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THE AUTHORS OF PAPERS ARE ALONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED THEREIN. PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY, 5 ELIZABETH STREET NORTH, SYDNEY. LONDON AGENTS: GEORGE ROBERTSON & Co., PROPRIETARY LIMITED, 17 Warwick Squarz, PaTERNOSTER Row, Lonpon, E.C. 1995. SOCIETY CONTENTS. VOLUME XXXIX. ’ OFFICERS FoR 1905-1906... ee ws a. ee Tast or Mumps, &o. 0. we Art, I.—PresipentiaL ApprEss. By C. O. Burges, M. Tae CE, é a Telford Medallist, Inst. C.E. ... 5... wi ON Neen a a Arr. IT.—On the occurrence of Calcium Oxalate in the Barks of if the Eucalypts. By Henry G. SMITH, F.c.s., Assistant . Curator, Technological Museum, Sydney, [With ie et es Art. III.—On so-called Gold-coated Teeth in Sheep. By an LIVERSIDGE, LL.D., F-R.8., Professor of Chemistry, University of Sydney ... ai BSS gees Bs Weer ART. Ty badewratiene on the Thaktrations of the Banks and Solander Plants. By J. H. Marpen, Government Botanist, and Director of Botanic Gardens, Sydney espa ope Ute ArT. V.—The refractive indices, with other data, of the oils of 118 species of Eucalypts. By Henry G. Smiru, F.C.8:5 Assistant Curator, Technological Museum, Sydney, ae a = Arr. VI.—Note on the drift of S.S. “ Pilbarra.” By a A. LENEBAN, F.R.A.S. [With Diagram] ... . a aged ie Art. VII.—Reinforced Concrete, Paper III. By W. a. Wasa Wh. Se., M. Inst, C.E., M.Am,Soc.C.E., Challis Professor of Engi- ; neering, Sydney University _... Pimp igre ets 'c, we «= 49 Art. VIII.—On the occurrence of Inclusions of Basic Plutonic al Rocks in a Dyke near Kiama. By C. A. Sissminou, PGB... Gi i aie IX.—Note on some simple Models for use in the Mie ah Fromm observations made with the Meridian Circle ioe | of the Sydney Observatory. By C.J. Mrnwigtn, » measciee der Astronomischen Gesellschaft wha eT ‘ JOURNAL AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES FOR 1905. (INCORPORATED 1881.) pe ey xX Te. EDITED BY THE HONORARY SECRETARIES. THE AUTHORS OF PAPERS ARE ALONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STATEMENTS MADE AND THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED THEREIN. PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY, 5 ELIZABETH STREET NORTH, SYDNEY. LONDON AGENTS: GEORGE ROBERTSON & Co., PROPRIETARY LIMITED, 17 Warwick SQUARE, PATERNOSTER Row, Lonpon, E.C. 1905. NOTICE. THe Royat Society of New South Wales originated in 1821 as the ‘“‘ Philosophical Society of Australasia”; after an interval of inactivity, it was resuscitated in 1850, under the name of the ** Australian Philosophical Society,” by which title it was known until 1856, when the name was changed to the ‘“ Philosophical Society of New South Wales”; in 1866, by the sanction of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, it assumed its present title, and was incorporated by Act of the Parliament of New South Wales in 1881. . TO AUTHORS. Authors of papers desiring illustrations are advised to consult the editors (Honorary Secretaries) before preparing their drawings. Unless otherwise specially permitted, such drawings should be earefully executed to a large scale on smooth white Bristol board in intensely black Indian ink, so as to admit of the blocks being prepared directly therefrom, in a form suitable for photographic “‘process.” The size of a full page plate in the Journal is 44 in. x 6Zin. The cost of all original drawings, and of colouring plates must be borne by Authors. PUBLICATIONS. O The following publications of the Society, if in print, can be obtained at the Society’s House in Elizabeth-street:— Transactions of the Philosophical Society, N.S. W., 1862-5, pp. 374, out of print. Vol. 1. Transactions of the Royal Society, N.S. W., 1867, pp. 83, 99 II, ” 9 ” or) ” 1868, ” 120, 29 39 Il. 99 99 99 99 99 1869, 99 173, 99 99 IV. 99 39 99 99 99 1870, 99 106, 99 99 Vv. 99 399 99 99 29 1871, 99 72, by) 939 VI. 39 99 be) 99 313, 1872, 99 123, be) be) Vil. 39 99 39 99 99 1873, 99 182, 99 99 VIII. 99 99 39 99 99 1874, 99 116, 399 99 1X. 99 3° 99 99 99 1875, 99 235, 99 = x. Journal and Proceedings “ a 1876, ,, 333, os 99 XI. 99 99 99 99 99 STi; 99 305, 99 * XII. 95 ms < an as 1878, ,, 324, price 10s.6d. 99 XIII. 99 99 99 99 39 1879, 99 255, 99 ” XIV. 39 99 99 99 99 1880, 99 391, 99 99 XV. 99 99 99 99 39 1881, 99 440, 99 99 XVI. 99 99 99 99 99 1882, be) 327, 9° 99 - XVII. 99 99 be) 99 be) 1883, 9) 324, 99 99 XVIII. 99 99 99 99 99 1884, 99 224, 99 99 XIX. 99 99 99 99 29 1885, 99 240, 99 99 XX. 99 99 99 99 99 1886, 99 396, 393 399 XXiI. 99 99 99 99 99 1887, 29 296, 39 99 XXII. >) 99 99 99 99 1888, br) 390. bh) es OIG x 3 33 us As 1889, ,, 534, a be) XXIV. 99 39 Hf) 99 bed 1890, be) 290, 99 ” XXV. 99 399 99 99 99 1391; 99 348, 99 99 XXVI. 99 99 99 319) 99 1892, 99 426, 99 99 XXVII. 99 3° 99 99 399 1893, SY) 530, 99 ae XX VAT, 35 3 9 7 $5 1894, ,, 368, 5 99 XXIX. 99 99 99 99 99 1895, 99 600, 39 ” XXX. 99 ” oF) 99 ‘ ” 1896, 29 568, 9 Pe) XXXI. 29 ” ” ” ” 1897, », 626, 99 ‘ 99 XXXII. 99 399 399 99 99 1898, 29 476, ry) 99 XXXII. 99 99 39 99 399 1899, be 400, 99 99 XXXIV. be) 99 be) 99 99 1900, 9° 484, 99 99 XXXV. 99 99 bh) 39 39 1901, ”? 581, 39 9) XXXVI. ae be) 29 399 bi) 1902, 99 531, 399 os XXXVI: is 53 ss An oe 1908, ,, 663, er, a) XXXVIII. oo) ” 29 oe) 29 1904, ” 604, 29 ” XXXIX. ” i) ” 29 9 1905, »» 274, +) CONTENTS. VOLUME XXXIX. OFFICERS FOR 1905-1906... List ART. ART. ART. ART. ART. ART. ART. ART. ART. ART. ART. oF Members, &c. I.—PRESIDENTIAL AppREss. By C. O. BURGE, M. Inst. CE, Telford Medallist, Inst. C.E. II.—On the occurrence of Calcium Oxalate in the Barks of the Eucalypts. By Henry G. Smita, F.c.s., Assistant Curator, Technological Museum, Sydney, [With Plate] III.—On so-called Gold-coated Teeth in Sheep. By A. LIVERSIDGE, LL.D., F.R8.S., Professor of Chemistry, eee of Sydney pee ; ; IV.—Observations on the Illustrations of the Banks ‘and Solander Plants. By J. H. Marpen, Government Botanist, and Director of Botanic Gardens, Sydney : V.—The refractive indices, with other data, of the oils of 118 species of Eucalypts. By Henry G. Smiru, F.c.s., Assistant Curator, Technological Museum, Sydney ee ae VI.—Note on the drift of S.S. “ Pilbarra.” By Henry A. LENEHAN, F.R.A.S. [With Diagram | Vil.—Reinforced Concrete, Paper III. By W. H. Warren, Wh. Sc., M. Inst. C.E., M.Am,Soc.C.E., Challis Professor of Engi- neering, Sydney University VILI.—On the occurrence of Inclusions of Basic Plutonic Rocks in a Dyke near Kiama. By C. A. SussMILCH, F.G.S... IX.—Note on some simple Models for use in the Teaching of Elementary Crystallography. By W.G. WoounouG@H, D. Sc, F.G.s. (Communicated by Prof. T. W. E. DAviIpD, B.A., F.B.8.) X.—Provisional Determination of Astronomical Refraction from observations made with the Meridian Circle Instrument of the Sydney Observatory. By C. J. MeRFIELD, F.R.A.S., Mitglieder der Astronomischen Gesellschaft . XI.—Latitude of the Sydney Observatory. By C.J. MzurFrizxp, ¥.R.A.S., Mitglieder der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. 23 33 34, 39 48 49 65 70 76 93 (vi.) PAGE Art. XII.—A method of separating the Clay and Sand in Clay Soils, and those rich in organic matter. By L. Cowen, Chemical Laboratory, Department of Agriculture. (Com- municated by F. B. GuTHRIE, F.1.¢., F.C.8.) ... ay we 98 Art. XIII.—Sociology of some Australian Tribes. By R. H. MatTueEws, u.s., Corres. Memb. Anthrop. Soc., Washington 104 Art. XIV.—On an undescribed species of Leptospermum and its Essential Oil. By Ricwarp T. Baxksr, F.u.s., Curator, and Henry G. Smita, F.c.s., Assistant Curator, Technological Museum, Sydney. [With Plate] ie wae Bae we «= 124 Art. XV.—Note on a hollow Lightning Conductor crushed by the discharge. By J. A. Pottock, Professor of Physics, and S. H. BarractoueH, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, in the University of Sydney, [With Plate.] ... sais re sl ENGINEERING SECTION. Art. XVI.—Annual Address. By 8S. H. BARRACLOUGH, B.H., M.M.E., Assoc M., Inst.C.E., Chairman of the Engineering Section sees Oeies Art. XVII.—Some Notes on the Storage and Regulation of Water for Irrigation Purposes. By T. WuircHuRcH SEAVER, B.E. (Communicated by W. E. Cuoxkg, M.E.) Sys ee ooxX ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS ae 4. Sul ai aa ae i. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENGINEERING SECTION ... es Fae safe Ts INDEX TO VoLUME XXXIX. .... Bi ae ee oa (xxv.) Royal Rociety of Hey Fouth dales. OPE aes Oke 1905 = 1906: Patron: HIS EXCELLENCY HENRY STAFFORD, BARON NORTHCOTE, G.C.M.G., G.C.LE., C.B. Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia. Vice-Patron: HIS EXCELLENCY ADMIRAL SIR HARRY HOLDSWORTH RAWSON, K.c.B. Governor of the State of New South Wales. President: H. A. LENEHAN, F.B.a:s. Vice-Presidents: Prof. LIVERSIDGE, tu.p., F.r.s. F. B. GUTHRIE, F.1.c., F.c.s. Prof. WARREN,M. Inst. C.E., Wh.Sc.| F. H. QUAIFE, m.a., M.D. Hon. Treasurer: D. CARMENT, @.1.4., F.F.A. Hon. Secretaries: J. H. MAIDEN, | G. H. KNIBBS, F.R.a.s. Members of Council: S.H. BARBACLOUGH, - T. H. HOUGHTON, M. Inst. C.B. Prof. T. W. E. DAVID, pA. ¥ns, | H.C. RUSSELL, w.a., c.m.c., PRS. H. DEANE, M.A., M. Inst. C.E. HENRY G. SMITH, F.c.s. T. F. FURBER, F-.B.a.s. WALTER SPENCER, m.p. W.-M. HAMLET, F.1.c., F.c.s. J. STUART THOM Assistant Secretary: W.H. WEBB. FORM OF BEQUEST. £ bequeath the sum of £ to the Royat Socrery or New Soutn Watss, Incorporated by Act of the Parliament of New South Wales in 1881, and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of the said Corporation shall be an effectual discharge for the said Bequest, which I direct to be paid within calendar months after my decease, without any reduction whatsoever, whether on account of Legacy Duty thereon or otherwise, out of such part of my estate as may be lawfully applied for that purpose. [Those persons who feel disposed to benefit the Royal Society of . New South Wales by Legacies, are recommended to instruct their Solicitors to adopt the above Form of Bequest. | LIST OF THE MEMBERS OF THE Aopal Society of Hew South Wales. P Members who have contributed papers which have been published in the Society’s Transactions or Journal; papers published in the Transactions of the Philosophical ‘Society are also included. The numerals indicate the number of such contributions. t Life Members. Elected. 1877 1895 1904: 1890 1898 1905 1903 1902 1899 1878 1894 1900 1894. 1596 1895 1903 1894 1877 1876 1900 1869 1905 1901 1905 PS EZ dca Ps P 10 P 2) Abbott, W. E., ‘Abbotsford,’ Wingen. Adams, J. H. M., Broughton Cottage, St. James’ Rd., Waverley. Adams, William John, 1. Mech. E., 163 Clarence-street. Allan, Percy, M. Inst. C.E., Assoc. M. Am, Soc. C.E., Engineer-in-Charge of Bridge Design, Public Works Department, Sydney. Alexander, Frank Lee, c/o Messrs. Goodlet and Smith Ld., Cement Works, Granville. Anderson, Charles, m.a., Bsc, Edin., ‘Moa,’ Roslyn Gardens, Darlinghurst. Arnot, Arthur James, A.M.I.C.E., M.I.M.E., M.1.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 83 Pitt-street. Arnott, John M., ‘ Strathfield,’ Strathfield. Atkinson, A. A., Chief Inspector of Collieries, Department of Mines, Sydney. Backhouse, Alfred P., m.a,, District Court Judge, ‘ Melita,’ Elizabeth Bay. Baker, Richard Thomas, F.u.s., Curator, Technological Museum. Bale, Ernest, c.z., Public Works Department. {Balsille, George, ‘ Lauderdale,’ N.E. Valley, Dunedin, N.Z. Barff, H. E., u.a., Registrar, Sydney University. Barraclough, 8. Henry, B.E., M.M.E., Assoc. M. Inst.c.e. Memb. Soc. Promotion Eng. Education; Memb. Internat. Assoc. Testing Materiais; Lecturer in Mechanism and Applied Thermodynamics, Sydney University; pr. ‘Marmion,’ Victoria-street, Lewisham. | Bayly, Francis William, Assayer, Royal Mint, Sydney. Baxter, William Howe, Chief Surveyor Existing Lines Office, Railway Department, Bridge-street. Belfleld, Algernon H., ‘ Eversleigh,’ Dumaresq. Benbow, Clement A., 48 College-street. Bender, Ferdinand, Accountant and Auditor, 21 Elizabeth- street, North. Bensusan,S. L., Equitable Building, George-st., Box 411,G.P.0. Bignold, Hugh Baron, Barrister-at-Law, Chambers, Went- worth Court, 64 Elizabeth-street. Birks, Lawrence,, Assoc. M. Inst.C.E., A-M.I.E.E., F.G.S., City EHlectricai Engineer, Christchurch, New Zealand. Blakemore, George Henry, General Manager for the Great Cobar Mining Syndicate, Lithgow. (x.) Elected 1888 {Blaxland, Walter, F.R.c.s. Hng., u.R.c.P. Lond., Fremantle, West Australia. 1893 Blomfield, Charles E., B.c.u. Melb., ‘ Woombi,’ Kangaroo Camp, Guyra. 1898 Blunno, Michele. Licentiate in Science (Rome), Government Viticultural Expert, Department of Agriculture, Sydney. 1905 Board, Peter, m.a. Syd., Under Secretary and Director of Education, Department of Public Instruction, Sydney. 1879 tBond, Albert, 131 Bell’s Chambers, Pitt-street. 1904, Bosch, Ernest, Consulting Optician, Mutual Life Building, Martin Place. 1891 Bowman, Archer S., B.z., ‘ Keadue,’ Elizabeth Bay Road. 1893 Bowman, John, Assoc. M. Instv0.E., c/o T. A. Kemmis, Esq., 163 Phillip-street. 1876 Brady, Andrew John, Lic. K. & Q. Coll. Phys. Irel., Lic. R. Coll. Sur. Irel., 3 Lyons Terrace, Hyde Park. 1891 Brennand, Henry J. W., B.A., M.B., ch. M. Syd., F.R.A.S., F.C.S., ; 231 Macquarie-street. 1902 Brereton, Victor Le Gay, Solicitor, Tattersall’s Chambers, Hunter-st.; p.r. ‘Osgathorpe,’ Gladesville. 1878 {Brooks, Joseph, F.R.A.8., F.R.G.S., ‘ Hope Bank,’ Nelson-street, Woollahra. 1876 Brown, Henry Joseph, Solicitor, Newcastle. 1903 Bruck, Ludwig, Medical Publisher, 15 Castlereagh-street. 1898 {Burfitt, W. Fitzmaurice, B.A., B. sc, M.B., ch. mM. Syd., 311 Glebe Road, Glebe Point. 1890 Burne, Dr. Alfred, Dentist, 1 Lyons Terrace, Liverpool-street. 1880 Bush, Thomas James, m. Inst.c.z., Engineer’s Office, Australian Gas-Light Company, 153 Kent-street. 1904. Cambage, Richard Hind, F.u.s., Chief Mining Surveyor, Park Road, Burwood. 1904 Cameron, John Mindoro, Assoc. M. mst, c.£e., Engineer, Public Works Department; p.r. Hotel Metropole, Sydney. 1900 Canty, M., ‘ Rosemont,’ 13 York-street, Wynyard Square. 1876 Cape, Alfred J.,m.a. Syd., ‘ Karoola,’ Edgecliffe Rd., Edgecliffe. 1897 | P 3| Cardew, John Haydon, Assoc. M. Inst. ¢.E., L.S., 75 Pitt-street. 1901 Card, George William, a.R.S.M.,F.G.8 , Curator and Mineralogist to the Geological Survey, N.S.W., Department of Mines. 1891 Carment, David, F.1.a. Grt. Brit. & Irel., p.¥.a. Scot., Australian Mutual Provident Society, 87 Pitt-st. Hon. Treasurer. 19038 Carslaw, H.S., m.a., pD. sc, Professor of Mathematics, Sydney University, Glebe. 1879 | P 1 |{Chard, J. S., Licensed Surveyor, Armidale. 1878 Chisholm, Edwin, m.r.c.s. Eng., u.s.A. Lond., Victoria-street, Ashfield. 1885 Chishoim, William, m.p. Lond., 1389 Macquarie-street, North. 1896 | P 1] Cook, W. E., u.c.z. Melb., m. mst. c.z., District Engineer, Water and Sewerage Department, North Sydney. 1904 Cooksey, Thomas, ph. D., Bsc. Lond., F.1.c, Second Government Analyst ; p.r. ‘ Clissold,’ Calypso Avenue, Mosman. 1903 Cooper, David John, m.a., ‘Grasmere,’ 151 Stanmore Road, Stanmore. Elected 1876 1876 1882 1891 1892 1886 (xi. ) Codrington, John Frederick, m.r.c.s. Eng., u.R.c.P. Lond., L.R.c.P. Edin., ‘ Wynwood,’ Wahroonga. Colyer, J. U.C., ‘ Malvern,’ Collingwood and Seymour-streets, Drummoyne. Cornwell, Samuel, Australian Brewery, Bourke-st., Waterloo. Coutie, W. H., ms, cn.B, Meld., ‘Warminster,’ Canterbury Road, Petersham. P1| Cowdery, George R., Assoc. M. Inst. c.E., Engineer for Tramways, Phillip-st.; p.r. ‘Glencoe,’ Torrington Road, Strathfield. Crago, W. H., m.R.c.s. Eng., u.R.c.P. Lond., 16 College-street, Hyde Park. Dampney, Gerald F., Fellow of the Society of Chemical Industry, ‘ Doonbah,’ Hunter’s Hill. Dangar, Fred. H., c/o Messrs. Dangar, Gedye, & Co., Mer- cantile Bank Chambers, Margaret-street. Dare, Henry Harvey, M.B., Assoc. M. Inst.c.E, Roads and Bridges Branch, Public Works Department. P 3| Darley, Cecil West, M. mnst.c.z, 834 Campden Hill Court, Camp- den Hill Road, Kensington, London, W. Darley, The Hon. Sir Frederick, G.c.m.a., B.A., Chief Justice, Supreme Court. 1886 P 18) David, T.W. Edgeworth, B.a., F.G.8., F.R.8., Professor of Geology 1892 1885 1899 - 1894 and Physical Geography, Sydney University, Glebe. P 1} Davis, Joseph, m.tmst.c.e, Under Secretary, Department of Public Works. P 2| Deane, Henry, u.4., M. mst.c.u.. Hoskins’ Building, Spring-st.; p.r. ‘ Blanerne,’ Wybalena Road, Hunter’s Hill. Deck, John Feild, u.p. Univ. St. Andrews, L.B.c P. Lond., M.R.C.S. Eng., 203 Macquarie-st.; p.r. 92 Elizabeth-st., Ashfield. P 1| De Coque, J. V., c/o Messrs. Gibbs, Bright & Co., 37 Pitt-st. Dick, James Adam, B.a., Syd., M.D, o.M. Hdin., ‘ Catfoss,’ Belmore Road, Randwick. 1875 | P 12| Dixon, W. A., F.c.s., Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of 1880 | 1876 1904 Great eeu and Ireland, 97 Pitt-street. Dixson, Thomas Storie, u.p. Edin., Mast. Surg. Edin., 287 Elizabeth-street, Hyde Park. Docker, Ernest B., u.a. Syd., District Court Judge, ‘ Eltham, Edgecliffe Road. Duckworth, A., A.M.P. Society, 87 Pitt-st.; p.r. ‘Trentham,’ Woollahra. |'P1| Du Faur, E., F.n.G.s.,-* Flowton,’ Turramurra. P 4| Etheridge, Robert, Junr., y.p., Curator, Australian Museum ; p-r. 21 Roslyn-street, Darlinghurst Evans, George, Fitz Evan Chambers, Castlereagn-street. Evans, James W., Chief Inspector, Weights and Measures ; p.r. ‘Glenthorne,’ 4 Railway-street, Petersham. Elected 1877 1896 1868 1887 1902 1897 1881 1888 1990 1902 1879 1881 1905 1904 1899 1881 1899 1876 1879 1896 1859 1897 1891 1899 1891 1880 1899 1892 1887 1905 1881 1887 1884 Pil Bez Pat P2 PZ (xii, ) {Fairfax, Edward Ross, ’. M. Herald Office, Hunter-street. Fairfax, Geoffrey E., 8S. M. Herald Office, Hunter-street. Fairfax, Sir James R., Knt., 8. M. Herald Oftice, Hunter-st. Faithfull, R. L., mp., New York (Coll. Phys. & Surg.), L.B.¢.P., L.s.A. Lond., 18 Wylde-street. Faithfull, William Percy, Barrister-at-Law, Australian Club. Fell, David, u.u.a.,c.a.a., Public Accountant, Equitable Build- ing, George-street. Fiaschi, Thos. m.p., m. ch. Pisa, 149 Macquarie-street. Fitzhardinge, Grantly Hyde, ma. Syd., District Court Judge, ‘Red Hill,’ Beecroft, Northern Line. {Flashman, James Froude, m.p. Syd., Jersey Road, Burwood. Fleming, Edward G., a.u.1.E.z., 16 O’Connell-street. {Foreman, Joseph, m.R.¢.s. Eng., L.R.Cc.P.Hdin.. 141 Macquarie-st. Foster, The Hon. W. J., K.c., ‘Thurnby,’ 35 Enmore Road, Newtown. Foy, Mark, ‘ Eumemering,’ Believue Hill, Woollahra. Fraser, James, M. Inst. c.E., Engineer-in-Chief for Existing Lines, Bridge-street; p.r. ‘Arnprior,’ Neutral Bay. French, J. Russell, General Manager, Bank of New South Wales, George-street. Garran, R. R., u.a., c.m.c., Commonwealth Offices, Spring-st., Melbourne. George, W. R., 318 George-street. Gerard, Francis, ‘The Grange,’ Monteagle, near Young. Gibson, Frederick William, District Court Judge, ‘ Grasmere,’ Stanmore Road. Goodlet, J. H., ‘Canterbury House,’ Ashfield. Gould, Major The Hon. Albert John, Senator, ‘ Hynesbury,’ Edgecliffe. Grimshaw, James Walter, M. Inst. C.., M. I. Mech. E., &., Australian Club. Gummow, Frank M., u.c.z., Vickery’s Chambers, 82 Pitt-st. Guthrie, Frederick B.,, F.1c., F.c.s., Chemist, Department of Agriculture, 136 George-street, Sydney. Vice-President. Halligan, Gerald H., r a.s., ‘ Riversleigh,’ Hunter’s Hill. Halloran, Aubrey, B.A., Lu.B., Savings Bank Chambers, Moore-street. Halloran, Henry Ferdinand, t.s., Scott’s Chambers, 94 Pitt-st. Hamlet, William M., F.1.c., F.c.s., Member of the Society of Public Analysts; Government Analyst, Health Depart- ment, Macquarie-street, North. Harker, George, pD. sc, 35 Boulevarde, Petersham. tHarris, John, ‘ Bulwarra,’ Jones-street, Ultimo. {Hargrave, Lawrence, Wunulla Road, Woollahra Point. Haswell, William Aitcheson, M.A., D.Sc, F.B.S., Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, University, Sydney ; p.r. ‘Mimihau,’ Woollahra Point. Furber, T. F., F.R.4.s.,‘Wavertree,’ Kurraba Road,Neutral Bay. | Elected 1900 1890 | P 2 1891 1900 1902 1899 1899 1884 1904 1876 1896 1892 - 1901 1904 _ 1905 1905 1891 1894 1905 1903 1891 | 1904 | 1900 | 1903 | 1904. 1905 1902 1902 | Pl 1884. 1867 Pil P3 Pi P2 Pe (xill.) Hawkins, W. E., Solicitor, 88 Pitt-street. Haycroft, James Isaac, m.E. Queen’s Univ. Irel., assoc. M. Inst. C.E. Assoc. M. Cam. Soc. C.E., Assoc. M. Am. Soc. C.E., M.M. &C.E., M. Inst. C.E.I., L.8. ‘The Grove,’ off Queen-street, Woollahra. Hedley, Charles, F.u.s., Assistant in Zoology, Australian Museum, Sydney. Helms, Richard, Experimentalist, Department of Agriculture. Hennessy, John Francis, Architect, Ashpitel Prizeman and Silver Medallist, Royal Institute of British Architects, City Chambers, 243 Pitt-street. Henderson, J., F.B.E.S., Manager, City Bank of Sydney, Pitt-st. Henderson, S., M.A., Assoc M. Inst. cE, Equitable Building, George-street. Henson, Joshua B., assoc. u. Inst.c-E, Hunter District Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Newcastle. Hill, John Whitmore, Architect, ‘Willamere,’ May’s Hill, Parramatta. Hirst, George D., F.R.A.8., 379 George-street. Hinder, Henry Critchley, u.s., c.u. Syd., Elizabeth-st., Ashfield. Hodgson, Charles George, 157 Macquarie-street. Holt, Thomas S., ‘ Holwood,’ Victoria-street, Ashfield. Holt, Rev. Wilfred John, m.a., ‘ Kiora,’ Blackheath. Hooper, George, Registrar, Sydney Technical College; p.r. ‘ Branksome,’ Henson-street, Summer Hill. Hoskins, George J., Burwood Road, Burwood. Houghton, Thos. Harry, M. Inst. ¢.E., M. I. Mech. E., 63 Pitt-street. Hunt, Henry A., F.R. Met. Soc, Acting Government Meteorologist, Sydney Observatory. Hyde, Ellis, Analyst, 27 York-street. Irvine, R. F., m.a., Examiner for Public Service Board; p.r. Musgrave-street, Mosman. Jamieson, Sydney, B.A., M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.c.P., 189 Liverpool- street, Hyde Park. Jaquet, John Blockley, a.ns.m., F.c.s., Acting Chief Inspector of Mines, Geological Surveyor, ‘ Cromer,’ 91 Phillip-street. Jarman, Arthur, a.r.s.m., Demonstrator in Assaying and Chemistry, University of Sydney. Jenkinson, Edward H., m.1. mech. u., 18 and 15 Macquarie Place. Jenkins, R. J. H., Fisheries Commissioner, ‘ Pyalla,’ 13a Selwyn street, Moore Park. Jensen, Harold Ingemann, 8. sc, Macleay Fellow of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, Sydney University. Jevons, H. Stanley, m.a. Cantab., B. sc, Lond., University Col- lege of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff. Jones, Henry L., Assoc. M. Am. Soc. C.E., 14 Martin Place. {tJones, Llewellyn Charles Russell, Solicitor, Falmouth Cham- bers, 117 Pitt-street. Jones, Sir P. Sydney, Knt., u.p. Lond., F.n.c.s. Eng., 16 College street, Hyde Park; p.r. ‘ Llandilo,’ Boulevard, Strathfield. Elected 1876 1878 1883 1873 1887 1903 1991 1891 1896 1892 1878 1881 1877 1878 1874 1901 1883 1901 1872 1884: 1887 1892 PZ Pil Pay PZ P 55 (xiv.) Josephson, J. Percy, assoc. M. Inst. c.E., Stephen Court, 81 Eliza- beth-street; p.r. ‘Moppity,’ George-street, Dulwich Hill. Joubert, Numa, Hunter’s Hill. Kater, The Hon. H. E., J P., u.u.c., Australian Club. Keele, Thomas William, m.mst.c.z, President, Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage, 341 Pitt-street. Kent, Harry C., m.a., Bell’s Chambers, 129 Pitt-street. Kennedy, Thomas, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., Railway Construction Branch, Public Works Department. Kidd, Hector, M.Inst.c.E. ‘Craig Lea,’ 15 Mansfield-street, Glebe Point. King, Christopher Watkins, Assoc. M. Inst.C.E., L.s., Assistant Engineer, Harbours and Rivers Department, Newcastle. King, Kelso, 120 Pitt-street. Kirkealdie, David, Commissioner, New South Wales Govern- ment Railways, Sydney. Knagegs, Samuel T., m.p. Aberdeen, F.R.c.8s. Irel., 1 Lyons Terrace, Hyde Park. Knibbs, G. H., F.R.A.s.. Memb. Internat. Assoc. Testing Materials; Memb. Brit. Sc. Guild; ‘Spottiswoode,’ 28 Bland-street, Ashfield. Hon. Secretary. Knox, Edward W., ‘ Rona,’ Bellevue Hill, Double Bay. Kyngdon, F. B., r.R.m.s. Lond., Deanery Cottage, Bowral. Lenehan, Henry Alfred, ¥.n.a.s., Acting Government Astro- nomer, Sydney Observatory. President. Lindeman, Charles F., Wine Merchant, Jersey Rd., Strathfield. Lingen, J. T., m.a. Cantab., 167 Phillip-street. Little, Robert, ‘The Hermitage,’ Rose Bay. Liversidge, Archibald, m.a. Cantab., Lu.D., F.R.S., Hon. F.R:S. Edin., Assoc. Roy. Sch. Mines, Lond.; F.C.S., F.G.S., F.R.G.8.5 Fel. Inst. Chem. of Gt. Brit. and Irel., Hon. Fel. Roy. Historical Soc. Lond.; Mem. Phy. Soc. Lond.; Mineral- ogical Society, Lond.; Edin. Geol. Soc.; Mineralogical Society, France; Corr. Mem. Edin. Geol. Soc.; New York Acad. of Sciences; Roy. Soc., Tas.; Roy. Soc., Queensland ; Senckenberg Institute, Frankfurt; Société d’ Acclimat., Mauritius; Foreign Corr. Indiana Acad. of Sciences; Hon. Mem. Roy. Soc., Vict.; N. Z. Institute; K. Leop. Carol. Acad., Halle a/s; Professor of Chemistry in the University of Sydney, The University, Glebe; p.r. ‘The Octagon,’ St. Mark’s Road, Darling Point. Vice-President. MacCormick, Alexander, u.p., c.m. Edin., m.R.c.s. Eng., 125 Macquarie-street, North. MacCulloch, Stanhope H., u.s., c.m. Edin., 24 College-street. | McDonagh, John M., B.a., M.D., M.R.c.P. Lond., F.B.C.S. Irel., 173 Macquarie-street, North. Elected 1897 1878 | 1868 1903 1891 1904 1891 1893 1876 1904 1880 1903 -1876 1901 1894. 1900 1899 1882 1883 | 1880 1897 | 1875 1903 1896 1905 Pi P 9| IPl P 20 te 7 (xv.) MacDonald, C. A., c.z., 63 Pitt-street. MacDonald, Ebenezer, 3.P., c/o Perpetual Trustee Co. Ld., 2 Spring-street. MacDonnell, William J., F.p.a.s., 4 Falmouth Chambers, 117 Pitt-street. McDonald, Robert, y.p., Acting Under Secretary for Lands, p-r. ‘ Wairoa,’ Holt-street, Double Bay. McDouall, Herbert Crichton, m.R.c.s. Eng., L.R.c.P. Lond., D.P.H. Cantab., Hospital for Insane, Gladesville. iMacFarlane, Edward, s.p., Under Secretary for Lands, 12 Fitzroy-street, Milson’s Point, North Sydney. McKay, R. T., c.z., ‘Tranquilla,’ West-street, North Sydney. McKay, William J. Stewart, B.Sc., M. B,, Ch.M., Cambridge-street. Stanmore. Mackellar, The Hon. Charles Kinnaird, M.L.c., M.B.,¢c.m. Glas., Equitable Building, George-street. McKenzie, Robert, Sanitary Inspector, (Water and Sewerage Board), ‘Stonehaven Cottage, Bronte Road, Waverley. McKinney, Hugh Giffin, m.z. Roy. Univ. Irel., M. Inst. CE, Exchange, 56 Pitt-street; p.r. ‘ Dilkhusha,’ Fuller’s Road, Chatswood. Mecuaughlin, John, Solicitor, Clement’s Chambers, 88 Pitt-st. MacLaurin. The Hon. Sir Henry Normand, M.L.c., M.A., M.D, L.R.c.s. Edin., LL.D. St. Andrews, 155 Macquarie-street. McMaster, Colin J., Chief Commissioner of Western Lands; p-.r. Wyuna Road, Woollahra Point. McMillan, Sir William, ‘ Logan Brae,’ Waverley. MacTaggart, A. H., p.p.s. Phil. U.S.A., King and Phillip-sts. MacTaggart, J. N.C., u.z, Syd., Assoc. M.Inst.0.E., Water and Sewerage Board, 341 Pitt-street. Madsen, Hans F., ‘ Hesselmed House,’ Queen-st., Newtown. Maiden, J. Henry, J.p., F.u.s., Hon. Fellow Roy. Soc., S.A.; Hon. Memb. Nat. Hist. Soc., W.A.; Netherlands Soc. for Promotion of Industry ; Philadelphia Coll. Pharm.; Pharm. Soc. N.S.W.; Brit. Pharm. Conf.; Corr. Fellow Therapeu- tical Soc. Lond.; Corr. Memb. Pharm. Soc. Great Britain ; Bot. Soc. Edin.; Soc. Nac. de Agricultura (Chile); Soc. d’ Horticulture d’ Alger; Union Agricole Calédonienne ; Soc. Nat. etc. de Chérbourg ; Roy. Soc., Tas.; Government Botanist and Director, Botanic Gardens, Sydney. Hon. Secretary. Manfred, Edmund C., Montague-street, Goulburn. Marden, John, 8.a., M.A., LL.B. Melb., tu.p. Syd., Principal, Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Sydney. Mathews, Robert Hamilton, t.s., Assoc. Etran. Soc. d’ Anthrop. de Paris; Cor. Mem. Anthrop. Soc., Washington, U.S.A.; Cor. Mem. Anthrop. Soc. Vienna; Cor. Mem. Roy. Geog. Soc. Aust.,Queensland; ‘Carcuron,’ Hassall-st., Parramatta. Meggitt, Loxley, Manager Co-operative Wholesale Society, Alexandria. Merfield, Charles J., ¥.n.A.s., Mitglieder der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Observatory Sydney. Miller, James Edward, Cobar. Elected 1887 1903 1889 1879 IMSHO(P 1879 1887 1876 1893 1901 1891 1873 1893 1903 1896 1875 1891 1883 1903 1880 1878 1901 1899 1877 1899 ‘1879 1896 1881 1879 1887 1896 P3 IPG P2 (Xvi.) Miles, George E., u.R.c.P. Lond., u.z.c.s. Hng., The Hospital, Rydalmere, near Parramatta. Minell, W. Percy, Incorporated Accountant, Martin Chambers, Moore-street. Mingaye, John C. H., F.1.c., F.c.s., Assayer and Analyst to the Department of Mines, Government Metallurgical Works, Clyde; p.r. Campbell-street, Parramatta. Moore, Frederick H., Illawarra Coal Co., Gresham-street. tMullens, Josiah, F.R.a.s., ‘Tenilba,’? Burwood. Mullins, John Francis Lane, m.a. Syd., ‘ Killountan,’ Challis Avenue, Pott’s Point. Munro, William John, B.A., M.B., C.M., M.D. Hdin., M.R.c.8. Eng., 213 Macquarie-street; p.r. ‘ Forest House,’ 182 Pyrmont. Bridge Road, Forest Lodge. Myles, Charles Henry, ‘ Dingadee,’ Burwood. Nangle, James, Architect, Australia-street, Newtown. Newton, Roland G., ‘ Walcott,’ Boyce-street, Glebe Point. tNoble, Edwald George, Public Works Department, Newcastle. Norton, The Hon. James, m.L.c., Lu.D., Solicitor, 2 O’Connell- street; p.r. ‘Ecclesbourne,’ Ocean-street, Edgecliffe. Noyes, Edward, Assoc. Inst. 0.E., Assoc. I, Mech, E., c/o Messrs. Noyes Bros., 109 Pitt-street. Old, Richard, Solicitor, ‘Waverton,’ Bay Rd., North Sydney. Onslow, Lt. Col. James William Macarthur, Camden Park, Menangle. O’Reilly, W. W. J., M.D. M.Ch., Q. Univ. Irel., u.z.c.s. Eng., 197 Liverpool-street, Hyde Park. Osborn, A. F., Assoc. M. Inst, C.E., Public Works Department, Cowra. Osborne, Ben. M., J.p., ‘ Hopewood,’ Bowral. Owen, Rev. Hideeacds B.A., All Saints’ Rectory, Hunter’s Hill. Palmer, Joseph, 96 Pitt-st.; p.r. Kenneth-st., Willoughby. Paterson, Hugh, 197 Liverpool-street, Hyde Park. Peake, Algernon, Assoc. M. Inst, C,E, 25 Prospect Road. Ashfield. Pearse, W., Union Club; p.r. Moss Vale. Pedley, Perceval R., 227 Macquarie-street. Petersen, T. Tyndall, Member of Sydney Institute of Public Accountants, Copper Mines, Burraga. Pittman, Edward F., Assoc. R.S.M.. L.s., Under Secretary and Government Geologist, Department of Mines. Plummer, John, ‘ Northwood,’ Lane Cove River; Box 413 G.P.O.. Poate, Frederick, Lands Office, Moree. Pockley, Thomas F. G., Commercial Bank, Singleton. Pollock, James Arthur, B.n. Roy. Univ. Irel., B.Sc., Syd., Pro- fessor of Physics, Sydney University. Pope, Roland James, B.A. Syd., M.D., C.M., FRCS. Hdin.,. Ophthalmic Surgeon, 235 Macquarie-street. Elected 1893 1901 ina iP — | | P Bt Left ‘Pi ‘Pe F 69 Bs! PA) (xvii. ) Purser, Cecil, B.A, M.B. Chu. Syd., ‘ Valdemar,’ Boulevard, Petersham. Purvis, J. G. S., Water and Sewerage Board, 311 Pitt-street. Quaife, F. H., m.a., m.p., Mast. Surg. Glas., ‘Hughenden,’ 14 Queen-street, Woollahra. Vice-President. Rae, J. L. C., ‘ Endcliffe,’? Church-street, Newcastle. Ramsay, Arthur A., Assistant Chemist, Department of Agri- culture, 136 George-street. Ramsay, David, Surveyor, ‘ Liryclea,’ Lyons Road, Five Dock. tRamsay, Edward P., uu.p. St. And., F.R.S.E, F.L.S., 8 Palace- street, Petersham. Raymond, Robert S., ‘ Yarroville,’ Goulburn. Rennie, George E., B.a. Syd., m.pv. Lond, M.R.c.s. Eng., 159 Macquarie-street. tRenwick, The Hon. Sir Arthur, Knt., uw.uc., B.a. Syd., M.D., F.R.C.S. Hdin., 325 Hlizabeth-street. Richard, G. A., Mount Morgan Gold Mining Co., Mount Morgan, Queensland. Rooke, Thomas, a.m.1c.z., Electrical Engineer, Town Hail, . Sydney. Roberts, W. S. de Lisle, c.z., ‘ Kenilworth,’ Penshurst. Rolleston, John C., Assoc. M. Inst. C.E. Harbours and. Rivers Branch, Public Works Department. Rossbach, William, Assoc. M. Inst.C.E., Chief Draftsman, Harbours and Rivers Branch, Public Works Department. Ross, Chisholm, m.p. Syd., M.B., c.m. Hdin., 147 Macquarie-st. Ross, Herbert H., Consulting Engineer and Architect, Equit- able Building, George-street. Ress, William J. Clunies, B.Sc. Lond. & Syd., r.a.s., Lecturer in Chemistry, Technical College, Sydney. Rothe, W.H., Colonial Sugar Co., O’Connell-street, and Union Club. Russell, Henry C., B.A. Syd., C.M.G., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., F. R. Met. Soc, Hon. Memb. Roy. Soc. 8. Australia, Sydney Observatory. Russell, Harry Ambrose, B.A., Solicitor, c/o Messrs. Sly and Russel), 369 George-street; p.r. ‘ Mahuru,’ Fairfax Road, Bellevue Hill. Rygate, Philip W., wa., B.E. Syd., Asaoc. M. Inst.C.E, Phoenix Chambers, 158 Pitt-strect. 'Scheidel, August, Ph.p, Managing Director, Commonwealth Portland Cement Co., Sydney; Union Club. Schmidlin, F., 83 Elizabeth-street, Sydney. Schofield, James Alexander, F.c s., A.R.S.mM , University, Sydney. Scott, Ernest Kilburn, The University, Sydney. {Scott, Rev. William, ma. Cantab., Kurrajong Heights. Scott, William B., Principal, Homebush Grammar School, p.r Albert Road, Strathfield. =". (Xvill. ) Elected ; 1877 ,P 4, Selfe, Norman, M. Inst, C.E., M.I. Mech, E., Victoria Chambers, 279 George-street. 1904 | P 1} Sellors, R. P., B.a. Syd., ‘Cairnleith,’ Springdale Road, Killara. 1891 Shaw, Percy William, M. Inst. c.E. Resident Engineer for Tram- way Construction ; p.r. ‘ Epcombs,’ Miller-st. North Sydney. 1883 | P 3/| Shellshear, Walter, M. Inst.c.E, Inspecting Engineer, Existing Lines Office, Bridge-street. 1905 Simpson, D. C., Divisional Engineer, N. S. Wales Railways, Redfern; p.r. ‘Omapere,’ Lane Cove Road, North Sydney. 1900 Simpson, R. C., Technical College, Sydney. 1882 Sinclair, Eric, u.p., c.m. Glas., Inspector-General of Insane, 9 Richmond ‘Terrace, Domain; p.r. Cleveland-street, Wahroonga. 1893 Sinclair, Russell, M. I. Mech.E., etc, Consulting Engineer, Vickery’s Chambers, 82 Pitt-street. 1891 | P 3) Smail, J. M., M.mst.c.E., Chief Engineer, Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage, 341 Pitt-street. 1904 | P 1} Smail, Herbert Stuart Inglis, B.z. Syd., Bagan Serai, Feder- ated Malay States. © 1893 P 31} Smith, Henry G., ¥.c.s., Assistant Curator, Technological Museum, Sydney. 1874 | P 1 |/f{Smith, John McGarvie, 89 Denison-street, Woollahra. 1899 | Smith, R. Greig, D. Sc, Hdin.,, Dun., Macleay Bacteriologist, ‘Otterburn,’ Double Bay. 1886 Smith, Walter Alexander, m Inst. c.E., Roads, Bridges and Sewerage Branch, PublicWorks Department; 124 Phillip-st. 1896 Spencer, Walter, M.D. Bruz., 18 Edgeware Road, Enmore. 1904 Stanley, Henry Charles, M. Inst.c.E., Royal Chambers, Hunter and Castlereagh-streets. 1892 | P 1| Statham, Edwyn Joseph, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., Cumberland Heights, Parramatta. 1900 Stewart, J. D., m.z.c.v.s., Government Veterinary Surgeon, Department of Mines and Agriculture; p.r. Cowper-street, Randwick. 1903 Stoddart, Rev. A. G., The Rectory, Manly. 1883 |P 3| Stuart, T. P. Anderson, m.p., Lu.p. Edin, Professor - of Physiology, University of Sydney; p.r. ‘ Lincluden,’ Fairfax Road, Double Bay. 1901 | P 1} Stissmilch, C. A., Technical College, Sydney. 1905 Taylor, John M., m.a., uu.B. Syd., ‘ Eastbourne,’ Alfred-street, North Sydney. 1893 {tTaylor, James, B. Se, A.R.S.M., Nymagee. 1899 Teece, R., F.1.4., F.F.A., General Manager and Actuary, A.M.P. Society, 87 Pitt-street. 1861 |P 19) Tebbutt, John, F.r.a.s., Private Observatory, The Peninsula, Windsor, New South Wales. 1896 Thom, James Campbell, Solicitor, ‘Dunoon,’ Eurella-street, Burwood. 1896 Thom, John Stuart, Solicitor, Atheneum Chambers, 11 Castle- reagh-street. 1878 Thomas, F. J., Newcastle and Hunter River Steamship Co., 147 Sussex-street. 1879 Thomson, Dugald, u.H.R., ‘ Wyreepi,’ Milson’s Point. + Elected 1885 , P 2; Thompson, John Ashburton, m.D. Bruz., D.p.H. Cantab., M.R.C.S. 1896 1892 1894: 1894 1879 1900 1905 Et Pi P 16) (xix.) Eng., Health Department, Macquarie-street. Thompson, Capt. A. J. Onslow, Camden Park, Menangle. Thow, William, M. Inst. C.E., M.I. Mech. k., Locomotive Department, Eveleigh. Tidswell, Frank, M.B., M.Ch., D P.H. Cantab., Health Department, Sydney. Tooth, Arthur W., Kent Brewery, 26 George-street, West. Trebeck, P. C., F. R. Met. Soc, 12 O’Connell-street. Turner, Basil W., A.R.S.M.. F.c.s., Wood’s Chambers, Moore-st. Turner, John William, Assistant Under Secretary, Depart- ment of Public Instruction, Sydney. Vause, Arthur John, m.B., c.m. Edin., ‘ Bay View House,’ Tempe. Verde, Capitaine Felice, Ing. Cav., vid Fazio 2, Spezia, Italy. Vicars, James, M.C.E,, M. Inst.C.E, City Surveyor, Adelaide. Vickery, George B., 78 Pitt-street. Vonwiller, Oscar U., B.Sc, Demonstrator in Physics, University of Sydney. Voss, Houlton H., J.v., c/o Perpetual Trustee Company Ld., 2 Spring-street, Vogan, Harold Sebastian, Assoc. M. Inst. 0.E.. Authorised Surveyor N.Z.,Chief Draftsman, Existing Railways N.S.W.,Bridge-st. Wade, Leslie A. B., Assoc. M. Inst.C.&.. Department of Public Works Walker, H. O., Commercial Union Assurance Co., Pitt-street. {Walker, Senator J. T., ‘ Rosemont,’ Ocean-street, Woollahra. Walkom, A.J., A.m.1.£.E., Mem. Elec. Assoc. N.S.W., Electrical Branch, G.P.O. Sydney. Wallach, Bernhard, B.u. Syd., Electrical Engineer, ‘Oakwood,’ Wardell Road, Dulwich Hill. Walsh, Henry Deane, B.£., T.c. Dub., M. Inst.C.E., Engineer-in- Chief, Harbour Trust, Circular Quay. Walsh, Fred., George and Wynyard-streets ; p.r. ‘ Walworth,’ Park Road, City E. Walton, R. H., F.c.s., ‘ Flinders,’ Martin’s Avenue, Bondi. Wark, William, 9 Macquarie Place; p.r. Kurrajong Heights. Warren, William Edward, B.A., M.D., M.Ch., Queen’s University Trel., M.D. Syd., 283 Elizabeth-street, Sydney. _Warren, W. H., Wh.Sc., M. Inst.C.E., Professor of Engineering, University of Sydney. Vice-President. Watkins, John Leo, B.a. Cantab., u.a. Syd., Parliamentary Draftsman. Attorney General’s Department, Macquarie-st. Watson, C. Russell, u.p.c.s. Eng., ‘ Woodbine,’ Erskineville Road, Newtown. Webb, Frederick William, c.m.a., J.p., ‘ Livadia,’ Manly. Webb, A. C. F., Consulting Electrical Engineer, Vickery’s Chambers, 82 Pitt-street. Webster, James Philip, Assoc, M. Inst. (.E., L.S., New Zealand, Town Hall, Sydney. Weigall, Albert Bythesea, B.a. Oxon., m.a. Syd., Head Master, Sydney Grammar School, College-street. Elected 1902 1881 1879 1892 1877 1883 1876 1901 1878 1879 1890 1873 1891 1876 1962 1879 1901 1875 1905 1900 1875 1905 1887 1875 1880 1892 1901 Pi (xx.) Welsh, David Arthur, M.D, M.A. B.Sc., Professor of Pathology, Sydney University, Glebe. tWesley, W. H. tWhitfeld, Lewis, m.a. Syd., ‘ Glencoe,’ Lower Forth-street, Woollahra. White, Harold Pogson, F.c.s., Assistant Assayer and Analyst, Department of Mines; p.r. ‘Quantox,’ Park Road, Auburn. tWhite, Rev. W. Moore, a.M., LL.D., T.c.D. Wilkinson, W. Camac, u.pD. Lond., M.R.c.P. Lond., M.R.¢.8. Eng., 213 Macquarie-street. Williams, Percy Edward, Comptroller, Government Savings Bank, Sydney. Willmot, Thomas, J.p., Toongabbie. Wilshire, James Thompson, F.R.H.S., J.P., ‘Coolooli,’ Bennet Road, Neutral Bay. Wilshire, F. R., Police Magistrate, Penrith. Wilson, James T., u.B.. Master Surgeon, Edin., Professor of Anatomy, University of Sydney. Wood, Harrie. 5.P., 10 Bligh-st.; p.r. 54 Darlinghurst Road. Wood, Percy Moore, L.R.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S. Eng., ‘ Redcliffe,’ Liverpool Road, Ashfield. Woolrych, F. B. W., ‘ Verner,’ Grosvenor-street, Croydon. Wright, John Robinson, Lecturer in Art, Technical College, Harris-street, Sydney. Young, John, ‘Kentville,’ Johnston-street, Leichhardt. Honorary MEMBERS. Limited to Thirty. M.—Recipients of the Clarke Medal. Baker, Sir Benjamin, K.c.M.a., D.Sc, LL.D., F.B.S., etc., 2 Queen Square Place, London, S.W. Bernays, Lewis A., 0.M.G., F.L.S., Brisbane. Cannizzaro, Stanislao. Professor of Chemistry, Reale Universita Rome. Crookes, Sir William, F.z.s., 7 Kensington Park Gardens, London W. Ellery, Robert L. J., F.2.8., F.R.A.S., c/o Government Astrono- mer of Victoria, Melbourne. Fischer, Emil, Professor of Chemistry, University, Berlin. Foster, Sir Michael, m.p., F.R.s., Professor of Physiology, University of Cambridge. Hector, Sir James, K.C.M.G., M.D., £.R.S., late Director of the Colonial Museum and Geological Survey of New Zealand, Wellington, N.Z. Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton, kK.c.8.1., M.D., C.B., F.B.S., &., ¢/o Director of the Royal Gardens, Kew. Huggins, Sir William, K.c.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., &e., 90 Upper Tulse Hill, London, S.W. Judd, J. W., c.B., F.R.S., F.G.S., Professor of Geology, Royal College of Science, London. Elected 1903 1903 1901 1905 1894. 1900 1895 1875 1888 1878 1877 1877 1856 1877 1897 M (xxi.) Kelvin, Right Hon. William Thomson, Lord, 0o.m., a.c.v.o., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., etc., 15 Eaton Place, London, S.W. Lister, Right Hon. Joseph, Lord, 0.M., B.A., M.B., F.R.C.S. D.C.L., F.R.S., etc., 12 Park Crescent, Portland Place, London, W. Newcomb, Professor Simon, LL.D., Ph, D., For. Mem. R.S. Lond., United States Navy, Washington. Oliver, Daniel, LL.D., F.R.s., Emeritus Professor of Botany, University College, London. Spencer, W. Baldwin, m.a., c.m.c., F.R.S., Professor of Biology, University of Melbourne. Thiselton-Dyer, Sir William Turner, K.¢.M.G., C.1.E., M.A., B.Sc. F.R.S., F.u.S., Director, Royal Gardens, Kew. Wallace, Alfred Russel, pD.c.L. Oxon., Lu.D. Dublin, F.R.S., Old Orchard, Broadstone, Wimborne, Dorset. OBITUARY 1905. Honorary Members. Gregory, The Hon. Sir Augustus Charles. Hutton, Captain Frederick Wollaston. Ordinary Members. Dean, Alexander Hume, J. K. Keep, John Moore, Charles Perkins, Henry A. Portus, A. B. AWARDS OF THE CLARKE MEDAL. Established in memory of THE LATE Revp. W. B. CLARKE, m.a., F.R.8., F.G.8., &C., Vice-President from 1866 to 1878. To be awarded from time to time for meritorious contributions to the Geology, Mineralogy, or Natural History of Australia. 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 Professor Sir Richard Owen. K.c.B., F.R.S., Hampton Court. George Bentham, c.m.G., F.8.8., The Royal Gardens, Kew. Professor Thos. Huxley, F.R.s., The Royal School of Mines, London. 4 Marlborough Place, Abbey Road, N.W. Professor F. M‘Coy, F.z.8., F.c.8., The University of Melbourne. Professor James Dwight Dana, uu.p., Yale College, New Haven, Conn., United States of America. Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, K.c.M.G ,M.D., PH.D., F.R.S., F.L.S. Government Botanist, Melbourne. (xxil.) 1884 Alfred R. C. Selwyn, LL.D., F.R.s., F.G.8., Director of the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. 1885 Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, k&.c.s.1., ¢.B., M.D., D.C.L., LL.D., &¢., late Director of the Royal Gardens, Kew. 1886 Professor L. G. De Koninck, u.p., University of Liége, Belgium. 1887 Sir James Hector, K.c.M.G., M.D,, F.R.S., Director of the Geological Survey of New Zealand, Wellington, N.Z. 1888 Rev. Julian E. Tenison-Woods, F.a.s., F.L.S., Sydney. 1889 Robert Lewis John Ellery, F.R.s., F.R.A.s., Government Astrono- mer of Victoria, Melbourne. 1890 George Bennett, u.v. Univ. Glas., F.R.c.s. Hng., F.L.S., F.Z.8., William Street, Sydney. 1891 Captain Frederick Wollaston Hutton, F.z.s., ¥.a.s., Curator, Can- terbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand. 1892 Sir William Turner Thiselton Dyer, K.c.M.G.,¢C.1.E.,M.A., B.Sc, F.R.S., F.L.S., Director, Royal Gardens, Kew. 1893 Professor Ralph Tate, ¥F.u.s., F.¢.s., University, Adelaide, S.A. 1895 Robert Logan Jack, F.c.s., F.R.G.S., Government Geologist, Brisbane, Queensland. 1895 Robert Etheridge, Junr., Government Paleontologist, Curator of the Australian Museum, Sydney. 1896 Hon. Augustus Charles Gregory, ¢.M.G., M.L.C., F.R.G.S., Brisbane. 1900 Sir John Murray, Challenger Lodge, Wardie, Edinburgh. 1901 Edward John Eyre, Walreddon Manor, Tavistock, Devon, England. 1902. F. Manson Railey, F.u.s., Colonial Botanist of Queensland, Brisbane. 1903 Alfred William Howitt, p. sc. Cantab., F.a.8., Hon. Fellow Anthropol. Inst. of Gt. Brit. and Irel., ‘ Eastwood,’ Bairnsdale, Victoria. AWARDS OF THE SOCIETY’S MEDAL AND MONEY PRIZE. The Royal Society of New South Wales offers its Medal and Money Prize for the best communication (provided it be of sufficient merit) containing the results of original research or observation npon various subjects published annually. Money Prize of £25. 1882 John Fraser, B.a., West Maitland, for paper on ‘ The Aborigines of New South Wales.’ 1882 Andrew Ross, m.p., Molong, for paper on the ‘ Influence of the Australian climate and pastures upon the growth of wool.’ 1884. 1886 1887 1888 1889. 1889 1891 1892 1894: 1894 1895 1896 (xxill.) The Society’s Bronze Medal and £25. W. E. Abbott, Wingen, for paper on ‘ Water supply in the Interior of New South Wales.’ S. H. Cox, F.a.s., F.c.s., Sydney for paper on ‘The Tin deposits of New South Wales. Jonathan Seaver, F.a.s., Sydney, for paper on ‘ Origin and mode of occurrence of gold-bearing veins and of the associated Minerals. Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods, F.G.s., F.L.S., Sydney, for paper on‘ The Anatomy and Life-history of Mollusca peculiar to Australia.’ Thomas Whitelegge, Fr.z.u.s., Sydney, for ‘ List of the Marine and Fresh-water Invertebrate Fauna of Port Jackson and Neigh- bourhood. Rev. John Mathew, m.a., Coburg, Victoria, for paper on ‘The Australian Aborigines. Rev. J. Milne Curran, F.a.s., Sydney, for paper on ‘The Microscopic Structure of Australian Rocks.’ Alexander G. Hamilton, Public School, Mount Kembla, for paper on ‘The effect which settlement in Australia has produced upon Indigenous Vegetation.’ J. V. De Coque, Sydney, for paper on the ‘ Timbers of New South Wales.’ R. H. Mathews, t.s., Parramatta, for paper on ‘The Aboriginal Rock Carvings and Paintings in New South Wales.’ C. J. Martin, B.Sc, M.B. Lond., Sydney, for paper on ‘The physio- logical action of the venom of the Australian black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus).’ Rev. J. Milne Curran, Sydney, for paper on ‘The occurrence of Precious Stones in New South Wales, with a description of the Deposits in which they are found.’ PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. By ©. O. BURGE, ». mst. c.z., Telford Medallist, Inst. C.H. [Read before the Royal Society of N. S. Wales, December 7, 1904. ] As to the main subject of my address, I have been con- fronted with the usual difficulty of choosing it. Ordinarily, the annual address has been either a resumé, during a definite period, of the work of science generally, or of that section of it with which the avocations of the particular president befits him best to deal. The first method neces- sarily involves a good deal of second hand information, given by one who is necessarily not an expert in all, andas it is, of course, a large subject, dealt with in a compara- tively small space, it must be scrappy and unsatisfactory. Such a treatment of the subject would be like the discharge from an ancient bell mouthed blunderbuss, which scatters all round, but hits nobody very effectively. Thealternative of dealing with the president’s own speciality may be com- pared to the bullet from the modern rifle, which deals with one object effectively, but leaves the rest untouched. Such special subjects had best be left to the annual addresses of the chairmen of the Sections of this Society, which its hospitable policy throws open to all branches of science. Between this Scylla and Charybdis, however, there is a middle course, which, unlike such generally, is not a weak one, owing to two recent facts to which I shall presently refer. The subject I have chosen is the connexion between Engineering and Science, as a whole, and the two facts just mentioned which have brought this connexion into prominence, are firstly, the establishment of examinations in scientific subjects, by the Institution of Civil Engineers, as a condition of entry, and secondly, the cordial recoznition A—Dec, 7, 1904, 2 Cc. O, BURGE. by this Society, which is the chief and oldest representative of science in Australasia, of engineering as one of its branches, emphasized by the fact of the election to the high office of President, of two engineers previously, and now a third, in‘my own person. In the earlier ages, we may surmise, that the connexion, which is the subject of this address, was closer than in later times, for though, as regards the great ancient engineering works now extant in Hgypt, and throughout the Roman Hmpire, the names of the designers are, to a large extent lost, we may yet be fairly sure that, it being before the age of specialism, the science of engineering, necessary for those monuments of human skill, were con- centrated in the same individuals. As scientists whose theories helped engineering in the classic period, might be mentioned Thales, Anaxagoras, Ptolemy, Huclid, Hippar- chus, Appolonius, but above all, Archimedes. After the work of the Ancients, we find that of the Moors of Spain, prominent in this connection, as illustrated by the survival of several scientific terms such as algebra and chemistry, which are Arabic in origin. Leonardo da Vinci, whose fame as an artist makes us forget that he was also a scientist and engineer, treated of the laws of motion, before the end of the 15th century, though his works were not printed till 100 years later. Euclid was translated from the Greek early in the 16th century, and Cardan and Tartaglia, in the same age, became the founders of the higher algebra. An Hnglishman, Robert Record, invented, in 1557, the signs since used for plus and minus, and the two parallel horizontal lines for equality, and though this seems to usa small thing, we must remember that facilities of this sort were no trifles, in the birth of the science. Astronomy, in its help to geodesy, has had much to do with engineering, so that Copernicus can hardly be left out PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 3 in a summary of this kind, nor can we forget Tycho Brahe in his self exile for 20 years, in his lonely Baltic isle, and his observations there, unassisted as he was, by modern telescopes. Cardan and Tartaglia, already mentioned, as well as Ubaldi, may be said to have created the science of mechanics, which has, more than any other, helped engin- eering, while the great name of Galileo, who for versatility of genius, is one of the greatest of human names, advanced it largely by his experiments in statics and dynamics, and in the invention of the telescope. It was finely said of him, at the time, that by this feat, he had seen more than all the eyes that had gone before, and had opened the eyes of all that were to come after him. Hydrostatics, which, with hydraulics, governs the oper- ations of water supply and sewerage engineering, and in which no advance had been made since the time of Archimedes, was investigated in the same century by Stivinius, and from William Gilbert, an Englishman of @ueen Hlizabeth’s reign, we have a Latin treatise on the magnet, in which the dawn of electrical science is dimly perceived, and in which so little was done, since, up to the middle of the last century. But all this had no interest for the constructing engi- neers, or mechanics, as they were then called, of that time. The great rule of thumb reigned supreme and undisputed. Francis Bacon, in his Filum labyrinthi, wrote, ‘‘ The mechanics take small light from natural philosophy, and do but spin on their own little threads,’’ and the reproach, in which his far-seeing intellect is well shewn, might have been justified for many generations after him. James Watt, notably, and some others in the early days of modern engineering, did, undoubtedly, bring the dim lamp of the science of their day to light up their work, but 4. C. O. BURGE. many ignorant men relied on their native wit, and practical experience, to achieve results which, though wonderful, as operations in the dark, would have been so much better, if their earlier training had led them to ask for the illumin- ating aid of science. Many a laborious scientific investigation of the present day, is looked upon as only abstractedly interesting, and of no practical advantage outside the walls of an institution like this in which we meet, and it is thought that money Spent upon it is taken from some more practical immediate use. So said the so-called practical men of 300 years ago. Now we know how grievously they were mistaken, and how the Merry Monarch, who is said to have never said a foolish thing, nor done a wise one, certainly did a wise thing, in founding our great parent, the Royal Society of London, to which is due so much of the practical science of the last two centuries. The Elizabethan mechanics knew not of their great con- temporary Napier of Merchistoun, who, by his invention of logarithms, has so greatly lightened the labours, not only of the astronomer and through him, the navigation of the world, but also those of the engineering designer. Indeed without Napier’s aid, the vast work of these callings, at the present day, would be impossible. Though hinted at by an earlier German writer, Michael Stifelius, this inven- tion of the 17th century was undoubtedly one of the greatest intellectual feats of the human mind, and it is remarkable in having issued complete, like the birth of Pallas Athene, ready armed and equipped, from tbe author’s brain, and it has not received any material improvement since. Nor were the mechanics and millwrights of succeeding gener- ations more aware of the scientific achievements, affecting their work, of Kepler, Galileo, Cavalieri, Harriott, Descartes, Newton and others, in conic sections, algebra and mensur- PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 5 ation, as Well as in statics and dynamics. Later, it was due solely to the conceptions of Joseph Black, chemist, physician, and professor, in Glasgow and HKdinburgh, as to the action of pressure on boiling point, and absorption of heat by vapour, that James Watt was enabled to effect a revolution in the construction of the steam engine. Pambour, Katon Hodgkinson, Clerk Maxwell, Kelvin, and Lodge, with many others, have more recently con- tributed to the achievements of the engineer. In the last half of the century just passed, however, the tendency of the education of the engineer being undertaken by technical institutions, rather than by the older pupilage system, has, so to say, married engineering to science. It has been truly a marriage at a mature age, but now that the parties to it are old enough to know their own minds, surely it is a love match, which is being blessed with an ample progeny. The Odyssey of Homer is considered by some authorities to have been written solely as an allegory of man’s life through this world of temptations and dangers, and of his protection from them by the heavenly powers. The tale of the great hero Odysseus, in his temptations by Circe and Calypso, his struggles with the monster Polyphemus, and the loosening of the windbag of Atolus, but ever helped by the divine influence of the goddess of Wisdom, to the arms of the faithful Penelope, personifies the life of every man, through his mortal existence here on earth. As to the windbag, we have in the present day, unlettered and small knowing souls, as Shakespeare calls them, who loosen on us many windbags, which waste our energies for real advancement, as the reporting columns of our newspapers shew, and who, one would almost think, were within the prophetic insight of old Homer when he composed the allegory. May we not take this wonderful story of old, 6 Cc. O. BURGE. more vivid and entertaining than any novel written since, as an illustration of our subject. Odysseus, working onward to his goal, but, even though he is called the man of many devices, the engineer of his age, blindly falling into difficulties, often of his own making, nevertheless ever rescued and sustained by the fair goddess of all science, the grey eyed Athene. The fairy tales of science may well be read for their own sweet sake, but when studied with a utilitarian end in view as in connexion with our subject, they have also their absorbing interest. Huxley’s definition of science was ‘* Organized Common Sense,’’ but though true, this does not strike one as sufficiently distinctive, as this should describe other subjects with which science has nothing to do. The latter has one great distinction from those three other subjects which so largely employ the human mind, law, literature and art, that is the distinction of originality. Law is chiefly made up of precedents; listen to the finest poetry of modern times, and, in the ears of those who remember the ancient classics, familiar echoes are con- stantly ringing; inthe great library of the British Museum and in the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris, we see crowds of persons, called by courtesy, authors, constantly making new books out of old ones. These are the importers and retail tradesmen, not the producers of thought. of the entire dried bark consisted of the particular form of calcium oxalate occurring in Kucalyptus © barks, and some other species have been found to contain almost as much. If the theory advanced isa feasible one, and obtains support by further evidence, then F. gracilis is also the degenerate form ofa larger tree. Perhaps this efiect is due to the formation of oxalic acid at too rapid a rate to enable the tree to continue to use it without any ill effect, and other conditions be favourable, in the case of certain species, the result becomes apparent in the depo- sition of an increased amount of calcium oxalate in their barks, which eventually brings about this stunted form of growth. It may be thought that the shedding of the bark by certain species of Eucalyptus is an effort to throw off this accumulation of calcium oxalate, but the investigation of 28 ' HENRY G. SMITH. the three stages of the bark of one individual tree of £. oreades rather discounts this supposition, and suggests the idea that under ordinary conditions the Hucalypts use up the calcium oxalate first formed. Certainly it does not appear to be shed with the bark, and in this respect differs from trees which throw off with their leaves the calcium oxalate formed. | The following results show this clearly :— (a) Fresh living bark 2 cm. thick; calcium oxalate=1°37? (b) Thin ribbon bark 1 mm. thick; Bees = 0'025% (c) Thicker dead bark at base of trunk which was quite brown and 3 to 6 mm. thick; ve nil A smooth-bark tree was chosen because most of the Mallees have a smooth bark, or at most a little persistent bark at the base of the tree, or resemble the Boxes, and all have the general characteristics belonging to the larger trees of these classes. The Stringybarks do not appear to take on the Mallee form of growth, and some of the largest trees in Australia are species approaching this class. That the solution from which the crystallised calcium oxalate was formed must have contained oxalic acid in excess, and thus be more or less poisonous, is indicated by the symmetrically formed crystals, and these crystals, too, belong toa form and have a constitution different from the calcium oxalate usually found in plants. The form peculiar to Eucalyptus barks contains one molecule of water, and has the composition and crystalline form of the mineral Whewellite, with which substance it is perhaps identical. In the banana and other plants calcium oxalate occurs in needle-like crystals or raphides. In the root of the Turkey rhubarb, as well as in other plants, it occurs in crystals having a conglomerate form, and these are also found in some members of the cactus tribe, in Phytolacca OCCURRENCE OF CALCIUM OXALATE. IN EUCALYPTUS BARKS. 29 spp., in certain alge and in other small plants. I cannot find, however, that crystallised calcium oxalate has pre- viously been found occurring in quantity in the bark of plants belonging to genera which often occur as immense trees, and in this respect, therefore, the HKucalypts are peculiar. Crystals of carbonate of lime (crystoliths) have been found in the epidermis of some plants, as in a few species of Ficus, but the constituents of this salt are not considered to be poisonous. The presence of calcium oxalate in quantity in Hucalyptus barks may eventually be found to have some bearing on the formation of the particular tannin present. It has already been determined that in those barks which contain much calcium oxalate the tannin is decidedly superior to that found in species in which the crystals are present only in small amount. Some of these barks should make excellent leather, and the amount of available tannin in some species is considerable. The bark of the “‘Gimlet,’’ Eucalyptus silubris, for example, gave by extraction with hot water 30°5% of total extract, and 18°6% of tannin absorbed by hide powder; these were calculated on the air dried bark. The tannin extracts from this class of Kucalyptus barks do not readily decompose or even darken much when evaporated to dryness at the temperature of boiling water, and the manufacture of excellent tanning extracts from Hucalyptus barks is, therefore, possible. The amount of calcium oxalate in the bark of £. salubris was 167, and it should be possible to profitably extract this from the bark residue, and thus manufacture oxalic acid very cheaply as a by-product. The oxalic acid should also be obtained fairly pure at the first separation, because the other salts and organic substances precipitated at the same time in the alkaline solution, are readily dissolved by acetic acid. Hucalyptus barks rich in calcium oxalate are easily 80 HENRY G. SMITH. ground to a fine powder, so that extraction should be practically complete. The calcium oxalate. The crystals which were removed from the surface of the water were almost white, and in appearance an im- palpable powder. 0°1279 gram of air dried crystals suffered no loss when heated for two hours at 100—110° C., but when heated to constant weight at 170—180° C., they lost 0°0149 gram, equal to 11°65; C.0,Ca+H-,0 contains 12°33% water; on igniting and fully carbonating the residue the calcium carbonate formed was 0°0835 gram. This shows that only one molecule of water was present, because with two molecules only 0°0779 gram could theoretically be obtained, and by the method of collecting, the crystals could not have been quite pure. No magnesia was detected. The calcium oxalate was determined quantitatively in 4 grams of bark, ground as fine as possible. The barks were boiled with dilute hydrochloric acid, the filtrate made alkaline with ammonia and then acid withacetic acid. The precipitate was determined as calcium carbonate in the usual way. Volumetric determination with permanganate was not satisfactory. The percentage amounts of calcium oxalate (O.0.Ca + H.O) in the anhydrous barks of the several species was as follows. They are calculated from the calcium carbonate found. It is assumed that the whole of the calcium oxalate existed in the crystallised condition, the form and appear- ance of which can be seen from the micro-photograph attached, for which I am indebted to Mr. J. W. Tremain of the Technical College. Following are the percentages of calcium oxalate :— Eucalyptus gracilis 16°66, £. Behriana 16°50, £. salubris, 16°00, #. oleosa, 10°64, “#. dumosa 9°80, £. salmonophloia ae OCCURRENCE OF CALCIUM OXALATE IN EUCALYPTUS BARKS. oi 8°34, E. occidentalis 6°82, FE. viridis 5°01, £. redunca 4°46, E. polybractea 2°14, £. stricta 0°69, £. Morrisi 0°08. The total amount of ash in the barks does not always. correspond to the calcium oxalate present ; for instance in E. salubris the total ash was 18°59%; in E. gracilis it was only 13°98%, of which amount 11°417>represents the calcium oxalate. The general appearance and thickness of the several barks tested were as follows :— Eucalyptus gracilis—a thin, mostly smooth bark, light in colour and not fibrous. Thickness 2 to 3 millimetres. Eucalyptus Behriana—a very thin, smooth bark, light in colour, easily powdered and not fibrous. Average thick- ness 2 mm. Eucalyptus salubris—a hard, thin, close, brittle bark, brownish to grey externally. Thickness 2 to 5 mm., but rarely more than 3 mm. Eucalyptus oleosa—a somewhat thin and fibrous bark, separating in layers and of a light brown colour. Thickness from 3 to 5 mm. Eucalyptus dumosa—a very thin, smooth bark, of a brownish to grey colour, powders easily. Thickness about 2mm. Eucalyptus salmonophloia—a thick, smooth bark, salmon to grey externally,somewhat hard and compact, but inclined to be fibrous, powders fairly well. Thickness from 7 mm. to 1 centimetre. Eucalyptus occidentalis—a fairly light coloured bark and having layers of kino in the thicker portions, powders readily. Thickness from5 mm.tolcm. (This bark also oceurs much thinner, 2 to 4 mm.) Eucalyptus viridis—a bard, compact bark but interlocked and fibrous; it was taken from a large tree. Externally + 30) HENRY G. SMITH. it had the general appearance of a “‘box’’ bark, and was somewhat dark coloured. Thickness about 1 cm. Eucalyptus redunca—a somewhat thick bark, grey to brown externally with a yellowish fracture. It was quite brittle and fibrous, and not compact. Thickness from 7 mm. to 1 cm. Hucalyptus polybractea—a thin, smooth bark, greenish externally, and in places coated with a brownish tissue- like coating. The thicker portion had a layer of kino. Thickness from 1 to 2 mm. Kucalyptus stricta—a thin, smooth, somewhat fibrous bark, greenish externally. Thickness from 1 to 2 mm. Eucalyptus Morrisi—a thick, fibrous bark, of a dull salmon colour right through, grey and scaly externally. This specimen was from a large tree, the thin bark not being procurable. Thickness from 1°5 cm. to 2 cm. ON SO-CALLED GOLD-COATED TEETH IN SHEEP. $5) On SO-CALLED GOLD-COATED TEETH In SHHEP. By A. LIVERSIDGE, LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry, University of Sydney. [Read before ithe Royal Society of N. 8. Wales, June 7, 1905. ] PARAGRAPHS have appeared recently in the newspapers stating that gold coated teeth have been found in sheep ; and within the last week I received the lower half of a sheep’s jaw bone from Mr. Charles G. Alford, the teeth of which are more or_less completely incrusted witha yellow metallic looking substance, but more like iron pyrites (marcassite) or brass than gold. The incrustation is brittle and readily comes off in scales when even lightly scratched with the point of a penknife. The surface of the tooth under the scale was found to be black, but apparentfy not decayed, for when the black coating is scraped off, the surface of the tooth is white; the thickness of the deposit does not apparently exceed the gz of an inch, or less thanimm. Only one tooth was scaled so as to destroy the specimen as little as possible. The scale partly dissolves in dilute acid. The residue con- sists of filmy organic matter, still possessing a metallic sheen although white in colour instead of yellow. When heated on platinum foil the scale blackens, partly fuses and leaves a white residue soluble in dilute hydrochloric and nitric acids. The residue contains phosphoric acid and apparently consists mainly of calcium phosphate. Under the microscope the scale is seen to be translucent and of a pale brownish colour, and under a half-inch objective it is seen to be made of thin layers, but there is no recognis- able organic structure. The metallic lustre is due to the way in which the light is reflected from the surfaces of C—June. 7, 1905. 34 A. LIVERSIDGE. the superimposed films. The incrustation on the teeth is apparently a deposit of tartar, and perhaps partly due to superficial decay of the tooth. .I. think similar coatings on sheeps’ teeth have been recorded even in classical times, but I cannot recall a reference. It would be interesting to know whether this deposit on sheeps’ teeth is common or not. I also exhibit a calculus of a similar metallic looking character from a sheep’s stomach, deposited in distinct layers round a piece of twig, but of rather a darker bronze tint than the substance on the teeth—this specimen belongs to the Sydney Technological Museum and was kindly lent by the Curator, Mr. R. T. Baker. OBSERVATIONS on tTHE ILLUSTRATIONS oF THE BANKS anp SOLANDER PLANTS. By J. H. MAIDEN, Government Botanist and Director of Botanic Gardens, Sydney. [Read before the Royal Society of N. S. Wales, July 5, 1905.] THE issue of the third and final volume of the plates con- temporaneously prepared by Banks’ artists, is an event which assuredly demands the most marked emphasis that we Australians can give it. It is, to usat least, an impor- tant historical event. New South Wales was settled 17 years later as a consequence of Cook’s voyage, and the 1 «Tllustrations of Australian plants collected in 1770 during Captain Cook’s voyage round the world in H.M.S. “ Endeavour,” by the Right Honorable Sir Joseph banks, Bart, K.B., P.R.s., and Dr. Daniel Solander, -F.R.S., with determinations by James Britten, F.u.s., Senior Assistant, Department of Botany, British Museum, Part 111.,1905.” [Parti., 1900; Part ii., 1901]. OBSERVATIONS ON ILLUSTRATIONS, BANKS AND SOLANDER PLANTS. 35 only place (Botany Bay—called by Cook Stingray Harbour) in modern New South Wales visited by the expedition is a suburb of Sydney. This voyage, therefore, has special interest for us, and it would be regrettable if the appear- ance of this work were ignored by Australian scientific men. Through the good offices of Mr. Britten, the Trustees of the British Museum recently presented nearly 600 specimens collected by Banks and Solander to the National Herbarium, Sydney. Many of them are depicted in the work before us. Mr. Britten’s “‘ Introduction ’”’ is very interesting. It describes what preparations had been made by Banks for an extensive work to be illustrated by many hundreds of plates and how the issue of it fell through, partly because of Solander’s death in 1782 and partly on account of Banks’ devotion to his duties as President of the Royal Society. Then follows some description of the various MSS connected with the voyage, including Solander’s notes on “ Plantze Novee Hollandiz ’’ which are in two volumes (small quarto) and are in the British Museum. “The Australasian collections are represented by 412 sketches; from these 362 finished drawings were prepared, of which 340 were engraved. From the copper plates of these, the plates illus- trating this volume have been lithographed ; they represent 328 of the engravings, most of the remainder being unfinished or imperfect representations. Three of the drawings of which no plates exist—TZribulus Solandri, Pleiogynium Solandri, and Myrmecodia Beccarii—being of special interest, were drawn on stone by the late Robert Morgan, and raise the number of plants represented to 331.” That the copper plates of the present work should have remained in the British Museum unpublished for nearly 130 years is a remarkable occurrence, and shows how leisurely the progress of British science can be. While grateful for its belated appearance it seems difficult to believe that this most regrettable delay has been unavoidable. 36 J. H. MAIDEN. The excellent illustrations are from contemporary copper- plates engraved from drawings executed by (a) Frederick Polydore Nodder, “ Botanic painter to Queen Caroline ”’ whose drawings date from 1777-1783 ; 173 drawings are from his pencil. (b) John Cleveley’s drawings date from 1773—1775, and he is represented by 18 in the present work. (c) James Miller’s drawings date from 1773 —1775 and there are 47 of them. (d) John Frederick Miller’s drawings were also executed from 1773—1775 and are 61 in number. Useful notes are given of the engravers D. Mackenzie (“who probably did most of the work’’) and G. Sibelius. Information is given in regard to Mackenzie’s other botanical work. But few of the plates are marked by the engraver’s name. The value of the work is enhanced by the fact that it includes representations of many plants which have not been hitherto figured, so far as I am aware. Mr. Britten gives for each plate a Latin description of each plant depicted (this is the work of Solander) also notes on the localities whence the specimens were obtained, and critical notes. We are informed that descriptions of other plants by Solander are extant, but only those are printed of which there are plates. The work contains a reduction of Captain Cook’s original chart of Kast Australian coast-line (1770), from originals in the British Museum. This is ina North Sheet and South Sheet. Alsoa chart of the coast-line of Hast Australia, as determined by recent surveys to 1890 (inserted for com- parison with Cook’s coast-line). Also a chart of New Zealand, explored in 1769 and 1770 by Lieutenant J. Cook, Commander of His Majesty’s Bark “* Endeavour,”’ engraved by J. Bayly. These maps, which render reference to the localities whence Banks and Solander collected exceedingly OBSERVATIONS ON ILLUSTRATIONS, BANKS AND SOLANDER PLANTS. BY f easy, are reproductions of those which were issued with Wharton’s ‘‘ Captain Cook’s Journal ’’ (1893). In another place’ I have given some notes on the synonymy adopted in this work, and herewith continue these obser- vations: No. Name on Plate. Name in Flora Australiensis. 251 Myristica cimicifera R.Br. M. insipida, R.Br. Bentham (and Mueller) unite M. cimicifera R.Br. and M. insipida, R.Br. under the name M. cimicifera. Britten maintains they are dis- tinct species, so the name M. insipida should be added to the flora by the side of M. cimicifera. 253 Atylus anethifolius,O. Kuntze. Isopogon anethifolius, Knight 254 4, anemonifolius, O. Kuatze Be anemonifolius, Knight 256 Linkia falcata, O. Kuntze Persona falcata, R.Br. 257 Linkia levis, Cav. © Personia lanceolata, Andr. var. levis Bentham states that Linkia levis, Cav. is syn. with P. lanceolata, var. levis. Britten says it is identical with P. salicina, Pers. In my opinion the illustration is clearly P. salicina, Pers. and not P. lanceo- lata var. levis, unless they are both identical. Seefull notes by Britten, and also by Bentham in “ Flora Australiensis.” 258 Linkia lanceolata, Britten Persoonia lanceolata, Andr. 261 Grevillea pteridifolia, Knight Grevillea chrysodendron, R.Br. 263 a parallela, Knight nF polystachya, R.Br. 264 pA glauca, Knight Pe gibbosa, R.Br. 268 Isostylis ericifolia, Britten Banksia ericifolia, Linn. f. 269 ee integrifolia, Britten as integrifolia, Linn. f. 270 es serrata, Britten w serrata, Linn. f. 271 = dentata, Britten 3 dentata, Linn. f. 272 Banksia cornucopie, O. Kuntze Pimelea cornucopie, Vahl. 273 a linifolia, O. Kuntze ae linifolia, Sm. 277 Santalum oblongatum, R.Br. Santalum lanceolatum, R.Br. 296 Omalanthus Leschenaultianus, Carumbium populifolium, Reinw. A. Juss. 303 Hemodorum corymbosum, Vahl. Hemodorum coccineum, R.Br. 309 Chlamysporum Banksii, R.Br. Thysanotus tuberosus, R.Br. var. 312 Lomandra longifolia, Labill. Xerotes longifolia, R.Br. 313 ae multiflora, Britten » multiflora, R.Br. 314 Zs filiformis, Britten » jiliformis, R.Br. The part includes figures of Piper Betle, Linn. and Blephocarya involucrigera, F.v.M., which are not in the Flora Australiensis. Figures of recently described plants * Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1903, pp. 711-716. 38 J. H. MAIDEN. in the present part are Petalostigma Banksii, Britten and S. Moore, and Eugenia Banksii, Britten and 8S. Moore. Some of the propositions of nomenclature gives us a shock. Our familiar Banksia is to be suppressed in favour of Isostylis. A new Banksia is to spring up from the ashes of the almost as familiar Pimelea. Our Persoonias, in every one’s mouth, are to give way to Linkia; our Isopo- gons to Atylus. Thysanotus is to become Chlamysporum, while the well-known Xerotes is to be Lomandra. But the whole of the changes can only be understood by examina- tion of those also proposed in Parts i. and ii. As I write, the International Botanical Congress (adjourned from Paris, 1900) is meeting at Vienna, and, as the result of its deliberations, it is to be hoped that we shall have the authority of such an influential Congress for a settled nomenclature. When this Congress reports the names proposed in the present work will be passed in review. Mr. Britten throughout the work, doubtless rightly, attributes to Banks and Solander plants for which in many instances Solander was originally quoted. He says: ‘“‘A careful study of the various memoranda and MSS preserved in the Department of Botany makes it clear that Banks, who had come to be regarded as a patron of science rather than as a man of scientific attainments, had much more botanical knowledge than was at one time supposed.” In conclusion, the publication of these fine folio volumes simply whets the appetites of Australians for more. We yearn for the publication of Solander’s and Brown’s manu- scripts, and trust that they will not be kept back from any considerations of nomenclature of species. Such a reason, if advanced, seems to us inadequate in the case of priceless historical documents of the deepest interest to Australians. We would have liked our fathers to have had the privilege of seeing them; shall the privilege be denied to the living REFRACTIVE INDICES WITH OTHER DATA OF EUCALYPTUS OILS. 39 and only be bestowed on a generation yet to be born? With all respect to the eminent specialists forming the scientific staff of the British Museum, we feel sure that these manu- scripts must contain observations which can only be fully interpreted and appreciated by Australians. THE REFRACTIVE INDICES, with oTHER DATA, oF THE OILS or 118 SPHECIHS or HUCALYPTUS. By Henry G. SMITH, F.c.s., Assistant Curator, Technological Museum, Sydney. [Read before the Royal Society of N. S. Wales, August 2, 1905. } THIS work has been undertaken to determine whether results of value could be obtained by the investigation of the physical constants of eucalyptus oils in this direction. The oils worked upon have—with a few exceptions, added under particular species for comparison—all been distilled at the Technological Museum, from material which was botanically investigated by my colleague Mr. R. T. Baker, F.L.S., before distillation. All the specimens were thus authentic and true toname. The whole of the oil contained in the leaves was distilled over as far as possible, and not the more volatile constituents only, which result can be largely accomplished by regulating the method and time of distillation. The richer commercial oils of #. polybractea under No. 22 have been thus obtained. The general results, concerning most of this material, have already been published by Mr. Baker and myself in our work “‘Research on the Eucalypts and their Essential Oils,’’ Sydney 1902, so that this paper may be considered 40 HENRY G. SMITH. an addendum to that publication. Since that work was published the oils of many other species of Hucalyptus have been obtained, some of which were from West Australia ; these are included here also. In the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 1894, page 195, Mr. W. Percy Wilkinson records the refractive indices, and other data, of the oils of 18 species of Hucalyptus, several specimens of some of the species being determined. It is very probable, however, that afew were of doubtful origin, as they were obtained from various sources. The oil of £. globulus, if true to name, should hardly give so low a refractive index as there recorded with Nos. 36 and 46, which is almost that of eucalyptol itself; nor, should the oil be leevo-rotatory to the extent of 6°2 degrees. Again £. pauciflora (=£. coriacea) Nos. 28 and 60, con- tained no phellandrene. The oils of species having the leaf venation characteristic of #. pauciflora may reasonably be expected to contain phellandrene, and not to be dextro- rotatory to the extent recorded for No. 28. With un- doubted species of Eucalyptus there is a marked agree- ment in chemical results within certain limits, not only with their oils but with their kinos. It was thought advisable to determine the refractive indices, and the other necessary data, in the colder months of the year, so as to secure the least variation in temper- ature. During a large portion of the months of June and July the temperature of the laboratory did not vary more than half a degree from 16° O. either way. The specific gravities were mostly taken at the same time as the refrac- tive indices, but where that was not done the slight cor- rection necessary for 16°C. was made. The solubilities in 70% alcohol were also taken when the room temperature was at 16° C. The alcohol had a specific gravity 0°8722 at 15°5° CO. and the method adopted was to transfer 2 cc. of REFRACTIVE INDICES WITH OTHER DATA OF EUCALYPTUS OILS. 4] the oil to a dry test tube, using a narrow pipette, and then to run in 2 cc. of the alcohol from a burette, graduated in tenths, and afterwards by drops until the end was reached, agitating between each addition. The solubilities of the oils in alcohol are given in the previously mentioned work, but only in + volumes. The solubility results being of some value, this was not sufficiently delicate, so the more soluble oils were again determined. In no instance, with the crude oils, was solubility reached with an equal volume of 70% alcohol. For the more insoluble oils the previously recorded resuits were used. Although the specific refrac- tive energy has been calculated for each sample, yet these results do not appear to be sufiiciently distinctive, or by themselves of any very great value, but if the solubilities are used in conjunction with the refractive indices, very good results are obtained. The best method appears to be to multiply the refractive index by 10 times the solubility result. As the solubility, diminishes the figures increase considerably. Those Kucalyptus oils richest in eucalyptol have the greatest solubility in 70% alcohol, and have also the least refractive indices, consequently they stand at the top of the list. Only in one instance—that of a highly rectified commercial oil of #. polybractea—was a less figure than 15 obtained. This method seems to be a good one by which to determine the quality of a Kucalyptus oil of the eucalyptol class, and would be fatal to sophistication. It might, perhaps, be thought preferable to dispense with the factor, and to use the solubility test simply as an indepen- dent check on the refractive index. A standard partly based on these determinations, together with a qualitative test for eucalyptol, might be arranged, and if desired an ester determination might also be made. That the ester content has some influence may be assumed, because in the first 30 of the list of eucalyptol oils, no less than 11 contained esters giving a saponification number between 42 HENRY G. SMITH. 14 and 27. In many species the ester is most probably geranyl-acetate. The results have been classified in groups. Those of the first, or eucalyptol oils, are arranged according to the figure obtained by multiplying the refractive index by ten times the solubility; those of the other groups are in alphabetical order. If the perfumery oils like #. Macarthuri and £. _ citriodora are omitted, then nearly all those oils which consist principally of eucalyptol and pinene, without phel- landrene, (with the exception of H. Risdoni and L£. amyg- dalina) have a refractive index over 1°47; those not reach- ing that figure are only just below. The specific gravities of the oils in this group are, in most instances, above 0°91. The solubility in 70% alcohol is a useful means of graduating the members of this group. The yields of oil are, of course, a commercial factor, and these can be obtained from the table of yields published in the work previously mentioned, page 273. Those oils in which pinene predominates, and in which the sesquiterpene is not pronounced, have alsoa refractive index over 1°47, but only in one instance did the specific eravity reach 0°91. The comparative insolubility of these oils in 70% alcohol sharply separates them from those of the first group. The phellandrene oils all have a refractive index over 1°48, and in some instances over 1°49 or even higher if the sesquiterpene is in excess. Those oils in which the aldehyde aromadendral is a pronounced con- stituent all have a refractive index over 1°48, while some of them exceed 1°49. Aromadendral also occurs in small quantity in many oils of the eucalyptol class, but is not present in sufficient amount to exert much influence. The sesquiterpene oils have, as a rule, the highest refractive indices, exceeding 1°5 in several instances. The solubilities in alcohol of the terpene oils appear to have little distinc- REFRACTIVE INDICES WITH OTHER DATA OF EUCALYPTUS OILS. 43 tive importance, with the exception that with those which are somewhat soluble in 80% alcohol, the presence of alcohols, esters, aldehydes, or eucalyptol is indicated. The oil of #. Risdoni is rich in eucalyptol, but contains, when freshly distilled, a small amount of phellandrene. The saponification number for the esters was 27. There seems to be no just reason why the terpene phellandrene should be objected to when occurring in Hucalyptus oils, any more than the terpene pinene, providing the desired amount of eucalyptol is present also. Dr. Hall of Parra- matta has shown that the objection to phellandrene as such is not warranted by results. It is, however, unusual to find phellandrene present in oils rich in eucalyptol, as the terpene is usually pinene. The other exception to the general rule is the oil of Z. amygdalina, (not the oils from its associated species L. radiata and £. dives). The oil of this species has always appeared to be an abnormal one, and is worthy of special study; it has, however, many dis- tinctive features by wh ch it may easily be determined. It will be noticed by referring to the original figures that most of the oils have increased a little in specific gravity since they were first distilled, those richest in eucalyptol have, as a rule, increased the most, and the formation of an insoluble deposit in those eucalyptol oils like £. globulus, E. pendula, E. oleosa, etc., seems to be associated some- what with this slight increase in specific gravity. The refractive indices were taken with a Fuess refracto- meter, true for water, and using asodium light; the results were read to minutes of arc only. The crude oils were used in all instances except where otherwise stated. The refractive indices of the following constituents occurring in the ordinary types of Hucalyptus oils are :— Kucalyptol (Schimmel) ... ee ... 1°45961 Pinene (Wallach)... Be. re w.. 1°46553 44 HENRY G. SMITH. Phellandrene (Wallach) ... i ... 1°488 Cymene (Bruhl) ... he sine .. 1°48465 Aromadendral ... 6 oe .. 1°5141 at 16° O. Piperitone ... sts se ch ... 1°4893 at 16° C. Sesquiterpene (prepared by distillation) 1°5116 at 16° C. These constituents vary much in amount in the oils of the several species, but it is possible to form groups such as the eucalyptol group, the phellandrene group, etc. The refractive index of the predominant constituent will, of course, influence the result, but there isa marked uniformity between the members of the several groups, agreeing strongly with the indications suggested by the study of the leaf venations. Hucalyptol-pinene oils; phellandrene. usually absent. Refractive index mostly above 1°47 and below 1°48. Specific | Solubility in aleohol| 10 times Refractive| Specific voteactire (8722 at | solubility No. Species, index gravity energy | 15°5°C.) 1] x refra C- My 16°C. | 48°C. "p—l | volume |tive index, d requires 1 | E. Smithu _... .| 1:4706 "9238 °5094 1:05 15°44 Ditto, oil of ‘ suckers’ 1°4707 9151 "5144, 1°15 16°91 Ditto, com. crude 5:03] 1°4689 ‘9172 *5112 1°05 15°42 2 | E. Bridgesiana veal L°4d23 "9327 "5064 1:05 15°46 3 | ,, Risdoni nes .| 14733 9375 "5049 1:05 15:47 4 | ,, pulverulenta ...| 14686 | ‘9280 "5049 11 16°15 5 i), @ealbata 9. ..| 14705 | +9268 5077 ie 16°17 6 | ,, stricta Ass | L4711 | -9254 *5090 11 16:18 ‘ict Eee Rebieceene ..| 14786 | :9346 "5067 Loh 16°21 8 | ,, oleosa* ake we| L4746 ‘9319 5093 1-1 16°22 9|.,, cordata ... ...| 1°4695 | °9265 5067 1°15 16°89 10 | ,, cinerea aa ...| 14706 9198 5116 1:15 16°91 1l |, populifolia... ...| 14709 | -9246 | -5093 | 1-15 1691 12 | ,, Cambagei* ... | 1°4720 9243 "0106 1°15 16°92 13 | ,, sideroxylon... .. | 1°4725 | +9219 "5125 1°15 16°93 14 | ,, pendula... | 14732 "9337 "5068 1°15 16°94 15 | >, bicolor ae .-.| 14784 *9266 *5109 1:15 16°94 16 | ,, Maideni .... ...| 147386 | °9253 “DVL. 1°15 16°94 17 | ,, cneorifolia* 1°4747 | *9194 5163 1:15 16°96 Ditto, F. & Co., crude 14774 | +9375 5092 11 16°25 18 | EH. maculosa ... 1°4741 | °9278 "5109 eZ 17°24 19 | ,, Morrist ... ...| 1°4698 | °9191 5106 1:2 17°63 20 | ,, squamosa* .., ...| 14692 | :9202 °5099 1:2 17°63 21 | ,, globulus... 1°4720 "9243 °5106 1:2 17°66 Do. Platypus bd. 4 yrs 1:4697 | °9153 51381 1:15 16:90 Do. do. 8 years old | 1°4738 | :9892 5044 1:15 16°95 REFRACTIVE INDICES WITH OTHER DATA OF EUCALYPTUS OILS. 45 Hucalyptol-pinene oils—continued. No. Species. Refractive index Q n, 16° C. Specific gravity Specific energy Np—l ee ———— 22 | E. polybractea* Do. commer. dist. 6:04 Do, do. crude dist. 7:05 Do, same oil rectified 23 | EH. hemilampra | 24 | ,, longifolia ... 25 | ,, wntertexta ... 26 | ,, Behriana 27 | ,, Stuartiana... 28 | ,, eugenioides... 29 | ,, amygdalina 30 | ,, punctata* .., 31 | ,, Rossit 32 | ,, resinifera ... 33 | ,, Seeana _ 84 | ,, camphora ... 35 | ,, rostrata var. borealis 36 | ,, viminalis var. (a) ... 37 | ,, goniocalyz ... 38 | ,, ovalifolia v. inuecolata 39 | ,, salmonophloia* 40 | ,, quadrangulata 41 | ,, Bosistoana .. 42 | ,, melliodora.... 43 | ,, redunca 44 | ,, conica 45 | ,, propinqua*... 46 | ,, odorata* (Faulding) 47 | ,, occidentalis* , 48 | ,, dumosa* 49 | ,, microcorys ... 50 | ,, gracilis* ol 2” paludosa Pinene oils; phellandrene absent. above 1°47 and below 1°48. No. Species. 52 | HE. botryoides ... 53 | ,, calophylla .., 54 | ,, dextropinea 55 | ,, diversicolor 56 | ,, levopinea ... 57 | ,, saligna 58 | ,, Wilkinsoniana Refractive index p 16°C. 14787 1°4788 1°4741 1°4747 1:4769 14760 1°4774 Specific Specific {refractive gravity energy Np— Solubility -- |in alcohol] 10 times refractive) (.g799 at | solubility 15°5° C.) 1] x refrac. volume /tive index. requires 3, 12 17°68 1:0 14°68 1°05 15°42 1°05 15°41 1:2 17°68 1:2 17°68 1:2 17°69 12 WZ 1°25 18°35 1:25 18°43 1°25 18°45 1°25 18°46 1:35 19°90 1°35 19°91 1:37 20°14 1:4, 20°62 1°4 20°64 1°45 21°33: 1:8 26°54 2°0 29°42 3°5 51°58 4°O0 58°76 5:0 73°66 6:0 88°23 6:0 88°32 6:0 88°39 8:0 118°30 Pos 122.|| <3. isa sll 2oa req s|fe es ae CN Grae mien Wks Refractive index None soluble in less than 7 vol- umes of 80 per cent. alcohol 46 HENRY G. SMITH. Pinene-sesquiterpene oils; phellandrene absent. Refrac-_ tive index above 1°48. Specific Re ractive| Specific | refractive No. Species. ‘index gravity | energy n, 16°C.| 18° ¢ Np—l d 59 | EB. affinis* 1°4921 9270 53801 | None soluble in 60 | ,, apiculata 1°4934 | °912 5408 less than one 61 | ,, Baeuerlent... 1°4841 | °8890 0445 volume 80 per 62 | ,, corymbosa*... 1°4895 8867 °5520 cent. alcohol, 63], ewimia 14889 | -8999 | -5433 | the majority 64 | ,, intermedia* 1:4878 | 8838 “5519 insoluble in 10 65 | ,, lactea 1°4898 | °8794 5570 volumes 80 per 66 | ,, maculata 1°4861 °9085 "5380 cent. alcohol. 67 | ,, nova-anglica 1:4900 | 9062 5407 68 | ,, paniculata ... 1°4801 | -9096 5278 69 | ,, patentinervis 1°4948 "8784, °5633 70 | ,, rubida 1°5011 "9089 5513 71 | ,, tesselaris 1°4881 "8062 5446 72,| ,, trachyphloia* 1°4901 | °8915 5497 Oils in which aromadendral isa pronounced constituent; phellandrene is absent. Refractive index above 1°48. 73 | E. albens 1°4836 | °9188 *5263 | With the excep- 74 | ,, hemephloia... 1°49 10 "9084 5405 tion of No. 74, 75 | 5, marginata ... ...| 14946 , °9112 5428 all are soluble 76 | ,, punctata var didyma| 1:4868 "9068 -5368 in either one or 77 | ,, rostrata 1°4896 ‘9018 *5429 two volumes of 78 | ,, saluoris 1°4841 90138 5308 80 per cent. 79 | ,, tereticornis... 1°4934 -9308 5301 alcohol. : 80 | ,, viridis 1°4828 "9027 5348 81 | ,, Woollsiana... 1°4895 *8998 5440 Phellandrene oils containing piperitone. Refractive 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 index above 1°48, several above 1°49. E. coriacea », delegatensis >, dives »» fraxinoides .. >» Luehmanniana », obliqua* >> oreades » priperita » radiata », Sieberiana ... »» vitrea 1-4902 1:4881 1:4894 1:4908 1:4937 14934. 1:4945 1:4838 1:4863 1:4886 1:4828 | *9120 864.5 "8883 "8762 "8846 "8944 *8935 "9221 8814 "894.7 "8967 5375 5646 *5509 *5601 5581 5528 5534 5247 "5517 5461 "5384 | Mostly insoluble in 10 volumes 80 per cent alcohol ; none more __ solubl than with on volume 80! per cent. alcohol. REFRACTIVE INDICES WITH OTHER DATA OF EUCALYPTUS OILS. 47 Phellandrene oils in which the sesquiterpene is a pro- nounced constituent. Refractive index is above 1°48 and in some instances above 1°5. Specific Refractive] Specific | refractive No. Species.. index gravity energy m, 16°C. | 18° ¢, Np— PE MAS eet tees, dai iio Vil) RED Ww whe aus) 93 | EH. acmenoides ..| 15065 | -9266 5466 |No. 102 is the only 94 | ,, angophoroides ...| 14881 °9207 “NSO! oil less soluble 95 | ,, capitellata ... ...| 1°4828 °9176 5261 than with one 96 | ,, crebra ae ...| 14844 | -8989 5388 volume 80 per 97 | ,, Dawson ... ...| 15144 *9528 “5399 cent. alcohol; a 98 | ,, fastigata ... ...| 14873 | °8948 54.46 large number 99 | ,, Fletcheri* ... ...| 14881 “8882 5495 were insoluble 100 | ,, gomphocephala _....|_ 1°4815 8752 "5001 in ten volumes 191 | ,, hemastoma ...| 150138 ‘9196 5451 80 per cent. 102 | ,, macrorrhyncha ...|_ 14802 "9166 5239 alcohol. 103 | ,, melanophloia ...| 2£°4950 “8959 5526, 104 | ,, microtheca... ...| 14895 ‘8866 6521 -105 | ,, nigra 55 ...| 14871 °8838 “boll 106 | ,, ovalifolia ... woe| L497 “8911 "5522 107 | ,, Planchoniana ...| 14878 | -9166 "5322 108 | ,, pilularis... ...| 14961 | :8924 "5509 109 | ,, robusta ae: ...| 14801 "8899 5395 110 | ,, siderophloia : 1:°5000 "9081 "5506 111 | ,, sideroxylonv. pallens 1:4884 | -9167-| +5328 #72 | | stellutata -... of 14902 ‘8766 5589 113 | ,, viminalis ... ...| 174855 ‘9088 "53842 114 | ,, virgata “fe lool seis “9552 5363 Oils not classified; containing geraniol and its acetic acid ester, citral, citronellal, etc. 115 | EZ. citriodora ... 1°4651 ‘8887 °5233 (Solublein1°5 vols. Do. Mr. Ingham, Qld. 1:4678 | °8829 5298 |70% alco. at 16° C. 116 | #. Macarthuri Ags ‘9271 °5172 ~|Soluble in 1°3 vol- Do. cont. 64°73% ester| 1°4763 | -9252 5148 jumes 70% alcohol Do. cont. 68°8% ester | 1°4768 | ‘9287 5134 117 | E. Staigeriana ...| 14871 | °8708 °5594 |Insoluble in 6 vol- umes 80% alcohol 118 | ,, aggregata ... 5.41 Les06Zs| “S701 ‘5218 |Insoluble in 10 vols. 80% alcohol * Denotes the presence of a small amount of aromadendral in the oil. 48 H. A. LENEHAN. NOTE on THE DRIFT oF S.S. “ PILBARRA.”’ By H. A. LENEHAN, F.R.A.S. [With Diagram. | [Read before the Royal Society of N. 8. Wales September 6, 1905. | On March 3rd, 1905, the engineer reported to the captain that the ship had cast one of the propeller blades. On the 4th, in Lat. 20° 10’ S., Long. 171° 38' H., the remaining blades were lost. The boat then began to drift ina N.N.W. direction for a couple of days, but on the 7th began to take a course almost due W. Late at night on the 7th as the ** Pilbarra’’ was making direct for the 8.H. point of Hrro- manga, and there seemed every probability of going ashore at any moment, all boats were launched, and the ship deserted to her fate. Next day the captain, when trying to find a landing place, saw his ship some miles to the westward of the island, and again set out to take charge. The drift thereafter was principally to N.W., and the ‘*‘ Pilbarra ’’ was picked up by s.s. *‘ Induna”’ at 6°25 a.m. on March 17th, and towed to port. I wish to record my thanks to Captain W. R. Fleetwood for the loan of his log, and also to Captain Lindeman, R.N., for placing the same at my disposal. Position at Noon. No. of | Condition Date Course. | Miles of State of Seal| Wind. Lat. S. ; Long. E. Drifted.| Weather. 1905 ° ' ° ' i March5|19 37/171 18]... 37+ | very thick | pe Oe ee etl e789 we 386F ditto a Bi 7 de 42 169 58 he 68+ a high S.E. str. 3;. 73:1 a9 6) 168- 43 x 75+ |mod., fine ate im » 9118 54/168 O|N.73 W.| a1* - Lp » L0| 18 «51/167 16/N.86 W.) 44* me moderate » 11/18 36/166 44|N.63 W.| 34* ia » 12/18 14/166 26|N.38 W.| 28* ve cd i » 151.17 56 1166 60/1 N24 Wo ooie fine Be S.E. mod » 14) 17 *40 7165 ‘SL IN. 60 W:)- 32* fine ane » light AD.) LT 224 4 Tae aa ghia 17+ | cloudy |mod.swell|] ,, mod. 161.27 (22 | 164. Br) Hew 47+ | fine .. mod, * From Ship’s Log. + No. of miles computed. | REINFORCED CONCRETE. 49 REINFORCED CONORETH, Paper III. The Adhesion of Concrete to the Steel Reinforcement. The Experimental Determination of the Strain Curves and the position of the Neutral Axis in a Reinforced Concrete Beam subjected to Flexure. The form of the Stress Curves derived from the actual Strain Curves. The Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures. 7 By W. H. WARREN, wh. Sc., M. Inst. C.E., M. Am. Soc. C.E., Challis Professor of Engineering, Sydney University. [Read before the Royal Society of N. S. Wales, September 6, 1905. ] THE following matters will be dealt with :— a. The adhesion of cement mortar and concrete to steel. b. The experimental determination of the neutral axis in a plain concrete and also ina reinforced concrete beam, and the curves of strain for loads increasing from zero to the load producing fracture, also the determination of the true form of the stress curve from the actual strain curve in a plain and in a reinforced concrete beam. ce. The safe working stresses and the fundamental equations recommended for the design of reinforced concrete structures. a. The adhesion of cement mortar and concrete to steel. The adhesion of cement mortar and concrete to steel was referred to in a former paper,’ but the results obtained are given in connection with direct tension tests in which failure occurred by the steel bars pulling out of the heads of the specimens. In the following experiments the adhesion * Further Experiments on the Strength and Elasticity of Reinforced Concrete—Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, Sept. 7, 1904. D—Sep.t 6, 1905. 50 W. H. WARREN. | resistance was determined by pulling out specially prepared bars of Bessemer steel 3? inch diameter, from prisms 12 inches long by 4 X 4 inches in cross-section, consisting of one part of cement to three of builders’ sand, and also of one part of cement to two parts of sand and two of stone broken to # inch gauge. The steel bars were prepared with parallel portions 6 inches long, abutting at the centre of the prism, and were pulled out by means of a gradually applied load in the testing machine. The results obtained are recorded in Table I., A, B, and CO. Table I—ADHESIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE TO STEEL. A. Bars with natural skin on. Hardened in air. Surface Composition— Age area of Total | Adhesion Number in bars im- Load Pounds Cement - Builders’ ,3 Nepean. Water Days bedded pounds | per sq. in. * Sand ~° Shivers * percent. sq. in. if Lie homie Ae mses Oe 45 11-78 | “2550 | 2165 II. Le aa eee ie 45 11°78 2600 221:0 ITI. Lhe Perales bee, ar oO 45 11°78 2175 184°5 LV. ee ey eee 45 11°78 2000 170°0 B. Bars cleaned with emery paper before embedding. Hardened in air. ie 1: 8" 3 = 2 £25" AS 11°78 | 1400 118°0 II. L Ue Mar heh = be ab kh a5 11:78 850 72°0 III. 1 ee he i aha 44, 11°78 1820 | 154°0 TV: | edema ik Se 20) 44 11°78 1825 155°0 C. Bars cleaned with emery paper before embedding. Hardened in water. I. 1 Bele, bode 12 45 11°78 1820 154-0 II. 1 eee eg) Ly 45 11°78 2255 191°0 ITI. 1 Ze 2 2 Mee oO 45 11°78 2410 204-0 IV. 1 2 2 : 10 45 11-78 2250 191°0 _b. The experimental determination of the neutral axis in a plain and in a reinforced concrete beam, also the curves of strain for loads increasing from zero to the load producing fracture. In deriving the equations for determining the position of the neutral axis and the moment of resistance of a trans- ‘verse section in a reinforced concrete beam, it has been -assumed by all authorities up to the present, that a trans- REINFORCED CONCRETE. 