FEEDERS AT CONSTANT FOOD CONCENTRATIONS* SCOTT M. GALLAGER AND ROGER MANN Department of Biology . Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 AN INVESTIGATION OF SEA SCALLOPS (PLACEOPECTEN MAGELLANICUS) OF THE MID-ATLANTIC FROM COMMERCIAL SAMPLES IN 1979 LOWELL W. FRITZ AND DEXTER S. HAVEN Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062 Bushel samples of sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) for height-frequency analysis were obtained aboard the commercial scalloper VIRGINIA SURF from the mid- Atlantic region on two trips during the summer of 1979. Fishing effort was concentrated in three areas of the shelf: (1) 60 miles east of the Virginia-North Carolina border, (2) 70 miles east of the coast from Cape Henlopen, Delaware, to Atlantic City, New Jersey, and (3) 45 miles south of Long Island from Moriches Bay to Bridge Hampton. Indi- viduals (214), ranging in size from 60 to 149 mm shell height, were retained for age analysis from the catches of the two northern areas. The mean size of scallops caught in the southern region of the mid-Atlantic was smaller than those caught in the northern region. Ninety percent of the southern scallops measured were between 75 to 119 mm shell height with a peak occurring between 95 to 99 mm. A peak in height frequency for the two northern samples occurred at 1 10 to 1 14 mm, and 90% of the scallops measured ranged between 95 to 134 mm. Most of the scallops represented by the peak in the southern sample were of the 1975 year-class, while the northern sample peak was composed of the 1972—1974 year classes. Smaller, younger scallops appeared more frequently in the southern area, possibly indicating more successful recruitment since 1975 than in the northern areas samples. Catch-per-unit of effort (pounds per paired 15-foot dredge tow) was higher in the southern (41.3) area than in either of the two northern areas (20 and 30.8, respectively). An apparatus is described which measures the grazing activity of filter feeding invertebrate larvae and adults in an environment in which the phytoplankton food concentration can be maintained at a constant level. The "sensing" portion of the apparatus consists of a Model III Turner fluorometer equipped with a modified flow-through door. Sensitivities of ± 1 % of a selected phytoplankton concentration were achieved in experiments in which the flagellate Isochrysis galbana was fed to larvae of the bivalves. Teredo navalis and Mytihis eclulis, the gastropod, Aplysia califoniica, and adults of the copepod, Acartia tonsa. The apparatus can be used effectively with as few as 100 mollusc larvae. *This work was supported by Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-79-C-0071 NR 083-004. INTERTIDAL GROWTH IN MYTILUS EDULIS L.1 R. B. GILLMOR2 Department of Oceanography , University of Maine at Orono, Walpole, Maine 04573 Although a number of commercially important bivalve species occur intertidally and, in some instances, are actively cultured on the shore, no study has investigated systemati- cally the growth responses of bivalves to intertidal exposure. This paper reports some results of an initial attempt at such an investigation, and focuses in particular on the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Several hypothetical curves are considered relating instantaneous growth rate to shore level (expressed as percent aerial exposure). Energy-conserving adaptations, decreasing energy losses which are a consequence of inter- tidal exposure, will produce growth curves having greater x-intercept values, i.e., higher shore levels where growth goes to zero. The presence of energy -supplementing adapta- tions that compensate, to some extent, for the tidally restricted time available for feeding, will be apparent in nonlinear growth curves, convex upward. The integral of a growth curve over the range of exposures for which growth is positive, a value referred to as the National Shellfishcries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts Abstracts. 1980 Annual Meeting. June 9- 12. 1980 115 intertidal scope for growth, reflects the energetic contribu- tions made by both types of adaptation and may be used in comparative work among intertidal suspension feeders. The intertidal scope for growth will be minimal when growth is not possible at any level on the shore, and maximal when intertidal growth equals subtidal growth at all shore levels. Instantaneous growth curves for M. edulis juveniles subjected to known levels of aerial exposure were derived from data on changes in dry meat weight, dry shell weight, length, and width. Experiments were run in the laboratory as well as on a natural shore. Both sets of curves showed a bilinear, convex-upward form, indicating compensation mav have occurred. Growth in the laboratory decreased slowly with increasing exposure up to the 40% exposure level, and more rapidly thereafter, falling to zero at 90% exposure (for dry meat weight). On the shore, growth declined more rapidly at exposure levels greater than 20%, going to zero at about 80% exposure The lower x-intercept value for the shore-grown mussels indicated higher intertidal energy losses in that group compared with the laboratory group. Despite these higher losses, both groups had similar intertidal scopes for growth, about one half of the theoretical maximum. This implies that energy supplementation in Mytilus just balances inter- tidal energy losses so that, overall, growth performance simply reflects the limitations placed on feeding time. This result is contrasted with that obtained for Ostrea edulis, a low-shore species in which no compensating ability is apparent and a doubling of energy losses in going from laboratory to shore conditions reduces the intertidal scope for growth from one-third to one-fourth the theoretical maximum, a drop of 25%. Also noted was the higher meat-to-shell ratio of inter- tidal mussels, and their thicker and more globose shells, as compared to subtidal specimens. 1 Winner of the Thuriow C. Nelson Award for the outstanding paper by a student or junior scientist. 2Present address: EG&G Environmental Consultants, 300 Bear Hill Road, Waltham. Massachusetts 02154. PRELIMINARY CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF MANTLE CAVITY FLUID OF THE OYSTER CRASSOSTREA VIRGINICA JULIUS GORDON, DANIEL RITTSCHOF, LESLIE WILLIAMS AND MELBOURNE R. CARRJKER College of Marine Studies University of Delaware Lewes. Delaware 19958 Previous investigations have shown that Crassosrrea virginica releases chemical stimuli that attract its larvae as well as predators and scavengers such as llyanassa obsoleta, Astenas forbesi. and A. vulgaris. Many behavioral investi- gations have inferred that such stimuli also attract oyster drills. Urosalpinx cinerea and Ocenebra inornata (=japonica). The purpose of the present investigation was to identify and characterize chemical substances present in seawater filtered by C. virginica (mantle cavity fluid) that may be primary chemical attractants to oyster drills such as U. cinerea and O. inornata. Mantle cavity fluid was sampled directly from the supra- branchial cavity with a hypodermic needle placed between the valves of an actively pumping oyster dorsal to the rectum, or indirectly by collection of aquarium water in which oysters had been feeding actively for 24 to 36 hours. Samples were then concentrated by pressure dialysis, and characterized by means of gel filtration, thin layer chroma- tography, and gel electrophoresis. Results of gel filtration show two peaks of ultraviolet (UV) absorbing material, representing fractions with molecular weights greater than 67 K daltons and less than 1 K daltons, respectively. Thin layer chromatographic results show that one substance occurring in mantle cavity fluid is hydrophilic and behaves as a protein or peptide, while a second substance appears neutral or hydrophobic. Results from gel electrophoresis revealed low concentrations of 3 to 4 peptides (20,000 to 46,000 daltons), and high con- centration of a PAS positive and Coomassie Blue negative substance believed to be mucopolysaccharide. The PAS positive material occurs in two major bands, 400 K and 200 K daltons, that degrade into 60 K and 30 to 40 K sub- units. Carbohydrate analysis reveals 0.3 to 4.7 ng carbo- hydrate per ml mantle cavity fluid measured as galactose equivalents. 0.5 to 1 .4 jug/ml hexose amine. 0.1 to 0.7 jig/ml hexuronic acid, and 0.2 to 7.0 jug/ml hexamine. Only trace quantities of protein were present (0.03 to 0.06 Mg/ml). Additional studies are needed to investigate the carbohy- drate constituent of mantle cavity fluid in more detail as well as examine its efficacy in attracting the oyster drill Urosalpinx cinerea. 116 Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9- 12, 1980 National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts MYA 4«£,V.4/?M-N0N0BL1GATE INFAUNA HERBERT H1DU Ira C. Darling Center Walpole, Maine 045 73 Natural adult soft-shell clams that are removed from their burrows to trays will regress and eventually die. Hatchery-reared clams, however, confined exclusively in a nonsediment environment, exhibit considerable change in shell allometry and outperform sibling infaunal groups. After 2 years the trayed clams showed similar mean lengths as the infaunaJ groups; however, they exhibited a significant increase in degree of shell inflation, shell weight, and dried meat weight. These findings are discussed in the general context of life habitat of bivalve molluscs, and for the importance they may hold as a research tool and in com- mercial mariculture. A COMPARISON OF FEEDING AND GROWTH IN NATURAL AND CAPTIVE SQUID (ILLEX ILLECEBROSUS) ROY W. M. HIRTLE .AND RONALD K. O'DOR Biology Department . Dalhousie University, Halifax. .V.S., Canada B3H 4J1 With the rapid development of the international fishery directed toward the short-finned squid, the biology of the species has received increased attention. Investigations of the physiology of feeding and growth of these squid were conducted in the 15-m circular pool in the Aquatron Laboratory of Dalhousie University in 1978 and 197**. Squid, captured locally in a net trap, ranged in size from 70 to 250 g ( 16 to 25 cm mantle length), and fed ad libitum. For whole schools daily feeding rate to supply maintenance requirements was 1 to 2% of body weight (BW). Daily feeding rates of 3.6 to 7.8% BW yielded daily growth rates of 1.0 to 2.2% BW. and varied with size and temperature. Conversion (growth) efficiency ranged from 35 to 60%, after allowing for maintenance. These ranges of values held for both fish and crustacean diets. Observations on individual squid suggest that they grow most efficiently at daily feeding rates of about 10% of body weight. A simple nonlinear model fitted to data conforms to this estimate, and indicates decreased growth efficiency at higher feeding r3tes. Lower growth rates in the natural population suggest that food supply becomes increasingly limited as the season progresses. Most of the natural population biomass results from feeding before July when crustaceans are the principal prey; feeding rates are lower in late summer. Captive squid begin to cannibalize smaller or less healthy individuals after 3 to 5 days of starvation, and cannibalism could be an important nutrient reserve when other food is lacking, particularly during spawning migrations. GROWTH, FECUNDITY AND ESTIMATED LIFE SPAN OF THREE LOLIGINID SQUID SPECIES IN THE NORTHWESTERN GULF OF MEXICO R. F. HIXON, R. T. HANLON .AND W. H. HULET Vie Marine Biomedical Institute University of Texas Galveston. Texas 77550 Growth of Lolliguncula brevis, Loligo plei, and Loligo pealei was estimated from ( 1 ) length-frequency analyses of seasonal trawl samples. (2) laboratory-rearing studies, and (3) maximal size and proposed age estimates. Using these estimates, growth rates of Lolliguncula brevis ranged between 0.0 and 21.4 mm per month,/,, plei from -7.0 to 59.0 mm per month, and L. pealei from 6.5 to 60.0 mm per month. In general, maximal growth rates observed in the laboratory were double those derived from trawl data. Fecundity was estimated from laboratory observations of spawning females. Two L. pealei produced four separate broods of eggs totaling 2 1 .000 and 53,000 eggs, respectively, and one Lolliguncula brevis spawned 2.000 eggs in a single brood. The life span of all three species in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico was estimated to be approximately 1 year, with a few individuals surviving up to 18 months. PRELIMINARY NOTES ON A PILOT PLANT FOR THE FEEDING OF ADULT AMERICAN OYSTERS R. M. INGLE, D. G. MEYER .AND M. R. LANDRUM Adelanto Corporation Apalachicola, Florida Based on previous work showing the efficacy of using finely ground cornmeal as a food to increase the quality of oysters, a plant was constructed to adapt the methods, previously developed on a laboratory scale, to more nearly commercial levels. Results of initial experiments in the facility corresponded to those previously carried out in the laboratory. Experiments were of 2 to 3 weeks duration. Percent glycogen of dried oyster meats increased dramatically but, in general, increases were less impressive as feeding continued. The cornmeal slurry was delivered to the oysters National Shelli'isheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 117 in a semi-recirculating system showed a build up of bacteria which was reflected at times by somewhat less pronounced high counts in tank water. However, oyster bacterial counts were high whether feed was added or not. Yield increase appeared to vary inversely as salinity, independent of the glycogen content. Yield increases due to osmotic effects could be expected to be transient while those resulting from glycogen increases could be considered more stable. At present, the details of the nutritional mechanisms are not understood. Oysters have been thought to accept only small-size particles, perhaps less than 60 /j. Examination of cornmeal used in feeding was found to consist of compo- nents 87% of which would not pass through a 70-jlx screen. REPRODUCTIVE CYCLES OF THE OCEAN QUAHOG ARCTICA ISLANDICA AND THE ATLANTIC SURF CLAM SPISULA SOLIDISSIMA OFF NEW JERSEY DOUGLAS S. JONES Department of Geology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 The annual reproductive cycles of the two commercially important bivalves Spisula solidissima, the Atlantic surf clam, and Arctica islandica, the ocean quahog, were investi- gated using specimens collected from the New Jersey coast. For two consecutive years, April 1977 through March 1979, specimens of both species were recovered from commercial port landings at biweekly or monthly (during winter) intervals. Gonads of the 324 surf clams and 320 ocean quahogs were examined histologically. By late May or June, the gonads of Spisula solidissima were characterized by morphologically ripe eggs or sperm. The percentage of individuals with partially spawned gonads rose sharply in the late summer and, by November or December, 100% appeared spent. Gametogenesis then proceeded slowly over the winter months, speeding up in the spring. The sex ratio of the surf clams analyzed was exactly 1:1. A somewhat similar pattern was exhibited by Arctica islandica. The percentage of individuals with ripe eggs or sperm rose steadily from May (< 10%) to August (~ 100%). During the first year partially spawned clams predominated in September and October before spawning out by late November. In the second year, partially spawned or spent individuals persisted into early February. Gametogenesis progressed slowly in the winter and more rapidly in the spring. Of the 320 ocean quahogs analyzed, 58% were males. Temporal differences between the reproductive cycles of consecutive years may be related to differences in marine temperatures. Comparison of the results achieved here with previously published studies indicates important similarities and differences, and the need for further work. SHELLFISH PROPAGATION ON MARTHA'S VINEYARD RICHARD C. KARNEY Martha 's Vineyard Shellfish Group Oak Bluffs. Massachusetts 02557 The Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Group, a consortium of the shellfish departments of five island towns, has initiated a program to improve and expand the traditional shell- fisheries in the waters of the member towns under funding from the Economic Development Administration. For 4 years, our program of community resource development has concentrated on nursery-raft culture methods for hatchery-reared seed quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria. Of various raft designs tested, economical, sand-filled wooden trays suspended from floats gave the best growth and survival. We observed over 80% survival of 480,000 seed quahogs raft-cultured in 1979. Seed quahogs as small as 2 mm have been successfully cultured in the nursery rafts. The survival of raft-cultured quahogs (12 to 25 mm) seeded in natural beds also is under investigation. The bay scallop Argopecten irradians supports an important island fishery providing employment in the off- season when tourist dollars are scarce. Preliminary work suggests that maintaining an adult spawning population in backwater areas can help stabilize harvest in ponds where strong circulation patterns frequently flush larvae from the ponds before they set. Seed quahogs and scallops have been produced in the Group's small pilot hatchery. During the summer of 1979, we spawned and cultured scallops through larval and post- set stages in the hatchery, and at 2 mm moved them to experimental floats in the pond. Over 230,000 of the lab- spawned and cultured scallops (12 mm and greater) were seeded in natural and experimental beds in the five-town waters. As part of our hatchery work, we crossed orange-shelled scallops in the hope of developing a genetically tagged scallop to be used as a research tool in studying larval move- ments in the field. About 80% of the F, generation of orange parents exhibited orange-shell color. 118 Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts WATER CIRCULATION AND OYSTER SPAT SETTLEMENT IN TWO ADJACENT TRIBUTARIES OF THE CHOPTANK RD/ER, MARYLAND VICTOR S.KENNEDY1 AND WILLIAM C. BOICOURT2 Horn Point Environmental Labs, Cambridge, Maryland 21613, and Chesapeake Bay Institute, Shady side, Maryland 20867 species was developed by distant water fleets, and catches increased to an average of 45,000 metric tons a year (1969-1978). Management of these fisheries began in 1974, under ICNAF, with establishment of a preemptive quota for the entire squid catch. Subsequently, separate quotas have been established for each species. Since 1977, under the Fisheries Conservation and Management Act, the United States has had management jurisdiction over those stocks. Since 1977, total catches of both species have declined sharply. Studies of water circulation in Chesapeake Bay tribu- taries, which have had consistently good oyster spat settle- ment success, have indicated that hydrographic (advective and dispersive) conditions may act to retain larvae in the system. There has been no study of an area with poor settlement success. Broad Creek and Tred Avon River are adjacent tributaries with good and poor oyster spat settle- ment success, respectively. Many physical factors (tempera- ture, salinity, tidal range, dissolved oxygen) and biological factors (adult sex ratios and gametogenic patterns) generally are similar in both tributaries. An intensive study employing current measurements and dye diffusion experiments was performed in early July 1979, while oyster larvae were in the water column and setting in both tributaries. The results of that study revealed circulation differences between both tributaries and suggested that flow variability may be as important as mean motion in affecting larval distribution. HISTORY AND PRESENT CONDITIONS OF SQUID, LOLIGO PEALEl AND ILLEX ILLECEBROSUS, FISHERIES OFF THE NORTHEASTERN COAST OF THE UNITED STATES A. M. T. LANGE National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Center, Woods Hole Laboratory Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 The fishery for squids, Loligo pealci and Illex illecebrosus, in the Northwest Atlantic, off the northeastern United States, has undergone significant changes over the past decade. Annual catches by the domestic fleet (primarily incidental to other directed fisheries) averaged between 1,000 and 2,000 metric tons during the period from 1887 to 1967. However, in 1967, a directed fishery for those YIELD-PER-RECRUIT ANALYSIS FOR SQUID, LOLIGO PEALEl AND ILLEX ILLECEBROSUS, FROM THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC A. M. T. LANGE National Marine Fisheries Service Northeast Fisheries Center Woods Hole Laboratory Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Yield-per-recruit analyses of squid, Loligo pealei and Illex illecebrosus, were conducted based on representations of their life history and the fisheries for them. Each species has an extended (about 6 months) spawning season, resulting in significant differences in growth and mortality to different segments of a year-class. Two cohorts were, therefore, assumed for each year-class, one hatched early in the season, and the second hatched later, to account for such differences. A modified Ricker yield-per-recuit model was used to analyse the differences in varying levels of fishing and natural mortality rates on these stocks. Instantaneous growth, and relative fishing and spawning mortalities were varied on a monthly basis to represent their effects on each proposed cohort, for several sets of natural and total mortalities. Several assumptions of year-class cohort struc- ture were made (percent of cohort spawned early in the season) to determine the significance of time of spawning on potential yields. Effects of increasing size of entry to the fishery by increasing mesh size also were examined. Yield-per-recruit for both L. pealei and /. illecebrosus was found to increase for all assumptions of fishing and natural mortality rates, and for time of spawning when mesh sizes were increased to 60 mm (from 15 mm). Further increases in yield were calculated when the mesh size was raised to 1'0 mm. National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts Abstracts. 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12. 1980 119 REPRODUCTION IN ARCTICA ISLANDICA AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE OCEANOGRAPHY OF THE MIDDLE ATLANTIC BIGHT ROGER MANN Department of Biology Woods Hole Oceanographie Institute Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 A review is made of the present knowledge of the biology of Arctica islandica with special reference to the reproductive cycle. Arctica islandica extends throughout a range in the Middle Atlantic Bight which is noted for seasonal thermal stratification of the water column. It is hypothesized that the intense summer thermocline forms an effective barrier to larval dispersion during the summer months, and that the functional reproductive period of this species occurs during the late fall and winter months and not in the late summer. The implications of this hypothesis on the range of larval dispersion in A. islandica are discussed. A continuing program of research to test this hypothesis is described. COMPARATIVE GAMETOGENESIS IN SUBTIDAL AND INTERTIDAL OYSTERS (CRASSOSTREA VIRGINICA) FROM BULLS BAY, SOUTH CAROLINA JOHN J. MANZI, VICTOR G. BURRELL, JR. AND M. YVONNE BOBO Marine Resources Research Institute Charleston, South Carolina 29412 temporal patterns in development and appeared to spawn during the same periods. A proposed index for gametogenesis in southern oysters is described, and gametogenic progression in subtidal and intertidal populations is discussed. PHAGOCYTOSIS AND DEGRADATION OF A UNICELLULAR ALGAE BY HEMOCYTES OF THE HARD CLAM MERCENARIA MERCENARIA CAROL A. MOORE Marine Science Institute Northeastern University Nahant, Massachusetts 01908 Hemocytes of the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria were observed to phagocytize Isochrysis galbana and several other species of unicellular algae , as well as congo red-stained yeast. The "blunt" cytoplasmic granules were shown to receive degraded materials from the phagosomes containing the algae but not those enclosing a yeast cell. Transfer of the degradation product(s) was traced by observing visually the fluorescence emission of the phagocytized material, and by spectral analysis with a microspectrofluorimeter. Blunt granules were further observed to participate in the intra- cellular processing of the hemocyte of vital dyes and endo- toxin. Observations at the light microscopy level have been correlated with ultrastructural data. It is suggested that the blunt granules represent a mechanism whereby the hemocytes can contain and/or further degrade foreign material. Subtidal and intertidal oysters were collected monthly from December 1977 to January 1979 at two tidal marsh creeks in the Bulls Bay area of the South Carolina coast. Whole shucked oysters were fixed in FAA, gonadal tissue was excised, dehydrated in alcohol, cleared in toluene, and infiltrated in 57°C paraplast. Longitudinal and serial cross sections were made of each gonad at 1-n on a rotary micro- tome, stained with Gill's hematoxylin, counterstained with eosin, and examined at 100X and 400X with a light microscope. Initial observations indicated the inadequacies of estab- lished gametogenic indices for mollusca, and necessitated the formulation of an index suitable for the prolonged spawning periods and reduced inactive period characterized by the southern oyster. The application of this index, incor- porating even stages of gametogenesis (one inactive, two primary, two secondary, and two tertiary) indicated little difference between gametogenic progression in intertidal and subtidal oysters. Both populations exhibited the same A PROBLEM OF GIANT SEED: A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE BAY SCALLOP ARGOPECTEN IRRADIANS IN PLEASANT BAY, CAPE COD M. P. MORSE1, W. E. ROBINSON1, W. E. WEHLING1 AND S. LIBBY2 Marine Science Institute, Northeastern University, Nahant, Massachusetts 01908, and Shellfish Department Town of Orleans, Massachusetts 02653 In the winter of 1979, the population of bay scallops Argopecten irradians in Pleasant Bay, Massachusetts, was dominated by large individuals without a well-defined raised annulus or growth line. According to the legal definition, these animals were considered large seed scallops and, thus, were protected from being harvested. Atypically, relatively few scallops were present which possessed a well 120 Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts defined annulus of any kind. Those that did have an annulus could be classified into one of two groups: those with an annulus close to the hinge line and those with an annulus approximately 1-1/5-inch to 1-3/5-inch from the hinge line. Scallops from all three groups were approximately the same size. Large seed scallops generally had a glossy black covering over the gonads. The other two groups showed variable coloration. Histological analysis of gonadal material from January 1980 samples indicated that gametogenesis had begun in all three groups of scallops. Periodic sampling of scallops, and monitoring of the gametogenic cycle are currently being conducted to assess the value of these large seed scallops in the overall scallop population of Pleasant Bay. POPULATION BIOLOGY OF THE OCEAN QUAHOG IN THE MIDDLE ATLANTIC BIGHT STEVEN A. MURAWSKI, JOHN W. ROPES AND FREDRIC M. SERCHUK National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Center Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 The ocean quahog Arctica islandica has become increas- ingly important to the clam industry of the United States. Landings of shucked meat increased thirty-fold between 1975 and 1979;from570 metric tons to 15,610 metric tons. Data on the distribution, relative abundance, and size com- positions of Middle Atlantic stocks have been gathered during a series of dredge surveys since 1965. Additional information on age and growth is available from recent field and laboratory studies. A review of important biologi- cal features, and a current assessment of Middle Atlantic populations are presented. DO FAST GROWING OYSTER LARVAE PRODUCE FAST GROWING ADULT OYSTERS? GARY F. NEWKIRK Biology Department, Dalhousie University Halifax, N.S., Canada B3H 4J1 In several lines of European oysters, Ostrea edulis, the correlation between larval growth rate and juvenile size (mean length = 22 mm) is positive but small. As the oysters continue to grow, the effect of larval growth rate diminishes; it is virtually zero by the time the oysters are 43 mm, average size. In one line, the correlation remained nonzero for 2 years, but was so small that very little of the variation in size could be attributed to variation in larval growth rate. Consequently, it appears there is little to be gained in improving juvenile and adult growth rates by selecting faster growing larvae. Selecting faster growing larvae may improve hatchery performance, but to improve growout, selection must be done at a later stage. STUDIES ON VARIOUS SUBSTRATES IN RELATION TO SETTING OF OYSTER LARVAE WITH COMMENTS ON COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS J. OGLE AND K. FLURRY Oyster Biology Section, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Ocean Springs, Mississipppi 35964 Setting oysters in a hatchery along the Gulf of Mexico must be inexpensive and adaptive to bottom planting to be competitive with natural setting. Preference of oyster larvae for setting on clam shell was compared to three other substrates in the laboratory; however, many larvae (57%) were "lost" to the tanks and containers. Setting on oyster valves was comparable whether the shells were held in boxes or bags. Freshly shucked "green" shells, aged shells, and washed oyster valves caught spat equally well when planted in the bay. However, in the hatchery, washed shells caught three times as many spat as did aged shells and sixteen times as many spat as "green" shells. A system for handling the required volumes of clam shell for setting hatchery-reared larvae is proposed for a pilot seed operation. EVIDENCE FOR A VIRUS CAUSING NEOPLASIA IN THE SOFT-SHELL CLAM (MY A ARENARIA) J. J. OPRANDY AND P. W. CHANG Department of Aquaculture Science and Pathology University of Rhode Island Kingston, Rhode Island 02881 Hematopoietic neoplasia is a terminal cancer of the hemocytes of soft -shell clams (Myaarenaria), and is endemic to the northeastern United States. No association has been made between bacteria, mycoplasmas, or protozoan parasites and the disease, nor has there been any correlation with environmental pollution. We have isolated a virus from neoplastic soft-shell clams with physical and chemical properties similar to RNA tumor viruses. Further, neoplasia has been induced upon injection of the purified virus into nonneoplastic clams. RNA tumor viruses have long been associated with neoplasms in mice. National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 121 cats, and fowl. Virus has not been isolated from any non- neoplastic samples, and because the virus does cause neoplasia, it seems likely that the virus isolated is the etio- logical agent of molluscan hematopoietic neoplasia. SQUID CATCHES ALONG THE UNITED STATES CONTINENTAL SLOPE W. F. RATHJEN National Marine Fisheries Service Gloucester, Massachusetts 01 930 During October-November 1979, the Federal Republic of Germany research vessel ANTON DOHRN conducted a trawl survey along the continental slope between Georges Bank and Cape Canaveral (Florida). Primary depth coverage ranged from 400 to 1,000 meters using commercial-size otter trawls. Some limited coverage was accomplished on the continental shelf. Illex squid represented the largest volume of any one species sampled during the cruise. These squid were extremely cosmopolitan in their distribution with large catches at both the most northerly and southerly locations fished. The results experienced provide new information on the ubiquitous distribution of Illex in the slope area during the fall season. Hydrographic information was recorded at each trawl station, and other biological observa- tions were made on the size and maturity of the squids. time of marking added 6.5 to 10 mm of new growth in 294 days (x = 0.02 to 0.03 mm day"1 ); and the largest marked specimen (16.5 cm) added 2 mm of shell in 294 days (x~ = 0.01 mm day"1 ). Small mussels (N = 25; 8 to 27 mm long) also were recovered from a slide box and bottle rack (N = 9) placed at the rift vents for microbiological sampling. The slide box and bottle rack were deployed for 294 days. If we assume that the largest of these mussels represents an early primary settlement of spat on the box and bottle, juvenile growth rates are on the order of 0.09 mm day"1 . The growth data for file-marked mussels and juvenile growth rates allow one to construct an ontogenetic growth curve which predicts absolute age from shell length. Our growth model indicates that the largest specimen collected (16.7 cm) was 14 to 16 years old. Half of this maximum length was obtained by the mussels in 3 to 4 years. The modal age of the file-marked mussels ranged from 6 to 1 1 years. The growth rates deduced for the Galapagos mussels were among the highest growth rates documented for deep-sea invertebrates. The ontogenetic growth curve for Galapagos mussels is comparable to growth curves of shallow-water mytilids. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF DIGESTIVE GLAND TUBULE VARIABILITY IN MERCENARIA MERCENARIA (L), OSTREA EDULIS L., AND MYTILUS EDULIS L. GROWTH OF MUSSELS AT DEEP-SEA HYDROTHERMAL VENTS ALONG THE GALAPAGOS RIFT DONALD C. RHOADS1 , RICHARD A. LUTZ2 AND ROBERT M. CERRATO1 Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 0651 1 , and o Department of Oyster Culture, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 The deep-diving submersible ALVIN marked the posterior shell margins of mussels with a file on February 12, 1979. ALVIN returned to recover the marked mussels on Decem- ber 3, 1979, after a period of 294 days. New shell growth beyond the file mark was linearly related to premark shell length (r > 0.95). The smallest marked mussel (3.5 cm) added 17 mm of new shell in 294 days (x = 0.06 mm day"1); specimens 12 cm long at the W. E. ROBINSON Marine Science Institute Northeastern University Nahant, Massachusetts 01908 Recent investigations indicate that marine bivalves apparently demonstrate rhythms of intracellular digestion, often correlated with the tidal cycle. Evidence is based primarily, and often solely, on the diverse histological appearances of the digestive gland tubules from different individuals over a period of time. In general, four main tubule types, signifying various stages of intracellular digestion, can be recognized: I, holding; II, absorptive; III, fragmenting; and IV, reconstituting. Digestive tubules and similar tubule types are not distributed randomly within the digestive gland, but are grouped together around common secondary ducts. This necessitates the use of a cluster sampling technique for proper statistical analysis. In Mercenaria mercenaria, Ostrea edulis, and Mytilus edulis, variability of tubule types is high within individual digestive glands as well as between individuals sampled at the same time. Based on calculations to minimize total variance, it 122 Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts is better to sample a small area from numerous individuals rather than a large area from a few animals. Intra-animal variability is similar in all three species. Similarly, inter- animal variability is the same in the subtidal quahog and mid-intertidal mussel, but much less in the low intertidal oyster. The problems imposed by variability and tubule clustering have not been considered adequately in previous investigations of bivalve digestion. THE ECONOMICS OF ARTIFICIAL UPWELLING MARICULTURE OSWALD A. ROELS Department of Marine Studies The University of Texas Port Aransas, Texas 78373 To determine the economics of artificial upwelling mariculture, the clam Tapes japonica was grown over a 12-month period in the St. Croix system, operated in pilot- plant fashion. Seawater from a depth of 870 m was pumped continu- ously into ponds (100 m2 , 1 m deep) onshore. The ponds were inoculated with the diatom Chaetoceros curvisetus (STX 167) which was grown in continuous culture and pumped to a Tapes japonica production line. The system produced 81 kg of phytoplankton protein, and 423 kg (whole wet weight) of clams in 12 months, corresponding to a yield of 8.1 tons plant protein, and 42.3 tons of clams per hectare per year. An aquaculture budget generator was developed to predict costs of artificial upwelling mariculture systems of different sizes. Thus, for a plant producing 21 ,900 tons of clams per year, the cost would be $0.77/kg of clams pro- duced. The deep seawater costs represent $0.10 of that total, the phytoplankton production $0.32, the shellfish area costs $0.25, and supervisory costs represent $0.10. The deep seawater system and the phytoplankton pro- duction system are subject to considerable economies of scale. The costs in the shellfish area do not vary much with the capacity of the plant. The economics of clam production obviously are most sensitive to the phytoplankton cost. 