(1S£N OB92-1016) The Journal OF Raptor Research Volume 26 December 1992 Number 4 Contents Energy Requirements of Adult Cape Vultures {Gyps coprotheres). Joris Komen 213 Organochlorines and Mercury in Osprey Eggs from the Eastern United States. Daniel J. Audet, David S. Scott and Stanley N, Wiemeyer 219 Kleptoparasitism and Cannibalism in a Colony of Lesser Kestrels {FaLCO NAUMANNI). Juan Jose Negro, Jose Antonio Donazar and Fernando Hiraldo 225 Home Range and Activity of a Pair of Bald Eagles Breeding in Northern Saskatchewan. Jon M. Gerrard, Alan R. Harmata and P. Naomi Gerrard 229 Seasonal and Sexual Variation in the Diet of the Common Buzzard IN Northeastern Spain. Santi Manosa and Pedro J. Cordero 235 Diet Changes in Breeding Tawny Owls {Strix aluco). David a. Kirk 239 Foraging Ecology of Bald Eagles on a Regulated River, w. Grainger Hunt, J. Mark Jenkins, Ronald E. Jackman, Carl G. Thelander and Arnold T. Gerstell 243 Short Communications Increased Parental Care in a Widowed Male Marsh Harrier {Cirus aeruginosus). Carmelo Fernandez and Paz Azkona 257 Bats as Prey of Stygian Owls in Southeastern Brazil. Jose C. Motta Junior and Valdir A. Taddei 259 Food-stressed Great Horned Owl Kills Adult Goshawk: Exceptional Observation or Community Process? Christoph Rohner and Frank I. Doyle 261 Nesting Association Between the Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) and the Hobby (Falco subbuteo). Giuseppe Bogliani, Eugenio Tiso and Francesco Barbieri 263 Letters 266 Thesis Abstract 270 News and Reviews 271 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. gratefully acknowledges a grant and logistical support provided by the University of Saskatchewan to assist in the publication of the journal. Persons interested in predatory birds are invited to join The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Send requests for information concerning membership, subscriptions, special publications, or change of address to Jim Fitzpatrick, Treasurer, 12805 St. Croix Trail, Hastings, Minnesota 55033, U.S.A. The Journal of Raptor Research (ISSN 0892-1016) is published quarterly and available to individuals for $24.00 per year and to libraries and institutions for $30.00 per year from The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., 12805 St. Croix Trail, Hastings, Minnesota 55033, U.S.A. (Add $3 for destinations outside of the continental United States.) Second class postage paid at Hastings, Minnesota, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Journal oj Raptor Research, 12805 St. Croix Trail, Hastings, Minnesota 55033, U.S.A. Printed by Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A. Copyright 1992 by The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. THIS PUBLICATION IS PRINTED ON ACID-FREE PAPER. THE JOURNAL OF RAPTOR RESEARCH A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. VoL. 26 December 1992 No. 4 / Raptor Res. 26(4):213-218 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. ENERGY REQUIREMENTS OF ADULT GAPE VULTURES {Gyps coprotheres) JORIS Komen The State Museum of Namibia, P.O. Box 1203, Windhoek, Namibia Abstract. — Outdoor feeding trials were used to determine gross energy intake, energy assimilation efficiency and metabolizable energy intake of captive adult Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres). The mean ash-free dry energy density of daily pooled samples of feces and urine was 14.0 ± 0.2 kj/g. A consistently high mean energy assimilation efficiency of 86.2 ± 2.7% caused daily energy content of excreta to fluctuate according to the quantity of energy assimilated. Mean gross energy intake was 2926.8 ± 349.1 kj/day and mean metab- olizable energy intake was 2552.9 ± 300.9 kJ/day for birds with changes in body mass of 2% or less between start and end of feeding trials. The daily energy expenditure of a free-living adult, weighing 8.3 kg, was estimated to be 3006 kJ/day (DEE = 826.7 kJ/day x kg“^’). Requerimientos de energia del buitre de la esjjecie Gyps coprotheres Extracto. — Experimentos de alimentacion al aire libre, con buitres de la especie Gyps coprotheres en cautividad, fueron realizados para determinair: la cantidad total de energia ingerida en el alimento; la eficiencia en la asimilacion de esa energia; y la cantidad de energia ingerida y disponible para el metabolismo. La media de la energia, libre de carbon de todas las muestras diarias de la combinacion de heces y orina, fue de 14.0 ± 0.2 kJ/g. La media de la eficiencia de asimilacion de energia, que fue consistentemente edta: 86.2 ± 2.7%, causo que el contenido de energia excretada por dia fluctuara de acuerdo con la cantidad de energia asimilada. La media de la energia total ingerida fue 2926.8 ± 349.1 kj/dia; y la media de la energia ingerida y disponible para el metabolismo fue 2552.9 ± 300.9 kJ/dia, para aves con cambios en la masa corporal de 2% 6 menos, entre el comienzo y el fin del experimento. El gasto diario de energia de un adulto que vive en libertad, y que pesa 8.3 kg, se estimo en 3006 kJ/dia (GDE = 826.7 Vultures include some of the heaviest raptorial birds, yet constitute a poorly studied group in bioenergetics research (Komen 1991). Intrinsically difficult to study in the field, bioenergetic research of vultures has only been done under captive conditions, and has mostly been limited to measurements of gross food intake for a few vulture species (Jarvis et al. 1974, Hiraldo 1976, 1983, Houston 1976, Mendelssohn and Leshem 1983, Komen 1991). Like their congeners elsewhere, Cape Vultures {Gyps coprotheres) are scavengers of ungulate carcasses, and, in rural areas which no longer support wild ungulate herbs, scavenge domestic livestock (Mundy 1982, Rob- ertson and Boshoff 1986). Foraging success of adult Cape Vulures is dictated by unpredictable food re- sources and climatic conditions (Boshoff et al. 1984, kJ/dia X kg° ^'). [Traduccion de Eudoxio Paredes-Ruiz] Robertson and Boshoff 1986), and, while rearing nest- lings, vultures may only forage once every two days (Komen 1991). If we assume that the maximum food intake of Cape Vultures is dictated by stomach and crop capacity (Komen 1986), measurements of daily metabolizable energy intake for existence, and esti- mates of daily energy expenditure in this study, provide an indication of energetic constraints on these large raptorial birds while breeding. Methods Ten adult Cape Vultures were maintained in captivity at the De Wildt Raptor Research Centre (25°4TS 27°56'E), Transvaal, South Africa. For the purpose of this study an “adult” vulture is defined as a full-grown vulture which is one year old or older, and falls within the normal range of adult body mass and standard wing- length (Mundy 1982, Komen 1986). 213 214 JORIS Komen VoL. 26, No. 4 Table 1. Water, lipid, protein, ash and carbohydrate content, and energy density in kj/g (Ash-free dry (AFD) and wet) of different meat types consumed by adult Cape Vultures during three feeding trial periods. Trial Period . AND Food- Type Percent Energy Density kJ/g kJ/g AFD Wet Wa- ter Lip- id Pro- tein Ash Car- . BOHY- DRATE 1 (Horse) 71.2 1.7 22.0 3.4 1.8 25.1 6.4 2 (Cow 1) 72.5 2.4 21.7 2.8 0.6 27.0 6.7 3 (Cow 2) 69.7 1.9 19.2 8.7 0.5 26.0 5.6 Mean 71.1 2.0 21.0 5.0 1.0 26.0 6.2 ±SE 1.4 0.4 1.5 3.3 0.7 1.0 0.6 CVi 2.0 20.0 7.1 66.0 70.0 3.9 9.7 ^ CV = Coefficient of variation. Of the ten vultures, three, five, amd seven vultures were used in three feeding trial sessions, for a total of 15 feeding trials, with some of the vultures used in more than one trial. Trial vultures were removed from their flight aviary, weighed and placed in trial-cages on the same day at the start of the acclimation period of a particular feeding trial session. During these outdoor feeding trials, the vultures were maintained separately in visually-isolated cages (2 x 1.5 x 1 m), large enough to allow the birds to turn around and extend their wings fully. Each cage had a wire-mesh floor under which a removeable plastic-lined tray was placed to facilitate the collection of excreta. During the feeding trials, monthly min- imum temperatures ranged between 3-8"C during June through September (trial sessions 1 and 2) and \A-\1°C, during October and November (trial session 3). Maximum monthly temperatures were 21-25°G during July through September and 26-33°C during October and November. Am- bient temperature did not appear to have an effect on food intake (see results). Energy requirements for maintenance (gross energy intaike and metabolizable energy) were determined by the food con- sumption method (Gessaman 1973). Each vulture was al- lowed to acclimatize for a few days proceeding the trial. During this acclimation period the birds were fed to satiation and provided free drinking water. Depending on how quickly each individual settled down behaviorally (e.g., cessation of restlessness and acceptance of hand-fed meat), a vulture’s pre-feeding starvation period would be initiated. This period lasted between 2-4 d to ensure a post-absorptive state. Food was first offered on the morning when the most recently voided excreta no longer had a visible black fecal fraction; this suggested that all meat last consumed (from two to four days previously) had been assimilated and excreted. At this stage of starvation the white urinary fraction had a green tinge in most individuals. On the first day of feeding birds mostly ate to satiation (in excess of 1.0 kg meat). Thereafter food intake decreased to almost negligible amounts after 4-5 d of feeding (pers. ob- servations). Accordingly, the number of days on which food was offered was dictated by individual demand; a feeding trial was ended when a bird no longer demanded food. To measure existence metabolism which requires the maintenance of “constant” body mass (i.e., 2% or less change in body mass between the start and end of a trial), feeding trials included post-feeding starvation periods lasting as long as 5 d, depending on the body mass of a bird on the morning after the day of last feeding. The 15 trials (including pre- and post-feeding starvation periods) therefore lasted between 12 and 18 d, with periods of actual feeding ranging from 6- 11 d. Each bird was weighed at least four times during a feeding trial: prior to the pre-feeding starvation period, prior to the feeding period, after the feeding period, and at the end of the post-feeding starvation period. Water was not offered at any stage of the feeding trial. The vultures were fed lean cow or horse meat obtained from livestock carcasses. Their diet was supplemented with a mineral-vitamin mixture (Beefee, Cen- taur Co., Johannesburg, South Africa). Three different types of meat were used in the trials. Meat was deep frozen m labeled plastic bags, and on the evening prior to the next morning’s feeding bags were removed and defrosted. Care was taken to give all trial birds the same type of meat on a given day of feeding. The same three types of meat were available for all three feeding trial sessions. On feeding days, each bird was fed once by hand to satiation, and food intake was determined by weighing meat before feeding and left- overs immediately after feeding. Spilled food and regurgita- tions were collected whenever these occurred. Regurgitations were oven-dried at 60°C to constant mass. The dry mass of a regurgitation was subtracted from the calculated dry mass of food consumed on the same day the regurgitation occurred. Five samples (100 g each) of each meat type (Table 1) used for a feeding trial were taken for analyses. Each Scimple was oven-dried at 60°C to constant mass. Water loss was calculated by subtraction, and mean water content calculated for the five samples. The dried samples were pooled, ground to a powder and analysed for energy density (Gallenkamp ballistic bomb calorimeter) and inorganic content by ashing (see Komen 1986, 1991 for details). Metabolizable energy and assimilation efficiency of birds in any one trial period were calculated using the mean composition data for all meat types consumed during that trial. The mean “wet” energy density of all meat types consumed was 6.2 kj /g (SE ±06 kJ/g, range 5.6-6.7 kJ/g; Table 1). All feces and urine (hereafter referred to as excreta) were collected from each bird twice daily, for each day after the initiation of feeding until the end of post-feeding starvation period (i.e., when a black fecal fraction was no longer present in excreta) and pooled. These daily quantities of excreta from each bird were oven-dried at 60®C to constant mass and weighed separately. They were then analysed for energy density and inorganic content (see Komen 1986 for details). To determine assimilation efficiency the daily excreta weights were pooled for each trial. Twenty-three day-seunples were randomly selected from all individual day-samples (N = 1 86) collected during the three feeding trial sessions and analysed for energy density (kJ/g ash-free dry mass) and ash content. The efficiency with which birds assimilate energy was determined following Gessaman (1973): ME = GEI - (F ± U) December 1992 Vulture Energy Requirements 215 Table 2. Changes in body mass during 15 feeding trials of 10 Cape Vultures (A-J), showing percentage change between the pre-feeding and post-trial body masses. Body Mass (g) Period AND Bird Duration of Trial* in Days Pre-Trial Pre- Feeding (A) Post- Feeding Post-Trial (B) Mean ±SE % Change (B - A)/ A. 100 1 A 15 (12) 9150.0 8800.0 9220.0 8840.0 9002.5 184.7 0.5 B 17 (14) 9580.0 9200.0 10 080.0 9445.0 9576.3 321.2 2.7 C 14(11) 9600.0 9250.0 9455.0 9200.0 9376.3 160.7 0.5 2D 17 (14) 7100.0 6720.0 7165.0 6785.0 6942.5 192.8 1.0 E 17 (14) 7620.0 7220.0 7615.0 7225.0 7420.0 197.5 0.1 F 12 (9) 8050.0 7720.0 7715.0 7715.0 7800.0 144.4 -0.1 G 13 (10) 8150.0 7770.0 7465.0 7465.0 7712.5 281.6 -3.9 B 18 (15) 9070.0 8670.0 10 665.0 9630.0 9508.8 749.6 11.1 3 D 15 (12) 7550.0 7170.0 7675.0 7140.0 7383.8 233.2 -0.4 E 17 (13) 7740.0 7370.0 8275.0 7640.0 7756.3 328.7 3.7 F 17 (13) 7445.0 7070.0 7975.0 7350.0 7460.0 327.7 4.0 G 17 (13) 6650.0 6270.0 7225.0 6585.0 6682.5 344.6 5.0 H 17 (13) 7575.0 7170.0 7975.0 7300.0 7505.0 308.2 1.8 I 14 (11) 6860.0 6470.0 7175.0 6550.0 6763.8 278.6 1.2 J 15 (12) 6825.0 6470.0 7275.0 6600.0 6792.5 306.2 2.0 Mean 7931.0 7556.0 8197.0 7698.0 7845.5 1.9 ±SE 955.4 960.1 1084.9 1026.7 985.8 3.2 * First numeral represents duration of each trial, numeral in brackets represents number of days between pre-feeding and post-trial weighings. where ME = metabolizable energy, GEI = gross energy content of food consumed, F = energy content of feces and U = energy content of urine; and assimilation efficiency (AE): AE = 100 X {GEI ± (F + U)}/GEI[%] Results The mean change in individual adults’ pre-feeding and post-trial body masses was 1.9% (SE ± 3.2%, range 0.1-11.1%, N = 15 trials) and the majority of birds gained body mass during the trials (Table 2). During 10 of the 15 trials, the vultures had body mass changes of about 3% or less, and of the remaining trials, only one bird had a marked decrease (—3.9%) in body mass, the rest {N = 4) had body mass increases ranging between 3.7% and 11.1%. Mean pre-feeding body mass of all birds was 7556.0 g (SE ± 960.1 g, range 6270-9250 g) and mean post-trial body mass was 7698.0 g (SE ± 1026.7 g, range 6550-9630 g). There was eonsiderable variation in individual gross daily food intake (Table 3). Mean daily gross food intake was 479.2 g meat/day (SE ± 52.9 g meat/day, range 372.6-558.7 g meat/day), and represents 6.5% of body mass (SE ± 1.3%, range 4.0-8.4%; Table 3). Gross energy content of the daily excreta of indi- vidual birds changed proportionally to the energy eon- tent of food consumed. The mean ash-free dry (AFD) energy density of daily excreta was 14.0 kj/g AFD (SE ± 0.2 kJ/g AFD, V = 23 individual daily samples analysed, range 13.9-14.1 kJ/g AFD). The mean in- organic content of these excreta samples was 7.1 7o (SE ± 0.2%, N = 23, range 6.9-7.2%). There was no significant diflference between mean gross energy intake of each trial session (ANOVA, F = 3.29, df = 2, 12, P > 0.05), and the results for all three trial sessions were eombined. Mean daily gross energy intake for all birds was 2926.8 kj/day (SE ± 349.1 kJ/day, A/^= 15 trials, range 2347.5-3743.3 kj/ day). Gross energy assimilation efficieney was consis- tently high at 86.2% (SE ± 2.7%, range 83.2-88.2%) and mean daily metabolizable energy was 2522.9 kJ/ day (SE ± 300.9 kJ/day, range 2023.6-3226.7 kJ/ day, V = 1 5 trials). Existence metabolism, which is equivalent to me- tabolisable energy providing the birds undergo body mass ehanges of about 2% or less between the start and end of a trial {sensu Gessaman 1973), was 2420.3 kJ/day (SE ± 93.2, V = 9 trials). 216 JORIS Komen VoL. 26, No. 4 Table 3. Gross food intake (g meat/day and % of pre- feeding body mass (BM)), and daily energy requirements (kj/day, gross energy intake (GEI) and metabolizable energy (ME)) of ten captive adult Cape Vultures (A-J) calculated for the number of days between pre-feeding and post-trial weighings (see Table 2) during feeding trials. Trial Period AND Bird Total Meat Con- sumed S Meat/ Day g/day % or BM % Daily GEI kJ/day Daily ME^ kJ/day 1 A 5005.0 417.1 4.7 2669.4 2301.0 B 6735.0 481.1 5.2 3079.0 2654.1 G 4099.0 372.6 4.0 2384.6 2055.5 2 D 6965.0 497.5 7.4 3333.3 2873.3 E 5904.0 421.7 5.8 2825.4 2435.5 F 4145.0 460.6 6.0 3086.0 2660.1 G 4531.0 453.1 5.8 3035.8 2616.9 B 8380.0 558.7 6.4 3743.3 3226.7 3 D 5020.0 419.2 5.8 2347.5 2023.6 E 6615.0 508.8 6.9 2849.3 2456.1 F 7145.0 549.6 7,8 3077.8 2653.1 G 6610.0 508.5 8.1 2847.6 2454.6 H 6220.0 478.5 6.7 2679.6 2309.8 I 5960.0 541.8 8.4 3034.1 2615.4 J 6235.0 519.6 8.0 2909.8 2508.3 Mean 5971.3 479.2 6.5 2926.8 2522.9 ±SE 1168.0 52.9 1.3 349.1 300.9 ' ME calculated using mean energy assimilation efficiency of S6.2%. Discussion Gape Vultures are relatively inactive raptors; soar- ing flight presumably allows them to forage in an energetically inexpensive fashion (Pennycuick 1972), and they spend a major part of each day roosting (Mundy 1982, Boshoff et al. 1984, Robertson and Boshoff 1986). Taking advantage of prevailing climatic conditions, wind and thermals, Cape Vultures in sum- mer rainfall areas of southern Africa generally leave their colonial roosts to forage from early to mid-morn- ing and return in the afternoon, generally precluding more than one foraging trip per day (Brown 1988, J. Komen unpubl.). While rearing young, each parent may therefore only forage once every 2 d (Komen 1991). Cape Vultures have been reported to forage as little as once every 3 d (Robertson and Boshoff 1986) and during the post-fledging dependency, young birds may go without food for much longer periods (up to 16 d; Robertson 1985). The results of adult Cape Vulture feeding trials in captivity provide data on gross energy intake and me- tabolizable energy which probably represent minimum requirements for existence, taking into account the rel- ative inactivity of both free-living vultures and captive birds. Starved Cape Vultures can consume 1.5 kg meat in one feeding (Komen 1991). This equivalent to a gross energy intake of 9300 kj, which, with a high assimilation efficiency (86.2%), represents a maximum metabolizable energy intake of 8017 kJ. Kirkwood (1980) predicted that the mean maximum daily me- tabolizable energy intake by any animal is 1713 kJ/ day X kg° ’^ (SE of slope ± 0.008). Using Kirkwood’s (1980) equation, the predicted maximum daily me- tabolizable energy intake for Gape Vultures ranges between 6409 and 8499 kJ/day (using the lowest and highest post- starvation body masses in this study; Table 2). Starved, low weight, adult Cape Vultures therefore appear to exceed the theoretical maximum for daily metabolizable energy intake, by being able to consume a single large quantity of food which provides metab- olizable energy for more than one day of existence. This suggests a strategy to counter unpredictable food resource and extended periods of inclement weather. Daily energy expenditure is estimated to be about 1 .2 times existence metabolism in small, non-breeding (and thus relatively inactive), diurnal raptors (Sapsford and Mendelsohn 1984). Since metabolism does not scale in direct proportion to body mass, birds with large bodies would have relatively lower metabolic rates than birds with small bodies (Lasiewski and Dawson 1967, Walsberg 1980). Accordingly, daily energy ex- penditure of free-living Cape Vultures is probably not greatly elevated above existence metabolism, especially since they are inactive for a major part of each day, with little seasonal variability in this behavior. The captive adults in this study were generally less massive than free-living adults, and assuming that en- ergy requirements for existence are scaled to body mass regardless of differences in body constituent propor- tions, the energy requirements of free-living adults will be proportionally higher than that of captive adults. If existence metabolism and daily energy expenditure are scaled on body mass according to an exponent of 0.61 (Walsberg 1980), I estimate that daily existence me- tabolism of free-living adults is 2505 kJ/day (688.9 kJ/day x kg*’ ^^) for body mass equal to 8300 g (mean body mass 8298.3, SE ± 477.8 g, 11 wild adults weighed; Komen 1986), and daily energy expenditure (1.2 times existence metabolism) is 3006 kJ/day or 826.7 kJ/day x kg°^^ This relatively low predicted value for daily energy expenditure is supported by December 1992 Vulture Energy Requirements 217 evidence from field and captive studies on diurnal and nocturnal raptorial birds (Koplin et al. 1980, Sapsford and Mendelsohn 1984, Wijnandt 1984, see also Wals- berg 1980). A single maximal feeding (9300 kj) should theo- retically provide enough energy to maintain an adult Cape Vulture for about 3 d, without expending body fat reserves. Fat content of free ranging adult Gape Vultures ranges between 9.5-1 5.77o of body mass, ac- counting for a fat depot of as much as 1 346 g (Komen 1991). Assuming that stored fat has an energy density of 38 kj/g AFD (Johnston 1970), and that 98% may be re-absorbed for metabolism, to the point where body condition is still “reversible” in the sense that an in- dividual may be re-fed and thus survive the fast (Robin et al. 1988), then this fat reserve could theoretically maintain an adult bird during periods of food depri- vation (assuming daily extence metabolism of 2505 kJ/ day) for as long as 20 d, and probably longer if met- abolic rate diminishes during fasting. While rearing young, each parent should optimally be able to provide enough food on 1 d of every 2-d foraging cycle to satisfy the gross energy requirements of the nestling, for the duration of the nestling period of 136 d (Komen 1986, 1991). Daily gross energy intake of the growing nestling increases with age, and, during the period of maximum growth (about 40 d, or 20 parent foraging cycles), may be twice as much as the daily adult energy requirement for existence (Komen 1991, in preparation). However, at no stage does daily nestling gross energy intake exceed the max- imum quantity set by adult crop and stomach capacity. Except during unusual periods of food deprivation, resulting from inclement weather conditions (Komen 1986, in preparation), both adult and nestling energy requirements should be satisfied, without undue de- mands on body fat reserves. Acknowledgments I am grateful to C.S. Sapsford and P.J. Mundy for their advice and discussion during this study. This paper forms part of a dissertation submitted to the University of the Wit- watersrand. South Africa. The work was supported by the State Museum of Namibia, Vulture Study Group, Endan- gered Wildlife Trust, Witwatersrand Bird Club, Southern African Ornithological Society, and C.S.I.R. I thank C.J. Brown, S. Chaplin, D. Houston, J.S. Kirkley and M. L. Morton for their constructive criticism of an earlier version of this manuscript. Literature Cited Boshoff, A.F., A.S. Robertson and P.M. Norton. 1984. A radio-tracking study of an adult Cape Griffon Vulture {Gyps coprotheres) in the southwestern Cape Province. .S'. Afr. J. Wildl. Res. 14:73-78. Brown, C.J. 1988. A study of the Bearded Vulture {Gy- paetus barbatus) in southern Africa. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Natal, South Africa. Gessaman, J.A. [ed.], 1973. Ecological energetics of ho- meotherms. A view compatible with ecological modeling. Pages 3-31. Utah State Univ. Press Monograph Series, Logan, UT. Hiraldo, F. 1976. Diet of the Black Vulture {Aegypius monachus) in the Iberian Peninsula. 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Biol. Conserv. 35:63-86. Robin, J-P., M. Frain, C. Sardet, R. Groscolas and Y. 218 JORIS Komen VoL. 26, No. 4 Le Maho. 1988. Protein and lipid utilization during long-term fasting in emperor penguins. Am. J. Physiol. (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol.) 254:R61-R68. Sapsford, C.W. and J.M. Mendelsohn. 1984. An eval- uation of the use of tritium for estimating daily energy expenditure for wild Black-shouldered Kites (Elanus cae- ruleus) and Greater Kestrels {Falco rupicoloides). Pages 183-194 in J.M. Mendelsohn and C.W. Sapsford [Eds.], Proc. 2nd Symp. African Predatory Birds. Natal Bird Club, Durban, South Africa. Walsberg, G.E. 1980. Energy expenditure in free-living birds: patterns and diversity. Pages 300-305 in Proc. 17th Int. Ornith. Gongr., Berlin, Germany. WijNANDT, H. 1984. Ecological energetics of the Long- eared Owl (Asia otus). Ardea 72:1-92. Received 20 May 1991; accepted 15 April 1992 J. Raptor Res. 26(4);219-224 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. ORGANOGHLORINES AND MERCURY IN OSPREY EGGS FROM THE EASTERN UNITED STATES Daniel J. Audet^ and David S. Scott^ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Chesapeake Bay Estuary Program, 180 Admiral Cochrane Drive, Annapolis, MD 21401 Stanley N. Wiemeyer^ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD 20708 Abstract. — Organochlorine and mercury concentrations were determined in Osprey eggs collected from Maryland, Virginia, and Massachusetts during 1986-87. DDE concentrations were significantly different among locations. Median DDE concentrations did not decline significantly in eggs from Glenn L. Martin National Wildlife Refuge, Maryland, between 1973 and 1986. The median DDE residue for eggs from Martin Refuge in 1986 surpassed the value associated with 107o eggshell thinning, but was below the value associated with production of 1.0 young per active nest, a level assumed to represent a stable population. DDD, DDT, dieldrin, PCB, and mercury residues in all eggs appeared insignificant with regard to potential effects on shell thickness or reproduction. DDE and PCB residues were lower in eggs collected in 1986-87 than in those collected in the 1970s for each area. DDD, DDT, and dieldrin were not detected in Martin Refuge eggs in 1986, representing a significant reduction since 1973. DDD, DDT, and dieldrin levels in Massachusetts and Virginia eggs in 1986-87 were similar to those in eggs from the 1970s for each state. Mercury residues in eggs from Martin Refuge may be increasing and although not significant in this study, may warrant future monitoring. Mercuric y compuestos organoclorados en huevos de Aguila Pescadora del este de los Estados Unidos Extragto. — Concentraciones de mercuric, y compuestos organoclorados normalmente usados en pesti- cidas, fueron determinadas en huevos de aguilas de la especie Pandion haliaetus colectados en Maryland, Virginia y Massachusetts durante 1986-87. Las concentraciones de DDE fueron significativamente diferentes de un lugar a otro. La media de las concentraciones de DDE no declino significativamente en huevos colectados en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Glenn L. Martin, Maryland, entre 1973 y 1986. La media de residues de DDE, en huevos del Refugio Martin en 1986, sobrepaso el valor asociado con el 10% de disminucion en el espesor de la cascara; pero estuvo por debajo del valor asociado con la produccion de una cria por nido active, lo que es un nivel que se asume representa una poblacion estable. Los residues de DDD, DDT, dieldrine, bifenil policlorinado (PCB), y mercuric en todos los huevos parecian tener insignificantes potenciales efectos en el grosor de la casara o en la reproduccion. Los residues de DDE y PCB en huevos colectados en 1986-87, fueron mas bajos que los de aquellos colectados en los anos 70 en cada area. DDD, DDT y dieldrine no fueron detectados en huevos del Refugio Martin en 1986, lo que representa una significativa reduccion desde 1973. Los niveles de DDD, DDT y dieldrine en huevos colectados en Massachusetts y Virginia en 1986-87, fueron similares a aquellos de los colectados en los anos 70 en cada estado. Puede que haya un incremento en los residues de mercuric en huevos procedentes del Refugio Martin; y aunque no haya sido significative para este estudio, puede que justifique futures controles. [Traduccion de Eudoxio Paredes-Ruiz] ^ Present address: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1201 Ironwood Drive, Couer d’Alene, ID 83814 ^ Present address: Ohio Division of Wildlife, Olentangy Wildlife Experiment Station, 8589 Horseshoe Road, Ash- ley, OH 43003 ^ Present address: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 4600 Kietzke Lane Building C-125, Reno, NV 89502. Osprey populations in the eastern United States, including Chesapeake Bay, began to decline in the late 1950s, continuing through the 1970s (Ames 1966, Schmid 1966, Henny 1977, Reese 1977). During this period, high concentrations of organochlorines, including DDE, dieldrin, and polychlorinated bi- phenyls (PGBs), were found in eggs of populations 219 220 Daniel J. Audet et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 with poor reproductive success (Wiemeyer et al. 1975, Wiemeyer et al. 1978, Spitzer et al. 1978, Wiemeyer et al. 1988). By the early 1970s, productivity began to increase and continued through the 1970s in many portions of the Chesapeake Bay (Reese 1975, 1977). Also, preliminary data showed a decline in organo' chlorine levels found in Chesapeake Bay Ospreys in 1975-82 compared to 1971-73 (Wiemeyer et al. 1987). However, Osprey nestlings in areas such as Poplar Island, Tilghman Island, Glenn L. Martin National Wildlife Refuge and the mouth of the Choptank River, Maryland, have had decreased sur- vival with mortality rates ranging as high as 40- 75% (P.R. Spitzer unpubl.). One possible cause of these isolated declines in nestling survival is contaminant accumulation in eggs or young. We present data on contaminants in Os- prey eggs collected in 1986 from Martin Refuge, which supports one of the largest Osprey concen- trations on the east coast. This area represents an Osprey “colony” where the cause of recent decreased nestling survival is unknown. Data on contaminants in Osprey eggs from the eastern United States col- lected in 1986-87 and Martin Refuge in 1973 are also presented. Our objective was to determine if concentrations of contaminants found in Osprey eggs from the eastern United States were at levels asso- ciated with adverse effects to reproduction, including nestling survival. Materials and Methods Martin Refuge is located on the northern end of Smith Island, Somerset County, Maryland, and is bordered to the west by Chesapeake Bay, to the north by Kedges Straits, and to the east by Tangier Sound. Five freshly laid Osprey eggs