51 verse plane section before flexure remains a plane section after flexure. On this assumption the curves of stress on each side of the neutral axis have been derived. The stress strain curve obtained from testing plain concrete prisms in compression under gradually applied loads, in which the abscissee represent the strains and the ordinates the loads producing them are of approximate parabolic form,’ and this form is usually assumed for the curve representing the compressive stress from the neutral axis to the extreme fibre, where the maximum ordinate represents the intensity of compressive stress at the extreme fibre. In order to test the accuracy of this assumption, ten beams were made 72 inches long, of square cross section 10 by 10 inches, one beam was of plain concrete, the others were reinforced each with three rods, varying in diameter from 2 of aninch tolinch. The beams were supported at points 40 inches apart and loaded at each extremity, so that the bending moments and corresponding stresses between these points of support were nearly constant. Four sets of Martens’ mirror extensometers’ were arranged on each side of the beam to be tested, at equal distances from the centre of the beam, and Martens’ sectors were arranged at the top and bottom of the beam in order to determine the strains produced by the loads applied, not only at the extreme fibres, but at four other points in the depth of the beam on each side. Martens’ sectors and dials were also attached to the beam in order to determine the end and centre deflections. The loads were applied at the ends of the beam by means of two hydraulic presses, and two rolled steel beams, resting upon the table of a * Further Experiments on the Strength and Elasticity of Reinforced Concrete.—Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, Sept. 7, 1904. * Apparatus for ascertaining the minute strains which occur in materials when stressed within the elastic limit, by Prof. Warren. The theory of the Reflecting Extensometer of Prof. Martens, by G. H. Knibbs—Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, July and August 1897. 52 W. H. WARREN, special form of vertical Buckton testing machine, carry | the knife edges upon which the concrete beam rests. | Arrangement of Apparatus Nos. 1 — 8, Martens’ Mirrors. Nos. 9 - 12, Sectors. Nos. 13, 14, Dials. Tensile Stress, pounds per square inch. REINFORCED CONCRETE. 53 The arrangement of the fourteen instruments used in the determination of the various deformations is shown in Fig. 1, but the number denoting each instrument was used for convenience in tabulating the results from which the diagrams Figs. 3 to 6 have been plotted, and has no refer- ence to the numbers on these diagrams. Fig. 2 is a photo- graph of the beam removed from the testing machine in order to show more clearly the instruments attached to it. In order to derive the stresses from the strains producing them, recorded in the manner above described, experiments were made, on plain concrete prisms, of the same age and composition as the beams under consideration, subjected to compression, and on briquettes of the same material subjected to tension; the results obtained have been plotted in Fig. 3, and from these curves the stress can be determined for each inch in the depth of the beam when the corresponding strain is known. Fig. 3—Stress-Strain Curves from Tensile Test of Concrete Briquettes and from Compressive Stress of Concrete Prisms (no reinforcement.) 7 2739 g12-5 pe 2490 2241 250 a 1992 Lee ee hae | 1743 1875 be 1494 1245 125 996 747 62-5 498 : 249 0 Lid Aa 0 0 | ee 3 4 5 Coots 8 oe Oey EE Compression per inch in units of ‘0C01 inch. Extension per inch in units of ‘00001 inch. Compressive Stress, pounds per square inch. 54 ‘OW. H. WARREN. © Some of the results obtained in testing the ten beams are recorded in Table II., and in the briquettes and prisms of the concrete used in the beams in Table ITI. Table IIL.—TRANSVERSE TESTS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 6 ft. by 10 in. by 10 in. Reinforced with Bessemer steel bars, Elastic Limit = Composition— Number coment : Puldar : #” Nepesn 1 LO aeiee : 2- No bars ale ane FL. Le eee ee 2 Three 2 inch bars III. d eae 2 : 3 Three $ inch bars IV. iba fg 62 : 3 Three ~ inch bars iV ES ore : 2 Three ~ inch bars VI. Le or ee 3 Three 1 inch bars VIL. ieee ee : 2 Three 1 inch bars VIII. Ll? op ws 2 Three 1 inch bars IX. gee ieee 2 Three 1 inch bars S46 ts Bee 2 Mhreo! 1 inch. Bare BEAMS. Supports 40 in. centres. Loaded at ends. Ibs. per sq, in. fS[—9 Mw 1 On ago [228 (FA E| BES |pccture| BE az Seas ase aos aT OE = a Days| HE sols 8a 8| Sou | 45x >) go SA sags A HES inch tons.) *~ Tons 342 | 0°01 45 45 32°6 | Fig. 4 357 | 0076; 15 16 116°0 353 | 0°099| 19 20 1450 ..| 3853) 0°081| 18 19 137°75 .|357| 0146} 21 22 159°5 .| 865 | 9157 | 22 22 159°5 .|369) 0°109| 26 | 28 | 2030 | Fig. 5 .| 314| 0°074| 24 26 188°5 -) .|820| 0:079| 26 29 210°25 ar 1319! 0-069! 24 | 27 | 195-75! _,, Table III.—TENSILE TEST OF CONCRETE BRIQUETTES. Composition— Number e 4 2 Builders’ . 3/ Nepean ement . Sand Shivers TE, UI ee an ane 7 II. Pp ieee os Age Cross Total | Load tbs. { Reference in Section} Load _ j|per square to Days | inches} pounds inch Curve 341 | 4x4) 6700 418°7 a Fig. 3a’ 339 |4 x4) 6450 403°7 3 Table IV.—COMPRESSION TEST OF CONCRETE PRISMS. Length equal 12 inches. Composition— ; ENT, Cement 2 iprtenes . 3 Nepean ° Shivers Age in Days 340 Cross Total Load ibs. | Reference Section} Load |per square to inches] pounds inch Curve 6 x6] 104832 | 2912 94080 2613 337 |6 x6 REINFORCED CONCRETE. 55 Fig. 4—Distribution of Strain and equivalent Stress, over the Cross Section of a Plain Concrete Beam as experimentally determined. Extension on 40 Tensile Stress in inches in inches. Ibs per sq. inch. Si Sens S § So oa 4oy 1S a s S = wn | oe) a aad g ae < z HE = Oo as a! z = ae 2 ef a © | } A =) % oe = om 22-5 6 A pA 15°0 75 j=) S j=) js) Ye) D> Xe) Sie) S §& ® 1 Compression on 40 Compressive Stress Extension or Compression on 40 inches inches in inches. Ibs. per sq. inch. in Units of 0001 inches. Fig. 4 shows the strain diagram and the stress diagram derived from it, by means of Fig. 3, for a plain concrete beam without reinforcement. The stress diagram showing the distribution of stress in the depth of the beam is shown on the right of the strain diagram. The curves c, b, d, f, a, e, have been plotted from the deformations obtained by the various instruments attached ‘ to the beam at the positions shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the exact distances from the top and bottom and centre of the beam are the same as described in the reference printed under Fig.5. The results obtained havebeen used in drawing the strain curves 1, 2, 3, and 4. Bending Moment in inch tons. 56 W. H. WARREN. Fig. 5—Curves showing the Extension (or Compression) of Fibres of a Reinforced _ Concrete Beam. measured at several points over the depth of the beam. _ 11885 | 174:0 159°5 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Extension or Compression on 40 inches in Units of ‘001 inches. REFERENCE TO CURVES. a—Extension measured 13 inch from tension face of beam b—Extension measured 13 inch from centre of beam on tension side c—Compression measured 1} inch from centre of beam on compression side ad—Compression measured 13 inch from compression face of beam e—Extension measured on tension face of beam f—Compression measured on compression face of beam It will be observed that the neutral axis remains in the centre of the depth up to a bending moment of one-third that necessary to produce fracture, and that it gradually moves towards the compression face of the beam as the bending moment increases, the maximum deviation being 0°8 of an inch. The strain curves 1, 2, 3, and 4, Fig. 4, show how nearly a plane section before flexure remains a plane section after flexure. The stress curves are more curved on the tension than on the compression sides, where they approximate very closely to a straight line. The strains obtained from testing a reinforced concrete beam are recorded in Fig. 5, which gives in each case the mean of tests of four beams of the same material reinforced in a similar manner; the results obtained in the four beams were very consistent and differed very slightly from each other. Fig. 6 shows the actual lengthening or shortening plotted with reference to the depth of the beam in a similar manner to that employed in the strain curves 1, 2, 3, and Depth of Beam 10 inches. Fig. 6—Distribution of Strain, and equivalent Stress, over the Cross Section of REINFORCED CONCRETE. 57 4 in the plain concrete beam Fig. 4. In Fig. 6 five strain curves are plotted for five corresponding bending moments, and the stress curves derived from the strain curves by means of Fig. 3 are complete on the compression side of the neutral axis. The curves on the tension side are neces- sarily incomplete as Fig. 3 does not furnish the data for continuing the curves beyond the points shown, which is the tensile strength of the plain concrete. The stress in the steel reinforcement is determined from the extensions measured, and the coefficient of elasticity of the steel. Reinforced Concrete Beams as experimentally determined. Extension on 40 in. in inches, Tensile Stress in Ibs. per sq. inch. Metecias A & 2S 1 o/S SS So 6 2 86 yet) o © Ste So OD Se 2 5 S Ss 5 8 SM otros o on 52) RoR So8 SS Compressions on 40 Compressive Stress inches in inches. in ibs. per sq. inch. The curves 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in the strain diagram on the left of Fig. 6, show that a plane section before flexure is not a plane section after flexure, and that the deviation from the plane is greater as the bending moment increases. Again the neutral axis moves from the centre of the beam towards the compression side as the bending moment 58 W. H. WARREN. increases. The diagram shows that the neutral axis for a bending moment of 181°25 inch tons is 1°9 inches from the centre, and for the mean bending moment obtained, in testing the four beams 199°4 inch tons, the neutral axis would be nearer to the extreme fibre in compression. The stress curves derived from the strain curves are fairly straight for a bending moment about one-third of that pro- ducing fracture, but they are curved for greater bending moments, curves 4 and 5 being approximately parabolic. Fig. 7 shows the results of testing beams III., [V., V. and Fig. 7—Curves showing the distribution of the Compressive Stresses over the Cross Section of a Reinforced Concrete Beam as obtained by experiment. Compressive Stress pounds per square inch. Se is Vey SS SS o.oo. eo te Reese Ss SE SSS) = oS 6 © even NX =) [o-) ite) =a N N (=) [e.6) ite) ai N re _ — — (ran rs) fad) . £3 aS o (2) ce ie o 25 oo 24 oY ) A : ( © . ; 1 R + Oo . = oo og EG oF 25 ag o's = “S20 1S = es 2 2 2 20cm. Ye) (=) Ye) (=) Ye} =H x =) [o-) We) ~~ AN N N re re rei ri ea s Compressive Stress pounds per square inch. REFERENCE. No. III. 1 : 2 : 3 Concrete, three $ in. bars. 1 Bending Moment = 32°25 in. tons. No: LV. den 2:3 ae >» in. bars. 2 e 3 =o By No. V.1:2:2 a »» in. bars. 3 Se ne = 10875" ae No. VE. 2523 - ',, 1 in, bars. 4 ; ms = 135:0 AS Age about 360 days. REINFORCED CONCRETE. 59 VI., but only the stress curves on the compression side of the neutral axis are shown; they are very similar to the stress curves on the compression side of Fig. 6. The neutral axis moves from the centre of the depth of the beam in all four cases, to more than 2 inches towards the extreme fibre in compression, also the curves 1 are practically straight lines, whereas 2, 3, and 4 are approximately parabolic. The form of the curve of compressive stress in a reinforced concrete beam tested to the breaking point is therefore fairly represented by a parabolic curve, having its origin in the neutral axis, andits maximum ordinate at the extreme fibre in compression, and the equations given in a former paper, express fairly well the conditions of stress in such beams. In applying the foregoing results to the practical design of reinforced concrete beams, we must remember that the curve of stress on the compression side, for work- ing stresses, is more nearly represented by a straight line than a parabola, and that the tensile resistance of the concrete should be neglected for the sake of safety, more especially as it contributes very little to the moment of resistance of the beam. c. The safe working stresses and the fundamental equations recommended to be used in the design of reinforced concrete. Pounds per square inch The extreme fibre stresses in concrete compression = 500 The shearing stress in concrete and the adhesion of the concrete to the steel ... oral Be 50 The direct compression stress “ie a sia 300 The tensile stress in the steel Peni ceinent .. 16000 The compressive stress ,, gs .. 12000 The shearing stress a i ... 10000 1 Further Experiments on Reinforced Conerete—Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, Sept. 7, 1904. 60 W. H. WARREN. No tensile resistance must be taken for the concrete. The ratio - = iS Notz.—In the bottom line of this diagram for h (1-7) read h (1-4). The fundamental equations are’:=— CH sil 3 = FP) £aR(2,) «0 ar =fp a ae a4 ae p? a ..(4) To find the area ae the on Pee in a beam 10 inches wide .by 20 inches deep to carry 1000 pounds per foot run on a span of 24 feet. Take hu = 16 in order to allow sufficient concrete below the steel bars, so that u =0°8. The bending moment =A kt 864000 in. Ibs. M _ 864000 = i Tbs. “Dh? 4000 216 inch tbs M 2 U-Xx oe 2°4—x att 552 = 16000 (“= ) p = 16000 (=== * ) p= 216 Take « = 0°5 as a first approximation, then p (2°4 — x) = 0°0405 °040 ah dogs. Let a denote the area of the steel then p= =~ = 0405 ~ bh 200 19 *,.a = 4°26 square inches. ? Further Experiments in the Strength and Elasticity of Reinforced Concrete by W. H. Warren—Proc. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, Sept. 7, 1904. REINFORCED CONCRETE. 61 We may use 4 bars each 14 in. x 14 in. using this new value of p in the equation— 2 2 / p Bs 9 om 2 H, ay, z B, ? Ha, we find x = 0°486 « - -20 --+, = 16000 (24 sae )2 = 255°2 and M = 1020800 inch pounds. M Hence bh? 40 This result is nearly 207 greater than the bending moment produced by the load of 1000 pounds per foot run on a span of 24 feet. We may however, reduce the area of the steel reinforcement thus— = 4°22 square inches. To find the safe load applied at the centre on a beam 10 x 10 in. when supported at points 10 feet apart: the area of the steel reinforcement is 1°8 square inches. In this case p = 0°018 and p? = 0000324. » = 0°85 “* =15 E, x = (225 x 0°000324 + 25°5 x 0°018 — 0°27 = 0°45 Oo aerat Ei VEO eee . <7 = 16000 x 0-018 je oe ) 201°60 *, M = 210600 inch pounds. The actual bending moment which produced failure was 604800 inch pounds, so that the factor of safety is— 604800 _ » 201600 62 _ W. H. WARREN. MOMENT OF RESISTANCE OF T SECTIONS, Let P, = the total compressive strength in the concrete ,, P. = the compressive stress in the stem of the T - », P.” = the compressive stress in the flange of the ,, », P; = the tensile stress in the steel ,, S = the shearing stress in the concrete in pounds per square inch | a = the sectional area of the steel per inch width of the beam then— UO jig == IPs SIP. fo} Seale: Let S, = the total shear between the rib and flange along their plane of union », Sv=the total vertical shear on the two planes 2-3 and 4-5 Assume that S = = and also P,"= S, = 8S, These as- sumptions are on the safe side. It is clear that for equal strength i in shear b should be equal to 2d If 1 = the span of the beam in feet Be) U = S=ZXbx Gxt 3081 HS Gs oi Sv = 5 X2dx 5 x 12 = 6d81 REINFORCED CONCRETE. 63 Since the stress-strain curve is a straight line in com- pression 6-7, and p, = the intensity of compressive stress on the plane 3—5 we have Cl ce(« —d) ce x x é anes ob 2 C poe d __ ved B= 5 (ep, + ec) = Fee (2% —d) » _ bed == 30s)== P. 2 S 3bsl = (2% —d) s= © 8 = 3 yer = OSE (2a d) /_ __ 6blx 8d(2x —d) aa... Gble ed(2a—d) __ Re Hand) Dax =; ble a OC 3blc — Ee = male P= P. + rte ye Se -.M = 72: (w—d) + Po (a—$) +P, (h-a'-2) mages aye + 98 (20 d)’ + f.ab (h- a — a) Example—Let h = 36 inches b’ = 36 inches b = 12 inches a = 3 inches d = 6 inches LE, i == Ny E— 500 f2— 1c000 0) ab = 7°5 square inches 64 W. H. WARREN. x ec &, 33 — ar. 416000 seed eee Smee oe = 12 x 500 ;,en\s , 36 X500 G5 M— S759 (8838) + + 16000 x 7°5 (22°47) = 3,295,594 inch pounds. The author wishes to thank Messrs. Gummow and Forrest Steel Concrete Engineers, for their kindness in making the concrete beams referred to in the tests given in this paper. He also wishes to acknowledge the valuable assistance rendered by Mr. A. J. Gibson, assce. mM. mst.c.z. and Mr. J. M. OC. Corlette, B.E., in connection with the testing and recording the results obtained. INCLUSIONS OF BASIC PLUTONIC ROCKS AT KIAMA. 65 On THE OCCURRHNCH or INCLUSIONS or BASIC PLUTONIC ROCKS In a DYKH NEAR KIAMA. By ©. A. SUSSMILCH, F.G.S. [Read before the Royal Society of N. S. Wales, September 6, 1905.] THE inclusions (Xenoliths) referred to in this note were obtained by Mr. H. A. Perry and myself from the Bombo Quarries, which are situated at Bombo Point, about two miles north of Kiama. They consist of rounded fragments from 1 to 7 inches in diameter, embedded in a basic dyke rock, which microscopic examination shows to be a monchi- quite. The permo-carboniferous lava flows, in which the Bombo quarries occur have recently been described by Messrs. J. B. Jaquet, G. W. Card,’ and L. F. Harper, as an orthoclase basalt, and in the same paper they also map and describe a number of dykes of olivine basalt and monchiquite intruding these flows at Bombo Point. The specimens con- taining the plutonic inclusions were found near the north- east of the quarry, as loose fragments on the quarry floor. A careful search failed to obtain them in situ. A micro- scopic examination of the monchiquite shows it to be identical with that described from the dyke No. 36 on the map accompanying the above mentioned paper, and if this dyke continues in the direction indicated, it would cross the quarry just about at the place where our specimens were obtained. There is little doubt therefore that these specimens formed part of a continuation of this dyke. 1 Geology of the Kiama-Jamberoo Districts.— Records of the Geological Survey of N.S. Wales, Vol. vi11., part i., by John B. Jaquet, a.R.8.M., F.G.S.5. George W. Card, a.z.s.M., F.a.s., and L. F. Harper, F.a.s. E—Sept. 6, 1905. 66 Cc. A. SUSSMILCH. PETROGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE INCLUSIONS. The following plutonic rocks were found to occur (1) hypersthene gabbro, (2) augite peridotite, (3) enstatite peridotite (saxonite), (4) pyroxenite. These all occur in the form of more or less rounded fragments and boulders embedded in the monchiquite, the roundness being probably the result of corrosion by the molten dyke rock. I, HYPERSTHENE GABBRO. a. Megascopic Characters. Oolour, black and white, mottled Fracture, rough Crystallinity, phanerocrystalline relative, even absolute, medium, grainsizeabout 2mm. Minerals visible, 1. plagioclase, 2. pyroxene. Granularity, b. Microscopic Characters. { 1. Crystallinity, holocrystalline Texture ; 2. Fabric, allotriomorphic granular | 3. Grainsize, 1°7 mm. | Minerals present (in order of decreasing abundance) a. augite b. hypersthene ii. Labradorite (medium variety) i. Pyroxene \ iii. Magnetite The combined pyroxenes predominate over the felspar. The relative proportions of the former vary, in some slides the hypersthene predominates over the augite, in others the contrary is the case. The rock is remarkably fresh. II. AUGITE PERIDOTITE. ae Megascopic Characters. Colour, brownish-black Fracture, rough Crystallinity, phanerocrystalline INCLUSIONS OF BASIC PLUTONIC ROCKS AT KIAMA. 67 relative, uneven Granularity, , absolute, medium to coarse, individual | crystals up to 10 mm. Minerals visible, i. olivine, ii. pyroxene, ili. biotite b. Microscopie Characters. Crystallinity, holocrystalline Texture < Fabric, poecilitic for the most part | Grainsize, very uneven, averages 2°3 mm. Minerals present (in order of decreasing abundance) i. Olivine, il. augite, iii. enstatite, iv. biotite, v. magnetite. The olivine occurs as more or less rounded grains from 1 to 2 mm. in diameter enclosed in the larger augite crystals; more rarely it shows crystal outlines. The characteristic alteration into serpentine is present, but the mineral is, on the whole, remarkably fresh. The augite occurs as large allotriomorphic crystal up to 10 mm. in diameter, enclosing the olivine crystals giving the characteristic pcecilitic structure. Enstatite is only sparingly present, as also is the. biotite, although in one fragment the latter is fairly abundant. The order of crystallization was 1. magnetite, 2. biotite, 3. olivine, 4. pyroxene. IIJ. ENSTATITE PERIDOTITE. a. Megascopic Characters. Colour, yellow to yellowish-green Fracture, rough Crystallinity, phanerocrystalline j relative, even | absolute, medium Minerals visible, olivine, pyroxene, picotite. Granularity, b. Microscopic Characters. { Crystallinity, holocrystalline Texture < Fabric, allotriomorphic granular Grainsize, average about 1°8 mm. Minerals present (in order of decreasing abundance) 1. olivine, 2. enstatite, 3, augite, 4. picotite. 68 Cc. A. SUSSMILCH. The olivine preponderates and in some examples the rock consists almost entirely of this mineral. The pcecilitic structure so characteristic of the previous rock is absent. Augite is only sparingly present. The enstatite occurs in allotriomorphic crystals ranging up to nearly 4 mm. in diameter. The picotite occurs as small rounded granules enclosed in the other minerals, but is not abundant. IV. PYROXENITE. Consists practically of augite only with an occasional small crystal of olivine; is phanerocrys- talline and the fabric is allotriomorphic granular. Besides these rocks several large isolated crystals of augite were found, all of which have been corroded by the enclosing rock. The largest example measured 3 inch by 2 inch by 1 inch. | PETROGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MONCHIQUITE. a. Characters as seen in the hand specimen. Colour, blue-black Fracture, even Cystallinity, aphanitic Granularity, relative, even, not porphyritic Minerals visible, none recognisable. b. Microscopic Examination. Crystalline, hypocrystalline Fabric, the olivine and augite are automorphic Mlexture the latter more or less lath-shaped and together with the other mineral set in a more or less isotropic base. Grainsize, average about 0°2 mm. Minerals present (in order of decreasing abundance) 1. augite (titaniferous), 2. olivine, 3. magnetite, 4. felspar, 5. biotite, 6. apatite and an isotropic base. | Mr. G. W. Card gives the following description of the monchiquite from Dyke No. 36:—** Under the microscope INCLUSIONS OF BASIC PLUTONIC ROCKS AT KIAMA. 69 the typical isotropic base of the monchiquites is well shown. The olivine phenocrysts are more or less automorphic and may be partly or entirely serpentinised. The augite is automorphic and slightly pleochroic, some of the smaller phenocrystalline individuals may form glomero-porphyritic aggregates. Magnetite is abundant in small crystals, Felspar occurs in the groundmass tosome extent. Altered leucite is probably present. The base is abundant.” A comparison of these two descriptions will show that the two rocks are essentially the same. SIMILAR OCCURRENCES. In 1893 the presence of a ‘* Chromite-bearing Rock in the Basalt at the Pennant Hills Quarry, near Parramatta was pointed out by Prof. T. W. EK. David and Messrs. W. F. Smeath and J. A. Wall, in a paper to this Society. Since that time numerous fragments of gabbro, peridotite and allied rocks have been obtained from this locality; the basalt in which they are enclosed occurring in the form of a volcanic neck. In 1902 Mr. G. W. Card’ in the Records of the Geological Survey of N.S.W., wrote as follows :—‘‘ It may be noted that enclosures of a basic character are by no means uncommon in the basalts. traversing or overlying the Hawkesbury formation. Thus boulders of gabbro occur in this way at the Pennant Hills Quarry, Dundas, near Sydney, and gabbro also occurs in olivine basalt from Glen Alice, Capertee. Colourless pyroxene, resembling that of eelogite has been detected in basalts from Mount Wilson, Rooty Hill, Thirlmere and Long Bay near Sydney. In the nepheline basalt from Burragorang a pyroxene containing picotite has been noted. At Bulli a dyke coatains large lumps of an aggregate of hornblende, olivine and picotite. 1 An Eelogite-bearing Breccia from the Bingera Diamond Field by George W. Card, A.B.S.M., F.G.8., Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales, Vol. vir., part ii. 70 C. A. SUSSMILCH. It would thus appear that masses of holocrystalline basic rocks must exist at no great depth in this portion of Australia.’’ Mr. Card informs me that in examining many of the other dyke rocks he has noticed many inclusions of foreign crystals (Xenocrysts) similar to those already quoted. The occurrence of the fragments of gabbro and peridotite in the dyke at Kiama points to a similar conclusion to that arrived at by Mr. Card, and considerably extends the area beneath which basic and ultrabasic plutonic rocks probably exist in eastern New South Wales. NOTE ON SOME SIMPLE MODELS FOR USE IN THE THACHING OF HLEMENTARY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. By W. G. WOOLNOUGH, D.Se., F.G.S. (Communicated by Prof. T. W. E. DAVID, B.A., F.R.S.) [Read before the Royal Society of N. 8. Wales, October 4, 1905. ] In the course of nearly ten years’ experience in the teach- ing of elementary crystallography, I have found it very difficult to make the average student appreciate the con- nection between the number of faces in a crystallographic ‘“‘form’’ and the elements of symmetry characteristic of the group to which the crystal belongs. I have, therefore, prepared .several very simple models which, I find, make the understanding of this very important point perfectly easy to everyone. A plane of symmetry divides a crystal into two portions which are to one another as an object and its reflection in MODELS FOR USE IN TEACHING ELEMENTARY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. 7 1 a mirror. The use of a mirror therefore explains the effect of a plane of symmetry exactly, and the combination of several mirrors reproduces the effect of the highest orders of symmetry. I have constructed models representing the symmetry of the normal group of each of the six systems of crystals. Those for the cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal and rhombic systems consist of three mirrors each; that for the mono- clinic system of a single mirror and a rotating axis; that for the triclinic system simply of a cork. Tke mirrors should be of the thinnest gauge of glass obtainable, and must be cut very accurately to shape, and very carefully assembled, or else the multiple reflections give a distorted figure. I found it possible to get the glass cut much more accurately if ordered in rectangular shapes, than if triangles of given angles are specified. I made six inches my unit of length and then the following glasses were needed :— 5 squares, 6 inches x 6 inches (3 for rhombic, one each for tetragonal and hexagonal). 1 square, 6 inches x 6 inches, cut across diagonally (one part for cubic, one for tetragonal). 2 rectangles, 6 inches x 8°48 inches—6¥v2 inches—(one for tetragonal, one for monoclinic). 1 rectangle, 6 inches x 8°48 inches, cut across diagonally, (both parts for cubic). 1 rectangle, 6 inches x 6°93 inches—4v3—(for hexagonal). 1 rectangle, 6 inches x 3°46 inches—2v3—(one part for hexagonal, one part wasted). The pieces are fixed together by means of strips of paper gummed across the edges of adjacent pieces at the back. The figures (fig. 1) are of the nature of “‘nets’’ to indicate the construction of the models for the first four systems. 72 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. Fig. \. Cubic Fig. 2. Tetragonal. Fig. 3. Hexagonal. Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4—Nets to show construction of the models for cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal], and rhombic systems. The edges indicated by dotted lines are to be joined. A crystal face of the most general form is represented by a triangle of cardboard of suitable size and shape. This is placed in the solid angle between the three mirrors when the multiple reflections will reproduce all the faces of the MODELS FUR USE IN TEACHING ELEMENTARY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. 73 form, forty-eight for the cubic, twenty-four for the hexa- gonal, sixteen for the tetragonal, and eight for the rhombic. For the rhombic model the card may take the form of any acute angled triangle. For the tetragonal model the acute angled triangle must have one angle less than 45 degrees, for the hexagonal less than 30 degrees. As it is rather difficult to cut a card which will fit into the cubic model, I have calculated the shapes required for some of tie principal forms. It will be noticed that in figure 1 the mirrors are lettered H, V and 8, respectively. The model should be placed with H horizontal and V ver- tical. The following are suitable triangles, the edges which are to come into contact with the mirrors being indicated by means of similar letters: Octahedron (111) sidesin proportion of H= v3 V=1 S=2 Cube (100) i" cr H=fV=1S= 2 Dodecahedron (110) ,, = B= 2)V=18=—73 Hexoctabedron (123) ,, » H="745 V="5708="915 Cards of the first three shapes show very instructively the fact that the simpler forms of the system may be regarded as limiting cases of the general form. The models are instructive in other ways. For instance, in the case of the cubic model, if a rod be held in the position of a centronormal to any particular crystal face, the multiple reflections show the positions of all the centro- normals to all the faces of the form. It will be found that there are seven distinct ways in which the rod may be held corresponding with the seven types of form possible in the group. Thus, if the rod be laid in the dihedral angle of H and§8, the positions of the six centronormals of the cube, coincid- ing with the three quaternary axes of symmetry, appear. If the rod is laid somewhere on the face H, the twenty- four centronormals of a tetrahexahedron appear. If the 74 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. rod is held so as not to touch any of the mirror faces, but to project between them from the trihedral angle, the forty- eight centronormals of a hexoctahedron appear, and so on. Obviously the edges HS, S~-V, V-~H correspond respec- tively with the positions of the quaternary, ternary and binary axes of symmetry of the group. A different procedure is adopted in the case of the monoclinic model. Here we have a plane of symmetry at right angles to it (and therefore also a centre of symmetry) with a dyad axis of symmetry. Oneof the large rectangles has a hole bored in its centre. Through this is passed an axis, working freely in the hole, and kept normal to the mirror by means of a cork on each side of the glass. These corks, by their friction with the glass, keep the axis in any position it may be placed. Two exactly similar pieces of card of convenient size and shape are cut to represent faces. One of these is fixed by one of its vertices to the outer end of the axis, its opposite side supported just clear of the mirror by means of two long pins fixed in the cork to the card. With this card in any convenient position the other card is fixed to the mirror by means of a paper hinge in such a way that it exactly coincides with the first one. A narrow “bridle’’ of paper is then fixed to the free surface of this second card and to the mirror to keep t in position when the other card is removed. With the cards in coincidence the reflection in the mirror shows how the plane of symmetry necessitates the development of another face (fig. 1). Now lift the hinged card a little, rotate the axis through 180 degrees and allow the hinged card to drop into its former position (supported by the- bridle), and the four faces of the most general form of the normal group of the monoclinic system at once appears in a way which appeals very forcibly to the imagination of the pupil (fig. 6). MODELS FOR USE IN TEACHING ELEMENTARY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. 75 Fig. 7. Triclinic Fig. 4. Rhombic Fig. Fig. Fig. 5; 5—Model for monoclinic system showing effect of a single plane of symmetry. 6—The same with the rotating axis turned through 180°, showing the effect of a single plane of symmetry and an axis of binary symmetry at right angles toit. d/—mirror representing plane of symmetry ; A—rotating axis; /— card to represent face of a crystal ; P—pins carrying J’; A’, fF’, P’—+reflections of A, F, and P in M&M. . 7—Model for triclinic system showing effect of a centre of symmetry without any other element of symmetry. C— cork carrying pins and representing centre of symmetry; F—card to represent face of a crystal ; P—pins carrying F. 76 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. The triclinic model consists simply of a spherical cork, on opposite sides of which, supported by large pins are two triangular cards in the positions necessitated by the centre of symmetry, which is the sole element of symmetry of the group. PROVISIONAL DETERMINATION or ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION, FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE WITH THE MERIDIAN CIRCLE INSTRUMENT OF THE SYDNEY OBSERVATORY. By C. J. MERFIELD, F.R.A.S., Mitglieder der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. [Read before the Royal Society of N. S. Wales, November 1, 1905.] CONTENTS. . Introduction. . Instrument. The Observing Room. . Meteorology. Method of determining the Refractions. . Observations. . Errors of graduation of the Circle. . Reductions of the Observations. . Final Results. . The Constant of Refraction. . Conclusion. HP OODNAMNRYNH a . 1. INTRODUCTION. For some years past the meridian circle instrument of the Sydney Observatory has been in constant use for observing the transits and zenith distances of certain stars. The working lists have been prepared for the purpose of providing data for deducing the constants of reduction for the photographic plates, taken with the astrographic telescope. Eventually the positions of the stars, observed DETERMINATION OF ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. (et with the meridian circle, will be recorded in a catalogue that may be used for other purposes. The value of such a catalogue will depend largely on the final methods adopted in discussing the data, and publishing the investigation for the benefit of future research work in other directions. No modern star catalogue is complete without appending an investigation into the systematic corrections required to reduce the observations to some acknowledged standard or system, such as that of Newcomb, Boss, or Auwers. An investigation of this nature is essential to define the value of the whole work. In this connection Dr. Auwers has perhaps done more than any other astronomer; through his labours it is now possible to reduce the data of almost every published star catalogue to a uniform system. The present paper, together with another on the ‘ Lati- tude of the Sydney Observatory,” is preliminary to the question of preparing a star catalogue to be issued from the Sydney Observatory. My best thanks are due to Mr. Lenehan, F.R.A.s8., the Acting Government Astronomer, who kindly granted per- mission to use the meridian circle to obtain the necessary observations. I have also to thank Mr. Raymond, F.R.A.S., together with Messrs. Olden and Cranney, officers of the Observatory staff, for assistance in the observations and reductions. 2. INSTRUMENT. The instrument, with which the observations were taken, is the meridian circle of the Sydney Observatory. This instrument was constructed by Messrs. Troughton and Simms of London, and erected in its present position, during the year 1875, by the then Government Astronomer, Mr. H. C. Russell, c.M.G., F.R.S.. A description of the instru- * Retired from office 1905, February 28. 78 CG. J. MERFIELD. ment? is given in “‘Astronomical Results, Sydney Obser- vatory 1879-80-81. The instrument does not conform to modern ideas of construction, nevertheless it isa remarkably good one, and built on a secure foundation, the instrumental corrections remain normal during long intervals of time, in this con- nection it has given no trouble. 3. THE OBSERVING ROOM. The observing room for the meridian circle is situated in the central part of the main building. The observing slit measures only fifteen inches in width, and is provided with shutters on the roof of the building, a door and sliding windows are used for closing the opening in the northern and southern walls respectively. The general arrange- ment, originally very defective, is now much better, but the room is too small and badly situated for the funda- mental instrument of the Observatory. 4, METEOROLOGY. The standard thermometer is exposed in a louvred shed 12 feet by 12 feet, with walls about 12 feet 6 inches high ; the cover is in the form of a pyramid, the base of which rests on the four walls, the apex being 13 feet from the floor level. This shed is some 50 feet due south of the meridian circle. The barometer is in the main building, suspended on brackets attached to the southern face of the equatorial instrument pier on the ground floor. The read- ings of the barometer and attached thermometer were obtained from the records of the meteorological branch of the Observatory, as well as that of the standard ther- mometer. The variations of these were obtained from the self recording instruments. A thermometer was also read 2 A reproduction of a photograph of this instrument is given in the volume noted, over the title “ Sydney Transit Instrument and Reverser.” DETERMINATION OF ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. 19 at stated times during the evening’s work, the indications showing that the observing room was generally between three and five degrees higher in temperature than that denoted by the external thermometer. 5. METHOD OF DETERMINING THE REFRACTIONS. NOTATION. 2 = Apparent zenith distance. & = Distance, in arc, from the equator, measured on a ereat circle at right angles thereto, positive towards the north. @ = Latitude vr = Refraction observed v = Refraction calculated from tables. The suffixes n and s refer to north and south. If we put and subtract equation (2) from (1) then as Sex 0, — an =F FS ar Tr ae Ps Put ae ae On Y= 2,50 2. then i Ne a LAD ap Ne, oY or eas (X= VE SE (ee a0.) oss. 3 In a similar manner PT, = F(X — VY) HSE (t's — P'n).cccceeee 4 It will be noted from the above deductions, that if the northern and southern zenith distances were the same, and the meteorological data similar, then the refraction for each would be the same, that is, we should have in which case 27 = X —- Y 80 C. J. MERFIELD. These ideal conditions could not be expected. In the method here adopted, it is assumed that the error of the quantity + r, * r,, deduced from the tables, can be neglected, this assumption is very near the truth, if the observed zenith distances of a pair of stars do not differ to any great extent. In this respect much care was taken in the selection of the stars to be observed, so that the zenith distances of a pair approached equality. In the Talcott method for the determination of latitude the idea is to eliminate the refraction. To obtain the refractions by the method here shown, the idea is to eliminate the latitude from the equations. To obtain values of r from equations (3) and (4) it is necessary to know the correct declinations of the observed stars, together with the sum of the zenith distances of a pair and the difference between the amount of refraction. The declinations of the stars adopted for this work are those of certain fundamental ones contained in Newcomb’s catalogue. The positions of these stars are reduced to an absolute system and the values here used are considered to be definitive. The sum of the zenith distances have been obtained by observation with the meridian circle instrument, the difference of the refractions being deduced from a standard table. The tables here used are those which form an Appendix to the “Greenwich Observations”’ for the year 1853. These tables are constructed from Bessel’s Tabuloe Regiomontance; assuming that the reading of the thermometer attached to the barometer is the same as the external one, this assumption will seldom lead to any sensible error. | The method here outlined has some advantages, firstly the complete elimination of the latitude and its variation ; secondly the elimination of the nadir observations, since DETERMINATION OF ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. 81 2’, + 2, the sum of the zenith distances is simply the difference of the circle readings, and is therefore inde- pendent of the zenith point; and finally the time necessary to obtain sufficient data does not extend over a long interval; also the simplicity of the reductions has much to commend the method. Tne disadvantage in this method is that the declinations of the stars must be known. Taking fundamental stars and a large number reduces this difficulty, which will be almost eliminated in the final results. Having obtained the refractions in the manner explained in the preceding paragraphs, the correction to the constant of the table can be deduced from the following equation * dr = Ada — Bap... 2... 5 A= r/o. [ao es inte) ) Be ae 2/8 Consulting an investigation by Professor Comstock,’ it will be noted that the effect of the higher powers of 48, for the barometric pressures here used, and involved in the factor ae eee ie Sin ae b =o = [- = gee B need not be taken into account. The quantities neglected will not be sensible at zenith distances less than 80 degrees. In these reductions no modification of the factor of the refraction depending on the barometer need be made. Therefore the coefficient 2 is asumed to be correct or that. dp=o Equation (5) reduces to the expression dr = Ada = ~ da. + Chauvenet. Vol. 1., p. 672. # Publications of the Lick Observatory, Vol. 1. F—Sept. 6, 1905. 82 C. J. MERFIELD. hence we have a dr Se og ton doe x a Va therefore ad log a =" 10g tae. y In this manner we obtain d log r which equals d log a, hence obtaining da from equation (x) or the correction to a of the tables. 6. OBSERVATIONS. The following list of stars was observed between the dates 1905 July 3 and 1905 July 25 inclusive. For most pairs ten observations were obtained; in some cases, especially those at large zenith distances, as many as four- teen observations were taken. During the period of time occupied in obtaining the data for this investigation, about 512 zenith distances and 24 determinations of the nadir were taken, necessitating 2384 micrometer readings and 608 pointer indications. From this number only two obser- vations of zenith distance had to be rejected. Weights depending on the definition, and varying from 1 to 5, were assigned to each evening’s work. These were used in the preliminary calculations and also in the discuss- ion of the final ones obtained from the mean errors of observation. The evening’s work consisted in obtaining, as far as possible, the circle readings for each star given in the list, the nadir being taken just before and again at the con- clusion of the observations. As stated previously, the nadir readings were not here necessary, but were taken for the object of deducing a value of the latitude of the merid- ian circle instrument; the results of this determination form the subject of ashort paper to be later communicated to the Society. DETERMINATION OF ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. 83 No times were recorded during the transits of the stars, the whole attention being directed to bisecting the image of the object under observation, with the horizontal wire; the bisection was made at or near the intersection of the centre wire of the transit system with the horizontal thread. In a few cases this was impossible, but in no instance was it found necessary to apply a correction for curvature. The positions of the stars given in the appended list are taken from Newcomb’s “‘ Catalogue of Fundamental Stars for 1875 to 1900, Reduced to an Absolute System,” the numbers in the first column referring thereto. The positions here given were reduced to the epoch 1905, adopting Pro- fessor Newcomb’s precessions and proper motions. The coefficients to be combined with the data of the ephemerides to obtain the reductions to apparent places were computed with the formule of the Nautical Aimanac. The declina- tions of the stars between —77 degrees and the pole were corrected for terms of the second order by the formula 5—6, = Ad, —[6°7367-—10] Sin 5, cos 6 Aa’ in which 6, is the mean and 6 the apparent declination, Aa, Ad, being the star corrections exclusive of the second order terms. The number within the brackets is a logarithm. The heavy type indicates that the star transits below the pole during the time of observation. 84 Cc. J. MERFIELD. STAR CATALOGUE. Proper - 5 Motion ; ) ; No. LS Log a Log. b Log.c INg Til, — Sh LT 4 i ; g92 | 14 11 37°48 |—83 13 59°38 | - 0-0136 | 9-6887,, | 9°9210 | 1:2261,, 148 | 2 20 3°33 |—69 5 29°68 |+ 0°0195 | 9:8394 | 9°8837,, | 1:2153 918 | 14 34 49°19 | —64 33 42°06 |—0°2387 9°5779, 9°8480 1:1943,, 927 |14 41 4°81 |—87 45 47-47 |-0:0651 9°7986,, 9°8822 1°1846,, 939 | 14 48 10°87 | — 82 39 29:80 |—0:0636 9°7845,, 9°8672 1°1728, 946 | 14 51 44°14) +14 49 47-91 | - 0°0109|9°7735 | 9:2728,, | 11666, 952 | 14 58 22°06 | + 40 45 54:09 | - 0:0399 | 98960 9°6674,, 1°1546, 198 | 3 1 0°34 |—88 33 10°35 |+ 0:0139 | 9:8579 9°8474,, | 1°1496 197 | 3 2 817 |—72 16 24°41 | - 0:0263 | 9:9094 9°8244,, | 11476 958 |15 5 19°44 )—48 22 36°61 | —0°0619 9°4024, 9°7128 ied 963 |15 10 1°81 |—68 19 44°53 | -0°0415 9°7202,, 9°7978 11317, S71 lo 17 43°75 |—14 47 42°94 |+ 0:0026|9°3580 | 9:2203 1°1152, 975 | 15 20 54°10 | + 87 42 36°28 |+ 0:0814 | 9:91038 9°5925), 1:1081,, 980 | 15 23 54°74 | + 29 25 58°44 |+ 0°0783 | 9-8806 9°4905y 11011, 985 | 15 29 5°93) + 31 40 46°18 |—0:0247 | 9:8946 | 9°5070, | 1:0887, 986 | 15 30 12°64 | —14 28 22°35 |+ 0:0064| 9°:3456 | 9°1817 1:0860,, 991 | 15 34 24°93 | + 40 39 44°75 |+ 0°0483 | 99312 | 9°5878,, | 1:0754y 994 | 15 86 28°25|—19 22 15°44 |-0°1061|9:1477 | 9°2887 1:0700,, 995 | 15 87 18°88| + 19 58 33°42 | —0°0582 | 9-8358 9°2993, 1:0678y 1000 | 15 44 3967|— 3 8 23°33 |—0:0279|9:5885 | 84843 | 1:0477, 1004 | 15 46 45°97|—63 8 16°31 | - 0°4074 9°7400n 9°6901 10417, 246 | 348 42°16 | —74 31 48°81 |+ 0°1172|9°9664 | 9°7181,, | 10361 1023 |15 6 768|—78 27 25°77 |-0°0555 | 9°8890y | 9°6693 | 0°9803y 1030 |16 9 21°97|— 3 27 0:06 |—0°1440/9°5795 | 84461 0:9687, 1033 | 16 138 17°61|— 4 27 40°52 |+ 0:0869|9°5599 | 85431 | 09542, 1037 | 16 17 15°58} + 115 6°93 |+ 0:0409 | 9°6565 797635 0°9389, 1041 | 16 18 51°59)}—78 41 4°41 | -0°0820 | 9:9039y | 9°6220 | 0°9826, 1046 | 16 21 1°70)+14 15 5:96 |—0°0594)9-°8089 | 9°0130, | 0°9238, 984 | 4 24 22°92 | 80 26 12°47 |+ 0:0719 | 9:9884 | 9°6016, | 0°9097 1062 | 16 31 2°42|+ 42 37 57°38 |+ 0°0260/9°9759 | 9°4088,, | 0°8801, 293 | 433 52°53 | -83 6 18°38 |+ 0:0169 | 9:9893 | 9°5615,, | 0°8667 1069 | 16 89 38°32|}+ 389 6 9°35 | —0:0930 | 9:9680 9°3357y, 0°8379, 1080 | 16 49 30°74} + 10 19 16°97 | -0:0433 | 9-7764 | 8°7343,, 0°7831), 1083 |16 52 0°51/—53 O 53°83 |-0:0166 | 9:7015n | 9°3683 0°7679, 1086 |16 56 3:°05|— 4 4 49°67 |-0°0756|9:5615 | 8°2922 0°7420, 317 | 457 54°67 |—-75 459°40 |+ 0:0550| 0:0182 | 9°4126,, | 0°7295 1093 |17 5 2C°82|— 43 6 52°02 |-0°3059 9°5409,, 9°2080 06753, 1098 | 17 11 7:74| +2457 3:21 |—0-1582|9:9061 | 89507, | 0°6276, 1103 | 17 14 23°65 | + 37 23 26°80 |+ 9:0586)/'9:9731 9:0793,, 05980, Log. d’ 97350 9°7587,, 9°7961 '9°8105 9:8259 9:8332 9:84.64. 9°8514,, 9°8533,, 9°8593 9:8677 9:8806 9:8857 9:8904 9:8982 98998 9:9058 9-9086 9-9098 9:9194, 9:9221 9°9245,, 9°9440 9-94.73 99511 9:9548 9:9563 9-9582 99611, 9:9664 99686, 9°9727 9:9791 9-9806 9-9829 99839, 9:9875 9-9901 9:9913 ee eee DETERMINATION OF ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. 85 7. ERRORS OF GRADUATION OF THE CIRCLE. The errors of graduation of the circle, used in obtaining the observations, have never been adequately determined. A cursory examination of certain records found in the Observatory books seemed to indicate that the errors were not large, and that the circle is a fairly accurate one. In this connection no corrections have been applied to the observations used in this investigation. If circumstances permit, it is intended to examine the circles of this instru- _ ment. The results may form the subject of a future com- munication to the Society. 8. REDUCTION OF THE OBSERVATIONS. - The first operation was to take the mean of the four micrometer readings and apply the result to the reading of the pointer, hence the complete circle reading denoted by C in the tabular form prepared for the computation. The errors of runs of the micrometers were taken several times during the evening’s work, but these never became appreci- able. From the values of C the quantity Y can now be formed. The terms 0 and X being deduced from the declinations, see equations (3) and (4). All numerical work was checked, either by duplication or by differences in some cases. The calculated refractions were obtained by computation from the tables, adopting the height of the barometer and temperature of the air fora stated time. To correct these quantities for the state of the air at the time of observa- tion, a table was prepared, from which the corrections could be easily interpolated. The following examples give the reductions in the case of the two stars 975 and 317. The same form was used for all pairs without exception. “( 4-84) % oats [TIM SotqtzURNhb rvjnqey oy 07 pottdde usis oaqyesoN » / €12-9F Z | 88-8P P12 Ze Le @ | 91-S3 SI-F9 26-19 19-6 @| 23 0G Z 09-1¢ Z 4 G0-68 18-2 ogo Z19C.Lh & | 69-67 £0-2 EF-8F Z | 88-2e SI-19 G¢.19 18-6 = @|G9-1S & GE-2S Z 08-88 SI-ZS Po 7|e9-cr Z | L6-LP 8-3 82.9F & | Sh FS €8-F9 88.09 6S-8 2 Ppl18-0S & 96-0S Z | ° 88-68 64-1 ies ; pi|Sl-9F @ | SP-8V 63-2 E8.LP Z | SL-2% GL-89 9¢.6 66-2 - *|1L-0S 2 1P-29 Z 20-1 LG.1S 6. zZ|00-Lh Z@ | Sb-6P SP-Z 76-6h Z% | £0-61 86 09 88-L¢ TL-9 Z|98-1S Z O8-FS Z 06-1P LI,TS Gi A Z| OP-9F Z | 6P-8P 60-2 18-6 @ | SF-02 SP-19 GP-Lg 0-9 a : = Z|8S-0 Z BFS Z 00.1h G0-1S Eas a Z| 80-8h Z | 96-0 83-% 16-87 Z | 20-91 G9.FS 69.9 68. “ a G|6P-2S LE-89 89.88 41-09 5 a = e|19-Sh @ |06-LP €6:2 Z8-9F &@ | L8-6T G8.1g L9-S¢ 9Z-S $ AS €| 1-09 @ GL4.09 @ 86-8 TP-69 Ol : 1|29:L7 @ | 06-67 8S-Z GO-0S Z | ZP-PT 0Z-9¢ CS-PS C8. e = T/€L-2o 1G-7¢ Z| 8L-1F 18.6% lige 1/08 9F @ | S9:8P G8.Z SE-8F Z | &6-ST 86-8¢ Za-SG $9-8 - : T|00 TS @ 80-89 2 0.88 89.6P Ge z|6z-6P @ | 19-TS ZE-% 9Z-0G Z | 0°-6 06-1 ZL-2S 12-8 i Z| 86-89 & 68-FE @ OF.2P CP-6P po on Z|ZS-Sh ZS |F6-09 Z | ZF-S O + |6S-6F Z | GS-01 SE ZHIIS9.2G 82 Z2G| G2-2G LE SFIL16-4 SG POT - fa 7198-88 3 u" ! 