'This work was supported by Sea Grant, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and U. S. Department of Commerce. SIZE AND AGE AT SEXUAL MATURITY OF OCEAN QUAHOGS ARCTICA ISLANDICA LINNE, FROM A DEEP OCEANIC SITE JOHN W. ROPES AND STEVEN A. MURAWSKI National Marine Fisheries Service Northeast Fisheries Center Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Gonadal tissues and the corresponding shells of ocean quahogs Arctica islandica were collected during late July to early August 1978, from off Long Island, New York, for an examination of sexual development and growth line formation. The collection dates were before the known time of spawning for the species and when gonadal develop- ment was expected to be in a ripe stage. Most of the clams were of small size (x = 39.2 mm; standard deviation (SD) ± 8.13), ranging from 18.7 to 60.4 mm in shell length. A 5-year-old (41 .0 mm) and three 6-year-old (36.4 to 41 .0 mm) clams were the youngest containing well developed gonads and numerous sex cells, but a 10-year-old (47.9 mm) clam only had moderately developed gonads containing few sex cells. Gametogenesis indicative of the female sex was in older (5-year-old) clams than in males (3-year-old), suggest- ing a later attainment of sexual maturity of female clams. Gonadal tubule development, gametogenesis, and attain- ment of sexual maturity were variable with respect to size and age. SURVIVAL OF RECENT LARGE SOFT-SHELL CLAM SETS IN HAMPTON-SEABROOK ESTUARY AND PROGRESS TO HARVESTABLE SIZE N. B. SAVAGE AND P. C. CLARK Normandeau Associates Inc. Bedford, New Hampshire 03102 Soft-shell clam population dynamics have been moni- tored in Hampton-Seabrook Estuary for more than 9 con- secutive years. By far the largest clam set was recorded in 1976, when an average of approximately 7 spat per ft settled on five flats, totaling 165 acres. Initially growth rate and survivorship were low, probably because of crowding and predation. Sufficient numbers sur- vived, however, to restore badly depleted harvestable stocks to near historic levels. Rates of recruitment to harvestable size were determined by following year-to-year changes in size-frequency distributions. Recruitment rates, in turn, were used to predict future standing-stock levels given various management alternatives. Among the interesting observations arising during the study were: (1) indications National Shelltisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 123 that survivorship and growth rate improved with succeeding year classes (1977 and 1978), and (2) coincidence of a six- fold increase in abundance of sexually mature clams with an eight-fold increase in midsummer abundance of soft-shell clam larvae. The present policy of restricting digging to 2 days per week, September through May, appears to have helped the stocks recover. However, the two largest and most produc- tive flats probably could be opened to summer digging for up to 2 years to the advantage of clam diggers and without long-term adverse effects on the resource. OYSTER SETTING-PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE WILLIAM N. SHAW National Sea Grant College Program National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Rockville, Maryland 20852 Natural oyster sets are still essential if a viable oyster industry is to continue in the United States. Although a number of oyster hatcheries have been established, at best, they can only supplement natural sets. Many speculations have been made regarding the recent causes of low setting rates, especially in the Chesapeake Bay. Yet, no single cause can be found. There is no question that the loss of brood stock from MSX in the high-salinity waters of Virginia seriously affected setting in the James River. Yet, setting has declined in other Virginia rivers, the cause of which cannot be totally related to brood stock losses from MSX. In Maryland, MSX losses of any significance occurred only in the southern part of the state. Major seed areas were not in those areas. Still, especially during the past decade, setting has been of low intensity. Scientists in Japan have just completed extensive studies related to oyster setting in Matsushima Bay. Number of parent oysters, quantity of larvae produced, number of seed collected, and efficiency of seed collecting were determined. Based on those studies, new setting areas were found and utilized. Those studies are described, and recom- mendations are made that similar studies should be consid- ered in the Chesapeake Bay. POLYPLOIDY INDUCED IN THE EARLY EMBRYO OF THE AMERICAN OYSTER WITH CYTOCHALASIN B* JON G. STANLEY ' , STANDISH K. ALLEN1 AND HERBERT HIDU2 Maine Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, University of Maine, and Ira C. Darling Center for Marine Studies Walpole, Maine 04573 An attempt was made to induce polyploidy in the American oyster by treating the zygote with cytochalasin B. This antibiotic caused significant delay in the first cleavage division, presumably without interfering with chromosome replication. As a result, a significant number of larvae were polyploid; 13 of 22 treated with 0.1 mg/1 cytochalasin, and 3 of 4 treated with 1 .0 mg/1. Survival at 24 hours was about 33% that of the controls for the larvae from the 0.1 mg/1 treatment, and 15% for larvae receiving 1.0 mg/1 cytochalasin. Survival was greater for oysters treated for 15 minutes beginning immediately after fertilization than if treatment began later at 15 or 40 minutes. Oysters from the treated zygotes set normally and subsequent survival was indistin- guishable from those of controls. At 8 months, control and treated oysters were 13 mm in length. *Supported by grant 04-7 -158-44034, NOAA Office of Sea Grant. USE OF AN OYSTER RACK FOR OFFBOTTOM CONTAINERIZED-RELAYING OF POLLUTED OYSTERS IN MISSISSIPPI SOUND JOHN E. SUP AN AND E. W. CAKE, JR. Oyster Biology Section Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564 An experimental oyster rack was used to relay 48 sacks of naturally contaminated oysters into approved shellfish growing waters south of Deer Island, MS, during two separate trials. The 3.6 X 1.8 X 1.2 m rack (patent E. R. GoUott), constructed primarily of welded angle iron, was designed to hold 48, 86 X 56 X 10 cm, plastic chicken-coop bottoms (polyethylene structural foam) in a sliding tray arrangement. The trays were positioned in a 6-tray X 2-row X 4-level arrangement, with a space of 5 cm between the four levels. During the first experiment, oysters eliminated fecal coli- forms from an initial median value of 1,400 MPN/100 gm to a median of 45 MPN/100 gm after 7 days. A second attempt produced a median value of 20 MPN/100 gm after 10 days, following an initial median value of 23,000 MPN/ 100 gm. No attempt was made to acclimate oysters to the higher salinities of the relaying waters. Mean condition 124 Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9- 12. 1980 National Shellfisheries Assocation, Hyannis, Massachusetts indices increased by 2.5 gm/ml over the relaying period. The mean oyster mortality was 1 .3%. The rack eliminates the problems associated with onbottom relaying while guaranteeing complete second harvests. The findings of this preliminary study form a basis to assess the appropriateness of the current harvesting season, and the potential success of local seed transplant programs. AN OVERVIEW OF THE SNOW CRAB (CHIONOECETES OPILIO) FISHERY IN NEWFOUNDLAND DAVID M.TAYLOR Department of Fisheries and Oceans St. John 's, Newfoundland Canada A1C 5X1 The fishery for snow crabs (Oiionoecetes opilio) in Newfoundland is comparatively new. Fishing began in 1969 with landings for that year of 90.7 X 103 kg. Landings have risen dramatically in recent years peaking in 1979 at approxi- mately 10.9 X 106 kg. A summary of annual landings for Newfoundland since the fishery started is presented. Also presented is a breakdown of annual catch-per-unit of effort and total effort in management areas for which data are available. Management policy and research projects along with their objectives are discussed. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATIONS OF LOCAL POPULATIONS OF THE BAY SCALLOP ARCOPECTEN IRRADEANS LAMARCK IN FALMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS RODMAN E. TAYLOR Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 In May 1979, a preliminary investigation of local popula- tions of Argopecten irradians in Waquoit Bay. Falmouth. Massachusetts, was begun. The specific problems investi- gated in this preliminary program were: (1) migrations of adult populations; (2) gonad development and time of maturation and spawning of local populations; and (3) growth of newly set juveniles during the harvesting season. Movements of scallops were monitored at three stations in the bay, and these movements appeared to be random throughout the summer. Gonads of bay scallops were ripe in May, and in a partially spawned condition during June and July. Juveniles exhibited high growth rates throughout the summer and fall; 90% of the individuals examined reached a length of > 50 mm by the end of the year (December 1979). METHODOLOGY FOR SPECIFIC DIAGNOSIS OF CEPHALOPOD REMAINS IN STOMACH CONTENTS OF PREDATORS WITH REFERENCE TO THE BROADBILL SWORDFISH XIPHIAS GLADIUS RONALD B. TOLL AND STEVEN C. HESS Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science University of Miami Miami, Florida 33149 The stomach contents from 65 broadbill swordfish, Xiphias gladius, from the Straits of Florida were examined. Previous studies have demonstrated the importance of cephalopods in the diet of this predatory vertebrate, but have omitted critical analyses of these remains. The majority of the stomach contents encountered in the present study were in extremely poor condition because of mechanical and chemical breakdown incurred during ingestion and digestion. Identification of remains became increasingly difficult as the traditional sequence of character assess- ment was interrupted by the deterioration and/or loss of morphological and meristic characters. Identifications were by necessity based on a synthesis of less frequently utilized characters, inherently more resistant to gastric breakdown. These included mantle musculature, buccal membrane connectives, light organs, gladii, beaks, spermatophores, and radulae. In addition, an examination of viscera, when present, provided taxonomic information as well as data concerning sex, state of maturity, and fecundity. Earlier studies based on sample sizes an order of magni- tude greater than the present indicated a low diversity of cephalopod species in the prey composition of X. gladius. The utility of the approach outlined here is demonstrated by the fact that 1 5 species representing 1 1 families in two orders were encountered. The significance of this type of analysis is further emphasized considering 1 1 of these taxa have not been reported previously in the diet of swordfish. In addition, one was a first record of occurrence in the Atlantic, another was the largest known representative of its family, and still another was the smallest recorded mature male from the family Architeuthidae, the giant squids. National Shellt'isheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting. June 9-12, 1980 125 PROTEIN DIGESTIBILITY IN THE LOBSTER HOMARUS AMERICANUS DONALD J. TRIDER AND JOHN D. CASTELL Department of Fisheries and Oceans Fisheries and Environmental Sciences Division, Resource Branch, Disease and Nutrition Section Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 2S7 The digestibility of five different proteins (casein, whole egg protein, soybean protein, shrimp protein concentrate, cod fish protein concentrate) was determined in canner lobsters (65 to 85 mm carapace length) using the chromic oxide indicator method. No significant differences were obtained in average total digestibility of the diets (60%), but there were differences in protein digestibility. The average percent apparent digestibility of the casein, whole egg, and shrimp proteins was > 96%; soybean protein, 93%; and cod fish protein, 85.5%. Factors contributing to differ- ences in protein digestibilities, and problems encountered doing digestibility studies with aquatic animals are discussed. SEASONAL REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE AND SHOW FACTOR VARIATION OF THE GEODUCK CLAM PANOPE GENEROSA (GOULD) IN BRITISH COLUMBIA K. C.TURNER1 AND ROBERT K. COX2 l2S36 Mill Hill Road, and Marine Resources Branch, Ministry of Environment , Victoria, British Columbia 9B 4X7 Geoduck clams, Panope generosa (Gould), were collected on a monthly basis from Cherry Point, Saanich Inlet, 35 km north of Victoria, and gonads analyzed for reproductive phase. Samples were harvested from May 1977 to August 1978, at a depth of 9 m.The reproductive cycle was divided into five phases: early active, late active, ripe, partially spent, and spent. Four 100-m2 plots were simultaneously observed to determine what percentage of the population were visible (siphons extended) at various times of the year, indicating seasonal activity patterns. Plot populations were established. Gametogenesis was observed first in September samples and by early January, 98% of the clams were in the early active phase. Six percent were ripe already. Most ripe speci- mens occurred during April (5 4%) and May (91%). Spawning began in May, and by June, 77% of the samples were partially spent. All samples were in the spent phase by August. A total of 624 geoducks was collected during 1977 and 1978, from 52 locations; reproductive phases of these clams were compared to those of the Cherry Point samples. No significant variations were observed from the Cherry Point cycle. Siphon-show factor increased rapidly from February to April and remained at a high, but reduced level during the summer months. Shows decreased in the fall, and in January monitoring, no animals were observed in any of the four plots. A total of 1 ,1 75 animals were monitored. ASPECTS OF LOLIGO PEALEl EARLY LIFE HISTORY MICHAEL VECCHIONE Virginia Institute of Marine Science Tfie College of William and Mary Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062 In the Middle Atlantic Bight off New Jersey and Virginia, Loligo pealei was the most common squid species collected in 2 years of zooplankton sampling. Planktonic L. pealei were found in that area in spring, summer, and fall, and there were no indications of multiple stocks. This species was captured in waters with a salinity range of 31.5 to 34.0 ppt, and was confined to coastal waters except during conditions when the Gulf Stream eddy resulted in strong offshore surface transport. While highest abundances were found in night surface samples, night subsurface collections took larger specimens, indicating ontogenetic descent. Tentacle length was correlated closely with dorsal mantle length in preserved specimens of less than 7.5 mm dorsal mantle length, indicating that tentacles are noncontractile in newly hatched specimens. LIMITATIONS AND POTENTIALS OF BAY SCALLOP (ARGOPECTEN IRRADIANS) CULTURE IN NEW ENGLAND DENNIS WALSH Aquaculture Research Corporation Dennis, Massachusetts 02638 The Wampanoag Fisheries Project has completed a 3-year aquacultural feasibility study to improve and stablize the bay scallop population in Menemsha Pond, Gay Head, Massachusetts. The potential of bay scallop culture in New England was demonstrated by growth of hatchery-reared seed during the summer and fall of 1978 in Menemsha Pond. 126 Abstracts, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1980 National Shellfisheries Association, Hyannis, Massachusetts Two groups of hatchery seed averaging 3 to 4 mm in length were planted in May— June, and reached a harvestable size of 50 to 60 mm by November 1978. Seed that set naturally in the pond in August averaged less than 10 mm in length by November. More important from an aquacultural point of view was that the early seeding of Menemsha Pond resulted in scallops exhibiting excellent growth characteristics (420 to 720 /i/day), and no spawning activity during the summer months. Water temperatures were declining by the time the scallops were big enough to develop gonads. Declining water temperatures apparently favored a rapid increase in the weight of the adductor muscle. This was evidenced by a 161% increase in the weight of the muscle of the 1977 year- class during the period August— October 1978. Similar gains were identified qualitatively in the 1978 year-class hatchery seed. A vertically integrated aquaculture business consisting of a 10,000 square -foot hatchery, a seafood processing facility, and a shellfish brokerage firm, coupled with a fishermen's cooperative, was envisioned initially as a possible means of stabilizing the unpredictable scallop harvest, and of providing employment for the Wampanoag Tribe. However, a careful evaluation of this entire proposal during the third year of the program indicated that implementation of this scallop aquacultural plant was not feasible at the present time. Problems facing scallop aquaculture in New England fall into three major areas: (1) hatchery design and operational time table, (2) field grow out of hatchery-produced seed, and (3) harvest, sale and/or processing of the scallop crop. Problems in hatchery design and operation include trans- lating the current laboratory-scale culture of scallops into a commercial production concept, and the development of techniques for mass culturing of selected species of algae. Problems in field grow out of hatchery-reared seed include the logistical, legal, political, and economical ramifications of using nursery techniques such as rafts, fenced-in areas, or pumped raceways. Problems in the harvesting, selling. and/or processing of the adult scallop include destruction of scallop seed during harvesting of adults, difficulties in establishing a single-product brokerage, and the high cost of developing new seafood products that might utilize the visceral portion of the scallop which presently is discarded. SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN BODY COMPONENT INDICES AND ENERGY STORES IN THE SEA SCALLOP PLACOPECTEN MAGELLANICUS (GMELIN) ' W. E. WEHLING, W. E. ROBINSON ANDM. P. MORSE Marine Science Institute Northeastern University Nahant, Massachusetts 01908 Index values were determined on gonadal mass, digestive gland, and the quick-and-catch components of the adductor muscle in adult specimens of the sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus collected at 6- to 8-week intervals over a 12- month period. All tissue indices were found to vary signi- ficantly over the year. Somatic tissues displayed a biphasic annual pattern with highest values in late spring and fall, and lowest values in midusmmer and midwinter. The gonadal mass displayed a single annual peak in the summer just prior to spawning. No significant sex-specific differences were noted. Energy stores were estimated by measuring total lipid and glucose plus glycogen concentrations in the indexed tissues. Concentrations of both storage types exhibited seasonal patterns similar to those of the tissue indices. The reciprocal nature of the gonadal mass and tissue indices, and energy store concentrations in late spring and summer suggests movement of energy stores from somatic tissues to the gonad. Research supported by Department of Energy Contract No. EE- 77-S-02-4580. Journal o) Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. I, 127-133. 1981. ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL PAPERS Presented at 1 980 Annual Meeting WEST COAST SECTION NATIONAL SHELLFISHERIES ASSOCIATION Tumwater, Washington September 5-6, 1980 Tumwater, Washington, September 5-6, 1980 Abstracts, 1980 NSA West Coast Section Meeting 129 CONTENTS Gregory J. Anderson and Kenneth K. Chew Intertidal Culture of the Manila Clam Tapes japonica Using Hatchery-Reared Seed Clams and Protective Net Enclosures 131 Flinn Curren The Japanese Oyster Drill (Ocenebra inornatd) 131 James Donaldson Hatchery Rearing of the Olympia Oyster Ostrea lurida 131 Jill E. Follett and Rober S. Grischkowsky Investigation of Shell Disease in Alaska King and Tanner Crabs 132 Carolyn A . Foster Cellular Response to Carmine in the Brown Shrimp Penaeus aztecus with Observations on Virus-like Particles in the Heart 132 G. D. Heritage Blue Mussel {Mytilus edulis) Culture in South Coastal British Columbia 132 Jack Lilja Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning in Washington State, 1978- 1980 133 Scharleen Olsen New Candidates with Aquaculture Potential in Washington State: Pinto Abalone (Haliotis kamtscliatkatia), Weathervane Scallop (Pecten caurinus), and Purple-Hinge Rock Scallop {Hinmtes multirugosus) 133 The following papers were presented at the September meeting but no abstract was available at time of printing. / H. Beattie Selective Breeding of Pacific Oysters and the Summer Mortality of 1979 /. H. Beattie, B. Baldeson, L. Wiegardt and W. Breese Eyed Larvae Transport-Is This the Way of the Future9 G. Chislick The British Columbia Oyster Industry-Long Line and Raft String Culture Tumwater, Washington, September 5-6, 1980 Abstracts. 1980 NSA West Coast Section Meeting 131 INTERTIDAL CULTURE OF THE MANILA CLAM TAPES JAPONIC A USING HATCHERY-REARED SEED CLAMS AND PROTECTIVE NET ENCLOSURES GREGORY J. ANDERSON AND KENNETH K. CHEW College of Fisheries University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 Commercial feasibility of intertidally culturing the Manila clam Tapes japonica was investigated at Filucy and Wescott bays in Puget Sound, Washington. Hatchery- produced seed clams were marked and planted at densities of 1 ,000 clams/m2 in areas protected by two layers of 12.5-mm mesh lightweight plastic netting. Unprotected areas were seeded at densities of 900 clams/m2 . Recovery and growth of the marked clams were studied after 3,6, and 12 months. Recovery in protected areas (30 to 60%) was higher than in unprotected areas (2 to 12%); this was attributed to greater predation and washout in the unprotected areas. Because of that, growth could be evaluated only for the protected areas, in which mean shell lengths were similar in both bays after 12 months. Clams were larger at lower tidal heights; the growth rate appeared to decrease with increasing tidal height. At Filucy Bay, the average population density of large (> 8 mm), wild Manila clams in the protected area increased tenfold to 1 9 1 clams/m2 ; the density of those wild clams in the unprotected area decreased twofold to 16 clams/m2. This suggests that the netting may act to concentrate juvenile clams from the wild population as they are moved about by wave activity. It is further speculated that the density of larval settlement may be higher in the protected area. Net value of the potential harvestable biomass/m2 suggests that this type of commercial culture operation is both practical and economically feasible. THE JAPANESE OYSTER DRILL (OCENEBRA INORNATA) FLINN CURREN College of Fisheries University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 The Japanese oyster drill Ocenebra inornate, introduced on imported seed oysters, continues to be a problem in certain areas on the western coast of the United States. In the past, control has been attempted unsuccessfully by a variety of methods such as the handpicking of aggregations, tilling or discing infested grounds, draining pools to increase dessication stress, chemical treatments, and physical and chemical barriers. Pheromone-baited traps were suggested as a potential control technique during the spring and fall periods of snail aggregations. A study started in June 1980, is attempting to prove the existence of aggregation pheromones, determine the sites of pheromone production, and extract and concentrate chemicals acting as attractants for the Japanese oyster drills. Future studies should include isolation, identification and synthesis of pheromones, and development of pheromone-baited traps. HATCHERY REARING OF THE OLYMPIA OYSTER OSTREA LURID A JAMES DONALDSON Coast Oyster Company Quilcene, Washington 98376 The Olympia oyster industry was once a thriving industry on the western coast of North America and especially in the state of Washington. It began simply as a fishery on existing natural stocks and, eventually, developed into an intensive culture operation. Depleted populations, lack of recruitment, the Japanese oyster drill, and the flatworm have had a role in the decline of the now decimated popula- tions. Hatchery-grown seed is the only apparent method to restore beds to production levels. Hatchery techniques are described for rearing this species from the brooding larval phase through to setting size. Three groups of brood stock in different quantities were maintained in a closed system at different times of the year to determine the desirable number of adults needed for hatchery production. About 1 million larvae were obtained from a brood-stock size of 50 oysters from June 12 through August 9; 104 million larvae were obtained from 5.000 oysters kept in the hatchery from December 6 through February 8; and 23 million were liberated from a group of 1 .000 oysters from March 12 through April 22. Larval-rearing techniques are described which resulted in growth periods of 15 to 23 days from liberation to setting. Setting was successful; however, a high mortality occurred in the first 2 weeks after setting for all groups. 132 Abstracts, 1980 NSA West Coast Section Meeting Tumwater, Washington, September 5-6, 1980 INVESTIGATION OF SHELL DISEASE IN ALASKA KING AND TANNER CRABS JILL E. FOLLETT AND ROGER S. GRISCHKOWSKY Alaska Department of Fish and Game Fish Pathology Section Anchorage, Alaska 99502 The commercial crab industry in Alaska has experienced problems due to the poor condition of both the king crab Paralithodes camtschatica, and the tanner crab Chionoecetes bairdi. These problems include low meat yield, low vigor, soft shell, inability to molt, and the presence of dark lesions which pit the exoskeleton. Bacterial and histological studies were initiated to find solutions to these problems. Preliminary studies indicated no difference in numbers of types of bacteria present in normal or diseased crabs. Pseudomonads, aeromonads, and myxobacteria were isolated most commonly. Chitinoclastic bacteria seldom were isolated although the exoskeletons were pitted by lesions. No one organism was associated with the lesions. Through these, bacteria were able to gain entrance to the interior of the crab. Blood or lymph could become infected easily through the lesions. Rapid death of tanner crabs ensued following injection of either of two common isolates. The isolates were a Moraxella sp. and a Pseudonumas sp.,most closely related to Pseudomonas stutzeri. Infection of healthy crabs and repeated recovery fromdiseased ones indicatedpathogenicity although some crabs survived infection and some were able to eliminate the bacteria. The susceptibility of a particular crab probably related to its overall health. Additional studies may reveal mechanisms of transmission, distribution of pathogenic bacteria in host tissue, and management strategies to minimize future loss. CELLULAR RESPONSE TO CARMINE IN THE BROWN SHRIMP PENAEUS AZTECUS WITH OBSERVATIONS ON VIRUS-LIKE PARTICLES IN THE HEART role in such reactions, but noncirculating cells in the heart, gills, and hepatopancreas also participate in the surveillance and clearance of foreign substances. The purpose of the present study was to examine by transmission electron microscopy the clearance of carmine particles in the gills and heart of the brown shrimp Penaeus aztecus to demon- strate the phagocytic capabilities, functional relationships, and ultrastructural characteristics of circulating and non- circulating phagocytic cells. During this study, virus-like particles were observed within cardiac cells and their significance is discussed. A 1 .4% carmine-saline solution was injected into the sternal sinus, and the shrimp were sacrificed for light and electron microscopy at intervals up to 8 days postinjection. Within 1 hour carmine particles were clumped in the hemolymph and phagocytized or encapsulated by neuro- cytes. Hyalinocytes and semi-granulated hemocytes were more phagocytic than mature granulocytes. No carmine was observed in the gill podocytes, but their large dense vacuoles appeared to increase in size and number. Podocytes share structural characteristics with cells of the vertebrate renal glomerulus and probably aid in clearing the hemo- lymph of fine particulate material. Fixed phagocytes in the heart were attached loosely to the basal lamina surrounding myocardial cells and were weakly phagocytic for carmine particles, wlrich accumulated in a large cytoplasmic vacuole containing cellular debris and dense flocculent material. Viral inclusions were observed in the characteristic vacuole of fixed phagocytes in the heart. Inclusions measured ca. 1 /im in diameter, and often were surrounded partially by a membrane. Each consisted of a tightly packed aggregate of small, nonenveloped, osmiophilic particles ca. 23 nm in diameter. Some of the particles appeared to be square-shaped, and many were organized in linear arrays. If the particles are an eucaryotic virus, they may belong to either the parvovirus or the picomavirus group. However, the virions may be phages infecting a phagocytized prokaryote whose cell wall and/or membrane were partially digested. CAROLYN A. FOSTER College of Fisheries University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 Crustaceans generally combat infection by recognizing and clearing the hemolymph of 'nonself.' Although humoral factors act synergistically with cellular defense mechanisms, the latter are the principle means of internal defense and include coagulation, phagocytosis, and encapsulation. In penaeid shrimp, circulating hemocytes play an important BLUE MUSSEL (MYTILUS EDVLIS) CULTURE IN SOUTH COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA G. D. HERITAGE Department of Fisheries and Oceans Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo. British Columbia Canada \9R SK6 A project to investigate the commercial feasibility of blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) culture in British Columbia was Tumwater. Washington, September 5 -6, 1980 Abstracts, 1980 NSA West Coast Section Meeting 133 begun in 1979 at eight locations. Biological parameters investigated were growth, mortalities, fouling, predation, and recruitment. Surveys of wild mussel beds showed that stocks of seed mussels suitable for culture in Netlon socks were plentiful only at a few locations in the Strait of Georgia but were common on the western coast of Vancouver Island. Wild mussels from the intertidal zone that were placed in Netlon socks and suspended from rafts grew to approximately 50 mm shell length in 12 months after suspension. Severe unexplained mortalities were experienced at all sites. Fouling by barnacles {Balanus glandulus) was heavy at most sites; fouling by hydroids, bryozoans, algae, and anemones was common. Heavy predation by ducks, Barrow s goldeneye (Bucephala islandica), and by surf scooters {Melanitta perspicillata) was experienced at all sites during the winter months. Starfish (Pisaster ochraceus) destroyed mussel seed at one site, and pile perch (Rhacochilus vacca) were observed feeding on small mussels at another. Suspended ropes successfully collected commercial quantities of seed at seven sites in both 1979 and 1980. Seed collected in the summer of 1979 grew to market size (50 mm shell length) in 10 to 12 months at some locations but again heavy unexplained mortalities were experienced in 1980. The problems of heavy mortalities and predation must be overcome if commercial mussel culture is to become feasible in British Columbia. Some mechanization also is required for processing mussels in areas of heavy fouling. At present there are six mussel culture pilot projects (including the one described here) underway in British Columbia, and seven lease applications for mussel culture are pending. PARALYTIC SHELLFISH POISONING IN WASHINGTON STATE, 1978-1980 JACK LILJA Advisory Sanitarian, Shellfish Program Department of Social and Health Services Olympia. Washington 98501 During the past 10 years (1970—1980), there has been a dramatic increase in the paralytic shellfish poisoning samp- ling program in Washington State. Samples processed for PSP toxin have increased from 100 in 1970 to 1 ,200 in 1980. Factors contributing to the increased sampling include: (1) movement of the causative agent to previously unaffected areas, (2) increased public awareness and interest in the problem, and (3) paralytic shellfish poisoning research projects. Sampling locations have been expanded to cover nearly all shellfish growing areas in Puget Sound. An extensive dinoflagellate bloom occurred in late summer of 1978, and it affected a large area in central Puget Sound, primarily sport shellfish beaches. Sport shellfish samples have increased from 16% of total samples in 1970, to 60% of total samples in 1980. Butter clams from areas that have been affected for a number of years remain toxic year around, but butter clams from newly affected areas lose their toxicity during the winter months. Further informa- tion on uptake and release of toxin by various shellfish species is being examined. NEW CANDIDATES WITH AQUACULTURE POTENTIAL IN WASHINGTON STATE: PINTO ABALONE (HALIOTIS KAMTSCHA TKANA), WEATHERVANE SCALLOP (PECTEN CAURINUS), AND PURPLE-HINGE ROCK SCALLOP (H1NNITES MULTIRUGOSUS) SCHARLEEN OLSEN Washington Department of Fisheries Point Whitney Shellfish Laboratory Brinnon. Washington 98320 Three under-utilized native species are being investigated for their commercial aquaculture and enhancement potential. These aquaculture candidates include the pinto abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana), and two scallop species: the weathervane (Pecten caurinus) and the purple-hinge rock scallop (Hinnites multirugosus). An experimental minihatchery facility has been estab- lished at the Point Whitney Shellfish Laboratory, Brinnon, WA, and progress has been made in culturing the larvae of all three species. The pinto abalone have spawned consis- tently when exposed to 10~6 m concentration of hydrogen peroxide buffered with tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane to pH = 9. Adult abalone have been conditioned for over a year in the laboratory, and spawnings have occurred success- fully each month from March through November. Meta- morphosis was stimulated with gamma aminobuteric acid on day 9 after spawning. Juvenile abalone were grown to 25 mm in 14 months in unfiltered seawater at ambient temperatures (8.5 to 14.0°C). Spontaneous spawnings in May for the weathervane scallops, and in May and September for the purple-hinge rock scallop provided viable larvae for study, although all attempts to stimulate spawnings have been unsuccessful. Larvae of each species were cultured to metamorphosis in 34 to 40 days at which time high mortality occurred. Larval scallops were grown in seawater filtered to 10 /mi at temperatures of 9 to 16°C in static culture, and fed a mixture of Monochrysis sp., Isochrysis sp., and Psuedo- isochrysis sp. at concentrations of 10,000 to 50.000 cells/ml. Further investigations of scallop spawning techniques and methods, as well as larval culture and grow-out methods, will be conducted in future studies. a JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH VOLUME 1, NUMBER 2 DECEMBER 1981 The Journal of Shellfish Research (formerly Proceedings of the National Shell fisheries Association) is the official publication of the National Shellfisheries Association Editor Dr. Robert E. Hillman Battelle New England Marine Research Laboratory Duxbury, Massachusetts 02332 Assistant Editor Dr. Edwin W. Cake, Jr. Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564 Associate Editors Dr. Jay D. Andrews Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062 Dr. Anthony Calabrese National Marine Fisheries Service Milford, Connecticut 06460 Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853 Dr. Richard A. Lutz Nelson Biological Laboratories Rutgers University Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 Dr. Kenneth K. Chew College of Fisheries University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 Dr. Gilbert Pauley College of Fisheries University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 Dr. Paul A. Haefner, Jr. Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York 14623 Dr. Daniel B. Quayle Pacific Biological Laboratory Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada Dr. Herbert Hidu Ira C. Darling Center University of Maine Walpole, Maine 04573 Dr. Louis Leibovitz New York State College of Veterinary Medicine Dr. Aaron Rosenfield National Marine Fisheries Service Oxford, Maryland 21654 Dr. Frederic M. Serchuk National Marine Fisheries Service Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Journal of Shellfish Research Volume 1. Number 2 December 1981 Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 135, 1981. SPECIAL SQUID SYMPOSIUM Presented at ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NA TIONAL SHELLFISHERIES ASSOCIA TION Hyannis, Massachusetts June 8-12, 1980 INTRODUCTION TERENCE W. ROWELL Fisheries and Oceans Canada Resource Branch Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 2S7 Cephalopods represent a major fishery resource widely distributed throughout the oceans of the world. Of the several hundred species harvested, squids of the families Loliginidae (Loligo opalescens, L. pealei, L. plei), and Ommastrephidae (Illex illecebrosus) are important to North American fisheries. Expansion of world squid fisheries in recent years has led to a rapid increase in the exploitation of North American stocks. Japan, as the world's foremost harvester and con- sumer of squid, has led in this expansion, although the Soviet Union and a number of other countries have also directed considerable effort toward increased harvest of the resource. The fishery for short-finned squid, /. illecebrosus, on the Atlantic coast of Canada illustrates this expansion, showing a rapid increase from an annual average catch of about 4,500 metric tons (MT) during the 1970-74 period to roughly 153,000 MT in 1979. This huge increase in landings, by both foreign and domestic fishermen, has quickly brought the biological and management problems into focus, and has stimuated a number of new research initiatives on the part of both governmental and nongovern- mental research institutions. The current interest in squid as a major fishery resource has provided what must be one of the most exciting and biologically challenging areas for fisheries research and management. The scope of problems involved are again illustrated by Illex, with its short life span (generally estimated at 12 to 18 months); its unknown spawning distribution; poorly known distribution of larval, juvenile, and adult stages; unknown migration patterns;and unknown stock relationships. Unlike most finfish, where a number of year-classes may be monitored for several years prior to recruitment to the fishery, and where predictive popu- lation assessments can be used to establish harvest levels, an Illex year-class is first seen in the same year as the fishery; there is no possibility of applying currently avail- able assessment and predictive models to determine optimal harvest levels. It was in consideration of the commercial importance and the challenging biological problems presented by our North American squid resources that the National Shellfish- eries Association asked that I organize a Special Session on Squid for its 1980 Annual Meeting in Hyannis, Massachusetts. For that Special Session, contributed papers were requested to focus on one of three topic areas: (1) on the historical overview and description of the fisheries; (2) on biological and ecological studies important to understanding the resource and its management; and (3) on population biology, modeling, and prediction as applicable to squids. A total of twelve papers were presented at the Special Session; nine are being published in this dedicated issue. Abstracts of all the papers appeared in Volume 1 , Number 1 of the Journal of Shellfish Research. These papers provide new information on adult and larval distribution, growth and feeding and geographically related growth variances, and recognition of cephalopod species and species groups in predator stomach contents. Information is also provided on the current status of the squid fisheries of eastern North America, yield-per-recruit analysis for the two most important east coast species, L. pealei and /. illecebrosus, and on abundance forecasting and aging of/, illecebrosus. 135 Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol I. No. 2, 1.17 142, 1981. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEWFOUNDLAND SQUID (1LLEX 1LLECEBROSUS) FISHERY AND MANAGEMENT OF THE RESOURCE EARLG.DAWE Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Research and Resource Services P.O. Box 5667, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A 1C 5X1 ABSTRACT The Newfoundland short-finned squid fishery has traditionally been prosecuted inshore using small boats and jigging devices. Catches from that fishery have historically been small because of limited markets. Recently, with the development of new markets, that fishery has experienced unprecedented success and catch level has increased dramatically since 1974. The life history of Illex illeccbrosus is outlined herein, and the development and management of the Newfoundland squid fishery are reviewed. Prospects for further expansion of that fishery are considered to be closely related to market conditions. Development of new markets and increasing access to existing markets will depend on the success of other worldwide squid fisheries and the quality of Canadian squid exports. INTRODUCTION BASIC LIFE HISTORY The short-finned squid has long supported a small inshore fishery at Newfoundland (Squires 1057, Mercer 1973a, Hurley ll»80a). A seasonal migrant to the Newfoundland fishing area (Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization [NAFO] Subarea 3), Illex illeccbrosus is fished between July and November using small open boats and jigging devices (Quigley 1964, Mercer 1970, Voss 1973, Rathjen et al. 1979, Hurley 1980a). Until recently yearly catch levels have usually been less than 1 1,000 metric tons (MT) (Mercer 1973a), primarily because of the unavailability of substantial markets for squid resources in general. New markets, however, have developed for squid as food for human consumption. In response to increasing foreign demand for seafoods and dwindling traditional resources, attention has focused on exploitation of previously under- utilized species (Rathjen 1977). Further, a worldwide trend in recent years toward claiming national jurisdiction over coastal fishing zones has led to attrition of far-seas fisheries traditionally prosecuted by some major squid-consuming nations (Hurley 1980a). Coincidentally with evolution of foreign markets for cephalopod resources, yearly catch levels in the Newfoundland squid fishery have risen (Beck et al. 1980, Hurley 1980a). With the rise in level of exploita- tion comes the need for sound management strategies regarding conservation and determining levels of optimum exploitation. The basic life history of/, illeccbrosus is outlined herein and the Newfoundland squid fishery is described. Historic and recent trends in catch and inshore abundance are dis- cussed, and current management strategies are described. Also, the present status of this fishery is assessed in relation to perspectives for its further development. The life history of Illex illecebrosus is not completely understood, because concentrations of spawning adults and egg masses have not been encountered. Spawning is believed to take place during January-February within the influence of the Gulf Stream. Larvae and juveniles of less than 5.0 cm in mantle length have been found during February and March research cruises in 1979 (Fedulov and Froerman 1980) and in 1981 (Dawe et al. 1981 ). Occurrence of those early stages is temperature related. Fedulov and Froerman (1980) found the major center of early-stage distribution during March-April 1979 to be within the slope water mix, near the northern boundary of the Gulf Stream. Greatest catches occurred when temperature at fishing depth ranged from 14.3 to 16.3°C (Fedulov and Froerman 1980). In May-June, squid have historically been found on the Grand Bank where their occurrence was also temperature related. Greatest catches usually occurred where bottom temperatures exceeded 5.0°C (Mercer and Paulmier 1974, Hurley 1980b). Squid generally range from 9.0 to 18.0 cm in mantle length at that time (Squires 1957, Mercer and Paulmier 1974). Since 1974, incidental catches of squid on the Grand Bank during May-June groundfish surveys have provided an indication of later inshore abundance (Squires 1957, 1959; Hodder 1964; Mercer 1973b; Hurley 1980b). During the summer short-finned squid are distributed between Hamilton Inlet and Cape Hatteras (Squires 1957, Templeman 1966). However, fishable concentrations usually occur between northern Newfoundland and Cape Cod. Squid are fished by bottom trawl off the coast of the United States and on the Nova Scotian Shelf. In Newfoundland, they usually move inshore in July, although timing of 137 138 Dawe inshore migration varies yearly, and between July and November they support a fishery on the northeastern and southern coasts of Newfoundland. They usually move offshore again in November when most fall within the 20- to 28-cm range in mantle length (Squires 1957, Mercer 1975, Collins and Ennis 1978, Hurley et al. 1979, Beck et al. 1980). Females leave the inshore area later than males and show little sign of sexual maturation by the time they migrate. Males are smaller than females and many have reached advanced stages of maturity at migration (Squires 1957, Mercer 1973c, Collins and Ennis 1978, Hurley et al. 1979, Beck et al. 1980). The fate of post-spawning adults is still largely a matter of conjecture, because a reliable method of aging this squid is not yet available (Hurley and Beck 1979a). However, from laboratory research (Durward et al. 1 980) and examina- tion of length-frequency distributions, it is believed they live approximately 1 year and die after spawning. Thus, each year the fishery would be entirely dependent on the recruiting year-class. THE NEWFOUNDLAND SQUID FISHERY Trends in Catch and Inshore Abundance Historical trends in inshore nominal catch of short- finned squid at Newfoundland and corresponding qualitative estimates of annual inshore abundance are presented in Figure 1. A general feature of squid abundance is that it is subject to severe year-to-year fluctuations with no regular or predictable cyclic nature. However, years of very high squid abundance are more common than scare or very scare years. Fluctuations in year-to-year inshore abundance may reflect fluctuations in actual population abundance or yearly variations in that portion of the population which becomes available to the inshore fishery. Hydrographic and feeding conditions on the Grand Bank have been cited as possible factors affecting yearly variations in the extent of inshore migration (Ennis 1978). Irregular year-to-year fluctuations in abundance are to be expected in such a short-lived species, since recruitment would be highly dependent on environmental perturbations. Until recently, trends in annual catch have been similar to yearly fluctuations in abundance (Figure 1). However, the increasing magnitude of those catches reflect develop- mental stages of the fishery. Until about 1950, catches were small because the only major market for Illex illecebrosus was dried squid for foreign markets, mainly China. In the early 1950's, catches increased as a market developed to supply bait to European interests fishing in the northwestern Atlantic. Fishing technology improved considerably in 1965 with the introduction of the Japanese mechanized jigger (Quigley 1964). Using that device fishermen experienced much greater catch rates than they had previously using a single lead jigger. In the mid-1970's, a market for squid as food for human consumption developed, mainly in Japan and in European i ' ' " i ' TTTT" 10 2 9 VERY ABUNDANT VERT SCARCE i-i — am 1 1 ii | | DRIED SQUID EXPORTS □ FROZEN SQUID EXPORTS □ FRESH AND FROZEN SQUID FOR BAIT Jm «Mw 100 90 2 80 J, 70- vt 60g u 50 £ UJ a 40^ O 30 | 20 | 10 0 1980 Figure 1. Qualitative estimates of inshore abundance of squid at Newfoundland, 1879-1980, and breakdown of inshore catch, 1911-1980, into processing categories. Data sources include Templeman (1966), ICNAF (1978), NAFO (1980), and unpublished data provided by the Economics and Intelligence Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans. (Note change in scale of the ordinate in describing catch for the period 1976-1980.) Newfoundland Squid fishery and management 139 countries. As a result, and with consistently high levels of inshore abundance, Newfoundland inshore nominal catch increased steadily to a record high of 83,000 MT in 1979 (Figure 1). Other factors which contributed to such high catch levels included the rejuvenation of the squid-drying industry in 1978, and the development of a large interna- tional fishery in Canadian waters. The offshore squid fishery is prosecuted mainly on the Nova Scotian Shelf; however, since 1970, small offshore catches have occurred in NAFO Subarea 3 as well (Figure 2). Offshore Subarea 3 catch remained less than 40 MT until 1975. Yearly catch increased steadily until 1978 when approximately 5,700 MT, repre- senting 14% of the Subarea 3 total catch, were taken by the international fleet. Since that time the offshore catch in Subarea 3 has declined with less than 1 MT caught in 1980 (Figure 2). An increase in inshore processing facilities has further contributed to recent expansion of the New- foundland fishery (Hurley 1980a). 1970 71 Figure 2. Trends in offshore Subarea 3 catch of short-finned squid, 1970-1980. Data sources include the FLASH information system, ICNAF Redbook (1978), NAFO Scientific Council Report (1979- 1980), and unpublished data provided by the Economics and Intelligence Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Despite continued abundance of squid in 1980, the New- foundland inshore catch (32,000 MT) dropped considerably below the level of the previous year (Figure 1 ). That was pri- marily because of poor market conditions for /. illecebrosus which resulted in low prices offered to fishermen and a reduction of effort in the inshore fishery. A dispute between fishermen and processors during the summer of 1980 resulted in a further reduction in fishing effort. Production of dried squid decreased also because of declining prices and availability of the resource, as well as poor weather conditions during the summer. Management of the Resource The short-finned squid fishery in Canadian Atlantic waters is managed internationally by the NAFO, formerly the International Commission for Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF). Prior to 1975, regulation of the fishery was not restrictive because exploitation was light. Usually yearly catch levels did not exceed 1 1 ,000 MT, the only major fishery being prosecuted inshore at Newfoundland. With increasing foreign catches on the Nova Scotian Shelf in the 1970's, catch regulation was first implemented in 1975. Because of the unpredictable nature of fluctuations in abundance or availability of the resource, a conservative approach was taken in allocating catch quotas. Between 1975 and 1977, an open-ended yearly total allowable catch (TAC) of 25,000 MT was determined with 15,000 MT allocated to the USSR and 10,000 MT reserved for the Canadian domestic fishery. In addition, all other partici- pating countries without specific allocations were allowed 3,000 MT each (NAFO 1980). International involvement in the offshore trawl fishery increased dramatically over the 1975—1977 period. With continued abundance of squid and no specific restrictions in the Newfoundland inshore fishery, total catch for Subareas 3 and 4 reached a high of 80,000 MT in 1977 (ICNAF 1979). In 1978, it was felt that during those years of high squid abundance the existing level of TAC was restrictive and resulted in losses of potential yield (ICNAF 1978). Thus, in 1978, a TAC of 100,000 MT was set, assuming the 1978 squid abundance would be similar to that of the previous year. As a means of avoiding over- exploitation, should abundance be lower in 1978, effort regulation was also introduced (ICNAF 1978). Catch rates from the 1977 international fishery were applied to the 1978 TAC to ensure that the exploitation rate would remain constant even if squid abundance decreased. In recent years, abundance has remained high and post- season estimates of population size (Hurley and Beck 1979b, Dawe and Beck 1980) have consistently indicated that the exploitation rate and the TAC could be increased the following year without serious risk of over-exploitation (NAFO 1980). Thus, the level of the TAC for Subareas 2, 3, and 4 has risen to 1 20,000 MT in 1979, and to 150,000 MT in 1980 (NAFO 1980). Effort regulation in the international offshore fishery has been maintained, based on 1978 catch rates, as a safeguard against over-exploitation in years of low squid abundance. Other management initiatives included the introduction of a June 15-opening date for the offshore fishery in 1978 (ICNAF 1978). That restriction was based on the fact that by-catch of other species in the offshore fishery was high early in the season and market value of squid was low 140 DAWE because of their small size. In 1979, the commencement date of the fishery was advanced to July 1 (ICNAF 1979). Specific regulations have not been applied to the New- foundland inshore squid fishery because it was felt that high catches from that fishery were not likely to cause over- exploitation of the resource. The inshore fishery focuses on only a portion of the stock, the offshore component being regulated by catch-and-effort restrictions. Thus, restrictions in the offshore fishery provide for sufficient spawning escapement should the inshore portion be heavily exploited. Moreover, over-exploitation is less likely inshore because the fishery is passive and does not seek out concen- trations of squid in years of low abundance, as is possible in the offshore fishery (NAFO 1980). In years of low abun- dance the inshore fishery would likely fail and fishing mortality would remain fairly constant because squid would not be available to jigging devices. CONSIDERATIONS IN MARKETING SHORT-FINNED SQUID Newfoundland inshore squid production has increased dramatically in recent years in response to the development of new markets. However, international competition for market access is intensive. In 1 977, world cuttlefish and squid production reached almost 1 x 106 MT with Todarodes pacificus and Illex illecebrosus, respectively, being the most important species (Ramalingam 1978). However, world cephalopod resources are still underexploited and annual potential production could be 90 to 600 x 106 MT(Ampola 1974, Rathjen et al 1977, Voss 1973). With recent develop- ments in technology for harvesting squids (Kato 1970; Rathjen 1973, 1977; Voss 1973) and availability of squid resources to many countries (Ramalingam 1978), world production is limited primarily by market demand. The most extensive markets for squid exist in Japan and southern Europe. Japan is by far the greatest squid consum- ing and importing nation. In the 1970's, the Japanese market developed largely as a result of increased Japanese demand for seafood, loss of foreign squid fisheries, and recent decline in the domestic Japanese fishery for T. pacificus. During the 1960's, Japanese domestic catch averaged approximately 600,000 MT yearly (Voss 1973). However, yearly catch levels declined during the 1970's, with total landings of squid and cuttlefish being 480,000 MT in 1979. As a result of decreased domestic production, squid and cephalopod imports into Japan have increased during the 1970's, from an estimated 37,000 MT in 1973 (Ramalingam 1978) to 156,000 MT in 1979. The regulation of cuttlefish and squid imports into Japan is through import quotas set twice yearly for unprocessed products. Gaining access to that market is difficult because more than 30 exporting nations compete for a share of the inport quotas. Problems in marketing /. illecebrosus include the belief that T. pacificus and Loligo spp. are preferred as raw material. Short-finned squid is further processed in Japan and that species is not well suited to the Japanese processing system (Court 1980). Markets other than Japan exist mainly in southern Europe. The most important of those smaller squid-importing countries include Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, and Greece. Outside Japan, markets for dried squid exist in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Although each of those markets is small compared to Japan, their combined potential for absorbing squid and squid products is considerable. The importance of Canadian short-finned squid (/. illecebrosus) as a Japanese import has increased considerably during recent years to the point where, in 1979, Canada supplied 15,483 MT which represented 10% of total imports by Japan. Although Japan imported only 83,991 MT of cuttlefish and squid in 1980, Canada supplied 18,409 MT (22%), mostly 1979 production, and was the largest supplier of squid to Japan. That increased market access for Canadian squid (/. illecebrosus) may reflect Japan's recognition of Canada as a stable source of future squid imports. Also, through developmental charters with Canada, Japan landed high quantities of short-finned squid in 1978 and 1979. That and a considerable increase in direct allocations to Japan in 1980 were considered to be important steps toward increasing Canadian access to the Japanese market. Despite relative success in marketing Canadian short-finned squid in 1980, markets were poor, which was reflected in a decline in catch below that of the previous year. The sharp decline in the inshore Newfoundland catch (Figure 1) was due to a reduction of fishing effort which partly resulted from a reduction in the price paid to fishermen. The domestic Japanese inshore fishery for T. pacificus experi- enced unprecedented success in 1980, resulting in a total Japanese catch of squid and cuttlefish of approximately 600,000 MT. Consequently, there were no Japanese import requirements and Canadian processors were offered low prices for squid. That price was ultimately reflected in the price offered to fishermen, approximately half that of the previous year. Also, because of the self-sufficiency of the Japanese market, no import quota was announced until November, and Canadian processors were reluctant to purchase squid with no firm purchase commitments from Japanese interests. At least in the short term, the success of the Newfound- land inshore fishery and the Canadian fishery, in general, will depend on resource abundance and market demand. Canadian catches will probably fluctuate yearly depending on success of other squid fisheries, especially by Japan, and on the extent of import requirements by squid-consuming nations. To increase access to existing and future markets, the status of /. illecebrosus as a desired import must be main- tained. Measures should be taken to maintain and improve the quality of the product. Grading of both dried and frozen squid would render those products more attractive to Japanese interests for further processing. Reliable facilities Newfoundland Squid Fishery and Management 141 for both short-term and long-term storage are essential because spoilage occurs rapidly if the squid are not handled properly (Learson and Ampola 1977, Botta et al. 1979). Futher expansion of processing has several advantages in that processed products may be better able to compete with innovative products in foreign markets. Marketing such products may be facilitated further because they are not restricted by Japanese import quotas. However, mar- keting such products is complicated by the fact that Japan presently prefers to purchase unprocessed squid to support its extensive processing industry. Education in quality requirements has already been initiated. In 1978 and 1979, Japanese technicians were present in Canadian plants to supervise production. Jigging of squid will probably be encouraged in the future because squid caught in that manner are in better physical condition than trawl-caught squid. Presently, the best quality squid probably come from the Newfoundland inshore fishery because those squid are caught by jigging and landed within hours of capture. Also the offshore jigging of squid will probably be encouraged for reasons of quality. That method is commonly used in the Japanese domestic fishery, resulting in as much as 90% of their total catch of Todarodes pacificus in some years (Rathjen 1973). In Japan, jigged squid are sometimes sold at a higher price than trawl-caught squid (Court 1980). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The assistance of J. Drew, H. Mullett, and G. King in preparing the diagrams is appreciated. Thanks also to C. Whelan, Economics and Intelligence Branch, Depart- ment of Fisheries and Oceans, who reviewed the manuscript and provided helpful comments. references cited Ampola, V. G. 1974. Squid-its potential and status as a U.S. food resource. Mar. Fish. Rev. 36(12):28-32. Beck, P. C, E. G. Dawe & J. Drew. 1980. Breakdown of 1979 squid catches in Subarea 3 and Division 4R. with length and sex com- positions from offshore and Newfoundland inshore commercial samples. NAFO SCR Doc. 80/11/34, Ser. No. N065. 15 pp. Botta, J. R., A. P. Downey, J. T. Lauder & P. B. Noonan. 1979. Preservation of raw, whole, short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) during the period from catching to processing: Skin color of raw squid and sensory quality of the subsequently cooked squid. Can. Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Rep. 855. 21 pp. Collins, P. W. & G. P. Ennis. 1978. Breakdown of inshore Newfound- land squid catches, 1975-77 with length and sex composition from commercial samples. ICNAF Res. Doc. 78/II/6, Ser. No. 5158. 13 pp. Court, W. G. 1980. Japan's squid fishing industry. Mar. Fish. Rev. 42(7-8):l-9. Dawe, E. G. & P. C. Beck. 1980. Assessment of the short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) in Subarea 3 for 1979. NAFO SCR Doc. 80/11/35, Ser. No. N066. 13 pp. & H. J. Drew. 1981. Distribution and biological charac- teristics of young short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) in the northwest Atlantic, February 20-March 11, 1981. NAFO SCR Doc. 81/VI/23, Ser. No. N302. 20 pp. Durward, R. D„ E. Vessey & R. K. O'Dor. 1980. Reproduction in the squid, Illex illecebrosus: First observations in captivity and implications for the life cycle. ICNAF Sel. Pap. 6:7-14. Ennis, G. P. 1978. A review of the fishery for squid and the general biological characteristics of the species Illex illecebrosus in the Newfoundland area. Pages 5.1—5.8 in N. Balch, T. Amaratunga and R. K. O'Dor (eds.). Proceedings of the Workshop on the Squid Illex illecebrosus and a Bibliography of the Genus Illex. Dalhousie University. Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 1978. Can. Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Rep. 833. Fedulov, P. P. & Yu. M. Froerman. 1980. Effect of abiotic factors on distribution of young shortfin squids, Illex illecebrosus (LeSueur, 1821). NAFO SCR Doc. 80/VI/98, Ser. No. N153. 22 pp. Hodder, V. M. 1964. The Newfoundland squid fishery. Can. Dep. Fish. TradeNews 17(1):16-18. Hurley, G. V. 1980a. Recent developments in the squid, Illex illecebrosus. fishery of Newfoundland, Canada. Mar. Fish. Rev. 42(7-8): 15-22. . 1981b. An examination of criteria for the short-term fore- casting of inshore abundance of squid (Illex illecebrosus) at Newfoundland. NAFO SCR Doc. 80/II/5, Ser. No. N031. 18 pp. & P. Beck. 1979a. The observation of growth rings in statoliths from the ommastrephid squid, Illex illecebrosus. Bull. Am.Malacol. Union. Inc. 1979:23-29. 1979b. Assessment of the short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) in ICNAF Subarea 3 for 1978. ICNAF Res. Doc. 79/11/25, Ser. No. 5351. 19 pp. & J. Drew. 1979. Breakdown of squid catches in ICNAF Subarea 3, 1978, with length and sex composition from offshore and Newfoundland inshore samples. ICNAF Res. Doc. 79/11/27, Ser. No. 5353. 13 pp. ICNAF [International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries). 1978. Report of Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (STACRES). Special meeting on squid, February 191&. ICNAF Redbook 1978:21-33. . 1979. Report of Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (STACRES). Special meeting on capeline and squid, February 1919. ICNAF Redbook 1979:27-46. Kato, S. 1970. Catching squid by the ton- with pumps. Nat. Fisher- man 51:14-B-19-B. Learson, R. J. & V. G. Ampola. 1977. Care and maintenance of squid quality. Mar. Fish. Rev. 39(7): 15- 16. Mercer, M. C. 1970. Cephalopod resources and fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic. Am. Malacol. Union Inc. Annu. Rep. 1970:30-33. . 1973a. Nominal catch of squid in Canadian Atlantic waters (Subareas 2-4) 1920 to 1968. ICNAF Res. Doc. 73/73, Ser. No. 3025. 10 pp. . 1973b. Distribution and biological characteristics of the ommastrephid squid Illex illecebrosus (LeSueur) on the Grand Bank. St. Pierre Bank and Nova Scotian Shelf (Subareas 3 and 4) as determined by otter-trawl surveys 1970 to 1972. ICNAF Res. Doc. 73/79, Ser. No. 3031. 11 pp. . 1973c. Sexual maturity and sex ratios on the ommastre- phid squid, Illex illecebrosus (LeSueur). at Newfoundland (Subarea 3). ICNAF Res. Doc. 73/71, Ser. No. 3023. 14 pp. . 1975. Size distributions of the migrant ommastrephid squid, Illex illecebrosus (LeSueur) in Newfoundland inshore waters. ICNAF Res. Doc. 75/27, Ser. No. 3482. 13 pp. 142 DAWF & G. Paulmier. 1974. Distribution and biological character- istics of the short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) on the conti- nental shelf of Subareas 3 and 4 in May-June, 1973. ICNAF Res. Doc. 74/87, Ser. No. 3323. 1 1 pp. NAFO [Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organizaion] . 1980. Report of the Scientific Council. Special meeting, February 1980. NAFO Scientific Council Report 1979-1980:35-60. Quigley, J. J. 1964. Mechanized squid jigger. Can. Dep. Fish. Trade News 17(5):3-5. Ramalingam, V. 1978. Cuttlefish and squids-Production and marketing. Indian Seafoods 13(4) & 14(1):8-13. Rathjen, W. F. 1973. Northwest Atlantic squids. Mar. Fish. Rev. 35(12):20-26. . 1977. Fisheries development in New England-a perspec- tive. Mar. Fish. Rev. 39(2): 1-6. , R. T. Hanlon & R. F. Hixon. 1977. Is there a squid in your future? Proc. GulfCaribb. Fish. Inst. 29:14-25. Rathjen, W. I'., R. F. Hixon & R. T. Hanlon. 1979. Squid fishery resources and development in the northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Proc. GulfCaribb. Fish. Inst. 31:145-157. Squires, H. J. 1957. Squid, Illex illecebrosus (LeSueur) in the New- foundland fishing area. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 14:693-728. . 1959. Squid inshore in Newfoundland and on the Grand Bank. 1953-1958. Prog. Rep. Atl. Coast Stn.. Fish. Res. Board Can. 72:23-26. Templeman. W. 1966. Squid, Illex Illecebrosus. Pages 122-125 in Marine Resources of Newfoundland. Fish. Res. Board Can. Bull. 154. Voss, G. L. 1973. The squid boats are coming. Sea Front 19(4): 194-202. Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 1, No. 2, 143-152, 1981. THE SHORT-FINNED SQUID (ILLEX ILLECEBROSUS) FISHERY IN EASTERN CANADA T. AMARATUNGA Department of Fisheries and Oceans Resource Branch. Invertebrates and Marine Plants Division P.O. Box 550, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 2S7 ABSTRACT The short-finned squid Mex illeeehrosus had traditionally been important to Canada only as a small inshore fishery in Newfoundland. Fluctuations in inshore landings, common prior to 1975, were probably related to the availability of squid. Since 1975, the inshore and offshore fisheries have shown tremendous increases in landings. Historic trends of the fishery are discussed. Recent statistics on the fishery provide information on catch, season, area, and gear. Offshore statistics prior to 1975 are not complete. Statistics compiled on the international and Canadian offshore fisheries from the FLASH computer information system has provided a monitor of all activities since 1977. The historic and present status of the fisheries are presented in relation to the management of the resource. INTRODUCTION For many years the short-finned squid Illex illeeehrosus has been important to Canada only as a small inshore bait fishery which was concentrated in Newfoundland. In recent years, however, this species has become commercially important with the development of international markets. Since 1975, there has been a dramatic increase in landings from the inshore fishery in Newfoundland as well as parts of the Maritimes; a large offshore fishery has also developed on the Scotian Shelf. Those increases have been related to increased abundance and increased fishing effort. In this report, recent international squid catch statistics in eastern Canada are reviewed, and the historic and present status of the fisheries are presented in relation to the management of the resource. DISTRIBUTION AND FISHERY Illex illeeehrosus is widely distributed in the northwestern regions of the Atlantic Ocean. Data compiled from various sources (Clarke 1966, Roper et al. 1969, Lu 1973, Roper and Lu 1979) show distribution from Labrador and Newfoundland to central Florida (Figure 1 ). In a recent survey, larvae and juveniles of/, illeeehrosus were recorded in large numbers for the first time in the Scotian Shelf slope water and Gulf Stream water mix (Amaratunga et al. 1980). Each year /. illeeehrosus is recruited to the fishery when a new year-class migrates onto the continental shelf and inshore areas for the summer and fall. Its distribution in Nova Scotia (Amaratunga et al. 1978) and Newfoundland (Squires 1957) waters is usually limited to the warmest period of the year, from spring (April to May) to late fall (as late as December). During that period, active fisheries operate in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Subarea 4 (NAFO SA4) off Nova Scotia and in Subarea 3 (SA3) off Newfoundland (Figure 1 ). Until the early 1970's, Canadian squid were utilized as bait for other fisheries. Fishing methods during that time were mainly limited to inshore jigging operations. Jigging operations were usually conducted using hand-line jiggers from small boats. During the early 1970's, Canadian squid stocks became attractive in the international markets as a commodity for human consumption. That, in turn, induced international offshore trawlers to start fishing for squid on the continental shelves in SA3 and SA4, primarily in SA4. Offshore trawlers are usually large factory ships fishing with bottom, off-bottom, or pelagic trawls, as in the fin- fish fishery. Concurrently, inshore techniques improved with the use of semi- or totally automated jigger lines. HISTORIC TRENDS Nominal catch statistics since 1963 for the entire Illex illeeehrosus distribution are shown in Table 1 and Figure 2 (from Roberge and Amaratunga 1980). Statistics for SA5- 6 are included to show relative differences from those of SA2-4. Catches fluctuated in SA2-4 until 1974. Mercer (1973) reported similar fluctuations in inshore landings from Nova Scotia between 1920 and 1968. Those fluctua- tions probably reflect availability of squid, especially in SA3, and not any change in effort. On the other hand, relatively large catches in SA4 between 1970 and 1973 probably related to the introduction of offshore trawlers into the fishery. In SA5-6, a considerable international offshore squid fishery has been in operation since the late 1960's, accounting for the difference in pattern. Prior to 1973, the offshore fishery in SA2— 4 was considered relatively unimportant. Therefore, although upward trends in landings began in the early 1970's, catch statistics were incomplete. Often landings alone were reported with no details on effort and other fisheries statistics. Also, squid catches were not reported by species and it is likely that some catches of Loligo pealei were included in the SA4 statistics (distribution of L. pealei does not extend into SA3). After 1973, a concerted effort was made by the Inter- national Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries 143 144 AMARATUNGA 85" 80° 75° 70° 65° Figure 1. Known distribution (shaded area) oUllex Ulecebrosus in the northwest Atlantic region. SHORT FlNNI I) S(.HTl) I'lSHI RY IN L:\STI RN CANADA 145 0> o> IS) 0> CT> / I A' \ 1 0> 05 Xi 1 o 1 o r~ o 1 — o o i O o o I o O) CO N 10 in t CO CN ■a c S3 c 3 «5 ft. < Z u < r- CO 0 0) z u 5 c X u ft! Cm 0 Ul tr> (O JS o> U M U 3 0 ■a 3 e CO e (0 < O) 15 30 15 30 15 30 15 30 15 30 15 30 15 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER Figure 5. Directed and nondirected squid catch and effort as reported to FLASH for 1979. 150 Amaratunga TABLE 3. Estimated number of fllex illecebrosus removed by the international-directed squid fishery in Subarea 4, 1978 and 1979. 1978 1979 Directed Directed Squid Estimated Estimated Cumulative Squid Estimated Estimated Cumulative Catch Mean Weight Number Estimated Catch Mean Weight Number Estimated Date Week (MT) (gm) of Squid Number Date Week (MT) (gm) of Squid Number lun 25 26 36.5 Jul 2 27 161.4 137.9 1.17x 106 1.17 x 106 Jul 1 27 5.0 137.12 3.65 x 104 3.65 x 104 9 28 164.5 134.8 1.22 x 106 2.39x 106 8 28 852.6 133.95 6.37 x 106 6.41 x 106 16 29 357.2 138.4 2.58 x 106 4.97 x 106 15 29 1,559.8 138.08 1.13 x 107 1.77 x 107 23 30 3,905.1 189.6 2.06 x 107 2.56 x 107 22 30 2,354.8 149.90 1.57 x 107 3.34 x 107 30 31 6,828.8 159.9 4.27 x 107 6.83 x 107 29 31 3,209.1 159.78 2.01 x 107 5.35 x 107 Aug 6 32 1,899.5 171.1 1.11 X 107 7.94x 107 Aug 5 32 2,587.0 169.66 1.52 x 107 6.87 x 107 13 33 924.3 179.8 5.14 x 106 8.45 x 107 12 33 2,517.0 179.54 1.40 x 107 8.27 x 107 20 34 650.9 189.8 3.43 x 106 8.80 x 107 19 34 2,719.0 189.42 1.44 x 107 9.71 x 107 27 35 1.572.7 199.3 7.89 x 106 9.59 x 107 26 35 2,198.1 199.30 1.10 x 107 1.08 x 108 Sep 3 36 1,413.3 209.4 6.75 x 106 1.03 x 108 Sep 2 36 3,496.1 209.18 1.67 x 107 1.25 x 108 10 37 818.1 219.3 3.73 x 106 1.06 x 10* 9 37 1,952.5 219.06 8.91 x 106 1.34 x 108 17 38 1.157.5 229.2 5.05 x 106 1.11 x 108 16 38 1,965.8 228.94 8.59 x 106 1.42.x 108 24 39 1,389.2 239.1 5.81 x 106 1.17 x 108 23 30 39 40 1,555.9 1,329.2 238.83 248.71 6.51 x 5.34 x 106 106 1.49.x 108 1.54 x 108 Oct 1 40 1,249.2 248.8 5.02 x 106 1.22 x 108 Oct 7 41 1,079.2 258.59 4.17 x 106 1.58 x 108 8 41 582.1 258.7 2.25 x 106 1.24 x 108 14 42 1,158.1 268.47 4.31 x 106 1.63 x 108 15 42 378.8 268.7 1.41 x 106 1.26 x 108 21 43 1,340.6 308.18 4.35 \ 106 1.67 x 108 22 43 716.9 309.0 2.32 x 106 1.28 x 108 28 44 1,085.4 311.49 3.48 x 106 1.70 x 108 29 44 955.6 312.3 3.06 x 106 1.31 x 108 Nov 5 45 748.6 314.5 2.38 x 106 1.34 x 108 Nov 4 45 1,024.8 313.75 3.27 x 106 1.74 x 108 12 46 327.4 277.5 1.18 x 106 1.35 x 108 11 46 671.6 275.54 2.44 x 106 1.76 x 108 19 47 97.3 292.2 3.33 x 106 1.35 x 108 18 47 220.1 291.82 7.54 x 10s 1.77 x 108 26 48 8.0 — — — History of Illex illecebrosus Resource Management Year Total Allowable Catch (TAC) (x 103 MT) Catch (x 103 MT) Remarks (Catch x 103 MT) 1974 1975 No TAC No TAC SA2-4 = 0.4 1973 catch: 9.9 in SA2-4; 15.2 in SA5 and SA6. SA5 and SA6 = 16.7 Catch constitutes both Illex and Loligo. Commercial catches incidental and not taken in a directed fishery. Pilot whale-consumption study suggests potential catch could be substantially greater. SA2— 4 = 17.8 1974 catches considered commercially unimportant. SA5 and SA6 = 13.8 Catches suggest Illex forms a stock complex from SA2- 6, with a spring migration northward from SA5 and SA6 to SA2-4. Research survey biomass assessments for 1974 were 90 to 100,000 MT. TAC for SA2-4 should be separate from SA5 and SA6 so that fishing effort cannot be directed entirely to one component of the stock. Short -Finnfd Squid Fishery in Eastern Canada 151 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Preemptive: SA2-4= 15.0 SA5 and SA6 = 30.0 Preemptive: SA2-4=25.0 SA5 and SA6 = 30.0 SA3andSA4= 100.0 (i.e.,) SA3 = 45.0 SA4 = 55.0 SA2-4 = 41.8 SA5 and SA6 = 27.7 SA2-4 = 80.0 SA5 and SA6 = 24.£ SA3 = 45.5 SA4 = 53.1 SA3andSA4= 120.0 (i.e.,) SA3 = 50.0 SA4= 70.0 SA3 = 81.8 SA4=71.3 'SA2-4= 150.0 Substantial catches in 1975 warranted TAC. Stock complex from SA2-6. Catches not separated by species (Illex, Loligd), but SA2-4 catch considered to be Illex because of its distribution patterns. Recognized SA2-4 catches in 1976 considerably higher than TAC. Recognized effort regulation should be considered. Requested catch and effort statistics from each country. NOTE: Special meeting for squid called before 1978 fishery to provide scientific advice to management. Considered 1977 catches and biomass estimations. TAC subject to stock remaining as high as 1977 and target exploitation rate of 0.40. Necessary to take conservative approach and spread effort: TAC partitioned; effort regulations used to control exploitation rate. Partition between SA3 and SA4 based on relative magni- tude of biomass estimations. NOTE: Implementation of TAC conditional upon control of fishing effort, based on 1977 catch rates, with no increase in number of days fished in 1978, if catch rates in 1978 were lower than those of 1977. Directed Illex fishery opened on 15 June. Some measures taken to limit by-catch of Illex in other fisheries before 15 June. Partitioning based on 1978 biomass estimations. Recognized effort very difficult to regulate. Should abundance be reduced, then fishing mortality (F) in SA3 will self-regulate in the inshore activities, but in SA4, F should be limited by effort regulation based on 1978 catch rates. NOTE: Because migration patterns vary from year to year (squid arrived late in 1979), opening date of fishery was set for 1 July. Using 10-year series of biomass estimates, relative abun- dance indices developed from research vessel data. Catch associated with target exploitation rate of 0.40 could be in the range of 100,000 to 200,000 MT. 1980 TAC would not be associated with serious risk of over-exploitation. If biomass is high, inshore allowance could be exceeded without excessive exploitation. The present management regime is based upon a TAC set within the range considered unlikely to pose serious risk of over-exploitation. The estimations used to establish this range are, however, tenuous because we lack sufficient understand- ing of stock recruitment and distribution patterns, and also our estimations of levels of stock abundance of previous years vary widely. The main constraint faced by researchers is that this species has a short life span and each year a new year-class is recruited, replacing the stock of the previous year (Amaratunga 1 980). As a result , standard fishery models do not adequately describe this fishery. Further research in the areas of stock recruitment, distribution, and biology is required for the management of the /. illecebrosus fishery. ACKNOWLEDGM ENTS I thank Ms. Michelle Roberge for her assistance in compila- tion of data for this report and Mr. Terry Rowell for his constructive criticisms and reviews. 152 AMARATUNGA REFERENCES CITED Amaratunga, T. 1980. Growth and maturation patterns of the short- finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) on the Scotian Shelf. NAFO Scientific Council Report Doc. 80/11/30. 17 pp. , M. Roberge & L. Wood. 1978. An outline of the fishery and biology of the short-finned squid Illex illecebrosus in eastern Canada. Can. Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Rep. 833:2.1-2.17. Amaratunga, T., T. Rowell & M. Roberge. 1980. Summary of joint Canada/USSR research program on short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus), 16 February to 4 lune 1979: Spawning stock and larval survey. NAFO SCR Doc. 80/11/38. 36 pp. Clarke, M. R. 1966. A review of the systematics and ecology of oceanic squid. Adv. Mar. Biol. 5:91-300. ICNAF [International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries]. 1978. Page 110 in ICNAF Redbook. Lu.C. C. 1973. Systematics and zoogeography of the squid genus Illex (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida). Ph.D. thesis. Memorial Univ. Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. 389 pp. Mercer, M. C. 1973. Nominal catch of squid in Canadian Atlantic waters (Subareas 2-4), 1920-1968. ICNAF Res. Doc. 73/73. 10 pp. Roberge, M. & T. Amaratunga. 1980. A review of the Illex fishery in Subareas 3 and 4 with special reference to 1978 and 1979 FLASH data. NAFO SCR Doc. 80/11/32. 19 pp. Roper, C. F. E. & C. C. Lu. 1979. Rhynchoteuthon larvae of omma- strephid squids of the western North Atlantic, with the first description of larvae and juveniles of Illex illecebrosus. Proc. Biol.Soc. Wash. 91(4): 1039-1059. & K. Mangold. 1969. A new species of Illex from the western Atlantic and distributional aspects of other Illex species (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 82:295-322. Squires, H. J. 1957. Squid, Illex illecebrosus (LeSueur), in the New- foundland fishing area. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 14(5 ):693 — 728. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1. No. 2, 153-159, 1981. EXPLORATORY SQUID CATCHES ALONG THE CONTINENTAL SLOPE OF THE EASTERN UNITED STATES WARREN F. RATH JEN National Marine Fisheries Service P.O. Box 1109 Gloucester, Massachusetts 01 930 ABSTRACT During October-November 1979, the Federal Republic of Germany Research Vessel ANTON DOHRN conducted an otter trawl survey along the continental slope between Georges Bank and Cape Canaveral, Florida. Sampled depths ranged from 62 to 1,075 m at 58 trawl stations. Some limited coverage was accomplished on the continental shelf. The short-finned squid ///ex illecebrosus represented the largest volume of any squid group sampled during the cruise. Those squid were widely distributed with large catches made at both the most northern and most southern stations fished. The results provide new information on the broad distribution of/, illecebrosus in the slope area during the fall. Data on the abundance of that species are of interest in assessing its resource potential and its possible relationship to more northerly stocks. Data were also provided on the distribution and abundance of the long-finned squid Loligo pealei, and on several other species of cephalopods. INTRODUCTION In recent years there has been a growing world interest in harvestable stocks of cephalopods. In the northwestern Atlantic rapid commercial developments have occurred (particularly off North America), and in the southwestern Atlantic off Argentina similar exploitation has taken place. In the Indo-Pacific area, additional commercial develop- ments have been evident in the vicinity of the Phillipines, Thailand, Austrialia, and New Zealand. Increased harvest of squids have caused concern among some about the role of squid as prey of other marine animals. Present assessment information on squid is meager, and even small contribu- tions from limited surveys add to the knowledge base. This paper presents a report on squid catches from such a survey along the continental slope of the eastern United States. Until the early 1970's, squid received little attention as a fishery resource along the eastern coast of the United States. Fishing activity began to increase (Rathjen 1973, Kolator and Long 1979) with a modest beginning in the late 1960's. South of Cape Hatteras only limited and fragmented information existed on potentially commercial squid. Voss (1971) indicated the presence of squid of the genus Illex from sightings made from the research submersible ALUMI- NANT off Miami. Roper et al. (1969) discussed the ranges of three species of Illex found in the northwestern Atlantic and indicated the complex relationships of their respective distributions. During recent years, investigations were undertaken as a result of increasing commercial and biologi- cal interests. Mercer (1969a, b, c) reported on a series of squid surveys by the Canadian research vessel A. T. CAMERON (Cruises 130, 150, and 157). Cruise No. 157 took place in February 1969, and included otter trawl stations from Cape May, New Jersey (39°N), southward to Fort Pierce, Florida (28°N). Trawling was limited to depths between 38 and 415 m. Mercer noted only small catches of squid south of Cape Hatteras with decreasing abundance off Georgia and Florida. During December 1977, the Soviet trawler ARGUS searched for squid off Jacksonville, FL (Massey and LaCroix 1978). Loligo pealei was taken at depths from 105 to 215 m but only in small quantities. Small catches of Illex sp. were taken at 210 and 300 m. From 1973 to 1977, resource assessment cruises were conducted to the edge of the United States continental shelf under the Marine Resource Monitoring Assessment and Predictions Program (MARMAP) and squid data were summarized by Whitaker (1980). He found Loligo widely distributed throughout the year over the continental shelf south of Cape Hatteras. He also observed that /. illecebrosus was well represented along the outer continental shelf. (Illex occurred in 50% of trawl hauls between 184 and 367 m.) Although most of the squid catch rates were low, one 30- minute winter tow east of the Florida-Georgia border yielded 713 kg at 223 m. That study also reported squid catches of the Spanish exploratory vessel PESCAPUERTA SEGUNDO during the spring of 1978. Although depth coverage was oriented toward squid, catches south of Cape Hatteras were not impressive between the depths of 99 and 375 m. During the present review, Billy Burbank (Fernandina, FL, personal communication, June 1980) who is familiar with the commercial "royal-red" shrimp fishery in deep water off the eastern coast of Florida was consulted. He indicated that squid were regularly taken as a by-catch. Burbank also stated that in the fall of 1979, a large catch of "red squid" (probably Illex) which completely "plugged up the trawl" was taken during experimental use of a "mongoose" trawl off Cape Canaveral. Hess and Toll (1981) 153 154 RATHJEN reported a high incidence of Illex in the stomach contents of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from the Straits of Florida. The information available for the area from Cape Hatteras to Cape Canaveral indicates general occurrence of several commercially attractive squids with varying degrees of real abundance and potential. MATERIALS AND METHODS The Federal Republic of Germany Institute for High Seas Fisheries invited North American fisheries scientists to participate in an exploratory fishing cruise along the con- tinental slope off eastern North America during the fall of 1979. Cruise No. 213 (leg 3) on the R/V ANTON DOHRN (seeMcRae 1967) occurred from 21 Octoberto 16November 1979, between Georges Bank (40°N) and Cape Canaveral (29°N). The primary objective of the cruise was to assess the availability of traditional or alternate fish and inverte- brate stocks that might be commercially exploited. Sampling occurred in relatively deep water (400 to 1 ,000 m), utilizing a large, 43-m otter trawl (3 1 .2-m headrope ; 19-m footrope; 4-m vertical opening; mesh size: 120 to 145 mm; cod end included a fine liner). The trawl was deployed with 41-m ground cables and 53-cm rollers on the footrope. The trawl was a standard, 2-seam groundfish trawl commonly used in the northeastern Atlantic; it was not designed for the capture of squids. Thirty-minute tows were made along the 400-, 600-, 800-, and 1 ,000-m depth contours. The tow routes were flexible and dependent on slope and availability of trawlable bottom. In addition to trawl coverage, hydrographic parameters were routinely recorded. Most trawling was done during daylight; the vessel steamed to new positions and searched for suitable bottoms during the night. Routine procedures at each trawl station included dumping trawl contents through a deck hatch to a work area below the weather deck. The scientific staff sorted, weighed, and made other appropriate observations. Questionable material was preserved for taxonomic examination ashore to determine the species composition of the squid catches. Starting and terminating at Woods Hole, MA, the cruise track covered 8,121 km. During the cruise, 58 trawl hauls were successfully accomplished. Considering the area involved, coverage was generally representative of the upper slope between 40°N and 29°N lattitude. Because of a number of factors including precipitous slopes, deep canyons, rocky outcrops, and the occasional presence of lobster traps, some planned stations were impossible to complete. Generally, coverage southeast of Georges Bank was quite limited because of steep slope conditions, while west of 70 W longitude favorable bottom prevailed. A large amount of lobster gear, particularly south of the Hudson Canyon, limited operations in that area. In the immediate vicinity of Cape Hatteras, precipitous slopes were a primary deterrent to trawl operations. South of Cape Hatteras, the bottom was more favorable; however, the Gulf Stream system complicated effective trawling in some instances. Figure 1 indicates the general area covered and the approxi- mate locations of each station; more precise positions are included in Table 1 . Questions were raised during the cruise concerning the effectiveness of the trawls and whether sufficient power was available aboard the R/V ANTON DOHRN (3,000 shaft hp). The formal cruise report (Inst. Fischwirtschaft 1980) stated that the trawl was probably not optimal for the conditions experienced. RESULTS Good squid catches were made throughout the area sampled, and squids were the predominant animals captured by the trawl. The short-finned squid Illex illecebrosus, the dominant species caught, was taken at 46 of the 58 trawl stations occupied. When catches were examined for depths between 300 and 900 m, /. illecebrosus occurred at 30 of 31 (97%) stations. Catch rates of short-finned squid for areas north and south of Cape Hatteras (35°N lattitude) were generally comparable (Figure 2). Trawl catches from the apparent preferred range of/, illecebrosus (300 to 900 m) averaged 132 kg of squid per 30-minute tow. It should be noted that at many stations as much as one half of the squid catch was taken from the wings and foreparts of the trawl, suggesting that they were actively attempting to evade capture. That observation reinforces previous discussions with captains of foreign squid vessels working off the north- eastern United States who cited similar experiences when fishing commercially for /. illecebrosus. The average bottom water temperature, where most short-finned squid were caught, ranged from 5.4 to 8.0°C (Figure 3). Length frequencies of 1,508 specimens of /. illecebrosus indicated that mantle lengths ranged from approximately 15.0 to 34.0 cm (Figure 4). The mean lengths of squid taken at depths greater or less than 500 m north and south of Cape Hatteras ranged from 22.0 cm (shallower than 500 m south of Cape Hatteras) to 25.8 cm (deeper than 500 m north of Cape Hatteras). Because of the possible occurrence of other species of Illex in the survey area (Roper et al. 1969), the squid were examined carefully onboard ship. Representative and/or taxonomically marginal specimens were preserved and sent toC. Roper (Division of Mollusks, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.) for identification. According to Roper (personal communication, 1980), all of the specimens examined were Illex illecebrosus. Of the 70 specimens examined by Roper, 36 were females (mantle length, 9 to 32 cm) and varied from immature (2) to fully mature (1). Thirty-four specimens were males (mantle length, 16 to 23 cm) and varied from immature (5) to fully mature (21). (Length-frequency data from those 70 specimens were not utilized in the prepara- tion of Figure 4.) 45c 40c 35° 30c Squid Catch on Continental Slope 75° 70° 155 Figure 1. Area and cruise track of the R/V ANTON DOHRN during the October-November 1979 trawl survey along the continental slope off the eastern United States. 156 RATHJEN TABLE 1. Trawl stations and locations covered by R/V ANTON DOHRN during cruise of October-November 1979, using a 43-m otter trawl. Sta. No. Date Lat. N Long. W Time Bottom Illex Bottom Illex Depth Temp. Catch Sta. Depth Temp. Catch Time (m ) (°C) (kg) No. Date Lat.N Long. W Time (m ) (°C) (kg) 1215 400- 500 7.0 300 6387 4 Nov 29°05 78°57' 0705 806- 808 9.4 1 0710 1025- 1035 4.3 5 6389 4 Nov 29°00 79°47' 1415 608 7.1 5 1020 805- 855 4.8 23 6391 4 Nov 29°07 79°59' 1705 376- 392 7.4 325 1245 645- 675 5.1 116 6392 6 Nov 30°49 79°49' 0645 384- 392 7.8 656 1500 417- 430 7.7 315 6394 6 Nov 30°50 79°58' 0930 196- 200 11.7 251 0720 1000- 1075 4.3 2 6396 6 Nov 30°58 79°57' 1105 150- 154 17.6 4 1040 820- 920 4.7 9 6398 6 Nov 30°58 80°00' 1250 98- 100 25.3 - 1300 580- 650 5.3 335 6400 6 Nov 31°00 80°03' 1425 80 24.8 - 1450 415- 460 8.9 128 6402 6 Nov 31°12 79°50' 1655 120- 124 18.4 - 1110 1020- 1030 4.4 6 6404 7 Nov 31°50 79°17' 0650 400- 408 7.9 74 1430 820- 800 4.7 150 6406 7 Nov 31°47 79°23' 1325 625 8.7 - 1735 610- 760 5.9 52 6408 8 Nov 33°28 76°07' 0735 990- 1010 4.2 75 0823 608- 600 4.7 147 6410 8 Nov 33°38 76°04' 1015 796- 800 4.6 153 1043 410- 400 5.6 25 6412 8 Nov 33°46 76°06' 1300 604- 608 5.5 243 1330 800- 832 4.6 10 6414 8 Nov 33°54 76°ll' 1555 416 8.9 82 1600 980- 1000 4.2 - 6416 9 Nov 36°23 74°43' 1500 800- 812 4.8 170 0725 1016- 1006 4.8 5 6418 10 Nov 36°52 74°40' 0705 120- 140 12.7 4 1135 800- 820 5.8 28 6420 10 Nov 36°46 74°40' 0910 140 12.9 3 1425 600 6.5 5 6422 10 Nov 36°43 74°40' 1115 124- 140 14.3 2 1720 410 8.3 37 6424 10 Nov 36°39 74°45' 1335 140 13.8 3 0715 970- 985 4.9 2 6426 10 Nov 36°43 74°48' 1525 100 14.1 - 1018 796- 820 5.5 2 6427 10 Nov 36°40 74°47' 1710 62 13.8 - 1315 550- 570 7.4 4 6428 12 Nov 39°24 72°41* 0640 69- 100 12.6 2 1600 392- 404 9.8 22 6430 12 Nov 39°55 72°18' 1210 80 12.1 2 1550 128 - - 6432 12 Nov 40°05 72°08' 1425 78 - - 1640 148- 156 15.2 7 6442 14 Nov 39°46 71°28' 0705 1000- 1016 4.4 12 0710 1007- 1016 4.5 - 6444 14 Nov 39°46 71°33' 0950 824- 844 4.7 8 2340 1004 8.7 - 6446 14 Nov 39°49 71°34' 1230 600- 650 5.2 122 0920 1000- 1008 6.1 - 6448 14 Nov 39°5l 71°32' 1455 440 6.0 443 6334 6344 6346 6347 6348 6350 6352 6353 6354 6356 6358 6359 6361 6362 6364 6365 6367 6369 6370 6371 6373 6375 6376 6377 6379 6380 6381 6383 6385 24 Oct 26 Oct 26 Oct 26 Oct 26 Oct 27 Oct 27 Oct 27 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct 28 Oct 28 Oct 29 Oct 29 Oct 29 Oct 29 Oct 30 Oct 30 Oct 30 Oct 30 Oct 3 1 Oct 31 Oct 3 1 Oct 31 Oct 1 Nov 1 Nov 2 Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 40°21 67°35 39°50 70°55 39°5 2 70°55' 39u54 70°54' 39°51 70°56' 39u12 72°13' 39°12 72°17' 39°20 72°16' 39°15 72°19' 36"22 74°42' 36"25 74°44' 36u24 74°44' 34°42 75°30' 34°41 75°33' 34°41 75°30' 34°37 75°32' 33°12 76°15' 33°19 76°16' 33°25 76°2l' 33°34 76°3l' 32°36 76°38' 32°46 76°38' 32°58 76°5l' 33"03 77°00' 32°20 78°54' 32u17 78°56' 31°03 77°49' 29u52 77°09' 29°11 77°07' Although trawl coverage was heavily biased to sampling of locations beyond 400 m, some incidental coverage at lesser depths on the continental shelf was conducted between the Florida— Georgia border and Georges Bank. Long-finned squid (Loligo pealei) were captured at 14 loca- tions at depths from 62 to 408 m. Those catches ranged from 1 .9 to 60 kg per trawl. Bottom temperatures at those locations ranged from 7.9 to 24.8°C (Table 2). A variety of other cephalopds were collected (Table 3). In terms of catchability via trawl gear and potential com- mercial exploitation, virtually all of those species could be considered inconsequential at the present time. DISCUSSION During the October -November lc)79 cruise of the Federal Republic of Germany Institute R/V ANTON DOHRN, trawl coverage along the continental slope between 40°N and 29°N latitudes indicated the presence of a sizable squid resource. Of the six species recorded, the short-finned squid Illex illecebrosus was most abundant and widely distributed. Limited catches of long-finned squid {Loligo pealei) were taken during intermittent sampling along the outer continental shelf north and south of Cape Hatteras. Catch patterns for short-finned squid revealed unexpected heavy concentrations of that species south of Cape Hatteras, particularly in the slope area between Cape Canaveral, FL, and Georgia. Previous trawl survey data from the South Atlantic Bight area (Whitaker 1980) and incidental catches by commercial fishermen suggested that this resource south of Cape Hatteras was greater than previously expected. Toll and Hess (1981) indicated that /. illecebrosus was a major component of the stomach contents of swordfish examined from the Straits of Florida (south of Cape Canaveral). A large catch of /. illecebrosus was taken in the Gulf of Mexico ( Bennie Rohr, National Marine Fisheries Service, Pascagoula, MS, personal communication. May 1980) by the National Marine Fisheries Service research vessel OREGON II, in June 1 97 1 . On that occasion about 1 ,000 kg of /. illecebrosus were taken with a 40-m "whiting trawl" in approximately 366 m near the head of DeSoto Canyon, south of the Florida panhandle. Squid Catch on Continental slope 157 40° 39° 38° 37° 36° 35° 34° 33° 32° 31° 30° 29° UJ Q Z> - r— X H o - •z. en UJ UJ 3 -1 I J « ■a *-* -i « I-* p. OS 0) F a E * o E ■a c c. >. w H ° o 0) > If E * IS — . k-i Aj 5 wi £, rt w E 5 E g °i .§ B a a S .a H -5 s— » *« . o ~ J! oo -a 2 5 3 >, o E 0 0 o 0 O g •- B S a Q E E ^ ^ o <*■ o W * ."". 75 3 c - a a * 21 s * O. -i «3 n a h ■B F ES 0 O 0) EX US 3. 0 X _ a. -^ METHODOLOGY I OR SPECIFIC DIAGNOSIS OF CEPHALOPOD REMAINS 167 of pigmented luminous tissue along the ventral mid-line of the viscera. This light organ originates as a round patch on the antero-ventral surface of the liver and continues as a thin strip to the posterior tip of the mantle. There is a single, oval light organ on the ventral surface of each eye. Males of this species may be distinguished by a honeycomb- like structure on the ventral surface of the hectocotylized arm. mantle; gladius with anteriorly projecting, quadrangular vane extensions; — i -shaped mantle locking apparatus; and strong, thick, mantle musculature. Specimens examined included a mantle only (ML = 400 mm; weight, 487 grams). Members of this species are known to reach 800 mm ML and 19 kg in weight (Nishi- mura 1966). This species is cosmopolitan in tropical and temperate waters. Subfamily IUicinae Posselt, 1890 Genus Illex Steenstrup, 1880 Species/, illecebrosus ? Lesueur, 1821 /. coindetii ? (Verany, 1837) /. oxygonius ? Roper, Lu and Mangold, 1969 Five nominal species in two genera are assigned to this subfamily. One of these, Todaropsis eblanae (Ball), is restricted to the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. The remaining four species are included in the poorly understood genus Illex. Illex argentinus (Castellanos) occurs along the Argentinian coast and is excluded from our discussion. Problems occur when considering the remaining species, /. illecebrosus, I. coindetii and /. oxygonius, all of which have been reported from the Straits of Florida (Roper et al. 1969b). Those authors attempted to stabilize the systematica of these species and reemphasized the systematic and distributional complexities of this poly- typic genus, especially in waters included in the present study area. Numerous specimens examined in this study conformed to the specific characters assigned to each nominal species; therefore, all three species are included in the results presented. However, taxonomic difficulties were encountered in the form of intergrades, which were most evident in the /. illecebrosus-I. coindetii complex. For the purposes of this paper and for quantitative analyses, the authors thought it best to deal with the group at the generic level rather than possibly adding to the underlying systematic and zoogeographic confusion. Family Thysanoteuthidae Keferstein, 1866 Genus Thysanoteuthis Troschel, 1857 Species T. rhombus Troschel, 1857 Figure 8 Two nominal genera comprise the family: Thysanoteuthis and Cirrobrachium. The latter is generally considered a synonym of the former and all nominal species assigned to T. rhombus (Sasaki 1929). Four characters can be used to identify mantle remains alone: large, rhomboidal fins that extend the full length of the Family Cranchiidae Prosch, 1849 Subfamily Cranchiinae Prosch, 1849 Genus Cranchia Leach, 1817 Species C. scabra Leach, 1817 Figure 9 Cranchiids are extremely diverse, even in respect to basic morphological characters. A monographic revision by Voss is presently underway with a generic review already published (Voss 1980). All members of the family exhibit fusion of the dorsal portion of the mantle and head in the nuchal area and of the mantle to the postero-lateral corners of the funnel. All members of the subfamily Cranchiinae bear one or two cartilaginous strips extending posteriorly from the area of each funnel-mantle fusion on the ventral mantle surface. Cranchia scabra has two such rows, as well as cartilaginous tubercles that cover the saccular mantle and the small, terminal, circular fins, and 14 small photophores on each eye. This species is common circumglobally in tropical and subtropical waters (Voss 1980). Order Octopoda Leach, 1818 Suborder Incirrata Grimpe, 1916 Family Bolitaenidae Chun, 1911 Genus Japetella Hoyle, 1885 Species/ diaphana Hoyle, 1885 Figure 10 Thore (1949) revised the bolitaenids basing his specific diagnoses on characters including relative size of eye, optic nerve length, and sucker size and spacing. Thore also illustrated the radulae and beaks. Of the four genera, Japetella, Bolitaena, Dorsopsis, and Eledonella, the latter three are monotypic. The single specimen encountered in this work consisted of fragmentary remains of an arm crown and buccal mass. Based primarily on Thore's radula illustration, the material was assigned to /. diaphana, a common component of the pelagic octopod fauna of the western Atlantic. Japetella heat hi and an unnamed species are known from the Pacific (Young 1972). 168 HESS AND TOLL Figure 8. Thysanoteuthis rhombus. (A) Dorsal view; note rhomboidal fins. (B) Mantle locking apparatus (from Roper [ 1978] ). (C) Gladius. :7 m0~w^ mm* *-«»<£* * * * t y 3S Figure 9 (right). Cranchia scabra. Ventral view; note fin shape and cartilaginous tubercles (from Voss [1980] ). Methodology i or specific Diagnosis oe Cephalopod Remains 169 Figure IQ.Japetella diaphana. Radula. Family Argonautidae Naef, 1912 Genus Argonauta Linnaeus, 1758 Species A rgonauta sp. Figure 11 This family of pelagic octopods includes seven nominal species of the genus Argonauta, commonly referred to as "paper nautiluses." Two species occur in the Atlantic, A. argo and A. hians. The sole specimen examined consisted of the head and buccal mass with beaks and radula. Upper and lower beaks of Argonauta show no clear demarcation between rostrum and shoulder, hence, no jaw angles are apparent. In addition, the beaks are poorly chitinized and are broad with flaring wings. Beaks from the present specimen conformed to the characters delineated by Clarke (1962), to which the reader is referred for a full consideration of beak morphology. Specific-level identification was impossible because of the poor condition of the specimen. Figure 11. Argonauta sp. (A) Upper beak. (B) Lower beak (redrawn from Naef [1923] ). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors express their gratitude to Mr. Steven Berkeley, Ms. Use Dowd, and Mr. Mark Poli for assistance in the collection of specimens. Drs. G. L. Voss and C. F. E. Roper, and Mrs. N. Voss kindly provided several illustrations. Thanks also go to Drs. Voss and Roper, and to Mr. M. Sweeney for reviewing the manuscript and providing editorial remarks. Typing services were provided by Marcie Jacobs and Denise Hurley of the Word Processing Center, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. This is a scientific contribution of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmopsheric Science, University of Miami. REFERENCES CITED Bigelow, H. B. & W. C. Schroeder. 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Fish Bull. 53. 577 pp. Cairns, S. D. 1976. Cephalopods collected in the Straits of Florida by the R/V Gerda. Bull. Mar. Sci. 26(2):233-272. Cavaliere, A. 1963. Studi sulla biologica Pesca di Xiphias gladius L. Nota II. Boll. Pise. Idrobiol. 18:143-170. (English translation: Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. Trans. Ser. No. 2298.) Clarke, M. R. 1962. 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Vol. 1, No. 2, 171-180, 1981. ASPECTS OF THE EARLY LIFE HISTORY OF LOLIGO PEALEI (CEPHALOPODA; MYOPSIDA)1 MICHAEL VECCHIONE2 Virginia Institute of Marine Science and School of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062 ABSTRACT The long-tinned squid Loligo pealei was the most common squid collected in 2 years of zooplankton samp- ling over the Middle Atlantic Bight off New Jersey and Virginia. Planktonic specimens of L. pealei were found in that area during spring, summer, and fall; there were no indications of multiple stocks. This species was captured in waters with a salinity range of 31.5 to 34.0 ppt, and was confined to coastal waters except when current conditions, such as the passage of a Gulf Stream eddy, resulted in strong, offshore surface transport. While abundances were greater in night surface sam- ples, larger specimens occurred in night subsurface samples indicating ontogenetic descent. Tentacle length was closely correlated with dorsal mantle length (DML) in preserved specimens of less than 4.5 mm DML, indicating that tentacles are noncontractile in newly hatched specimens. This may be part of a major discontinuity in the development of L. pealei which separates hatchlings from juveniles. INTRODUCTION The long-finned squid Loligo pealei Lesueur, 1921 is a commercially and scientifically important cephalopod species (Voss 1973). Although the biology of this squid has been studied for many years (Verrill 1882, Mesnil 1977) and is better known than the biology of most other cephalopods (Voss 1952), little is known of its early life history. Summers (1971) stated that two broods arise each year in the Middle Atlantic Bight, one an ubiquitous July brood, and the other a November brood which probably originates in the southern Middle Atlantic Bight. Mesnil (1977) suggested two, 20- month, alternating reproductive cycles occurred. Although adults of L. pealei are demersal during the day and disperse vertically at night (Summers 1969), McMahon and Summers (1971) found that newly hatched specimens of L. pealei actively maintained position at the surface under all conditions of illumination. With impending petro- leum resource development on the continental shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight and the possible impacts of oil spills on surface biota, the research reported here was initiated to provide a descriptive summary of the distribution of plank- tonic juveniles of L. pealei. Specifically, I was looking for distributional discontinuities indicating the presence of multiple stocks in the Middle Atlantic Bight, and I wanted to determine the importance of the sea-surface layer in the early life history of L. pealei. A standard set of measurements taken during this study showed surprisingly little variability of tentacle length in small specimens. I propose in this report an hypothesis to explain the apparent discontinuities in several parameters relating to the early life history of L. pealei. 1 Contribution No. 1032 of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. This research was performed under Contract Nos. 08550-CT5-42 and AA550-CT6-62 from the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior. 2 Present address: Department of Biology, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, Louisiana 70609. MATERIALS AND METHODS Squid were collected during a 2-year baseline study of zooplankton in the Middle Atlantic Bight, which was begun in the fall of 1975 and included four quarterly cruises per year. During the first year, six 24-hour stations were occu- pied on a cross-shelf transect off Atlantic City, NH, extending from shallow inshore waters to the shelf break (Figure 1 ). At each of those stations surface collections were made every 3 hours using a neuston frame rigged with a standard 1 m, 505-jum mesh net that sampled to a depth of approxi- mately 12 cm. Subsurface oblique tows were made at night with 60 cm opening-closing bongo systems rigged with both 202- and 505-/im mesh nets. The volume filtered during the subsurface collections was calculated from measurements made with General Oceanics flow meters; the volume filtered during the surface collections were deter- mined likewise beginning with the third cruise (June 1976). Readings for each meter were compared in terms of revolu- tions per minute and outliers were discarded and replaced with the mean value for that meter. During the second year, two stations to the north and a second tiansect of four statons off Wachapreague, VA, were added. Three of the original stations, Dl , N3, and F2, were shortened with two subsurface tows and a single surface tow taken at night. Three additional replicates of the sub- surface tows were collected at stations A2, B5, and E3. The filtered volumes were monitored similarly to the first year. Surface water temperatures and salinities were measured concurrently with all surface samples. All specimens were fixed and preserved in a 2 to 4% solution of formaldehyde in sea water buffered with borax. Relative abundances in both surface and subsurface collec- tions were calculated as numbers of specimens collected per 100 m3 of filtered water. Distributional statistics were com- puted based on all samples collected at stations where L. pealei was captured. Several pairwise comparisons between the most similar collecting methodologies (night. 171 172 VECCHIONE surface, 505-/im mesh versus night, subsurface, 505-^im mesh) are presented here. Because the t-test assumes equal variances, I used an F-test for equality of variances between the sets of observations to be compared. That test generally failed to demonstrate equality among the variances, so I chose to use the t' approximation (Sokal and RohJf 1969, p. 374) for comparisons of observation sets. The compari- sons were one-tailed with alpha significance set at 0.05. >^ ! T^ \ 5-'^ tf j — TOk V. s^\J \ 9 N ~_~_- - ~ ■■y*' ' \ - '- " 1 ^ <.", |v 1 \ ' A2 ' i • ' ■ ■ V i I f >N li / \ i >'.' r"1 is^ NEW JERSEyS CI \ ® \ Dl \ ® \ \ 1 J N3 u 1 \ ^S'*,~ ^ / " / < \ .r ( \ X * & \ - \ : r ^ "\ ' L DELAWARE^X / WS - " <^\ ' y y/y ' I 1 ^ t! ^l 1 .'; i i i- -, MARYLANB,",^! i ' ' \ *. I' "X VA. LI \ ' <-sV • U\2 L4 16 /V\ \(1 lA ; > s' ,\ ■ ; A Figure 1. Stations sampled. Open circles: first year; solid dots: second year. All measurements (Figure 2) were made to the nearest 0.05 mm using a dark-field dissecting microscope equipped with an ocular micrometer. Dorsal mantle length (DML) was measured on all specimens. Mantle width (MW), head length (HL), head width (HW), fin length(FL), width across fins (WAF), length of the third pair of arms (AL), and tentacle length (TL) were measured on 150 specimens for morphometric analysis. Although a few fairly large speci- mens were collected (up to 75 mm DML), a discontinuity in size distribution occurred at about 15 mm DML, so I have considered specimens < 15 mm DML to be planktonic. Figure 2. Morphometric characters used in this study: mantle width, MW; width across fins, WAF; fin length, FL; dorsal mantle length, DML; head length, HL; tentacle length, TL; head width, HW; and third arm length, AL. RESULTS The 635 loliginid specimens constituted the most numer- ous group of cephalopods collected during this study. Squids of the family Loliginidae that may occur in the study area include Loligo pealei, Loligo plei, and Lolliguncula brevis (Voss 1956, Cohen lc)76). The last species was excluded from consideration because it is an estuarine spawner (Hall D70). Of the Loligo species, L. pealei is by far the most SQUID EARLY LIFE HISTORY 173 common in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Loligo plei reaches the northern limits of its geographic range in the study area (Cohen 1976), but is very rare north of Cape Hatteras (A. C. Cohen, National Museum of Natural History, Wash- ington, D.C., persona] communication, 1977). Circulation on the continental shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight is a flow-through system from northeast to southwest (Beardsley etal. 1976, Bishop and Overland 1977) with only occasional short-term reversals of surface drift (Bumpus 1969). Thus, it is unlikely that many of the specimens drifted into the area from south of Cape Hatteras. McConathy et al. (1980) have described differences in chromatophore arrangements among species of hatchling loliginid squids and the smallest specimens collected in this study most closely matched their description of L. pealei. Therefore, I concluded that my loliginid specimens were L. pealei. Planktonic specimens of L. pealei were collected during spring, summer, and fall cruises, but were absent from all winter collections (Figure 3). Peak abundances on both transects occurred in late summer. Although a few speci- mens were collected during the day, at those stations where L. pealei was most abundant, almost all were taken at night. J_Q 5 72 3 86 I 9 90 2 24 JFMAMJJASOND MONTH Figure 3. Seasonal distribution of planktonic Loligo pealei: solid bars, northern transect; open bars, northern and southern transects combined; *, southern transect value lower than that of northern transect; numbers below bars, mean dorsal mantle length (mm) for that cruise. Abundance variability existed within the nighttime period but no pattern was apparent (Figure 4). The difference in mean DML between day and night surface collections was not significant. -T5~ AUG 77- L2 w 2- 1- 1 1 AUG 77-CI <*> <^> J-LL ~s~ 0^ 2 J . ■_ ^S~ ■ ■ I ■ I I I JUN 76- CI ~^5 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 0300 0600 0900 1200 TIME (EST) Figure 4. Diurnal variation in surface catch: t , sunset; ft sunrise. Relative abundance was significantly higher in surface samples taken at night than in night subsurface samples using the same mesh size (Table 1). Conversely, mean DML was significantly higher in subsurface (night, 505-/xm mesh) than in surface (night, 505-^m mesh) samples (Table 2). TABLE 1. Comparison of surface and subsurface abundances' . Surface Subsurface Xab 6.09 sab 18.77 N i t 58 1.18 3.75 20 1.886 Based on night collections with 505-Mm mesh nets. Abundances in N/100 in3. 174 VECCHIONE TABLE 2. Comparison of dorsal mantle lengths in surface and subsurface collections . Surface Subsurface XDML 2.47 SDML 1.32 N 432 3.87 1.79 87 6.926 Based on night collections with 505-/Jm mesh nets. Dorsal mantle lengths in mm. Loligo pealei was present only in trace numbers (defined here as < 1/100 m3) during fall of the first year and was absent from winter collections. During spring, L. pealei was taken at the surface at coastal station CI with trace numbers at midshelf stations N3 and E3. Loligo pealei was also present at the surface at CI during summer, as well as in subsurface samples at inner-shelf station Dl (Table 3). TABLE 3. Calculated mean abundances (N/100 m ) for first year, night 505-jUm mesh collections. Station Nov 75 Feb 76 Jim 76 Sep 76 CI Dl N3 E3 F2 Jl Surface Subsurface 0 0 0.07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Surface Subsurface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Surface Subsurface 4.95 0 0 0 0.48 0 0.25 0 0 0 0 0 Surface Subsurface 5.80 0 0.42 1.06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 During the fall of the second year, a few individuals of /,. pealei existed at northern central-shelf stations B5, Dl , and N3,but the greatest abundances were concentrated along the southern transect at the surface at coastal station LI and in subsurface samples at central-shelf station L2. This species was absent from winter collections. During spring, trace numbers were collected at southern stations LI and L2, but larger numbers were taken at the surface at outer- shelf station F2 on the northern transect. Peak abundance during summer was found in both surface and subsurface collections from southern coastal station LI , and in surface collections from southern central-shelf station L2 and northern coastal station CI (Table 4). This species was confined to coastal water (based on a classification by Welch and Ruzecki 1979), but was frag- mented into five separate areas of the temperature-salinity (T-S) regime (Figure 5). That fragmentation is more fioo o oooo o J o oooo o oo o o°°o°€^o° oo o o o o o o SHELF - GULF STREAM GULF STREAM SHELF- SLOPE 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 SALINITY (%o) Figure 5. Night surface temperature-salinity distribution of L. pealei. Filled circles: samples with L. pealei; open circles: samples without. (Isopleths of abundance in numbers per 100 m .) TABLE 4. Calculated mean abundances (N/100 m ) for second year, night 505-/Um mesh collections. Station A2 B5 CI Dl N3 E3 F2 Jl LI L2 L4 L6 Nov 76 Surface Subsurface 0 0 0.09 0.14 0 0 0 0.46 0 0.56 0 0 0 0 0 0 11.70 0 0.77 2.64 0 0 0 0 Mar 77 Surface Subsurface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 May 77 Surface Subsurface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.91 0 0 0.33 0.14 0 0 0.21 0 0 0 0 Aug 77 Surface Subsurface 0 0 0 0 4.39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58.57 16.90 1.16 0.80 0 0 0 0 Squid Early Life History 175 understandable when compared with the distribution of Limacina retroversa (Figure 6), an abundant boreal pteropod that is seasonally advected down the central-shelf region from the northeast (Vecchione 1979a). Loligo pealei was absent from waters in which L. retroversa was most abundant. 300 310 320 330 340 35.0 360 SALINITY (%o) 370 Figure 6. Comparison of night surface distributions in temperature- salinity regime. Solid lines: Limacina retroversa; dashed lines: Loligo pealei. Presence/absence and second highest abundance isopleths are shown for both species. Based on limited size-frequency data from a series of samples taken 3 hours apart, mean growth rate at night was about 0.05 mm per hour (Figure 7). Although modal dis- placement indicated a similar overall rate of growth, the amount of modal increase was greater from 2400 to 0300 hours than from 2100 to 2400 hours. Although all morphometric parameters that I measured were significantly correlated (Pearson's r) with DML, a discontinuity appeared to exist at about 4.5 mm DML. The amount of variability in tentacle length was much greater in specimens larger than 4.5 mm DML than in the smaller specimens (Figure 8). Tentacle length in specimens less than 4.5 mm DML ranged from 21.1 to 54.4% of DML, whereas the range was 24.0 to 98.8% of DML in larger specimens. A similar increase in variability was not apparent in arm-length data (Figure 8), but an inflection downward in relative growth rates at about 4.5 mm DML was obvious in several parameters, including head length, head width (Figure 9), and mantle width (Figure 10). DISCUSSION Data from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) bottom trawl survey show great variability in catch of On K 2100 t»rs MODE ■ I 900 N= 159 I = 2044 A =0 211 hJL P-i n 1 24 00hrs MODE =2 000 n n """ I -2 244 r^- 1 ^U_ 4=0.292 1 . oaoorus M00E - 2 500 - N- 67 J -2 335 n 1~1 n 4 = 0370 \r— n_r-f ^^r^ n 160 180 2 00 2 20 2 40 260 2 BO 300 3 20 340 360 DML ( mm I Figure 7. Size frequency histograms for collections made 3 hours apart. Loligo pealei, both between geographical areas and within each area (Clark and Brown 1977). With increasing pressure on this species from foreign and domestic commercial fisheries (Lyles 1968, NMFS 1977), an urgent need exists to identify stocks, spawning areas, and seasons. The results presented here do not agree well with either Summers' (1971) finding of two separate broods or with Mesnil's (1977) alternating dual-cycle hypothesis. Based on data pooled from two years of collections, the only major distri- bution discontinuity noted was the absence of this species from winter samples. However, since the entire Middle Atlantic Bight was not sampled during this project, it is possible that separate stocks existed farther to the northeast. Within the New York and Chesapeake bights, though, it appears that hatching takes place onctinuously from early May through early November. Because embryonic develop- ment in this species takes from 257 to 642 hours, depending on temperature (McMahon and Summers 1971), it appears likely that spawning is also continuous in the area. Most specimens of L. pealei were collected at night during this study. I believe that the paucity of specimens in day surface samples was a result of net avoidance rather than absence. Newly hatched specimens of Loligo forbesi have an escape speed of up to 25 cm sec""1 (Mileikovsky 1973), whereas the neuston sampler, which draws approxi- mately 1 2 cm, was towed at about 75 cm sec"1 . If L. pealei has an escape speed similar to that of L. forbesi, newly hatched young that are capable of detecting the sampler about 40 cm away, should have enough time to avoid it. Visual acuity in cephalopods is well documented (Wells 1966), and increased avoidance would be expected during daylight hours. The fact that some specimens were collected during the day may reflect a common avoidance reaction characteristic of Loligo opalesceus which consists of simple 176 VECCHIONE £ E e E x i- z LU cr < < LU 10.0 9 0 8.0- 7.0 6.0- 5.0 4 0 3.0- 2 0 1.0- 0 0- N I4E r = 944 Y : 7039x 9608 149 r = 966 Y =.3950x 4568 t r 0.0 — i — 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 105 12.0 13.5 15.0 DORSAL MANTLE LENGTH (mm) Figure 8. Linear regression of AL and TL with DML. cessation of swimming so that the colorless animal sinks (Fields 1965). While such passive behavior could avoid visual predation, it would not prevent net-capture. Since hatchlings of L. pealei exhibit positive phototaxis in the laboratory (McMahon and Summers 1971), they are prob- ably present at the surface during the day. Loligo pealei was collected primarily at coastal and central-shelf stations, with greatest abundances consistently found at coastal stations. This nearshore distribution was reflected by the salinity range of the species, which was relatively narrow for the continental shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight. Although a close relationship exists between the distribution of adult L. pealei and bottom water tem- peratures (Serchuk and Rathjen 1974), the planktonic stages were found across a moderately broad temperature range. At higher temperatures, L. pealei was collected at lower salinities and vice versa. The mutual exclusion of L. pealei and L. retroversa on the temperature-salinity diagram (Figure 6) indicates separate origins of the two species even though the environ- mental conditions in which they were found were similar. Based on distributional relationships with other planktonic molluscs, Vecchione (1979a) suggested that L. pealei was part of a distinct coastal-zooplankton community, perhaps confined within a coastal boundary layer (Beardsley and Hart 1978, Grant 1979). Boundary layer conditions would be subject to runoff and wind conditions because strong southwest winds and reduced runoff reduce the strength of alongshore surface flow (Bumpus 1969). There are two possible explanations for the capture of L. pealei at the surface at outer-shelf station F2 in May 1977. West and southwest winds, which were common at that time of year and were recorded for 1 1 of the 14 days prior to the 23 May collection date (NOAA 1977), result in surface transport offshore (Boicourt 1973). Also, a warm- core Gulf Stream eddy was present (Figure 1 1 ) offshore of the shelf-edge front (Wright 1976), and such eddies have been shown to entrain shelf water along their trailing edges (Saunders 1971). Either phenomenon would result in off- shore transport of surface fauna. squid Early Life History 177 10.0 9.0- 8.0- 7.0 3.0- 2.0- 1.0- 0 0- E E 6.0- E E ■ — X i— X 2 Z i- 5 0- N 147 LU < S r 977 Y : 3539 x + 6146 < < 4 0- LU X LU X o • N = 150 r = 893 Y = 2782x + 7473 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0 1.5 30 45 60 7.5 9.0 10.5 12 0 13.5 15.0 DORSAL MANTLE LENGTH (mm Figure 9. Linear regression of HL and HW with DML. Ontogenetic descent through the water column is known for many species of oceanic cephalopods (Roper and Young 1975). The pattern of size distribution between surface and subsurface samples shows that a similar phenomenon occurs in this neritic species. The surface waters in continental shelf areas constitute an important biotope for feeding, particularly for the early stages of visual predators which require high-light intensities to find their food items (Hempel and Weikert 1972). The presence of comparatively large numbers of smaller specimens at the surface and small numbers of larger specimens in subsurface water indicates that hatchlings of L. pealei probably rise to the surface, feed for a short period, and then begin living deeper in the water column. They eventually assume the adult pattern of vertical distribution in which they are demersal during the day and dispersed at night (Summers 1969). The overall growth rate of 0.3 mm in 6 hours presented here is consistent with Summers' (1968) estimate of 18 mm per month only if some modifying assumption is accepted. I propose two hypotheses, neither of which is strictly test- able with this data set. Feeding and growth are probably not continuous throughout a 24-hour period. A visual predator such as L. pealei would not be consistently efficient in all light regimes. Periodicity in growth may follow feeding periodicity by an unknown time lag since digestion in adult Loligo is extracellular and rapid (Bidder 1966). The difference in increase in modal length between equal time periods shown in Figure 7 may be preliminary evidence of such noncontinuous growth. An alternate hypothesis is that a change in overall growth rate occurs at some period of the early life history of L. pealei. A discontinuity existed in the morphometric growth of this species at about 4.5 mm DML. Particularly noteworthy is the close correlation between TL and DML in smaller specimens. This contrasts with the adult situation in which tentacles are highly contractile and, therefore, extremely variable in preserved specimens. I noted a similar lack of tentacle length variability in planktonic Illex illece- brosus (Vecchione 1979b), and Roper and Lu (1979) found this character sufficiently consistent to be of taxonomic use 178 VECCHIONt- E E x r- Q 5 lO.O-i 9.0- 8.0 7.0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3.0- 2.0- 1.0- o.o- N = 143 r = 948 Y : 3768x + 7842 o o oo 0.0 I 1.5 — i — 30 — i — 4 5 6.0 7 5 9.0 105 12.0 13.5 150 DORSAL MANTLE LENGTH (mm) Figure 10. Linear regression of MW with DML. in separating species of ommastrephid squid larvae. Although such lack of variability may result from uniform tentacle contraction in smaller specimens, the following statement by Boletzky (1974) indicates rather that the tentacles are not functionally contractile in hatchling squids: "The attacking distance is smaller in young squids than in Sepioidea because the tentacles cannot be ejected like the tentacles of cuttlefish . . .. Instead, the animal shoots forward when attacking." The morphometric discontinuity occurred at about the same size at which L. pealei undergoes ontogenetic descent. That is also approximately the size at which the pigmenta- tion pattern of the young squids begins changing from reverse (ventro-dorsal) countershading to dorso-ventral countershading, another phenomenon as yet unexplained in loliginid development (McConathy et al. 1980). The simultaneous occurrence of all of these phenomena indicates strongly that a major discontinuity is occurring in the life history of this species. A long-standing, although inconclu- sively proven, hypothesis on the early life history of fishes states that the first feeding after yolk absorption constitutes a critical stage in development (May 1974, Houde 1978). A similar critical stage may exist for hatchling squids which must feed at the surface until their tentacles become fully functional, at which time their behavior, distribution, appearance, and growth rate change. CONCLUSIONS 1 . No evidence was found of multiple stocks of L. pealei in the central and southern Middle Atlantic Bight. The species hatches continuously during the warm months throughout the study area. 2. Planktonic specimens of L. pealei are found within a relatively narrow salinity lange reflecting their coastal distribution. That distribution is subject to perturbations by wind conditions or passage < cr 40 20 J SPR-SUM 76 N = 46 FALL 76 n-ThwJI rtr 1 *(•- N = 312 WIN 77 SPR-SUM 77 -^m 40 20 N = 36 FALL 77 L J_ 2 4 20 22 24 MANTLE LENGTH (cm 6 8 10 12 14 16 If MANTLE LENGTH (cm) Figure 2. Size frequency distribution of males and females of Loligo pealei obtained from six seasonal collections in 1976 and 1977. Mean lengths of well defined modes designated by a solid arrow. Dashed arrows indicate less certain mean modal lengths estimated by the probability paper method. Lines drawn between modes depict increases in mantle length between successive seasons. Solid lines indicate growth between well defined modes; dashed lines designate growth based on less certain modes. 