were collected from randomly selected active nests in the spring of 1986. The eggs were double wrapped in aluminum foil, placed in plastic bags, and refrigerated soon after collection. Eggs were prepared for analysis in cooperation with staff of the Patuxent Ana- lytical Control Facility of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice. The contents of each egg were emptied into separate chemically cleaned jars. Addled eggs collected from coastal Massachusetts (between Narragansett Bay and Buzzards Bay), and Virginia (York River area, Mobjack Bay, and Rappahannock River) as part of the 1986-87 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s “Northeast Bird Egg and Tissue Project” were prepared for analyses in a similar manner as Martin Refuge eggs collected in 1986. Field collection techniques and contaminant analyses for Osprey eggs col- lected at Martin Refuge in 1973 were described by Wie- meyer et al. (1988). Eggs collected in 1986-87 were analyzed by laboratories under contracts administered by the Patuxent Analytical Control Facility, Laurel, Maryland, which monitored per- formance and assured quality. Organochlorines were an- alyzed by Weyerhaeuser Analytical and Testing Services, Tacoma, Washington. Briefly, portions of homogenized samples were mixed with sodium sulfate and extracted for 20 hr with petroleum ether. Lipid cleanup of extracts was by gel permeation chromatography. Analysis was con- ducted with a Hewlett Packard 5880A gas chromatograph with dual columns (DBl and DB 1701) and dual electron capture detectors. Lower limits of detection, before cor- rections for dehydration, that varied among samples were <0.1 ppm for pesticides and PCBs, except for PCBs in Maryland eggs where the limit was <0.6 ppm. In addition to the contaminants reported here, the samples were also analyzed for chlordane isomers and metabolites, hepta- chlor epoxide, endrin, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, and sev- eral other compounds, none of which were detected. The Osprey eggs were analyzed in a batch process with other lots. The batch size for soxhlet extraction was 12 (11 samples and 1 blank). No analytes were detected in the blank at concentrations greater than 0.5 ppb. Duplicate analysis of one of the Martin Refuge eggs collected in 1986 resulted in standard deviations of 0.21 and 0.13 for DDE and PCBs, respectively. Duplicate analysis of one of the Northeast Egg and Tissue Project eggs resulted in stan- dard deviations of 0.19, 0.12, 0.12, 0.05, and 0.50 for DDE, DDD, DDT, dieldrin and PCBs, respectively. Mercury was analyzed by Environmental Trace Sub- stances Research Center, Columbia, Missouri, using cold vapor atomic absorption with a Perkin Elmer Model 403 AA. The limit of detection for mercury was 0.02 ppm. Duplicate analysis of a Martin Refuge egg collected in 1986 and a Northeast Egg and Tissue Project egg resulted in standard deviations of 0.07 and 0.04, respectively. Spike recoveries of individual eggs were 97% for eggs collected at Martin Refuge in 1986 and 107% for eggs collected for the Northeast Egg and Tissue Project. Eggshell thickness was not measured in eggs collected in 1986-87. The volume of all eggs was measured by water dis- placement or estimated as described by Stickel et al. (1973). Contaminant concentrations were adjusted by egg wet weight to volume ratios (ppm) assuming a specific gravity of 1.0 (Stickel et al. 1966). To aid in quantitative data analyses, 0,05 ppm was used for eggs where a particular contaminant was not detected. However, when a contam- inant was not found in any eggs for a particular location, residue levels were simply listed as “not detected.” Due to small sample sizes and uncertainty regarding the sampling distribution associated with our egg contam- inant data, nonparametric statistical tests were used to differentiate between and among median contaminant con- centrations. While median values and geometric means reported elsewhere in the literature are not directly com- parable, both are valid measures of central tendency for a data set. Kruskal- Wallis tests (Chi-square approxima- tion) were used to determine if differences existed among all locations with data on a particular contaminant (Sokal and Rohlf 1981). If significant differences in median values were found among locations, all pairwise multiple com- parisons were made using Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test for unpaired data (normal approximation, Sokal and Rohlf 1981). Statistical significance was assumed at P < 0.05, and Bonferroni’s multiple comparison technique was used December 1992 Contaminants in Osprey Eggs 221 Table 1. Median (and range) contaminant concentrations (ppm fresh wet weight) in Osprey eggs from several locations in the eastern U.S., 1973-87. ^ ^ Contaminant Location and Collection Year N DDE DDD DDT Dieldrin PCB Mercury® Maryland Glenn L. Martin NWR, 1973 11 3.4 0.44 0.14 0.05 2.8 0.05 (1.3-5. 9) (0.27-1.3) (n.d.'^-1.2) (n.d.-0.20) (1. 8-4.3) (0.03-0.11) Glenn L. Martin NWR, 1986 5 2.3 n.d. n.d. n.d. 1.0 0.11 (0.82-3.0) (0.59-2.3) (0.70-0.24) Virginia York River area, Mobjack 5 0.65 0.05 0.13 0.01 3.7 0.11 Bay and Rappahannock River, 1987 (0.38-0.83) (0.04-0.11) (0.11-0.80) (0.01-0.02) (2.2-5.7) (0.05-0.21) Massachusetts Between Narragansett 4 0.56 0.13 0.23 0.03 2.4 0.06 Bay and Buzzards Bay, 1986 (0.45-0.68) (0.10-0.18) (0.12-0.29) (0.0‘^-0.04) (2.16-2.50) (0.05-0.23) ^ Sample size for mercury analysis was five for Glenn L. Martin National Wildlife Refuge in 1973 and three for Massachusetts in 1986 ^ n d. = not detected. ^ Actual value calculated as 0.001 but reported as 0,00 when rounded for consistency. to control the Type I error rate at 0.05 (Miller 1981). All data analyses were performed using the PC version of SAS (SAS Institute, Inc. 1985). Statistical differences found between 1973 and 1986-87 data should be viewed with caution based on variations in chemical analytical tech- niques and laboratories used for these two separate data sets. Results and Discussion Median contaminant concentrations and range (ppm) in Osprey eggs from each area and year are given in Table 1. Residues of DDE were detected in all eggs from all locations and collection periods. Median concentrations of DDE did not decline sig- nificantly in eggs from Martin Refuge between 1973 and 1986 (Z = 1.47, P = 0.14). However, DDE concentrations were significantly different among lo- cations sampled in 1986-87 (x^ = 8.52, df = 2, T = 0.014). Multiple comparisons did not reveal statis- tically significant differences between location pairs, although eggs from Martin Refuge appeared to con- tain higher DDE residues than those from either Virginia (P = 0.06) or Massachusetts (P = 0.06). Eggs from similar areas of Virginia collected in 1976- 77 contained geometric mean DDE concentrations of 1 .8 to 2.6 ppm with the lowest concentration being 0.92 ppm (Wiemeyer et al. 1988). Eggs from the Westport River, Massachusetts in 1972-73, an area within the region sampled in 1986, had a geometric mean of 4.2 ppm DDE, with the lowest concentra- tion being 2.0 ppm (Wiemeyer et al. 1988). DDE residues have been clearly associated with adverse effects on Ospreys including decreased re- productive success and associated population de- clines, whereas other organochlorine pesticides have not been associated with such effects (Wiemeyer et al. 1988). Median values for DDE reported from Virginia and Massachusetts in 1986-87 were well below reported values associated with biologically significant effects on eggshell thickness and repro- ductive success (Wiemeyer et al. 1975, 1988). The median residue for DDE from Martin Refuge in 1986 surpasses the 2.0 ppm DDE concentration as- sociated with 1 0% eggshell thinning but is well below the 4.2 ppm DDE associated with 15% eggshell thinning (Wiemeyer et al. 1988). Also, the median residue value for Martin Refuge in 1986 is less than the 2.6 ppm DDE value associated with a production rate of 1.0 young per active nest and assumed to represent a healthy and stable population (Wie- meyer et al. 1988). A production rate of 0.8 young per active nest is considered necessary to maintain a stable population (Spitzer et al. 1983), Eggs col- lected at Martin Refuge in 1973 contained higher median DDE residues (3.4 ppm); eggshell thinning was 17% (Wiemeyer et al. 1988) and young pro- duced was about 1.5 per active nest (S.N. Wiemeyer 222 Daniel J. Audet et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 unpubl.) which was considered excellent. Wiemeyer et al. (1988) had predicted these egg residues to be associated with about 14% thinning and a production rate of about 0.9 young per active nest. The equation estimating the relationship between DDE concen- trations and brood size for eggs collected after failure to hatch, gave production estimates that were below actual levels of production in nearly all sampled populations (Wiemeyer et al. 1988) and should be used with caution. Residues of DDD, DDT, and dieldrin were not detected in any eggs from Martin Refuge in 1986; therefore, this location and colletion period was as- sumed to have the lowest concentration of these con- taminants and data analyses include only the other locations. The median concentration of DDD plus DDT was significantly higher in eggs from Mas- sachusetts than in those from Virginia (Z = 2.08, P = 0.037). DDD and DDT residues were combined in the statistical analysis because DDT is metabo- lized to DDD during embryonic development (Abou- Donia and Menzel 1968) and reductive dechlori- nation occurs in embryonated eggs following death (Walker and Jefferies 1978). DDD plus DDT res- idues in Virginia and Massachusetts eggs collected in similar areas in the 1970s (Wiemeyer et al. 1988) were similar to those found in 1986-87. The DDD and DDT residues appear insignificant with regard to potential effects on shell thickness or reproduction. The median concentration of dieldrin did not dif- fer between eggs collected in Virginia and Massa- chusetts (Z = 1.11, P = 0.27). Dieldrin was seldom detected in Virginia eggs collected from similar areas in 1976-77, whereas eggs from the Westport River, Massachusetts, collected in 1972-73 contained a mean of 0.14 ppm. The median dieldrin values in the present study are similar to mean values reported to have no significant impact on Osprey productivity (Wiemeyer et al. 1988). PCBs were detected in all eggs from all locations and collection periods. Significantly lower PCB res- idues were found in eggs collected at Martin Refuge in 1986 than in 1973 (Z = 2.606, P = 0.01), sug- gesting a decline in the loading of PCBs. Overall, median concentrations of PCBs were significantly different among locations sampled in 1986-87 (x^ = 8.63, df = 2, P = 0.01). Multiple comparisons did not reveal statistically significant differences between location pairs, although eggs from Martin Refuge may have contained lower residues than eggs from Virginia {P = 0.06) or Massachusetts {P = 0.11). The median PCB residue concentration for eggs from Virginia was the highest among all locations and collection periods reported in this study. Although this value is within the range of reported values for Osprey eggs collected from similar areas of Virginia in 1976-77, eggs from these areas contained mean concentrations of 5.0 to 9.2 ppm. Eggs collected from Westport River, Massachusetts, in 1972-73 con- tained a geometric mean of 8.3 ppm PCBs (range 2.2-23.0 ppm). PCB concentrations of the magni- tude reported here have not been associated with adverse effects on Osprey reproduction (Wiemeyer et al. 1988). However, concentrations of highly toxic coplanar dioxin-like PCB cogeners and related com- pounds were not measured. These compounds have been implicated in reproductive impairment of fish- eating birds in other areas (Kubiak et al. 1989). Mercury was detected in eggs from all locations and collection periods. No significant difference in mercury concentrations between collection periods was noted for eggs from Martin Refuge (Z = 1.67, P = 0.09). Further, no significant differences were detected among locations for eggs collected in 1986- 87 (x^ = 0.96, df = 2, P = 0.62). The slightly higher mercury levels found at Martin Refuge in 1986 com- pared to 1973 suggest that an increase in mercury contamination may have occurred. Mercury is being increasingly used in gold mining in Brazil in the Amazon Basin, much of which pollutes the aquatic environment (Martinelli et al. 1988, Pfeiffer et al. 1989). This is an important wintering area for Os- preys that breed in the Mid- Atlantic and Northeast areas of the United States (Poole and Agler 1987). Mercury concentrations in Osprey eggs were below those associated with adverse effects on reproduction (Wiemeyer et al. 1988). DDE and PCB residues were lower in Osprey eggs collected in 1986 than in 1973 at Martin Ref- uge. Further, residues of DDD, DDT, and dieldrin were not detected in 1986 leading us to assume that a significant reduction in these contaminants has occurred as well. Concentrations of DDE and PCBs also appear to have declined in eggs from Virginia and Massachusetts. Although not significant, mer- cury residues in Osprey eggs from Martin Refuge may be increasing and warrant future monitoring. The concentrations of contaminants found appear far too low to impact nestling survival. Geometric mean DDE concentrations in Osprey eggs from the Atlantic Coast and Delaware Bay of New Jersey that were collected in 1985-89 (Steidl December 1992 Contaminants in Osprey Eggs 223 et al. 1991) bracketed the median concentration in eggs from Martin Refuge in 1986, whereas the New Jersey eggs contained somewhat higher DDE con- centrations than eggs from Massachusetts and Vir- ginia in 1986 and 1987. Dieldrin concentrations in the New Jersey eggs were similar to those we found in Virginia and Massachusetts eggs, whereas the New Jersey eggs, especially those from Delaware Bay, contained higher PCB concentrations than the eggs we analyzed. The differences in residue con- centrations in Osprey eggs among these areas are an indication of exposure of the adults on their breeding areas, for they share common wintering grounds (Henny and Van Velzen 1972, Poole and Agler 1987). Osprey eggs from Eagle Lake, California, col- lected after failure to hatch in 1983-84 (Littrell 1986), contained DDE concentrations similar to those in eggs from Martin Refuge in 1986. The California eggs contained much lower PCB concentrations than our samples from Virginia and Massachusetts, pos- sibly due to the remote location of the California site from industrial contamination. The ratios of DDE to DDD + DDT in the recent eggs from Virginia and Massachusetts compared to that in eggs from a variety of areas in earlier years (Wiemeyer et al. 1988), and the presence of DDT in all eggs from these two states suggests that these Ospreys were recently exposed to low levels of un- metabolized DDT; however, the source is unknown. Bald Eagle {Haliaeetus leucocephalus) eggs from Maryland and Virginia that were collected from 1 5 territories after failure to hatch in 1980-84, con- tained geometric means of 4.4 ppm DDE, 0.42 ppm DDD + DDT, 0.31 ppm dieldrin, 14 ppm PCBs, 0.07 ppm mercury, and low concentrations of a va- riety of other organochlorines (S.N. Wiemeyer un- publ.). The higher concentrations of organochlorines in these eggs reflects the higher position of Bald Eagles in the food chain than that of Ospreys. Also, Chesapeake Bay Ospreys are exposed to contami- nants on their breeding grounds for only about one- half of the year due to their migration, whereas breeding pairs of Bald Eagles are resident on the Chesapeake Bay. One Peregrine Falcon {Falco peregrinus) egg col- lected in 1984 from South Marsh Island, Maryland, just to the north of Smith Island and Martin Refuge, contained 14 ppm DDE, 0.36 ppm heptachlor epox- ide, 0.75 ppm oxychlordane, and 8.2 ppm PCBs (Gilroy and Barclay 1988). These elevated concen- trations are also an indication of the high position of this species in the food chain and its presumed resident status in the region. Acknowledgments We thank the Blackwater and Martin National Wildlife Refuge staffs for collection of the Martin Refuge Osprey eggs and background information on the study site. Steve Goodbred of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Annapolis Field Office was involved in processing the eggs and pre- liminary review of the manuscript. Gary H. Heinz, Charles J. Henny and Glen A. Fox provided helpful reviews of drafts of the manuscript. Mickey Hayden and Deborah Senior typed the manuscript. Literature Cited Abou-Donia, M.B. and D.B. Menzel. 1968. The metabolism in vivo of l,l,l-trichloro-2,2-6w(p-chlo- rophenyl)ethane (DDT), l,l-dichloro-2,2-6w(p-chlo- rophenyl)ethane (DDD) and 1 ,1 -dichloro-2,2- 6t>(p-chlorophenyl) ethylene (DDE) in the chick by embryonic injection and dietary ingestion. Biochem. Pharmacol. 17:2143-2161. 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Kleptoparasitism was practiced almost exclusively by females, the larger sex, while males received most of the attacks. Kleptoparasitic Lesser Kestrels had a relatively high success (43.1%, N = S2 attempts) compared to other species in which kleptoparasitism occurs frequently. Two cases of chick cannibalism by adults were also recorded. Cleptoparasitismo y canibalismo en una colonia de Cernicalos Primillas {Falco naumanni). Extracto.— El cleptoparasitismo y el canibalismo han sido observados por vez primera en una colonia de Cernicalos Primillas {Falco naumanni). El cleptoparasitismo fue practicado casi exclusivamente por hembras, que son de mayor tamano que los machos, mientras que estos recibieron la mayoria de los ataques. El exito de los ataques fue relativamente alto (43.1%, N ^ 52 intentos) en comparacion con el observado en otras especies donde el cleptoparasitismo es frecuente. Tambien registramos dos casos de canibalismo practicado contra polios por Cernicalos Primillas adultos. Despite the fact that kleptoparasitism has been reported in several birds of prey (for a review see Brockman and Barnard 1979), it seems to be rare among species of the genus Falco. The Lesser Kestrel {Falco naumanni) is a colonial small falcon. Although both sexes do not show significant differences for most body traits, females are up to 24% heavier than their mates (Cade 1982). Males feed their females from before to a few days after egg laying, share incubation and deliver most of the nourishment for their offspring (Donazar et al. 1992). None of the authors who have studied the species described klep- toparasitic behavior (see Glutz et al. 1971, Cramp and Simmons 1980). In this study we describe the occurrence of kleptoparasitism in a colony of Lesser Kestrels and discuss the role of the reversed size dimorphism (RSD) exhibited by the species in the directionality of the kleptoparasitic attacks. Addi- tionally, we comment on two cases of chick canni- balism by adult Lesser Kestrels. Study Area and Methods The observations were carried out during 1989 and 1990 in a colony of Lesser Kestrels nesting in Mairena del Alcor (37"22'N 5°45'W), Seville, southern Spain. We counted 42 breeding pairs in 1989 and 40 in 1990. A sample of nests in two adjacent walls of a tower was selected for systematic recording of behavior (see Negro et al. 1992 for details). The portion of the colony observed consisted of 7 nests in 1989 and 6 nests in 1990 (26 focal individuals). The observations of behavioral interactions, feedings and the type of prey delivered were carried out from a distance of 70 m with a telescope (20-40 x). The observations lasted from dawn to dusk, 2-3 d a week, from the beginning of the period of pair formation (February) until the independence of the fledglings (end of July). Observations amounted to 475 hr in 1989 and 567 hr in 1 990. Simultaneously, one or two additional observers ra- diotracked seven males and six females which were breed- ing in the portion of the colony under observation. Ra- diotracking amounted to 305 hr in 1989 and 647 hr in 1990. All the nests in the colony were visited 1-3 times during the breeding season. Adults were trapped on the nest and were banded with laminated plastic bands (wearing two characters) which allowed them to be identified by tele- scope. In 1989 a quarter of the adult Lesser Kestrels wore these bands and in 1990 the proportion was two-thirds of the adults in the colony. All the young in the colony were also marked with plastic bands in the two years of the study. Results Food Supply. The availability of food in the en- vironment was determined indirectly using feeding of nestlings as an approximate measure. The fre- quency of chick feedings in the colony was 1.8 feed- ings/hr in 1989 and 1.9 feedings/hr in 1990. Both values are below those observed in southern France (2 feedings/hr during 5.5 hr of observation; Blondel 1964 or 3.1 feedings/hr during 22.7 hr; Hovette 1971) and in northeastern Spain (5.4 feedings/hr 225 226 Juan Jose Negro et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 during 6.7 hr; M. Pomarol pers. comm.). Our values are higher, however, than those given by Bijlsma et al. (1988) for colonies in Extremadura in south- western Spain (1.3 feedings/hr during 26 hr) where, according to the authors, the availability of food was very high. Nonetheless, these authors collected their data at the beginning of the post-hedging period, when the rate of feeding of the young is reduced (Bustamante 1990). The prey consumed in our area might have been smaller than prey in the other studies. Most prey were insects. The percentage of vertebrates was low (0.9% of 1113 items) compared to 6.3% vertebrates observed by Franco and Andrada (1977) in the same general area several years ago, 2.6% observed in Provence (Hovette 1971), and 5.7% observed in Ex- tremadura (Bijlsma et al. 1988). Kleptoparasitism and Cannibalism. At least 4 individuals from the colony, but only 1 of the 26 focal individuals acted as kleptoparasites. Klepto- parasitic attacks were directed at 14 (53.8%) of these 26 focal birds. Kleptoparasitism occurred during the chick rearing period (June- July), when the parents delivered prey directly to their young in the nest. As they perched in the entrance of the nest, the attacker flew in and tried to snatch the food. Kleptoparasitic attacks were never observed while radiotracking the birds in the hunting areas, nor during the period of mate-feeding (April-May; see Donazar et al. 1992). Of the 51 attempts at stealing food, 29 (577o) failed. Of these failed attempts, 14 (487o) were because of the aggressive response by the victim, 1 3 (447o) were because the adult managed to transfer the food to the chicks and two (6.9%) were because the victim appeared to have anticipated the attack and escaped without feeding the chicks (although they returned later on). Males fed chicks more than females in the period during which kleptoparasitism occurred (61.57o vs. 38.57o, N = 894 feedings); they were also the victims of a disproportionate number of the kleptoparasitic attacks (82.47o vs. 17.67o, N = 51; ~ 9.004, P = 0.002). Females were responsible for the majority of attacks (947o). Of the others, two attacks (3.97o) were made by males and one by a bird of unknown sex (goodness of fit test assuming sex ratio of 1:1, x^ = 40.50, P < 0.001). When the attacker was a female, success tended to be higher when attacking males (45.27o, TV = 41) than when attacking females (14.27o, TV = 7), although the difTerence was not significant (Fisher’s exact test, P > 0.05). One banded female (GK) carried out 627o of the attacks. She attacked at least nine different males and four females. Another two identified females carried out one and two of the attacks, respectively. Banded but not identified females (possibly GK) car- ried out 13 attaeks (25.47>). Another two attaeks were carried out by a male and a third by an in- dividual of unknown sex. The importance of kleptoparasitism for the feed- ing of the female GK may be greater than that ob- served. Her nest, although near, was in a different portion of the colony so she may have made attacks which we did not observe. This female was the most successful breeder in the colony in the two years of the study. In 1989, she successfully reared three chicks when the average number of chicks fledged per breeding pair in the colony was 1.8 ± 0.17 (TV = 42 pairs). In 1990, she successfully reared four chicks, when the average per pair in the colony was 1.4 ± 0.88 (AT = 39 pairs). The parasitic activity of GK was not limited to stealing food from adults carrying prey to the nest. On one occasion the fresh carcass of a 7-day-old chick, which did not correspond to any of her young, was found in her nest. On another occasion, GK was seen trying to steal a chick 10 d old from a nest. This attempt was prevented by the parent female when GK had already managed to take the chick out of the nest entrance. CK’s objective was evidently the chick as she fought violently with the resident female for its possession. In 1991, we observed one adult male stealing and eating a chick in a neigh- boring colony. Discussion Our data suggest that the food supply to the young by parent Lesser Kestrels was lower in the studied colony than that encountered by other investigators several decades ago in the same area or in other regions in the Western Palearctic. Additionally, we observed a high nestling mortality (about 50%) in the two years of study due to starvation (Negro 1991). Such high mortality rates have not been observed by other investigators cited here and they seem to be uncommon among raptors of similar size (e.g., New- ton 1979). Both lines of evidence, the low provi- sioning rate and the high nestling mortality, suggest that the period of study was a time of food shortage for the Lesser Kestrels. Kleptoparasitism and can- nibalism have been said to be favored in stressful December 1992 Kleptoparsitism in Lesser Kestrels 227 food conditions (Brockmann and Barnard 1979, Jorde and Lingle 1988, Tones and Manez 1990, Bortolotti et al. 1991). Kleptoparasitism was practiced mainly by female Lesser Kestrels, the larger sex, with most attacks made on males. In other species, size is apparently a determining factor for success in kleptoparasitic attempts (Knight and Knight 1988, Tershy and Breese 1990). If the frequency of kleptoparasitic attempts is influenced by the RSD (i.e., the larger size of the females) in the Lesser Kestrel, it would also be expected that males were the subject of suc- cessful attacks more frequently than females. Our results do not show a clear tendency in this respect, although this could be due to the low frequency of attacks by females on other females. It might also be that, since females spent more time in the colony throughout the breeding cycle (Donazar et al. 1992), they would have more opportunities to carry out kleptoparasitic attempts. However, the attacks were, in the main, produced at the end of the nestling period when males and females spent a similar amount of time in the colony, and not in other periods of the breeding cycle when the females’ colony at- tendance was higher than that of males. Kleptopar- asitism was practiced by a few individuals, such as the female GK, who apparently had specialized in this behavior. The systematic kleptoparasitism by the female CK may have been highly profitable, given her high reproductive success in both years of the study. We cannot discount, however, that other factors were involved, such as a high provisioning rate of her mate. Lesser Kestrels had a relatively high success rate in their kleptoparasitic attempts (43.1%). Other spe- cies practicing intraspecific kleptoparasitism showed lower figures; Common Tern {Sterna hirundo) 6.2% (Hopkins and Willey 1972), Bald Eagle {Haliaeetus leucocephalus) 8.1% (Fischer 1985), Black Kite {Mil- vusmigrans) 3.4-16.6% (Sunyer 1988). In other rap- tor species where intraspecific kleptoparasitism is widespread, individuals use display behaviors to hide the prey and deceive potential pirates (Brown 1976, Fischer 1985, Sunyer 1988). Such patterns of be- havior were not evident in the case of the Lesser Kestrels (only 4% of the victims apparently detected the attacker). Nevertheless, in 1990 we twice ob- served atypical behavior by two individuals that had been recently kleptoparasitized. These males circled over the colony before feeding the chicks, and then dived to the nest. Acknowledgments M. de la Riva assisted in the field work. S. Flemming and W.M. Iko helped us revise the manuscript. A. Krupa helped to translate an early Spanish draft. The CSIC- CIGYT provided financial support (project PB87-0405). Literature Cited Bijlsma, S., E.J.M. Hagemeijer, G.J.M. Verkley and R. Zollinger. 1988. Ecological aspects of the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni in Extremadura (Spain). Rap- port 285, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Blondel, J. 1964. Notes sur la biologie et le regime alimentaire du Faucon Crecerellette Falco naumanni Nos Oiseaux 28:295-296. Bortolotti, G.R., K.L. Wiebe and W.M. Iko. 1991. Cannibalism of nestling American Kestrels by their parents and siblings. Can. J. Zool. 69:1447-1453. Brockmann, H.J. and C.J. Barnard. 1979. Klepto- parasitism in birds. Anim. Behav. 27:487-514. Brown, L.H. 1976. Birds of prey, their biology and ecology. Hamlyn Publication Co., London, U.K. Bustamante, J. 1990. Condi cionantes ecologicos del periodo de emancipacion en Falconiformes. Diserta- cion doctoral. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Ma- drid, Spain. Cade, T.J. 1982. The falcons of the World. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY. Cramp, S. and K.E.L. Simmons. 1980. The birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. DonAzar, J.A., J.J. Negro and F. Hiraldo. 1992. Functional analysis of mate-feeding in the Lesser Kes- trel Falco naumanni. Ornis Scandinavica 23:190-194. Fischer, D.L. 1985. Piracy behavior of wintering bald eagles. Condor 87:246-251. Franco, A. and J. Andrada, 1977. Alimentacion y seleccion de presa en el Falco naumanni. Ardeola 23: 137-187. Glutz, U.N., K.M. Bauer and E. Bezzel. 1971 Handbuch der Vogel Mitteleuropas. Vol. 4. Akadem- ische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt, Germany. Hopkins, C.D. and R.H. Wiley. 1972. Food parasitism and competition in two terns. Auk 89:583-594. HovETTE, C. 1971. Notes sur la reproduction du Faucon Crecerellette Falco naumanni en Provence. Nos Oiseaux 31:82-90. Jones, A.M. and M. MaSez. 1990. Cannibalism by Black Kite {Milvus migrans). J. Raptor Res. 24:28-29 Jorde, D.G. AND G.R. Lingle. 1988. Kleptoparasitism by Bald Eagles wintering in south-central Nebraska. J. Field Ornithol. 59:183-188. Knight, R.L. and S. Knight. 1988. Agonistic asym- metries and the foraging ecology of Bald Eagles. Ecol- ogy 69:1188-1194. Negro, J.J. 1991. Ecologia de poblaciones del cernicalo 228 Juan Jose Negro et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 primilla Falco naumanni. Disertacion doctoral. Univer- sidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain. , J.A. DonAzar and F. Hiraldo. 1992. Cop- ulatory behavior in a colony of Lesser Kestrels: sperm competition and mixed reproductive strategies. Anim. Behav. 