7 ! CPh-PS Z 7 30 O€-Zh 9g 6L ” ff .©@) 18-67 ov LE 4 ¢g Aine W ‘ Ud / w / ° d| % Wa-x)Fel4- 4) Ee] a 0 X @ CO6T LIE ¢e G16 IR4S 86 DETERMINATION OF ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. Star 975 ss Ole 1905. Log r, Log r- d log r July 3 22389 2°2416 | —0°0027 » 4 | 22404 22428 | -0:0024 » 5 | 223380 2:2383 | —0:0053 uly @ 2°2359 2°2418 — 0:0059 lO 2°2308 2°2324. - 0°:0016 eZ 2°2368 2°2390 - 0:0022 » 14 2°2319 2°2393 - 0:0074: @ 1d 2°2352 2°2425 - 0:0073 e249 2°2323 2°2366 - 0:0043 Peay 2°2312 2°2329 —0°0017 » 24 | 2°2346 22368 — 0:0022 aD 22318 2°2345 — 0:0027 dlogr = —0:0084 p= 28 «2 = 0000000385 Star 317 » 975 1905. Log rs Log r¢ d log r July 3 2:2267 22294, —0:0027 eee | 2°2286 2°2311 - 0:0025 ao 8 2°2209 2°2263 — 0°0054 sey | 2°2245 2°2306 — 0:0061 » 10] 22192 2-2209 | —00017 cone Le 2°2254 2°2277 — 0:0023 a5) 14 2°2212 2°2287 — 0:0075 go. LS 2:2227 2°2303 — 0:0076 ae 2°2204 2°2249 - 0 0045 yee ae 2'2191 2°2208 —0°0017 » 24 2°2242 2°2264 — 0°0022 ee 2°2207 2°2236 — 0:0029 d log r = —0-0036 i) = AS) €2 = 000000037 9, FINAL RESULTS. 2 pv KS} 0:00000098 200 361 625 972 288 3200 3042 324 1156 288 147 pr? 0:00000162 24:2 324 625 1083 338 3042 3200 324 14.4.4 392 147 ONFENNNWAHKYDN Db Ins wr harmrwnrmwrerenpp | 87 The following table gives the individual results for each pair. The approximate zenith distances are also tabulated. From the values of «, the weights, given in the fifth column, ; have been computed and which are now used in all subse- quent combinations. The values of « are in units of the fourth place of decimals. 88 O. J. MERFIELD. Stars. Z dlogr | € p Stars. a + 1004 — 1000) 29°28 |+ 0:0071 | 6:8] 1:1 || 198-1098 1004: — 1080] 29:28 |+ 0°0086 , 8:1} 0°8 ||1098- 198 1004 - 1033) 29°28 |+ 0:0083 | 7:9} 0°8 1004 — 1086) 29°28 |+ 0:0019 | 8:2| 0°7 || 294-— 980 10383 - 918] 29°40 |+ 0°0017 | 7°6| 0°8 ||) 980— 294 1033 - 1004) 29°40 |+ 0:0083 | 7°8| 0°8 || 985-— 284 1086— 918] 29°78|-—0°0025 5:4) 1:7 || 284- 985 1086 — 1004) 29°78 |+ 0:0019 | 8:1) 0°8 317-1103 1030- 918) 30:42 |+ 0-0011 | 7-1| 1:0||, 817- 9% 1030-1004] 30-42|+ 0-083 7-8| 08/1103 317 918 — 1030| 30°70 |+ 0-:0012 7-0| 1-0 c “4: |25° 918 —1033| 30°70|+ 0:0017| 7-1] 1:0 || 978- 317) 71°58 | - 0.0034) 2:0 /13°0 918 — 10001 30°70 |+ 0-0008 4-6| 0-9 || 246-1103] 71-62 | - 0:0028 | 1-0 |50°0 a5 . + . | . . see Pa ab a cent 1069— 197| 72‘97|-0°0027| 2°7| 7-1 197 — 1069] 73°87 |- 0:0026 | 2°7| 71 1080 — 1023) 44°18|-0-0008 3°7| 3:6 : 1080 — 1041) 44:18 | 0:0022| 1-4 25-0 981— 197). 74°58) 00088) aa | 148 —- 1062' 77:05 —0-0027' 1:0'50°0 1046— 939] 48:12 |+ 00052 1:4 |25.0 1046- 892| 48:12|-0-0018 | 3°7| 3-6 946 - 892| 48°70 |- 0-0033 | 3-0| 6:7 946 — 989| 48°70 |+ 0:0035| 2-4) 8-3 939 — 1046] 48:80 |+ 0:0051 , 1-4 |25-0 939— 946| 48 80|+ 0:0035 | 2210-0 892 -1046| 49°38 |- 00017) 3°6| 3°8 892— 946] 49°38 |—0:0032 | 2°8| 6:3 Combining the results into normals, as indicated in the arrangement of the preceding table, we have the following statement. z d log r p 29°44 + 0°00372 TO 30°65 + 0°00175 8°8 34°76 + 0°00170 2°1 44°49 — 0°00196 D712 48°63 + 0°00300 88°7 08°20 — 0°00005 12°6 64°04 — 0°00245 40°2 71°43 — 0°00271 160°4 73°62 — 0°00218 25°95 DETERMINATION OF ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. 89 From which we obtain d log r = —0-00182 + 50 === NAT 10. THE CONSTANT OF REFRACTION. The value of a, the constant of refraction used by Bessel in forming the table of refractions, Tabulce Regiomontanee, is a = 0°00027895 = 57°°538 This is for barometer 29°6 inches, t = t’ = 50° In the tables used in this investigation, no information is given with regard to any alteration of these values, so they are here adopted. dlog r = dr/r = —0°00132 therefore du = —0°00132a = —0°076 and a = 57:°"462 This reduced to the condition 760 mm. pressure at 0° and temperature 0° C. gives a = 60°°283 w = 1:0002924 Appended will be found a lst of the most important determinations of the constant of refraction. These values are for the conditions B equals 760 mm. at 0° O., the external thermometer 0° O. a W 1. Tables Pulkowa ... 60°268 1°0002923 2. Fuess Ae ey OL fad WA: 2916 3. Greenwich 1857-65 60120 2916 4, Pulkowa 1865 ... + 60°209 2920 5. Greenwich 1877-86 607192 2920 6. Pulkowa 1885 ... 60°058 2913 7. Munich... «.. +60°104 2915 Mean values. “& = 60°°153 wu = 1°0002918 90 C. J. MERFIELD. The following is a short summary of the values of u determined by laboratory experiments: 1. Mascart 1877 is es Me 10002927 2. Lorentz 1880 eh — aad 2911 3. Bénoit 1888 Bee Msi ae 2923 4, Chappuis and Riviere 1888 i 2919 5. Kayser and Runge 1898 ... an 2922 uw = 1°0002920 On examination of the normals, giving the values of d log r, it is quite evident that these quantities vary with the zenith distance. This would seem to denote that the so called constant of refraction, adopted in forming the tables, not only needs correction but also a correction for every zenith distance.’ Now denoting by Z the zenith distance for d log r equals nought, we may form equations of condition of the follow- ing type, Log a, — log «, =dlogr=[Z-—e]x or Uy — 2 — 0 10e Pa) in which A ZS oun and log « is the value used in the tables. The suffixes denote observation and calculation respectively. In this way the following condition equations are formed after multiplying each by the square root of the weight of the absolute term. 27 y — 79°95 x- 0°01004 = 0 20 — 92°70 — 0°00525 = 0 15 = =6©— 52°11) —S — - 0700255 = 0 76 — 3381 + 0°01490 = 0 1 A similar conclusion has been arrived at by Mr. R. Tracy Crawford. To his thesis on the ‘* Determination of the Constant of Refraction ”’ I am much indebted. See Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, — Vol. r. DETERMINATION OF ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. 91 94 y— 457°1 x— 0°02820 — 0 aoe ede 111) 5-0 00018 — 0 6°3 403°5 = +: 0°01544 = 0 12°77 — 9072 + 0°03442 = 0 NO sooo ly o- 0701090 == 0 POO we omao 0102767 — 0 To make these equations more nearly homogeneous, put yy ics ee 7 and multiply the absolute term by 100. Reducing by the method of least squares, the following system will be found, and from which the values of y and v can be determined, hence obtaining the quantities x and Z. 915°250 y —326°688 v + 68°4315 — 0 — 326°688 y + 216°437 v — 54°7312 = 0 Remembering that the absolute term was multiplied by 100, the following result from the solution. Log v = 8°0860357 Log y = 7°8062727 » = 0°0122 y = 0°0064 [ pvv | = 0°0011673923 m--u=8 Log p, = 1°3453805 Log p, = 0°9686940 Log r, = 7°9110368 ~— + 00027 r, = + 0°0017 From equations (6) and (7) we may now find Z and x. Li DOS = 30 ao" x = 0°000122 Log 4, = Log a, + 0:000122 [52° 30’ 33” — ¢] 11. CONCLUSION. During the reductions, it was very noticeable the manner in which the observed refractions varied in accordance with the computed ones, due to the alteration in the state of the atmosphere. If observations of zenith distance of 92 C. J. MERFIELD. stars are taken between limits of time, separated by some hours, greater accuracy in the reductions, to obtain the correct positions, can be attained, by taking fully into con- sideration the fluctuations of the height of the barometer, and especially the variations of the temperature indicated by the readings of the thermometer, when computing the refractions for a series of observations that extend over some hours of time. Adopting the state of the atmosphere for a mean of the times of observations does not seem sufficient. The refraction tables in use at this Observatory would represent the observed refractions better, if a cor- rection’ be applied to them for the difference in the force of gravity at Greenwich’ and Sydney represented by the equation A log « =0°00225 Sin (¢’—¢) Sin (¢'+ 4) And further the refraction corrections computed from the Pulkowa tables, with a similar correction applied, would no doubt represent the observed refractions of the Sydney Observatory, much better than those of Bessel. * The theory of this correction, which is neglected in text books, is as follows:—The corresponding heights of the barometric column will be inversely proportional to the force of gravity, assuming equal density of the atmosphere at two places, the latitudes of which are ¢ and q¢’, that is p:p ::y':¢:: l-acos2¢':l-—acos2¢ from which Log p = Log p’ + 2aM Sin (¢' - ?). a (p+). M = 0-4343 anda = 0:002 Now the quantity pin the above | is contained as a factor in the coefficient B of the refraction tables, so we may therefore write, in units of the fifth decimal place, Log B = Log B’ + 225 Sin (¢’— f) Sin (¢' + ). Tables that give a correct value of log B, for a latitude ¢, when used at another latitude, denoted by a will furnish a value of log 5’, that should be corrected by the last term of the preceding equation. For most purposes this term may be united with the value of a of the tables, thus A log a = 225 Sin (f —$) Sin (¢'+ ?). 2 Bessels’ table os refractions, given in the Tabule Regiomontane, are prepared with a value of a derived from Bradley’s observations made at Greenwich during the years 1750 and 1762. LATITUDE OF THE SYDNEY OBSERVATORY. 93 LATITUDE oF THE SYDNEY OBSERVATORY. By O. J. MERFIELD, F.R.A.S., Mitglieder der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. [Read before the Royal Society of N. S. Wales, December 6, 1905. ] 1. Introduction. 2. Observation and Methods. 38. Details of Resuits and the final deductions. 4. Conclusion. This forms an appendix to a paper’ on the “‘ Provisional Determination of Astronomical Refraction, from observa- tions made with the Meridian Circle Instrument of the Sydney Observatory.”’ 1. INTRODUCTION. The adopted latitude of the Sydney ‘*‘ Meridian Circle Instrument ”’ is do = —33° 51’ 41°71 and this value has been used for many years—since 1860— in ali reductions of observations made at the Observatory. The above value of the latitude was determined by the Rev. W. Scott, M.A.,” witha transit instrument, during the month of June 1859. The method used in the investigation, was to observe the zenith distance of a star, and after correcting the observation for refraction, this distance was added to or subtracted from its tabular north polar dis- tance, according as it was north or south of the zenith; the result diminished by 90 degrees, represented the numerical value of the observed latitude. 1 This Journal, Vol. xxx1x., p. 76. * The Government Astronomer for New South Wales during the years 1856-62. 94 C. J. MERFIELD. During the years 1859-60-61,’ the observed north polar distances of certain Nautical Almanac stars were compared with the tabular ones. The residuals obtained were assumed to represent corrections to the latitude adopted in the reduction of the observations. From the several volumes mentioned in the foregoing paragraph, the following data have been deduced : Year. bo No. of Observations. (June) 1859 ~— 33° 51’ 41°10 1859 — 33 51 40°87 280 1860 — do ol 41°27 316 1861 — 33 9o1 41°61 164 If the last three values are combined, according to the number of observations, then the result is = eye, Bl aul 7 The same result is obtained by a combination of the four values giving to each an equal weight. Although the Rev. Mr. Scott, subsequent to the year 1861, adopted a value of the latitude (which is still used) he seems to have been inclined to favour a value numerically greater; hisown observations confirm this view. From the date 1861 to 1904 no further investigations have been made into this question. The appended determination is to be considered a provisional one, for reasons to be noted in the paper previously cited. 2. OBSERVATIONS AND METHODS. The observations, taken for the purpose of obtaining values of the observed refractions by the method of equal zenith distances, are available for a determination of the + «Astronomical Observations made at Sydney Observatory, 1859-60-61,” by W. Scott, m.a. LATITUDE OF THE SYDNEY OBSERVATORY. 95 latitude, providing the position, on the circle, of the line passing through the zenith is known. In order that the observations, above noted, could be used for this object, the nadir was observed each evening. Two observations were taken, one before and another after the evening’s work, a mean of the two was generally adopted in the reduc- tions to find the zenith distances from the circle readings. The fundamental equations used in these papers are 8 = $ + (2, + 1) oe (2:5 5.) If we put 2 to denote the zenith distance corrected for refraction, then $= 3 (8 + &) — 5 (@: — &) in which 6, 6, have the same significance as previously adopted, namely the distance from the equator measured along a great circle at right angles thereto, positive towards the north. From the foregoing equation, values of the latitude were deduced and combined in a manner to be shown. It will be noted that the latitude obtained from this equation is independent of the absolute value of the refractions. The error of the difference of the computed refractions for each zenith distance, as determined from tables, still remains, but if the difference 2, — 2, is small, the error in this con- nection can be neglected. The accuracy of the latitude determined in this way depends in a large degree on the exactness of the adopted declination of the stars observed. In this investigation, the data have been taken from Newcomb’s “ Catalogue of Fundamental Stars for 1875 and 1900, reduced to an Absolute System’’ and are adopted as definitive. 96 C. J. MERFIELD. 3. DETAILS OF RESULTS AND THE FINAL DEDUCTIONS. Stars. 971 -— 1083 986 1083 1000 918 1030 918 1033 918 1086 918 1000 1004 1030 1004: 1033 1004 1086 1004 946 892 1046 892 94.6 939 1046 939 975 246 1103 246 975 317 1103 317 952 197 991 OT, 1069 197 994 958 1037 963 1080 1023 1080 1041 1098 198 985 284 980 294 1062 148 The weights have been computed from the mean errors of observation in the usual manner. Lo 2°73 2:37 0:86 0°63 0-80 0:99 1:46 1:30 1°40 1°35 1-45 1°10 2°32 1:95 219 1:52 2-11 1°49 213 1°67 2°10 1:16 1-69 2°52, 227 1:42 249 2:33 177 4) ey LS) le tee ISS NEB OOMDHONEN — = 33° 51’ 40° + x PX 4°641 7110 1°720 0°882 1'360 2°673 3°942 3°120 4060 9°180 5°365 3°300 7888 17°355 7665 3°648 7385 5°960 3°408 5SS1lL 4620 5'916 8°788 4°536 4086 4°118 4980 5°592 3°009 YV=%-2 + 1°04. + 9:68 — 0°83 ~ 1-06 — 089 ~ 0-70 — 0°23 — 0°39 ~ 0:29 — 0°34 ~ 0°24. ~ 0°59 + 0:63 + 0:26 + 0:50 ~ 017 + 0°42 ~ 0-20 + 0°44 ~ 0:02 + 0-41 ~ 0°58 0-00 + 0°83 + 0:58 — 0:27 + 0:80 + 0°64. + 0:08 p. v.? 1:839 1287 1378 1578 1347 1:323 0°143 0°365 0-244. 0-786 0-213 1-044, 1349 0-602 0:875 0-069 0°617 0°160 0°310 0:01 . 0°370 1433 0:000 1:240 0°606 O211 1-280 0-983. 0-011 From the preceding table the following are obtained [p] = 89°7 Therefore [px] = 151°818 x% = 1°692 + 0°06 o@ = — 83° 51’ 41°"69 Epoch 1905 July 12. To obtain the mean latitude a reduction to this quantity is necessary. Log: [ pv? | = 1°33766 Adopting the elements given by Chandler in the Astro- nomical Journal, Vol. XviI., No. 406, the following variations LATITUDE OF THE SYDNEY OBSERVATORY. 97 of the mean latitude at Sydney, have been calculated for the period 1905 July 1 to August 2. Greenwich. a Mean Noon. ? Po 1905 July 1 — 0134 a = 0138 pemng 2 0-149 Sees bath ac O45 ail? — 0°147 meer — 0°149 jane 9 2267150 he OM = O51 eae — 0°151 From the above data the latitude variation, for the epoch 1905 July 12, can be found by inspection. Applying this correction, with sign changed, to the preceding value of ¢, we obtain the mean latitude of the Sydney Meridian Instrument. do = — 83° 51’ 44°55 + 0°°06 4, CONCLUSION. From a combination of all the available data, it must be conceded that the accepted value of the mean latitude of the Sydney Observatory is numerically too small. The probability is that the latitude now adopted is within one quarter of a second of the correct value, but, until further evidence is forthcoming, an alteration in the published value would be unjustifiable. This adopted latitude how- ever can only be taken as provisional, and not as a definitive value of this important co-ordinate. a £ s. d. 1400 0 O 21 0 0 LOMO CAG. Ol1l 0 32 1 0 £1432 1 0 ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. v. Cr. : fo Bul oe) Sa Gk. Deposit in Government Savings Bank, March 5 31st, 1905 ... pep 32 1 0 Advance to General Account sist Maoh, 1897 8 0 6 Balance 3lst March, 1905 Le oat Loot Oh" G os 1400 0 O £1482 1 O CLARKE MEMORIAL FUND. Dr. seh) 82) de Amount of Fund, 31st March, 1904 ae ae aa .. 469 9 11 Interest to 3lst March, 1905 ee ae ies 3; Re el Glee Ainires £485 14 2 Cr. £) ysis, Deposit in Savings Bank of New South Wales, March 31,1905 241 8 8 Deposit in Government Savings Bank, March 31, 1905 wee 244.5 11 £485 14 2 ' AUDITED AND FOUND CORRECT, AS CONTAINED IN THE Books OF ACCOUNTS. DAVID FELL, c.a.a. T. TYNDALL PETERSON, i 8. L A. SyDNEx, 28th April, 1905. D. CARMENT, F.1.4., F.F.A. Honorary Treasurer. W. H. WEBB. Assistant Secretary. a Honorary Auditors. A vote of thanks was passed to the Hon. Auditors, viz., Mr. Dayip FELL, c.4.A., and Mr. T. TYNDALL PETERSON, A.S.1,A., for their services. Dr. MARDEN, M.A., and Mr. W. A. DIXxon, F.1.C., were appointed Scrutineers, and Dr. SPENCER deputed to preside at the Ballot Box. There being no other nominations the following gentle- men were declared duly elected Officers and Members of Council for the current year :— President: H. A. LENEHAN, F.B.a.8. Vice-Presidents: Prof. LIVERSIDGE, t.p., F.z.s. F. B. GUTHRIE, F.1.¢c., F.c.s. Prof. WARREN,M. Inst. 0.E., Wh.Sc,| F. H. QUAIFE, m.a., mv. Vi. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Hon. Treasurer: D. CARMENT, €.1.4., F.F.A,. Hon. Secretaries: J. H. MAIDEN, F.ts. | G. H. KNIBBS, F.z.a.s. Members of Council: S. H. BARRACLOUGH, T. H. HOUGHTON, M. Inst. 0.E. Assoc. M. Inst. C.E. Prof. T. W. E. DAVID, B.A., ¥.R.s. | H. C. RUSSELL, B.a., 0.M.G., F.B.S8 . H. DEANH, M.A., M. Inst. C.E. HENRY G. SMITH, F.c:s. T. F. FURBER, F.R.a.s. WALTER SPENCER, m.p. W. M. HAMLET, F.1.c., F.c.s. J. STUART THOM The certificate of one candidate was read for the third time, of one for the second time, and of six for the first time. The following gentleman was duly elected an ordinary member of the Society, viz:— Harker, George,, Petersham. Thirty-three volumes, 410 parts, 39 reports, 10 pamphlets, 1 map, and 1 atlas of charts, total 494, being portion of the donations received since the last meeting, were laid upon the table and acknowledged. The following letter was received from Mr. L. w. MARCKER, Consul for Denmark : Consulate of Denmark, Sydney, N.S.W. February 9th, 1905. Sir,—The sympathy which has been shown by men of science from all parts of the world over the death of the young Danish scientist Professor Mius R. Finsen, and the numerous foreign enquiries which have been made, asking permission to take part in the movement started in Denmark to raise funds, according to the deceased’s last wish, to enable the scien- tific institution called the Finszens InstirutTE (to which Finsen presented the Nobel Prize won by him) to continue the researches, so ably begun by him, has resulted in that the original Danish Committee now has become a universal one. Sub-committees have been started in England, all over the Continent, and in America. At the request of the Danish - Committee, the Consulate has received instructions from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, to place the matter before the scientific bodies in Sydney, I therefore, herewith have the honour to request you ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Vil. kindly to be good enough to direct the attention of the members of your honoured Society to the movement. The Consular instructions are also to give any local movement which might be started, all possible assistance, and I need hardly say, that any information or help I can give will be given with very great pleasure. I have etce., L. W. Marcxker, Consul. Messrs. J. H. Maiden and G. H. Knibbs, Hon. Secretaries, Royal Society of N. S. Wales. Letters were received from Mr. C. O. BURGE, m. mst. o.B., acknowledging receipt of copy of resolution carried at the previous Council meeting. Also tendering his resignation as a member of the Society owing to his approaching departure for good from Australia. The Chairman made the following announcements :— 1. THE BRITISH SCIENCE GUILD.—It has been a frequent subject of comment that, although the contribution of this country to the progress of science has been second to that of no other nation, the English people do not manifest that interest in, and belief in the powers of science, which are noticeable among the peoples of the Continent, or of America. In spite of the efforts of many years, the scien- tific spirit, essential to all true progress, is still too rare, and, indeed, is often sadly lacking in some of those who are responsible for the proper conduct of many of the nation’s activities. It is with the view of attempting to remedy this evil, and to bring home to all classes the necessity of applying scientific treatment to affairs of all kinds, that the proposal is made to bring together those convinced of this necessity by founding “‘ The British Science Guild.”’ The objects and organization of the Guild, which will be entirely disconnected from party politics, are as follows :— (1) To bring together as members of the Guild all those throughout the Empire interested in science and scientific method, in order, by joint action, to convince the people, by means of publications and meetings, of the necessity of Vili. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. |. applying the methods of science to all branches of human endeavour, and thus to further the progress and increase the welfare of the Empire. (2) To bring before the Govern- ment the scientific aspects of all matters affecting the national welfare. (3) To promote and extend the applica- tion of scientific principles to industrial and general pur- poses. (4) To promote scientific education by encouraging the support of universities and other institutions where the bounds of sciente are extended, or where new applications of science are devised. Methods of attaining these objects: (a) by publications; (b) by meetings; (c) by conferences and lectures; (d) by deputations. All British subjects, both men and women, are eligible for membership of the Guild. It was resolved that life members of the Guild shall pay, on admission, two guineas, which includes a registra- tion fee of 2s. 6d., and that annual subscribers shall pay, on admission, 5s., and in each subsequent year 2s.6d. It was also resolved that donations may be accepted. 2. The present position and prospects of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. His remarks will be published in the June Abstract. 3. The forthcoming meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science to be held at Cape Town, South Africa, commencing August 15th, 1905. 4, The death (on April 30th) of Mr. CHARLES MOooRE, F.R.B.S., C.M.Z.S., the following resolution proposed by Mr. J. H. MAIDEN and seconded by Dr. F. H. QUAIFE, was duly carried, the members standing :—* That the Royal Society of New South Wales has heard with deep regret of the death of Mr. CHARLES MooRE who had been a member since the year 1856, and who for two years was its oldest member. He served on the Council continuously from the year 1868, was honorary secretary from 1871 to 1874, and | vice-president for nine years, between the years 1878 and ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. 1x, 1900. That this Society desires to convey its sympathy with the relatives of their colleague.”’ THE FOLLOWING PAPERS WERE READ: 1. ‘On the occurrence of Calcium oxalate in the barks of the Hucalypts,’’ by HENRY G. SMITH, F.c.s., Assistant Curator, Technological Museum, Sydney. The author announces the presence, in large quantities, of calcium oxalate in the barks of several species of HKucalyptus. It is similar in form and appearance in all species, being well defined monoclinic crystals in stout microscopic prisms, averaging 0°0174 mm. in length, and 0°0077 mm. in breadth and containing one molecule of water. A peculiarity of these is the tendency to form twins geniculate in appearance ; twinned forms being pronounced in some species. From botanical and chemical evidence it is assumed that Eucalyptus salmonophloia of West Australia and E. oleosa of New South Wales belong to the same species, and that the latter tree, which most often occurs as a ‘‘ Mallee,”’ is only the degenerate stage of the former. The theory is advanced that some of the “ mallees,”’ or shrubby Hucalypts, have been formed through the poisoning effect of the excess of oxalic acid, acting for a long time upon species which originally grew as large trees. The tannins in those Eucalyptus barks containing a large amount of calcium oxalate are of very good quality, light in colour, astringent, easily soluble, and should make leather of good quality. On evaporating the extract to dryness on the water bath but little darkening takes place, and the product is still readily soluble. This class of Hucalyptus barks should, therefore, make excellent tanning extracts. From the bark residue the calcium oxalate should be profit- ably extracted, and the oxalic acid obtained cheaply from this, practically as a by-product. The air dried bark of Eucalyptus salubris, the ‘‘Gimlet’’ of West Australia, gives x. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. 30°5% of total extract and 18°67 of tannin absorbed by hide — powder, and contains 167 of calcium oxalate. The bark of Eucalyptus gracilis contains 16°667 of calcium oxalate ; that of EH. Behriana 16°5); of EL. oleosa 10°64; of H. dumosa 9°8%; and of E. salmonophloia 8°34. The barks of all the Kucalypts tested contain calcium oxalate, although in some species in very small amount. 2. ‘* Notes of astronomical interest, dealing with the past eighteen months, showing the progress and deductions made during that period,’’ by H. A. LENEHAN, F.R.A.S., Acting Government Astronomer. EXHIBITS. A collection of fossil Halysites from the Orange district — was exhibited by Mr. O. A. Sussmilch, F.G.s. Prof. LIVERSIDGE vacated the Chair and Mr. H. A. LENEHAN, F.R.A.S. was President for the ensuing - year. Mr. LENEHAN thanked the members for the honour con- ferred upon him, ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, JUNE 7, 1905. The General Monthly Meeting of the Society was held at the Society’s House, No. 5 Hlizabeth-street North, on Wednesday evening, June 7th, 1905. H. A. LENEHAN, F.R.A.S., President, in the Chair. Thirty-six members were present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. Dr. GEORGE HARKER enrolled his name and was intro- duced. Mr. T. H. HOUGHTON, m.mst.c.e., and Mr. HENRY G. SMITH, F.C.S., were appointed Scrutineers, and Mr. W. M. HAMLET, F.I.C., F.C.S., deputed to preside at the Ballot Box. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Xi. The certificate of one candidate was read for the third time, of six for the second time, and of four for the first time. The following gentleman was duly elected an ordinary member of the Society. viz.:-—— ANDERSON CHARLES, M.A,, B.Sc. Hdin.; Roslyn Gardens. Forty-seven volumes, 231 parts, 6 reports, and 10 pamphlets, total 294 received as donations, were laid upon the table and acknowledged. The following letter was received from Miss van Heuckelum, acknowledging the receipt of a letter of Sympathy on the occasion of the death of Mr. CHARLES MOORE :— 6 Queen-street, Woollahra, May 22nd, 1905. The Hon. Secretaries, Royal Society of New South Wales. Gentlemen,—I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th instant, conveying the resolution carried by the members of your Society at the Annual General Meeting in respect to the late Coartes Moors, and I now desire to return thanks on behalf of myself and the other relatives for the kind sympathy expressed by the members, and for their eulogistic references to the deceased’s past connection with your Society. I remain, gentlemen, yours respectfully, MARGARETTA VAN HEUCKELUM. The following report was presented by Professor LIVER- SIDGE at the Annual General Meeting, 3rd May, 1905 :— INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SciENTIFIC LITERATURE. In 1903 I was appointed by the Council of this Society acting as the Regional Bureau for New South Wales, to represent this State at the Council Meetings heJd in London in May last. I duly attended the meetings and now have the honour to make the follow- ing report. The Royal Society of London commenced the work by compiling Catalogues of Scientific Papers (printed between 1800 and 1883) in twelve large quarto volumes, the first volume of which was issued in 1867. In it the titles are arranged solely under the authors’ names. A catalogue of the papers published since, 7.¢., between 1884 and 1900 is now in hand, and a subject index is also nearly completed. Xil. ABSTRACT OF: PROCEEDINGS. The possibility of preparing a complete catalogue of current scientific literature was considered by the Royal Society in 1893, but as it was apparent that the work was beyond the resources of the Royal Society, or indeed of any single body, the society sought the opinion of representative foreign bodies and individuals and the replies being favourable, steps were taken to summon an International Conference. This conference, at which I was pre- sent as a Delegate, took place in London on July 14th to 17th, 1896, and was attended by delegates appointed by the Governments of Canada, Cape Colony, Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Natal, the Netherlands, New South Wales, New Zealand, Norway, Queensland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It was then unanim- ously resolved to compile and publish a complete catalogue of current scientific literature, arranged both according to subject matter and authors’ names. The Royal Society was requested to appoint a committee to further consider the system of classification to be adopted and other matters, and it was decided to establish the Central Bureau in London. At the second International Conference held in London on October 11th to 13th, 1898, several questions were settled and a provisional International Committee appointed which afterwards met in London on August Ist to 5th, 1899, when the work was still further expedited and the Royal Society requested to organise the Central Bureau and make all necessary arrangements so that the preparation of the catalogue might be commenced in 1901. A third International Conference was held in London on June 12th and 13th, 1900, at which all financial and other difficulties were removed by the Royal Society agreeing to act as publishers and to advance the funds necessary to start the enterprise. The supreme control over the catalogue is now vested in an Inter- national Convention which is to meet in London in 1905, in 1910, and every tenth year afterwards, to reconsider, and if necessary, to revise the regulations for carrying out the work of the catalogue. In the interval between two successive meetings of the Convention ‘ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Xiil. the administration of the catalogue is carried out by the Inter- national Council, the members of which are appointed by the Regional Bureaus. — 3 | The total expenditure from July lst, 1900 to February 29th 1904, has been £10,153, and the total amount received from sub- scribing bodies was £6,755; eventually the publication will pay its way, but it may be some time before the debt to the Royal Society will be extinguished. The financial support given by the different countries is shown in the following list. New Zealand has now become a contracting body:—Austria £165, Canada £119, Cape Colony £109, Denmark £102, Egypt £17, Finland £45, France £754, Germany £901, Greece £34, Holland £133, Hun- gary £68, India and Ceylon £471, Italy £459, Japan £255, Mexico £85, New South Wales £34, New Zealand £17, Norway £85, Nova Scotia £17, Orange River Colony £17, Poland £17, Portugal | £17, Queensland £34, Russia £512, South Australia £34, Sweden £85, Switzerland £119, United Kingdom £765, United States £1,251, Victoria £17, Western Australia £17—Total £6,755. It has been suggested that special efforts should be made by the Regional Bureaus to bring the catalogue under the notice of scientific workers, and to secure an increase in the number of subscribers The whole of the first and second issues of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature have been pub- lished with the exception of the volumes on botany and zoology; the third annual issue is in preparation and several of them are . aJready in the press. The number of entries in the author-cata- logue of the first annual issue was 43,447, and the total number of entries in that issue was 149,768. The numbers of books and papers indexed in the volumes of the second annual issue are as follows :—A. Mathematics 1,843; B. Mechanics 841; O. Physics 2,433 ; D. Chemistry 5,632; E. Astronomy 1,223; F. Meteoro- logy 1,988; G. Mineralogy 1,307; H. Geology 1,702; J. Geography 2,022: K. Paleontology 638; L. General Biology, 689; M. Botany 6,339; N. Zoology 7,131; O. Anatomy 1,424; P. Anthro- pology 1,861; Q. Physiology 9,671; R. Bacteriology 3,132. The Xiv. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. total number of entries in the author catalogue of the second annual issue is therefore 49,876, an increase of 6,429, or about 15% more than the number in the first annual issue. The total number of pages in the first annual issue is 8,387. The following table shows the number of slips received and the instalments in which they were supplied to the Central Bureau:— Germany ... a ... 146,552 slips in 59 instalments France Sse se w. 46,702 is 38 a United Kingdom .., we 43,484 3 166 es United States ae ... 37,688 tS 68 ms Russia Se ea tara Ray al a 5 - Italy ... 500 see wee | 1,479 = 25 - Holland Sod ne ae 6007 ne 17 Be Austria as he woe, Gso79 3 2 py Poland Pes Bae sat A92, 3 8 ss India and Ceylon ... sco BHI 33 39 as Japan aor ee waop) | 25208) tush 10 * Switzerland a Se eles . 7 53 Hungary ... ows Soe 1,745 fe 4 2 Denmark ... a Pentel ici re 17 9 Sweden A an wo, 1,450 4, < Victoria Pas ve roe 1,445 a 3 3 Norway ade apie 1,303 33 12 Be New South Wales... coe WPL, OLG Pe 5 Bs Finland Ssh ate BL 707 op 8 ” South Africa ie wai 645 oF 4, ” Belgium. - ..; eA ae 584 3 2 ” Canada on va i 5387 gy 11 »» New Zealand a, ae 327 a9 3 ” South Australia... ae 130 i 4 a Western Australia day 16 A i A oe 343,503 fs 522 instalments It was originally intended that the catalogue should not only contain the titles of papers, but that their subject matter should be fully indexed also ; financial considerations have, however, led to the number of subject-entries being at present limited in number. The title slips received at the Central Bureau very often showed that the papers were insufficiently indexed, especially in the lists of new species in botany and zoology; also chemistry; in many cases the Central Bureau has made good these deficiencies. The ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, XV. Executive Committee urge that efforts should be made in all coun- tries to supply fuller information as to the contents of papers ; if this were done the catalogue would be much more complete and the cost would be much decreased, and all Journals are urged to index each paper and attach the registration numbers at the time of publication. At the meeting of the Internationa] Council held at the Royal Society’s House, London, May 23rd and 24th, 1904, it was resolved in consequence of the success achieved by the International Cata logue of Scientific Literature, and of its great importance to scientific workers, to recommend that its publication be continued The agreement with the contracting countries was made in the first instance for five years only, in case the publication of the catalogue should fail financially or in other ways. It was also decided to spend £100 in making the catalogue known, and to take steps to invite the cooperation of other countries not yet represented on the council, ¢.g. Spain, the Balkan States, South American Republics, ete. The proposal to publish additional volumes upon, a. Medicine and Surgery; 6. Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry; . Technology (various branches) was discussed, and it was decided that the executive committee should take the suggestion into fuller consideration and bring it under the notice of the International Convention in July 1905. It was also resolved that all alterations in the schedules should be collected and: edited by the Central Bureau prior to submission to the Regional Bureaus for their opinions, and that the schemes should be edited by a special com- mittee before being submitted to the International Convention. (Signed) A. LiversipGE. A circular letter from Heidelberg was read respecting the erection of a monument in that city in memory of ROBERT BUNSEN, and as an expression of the debt of grati- tude which the world owes him for his great contributions to science and technology. Professor BUNSEN was an Honorary Member of the Royal Society of New South XVI. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Wales from 1895. Contributions will be received by the Hon. Secretaries for transmission to Heidelberg, or they may be sent direct to the Hon. Treasurer Herr A. RODRIAN, Stadtrat (in Firma C. Desaga) Heidelberg, Germany. THE FOLLOWING PAPER WAS READ: |. ‘“‘On the so-called Gold Coated Teeth in Sheep.” By A. LIVERSIDGE, LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry, University of Sydney. Paragraphs have appeared recently in some of the London and Sydney newspapers, stating that gold coated teeth have been found in Australian sheep. I have recently received the lower half of a sheep’s jaw bone from Dubbo, the teeth of which are more or less completely incrusted with a yellow metallic substance, but more like iron pyrites (marcassite) or brass than gold. The deposit is about #5 of an inch, or less than 1 mm. in thickness. Under ahalf inch objective it is seen to be made up of thin translucent layers but there is no recognisable organic structure. The metallic lustre is due to the way in which the light is reflected from the surface of the superimposed films. The scale partly dissolves in dilute acids. The residue consists of filmy organic matter, still possessing a metallic sheen although white in colour instead of yellow. The chemical examination shows that the incrustation on the teeth is merely a tartar-like deposit made up principally of calcium phosphate and organic matter. Note.—Professor LIVERSIDGE also showed a calculus of a similar metallic looking character from a sheep’s stomach, deposited in distinct layers round a piece of twig, but of rather a darker bronze tint than the substance on the teeth _ —this specimen belongs to the Sydney Technological Museum, and was kindly lent for exhibition by the Curator, Mr. R. T. BAKER. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XVil. EXHIBITS. 1. Mr. J. H. MAIDEN exhibited and described some Of the identical plants gathered by Banks and Solander on Captain Cook’s first expedition in 1770. 2. Mr. Henry DEANE exhibited photograph of a painting of Sydney, date about 1810. Hxplanatory remarks con- cerning it were made by Mr. J. J. FLETCHER and Mr. DEANE; the latter kindly presented the photo to the Society. Mr. DEANE also showed a portrait of the Viscount Sydney after whom this city was named. 3. Mr. HENRY G. SMITH exhibited specimens of alcohol from Germany, which he described at some length. Remarks were made by Mr. G. H. KNiBss, Prof. LIVER- SIDGE, Mr. R. T. BAKER, Mr. 8S. H. BARRACLOUGH, and Dr. G. HARKER. | 4. Mr. D. CARMENT exhibited and explained the working of a new calculating machine. d. Dr. WALTER SPENCER exhibited specimens of woven Pina fibre, collection of Chinese gold coins, objects which formed the sole export of the Loo-Choo Islands 30 years ago, &c. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, JULY 5, 1905. The General Monthly Meeting of the Society was held at the Society’s House, No. 5 Hlizabeth-street North, on Wednesday evening, July 1st, 1905. H. A. LENEHAN, F.R.A.S., President, in the Chair. Twenty members were present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and. confirmed. b -July 5 1905 XVill. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. The certificates of six candidates were read for the third time, of four for the second time, and of one for the first time. The following gentlemen were duly elected ordinary members of the Society :— BOARD PETER, M.A. Syd.; Under Secretary and Director of Hducation, Department of Public Instruction, Sydney. Foy, Mark; Merchant, ‘‘ Humemering,’’ Bellevue Hill, Rose Bay. HOOPER, GEORGE; Registrar, Sydney Technical Col- lege, p.r.‘Branksome,’ Henson-street, Summer Hill. JENSEN, HAROLD INGEMANN; Macleay Fellow of the Linnean Society of N.S. Wales, 31 Arcadia Road, Glebe Point. Moors, ELPHINSTONE MACM., M.A. Melb., F.1.A., Lond. ; ‘ Kallista,’ Raglan Street, Mosman. TURNER, JOHN WILLIAM; Assistant Under Secretary, Department of Public Instruction; Department of Public Instruction, Sydney. Mr. W. A. DIXON, by permission of the President, made the following remarks :—He had often found that young men were quite willing to work out any investigation, but that they were not aware of any subject which would repay them ; he, therefore, desired to suggest one in which he had found no information. He thought it deserved investigation, but had no time himself to attempt it. He had in his dining-room a Fletcher’s gas fire, an upright fire-clay block, with tufts of asbestos heated to radiation of heat point by a Bunsen flame. Some years ago, sitting in front of this it occurred to him that it would be an improve- ment to convert the colorless flame toa colored one, and therefore twisted some wires into a rope and saturated this with brine to obtain a sodium flame. Next night the ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. xix. fire having got hot, he introduced the saturated wire at the base of the flames, and immediately found a great reduction in the radiation, so that he felt quite cool. Removal of the wires and re-insertion several times always produced the same effect. The subject he had to suggest was, therefore, ‘* The Radiation from Coloured Flames.”’ To this might very well be added the absorption of radiant heat by coloured glass, which varies much. In this part it would be necessary to use coloured glass of standard light penetration, such as is used in Lovibond’s Tintometer. Remarks were made by Dr. F. H. QUAIFE and Mr. G. H. KNIBBS. The President made the following announcements :— 1. The death of the Hon. Sir AUGUSTUS CHARLES GREGORY K.C.M.G., M.L.C., F.R.G.S., Brisbane, who was elected an Honorary Member of the Society in 1875, and awarded the Clarke Memorial Medal in 1896. It was resolved that a letter of condolence be forwarded to the relatives of the deceased. 2. That the Officers and Committee of the Hngineering Section had been elected for the present Session :— Sectional Committees—Session 1905. Section K. Hngineering. Chairman—JOSEPH DAVIS, M. Inst. C.E. Hon. Secretary—J. HAYDON CARDEW, Assoc. M. Inst. 0.E. Committee—T. H. HOUGHTON, M. Inst. ¢.E., M.1I. Mech. E., G. R. Cowdery, Assoc. M. Inst. c.n., T. W. Keele,, W. H. Cook, . inst. c.5p., NORMAN SELFE, M, Inst. C.E., M.I. Mech. E., J. I. HAYCROFT, Assoc. M. Inst.c.B., J. N. O. MACTAGGART, B.E., R. T. McKay, c.£., F. M. GUMMOoW, M.C.E. Past Chairmen—J. M. SMAIL, ™. inst. c.n, H.G. MCKINNEY, M.E, M. Inst.c.E.,S. H. BARRACLOUGH, M.M.E,, Assoc. M. Inst. 0.E. xXx. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Thirty-six volumes, 259 parts, 9 reports, 127 pamphlets, and 1 photograph, total 432, received as donations, were laid upon the table and acknowledged. THE FOLLOWING PAPER WAS READ: 1. ‘‘ Observations on the I[llustrations’of the Banks and Solander Plants,’ by J. H. MAIDEN, Government Botanist and Director of the Botanic Gardens, Sydney. The issue of the third and final volume and plates, from the coppers engraved in the 18th century, from drawings by Nodder, Cheveley, and the two Millers, prepared under the direction of Banks, and depicting over 400 plants col- lected by him in 1770, during Cook’s first voyage, is, to Australians at least, an important historical event, which assuredly demands the most marked emphasis that Aus- tralians can give it. The present work has been written by Mr. James Britten of the British Museum, with the authority of the trustees of that institution. Many of Banks’ plants depicted were presented by the trustees to the National Herbarium, Sydney. The scope of this work is explained, and the proposed changes in nomenclature are indicated and compared with the names in the “ Flora Australiensis.”? This handsome publication, apart from its historical value, is a notable addition to existing iconographies of Australian plants. Remarks were made by Mr. W. J. CLUNIES Ross, Mr. R. T. BAKER, Mr. W. M. HAMLET, and the Author. EXHIBITS : 1. Professor LIVERSIDGE, M.A., F.R.S., exhibited “‘ Fused Quartz,’’ also special apparatus. 2. Mr. T. H. HouGHTON, ., exhibited Sections and illustrations of the Locking Bar Pipes as used for the Coolgardie Water Supply, also specimen of the Universal Joint. 3. Professor T. W. E. DAVID, B.A., F.G.S., F.R.S., exhibited a collection of Thinolites. Some remarks were made by Mr. CHARLES ANDERSON. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Xx. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, AUGUST 2, 1905. The General Monthly Meeting of the Society was held at the Society’s House, No. 5 Hlizabeth-street North, on Wednesday evening, August 2nd, 1905. H. A. LENEHAN, F.R.A.S., President, in the Chair. Twenty-five members were present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. GEORGE HOOPER enrolled his name and was intro- duced. Messrs. W. J. CLUNIES Ross and F. B. GUTHRIE were appointed Scrutineers, and Mr. W. M. HAMLET deputed to preside at the Ballot Box. The certificates of four candidates were read for the third — time, of one for the second time, and of one for the first time. The following gentlemen were duly elected ordinary members of the Society :— Blakemore, George Henry, General Manager for the Great Cobar Mining Syndicate, Lithgow. Hoskins, George I., Hngineer, Burwood Road, Burwood. Miller, James Edward, Cobar. Scott, Ernest Kilburn, Hlectrical Engineer, The University, Sydney. The Chairman announced (1) that the Society’s Journal, Vol. xxxvitl., for 1904 was in the binder’s hands and would be distributed as speedily as possible. (2) That the Second Popular Science Lecture 1905, on ‘“‘ The Monotremes and the Origin of Mammals,” (illustrated by lantern slides) by J. P. HILL,, F.L.8., Lecturer in Embryology etc., Sydney University, would be delivered on Friday, 18th August at 8 p.m. XXll. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Forty-four volumes, 241 parts, 7 reports and 15 pamphlets, total 307, received as donations since the last meeting were laid upon the table and acknowledged. The following letter was read :— Rosalie, 28rd July, 1905. To the Hon. Secretaries, Royal Society of N.S. Wales, Sydney. Dear Sirs,—I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 15th instant, conveying to us the kind expressions of sympathy expressed by the Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney. I, on behalf of myself and brother, have to request that you will kindly thank them on our behalf for their sympathy with us in our late bereavement. Yours faithfully, F. W. Gregory. THE FOLLOWING PAPER WAS READ: ‘*The refractive indices, with other data, of the oils of 118 species of Hucalyptus,” by Hmenry G. SMITH, F.C.s., Assistant Curator, Technological Museum, Sydney. In this paper the author records the refractive index, the specific gravity, the specific refractive energy and the solubility in alcohol of the oil of each species. The material was distilled at the Museum, and most of it had been pre- pared for the work “' Research on the Hucalypts and their Hssential Oils,’’ by Mr. R. T. BAKER and himself, so that it was of undoubted origin. The oils of those species which have been obtained since that work was published are also included. By working upon the oils of sucha large number of species it was possible to arrange the results in some order. The specific refractive energy results cannot be ~ used to any great extent for the purpose of classification, but if the refractive index be multiplied by 10 times the solubility in 70% alcohol, (sp. gr. 0°8722 at 15°5° C.) a very good arrangement of the eucalyptol oils can be made. Those oils which contained eucalyptol in excess had, as a rule, the least refractive index, and were the most soluble in alcohol. As the pinene increased in amount the solubility diminished and although the refractive index remained ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XXlil. much the same, yet, the resulting figures increased con- siderably. The solubilities were taken in tenths, and the temperature for all the determinations was 16°C. The oils of the 51 species in the eucalyptol group had refractive indices ranging from 1°4686 to 1°4774 and the solubility was from 1°05 to 8 volumes 70% alcohol, down to No. 45, the remaining six being insoluble in 10 volumes. The specific gravities of the oils of this group were mostly above 0°91. The 7 pinene oils in which phellandrene was absent had refractive indices ranging from 1°4741 to 1°4788, and none were soluble in less than 7 volumes 80% alcohol. The pinene oils (14 species) in which the sesquiterpene was pro- nounced, and phellandrene absent, had refractive indices ranging from 1°4801 to 1°4948, while the oils which con- tained the aldehyde aromadendral in some quantity, and in which phellandrene was absent (9 species) had refractive _indices from 1°4828 to 1°4946. The refractive indices of the phellandrene oils which contained piperitone (11 species) ranged from 1°4828 to 1°4945. The 22 phellandrene oils in which the sesquiterpene was a pronounced constituent had refractive indices ranging from 1°4801 to 1°5065. The per- fumery oils as EH. citriodora, H. Macarthuri and EH. Staigeriana were not classified. Remarks were made by Mr. W. A. Drxon, Mr. W. M. HAMLET, Dr. GEORGE HARKER and Mr. G. H. Knipps. The author replied. Mr. LENEHAN exhibited a chart illustrating Trans Pacific Longitude, and read a letter from Dr. KLOTz in connection therewith. Some remarks were made by Mr. Knipps and the President. XXxiv. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER 6, 1905. The General Monthly Meeting of the Society was held at the Society’s House, No. 5 Hlizabeth-street North, on Wednesday evening, September 6th, 1905. H. A. LENEHAN, F.R.A.S., President, in the Chair. Twenty-seven members were present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. Messrs. R. P. SELLORS and J. BROOKS were appointed Scrutineers, and Mr. W. M. HAMLET deputed to preside at the Ballot Box. The certificate of one candidate was read for the third time, of one for the second time, and of three for the first time. The following gentleman was duly elected an ordinary member of the Society. viz.:-— Taylor, John M., M.A., LL.B. (Syd.), North Sydney. The Chairman announced that bound copies of the Society’s Journal, Vol. xxxvill., for 1904 could be had on application to the Assistant Secretary. Thirty-two volumes, 243 parts, 20 reports, and 2 pamphlets, total 297, received as donations since the last meeting, were laid upon the table and acknowledged. THE FOLLOWING PAPERS WERE READ: 1. ‘* Reinforced Concrete,’’ Paper III., by Professor W. H. WARREN, Wh. Sc., M. Inst. CE, M. Am Soc. C.E., Challis Pro- fessor of Engineering, University of Sydney. The following matters were dealt with :—. a. The adhesion of cement mortar and‘concrete to steel. b. The experimental determination of the neutral axis in a plain concrete, and also in a reinforced concrete beam, and the curves of strain for loads increasing from zero to ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XXV. the load producing fracture; the determination of the true form of the stress curve from the actual strain curve in a plain and in a reinforced concrete beam. e. The safe working stresses and the fundamental equations recommended for the design of reinforced con- crete structure. d. The adhesion of cement mortar and concrete to the steel reinforcement was determined by pulling out speci- ally prepared bars of Bessemer steel from prisms 12 inches long X 4 inches X 4 inches cross section, by means of a testing machine. i. With steel bars having the natural skin on, after 45 days hardened in air i sae oi ... 198 fb per sq. inch ii. With the skin removed and the bars polished, after 45 days hardened in air ... eae SE 5 her am iii. With the skin removed as in ii., but hardened in water, after 45 days eae he ae shit S19 aa sey tea ee b. The experimental determination of the neutral axis in a plain and in a reinforced concrete beam, also the curves of strain for loads increasing from zero to that necessary to produce fracture, was made in a special form of Buckton testing machine, with two hydraulic presses for applying the loads at the ends of the beams tested. Ten beams 72 inches long were tested on supports 40 inches centre to centre, with two overhanging portions each 16 inches long. The apparatus for measuring the lengthening and shortening of the beam between the supports over a length of 40 inches, consisted of eight Martens’ mirror extensometers, with a corresponding number of scales and telescopes arranged at different positions in the depth of the beam. The extreme fibre strains were determined by XXVI1, ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, means of four Martens’ sector extensometers, and the deflections with dials. The mirror extensometers read accurately to ivéoo of a millimeter, and it will be observed that the bending moments and corresponding stresses between the supports over a length of 40 inches are con- stant (neglecting the effect of the weight of the beam itself.) Four reinforced beams were exactly alike in com- position, age, and reinforcement, and the mean deforma- tions, which differed very slightly from the corresponding individual deformations, were plotted. The strain curves prove that a plane section before flexure is not a plane section after flexure, and that the deviation from the plane is greater as the bending moment increases. Again, the neutral axis moves from the centre of the beam towards the compression side as the bending moment increases. The stress curves determined from the strain curves are fairly straight for a bending moment of about one third of that producing fracture, but they are curved for greater bending moments approximating closely to parabolas just before fracture. The stress curves determined from the tests of the other reinforced concrete beams confirmed these results completely. In the plain concrete beam, without reinforcerient, the strain curves were approxi- mately straight lines, and the stress curves deduced from them were curved more on the tension than on the com- pression side, but in both they approximated closely to parabolic curves; the neutral axis also moved 0°8 of an inch towards the compression side as the bending moment was increased. In regard to the application of these conclusions to the practical design of reinforced concrete structures, it appears desirable to neglect the tensile stress in the con- crete, as it contributes little to the moment of resistance of the beams. The equations deduced in Paper II. do not ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XXVIi. require any modification, but the following stresses are recommended in the design of reinforced concrete struc- sure > Hxtreme fibre stress in concrete in compression, c ... = 500 fb per sq. inch. Shearing stress and adhesion of the concrete to the steel reinforcement... co = 0) aia Samba Se Direct compressive stress in columns ... a 6) Sct 00) ME ae ame Tensile stress in steel reinforce- ments, fs... ae anette OOOO. y Soe0 cs aig leans Compressive stress in steel re- inforcements ... eet 0 144 010) eae Ia a eae Shearing stress in steel rein- | forcement “ee Roe EOL OOO et en one E Ratio of —£ = 15. ULL GE c Fundamental equations in rectangular beams :— S-= fp () c £, a moe aap © Examples are given in the paper, also, of the application of the conclusions arrived at to tee shaped beams. 2. ‘The Occurrence of Inclusions of Basic Plutonic Rocks in a Dyke near Kiama,”’ by C. A. SUSSMILCH, F.G.S. The specimens described were obtained from the Bombo Quarries, about 2 miles north of Kiama, and consist of rounded fragments of basic and ultra-basic plutonic rocks embedded ina dyke rock. The following plutonic rocks XXViil. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. were described:—(1) Hypersthene Gabbro; (2) Augite Peridotite; (8) Enstatite Peridotite, containing Picotite ; (4) Pyroxenite. The dyke rock was shown to be a mon- chiquite. The occurrence of these inclusions (xenoliths) taken in conjunction with those occurring at Bulli, Dundas and various localities in the Sydney District, points to the occurence of large areas of. basic and ultrabasic plutonic rocks at some distance below the surface in this part of New South Wales. EXHIBITS. Professor WARREN read some notes on hardness of different metals, and exhibited a Sclerometer for testing same. Mr. LENEHAN exhibited and explained a chart showing drift of the s.s. ‘* Pilbarra,’’ after losing her propeller blades. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, OCTOBER 4, 1905. The General Monthly Meeting of the Society was held at the Society’s House, No. 5 Elizabeth-street North, on Wednesday evening, October 4th, 1905. H. A. LENEHAN, F.R.A.S., President, in the Chair. Thirty-six members and three visitors were present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. Messrs. }'. B. GUTHRIE and R. T. BAKER were appointed Scrutineers, and Prof. LIVERSIDGE deputed to preside at the Ballot Box. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XXix. The certificate of one candidate was read for the third time, of three for the second time, and of one for the first time. The following gentleman was duly elected an ordinary member of the Society, viz:— Simpson. D. C., m. inst. c.z.; North Sydney. Three volumes, 118 parts, 4 reports and 2 pamphlets, total 127, received as donations since the last meeting, were laid upon the table and acknowledged. The following note was read and explanatory remarks made upon the several exhibits shown :— ‘*Note on some simple Models for use in the Teaching of - Elementary Crystallography,” by W. G. WoOoLNOUGH, [Communicated by Prof. T. W. H. Davin, B.a., F.R.S. | Dr. WoOOLNOUGH exhibited models to illustrate the con- nection between the number of faces in a crystal °“‘ form ”’ and the elements of symmetry of the group to which the crystal belongs. He explained briefly that all crystals are symmetrical bodies, the symmetry being due to a regular repetition of similar faces with respect to planes, axes, and a centre of symmetry. Planes of symmetry divide crystals into parts which bear the same relation to one another as an object and its reflection in a mirror. With respect to axes of symmetry, the repetition of faces is rotational in character. Planes of symmetry are therefore represented in the models by mirrors suitably arranged, and crystal faces by triangles of cardboard. The mirrors are so fixed that the multiple reflection of the card repro- duces the shape of the most general form possible in the crystal group. In this way it is very strikingly shown that in the normal groups of the cubic, tetragonal, hex- agonal, and rhombic systems are closed forms of 48, 16, 24 KXX. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. and 8 faces respectively. The model for the normal group of the monoclinic system consists of a mirror pierced by an axis capable of rotation, the cards representing faces are fixed in such a way as to show, by rotation of the axis through 180°, that the general form consists of four faces only, and is open. In the normal group of the triclinic system, where there is only a centre of symmetry, this is represented by a spherical cork, on opposite sides of which two equal and similar cards are carried showing that every form in this group is open and consists of two faces only. Remarks were made by Prof. Davin, Mr. S. H. BARRA- CLOUGH, and Mr. G. H. KNIBBS. EXHIBITS. Prof. LIVERSIDGE exhibited specimens of metallic calcium and described its preparation and physical properties. Some remarks were made by Mr. GUTHRIE. Mr. J. H. MAIDEN exhibited and commented upon the following :— 1. The Thready-barked She Oak from Northern N.S.W. (Casuarina inophloia). Remarkable for the texture of its bark, its coarse medullary rays, and the uninflammable character of its wood. 2. Fresh male amenta of Araucaria Rulei, an interest- ing New Caledonian species which rarely produces male flowers in Sydney. 3. Selaginella lepidophylla, an American plant (Mexico to Peru, etc.) which, artificially scented with oil of cinna- mon is at present being sold in Australia as the true “‘ Rose of Jericho,’’ which is a Crucifer from Palestine. Some remarks were made by Mr. R. T. BAKER. Mr. HENRY DEANE, M.A., M. Inst. c.E., exhibited a Series of photographs of the Frank, (Alberta Territory, Canada) ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Xxx. Rock Slide of 29 April, 1903. See Report, Department of the Interior, Dominion of Canada. Extract from Part viii., Annual Report 1903, Ottawa, 1904 :— 1. Turtle Mountain, part of easterly range of Rocky Mountains. 2. Summit 3,000 feet above valley of Old Man River. Upper Palzeozoic Limestone, above Oretaceous shales and sandstones below. 3. Slipping mass, one-half mile square, and probably 400 to 500 feet thick. It crossed the valley, rising to a height of 400 feet on the other side. Distance from summit to end of slide 25 miles. Area covered by débris 1°03 sq. m. Number of lives lost about 70. Remarks were made by Prof. DAVID, Dr. WALTER SPENCER and Mr. G. H. HALLIGAN. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER 1, 19085. The General Monthly Meeting of the Society was held at the Society’s House, No. 5 Hlizabeth-street North, on Wednesday evening, November 1st, 1905. H. A. LENEAAN, F.R.A.S., President, in the Chair. Twenty-five members and two visitors were present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. His Honor Judge DocKER and Mr. ALG. PEAKE were appointed Scrutineers, and Mr. HAMLET deputed to preside at the Ballot Box. XXXil. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. The certificates of three candidates were read for the third time, of one for the second time, and of five for the first time. . The following gentlemen were duly elected ordinary members of the Society, viz.:— BIGNOLD, HuGH BARON, Barrister-at-Law; Chambers, Wentworth Court, Elizabeth-street. DAMPNEY, GERALD F., Fellow of the Society of Chemical Industry; ‘* Doonbah,’’ Hunter’s Hill. Hype, ELuis, Analyst; 27 York-street. Thirty-three volumes, 191 parts, 24 reports, 7 pamphlets and 8 maps, total 263, received as donations since the last meeting, were laid upon the table and acknowledged. Prof. LIVERSIDGE gave notice of motion that Rule xxvIil. be altered to read as follows :— “Meetings of the Council of Management may take place on the last Wednesday in every month or on such other days as the Council may determine.”’ THE FOLLOWING PAPER WAS READ: ** Provisional Determination of Astronomical Refraction, from observations made with the Meridian Circle instrument of the Sydney Observatory,’’ by C. J. MERFIELD, F.R.A.S., Mitglieder der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. This paper gives the results of an investigation into astronomical refraction, deduced from some five hundred and fifty observations of forty fundamental stars taken with the meridian circle of the Sydney Observatory during the month of July 1905. The author fully explains the methods adopted in dealing with the observed data, show- ing its advantages and otherwise. Two examples of the adopted forms used in the reduction are given, by which ; the simplicity of the method is well illustrated. After completing the discussion of the data, the results are formed ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XXXIli, into normals with the zenith distance as argument. An examination of these results clearly indicates that the so called constant of refraction needs, not only a correction, but one for every zenith distance. It may be remarked that similar conclusions have been obtained by recent investigators in this connection. From the results of this work the author arrives at a value of the constant a = 60°283 for B = 760 mm. at 0 (C) and t = 0 (C) It would appear from this investigation, however, that the formula from which the refractions are computed requires modification. The formula may be retained unaltered and the desired result obtained by correcting the value of Log a of the tables in a manner shewn in the paper. Thus we have Log A a = + 0°000122 [52° 30’ 33” —2| in which 2 equals the zenith distance in arc. The conclusions arrived at by the author are as follows: That if observations of zenith distance of celestial objects are taken between limits of time separated by some hours, then greater accuracy in the reductions, to obtain correct positions, can be obtained by taking fully into consideration the fluctuations of the height of the barometer and especi- ally the variation of the temperature, indicated by the readings of the thermometer, when computing the refrac- tions for a series of observations extending over a period ef several hours duration. Adopting a state of the atmosphere for a mean of the times of observation does not seem sufficient. Further, the refraction table, (Bessel), in use at the Sydney observatory would represent the observed refractions much better, if a correction be applied for the difference in the force of gravity at Greenwich and Sydney. This correction is represented by a very simple equation which is a function of the latitudes of the two places. The author also considers that the refractions. c—Nov. 1, 1905. XXXIV. ® ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS computed from the Pulkowa tables, after applying the gravity correction, would represent the observed values better than those of Bessel. Remarks were made by Mr. KNIBBS and the President. EXHIBITS. Professor LIVERSIDGE exhibited plants of British Woad, (Isatis tinctoria) in flower and gave an account of woad and its uses, of which the following is an abstract :—Isatis . tinetoria is a biennial herbaceous crucifer. The flowers are small, yellow, and borne in spreading clusters, or panicles. The leaves are large, smooth, and lanceolate or spathulate. The seeds from which the plants exhibited were grown, were sown in his garden in July or August last, and the plants are about 3 feet 6 inches high, and, although biennial, have been in flower for about a fortnight or three weeks. The seeds were obtained from Mr. Howard’s Woad mill at Parson Drove about 6 miles from Wisbech, on August 20th, 1904, when Professor Liversidge was one of a party from the British Association meeting at Cambridge, visiting the woad mill and farm. The party were told that there was only one other woad farm left, viz: near Hol- beach in Lincolnshire, and that one of the two (Parson Drove ?) was about to be relinquished and the land used for other purposes. F Woad is a native of South Hurope, and before the intro- duction of indigo was very largely used as a blue dye and was extensively cultivated in various parts of Hurope. According to Pliny, the ancient Britons used it for stain- ing their skin blue. In England it was formerly cultivated in several places, but it is now only grown in two places, in the fen lands of Lincolnshire, and Cambridgeshire. It requires very good soil and the land fetches £10 an acre rent, and from £150 to £200 freehold. The seeds are sown in March or April, and the first crop of leaves is gathered ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XXXKV. from near base of the plant in June, one or two more gather- ings may be made at intervals of a month or six weeks. The freshly gathered leaves are at once ground to a pulp in roller mills (worked by horses) very similar to a clay mill, in a circular thatched shed, the rollers are slightly conical hollow wooden drums, fitted with 25 or 30 longi- tudinal iron bars to serve as the crushing edges, the pulp is removed and allowed to drain; when sufficiently dry, it is worked up into balls of about 4 inches to 6 inches diameter, by hand on a tray (‘balling horse’). The hands of the women who worked the woad into balls were slightly stained blue. The balls are placed on gratings arranged in tiers in sheds (‘ranges,’) with open sides so as to allow free circulation of air. When the whole of the crop has been treated in this way the balls are ground to a coarse powder in the roller mill, which is spread over the floor of the * couching house’ to a depth of two or three feet, and worked up into a paste by frequently sprinkling with water and turning over withspades. This goes on for several weeks. During this process fermentation is set up; at first there is a con- siderable rise in temperature, the mass steams and an offensive smell is given off. The operation requires much care and some skill; if carried out too slowly the product is ‘heavy’ or sodden, and if too quickly ‘foxy.’ When the fermentation is over and the pasty mass has cooled down it is packed in casks for market. Nine parts of the leaves yield about 1 part of prepared woad and this may contain 2% of indigotin, but some samples contain none atall. A few years ago it fetched £25 a ton, it is now worth only £9. It isnot now used for the sake of the dye, but is employed to start fermentation in the indigo vat (or woad vat) used by the Yorkshire woollen dyer, and its use will, now that artificial indigo is coming into use, soon be given up altogether. Imitation woad is made from rhubarb, cabbage XXXVI. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. and other leaves, but they are inferior in starting fermen- tation. Indican, the glucoside yielding indigo blue can be extracted from the dried woad leaves by ether, on washing this with water and evaporating the water solution the indican is left as a pale brown syrup, soluble’in spirit, ether, etc. Indican is very unstable, boiling or long heat- ing its solution decomposes it and it yields indiglucin but no indigotin, i.e., indigo blue when treated with acids. To illustrate the process of dyeing with woad; digest half a pound of woad with a gallon of water, ina closed vessel, at 100° F., for 12 or more hours ; then stirin about 4 oz. of lime. The indican (C,H;,NO,;) undergoes hydrolysis and indigo-white is formed. Ii now a skein of white wool be placed in the liquid for an hour or so, on taking it out and exposing it to the air it will acquire a pale blue colour ; the soluble indigo-white hydrindigotin(C,,H..N.O.) or reduced indigo is oxidised by the air to insoluble indigo-blue or indigotin (CisHiN;O,). An interesting account of the preparation and use of woad from the pen of Dr. C. B. Plowright, will be found in ‘‘Nature’’ of 1st February, 1900. Remarks were made by Mr. W. A. DIxon and Mr. MAIDEN. The experiment with Dr. QUAIFE’s Lantern Electric Lamp was unavoidably postponed. Mr. 8. HENRY BARRACLOUGH exhibited the Tantalum Lamp with stereoscopic photographs of Clarke Maxwell’s Thermodynamic surface. Mr. H. A. LENEHAN, showed various diagrams of modern astronomical instruments for eclipse observations. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XXXVIil. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, DECEMBER 6, 1905. The General Monthly Meeting of the Society was held at the Society’s House, No. 5 Hlizabeth-street North, on Wednesday evening, December 6th, 1905. H. A. LENEHAN, F.R.A.S., President, in the Chair. Thirty members and one visitor were present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. T. F. FURBER and Dr. F. H. QUAIFE were appointed Scrutineers, and Mr. D. CARMENT deputed to preside at the Ballot Box. The certificate of one candidate was read for the third time, of five for the second time, and of one for the first time. The following gentleman was duly elected an ordinary member of the Society. viz.:-— SCHEIDEL, AUGUST, pnp. Union Club. Mr. DAviID FELL, C.A.A., M.L.A., and Mr. FERDINAND BENDER, were appointed Honorary Auditors for the current year. The President announced (1) that the Council recom- mended the election of the following gentlemen as Honorary Members of the Society :— HEMiL FISCHER, Professor of Chemistry, University, Berlin. STANISLAO CANNIZZARO, Professor of Chemistry, Reale Universita, Rome. DANIEL OLIVER, LL.D., F.R.S., Emeritus Professor of Botany, University College, London. The election was carried unanimously. XXXVIll. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. (2) The death of Captain F. W. HuTron, F.R.S., Curator, Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand, elected Honorary Member 1888, Clarke Medallist 1891. Professor LIVERSIDGE submitted an obituary notice of the deceased gentleman, and afterwards moved the follow- ing resolution, which was seconded by His Honor JUDGE ~DOCKER and carried unanimously :— (a) ‘‘The members of the Royal Society of New South Wales learn with the deepest regret of the death of Captain HUTTON, F.R.S., one of its Honorary Members, and they hereby place on record their high appreciation of Captain HurTtron’s great and | life long services for the advancement of science.”’ (b) *‘That the above resolution be forwarded to the late Captain HvTtTon’s family with an expression of this Society’s deep sympathy with them in their bereavement.”’ Twenty-two volumes, 131 parts, 56 reports, 12 pamphlets and 8 maps, total 229, received as donations since the last meeting, were laid upon the table and acknowledged. THE FOLLOWING PAPERS WERE READ: 1. ‘‘A method of separating the clay and sand in clay soils and those rich in organic matter,’ by L. COHEN, Chemical Laboratory, Department of Agriculture. (Communicated by F. B. GUTHRIE, F.1.C., F.C.S.) The methods usually adopted for separating sand and clay in the analyses of soils involve boiling with water, with dilute alkali, pestling etc., before elutriation. These processes have with certain classes of soils produced un- satisfactory results. The deficiencies of these methods are more apparent in humus and clay soils, owing to the cohesive power of the organic matter present, the vegetable fibre (cellulose) exerting a binding effect on clay particles | ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XXxix, and causing them to behave in the elutriator as if they were sand grains. In order to eliminate the fibre the author uses a solution of zinc chloride in hydrochloric acid (407° HCl) with gratifying results. A weighed quantity, 30 gm. of the soil is passed through a sieve containing 50 meshes to the inch, and the resulting fine soil boiled in about 100 cc. of the above solution for half an hour. The mass is then cooled, diluted, washed out into the elutriating vessel and the water allowed to flow through. When the overflow water is quite clear, the residue is washed out, dried on the water bath and weighed as sand. A peaty oil containing 22°7% of organic matter yielded 57% of sand by boiling with water alone as compared with 6°17% by the zine chloride process. Microscopical examination proved the latter to be practically pure sand, while the former contained an overwhelming proportion of clay and vegetable matter. A comparative table is shown giving percentages of sand obtained on treatment with different reagents, from typical soils to which this method more particularly applies. Remarks were made by Mr. F. B. GUTHRIE, Dr. R. GREIG SMITH, Mr. J. H. MAIDEN, Dr. HARKER, and His Honor Judge DockER. Mr. COHEN replied. 2. “Latitude of the Sydney Observatory,’’—appendix to a paper on the “ Provisional Determination of Astro- nomical Refraction, from observations made with the Meridian Circle instrument of the Sydney Observatory,”’ by C. J. MER¥FIELD, F.R.A.S., Mitglieder der Astrono- _mischen Gesellschaft. This paper contains determination of the latitude of the Sydney Meridian Circle instrument, deduced from zenith pairs used in a previous work, on astronomical refraction, recently communicated. The adopted latitude g= —33° 51’ 41°1" depended on observations taken, by the Rev. W. ScoTT, M.A., xl. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. during the month of June 1859. His subsequent determin- ations indicated that the value is numerically too small, and the present reduction supports this view, the mean latitude obtained being o= —33° ol 41-55" This is only a provisional value, but is probably accurate to 0°25", an alteration in the accepted value is regarded as unwise until the question is more completely discussed. Local conditions, existing near each meridian circle, differ considerably at all observatories. The results of the meridian circle should be reduced having regard to local refraction determined with the instrument used. Similarly the latitude, used in transforming the observed zenith dis- tances into declinations should also be determined by the Same instrument. A definitive determination of the abso- lute mean latitude of the Sydney Observatory is a desider- atum. Were it decided to undertake such work, the obser- vations should be made at intervals extending over a long period, so that the data could also be used for an investi- gation of the variation of latitude. For this purpose the construction of an instrument specially for the object in view is advocated. Remarks were made by Mr. LENEHAN and Mr. T. F. FURBER. Mr. MERFIELD replied. 3. “Sociology of Some Australian Tribes,’ by R. H. MATHEWS, L.S. The author stated his opinion that among the social institutions of a primitive people there is none of greater interest and value to the anthropologist than the study of these social systems. He also expressed his conviction that neither “‘ sexual promiscuity ’’ nor *‘ group marriage ”’ have ever existed among the Australian aborigines. He further expressed the opinion that the divisions into phra- tries, groups and sections had not been deliberately made ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS xli. with intent to regulate the relations of the sexes, but had been developed in accordance with surrounding circum- stances and conditions of life. Some remarks were made by Mr. R. HELMS. 4. **On an undescribed species of Leptospermum and its Essential Oil,’ by R. T. BAKER, F.L.S., Curator, and H. G. Situ, F.c.s., Assistant Curator, Technological Museum, Sydney. 3 ‘“The Lemon-scented Leptospermum.’’ The species described in this paper occurs in the North Coast District of New South Wales and the Southern Coast District of Queensland. It is a shrub attaining a height from 6 to 12 feet, with erect branches and small, lanceolate, ovate leaves ; the flowers occurring in the axils of the leaves on the upper branchlets. The fruits measure about two to three lines in diameter. Its differentiation from described species is based on both morphological and chemical char- acters, although the former are alone sufficiently marked to warrant its specific rank. It may possibly in the past, have been confused with some of the varieties of L. fiavescens, but apart from well marked taxonomic characters none of those species give a lemon-scented odour. The leaves and terminal branchlets of this plant yielded 0°227% of an essential oil containing a considerable amount of citral. This appears to be the first time that the oils of the Leptos- permums have been investigated, and the indications for the previously described species are not commercially promising. However, other species will be worked as opportunity offers. The marked lemon odour given by the leaves when crushed appears to be characteristic of this species, and is an aid in its discrimination. Besides citral (35%) the oil contained dextro-rotatory pinene (25%), an alcohol considered to be geraniol (9°74), an ester most probably geranyl-acetate (5°357) and a sesquiterpene. xii. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Citral is the only aldehyde present in the oil, as proved in several ways. The crude oil was soluble in an equal volume of 80% alcohol, but not in 10 volumes 70% alcohol; it had a specific gravity 0°8095 at 15° C., a refractive index 1°4903 at 16° C., and a rotation in a 100 mm. tube of 9°2 degrees to the right. The pinene, which on a final rectification, boiled between 155—157° C., had a specific gravity 0°8601 at 15° C., a refractive index 1°4706 at 20°, a rotation a” + 35°5°, and gave a nitrosochloride melting at 103°. The purified citral obtained both from the crystalline bisulphite, and from the soluble compound, gave in both samples a refractive index 1°4913 at 20° a specific gravity 0°8937 at the same temperature; it had the odour of citral and also gave the naphthocinchoninic acid for that aldehyde. The non-aldehydic portion of the oil had a specific gravity 0°8866 at 20°, rotation +13°4° and refractive index 1°4855 at 22°. It was esterised in the usual way for the determination of the free alcohol. Limonene could not be detected, nor were either phellandrene or cineol present. The name proposed for the species is L. Liversidgei. EXHIBITS. Portion of Lightning Conductor crushed by the discharge, exhibited by Mr. D. K. CLARK, with note by Prof. J. A. PoOLLOcK and Mr. 8S. H. BARRACLOUGH. Specimens of American timbers by Mr. R. T. BAKER. The following donations were laid upon the table and acknowledged :— TRANSACTIONS, JOURNALS, REPORTS, &e. (The Names of the Donors are in Italics.) AacHEN—Meteorologische Observatoriums. Deutsches Meteoro- logisches Jahrbuch fiir 1903, Jahrgang 1x., Aachen. The Director ABERDEEN—University. Aberdeen University Studies, Nos. 10, and 11 1904. The University AcIREALE-—R. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti Degli Zelanti. Rendiconti e Memorie, Serie 3, Vol. 111., 1903-4. Memorie della Classe di Lettere. The Academy ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. xliil. ApELAIDE—Department of Mines. A review of Mining Opera- tions in the State of South Australia during the half year ended December 31, 1904. Record of the Mines of South Australia, Supplementary Issue, 1905. The Department Observatory. Meteorological Observations during the years 1900-1. The Observatory Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery. Report of the Board of Governors for 1903-4, 1904-5. The Director Royal Society of South Australia. Transactions and Pro- ceedings, Vol. xxvi11., 1904, The Society ALBANY— University of the State of New York. College Depart- ment, Annual Report (6th) 1908. High School Depart- ment, Annual Report (10th) 1902, Vols. 1.,11. Regents’ Annual Report (117th) 1908. New York State Library, Annual Report (86th) 1903. New York State Museum, Annual Report (56th) 1902, Vols.1.-1v. Bulletin, Nos. 63, 69 - 82, 1903-5. The University AmstTERDAM-—Académie Royale des Sciences. Jaarboek, 1903, 1904 Proceedings of the Section of Sciences, Vol. v1., Parts i., 11., 1908-4; Vol. vir., Partsi., i1., 1904-5. Ver- handelingen (Eerste Sectie) Deel vii1., Nos. 6, 7, 1904; Deel rx., No. 1; (T'weede Sectie) Deel x., Nos. 1 - 6, 1903-4; Deel x1., 1905; Deel xi1,, Nos. Ll, 2, 1905. Verslag van de Gewone Vergaderingen, Deel x11., Gedeelte 1., i1., - 1903-4; Deel x1i1., Gedeelte 1., 11., 1904-5. The Academy Société Royale de Zoologie. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde Aflevering 17, 18, 1893 - 1904. The Society Annapouis, Md.—U.S. Naval Institute. Proceedings, Vol. xxx., Wo, 4, 1904; Vol. xxxt., Nos. 1, 2, 1905. The Institute AuckLtanp—Auckland Institute and Museum. Annual Report for 1904-5. i Battimore—Johns Hopkins University. American Chemical Journal, Vol. xxx1.. Nos.4-6; Vol. xxx11., Nos. 1-6, 1904; Vol. xxxim.. Nos. 1 - 2,1905. American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. xxv1,, Nos. 1-4, 1904; Vol. xxvir., No.1,1905. American Journal of Philology, Vol. xx1v., No. 4, 1908; Vol. xxv., Nos. 1-3, 1904. Studies in Historical and Political Science, Vol. xxu., Nos. 1-12, 1904; Vol. xxi11., Nos. 1,2, 1905. University Circular, Nos. 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 1904; No. 1, 1905. The University Maryland Geological Survey. Miocene, (2 vols.) Text and Plates, 1904 The Survey BANGALORE—Mysore Geological Department. Bulletin, No. 3, 1905. Memoirs, Vol, 11.,1905. Report of the Chief Inspector of Mines for the year 1903-4. The Department BasLtE—Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen, Band xv., Heft 3, 1904; Band xvi1., 1904. The Society Brercen—Bergen Museum. Aarbog, Hefte 3, 1903; Hefte 1, 3, 1904. Aarsberetning, 1903, 1904. An account of the Crustacea of Norway by G. O. Sars, Vol. v., Copepoda Harpacticoida, Parts iii. - viii., 1904-5. Hydrographical and Biological Investigations in Norwegian Fiords by O. Nordgaard and E. Jorgensen, 1905. The Museum xliv. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. BerkKELEY—University of California. Agricultural Experiment — Station, Report (22nd) 1904; Bulletin, Nos. 155-164, 1904-5 ; Circular. Nos. 5—12,1903-4. American Archae- ology and Ethnology, Vol. 1., Nos. 1, 2, 1903-4; Vol. 1t., Nos. 1—4, 1904-5. Announcement of Courses 1903-4, 1904-5. Botany, Vol. 11., Nos. 1, 2, 1904. Bulletin, Vol, v,. No. 3, Vol. vi., Nos. 1, 2, 1904. Department of Geology, Bulletin, Vol, 111., Nos. 16 - 22, 1904; Vol.t1v., No. 1, 1905. Pathology, Vol. 1., Nos. 2-7, 1904. Phy- siology, Vol. 1., Nos. 13— 22, 1904; Vol. 11., Nos. 1-9, 1904-5. The Department of Anthropology, account of, 1905. The University Chronicle, Vol. v1., No. 4, 1904; Vol. vir., No. 1 and extra number 1904. The University Bertin—Centralbureau der Internationalen Erdmessung. Verhandlungen der 1903, Copenhagen Conferenz, Theil I1., Spezialberichte. Verdffentlichungen, N.F., No. 10, 1904. The Bureau Gesellschaft ftir Erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift, Nos. 6 - 10, 1904; Nos. 1-5, 1995. The Society Koniglich preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte, Nos. 41—55., 1904; Nos. 1-88, 1905. The Academy Koniglich preussische Meteorologische Instituts. Deutsches Meteorologisches Jahrbuch fiir 1903, Heft 2. Ergebnisse der beobachtungen an den Stationen 11. und m1 Ordnung im Jahre 1899, Heft 111. Ergebnisse der Meteoro- logischen Beobachtungen in Potsdam im Jahre 1901. Ergebnisse der Niederschlags-Beobachtungen im Jahre 1901. The Institute Brerne—Département de l’Interieur de la Confédération Suisse, Section des Travaux Publics. Graphische Darstellungen der Schweizerischen hydrometrischen Beobachtungen und der Luft-Temperaturen und Niederschlags-Hohen fiir das Jahr 1908. Tabellarische Zusammenstellung der Haupt-Ergebnisse der Schweizerischen hydro- metrischen Beobachtungen fiir das Jahr 1891. The Department BirMINGHAM—Birmingham and Midland Institute Scientific Society. Records of Meteorological Observations taken at the Observatory Edgbaston, 1904. The Society Botoena—R. Accademia delle Scienze dell’ Istituto di Bologna. Memorie, Serie 5, Tomo r1x., Fase 1-4, 1900 - 2; Tomo x., Fasc 1- 4, 1902-3; Serie €, Tomo1,, 1904, Indice Generale, 1890 - 1908. Rendiconto, Nuova Serie, Vol. v., 1900-1; Vol. v1., 1901-2; Vol. vir., 1902-3; Vol. viir., 1903-4. The Academy Bonn—Naturhistorischer Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande, Westfalens und des Reg.-Bezirks Osnabriick. Verhand- lungen, Jabrgang ux1., Halfte 1, 1904. The Society Niederrheinische Gesellschaft fiir Natur—und Heilkunde zu Bonn. Sitzungsberichte, 1904, ” Boston, Mass.—American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Pro- ceedings, Vol. xu., Nos. 3-23, 1904-5; Vol. xu1., Nos. 1-7, 1905. The Academy ABS!RACT OF PROCEEDINGS. xiv, Bostun—continued. Boston Society of Natural History. Memoirs, Vol. v., Nos. 10, 11, 1903-4; Vol.vr., No.1,1905. Occasional Papers, Vol. vir., Nos. 1—3, 1904. Price List of Publications 1904. Proceedings, Vol xxx1., Nos. 2-10, 1903-4; Vol. muxe., Nos. 1, 2, 1904. The Society BovunpsER, Colo.— University of Colorado. University Studies, Vol. x1., Nos. 3, 4, 1905. The University BreMEN—Freie Hansestadt Bremen. Deutsches Meteorolo- gisches Jahrbuch fiir 1904, Jahrgang xv. The Observatory Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein zu Bremen. Abhandlungen Band xvitr., Heft 1, 1905. The Society BRiIsBANE—Geological Survey of Queensland. Publications, Nos. 196 — 200, 1905. The Survey Queensland Museum. Annals, No. 6, n.d. The Museum Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, Queensland. Queensland Geographical Journal, New Series, Vol. x1x., 1903-4; Vol. xx., 1904-5. The Society Royal Society of Queensland. Proceedings, Vol. x1x., Part 1., 1905. ie Brooxtyn—Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Cold Spring Harbor Monographs 3 — 5,1905. Science Bulletin of the Museum, Vol. 1., Nos. 5, 6, 1905. The Institute BrussELs—Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts. Annuaire 1904, 1905. Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences, Nos. 7-12, 1903; Nos. 1 - 12, 1904; Nos. 1 - 5. 1908. The Academy Jardin Botanique de l Etat. Bulletin, Vol.1., Fasc. 4- 6, 1903 — 5. The Director Musée Royal d’ Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. Mémoires, Tome 1., 1908. (pp. 1 - 154). The Museum Société Royale de Botanique. Bulletin, Tome xu., 1901. The Society Société Royale Malacologique de Belgique. Annales, Tome Xxxvil,, 1902; Tome xxxvi1r., 1903; Tome xxxrx.,1904. __,, Buenos Arres—Academia Nacional de Ciencias en Cordoba. Boletin, Tomo xvi1., Entrega 4, 1904. The Academy Directeur-Général de Statistique de la Province de Buénos Ayres. Boletin Mensual, Ano v., Nos. 46-—48,1904. The Director Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires. Anales, 3 Serie, Tome 1I1r., 1904; Tome tiv., 1905. The Museum Universidad de La Plata. Paleontologia Argentina, No. 2, 1904. The University BuLtawayo—Rhodesia Museum. Annual Report (8rd) 1904. The Museum CazEn—Académie Nationale des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres. Mémoires, 1904 et Tables Décennales 1894 4 1903 incl. The Academy CaucuTtTa-—Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal, Vol. uxxit., Part 1., No. 2, 1903; Vol. uxx111., Parti., Nos. 1-4, Part, ii., Nos. i - 5, Part iii, Nos. 1-4, 1904. Proceedings, No. 11, Extra No. 1903, Nos. 1-10, 1904. The Society Board of Scientific Advice for India. Annual Report for the year 1903-4. The Board xlvi. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. CaLcurTa—continued. Geological Survey of India. Memoirs, Vol. xxxt1., Part iv., Vol. xxxv., Part iii., 1904. Memoirs, Paleontologia Indica, Ser. xv., Vol. 1v., 1903; New Series, Vol. 11., Memoir No. 2, 1905. Records, Vol. xxx1., Parts 111., iv., 1904; Vol. xxx11., Parts i., 11., 1905. The Survey CamBRIDGE—Cambridge Philosophical Society. Proceedings, Vol. x11r., Parts 1., 11.. 1905. The Society CAMBRIDGE (Mass.)—Museum of Comparative Zoélogy at Harvard College. Annual Report of the Keeper for 1903-4. Bulletin, Vol. xi. (Geological Series. Vol. v1.) No. 6, 1906; Vol. xtv., No, 4, 1904; Vol. xuv1., Nos. 3 —9, 1904-5; Vol. xtvii., 1905. Memoirs, Vol. xxv., No. 2,1905; Vol. xxvi,, No. 5, 1905; Vol. xxx1., 1904; Vol. xxx11., 1905. The Museum CarE Town—Geological Commission. Ninth Annual Report 1904. Index to the Annual Report for the years 1896 — 1903. The Commission South African Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the Second Meeting held at Johannesburg, April 1904. The Association South African Philosophical Society. Transactions, Vol. xv., Parts ili. — v., 1904-5; Vol. xvi., Part i., 1905. The Society CARLSRUHE—Grossherzoglich - Badische Polytechnische Hoch Schule. Inaugural Dissertations &c. (15) 1904. The Director Naturwissenschaftliche Vereins zu Karlsruhe. Verhand- lungen, Band xvit., 1903-4. The Society Cuicaco—Field Columbian Museum. Geological Series, Vol. 11., Nos. 5, 6, 1904; Vol. 11, No. 1, 1905. Report Series, Vol. 11., No. 4, 1904. Zoological Series, Iv., Parts 1., 11., Vol. v., 1904. The Museum University of Chicago. Astrophysical Journal, Vol. xx1., Nos. 1-5; Vol. xxu1., Nos. 1, 2, 1905. Decennial Pub- lications, First Series, Vols. 1., 11., 1903-4. Descriptive Catalogue of the Decennial Publications 1904. Journal of Geology, Vol. x11., Nos. 7, 8, 1904; Vol. x111., Nos. 1 : — 6, 1905. The University Western Society of Engineers. Constitution, By-Laws, List of Officers and Members, June 1905. Journal, Vol. Ix., No. 6, 1904; Vol. x., Nos. 1-3, 1905. The Society ~ CHRISTIANIA— Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania. Forhand- linger, Aar 1908. Skrifter, Math.-naturv. Klasse 1908. py CincinnaTi—University of Cincinnati. Record, Series 1, Vol. 1., Nos. 3, 5, 7-11, 1905; Vol. 11., Nos. 1, 2, 1905. Uni- versity Studies, Series 2, Vol. 1., Nos. 1—3, 1995. The University CotomBo—Royal Asiatic Society. Journal of the Ceylon Branch, Vol. xvuit., No. 55, 1904. The Society CoLorapo Sprines—Colorado College. Studies, Science Series, Vol. x1., Nos. 33-41, 1904-5. Language Series, Vol. x11., Nos. 15-17, 1904. The College CoLtumpia—University of Missouri. Bulletin, Vol. v., Nos. 4, 5, 11, 12, 1904; Vol. v1., No, 1, 1905. Dissertation and Pamphlets (3) 1904. Studies, Vol. 11., Nos. 4, 5, 1904. The University ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. xlvii. CoPpENHAGEN—Société Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Mémoires, Nouvelle Série, 1903. The Society Cracow—Académie des Sciences de Cracovie. Bulletin Inter- national. Classe de Philologie, Classe d’ Histoire et de Philosophie, Nos. 8-10, 1904; Nos. 1, 2, 1905. Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles, Nos. 8 - 10, 1904; Nos. 1-4, 1905. Catalogue of Polish Scientific Literature, Tom i11., Zeszyt iv., 1903; Tom Iv., Zeszyti. -iv., 1904. The Academy DavEenPort—Davenport Academy of Sciences. Proceedings, Vol. 1x., 1901-3. DenvER—Colorado Scientific Society. Proceedings, Vol. vit., pp. 313 - 346, 1904, Index; Vol. vir1., pp. Lxxv.—xc,, 99 1—30, 39 - 54, 1905. The Society Des Mornes—lowa Geological Survey. Annual Report for 1903 with accompanying papers. The Survey DrespEN—Konigl. Sachs. Statistische Bureau. Zeitschrift, Jabrgang L., Heft 1- 4, 1904. The Bureau Dusitin—Royal Dublin Society. Economic Proceedings, Vol. 1., Part v,, 1904; Scientific Proceedings, N.S., Vol. x., Part ii. Scientific Transactions, Series 2, Vol. viit., Nos. 6—16 and Index, 1904-5; Series 2, Vol. 1x., No. 1, 1905. The Society Royal Irish Academy. Abstract of Minutes, Session 1904-5. Proceedings, Vol. xxv., Section A., No.3; Section B, Nos. 1—5; Section C, Nos, 5-11, 1905. The Academy Easton, Pa.—American Chemical Society. Journal, Vol. xxvu., Nos. 11, 12, 1904; Vol. xxvir., Nos. 1-10, 1905. The Society EpinsurecH—Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and Proceedings, Vol. xXxII., Parts lll., iv., 1904-5. Royal Physical Society. Proceedings, Vol. xv1., Nos. 1, 2, 3, pp. 1-96, Session 1904-5. Royal Scottish Geographical Society. The Scottish Geo- graphical Magazine, Vol. xx., No. 12,1904; Vol. xxr., Nos. 1-10, 1905. Reprints (5). 5) University. Calendar, 1904 — 1905, 1905 — 1906, The University FLorENcE—Societa di Studi Geografici e Coloniali in Firenze. Revista Geografica Italiana, Annata x1., Fasc 9, 10, 1904; Annata x11., Fasc 1—7, 1905. The Society Societa Italiana d’ Antropologia, Etnologia etc. Archivio, Vol. xxxiv., Fasc 1 - 3, 1904, Vol. xxxv., Fase 1, 1905. 5; Fort Monrozt Va.—United States Artillery. Journal, Vol. xx11., Nos. 2 and 8, Whole Nos. 69, 70,1904; Vol. xx111., Nos. 1-3, Whole Nos. 71 — 738, 1905. The Artillery Board FRANKFURT a/M.—Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesell- schaft. Abhandlungen, Band xxv., Heft 4, 1903; Band xxvil., Heft 2, 3, 1908-4; Band xxix., Heft 1, 1903. Bericht, 1903, 1904. Die Periodischen Schriften der Senckenbergischen Bibliothek 1903. The Society FREIBURG i Br.—Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Berichte, Band xIv., 1904. xlviii. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. FREIBERG (Saxony)—Koéniglich - Sachsische Berg-Akademie. Jahrbuch fiir das Berg. und Htittenwesen im Konigreiche Sachsen, Jahrgang 1904. The Academy GrELonec—Geelong Field Naturalists’ Club. The Geelong Naturalist, Second Series, Vol. 1., Nos. 3, 4, 1904; Vol. 11., No. 1, 1905. The Club Genoa—Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genovi. Annali, Serie 3a, Vol. 1. (xur.) 1904-5. The Museum GuasGcow— Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings, Vol. xxxv., 1903-4. The Society University. The Glasgow University Calendar for the year 1905-6. The University Goruitz—Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Gorlitz. Abhand- lungen, Band xxiv., 1904. The Society GoTrTiIncEN—Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Nachrichten, Geschiftliche Mittheilungen Heft 2, 1904, Heft 1, 1905. Mathematisch-physikalische Klasse, Heft 1-3, 5, 6, 1905. A Gratz—Naturwissenschaftliche Vereins fiir Steiermark. Mit- teilungen, Jahrgang 1904. Haupt-Repertorium, Heft XXI.—XuL., 1884 — 1903. ee Haartem—Koloniaal Museum te Haarlem. Bulletin, Nos. 31 — 83, 1904-5. The Museum Société Hollandaise des Sciences. Archives Néerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, Sér. 2, Tome 1x., Liv. 4 and 5, 1904; Tome x., Liv. 1 - 4, 1905. Thé Society Hampure—Deutsche Seewarte. Archiv der Deutschen Seewarte, Jahrgang xxvil.,1904. Deutsche Ueberseeische Meteo- rologische Beobachtungen, Heft x111., 1905. Ergebnisse der Meteorologischen Beobachtungen, Jahrgang XxvVl., 1904. Jahresbericht tiber die Tatigkeit der Deutschen Seewarte fiir das Jahr 1904. Katalog der Bibliothek, Nachtrag vi., 1904. The Observatory Naturhistorische Museum. Mitteilungen, Jahrgang xxr., | 1903. The Museum Hamiuton, (Ont.)—Hamilton Scientific Association. Journal and Proceedings, No. 20, Session 1903-4. The Association Havre—Société Géologique de Normandie. Bulletin, Tome xx1i., 1902; Tome xx1tI., 1903. The Society HeIpELBERG—Naturhistorisch-Medicinische Verein zu Heidel- berg. Verhandlungen, N.F., Band viir., Heft 1, 1904. 56 HeELsinerors—Société des Sciences de Finlande. Etat des Glaces et des Neiges en Finlande pendant l’ hiver 1893-4, 1894-5, exposé par Axel Heinrichs. Forhandlingar, XLVI., 1903-4. Observations Météorologiques publiés par I Institut Météorologique Central, 1891-1892, 1893-1894. Observations Météorologiques faites a Helsingfors en 1899 (Vol. xvutt.) A Hogpart—Mines Department. Report on Coal near George Town and Slate near Badger Head, 1904; On Coal at Mount Rex, 1905, Tho Progress of the Mineral Industry for the quarters ending 30 Sept., 31 Dec. 1904; 31 Mar. 30 . June 1905. The Department Sone ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. xlix, Honotunvu H.I.— Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History. Occassional Papers, Vol. 11., No. 3, 1905. The Museum Hopton, Mirfield—Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnic Society. Proceedings, New Series, Vol. xv., Part ii., 1904. The Society InpDIANAPOLIS Ind.—Indiana Academy of Science. Proceedings, 1903. The Academy JENA—Medicinisch Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Jen- aische Zeitschrift, Band xxx1x., N.F. xxx11., Heft 2-4, 1904-5; Band xu., N.#. xxxiir., Heft 1, 2, 1905. The Society J OHANNESBURG—Government Observatory. First Report, Trans- vaal Meteorological Department. Observations for the period 1 July 1903 - 30 June, 1904. The Director Krew—Royal Gardens. Hooker’s Icones Plantarum, 4 Ser., Vol. vill., Part iv., January 1905. The Trustees Kierr—Société des Naturalistes. Mémoires, Tome x1x.,1905. The Society KoniesBeRG—Konigliche Physikalisch-6konomische Gesellschaft. Schriften, Jahrgang xuiv., 1903. a Lansine.—Michigan Academy of Science. Annual Report (5th) 1903. The Academy LAUSANNE—Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles. Bulletin, 4 Sér., Vol. xxxix., Nos. 146 - 148, 1908. Observations Météorologiques faites au Champ-de-l’Air, Tableaux Mensuels, Année 1902. The Society LeEDs— University. First Report, 1903-4. The University Lerpzigc—K 6nigliche Sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen, Band tv1., Part iv., 190+. The Society Liiaz—Société Geologique de Belgique. Annales, Tome xxx., Liv. 2, 1904; ‘ome xxx1., Liv. 1, 3, 4, 1904-5; Tome xxxit., Liv. 1,2, 1905. Mémoires, Tome 11., Liv. 1, 1904. ,, Société Royale des Sciences de Liége. Mémoires, 3 Série, Tome v., 1904. eg LitLeE—Société Geologique du Nord. Annales, xxx11., 1908. s; Lima—Ministeriode Fomento. Boletin del Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Peru, Nos. 10, 11, 13, 15 — 24, 1904-5. The Minister LIincoun (Nebr.)