JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Volmne 72 V Fart 3 • 1990 ^ ISSN 0035-922X The Royal Society of Western Australia To promote and foster science in Western Australia and counteract the effects of specialization PATRON Her Majesty the Queen VICE-PATRON His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia COUNCIL 1989-90 President Vice-President Past President Joint Hon Secretaries Hon Treasurer Hon Librarian Hon Editor Hon Journal Manager Members M Candy BSc MSc FRAS B Dell BSc (Hons) PhD K McNamara BSc (Hons) PhD J S Pate PhD DSc FAA FRS J R Gozzard BSc (Hons) W A Cowling B Agric Sc (Hons) PhD L N Thomas BSc MSc J Dodd BA MSc PhD M A Triffitt BA ALA A 1 Abbott BSc (Hons) PhD P Birch BSc Dip Comp L E Koch BSc MSc PhD J S Beard BSc MA D Phil V Semeniuk BSc (Hons) PhD P Playford BSc PhD J Fox BSc MSS MSc PhD D Walker BSc D Phil Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990, 63-66 Mortality and growth of tree species under stress at Lake Toolibin in the Western Australian Wheatbelt David T Bell & Raymond H Froend Department of Botany, The University of Western Australia Nedlands WA 6009 Manuscript received June 1988: accepted December 1988 Abstract Tree species occupying the bed and margins of Lake Toolibin, an ephemeral lake of the Northern Arthur River system in the central Western Australian Wheatbelt, were permanentiv marked in 1983 and then remeasured after 5 years to determined survival, growth and vigour. Trees of the lake margins, Eucali/ptus ruiiis and Melaleuca stroiwphylla, showed the greatest mortality, greatest reduction in vigour classification and smallest growth increments to the environmental conditions of the lake now being af- fected by secondary salinisation. The upland species. Acacia acumitiota and Ailocasuaritia huegeliatta, also showed elevated levels of mortality and reduced vigour, but had the highest annual grow-th in- crements of the species measured. Casuarina obesa populations in the more safine areas of the lake en- vironment showed increased mortalities, decreased vigour and reduced growth compared to the trees of areas of the lake environment with more favourable conditions. Introduction Lake Toolibin (32°56'S, 1 17®1 1'E) is one of the few com- paratively fresh water lakes in the central Western Aus- tralian Wheatbelt and one of particular importance as a waterfowl breeding location. Tne lake lies at the head of the chain of shallow ephemeral lakes of the Northern Arthur River, a tributary of the Blackwood River System, in the Wickepin Shire. All other lakes of the Arthur River Sys- tem have oeen severely affected by secondary salinization and the Shire has lost more than 3% of its formerly arable land to the effects of increased salinity and flooding (NARWRC 1978). Lake Toolibin and its surrounds, incorporated in Re- serves 27286 and 9617, have been intensively monitored since the impacts of secondary salinization were first no- ticed in the early 1970s (NAAWRC 1978). Currently the Department of Conservation and Land Management is en- gaged in a tree planting and groundwater pumping oper- ation to restrict the further decline of this important region of indigenous flora and fauna. Detailed mapping of topographical, environmental and vegetational features revealed patterns of plant com- munity distribution and relative nealth and vigour of the communities in relation to the input of salinity from the A69349-1 ^3 several drainage systems (h’roend et al 1987). Casuaritia obesa dominates the seasonally inundated lake bed. Melaleuca strobophiflla occurs on slightly raised sections of the lake floor and Eucalyptus ruiiis can be found along the margins of the lake and inlet drains. Upland areas around the fake are dominated by open woodlands of Eucalyptus loxophleba, Ailocasuaritia hue^cliaiia and Acacia acuminata. Study of the patterns of tree deaths in the lake environ- ment has indicated that the increasing salinity levels have adversely affected the populations of Casuarina obesa and Melaleuca strobophylla while both increased salinity and prolonged inundation have affected Eivcij/i/p/iiS nidis (Froend el al 1987). The current study reports bn the mor- tality, change in tree vigour and incremental growth achieved in permanently marked populations from 1983 to 1988. Methods Five study areas wore established during the Autumn of 1983 in and around Lake Toolibin. All trees were tagged at breast height with a permanent aluminium tag, mapped, measured for diameter and subjectively scorecT for vigour (0 healthy to 9 - dead). The elevation of each tree in re- lation to lake levels was determined in Autumn, 1983. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Although it is realized that soil salinity levels vary greatly with season, the 1983 data on the percentage of the dry soil weight as NaCl contribute some indication of the severity of each study area (Table 1). Table 1 Features of the tagged tree plots (After Froend et al 1987). Area 1 A transect of four plots (each i 20jti X 20m) grading from the we^tern upland of the Northern Arthur River channel dominated by £iua/w/'Mis loxophU’ha across the Caiuanua ehi'ca - dominated fIcHKiplain and up into the eastern upland wixxlland. All elevation are above mean lake level Salinitv levels in March 1983 ranged between 0.04 % NaCl in the uplands to 0-1-1 % in the heavy soils near the channel margin Area 2 A transect of 3 plots grading from upland £. Aiflcin acufittiiiUa wcHxtIand into the lake basin region dominated bv Ca-ntanna on the eastern margin of the lake where water conditions tended to be fresher Salt concentrations in ihe upland were low at 0 04 % NaCl. Some lake bed sections in this area reached 0 12% NaCl in March 1983 Area 3 A liKation of 4 plots on the western i*dge of the lake (usi south of the Western Drain. Ihe source of a major input of salts and the major region of tree damage in 1983. Uppi*r reaches are dcmunateii bv iiiiii/i/t»/ii.< rutiiy with CrtsHflrnm ohesa and Afcfa/ciica in the lake Ksl jHirtions of the area Mean soil salinitv levels reached 0..30 % NaCl, Area 4 A relatively flat region in the central part of the lake basin harbouring a monoculture stand of af'rsii some 300 m east of Site 3 The two plots had a mean soil salinitv of about 0.07% NaCl Inundation j’^rcent ages were the highest of the siudv sites due the central hasin Unalion Area 5 A single plot site located in the Northwest Creek drainage, an area of moderate input of salinity. This plot was not analysed for soil salinitic*s in 1983. The major species of the lowlying area was Crtsiurrma e/vsfl with t riidts in marginally higher sections of the area. In May 1988, all trees were remeasured for diameter at breast height with diameter tapes and again scored for vig- our class. The permanent tag at breast height ensured that the measurements were taken at the same circumference of the tree as previously. The percentage mortality of trees and change in diameter and vigour for all species, except Casuarina obesa, were determined by combining the data tor alt sites, bulficient numbers ot Lasuantia obesa allowed comparisons of the several locations within the lake en- vironment on the mortality, vigour and growth. Results The two common lake bed/lake rnargin species, Melaleuca strohophiflla and Eucalyptus rudis, snowed rela- tively high mortality rates with nearly a Quarter of the tagged trees dying in the 1983-1988 period (table 2). Mor- tality was also relatively high in the upland species Acacia acuminata and Allocasuarina hueseliana, however, mor- tality was nil in Eucalyptus loxophleba. Change in vigour class mirrored the mortality percentages with Melaleuca sfrof>op/iy//(J showing the mean change in vigour and Eucalyptus loxopttlcba showing the least change in vig- our over the five year period. The separate population cal- culations of mortality, vigour and growth in Casuarina obesa revealed that mortality was highest at the midlake re- gion (area 4), but in general most trees tagged in 1983 sur- vived until the resample period of 1988 (Table 3). Trees of the lake bottom near me eastern perimeter at area 2 showed the greatest change in vigour, a reduction of more than 4 units in the 5 years. Total growth increment was smallest in the trees of the midlake site (area 4) and the lake bottom trees growing on the western edge of the lake (area 2), but the growth rates of Casuarina obesa at some of the other sites were comparable to those tree species growing in the apparently more favourable habitats above the lake margin. Table 2 Percentage mortality, change in vigour class and increment growth of tree species of Lake Toolibin, Western Australia Values are means ± standard deviations. The annual increment was determined as one-fifth of the 5 year change in diameter Species N Mortality % Change in Vigour Growth Increment (cm) 1983-1988 Annual Acacia acuminata 14 21 -2.0 ± 1.8 2.34 ± 2.09 0.47 Allocasuarina huegeliaiia 8 25 -1.7 ± 1.4 1.90 ± 2.16 0.38 Eucalyptus loxophleba 14 0 -0.7 ± 0.7 1.02 ± 0.75 0.20 E. rudis 16 25 -1.7 ± 2.7 0.32 * 1.00 0.06 Melaleuca strobophylla 15 27 -4.4 ± 2.7 0.47 ± 1.07 0.09 64 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Table 3 Percentage mortality, change in vigour class and increment growth ( • sd) of Casuaritia obesu populations growing on the bed of Lake Toolibin, Western Australia Area N Mortality % Change in Vigour Growth Increment (cm) 1983-1988 Annual 1 39 10 -2.0 ± 1.7 1.26 ± 1.14 0.25 2 22 0 -3.7 ± 4.0 0.80 ± 0.91 0.16 3 23 4 -0.2 * 1.7 1.34 ± 1.06 0.27 4 87 17 -1.6 ± 1.3 0.44 ± 0.44 0.09 5 17 0 -0.8 ± 0.8 1.44 ± 0.62 0.29 Discussion Species commonly occupying regions of annual flooding have a high tolerance of saturated soil conditions (Pereira & Kozlovvski 1977) and often can tolerate considerable in* crease in flooding duration before death occurs (Green 1947). Several years of permanent inundation are required to cause death in sucn species (Yeager 1949, EggWr & Moore 1961). The tolerance of river bottom or ephemeral lake species to the combined stresses of increased flooding durations and increased salinity, however, has not been nreviously recorded. Australia is somewhat unique in that tne clearing of large tracts of woodland is now resulting in the com- bined stresses of increased waterlogging durations and higher levels of soil salinity occurring in catchment dis- charge areas (Nulsen 1986)/The response of the vegetation in the Lake Toolibin region to secondary salinization seems to have been one of greater effect on the lake margin species than those inhabiting the environments of the lake bottom or the upland regions unaffected by inundation. Casuarina obesa nas been shown to be highiv tolerant of salinity and waterlogging stresses (van der Moezel ef ol 1988). Although areas of high C mortality exist, over the majority