m; W ::ti\^K ^ V5v: •:.€ '*.©j KJI ,irtg-'^oc.'?§* .•/v.., "t^ HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. iQj-j OCthdn^Qc^ JiiuLCjivd^- 2fta/mIreAH, 1'^% THE Kansas University Quarterly. DEVOTED TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE RESULTS OF KESEAUCH BV MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. VOL. V, July, 1896, to October, 1896. PUBLISHED BV THE UNIVERSITY ^LAWRENCE, KANSAS 1896. COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION E. H. S. BAILEY F W. BLACKMAR E. MILLER C. G. DUNLAP GEORGE WAGNER S. W. WILLISTON W. H CARRUTH, MANAGING EDITOR. TABLK OK CONTENTS NO. 1. Projective Groups of Perspective Collineations in the Plaxe, Treated Synthetically Arnold Emch i HOPLOPHONEUS OCCIDENTALIS E. S. Rigf[S 37 One of the Dermal Coverings of Hesperorxis S. //'. IVilliston 53 The Duty of the Scholar in Politics I- rand Hayzvood Ilodder 55 NO. 11. Continuous Groups of Projective Transformations Treated Synthetically , 11. B. Xeiu^on Si Theory of Compound Curves in Railroad ENOixEERixci. ...-/;■;/ o/r;' /s'wc// gg The Visual Perception of Distance John K. Rouse log The Limitations of the Composition of Verbs with Preposi- tions IN Thucydides Dal' d 11. Holmes iig Editorial Notes INDKX. B Berkeley, visual theory of 109 Binocular perception of space 112, 117 C Collineations in the Plane, Projective Groups of Perspective i Composition of Verbs with Prepositions in Thucydides iig Compound Curves in Railroad Engineering, theory of 99 Continuous Groups of Projective Transformations 81 D Dermal Covering of Hesperornis 53 Distance, visual perception of 109 E Emch, Arnold, Projective Groups of Perspective Collineations in the Plane. . i Emch, Arnold, Theory of Compound Curves in Railroad Engineering 99 H Hesperornis gracilis 53 Hodder, Frank Heywood, The Duty of the Scholar in Politics 55 Holmes, David H., The Limitation of the Composition of Verbs with Prepositions in Thucydides 119 Hoplophoneus occidentalis 37 M Monocular perception of space 112, 117 Monroe doctrme, history of 56 N Newson, H. B., Continuous Groups of Projective Transformations 81 P Perception, Visual, of Distance 119 Projective Groups of Perspective Collineations in the Plane i Projective Transformations, Continuous Groups of 81 R Riggs, E. S., Hoplophoneus occidentalis 37 Rouse, J E , The Visual Perception of Distance 109 S Scholar in Politics, The Duty of 55 T Theory of Compound Curves in Railroad Engineering. ; 99 Thucydides, Composition of Verbs with Prepositions in 119 V V^isual Perception of Distance log V7 War expenditures 76 War spirit, Causes of a rising 71 Willisfon, S. W. , article by 53 Vol. V. JULY, 1896 No. 1. Kansas University Quarterly. CONTENTS. I. PkojEcTivt: Groups of Perspective Collinea- rioNs IN THE Plane, Treated Synthetically, Arnold EmcJi. II. HOPLOPHONEUS OcCIDENTALIS, - - E. S. Rii^iiS. III. One OF THE Dermal Coverings OF Hesperornis, S. W. WUlisiou. IV. The Duty of the Scholar in Politics, Frank Haxioood Hoddcr. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY Lawrence, Kansas. Price of this niiinbcr, jo cents. Eiitered ;i1 the Post-Office in Lawrence as Second-class Matter. ADVERXJSEN4ENT. The Kansas University Quarterly is maintained by the Uni- versity of Kansas as a medium for the publication of the results of original research by members of the University. Papers will be pub- lished only on recommendation of the Committee of Publication. Contributed articles should be in the hands of the Committee at least one month ]jrior to the date of publication. A limited number of author's sf/^.:ra/a will be furnished free to contributors. The Quarterly is issued regularly, as indicated by its title. Each number contains one hundred or more pages of reading matter, wiih necessary illustrations. The four numbers of each year consti- tute a volume. The price of subscription is two dollars a volume, single numbers varying in price with cost of publication. Exchanges are s(^licited. Communications should be addressed to W. II. Carruth, University of Krinsns, Lawrence. COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION E. H. S. BAILEY F. W. BLACKMAR E. MILLER C. G DUNLAP S. W. WILLISTON * W. H. CARRUTH, MANAGING EDITOR. This .Toiu'nal is on flip in the office of the Unh-KtrsUy Bevieiv, New York Cltyi Journal Publishing Company Lawkence, Kansas AUG 3 1896 Kansas University Quarterly Vol. v. JULY, 1896. No. i. Projective Groups of Perspective Collineations in the Plane, Treated Synthetically. [A Dissertation presented to the Faculty of the University of Kansas to attain the decree of Doctor of Philosophy.] BY .\RNOLD EMCH. Preliminary. In presenting this paper the author has attempted to consider the subject of Perspective Collineations from the modern point of view of the theory of groups. Hitherto collineation has always been treated either by means of descriptive geometry, or analytic geometry, and without reference to group properties. Sophus Lie's " Vorlesungen iiber Continuierliche Gruppen," Ayhich will be chiefly referred to, treats of the projective transforma- tions of the plane of which collineation is only a special case. There are five types of projective transformations in the plane under which all the groups can be subordinated, and it has been the aim of Professor Newson to enumerate the projective groups of the plane by means of the synthetic method, and to classify them according to those five types. This paper treats in the same manner the two types of trans- formations that are known as perspective collineations. For suggestions in the treatment of the subject the author is thankfully indebted to his collaborator. Prof. H. B. Newson. §1. Representation of Perspective Collineation.* If the corresponding lines a, a^ ; /?, fi^; y, y^; 8, 8^; intersect each other on the line of intersection of the two planes tt and tt^, and fulfill the further condition that all the connection-lines of *Perspective Collineation has the same meaning as the German Centrische Collinea- tion (Fiedler), or the French homoUxjie. (1) KAN. CNIV. QUAR., VOL. V, NO. 1, .JULY, 189G. 2 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. corresponding points pass through one and the same point, the projectivity, thus produced, is perspective collineation. In the general case to the line 1, the line of intersection of the planes TT and TT^, belonging to the plane tt, corresponds a line p' in the plane tt^ and to the line 1, belonging to the plane 7r\ corresponds a line p in the plane tt. Connecting the corresponding points of 1 and p^, and of 1 and p two conies K^ and K, in tt^ and TT respectively, are produced which determine the projective trans- formation. In the case of a perspective collineation, however, these two conies are indeterminate; since the lines p and p^ coin- cide Avith 1. We can, therefore, choose any four points A, B, C, D, on 1, in TT, and connect them with their corresponding points A', BV, C^, D\ iuTT^^, which coincide with the former, i. e., we can draw any four lines a^, b^, c^, d^, in tt, through A, B, C, D, re- spectively, which with 1 determine the conic K'. The conic K is determined by those lines a, b, c, d, in tt, which correspond to the lines a^, b^, c^, d^, according to the original conditions. Thus, the two conies K and K^ are collinear and fully deter- mine the collineation. Since K^ touches the line 1, K touches 1 at the same point. As it will be seen from this, the two conies K and K^ characterizing the general projective transformation exist also in perspective collineation; but there is a multiplicity of two conies tangent to each other and tangent to the line 1 at the same point. As there are (»* conies tangent to 1 one and the same perspective collineation can alwa3's be represented by co^^ combinations of such two conies. The line 1 is the axis of collineation, and the centre C of collineation is obtained by the intersection-point of the two other common tangents of the conies K and K*. We are now ready to make the following statement: Theorem i. EaeJi fiuo eonics tangent to each other determine a perspective collineation with the common tangent at their point of tangeficy as the axis and the intersectio?i-point of their two other common tangents as the centre of collineation. The general theorem concerning the construction of collineation by means of two conies tangent to the same line, as well as this special theorem, are obtained in a natural way by studying the congruence of right lines (3. i) formed by all the right lines con- necting corresponding points of two collinear planes in space. The focal surface of the congruence is a developable surface of the 3. class, and its edge of regression a curve in space of the 3. order. Any two osculating planes of this curve intersect the surface in two conies which are tangent to their line of intersection. Desig- emch: projective groups. nating the points of intersection of an}' ray of the congruence with the two osculating planes as corresponding points, the two planes are coUinear and we have immediately our general theorem if we revolve one of 'the osculating planes into the other about their line of intersection. In the case of a perspective collineation the congruence is of the order i and the class o. The develop- able surface is not determinate, so that we may choose a cone of the 2. class which with any two planes determines a perspective collineation. As in the general case of projectivit}', to each point P the cor- responding Pi is obtained b}' drawing two tangents from P to the conic K which will intersect the line 1 in two points; from these two points draw the tangents to the conic K^. Their point of intersection gives the required point Pi. That this construction gives perspective collineation we can also prove without referring to the general case of projectivity. Assume the two conies K and K^ in the required position (Fig. i) and draw the common tangents t^ and t^ which intersect each other in C. K and K^ now belong to a system of conies tangent to t^ and t^ and to 1 at a fixed point T. The polars p, p^ ... .of C in regard to the conies K, Ki,....of the system, therefore, intersect each other in one and the same point S on 1, and if we draw any other line t through C which intersects K in A and B, and K^ in A^ and 4 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. B^, the tangents in A and B to the conic K intersect in a point D of the polar p and those in A^ and B^ to the conic K' in a point D' of the polar p^. As is well known from synthetic geometry the points D and D^ lie on a ray through C. Moreover, the tan- gents in A and A^ and in B and B^ meet in the line 1, hence, the points D and D^ are obtained by our construction of the collinea- tion. To every point corresponds one and only one point and both lie in a ray passing through the centre C. Two corresponding straight lines always meet in a point of the line 1. These two conditions, however, constitute perspective collineation and hold for any point, or line of the plane and their corresponding ele- ments. In the next chapter we shall make those constructions which will be necessary in the study of group-properties of perspective collineations. §2. Classification of Perspective Collineations. The two conies, K and K^, determining the perspective colline- ation, being given we can ask for the line q^ which corresponds to the infinitely distant straigiit line q. Drawing the two parallel tangents to the conic K from each point at infinity, and from their intersection-points with the axis 1 of perspective collineation tan- gents to the conic K^, the points of q^ are obtained by the intersec- tion of each such pair of tangents to the conic K^. Conversely, there exists a straight line r whose corresponding line r^, or what is the same, q^, is at infinity. The lines qi and r may be called counter-axes (German " Gegenaxen ") of perspective collineation, and are parallel to the axis of collineation. In central projection and perspective the constructions are usu- ally made by aid of the centre and axis and the counter-axes of perspective collineation. A perspective collineation is determined by centre and axis and any one of the counter-axes, and, as imme- diately follows by construction, also by centre and axis and two corresponding points of the collineation. It is now of great importance to state the connection between these two determinations. Each perspective collineation transforms a ray through the centre into itself and also each point of the axis into itself. In other words, it leaves the points of the axis and the rays through the centre invariant. Each ray through the centre represents two coincident projective point- ranges, and each pencil of rays through a point of the axis two coincident projective pencils of rays. emch: projective groups. Taking a ray s through the centre C, its corresponding ray s^ is coincident with s and intersects the counter-axes q^ and r in the two counter-points Q^ and R of the ray (German "Gegenpunkte").* Since C and L, L being the intersection-point of s with 1, correspond to themselves the following relation between these points and two pairs of corresponding points A, A^, and B, B^, on the ray s exists: (See Fig. 2.) (CLAB) = (CLAiBi), or CA . CB ^CA^ . CB^ LA ■ LB ~" LAI ■ LB^ CA . CAi^CB . CBi LA " ■ " or 1. e. LAI LB LBi (CLAAi)^(CLBBi) Substituting for the pair B, B^ the pair Q, Qi, or R, R^ this last projectivity becomes: (CLAAi)=(CLQQi)==(CLRRi), or (CLAAM=(CL ooQi)=(CLR 00), or CA . CAi_CQi . CR_ LA ■ LA"! ~'LQ'i ■ LR' =const. *We avail ourselves of the designation of Fiedler in his " Darstellende Geometrie," I. Band, and for the following classification especially refer to §22, page 95, of this book. 6 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. Thus, any pair of corresponding points in the perspective collineation has a constant relation to the counter-points, and we have the well known Theorem 2. Eaeli pair of eorrespoiidiug points on a rax i/i rough the centre forms a constant anharmonic ratio witJi the intersection-point of the ray with the axis of perspective collineation. Any point M on the axis 1 may be connected with the points C, L, Q, R, 00, A, Ai, B, B', and designating these rays by small letters, there is obviously (claa') = (clbb^)=const. This fact can be stated as the dualistic of the above theorem, viz: Theorem j. Each pair of corresponding rays through a point on the axis forms a constant anharmonic ratio with the ray through the centre and the axis of perspective collineation. We call this constant the characteristic anharmonic ratio of the perspective collineation and designate it by k.* By aid of it a classification of the perspective collineation can easily be made, and so far as it will be of avail for our further consideration we will discuss the different cases of perspective collineation from this point of view. Among all the oo i values of k the special case k= — I deserves the greatest attention, and it shall be considered first, because it enables us at once to draw important conclusions from its combination with particular positions of the center, the axis, and the counter-axes of the perspective collineation. From the assumption k= — i follows: CQi CR ^^- = — = — I, or LQi LR CQi=— LQi, and CR=— LR; i. e., the counter-points and therefore also the counter-axes are midway between C and L, and, therefore, coincide. For every pair of corresponding points the relation exists: (CLAA')^-i= f-. CA CA^ CAi CA LA LAI LAI LA From this follows (CLAAi)==— i=(CLA^A) and in a similar way: (claai)= — i=(cla^a), i. e., in this collineation the points and rays of each pair are inter- changeable. The collineation whose characteristic anharmonic ratio is k= — i is therefore involutoric. *This constant was first introduced into Geometry by Fiedler. emch: projective groups. 7 The same result is also obtained by starting from the two conies K and Ri which determine the collineation. Fig. 3 represents the involutoric position of the conies (CADA^ )=CBEBi)=— i. The polars of C in regard to the conies K and K^ intersect each other in S on 1. The polars of S in regard to K and K^ pass therefore through T, the common point of tangency of the conies with 1, and through C, i. e., they are identical. Hence the point T is the intersection-point of AB^andA" (SETD)= — i. Thus, designating the points of tangency of the common tangents to the conies by A, A 1 and B, B^ the conies are in involutoric position, if their common point of tangency with 1, T, coincides with the intersection-point of AB^ and A'B. Besides involution we have to consider those collineations which result from special positions of the centre and axis of perspective collineation, or what is the same, from special positions of the conies K and K^. In the following development it would not be necessary to take conies K and Ri into consideration. We shall do it here in order to show how the representation of special collineations 8 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. is made by means of those conies. For the arrangement we refer to the book of Fiedler already mentioned. (a). The conies K and K^ have two parallel common tangents, such that the centre C is at infinity (Fig. 4). There is k=( 00 LAAi)=(claai), or the corresponding point ranges are similar with the point of simili- tude in the axis. For the counter-points there is k=( OD L 00 Qi)=( OD LR 00), i. e., Qi and R are at infinity. The counter-axes q^ and r form two coincident point-ranges of which the centre and the point at infinity of the axis are the double-points. Parallel straight lines have parallel corresponding lines. Such a collineation is called affinity, or dilation.