Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/journelisham24elis JOURNAL OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOL. XXII 1906 LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OHAPEL HILL, N. 0. ,6 ns &L!' Journal of the Mitchell Society. CONTENTS. VOL. XXII. 1906. “Physiological Economy in Nutrition.” — Isaac H. Manning 1 Corundum and the Peridotites of Western North Carolina. A Review — J. H Pratt and J. V. Lewis 8 Notes on the Geology of Currituck Banks. — Collier Cobb 17 The New Orleans Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Chemical Society. —Chas. U. Herty 20 The Cement Gold Ores of Deadwood, Black Hills, South Dakota. — J. H. Pratt 23 Chemical Research in America. — Francis P. Venable 29 The Coral Siderastrea Radians and its Postlarval Development. — H. V. Wilson 41 The Source of the Sun’s Heat. — John F. Lanneau 45 Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science Held at Raleigh, N. 0. , May 18 and 19, 1906 57 The Building and Ornamental Stones of North Carolina. A. Review. — Joseph Hyde Pratt, State Geologist 63 Where the Wind Does the Work. — Collier Cobb 80 Chloral— a— Naphthylamine and Chloral— /J— Naphthylamine.— Alvin S. Wheeler and V. C. Daniels 90 Proceedings of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 95 Molecular Attraction. VI. — J. K. '.'ills 98 MAY, 1907 NO. '%r% Hr|& OF THE sha Mitchell Scientific Society ■i' ■ ; |£S£S .l' .- " • ./»/ "■ ARCHIBALD HENDERSON, Vice-President. A. S. WHEELER, Rec. Sec. * •• v> F. P. VENABLE, Perm. Sec. I Editqrs of the Journal: , v- . W. C. COKER, , - - y ■ } v ;.. • /• •. . . J. E. LATTA, ARCHIBALD HENDERSON. a««y s| The Foundations of Geometry — Archibald Henderson, PH.D,;..,. 1 A New Color Test for the Lignocelluloses — Alvin S. Wheeler. 24 Notes on the Geology of Core Bank, N. O.— Collier Cobb 26 Note on Electrical Ageing of Flour — J. W. Gore....... 29 Industrial and Scientific Aspects of the Pine and Its Products — Charles H. Herty, PH.D .... 30 - •••:* Ti.-V^'Av ... ....... Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society — Quarterly. Price, $2 00 per year; single numbers 50 cents. Most numbers of former vol- umes can be supplied. Direct all correspondence to the Editors, at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. O. JOURNAL OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society The study of the historical development of mathematics, and in particular the study of geometry, leads one to the con- clusion that the great roles in the drama of science have been played by two inter-related, yet widely differing, forces — intuition and logic. Huxley once laughingly said of Herbert Spencer that his idea of tragedy was a deduction killed by a fact. Some of the greatest pants in the drama of science have been played by intuition; but that drama becomes a tragedy when intuitional prevision is annihilated by the inex- orable irony of fact. The most epoch-making discoveries find their origin in the fortunate conjunction of intuition and experience. And the whole history of science is the history of the struggle of man’s intuition, fortified by experience, to read the inscrutable riddle of Nature. I venture to assert that nowhere is this struggle more suc- cinctly and definitively illustrated than in the story of man’s • effort to formulate the hypotheses which constitute the foun- MAY, 1907 VOL. XXIII NO. 1 THE FOUNDATIONS OF GEOMETRY. LIBRA NEW Y BOTAN5 CARD! BY ARCHIBALD HENDERSON, PH.D. Printed May 13. >» 55 2 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [May dations of geometry. For precise reasons, the names of Euclid and Newton stand above all other names in the fasti of mathematics; and the reasons are strikingly similar in the two cases. In writing of The Wonderful Century , the nine- teenth, Alfred Russel Wallace says of all time before the seventeenth century: “Then, going backward, we can find nothing of the first rank except Euclid’s wonderful system of geometry, perhaps the most remarkable mental product of the earliest civilizations.” In modern times, Newton’s colos- sal figure occupies the centre of the stage, looming large, as he himself explained, because he stood upon the shoulders of giants. Like Euclid, his claim to pre-eminence rests less upon the discovery of new principles than upon the immeas- urably greater service of the universal formulation and grounding of mathematics. Newton brought all natural phe- nomena under the reign of universal law, Euclid reduced all geometrical knowledge to system. “It is certain,” says Philip Kelland, “that from its com- pleteness, uniformity and faultlessness, from its arrangement and progressive character, and from the universal adoption of the completest and best line of argument, Euclid’s Elements stand pre-eminently at the head of all human productions. In no science, in no department of knowledge, has anything ap- peared like this work: for upwards of 2,000 years it has com- manded the admiration of mankind, and that period has sug- gested little toward its improvement.” Indeed it is no cranky enthusiasm, but absolute conviction that prompts the mathe- matician to say that geometry is ultimately fundamental for the progress of science and thea dvancement of humanity. It is continually bringing to pass those epoch-making events in the history of science whereby what one day seems to be the purest science becomes the next a vitally important piece of applied science. Such events enable us to realize that pure science and utilitarian science are not differentiable, butat bottom and in essence one and the same thing. “I often find the conviction forced upon me,” said the brilliant English igoy~\ Henderson — Foundations of Geometry. 3 geometer H. J. S. Smith, “that the increase of mathematical knowledge is a necessary condition for the advancement of science, and, if so, a no less necessary condition for the improvement of mankind. I could not augur well for the enduring intellectual strength of any nation of men, whose education was not based on a solid foundation of mathemat- ical learning, and whose scientific conceptions, or, in other words, whose notions of the world and of the things in it, were not bound and girt together with a strong framework of mathematical reasoning.” In that charming book, cast in the dialogue form and enti- tled Euclid and his Modern Rirjals , by the Rev. Charles L. Dodgson, the brilliant “Lewis Carroll” of Alice in Wonderland fame, Euclid confesses with reluctance that some secret flaw lies at the root of the subject of parallel lines. Probabilities, not certainties, are all that he has in vindication of his belief. Here we lay our fingers on the rift in the lute; in this con- fession, we catch a glimpse of that ignis fatuus that mathe- maticians have pursued in vain for well-nigh two thousand years. Professor G. B. Halsted cites Sohncke* as saying that in mathematics there is nothing over which so much has been spoken, written, and striven, as over the theory of parallels, and all, so far (up to his time), without reaching a definite result and decision. It is impossible, says the great Poincare, to imagine the vast effort wasted in this chimeric hope, this evanescent dream. Indeed, it was not until the nineteenth century that the truth began to dawn upon the minds of men; and almost simultaneously from the distant frontiers of Europe, at Kazan on the Volga and at Maros-Vasarhely in far Erdely, there came the startling generalizations that have ten- ded to revolutionize our conceptions of geometry, and thrown doubts upon the very nature of the space in which we live.f * Encyclopcedie der Wissenchaften und Kunste; Von Ersch und Gruber, Leipzig, 1838, under “Parallel.” tOompare The Value of Non-Euclidian Geometry, by G. B. Halsted; Pop. Sci. Monthly, vol. 67, pp. 639-646. At the outset, I wish to acknow- 4 Journal of the Mitcheee Society. [May In order to make the matter clear to “the man in the » street,” it is necessary to speak, not so much as a mathema- tician as one who knows, let us say, no more of mathematics than is taught in the Freshman year in the college or university. We recall that Euclid uses three terms in laying the foundations for his geometry: Definitions (’o/aoi), Postulates ( airo^ara ), and Common Notions (icoivot em>nu). He defined his elements: point, line, etc.; he assumed that you can draw a straight line from one point to another; and he laid down as accepted such statements as “Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other,” etc. For Euclid’s Common Notions later geometers substituted the unfortunate term — unfortun- ate, as we shall subsequently see — Axioms. This word Axiom (Greek, aino/m) is used by Aristotle to mean “a truth so obvious as to be in no need of proof” — virtuall}T in the modern sense of a “self-evident truth.” Euclid used only five Postu- lates and thirteen Common Notions, none of which chal- lenged doubt save the celebrated “parallel-postulate.” Indeed, all were very simple except this fifth postulate,* which excited suspicion, not only on account of its cumbrous form, but be- cause it is used only once — to prove the inverse of a proposition already demonstrated — the seventeenth. “It requires,” says Staeckel, “a certain amoutit of courage to declare such a requirement, alongside the other simple axioms and postu- lates.” The Swiss mathematician, J. H. Lambert, f averred that Proklos, Euclid’s first commentator (410-485 A. D. ) argued that the parallel-postulate was demonstrable, because it was the inverse of the seventeenth proposition. Euclid’s twenty-seventh proposition: that straight lines ledge my general indebtedness to the writings of Professor Halstsd, to which I occasionally refer. *Also given in various editions of Euclid as a Common Notion — elev- enth, twelfth, or thirteenth. tLambert’s Theory of the Parallel Linen was not published until 1786 twenty years after it was written and nine years after his death, by Bern- ouilli and Hindenberg in the Magazin fur die reine und angewandte Matlie - matilc. igoy\ Henderson — Foundations oe Geometry. 5 making with a transversal equal alternate angles are parallel, is easily demonstrated. But in order to prove its inverse: that parallels cut by a transversal make equal alternate angles, he is forced to resort to the following pos- tulate axiomatically stated (Williamson’s translation, Ox- ford, 1781): 11. And if a straight line meeting two straight lines makes those angles which are inward and upon the. same side of it less than two right angles, the two straight lines being produced indefinitely will meet each other on that side upon which the angles are less than two right angles ( Fig . i. Angle A + Angle B less than i8o° ). The points to be observed in connection with this postulate are two in number. First, “no one had a doubt of the external reality and exact applicability of the postulate. The Euclid- ian geometry was supposed to be the only possible form of space-science, that is, the space analyzed in Euclid’s axioms and postulates was supposed to be the only non-contradictory sort of space.” Second, the postulate was neither so axiom- atic nor so simple as the proposition it was used to prove; and hence the world of mathematicians concluded, with Proklos, that this postulate could be deduced as a theorem from the other assumptions and the twenty-eight preceding theorems. And so, for hundreds and hundreds of years, the 6 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [May mathematical world exhausted itself in the effort to prove Euclid’s celebrated parallel-postulate. Ptolemy, the great astronomer, wrote a treatise purporting to prove it; and Nasir Eddin (1201-1274), whose work on Euclid in Arabic was printed at Rome in 1594, sought to dispense with the problem of parallelism, by taking his stand upon another pos- tulate: that two straight lines which cut a third straight line, the one at right angles, the other at some other angle, will converge on the side where the angle is acute, and diverge where it is obtuse. Other mathematicians, notably John .Wallis whom I claim as an ancestor, sought to turn the flank of the difficulty by identifying the problem of parallels with the problem of similitude. In general, we may say that the problem was attacked from three sides. First, there were those who sought to substitute a new definition of parallels for Euclid’s, which reads (I, Def. 35): “ Parallel straight lines are such as are in the same plane, and which being produced ever so far both ways do not meet” To cite a few classic definitions, Wolf, Boscovich, and T. Simpson use the following: “Straight lines are parallel which preserve the same distance from each other.” But this is begging the question, asHalsted has remarked, since it assumes a definition, viz.: “Two straight lines are parallel when there are two points of the one on the same side of the other from which the perpendiculars to it are equal;” and at the same time assumes a theorem: “All perpendiculars from one of these lines to the other are equal.” Those geometers who assume that parallel lines have the same direction are guilty of a petitio principii, in assuming (Varignon and Bezout) the definition that “parallel lines are those that make equal angles with a third line,” and also in assuming the theorem that “Straight lines that make equal angles with one transversal make equal angles with all transversals.” The second method of attack, far more logical, was to pro- ipo?] Henderson — Foundations of Geometry. 7 pose a substitute for the parallel-postulate, such as “Two straight lines which intersect cannot both be parallel to the same straight line” (Ludlam), and “Any three points are col- linear or concyclic” (Bolyai). And the celebrated Hilbert, in his Vorlesung ueber Enklidische Geometric , (winter semester, 1898-9) cites the following theorems: 1. The sum of the angles of a triangle is always equal to two right angles. 2. If two parallels are cut by a third straight line, then the opposite (corresponding) angles are equal. 3. Two straight lines, which are parallel to a third, are parallel to each other. 4. Through every point within an angle less than a straight angle, one can always draw straight lines which cut both sides (not perhaps their prolonga- tions). 5. All points of a straight line have from a parallel the same distance. His comment is, “Finally we remark, that it seems as if each of these five theorems could serve precisely as the equiv- alent of the Parallel Axiom .” The third class of investigators consisted of those geom- eters who foundered upon the rock of the attempt to deduce Euclid’s parallel-postulate from reasonings about the nature of the straight line and the plane angle, helped out by Enclid’s other assumptions and his first twenty-eight theo- rems. Euclid took pains to prove things which were more axiomatic by far — for instance, that the sum of two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side — a thing which any ass knows. To give one illustration of the many so-called proofs, take the most plausible one, exposed by Charles L. Dodgson, in his Cunosa Mathematical Part I. pp. 70-71, 3rd edition, 1890: “Yet another process has been invented —quite fascinating in its brevity and its elegance— which, though involving the 8 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [ May same fallacy as the Direction-Theory, proves Euc. I, 32. without even mentioning- the dangerous word ‘Direction’. “We are told to take any triangle ABC; to produce CA to D; to make part of CD, viz., AD, revolve, about A, into the position ABE; then to make part of this line, viz., BE, revolve, about B, into the position BCF; and lastly to make part of this line, viz., CF, revolve, about C, till it lies along CD, of which it originally formed a part. We are then assured that it must have revolved through four right angles: from which it easily follows that the interior angles of the triangle are together equal to two right angles. “The disproof of this fallacy is almost as brief and elegant as the fallacy itself. We first quote the general principle that we can not reasonably be told to make a line fulfil two conditions, either of which is enough by itself to fix its pos- ition: e. g., given three points X, Y, Z, we can not reason- ably be told to draw a line from X which shall pass through Y and Z; we can make it pass through Y, but it must then take its chance of passing through Z; and vice versa. igo 7] Henderson — Foundations of Geometry. 9 “Now let us suppose that, while one part of AE, viz., BE, revolves into the position BF, another little bit of it, viz., AG, revolves, through an equal angle, into the position AH; and that, while CF revolves into the position of lying along CD, AH revolves — and here comes the fallacy. “You must not say ‘revolves through an equal angle, into the position of lying along AD,’ for this would be to make AH fulfil two conditions at once . “If you say that the one condition involves the other, you are virtually asserting that the lines CF, AH are equally inclined to CD — and this in consequence of AH having been so drawn that these same lines are equally inclined to AE. “That is, you are asserting, ‘A pair of lines which are equally inclined to a certain transversal, are so to any trans- versal.’ [Deducible from Euc. I, 27, 28, 29].” Thousands of mathematicians have tried in vain to prove something that only a genius could see was indemonstrable. The history of the evolution and exfoliation of that fertile idea is of very great interest to the mathematician of today, especially in view of the fact that beyond contradiction the most original researches of the last quarter of the nineteenth century pertain to the non-Euclidian geometry. The most notable attempt to demonstrate Euclid’s parallel- postulate that has been preserved to the world is embodied in a book entitled Euclid Vindicated from every Blemish, by a Jesuit priest named Hieronymus Saccheri (1667-1773).* He was in close association with the great Italian geometer Giovanni Ceva (through his brother Tommaso), whose name a celebrated theorem bears; and by purely geometrical meth- ods in Euclidian style, he sought to apply the reductio ad absurdum method to the problem of the parallel-postulate. His method is essentially as follows: At the end-points of a sect AB erect two equal perpendiculars AC and BD on the *Euclides ab omni naevo vindicatus ; sive conatus geometricus quo stabili- untur prima ipm universae geometriae principia. Auctore Hieronymo Saccherio Societatis Jesu, Mediolani. 10 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [. May same side of AB. Join C and D by a straight line; and it easily follows that the angle ACD is equal to the angle BDC. Now there are three possibilities: (1) The angle ACD is acute; (2) the angle ACD is obtuse; (3) the angle ACD is a right angle. He undertook to prove the absurdity of the first two possibilities so as to leave only the third possibility, viz., that the two angles ACD and BDC are each right angles. He pursued the lines of argument, following from the first two assumptions, at some length — for his book was more than a hundred pages long; but was doubtless amazed to dis- cover that for quite a time he was unable to involve himself in any logical contradiction. In the event, certain of his con- clusions were erroneous, and led him to believe that he had actually proved the parallel-postulate. What he really did do was to identify the assumption of the right angle with the parallel-postulate, thus showing the two to be mutually inter- changeable postulates. In 1766, Johann Heinrich Lambert wrote his theory of par- allel lines, in which he starts from the notion of the sum of the angles of a triangle being equal to 180 degrees. If the sum is equal to 180 degrees, the triangle is a figure in a plane; if the sum is greater than 180 degrees, the triangle is on a sphere; if the sum is less than 180 degrees, the triangle is on the surface of an imaginary sphere (radius equal to the square root of minus one)— Lobatchevsky — Bolyai “imaginary geometry,” so called because its trigonometric formulas are those of the spherical triangle if its sides are imaginary. As to the third hypothesis, Lambert naively said: “There is something attractive about this which easily suggests the wish that the third hypothesis might be true.”* France contributed little to the solution of the problem; recognition, however, should be given to Legendre, who stud- ♦Compare The Philosophical Foundations of Mathematics, by Dr. Paul Carus; The Monist, vol. 13, pp. 273-294; 370 397; 493-522, to which I am indebted. I once had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Carus lecture on this subject before the Mathematical Club of the University of Chicago. Henderson — Foundations of Geometry. 11 ied the problem -all his life. By the aid of the principle of continuity, the so-called Theorem of Archimedes, he did prove two well known theorems: 1. In a triang-le, the sum of the three angles can never be greater than two right angles. 2. If the sum of the three angles is equal to tvro right angles in one triangle, it is equal to two right angles in every triangle. But Euclid’s geometry can be built up without the contin- uity assumption; and only a short time ago, there was proved by Dehn, something that might have been inferred, viz., that Legendre’s first theorem does not hold, i. e. not without the continuity assumption.* In addition to Legendre, there was one other Frenchman, Joseph Lagrange, France’s greatest mathematician in his day, who attempted to prove Euclid’s parallel-postulate. Toward the end of his life, so the story runs, Lagrange com- posed a discourse on parallel lines. He began to read it in the Academy, but suddenly stopped, and, in confusion, stam- mered: “II faut que j’y songe encore” — “I’ll have to think about it a while longer.” He stuck his manuscript in his pocket, sat down, and never recurred to the subject. The first distinct epoch in the history of the non-Euclidian geometry begins with the time of the great German mathe- matician, Karl Friedrich Gauss. He is in no sense entitled to credit as a discoverer in this line, although for many years he occupied himself with the problem. The researches he claims to have made on the subject have not come down to us; but he was closely associated, according to abundant testi- mony, with Schweikart and Bolyai, two of the three indepen- dent discoverers of the non-Euclidian geometry. The publi- cation in 1900 of the eighth volume of Gauss’ Collected Works shows, from a letter to Bolyai, the elder, a Hungarian mathe- ♦CJompare The Foundations of Geometry, by David Hilbert; Translation by E. J. Townsend, Open Court Publishing Oo., Chicago. 12 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [May matician, that in 1779 Gauss was still hopelessly attempting to prove that Euclid’s was the only non-self-contradictory system of geometry, and also the system of our space. Bol- yai, the elder, submitted to Gauss, in 1804, a pseudo-proof of the parallel-postulate, but Gauss immediately detected the fallacy. When Bolyai, the elder, submitted a second pseudo- proof to Gauss, in 1808, he never replied. Bolyai’s words, accompanying one of these pseudo-proofs, are pathetic in their earnestness and yearning: “Oft have I thought, gladly would I, as Jacob for Rachel, serve in order to know the par- allels founded even if by another. Now just as I thought it out on Christmas night, while the Christians were celebrating the birth of the Saviour in the neighboring church, I wrote it down yesterday, and I send it to you enclosed herewith.” On November 23, 1823, Bolyai the son, called Janos, wrote a letter to his father, professor of mathematics at Maros- Vasarhely, in which he announces his discovery of the non- Euclidian geometry — a letter full of youthful fire and enthus- iasm, from which I quote: “I intend to write, as soon as I have put it into order, and when possible to publish, a work on parallels. At this moment it is not yet finished, but the way which I have hit upon promises me with certainty the attainment of the goal, if it in general is attainable. It is not yet attained, butl have discovered such magnificent things that I myself am astounded at them. “It would be damage eternal if they were lost. When you see them, father, you yourself will acknowledge it. Now I cannot say more of them, only so much: that from nothing I have created another wholly new world. All that I have hitherto sent you compares to this only as a house of cards to a castle.”* His results were printed as an Appendix to his father’s work, entitled Tentamen Juventutem Studiosam in Elementa Matheseos Purae , Elementaris ac Sublimioris , Methodo In - tuitiva , Evidentia — que huic Propria Introducendi. The two dozen pages contributed by the younger Bolyai have been some- *The Science Absolute of Space, by John Bolyai, translated by G. B. Halsted; Introduction, pp. XXVII, XXVIII. Henderson — Foundations of Geometry. 13 what exaggeratedly characterized as the most remarkable two dozen pages in the history of thought. When this work at last reached Gauss, he wrote to his pupil and friend, Gerling: “I hold this young geometer von Bolyai to be a genius of the first magnitude.” Bolyai called his work, The Science Abso- lute of Space, independent of the truth or falsity of Euclid's Axiom XI ( which can never be decided a priori). And later, we read on the title page of the elder Bolyai’s Kurzer Grund- riss: “the question, whether two straight lines , cut by a third, if the sum of the interior angles does not equal two right angles, intersect or not? no one on the earth can answer with- out assuming an axiom (as Euclid the eleventh).” The work of Bolyai, the younger, which makes all preceding space only a special case, only a species under a genus, and requiring a descriptive adjective Euclidian, was rescued from oblivion, after thirty years, by Professor Richard Baltzer, of Dresden; and J. Hoiiel, of Bordeaux, following in the steps of Baltzer, inserted extracts from Bolyai’s book in his Essai Critique sur les principes fondamentaux de la Geometrie elementaire. Indeed, this scientist mastered the principal European lan- guages in order to make known to his contemporaries the most celebrated mathematical works. There is another name which deserves to become conspic- uous in the history of non-Euclidian geometry; but not until 1900 were the facts in connection with his independent dis- covery accurately known. In a letter to the elder Bolyai, written October 31, 1851, Gerling, a scholar of Gauss and Professor of Astronomy at Marburg, wrote as follows: “We had here about this time (1819) a law professor Schweikart, who had attained to similar ideas, since without help of the Euclidian axiom he developed in its beginnings a geom- etry which he called Astralgeometry. What he communi- cated to me thereon I sent to Gauss, who then informed me how much farther already had been attained on this way, and later also expressed himself about the acquisition, which is offered to the few expert judges in the Appendix to your 14 Journal of the Mitchell Society. book.” On the publication of volume 8 of Gauss’s Collected Works , in 1900, light is at last thrown upon Schweikart’s discovery. Here we find Gerling’s actual letter to Gauss, written in 1819, in which he says, among other things: “Apropos of the parallel-theory, I learned last year that my colleague Schweikart had written on paral- lels He said that he was now about convinced that without some datum the Euclidian postulate could not be proved, also that it was not improbable to him that our geom- etry is only a chapter of a more general geometry.”* En- closed in this letter was a paper by Schweikart, dated Mar- burg, December, 1818. From this we learn: “There is a two-fold geometry — a geometry in the nar- rower sense— the Euclidian, and an astral- science of magnitude. “The triangles of the latter have the peculiarity, that the sum of the three angles (of a triangle) is not equal to two right angles. ‘ This presumed, it can be most rigorously proven: (a) That the sum of the three angles in the tri- angle is less than two right' angles; (b) That this sum becomes ever smaller, the more content the angle encloses; (c) That the altitude of an isoscles right angled triangle indeed ever increases, the more one length- ens the side; that it, however, cannot surpass a cer- tain line, which I call the constant .” It can be easily proved that if this constant is infinitely great, then, and then only, is the sum of the three angles of ; every triangle equal to two right angles. That the doctrine made converts in high places is evidenced ; by Bessel’s letter to Gauss, Feb. 10, 1829: “Through that which Lambert said, and what Schweikart disclosed orally, it *Gauss and the non-Euclidian Geometry ; 'by G. B. Halsted; Science, N. S. Vol. XII, No. 309, pp. 842-846, Nov. 80, 1900. /0O7] Henderson — Foundations of Geometry. 15 has become clear to me that our geometry is incomplete, and should receive a correction, which is hypothetical, and if the sum of the three angles is equal to one hundred and eighty degrees, vanishes. “That were the true geometry, the Euclidian, th q practical, at least for figures on the earth.”* The third name most closely associated in the popular mind with the discovery of the non-Euclidian Geometry is that of Nicolai Ivanovich Lobatchevsky. This brilliant genius, afterwards dubbed by Hoiiel the modern Euclid, was born in the year 1793 near Nijni Novgorod on the Volga. He stud- ied under the great Bartels, was graduated with distinction, became professor of mathematics, and finally rector, of the University of Kazan. The manuscripts of certain of his works were lost, but fortunately there remains the world- famous Geometrical Researches on the Theory of Parallels .f While both Gauss and Lobatchevsky' were students of Bar- tels, there is even less reason to believe that Gauss contrib- uted to Lobatchevsky’s, than that he assisted in Bolyai’s, dis- covery of the non-Euclidian geometry. In his New Elements of Geometry , we find Lobatchevsky’s clear enunciation: “The futility of the efforts which have been made since Euclid’s time during the lapse of two thousand years awoke in me the sus- picion that the ideas employed might not contain the truth sought to be demonstrated. When finally I had convinced myself of the correctness of my supposition I wrote a paper on it (assuming the infinity of the straight line) . “It is easy to show that the straight lines making equal angles with a third never meet. “Euclid assumed inversely, that two straight lines unequally in- clined to a third always meet. “To demonstrate this latter assumption, recourse has been had to many different procedures. £ *The Philosophical Foundations of Mathematics, by Paul Carus; The Monist, vol. 13. p. 280. tCompare the English translation by G. B. Halsted, published by the University of Texas, Austin, 1891. 16 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [May “All these demonstrations, some ingenious, are without exception false, defective in their foundations and without the necessary rigor of deduction.” Lobatchevsky classifies all the co-planar lines through a given point A with reference to another co-planar line BC not passing through A, under two heads — cutting and non- cutting (Fig. 3). The transition from the non-cutting lines, FIG 3. such as EA and GA, to the cutting lines, such as FA, is marked by one line HA — the boundary line between the two classes; this he entitles the parallel line . From the assumpt- ions, there arises the necessity of making a distinction of sides in parallelism, and hence there must be two parallels, so-called, one on each side. One logical consequence of this is that “if in any rectilineal triangle the sum of the three angles is equal to two right angles, this is also the case for every triangle” — one instance is the criterion for all. of] Henderson — Foundations of Geometry. 17 As Poincare, perhaps the world’s greatest living- mathema- tician, recently said, in his review of Hilbert’s Grundlagen der Geometrie\ “Lobachevski succeeded in building a logical edifice as coherent as the geometry of Euclid, but in which the famous postulate is assumed false, and in which the sum of the angles of a triangle is always less than two right angles. Riemann devised another logical system, equally free from contradiction, in which the sum is, on the other hand, always greater than two right angles. These two geometries, that of Lo- bachevski and that of Riemann, are what are called the non- Euclidian Geometries. The postulate of Euclid then cannot be demonstrated; and this impos- sibility is as absolutely certain as any mathematical truth whatsoever.”* Limits of space forbid more extended treatment of the work of Schweikart, of Bolyai, and of Lobatchevsky. By no means secondary in interest to the investigations of these men are the researches of Riemann upon the Elliptic Geom- etry; Cayley’s projective theory of measurement, and the Absolute, leading through Klein to the non-Euclidian geom- etry; the hypotheses advanced by Clifford to explain the nature of the space in which we live; the popular expositions of Helmholtz; and Lie’s great group-theoretic structure built upon the hypothesis of Zahlenmannifaltigkeit. Nor can I enter, at this place, into any discussion of the recent move- ment toward the treatment of geometry as a whole from the purely synthetic standpoint, inaugurated by Pasch, carried on by Peano, Pieri, and Veronese, and crowned by the mas- terly work of Hilbert. These modern investigators in what has been fittingly termed abstract mathematics have exhibited the potency of symbolism in removing from attention the •Compare The Value of Non-Euclidian Geometry , by G. B. Halsted; Pop. Sci. Monthly, vol. 67, pp. 642-3. 18 Journal of the Mitchell Society. \_May concrete connotations of the ordinary terms of general and mathematical language. And yet, as Professor E. H. Moore has pertinently suggested, “the question arises whether the abstract mathematicians in making precise the metes and bounds of logic and the special deductive sciences are not losing sight of the evolutionary character of all life-processes, whether in the individual or in the race. Certainly the log- icians do not consider their science as something now fixed. All science, logic and mathematics included, is a function of the epoch — all science, in its ideals as well as in its achieve- ments One has then the feeling that the carrying out in an absolute sense of the program of the abstract math- ematicians will be found impossible. At the same time, one recognizes the importance attaching to the effort to do pre- cisely this thing. The requirement of rigor tends toward essential simplicity of procedure, as Hilbert has insisted in his Paris address, and the remark applies to this question of mathematical logic and its abstract expression.”* Perhaps a not unnatural confusion may arise in the mind of the layman in regard to the ultimate meaning, the far- reaching significance of these discoveries. As Artemus Ward used to say, “Why this thusness?” Indeed so revolu- tionary have many of the new theories and discoveries ap- peared that their authors, in more than one instance, have hesitated long before giving them to the world. The pio- neers in science sometimes dread, not inadvisedly, the pos- sibility that their startling and epoch-making hypotheses and investigations may lead them to be dubbed sensationalists and fakirs. Compare, for example, the letter Gauss wrote to Bessel, Jan. 27, 1829: “I have also in my leisure hours frequently reflected upon another problem, now of nearly forty years standing. I refer to the founda- tions of geometry. I do not know whether I have ever mentioned to you my views on this matter. My meditations have also taken *0n the Foundations of Mathematics , by E. H. Moore. Presidential ad- dress, Am. Math. Soc. , Dec. 29, 1902. Science, March 13, 1903, pp.401-416. ipoy] Henderson — Foundations of Geometry. 19 more definite shape, and my conviction that we cannot thoroughly demonstrate geometry a priori is, if possible, more strongly con- firmed than ever. But it will take a long time for me to bring my- self to the point of working out and making public my very exten- sive investigations on this subject, and possibly this will not be done during my life, inasmuch as I stand in dread of the clamor of the Boeotians, which would be certain to arise if I should ever give free expression to my views.” As that wayward Irishman, Bernard Shaw, has said, the prime and indispensible quality of the pioneer must be his willingness to make a fool of himself — at first! And it mat- ters not in what sphere, whether art, literature or science, the great thing, as Henrik Ibsen says, is not to allow one’s self to be frightened by the venerableness of the institution. Now that the truth in regard to many of the mooted ques- tions which pertain to the foundations of geometry has at last been daringly disclosed, the first question that naturally arises is : Has Euclid’s fame suffered by the discovery ? One might be led to think so if dependence were to be placed in Clifford’s characterization of Lobatchevsky’s celebrated mon- ograph as “Euclid without the vicious assumption.” Such a remark is not only misleading: it displays a fundamental mis- apprehension in regard to the Euclidian and non-Euclidian geometries. The real truth of the matter is that Euclid’s genius today shines forth more resplendently than ever ; the almost flawless perfection of his work is only thrown into clearer perspective and higher relief. From the purely philo- sophical, the metaphysical point of view, the discovery of the non-Euclidian geometry is of vast interest ; for it gives rise to endless speculations in regard to the character of space — even of inter-stellar space. Are the three angles of a trian- gle equal to two right angles if the sides of the triangle are the distances from the earth to the remotest fixed star ? In the realization that Euclidian geometry is only a chapter in a more general geometry, fitly entitled Pan-Geometry, and the consequent almost infinite extension of the domain of research consists the great value of the discovery to the mathemati- 20 Journal of the Mitchell Society. \_May cian. Most interesting- comparisons between the different types of geometry flow from a study of certain surfaces. Since the sum of the three angles of a spherical triangle is greater than two right angles, it is evident that the charac- teristic geometry of the sphere is Riemannean ; it has been known, since Eobatchevsky and Bolyai, that the characteris- tic geometry of the orisphere is Euclidian; since Beltrami, that of the Euclidian pseudo-sphere is Lobatchevskian.* Such generalizations as Barbarin’s Theorem, for example, link to- gether the various types of geometry in a most succinct and illuminative fashion, exhibiting with great clarity their fun- damental distinctions and similarities. Text books in non- Euclidian geometry are now being written ; Professor Hal- sted entitles a popular article Ihe Non-Euclidian Geometry Inevitable. The first step toward the popularization of non- Euclid ian geometry is the clear enunciation, at the proper place in our ordinary text-books of geometry, of the principle on which the Euclidian geometry rests : that from the stand- point of pure logic the parallel-postulate is a mere choice be- tween alternatives. “In all the books put into the hands of students,” as M. Barbarin has said, “the hypothetical and wholly factitious character of the Euclidian postulate (should) be put well into relief.”! The second great gain from the discovery of the non-Euclid- ian geometry is the possibility of the formulation of the prin- ciples of the general geometry. It is most instructive and stimulating to the mathematical student to see the theories of Euclidian geometry emerge as special cases of the more gen- eral and comprehensive theories of Pan-Geometry. The *If we consider the tubes or surfaces equidistant from a straight line, and make that distance infinite, we have theorispheres; the pseudo- spheres are surfaces of revolution which have for meridians a tractrix or line of equal tangents. A pseudo-sphere finds its approximate counterpart in na- ture in a morning-glory whose stem is infinitely prolonged; for a figure, cf. Elements of Trigonometry, by Phillips and Strong, p. 126. t On the Utility of Studying Non-Euclidian Geometry , by P. Barbarin; Le Mathematiche, May, 1901. /p•* Vt' xxm Ms* P% HEM JUNE, 1907 NO. 2 r^‘v>' DHjijfw fii# " WMVb'igJ! gjlfiffi 1 B15fe JOURNAL OF THE Mitchell Scientific Society BgiCfe ?£& m jX&tr ■Hg® . - mm. ISSUED QUARTERLY wp. U. CHAPEL HILL, N. O., U. S. A. TO BE ENTERED AT THE POSTOFFICE AS SECOND CLASS MATTER Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. f' ‘ •*? : /‘'r. t v (H. V. WILSON, President. ARCHIBALD HENDERSON, Vice-President. yj , ■• :• : ' ■ ••• W .vtfV.-. ‘.i J4? M A; S, WHEELER, Rec. Sec. F. P. VENABLE, Perm. Sec. . --r 'r : V-’.'. r? ! ■;#*> &*iV^ V1- Editors of the Journal: , * W. C. OOKER, J. E. LATTA, ARCHIBALD HENDERSON. ■ ft | || 1 v;;:' .' • » ' {* 5- .:;\;. 'V:' "'/■•’ ^ v: L v -’.n {*;■• f V ’ ;» ." / • **>• * ’. > ’ V v ■*' ’ V-A’ ? '• " . ’/ "/>$ '•■■ fo v ' / •■• :v?' v‘ ? .'" \ ./*: , »%•£*'*?> ! ft VL a/JjK • • * « ■■ * 7: Ov •: . V',.. * • • .*'’;*?£ V •/ c fji%/ f; * ■'• • jffiy S!|fc ft ^ CONTENTS. Proceedings of the North Carolina Academy of Science, Sixth ’ Annual Meeting , 43 ■ ’V ;\ <;rV‘ -• tv :- ; ;• /( ; The Garden, Field, and, Forest of the Nation— Collier Cobb 52 Some Interesting Grasshoppers (and Relatives) of North Car- olina— Franklin Sker m an , Jr ....... . .... * ............. , 71 Notes on Some Turtles of the Genus Pseudemys— C. S. Brimley 70 Three Little Known Species of North Carolina Fungi— J. G. Ball 85 ’ -fjds Mg >? \ rafiis J.f&i W ^Wv-^vlm- } . > -v - ;■ ( W */ Vth iy, ^ i O’ 1 Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society — Quarterly. Price, $2 00 per year; single numbers 50 cents. Most numbers of former vol- umes can be supplied. Direct all correspondence to the Editors, at University.of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. ' I ;• JOURNAL OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE NORTH CAROLINA ACAD- EMY OF SCIENCE, SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING, The executive committee met Frida3’, May 17th at 1 p. m., the following- members being present: Collier Cobb, W. C. Coker, John F. Lanneau, and F. L. Stevens. The following names were proposed for membership to the Academy and were elected to membership by the executive committee: Dr. C. H. Herty, Chapel Hill; Dr. J. H. Pratt, Chapel Hill; Dr. A. S. Wheeler, Chapel Hill; Dr. J. E. Mills, ! Chapel Hill; Dr. R. O. E. Davis, Chapel Hill; N. C. Curtis, ■ Chapel Hill; J. G. Hall, West Raleigh; H. W. Smith; W. A. Withers, West Raleigh; Dr. G. A. Roberts, West Raleigh; F. P. Drane, Chapel Hill; R. T. Allen, U. S. Geological Survey; | J. E. Pogue, Jr., Chapel Hill; Miss Daisy B. Allen, Raleigh; I Louis W. Gaines, Wake Forest ; W. N. Hutt, Raleigh ; J. J. Wolfe, Durham; M. H. Stacy, Chapel Hill; Clifton D. ! Howe, Biltmore; C. W. MacNider, Raleigh: Will L. Brewer, Greensboro. At 3 p. m. Friday, the 17th, the Academy was called to JUNE, 1907 VOL. XXIII NO. 2 HELD AT CHAPEL HILL, MAY 17th AND 18th, 1907. NEW V ootanj OAkDl Printed June 17. 44 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [ June order by its President, Professor Collier Cobb, and an address of welcome was extended to the Academy by President Fran- cis P. Venable, of the University of North Carolina. A response to the address was made by the retiring- President, John F. Lanneau, of the Academy of Science. The remainder of the afternoon session was devoted to the pre- sentation of papers. At 9 p. m. the Academy met in Gerrard Hall, and the presidential address, “The Garden, Field, and Forest of the Nation,” was delivered by President Cobb. Following- this address a reception was extended the visiting- members in the Y. M. C. A. building. Saturday, May 18, at 9 a. m., the Academy convened for a business meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, and the names of the new members, as elected by the executive committee, were read and formal vote of election to membership was made. The nominating committee, previously appointed, presented for election the following names: President, T. Gilbert Pearson; Vice-President, W. C. Coker; Secretary, F. L. Ste- vens; members of the executive committee, Franklin Sher- man, Jr., J. J. Wolfe, and John F. Lanneau. It was moved by F. L. Stevens that the name of E. W. Gudger be substi- tuted for that of F. L. Stevens for Secretary. The amend- ment was carried. These nominees were then elected to office for the ensuing year. The report of the Treasurer, showing a balance of $122.53, was received. Raymond Binford and Franklin Sherman, Jr., were appointed as auditors. It was moved and carried that the executive committee be requested to hold the meeting next year two weeks earlier than that of this year. Following the business meeting was held a meeting for the presentation of papers. The following papers were presented: 1. The Sparsity of the Stars, the Measureless Remoteness of ipoy] Proceedings N. C. Academy of Science. 45 each Star from All Others, John F. Lanneau, Wake Forest College. The paper will appear in full in Popular Astronomy. 2. The Foundations of Geometry, Archibald Henderson, of the University of North Carolina, published in The Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Society, May, 1907. 3. Some New Sources of Eight, C. W. Edwards, Trinity College. Read by title. 4. Some Interesting Grasshoppers (and Their Relatives) of North Carolina, Franklin Sherman, Jr., State Ento- mologist. 5. Osteogenesis Imperfecta (with a report of a case), Lewis M. Gaines, of Wake Forest College. Read by title. 6. Notes on the Cultivation of Algae for Class Use, F. L, Stevens, of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Suggestions were given for the isolation and cultivation of algae upon solid medium, consisting of 75 per cent, ager made up with Knopf’s solution. This medium solidifying at lower than 34 degrees, can be safely used in plating out algae. Cultures of several forms were exhibited. 7. Fusion of Sponge Larvae with formation of composite sponges, H. V. Wilson, of the University of North Carolina. The ciliated larvae of silicious sponges (Stylotella) may be made to fuse, thus giving rise to composite sponges. To accomplish this result it is only necessary to bring the larvae in close contact at the time when the ciliary action is no lon- ger locomotary and fixation is about to occur. The compos- ite masses representing (in the actual experiments) from two* to six larvae complete the metamorphosis. Journal op the Mitchell Society. 46 \_June 8. Wind-polished pebbles, and Palaeolithic Man, Collier Cobb, of the University of North Carolina. The close similarity between pebbles faceted and polished by the sand-blast and the implements of early man was indi- cated, and the errors which might result from superficial observation were pointed out. 9. Notes on the Zoology of Lake Ellis, C. S. Brimley, Raleigh, N. C. The paper discusses the occurrence of various insects and reptiles taken by the writer and others in the vicinity of Lake Ellis, Craven County, N. C., during June, 1905, and May, 1906. The rare salamander, Stereochilus marginatus, which had not been taken for many years, was found to be common, and several specimens of the frog, Rana virgatipes, were taken. Nine alligators were secured on the two trips by the author’s companion, and several rare snakes. Five species of dragon fly, new to North Carolina, were secured, and (in June, 1905,) numerous specimens of the yellow fly (Diach- lorus ferrugatus). Notes on other members of the Tabani- dae are also given. 10. Single Phase Railway Work, J. E. Latta, of the Uni- versity of North Carolina. 11. The Relation of the Cattle-tick to Southern Agriculture, Dr. Tait Butler, State Veterinarian, Raleigh, N. C. 12. The Design of High Masonry Dams, William Cain, of the University of North Carolina. The method of finding the resultant of the water pressure and the weight of masonry pertaining to any horizontal joint of a dam is given; also the decomposition of the vertical com- ponent of this resultant along the joint according to the usual hypothesis. The hypothesis of the conservation of plane sections, in the case of a battered wall, is then criti- cised and the resulting vertical unit pressure at a face of the igoy ] Proceedings N. C. Academy oe Science. 47 wall, shown to be too high and therefore on theside of safety. But since the pressure near a face, acts necessarily parallel to that face, the vertical unit pressure just computed, is not the whole pressure. The difficulty of computing exactly this whole pressure is next entered into and an upper limit found by an approximate method which again gives an excess pressure. Rankine’s suggestion, to use the ordinary formula for ver- tical unit pressure, but specify higher limiting unit pressures for the up-stream face than for the down stream face is adopted provisionally. The claim is made that, in addition to the three universally imposed conditions, no tension, safe unit pressures and no possible sliding at any horizontal joint — a fourth condition must be imposed, viz., that the factors of safety against overturning and sliding shall increase gradually from the base upwards to allow for the proportionately greater influ- ence, on the upper joints of wind and wave action, floating ice or other bodies, and especially of the great forces caused by the expansion of thick ice under an increase of tempera- ture and by earthquakes. It was found that this could easily be done by taking the well-known theoretical triangular type of cross-section of dam and making some additions at the top sufficient for a roadway. A preliminary design is given for a dam 258 feet high, with factors of safety and unit pressures marked on the draw- ing, satisfying all four conditions. The area of cross-sec- tion and height being the same as for the celebrated Quaker bridge design, a comparison was instituted, unfavorable to the latter, in that its factors of safety are too small, par- ticularly in the upper portions, where by the proposed fourth condition they should be largest. This criticism owes its significance to the fact that the new Croton Dam of New York, 224 feet high to water surface and finished February 1st, 1906, at a cost of over $7,500,000, has 48 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [ June a profile for 224 feet in depth, exactly the same as the Qua- ker bridge design for the same depth. Engineering News for June 30, 1888, January 12, 1893, and May 9, 1907, is referred to for the destructive action of ice on ponds, lakes, and rivers, due to the expansion from an increase of temperature during the day. At night, contrac- tion causes cracks to form, often several inches wide, which are filled up with new ice and thus the effect, from day to day is cumulative and very destructive as far north as Can- ada and in the Northern States. As yet, the action of ice on high dams has not received much attention. For earthquake action on houses, Milne is referred to; also a personal experience of the author in Charleston, S. C., is recited. It was pointed out, however, that dams being built into the sides of the valley at their ends, were not so free to move at their tops as houses. A brief description and analysis of the failure of the Habra dam concludes the paper. 13. Three Little Known Species of North Carolina Fungi, J. G. Hall, of the North Carolina Experiment Station. 14. A New Form of Achlya, W. C. Coker, of the University of North Carolina. During the fall of 1906 an Achlya was found at Chapel Hill, N. C., which agrees with Achlya racemosa, var. stel- ligera Cornu, in many respects, but different from it in having the autheridum cut off immediately below the oogonium, and the fertilizing tube arising from the division wall and enter- ing the oogonium from below, as in Saprolegnia hypogyna Pringsheim. Such an origin for the fertilizing tube is new for the genus Achlya, and is not known elsewhere except in Saprolegnia hypogyna. 15. Notes upon the Preparation of the Silicate Medium for the Cultivation of Bacteria, J. C. Temple, N. C. Agri- cultural Experiment Station. 7907] Proceedings N. C. Academy of Science. 49 Directions were given for the preparation of this medium obviating- the necessity of dializing, and making it possible to prepare this medium with greater certainty and greater accuracy. The use of the medium prepared in this way for fthe culture of various organisms was illustrated by colonies of various bacteria growing in a thriving condition upon the medium. 16. Breeding Colonies of Birds (Illustrated with Eggs and Stereopticon views), T. Gilbert Pearson, of Greens- boro. 17. The Efficiency of Soil Inoculation in the Production of Root Tubercles, F. U. Stevens, of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. Data was given concerning the inoculation of soils with liquid cultures obtained from the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. From many tests conducted in various ways there was no evidence whatever that inoculation with these cultures was efficient in the production of tubercles upon the legumes. The cultures employed were issued in liquid condition in hermetically sealed test tubes, and were obtained directly from the Bureau of Plant Industry, Wash- ington, D. C. 18. The Opportunities for Study and Research at the Beau- fort Eaboraty, H. V. Wilson, of the University of North Carolina. 19. Does Blood Tell? Heredity According to the Experi- ence of the Children’s Home Society, William B. Streeter, of Greensboro, N. C. 20. Geology of the Cape Fear River, Joseph E. Pogue, Jr., of the University of North Carolina. 21. The Relation of Sporangium of Uygodium to the Evo- lution of the Polypodiaceae, Raymond Binford, of Guilford College. 50 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [ June 22. The Condensation of Alipatic Aldehydes with Aromatic Amines, Alvin S. Wheeler, of the North Carolina Uni- versity. The following reaction takes place without any dehydrat- ing agent: RCHO+2RNH2=RCH (RNH)2+H20. In some cases at low temperatures the addition product is obtained. Condensation products of Chloral with the three nitranilines, p-bromaniline, o-toluidine, anthranilic acid, and o-anisidine were prepared. By-products, as yet unidentified, were obtained with o-toluidine and with anthranilic acid. The condensation products are readily broken down by Hydro- chloric acid and by acetic anhydride. When suspended or dissolved in the glacial acetic acid they react with extreme smoothness with bromine, forming beautifully crystalline compounds which are much more stable than the condensation products. 23. Chapel Hill Ferns, by W. C. Coker, of the University of North Carolina. A collection of the living ferns and fern allies native to Chapel Hill, N. C., was made and exhibited in pots. Twenty species were represented, including all the known Ptridophytes of the neighborhood, except Botrychium ternatum and its variety, dissectum, which had not yet appeared above ground. 24. Notes on Turtles of Genus Pseudemys, C. S. Brimley, of Raleigh, N. C. 25. Electricity in Heavy Traction (Illustrated by lantern slides), J. E. Uatta, of the University of North Caro- lina. 26. The Optical Rotation of Volatile Oil, C. H. Herty and G. A. Johnson, of the University of North Carolina. 27. Children’s Home Society Methods, William B. Streeter, of Greensboro. Proceedings N. C. Academy of Science. 51 28. Gametophytes of Botrychium Virginianum, Raymond Binford, of Guilford College. They were found in moist oak woods under the leaves. Some were almost on the surface of the soil while others were imbedded one to two inches in the soil. They seem to have gotten down by means of worm holes or cracks made by roots of trees. Sizes ranging from 2 m. m. to 10 m. m. were shown. Specimens of these plants were exhibited before the Academy. A motion of appreciation of the courtesies extended to the Academy by the members at Chapel Hill and ladies of Chapel Hill was unanimously carried. At 1:30 o’clock Saturday the Academy adjourned. F. L. Stevens, Secretary. THE GARDEN, FIELD, AND FOREST OF THE NATION. BY COLLIER COBB. (Address as President of the North Carolina Academy of Science. ) It has been the boast of more than one of our politicians that North Carolina could well be independent of the rest of the world, for we might enclose the State with a high wall and get along just as well, since we produce within our borders everything that we need. This boast was based on the fact that North Carolina puts something in every column of the blanks sent out by the Agricultural Department at Washington, that she produces a little of everything; but the inference drawn from this fact is far from being true. Not a single county in the State produces food-stuff sufficient to sustain its population. As our towns and cities have grown, the relative food production has diminished, and in most of our counties this diminution in the amount of food produced has been not only relative but absolute. For the last score of years the population of our towns and villages has increased as families have gone from the farms to the factories, often to live off the labor of the children, or from the rural districts to the city in order to give the chil- dren better schooling. The increase of our population from outside sources, too, has helped to swell the urban popula- tion. But farm lands are not increasing, the acres planted with food stuffs have steadily diminished in number, and under our old system of cultivation there has been a steady diminution in the value of the returns per acre. Even 52 [June igoy ] Garden, Field, and Forest of the Nation. 