43:921-930. Newton, I. 1979. Population ecology of raptors. T. and A.D. Poyser, Ltd., Berkhamsted, U.K. SuNYER, C. 1988. El cleptoparasitismo en el Milano Negro. M.Sc. thesis. Universidad Complutense de Ma- drid, Madrid, Spain. Tershy, B.R. and D. Breese. 1990. The influence of sexual dimorphism on kleptoparasitism of Blue-footed Boobies by Brown Boobies. Can. J. Zool. 68:197-199. Received 6 February 1992; accepted 1 May 1992 J. Raptor Res. 26(4);229-234 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. HOME RANGE AND ACTIVITY OF A PAIR OF BALD EAGLES BREEDING IN NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN Jon M. Gerrard Manitoba Institute of Cell Biology, WO Olivia Street, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3E 0V9 Alan R. Harmata Department of Biology, Montana State University, Bozeman, MO 59717 P. Naomi Gerrard Box 113, R.R. 1, Headingly, MB, Canada ROH OfO Abstract. — A male and female adult Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) were radiotracked for 12 d during the summer of 1982. Size of the range and territory was 7 km^ and 4 km^, respectively. The female spent significantly more time within 200 m of the nest than the male, from 0400-1100 H. During the same period the male spent significantly more time flying than did the female. The greater proportion of time spent flying in early morning hours by the male may be a function of lower wing loading, facilitating energetically less expensive flight in the absence of updrafts and thermals. The results suggest that 400 locations of both members of a pair at 1 5 min intervals evenly distributed throughout the day, which is equivalent to 100 hr of observations, are adequate to describe 90% of the home range. The radio-tagged eagles usually responded only to intruders of the same sex. Espacio habitado, y actividades de una pareja de Aguila Cabeciblanca (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), en el norte de Saskatchewan Extracto. — Una pareja adulta de Aguila Cabeciblanca {Haliaeetus leucocephalus) fue radiocontrolada por 12 dias durante el verano de 1982. La extension de area habitada y el territorio a defender fueron de 7 km^ y 4 km^ respectivamente. La hembra paso significativamente mas tiempo que el macho dentro de 200 m cerca del nido, entre las 0400 y las 1100 horas. Durante el mismo periodo el macho void significativamente mas tiempo que la hembra. La mayor proporcion de tiempo gastado por el macho, en sus vuelos de las tempranas horas de la manana, puede ser una funcion de las alas que son proporcio- nalmente mas grandes en relacion con el peso del cuerpo; lo que facilita energeticamente menos costosos vuelos en ausencia de termales y de vientos ascendentes. Se observaron 400 ubicaciones consecutivas con 15 minutos de intervalo de ambos miembros de esta pareja de aguilas, ello es equivalente a 100 h (igualmente distribuidas durante las horas del dia) de observacion con ambas aguilas a la vista. Estos resultados son adecuados para describir el 90% de la extension habitada por una pareja de Haliaeetus leucocephalus en su ciclo reproductive. Estas radiocon- troladas %uilas generalmente respondieron solo a intrusos del mismo sexo. [Traduccion de Eudoxio Paredes- Ruiz] Previous studies have estimated territory size and home range of breeding Bald Eagles {Haliaeetus leu- cocephalus), but in most studies estimates were based on visual locations of unmarked eagles or linear dis- tance between nests (e.g., Broley 1947, Hensel and Troyer 1964, Retfalvi 1965, Mattson 1974, Gerrard et al. 1980, Mahaffey 1981). Radiotelemetry permits identification of individual eagles, allows locating target eagles at will, and permits more precise def- inition of ranges and movements. Understanding the relative roles of male and fe- male Bald Eagles also has been difficult due to prob- lems identifying unmarked individuals. Similarity in plumage has made definite and continuing identi- fication of genders difficult. Size is the best criteria for distinguishing gender of eagles in the field, and although reasonably reliable when two eagles are together, gender assignment of solitary eagles is dif- ficult. Radiotracking eagles of known gender allows identification and improves determination of the rel- ative roles of male and female during the breeding cycle. 229 230 Jon M. Gerrard et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 Table 1. Measurements of two mated adult Bald Eagles breeding at Besnard Lake, Saskatchewan in 1982. Measurement Male Female Ratio Fe- male/ Male Weight (g) 3920 4540 1.15 Wing span (cm) 207 211 1.02 Wing area (cm^) 5601 6014 1.07 Wing loading (g/cm^) 0.70 0.75 1.07 Wing Chord (cm) 56.8 60.3 1.06 Flattened 59.7 61.6 1.03 Culmen length (mm) 49.4 55.0 1.11 Bill depth 33.2 35.6 1.07 Tarsus (mm) Largest width 14.4 17.0 1.18 Smallest width 13.3 16.5 1.24 Footpad (mm) 131.3 136.9 1.04 Methods A pair of Bald Eagles breeding on Besnard Lake were identified through previous study and chosen for radiotag- ging based on logistics and previous knowledge of habits (Gerrard et al. 1983, Gerrard and Bortolotti 1988). Eagles were captured by padded leg-hold traps placed in shallow water (0.1 -0.3 m deep; Harmata 1985). Four or six cap- ture devices were set around a Northern Pike (Esox lucius) or Walleye {Stizostedion vitreum) bait carcass staked in place. One capture site was in a shallow area with a mud and rock bottom in a wide shallow bay. Emergent vege- tation surrounded the capture site to prevent the eagle from attempting to take the bait by air. Another capture site was on submerged rocks near the edge of a small rocky island which had several White Spruce (Picea glauca) used regularly by eagles for perching. Both capture sites were within 2 m of shore where adult eagles had caught fish previously. Each capture adult was weighed and measured; a 54 gram radiotransmitter was attached to the two central tail feathers on each eagle. Wing area was measured after tracing the outline of the right wing onto a sheet. Wing outline was later transferred to graph paper with 1 mm squares. Area was determined by counting the number of inclusive and partially inclusive squares. Wing loading is the bird’s weight divided by area of the two wings (Brown and Amadon 1968) and was here expressed as grams/cm^. Eagles were located using receivers and hand held yagi antennae, and observed with binoculars and spotting scope. Observations were nearly continuous during daylight hours during the first 2 d. After a one day hiatus, we located both eagles at 15 min intervals from 0415-2200 H for the next 9 d. At each sampling interval we determined the location and activity of both eagles and scanned with 10 x binoculars and 20-45 x spotting scope to locate other ea- gles. Most monitoring was from an elevated rock located 1.3 km southeast of the nest. This point permitted good visibility of many of the eagles’ perch sites as well as the nest. During midday, when eagles were often soaring, a mobile tracker moved throughout the eagles’ range to tri- angulate eagles when out of visible range. Visual contact with the radio-tagged eagles was made to verify the ac- curacy of the telemetry locations whenever possible. Range was determined using the minimum convex polygon meth- od (Mohr 1947, Jennrich and Turner 1969). Territory was defined as the part of the range that was defended (i.e., from whieh other adult eagles were excluded, Pet- tingill 1970). Defended area was that enclosed by locations where we saw chase flights with one or other of the ter- ritorial pair chasing other eagles away. Activity and spatial relationships were calculated by dividing the number of 15 min observation records during which the eagle was flying and more than 200 m from the nest, respectively, by total records engaged in that activity for that hourly period. Total records per period was approximately 20 in each case (range 15-22). Results A target pair of mated adult Bald Eagles breeding on Besnard Lake was captured in July 1982. The male was captured on 17 July at the Shallow Bay site and the female on 19 July at the Rocky Island site. Both eagles were caught the same day as re- spective capture sites were set. Mensural data showed considerable difference in size between the two eagles. Greatest differences were in weight, culmen length, bill depth, and tarsal width (Table 1). Measurements of the larger eagle were well within those of known females and those of the smaller eagle were well within those of known males (Bortolotti 1984). Radiotracking of the male began after release and continued through 0900 H 28 July 1982. Male and female eagles were monitored for 126 and 105 hr over 12 and 10 d, respectively. During this time, their nestlings were between 48 and 59 d old. Both eaglets fledged normally in early August 1982. Range and Territory. Visual locations of eagles were obtained for 48% of 964 telemetry locations. Location of the eagle monitored were equivocal as to whether it was < or >200 m from the nest for 236 of 964 telemetry locations. Range for both eagles was 7 km^, with no appreciable differences between the range of the male and that of the female (Fig. 1). Size of range in relation to cumulative number of observations is shown in Figure 2. There was little expansion in range size during the latter half of the observation period. The defended area was a minimum of 4 km^ but might have been larger, particularly as few inter- December 1992 Bald Eagle Ranges and Activities 231 SIZE OF HOME RANGE (Km®) NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS Figure 2. Size of home range of a mated pair of Bald Eagles radiotagged on Besnard Lake, Saskatchewan, in relation to cumulative number of locations. 1 km Figure 1. Range (7 km^) of a mated pair of radio-tagged Bald Eagles on Besnard Lake, Saskatchewan between 17- 28 July 1982. Sightings of the male and female eagles were considered individually. The size of the range in- cluded the area encompassed by the outer extent of these flights. Symbols denote: # nest of eagles equipped with radios, ■ nests of adjacent bald eagle pairs, -» territorial defense flights by marked eagles; A, B small lakes visited by mated pair, * capture sites; OP observation hill. actions were seen to the north of the nest. On three occasions when both male and female were near the nest, other adults entered the territory and perched on a small island 300 m from the nest. Size of the intruders indicated that all were females. On all three occasions, the male did not pursue the intruder but the female did. On four occasions, the male was involved in chasing and pursuing other eagles which entered the territory. Gender of intruding eagles was not determined during the latter encounters, al- though at least two were thought to be males. Perching Behavior. One adult eagle was within 200 m of the nest most of the time. The female spent significantly more time within 200 m of the nest than the male from 0400-1100 H (x^ = 25.7, P < 0.01; Table 2). There was no difference between male and female regarding distance from the nest from 1100-1800 H (Table 2) or from 1800-2200 H, except that the male tended to roost more than 200 m from the nest while the female roosted near the nest (Fig. 3). Both male and female used perches when near the nest. The male tended to perch on the topmost branch of the tallest spruce within 30 m of the nest (11.0% of time perched), or topmost branch of the tallest spruce on the nest island (5.2% of time perched). The female tended to perch on top of spruce trees which were slightly lower but did, on occasion, use the same perches as the male (4.7% and 0.5% of time perched, respectively). Both eagles spent a small proportion of their time away from the nest at the small lakes A and B away from Besnard Lake (4.9% for male, 6.1% for female; Fig. 1 ). Activity Patterns. Activity of the eagle monitored (perched or flying) could not be determined for 228 (24%) of 964 telemetry locations. The data showed that female and male spent nearly equal time in flight, 18% and 17% respectively, but they distrib- uted their activity differently between morning and midday. The male spent significantly more time fly- Table 2. Spatial and temporal relationships of male and female Bald Eagles relative to their nest at Besnard Lake. Number of Locations Hours Male Female 0400-1100 Within 200 m of nest More than 200 m from nest Total 60 (31%) 132 (69%) 192 93 (58%) 67 (42%) 160 1100-1800 Within 200 m of nest More than 200 m from nest Total 91 (43%) 121 (57%) 212 64 (41%) 94 (59%) 158 232 Jon M. Gerrard et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 TIME OF DAY (HOUR) Figure 3. Location of male ( ) and female ( ) Bald Eagles in relation to the location of their nest at Besnard Lake, Saskatchewan by hour of the day. Total records were approximately 20/hr. ing in early morning than did the female (x^ = 8.1, P < 0.01; Table 3). There was no signficant dif- ference in amount of time spent flying by male or female during midday, although the female tended to fly longer and/or more often (Table 3). In the evening (1800-2200 H), the flying activity of the male and female was similar (Fig. 4). Discussion Movements and activities of radio-tagged eagles suggested little efifect of capture, handling, and mon- itoring on normal behavior. Upon release, the male immediately flew to perch on a tall tree on the nest island. Within 2.5 hr of release, the male had chased both an intruding immature and an intruding adult Bald Eagle and then caught a fish which it brought back to the nest. Capture and handling may have affected the female briefly, however. When released at 0820 H she did not return to the nest immediately, but flew to a perch near the small lake (B; Fig. 1) over 2 km from the nest and remained there until Table 3. Relative activity of male and female Bald Eagles in early morning and during midday at Besnard Lake. Number of Locations Hours Male Female 0400-1100 Flying 29 (15%) 9 (6%) Perched 164 (857o) 152 (94%) Total 193 161 1100-1800 Flying 46 (21%) 46 (28%) Perched 172 (79%) 118 (72%) Total 218 164 o Figure 4. Percent time the radio- tagged male ( ) and female ( ) Bald Eagle engaged in flight by hour of day. Total records were approximately 20/hr. 1125 H. This may not have been normal behavior. Subsequent monitoring indicated that she was more often within 200 m of the nest during the morning hours. However, within 4 hr both radio-tagged ea- gles were using their usual perches near the nest and both the young fledged normally. Research ac- tivities apparently had no effect on habitat use or productivity. Mensural data illustrated the normal size dimor- phism in a mated pair of Bald Eagles, Proportion- ally, weight was greater for the female than wing- span and wing area, resulting in a higher wing loading. Wing loading values suggest active flight may be more energetically expensive in calm air for females than for males. Indeed, the male spent more time flying early in the day when the thermals were weaker (or non-existent). Both male and female spent considerable time flying during mid-day when ther- mals were strongest. Results were similar to Bald Eagle activity patterns on wintering grounds, where males tended to be active earlier and over a greater part of the day than females (Harmata 1984). Consistent with the observation that the female was less active in the morning, she also spent more time within 200 m of the nest between 0400-1100 H. Although some bias may exist due to the pro- portion of locations where we did not unequivocally establish whether an eagle was more or less than 200 m from the nest or flying versus perched, we have no reason to suspect this would have differ- entially affected the data for males versus females. Indeed, our visual confirmation of 48% of all loca- tions provided a reasonable corroboration of the re- liability of the data. Additionally, signal character- istics differed noticeably between flying and perched eagles. Therefore, assessment of activity for eagles December 1992 Bald Eagle Ranges and Activities 233 out of visual range could be determined relative to signal type and receiving antenna position during strongest signal (horizontal = flying, vertical = perched). Responses of radio-tagged eagles to intruders in- dicated gender-specific defense of territory. The fe- male clearly reacted to other females but ignored eagles we thought to be males. The opposite ap- peared to be true for the male. Gender specific de- fense of territory has been noted in Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) and would facilitate rapid re- placement of lost mates (Harmata 1982). Home ranges of Bald Eagles vary from an esti- mated 10-15 km^ for other adult eagles on Besnard Lake (Gerrard et al. 1980) to about 30 km^ used by a pair of eagles on the San Juan Islands in Wash- ington (Retfalvi 1965) to a mean range of 47.5 km^ in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (Harmata and Oakleaf 1991). Home ranges in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem were annual ranges, and this may explain the relatively large differences in re- lation to other estimates made during the breeding season. Size of the defended area (about 4 km^) did not differ appreciably from an estimated 6 km^ for a pair farther southwest on Besnard Lake, but did differ from estimates of 1. 5-2.0 km^ in Florida and Michigan (Broley 1947, Mattson 1974). Four other pairs of eagles nested successfully in close proximity to the monitored pair (Fig. 1). These four nests were previously recorded in this region of the lake and may have induced the slightly smaller territory size relative to estimates from elsewhere on the lake in 1978 (Gerrard et al. 1980). Our findings that perches may be preferentially used by one eagle of a pair is similar to that of Retfalvi (1965) and illustrate the importance of adequately describing Bald Eagle ranges for management purposes. Precise size of the home range of Bald Eagles may depend on available food supply and proximity of neighboring eagles. Range utilized may also vary with season, time of the breeding cycle and nesting habitat (river, lake or marine). Range size also is a function of monitoring time. Figure 2 shows little increase in size of the range after 400 observation points were accrued, suggesting that by this point we were close to determining the maximum extent of the home range. Several recovery and management plans for the Bald Eagle in the United States suggest the devel- opment of site- or pair-specific management plans for each nesting pair before “delisting” from endan- gered status should occur (e.g.. Pacific Bald Eagle Recovery Plan, USFWS 1986, and Montana Bald Eagle Management Plan, MBEWG 1986). The utility of site plans for efifective management has been slow because the management strategy was based on an inadequate description of range and habitat use. Data deficiencies were mostly a conse- quence of insufficient monitoring effort, spawned by a lack of guidelines. In this study, 400 consecutive 15 min telemetry locations determined 93% of the range of a pair of Bald Eagles. Doubling the effort added only 7% to range size (Fig. 1). Therefore, a minimum of 400 telemetry locations, accrued consecutively at 15 min intervals over daylight hours, or 100 hr of obser- vation with both eagles in view, distributed evenly throughout daylight hours may be used as a guide- line for observational effort. This effort should de- lineate over 90% of a range of breeding Bald Eagles and provide adequate data for site- or pair-specific management purposes, at least on lakes. Literature Cited Bortolotti, G.R. 1984. Plumage polymorphism and sex dimorphism in size of Bald Eagles. J. Wildl. Man- age. 48:72-81. Broley, C.L. 1947. Migration and nesting of Florida Bald Eagles. Wilson Bull. 59:3-20. Brown, L. and D. Amadon. 1968. Eagles, hawks, and falcons of the World. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. Gerrard, J.M. and G.R. Bortolotti. 1988. The Bald Eagle: haunts and habitats of a wilderness monarch. Smithsonian Press, Washington, DC. , P.N. Gerrard, G.R. Bortolotti and D.W.A. Whitfield. 1983. A 14-year study of Bald Eagle reproduction on Besnard Lake, Saskatchewan. Pages 47-57 in D.M, Bird [Ed.], The biology and manage- ment of Bald Eagles and Osprey. Harpell Press, Mon- treal, PQ, Canada. , P.N. Gerrard and D.W.A. Whitfield. 1980 Behavior of a non-breeding Bald Eagle. Can. Field- Nat. 94:391-397. Harmata, A.R. 1982. What is the function of undu- lating flight display in Golden Eagles? /. Raptor Res 16:103-109. . 1984. Bald Eagles of the San Luis Valley, Col- orado: their winter ecology and spring migration. Ph.D. thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. . 1985. Capture of wintering and nesting Bald Eagles. Pages 139-159 in J.M. Gerrard and T.M. Ingram [Eds.], The Bald Eagle in Canada. Proceedings of Bald Eagle Days 1983. White Horse Plains Pub- lishing, Headingly, MB, Canada. 234 Jon M. Gerrard et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 AND R. Oakleaf. 1991. A management oriented study of the ecology of Bald Eagles in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Draft I. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Lander, WY. Hensel, R.J. and W.A. Trover. 1964. Nesting studies of the Bald Eagle in Alaska. Condor 66:282-286. Jennrich, R.I. AND F.B. Turner. 1969. Measurements of noncircular home range. /. Theo. Biol. 22:227-237. Mahaffey, M.S. 1981. Territorial behavior of the Bald Eagle on the Chippewa National Forest. M.Sc. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Mattson, M.P. 1974. Interaction of a breeding pair of Bald Eagles with subadults at Sucker Lake, Michigan. M.A. thesis, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN. Mohr, C.O. 1947. Table of equivalent populations of North American small mammals. Am. Midland Nat. 37:233-249. MBEWG (Montana Bald Eagle Working Group). 1986. Montana Bald Eagle management plan. USDI, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior, Billings, MT. Pettingill, O.W., Jr. 1970. Ornithology in laboratory and field. Burgess Publishing Company, Minneapolis, MN. Retfalvi, L.I. 1965. Breeding behavior and feeding habits of the Bald Eagle {Haliaeetus leucocephalus) on San Juan Island, Washington. M.S. thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. USFWS (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 1986. Pa- cific Bald Eagle recovery plan. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice, U.S. Department of the Interior, Portland, OR. Received 22 June 1990; accepted 20 August 1992 J. Raptor Res. 26(4):235-238 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. SEASONAL AND SEXUAL VARIATION IN THE DIET OF THE COMMON BUZZARD IN NORTHEASTERN SPAIN Santi Map^osa Departament de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spain Pedro J. Cordero Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia, Apartado 202, 50080 Zaragoza, Spain Abstract. — We examined the diet of Common Buzzards {Buteo buteo) from a Mediterranean area (Catalonia, NE Spain), by analyzing prey remains and pellets found in the nest, and stomach contents. The diet was seasonal. Relatively large items, such as young rabbits and Ocellated Lizards (Lacerta lepida), predominated in the breeding season, orthopterans and mantodeans in autumn and insects, rodents and soricidans in winter. Males presented an empty stomach more often than females, but only small differences were found in the diet of males and females. Resumen. — Se analiza la variacion estacional en la dieta del ratonero comiin {Buteo buteo) en una zona mediterranea (Cataluna, NE Espaha) a base de restos de presas y egagropilas encontrados en los nidos y al analisis de contenidos estomacales. La dieta vario estacionalmente. Durante el periodo reproductive, el ratonero consumio presas relativamente grandes, tales como gazapos y lagartos, mientras que en otono consumio preferentemente ortopteros y mantidos. En invierno los insectos, roedores y musaranas constitu- yeron la base de la dieta. Los machos presentaron el estomago vacio con mayor frecuencia que las hembras pero solo se detectaron pequehas diferencias en la dieta de ambos sexos. The Common Buzzard {Buteo buteo) feeds on a wide range of prey, mainly rodents, but also on other vertebrates and invertebrates of appropriate size (Cramp and Simmons 1980). Its diet has been stud- ied in most parts of its geographical range, and it reflects underlying differences in prey availability (Bustamante 1985). However, seasonal variation has received much less attention, probably because of difficulty in studying the diet outside the breeding season. In this paper we investigate the seasonal variation of the diet of the Common Buzzard in a Mediterranean area, where the species is present throughout the year. Study Area and Methods Diet outside the breeding season was studied by ana- lyzing the stomach contents of 69 Common Buzzards con- fiscated from hunters in the Mediterranean area of Cat- alonia (NE Spain) between October and February of 1982- 87 The sex of 39 individuals was identified. Diet during the breeding season was studied in La Segarra county of Catalonia by collecting prey remains and pellets from 20 nests, during and after reproduction in 1985-89. Pellets were especially useful to identify small prey, which are rarely found as items in the nest (Manosa 1991, Real 1991). The importance of each prey was expressed as the percentage of appearance of that prey among all prey items in nests, pellets or stomachs. Results and Discussion Diet During the Breeding Season (Spring- Summer). European Rabbit {Oryctolagus cuniculus) was the most frequent prey species (Appendix 1). This has been found in other Mediterranean areas (Veiga 1982, Real 1987) but is unlike the deciduous forest region of Northern Spain where invertebrates form the bulk of the diet (Bustamante 1985). The Common Buzzard captured mainly young rabbits, very abundant in spring and summer (Soriguer 1981). The mean tarsus length of the rabbits taken was 37.5 mm (SD = 5.7, range = 26-64, N = 122), which corresponds to a mean weight of less than 550 g (Manosa 1991). The second most consumed prey were reptiles, especially Ocellated Lizard {Lacerta lepida), also very common in spring and summer (Castilla 1989). Several species of birds formed an important percentage of the diet. Invertebrates, am- phibians, rodents and shrews were taken only oc- casionally (Table 1). Diet Outside the Breeding Season. Only 45 (65%) of the 69 stomachs analyzed contained at least one prey. A total of 240 prey items were found (Appendix 1). Insects were the most frequent prey both in autumn and winter (Table 1). Rabbits were 235 236 Santi Mai^Josa and Pedro J. Cordero VoL. 26, No. 4 Table 1. Diet of Common Buzzard in Catalonia (NE Spain) expressed in percentages. Autumn includes October- November, winter December- February and spring and summer the breeding season. Spring and Summer Remains Pellets Autumn Winter Autumn and Winter Mammals 69.90 49.75 7.28 38.2 18.74 Shrews 0.33 0.00 0.00 15.73 5.83 Rabbits 66.55 21.89 0.66 2.25 1.25 Voles 0.00 6.47 3.31 6.74 4.58 Mice 1.34 5.47 1.32 10.11 4.58 Other mammals 1.67 15.92 1.99 3.37 2.50 Birds 16.50 12.44 0.00 3.37 1.25 Reptiles 13.88 35.82 3.31 3.37 3.33 Amphibians 0.17 0.00 0.66 7.87 3.33 Insects 0.00 1.99 87.42 43.82 71.26 Mantodeans 0.00 0.00 31.79 17.98 26.67 Orthopterans 0.00 1.49 54.97 19.10 41.67 Coleopterans 0.00 0.50 0.66 6.74 2.92 Other invertebrates 0.00 0.00 1.32 3.37 2.08 Total 598 201 152 88 240 taken only occasionally, and rodents and shrews were the most common mammalian prey. Because of the low temperatures, reptiles are not available during the autumn and winter periods (Castilla 1989), and their presence in the diet was restricted. In winter, most insect populations decrease, and small mam- mals (rodents and shrews) increase in their impor- tance in the diet. Then they are especially abundant in open fields, where they lack cover as they feed. Amphibians increased their presence in the winter diet, when they concentrate around their breeding pools (Valverde 1967). Seasonal and Sexual Comparison. Compared with pellet analysis, collections of prey remains in nests underestimates small preys (invertebrates, small mammals and reptiles). On grouping prey into in- vertebrates, poikilotherm vertebrates, birds, rabbits, and small mammals, differences were significant (x^ = 199.038, df = 4, P < 0.01; Table 1). We analyzed seasonal variation by comparing pellet data with stomach contents, eliminating by this way the bias- associated with prey remain collections. On grouping prey into invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds, rabbits and small mammals, we found differences between breeding-season, autumn and winter diets (x^ = 341.436, df = 10, P < 0.01; Table 1). Buzzards consumed bigger prey during the breeding season than outside it, but it is possible that adults carried only large prey to the nests and consumed small prey themselves, as was observed in other raptors (Veiga 1982, Donazar 1988). This possibility should be taken into account when interpreting our results. The sex ratio of buzzards killed did not differ sig- nificantly from unity (20 males and 19 females; x^ = 0.026, P > 0.05) with no variation between au- tumn and winter (x^ = 0.779, P > 0.05). Data from Table 3. Number of Common Buzzard stomachs in which different prey were found in relation to sex. Table 2. Frequency of full compared to empty stomachs according to sex of Common Buzzards. Males Females Total Full 9 17 26 Empty 10 3 13 Total 19 20 39 Males (V = 9) Females (V = 17) Invertebrates 5 8 Amphibians 3 0 Reptiles 1 2 Birds 1 1 Rabbits 0 2 Small mammals 8 10 December 1992 Seasonal Diets of Common Buzzards 237 both seasons could therefore be pooled to analyze differences in diet between the sexes. Empty stom- achs were found more often in males than females (x^ = 6.278, P < 0.025; Table 2). Although sample sizes were small, we found amphibians more often in stomachs of males than females (Fisher exact test P = 0.03) and Rabbits were taken only by females (Table 3). These differences may be related to the sexual dimorphism of the species (male weight = 828 g, female weight = 1052 g; Cramp and Simmons 1980) and can be explained either by prey selection or by habitat partitioning, as shown in Hen Harriers (Circus cyaneus; Newton 1979, Marquiss 1980), Eu- ropean Sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus; Marquiss and Newton 1982, Newton 1986), or American Kestrels (Falco sparverius; Smallwood 1987, 1988). Acknowledgments We are grateful to Sheila Hardie for improving the English of the manuscript. We are also very grateful to J.E. Jimenez and R. Kenward for their useful comments of an early version of our manuscript. Literature Cited Bustamante, J.M. 1985. Alimentacidn del ratonero comun (Buteo buteo) en el norte de Espana. Donana Acta Vertebrata 12:51-62. Castilla, A.M. 1989. Autoecologia del lagarto ocelado (Lacerta lepida). Tesis doctoral, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. Cramp, S.C. and K.E.C. Simmons [Eds.]. 1980. The birds of the western Palearctic. Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. Donazar, J.A. 1988. Variaciones en la alimentacion entre adultos reproductores y polios del Buho Real (Bubo bubo). Ardeola 35:278-284. Ma51osa, S. 1991. Biologia trofica, us de I’habitat i biologia de la reproduccio de I’astor (Accipiter gentilis, Linnaeus, 1758) a la Segarra. Tesis doctoral, Univer- sitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Marquiss, M. 1980. Habitat and diet of male and fe- male Hen Harriers in Scotland in winter. British Birds 73:555-560. and I. Newton. 