* *The word affinity is used in Mobius' " Barycentrisclier Calcul." emch: projective groups. 9 (^). If K and K^ have two parallel common tangents, and k^ — I, i. e., if the collineation is dilation and involution (Fig. 5), there is: ( cx> LAAi)=— I, or LAi=— LA; (claai)=— I. Fig. 5. c=^ C s 00 "T^^^ -7 L. ■ / --4- - / / i^ K'\/ ^ :^^ / r - . / j^.:. ■'"A / v/ / ^^'■■^-■i I'^y wVm -..^ ^ 1^ h ^s /y A ^"^ J ^\J y^ \ /^ s \ J X Each pair of corresponding points lies in a fixed direction and is equidistant from the axis. The ranges in corresponding straight lines are symmetric with the centre of symmetry in the axis. Cor- responding triangles have the same area. This collineation is called oblique, or orthogonal symmetry in regard to the axis, accord- ing as the direction of the centre is oblique, or orthogonal to the axis. ((•). K and K^ have two parallel common tangents and k=+i. In this case one of the conies of involution is revolved about the axis through 180 <^, (Fig. 5). The centre is at infinity and its direction is parallel to the axis. In such a collineation corres- ponding figures have equal areas and it is therefore called the affinity of figures of equal areas. lO KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. It is also obtained by revolving one half-plane of oblique symme- try into the other. Corresponding points lie always on the same side of the axis and are, as in the previous case, equidistant from the axis. (d). As the previous cases, ((c), (V^), (r), were characterized by the assumption of the centre C being at affinit}', there remains to consider the collineation with an infinitely distant axis. Obviously the conies K and K^ become coaxial parabolas which intersect each other either in two finite real, or two imaginary points (Fig. 6). There is k=:(;Coo AAi)=CA : CAi=(c o. aai); the distances of corresponding points from the centre have a con- stant ratio and form similar ranges. . Corresponding straight lines are parallel, and corresponding ranges similar, so that their constant ratio is k. Fio 6 The collineation thus characterized is termed similarity of systems in similar position. According as k is positive or negative, real or imaginary intersection-point of the parobola, the similarity is said to be direct or inverse similarity. (e). If to the former case the further condition k= — i is added, the relation becomes k-=(C 00 AAi) = (c 00 aa"i)=— I, or CA=CAi. The conies K and K^ have two imaginary intersection-points and are equal (K and Ri in Fig. 6.). Corresponding points are in opposite directions and ai equal distances from the centre. EMCH: PROJECTIVE GROUPS. II Systems related in such a manner are said to be in central symme- try- The value k=-f-i together with an infinitely distant axis gives no coUineation in the proper sense of the word. In this case the two conies K and K^ coincide and determine what is called an identical collinear transformation. We shall meet this conception in one yet of the following chapters. Assuming the conies K and K^ as coaxial parabolas, and tangent at their vertices, two collineations arise according as the line at infinity or the finite common tangent is taken as the axis of collineation. In the first case the finite point of tangency of the parabolas is the centre of collineation. As is easily seen the relation of corresponding points becomes that of similar systems in similar position. In the second case the centre of collineation is the infinitely distant point of the common axis of the parabolas, C= CO and its direction is orthogonal to the axis of collineation (the com- mon finite tangent of the parabola). This, however, is orthogonal affinity. Adding the condition k;= — i the two cases represent central and orthogonal symmetry. 12 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. (/). The two conies K and K* may be represented by degenerate parabolas, i. e., by straight lines which coincide. Centre and axis of collineation are at infinity, and as they are coincident it follows from k=( OD CO AA^) k=+i- The two systems are therefore simi- lar and in similar position; in the relation of dilation and of corresponding equal areas. Hence they are congruent. How the construction of corresponding points is made is seen from Fig. 7. Let V CO and V^ 00 represent the two coaxial parabolas. To a point A the corresponding A^ is found by drawing AV and 00 AC parallel to VVi (the two tangents to the conic VV^) and intersecting AC by the parallel to AV through V^. (AV and AC intersect the -axis of collineation, or the line at infinity in two points. The tangents from this point to the conic V^ c» are A^V^ and A^C). We add this construction here in order to show that also in the case of singularities the construction is applicable. We have now seen that all the common cases of perspective collineation are expressed by the characteristic constant k together with the positions of the centre and axis of colliixeation, or result from certain positions and relations of the two conies. What remains 3'et to consider are the so-called pseiido perspective collinea- tions. * Fig. 8. Here to one point may correspond a whole system of points and vice-versa. These singularities can be classified according to *Prof. Newson introduced the term pseudo transformation into geometry. Singular perspective collineations can therefore also be called jiseudo perspe<;tive collineatiuns. E^rCH: PROJECTIVE GROUPS. 1 3 k=o, k-f- 00, k= — o (_i,'-). For k=o take for K any conic tangent to 1, and for K^ a degenerated ellipse EF in 1 and tangent to K^. Obviously q^ lies in 1 and C in V (Fig. 8), hence k=o. As the construction shows, to each point A of the plane corresponds a point A^ of the axis. Conversely, to each point A', except the points of 1, corresponds the centre C, i. e., the whole plane of the other system corresponds to the centre C. To each ray g through C corresponds its point of intersection with 1. {h). For k= 03 results an analogous case in which r coincides with 1 and C with q^ (/). For k^ — , centre, axis, and counter-axis of collineation are o coincident and the conies K and K' indeterminate. The points of each system correspond to the centre C. To each straight line in either system corresponds the axis 1 and to each ray through the centre in one system all the rays through the centre in the other system. (/') *The last important case which is to be considered here is characterized by k = -f-i ^i^d the centre C in the finite part of the axis 1. The coiuiter-axes q^ and r are opposite and equidistant from 1. These conditions are realized by two conies K and K^ related by involution, but of wdiich one conic is revolved about the axis of collineation into the half plane of the other. After having revolved one half-plane into the other, one or two common tan- gents of K and K^ coincide with 1. The center C becomes accord- ingly the intersection-point of the other common tangent with 1, or the common point of tangency of K and K^. In the first case the two conies have a contact of the second, in the other a contact of the third order. If no special assumption about the position of the centre and the conies is made the two conies will be in double contact, if, however, the connection line of the centre and the point of tangency of the conies in involution is perpendicular to the axis 1 the case of a triple contact arises. Figs, g and lo illustrate these two cases. What has been found here by logical deduction from the laws of collineation can also be proved by assuming one conic tangent to 1, the center on 1, the counter-axes q^ and r opposite and equidis- tant from 1 and by constructing the corresponding conic. As the *This is what Sophus Lie in his "Vorlesungen ueber continuierliche Gruppeu" calls elation. In accordance with Lie we put this case at the end of the classification. 14 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. above cases are of great importance in the theory of groups, we state them again in a theorem: TJicoron 4. Two conies witli a contact of the second or tttird order determine a perspective collineation witli the co//i/non taiit^ent at the point of contact as its axis and a finite point in the axis as its centre. * The centre is, of course, in both cases determined by the two conies and is found as indicated above. In fact the two cases are alike and thus it was not necessary to distinguish them in the above theorem. §3. Number and [n variant Properties of Perspective Collineation. From the preceding development it is known that each two conies tangent to each other determine a perspective collineation with the common tangent at their point of tangency as the axis and the intersection-point of their two other common tangents as the centre of collineation. As there are oo3 conies tangent to a straight line at a certain point, }4 oo3(oo3 — i)=oo6 pairs of conies tangent to each other and to the line at that point can be formed, hence, just as many coUineations. But there are discrete groups among these pairs which represent the same collineation. For, as a perspective collineation is also determined by the centre, the axis, and two corresponding points, it may be represented oo3 times by pairs out of those 006. Hence, there are 006 : oo3=oo3 pairs representing different perspective coUineations. Taking all the points of the axis as points of tangency for pairs of conies determining a per- *Our theorem involves the fifth type of Lie's table, pa?c Gfi. '•Continuierliche Gruppen." emch: projective groups. 15 spective collineation, we obtain 006 ■ ccI^tcb'' such pairs, or per- spective collineations; but we have seen above, that among these are oo'* that represent the same perspective collineation. Hence, there are only ooi : coi^co^ different collineations left having a certain straight line of the plane for their axis. From this follows that to each pair of tangent-conies of a S3'stem confined to a certain point of the axis corresponds a pair of tangent-conies of a system confined to any other point of the axis. As to the other perspective collineation of the plane it is sufficient to say that there are oo3x 008=035 different perspective collineations in a plane; each straight line of the plane giving oo3 such collineations. But it is obvious that each of those cd2 systems has the same properties as any of the rest; each and any configuration of the one system can be made coincident with a certain configuration of any of the other systems. It is of no importance for our purpose to stud}^ up relations between two different S3^stems in a general position. However, we shall have to consider two different systems with a common centre. This relation occurs in the study concerning the invariant properties of perspective collineations. Here we have to consider the collineations in regard to those elements which by all collinea- tions do not change their position, or even remain invariable in their intermediate parts and as a whole. Such elements are said to be invariant in the collineation. We found that there are oo3 perspective collineations belonging to a straight line as their axis. Hence the Theorem 5. There are 00 3 perspcetive coUiueatioiis leaving the points of a straight tine invariaiit. Dualistically a point and the invariant ra3^s through it, or the centre of collineation, can be taken as the invariant element. The co2 straight lines of the plane and the characteristic anharmonic ratio combined w'ith the centre give also oo3 different perspective collineations with the same centre, and we have therefore, Theorem 6. There are 00 3 perspective eollineations leaving the rays through a point invariant. This is the relation between two collineations with a common centre to which we drew attention while considering all the perspective collineations of the plane. The next invariant element to be considered is the line-element,* or a straight line and a point on it. *See Lie's deflnitiouof it in hiis " Vorlesuugen." page 203. l6 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. To this line-element all the perspective coUineations can be constructed which contain it as an invariant element. This can be done in two ways, first by taking the point as the centre and the • line through it as an invariant ray of the perspective coUineation, second by assuming the point as a point of the axis and the ray through it as a ray through the indeterminate centre of the coUine- ation. By the same reasoning as before we find that in each case oo3 perspective coUineations have a line-element in common. The two cases are in a dualistic relation and may be expressed in the Til CO re III J. There are ^"^perspective coUineations leaving a line- eleiiiciit invariant. Combining a line-element with either the points of a straight line or the rays through a point as the invariant figure, two other cases are obtained. If the points of a straight line and another straight line through one of these points are invariant, the centre of coUineation may be any point on that other invariant line. This gives c»i centres, and one on the same line as the axis of collinea- tion. Adding to each centre two corresponding points, or what is the same, a characteristic anharmonic ratio, the number of per- spective coUineations is multiplied by coi, so that W- perspec- tive coUineations satisfy the given conditions. Hence the Theorem 8. There are ooS perspective coUineations leaving the points of a straight line and another straight line invariant. In the dualistic case, where the rays through a point and an- other point on a ray through the first point are invariant, the axis of coUineation may be any straight line through that other invari- ant point. This gives odI axes and one and the same point as the centre of coUineation. Adding to each axis two corresponding lines, or, what is the same, a characteristic anharmonic ratio, the number of coUinea- tions is multijplied by ooi, so that coS coUineations satisfy the given conditions. Hence the Tlieorcin g. There are oo"- perspective coUineations leaving the rays through a point and another point on one of the rays through the first point invariant. Finally there exists a system of coUineations in which all points of a straight line and all rays through a point are invariant. Here, a special coUineation is simply characterized by two corresponding points, or the characteristic anharmonic ratio. There are just coi such coUineations. This result may be stated in the Theorem lO. Tliere are ooi perspective coUineations leaving the points of a straight line and the rays through, a point invariant. EMCH: PROJECTIVE GROUPS. 