53 Orange County, which may be reckoned a rural district, does not begin to make food enough to maintain its inhabitants through the year, and the inhabitants of our adjoining county of Durham would starve in less than a fortnight if they had to depend on the food product of the county for support. When some of us in this hall came to college the village of Durham could claim no other distinction than that of being the railway station from which students drove to Chapel Hill. Today it is a city of more than 20,000 inhabitants, drawing its population from all parts of the world, and dependent upon distant fields for its support. And not one of our large cities, Wilmington, Charlotte, Asheville, Greensboro, or Raleigh, could depend on its own county, or even upon the surplus of a score of adjoining coun- ties, for its food. Notwithstanding the several years of unprecedented crops j that we have had, amounting almost to seven years of plenty, we are practically face to face with a famine. The wheat lands of our own Northwest have been practically exhausted of their lime, as an acre of wheat will use up ten pounds of lime in coming to maturity; and this loss, added to the damage done the soil by the poisons excreted by the roots of the wheat, has caused our farmers of the great plains to seek new fields in the Canadian West. Already the natural pas- turage of our semi-arid regions has been practically exhausted, and neither cattle-raising nor sheep-raising is profitable, where within two decades vast fortunes have been made in these industries. Those of you who paid your month’s butcher’s bills on the first of May were doubtless led by their unusual size to investigate causes, and learned that for the first time in the history of the Chicago and Kansas City packing houses they have not been able to fill their cold storage. The demand of the country for fresh meat has consumed the entire output of these houses during their busy season. And this state of things has c'ome about after three years of abundant crops, during which time the packing 54 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [June houses have paid their own prices for meat. Now let a drought come and there is absolutely no escape from a meat famine. But what are we going to do about it ? What is the solu- tion of the problem ? We are all familiar with the fact that in our older States of the South the annual product per acre has greatly decreased, owing to the rapid loss of soil fertility, and that even our moderate production is maintained only at increased cost; and also, that the comparatively new States like Texas, as well, show a rapid deterioration of land and loss of fertility. And it may be pointed out that our farmer is of all men most miserable; neglected and looked down upon; slave to the credit system; servant where he should be master; poor and becoming poorer; the prey of sharpers; the disconsolate follower of a calling which he has inherited with his deteriorating acres, clinging to the past, knowing no higher law than chance, planting, rearing, and gathering his crop under the leadership of luck, each succeeding year seeing his granary heaped fuller of disappointments, leaving him poor in purse and lean in hope. None of us can deny that this is a true picture of the average farmer of our State as we have known him from our youth up. The politician who has flattered him biennially that his calling, seen in its true perspective, is outranked by no other in power, scope, or service to mankind, has gone his way and made laws directly opposed to all the farmer’s interests. Still, what are we going to do about it ? How are we to escape famine if our present source of supply should be exhausted ? What is the solution of the problem ? Increase the output from the soil that we have by the application of science — “that sensible science of our day which has for its ultimate aim not merely discovery but application; which is not so delighted by the formulating of a new law as it is overjoyed at the lifting of a burden;” science, in which laboratory investigation goes hand in hand with field experi- mentation, the science of our present time, which is applied igoy] Garden, Field, and Forest of the Nation. 55 common sense, combining- laboratory practice with business- like methods. Such science our United States Department of Agriculture is engaged in and encouraging; so also the various State agricultural experiment stations and most of the agricultural colleges, corn breeders’ associations, truck growers’ associations, sugar producers, tobacco growers, private investigators like Luther Burbank, all laboring to lift the burden from the agriculturist, and make him indeed what the politician has been flattering him that he is. Greater progress has been made in all departments of life dependent upon the soil in the last score of years than in the I previous two score centuries. The most important of all this service of science to the ! farmer bas been the study of the soil, the fundamental factor in all the varied lines of life that branch out from agricul- ' ture. How to save it, how to nourish it, how to restore it to j life when dead, what it is composed of, how it is formed, j how to interpret it so that any man may understand it — these | have been, and still are among the great problems before us. I Their solution is being worked out and already that work has ; revolutionized agriculture within our own State and is slowly changing conditions for the better in the entire South. Tobacco is grown in eastern North Carolina today because a soil investigator found out that the marls just beneath the , soil there contained in available form the lime that the tobacco plants require for their growth, and of course all the other essential minerals are there. Hitherto tobaccos had been grown on limestone soils, or on soils derived from igneous and metamorphic rocks rich in lime-soda feldspars. In a similar manner it was discovered that the sands of the sand-hills regions of the Carolinas contain both lime and potash in available form, whei*eas similar sandy soils of Western Europe are practically devoid of these necessary plant foods, but this soil is particularly adapted to the growth of the vine, and in consequence an important grape j industry has grown up in our sand-hills district. 56 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [ June Similarly it was found out that certain incoherent white quartz sand in Florida was valuable pine-apple soil, notwith- standing it was over 99.5 pure quartz, because it possessed certain properties that the bacteriologist discovered. Investigation showed that the soil of the Connecticut. Valley, which produced only low grade tobaccos, sneered at as Connecticut cabbage leaf, was essentially the same as that which produced the Sumatra tobacco. But it was necessary to change the climatic conditions, and this was done by the use of cheese-cloth, increasing the humidity and raising the mean temperature ten degrees Fahr. Somewhat similar experiments have been tried in Darlington District, South Carolina, the result, so far as the production of Sumatra wrappers was concerned, being entirely satisfactory. And such investigations and experiments have been carried on all the way from Connecticut to Alabama and Texas with the result of greatly improving the product and greatly increas- ing the output, producing in the Southern States the cigar tobaccos of all lands. This matter of the investigation of soils is by no means new, though its methods and their application to agriculture are matters of little more than a decade. Such investigations were begun by Liebig at Giessen more than half a century ago. He and his assistants made countless analyses of the ashes of plants. These showed the presence of different minerals in every species, that each species requires from the ground the same class of salts, and hence that it must sooner or later exhaust the supply of these salts in a given plot, and render it unfit for the growth of the species in question unless fresh supplies are provided. “Liebig attempted to give the necessary supplies in the form of ‘Mineral Manure’, and soon set to work to study prac- tically the effect of mineral manures on a large scale. In the }7ear 1845, previous experiments in a garden having proved unsatisfactory, he purchased from the town of Giessen about ten acres of barren land — a sand pit, as he says, which igof\ Garden, Field, and Forest of the Nation. 57 surpassed all the land in the neighborhood in its barrenness for ordinary cultivated crops; in the year this land hardly grew so much fodder as would have sufficed for a single sheep. It consisted partly of sand, partly of coarse quartz and pebbles, with strata of sand and some loam. “Some of the soil was first tested by sowing it with seeds in pots after enrichment with some single mineral manure, with the result that not one of the plants got beyond flower- ering; this showed that the soil was bad enough for his purpose of testing the value of minerals as manure. “A number of mineral manures were then prepared for him according to prescriptions based on his analyses, and these were spread over the land; next he sowed on different sub- divisions of it wheat, rye, barley, clover, potatoes, turnips, maize. In some cases he added sawdust to the manure, and in one case he used stable manure; otherwise no ammoniacal ! manure and no mineral matter was employed, except that to one plot he applied some forest soil and to another a mixture of forest soil and mineral manure. Even in the first year he had a harvest; the best results were given by those plots in which mineral manures were mixed with forest soil or stable manure. This, as he says, enabled him to correct his earlier j ideas of the functions of humus, which by its decay renders an extra supply of carbonic acid gas to the plants that is especially valuable at the early stages. Gradually, without any other supply of manure except mineral manure, the land so improved in productiveness that in the fourth year his crops excited the wonder of all who had known- the original state of it. “In 1849 this little farm was purchased by his gardener, who was then able to farm it with profit, raising some cattle on it yearly and getting such satisfactory crops of corn that in 1853 a neighboring farmer wrote: ‘With us the wheat crops are very poor, but on the height (Liebig’s plot) they have harvested three fuder of rye twelve simmer, while I from three fuder of the best rye, have only got five simmer. 58 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [ June If you were to see it, you would be astonished; it is truly wonderful.' ” From his experiments with this land Liebig was led to form the opinion that it was possible, by giving the soil proper physical quality and composition, to bring about a state of things in which sufficient ammonia to maintain its fertility can be collecteed or condensed from the air. He recognized not only that certain elements were necessary in a fertile soil, but more — and what certain soil chemists have been slow to recognize — that these elements must occur in certain combi- nations as minerals to be available as plant-food. He found, too, that certain earths and other substances might be added to soils, which would withdraw to some extent soluble salts from their solutions, removing from the soil substances injurious to plant life. Liebig was greatly interested in the experiments made in England by Sir Thomas Way on the absorptive power of soils, and was the first to recognize the true value of these experiments to agriculture. Thus it was that a chemist sixty years ago recognized that the study of soils was as much the province of the geologist, the mineralogist, and the physicist, as of the chemist; and the work with which he is credited in Denmark shows that he also regarded it as within the province of the botanist. So greatly did he value the structural features and mineral composition of a soil as indicators of its fertility, that he said: “In matters of this kind the farmer must pursue his own course he must not put the least faith in the assertion of any foolish chemist who wants to prove to him analytically that his field contains an inexhaustible store of this or that nutritive substance.” In other words, Liebig saw that it is not so much the chemical elements in a soil as their mineral combination which determines their available plant food, and the geologists have found that very different rocks may be made from the same molten magma under different conditions of cooling. And it was Liebig who pointed out to the farmers that they ipo?] Garden, Field, and Forest of the Nation. 59 might change the fertility of their soil by changing its texture. In examining into the improved conditions of agriculture in the dune districts of the Jutland Peninsula a number of years ago, I found that the farmers of that country attri- buted their prosperity wholly to the suggestions made to their fathers and grandfathers by Liebig who went to Denmark to study moving sands; but I have not been able to find that he ever published anything on the subject. But the dream of Liebig is being realized, and the study of soils is enlisting the closest attention of the chemist, the geologist, the mineralogist, the bacteriologist, the botanist, — a relatively small but powerful coterie of men who are the investigators and interpreters of modern agriculture. The chemist has found the essential plant foods, the geologist has noted the natural distribution of vegetation with relation to rocks both as to composition and structure, the mineralo- gist and geologist have studied the rock-making minerals in relation to their available plant-foods, the bacteriologist has shown us that certain living organisms in the soil are of enormous importance to every man who raises food for man and beast, the botanist has busied himself with breeding certain plants adapted to certain soils. “Knowledge is now no more a fountain sealed.” The farmer of to-day may, nay he must, come up to his calling “as fully equipped for service as the lawyer, the editor, the doctor, the captain of industry; for the curious fact has developed that the calling in which the unlettered and untrained man was once supposed to have as good a chance as the educated one, is now the calling in which wide and varied knowledge is almost as imperative as in almost any other known among men.” Of the more than seventy elements that make up the crust of the earth only about a dozen are essential to successful agriculture and practically all soils contain these in one form or another. Only four of the twelve — nitrogen, phos- phorus, potassium, and calcium — are liable to be lacking in 60 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [ June any given soil. But when any one of these four is wanting dire results follow. The results that may be obtained, even where all these elements are present in proper proportion, depend upon the size of the soil particles, upon the number of grains of soil in the little measure of a gram; for the freedom with which the film of soil moisture moves over the soil grains determines the amount of plant food taken out of the soil. If the farmer is a raiser of truck for the early market, the soil for his lettuce, peas, beans, onions and radishes must be of a certain well-defined structure — it must have at least one billion, nine hundred and fifty millions of particles in a gram, in less than a thimbleful of earth. If he is going in for ordinary summer and autumn vegetables, corn and cabbage and potatoes, then there must fie at least two billion additional particles in each g'ram of soil. If he is a wheat planter he must be sure that there are not less than ten billion, two hundred millions of particles in his little thimbleful of soil; while for wheat and grass land combined the soil must be in finer particles still. While it has been known for at least two centuries that bacteria exist in the soil, it is only recently that they have been studied with any degree of satisfaction. They exist every- where in earth and air and sea. They were believed at one I time to have animal life, but they are now almost universally accepted as low forms of vegetable life. Over a thousand different kinds are now known, and the list is being steadily added to as knowledge of them increases. They increase by dividing themselves in two, and this they do at a marvelous rate of progression. One of them, according to a bacteriolo- i gist who has studied it closely, would, if left to itself, produce seventeen million descendants in twenty-four hours, i Another scientist calculates that another particularly rapid « multiplier could produce, if it had penty of food, four j thousand seven hundred and seventy-two billion progeny in a single day. They differ from plants which we see growing t igo 7] Garden, Field, and Forest of the Nation. 61 about us in that they have no chlorophyl — the material which gives the green color to the plants. In a Kansas soil it was found that there were as many as one billion, six hundred and eighteen million, six hundred and eighty-one thousand, eight hundred and ten bacteria in a single gram or small thimbleful from a field under examina- tion, while another field nearby had only a few over a million. As air is necessary for their existence, they rapidly decline in numbers as you go .down in the soil to a point where none is ever found. Many different families of these bacteria live in the earth, making their homes in the soil. They help to decompose it, thus transforming it into food. They draw vast stores of food supplies from the air. At every point they act as agents in advancing the interest of man. Four-fifths of the air we breathe is one of the most valuable plant foods, nitrogen. Some of this nitrogen is available in one form and some in another, but it must all be put into | such form that it may pass into the system of the plant and ; be utilized in the building up of stalk and leaf and ripened I seed. I In portions of North Carolina I have seen a field worn out i by injudicious cropping, the plants struggling to grow in a depleted soil into what would be at best but a lean and starved maturity. In an immediatly adjoining field, with a 0 soil of precisely the same character, with no advantage in point of moisture, heat, or sunshine, with precisely the same kind of seed planted as in the ’first case, were tall, strong, and thrifty plants, neighbors to the thin, yellow, beggarly 1 ones of the first field. The only difference between the two was that when the seed were planted there was sprinkled in the rows of one field some plain simple dirt brought from another State, and the field that had this dirt sprinkled in its rows was the field with the strong and vigorous plants. What wrought the wonderful change was a colony of nitrifying bacteria, living, 62 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [ June moving- things, that helped the crops to get their nitrogen from the atmosphere. Long ago it was discovered that cer- tain plants, as the beans, clovers, peas, vetch, alfalfa, and the like, form upon their roots little bunches of tubercules, as they are called. When science sought out the meaning of these tubercules, why they formed on these particular plants, what purpose they served, it was seen that they were not abnormal, but necessary, and that plants that had them were more thrifty than those that had them not. It was dis- covered that their task was to take nitrogen from the air and transform it into nitrogen suitable to be taken up by the plant. Having learned, then, the soil conditions necessary for plant growth, the next thing is to apply them. Residual soils, those found upon the rocks from which they are derived, have certain definite characters determined by the characters of the rocks beneath, and they are not apt to deteriorate, since their source of food-supply is immediately at hand, unless the fine particles are carried away by erosion faster than the rock beneath can rot into soil. Transported soils, on the other hand, are very readily exhausted, since they are far removed from the parent rock, and they need to have their supply of plant-food constantly replenished by the use of fertilizers. One way of keeping up the fertility of the soil is by rotation of crops requiring different plant-foods. ; The best way to farm is to plant in each field the crop to which the soil of that field is by nature best adapted. But we often desire, or actually need, crops to which the soil of a given district is ill-adapted. Since we cannot j change the soil materially, the difficulty is met by breeding j plants to suit the soil, and what has been accomplished in J this direction is little short of miraculous. The wasting of soils where serials are grown, and the jj gradual reduction, year by year, in the yield of these crops, j| has led more than one thoughtful student of human condi- j; ig°7 ] Garden, Field, and Forest of the Nation. 63 tions to predict a time, and that not very far distant, when there will not be bread enough to go around. While enough has been done in the restoration of worn out soils to show that the time is farther away than was at first feared, much more has been done in the breeding of new varieties of wheat and corn to take the place of the old and unsatisfac- tory ones. New wheats have been created not only showing larger yields and as great nutrition in experimental plots, but in the thousand-acre farm of the advanced American Agri- culturist as well. More than this, wheats have been bred to fit a climate, redeeming vast areas of abandoned land sup- posed to be wholly unfit for wheat production. New corns have been created, far richer in food values, far larger in yield, than the best known types of the past. More than this, corns have been created at the command of man for any one of a series of specific purposes — to be rich in one element and lean in another, to be food for man or food for beast. They are, in a word, as much the creation of man as the beautiful vase in the hands of the potter. The experiment station of the University of Tennessee determined to breed a wheat that should fit the soil and cli- mate of that State, where no wheat would grow and produce good results. When the experiments were begun, eight bushels to the acre was a fair average yield. After several years of testing, breeding, and selection, they have produced a wheat that has produced as high as forty-eight and one-half bushels per acre on the same land, while maintaining an average of over thirty-seven bushels for a period of four or five years. And we in North Carolina have reaped the bene- fits of this and similar experiments elsewhere in the extension of wheat producing area to the poorer lands of the eastern part of the State. When we consider corn, the greatest cereal in point of value of annual production in the United States, the results achieved are even more satisfactory. The object sought in breeding new corns was not only to produce corn with a heavier yield, 64 Journal of the Mitchell Society. \_June but to change the character of the corn itself. Corn for human food should be rich in one element. Corn for manu- facturing into any of the various products which are now made from it should be rich in certain other elements. So the corn kernel was studied in order to find out precisely what it was made of, that by selective breeding this might be changed. By taking kernels from a series of ears known to be rich in one particular element, and breeding from these ears year in and year out, carefully selecting for future seed only the richest and best kernels and only those approaching the ideal established, little by little, with infinite pains and patience, new corns have been built up having the desired character and composition. A manufacturer desires corn for the production of oil, now one of the most valuable products of the corn plant. It is in large demand among the olive-oil manufacturers of Europe. The oil comes from the fat in the tiny germ of the corn, and the larger the germ the greater the supply of oil. Corn-oil is in demand for many other purposes, and it appears to be but at the beginning of its commercial life. Hopkins in Illi- nois has succeeded in producing a corn relatively much richer in oil than any that has preceded it, one having 6.96 per cent, oil while the corn with which he started only six years before contained only 4.7 per cent, of oil. To some manu- facturers the fat of the germ is not essential, so, to accom- modate these, he reversed the process and bred a corn low in fat or oil, reaching 2.99 per cent. The element of the corn which is most valuable for strength- ening food, which is the muscle-building material of all food, has also been increased at will, and where it could make way for some other element suitable for some other purpose, it has been decreased. All this has been accomplished by selective breeding. Corn has been produced having 16.11 pro- tein, a remarkably large amount, while the protein has been reduced to 6.66 per cent., a difference in protein of nearly ten sp°7] Garden, Field, and Forest of the Nation. 65 per cent. Corn is also bred for a large amount of starch, and similarly useful results follow. The breeding of corn has gone to yet another extreme, the breeder having succeeded in doing away almost entirely with the grain and producing a large, firm cob. These cobs, that are produced on some of the poorest land in Missouri, are used for making the corn-cob pipe, and the introduction of the Collier corn into that district has been a Godsend to the poorest farmers with the poorest lands in the State. A very similar result has recently been obtained in Illinois, where a large firm cob with an insignificant grain has been produced on a soil of nearly pure siliceous sand. It has been found that the pith of the corn cob is a most valuable substance for calking ships and stopping leaks, the pith absorbing water and swelling to fill the crevice, and corns have been produced with a maximum of pith in the cob. The corn of our mountain districts is rich in fat, and there too is the only portion of the South where we may raise sugar corn with success. The longer season in the lowlands admits of the elaboration of the fats into proteids. It is interesting to note in this connection that the corn of our mountains and thecornof the north are rich in heat producing elements, while these are almost entirely wanting in Southern varieties of corn, the long growing season admitting of the change of the sugars and fats into proteids. We cannot even raise sugar corn in our coastal plain from the seed of sugar corn grown there, but must get our seed each season from a colder region. The same is true with regard to the seeds of cabbage grown in the South except in the mountain region. The changes in the character of corn are in no small meas- ure the work of members of the corn-breeders’ association, and show what may be accomplished through co-operation among farmers. This association has been working to make corn a complete ration. Here in the South, Williamson has greatly improved corn both as to quality and yield per acre, by a method peculiarly his own. The seed has been planted 66 Journal of the Mitchell Society. \_Junc and allowed to grow with grass and weeds until the plant has reached a weak maturity and is just ready to bear grain. Then the grass is cleared out, the corn well worked and heavily fertilized, when its stimulated growing energy goes all to fruiting. It has its parallel in the intellectual activity of the boy who comes from the back districts where he had no advantages of an intellectual sort, but his energies being aroused at the right moment, often surpasses his more fortu- nate associates in his college course and in the race of life. Some of the most interesting experiments in plant-breed- ing have resulted in the production of food stuffs adapted to semi-arid regions, and these are of especial interest to us for the reason that we have a long strip of semi-arid land in the South, lying mainly in the sand-hills region and immediately bordering that region on the northwest, little more than a barren sand-waste until the introduction of new methods and new plants suited to its conditions. Alfalfa has been bred to resist both drought and alkali, and it has also been found in nature. Agents of our Agricultu- ral Department searched the earth for what was needed, and found just the thing desired growing in an oasis of the Alge- rian Sahara. Luther Burbank has bred a spineless and edi- ble cactus admirably adapted by nature to such regions, and this may yet become an important food plant in certain por- tions of the South. Rice forms the principal food of one-half the population of the earth. It is more widely used as a food stuff than any other cereal. Where dense populations are dependent for food upon an annual crop, and the climate admits of its cul- tivation, rice has become the staple food. The luxuriant growth of leguminous plants (peas, beans, etc.) in warm climates provides the nitrogenous elements necessary to sup- plement rice. A combination of rice with legumes is a much cheaper complete food than wheat and meat, and can be pro- duced on a much smaller area. The Carolinas in the decade ending 1860 produced approxi- ipoy] Garden, Field, and Forest of the Nation. 67 mately eighty-five million pounds of clean rice. Now the total product for a like period is only about thirty-five mil- lion pounds, of which North Carolina only produced about seven million. But the total rice product of the entire South has advanced from 103 millions to 143 millions in the same time, thanks to the valuable investigations of and improved methods introduced by Dr. S. A. Knapp, of the United States Department of Agriculture. Horticulture is coming to be a most important branch of agriculture, and its surprising progress has already been so fully discussed in our newspapers and periodical literature that I need do little more than advert to it here. Suffice it to say that in 1870 the export of fruits preserved in cans or other- wise from the United States to foreign countries amounted in value to $81,735.00. Ten years later the value of the canned fruits exported had advanced to $371,118.50. In 1890 it was over $600,000.00, and in 1900 had passed two millions. This does not give us any indication of the enormously increasing domestic consumption of fruits. It is an interesting fact that the traveler of to-day does not find his way across the desert by the bones of men and beasts that have started on the perilous journey before him, but by the shining tin cans left by those who have made the jour- ney in safety. This progress in fruit growing has been made possible by the breeding of fruits to suit different climates, and by the importation of insects to prey upon the insect enemies of fruit trees. Already our trucking interests have made the South the garden of the nation, for we have here the broad coastal plain soils that yield readily to cultivation; but business methods have gone hand in hand with the application of scientific methods and are always equally important to the agriculturist. The managers of the truck-growers’ associa- tion see to it that the crops come on in regular rotation from Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Virginia, and Delaware. 68 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [ June The Strawberry Trust at Selma, a North Carolina organiza- tion, has an agent who gets each night reports from all the strawberry eating cities as to the number of crates of berries on hand, and he then learns from the fields how many they can supply, and an effort is made to keep the shipments just a little short of the demand. Then by uniting their ship- ments and sending them forward in carload lots, the shippers get a better rate and quicker transportation. Notwithstanding the South produces so much rice, and the entire product of the country, still we produce only half of what is consumed in the United States; but with the im- proved methods of cultivation, it will be but a short time before we produce enough for the entire nation. Of corn we can produce every variety from our coastal plain to our mountains, and corn culture is extending about as rapidly as the culture of rice. The culture of wheat is extending as new varieties are being bred for our lands, and wheat culture is extending into regions where wheat has never before been raised. New varieties of potatoes have been produced in our potash soils, and already the best of these are grown in the South, and the rapid extension of their culture will soon make us the most important potato producers in the country. Of cotton, we have not simply the monopoly of this coun- try, but practically the world’s monopoly as well. Experi- ments carried on at Darlington, S. C., have resulted in the production of a long-stapled cotton that will grow far from the sea islands. And the new methods of tobacco culture are showing us that we can produce all the grades of tobacco, and these in any quantity. Thus we already have the garden of the nation; we may become, nay, are rapidly becoming the nation’s field for the production of food stuffs; and whether we will or no, we will soon be the only forest that the nation has left, except in the national forests scattered over our broad domain. Forest trees depend more directly upon rock composition 69 1907] Garden, Field, and Forest of the Nation. and geological structure than any other products of the soil. [This is beautifully illustrated in our State where conifers predominate over the coastal plain and sand hills region, and the broad-leaved deciduous trees over the granitic and schistose rocks farther west. Within these areas species and varieties vary with the changes in character of the rock (and the change of its dip helping or hindering drainage. This is beautifully illustrated in the neighborhood of Chapel Hill, where our Triassic sandstones bear the loblolly pines, except where the rocks are cut by dikes, and then you may trace the dike by the broad-leaved trees that grow upon it. The crystallines of the Chapel Hill mass have their charac- teristic diciduous species, and these again vary as the rock structure changes. We have in the Appalachians practically the only hard wood forests on the continent, and many of the most valuable spe- cies are confined to the Southern Appalachian mountains. In the north these forests have been ruined by the destructive work of the lumberman, before the introduction of the methods of modern scientific forestry; but here we already have the forest of the nation if we will but preserve it, and upon its preservation depend the field and the garden. Our fathers had a true instinct when they pictured a great civilization in the South based upon the soil. Their vision is to be more than fulfilled when Southern agriculture can bring to its aid science, that sensible science of our day, which has for its ultimate end not merely discovery, but application; which is not so delighted with the formulating of a new law as it is overjoyed at the lifting of a burden. “Then the tiller of the soil will come up to his calling as fully equipped for service as the lawyer, the doctor, the cap- tain of industry; for it has come to pass that the calling in which the unlettered and untrained man was once supposed to have as good a chance as the educated one, is now the call- ing in which wide and varied knowledge is as imperative as in almost any other known among men.” 70 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [ June Men have also come to the same views as those expressed by the King of Brobdingnag, who “gave it as his opinion, that whoever could make two ears of corn, or two blades of grass to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, would deserve better of mankind, and do more essen- tial service to his country, than the whole race of politicians put together.” And better still: While the politician of the not very remote past flattered the farmer and yet made laws directly opposed to all his interests, the new politician in the South shows constructive statesmanship by helping him to take advantage of the opportunities around him, helps him with his inland waterways, helps him to preserve his forests. SOME INTERESTING GRASSHOPPERS (AND RELA- TIVES) OF NORTH CAROLINA. BY FRANKLIN SHERMAN, JR. The grasshoppers and their relatives comprise the order of insects known as the Orthoptera. The entire order contains probably about 150 species native to North Carolina, of which about 130 have now been collected, identified, and recorded. There are not many students of Orthoptera in this country and what few entomologists there are in the Southern States have neglected the group entirely, hence practically nothing was known of the actual distribution of our species until 1903, when Prof. A. P. Morse, of Wellesley College, made a special tour through the Southern States to study this subject, and, partially through the entreaties of Mr. C. S. Brimley and the author, he devoted more time to North Carolina than to any other State,— traversing it from east to west and then again visiting the high ranges in the western section. During his tour, Prof. Morse spent two days at Raleigh, at which time Mr. Brimley and the author accompanied him in collect- ing jaunts with the result that our latent interest in this neg- lected order was considerably aroused. The facts set forth in this paper have, therefore, for the most part, been collected in the last three or four years, by C. S. Brimley, G. M. Bent- ley, and the writer. While no one can seriously study this order of insects without becoming interested in the special structures and their use in classification, as well as in the habits of the living insects, — yet there are about a dozen species which would more particularly arouse the interest or curiosity of the ordin- 1907 ] 71 72 Journal of the Mitchell Society. [ June ary observer, and to mention these is the special object of this paper. Labidura rifarisi. This insect belongs to the family of insects known as the “Ear-wigs”. The group is abundantly represented in Europe, but only sparsely in America, the few American representatives, however, being more especially distributed in the Southern States. Most of our ear-wigs are of small size, ranging from one-half to three-fourths of an inch in total length. In mid-April of the present year a janitor brought to the office a living specimen of this species, a fine large male, the first to be taken in the State. Cryftocercus functulatus. This insect belongs to the fam- ily of roaches, a few species of which infest houses, though more are found in the forest. The present species has been taken in four localities in this State, three of which are in the mountains, the exceptional locality being Newton. It is rather a large species, is entirely wingless, and is rather slow and stiff-bodied in movement, in which respect it differs from most other roaches. Our specimens have all been found under logs, in the months of July, August, and September. Stagomantis Carolina. This creature is most commonly known by the names of “Rear-horse”, “Devil’s Riding-horse”, “Praying Mantis”, and other expressive common names. It often arouses curiosity by its peculiar appearance and demeanor. It probably occurs throughout the State, at least east of the mountains, though we have had specimens from only a few localities. It is the only member of the Orthop- tera in the State which is known to be predaceous in habit. Diafheromera femorata. This insect is also known by the name of “Walking-stick”, so called because its very slender body gives it a resemblance to small twigs, and because the insect always deliverately walks, and never runs or jumps. All through the summer the young insects are greenish in color, corresponding to the color of young twigs and the petioles of /p • Chapel Hilt. Ferns ani> their Abuts. in 4 Salisbury’s PiTYBidGRAPHY-^CW/vr . Cobh «. ....... IP. 7 a - ..-jof' •pi/'V* -.t' hSljU; ^ fife ? Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. — Quarterly. Prf * -V. #>.00 per year;* single numbers 50 cents. Most numbers of former vd umes can be supplied. Direct all correspondence to the Editors, * j University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill,. N. C. * University of JOURNAL OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society NOVEMBER, 1907 VOL. XXIII NO. 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIEN TIFIC SOCIETY, JANUARY 1907 TO OCTOBER 1907. LIBRA New Y< BOTANI QaRDI 169th Meeting, January 15, 1907. H. V. Wilson: The Regenerative Power of Sponges. J. W. Gore: Direct Current Transmission of Power. The Electrical Aging of Flour. 170th Meeting, February 12, 1907. J. H. Pratt: The Fish and Oyster Industries in North Carolina. Collier Cobb: Some Human Habitations. 171st Meeting, March 19, 1907. J. E. Latta: Some Recent Developments in Electric Trac- tion. N. C. Curtis: Architectural Composition. 172nd Meeting, April 16, 1907. Archibald Henderson: The Foundations of Geometry. Chas. H. Herty: The Optical Rotation of Turpentines. |c At the close of the program a business meeting was held to consider the programs. It was voted that a minimum of pfour meetings be held each year but, if possible, one meeting j^per month. 90 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November Business Meeting, September 23, 1907. A business meeting- was held in the chemical laboratory with Pres. Herty in the chair. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President: W. C. Coker. Vice-President: J. E. Latta. Permanent Secretary: F. P. Venable. Recording Secretary: A. S. Wheeler. Editorial Committee: W. C. Coker, Chairman. A. Henderson. E. V. Howell. A. S. Wheeler, Recording Secretary. A NEW METHOD BY WHICH SPONGES MAY BE AR- TIFICIALLY REARED.1 DR. H. V. WILSON I have found in the course of an investigation carried on for the Bureau of Fisheries that silicious sponges when kept in confinement under proper conditions degenerate, giving rise to small masses of undifferentiated tissue which in their turn are able to grow and differentiate into perfect sponges. The investigation has been prosecuted during the past three sum- mers’at the Beaufort Laboratory. While the degeneration with the formation of the indifferent masses has been observed in several species, it is only in one species, a Stylotella, that the process as a whole has been worked out. This sponge, which is exceedingly abundant in Beaufort Harbor, is a fleshy monactinellid commonly reaching a thick- ness and height of 10-12 cm. Conical processes with termin- al oscula project upwards from the lower body. With this species, which is a light-loving form, I have obtained the best results when outside aquaria, either concrete aquaria or tubs, were used. The method of treatment is briefly this: Into a tub about 60 cm. by 30 cm. and covered with glass, a half dozen sponges, freed as far as possible from live oysters and crabs, are put. They are raised from the bottom on bricks. The tub is emptied, filled and flushed for some minutes three times in every twenty-four hours. Direct rays of the 1 lPublished with the permission of Hon. Geo. M. Bowers, U. S. Com- misioner of Fisheries. Reprinted from Science, N. S., Yol. XXV. , No. 649, Pages 912-915, June 7, 1907, 92 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November sun should be avoided. Tubs answer as well as concrete aquaria, and have the advantage of being movable. In a day or two theosculaof the sponge disappear, and the surface begins to acquire a peculiar smooth, dense and uni- form appearance. Microscopic study reveals the fact that not only the oscula, but the pores also, for the most part close, and the canal system becomes interrupted and in some degree suppressed. The mesenchyme is more uniform, and is denser than in the normal sponge, owing in part at least to the dis- appearance of the extensive collenchymatous (very watery mesenchyme) tracts of the latter. The whole sponge may pass into this state and remain with- out great change for weeks. During this period it shrinks greatly in size, in a given case to one quarter the original bulk. The arrangement of the skeletal spicules becomes much simplified. With the shrinkage in size the sponge be- comes more solid, i. e., more of the canal space is suppressed. Some flagellated chambers persist and there are a few small scattered apertures on the surface. The bulk of the chamb- ers disappear as such, the collar-cells transforming into simple polyhedral masses which become scattered singly or in groups in the general mesenchyme. The mesenchyme is a syncyti- um composed of well-marked cells that are freely intercon- nected. The sponge in this condition closely resembles Spongilla in its winter phase, as described by Weltner.2 Pre- sumably water continues to circulate through the body, but the current must be an exceedingly feeble and irregular one. As a sponge in this condition continues to shrink, it may subdivide and thus a large sponge may eventually be repre- sented by numerous masses, in a given case about 1 cm. in di- ameter. Now if the sponge in this condition or if one of the masses into which it has split up, be attached to wire gauze and suspended in a live box floating at the surface of the open water of the harbor, the sponge or piece will in a few days grow and redevelop the pores and oscula, flagellated chambers, tissue differentiation, and skeletal arrangement of 2 ’Spongillidenstudien, II. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte,’ 1893. I9°7] Wilson — A New Method 93 the normal sponge. Whether in this regeneration the trans- formed and separated collar cells again unite to form the flag- ellated chambers, I can not say. I think it very doubtful. In the two classes of cases just described the sponge as a whole degenerates and slowly shrinks. Cellular death takes place so gradually that at no time is there any obvious corpse tissue or skeletal debris. Much more common and of far great- er interest are the following cases. In these a large part of the sponge body dies in the course of two or three weeks, leaving the skeletal network still in place and bearing the brown decaying remnants of the flesh, which, as maceration continues, are washed away. In places, however, the sponge body does not die. Here masses of living tissue are left, conspicuous amidst the dead remains by their bright color and smooth clean surface. These living fragments may be classified into three groups. First, the upper end of an as- cending* lobe or a considerable part of the body of the lobe may be left alive in its entirety, thus forming a more or less cylin- drical mass up to 5 mm. diameter, with a length sometimes two or three times the thickness. The histological condition of these masses is not very different from that of the sponges already described. Such a mass may be said to consist of an- astomosing trabeculae, separated by the remains of the canal system. The mesenchyme composing the trabeculae consists of discrete cells interconnected by processes to form a syncti- um. The flagellated chambers as such have nearly disap- peared, although remnants may still be recognized. In them the collar cells have transformed into simple polyhedral bodies that are widely separated. The bulk of the chambers have broken up into their constituent cells, and these are now scat- tered as elementary parts of the general mesenchyme. When such masses are attached to wire gauze and hung in a float- ing live-box they transform into perfect sponges. A second class of surviving remnants includes masses scat- tered over the general surface of the sponge. These may be spheroidal and small, less than one millimeter in diameter. Usually they are flattened and of an irregular shape with 94 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November lobes, suggesting- a lobose rhizopod or myxomycete plasmodi- um. Such masses which tnaj be connected by slender strands are commonly from two to five millimeters in the longest di- rection. The third class of remnants are found scattered through the body of the dead and macerated sponge, in which they sometimes occupy positions that are obviously favorable for respiration. These bodies are more or less spheroidal and small, their diameter varying commonly from one half to one and a half millimeters. In the most successful cases of treat- ment, the small masses, internal and superficial, are exceed- ingly abundant, and the dead and macerated sponge body with its contained nodules of conspicuous living tissue strong- ly suggests a Spongilla full of gemmules. These living remnants of the sponge (bodies of the second and third classes) execute slow amoeboid changes of shape and position, behaving thus like plasmodia, and they may be designated as plasmodial masses. Microscopic examination shows them to be of an exceedingly simple character, without canal spaces or flagellated chambers. The mass does not con- sist of discrete cells, but is an aggregation of syncytial proto- plasm studded with nuclei. The protoplasm is stored with minute inclusions and is reticulate in arrangement. The nu- clei are practically all alike, and there are no signs of per- sisting collar-cells. Such a mass represents a portion of the original sponge in which the degenerative changes have pro- gressed farther than in the larger remnants. In the latter we find a syncytium made up of discrete cells among which some persisting collar-cells are distinguishable. But in the plasmodial mass the cells have united so intimately that cell outlines have been wiped out, and recognizable collar-cells (or their nuclei) have disappeared. The optical evidence points to the conclusion that the latter help to form the gener- al syncytium, undergoing regressive changes in their differen- tiation which result in their becoming indifferent parts of this unspecialized tissue. The plasmodial masses remain alive in the laboratory in- definitely, but do not transform. They attach to the bottom Wilson — A New Method 95 *9°7\ of the vessel, but so feebly as to be easily shaken loose. In order to see if they would transform when returned to natur- al conditions, I devised the simple plan of enclosing- them in fine bolting-cloth bags which were hung in a live-box float- ing in the harbor. The bags, rectangular, were divided into compartments about an inch square with the two flat sides nearly touching. In each space an isolated plasmodial mass was inserted, and the bag sewed up. It was found that in such bags the masses were held in place long enough for them firmly to attach to the bolting cloth. Once attached to the cloth they grow, sometimes quite through the wall of the bag to the outer water, and transform into perfect sponges with osculum, canals, pores and flagellated chambers in such abundance as to be crowded. This ability to undergo — when the environment is unfavor- able but not excessively so, regressive changes of differentia- tion resulting in the production of a simpler, more uniform tissue, is something that is plainly useful, i. e., adaptive. In the simplified state the sponge protoplasm withstands condi- tions fatal to such parts of the body as do not succeed in passing into this state, and on the return of normal condi- tions again develops the characteristic structure and habits of the species. That this power is exercised in nature there can scarcely be a doubt, since the conditions that are present in an aquarium must now and then occur in tidepools. It is probable that the power thus to degenerate with the production of masses of regenerative tissue is general among sponges. I first discovered the phenomenon in Microciona , a very different form from Stylotella and one in which the skel- eton includes much horny matter. And in two other Beau- fort species I have succeeded in producing the plasmodial masses. There is every reason for believing that the com- mercial sponge shares in this ability. If this is so, we have here a means of propagation which with a further develop- ment of methods may at some time become economically practicable. In any case it is now possible to study the dif- ferentiation of a quite unspecialized tissue, one that is physi- 96 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November ologically embryonic, into a perfect sponge at any time of the year irrespective of the breeding season. We may even exer- cise some direct control over the size of the plasmodial masses, as the following experiment shows. Microciona was kept in aquaria until the degenerative pro- cess had begun. Pieces were then teased with needles in a watch glass of sea water in such a way as to liberate quanti- ties of cells and small irregular cell-agglomerates. These were gently forced with pipette to the center of the watch glass. Fusion of cells and masses, with amoeboid phenom- ena, began at once, and in half an hour quite large irregular masses existed. In the course of a few hours the masses grew enormously through continued fusion. From this time on they adhered firmly to the glass, retaining irregular plas- modium-like shapes, and the growth was inconspicuous. To bring them together once more and induce further fusion they were on the following day forcibly freed, with pipette and needle, and to clean them of cellular debris and bacteria were transferred to a tumbler (covering with bolting cloth) in which they were kept actively moving under a fine glass faucet for about thirty minutes. In the course of this violent agitation a good many masses were lost. Those remaining in the tumbler became in the next few hours noticeably rounder and smoother at the surface. From this experiment eighteen more or less spheroidal masses were obtained, some of which measured one half millimeter in diameter. They were similar to the small plasmodial masses produced in this species (and in Stolotella ) when the sponges are allowed to remain quietly in aquaria. As already stated, it is only in Stylotella that I have directly proved the regenerative power of these masses. Maas has just announced3 that calcareous sponges ( Sycons ) when exposed to sea water deprived of its calcium undergo 3 ‘Ueber die Einwirkung karbonatfreier und kalkfreier SaLzlosungen auf erwachsene Kalkschwamme und auf Entwicklungsstadien derselben. Ar- chiv fur Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen,’ Bd. XXII., Heft 4, December, 1906. Wilson — A New Method 97 190 7] marked degenerative changes, which may be of such a char- acter that the living tissue quite separates from the skeleton and breaks up into compact cords of cells showing active amoeboid phenomena. The cords further constrict into rounded masses the likeness of which to gemmules is pointed out. Maas states that he is not yet in a position to say whether these masses have the power to transform into sponges, but adds that some of his observations induce him to believe that this is possible. It is evident that Maas, working on very different forms, has independently met with the same degenerative-regenera- tive phenomena as are described in this communication, the essential facts of which were presented (together with an ex- hibit of gemmule-like degeneration masses and young sponges into which such masses had transformed) at the re- cent December meeting of the American Society of Zoolo- gists. I may add that more than two years ago at the end of the summer of 1904, in my official report (unpublished since the research was still in progress) to the Bureau of Fisheries on the investigation under my charge, I described the degen- erative phenomena in Microciona and Stylotella, i. e., the for- mation under certain conditions of confinement of minute masses presenting a likeness to gemules, and emphasized the probability that these masses were able to regenerate the sponge. It was not, however, until the summer of 1906 that I was able to demonstrate the truth of this view. University of North Carolina. ! Chapel Hill, N. C., February 16, 1907. THE CONDENSATION OF CHLORAL WITH PRIMARY AROMATIC AMINES. II.* BY ALVIN S. WHEELER. A number of condensation products of chloral with primary aromatic amines have already been described. The first men- tion of such a reaction is probably that of Maumene1 who hoped to obtain indigotiue by the action of chloral (2 mols. ) upon aniline (3 mols.). His product was a brownish black uncrystallizable substance containing no chlorine. Schiff and Amato2 first describe a condensation product of chloral (1 mol.) and aniline (2 mols.) with the formula CC13CH(NHC6H5)2. In the same year Wallach3 describes this compound. Later4 he gives a full description of the products obtained from aniline, p-toluidine, and a sample of xylidine boiling at 212°- 216°. Eibner5 studied the condensation of chloral with p-ni- traniline, m-chloraniline, p-chloraniline, and 1, 2, 4-dichlor- aniline and showed that 1, 2, 4, 6-trichloraniline and 2, 6-di- ♦Contribution from the Chemical Laboratory of the University of North Carolina. l[Ber. 3. 246, (1870)]. 2[Gazz. chin>. ital. 1,376 (1871)]. 3(Ber. 4. 668). 4( Ann. 173,274). 5(Ann. 302,235). igoy ] Wheeler — The Condensation of Chloral 99 chlor-4-nitraniline do not react. Wheeler and Weller6 pre- pared the o- and m-nitraniline compounds and Wheeler and Daniels7 showed that only addition products could be obtained with the naphthylamines. Niementowski and Orzechowski8 found that one molecule of chloral condensed with one mole- cule of anthranilic acid but later9 obtained the expected diphenamine compound. Finally Rugheimer10 describes the compounds with o- and p-phenylenediamine and 1, 2, 4- and 1, 3, 4-toluylenediamine. He also states that only addition products are obtained with the naphthylamines. The chloral diphenamine compQunds vary considerably in stability. Most of them may be kept for years. They pos- sess great crystallizing power. Their behavior toward alkalies is variable. The aniline derivative is decomposed by alcoholic potash into aniline, chloroform and phenyl cya- nide according to Wallach. The p-nitraniline derivative is converted by alcoholic potash into an hydroxy compound, one chlorine being replaced by the hydroxyl group according to Wheeler and Glenn1. They are not stable in the presence of strong mineral acids. These split the compound so as to re- form the amine. Eibner has shown that boiling acetic anhy- dride and benzoyl chloride give the acetyl or benzoyl deriva- tive of the original amine. I have found that all of them react with great readiness with bromine in the cold. There is a substitution of one hydrogen atom in those which have been analyzed. This substitution probably occurs in the methylene group of the chloral residue. With the exception of the anathranilic acid products the following are thought to be new. 6(Jr. Am. Chein. Soc. 24, 1063). 7[Jr. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 22, 90 (1906). 8(Ber. 28, 2812). »(Ber. 35, 3898). lO(Ber. 39, 1653). !(Jr. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 19, 63, 1903). 