of the lake bed the increase in stress appar- ently still lies within the limits of tolerance for the mature C obesa trees. In Melaleuca stroboph}^lla and Eucalyptus ruiiis, however, the longer penc»ds of saturated soil profiles induced by the clearing of upland recharge zones of the catchments and the increased levels of groundwater sal- inity have combined to stress individuals of these two species to the point of mortality. nuiis has been previously shown to be adversely affected bv increasing periods of soil saturation (Froend cl al 1987). Certain species of Melaleuca, for example, M. acacioides (Barlow 1986) and M. styphelioides (Midgley ct al 1986), show toler- ance to soil salinity, but no studies on A4. strobophylla have been carried out to indicate suspected abilities to tolerate increasing levels of flooding conditions or groundwater salinity. The present study indicates that these species ap- pear sensitive to secondarv salinization and require careful monitoring in the future for further degradation of stream courses in the central Wheatbelt. The mortality of the upland species is more difficult to explain. Remnant woodlots in rural areas of Australia have reputedly suffered large tree population losses since the late 1960s and early 1970s. This decline in rural tree popu- lations is probably due to several reasons. The first, loss due to removal of trees as part of farm management, and the second, due to old age, coupled with a paucity of re- cruitment of tree seedlings because of active suppression, grazing and competition with improved pastures, are eas- ily understood reasons for rural tree population decline. In the present study deaths in Acacia acummata. Allocasuariua huej^eliana and Eucalyittus nidis occurred in reasonably large trees but it would be difficult to conclude that all deaths w'ere due to old age. A third element, "rural dieback", the premature and relatively rapid decline and death of native trees on farms, is apparently a consequence of interacting environmental stresses and remains largely unexplained (Old et al 1981). It is apparent, however, that remnant woodlands in rural landscapes represent ecosystems w^hich are precariously balanced (Wylie & Lanasberg 1987). Rural w'oodlands have little chance of survival unless supplemented by replanting or by natural regeneration. The clata of the present study further docu- ment this phenomenon, but provide no clues to its cause. The efforts of the Department of Conservation and Land Management to reafforest the upland margins of the Lake Toolibin reserves and the pumping of saline groundw’aters from the lake basin environment should provide a more favourable habitat for the present population of trees and encourage natural recruitment. The Lake Toolibin reserves would be a logical location to establish a more extensive series of plots to study seedling recruitment and mortality and crow'n condition oy age class of each major species of the area. Hopefully the patterns of poor survival, aeclinc in vigour and siow growth rates recorded during the past five year period will be reversed in the future. 65 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 References Biirknv B A 1986 Contributions to a revision of Mchlciua (Myrtnceoe); 13. Brunonia 9; 163- 177. W A & Moore W B 1961 The vegetation of l-ake Chicot, l.ouisiana, after eighteen vears of impoundment. Southw€*st Nat 6:175-183. 1 nH*nd R H. Heddle E M, Bell D T & McComb A J 1987 Effects of salinity and vvaterlc^ing on the vegetation of Lake Toolibin, Western Australia. Aust j ^ol 12:281-298. Crec*n W E 1947 Effects of water imixmndment on tree mortality and growth. I For 45 1 18-120- Midglev S I, Turnbull | V\‘ & Hartney V j 1986 Fuel- wood speiies for salt affec- ted sites. Reclam Reveg Res 5:285-303. Northern Arthur River Wetlands Rehabilitation Committee (NARWRC) 1978 Progress Report. Unpublished report to the State Minister of l'isherit*s and Wildlife. Nulson R A 1986 Management to impn>ve production from salt affected soils Reclam Reveg Res 5:197 2^9. Old K M, Kile C A & Ohmart C P 1981 Eucalvpt Dieback in lori‘sls and WtH»dlands. CSIRO, Melbt'urne. Pereira ] S is Ko/.lowski F T 1977 Variations amongst wtus specii*s and CH'yiiatina iifnsrt to the combined effect of salinity and waterlogging. Aust 1 Plant Phvsiol 15 465 474 Wylie I R is I andsberg | 1987 The impact of in*e dcxline on remnant wtHnllots on farms. In Nature Conservation. The Role of Remnants of Native Vegetation (eds D A Saunders. G W Arnold, A A Burbidge & A J M Hopkins). Sum‘v Beattv is Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. 331-332- Yeager I. E 1949 Effect of )H*rmanent flwding in a river-bottom timber area. Buit Illinois Natur Hist Surv 25:33-65. 66 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990, 67-74 Motor vehicle emission inventory for the Perth airshed T J Lyons, R O Pitts, J A Blockley, J R Kenworthy & P W G Newman Environmental Science, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Murdoch University, Murdoch WA 6150 Muuuscrtpt received July 1988: accepted December 1988 Abstract A motor vehicle emission inventory is developed for the Perth metropolitan airshed by integrating data on traffic flow conditions with emission factors that incorporate the effects of both speed and accel- eration. This highlights the impact of varying driving conditions on the spatial and temporal resolution of vehicle emissions, and illustrates that traffic congestion enhances pollutant production through in- creased variations in vehicle accelerations Introduction Air quality within Perth is for most days of the year ex- ceptionally clean when compared to cities of comparable size (Bottomley & Caltell 1974, Lax cf al 1986). However under suitable meteorological conditions pollution events can occur that exceed the USA primary and secondary standards (Bottomley & Cattell 1974, KAMS 1982). These are generally associated with light stable synoptic pressure gradients ("Bottomley & Caltell 1974) or mesoscale phenomena, such as the sea breeze (KAMS 1982) With Perth, the emission of gaseous pollutants is con- fined to two major sources; an industrial area concentrated to the southwest of the metropolitan area and motor ve- hicles within the region (Lax et al 1986). The Kwinana in- dustrial area emits large quantities of SO, and to a lesser extent NO^ (KAMS 1982). These emissions have been modelled under both stable conditions (Kamsl & Lyons 1982) and sea breeze fumigation (KAMS 1982), as well as in a standard climatological model based on Gaussian techniques (KAMS 1982). In all cases, the models applied to the immediate region surrounding Kwinana and aid not attempt to incorporate the broader airshed concept. An analysis of the air quality across the broader metro- politan airshed requires ine estimation of the other major source outside the industrial area, motor vehicles. These are the source of oxides of nitrogen (NO^), brake lining dust, hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), smoke, aldehydes, lead salts and partide.s, rubber, gaseous petrol and carbon particles (Lay 1984). All of the CO and NO^ are emitted from the exhaust pipe whereas approximately 50% of the HC's from an uncontrolled vehicle are emitted via the exhaust, with the remainder coming from the crankcase, carburetor and fuel tank vents (SPCC 1980). Evaporative emissions result from the fuel system leaking HC's to the atmosphere at a rate determined by the temperature of the system (diurnal emissions) and hot soak emissions occuring after the vehicle has been driven some distance, through heating of the carburetor and fuel lines (Nelson 1981). Hamilton et al (1982) estimated evaporat- ive emissions from typical early 1970's vehicles as O.Sgkm ' and noted that these are generally constant through the life of the vehicle. Subsequent to 1975, Aus- tralian emission standards (Table 1) have resulted in im- proved pollution control, as evidenced by Nelson (1981). He confirmed diurnal evaporative emission factors of 22.1 g vehicle ' day • for uncontrolled (pre 1975), and 5.1 g vehicle ' day ’ for controlled vehicles, respectively, with hot soak emissions of 12.5 g vehicle * for uncontrolled, and 4.2 g vehicle ' for controlled vehicles. Consequently, evap- orative emissions are a function of the age of the fleet whereas exhaust emissions are also depenoent on vehicle driving characteristics. Hence the spatial and temporal variation of emission source strength is dependant on driv- ing chracteristics across the airshed as well as the age mix of the fleet. Table 1 Australian emission standards, g km'L (after SPCC 1980) Date of Manufacture After After 1 July 1976 1 January 1981 CO 24.2 18.6 HC 2.1 1.75 NO, 1.9 1.9 67 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Vehicle emissions in Sydney were estimated by Stewart et al 1982 from the product of vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), emissions per kilometre for each model year and travel fraction done by each model year. Although this gives a bulk estimate across the airshed it does not allow for the spatial resolution of the sources nor does it account for variations in driving conditions. From a preliminary dynamometer test of 28 vehicles, Kent & Mudford (1979) found that typical emissions under Australian urban driving conditions, at that time, could be expressed as: [CO] - 465s'0 ''7 [HC] = 21.5s-‘'=' 3 [NO^ - 2-2 ^ 0.008s where [CO] is the carbon monoxide emission (g km ‘), [HC] hydrocarbon emission (g km '), [NOJ oxides of nitro- gen emission (g km *) and s the average vehicle speed (km h '). These are of a similar form to the estimates used bv Iverach et al (1976), based on US experience, and equiv- alent to the values employed by Taylor & Anderson ( 1 982). Such an estimation assumes emissions can be rep- resented in terms of average speed alone and neglects the influence of variations in driving conditions, particularly changes in acceleration, on emissions. For example, Kent ii Mudford (1979) found that a three dimensional plot of emission rates against speed and acceleration led to para- bolic surfaces for CO and HC's, w'hile NO^ showed a gen- eral increase in emission rates with speed and acceleration. In particular, they found that both CO and NO^ show marked increases in emission rale with positive acceler- ation. This cannot be accounted for from an average speed model and highlights the need to incorporate a wide range of accelerations and speeds to produce reasonably rep- resentative emission inventories. Thus the spatial resolution of these emissions requires an integration of data concerning traffic flow character- istics with data on vehicle numbers, vehicle types and VKT- Previous work in this area has emphasized the latter data on vehicles and has lacked any detailed input about