1 7 If the straight line is a priori supposed to be the axis, the state- ment: there are perspective coUineations leaving the points of a straight line invariant is not entirely logical. Making this assumption it is self-evident that the points of the axis are invari- ant. The same may be said in regard to the centre of perspective coUineations. The reason for putting the above theorem into this form is to have conformity with the statements in the cases of general collineation. See for this remark Lie's " Vorlesungen," table of groups, pages 288-291. After having found the number and invariant properties of the general perspective collineation the special perspective coUineations as classified in the previous chapter can be subjected to the same investigation. As before, only one system out of the ooS of the plane shall be taken into consideration. Following the division given in the classification, §2, we have first the involution. It is determined by the centre and axis, since k=: — i and, hence, there are just as many involutions belonging to a straight line as an axis, as there are points (centres) in the plane, i. e., ooS. Hence there are oo3 involutions leaving the points of a straight line invariant and dualistically 00- involutions leaving the rays through a point invariant. The same numerical result is found in regard to a line- element. But there is only one involution leaving the points of a straight line and the rays through a point invariant. What has been said about the involution holds in general for a whole sys- tem of coUineations with a constant characteristic anharmonic ratio. Dilation is characterized by an infinitely distant centre and a characteristic k varying from — 00 to -|- c», and includes oblique and orthogonal symmetry (k= — i). The centre may be one of the 00 1 points of the line at infinity, and since k can assume 00 ' values, there are oo3 dilations which leave the points of a straight line invariant. The dualistic interpretation of dilations leaving a point at infinity invariant, respectively a pencil of parallel rays, does not lead to the same numerical result. A certain direction, i. e., the centre at infinity, being given, the co2 straight lines and oo^ values of k may be combined to form dilations. Hence, there are co'J dilations leaving a point at infinity invariant. Taking a point of the axis and a ray through it as a line-element, it follows that there are co2 dilations leaving a line- element invariant. By the same reasoning as in the general case we find that there are 00I dilations leaving the points of a straight line and another l8 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. straight line invariant. There are, however, oo2 dilations in which the rays through the centre and a finite point in one of these rays are invariant. If k= — I dilation becomes oblique and orthogonal symmetry. Obviously there are ooi such symmetries leaving the points of a straight line invariant. On the other hand there are oo3 (straight lines of the plane) symmetries leaving one and the same point at infinity invariant. There is only one symmetry belonging to a line-element. Revolving one system of axial symmetry through i8o°, k be- comes -|-i, and the centres move to infinity in the direction of the axis. The relation is that of figures of equal areas, and the num- ber of such collineations is coi. For, taking a line parallel to the axis, or, connecting two corresponding points A and A^, one and the same collineation is determined by any two points A and A' which include the same length AA^. This gives odI different collineations leaving the points of a straight line invariant. In the case of similarity the axis is at infinity, the centre finite, and k ranges from — co to -(- °°5 thus including central symmetry. The 00 2 positions of the centre together with c»i values of k give oo3 similarities leaving the points of the line at infinity invariant. The centre of similarity may lie on a finite straight line and since each finite point of the plane represents ooi similarities, there are c»2 similarities leaving the points of the line at infinity and another straight line invariant (line-element with its point at infinity). Taking the point of the line-element in the finite part of the plane, there are just ooi similarities leaving this line-element, or also a point invariant. All similarities with k= — i are, as it is known, central symme- tries. As k= — I their number is ooS Assuming the centre of similarity at infinity, k becomes +i and the collineations are congruences. A congruence is determined by the direction of its centre and two corresponding points which subtend the same length. As there are oo^ directions and coi sects in the plane, the number of congruence in the plane is « 2. AH of them leave the line at infinity invariant. The number of perspec- tive collineations belonging to a certain direction, or leaving the centre at affinity invariant, is ooi. The pseudo-collineations which are characterized by k^o, co,- , o have as their numbers 002^ oo2, coi, respectively. In all three cases the axis is the invariant element. emch: projective groups. ig In the case of the relation of K and K^ being in a contact of the second or third order, each point of the axis as a centre gives coi perspective collineations (determined by the centre and the coi corresponding points subtending different sects). Hence, the points of a straight line are invariant for oo- such collineations. Dualistically, the rays through a point are invariant for co2 such collineations. In other words there are ooS of those collineations leaving a line-element invariant and again, there are coi such collineations leaving the points of a straight and the rays through a point on this line invariant. We have now investigated all the properties relating to number and invariants of the general and special perspective collineations which are essential from the standpoint of the theory of groups. In the next chapter we will consider some of the infinitesimal properties of perspective collineations. §4. Identical and Infinitesimal Transformation and W-Curves of Perspective Collineation. The axis and centre of perspective collineation being given, ooi perspective collineations can be determined which leave these elements invariant. Each of these collineations is determined by the characteristic anharmonic ratio, or a pair of conies K and K^ touching the axis at the same point and having for the other two common tangents two rays through the centre. As is known from §3 there are oo' such pairs or different collineations. If especiall}' the two conies K and K^ coincide, the collineation is an identical one. All the conies tangent to the axis at a certain point and tangent to two fixed rays through the centre may be taken for the representatives of the identical collineation. An infinitesimal collineation differs from an identical collineation b)' an infinitesimal amount, i. e. , a point and its corresponding one have an infinitesimal distance and two corresponding lines include an infinitesimal angle. Thus, in order to obtain the infinitesimal from the identical collineation we have to choose for K' the conic infinitely close to K in the same S3'stem. This conic shall be designated by 8K. According to this proposition a point A is transformed into A4-8A, and a line a into a-f-Sa. A and A-j-SA lie on a ray through the centre, and a f-Si intersect each other in a point of the axis. Appljnng a whole S3'stem of infinitesimal perspective collineations to each other and in a certain succession, an integral, or finite, perspective collineation is obtained. In this operation the corresponding point A^ to A starts from A 20 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. having the direction to the centres and describes a certain curve which passes through the centre. Any point A^, or | A-|-8A, as corresponding to A in regard to the conies K and j 8K, lies with A on a ray through the centre. The curve which A^ describes is therefore a straight line through the centre and is invariant for all perspective collineations of the system. Since any conic tangent to the axis may serve to determine a perspective collineation with a given centre, axis, and character- istic k, it is obvious that there is only one infinitesimal perspective collineation belonging to a centre and an axis, or leaving these two elements invariant. By integration all the ooi finite perspective collineations may be obtained which leave the points of a straight line and the rays through a point invariant. From the fact that the centre and axis determine an infinitesimal perspective collineation, it follows that there are co'- infinitesimal perspective collineations either leaving the points of a straight line, or the rays through a point invariant. The integration gives in both cases the co^ finite perspective collineations leaving the same elements invariant. Moreover, it follows that the plane has co-* infinitesimal perspective collineations which l)y integration give the cd5 finite perspective collineations of the plane. It is not necessary to enter into a study of the infinitesimal perspective collineation of the special cases, because the result is essentially the same. It is sufficient to mention that the collineation having the centre in its axis and the characteristic k = -j-i has simply cxdI infinitesimal collineations leaving the points of the axis invariant. By integration the oo^ finite collineations of this kintl are obtained. In this last case as well as in the general case the whole of W- curves"*' consists of the pencil of rays through the centre. This pencil becomes a pencil of parallel rays if the centre is at infinit}-, as it occurs in some of the special cases of perspective collineation. We have here found the same result as Lie in his " Vorlesungen " on pages 6g and 70. jJ5. Groups of Perspective Collineations. Suppose a system of perspective collineations which is restricted by certain conditions, for instance, such as to leave given elements or combinations of elements invariant, or to be characterized by a *•' W-Curveu." or " .selbstprojectiveCurveu " in Lie's Vurlesungen, page 08. emch: projective groups. 21 special value of the characteristic anharmonic ratio. By any of the perspective collineations belonging to such a system a point A is transformed into A^. Taking another collineation of the same system and A ^ as an original point in it, the corresponding point will be A' '. Whenever now A and A' ' are related in such a manner as to be a collineation of the given system, i. e., subject to the same conditions, and, inversely, if each point A^ can be transformed back into its corresponding A by a collineation of the S3'stem, such a system of collineations is said to be a continuous group of collineations, or simply a group of collineations. By this state- ment it is easy to enumerate ths groups which may occur in the general and special cases of perspective collineations. We ma}^ however, occasionally avail ourselves of a theorem of Lie concern- ing a criterion of groups by means of invariant properties of transformations. The theorem is: "The system of all projective transformations of the plane leaving a certain figure invariant has the property of a group. The transformations of the system are inverse by pairs."* In enumerating the groups we follow the order of chapters 2 and 3. Thus, we have first to consider the general perspective collineations. In Fig. 11 we assume 1 as the axis common to oo-* perspective collineations of the plane and two collineations of this system determined by (CLAAi) and {CjL,A'A"), or (claa^) and (c^la'a") respectivel}', where C and C, are the centres of the two perspective collineations. The transformed point to A in the first collineation is A' and the transformed point to A' in the second collineation A". Taking an other point B on a, the points B' and B" can be constructed, or in general, to each point on a there are coresponding ones on a' and a". Now the point-range AB....is perspective to the point-range A'B'.. ..with C as the centre and, again, A'B'.. ..perspective to the point-range A"B"....with C^ as centre. The three ranges have a self-corresponding point, S, on 1. Hence, the point-ranges AB....and A"B"....are also perspective, i. e., AA", BB "... . pass through one and the same point C" which obviously may be taken as a new centre of collineation with 1 as an axis, and A, A"; B, B";....as coresponding points. As is immediately seen, to each transformation in a perspective collineation may be found its inverse belonging to the same system. We have therefore the TlicorcDi II. The system of all persprctix'c collnwatiojis h-aviiig the points of a strcu\i^ht line Invariant fon/is a thrcr-ti-rnwd i^roi/f. 'Lie's " Vorlesiingen," page Hit. KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. A coUineation resulting from two other collineations is related to these in such a manner that the three centres lie in a straight line. For, considering the triangles ABC and A"B"C,, it is seen that Fig.ii. their corresponding sides intersect each other in three points S, B', A', of a', or that the triangles are homologous. Hence AA", BB", CCj, intersect each other in a point, in the centre C" of the third collineation. Hence C, C,, C", lie in a straight line. This fact leads us at once to a sub-group of perspective colline- ation. By choosing the centres of perspective collineation constantly on a straight line the centre of a collineation resulting from two of these collineations is a point of the same line. To each perspective collineation ma}' also be found its inverse belonging to the same system. From §3 is known that there are » ~ such collineations and we have therefore: Tlicori-in 12. The sxston of pcrspccti'i'r Lolli)ifaiio)is It'a^'i/ii;- the points of a st)-aii^lit line in'oaiiant f(>iins a t^vo-ternted i:^roiip. Without needing a direct proof the following dualistic statements of the two preceding theorems can be made: T/ieoreni fj. Tlie system of all perspeetii'e eoIli)ieations /ujTini^^ the ravs tliroi/i^h a point i)ivariant foi'nis a tliree-tenneJ i:;i-oiip. And emch: projective groups. 23 T/irore/ii i^. The system of all perspective colli/ieat/<>ns lea7'iiii:; the rays through a point and a not lie r point in one of these ravs invariant forms a two-termed gronp. P^or a proof of these theorems we refer either to Lie's theorem at the beginning of this chapter, or to the first proof of theorem II. In the dualistic case the reasoning is exactly the same. There is another three-termed group of perspective colHneations, which is obtained by a special interpretation of the groups which leave the points of a straight line or the rays through a point invariant. The line-element, the point in which is taken as the centre, as an invariant figure, is equivalent with the rays through the centre. The system of collineations is therefore in both cases the same. On the other hand the point of the line-element may be a point of the axis. The invariant configuration is therefore that of the points of a straight line and another straight line. But the axis may be any of the rays passing through the point of the line-element, so that the number of perspective collinea- tions is co3 as before. Thus, the Theorem /j. All the perspective eollineations leaving a line-element invariant form a three-terjned groi/p. The next and last sub-group of perspective collineation con- cerns the points of a straight line and the rays through a point as the invariant configuration. As usual let the point (centre) be C and the line (axis) 1 and two collineations represented by (CLAA') and (CLjAjAj'). Applying the second collineation to A', the corresponding point A" of A' is obtained which lies upon the same ray through C, as A and A'. The new collineation is therefore represented by (CLAA"), i. e., by a collineation of the same system. Since each of these collineations and its inverse belong to the system the following statement may be made: Theorem 16. All the perspective collineations leaving the points of a straight line and the rays through a point invariant form a one-termed group. The groups of perspective collineation are also easily obtained by the configurations in space. Assume the two planes tt and tt' intersecting each other in 1, and a centre (C) without these planes as a perspective collineation in space. Drawing the bisecting plane tt^ of tt and tt' and a perpen- dicular from (C) to the bisecting plane, intersecting tt and tt' in C and C, respectively, these, two points will coincide when one of the planes tt, or tt' is revolved into the other about 1 as an axis. 24 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. From this we see that the line 1 is invariant for every perspective collineation having any point of space as its centre. The number of such collineations is coS. A point C and a line 1 are invariant for ooi such collineations, for there are ooi centres, (C), on the perpendicular to the plane ttj in C, and ooi planes through the perpendicular. A plane through such a perpendicular inter- sects TT and tt' in two lines, which after revolving one plane into the other become an invariant line. As there are ooS points (centres) in the plane perpendicular to ttj, the points of 1 and another straight line will be left invariant by c»2 perspective collineations. In this manner we can successively deduce all the groups from intuition in space. We shall not carry on the enumeration of the other groups by this method; it is sufficient to have shown the possibility of this method, which in fact is identical with the other. In the general case we had considered the co3 perspective col- lineations leaving the points of a straight line, and, dualistically, the rays through a point invariant. Each collineation of the system is characterized by a certain anharmonic ratio. Two perspective collineations with the characteristics k and kj applied one to the other determine a new perspective collineation of the same group, whose characteristic may be designated by k. Now it is known that k'' is an algebraic relation between k and kj, say: k" = f(k, k^. Suppose now that two perspective collineations of the same characteristic applied one to the other produc<^ a perspective col- lineation with the same characteristic, such that k"=f(k", k"). If this relation shall hold for all values of k", it must be an identical one; i. e., k"=k", as it occurs in the identical perspective collineation. From this we conclude that in general a system of perspective collineations with a constant characteristic does not form a group. From the above relation we can find the special values for which k"=f(k", k") by resolving the equation k" — f(k", k")=o. It is therefore necessary to know the form of f (k, kj). For this purpose we consider the three perspective collineations (CLAA'), (CjLjA'A"), (C"L"AA"), of which the last results from the two others as described before. The sides of the triangle AA'A" are intersected by two trans- versals 1 and the line joining the centres C, Cj, C". Thus, emch: projective groups. 