100 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November Chloral and p-Bromaniline. Irichlorethylidenedi-p-bromfihenamine, CCl3CH(NHBrC6H4)3. With C. W. Miller. Ten grams of p-bromaniline were dis- solved in 50cc benzene and 8 grams of chloral (4.2 grams required by theory) in lOcc benzene were added. The mix- ture was concentrated one-half on the water bath and cooled. A white flocculent precipitate came down. This gave a melting point of 135°. On further evaporation a second crop was obtained, showing a melting point of 119°. By several recrystallizations from benzene the melting point was raised to 140°. The yield of the crude product was quantitative. Analysis: 0.1588g substance gave 0.2049g C02 and 0.0352g HaO. 0.1638g substance gave 9cc nitrogen at 15° and 755mm. 0.0890 substance heated with 0.3274g AgN03 required 9.8cc NH4SCN (lcc = 0.0l73g AgN03). Calculated for ci4h„n2ci3bv Found Carbon 35.45 35.03 Hydrogen 2.34 2.46 Nitrogen 5.93 6.38 Chlorine + bromine 56.24 55.58 Trichlorethylidenedi-p-bromphenamine consists of fine col- orless needles, melting at 140° and decomposing at 205° . It is extremely soluble in alcohol, acetone, glacial acetic acid and hot benzene. It is sparingly soluble in cold benzene and insoluble in ligroin. It is readily purified by using a mixture of benzene and ligroin. It is not decomposed by boiling water but is split by boiling concentrated hydrochloric acid with the regeneration of p-bromaniline. A bromo derivative is easily obtained by adding bromine to a glacial acetic acid solution. The product, consisting of plates, melts at 203° i go?] Wheeler — The Condensation of Chloral 101 after several recrystallizations from glacial acetic acid. Determinations of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen give very satisfactory figures for a monobrom compound. A study of its constitution is under way. Chlorine gives a similar reac- tion. The product, crystallizing in long colorless needles, melts at 93° after recrystallization from glacial acetic acid. Analysis indicates a monochlor derivative. These bodies will be described in a later paper. Chloral and o-Anisidine. Trich lo rethylidenedi-o-methoxyfhenam ine , CCl3CH(NHOCH3C6H4)2. With W. S. Dickson. Two molecules (12. 3g) of o-anisi- dine were dissolved in 50cc benzene and one molecule (7.3g) of chloral were added. After warming a short time on the steam bath a separation of colorless needles occurred. These decomposed at about 215° and weighed 0.05g. On concen- tration of the filtrate in a dessicator a mass of fern-like crys- tals was obtained mixed with a thick liquid. After filtering the crystals were pressed on a porous tile. The product was white, melted at 112°-114° and weighed 9.7 grams. On re- crystallizing from benzene the melting point was raised to 121°. The thick liquid finally solidified, considerably in- creasing the yield. Analysis: 0.2000 gram substance gave 0.2294 gram AgCl. 1.0000 gram substance gave 0.073 gram nitrogen (Kjel- dahl). Calculated for Cl N ci6hI7o2n2ci3 28.35 7.47 Found 28.35 7.30 Trichlorethylidenedi-o-methoxyphenamine crystallizes from ligroin or benzene in magnificent rhombohedra, from one 102 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November quarter to one half inch long-, always with a slig-ht yellow color. It is easily soluble in cold benzene and carbon tetra- chloride and hot glacial acetic acid. It is slightly soluble in cold ligroin and fairly soluble in hot ligroin. It crystallizes from alcohol in long slender prisms. One hundred cubic cen- timeters of boiling alcohol will dissolve approximately 7 grams and at 25° about 2.5 grams' It is insoluble in and unchanged by boiling water. When boiled in concentrated hydrochloric acid the odor of chloral could be detected in the vapors. A bromo derivative is readily obtained by adding bromine to a concentrated glacial acetic acid solution. The crystals occur in clusters of needles and decompose at about 230°. This compound is being further investigated. Chloral and p-Anisidine. Trichlorethy lidenedi-f-methoxy -phenamine , CCl3CH(NHOCH3C6H4)a. To a solution of 12.3 grams p-anisidine in 20cc benzene (a nearly saturated solution) is added 7.3 grams chloral. The solution turns to a dark red color at once, much heat is devel- oped and a deposition of 0.22 gram small colorless crystals occurs. These decompose at about 215° as in the case with o-anisidine. After filtering, the reaction mixture is boiled 15 minutes and then allowed to stand several hours. An abundant crystalline precipitate is formed. After filtering and pressing on a clay plate, the product melted at 115° and weighed 10.5 grams. A further yield was obtained from the mother liquor. Purification was effected by using the mixed solvent, benzene and ligroin. The melting point was raised to 118°-120°. Analysis: 0.2087 gram substance gave 0.2398 gram AgCl Calculated for . Ci6HONC1 i6 jy 2 2 3 Cl 25.35 Found 28.41 igoy~\ Wheeler — The Condensation of Chloral 103 The para compound crystallizes from ligroin in brilliant scales, showing a strong pink color in the mass. It melts at 118°-120° and decomposes at 158°. It is fairly soluble in cold benzene, alcohol and ether. It is readily soluble in gla- cial acetic acid, hot benzene and hot alcohol. The hot alco- hol solution emits a most disagreeable odor and on spontane- ous evaporation to dryness a jet black crystalline mass remains. It is very slightly soluble in cold ligroin and not readily in hot ligroin. On treatment with bromine in glacial acetic acid solution a crystalline product is obtained which blackens at about 198°. This compound will be studied further. Chloral and Anthranilic Acid. The product obtained in this case depends upon the pro- portions used. One molecule of chloral will condense with one or two molecules of anthranilic acid with the elimination of one molecule of water. The two products have been de- scribed by Niementowski but his method yields a mixture and we have improved upon it since we wish to make the compounds in quantity in order to study their bromo deriva- tives. Trichlorethylidene-o-am inobenzo ic A rid, CCl3CHNC6H4COOH. With W. S. Dickson. Five grams of anthranilic acid were dissolved in 40cc boiling benzene (a saturated solution) and 5.5 grams chloral in lOcc benzene were added. The weights are in the proportion of one molecule to one molecule. The mixture was boiled under a reflux condenser for |three hours, filtered from a small precipitate and then cooled. A crystal- line deposit, weighing 5.0 grams and melting at 148°-15l°, separated. The crystals were large elongated tables, occur- ing in clusters. From the filtrate was obtained 3.0 grams of material, melting at 145°-150°. Several recrystallizations from benzene raised the melting point to 152°. Niementow- 104 Journal of the Mitchell Society \_N0ve7nber ski and Orzechowski1 prepare this compound without the use of any solvent. They use an excess of chloral and get sev- eral by-products. We have tried their method but have employed theoretical proportions. Even so we get the same by-products. We set the mortar in a block of ice and rapidly stirred together the previously cooled substances. The mix- ture liquefied and then rapidly became very hard. This pro- duct decomposed at about 127°, after two hours on ice at 124° and after three hours more at room temperature at 118°. It was rubbed up with a little water and filtered. The decom- position point rose to 135°. Now taking advantage of the marked difference in solubility in benzene of the mono- and di-compounds (not observed by Niementowski) we extracted the crystalline mass, weighing 8.2 grams, with 45cc boiling benzene. From the extract there separated a mass of color- less needles, weighing 3.7 grams and melting 149°-152°, hence nearly pure mono-compound. On evaporating the fil- trate a residue was obtained, weighing 1.3 grams and melting at 160°, a good quality of the di-compound. A second ex- traction was made with 33cc of boiling benzene. On cooling this yielded a product weighing 0.8 gram and melting at 162°, and a residue at 157°. There still remained an insoluble residue, dark purple in color. These results are in marked contrast to those obtained by our method of boiling in ben- zene, for we get practically only the mono-compound and consequently a much larger yield. Anplysis: 0.2000 gram substance gave 0.3189 gram AgCl. Calculated for C9H602NC13 Found Cl 39.92 39.43 On treating a glacial acetic acid solution of this compound with bromine a bromo derivative is obtained in large quan- tity. On cooling a hot glacial acetic acid solution it deposits i(Ber. 28, 2812). igoyl Wheeler — The Condensation of Chloral 105 in clusters of fern-like crystals which decompose at 237°. This body is under investigation. T rich lore thy lidenedi-o-aminobenzo ic Acid, CC13CH ( NHC6H4COOH)2. Five grams (2 molecules) anthranilic acid in 40cc boiling benzene were treated with 2.9 grams (1 molecule) chloral in lOcc benzene and boiled under a reflux condenser for three hours. During the boiling there separated 3.25 grams of the di-compound, melting at 164°-165°. On cooling a further yield of 0.6 gram was obtained. On evaporation to dryness the residue was found to weigh 4.0 grams and to melt at 157°. The pure body melts at 165°. The method of Nie- mentowski1 was tried and although found to be better than for the preparation of the mono-compound it gave a smaller yield than our method and a larger amount of unknown col- ored by-products. Analysis: 0.5000 gram substance gave 0.0410 gram NH3 (Kjeldahl). 0.2000 gram substance gave 0.2113 gram AgCl. Calculated for Ci6HI304N3C13 Found N 6.96 6.76 Cl 26.11 26.10 The di-compound consists of a crystalline powder and may be purified by precipitating its ether solution with ligroin. Upon boiling eight hours with acetic anhydride and cooling, a crystalline substance deposits, melting at 183° and crystal- lizing from benzene in needles. This corresponds to acetyl- o-aminobenzoic acid. On treating a glacial acetic acid solution with bromine there is almost instantly obtained a heavy precipitate which after recrystallization from glacial acetic acid melts with decomposition at 236°. This behavior is surprisingly like that of the bromo derivative of the mono- anthranilic acid compound. 1(Ber. 35, 3898). 106 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November Chloral and o-Toluidine Trichlorethylidenedi-o-tolamine , CC13CH(NHC6H4CH3)2. With Strowd Jordan. Chloral and o-toluidine were brought directly together in the proportion of one molecule to two molecules. No advantage was found in using benzene as a solvent. 19.3 grams chloral were added to 28 grams of o-tol- uidine, the mixture turned dark red and the temperature rose to 80°. After standing for some time, often over night, a quite hard crystalline cake formed. This was dissolved up in ether or successively extracted with benzene. In either case, a small residue weighing 0.7 gram remained. This was pale greenish in color and melted at 213°. The main product of the reaction was recrystallized from ether until the melting point reached 80°. The yield was 70 per cent of the theory. Analysis: 0.1763 gram substance gave 0.2194 gram AgCl. 0.2000 gram substance required 0.2915 gram AgN03. 0.2000 gram substance required 0.2973 gram AgNOs. Calculated for Ci6HI7N2C13 Pound Cl 30.95" 30.77 30.40 30.96. The Stepanow method1 was employed in the second and third analyses and found to be extremely convenient. With some of our compounds we have found it impracticable on account of the deep color of the solution. We found it advis- able to adopt the suggestion of Rosanoff and Hill2 and filter off the silver chloride before titrating. Trichlorethylidenedi-o-tol amine crystallizes in very long silky needles. It is not very stable in solution or when ex- l(Ber. 39. 4056). 2(Jr. Am. Chem. Soc., 29, 269). igoy~\ Wheeler — The Condensation of Cheorae 107 posed to the light. It is decomposed by water into chloral and o-toluidine. It is soluble in cold alcohol, ether, acetone, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulphide and gla- cial acetic acid. It is soluble in hot ligroin, benzene and methyl alcohol. The pure substance melts at 80° and will melt repeatedly at that temperature. A bromo derivative is readily obtained in glacial acetic acid solution. It forms sil- very white plates which melt with decomposition in the neighborhood of 268°. Physioeogicae Action. We were led to a study of the physiological action of the trichlorethylidenedi-o-tolamine by an accidental observation. Mr. Jordan unintentionally got a small quantity in his mouth and within a few hours there followed a marked physiologi- cal action. A preliminary test has been made upon two rab- bits. Dr. William DeB. MacNider of this University kindly carried out the test for us in the pharmacological laboratory of the University of Chicago. A 5 per cent dilute alcoholic solution was employed. This was first used in lOcc doses, intravenously. It produced at first a slow heart action ac- companied by a slight fall in blood pressure. Following this initial change the respirations became accelerated, the heart action fast and the fall in blood pressure much more pro- nounced. Doses of 25cc given by the stomach caused the animal to become drowsy, inactive and imperfectly responsive to stimuli. The respirations were accelerated. One rabbit returned to a normal condition in six hours. The other ani- mal, receiving the drug by the stomach, died apparently from respiratory failure. A more complete study is under way upon a large number of rabbits. This study will be extended to other diphenamine derivatives of chloral. Chapel Hill, N. C. Oct. 16. 1907. RECENT CHANGES IN GOLD MINING IN NORTH CAROLINA THAT HAVE FAVORABLY AFFECTED THIS INDUSTRY BY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT AND A. A. STEED * Before taking- up an account of the chang-es that have been recently introduced in gold mining in North Carolina, it may be of interast to mention some of the causes for failure in the profitable mining of gold in this State, as the changes to be described hav to some extent at least modified and lessened the chances for failure. Many of the causes of failure in North Carolina gold min- ing can be traced to a lack of adequate capital, which pre- vents mining from being conducted in the most economic manner. O ne of the most noticeable of these is the tendency to sink the shafts but 15 to 30 feet before driving a new level and then stoping out a small block of ground instead of having the levels from 75 to 100 feet apart. Since a ton of ore removed in driving the level even in a wide vein will cost fully twice as much as a ton of ore in stoping, it is obviously more economical to have as few levels as possible. It it becomes dificult to make the raises more than 100 feet and is expensive to get men and timbers into much higher stopes. Therefore, the levels should not be over 100 feet apart. In a narrow vein where much waste could be left in a stope, the economy is greater. Somewhat similar to this is the habit of sinking a number of shafts close together instead of only one or two on a vein. This is not so bad for working ore * Published with the permission of the State Geologist of North Carolina 10S [November /po?] Recent Changes in Gold Mining 109 near the surface, but becomes very expensive as the mine gets deeper, especially when hoisting machinery is required on each shaft. This is partially explained by the fact that many of the old mines have been worked at very irregular intervals and the old shafts have become caved in during the period of idleness. Even those mines having capital are often badly managed. They frequently put in machinery of unnecessarily large capacity, not realizing that a very small engine and bucket can easily get out 10 or 15 tons of ore per day and keep a five stamp mill busy. There are many little mines that could pay a profit under careful management with five stamps and running only one shift; but some of them have engines big enough to hoist four times as much ore. Since the engineer and top men must be there all the time, there is no economy in operation but may even be a loss, since the engine cannot work steadily and fuel is wasted keeping up a big fire; and’ of course, the first cost is greater. If the mine ever gets much too big for the small engine, it can be used in prospect- ing or underground work. A great many shafts are much to big. It is not uncommon to see a little bucket, 30 inches accross dangling in the mid- dle of a hoisting compartment 6 feet square in the clear, It is considerably cheaper to sink a shaft with compartments only 4 feet square in the clear and when the hoisting compart- ment is smoothly lined with plank ( to assist ventilation ), or fitted with guides, it has jnst as great a capacity — usually more than enough for the output of the mine. If necessary, the hoisting capacity of a shaft may be greatly increased at any time by putting in a tall bucket, or better a self-dumping skip and high speed engine. The ladder and pipe compartment is often as big as 6 by 8 feet. Since the cheaper and better direct acting steam pump would now be placed in a shaft, instead of the clumsy and bulky Cornish pump, the water, steam and compresed air pipes take up very little room. It is now customary to put in slanting ladders between landings some distance apart. They can almost as well be a little 110 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November steeper and shorter and go in a smaller space. The men will always ride up in a bucket, fitted with a crosshead running in proper guides or running in a closely planked compart- ment if the shaft is crooked. Therefore, the ladderway is an emergency exit only and a good, continuous vertical ladder securely fastened against one wall of the compartment is all that is needed, and the compartment for ladder and pipes may seldom need be over 3 by 4 feet. The two compartments and the division between them then need be only 4 by8 or 2>% by 7 feet inside. Besides being much more cheaply and rapidly sunk, the small shaft need not be so heavily timbered, since the shorter timbers are stronger and the earth pressure tends to arch around the shaft instead of coming fnll upon the timbers. On the other hand, the first 6 by 10 feet ( 8% by 12% feet outside timbers) shaft at the Montgomery Mine, at Candor, Montgomery County, became useless after about 5 years from the buckling of the timbers, although splendidly timbered with 12 by 12 inch oak sets, which showed no signs of decay. There is, of course, very seldom any need for more than one hoisting compartment, since the saving in power will only pay for the greater expense of engine and shaft when a large amount of ore is to be hoisted from considerable depth. When a single large skip will handle all the ore, there is no need of putting in another to remain idle half the time. Timber framing for shafts and tuunel sets is often unnec- essarily complicated and the carpenter must waste mnch time chiselling, when simple notches laid off with a square and cut by saws are often stronger and always more easily made. The most disastrous error is usually great haste in putting in a mill or smelter. It seems that the first thing that many miners think of after finding a little good ore is to stop work in the mine and put in a mill; so there are mills which have been able to run less then a month before the mine was ex- hausted. There is usually a neighboring mill to which tha ore might as well have been hauled. It is seldom that tests are made to tell what sort of a mill and treatment is adapted Recent Changes in Gold Mining 111 /907] to the ore. Unless the ore body is large, no mill should be in- stalled until the changed ore below the water level has been tested. In North Carolina there seem to be only a few miners who deceive themselves by assaying the rich streak and assuming that the entire streak will be equally as good. The general principles of sampling the entire body seem to be well under- stood, although it is not always done as accurately as it should be. Even when good ore occurs in paying quantities the miner frequently builds a mill that is too large; For there is only a little extra expense in increasing the size of the mill after it has been running awhile instead of building a large mill all at once. So there is little excuse for assuming the greater risk of a large mill. There is less loss of gold in adjusting a small mill. One agreeable exception to the practice of building a mill before the mine is sufficienty developed is seen in the work of the Whitney Company, who have carefully tested and explored a number of mines. Many of the options were given up of course. At the old McMakin Mine at Gold Hill, as explorations proved the value of the mine, the contemplated scale of working was gradually increased. When the small shafts of the upper levels were deepened, the lower parts were made large enough for balanced hoisting and the small part will be enlarged later. In the meantime most careful sampling and assaying was done and when enough ore had been blockedout, careful mill tests were made chiefly upon the material obtained from drifts. In this way a total of 4,950 tons of ore was run through the little mill on the ground; careful records of everything gave an average recovery of $4.52 of gold on the plates and only $0.34 per ton as a concen- trate worth but $5.03 per ton and $0.83 per ton in the tail- ings. These tests made clear that the most economical method is simple amalgamation, giving a saving of about 80 per cent of the gold, with no attempt to concentrate and treat the concentrates. 112 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November The two main shafts are down 800 feet and another is 400 feet deep, with the levels averaging over 700 feet long-. This work shows a vein averag-ing 14 feet wide and gives a million and a half tons of ore blocked out ready to stope, and which will yield $2.50 per ton by amalgamation. They have accordingly planned a mill large enough to treat 1,000 tons of ore per day, making the estimated total cost of mining, milling and transporting the ore only $1.48 per ton. They are now waiting for the completion of their water- power plant before building the mill and since they have suf- ficient ore blocked out, the mine has been idle and full of water since the spring of 1905. The intention is to keep a reserve of 500,000 tons of ore in advance of the s toping. The Bonnie Doone, or Old Smart Mine, has also been prop- erly developed by Mr. J. C. Bates, a former owner of the Howie Mine. The old 80 foot shaft has been deepened to 200 feet, with levels 125 feet long at 60 feet, 100 feet at 120 feet, 160 feet at 186 feet. The ore obtained from these workings is now piled in a large dump estimated to contain 3,000 tons. And before the mill was planned, this was carefully sampled by a competent mining engineer, who dug deep trenches across it and found it to average $15.00 per ton. Of course a great deal of the same quality of ore has been blocked out in the mine. There are about 500 tons in another dump of material which came from work in the walls and is chiefly slate but contains a few of the veinlets and masses of milky quartz, and is said to assay about $1.50 per ton. It has been kept out of the good ore at only a nominal expense. The mill has not been built on account of the continued sickness of the owner, so there is no machinery at the mine except the sufficiently large prospecting hoist. As an example of a mill too large for the development may be mentioned the Reimer Mine, near Salisbury. Here a 20 stamp mill with chlorination failed simply because no ore at all had been blocked out and it could not be mined rapidly enough to keep the mill going. An examination of the mine by the late Mr. Parker, mining engineer for the Whitney igo7~\ Recent Changes in Gold Mining 113 Company, showed a remarkably continuous vein, averaging feet wide and carrying $7.50 in gold. Mr. Parker planned to develop the mine so that it might easily yield 50 tons per day, so the total cost of mining and treating the ore would be about $4.50 per ton, which includes depreciation, etc. The general custom of having no reserves of ore blocked out prevents conservative mining men from investing in them, since there is no way of determining the value of the vein unless it is opened up. It would be much better to spend the cost of a premature mill in developing ore so that there would be no difficulty in securing capital or selling the mine to advantage. It is also quite customary to extract all of the ore by under- hand stoping. This becomes very expensive when the vein is so narrow that some of the wall-rock must be broken to make room, or when the vein contains much barren rock. All of this waste material must then be hoisted to the surface and much of it becomes mixed with the ore in .the bins and chutes. If the stopes are mined upward or overhand, all the waste can be left in them supported on a single line of stulls over the drift. This often affords a scaffold for the men and so saves the great expense of putting in many stulls. In addition a large block of filling will serve as a pillar to hold the walls apart so no ore need be left in the mine. One excellent mine superintendent said that the reason for this was the fact that most of the miners are more properly farm- ers and cannot drill holes upwards. They do not work steadily enough to warrant an attempt to teach them how, even though skilled men prefer to drill “uppers.” This objection can be overcome in those mines having air drills for driving levels by installing a few of the blockholing or air hammer drills which may be held in one hand and, besides being much quicker, can be worked in stopes too nar- row for hammering by hand. So far there seems to be none of these machines in North Carolina, although they are be- coming standard in the west. 114 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November When the mines yield rich ore in narrow streaks, it should be hand-picked before going- to the mill. For this purpose the Miami Mining Company have installed at the Phoenix Mine, near Concord, Cabarrus County, an ore picker. The ore is sorted into coarse and medium material by passing through a trommel, where it is also washed by a spray pipe. It then passes over a couple of belts 30 inches wide and 30 feet long. A number of boys sit along these belts and pick out the waste, which is removed by another belt, while the good ore passes direct to a Dodge crusher. The dirt and fine ore removed by the water is raised by a sand pump directly to the battery. These machines would not pay at a small mine where an arrangement like that at the Hercules Mine at Cid, Davidson County, is better. Here the ore is dumped from the skip on to a slightly elevated platform, where it is washed by a stream of water from a hose and the waste thrown into a car standing near, as the good ore is shovelled into a car for tak- ing it to the mill. Since the publication of Bulletins Nos. 3 and 10 of the North Carolina Geological Survey, there have been a number of changes in mining practiced in the State, which, given in the order of their probable importance, are: 1. The application of machines of the old log washer type to separate gold from saprolites as is now being practiced at the Shuford, Empire, Beaver Dam, Troy, Sawyer and other mines. 2. The introduction of square set timbering in the extrac- tion of soft, deep ore bodies, which is now being practiced at the Union Copper Mine at Gold Hill. 3. The introduction of the cyanide process for treating certain sulphuret ores, which has been practiced on the tailings trom the lola, Montgomery and Howie mines. 4. The introduction of self-dumping skips, picking belts etc. Recent Changes in Gold Mining 115 /907] Log Washers Perhaps the most important change to be noted in gold mining practice in North Carolina is the introduction of log washers in treating many of the saprolitic ores that are found quite abundantly throughout many portions of the State. The old principle of the log washer cannot be patented, but the machines that are now being used, known as modern pul- verizing concentrating machines, possess many mechanical improvements that adapted them to the work that they are called upon to do. Each separate unit of these machines consists of two improved log washers running at high enough speed to read- ily disintegrate the soft material and so mix the clay into a fine pulp with water that the gold can readily settle to the bottom. Each machine is essentially a long trough or boiler plate containing a revolving cylinder fitted with heavy white iron arms set spirally so that the ore, while being hammered fine, is gradually worked to the discharge end. At the end of the first washer, the larger, hard and nearly barren quartz stones are removed by a revolving screen and belt conveyor, this being done to save wear and power in the second washer, where the gravel is still further reduced iu size and more gold settles out. The gravel that remains after passing the second washer is removed by a finer screen and the chief pulp, free from stones, passes from the riffled sluices about three feet wide and of varying lengths, which contains mercury to amalgamate and save any free gold that does not settle in the machine. The steel troughs are about 2 feet wide by 2]4 feet deep, the first being 18 feet long and the second 12 feet, with a semicircular bottom and a flat wood top. The revolving cyl- inder is made of an 8-inch steam pipe carried upon a heavy steel shaft, passing through stuffing boxes at the ends of the trough. Wrought iron bars reach through this pipe cross- wise and project about 3 inches on each side to form legs to which 8*4 inch cast iron arms are bolted to take all the wear. There is about 4 inch clearance between these arms and the 116 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November bottom of the troughs, which allows the formation of a bed of stones, which reduces the wear on the bottom and helps save the gold. This bed of stones is of course more or less shaken up by blows from the large fragments of quartz and by the revolving arms, thus permitting the gold to settle through as in panning. The constant striking of the paddles against the surface of the water will also weight and sink some of the float gold. The discharge end of the machine is set 6 inches higher than the feed end so that the gold, once down amongst the pebbles of the bed, is not apt to be pushed out. Riffles of the sluices are made 'by boring inclined auger holes in the planks laid lengthwise in the cement-lined sluice boxes. Since all the coarse gravel has been screened out, there is little wear upon the riffles and the fall and quantity of water are less than in the regular sluice for hydraulic mining. In cleaning up, the planks are lifted up and turned over and the gravel and mercury washed to the end of the sluice where quicksilver and amalgam are washed out in hand pans. When through cleaning up, the planks are simply replaced and the riffles filled with mercury and the machine started again. In cleaning the washers, which is usually done twice a week the machines are stopped and all the gravel within washed out with a hose through an opening in the bottom. This gravel is then panned by hand and the gold amalgamated. Any nuggets that occur in the rock are pounded free from quartz and are then also amalgamated. The amalgam from all sources is strained out of the quick- silver and then retorted and the bullion sold. The chief wear on the machine is the arms, which under certain conditions, as on the sharp ore at the Shuford mine, only last six weeks. They can, however, be readily made at any foundry. It is recommended by the maker that the first washer be driven at 150 to 250 revolutions per minute and that the second one at 250 to 350 per minute and that for a capacity of 10 tons Recent Changes in Gold Mining 117 /po/] per hour, each machine be given 72 gallons of water per min- ute. This will then at times require 25 H P. for a complete unit of two washers and trommels. These factors will vary greatly with the character of the ore. Since the power, and therefore the wear, will increase even more rapidly than the square of the speed, this should be kept low. In the absence of any coarse stones, there is also danger that the pulp may be too greatly agitated to allow the settling of the gold. On the other hand, the speed and work must be sufficient to grind up the ore. If there is too little water, the clay paste may not allow the gold to settle. If there is too much, there is a dan- ger of the gold being washed out. While a large capacity is of advantage and desirable, still it will mean danger of insuf- ficient grinding, too thick pulping, or too strong a flowing of water. A great deal of skill and patience is, therefore, required in adjusting these fixtures, but when once adjusted, they will work satisfactorily. It is to be recommended that a first unit be installed and run over several months at var- ious speeds, capacities and amounts of water and the machine should be given plenty of time after each change of condition to adjust itself. Also, careful tests of the ore and tailings should be made between times. The capacity and speed should first be adjusted until the best result is given in reduc- ing the amount of gold left in the tailings so combined that it will not pan. The pulp should of course be kept at a reas- onable consistency throughout the changes and the amount of water finally adjusted so that the tailings will show a min- imum of free gold in the pan. These machines are made in Knoxville, Tenn., and are handled by Geo. L. Erdman, of Asheville, N. C. One of the first of these machines was installed at the Shuford Mine, owned by the Catawba Gold Mining Company, and situated about three-quarters of a mile north of the post-office of Edith, about 5 miles south-east of Catawba Station on the Southern Railway. They have a plant of 4 double units. The Company are operating on a tract of land containing a gold-bearing zone said to be 2 miles long and 600 feet wide. 118 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November This will all pan gold at the surface and has been tested by bored holes 30 to 50 feet deep to water level and by one old shaft 115 feet deep. This zone is filled with small quartz seams from a line to occasionally several inches thick and having all possible strikes and dips and seldom more than two feet apart in every direction. The country rock varies from schist to gneiss and is generally heavily stained by iron oxide and thoroughly decomposed, except for a few, bold out- cropping hard masses. The quartz is usually thoroughly honey-combed and broken into soft, angular fragments. Except at the surface", most of the gold is in these quartz streaks, but the hard and solid portions of them seldom have much value. At the present time the entire mass is being mined by means of an irregular pit which was, in the summer of 1906, 90 feet deep and 250 to 300 feet across at the top. The material at the bottom is just as soft and decomposed as at the top and the ore is loosed by black powder and shov- elled by hand into cars containing a cubic yard. The cars are hoisted up a steep incline and automatically dumped over a grizzly of light steel rails. The fines are washed through the grizzly by jets of water, the soft large lumps being crushed and knocked through by means of a pick. In 18 months operation only a few tons of large, hard lumps have thus far been thrown out. The material is then washed down a trough about 50 feet long, thus becoming pretty uni- formly mixed before being divided among the washers. At this mine the machines are run at only 150 revolutions per minute. They were tried at a lower speed, but there was trouble with the gold sticking to clay balls. The machine used about 150 gallons of water to the minute and the whole plant is run by a 35 horsepower engine which, when the three units are running, is probably overloaded. The tailings, when tested, usually pan nothing at all, but assay a few cents, due to gold included in the sand. While this loss could be reduced by speeding up the second washer to grind the sand finer and trusting to the riffles to save what little additional free gold would not then settle in the machine, it Recent Changes in Gold Mining 119 *9°7\ is doubtful whether with the present small plant and so vast a quantitj' of ore controlled by the Company such refinements are advisable, since they would probably reduce the capacity of the plant. It is estimated that the present cost of treatment is 22 cents per cubic yard loose measure with a recovery of between 50 cents and $1.00 per cubic yard. A great deal of the success of the Catawba Gold Mining- Company is due to its conservative policy and the skill with which the whole mining and milling operation has been con- ducted. The next machine to be placed in operation was at the old Tallin Mine, near Cox, Randolph County, about 4 miles east of Cid Station on the Thompsonville and Glen Anna Railway. The Empire Mining Company own a tract of land which con- tains argillaceous slates containing two gold-bearing zones, 200 feet wide by mile long, the northwest zone being along the south side of a hard quartz and siliceous slate vein. The early work on this property was done at the northeast end of the northwest zone where there are several large pits, some 50 feet deep. The entire surface was tested by pan assays (weighing the amount of gold from known weighed amounts of ore) and a number of trenches were dug across the better portions of the zone. The results of this test led the Com- pany to instal their experimental plant on the gentle slope to another stream near the southwest end of the northwest zone. At the other end the slates are still soft at a depth of 50 feet, but here they were found to be quite solid and tough within 6 or 7 feet of the surface, though drill holes are said to have proved that the rock is again soft below a 5 or 6 foot shell of hard material. The dip at this end is only 15 or 20 degrees instead of being nearly vertical as at the other. This tough slate is thoroughly oxidized and shows a very uniform distri- bution of wheat-like grains of limonite, formed from pyrite, which lie along the cleavage planes of the slate and all the gold occurs in them. This small branch has a steep fall for 2 miles to the Yad- kin River and for the experimental plant water is returned 120 Journal of thf Mitchell Society [. November from a small settling1 pond nearby. In order to get sufficient fall for the head and tail sluices, the machines are put pretty high up on the hill so that a fat incline has been put in with dumping arrangements, etc. similarly as at the Shuford Mine. The ore is broken up by hand into about 3 inch cubes and when not hard, there is some tendency for it to stick in the grizzly crusher owing to the large percentage of clay, which is often moist. The first machine is run as high as 250 revo- lutions per minute on hard rock, but was found to give best results on average partly decomposed slates at 175 revolutions per minute. As there is no hard quartz in this ore, there is no need of an intermediate trommel. The second machine is operated at only 90 revolutions per minute and saves most of the gold, which is very fine. The trommel which follows this washer removes practically nothing but fragments of tree roots, which shows that everything is ground below 4-mesh. The riffles are 64 feet long, but very little gold is found below the first 20 feet. With this soft, clayey ore the capacity is about 8 tons per hour and 110 gallons of water per minute are required. In the summer of 1906 the machine had hardly passed the experimental stage, but the tailings almost never showed any free gold and assays of carefully taken samples showed a recovery of 90 per cent of the soft material and 80 per cent on the hard. A few modifications of the machine have been made by Mr. O. K. McCutcheon, Superintendent of the Empire Company, by introducing an improved stuffing box and valve for the clean-up openings and in the second washer iustalling a plate 9 inches wide and one inch above the center of the bottom with cross-lots ^ inch by 5 inches. This false bottom is curled up at the discharge end and serves as a riffle plate, thus considerably increasing the recover}7 of very fine gold. One double unit of these machines was being worked on the property of the Troy Mining Co., 7 miles north of Troy, Montgomery County. There are some old shafts, but the two main workings are based upon recent discoveries. By test pits and panning it seems there are two parallel zones of igoy] Recent Changes in Gold Mining 121 slate bearing gold. Open cut No. 1 shows white and pink, clay-like slates with iron stains and abundant limonite cubes and seams. The direction of the slates is N. 45° E. and part of the material seems to represent thoroughly decomposed, sheeted, coarse grained porphyry so that the deposit is proba- bly on a contact. The values are not uniform and at a depth of about 12 ft. the deposit seems to be about 20 ft. wjde, 50 ft. long and the upper part of a rounded lens, richest in the center, where a 25 ft. shaft is said to have produced $30.00 ore. To develop deeper, a shaft was sunk in the hanging wall. At a depth of 70 feet, it was stopped just as it began to cut light-colored, sericitic schists, carrying pyrite. The material from open cut No. 1 was all conveyed by a sluice to the mill, a short distance away. Although a good deal of gold was saved, the tailings ran $3.00 a ton and tests were stopped. Open cut No. 2 was made by recent unsuccessful hydraulic mining. It was, at the time of the visit, 200 feet long, 20 to 24 feet wide and 2 to 10 feet deep. This zone pans quite uni- formly 18 to 20 feet wide in the cut and in cross trenches beyond the end of it. No assays of average samples have been made. There is a barren, white quartz vein, with some large quartz crystals, along part of one side of the zone and most of the material seems to have been more or less siliceous sericite schist, now thoroughly decomposed to purple clay or fine sand. At the time of the visit, 100 tons were being hauled over muddy roads to the mill about a quarter of a mile away, to make a test run. The machines were found to give a little less free gold in the tailings as the speed was reduced, and at the time of the visit, both sections were being run at only 60 R.P.M. The rate of feeding is very low, apparently only 2 tons per hour, and the amount of water is very large, apparently about 150 gallons per minute. As there was no hard pebbles or other material in the ore to form a bed in the machine, it is probable that most of the gold was washed out. Even at this low rate of speed the coarsest tailings were very fine 122 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November particles of sand. Samples of the tailings included only the coarser, rapidly settling parts, so that the assays made were probably too high. It may be that the slower speed simply decreases the pan assay of the tailings by not freeing such a large percentage of gold which remains included in the larger grains. Th.e most apparent recommendation would be to put McCutcheon riffles in the bottom of the machine, run the first machine faster than the second and greatly increase the percentage of ore fed to machine as compared with the amount of water used. No samples of the ore had been taken so the tests are not conclusive. The latest reports are that the tailings from open cut No. 2 also assayed $3.00 to $4.00 per ton; that the washers are abandoned and that a 50 ton cyanide mill will be erected. It is also said that some good ore was struck below a quartz vein in a 17 ft. shaft, sunk in open cut No. 2. It is probably well to abandon the washers here because the thoroughly decom- posed soil gets very hard not far from the surface, and the water level will be less than 30 feet below the highest part of the ore zone now exposed. Therefore the available ton- nage of decomposed material is rather small. A shaft on a third vein, just below the creek bed, shows hard silicified ser- icite slates, with much pyrites but no visible copper or other minerals which would interfere with the cyanide plant adapted for handling slimes. Machines have also been installed at the old Sawyer Mine in Randolph County 5 miles west of Sophia and about 14 miles from High Point. This property has been worked off and on for many years, but has failed because the gold could not be saved by a stamp mill and plates. The machine will first treat the soil and very soft outcrops and then the hard rock, which does not slack by itself will be crushed fine by rolls and the machine used simply as a panning device. This will be a new and novel use for this machine and the results will be watched with interest. The McCutcheon modification of the Modern Pulverizing and Concentrating machine is being installed at the old Mer- Recent Changes in Goud Mining 123 *9°7\ rill Mine on Carraway Creek 3 miles west of Sophia. The old workings are said to show a zone 1-2 mile long which is composed principally of clay to a depth of 50 or 60 feet. Theie are eight long cross-cut trenches and many test pits have been made which are said to have given ore running from SI. 50 to $1.90 per ton. Near Newton, Catawba County, one of the machines is being installed to work a property said to be similar to the Shuford Mine in the same county. From information obtained by observation in the field and tests in the laboratory, it would seem that this Modern Pul- verizing and Concentrating machine is adapted for certain ores such as those of the Shuford Mine and that with certain modifications as have been worked out by Mr. McCutcheon, the machine can be adapted to still other ores. It is neces- sary, however, to make a careful study of the ore and to adjust the machine to each particular ore before it can be determined whether or not the machine will save the gold; and a machine should not be accepted or discarded until the ore has been thoroughly tested to ascertain whether or not the machine can be adapted to that particular ore. SQUARE SETS. The second change in mining practice of great importance to the gold mining industry in North Carolina is the intro- duction of square set timbering in the extraction of soft deep ore bodies. This method was introduced by Mr. H. L. Gris- wold, superintendent of the Union Copper Company’s mine at Gold Hill, N. C. In former mining the old stopes were held open by miscellaneous timbering such as stulls, lock sets and truss sets. Such methods were not satisfactory and prevent- ed the stoping of the ore in the most economical manner. By the introduction of the western square set-method of timber- ing, the stoping of the ore is being done safely, completely and economically. The sets are made of 8 x 8 inch sawed oak and the mine carpenter can usually easily frame enough timber for this work in about one-eighth of his time. The 124 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November sets are 6 ft. 3 inches high in the clear and 5 feet across in the clear. The posts are, therefore, 6 ft. 3 inches long be- tween the shoulders and have a 5 x 5 inch tenon inches long at each end; the caps are 5 ft. 3 inches between shoul- ders and have a 5x5 inch tenon 2}£ inches long at each end; the ties are 5 feet between shoulders and have a tenon 5x8 inches and 1% inches long at each end. The size of the timbers will of course vary with the weight to be sustained. This style and proportions of framing are very good for oak timbers; but for pine, which crushes so easily across the grain, it is better to have the ends of the post tenons to touch each other. The light timbers are of course cheaper and much more easily handled. As the stopes get large, they are more or less completely filled with waste rock which is usually obtained in mining and would other- wise have to be hoisted out in working the usually underhand stopes. This filling also holds the posts in position and helps to prevent them from buckling or “jack-knifing” if any one timber yields, which might otherwise endanger the whole system. Since most of the pressure is downward, as soon as the ore is blasted away to make room for a new set, all the sets below are relieved and tend to come back to their origin- al position. Thus, even light timbers will hold very well if the stope is worked rapidly enough. In the Union Copper mine the square sets were founded upon a platform built upon the old solid looking truss sets. As soon as a heavy load came upon them the trusses buckled sidewise and everything caved in. Anew foundation was then made upon reinforced stulls and there has been no trouble since. Mr. Griswold is starting a new lot of square sets in a large open chamber just above the fourth level and he will thus be able to work out easily all the ore left above, espec- ially a big pillar that remains between the first and second levels. A new set can be added in any position at any time with- out disturbing the adjoining timbers and the old timbers can easily be supported by temporary props while making room Recent Changes in Gold Mining 125 1907] for an additional set. When the old timbers have been re- placed the entire flooring- of sets is easily put in as the ore is removed; a temporary plank covering may be placed across the old timbers to protect the men from falling rocks. Tem- porary plank floors are placed upon the sets for the men to stand upon and, as the system becomes higher, chutes and mill holes are put in to conduct the ore to the car on the track below. Any waste rock mined is merely dumped in and around the lower sets. There has been little or no trouble indtroducing the square set method of timbering and at the Union Copper Mine the work is done under the immediate supervision of Mr. Hed- rick, a skilfull North Carolina shift boss who has had no previous experience with square sets. Some of the miners, especially negroes, when first stoping by means of square set timbering are a little nervous because they are so close to the roof that they can see how loose the rocks are; but they soon realize that they can pick down the loose rock or prop it up and, therefore, are safer than when they are so far away that they cannot tell at what moment the rock may fall upon them. Also when working at the bottom of a high, 1 underhand stope, a blow from even a small rock would be dangerous. CYANIDE PLANTS. The introduction of the cj^anide process for treating certain sulphuret ores is a third change in mining practice in the State that has added considerable to the production of gold. One of the most successful cyanide plants was the one erected to work the tailings of the Howie mine, near Waxhaw, Union County. This mine is in a zone of hard, siliceous slates, carry- ing chimney-like bodies of pretty high grade ore. The gold is all free but so finely disseminated that the high grade ore which.is a laminated or schistose quartz has merely a golden sheen. A great deal of this escaped amalgamation although enough was saved to pay well. These old tailings, which are rumored to have been worth 5 or 6 dollars a ton, soften 126 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November somewhat upon exposure to the weather so that the recovery by cyanide was very good. The old cyanide plant had four iron tanks 5)4 feet deep and 30 feet in diameter and supposedly the necessary other tanks and apparatus. When the tailings were exhausted the mine was sold to the Colossus Mining Company, a London corpor- ation, which proposed to put in an immense plant to treat the entire zone. This zone had previously been cross cut by two trenches somewhat over 20 feet deep, but it was never properly sampled, for although there are many fairly rich streaks, the general average value is only 40 to 50 cents a ton. The tanks of the old mill were made a part of the new big mill, so the original arrangement of this successful plant could not be learned and also no one could be found to give information about the successful treatment. There is now a Ledgerwood cableway for economical handling of excavated rock. This dumps the skips of rock upon the feeding plat- form of a very large gyratory crusher discharging into a trommel. The coarse rock from the trommel goes through a smaller gyratory crusher into the bin cotaining the finer rock. From this bin it is hoisted to a long, rotating cylinder dryer discharging to the first of a pair of Allis rolls working in series with necessary screens and elevators. The fine mate- rial from these rolls is divided among three ball mills of pecu- liar design. They have a vertical axis bearing arms which push a number of six inch iron balls around a horizontal run- way. There are at present no screens on these, and the product contains a good deal of troublesome dust or slimes, and some sand too coarse for successful cyaniding. From the ball mills a fine set of conveyors carry the dry material to any one of the leaching tanks. There are six tanks 5)4 feet deep and 40 feet in diameter, and four tanks 5)4 feet deep by 30 feet in diameter, all in the open air; and the necessary solution, gold and slump tanks. The mill is very badly designed since the rolls have scarcely capacity for 75 tons per day and the ball mills were so overworked that much coarse sand passed Recent Changes in Goed Mining 127 1907] through them. On the other hand, the crushers, elevators, etc., have a capacity fully four times as great. The mill has been used by the present management in making cyanide tests upon the rich ore remaining in the chimneys. Even when crushed very fine this fresh unaltered ore can be leach- ed for a week without apparently giving up more than half its gold, thus this cyanide plant cannot be used for this ore. At present the most productive cyanide plant in this State is the one at the Iola Mine, near Candor, Montgomery County. The ore, coming from a pretty sharply defined vein, is either a hard, glassy, white quartz with traces of un- replaced slate, carrying coarse gold in octahedral crystals; or soft sugary, white quartz generally richer but not show- ing visible gold. This “sugar quartz” has lately been run- ning from $14.00 to $20.00 per ton. It is crushed in a dilapi- dated 20 stamp mill where the coarse gold and much of the fine gold is amalgamated as usual. The tailings are elevated and are run to the various settling tanks or “sand boats,” 3 feet wide at one end, 5 feet at the other, 12 feet long and 3^ feet deep, having at the small end a wooden lattice on the inner side of which a canvass curtain may be rolled up from the bottom. When the thin tailings run into this the sand settles out and the fine part or slimes flow into the slime tanks. As the sand accumulates the curtain is unrolled so that the overflow is just above the level of the top of the sand. The other two sand boats, just above the tanks, are plain boxes 6 feet by 3^ by 15 feet. One end is bored full of holes to let out the slimes. These are plugged as the level of the sand reaches them. The wet sand from these boats is shovelled or wheeled into whichever of the sand tanks may be empty. This shovelling thoroughly breaks up any water tight layers of slime which may have formed when the mill was shut down for a short time, and the thin pulp remaining below the overflow has a chance to settle in a layer on top of the sand. It also sup- plies the needed oxygen to aid the cyanide in dissolving the gold. The sand tanks were made locally of yellow pine and 128 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November are 4 feet deep and 20 feet in diameter with the usual cocoa matting- filter in the bottom. When filled to conveni- ent height, they hold 40 tons of sand. A solution containing 1.4 pounds of potassium cyanide per ton of water is pumped upon this and drained off through the filter; this solution is kept circulating as rapidly as possible, keeping the sand always covered, for three or four days until the sand must be removed to make room for another batch. Then the solution is allowed to drain off, after which a little water is added to displace what solution remains in the damp sand. The sand is then washed out by a stream of water from a hose throug-h an opening in the bottom of the tank into a troug-h or launder, to a settling pond where the sand settles out and the water collects to be pumped back again. The slimes flow from the sand boats to one of the three agitation tanks 10 feet deep and 20 feet in diameter. Near the bottom of each of these is a slowly revolving paddle consist- ing of four well braced oak arms carrying pins. Some of the surplus water is drained off and a solution carrying 1 pound of potassium cyanide per ton of water (0.05%) is added. The agitation continues while the solution and slimes are drawn off at the bottom to a 4-inch centrifugal pump, thus thoroughly aerating and mixing it. This process continues until the tank is needed for more slimes. The solution is then pumped into one of the settling tanks 14x18 feet at a little lower level. Here the solid matter slowly settles out and the clear solution is drawn off. Sometimes the slimes are returned for a treatment with a second solution until they are finally sluiced out to waste. The solution from the sand tank, which now contains the gold, is passed directly to the zinc boxes; these have six compartments, 2x2x2 feet, with a side trough and a diaphragm for circulating the solution. This arrangement allows any one box to be emptied and cleaned while the solution circulates through the others. From the zinc boxes the solution flows to the sump tank, 10x20 feet. Here more potassium cyanide is added to replace what has been consumed until the solution reaches the right Recent Changes in Gold Mining 129 1907] strength. This sump tank thus serves for a solution tank, from which the solution is raised by a small centrifugal pump to the sand leaching tanks. Most other mills have a small extra tank at the highest level in which the solution is made up and from which it flows by gravity to the sand tanks. The clear solution from the slime settling tank is stored in the tank 24x8 feet. From this it flows through an eight com- partment zinc box like the other one and to the sump and weak solution tank. In the zinc boxes zinc from a mass of fine zinc shavings enters the solution in place of the gold which is precipitated as a black coating upon the zinc. Each month the zinc in the boxes is sifted and the fine stuff saved, and the coarse stuff returned to the box. The deficiency of coarse zinc in the first box is made up by taking some of it from the second, which is in turn filled from the third and so on. All the fresh zinc required is added to the last compartment, and, since much of the gold sticks to the zinc until it is all dis- solved, most of the gold slimes are recovered from the first compartment where precipitation is also most active, as the solution passing through it contains the largest percentage of gold. The gold slimes, or finety divided gold, containing small scraps of zinc, is melted in a graphite crucible to which a little nitre is added to oxidize the zinc and cause it to unite with the borax used as a flux. The melted gold is cast into bricks and sent to the mint. All the tanks are in the open air. The pipes are wrapped to prevent freezing, and there is no trouble except that heavy rains increase the amount of solution which must be wasted and so cause a greater loss of potassium cyanide. The pumps, and the engine for driving them and the agitators, are housed in. In the same building is the room containing the zinc boxes and furnace for melting the bullion. About 4-10 of a pound of potassium cyanide is consumed per ton of ore. In the ore are no copper minerals or similar sub- stances to consume cyanide. 