184 HIXON ET AL. TABLE 2. Summary of estimates of the growth rate of males and females of Loligo pealei derived from the length-frequency analysis of seasonal trawl collections. Sex Seasons Year Number of Months Temperature <°C) ML Increase (mm) Growth Rate (mm/mo) Sx* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Mean growth rate Spring-summer to fall 1976 3.5 3.5 Fall to winter 1976-77 4.0 4.0 Winter to spring-summer 1977 4.0 4.0 Spring-summer to fall 1977 4.0 18- -22 18- -22 17- -22 17- -22 17- -22 17- -22 18-22 50-124 21.1 124-174 14.3 79-105 6.5 124-190 16.5 55-153 24.5 190-235 11.2 60-121 15.2 15.6 (x) 44- 93 14.0 112-142 8.6 48-105 14.2 60-112 13.0 105-155 12.5 61-101 10.0 112-151 9.7 2.3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Mean growth rate Spring-summer to fall 1976 3.5 3.5 [•'all to winter 1976-77 4.0 Winter to spring-summer 1977 4.0 4.0 Spring-summer to fall 1977 4.0 18-22 18-22 17-22 17-22 17-22 18-22 18-22 11.7 (x) *Standard error of the mean. DISCUSSION Maximal size estimates obtained for L. pealei from the northwestern Gulf of Mexico suggest that squid from this area are intermediate in size to specimens of the same species occurring either farther north or farther south. None of the Gulf specimens captured by either trawling or night lighting were comparable to the very large specimens reported from New England by Verrill (1881), Summers (1968, 1971 ), or Macy (1980). In more southern areas both LaRoe (1967) and Cohen (1976) noted that the smallest mature specimens of L. pealei were observed off the Carib- bean coast of Colombia. Unfortunately, neither author included data on the largest animals collected from that area. However, a comparison of the smallest size at maturity suggested that southern populations did not reach as large a maximal size as individuals from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Cohen (1976) recorded mature males as small as 61 mm ML and mature females of 73 mm ML from the Caribbean. In comparison the smallest mature male and female from the Gulf of Mexico were 104 mm ML and 1 1 1 mm ML, respectively. It is evident from the known data that maximal size is dependent upon geographic locations, sex, and the size at which sexual maturation occurs. Differences in the maxi- mal size of various populations of L. pealei also support the hypothesis that this species is made up of several morpho- ntetrically variable populations. Such populations were proposed by Cohen (1976) for this species based upon temperature differences throughout its range. She was able to demonstrate variation in gill length, the mean number of transverse sucker rows, and size at sexual maturation between northern and southern populations in the western Atlantic. A comparison of the growth rates obtained from this study to previous estimates suggests that the growth rate of L. pealei in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico is similar to that from more northern areas. The range of male and female growth rates from the Gulf (Table 2) is almost the same as those given by Summers (1971) from Woods Hole, MA, and by Macy (1980) from Rhode Island (Table I). Similarly, the mean male (15.6 mm/month) and female (11.7 mm/month) growth rates from the Gulf are very close to the average growth rate of 10 to 15 mm/month assumed by Lange and Sissenwine (1980) for populations in the northwest Atlantic. It appears that observed differences in maximal size for various populations of L. pealei do not result entirely from differences in growth rate. Differences are also due to variance in size at onset of sexual maturation; southern populations generally mature and probably spawn at smaller sizes than northern populations. Because L. pealei probably dies after spawning, individuals in the northern Gulf probably live shorter lives than those from more temperate populations. This is consistent with Summers' (1971 ) hypothesized latitudinal differences in age structure. Size of Loligo pealei 185 He concluded the usual life span of L. pealei to be 14 to drawing the figures, and S. K. Burton for organizing the 24 months. The results of the present study suggest that the average life span of the species is somewhat shorter in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS manuscript. This work was supported in part by Grant No. 5P40 RR 01024-04, 03-14546-765411 from the Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health, and from the Marine Medicine General Budget Account No. 7- 1 1 500-765 1 1 1 of the Marine Biomedical Institute, Univer- We express our appreciation to D. A. McConathy for sity of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas. REFERENCES CITED Cassie, R. M. 1950. The analysis of polymodal frequency distribu- tion by the probability paper method. TV. Z. Sci. Rev. 8:89-91. . 1954. Some uses of probability paper in the analysis of size frequency distribution. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 5:513-522. Cohen, A. C. 1976. The systematics and distribution of Loligo (Cephalopoda, Myopsida) in the western North Atlantic, with descriptions of two new species. Malacologia 15:299-367. Hanlon, R. T„ R. F. Hixon & W. H. Hulet. 1978. Laboratory maintenance of wild-caught loliginid squids. Pages 20.1 -20.13 in N. Balch, T. Amaratunga and R. K. O'Dor (eds.). Proceedings of the Workshop on the Squid Illex illecebrosus a/tdfl Bibliography of the Genus Illex. Dalhousie University, Halifax. Nova Scotia. May 1978. Can. Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Rept. 833. Hixon, R. I ■'., R. T. Hanlon, S. M. Gillespie & W. L. Griffin. 1980. Squid fishery in Texas: biological, economic and market consid- erations. Mar. Fish. Rev. 42(7-8):44-50. Lange, A. M. T. 1980. The biology and population dynamics of the squids, Loligo pealei Lesueur and Illex illccehrosus (Lesueur), from the Northwest Atlantic. Master's thesis. University of Washington. Seattle. 178 pp. & M. P. Sissenwine. 1980. Biological considerations relevant to the management of squid (Loligo pealei and Illex illecebrosus) of the Northwest Atlantic. Mar. Fish. Rev. 42(7-81:23-38. LaRoe, E. T. 1967. A contribution to the biology of the Loliginidae (Cephalopoda; Myopsida) of the tropical western Atlantic. Master's thesis. University of Miami, Miami, FL. 220 pp. Macy, W. K., III. 1980. The ecology of the common squid Loligo pealei Lesueur, 1821 in Rhode Island waters. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. 178 pp. Mesnil, B. 1977. Growth and life cycle of squid, Loligo pealei and Illex illecebrosus, from the Northwest Atlantic. ICNAF Sel. Pap. 2:55-69. Rathjen, W. F., R. F. Hixon & R. T. Hanlon. 1979. Squid fishery resources and development in the Northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. 29:14-25. Ricker, W. E. 1979. Growth rates and models. Pages 677-743 in W. S. Hoar, D. J. Randall and J. R. Brett (eds.), Fish Physiology. Vol. VIII. Academic Press, Inc., New York. Summers, W. C. 1968. The growth and size distribution of current year class Loligo pealei. Biol. Bull. 135:366-377. . 1971. Age and growth of Loligo pealei, a population study of the common Atlantic coast squid. Biol. Bull. 141: 189-201. Thompson, D. W. 1966. On Growth and Form. Cambridge Univer- sity Press, London. 346 pp. Verrill, A. E. 1881. The cephalopods of the northeastern coast of America. II. The smaller cephalopods, including the squids and the octopi, with other allied forms. Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci. 5:260-446. Whitaker, J. D. 1978. A contribution to the biology of Loligo pealei and Loligo plei (Cephalopoda; Myopsida) off the southeastern coast of the United States. Master's thesis. College of Charleston, South Carolina. 186 pp. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 187-192, 1981. FEEDING, GROWTH, AND METABOLIC RATES IN CAPTIVE SHORT-FINNED SQUID, ILLEX ILLECEBROSUS, IN RELATION TO THE NATURAL POPULATION R. W. M. HIRTLE,1 M. E. DeMONT2 AND R. K. ODOR2 1 Institute of Resource and Environmental Studies, and 2 Biology Department, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4J1 ABSTRACT Feeding and growth of individual squid of about 100 g at 7 C on ad libitum diets of fish and crustaceans were compared. Daily feeding rates (percentage of body weight) on crustaceans were lower than on the fish diet, but growth per unit ration was comparable. Mean daily feeding rate (5.2%) and daily growth rate (1.3%) were consistent with earlier experiments on populations of larger squid at higher temperatures, but daily feeding rates for individual squid ranged from 0 to 15% apparently because of behavioral interactions in the school. A nonlinear equation relating daily growth rate and daily feeding rate fitted to the data on individuals predicted a starvation weight loss of 1.3% and a daily feeding rate for maintenance of 1.8% as well as a decreased efficiency at daily feeding rates above 10%. The caloric value of maintenance rations was comparable to routine metabolic rates determined by respirometry at various activity levels. A physiological explanation for the high individual variability and intraschool cannibalism, which occurred on restricted rations, is suggested, and the treatment of schools as a growth unit proposed. This treatment avoids the complications of heterogeneity and cannibalism when measuring growth parameters of squid on reduced rations. INTRODUCTION Feeding and growth of schools of commercial size, short- finned squid Illex ilkcebrosus on a diet of fish (Fundulus spp.) have been reported previously (O'Dor et al. 1980a). Crustaceans are an equally important dietary component in natural populations (Amaratunga 1980). The experiments reported here were conducted to compare feeding and growth on these two diet types. Techniques were modified to give more information on the variation in the two param- eters for individual squid. Estimates of metabolic rates based on maintenance requirements and determined independently through oxygen consumption measurements, are compared and used in a simple nonlinear model of squid growth on a fish diet. This is a first step towards a description of the bioenergetics of the species which may help in assessing and possibly pre- dicting the effects of changes in feeding and growth rates of squid on the squid population and its ecosystem. MATERIAL AND METHODS On 25 June 1979, 300 live squid taken from a local net trap were transferred to the 15-m diameter Aquatron Pool as described by O'Dor et al. (1977). They were held without food until 28 June, when 60 animals in good condition were selected, weighed, and tatooed on the fins to allow individual identification: unmarked squid were removed to other tanks. The initial mean and standard deviation in mantle length for the 60 squid was 16.9 ± 1 .2 cm, and in weight, 84 ± 22 g; 55% were male and all were immature. A regime of 16 h light and 8 h dark was maintained throughout the study, with the light phase commencing at 0500 h. Water temperature was 7 ± 1 C. The 12-day feeding experiment was subdivided into four 3-day periods. The two prey types, fish (Fundulus spp.) and crustacean (Crangnn spp.), were offered in alternate periods as shown in Table 1. Both were local, intertidal species. Fish sizes were: length, 5 to 10cm;weight,1.5 to 18g. Shrimp sizes were: length, 3 to 8 cm; weight: 0.3 to 8.0 g. The squid were fed twice daily, at 0700 and 1900 h. Prey were weighed and presented individually; the prey weight and the identification code of the squid taking the prey were recorded. Feeding was stopped when several consecutive prey items were ignored. Uneaten prey were removed from the pool. Squid were weighed every 3 days and rejected portions of prey (heads, tails, bony structure, etc.) were removed with a pool vacuum cleaner and weighed to assess the amount of ration not actually ingested. Fecal material passed through the filter used to recover rejected prey portions. The experimental schedule is shown in Table 1. The crustacean ration ingested by each squid was calcu- lated as follows: R, =(1 k)R. (1) where Rr is rations ingested per 3 days, Rt is the total rations taken by a squid per 3 days, and k is the total waste divided by total rations taken by all squid per 3 days. The ratio of edible to total weight for fish increased with weight, and for 1 1 fish over the weight range used, the amount of inedible material was 0.59W'66 with r = 0.84. Thus, the ingested ration equals W - 0.59W66 where W is the weight of an individual fish. This calculation was carried out for each fish taken. 187 188 HlRTLE ET AL. TABLE 1. Overall schedule of feeding experiment. Weighing and tank cleaning took place midway between AM and PM feedings on days indicated. Diet changes started at PM feedings. DayO Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Feeding AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM Not fed. Fish . Crustacean Fish Crustacean. Weighed Clean tank Rations ingested, growth, and metabolic expenditure are expressed as percent of mean weight of an individual or group for the appropriate 3-day feeding period. Daily growth rate (DGR) for individuals was calculated after Mangold and Boletzky (1973) as: DGR = (wf- wi)/[(wf+wi)/2] • (100/t) (2) where wj is the initial body weight, wf is the final body weight, and t is the time interval in days. Daily feeding rates (DFR) for individuals were calculated as in O'Dor et al. (1980a) as: DFR=F/[(wf+wi)/2] • (100/t) (3) where F is the weight of food consumed by each individual (Figure 1 ). Oxygen consumption, an indirect measure of metabolic rate, was determined at constant temperature in a closed recirculating respirometer with a total volume of 13 8. A 15-cm square chamber of plexiglass, 45 cm long, housed the squid and perforated rubber sheets were fitted in each end to allow the squid to swim without damaging themselves as they bumped the ends. An in situ, polarographic oxygen probe (Beckman model 0260 oxygen analyzer) measured the decrease in concentration of dissolved oxygen over a period of 10 to 30 minutes as the squid respired. Activity levels were uncontrolled, but recorded. RESULTS Feeding and Growth In general, greater numbers of shrimp were taken per meal than fish. The maximum numbers of fish and shrimp taken at a meal were 9 and 28, respectively. Even so, weight of ingested rations on the shrimp diet were consistently lower than on fish diet, as a comparison of Figures 2a and 2b indicates. The largest single meal observed on the fish diet was 21.5 g of food ingested by a 169-g animal, 13% of the body weight (bw). The following meal was only 6.6 g (4% of bw), but the next meal showed an increase to 16.0 g (9% of bw). The animal skipped the meal following and maintained a meal size of < 10% subsequently. This trend is representa- tive of the feeding patterns of the majority of healthy animals. The largest single meal, in terms of body weight percentage, was 21%, by a 79-g squid on fish diet. This animal ingested 13% of its body weight at the next meal, and subsequently ingested < 10% of its body weight on a consistent basis. As indicated in Figure 1 , population DGRs and DFRs were reasonably close to regressions for several population means plotted by O'Dor et al. (1980a) for squid on a fish diet. Both DFR and DGR were lower for shrimp diet than for fish diet. However, DGR for a given DFR was similar for both diets. Figures 2a and 2b show DGR plotted against DFR for individual squid on crustacean and fish diets, respectively. Differences between the regressions appeared to result primarily from the higher proportion of feeding squid (DFR > 0) in the crustacean diet regression (Figure 2a). In general, data for individual squid reflect the similarity between the figures for DGR at a given DFR noted from Figure 1 . Metabolic Rates The activity of squid in the respirometer chamber ranged from continuous swimming to continuous inactivity in the resting posture (Bradbury and Aldrich 1969). The mean time spent swimming was 28 ± 26% (mean + s) for 65 experiments. For one 135-g squid, activities ranging from 0 to 100% swimming were obtained in nine experiments. In a regression of oxygen consumption on percent activity for this animal, the intercept was 14 ml 02/h at rest, and a slope of 0.73 gave 68 ml 02/h at 100% activity (r = 0.86). These values were similar to the standard and maximum aerobic metabolic rates measured by tunnel respirometry in Loligo opalescens (O'Dor 1982). At 82% activity, the oxygen consumption would be 29 ml 02/h. The 65 sets of oxygen consumption data were fitted to the equation, T = aWf (4) Feeding in Captive Squid 189 q> 25 20 h5 10 £ 0 5 o v. CO 0 - ^-0-5 -10 -15 -2-0 ™ ^^ ™ J™ ^^^^ ^^p^ - +, » ^ >/ ^^ • ■ • ^ n • .^ m off . /<§> // // // // Diet m Group . A ■ Fish whole expt A • DGR 2 0 ■ A DGR < 0 n Crangon whole expt - ^r DGR » 0 A m DG R < 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 Daily Feeding Rate (%) 8 Figure 1. Mean relations between daily growth rate (DGR) and daily feeding rate (DFR) for experimental populations of squid on fish or crustacean diets. Regression lines are from a previous feeding experiment (O'Dor et al. 1980a), included for comparison. Regression A is for experiments showing no weight loss (DGR = 0.33 ■ DFR - 0.24; r = 0.94). Regression B is for experiments at 10 C showing no weight gain (DGR = 0.66 • DFR - 0.95; r = 0.80). 190 HIRTLE ET AL. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Daily Feeding Rate (% of bw) Figure 2. (a) Relation between daily growth rate and daily feeding rate for individual squid on crustacean diet. A: fitted regression (DGR = 0.32 • DFR - 0.37; r = 0.79, n = 40). (b) Relation between daily growth rate and daily feeding rate for individual squid on fish diet. A: linear regression for all observations (DGR = 0.39 " DFR - 0.99; r = 0.79, n = 60). B: DGR = 0.86 ■ DFR exp (-0.069 DFR) - 1.3 (r = 0.85, n = 60). Body weights of squid: »,75-89g; o, 90-99g; A, > 100g. (Paloheimo and Dickie 1965) where a is a constant with dimensions of ml 02/g per hour, y is a dimensionless con- stant, T is oxygen consumption in ml O2 per hour, and W is the weight of the squid. These data were fitted using the Marquardt nonlinear method, as implemented in any Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) Nonlinear Program (Anon. 1977). The values obtained for a and 7 were 0.99 and 0.71, respectively. Because of the variation in activity, the r was low (0.62), but the residuals were uniform over the range and the equation should reasonably estimate the metabolic rate at the mean activity level for squid of various weights. The predicted value for the 135-g squid mentioned above was 32 ml 02/h, while for the average 104-g squid in the feeding experiments, T was 27 ml 02/h at 28% activity. This translated to a T at 0% activity (approximating the standard metabolic rate) of about 12 ml 02/h, if the slope of 0.73 found above was applied. DISCUSSION A general discussion relating feeding and growth of Illex illecebrosus in the laboratory to similar experiments on other cephalopods and to natural populations of squid was given by O'Dor et al (1980a). The present study con- firmed those earlier observations and extended the range of squid weights and temperatures studied; it indicated the similarity of feeding and growth parameters on the two principle food types, fish and crustaceans. The results emphasize, however, that many of the generalizations about growth and feeding, which can be applied to a school of squid as a whole, do not hold for individuals, which vary widely in their behavior and physiology. Several approaches to estimate metabolic requirements of squid are possible with the two data sets presented; these approaches are generally supportive of each other. From Figure 2b an average daily metabolic rate (DMR) can be calculated from a linear regression of weight-specific meta- bolic rate (T/W) against ration level (R) where T is calculated from Winberg's (1956) energy balance equation: T = E • R - AW (5) using an assimilation efficiency (E) of 0.86 (Wallace et al. 1981). This gives a DMR at the intercept of 0.013 g wet weight of squid tissue per gram per day ( 1 .3% bw/day) with r = 0.80. To compare this value to oxygen consumption figures requires an estimate of the oxycalorific equivalent of squid tissue which is not available. But if the approxi- mation of 1 mg dry tissue equals 1 ml 02 used for fish (Paloheimo and Dickie 1966) is applied with a water content of 75% (Giese 1 969), the tissue equivalent of the 1 2 ml 02 /h is 1.1% of bw per day. Thus, the DMR calculated from the Winberg equation is, as expected, slightly higher than the approximation of standard metabolic rate estimated from oxygen consumption. A simple linear regression (Figure 2b, line A) gives a value of 1.1% bw as the metabolic requirement during starvation, and 2.6% as the daily feeding rate required for weight maintenance (DFRM). A slightly better fit and a more realistic approximation are obtained using line B (Figure 2b) in which the equation DGR = E • DFR • exp (0 • DRF) - DMR) (6) was fitted to the data using the same nonlinear regression technique mentioned previously. This equation incorporates the DMR estimate (1.3%) and assimilation efficiency (E = 0.86) used before, and gives (3 = —0.069. The exponential term is included to allow for the higher metabolic require- ments of individuals taking larger rations. The predicted Feeding in Captive Squid 191 DFRM is a more realistic 1.8% bw, and the curve predicts that DGR will approach a maximum as DFR rises above 10% bw. This is consistent with the data and although very large meals are possible, they are not common in regularly feeding animals. All of the meals in excess of 10% bw occurred on the first day when the animals had not been fed for 2 days. Maximum conversion efficiency (45%) occurs at a DFR of 10 to 1 1% bw. Estimates of starvation weight loss and DFRM are needed if predictions of growth or feeding rates in natural popula- tions are to be made since such populations are feeding well below ad libitum rates (O'Dor et al. 1980a). The need for extrapolation to obtain such estimates arises because cannibalism is common within schools and occurs whenever rations are experimentally restricted. Such cannibalism of the smallest individuals by the largest, and the large variation seen in feeding rates despite ad libitum feeding, show clearly that a school of squid is highly heterogeneous. Some large aggressive animals eat very well and prevent other smaller squid from eating. Yet, when whole schools are fed and growth averaged, results are repeatable as seen in Figure 1. The simplest way to avoid the complication of heterogeneity may be to treat a school or population as a single entity, measuring total school weight changes and food consump- tion on restricted diets, ignoring cannibalism as an "internal" phenomenon. Selective cannibalism of expendable individ- uals may be analogous to the selective utilization of meta- bolic reserves in an individual. Since cephalopods do not appear to lay down large reserves (Hochachka et al. 1975), but do make extensive migrations (Shevtsov 1974), which create a high energy demand, cannibalism may be a "socio- logocial" compensation for this physiological deficiency. If such an approach proves appropriate, it will be important to examine population dynamics within the school; the smaller size of males of/, illecebrosus makes them the most likely targets which may result in unexpected relationships between food availability and fecundity (O'Dor et al. 1980b). Two additional factors, important in any attempt to project from feeding and growth rates in captive animals to those in nature, are the effects of temperature and animal size. These were confusing variables in the present and earlier experiments (O'Dor et al. 1980a); both increased as the season progressed as they would in nature. Table 2 compares the present DFRs, DGRs, and conversion rates on the fish diet to similar data from previous experiments which used only fish. In poikilotherms, higher temperatures (up to some optimum) are usually associated with higher feeding rates. Higher body weights are usually associated with lower weight-specific feeding rates. Thus, although mean experimental temperatures ranged from 7.0 to 15.5°C and mean weights from 104 to 232 g. DFR and DGR varied relatively little with the combination of intermediate weight and temperature giving lower values than extremes of either. Gross conversion efficiency tended to increase with size, presumably because of decreased weight-specific mainten- ance requirements for larger squid. Additional growth experi- ments with controlled temperatures are needed to com- pletely resolve these interactions. TABLE 2. Summary of squid growth parameters on a fish diet. Mean Weight Mean Temperature DFR DGR Food Conversion Rate Date (g) (°C) (%) (%) (%) 6/28/79 - 7/10/79 104 7.0 5.2 1.3 25 8/ 1/78 - 8/ 7/78* 159 9.7 3.6 1.0 29 8/11/78 - 8/24/78* 183 10.3 3.8 1.4 36 8/25/78 - 9/ 7/78* 232 15.5 6.7 1.9 35 *From earlier experiments (O'Dor et al. 1980a). references cited Anon. 1977. SPSS Subprogram NONLINEAR-Nonlinear Regres- sion. Publ. PL 266 77.319. Dalhousie University Computer Centre, Dalhousie University. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 15 pp. Amaratunga, T. 1980. Preliminary estimate of predation by the short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) on the Scotian Shelf. NAFO Scientific Council Report Doc. 80/11/31, Ser No. 63. 13 pp. Bradbury, H. E. & F. A. Aldrich. 1969. Observations on locomotion of the short-finned squid, Illex illecebrosus (LeSueur, 1821) in captivity. Can. J. Zool. 47:741-744. Giese, A. C. 1969. A new approach to the biochemical composition of the mollusc body. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 7:175-229. Hochachka, P. W., T. W. Moon, T. Mustafa, and K. B. Storey. 1975. Metabolic sources of power for mantle muscle of a fast swimming squid. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 52B: 15 1-158. Mangold, K. & S. von Boltzky. 1973. New data on reproductive biology and growth of Octopus vulgaris. Mar. Biol. 19:7-12. O'Dor, R.K.I 98 2. Respiratory metabolism and swimming performance of the squidLoligo opalescens. Can. J. Fish.Aquat. Sci. 39 (in press). O'Dor, R. K., R. D. Durward & N. Balch. 1977. Maintenance and maturation of squid (Illex illecebrosus) in a 15 m circular pool. Biol. Bull. 153:322-335. O'Dor, R. K., R. D. Durward, E. Vessey & T. Amaratunga. 1980a. Feeding and growth in captive squid, Illex illecebrosus, and the influence of food availability on growth in the natural popula- tion. ICNAF Sel. Pap. 6:15-21. O'Dor, R. K., E. Vessey & T. Amaratunga. 1980b. Factors affecting fecundity and larval distribution in the squid, Illex illecebrosus. 192 HIRTLE ET AL. NAFO Scientific Council Report Doc. 80/11/39. Ser. No. N070. 9 pp. Paloheimo, J. E. & L. M. Dickie. 1965. Food and growth of fishes: I. A growth curve obtained from experimental data. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 22:521-542. . 1966. Food and growth of fishes: II. Effects of food and temperature on the relation between metabolism and body size. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 23:869-908. Shevtsov, G. A. 1974. [Results of tagging of the Pacific squid (Todarodes pacificus Steenstrup) in the Kevil-Hokkaido region.] 1978 translation. Fish. Mar. Ser. Transl. Ser. No. 3300. 16 pp. Wallace, I. C. R. K. O'Dor & T. Amaratunga. 1981. Sequential observations on gross digestive processes of Illex illecebrosus. Northwest. All. Fish. Org., Sci. Council Stud. 1 :65-69. Winberg. G. G. 1956. Rate of metabolism and food requirements of fishes. Fish. Res. Board Can. Translation Ser. No. 194. 25 3 pp. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 193-195, 1981. OVERVIEW OF PRESENT PROGRESS TOWARDS AGING SHORT-FINNED SQUID (ILLEX ILLECEBROSUS) USING STATOLITHS EARLG.DAWE Department of Fisheries and Oceans Research and Resource Services P.O. Box 5667, St. John 's, Newfoundland, Canada A 1C 5X1 ABSTRACT Recent advances in research on statoliths of Illex illecebrosus as a possible means of age determination are reviewed. Most studies on this and other species of squid have used a grinding technique to prepare statoliths for examina- tion. Rings, viewed as dark and light alternating bands, are believed to be formed on a daily basis. However, problems exit in validating this method in that ring counts do not compare well with days elapsed between times of sampling. That may be due to technical problems in preparing statoliths for study, or to irregularities in daily ring formation caused by physio- logical stress. Future research could involve other techniques for preparing statoliths, and laboratory experiments on factors affecting ring formation. Validation of the method may be facilitated by the use of known age specimens or antibiotics which label rings on statoliths of live animals. INTRODUCTION Management of the fishery for short-finned squid {Illex illecebrosus) has been hampered by an incomplete under- standing of the biology of the species. Paramount in that respect is the lack of a valid aging technique, without which such population parameters as mortality rate, growth, and recruitment cannot be estimated accurately. To date only implied age of short-finned squid can be esimated, based on analysis of length-frequency distributions (Squires 1967, Summers 1971, Mesnil 1977). Recently, however, attention has been focused on the study of statoliths as a possible means of age determination of this species. Growth rings have been found in stato- liths and the possibility of chronological interpretation has been investigated (Hurley and Beck 1979, Hurley et al. 1979). Statoliths have been used successfully in age deter- mination for market squid {Loligo opalescens [Spratt 1978] ) and arctic squid (Gonatus fabricii [Kristensen 1980] ). This paper reviews recent progress towards validating the aging of the short-finned squid /. illecebrosus using statoliths. Methods used in extracting and preparing stato- liths for study are presented and general features of prepared statoliths are described. Results of recent comprehensive studies (Hurley and Beck 1979, Hurley et al. 1979) are assessed in relation to problems encountered and avenues of future research. PREPARATION OF STATOLITHS Statoliths are paired calcareous structures located in the ventro-posterior region of the skull (Hurley and Beck 1979). They are similar in structure and function to the teleost otolith, being composed of aragonite (Dilly 1976, Clarke 1978, Hurley and Beck 1979). Specimens preserved for statolith studies should be preserved in ethanol, or by freezing. Formalin should not be used because statoliths dissolve even in weak acids (Hurley and Beck 1979, Kristen- sen 1980). Methods used to extract statoliths, either by dissection or by dissolving the skull in bleach, have been described by Clarke (1978), Spratt (1978), Hurley and Beck (1979), Hurley et al. (1979), and Lipinski (1980). Once extracted, statoliths can be stored indefinitely in gelatin (Spratt 1978). Methods used to expose growth rings in cephalopod statoliths have been described by Lipinski (1978, 1980), Spratt (1978), Hurley and Beck (1979), Hurley et al. (1979), and Kristensen (1980). Most studies have employed a technique for grinding statoliths. That technique is successful in exposing rings in the statoliths of/, illecebrosus (Lipinski 1978, Hurley and Beck 1979, Hurley et al. 1979). Clearing agents have also been used and are believed to be as efficient in exposing growth rings as the polishing method (Lipinski 1978, 1980). Euparal has been used to clear otoliths of the butterflyfish Chaetodon miliaris for use in aging that species from daily growth rings (Ralston 1976). Growth rings were first described from statoliths of /. illecebrosus by Lipinski (1978). The rings are seen under the light microscope as alternating dark and light bands, which probably result from differential deposition of CaC03 (Mina 1968, Degens et al. 1969, Panella 1971, Hurley and Beck 1979). Kristensen (1980) first detected organic material in cephalopod statoliths and showed that it was important in the formation of dark bands. INTERPRETATION OF GROWTH RINGS Rings formed with various temporal periodicities have been found in cephalopod statoliths. Daily and lunar monthly rings have been detected in ground statoliths of Loligo opalescens (Spratt 1978). Kristensen (1980) described daily, fortnightly, and monthly rings in ground statoliths of Gonatus fabricii; however, Dilly (1976) 193 194 DAWI- could not detect growth rings in statoliths of various cepha- lopods, but that may have been due to formalin fixation of his specimens (Kristensen 1980). Lipinski (1978) was the first to attempt chronological interpretation of growth rings in statoliths of Illex illece- brosus. He considered fine growth increments in the nuclear region to be daily rings. Outside of that 'juvenile statolith' region rings were believed to be monthly. Hurley and Beck (1979) and Hurley et al. (1979) con- ducted the most comprehensive studies to date on age validation of short-finned squid using statoliths. In one study, statoliths were extracted from squid sampled off- shore and throughout the inshore season in Newfoundland (Hurley and Beck 1979). Mean length of squid sampled corresponded to modal length from length-frequency distributions. In that way, it was hoped the statoliths would be extracted from a single cohort of squid as they progressed through the season (ICNAF 1978). Relation- ships were established between mantle length and both maximum statolith radius and number of rings. Using the relationship of mantle length and number of rings, and assuming rings were formed daily, back-calculated mantle lengths were obtained and compared to modal lengths from length-frequency distributions of samples. It was found that back calculation consistently underestimated mantle length, indicating that fewer rings were counted than there were days elapsed between samplings. That agrees with results of an earlier study (Hurley et al. 1979) where the number of rings underestimated the elapsed days. That was also found in a study of statoliths of Loligo opalescens (Spratt 1978). Although age validation of /. illecebrosus was not achieved in those studies, more rings were counted than in an earlier study (Lipinski 1978), and it was found that the frequency of ring formation closely approximated a diurnal periodicity. Daily rings have been found in statoliths of other decapods (Spratt 1978, Kristensen 1980). Choe (1963) found daily stripes in the shell of cuttlefish, Sepia esculenta, and suggested that stripe formation may have been affected by a physiological periodicity. Daily growth rings have also been found in otoliths of many fish species (Panella 1971, 1974; Lim 1974; Brothers et al. 1976; Ralston 1976; Strusaker and Uchiyama 1976; Taubert and Coble 1977). Panella (1971) suggested that daily growth rings may be a universal feature of fish otoliths. Shortcomings of recent attempts at age validation of /. illecebrosus using statoliths could be accounted for in several ways. Comparison of back-calculated mantle lengths to actual lengths from length-frequency distributions of samples may be confused by the presence of mixed age groups within a single year-class (Hurley and Beck 1979). Also, rings found inside the nuclear region may require a different interpretation than those found outside that region. It has been suggested for Gonatus fabricii that the nucleus may be present on hatching (Kristensen 1980). The use of known age specimens would greatly facilitate such problems of interpretation (Hurley and Beck 1979). With recent success in spawning and hatching of /. illece- brosus in captivity (Durward et al. 1980), use of known age specimens may soon be possible. The use of antibiotics, such as tetracycline, to put a 'time' mark on statoliths has also been suggested (Hurley and Beck 1979). Tetracycline has been used successfully to mark vertebrate bones, especially fish otoliths for aging studies (Harris 1960, Kobayashi et al. 1964, Jensen and Gumming 1967, Weber and Ridgway 1967, Holden and Vince 1973, Wild and Foreman 1980). Failure to detect enough growth rings to correspond to the number of elasped days may also be due to the prepara- tion technique used (Hurley and Beck 1979, Hurley et al. 1979). It is possible that grinding statoliths either failed to expose all the growth rings present or, alternatively, sloughed off rings, especially on the periphery. The use of a suitable clearing agent may eliminate the need for grinding in future studies. Lipinski (1980) found eukitt and euparal to be more successful in exposing growth rings than the polishing method. Other techniques, which have been used to prepare fish otoliths, include burning (Christensen 1964), and dyeing (Albrechtsen 1968). A further possibility is that rings may be formed daily but ring formation may be interrupted by periods of physiological stress. Clarke (1965) noted that ring formation in beaks of the oegopsid squid Moroteuthis ingens was affected by temperature and food supply. Choe (1963) cited nutritive conditions and hydrographic factors, such as salinity, oxygen content, and temperature, as factors which affected daily stripe formation in the shell of the cuttlefish Sepia esculenta. Regular daily ring formation in statoliths of Gonatus fabricii is believed to be related to circadian rhythms in feeding (Kristensen, 1980). Disruption of regular daily ring formation in statoliths of /. illecebrosus may be due to opportunistic feeding of squid sampled inshore at Newfoundland (Hurley and Beck 1979). Thus laboratory experiments on short-finned squid would be use- ful in determining factors associated with regular periodicity of ring formation in statoliths. REFERENCES CITED Albrechtsen, K. 1968. A dyeing technique tor otolith age reading. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 32(2):278-280. Brothers, E. B., C. P. Mathews & R. Lasker. 1976. Daily growth increments in otoliths from larval and adult fishes. Fish. Bull. 74:1-8. Choe, S. 1963. Daily age markings on the shell of cuttlefishes. Nature (Lond.) 197:306-307. Christensen, J. M. 1964. Burning of otoliths, a technique for age determination of soles and other fish. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 29(1):73-81. Overview of Progress Towards aging squid 195 Clarke, M. R. 1965. "Growth rings" in the beaks of the squid, Moroteuthis ingens (Oegopsida: Onychoteuthidae). Malacologia 3(2):287-307. . 1978. The cephalopod statolith-an introduction to its form. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 58:701-712. Degens, E. T., W. G. Deuser & R. L. Haedrich. 1969. Molecular structure and composition of fish otoliths. Mar. Biol. 2:105-113. Dilly. P. N. 1976. The structure of some cephalopod statoliths. Cell Tissue Res. 175:147-163. Durward, R. D., E. Vessey & R. K. O'Dor. 1980. Reproduction in the squid, Illex illecebrosus: First observations in captivity and implications for the life cycle. ICNAF Sel. Papers 6:7-14. Harris, W. H. 1960. A microscopic method of determining rates of bone growth. Nature (Lond.) 188:1038-1039. Holden, M. J. & M. R. Vince. 1973. Age validation studies on the centra of Raja clavata using tetracycline. /. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 35(1): 13-17. Hurley, G. V. & P. Beck. 1979. The observation of growth rings in statoliths from the ommastrephid squid, Illex illecebrosus. Bull. Am.Malcol. Union 1979:23-29. , J. Drew & R. L. Radtke. 1979. A preliminary report on validating age readings of the short-finned squid (Illex illece- brosus). ICNAF Res. Doc. 79/11/26, Ser. No. 5352. 6 pp. ICNAE [International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries]. 1978. Report of Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (STACRES). Special meeting on squid, February 1978. ICNAF Redbook 1978:21-33. lensen, A. C. & K. B. Cumming. 1967. Use of lead compounds and tetracycline to mark scales and otoliths of marine fishes. Prog. Fish-Cult. 29(3): 166-167. Kobayashi, S., R. Yuki & T. Furui. 1964. Calcification in fish and shellfish: I. Tetracycline labelling patterns on scale, centrum and otoliths in young goldfish. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish. 30(1):6-13. Kristensen, T. K. 1980. Periodical growth rings in cephalopod statoliths. Dana 1:39-51. Lim, D. J. 1974. The statoconia of the non-mammalian species. Brain Beha v. Evol. 10:37-51. Lipinski, M. 1978. The age of squid, Illex illecebrosus (Eesueur, 1821), from their statoliths. ICNAF Res. Doc. 78/11/15, Ser. No. 5167. 5 pp. . 1980. A preliminary study on ageing of squids from their statoliths. NAFOSCR Doc. 80/11/22, Ser. No. N054. 12 pp. Mesnil, B. 1977. Growth and life cycle of squid Loligo pealei and Illex illecebrosus from the Northwest Atlantic. ICNAF Sel. Papers No. 2,55-69. Mina, M. V. 1968. A note on a problem in the visual qualitative evaluation of otolith zones. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 32: 93-97. Panella, G. 1971. Fish otoliths: Daily growth layers and periodical patterns. Science 1 73: 1 124- 1 127. . 1974. Otolith growth patterns: An aid in age deter- mination in temperate and tropical fishes. Pages 28-39 in T. B. Bagenal (ed.), Tlie Ageing of Fish. Surrey:Unwin Brothers, Ltd. Ralston, S. 1976. Age determination of a tropical reef butterflyfish utilizing daily growth rings of otoliths. Fish. Bull. 74:990-994. Spratt, J. D. 1978. Age and growth of the market squid, Loligo opalescens Berry, in Monterey Bay from statoliths. Calif. Dep. Fish Game Fish Bull. 169:35 44. Squires. H. J. 1967. Growth and hypothetical age of the Newfound- land bait squid. Illex illecebrosus. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 24: 1209-1217. Strusaker, P. & J. H. Uchiyama. 1976. Age and growth of the nebu, Stolephorus purpureus (Pisces: Fngraulidae), from the Hawaiian Islands, as indicated by daily growth increments of sagittae. Fish. Bull.. U.S. 74:9-17. Summers, W. C. 1971. Age and growth oi Loligo pealei. a popula- tion study of the common Atlantic coast squid. Biol. Bull. (Woods Hole) 141:189-201. Taubert, B. D. & W. D. Coble. 1977. Daily rings in otoliths of three species of Lepomis and Tilapia mossambica. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 34:332-340. Weber, D. & G. 1. Ridgway. 1967. Marking Pacific salmon with tetracycline antibiotics. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 24(4):849-865. Wild, A. & T. J. Foreman. 1980. The relationship between otolith increments and time for yellowfin and skipjack tuna marked with tetracycline. Inter-Am. Trop. Tuna Comm. Bull. 17(7): 509-560. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 197-207, 1981. YIELD-PER-RECRUIT ANALYSES FOR SQUID, LOLIGO PEALEI AND ILLEX ILLECEBROSUS, FROM THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC ANNEM.T. LANGE U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and A tmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 ABSTRACT Modified Ricker yield-per-recruit analyses for squid, Loligo pealei and Illex illecebrosus, were conducted based on hypothetical representations of their life histories and fisheries. Instantaneous growth, and relative fishing and spawning mortalities were varied on a monthly basis to represent their effects on each stock for several levels of natural and total mortalities. Several assumptions of cohort structure within a year-class were made to determine the significance of time of spawning on potential yields. Effects of increasing size of entry to the fishery by increasing mesh size were also examined. Yields per recruit for both L. pealei and /. illecebrosus increased for all assumptions of fishing and natural mortality rates, and time of spawning when mesh sizes were increased from the present 45 mm to 60 mm. Further increases in yield were also realized when the mesh size was raised to 90 mm. Greater yields were also apparent when spawning occurred later in the spawning period considered fori, pealei, and earlier in the period considered for/, illecebrosus. INTRODUCTION METHODS Fisheries for squid, Loligo pealei (Lesueur) and Illex illecebrosus (Lesueur). off the United States developed rapidly during the early 1970's. Catch quota management under the auspices of the International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (1CNAF) was initiated in 1974, and has been continued to date under the auspices of the Fisheries Conservation and Management Act of 1976 (FCMA). In addition, mesh size, and the spatial and temporal distributions of fishing by non-United States vessels have also been regulated since 1977. Part of the scientific bases of management has been an analysis of yield per recruit conducted by Sissenwine and Tibbetts (1977). Various parameters characterizing the fishery have changed since their analysis; therefore, the analysis presented in this paper was undertaken. The yield-per-recruit model presented here was designed to simulate the effects of fishing on stocks of L pealei and /. illecebrosus, incorporating information about the life history of each species. This model accepts monthly values of the instantaneous growth rate, spawning, and fishing and natural mortality rates. It was applied for several hypo- thetical representations of the cohort structure of each squid stock to account for various assumptions about the system. The effects of several choices of mesh size on yield per recruit were also simulated, based on estimates of mesh selectivity and monthly growth rates. Results from these simulations were used with estimates of average annual recruitment to estimate total yields. These were then com- pared with recent catches to test the appropriateness of the model. Representation of the Fishery Development of the yield-per-recruit model was based on the following descriptions and assumptions regarding the life histories of and fisheries fori, pealei and /. illecebrosus. A protracted spawning season for L. pealei, demonstrated by the presence of mature adults and egg capsules through- out the time of their inshore distribution (April-October), produces a single year-class varying in age by as much as 6 months. However, modal analysis of length-frequency distributions (Lange 1980) indicate that it may be appro- priate to separate each year-class into at least two distinct cohorts in most years. Generally, these are late spring (April June) and late summer (August -October) cohorts. These cohorts have shown different growth rates and, based on growth schemes and mean sizes at maturity des- cribed for these cohorts (Lange 1980), differences in age at spawning. Post-spawning mortality is assumed to be high for L. pealei, so differences in age at spawning are significant. I assumed that some individuals from the spring cohort matured over their first winter and began spawning late in the summer of their second year (about 14 to 15 months at 18 to 22 cm), with the remainder of the cohort spawning during the following season (April through September, 22 to 23 months). Individuals of the late summer cohort were too small to mature during their first winter and did not begin to spawn until about April of their second year (18 months at 22 to 25 cm). Although some individuals may survive to spawn at 35 to 37 cm in the following spring, most will spawn and die by October (about 24 months). 197 198 Lange Assuming that Loligu pealei has a mesh selection factor (1.92) similar to that found by Ikeda (I. Ikeda, Far Seas Fisheries Laboratory, Shimizu, Japan, personal communi- cation, 1973) for Loligo sp. in the eastern central Atlantic, these cohorts are also subjected to different rates of fishing mortality. Fifty percent retention (at 8.6 cm with the 4 5 -mm mesh currently used in the fishery) occurs in November for the spring-hatched cohort and during the following March for the summer cohort. In most years it appears that the spring cohort is more significant than the late summer cohort and that it con- tributes more to the fishery, although the exact timing of hatching in any year may significantly alter that pattern. Instantaneous monthly growth rates (g) were determined for each cohort (Lange 1980) from estimates of mean weight at age as: gt = loge(Wt+i/Wt); (1) where: gt = instantaneous average monthly growth rate, Wt = weight in grams at time t, and W0 was assumed to be 0.349 and 0.664 g for cohorts I and II, respectively. Spawning rates (S) were chosen such that, for the unex- ploited fishery, the number spawning in the second season would be 60% of those spawning during the first season for cohort I (hatched April— June), and 10% for cohort II (hatched August-October). The choice of these percents is based on the ratio of percent frequencies (from a 1973—79 survey cruise length-frequency data) of spawning sized individuals for each cohort during their first and second spawning seasons (i.e., for cohort I— the percent of 29- to 33- cm individuals in spring: the percent of 18- to 24-cm indi- viduals in autumn surveys). Spawning rates were set for each cohort within the first season such that the ratio of spawned-to-nonspawned individuals at the end of each month of the spawning season was nearly constant, because analyses indicated constant percents of mature individuals throughout the spawning season. All individuals were assumed to perish by the end of the second spawning season. Several choices of monthly natural mortality rate (M), held constant over the lifespan of each cohort, were used in this analysis. These were based on a wide range of assump- tions of life expectancy which produced effective monthly M's ranging from 0.01 to 0.15 (M = 1/T, where T = life expectancy in months). The seasonal nature of the L. pealei fishery is represented by estimates of relative monthly fishing mortality rates (Fr). Each monthly value is the ratio of the catch for that month (average from the 1977-79 fisheries) to the catch from the month with the greatest average catch (February). These relative F's are used in conjunction with a range of F-multipliers (Paulik and Bayliff 1967) held constant over the lifespan and representing several assumptions of instan- taneous fishing mortality rates to reflect changes in fishing effort over the fishing year. The F-multipliers used ranged from 0.05 to 0.50. The relative F's were reduced in months prior to full recruitment, based on approximated selection curves, to reflect the effects of mesh selection on retention of different size L. pealei. Monthly values of model parameters as described here are presented in Table 1 for each cohort of/,, pealei. Less is known of the maturation and spawning of Illex illecebrosus than of L. pealei, but it was assumed to spawn in deep waters off the edge of the shelf between December and June. This, as with L. pealei, produced a single year- class with as much as 6 months difference in age. Unlike TABLE 1. Monthly population parameters of fishing, natural and spawning mortality, and growth rates for two hypothetical cohorts of Loligo pealei under the present (1977-79) fishery. Cohort I Cohort II Month F, M, Sj G, F2 M2 s2 G2 Jul 0.00 (a) 0.00 1.399 Aug 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.919 Sep 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.686 Oct 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.547 Nov 0.30 (a) 0.00 0.455 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.999 Dec 0.65 (a) 0.00 0.390 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.729 Jan 0.51 (a) 0.00 0.341 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.574 Feb 1.00 (a) 0.00 0.303 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.474 Mar 0.58 (a) 0.00 0.273 0.29 (a) 0.00 0.403 Apr 0.08 (a) 0.00 0.248 0.08 (a) 0.00 0.351 May 0.27 (a) 0.00 0.227 0.27 (a) 0.00 0.311 Jun 0.11 (a) 0.00 0.210 0.11 (a) 0.00 0.279 Jul 0.04 (a) 0.00 0.195 0.04 (a) 0.00 0.253 Aug 0.02 (a) 0.22 0.182 0.02 (a) 0.00 0.232 Sep 0.01 (a) 0.29 0.170 0.01 (a) 0.00 0.213 Oct 0.08 (a) 0.00 0.160 0.08 (a) 0.00 0.198 Nov 0.59 (a) 0.00 0.151 0.59 (a) 0.00 0.184 Dec 0.65 (a) 0.00 0.143 0.65 (a) 0.00 0.173 Jan 0.51 (a) 0.00 0.136 0.51 (a) 0.00 0.162 Feb 1.00 (a) 0.00 0.130 1.00 (a) 0.00 0.153 Mar 0.59 (a) 0.00 0.124 0.58 (a) 0.00 0.145 Apr 0.08 (a) 0.22 0.118 0.08 (a) 0.16 0.138 May 0.27 (a) 0.29 0.113 0.27 (a) 0.19 0.131 Jun 0.11 (a) 0.41 0.109 0.11 (a) 0.24 0.125 Jul 0.04 (a) 0.69 0.105 0.04 (a) 0.32 0.120 Aug 0.02 (a) oo 0.101 0.02 (a) 0.47 0.115 Sep 0.01 (a) 0.92 0.110 Oct 0.08 (a) 0.00 0.106 Nov 0.59 (a) 0.00 0.102 Dec 0.65 (a) 0.00 0.098 Jan 0.51 (a) 0.00 0.095 Feb 1.00 (a) 0.00 0.091 Mar 0.58 (a) 0.00 0.088 Apr 0.08 (a) 0.69 0.084 May 0.27 (a) OO 0.079 Si Gj - Fishing mortality relative to month with greatest catch applied to cohortj. - Monthly natural mortality rate for cohortj, constant through lifespan (0.01, 0.03, 0.80, 1.50). Monthly spawning mortality rate for cohort;. Monthly growth rate for cohortj (see text for derivation). YlFLD -Pl-R R1CRUIT ANALYSES OF LOLIGO AND ILLEX 199 Loligo pealei, the separation of year-classes into more than one cohort was not apparent every year, although remnants of more than one cohort were present in most months. Lange (1980) found individuals which had spawned early in the season (December-January) have growth rates similar to those spawned later (May-June). However, differences in size between these groups resulted in differences in time of subsequent spawning and differences on the effects of F throughout their lifespan. Therefore, separate cohorts were assumed for this species as well, even though spawning probably occurred over a continuum. I assumed that each cohort will mature and spawn at about 22 to 24 months and 21 to 26 cm (Lange 1980). Differences in the effects of fishing on these hypothetical cohorts would result from individuals of each cohort reaching recruitment size during different phases of the seasonal fishery. The winter cohort was partially recruited to the offshore fishery in July of its first year (about 8 cm), and made up a significant portion of the less-important inshore fishery throughout the summer. This cohort was taken in the directed L. pealei fishery as it moved offshore in the autumn and winter, and made up the major portion of the catch in the directed /. illecebrosus fishery during the following summer. The spring cohort was first susceptible to fishing as incidental catch in the winter L. pealei fishery (7 to 10 cm), and was fully recruited to the directed /. illecebrosus fishery in the summer (13 to 14 months and 13 to 17 cm). As it moved offshore, this cohort was again taken in the L. pealei fishery until about April when it moved off the shelf to spawn. However, the winter cohort was presumed to comprise the major portion of each year- class and, in fact, the proposed second cohort may not be apparent in some years as the continuum of spawning was skewed towards the earlier months of the spawning season. Instantaneous growth rates (g) for each hypothetical cohort were estimated as described for L. pealei with initial weights of (W0) 0.283 and 0.269 g (Lange 1980). Spawning rates were chosen for each cohort such that an equal number of individuals in the unexploited fishery would spawn in each month of the spawning season of that cohort. These spawning rates were equivalent to spawning mortality rates because it was assumed that individuals die after spawning. Estimates of monthly natural mortality (M) ranging from 0.01 to 0.10, assumed reasonable for the life expec- tancy of this species (as described for L. pealei), were used in this analysis. Natural mortality (M) was held constant throughout the life of the cohort. Monthly values of relative fishing mortality (Fr) were calculated as for L. pealei and applied in the model to reflect the seasonality of the fishery. Multipliers of F, ranging from 0.05 to 1.50, were used to simulate a variety of possible monthly fishing mortality rates. Table 2 presents monthly estimates of the model param- eters described here for each /. illecebrosus cohort. TABLE 2. Monthly estimates of population parameters of fishing, natural and spawning mortality, and growth rates for two hypothetical cohorts of [Ilex illecebrosus under the present (1977-79) fishery. Cohort I Cohort II Month Fl Mi Si G, F2 M2 S2 G2 Jan 0.00 (a) 0.00 1.150 Feb 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.806 Mar 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.621 Apr 0.00 fa) 0.00 0.505 May 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.426 Jun 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.368 Jul 0.50 (a) 0.00 0.324 0.00 (a) 0.00 1.180 Aug 0.58 (a) 0.00 0.290 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.820 Sep 0.18 (a) 0.00 0.262 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.629 Oct 0.15 (a) 0.00 0.238 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.511 Nov 0.28 (a) 0.00 0.219 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.430 Dec 0.13 (a) 0.00 0.203 0.00 fa) 0.00 0.371 Jan 0.02 (a) 0.00 0.189 0.01 (a) 0.00 0.326 Feb 0.04 (a) 0.00 0.177 0.04 (a) 0.00 0.291 Mar 0.02 (a) 0.00 0.166 0.02 (a) 0.00 0.263 Apr 0.01 (a) 0.00 0.156 0.01 (a) 0.00 0.240 May 0.01 (a) 0.00 0.148 0.01 (a) 0.00 0.221 Jun 0.28 (a) 0.00 0.140 0.28 (a) 0.00 0.204 Jul 1.00 (a) 0.00 0.133 1.00 (a) 0.00 0.180 Aug 0.58 (a) 0.00 0.127 0.58 (a) 0.00 0.177 Sep 0.18 (a) 0.00 0.121 0.18 (a) 0.00 0.166 Oct 0.15 (a) 0.00 0.116 0.15 (a) 0.00 0.157 Nov 0.28 (a) 0.00 0.111 0.28 (a) 0.00 0.148 Dec 0.13 (a) 0.41 0.107 0.13 (a) 0.00 0.141 Jan 0.02 (a) 0.69 0.103 0.02 (a) 0.00 0.134 Feb 0.04 (a) oo 0.101 0.04 (a) 0.00 0.127 Mar (a) 0.00 0.02 (a) 0.00 0.122 Apr (a) 0.00 0.01 (a) 0.41 0.117 May (a) 0.00 0.01 (a) 0.69 0.112 Jun (a) 0.00 0.28 (a) 00 0.107 - Fishing mortality relative to month with greatest catch applied to cohortj. Mj - Monthly natural mortality rate for cohortj, constant through lifespan (0.01, 0.03. 0.80, 1.50). Sj - Monthly spawning mortality rate for cohortj. Gj - Monthly growth rate for cohortj (see text for derivation). The Model A modified Ricker (1958) yield model incorporating information about the proposed cohorts was developed. Let NO be the number of squid from both cohorts in the initial population, and PN1 the proportion of the initial population from cohort I (therefore [1— PN1] is the pro- portion of cohort II). For each cohort during any time period (t), N is the number of squid in the cohort, W the average weight of an individual in that cohort, YN the catch in numbers, and Y the catch in weight from the cohort. Then N0 = NO-PNlforcohortI(=NO(l-PNl)forcohortID(2) 200 Lange Nt = N0 exp - (F + M + S)t Wt = W0 exp gt (3) (4) YN= [FN0/(F + M + S)] [1 -exp - (F + M + S)t] (5) Y = [FN0 W0/(F + M + S - g)] [ 1 - exp - (F + M + S - g)t] (6) where F, M, S and g are instantaneous average monthly fishing mortality, natural mortality, spawning mortality, and growth rates, respectively, for the appropriate cohort during time t. N0 and W0 are initial conditions for the given time period for the cohort. The sum of the number of individuals of both cohorts at the time, in months, when the first cohort is recruited, was assumed to be 1 ,000 for the virgin stock, although the portion of this number associated with the second cohort will not actually be present until the time of hatching (t + a delay time, in months). Equations 2 through 6 were then applied to each cohort on a monthly basis with F, M, S and g assumed constant within each month throughout the proposed lifespan of the year-class. Monthly results from the two cohorts were then summed to provide monthly values of stock size and yield in weight and number. The total yield per 1 ,000 recruits summed over all months of the lifespan was calculated for combinations of M and F-multipliers as described for each species. The effects of annual differences in time of spawning were examined by varying the cohort structure represented by the proportion of the year-class which was assumed to be from each cohort. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The simulated yield per recruit of L. pealei in weight (kg) per- 1,000 individuals recruited to the fishery was plotted (Figure 1) against F-multipliers (FM) ranging from 0.05 to 0.50, for monthly M values of 0.01, 0.03, 0.08, and 0.15, by assuming three possible cohort compositions (PN1 = 0.60, 0.75, 0.80). These cohort ratios reflected the observa- tion that in most years the spring cohort was more signifi- cant than the late summer cohort. The results were similar for all three assumptions of cohort structure (Table 3) at high levels of M (0.15), but for lower M values, higher yields per recruit were obtained when significant portions (> 25%) of the year-class were assumed to be from the second cohort (PN1 = 0.60, 0.75). This seemed reasonable because if major spawning occurred later in the spawning season, as happens in some years, fewer individuals from a year-class were susceptible to the winter-directed fishery. By the time they attained recruitable size, the directed fishery was about over and significant increases in weight with low mortality from fishing occurred before the directed fishery of the following winter. 9 . _^ (a) 8 PN1 =060 yT M=001 t- 5 7 3 M--008 2 1 MOIS .05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 .45 50 8 PN1«075 (b) 7 6 1*0.01 5 / ^-~"~~ 4 / f M'0.03 3 / / 2 /^"^ M'0.06 1 >-^"~~ M-015 .05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 7 PN1«0.80 (c) P 1 6 u UJ ■ 5 M-001 8 . *" 4 v. M-003 3 i x 3 '£Z- Q _l uj 2 > M'0.08 1 M* 010 09 10 15 20 23 30 F-MULTIPLIER 35 40 43 50 Figure 1. Loligo pealei: Yield (kg) per 1,000 recruits for M = 0.01, 0.03, 0.08, and 0.15. (a) When 60% of the year-class was assumed from the spring cohort, (b) When 75% of the year-class was assumed from the spring cohort, (c) When 80% of the year -class was assumed from the spring cohort. Yilld-per -Recruit Analysis of Loligo and Illex 201 TABLE 3. Loligo pealei yield (kg) per 1 ,000 recruits for four values of monthly natural mortality rate (M) for a range of F-multipliers, and three cases of cohort composition (PN1 -proportion of year-class in spring cohort). 0.01) between the results of analyses assuming 80 or 90% of the year-class could be assigned to the first cohort. Maxi- mum yield per recruit occurred at FM = 0.40 for M = 0.01 and 0.04, and at FM = 0.50 for M = 0.10 (Table. 4). Yield-per-Recruit Analyses and Management The results of the yield-per-recruit analyses discussed thus far were based on the effects of the 1977—79 squid fishery, which primarily employed 45-mm mesh nets. 60 55 50 Monthly Natural Mortality Rate £ 45 ZJ PN1 F-multiplier 0.01 0.03 0.08 0.15 £ 40 K O Q 0.60 0.05 3.68 2.68 1.19 0.51 0.10 6.04 4.08 2.15 0.88 O 35 0.15 7.50 5.55 2.74 1.15 *«v 0.20 8.36 6.22 3.12 1.34 5 3-0 0.25 8.80 6.59 3.36 1.47 K 0.20 8.97 6.77 3.50 1.56 a ^ 25 0.35 8.96 6.80 3.57 1.63 0.40 8.83 6.74 3.58 1.67 > 0.45 8.63 6.63 3.57 1.69 20 0.50 8.39 6.47 3.53 1.70 0.75 0.05 3.00 2.20 1.00 0.40 15 0.10 4.90 3.20 1.30 0.80 0.15 6.00 4.50 2.30 1.03 10 0.20 6.60 5.00 2.60 1.19 0.25 6.90 5.20 2.80 1.30 5 0.30 7.00 5.30 2.90 1.38 0.35 6.90 5.30 2.90 1.43 0 0.40 6.70 5.20 2.90 1.46 0.45 6.50 5.00 2.90 1.47 0.50 6.30 4.90 2.80 1.47 0.80 0.05 2.78 2.07 0.92 0.45 60 0.10 4.50 3.00 1.72 0.77 0.15 5.50 4.15 2.16 0.99 55 0.20 6.03 4.58 2.43 1.14 0.25 6.25 4.78 2.58 1.25 0.30 6.28 4.84 2.66 1.32 50 0.35 6.19 4.80 2.68 1.36 0.40 6.03 4.70 2.67 1.39 45 0.45 5.82 4.57 2.64 1.40 ui 0.50 5.60 4.42 2.59 1.40 5 40 Maximum yields per recruit generally occurred at FM = K u UJ K 35 o 0.30 for M = = 0.01 and 0.03, and at high er FM's (0 35 to *- 30 0.50) when M was assumed to be higher. s _ The simulated yield in weight (kg) per 1,000 individuals t 25 of/, illecebrosus recruited to the fishery was plotted against FM (ranging from 0.05 to 1.50) fo • M values of 0.01 0.04, uj go > and 0.10, by assuming two possibil ities of cohort composi- 15 tion (PN1) of the yea r-class (Figure 2). rhe results were similar for each PN1, with no significant difference (P< 10 2 4 6 8 10 1.2 1.4 10 6 fl 1.0 F-MULTIPLIER Figure 2. Illex illecebrosus yield (kg) per 1 ,000 recruits for M = 0.0 1 , 0.04, and 0.10: (a) when 80% of the year-class was assumed from the winter cohort; and (b) when 90% of the year-class was assumed from the winter cohort. 202 LANGE TABLE 4. /Ilex illecebrosus yield (kg) per 1,000 recruits for three values of monthly natural mortality rate (M) for a range of F-multipliers, and two cases of cohort composition (PN 1 -proportion of year-class in winter cohort). F-multiplier Monthly Natural Mortality Rate PN1 0.01 0.04 0.10 0.90 0.05 21.49 14.78 7.35 0.10 37.05 25.62 12.91 0.20 55.50 38.83 20.14 0.30 63.09 44.71 23.91 0.40 64.56 46.36 35.59 0.50 62.73 45.69 26.05 0.60 59.30 43.82 25.82 0.70 55.23 41.26 25.23 0.80 51.08 38.91 24.46 0.90 47.14 36.45 22.50 1.00 43.54 34.16 22.83 1.20 37.51 30.27 21.35 1.30 35.05 28.66 20.71 1.40 33.17 27.25 20.13 1.50 31.10 26.03 19.62 0.80 0.05 20.20 13.90 6.80 0.10 35.00 24.10 12.10 0.20 52.90 36.90 18.90 0.30 60.70 42.80 22.60 0.40 62.70 44.80 24.30 0.50 61.60 44.50 24.90 0.60 58.80 43.10 24.80 0.70 55.40 40.70 24.40 0.80 51.80 38.90 23.70 0.90 48.40 36.80 22.00 1.00 45.20 34.80 22.40 1.20 39.70 31.30 21.10 1.30 37.50 29.80 20.50 1.40 36.70 28.60 20.00 1.50 33.90 27.40 19.50 However, increases in mesh size and, therefore, age at entry in the directed fisheries of both L. pealei and /. illece- brosus would effect yield per recruit. I, therefore, used the described model to compare the potential effects on yield per recruit in these fisheries when mesh regulations were changed to 60 mm. I also simulated the use of 90-mm mesh nets. All population parameters were assumed to be as des- cribed for the present fisheries of L. pealei and /. illecebrosus. I then decreased the relative monthly fishing mortality rates (Fr) in the months when each cohort first entered the fishery based on mesh-selection information to reflect changes in age at entry from increases in mesh size. A selection factor of 1 .92 assumed for L. pealei, corres- ponds to a 50% retention length of 1 1.5-cm individuals for 60-mm mesh, and 17.3-cm individuals for a 90-mm mesh. The spring cohort would, therefore, not reach 50% selection size until about February (8 months) or June (12 months), while the late summer cohort would not be recruited until July (9 months) or December (14 months) for 60-mm and 90-mm mesh, respectively. Reductions in F attributed to partial recruitment were made in months prior to 50% selection according to selection curves for Loligo sp. (I. Ikeda, personal communication, 1973). Preliminary mesh studies for /. illecebrosus (Clay 1979) indicated 50% retentions at approximately 14.4 cm for 60- mm and about 20 cm for 90-mm meshes. These correspond to entry dates to the fishery of December (12 months) and the following June (18 months) for the winter cohort, and July (12 months) and January (18 months) for the spring cohort for 60-mm and 90-mm mesh, respectively. Relative fishing mortalities were reduced in months when mean lengths were less than these retention sizes, and until cohorts were of fully recruitable size according to approxi- mated selection curves (Lange 1980). Table 5 presents the reduced values of relative fishing mortality compared to those in the present fishery by cohort and species. Yield estimates, in weight per recruit, for L. pealei for both the 60-mm and 90-mm mesh nets were consistently greater than for the 45-mm mesh net for all choices of M and F-multipliers (Figure 3, Table 6), and for each assump- tion of proportions of the year-class attributed to cohort I. However, the yield of /.. pealei appeared to be more sensi- tive to changes in natural mortality than to mesh selection. Although size at entry (caused by mesh selectivity) was an important factor in potential yields at low levels of M, this factor became less important when M was large (0.15). Time of spawning was also an important factor, as demonstrated by increased yield when the simulated pro- portion of the year-class attributed to the second cohort was increased for both the 60-mm and 90-mm mesh nets. That was also the case based on the 1977-79 fishery. Again, this seemed reasonable; where individuals hatched early in the season would still be recruited to the winter fishery in about February for the 60-mm mesh, and the late-hatched cohort would not be recruited until the period of reduced fishing in the inshore fisheries. Consequently, rapid growth in weight per individual would more than counteract weight declines due to M, even though yield in number was substantailly reduced in all cases. Simulated yield per recruit for /. illecebrosus was well above that expected in the present fishery (45-mm mesh) for both the 60-mm and 90-mm meshes, and for both cases of strength of the first cohort (PN1 = 0.80 and 0.90) over the entire range of F-multipliers (Figure 4, Table 7). In all cases, estimated yield was greater for 90-mm than for faO-mm mesh as well. Small yet consistant differences were also demonstrated when different proportions of the year- class were attributed to the first cohort. For/, illecebrosus, greater yields were observed when PN1 was assumed at 0.90 than at 0.80, indicating that the greater delay for entry of the second cohort into the fishery resulted in a significant increase in the effect of natural mortality and YlELD-PER-RECRUIT ANALYSES OE LOL1GO AND ILLEX 203 TABLE 5. Relative monthly fishing mortality rates (Fr) associated with three mesh sizes in the Loligo pealei and Illex illecebrosus fisheries by cohort in months when recruit reductions are caused by increased mesh size. Loligo pealei Illex illecebrosus Mesh (mm) 45 60 90 45 60 90 Cohort I II 1 11 I II I II I II I II Month Jul 0.50 Aug 0.58 Sep 0.18 Oct 0.15 Nov 0.30 0.28 0.07 Dec 0.65 0.21 0.13 0.13 Jan 0.51 0.25 0.02 0.01 0.02 Feb 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.04 0.04 Mar 0.58 0.29 0.58 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.02 Apr 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 May 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.09 0.13 0.01 0.01 0.01 Jun 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.05 0.11 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.07 0.28 Jul 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Aug 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 Sep 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 Oct 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.02 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Nov 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.07 Dec 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.06 Jan 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 5 12 * 6 9 PN1-075 (b) MESH (MM! 60 _-- — M=001 90 ,-.-'' -.'" ,__--- M="Q03 --""' -—' M.001 M 003____ M=0 08 M= 0 08 M*015 I .05 10 15 .20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PN1 -060 (c) MESH1MM) 60 90 M*001 ■ -"""' M=003 /^<^ M=001 /^S'^^- ' M '0 03 ~~M=008 / ' -fT- --"~ ■ M=00.a ,:^>^' ' ^^- M = 015 20 Z5 30 F-MULTIPLIER Figure 3. Loligo pealei yield (kg) per 1,000 recruits for M = 0.01,0.04,0.08 and 0.15, and for mesh sizes of 60 mm and 90 mm: (a) when 607c of the year-class was assumed from the spring cohort; (b) when 75% of the year -class was assumed from the spring cohort; and (c) when 80% of the year-class was assumed from the spring cohort. 204 LANGE TABLE 6. Loligo pealei yield (kg) per 1,000 recruits for four values of monthly natural mortality rate (M) for a range of F-multipliers where PN1* = 0.60, 0.75, and 0.80, and mesh sizes of 60 mm and 90 mm. F-multiplier Mesh Size = : 60 mm Mesh Size : = 90 mm Monthly Natural Mortality Rate (M) M anthly Natural Mortality Rate (M) PN1 0.01 0.03 0.08 0.15 0.01 0.03 0.08 0.15 0.60 0.05 3.78 2.79 1.27 3.76 2.91 1.44 0.71 0.10 6.40 4.36 2.38 6.63 4.63 2.84 1.30 0.15 8.19 6.14 3.11 8.81 6.90 3.84 1.78 0.20 9.40 7.08 3.64 10.48 8.24 4.64 2.18 0.25 10.18 7.72 4.02 11.74 9.29 5.29 2.52 0.30 10.67 8.14 4.29 12.70 10.09 5.80 2.79 0.35 10.94 8.39 4.48 13.41 10.70 6.21 3.02 0.40 11.07 8.53 4.60 13.94 11.17 6.53 3.21 0.45 11.09 8.58 4.68 14.32 11.51 6.79 3.37 0.50 11.04 8.58 4.73 14.59 11.77 7.00 3.51 0.75 0.05 3.09 2.32 1.05 0.51 3.08 2.41 1.16 0.62 0.10 5.19 3.46 2.02 0.90 5.45 3.68 2.41 1.13 0.15 6.59 5.00 2.62 1.19 7.26 5.73 3.36 1.56 0.20 7.49 5.72 3.05 1.41 8.64 6.86 3.94 1.90 0.25 8.05 6.18 '3.34 1.58 9.69 7.73 4.48 2.19 0.30 8.36 6.46 3.54 1.70 10.49 8.39 4.92 2.43 0.35 8.51 6.61 3.67 1.79 11.08 8.90 5.26 2.63 0.40 8.54 6.67 3.75 1.86 11.51 9.29 5.53 2.80 0.45 8.49 6.66 3.79 1.92 11.82 9.57 5.75 2.93 0.50 8.39 6.61 3.81 1.95 12.04 9.78 5.91 3.05 0.80 0.05 2.86 2.16 0.98 0.49 2.86 2.24 1.07 0.59 0.10 4.79 3.17 1.91 0.87 5.06 3.37 2.26 1.08 0.15 6.05 4.62 2.46 1.14 6.74 5.35 3.07 1.48 0.20 6.86 5.27 2.85 1.35 8.03 6.40 3.71 1.81 0.25 7.34 5.67 3.11 1.51 9.01 7.21 4.21 2.08 0.30 7.60 5.90 3.29 1.63 9.75 7.83 4.62 2.31 0.35 7.70 6.02 3.40 1.71 10.30 8.30 4.94 2.50 0.40 7.70 6.05 3.46 1.78 10.70 8.66 5.20 2.66 0.45 7.63 7.02 3.49 1.82 10.99 8.92 5.40 2.79 0.50 7.51 5.96 3.50 1.86 11.19 9.11 5.55 2.90 *PN 1 -proportion of year-class from the spring (April -June) cohort. 160 (a) "~~ __m=-P-Q.'