25 according to the theorem of Menelaos we have the relations: (i). LA • LjA' • L"A"= LA' • L^A" • L"A, or . , . LA L.A' L"A , . ^, (2). • — 1 ^ , and m the same way: ^ ^ LA' L,A" L"A" ^ (3). CA • C,A' • C"A"=CA' • CjA" • C"A, or . CA^ . C,A' _C"A ^^^' CA' ' C^'~~C^' Dividing (4) by (2) we have CA . CjA' CA' C^A" LA Xa' L^A' LjA" C"A (TA^' L"A L"A" (CLAA') (CjLjA'A")=(C"L"AA") Designating the characteristics respectively by k, k^, k'', we find the required fundamental relation in the form: k"=k. k, If these three characteristics are equal, say equal to k, the relation becomes k^k", or k^ — k=o ; Whence either k^o, or k=-f i. Excluding the singular case ki^o we can therefore say, that only those perspective col- lineations with a constant characteristic are liable to form a group, for which kr=-]-i. If a perspective collineation (CLAA')=k is given we find its inverse (CLA'i\)=— — , which is a number of k the same kind. Thus, to each perspective collineation we cam. •26 KANSAS UNIVERSITY (QUARTERLY. find its inverse. In the construction this fact is self-evident. If the characteristics of two perspective coUineations are of the same sign the sign of the resulting third perspective collineation is always positive; if they are of a different sign, the sign of the third is always negative. From this we conclude, as we know already, that the system of involutions does not form a group: — IX— i = + i- Among the general cases of perspective coUineations we have to study the system of dilations in the first place. The centres are all at infinity. Hence we have only the relation LA L,A' L"A LA' LjA" L"A" CA CjA' _ C"A while CA' C,A" C"A" The characteristic k"of a dilation resulting from two other dilations of the same system is therefore expressed as before k"=k. k,. To each dilation can also be found its inverse , so that the respective characteristics are k and -— . To sum up we can sa}': k Thccyrcni 17. The system of dilations leaving t lie points of a straight line invariant forms a two-termed group. If the centre at infinity and the axis are kept fixed the dilations differ according to their characteristics. A, A'; A', A" being two pairs of corresponding points on a ray through the centre at infin- ity, A, A", will be the corresponding pair of the resulting dilation, and there is evidently LA LA' LA LA' LA" LA" k • k,=k"; i. e., the third dilation belongs to the same system. As there are coi such dilations we have Theorem 18. The system of dilations leaving the points of a straight line and a point at infinity {centre of dilation) invariant jorms a one- termed group. The same is true for the system of dilations leaving the points of a straight line and another straight line invariant. The dualistic interpretation, however, does not lead to the same result. From the general case it is known that all the coUineations leaving the rays through a point invariant form a three-termed group. If this point is at infinity the coUineations are dilations. Hence the emch: projective groups. 27 Theorem ig. The system of dilations leaving the rays of a parallel pencil of rays invariant forms a three-termed group. Theorem 20. The system of dilations leaving the centre of dilation and another finite point invariant forms a tiuo-termed group. The one-termed dualistic group of dilation is the same as the original one; this group is self-dualistic. In the oblique and orthogonal symmetry, which is dilation with k=: — I, there is no group, for two symmetries applied one to the other give a collineation with the characteristic k=-{- i, (-iX-i= + i). _ _ In the case of dilation with k^-|-i the centre is at infinity in the direction of the axis. As is known from §3, this is the relation of corresponding equal areas. Two points, A, A', on a ray parallel to the axis determine the relation k=.=^ =+i. The fundamental relation is ( + i)X(+i)= + i and since there are 00^ elations restricted to a line we have Theorem 27. The system of elalioiis leaving the joints of a straight line invariant fu-ms a tjuo-termed group. and dualistically: Theorem 28. The system of elations leaving the rays through a point invariant forms a tioo-termed group. Taking A, A', A" on the same ray through the centre, there is CA CA' _ CA CA^ ■ CA""" CA"' and the same is true for LA, LA ', and so on, since L coincides with C. Therefore the relation as above: (+i)X(+i)=+i- Theorem 2g. The system of elations leaving the points of a straight line and the rays through a point invariant forms a one-termed group. The centre of elation can also be considered as the point of a line-element. From this point of view we have another theorem. Theorem jo. The system of elations leaving a line-element invariant forms a t7vo-termed group. Summing up, the following groups of perspective collineations are possible. (The Roman numerals denote the types of trans- formations as given in Lie's " Vorlesungen iiber Continuierliche emch: projective groups. 31. Gruppen," page 510 to 512, to which the groups belong, and the Arabic numerals in brackets denote the numerals of the groups in Lie's table of projective groups of the plane (pages 288 to 291). A. THREE-TERMED. (i). Invariant line-element, III, (14). (2). Invariant points of a straight line, III, (21). (3). Invariant rays of a pencil. III, (22). B. TWO-TERMED. (4). Invariant line-element, V, (24). (5). Invariant points of a straight line and another invariant straight line, III, (32). (6). Invariant ra3's of a pencil and another invariant point, III, (33)- (7 and 8). See two-termed groups of type V. C. ONE-TERMED. (g). Invariant points of a straight line and invariant rays of a pencil being not on the straight line. III, (38). (10). Invariant points of a straight line and invariant rays of a pencil on the straight line, V, (39). As groups of the special cases of collineations we have within the type III, the following: A. DILATION. (a). Three-termed. — Invariant rays of a pencil of parallel rays. {/'). Two-termed. — (i). Invariant rays of a pencil of parallel raj's and another invariant point. (2). Invariant point of a straight line. (<;■). One-termed. — Invariant points of a straight line and invari- ant rays of a pencil of parallel rays. B. CORRESPONDING EQUAL AREAS. {(i). One-termed. — Invariant points of a straight line. C. SIMILARITY. (if). Three-termed. — Invariant points of the line at infinit}'. (/'). Two-termed. — Invariant points of the line at infinit}' and an- other invariant straight line. (("). One-termed. — Invariant points of the line at infinit}' and invariant ra}s of a pencil. 32 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. D. CONGRUENCE. (. paucidcns, and H. robust us. Also a skeleton of Felis leo, Felis concolor, Fclis domcsticus, and Lynx rufus. Where parts were wanting, they have been supplied by comparison with other members of the genus so far as the parts were present, but frequently I have had to rely upon the African Lion. In the description I have used H. robustus along with the lion for com- parison. The material above mentioned forms part of the paleontological collection of the University of Kansas. For the privilege of its use and for his careful direction and criticism in the preparation of this description and restoration I am indebted to Dr. Williston. DESCRIPTION OF THE SKELETON. The skull is complete in the smaller specimen, save the upper canines and the crowns of the lower canines and incisors. An almost complete canine from the larger one, however, shows the *Adams. Amerifan Naturalist, Junuary. 189ti. 40 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. characters of this tooth. The skull is deep but narrow, the zygo- matic arches, though somewhat crushed, evidently did not stand out so prominently as in H. robiistiis. The sagittal crest is con- cave, rising into a prominence at the occiput, which is strongly overhanging. The post-orbital processes are projecting and curve slightly forward; the supraorbital margin is less prominent than in H. robtistus. The zygomatic processes project well below the basicranial axis as is common in species of this genus. The mastoid process is strong and mucli roughened for muscular attachments. The posterior nares open on a line with the posterior border of the sectorial. A median ridge extends the entire length of the bony palate. A groove leads backward from the posterior nares as far as the anterior portion of the basi-occipital, where it divides and the branches lead respectively to the precondylar foramina. The mandible is marked by a deep descending flange, second only to that of Eiismilits in prominence, its long diastema, and its deep masseteric fossa sloping away on its superior border to the short, stout coronoid process. The condyle is proportionally longer and more slender than in H. rohiisiiis, and the angle is more projecting. The two specimens differ quite markedly in the ante- rior portion of the mandible. In the larger one, in which only that portion in front of the third premolar remains, the flange is eleven millimeters deeper, the chin seven millimeters broader, and does not show the constriction below the base of the lower canine which is present in the smaller specimen. The diastema is seven millimeters longer, and the rami are much thicker and stouter at the superior border. There are three mental foramina in the smaller specimen and two in the larger. The infraorbital foramina, as in H. robiistiis, are proportionally smaller and more triangular than in the lion. The post-glenoid foramina are present; but small and directed far inward. The lachr3'mal foramen lies well within the orbit, is small and nearer the infraorbital foramen than in //. rohiistiis, and is directed more downward. The spheno-palatine foramen lies just on the median side of, and near the posterior palatine foramen, as in the last-named species, and is only a trifle larger. The optic foramen is small, laterally compressed, and is situated directly above the sphenoidal fissure. Above and in front of the optic foramen, situated about midway of the spheno-frontal suture, is the well-developed fora- men spinosum. The spheno-orbital foramen, the rotund foramen and the anterior opening of the ali-sphenoid canal appear at the RIGGS: HOPLOPHONEUS OCCIDENTALIS. 4I surface as a common, large, anteriorly directed opening. Just within their opening, however, the three diverge, forming distinct canals. The posterior opening of the ali-sphenoid canal is in front of, and near the oval foramen, but not included in a common fissure with it as in H. robiisttis. The carotid canal is represented by a groove alongside of the basi-occipital, within the optic bulla. It terminates just without the posterior end of a ridge bounding the median groove of the basi-occipital. Midway between this and the anterior border of the occipital condyle is the expanded open- ing of the re-condylar foramen. The dental foramen opens just back of the anterior margin of the coronoid process, and forms a groove to the base of the condyle. Dentition I.| C. | P. | M.i. The dentition is complete except the crown of the lower incisors and canines. The upper incisors are proportionally shorter and stouter than those of H. robiistiis. The first and second are similar in size and shape; the third is only a trifle longer, but much stouter. The canine is strong and de- cidedly recurved; its margins are well rounded throughout the greater part of its length, but near the point they become thinner and trenchant. The posterior edge is minutely denticulate, but the condition of the specimen does not show whether or not this was true of the anterior edge. The third premolar is removed from the canine by a wide distance. It agrees very closely, both in size and shape with the corresponding tooth of H. robust us. The superior sectorial has a shorter and blunter median lobe, a lower heel, and a more prominent anterior secondary lobe. The tuber- cular molar is two-rooted and very similar to that of H. robustus. The lower incisors show quite a variation in size. The first is small and compressed; the second considerably larger; the third is almost as stout as the lower canine. The third lower premolar is no larger than that of H. robustus. Its posterior lobe is less prom- inent, the anterior one has disappeared entirely. The fourth premolar is similar in every respect to Leidy's figure of the type. The median lobe is shorter, and the secondary lobe less prominent than in H. robustus. The lower sectorial has only a very slight heel, but the postero-internal cusp is distinctly present. MEASUREMENTS OF SKULL. Smaller Larger Specimen. Specimen. mm. mm. Condyles to premaxillary border 240 Occiput to premaxillary border 265 Breadth across post-orbital processes 86 42 KANSAS UNIVKRSnV QUARTERLY. Smaller Larger Specimen. Specimen. mm. mm. Breadth across post-orbital constriction 38 Premaxillary border to line of superior canines. ... 23 Premaxillary border to line of front of orbits loi Height of occiput above base of condyles 85 80 Occiput to line of post-orbital process 127 Breadth of zygomata 150* Breadth of occiput at constriction 45 60 Breadth ocross occipital condyles 52 Breadth of foramen magnum 23 Height of foramen magnum 17 Length from condyles to anterior border of poste- rior nares 133 Breadth across posterior margin of upper sectorials 92 Posterior maxillary border to anterior margin of glenoid cavity 45 Greatest diameter of orbit 45* Transverse diameter of nares 26 Height of nares 35 Greatest diameter of infraorbital foramen 15 Breadth of external auditory meatus 4 5 Length of superior dental series, including canines 92 Length of superior canine Longitudinal diameter of base of canine 30 Transverse diameter of canine 14 Breadth of incisor series 39 Breadth of third premolar 14 Breadth of sectorial premolar 25 Breadth of tubercular molar 13 Length of crown of upper first incisor 11 Transverse diameter at base 6 Length of crown of third incisor 14 Longitudinal diameter of base 10 Mandible, length from condyle to incisor 167 " depth of flange from base of canine 67 78 " depth of symphysis 63 72 " greatest breadth of chin 42 45 '• depth of ramus at base of third premolar 32 " depth of ramus at coronoid process. ... 50 Lower canine, longitudinal diameter 10 Diastema, length of 41 48 *Approxinuitecl. RIGGS: HOPLOPHONEUS OCCIDENTALIS. 