130 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November Eight pounds of lime are added to each ton of tailings on its way to the cyanide plant. This is to cause the slimes to settle more readily and neutralize any acid which may be formed from the pyrites in the ore, and which would otherwise consume cyanide. The chief loss of cyanide is, therefore, in the solution that is wasted with the wet slimes. There is required one solution man at $1.50 a day for each shift. If one-half of the steam used at the mill is charged to the cyanide part, the total cost exclusive of inter- est and depreciation is $0.90 per ton. The tailings from the cyanide plant contain about $1.00 per ton of gold. Since the sands from the mill had been carrying $4.86 per ton, there is a handsome profit in the cyanide plant — about $2.90 per ton treated. The cost of the plant was from $10,000 to $12,000. The loss in the tailings could be reduced by a longer treat- ment of the sands and the intention is to add two more sand leaching tanks for this purpose.* At the Montgomery mine, which adjoins the Iola, there is another cyanide plant for treating failings from a 10 stamp mill. All of the tanks are square. The stream of tailings is first sepa- rated into slimes and sands in a pointed box. Near the bot- tom of this box is a pipe out of which the coarse sand, which settles most rapidly, flows to the settling tanks, over the sand tank, while the slimes overflow at the top opposite the inlet. The slimes are not treated and the sand treatment does not differ essentially from that at Iola. The mine was shut down at the time of the visit so no data as to the cyanide (treatment could be obtained. From the relatively greater tank capacity, the sand probably receives a longer treatment. The solution tanks and zinc boxes are inside the mill. There is a new cyanide mill at the Southern Homestake Mine, 13 miles south of Thomasville, near Cox, Randolph County. ♦Note — The data as to the cyanide treatment was mostly obtained from Mr. W. T. Sawyer, former superintendent, checked as far as possible by Mr. Jones, the present superintendent. Recent Changes in Gold Mining 131 7907] The ore passes over a grizzly, the oversize from which goes through a Blake crusher, aud, with the fines from the grizzly, are elevated to a trommel screen above a small storage bin. The oversize from this trommel passes through a pair of cor- rugated rolls, then back to the same trommel, and soon, until it is all reduced to sand. The corrugated rolls chattered badly on account of the coarse feed; and the soft clayey ore tends to stick them so it will probably be better to use instead a number of smooth rolls in series. The fine dry ore is taken by a belt conveyor to one of the three sheet iron leaching tanks, 6 feet deep and 30 feet in diameter. It was assumed that the solution would percolate through the S}4 feet of dry crushed ore, even though the slimes were not removed; but in the actual tests the tanks were filled only half full. Below the level of these leaching tanks are zinc boxes and sump tanks; the three solution tanks are on a trestle outside the main building, covering the leach- ing tanks. The property was purchased without adequate sampling and the work was abandoned after treating 150 tons and find- ing that the ore averaged only $2.00 a ton. No data as to time of treatment, strength of solution, etc., was obtained. The recovery on the three tanks tried was 70, 80 and 83 per cent respectively. The ore is decomposed rock, occurring in wide zones and carrying a great deal of clay. No data was obtained as to the capacity of the mill. MINING DETAILS (SELF-DUMPING SKIPS, ETC.) ' Many of the mines in North Carolina are based upon more or less flat veins and since most of the ore is hoisted in buckets, it is customary to sink vertical shafts. When the mines become deep, this requires expensive cross-cuts to reach the vein; hence there are many vertical shafts which are turned upon reaching the vein and not adapted to the use of a cage or an ordinary style skip. Mr. Geo. E. Price has overcome this difficulty at the Rudisill Mine, at Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, by modifying the ordinary skip, and 132 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November adapting it to his special needs. The shaft is vertical for 200 feet and then inclines at an angle of 35° from the horizontal for 150 feet more. The skip is the ordinary iron skip, except that the wheels are a little larger than usual to reduce friction on the incline and all have narrow treads. In the vertical part these wheels run between two vertical guide timbers. The rope is not over the center of the shaft but toward the dumping side so that when the skip reaches the top the front wheels run down the forward curve of the track until they strike the top. Then the rear wheels swing to the rear in the arc of a circle. Just before they reach the top of this arc the nose of the skip strikes a roller which raises the front wheels sufficiently to bring them to a bearing against the front vertical guide so that incase of overwinding the skip rises at the dumping angle and rock cannot be dumped down the shaft. In this way the skip need wait at the top of the shaft only long enough for the ore to slide out of it, which is but a small fraction of a minute. The ore is dumped from the car on to a platform about 3 feet below the level of the rails and the skip is stopped with its top about level with this platform and nearly fill- ing the opening in it. If the output of the mine was a little greater, Mr. Price would replace the platform by a small bin, into which the cars could be dumped as they reach the station and from which the ore could be rapidly run into a skip through a chute. But since the man that would be required to operate the gate has ample time to shovel all the ore into the skip, there would be no labor saving in the bins and no justification for the expense. For even a small mine this skip saves the labor of a top man. In the ordinary vertical shaft the bales of the skips are fitted with shoes and there are no wheels on the skip which is unlatched and dumped at the top by rollers striking suitable curved gnides. Such a skip has the advantage of needing only one set of guides and no wheels, but it cannot be operat- ed around a curve. ig°7 ] Recent Changes in Gold Mining 133 The labor of the top man is also avoided by a self-dumping- bucket observed at the Haile Gold Mine, South Carolina. This is an ordinary bucket fitted with guide wheels. The back wheels are caught by a latch at the dumping place and turns over when the rope is slacked off. Then the bucket is raised, the latch is withdrawn by the engineer and the bucket lowered. CHAPEL HILL FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES The accompanying- list of ferns of this region, including an area of about two miles radius around Chapel Hill, has been in course of preparation for several years, and is now, in all probability, very nearly complete. The topography of Chapel Hill is quite favorable to fern growth, and the num- ber found here is as large as could be expected in regions free from limestone. In his “Catalogue of the Indigenous and Naturalized Plants of the State,” by Dr. M. A. Curtis*, there are given thirty-eight true ferns and eleven fern allies for the State of North Carolina. Of the species mentioned by him, eigh- teen ferns and four fern allies occur in Chapel Hill, while two of the ferns in the following list are not recorded by Curtis for this State. These are Botrychium obliquum var. dissec- tum, and Dryopteris Goldieana var. celsa. The list of our ferns is as follows: Botrychium obliquum Muhl. (B. ternatum Chapm.). Ternate Grape fern. Not uncommon in damp, shaded places. Botrychium obliquum var. dissectum. Dissected Grape- fern. Found only once in a low place near Judge’s spring. Botrychium Virginianum (L.) Sw. Virginia Grape-fern. Rather more common than B. obliquum and occurring in similar situations. Osmunda spectabilis willd. Royal Fern. (Distinct from O. regalis L. of Europe). Common along small streams. Osmunda cinnamomea L. Cinnamon Fern. Common along small streams and in low, damp places. Polypodium vulgare L. Common Polypody. Very rare. Known only to occur at Upper Laurel Hill where it covers the face of a high rock, looking north. ♦Geological and Natural History Survey of North Carolina, Part III, Raleigh, 1867. 134 [ November ~ ig°7~\ Chapel Hill Ferns and their Allies 135 Polypodium polypodioides (L.) A. S. Hitchcock. (P. incanum Sw.). Resurrection Fern. On shaded trunks of elms and occasionally on rocks; not rare. Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. (Pteris aquilina L.) Bracken or Brake. In dry woods and sometimes in fields. Common. Adiantum pedatum L. Maiden-hair Fern. Found in three situations; in rich places near the foot of hills looking- north. Cheilanthes lanosa (Michx.) Watt. (C. vestita Sw.) Hairy Lip-fern. Found only on one rock on northern side of Morgan’s Creek near Scott’s Hole. Asplenium platyneuron (L.) Oaks. (A. ebeneum Ait.) Ebony Spleenwort. Common in woods and in niches of stone walls. Asplenium acrostichoides Sw. Silvery Spleenwort. Found only in two clumps near the base of Lone Pine Hill looking north. Asplenium Felix-foemina (L.) Bernh. Lady Fern. Very common along streams and in damp places. Woodwardia areolata (L.) Moore. Chain Fern. Found only in a marshy spot about one-half mile south-west of the University. Onoclea sensibilis L. Sensitive Fern. Scattered here fand there in wet places. Dryopteris acrostichoides (Michx.) Kuntze. Christ- mas Fern. Abundant along streams and on northern slopes of hills. Dryopteris Thelyteris (L.) A. Gray. Marsh Shield- fern. Found only in marsh north of Lone Pine Hill. Dryopteris Goldieana (Hook.) A. Gray. var. celsa. This fern was recently found near the northern foot of Lone Pine Hill. About eight specimens occurred scattered over a radius of seventy-five yards. It has not before been recorded for this State, It was described from Dismal Swamp by Palmer in the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Wash- ington, Volume XIII, page 65, 1899. Specimens have since 136 Journal of* the Mitchell Society [ November been found in New York and New Jersey, For this informa- tion I am indebted to Professor L. M. Underwood and Mr. R. C. Benedict of New York. Dr. Underwood considers the fern a hybrid between D, goldieana and D, marginalis. It is not described in any of our manuals. Phegopteris hexagonoptera (Michx.) Fee. Beech Fern. Not uncommon in flat places along- small streams, Woodsia obtusa (Spreng) Torr, Found only on a few stone walls in town. The fern allies found here are as follows: Equisetum hyemale L. Scouring. rush. Found by Dr, H, V, Wilson along Morgan’s Creek, Occurring also along the Oxford road near Durham. Lycopodium alopecuroides L. Club-moss, Growing only in an open wet place near the spot where Woodwardia was found. Lycopodium complanatum L, Christmas-gre^n, Found by me only near upper Laurel Hill, Reported from a few places by others, Selaginella apus L. Spring, Rather common among moss in wet places. SALISBURY'S PHYSIOGRAPHY. * COIXIER COBB. T eachers of physiography in colleges will welcome this book, not only because it is the first of its kind of college grade, but also for the large amount of fresh material that it con- tains and its admirable arrangement, the author being at the same time a skilled investigator and a successful teacher. “In the preparation of the text,” he tells us, “the effort has been to shape it, when practicable, so as to lead the student into the subject under discussion, rather than to tell him the conclusions which have been reached by those who have made the subject their special study.” The author holds persistently to that idea of physiography which regards the origin of land forms as its chief problem. This is not the English idea of physiography, but it is preeminently the Amer- ican idea. It is the geography which Mackinder of Oxford defined as the study of the present in the light of the past, as distinguished from geology, which is the study of the past in the light of the present. If the high school teacher is disappointed that small space has been given to certain topics that he has associated with text-books of physical geography, such as minerals and rocks, and plants and animals, let him remember that in colleges, where the author purposes the book shall be used, special courses in these related subjects are given in associated departments. In fact a strong point of the book is that, ♦Physiography. By Prof. R. D. Salisbury, University of Chicago. 8 vo. 770 pp. American Science Series — Advanced Course. $3.50. New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1907] 137 138 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November with the exception of a few references to physiographic effects on human life, scattered through its pages, it presents physiography as a science associating causes and effects clearly and forcibly, thus avoiding the mistake made by many who exalt physiographic control at the expense of a science deeply interesting for its own sake. Any study of the origin of land forms involves the study of both air and water, since air is the medium through which solar energy is applied to the earth, and water is the greatest agent in producing effects on the earth’s surface. Though the greater part of the book is given to land forms, still 273 pages remain for the treatment of the atmosphere, the ocean, and the earth’s solar relations. The treatment is essentially dynamic, and the movement in the direction of the explanation of the origin of the land forms of the earth. The reader is led to see these forms in the process of becom- ing what they are, and to anticipate the time when they shall give way to other forms. The surface of the earth becomes a stage where physical forces play their part, now in one role, now in another, until the land above the sea is reduced to base level, or rejuvenated by elevation to begin a similar sequence of events, to enter upon a new cycle. The first chapter of the book introduces the reader to the chief relief forms of the earth’s crust and the materials out of which they are made. This general survey places the problem of the land forms well before the student, and pre- pares him for the consideration of the agents that have shaped them. Then follow chapters explaining and discuss- ing the work of the atmosphere, of ground water, running water, snow and ice, of waves and currents in the construction of shore forms, of vulcanism, and the effects of crustal move- ment, or diastrophism. For the first time does the work of the atmosphere receiye anything like adequate treatment in a text-book of physiography. These chapters are followed by a very excellent generalization and summary of the origin and distribution of land forms clinching in the minds of the students the facts that have been brought out and driven home by varied investigations. , Salisbury's Physiography 139 The part played by the atmosphere in the evolution of surface forms has received a treatment comparable in detail to that presented by special text-books of meteorology. The energy derived from the sun is followed through a series of transformations, in the chapters on atmospheric pressure, the movement of air currents, and the transportation of water vapor to its final precipitation upon the earth. The various elements of climate and the zones of climate receive due attention. In these chapters the composition of the atmos- phere, the air in its life relations, the distribution of temper- atures over the earth, and the philosophy of the movements of the air are treated in an interesting and original manner. The chapter on the storms of the United States is especially detailed and illustrated by a complete series of isothermal charts and weather maps. Following the chapters on the atmosphere, six chapters covering fifty pages are given to the discussion of the principal facts of oceanography. The book contains more than seven hundred illustrations, forty-three of which are sections of topographic maps; and of the others more than half are half-tones from excellent photo- graphs. This can by no means replace field-work but serves rather to invite to work out of doors; for the author says in his preface: “Another phase of work which should not be i 1 neglected is work out of doors. This must form a part of the work of every strong course in this subject. Directions for local field-work cannot be outlined profitably in a text-book, for the work must be shaped with reference to the specific locality where the subject is studied. Both field-work and map work should have for their aim the application of the principles studied, in such a way as to make the subject vital. The aim of every laboratory exercise carried out in connec- tion with this subject should be the same, and any laboratory work which does not either illustrate and enforce principles, or lead to them, is not worth development. The student who cannot apply what he has learned in the class-room to to his out-of-door surroundings, has not secured the maximum good from his study of the subject.” 140 Journal of thk Mitchell Society \_Kovemb \j>'- At the end of each chapter is a well selected list of top m the text, and a list of classified and paged references for sirtf plementary reading-. These references, even without the text, would be a most valuable aid to the advanced student or teacher, as they have been gathered through long1 experience in the class room. The author’s style is pleasing- and not too technical, and the averag-e public school teacher will find the book an invaluable aid in the teaching- of physical geography, though it was written primarily for the college student. * * DECEMBER, J907 NO. 4 KQ JOURNAL OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society ISSUED QUARTERLY $ CHAPEL HU. I,, N. C.> U, Si A. . TO It ENTERED AT THE P09T0PIICC «B SECOND CLASS MATTES li&c!RB8Sw- 5 : - , >'■ • y- . 7 - " '/* £ : - \ v',: Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society W. C. ('OKER, President J. E. LATTA, Vice-President A. S. WHEELER, Rec Sec. F. P. VENABLE, Editors ok the Journal: §mi W. O. COKER E. V. HOWELL, ARCHIBALD HENDERSON CONTENTS Artificial Key to the Species of Snakes and Lizards which are Found in North Carolina.— C. S. Bnmley The Salamanders of North Carolina. — C. S. Brimley A Key to the Species of Frogs and Toads Liable to Occur in North Carolina. -t-C & Brimley 15 On Some Phenomena of Coalescence and Regeneration in Sponges. . , ^ :v . , | ■ _ ' ' 5 — H. V- Wilson .- 16 Fishes of North Carolina; A Review.— Josph Hyde Pratt 17 Reviews Journal of the - Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society — Quarterly. ;Pr*^l! $2.00 per year; single numbers 50 cents. Most numbers of former \ limes can be supplied. Direct all correspondence to the Editors, i University of North- -Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. & JOURNAL vol. xxrn OF THE Mitchell Scientific Society LIBRARY NEW YOR! 0OTANICA garden DECEMBER, 1907 NO. 4 ARTIFICIAL KEY TO THE SPECIES OF SNAKES AND LIZARDS WHICH ARE FOUND IN NORTH CAROLINA. 1. Eyelids moveable; external ear present; underparts cov- ered with numerous scales; limbs present, except in Ophisaurus. Lizards. 2. Eyelids immovable; no external ears; under parts covered Swith broad band like plates; limbs absent. Snakes. 7. 2. Limbs absent. Length when adult about 2 ft. of which about two thirds are normally tail. * Glass or Joint Snake. {Ophisaurus v entrails). Limbs present. Length when adult 1 ft. or less. 3. j 3. Body very smooth and shiny. 4. Body not very smooth and shiny, scales at least somewhat rough. 5. : 4. Leng-th about 5 inches or less, unstriped. Ground Lizard (Leiolepisma later ale). Length over 5 inches or else with leng-thwise stripes. Large adults often unstriped with reddish head. Blue - •The tail as in all lizards is very easy to break off, and hence a glass make with an injured tail growing afresh, may have the tail quite short. '907] 141 Printed Feb. 13, 1908 142 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December tailed Lizard, “ Red-headed Scorpion ” ( Eumeces quin - quehneatus.) 5. Back crossbanded, or else throat and sides of belly dark blue. Scales very rough. Fence Lizard ( Sceloporus undulatus ) . Back not crossbanded, throat not dark blue, scales not very rough. 6. 6. Back with lengthwise stripes Sand Swift ( Cnemido - phorus sexlineatus). Back unstriped. Color green, brown or blackish. Green Lizard, “ Chameleon ” ( Anolis carolinensis) . 7. A pit of hollow in the side of head between eye and nostril. Plates on underside of tail mostly not in pairs. Head much broader than the neck. The Rattlesnakes and their kin. (Family Crotalidae). 8. No pit on side of head between eye and nostril. Plates on under side of tail in pairs. Top of head covered with large plates. 11. 8. Tail with a rattle. Top of head covered with large plates. Size small. Rattle small. Ground Rattlesnake ( Sistrurus m iliarius ) . Tail with a rattle. Top of head covered with small scales. Size large, rattle large. 9. Tail without a rattle. Top of head covered with large plates. 10. 9. Markings on back in form of diamond-shaped blotches. Diamond Rattlesnake ( Crotalus adamanteus ). Markings on back in form of dark, ragged-edged cross bands, or sometimes when the animal is very dark, wholly absent. Banded Rattlesnake ( Crotalus horridus). 10. Top of head blackish brown, colors darker. * Cotton- mouth ( Ancistrodon piscivorus ) . * The Cottonmouth is continually confused with the large water snakes of the genus Natrix, which are perfectly harmless. Artificial Key to the Snakes 143 *9°7\ Top of head reddish, colors paler. Copperhead ( Ancis - tron contortrix). 11. Upper parts unmarked. 12. Upperparts with evident markings. 22. 12. Upper parts green. 13. Upper parts not green. 14. 13. fScales keeled. Southern Green Snake ( Cyclophis aesti- vus). Scales smooth. Northern Green Snake ( Liopeltis ver- nalis). 14. Color of upper parts black. 15. Color of upper parts some shade of brown. 17. 15. Snout recurved and keeled. Scales keeled. Black Adder ( Heterodon platyrhmus var. niger). Snout as usual, not recurved nor keeled. 16. 16. Scales all smooth. Underparts slaty black except the throat which is white. Black Snake ( Bascanion con- strictor). Middle rows of scales faintly keeled. Underparts black- ish, except for about the front third, which is white. Chicken Snake ( Coluber obsoletus). 17. Scales keeled. 18. Scales smooth. 19. 18. Size small, under 1 ft. when adult. Brown Snake ( Hal - dea striatula). Size large. Coppery red below. Copperbelly ( Natrix f erythrogastra) . 19. Size large. (Young crossbanded, a foot long when hatched.) Coachwhip ( Bascanion Jlagellum). Size small, under one foot when adult. 20. + The scales of a snake are either perfectly smooth or else with a little ridge down the middle, in the latter case they are said to be keeled. 144 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December 20. Under parts reddish. Ground Snake (Carphophiops amoenus ). Under parts whitish or yellowish. 21. 21. Top of head darker than back. Color of back reddish brown. Brown-headed Snake {Rhadinaea jlavilata). Top of head same color as back. Color of upper parts grayish brown. * Valerias Snake ( Virginia v alert ae). 22. Markings confined to red and black blotches on the sides. Under parts red. Size large, scales smooth. Horn Snake {Farancia ahacura). Markings on upper parts confined to a light or dark cross band on neck. 23. Back striped or spotted or both. 24. 23. Under parts white, crossband on neck black. Crowned Tantilla ( Tantilla coronata). Under parts reddish, crossband on neck white. Brown Snake ( Haldea striatula ), some young specimens. Under parts yellow, spotted with black, crossband on neck, yellow. Ringnecked Snake (Diadophis punctatus ). 24. Body striped lengthwise. 25. Body not striped lengthwise. 31. 25. Scales keeled. 26. Scales, or at least most of the lower rows, smooth. 30. 26. Under parts with dark stripes. Willow Snake ( Natrix leberis). Under parts not striped. 27. 27. Size small, under 1 ft. when adult. No side stripes but only one down the middle of back. 28. Size larger, adults over two feet in length. Side stripes usually present. 29. 28. Under parts red. Three pale spots on nape. Redbel - lied Snake ( Storeria occipitomaculata) . ♦Valerias Snake usually^has small blackish dots on back, but these are not very conspicuous. igoy ] Artificial Key to the Snakes 145 Under parts whitish. Not three pale spots on nape. DeKays Snake ( Storeria dekayi). 29. Side stripes on third and fourth rows of scales, count- ing- from belly plates; no square black spots between stripes of side and that on back. Slim Garter Snake ( Eutaen ia sirtalis ) , Side stripes on second and third rows of scales. Square black spots between stripes. Garter Snake ( Eutaenia sirtalis). 30. Three red stripes on a darker ground. Underparts red, spotted with black. Hoop Snake ( Abastor erythro- grammus). Four dark stripes on a lighter ground. Underparts yel- lowish. Striped Chicken Snake ( Coluber quadrivittatus) . 31. Body above with crossbands of red, black, and white (or yellow). 32. Body not colored as above. 34. 32. Every alternate crossbar yellow. Coral Adder ( Elaps fulvius ). Every alternate crossbar black. 33. 33. Snout narrow, under parts white. Red Snake ( Cemo - phora coccinea ). Snout rounded, under parts with black markings. Red King Snake ( Ophibolus doliatus coccineus). 34. Scales all smooth. 33. Scales keeled, 42. 35. Black with narrow white crossbars forking on the sides. King Snake ( Ophibolus getulus). Not as above. 36. 36. Underparts with squarish black spots. 37. Underparts not with squarish black spots. 38. 146 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December 37. Head large, broader than the neck. |Anal plate divided. Spotted Racer. Rat Snake {Coluber guttatus) . Head small, not broader than neck. Anal plate undi- vided. Milk Snake {Ophibolus doliatus triangulus ). 38. Head large, broader than neck. Anal plate divided. 39. Head small, not broader than neck. Anal undivided. Brown King Snake {Ophibolus rhomb omaculatus) . 39. ^Scales in 25 or 27 rows. 40. Scales in 19 rows. 41. 40. Underparts yellowish. Striped Chicken Snake , young. Underparts slaty black behind, whitish in front. Chicken Snake, young. 41. §Upper lip plates 7 on each side. Black Snake, young . Upper lip plates 8 on each side. Coachwhip, young. 42. Snout recurved and keeled. 43. Snout not recurved and keeled. 44. 43. Small plate just behind snout plate with several small scales round it. Snout more strongly recurved and keeled. Hognosed Snake {Heterodon simus). Small plate just behind snout plate without any small scales round it. Snout less strongly keeled and recurved. Spreading Adder (H. platyrhinus) . 44. Anal plate undivided. Ground color whitish with dark spots on back. Bull Snake {Pityophis melanoleu- cugs). Anal plate divided. 45. tAnal plate is the plate immediately in front of the vent, which in most of our forms is divided longitudinally into two pieces, but in some it is undivided. iRows of scales are counted diagonally beginning with the row just above the belly plates and are usually uneven in number. §Tlie upper labials or lip plates are the plates along the edge of the upper lips, excluding the plate at tip of snout. 147 ipo?] Artificial Key to the Snakes 45. Only the middle rows of scales keeled, size small. * Chicken Snake, young . All rows of scales strongly keeled. 46. 46. Spots on back forming crossbars with no alternating spots on sides. Southern Water Snake ( Matrix fasciata fasciata ). Spots on back forming crossbars on front part of body, and on hinder part alternating with spots on the sides. Common Water Snake ( Natrix fasciata Sipedon) . Spots on back alternating with spots on sides from head to tail. • Pied Water Snake ( Natrix taxispilota. ) . NOTES ON THE SPECIES INCLUDED IN THE KEY. The following species are poisonous: The three species of Rattlesnake (Ground, Banded, and Diamond Rattlesnakes), the Copperhead, and the Cottonmouth, and lastly the Coral Adder, which last belongs to the same group of snakes as the deadly cobra of India. The following harmless snakes are often confused with poisonous species: the Spreading Adder with the Copperhead; the harmless water snakes with the cottonmouth, both forms being indiscriminately known as water moccasins; and the red snake and red king snake with the coral adder. A few of the species listed have not yet been recorded from North Carolina, these are the coral adder, northern green snake, coachwhip, and milk snake, and we have only one unsatisfactory record of the bull snake. Of the species included in the key, the following have not yet been taken in this state outside of the lower austral life zone, whose northern boundary in this state appears to be approximately a line drawn from Norfolk through Raleigh, and thence to Charlotte: *The Southern Chicken Snake (Coluber obsoletus confinis) may possibly occur, in which case the keys for the young of the Chicken Snake would apply to this also. I do not know how the young of the two forms would be distinguished. 148 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December Glass Snake, at Raleigh, Garner, Southport, Beaufort. Green Lizard, at Southport, Wilmington, Beaufort, Lake Ellis, Trjon, and Lumberton. Hoop Snake, at Newberne, Kinston, Wilmington, Lake Ellis. Horn Snake, at Newberne, Wilmington, Lake Ellis. Brown headed Snake at Fort Macon. Hognosed Snake in Wake Co., at Goldsboro and Lake Ellis. Spotted Racer at Raleigh, Lake Ellis and Washington. Striped Chicken Snake, at Newberne and Cape Hatteras. Red King Snake, at Raleigh, Red Snake at Raleigh. Pied Water Snake at Kinston, Avoca, Newberne and Lake Ellis. Southern Water Snake at Newberne, Wilmington, and Lake Ellis. Crowned Tantilla at Raleigh. Cottonmouth at Newberne, Wilmington, Lake Ellis, Cape Hatteras, Beaufort, Washington, and Raleigh. Ground Rattlesnake, at Wilmington, and Beaufort. Diamond Rattlesnake at Havelock below Newberne. Records of the Coral Adder, Coachwhip, Milk Snake, Northern Green Snake, and Bull Snake are very much desired as also records of any other species of snakes and lizards, particularly those confined to the lower austral zone. Of the four species listed as possibly occurring in the state, the Coral Adder and Coachwhip are confined to the lower austral zone, and should be looked for in the southeastern portion of the state, while the Milk Snake is most apt to be found in the northwest corner. The Northern Green Snake is apt to occur anywhere in the state but is not likely to be common anywhere, and the Bull Snake, of which we have a doubtful record from Wake Co. is liable to occur in the pine woods of the region near the coast. The other species of snakes and lizards probably occur throughout the entire state, except in portions of the moun- jpo7] Artificial Key to the Snakes 149 tain region, but our actual records are few and scattered. Persons having specimens of any reptile that they are not well acquainted with, would do well to communicate with the Curator of the State Museum at Raleigh, or with myself. C. S. Brimley, Newberne Ave., cor. Tarboro St., ' Raleigh, N. C. (Information is also desired concerning the occurrence of the alligator in the state and also as to the occurrence of the species of soft shelled turtles in the Mississippi drainage as well as in the southeast of the state, the two different parts in which they may possibly occur.) THE SALAMANDERS OF NORTH CAROLINA C. S. BRIMLEY Salamanders are animals which are commonly confused with lizards and which mainly resemble them in external ap- pearance. Their true affinities, in spite of the possession of limbs, are however with the fishes, with which group they and the other amphibians are sometimes combined under the name of Icthyopsida. They differ externally from from all our lizards in the pos- session of a moist skin without scales, while all our lizards have a dry scaly skin. The skin in salamanders and other amphibians (frogs and toads) is always moist, and used to some extent (wholly in many species) as an organ of respira- tion. The forms which occur or are liable to occur in this state may be recognized by the following key. KEY TO THE SALAMANDERS OCCURING OR LIABLE TO OCCUR IN NORTH CAROLINA 1. Adults with with external gills, 2. Adults without external gills, 5. 2. Hind limbs absent, 3. Hind limbs present. Toes 4 on both hind and fore- feet, 4. 3. Toes 4. Size large. Great Siren ( Siren lacertina). Toes 3. Size small. Little Siren {Pseudobranchas striatus) . 4. Brown with darker spots. Water Dog ( Necturus mac- ulatus'). [December 150 igoy ] The Salamanders of North Carolina 151 Pale unspotted. Southern Water Dog ( Necturus punc- tatus). 5. Adults with a rounded opening- on each side of neck, 6. Adults without a rounded opening on each side of neck, 7. 6. Body eel-shaped, with rudimentary limbs. Toes 2 or 3 each on both fore and hind feet. Ditch Eel (Amphi- uma means). Body stout, salamander shaped. Toes 4 on fore, 5 on hind feet. Hellbender ( Cryptobranchus alleghaniensis ). 7. Tongue mushroom shaped, i. e. a circular disk on a central stalk, 8. Tongue not attached by a central stalk only, 15. 8. Toes on hind feet 4. Size very small, yellowish brown. Dwarf Salamander (Man cuius quadridigitatus) . Toes on hind feet 5. (Genus Spelerpes), 9. 9. *Costal grooves, 13 or 14. 10. Costal grooves 15 to 17. 13. 10. Tail about as long as rest of body. Yellow with a dark line along each side of back. Underparts unmarked. Striped Salamander (S. bilineatus). Tail 1 1-2 to 2 times as long as body. 11. 11. Color vermilion red, with many brown spots. Tail spotted, not barred. Spotted tailed Trition (S. maculi- caudus ). Color yellow. 12. 12. Underparts marbled with black. Back with a black stripe down middle and another on each side. Hol- brook's Triton (S. guttolineatus) . Underparts unmarked. Back and sides with irregular black spots. Long-tailed Salamander (S. longicauda). •Costal grooves are grooves on the sides indicating where the ribs are. 152 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. December 13. *Upper jaw bearing- on its margin, immediately below each nostril, a prominent tubercule. Color light choc- olate brown, spotted with brown. Underparts unmarked. Daniel’s Salamander ( S . danielsi). Upper jaw bearing no such tubercle. 14. 14. Color red of varying shades spotted above or below with black or both. Red Triton ( S . ruber). Color yellowish or purplish brown above, irregularly blotched with gray. Purple Salamander (S. porphy- riticus). 15. Head with three longitudinal grooves. Underparts yel- low or red below with black dots. 16. Head without longitudinal grooves. 17. 16. Each side with a row of red spots, each spot surrounded by a black ring. American Newt {Diemyctylus viridescens). j Each side with a series of black' bordered red lines, replacing the black ringed spots. Wilmington Newt | ( D . v. vittatus). 17. Salamanders with rather long toes on all four feet, the outer and inner ones well developed. Tail compressed. (Genus Ambystoma). 18. Salamanders with shorter toes, the outer or inner toes ! or both usually reduced in size or rudimentary. Tail not much compressed. 26. 18. Costal grooves 10. Form short and stout. Color black- ish brown with gray, lichen like markings. Mole Sala- mander (A. talpoideum ), Costal grooves more than 10. 19. 19. Costal grooves usually 11. 20. Costal grooves 14. 23. *Similar tubercles occur more , or less frequently in Manculus quadridi- gitaus, Sp. bilineatus, Sp. guttolineatus and regularly in Sp. maculicauda. j 1907] The Salamanders of North Carolina 153 24. !■ 26. I | I Bluish black with gray or white blotches or crossbars on the upper parts of head, body and tail, usually about 12 or 14 in all. Underparts unmarked. Marbled Salamander (A. opacuni). Not as above. 21. Black with a series of large round yellow spots down each side of back. A strong dorsal groove. Spotted Salamander ( A . punctatum). Lead colored with one or two series of small yellow spots along sides. No dorsal groove, size small. Smaller Spotted Salamauder (A. conspersum) . Not as above. 22. Dark brown, yellowish below. No markings. Sope's Salamander ( A . Sopeanum). Olive brown, yellowish below. Limbs banded, tail spotted. A few ill-defined yellowish spots above. Two colored Salamander {A. bicolor ). Markings grayish or whitish. 24. Markings brown or yellow. 25. Olive brown or blackish with pale or bluish spots, these sometimes absent. Jefferson’s Salamander (A. jefferson- ianum). Black with a narrow gray line between each pair of costal folds, these either crossing the back undivided to meet their fellows from the opposite side or forking to meet a similiar fork from the other side. Under- parts thickly speckled with gray. Banded Salamander {A. cingulatus). Tail very long, much longer than head and body. Ohio Salamander ( A . xiphias ). Tail about as long as head and body. Color varying from uniform brown to yellow, but usually spotted. Tiger Salamander ( A . tigrinum) . Toes on hind feet 4. Underparts with dots like ink spots. Scaly Salamander ( Hemidactylium scutatnm). Toes on hind feet 5, 27. 154 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December 27. Head with enlarged pores, w7hich give it a pitted ap- pearance. Underparts usually with black dots. Sides with dark longitudinal stripes. Margined Salamander ( Stereo chilus marg inatus ) . Not as above. 28. 28. Tail compressed and finned at least for the apical two thirds. 29. Tail rounded. 32. 29. Color wholly black above and below. Black Triton ( Desmognath us n igra ) . Color not all black. 30. 30. Snout very flat, broad and depressed. Yellowish buff, thickly marked above with confluent black blotches. Underparts unmarked. Moore's Triton ( Leurognathus marmoratus). Snout more or less arched. 31. 31. Skin of head granulated. Underparts usually more or less uniform slate color. Size rather large. Moun- tain Triton ( Desniognathus quadnmaculatus) . Skin of head not granulated. Underparts pale. Brown Triton (Desmognatkus fused). 32. Color brownish yellow, often spotted. Yellow Salaman- der ( Desniognathus ochrofihea) * Color blackish or plumbeous. (Genus Plethodon.) 33. 33. Color lead-colored with a chestnut red dorsal band, size small. Redbacked Salamander (P. erythi'onotus). Color uniform lead color. Plumbeous Salamander P. e. cinereus). Color black with various markings. 34. 34. Black with red legs. Sherman Salamander {P. Sher- mani). *A11 the species of the the genus Desniognathus have a peculiar physiog- nomy which is very characteristic, but not easy to describe. The Salamanders of North Carolina 155 7907] Black with an orange yellow stripe on sides of head and neck. Iordan Salamander (P. j ordain ). Black with bluish white blotches and specks, occasion- aly unspotted. Slimy Salamander (P. glutinosus) . Black with yellowish green blotches of irregular form on back and sides. Bronzy Salamander (P. aeneus). iOf the above species the following have not yet been taken in the state: Little Siren, Spotted-tailed Triton, Long-tailed Salamander, Smaller spotted Salamander, Cope’s Salamander Two-colored Salamander, Banded Salamander, Ohio Sala- mander, Scaly Salamander, Jordan Salamander, Bronze Sala- mander. Most of these however may possibly occur, and some of them are almost certain to be secured with more careful and complete collecting. The species known to occur in the State have been collected in the following localities: Great Siren. Craven Co., New Hanover Co. Water Dog. Wake. Southern Water Dog. New Hanover. Ditch Eel. Wake, Edgecombe, Dare, Bertie and Craven. Hellbender. Yancey. Dwarf Salamander. Wake, Lenoir. Striped Salamander. Wake, Buncombe, Yancey, Mitchell and Forsyth. Holbrook’s Triton. Wake, Buncombe, Forsyth, and valley of French Broad. Daniel’s Salamander. Yancey.1 Red Triton. Wake, Buncombe, Mitchell, Carteret, Yan- cey, Burke, Orange, Wayne, Forsyth and Henderson. Purple Salamander. Mitchell. American Newt. Wake, Henderson, Lenoir. Wilmington Newt. New Hanover. Mole Salamander. Valley of French Broad. Marbled Salamander. Wake, Edgecombe, Guilford, Col- umbus, Forsyth, Lenoir. Spotted Salamander. Wa*ke. 156 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December Tiger Salamander. Moore. Jefferson Salamander. Mitchell. Redbacked Salamander. Mitchell, Pitt (same localities for Plumbeous S). Margined Salamander. Craven. Black Triton. Mitchell. Moore’s Salamander. Grandfather Mt. Mountain Salamander. Yancey, Mitchell, Henderson. Brown Triton. Wake, Craven, Forsyth, Lenoir. Yellow Triton. Yancey, Mitchell. Sherman Salamander. Nantahala Mt. Slimy Salamander. Whole State. A KEY TO THE SPECIES OF FROGS AND TOADS LIABLE TO OCCUR IN NORTH CAROLINA c. s. brimley 1. Upper jaw without any teeth. 2. Upper jaw with teeth. 5. 2. Skin smooth. Size small. Snout pointed. No para- toid glands (just behind ear). Hind feet not webbed. Toothless Frog {Fngy stoma carolinense) . Skin vrarty. Paratoids large. Hind feet little webbed. Head with bony ridges above. Toads. 3. 3. Size small, length of head and body one inch. Skin very rough. Bony ridges turning inward almost at right angles just back of the eyes. Dwarf Toad ( Bufo quercicus ) . Size larger, adults about 3 or 4 inches long. Skin not so rough. Bony ridges on top of head not turning abruptly inward back of eyes. 4. 4. Bony ridges ending in a knob behind. Southern Toad ( B . lentiginosus) . Bony ridges not ending in a knob behind. Common Toad ( B . /. americanus). 5. Paratoids present. Hind feet webbed. Heel with a flat, sharp edged spur. Solitary Spadefoot Scaphiopus hol- brooki) . Paratoids absent. No sharp edged spur on heel. 6. 6. Fingers and toes dilated at their tips, this dilation forming a viscous disk. Tree frogs. 7. Fingers and toes not much dilated at tips. 13. 1907 ] 157 158 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December 7. Back with a dark x-shaped mark, size small. Peefler ( Hyla flickering!). Back marked or not, but if marked, the markings do not form an x-shaped mark. 8. 8. Back of thigh not marked with yellow spots or varie- gations. 9. Back of thigh with yellow spots or variegations. 11. 9. A yellow band on upper lip and sides of body, sharply defined above and below. Back with minute yellowish spots. Carolina Tree Frog ( Hyla cinerea). Yellow or white band on sides not sharply defined above and below. 10. 10. Size large, feet edged with yellow. Georgia Tree Frog; {H. g ratio sa). Size small, feet not edged with yellow. Squirrel Tree Frog (H. squirella). 11. Size large, skin of back rough. A light spot on upper jaw just below eye. Common Tree Frog{H. versicolor). No light spot below eye. 12. 12. A plum colored line along sides of body with yellow spots below it. Anderson's Tree Frog (H. andersoni). No yellow spots on sides. Pine woods Tree Frog ( H . femoralis) . 13. Feet unwebbed, size small. (Genus Chorophilus). 14. Feet more or less webbed. 15. 14. Skin of upper surface granulated. Chorus Frog (C. nigntus and subsflecies) . Skin of upper surface smooth, a dark patch on ear. Smooth Chorus Frog ( C . occidentalis) . 15. Size small. Skin above warty. A dark triangle be- tween eyes. Cricket Trog ( Acris gryllus). Size larger. Skin above smooth. 16. 16. A ridge of raised skin along each side of back. 17. No narrow ridge of raised skin along side of back. 19. igoy] Species of Feogs and Toads 159 17. A black ear patch. Wood Frog { Rana sylvatica). No black ear patch. 18. 18. Fold of skin down each side of back white. Back with large dark spots. Leonard Frog {Rana pipiens) . Fold of skin down each side of back the same color as back. Back with a few small dark spots or none. Spring Frog {Rana clamata). 19. Back with large dark spots in two rows. Size medium. Pickerel Frog {Rana palustris). Back with irregular dark spots or none. Size large. Bullfrog {Rana catesbiana). Sides with two light brown longitudinal bands. Cope's Frog ( Rana virgatipes ) . Of the species included in the key the following have not yet to my knowledge been recorded from from North Caro- lina: Anderson’s Tree Frog, Georgia Tree Frog, Smooth Chorus Frog, and Southern Toad. The other species have been taken in the following local- ities: Toothless Frog. Wake, Johnston and Wayne Co’s. Dwarf Toad. Lenoir and Carteret. Common Toad. Forsyth, Wake, Jackson, Craven, Lenoir and Wayne. Solitary Spadefoot. Wake. Peeper. Wake, Mitchell, Wayne, Johnston, Guilford.1! Carolina Tree Frog, Lenoir and Dare. Squirrel Tree Frog. Dare, Craven, Brunswick. Pine woods Tree Frog. Craven and New Hanover. Common Tree Frog. Wake, Wayne, Forsyth Pitt. Chorus Frog. Guilford and Wake. Cricket Frog. Wake, Craven, Wayne, Forsyth, Guilford. Wood Frog. Lenoir. Pickerel Frog. Wake, Mitchell, Lenoir. Leopard Frog. Wake, Craven, Edgecombe, Dare. Spring Frog. Craven, Wake, Forsyth, Guilford, Mitchell. Bullfrog. Wake, Craven, Edgecombe, Cope’s Frog. Craven. 160 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December These keys (to snakes and lizards, salamanders, and to toads and frogs) have been prepared with the idea of giving intelligent persons without special knowledge on the subject an opportunity of identifying our native forms of these groups. The keys must not be expected to be infallible though I have endeavored to make them as accurate as possible. ON SOME PHENOMENA OF COALESCENCE AND REGENERATION IN SPONGES1 BY H. V. WILSON I III a recent communication I described some degenerative and regenerative phenomena in sponges and pointed out that a knowledge of these powers made it possible for us to grow sponges in a new way. The gist of the matter is that sili- cious sponges when kept in confinement under proper condi- tions degenerate in such a manner that while the bulk of the sponge dies, the cells in certain regions become aggregated to form lumps of undifferentiated tissue. Such lumps or plas- modial masses, which may be exceedingly abundant, are often of a rounded shape resembling gemmules, more especially the simpler gemmules of marine sponges (Chalina, e. g.), and were shown to possess in at least one form (Stylotella) full regenerative power. When isolated they grow and differen- tiate, producing perfect sponges. I described moreover a simple method by which plasmodial masses of the same appearance could be directly produced (in Microciona). The sponge was kept in aquarium until the degenerative process had begun. It was then teased with needles so as to liberate cells and cell agglomerates. These were brought together with the result that they fused and formed masses similar in appearance to those produced in this species when the sponge remains quietly in aquarium. At the time I was forced to lReprinted from Journal of Experimental' Zoology, vol. v, no. 2., and published with the permission of Hon. Geo. M. Bowers, U. S. Com- missioner of Fisheries. .7907] 161 162 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December leave it an open question whether the masses of teased tissue were able to regenerate the sponge body. During the past summer’s work at the Beaufort Laboratory2 I again took up this question and am now in a position to state that the dissociated cells of silicious sponges after removal from the body will combine to form syncytial masses that have power to differentiate into new sponges. In Micro- ciona, the form especially worked on, nothing is easier than to obtain by this method hundreds of young sponges with well developed canal system and flagellated chambers. How hardy sponges produced in this artificial way are and how perfectly they will differentiate the characteristic skeleton, are questions that must be left for more prolonged experimen- tation. Taking up the matter where it had been left at the end of the preceding summer, I soon found that it was not neces- sary to allow the sponge to pass into a degenerative state, but that the fresh and normal sponge could be used from which to obtain the teased out cells. Again in order to get the cells in quantity and yet as free as possible from bits of the parent skeleton, I devised a substitute for the teasing method. The method adopted is rough but effective. Let me briefly describe the facts for Microciona. This species (M. prolifera Verr.) in the younger state is incrust- ing. As it grows older it throws up lobes and this may go so far that the habitus becomes bushy. The skeletal frame- work consists of strong horny fibers with embedded spicules. Lobes of the sponge are cut into small pieces with scissors and then strained through fine bolting cloth such as is used for tow nets. A square piece of cloth is folded like a bag around the bits of sponge and is immersed in a saucer of fil- tered sea-water. While the bag is kept closed with the fin- gers of one hand it is squeezed between the arms of a small pair of forceps. The pressure and the elastic recoil of the 21 am indebted to the director of the station, Mr. H. D. Aller, for his kindly aid in supplying all facilities needed in the course of my investi- gation. Some Phenomena in Sponges 163 ipo/] skeleton break up the living- tissue of the sponge into its con- stituent cells, and these pass out throug-h the pores of the bolting- cloth into the surrounding- water. The cells, which pass out in such quantity as to present the appearance of red clouds, quickly settle down over the bottom of the saucer like a fine sediment. Enough tissue is squeezed out to cover the bottom well. The cells display amoeboid activities and attach to the substratum. Moreover they begin at once to fuse with one another. After allowing time for the cells to settle and attach, the water is poured off and fresh sea-water added. The tissue is freed by currents of the pipette from the bottom and is collected in the center of the saucer. Fusion between the individual cells has by this time gone on to such an extent that the tissue now exists in the shape of minute balls or cell conglomerates of a more or less rounded shape looking to the eye much like small invertebrate eggs. Microscopic examination shows that between these little masses free cells also exist, but the masses are constantly incorporating such cells. The tissue in this shape is easily handled. It may be sucked up to fill a pipette and then strewn over cover glasses, slides, bolting cloth, watch glasses, etc. The cell conglomerates which are true syncytial masses throw out pseudopodia all over the surface and neighboring conglomerates fuse together to form larger masses, some rounded, some irregular. The details of later behavior vary, being largely dependent on the amount of tissue which is deposited in a spot, and on the strength of attachment between the mass of tissue and the substratum. Decidedly the best results are obtained when the tissue has been strewn rather sparsely on slides and covers. The syn- cytial masses at first compact and more or less rounded, flat- ten out, becoming incrusting. They continue to fuse with one another and thus the whole cover glass may come to be occupied by a single incrustation, or there may be in the end several such. If the cover glass is examined at intervals, it will be found that differentiation is gradually taking place. The dense homogeneous syncytial mass first develops at 164 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December the surface a thin membrane with underlying connective tis- sue (collenchyma). Flagellated chambers make their appear- ance in great abundance. Canals appear as isolated spaces which come to connect with one another. Short oscular tubes with terminal oscula develop as vertical projections from the flat incrustation. If the incrustation be of any size it pro- duces several such tubes. The currents from the oscula are easily observed, and if the cover glass be mounted in an inverted position on a slide the movements of the flagella of the collar cells may be watched with a high power (Zeiss 2 mm.). This degree of differentiation is attained in the course of six or seven days when the preparations are kept in laboratory aquaria (dishes in which the water is changed answer about as well as running aquaria). Differentiation goes on more rapidly when the preparation is hung in the open harbor in a live-box (a slide preparation inclosed in a coarse wire cage is convenient). Sponges reared in this way have been kept for a couple of weeks. The currents of water passing through them are certainly active and the sponges appear to be healthy. In such a sponge spicules are present, but some of these have unquestionably been carried over from the parent body along with the squeezed out cells. The old question of individuality may receive a word here. Microciona is one of that large class of monaxonid sponges which lack definite shape and in which the number of oscula is correlated simply with the size of the mass. While we may look on such a mass from the phylogenetic standpoint as a corm, we speak of it as an individual. Yet it is an indi- vidual of which with the stroke of a knife we can make two. Or conversely it is an individual which may be made to fuse with another, the two forming one. To such a mass the ordi- nary idea of the individual is not applicable. It is only a mass large or small having the characteristic organs and tis- sues of the species but in which the shape of the whole and the number of the organs are indefinite. As with the adult so with the lumps of regenerative tissue. They have no defi- niteness of shape or size, and their structure is only definite ipoy] Some Phenomena in Sponges 165 in so far as the histological character of the syncytial mass is fixed for the species. A tiny lump may metamorphose into a sponge, or may first fuse with many such lumps, the aggre- gate also producing but a single sponge although a larger one. In a word we are not dealing with embryonic bodies of complicated organization but with a reproductive or regener- ative tissue which we may start on its upward path of differ- entiation in almost any desired quantity. A striking illus- tration of this nature of the material is afforded by the fol- lowing experiment. The tissue in the shape of tiny lumps was poured out in such wise that it formed continuous sheets about one millimeter thick. Such sheets were then cut into pieces, each about one cubic millimeter. These were hung in bolting cloth bags in an outside live-box. Some of the pieces in spite of such rough handling metamorphosed into functional sponges. Even where the embryonic bodies of sponges have a fixed structure and size, as in the case of the ciliated larva, the potential nature as displayed in later development, is not fixed in the matter of individuality. Such a body may form a single individual or may fuse with some of its fellows to form a larger individual differing from the one-larva sponge only in size. It is then in spite of its definiteness of shape and size, essentially like a lump of regenerative tissue in that whether it develops into a whole sponge or a part of a sponge depends not on its own structure but on whether it is given a good opportunity of fusing with a similar mass. A paral- lel case to the coalescence of larvae is afforded by the gem- mules of fresh water sponges. Mr. M. E. Henriksen in a manuscript account submitted to me a year ago, describes the fusion of gemmules to form a single sponge. Sin the preceding description I have passed over the question as to the precise nature of the cells which combine to form the masses of regenerative tissue. On this point as on the histological details in general I hope to have more to say later. Nevertheless the phenomena are so simple that obser- vation of the living tissue reveals much, probably indeed all 166 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December that is of fundamental importance. If a fairly dense drop of the squeezed out tissue be mounted at once and examined with a high power (Zeiss 2 mm., comp. oc. 6), the preparation is seen to consist of fluid (sea-water) with a few spicules and myriads of separate cells. The cells fall into three classes. 1 The most conspicuous and abundant are spheroidal, reddish, densely granular, and about 8/jl in diameter. These cells which can be nothing but the unspecialized, amoeboid cells of the mesenchyme (amoebocytes or archaeocytes), put out hyaline pseudopodia that are sometimes elongated, more often rounded and blunt. 2 There is also a great abundance of partially trans- formed collar cells, each consisting of an elongated body with slender flagellum. The cell is without the collar, the latter doubtless having been retracted. In the freshly prepared tis- sue the flagella are vibratile, the cells moving about. Soon however the flagellum ceases to vibrate. 