1982. Habitat preference in male and female Sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus. Ibis 124:324-328. Newton,!. 1979. Population ecology of raptors. T. and A.D. Poyser, Berkhamsted, U.K. . 1986. The sparrowhawk. T. and A.D. Poyser, Calton, U.K. Real, J. 1987. L’organitzacid d’una comunitat de rapin- yaires a la Catalunya mediterranea. I: Accipitriformes i Falconiformes. Unpubl. report. Caixa de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. . 1991. h’ kliga perdigucra. Hieraaetus fasciatus 2 l Catalunya: status, ecologia trofica, biologia reproduc- tora i demografia. Tesis doctoral, Universitat de Bar- celona, Barcelona, Spain. Smallwood, J.A. 1987. Sexual segregation by habitat in American Kestrels wintering in south-central Flor- ida: vegetative structure and responses to differential prey availability. Condor 89:842-849. . 1988. A mechanism of sexual segregation by habitat in American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) win- tering in south-central Florida. Auk 105:36-46. Soriguer, R.C. 1981. Biologia y dinamica poblacional de una poblacidn de conejos (Oryctolagus cuniculus, L) en Andalucia occidental. Donana Acta Vertebrata 8(3) Valverde, J.A. 1967. Estructura de una comunidad de vertebrados terrestres. Consejo Superior de Investiga- ciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain. Veiga, J.P. 1982. Ecologia de las rapaces de un ecosiste- ma de montaha. Aproximacion a su estructura co- munitaria. Tesis doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. Received 5 December 1991; accepted 20 August 1992 238 Santi Manosa and Pedro J. Cordero VoL. 26, No. 4 Appendix 1. Prey items of the Common Buzzard during the breeding and non-breeding season in Catalonia (NE Spain). Species with less than five representatives are grouped in the “other” category. Breeding Season Remains Pellets Fall and Winter N % N % N % Mammals 416 69.60 100 49.75 445 18.75 Crocidura russula 2 0.33 11 4.58 Oryctolagus cuniculus 398 66.55 44 21.89 3 1.25 Sciurus vulgaris 4 0.67 15 7.46 Microtus duodecimeostatus 13 6.47 11 4.58 Apodemus sylvaticus 6 1.00 11 5.47 7 2.92 Other^ mammals 6 1.00 2 1.99 7 2.92 Unidentified small mammals 15 7.46 6 2.50 Birds 96 16.05 25 12.44 3 1.25 Alectoris rufa 30 5.02 1 0.42 Columba palumbus 15 2.51 Garrulus glandarius 11 1.84 Unidentified Passeriformes 12 2.01 17 8.46 Other^ birds 12 2.01 2 0.83 Unidentified birds 16 2.67 8 3.98 Reptiles 83 13.88 72 35.82 8 3.33 Psammodromus algirus 7 1.17 24 11.94 Lacerta lepida 44 7.36 25 12.44 Ophidians 31 5.18 8 3.98 1 0.42 Other^ reptiles 1 0.17 7 2.92 Unidentified reptiles 15 7.46 Amphibians 1 0.17 8 3.33 Bufo sp. 5 2.08 Other^ amphibians 1 0.17 3 1.25 Arthropods 4 1.99 175 72.92 Mantis religiosa 64 26.67 Grillotalpa grillotalpa 13 5.42 Unidentified Acrididae 5 2.08 Other orthopterans 3 1.49 6 2.50 Coleopterans 1 0.50 7 2.92 Other^ arthropods 4 1.67 Anelids 1 0.42 Oligochets 1 0.42 Total prey 598 201 240 ® Other prey items include; Mammals: Suncus etruscus, Eliomys quercinus, Rattus rattus, Mus spretus, Mus sp., Unidentified Muridae, Mustela nivalis. Birds: Columba oenas, Otus scops, Athene noctua, Alaudidae, Saxicola torquata, Turdus merula, Turdus viscivorus, Onolus oriolus, Sturnus vulgaris, Fringilla coelebs, Emberiza cirlus. Miliaria calandra. Nestling Passeriforme. Ophidians: Malpolon monspessulanus, Elaphe scalaris, Unidentified Ophidians. Reptiles; Podarcis hispanica, Blanus cinereus. Matrix natrix, Matrix sp., Anguis fragilis, Vipera latastii. Amphibians: Bufo calamita, Hyla meridionalis, Rana perezi. Goleopterans: Tenebrionidae, Carabidae, Timarcha tenebricosa, Cetonia aurata, Ceotrupes stercorarius. Unidentified Goleopterans. Orthopterans: Gryllus campestris, Oedipoda sp., Anacridium sp., Unidentified Orthopterans. Arthropods: Camponotus cruentatus, Lepidoptera Larvae, Disdera sp.. Unidentified Isopoda. J Raptor Res. 26(4):239-242 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. DIET CHANGES IN BREEDING TAWNY OWLS {Strix aluco) David A. Kirk^ Department of Zoology, 2 Tillydrone Avenue, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K. ABO 2TN Abstract. — I examined the contents of Tawny Owl (Strix aluco sylvatica) pellets, between April 1977 and February 1978, in mixed woodland and gardens in northeast Suffolk, England. Six mammal, 14 bird and 5 invertebrate species were recorded in a sample of 105 pellets. Overall, the Wood Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) was the most frequently taken mammal prey and the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) was the most frequently identified bird prey. Two types of seasonal diet change were found; first, a shift from mammal prey in winter to bird prey in the breeding season, and second, a shift from small prey in the winter to medium-sized (>30 g) prey in the breeding season. Contrary to some findings elsewhere in England, birds, rather than mammals, contributed significantly to Tawny Owl diet during the breeding season. Cambios en la dieta de buhos de la especie Strix aluco durante el periodo de reproduccion Extracto. — He examinado el contenido de egagropilas del buho de la especie Strix aluco sylvatica, entre abril de 1977 y febrero de 1978, en florestas y huertos del noreste de Suffolk, Inglaterra. Seis mamiferos, catorce aves y cinco especies invertebradas fueron registrados en una muestra de 105 egagropilas. En el total, entre los mamiferos, el roedor Apodemus sylvaticus fue el que con mas frecuencia fue presa de estos buhos; y entre las aves, la presa identificada con mas frecuencia fue el gorrion Passer domesticus. Dos tipos de cambio en la dieta estacional fueron observados; primero, un cambio de clase de presa: de mamiferos en invierno a la de aves en la estacion reproductora; y segundo, un cambio en el tamano de las presas: de pequenas en el invierno a medianas (>30 g) en la estacion reproductora. En contraste con hallazgos realizados en otras partes de Inglaterra, las aves, en vez de los mamiferos, contribuyeron significativamente a la dieta del Strix aluco sylvatica durante las estacion reproductora. [Traduccion de Eudoxio Paredes-Ruiz] The diet of many owl species is influenced by habitat and season (e.g., Marti 1974, Yalden 1985, Mikkola 1983). Among sedentary “generalist” spe- cies, Tawny Owls (Strix aluco sylvatica) inhabiting deciduous woodland in England preyed on Bank Voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) and Wood Mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) in winter, but switched to Moles (Talpidae), young Rabbits (Oryctolagus cun- iculus), Cockchafers (Melolontha melolontha) and earthworms (Lumbricina) in summer (Southern 1954, 1969). In urban or other open habitats, birds may form important components of Tawny Owl diet (e.g., Harrison 1960, Beven 1965, Yalden and Jones 1971, Glue 1972), but these have generally been aggre- gated in analyses so that the seasonal importance of different species or size classes cannot be investi- gated. ' Present address; Canadian Wildlife Service, Ontario Re- gion, 49 Camelot Drive, Nepean, Ontario, Canada KIA 0H3. Few data exist with regard to Tawny Owl diet in discontinuous woodland habitats, where prey spe- cies and hunting techniques may differ from that of owls inhabiting larger forest tracts (Nilsson 1978). In this paper, I report on seasonal variation in the diet of Tawny Owls from a site in south-eastern England in relation to breeding and possible changes in prey selection or availability. Because Tawny Owls disgorge pellets before roosting (Guerin 1932), pel- lets are scattered throughout territories, making them difficult to find. However, in this study sufficient numbers of pellets were found by intensive searching and knowledge of roost sites of individual owls. Study Area and Methods This study was carried out between April 1977 and February 1978 at Herringfleet, north-east Suffolk, in a 0.06 km^ woodland dominated by Scots Pine (Pinus syl- vestris), with mixed woods of birch (Betula pendula), oak (Quercus robur), rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), maple (Acer platanoides) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior), interspersed with large gardens. Marshes used for grazing and reedbeds (Phragmites australis) occur along a river to the west and 239 240 David A. Kirk VoL. 26, No. 4 Table 1. Total numbers and percentage contribution by weight of prey species recovered in Tawny Owl pellets, during and outside the breeding season (April- August; non-breeding season September-February). Prey Species Breeding Season Winter Season No. Weight (g) % Weight No. Weight (g) % Weight Common Shrew Sorex araneus 0 0 0 1 8 0.3 Wood Mouse Apodemus syluaticus 4 72 4.4 34 612 20.7 Field Vole Microtus agrestis 0 0 0 14 294 10.0 Bank Vole Clethrionomys glareolus 1 16 1.0 29 464 15.7 Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus 1 100 6.1 0 0 0 Norway Rat Rattus norvegicus 3 180 10.9 4 240 8.1 Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 1 220 13.3 0 0 0 Wren Troglodytes troglodytes 0 0 0 1 8 0.3 Dunnock/Robin Prunella modularis / Erithacus rubecula 1 20 1.2 1 20 0.7 Blackbird/Song Thrush Turdus merula/T. philomelos 7 599 36.3 3 257 8.7 Redwing/Starling Turdus iliacus / Sturnus vulgaris 0 0 0 5 368 12.5 Coal Tit/Blue Tit Parus ater/P. caeruleus 0 0 0 4 48 1.6 Jay Garrulus glandarius 1 161 9.8 0 0 0 Starling Sturnus vulgaris 2 164 9.9 0 0 0 House Sparrow Passer domesticus 0 0 0 12 294 10.0 Chaffinch Fringilla coelobs 0 0 0 2 49 1.7 Greenfinch Carduelis chloris 0 0 0 2 52 1.8 Small bird (unidentified) 5 100 6.1 10 200 6.8 Dor beetle Geotrupes stercocarius 0 0 0 30 30 1.0 Dung Beetle Typhaeus typhoeus 13 13 0.8 6 6 0.2 Cockchafer Melolontha melolontha 4 4 0.2 0 0 0 Beetles Carabidae 0 0 0 4 0.4 0.01 Earthworms Lumbricidae 1 0 0 34 0 0 Total 43^ 1649 162^ 2950 ® Excluding earthworms. farmland to the east. Exotic shrubs such as rhododenron {Rhododendron spp.) and laurel {Prunus laurocerasus) pro- vide roosts for small birds during winter. I collected pellets at weekly intervals at roosts in 2-3 ha of mature Scots Pine in two large wooded gardens. Of the 105 pellets, 77% were collected during the first 5 mo, the remaining 23% were collected between September and February. One pair of Tawny Owls nested in a nestbox, approximately 300 m from the roost sites used for pellet collection. However, few pellets were found beneath the nestbox. The principal source of pellets was from this pair of owls but due to territorial infringements some pellets might have been from other individuals (territories in dis- continuous woodland in Wytham averaged 22 ha; Hirons 1985). I collected up to 16 pellets per week from October- February (21% of pellets cast by owls, assuming 1.27 pellets/day are produced in winter; Lowe 1980), but be- tween April and September relatively few pellets (1-6 per week) were found (6% of pellets cast, assuming 1.03 pel- lets/day are produced in summer) for the reasons described by Southern and Lowe (1968). Mammal remains were identified to species by dental and cranial features (Yalden 1977), while birds were iden- tified by comparing skulls or bills with reference skeletons collected locally. Other remains used to identify birds were feet, pelvises, gizzard size and feathers in the pellet matrix. The number of individuals represented was determined by counts of skulls, jaws or pelvises for mammals, and skulls, mandibles and long bones for birds as suggested by experiments with Tawny and other owl species (Short and Drew 1962, Raczyhski and Ruprecht 1974). Coleoptera were identified by elytra striations and chi- tinous remains. Earthworms were identified by chaetae and I estimated earthworm numbers by the proportion of fibrous material and sand in pellets (Southern 1954), Es- timates of earthworms were excluded from table totals because they were not comparable with counts of other prey. Average weights of bird species were calculated by the length of humeri recovered in pellets using the re- gression equation; log weight = (2.706 x log humerus length) — 2.062 (Yalden 1977) or by using average weights in Hickling (1983, Appendix 12). I used data in Yalden (1977, 1985) for weights of small mammals and Cole- optera. Results and Discussion I recorded 6 mammal, 14 bird and 5 invertebrate species in the 105 pellets examined (Table 1). Of a total of 204 prey items recovered from pellets (ex- December 1992 Tawny Owl Diet 241 eluding earthworms), 45% by number were mam- mals. Wood Mice predominated (19%), followed by Bank Voles (15%) and Field Voles (7%). Birds com- prised 28% of total prey; birds smaller than 30 g estimated body weight contributed 19%. Of the spe- cies identified, House Sparrows (6%) and thrushes {Turdus spp. 5%) were most important. Numerically, Coleoptera represented 30% of total diet. By weight, mammals formed 43% and birds 56%, respectively. European Blackbirds and Song Thrushes were most important by weight (19%), followed by Wood Mice (15%), Bank Voles (10%) and Norway Rats (9%). The contribution of Coleoptera by weight was neg- ligible. Significantly more birds than mammals were taken between April-August than between September- February (G = 8.08, P < 0.005), suggesting a switch from small rodents to birds during the breeding pe- riod. Also, significantly more medium-sized than small vertebrate prey were taken by owls during the breeding season than in autumn and winter when the converse was true (G = 24.29, P < 0.001; Table 2). Similar results were found when bird prey were considered separately (G = 8.57, P < 0.005), al- though the total biomass intake of small and me- dium-sized birds was similar between the breeding and non-breeding season (Table 2). The weight of vertebrate prey was significantly higher in the breed- ing than the non-breeding season (breeding season X = 62.8 g, SE = 9.7, N = 26; non-breeding x - 23.9 g, SE = 1.5, V = 122; Mann Whitney U test, Z = 4.473, P < 0.001), but no difference was found when invertebrates were included. During the breeding season, thrushes, European Starlings, Jay, and Eurasian Kestrel together con- tributed 69% of the diet by weight. Wood Mice and Bank Voles comprised only 5%. In winter. Wood Mice, Bank Voles, Field Voles and Common Shrews accounted for 47% of the diet by weight. Small birds (e.g.. House Sparrows) comprised 23% of the winter diet by weight (Tables 1 and 2). Earthworms were taken mostly in the non-breeding season, particu- larly in October and December, probably due to the wet conditions in these months resulting in increased availability of earthworms. The importance of earth- worms was probably greatly underestimated since I did not weigh the granular content of pellets as rec- ommended by Yalden (1985). Two species of dung beetles {Geotrupes stercocarius and Typhaeus ty- phoeus) were also taken in large numbers. Geotrupes occurred in pellets most frequently in autumn and winter, showing that Tawny Owls foraged over Table 2. The contribution of different-sized prey in Tawny Owl diet during and outside the breeding season (percentage figures refer to weight of prey items in grams). Breeding Season (24 Pellets) Winter Season (81 Pellets) No. % Weight ( g) No. % Weight ( g) Small mammals 5 5.3 78 46.7 Medium- sized 4 17.0 4 8.1 mammals Small birds 6 7.3 32 22.7 Medium-sized birds 11 69.4 8 21.2 Invertebrates^ 18 1.0 44 1.2 Total number Total weight 43 1649 166 2950 ® Excluding earthworms. marshes where there were cattle. Typhaeus was most commonly taken in the summer (Table 1). Cock- chafer beetles were found in pellets from June and July, the period of emergence for this species. A shift from small to larger (mammal) prey in Tawny Owl diet during the breeding season was also found in Derbyshire, England, but in contrast to my study bird prey was most important in the ‘winter’ season (Yalden 1985, Table 2). Increased weight of prey taken by Tawny Owls during the breeding season was suggested by Nilsson (1984) in Sweden, and by Southern (1954) in Oxfordshire, England. However, in the latter study owls appar- ently did not prey on abundant fledgling passerines. The increase in medium-sized (often fledgling) bird prey in this study during the breeding season suggested that Tawny Owls might selectively take larger prey when they have chicks, as noted by Mik- kola (1983, Table 26) and as documented in some Common Barn Owl {Tyto alba) pairs (Buckley and Goldsmith 1975). Southern (1969) also recorded diet changes in Wytham owls when their young were half-grown and no longer brooded. Tawny Owls are sexually dimorphic, and the larger size of females (26% heavier than males; Hardy et al. 1981) might allow them to select larger prey than the male (for other owl species see Earhart and Johnson 1970, Mikkola 1983), especially when they have limited hunting time due to demands from their chicks. Also, individual Tawny Owls can specialize on particular prey types, so perhaps the female owl in this study selectively took large bird prey at this time. Con- versely, more small birds were found in winter pel- 242 David A. Kirk VoL. 26, No. 4 lets probably as a result of owls feeding on com- munally roosting birds as occurs in Long-eared Owls {Asia otus; Glue and Hammond 1974). Prey availability for Tawny Owls is determined by ground cover (Southern and Lowe 1968) which may account for seasonal change in the diet of Taw- ny Owls at Herringfleet. Dense vegetation cover (es- pecially Bracken Pteridium aquilinum) in summer could prevent owls from locating small mammal prey. Conversely, dieback of vegetation in autumn may mean that small rodents are more vulnerable to owl predation. Rodents might make more noise moving through leaf litter on the ground in autumn and winter and thus be more easily located by foraging owls. The fact that a major prey species, the Wood Mouse, spends less time foraging outside the nest in winter on moonlit nights (Wolton 1983) also indi- cates that small mammals are more vulnerable to Tawny Owl predation in the winter season. Thus, changes in vegetation cover could account for the abundance of small rodents in Tawny Owl diet at Herringfleet during the winter season. My results suggest one, or a combination of factors in the apparent diet shift; 1) small mammals were more vulnerable to owl predation outside the breed- ing season; 2) owls switched, opportunistically, to fledgling birds during the breeding season because they were easier to catch or 3) medium-sized birds were taken selectively by owls because they were more ‘profitable’ prey (with a higher nutrient intake per handling time) than rodents, during the period when owls had dependent young. Acknowledgments I thank A. Johnson, I. Kirk, T.C. Kirk, D, Knott, and K. Robinson for their encouragement with this work and F Bulsara for inspiration. Earlier versions of the manu- script were improved by comments from P.J. Ewins, C.D. Marti, M. Mbnkkbnen and D.G. Smith. Literature Cited Beven, G. 1965. The food of Tawny Owls in London. London Bird Kept. 29:56-72. Buckley, J. and J.G. Goldsmith. 1975. The prey of the Barn Owl {Tyto alba alba) in east Norfolk. Mammal Review 5:13-16. Earhart, C.M. and N.K. Johnson. 1970. Size di- morphism and food habits of North American owls. Condor 72:251-264. Glue, D.E. 1972. Bird prey taken by British owls. Study 19:91-95. AND G.J. Hammond. 1974. Feeding ecology of the Long-eared Owl in Britain and Ireland. Br. Birds 67:361-369. Guerin, G. 1932. La Hulotte et son regime. Encyclo- pedie Ornithologique. P. Lechevalier, Paris, France. Hardy, A.R., G.J.M. Hirons, P.I. Stanley and L.W. Huson. 1981. Sexual dimorphism in size of Tawny Owls (Strix aluco): a method for sexing in field studies. Ardea 69:181-184. Harrison, C.J.O. 1960. The food of some urban Tawny Owls. Bird Study 7:236-240. Hickling, R. (Ed.). 1983. Enjoying ornithology. T. and A.D. Poyser, Caltoh, U.K. Hirons, G.J.M. 1985. The effects of territorial behavior on the stability and dispersion of Tawny Owl (Stnx aluco) populations. /. ZooL, Lond. (B) 1:21-48. Lowe, V.P.W. 1980. Variation in digestion of prey by the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco). J. ZooL, Lond. 192:283- 293. Marti, C.D. 1974. Feeding ecology of four sympatric owls. Condor 76:45-61. Mikkola, H. 1983. Owls of Europe. T. and A.D. Poy- ser, Gallon, U.K. Nilsson, I.N. 1978. Hunting in flight by Tawny Owls Strix aluco. Ibis 120:528-531. . 1984. Prey weight, food overlap, and repro- ductive output of potentially competing Long-eared Owls and Tawny Owls. Ornis Scand. 15:176-182. Raczynski, j. and A.L. Ruprecht. 1974. The effect of digestion on the osteological composition of owl pel- lets. Acta Ornithologica 14:25-38. Short, L.L. and L.C. Drew. 1962. Observations con- cerning behavior, feeding and pellets of Short-eared Owls. Amer. Midi. Nat. 67:424-433. Southern, H.N. 1954. Tawny Owls and their prey. Ibis 96:384-410. . 1969. Prey taken by Tawny Owls during the breeding season. Ibis 111:293-299. AND V.P.W. Lowe. 1968. The pattern of dis- tribution of prey and predation in Tawny Owl terri- tories. J. Anim. Ecol. 37:75-97. Wolton, R.J. 1983. The activity of free-ranging Wood Mice, Apodemus sylvaticus. J. Anim. Ecol. 52:781-794. Yalden, D.W. 1977. The identification of remains in owl pellets. Occasional Publication. Mammal Society Reading, U.K. . 1985. Dietary separation of owls in the Peak District. Bird Study 32:122-131. AND R. Jones. 1971. The food of suburban Tawny Owls. The Naturalist 914:87-89. Received 18 March 1992; accepted 21 August 1992 J Raptor Res. 26(4):243-256 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. FORAGING ECOLOGY OF BALD EAGLES ON A REGULATED RIVER W. Grainger Hunt BioSystems Analysis, Inc., 303 Potrero, No. 203, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 J. Mark Jenkins Technical and Ecological Services, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 3400 Crow Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 94583 Ronald E. Jackman, Carl G. Thelander and Arnold T. Gerstell BioSystems Analysis, Inc., 303 Potrero, No. 203, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Abstract. — We studied the habitat, foraging behavior, and prey of eight pairs of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nesting along northern California’s Pit River where flows and reservoir elevations were regulated by five hydroelectric facilities. Prey remains (N = 1166) and photographic data {N = 117) indicated that eagles fed on a variety of fishes (88%), birds (9%), and mammals (4%), but one species, Sacramento Sucker (Catostomus occidentalis) dominated the diets of all pairs. Bald Eagle prey utilization at Britton Reservoir was directly related to the abundance of fish species inventoried by surface gill nets. Bald Eagles ate Sacramento Sucker and Tule Perch (Hysterocarpus traski) as carrion in late May, June, and July when these species became numerous on the surface of the reservoir. Eagles nesting near relatively small run-of-river reservoirs downstream of Britton Reservoir foraged in both lacustrine and riverine habitats. On the river sections, eagles selected hunting perches near pools rather than runs or riffles. In pools, live suckers were taken mainly in shallow areas where there was no surface turbulence. Inventories indicated that fish were less common in pools than in runs or riffles, suggesting that physical conditions promoting prey vulnerability were more important to eagles than those influencing prey density. However, eagles did not use a large section of river where suckers of appropriate sizes for eagles were uncommon. Habitos de alimentacion de Aguila Cabeciblanca en un rio de corriente regulada Extracto. — Hemos estudiado el habitat, la conducta en la alimentacion, y las presas de ocho parejas de Aguila Cabeciblanca {Haliaeetus leucocephalus) que anidaban a lo largo de rio Pit en California del norte. En este rio el volumen del flujo del agua y la cantidad de ella en las represas estaban regulados por medio de cinco plantas hidroelectricas. Los residuos de presas {N = 1166) asi como datos fotograficos {N = 117) indicaron que las aguilas se alimentaron de una variedad de peces (88%), de aves (9%), y de mamiferos (4%); pero una especie de pez perteneciente a la especie Catostomus occidentalis domino la dieta de todas las parejas. La utilizacidn de las presas de Aguila Cabeciblanca en la represa Britton, estuvo directamente relacionada con la abundancia de especies de peces cogidos por redes tendidas en la superficie del agua. Hacia fines de mayo, en junio y julio, las aguilas comieron carroiia de peces C. occidentalis y Hysterocarpus traski, cuando estas especies se hacen numerosas en la superficie del estanque. Aguilas que anidaban cerca de relativamente pequenos estanques, los que se Henan con agua de la represa Britton, se alimentaron tanto en habitats lacustres como fluviales. En las secciones riverenas, las aguilas seleccionaron las perchas de observacion para cazar prefiriendo la cercania a albercas que a corrientes rapidas o turbulentas. En las albercas, peces vivos fueron cogidos principalmente en areas de poca profundidad donde no habia turbulencia superficial. Los conteos indicaron que los peces fueron menos numerosos en albercas que en secciones de rapidos y turbulencias; lo que sugiere que las condiciones fisicas que promueven la vulnerabilidad de las posibles presas, fueron mas importantes para las aguilas que las condiciones que influencian la abundancia de las presas. Sin embargo, las aguilas no usaron una gran seccion del rio donde los peces del tamano apropiado para ellas no fueron comunes. [Traduccidn de Eudoxio Paredes-Ruiz] Foraging success of raptors depends on the com- position, densities, life histories, and behaviors of prey species, and the physical and biotic elements of habitat that contribute to prey vulnerability. Raptor foraging patterns may coincide with prey abundance (Hunt et al. 1992a) or depend on the distribution 243 244 W. Grainger Hunt et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 of specific habitats where prey are vulnerable but not necessarily abundant (Hunt and Ward 1988). Life history, behavioral, and ecological factors af- fecting vulnerability may differ among prey species and habitats. In this paper, we present the results of a two-year study on the foraging ecology of Bald Eagles {Hal- laeetus leucocephalus) on northern California’s Pit River, where flows are controlled by five hydroelec- tric facilities occurring along 70 river km (study area). Eight Bald Eagle nesting territories are known in the area, and in winter and spring eagle numbers are augmented by migrants. To explore the interrelationships between eagle diet, foraging habitat selection, and factors affecting prey availability, we investigated: 1) the distribution of nesting and wintering eagles in the study area using visual surveys and telemetry, 2) diets of the eagles, 3) habitat use in both lacustrine and riverine habitats, 4) river habitat distribution, 5) distribution, relative abundance, and size classes of prey species, and 6) how each major prey fish species became vulnerable to Bald Eagles. Study Area The Pit River originates in the Warner Mountains of northeastern California and flows through several broad, irrigated valleys to Fall River Mills where it enters a narrow, steep-sided canyon that extends for 90 km to Shasta Reservoir. Our study area included 70.3 km of this canyon, from the river section upstream from Britton Res- ervoir downstream to Reservoir 6 (Fig. 1). Within this zone are 24.5 km of reservoirs (Britton Reservoir and Reservoirs 4, 5, and 6) and 45.8 km of flowing, regulated river (Reaches 3, 4, and 5). Rather than producing electric power at Dams 3, 4, and 5, water is transported from them in underground conduits to powerhouses (turbines) located 10-16 river km downstream near the inflow of the next reservoir. Because of habitat differences, we distinguish between Britton Reservoir (13 km long, 520 ha) and the mainly riverine environment downstream from it (Lower Study Area) where two relatively small run-of-river (currented) reservoirs (Reservoirs 4 and 5, 42 ha and 13 ha respec- tively) lie between river sections 9.6 to 15.9 km in length. In discussions of the river reaches, we sometimes differ- entiate between the upper (upstream) and lower (down- stream) halves of each reach. The area around Britton Reservoir is primarily Pon- derosa Pine {Pinus ponderosa) forest (elevation ca. 860 m MSL); Sierran mixed-conifer forest is the dominant hab- itat type in the lower study area (elevation at Pit 6 Dam ca. 430 m MSL). Rainfall averages about 1 m/yr, Rec- December 1992 Foraging Ecology of Bald Eagles 245 reational use peaks during May-October and includes fishing and camping throughout the study area, and boat- ing on Britton Reservoir. In warmer months, the level of Britton Reservoir fluc- tuates with power demand, resulting in a highly variable pattern of drawdown (1-2 m/wk) during weekdays and refilling during weekends. Flashboards raise the height of the dam almost 2 m and increase generating capacity; they are removed in winter when increased flows result in spillage over the dam. The reservoir is often turbid with algae, particularly in the warmer months. The three river reaches (3, 4, and 5) are confined to narrow canyons and have coarse-textured substrates, most- ly cobbles and boulders covered with algae. During spring runoff, flow rates in the reaches are about 100 m^/sec and, rarely, up to 565 m^/sec. In the summer, Dams 4 and 5 provide minimum flow releases into the river sections of 1.4-4. 