—American Microscopical Society. Transac- actions, Vol. xxv., 1904. The Society Liverroot—Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Proceedings, Vol. tvi1., Sessions 92 and 93, 1902-1904. _,, Lonpon—Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal, Vol. xxxiv., July —- Decr., 1904. The Institute Board of Trade. Board of Trade Journal, Vols. xtvit., Nos. 415 —422, 1904; Vol. xtviit., Nos. 423 —435; Vol. xurx., Nos. 436 - 444, 1905. The Board British Museum (Natural History). Blood-sucking Flies, Ticks, &c.,and how to collect them, by E. HE. Austen, 1904. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalene in the British Museum, Vols. Iv., v., 1903-4. Guide to the Coral Gallery d—Dec. 6, 1905. 1. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS.’ Lonpbon—continued. in the Department of Zoology, 1902. Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds in the Department of Geology and Paleontology (Eighth edition) 1904. Guide to the Gallery of Birds in the Department of Zoology, 1905. Guide to Shell and Starfish Galleries Department of Zoology, 1905. Handbook of Instructions for Collectors, Second edition, 1904. The Museum Chemical News, Vol. xc., Nos. 2848 — 2358, 1904; Vol. xor., Nos. 2354 - 2379; Vol xctt., Nos. 2380-2394, 1905. The Editor Chemical Society. Journal, Vols. uxxxv. and Lxxxvi., Nos. 505, 506, 1904 and Supplementary Number; Vols. LXXXVII. and Lxxxvitl., Nos. 507 - 515, 1905. Proceedings Vol. xx., Nos. 284-287, 1904; Vol. xx1., Nos. 288 — 298, 19085. The Society Electrical Engineer. Old Series Vol. xu., New Series Vol. xxxiv., Nos. 19- 27, 1904; Old Series Vol. xu1., New Series Vol. xxxv., Nos. 1-26, 1905; Old Series Vol. xuu., New Series Vol. xxxvi., Nos. 1—15, 1905. The Publishers Geological Society. Geological Literature added to the Library during year ended 31 Dec., 1904. List of Fellows, Nov. 10, 1904. Quarterly Journal, Vol. tx., Part iv., No. 240, 1904; Vol. uxi., Parts 1., ii., ii, No. 241 - 243, 1905. The Society Imperial Institute. Bulletin, Vol. 11., No. 4, 1904. The Institute Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. Pro- ceedings, Part 111.,1904; Parts i., 11.,1905. Register of Fellows, Associates, and Students, April 1905. Regu- lations for the admission of Students, Associates, and Fellows, &c., 1905. * Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of Proceedings, Vol. civi., Part iv., 1903-4; Vol. cu1x., Part i., 1904-5; Vol. cux., Part ii., 1904-5. Subject and Index, Vols. CLV. — CLVIII,, Session 1903-4. The Institution Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings, Nos. 3,4, 1904; No. 1, 1905. List of Members, lst March 1905. ee Iron and Steel Institute. Journal, Vol. txv., No.1, and Supplement; Vol. uxvi., No; 2,1904; Vol. uxvir., No. 1, 1905. Rules and List of Members corrected to July 1, 1905. The Institute Linnean Society. Journal, Botany, Vol. xxxvi1., Nos. 257, 258; Zoology, Vol. xx1x., Nos. 190-192, 1904-5. Pro- ceedings, 116th Session, from Nov. 1903 to June 1904. List of Fellows, 1904-5. The Society Meteorological Office. Additions to the Library during the year ending 31 March, 1904. London Fog Inquiry, 1901-2; 1902-3 [ Official No. 160]. Meteorological Obser- vations at Stations of the Second Order for the year 1900. Report of the International Meteorological Committee, Southport, 1903 [Official No. 164]. Report of the Mete- orological Council for the year ending 31 March, 1904. The Office Mineralogical Society. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. x1v., Nos. 63, 64, 1903-5. The Society ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Abt Lonpon—continued. Museum of Practical Geology. Handbook to British Minerals by F. W. Rudler, 1.s.0., #.4.8., 1905. Summary of Pro- gress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom for 1904. : The Museum Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Calendar 1905. Pharmaceutical Journal, Vol. uxxir., No. 3446 — 3454, 19044; Vol. uxxtv., No. 3455 — 3479, 1905; Vol. Lxxv., Nos. 3480 - 3494, 1905. The Society Physical Society of London. Proceedings, Vol. x1x , Parts lil., iv., 1904; Parts v, vi., 1905. Science Abstracts, Vol. vir., Parts xi., xii., Nos. 88, 84 and Index 1904; Vol. vimt., Parts i. - vili., No. 85 — 92, 1905. Quekett Microscopical Club. Journal, Ser. 2, Vol. vii1., No. 53, 33 1903; Vol. 1x., Nos 54-56, 1904. The Club Royal Agricultural Society of England. Journal, Vol. uxv., 1904. The Socrety Royal Astronomical Society. Monthly Notices, Vol, uxv., Nos. 1-8, 1904-5. Memoirs, Vol. Lv., appendix 2, 1904: Vol. tvu., Parts i., ii., 1905. List of Fellows. Royal College of Physicians. List of Fellows, Members, Extra-Licentiates and Licentiates, 1905. The College Royal Colonial Institute. Proceedings, Vol. xxxiv., 1902-3; Vol. xxxv., 1903-4. The Institute Royal Economic Society. Economic Journal, Vol. xiv., No. 56, 1904; Vol. xv., No. 57 — 59, 1905. The Society Royal Geographical Society. The Geographical Journal, Vol. mcivas No. 6, 1904. Vol. xxv.,Nos“ 1-6, 1905, Vol. xxvi., Nos. 1-4, 1905. Royal Institution of Great Britain. Proceedings, Vol. xvir., Part n1., No. 97, 1903. The Institution Royal Meteorological Society. Quarterly Journal, Vol. xxx1., Nos. 133 - 135, 1905. Meteorogical Record, Vol. xxiv., Nos. 93 — 96, 1904. The Society Royal Microscopical Society. Journal, Part vi., No. 163, 1904; Parts i.—iv., Nos. 164-167, 1905. Royal Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. Journal, Vol. xxv., Parts il.,iv. and Supplements 1904-5; Vol. xxvt., Nos. 1-9, 1905. The Institute Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions, Series A, Vol. 204; Series B, Vol.197, 1905. Proceedings, Vol. LxxIv., Nos. 502-506; Vol. uxxv., Parts i. —iv., 1904-5 ; Series A, Vol. txxxvi., Nos. A507 — A512; Series B, Vol. txxv1., Nos. B507- B511,1905. Reports to the Evolution Com- mittee, Report 11.,1905. Reports of the Sleeping Sick- ness Commission, Nos. 5,6,1905. Year Book, No.9,1905. The Society Royal Society of Literature. Transactions, Second Series, Vol. xxv., Parts ii., iv., 1994; Vol. xxvi., Parts i. —iii., 1905. Report and List of Fellows 1905. Royal United Service Institution. , Journal, Vol. xuviit., No. 322, 1904; Vol. xuix., Nos. 323 - 331,1905. The Institution Society of Arts. Journal, Vol. t11., Nos. 2713 — 2759, 1904-5. The Society 39 eB) 99 lii. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, Lonpun—continued. War Office.™ Handbook of the Land Forces of the British Colonies’and Proctectorates, 1905. Intelligence Division Zoological Society of London. Proceedings, 1904, Vol. 11., Part ii.; 1905, Vol. 1., Parts i., 11. The Socrety LuxemBoure—Institut Royale Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg. Publications, Tome xxvit. (B) 1904. The Institute Mapison—Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. Transactions, Vol. xiv., Part ii., 1903. The Academy Mapras—Kodaikanal and Madras Observatories. Annual Report of the Director for 1904. Bulletin of the Kodaikanal Observatory, No. 1. The Director MancHESTER—Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal of Conchology, Vol. x1., Nos. 5-8, 1905. The Society Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Memoirs and Proceedings, Vol. xu1x., Parts 1.—iu1., 1904-5. a2 University. Calendar 1905. The University Marsure—Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Natur- wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte, Jahrgang 1904. The Society University. Inaugural Dissertations 1903-4 (113 Stick). | The University MarstILues—Faculté des Sciences. Annales, Tome xtv., 1904. The Faculty MrLBouRNE—Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers. Trans- actions, Vol. x., 1905. The Institute Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd. Reports and Statements of Account for Half-Year ending Nov. 30,1904; 31 May, 1905. Report of Fortieth Half Yearly Meeting held 25 August 1905. The Secretary Commonwealth of Australia, Patent Office. The Australian Official Journal of Patents, Vol.1., Suppiement, Statistics and Indexes 1904; Vol. 11., Nos. 1 - 45, 1905. The Office Field Naturalists’ Club of Victoria. The Victorian Naturalist, Vol. xx1., Nos. 8-12, 1904-5; Vol. xx11., Nos. 1—7, 1905. Rules, Revised and}|Passed 14 April 1902, Amended 11 July, 1904. The Club Mining Department. Annual Report of the Secretary for Mines and Water Supply for year 1904. Bulletins of the Geological Survey of Victoria, Nos. 14-17, 1904-5. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Victoria, No. 3. Records of the Geological Survey of Victoria, Vol. 1., Part iii., 1904. The Department Observatory. Reports (37th and 38th) of the Board of Visitors from 1 April 1902 to 31 Mar. 1904. The Observatory Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria. Catalogue of Current Periodicals received at the Public Library of Victoria 1905. Report of the Trustees for 1904. The Trustees Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, (Victoria). Victorian Geographical Journal, Vol. xx11., 1904. The Society Royal Society of Victoria. Proceedings, New Series, Vol. XviL., Part ii.; Vol. xvi11., Part i., 1905. os ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. lili. Messtna—Osservatorio di Messina. Annuario per l anno 1904, The Observatory Metz—Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Metz. Jahresbericht xxtv., 1901 - 4. The Society Mexico—Instituto Geolégico de}México. Tomo, Nos. 4-8, 1904-5. The Institute Observatorio Astrénomico Nacional de Tacubaya. Anuario, para el ano de 1905, Vol. xxv. Observaciones Meteoro- légicas durante el ao de 1896. The Observatory Sociedad Cientifica ‘Antonio Alzate.”” Memorias y Revista, Tomo xi1., Nos. 7-10, 1903-4; Tomo x1x., Nos. 8-12, 1903-4; Tomo xx., Nos. 5-12, 1903; Tomo xxt1., Nos. 1-4, 1904. The Society Mitan—Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Rendi- conti, Serie 2, Vol. xxxvul., Fase. 17 - 20, 1904; Vol. Xxxvill., Fasc. 1—4, 1905. The Institute Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Milano. Atti, Vol. xu111., Fasc. 4, 1904; Vol. xttv., Fasc. 1, 2, 1905. The Society Mons—Société des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Hainaut. Mémoires et Publications, Série 6, Tome vi., 1904. oF MontTevipro—Museo Nacional de Montevideo. Anales, Seccion historico-filosdfica, Tomo 1., 1904.. Flora Uruguaya, Tomo I1., pp. 161 —376, 1905. The Museum MonTPELLIER—Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. Mémoires de la Section des Sciences, Sér. 2, Tome I1t., No. 4, 1904. The Academy MontTREAL— Natural History Society of Montreal. The Canadian Record of Science, Vol. 1x., Nos. 3, 4, 1905. The Society Royal Society of Canada. Proceedings and Transactions, Second Series, Vol. virr., 1902; Vol. 1x., 1903; Vol. x., Parts 1., 1i., 1904. 5 Moscow—Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Bulletin, Nos. 2—4, 1904. Nouveaux Mémoires, Tome xv1.. Liv. 3, 4, 1901-5. 2 Mutuovse—Société Industrielle de Mulhouse. Bulletin, Aug. - Dec., 1904; Jan.- July, 1905. Programme des Prix a décerner en 1906. Séances, Sep., Nov., Dec., 1904; Feb. April— July, 1905. os Munico—K. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu ‘Munchen. Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-physikal- ischen Klasse, Band xxu1., Abteilung 2, 1904. Sitzungs- berichte, Heft 3-5, 1903; Heft 1, 2, 1904. Pamphlets (2). The Academy Société Botanique Bavaroise. Berichte, Band x., 1905. Mitteilungen, Nos. 32, 33, 1904. ; The Society NanTeEs—Société des Sciences Naturelles de l’Ouest dela France. Bulletin, Sér. 2, Tome 111., Trimestres 3, 4, 1903; Tome Iv., Trimestres 1 — 4, 1904. » Narpies—Societa Africana d’ Italia. Bollettino, Anno xxXIII., Fasc. 10-12, 1904; Anno xxiv., Fasc. 1—9, 1905. oF liv. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. NapLes—continued. Societa Reale di Napoli. Rendiconto dell’ Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche, Serie 3a, Vol. x., Fase. 8-—12,1904; Vol. xr., Fasc 1-3,1905. Indice Generale dei Lavori pubblicati dal 1737 al 1903. The Society Stazione Zoologica di Napoli. Mittheilungen, Band xvt., Heft 4, 1904. The Station NEwcastTLE-UPON-TynE—North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. ‘Transactions, Vol. ir., Part viil., 1902-3; Vol. tiv., Part vii., and Annual Report etc., Part viii., 1903-4; Vol. tv., Partsi. - iv., 1904-5. The Anthracitation of Coal, by David Burns c.z., 1904. The Institute New Puyrmouta—Polynesian Society. Journal, Voi. x111., No. 4, 1904; Vol. xiv., Nos. 1-3, 1905. The Society New Yorx—American Geographical Society. Bulletin, Vol. xxxvi., Nos. 10 - 12,1904; Vol. xxxvir., Nos.1-10., 1905. ,, American Institute of Electrical Engineers Transactions, Vol. xx1., No. 7, Sept. 1904. Proceedings, Vol. xxiv., Nos. 1 - 7, 1905. The Institute American Institute of Mining Engineers. Transactions, Vols. xxxiv., 19035 Vol. xxxv., 1904: A American Mathematical Society. Indices, Transactions, Vols. 1. —Iv., 1900-4. The Society American Museum of Natural History. Album of Philippine . Types, Christians and Moros}(80 Plates) 1904. Annual Report, 1904. Bulletin, Vol. xviz., Part iii., 1905; Vol. Xvill., Part iii., 1904 ; Vol. xx., 1904. Memoirs, Vol. 111., Part 111., 1904. Reprint (1). The Museum American Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions, Vol. Lirr., 1904; Vol. niv., 1905. Constitution and List of Members, February 1905. The Society American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Transactions, Vol. xxv., 1904. i. Columbia University. School of Mines Quarterly, Vol. xxv1., Nos. 1-4, 1904-5. The University New York Academy of Sciences. Annals, Index to Vol. XIv., 1901-3; Vol. xv., Part iii., 1904 and Index; Vol. Xvi., Part i.,1905. Memoirs, Vol. 11., Partiv., 1905. The Academy NuREMBERG—Naturhistorische Gesellschaft zu Nurnberg. Ab- handlungen, Band xv., Heft 2. Jahresbericht fiir 1903. The Society Orrawa—Department of the Interior. Maps:—Alberta and Western Portions of Saskatchewan and Assiniboia 1905. Alienated Lands 1905. Assiniboia 1903. Mounted Police Stations in Northwestern Canada, and North West Territories 1904. New Brunswick 1905. Northwest Territories and the Province of Manitoba 1903. Ontario —Hamilton Sheet 1905 ; Windsor Sheet 1904. Railways in Manitoba, Assiniboia, Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1904. Relief Map 1904. Resource Map 1905. Rocky Mountains—Banff Sheet 1902; Lake Louise Sheet 1902. Saskatchewan 1903. Southeastern Alaska and part of British Columbia 1908. Yukon Territory— . Kluane, White and Alsek Rivers 1905. The Department ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. lv. OTrTawa—continued. Geological Survey of Canada. Annual Report (New Series) Vol. x11., 1900. Catalogue of Canadian Birds, Part iii., 1994. Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Vol. 111. (quarto), Part 1i., 1904. The Survey Oxrorp—Radcliffe Library. Catalogue of Books added during 1904. ' : The Library Patermo—Societa di Scienze Naturali ed Economiche. Giornale di Naturali ed Economiche, Vol. xxiv., 1904. The Society Paris—Académie des Sciences de l’Institut de France. Comptes Rendus, Tome cxxx1x., Nos. 18 - 26, 1904; Tome cxt., Nos. 1 — 26, 1905; Tome oxt1., Nos. 1 — 138, 1905. The Academy Ecole d’ Anthropologie de Paris. Revue, Tome xriv., Nos. 10 -12, 1904; Tome xv., Nos.’ 1—6, 8, 1905. The Director Ecole Polytechnique. Journal, Ser. 11., Cahier 9, 1904. of Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes. Revue Mensuelle d’ Histoire Naturelle, 4 Série, Année xxxv., Nos. 410-416, 419, 1904-5. The Editor Ministére des Travaux Publics. Statistique de |’ Industrie Minérale et des Appareils a Vapeur en France et en Algérie pour Il’ année 1903. The Minister Muséum d’ Histoire Naturelle. Bulletin, Année 1904, Nos. 1 —8; Année 1905, No. 1. 5 The Museum Observatoire de Paris. Rapport Annuel pour |’ année 1904. The Observatory Société d’ Anthropologie de Paris. Bulletins et Mémoires, 5 Sér., Tome tv., Fasc. 5, 6, 1903; Tome v., Fasc. 1-5, 1904. The Society Société de Biologie. Comptes Rendus, Tome tvit., Nos. 29 — 37,1904; Tome tviit., Nos. 1 - 21, 1905. - Société Francaise de Minéralogie. Bulletin, Tome xxvizt., Nos. 6-9, 1904; Tome xxvitt., Nos. 1-4, 1905. aS Société Francaise de Physique. Bulletin des Séances, Année 1904, Fasc. 3, 4; 1905, Fasc. 1. Résumé des Communi- cations, Nos. 217 — 238, 1904-5. nn Société Géologique de France. Bulletin, 4 Serie, Tome 11., No. 5, 1902; Tome 111., Nos. 5, 6, 1903; Tome tv., Nos. i? 2, 1904. ” Société Météorologique de France. Annuaire, Année LII., Oct., Nov., 1904; Année u111., Jan.— May, July, Aug., 1905. 3 Société de Spéléologie. Spelunca, Tome v., Nos. 37 —40, 1904-5. ,, Société Zoologique de France. Bulletin, Tome xx1x., Nos. 1-9, 1904-5. Mémoirs, Tome xv1., 1903. Pe PrertH—Department of Mines. Mining Statistics Sept. — Dec. 1904, Jan. -July, 1905. West Australian Mining Industry, 1904. The Department Geological Survey of Western Australia. Bulletin, Nos. 14 — 20, 1904-5. Geological Map of Boulder Belt and Sec- tions, 1903. The Survey West Australian Natural History Society. Journal, No. 2, May 1905. The Society lvi. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. PHILADELPHIA—Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings, Vol. tvi., Parts i1., ii1., 1904; Vol. tvit., Part i., 1905. The Academy American Entomological Society. Transactions, Vol. xxx., No. 4, 1904, Vol. xxx1., Nos. 1-3, 1905. The Society American Philosophical Society. Proceedings, Vol. xu1ir., Nos. 177 —178, 1904; Vol. xurv., No. 179, 1905. a Franklin Institute. Journal, Vol. civii1., No. 6, 1904; Vol. cuix., Nos. 1—6; Vol. cix., Nos. 1—4, 1905. The Institute University of Pennsylvania. Bulletin, Fifth Series, No. 2, Part ii., 1904; No. 3, Part 11., 1905. The University Zoological Society. Annual Report (33rd), 1905. The Society PIETERMARITZBURG—Geological Survey of Natal and Zululand. Second Report, 1904. The Survey Pisa—Societa Italiana di Fisica. Il Nuovo Cimento, Serie 5, Tomo vii., Sept.— Decr., 1904; Tomo 1x., Feb. — July. 1905. The Society Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali. Atti, Memorie, Vol. xx., 1904. Processi Verbali, Vol. xiv., Nos. 5-8, pp. 115-178, 1904-5. % Port Lovis—Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius. Annual Report, 1903 and 1904. Results of the Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made in the year 1901. The Observatory PotspamM —Kdonigl. Preuss. Geodiatisches Instituts. Verdéffent- lichung, Neue Folge, Nos. 18, 22. The Institute QurEBEC—Literary and Historical Society. Seventh Series of Historical Documents, 1905 :—Blockade of Quebec in 1775 - 1776 by the American Revolutionists (Les Bas- tonnais). Transactions, No. 25, Sessions of 1903 to 1905. The Society Rio DE JANEIRO—Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro. Boletim, Mensal, Jan. —- Sept., 1904. The Observatory RocHESTER—Geological Society of America. Bulletin, Vol. xv., : 1904; Vol. xvi., No, 1, pp. 1-12; 190s: The Societ Rochester Academy of Science. Proceedings, Vol. Iv., pp. 187 - 148, 1904. The Academy Roms— Biblioteca e Archivio Tecnico. Giornale del Genio Civile, Anno xtit., April - Dec., 1904; Anno x111I., Jan. —- May, 1905. Minister for Public Instruction, Rome Pontificia Accademia Romana dei Nuovi Lincei. Atti, Anno LVIIL., Sessione 1, 1904-5. Memorie, Vol. xx1r., 1904. In Memoria del Prof. Mons. Francesco Regnani,1905. The Academy Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Atti, Serie Quinta, Rendiconti, Vol. xi11., 2° Semestre Fasc. 8-12, 1904; Vol. xiv., 1° Semestre Fasc. 1—12; 2° Semestre Fasc. 1 - 5, 1908. Rendiconto dell’ adunanza solenne del 4 Giugno 1905, Vol. 111., pp. 159 - 214. a R. Ufficio Centrale di Meteorologico e di Geodinamico Italiano. Annali, Serie 2, Vol. x1v., Parte ii., 1892; Vol. xx., Partei., 1898; Vol. xx1., Parte i., 1899; Vol. xx11., Partie i,, 1900. The Office | | ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. lvii. Romre—continued. Societa Geografica Italiana. Bollettino, Ser. 4, Vol. v., Num. 7-12, 1904; Vol. v1., Num. 1, 7-10, 1905. The Society Sr. ANpDREws—St. Andrews University. Calendar for the year 1905-6. The University Sr. Errenne—Société de 1’ Industrie Minérale. Bulletin, Série 4, Tome 111., Liv. 3, 4, 1904 and atlas ; Tome tv., Liv. 1, 2,1905. Comptes Rendus Mensuels, Nov., Dec. 1904; Jan. — Aug, 1905. The Society Sr. Lovurs—Academy of Science of St. Louis. Transactions, Vol. xir., Nos. 9, 10, 1902; Vol. x111., Nos.1-9, 1903; Vol. xiv., Nos. 1-6, 1904. The Academy Missouri Botanical Garden. Annual Report (16th) 1905. The Director Sr. Pererspurac—Académie Impériale des Sciences. Mémoires, Classe historico-philologique, Tome vi., Nos. 5, 6, 1904. Classe physico-mathématique, Tome x1II., No. 6, 1903; Tome xiv., Nos. 1-10, 1903-4; Tome xv., Nos. 1-11; Tome xvi., Nos. 1-3, 1904. The Academy Comité Géologique—Institut des Mines. Bulletins, Tome xxir., Nos. 5—10, 1903; Tome xxitr., Nos. 1—6, 1904. Mémoires, Nouvelle série, Liv. 10, 11, 18-15, 17, 1904. The Committee K. Mineralogische Gesellschaft. Materialien zur Geologie Russlands, Band xxir., Lief 1, 1904. Verhandlungen, 2, Serie, Band xi, xXuir., 1903-4. The Society San Francisco—California Academy of Sciences. Proceedings, Third Series, Botany, Index to Vol.1.,1897 - 1900; Vol. 11., No. 11, 1904; Geology, Vol. 1., No. 10, 1904, Zoology Indexes to Vol. 1., 1897-1899; Vol. 11., 1897-1901; Vol. 111., Nos. 7—138, 1904. Memoirs, Index to Vol. 11., 1888 — 1896; Vol. Iv., 1904. The Academy Sao Pavuto—Museu Paulista. Revista, Vol. v1, 1904. The Museum Sociedade Scientifica de 8S. Paulo. Relatorio da Directoria, 1903-4. Revista, No. 1, 1905. The Society Scranton, Pa.—Mines and Minerals, Vol. xxv., Nos. 3-12, 1904-5; Vol. xxvi., Nos. 1, 2, 1905. International Textbook Co. Srzena—R. Accademia dei Fisiocritici. Atti, Serie 4, Vol. xv1r., Nos. 7-10, 1904; Vol. xvur., Nos. 1 - 4, 1905. Cataloghi- Museo Mineralogico, Geologico e Paleontologico, 1905. The Academy SinGAPORE—Royal Asiatic Soviety (Straits Branch). Journal, Nos. 42 - 44, 1905. The Society StockHotm—K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien. Accessions- Katalog. 17,1902. Arkiv for Botanik, Band 111., Hiafte 1-4,1904; Bandiv., Hafte 1—3,1905. Arkiv for Kemi - Mineralogi och Geologi, Band 1., Hiafte 3,4, 1904; Band 11., Hafte 1, 1995. Matematik Astronomi och Fysik, Band 1., Hafte 3, 4,1904. Zoologi, Band 11., Hafte 1 — 3, 1904-5. Handlingar, Band xxxvii1., No. 8, 1902-38; Band xxxvitt., Nos. 4, 5, 1904. Peter Artedi, a bi- centenary Memoir, by Einar Lénnberg, 1905. The Academy lviii. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. StocKHOLM—continued. K. Vetenskaps Academiens Nobel Institut. Les Prix Nobel en 1901. Meddelanden, Band 1., No. 1, 1905. The Academy K. Vitterhets Historie och Antiqvitets Akademien. Antik- varisk Tidskrift for Sverige, Band xvit., Heft 3. z Stutteart—Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde. Abstammung des Menschen, Bédlsche. Jst das Tier unverniinftig ? Zell. Kosmos, Band 1., Heft 1-3, 1904. Weltschopfung, Meyer. Weltuntergang, Meyer. The Society Konigliches Statistisches Landesamt. Wirttembergische Jabrbicher fiir Statistik und Landeskunde, Jahrgang, Heft 2, 1904. ‘The Landesamt’ Verein fiir Vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wiirttemberg. Jahreshefte, Jahrgang LIx., and Beilage 1903, Jahrgang Lx. and Beilage 11., 1904. The Society Wurttembergische Vereins ftir Handelsgeographie. Jahres- bericht, Xx., SX, XXII. WML. 190-4 Sypney—Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the Ninth Meeting held at Hobart, Tasmania, 1902. Report of the Tenth Meeting held at Dunedin, 1904. The Association Australian Museum. Memoir tv., Parts vi., viii., 1903-4. Records, Vol. v., Nos. 5, 6, 1904-5; Vol. v1., Nos. 1, 2, 1905. Report of the Trustees for the year 1903-4. The Trustees Botanic Gardens. A Critical Revision of the Genus Euca- lyptus by J. H. Maiden, Parts vi., vii., 1905. Reports of the Director for the years 1903 and 1904. The Forest Flora of New South Wales, J. H. Maiden, Vol. 11., Parts iv. — vii. (Parts xiv. - xvii. of the complete work) 1904-5. The Director British Medical Association (N. S. Wales Branch). The Australasian Medical Gazette, Vol. xxiv., Nos. 1-11, 1905, The Association Department of Agriculture. The Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, Vol. xvi., Partsi.— xi1.,1905. The Department Department of Fisheries. Report of Commissioners on the Fisheries and Oyster Fisheries of New South Wales for the year 1903, Part i. ” Department of Lands. Report of the Forestry Branch for the period 1 Jan. 1904 to 30 June 1905. ” Department of Mines and Agriculture. Annual Report of the Department of Mines N.S. Wales for the year 1904. Geological Sketch Map—Country in the vicinity of Sydney. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of N.S.W., Paleontology No. 13, Part i., The Genus Halysites, by R. Etheridge, Jnr., 1904. Records, Vol. vir., Part iv., 1904; Vol. vi11., Part i., 1905. 5s Department of Prisons. Annual Report of the Comptroller- General of Prisons for year 1904. Py Department of Public Instruction. Results of Meteoro- logical Observations in New South Wales during 1900, 1901,and 1902. Results of Rain, River and Evaporation ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. lix, SYDNEY—continued. Observations made in N.S. Wales during 1901-2. Tech- nical Education Branch, Calendar 1892-4, 1899 — 1905. The New South Wales Educational Gazette, Vol. xIv., Nos. 7-12, 1904-5; Vol. xv., Nos. 1 - 5, 1905. The Department Department of Public Works. Conference on Water Con- servation and Irrigation, Report containing Minutes of Proceedings and Debates etc., 16 Jan. 1905. f Engineering Association of New South Wales. Minutes of Proceedings, Vol. xvill., 1992-3. The Association Government Statistician. A Statistical Account of Australia and New Zealand, 1903-4. Agricultural and Live Stock Statistics of New South Wales year ended March 1905, Preliminary Tables. Comparative Tables and Rates of Marriages, Births, and Deaths for New South Wales for the year 1903. Comparative Tables shewing Deaths from all causes in New South Wales during the year 1903. Government Statistician’s Report on the Vital Statistics of the Metropolis for the year 1904; Jan. — Oct., 1905. Government Statistician’s Annual Report showing the Marriages, Births and Deaths by Districts in New South Wales for 1904. New South Wales Sta- tistical Register for 1903 and previous years (Bound copy); ditto, 1904, Parts i.—ix. Results of a Census of New South Wales taken for the night of the 31 March, 1901, in eight parts (Bound copy). Vital Statistics, (N.S.W.) for 1903 and previous years; ditto 1904 Pre- liminary Report. Government Statistician Institution of Surveyors, New South Wales. The Surveyor, Vol. xvir., Nos. 10-12, 1904; Vol. xviir., Nos. 1-10, 1905. The Institution Linnean Society of New South Wales. Abstract of Pro- ceedings, March 29, April 26, May 31, June 28, July 26, Aug. 30, Sept. 27, Oct. 25, Nov. 29. Act of Incorpora- tion, Rules, List of Members etc., July 14th 1905. Pro- ceedings, Vol. xx1x., Parts iii., iv., Nos 115, 116, 1904; Vol. xxx., Parts i.,ii., No. 117 and Supplement, 118, 1905. The Society New South Wales Ethnological Committee. Third Annual Report, 1904-5. The Committee Public Library of New South Wales. Report of the Trustees for the year 1904. The Trustees United Service Institution of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings, Vol. xv1., 1904. The Institution University. Calendar of the University of Sydney for the year 1905. The University Tarpinc—‘ The Perak Government Gazette,’ Vol. xvir., Nos. 45 —51, 1904; Vol. xvur., Nos. 1-22 and Supplements June 16, 30, July 14 and Sept. 8,1905. The Federal Secretary F.M.S. Toxro—Asiatic Society of Japan. Transactions, Vol. xxxII., Vol. xxxtit., Part i., 1905. The Society Imperial University of Tokio. Journal of the College of Science, Vol. xvii1., Art. 8, 1904; Vol. x1x., Art. 1,5 -7, 9, 15, 1903-4. Vol. xx., Art. 1-7, 1904-5. The University lx. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. ToxK1o—continued. Meteorological Society of Japan. Journal, Vol. xxu1,, Nos. 11, 12,1904; Vol xxiv., Nos. 1—8, 1905. The Society Publications of the Earthquake Investigation Committee in Foreign Languages, Nos. 19 - 21, 1904-5. The Committee Tokyo Imperial Museum. Proceedings of the Department of Natural History, Vol. 1., Nos. 1, 2, 1904. The Museum Toronto—University of Toronto. Studies—Biological Series, No. 4, 1905. Geological Series. No. 3, 1905. History and Economics, Vol. 11., No. 3, 1904; Vol. 111., No. 1, 1905. Papers for the Chemical Laboratories, Nos. 44 - 52, 1904-5. Psychological Series, Vol. 11., No. 2, 1904. The University TouLouse—Académie des Sciences, {nscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Mémoires, Série 10, Tome tv., 1904. The Academy Trizste—I. R. Osservatorio Astronomico-Meteorologico. Rap- porto Annuale, Vol. xvit1., 1901. The Observatory Tromso—Tromso Museum, Aarsberetning for 1901, 1902, 1903. Aarshefter, 21 and 22, 1898-9, Afdeling 3; Aarshefter, 26, 1903. The Museum Tunis—Institut de Carthage. Revue Tunisienne, Année XI., Nos. 47, 48, 1904; Année x11., Nos. 49 — 52, 1905. The Institute Turin—Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Atti, Vol. xu., Disp. 1-15, 1904-5. Osservazioni Meteorologiche fatte neil’ anno 1904 all’ Osservatorio della R. Universita di Torino. The Academy Ursana, Ill.—Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Bulletin, Index to Vol. v1., 1903-4, Vol. vir., Article 4, 1905. The Laboratory Urrecut—Koninklijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. Annuaire 1903, A. Météorologie (No. 97); B. Magnétisme Terrestre (No. 98). Etudes des Phénomeénes de Marée sur les Cétes. Néerlandaises, Parts ii., 111. (No. 90) 1905. : The Institute Virnna—Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien. Mittheilungen, Band xxxIv., Heft 3 -6,1904; Band xxxv., Heft 1, 1905. The Society Commission internationale de Nomenclature botanique. Texte Synoptique des documents destinés a servir de base aux débats du Congrés International de Nomen- clature Botanique de Vienne 1905. The Commission Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mitteilungen der Erdbeben-Kommission N. F., Nos. 22-24, 1903. Sitzungsberichte, Math.-Naturw. Classe, Band cxu., Abth. 1, Heft 4-10; Abth. 2a, Heft 7-10; Abth. 26, Heft 7-10; Abth. 3, Heft 1—10, 1903. The Academy K.K. Central-Anstalt fir Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus. ; Jahrbiicher, N.F., Band xt., Jahrgang 1903 (2 Vols.) The Station K. K. Geologische Reichsanstalt. Jahrbiich, Band u111., Heft 8, 4, 1903; Band tiv., Heft 1-4, 1904. Verhandlungen Nos. 18— 18, 1904; Nos. 1 - 9, 1905. The Reichsanstalt ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. ]xi, VIENNA—continued. K. K. Gradmessungs-Bureau. Astronomische Arbeiten, Band xi1r., 1903. Die Schlubfehler der Dreiecke der Triangulierung erster Ordnung 1904-5. The Bureau K.K. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen, Band 1111., Jahrgang 1903; Band tiv., Jahrgang 1904. The Society WasHineton—American Historical Association. Annual Report for the year 1908, Vols. 1., 11. The Association Bureau of American Ethnology. Annual Report (21st), 1899 — 1900 (1908); (22nd) 1900-1, Parts 1,, 11., (1904). The Bureau Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication, Nos. 4. 238, 24, 30, 1905. The Institution Department of Commerce and Labor. Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, Vol.1., Nos. 1, 2, 1904-5. The Department Department of the Interior. Annual Reports, Commissioner of Education, Parts i. ii., 1902; Parts 1., i., 1908. Annual Reports of the Department for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908. Annual Report (24th), of the U.S. Geological Survey. Ethnological Survey Publi- cations, Vol. r1., Part i., 1904. Indian Affairs, Parts 1., ii., 1903. Miscellaneous Reports, Parts i.-1iii., 1903. Secretary of the Interior, Commissioner of the General Land Office 1908. At Engineer Department U.S. Army. Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers U.S. Army, Partsi. -iv.and Supple- ment 1904. Professional Papers, No. 31, 1904. An Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report of the Board of Regents for the year ending June 30, 1903. Contribu- tions from the U.S. National Herbarium, Vol. vii1., Part iv., 1905; Vol. 1x., 1905. Report of the U.S. National Museum for the year ending June 30, 1903. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. xxxu., 1904; Vol. xxxiv., Nos. 14388, 1459, 1903-4, Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections, Vol. xuiv., Nos. 1375, 1440, 1994; Vol. xtvy., Nos. 1444, 1477, 1548, 1544, 1571, 1572, 1904-5; Vol. xtvit., Parts i. —iv., 1904-5; Vol. x~1x., No. 1584, 1905. The Institution U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Appendices, Nos. 3-9. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, showing the progress of the work from July 1, 1903 to June 30, 1904. Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, Vol. 1x., No. 4, 1904; Vol. x., Nos. 1, 2, 1905. The Survey U.S. Department of Agriculture (Library). Year Book, 1904. The Department U.S. Department of Agriculture—Weather Bureau. Bul- letin, No. 35—W.B. No. 322, 1904. Crop Reporter, Vol. vi., Nos. 7-12, 1904-5; Vol. vir., Nos. 1, 2, 4-6, 1905. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. xxx1t., Nos. 8 - 18, 1904; Vol, xxx111., Nos. 1-6, 1905. Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau, 1902-3. Ixil. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. W ASHINGTON—continued. U.S. Geological Survey. Annual Report (25th) of the Director, 1903-4. Bulletin, Nos. 233-242, 244 — 246, 248 - 250, 252-255, 258-261, 264, 1904-5. Mineral Resources of the United States 1903. Professional Papers, Nos. 24-27, 29-33, 35, 39, 1904-5; Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, Nos. 96-118, 1904.5. The Survey U.S. Navy Department. Annual Reports of the Chiefs of the Bureaus of :—Construction and Repairs; Equip- ment; Ordnance; Navigation; Steam Engineering ; Yards and Docks, 1904. Brigadier-General Commandant of the United States Marine Corps 1904. Judge-Advocate- General, 1904. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps to Jan. 1.1905. Secretary of the Navy 1904. Superintendent of Library and Naval War Records 1904. Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Obser- vatory, 1904. Surgeon-General U.S. Navy, 1904. The Department U.S. Naval Observatory. Publications, Second Series, Vol. Iv., Appendix 4, 1905. The Observatory — War Department. Annual Reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1904, Vols. I1.-—IVv., The Department Washington Academy of Sciences. Proceedings, Vol. 111., pp. 189 - 147, 1901. The Academy WELLINGTON— Mining Department. Papers and Reports relatin to Minerals and Mining 1904 and 1905. The Department New Zealand Institute. Transactions and Proceedings, Vol. XxxviI., 1904. The Institute ZAGREB (Agram)—Meteorologisches Observatoriums. Jahrbtich fiir das Jahr 1902, Jahrg 2. The Observatory ZuricH—Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Vierteljahrsschrift, Jahrgang xuix., Heft 1, 2, 1904. The Society MIscELLANBOUS. (The Names of Donors are in Italics.) Advocate, N.S., Vol. 111., No. 32, June 14, 1905, The Publisher ~ Arctowski, Henryk.—Apercu des Résultats Météorologiques de l Hivernage Antarctique de la “ Belgica,” 1904. The Author Art and Architecture, Vol. 11., Nos. 2 to 5, 1905. The Publishers Backhouse, T. W., F.R.A.s.—Publications of West Hendon House Observatory, Sunderland, No. 3, 1905. The Author Borredon, Capitano G.—Excelsior ovvers l’ Astronomia ridotta alla sua piu semplice espressione, 1905. 3 Branner, John C., Ph. D.—Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Arkansas for 1887. Bibliography of the Geology, Mineralogy, and Paleontology of Brasil, 1903. Natural Mounds or ‘ Hog Wallows,’ 1905. Origin of Travertine Falls and Reefs, 1901. os British Medical Journal, Jan. 7-— Oct. 14, 1905. Dr. Walter Spencer Crowell, H. C., and Lenth, G. C. D.—An investigation of the Doble Needle Regulating Nozzle, 1903. The Authors ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. )xiii, Josephson, Aksel G. S.—Proposition for the establishment of a Biographical Institute, 1905. The Author Kiseljak, M.—Grundlagen einer Zahlentheorie eines speziellen Systems vom komplexen Groéssen mit drei Einheiten 1905. _,, Lohest, Max—Habets Alfred et Forir Henri—La Géologie et La Reconnaissance du Terrain Houiller du Nord de la Belgique, 1904. The Authors Mingaye, John C. H., F.1.c., F.c.s.—Notes' on, and Analyses of Mount Dyrring, Barraba, and Cowra Meteorites. The Author Mingaye, J. C. H. and White, Harold P.—Analyses of Leucite Basalts ete., and Olivine Basalts from New South Wales. The Authors Mining Magazine, Vol. x1., Nos. 1, 2, 5, 1905. The Publishers Piette, Edouard.—Classification des Sédiments Formés dans les Cavernes pendant |’ age du Renne 1904. Consequences des Mouvements Sismiques des Regions Polaires, 1902. Gravure du Mas-d’ Azil et Statuettes de Menton, 1902. La Collection Piette au Musée de Saint-Germain, 1902. Les Causes des Grandes Extensions Glaciaires aux Temps Pleistocénes, 1902. Notions Complémentaires sur l’ Asylien, 1904. Sur une Gravure du Mas-d’ Azil, 1908. The Author Preliminary Report of the Commissioners on Agricultural, Com- mercial, Industrial, and Education generally, 1904. G. H. Knibbs, F.R.A.8. Report of the Commissioners, mainly on Secondary Education, 1904. i" Report of the Commissioners on Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, and other forms of Technical Education, 1905. __,, Russell, H. C., c.m.G., F.R.s.—Report on Meteorological Observa- tions made at Funafuti, 1904. The Author The Purgatorio and Paradiso of the Divina Commedia of Dante. ‘Translated into English Verse by C. Potter. 8° London 1904. The Publishers PERIODICALS PURCHASED IN 1905. American Journal of Science, (Silliman). Annales des Chimie et de Physique. Annales des Mines. Astronomische Nachrichten. Australian Mining Standard. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft. Dingler’s Polytechnisches Journal. Electrical Review. Engineer. Engineering. Engineering and Mining Journal. Engineering Record and Sanitary Engineer. English Mechanic. Fresenius’ Zeitschrift fiir Analytische Chemie. Geological Magazine. lxiv. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. Knowledge and Illustrated Scientific News. L’ Aéronaute. Mining Journal. Nature. Notes and Queries. Observatory. Petermann’s Erganzungsheft. Petermann’s Geographischen Mittheilungen. Philosophical Magazine. Photographic Journal. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. Revue Critique Paleozoologie. Sanitary Record. Science. Scientific American. Scientific American Supplement. Booxs PuRcHASED IN 1905. Australian Handbook 1905. Biedermann—Tech. Chemisches Jahrbiich, Vol. xxv1., 1903, Hazell’s Annual, 1905. Jahres-bericht der Chemischen Technologie, 1904, Parts i., ii. Minerva Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt, Jahrgang xtv. — xv., 1904-5 - 1905-6. Obstetrical Society—Transactions, Vol. xuvi., 1904. é Official Year Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, 1905. Pathological Society, Transactions, Vol. tv., Part iii, 1904; Vol. tvt., Parts i., ii., 1905. Ray Society Publications for 1904. Sands’ Directory, 1905. Schmidt, Dr. Adolph, Atlas der Diatomaceen-Kunde, Heft 64, 65. The Oxford New English Dictionary to date. Whitaker’s Almanack, 1905. ; PROCEEDINGS ENGINEERING SECTION. i—June 28, 1905. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. III. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENGINEERING SECTION. (IN ABSTRACT.) The First Meeting of the Section was held 28th June, 1905, at The University. Mr. 8S. H. BARRACLOUGH, in the Chair. The principal business of the evening was the Chairman’s address, which dealt mainly with the question of Technical and Industrial Hducation; afterwards the Chairman exhibited, by means of lantern slides, some very fine views of the principal educational and technical schools of Hurope and Great Britain. Mr. JOSEPH DAVIS, mu., Was then installed as Chairman for the current year, and in the course of a short address to the members, he alluded to the services rendered by Mr. BARRACLOUGH during the two years he occupied the position of Chairman of the Section. The resignation of Mr. C. O. BURGE, M. Inst.c.E., as a member of committee and of the Section owing to his departure for England was received with deep regret. The Second Meeting was held at the Society’s House, on 20th July, 1905. Mr. JOSEPH DAVIS in the Chair. The discussion on the papers on Reinforced Concrete, read by Mr. GUMMow and Prof. WARREN at the previous Session was entered upon and aroused a good deal of interest, there being present several visitors from other Societies. Messrs. ANDERSON (Hon. Sec. of the Institute of Architects), WALSH, W. H. Cook, C. E. CARDEW (a visitor from Burma), IV. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. the Chairman, and the Hon. Secretary, took part in the discussion. : .The authors of the papers having replied, the meeting then terminated. The Third Meeting was held on the 20th September, 1905. Mr. JosEPH Davis in the Chair. Mr. Henry DEANE read a very interesting paper entitled ‘‘Notes on a tour through America, Great Britain, and Hurope,’’ which was followed by a general discussion participated in by the Chairman and Messrs. P. ALLEN, G. Hoskins and CARDEW. | The author having replied, the meeting then terminated. The Fourth Meeting was held on the 14th December, 1905. Mr. JOSEPH DAVIS in the Chair. Mr. WHITCHURCH SEAVER, B.E., communicated a paper through Mr. W. E. Cook, on “‘ The Storage and Regulation of Water for Irrigation Purposes,’’ which by permission of the Chairman was read by the author. A discussion followed in which Mr. McKinnrky dealt with ' the question of movable weirs and various kinds of modules. Mr. JAMES DAVIS, a visitor from Colorado, addressed the meeting by invitation of the Chairman, on the storage of water from an American’s point of view. Mssrs. SMAIL and CARDEW contributed to the discussion, and Mr. McKay moved that the paper be printed and that the discussion be adjourned until next meeting. The Chairman expressed the thanks of the Section to Mr. SEAVER for a very useful and interesting paper. The meeting stands adjourned until next Session. J. HAYDON CARDEW, Hon. Sec. ANNUAL ADDRESS. Vi ANNUAL ADDRESS. By S. H. BARRACLOUGH, B.E., M.M.E, Assoc. M. Inst. C.B., Chairman of the Engineering Section. [Delivered to the Engineering Section of the Royal Society of N. S. Wales, 27th July, 1995. ] SUMMARY. Introductory—Progress of Section—Choice of a Subject for Address—Brief review of the past three or four years— Directions of engineering progress—Progress of educational reform—Commissioners’ reports—Sir P. N. Russell’s second gift to the University of Sydney—P. N. Russell Scholarships —A School of Architecture—Surveying—Reorganisation of the P. N. Russell School of Engineering—Future needs— Our position in relation to others—Extraordinary activity in oth+r countries—Correspondence Schools—The late Dr. R. H. Thurston and the Sibley College of Engineering— American progress—The case of Germany—Japan’s achievement—The virtue of war—‘‘Sport for sport’s sake ”—The art of invention —WNational efficiency—The menace to England—The position of Australia—The urgent necessity for national training— Rational v. empirical methods in industry—Types of labour —Primary and secondary industries—Agricultural education — Education not a luxury—The limits of prudent expenditure —The Morill Land Act in America—The urgency of the question—Conclusion. BEFORE vacating the Chair custom demands that I occupy your attention fora short time with some remarks of a general nature appropriate to the occasion. In the first place, I have to thank you most sincerely for the privilege of being allowed to serve the Hngineering Section for a second year of office. It is needless to state that I do not VI. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. assume that the unusual course of re-electing the chairman for a further term of service was on account of any special merits of the holder of the office, still I cannot but be dis- tinctly conscious of the honour you did me and of the cordial good feeling which prompted my re-election. It is now two years since the Section decided to suspend its regular monthly meetings, and to try and concentrate the papers in two or three special sessions during the year. It must be confessed that it is still open to question whether the scheme has been a successful one or not. In some respects it undoubtedly has; the session dealing with Water Conservation and Irrigation excited a great deal of interest amongst members of the Society and others, and the fact’ of the extra copies of the papers read at that session hav- ing all been disposed of, some to distant parts of the world, makes it apparent that our discussion of the question was considered to be of value. We have this year to decide whether it will be better to continue the sessional idea, or to revert to regular monthly meetings. Probably no alter- ation in the method of holding meetings will entirely get rid of the difficulty of small audiences which at times besets our Society, and which to a greater or less degree is appar- ently felt by all other technical and scientific bodies in Australia. The real difficulty consists in the number of societies as compared with the limited number of citizens who take any direct interest in scientific and technical matters. Through the kindness of the secretaries of the various societies, I quote the following figures, giving the approximate membership of the institution and the average attendance at meetings in each case. Rony: Approximate Society. bership average * attendance. Royal Society of N. S. Wales aoe we $345 a (Engineering Section)... 100 25 Linnean Society of N.S. Wales... sant opt LO 23 ANNUAL ADDRESS, VII. Approximate Society. Mem- bership. attendance. N.S. Wales Engineering Association... 122 40 Hlectrical Association of N.S. Wales... 92 40 Institution of Surveyors ... abs Ce oO 15) Institution of Architects ... sas ss LOD 15 Sydney University Hngineering Society... 170 45 The total membership of these societies is considerable, but no one has yet been able to suggest a method by which their efforts should be more concentrated. We have a certain small consolation at any rate in knowing that the same difficulty besets many, even of the largest scientific societies in other parts of the world. It is practically certain that we shall at least have one continuous session this year to deal with the subject of scientific and industrial education in Australia. This it was proposed to hold last year, but it seemed wiser to again postpone it until the publication of the Hducation Com- misioners’ Report on Technical Hducation, which it is expected will be ready in the course of a few weeks, the whole of it lam led to understand being now set up in type. The object of this session, in which it is hoped representa- tives ofall other kindred associations will participate, will not be so much to discuss the general question of technical education as an endeavour to discover the proper conditions for industrial and scientific training in this country. It was at first proposed that the remarks I address to you to-night should be in the nature of an introduction to this session. It has proved, however, more convenient to hold this special meeting for the election of officers and to inaugurate the work of the year, but you will naturally understand that owing to the interest I take in the subject of scientific and industrial education, part at least of my remarks will be concerned with that topic. VIII. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. In preparing his address the Chairman has choice of several methods. Commonly the address takes the form of an historical summary of the directions of progress during the immediately preceding period. On looking back over the remarks of the Chairmen for the last three or four years, I find that for one reason or another this course has not been adopted, so that no such review has been published ° during that time. If I do not follow this plan it is not that the period of the few years just passed does not offer con- siderable temptation for an historical sketch of progress. Although, doubtless, each generation is inclined to over- estimate the value or importance of contemporary occur- | rences, yet it is hard to believe that even future historians will not regard the present period as one of distinct interest, and at least considerable importance. It has been a period of wars with their marked effect on trade and industry; it has witnessed the close of the struggle of the South African Republics against Great Britain, the last effort as it seemed of the old type of civilization against the new; and it has witnessed the beginning, and may we trust the almost ending of the titanic conflict between Russia and Japan, the first effort as it seems to some of the awakened eastern civilization against the western. It has been a period of industrial war marked by the growth of gigantic trade trusts and monopolies on the one hand, and the each year more elaborate organization of labour on the other. In England it has witnessed what a few years ago would have seemed the astounding proposal to foster our industries by tariffs, and to threaten neighbour- ing nations with fiscal retaliation. In Australia it has been the period of early experience with federation, with its inevitable disappointments. It has witnessed sociological experiments on a large scale; the practical prohibition of immigration of industrial workers, the establishment of ANNUAL ADDRESS. IX. compulsory courts of arbitration and the like. It has witnessed previously unexampled illustrations of ‘‘spirited public works policies’’ with other people’s money, and Sweeping retrenchment schemes when the money was gone. It has been a time of great activity and controversy in educational matters the wide world over and in Australia, and particularly this State, there has been set on foot a movement of vital significance in the direction of educa- tional reform. Finally, it has been a period of marked development in engineering matters, one or two of which will merit slightly extended reference. A very casual examination of this long but still very partial list will show that any of the topics could with advantage be discussed by this Section, but it is only the last two items that time will allow me to mention. DIRECTIONS OF ENGINEERING PROGRESS. The one development of a strictly engineering nature to which I will refer on this occasion is that of prime-movers, to which subject I had occasion to give some special atten- tion during a recent short trip to Kurope, and there are a few points of progress in this direction worthy of at least passing notice. Steam turbines have more than fulfilled their promise of a few years ago as rivals of the recipro- cating steam engine, and it seems to be now the almost universal opinion that no further marked improvement in the older type of engine may be looked for, or indeed is desirable. We may regard for example the reciprocating engines of such a vessel as the N.D.L. Kaiser Wilhelm II. as being the crowning effort of the designer of this type. Indeed it is hard to imagine anything in its way more perfect than these machines. | A good deal has been hoped for from the use of the Binary Vapour Engine as extending the usefulness, and increasing the efficiency of the ordinary cylinder and piston type, by xX. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. utilizing through the instrumentality of a second substance the lower temperature ranges, which cannot be effectually worked through with steam as the agent on account of the great specific volume and low pressure of steam at such temperatures. The elaborate experiments by Professor Josse on an engine of comparatively large size, and which in the early part of the year I had an opportunity of inspect- ing at the Charlottenburg Technical School, have been everywhere watched with great interest. In this engine, as many of you are probably aware, the second working substance was sulphur dioxide, the waste heat from the steam engine proper being used to evaporate the SO. which — was used aS a working substance in a special cylinder. These experiments have now been concluded, but I found that as regards their application to new engines probably not so great a field is available as was at one time thought, as the margin of waste in the primary engine, to be saved in this fashion, is not so great in the modern steam engine as it was in the earlier ones, and hence there is not so valuable a return to be obtained as an offset to the increased complexity necessarily caused by the addition of a cylinder using a Second vapour. It is thought, however, that there are many older reciprocating engines already in use of less than modern maximum efficiency which both in efficiency and output might be improved materially by the addition of the extra parts. - A fresh set of experiments is about to be undertaken for the purpose of determining what advan- tage may result from the use of these additional appliances in connection with the waste heat from gas engines, and it is very possible that here a much more promising field is available. ® For certain classes of work we may assume that the usual type of steam engine will still be largely used, but there can be no doubt that the steam turbine, in one of its now many ANNUAL ADDRESS, XI. forms, is to be the popular steam engine of the immediate future. It is hard to imagine anything, apart say from a great catastrophe in connection with the new Atlantic liners recently launched with turbine engines—a catas- trophe there is not the slightest reason to expect—that can prevent this result being achieved. The prompt intro- duction of the turbine steamer into the Australian coastal trade is a matter for gratification, and speaks much for the energy and enterprise of the company concerned. The well known turbine types of Parsons, De Laval, Curtis, Zoelly, Rateau, and Riedler-Stumpf, are now being developed in the hands of large companies or syndicates in England, America, and on the continent of Hurope, and orders for immense horse-powersare being rapidly executed. In addition to these six types, there are a considerable number of others, perhaps not so well known, but doubtless in a few years the number of types in actual operation will be largely increased. In fact so anxious are the big engineering firms to build turbines, that in addition to manufacturing the better known descriptions on a royalty basis, any new, if promising design for a steam turbine receives very respectful consideration at their hands. Meanwhile, it is obvious that the steam turbine is to find an active competitor in the shape of the large modern gas engine operated with cheap gas of various descriptions, and the recent introduction of the smaller suction-gas plants has made this a source of power which is very hard to excel from the point of view of economy and convenience. One such plant at least is in operation in Sydney at the | works of Messrs. John Sands, and a large plant of a similar type is being installed in New Zealand. It is hoped in the near future to instal an experimental gas producer plant in the P. N. Russell Hngineering School at the University, and doubtless also considerable activity in the same direc- XII. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. tion will be experienced in many parts of Australia during the next few years. An important application of large gas and oil engines will yet be found in marine engine work, and the question of the special problems in mechanical design for this purpose I found is now being seriously taken up in Germany. Both steam turbines and gas engines still Ssufier from the great mechanical defect of not being able to reverse. It is true that devices for producing reversal have been suggested in each case, but there is nothing to indicate that the problem has been satisfactorily solved. Meanwhile, it is worth noting that the gas turbine is dis- tinctly looming in the future as the goal of the thermo- dynamic machine. One type at least of this machine is advertised on the market, and although there are many special difficulties in the way, many designers are working at them, and when the type is perfected and made rever- sible probably a fairly definite limit will be reached in the direction of apparatus for transforming heat into mechanical energy. EDUCATIONAL REFORM. One need have no hesitation in saying that the most important topic, looked atin the broadest sense, to attract recent public attention is that of Hducational Reform. This is not the time or place to discuss the general question in any detail, but one or two matters emerge which merit passing notice. There probably has been no period within recent times when so much consideration has been given to the question of education, and its proper organisation. . All over the world the matter has been discussed with an amount of detail, and a persistency merited by its supreme importance. The most striking features in this connection in Australia have been the appointment of the Educational Commissioners, one of whom it is gratifying to note is a member of this Section, and the consequent improvement ANNUAL ADDRESS. XIII. in the public attitude towards educational subjects. This great improvement in the educational atmosphere is one, if not the most important result already achieved by the Commissioners, and is the only reply needed to the objection raised by some that no commission of inquiry was called for. One has but to compare the degree of interest now being evinced in educational matters, and the intelligence thereof, with that which characterised the public mind some three or four years ago to realise what a marked improvement has taken place. It was previously alleged that no Com- mission was necessary, aS already there was to handa sufficient amount of information on the educational methods of other countries in the published reports of previous inquiries both by the authorities here and in other parts of the world, but fortunately this erroneous view did not prevail, and the commissioners have vigorously attacked a task much more difficult than that of merely collecting information as to what other peoples are doing, viz.—of determining why they are doing it, and so endeavouring to discover what are the right methods for this country to adopt to meet its own particular needs. No scheme of education can be imported ready made, and wholesale, from even the best educated country in the world. We may trust that one direct result of improvement in the educational atmosphere of the community is that we have once and for all got rid of the idea—‘‘Ours is the best in the world.’’ It hadso long and so often been reiterated that Australia had little to learn and much to teach, in the matter of education, that one of the first steps necessary for real progress was to obtain such a view of the educa- tional position of other nations that we should realise how very far indeed we were from occupying so enviable a position, and in this matter the commissioners have been distinctly successful. XIV. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. The sections of their report at present published have created a widespread interest, and evoked much discussion. | As was to be expected, the conclusions arrived at have not been unanimously accepted in every detail, but there can be no doubt as to the marked service which the commis- sioners have already rendered to the community. With the appearance of the third and final section of their report — dealing with technical and industrial education, which I believe now is practically set up in type, it is not unreason- able to hope that a very genuine effort will be made towards putting the educational system of the community upon such a basis that in course of time will make us worthy to rank — with the at present better educated nations of the world. SIR P. N. RUSSELL’S SECOND GIFT TO THE UNIVERSITY. It is most proper when recording recent educational developments in Australia, before a society such as this, which is directly interested in the engineering and industrial progress of the community, that I should refer to the recent gift by Sir Peter Nicol Russell of a second sum of £50,000, to be added to the original gift of the same amount, for the purpose of endowing the School of Engineering within the University of Sydney. In making this gift, Sir Peter has shown himself to be a patriot in the truest sense, for although now long resident out of Australia he is evidently far from forgetting the land in which he achieved such great success, and where for many years he was so honor- ably connected with the industrial development of the colony. He sets a worthy example which we can hope will be imitated by many others similarly circumstanced. His action is in striking contrast to that of some, who having found health and fortune in this part of the world have retired to selfishly enjoy their wealth in the Old Land, and to judge by their words and actions are uncon- scious of any responsibility towards a country which even ANNUAL ADDRESS XV. now supports them in affluence, but to whose interests they are apparently quite indifferent.’ P. N. RUSSELL SCHOLARSHIPS. One of the objects for which the money was given to the University was that of founding scholarships for the pur- pose of helping the youth in the workshop, or the technical college student of unusual ability to enter the University and obtain the advantages of an engineering education. It cannot be doubted that in the course of time these scholar- ships will be as well known and as highly valued in this community as are the Whitworth Scholarships in Great Britain. Three awards are made yearly, each of the value of £75 per year for four years, so that at any one time there will be twelve P. N. Russell Scholars attending the engineering lectures at the University. To maintain these scholarships requires the perinanent investment of the large sum of from £20,000 to £25,000. The awards are made after examination, and only those candidates are eligible who have been engaged for at least three years in a work- shop, or who have been one year in a workshop and have taken a two year’s course at the Sydney Technical College, or who have followed the full three years’ day course at the Technical College. It is doubtful, if taking all the circumstances of the case into consideration, more liberal encouragement is anywhere to be found for the enterprising and capable youth in the shops to obtain the advantages of a complete engineering education. . 1 As these pages were going through the press news was received of the death of Sir Peter Nicol Russell. Although this is not the place to make a full reference to this sad event, yet the opportunity cannot be allowed to pass without giving expression to the universal regret with which the news was received, as well as of our respectful sympathy with Lady Russell in her bereavement. The name and memory of Sir Peter Russell must always be held in high and affectionate esteem in this country which his labours and generosity have done so much to benefit. XVI. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. A SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE. One addition to the engineering department for which a great need exists is that of a properly organised school of | architecture. At present a short course of lectures on building construction and the history of architecture is given to certain of the students, but neither at the University nor the Technical College, nor indeed in any part of Australia is a comprehensive scheme of instruc- tion for men desiring to follow this great profession to be found. Nothing indicates the character and taste of the community more than its buildings, and these again in their turn react in the development of the taste of succeeding generations. Few things are more worth a people’s while than to live in the “ House Beautiful.’’ I do not for a moment argue that we have not in Sydney many fine archi- tectural examples, not only insome of the larger buildings, public and ecclesiastical, but also in the more limited sphere of house architecture. The community indeed has a good deal to be thankful for when it is remembered that practically no thorough and systematic attempt has been made to train the designers of these buildings. In the early days there were two or three men, whose names should never be forgotten, who left behind them public buildings which are monuments to their artistic skill and constructive ability; and the effect of these buildings in setting a standard cannot be over estimated in importance. Succeeding these few masters came a number of men trained in the better established schools of the Old World, who did much to beautify the city, and their pupils are now, in many instances, ably supporting the best of the early traditions. But it must also for truth’s sake be con- fessed that with this there is a woeful quantity of the worst kind of architecture to be seen in all directions, and it is folly to hope that, unless definite steps are some day ANNUAL ADDRESS, XVII. taken for the training of the architects of the future, the average of building can ever rise beyond the mediocre. At present it is greatly to be regretted that, side by side with buildings in the city evidencing the skill, taste and power of initiative of the designer, huge structures are erected—their very size making them monumental— which transgress almost every canon of art, architecture, and engineering. While referring to matters architectural it will not be out of place to incidentally record the admiration which everyone interested in technical subjects must feel for the enterprise, no less than the skill evidenced by our confreres of the Institute of Architects in publishing their bi-monthly journal “‘Art and Architecture.’’ Not only for its matter and illustrations, but even as an example of the printer’s and publisher’s art, it merits nothing but praise. One cannot but hope that it will have an increasingly liberal Support, not merely from professional men, but from the general public. SURVEYING. Another subject to which I am glad to see attention has several times of late been drawn, is that of instruction in surveying. This is a subject which peculiarly lends itself to systematic instruction such as may be organised in an engineering college, and it is hard to see that anything but good could result from the organisation of a complete course of training in that subject at the University. It is not of course possible to produce by any such curriculum a professional expert in surveying any more thanin any other subject. Some subsequent experience would of course be necessary, but the naturally haphazard instruction obtained during pupilage has even less to recommend it in the case of so precise a subject as surveying than in engineering or architecture. 2—June 28, 1905. XVIII. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. Some one perhaps may wish to remind me that, according to recent utterances of deputations to Cabinet Ministers published in the daily press, both these ancient and honor- able professions appear to be going to suffer eclipse, and therefore any anxiety as to the training of architects and surveyors is quite superfluous; but one cannot but believe that such conditions are temporary, and that in a country like this both professions must have a great future before them. REORGANISATION OF THE P. N. RUSSELL SCHOOL. The new gift has made it possible to effect a reorganisa- tion of the school, with a corresponding increase in the efficiency of the instruction imparted. Several new lecture- ships have been instituted, and the courses of instruction have been largely developed. The equipment of the school is gradually being improved as opportunities occur and funds allow. The apparatus provided for the testing of materials was already fairly complete, and the facilities available in this important direction considering the size of the school, compare favorably with those of older insti- tutions. In other directions, however, there are very obvious defects which it is hoped to at least partially remedy in the near future. In the subjects of mechanical and electrical engineering a great deal of lee-way has to be made up. For instance, in the important subjects of mechanical refrigeration (in the early development of which Australia played so important a part), compressed air machines, modern oil and gas engines, producer gas plants, and steam turbines, to mention only a few, the school has hitherto had no equipment of any kind, but a beginning is now being made to remedy these defects. In this connection I should like to take the opportunity of mentioning the great kindness of Mr. C. A. MacDonald of the Hercules Ice Machine Company, in donating to the ANNUAL ADDRESS, X1X, school a complete refrigerating plant, which is now being installed and includes a steam driven ammonia machine and a small set of ice tanks and refrigeration chamber. In both America and Germany the large manufacturing firms have shown great generosity towards the engineering and technical schools in the matter of presenting them with typical examples of the products of their works. It is there recognised that this practice is to the benefit of both the firms and the Universities, the latter having the advantage for instructional purposes of modern types of machinery, while the former have the satisfaction of know- ing that the students, who are to be the future engineers, are obtaining an intimate knowledge of the special virtues of their machines. Several other firms in the city have also been kind enough to lend pieces of machinery or apparatus for the instruction of the students, for longer or shorter periods. PROGRESS OF THE SCHOOL AND FUTURE NEEDS. There have now passed through the Engineering School something over 150 graduates, and there are about 80 undergraduate students in engineering on the University roll. Notwithstanding the dullness of trade and the absence of many great engineering enterprises in the community the great majority of the graduates have obtained satis- factory employment, and a considerable number are occupying responsible positions. They are very widely scattered however as regards location, and the greater part of them are not occupied in New South Wales, for reasons which it is unnecessary here to elaborate. Very much remainsto be done. The most urgent need at the present moment is the new building, for the erection and equipment of which the State Government have agreed to contribute £25,000 in compliance with a stipulation made by Sir Peter Russell. Unfortunately, however, there seems xXx. Ss. H. BARRACLOUGH. a delay in providing the money, and meanwhile the work of the school is greatly handicapped. OUR POSITION IN RELATION TO OTHERS. After thus briefly noticing some of the signs of progress and movement in our local educational world, it is not out of place to remark that progress is a relative thing, and that the essential question is not, have we made an advance ? but rather, has our rate of progression kept pace with that of other countries? And from this point of view the out- look is not so promising. A short visit to Hurope a few months ago only served to emphasise to my mind the fact that in the matter of engineering and technical progress, ~ and in industrial training we are distinctly falling back. One is impressed with the fact that there is EXTRAORDINARY ACTIVITY IN OTHER COUNTRIES. Indeed, in noting the signs of progress in German institu- tions during the last two or three years one cannot help a Slight feeling of depression on realising the almost impos- sibility, as it seems, of keeping our institutions proportion- ately abreast of theirs. EHven England, although herself in not too enviable a position, is leaving us distinctly behind, which could not be said ten or twelve years ago; and in America it is almost impossible to keep oneself informed of the rate of progress, and of the colossal sums that are being invested in scientific and industrial training. I pro- pose to attempt no sketch of this progress at present, but as indicating the very genuine interest which is taken in the subject I would like to call your attention to the fact, probably not known to all, that there is a society in America, of which I have the privilege of being a member, devoted entirely to the consideration of the one subject of the promotion of engineering and industrial education. This society has now published 12 annual volumes of papers and discussions, covering the whole field of education for ANNUAL ADDRESS. XXI. engineers and for industrial workers, and by means of special committees is engaged upon important inquiries in regard to professional education in directions in which there have been controversies. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. As an indication of the extraordinary demand that exists for technical instruction of various kinds it is not inappro- priate to instance the institutions known as Correspondence Schools, and this more especially as they have recently been introduced into Australia, and already have attracted a good deal of support, especially, I understand, from people in country districts who have not the advantage of a regular college in their neighbourhood. These schools have sprung up like magic in America during the past ten years, and although some refuse to regard them seriously, are now thought by many to be serving a great need. Whether they will remain in demand, or are only a passing phase of educational opportunity, may be questioned. Until other opportunities of acquiring a technical training become practically universal, however, the evidence is already clear that they will find a great work todo. The fact that a Single one of these schools has now on its roll of students several hundred thousand names is the best possible proof of the great demand for technical education. These schools supply their students with specially prepared text- books and pamphiets, and have developed systematic methods of imparting instruction by correspondence—a System indeed organised to a pitch of elaborateness and efficiency that commands the admiration even of those who criticise the method. THE LATE DR. R. H. THURSTON AND SIBLEY COLLEGE. As no earlier opportunity has occurred of mentioning it I cannot let the occasion pass when speaking of educational work without referring to the death which has taken place XXII. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. during my term of office of my sincere friend, and one time instructor, Dr. R. H. Thurston, the Director for 18 years of the Sibley College of Hngineering at Cornell University. Although probably not generally known to the public of this country, his name was a household word amongst engineers and educators in America and Hurope, both as a professional man, and an expert in educational matters. He has not inappropriately been called the father of the modern engineering school. As a young man he passed through the engineering workshops, took an arts degree at the University, entered the Engineering Corps of the U.S. Navy, and served all through the Civil War; and aiter- wards occupied a chair in the Naval Academy until in~ 1870 he accepted the then rather novel Professorship of Mechanical Hngineering in the Stevens Institute of Tech- nology, where for 15 years he laboured in developing, what was for its time, an unusually efficient course of instruction. Indeed his syllabus of instruction of that early date is in many respects a model even for to-day. In 1885 he was called to be the first director of the Sibley Coliege of Mechanical Engineering at Cornell, and began, what he rightly felt to be, the great work of his life. Start- ing as it did from small beginnings, and a few dozen students, he had the great reward for his labours of seeing the College, with its now more than one thousand students and its splendidly differentiated courses of instruction, develope into what, even at the risk of being considered biassed, I cannot but describe as one of the finest pieces of organisation in engineering education in existence. Amidst the multitudinous duties of so great an office, he had that highest of all arts of seeming and being always a friend to the many thousands of students who came under his care. Their wants always claimed his ready attention; their letters years after leaving college were always ANNUAL ADDRESS. XXIII. promptly and sympathetically answered, and their interests were never forgotten. He died, suddenly, as I have occasion to remember, on his birthday and mine, as he sat in his study chair at Cornell. Fittingly enough the sum of £50,009 is being collected to erect a memorial laboratory for research in engineering to his memory, but such bene- factors of his race as he, require no monument. SIBLEY COLLEGE. This is not the place to discuss in detail the organisation of the Sibley College of Engineering, although on a fitting occasion few subjects might more usefully be considered. Perhaps if it needs any expression of commendation it may best be had by reminding ycu of the great success which the University of Birmingham in Hngland is achieving, and which, as is unstintedly admitted, obtained its inspiration largely from Cornell and Sibiey. Sibley College was one of the early departments of Cornell University to be estab- lished, and accorded well with the ideal of Hzra Cornell, the quaint, shrewd man of business, of rather the old type, who conceived the idea of founding a great and truly democratic University; and though perhaps it lacks a certain glamour that attaches to the older New England Colleges, such as Harvard and Yale, whose history goes back to the early Puritan days, yet from a fairly intimate knowledge of all three, I venture to think that nowhere is the democratic ideal of American education better illus- trated than in the Cornell of to-day. The University begins to realise, at least in some degree, the hopes of its large minded founder, who remarked in words which sound, in their simplicity, plain, but which embody a very noble thought, “‘I would found here an institution where any person may receive instruction in any subject.’’ ‘‘Cornell,”’ said a well known English educator—Principal Fairbairn of Mansfield College, Oxford—*‘is an example of a University XXIV. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. adapted to the soil, bravely modern and industrial without ceasing to be ancient and classical, or philosophical and historical.”’ Before leaving this subject, there are two policies pursued by the authorities at Sibley College which must commend themselves to every engineer, and which I per- sonally trust it may be possible some day to embody in our own University. They are two policies which aim at keeping the engineering department in close and intimate touch with the actual practice of the profession outside. The first is, to have each year a carefully organised set of lectures delivered by experts in the different branches of the profession to the students attending the regular college courses. This practice has the double advantage of enabling the experts in the profession to obtain a sympathetic insight from time to time into the organisation and working of the school on the one hand, and on the other hand it allows the students to become acquainted, at least by sight and voice, with the leaders of the profession which they aspire to enter. The second policy, which has recently been brought into force, is to insist upon the necessity of pro- fessors and lecturers keeping in active touch with the practice of their profession, and for this purpose leave of absence is to be granted at fairly short intervais, for a year or even two years to the members of the staff for the pur- pose of enabling them to resume for a time their profess- ional practice. . One of the chief competitors of the Sibley College as a place of training for engineers is the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology in Boston, and it is worthy of note that this institution during the last few months has become amalgamated with the Applied Science Department of Harvard University, the ultimate aim doubtless being to attach the great school of engineering and technology, ANNUAL ADDRESS. XXV. which will thus result, to the Harvard University as one of its constituent parts. Both these institutions already were possessed of large endowments and were provided with an elaborate staff of instructors, and housed in splendid buildings, but as I learn from a letter received a week or two ago from a member of the Harvard staff, they are about to receive the first instalment of a huge bequest, which will almost immediately yield an income of £10,000 a year, and as various annuities lapse their income from this one source will finally reach the magnificent figure of £100,000 a year. In view of these circumstances it is proposed to abandon the present buildings of both institutions, and to erect a magnificent pile in a locality where more room is available. When this is done it will probably be the most perfect institution of its kind in America. Yet another plan worthy of special note is the arrangement recently made by one or two American and German Univer- sities for the interchange of professors for periods of a year atatime. Nothing could be more stimulating to all con- cerned than such a scheme. AMERICAN PROGRESS. However it would be a hopeless task to attempt to enumerate, even in outline, the great achievements of the American schools during the last few years. They are now to be counted in very fact by the score, and set the British nation, and I think Australia in particular, an example which they should endeavour to emulate. It may be replied of course and with a certain amount of justice that America with her vast opportunities and immense natural resources cannot under ordinary circumstances avoid achieving large success. In a sense this is true. It is doubtful if ever before in the history of the world, man had such extraordinary opportunities for material good as in North America. As it has recently been put, and with XXVI. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. some justice there such a land. With a soil of exhaustless fertility if properly cultivated; with original forest resources sufficient to supply the world for centuries; with an almost infinite energy stored in the ample coal beds, and in the oil and gas deposits, which are almost co-extensive with their territorial limits; with the richest iron ores so plentiful | and abundant as to make their value scarcely more than common rock or earth; with copper, lead, ziné, gold, and silver deposits in marvellous quantities; witha climate all that could be desired and nowhere equalled for agricultural purposes; and finally, but most of all, peopled by the most — progressive races under the sun; with all these infinite opportunities, surely something should have been accom- plished.’’? But even admitting all this, it is a sorry argu- ment that because natural opportunities are less, a people therefore is to be excused from making an equal effort. It has yet to be shown that this country is not possessed of as fine possibilities as America, and if, as is evident, the resources of the country are not quite so readily to hand as in the United States, it is surely all the stronger argu- ment for a resolute and determined exploitation of those resources. . THE CASE OF GERMANY. No such argument, however, applies to the case of Ger- many, which during the last century, has shown how in the face of obstacles that a less courageous and wise people might have regarded as insuperable, a nation may bring itself from a position of apparent ruin to the very summit of international success. The history of this development has already several times been referred to in the recent educational discussions, so I will merely content myself with pointing out that within 12 years of the date of the Franco-Prussian War, a Royal Commission from Hngland, ‘* Nowhere else on the face of the globe is ANNUAL ADDRESS. XXVII. aiter a most careful study of the situation, reported that Hngland had everything to fear and many things to learn from hernewrival. ‘‘ The situation,’ says a friendly critic, ‘“‘becomes annually more acute and to-day England is realising the risk that she runs of losing possibly for ever her position as the leading manufacturing and commercial nation of Hurope.”’ The explanation of this remarkable transition is deserving of the most careful study, and it is of peculiar interest to the members of this Society. Asan American writer’ has recently put it, ““That an interior country like Germany, without a navy, and with little foreign commerce, could in a quarter of a century by increasing her manufacturing capacity tenfold make it equal to that of Hngland; increase her shipping twenty-fold, making it second to that of England; effectually establish a regular export trade with every country on the globe, and by at once cheapen- ing products and improving their quality, put herself in a position to hold these markets indefinitely; that all this could be accomplished in the face of open competition, and in this age of universal publicity, is indeed marvellous, and would alone prove that old methods have lost their potency and that something new has arisen under the sun.”’ JAPAN’S, ACHIEVEMENT. But if the case of Germany is remarkable, what can be said of Japan which almost within the space of a single generation has progressed from medizvalism to modern civilization. However puzzled we may be by the spectacle, and however dubious as to the value of the civilization, it would be the worst folly to miss the obvious lesson of so extraordinary a national performance. It is in a very striking degree an illustration of deliberate adaptation of means to an end; of national organisation on a large scale, * Prof. Johnston, Vol. v1., Proc. Soc. Prom. Eng. Education. XXVIII S. H. BARRACLOUGH. and with unparalleled efficiency; and of a zealous loyalty and patriotism that no obstacle could thwart. To emphasise the spirit that animated these neighbours of ours in the North, I cannot refrain from quoting two remarks made by the Mikado, when in 1872 the government promulgated the complete scheme of education which was part of the plan that aimed at placing Japan in the first rank of civilised peoples. The Hmperor said in words which are worthy of oft repetition :—‘‘It is intended that henceforth education shall be so diffused that there may not be a village with an ignorant family, or a family with an ignorant member. Persons who have hitherto applied themselves to study have almost always looked to the Government for their expenses. This is an erroneous notion proceeding from long abuse, and every person shall henceforth endeavour to acquire knowledge by his own exertions.’’ It is impos- sible to know which to admire most, the first sentiment or the last. The long list of primary and high schools, technical and trade schools, colleges for medicine, for agriculture, and for veterinary science, for commerce, and for the fine arts; institutes for training teachers and technical instructors ; and last, but not least, the great Universities of Japan testify to the zeal and success with which the task has been carried out. The result of the present war, even before its conclusion is reached, is only a fitting climax to such efforts by such a people. THE VIRTUE OF WAR. It is Ruskin, I think, who points out that sometimes the blessings of war overbalance its curse. Indeed it is not hard to realise that there are worse things than war. HKven making allowance for the colossal material waste, the hideous loss of life, and the almost unimaginable suffering, who could deny that the present war is a blessing to Russia, | : ANNUAL ADDRESS. XXIX, giving her people as a whole an opportunity that might otherwise not have offered itself again for generations, of escaping from a tyrannical bondage and becoming actually the great nation they are potentially. And not less isita benefit to Japan, testing her qualities, proving her powers, enlightening the minds of the people, and confirming them in the wisdom of their long preparation, and still further preparing them for their great destiny. Further, will anyone lightly deny that looked at from a national point of view, one of the most bracing experiences that could befall us as a people would be the presence of an enemy at our gates. Nothing could more quickly reduce matters to the basis of a reality they at present lack. Nothing would more readily convince that large and possibly major section of the community whose ideal may he not unjustly stated in the motto, “‘Sport for Sport’s sake,”’ that especially in a democracy such as this, national success can be achieved only through the responsible and deliberate efforts of the citizens. THE ART OF INVENTION. It may seem on casual consideration that it is a matter of small moment whether (so long as a worker perform his labour faithfully), he works with pleasure and zest in the task, or merely as a means to subsequent amusement, but this argument will not bear close examination. Professor Reuleaux, one of the greatest of all the German engineer- ing educators, has shown in an admirable passage that the process of invention, and of industrial discovery is not, as is popularly supposed, a haphazard matter. Inventions rarely come as flashes of intuition or as accidents, but are the results of long cogitation and rumination, and this none the less so because the inventor subsequently is not him- self always conscious of the various steps by which he arrived at the result. Now these processes of thought are XXX. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. absolutely essential to industrial improvement and advance- ment, and if this zest for labour, this inspiration of toil is lacking in the worker of all grades (it applies to the highest as to the lowest) much progress cannot be looked for. The British people have been, and are, great inventors. It was an Englishman—or at any rate a Scotchman—James Watt, who nearly one and a half centuries ago produced the steam engine in a practicable form; it took other nations half a century to get proper possession of it, so to speak, and to this fact our past material prosperity is to a considerable extent due. It is equally true that it was an Englishman the steam turbine ina practicable form some 20 years ago, but in these days progress is fast, and not 10 years were required for other nations to have full possession of it. To-day, more Parsons steam turbines are built out of England than in it. NATIONAL EFFICIENCY. The methods of the past willnot serve. They were good, but something more efficient isnow required. It was Lord Rosebery who in a remarkable speech a few years ago put this matter with great emphasis, and set forth the position that the vital question now confronting Great Britain was, Whether she intended abandoning her ancient policy of ‘““muddling along,” and substituting for it that of “‘ effici- ency.’’ National efficiency, the adaptation of means to ends, is what is lacking at present in our Nation. For the time Australia’s prosperity, commercial and industrial, is largely bound up with that of Great Britain, and the important question for us is whether our methods display this quality of “‘efficiency.’”’ It would not be hard to establish the fact that at present they largely do not. Without going into such a discussion in detail, I think it is a fair comment to make that the three public Commissions or at any rate an Irishman—who produced | ANNUAL ADDRESS. XXXI, of Inquiry recently appointed, are somewhat striking evidences of the inefficiency of our method of doing things. I refer to the Cataract Dam Commission, the Lands Inquiry, and the recent Butter Commission. It would not be proper to-night to discuss anyone of these three, more especially ‘as two of the matters are sub judice, but the fact of such inquiries being necessary cannot but demonstrate that in the three important directions of public works, land settle- ment, and commerce our system, regarded from the point of view of benefit to the State, lacks efficiency. THE MENACE TO ENGLAND. I think it may be agreed that England has lately dis- tinctly recognised the menace to her position, and is now bestirring herself with considerable vigour to meet the -ehemy. She has proposed two distinct lines of effort. The first is the improvement of her system of scientific and industrial training, which everyone will admit to be a sound and safe path. The second, is the proposal of a consider- able section for retaliatory tarifis, which some may fear is a weapon of the boomerang order, but in any case is certainly not proper for discussion this evening. The evidences of an attempt to improve the educational system in England are many. For instance, the fact quoted by His Excellency, the State Governor, in a public speech the other evening, that the expenditure on technical education by the London County Council had increased during the last 10 years from only £4,590 a year to over £300,000 per annum is most striking; and I Should also have liked to refer amongst others, to the splendid equipment and organisation of the Manchester School of Technology, and of the Birmingham University, both of which institutions are on the best modern lines, and in different directions. THE POSITION OF AUSTRALIA. Meanwhile, what have we been doing here during recent years? One can only say we have been virtually standing XXXII. 8. H. BARRACLOUGH. still for 10 years past. After the erection of the present - Technical College buildings, the State seemed to have temporarily exhausted its efforts, and beyond a very small increase in the expenditure, and the loyal efforts made by the authorities and teaching staff of the Technical Colleges to improve the conditions here and there wherever the limited means at their disposal allowed, we have done little in the direction of planning a systematic scheme of instruc- tion. At present it is only recording a fact of the case to state that there is no co-ordination between the various technical institutions, either with primary and secondary education on the one hand, or with the University on the ~ other, nor yet with the industrial life of the community which technical education should foster and encourage. There has been no elaborate and consistent planning of means to this definite end, no adequate preparation for taking our right place, nor even for sufficiently defending ourselves in the industrial war of nations. That such a state of warfare exists it is impossible todeny. No friendly treaties can prevent it, nor is it easy to see how peace can be secured. The relations between civilised nations are much more primitive than between civilised individuals. It is not an army of soldiers that constitutes the real menace in these days, but the regiments of scientifically trained directors of industrial enterprise, the armies of intelligent mechanics and artizans. Although all nations may, in the words of an ancient writer, ‘*‘turn their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks,”’ yet if the spirit of competition still remain, the weapons, even in their tranquil disguise, are just as formidable. The only defence in this kind of strife is to reply to action with action; to meet education with train- - ing, and excellence with yet more. ‘‘Captains of industry,”’ says Carlyle, ‘‘are the true Fighters, henceforth recognisable ANNUAL ADDRESS XXXIII. as the only true ones.’’ The situation is complicated by the fact that there is dissension in the camp. There is discord in our midst when all should be united to meet the keen competition of other nations. Our efforts are largely negatived by our domestic quarrels. Class is opposed to class; labour is opposed to capital. We have monopolies on the one hand, attempts at State socialism on the other. Equality of opportunity is demanded by some; equality of reward required by others. In endeavouring to solve the problem of training a nation in the arts and industries, these difficulties must necessarily be taken into account. It is quite evident that ‘ Demos’ for better or worse is in power, and that permanently. But properly interpreted this may be, and I think should be, regarded as a great ground for hopefulness. As arecent writer has put it— ‘*In our modern democracy the nation has called out its last reserves, and its success or failure must depend upon the action of the great body of the citizens, and not upon any small classofthem.’’ Once this is realised the urgency of the proper taining of the great bulk of the people which must and should be in the direction of industrial enterprise, is only made more evident. THE URGENT NECESSITY FOR NATIONAL TRAINING. The pressing necessity which should weigh upon the mind of every statesman, and every man in any public capacity, in fact upon every citizen should surely be this one of providing that adequate scientific and industrial training for the nation, which for convenience we commonly refer to as technical education. We at present have no systematic scheme for training the great bulk of the people for ‘the sequel of their lives.’ We have tacitly agreed with most other nations that apprenticeship is dead, and have virtually abandoned apprenticeship as a system, but have substituted nothing forit. Weare right to assume that 3 —June 23, 195. XXXIV. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. apprenticeship as a system of instruction is no longer adequate to modern needs. ‘“‘ When industrial capacity rested wholly upon tradition and empirical knowledge, and upon manual skill, it was absolutely essential that artisans should obtain all this knowledge and skill as apprentices in the shops and mills as manual helpers, and as unintelligent copyists. But since nearly all processes of the artisan have now a Scientific and rational basis, and the work is done by machines which are the embodiment of the highest type of human reason and understanding, and since the machines require an almost equally intelligent oversight and direction to produce their largest output, and furthermore, since the new discoveries of science require continued changes in materials and methods to keep abreast of the times and to hold the market, and entirely new industries are daily established, founded on some new discovery or invention, and since the demand no longer determines the supply, but new and improved supplies are constantly creating their own demands in all lines of industry, it is evident that the efficient direction of any industry to-day demands a very large amount of technical knowledge which cannot be learned at the bench or in the shops. While self education is always possible, the obstacles are commonly prohibitive, and at best the results are meagre and unsatisfactory.’’’ RATIONAL versus EMPIRICAL METHODS. But it is necessary to substitute a rational system of instruction for an empirical one. The modern position is that scientific investigation is the basis of industry, and that systematic training of the workers is the proper method of extending and developing it. This in no way denies the value of experience, but it should be pointed out that experience is simply the experimental method 1 Prof. J. B. Johnson. ANNUAL ADDRESS. XXXV, applied in a haphazard and costly fashion. Much has been accomplished doubtless in the past by the trial-and-error method, but this must more and more give way to the modern and rational one. All this is true, and only emphasises the necessity for adopting some better system than we have. ‘There is indeed an added reason for us in Australia to amend our systems of training. In this country, whether it is expressed in so many words or not, a distinct ideal of a great section of the community is, that there shall be short hours of labour, high rates of pay, and a limited number of workers and a limited output by the workers. Inso faras these desires imply a determination to prevent sweating and civilized slavery, and the maintenance of a decent average of living in the community, they must command the support of everyone, but it is obvious that these ends cannot be achieved by enactments of Parliament, or decis- ions of Industrial Courts. The only possible means of making such schemes practicable is an extremely high efficiency of the workers. This country in truth cannot afford to have unskilled labour in its midst. So obvious is this statement that it seems almost gratuitous to suggest it, but thus far no attempt has been made to put any such scheme into practice. The providing of an adequately efficient system of industrial, scientific, and technical train- ing for every man and woman in the land, who cared to avail themselves of it, would seem to bea natural corollary of our national conditions and system of living. To use a very technical phrase, one would expect to find as a marked ‘plank’ in the programme of any party that assumed to legislate for the industrial workers of a community an insistance upon the steady and progressive organisation of such a system of national training. Personally, I should not be surprised to see this question obtrude itself actively into politics. XXXVI. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. Lately, it is true, we have in this State—and we are to be congratulated on doing so—taken what may prove to be the first step in this direction by establishing the office of Director of Technical Education, and appointing thereto a man admirably fitted to reorganise and supervise such a system, but this is only the beginning. To instal and main- tain the system will cost large sums of money, much larger than anything that has hitherto been provided. The great point which everyone interested in the matter should endeavour to make is that such expenditure should not be grudgingly allowed as if in deference to the clamour ofa section of the community, but that it ought to be entered into with the whole hearted support of every enlightened citizen who desires that this people should gain and keep its rightful place in the community of nations. To argue that the country cannot afford the expenditure necessary for such training, or to express doubts as to the - ultimate result of such training, is as irrational as for a farmer to affirm that he cannot afford the wheat with which to sow his land, and has not the patience to wait for the crop. TYPES OF LABOUR. In order to give precision to my concluding remarks it will be sufficiently satisfactory to divide the workers of the community into three clearly recognisable, although not sharply defined types, viz.:— (a) The artisan type, merging gradually from the practi- cally unskilled labourer through various types of skilled workers to (b) The foreman type with opportunities and occasions for advancing to (c) The professional and scientific type, and this division holds satisfactorily both as regards the primary producers in the great primary industries, and the secondary or manufacturing industries. ANNUAL ADDRESS. XXXVII. There seems little room for doubt that a people con- stituted as we are, must and should develop first and principally our primary industries, and those secondary industries which are connected therewith, and to this end it would be definitely false economy to put any limit to the expenditure of any sum necessary for the attainment of this end. No good reason can be alleged why in the course of time, and very largely now, Australia should not be’ absolutely unexcelled in the world, not only for such funda- mentally important products as wool, wheat and meat, but also for such staple commodities as sugar and wines, dairy produce and fruits, as wellas for timbers and leather and the great minerals. That we are not at present in this satisfactory condition will be sufficiently evident to anyone who has carefully perused the reports of our com- mercial agents published in the press during the last two or three years. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. In this connection it will not be out of place to refer to the Hawkesbury Agricultural College, in which, owing to having been examiner in mechanical subjects for a number of years, and to various visits to it, I naturally take a great interest. It isno detriment tothe undoubtedly good work done by this institution—probably the best of its kind in Australia—and to the marked effect it has had on farming in the State, to say that it is far indeed from being what it should be ina country with such vast agricultural possi- bilities awaiting development as Australia, and such intricate problems needing solution. The usual course is limited to two years, and every alternate day is spent in actual field work. The time available for work within the college is thus limited to the equivalent of one year. The efiects produced upon students, who often enter witha preliminary education of a not necessarily high order, can- XXXVIII. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. not be expected to compare with those obtained in, for instance, the best class of agricultural college in America, the course in which occupies four years, and in which very often a student is required either to have had experience in farm work before entering the college, or to obtain it during the vacations. One further remark seems necessary, although I do not know if the statement will meet with the approval of either the one department concerned or the other, but I can see no sound reason why agricultural education should not be under the supervision of the Department of Public Instruction, and this more especially since it is proposed — now to re-organise the scheme of technical instruction in this State. It would appear to be almost-obvious that the expert knowledge necessary for the direction of such a fundamentally important educational institution is to be looked for rather in a department specially devoted to education than to any other. This would make it possible to co-ordinate the instruction given in the Sydney Technical College and the various country branches, with that to be had at the Hawkesbury College and the Experimental Stations. At present there appear to be several subjects that are taught in common at the two institutions, and there appears to be room for possible overlapping, and con- sequent inefficiency and lack of economy in the scheme of instruction from the point of view of the State. To have both under one department would also make possible the utilising of the country technical colleges for instruction in agriculture and mining, which would seem to be largely their proper sphere. Sound instruction in these matters must pay aS a hational concern. The highest class of instruction is not a luxury which can be limited, or even dispensed with when funds are low,—it isa national invest- ment, thereturn from whichitis hard tooverestimate. Even ANNUAL ADDRESS. XXXIX. lavish expenditure towards this end is amply justified, quite aS much so as for roads and bridges. THE LIMITS OF PRUDENT EXPENDITURE. It would be a very interesting question for discussion as to what the limit of efficient expenditure for national education really is. How much in fact would it definitely pay a people to invest yearly in the training of all its members, and what are the conditions that set an economic limit to this expenditure? Without attempting to solve such a problem this evening, it is perfectly safe to say that much more can be economically expended than has yet: been the case by even the most lavish nation. I would ask in all seriousness what would be the result if a country like England, specifically decided to invest £100,000,000 during the next ten years in the scientific and industrial training of her people? It may be replied that such a project is chimerical, and not worth discussing, but the essential reasonableness of the proposal is more apparent when compared with the spending of £250,000,000 in three years on a war, which however necessary, produced little direct commercial return, and could only be justified, as I believe it was justified, on other grounds. But is the case different with education? Is it not providing a people with ammunition much more effective than powder and shot both for attack and defence in the modern strife of nations? THE MORRIL LAND GRANT ACT. The United States, alone, in its legislature seems to have conceived a scheme, if not precisely along the lines suggested at least with equal enterprise and large hearted courage. Few people would appear to be aware that in 1862 by the passing of the Morrill Land Act the United States Legislature made a colossal effort towards putting the industrial training of the nation on a permanent and liberal footing. They dedicated an area of over five hundred XL. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. millions of acres of State lands, from the sale of which there should be established a perpetual fund, “‘ the interest of which shall be inviolably appropriated by each State which may take and claim the benefit of this Act, to the endowment, support, and maintenance of at least one college, where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the States may prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life.’’ The Act forbade the use of any portion of the aforesaid fund, or of the interest thereon, for the purchase, erection; yor maintenance of any building or buildings; but the several States claiming and taking the benefit of the provisions of the Act were required, by legislative assent previously given, “‘to provide, within five years, not less than one college”’ for carrying out the purposes of the Act. These Land Grant Colleges of the United States are the product of one of the grandest examples of statesmanlike legislation that the world has yet seen. “Like all great enterprises having for their purpose the benefit of the people by legislative enactments, this failed of complete success through the indifference and folly, and the absolute stupidity of many of those public servants to whom its operation was entrusted; it has, nevertheless, produced incalculable good, both directly in the foundation and partial support of technical education, and also partly through its influence upon the States, inducing them to take up and carry on the work from the point at which the General Government left it.’’’ Since the passage of the Morrill Land Grant Act in 1862 there has been a steady 1 Prof. R. H. Thurston. ANNUAL ADDRESS. XLI. development in America of the system of State Universities as the apex of the educational pyramid, and also in the lower planes, of more general and effective support of primary and secondary education. THE URGENCY OF THE QUESTION. In the foregoing discussion I have avoided details; these we can consider later at the conference on scientific and industrial education, which it is proposed to hold shortly, and from which I trust some very definite results will follow. I have ventured to put these suggestions before you as I am profoundly convinced that the question of the systematic training of the great bulk of the people in the industries, arts, and crafts suitable to this land is from an economic point of view the most urgent and imperative consideration ofthe time. Thisisa matter that cannot be accomplished in a day ora year, nor indeed many years, but our national happiness and prosperity depend largely upon the efforts we make to achieve this end. It is one of the duties of a Society such as this, and of all the other kindred institu- tions to endeavour to stimulate and to guide public opinion on these questions. Before concluding, and in order to prevent misunder- standing, there is perhaps one further remark I should make. It may have appeared that I have described technical and industrial education from a purely utilitarian point of view, and not from the general educational stand- point, but I should like to make it very clear that in my opinion technical education is infinitely more than a pre- paration for the earning of bread and butter; in fact as regards its effect on character, I venture to think that in a great many cases it may be more truly educative than much that is popularly so described. Technical education begins essentially in the Kindergarten, where the mind of the child is tempted out as it were, it is continued in any XLII. S. H. BARRACLOUGH. proper system of primary education in which the faculties rather than the memory of the boy or girl are evolved, and in its later aspects of definite training for a trade or industry it developes the mind, and should ennoble the character. A man who has been so trained that he has a zest for his work apart from what reward he obtains for it, and who realises his obligations as a producer in the State, and whose experience with men and the concrete things of life has made him conscious of his own responsibilities and the rights of others has received the best of educations. It now only remains to me to express again my very genuine appreciation of your cordial co-operation for the two years during which I have been privileged to serve as your Chairman, a service, the deficiencies of which none can realise more keenly than I do, and to welcome on your behalf my distinguished successor, under whose experienced guidance the Hngineering Section is assured of an interest- ing and permanently valuable session. STORAGE AND REGULATION OF WATER. XLIII. SOME NOTES ON THE STORAGE And REGULATION oF WATER For IRRIGATION PURPOSHS. By T. WHITCHURCH SEAVER, B.E. , [Communicated by W. E. Cooks, M.E£.] [Read before the Engineering Section of the Royal Society of N. S. Wales, December 14, 1905. ] THE more general and popular questions of Water Conserv- ation and Irrigation, have of late years been much discussed, and from the valuable information which has been collected, with reference to river discharges, location of irrigable areas, and so forth, a clear insight into the whole matter may be obtained. Some time ago several valuable papers were read before this Section, upon such subjects as the equitable distribution of water, property in water, and the chemical nature of soils, besides one which gave a general review of the progress of water conserva- tion in this State. The authors showed that a large amount of water, which, being drained from our own catch- ment areas, was the sole property of this State, and now running to waste, should be conserved and distributed, and they indicated how this could be done, by the construction of storage reservoirs and diversion channels. All water conservation and irrigation works may be classed under two general headings of :— 1. Storage. 2. Regulation. Of these the first may be divided into:—a Run-off; b Main Storages; c River Storages; and the second into works connected with the:—e Controlling; f Raising; and g Conveying of the water. Even amongst those whose business it is to deal with such matters, it may be doubted if the enormous waste of XLIV. T. W. SEAVER. our river waters is fully appreciated. Two-sevenths of the waste flow ofthe Murrumbidgee, said Sir Samuel McCaughey, would irrigate 2; million acres of cereals, which in his opinion would give a return of nearly £9,000,000. In the County of Cumberland alone, if the water now allowed to run to waste was fully utilized in growing fruit and vege- tables, the amount of almost £700,000 now sent out of the State for the purchase of these commodities would be saved. The most important matter in connection with storage works is of course the run-off from the catchment area, or rather, the amount of water that can be drawn from the reservoir, which will of course, be equal to the inflow, less the loss from soakage and evaporation. Roughly speaking, we may assume that 20% of the rainfall will find its way into the reservoir, and that the annual loss will be equal to about 7 feet off its top surface. As an example of an extremely small run off, I may mention that at the Junee Storage dam with an annual rainfall of 27 inches, falling on a slate rock catchment of 1,500 acres, there seems to have been only 2%s part delivered into the storage reservoir. In fact the supply has proved — so bad, that I understand, a second reservoir is to be con- structed. That this run off is abnormally small, will be seen if we compare it with the following case: At Nagpur in the Central provinces of India a tank catchment was 63 square miles of low basalt hills, a fall of 24 inches took place in 80 minutes during one month of June, and no flow took place, the total rainfall for that month was 6% inches, of which what was considered to be the remarkably small 1 flow of +s part flowed off. In the Deccan district of India the rainfall being much the same as Junee, and the nature of the catchment no better, 114 observations of the run off into tanks were made and the following results tabulated, on :— STORAGE AND REGULATION OF WATER. XLV. 26 occasions the flow was less than 10 ra S », between 10 and 20| Pet rah 25 a Ne A a 20 and 30 Seareall ot y a above 30 sae STORAGE DAMS. Storage dams are of two kinds, still water dams which. are designed to hold water up to a fixed level, and overshot dams, which are designed to permit of flood waters passing over their crests. In the former, the exact and definite strains, at least from outside sources—for there are un- known strains in the dam itself—can be calculated and located, but in the latter, by reason of the varying strains set up by the falling water, the profile cannot be drawn according to any fixed rules. The truth of this is well exemplitied by the case of the Gin Gin Weir on the Mac- quarie River above Warren, which, constructed with the profile of a still water dam, failed as an overshot dam by breaking across, at a depth of about 20 feet from its crest. Now, it is not the dams which stand, but those which fail, that teach engineers the lessons they are most anxious to learn, and happily failures have been rare, when however they do occur, an inquiry into the cause of their downfall would furnish valuable information. The failure in this case may have been from an inherent weakness in the con- crete, or from the design of the profile, or from the lifting power of the water which might have penetrated its face. I do not know, but any information on this important sub- ject will I am sure be appreciated by our engineers. In the ordinary calculations connected with the design of masonry dams, we assume in the first place that the foundations shall be solid and homogeneous rock, and in the second place that the dam when completed shall be an absolutely rigid structure, we then proceed to carry. out the design in connection with the following conditions :— XLVI. T. W. SEAVER. 1. That the horizontal thrust of the water, must be held back by the resistance of the masonry to sliding forward or overturning. 2. That the pressure sustained by the masonry or the foundations must never exceed a certain fixed limit, usually . from about 140 to 200 tbs. per square inch. 3. That by causing the resultant of the forces to fall within the middle third of the base, there shall be no tension in any part of the structure. In a new theory of dam strains recently formulated by Mr. Atcherley and Professor Pearson, both of University College, London, they join issue in many of these points. They say that neither the foundation or the dam can be considered absolutely rigid, that other forces are at work in the body of the dam and in the foundation owing to the elasticity of the materials and other causes besides those of water pressure and weight, that there is tension in the front of the dam, even though the resultant falls within the middle third, and lastly that the stresses in the vertical sections are more critical for stability than those in the horizontal sections. They maintain “‘that the current treatment of dams is fallacious, for it entirely screens the real source of weakness, viz. in the first place the tension, and in the second place the substantial shear in the vertical sections.”’ This theory being so much opposed to all former practice, might be considered as out of the range of prac- tical constructive engineering, were it not for the effect it had in postponing the raising of the Assouan Dam. Sir Benjamin Baker in his report on this subject, writes thus :—‘‘ I have arrived at the definite conclusion that still further experience of the working of the dam is required, before any responsible engineer, knowing the recent STORAGE AND REGULATION OF WATER. XLVII, advances in science with regard to the stresses on dams, would venture to state with confidence how much the water might be raised in the reservoir.”’ Sir William Garstin, Adviser to the Hgyptian Ministry on Public Works, writes as follows :—“‘ Hventually it is to be supposed that specialists will arrive at a conclusion upon this most important theory, which affects all existing dams, and which must influence all future designs for such works.”’ The whole subject is of course very abstruse, and can only be shortly referred to here, leaving it to be amplified by the discussion upon it, which must sooner or later take place. A good idea of the matter may however be obtained if we lay a number of books on top of each other to repre- sent a dam, cut (theoretically) into horizontal layers. Now, according to former dam _ practice, if these books cannot be pushed asunder, nor the combined books turned over, they will represent a stable dam. The new theory says, turn the books on their edges, when this combined book dam may fail first by a lifting of their lower edges at the sides nearest the applied force and then by the resis- tance to shearing, or the friction between the books being overcome when they will fall down. It may be stated in mathematical form as follows: The differential equation for dam strains can be made to consist of two parts, viz. Tensional or pressural stress = p, + pry Shearing stress = 1S) + Se when p, = pressure, as the strain varies, according to its distance from the neutral axis pi = certain additional strains of positive or negative magnitudes S; = the parabolic distribution of stress S. = certain additional stresses of positive or negative magnitude XLVIII. T. W. SEAVER. If the height is great compared with the base, p. and S, may be neglected, and the stress is parabolic. But, says Professor Pearson, p. does not = 0 as we do not know what these internal pressures may be, and if to the parabola or triangle of pressures, we add any system of equilibrated pressures, then the outside pressure remains the same but the internal stresses will be changed. He therefore sums up thus:— (See Fig. 6.) MCS Shear Shows Max tension ot A ' I 1 x Xx gl 3 4 Ss NERS : j 8/5 3 y of s “ SPSS SS aN aS af a] 8 3 32 ye oes ces 5 ess SS aS Se " =) S| tN Se S) SSS UN = Ne ~ N& Ne CF g§é : S|SPRES NN i iS) a 8 4 AIRING BN ) 4 <| pS ° econ « of ¢ DE «x Ge s < ALS os fy) Sn S sj< $3 SG SS x Sieeem |S De yyy ase © SS sys NY I. vst San SB 69 § SS] op Sos Nee Ssh aN) atl ; Js AN 4 Ss IS = 8 US ; g S aa ° v x &- N a & y 3 8 a Q a <2 R Sas sz Ls ~ 6k Gory 295 VOISUd/ A Oragram of s/eesses on base of Dam | . $ Ory 235 wt surah Zi afar To shear resisting Weights ee STORAGE AND REGULATION OF WATER. XLIX. a. There is the tension at the tail of dams, but it is not - of first class importance, because b. The tension in the substructure is much greater than in the tail, and the substructure, not the dam, is the weakest part. e. Rupture will take along a line drawn from the tail at an angle of 45° towards the toe. . d. The shear in the base is neither triangular nor para- bolic, but is maximum towards the front of the dam, mini- mum towards the centre, with a second maximum towards the toe. As I understand it, the shearing alluded to may some- times be rather a crushing by shearing, as when a short stone column fails by sliding taking place along a single plane surface or an angle of about 45° with its sides. As regards the vertical shearing strains it would seem that the critical section is through the point where the resultant cuts the base, as it is at this point that the dam would tend to overturn, supposing the support of the toe was removed. That is to say, the support afforded by the toe might equally well be afforded by means of a chain attached to the base of the dam at this point and fastened to a point vertically above it. Ifthe face of the dam were lifted it would overturn either by the breaking of this chain, that is by the masonry shearing or by turning over on the toe. Some very interesting experiments on a dam profile con- structed of thick indiarubber, have been carried out by Messrs. Wilson and Gore, which generally prove the state- ments made by Messrs. Atcherley and Pearson. The rubber was ruled into squares, each of which was strained by means of weights of the correct caiculated amounts representing the water pressure, the weights of the dam 5 4—June 28, 1905. L. T. W. SEAVER. sections and the shearing forces along the base. The lines were photographed before and after the weights were applied, and the distortion of the angles in the latter case showed the amounts of the stresses. The total shear resist- ing weights were equal to the total water resisting weights, but the former could be adjusted so as to give a maximum shear either at the front or at the toe of the dam, and it was found that if the front of the dam was kept down and the maximum shear resisting force applied there, there was a maximum lifting tendency and also a shearing force near the toe.—(Figs. 1 to 5.) The shear along each horizontal section increased gradually towards the toe, but as a ver- tical section would cut several of these maximum shears, the failure would be more likely to occur in such a section than in a horizontal one. A full account of these experi- ments is given in Engineering for August 4th, 1905. In this connection it is interesting to note that the length of the vertical section referred to is in Weigmann’s Prac- tical profile equal to $ of the height; in the Furens dam in France, which has its water face curved, $ of the height; and in the great Perrier dam in India, one of the few in which the curve of the toe is upward, also $ of the height. So that these two forms of profiles would seem to be the best for the resistance of vertical strains. A great source of danger in a dam may arise from the porosity of the masonry or concrete, which under a head of say 150 feet, will give rise to an upward hydrostatic pressure of about 65tbs. on the square inch. In some of the more recent German dams provision is made for the free escape of any such water by means of agricultural drain pipes embedded in the concrete which carry it to the back of the dam. It is however along the foundations that such percolation is most likely to take place, as either the joint between the concrete and the rock may be bad, STORAGE AND REGULATION OF WATER. LI. or else fissures may occur in the latter; and as it is here that tension seems to exist, it is evident that any lifting force must increase the shearing strains in the vertical sections near the toe. It will be remembered that a diversity of opinion took place as to the necessity or otherwise for cutting a gullet along the foundations of the Cataract dam, which, when filled with a tongue of concrete, would stop any possible percolation, and it may be of interest to point out what has been done in this respect in the case of two recent American dams. The Boonton dam at Jersey City is 114 feet high, with foundations of shale and sandstone, trenched to sound rock, in which was excavated a gullet 8 feet wide and 15 feet deep, afterwards filled with concrete. At Wachusset Dam, Boston, there was 30 feet of exca- | vation to schist and granite, which was further excavated for the body of the dam toa further depth of 13 feet, below which was cut a trench 20 feet wide and 14 feet deep to receive the concrete tongue. It would seem therefore, that although in the Cataract dam such a cut off trench might possibly be unnecessary, yet in view of the enormous interests involved, not the slightest risk should be taken. When concrete is used in the construction of storage dams, it should not be rammed in the ordinary way, with heavy broad faced rammers, as such ramming will only consolidate the top surface to the depth of a few inches. To ensure solid work the mortar should be puddled round each stone by means of blunt spades or other similar tools, so as to leave no cavities. In the construction of the Boonton dam light rammers were used to ‘‘joggle’’ the stones to ensure the concrete flowing into all the cracks and crevices, and at the Bhatgarh Dam it was specified that the concrete was to be carefully worked up with stakes. LII. T. W. SEAVER. In the ordinary specifications for concrete, the measured amounts of the materials are stated, but it may happen in some cases that the quantity of mortar is not sufficient to fill the voids in the aggregate. This subject is thoroughly discussed by Lieut. Sankey, R.E., in Engineering for Sep- tember last; he proposes the following as a specification for concrete:—‘‘The percentage of voids in the selected aggregate is to be found, and sand and cement are to be added to make sufficient cement mortar of the quality x sand to 1 cement to fill the voids + 20%.” One point to which I should like to draw special atten- tion is that of the grading of sand for concrete purposes; this is already done in the manufacture of concrete pipes, some of which, with sides only 12 inch thick, will permit of no leakage under a head of 140 feet. From experiments made by Trautwine it appears that ordinary pure sand from the sea shore weighed 97Ibs. per cubic foot, and its voids were 0°41 of the whole. Some very fine sand weighed 82ibs. per cubic foot, and the voids amounted to 0°5 of the mass. From the above we learn that coarse grained sand should be used for making concrete, if however, we mix both together, the voids disappear and the weight increases, from which it follows that the amount of cement can be reduced. Some interesting experiments were made as to sand grading in concrete by F. Latham, m. mst.c.5, during the last year, and were referred to by him in a paper read before the Society of Engineers in London. These tests were made in connection with the Penzance sea wall and from the materials used ten briquettes were made. In some cases, the materials were carefully measured accord- ing to the stereotyped specifications 1 of cement to 4 of sand &c., and in others care and judgment were used placing a little finer sand to the mixture and a larger pro- STORAGE AND REGULATION OF WATER. LIIl. portion of sand to fill up the voids in the gravel, and briquettes. made of 1 of cement to 7 of aggregate. The result was that the 1 to 7 briquette stood 115lbs tensile strain and the stereotyped mixing of 1 to 4 but 45Ibs. after 21 days immersion in water ineach case. It was also noted that there was an appearance of excess of cement showing on the trowelled surface of the former and insufficient cement in the latter, although the proportions in which the cement was actually used were the reverse. These large masonry dams, the construction of which has just been discussed, are for the storage of large bodies of water at the heads of our rivers. The necessity for such works may be taken as an axiom, and it is not possible, without them, to carry out irrigation sections on any but the smallest scale. When however, water has been stored it can only be rendered available for irrigation purposes, either by raising its level and so permitting it to flow over the surface of the ground or by pumping it over the banks of the river. The main diversion weir at the head of a canal system must be a fixed structure of sufficient height to turn the required flow down the cuttings under normal conditions. In cases of low river discharge, when little or no water can be spared, the flow down these cuttings must be con- trolled by means of regulating gates. Weirs which are to be used in connection with pumping plants may either be fixed or movable, if the former, they must be of such a height that they will raise the water level sufficiently and also conserve a good supply, and at the same time not so high as to prevent a small flow from passing down the river. To fulfil both of these conditions they should be, say 6 feet high, with a movable crest of ‘* drop boards”’ by means of which its height may be increased by say, 4 feet. A small rise will then fill each storage and pass LIV. T. W. SEAVER. on to next, and when it has reached a certain fixed distance, the “‘drop boards’’ may be put in and the full depth of water conserved. | In cases, in which it is advisable to have the means of removing the whole structure, and so give a clear water- way, some form of falling gates must be used. The oldest of these weirs, that known as the Bear Trap was first erected by Josiah White in 1818 across the Lehigh River in Pennsylvannia, and consisted of two gates, the lower of which acted as a strut for the upper, being raised by admitting water beneath it by means of a valve. 1n 1834 weirs formed of long timbers, known as “‘needles,”’ resting at their lower ends against a sill, and at their upper ends against an iron framework were first erected by M.M. Poireé and Chanoine. This weir was afterwards improved by M. Cameré who substituted for the vertical needles horizontal boards hinged together, and which could be rolled up like a curtain. The next important invention in connection with these works was that of movable shutters by M. Thenard in 1837. This form of weir, which has been used to a considerable extent in India, consists of two gates close together and hinged to the floor. The upper gate falls up stream and is raised by the force of the water, being held back by chains when it is up, the lower gate is raised and kept in position by means ofa strut. This later gate now takes all the water pressure, when the upper gate can be lowered to its first position. This weir was defective, in that the great shock received by the sudden raising of the upper gate, often caused the chains to break, or the floor to be pulled up; to remedy this Lieut. Fernacres made use of an ingenious telescopic strut to be used instead of the holding back chains. As the gate is raised the piston of this strut is pushed into a cylinder, the water in which is forced out STORAGE AND REGULATION OF WATER. LV. through a small hole, so that the effect of the shock is lost and the gate comes to rest quickly. An altogether new style of movable weir, and the best in use at the present time, was introduced in 1852 by M. Chanoine. This gate consists of a shutter turning on a horizontal axis, forming the top of a trestle, which is hinged to the floor; a strut hinged to the same axis supports the gate when raised. The bottom of this strut rests in a cast iron shoe out of which it can be pulled, when it is necessary to lower the gate horizontally on the floor. A weir of this description has been in use for some years across the Darling river at Bourke, where however the cumbersome “‘tripping bar’’ by means of which in the French weirs, the strut was pulled out of the shoe is replaced by a simple device, by means of which the raising and the lowering of the shutters are both effected in a very simple manner. When a shutter is to he raised it is pulled forward till the strut falls into the shoe, and if it is to be lowered the gate is pulled a little more forward, dragging the end of the strut up an inclined plane which is cut away at an angle of 45 in plan, so that when the strut falls over its top it has nothing to support it and so slides down a guide with the shutter folding over it. One great defect in the action of these weirs is that often when the shutters have tipped over, they will not right themselves till the water level has fallen very much, and so reduced the storage capacity by a large extent. In the case of partly fixed weirs, this difficulty was overcome by M. Chaubart when he designed his self regulating gate. This gate, instead of turning on a trunnion joint, issupported by a pair of sectors which roll on horizontal planes, chains or links being used to keep them in position. As the shutter becomes more and more inclined so does the point of support move proportionally upward, so that it is always in equilibrium. LVI. T. W. SEAVER. The author has designed a joint, by means of which the above advantage can be secured in connection with gates © of the Chanoine type by forming the ends of the upper horizontal axis into sectors upon which the shutter rests, and with which they are kept in contact by means of D straps. Fig. 9. A great loss of water takes place in storage reservoirs owing to the flood water which has been backed up by the dam running off to the sill level of the byewash. At the Bhatghar Dam, in India, a series of gates slide in grooves in front of the byewash, and are almost balanced by counter- poises inclosed in chambers left in the masonry. When the water reaches its maximum level it flows by means of pipes into these chambers the outlets of which are smaller than the inlets. The weights of the counterpoises being thus much reduced, the gates fall and allow the excess of stored water to escape. When the level falls below the inlet pipes the water in the chambers escapes, so that the full weight of the counterpoises again coming into play, the gates are raised and the water impounded in the reservoir. The author has designed a gate which effects the same purpose, but in a different manner, and which requires no chambers in the masonry. This gate is a compound one, consisting of a falling framework hinged to the floor of the byewash, and supporting a bascular gate between its vertical members. A simple tumbling plank hinged to the top of the main gate, when upright, keeps the bascular gate in position by means of a latching gear. The action of this regulating gate is as follows :—When the water rises to the fixed level it turns the top board over, and releases the catch, the bascular gate then swings open, thus taking most of the pressure off the framework, which is held in position by chains passing round wheels at the floor STORAGE AND REGULATION OF WATER. LVII, level and attached to submerged tanks, which now rise and pull the gates down. As the water falls the tanks descend, thus allowing the gates to rise sufficiently to be forced upward by the outward rush of water. When the irrigation farm is situated close to the river bank the water must be raised by pumping, and to effect this either steam, wind, or water power may be employed. Up to the present time, in this State, the steam engine is almost extensively used for this purpose. The following is an example of an ordinary plant which irrigates 400 acres by means ofa 15 inch centrifugal pump and an engine, lifting water about 25 feet. The crops irrigated are 300 acres of lucerne and 100 acres of cereals, watering taking place about 180 daysin the year to a total depth of 24 inches. The expenses of the whole scheme are as follows :— Cost of engine, boiler, pumps, etc. £1,700 | interest £200 ms laying out the land .. &000 j » firewood 1 cord @ 5/- per day ee oe 45 » engine driver @ 9/- a es Ii 81 » oil @ 2/- per day ce 33 od bss 18 » Mman irrigating @ 6/- per aoa ah oe 54. Total yearly cost dts we sth .. £398 or say £1 per acre. Sir S. McCaughey gives the total cost at 4/- to 4/6 per acre per watering, which with 5 waterings comes to about the same figure. In America of recent years windmills have been largely used for irrigation, and owing to improvements in their construction and increase of sail area, they are proving very valuable machines for the purpose, and in that country a windmill is almost as common an object on a farm as a barn or the house the owner resides in. In this State LVITI. T. W. SEAVER. there is no reason why they should not be used to pump water from the rivers or from the sands and gravels of the Tertiary drifts. To make their employment a success, however, for irrigation purposes, it must be remembered that their power increases as the cube of the wind velocity, so that they should be strongly built and of large size. It is also essential that they should pump the water into large reservoirs, so that none of the power will be wasted, for it is an axiom in windmill irrigation that the time to pumpis when the wind blows strongly. No expensive works are required to transform at least small portions of our arid plains into gardens, orchards, and meadow land, but only an increase in the number of existing wells, and the employ- ment of more powerful windmills. Hydraulic rams of a large size and modern make might also be used with great advantage for raising water, and they are the cheapest and simplest water lifters known. With an average fall of only 8 feet, 3,500 gallons of water can be raised 35 feet in 24 hours, so that with a battery of say 10 such rams, at a total cost of say £100, an area of 30 acres could be irrigated. These rams have been con- structed of great power, and are installed in the French Department of Correge, working under a head of 20 feet, raising 122 gallons per minute or 176,000 gallons per day to a height of 81 feet. In this connection it may be of interest if I refer to a very ingenious contrivance, which has been lately used at Geneva for the purpose of increasing the available head of water required for working turbines or rams. ‘Two jets of water are directed through the dam upon the surface of the lower stream, their action being to produce in it an artificial depression in which the outlet pipes are placed. Experiments have proved that by this means the head could be increased by as much as 30%. STORAGE AND REGULATION OF WATER. LIX. Power might also be obtained by running water from the river, down deep wells to the tertiary drifts for the purpose of working turbines, whose power when transformed into electrical energy could be used for pumping river water for irrigation purposes. The horse power developed will = *079 Q h, where Q is the quantity of water in cube feet per second, and h is the fall in feet, so that if only one cubic foot per second is taken from the river and allowed to actuate a turbine at a depth of 120 feet, it will generate almost 10 HP. This power after making all due allowance for loss in conversion, will raise say 4 cubic feet per second or 1,500 gallons per minute to a height of 20 feet. The dynamo is to be worked direct by the turbine at the bottom of the well and the power conveyed by wires to the river bank. When water has been stored it should be delivered to the consumers in measured quantities and with as little loss as possible. The measurement may be made in two ways, either by the use of meters or modules, the first of which indicates how much has been used, whilst the second only permits of a certain fixed quantity per minute to pass through it. Meters are well known under the following names :—Low pressure positive, in which all the pressure in the pipes is lost, and the quantity of water passing through them is actually measured. Inferential, in which the amount of water is inferred from the velocity of its flow, this velocity being measured by means of vanes. Venturi meters, in which the velocity of the water is shown by means of the height of water ina gauge. This is one of the best form of meters for measuring large quantities of water, as it has no working parts, and consequently no friction. The principle upon which it works, was dis- covered in 1797 by M. Venturi, who found that the flow of water in a pipe, past its junction with another pipe, created LX. T. W. SEAVER. a vacuum ip the latter in which the water rose as the velocity increased. For irrigation purposes it is however more convenient to have some means by which a fixed quantity of water can be delivered per minute, and to effect this object when the head varies, many forms of modules have been used but so far with but little success. The only one that at all meets these requirements at present was designed by Mr. A. D. Foot, c.E., whereby the head over the outlet orifice can be maintained with some degree of certainty by means of a long returning weir. A very simple and efficient form of module was designed in India many years ago by Lieut. Carroll, of which the following is a short description. Fig. 8. The mouth of the outlet pipe has a plate hanging in front of it, to which is attached a quadrant which more or less closes the waterway. At its highest position there is a free get-away for the water underneath it and between the lips of the outlet and hanging plate. If the velocity be increased, this plate is forced outwards and the quadrant descending into the tube decreases the flow. The following is a description of a simple module which has been designed by the author (Fig. 7):—A gate free to slide up and down in front of the outlet is suspended from one end of a lever, the other end of which is attached to a tank floating in the main channel. To adjust this apparatus, close the gate down till the required discharge takes place under any given head. Then keeping the chains from the gate and tank stretched upwards, mark upon a board the position of the lever. Repeat this, with various heads, when a series of lines will be drawn on the board, mark- ing the positions of the lever, draw a curve to which these lines form tangents, and cut the board along it. If now the lever rolls on this curve, the relation between the head of water and the size of the outlet must always be such that the discharge will be a constant quantity. STORAGE AND REGULATION OF WATER. LXI. Water being stored and raised, it becomes necessary so to lay out and construct the distributing channels that the largest possible proportion of it shall be delivered on the land it is proposed to irrigate. The loss to the Victorian Irrigation Trusts from this cause is very great, amounting in many cases to between 40 and 50% of the total quantity raised. The experience of many of the Victorian irriga- tionists is that if their properties had been properly pre- pared and levelled, two or three times the area they now work could have been irrigated with the same amount of water. In fact the testimony of all the persons who irrigate land goes to prove that money is well expended upon the preliminary work in connection with designs and levels. The gradients of the drains must be such that on the one hand no scouring out will take place, and on the other that no silting up of the channels will be caused. As to the cross sections, that of a semi-hexagon will give the maximum discharge, but the banks will have too steep a slope. A better form is to make the bottom and sides tangents to a semi-circle, when the top width will in all cases be equal to the sum of the slopes. The great loss due to evaporation may often be reduced by altering the sections of the drains, but in porous ground some protective measures must be taken. At Mildura, lime concrete has been laid along the main channels and laterals, to the thickness of 3 inches in the former and 2 inches in the latter. The proportions used were 4 of broken stone, and 1 of slaked lime, and the cost was for the 3 inch 1/8 per square yard, and for the 2 inch 1/13 per square yard. It has stood fairly well, but cracks do occur in it which permit of a certain amount of leakage. An improvement on this, though of course it would be more expensive, would be to have marsupial netting embedded in concrete 3 inches thick, such as I have used LXII T. W. SEAVER. as a protection to canal banks close to the scour caused by a regulating gate, where it showed no signs of leaking. Tarred cloth has been used in America where it was found that with 12 oz. duck there was no seepage, even under conditions in which the banks would otherwise seep out as through asieve. Good results may also be obtained by carting clay or silt into the head of the channel, and keeping it well stirred up till it forms a film over the bottom and sides. (xxv.) INDE X. PAGE PAGE Address, Chairman of Engineer- Calcium oxalate in bark of ing Section ae eee wR Eucalypts... 5 .. 28, 1x. Presidential ata oe 1 | Carumbium populifolium ... 37 Agricultural education XXXVII. | Casuarina inophloia ... XXX. Alteration of Rule XXVIII. xxxii. Analysis of oil of me ein, Liversidgei .. as rae OO Araucaria Rulei.. 3 Sos Re Architecture, School of eae Art (the) of invention . =e ROE. Astronomical refraction, deter- mination of ee FO, Xe el Aiylus anethifolius ... we Ot anemonifolius ... ie aE i Augite peridotite 66, xxviii. Australian tribes, sociology of some = 104, xl. B. Baker, Richard T., F.u.s., On an undescribed species of Leptospermum and _ its essential oil 124, xli. Banks and Solander plants...34, xx. Banksia cornucopie ... : 37 dentata ... A Bee | ol, ericifolia ... wes me integrifolia Be spepeecy linifolia ... Se ae OL serrata... 37 Barraclough, S. i B.E., ME, Assoc. M. Inst, C.E., ‘Chairman’ S annual address to Engi- neering Section ... ve — Note on a hollow light- ning conductor crushed by the discharge 131, xlii. Basic plutonic rocks near Kiama 65, XXVii. Blephocarya involucrigera en Od ‘Blue Mallee’ ... weg Books purchased in 1905 > Lxiv. British Science Guild... sve | WL woad (Isatis tinctoria) XEXIV. Building and Investment Fund iv. * Bull Mallee’ ey 24 Bunsen, the late Prof. Robert. ip Burge, C. O., M. Inst. C.E., Presi- dential address Sie Me 1 Chlamysporum Banksit sae 37 Clarke medal awards soe) ws Memorial Fund : Vv. Cohen, L., a method of sepa- rating the clay and sand in clay soils, and those rich in organic matter 98, xxxvili. Concrete reinforced 49, xxiv., III. Correspondence schools ... XXI. Crystallography elementary, models for teaching 70, xxix. Crystoliths ... AG wa 29 Deane, H., M. Inst.c.z. Notes on a tour through America, Great Britain,and Europe Iv. Dixon, W. A., F.I.c., on radia- tion from coloured flames xviii. Donations oe vine Xa Drift of s.s.‘Pilbarra” .... 48 Educational] reform ... ee OEE Electrodynamic action of lightning .. 135 Engineering progress, direc- tiGns OL: "%;. IX. Section, annual address Vv. se officers and Com- mittee He Nesty | Rakes —— -—— papers read. whe 22 proceedings acne |e En Enstatite peridotite 67,