- ■ M = 004 M=0 01 MO04 M = 010 6 8 10 F-MULTIPLIER 1.2 16 160 140 §120 100 80 a » > 40 20 ._ W PN1-09 M=001 MESHWM) ,,'' „-—— M=004 _ — 90 / / „---— '/S M=001 If / ^0*> ,'fl / / M=004 ¥1 / S / ' S fl f/ 1/ /1 1/ ^^~- — M=010 6 8 10 12 F-MULTIPLIER 16 Figure 4. Rlex illecebrosus yield (kg) per 1,000 recruits for M = 0.01, 0.04 and 0.10, and for mesh sizes of 60 mm and 90 mm : (a) when 80% of the year-class was assumed from the winter cohort; and (b) when 90% of the year-class was assumed from the winter cohort. Yield-per -Recruit analyses of Loligo and Illex 205 TABLE 7. Illex illecebrosus yield (kg) per 1 ,000 recruits for three values of monthly natural mortality rate (M) for a range of F-muItipliers where PN1* = 0.80 and 0.90, and mesh sizes of 60 mm and 90 mm. Mesh Size = 60 mm Monthly Natural Mortality Rate (M) Mesh Size = 90 mm Monthly Natural Mortality Rate (M) PN1 F-multiplier 0.01 0.04 0.10 0.01 0.04 0.10 0.80 0.05 20.80 15.60 8.90 10.00 18.30 15.60 0.10 38.40 28.90 16.60 37.40 34.30 29.20 0.20 65.80 49.70 28.80 65.50 60.30 51.70 0.30 84.90 64.50 37.80 86.50 80.00 69.00 0.40 98.20 74.90 44.40 102.30 94.80 82.30 0.50 107.10 82.10 49.20 114.00 106.10 92.50 0.60 112.80 86.90 52.60 122.70 114.50 100.40 0.70 116.20 89.50 55.00 129.20 120.80 106.50 0.80 118.00 91.80 56.70 133.90 125.50 111.20 0.90 118.60 92.70 57.80 137.30 129.10 114.90 1.00 118.40 93.00 58.50 140.00 131.70 117.70 1.20 116.50 92.30 59.10 142.90 135.10 121.60 1.30 115.10 91.60 59.10 143.80 136.10 122.90 1.40 113.60 90.70 59.00 144.40 136.90 124.00 1.50 112.00 89.70 59.00 144.80 137.50 124.80 0.90 0.05 22.20 16.70 9.50 22.30 20.40 17.40 0.10 40.90 30.80 17.70 41.60 38.20 32.60 0.20 69.90 52.90 30.80 72.70 67.10 57.70 0.30 90.20 68.60 40.40 96.00 88.90 76.90 0.40 104.10 79.60 47.40 113.30 105.30 91.60 0.50 113.40 87.20 52.40 126.10 117.60 103.00 0.60 119.40 92.20 56.0 135.50 126.70 111.70 0.70 122.90 95.20 58.60 172.30 133.50 118.30 0.80 124.70 97.30 60.30 147.30 138.50 123.40 0.90 125.30 98.20 61.50 150.10 142.20 127.30 1.00 125.00 98.40 62.20 153.20 144.90 130.30 1.20 122.80 97.50 62.70 156.00 148.10 134.30 1.30 121.20 96.70 62.70 156.60 149.00 135.60 1.40 119.50 95.70 62.60 157.00 149.60 136.60 1.50 117.70 94.60 62.70 157.20 150.0 137.40 *PN 1 -proportion of year-class from the winter (January-February) cohort. subsequent declines in yield. Also, for 90-mm mesh, the spring cohort reached recruitable size at a time of reduced fishing and, therefore, produced lower yields. Increased mean weights of/, illecebrosus with increased mesh size are illustrated in Table 8. Based on the analyses presented here, significant increases in yield in weight per recruit of both L. pealei and /. illece- brosus may result from increases in size at entry to the fishery, as would occur with an increase in mesh size. This increase was evident in all combinations of natural mortality, F-multipliers, and for each case of year-class structure that was tested for each species. However, it should be noted that increased yields for either L. pealei or /. illecebrosus would not be realized immediately. The effects of the smaller mesh nets on the present year-class would result in reduced catches until the new year-classes entered the fishery using the larger mesh. Total Yield Estimates Total yields from an average year-class, based on results of yield-per-recruit analyses, stock size, and prerecruit estimates, were calculated assuming constant annual recruit- ment. The average annual ratio of the number of prerecruit sized individuals to total individuals was applied to the average (1968-78) abundance for each species (Lange 1980) to estimate the average number of recruits to the fishery. However, minimum abundance estimates from bottom-trawl surveys for /. illecebrosus probably do not adequately represent the entire population of this species off the north- eastern United States. The average population size for /. illecebrosus was, therefore, calculated from minimum biomass estimates determined by the USSR (1971-1976) (Georges Bank, Nova Scotia, Konstantinov and Noskov 1977) divided by the approximate mean weight of indi- viduals during the time when those estimates were made (88 g). Expected yield values for various combinations of M, F-multipliers, time of spawning, and mesh size for L. pealei and /. illecebrosus were then calculated as follows: Y = YP- NR/1000; (7) where Y is total expected yield in metric tons (MT), YP is the yield (kg) per 1,000 recruits, and NR is the mean annual number of recruits to the fishery. Annual recruitment was estimated at 2.624 x 109 indi- viduals for L. pealei (88.5% prerecruits from an average abundance of 2.964 [± 2.035] x 109) and 386.6 x 106 individuals for /. illecebrosus (1.741 [± 1.033] x 109 with 22.2% as prerecruits). Total average yield estimates for L. pealei (calculated from values given in Table 3 ) ranged from 1 ,049 MT (PN1 = 0.75, M = 0.15, FM = 0.05) to 23,533 MT (PN1 = 0.80, M - 0.01, FM = 0.30) for the present fishery (45-mm mesh); while expected yields (calculated from Table 6) increased to a range of 1,286 MT (PN1 = 0.80, M = 0.15, FM = 0.05) to 29,095 MT (PN1 = 0.60, M = 0.01, FM = 0.45) from 60-mm mesh, and from 1 ,548 MT (PN1 = 0.80, M = 0.15, FM = 0.05) to 38,277 MT (PN1 = 0.60, M = 0.01, FM = 0.50) for 90-mm meshes (Table 6). These values were somewhat lower than those presented by Sissenwine and Tibbetts (1977). This may have been due, in part, to differences in assumptions of year-class structure and related growth and mortality estimates. Estimates of total average yield of /. illecebrosus (calcu- lated from values in Table 4) for the present fishery (45-mm mesh) ranged from 2,629 MT (PN1 = 0.80, M = 0.10, FM = 0.40) to 24,959 MT (PN1 = 0.80, M = 0.10, FM = 0.40). Increases in mesh size resulted in increases in expected yields 206 Lange TABLE 8. Mean weight (g) of lllex illecebrosus taken under different assumptions of F-multiplier, monthly natural mortality rate, and PN1*, for mesh sizes of 60 mm and 90 mm. F-multiplier Mesh Size = 60 mm Mesh Size = 90 mm Mon thly Natural Mortality Rate (M) Mon thly Natural Mortality Rate (M) PN1 0.01 0.04 0.10 0.01 0.04 0.10 0.80 0.05 173.60 169.40 159.60 206.20 206.00 201.90 0.10 171.60 167.10 157.20 205.30 208.00 199.90 0.20 167.00 162.50 152.50 202.00 200.40 197.20 0.30 162.50 158.00 147.90 199.40 197.50 194.20 0.40 158.10 153.70 143.60 196.30 195.80 191.80 0.50 154.00 149.50 139.40 193.90 192.10 189.20 0.60 150.00 145.40 135.40 191.20 189.80 187.00 0.70 146.10 140.80 131.70 188.80 187.60 185.30 0.80 142.50 137.90 128.10 186.70 185.40 183.30 0.90 138.90 134.40 124.70 184.60 183.30 181.20 1.00 135.50 131.10 121.50 182.80 181.60 179.70 1.20 129.40 125.00 115.70 179.30 178.40 177.00 1.30 126.50 122.20 113.00 178.00 177.00 175.60 1.40 123.80 119.60 110.50 176.60 175.70 174.40 1.50 121.30 112.30 108.10 175.40 174.50 173.10 0.90 0.05 182.50 177.20 167.40 208.20 204.40 202.00 0.10 180.10 178.00 164.30 205.80 203.40 200.00 0.20 175.40 170.10 158.80 202.60 201.00 197.40 0.30 170.70 165.40 154.20 199.60 198.00 194.60 0.40 166.20 160.90 149.50 197.10 195.00 191.70 0.50 161.80 156.50 144.80 194.30 192.40 189.60 0.60 157.50 152.20 140.80 191.60 190.30 187.30 0.70 153.50 147.80 136.80 189.30 187.80 185.40 0.80 149.60 144.30 132.80 187.10 185.70 183.40 0.90 145.80 140.60 129.40 185.00 183.70 181.60 1.00 142.30 137.00 125.90 183.00 182.00 179.90 1.20 135.70 130.70 119.50 179.50 178.60 176.90 1.30 132.60 127.50 116.70 178.00 177.20 175.70 1.40 129.80 124.70 114.00 176.60 175.80 174.50 1.50 127.00 121.90 111.40 175.90 174.60 173.50 *PN1 -proportion of year-class from the winter (January-February) cohort. (from yield-per-recruit values, Table 7) ranging from 3,441 MT (PN1 = 0.80, M = 0.10, FM = 0.05) to 48,441 MT (PN1 = 0.90, M = 0.01, FM 0.90) for 60-mm mesh, to between 6,030 MT (PN1 = 0!80, M = 0.10, FM = 0.05) and 66,611 MT (PN1 = 0.90, M = 0.01, FM = 0.70) for 90-mm mesh. Although the lower ranges of these estimates are below the actual catches of L. pealei and /. illecebrosus observed since the onset of directed fisheries for these species, annual catches have fallen within the range (± standard deviation) of the average estimates based on the present fishery. This indicates that, if the estimated mortalities used here were reasonable for the present squid fisheries, increases in yield may result from increased mesh size. As better estimates of growth, mortality, and spawning rates, and annual recruitment become available, this model could provide more accurate estimates of expected yield. However, because results were similar for all combinations of growth, mortality, and spawning rates which were simulated for the mesh size tested, better parameter esti- mates probably will not change the general results regarding increases in yield with increased mesh size. However, improved estimates of mesh selectivity for either species will probably produce changes in these results. REFERENCES CITED Clay, D. 1979. Mesh selection of silver hake. Merluccius bilinearis, in otter trawls on the Scotian Shelf with reference to selection of squid, lllex illecebrosus. ICNAF Res. Bull. 14:5 1 -66. Konstantinov, K. G. & A. S. Noskov. 1977. Report of the U.S. S.R. investigations in the ICNAF area, 1976. ICNAF Annu. Rep. 1976. Suram. Doc. No. 77/VI/15. Lange, A. M. T. 1980. The biology and population dynamics of the squids, Loligo pealei (LeSueur) and lllex illecebrosus (LeSueur), from the Northwest Atlantic. Master thesis. University of Wash- ington, Seattle, WA. 178 pp. Paulik, G. J. & W. H. Bayliff. 1967. A generalized computer program for the Ricker Model of Equilibrium Yield per Recruitment. YlELD-PER RECRUIT ANALYSES OE LOLIGO AND ILLEX 207 J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 24(2):249-259. Sissenwine, M. P. & A. M. Tibbetts. 1977. Simulating the effects of Ricker.W.E. 1958. Handbook of computations for biological statistics fishing on squid (Loligo and Illex) populations of the north- offish populations. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. 119:1-300. eastern United States. ICNAFSel. Pap. 2:71-84. Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 209-219, 1981. NATIONAL SHELLFISHERIES ASSOCIATION HONORARY MEMBERS (As of 1 May 1982) ANDREWS, Dr. Jay D., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA 23062 BUTLER, Dr. Philip A., 106 Matamoros Drive, Gulf Breeze, FL 3256 1 CARRIKER, Dr. Melbourne R„ College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, Lewes, DE 19958 CHESTNUT, Dr. A. F„ Institute of Marine Science, Univ. of North Carolina, Morehead City, NC 28557 CRISP, Dr. Dennis J.. University College, North Wales, Menai Bridge, Anglesey, U.K. FLOWER, H. Butler, Ludlaw Avenue, Bayville, Long Island, NY 11709 GLUDE, John B., 2703 W. McGraw Street, Seattle, WA 98199 GUNTER, Dr. Gordon, Director Emeritus, Gulf Coast Research Lab., Ocean Springs, MS 39564 HASKIN, Dr. Harold H., Director, NJ Oyster Research Lab., Rutgers Univ./Busch Campus, P.O. Box 1059, Piscataway, NJ 08854 HOPKINS, Dr. Sewell H., Biology Department, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX 77843 LINDSAY, Cedric E., 560 Pt. Whitney Road, Brinnon, WA 98320 LOOSANOFF, Dr. Victor L., 17 Los Cerros Drive., Greenbrae, CA 94904 MEDCOF, Dr. J. C, P.O. Box 83, St. Andrews, NB, Canada E0G 2X0 MENZEL, Dr. R. Winston, Dept. of Oceanography, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL 32306 NELSON, J. Richards, 371 Post Road, Madison, CT 06443 QUAYLE, Dr. Daniel B., Pacific Biological Station, P.O. Box 100, Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9R 5K6 TRUITT, Dr. Reginald V., Great Neck Farm, Stevensville, MD 21666 ACTIVE MEMBERS (As of 1 May 1982) ABBE, George R., Benedict Estuarine Lab.. Benedict, MD 20612 ABBOTT, Dr. R. Tucker, American Malacologists, Inc., P.O. Box 2255, Melbourne, FL 32901 ADAMKEWICZ, Dr. Laura, Dept. of Biology. George Mason Univ., 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030 AKASHIGE, Satoru, Hiroshima Fish. Exp. Sta., 5233-2 Ondo, Aki-Gun, Hiroschima (737-12), Japan ALATALO, Philip, Marine Biological Lab., Woods Hole, MA 02543 ALLEN, Standish K., Jr.. 313 Murray Hall, Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME 04469 AMARATUNGA, Tissa, Dept. Fish. & Oceans, Research Branch. Box 550, Halifax, NS, Canada B3J 2S7 ANDERSON, Dr. Jack, Battelle Marine Research Lab., Washington Harbor Road, Sequim, WA 98382 ANDERSON, W. D., South Carolina Marine Resources Research Institute, P.O. Box 12559, Charleston, SC 29412 ANGELL, Charles, Fakultas Pertanakan/Perikanan, Unpatti, P.O. Box 4, Ambon, Indonesia APLIN, J. A., Rural Route 4, Box 268W, Newport, NC 28570 APPELDOORN, Richard S.. Dept. of Marine Science, Univ. of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00708 APTS, Charles W.. Battelle Marine Research Lab., Rt. 5, Box 426, Sequim, WA 98382 ARAKAWA, Dr. K. Y., Sec. Fish., Agri. Admin. Dept., Hiroshima Pref. Office, 10-52 Moto-Machi, Hiroshima 730, Japan ARMSTRONG, Dr. David A.. School of Fisheries WH-10, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 ARMSTRONG, J. W., 6045 51st Avenue, NE, Seattle, WA 98115 BACON, Dr. G. B., Research & Productivity Council, P.O. Box 6000, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5H1 BAKER, John E., Dept. of Agriculture, Aquaculture Div., P.O. Box 97. Milford.CT 06460 BANERJEE, Dr. Tapan, Fisheries Project Coordinator, USAID. (American Embassy), Jakarta, Indonesia BAQUEIRO, Erik C, Apartado Postal 468, La Paz, Baja California sur Mexico BARRY, Steven T., Washington Dept. of Fisheries, 331 State Highway 12, Montesano, WA 98563 BASFORD, Alan C, 8065 Johnson Ct„ Arvada, CO 80005 BASS, Betsy, P.O. Box 603, E. Setauket, NY 11773 BAYER, Dr. Robert, Dept. of Animal Veterinary Science, Hitchner Hall, Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME 04469 BEATTIE, J. Harold, NMFS Aquaculture Station, P.O. Box 38, Manchester, WA 99353 BEDINGER, Dr. C. A., Jr., SW Research Institute, 3600 S. Yoakum Blvd., Houston, TX 77000 BENNETT, Hollis E., Battelle-Columbus Labs, Clapp Laboratories, Inc., Washington Street, Duxbury, MA 02332 BENNETT, Dr. Joseph T., Yale Univ., Dept. of Geology, P.O. Box 6666, New Haven, CT 065 1 1 BILGER, Michael D., 42 Walnut Street, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 BILLINGTON, Mark Alan, 4071 Westcott Dr., Friday Harbor, WA 98250 BIRD, Dennis J., Marine Science Institute, Northeastern Univ., Nahant, MA 01908 BLAKE, Dr. John, 23 Cross Ridge Rd., Chappaqua, NY 10514 BLANCHARD, Jean-Andre, P.O. Box 488, Caraquet, NB, Canada E0B 1K0 BLAU, S. Forrest, Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game, P.O. Box 686, Kodiak, AK 99615 BLOGOSLAWSKI, Dr. Walter, NMFS-NEFC, Milford Lab., 212 Rogers Ave., Milford, CT 06460 BLUNDON, Jay A., Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 21742 BOBO, Mildred Yvonne, 217 Ft. Johnson Road, Charleston, SC 29412 BOGHEN, Dr. Andrew, Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Moncton, Moncton, NB, Canada E1A 3E9 BOOHER, Jeffrey L., Old Dominion Univ., Institute of Oceanog- raphy, Norfolk, VA 23505 BOTTON, Mark L., Dept. of Zoology, Rutgers Univ., P.O. Box 1059, Piscataway, NJ 08854 BOURNE, Dr. Neil. Pacific Biological Station, P.O. Box 100, Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9R 5K6 BRADY, Phillips. Dept. of Biology, Southeastern Massachusetts 209 Univ., North Dartmouth, MA 02747 210 MEMBERSHIP LIST - NATIONAL SHELLFISHERIES ASSOCIATION BOURNE, Dr. Neil, Pacific Biological Station, P.O. Box 100, Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9R 5K6 BRADY, Phillips, Dept. of Biology, Southeastern Massachusetts Univ., North Dartmouth, MA 02747 BREBER, Paolo, Cospav, C.P. 101, 30015 Chioggia (Venezia), Italia BREESE, Prof. Wilbur P., Marine Science Center, Marine Science Drive, Newport, OR 97365 BRICELJ, V. Monica, Marine Science Research Center, South Campus Bldg. G., SUN Y, Stony Brook, NY 1 1 794 BRITTON, Dr. Joe C, Dept. of Biology, Texas Christian Univ., Fort Worth, TX 76129 BROUSSEAU, Dr. Diane J., Dept. of Biology, Fairfield Univ., Fairfield, CT 06430 BROWN, Betsy, College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, Lewes, DE 19958 BROWN, Bradford E„ NMFS-NEFC, Woods Hole Lab., Woods Hole, MA 02543 BROWN, Dr. Carolyn, NMFS, Milford Lab., Milford, CT 06460 BROWN, John W., 65-A Smith Street, Charleston, SC 29401 BUCKNER, Stuart C, Town of Islip, Environmental Management Division, 577 Main Street, Islip, NY 11751 BUMGARNER, Richard H., Washington Dept. of Fisheries, 509 Highway 101 S., Brinnon, WA 98320 BURBANK,Christine,Star Rt. 2, Box 424, Port Townsend. WA 98368 BURRELL, Dr. Victor G., Jr., SC Marine Resources Research Institute, P.O. Box 12559, Charleston, SC 29412 BURTON, Rev. Richard W., P.O. Box 256, Carver, MA 02330 CAKE, Dr. Edwin W., Jr.. Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 CALABRESE, Dr. Anthony, NMFS, Milford Lab., Milford, CT 06460 CALLAHAN, William C, American Shellfish Corp., P.O. Box 305, Moss Landing, CA 95039 CAMPBELL, Dr. Alan, F&O Biological Station, St. Andrews, NB, Canada E0G 2X0 CANZONIER, Walter J., 44 Cowart Avenue, Manasquan, NJ 08736 CAPO, Dr. Thomas R., 59 Nickerson St., Falmouth, MA 02536 CARPENTER, Kirby A., Potomac River Fisheries Commission, P.O. Box 9, Colonial Beach, VA 22443 CARR, H. Arnold, Box 464, Monument Beach, MA 0255 3 CARRASCO, Kenneth R., Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game, P.O. Box 749, Kodiak, AK 99615 CARROLL, William F„ 509 Bay Drive, Stevensville, MD 21666 CARTER, John A., Martec Ltd., 1526 Dresden Row, Halifax, NS, Canada B3J 3K3 CASTAGNA, Michael, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Wachapreague, VA 23480 CASTELL, Dr. John D., Fisheries & Oceans Halifax Lab., P.O. Box 550, Halifax, NS, Canada B3J 2S7 CHANG, Marina, 1650 Piikoi Street (404), Honolulu, HI 96822 CHANLEY, Paul E., P.O. Box 12, Grant, FL 32949 CHAPMAN, Paul W., Sanders Assoc, Inc., Daniel Webster Highway South, NHO 1-516/0-1 151, Nashva, NH 03061 CHATRY, Mark I'., Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries, St. Amant Marine Lab., P.O. Box 37, Grand Isle, LA 70358 CHEN, Tzyy-Ing, Tungkang Marine Lab., Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Tangkang, Pingtung, Taiwan 916, Republic of China CHESTNUT, Dr. Alfred P.. Biology Dept., Belhaven College, 1500 Peachtree Street, Jackson, MS 39202 CHEW, Dr. Kenneth K., School of Fisheries, WH-10. Univ. of Wash- ington, Seattle, WA 98195 CHIN, Dr. Edward, Marine Science Ecology Building, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 CHU, Fulin E., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA 23062 CITERA, John A., 439 Wilson Street, W. Hempstead, NY 11552 CLARK, Stephen H., NMFS-NEFC, Woods Hole Lab., Woods Hole, MA 02543 CLAYTON, W. E. Lome, Marine Resources Branch, 200-1019 Wharf Street, Victoria, BC, Canada, V8W 2Y9 CLIME, Richard D., Dodge Cove Marine Farm, P.O. Box 211, Newcastle, ME 04553 COLBY, K. Scott, P.O. Box 1438, Edgartown, MA 02539 COLE, Richard W., 141 American Ave., Dover, DE 19901 COLE, Dr. Timothy J., Horn Point Lab., Univ. of Maryland, P.O. Box 775, Cambridge, MD 21613 COLWELL, Dr. R. R., Microbiology Dept., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 COMAR, Paul G., Dept. of Environmental Health, Eastern Carolina Univ., Greenville, NC 27834 COMMITO, Dr. John, Dept. of Biology, Hood College, Frederick, MD 21701 CONNELL, Robert, Jr., P.O. Box 6, Leed's Point, NJ 08220 CONTE, Fred S., Extension Aquaculture & Sea Grant, 554 Hutchin- son Hall, Univ. of California at Davis, Davis, CA 95616 COOKE, Walter A., Willops Shellfish Lab., P.O. Box 90, Nahcota, WA 98637 COOPER, Dr. Keith R., School of Pharmacology, Toxicology, Rutgers Univ./Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ 08854 CORBITT, Michael T., 84 Mayflower Ave., Stanford, CT 06960 CORMIER, Paul., 690 Blvd. St. Pierre Ouest, Caraquet, NB, Canada E0B 1K0 COSTA, Prof. P. F„ da, Projeto Cabo Frio, 28.910- Arraial doCabo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil COX, Keith W., 309 Hillside Drive, Woodside, CA 94062 CRANCE, Jonhie H., U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 2625 Redwing Road, Ft. Collins, CO 80526 CRAWFORD, Maurice K., Dept. of Horticulture & Forestry, Cook College, Blake Hall, P.O. Box 231, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 CREEKMAN, Laura L., P.O. Box 567, Ilwaco, WA 98624 CRESWELL, R. Leroy, Univ. of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149 CRONIN, Dr. L. Eugene, Chesapeake Research Consortium, 1419 Forest Drive, Suite 207, Annapolis, MD 21403 CUMMINS, Joseph M., 4701 W. Maple Lane Circle NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335 CUPKA, David M., SC Marine Resources Research Institute, P.O. Box 12559, Charleston, SC 29412 D'AGOSTINO, Anthony, NY Ocean Science Lab., Edgemere Road, Montauk.NY 11954 DAHLSTROM, Walter A., California Dept. of Fish and Game. 4 1 1 Burgess Dr., Menlo Park, CA 94025 DAME, Dr. Richard, Univ. of South Carolina-Coastal, Conway, SC 29526 DARTEZ, J. R., Technautic International, Inc., P.O. Box 29441, New Orleans, LA 70189 DAVIES, Dennis R., ITT Ryonier, Inc., P.O. Box 299, Hoquiam, WA 98550 DAVIS, Harold A., Jr., Rt. 1, Princess Anne, MD 21853 DAVIS, John D., 25 Old Homestead Road, Westford, MA 01886 DAVY, Dr. F. Brian, International Development Research Center, Tanglin, P.O. Box 101, Singapore 9124 DAWE, Earl G., Dept. of Fisheries & Oceans, NWAFC, P.O. Box 5667, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5X1 DEAN, Dr. David, Ira C. Darling Center, Univ. of Maine, Walpole, ME 04573 DEMARTINI, Mr. John D., 1111 Birch Ave., McKinleyville, CA 95521 DEMORY, Darrell, Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, Marine Science Drive, Newport. OR 97365 MEMBERSHIP LIST - NATIONAL SHELL! ISHL-RIES ASSOCIATION 211 DEY, Noel Dean, College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, Lewes, DE 19958 DONALDSON, James D., P.O. Box 583, Quilcene, WA 98376 DOWGERT, Martin P., U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 585 Commercial St., Boston, MA 02108 DOWN, Dr. Russell J., Oysterrific, P.O. Box 156, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 DREDGE, M., Fisheries Laboratory, Burnett Heads, 4670, Queens- land, Australia DRESSEL, David M., NMFS/NOAA, 3300 Whitehaven St. NW, Washington, DC 20235 DRINKWAARD, Dr. A. C, Head, Molluscan Shellfish Dept.. Juliana- straat 18, P.O. Box 135, 1790 AC Den Burg-Texel, The Netherlands DRINNAN, Roy E., Fisheries & Oceans, P.O. Box 550, Halifax, NS, Canada B3J 2S7 DRUCKER, Benson, 11667 Newbridge Ct., Reston, VA 2209 1 DUGAS, Charles N., Louisiana Dept of Wildlife & Fisheries, St. Amant Marine Lab., P.O. Box 37, Grand Isle, LA 70358 DUGAS, Ronald J., Louisiana Dept of Wildlife & Fisheries, St. Amant Marine Lab., P.O. Box 37, Grand Isle, LA 70358 DUKE, Dr. Thomas W., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Lab., Sabine Island, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 DUNNINGTON, Elgin A., Chesapeake Biological Lab., Box 38, Solomons, MD 20688 DUOBINIS-GRAY, Leon F., Box 30, Biology Dept., Tusculum College, GreeneviUe, TN 37743 EATON, Jonathan F., Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME 04573 EBERT, Earl E., California Dept. of Fish & Game, Granite Canyon Coast Route, Monterey, CA 93940 ECKM AYER, William J., Alabama Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources, Marine Resources Div., P.O. Box 189, Dauphin Island, AL 36528 EINOLF, David M., College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, 700 Pilottown Rd., Lewes, DE 19958 EISELE, William J., Jr., NJ Dept. Div. of Water Resources, Leeds Point Field Office Star Rt„ Abescon, NJ 08201 EISLER, Dr. Ronald, Office of Biological Services, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Washington, DC 20240 ELDRIDGE, Peter J.. 761 Stiles Dr., Charleston, SC 29412 ELLIFRIT, N. J., 16217 NE 22nd Ave., Ridgefield, WA 98642 ELLIOT, Elisa L., Dept. of Microbiology, Univ. of Maryland. College Park, MD 20742 ELLIS, Dr. Derek, Biology Dept., Univ. of Victoria. Victoria, BC. Canada V8W 2Y2 ELNER, Dr. Robert W., Fisheries & Oceans, Biological Station, St. Andrews, NB, Canada E0G 2X0 ELSTON, Ralph, Battelle Marine Research Lab., 439 W. Sequim Bay Rd., Sequim, WA 98382 ENG, Dr. Larry L., Inland Fisheries Branch, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 ENNIS, Dr. Gerald P., Fisheries and Oceans, P.O. Box 5667. St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5X1 ERICKSON, Jeffery T., Rosensteil School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149 ESSIG, Ronald J., Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources. 1200 Glynn Avenue, Brunswick, GA 31523 EVERSOLE, Dr. Arnold G., Dept. of Entomology, Fisheries & Wild- life, Long Hall, Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC 29631 EWALD, Joseph Jay, Apartado 1 198, Maracaibo, Venezuela FAGERGREN, Duane, Calm Cove Oyster Co., P.O. Box 26, Union, WA 98592 FEDER, Dr. Howard M.. Inst, of Marine Science, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99701 FENG, Dr. Sung Y., Marine Science Inst., Univ. of Conneticut, Groton, CT 06340 FERGUSON, Ernest, P.O. Box 488, Caraquet, NB, Canada E0B 1K0 FESTA-HAMMER, Wallie, 792 Farmington Ave., Apt. 301, Farm- ington, CT 06032 FITZGERALD, Lisa M., Rosensteil School of Marine and Atmo- spheric Science, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149 FLAGG, Paul J., Marine Science Research Center, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 11794 FLICK, Dr. George J., Food Service & Technology Dept., Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Univ., Blacksburg, VA 24061 FLORY, Christina G., 605 High Ridge Road, Orange, CT 06477 FOGARTY, Michael J., NMFS-NEFC, Woods Hole Lab., Woods Hole, MA 02543 FOLLETT, Jill E.. Alaska Dept. Fish & Game, 333 Raspberry Ro., Anchorage, AK 99502 FORBES, Dr. Milton. College of the Virgin Islands, P.O. Box 206, Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00850 FORD, Susan E.. Dept. of Zoology, Duke Univ., Durham, NC 27706 FORD, Dr. Ted, Louisiana Dept. Wildlife & Fisheries, P.O. Box 44095, Capitol Station, Baton Rouge, LA 70804 FORMAN, Eddy Jay. 14 Schlindler Court, Silver Springs, MD 20903 FOSTER, Carolyn A., School of Fisheries, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 FOSTER, Walter S., Hatchet Cove, Friendship, ME 04547 FOX, Richard, New York State Dept. of Environmental Conserva- tion, Bldg. 40, SUNY, Stony Brook. NY 1 1794 FREEMAN, Dr. John A., Dept. of Biological Sciences, Univ. of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688 FRITZ, Lowell, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Applied Biology, Gloucester Point. VA 23062 FRULAND,Robert M., 7 1 28 So. Shore Dr., So. Pasadena, FL 33707 GAILEY, Matthew D., 3 Juniper Point Rd., Branford, CT 06405 GALLAGER, Scott M., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Woods Hole, MA 02543 GANGMARK, Carolyn E., P.O. Box 549, Manchester, WA 98353 GAREY, John F., 65 Olde Knoll Rd., Marion, MA 02738 GARREIS, Mary Jo., P.O. Box 13387, Baltimore. MD 21203 GEORGE, Keith, Agridex Ltd.. 47 Mowbray Road, Northallerton, North Yorkshire. England. U.K. D16 1QT GERRIOR, Patricia. National Marine Fisheries Service. 7 Pleasant St., Gloucester, MA 01930 GIBBONS, Mary C. P.O. Box 251, Stony Brook. NY 1 1790 GIBSON, Dr. Charles I., Battelle Marine Research Lab., 439 West Sequim Bay Rd., Sequim, WA 98382 GILLMOR, Reginald B., FG&G Environmental Consultants. 300 Bear Hill Rd., Waltham, MA 02154 GILPATRIC, Donald S., Acadia Aquacultural Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 232, Mount Desert, MF 04660 GLENN, Dr. Richard D., 1704 Gotham St., Chula Vista, CA 92010 GLOCK, James W.. 473 1 Kershner Ave., Anchorage, AK 99503 GOLDBERG, Ronald, National Marine Fisheries Service, Milford Lab., Milford, CT 06460 GOLDSTEIN, Barry, System Culture Seafood Plantations. 828 Fort St. Mall, Suite 6 10, Honolulu, HI 968 1 3 GOOD, Lorna, 1 28 Hitchner Hall, Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME 04469 GOODGER, Timothy E., National Marine Fisheries Service, Oxford Lab., Oxford. MD 21654 GOODSELL, Joy G., Dept. Oyster Culture, Nelson Biological Lab.. Busch Campus, P.O. Box 1059. Rutgers Univ., Piscataway, NJ 08854 GOODWIN, Lynn, Rt. 2, Box 71 1. Quilcene, WA 98376 GORDON, Julius, College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware. Newark, DE 19711 GOULD, Edith, National Marine Fisheries Service, Milford Lab., Milford, CT 06460 212 Membership List - National Shelleisheries association GRAY,C. Scot, 411 Liberty St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 GREENE, Dr. Gregory T., 123 Bay Ave., Bayport, NY 11705 GRIM, John S., Northeastern Biological, Inc., Kerr Road, Rural District 3, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 GRISCHKOWSKY, Dr. Roger S., Alaska Dept. Fish & Game, 333 Raspberry Road, Anchorage, AK 99502 GRUBER, Gregory L., College of Marine Studies, 700 Pilottown Road, Lewes, DE 19958. GRUBLE, Edward J., 8622 Fauntlee Crest SW, Seattle, WA 98136 GUSSMAN, David S., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Glou- cester Point, VA 23062 HAINES, Dr. Kenneth C, Box 2119 Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00850 HALEY, Dr. Leslie E., Biology Dept., Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 4H8 HALLDORSON, Dori, Coast Oyster Company, Box 166, South Bend, WA 98586 HAMILTON, Randall M., Marine Culture Lab., Granite Canyon Coast Route, Monterey, CA 93940 HAMM, Gerald L., 3020 NE 56 Ct., Ft. Lauderdale, EL 33308 HAMMERSTROM, Richard J., 2902 Shamrock South, Tallahassee, EL 32308 HANKS, Dr. James E., P.O. Box 253, Milford, CT 06460 HARBELL, Steve, P.O. Box 552, Montesano, WA 98563 HARGIS, Dr. William J., Jr., Director, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA 23062 HARTWICK, Dr. Brian. Dept. of Biological Science, Simon Eraser Univ., Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6 HASELTINE, Arthur W.. Marine Culture Lab., Granite Canyon Coast Route, Monterey, CA 93940 HAVEN, Dexter S., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA 23062 HAXBY, Richard E.. c/o Morton Bahamas Limited, Matthew Town, Inagua, Bahama Islands HAYDEN, Barbara J., Fisheries Research Division, P.O. Box 297, Wellington, New Zealand HAYNIE, Helen J., Room 214, Legislaive Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401 HEARD, Dr. Richard, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 HEINEN, John M., Dept. of Biology, Boston Univ., 2 Cummington Street, Boston, MA 02215 HENDERSON, Bruce Alan, Marine Science Center. Oregon State Univ., New Port, OR 97365 HENDERSON, Stephen P., International Shellfish Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 201, Moss Landing, CA 95039 HEPWORTH, Daniel A., Rt. 3, Box 1 35, Hayes, VA 23072 HERITAGE, Dwight, Pacific Biological Station. P.O. Box 100, Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9R 5K6 HERRMANN, Robert B., 101 King Street, New Bern, NC 28560 HERSHBERGER, Dr. William K., School of Fisheries, WH-10, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98 1 95 HESS, Steven C, 6920 SW 1 10th Ave., Miami, FL 33173 H1CKEY, John M., Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, 449 Route 6A, East Sandwich, MA 02537 HICKEY, Mary T., 4415 Independence St., Rockville, MD 20853 HIDU, Dr. Herbert, Ira C. Darling Center for Marine Studies, Univ. of Maine, Walpole, ME 04573 HILLMAN, Dr. Robert E., Battelle-Columbus Labs., Clapp Labs., Inc., Washington Street, Duxbury, MA 02332 HIRSCHBERGER, Wendy, 5832 NE 75th, E205, Seattle, WA 981 15 HIRTLE, Roy W. M., 188 Dunbrack St., Apt. 1, Halifax. NS, Canada B3M 3L8 HOENIG, John M., Graduate School of Oceanography, Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 HOESE, Dr. H. Dickson, Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA 70501 HOFF, Frank H., Jr.. Instant Ocean Hatcheries, Inc., Rt. 2, Box 86, Dade City, FL 33525 HOFFMAN, Richard, Aquaculture Farms, P.O. Box 370, Bridge- port, CT 06601 HOFSTETTER, Robert P., Rt. 1,4831 Elm St., Seabrook, TX 77586 HOLMES, Patrick B., P.O. Box 2651, Kodiak, AK 99615 HORTON, Dr. Howard F., Fisheries & Wildlife Dept., Oregon State Univ.,Corvallis, OR 97331 HOUGHTON, Jonathan P., Dames & Moore, 155 NE 100th, Seattle, WA 98125 HOUK, James L., Marine Culture Lab., Granite Canyon Coast Route, Monterey, CA 93940 HOWSE, Dr. Harold D., Director, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 HRUBY, Thomas, 16 Stanwood Ave.. Gloucester, MA 01930 HUBER, L. Albertson, Back Neck Road, Rt. 4, Bridgeton. NJ 08302 HUGUENIN, John E., 49 Oyster Pond Rd., Falmouth, MA 02540 HUNER, Dr. Jay V.. 1144 Rue Crozat, Baton Rouge, LA 70810 HUNT, Daniel A., U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Shellfish Sani- tation Branch, HFF4 17, 200 O Street SW. Washington, DC. 20204 HUTCHISON, F. M., P.O. Box 281, Cayucos, CA 93430 INCZE, Lewis S., School of Fisheries, WH-10, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 INGLE, Robert M„ 173 Avenue B, Apalachicola, FL 32320 IVERSEN, Dr. Edwin S., Univ. of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Division of Biological & Living Res., 4600 Rickenbaker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149 JAEGER, Gilbert B„ Jr., Box 3271, Damariscotta, ME 04543 JEANE, Grover Scott, II, Washington Public Power Supply System, Environmental Programs, P.O. Box 968, Richland, WA 99352 JEFFERDS, Peter, Penn Cove Mussels, P.O. Box 148, Coupeville, WA 98239 JEFFREYS, Dr. Donald B., Dept. of Biology, East Carolina Univ., Greenville, NC 27834 JENNINGS, Charles R., P.O. Box 5620, Berkeley, CA 94705 JEWETT, Stephen, Inst, of Marine Science, LIniv. of Alaska, Fair- banks, AK 99701 JONES, Chris R., P.O. Box 990, Port Townsend, WA 98368 JONES, Dr. Douglas S., Dept. of Geology, Univ. of Florida, Gaines- ville, FL 32611 JONES, Gordon B., Skerry Bay, Lasqueti Island, BC, Canada, V0R 2J0 JOYCE, Edwin A., Jr., Director, Div. of Marine Resources, Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Talla- hassee, FL 32303 JUDSON, Irwin W., P.O. Box 2000, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada CIA 7N8 KAMENS, Todd C, College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, 700 Pilottown Rd., Lewes, DE 19958 KANE, Dr. Bernard, East Carolina Univ., Greenville, NC 27834 KAN-NO, Dr. Hisashi, Chief of Mariculture Section, Tohoku Regional Fisheries Res. Lab., Shiogama Miyagi, Japan KARINEN, John F., Auke Bay Biological Lab., P.O. Box 155, Auke Bay, AK 99821 KARNEY, R. C, Box 1552, Cak Bluffs, MA 02557 KASSNER, Jeffrey, 307-4 Robinson Ave., East Patchogue, NY 1 1772 KEAN, Joan, Fisheries & Oceans, Research Branch, 1707 Lower Water Street, Halifax, NS, Canada B2J 2S7 KEITH, W. J., South Carolina Marine Resources Res. Inst., P.O. Box 1 2559, Charleston, SC 29412 KELLER, Thomas E., P.O. Box 621, Damariscotta, ME 04543 KELLY, Randolph O.. Natural Heritage Section, Calif. Dept. of Parks & Recreation, P.O. Box 2390, Sacramento, CA 95811 KELPIN,Geraldine, 329 East State Street, Long Beach, NY 11561 KENNEDY, Victor S., Horn Point Environmental Lab.. Box 775, Cambridge, MD 21613 Membership List - National Shellfisheries Association 213 KENNISH, Dr. Michael J., Jersey Central Power & Light Co., Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. P.O. Box 388, Forked River, NJ 08731 KENSLER, Dr. Craig B., UNESCO Marine Science Project, (UNDP Pouch, Rangoon, Burma), UNDP; One United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017 KILGEN, Dr. David H., Dept. of Biological Sciences, Nicholls State College, Thibodaux, LA 70301 KOGANEZAWA, Akimitsu, Aquaculture Div., Tohoku Regional Fisheries Res. Lab., 3-27-5, Shinhamacho, Shiogama, Miyagi-Ken 985, Japan KOOPMANN, Richard, Huntington Dept. of Environmental Protec- tion, 100 Main Street, Huntington, NY 11743 KOPPELMAN, Lee E. Executive Director, Long Island Regional Planning Board, Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge, NY 11788 KRAEUTER, Dr. John N., Baltimore Gas & Electric Co., P.O. Box 1475, Rm 1020-A, Baltimore, MD 21203 KRANTZ, Dr. George E., Horn Point Environmental Lab., P.O. Box 775, Cambridge, MD 21613 KRAUS, Richard A., Aquaculture Research Corp., P.O. Box AC, Dennis, MA 02638 KRUEGER, F. Edward, Hills Trailer Court 7H, Lexington Park, MD 20653 KUNKLE, Donald E., NJ Oyster Research Lab., Rutgers Univ., P.O. Box 587, Port Norris, NJ 08349 KURKOWSKI, Kenneth P., 234 Fenimore Ave., Uniondale, NY 1 1553 KUTRUBES, Leo P., National Labs, 114 Waltham Street, Lexington, MA 02173 KYTE, Michael A., 527 212th Street, SW, Bothell, WA 9801 1 LANDRUM, Michael R., 362 SW Belmont Circle, Port St. Lucie, FL 33452 LANGDON, Dr. Chris, College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, Lewes, DE 19958 LANGE, Anne M. T., National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Center, Woods Hole Lab., Woods Hole, MA 02543 LANGTON, Richard W., Marine Research Lab., Maine Dept. of Marine Resources, West Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575 LATAPIE, Ralph, Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries, 400 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA 70130 LATOUCHE, Robert W., Shellfish Research Lab., Carna-Co Galway, Republic of Ireland LAVOIE, Dr. Rene E.. Fisheries & Oceans, P.O. Box 550, Halifax, NS, Canada B3J 2S7 LAWING, Dr. William D., Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Gilbreth Hall, Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 LEARY, Terrance R., Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, Lincoln Center, Suite 881, 5401 W. Kennedy, Tampa, FL 33609 LEIBOVITZ, Dr. Louis, NY State College of Veterinarian Medicine, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853 LESLIE, Mark D., 5 Deborah Street, WateTford, CT 06385 LEVINE, Gerald, Blount Seafood Corp., 383 Water Street, Warren, RI 02885 LIBBY, Sandra, Orleans Shellfish Dept., Orleans, MA 02653 LIPOVSKY, Vance P., P. O. Box 635, Ocean Park, WA 98640 LITTLE, Edward J., Jr., Key West Field Lab., Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 404, Key West, FL 33040 LOCKWOOD, George S., Monterey Abalone Farms, 300 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93940 LOESCH, Dr. Harold, P.O. Box 20, UNDP (Dacca, Bangladesh), New York, NY 10017 LOGUE, Maureen D., Ira C. Darling Center, Univ. of Maine, Walpole, ME 04573 LOMAX, Dr. Ken, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE 1971 1 LORING, Richard H., Aquacultural Research Corp., P.O. Box AC, Dennis, MA 02638 LOUGH, Dr. Robert G., National Marine F'isheries Service, North- east Fisheries Center, Woods Hole Lab., Woods Hole, MA 02543 LOVELAND, Robert E., Dept. of Zoology, Rutgers Univ., P.O. Box 1059, Piscataway, NJ 08854 LOWE, Jack I., Rt. 2, Box 20, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 LUECK, William P., 2321 Limerick Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32308 LUTZ, Dr. Richard A., Nelson Biological Labs., Dept. of Oyster Culture, P.O. Box 1059, Rutgers Univ., Piscataway, NJ 08854 LUX, Fred E., 20 Evangline Road, Falmouth, MA 02540 MACDONALD, Bruce, Marine Science Research Lab., Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1C5S7 MACINNES, John R., National Marine Fisheries Service, Sandy Hook Lab., Highlands, NJ 07732 MACKENZIE, Clyde L., National Marine Fisheries Service, Sandy Hook Lab., Highlands, NJ 07732 MACLEOD, Lincoln-Lowell, P.O. Box 700, Pictou, NS, Canada B0K 1H0 MACY, William K., III, 146 Main Street, North Kingstown, RI 02852 MAGOON, Charles D., Dept. of Natural Resources, Marine Land Management, Olympia, WA 98504 MALOUF, Dr. Robert, 10 Beaverdale Lane, Stony Brook, NY 11790 MANN, Dr. Roger, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA 02543 MANZI, Dr. John J., SC Marine Resources Research Institute, P.O. Box 12559, Charleston, SC 29412 MARSHALL, Dr. Nelson, Graduate School of Oceanography, Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 MARTIN, Roy E., Director, National Fisheries Institute, Science & Technology, 1101 Connecticut Ave.. NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20036 MARU, Kuniyoshi, Abashiri Fisheries Experimental Station, Masaura Abashiri, Hokkaido 099-31, Japan MAUGLE, Paul D., 88 Central Ave., Norwich, CT 06360 MCCONAUGHA, Dr. John R., Dept. of OceanographyOld Dominion Univ., Norfolk, VA 23508 MCCUMBY, Kristy I., Institute of Marine Science, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99701 MCDOWELL, Floy S., P.O. Box 664, Quilcene, WA 98376 MCEWEN, Laurel A., 3512 Wilson Street, Fairfax, VA 22030 MCGRAW, Dr. Katherine A., 131 N. 40th, Seattle, WA 98103 MCHUGH, J. L„ 150 Strathmore Gate Dr., Stony Brook, NY 11790 MCNICOL, Douglas, Bluenose Oyster Farms Ltd., Rural Route 2, River Denys, NS, Canada B0E 2Y0 MEASEL, Lt. Richard A., 605 Knob Court, Fayetteville, NC 28304 MERRILL, Dr. Arthur S., National Marine Fisheries Service, Sandy Hook Lab., Highlands, NJ 07732 MEYER, Donna G., Rt. 16, Box 9034, Tallahassee, FL 32304 MICHAK, Patty, 2210 132nd Ave., BeUevue, WA 98005 MIDDLETON, Karen C, 175 Abrams Hill Rd., Duxbury, MA 02332 MILLER, George C, National Marine Fisheries Service, TABL, 75 Virginia Beach Dr., Miami, FL 33149 MILLER, Robert E., P.O. Box 775, Cambridge, MD 21613 MILMOE, Gerard F., Box 446, Port Jefferson, NY 11777 MIX, Dr. Michael C, General Science Dept., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97330 MOORE, Dr. Carol A., Massasoit Community College, 290 Thatcher Street, Brookton, MA 02332 MORGAN, Dr. Bruce H., AMFAC Aquatech, P.O. Box 23564, Portland, OR 97223 MORRISON, Allan, Mt. Buchanan, Prince Edward Island, Canada MORRISON, George, Environmental Research Lab., Environmental Protection Agency, South Ferry Rd., Narragansett, RI 02882 MORSE, Dr. M. Patricia, Marine Science Institute, Northeastern Univ., Nahant, MA 01908 214 Membership List - National Shellfisheries association MOSS, Charles G., Rt. 2, Armory, Angleton, TX 775 15 MULVIHILL, Paul, AREA P.O. Box 1303, Homestead, FL 33030 MUMAW, Laura M., Seattle Aquarium, Pier 59, Seattle, WA 98101 MUNDEN, Fentress H., NC Div. of Marine Fisheries, P.O. Box 769, Morehead City, NC 28557 MURPHY, Richard C, Dept. of Biology, Univ. of So. Calif., Univer- sity Park, Los Angeles, CA 90007 MURPHY, William A., Fisheries & Oceans, P.O. Box 1236, Charlotte- town, PEI, Canada CIA 7M8 MUSGROVE, Nancy A., School of Fisheries, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 NAIDU, K. S., Fisheries & Oceans, P.O. Box 5667, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5X1 NAKAGAWA, Yoshihiko, Hokkaido Hakodate Fish Experimental Station, Yunokawa-Cho 1-Cho 266, Hakodate Hokkaido 042, Japan NAKATANI, Dr. Roy E., School of Fisheries, WH-10, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 NEAL, Dr. Richard A., c/o Gilbert Neal. Box 623, Shell Rock, IA 50670 NEFF, Dr. Jerry M., Battelle-New England Labs., Washington Street, Duxbury, MA 02332 NEILSON, Dr. Bruce, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Dept. of Physical Oceanography, Gloucester Point, VA 23062 NELSON, David A., National Marine Fisheries Service, Milford Lab., Milford, CT 06460 NELSON, David C, Box 143, Soldotna, AK 99669 NEUDECKER, Thomas, Inst, fur Kusten und Binnenfischerei, Aussenstelle Langballigau, Am Hafen, D-2391 Langballig, Federal Republic of Germany NEWELL, Carter R.. Ira C. Darling Center, Univ. of Maine, Walpole, ME 04573 NEWELL, Dr. Roger, Horn Point Environmental Laboratory, Univ. of Maryland, P.O. Box 775, Cambridge, MD 21613 NEWKIRK, Gary F., Biology Dept., Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, NS, Canada B3H4J1 NORMAN-BOUDREAU, Karen, Bodega Marine Lab., P.O. Box 247, Bodega Bay, CA 94923 NORRIS, Robert M., Jr., Potomac River Fish Commission, 222 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach, VA 22443 NOSHO, Terry Y., 12510 Langston Road S., Seattle, WA 98178 NOVOTNY, Anthony, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd., Seattle, WA 98112 NOYES, George S., 29 Clearview Dr., Ridgefield, CT 06877 NUNES, Pepsi, Institute of Marine Science, Seward Marine Station, Univ. of Alaska, P.O. Box 617, Seward, AK 99664 O'BRIEN, Dr. Francis X., Dept. of Biology, Southeastern Massachu- setts Univ., North Dartmouth, MA 02747 O'BRIEN, Loretta, P.O. Box 597, Woods Hole, MA 02543 O'DOR, Dr. Ronald K., Dept. of Biology, Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, NS, Canada B3H4J1 OESTERLING, Michael J., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, MAS, Gloucester Point, VA 23062 OGLE, John T., Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 OLSEN, Dr. Lawrence A., Florida Dept. of Environmental Regula- tion, 2600 Blairstone Rd.. Tallahassee, FL 32301 OLSEN, Scharleen, 600 Pt. Whitney Rd., Brinnon, WA 98320 OSIS, Laimons, Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, Marine Science Dr., Newport, OR 97365 O'SULLIVAN, Dr. Brendan W., Dept. of Fisheries, GPO Box 1625, Adelaide 5001, South Australia OTWELL, Dr. W. Steven, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL 326 1 1 OVERSTREET, Dr. Robin M., Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 PAGEL, Robert, 5 S. Grand Avenue, Deerfield, WI 53531 PARKER, Henry S., Biology Dept., Southeastern Massachusetts Univ., North Dartmouth, MA 02747 PAUL, Augustus John, III., Institute of Marine Science, Seward Marine Station, P.O. Box 615, Seward, AK 99664 PEARCE, Dr. John B., National Marine Fisheries Service, Sandy Hook Lab., Highlands, NJ 07732 PENNER, Dr. Lawrence R.. Biological Science. Group U-42, Univ. of Conneticut, Storrs, CT 06268 PERDUE, James A., 4519 Stanford Ave., NE, Seattle, WA 98105 PEREZ-COLOMER, Alejandro, Acuicultura del Atlantico S.A., Linares Rivas 30, 30 La Coruna, Spain PERLMUTTER, Dr. Alfred, Biology Dept.. New York Univ., New York, NY 10012 PERSOONE, Prof., Dr. G., Director, Laboratory for Mariculture, Sug J. Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium PETROVITS, Eugene J., Aquacultural Research Corp., P.O. Box AC, Dennis, MA 02638 PFITZENMEYER, Hayes T.. Chesapeake Biological Lab., Box 38, Solomons, MD 20688 PHELPS, Dr. Harriette L„ Univ. of D.C., 1331 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005 PIERCE, Barry A., Dept. of Oceanography, Univ. of Honolulu, Honolulu, HI 96822 POBRAN, Theodore T.. Marine Research Branch, 229-780 Blanchard Street, Victoria, BC, Canada V8V 1X5 PONDICK, Jeffrey, Biological Science Group, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 POOLE, Richard. Director, Lummi Indian School of Aquaculture. P.O. Box 11, Lummi Island, WA 98262 PORTER, Hugh J., Institute of Marine Science, Univ. of North Carolina, Morehead City, NC 28557 POWELL, Dean. 828 W. 47th Street, Apt. A, Norfolk, VA 23508 POWELL, Guy C, Fishery Research Biologist, P.O. Box 2285, Kodiak, AK 99615 PRAKASH, Dr. A., Environmental Protection Service, Place Vincent Massey (13th Floor), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 1C8 PREZANT, Dr. Robert S., Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Southern Mississippi, Southern Station Box 5018, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 PRICE, Dr. Martha G., 6909 Carleton Ter.. College Park, MD 20740 PRICE, Thomas J., National Marine Fisheries Service, Beaufort, NC 28516 PROVENZANO, Dr. Anthony J., Jr., Institute of Oceanography, Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, VA 23500 PRUDER, Dr. Gary D., College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, Lewes, DE 19958 QUIN, Judith, 1 10 View Royal Ave., Victoria, BC, Canada V9B 1A7 RAE, Dr. John G., Dept. of Natural Science, Florida Institute of Technology, Jensen Beach, FL 33457 RANEY, Dr. Edward C, 301 Forest Dr.. Ithaca, NY 14850 RASK, Hauke, Ira C. Darling Center, Univ. of Maine, Walpole, ME 04573 RATHJEN, Warren !•'., National Marine Fisheries Service, Fisheries Service Division, 7 Pleasant Street, Gloucester, MA 01930 RAUSH, Dr. Richard R.. 608 13th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102 RAY, Dr. Sammy M., Fort Crockett, Texas A&M Univ. /Moody College, Galveston. TX 77550 RAYLE, Michael I'., Steimle & Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 865, Metairie, LA 70004 REISINGER, Tony, Marine Extension Service, P.O. Box 2, Bruns- wick, GA 31520 REKSTEN, Oscar L., American Aquaculture & Shellfish Develop- ment, P.O. Box 1114, Swansboro, NC 28584 RELYEA, David R., F. M. Flower & Sons, Inc., 34 Ludlam Avenue, Bayville, NY 11709 Membership list - National Shellitsheries association 215 RENSONI, Prof. Aristec, Univ. of Siena, Instituto Anatomia Com- parata, Via Cerchia 3 53100 Siena, Italy RHODES, Edwin W. Jr., National Marine Fisheries Service, Milford Lab., Milford, CT 06460 RHODES, Raymond J., SC Marine Resources Research Institute. P.O. Box 12559, Charleston, SC 29412 RICE, Mindy L., 43 Larkin Street, Bangor, ME 04401 RIDECUT, Carol B., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA 23062 RINES, Henry M., Graduate School of Oceanography, Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston. RI 02881 RITTSCHOF, Dr. Daniel, College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, Lewes, DE 19958 ROACH, David A., Jr., Westport Shellfisheries (Town Hall), 816 Main Road, Westport, MA 02790 ROBERT, Ginette, Fisheries & Oceans, P.O. Box 550, Halifax, NS, Canada B3J 2S7 ROBERTS, Dr. Morris H., Jr., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA 23062 ROBINSON, Dr. William F., New England Aquarium, Research Department, Central Wharf, Boston, MA 021 10 RODRIQUEZ, Gustavo A.. Prodemex. Apartado Postal 1095, Los Mochis, Sinaloa. Mexico ROELS, Dr. Oswald, Port Aransas Marine Lab., Port Aransas, TX 78373 ROGERS, Bruce A., 61 Switch Road RED, Hope Valley, RI 02832 ROOSENBURG, Willem H. Box 16A, Bowen Road, St. Leonard, MD 20685 ROPER, Dr. Clyde F. E., Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology, National Musuem of Natural History, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D.C. 20560 ROPES, John W.. 21 Pattee Road, East Falmouth, MA 02536 ROSENBERRY, Robert, 11057 Negley Ave., San Diego, CA 92131 ROSENFIELD, Dr. Aaron, National Marine Fisheries Service, Oxford Lab., Oxford, MD 21654 ROWELL, Dr. Terence W., Fisheries & Oceans, P.O. Box 550, Halifax, NS, Canada B3J 2S7 RUPRIGHT, Gregory L., Smith Lab., College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, 700 Pilottown Road, Lewes, DE 19958 SAILA, Dr. Saul, Graduate School of Oceanography, Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 SAKUDA, Henry M.. Div. of Aquatic Resources, 1151 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 SANDEMAN, E. J., Resource & Research Serv., Fisheries & Oceans, P.O. Box 5667, St. John's Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5X4 SANDIFER, Dr. Paul A., SC Marine Resources Research Institute, P.O. Box 12559, Charleston, SC 29412 SAVAGE, Neil, 15 Allen Street, Exeter, NH 03833 SAXBY, D. J., 4727 S. Piccadilly, W.Vancouver, BC, Canada V7W 1J8 SAYCE, Clyde S., Box 205, Ocean Park, WA 98640 SCARPA, John, 895 Bryant Ave., New Hyde Park, NY 1 1040 SCHLIGHT, Dr. Frank G., 6711 RowellCt., MissouriCity, TX 77459 SCHNEIDER, R. Randall, Dept. of Natural Resources, Tidewater Admin., Tawes State Office Building, C-2, Annapolis, MD 21401 SCHOENDORF, Michael, 8235 Fielding Lane, Greendale, WI 53129 SCHOT, Glenn W., 4331 Balboa Street, San Francisco, CA 94121 SCOTT, Timothy M., 27 Windsor Street, Centereach, NY 1 1720 SEKI, Tetsuc, Oyster Research Institute, 211 Higashi Mohne Motoyoshi, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan 988-05 SELLERS, Mark A., 355 Aubert Hall, Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME 04469 SERCHUK, Dr. Fredric M., National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Center, Woods Hole Lab., Woods Hole, MA 02543 SHABMAN, Leonard, Dept. of Ag. Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Univ., Blacksburg, VA 24061 SHAW, Harry L., Director, Pacific Aquaculture, P.O. Box 55, Edgecliff, Sydney, Australia NSW 2027 SHIPMAN, Susan, Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources, 1200 Glynn Avenue, Brunswick, GA 31523 SHIRAISHI, Dr. Kagehide, Dept. of Biology, Iwate Medical Univ., Morioka Iwate-Ken, Japan SHOTWELL, J A. P.O. Box 417, Bay Center, WA 98527 SHULTZ, Dr. Fred T., P.O. Box 313, Sonoma, CA 95476 SHUMWAY, Dr. Sandra E., Dept. of Ecology & Evolution, State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook, NY 1 1 794 SHUSTER, Dr. Carl N., 3733 N. 25th Street, Arlington, VA 22207 SIDDALL, Dr. Scott E., Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmos- pheric Science, Division of Biological & Living Res., Univ. of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149 SIEGFRIED, Carol, College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, 700 Pilottown Road, Lewes, DE 19958 SIELING, Fred W„ 14 Thompson Street, Annapolis, MD 21401 SIELING, F. William, III, 26 Farragut Road, Annapolis, MD 21403 SIGLER, Michael, Dept. Avian & Aquatic Animal Med., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853 SILKES, Bill F„ Box 154, Rural Route 5, Wakefield, RI 02879 SILVIA, Robert, 171 County Road. Box 975, North Falmouth, MA 02556 SIMONS, Donald D., Washington Dept. of Fisheries, 331 State Highway 12, Montesano, WA 98563 SINDERMANN, Dr. Carol J.. National Marine Fisheries Service, Sandy Hook Lab., Highlands, NY 07732 SISSENWINE, Michael P., P.O. Box 12, Woods Hole, MA 02543 SLAGER, Nelson, Fire Island Fisheries, Inc.. 9 Degnon Blvd.. Bay Shore, NY 11706 SMITH, Bruce W., Public Service Company of New Hampshire, 1000 Elm Street, Manchester, NH 03105 SMITH, Dr. John M., Grays Harbor College, Aberdeen, WA 98520 SMITH, Kathleen A., Research Dept., New England Aquarium, Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02 1 1 0 SMITH, Myron C, Coast Oyster Co., P.O. Box 327, Quilcene, WA 98376 SMITH, Walter L., Box 754, Orient, NY 1 1957 SNOW, Harold F., Snow Food Products, P.O. Box F, Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064 SOLLERS, Allen A., 525 Newport Ave., Williamsburg, VA 23185 SON1AT, Tom., Dept. of Biological Sciences, Univ. of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70122 SPARKS, Dr. Albert K., National Marine Fisheries Service, North- west Fisheries Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd. E„ Seattle, WA 98112 STAINKEN, Dennis, 1 Estel Place, Greenbrook, NJ 08812 STANLEY, Dr. Jon G., MCFU, Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME 04469 STEELE, Earl N., P.O. Box 42, Blanchard, WA 9823 1 STEVENS, Fred S., SC Marine Resources Research Institute, P.O. Box 12559, Charleston, SC 29412 STEVENS, Stuart A., Univ. of Georgia, Marine Institute, Sapelo Island. GA 31327 STEWART, John R., Dodge Cove Marine Farm, Christmas Cove, ME 04568 STEWART, Lance L., Marine Science Institute, Marine Advisory Service, Avery Point, Univ. of Connecticut, Groton, CT 06340 STILES, Sheila, National Marine Fisheries Service, Milford Lab., 212 Rogers Ave., Milford, CT 06460 STRONG, Craig E., Foot of Atlantic Avenue, Bluepoints Co., Inc., W. Sayville, NY 11796 STUART, Robin, Sr., Cape Brenton Marine Farming Ltd., P.O. Box 520, Baddeck, NS, Canada DOE 1B0 SULLIVAN, Carl R., 5410 Grosvenor Lane. Bethesda, MD 20014 SUMNER, C. E., 18 Thomas St., N. Hobart, Tasmania 7000 Australia 216 MEMBERSHIP LIST - NATIONAL SHELLFISHERIES ASSOCIATION SUNDERLIN, Judith B., 58E Cotton Valley Star Rt. 00864, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820 SUPAN, John, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 SWAN, William H., P.O. Box 758, Hampton Bays, NY 11946 SWIFT, Dr. Mary L., 15656 Millbrook Lane, Laurel, MD 20707 SZIKLAS, Robert W., Wauwinet, Nantucket, MA 02554 TABARINI, C. L., Clark's Cove Road, Walpole, ME 04573 TAUB, Dr. Freida B., School of Fisheries, WH-10, Univ. of Washing- ton, Seattle, WA 98195 TAYLOR, David M., Fisheries & Oceans, P.O. Box 5667, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5X1 TAYLOR, Janice L., Institute of Oceanography, Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk. VA 23508 TAYLOR, Rodman E., Jr., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, ESI, Woods Hole, MA 02543 TEMPLETON, Dr. James E., c/o W&P Nautical, Inc., 222 Severn Ave., Annapolis, MD 21403 TETTELBACH, Stephen, 200 Curtis Drive, New Haven, CT 06515 THEVENET, Adrenne, 2844 NE 117th, Seattle, WA 98125 THOMAS, Dr. M. L. H., Dept. of Biology, Univ. of New Brunswick. P.O. Box 5050, St. John, NB, Canada E2L 4L5 THOMPSON, Douglas S., P.O. Box 582, Quilcene, WA 98376 THURBERG, Dr. Frederick P., National Marine Fisheries Service, Milford Lab., Milford, CT 06460 TOLL, Ronald B., Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Division of Biological & Living Res., Univ. of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149 TOLLEFSON, Roger, Rayonier, Inc., Olympic Research Div., 409 E. Harvard Ave., Shelton, WA 98584 TOLLEFSON, Mr. Thor, Director. Dept. of Fisheries, Room 115, General Administration Bldg., Olympia. WA 98501 TOLLEY, Everett A.. President, Progressive Services, Inc., P.O. Box 10076, Baltimore, MD 21204 TONER, Richard C. Marine Research, Inc., 141 Falmouth Heights Road, Falmouth, MA 02540 TOWNSHEND, E. Roger, Blooming Point Road, Mt. Stewart P.O., Rural Route 1, PEI, Canada C0A 1T0 TRAVIS, Neil B., Div. of Shellfish Sanitation, Texas Dept. of Health, 1 100 W. 49th Street, Austin, TX 78756 TUFTS, Dennis F., P.O. Box 236, Ocean Park, WA 98640 TURK, Philip E., 3512 Dominique, Galveston, TX 77551 UKELES, Dr. Rhvenna, National Marine Fisheries Service, Milford Lab., Milford, CT 06460 RUBAN, Edward R.. Jr., College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, Lewes, DE 19958 VACAS, Lie Herman C, Estacion Pesquera Exper., Adva Costanera 8520 San Antonio de Ste, Reo Nigro, Argentina VALIULIS, Dr. George A., Energy Impact Associates, One Canal Place, Suite 2300, New Orleans, LA 70130 VAN ENGEL, Willard A., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA 23062 VAN HEUKELEM, Dr. William F., Horn Point Environmental Lab., Univ. of Maryland, P.O. Box 775, Cambridge, MD 21613 VAN HYNING, Dr. Jack M., P.O. Box 80165. Fairbanks, AK 99708 VAN VOLKENBURGH, Pieter, 464 Greene Ave., Sayville, NY 1 1 782 VARIN, Clifford V., 8720 SW 155 Street, Miami, FL 33157 VELEZ, R. Anibal, Apartado Postal 308, Cumans, 6101 Venezuela VERBER, Capt. James L., 146 Chatworth Road, N. Kingston, RI 02852 VERGARA, Victor M., 7612 Democracy Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817 VEZINA, Bernard, Biology Dept., Moncton Univ., Moncton, NB, Canada E1A 3E9 VOLK, John H., Division Chief, Conneticut Dept. of Agriculture, Aquaculture Division, P.O. Box 97, Milford, CT 06460 VOUGLITOIS, James J., 109 Drakestown Road, Hackettstown, New Jersey 07840 WADA,Katsuhiko,KashikojimaAgo-ChoShima-Gun, Mie-Prefecture, 517-05 Japan WALKER, Randal L., Skidaway Inst, of Oceanography, P.O. Box 13687, Savannah, GA 31406 WALLACE, Dana E., Dept. of Marine Resources, State House, Augusta, ME 04333 WALLER, Dr. Thomas R., Curator, Dept. of Paleobiology, Smith- sonian Institute, Washington, D.C. 20560 WALSH, Dennis T., Aquaculture Research Corp., P.O. Box AC, Dennis, MA 02638 WARDLE, Dr. William J., Texas A&M Univ. at Galveston, P.O. Box 1675, Galveston, TX 77553 WAUGH, Godfrey R., Wallace Groves Aquaculture Foundation, P.O. Box 340939, Coral Gables, FL 33114 WEBB, William R., Webb Camp Sea Farm, Inc., 4071 Westcott Dr., Friday Harbor, WA 98250 WEHLING, William E., Marine Science Institute, Northeastern Univ., Nahant, MA 01908 WEISS, Prof. Charles M., Dept. of Environ. Sci. & Engrng., Univ. of North Carolina, 104 Rosenau Hall 201H, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 WENGER-DEVAUX, Barry A., Webb Camp Sea Farm, Inc., 4071 Westcott Dr., Friday Harbor. WA 98250 WENNER, Dr. Elizabeth L., SC Marine Resources Research Institute, P.O. Box 12559, Charleston, SC 29412 WESTLEY, Ronald E., Point Whitney Shellfish Lab.. Star Rt. 2, Box 1 20, Brinnon, WA 98320 WHEATON, Dr. Fred, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Univ. of Maryland, CoUege Park, MD 20742 WHITAKER, J. David, SC Marine Resources Research Institute, P.O. Box 12559, Charleston, SC 29412 WHITCOMB, James P., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Glou- cester Point, VA 23062 WHITE, Timothy H., 415 Linden St., Fall River, MA 02720 WHITESIDE, Dugan, P.O. Box 23, Melfa, VA 23410 WIDMAN, James, National Marine Fisheries Service, Milford Lab., Milford, CT 06460 WILLIAMS, John G., 3304 NE 80th, Seattle, WA 981 15 WILLIAMS, Dr. Leslie G., College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware, Lewes, DE 19958 WILLIAMS, Robert J., Jr., New South Wales State Fisheries, 211 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia 2107 WILSON, Kerry A., New Brunswick Dept. of Fisheries, P.O. Box 6000, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5H1 WILSON, Dr. Richard L., Bay Center Mariculture Co.. P.O. Box 356, Bay Center, WA 98527 WINDSOR, Nancy T., 8065 Johnson Ct., Arvada, CO 80005 WINSTANLEY, Ross H., Commercial Fisheries Branch, Fisheries & Wildlife Div., P.O. Box 41, Fast Melbourne, Australia 3002 WOELKE, Dr. Charles E., Washington Dept. of Fisheries, General Administration Bldg., Olympia, WA 98501 WOLF, Peter H., New South Wales State Fish., Scientific Section, P.O. Box N211, Grosvenor Street, Sydney, NSW. Australia 2000 WONG, Edward F. M., 84 Ellison Drive, Waltham, MA 02154 WOON, Gail L., P.O. Box F-64, Freeport, Grand Bahama Island, Commonwealth of the Bahamas YOUNG, Adam, Seafarming Project, SeAFDC, P.O. Box 256, Iloilo City, Philippines 5901 YOUNG, James S., Battelle Marine Research Lab., 439 West Sequim Bay Road, Sequim, WA 98382 YOUNG, Jeffrey, c/o Pacific Seafood Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 2544, Santa Barbara, CA 93120 ZIMMERMAN, John M„ Marine Science Research Center, State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook, NY 11794 ZOTO, Dr. George A., Edgerton Research Lab., New England Aquarium, Central Wharf, Boston, MA 021 10 Membership List - National Shelli isheries Association 217 SUBSCRIBING INSTITUTIONS (As of 1 May 1982) Draughon Library, Serials Dept., Auburn Univ., Auburn. AL 36849 Alabama Marine Resources Lab., Seafoods Div., P.O. Box 188, Dauphin Island, AL 36528 Marine Environ. Sci. Consortium, P.O. Box 6282, Dauphin Island. AL 36528 Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, (Attn: D. H. Rosenberg), 321 1 Providence Dr., Anchorage, AK 99504 U.S. Dept. of Interior 116303, Alaska Resources Library, 701 C Street. Box 36, Anchorage, AK 99513 Fisheries Research Library, Auke Bay Biological Lab., P.O. Box 155, Auke Bay, AK 99821 Library, Institute of Marine Sci., Univ. of Alaska, O'Neill Bldg., 905 Koyukuk Ave., N., Fairbanks, AK 99701 Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game, Library, Subport Bldg.. Juneau, AK 99801 Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game, Div. of Commercial Fisheries, Research. P.O. Box 686, Kodiak, AK 99615 Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game, Div. of Commercial Fisheries. Shell- fish Research, P.O. Box 667, Petersburg, AK 99833 Univ. of Arizona, Library, Serials Dept., Tuscon. AZ 85721 Div. of Fisheries & Oceanography, CS1RO Library, P.O. Box 21, Cronulla, New South Wales, Australia 2230 The Librarian, Queensland Fisheries Service, P.O. Box 344, Fortitude Valley, Queensland, Australia 4006 Librarian (2096/71-72), Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife, 108 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, Western Australia, Australia 6000 New South Wales State Fisheries, 211 Kent St. (Fisheries House), Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 2000 Wallace Groves Aquaculture Foundation, P.O. Box F5, Discovery House, F'reeport, Grand Bahama Island, Bahama W. H. Smith & Son, 17 Blvd. Adolphe Max, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Library-Serials, Humboldt State Univ., Areata, CA 95521 Aquatic Research Institute, 2242 Davis Ct., Hayward, CA 94545 Library Serials Dept., Univ. of California at Irvine, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 93713 National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Center, La Jolla Lab., P.O. Box 271, La Jolla, CA 92037 Scripps Institute of Oceanography Library C-075-C, Univ. of Cali- fornia at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 California Dept. of Fish & Game. Marine Technical Information Center, 350 Golden Shore, Long Beach. CA 90802 Library-Serials, California State Univ., Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90840 Allan Hancock Foundation, Univ. of Southern Calif., Library of Biology & Oceanography, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90007 California Dept. of Fish & Game, Marine Res. Oper. Lab., 411 Burgess Dr., Menlo Park, CA 94027 California Dept. of Fish & Game, Marine Resources Region, 2201 Garden Road, Monterey, CA 93940 Library, Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Kentex Research Library Stanford Univ. Branch, P.O. Box 6568, Palo Alto, CA 94305 California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94305 Cicese Library, P.O. Box 4803, San Ysidro, CA 92073 Cape Breton Marine Farming Ltd., P.O. Box 520, Baddeck, NS, Canada B0E 1B0 Killam Library Serials Dept., Dalhousie University. Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 4H8 Fisheries & Oceans Library, Atlantic Fisheries Gulf Region, P.O. Box 5030, Moncton, NB, Canada E1C 9B6 Fisheries & Oceans Library, Pacific Biological Station, P.O. Box 100, Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9R 5K6 Fisheries & Oceans Library, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0E6 Canada Inst, for STI, Library Serials Acquisitions, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0S2 Library, IDRC, P.O. Box 8500, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3H9 Acquisitions Div., Library Bldg.. Univ. of Laval. Quebec, Canada G1K 7P4 Redonda Sea Farms, Ltd., Refuge Cove, BC, Canada V0P 1P0 Dept. of Fisheries & Oceans, Biological Station Library, St. Andrews, NB, Canada E0G 2X0 Librarian, College of Fisheries, P.O.Box 4920, St. John's, Newfound- land, Canada A1C 5X1 IDRC Library, 5990 Iona Dr., Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1 L4 Woodward Library Serials Div., LIniv. of British Columbia, 2075 Westbrook Mall. Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1W5 Centro Documentacion Informacion, Univ. del Notre, Casilla 1280. Antofagasata, Chile Library, Inst, de Fometo Pesquero. Av. Pedro de Valdivia 2633, Santiago, Chile Library Serials Dept., Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 Delaware Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 3937, Greenvile, DE 19807 Acquisitions Librarian, L'niv. of Delaware, Newark, DE 1971 1 Georgetown Univ. Library, Processing Div., 37th & 'O' Streets NW, Washington, DC 20007 Library-Acquisitions, Smithsonian Institute. Washington, DC 20560 Library of Congress, Gift Section, Exchange & Gift Div., 10 1st St., SE, Washington, DC 20540 Univ. of Florida Library, Serials Dept., Gainesville, FL 32611 Gulf Breeze Environmental Protection Agency Lab., Sabine Island, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 NOAA Fisheries Library, 75 Virginia Beach Dr., Miami, FL 33149 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Library, Univ. of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami. FL 33149 National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Center Library, Panama City Lab.. 3500 Delwood Beach Rd., Panama City. FL 32407 EG&G Bionomics Marine Research Lab.. 10307 Gulf Beach Highway. Pensacola, FL 32507 Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, Marine Research Lab. Library, 100 8th Ave., SE, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Strozier Library, Serials Dept., Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL 32306 Centre Technique du Genie Reral des F^aux & Forets, CTGRED Groupement de Bordeaux, B.P. 3, F 33610,Cesta Principal, France Inst. Sci. & Tech. des Peches Mari., Rue de LTle d'yeu, B.P. 1049, 44037 Nantes Cedex, France Univ. of Georgia Libraries, SETS Dept., Athens, GA 30602 The SIO Library. P.O. Box 13687, Savannah, GA 31406 The Librarian, Inst, fur Meeresforschung, 2850 Bremerhaven-G, Am Handelshfen 12, West Germany Universitatsbibliothek, Staats und Moorweidestrasse 40, Hamburg, West Germany Th. Christiansen Bookseller, Bahrenfelder Str. 79, Postif. 5 03 06, 2000 Hamburg 50 (Altona), West Germany Anuenue Library, AFRC, Area 4, Sand Island, Honolulu, HI 96819 Univ. of Hawaii Library, Serials Records, 2550 The Mall, Honolulu, HI 96822 Rijksinstituut voor Visserijonderzoek, Postbus 68, 1970 AB Ymuiden, Holland 1 Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Univ. Library, Book Orders Dept., 218 MEMBERSHIP LIST - NATIONAL SHELLFISHERIES ASSOCIATION Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong Center for Research Libraries, 5721 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, IL 60637 Indiana Univ. Library, Serials Dept., Bloomington, IN 47405 Lab. Studi Strut. Biolog. Lagune, Via Fraccacreta, 71010 Lesina (EG), Italy FAO Library, Acquisitions, Via Delia Terme de Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy Consulenze E. Progettaxioni, Agricole E. Zootechnicha, C. So. Dante 119, 10126 Torino, Italy National Res. Inst. Aquaculture, Kashikojima, Aso-Cho, Shima- Gun, Mei-Ken, lapan Kokkai-Toshohan, Kagaku-MZ, Nagatacho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan Library, Serials Dept., Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge. LA 70803 LUMCON Library, Star Route, Box 541, Chauvin, LA 70344 St. Amant Marine Lab., Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries, P.O. Box 37, Grand Isle, LA 70358 Tulane Univ. Library, Serials Section (NATS), New Orleans, LA 70 1 1 8 Raymond Fogler Library, (Acct. 842.591), Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME 04473 Haventa, Ltd. (66-A), c/o Ptld. News, Dept. M, 270 Western Ave., South Portland, ME 04106 Marine Resources Library, Fisheries Research Station, W. Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575 Library Serial Section, Univ. Pertanian Malaysia, P.O. Box 203, Sungai Besi, Selangoi, Malaysia Martin Marietta Labs, Library, 1450 S. Rolling Rd., Baltimore, MD 21227 Eisenhower Library, Serials Dept., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD21218 National Agriculture Library, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, CSR. Beltsville, MD 20705 McKeldin Library, Serials Dept., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 National Marine Fisheries Service. Northeast Fisheries Center Library. Oxford Lab., Oxford, MD 21564 CEES Library, Univ. of Maryland, Chesapeake Biological Lab., Solomons, MD 20688 Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA 02138 Battelle New England Marine Lab., Library, Washington Street, Duxbury, MA 02332 F.W. Faxon Co., Inc., Continuations/Reship Dept.. 21 Southwest Park, Bldg. 3, Westwood, MA 02090 Univ. Nac. Auto. Mexico, Check In Service, 15 Southwest Park, Westwood, MA 02090 Library, Marine Biological Lab., Woods Hole, MA 02543 National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Center Library, Woods Hole Lab., Woods Hole, MA 02543 Univ. of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 American Water Res. Assoc, St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Lab.. Mississippi River at 3rd Ave., SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414 The Director (Library Branch), U.S. Engin. Watwy. Experimental Station, P.O. Box 63 1, Vicksburg, MS 39180 Hall Library Serials Dept., 5 1 09 Cherry, Kansas City, MO 64 1 1 0 Nacote Creek Shellfish Office, NJ Div. Fish, Game & Wildlife, Route 9, Abescon, NJ 08201 Blackwell North American, Inc., New Title Dept., 1001 Fries Mill Road, Blackwood, NJ 08012 Blackwell's AOB Dept., Dept. A, Turnersville, Blackwood, NJ 080 1 2 National Marine Fisheries Service, MACFC Library, Sandy Hook Lab., Highlands, NJ 07732 Library of Science & Medicine, Serials Dept., Rutgers Univ., P.O. Box 1029, Piscataway, NJ 08854 Bivalve Shellfish Office, NJ Div. Fish, Game & Wildlife, P.O. Box 432, Port Norris, NJ 08349 BaUen Booksellers, Int.. Inc., C.O./S.O. Dept., 66 Austin Blvd., Commack, Long Island, NY 1 1725 Interdok Corp., P.O. Box 326, Harrison, NY 10529 Mann Library, Acquisition Div., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853 Kraus Periodicals Co., Route 100, Millwood, NY 10546 American Museum of Natural History. Serials Unit, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024 Seton Library, Periodical Dept., College of Mt. St. Vincent, River- dale, NY 10471 Shinnecock Tribe Oyster Project, P.O. Box 670, Southampton, NY 11968 Southampton College Library, Long Island Univ., Montauk Highway, Rt. 27, Southampton, NY 1 1969 Library, Serials Dept., State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794 Librarian, New Zealand Oceanographic Inst., P.O. Box 12346, Wellington, New Zealand The Library, Fisheries Research Centre, P.O. Box 297, Wellington, New Zealand National Marine Fisheries Service Library, Beaufort Lab., Beaufort, NC 28516 Wilson Library, Serials Dept. (024-A), Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 275 14 Library, Duke Univ., Durham. NC 27706 Health Affairs Library, E. Carolina Univ., Greenville, NC 27834 American Aquaculture & Shellfish Development Corp., P.O. Box 1 1 14, Swansboro, NC 28584 Fiskeridirektoratets Bibliotek, M^llendalsveien 4, N-5000 Bergen, Norway Fisheridirektoratet Biblioteket, Nordnesparken 2, Postboks 1870-72, N-501 1 Bergen, Norway Universitetsbiblioteket, I Tromso.Boks 678, N-9001Tromso, Norway Trondheim Biologiske Stasjon, N-7001, Trondheim, Norway Library, Ref 80-12/413, Chemical Abstracts Service, P.O. Box 3012, Columbus, OH 43210 Blackwell North American, New Title Dept., 10300 SW Allen Blvd., Beaverton, OR 97005 Kerr Library, Serials Dept., Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331 Swets North American, Inc., P.O. Box 517, Berwyn, PA 19312 Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th & Parkway. Philadelphia, PA 19103 Literature Resources Dept., BioSciences Information Service, Biological Abstracts, 2100 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 10193 Inst. Nac. Investig. das Pesca, Div. Inform, e Document., Av. Brasilia, 1400 Lisboa, Portugal Pell Marine Science Library, Univ. of Rhode Island, Narragansett Bay Campus, Narragansett, RI 02882 Cooper Library, Serials Dept., Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208 D. Jose Hernandez Otero, Capitan Quesada. S/N, Gaidar (Gran Canaria), Spain Plan de Explot. Marisquera y Cultivos, Marinos de la Region Suratl. (Perm.), Av Francisco Montenegro, S/N.. Huelva. Spain Acuicultura del Atlantico, S.A., P.O. Box 16, Sta. Eugenia de Riveira, La Coruna, Spain Inst. Espanol Oceanografia, Lab. de la Coruna, Attn: Sr. Torre Cevigon, Muelle de Animas, Apardado 130, La Coruna, Spain Plan de Explot. Marisquera de Galicia, Apartado 208, Villagarcia de Arosa, Pontevedra, Spain U.S. Atomic Energy Commission-UCCND, ORNL Library, Bldg. 4500, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Univ. of Texas Library, Serials Acquisition, Austin, TX 78712 Texas A&M Univ. Library, College Station, TX 77843 MEMBERSHIP LIST - NATIONAL SHELLFISHERIES ASSOCIATION 219 Texas A&M Library, Moody College, P.O. Box 1675, Galveston, TX 77553 Houston Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 8175, Houston, TX 77004 Library, MAFE, Eisheries Lab, Remembrance Ave., Burnham-on- Crouch, Essex, CMO 8HA, England, UK Collier MacMillan Distrib. Serv. Ltd., Library Div., Foreign Pur- chasing Section, 200 Great Portland St., London, WIN 6PB, England, UK General Library, British Museum Natural History, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, England, UK The Librarian, Portsmouth Polytechnic, Cambridge Rd.. Ports- mouth, POl 2ST, England, UK British Library, Acess. Dept., Lending Div., Boston Spa, Wetherby, Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ, England, UK Library, MAFF, Fisheries Expt. Station, Benarth Road, Conwy, LL32 8UE, Gwynedd, UK Science Library, Univ. Col. of North Wales, Deiniol Road, Bangor, LL57 2UN, Gwynedd, UK Librarian, Fisheries Research Lab, Abbotstown, Castleknoch, Co. Dublin, Ireland, UK Librarian, University College, Carna,Co.GaIway,Galway, Ireland, UK Marine Biological Sta. Library, Port Erin, Isle of Man, UK Dept. Agri. & Fish, Scotland, Marine Lab Library, P.O. Box 101, Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB9 8DB, Scotland, UK Dunstaffnage Mar. Res. Lab., P.O. Box 3, Oban, Argyll, Scotland, UK Newman Library, Serials Receiving, Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ., Blacksburg, VA 24061 Virginia Institute of Marine Science Library, Gloucester Point, VA 23062 Washington Dept. Eisheries, Point Whitney Shellfish Lab., 600 Point Whitney Road, Brinnon, WA 98320 Lummi School of Aquaculture.P.O. Box ll.Lummi Island, WA 98262 Cooperative Extension Service, Washington State Univ., P.O. Box 552, Montesano, WA 98563 Acquisitions Librarian, Washington State Univ., Olympia, WA 98501 National Marine Fisheries Service, NW&AFC Library, 2725 Montlake, Blvd. E„ Seattle, WA 98112 Univ. of Washington Libraries. Serials Division, Seattle, WA 98195 Marine Research Lab (CA58640), Battelle Northwest, 3588 Washing- ton Harbor Road, Sequim, WA 98383 Instituit Ruder Boskovic, Centar za Istrazivanje Mora, 52210 Rovinj, Yugoslavia NATIONAL SHELLFISHERIES ASSOCIATION OFFICERS 1980-1981 1981-1982 President: President-Elect : Vice-President: Secretary-Treasurer: Members-at-large of Executive Committee: Dr. Herbert Hidu Dr. Neil Bourne Dr. Sung Y. Feng Dr. Edwin W. Cake, Jr. Dr. Victor G.Burrell, Jr. (1981) Dr. Richard A. Lutz (1982) Dr. [Catherine A. McGraw (1983) Dr. Scott Siddall Dr. Neil Bourne Dr. Victor G. Burrell, Jr. Dr. Richard A. Lutz Dr. Edwin W. Cake, Jr. Mr. Geroge Abbee (1982) Dr. Katherine A. McGraw (1983) (1984) INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS TO THE JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH Original papers dealing with all aspects of shellfish research will be considered for publication. Manuscripts will be judged by the editors or other competent reviewers, or both, on the basis of originality, content, merit, clarity of presentation, and interpretations. Each paper should be carefully prepared in the style followed in Volume 1, Number 1, of the Journal of Shellfish Research (1981) before submission to the Editor. Papers published or to be published in other journals are not acceptable. Title and Abstract: The title of the paper should be kept as short as possible. Each manuscript must be accom- panied by a concise, informative abstract, giving the main results of the research reported. The abstract will be pub- lished at the beginning of the paper. No separate summary should be included. Text: Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced throughout one side of the paper, leaving ample margins, with the pages numbered consecutively. Scientific names of species should be underlined and, when first mentioned in the text, should be followed by the authority. Abbreviations, Style, Numbers: Authors should follow the style recommended by the CBE Style Manual, distrib- uted by the American Institute of Biological Sciences. All linear measurements, weights, and volumes should be given in the metric scale. Tables: Tables, numbered in Arabic, should be on separate pages with a concise title at the top. Illustrations: Line drawings should be in black ink and planned so that important details will be clear after reduction to page size or less. No drawing should be so large that it must be reduced to less than one third of its original size. Photographs and line drawings preferably should be prepared so they can be reduced to a size no greater than 17.3 cm X 22.7 cm, and should be planned either to occupy the full width of 17.3 cm or the width of one column, 8.4 cm. Photographs should be glossy with good contrast and should be prepared so they can be repro- duced without reduction. Originals of graphic materials (i.e.. line drawings) are preferred and will be returned to the author. Each illustration should have the author's name, short paper title, and figure number on the back. Figure legends should be typed on separate sheets and numbered in Arabic. No color illustrations will be accepted unless the author is prepared to cover the cost of associated reproduction and printing. References Cited: References should be listed alpha- betically at the end of the paper. Abbreviations in this section should be those recommended in the American Standard for Periodical Title Abbreviations, available through the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. For appropriate citation format, see examples at the end of papers in Volume 1, Number 1 , of the Journal of Shellfish Research. Page Charges: Authors or their institutions will be charged $25.00 per printed page. If illustrations and/or tables make up more than one third of the total number of pages, there will be a charge of $30.00 for each page of this material (calculated on the actual amount of page space taken up), regardless of the total length of the article. All page charges are subject to change without notice. Proofs: Page proofs are sent to the corresponding author and must be corrected and returned within seven days. Alterations other than corrections of printer's errors may be charged to the author(s). Reprints: Reprints of published papers are available at cost to the authors. Information regarding ordering reprints will be available from the National Shellfisheries Association at the time of printing. Cover Photographs: Particularly appropriate photo- graphs may be submitted for consideration for use on the cover of the Journal of Shellfish Research. Black and white photographs, if utilized, are printed at no cost. Color illustrations may be submitted but all costs associated with reproduction and printing of such illustrations must be covered by the submitter. Correspondence: An original and two copies of each manuscript submitted for publication consideration should be sent to the Editor, Dr. Robert E. Hillman, P. O. Box AH, Battelle, Duxbury, Massachusetts 02332. JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH Vol. 1, No. 2 December 1981 CONTENTS Terry W. Rowell Introduction 135 Earl G. Dawe Development of the Newfoundland Squid {Illex illecebrosus) Fishery and Manage- ment of the Resource 137 T. Amaratunga The Short-Finned Squid (Illex illecebrosus) Fishery in Eastern Canada 143 Warren F. Rathjen Exploratory Squid Catches Along the Continental Slope of the Eastern United States 153 Steven C. Hess and Ronald B. Toll Methodology for Specific Diagnosis of Cephalopod Remains in Stomach Contents of Predators with Reference to the Broadbill Swordfish, Xiphias gladius ... 161 Michael Vecchione Aspects of the Early Life History of Loligo pealei (Cephalopoda; Myopsida) 171 Raymond F. Hixon, Roger T. Hanlon and William H. Hulet Growth and Maximal Size of the Long-Finned Squid Loligo pealei in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico 181 R. W. M. Hirtle, M. E. DeMont and R. K. O'Dor Feeding, Growth, and Metabolic Rates in Captive Short-Finned Squid, Illex illecebrosus, in Relation to the Natural Population 187 Earl G. Dawe Overview of Recent Progress Toward Aging Short-Finned Squid {Illex illecebrosus) Using Statoliths 193 Membership Listing of the National Shellfisheries Association 209 COVER MICROPHOTOGR.APH: A 2-day old larva of the short-finned squid, Illex illecebrosus (Lesueur), spawned in captivity in the Aquatron Laboratory of Dalhousie University. The 1.2-mm (mantle length) larva is viewed head-on to accent the ring of suckers on the proboscis, a key taxonomic feature of the species. The larva was fixed in alcoholic Bouin's solution and dehydrated in acetone. After critical-point drying, the larva was affixed to an aluminum stub with silver paint, sputter-coated with gold, and photographed with a Cambridge Steroscan 180 scanning electron microscope at 10 kv. [Photomicrograph by R. D. Durwood and A. K. Ball, Biology Department, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4H8.] MBL/WROI LIBRARY UH 1AAS