2 mVsec on behalf of fisheries (D. Bowers pers. comm.). During our study, no water was released from the dam at Lake Britton (Dam 3), but about 1.4 m^/sec seeped from the dam and underground springs. Because none of the warm turbid water from Britton Reservoir was released into Reach 3 in summer, water was cooler and clearer than in reaches 4 and 5. The fish community in Reach 3 reflected these differences. Methods Bald Eagle Distribution and Habitat Selection. We determined the distribution of Bald Eagles in the study area by censuses conducted from helicopters, boats, and vehicles. We made 82 helicopter censuses from a Bell Jet Ranger helicopter, flying at 95-125 km/hr downriver or along reservoir shores above the tree tops. Weather per- mitting, these censuses were done weekly from March 1983 to December 1984, usually in the early morning. On Britton Reservoir, we censused Bald Eagles and waterfowl on 36 surveys (approximately 2/mo) from a boat moving slowly along the shore. At Reservoir 4, we censused Bald Eagles and waterfowl 104 times from a vehicle slowly moving along a road adjacent to the reservoir. We recorded the age class of each eagle observed. For this analysis, juvenile/immature birds (dark head), sub- adults (mottled head), and near-adults (“dirty” white head) were all grouped as subadults; only birds with completely white heads were considered adults. For each eagle ob- served, we noted its location, distance to water, perch type, and habitat. We also collected information on waterfowl distribution, noting the location, number and species of waterfowl observed. Location data were based on a 0.1 km scale following the river centerline. We affixed radio transmitters to seven nesting adults (5 females, 2 males) and nine subadults of unknown natal origin. The radio-tagged adults included four nesting fe- males at Britton Reservoir (nests 1, 3, 4, and 5). In the lower study area, we radiotagged the adult male at Nest 7 and both members of the pair at Nest 6. We mounted nine of the transmitters on retrices (Young 1983); the other seven were backpack-mounted, using teflon ribbons se- cured with cotton string over the carina. We captured eagles with either floating, noosed fish (Frenzel and An- thony 1982, Gain and Hodges 1989) or with padded leg- hold traps (Harmata 1985). We used telemetry to locate and identify individual ea- gles during surveys. Telemetry monitoring sessions of ra- dio-tagged adults were conducted by ground vehicle or boat throughout the morning hours in both breeding and non-breeding months. For analysis of relocation data with- in the study area, we considered only the first detection per day per location and excluded instances of soaring flight; we defined a relocation as a movement of at least 100 m. Outside the study area, we recorded the movements of radio tagged eagles on periodic aerial telemetry surveys around the northern California region. From a boat and from the shoreline we observed eagles foraging in the reservoirs. A dirt road paralleling the river allowed access during tracking, although the forest canopy often obscured our view. We therefore constructed eight blinds along the forested river banks to allow observations of foraging in riverine habitat. We chose blind locations based on concurrent telemetry data and occupied several of them each morning. When a foraging attempt was ob- served, and after the eagle departed, we measured; 1) water depth, 2) substrate characteristics (e.g., cobble, sand, sed- iment), 3) surface turbulence (visually estimated), 4) water velocity (time for a floating object to travel 1 m), 5) stream habitat type (e.g., pool, run, riffle, see below), and 6) vegetation at the strike point. Even if the exact strike point could not be observed, certain data could be obtained if conditions such as depth and surface turbulence were ho- mogeneous over wide areas. If possible, we visually iden- tified the prey at the time it was taken, and also searched the foraging site later for prey remains. Bald Eagle Diets. We determined diet by: 1) collecting prey items in and below nests and under perches, 2) ob- serving foraging eagles, and 3) time-lapse photography. We identified prey remains by comparison with a reference collection of study area fishes, using scale keys (Casteel 1972, 1973), and by comparison with museum bird and mammal collections. Using bone length to fish length and fish length to weight equations empirically derived from fish captured during electrofishing (see below), we com- puted estimated total weights for non-duplicate prey items. By subtracting bone and scale weights (plus 5% total weight to account for inedible biomass) from fish weights in the prey reference collection, we obtained values of edible biomass. To calculate size and minimum number of fish in scale samples we determined scale age (Bagenal and Tesch 1978). We used standard weights for estimating non-fish prey biomass (Steenhof 1983, Dunning 1984). We placed time-lapse movie cameras (Minolta Super-8 with intervolometers and light-activated switches) at three nests in 1983. These cameras, installed in boxes 3-5 m above nests, exposed one frame per 90 seconds during daylight. Habitat Mapping. River habitat downstream from Britton Reservoir was mapped in 1984. The distribution of riverine habitats did not change with the flow releases under study (2.8-8. 5 mYsec), but might change with spring run-ofif flows (>50 m^/sec). Aerial photos and ground checking were used to classify river sections into the fol- lowing categories: “Pools” are depressions in the stream- bed, with a major hydraulic control at the downstream end. Throughout most of the length and width of the pool habitat, current velocities are low relative to prevailing 246 W. Grainger Hunt et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 Mammals Birds Other Fish Bullhead (spp.) Tui Chub Sacramento Squawfish Hardhead Sacramento Sucker 0 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Percent Figure 2. Diet of Bald Eagles in the Pit River study area as determined from a sample of 1166 prey items identified in remains (representing an estimated 938.1 kg of edible biomass). streamflow. “Runs” are relatively deep, usually narrow channels. There is little or no white water in this habitat type and the hydraulic control is less distinct than in a pool; current velocity is relatively fast. “Riffles” are char- acterized by relatively shallow, fast-moving water flowing down gradients less steep than cascades and over substrates usually no larger than small boulders. “Cascades” are steep gradient white water with less than 10% quiet water. “Pocket water” usually contains boulders, with fast water liberally interspersed across the width of the stream. Pock- ets of quiet water (1-3 m in diameter) are frequent. The principal river pools where eagles foraged were mapped on aerial photos and ground-checked in summer 1 984. A digital planimeter was used to determine the area of various pool characteristics under normal summer flows and three experimental release flows. Assessment at each flow level included: 1) the presence and surface area of three water depth categories (less than 0.6 m (classified as “shallow”), 0.7-1. 2 m, and over 1.3 m), 2) the presence or absence of surface turbulence (a rippling of the water surface that obscures visibility into the pool), 3) the esti- mated percentage of green algae or macrophyte coverage, 4) the total pool area, and 5) the length of the pool tail (the shallow area at the downstream end of the pool). Prey Fish Distribution and Abundance in Reser- voirs. Data on fish abundance and distribution in reser- voirs were collected by gill netting, electroshocking, and carrion surveys. Vondracek et al. (1989) detailed the gill netting and electro fishing procedures. To summarize, gill nets were set monthly at either of two coves on Britton Reservoir using variable mesh gill nets set at surface (0- 4 m), midwater (4-8 m), and bottom locations (8-16 m). We selected coves known to be eagle foraging areas. Nets were 36-38 m long and 1.5-1. 8 m deep. Five nets at each depth were set for a minimum of 4 hr during all sampling periods. Variable mesh in equal- sized panels (3 m) ranged from 20-152 mm. The electrofishing surveys were con- ducted monthly at 27 stations on Britton Reservoir, al- Biomass ^53 No. of Individuals -V= =r though activities were suspended during the second Bald Eagle breeding season (March-July 1984) to avoid biasing Bald Eagle food habit data (electrofishing can kill fish and create a carrion food source for eagles). A Cofelt boat- mounted electrofisher was generally set at 350 volts DC and 60 pulses per second (Vondracek et al. 1989). Elec- trofishing stations were about 50 m in length and concen- trated in shoreline locations. A diversity of shoreline hab- itats were electrofished, including shallow and deep water with various bottom substrates. Each captured fish was measured and weighed (to develop a length-weight re- gression relationship) and then released. We surveyed carrion semi-monthly by boat 34 times on Britton Reservoir and 32 times on the three reservoirs in the lower study area. We used hoopnets to sample dead and injured fish emerging from powerhouse turbines at the inflow tailrace of Reservoir 4. We compared the biomass and frequency of fish species in eagle prey remains at Britton Reservoir to the biomass and relative abundance of fish species in electrofishing samples and in surface (0-4 m) gill nets. We excluded fish from the comparison if they were less than the min- imum size found as prey (250 mm for most species). Prey Fish Distribution and Abundance in the River. Snorkeling surveys conducted in early summer and fall were used to determine fish abundance and distribution in the stream sections (see Baltz et al. 1987 for methods). Surveys were stratified by reach, river segment, and hab- itat, and were selected to cover various habitats within each stream section. Two to four snorkelers worked in an upstream direction starting below a selected habitat (see Baltz et al. 1987). Survey lengths were determined by habitat length and ranged from 25-150 m; 5-20 minutes were required to complete each survey. Seventy-three stream locations were surveyed four times each; data from 31 surveys were eliminated from the analysis because of poor visibility. Sampling area sizes were calculated from measurements of river lengths and widths. Each fish es- timated to be over 50 mm SL (standard length: snout to base of tail) was recorded. We obtained information on fish behavior from blinds above two pools in Reach 4 (July, August, and October of 1984) and from incidental observations. At half-hour intervals from 0600-1130 H, we identified, counted, es- timated the size, and noted the location and activity of all fish visible in the pool. When visibility was low, we es- timated overall fish activity by noting the number of rises during the observation period. Results Eagle Occurrence in the Study Area. During the study period, paired eagles occupied eight nesting territories: five at Britton Reservoir and one each at reservoirs 4, 5, and 6 (Fig. 1). All nest sites were within 1 km of reservoirs. Only one was within 100 m of shore, and this nest was in the area least dis- turbed by humans. All nests but one were in mature Ponderosa Pines; Nest 8 was in a Douglas-fir {Pseu- dotsuga menziesii). During our study, mated adults remained near December 1992 Foraging Ecology of Bald Eagles 247 their nesting territories throughout the year. They generally laid eggs in late February and early March with young fledging in mid- to late June. The eight pairs fledged 17 young in 1 5 nesting attempts during the two years of study. Fledglings departed from the study area in late July or early August. We radio- tracked five individuals on northward migrations apparently directed toward salmon runs in Canada or Alaska (Hunt et al. 1992b). We observed the greatest number of eagles during January and February (13.5 birds per helicopter survey); subadults represented 37% of the total. Dur- ing this time, subadult eagles were attracted to the powerhouse tailrace at Reservoir 4 where small fish from Britton Reservoir passed through the turbines and became available as carrion. Fewer eagles were observed along reservoirs and river sections in March and April when adults were incubating or perched near nests. In May, June, and July, 33% of all eagles were subadults. However, by early August, virtually all subadults had vacated the study area; they com- prised only 5% of total sightings in September and October and 2% in November and December. All seven of the subadults radiotagged in winter later frequented the Klamath Basin 120 km to the north, and three subsequently returned to the study area. Diet. Bald Eagles in the Pit River study area fed on a variety of prey species taken either alive or as carrion. Fish comprised 87%, birds 9%, and mam- mals 4% of the 1166 items in our samples (Fig. 2). Sacramento Sucker (Catostomus occidentalis) was the most important fish species (numbers of individuals and biomass) taken by eagles in all parts of the study area, followed by Hardhead (Mylopharodon cono- cephalus) and Sacramento Squawfish {Ptychocheilus grandis) (Table 1). Lower Britton Reservoir eagles utilized less suckers and more cyprinids — namely Hardhead, Tui Chub {Gila bicolor), and Sacramento Squawfish — than in the other regions. Chi-square comparisons of prey remains data with those collected by time-lapse cameras at individual nests and in total (Table 2) did not suggest that larger species were over-represented in remains be- cause of larger and more persistent bones (see Todd et al. 1982). The results also did not indicate that Tui Chub, a relatively delicate species, was under- represented. Sample sizes for the time-lapse data were larger than for prey remains; some remains were likely dropped or taken from the nest by the eagles while other prey items may have been entirely consumed. Of 17 species of birds identified in prey remains collected throughout the study area, all but 2 were waterbirds (Table 1). Birds were most numerous in prey samples collected in winter and spring and were absent in those obtained in July through October. Waterbird numbers in the study area were highest in winter and lowest in summer, but the number of species was highest (20) in spring. Canada Geese {Branta canadensis) were the most abundant (786 of 2608 bird records) and were present throughout the year. American Coots were the second most common {N = 576) but were observed only during fall and winter. Other common waterbirds were gull {Larus spp., N = 196), Common Merganser (Mergus mer- ganser, N = 155), Double-crested Cormorant (Phal- acrocorax auritus, N = 147), American Widgeon (Anas americana, N = 100), and Mallard {Anas platyrhyn- chos, N = 99). There was no significant association between numbers of the five most common waterbird species found in Bald Eagle prey remains and rel- ative abundance of these five species recorded in waterbird surveys throughout the study area (Spear- man rho = 0.20, P > 0.05). Foraging on Britton Reservoir. The five pairs of bald eagles nesting on Britton Reservoir foraged in all portions of the reservoir, but rarely visited the river sections upstream or downstream. The linear ranges along the reservoir of three radio-tagged adult females were 0.7, 2.4, and 2.7 km. Although we radiotagged no breeding male eagles on Britton Reservoir, visual observations suggested that their foraging ranges were similar to those of the radio- tagged females. The eagles foraged on carrion and moribund fish, as well as live prey. We observed 42 forage attempts (52% successful) including 22 (52%) in open water or flowing reservoir habitat, 17 (41%) in cove, back- water, shallow gravel bar, or marsh habitat; 3 (7%) were piracies from Osprey {Pandion haliaetus) and Great Blue Heron {Ardea herodias). Prey taken were fish {N = 22), namely Sacramento Sucker, Carp {Cyprinus carpio), Hardhead, and small fish, prob- ably Tule Perch {Hysterocarpus traski). At least 8 fish (36%) were taken as carrion. Eagles flying out from shore over deep water took carrion fish or attacked fish swimming at or near the surface. Alternatively, eagles foraged in reservoir shallows, partieularly in coves where they launched their attacks at live fish from perches. Fish spawned in and around the mouths of tributaries in coves where the clear inflow of springs and creeks in- 248 W. Grainger Hunt et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 Table 1. Number and edible biomass of fishes, birds and mammals found in Bald Eagle prey remains in five sub- units of the Pit River study area. Remains were collected in and below nests and from below perches, during all seasons. Britton Reservoir Lower Study Area Upper Lower Reservoir 4 Reservoir 5 Reservoir 6 Nests 1, 2 Nests 3, 4, 5 Nest 6 Nest 7 Nest 8 % % % % % Bio- Bio- Bio- Bio- Bio- No . (%) MASS No . (%) mass No . {%) MASS No . (%) MASS No . (%) MASS Fish Sacramento Sucker 284 ( 52 . 3 ) 72.8 84 ( 24 . 9 ) 44.9 80 ( 51 . 0 ) 60.2 32 ( 38 . 1 ) 32.2 24 ( 54 . 6 ) 68.5 Bullhead sp. 84 ( 15 . 5 ) 3.1 39 ( 11 . 5 ) 2.0 4 ( 2 . 5 ) 2.0 6 ( 7 . 1 ) 0.2 3 ( 6 . 8 ) 0.4 Hardhead 63 ( 11 . 6 ) 7.2 66 ( 19 . 5 ) 14.3 24 ( 15 . 3 ) 7.6 9 ( 10 . 7 ) 6.2 6 ( 13 . 6 ) 8.8 Tui Chub 21 ( 3 . 9 ) 2.6 30 ( 8 . 9 ) 8.2 5 ( 3 . 2 ) 2.9 0 ( 0 . 0 ) 0.0 0 ( 0 . 0 ) 0.0 Sacramento Squawfish 19 ( 3 . 5 ) 3.6 17 ( 5 . 0 ) 6.6 6 ( 3 . 8 ) 5.9 1 ( 1 . 2 ) 0.7 1 ( 2 . 3 ) 1.6 Other® 25 ( 4 . 6 ) 3.3 61 ( 18 . 1 ) 11.6 17 ( 10 . 8 ) 6.2 6 ( 7 . 2 ) 4.5 1 ( 2 . 3 ) 0.4 Total (% of total) 496 ( 91 . 4 ) 92.6 297 ( 87 . 9 ) 87.6 136 ( 86 . 6 ) 84.8 54 ( 64 . 3 ) 43.8 35 ( 79 . 6 ) 79.7 Birds^ (% of total) 30 ( 5 . 5 ) 4.9 29 ( 8 . 6 ) 8.5 14 ( 8 . 9 ) 11.2 26 ( 30 . 9 ) 46.3 3 ( 6 . 8 ) 7.2 Mammals^ (% of total) 17 ( 3 . 1 ) 2.5 12 ( 3 . 5 ) 3.9 7 ( 4 . 5 ) 4.0 4 ( 4 . 8 ) 9.9 6 ( 13 . 6 ) 13.1 ^ Other fish species (and total number of occurrences) included: 8 Channel Catfish {Ictalurus punctatus), 8 Carp, 38 minnows (Cyprinidae sp.), 24 crappie (Pomoxis sp.), 14 Tule Perch, 3 Rainbow Trout, 7 trout {Salmo sp.), 6 Largemouth Bass, and 2 sunfish (Centrarchidae sp.) Birds included: 29 American Coot (Fulica americana), 18 Dabbling ducks {Anas spp.), 11 Mallard, 10 geese (Anserinae), 8 grebes (Podicipedidae), 6 Tundra Swan, 5 Common Merganser (Mergus merganser), 4 unidentified birds, 3 Ruddy Duck {Oxyura jamaicensis), 2 Great Blue Heron, 2 gull {Larus sp.), 1 Double-crested Cormorant, 1 Common Goldeneye {Bucephala aclangula), 1 Ring-necked Pheasant {Phasianus colchicus), and 1 Screech Owl {Otis kennicottii). Mammals included: 12 Muskrat {Ondatra zibethica), 8 California Ground Squirrel {Citellus beecheyi), 7 Western Gray Squirrel {Sciurus griseus), 5 rabbits (Leporidae), 5 unidentified squirrels (Sciuridae), 3 Black-tailed Deer {Odocoileus hemionus), 1 Mountain Beaver {Aplodontia rufa), 2 Domestic Cow {Bonus domesticus), 1 Yellow-bellied Marmot {Marmota flaviventris), and 1 Striped Skunk {Mephitis mephitis). creased fish visibility to eagles in the otherwise turbid reservoir. We occasionally observed bottom feeders such as sucker and catfish swimming slowly near the surface of Britton Reservoir. Surface gill netting and hy- droacoustic surveys indicated that frequency and di- versity of fish swimming near the surface were great- est at dusk, intermediate at dawn, and lowest at midday, and that fish were most abundant near the surface during the warmer months (Vondracek et al. 1989). During the nesting season, Bald Eagle foraging occurred mostly in the morning. Of 236 prey deliveries recorded by time-lapse cameras at three nests (Nests 5, 6, and 8) totaling 98 camera- days, 49.6% occurred between 0600-1100 H, 29.2% between 1100-1600 H, and 21.2% occurred between 1600-2100 H. Fish carrion was available on Britton Reservoir in late spring and early summer. In June and July, we found 12.9 items per survey (range = 3-30) compared with 1.7 items per survey from August through May (range = 1-6). Sacramento Sucker and Tule Perch represented 57% and 35%, respectively, of 99 carrion fish found in the June-July surveys. Many of these fish had apparently died from spawn- ing stress, and some of the Tule Perch counted in the surveys were still alive, floating moribund at the surface on their sides. Some Sacramento Squawfish and Hardhead were killed by anglers. We were un- able to determine whether significant numbers of dead fish were stranded during reservoir level fluc- tuations, but we occasionally found dead suckers along flat, grassy shorelines of Britton Reservoir and other backwaters in the study area. Fish Abundance Versus Eagle Diet at Britton Reservoir. Sacramento Sucker comprised only 1 1 % of the number of fish in electrofishing samples on Britton Reservoir, but because of their large size December 1992 Foraging Ecology of Bald Eagles X/i O ‘C a a; s CTj i; u V > o -o a; -4-* 'o c • ^ ns s u >- u u &H TS C nS >- JS a nS u bo §-i- CX I—) t) LO c /5 Q. o ns *- 'T u D c S 3 XI nS C O nj i ^00 5 ^ « jj u > -cs K ns -kJ *s ST' 9 J Ph a V 3 X •4-* .5 "O O Z C/1 C/1 S o 3 — > 'o cn ^ o C nS >> fc. 42 S CO 3 (N ^ fi O u Cvl V lO A 'T-' X c/5 n! O h iz; M ■o H 12: m h CO Id ;z: Id Id s 00 h cn Id :z; CO ;z: < S Id Pi^ Id CO Pk < t E 4 S CO c 2 Id ps! Id CO Pk < 4-1 I Cd 2 C/5 < 2 Id Pf^ CO 2 bO 2 PQ O Z CO 2 bD o ^ NN PP O CO 2 "5 d 2 pp o Z CO cn < 2 o pp ho O 03 < 2 o S bO O iz: CO 2 bC O HH PQ O CO Id HH U Id Pk C/3 m r- rO U 3 X lO 0 0 805 m 0 0 0 T-H fs 3 ■cr T-k d d iri d m 00 t -4 ^ ^ /k— 'M fe 5 fe 5 65 00 0 'it Tf 0 0 cn M 3 0 0 m CM d d 06 d cn 00 00 cn 00 m m 0 0 0 so Os 00 C" CM 0 0 0 CM 0 CM t--‘ d d d 0 0 ^ ^ s? 65 65 65 65 lO CM CM 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 T — 4 06 3 d T-^ 00 t-h ■'—X' O' X CM m m so IT) o^ 't iTi CO CN r- c <3 0 O' r- m 0 lO 06 CM d QO 00 65 65 65 tF (> ^—4 Tf 't M; CM 0 CM CM d rn rn M 3 CM 00 s— c 'kwX 00 rO 0 r- OS C' CM LO 0 T-H 00 M" oq CM 0 O' O' CM d rn d CM r-- t-h g 5 65 65 CM iC 5 ■T-H 00 CM IT) LT) 00 T-^ CM O' cd cn CM 10 ' — ' CM O' M" 0 65 t-h 00 X m r- cO T-H 0^ lO CO O' GO 0 r- 65 00 't X O' r-- cm' M- T-H so CM d r-' > Q ii (U X CM cn ir> M" M- 00 M 3 (N •o cti O H n \o o CM CM c^ o o d CD (X, IX a, X M- M- cm" M- II II II II W-. P 4 -I ^ P4^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 00’' m irf oO ^ so U-) 00 Lii uS X M- rj (M OJ CM X X ;»< X CO ^ o "U 249 250 W. Grainger Hunt et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 Table 3. Number and percent of the seven most abundant fish species collected in Lake Britton by electrofishing and surface gill netting. Electrofishing Surface Gill Netting No. % Biomass (g) % No. % Tule Perch {Hysterocarpus traskiY 2130 38.8 25 705 3.6 27 12.0 Hardhead {Mylopharodon conocephalusY 1120 20.4 80 921 11.2 125 55.6 Sacramento Sucker {Catostomus occidentalisY 605 11.0 452 884 62.6 33 14.7 Sacramento Squawfish (Ptychocheilus grandisY 588 10.7 68 796 9.5 19 8.4 Black Grapple {Pomoxis nigromaculatusY 457 8.3 24 398 3.4 20 8.9 Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirusY 322 5.9 3 614 0.5 0 0 Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoidesY 269 4.9 66 561 9.2 1 0.4 Total 5491 100.0 722 879 100.0 225 100.0 ® Native species. ^ Introduced species. represented over 60% of the total biomass (Table 3). Sacramento Sucker, Hardhead, and Sacramento Squawfish together accounted for over 80% of the total fish biomass. Tule Perch, the most numerically abundant fish, comprised only 3.6% of the biomass samples. In the gill netting sample, suckers repre- sented over 807o of the biomass. Eagle prey selection at Britton Reservoir was sig- nificantly associated with fish abundance as indi- cated by gill netting data (Spearman rho = 0.626; P < 0.05) but not electrofishing data (Spearman rho = 0.191; P < 0.10). Ictalurids and Tui Chub were well represented in the eagles’ diet but were rare in the electrofishing surveys (Vondracek et al. 1989). Conversely, Tule Perch, Largemouth Bass {Microp- terus salmoides), and other centrarchids were abun- dant in the electrofishing surveys, but relatively un- important to eagles. The relative percent of biomass of Hardhead and sucker in the diet was very similar to that in electrofishing; sucker and Hardhead com- prised 73.8% of the 723 kg of fish sampled by elec- trofishing (Table 3) and averaged 73.5% of the ea- gles’ diet. Eagles nesting on the downstream portion of Brit- ton Reservoir took fewer Sacramento Suckers than eagles nesting on the upstream section (Table 1). To evaluate the difference, we compared the relative abundance of Sacramento Sucker >200 mm, col- lected by electrofishing in upper and lower Britton Reservoir. We found that the upstream section con- tained more Sacramento Sucker >200 mm (19.1 per station; Vondracek et al. 1989) than the lower part of the reservoir (8.5 per station) where eagles relied more heavily on other species. Foraging on the Small Reservoirs. Eagles nest- ing near the small downstream reservoirs took live fish and carrion fish (and waterfowl) in the reservoir bodies and inflow areas and dead and moribund fish emanating from the turbines of powerhouses situated on the reservoirs. Sacramento Sucker were the most abundant fish species both in terms of numbers and biomass identified in the downstream reservoirs (Res- ervoirs 4, 5, and 6) during electroshocking surveys. Hardhead, Sacramento Squawfish, and Tule Perch were also common. We saw eagles attempt to catch Hardhead and sucker near shore and in the main Table 4. Habitat use by radio-tagged adult Bald Eagles nesting near riverine habitat as determined by radio-telemetry locations. Data include only the first detection of the day per location and exclude instances of soaring flight. Terri- tory Sex Reach 3 Reservoir 4 Reach 4 Reservoir 5 Reach 5 Tunnel Reservoir Total Detec- tions Nest 7 Male — — 114 (17.2%) 271 (40.9%) 236 (35.7%) 41 (6.2%) 662 Nest 6 Male 1 (0.4%) 142 (64.3%) 78 (35.3%) — — — 221 Nest 6 Female 0 (0.07o) 20 (38.5%) 32 (61.5%) — — — 52 December 1992 Foraging Ecology of Bald Eagles 251 channels of reservoirs 4 and 5. At the upstream end of Reservoir 4, we frequently observed adults (Nest 6) taking suckers in the spring and summer in the currented shallows of an island gravel bar at the reservoir inflow where suckers were spawning. A backwater inlet at Reservoir 5 stranded several suck- ers on at least one occasion when water levels dropped. We quantified habitat characteristics for 50 for- aging attempts (60% successful) on the downstream reservoirs. Of these, 27 (54%) occurred in open water or flowing reservoir habitat, 13 (26%) in backwaters or marshes, 9 (18%) in powerhouse tailrace waters, and 1 (2%) unknown. Fourteen of 30 prey items appeared to be carrion. Tule Perch and crappie {Po- moxis sp.) carrion emerged from the powerhouse tailrace at Reservoir 4 primarily during winter and spring. Peaks in small carrion fish emerging from the tailrace into the reservoir corresponded with in- creased eagle attendance near the tailrace. Bald Eagle Use of the River Sections. Bald Ea- gles that nested near the small reservoirs in the lower study area frequently perched and hunted along the river sections. In over half of 662 telemetry reloca- tions of the radio-tagged adult male from Nest 7 (August 1983-February 1984 and May-December 1984) the eagle was in riverine habitats upstream and downstream of Reservoir 5 (Table 4). The total range was 22 river km. Similarly, 35.7% of recorded relocations by the radio-tagged male at Nest 6 (6 June to 10 December N«st Figure 3. Home ranges of the adult pair of Bald Eagles at Nest 6 in the Pit River study as revealed by radiote- lemetry. 1984) were on the river rather than the reservoir. During 9 August to 30 September 1983, his mate perched mainly in riverine habitat (61.5% of relo- cations). Figure 3 shows that the ranges of the pair of radio-tagged adults at Nest 6 were very similar, both in extent (ca. 1 1 km) and distribution. Although the upstream river section (Reach 3) was just as accessible to the pair as the downstream reach (Reach 4), we observed the male in Reach 3 only once and Table 5. Mean number and biomass per hectare of the two major Bald Eagle prey species recorded in three riverine habitats on snorkel surveys of the Pit River in 1983 and 1984. Hardhead Sacramento Sucker No. OF Surveys No. Biomass (kg) Mean Size (g) No. Biomass (kg) Mean Size (g) Reach 3 Pool 45 135.8 47.2 (347.6) 102.5 29.2 (284.9) Run 40 7.1 2.1 (295.7) 345.5 23.0 (66.6) Riffle 26 0.9 0.3 (333.3) 142.8 13.5 (94.5) Reach 4 Pool 12 57.8 23.2 (401.3) 138.0 100.9 (731.2) Run 32 33.0 13.0 (393.9) 352.2 227.8 (646.8) Riffle 25 12.9 2.0 (155.0) 443.2 279.5 (630.6) Reach 5 Pool 18 26.5 2.8 (105.7) 180.7 62.7 (346.9) Run 34 55.6 12.4 (223.0) 447.0 133.6 (298.9) Riffle 29 21.8 5.1 (233.9) 475.5 134.2 (282.2) 252 W. Grainger Hunt et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 3 z X s A. NEST 7 MALE (n - 1 1 S TELEMETRY OBSERVATIONS) 85.2 POOLS 100 B. NEST 6 MALE 90 ■ (n - 20 TELEMETRY OBSERVATIONS) 95.0 C. HELICOPTER SURVEYS POCKET WATER RUNS Expected Q Observed Figure 4. Observed and expected utilization of riverine habitats by Bald Eagles in Reaches 4 and 5. Graphs A and B show the expected percentages of telemetry observations of perchings in riverine habitats based on the proportional occurrence of each habitat within the home range of the eagle. For observations during helicopter surveys (C), percentages are based on habitat availability throughout Reaches 4 and 5. the female never. In Reach 4 the ranges of the Nest 6 pair overlapped only slightly with that of the Nest 7 male. Fish Occurrence in the River Reaches. Snor- keling surveys on the three river reaches (3, 4, and 5) provided data on the occurrence of Sacramento Sucker, Hardhead, Sacramento Squawfish, and Rainbow Trout {Oncorhynchus mykiss). Table 5 pre- sents mean number and biomass per ha for sucker and Hardhead identified in the snorkeling surveys. Suckers were large and numerous in the riffles and runs of Reach 4, equally plentiful but smaller in Reach 5, and very small and least frequent in Reach 3. Conversely, Hardhead numbers were highest in Reach 3 pools, although they appeared larger in Reach 4. Trout numbers followed a similar pattern to Hardhead; they were more numerous in Reach 3 (especially riffles), intermediate in Reach 4, and few- est in Reach 5. Squawfish were most abundant in Reach 5 and intermediate in the other reaches; how- ever, their numbers and biomass were comparatively low. We will later show an apparent connection between the distribution of these fishes, namely suck- ers, and the occurrence of foraging eagles. Fish Behavior in the River Reaches. Our ob- servations of fish behavior in Reach 4 showed that both Sacramento Sucker and Hardhead exhibited activity peaks during the morning. Suckers spent most of their active period slowly grazing on algae- covered cobble substrate. It was apparent that as they moved into the shallow areas (tails) of pools they came close enough to the surface to be caught by eagles. Their movement into pool tails may have also been related to spawning. Sacramento Suckers typically spawn in riffles (Moyle 1976), and in our study area riffles are usually preceded by pools. Therefore, suckers may pass though pool tails on their way to and from spawning areas. Hardhead activity was variable. These sight feed- ers hovered in the middle of the water column and cruised along the river bank. We observed Hardhead feeding at the surface and in aquatic vegetation, browsing on the bottom, and apparently feeding on invertebrate drift in the water column. On two oc- casions, we observed eagles capture Hardhead swim- ming around beds of rooted aquatic vegetation. Hardhead feeding in this manner appeared to have their heads obscured by the plant material and ap- peared unaware of the eagle attack. Riverine Habitat Selection. The riverine habi- tats used by the two radio-tracked male eagles (Nests 7 and 6) differed significantly from the proportional occurrence of aquatic habitats within their home ranges (Fig. 4). From 115 telemetry observations of the Nest 7 male, we recorded significantly more oc- currences {N = 98, 85.2%) on river pool habitat than expected by chance (x^ = 297, df = 3, T < 0.001). Similarly, in 20 river habitat observations of the Nest 6 male, he chose pools {N =19, 95%) more often than expected by chance (x^ = 18.5, P < 0.001). Helicopter surveys also showed eagles selecting pools disproportionately to pool occurrence (x^ = 94.9, P < 0.001, 83% use in 34 of 41 observations compared to 31% availability; Fig. 4). December 1992 Foraging Ecology of Bald Eagles 253 Foraging Behavior at River Pools. From blinds situated at riverine pools we noted that eagle attacks typically began high above the water from tree perches (20 of 25 observations); only one eagle struck without perching first. Attack distances ranged from 10 to 75 m. The success rate for all riverine forages observed from blinds was 16 in 25 attempts (64%), with 1 outcome undetermined. Exposed boulders were used as sites to drag and eat large fish. We identified the prey taken in ten instances: eight were Sacramento Sucker and two were Hardhead. Water depth ranged from 0.1-1.26 m at 15 for- aging strike points. Of 17 assessments of surface conditions in strike areas, only 2 showed a distur- bance greater than swirls, whereas 11 had a glassy surface. The bottom was visible in 17 of 18 mea- surements of strike point turbidity; the exception showed visibility to a depth of 0.4 m. Water velocity at strike points was usually low; 7 of 16 observations showed no measurable current. An analysis of river pool habitat characteristics and prey distribution at 1 1 pools indicated that eagle occurrence (total number of visits by telemetered eagles and eagles observed in helicopter surveys) was positively associated with the number of prey-sized fish per 100 m^ (as determined by the snorkeling surveys, Pearson correlation coefficient, r = 0.77, P < 0.01). We also found a significant positive cor- relation of eagle occurrence with percent of pool area classified as “smooth/shallow” (no surface turbu- lence and <0.6 m deep, Pearson r = 0.67, P < 0.03). Comparisons of eagle occurrence with pool area, maximum depth of pool, percent algae coverage, length of pool tail (as a percent of pool length), and the total estimated number of prey fish per pool were not significant. An experimental increase in flow above summer- time conditions (4.2 m^/sec) reduced the amount of shallow areas of no surface turbulence. The loss of smooth/shallow habitat for Reach 4 was quite high, with decreases for all seven pools averaging over 50% (minimum 27.6%, maximum 100%) at 8.5 mVsec flow. Water velocity in the studied pools generally increased with greater flows, but changes within smooth/shallow areas were inconsistent, with ve- locities both increasing and decreasing. Decreases in areas of no surface turbulence also resulted at each of the three pools measured in Reach 5 (minimum 7.2%, maximum 54.3%) when flows were increased from 2. 