43 Smaller Larger Specimen. Specimen. mm. mm. Third premolar, breadth of crown 9 Fourth premolar, breadth of crown 16 Sectorial molar, breadth of crown 21 Height of condyle above angle 27 Length of condyle 39 VERTEBRAL COLUMN. The cervical vertebra' are represented by the atlas, axis, and the third, in the larger animal, and the seventh in the smaller one. The atlas has a strong, rounded neural arch, but the ventral arch is comparatively narrow and light. The rudimentary spine is bifurcate. The transverse processes are too badly broken to be determined. Their base is perforated posteriorly by the vertebrarte- rial canal, which opens on the inferior surface further back than in the lion. Here the vertebral artery ran for a short distance in a deep grove and again passed under an osseous bridge forming an atlantar foramen, as in Dinictis and the Viverridce. On the upper surface it is again open for a short distance before passing under the anterior root of the neural arch. The internal openings are much further back from the anterior margin than in the lion. The centrum of the axis is much compressed vertically. The inferior surface is divided by a sharp median ridge, flanked by concavities. The neural arcli and spine are lost. The third cervical has no spine, but a neural prominence, which is bifurcate posteriorly. The vertebrarterial foramen is very small, the anterior zygapophyses depressed, the parapophyses directed more backward than in the lion. The seventh has well marked rib-facets, and a slender spine. The transverse processes are broken. Of the dorsal vertebrse. nine are preserved in the smaller animal, many of which have lost their spines and transverse processes. The centra are proportionally broader than in the lion, and are produced into rounded lateral ridges which extend backward from the base' of the transverse processes, and end in the capitular facets. These facets are plainly marked, and in most instances distinct from the intervertebral surface. In the first the transverse process is proportionally longer than in the lion, the tiibercular facet is concave and looks downward; in the seventh the facet is also concave, but directed more outward; in the eleventh it is concave, elongate and directed forward as well as outward, and there is a deep fossa just back of it. The spinous processes are long and slender, and instead of the sharp anterior borders found 44 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. in the lion, they have a median grove at the base and are rounded near the extremity. Seven fairly complete lumbar vertebrje are preserved in the two specimens, two of which are duplicates. The processes diverge less from the median line than in the lion, the postzygapophyses are short and stout, and lie close together with only a narrow notch between them. Their articular facets are directed more outward than downward. The anterior zygapophyses become somewhat longer toward the caudal end of the series. The articulating facets are nearly opposed to each other and are deeply concave ver- tically. The anterior margins of the lamina are less deeply concave than in the lion. The neural spines are broad, rising far back between the posterior zygapophyses and extending forward to the anterior border of the arch. The metapophyses are fairly well developed, and the anapophyses are as prominent as in the lion. The saci'ani is composed of three vertebrae. It is fourteen milli- meters longer than that of the lion, but narrower at the anterior end, and the transverse processes are shorter and stouter. The centra are so completely ossified that all traces of their union have disap- peared. The anterior zygapophyses are long and stout with their opposed faces concave. Those of the second and third vertebrae are also prominent. Tlie first spine is twice as strong as that in the lion, and is directed backward. The eaiidalis are not only much longer and stronger than those of the lion, but the processes are better developed and a larger number have a complete neural arch. The anterior eleven are preserved in the small specimen. The first caudal has a neural spine as strong as the first sacral in the lion, and the third has a distinct rudiment. The zygapophyses are articulated as far back as between the eighth and ninth. The neural canal is present in the tenth. The transverse processes are strong in the first and second, become changed into a broad flat expansion in the sixth, which in turn gives place to an anterior and a posterior lateral expansion in the tenth. In the fifth and following vertebrae the posterior intervertebral notch is less deep, and, a short distance in front of the margin, there appears on each side a small foramen perforating the pedicle. Doubtless this foramen was for the pass- age of the nerve and vessels which, from the flexibility of the tail might otherwise have been subject to compression. In the restoration of the remainder of the tail, I have figured the same number of vertebrae as in the lion, giving them as nearly as could be determined, proportions corresponding to the anterior RIGGS: HOPLOPHONEUS OCCIDENTALIS. 45 ones. From the fact that the arch extends further back in this animal than in the lion, it would seem certain that there could not be a less number of vertebrae, and it is very probable that there were more. MEASUREMENTS OF VERTEBR/E. Atlas, breadth across the anterior articulating surfaces 55 " antero-posterior breadth of arch 26 " height of neural opening 31 Axis, greatest length 64 " breadth across anterior articulating surface 49 Seventh cervical, width of posterior and of centrum 38 " " length of centrum 30 " " height of neural opening 12 " " width of neural opening 24 Seventh dorsal, expansion of transverse processes 62 " " width of neural opening 18 " " height of neural opening g *' " length of centrum 28 Second lumbar, length of centrum 41 " " width of centrum 29 " " width of neural opening 19 I " " height of neural opening 9 Sacrum, length 104 " width of anterior end 63 " least diameter of first transverse process 35 First caudal, length of centrum 32 width 28 Entire length of first eleven caudal vertebrae 440 Width of eleventh caudal 28 Length of same 43 Pectoral girdle. Only the lower half of the scapula is present, and one of the sternal bones. The glenoid surface of the scapula is rounder in outline than in //. robustits and much more so than in Felis coiicolor. The anterior part of the ventral surface is more deeply concave, and the coracoid process, like that of H. robustits, curves inwardly, more strongly than in the lion. The neck is less constricted and the spine is much nearer the axillary border. At the origin of the teres minor muscle the border is thickened and massive, presenting a posterior face which stands at right angles to the subscapular surface. The same is true in H. robust us, but in a less marked degree. Fore lieg. The liiinieriis is described from two bones, one of which lacks the head, the other the distal third. The length is 46 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. determined by comparison. The great tuberosity is partly broken away, but evidently projected somewhat beyond the head. The bicipital groove is deep and narrow; the inner surface of the shaft is concave as far as to the lower extremity of the deltoid ridge. The lesser tuberosity is separated from the articulating surface by a deep groove, continuous with the concavity on the posterior surface of the shaft reaching almost to its middle. The anterior surface of the shaft is laterally compressed with the roughened, deltoid ridge unusually prominent. The supinator ridge rises above the middle of the shaft, curves outward and forward, forming a marked concavity on the antero-external surface of the shaft, and giving an unusual breadth to the distal end of the bone. The supracondyloid foramen is well rounded. The inner condyle is prominent and roughened. Back of the inner condyle and near the trochlear surface is a broad groove, a character which seems to be common in the species of Hoplophoneus, but which is lacking in Dinictis. There is only a trace of it in the species of Fclis examined and in MacJmrodus crassidois Cragin (Williston).* The olecranal fossa is broad transversely, but shallow. The coro- noid fossa extends as far outward as the exterior border of the capitellum, much as in M. crassidois. It is quite as deep as the olecranal fossa. The ulna is a strong bone, rounded and convex on the posterior surface, slightly concave anteriorly and grooved on the external surface throughout the greater part of its length. The olecranon is stout, bent inward, and expanded at its roughened extremity. The great sigmoid cavity is narrowed antero-posteriorl}', but broad from side to side; the beak is thin, but prominent on the outer border. The exterior border of the lesser sigmoid cavity, is not so prominent as in recent forms. On the interior border of the anterior surface, just in front of the great sigmoid cavity, is a roughened surface for muscular attachment, common to Dinictis but not found in the recent cats. The styloid process is short and stout, and separated from the round articulating facet for the radius by a shallow notch. The radius, represented by the proximal half of one bone. The head is quite concave, as in H. robustus, and bears on its anterior margin a prominent protuberance exterior to which there is a notch separating it from the anterior prominence of the articulating surface for the ulna. ♦Kansas University Quarterly, Vol. HI, No. :{. RIGGS: HOPLOPHONEUS OCCIDENTALIS. 47 Of the front foot, only the unciform and the proximal half of the fifth metacarpal, and the distal end of the second are present. The unciform, as seen from the dorsal side, is roughly a triangle in which the anterior border is slightly concave and the posterior angle rounded. The surface for the cuneiform is extended downward posteriorly, and is not bounded below by a continuous groove as in the lion. The surface for the scapho-Iunar is strongly convex throughout, curving around the posterior end. The surface for articulation with the os magnum extends downward to the lower border of the anterior face, and is continuous with the scapho-lunar surface posteriorly. The proximal end of the fifth metacarpal is less expanded than in the lion, its external tuberosity is less prom- inent, and is not separated from the articulating surface by a groove. Its posterior end is rounded, and articulates with about half of the anterior surface of the unciform. The distal end of the second metacarpal is proportionally broad and strong. A first phalanx is short, stout, and strongly curved; the protuberances of the proximal end are shorter and the inferior surface is less deepl}' notched than in the lion. MEASUREMENTS OF THE FORE LEG. mm. Scapula, length of glenoid cavity 39 " from base of spine to posterior border 13 " from base of spine to anterior border 29 " thickness of posterior border 14 Humerus, length 236* " diameter of head and great trochanter 65* " greatest diameter of distal end 74 Ulna, length 242 " end of olecranon to beak 53 " olecranon to coronoid process 79 Radius, approximate length 177 ' ' diameter of head 32 Unciform, length 24 ' ' breadth 22 Second metacarpal, breadth of distal end 19 Phalanx, length 35 " breadth of proximal end 20 * Approximate. I'elvic gif«tle. Between the two specimens the pelvis is almost complete. Compared with that of the lion it is less constricted at the acetabula. The iliac rami of the ischia are straighter, and less divergent posteriorly. The ischiatic rami of the pubis are 48 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. stronger both relatively and actually. The anterior end of the ilium stands nearly vertical and the crest is curved strongly out- ward. The gluteal surface is divided longitudinally by a strong ridge, extending from the acetabulum to the crest. This character is even more prominent in H. robiistus and is found also in Dinictis. Above it there is an elongated fossa, below a slightly concave surface. The muscular roughening for the rectus femoris is more prominent and extends further forward than in the lion. A sharp line separates the gluteal surfaces. The border below the aceta- bulum is thin and sharp. The ilec-pectineal eminence is scarcely noticeable. The iliac surface of the ilium is convex, the articulation with the sacrum close and admitting of little motion. The iliac ramus of the ischium is thicker, narrower and more rounded on the superior border than in the lion. The pubic ramus is thin and flat. The spine of the ischium is situated near the middle of the iliac ramus. The pubic symphysis is firmly co-ossified. The ischiatic ramus of the pubis is concave above, and is nearly as strong at posterior, as at the anterior end. Hind f^eg. The femur has more of the characters of the recent cats than has that of H. robustus. The shaft is straighter, the third trochanter less prominent, and not connected with the great trochanter by a sharp ridge. The head is directed less forward, and the patellar surface forms an anterior prominence. The great trochanter projects only slightly beyond the head. A marked groove extends downward from the pit for the ligamentum teres. On the outside of the shaft there is a prominent, roughened pro- tuberance extending thirty-five millimeters above the condyle, which is not present in H. robustus or in the recent cats. The patella is rather long and narrow and is irregularly rounded on the anterior surface. The articulating face covers two-thirds of the posterior surface. It is concave vertically' and convex from side to side. The tibia is a strong bone, slightly curved forward, and laterally compressed. The anterior border is sharp and has a marked protuberance about midway of its length, where it makes a sharp curve inward. As seen from behind both borders are concave, that of the inner being slightly more marked. There is a distinct articulating facet for the proximal end of the fibula. The internal malleolus is strong and projects somewhat inward, ending in an angle toward the posterior border. The groove for the tendons of the tibialis anticus and the flexor longus digitorum is broad and shallow and is directed more obliquely forward than in the lion. KIGGS: HOPLOPHONEUS OCCIDENTALIS. 49 The astragular surface is, as in H. robust iis, less deeply grooved and is placed more obliquely to the shaft than in recent cats. The antero-external border extends but little below the articular surface. Of the fibula only the extremities remain. These indicate a stronger bone than that of H. robustus. The proximal end articu- lates with the tibia by a well-marked oval facet. The outer sur- face is roughened for ligamentary or muscular attachments. There is only a trace of a groove on the outer surface, instead of the deep concavity found in H. robustus. The distal end, as in the last-named species, is very unlike that of recent cats. It is nar- rower but thicker than the head and is roughly triangular in sec- tion. The internal surface bears at its lower anterior border a convex articulating facet for the astragalus which curves half way around the lower end. The posterior surface stands at a right angle with the last, and is almost as broad. There is a broad, shallow, peroneal groove at the inner side of the posterior tuber- osity of the malleolus. Th<=' tendinous depression on the external surface is less marked than in the recent cats. The foot is short and weak in the metatarsal region, as is true of all the early cats. The calcaneum is not more than two-thirds as large proportionally as that of the lion, and does not extend dis- tally as far as the astragalus. The external process extends back- ward beyond the anterior margin of the superior articulating surface. Back of this and near the upper surface is a deep fossa. The sustentaculum is situated near the anterior border, opposite the external process and has a broad, shallow groove at its base. The anterior surface is quite concave; the articulating surface for the astragalus does not turn inward posteriorly, as in the recent cats. The a-strag-alus has a short, constricted neck, and a well-rounded head, but is markedly compressed vertically. The superior surface is but slightly concave laterally, corresponding to the slight convex- it}' of the tibial surface, and does not extend to the posterior border as in recent cats. This does not permit of as great an angle between the foot and the tibia, and bears evidence of more planti- grade affinities. The head is less deflected from the antero- posterior axis than in the lion. There is no articulation with the cuboid, as is the case in Dinictis. The facet for articulation with the sustentaculum is long and deeply notched posteriorly. The posterior end is grooved for the tendon of X\\^ flexor longus hallucis. The groove between the inferior articulating surfaces is straight, and ends abruptly in a deep fossa. 50 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. The cuboid is narrower in proportion to its length than that of the lion. The posterior and anterior surfaces converge outwardly, making the external surface shorter than the internal. The poste- rior surface is convex; the groove for the tendon of the per omens longus and the ligamentary prominence posterior to it extend across the entire inferior surface. The facet for the navicular is long and curved; that for the ecto-cuneiform is semilunar in out- line. The anterior surface is concave to receive the fourth and fifth metatarsals. The metatarsals are about one-half the length of those of the lion. Only the fourth, fifth, and half of the second are preserved. The fifth articulates with the cuboid by about half of its posterior end which is sloping and extends but little back of the facet. The tu- berosity projects prominently outward and backward. The fourth overlaps the fifth and in turn is overlapped by the third much as in the recent cats. The shafts are sub-triangular in section and are strongly curved near the distal end. The second is about as strong as the fourth; its proximal end is laterally compressed. The superior surface is symmetrically rounded, instead of sloping outward as in recent forms and its inferior process does not project under the third. The exterior articulating surface and the liga- mentary attachments indicate a fairly well-developed first toe. The proximal series of phlanges are short and stout. The second series are markedly concave above, indicating a perfectly retractile claw. MEASUREMENTS OF PELVIS AND HIND LEG. Smaller. Lartfer. mm. mm. Pelvis, length 250 ' ' breadth between actetabula 66 Ilium, breadth in front of actetabuhun 37 36 " thickness above actetabulum 24 29 ' ' greatest breadth 55 " greatest diamemeter of actetabulum 42 Ischium, diameter back of actetabulum 27 Femur, length 285 " breadth of head and great trochanter 70 76 " diameter of head 34 35 " distance from head to lower margin of lesser trochanter 67 76 " breadth of condyles 59 61 Patella, length 47 width 31 RIGGS: HOPLOPHONEUS OCCIDENJALIS. 