how those vehicles are being driven (SATS 1974, Visalli 1981). A very basic approach to incorporate driving pat- terns has been attempted for Melbourne but uses only the standard Los Angeles driving cycle for its traffic character- istics (Neylon & Collins 1982). Hence this paper addresses the development of a motor vehicle emissions inventor)' for the Perth urban area based on actual driving pattern data across the urban area as well as vehicle emission data resolved on the basis of speed and acceleration. Pollutant source strengths are expressed as the total emission averaged over a specified time period and a specified grid square of the airshed. Methodology Kenw'orthy et al (1983) used an urban ecological ap- proach in treating the city as an integrated system, to ob- tain representative driving cycles across Perth. They div- Table 2 A summary description of the six driving pattern areas in terms of the major factors used to derive them (after Kenworthy et a! 1983). Note all rankings of characteristics are made relative to the mean of Perth. Characteristics Area Social Economic Status of Residents (Household income and vehicle ownership) Activity Intensity of area (land use intensity, congestion, public transport availability) Dominant modal split features of residents Central Core Area 1 Very low Very high Peak periods Very low private vehicle usage, very high public transport, walking and biking Inner suburbs Area 2 Average to low High All periods Very high public transport Middle Western suburbs Area 3 Average to high Average to high Off peak Very low public transport usage Middle South, outer North and Eastern suburbs Area 4 High Low Peak periods High private vehicle usage, low public transport, walking and biking Outer South East and North East suburbs Area 5 Average Very low Off peak Very high private vehicle usage, very low walking and biking Northern State Housing suburbs Area 6 Low Average to low Off peak Very low private vehicle usage, very high walking and biking 68 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 ided the metropolitan area into six regions characterized in terms of socio-economic status and activity intensity (Table 2), and using the chase car technique (Scott Re- search Laboratories 1971) obtained detailed second by sec- ond speed time histories of typical urban driving in each of these regions. Although statistically representative driving cycles can be generated from such data, they suffer a con- siderable loss in speed resolution (Lyons et al (1986). Hence, Ken worthy (’/ al (1983) obtained representative driving cycles for each region by matching summary characteristics to the observed speed time traces, which is consistent with the methodology adopted by Kuhler & Karstens (1978). Accordingly, they obtained the represen- tative urban driving speed time traces summarized in Table 3, for morning peak (MR), evening peak (EP) and off peak (OP) periods Tor each region. These speed time traces were converted into speed accel- eration probability matrices, where each matrix cell, of size 5 km h ^ by 1 km h ’ s ^ contains the total number of one- second observations in the respective range from the rep- resentative driving cycle. Thus each matrix element rep- resents the total time during the representative driving cycle that the vehicle was at that speed and acceleration. Post et al (1985) extended the analysis of Kent & Mudford (1979) to 177 Australian light duty vehicles in use, and obtained fleet averaged emission rates as a func- tion of vehicle velocity and acceleration. Their results are presented at the same resolution as the speed acceleration probability matrices. Since cell averaged emission rates are independent of the velocity profile followed by the vehicle (Post et al 1981a, b), these can be used to estimate emissions for any driving pattern, assuming that the ve- hicles used by Post et al (1985) are representative of the typical Australian urban fleet. Hence the total emissions over a representative driving cycle can be expressed as » n i n in L 21 ‘i.i i 1 ) 1 where [P] is the emission (g) of pollutant species P, e, is the emission rate (g s ’) of pollutant species P for the matrix el- ement defined by velocity i and acceleration j (Post et al 1 985), tjj total time(s) vehicle spent at that velocity and ac- celeration during the driving cycle and the summation is over all possible speed acceleration cells. (P) is the total emission over the period of the driving cycle. Hence the characteristic emission factor (g km' ^) for that driving cycle can be represented as [fk - in/d, where d,^ is the distance covered during the driving cycle (see Table 3). Table 3 Characteristics of representative driving cycles for each area and time period, where MP is morning peak, OP off peak and EP evening peak Area Dist. Aver. RMS Stops Idle Cruise Distance from Speed Accel. per Time Time CBD km. (%) (km) (km) (km h'*) (m s ‘) (km') (%) 1 MP 2 30.0 0.89 1.60 20.6 13.8 11.9 OP 35.1 0.86 1.43 15.6 13.7 11.9 EP 30.6 0.87 1.60 18.4 12.5 11.9 2 MP 5 36.4 0.80 1.39 17.9 27.5 14.5 OP 43.1 0.82 0.84 9.6 38.3 14.2 EP 38.8 0.85 0.95 17.9 30.3 16.8 3 9 17.7 MP 40.6 0.78 0.79 11.4 30.8 OP 46.7 0.70 0.45 5.3 35.5 17.8 EP 45.3 0.71 0.56 8.2 38.5 17.7 6 11 MP 42.4 0.74 0.72 13.3 36.7 19.4 OP 47.4 0.76 0.54 11.3 44.7 20.3 EP 45.2 0.76 0.64 14.4 49.5 20.3 4 MP 13 37.6 0.77 1.08 14.3 30.6 19.4 OP 46.8 0.80 0.67 10.1 46.7 19.4 EP 41.1 0.76 0.82 18.3 33.7 19.4 5 MP 19 52.9 0.69 0.33 3.4 59.4 18.4 OP 52.0 0.70 0.27 3.6 55.2 18.3 EP 50.0 0.78 0.30 4.6 54.9 19.8 69 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Within Australia, exhaust emission rates for CO and NO^ for heavy duty diesel powered vehicles remain un- controlled and no locally validated data was readily avail- able. Emission rates based on US experience and assumed independent of vehicle speed are listed in Table 4 (Stern 1976, USEPA 1977). These represent uncontrolled emissions averaged over a number of vehicles, operating under a variety of conditions, and are consistent with the heavy duty emission rales used by Jakeman et at (1984) for Australian conditions. Luria et at (1984) obtained similar values for buses and expressed the emission factors for N’O , HC and CO as a function of speed. They showed a marked decrease in CO and HC emissions with speed and an increase in NO^ emissions up to a speed of 40 km h In the absence of alternate emission factors these were used. Trucks within the Perth metropolitan area are mostly able to maintain easy cruise conditions and appear to avoid built up areas and peak conditions (Lyons et al 1987). Un- like automobiles, their driving cycle shows no dependence on location or time period. Consequently, as tne heavy duty diesel emission factors are only expressed as a func- tion of speed, the average speed from the Perth truck driv- ing cycle of 43.2 km h ' (Lyons et al 1 987) was assumed for all truck emissions, leading to the emission factors shown in Table 4. Table 4 General emission factors (g km'*) for heavy duty diesel powered vehicles (after ^Stern 1976; *USEPA 1977) and those used in this study assuming an average speed of 42.3 km h'* (after ^Luria et al 1984). Emission factor Pollutant g km ' (1. 2) (3) Particulates 0.8 CO 17.8 9.5 HC 2.9 1.5 NO, 13.0 10.2 Aldehydes 0.2 Organic acids 0.2 so. 1.7 The total emission in any period and any area of the city can be expressed as m n E- L [nk„,VKT,„ m • 1 where [P] ^ ^ and VKT ^ are the emission factor and total VKT, respectively, for that time period and area and the summation is over vehicle type. Results and Discussion Combining the characteristic driving patterns (Kenworthy et al 1983) and the fleet emissions (Post et al 1985) led to the automobile emission factors shown in Table 5 for each of the representative areas. As these fac- tors are based on the same fleet data, the differences are di- rectly attributable to the style of driving in each of the areas. This emphasizes the contribution of variations in speed and acceleration patterns across a metropolitan area in determining the spatial variation of emissions. Table 5 Emission factors g km'* for exhaust emissions for each time period and region based on speed acceleration matrix. Area 1 2 3 6 4 5 NO, MP 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.9 1.7 OP 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.7 EP 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.8 CO MP 21.8 18.4 18.1 16.9 19.2 14.8 OP 19.2 17.4 15.7 15.9 16.8 15.2 EP 21.3 18.5 16.7 16.9 17.5 16.0 HC MP 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.8 2.0 1.8 OP 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.7 EP 2.2 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.7 The corresponding automobile emission factors based solely on average speed in each of the regions (Table 3) are shown in. Table 6, With the exception of the NO^ emission factors, the average speed factors are lower, as would be expected, since the incorporation of acceleration leads to greater variability in the driving patterns and hence higher emissions. The NO^ emissions are higher because the aver- age speed equation implies a speed independent emission of 2.2 g km ‘ (Kent & Mudford 1979) compared to the idle emission of 0.039 g min ' of Post et al (1985). Their results also suggest that emissions of the order of 2.2 g km * are only observed under high acceleration which is not main- tained for any length ot time in representative urban driv- ing cycles (Lyons et al 1986). Table 6 Emission factors (g km'*) for exhaust emissions for each time period and region based on average speed. Area 1 2 3 6 4 5 NO, MP 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 OP 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 EP 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.6 CO MP 17.2 14.2 12.8 12.3 13.8 9.9 OP 14.7 12.1 11.2 11.0 11.2 10.1 EP 16.8 13.4 11.5 11.5 12.7 10.5 HC MP 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.2 OP 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 EP 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.2 70 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Within Perth, areas 1 and 5 illustrate the greatest differ- ences in activity intensity ranging from the congested CBD, with its greater reliance on public transport, to the private vehicle dominated outer suDurbs. Emission factors, based on the speed/acceleration distribution, show a decrease in emission factor between the CBD and the outer suburbs for NO^ corresponding to decreased accelerations character- ised by hign average speeds and maintained cruise con- ditions. Alternatively, emission factors based solely on av- erage speed illustrate an increase as you move away from the congested CBD. Thus, a simple average speed model suggests higher emissions away from the congested