8-4.2 m^/sec. Increased flows did not widen the river at most pools because of the relatively steep-sided canyon; therefore, availability of tree perches was not af- fected. Because pool length was dictated by hydraulic factors and did not change with flows, perch posi- tions relative to pool boundaries did not change. However, increased flow reduced the number of ex- posed boulders at water level, which are often im- portant to Bald Eagles as perches for manipulating heavy prey. We caution the reader that specific management implications suggested by these results (i.e., man- aging for smooth/shallow habitat) may not apply to other river systems where Bald Eagles forage. Dif- fering hydrologic and biotic factors may diversely influence the occurrence of catostomids and other prey fishes in pools, their activities within them, and their vulnerability to eagle attack. In Arizona, Hunt et al. (1992c) found pools least favored among the riverine habitats where Bald Eagles foraged on Des- ert Sucker (Catostomus clarki), Sonora Sucker (C. insignis), and Carp. Eagle Distribution Versus Prey Occurrence. Based on the number of Bald Eagle sightings during helicopter surveys and the number and biomass of sucker per ha for six river segments (each river reach divided into upper and lower segments), eagle pref- erence for the different river reaches was likely as- sociated with the abundance of large suckers. The total number of eagle sightings in helicopter surveys were 1 and 5 for lower and upper Reach 3, respec- tively, and 24 for upper Reach 4. We saw eagles 15-18 times in each of the remaining segments. The segments with the lowest eagle sightings also were estimated to have the lowest sucker populations (32.2 and 1.4 sucker per ha for lower and upper Reach 3, respectively). Upper Reach 4 had the larg- est sucker population (388.7/ha), the highest bio- mass (286.9 kg/ha) and the highest number of eagle sightings. The value for Spearman’s rank correlation representing the correspondence between number of eagle sightings and biomass of suckers was 0.89 (P < 0.05). There was no significant correlation with numbers of suckers (rho = 0.77). We reported above that the telemetered nesting pair of eagles at Reservoir 4 often foraged in the river section downstream of the reservoir (Reach 4), but rarely ventured upstream to the equally acces- sible Reach 3. Although suckers in size categories taken by these eagles (200-450 mm) were found in all habitats during snorkeling surveys of Reach 4 and electrofishing surveys of Reservoir 4, there were 254 W. Grainger Hunt et al VoL. 26, No. 4 Ul lU Scv BS B2 (Cff uioe ^lU BS: C 03 o> s. XauGnBeij OAjteieu IS ■ S i d o o AauenBsjj aAoeiey €> I Figure 5. Relative length-frequenq^ distributions of Sacramento Sucker in prey remains from Nest 6 compared with sucker length-frequencies observed in fish population surveys. December 1992 Foraging Ecology of Bald Eagles 255 relatively few such fish observed in Reach 3 where smaller suckers were numerous (Fig. 5). Pools in upper Reach 4 contained four times the biomass of sucker per unit area (176.5 kg/ha) as lower Reach 3 pools (44.4 kg/ha). Sucker growth was limited in Reach 3 probably because of reduced algae growth and colder water than is optimum for suckers. Be- cause of the diversion tunnel to the downstream pow- erhouse, Reach 3 was the only reach that did not receive relatively warm, nutrient-rich reservoir wa- ter in summertime. Discussion Several points suggest a simple relationship be- tween relative prey species abundance and prey se- lection. These points include the dominance of Sac- ramento Sucker in eagle diets in all parts of the study area, the increased use of other species in Lower Britton Reservoir where suckers were less common, the disproportionate use of pools with the highest densities of prey fish, and the rarity of eagle visits to Reach 3 where Sacramento Sucker of appropriate body size were in relatively low density. Our data also show how prey behavior and life history can influence vulnerability to predation. Sac- ramento Sucker were not only numerous, they were also vulnerable to eagles in more ways than other species. They became available when they: 1) for- aged in shallow water, 2) spawned in shallows, and 3) appeared as carrion. The first two components of vulnerability, characteristic of many catostomids, no doubt account for their occurrence in the diets of Bald Eagles over much of their inland range (Dun- stan and Harper 1975, Todd et al. 1982, Swenson et al. 1986, Haywood and Ohmart 1986, Gerrard and Bortolotti 1988, Hunt et al. 1992c). Not only do suckers typically enter shallow water to spawn and graze (photosynthesis is highest in shallow hab- itats), but their downward visual orientation must leave them more vulnerable to eagle attack than sight- feeding fish (see Swenson 1979, Todd et al. 1982 for discussion). This point helps to explain the apparent contradiction of a bottom- feeding fish being the ma- jor prey of a surface-feeding predator (Haywood and Ohmart 1986). Accordingly, sight-feeding cyprinids (Hardhead and Sacramento Squawfish) appeared in significantly less frequency in prey remains than predicted by their occurrence relative to Sacramento Sucker in the gill netting and electroshocking sam- ples on Britton Reservoir (Tables 1 and 3). Trout, also sight-feeders, were common in the river reaches. but were rarely taken by eagles. Both Hardhead and trout often wait near the surface for insects, but these fish tend to be oriented upward and are more aware than suckers of any movement above them. We believe the timing and occurrence of sucker mortalities on Britton Reservoir may contribute to the unusually high nesting density of Bald Eagles there. This carrion “bloom” coincides with the sec- ond half of the nestling cycle, including the post- fledging period. Large post-spawning dieofTs are atypical among catostomids, and P.B. Moyle (pers. comm.) believes that the proportion of the total suck- er spawners dying each year as a result of spawning stress is small. However, dead and dying fish, drift- ing down from the relatively long river reach up- stream, tend to accumulate in the reservoir inflow area where they are highly visible to the eagles. Carrion fish may also be produced by stranding as a result of flow variation from the powerhouse up- stream of the reservoir. Another point of difference between eagle diet and species occurrence in the fisheries inventories in- volved ictalurids. Bullheads {Ictalurus melas or I. nebulosus) were absent in the extensive electrofish- ing, gill netting, and carrion survey samples on Brit- ton Reservoir, and yet we identified 1 23 individuals in eagle prey remains (Table 1). Dunstan and Harp- er (1975) and Van Daele and Van Daele (1982) mention that bullheads often swim or “bask” near the surface, and indeed, we witnessed unidentified ictalurids doing so on Britton Reservoir. How they avoided the gill nets is unknown to us. Finally, although relative eagle use of the three river reaches was directly related to the abundance of large suckers (>200 mm), our data show that physical conditions promoting prey vulnerability were more important in attracting foraging eagles to spe- cific habitats than were factors influencing prey den- sity. Eagles chose river pool habitat despite the fact that sucker densities in Reaches 4 and 5 were in- variably lower in pools than in runs or riffles, and there were no consistent size-class differences of suckers between the three habitats (Table 5). Acknowledgments Fisheries field work and data analyses thereof were conducted by University of California (Davis) personnel including P. Moyle, D. Baltz, B. Vondracek, L. Brown, D. Longanecker, and B. Spence. We are especially grateful to Drs. Moyle and Vondracek for enlightening conver- sations on fish ecology. Bald Eagle researchers included R. Lehman, J. Linthicum, L. Young, C. Himmelwright, 256 W. Grainger Hunt et al. VoL. 26, No. 4 G. Sanders, L. Speigel, and K. Austin. We are grateful to the following people for their support and advice: R. Olendorff, P. Detrich, D. Smith, D. Harlow, T. Brumley, C. Eckert, J. Adams, R. Jurek, and C. Simpkins. Tech- nical assistance was provided by H. Stubbs, P. Bloom, D. Garcelon, G. Bienz, L. Kiff, I. Kanehiro, K. Hart, and BioSonics, Inc. We thank S. Rohwer (T. Burke Memorial Museum, University of Washington), R. Laybourne (Smithsonian Institution), and R. Paynter (Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University) for allowing us to examine museum specimens and for help with prey identification. S. Cressey and S. Foreman of Western Eco- logical Services Company mapped the river habitat. We thank the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California De- partment of Fish and Game, U.S. Forest Service (Lassen and Shasta-Trinity forests), and the California Bald Eagle Working Team for providing permits and/or advice. Graphics and word processing were provided by N. Far- well, J. Burnette, K. Williams, P. Woodside, D. Kane, J. Gilardi and the BioSystems Graphics Department. We thank D. Arora, N. Smith, J. Barclay, G. Bortolotti, and D. Stahlecker for comments on the manuscript. We are particularly grateful to K. Steenhof who helped and en- couraged us during several revisions. The study was fund- ed entirely by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) which owns and operates the Pit River hydroelectric fa- cilities under license of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. We also thank PG&E, particularly its Shasta Division, for logistical support during the study. Literature Cited Bagenal, T.B. AND F.W. Tesch. 1978. Age and growth. Pages 98-130 in T.B. Bagenal [Ed.], Methods for as- sessment of fish production in fresh waters. IBP Handbook No. 3. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, U.K. Baltz, D.M., B. VoNDRACEK, L.R. Brown and P.B. Moyle. 1987. Influence of temperature on micro- habitat choice by fishes in a California stream. Trans. Am. Fisheries Soc. 116:12-20. Gain, S.L. and J.I. Hodges. 1989. A floating-fish snare for capturing Bald Eagles. J. Raptor Res. 23:10-13. Casteel, R.W. 1972. A key based on scales to the fam- ilies of native California freshwater fishes. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 39:75-86. . 1973. The scales of native freshwater fish fam- ilies of Washington. Northwest Sci. 47:230-238. Dunning, J.B. 1984. Body weights of 686 species of North American birds. Monograph No. 1. Western Bird Banding Association, Cave Creek, AZ. Dunstan, T.C. and J.F. Harper. 1975. Food habits of Bald Eagles in north-central Minnesota. /. Wildl. Manage. 39:140-143. Frenzel, R.W. AND R.G. Anthony. 1982. Method for live-capturing Bald Eagles and Osprey over open wa- ter. Bull. No. 82-13. Fish and Wildlife Service Re- search Information, U.S. Dept, of the Interior. Gerrard, J.M. AND G.R. Bortolotti. 1988. The Bald Eagle: haunts and habits of a wilderness monarch. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. Harmata, A.R. 1985. Capture of wintering and nesting Bald Eagles. Pages 139-159 in J.M. Gerrard and T.N. Ingram [Eds.], The Bald Eagle in Canada: proceedings of Bald Eagle Days, 1983. Whitehorse Plains Publ., Headingly, Manitoba. Haywood, D.D. and R.D. Ohmart. 1986. Utilization of benthic-feeding fish by inland breeding Bald Eagles. Condor 88:35-42. Hunt, W.G., B.S. Johnson and R.E. Jackman. 1992a. Carrying capacity for Bald Eagles wintering along a northwestern river. J. Raptor Res. 26:49-60. , R.E. Jackman, J.M. Jenkins, C.G. Thelander and R.N. Lehman. 1992b. Northward post-fledging migration of California Bald Eagles. /. Raptor Res. 26 19-23. , D.E. Driscoll, E.W. Bianchi and R.E. Jack- man. 1992c. Ecology of breeding Bald Eagles in Ar- izona. Report to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Contract No. 6-CS-30-04470. BioSystems Analysis, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA. and F.P. Ward. 1988. Habitat selection by spring migrant peregrines at Padre Island, Texas. Pages 527-535 in T.J. Cade, J.H. Enderson, C.G. Thelander and C.M. White [Eds.], Peregrine Falcon populations' their management and recovery. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, ID. Moyle, P.B. 1976. Inland fishes of California. Univer- sity of California Press, Berkeley, CA. Steenhof, K. 1983. Prey weights for computing percent biomass in raptor diets. J. Raptor Res. 17:15-27. Swenson, J.E. 1979. Factors affecting status and re- production of Ospreys in Yellowstone National Park Condor 43:595-601. , K.L. Alt and R.L. Eng. 1986. Ecology of Bald Eagles in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Wildl Monogr. 95:1-46. Todd, C.S., L.S. Young, R.B. Owen, Jr. and F.J. Gramlich. 1982. Food habits of Bald Eagles in Maine. J. Wildl. Manage. 46:636-645. Van Daele, L.J. and H.A. Van Daele. 1982. Factors affecting the productivity of Ospreys nesting in west- central Idaho. Condor 84:292-299. Vondracek, B., D.M. Baltz, L.R. Brown and P.B. Moyle. 1989. Spatial, seasonal, and diel distribution of fishes in a California reservoir dominated by native fishes. Fisheries Res. 7:31-53. Young, L.S. 1983. Movements of Bald Eagles associated with autumn concentrations in Glacier National Park. M.S. thesis, University of Montana, Missoula, MT. Received 2 June 1992; accepted 15 September 1992 Short Communications J Raptor Res. 26(4):257-259 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Increased Parental Care in a Widowed Male Marsh Harrier {Circus aeruginosus) Garmelo FernAndez^ Estacion Biologica de Donana (CSIC) , Avda. M“ Luisa s/n, Pabellon de Peru, 41013 Sevilla, Spain Paz Azkona Soc. Estudios Biologicos Ugarra, Tafalla 34, 4”, 31003 Pamplona, Spain Pair bonding and distribution of functions is essential to the successful breeding of birds (Trivers 1972). This is especially important in raptors, where food is generally not abundant and its capture requires a considerable hunt- ing effort (Newton 1979). Besides food supply, parental care involves more activity including; protection of chicks from inclement weather and predators, nest maintenance and sanitation, and territorial defense (Johannesson 1975, Newton 1986, Fernandez 1992), which require much time and energy and can hardly be carried out by a single parent. In the spring of 1990, during the study of several nests of Marsh Harriers (Circus aeruginosus), we noted the dis- appearance of one of the breeding females. Hence, we had the opportunity to see to what extent the loss of his mate affected the parental behavior of the widowed male and compare his behavior with that of other neighboring breed- ing pairs. Methods The study was carried out at the Dos Reinos wetland (Ebro Valley, Spain), where ten monogamous pairs of Marsh Harriers bred in 1990 (Fernandez 1990). Two of the nests failed during incubation. The other eight breed- ing pairs were observed from a hide about 300-500 m from the nests. We recorded separately for each sex the time spent by adults in the nest area (limits of wetland area), food items supplied to nestlings, territorial chases and other aspects of parental care (Fernandez 1992). To estimate the breeding stages, chicks were aged according to body development (body mass, tarsus length and 6th primary length; Altenburg et al. 1987, Gonzalez 1991). During our study we observed the disappearance, for unknown reasons, of the hen in one pair. The disappear- ance occurred on 20 June 1990 when the chicks were 37- ’ Present address; Soc. Est. Biologicos Ugarra, c/Tafalla 34, 4°, 31003 Pamplona, Spain. 38 d old. A week before, two chicks had been observed in the nest but whether the loss of one young was caused by the female’s disappearance or happened previously is not certain. The chick that survived flew when 43 d old, within the usual range of first flight times in the Marsh Harrier (Cramp and Simmons 1980). The behavior of the male before female loss had been studied over 4 d for 28 hr. Following the disappearance of the female, the behavior of its mate was monitored for 3 d (a total of 22 hr), until the only surviving chick flew. Three aspects of the behavior of the widowed male (percent time spent in nest area, number of food items delivered per hour and number of territorial chases per hour) were compared to those of neighboring pairs over the same breeding period. Observations of neighboring pairs oc- curred on 20 d (120 hr) before loss and on 16 d (108 hr) during the last days before flying. Statistical comparisons between hours with and without ehases and prey delivered were made by means of x^-tests in 2 x 2 contingency tables (Sokal and Rohlf 1969). Results As shown in Table 1, the input of parental care by the widowed male before the loss of his mate was similar to input of other males. He spent only slightly more time in nest area than neighboring males (x^ = 1.07, P > 0.05), delivered a few less food items to nestlings (x^ = 1.39, P > 0.05) and defended his nesting area as much as other males (x^ = 0.03, P > 0.05). After female loss (Table 1) the widowed male: a) spent significantly more time in the nesting area than neigh- boring males in the same nestling period (x^ = 103.02, P < 0.001) and about the same proportion of the time as females, b) supplied slightly more food items per hour than mated males (x^ = 1.75, P > 0.05) though signifi- cantly fewer than males and females together (x^ = 3.91, P < 0.05), and c) defended his nesting area more fre- quently than other males (x^ — 6.20, P < 0.05) though not more frequently than mated birds taken together. The number of chases in relation to time spent in nesting area was, however, similar for the single male (1.34 chases/ hr) and other male birds (1.58 chases/hr). 257 258 Short Communications VOL. 26, No. 4 Table 1 . Comparison of parental care of a widowed male Marsh Harrier with neighboring paired males, before and after female loss in the Ebro Valley, Spain. After Female Loss Before Loss Male and Female Widowed Male Paired Males Widowed Male Paired Males Combined Observation time (hr) 28 120 22 108 108 % time in nest area 22.5 14.5 33.9 12.6 36.4 Food items/hr 0.39 0.51 0.64 0.48 0.82 Defense chases/hr 0.25 0.27 0.46 0.20 0.51 Discussion Disappearance of one of the parents during breeding is not uncommon among birds of prey (Newton 1979). In most cases, if the lost mate is not rapidly replaced, aban- donment of the nest results (Newton 1976). Occasionally, however, especially if the death of a parent occurs toward the end of the nestling period (Newton 1986), the re- maining adult can successfully rear young. Such has been reported previously for several raptors, including Marsh Harrier (Cramp and Simmons 1980). Successful single- parent broods must likely involve a greater parental effort (Trivers 1972) by the remaining bird or a reduction in number or quality of fledglings. Our observations indicate that the male Marsh Harrier widowed at the late nestling stage of the breeding season made a greater parental effort than mated males, at least in several facets of parental care. He spent more time in the nesting area, delivered a few more (although not significantly more) food items to nest, and carried out more territorial defenses. The in- crease in number of chases was probably related to the greater amount of time spent in the nesting area. Sasvari (1990) has found experimentally that in the Great Tit {Farm major) widowed birds fed nestlings more frequently than either of the mated parents but less than both together, as was also the case with the Marsh Harrier we studied. Our results suggest that male harriers are not neces- sarily at the limit of their parental care capabilities during the later stages of nesting. In this sense, Altenburg et al. (1982) found that monogamous birds reduced their pa- rental input, in terms of number of prey items delivered per hour, toward the end of the nestling stage, perhaps indicating that mated males’ parental abilities are also “underused” at this time. A division of sexual roles is usual among birds of prey (Newton 1979) and the presence of both sexes seems es- sential to successful breeding. However, this division in function becomes blurred in the later stages of reproduc- tion (Newton 1986). As breeding progresses the females contribute gradually more to prey capture and less to other aspects of brood care; sexual roles become similar and can perhaps be undertaken equally by either member of the pair. Role division itself does not necessarily preclude the rearing of nestlings by a single parent, at least in circum- stances where the remaining parent is able to increase its investment, as may occasionally occur in some potentially polygynous birds of prey (such as Circus; Newton 1976, Cramp and Simmons 1980) when they are breeding mo- nogamously (Altenburg et al. 1982). Resumen. — El macho de un pareja de Aguiluchos lagu- neros quedo viudo cuando los polios contaban con 37-38 dias de edad. El macho consiguio sacar adelante un polio intensificando el esfuerzo reproductor y supliendo en parte las funciones realizadas por la hembra: aumento el mimero de cebas, el tiempo invertido en el area de cria y las defensas del territorio. Elio parece indicar que al final de la cria los aguiluchos monogamos con polladas escasas no se en- cuentran al limite de sus posibilidades y que la contri- bucion relativa de cada sexo a los cuidados parentales es susceptible de variar en funcion de las necesidades fami- liares de cada momento. Acknowledgments This research was supported by an FPI grant from the Departamento de Educacion and the Direccion de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Navarra in collaboration with the Estacion Biologica de Donana (CSIG). We are most grateful to J. Bielefeldt, J.A. Donazar, F. Hiraldo, M. Marquiss, D.T. Parkin and W.C. Scharf for their con- structive comments on an earlier draft. The English trans- lation was made by N.C.B. Bowles. Literature Cited Altenburg, W., J. Bruinenberg, P. Wildsghut and M. Zijlstra. 1987. Colonization of a new area by the Marsh Harrier. Ardea 75:213-220. , S. Daan, j. Starkenburg and M. Zijlstra. 1982. Polygamy in the Marsh Harrier Circus aerugi- nosus: individual variation in hunting performance and number of mates. Behaviour 79:272-312. Cramp, S. and E. Simmons. 1980. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Vol. II. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. Fernandez, C. 1990. Genso, fenologia y exito reproduc- tor del Aguilucho lagunero. Circus aeruginosus , en Na- varra. Munibe 41:89-93. . 1992. Nest material supplies in the Marsh Har- rier Circus aeruginosus-. sexual roles, daily and seasonal activity patterns and rainfall influence. Ardea 80. 281-284. December 1992 Short Communications 259 GonzAlez, J.L. 1991, El Aguilucho lagunero Circus aeruginosus en Espana: situacion, biologia de la re- produccion, alimentacion y conservacion. Ed. ICONA, Madrid, Spain. JOHANNESSON, H. 1975. Activities of breeding Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus. Vdr Fdgelvdrld 34:197- 206. Newton, I. 1976. Population limitation in diurnal rap- tors. Can. Field-Nat. 90:274-300. . 1979. Population ecology of raptors. T. and A.D, Poyser, Berkhamsted, U.K. . 1986. The Sparrowhawk. T. and A.D. Poyser, Berkhamsted, U.K. Sasvari, L. 1990. Feeding response of mated and wid- owed bird parents to fledglings: an experimental study Ornis Scand. 21:287-292. SoKAL, R.R. AND F.J. Rohlf. 1969. Biometry. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, CA. Trivers, R.L. 1972. Parental investment and sexual selection. Pages 136-179 in B. Campbell [Ed.], Sexual selection and the descent of man. Aldine Press, Chi- cago, IL. Received 26 March 1992; accepted 20 August 1992 J. Raptor Res. 26(4):259-260 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Bats as Prey of Stygian Owls in Southeastern Brazil Jose C. Motta Junior Departamento de Ecologia e Biologia Evolutiva, Vniversidade Federal de Sdo Carlos, 13560 Sdo Carlos, SP, Brazil Valdir a. Taddei Departamento de Zoologia, Vniversidade Estadual Paulista, Institute de Biociencias, Letras e Ciencias Exatas, 15055 Sdo Jose do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil Few studies have examined quantitatively large num- bers of pellets or stomachs for assessing the relative fre- quency of bats as prey of owls (cf., Uttenddrfer 1943, Ruprecht 1979, Mikkola 1983). Pellets cast by three or four Stygian Owls (Asio stygius) were collected during 25 mo, mostly between June 1985 and February 1987 and sporadically in August- September 1989, December 1990 and February 1991. We collected pellets under trees in a Pmus sp. plantation located in Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo State, southeastern Brazil (21°58'S, 47°52'W) at an altitude of 840 m. The climate of the study area is a transition between Koppen’s Cwai and Awi, or rainy tropical with dry (April to September) and wet (October to March) seasons (To- lentino 1967). The nocturnal foraging activities of the owls took place in savannah (“campo cerrado”) and grassland (“campo”) habitats near the Pinus plantation, which was used for diurnal roosting. All data were gathered through direct observation in the study area. A total of 422 pellets were analyzed after treatment with a 3% boiling solution of NaOH (Schueler 1972). Prey remains were identified by comparison with reference collections. The bulk of the prey items consisted of small birds (Table 1), mostly finches (e.g., Volatinia jacarina which alone comprised 62.57o of all birds or 56.3% of all prey), weighing 10-15 g (J.C. Motta Junior unpubl.). Bats were the second most frequent prey whereas insects Table 1. Numbers of prey items found in pellets of Stygian Owls in two climatic seasons in southeastern Brazil. Prey Dry Season Wet Season Total N (%) N (%) N (%) Bats 49 (5.7) 26 (6.8) 75 (6.1) Birds 793 (93.1) 318 (83.7) nil (90.2) Frogs 0 1 (0.3) 1 (0.1) Insects 10 (1.2) 35 (9.2) 45 (3.6) Total Prey 852 (100.0) 380 (100.0) 1232 (100.0) Total Pellets 265 157 422 260 Short Communications VoL. 26, No. 4 Table 2. Bats {N = 75) found as prey of Stygian Owls in southeastern Brazil. Body weights were obtained from museum specimens, collected in Sao Paulo state. Species Weight (g) (Range) (N) No. (%) of Bats in Pellets Molossidae Eumops glaucinus 28.6-38.6 (12) 47 (62.7%) Nyctinomops laticaudatus 8.5-13.8 (6) 10 (13.3%) Nyctinomops macrotis 26.0 (1) 1 (1.3%) V espertilionidae Eptesicus furinalis 5.0-7.2 (8) 3 (4.0%) Histiotus velatus 7.0-10.8 (9) 1 (1.3%) Lasiurus blossevillii 8.7-11.4 (3) 1 (1.3%) Lasiurus cinereus 14.3-23.5 (3) 3 (4.0%) Lasiurus ega 14.3-15.0 (3) 6 (8.0%) Phyllostomidae Glossophaga soricina o ci 1 00 (86) 1 (1.3%) Chiroderma doriae 26.9-33.0 (18) 1 (1.3%) Pygoderma bilabiatum 15.4-15.9 (2) 1 (1.3%) (Scarabaeidae and Orthoptera) and a frog seemed to be of minor importance. The absence of rodents in the diet of the Stygian Owls studied was surprising. Rodents were abundant in the study area as evident from their frequent occurrence in pellets of Barn Owls (Tyto alba) living in the same area (Motta Junior 1988). G-tests (Sokal and Rohlf 1969) applied to seasonal fre- quencies of prey items (Table 1) demonstrated that insects were more frequently preyed upon during the wet season (G = 39.92, P < 0.001), whereas consumption of birds and bats did not show seasonal trends (G = 2.58, P > 0 10 and G = 0.35, P > 0.50, respectively). Eleven species of bats in eight different genera and three families were recorded. The largest bat {Eumops glaucinus) was also the most frequently preyed upon by Stygian Owls (Table 2). Data from Colombia (Borrero 1967), Belize (Franz 1991) and from Colima, Mexico (based on three pellets) were similar to ours. Except for the Black-and- White Owl {Ciccaba nigrolineata) that forages heavily on bats (Ibanez et al. 1983) and the Stygian Owl (this study), apparently no other owls include bats so frequently (6.1%) in their diet (cf., Uttendorfer 1943, Earhart and Johnson 1970, Burton 1973, Mikkola 1983). Resumen. — Durante 25 meses, entre junio de 1985 y febrero de 1991, estudiamos la ocurrencia de murcielagos en la dieta del Tecolote Fusco {Asia stygius) en el sudeste de Brasil. El analisis de 422 egagropilas rindio 1 232 presas entre las cuales las aves representaron 90,2%, los murcie- lagos 6,1%, los insectos 3,67o, y los anuros 0,1%. Identi- ficamos 11 especies de murcielagos entre 75 individuos. Eumops glaucinus fue la especie mas frecuente (47 indi- viduos). La predacion de murcielagos fue regular a lo largo de las estaciones. Asio stygius es apuntada como una de las especies de Strigiformes que mas preda murcielagos en todo el mundo. Acknowledgments We thank Storrs L. Olson for allowing us to examine three pellets of Stygian Owls from Mexico, and David De Jong for reviewing the English manuscript. We greatly appreciated the comments of F.M. Jaksic, A.R. Craig and S.I. Tiranti on an earlier manuscript. This research was partly funded by grants from FAPESP to J.C. Motta Junior and from CNPq to V.A. Taddei. Literature Cited Borrero, J.I. 1967. Notas sobre habitos alimentarios de Asio stygius robustus. Hornero 10:445-447. Burton, J.A. [ed.]. 1973. Owls of the world. E.P. Dut- ton and Co., New York. Earhart, C.M. and N.K. Johnson. 1970. Size di- morphism and food habits of North American owls. Condor 72:251-264. Franz, M. 1991. Field observations on the Stygian Owl Asio stygius in Belize, Central America. (Abstract). J. Raptor Res. 25:163. IbaNez, C., C. Ramo and B. Busto. 