5I Smaller. Larger, mm. mm. Tibia, length 234 " transverse diameter of proximal end 60 62 ' ' transverse diameter of distal end 37 40 Fibula, approximate length 210 " width of proximal end 28 " width of distal end 27 ' ' thickness of distal end 16 Calcaneum, length 68 ' ' width across processes 38 Astragalus, length 46 48 " greatest width. 33 37 Second metatarsal, length 60* " " width proximal end 10 " " vertical diameter proximal end. ... ig " " width of distal end 16 Fourth metatarsal, length 61 " " width of proximal end 17 " " width of distal end 17 Fifth metatarsal, length 55 " " width of proximal end 18 " " width of distal end 14 SUMMARY. In short, the characters of Hoplophoneus occidcntalis, as shown from these specimens, are: Size similar to that of the Felis onca but stouter bodied and limbs shorter in proportion; skull large in proportion to body, deep but narrow, brain case small, sagittal crest concave, occiput strong and overhanging, zygomatic processes drooping, superior canine trenchant only at point, and inferior sectorial with a rudimentary heel; atlas with an atlantar foramen; zygopophysis firmly interlocked and but little diverging from the me- dian line; sacrum long but narrow at the anterior end; caudal vertebrae stronger with processes better developed and neural canal extend- ing to the eleventh; scapula with neck little constricted, glenoid cavity deep and rounder than in recent cats, the posterior border at the origin of the teres minor thickened and massive; humerus with deltoid and supinator ridges unusually developed, lesser tuberosity separated from the head by deep groove, the internal epicondyle unusually prominent and separated from the trochlea by a broad notch; ulna with the oberanon two-ninths the length of ^Estimated. 52 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. the entire bone and the great-sigmoid notch narrow antero-poste- riorly; pelvis articulating closely with the sacrum, ilium with a strong median dividing the gluteal surface into a superior and an inferior concavity, and the pubic ramus of the ischium unusually strong; femur with shaft nearly straight, patellar surface forming an anterior prominence, and a well-marked tubercle above the external condyle as in Felidae; fibula not grooved on the external surface of the head, thick and articulating loosely at the distal end and having a strong posterior tubercle; astragalus only slightly grooved for the tibial articulation and the tibial surface does not extend to the posterior border, an evidence of planitigrade affini- ties; calcaneum short and having the sustentaculum near the anterior end: metatarsals short and curved; claws distinctly retractile. DINICTIS PAUCIDENS. In a recent paper on the extinct Felidae of North America* Dr. Adams states summarily in a note that D. paiicidens'\ is probably a synonym of D. fortis.\ Such a statement would indicate either that Dr. Adams has not gone far enough into the description of this form to recognize the characters upon which it is based, or that D. fortis is a sufficiently generalized type to include whatever it may be found convenient to place under it. In the latter case, D. felina, the type of the genus, would fall a much easier victim, since D. fortis in becoming synonymous with D. bo)nbifrons\, has so far lost its distinctive characters that its dentition is essentially the same as that of the generic type, leaving as the only specific character a difference in size. However, trusting that this is due merely to oversight, I repeat here that the distinctive characters of D. paiicidcus are: "The absence of a second lower molar, the slenderness of the base, and the concave outer border of the upper sectorial as seen from above, and the presence of but two incisors in the mandible." These, together with the very " slight devel- opment of the postero-internal cusp of the lower carnassial," described as well developed in D. bombifrous (syn. D. fortis) and the "proportionate length and slenderness of the fore-arm," are differences sufficient to satisfy the most exacting. ♦American Journal of Science. June, 189(5. tRifrKS. Kansas University Quarterly, April. IHWi $.\dams, American Naturalist, June, 1895. Kan. Univ. Qn.*R,. Voi,. V. >LATE I. V^-^ // // /•• // // "iU an ^h--s^ \\ vi ii HOPLOPHONEUS OCCIDENTALIS LeIDV. From the White River Miocene, South Dakota, Restored by E S, Riggs (Reduced to one-seventh) On the Dermal Covering of Hesperornis. BY S. \V. WILLISTON. (With Plate II.) A specimen of Hesperornis, collected in western Kansas the past year by Mr. H. T. Martin and now in the University Museum, is of especial interest from the information it affords of the dermal covering of this Cretaceous toothed bird. The specimen, which is in excellent preservation, lies upon a chalk slab, with the head doubled partly under the pelvis. Some six or eight vertebrae, together with the humeri and coracoids and many of the ribs are wanting; otherwise the specimen seems perfect. The size is distinctively less than that of H. regalis, and it does not seem to be due to immaturity. Possibly the species is identical with H. gracilis, which has been only imperfectly de- scribed. The photographic illustration given in Plate II was taken from the fragment removed from the slab over the right tarso-metatarsal, the surface of the slab itself being less clearly, though more fully marked. I have sketched in the bone to show the relative size and position. The podotheca is seen to be scutellate in front. The structure is shown so clearly in the photograph that I need not enter into a fuller description. The scutes are all smooth, not imbricated, and distinctly separated from each other. They are a little longer from side to side below, though not much. I count twenty-six on the slab, and to the back part of the bone, while impressions of the feathers will be seen on the opposite side. These feathers were evidently long, reaching nearly to the phalangeal articulation, and are clearly semiplumulaceous in character, the pennaceous shaft of considerable size, the vanes long and wavy. The shaft of one feather is seen in the illustration lying close to the outline of the bone, and is of considerable size. I doubt not that the feathers throughout were of this character, or wholly plumulaceous. I find distinct impressions of the wavy vanes at the back of the head and elsewhere, but in no case is there the impression of a true feather, as I think would surely be the case had the bird possessed them. (53) KAN. UNIV. QUAR., VOI-. V, NO. I, JULY, 18%. ^A KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. This plumulaceous character of the plumage is not unexpected. Although Marsh nowhere mentions the plumage in his work, I know that he personally had the opinion that it was of a downy character. That the feathers of the tarsus should extend to the feet in a wading bird seems surprising, but there can be no other interpretation of the specimen. Kan. Univ. Quar., Vol. V PLATE 11 A \ Dermal Covering of Hesperornis. Enlarged about one-fourth. The Duty of the Scholar in Politics. BY FRANK. HEVWOOD HODDER. [IMii Beta Kappa Address, delivered at the University of Kansas, .funo 8, IHOfi.l The duty of the scholar in politics has been the subject of so many addresses upon occasions of this character that it is difficult to say anything new respecting it. It is, however, suggested both by the occasion and by the direction of my own studies. Mr. Disraeli is reported to have once replied to an opponent in Par- liament: "The honorable gentleman has said things both true and new but the things true are not new and the things new are not true." It is, after all, the things true which are not new that are important. Especially is this the case with respect to duty, whatever its direction. It rarely happens that we do not know our duty but often that, knowing it, we fail in the doing. By the scholar, in this connection, I do not mean the specialist but rather the man of education and independence, the man who is well informed upon all important topics of current interest and who does his own thinking respecting them. This definition does not include all graduates of colleges and universities and it does include many who never had the advantage of college training. The duty in politics of the man of education and independence is then the subject. The greater the education, the greater the intiuence he may exert and the greater the obligation to exert it. Especially great is the obligation in the case of the young men and 3'oung women educated at the expense of the state. Upon them rests the duty of using their influence for its welfare. But I do not intend to range at large over the whole subject. I propose instead to emphasize one particular duty — namely the duty of the scholar to use his influence for the maintenance of international peace. The discussion of this particular duty is especially appropriate to the occasion by reason of the fact that it is totally disconnected from all questions of party politics. It is a duty pre-eminently of the scholar as a man governed by reason, (•55l KAN. UNIV. QVAn . VOL. V. NO 1. .JULY. 1896. 56 KANSAS UNIVERSITV QUARTERLY. rather than by passion and prejudice. Recent events seem to present certain dangers to our national peace, which I shall consider in order. They are: 1st, misconstruction of the Monroe doctrine; 2d, a rising war spirit among the people; and 3d, enormous expenditures for war purposes. First, the Monroe doctrine. I venture the assertion that the recent unwarranted construction of that doctrine is contrary to the teach- ing of the founders of the republic, a perversion of the true meaning of the original declaration, an encroachment upon the rights of foreign states and a menace to our peace and safety. It is contrary to the teaching of the founders which was non- interference with the affairs of foreign nations and peace and friendship with all mankind. Three men may be called pre- eminently the founders of the republic. They were Washington, Madison and Hamilton, to whom more than to any others were due respectively the success of the revolution, the framing of the constitution and the establishment of government. The combined wisdom of these men was embodied in the farewell address issued by Washington upon his retirement from the presidency, a worthy guide to the American people for all time. In that address we find this advice:* '' Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all It will be worthy of a free, enlight- ened and, at no distant period, great nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people guided by an exalted justice and benevolence The experiment, at least, is recommended by every sentiment that ennobles human nature." ' ' The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit one's own to stand on foreign ground? Why entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambi- tion, rivalry, interest, humor, or caprice?" *Sef '■ Statesman's Manual " for (luntat.ions from Presidential messasres and address- es. Kioliardsoii's " .Mrssafjes and I'aiiers of the Presidents," now publisLiins by the Government, will suijcrsede tlie earlier collection. +See Wharton's '"Digest of Tnternational Law," Vol. 1, sects. 4."> and ."iT. for opinions cited above. hodder: the duty of the scholar in politics. 57 All parties at that time agreed in counseling peace. f Jefferson, the father of democracy, expressed the same sentiment. In an official letter in 1793, while Secretary of State, he said: " We love and value peace; we know its blessings from experi- ence. We abhor the follies of war and are not untried in its distresses and calamities. Not meddling with the affairs of other nations, we hope that our distance will leave us free in the example and indulgence of peace with the world." Again in writing Monroe in 1823, advising the issue of this very declaration, he said: " I have ever deemed it fundamental for the United States never to take an active part in the quarrels of Europe. Their political interests are entirely distinct from ours. Their mutual jealousies, their balance of power, their complicated alliances, their forces and principles of government are all foreign to us. They are nations of eternal war. All their energies are expended in the destruction of the labor, property and lives of their people. On our part never had a people so favorable a chance of trying the opposite system, of peace and fraternity with all mankind and a direction of all our means and faculties to the purposes of improve- ment instead of destruction." And Monroe in the very message, now made the excuse for so much warlike demonstration, took pains to repeat this doctrine of non-intervention: "In the wars of European powers, in matters relating to them- selves we have never taken part nor does it comport with our policy to do so . . . .With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered and shall not inter- fere Our policy with regard to Europe is not to interfere with the internal concerns of any of its powers." Statements of this character were frequently repeated by later statesmen. Van Buren in official letters, while Secretary of State, within five years of the issue of the Monroe declaration, said: "It is the ancient and well settled policy of this government not to interfere with the internal concerns of any foreign country." " An invariable and strict neutrality and an entire abstinence from all interference with the concerns of other nations are cardinal traits of the foreign policy of this government. The obligatory character of this policy is regarded with a degree of reverence and submission but little if anything short of that which is entertained for the Constitution itself." 58 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. Mr. Seward in 1863, at the very time he was protesting against the French occupation of Mexico, the only violation of the true Monroe doctrine ever attempted, wrote Mr. Adams: "In regard to our foreign relations, the conviction has univer- sally obtained that our true national policy is one of self reliance and self conduct in our domestic affairs, with absolute uoii-iiitcr- ference with those of other countries. " Again in 1866 Mr. Seward* in advising against interference in behalf of Chili said: "If there is any one characteristic of the United States which is more marked than any other, it is that they have from the time of Washington adhered to the principle of non-intervention and have perseveringly declined to seek or contract entangling alli- ances, even 7ii'it/i the most friendly states.'' Quotations of this character might be multiplied indefinitely but enough have been given to prove that the teaching of the founders from Washington to Monroe and John Quinc}' Adams was non- intervention and peace. Their authority cannot rightfully be invoked in support of any other policy. Recent construction of the Monroe doctrine is a perversion of the true meaning of the original declaration. I venture this assertion without fear of contradiction by any special student of international law or of our political history. The Monroe doctrine consists of two parts corresponding to the two causes which occasioned its issue. John Quincy Adams wrote the first part, Jefferson the second, and Monroe embodied both in his'annual messages for 1823 and 24. Adams, Jefferson and Monroe may therefore properly be considered its joint authors. f The first part respects colonization. America is not subject to future European colonization. In 1821 the Czar Alexander of Russia issued a proclamation claiming the western coast of North America as far south as the 51st parallel. That territory was then claimed both by Great Britain and the United States. The procla- mation of the Czar was accepted by both as evidence of an inten- tion to establish a Russian colony in America. It is difficult for us to-day to reproduce in imagination the situation of the United States at that time. Our territory then as now extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific but that portion between the Alleghanies and the Mississippi was still sparsely settled and the vast expanse between the Mississippi and the Pacific, with the exception of *" Works." Vol. 5, pp. 444-5. +It is well known that Madison was consulted and advised the issue of the declara- tion. He, however, merely seconded Jefferson's suggestions. hodder: the du'iy ov the scholar in politics. 