3. The third class is not homogeneous. In it I include more or less spheroidal cells ranging from the size of the granular cells down to much smaller ones. Many of these are completely hyaline, while others consist of hyaline proto- plasm containing one or a few granules. Fusion of the granular cells begins immediately and in a few minutes time most of them have united to form small conglomerate masses which at the surface display both blunt and elongated pseudopodia. These masses soon begin to incorporate the neighboring collar and hyaline cells. One sees collar cells sticking fast by the end of the long flagellum to the conglomerate mass. Other collar cells are attached to the mass by short flagella. Still again only the body of the collar cell projects from the mass while there is no sign of flagellum. Similarly spheroidal hyaline cells of many sizes are found in various stages of fusion with the granular con- glomerate. In such a preparation the space under the cover glass is soon occupied by innumerable masses or balls of the kind just described, between which continue to lie abundant free cells, some collar cells, others hyaline. Practically all igoy\ Some Phenomena in Sponges 167 the granular cells go to make up the balls. The play of pseu- dopodia at the periphery of such balls, which results in the incorporation of free cells and in the fusion of balls to form larger masses, is easily watched. Along with such a cover glass preparation it is convenient to have some of the squeezed-out tissue in a watch glass of sea-water. In the watch glass preparation it is instructive to watch with a two- thirds or one-half objective the fusion of the cell conglomer- ates to form masses like those strewn on covers, slides, etc. These observations on the early steps in the formation of the masses of regenerative tissue make it plain that such masses are composed chiefly of the spheroidal, granular cells (amoebocytes or archaeocytes), but that nevertheless other cells, collar cells and more or less hyaline cells also enter into their composition. I may recall the fact that in the formation of regenerative masses in a degenerating sponge,3 the evidence from sections, which is the only evi- dence available in the case, points to the conclusion that the collar cells help to form the syncytial tissue of the masses. The question of interest lying at the heart of this matter may be so formulated: can particles of the Microciona protoplasm differentiate into functional collar cells and, when the occa- sion arises, change back into unspecialized masses capable of combining with other masses of unspecialized protoplasm to form a regenerative body? The facts to which I have just alluded support this idea, and indicate that the immediate problem is one worth pursuing farther as a good case of tem- porary differentiation of protoplasm in the metazoa analo- gous to the temporary specialization of the cell individual which occurs in such colonial protazoa as Protospongia.4 As far as the amoebocytes are concerned it is certain that they have great regenerative power. Weltner in a recent $ 3 A new method by which sponges may be artificially reared, Science, n. s., vol. xxv, no. 649, 1907. 4 Metschnikoff, Embry ologische Studien an Medusen, p. 147, 1886. 168 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December paper5 has emphasized the importance of these unspecialized cells in the process of growth and regeneration. His con- clusions which refer directly to fresh water sponges, are that in a growing sponge, in a sponge regenerating new organs after its winter period of simplification, and in the regenera- tion of a sponge from a cutting, the amoebocytes are the all- powerful elements in that they give rise to all the new tissues formed. He further alludes to the fact that such reproduc- tive bodies as the gemmules of fresh water sponges and the buds of Tethya (according to Maas) are only groups of amoe- bocytes; further that the gemmules of Tedania and Esperella described by Wilson as developing into ciliated larvae, and the similar bodies found by Ijima in hexactinellids, are such groups. I may add that the presence of such groups of unspecialized cells in the hexactinellids has recently been con- firmed by the master in sponge-morpholagy, F. E. Schulze, who recogn/zes the probability of their reproductive nature and gives them a new name, that of sorites .6 It is clear then that in many sponges reproductive bodies are formed by the association of unspecialized amoeboid cells. But there is nothing in this fact which precludes the possibility that the groups of amoebocytes are in part recruited from transformed collar cells and other tissue cells, such as pinacocytes (flat cells of canal walls), that have undergone regressive differen- tiation into an unspecialized amoeboid condition. Cells analogous to the amoebocytes of sponges are found elsewhere in the metazoa, e. g., in the ascidians.7 It would be interesting to know what capacity, if any, for develop- ment they have, when freed from the parent (bud) and col- lected together in sea-water. 5 Spongilliden-studien V. Zur Biologie von Ephydatia fluviatilis und die Bedeutung der Amcebocyten fur die Spongilliden. Archiv fur Naturge- schichte, 73 Jahrg., iBd., 2 Heft, 1907. 6 Wissensch. Ergebn. d. Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exp. 1898-99. Hexactinellida, pp. 213-15. Jena, 1904. 7 Comp. Hjort’s and Lefevre’s papers on budding in ascidians. *9°7\ Some Phenomena in Sponges 169 II I shall here briefly record some experiments which gave only negative results but which under circumstances admit- ting of a wider choice of species, ought to yield returns of value. These experiments were based on the assumption that if the dissociated cells of a species will recombine to form a regenerative mass and eventually a new sponge, the disso- ciated cells of two different species may be made to com- bine and thus form a composite mass bearing potentially the two sets of species-characteristics. It is clear that such an organism would be analogous to one produced by an associa- tion of the blastomeres of the two species. Pending the suc- cessful carrying out of this experiment, it would be idle to discuss further the nature of the hypothetical dual organism. In my own experiments three sponges were used: Micro- ciona, Lissodendoryx and Stylotella. The three are all mon- actinellids but Microciona is the only one in which the- skele- ton includes any considerable amount of horny substance, j Dissociated cells of Microciona and Lissodendoryx were mixed, and again dissociated cells of Microciona were mixed with those of Stylotella. In each case the experiment was per- formed at two different times, and a considerable number of admixtures, in watch glasses and on cover glasses, was made. The preparations were examined at short intervals with the microscope. The cells of these three species are colored very differently, and are therefore easily distinguished, at least as soon as fusion sets in and little masses of cells begin to be formed. In all the experiments the cells and cell-masses of a species cdmbined and not the cells of different species. Thus in the admixture of Microciona and Lissodendoryx, Microci- ona regenerative masses and Lissodendoryx regenerative masses were produced. Similarly when Microciona and Styl- otella cells were mixed, the resultant masses were pure, some Microciona, some Stylotella. The Microciona masses in these ^experiments were hardy. They continued to develop and in some preparations metamorphosed. The cell masses of the lother two species while they reached a considerable size were 170 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ December not hardy, most dying soon although some began the process of metamorphosis. These three species are so unlike that there was little ground in the beginning for the expectation that coalescence would take place. Possibly as in the cases where fusion of egg and sperm of different species is induced through some alteration in the physiological state of protoplasm, so the generative cells and cell masses of different species may be made to combine under abnormal conditions. The more promising task is however to find allied species and subspe- cies, the regenerative tissue of which will combine under nat- ural conditions. Such forms, I take it, should be sought among the horny sponges and the monactinellids with abun- dant horny matter. Ill The tendency to fuse so vigorously displayed by the cells and cell masses of regenerative tissue led me to examine into the power that larvae have to fuse with one another and the capacity for development in the resultant mass. Delage and others have remarked on the not infrequent occurrence of fusion between sponge larvae. Delage8 says that he has often observed two or several larvae unite to form a single sponge “which has from the start several cloacas.” I find that this power to fuse displayed by the larvae is one that is easy to control. Fusion between the larvae will read- ily take place if they are brought in contact at the critical time when the ciliated epithelium is being replaced by the permanent flat epithelium. At this time they will fuse in twos or threes or in larger number up to and over one hun- dred. The smaller composite masses composed of as many as five or six larvae metamorphose into sponges. The larger masses composed of many larvae did not metamorphose in my experiments but experience with the regenerative tissue sug- gests that such masses would metamorphose if certain mechanical difficulties due to the great size of the mass were ? 8 Embry ong^nie des Eponges. Arch, de Zool. Exp. et G£n. , p. 400, 1892. /0, **•''& ■'*•• •' f’t'to Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society W. C. COKER, President J. E. LATTA, V i ce -Presi dent A. S. WHEELER, Rec. Sec. wrnifm • ** F. P. ENABLE. Perm, i Editors or the Journal: W. O. COKER. E, V. HOWELL, ARCHIBALD HENDERSON '■ V. m m m H CONTENTS m Micro-Structure and Probable Origin of Fi.ist-Like Slate near ' Chapel Hill, North Carolina. — H. X. EaUm 1 Ftrld for Economic Plant Breeding in the .Cotton Belt. -r-Dari4 fSpj^ R. Coker .v.- A Bacteriologic Study of the Blank Cartridge.— Daniil H. Dolly.. • Review ........ I '. ;v X.:: .-1i< Papers Relating to Science v. . . . . . V, S *i-» (Add to table of contents.) Notes on the Life-Zones in North Carolina. C. S. Brimley and Franklin Sherman , Jr page 1 4 . 1 . " Journal of the Elisha Mitchell -Scientific Society — Quarterly; year- single numbers 50 cents. Most numbers of f< umes can be supplied. Direct all correspondence to the Edi University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. JOURNAL VOL. XXIV OF THE Mitchell Scientific Society library NEW YOt botanic GARDEf' MAY, 1908 NO. I MICRO -STRUCTURE AND PROBABLE ORIGIN OF FLINT - LIKE SLATE NEAR CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA H. N. EATON Two miles south of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, along the bed of a small stream known as Morgan’s Creek occur extensive exposures of a series of rocks whose general strike is east and west. • From Purefoy’s Mill on the Pittsboro road eastward along the stream bed to a point three miles distant on the Mason farm, these rocks are of the same general character, and consist of a series of conglomerates, sandstones, and flint-like slates lying in places upon felsite, and dipping southward 50 to 70 degrees. Sills of fine grained acid and basic igneous r cks are frequently found intercalated in this series, and all the rocks are cut by a set of basic dikes. The fiint-like slates alone form the basis for the present paper. This series of rocks has often been included in a great formation 3cof slates and schists of debatable age, extending from Virginia v. 1903 } 5P 1 Printed May 29, 1908 2 Journal of the Mitchell Society [May southwesterly across central North Carolina into South Carolina, and known as the Carolina Slate Belt. Ebenezer Emmons1 placed all these rocks in his Taconic system, and W. C. Kerr2 con- sidered that they belonged to the Huronian. Without consider- ing the vexed question of age, we turn to the views expressed by former writers as to the origin of the flint-like, slaty members of the series. As early as 1822 the existence of novaculite in Orange County, North Carolina, was noted by Denison Olmstead3. In 1828 the same writer4 again mentioned the novaculite of the slate forma- tion, and stated that the most valuable bed was found at McCau- ley’s quarry, seven miles west of Chapel Hill. The rock here is olive green in color, has a horny look, and is transparent on thin edges. Emmons5 described this rock under the head of quartzite as follows: “Color, bluish black passing into purple, grayish, white and green of several shades, and sometimes banded; texture, fine when compared with the finest sandstones ; translucent on edges; fracture, flat-conchoidal and frequently brittle, or it may be tough in the mass, but small pieces easily chip off with a light blow. It passes on the one hand into a fine grit, and on the other, into the compact slate and a condition like flint. When struck with the hammer, it is sonorous like cast iron. It is rarely if ever a sim- ple substance like limpid quartz as it usually weathers and loses thereby its homogeneity; besides it is often porphyritic or por- phyrized, and frequently the fresh fracture is dotted with small limpid crystals of quartz, which crystalized out from the mass when it was in a semi-fluid state.” 1 Geological Report of the Midland Counties of North Carolina/ New York, 1856, pp. 38-73. 2 Report of the Geological Survey of North Carolina, vol. 1 Raleigh, 1875, pp. 131-139. 3 American Journal of Science, Series 1, vol. 5, 1822, p. 2 62. 4 American Journal of Science, Series 1, vol. 14, 1828, p. 238. 5 Ibid. pp. 69-70. 1908 ] Flint-like Slate Near Chapel Hill 3 Albert Williams, Jr,1 writing in 1888, stated that novaculite was quarried on an extensive scale a few miles west of Chapel Hill. In his monograph on the Arkansas novaculite, published in 1892, L. S. Griswold2 cites the above, references to Olmstead and Albert Williams, Jr. This writer, in the course of a description of that type of novaculite known as the “Arkansas Stone”, says, “The only other stone in this country which resembles the Arkansas Stone and is worked, is that of North Carolina, but the greasy talcose appearance of the latter suggests that its internal structure differs from that of the true novaculite.” H. B. C. Nitze3, in 1896, describing the rocks of the Carolina Slate Belt, writes thus under the heading, “Quartz Rocks — The Volcanic Series” : “The crypto- crystalline varieties of quartz (flint, chert, horn- stone, agatized, chalcedonic) are of especial interest, and warrant a careful consideration. It is again deplored in this connection that the present report did not allow the time for a microscopic study of the thin sections. Such cherty, flint-like masses have been described from the Sam Christian, Moratock, Silver Valley and Hoover Hill mines. It is at present the opinion that these rocks belong to the class of ancient (pre-Cambrian) acid volcanics, and in many respects analogous to, and probably contemporaneous with, similar rocks of South Mountain in Maryland and Pennsyl- vania, whose discovery was first announced by the late Dr. Geo. H. Williams4. Miss Florence Bascom5 has described the origin, devitrification and structure of the acid types of these rocks. Dr. Williams6 has outlined the general distribution of the ancient vol- 1 Mineral Resources of the United States, Calendar year 1887, Washing- ton, 1888, p. 772. 2 Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Arkansas for 1890, vol. 3, 1892, Whetstones and the Novaculites of Arkansas, pp. 21 and 22. 3 North Carolina Geological Survey, Bull., No. 3, Gold Deposits of North Carolina, by H. B. C. Nitze and G. B. Hanna, 1896, pp. 37-38. 4 The Volcanic Rocks of the South Mts. in Pa. and Md., Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 44, Dec., 1892, pp. 482-496. Scientific American, Jan. 14, 1893. 5 Journal of Geology, vol. I, 1893, pp. 813-832. 6 Ibid. vol. 2, 1894, pp. 1-31. 4 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ May canic rocks along the eastern border of North America. These rocks are analogous to the halleflintas and eurites of Southern Sweden, described as volcanic rocks by Nordenskjold. They would also correspond to Hunt’s pre-Cambrian petro-silex rocks, called by him the Arvonian, being below his Huronian. “The hornstones have every appearance of being acid feldspar- quartz rocks, and will probably be found, on further study, to belong to the class of apo -rhyolites, a term introduced by Miss Bascom to denote a devitrified rhyolite. Emmons1 describes the type very well under the head of quartzite. They resemble perfectly crypto-crystalline quartz, and on weathering present an earthy, yellowish surface. The color of the fresh rock is drab, bluish to almost black; translucent on edges; fracture flat con- choidal; sometimes banded, showing flow structure, etc.” On pages 41 and 42 of the same report the following is quoted from Dr. Williams’2 article: “ ‘In a drive from Sanford to Chapel Hill an abundance of the most typical ancient lavas, mostly of the acid type, was encountered’ ” - - - - “ ‘Another locality in the volcanic belt was visited on Morgan’s run, about 2 miles south of Chapel Hill. Here are to be seen admirable exposures of volcanic flow and breccias with finer tuff deposits, which have been extensively sheared into slates by dynamic agency.’ ” The above is repeated verbatim by the same author3 the same year (1896) in an article entitled, “Some Late Views of the So-called Taconic and Huronian Rocks in Central North Carolina.” The tenor of those parts of Nitze’s paper just quoted referring to the origin of the fine grained quartz rocks, seems to be that these rocks are closely connected with the ancient surface lava flows which are so common throughout the region. He states that none of them were examined miscroscopically, but suggests that the hornstones will probably be found to be apo-rhyolites. The references to the work of Dr. Williams and Dr. Bascom on the structure and devitrification of ancient acid lavas show that Nitze 1 Geological Report, Midland Comities of N. C,, New York, 1856, p. 51. 2 Journal of Geology, vol. 2, 1894, pp. 1-31. 3 This journal, vol. 13, Part Second, July- Dec. , 1896, pp. 53-72. 1908 ] Flint-like Slate Near Chapel Hill 5 considered the formation of the hornstones and flinty slates as due to a change in the latter rocks. The existence of tuff deposits along this part of Morgan’s Creek mentioned by Williams and quoted by Nitze is strongly discredited by Professor Collier Cobb, who has had Occasion to learn thoroughly the structure of the region in question during the course of his work at Chapel Hill. Professor Cobb, however, takes his classes to such tuff deposits ’ southwest of the village, and it is these that Williams and Nitze i have evidently confused with the slates of Morgan’s Creek two j miles south of Chapel Hill. As Professor Cobb has pointed out to the writer, these slates are I bedded alternately with sandstones and conglomerates. The con- glomerates are composed of well-rounded pebbles of several kinds of volcanic rocks, but are by no means volcanic agglomerates. The j slates are coincident in dip with the sandstones and conglomerates with which they are associated, and, from all field evidence obtain- able, seem to have been deposited as regular members of the sedi- jj mentary series. Specimens of the rock for investigation were obtained near the I dam at Purefoy’s Mill. The general macroscopic description given by Nitze applies very well to the rock from this locality. In handspecimen , the rock is olive green in color, weathering to brownish clay; banding faint, becoming more apparent on a weathered surface; appearance waxy; structure dense and com- | pact, with occasional minute reflecting crystal surfaces; trans- lucent on edges; fracture conchoidal; very brittle; hardness 6.5. Its resistance to abrasion is evidenced by the fact that all of the I j arrow heads and spear heads of primitive man found in the vicinity of Chapel Hill are made of this material. Microscopically, this slate is seen to be a true crypto -crystalline i rock, containing the minerals feldspar, quartz, kaolin, and epi- dote. The groundmass is composed of very fine quartz crystals and minute feldspar fragments through which kaolin scales are plentifully scattered. Larger crystals of feldspar form a promi- nent feature, and occur individually or in groups throughout the Igroundmass. Sections cut at right angles to the lamination show i ; that the kaolin scales occur in distinct bands varying in width 1 1 6 Journal of the Mitchell Society [May from .25 to 1.1 mm. To the existence of these bands is due the laminated appearance of the rock in hand specimen. In some cases, also, there seems to have been a rough assortment of the larger feldspars in bands, although this occurrence was not observed to be universal. The feldspar is plagioclase, and occurs in crystals varying in size from the very minute particles of the groundmass up to .286 mm. in diameter. The average diameter of the larger crystals is from .065 to .1 mm. The form is usually sub-angular, although rounded crystals are seen, suggestive of a clastic derivation. All the crystals polarize separately. Some crystals are intimately interlocked. Others have deep re-entrants into which the silica of the groundmass protrudes, suggesting a partial resorbtion of the feldspar by the groundmass. Albite twinning is universal, the maximum angle of the striations in the zone perpendicular to M lying between 10 and 16 degrees. Hence the plagioclase mixtures lie between basic oligoclase and andesine. The crystals show little if any decomposition . The largest feldspar noted, .286 mm. in diameter, is nearly round, is completely encased in a thin rim of greenish glass, and lies in a rubble of small angular feldspar fragments. The crystals of the groundmass all polarize separately and exhibit low interference colors. The grains are extremely irreg- ular in outline, and are closely intelocked. The average diameter is .015 mm. Many of these grains are seen to be plagioclase from the albite striations. Many are quartz, but owing to the diffi- culty of distinguishing between quartz and feldspar in very small angular fragments, it is not possible to state definitely the per- centage of each mineral. That much free silica is probably present, however, is indicated by the high total percentage of silica in the rock. Kaolin occurs in minute scales. In the narrow bands above noted, kaolin is by far the most abundant mineral, and the scales lie very close together. It is likewise found in less abundance in every part of the rock. The diameter of the scales varies from .0026 to .0052 mm. Epidote occurs rarely in minute grains in small clusters. The interference colors are of a low order. 1908] Flint-like Slate Near Chapel Hill 7 A partial analysis of the rock by Dr. A. S. Wheeler, associate professor of Chemistry in the University of North Carolina, gives the following results: Silica 77.54 per cent. Alumina 13.51 per cent. Iron oxide 1.17 per cent. Lime 1.10 per cent. Magnesia 0.23 per cent. This analysis confirms the microscopic determination. Hand specimens and thin sections of a somewhat similar fine grained siliceous rock from Gold Hill, N. C., collected last sum- mer by Mr. F. B. Laney of the North Carolina Geological Sur- vey, were lent the writer by the State Geologist, Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt. A hasty examination of thin sections of the . latter rock reveals its close resemblance to the Purefoy’s Mill material, the main difference between the two being that the feldspars in the Gold Hill rock are uniformly larger. Griswold1 defines novaculite as “a fine-grained, gritty, homo- geneous, and highly siliceous rock, translucent on thin edges, and having a conchoidal or sub-conchoidal fracture.” The Purefoy’s Mill rock differs from the Arkansas novaculites in its lower silica content, and in containing kaolin and feldspar in abundance. It resembles the true novaculites in its general physical character. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS AS TO ORIGIN. Field evidence shows that the flint-like slate found at Purefoy’s Mill is a member of an undoubted sedimentary series, with dis- tinct lamination or stratification coinciding in dip with the other members of the series. Microscopic study reveals the fact that a mechanical sorting and arrangement of the kaolin particles in lay- ers took place prior to consolidation. Professor Cobb is of the opinion that the rock owes its origin to the consolidation of fine volcanic sand sorted by and deposited in deep water, or that the sediment may have been derived from the (1) Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Arkansas for 1890, vol. 3. Journal of the Mitchell Society 8 [May felsites and rhyolites on which it rests, its crystalline structure being due to subsequent metamorphism. The writer, rather, believes that the rock has remained essen- tially unchanged since its consolidation, and that its formation was similar to that of arkose, viz: that its component minerals are the detrital fragments of a rock or rocks rich in quartz and feldspar. Many of the feldspars are rounded, suggesting a clastic origin, and are roughly arranged in layers parallel with the kaolin bands. The chemical analysis, as far as it was carried out, is very much like the analysis of the average rhyolite, and it is highly probable that the materials of which the rock is composed were derived from such acid volcanic rocks as occur in great abundance in the vicinity. The writer wishes to express his indebtedness to Professor Cobb for suggestions in preparing this paper, and also to Dr. Pratt and Mr. Laney for kindly loaning him material for comparison. Department of Geology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. FIELD FOR ECONOMIC PLANT BREEDING IN THE COT- TON BELT* DAVID R. COKER In considering any subject related to the present condition of Southern Agriculture, it is well to remember that our section has not completely recovered from the effect of the civil war and the ensuing period of negro rule. This cannot be but plain to the student of Southern Agricultural conditions and is largely caused by the almost complete paralysis of our educational system during and for some years after the war. A large percentage of our farmers, not having had the opportu- nity to obtain an education, have been unable to keep full pace with the advance of their profession. The influence of our Agri- cultural Colleges and the missionary work of such men as Dr. J. M. McBryde, Col. J. S. Newman, Prof. W. F. Massey, Mr. E. Mclver Williamson and Editors Jackson and Hunnicutt are, how- ever, plainly evident in the general and rapid improvement of conditions. Though great advances along many lines have been made, the subject of plant breeding and its vital relation to agriculture has hardly begun to attract attention in our section. Scarcely any of our farmers have the slightest conception of what plant breeding means, and there is now almost no supply of pedigreed seed of any of our staple crops. Our farmers, however, can be counted on to buy scientifically bred seed and devote some attention to seed selection, as soon as the great value of pure breeding is impressed upon them. Our Agricultural Colleges and farm journ- als have a gread field for missionary work on this subject, which, as yet, they have scarcely touched. ♦Read before the American Breeders Association, Washington, D. C., January 30th, 1908. 1908] 9 10 Journal of the Mitchell Society [May There are for sale in the South numerous so called varieties of seed which are advertised under high sounding names and with most extravagant claims of productive capacity. Many of these, however, prove to be mixtures of types and are frequently found to be worse than valueless. Plant breeders, as well as farmers, would welcome an effort by the National and State Governments to stop this pestiferous class of swindling, and I hope the Associa- tion will take some steps to this end for the general good and pro- tection of its members. The importance of plant breeding to the south cannot better be shown than by calling attention to the value of some of the work that has already been done. The earliest work of this kind that is known of by the writer was undertaken before the war by Hon. John Townsend of Edisto Island, who succeeded in improving a strain of Sea Island cotton until its length was about two inches. I am informed that he invariably got $1.00 or more per pound for this cotton as long as he lived. Other Sea Island planters have kept up a more or less perfect system of breeding to the present day, and to this, in part at least, is undoubtedly due to the admitted pre-eminence of South Carolina Sea Islands. Valuable varieties of upland long staples have been originated by Mr. Allen and Mr. Griffin of Mississippi and Mr. Stoney and Prof. C. L. Newman of South Carolina. Prof. Newman has also done some remarkable work on field peas. The experiment Stations of all the cotton states are, I believe, now doing more or less plant breeding, but most of their work has not advanced far enough to have general effect on agricultural conditions. The work of the National Plant Breeding Department, under the direction of Dr. H. J. Webber, stands preeminent in the breed- ing of those of our economic plants to which attention has been given. The success of this department with pineapples, citrus fruits, cotton and tobacco are no doubt more or less familiar to all of this audience. The Columbia, bred by Dr. Webber personally, is the first of his cottons to be distributed by the Department of Agriculture. 19081 Field for Economic Plant Breeding 11 It has yielded with the best of the varieties tested at our State Experiment station, and its money out-turn was the greatest of any, on account of the premium which its long staple commands. My own experiments with this cotton seem to coincide with those obtained at Clemson the last season. I tested it with nine other varieties and, though the general results were not conclusive, owing to irregularity of stand, Columbia undoubtedly stood first in money value. Dr. Webber’s Citranges are also an important addition to our economic plants, as they provide an entirely new class of fruits for the cotton belt. A plant of Rusk Citrange which fruited in my garden last sea- son has thus far proved entirely hardy. The delicious ade made from this fruit may soon be expected to alleviate the situation in the broad area of southern prohibition territory. I would like to mention the work of a number of the men in the Bureau of Plant Breeding, but refrain from lack of space. I must say, however, that Mr. A. D. Shamel has obtained results with shade grown tobacco that deserve the widest notice and com- mendation. He has, in fact, revolutionized that industry. Mr. Orton also, in saving the cotton plant from extinction over con- siderable areas, has earned the gratitude of the cotton states. The production of varieties of cotton similar to Columbia, suited to each section of the south, is one of the most promising opportunities now in view for southern plant breeders. This work is especially important to the eastern part of the belt where up- land cottons average less than one inch in length of staple and sell in the markets of the world at a lower price than any except East Indians. It should be noted that most of Dr. Webber’s promising new cottons, including Columbia, originated with selections from exist- ing varieties and not from hybrids. My method of cotton breeding is similar to that originated by Dr. Webber, but differs in a few details. I started with a deter- mination to breed, if possible, an up-land cotton of maximum production that would command a staple premium. All extra staple varieties then known to me were much lower in yield than 12 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ May the best short staple sorts. I have, therefore, from the first exam- ined only the most productive plants, and of these only the ones which show an increase in length of lint are selected for breeding. I give the plants a distance of 4 by 4 or 5 by 5 feet and have inci- dentally made the interesting discovery that on good soils these distances produce more cotton than the usual farm method of crowding in the drill. I find it a good plan to have two breeding plats, one on heavy and one on light soil, putting part of the seed of each mother plant on each plat under the same breeding num- ber. Before selection is begun I take one seed with lint attached from each of a dozen plants on each breeding row and mount them. By a comparison of these a quick approximation can be made of the average performance of each breeding number in length and percentage of lint. Selections are then made from every number not palpably deficient in some cardinal point, for I find it impossible to judge with the eye the relative yield of differ- ent rows of cotton. A record of the exact yield of each row on both plats is, therefore, kept and if the same number shows max- imum yields as well as other desirable qualities on both the light and heavy soil rows, there can be little question of the inherent quality of the selections made from it. Selections from rows of poor yield are, of course, discarded unless very exceptional. My best number last season showed a production about 10 per cent greater in both plats than any other row. It was also quite satisfactory in length and percentage of lint, largeness of boll and other desirable characteristics, and I hope to make from it a vari- ety as good as, or better than Columbia. The low yield of corn throughout the cotton belt is presumptive evidence of both poor seed and inferior cultural methods. The latter is being rapidly remedied, largely through the agita- tion begun by Mr. E. Mclver Williamson of my own County, (Darlington County, S. C.) who has perfected a method of cul- ture that not only produces large crops, but rapidly improves the soil. Such com breeding work as is now being carried on so gener- ally and successfully in the middle states is almost unknown to the South. Here and there, intelligent farmers have improved 1908\ Field for Economic Plant Breeding 13 their own seed by selection in the field. None of them, however, that I know of has resorted to pedigreed breeding, and if any acclimated corn of pure pedigree is being offered to the farmers of the cotton belt, I do not know of it. My own work, begun only a year ago, indicates as great varia- bility in the yielding power of individual ears as has been noted by Mr. J. Dwight Funk and Prof. C. G. Hopkins of Illinois. A Imost notable result in my experiments was the absolute failure of the seed ear which in all visible points was best. The limits of this paper do not allow mention of the breeding requirements of each of the many southern economic plants. Suffice it to say that nearly all of them (and their number is legion) can be greatly improved in quality and productive capac- ity by systematic breeding. The record of southern plant breeding is, as yet, very short. Here and there, work has begun and quick and valuable results have invariably followed ; but compared with what yet remains to be done, that already accomplished is indeed small. No fairer or broader field exists in American Agriculture today than the field for economic plant breeding in the Cotton Belt. Harts ville, S. C. NOTES ON THE LIFE - ZONES IN NORTH CAROLINA C. S. BRIMLEY AND FRANKLIN SHERMAN, JR. The old-established popular division of North Carolina into eastern, middle, and western sections, is familiar to us all. It is an interesting fact that a study of the available zoological records gives a somewhat similar division of the state into life-zones or areas. This detailed study of the animal life of the state shows that, while a small number of species are widely distributed throughout all sections of the state, yet the majority show in some degree, a more or less restricted range within our borders, — and it is upon a study of all available records of these restricted forms, that our provisional map of the life-zones of the state is based. In these studies we have depended mainly on mammals, reptiles and batra- chians. Fishes have been practically omitted, and birds and insects owing to their powers of flight and tendency to wander, have been used chiefly for confirmation, and even then we have relied principally on records of breeding birds, which would be more likely to be within their proper range. It has been known that four of the recognized life-zones of North America are represented in our state. These are: — 1st, the Cana- dian,— 2nd, the Alleghanian (or Transition), — 3rd, the Upper Austral (or Carolinian), — 4th, the Lower Austral (or Austro- riparian.) 1 . The Canadian Zone in this state includes only the tops of the higher mountains. Aside from a few scattered records the places from which we have sufficient data to positively mark as belonging to this zone are, the higher altitudes in the Black Mountains, Roan Mountain, Grandfather Mountain (including 14 [May 1908] Notes on the Life-Zones 15 Blowing Rock), Bald Mountain in Yancey County, and the higher mountains in the vicinity of Highlands in Macon County, — although it is practically certain that more extended collecting and observation will show that this same zone includes also the tops of some other mountains, especially the Balsams, Mount Toxaway, and Pisgah Ridge. This zone does not extend below an elevation of 4,500 feet. The animals known to occur in this zone in this state and which do not normally extend into the zones of lower elevation, are named below. We include those species of birds whose nesting habitat is in this zone, though the same birds may of course be found in other zones when not nesting. Mammals: Carolina Red-backed Mouse (Evotomys Carolinensis) . Canadian Deer-mouse (Peromyscus canadensis) . Woodland Jumping-Mouse (Napaeozapus insignis). Birds (breeding) : Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa) . Red-breasted Nut-hatch (Sitta canadensis) . Brown Creeper (Certhia familiaris). Winter Wren (Olbiorchilus hyemalis) . American Cross-bill (Loxian minor) . Pine Siskin (Spinus tristis) . Carolina Junco (Junco hyemalis carolinensis). Batrachians: Black Salamander (Desmognathus nigra) . Purple Salamander (Spelerpes porphyriticus) . Yellow Salamander (Desmognathus ochrophea) . 2. The Alleghanian Zone embraces a large part of our moun- tain region, including practically all between the elevations of 2,500, and 4,500 feet. In our map we have conservatively restricted this zone to the higher known ranges. We have record l of the following species which are characteristic of this zone as con- trasted with the more highly-elevated Canadian zone : Mammals: Common Flying-squirrel ( Seiuropterus volans), 16 Journal of the Mitchell Society [May Deer-mouse (Peromyscus leucopus). Pine-mouse (Microtus pinetorum) . Cotton-tail Rabbit (Lepus floridanus mallurus) . Dusky Bat (Vespertilio fuscus). Common Mole (Scalops aquaticus) . Reptiles and Batrachians: Viscid Salamander (Plethodon glutinosus) . Red Triton (Spelerpes ruber) . Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleghaniensis). Ground Snake (Carphophiops amoenus). Chicken Snake (Coluber obsoletus) . Banded Rattlesnake (Crotalis horridus) . As the above-named species distinguish this zone from the Canadian, just so the following species distinguish it from he lower and warmer Upper Austral zone. Mammals: Star-nosed Mole (Condylura cristata) . Brewer’s Mole (Scapanus breweri). Smoky Shrew (Sorex fumeus) . Red Squirrel (Sciurus hudsonius) . Wood-chuck (Artomys monax). Batrachians: Daniel’s Salamander (Spelerpes danielsi). Mountain Salamander ( Desmognathus quadrimaculatus) . 3. The Upper Austral Zone seems to include (roughly speaking) all of our territory north and west of a line drawn from Suffolk, Va. to Raleigh, thence to Charlotte, and thence a little south of west to the South Carolina line at or near Tryon in Polk County, — except that part of the mountain region occupied by the Alle- ghanian and Canadian zones. The animals which occur in this zone in this state and which are generally considered to distin- guish it from the higher and colder Alleghanian zone are : Mammals: Opossum (Didelphis virginianus) . Notes on the Life-Zones 17 |l 1908] l Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereo argenteus) Golden Mouse (Peromyscus nuttalli) . Little Mole Shrew (Blarina parva). Twilight Bat (Nycticeius humeralis). Georgia Bat (Pipistrellus subflarus) . Reptiles and Batrachians: Marbled Salamander (Ambly stoma punctatum). Holbrook’s Triton (Spelerpes guttolineatus) . Ground Lizard (Liolepisma laterale) . Brown King-snake (Ophibolus rhombomaculatus) . Muhlenberg’s Terrapin (Chelopus muhlenbergi) . And this same zone is distinguished on the south and west by having the following animals whose range does not normally extend into the Lower Austral zone. Mammals: Chipmunk (Tamias striatus) . Deer-mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) . Cooper’s Lemming (Simaptomys cooperi) . Meadow Mouse (Microtus pennsylvanicus) . (Jumping Mouse (Zapus hudsonius). Weasel (Putorius novaboracensis) . Mole Shaew (Blarina brevicauda) . Red Fox (Vulpes fulvus). i Reptiles and Batrachians: Common Water-snake (Natrix fasciatus sipedon). Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica) . Pickerel Frog (Rana palustris). Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon erythronotus) . 4. The Lower Austral Zone includes all of our territory south i and east of the line already described for the eastern and southern I boundary of the preceding (upper austral) zone. The number of ! animals occurring in this state in this zone but not ordinarily | extending into the Upper Austral Zone is quite large, and includes the following: 18 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ May Mammals: Southern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger). Cotton Mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus) . Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hispidus). Rice-field Rat (Oryzomys palustris). Roof-rat (introduced) (Mus alexandrinus). Marsh Rabbit (Lepus palustris) . Southern Shrew (Sorex longirostris) . Carolina Mole Shrew (Blarina carolinensis) . Big-eared Bat (Plecotus mocrotis) . Birds: A considerable number might be mentioned but are not need- ed to confirm the zone. Reptiles: Alligator (Alligator mississipiensis) . Joint Snake (Ophysauris ventralis). Green Lizard ( Anolis principalis) . Southern Water-snake (Natrix fasciata). Pied Water-snake (Natrix taxispilota) . Hoop-snake (Abastor erythrogrammus). Horn-snake (Farancia abacura) . Striped Chicken-snake (Coluber quadrivittatus) . Spotted Racer (Coluber guttatus). Brown-headed Snake (Rhadinea flavilata) . Red King-snake (Ophibolus coccineus) . Red Snake (Cemophora coccinea) . Hog-nosed Snake (Heterodon simus). Crowned Tantilla (Tantilla coronata). Cotton -mouth Moccasin ( AMstrodon piscivorus) . Ground Rattle-snake (Sistrurus miliarius) . Diamond Rattle-snake (Crotalus adamanteus) . Smooth Terrapin (Pseudemys concinna). Florida Terrapin (Pseudemys floridanus). Rough Terrapin (Pseudemys scripta) . 1908 ] Notes on the Life-Zones 19 BcUrachians: Carolina Tree-frog (Hyla cinerea) . Squirrel Tree-frog (Hyla squirella) . Pine-woods Tree-frog (Hyla femoralis) . Dwarf Toad (Bufo quercicus) . Narrow-mouth Toad (Engystoma carolinense) . Margined Salamander (Stereochilus marginatus) . Dwarf Salamander (Manculus quadridigitatus). Mole Salamander (Amblystoma talpoideum). Ditch Eel (Amphiuma means). Southern Water-dog (Necturus punctatus). Mud Eel (Siren lacertina) . In outlining this map the most important step has been to locate the line separating the lower and upper austral zones. In placing this line where we have it, we have been influenced by the following data: The Dismal Swamp region, which lies partly in the northern end of Camden county, is known to have decided- ly lower austral affinities, so that our line would seem to start west of this swamp. The only section in the northeast part of the state which has enough records to furnish a reliable guide is the southeastern part of Bertie county, where Sans Souci and IAvoca have on record five distinctively lower austral forms, to two upper austral. Meagre data from Jackson (Northampton County) and Tarboro (Edgecombe Co.) indicate a mixed fauna at both I places, and therefore we have run the line between them. Ral- eigh is really the strongest point in locating this line. Abundant data indicates that the fauna of Raleigh and vicinity is thoroughly mixed, with no decided preponderance in either direction, — therefore we have run the line directly through Raleigh. This gives practically a straight line from Raleigh toward Suffolk, Va., until the state line is reached at Chowan River. West of Raleigh and east of the mountains our data is scant. Cary, with one decidedly upper austral form (Chipmunk) which does not occur at Raleigh, finds a place above the line, while Apex with one lower austral form is below it. It is interesting to note here that the Chipmunk recorded from Cary was taken not ' more than seven miles from Raleigh but has never been taken actual- 20 Journal of the Mitchall Society [May ly at Raleigh, while the Florida Terrapin, (a very decidedly lower austral form) has been taken in north-west Johnston county, but is not known at Raleigh. This gives further warrant for running the dividing line directly through Raleigh. The line, passing between Cary and Apex, runs straight to Charlotte. Southern Pines, many of whose insects are known, shows strong lower austral affinities, while Stanly and Cabarrus counties each contribute one lower austral record. As Salisbury and Statesville both show records which would tend to exclude them from the lower austral zone, we have run the line straight to Charlotte so as to leave these points in the upper austral, but including parts of both Stanly and Cabarrus counties in the lower austral. From Charlotte we have run the line slightly south of west, so that it crosses the South Carolina line at or near Tryon in Polk County. This latter locality seems to be (biologically) one of the most remarkable in the state. Its vicinity within a radius of a few miles is so varied in elevation and temperature that we have records of lower austral, upper austral, and Alleghanian forms, and there may be an infusion of strictly Canadian forms on the tops of the higher mountains of that locality. Of the strictly lower austral forms known at Tryon we may mention the Green Lizard, and a species of true Scorpion, the latter having never yet been taken at any other place in the state. It may be well to mention a few rather exceptional records. Coopers Lemming, — recorded as an inhabitant of sphagnum swamps which are generally considered to present Alleghanian tendencies, — has been taken at Chapanoke in Perquimmans county. The Diamond Rattle-snake, — considered to be a decidedly lower austral form, — has been recorded at Jackson, Northhampton Co. The Red-backed Salamander, — not known at Raleigh and a dis- tinctively upper austral form, — has been taken at Greenville, Pitt Co. At Kinston the Wood-Frog and Pickerel Frog (both consid- ered to be upper austral species) have been taken. The Weasel (upper austral) has been taken at New Bern. The Glass Snake, — a typically lower austral form, — has been taken at Statesville. In Transylvania county there is record of the Mole Salamander, which is a distinctively lower austral form. Insects of normally 1908\ Notes on the Life-Zones 21 lower austral habitat have been taken at Andrews in Cherokee Co. and near Franklin in Macon Co. The Green Lizard (lower austral) is also said to occur along the Little Tennessee River in Graham or Swain Counties, but this record is open to question. IAt Weaverville, Buncombe County, the Big-eared Bat (lower austral) has been recorded. These exceptional records, while in our opinion not sufficiently numerous or consistent to change the course of the faunal lines as shown on the map, serve to emphasize the fact that no faunal lines or zones can be claimed to be absolute. Animals typical of one zone will occasionally wander into a neighboring zone. It is therefore not surprising to find a typically lower austral form as much as twenty to forty miles north or west of the faunal line, or on the other hand to find a distinctively upper austral form a similar distance east or south of this line, — and this overlapping of forms along the edges of the zones occurs with special frequency among those animals which move rapidly from place to place and which may therefore from hunger, fright or other causes become restless and wander out of their normal range. But it would be worthy of note if a distinctively upper austral form were found to occur regularly and in any degree of abundance, in the warmer parts of our state which are well within the Lower Austral zone as defined on our map. In this connection we would call attention to the localities of Cape Hatteras, Beaufort, Havelock (Lake Ellis) and Wilmington. From these four localities we get a total of 46 characteristic records, every one of them lower austral. But when we go nearer to the line to the north and west as at Greenville, Tarboro and southeastern Bertie County, we strike scattering upper austral records. The few upper austral rocords for New Bern and Kinston are of such character as not to materially affect their standing as strictly lower austral localities. The presence of several lower austral records in the southern part of our moun- tain region is plainly attributable to the proximity of the Gulf coast only a few hundred miles to the south, whence characteristic forms no doubt migrate with more or less frequency up the streams or through the low mountain valleys, — while the high mountain ranges present many Alleghanian and even some Cana- dian forms. These conditions of life-zones normally opposed to 22 Journal of the Mitchbll Society [May one another being brought so closely together in the southern part of our mountain section, render it a region of peculiar biological interest. With regard to this southwestern section of our state, we can- not do better than to quote from an article on “An Ornithological Reconnaissance of Western North Carolina” by Wm. Brewster, published in “The Auk,” January, 1886. He says: . . . I have left a valley where Mocking- birds, Bewick’s Wrens, and Cardinals were singing in water-oaks, sweet -gums and magnolias (all upper austral birds and plants) , climbed a mountain side covered with oaks and hickories inhabited by Wil- son’s Thrushes, Yellow-throated Vireos and Rose- breasted Gross-beaks ( Alleghanian forms) , and with- in an hour or two from the time of starting found myself in a dense spruce forest where Winter Wrens, Golden -crested Kinglets and Red-bellied Nuthatches (Canadian forms) were the most abundant and char- acteristic birds. Indeed, were it possible in the present state of our knowledge to indicate accurately on the map the relative extent and position of the three faunae (life-zones) by using a different color for each . . . the work when completed would certainly present a strangely patched appearance. “The boundaries of these divisions are determined chiefly by elevation, the Canadian occupying the tops and upper slopes of the mountains down to about 4,500 ft., the Alleghanian the mountain sides, higher valleys, and plateaus between 4,500 and 2,500 ft., and the Carolinian (upper austral) everything below the altitude last named. ’ ’ The authors in preparing this map have chosen to be conserva- tive in representing the Alleghanian and Canadian zones, and there is doubtless more territorry actually included in each of these than the map shows. Furthermore, the extreme northwest counties are as yet practically unknown from a zoological stand- point, so that, — while we might assign most of its territory on hypothetical reasoning, we have preferred to leave it unmarked save by an interrogation point. Raleigh, N. C. A BACTERIOLOGIC STUDY OF THE BLANK CARTRIDGE* DAVID H. DOILY It appears from statistics in The Journal of the American Medical Association, August 29, 1903, that of 392 cases of tetanus incident to accidents on the previous July 4, 363 followed wounds from the blank cartridge and toy pistol. In other words, 92 per cent, of the tetanus cases were apparently attributable to wounds from blank cartridges. Dr. A. I. Ludlow, assistant resident surgeon at the Lakeside Hospital, succeeded in isolating B. tetani from the blank cartridge wounds in one out of five fatal cases of tetanus, but cultivated the B. aerogenes capsulatus in four. In none of these cases was there emphysema nor emphysematous gangrene of the wounds, which were routinely treated by free incision and packing with iodoform gauze. In one of these which came to autopsy I failed to isolate B. tetani from the wound of the hand, but obtained B. aerogenes capsulatus from the local lesion and heart’s blood. There was no gaseous emphysema of any organ. These findings led me to investigate several makes of blank cartridges, and the results of these investigations form the basis of the present paper. The infectious agents concerned in these wounds (apart from the contents of the cartridge), may come from the skin and parts of clothing introduced. These latter sources of infection were not considered. SOURCE OF MATERIAL The cartridges used were manufactured by the Peters Cartridge Co., the Winchester Arms Co., and the Union Metallic Cartridge Co., and were bought in the open market at various times and places. ♦Reprinted from The Journal of the American Medical Association, Feb. 11, j 1905. 1908] 23 24 Journal of the Mitchell Society [May CULTURAL EXPERIMENTS ( A) Wads . — In both the cultural and animal experiments the wads were extracted with a sterile instrument, every care being taken to exclude accidental contamination. The wads were placed in a 1 per cent, glucose bouillon, and incubated under anaerobic conditions (usually in Novy jars) at body temperature, for from 3 to 5 days, when coverslip prepara- tions were studied. Not infrequently slender bacilli with end spores suggestive of B. tetani were seen. Nine cultures containing these tetanus-like bacilli were inoculated in fresh hematoma in the thigh of guinea-pigs. All of these animals survived but one, which died at the end of the month without symptoms of tetanus. These tetanus-like bacilli decolorized by Gram and were proved by cultural methods to be identical with a pseudo-tetanus bacillus discovered by Bain in blank cartridges. Many cultures contained a stout bacillus with square ends, apparently encapsulated, and subcultures made on glucose agar showed abundant gas formation. Nine rabbits injected with these gas-forming cultures, and killed ten minutes afterward, showed after from 8 to 20 hours’ incuba- tion marked gaseous emphysema, and B. aerogenes capsulatus was isolated from them all in pure culture. All efforts to demonstrate the presence of B. tetani failed. In a total of 250 wads examined by culture, the B. aerogenes capsulatus was demonstrated in sixty- six, or 26.4 per cent., and from sixty-one it was isolated in pure culture. Two of these were worked through all media, but in general the cultural characteristics on glucose agar, milk, and blood serum, together with the morphology, the capsule formation, the positive Gram stain, and the failure to grow aerobically, were deemed sufficient for identification. It is interesting to note that spore formation occurred in old milk and agar cultures, as well as on blood-serum. Some difficulty was experienced in separating B. aerogenes capsulatus from the other anaerobic organisms present in wads until Kitasato’s method of heating for one hour at 80 degrees C. was adopted. It invariably survived this. That the explosion of cartridges neither kills nor inhibits the growth of B. aerogenes capsulatus was demonstrated by shooting the wads into jars containing melted glucose agar, which on incubation gave 1908 ] Bacteriologic Study of the Blank Cartridge 25 abundant growth of this organism in four out of five experiments. The following table gives the proportinn in which B. aerogenes capsidatus was found in wads of the different makes : Wads examined B. A. C. Per cent. Peters .32 caliber 54 32 50.9 Peters .22 caliber 50 21 • • • • U. M. C. .32 7 7.0 U. M. C. .22 50 0 .... Winchester .22 caliber. 47 6 12.7 250 ( B ) Powder. — Cultures from the powder of 101 cartridges were usually serile. Neither B. tetani nor B. aerogenes capsvlalus was isolated. INOCULATION OF ANIMALS At the suggestion of Prof. William H. Welch, the rat was used as being probably the animal most susceptible to tetanus. To give B. tetani , if present, the most favorable environment possible, use was made of two procedures, the second one of which ; has not been employed in similar investigations. The first is inoculation of fresh hematoma, which increases greatly the chances of growth of B. tetani. As to the second one, Vaillard and Rouget established that “tetanus spores when free from toxin are innocuous when not accompanied by another bacterium, unless protected from phagocytes.” Twelve white rats were inoculated I under strict asceptic precautions with wads from the Peters Co. i 82 caliber cartridges. In addition, a loop of a pure aerobic cul- ture was added, in six an attenuated Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus and in the remaining six B. coli communis. The skin was then closed by a stitch and covered with celloidin. Nine of these rats died in convulsions, the tenth quietly, while the other two survived. The incubation period varied from sixty to seventy hours. The character of the convulsions differed from that usually described for animals. The first symptom was a marked spastic condition of the inoculated leg, which was held in extreme flexion, explained by the laceration of the extensor muscles. Gradually this spastic state extended to the whole body, so that the animal would retain its distorted shape in any position. In all, there was emprosthotonos, in two associated with pleurothotonos. The forelegs were held closely against the abdomen and the non -inoculated leg in extension. At short, ir- 26 Journal of the Mitchell Society [May regular intervals there were definite convulsions, the most typical of which started with several rapid nods of the head, followed in order by clonic spasms of forelegs and hindlegs, passing in a few seconds into a tonic spasm of the whole body. In several, clonic spasms alone appeared. The convulsions lasted from one and a half to three hours, the animals all dying at the end of a spasm. At autopsy no lesions of internal organs were found. Smears from the meninges were negative for leucocytes and bacteria. Bearing in mind previous failures to cultivate B. tetani from wounds, it was thought wiser to subinoculate from these animals. Accordingly, the wads, with some necrotic tissue, were removed from six of the rats and inoculated into three guinea-pigs and three rabbits. The guinea pigs died during the night, but the rabbits developed tetanus in about thirty hours. The character of the convulsions corresponded to the description in text-books. In smears from the rats and guinea-pigs, a few spore-bearing bacilli morphologically resembling B. tetani appeared. These were somewhat more numerous from the rabbits. From one rat only one such bacillus was seen after an hour’s search. In all smears bacilli morphologically identical with B. aerogenes capsula- tus were recognizable, together with numerous other organisms. Cultures were made from the wounds and wads on glucose bouil- lon and glucose agar, as well as blood serum. There was marked gas production, but repeated search failed to disclose B. tetani. Numerous subcultures, made both with and without Kitasato’s method, were likewise negative. B. aerogenes capsulatus grew so rapidly and vigorously that it apparently crowded out B. tetani Many anaerobic plates were also unsuccessful as regards B. tetani. In explanation of these failures, it may be said that the tetanus- like bacilli were extremely scanty, while B. aerogenes capsulatus was relatively abundant; and, further, that several other bacilli were present in the Peters wad, which resisted heating as well, one of these forming colonies much resembling those of B. tetani. However, of five rabbits inoculated with five or six loops of the original cultures, three died in convulsions. Smears and cultures from their wounds were also entirely negative for B. tetani , though made as soon as symptoms of tetanus appeared. 