1983. La lechuza blanquinegra {Ciccaba nigrolineata) como depredador de murcielagos. Page 123 in F.G. Stiles and P.G. Agui- lar [Eds.], Primer Simposio de Ornitologia Neotrop- ical, Lima, Peru. Mikkola, H. 1983. Owls of Europe. Buteo Books, Ver- million, SD. Motta Junior, J.C. 1988. Alimentagao diferencial da suindara (Tyto alba) (Aves, Strigiformes) em duas es- tagoes do ano em Sao Carlos, estado de Sao Paulo Anais do Seminario Regional de Ecologia 5:357-364. Ruprecht, A.L. 1979. Bats (Chiroptera) as constituents of the food of Barn Owls Tyto alba in Poland. Ibis 121: 489-494. Schueler, F.W. 1972. A new method of preparing owl pellets; boiling in NaOH. Bird-Banding 43:142. Sokal, R.R. and F.J. Rohlf. 1969. Biometry. W.H Freeman and Co., San Francisco, CA. Tolentino, M. 1967. Estudo critico sobre o clima da regiao de Sao Carlos. Concurso de Monografias Muni- cipals. Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Uttendorfer, O. 1943. Fledermause als Raubvogel — und Eulenbeute. Z. Sdugetierk. 15:317-319. Received 12 February 1992; accepted 21 August 1992 /. Raptor Res. 26(4):261-263 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Food-Stressed Great Horned Owl Kills Adult Goshawk: Exceptional Observation or Community Process? Christoph Rohner Department oj Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4 Frank I. Doyle Kluane Lake Research Base, Mile 1054 Alaska Highway, Yukon Territory, Canada Y1A 3V4 Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) can prey on other owl and diurnal raptor species up to the size of Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis), and the question has been raised why this behavior occurs and whether it affects the structure of raptor communities (Craighead and Craighead 1956, Mikkola 1983, Voous 1988). Most re- ports originate from analyses of pellets of prey remains collected at owl nests and roost sites. There is little specific information on how the owls kill potential harmful prey, nor about the ecological conditions that facilitate such pre- dation. During our study of avian predation in the boreal forest ecosystem near Kluane Lake in the southwestern Yukon (Krebs et al. 1992), we encountered circumstantial evidence for an owl predation of an adult female goshawk, which led us to a revised assessment of such interspecific killings among raptors. On 18 June 1991, we found a goshawk nest on the flat top of a dead White Spruce (Picea glauca) about 10 m high. The nest was unusually exposed above canopy height of the surrounding trees (all other 28 goshawk nests found in our study areas were 4-8 m below canopy height). Fresh streaks of whitewash and two plucking sites with fresh prey remains indicated that the nest was active, and we were attacked by both parents. Because we heard loud begging calls, but the chicks were not yet visible at the nest edge, we estimated their ages to be 2-3 wk. On 25 June 1991, the nest area was quiet and there were no fresh whitewash or new prey remains. We found numerous breast feathers and the left wing of an adult goshawk 2 m from the base of the nest tree, together with four Great Horned Owl feathers. More goshawk feathers, including a goshawk’s right wing, were found under a 1 m high log perch about 12 m from the nest tree. The wings measured 356 mm, indicating they were from a female goshawk (Mueller and Berger 1968). Because the goshawk remains were several days old on 25 June, we estimated that the predation occurred between 18 and 22 June. During the same period, we monitored a Great Horned Owl family with a nest 1.0 km from the goshawk nest. The two owl fledglings were tethered to an elevated ar- tificial platform for diet study (Petersen and Keir 1987). We moved two additional young Great Horned Owls to the platform for a brood size manipulation experiment from 10-20 June. The adult female owl was equipped with a backpack radiotransmitter, and we recorded her locations once every second night. Food stress during the brood addition experiment was suggested by a decrease in the amount of food brought to the platform, declining owlet weights, and increased hunting distances from its nest by the female owl. The goshawk nest was within the territory of the owl pair, but the telemetry locations did not reveal any relation to the goshawk nest. On 27 June, we found the remains of the right leg of an adult female goshawk beside the owl tethering platform. The remains were sev- eral days old, and presumably were dropped by the owls Discussion Why Publish a Single Observation? Because of the nature of rare events, a sufficient sample size for testing hypotheses can only be achieved as a collaborative effort of different researchers who publish few or even single observations on this topic (Schmutz 1992). The fact that Great Horned Owls kill other birds of prey has been well documented (reviews in Craighead and Craighead 1956, Mikkola 1983, Voous 1988), and no further publications are needed to simply report this behavior. We agree with Bortolotti (1992) that the publication of single observations should allow links to the analysis or interpretation in a higher-level context. As a consequence, we suggest not publishing short notes that simply report the interspecific killing among raptors— instead we should ask the question when and why it occurs, and focus on the context of these observations. In our case, we present a single observation with additional information that shows potential links to causes and implications of this behavior: we will 1) try to estimate how rare such events were during our study, and 2) discuss how the documented details of the ecological context of both predator and prey relate to hypotheses on the evolution of interspecific killing among raptors. How Frequently do Great Horned Owls Kill Other Birds of Prey? We monitored 17 goshawk nests during 1989-91 and found a maximum of two possible cases of Great Horned Owl predation on goshawks. The second case was a brood that disappeared for unknown reasons. The described goshawk nest was exposed above canopy height, which is an unusual situation in our study area and elsewhere (Shuster 1980, Hall 1984). Owl predation may rather affect the nest site selection than the population dynamics and density of other raptors. Predation by Great Horned Owls, however, has been reported to account for higher mortalities in other species: up to 30% of juvenile Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis; Forsman et al. 1984, Gu- tierrez et al. 1985, Miller and Meslow 1986), 65% of juvenile Great Gray Owls (S. nebulosa; Duncan 1987), 0- 261 262 Short Communications VoL. 26, No. 4 44% of young Red-tailed Hawks {Buteo jamaicensis; Mclnvaille and Keith 1974, Houston 1975), up to 27% (Walton and Thelander 1988) or locally even more (Steidl et al. 1991a) of fledged or released Peregrine Falcons {Falco per egrinus), up to 21% of hatched Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus; Steidl et al. 1991b), 25 predations on young Harris’ Hawks from 64 nests (Parabuteo unicinctus; Daw- son and Mannan 1991). It is possible that the literature is biased toward high predation, because surprising re- sults may be more likely to be published. We encourage also the reporting of low predation rates in areas where the populations of several raptor species are known. Killing Other Birds of Prey: a Response to Food Stress? We found it interesting that the goshawk was killed by an owl under food stress, which we had induced ex- perimentally. During our study, the overall prey base was high because Snowshoe Hares {Lepus americanus) were at the peak of their population cycle (Krebs et al. 1992), and the overall predation by owls on goshawks was low. It is intriguing to hypothesize that top-predators kill lower- level predators more often when other prey is scarce. In support of this hypothesis, Mclnvaille and Keith (1974) found a lower predation rate by Great Horned Owls on Red-tailed Hawks when Snowshoe Hares were at peak densities. More predation rates on raptors should be re- ported in conjunction with estimates of other prey species. Raptors Killing Raptors: Predation or Competition? Observations of raptors killing raptors have been consid- ered anomalies. As a consequence many short notes and specific lists in handbooks have been published (review in Voous 1988). This perspective is based on the assumption that raptors are a costly prey because of the high risk of injury to an attacking predator. Why raptors kill other raptors despite the high costs involved, has been explained by the additional benefits of removing a potential com- petitor (review in Mikkola 1983). Benefits other than re- duced competition for food may be reduced competition for nest sites, increased protection of young from predation, and increased protection from harassment (Klem et al. 1985). When raptors kill other raptors, do they really suffer a higher risk of injury? We are not aware of analyses of risks involved in capturing different prey. Our case of an owl possibly attacking a brooding or sleeping goshawk suggests that there may be no more risk involved than when attacking any other prey. The most parsimonious explanation is that raptors kill raptors simply to obtain food, or in other words, to obtain direct and immediate benefits. At the present state of our knowledge, we should take this simple explanation as a null-hypothesis, and our scientific effort should be directed toward testing it. We can reject this null-hypothesis only if field data do not meet the predictions derived from it. For example, the null- hypothesis predicts that killed raptors are as likely to be consumed as any other prey, or that the proportion of raptors in the diet should reflect their availability as much as any other prey. Conclusions A Great Horned Owl killing an adult goshawk was a rare event with little impact on the goshawk population during our study. The frequency of such predation may vary with prey abundance, however, and may be more pronounced when other prey is scarce. Based on the de- tailed knowledge of the ecological situation of our case, we question the current perspective that raptors killing raptors are anomalies that involve a high risk and require competition as an explanation. More observations in a known context are needed to test hypotheses on why this phenomenon occurs. Resumen. — Hemos estudiado los nidos del Gavilan Azor {Accipiter gentilis) y del Tecolote Cornudo {Bubo virginia- nus) que estuvieron ubicados a 1 km de distancia el uno del otro. Los residues encontrados en ambos nidos son evidencia de que uno de los buhos de la especie B. virgi- nianus mato a un A. gentilis hembra cerca de su nido. Los buhos estuvieron sometidos a escasez de comida, la que fue inducida por nosotros al aumentar el numero de polios en el nido. El nido del A. gentilis estuvo extremadamente expuesto. Durante nuestro estudio, esta depredacidn fue un evento raro, con poco impacto en la poblacion de A. gentilis. La frecuencia de tales depredaciones puede ser mas numerosa cuando la presa es escasa. Basados en el conocimiento detallado de la situacion ecoldgica de nuestro estudio, nosotros dudamos de la creencia de que la muerte de una ave raptora causada por otra, es una anomalia que lleva un gran riesgo, y que s6lo se explica por la compe- tencia entre raptoras. [Traduccion de Eudoxio Paredes-Ruiz] Acknowledgments We thank G. Kullberg and B. Zimmermann for their help with field work on owls. We received helpful sug- gestions from U. Breitenmoser, R.J. Cannings, J.W. Dawson, J.R. and P. A. Duncan, C.L. Esser, C.J. Krebs, R.N. Rosenfield, A.R.E. Sinclair, and J.N.M. Smith. We were supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (grant to C.J. Krebs), and an R.J. Thompson Wildlife Fellowship to C. Rohner. This is contribution 15 of the Kluane Boreal Forest Eco- system Project. Literature Cited Bortolotti, G.R. 1992. Evaluating the merit of single observations — response to Schmutz. /. Raptor Res. 26. 100 . Craighead, JJ- and F.C. Craighead. 1956. Hawks, owls and wildlife. Stackpole Co., Harrisburg, PA. Duncan, J.R. 1987. Movement strategies, mortality, and behavior of radio-marked Great Gray Owls in south- eastern Manitoba and northern Minnesota. Pages 101- 108 in R.W. Nero, R.J. Clark, R.J. Knapton, R.H Hamre [Eds.], Biology and conservation of northern forest owls: symposium proceedings. General Tech- nical Report RM-142, U.S. Department of Agricul- ture, Forest Service, Ft. Collins, CO. Forsman, E.D., E.C. Meslow and H.M. Wight. 1984. Distribution and biology of the Spotted Owl in Oregon Wildl. Monogr. 87:1-64. Gutierrez, R.J., A.B. Franklin, W. Lahaye, V.J. Meretsky and J.P, Ward. 1985. Juvenile Spotted December 1992 Short Communications 263 Owl dispersal in northwestern California: preliminary results. Pages 60-65 in R.J. Gutierrez and A.B. Carey [Eds.], Ecology and management of the Spotted Owl in the Pacific Northwest. General Technical Report PNW-185, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Portland, OR. Hall, P.A. 1984. Characterization of nesting habitat of goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) in northwestern Califor- nia. M.Sc. thesis, Humboldt State University. Houston, C.S. 1975. Close proximity of Red-tailed Hawk and Great Horned Owl nests. Auk 92:612-614. Klem, D., B.S. Hillegass and D.A. Peters. 1985. Raptors killing raptors. Wilson Bull. 97:230-231. Krebs, C.J., R. Boonstra, S. Boutin, M. Dale, S. Hannon, K. Martin, A.R.E. Sinclair, R. Tur- KiNGTON, AND J.N.M. Smith. 1992. What drives the Snowshoe Hare cycle in Canada’s Yukon? Pages 886- 896 in D. McCullough and R. Barrett [Eds.], Wildlife 2001: populations, Elsevier, London, U.K. McInvaille, W.B. and L.B. Keith 1974. Predator- prey relations and breeding biology of the Great Horned Owl and Red-tailed Hawk in Central Alberta. Can. Field-Nat. 88:1-20. Mikkola, H. 1983. Owls of Europe. Buteo Books, Ver- million, SD. Miller, G.S. and E.C. Meslow. 1986. Dispersal of juvenile Northern Spotted Owls in the Pacific North- west Douglas-fir Region, Progress Report, Prelimi- nary Analysis 1982-1986. General Technical Report PNW-82-322, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Portland, OR. Mueller, H.C. and D.D. Berger. 1968. Sex ratios and measurements of migrant goshawks. Auk 85:431- 436. Petersen, L.R. and J.R. Keir. 1976. Tether plat- forms — an improved technique for raptor food habits study. Raptor Research 10:21-28. ScHMUTZ, J.K. 1992. Should single observations be pub- lished? J. Raptor Res. 26:99. Shuster, W.C. 1980. Northern Goshawk nest site re- quirements in the Colorado Rockies. Western Birds 11: 89-96. Steidl, R.J., C.R. Griffin, L.J. Niles and K.E. Clark. 1991a. Reproductive success and eggshell thinning of a re-established Peregrine Falcon population. J. Wildl Manage. 55:294-299. , , AND . 1991b. Differential re- productive success of Ospreys in New Jersey. J. Wildl Manage. 55:266-272. Voous, K.H. 1988. Owls of the northern hemisphere Collins Sons and Co., London, U.K. Walton, B.J. and C.G. Thelander. 1988. Peregrine Falcon management efforts in California, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada. Pages 587-599 in T.J. Cade, J.H. Enderson, C.G. Thelander, and C.M. White, [Eds.], Peregrine Falcon populations: their manage- ment and recovery. The Peregrine Fund Inc., Boise, ID. Received 11 May 1992; accepted 10 September 1992 J Raptor Res. 26(4):263-265 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Nesting Association Between the Woodpigeon {Columba palumbus) AND THE Hobby {Falco subbuteo) Giuseppe Bogliani Dipartimento di Biologia Animate, University of Pavia, Piazza Botta 9, 27100 Pavia, Italy Eugenio Tiso Via Carena 106, 27050 Casei Gerola (PV) , Italy Francesco Barbieri Dipartimento di Biologia Animate, University of Pavia, Piazza Botta 9, 27100 Pavia, Italy Nest predation is the main cause of breeding failure in birds (Ricklefs 1969). Various mechanisms for defending nests against predators have evolved. In their classification of nest defenses, Collias and Collias (1984) recognized, among others, species which use “protective nesting as- sociation with formidable species”; the formidable species can be large birds of prey, wasps, bees or termites and their nests, or humans and their habitations. It is presumed 264 Short Communications VoL. 26, No. 4 that potential predators risk death or serious injury from the dangerous species, if they try to prey on nests of the protection-seeking species. It is usually said that in this kind of symbiosis the species seeking protection do not incur intrinsic costs such as predation or egg and chick loss due to attacks from the associated dangerous species (Gollias and Collias 1984). We describe an association between nesting Woodpi- geons and Hobbies. Apart from Bijlsma (1984) there have only been anecdotal descriptions of this phenomenon by various authors, reviewed by Collar (1978) and by Bijlsma (1984). Cain et al. (1982) and Kazakov (1976, in Cramp 1985) have reported the association between Woodpigeons and other raptors. Study Area and Methods The study was carried out in a 62 km^ plot bordering the course of the Po River, in northern Italy, where poplar {Populus sp. cultivars) plantations predominated. These host a dense population of nesting Hobbies with 25.8- 29.0 pairs/100 km^ and a mean nearest neighbor distance of 1.5 km (SD = 0.7, N = 35). This is one of the highest densities so far recorded (Bogliani 1992). The poplars are mainly from a single clone (1-214) and are therefore ge- netically identical. They are planted at regular intervals, with 5-6 m between trees. The Hobby used only Hooded Crow {Corvus corone cornix) nests, selecting those in plots with larger trees (circumference at 130 cm greater than 100 cm). Mean hatching date was 18 July, based on 29 nests closely ob- served from 1985 to 1988. Observations on breeding biology were carried out from 1985-88. Nests were searched for during July and August by inspecting all abandoned Hooded Crow and Wood- pigeon nests. In 1987 the occurrence of both the Hobby and the Woodpigeon was carefully checked in 25 plots (surface of each plot 0. 2-1.0 km^) with poplars of the suitable size. A detailed map, showing each tree. Hooded Crow and Woodpigeon nest within a radius of 100 m from 1 1 of the 1 8 Hobby nests found in 1 8 plots was drawn. Results and Discussion Woodpigeon and Hobby nests were significantly asso- ciated in the same plots. Of 17 plots with nesting Wood- pigeons, only 1 did not also simultaneously host the Hobby. On the other hand, the Woodpigeon was absent in only 2 of the 18 plots with Hobby nests (Fisher exact test, P = 0 . 001 ). Woodpigeon nests tended to be clumped around a Hob- by nest, and in most cases were less than 40 m from the falcon nest (Fig. 1). We found a significant difi'erence between the observed frequency of occurrence in five 20 m distance classes from the Hobby nest, and the expected frequency if the trees in the plot were used at random (x^ = 103, df = 4, = 45, P < 0.001; Fig. 1). The ratio of used vs. available trees was highest in the nearest distance class. The minimum distance was 5 m, the nearest tree to the Hobby nest; there were no cases of simultaneous nest- ing on the same tree. The 20 to 40 m distance class was also preferred, while over 40 m Woodpigeon nests were >> o g g- 100 m away. Loblolly Pine branches and green boughs were placed in two piles on the ground near the power lines. In mid-January 1990, additional sticks were added by the adult Bald Eagles to the nest on the platform. A follow-up investigation indicated that only a small quantity of the nest material provided was used by the adult eagles in completing the nest. Two Bald Eagles chicks hatched and occupied the platform nest until mid- May, when they successfully fledged. This was the first time that Florida Bald Eagles successfully fledged from an artificial nest on an artificial platform. Adult Bald Eagles again used the platform and were incubating in January 1991. Unfortunately, repeated traffic under the nest appeared to disrupt incubation and the platform was abandoned in February 1991. We thank J.D. Fraser, J.L. Lincer, B.A. Millsap, and an anonymous reviewer for their useful comments on this paper. This project was supported by Florida Power and Light Company as part of a long-term monitoring effort involving Bald Eagles in Florida. This is contribution R-00902 of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Gainesville. — W.R. Marion, Department of Wildlife and Range Sciences, University of Florida, 118 Newins- Ziegler Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611-0304 (present address: Hancock Timber Resource Group, 2401 Bristol Court S.W., Olympia, WA 98502). P.A. Quincy, Florida Power and Light Company, P.O. Box 078768, West Palm Beach, FL 33407-0768; C.G. Cutlip, Jr., Bio-Scan, Inc., 100 Ninth Street East, Lehigh, FL 33936; J.R. Wilcox, Florida Power and Light Company, P.O. Box 14000, Juno Beach, FL 33408. 266 December 1992 Letters 267 J. Raptor Res. 26(4):267 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Great Horned Owl Nesting in Monk Parakeet Colony in Suburban Connecticut The Great Horned Owl {Bubo virginianus) is one of the most widespread and successful of North American birds of prey. Throughout its range, it nests in an extremely wide variety of habitats, ranging from desert cacti in the Southwest to forests of the Northeast. Excepting only the Eastern Screech Owl {Otus asio), the Great Horned Owl may also be the raptor most tolerant and adaptable to human modified habitats; it has been recorded nesting in a variety of urban and suburban open space habitats, where it usually appropriates nests of crows or squirrels or, less frequently, large cavities in trees (K.H. Voous 1988, Owls of the Northern Hemisphere, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA). We report on the nesting of a Great Horned Owl in a Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) colony in a residential suburb of Bridgeport, Connecticut. This Monk Parakeet colony has existed since the mid-1970s and was, until recently, unique to this site in the state. The colony typically included 90 or more birds and 35-40 active nests at any one time, all constructed in a single ornamental fir {Abies sp.) about 19 m tall, in a suburban yard. The Great Horned Owls used the top of the largest Monk Parakeet nest located along a branch 15.2-15.4 m high. The nest was about 1.8 m in length, 0. 6-0.9 m in width and 0.9 m deep. It housed seven pairs of nesting Monk Parakeets, which entered from the bottom or sides. A single Great Horned Owl nestling was first observed in mid- April. It fledged on or about 17 May. Backdating (Anderson and Hickey 1970, Wilson Bull. 82:14-28), suggests that the egg deposition was in mid-February and hatching occurred in late March. One adult owl typically roosted in the tree, usually close against the bole and overlooking the nest. The second adult sometimes roosted in a small line of White Pines {Pinus alba) about 90 m away. After fledging, both young and adult continued to roost in the nest site tree, always close to the trunk and well within the canopy at heights of 15.2-18.3 m. Pellets and prey fragments collected from beneath the nest site tree yielded the remains of 22 prey individuals belonging to four species. Of these, 17 (77.3%) were the Norway Rat {Rattus norvegicus), 1 (4.5%) an Eastern Cottontail {Sylvilagus floridanus) and 2 (9.1%) each were of Eastern Chipmunk {Tamias striatus) and Gray Squirrel {Sciurus carolinensis) . Observations indicated that the Great Horned Owls were taking Norway rats from a small estuary located about 0.5 kilometers from the nest site. The other prey species suggest that the adult owls also sometimes foraged along the lawns. Although several piles of Monk Parakeet feathers were found beneath the nest site none were found in pellets. However, we did observe the nestling scurrying along a branch toward a parakeet that had landed about 1.5 m away while the adult female watched. Neither it nor the nearby adult were able to capture the parakeet, which flew off as the juvenile owl approached. — Arnold Devine, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Hartford, CT 06510; Dwight G. Smith, Biology Department, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT 06515. / Raptor Res. 26(4): 267-268 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Renesting of Mexican Spotted Owl in Southern New Mexico Renesting in the wild by Mexican Spotted Owls {Strix occidentalis lucida) has not been documented previously. E.D. Forsman et al. (1984, Wildl. Monogr. 87:33) stated that a captive Spotted Owl laid two sets of eggs in two different years, but they made no mention of this occurring in the wild. We report renesting of a pair of Mexiean Spotted Owls in the Lincoln National Forest in southern New Mexico. This pair was included in a study of four mated pairs and one female of a mated pair that were fitted with back-pack radiotransmitters in October 1990. Monitored pairs began roosting together in February 1991 and began nesting in March. We visited the nest sites at least twice per week to check for young after females were thought to be with eggs. On 3 and 4 May, a single, approximately 10 cm tall owlet was dead at the base of the nest tree of one of the pairs. The 268 Letters VoL. 26, No. 4 owlet was about 1 wk old. Backdating from the date when this owlet was found, the first clutch of this female was laid during the last week of March or the first week of April. After the owlet died, the female remained on the nest until 20 May. She was also observed roosting within 1-200 m of the male in the vicinity of the original nest on 10, 12, and 19 May. On 26 May, the female which had lost her young was sitting on another nest in a tree about 100 m farther up the canyon than the first nest tree. During daylight hours on 6 July, she was partially erect on the edge of the nest in a position that was clearly visible from the ground. Prior to this date, it had been difficult to see the incubating female from ground level. Based on her more vertical position on the nest we think that the second clutch of egg(s) hatched immediately before 6 July. On 13 July, an owlet was on the edge of the nest. On 16 July, the partially eaten remains of the female and an owlet were on the ground near the nest tree. Entrails had been removed from the female. A foot was all that remained of the owlet on the ground. Within the nest, we found a portion of the owlet’s beak and the female’s wing. — K.W. Kroel and P.J. Zwank, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003. J. Raptor Res. 26(4);268 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. American Kestrel Completes Clutch Following Movement of Its Nest Box Compared with many other raptors, American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) are quite tolerant of disturbance during incubation (P.H. Bloom and S.J. Hawks 1983, Raptor Res. 17:9-14; T.J. Wilmers et al. 1985, N. Am. Bird Bander 10:6-8). Even so, daily disturbance usually causes nest desertion (J.A. Gessaman and P.R. Findell 1979, Comp Biochem. Physiol. 63A:57-62). The contents of kestrel nests have been removed and placed in metabolism chambers during incubation (Gessaman and Findell 1979), but I am not aware of any published reports where kestrels continued to incubate eggs that had been moved to a different location. Here I report such an event. The nest box was initially located in a dead maple {Acer sp.) 3 m above the ground in southwest Wood County, Ohio. On 3 May 1992, the nest box, containing two eggs (R. Wensick pers. comm.), was removed from the tree and placed upright on the ground 3 m away. The tree was then felled and cut into pieces. I learned about the situation on 5 May and checked the box at 1205 H, discovering the male incubating four eggs. At 1435 H that same afternoon, the female was incubating the eggs. Fearing that the nest would succumb to mammalian predation if left on the ground, at 1515 H I secured the box to a steel fence post 1 m above the ground and 10 m from where the nest tree had been. At the time, the female was perched on a utility wire 100 m away. At 1620 H, I observed the nest box from a distance of 0.5 km with a spotting scope. The female was then perched on a utility wire 10 m away. At 1628 H, she flew to the box, hovered at the entrance for several seconds, then flew to the cut up nest tree and circled around the pieces of the tree for 2 min. At 1630 H, she flew to the box and entered it. She was still in the box when I left 15 min later. During the evening of 5 May the remains of the nest tree were removed and the stump burned. I observed the nest from 1122-1142 H at a distance of 0.5 km on 6 May. I noticed no activity in the vicinity of the box, but observed a pair of kestrels copulating near a nest box located 1 km to the east, suggesting that the pair had deserted and moved to a new nest site. The translocated nest box contained five cold eggs when checked at 1050 H on 10 May. The pair was again observed 1 km to the east. Thus, after the nest tree was felled, three eggs were laid: two while the box was on the ground and one after it was placed on the fence post. Incubation was observed, and probably initiated, while the box lay on the ground. Incubation normally commences when the fourth egg is laid in a five egg clutch (R.D. Porter and S.I. Wiemeyer 1972, Condor 74:46-53). These observations show that this pair of kestrels continued to use their nest after it was relocated a short distance away at a lower height. This suggests that kestrel nests may be successfully relocated, if disturbance can be kept to a minimum following relocation. I thank Richard Wensick for providing the fence post and other materials needed to elevate the nest box, for alerting me that the nest tree had been removed, and for providing information on the date and nest contents when the tree was felled. This, and other nest boxes, were constructed using funds provided by a Paul A. Stewart Award from the Inland Bird Banding Association. — Thomas W. Carpenter, Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403-0212. December 1992 Letters 269 /. Raptor Res. 26(4):269 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Aerial Mobbing of a Gyrfalgon by Glaucous Gulls On 1-2 June 1990, while camped at a small island in Alexandra Fiord on Ellesmere Island (78”54'N 75°45'W) near a lowland oasis (B. Freedman and J. Svoboda 1982, Can. Field. -Nat. 96:56-60), I observed a male Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) quartering back and forth in front of a cliff where the female was nesting. The orographic lift of the Gyrfalcon was interrupted by a group of three Glaucous Gulls (Larus hyperboreus) on two separate occasions, each lasting several minutes. During the first encounter, the gulls, which initiated the engagement, acted in unison, each gull taking turns diving at the Gyrfalcon, while the others circled close by calling loudly. The Gyrfalcon, in an attempt to fight the gulls, swiveled about, talons extended, occasionally even doing so while completely inverted. After returning to the nest, the Gyrfalcon ignored the gulls until after 10 min it tried to make a kill of a single passing bird. The panicked avoidance by the Glaucous Gull consisted of dropping vertically to several meters above the pack ice and calling loudly. Within a few moments, two gulls arrived and the three dissuaded the Gyrfalcon from hunting. The falcon then returned to the nest site where it stayed for the next hour of observation, disregarding nearby gulls. Gyrfalcons commonly take prey in the air (e.g., G.M. White and R.B. Weiden 1966, Condor 68:517-519; S.A. Bengtson 1971, Ibis 113:468-476) and customarily prey upon seabirds (e.g., G.P. Dementiev and N.N. Gortchakovskaya 1945, Ibis 87:559-565; K.G. Poole and G.A. Boag 1988, Can. J. Zool. 66:334-344) including Glaucous Gulls (G.M. White and T.J. Gade 1971, Living Bird 10:107-150). Similar mobbing of Gyrfalcons by Gommon Raven (Corvus corax) has been noted previously (M.A. Jenkins 1978, Auk 95:122-127). N. Wooden (1980, Raptor Res. 14:97-124) also observed perched Gyrfalcons struck by passing Arctic Terns {Sterna paradisaea) which, however, never grouped to drive the raptor away as in the present encounter with the larger Glaucous Gulls. This seemingly paradoxical behavior of self-endangerment by mobbers may be necessary to “convince” the predator that their threat is real (S.A. Sordahl 1990, Wilson Bull. 102:349-353). The result is that both ravens (Jenkins 1978) and Glaucous Gulls (this study) can be ignored even when they fly directly beneath or over an occupied Gyrfalcon eyrie. — R.L. France, Department of Biology, McGill University, 1205 Ave. Dr. Penfield., Montreal, PQ,, Canada H3A IBl. J Raptor Res. 26(4):269-270 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. An Aggressive Interaction Between a Northern Goshawk and a Red-tailed Hawk During September 1987, D. Grannell observed an aggressive encounter between a Northern Goshawk {Accipiter gentilis) and a Red-tailed Hawk {Buteo jamaicensis) on the Alsea Ranger District (Township 13 South, Range 09 West) of the Siuslaw National Forest in the Goast Range of western Oregon. An adult Red-tailed Hawk was observed flying erratically, apparently grappling with another bird. The birds tumbled to the ground a short distance away and when this location was approached, the Red-tailed Hawk was seen hanging upside down in the talons of a mature goshawk about 3 m up in a small tree. The pair of birds were about 5 m from the observer. The goshawk dropped the Red-tailed Hawk, possibly because of the close proximity of a human, and after about 60 sec the Red-tailed Hawk hopped to an adjacent bush. The two hawks then watched each other for a few seconds, and the Red-tailed Hawk flew south across a pasture and landed in a tree. Within seconds, the goshawk pursued the redtail, struck it, and both birds went to the ground. The outcome of this last encounter was not observed. Vegetation in the area was dominated by second-growth Douglas-fir {Pseudotsuga menziesii), vine maple {Acer circinatum) and red alder {Alnus rubra) growing where recent timber harvest had taken place. This habitat was not typical of most nesting sites for Northern Goshawks in Oregon, and goshawks are not known to nest in the Goast Range of Oregon (R.T. Reynolds et al. 1982, J. Wildlife Manage. 