59 Louisiana, Arkansas and Missouri, was absolutely unoccupied and almost unexplored. The territory of Mexico subsequently acquired by us was in the same condition. It woidd not then have been difficult for Russia to have planted a colony either in or near this territory, upon the plea that it was unoccupied. To guard against this danger President Monroe, acting upon the advice of Adams, issued this declaration: "The American continents, b}' the free and independent condi- tion which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any Europe- an powers With their existing colonies or dependencies we have not interfered and shall not interfere." There was not the slightest intention of assuming a protectorate over other American states for the purpose of guarding their terri- tory from European colonization. That such was the case is absolutely proved by the language used by Mr. Adams two years later in a special message to the Senate on the subject of a Con- gress of American states. '' An agreement," he said, "between the parties represented at the meeting that each will guard, by its own means, against the establishment of any future European colony within its borders, may be found advisable. This was announced to the world, more than two years ago, by ni}' predecessor, as a principle resulting from the emancipation of both the American continents." This statement Mr. Schouler* observes is remarkable as an expo- sition of the Monroe doctrine from the pen of the one most com- petent to make it, that is from the pen of the one who originally wrote it — in effect that European exclusion from this hemisphere was to be the work not of the United States, acting as the champion of the two Americas, but of each American republic as the pro- tector of its own rights. Mr. Webster speaking at the same time expressed the same opinion. t "It was highly desirable to us," he said, "that new states should settle it as a part of their policy not to allow colonization within their respective territories. We did not need their aid to assist us in maintaining such a course for ourselves, but we had an interest in their assertion and support of the principle as applied to their own territories." The Russian claim was immediately abandoned in treaties with both Great Britain and the United Stater. Since that time there *■• History of the United States.'' Vol. 'i. p. 302. t" Works," Vol. 3, pp. 200-207. 6o KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. has not been the faintest suggestion of an intention on the part of any European power to establish any new colony upon either of the American continents. The rapid growth of American populations has practically resulted in the actual occupation of every part of both continents. An occasion then for an application of this part of the Monroe doctrine has not presented itself and cannot present itself. The second part of Monroe's declaration respects intervention. It consists of two distinct propositions. European interference with American states for the purpose of subverting their govern- ments cannot be permitted and the extension to America of the European political system cannot be permitted. At the close of the Napoleonic wars in 1815 Russia, Austria and Prussia united in the so-called Holy Alliance. Their avowed object was the main- tenance of the Christian religion. Their real purpose was the preservation of their political system of absolute monarchy, based upon the divine right of kings, by a pledge of mutual assistance in case of popular insurrection. The treaty between them was offered for signature to every power in Europe except the Sultan and the Pope. All acceded to it except Great Britain whose foreign minister replied that the principles of the Alliance were inconsistent with those of the British constitution. In 1821 the allies sent an Austrian army into Italy in order to prevent the adoption of a free constitution in Naples. And in 1823 they sent a French army into Spain to suppress popular insurrection there, and re-establish the despotism of Ferdinand VII. It was then proposed that the allies call a congress to arrange for the subjuga- tion of Spain's revolted colonies in America and the re-establish- ment of Spanish authority over them. Information of this design reached the United States through Great Britain. In opposition to it Monroe, acting on the advice of Jefferson, issued the second part of his famous declaration: "With the governments who have declared their independence we could not view any interposition by any European power in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States The political system of the allied powers is essentially different from that of America We shoidd consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. ....It is impossible that the allies should extend their political system to any portion of either continent without endangering our peace and happiness . . . It is equally impossible, therefore, that we hodder: the duty of the scholar in politics. 6i should behold such interposition in any form with indifference." In other words, European states could not be permitted to over- throw any American government for the purpose of establishing upon its ruins an absolute monarchy based upon the divine right of kings. There was not a word respecting intervention for any other purpose. Monroe's warning was sufficient to induce the Holy Alliance to abandon their plan of interfering in American affairs. Since that time there has been but a single violation of this part of Monroe's declaration. During our civil war the unscrupulous government of Napoleon III invaded Mexico, overthrew her government and established in its place an Empire, sustained by French arms. Immediately upon the close of our war, Secretary Seward informed France that her troops must be withdrawn. They were withdrawn and the Empire fell. Since that time there has not been the faintest suggestion of an intention upon the part of any European power to interfere in the affairs of any American state for the purpose of overthrowing its government and establishing monarchy in its place. Constitutional government has been established in every European state except Russia and the European political system of which Monroe wrote has ceased to exist. An occasion, therefore, for a second application of this part of the Monroe doctrine has not presented itself. Briefly stated the Monroe doctrine opposed new European colo- nies, subjugation of American states by European powers and the system of the Holy Alliance. New colonization has never been attempted, subjugation has been tried once and failed utterly, the system of the Holy Alliance has been dead for half a century. Any statement that goes beyond these three points is unwarranted by the original declaration. Monroe's declaration was a protest against new colonies. It is now applied to colonies that antedate our national existence. Monroe's declaration was a protest against intervention. It is now made the basis for intervention. Monroe's declaration was a protest against absolutism. It is now applied to a government which, despite monarchical forms, is more thoroughly democratic than our own. Such construction is a perversion of the true meaning of the original declaration. Let us now inquire into the origin of this misconstruction of the Monroe doctrine. With the defeat of John Quincy Adams and the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828, the era of statesman presidents came to an end and an era of military favorites and politicians began. At the same time we abandoned the founders' policy of 62 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. peace and friendship with all mankind and assumed an attitude of defiance toward foreign nations. Slavery wanted more territory for its expansion and the South needed more slaves in order to keep abreast of the rapidly growing North. Longing eyes were turned toward Texas and its acquisition became the settled policy of the slave power. Jackson first tried to buy Texas but Mexico refused to sell. " To do so," Santa Anna replied, "would be to sign the death warrant of my country, for the United States would take one province after another until none remained." Jackson then sent Houston to Texas, at that time the territory of a friendly state with which we were at peace, with the understanding that he should colonize it with American citizens, foment revolution and, when a favorable opportunity presented itself, apply for admission to the United States. This conspiracy required time for its devel- opment but was carried out according to the program. The revolution came, Texas declared her independence of Mexico and applied for annexation to the United States. A treaty for the purpose failing of ratification in the Senate, President Tyler secured the passage of a joint resolution for the admission of Texas as a State in the Union. Such was the situation when Polk became President of the United States on the 4th of Marcli, 1H45. In his inaugural address the new President said: "I regard the question of annexation as belonging exclusively to the United States and Texas. Foreign powers do not seem to ap- preciate the true character of our government. Our union is a confederation of independent states, whose policy is peace with each other and all the world. To enlarge its limits, is to extend the dominion of peace over additional territories and increasing millions." In his first annual message to Congress, again referring to Texas, he said: "The United States cannot in silence permit any European interference on the North American continent; and should any such interference be attempted, will be ready to resist it at any and all hazards The nations of America are equally sovereign and independent with those of Europe. They possess the same rights, independent of all foreign interposition, to make war, to conclude peace and to regulate their internal affairs. The people of the United States cannot, therefore, view with indifference attempts of European powers to interfere with the independent action of nations on this continent We must ever maintain the hodder: the duty of the scholar in politics. 63 principle that the people of this continent alone have the right to decide their own destiny. Should any portion of them, constituting an independent state, propose to unite themselves with our confed- eracy, this will be a question for them and us to determine, without any foreign interposition." This is the new version of Monroe's declaration. Monroe had protested against European interference for the purpose of destroy- ing independent states and Polk extended the protest to any interference whatever. Within the month the annexation of Texas was completed. But the South was not satisfied. She next coveted the rich soil of California. Again Mexico was asked to sell. Again she refused and Polk precipitated a war to compel her to do so. Mexico was prostrated and compelled to part with California for fifteen million dollars. This was Polk's way of extending the blessings of peace over additional territories and increasing millions. Before peace with Mexico had been ratified, a peculiar situation presented itself in Yucatan. The white race in that peninsula were engaged in a protracted struggle with the Indians. As the price of assistance, they simultaneously offered the dominion and sovereign- ty of their country to Great Britain, Spain and the United States. In a special message, advising the occupation of Yucatan, President Polk said: "We could not consent to a transfer of this 'dominion and sovereignty ' to either Spain or Great Britain or any other European power. In the language of President Monroe. . . . ' the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be consid- ered as subjects for future colonization by any European power.' .. ..The present is deemed a proper occasion to reiterate and re- affirm the principle avowed by Mr. Monroe and to state my cordial concurrence in its wisdom and sound policy." Here we have the new version of the first part of Monroe's declaration. The protest against new European colonies is con- strued to mean that no European power shall acquire territory upon this continent in any way whatever. Polk's two statements were glaringly inconsistent. The first declared the right of the United States to acquire territory by the free gift of an independent state, the second denied the right of Europe to acquire territory in the same way. The first denied to Europe the right of interposition; the second asserted it for the United States. The first asserted that the nations of America were 64 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. sovereign and independent and alone had the right to decide their destiny; the second limited that right to a disposition conformable to our interests — in short, they might do as they pleased as long as they pleased to do as we pleased. In what mysterious way the sovereignty of the United States was suddenly extended over the entire continent was not explained. Nevertheless Polk's statement gave the Monroe doctrine its final form: Europe shall not interfere with American states and shall not acquire territory in America in any way. The United States may interfere and may acquire terri- tory whenever her interests demand it. This, I take it, is the form in which the Monroe doctrine rests in the minds of the American people to-day. Polk's misconstruction of the Monroe doctrine did not pass unchallenged. Mr. Calhoun was at that time the only surviving member of Monroe's cabinet. He was, therefore, of all men living the best acquainted with the circumstances and discussions attend- ing the issue of the declaration. His pro-slavery sympathies and his own part in the annexation of Texas might have inclined him to accept Polk's construction. Instead he declared in the Senate that the case of Yucatan did not come within the Monroe declara- tions; that they did not furnish the slightest support for it. * It was not the extension of the European political system to this continent, for that system had already ceased to exist. It was not an interposition of an European power to oppress an American government, because that power would come, not to oppress, but to save. Even if England should assert her sovereignty over Yuca- tan, it would not bring the case within the Monroe doctrine because the tender of that sovereignty had voluntarily been made. It was not colonization. That word had a specific meaning. It meant the establishment by emigrants from a parent colony of a settlement in territory either uninhabited or from which the inhabitants had been partially or wholly expelled. The occupation of Yucatan could not be construed to be colonization by any forced interpre- tation. Yucatan might become a province or a possession of Great Britain but not a colony. In conclusion he said: "What the President has asserted in this case is not a principle belonging to these declarations; it is a principle which, in his misconception, he endeavors to engraft upon them but which has an entirely different meaning and tendency .... It goes infinitely and dangerously beyond Mr. Monroe's declaration. It puts it in the power of other countries on this continent to make us a party ♦Calhoun's "Works," Vol. i, pp. i'A-m. hodder: the duty of the scholar in politics. 65 to all their wars If this broad interpretation be given to these declarations. . . .our peace will ever be disturbed, the gates of our Janus will ever stand open, wars will never cease." Who, then, was the author of this so-called Monroe doctrine? It was Polk, Polk the mendacious, as v. Hoist has called him, the man who provoked a war of wanton conquest and based its declaration upon a lie. It is Polk's doctrine and not Monroe's. Not daring to sign his own name, he sought to give it authority by attaching that of one of the founders of the republic. When and *why was it proclaimed? It was at the very time we were engaged in the annexation of Texas and the conquest of Mexico, the two acts in our national history of which we have least reason to be proud. Then it was that Polk twisted a declaration intended for the protection of free institutions into an excuse for the extension of human slavery. Its origin and purpose condemn it. The policy which had succeded in Texas and Mexico, Polk next applied to Cuba. He first tried to buy Cuba but Spain replied that rather than sell she would see the island sunk in the ocean. Filibustering expeditions next tried to revolutionize Cuba, as Houston had revolutionized Texas, but failed. We next threat- ened Spain as Slidell had threatened Mexico. In the spirit of the Polk doctrine, our ministers to Great Britain, France and Spain, in the celebrated Ostend Manifesto* declared: "After we have offered Spain a price for Cuba far beyond its present value and this shall have been refused, it will be time to consider the question 'does Cuba, in the possession of Spain, seriously endanger our internal peace and the existence of our cherished union.' Should this question be answered in the affirmative, then, by every law, human and divine, we shall be justified in wresting it from Spain if we possess the power We should be recreant to our duty, be unworthy of our gallant fore- fathers, and commit base treason against our posterity should we permit Cuba. . . .seriously to endanger or actually to consume the fair fabric of our Union." But anti-slavery opinion in the North was setting strongly against the slave power in its foreign as well as its domestic policy. The first republican platform in 1856 resolved that "the highwayman's plea that might makes right, embodied in the Ostend circular, was in every respect unworthy of American diplomacy and would bring shame and dishonor upon an}' government or people that gave it their sanction." '•House Ex. Docs.. Vol. 10. No. 93; 2d Sess., 33 Cong., pp. 127-30. 