1908] Bacteriologic Study of the Blank Cartridge 27 The experiment was next tried of adding several crystals of urea to the material inoculated for its antichemotactic effect. In this rabbit the exude was poor in leucocytes, and tetanus-like bacilli more numerous than in previous experiments, but B. aero - genes capsulatus had increased proportionately and several series of plates were again negative for B. tetani. A second series of inoculations with the Peters wads was next made. Three rats and three guinea-pigs were each inoculated with two wads, together with Staphylococcus pyogenes mucus , and several small crystals of urea. One rat and two pigs developed tetanus. As in the previods experiments, tetanus-like bacilli appeared in greater numbers than in the first series, but have not yet been isolated. Inoculation experiments were also tried with the other brands of cartridges. In the case of the Union Metallic cartridges, the wads from the seven original bouillon cultures which yielded B. aerogenes capsulatus were used. One rat died without tetanic symptoms, the others survived. Likewise, thirteen wads of the Winchester cartridges, distributed among three rats and three guiney-pigs, produced no symptoms, and the animals survived the local suppuration produced by the staphylococcus. Previous work has been done on this subject by Le Garde, Tay- lor, Wells, and the Boston Health Department, a total of 759 cartridges having been examined, both by cultures and animal inoculations, all with negative results for B. tetani. The only report of the finding of B. tetani in cartridges is made by R. N. Connolly, bacteriologist to the board of health of Newark, N. J. He bases his diagnosis, apparently, on the morphology and odor of cultures, and no inoculation of animals is reported. With regard to B. aerogenes capsulatus , Wells alone describes an obligate anaerobe which corresponds closely to this organism, but says it seemed to have motility, and it is not identified. My thanks are due to Dr. W. T. Howard, Jr., and to Dr. Roger G. Perkins, for their valuable suggestions. CONCLUSIONS 1. B. aerogenes capsulatus (Welch) was present in a large pro- portion of the wads of the three makes of cartridges examined. 28 Journal of the Mitchell Society [May 2. The wads of the Peters Company, inoculated in rats, guinea- pigs, and rabbits, produced characteristic symptoms of tetanus. 3. The powder of the three varieties of cartridges examined was negative for B. tetani and B. aero genes capsidatus. 4. My efforts at isolation of B. tetani from the wads have so far been unsuccessful. 5. There is abundant evidence, from clinical observations and animal experiments, that the wads of certain blank cartridges contain B. tetani. Dr. Welsh told me that he considered it diagnostic to see an animal in convulsions. REVIEW The Chemistry of Commerce, R. K. Duncan. Harper & Bros., 1907. In this new book the author again, as in his “New Knowledge”, translates admirably the technical and scientific facts into lan- guage easily understood by the layman. This he states to be his object, and he has succeeded well. The chief value of the book is not simply in the facts that are therein stated, nor in the descrip- tion of the great industries dependent upon chemical science, but in the suggestions for improvement, in the inspiration to greater things, in the call to larger influence. Although in the main the author does treat of the chemistry of commerce, yet in a few chapters the relation is somewhat far fetched. As an example, a chapter on “Floral Perfumes” treats for the most part on the methods used in obtaining the perfumes from flowers and only at the end records briefly the chemical pro- duction of artificial perfumes. Again in the chapter on “Making of Medicines”, biology plays a more important part than chemis- try. But if this is a fault, it may be largely overlooked because of the intensely interesting things therein recorded. The author constantly points out the fact that Americans, while excelling in mechanical appliances are far behind in scientific knowledge concerning the basis of their industries, and hence the enormous waste through bye-products of factories. Finally he appeals to the manufacturer for a more scientific business, to the scientist for at least a toleration of research on technical problems, and the Universities to stand sponsor between the two. The book is one that every manufacturer should read, to gain a knowledge of how the chemist may help him : it is one that every chemist should read to gain inspiration in his work. R. O. E. D. 1908) 29 PAPERS RELATING TO SCIENCE Published or read by the members of the Faculty of the University of North Carolina^during 1907. Collier Cobb. Notes on the Geology of Core Bank , N. C. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, May, 1907. The Garden, Field , and Forest of the Nation. Address as Presi- dent of the North Carolina Academy of Science. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, June 1907. The Geological Work of the Atmosphere. Illustrated. Address at Guilford College, N. C. William C. Coker. Fertilization and Embryogeny in Cephalotaxus Fortunei. Botanical Gazette, Oct. 1907. Chapel Hill Ferns and Their Allies. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Nov. 1907. A New Form of Achlya. Paper before the N. C. Academy of Science, May 1907. Archibald Henderson. Recent Investigations in the Foundations of Geometry. Paper before the N. C. Academy of Science, Chapel Hill, May 1907. The Foundations of Geometry — An Historical Sketch. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, May, 1907. J. E. Latta. Notes on Motor Circuits. Electric Journal, Jan. 1907. William DeB. MacNider. The Action of the Nitrites on the Heart. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Vol. 135, page 99. A Further Study of the Action of Magnesium Sulphate on the Heart. American Journal of Physiology, Vol. 22, No. 11. 30 1908] Papers Relating to Science 31 Some of the Later Manifestations of Syphilis with Report of Cases. Charlotte Medical Journal, September 1907. J. E. Mills. A Review on “ Researches on the Affinities of Elements ,” by Geof- frey Martin. Science, August 2nd, 1907. Molecular Attraction VII. An Examination of Seven Esters. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 11, p. 594, 1907. A. S. Wheeler. Eine neue Farbenreaktion der Lignocellulosen. Ber. der deutsch. Chem. Ges., Vol. 40., p. 1888, 1907. H. V. Wilson. A New Method by which Sponges may be artificially reared. Science, Vol. 25, No. 649. On Some Phenomena of Coalescence and Regeneration in Sponges. Journal of Experimental Zoology, Vol. 5, No. 2. - __ .... . : , . — ^ ** ■ ism|| wSM MfisaalffS I "I >$V: *3 M-X-vV.V 3ta JOURNAL OF1 THE sha Mitchell Scientific Society amJwfffe- Jlfplfe r'©>.-»v JW- r.'SK; v*t>' ■ * !•*£»' HSI V ISSUED QUARTERLY mi '• :v -:tW$£W tf'k W Jill Hasyr GHAP.EL IIIIJ., Ni C. TO BE ENTERED »TTHE POSTOFFICE AS SECON'D tlASS MATTER imsmhpb ■-. ■*:-. :0M mml if 9 \wk Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society S*%6& ■' u * 1 «4v. g® mm% « W. C. COKER, President J. E. LATTA, Vice-President A. S. WHEELER, Rec. Sec'. '/ F. P. VENABLE, Perm. ‘-'tr _ V *'r C ‘7 Editors of the "Journal: W. C. COKER E. V. HOWELL, ARCHIBALD HENDERSON Ipfafl |n :wm SSL §1 1M ........ ' :.""■ v Wr- \\\-^VU’‘V ^ ' ‘ . - S •:' ' Ornithological Work in North Carolina.— 7V(?iZ6erf Pearson. . . v -V:/. '• ; Proceedings of the North Carolina Academy of Science. .... . . . K j The San Jose Scale. — Franklin She/'maa, Jr *■ ; p; y - 1 " V-*;/,’ f ' i W&t ?V '%• ( • r f ; CONTENTS Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society — Quarterly. ) $2.00 per year ; single numbers 50 cents. Most numbers of former umes can be supplied. Direct all correspondence to the Editors, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. -y .■if'; 8 • ■•>:,- w:. y.;,.;. v ga JOURNAL OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society JUNE, 1908 VOL. XXIV NO. 2 ORNITHOLOGICAL WORK IN NORTH CAROLINA* T. GILBERT PEARSON udra NEW V botani QaFOI Our earliest record of an ornithological observation in North Carolina is that of Captain Barlow who in company with his asso- ciate, Captain Amadas, visited the coast in 1584. Entering the Sounds by one of the inlets they sailed to Roanoke Island and landed. Evidently they climbed one of the tree-covered dunes girting the east side of the island, for Captain Barlow writes, “Under the bank or hill whereon we stood, we beheld valleys replenished with goodly cedar trees, and having discharged our harquebus shot, such a flock of cranes (the most part white) arose under us, with such a cry redoubled by many echoes, as if an army of men had shouted together.” One visiting Roanoke Island today will still see goodly cedar trees but the herons, (which doubtless were the birds to which he referred) are no longer to be found in such numbers. Three hundred and twenty-five years of ^Presidential address before the North Carolina Academy of Science, May 1, 1908. 1908] 33 Printed June 20, 1908. 34 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ June man’s destructive influences have written their story large among the bird life of that interesting region, and the most northerly breeding colony of herons known to exist in the State is situated on an island in Matamusket Lake 45 miles away in a southwes- terly direction. The birds here are so few in number, and their united cries would not equal the lusty shout of a corporal’s guard. Two years after this, viz. : in 1586, Thomas Hariot came to the island and made a list of the birds he found there. Of these he says there were “Turkey cocks and turkey hens, stock doves, par- tridges, cranes and herons, and in winter great store of swan and geese. Of all sorts of fowl, I have names in the country language, four score and six; of which number, besides those that he named, we have taken, eaten, and have the pictures as they were drawn, with names of the inhabitants; of several strange sorts of water fowl eight, and seventeen kinds more of land fowl, although we have seen and eaten many more which for want of leisure there for the purpose, could not be pictured; and after we are better furnished and stored upon further discovery with their strange beasts, fish, trees, plants and herbs, they shall be published. There are also parrots, falcons, and merlin -hawks, which although with us they be not used for meat, yet for other causes I thought good to mention.” One of the most interesting items in this narration is the refer- ence to “parrots”, which establishes the fact without doubt that the Carolina Paroquet at one time inhabited the immediate neigh- borhood of the coast. / John Lawson, Gentleman, in his History of North Carolina published in London in 1714, devotes fully ten pages to an enum- eration of the birds of the state and a dissertation on the habits and activities of some of them. Many of the birds which he found here were new to him, and as he evidently was not a trained ornithologist he failed in many instances to note the difference between them and those species of Europe which to his eye they much resembled. To many of our native birds therefore he gave the names of English species, and his descriptions being meagre we are often left in doubt as to what birds he really had in mind. Thus what he calls “Moorehen” may have been either the Gallinule or 1908 ] Ornithological Work in North Carolina 35 the coot. His “Lay- wing” was perhaps one of the plovers, the golden, black-bellied, Wilsons or piping, or may have been the dowitcher or turnstone. Among the hawks he speaks of the “Hobbie”. I am yet at a loss to understand to what species he referred as all the other small hawks are evidently accounted for under such English titles as Falcon, Merlin, etc. j He made the mistake of regarding the young Bald Eagle as a distinct species and calls it the gray eagle. This error, by the way, was long followed by subsequent observers of North American j bird life. Audubon, writing over a hundred years later, tells in ! much detail about the life history of the gray eagle, in fact he has • left us a full page drawing of the magnificent “Bird of Washing- | ton”, as he calls it. The fact that the young bald eagle does not acquire its white head and tail until after an elapse of three years ! will account in a measure at least for its mistaken identity. On the other hand some of Lawson’s statements which bear on jthe face evidences of being perfectly truthful, reveal some valuable si information. One of these is his account of the breeding of the black duck in the eastern marshes and another which tells of the j common occurrence of the sandhill crane. These are the only (two positive records we have of this character within the borders ! of North Carolina, for so far as known no one else has recorded I cranes in the state, and while the black duck is a common winter visitor and has long been suspected of breeding here, we know of no authoritative record of a nest having been found since this j -account given by Lawson. I In the days of Lawson the wild pigeon which has since become 1 extinct, was an aboundant bird in North Carolina. They proba- ! bly gathered to breed in vast numbers in the mountains, after ; which they spread over the low country and their numbers being | augmented by great flights from the north, the pigeon population (must have been something enormous. Lawson says “I saw such i prodigious flocks of these pigeons in January and February, 1701-2 ij (which were in the hilly country between the great nation j if the Esaw Indians and the pleasant stream of Sapona, I vhich is the west branch of Clarendon, or Cape Fear River, that 36 Journal of the Mitchell Society [June they had broke down the limbs of a great many large trees all over those woods, whereon they chanced to sit and roost; especially the great pines which are more brittle wood, than onr sots of Oak are. These Pigeons, about sunrise, when we were preparing to march on our journey, would fly by us in such vast flocks that they would be near a quarter of an hour before they were all passed by, and as soon as that flock was passed another would come, and so successively one after another for a greater part of the morning. It is observable that wherever these fowls come in such large num- bers, as I saw them then, they clear all before them, scarce leav- ing one acorn upon the ground, which would doubtless be a great prejudice to the planters that would seat there, because their swine would be thereby deprived of the mast. When I saw such flocks of the Pigeons I now speak of, none of our company had any other sort of a shot than that which is cast in moulds and was so very large that we could not put above ten or a dozen of them into our largest pieces. Wherefore we made but an indifferent hand of shooting them ; although we commonly killed a Pigeon for every shot. They were very fat and as good Pigeons as ever I eat.” While it can hardly be claimed that the writings of John Law- son are of any great ornithological value, they are at least inter- esting from a historical standpoint and should most assuredly be included in any bibliolographical sketch of North Carolina orni- thological study. The work of Col. Wm. Byrd of Westover, Va., next claims our attention. It was he who conducted the survey of the boundary line between , Va., and North Carolina in 1729. The narrative of his experiences which we are told was written largely for his own amusement and that of his friends, contains besides an account of the survey many side remarks on the inhabitants of the territory which he traversed. His references to natural his- tory are not infrequent, but are for the main part of little mo- ment. The following contribution on the habits of the Carolina paroquet, a bird now extinct, may be of interest. “Very few in this country have the industry to plant orchards, which in a dearth of rum might supply them with much better liquor. The truth is there is one inconvenience that easi'y discourages lazy people loos'] Ornithological Work in North Carolina 37 from making this improvement. Very often in autumn when the apples begin to ripen they are visited with numerous flights of paroquets, that bite all the fruit to pieces in a moment for the sake of the kernels. The havoc they make is sometimes so great that sometimes whole orchards are laid waste in spite of all the noises that can be made or mawkins that can be dressed up to frighten them away. These ravenous birds visit North Car- olina only during the warm season and so soon as the cold begins to come on retire back towards the sun. They rarely venture so far north as Virginia except in a very hot summer, when they visit the most southern parts of it. They are very beautiful, but like some other pretty creatures are apt to be loud and mischiev- ous.’’ He does not attempt to catalog the birds of the country. In the library of the State College at Columbia, S. C., I recent- ly found that rare and interesting work of Catesby “The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands,” published in 1731. A careful reading of its pages, however, reveals the fact that the author in all probability was never within the borders of North Carolina. He went up the Savannah river almost to the mountains and hunted buffalo with the Indians; later he sailed for Virginia, and ascending the James river, traveled thence westward to a point almost north of that reached on his trip from Savannah. There seems to be no evidence that he ever saw the intervening territory. This is to be regretted, as Catesby was not only an artist of merit but for the times must have been a very careful and painstaking naturalist. I mention this work because its title would lead one to think he had made a study of the Nat- ural History of this state. In my quest for information regarding early ornithological writers I applied to North Carolina’s most noted historian of today, Dr. Stephen B. Weeks, and from him received many courtesies including the loan of some of the books from his extensive library. One of these is the work of Dr. John Brickell published in Dublin in 1737, and bearing a comprehensive title as follows: “The Nat- ural History of North Carolina, with an account of the trade, man- ners, and customs of the Christian and Indian inhabitants; illus- trated with copper plates, whereon are curiously engraved the map Journal of the Mitchell Society 28 [ June of the country, several strange beasts, birds, fishes, snakes, insects, trees and plants, etc.” His list of birds follows closely that of Lawson published some years previously, and the similarity of the text in many instances strongly suggests the idea that he frequently bordered closely on plagiarism. He enumerates 129 kinds of birds. Five of these at least we must eliminate at the start. He makes three eagles out of one, naming as he does in addition to the bald eagle the black and gray eagles which are simply different phases of the immature bird. We, of course, cannot accept two species of leather-winged bats for birds, and the nightingale which he mentions is not found in a wild state in the Western Hemisphere. Although Dr. Brickell in his Preface says regarding his Natural History writing “I have been very exact,” the reader is not always so impressed. Of the brown pelicans he says “They have an odd kind of note much like the braying of an ass, and in spring they go into the woods to breed and return in the autumn.” Whereas it is a well-known fact that the pelican is an absolutely silent bird and breeds on the ocean beaches or on mangrove Keys of the Gulf coast. Of the cuckoo he writes “In winter they hide themselves in hollow trees, and their feathers come off, and they are scabby, they usually lay one egg, and that in the nest of the Hedge Sparrow.” This reminds one of the story of the Naturalist Humbolt to whom a student stated that a lobster was a red fish which runs backwards. Humbolt is reported to have replied “You are right in all but three things, viz: it is not red, it is not a fish and does not run backwards.”’ The Carolina cuckoos do not hide in hol- low trees, they do not lose all their feathers at once and become scabby, they lay not one but from two to four eggs in a nest of their own construction, and finally the hedge sparrow is not found in America. In treating of the gray eagle he discusses at considerable length its interesting characteristics of form and activities. In part he says “They are great thieves, and live to be very old and die not from age nor any sickness, but of mere hunger by reason that the 1908 ] Ornithological Work in North Carolina 39 upper beak of their bill is so far over grown and tumeth inward so much, that they are not able to open it to feed themselves. They seldom seek their prey in the forenoon, for they are found sitting idle and perched upon trees all the morning. It is reported that the quills or feathers of eagles laid amongst those of other fowls will rot and consume them, which I have not faith to be- lieve. The flesh though scarce fit to be eaten is medicinal against the gout, the bones of the skull in powder are good against megrim, the brain drank in wine, helps the jaundice, and the gaul is of excellent use in most disorders of the eye, and applied helps the bitings of serpents and scorpions, etc. Delicious as Brick ell’s natural history sketches are, it is almost certain that he acquired much of his material from the Indians and settlers and has woven into his narrative many of the tradi- tions and superstitions of the country. Positive statements as to what he actually saw occur but seldom, one of these is when in speaking of the smallness of the hummingbird he remarks “I have frequently seen butterflies chase them away from the flowers.” The butterfly of his day must have been a pretty for- midable creature. Another of these early gentlemen who traveled through the South and left his writings for .the benefit of posterity was Wm. Bartram in 1791. His book is entitled “Travels through N. C. S. C., Fla., etc.” It seems, however, that he made but one hasty trip through North Carolina. He traveled by' land. Entering the State in Brunswick county, he proceeded to Southport, passed from there up the Clarendon (or Cape Fear river) to Cambletown (now Fayetteville), and thence on to Virginia. He speaks briefly of the trees, soil and rocks, but makes no reference to the wild animal life. Some of his stories are very lightly colored. He speaks of the alligators of S. C., rushing at him with terrible roar- ings and with steam rushing from their mouths and nostrils which threw over him a hurricane of water. In reading his writings one is inclined to believe that William Bartram would come under the :| class of President Roosevelt’s “Nature Faikirs.” Apparently the first real ornithologist to visit North Carolina for the purpose of studying the birds was Alexander Wilson , a Scotch- 40 Journal of the Mitchell Society [June man who traveled through the country collecting birds and mak- ing drawings of them by day and playing the violin for profit or diversion at night. Wilson was a field naturalist of the first order, and his great work “American Ornithology’ 5 illustrated in colors with his own most creditable drawings in colors has well won for him the title of “Father of American Ornithology,” despite the fact that his work was eclipsed some years later by the stupendous undertaking of Audubon. As an ornithologist Audubon was Wil- son’s superior only in that he was a more skilful artist. As a man Wilson was of humble parentage, but indifferently educated, was poor, retiring, sensitive and self-effacing. Audubon was of excel- lent parentage, was highly educated, was always confident and at times self-assertive. Both were great contributors to the world’s knowledge of American birds, and it was their work which aroused real interest in the subject and put in motion the movement for bird study from which has since developed a long line of brilliant American naturalists. On one of Wilson’s trips through North Carolina, he found a specimen of the largest of all American wood -peckers, the Ivory- billed. The bird has long been extinct in this State. Another point of interest attending this capture by Wilson is that there is no record of one ever having been taken farther north in Eastern America. His record is therefore interesting and unique. He says, “The first place I observed this bird at, when on my way to the south, was about twelve miles north of Wilmington in North Carolina. There I found the bird from which the drawing of the figure in the plate was taken. This bird was only wounded slightly in the wing, and, on being caught, uttered a loudly reiter- ated, and most piteous note, exactly resembling the violent cry- ing of a young child; which terrified my horse so, as nearly to have cost me my life. It was distressing to hear it. I carried it with me in the chair, under cover, to Wilmington. In passing through the streets its affecting cries surprised every one within hearing, particularly the females, who hurried to the doors and windows with looks of alarm and anxiety. I drove on, and on arriving at the piazza of the hotel, where I intended to put up, the landlord came forward, and a number of other persons who 1908\ Ornithological Work in North Carolina 41 happened to be there, all equally alarmed at what they heard ; this was greatly increased by my asking, whether he could furnish me with accommodation for myself and my baby. The man looked blank and foolish, while the others stared with still greater astonishment. After diverting myself for a minute or two at their expense, I drew mp woodpecker from under the cover, and a general laugh took place. I took him up stairs and locked him up in my room, while I went to see my horse taken care of. In i less than an hour I returned, and, on opening the door, he set up the same distressing shout, which now appeared to proceed from grief that he had been discovered in his attempts to escape. He had mounted along the side of the window, nearly as high as the I ceiling, a little below which he had begun to break through. The ! bed was covered with large pieces of plaster; the lath was exposed i for at least fifteen inches square, and a hole, large enough to ad- mit the fist, opened to the weatherboards; so that, in less than another hour he would certainly have succeeded in making his way through. I now tied a string around his leg, and, fastening it to the table, again left him. I wished to preserve his life, and had gone off in search of suitable food for him. As I reascended the stairs, I heard him again hard at work, and on entering had ' the mortification to perceive that he had almost entirely ruined | the mahogany table to which he was fastened, and on which he ; had wreaked his whole vengeance. While engaged in taking the , drawing, he cut me severely in several places, and, on the whole, displayed such a noble and unconquerable spirit, that I was fre- j quently tempted to restore him to his native woods. He lived I with me nearly three days, but refused all sustenance, and I wit- | nessed his death with regret.” The above account refers to a great woodpecker nearly as large as a crow and now confined to the more inaccessible swamps of the Gulf coast. What we may term recent ornithological research began in North Carolina in 1871, when Dr. Eliott Coues published in the Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, May 2, a series of notes on : the birds observed by him while stationed at Fort Macon in Cart- [ eret county, 122 species of birds were mentioned. In 1886, William Brewster of Cambridge spent some time in the 42 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ June mountains of western North Carolina, and his list of birds pub- lished in the “Auk” contains records of 120 species. The preced- ing winter Charles Bachelder, also of Cambridge, made a number of obsen ations on the winter bird life of the mountains and this likewise was published in the “Auk.” One of the discoveries made by Mr. Brewster was the Carolina snow bird (Junco hye- malis Carolinensis) . J. S. Cairns, an enthusiastic student of birds living at Waynesville, published the results of his observations in the “Ornithologist & Oologist” in 1887. He enumerates 169 varieties of birds in Buncombe County. It was he who first dis- covered the Cairns Warbler. Messrs. H. H. & C. S. Brimley, of Raleigh, were for many years engaged in collecting birds for scientific purposes. During this time and since they have gathered much valuable information on the nesting and migration habits of the birds which occur there. Between 1884 and 1891 they published in the “Ornithologist & Oologist” 76 articles on Raleigh Bird Life. Mr. R. B. McLaughtin during 1887-1888 contributed 9 articles to the same publication on the birds of the Statesville region. Additional papers on the bird life of the state to the extent of 47 in number by various authors have been published; princi- pally in the “Auk” and the “Ornithologist & Oologist.” Thus briefly and somewhat hastily I have attempted to sketch what has been done in the line of ornithological study in North Carolina. It will be observed that the work done has been mostly in gathering notes on the geographical distribution, migration and modification of the species found in the state. Considerable attention has also been paid to Oology by Messrs. Brimley of Ral- eigh, McLaughtin of Statesville, Joseph Armfield of Greensboro (whose splendid collection of eggs of our native birds may be seen at the Museum of this College) , Dr. Smith wick of Arora and a few others. Today we know of positive records of 325 species of birds which have been taken in the state, some of these at least are exceedingly rare and may be regarded only as stragglers. Among these may be mentioned the Northern Phalerope taken by Dr. Bishop at Pea Island; the Ruff taken at Raleigh by Mr. Brimley; the 1908 ] Ornithological Work in North Carolina 43 Black-necked Stilt captured at Roanoke Island by the Rev. Mr. Moyle; the bay-breasted Warbler noted at Chapel Hill and the Man -o’ -war bird secured at Ocracoke by the speaker. It may not be out of place here to mention that the state Audu- bon Society has in preparation a book on the birds of the state and a note regarding any rare finds made by members of the Academy will be greatly appreciated. In conclusion it has occurred to me that it might not be out of place to present to the Academy some views illustrating game preserve activities in the state also showing what the Audubon Society has been able to accomplish in one small island in the way of protecting sea birds. Greensboro, N. C. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE The North Carolina Academy of Science held its seventh annual meeting at the State Normal College, Greensboro, N. C., on Friday and Saturday, May 1 and 2, 1908. The Academy was called to order at 3:30 P. M., May 1, by the president, T. Gilbert Pearson. A letter of welcome to the acad- emy from President J. I. Foust of the College was read. A response to this welcome was made by the retiring president, Collier Cobb, of the Academy. At 8 : 30 in the evening the Academy met in the auditorium of the Students’ Building, and the presidential address, “An Histori- cal Sketch of Ornithology in North Carolina” (illustrated by lan- tern slides)* was delivered by President T. Gilbert Pearson. Following this address a reception was tendered the members of the Academy by the faculty and students of the senior and junior classes of the College in the dining room of Spencer Building. Later President and Mrs. Pearson received the visiting members at their home on West Market Street. At 9 A. M. Saturday, May 2, the Academy convened for a busi- ness meeting. Reports of various committees were heard. The report of the treasurer showed a balance of $119.60. The following new members were elected: Mr. Harry N. Eaton, Instructor in Geology, and Mr. Hubert Hill, Assistant in Geology, University of N. C.; Mr. R. I. Smith, Entomologist to the N. C. Experiment Station, West Raleigh; Mr. S. B. Shaw, Assistant Horticulturist N. C. Department of Agriculture; Dr. L. L. Hendron, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Trinity College, Durham, N. C.; John Roy Williams, M.D., Greensboro; Mrs. Charles D. Mclver, State Normal College, Greensboro. ♦This address appears in full in this issue of the Journal. 44 [ June of X. C. Academy of Science 45 190S\ Pro( kf dings The following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: President, Tait Butler, Department of Agriculture, Raleigh. Vice-President, .J. J. Wolfe, Trinity College, Durham. Secretary-Treasurer, E. W. Gudger, State Normal College, Greensboro. Executive Committee, Chas. H. Herty, University of N. C., Chapel Hill; John F. Lanneau, Wake Forest College, Wake Forest ; W. H. Pegram, Trinity College, Durham. The Committee on Resolutions brought in the following report, which was unanimously adopted : In pursuance of the duties devolving upon the commit- tee appointed, the committee begs to submit the follow- ing resolutions: (1) That in the death of Prof. J. W. Gore, Dean of the Department of Applied Science and Professor of Physics at the University of North Carolina, the North Carolina Academy of Science feels that it has suffered profound loss, — the loss of an investigator whose scien- tific attainments were notable, a scholar whose interest in scientific progress, in general as well as in his own and allied subjects, was unbounded, and a man whose broad humanity and high Christian character were a source of inspiration to all with whom he came in contact. (2) That a copy of these resolutions be published in the official organ of the Academy and likewise in the public press. / The next meeting of the Academy will be held at Trinity Col- lege, Durham, N. C., May. 1909. The following papers were presented : The Amanitas of the Asheville Plateau , by H. C. Beardslee, of Ashe- ville, N. C. The following list of species was reported : Amanita Caesarea Scop., A. virosa, A. Phalloides Fr., A. mus- cariaLinn., A. pantherina DC., A. junquillea Quel., A. strobili- formis Paul . , A . solitaria Bui ., A. schinocephala Vitt., A. rubes- 46 Journal of the Mitchell Society [June cens, A. cinerea Bres., A. nitida Fr., A. vaginata Fr., A. volvata Pk., A. farinosa Schw., A. mappa Fr. The species A. verna, virosa, and phalloides were considered as not distinct. Amanita junquillea Quel, was illustrated by photographs and specimens and compared with the European forms. The Ameri- can A. russuloides Pk. was referred here, also the European spe- cies A. amici, adnata, and vernalis. Photographs and specimens had been seen by Bresadola and Boudier w’ho verify this conclu- sion. Specimens of the European form had also been examined. Amanita cinerea Bres. was shovm to include A. spreta Pk. A. volvata wras shown to be the plant referred by Quelet and Bataille to A. coccola Scop. It was also considered the true A. agglutinata of Curtis, and A. baccata as understood by Bresadola. Photographs of many forms of A. solitaria and its allies were shown illustrating the difficulty of successfully defining species in this much confused group. Distribution and Migration of Warblers at Raleigh. C. S. Brimley of Raleigh, N. C. An Adjustable Armella'i'y Sphere — Newly Designed , J. F. Lanneau, of Wake Forest College, N. C. This paper dealt with a unique piece of apparatus — a light, symmetrical mechanism, built by Wm. Gaertner & Co., Chicago, after Professor Lanneau ’s design — for class-room use in Wake Forest College. Its special feature is the placing of the horizon plane and ver- tical circles within the celestial circles, and the two concentric systems, mechanically independent , allowing of the real eastward rotation of the former, or of the apparent westward rotation of the latter. SOME ILLUSTRATIONS. 1 . An alluminum ball at the centre represents the sun ; and by a simple device a smaller ball revolves around it eastward in the plane of the ecliptic, representing the earth’s annual motion . 190S] Proceedings of N. C. Academy of Science -17 2. With central ball representing the earth, to it is securely attached the horizon plane and vertical circles for, say, an observer in latitude 36° north. Clamping the celestial circles in fixed position, the earth-ball with its horizon system is easily rotated eastward, showing sun-rise and sun -set and the rising and setting of moon, stars and planets — these objects being suitably indicated , for any given date, in their apparent places on the celestial frame-works. Or clamping the horizon in its seemingly fixed position, the celestial circles and objects in place are readily rotated westward in accord with familiar appearances. 3. Altering in latitude the attachment of the horizon plane to the earth-ball, the apparatus shows in turn the reality and the appearances to an observer at the equator; or, again, to an obser- ver at the north pole during his six-months’ day and his six- months’ night. 4. Some circles and the celestial objects may be variously adjusted and placed for an indefinite number of of astronomical illustrations. 5. Selected circles and objects may be duly disposed to facili- tate apprehension and solution of numerous celestial problems— and, if problems also in geodesy and navigation which involve the ever-recurring “astronomical triangle”. QUESTION AND ANSWER. Are the earth and sun at the centre? They are not held to be at the centre of the myriad stars of the visible universe. They are at the centre of the “celestial sphere”, conceived of as every- where equidistant from the earth ; so distant as to be beyond the remotest star. Its quasi reality is that vast shell of void space beyond the stars, upon which as a dark, spherical background all the stars appear fixed as viewed from the central earth. So measureless its remoteness, any point within the earth’s com- paratively little orbit, including the sun, is virtually its centre. ■ This “celestial sphere”, with sun or earth as centre, is the basis of practical astronomy. Its standard circles in miniature are part of our armillary sphere. 48 Journal of the Mitchell Society [Jane Concerning Sclerotinose of Lettuce, F. L. Stevens and J. G. Hall, of the N. C. Experiment Station, Raleigh. The term Sclerotinose was proposed as a designation for diseases caused by Sclerotinia , and Sclerotinose of lettuce was characterized as one form of lettuce drop caused by S. Lihertiana. As the result of two years'' study the authors conclude that the only part of the fungus that lives through the quiescent period of the disease is the sclerotium and that each season's infection is by wind borne ascospores produced from these sclerotia. They rec- ommend that the formation of sclerotia be prevented by early removal and destruction (incineration or burial) of infected plants. This course followed for a few years, accompanied by the exhaus- tion of all sclerotia originally in the soils by germination, seems promising as a means of ridding infected regions of the pest. The Origin of Certain Topographic Features along the Sand-Hills Border of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Collier Cobb, of the University of North Carolina. Notes on the Life-zones in North Carolina.* By C. S. Brimley and Franklin Sherman, Jr., Raleigh, N. C. The authors, having made a careful detailed study of all avail- able records of the occurrence and distribution of animals in the state, present their conclusions as to the probable boundaries of the different life-zones. The groups of animals chieffy relied upon are: Mammals, Reptiles, and Batrachians. Birds and insects have been used mainly to confirm ideas otherwise origi- nated. It is found that four distinct life-zones are represented in the state as follows: 1. The Canadian Zone, including only the tops of the higher mountains, usually above 4,500 feet elevation. The fol- lowing places are placed in this zone: Black Mountains, Roan Mountain, Grandfather Mountain, Bald Mountain in Yancey County, and the higher mountains in Macon County near High- lands. ♦This paper was published in full in this Journal, for May, 1908. 1908 ] Proceedings of N. C. Academy of Science 49 2. The Alleghanian Zone , includes practically all between the elevation of 2,500 ft. and 4,500 ft. This includes most of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains, Nantahala Mountains, Bal- sam, Pisgah Ridge and the lower elevations of Black Mountains and others mentioned as belonging to the Canadian zone. 3. The Upper Austral Zone includes all of the state north and west of a line drawn from Suffolk, Va. to Raleigh, thence to Charlotte, thence to the South Carolina line near Tryon in Polk County — except that portion already assigned to the Canadian and Alle- ghanian zones. 4. The Lower Austral Zone includes all of the state to the south and east of the line just mentioned. Lists are given of the characteristic animals in each of these zones, and mention is made of a number of exceptional records, where animals have been taken beyond the limits of what their range would supposedly be. The counties in the extreme northwest part of the state have not yet been zoologically explored, and are therefore not yet assigned to any zone, awaiting the accumulation of more records. The Relation of Bovine Tuberculosis to the Public Health. Tait Butler of the Dept, of Agriculture, Raleigh. “The Twenty -Seven Lines Upon a Cubic Surface .” Archibald Hen- derson of the University of North Carolina. In his paper, Dr. Henderson explained that by the selection of a highly symmetrical equation of a cubic surface : by a proper choice of constants xIt yzi zx, wx; x2, y2, z2, w2; and finally by employing a regular tetrahedron of reference, that it was not difficult to derive very simple and symmetrical equations of the twenty-seven lines upon the cubic surface, and therefore to 50 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ June construct a string model of the configuration, showing the funda- mental tetrahedron and the twenty-seven lines in proper relation to each other and to the fundamental tetrahedron. Instead of a string or wire model, he exhibited a beautiful perspective draw- ing in colors, of the configuration. The Scope and Function of Science. Wm. Louis Poteat of Wake Forest College. [Read by title.] Some Trials of a Museum Curator. H. H. Brimley, State Museum, Raleigh. [Read by title.] The Oral Gestation of the Gaff Topsail Catfish, Felichthys marinus. E. W. Gudger of the State Normal and Industrial College. This paper was given by permission of the Commissioner of Fisheries and will later be published in the Bulletin of the Bureau. The Proximate Constituents of the Oleoresins of Pinus palustris and Pinus heterophylla. Chas. H. Herty of the University of North Carolina. The San Jose Scale.* By Franklin Sherman, Jr., Entomologist N. C. Dept. Agriculture, Raleigh. The paper opens with an apology and explanation for present- ing a paper upon so threadbare a subject before the Academy, — stating however, the author’s belief that popular presentation of subjects of economic interest to the state should have a conspicu- ous place on the program. A brief account of the history and general distribution of the San Jose Scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus, Comst.) is given, and mention is made of the principal food-plants, and methods of spread. Referring to conditions within the state of North Carolina it is shown that present records indicate the pest in 65 counties, at 145 different post-office localities and on at least 423 different prem- ises. It is a safe presumption that it is in many localities in addi- tion to those on record. It is a reasonable presumption that it is *This paper appears in full in this issue of the Journal. 190 8] Proceedings of N. C. Academy of Science 51 in every county in the state but it cannot be presumed that it is in every locality, — and there is every reason to believe that many individual premises are not yet infested by it. . In at least seventeen communities it is generally distributed, having been found in a number of orchards or perhaps in all. In the west, it is known in the counties of Cherokee, Haywood, Mitchell and Watauga, — and in the east in the counties of Bruns- wick, New Hanover, Carteret and Pasquotank. It is found only a few feet above sea-level, and at an elevation of 4,000 ft. According to present records the worst-infested counties are as follows in order of infestation: Catawba, Surry, Guilford, Moore, Gaston, Wake and Polk. Concerning the Difference of Behavior of Soil Organisms When in Solution and When in Soils. F. L. Stevens and W. A. Withers of the N. C. Experiment Station, Raleigh. (A prelimiminary Report of work done by F. L. Stevens and W. A. Withers assisted by W- A. Symeand J. C. Temple.) Results of numerous experiments were adduced to show that the activities of ammonifying, nitrifying, denitrifying and nitrogen gathering bacteria are different in soils from what they are in solutions and that no adequate knowledge of the efficiency of these various soil organisms in effecting chemical change can be attained by tests conducted in solutions. Even the relative powers of different organisms or of different soils is largely affected by the conditions of the test. It seems therefore that in the study of soil bacteria the work must be done with soils, rather than with solutions or at least that frequent controls or checks in soil must be made. THE SAN JOSE SCALE A Brief Popular Account of a Notorious Insect Pest, with a Statement of its Present Recorded Status . in North Carolina* BY FRANKLIN SHERMAN, JR. About three years ago, two prominent amateur collectors of insects, each an authority in his chosen group, were in this state on a brief collecting trip, and, by arrangement, I met them and spent a day in their company. It chanced that the orchards throughout all that neighborhood (Southern Pines) are infested with the San Jose Scale, and when I mentioned this fact quite incidently, both immediately expressed great interest and desire to see the pest, saying that they had often heard of it but had never seen it or received any first-hand information concerning it. Yet this insect is so notorious a pest, that among economic ento- mologists the discussion of it is now almost debarred, by mutual consent and unwritten law, from the public meetings. One year ago, at the sixth annual meeting of our Academy at Chapel Hill, Dr. Butler gave a discussion of the Cattle Tick, a pest of wide dis- tribution and of tremendous economic importance to the live- stock interests of the southern states, and while none of the facts which he gave could in any wise be regarded as new and original contributions to science, yet the paper was received with manifest interest by our Academy. These facts have convinced me that however desirable it may be to present at our meetings the results of really new and original *Read before the North Carolina Academy of Science, May 2, 1908. ['June 1908] The San Jose Scale 53 research , one of our most beneficent functions will be missed if we fail at the same time to have on our programs a certain number of popular discussions of matters of economic importance to our state. So much by way of apology for discussing before this body a subject which to economic entomologists at least, has become threadbare and almost barren of new thoughts. * * * The San Jose Scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus) was first described to science in 1880 by Prof. J. H. Comstock, who found it very destructive in deciduous fruit orchards in the Santa Clara valley of California. He recognized it as one of the so-called “Scale- insects”, belonging to the genus Aspidiotus , remarking that it was the most pernicious scale-insect known to him, and therefore applying to it the specific name of perniciosus , and proposed that it be called the Perniciosus Scale. But as the city of San Jose is not distant from the place where it was discovered it became known by the popular designation of The San Jose Scale. There is reason to believe that it became established in Califor- nia as early as 1870/ and there is reason also to believe that it was introduced into California from China, which seems to have been its original home. In the eastern United States the insect was not known until 1893 (only fifteen years ago) when it was discovered at Charlottes- ville, Va. on trees which had been purchased from New Jersey nurseries and these nurseries had presumably become infested by the importation of stock from California. Only four or five years later it was known to exist in twenty states east of the Mississippi river. It is not to be supposed that Charlottesville, and the New Jersey nurseries, were the only sources of scale in the east. It is likely that it became established in many other localities and per- haps in other nurseries at about the same time. So far as we know the San Jose Scale gained its first foot-hold in North Carolina at or near Southern Pines, Moore County, about 1893 or 1894, approximately at the same time that it was discovered at Charlottesville. It was not recognized until 1895 at 54 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ June which time it had gained a strong foothold. In 1897 it was known in six or eight localities, In 1900 it was known in about twenty places. In August 1904, it was known in 44 counties. At present (April 1908) it is known to be on no less than 423 different premises, at 145 different post offices (or rural routes therefrom), in 65 counties. Further details of its present known distribution in this state will be discussed later. Trees that are very badly infested with the San Jose Scale look as if they had been dusted over with ashes. Examined with a lens this scurfy crust on the branches is found to be made up of hundreds of little nipple-like objects or scales, lying close to the bark. The largest scales are those of the mature females and are gray in color, circular, about the size of the head of a good-sized pin but with a slightly greater degree of convexity than the sur- face of the top of the pin-head. Slightly to one side of the cen- ter of the scale is a lemon-yellow nipple or “center”. Turning over this scale with a pin or knife-point we may find the bright yellow, soft-bodied, wingless, eyeless, legless body of the female insect beneath. Indeed, her energies seem concentrated on the two all-important biological functions of assimilating food and reproduction . The food is procured by means of a slender thread- like organ thrust into the bark and through which the sap of the tree is imbibed. The young are born alive, there being no distinct egg-stage in the life-history of the species, and the young are able to creep out from under the parent scale. For a few hours these yellowish young lice, barely visible to the naked eye, are able to creep about freely, but when they are compelled by hunger to thrust their beaks into the bark to draw nourishment they become per- manently attached, and after a few hours more the scale begins to form, being composed of a waxy secretion from the body, com- bined with the cast skins of the growing young insect. There are a number of complete and distinct generations of the insect in the course of the season, but when settled cold winter weather comes the old insects nearly always die, leaving only the partly -grown ones to survive. These over- wintering scales are almost black and about as large as the cross-section of the body of 1908 ] The San Jose Scale 55 a good-sized ordinary pin. When the growing season opens in the following spring the female develops as already described while the scale of the male becomes elongate and the creature finally develops into a tiny yellowish, winged, flying insect, which although mouthless and thus incapable of taking sap from the tree, is endowed with an extra set of eyes to make all the more cer- tain of finding mates and providing for the perpetuation of his species. We have said that the scales may be matted together in a scurfy coating over twigs and branches of badly-infested trees. In cases of slight infestation the scales may be scattering, only a few being found on a piece of twig, or perhaps even only one or two being found on an entire tree. Where the scales are scattering on the bark each scale is apt to be (but is not always) surrounded by a reddish blotch or spot. This reddish staining is very noticeable in the inner bark of badly infested twigs. It is also quite con- spicuous on those varieties of trees which have a yellowish or greenish bark, in contrast to which the reddish blotches show up in bold relief. We have stated that the insect after once settling down to feed remains attached at that spot. We have also seen that the female never emerges from under the shell or scale. The adult male, which can fly, can play but an unimportant part in the spread of the species. How, then is the species distributed? The several agencies by which this is accomplished are:- 1st, by its own natural powers, each young louse often crawling several inches from the parent scale before attaching itself, 2nd, by wind, which in blowing through an orchard may waft the tiny young like particles of dust or pollen from one tree to another, 3rd, by birds, which may alight in an infested tree and then rapidly trans- port young crawling lice on their feet or feathers to new trees, 4th, by insects, in same way as by birds, 5th, by man, horses, etc. in cultivating or working in the orchard and passing from tree to tree. All the above means facilitate its spread locally from tree to tree, or from one orchard to another in the same neighbor- hood. But for spread into new and distant localities the San Jose Scale is chiefly dependent on still another method, namely 6th, 56 Journal of the Mitchell Society [Ji me the transportation of infested trees or plants. It is on account of this last feature of its spread that all of the eastern states have adopted measures providing for the the inspection of fruit-tree nurseries and the condemnation of stock found to be infested. The San Jose Scale is not capable of living and thriving on all kinds of plants. For convenience its food-plants may be divided into three clases. First, the ordinary food plants on which it is most commonly found, and including peach, apple, plum, pear, cherry, and apricot. Second, the not uncommon food plants, including currant, gooseberry, rose, grape, osage-orange, thorn- apple, Japan walnut, Japanese (or flowering) quince, poplar, elm, and linden. Third, what we may call the uncommon or rare food-plants including persimmons, walnut, sumac, catalpa, willow, ash, dogwood, maple, spruce, cedar, raspberry, strawberry, milkweed, and even crabgrass. In short, while it is found on a great variety, yet its economic aspect is principally concerned with its occurrence on our culti- vated deciduous fruit plants, (especially orchard trees) and such ornamental plants as belong to the botanical family Rosaceae. Only in rare cases has it been found in the actual forest and the forests are not appreciable factors in harboring or disseminating it. The length of time that a tree will live after it becomes infested depends upon the hardiness of the tree and the age at which it becomes infested. With peaches from two to six years (depending on age) will usually be fatal, while for apples from two to ten years is required to kill, or perhaps they may not entirely die at all from the scale. There are certain natural enemies which have a tendency to reduce the numbers of the scale, or at least to prevent its becom- ing so abundant as it otherwise might. Several species of internal insects parasites infest it, while more than one of our native lady- beetles devour it. A fungous disease also does some good work, while only in recent years the U. S. Department of Agriculture introduced a Chinese species of lady-beetle for which great things were hoped but which has been unequal to the emergency. For nearly ten years after this pest was discovered in the eastern states fruit-growers relied upon emulsions of kerosene or 1908] The San Jose Scale 57 solutions of soaps to subdue it, and the more skillful, careful and resourceful growers were enabled to keep their orchards profitable, even though badly infested. During 1901 and 1902 experiments were made which demonstrated that the lime-sulphur-salt wash, long in use on the Pacific coast, was useful here also and it quickly came into general use. Within another two years it was clearly demonstrated that the salt was not of material value in the mixture. The mixture as now most widely used in this state consists of 20 pounds lime and 17 pounds sulphur, boiled an hour, to 50 gallons of water, the wash being sprayed on the trees while still hot or warm. This remedy not only holds the scale in prac- tical control, but also retards other insects to some extent, and is also claimed to be quite an effectual preventative of leaf-curl of peaches. Certainly it is efficacious in removing much moss, lichens and loose dead bark from trunk and branches and it seems to promote a healthy growth of new wood and bark. Indeed, so marked have been the benefits from this wash that many thought- ful, sensible fruit-growers declare that, all things considered, the appearance of the San Jose Scale in their orchards has worked to their ultimate advantage rather than otherwise. Certainly the appearance and spread of the pest has caused our fruit-growers to awaken to the importance of other insects also, as nothing else had done before, — and the science of Economic Entomology has gained a decided impetus from it. * * * Referring again to the present known conditions with regard to the San Jose Scale in this state, — it has been my frequent experi- ence to be asked by really intelligent and apparently otherwise well-informed men, whether this pest is actually known to occur within the borders of North Carolina. In order that at least every person here present may be assured in the affirmative on this point I present herewith a map of the state on which each locality where the scale is known to exist, no matter how slightly, is marked with a black dot. The numbers refer to the number of different premises actually known to be infested in the county. Localities which seem to be generally infested 58 Journal of the Mitchell Society [June with the San Jose Scale (the pest presumably being present in all or most of the orchards) are marked with black circles or ellipses, etc. as the case may require to denote the infest'ed territory. It must be remembered that this records the present conditions only so far as known to us, and our knowledge is probably far from com- plete. Without going into a detailed consideration of each county a few general considerations may be of interest. The map shows the scale recorded in 65 of the 98 counties in the state. It showsl45 different localities infested (and really there are more as a locality as here designated includes all who are served by the rural mail routes from that point) and the complete list numbers 423 separate premises. In 17 communities the scale is generally distributed. We find that it is in the counties of Cherokee, Hay- wood, Mitchell and Watauga bordering the Tennessee line, and in the east it is found in the counties of Brunswick, New Hanover, Carteret and Pasquotank. With regard to elevation, it occurs at sea-level in Brunswick and hut little higher in Carteret, Beaufort and Pasquotank, yet it is also found at 3,000 ft. elevation in Hay- wood and at about 4,000 ft. in Watauga. The area of heaviest infestation seems to be the piedmont, but the fact that this is the most thickly settled region, has been more frequently visited and inspected, and that we have more correspondence among farmers in this section than others explains this condition to some extent. The records of one case each in the counties of Craven, Beaufort and Pasquotank are due to the activity of Prof R. I. Smith, Entomologist of the Experiment Station who discovered these cases while on a recent Farmers’ Institute tour through this section, — and they go to show that the scale is far more widespread than our records yet indicate. We know therefore that the San Jose Scale is already wide spread in the state. It is a safe presumption that it is in many localities in addition to those on record. It is a reasonable presum- tion that it is in every county in the state, though we connot yet rightfully presume that it is present in every locality, and there is every reason to suppose that there are many individual orchards which are yet free from its attacks. But it is plainly evident that 1908 ] The San Jose Scale 59 no section of the state is immune, and no man can safely presume that his neighborhood is free from it. It is firmly established as a permanent pest to be taken into consideration from the outset be every person who enters the fruit growing business. k It is difficult to say which county is the worst infested. Based solely on the number of infested premises on record Catawba county leads with 62 cases, Guilford second with 32, and Gaston a close third with 31. Based on the number of localities where scale is known to exist Surry leads with 9 localities, Guilford sec- ond with 7, while Moore and Gaston tie for third place with 6 infested localities each. The following table briefly indicates the recorded conditions for each county which is known to have 5 or more localities in which there is San Jose Scale. County No. Localities Infested No. Premises Infested Average Premises per locality. 