CBD by not accounting for the marked acceleration changes in- duced by the congested stop start driving of the CBD. The Perth metropolitan region was divided into grid squares of I km by 1 km and estimated daily VKT for each of these was obtained from traffic count information col- lected by the Main Roads Department (MRD 1986). Auto- matic traffic counts, of 1 -3 days duration, are carried out on all major roads in the region, as well as points on these at which a change in volume might be expected. They are ex- pressed as annual average weekday traffic flow and rep- resent the 24 hour traffic volume passing through a site on a typical weekday (MRD 1986). These individual grid values were summed tqprovide an overall measure of the recorded total daily VKT for Perth. Any shortfall between this figure and the estimated total VK*r, listed in Table 7, can oe attributed to subarterial roads. This was allocated across the region on the basis of the recorded traffic volumes. Table 7 Estimated total VKT (Vehicle Kilometres Travelled) for Perth for 1985. Note weekend VKT is estimated at 1.5 average weekday VKT (after ABS 1985). Vehicle Class Equivalent Total Annual average daily VKT (lO'^ km) VKT (10^ km) Automobiles 6.996 2.064 Utilities/Panel vans 1.168 0.345 Total Motor vehicles 8.164 2.409 Trucks 0.445 0.131 Motor cycles 0.138 0.041 Total 8.747 2.581 The total truck VKT, given in Table 7, was allocated to high truck usage routes in the metropolitan area (Lyons et al 1987) on the basis of the total gria VKT and subtracted from the individual grid totals. As the truck driving cycle is independent of peak periods, the truck VKT was divided by 24 to represent an average hourly truck VKT. 24 hour VKT weightings for Perth are 16.5% morning peak (0700-0900), 18.5% evening peak (1600-1800) and 65% for all off-peak times (Kenworthy et al 1983). Conse- quently, the daily VKT for each grid square was corrected by these factors and divided bv the length of the period to provide an hourly estimate of non -truck VKT. The truck and non-truck VKT were then multiplied by the appropriate emission factors (Tables 4, 5), to provide an estimate of the total vehicle exhaust emission across the metropolitan area. Additional evaporative emissions are accounted for from the distribution of registered vehicles and added to the total for HC. Figure 1 illustrates the spatial variation of the calculated morning peak and off peak NO^ emissions. The major arterial roads are clearly visible as well as the increased emission during the morn- ing peak period. Given the small variation in NO^ emission factors across the region, the major spatial variations are the direct result of variations in VKT. Similar maps were obtained for the other pollutant species. Emission totals presented in Figure 1 are not directly verifiable as they are based on average traffic conditions across the metropolitan area, which are not necessarily ob- served on any one day. However they do indicate the spatial variation in source strength anc! provide an indi- cation of the relative magnitude of pollutant sources in dif- ferent regions. An alternative statistic can be obtained from Table 5 by computing the predicted CO/NO^ ratio on the basis of both time period and location (Table 8). Table 8 Variation of CO/NO ratio across the Perth airshed re- sulting from tempor^ and spatial variation in driving patterns, where MP is morning peak, EP evening peak and OP off peak. CO/NO^ ratio Region mp pp OP 0700-0900 1600-1800 Central Core 11.5 11.8 10.1 Inner suburbs 10.2 10.3 9.2 Middle western suburbs 10.1 9.3 9.2 Middle south, outer north and eastern suburbs 9.9 8.9 * 8.8 Outer south east and north east suburbs 10.1 9.2 8.4 Northern state housing suburbs 8.7 8.9 8.9 A69349-2 71 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 The greater corjgestion and higher accelerations as you approach the CBD leads to an increase in the CO/NO^ ratio of pollutants emitted from the exhaust pipe. As both smog-chamber and computed results suggest that added CO accelerates the depletion of NO and the generation of NO 2 as well as enhanced generation of O 3 tnrough NO 2 photolysis (Demerjian et at 1974, Drake et al 1979), the change in driving patterns brought about by increased con- gestion enhances smog formation, through increased CO generation per kilometre of travel. Given the increased concentration of vehicles usin^ the CBD this becomes sig- nificant. If evaporative emissions are also included, the greater number of vehicles in the CBD would lead to a cor- responding increase in HC emissions. Figure 1 Predicted emission of NO^ (g hr *) across Perth for the morning peak (MP) and off peak (OP) periods. 72 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Conclusions The integration of driving characteristics and vehicle emissions based on speed and acceleration illustrates a marked variation in emission factors from the CBD to the outer suburbs. In particular, the greater congestion and corresponding variations in acceleration within the CBD, increases the production of pollutants and the potential for photochemical smog through enhanced CO production. Thi* di'Vflopmenl of the Perth air«»hed model has been tunded under the Australian Research Grants Scheme, whereas the driving cvcic data was colletled under iundtng from the State Energy Commission tn Western Australia and the National Energy Research, Development and Dem- onstration Programme, which is administered by the Commonwealth Depart- ment of Resources and Energy. All of this assistance is gratefully acknowledged. References ABS 1985 Survey Motor Vehicle Usage for 12 months ended 30 September 1985- Australian Bureau of Statistics. Botlomlcv G A & Cattell F C 1974 Nitrogen oxide levels in the suburbs of Perth, Western Australia. ) R Soc W Aust 58. 65-74. Dcmerjian K I.. Kerr ) A & Calvert J G 1974 The mechanism of photochemical smog formation Adv Env Sci Tcth 4; 1-262- Drake R L, I lales j M, Mishima J & Drewes D R 1 979 Mathematical models for atmospheric pollutants Appendix B: Chemical and Physical Proper ties of Gases and Aerosols. EA- 1131, Appendix B. Research Project 805, ricctric Pow'er Research Institute, 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94.304. USA. Hamilton R B, Cass M R, Angus C A & Watson H C 1982 Forecasting hydro- carbon emissions from motor vehicles in the Sydney air shea. In; The urban atmospherc-Sydney, a case study (ed J N Carras & G M John- son), CSIRO, Division of Fossil Fuels, 525-570. 73 journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Iverach D, Monj^n T R. Nielsen N J & Formby ) R 1976 Vehicle related air pol- lution m Sydney. J Air Poll Control Assoc 26; 39-44. Jakeman A j, Simpson R W & Taylor ) A 1 984 A simulation approach to assess air pollution from roatf transport. Discussion Paper, Centre for Re- source and Environmental Sadies, Ausi Nat Univ. KAMS 1982 The Kwinana air modelling study. WA Dept Conservation and Environment. Report 10; 1-96. Kamst F H & Lyorts T J 1982 A regional air quality model lor the Kwinana in- dustrial area of Western Australia. Atmos Environ 16; 401-412. Kent J H & Mudlord N R 1979 Motor vehicle emissions and fuel consumption modelling Transpn Res 13A: 395-406. Kenworthy | R. Newman P W C & ^ons T J 1983 A driving cycle for Perth. National Energy Research Develtmmeni and Demonstration Coun- cil, Dept Resources and Energy, Report 79/9252; 1 326. Kuhier M & Karstens D 1978 improved driving cycle for testing automotive emissions. Presented Passenger Car Meeting, Troy Hilton, Troy. Michigan, june 5-9. SAE Paper 780650, l,ax F, Robertson W AdcGarkakJis BV 1986 Air pollution components in Perth. I R Soc W Aust 69; 19-27. Lay M C 1984 Source book for Australian roads. 2nd edition Australian Road Research Board. 1-551. Luria M. Vinig 2 ft Peleg M 1984 The contribution of city buses to urban air pollution in Jerusalem. Israel. J Air Poll Control Assn 34: 828-831. Lyons TJ. Kenworthy J R. Austin P I ft Newman P W G 1986 The development of a driving cycle for fuel consumption and emissions evaluation. Transpn Res-A 20A; 447-462. Lyons T J, Alimoradian B St Newman P W G 1987 A truck driving cycle for Perth. Transport Research Paper 5/87, Murdoch Univ, 1-29. MRD 1986 Average weekday traffic flows 1980/1-1985/86 Perth metropoli- tan region. Main Roads Dept WA. 1 -69. Nelson P F 1981 Evaporative hydrocarbon emissions from a large vehicle population. J Air Poll Control Assn 31: 1191-1193. Neylon M & Collins B 1982 Mobile source emissions inveniorv for the Mel- bourne airshed study Proc Joint SAE-A/ARRB 2nd Conference on Traffic. Energy and Emissions. Melbourne, May 19-21. (SAE 82144). Post K. Gibson T, Maunder A. Tomlin ). Camithers N, Pitt D. Kent ) H & Bilger R W 19814 Motor Vehicle Fuel Economy Renort to NERDDC by the University of Sydney. 1979 1981 Charles Kolling Research Labora- tory Tech. Note ER-37. Univ Sydney, Pt»st K. Tomlin J, Pitt D. Camithers N. Maunder A. Gibson T. Kent ) H Sc Bileer R W 1981b Fuel Economy and Emissions Research Annual Report oy the University of Sydney (or 1980-81. Charles Kolling Research Lab- oratory Tech! Note ER-36. Univ Sydney. Post K. Kent ) H. Tomlin J 8c Camithers N 1985 Vehicle characti/ation and fuel consumption prediction using maps and power demand models. Int I Vehicle D»ign 6: 72-92. SATS 1974 Sydney area transportation study. Volume 2: Travel model devel- opment and forecasts. NSW Ministry TransfKnl, Scott Research l.aboratones 1971 Vehicle operations Survey I and II. CRC APRAC Project No. CAPE- 10-68 (1-70), PO 6ox 2416, San Bernardino, CA 92406. USA. SPCC 1980 Control of pollution from motor vehicles. State Pollution Control Commission. Publication MV-3. NSW Ministry for Planning and En- vironment. 1-24. Stern A C 1976 Air Pollution Volume 4. Academic Press, New York. Stewart A C, Pengilley M R. Brain R. Halev J J & Mowle M C 1982 Motor ve- hicle emissions into the Syoney air basin. In: The urban atmosphere-Sydney, a case study (c^ J N Carras & G M lohnson), CSIRO, Division of Fossil Fuels. 485-502. Taylor M A P & Anderson B E 1982 Modellir^ pollution and energy use in urt»an road networks. Proc. llth ARRB Conference 11 (6): 1-17. USEPA 1977 Compilation of air pollutant emission factors 3rd edition, USEPA, Office of Air Programs, Research Triangle Park. NC, USA, AP42. Visalli J K 1981 Effects of variable vehicular age and classiflcation distributions in mobile source modelling. J Air Poll Control Assn 31: 68-71. 