46:124-138), although sightings of goshawks are often recorded there. Red-tailed Hawks do nest in the Goast Range. No vocalizations were heard, so it was not known if either bird emitted alarm or defensive calls. It is possible that this encounter was an act of predation by the goshawk on the redtail rather than aggressive territoriality. We do not know if the goshawk consumed any of the redtail. Encounters between Northern Goshawks and Red-tailed Hawks are of interest because of the possibility that the two species are being drawn into closer proximity during nesting because of wide-spread alteration of forested habitat due to timber harvest (D.G. Grocker-Bedford 1990, Wildl. Soc. Bull. 18:262-269). Physically aggressive encounters between 270 Letters VoL. 26, No. 4 two species of similar size are seldom observed, and may be rare in nature, but such direct sources of mortality or competition undoubtedly occur in the wild. We thank E.C. Meslow, D.K. Rosenberg, and B. Woodbridge for reviewing this note. — Dan Crannell, Bureau of Land. Management, P.O. Box 10226, Eugene, OR 97440-2226; Stephen DeStefano, Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Nash 104, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-3803. J. Raptor Res. 26(4):270 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Thesis Abstract Habitat Use, Movements, Migration Patterns, and Survival Rates of Subadult Bald Eagles in Northern Florida The state of Florida supports over half of the breeding population of Bald Eagles {Haliaeetus leucocephalus leucocepha- lus) in the southeastern United States; this represents a significant resource for the Southeast and for Florida. Currently, primary management emphasis and protection is focused on bald eagle nest sites. No habitat protection or management activities are aimed at foraging, roosting or loafing areas for subadult eagles. In fact, habitats and habitat characteristics important to subadults have not been quantified. In this study, I examined various aspects of eagle biology that might be pertinent to survival or management of the Florida subadult eagle population. Specifically, using radiotelemetry, I examined post-fledging habitat needs, factors affecting timing of migration, local movements, habitat use, and survival in north-central Florida from spring 1987 through spring 1991. Fledgling eagles (birds prior to their initial migration) remained dependent on adults and remained within 4 km of the natal nest until they initiated migration (approximately 7 wk post-fledging). It was determined that habitat protection within the 229 m primary protection zone used in Florida was not sufficient to meet the habitat needs of fledgling eagles and that the protection period should extend until fledglings initiate migration in the summer. Timing of migration for fledgling and 1- to 4-year-old eagles appeared to be correlated more with prey availability than with temperature, although both factors appear to affect migration. Locations of radio-tagged eagles outside of Florida ranged from South Carolina to Prince Edward Island, Canada. Data suggest that eagles are philopatric to summering areas, which emphasizes the need for protection of significant summering areas. Known and assumed mortality occurred primarily during migration in northern states. The 1 year age class had the lowest survival. Survival was significantly lower for eagles fledged from 1 -chick nests and for the younger chick in 2-chick nests. The minimum survival rate through AVz years of age was 50% and did not vary by sex. After subadults returned to the north-central Florida study area in the fall, individuals continued to use the same general areas each year. Temporally and locally abundant food sources resulted in temporary small concentrations of eagles. Certain portions of the study area were used consistently each year by large numbers of eagles. Subadult eagles were not distributed randomly over the study area. Logistic regression analyses revealed that eagles tended to be located close to large water bodies, and eagle nests were frequently in cypress and marsh habitats, and avoided main roads and developed areas. Immature eagles (1-year olds) tended to be located closer to eagle nests than 2- to 4-year-olds Thus, management for subadult populations must include these heavily used concentration areas that supply the habitat features preferred by subadults. Survival of subadults may be affected if a highly used area becomes unsuitable. — Petra Bohall Wood. 1992. Ph.D. thesis. Department of Wildlife and Range Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. Present address: West Virginia Coop. Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, West Virginia University, P.O. Box 6125, Morgantown, WV 26506-6125. J. Raptor Res. 26(4):271-273 © 1992 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. News and Reviews Trends in European Goshawks {Accipiter gentilis): an overview by R.G. Bijlsma. 1991. Bird Census News. Vol. 4:3-47. The goshawk {Accipiter gentilis) is a large, forest-nesting raptor found across the northern hemisphere. This species occurs year-round in a wide variety of habitats in Europe, including forests, woodlands, agricultural and rural-residential areas. These habitats are subject to a diversity of land uses and environmental fluctuations. As the author indicates, the study of goshawk population trends can provide information on local environmental conditions, such as loss of habitat, environmental pollution, human persecution, or declines in other species (goshawk prey). The objective of this article was to indicate trends of breeding goshawks in Europe. Goshawk population data from 25 countries was examined (Germany is divided into 8 areas, for a total of 32 areas). A discussion and supporting figures are presented for each country, including study area size, goshawk density estimates and environmental factors influencing trends when available from each literature source. Current goshawk population numbers for each country is estimated. The author’s summary of population trends by country is displayed in tabular format, for the time period between 1950-90. This article is an impressive review of literature on the European Goshawk covering population information and environmental threats. Overall, the conclusions of this article appear well supported by references spanning 40 yr. The reader must have faith in the author’s interpretive abilities as not all the materials necessary for critical analysis are provided. The sources referenced are published articles covering a range of study areas, habitats, methodologies and study objectives. Thus, a comparison of nesting densities among studies is not possible. The author’s approach is to examine trends in individual populations, and to bring together all available information to make conclusions regarding trends over larger areas. The author admits that this task has its challenges. For example, information on changes in habitat or land use over the length of the study was not always provided by each source. In addition, systematic survey and experienced observers may not have been used in all cases. The reader might find it difficult to assess the reliability of each source from this article. The original study objectives and methodologies are not presented in all cases, and these original references are not likely to be available to most non- European readers. The author periodically lends his professional judgment as to whether the cited findings were realistic with respect to population trends. The discussion for each country is supported by a graph of goshawk population trends. The graphs are not always well labeled with country names. Units of measure are used inconsistently in graphs and text to describe goshawk densities and study area size, which makes reading challenging. I would have appreciated the inclusion of a map of the continent depicting countries and study locations. The author summarizes environmental factors which were cited as affecting European Goshawk populations for three periods over the total 40-year span. Factors mentioned include pesticides, human persecution of goshawks, and changes in habitat and prey availability. Data available from the period prior to 1955 suggest a slight to strong increase in goshawk populations, possibly a response to prohibition of persecution. In northern Europe, goshawk trends during this period appear to have been to a large extent a response to tetraonid population cycles. The use of persistent pesticides is cited as the cause of dramatic declines in goshawk populations throughout Europe, during the period between 1956-70. This trend was also seen in other bird-eating raptors. The impacts of hunting or persecution on goshawks are difficult to assess but are believed by some to have caused local declines and extinctions during this period. In most European countries the use of persistent pesticides was discontinued by the early 1970s, and goshawk population trends throughout the continent during this period are strongly positive. Densities in western Europe often appeared to peak in the 1980s followed by a decline and stabilization at a lower population level. Changes in habitat are cited in relatively few sources as causing goshawk declines and cited in fewer cases as resulting in increases. A reduction in forested habitats was due to various causes, which included acid rain, clear-cutting, the use of “modern forestry” practices, forest fires, and conversion of forests to non-native plantations. The maturing of forests and habitat diversification was cited at the potential cause of recent goshawk population increases for one study. Fluctuation in prey populations was cited as a factor in goshawk population trends. In the boreal forest of northern Europe, cyclic trends in food availability were considered to cause similarly cyclic trends in goshawk numbers. In one reference, adverse forestry practices were believed to be the cause of prey population declines, especially forest tetraonids. 271 Ill News and Reviews VoL. 26, No. 4 which in turn were believed to cause declines in goshawk numbers. Agricultural and other rural land practices were also suspected causes of depleted prey resources. The conclusion of the review is that without further large changes in habitat, food supply, or persecution, European Goshawk populations should remain stable in the future. A summary of research over the past 10 yr suggests that 19% of the countries or areas under consideration have goshawk populations that exhibit at least a probable decreasing trend. Forty percent of the areas have goshawk populations that are suspected to be stable or increasing. The remaining areas have goshawk populations which appear to exhibit variable trends (16%) or have populations for which no reliable information exists (25%). The primary contribution of this article may be to focus attention on European Goshawk populations that appear to be declining or for which little is known. — Karen K. Austin The International Osprey Foundation (TIOF) is seeking applications for its fourth grant to support research activities of a graduate student primarily focusing on os- preys. Work with other raptor species may be considered, however. The award recipient will be expected to provide a report on his or her research and use of the funds within a year of receiving the grant. Applicants should submit a proposal outlining their project and the intended use of the funds by December 31, 1992. The grant will be awarded on March 31, 1993. Please send a project description of no more than two pages. Also provide an itemized estimate of expenses and the name, address and phone number of the graduate supervisor. Send applications to; TIOF, Endowment Fund, P.O. Box 250, Sanibel, FL 33957-0250. Manuscript Referees The following persons kindly volunteered their insight and spent valuable time in reviewing manuscripts for the Journal: Dean Amadon, James G. Auburn, Thomas G. Balgooyen, Samuel J. Barry, Marc J. Bechard, James C. Bednarz, Daniel D. Berger, John Bielefeldt, Robert G. Bijlsma, Keith L. Bildstein, Peter H. Bloom, David A. Boag, Gary R. Bortolotti, Thomas Bosakowski, William W. Bowerman, Richard D. Brown, Mitchell A. Byrd, Tom J. Cade, Thomas W. Carpenter, Paul M. Cavanagh, Richard J. Clark, William S. Clark, Jack Clinton- Eitnear, Patrick Colgan, Charles T. Collins, Michael W. Collopy, A. R. Craig, John L. Curnutt, Dale W. Stahlecker, Martha Desmond, Stephen DeStefano, Jose A. Donazar, Gary E. Duke, Jame R. Duncan, David H. Ellis, John T. Emlen Jr., James H. Enderson, Dave L. Evans, Roger M. Evans, Peter Ewins, Fran Hamerstrom, John R. Faaborg, Jim Fitzpatrick, Stephen P. Flemming, Dale E. Gawlik, Laurie Goodrich, Daniel N. Gossett, Jon S. Greenlaw, Curtice Griffin, Lucinda Haggas, Alan H. Harmata, Judy Henckel, Charles J. Henny, Fernando Hiraldo, Anne Hoag Wheeler, Stephen W. Hoffman, Denver W. Holt, C. Stuart Houston, Richard Howard, Grainger W, Hunt, William M. Iko, Eduardo E Inigo-Elias, Chris Iverson, Fabian M. Jaksic, Paul C. James, Jamie E. Jimenez, Enrique R. Justo, Richard H. Kerbes, Paul Kerlinger, Mark Kopeny, Jeff Lincer, Douglas MacCoy, Santi Mahosa, Mark S. Martell, Carl D Marti, Kathy Martin, John M. Marzluff, Katherine McKeever, Brian A. Millsap, Douglas W. Mock, Martin L. Morton, Charles A. Munn, Robert K. Murphy, Robert W. Nero, R. R. (Butch) Olendorff, Jim W. Parker, Jimmie Parrish, James R. Philips, Howard R. Postovit, Patrick T. Redig, Marco Restani, Richard T. Reynolds, Robert J Ritchie, Ricardo Rodriguez- Estrella, Christoph Rohner, Robert N. Rosenfield, David A. Ross, J. Stan Rowe, William C. Scharf, Wolfgang Scherzinger, Peter E. Scott, Steve Sherrod, Williston Shor, Dwight G. Smith, Noel Snyder, Mark Stalmaster, Paul F. Steblein, Karen Steenhof, Ernst Sutter, Ted Swem, Ethan J. Temeles, Jean-Marc Thiollay, Paddy Thompson, Sergio Tiranti, Philip L. Trefry, Dan Varland, Ian G. Warkentin, James W. Watson, Clayton M. White, Karen L. Wiebe, Edwin O. Willis, Neil D. Woflinden, Petra Bohall Wood, Fridjof Ziesemer, Dale Zimmerman, Fred C. Zwickel. December 1992 New and Reviews 273 News 1991 Stephen R. Tully Memorial Grant Recipients Keith J. Merkel Keith J. Merkel is a native and resident of Marshfield, Wisconsin, where he is employed as a Quality Control Supervisor in a manufactured housing production facility. He is an active outdoorsman who enjoys backpacking, canoeing/kayaking, travel, and photography. He also is an avid amateur or- nithologist and bander, with a special interest in raptors. Currently he is researching the diet, breeding habitat, nesting success, range, and distribution of several raptor species in central and northern Wisconsin. As part of these long term studies he has installed over 100 nest boxes and platforms for American Kestrel and Eastern Screech, Northern Saw-whet, Barred, and Great Gray owls. Annual visits to these nesting structures yield data on clutch size, brood size, prey species, fledgling success rates, fledgling dispersal, and nest site fidelity. In 1988 Wisconsin’s first documented nesting Great Gray Owls successfully fledged four young from one of these platforms, establishing that this species does, at least occasionally, breed in the state. Neal D. Niemuth Neal D. Niemuth was born and raised in Stetsonville, Wisconsin, where his early raptor experience involved erecting kestrel nest boxes and climbing for local banders. After earning a Bachelor of Science degree in English from the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point, Neal taught high school for five years before beginning work on a Master of Science degree in zoology at the University of Wyoming. For his thesis Neal is testing the role of nest predation in Sage Grouse lek formation, as well as the effect of nest density on predation of Sage Grouse nests. In addition to his Sage Grouse study, Neal continues to work with raptors. He is currently studying natal dispersal of Osprey, philopatry and productivity of kestrels, and population ecology of Saw-whet Owls in northern Wisconsin. CONTENTS FOR VOLUME 26, 1992 Number 1 Letter 1 Reproductive Parameters for Free Ranging American Kestrels {Falco sparverius) Using Nest Boxes in Montana and Wyoming. Anne Hoag Wheeler 6 Observations on the Behavior of Surplus Adults in a Red-shouldered Hawk Population. Michael D. McCrary, Peter H. Bloom and Marjorie J. Gibson 10 Home Range, Habitat Use and Behavior of Prairie Falcons W^INTERING IN EaST-CENTRAL COLORADO. Gary Beauvais, James H. Enderson and Anthony J. Magro 13 Northward Post-fledging Migration of California Bald Eagles, w. Grainger Hunt, Ronald E. Jackman, J. Mark Jenkins, Carl G. Thelander and Robert N. Lehman 19 Determining Sex of Eastern Screech-Owls Using Discriminant Function Analysis. Dwight G. Smith and Stanley N. Wiemeyer 24 Diet Shifts of Black-chested Eagles {Geranoaetus melanoleucus) from Native Prey to European Rabbits in Chile. Eduardo f. Pavez, Christian A. Gonzalez and Jaimie E. Jimenez 27 Short Communications Methods of Locating Great Horned Owl Nests in the Boreal Forest, Christoph Rohner and Frank I. Doyle 33 Food Habits of the Short-eared Owl {Asio flammeus) in Southern South America. Jaime R. Rau, Marcelo C. Villagra, Marta L. Mora, David R. Martinez and Maria S. Tilleria 35 Golden Eagles Feeding on Fish. Bryan T. Brown 36 Greater Yellow-headed Vulture {Cathartes melambrotvs) Locates Food by Olfaction. Gary R. Graves 38 Letters 40 Thesis Abstracts 44 News and Reviews 47 Number 2 Carrying Capacity for Bald Eagles Wintering Along a Northwestern River. W. Grainger Hunt, Brenda S. Johnson and Ronald E. Jackman 49 Demography of Wintering Rough-legged Hawks in New Jersey. Thomas Bosakowski and Dwight G. Smith 61 Prey Use by Eastern Screech-Owls: Seasonal Variation in Central Kentucky and a Review of Previous Studies. Gary Ritchison and Paul m. Cavanagh 66 Social Hunting in Broods of Two and Five American Kestrels After Fledging. Daniel E. Varland and Thomas M. Loughin 74 Distribution and Color Variation of Gyrfalgons in Russia. David h. Ellis, Catherine H. Ellis, Grey W. Pendleton, Andrei V. Panteleyev, Irena V. Rebrova and Yuri M. Markin 81 Short Communications Barn Owl Prey in Southern La Pampa, Argentina. Sergio I. Tiranti 89 Spring Migration of Honey Buzzards (Perms apivorus) at the Straits of Messina in Relation to Atmospheric Conditions. Nicolantonio Agostini 93 Long-eared Owls Usurp Newly Constructed American Crow Nests. Brian D. Sullivan . . 97 Letters 99 News 103 Number 3 Preface 106 Fidelity to Nesting Territory Among European Sparrowhawks in Three Areas. I. Newton and I. WylUe 108 Causes and Consequences of Reversed Sexual Size Dimorphism in Raptors: The Head Start Hypothesis. Keith l. Biidstein 115 Molt of Flight Feathers in Ferruginous and Swainson’s Hawks. Josef K. Schmutz 124 Behavior of Migrating Raptors: Differences Between Spring and Fall. Helmut C. Mueller and Daniel D. Berger 136 Raptor Predation on Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus) in the Central Canadian Arctic. Richard C. Cotter, David a. Boag and Christopher c. Shank 146 The Effect of Man-made Platforms on Osprey Reproduction at Loon Lake, Saskatchewan, c. Stuart Houston and Frank Scott 152 A 24-year Study of Bald Eagles on Besnard Lake, Saskatchewan, jon M. Gerrard, Pauline N. Gerrard, P. Naomi Gerrard, Gary R. Bortolotti and Elston H. Dzus . . 159 The Dho-gaza With Great Horned Owl Lure: An Analysis of Its Effectiveness in Capturing Raptors. Peter H. Bloom, Judith L. Henckel, Edmund H. Henckel, Josef K. Schmutz, Brian Woodbridge, James R. Bryan, Richard L. Anderson, Phillip J. Detrich, Thomas L. Maechtle, James O. McKinley, Michael D. McCrary, Kimberly Titus and Philip F. Schempf 167 Conservation Biology and the Evolution of a Land Ethic. Dale E. Gawlik 179 Raptor Conservation in Veracruz, Mexico. Juan Esteban Martinez-G6mez 184 Short Communications Eye Color of Cooper’s Hawks Breeding in Wisconsin. Robert N. Rosenfield, John Bielefeldt and Kenneth R. Nolte 1 89 The Influence of Gender and Hatching Order on Growth in Hen Harriers (Circus CYANEUS CYANEUS). William C. Scharf 192 Letters 195 Thesis Abstracts 211 ’ This issue was jointly edited by Josef K. Schmutz and Keith L. Bildstein. Artwork was kindly provided by Deann L. De La Ronde, Monica Herzig and Jonathan Wilde. Number 4 Energy Requirements of Adult Cape Vultures {Gyps coprotheres) . Joris Komen 213 Organochlorines and Mercury in Osprey Eggs from the Eastern United States. Daniel J. Audet, David S. Scott and Stanley N. Wiemeyer 219 Kleptoparasitism and Cannibalism in a Colony of Lesser Kestrels {FaLCO NAUMANNI) . Juan Jose Negro, Jose Antonio Donazar and Fernando Hiraldo 225 Home Range and Activity of a Pair of Bald Eagles Breeding in Northern Saskatchewan. Jon M. Gerrard, Alan R. Harmata and P. Naomi Gerrard 229 Seasonal and Sexual Variation in the Diet of the Common Buzzard in Northeastern Spain. Santi Mahosa and Pedro J. Cordero 235 Diet Changes in Breeding Tawny Owls {Strix aluco). David A. Kirk 239 Foraging Ecology of Bald Eagles on a Regulated River, w. Grainger Hunt, J. Mark Jenkins, Ronald E. Jackman, Carl G. Thelander and Arnold T. Gerstell 243 Short Communications Increased Parental Care in a Widowed Male Marsh Harrier (Cirus aeruginosus). Carmelo Fernandez and Paz Azkona 257 Bats as Prey of Stygian Owls in Southeastern Brazil. Jose C. Motta Junior and Valdir A. Taddei 259 Food-stressed Great Horned Owl Kills Adult Goshawk: Exceptional Observation or Community Process? Christoph Rohner and Frank I. Doyle 261 Nesting Association Between the Woodpigeon {Columba palumbus) and the Hobby {Falco subbuteo). Giuseppe Bogliani, Eugenio Tiso and Francesco Barbieri 263 Letters 266 Thesis Abstract 270 News AND Reviews 271 THE RAPTOR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. (Founded 1966) OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Richard J. Clark SECRETARY: Betsy Hancock VICE-PRESIDENT: Michael W. Collopy TREASURER: Jim Fitzpatrick BOARD OF DIRECTORS EASTERN DIRECTOR: Keith L. Bildstein CENTRAL DIRECTOR; Thomas Nicholls MOUNTAIN & PACIFIC DIRECTOR; Stephen W. Hoffman CANADIAN DIRECTOR; Paul C. James INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR #1; Fabian M. Jaksi6 INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR #2; Eduardo E. I5Jigo-Elias DIRECTOR AT LARGE #1: Michael W. Collopy DIRECTOR AT LARGE #2; Robert E. Kenward DIRECTOR AT LARGE #3: Jeffrey L. Linger DIRECTOR AT LARGE #4; David M. Bird DIRECTOR AT LARGE #5; Paul F. Steblein DIRECTOR AT LARGE #6; Gary E. Duke EDITORIAL STAFF JOURNAL EDITOR: Josef K. Schmutz, Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Sas- katoon, SK., Canada, S7N OWO ASSOCIATE EDITORS Keith L. Bildstein Robert E. Kenward Susan B. Chaplin Eudoxio Paredes-Ruiz Charles J. Henny Patricia P. Rabenold C. Stuart Houston Patrick T. Redig EDITOR OF RRF KETTLE: PAUL F. Steblein The Journal of Raptor Research is distributed quarterly to all current members. Original manuscripts dealing with the biology and conservation of diurnal and nocturnal birds of prey are welcomed from throughout the world, but must be written in English. Submissions can be in the form of research articles, letters to the editor, thesis abstracts and book reviews. Contributors should submit a typewritten original and three copies to the Editor. All submissions must be typewritten and double-spaced on one side of 215 by 280 mm (8V2 x 11 in.) or standard international, white, bond paper, with 25 mm (1 in.) margins. The cover page should contain a title, the author’s full name(s) and address(es). Name and address should be centered on the cover page. If the current address is different, indicate this via a footnote. Submit the current address on a separate page placed after the literature cited section. A short version of the title, not exceeding 35 characters, should be provided for a running head. An abstract of about 250 words should accompany all research articles on a separate page. Tables, one to a page, should be double spaced throughout and be assigned consecutive Arabic numerals. Collect all figure legends on a separate page. Each illustration should be centered on a single page and be no smaller than final size and no larger than twice final size. The name of the author(s) and figure number, assigned consecutively using Arabic numerals, should be pencilled on the back of each figure. Names for birds should follow the A.O.U. Checklist of North American Birds (6th ed., 1983) or another authoritative source for other regions. Subspecific identification should be cited only when pertinent to the material presented. Metric units should be used for all measurements. Use the 24-hour clock (e.g., 0830 H and 2030 H) and “continental” dating (e.g., 1 January 1990). Refer to a recent issue of the journal for details in format. Explicit instructions and publication policy are outlined in “Information for contributors,” J. Raptor Res., Vol. 24(1-2), which is available from the editor. d 1993 ANNUAL MEETING The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 1993 annual meeting will be held on 3-7 November at the Marriott City Center Hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina. Details about the meeting and a call for papers will be mailed to Foundation members in the summer, and can be obtained from Keith Bildstein or Laurie Goodrich, Scientific Program Chairpersons, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Rural Route 2, Box 191, Kempton, PA 19529-9449 U.S.A., Voice (215) 756-6961, FAX (215) 756-4468. For further information about the meeting or the associated symposium “Raptors Adapting to Human Environ- ment” and art show, contact Robert Gefaell, Local Committee Chairperson, P.O. Box 16443, Charlotte, NC 28297 U.S.A., Tel. (704) 334-8078 or (704) 875-6521 (Carolina Raptor Center). RAPTOR RESEARCH REPORTS #1, R.R. OlendorfF. 1971. Falconiform Reproduction: A Review Part 1. The Pre-nestling Period. $10.00 members, $12.50 non-members. #2, F.N. Hamerstrom, B.E. Harrell and R.R. Olendorff [Editors]. 1974. Management of Raptors. Pro- ceedings of the Conference on Raptor Conservation Techniques, Fort Collins, CO, 22-24 March 1973. $10.00 members, $12.50 non-members. #3, J.R. Murphy, C.M. White and B.E. Harrell [Editors]. 1975. Population Status of Raptors. Proceedings of the Conference on Raptor Conservation Techniques, Fort Collins, CO, 22-24 March 1973. (Part 6). $10.00 members, $12.50 non-members. #4, R.R. Olendorff, A. Miller and R. Lehman [Editors]. 1981. Suggested Practices for Raptor Protection on Powerlines: State of the Art in 1981 . $5.00 members, $20.00 non-members. #5, S.E. Senner, C.M. White and J.R. Parrish [Editors]. 1986. Raptor Research Conservation in the Next Fifty Years. Proceedings of a Conference held at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Kempton, PA, 14 October 1984. $3.50 members, $4.50 non-members. #6, D.M. Bird, and R. Bowman [Editors]. 1987. The Ancestral Kestrel. Proceedings of a Symposium on Kestrel Species, St. Louis, MO, 1 December 1983. $10.00 members, $12.50 non-members. #7, R.R. Olendorff [Editor]. 1989, The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Bibliographic Index (1967-1986) . $2.50 members, $5.00 non-members. #8, R.R. Olendorff, D.D. Bibles, M.T. Dean, J.R. Haugh and M.N. Kochert. 1989. Raptor Habitat Management under the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Multiple-Use Mandate. $5.00 members, $6.50 non-members. Add $2.50 for postage and handling, and $1.00 each for additional reports. BOOKS Biology and Management of Bald Eagles and Ospreys. Proceedings of the First International Symposium, Montreal, Canada. D.M. Bird [Editor]. 1983. $15.00 members, $18.00 non-members plus $5.00 shipping. JOURNAL BACK ISSUES Journal Back Issues are available. For details write: Jim Fitzpatrick, Treasurer, Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., Carpenter St. Croix Valley Nature Center, 12805 St. Croix Trail, Hastings, MN 55033. The Journal of Raptor Research has been selected for abstracting/indexing by several organizations. Articles appearing in the fournal are covered in Current Contents/ Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences, Ecological Review, Science Citation Index, Wildlife Review and Zoological Record.