1 Catawba 5 62 12 2-5 Surry 9 27 3 Guilford 7 32 4 4-7 Moore 6 28 4 Gaston 6 31 5 1-6 Wake 5 21 4 1-5 Polk 5 16 3 1-5 In conclusion it should be repeated that all the statements as to the present conditions in this state are based solely on the present available records. New cases are still coming to light almost every week. Raleigh, N. C. XXIV ..«tv - aB*K95&' NOVEMBER, 1908 NO. 3 Mi Hut!' a&fr JOURNAL OF THE !sha Mitchell Scientific Society M 'y> m ■■ iff Bill ISSUED QUARTERLY ip CHAPEL HILL, N. C., U. S. A. TO BE ENTERED *T THE POSTOErlCE AS SECOND CLASS MATTER Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society "Vj~* V- .,v AV. C. CO REP, President J. E. LATTA, Vice-President A. S, WHEELER, Eee. Sec. F. P. VENABLE, Perm. Sec. Editors of the Jocrnai.:' W. C. COKER E. V. HOWELL, ARCHIBALD HENDERSON CONTENTS PAG* Monajote Axn Monazite Mining in the Carolines. — Joseph Hyde Pratt ami Douglas U. Sterrett. 01 Tufe Omcii. Rotation op Spirits of Terpentine. — Chas. II. 'Hetty. . . 87 '* Tim Character. -op tije Compound Formed by the Addition of Ammo- nia to EthyivpHospho-plati}.'0-chx.oride.— rChas. JJ. 'Herbj ami R. ‘ OPFj. 92 The Volatile Oil of -Pinos Serotina. — Chas. H. Hetty md U. S’.. Dickson. 101 ' ■MicroPro matitk at Citapel Hill. — II. X. Eaton 104 Attracts 106. Journal of. the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society — Quarterly. Price' $2.00 per year; single numbers 50 cents. Most numbers of former vol*- umes can be -supplied. Direct all correspondence to the Editors, at Coicersity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. .C. -j N 4 -’1909 JOURNAL OF THE library NEW YORK botanical garden. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society NOVEMBER, J9C8 VOL. XXIV. NO. 3 MONAZITE AND MONAZITE MINING IN THE CAROLINAS* BY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT AND DOUGLAS B. STEKRETT Introduction Monazite is one of the minerals which for a long time was con- sidered rather rare in its occurence, but upon a commercial de- mand arising for it prospectors and engineers soon located large deposits of it in the Carolinas and Brazil, and the supply has al- ways been able to meet the demand. During the past year further sources of supply of monazite have been discovered and developed in Idaho. North and South Carolina, however, are the only states that have thus far put any monazite on the market. This mineral is essentially an anhydrous phosphate of the rare earth metals, cerium, lanthanum, and didymium (Ce, La, Di) P04. There is nearly always present a varying but small percentage of thoria (ThOj and silicic acid (Si02), which are very probably united in the form of a thorium silicate (ThSi04) . Some mona- zites contain but a fraction of a per cent of thoria, while others have been recorded that showed the presence of 18 to 32 per cent; ♦Paper read at the Chattanooga meeting of the American Institute of Min- ing Engineers, October 1908. v.m] Cl Printed November 13, 1908 62 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November but the majority contain from 3 to 9 per cent of this oxide. It is the presence of the thorium oxide that gives the monazite its com- mercial value. The analysis occasionally shows also the presence of other constituents, as the yttrium and erbium oxides, zirconia, alumina, magnesia, lime, iron oxides, manganese oxide, and tita- nium ozide. Monazite is light yellow, honey yellow, reddish, brownish, or greenish yellow in color, with a resinous to vitreous luster, and is translucent to subtransparent. It is brittle with a conchoidal to uneven fracture, and is from 5 to 5.5 in hardness. It crys- tallizes in the monoclinic system, and some crystals have been observed that were 2 inches in length. The more perfect crystals are, however, very small, ranging from an eighth to a sixteenth of an inch in length down to microscopic ones. The mineral is usually readily recognized after a few samples have been examined. Its color, usually yellowish inclined to reddish, its hardness 5 to 5.5, being readily scratched by feldspar (hardness 6) or quartz (hardness 7), and its high specific gravity, 4.64 to 5.3, are the chief microscopic properties that will aid in distinguishing it. The principal chemical and blow-pipe reactions that can be readily employed to identify monazite are the follow- ing: It is incompletely soluble in hydrochloric acid, but is com- pletely and readily acted upon by sulphuric acid. If oxalic acid is added to the very dilute filtered sulphuric acid solution, or to the solution obtained by fusing the mineral with soda, a precipi- tate is obtained which upon ignition becomes brick red, due to cerium oxide. Before the blowpipe the mineral turns gray, but is infusible. If heated with sulphuric acid, it colors the flame bluish green, due to phosphoric acid. The presence of the thoria content of the monazite, which is the substance for which the mineral is mined, varies quite widely from .01 to over 7 per cent. The following analyses of thoria will illustrate the variation in the percentage of this oxide. iqo8] Monazite and Monazite Mining 63 Percentage of thoria (ThOa) in North Carolina monazite sand. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~9 10 Th02...2.15 2.25 6.54 1.27 6.30 2.48 5.87 6.26 3.98 1.93 1. White Bank gold mine, Burke County. 2. Hall Creek, Burke County. 3. Linebacher place, Silver Creek, Burke County. 4. Long Branch, McDowell County. 5. Alexander Branch, McDowell County. 6. MacLewrath Branch, McDowell County. 7. Proctor farm, near Bellwood, Cleveland County. 8. Wade McCurd farm, Carpenters Knob, Cleveland County. 9. Davis mine, near Mooresboro, Cleveland County. 10. Henrietta, Rutherford County. These results are for the concentrated sand, but in a number of cases they could have been concentrated to a higher degree of purity and thus contain a higher percentage of thoria. Geography Monazite is of wide spread occurrence in the United States, though commercial deposits have been found in but fewr regions. The area in which monazite deposits of commercial value have been found in the Carolinas lies in the south central part of wes- tern North Carolina and in the extreme northw estern part of South Carolina. This area covers about 3,500 square miles and includes part or all of Alexander, Iredell, Caldw'ell, C'atawrba, Burke, McDowell, Gaston, Lincoln, Cleveland, Rutherford, and Polk counties in North Carolina; and Cherokee, Laurens, Spar- tanburg, Greenville, Pickens, Anderson, Oconee counties in South Carolina. The larger towns within or near the monazite region in North Carolina are Statesville, Hickory, and Shelby; and in South Carolina, Gaffney, Spartanburg, and Greenville. This monazite region is crossed by the Southern, the Seaboard Air Line, and the Carolina & North Western railroads. Several deposists of monazite have been located in northeastern Georgia, though their value has not yet been determined. One of these in Rabun County showed a good quantity of both gold and monazite in a preliminary test. In the adjoining Jackson County 64 Journal of the Mitchell Society [November of North Carolina, monazite was found in several pannings that were made in the Horse Cove region two miles east of Highlands. At a number of other places in the mountain region of North Carolina monazite occurs in pegmatized gneisses and schists. Several small deposits of fairly rich monazite hearing gravels are reported by Mr. Geo. L. English to occur in Clay County, North Carolina. The lack of large areas of bottom lands, however, limits the value of these deposits. It has also been found to a hmited extent in Cub Creek near Wilkesboro, Wilkes county, North Carolina. Physiography Physiographically, North and South Carolina are divided into three parts. These are the coastal plain, extending from the At- lantic Ocean northwestward for a 100 to 150 miles; the Pied" mont Plateau, extending from the limits of the coastal plain northwestward for 100 to 130 miles to the foot of the Blue Ridge; and the mountain region extending northwestward from the Pied- mont Plateau to the State lines. The coastal plain and the Pied- mont Plateau are prominent in both States, but only North Caro- lina contains a large portion of the mountain area. The coastal plain is a broad, nearly flat stretch of country rising from sea level on the southeast to an elevation of a few hun- dred feet on the northwest, in which direction it is practically limited by the boundaries of the rock formations of which it is composed. The Piedmont Plateau is an elevated district rising from a few hundred feet above sea level on the southeast to 1200 or 1500 feet on the northwest. It forms a plateau much dissect- ed by valleys from 50 to 200 or 300 feet deep, and its regularity is farther disturbed by scattered mountain peaks and smaller hills rising above its general level. The features of the plateau are best observed from a prominent ridge or one of the smaller hills of the region. In the mountain region are included the Blue Ridge and its foothills, and the higher mountains to the north- west. The country in the mountain region is exceedingly rough, and the elevations range from 1500 to over 6500 feet. The region in which valuable deposits of monazite have been found may be defined as a belt from 20 to 30 miles wide and over Monazite and Monazite Mining 65 i()o8\ 150 miles long. This belt lies wholly within the Piedmont Pla- teau and borders closely on the Blue Ridge, to whose general course it is roughly parallel. Geology Formations The rocks of the Carolinas monazite region are principally gneisses and schists. These include the Carolina and Roan gneisses; granite gneiss and porphyritic granite gneiss. Among other rocks are massive granite, pegmatite, peridotite and allied rocks, quartz diorite, and diabase. The Carolina gneiss is of Archaean age and is the oldest and most important rock of the region. It is composed of several types of gneisses and schists which exhibit various degrees of metamorphism. The most common types are mica, garnet, cyanite, and graphite gneisses and schists or combinations of two or more of these types. The mica of the micaceous types may be either biotite or muscovite or both. More or less mica is generally present in all of the types of the Carolina gneiss, while the garnet and cyanite types with or without the graphite type also occur together. The different types of the Carolina gneiss vary in color from light gray to dark gray and are sometimes bluish gray or bluish black where graphite is abundant in them. Some types of the Carolina gneiss are fine grained so that the component miner- als are distinguished with difficulty, while others are more coarsely crystallized. Some of the common constituent minerals of the Carolina gneiss are biotite, muscovite, quartz, garnet, cyanite, feldspar, and graphite. The presence of much pegmatitic material is a characteristic feature of much of the Carolina gneiss. The Roan gneiss is the next oldest formation of the monazite region and is also of Archaean age. It consists of hornblende gneiss and schist, with occasionally the less metamorphosed phase diorite. The hornblende gneisses and schists are composed chiefly of small interwoven and matted hornblende crystals and grade into diorite which contains a noticeable amount of feldspar and has a granitoid texture. The hornblende rocks vary from black to dark green in color. Bands of mica gneiss and schist, possibly of the Carolina gneiss, are included in both large and small masses of the Roan gneiss. 66 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. November The age of many of the granites and granite gneisses has not been determined though a part are probably Archaean. The granites and their different phases are next to the Carolina gneiss in importance, and are particularly prominent in areas where rich deposits of monazite exist. The types found in the monazite region are biotite granite, muscovite, and hornblende granite, while in some places considerable secondary garnet has developed in the gneissoid granites. The texture of the granites are gneissic or schistose, porphyritic, and massive. Where the granite is both porphyritic and schistose the feldspar phenocrysts often have an augen form, caused by crushing and shearing. Many of the granite masses have much quartz in veins and veinlets throughout their mass. Some of this quartz is massive crystalline and other occurs with more or less well-defined crystal form, or drusy sur- faces. The occurrence of quartz veins is not always confined to the granite masses, but in many places extends some distance from the contact of the granite into adjacent formations. The composition of the granite masses near the contact with other for- mations has in many cases been altered by the partial or complete absorption of inclusions of those formations. This phenomena is particularly evident where a mica granite, by intrusion into a mass of Roan gneiss, has become a hornblende granite near its borders through the absorption of hornblende. Pegmatite is a common rock throughout the monazite region and is especially prominent in those areas rich in monazite. Two principal methods of occurrence are here recognized. In one the pegmatite occurs in distinct masses or bodies composed of quartz and feldspar, with or without mica and other accessory con- stituents. The texture of these masses is, in some cases, extreme- ly coarse with the minerals composing the pegmatite separated out in crystals or masses many inches across. The other type is peg- matized gneiss, representing the addition of the pegmatite minerals to the gneiss, with perhaps some recrystallization of portions of the inclosing rocks. The nature of this pegmatized rock varies considerably. In some places secondary quartz is the principal mineral added, while feldspar is present in smaller quantities. In others feldspar is more prominent . Mica may or may not be 1908] Monazite and Monazite Mining 67 present in the pegmatitic material but has generally been plenti- fully developed in the mass of the gneiss by metamorphism. The feldspar of pegmatized gneisses often assumes a porphyritic form producing augen gneisses. The gneisses and schists are often banded with or cut at all angles by streaks of pegmatitic or grani- tic material. The recrystallization of the gneisses and schists, with the development of pegmatitic material or the injection of such material through the rocks, may be called pegmatization . In many places the process has proceeded so far that it is very diffi- cult to distinguish pegmatized gneiss from granite gneiss, especially from porphyritic and flow-banded granite gneiss. This difficulty is partly due to the fact that granite and pegmatite are composed of the same minerals and have no sharp division line between the size of their grains. The peridotites and allied basic rocks are dark-green to greenish black in color and contain one or more of the ferromagnesian minerals, olivine, pyroxene, and hornblende as chief constituents. So far as known these rocks are of Archaean age and are probably genetically connected with the Roan gneiss. Though a relatively unimportant rock of the monazite region, these basic rocks gener- ally outcrop prominently wherever they occur, and many of the outcrops are marked by large rounded “nigger-head” bowlders. The peridotites and allied rocks are often altered to talcose or chloritic soapstone or serpentine. In some cases this alteration is only superficial, but in others whole masses have been so meta- morphosed. These rocks generally occur in lens-shaped bodies parallel, or nearly so, to the schistosity of the inclosing rocks. Quartz diorite of undetermined age is one of the less important intrusive rocks of the monazite region. It is a hard, fine grained rock, composed of granular quartz and feldspar with varying quantities of hornblende. Locally, garnet is distributed pro- miscuously through it. Quartz diorite occurs in small dikes, from a few inches to several feet thick, cutting the formations at various angles. Their size is offset by their abundance in some sections and resistance to erosion, owing to which they leave much debris over their outcrops in the form of hard rounded bowlders. Diabase, probably of Triassic age, is the latest intrusive rock known in the monazite region. It is a dense, hard rock of dark 68 Journal of the Mitchell Society [November green to black color, composed chiefly of olivine and a lime feldspar and is rather abundant in some seetions and occurs in dikes from a few to over a 100 feet wide. The outcrop is gener- ally marked by abundant characteristic spheroidal “nigger-head” bowlders. The diabase dikes cut the rocks at various angles, though in many cases they have a north to northwest strike. Structure The rocks of this region have undergone extreme regional meta- morphism, with accompanying folding and faulting. The mash- ing and recrystallization of the rocks of the Carolina gneiss forma- tion have been so extensive, in some cases, that much of the original sedimentary structure and igneous texture have been destroyed. The folding of the older formations has resulted, in some places, in complex structure of both large and small dimen- sions. Some of the folds extend over miles of region, while others are confined to a few feet or inches. The minor deformations and crumplings — miniature Appalachian folds — seen in some rock exposures portray the form of the larger folds. The Carolina gneiss has been intruded by rocks of later age and cut by them into irregular-shaped masses, many of which fork out into long tongues or occur as narrow streaks in the intrusives or vice versa. There have been successive intrusions of igneous rocks of later age into the earlier formations. Thus the Carolina gneiss is cut by the Roan gneiss, and both are cut by granites of later age. The structure of the pegmatite in this region is quite variable. In some places the pegmatite occurs in sheets or lenses interbedded and folded with the inclosing gneisses and schists. In other places it occurs in dikes, veins, or lenses either conformable with the inclosing rocks through part of its extent and cutting across them in other parts, or in irregular masses having no definite orienta- tion in the surrounding formations. In pegmatized rock masses pegmatization has generally affected certain beds, which grade into regular pegmatite in either the direction of their greatest or that of their least extension. In such rocks it is often impossible to de- termine the line of demarcation between the two. There is also a gradation between the pegmatized beds and ordinary gneiss. 1908\ Monazite and Monazite Mining 69 Rocks and Soils The rocks of the southern Appalachain region have undergone extensive weathering and in many places in the Piedmont Plateau, especially, are concealed by a thick mantle of residual soil. In many sections good outcrops are scarce and are found mostly on steep hillsides, along water courses and in road cuts. The resi« dual soils often furnish evidence of the nature of underlying rocks and can be used as a guide to their determination. It is first necessary to learn the different stages of soil formation by the examination of many outcrops and their graduations into residual soil. The Carolina gneiss, on partial disintegration and decomposition, commonly forms a gravelly soil with a red clayey matrix. This is especially characteristic of the garnetiferous and graphite-cyanite types, which are abundant in parts of the monazite region. The pebbles are composed of small fragments of the original rock, such as tufts of cyanite impregnated »with hematite or limonite, iron ; stained garnets, or pieces of hematite. On more complete decom- position a fine reddish clayey soil results, with no decided character- istics. Other types of the Carolina gneiss, in which mica is an important constituent, leaves a micaceous soil, much of which assumes a purplish color. Granite and its various phases, on partial disintegration and decomposition, yields light sandy soils. On more complete decomposition the granites yield soils of a light to dark reddish color, depending on the quantity of ferromagne- sian minerals, as biotite or hornblende, in the original rock. The quartz grains of the granite remain as sand mixed through a clayey matrix. This quartz sand is almost everywhere to be seen iat the immediate surface, from which the clays have been washed by rains. Where Carolina gneiss and granite are intimately associated . or where pegmatization has been extensive in a body of Carolina gneiss, there results a sandy soil, characteristic of granite, through which are scattered pebbles of hematite and ferruginous cyanite, characteristic of the Carolina gneiss. The relative impor- tance of pebbles in such soils decreases as the quantity of pegma- i tite or of granite in the rock formations increases. These features of the soils are especially marked on the broad, flat ridges charac- 70 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November terizing much of the Piedmont Plateau region. The Roan gneiss leaves a greenish sandy soil on disintegration, and an ocher-yellow to dark reddish brown or chocolate-colored clayey soil on deconr position. Black stains of manganese are associated with many of the soils derived from hornblendic rocks. A clew to the nature of the rock formations in a given region is often furnished by the character of the gravels in the bottom lands and streams draining that region. Thus in this area a very light colored gravel with much quartz debris indicates a granite or its contact or a very highly pegmatized country rock. Garnets and hematite iron ore, with which blocks of mica or cyanite gneiss are associated, indicate Carolina gneiss. Quantities of black sands in the stream gravels, containing magnetite, ilmenite, hornblende, etc., are characteristic of the Roan gneiss. Occurrence Monazite has been found in several varieties of rocks, in the soils derived from monazite bearing formations, and in gravel beds formed through the erosion of these formations. Only gravel deposits have been profitably worked for monazite on an extensive scale, though in some places the surface soils adjoining rich deposits of monazite, or the saprolite or rotted rock underlying them, are found to be sufficiently rich in monazite to be sluiced down and washed. The percentage of monazite in both the original rock matrix and in the gravel deposits is small, and probably does not often run over 1 per cent. Figures are not available for the percentage of monazite in gravel deposits. From the saprolite underlying the F. K. McCurd mine, three-fourths of a mile northeast of Carpen- ter Knob, N. C., Mr. George L. English obtained about one-third of a pound of monazite per ton, or about 0.016 per cent. At the British Monazite mine, 3 miles northeast of Shelby, N. C., the quantity of monazite in the hard rock formations was found by Mr. Hugh Stewart, engineer in charge, to run from between 0.03 per cent and less up to over 1.10 per cent. 1908 ] Monazite and Monazite Mining 71 Monazite- Bearing Rock Monazite has been observed in the Carolinas in several types of rock, among which are gneiss, pegmatized gneiss and schist, peg- matite, and different varieties of granite. The occurrence of mon- azite in ordinary pegmatite masses is in large masses of crystals. These have been found varying from an ounce or two to several pounds in weight in the mica mines of Mitchell and Madison counties, N. C. Most of the pegmatized gneiss bodies which are rich in monazite represent phases of the Carolina gneiss in which the original nature of the rock has been largely obliterated as a result of the addition of new minerals and the recrystallization of the original ones into pegmatitic material. The texture developed during this pegmatization is in many cases porphyritic, in which the feldspar phenocrysts assume somewhat of an augen form. The feldspar phenocrysts range in size from some smaller than a grain of wheat to others the size of a walnut. The porphyritic gneiss may grade into less or more highly pegmatized gneiss, and from the latter into regular pegmatite- This gradation may be between two separate beds or from one part to another of the same bed. In those beds or portions of beds where there has been little pegmatization mon- azite occurs sparingly. The same is true where pegmatization has been complete and but little of the original gneiss remains. It is, then, the beds of gneissic rock which are rich in secondary quartz and contain numerous small masses of feldspar throughout that carry the most monazite. In such rocks there is generally much biotite, with graphite and perhaps some muscovite and other acces- sory minerals, as well as abundant quartz and feldspar. The quartz occurs in layers or scattered grains throughout the rock, inclosing and replacing the other constituents. The feldspar crys- tals chiefly replace, though they partly displace the other minerals of the rock, Monazite in a rock matrix almost invariably pos- sesses crystal form, often with brilliant faces. A typical example of rich monazite-bearing rock could be described as follows: The chief constituents of the rock are quartz, feldspar (mostly the potash variety), biotite, graphite, muscovite, monazite, and a little zircon. It has a banded stuc- 72 Monazite and Monazite Mining [ November ture caused by the more or less separate occurrence of certain minera's arranged in parallel streaks, with a roughly parallel orientation of the crystals or grains of each mineral. The princi- pal features of the banding consist of larger quartz streaks with several smaller ones and individual grains in a regular biotite schist. The other minerals occupy various positions and show diverse relations to the minerals of these bands and to each other. The feldspar is porphyritic and occurs chiefly in individual crys- tals, some of which are of considerable size. A number of the feldspar phenocrysts are small bodies of pegmatite in themselves. The feldspar phenocrysts replace the other minerals. Graphite occurs in large amounts with biotite, though it is associated with nearly every other mineral of the rock. Where present, muscovite is chiefly associated with the feldspar. Monazite seems to be indiscriminately scattered through the rock, included in or asso- ciated with all the foregoing minerals. Though generally free from inclusions, it is not invariably so, and in one case a plate of graphite was observed within a monazite crystal. All the minerals observed in the rock, with the exception of zircon, have been noted as inclusions in the feldspar phenocrysts. In microscopic sections cut from specimens from one of the ore streaks, the minerals described above were observed, together with some iron staining. The feldspar is principally orthoclase and microcline, partially kaolinized. The quartz is plainly secondary, and occurs in bands or streaks or grains parallel with the schis- tosity of the rock. In some places the quartz has been deposited in the fracture or between the grains of other minerals; in others it replaces or includes fragments of such minerals as biotite and graphite. Gas cavities and inclusions of very fine acicular needles, pro- bably rutile, are abundant in the quartz. Biotite occurs in inter- woven laths and crystals roughly parallel to the banding of the rock. The pleochroism of the biotite is light yellow-brown to greenish brown or dark purplish red. Graphite occurs as plates and laths, in general lying parallel to the banding of the rock. Some of it is interbanded and even interleaved with biotite; else- where the plates are turned across the foliation. In one section a lath of graphite was observed inclosed in quartz which filled a 1908 ] Journal of the Mitchell Society 73 fracture across the foliation of a biotite crystal. Monazite occurs in contact with the various minerals of the sectoin, though it is more commonly surrounded by or included in grains of biotite and quartz. The position of the monazite in the biotite indicates replacement, and the biotite foliae are not displaced around the crystals. In the microscopic sections sufficient feldspar was not observed to determine its relation to the other minerals. The rock has been so thoroughly recrystallized that it is diffi- cult to give the relative order of formation of the minerals. Bio- tite, if not still in its original condition, was probably the first mineral to form during recrystallization. Part of the graphite was probably contemporaneous with the biotite. Some, however, was introduced later and formed at the same time with the quartz. The small amount of muscovite in the rock was probably next to form, followed closely by quartz. From the small amount of ; feldspar in the microscopic sections, it was not possible to state its relative period of formation. From the hand specimen, however, it is evident that the feldspar was introduced later than the quartz, or possibly contemporaneously with part of it. Origin The occurrence of monazite in granitic and pegmatitic rocks indi- cates that its origin is associated with magmatic agencies. It is probable that the constituents of monazite are associated with gran- | itic magmas and that only part of the mineral crystallizes out when such magmas solidify. During the formation of pegmatite ■! magmas and solutions from the residues of the solidification of granite part of the constituents of monazite are retained. When these pegmatite magmas and solutions are intruded into or depos- : ited in the gneisses and schists in masses such as are mined for mica, monazite forms in large masses or crystals. During j the pegmatization of rock formations by these magmas and solu- [ tions the monazite is carried into the gneisses and schists where it is now found. This pegmatization with which monazite is associated : was probably produced by the passage of active magmatic solutions Ij through the rock, both aiding in recrystallization of the original y constituents, and depositing the materials held in solution when [I conditions of temperature or agents of precipitation were favorable. 74 Monazite and Monazite Mining [. November It is possible that in some cases the monazite in pegmatized gneiss is formed by the gathering together of the proper elements disseminated through the original rock during recrystallization. It is probable that pegmatization in which much quartz with but little feldspar has formed represents a phase of recrystallization in which the quartz may either in part or wholly have come from the original rock itself or may have been added by solutions pass- ing through the formations. In either case the materials do not represent the work of active magmatic solutions or magmas such as might give rise to regular pegmatite bodies. In those recrystal- lized or pegmatized rocks where the feldspathic component of peg- matite is not plentiful, monazite occurs but sparingly. On the other hand, monazite is found more abundantly in pegmatized rock formations in which feldspar plays a prominent part. The common proximity of this form of pegmatization to granite masses, or its gradation into pegmatite bodies, gives evidence of its formation through magmatic agencies. The monazite of rock formations has, then, probably been derived from aqueo-igneous solutions such as give rise to certain forms of pegmatite and have in these cases affected large masses of rock. PLACERS The commercial deposits of monazite occur in the gravel beds of creeks and streams and in the bottom lands adjacent to them. The thickness of the gravels ranges from a foot or two, including over-burden, to 6 or 8 feet. The distribution of the monazite in them is, as with all heavy minerals, richer near the bed rock and poorer above, grading into the over-burden. In some deposits the whole thickness of the gravel, with the finer alluvium at the sur- face, is rich enough to be washed directly or sluiced down and washed. The extent and value of these deposits vary with the topog- raphy of the country and the nature of the gravels. In some places the bottom land, containing rich monazite-bearing gravels, are over 100 yards wide and extend a half a mile or more along the streams. In other places the bottom lands are small and there is but little more than the stream gravels present. The best deposits are more commonly associated with light colored gravels and sands, con- 1908\ Monazite and Monazite Mining 75 taining considerable quartz debris and fragments of other light colored rocks, such as pegmatite, granite, mica, and cyanite gneiss. On the other hand, the absence of much quartz and pegmatitie or granitic debris from the gravel is generally characteristic of low grade deposits of monazite. The presence of black sands — mag- netite, ilmenite, hornblends, etc. — in the gravels does not neces- sarily indicate a low grade deposit, unless quartz and pegmatitie minerals are also lacking. Monazite deposits in regions where hornblende rocks are abundant generally contain a large percent- age of black sands, and it is then often difficult to concentrate the monazite to a marketable grade. As an offset to this, how- ever, especially in regions where granite is associated with the hornblendic rocks, gold is often found in the concentrates in quan- tity more than sufficient to pay the cost of separation, and in the same localities the concentrates generally carry also a quantity of zircon. This zircon is in the form of small, clear crystals with brilliant lustre, which range in size up to 1 millimeter square and about 2 millimeters long. Residual Deposits It has been found profitable to sluice down and concentrate the surface soils on the lands adjoining some of the richer monazite bearing deposits. The residual soils that have suffered but little displacement on the surface can be thus profitably washed to a depth of 3 or 4 inches, and where the drift soil has collected on the gentle slopes below a steeper hillside several feet can be sluiced down in some cases. The partial concentration of monazite in the top layer of soil is caused by the washing away of the clay and other light decomposition products of the rock. The supply of mon- azite in the stream gravels in favorable areas is often replenished by the wash from the hillside soils during rains; especially where the hills have any considerable slope and the land is cultivated. Under such conditions the stream gravels are often worked two or more times in a year. The saprolite or rotted rock underlying the richer deposits of monazite is at some places sluiced down to depths of a few inches to a foot or so, along with the overling gravels. At other places small amounts are removed and washed separately for the mona- 76 Journal of the Mitchell Society [November zite they contain. The formations that have been found especi- ally favorable for such work are highly pegmatized gneiss or schist. Such deposits have generally soon been lost or grown poor, prob- ably on account of the fact that the miners have cut through the richer bed or failed to follow it in the direction of its extension. The occurrence of monazite in saprolite is merely an altered phase of the occurrence in hard rock formations. COMMERCIAL DEPOSITS All the monazite mined in the Carolinas is obtained from gravel deposits which lie in and along the stream and creek beds where the monazite is collected after being liberated from the rocks by their alteration and erosion . While no accurate record has been kept of the percentage of monazite in these gravel deposits, yet it is undoubtedly true that the percentage per cubic yard, reckoning from surface to bed rock, is not over 1 percent. This, however, is sufficient to make profitable mining. In many localities it has been the custom to sluice not only the gravels but all the over- burden, inasmuch as even the top soil carries a small amount of monazite. There are no large hydraulic plants in operation, but nearly all the monazite is obtained in sluice boxes fed by hand. These boxes are fitted at their upper end with a sieve or shaking hopper with a mesh of about No. 12. The boxes vary in length from 8 to 20 feet, and in some instances are fitted with riffles holding mercury for catching the gold. An interesting fact noted in con- nection with the deposition of monazite in the stream beds is that when the gravels have been washed for monazite and then left for a few months or a year (especially if there has been considerable rainy weather), there is another supply of monazite deposited, which in many cases can be profitably worked. This monazite has resulted from the wTashing in of the mineral from the surface adjoining the streams where it had been during the decomposition and erosion of the original rock matrix. This second deposition of monazite is facilitated by plowing the adjoining fields. In a few places Wilfley tables have been introduced for treating the concentrates from the sluice boxes. Where these tables are used the. soil and 1908 ] Monazite and Monazite Mining 77 gravels are washed into shaking hoppers and then through sluice boxes, the over size thrown out and the sands fed to Wilfley tables. At one mine it is necessary to raise the gravels by a mechanical elevator in order to bring them to a sufficient height to feed them to the table. They are fed into a revolving screen and from that to the table. The heads from this first washing do not contain a very large per cent of the monazite, and the mid- dlings are, therefore, re-fed to the table with other feed ore. In some cases the feed ore is all run over the machine and a rough concentrate first obtained and then this re-fed. The product from these machines contain from 50 to 80 and occasionally 90 per cent of monazite. Where there is a large amount of the heavy black sands occurring in the gravel with the monazite, it is almost impossible to get the percentage much over 50 per cent monazite. Where, however, these occur more sparingly, it is possible by this method to obtain a monazite concentrate containing 80 per cent monazite. All the concentrates from the sluice boxes and Wilfley tables have to be dried before they can be treated on the magnetic sepa- rators. There are two different methods used in the monazite dis- trict for this purpose. In one the sand is spread over an oiled or rubber cloth in a thin layer and exposed to the heat of the sun. It dries very quickly, due perhaps partly to the heat absorbed by the dark iron sand. It requires, however, a considerable surface to accommodate any large amount of sand. The other method of drying is by heating over furnaces. A small ditch from 4 to 8 feet long and 1^ to 2 feet wide and about one foot deep is dug, at one end of which there is built a rock or brick chimney. The ditch is usually built up of stones with an opening at the opposite end of the chimney for firing. Over the ditch there is a sheet iron cover or drying plate. The monazite is spread on this and exposed to the action of the hot fire underneath. These dry sands are often further concentrated by means of the ordinary horseshoe magnet, which picks out all the magnetite. The miners are paid for their sand on the basis of 100 per cent product and the nearer they can bring their sand to this, the better prices they receive for 78 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November it. The sand brought into the magnetic concentration plants is worth from 4 to 8 cents per pound while after a magnetic separa- tion, its value is increased to 12 to 20 cents per pound. This material represents what is known as crude monazite sand and contains, besides the monazite, magnetite, ilmenite, garnet, zircon, rutile, corundum, cyanite, hornblende, and occasionally chromite. In order to separate the monazite from its associated minerals, it is necessary to run this crude sand through some elec- trical apparatus. There are two types of machines that are in operation : (1) the Wetherill electro-magnetic machine and modi- fications of this; and (2) machines in which the minerals are deflected by electro -magnets while falling. Of these, the first type is the one most generally employed. By means of these various machines a product can be obtained varying from 90 to 98 per cent of monazite and represents the sand that is shipped to the manufacturers of the incandescent mantles. MAGNETIC SEPARATION The first application of magnetic separation was in the concen- tration of certain iron ores, principally magnetite, in order to pro- duce a product richer in iron and also to eliminate certain miner- als that contained elements injurious to the metallic iron. The next application was to other iron ores such as limonite, hematite, and siderite after they had been given a preliminary roasting to convert them into the magnetic oxide. The next step was in the separation of magnetic iron particles from certain copper, gold and zinc ores either before or after roasting. For many years this was the only application made of magnetic separation. It was found, however, upon experimenting with an electro-magnet with a higher intensity that other minerals were subject to magnetic attraction and that it was possible to separate minerals into more or less pure products by varying the intensity of the magnetic field. Thus, it has been possible to adapt this method of separa- tion to ores containing iron or manganese, which are only weakly magnetic. As is well known, steel bars may be magnetized and they will retain more or less of this magnetism indefinitely, while bars of softer wrought or cast iron may be magnetized by means of electric currents in surrounding coils of insulated copper wire. 1908 ] Monazite and Monazite Mining 79 These iron bars do not become permanent magnets but form elec- tro-magnets as long as the current flows around them. They can be given a greater and more constant strength than can be given to the permanent steel magnets and for this reason, in nearly all of the magnetic processes, electro-magnets are used instead of the field magnets. The magnetism of these electromagnets can be varied and dif- ferent intensities obtained ranging from indefinitely weak to a certain maximum strength. It is also possible to control the intensity of any magnetic field so that minerals that are strongly attracted may be separated from minerals that require a magnetic field of much higher intensity. This intensity of the magnetic field depends: 1. On the size of the magnet. 2. On the shape of the magnet. 3. On the distance between the magnet and the body to be attracted. 4. On the number of amperes turns in the magnet coil, that is, the product of the amperes or current flowing in the coil times the number of turns around the core. There are many substances that are attracted by electro-mag- nets that are not influenced apparently at all by the strongest steel magnet and for this reason, formerly many substances which were considered non -magnetic, have been proved to be magnetic when subjected to the intense magnetic field obtained in an electromag- netic separator. All substances are of course either attracted or repelled by magnets and the former are called para-magnetic and the latter dia-magnetic. The latter class is the most numerous, but since the introduction of electromagnets, the former class, which up to this time had been considered extremely small, has been largely increased . The paramagnetic substances are the metals iron , nickel, cobalt, manganese, chromium, cerium, palladium, plat- inum, osmium and many of their salts and compounds. The degree of attraction of these varies very widely and, as an illustration between a strong and weak magnetic substance, it has been esti- mated that if the attraction of steel be taken at 100,000, then magnetite would be 65,000, siderite 120, hematite, 93 to 43, lim- 80 Journal of the Mitchell Society [November onite 72 to 43. By using the electromagnetic separators, which can be regulated so as to give a very strong field and at the same time a field which is capable of fine adjustment, it is now possible not only to separate the paramagnetic from the diamagnetic sub- stances, but also to separate the paramagnetic from each other. There are a large number of magnetic separators that have been invented, many of which are now on the market. Perhaps the simplest of all these magnetic separators is one devised by Edison. In this separator the particles of mineral are permitted to fall in a thin sheet in front of the poles of a strong bar electromagnet, which causes a deflection of the magnetic particles from a direct down- ward path, while the nonmagnetic particles would not be influenced by this attraction and would fall vertically. It is possi- ble to make two and sometimes three products in this way. There are three general classes of these magnetic separators as follows: (1) in which the magnetic particles are held to revolving cylindrical rolls or drums within which are magnets; (2) those in which the magnetic particles are carried by conveying belts or pans passing over the magnets; (3) those in which the ore falls in front of a magnet. There are a number of points of difference in the machines such as permanent or electromagnets; treating the ore wet or dry ; magnets acting continuously or intermittently ; and the use of direct or alternating current. It will be found that different machines are suited for different purposes according to the character of the material to be treated. As I have stated before, most of the machines were originally designed simply to treat iron ores, or to separate iron minerals from other ores and there are but few of them that are adapted for the separation of monazite, zinc minerals, etc. The first class is represented by the Ball-Norton separator which consists of two revolving drums within each of which is a series of stationary electro-magnets so wound that opposite poles are adja- cent to one another. The capacity of a machine with 2 drums 2’ dia. and 2' face raises 15-20 tons per hour, 16-20 mesh. The ore is fed upon the top of the first drum and the magnetic particles are held by the drum, while the non -magnetic fall into the hopper below. As the drum revolves, the magnetic particles get beyond Monazite and Monazite Mining 81 igo8\ the magnetic field and are thrown by centrifugal force on to the second drum. This drum, which does not have quite so strong a current as the first, does not attract as many of the magnetic par- ticles so that some of these drop off into a second hopper, forming a middling product, while the stronger magnetic particles are held by the drum and carried a certain distance, when they get beyond the magnetic field and are dropped into a third hopper. On account of the alternate polarity of the adjacent magnets, the par- ticles roll over and thus facilitate the elimination of any gangue particles that may be mixed with the magnetic. Another simple drum separator is the Heberli. In this machine there is but one drum and the electro-magnets extend over about one-fourth of the area of the drum. The ore is fed to the drum just above the centre radius and about the middle of the magnets. The drum revolves in the opposite direction to which the ore is fed and the magnetic particles are attracted by the drum and carried up and over the magnets while the non-magnetic particles drop into the hopper below. As the magnetic particles leave the mag- netic field, they are dropped on the opposite side of the drum into another hopper. 2. It is the magnetic separators of the second class that have been used principally in the separation of monazite in the Caro- linas. Of these machines, the Wetherill stands out most promi- nently and was probably the first to commercially treat weakly magnetic materials. The principal idea of these machines is to secure a very strongly magnetic field by concentrating the lines of force as far as possible, this being accomplished by placing the two poles of the magnet facing one another with a minimum air gap between them and by bevelling down the pole pieces to their end. The type of the Wetherill magnetic separator that is more gener- ally used is known as the Rowand type, which has a magnetic pole with sharp edge between the travelling feed belt and a blunt pole directly under it. Both of these poles are capable of being magnetised by an electric current which will produce a condition varying from weak to intensely strong magnetism. The concen- tration of magnetism at the sharp edge causes all the grains to jump to the upper pole. A cross-belt directly beneath this pole, which is running at right angles to the feed belt and is running 82 Journal of the Mitchell Society [November rapidly, readily takes off these grains and deposits them in a bin while the non-magnetic grains go on with the belt. There can be readily arranged above the travelling feed belt a series of such poles, each stronger than the one before, so that the first will take off the strongest magnetic particles. The travelling feed belt varies in width from 12 to 18 inches. The material fed to the machine is classified and allowed to pour over a revolving drum, which concentrates it evenly over the feed belt. The pole pieces are made of soft iron and weigh up to 90 pounds each. They are adjustable so that the length of ore gap between them may be varied . The strength of the current in ami>eres can be varied and also the distance of the feed belt beneath the poles. The rnonazite sand, which is fed to the travelling feed belt, passes along under four powerful electo-magnets. The first re- moves all the magnetic iron and generally all of the titanic iron or ilemnite and any chromite that might be present. The second magnet removes all the fine grains of garnet, the coarser ones, if present, usually being removed by the first magnet. The third magnet is so adjusted as to remove only the coarser particles of rnonazite, while the fourth removes all the finer pieces of mona- zite. The remaining portion of the sand, consisting largely of zircon, quartz, and a little rutile, corundum, cyanite, etc., is dropped off at the end of the large belt into a waste pile. In another type of machine used in the rnonazite district there are a series of magnets over which are travelling belts which pick out different minerals, according to the intensity of the magnetic field. In this machine the magnetic particles are carried over and under the magnet and dropped into a hopper as they leave the magnetic field, while the tailings are dropped into another hopper and fed to another travelling belt and over a second magnet of stronger intensity, which picks out the garnet. This is dropped into a special bin and the balance into another hopper and fed to a third magnet, whick picks out the rnonazite. It is possible by these separators to obtain a rnonazite sand of from 90 to 99 per cent rnonazite, according to the care that is taken in separating it. The other products, as the iron minerals magnetite and ilmenite, and garnet, can also be obtained in a very pure state. From a long series of experiments that have been carried on, it has been 1908 ] Monazite and Monazite Mining 83 determined that in machines of this type the magnetite can be removed when the amperage is .2; ilmenite with 1.1; chromite with 1.6; garnet with 1 .75; hypersthene and olivine with 2.2; mon- azite with 3.5 amperes. Zircon is left behind with the gold as non- magnetic. Any platinum that might be present would begin to be lifted by the weakest current, but most of it would not be lifted until the current was 1.5 amperes. It is possible to separate almost completely pyrite from horn- blende by picking out the hornblende with the electro-magnet, the pyrite remaining in the tailings. Such minerals as pyroxene, epi- dote, titanite, tourmaline, and serpentine are readily picked out by the Wetherill magnetic separator with a current of 2 to 2.5 amperes. Brookite and cassiterite can occasionally be picked out with an amperage of 3.5. USES OF MONAZITE The commercial value of monazite depends upon the incandes- cent properties of the rare earth oxides which it contains, such as cerium, lanthanum, didymium and thorium oxides, which are used in the manufacture of the Welsbach and other incandescent gas light mantles. It is the thoria that is used in largest amount and which gives the actual value to the monazite. In the reduc- tion of the monazite sand, there are a number of the rare earth salts that are obtained in considerable quantity, which has made it possible to carry on an extensive series of experiments with these rare earth oxides. It requires from 4 to 6 months to recover from the monazite sand its percentage of thoria and render it sufficiently pure to be used in the mantles. The Welsbach light consists of a cylindrical hood or mantle com- posed of a fibrous network of the rare earths, the top of which is drawn together and held by a loop of asbestos or platinum wire. When in use, this mantle is suspended over the flame of a burner, constructed on the principle of the Bunsen burner, in which the heating instead of the illuminating power of the hydrocarbon of the gas is used by burning it with an excess of air. In this man- ner the mantle becomes incandescent and glows with a brilliant and uniform light. 