74 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990, 75-92 Stratification and disconformities in yellow sands of the Bassendean and Spearwood DuneS/ Swan Coastal Plain, South-western Australia D K Glassford' & V Semeniuk^ *33 Rockett Way, Bull Creek, WA 6155 ^21 Glenmere Road, Warwick, WA 6024 Manuscript receivctl September 1988: acccptcit }aiiuar\f 1989 Abstract Yellow sand of the Pleistocene Bassendean and Spearwood dunes of the Swan Coastal Plain of SW Australia contains sedimentary stratification at depth (>3-5m). Yellow sand is divided into units of high and low angled inclined strata, horizontal strata, and massive sand. Sequences of sand typically contain up to five major disconformities. Dip direction resultants of inclined strata at individual study sites indi- cate that Pleistocene wind directions were dominantly from the eastern sector, sub-dominantly from the NW, and to a minor extent from the W and SW. Dip direction mean vector resultant of all inclined strata is 210° indicating that the sands were transported mainly from the NE. These data preclude, as major processes, origin of the yellow sand by either iu situ decalcification of coastal limestones or by coastal- marine derivation as carbonate-free quartz sand. Cross-strata and horizontal strata were emplaced by the migration of desert aeolian dune fields (desert ergs) during at least six glacial age arid phases, mostly during the middle Pleistocene. During the intervening wetter interglacial periods yellow sands were ex- tensively bioturbated to depths of 3-5m, thereby degrading the dunes and producing massive yellow sand under the major disconformities. Introdoction The Swan Coastal Plain of the Perth Basin, South- western Australia has an extensive cover of mainly Pleistocene siliciclastic sand (McArthur & Bettenay 196(5, Playford etal 1975, 1976; Wilde & Low 1978, 1980; Fig. 1). This cover includes Bassendean Sand, yellow sand overlying Tamala Limestone, and some of their altered equivalents such as white quartz sand, brown quartz sand and brown sandstone. These sand formations traditionally have been interpreted as coastal -marine derived cal- careous deposits which have been decalcified in situ by leaching processes to a residue of yellow quartz sand (Prider 1948, McArthur & Bettenay 1960, Lowry 1977, Wyrwoll & King 1984, amongst others). Crucial evidence of long standing for decalcificalion (e^ Prider 1948) is, that near the coast where yellow sand overlies limestone, from which traditionally it is concluded the sand was leached, the yellow sand has a massive struc- ture {eg Spearwood Dunes). Inland where yellow sand does not overlie limestone it generally also has a similar massive structure (c;? Bassendean Sanci, yellow sand of the Yoganup Formation). Thus massive structure (absence of lamination/ bedding) has been cited as key evidence for an in situ decalcification origin. However, documentation of these sand formations in terms of their genetically import- ant sedimentary features (c^ stratigraphy, geometry, struc- ture, fabric, texture and composition) is negligible. This paper provides the first detailed treatment of pri- mary sedimentaiy structures in the yellow sands of the Bassendean and Spearwood dunes within the central sec- tor of the Swan Coastal Plain (Fig. 1 ). The paper deals only with Bassendean Sand and the quartz sand overlying the Tamala Limestone referred to the Karrakatta and Cottesloe soil associations (McArthur & Bettenay I960), and specifi- cally excludes the Cooloongup Sancf with its local grey coloration and occasional shell content (Passmore 1970), ellow sand of the Yoganup Formation (Low 1971), Eaton and (Semeniuk 1983X the complex quartz sand deposits of the hinterland of Geographe Bay (Baxter 1977), and possible minor non-aeolian facies of the yellow sands {eg Wyrwoll & King 1984). It is also stressed that this study mainly concentrates on primary sedimentary features of the yellow sands anci not on their - pedogenic or geohydrologic alteration products such as humic quartz sand, white quartz sand and ferruginized sand. These vari- ous secondary overprints are briefly described as a back- ground to understanding the destruction of primary sedi- mentary structures in yellow sands. Previous studies The major geological attributes of Perth Basin yellow sand have not been documented in systematic detail. These attributes should include genetically critical sedi- mentary features such as geomorphic expression, bound- ary types, stratigraphic associations and relationships, ge- 75 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Figure 1 Location and regional setting of study sites. A Location of study area in Western Australia. B Location of study area in the Perth Basin. C Regional geomorphic units of the Swan Coastal Plain, the landward portion of the central Perth Basin, and their relationship to insets of study site settings (after McArthur and Bettenay I960). D, E, F & G Location and setting of study sites (geomorphic unit boundaries after Gozzard 1983, 1986; Jordan 1986). Note the boundary between the Bassendean and Spearwood Dune sands as mapped by Gozzard (1983, 1986) and Jordan (1986) is 1.5 to 4km further east than it is as mapped by McArthur & Bettenay (1960). 76 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 ometry and dimensions, internal structure (types, dip angles, dip directions etc), fabric, texture (grain size, sorting, percentage fines, roundness, etc) and composition (grain types, grain coatings, internal features of grains, mineralogy of grains ffc) {eg see Folk 1974, Pettijohn et al 1987, Lincfholm 1987). Previous investigations into yellow sand have been directed towards agriculture and pedology (McArthur & Bettenay i960), environmental and land use planning (Dept of Conserv & Envir 1980), hydrology and groundwater supply (Allen 1981), engineerir^ (Klenowski 1976), heavy mineral deposits (Baxter 197^, geological mapping (Wilde & Low 1978, 1980; Gozzard 1983, 1986; Jordan 1986); and lithostratigraphic sub-division and defi- nition (Low 1971, Playford & Low 1972). These studies provide information on various aspects of yellow sand, but they are not directly relevant to unravelling its origin. De- spite this, many of these studies form the basis for the tra- ditional views of coastal-marine derivation and in situ de- calcification for the origin of yellow sand (Lowry 1977). Two published studies have dealt specifically with the gen- esis of Perth Basin yellow sand (G)assford& Killigrew’ 1976 and Wyrwoll & King 1984). These studies, however, fo- cused mostly on the textures of yellow sand. Although stratification is an important feature for inter- preting the origin of sand (Potter & Pettijohn 1977, Lindholm 1 987), it has not been the subject of any previous work on Perth Basin yellow sand. Generally, yellow sands are regarded to be structureless or massive (eg Prider 1948, Wyrwol! & King 1984). Theonly published mention, toour knowledge, of stratification in yellow sand is the reference by Baxter (1977) to "delicate cross-bedding" in Bassendean Sand in the Busselton area. Methods Stratification and disconformities in yellow sand se- quences were studied in 15 ouarry exposures in the Perth region of the Swan Coastal Plain (Fig. 1). These quarries represent all sand quarries that to our knowledge were being excavated during this study. Stratification was best studied in winter when the sand is moist. In summer, the sand is dry and commonly slumps during and following excavation. This slumping covers the deeper sequences of yellow sand, thereby typically concealing stratification. Four of the quarries are located in the middle to eastern parts of the Spearwood Dunes; eleven of the quarries are in the Bassendean Dunes. Structures within the sand were documented using the terminology of McKee & Weir (1953) and Lindholm (1987). Stratification and disconformities were mapped in the field onto panoramic photographs of quarry W'alls. The true dip angle and dip direction of cross-layering was determined by measurements on partially excavated individual surfaces of the sedimentary layers or laminae of a given cross-layered set which were traceable in three di- mensions. Usually 5-10 separate laminae were measured in this manner at each sampling locality. Depending on the amount of exposure, 2-5 sites typically xvere measured in each quarry. Dip angle and dip direction (magnetic) read- ings were taken according to tne number and thickness of large scale cross-layered sets. Most readings w'ere at c 0.5- 1 .5m vertical intervals for a set. For example, for a 3m thick set, three readings were taken at approximately 0.5m, 1 .5m and 2.5m above the base of the set. In the case of a 5m thick set five readings were taken at approximately, 0.5m, 1.5m, 2.5m, 3.5m and 4.5m above the base of the set. The con- straints of availability and wall condition of quarries has limited the data base of this paper to 228 dip angle and di- rection measurements of inclined strata from 12-15 lo- calities. Additional measurements should be collected as existing quarries are excavated further and when new quarries are opened. Sketches and photographs were used to record second- ary overprints. Sediment was carefully sampled in situ by a 5 cm corer and retrieved to the laboratory for impreg- nation and slicing. Oriented thin sections were prepared from the impregnated in situ blocks for petrographic study. Selected laminae and groups of laminae also were sampled and sieved at half phi intervals for granulometric analysis. Representive samples and sub-samples were x-rayed with Co K-alpha radiation and diffractograms were interpreted using Brindley & Brown (1980). Nomenclatare The Sahara Desert term erg is used in this study. Orig- inally erg referred to a vast region in the Sahara Desert cov- ered by deep aeolian sand (Gary et al 1972). Implicit in this original meaning were a mid-latitude location, a desert set- ting, and a continental, as distinct from coastal, character and derivation for the sand. Subsequent workers, how- ever, expanded the original meaning of the term to en- compass large scale coastal and non-desert aeolian sand bodies, or sand seas (e^ Blakey rf al 1988; Marzolf 1988). It is therefore important to define the sense in which erg is used. In this study erg refers to a vast, large scale or re- gional scale tract of continental desert-aeolian sand in the form of sheets and dunes. For added emphasis and clarity the term is used in conjunction with desert, ie desert erg. Other types of aeolian sand seas can then be categorized, for example, as coastal erg or humid erg. The term desert is used in this paper in the sense of low to middle latitude terrains with no vegetation cover or with a vegetation cover which is too sparse to prevent wide- spread aeolian transport of sand. Controls such as effective rainfall, windiness, sand supply etc may variously contrib- ute to producing a desert terrain. For a discussion of the main factors which can produce a desert-aeolian terrain see Ash & Wasson (1983) and Marzolf (1988). Geological setting The study area is within the Swan Coastal Plain, a coastal lowland of the Perth Basin with a mainly relict Pleistocene surface (Playford et al 1976, Wilde & Low 1978, 1980). Within this setting there is a Pleistocene lithostratigraphic unit of yellow sand (Prider 1948, Glassford 1980) relevant to this study w'hich usually has been assigned to more than one formation (Fig. 1): • vellow quartz sand portion of Bassendean Sand (- bassendean Dunes of McArthur & Bettenay, 1960) • yellow quartz sand assigned to the Tamala Limestone (within the Spearwood Dunes of McArthur & Bettenay, 1960). To date, however, the bulk of the yellow quartz sand overlying the Tamala Limestone within the Spearwood Dunes has not been formally recognized as a separate for- mation, except in local areas such as Rockingham (Cooloongup Sand; Passmore 1970) and Australind (Eaton Sand; Semeniuk 1983). Lithologically similar yellow sands (Prider 1948, Glassford 1980) which are located east of Perth on the eastern margin of the Pinjarra Plain and in the foothills of the Darling Scarp (Low & Lake 1970, Low et al 1970, Wilde & Low 1978, 1980) have been assigned to the Yoganup Formation (Low 1971). For the sake of simplicity the Yoganup Formation yellow sands in this complex geomorphic setting are excluded from the present study. 