84 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November A short, description of the method of manufacture of these man- tles may be of interest . The first part of the process is the selec- tion of the thread fibre from which the mantle fabric is knitted. The fibre mostly used is cotton, either the upland, river bottom, Peeler, Allen seed, Sea Island or Egyptian variety, the market prices varying from about 10c for the upland to 30c per pound for the Egyptian. The cheaper cottons are used in the lower grade mantles, the highest grade mantle requiring the best quality of cotton. The thread is purified, so as to remove every possible trace of mineral matter. If the thread used shows a mineral im- purity above .015 per cent, it will introduce factors that will affect the physical and lighting life of the mantle. Cylindrical networks of varying diameters are knitted out of the thread and then wash- ed in ammonia and distilled water and wrung out in mechanical clothes wringers. After it is dry it is cut into pieces sufficiently long to make two good mantles. These knitted fabrics are then placed in a suitable vessel and covered with the ‘lighting fluid.” They remain in this until thorougly saturated. The excess of fluid is drawn off amd the fabric put through an equalizing machine piece by piece. The “lighting fluid” is composed of a solution of approximately 99 per cent thorium nitrate and 1 per cent cerium nitrate in distilled water, in the ratio of 3 parts of water to 1 part of mixed nitrates. The fabric is dried and then cut to the proper length required for a hood. They are then shaped over a wooden form and the upper end drawn together by means of an asbestos cord (occasionally of platinum). After the mantle has been modelled the cotton fibre is eliminated by heating them over a hot Bunsen burner flame, leaving the mantle composed of the ash of thorium and cerium. The peculiarity of these oxides is that they have sufficient cohesion to hold together during the balance of the process of manufacture, after every bit of the supporting cotton thread has been burned aw’ay. They are then subjected to a series of tempering and test- ing heats during which the mantle is carefully shaped to its per- manent form. In order to protect the ash of the mantle during its inspection, packing, transportation, and installation, it is dip- ped in collodion. Just before using a mantle this collodion cover- 1908] Monazite and Monazitr Mining 85 ing has to be burned off. It is estimated that the American mar- ket consumes 40,000,000 of these mantles per year. Another element obtained from the monazite is didymium, whose oxide is dark brown . Use is made of this for branding the mantles with an indelible brand. A nitrate solution is made and an ordinary rubber stamp used for branding. Of the associated minerals, zircon has a commercial value of 20 to 25 cents per pound for its zirconia content, which is used in the manufacture of the glower of the Nernst lamp. The funda- mental principle of this Nernst lamp is that certain of the rare earths or refractory oxides will conduct an electric current and glow after they have been heated to redness. This discovery, which was made by Dr. Nernst in 1897, has resulted in the devel- opment and perfecting of the glower which is now embodied in the Nernst lamp. . This glower is composed of a mixture of the rare earth oxides and is made in the form of a small rod or pencil of chalk-like material, having wire terminals at either end. When cold, the glower is an insulator, but by means of the wire the glower becames heated to redness when a current is passed through these wires, and its resistance gradually decreases until it has reached a red heat, when with 220 volts across the terminals it starts to conduct the current and give light. In bringing a glower up to its starting point corresponding to a temperature of 1,200° F., use is made of a small electrical heater composed of two or more small tubes of porcelain, about 1-J- inches long and i inch in diameter, which are overwound with fine plati- num wire, this in turn being held in place and protected from the intense heat later generated by the glower by an outer coating of porcelain paste. After the glower becomes heated, there is, of course, no further use for the heater, and it is cut out by a small electro-magnet cut-out, which consists of a magnetic coil connect- ed in series with the glower, an armature, and the necessary con- tacts in the heater circuit. Thus, when the glower has become heated sufficiently, the current begins to pass through it, and when this becomes sufficiently strong the armature is attracted and the contacts are separated, thus disconnecting the heater from the line. The surface of the glower before being used presents a 86 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November smooth, white, porcelain or chalky appearance, but after having been in use about 500 hours, it is rough or crystalline in appear- ance. The yttria contents used in the manufacture of the Nernst glow- er are obtained principally from the mineral gadolinite, which has not thus far been found in North Carolina. There are, however, a number of minerals containing yttria, such as samarskite, eux- enite and fergusonite, which have been found in the State. The magnetite and ilmenite may find a use in the manufacture of magnetite electrodes that are manufactured by the General Electric Company. The garnet grains are sharp and can be used for abrasive pur- poses in the manufacture of garnet paper, which is used extensive- ly in the boot and shoe trade. THE OPTICAL ROTATION OF SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE* BY CHAS. H. HERTY Among the physical properties of spirits of turpentine, none has proved of more interest than its optical rotation. In most specimens this property is very marked, and as the liquid is color- less and the determination readily made, many data are found on this subject in chemical literature. Slight variations in the rota- tion of different samples are to be expected, as spirits of turpen- tine is not a chemical compound but a mixture of substances, chiefly terpen es. From the results of numerous observations upon commercial samples, the view commonly held previous to 1891 was that French spirits of turpentine, distilled from the oleoresin of Pinus maritima , is levo-rotatory and that American spirits of turpentine, distilled in years past, almost wholy from Pinus palus - tres , is dextro-rotatory. The difference in the character of the rotation was ascribed, therefore, to the different species from which the spirits of turpentine was produced. Recognizing the fact that American spirits of turpentine is dis- tilled from more than one species of pine, J. H. Long,1 in 1891, undertook a study of the volatile oils distilled from oleoresins of well identified individual trees, these trees embracing the several species of pines subjected to turpentining in our southern states. He found that specimens from Pinus palustris (Long Leaf Pine) gave dextro-rotatory oils, while those from Pinus heterophylla (Cuban or Slash Pine) gave levo-rotatory oils. Since the oleore- sins from these two species are indiscriminately mixed, at the time of collection in the woods, the rotation of the oil distilled from such a mixture would naturally vary. Pinus palustris is the ♦Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 30, p. 863. !/. Anal. Appl. Chem., 6, 1. 19081 87 88 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November predominating species and Long attributed to this fact the dextro- rotatory character of American spirits of turpentine. This view has been generally accepted. The fact that spirits of turpentine is frequently adulterated with optically inactive mineral oil, led A. McGill2 to make a large num- ber of determinations of the rotation of commercial samples of spirits of turpentine, in the hope of utilizing this property for the detection of adulteration. From the widely varying results obtained he was compelled to declare the method useless. New evidence upon this point has been obtained from investiga- tions carried on in this laboratory in collaboration with the U. S. Forest Service, the experimental work having been carried out by Messrs. George A. Johnston and W. S. Dickson under the direc- tion of the writer. In order to gain a better knowledge of the oleoresins from the two principal species of pine utilized in the turpentine industry at the present time, fourteen trees were selected on a Florida turpentine farm. One-half of these were Firms palustris , the other half Pinus heterophylla. Three trees of each species were tapped for the first time at the beginning of the experiments. In each case a small, young pine, a medium pine, and a large, old pine were selected. In another set four trees were selected, two each Pinus palustris and Pinus heterophylla. These trees had been subjected to turpentining during the pre- vious year; the chipping or weekly scarification, on all of them having been unusually shallow, only about one-half as deep as is commonly practiced. In a third set four trees were selected, two of each of Pinus palustris and Pinus heterophylla , which had been turpentined during the previous year, and on each of these the depth of the chipping was the normal cut. The trees in each set were chipped at intervals of seven days. Special precautions were taken in the collection of the oleore- sins. The cup and gutter system described in Bulletin No. Ifi, U. S. Bureau of Forestry , was used. Instead of the clay cup com- monly used, oyster pails were substituted. The entire apparatus was covered with black oilcloth fastened securely into the bark of the tree above the chipping surface, thereby protecting the resin 2 Bulletin No. 79, Inland Revenue Dept., Canada. 1908\ Optical Rotation of Turpentine 89 from light and avoiding the filling of the pails with rain water. Every four weeks these pails were removed from the tree, tightly stoppered and immediately shipped to this laboratory for exami- nation . The specimens so obtained wTere extremely pure and free from chips. After removal of the pails, the metal gutters were raised to a point near the shipping surface in order to minimize the amount of oleoresin which might stick to the exposed portion of the trunk above the gutters. The distillation of the oleoresins was carried out in a 500 cc. Kjeldahl flask, surrounded by a bath of cottonseed oil. Steam from a small boiler was first passed through a small iron pipe in which it could be superheated, then into the distillation flask through a glass tube having on its end a bulb containing a num- ber of openings. By this means strong agitation of the molten oleoresin was obtained. Thermometers were placed both inside the flask and in the oil-bath. The mixed vapors of steam and spirits of turpentine were passed through a Hopkins condensing bulb to prevent the carrying over of solid particles of resin, con- densed in an ordinary Liebig condenser and collected in a separa- tory funnel . After drawing off the lower layer of water, the spir- its of turpentine was transferred to a dry flask and allowed to stand over night with calcium chloride. The determinations of the optical rotation of the volatile oils were made with a Schmidt and Haensch half-shadow polariscope, sodium flame, at 20°. In the following table are given the results from the first collec- tion of the oleoresin in early spring : Tree designation Species Diameter (inches) Optical rotation 100 mm. tube, Character of chipping 20 C A1 P. heterophylla... ... 7.0 1st year, normal depth a u — 20°5O A2 14.5 -f 0°I5' A3 24.5 i i it —15° O' A4 P. Palmtris . . 7.3 a a + 15°4CK A5 “ 15.0 a a + 8° 9' A6 “ 21.0 u i l + 18°18' Cl P. heterophylla.., ... 12.3 2nd year, shallow U t( —27° IP C2 U 8.2 — 26°28' C3 P. palustris ... 13.0 “ “ — 7°26' C4 8.7 ti n -f 7°3l/ D1 “ 9.0 2nd year, normal depth + 10°50' D2 “ 13.5 + l°23' D3 jP. heterophylla... ... 13.0 Cl n — 18°35/ D4 a 9.0 a i i — 29°26< 90 Journal of the Mitchell Society [November These results show a wide variation in the optical rotation of the volatile oils from the individual trees, even among trees of the same species. In a general way the figures give support to Long’s view, namely that the volatile oils from Pinus palustris are dextro-rotatory and those from Pinus heterophylla levo-rotatory. That this is not strictly true, however, is evidenced by the dextro- rotation of A, (P. heterophylla ) and more especially by the levo- rotation of C3 (P. palustris). With these variations in the first collection from the several trees, the question naturally arose, would the variations change as the season advanced or would the figures prove constant for the individual trees? The rotations for the successive collections fol- low in Table II : Table II. — Optical Rotation in 100 mm. Tube, 20° C. Collection A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 Cl 1.. — 20°5 O' -f-0°15' —15 O Q, -fl5°40' -4-8° 91 +18°18' — 27°11/ 2.. —22° 5' — 0°30' —14 °26' -hl5°22' +8°50' -f-17°43/ — 26°48' 3.. — 21°45/ +0°15/ —15 °55/ -fl4°15/ +8°27/ +19°30/ — 26°25/ 4.. —21° V — l0^ —15 °50' -fl4°20/ -f-8°34/ +18°46/ — 23°32/ 5.. — 20°30/ U"> 0 CS 1 —15 °15/ +14°21' +8°32/ +19°24/ — 21°12/ 6.. — 20°15' — 3°3 O' —15 °27*' +14°35 / +8° V +18°1& — 21°46' 7.. — 22°15' — 5°45' —17 °52^ +12°49' +7° & +14°47' — 21°35' Collection C2 C3 C4 Dl D2 D3 D4 1.. — 26°28' — 7°26/ + 7 °31' +10°50' +1°23' — 18°35/ — 29°26' 2.. — 25°37/ — 6°42/ + V 320' +U°23f +2 °40' —17° 0, — 27°45' 3.. — 26°2 O' — 4°45' +13° 7/ -f-2°25/ — 15°2 O' — 28°19' 4.. — 26°30/ — 4°29' -f 12°46/ +2°25' —15° O' —27°38' 5.. —26° 7/ — 3°55' +13° 0' +i°iy — 14°38' — 27°4 8' 6.. —26° O' —4° 5' +13° 0/ +1°15' —14° 7< — 26°11' 7.. — 26°28' —6° 6/ +10°48' — 0°55/ — 14°19' — 26°12' Note. — The yield of oleoresin from C4 was so small, after the first and second col- lections, that not enough volatile oil could be obtained on distillation to fill the 100 mm tube. From this table it is seen that the rotation in most cases is quite constant throughout the year. The most marked exception is A, (P. heterophylla) . It is evident that some distinct change in the biological activity of this tree has taken place, for while the rota- tion is reasonably constant during the first half of the year, a steady increase in the levo-character of the oil is apparent during the last half. In the case of C, (likewise P. heterophylla) some- 1908 ] Optical Rotation of Turpentine 91 what the reverse has taken place. A rather marked decrease in the levo-rotation is shown just at the middle of the year, then the rotation remains practically constant during the last half. In the case of C3, another type of change is represented, the levo-rotation decreasig up to the middle of the season and again increasing during the latter half. With the limited facts at hand, it is impossible to interpret the significance of these changes. That tree which shows the most marked variation, Aa, is a healthy, vigorous tree, from which variations would be least expected. Nor can an explanation be offered for the wide variations in the optical rotation of oils from the same spieces. All of the trees in Series A are located within 20 yards of each other and have, therefore, the same general con" ditions of climate, light and soil. Fractionation of the volatile oils from these show practically the same rise in boiling-point for the same volume of distillate. It would seem, therefore, that these volatile oils, consisting so largely of pinene, are mix- tures principally of dextro- and levo-pinene, the preponderance of the one or the other determining the optical rotation. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. THE CHARACTER OF THE COMPOUND FORMED BY THE ADDITION OF AMMONIA TO ETHYL-PHOS- PHO-PL ATIN O-CHDORIDE* BY CHAS. H. HERTY AND R. O. E. DAVIS By heating together phosphorus pentachloride and spongy plati- num. Baudrimont1 obtained the phospho-platino-chloride PtCl,-. PCI,. Later Schutzenberger prepared the compound PtCl2.2PCl5 by treating Baudrimont ’s salt with phosphorus trichloride and he studied the various derivatives of these two substances. The apparent analogy of these compounds to those of platinous chloride with ammonia led one of us (Herty) in 1901 to investi- gate them further by physico-chemical methods, in order to determine whether the analogy was real and therefore whether they conformed to Werner’s3 extension of the valence hypothesis. If so, various possibilities of isomerism at once suggested them- selves. These views, in abstract form, were presented to the commit- tee in charge of the C. M. Warren Research Fund and a grant was made for the purchase of platinum. Work was begun at once, hut unfortunately a call to another field made impossible the com- pletion of the investigation. The platinum was recovered, sold, and the grant returned. 1 Ann. chim. phys. [4], 2, 47. 2 Bull. sor. chim. [2], 17, 482; 18, 101, 148. 3 Z. nnorg. C him., 3, 267. I Ibid., 37, 394 ; 43, 34. ^Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 30. p. 1084. 1908. 92 [November ipo#] Ammonia-Ethyl-Phospho-Platino-Cheokide Later, Rosenheim4 published the results of an investigation covering practically the same ground. He found that the anal- ogy was real and succeeded in obtaining numerous isomers. With the stable ethoxy derivatives, molecular weight determinations, both ebullioscopic and cryoscopic, showed that while the formula of the 1 : 2 compound is normal, that of the 1 : 1 compound must be doubled, thus These facts show both compounds in strict accord with Werner’s coordination ideas, namely, that the coordination number of plat- inum in platinous compounds is four. Accordingly, their formu- las would be The addition of one molecule of aniline to the former, results in one chlorine atom becoming ionizable, but from the latter, Rosen - again conforming to Werner’s views. However, when gaseous ammonia was used instead of aniline an unexpected result was obtained. Two molecules of the base were added for each atom of platinum present, the empirical formula being PtCl2.P(OC2H5)3.2NH3. According to Werner’s views, such a compound should be diionic, as represented by the formula PtCl, . 2P ( 0C2H. ) 3 and (PtCl2.P(0C2H;)J) heim succeeded in obtaining two isomeric substances, a white and yellow modification, each having the formula 94 JOUKNAE OF THE MlTCHELE SOCIETY [ November Pt(NH3)3 VCI. P(OC2Hs)3 ) But Rosenheim found that silver nitrate precipitated at once both chlorine atoms, even at o°, and that the molecular conductivity at 25° was V 32 64 128 256 512 At 155.9 160.8 160.4 160 162.3 From these facts and from the composition of the double salt with chlorplatinic acid, he concluded that the formula may be 1Pt f ( P(0C2Hs)3 ) a, but since such a formula is not in accord with the coordination number of platinous platinum, and since the compound is derived from the double molecule Cl2 Pt P(OC9H5) Rosenheim assigned to it the formula J 1 (NH,), Pt P(OC9H5)3 Such a formula appeared to us to be a strained interpretation of Werner’s views. Furthermore, the molecular conductivity, as given by Rosenheim, is abnormal in every way. It seemed desir- able, therefore, to repeat the preparation of the substance and to study its properties further. Experience gained in the study of the molecular conductivity of complex ammonia compounds at oQl l Werner and Herty, Z. phys. Chem. vol. 38, p.331. 1908\ Ammonia-Ethyl-Phospho-Peatino-Cheoride 95 justified the hope that such a study of this compound might throw more light upon its constitution. Following the directions of Schut- enzberger and of Rosenheim, pure spongy platinum was heated with phosphorus pentachloride, the latter freed from trichloride and oxy- chloride by heating in a current of dry air at 110°. The fused mass on treatment with hot benzene, free from thiophene and purified by freezing, yielded on cooling an abundant crop of well crystallized Cl, Pt PC13 Freed from benzene, at the same time carefully protected from the action of moisture, the compound wos immediately treated with absolute alcohol in order to convert it into the ethoxy derivative The alcoholic solution was then placed in a desiccator over two ves- sels, one containing concentrated sulphuric acid, the other pow- dered lime, and left to evaporate to crystallization. Removal to a new building necessitated cessation of the work for several months. On resuming, it was found that the solution in the desiccator had evaporated to dryness, no distinct crystallization being noticeable. This mass was dissolved in pure benzene and into the solution dry ammonia gas was conducted. The absorption of ammonia was accompanied by a marked elevation of temperature, the original yellowish tint of the solution gradually faded and then, rather suddenly, a mass of white crystals separated, the mass becoming almost solid. The completion of the reaction was indicated by the return to normal temperature. The crystal broth was set aside and owing to the exigiencies of other work, two weeks elapsed before the crystals were separated from their mother liquor. The substance, freed from benzene, was recrystallized from alcohol and obtained in a very pure form. 96 Journal of the Mitchell Society [November A portion of the substance dissolved in water showed no acid reaction, although Rosenheim found an immediate acid reaction and explained the peculiar results he obtained from a study of its molecular conductivity by assuming a rapid hydrolysis of the compound . Analysis showed : i Cl (Ionizable) 8.02 Pt ^42.30 NJI3 7.04 Cl (Ionizable) Pt NHs Found by Rosenheim n l ii 7.90 15.08 14.42 41.40 41.68 7.18 7.19 Theoretical for r (nh8)2 i i r 01 i I pt Cl4|Pt(NH3)2 \ L p<0C2H5)sJ 1 2 L P(OC2H5)aJ 15.23 7.62 41.82 41.82 7.30 7.30 Ionizable chlorine was determined at room temperature by precip- itation of the water solution of the substance with excess of silver nitrate. The filtrates remained clear even after standing several weeks. Platinum was determined by Rosenheim ’s method1, ammo- nia by the Kjeldahl method. Effort was then made to determine the total chlorine by Rosen- heim's method1 but concordant results could not be obtained. Determinatians of the total chlorine by Stepan ow’s2 method gave: Total Chlorine i. n. Theoretical 15.19 15.00 15.23 Determination of the molecular conductivity at 25° showed v 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 p. 95.79 100.13 106.09 113.49 119.70 127.97 138.98 Found by Rosenheim 155.9 160.8 160.4 160.0 162.3 1 Z. anory. C 'hem., Vol. 37, p. 395. 2 Ber., Vol. 39, p. 4056. 1908] Ammonia-Ethyl-Phospho-Peatino-Cheoride 97 The values for y- found by us agree closely with the figures obtained by Werner and Miolati3 and by Werner and Herty4 for all diionic complex ammonia compounds. No evidence of hydrol- ysis could be detected in the solution which had been used for the determination of the molecular conductivity, the reaction was perfectly neutral . From all the above facts, it is evident that the formula of our compound is a formula strictly in accord with Werner’s coordination law. It would seem further that we have here another case of isomerism of inorganic compounds. In order to gain further knhwledge of the conditions which determine the formation of the one or the other of these sub- stances, new experiments were begun. A fresh portion of the compound was prepared. Twenty-one grams of the substance were dissolved in seventy-five cc. of benzene and the solution was divided iuto three equal portions. In one, designated A, the substance was pre- pared under the conditions above described. In another, desig- nated B, the crystals were promptly separated from the benzene liquor. In the third portion, designated C, the temperature was maintained at 6° throughout the experiment . In order to insure as far as practicable a uniform addition of ammonia in the several experiments, thirty -five grams each of finely pulverized lime and ammonium chloride were thoroughly mixed and placed in a 500 cc. round bottom flask and heated in a 3 Z. phys. Chem., Vol. 12, p. 35; Yol. 14, p. 506; Vol. 21, p. 225, 4 Ibid., Vol. 38, p. 331. 98 Journal of the Mitchell Society [November bath of cottonseed oil . At 220° copious evolution of ammonia be- gan . The gas, dried over quicklime, was passed through the benzene solution of the ethoxy compound for forty-five minutes, during which time the temperature of the oil bath was gradually raised to 245°. The benzene solution was placed in a 50 cc. round bottom flask provided with a three-hole rubber stopper through which passed a thermometer dipping into the solution and the inlet and outlet tubes for the ammonia. Experiment A: The initial temperature of the benzene solution was 22°. When the temperature of the oil bath surrounding the generator reached 220° the temperature in the absorption flask began to rise. After five minutes it was 25°, after ten minutes 33°, after fifteen minutes, 38°. Meanwhile the yellow color of the original solution gradually faded. After twenty minutes the tem- petature was 40°, then suddenly the separation of the white sub- stance took place to such an extent that the mass became almost solid . A portion of the substance was at once removed from the absorption flask, pressed between folds of drying paper and dis- solved in water. No evidence of hydrolysis could be detected, the solution being perfectly neutral to indicators, As Rosenheim found that his salt was strongly hydrolyzed, it was decided to con- tinue the passage of the ammonia gas into the crystal broth longer. Accordingly, this was continued for twenty-five minutes more, the temperature of the solution falling gradually. The vessel tightly corked was allowed to stand two weeks. At the end of this time the crystals were filtered from the benzene and pressed between folds of drying paper, then recrystallized from absolute alcohol and labeled “A”. Experiment B : This was a repetition of Experiment A except that the crystals were removed from the benzene immediately after the conclusion of the experiment. The maximum temperature observed in the absorption flask was 44° . The separation of the crystals took place twenty-two minutes after the temperature of the oil bath surrounding the ammonia generator had reached 220°. The substance recrystallized from alcohol was labeled “B”. 1908] Ammonia-Ethyl-Phospho-Platino-Chloride 99 Experiment C : This was a repetition of Experiment B except that the temperature of the benzene solution was kept constantly at 6°. The crystal separation took place twenty-four minutes from the time the oil bath reached 220° . Recrystallized from alco- hol the substance was labeled *'C”. The results of the analyses of the three preparations follow : Theoretical chlorine for lonizable chlorine Total i n Chlorine A 7.66 7.64 15.16 B 7.74 7.66 15.17 C 7.47 7.49 15.01 PtC(NH8)2 1 Cl. . P(OC2H5)bJ lonizable Total 7.62 15.23 From these results it is evident that we have succeeded in pre- paring only the normal salt 01 \ Pt (NH,). ( P(OC,Hs)3 1 Cl. And yet Rosenheim’s directions have been faithfully followed and his description of the absorption experiment coincides with our observations. It is therefore not considered profitable to further undertake the preparation of Rosenheim’s compound until more specific directions are given. Meanwhile, it is our intention to try to prepare the compound ( Cl, < Pt nh3 ( P(OC„Hs) } analogous to the aniline compound prepared by Rosenheim, and to gain further light upon the character of the reaction by which the addition of ammonia changes the non-ionizable compound K i ( PCOC.H.),)1 100 Journal of the Mitchell Society [November into the ionizable compound Pt (NH3)2 >C1. P(0C,H5), ) University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, N. C. March 11, 1908 THE VOLATILE OIL OF PINUS SEROTINA* BY CHAS. H. HERTY AND W. S. DICKSON Scattered among the forests of Long Leaf pine along the Atlantic seaboard, there are found, usually in mixed stands, patches of Pond pine {Pinvs serotina) and Loblolly pine ( Finns taeda) . These pines are seldom subjected to turpentining, as the yield of oleoresin is not so plentiful as from the predominating types Pinus palustris and Pinus heterophylla . Nor are the two species usually distinguished locally, the name “black pine” being applied to each. The striking odor of the wood of Pinus serotina when freshly cut made desirable an investigation of its volatile oil, and in collaboration with the U. S. Forest Service, the oil has been studied in this laboratory during the past year. Well identified trees were selected in Florida. The trees were regularly chipped throughout one season of eight months. The product from each tree was collected every eight weeks. The oleoresin closely resent" bles that from Cuban pine (P. heterophylla) being quite liquid and containing relatively about the same proportion of crystalline acids. To this low percentage of crystalline matter is to be as- signed doubtless, as in the case of P. heterophylla, the absence of “scrape” formation on the scarified surface of the tree, a forma- tion so typical of P. jmlustris ) . The volatile oil was distilled from the oleoresin by steam in the apparatus described on page 865 above. The oleoresin evidently contains a greater portion of mucilaginous substances than that from the more common pines, for it was much more difficult to distil. On heating to 140°, the usual temperature of distillation, and introducing steam, the easily molten mass froths badly. This could be avoided only by raising the temperature at the out- * Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 30, p. 872. May, 1908. 1908] 101 102 Journal of the Mitchell Society [November set to 160°. At this temperature, the viscosity is diminished suf- ficiently to enable a complete distillation to be carried out without frothing. During the latter part of the summer, however, and during the autumn, the amount of this mucilaginous substance evidently increased, and to such an extent that it became practic- ally impossible to distil off the volatile oil. Partial success was secured by he addition of concentrated sodium hydroxide solution to the distilling flask. The resin left after distillation is pale yellow, similar to the best grades of commercial resin. Acid number 167. The volatile oil, freed from water by standing in contact with calcium chloride, was a limpid liquid with a fragrant odor sug- gesting at once the presence of limonene. The physical constants of the oil follow : Sp. gr.: 20°, 0.8478. Sp. rotation: 20°, — 105° 36. Index of refraction: 20°, 1.4734. Acid number: 0. Saponification number: 1.54. Iodine number: 378. Solubility in ethyl alcohol at 22.5° : 95 per cent, alcohol 1.35 parts required to dissolve 1 part of volatile oil. 90 per cent, alcohol 4.80 parts required to dissolve 1 part of volatile oil. 85 per cent, alcohol 8. 10 parts required to dissolve 1 part of volatile oil. 80 per cent, alcohol 16.20 parts required to dissolve 1 part of volatile oil. 70 per cent, alcohol 56.00 parts required to dissolve 1 part of volatile oil. Comparative evaporation with the volatile oil of P. palustris, at room temperature, in shallow watch glasses, 0.2 gram of each used. P. palustris P. serotina Time Per cent. Per cent. Loss after % hour 35.7 Loss after 1 hour 62.5 Loss after 1)4 hours \ 91.7 Loss after 2 hours 96.0 Loss after 5 hours 97.8 20.30 37.30 53.40 68.47 98.80 On fractionation the following results were obtained: 1908 ] Volatile Oil of Pinus Skrotina 103 Temperature Per cent, distillate Index of refrac- tion, 20° Rotation in 100 mm. tube 20° 172-175° 27.4 1.4716 — 87°53’ 175-180° 57.0 1.4724 — 92°21’ 180-185° 8.4 1.4744 — 92°14’ 185— f- 7.2 1.5045 Repeated fractionation at atmospheric pressure showed some polymerization. From a fraction, 175-176°, a large yield of lim- onene tetrabromide was obtained. Melting point 103°-103°. The solution of the tetrabromide in chloroform was levo-rotatory, — 70-0°. A study of the oxygen absorbing power of this volatile oil in comparison with that of the ordinary spirits of turpentine obtained from P. palustvis showed a much larger absorption by the oil of P. serotina during the early days of the experiment, but the total absorption after three months’ exposure to northern light was practically the same in each. These results show a wide variation in the optical rotation of the volatile oils from the individual trees, even among trees of the same species. In a general way the figures give support to Long’s view, namely that the volatile oils from the Pinvs palustris are dextro-rotatory and those from Pinvs heterophylla levo-rotatory. That this is not strictly true, however, is evidenced by the dextro- rotation of Aa (P. heterphylla ) and more especially by the levo- rotation of C3 (P. palustris). University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, N. C. MICROPEGMATITE AT CHAPEL HILL. BY H. N. EATON. During the course of an investigation of the Chapel Hill granites now in progress an occurrence of micropegmatite was discovered which seems worthy of special mention. The binary granites were found to contain micrographic intergrowths of quartz and feldspar. The one showing the best development of this pheno- menon is described below . This rock occurs in a slightly weathered condition just beyond the village limits on the slope of the hill along the Hillsboro road and south of Bolin’s Creek. Its extent and relation to the other rocks of the igneous complex of the region are unknown . In handspecimen, the rock is grayish pink in color, and fine grained. No hint of the arrangement of the minerals is given from a freshly broken surface owing the uniform fineness of grain. In thin section, the mineral content is seen to comprise plagio- clase, orthoclase, microcline, and some accessory magnetite. The striking feature of the slide is the arrangement of the quartz and alkali feldspar in the micropegmatitie relation. With the exception of the magnetite, plagioclase was the first mineral to crystallize. It occurs sparingly in short, stout prisms, for the most part idiomorphic, but in places showing absorption by the later formed minerals. Twinning occurs after both the carls- bad and aibite laws. Owing to strong kaolinization the albite striations are frequently difficult to recognize. The maximum extinction angle noted was 13 degrees, thus placing the species between oligoclase and andesine, and nearer the latter of the two. Quartz and alkali feldspar occur mutually inclosing and inter- penetrating each other in micrographic intergrowths. The 104 [NoremAer 1908 ] Micropegmatite at Chapel Hill 105 quartz is best seen in this relation in long, spindle-shaped forms with parallel orientiation over a considerable portion of the field. These are wholly inclosed in orthoclase or microcline and extin- guish simultaneously over wide areas. Measurements with a mi- crometer eye-piece gave lengths of .58 m.m., .62 m.m., and .69 m.m. for the longer quartz spindles. In places the large spindles radiate from centers in which (dusters of smaller quartz crystals are imbedded in orthoclase and microcline. There are a few places where quartz occurs in the triangular and knee-shaped form characteristic of graphic granite as originally described. The orthoclase is very abundant and forms a large percentage of the rock. Crystal boundaiies are very indistinct. Large areas inclosing the quartz spindles extinguish as single crystals sepa- rately from the quartz. Microcline is less abundant than orthoclase, and the areas occupied are smaller. Crystal boundaries are indistinct. The impression first given by the slide is that the orthoclase and microcline were the last to crystallize, and constitute a groundmass in which the quartz is set, but a careful examination reveals many quartz-feldspar boundaries in which the two minerals are mutu- ally interpenetrating. Many quartzes also contain small poikilitic inclusions of orthoclase. It is therefore probable that the quartz and the alkali feldspars crystallized contemporaneously. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, N. C. March 11, 1908 ABSTRACTS On the Effect of Complete Anemia of the Central Nervous System in Dogs Resuscitated after Relative Death. D. H. Dolley and George Crile, M. D.* Jour, of Expe. Med., vol. 10, Nov. 1908. This study of brain anemia is the sequence of provious work on the resuscitation of animals killed by anaesthetics and asphyxia,* which may be briefly summarized as follows : By measn of a cen- tripetal arterial infusion of salt solution under sufficient pressure, together with the injection of one to two cubic centimeters of 1-1,000 adrenalin chloride in mass dose early and along with the infusion, and the simultaneous employment of vigorous artificial respiration and gentle but firm cardiac massage through the unopened thorax, a heart which has ceased to beat maybe excited to resume beating within certain limits. Up to five minutes of total cessation of function, these efforts are uniformly and readily successful, provided that the full technique has been used: up to ten minutes, there is an occasional failure, but after that the chances of success become progressively less. Our limit was five minutes in puppies (three cases). To determine the limits of recovery after the total anemia of the central nervous system incident to a state of relative death, a series of thirty dogs was killed by chloroform and resuscitated after varying times from three to fourteen minutes. Under five minutes the recovery of function was rapid and strikingly free from the after effects which characterized longer periods. Of seven animals between the periods of five minutes and six and one half tFrom the Laboratory of Surgical Physiology, Western Reserve Univers- ity, and the Pathological Laboratory, University of North Carolina. 2 Jour, of Exper. Med., vol. 18, p. 718, 1906. 106 [November ABvSTRACTS 107 1908] minutes, only one died apparently as a direct result of the ane- mia, but of twelve between the periods of seven minutes and eight and one half minutes, only one, after seven and one half minutes, recovered. The remaining dogs all died. After a resuscitation, the course of events in the animals which succumbed, while limited according to the extent of the reanima- tion, was similar to that in the dogs which did eventually recover. Many of the dogs showed more than a mere reflex revival there being some temporary manifestation of special senses and higher faculties in addition. In general, three stages were to be observed. A state of hyperexcitability followed reanimation, reaching its maximum in one to three hours, when retrogression began. This second stage was characterized by the onset of uncontrolled mus- cular movements, either coordinate or convulsive, lasted a longer time, and gradually passed into the third stage of depression and paralysis. The crisis in practically all the experiments was reached in from twelve to twenty-four hours. Then death quickly ensued or distinct improvement of nervous functions shortly began, continuing more or less rapidly till complete restoration, though the convalescent period lasted in two dogs four and six weeks respectively. There was no intermediate condition of fatal outcome delayed for several days except in several cases in which death was due to accidental organic lesion. Up to a certain point, not to be exactly limited, but roughly six minutes, the after effects were not marked, and the second, third, or fourth day brought complete recovery. Beyond the six minute limit, how- ever, there was a great deal of after effect, increasing out of all proportion to the increase in the duration of the period of anemia, reaching as well in the dogs which finally recovered a temporary state in which the animal was little more than a cardio-respira- tory mechanism. (The sequence of return of the various functions and reflexes and the special phenomena following a resuscitation are dis- cussed in detail . ) Histological examination both of presumptive recoveries and fatal cases was made by ordinary methods and those of Nissl and Marchi. The neurocytes of the fatal cases uniformly presented the greatest change, not merely chromolytie but here and there 108 Journal of the Mitchell Society [November indicative of cell death. Mavchi’s method further supported these findings by proving the existence of fibre degeneration. Finally, showing the narrowness of the escape, the best result in recovery, seven and one half minutes in time, which at the end of four iveeks had apparently entirely returned to a normal state, by the Marchi method had a degeneration of a number of fibres localized in the pyramidal fasciculi, which were traced from the cord to the cortex, and in Flechsig’s fasciculus, as well as a more sparsely scattered degeneration of both ascending and descending fibres elsewhere. The results of the histological examination place the limits of experimental resuscitation upon an anatomical basis. conclusions 1. In dogs anesthetized by ether for preparation and killed quickly by chloroform, the average limit of total cerebral anemia, estimated from the cessation of the heart sounds to the return of circulation, which admits of recovery, is between six and seven minutes. Any recovery beyond seven and half minutes would be exceptional, and the ulterior limit appears to be under ten min- utes, hitherto stated as the most conservative figure after other modes of investigation. 2. Further, experience with resuscitation of animals killed by anesthetics and asphyxia, embracing numerous unrecorded exper- iments as well as those forming the basis of the present article, establishes our former conclusion, that the procedures detailed afford a reliable method within its limitations, and certainly uni- formly successful within the limits compatible with the recovery of the central nervous system. Binders for Coal Briquets, % J. E. Mills. Bulletin 348 of the United States Geological Survey. The bulletin contains a report of investigations made at the Fuel-Testing Plant, St. Louis, Mo., by the author. The charac- teristics of good briquets are discussed and the general conditions governing the use of binders. A very large number of different binders were investigated in the laboratoiy, the effort having been made to include in the list all binders which it was thought 1908] Abstracts 109 might be used commercially in the United States, as well as cer- tain other substances which seemed fitted to throw light on the laws governing the action of the binder. Attempt was also made to study such modifications and combinations of the different binders as it seemed might produce more efficient commercial results. The author gives the following summary of the investi- gations : “Definite answer to the question ‘What is the best binder to use in making briquets?’ depends, as repeatedly emphasized in this paper on the locality, on the character of the coal, and on the purpose for which the briquets are intended. For purposes of a brief comparison consideration is given to the binders avail- able for a coal which is fairly easy to briquet and which cakes rather readily. A few coals will briquet with somewhat less and others require greater percentages of binder, but an endeavor has been made in the following summary to strike a reasonable average. “The experiments herein reported show that, in general, for plants situated where it can be obtained, the cheapest binder will prove to be the heavy residuum from petroleum, often known to the trade as asphalt. Four per cent of this binder being suffi- cient, its cost ranges from 45 to 60 cents per ton of briquets pro- duced. This binder is particularly available in California, Texas, and adjacent territory. “Second in order of importance comes water-gas tar pitch. Five to six per cent usually proving sufficient, the cost of this binder ranges from 50 to 60 cents per ton of briquets produced. As water-gas pitch is also derived from petroleum, it will be avail- able more particularly in oil-producing regions. “Third in order of importance is coal-tar pitch. Being derived from coal, this binder is very widely available. From 6.5 to 8 per cent will usually be required, and the cost ranges from 65 to 90 cents per ton of briquets produced. “Of local importance, where the price permits, are natural asphalts and tars derived from wood distillation. The price of each of these binders varies greatly with the locality, but there are doubtless places where they could compete with the binders 110 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ Navember above mentioned. Wax tailings could be used with an easily cak- ing coal. “Pitch made from producer-gas tar is not yet on the market, but it will produce excellent briquets with a lower percentage of binder than other coal-tar pitches. It will doubtless be available in the future. “Briquets excellent in all respects except that they are not waterproof can be made by using 1 per cent of starch as a binder, the cost 'of which is 20 cents per ton of briquets produced. Extra care is necessary in drying and handling these briquets, and this adds to their cost. ‘ ‘The waste sulphite liquor from paper mills also producees excellent briquets except that they are not waterproof . At present it is a troublesome waste product dissolved in much water. Its utili- zation for this purpose will bear further investigation. “Of inorganic binders, magnesia might be utilized, as its prob- able cost would not exceed 22 to 30 cents per ton of briquets pro- duced. Other inorganic binders, while available as regards price, would not make first-class briquets. “The briquetting of lignite coal offers a peculiarly difficult problem. If the lignite cakes in the fire, asphaltic residues from petroleum or water-gas tar pitch may be used as binder, larger percentages being required than for ordinary coals. The most promising binders for lignites that do not cake are starch, sul- phite liquor, and magnesia. Lignites may be briquetted without binder if they are to be burned on grates specially constructed to overcome the tendency to fall to pieces in the fire. “Attention is called to the suggested method of deciding as to the value of coal-tar pitch for briquetting purposes. The method is likewise applicable to asphalts and petroleum residues gener- ally; (1) The pitch or tar is distilled and all oils coming off below 270° C. are rejected as being of no value; (2) the flowing point of the portion to be used in briquetting is determined (this should generally not be less than 70° C.) (3) the pitch is extracted with carbon disulphide. The smaller the amount of residual carbon the more satisfactory is the pitch. The less read- ily the coal cakes the higher must be the flowing point of the pitch. If a pitch cracker is used, the pitch to work successfully Abstracts 7908] 111 on a hot summer’s day must have a flowing point above 120° C. In the winter pitch with a flowing point of 100° C. may be used. All softer pitches and asphalts have to be melted and mixed in liquid form with the coal. A pitch with a very high softening point, above 150° C., should be either thinned or superheated in the mixer. The efficient use of a binder depends very largely on the proper regulation of the conditions in the mixer. The presence of low-volatile compounds in the pitch to be used as a binder increases the smoke in burn- ing; and also increases the tendency of the briquet to soften and crack open in advance of combustion, owing to the volatilization and escape of these compounds. “The main problem in briquetting is to find a suitable binding material at sufficiently low cost. When the difference in price between the slack coal and the first-class lump coal is $1, the cost of briquetting should not exceed this amount. Of this the binder must cost less than 60 cents per ton, as the cost of manufacture averages about 40 cents. To leave out of consideration the pos- sible advantages in the use of briquetted coal over run-of-mine coal, due to the greater efficiency and smokelessness of briquets, it will probably not be necessary to pay any attention to binding materials costing $1.25 or more per ton of briquets produced.” The Volatile Oil of Pinus Serotina, by Chas. H. Herty and W. S. Dickson. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 30, p. 872. May 1908. A study of the volatile oil obtained by distillation with steam from the oleo-resin of Pinus Serotina (Pond Pine) showed that it contained large quantities of limonene instead of the more com- mon pinene present in ordinary spirits of turpentine. The oil showed the following physical contents : Specific Gravity : 20° 0.8478 Specific Rotation: 20° *— 105° 36* Index of Refraction : 20° 1.4734 Acid Number: 0 Saponification Number: 1.54 Iodine Number: 378 On Fractionation the oil showed: 112 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November Temperatures 172-175 175-180 180-185 185-+ Per Cent of Distillate 27.4 57.0 8.4 7.2 The limoene was identified byconversion into the tetrabromide. The Character of the Compound Formed by the Addition of Ammonia to Ethyl-phospho-platino Chloride, by Chas. H. Hertv and R. 0. E. Davis. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 30, p. 1084. July 1908. failed. On each attempt, following closely Rosenheim’s directions, rine in this compound can be precipitated by silver nitrate. Determinations of its molecular conductivity show close agreement with analagous di-ionic, complex ammonia compounds studied by Werner, Miolati and Herty. The character of the compound agrees fully with the co-ordination hypothesis of Werner. Corrosion of Iron, by R. O. E. Davis. Ch. Eng., vol. 5, p. 174. 1908. The corrosion of iron in explained by different workers in sev- eral different ways, but the main discussion is whether it is oxygen or carbon dioxide that is essential to rusting. Experiments were devised to determine this point, from which the conclusion is drawn that corrosion of iron takes place with water and oxygen but not with water and carbon dioxide. The presence of carbon dioxide may accelerate the reaction but is not essential to it. The Optical Rotation of Spirits of Turpentine, by Chas. H. Hertv. Jour. Am Chem. Soc., vol. 30, p. 863. May 1908. The results of this investigation were obtained from oleo -resins from individual trees in Florida of Pinus Palustris and Pinus Heter- Efforts to prepare Rosenheim’s Salt i Cl I the salt -\ Pt (NH3\ r Cl was obtained. Only half of the chlo- ( P(OC.Hs), ) [1908 Abstracts 113 rophylla. The collections of the oleo-resins from which the vol- atile oils were distilled were made at regular intervals throughout a complete season, March to November. A number of trees of eacb species were used. The optical rotation of the severel volatile oils obtained on distillation showed a marked variation. Those from Pinus Palus- tris were generally dextrorotatory, varying however from -f l° 23' to +18° 18' (100mm. tube). One specimen showed a levo- rotation of — 7° 26'. The oils from Pinus Heterophylla were levo- rotatory, with one exception -f 0° 15', varying from — 7° 31* to -29° 26'. While these wide variations were noticed in the specimens from the individual trees, there was but slight variation in the speci- mens from the same tree throughout the season. VOL. XXIV DECEMBER. 1908 NO. 4 JOURNAL OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society * ISSUED QUARTERLY CHAPEL HILL, N. C., U. S. A. TO 86 ENTERED 4TTHC POSTOEFICE AS SECOND CLASS MATTER Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society ARCHIBALD HENDERSON, President A. H. PATTERSON, Vice-President A. S; WHEELER, Rec. Sec. F. P. VENABLE, Penn. Se« Editors ok the Journal: W. C. COKER . E. V. HOWELL, J. E. MILLS CONTENTS The Amanitas of North Carolina. — H. C. Beardslee 115 I n vestigations of the N. C. Geological and Economic Sur- vey Relating to Forestry Problems Along the North Carolina Banks. — Joseph Hyde Pratt 125 Streptococcus Infections of the Tonsils, their Diagnosis and Relationship to Acute Articular Rheumatism. — Wm. DeB. Macnider 139 The “Pinch-Effect in Unidirectional Electric Sparks. — Andrew H. Patterson 145 The Recent Baltimore Meetings of Scientific Societies 143 Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society — Quarterly. Price $2.00 per year; single numbers 50 cents. Most numbers of former vol- umes can be supplied. Direct all correspondence to the Editors, at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. AR 10 1909 JOURNAL OF THE LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL Q ARDEN c Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society DECEMBER, 1908 VOL. XXIV NO. 4 THE AMANITAS OF NORTH CAROLINA BY H. C. BEABDSLEE The Amanitas are among the most conspicuous and interesting of our fleshy fungi and for that reason most frequently serve as the starting point for the beginner. In the following paper the attempt has been made to furnish a key and synopsis of the genus which will be serviceable to students of this state. All the species which are listed, with two exceptions have been found near Ashe- ville and will be found generally distributed through this and the surrounding states. The names used are in the main those in common use. The few changes which have been made, have been determined upon only after carefully comparing our plants with European speci- mens and after submitting good specimens and life sized photo- graphs to European authorities. Bresadola, Boudier, and Carle- ton Rea have given much assistance in this work and have placed the author under great obligations. The genus Amanita may be distinguished among the white spored species by the volva which surrounds the entire plant in its younger state. In the mature plant this is often largely obliter- 1908] 115 Printed January 30, 1909 116 Journal of the Mitcheee Society [ December ated, but its remains will usually be seen on the pileus or at the base of the stipe, according to the nature of its development. In some cases the valva is a loose membranous sack, which splits as the pileus develops, and is left as a loose cup at the base of the stipe. In other cases the volva breaks at the margin of the pileus leaving a part adherent to the pileus in the form of irregularwarts, while the basal portion remains adherent to the base of the stipe, either in the form of a sheath with an even margin where it has been ruptured, or in the form of scales. Species, then, with white spores, a distinct cup at the base of the stipe, or the pileus adorned with superficial warts may be looked for in this genus. The Volvarias wich are rather rare have the same loose cup at the base of the stipe, but will be at once distinguished by the red spore print which will be obtained by placing a cap on white paper, KEY TO THE GENERA AND SPECIES Stipe furnished with an annulus. Stipe without an annulus. Amanita. Volva forming a loose membranous cup at the base of the stipe Volva forming a distinct marginate sheath adnate to the stipe Volva not as above. Amanita. Amanitopsis. 1. Gills yellow. A. caesarea. 1. Gills white, margin of pileus striate. A. spreta. 1. Gills white, margin ef pileus even. 2. 2. Annulus remaining white. A. phalloides. 2. Annulus becoming sooty black. A. porphyria. 3. Pileus yellow. A. mappa. 3. Pileus white. A. cothumata. 3. Pileus gray or brownish gray. A. pantherina. 4 . Pileus striate on the margin , spores elliptical . A . muscaria and A. russuloides. 4. Pileus striate on the margin, spores subglobose. A. frostiana. 5. Flesh with red stains when wounded. A. rubescens. 5. Not as above. 6. 6. Pileus adorned with erect pointed warts. A. echinocephala. The Amanitas of North Carolina 117 ipoS] 6. Pileus adorned with thin, adnate, polygonal warts. A. solitaria. 6 . Pileus adorned with thick , large polygonal warts . Amanitopsis. A. strobiliformis. Volva persisting as a membranous cup. 1. Volva separating into warty scales on the pileus. 2. Volva pulverent. A. farinosa. 1. Pileus sulcate striate on the margin. A. vaginata. 1 . Pileus even on the margin . A. agglutinata. 2 . Pileus red . A. muscaria coccinea. 2. Stipe distinctly bulbous. A. russuloides. 2. Not as above. A. strangulata. Amanita caesarea Scop. Pileus 4 to 10 inches broad, smooth, varying from bright scarlet to orange or dingy yellow, distinctly striate on the margin; gills yellow, free; stipe firm, stuffed, usually yellow and flocculose, with a large, persistent annulus. Volva large thick loose, persis- tent, white. Spores elliptical, 10 to 12 by 5 to 6 me. This is easily the finest and most striking of the Amanitas. It is very abundant in Western North Carolina, but is rare farther to the north. It is highly esteemed in Europe as an edible species, but like all the Amanitas should only be used for food when it has been identified beyond all possibility of mistake. It should be remembered that several species of Amanita are highly dangerous. Amanita spreta Peck. Pileus 2-6 inches broad, usually gray, or brownish gray, but varying to white. Smooth or nearly so, striate on the margin; gills white, free; stipe cylindrical, not bulbous, stuffed or hollow. Volva loose, free, persistent. Spores 10-12 by 7-8 me, elliptical. This is very abundant and also very variable. The common form at Asheville is large and robust, with the margin nearly even, and the pileus brown or dark gray. Other forms are found which are slender and occasionally almost pure white. The more slen- der forms are much like A. cinerea Pres, which is the European form of this species. One interesting form occurs on our dry hilh 118 Journal of the Mitchell Society [. December sides which is so distinct that both Peck and Bresadola declare it a distinct species, Careful observations have lead to the conclu- sion that it is however merely a very distinct variety. I have fig- ured it as A. spreta parva n. var. It may be readily known by its small size. Pileus .5 to 1 inch broad, thin and membranous, soon plane or depressed, deeply sulcate striate on the margin. Stipe slender white with a distant, almost median annulus. Spores as in the type. Amanita phalloides Fr. Pileus 2-5 inches broad, omooth or with a few fragments of the volva, white, yellow, or oliveaceous, often darker on the disk, margin even; gills white, free; stipe white, smooth, bulbous at the base, which is surrounded by the globose, free, membranous volva. Spores globose 9-10 me. Common and variable in color. The most common form is pure white and so distinct that it has been separated under the name A. verna. This may be found in our woods in profusion. It may at once be recognized by its pure white pileus, and the glo- bose base of the stipe surrounded by the loose volva. This is the deadly Amanita. It should be remembered that in spite of its attractive appearance it is the most dangerous of our Agarics. Amanita porphyria A. and S. Pileus 2-4 inches broad, brownish gray often with a tint of pur- ple, even or slightly striate on the margin, smooth; gills white, slightly adnexed. Stipe stuffed, then hollow, bulbous at the base; volva free; annulus persistent, becoming sooty black. Spores glo- bose, 10-12 me. This species has not as yet been detected at Asheville, but is inserted in the conviciion that it will eventually be found here. It has been found by the author in Maine agreeing in every par- ticular with specimens found in Sweden. The peculiar annulus should distinguish it. It collapses upon the stipe and forms a sooty ring which is characteristic. Amanita cothurnata Atkinson. Pileus 2-4 inches broad, white, viscid when moist, covered with i ' >..,r ► *■ S'- ' •■ .‘■'-it- .-■ *v : £% v • */, . ■£. -< -■*’ . - ■: •' ' ■ - ' • \ f. • ' r ■ • • ' * • ■ , . v 4 •• •; 'cv:\ -r.: ■* n A, \>v •-'- •'>?• -v 4, '.V:- . .4* 4f. 4- ■:• •?■•■■; ■ ' ■