77 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 The age of the yellow sands is interpreted to be mainly middle Pleistocene (Playford et al 1975). It forms much of the land surface of the coastal plain to landward of the Holocene coastal dune belt and the Pleistocene limestone ridges. Where the yellow sand underlies the coastal limestones it may range to Pliocene in age (Logan et al 1970, Glassford 1980). The terrain of yellow sand on the coastal plain is the western fringe of a vast, diachronous cover of sand dunes and sand sheets which extend westwards from the central Australian Desert (Killigrew & Glassford 1976, Glassford 1980, 1987, Beard 1984). Thus yellow sand occurs exten- sively on the Yilgam Block and forms an extensive and thick lithosome that underlies and overlies coastal limestones and underlies landward parts of the coastal plain (Semeniuk & Glassford 1988). On the coastal plain near the present coast, there is a shore-parallel belt of Pleistocene coastal limestone ridges (Tamafa Limestone). These ridges, with variable cover of yellow sand, form shore outcrops, or may be buried by Holocene littoral and coastal-dune deposits. In cross sec- tion the coastal limestone complex forms a large lens mainly on, but also within, the western margin of the aeolian sand sheet described above, a relationship that is evident for much of the west coastal region of Western Australia from Shark Bay to Perth, a distance of over I 200 km (Logan et al 1970, McWhae in Quilty 1974, Glassford 1980, Allen 1981, Semeniuk & Glassford 1988). The east- ern contact of the limestone-ridge-belt with yellow quartz sand of the hinterland is complicated; ie it may be sharp, or lithologically gradational, marked by east-west inter- fingering, or marked by zones of scattered limestone lenses in yellow sand (Semeniuk & Glassford 1988). The lithofacies referred to herein as yellow sand, although typically yellow, also includes sands varying from red to brown to locally white. Grain sizes range from bimodal to poorly unimodal to unimodal, and the sand is typically fine skewed, well to poorly sorted and medium sized. Framework grains are predominantly quartz, with moderate to minor microcline and minor heavy minerals. The grains have a coating of silt-clay sized kaolin, goelhite (yellow) and/or haematite (red) and quartz. These latter rninerals also occur in the less than O.Ovmm fraction of the sediment (Glassford 1980). Description and interpretation of stratification in yellow sand Contour data from 1 :25 000 topographic sheets and field observations of surface morphology indicate that sites 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 of this study are within large scale sand-sheet ramparts which drape the landward side of the coastal- limestone-ridge belt; sites 5 & 6 are in sinuous and para- bolic landforms; and sites 8 to 15 are within an east- west oriented linear draa with stellate landforms (Table 1; Fig. 1). The term Jraa refers to large scale dunes or megadunes and compound or complex types of composite dunes (Wilson 1972, Leeder 1982, Lancaster 1988). On the basis of presence/absence and inclination of large scale (> Im thick) sets of stratification, yellow sand is divisible into: 1) units with inclined strata ie cross-strata (high and low angled); 2) units with horizontal strata; and 3) units with massive structure. These features are described below. Small scale (<0.3m thick) sets of cross-strata were not observed at any of the sites. The thinnest recognizable strata or laminae that com- prise sets of cross-strata and horizontal strata in yellow sand are mostly evident due to differences in size of frame- work sand grains and, to a lesser extent, to varying amounts of yellow to brown silt-clay sized matrix fill of kaolin and goethite and variations in framework-grain coatings of kaolin and goethite. Inclined strata Description l^rge scale sets of inclined strata (commonly referred to as cross-strata) occur extensively in 13 of the quarries (Table 1). Sets of cross-strata typically are up to 5- 10m thick, and generally, only occur at depths of more than 3-5m below the present landsurface. Cross-stratification consists dominantly of tabular-shaped sets of planar cross- strata with local minor occurrences of wedge-shaped and hummocky-shaped sets of planar and cur\'ed cross-strata (Figs 2, 3 & 4). Tabular-shaped sets of planar cross-strata have been traced continuously along recently exposed quarry faces for distances of 10 to 100 m. Generally ex- posures of cross-stratification are limited by an upper zone of bioturbation, or by lateral slumps of quarry walls, or by quarry floors. Table 1 Sand quarries near Perth with large scale cross-stratification and major disconformities. Quarries examined and their site numbers' Large scale cross-stratification- Major disconformities' 1 Wangara North present 2 present 2 Wangara present 3 present 3 Landsdale West - 2 present 4 l.andsdaie East - 1 present 5 Bcihus present - b Henley Brtxik present 1 present 7 Mirrabt)oka present 5 present H landakot West present - 9 Jandakot East present - 10 jandakot North 1 present - 1 ] jandakot North 2 present - 12 Canning Vale present 1 present 13 Banjup West present 1 present 14 Banjup East 1 present 1 present 15 Banjup East 2 present 1 present ' See Fig. 1 for location of sites. - Large-scale is defined as greater than l.Om thick. ' Number of major disconformities in the yellow sand sequences. 78 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Figure 2 Range of stratification features at a single typical locality, Ban jup West. See Fig. I for location. A Panoramic dia- gram of stratification and location of insets. B Alarge scale, tabular set of planar horizontal strata overlain by a large scale, wedge-shaped set of planar cross-strata (inclined strata). C A large scale set of concave-upwards, trough cross-strata. Note the rivulets of flowing sand which are building avalanche cones of sand. The continued growth of avalanche cones of sand will eventually conceal the stratification. D Thinnest recognizable strata in a large-scale set of low angle, planar cross-strata produced by differences in grain size of framework sand grains. The coarser layers (a) resemble ripple-form strata of Hunter (1977). The finer layers (b) resemble grainfall strata of Hunter (1977). Coin is 21mm in diameter, t Layer- ing in a large-scale set of planar cross-strata produced by differences in texture, composition and colour. Thin prominent layers have framework quartz-sand grains supported in a silt-clay matrix of yellowish brown goethite, kaolin and quartz. Thick layers lack the silt-clay matrix. Coin is 28mm in diameter. F Disconformity (a) between two units of yellow sand. The discontinuity between the units is produced by: geometry of interface; changes in stratification details away from the contact; and structural, textural, compositional and colour differences between the two units on either side of the interface. The massive zone below the disconformity is a palaeosol (b) which indicates the disconformity is a regional bounding surface (Talbot 1985). Note also the common inaistinct appearance of stratification. Several metres of surfidal sand has teen removed from this section by excavating machinery. Spade for scale is 1 m in length. G Closer view of dis- conformity surface, sloping from upper left to lower right and with underlying, mostly massive palaeosol with rare or- ganic material and burrow -structures (a). Note rivulets of flowing sand on the leit hand side. Coin is 24 mm in diameter. 79 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Site 1 (View looking east] white sand major disconformity Site 2 (View looking north} major disconformities Site 2 (View looking northeast) major disconformities timestone lens Site 5 (View looking northeast) ^modified land surface C o •• *• -• V-H 4- 6fn •••o‘'oc. Site 6 (View looking southwest) Site 14 (View looking northeast) major disconformity * « - * _ • o'! 4 o" - - .• •• • 2-3m**o*«"*«*«V***V" I »• •V^Vv-H I ‘*o“; Site 7 (View looking southwest) major disconformities modified land surface Site 8 (.View looking northeast) Site 8 looking northwest) modified land surface • •po Site 9 (View looking northwest) Site 10 (View looking northwest) r V - - *• i." V*H L 1m o Site 15 (View looking west) modified land surface -I • ••• ^1 ~i^ii • * • • • vu' I V«H . . . . . _ •• S •• o •• • •• • •• •*“ 2m •• i •• I I •• J •• ir-o*r * • * 1-9-9 ftm NB: Explanation Stratified yellow quartz sand showing most prominent stratification. Massive yellow sand with thin zones ot white and brown sand. Slumped sand, formed after excavation Disconformity All land surfaces have been modified by earth-moving machinery Figure 3 Panoramic diagrams of stratification attitudes and relationships within sequences of yellow sand, Swan Coastal Plain, southwestern Australia. See Fig. 1 for locations. 80 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Figure 4 Primary stratification and secondary overprint fetures in yellow sand. See Fig. 1 for locations. A Four units (1, 2 3 4 of yellow sand bounded by three disconformjties (1, 11, III), Mirrabooka quarry. Note the common indistinct nature of the stratification. Unit 1 is mostly massive. Unit 3 has large scale, high angle planar and langental cross-strata which dip towards the west (towards RHS). Unit 3 has large scale, high and Tow angle planar cross-strata which dir towards the east (towards LHS). Unit 4 has been truncated by earth-moving machinery. Spade for scale is 1 m in length See I able 2 & Fig. 7 B Set of large scale, low angle, planar cross-strata dipping towards the southwest (towards LHS),-JandaKOt North /. Note firstly, cross-stratification at depth is obscured by cone- shaped slumps of sand along the base of the cross- stratified sand escarpment. Secondly presence of an overlying soil of white and black sand which has been disrupted and partly removed by earlhmoving macninery. Set is 7-8 m thick. C Set of large scale, broadly concav'e-upwards, trough c^ross-strata, Jandakot West. Note 28 mm diameter coin in lower left hand corner, below a broad trough-shaped bounding surface (a). Stratification is obscured by slumped sand on the lower right hand side. D Large-scale set of low angle and horizontal strata which resemble grainfall ana plane bed strata of Hunter (1977). Strata underlie an mterdune area, ban- ning Vale. Coin 28mm in diameter. E Rare cut-and-fill structure, Banjup West. Lower set of horizontal strata has been truncated bv erosion (? surface wash) and then overlain by an upper westward dipping O' large-scale high angle, tangental to planar cross-strata. F Burrow structure (a) in horizontallv stratified sand which has negligible goethite and kaolin silt-clav, Jandakot North. Layers resemble grainfall and plane ped strata of Hunter (1977). Coin is 28mm m diam- eter G Termi’tarium structured yellow sand, upper few metres of unit 4, Mirrabooka. In contrast to F above the sand is relatively rich in goethite and kaolin silt-day (see Table 2). H Large-scale set of low angle, planar cross-strata (lower one third) overlain by a large-scale set of horizontal strata (upper two thirds) which underlie an mterdune and are part y ferruginized to form brown sandstone {coffee rock). 81 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 TRUE DIP ANGLE OF STRATA (®) Figure 5 Frequency distribution of true dip angles for high angle (equal or greater than 20“) and low angle (1.6-19“) cross strata and horizontal strata (0-1.5“) from yellow sands ofthe Perth area. Swan Coastal Plain, southwestern Australia. Dip angles of cross-strata have a bimodal frequency. High angle (equal to or greater than 20°) cross-strata coth- rise c 5 1 % of measurements and form a mode between 5-30° (Fig. 5). The highest dip angle recorded for cross- strata in yellow sand is 35°. Low angle (1.6-19°) cross- strata comprise 49% of measurements and form a mode between 5-10°, and the mode is skewed towards 10-15° (Fig. 5). The proportion of high angle strata is probably lower than these figures indicate because of a bias in the lo- cation of quarries towards hill tops rather than plinths and interdune flats. The frequency of occurrence of dip directions (azimuths) of cross-strata at individual sites may be unimodal, bimodal or polymodal (Fig. 6). Individual disconformity- bounded sets of cross-strata at the same locality may have variable dip directions (Table 2; Fig. 7). At six sites cross- strata have mean resultant dip direction towards the Wand SW. At three sites cross-strata have mean resultant direc- tion towards the E and SE. At two sites cross-strata have mean resultant dip direction towards the NE. At one site the resultant dip direction changes between the various disconformity bounded units of yellow sand (Fig. 6). Dip 82 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Table 2 Description of lithology for the sequence of yellow sands at Mirrabooka quarry. See Fig. 1 for location. Grain size terminology after Folk (1974). DEPTH (m) DESCRIPTION LITHOFACIES 0 to 4.0* Quartz sand; yellow, massive, sand-framework supported, unimodal, near symmetrical to fine skewed (range 4 0.0 to + 0.12), well sorted to moderately well-sorted (range 0.47 to 0.61 phi), medium (range 1.21 to 1.63 phi) quartz sand with 0.9% fines** (range 0.60 to 1.185(>); framework quartz-sand grains of yellow sand have a surface coating of goethite (yellow) pigmented kaolin plus silt-clay sized quartz. Unit 6 DISCONFORMITY (V)"" 4 to 9 Quartz sand; white in upper 0 to 0.3m then yellow io9m, massive, sand framework supported, unimodal, near symmetrical (range + 0.02 to -0.05), moderately well -sorted (range 0.58 phi to 0.60 phi), medium (range 1.56 to 1.63 phi) quartz sand with 1.18% fines (range 0.97 to 1.35%); framework quartz-sand grains of yellow sand have a surface coating of goethite (yellow) pigmented kaolin plus silt-clay sized quart/; the white sand does hot have a yellow coaling on grains. Unit 5 DISCONFORMITY (IV) 9 to 14 Quartz sand; in places upper 0 to 0.3m white then yellow and yellowish red with white mottles to 14m; in places upper 0 to 0.5-1. Om is termitarium structured with a tortuous network of vermiform voids or loose sand fill and labyrinthoia walls of coherent sand and silt-clayey sand; from 9 10 to I2.5m conspicuously cross stratified with large scale high angle strata dipping towards the southeast; from 12.5 to 14m conspicuously cross-stratified with large scalelow angle strata dipping towaras the southwest; sand -framework supported, unimodal to poorly unimodal, fine skewed to near svmmetrical (range * 0.15 lo -0.05), moderately well-sorted to moderately sorted (range 0.54 to 0,72 phi), medium (1.33 to 1.66 phi) uuarlzsand with 1.55% fines (range 0,88 to 2.08%); in places ihm beds of coarse sand; framework quartz-sand grains of yellow to red sand have a surface coating of goethite, haematite, kaolin and silt-clav sized quartz; white sand does not have coating on grain surfaces, Unit 4 DISCONFORMITY (Ml) 14 lo 17.5 Quartz sand; brownish yellow to reddish yellow to brown with white mottk*s; conspicuously cn>ss-stratified; from 14 to 17,5m large scale, high and low angle strata dip towards the nctrthcast and east; in places from 16 to 17.5m large scale, low angle cross-strata dip towards SSE; sand- framework supported, unimodal, near symmetrical (range + 0.03 lo ■» 0,06), moder- atiNV well-w>rted (range 0.52 to 0.60 phi), fine to medium (range 1.69 to 2.03 phi) quartz sand with 2.24% fines (range 1.84 lo 2.74%); framework quartz. -sand grains of yellow to browm sand have a surface coating of goethite and kaolin plus silt-clay sized quartz; white sand mottles have grains which do not have surface coatings Unit 3 DISCONFORMITY (II) 17.5 to 20.5 Quartz sand; pale yellow to reddish yellow; generally massive, in places faintly cross-stratified with high angle strata dipping towards the W & WNW; sand-framework supportecl, unimodal, near symmetrical to strongly fine-skewed (range + 0.(J8 to ♦ 0.61), moderately well-sorted (range 0.64 to 0.69 phi), medium (range 1 ,41 to 1.7 phi) quartz sand with 2.85% fines (range 2.53 to 3 13%); framework quartz-sand grains of yellow sand have a surface coating of goethite, haematite, kaolin and silt- day sized quartz, Unit 2 DISCONFORMITY (1) 20.5 to 26-t Quartz sand; yellow to red, w’hite in the virinity of the ground w-ater table (c 24 26m); generally massive, in places faintly cross-stratified with large scale, high angle strata dipping towards the NW; sand-framework supported, unimodal to poorly unimodal. near symmetrical lo slronglv fine skewed (range + 0.06 to 0.37), moderately well sorted lo moderately sorted (range 0.61 to 0,9? phi), coarse lo medium (range 0.97 to 1 .36 phi) quartz sand with 3.155fi fines (range 1 12 to 6.57%); frame- work quart/ -sand grains of vellow to red sand have a surface coaling of goethite (yellow) 6r haematite (red) pigmented kaolin plus silt-clay sized quartz; white sand in vicinity of groundwater table has grains which vio not have a surface coating; groundwater tabic c 0.5m below base of quarrv. Unit 1 • N.nural surface ha*. iH-en removed. l-ines equal weight percentage of gram sj/e less than 0.09mm. Generally fines of yellow to red sand are composed of c50% kaolin, goethite and/or haematite and c 50^ quart/ and heavy minerals. Fines of white sand are composed of quart/ and heavy minerals. Note that there is a uniformly consistent decrease in the amount of fines from unit 1 at depth to unit h near the surface, l-urthermore modorn heach-berm sands average 0,09% fines (range 0-0.48%) and Holocene coastal dunes average 0.15% tines (range 0-0.62%), see details in Glassford (1980). ••• Disconformities recognised by occurrence of palaeosols, undulating discontinuity surfaces, changes in structure massive to cross-stratified) and changes in fabric, texture, composition and colour. 83 journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Figure 6 Rose diagrams of dip directions of cross-strata for individual sites in the Perth area, Swan Coastal Plain, southwestern Australia. See Fig. 1 for locations. Map boundaries are after Wilde and Low (1978, 1980). 84 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Figure 7 Vertical section of six disconformity-bounded units of yellow sand and the dip angles and dip directions of cross-strata for the respective lithoslratigraphic units of yellow sand. Note that the yellow sands are massive near the surface stratified at depth and then massive near the groundwater table. directions may vary markedly between and within units of yellow sand at the one site. For instance at Mirrabooka (Fig. 1) the lower strata of unit 4 dip towards 240* whereas middle to upper strata dip towards 160® (Table 2; Figs 6 & 7) . The dip directions of all cross-strata have a polymodal frequency distribution. High angle and low angle cross- strata also have a polymodal frequency distribution (Fig. 8) . High angle cross-strata have prominant modes between 135® and 1/1®, between 243® and 261®, skewed to 279® and between 297® and 315®, skew'ed to 279® (Fig 8A). Low angle cross-strata have prominant modes between 135® and 153°, skewed to 171®, between 189° and 207®, skewed to 225° and between 297® and 315° (Fig. 8B). The mean vector resultant is (Figs 8 & 9): • towards 220® for high angle, large scale cross-strata • towards 198° for low angle, large scale cross-strata and • towards 210® for all large scale cross-strata. Interpretation High angle, large scale cross-strata are interpreted to be the lee-slope foresets of aeolian dunes (following McKee & Bigarella 1979, Nielson & Kocurek 1987). Dip directions of the high angle cross-strata indicate deposition by SE winds, ENE winds and NNW winds (Table 3). Low angle cross-strata are interpreted to be predominantly a combi- nation of lee-slope foresets, dune (including star dune) foot-slope plintns and sand-sheet sets (following Ahlbrandt & Frvberger 1981, Kocurek 1981, Nielson & Kocurek 1987). 6ip directions are roughly similar to those of high ande cross-strata and indicate deposition by SE winds, NNE winds, and NW winds (Table 4). Mean vector resultants for high angle, low angle, and high angle plus low angle cross-strata indicate long-term overall sand movement, on average, was from NE towards SW (Table 5; Figs 8 & 9). This is opposite to the direction of transport of carbonate sands of tW present modern coastal dunes, which is towards the NE (Searle & Semeniuk 1985). Table 3 Formative wind directions and predominant direction of sand movement for large scale high^ angle cross-strata. Modal dip directions of large scale high angle cross-strata' Formative wind direction Direction of sand movement Towards .306® (towards NW) From SE From SE to NW Towards 2.S2* (towards WSW) From ENE From ENE to WSW Towards 162®- 144® (towards SSE) From NNW From NNW to SSE ' Modes arc from Fig. 8 85 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 A. HIGH ANGLE CROSS-STRATA 306 288 **- 270*- 252‘ 234 .72* -90* 108* 126' MEAN VECTOR - RESULTANT [direction 220®, length 38.5. consistency ratio 0.33] B. LOW ANGLE CROSS-STRATA 288' 2702- 252' 234 MEAN VECTOR - RESULTANT (direction 198® . length 30.5. consistency ratio 0.27) C. HIGH ANGLE PLUS LOW ANGLE CROSS-STRATA North D. HIGH ANGLE PLUS LOW ANGLE CROSS-STRATA North 324* 90* 288 2702- 108' N = 228 ^ 180* MEAN VECTOR - RESULTANT (direction 210® , length 65.75, consistency ratio 0.29} Angle of dip (degrees) 252* 10 . I ■ 20 jJ CX 20-29* ■: 10-19® CX 1.5-9® number of observations 0 I . . 1 .1. 10 20 j I Figure 8 Dip direction plots of cross-strata in yellow sands of the Perth area. Swan Coastal Plain, southwestern Australia. A Rose diagram of dip directions of high angle (equal to or greater than 20®) cross-strata. B Rose diagram of dip directions of low angle (1.6-19®) cross-strata. C Scatter plot diagram of dip angles and dip directions for all cross-strata. D Rose dia- gram of dip angles and dip directions for all cross-strata. Note A & B are plotted with an arithmetic scale, and not an equal- area scale (c/ Nemec 19o8). 86 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 direction of movement. Table 4 Formative wind directions and predominant direction of sand movement for large scale low angle cross'Strata. Modal dip directions tif large scale low angle cross-strata' Formative wind direction Direction of sand movement Towards 306® (towards NW) From SE From SE to NW Towards 2l6®-l99® (towards SSVV) From NNE From NNE to SSVV Towards 1 44® (tt>wards SE) From NW From NW to SE Mode'S tire from Fig. 8 Table 5 Directions of mean vector resultants for high angle, low angle, and high angle plus low angle cross-strata and their palaeo-directional interpretations. Cross-strata Direction of moan vector resultant' Inierpretatfon High angle Towards 220® (towards SW) Overall sand movement is from NE to SW under the influence of Pleistocene wiitds which were predominantly from the eastern sector l ow angle Towards 198® (towards SSW) Overall sand movement is from NNE to SSW under the influ- ence of Pleistocene winds which were predominanllv from the eastern sector o’ Towards 2I0® (towards SSW) Overall sand mosement is from NNE to SSW under the influ- ence of Pleistmene winds which were predominanth' from the eastern sector ' Vector reMiltanls t^ are altered di‘sert-aeolian sediment because they con- sist of framework grams of desi^rt-aeolian sand surroundtxl bv remohili/txf and mineralogically partly transformed deserl- aeolian dust The overprints supptirt the \ iew of Plavford t'l al ( 197S) that vime /fl/cr/tes in Soutn-westerh Australia are of PleLsiocene age. VVhite quart/ sand White quart/ sand is massive, and is without a gram-surface coating of gcxfthite. kaolin and quart/ of silt-clav si/e. White quart/ sand occurs in thnx* stMiings. firstly, it is 1 2m thick where ii occurs within a few metres of the landsurface; secondly, it is 0.5m thick where it marks buried former landsurfaces (at disconformihes); thirdly, it occurs near the water table where It is c l -4m thick Near the present landsurface while sand thickens from dune lops to dune flanks to interdune flats; it also typically overlies brown mxfular vtnd or brown sandstone, and is overlain by humic sand: its uppc*r boundarv is smtx>lh and broadly parallel to the landsurface. and gradational into humic sand: its lower boundary is sharp or abruptly gradational, and irregular or deeply (l -2m) fH*netrative in the form of I0-30cm diameti*f white-sand filled pqx^s into underlying brown sand. The upper boundarv of white saixl In the viemilv of the groundwater table mav be sharp or broadiv gradational into vellow sand Yellow sand has been transformed to white sand bv removal of grain coatings of goethite, kaolin and quart/ silt-clav in pore water solution and susjxmsion Overprint feature Humic quart/ sand Description Massive and fibrous-rix't siructurixl, grev to black quart/ sand with plant debris and silt clav si/ed organic material; the quart/ sand generally is not civitcxj with gwthite and kaolin The unit forms a sheet-like cover 0 1 to 2m thick over white or vellow sand; it increase's in thickness from Spearw-cHxf Dune ndges and Bassendean Dune lops Into flanks and interdune and ndge flaS; humic quart/ sand overlies white or vellow quart/ sand with a gradational contact; its upper boundary is the present landsurface, and its lower boundarv is broadly parallel to landsurface. Interpretation Yellow or white quart/, sand has been impregnated bv plant debris and silt-clav si/ed organic material to torm a pedogenic A-hori/on. The occurrence of up to six units of yellow sand separ- ated by five major disconformihes (Table 2, Fig. 7) is inter- preted as the record of six major glacial-age desert aeolian phases and five major interglacial-age semi-arid or humid phases in yellow sands of the Perth region. These units are most likely only the upper portion of the record of desert- aeolian sedimentation in bW Australia (see Logan et al 1970, Glassford 1980, 1987). Features which overprint sedimentary stratification Sedimentary stratification in yellow sand grades into, and generally is gradually obliterated by pedogenic and other alteration (or overprint) features (Fig. 10). Overprint features include: burrow structures; root-structures; colour mottles; massive structure; termitarium structures; cemen- tation by brown limonite and clays to form nodules and sandstone; removal of yellow or red grain coatings to form white quartz sand; and humic infiltration/addition to form humic quartz sand (Table 6). The obliteration is gra- dational. It decreases downw'ards below the present landsurface and beneath buried disconformies, and in- creases towards the groundwater table. Furthermore, thin, deeply buried disconformity-bounded units of sand lack internal stratification, but may be sharply overlain and gradationally underlain by stratified yellow sands. These relationships indicate that stratification isa primary feature and that it is overprinted by a variety of secondary features. Bioturbation is further described below. Yellow sand from 3 to 5 m below the present land sur- face, and sands immediately below the buried surface of a disconformity, generally are massive to mottled to vari- ously bioturbated. With increasing depth below the pre- sent land surface and below buried disconformihes, the massive sand eventually grades into stratified sand. Quarry walls expose living tap roots, dead tap roots, sand- filled tap-root-like structures, and sand-filled to open in- sect burrows that penetrate the layered sands, with sediment-fills infiltrating from higher horizons. Gra- dational sequences, from laminated sand, through lami- nated sand with root and burrow structures to mottled sand and massive sand, indicate the progression of overprinting of stratification predomin«-intly by bioturbation (Table 6; Fig. 10). Much of the yellow sand therefore records a history of disruption, mixing, and hom- ogenizing by biological, chemical and physical processes VNmich have overprinted and destroyed primary aeolian stratification. Discussion and conclusions The results of this study have many and far reaching im- f ilications. The pervasive occurrence of sedimentary strati- ication in thick sequences of yellow sands in the Bassendean and Spearwood dunes has implications for the origin of these sands. This is because the occurrence of stratification supports a primary aeolian origin, and pre- cludes an origin w'holly by m situ decaldfication of limestones. Dip direction resultants of the cross-strata of yellow sands indicate winds were dominantly from the eastern sector, sub-dominantly from the NW, and to a minor ex- tent from the SW and vV. This precludes a wholly coastal- marine derivation for vellow sand because the easterly component is opposite the SW to NE movement of carbon- ate sands of the modem coastal dunes (Searle & Semeniuk 1985). Presumably the movement of sands that formed Pleistocene coastal dunes (now limestone) also was from 90 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 Figure lO Summary diagram of the relationships of cross-stratified yellow sand and secondary overprints. A Alteration features which overprint and destroy primary cross-stratification. B Stages in the development of a multistoried sequence of intercalated cross-stratified sand, massive sand and major disconformities. For simplicity, zones of humification, cementation and bleaching are not shown. 91 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 72 (3), 1990 the SW. An easterly wind direction for yellow sand em- lacement is consistent with the occurrence of latest leistocene to Holocene lunette dunes, of the Swan Coastal Plain, which are located on the western sides of lakes {eg Benger Sw'amp, Forresdale Lake, White Lake; see Glassford 1980, Beard 1982). The seauence of stratified units, representing major desert-aeolian phases or ergs, intercalated with the mass- ive units beneath major disconformities suggest that the yellow sands of the Swan Coastal Plain record a mainly middle Pleistocene sequence of desert ergs. During Plio* Pleistocene times there have been more than 20 glacial periods (Kukla 1977, Lamb 1977, Hooghiemstra 1988) dur- ing which high latitude areas of the globe were extensively glaciated and sea levels were much lower than at present. The middle to low latitudes (such as the presently humid SW Australia) then were desertic w'ith winds stronger than at present (Lamb 1977, Samthein 1978, Glassford 1980, Glennie 1987, Skackleton 1987, Rea & Leinen 1988). Ad- ditional desert-erg sequences may be preserved on the Yilgarn Block and possibly under the continental shelf of Western Australia (Glassford 1980, 1987). Stratified yellow sands, bounded by major disconformities, thus record mainly middle Pleistocene glacial age desert phases, when desert ergs were developed on the exposed continental shelf and the ancestral Swan Coastal Plain. Glacial age desert-erg phases were separ- ated by interglacial age semi-arid to humid phases, with their accompanying development of bioturbated palaeosols on disconformities. 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