66 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. The civil war destroyed the slave power and the desire to acquire territory for slave purposes. The doctrine devised by Polk in the interest of slavery seemed to be dead. But now after nearly half •a century it is revived in the interest of foreign commerce. It suggests an old epigram: " To kill twice dead a rattlesnake, And off his scaly skin to take, And through his head to drive a stake, And every bone within him break, And of his flesh mincemeat to make. To burn, to sear, to boil and bake, Then in a heap the whole to rake, And over it the besom shake And sink it fathoms in the lake — Whence after all, quite wide awake. Comes back that very same old snake." The Polk doctrine is an encroachment upon the rights of foreign states. This fact is so clear that the wonder is that it does not appeal to every one the moment it is stated. The explanation perhaps is that frequent repetition secures its acceptance much as we incline to believe a false report that is often repeated. The first and most fundamental doctrine of international law asserts the sovereignty, independence and equality of states. They are sover- eign in the regulation of their internal affairs, independent of interference in their relations with other states and equal in rights. This is precisely the doctrine stated by John Quincy Adams,* when urging the declaration in the cabinet meeting. "Considering the South Americans as independent nations," he said, "they themselves and no other nations have the rigJit to dispose of their condition. We have no right to dispose of them, either alone or in conjunction with other nations. Neither have any other nations the right of disposing of them without their consent." From equality of rights results a corresponding equalit}' of obli- gations. The same rights belong to all — the same duties rest upon all — the greatest as well as the smallest, the strongest as well as the weakest. Strength confers no privileges and weakness grants no exemptions. If the weak state injure the strong one, it must make reparation. It is the duty of the strong state to seek it peaceably, it is her right to secure it forcibl}^ if necessary. In 1854 the people of Greytown, Nicaragua, insulted the Ameri- can minister and destroyed American property. The United States sent a war-ship there and, failing to secure an indemnity, bom- *" Memoirs," Vol. 6, p. 108. HODDER: the duty of the scholar in POLTITCS. 67 barded the town. Lord Palmerston, at that time prime minister of England, in referring to the incident in Parliament, said: " We may think that the attack was not justified by the cause which was assigned. But we have no right to judge the motives which actuated other states in vindicating wrongs which they sup- posed they had sustained."* In 1855 the United States became involved in a controversy with Paraguay, in which justice appears to have been largely upon the side of the weaker state. Reparation was demanded and refused. Thereupon President Buchanan sent a fleet of nineteen vessels, which forced an apology and the payment of an indemnity. In i8go we threatened Venezuela with force in order to collect a private claim and in 1892 we threatened Chili with war to secure an apology for an injury. No European power interfered at any time to protect the weaker state. In 1894 the authorities at Bluefields, Nicaragua, insulted the British consul there and a mob destroyed the consulate. Great Britain demanded an indemnity of the Nicaraguan government and proposed, in default of payment, to take possession of the port of Corinto and collect the duties there until the amount claimed was re- alized. Immediately the American press raised the cry of "Monroe Doctrine" and in effect denied the right of Great Britain to resort to the same measures of redress in her intercourse with independent states which we had many times employed in similar cases. We might have said as Lord Palmerston did of the Greytown bombard- ment that we did not think the punishment was justified by the cause assigned but we were bound to add as he did, that "we had no right to judge the motives which actuated other states in vindicating wrongs which they supposed they had sustained." To deny to foreign nations the same modes of redress that we employ our- selves is an encroachment upon their sovereignty, a violation of their independence and a denial of their equality. In 1861 the United States was confronted with the most stupen- dous insurrection ever organized. The rebellion began in South Carolina in December of i860. By the 8th of February, 1861, seven states had seceded and organized an independent government as complete in all respects as was the Union government. They were subsequently joined by four more states making eleven in all, exactly one-third of the total number at that time and including nearly a third of the area and population of the Union. For five months after the beginning of this rebellion no effort was made to ''WhHitou's ■' Digest," \'o\. 2. p. 590. 68 KANSAS UNIJ^ERSITY QUARTERLY. check or suppress it. It was for a time even doubtful whether such an attempt would be made at all. The first conflict of arms took place in April. The President of the United States immedi- ately called for seventy-five thousand volunteers and declared a blockade of the seceded states. A war was immediately prepared, the most regularly equipped, the most regularly conducted and the greatest of modern times. In May and June European states issued proclamations of neutrality, recognizing the fact of war and the belligerency of the parties. We considered these proclama- tions an unjustifiable interference in our internal affairs and an evidence of great unfriendliness and made them for years the subject of a claim for damages against a foreign state. In the neighboring colony of a friendly state there has raged for some time an irregular guerilla war. The government of the in- surgents does not approach in completeness the government of the Confederate states. It has not a tenth part of the equipment, of the regularity, or of the prospect of success that the Confederates had. And yet it is seriously proposed that we recognize these insurgents as belligerents and advise Spain to grant them independ- ence, on the ground that she can never conquer them. In what temper would the Union government have received such advice in 1861? Interference in the affairs of foreign states, which we resent when applied to ourselves, is an encroachment upon their sove- reignty, a violation of their independence and a denial of their equality. According to well settled rules of international law, interference in the affairs of independent states is justified in only two cases: first, when demanded by self preservation and second, when necessa- ry to prevent the commission by a government upon its sulijects of crimes repugnant to humanity. The protest of President Mon- roe came well within the first case. It is difficult for us now to realize the comparative weakness of the United States in 1823. We had at that time a population of less than ten million people sparsely settled over a wide area. Within ten years we had come out of a war with a single European power badly beaten and glad to make peace without mention of the causes of the contest. The establishment by powerful European states of new colonies upon our borders would have been a menace to our peace and safety. The subjugation of South American states by an European alliance acting in the interest of Spain would in principle have justified the conquest of the United States by a similar alliance acting in the interest of Great Britain. The circumstances justified the protest. hodder: the duty of the scholar in politics. 69 Very different are the recent cases. In no one of them is there an}' menace to our national existence. We have no right of inter- ference, upon the same principle of law that an individual has no standing in a controversy in which his rights are not involved. The fact that states are located in the Western hemisphere gives us no protectorate over them. Much of Europe is actually nearer to us than many South American states and all of Europe is more easily accessible than any of them. International law knows no North, no South, no East, no West. The rights and duties of states are the same everywhere. The assertion by the President that an extension of the boundary of British Guiana is dangerous to our peace and safety is an absolute absurdity. And yet, so far as I am informed, only three newspapers in the United States had the courage to say so. The only other protest came from a few college professors, who in the popular view, by reason of the special study of particular questions, become thereby incapacitated for forming intelligent opinions respecting them. These few protests were met by crushing charges: their authors were dudes and Anglomaniacs and turned up their trousers when it rained in Lon- don. And now the government has come to the college professors because no one else can read the documents upon which rests the settlement of the questions involved. Two members of the Vene- zuelan commission are college presidents and former professors of history and the actual study of maps and manuscripts is being carried on by Mr. Winsor, the librarian of Harvard, Professor Burr of Cornell and Professor Jameson of Brown University. I am bound to say that the moderation of Great Britain in view of our repeated interference in her affairs is truly remarkable. I do not believe that the American people would for a moment brook a similar interference by any European state in matters that con- cern ourselves exclusively. The case of Cuba affects us more nearly. We cannot but sympathize with the insurgents, struggling for liberty and inde- pendence, but we have no interest that justifies interference. The interest of Great Britain in our civil war was far greater, for the blockade closed her factories and caused widespread distress and actual starvation. It is reported that the contest in Cuba is waged with great cruelty, with the use of poisonous and explosive bullets, with summary trials and barbarous executions, storming of hospitals and massacre of non-combatants, but the evidence does not show that the cruelty is much greater on one side than on the other. "As for a state's having the vocation to go forth like Hercules," 70 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. says President Woolsey,* "beating down wickedness, all over the world, it is enough to say that such a principle, if carried out, would destroy the independence of states, justify nations in taking sides in regard to all national acts and lead to universal war." A doctrine which claims a right to interfere in controversies between other states or in their internal affairs, when our national existence is in no way imperiled or even remotely involved, is a violation of international law and an encroachment upon the rights of foreign nations. The Polk doctrine is a menace to our peace and safety. A state that interferes in matters that do not concern her does so at her peril. Especially dangerous are alliances with states so unstable and changeable as those of Central and South America. Their internal affairs are in a state of confusion. Under the forms of republican institutions their governments are in fact a succession of military dictatorships — despotisms tempered by revolution. Within a period of forty years Mexico had nearly forty revolutions and more than seventy presidents. The history of the other states is very similar. So precarious are the lives of their statesmen that a right of asylum in foreign legations is admitted in all of them upon the ground that otherwise experienced men could not be induced to engage in affairs of government, "f" They are continually involved in wars with each other. Their wholesale repudiation of their debts continually embroils them with Europe. The govern- ment of to-day may be overthrown to-morrow. They ask our assistance only when involved in controversies with other states. At other times they reject our advice and repel our advances. Such protection is a thankless and fruitless task. Connection with them may at any time render us responsible for acts that we cannot control. Connection with one of them recently threatened a war in which we had no interest involved or principle at stake, a war with a state to which we are bound by ties of common blood, com- mon language, common literature and common history, a war that would have caused incalculable loss and misery, a war that would have arrested the progress of the world for a decade and disgraced the closing years of the century. Let us take warning from experience and renounce a policy fraught with so much danger to our peace and safety. The so-called Monroe doctrine is, therefore, contrary to the teaching of the founders of the republic, a perversion of the true ♦"International Law," tith ed.. p. 19. ■tWharton's " Digest." Vol. 1, p. KCi. Hor)i)Er<: the duty of the scholar in politics. 71 meaning of the original declaration, an encroachment upon the rights of foreign nations and a menace to the peace and safety of our own, and it is the duty of the scholar to impress these facts upon the people through the press, in the pulpit and on the platform. I come now to the second danger that threatens our national peace — the existence of a rising war spirit among the people. I do not by any means believe that such a spirit has become general but it has infected considerable numbers and unless checked may at any time get the upper hand. I attribute this spirit in large part to the influence of the younger men who are rapidly gaining control of public and private affairs. The older men have retained control longer than usual by reason of the prominence and claims that service in the civil war gave them. They are now passing rapidly away and their places are being filled by the generation that has grown to manhood since the war. This change is accompanied by a rise of war spirit, much as the same spirit arose during the first half of the century at the passing of the men of revolutionary times. One cause of this spirit is to be found in a desire to extend our territor}'. In Europe in recent times there has been a revival of activity in colonization, indicated by the occupation of the minor islands of the Pacific and the conquests of England and Germany, France and Italy in various parts of Africa. The principal motive of this movement has been a desire to find an outlet for surplus population without incurring the loss that emigration of that sur- plus to the United States involves. The American people have caught the infection without having the same reason for it. The result is a revival of the doctrine that it is the manifest destiny of the United States to acquire control of the whole continent. This doctrine is illustrated by an anecdote told of a dinner given by the Americans residing in Paris during the civil war. The first speaker proposed the toast: "The United States, bounded on the North b}' British America, on the South by the Gulf of Mexico, on the East by the Atlantic and on the West by the Pacific Ocean. " "But," said the second speaker, "this is far too limited a view of the subject. Why not look to the great and glorious future which the manifest destiny of our race prescribes for us? Here's to the United States, bounded on the North by the North Pole and on the South by the South Pole, on the East by the rising and on the West by the setting sun." "If we are going," said the third speaker, "to leave the present and take our'manifest destiny into 72 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. account, vv'hy restrict ourselves within the narrow limits that have just been assigned? I give you the United States, bounded on the North by the Aurora Borealis, on the Soath by the precession of the equinoxes, on the East by primeval chaos and on the West by the Day of Judgment." The revival of this spirit is indicated by the frequent recurrence of articles in the magazines advocating the annexation of Canada, by a very general desire not long since for the acquisition of the Hawaiian Islands, by a strong feeling in some quarters at the pres- ent time for the occupation of Cuba and by the demand sometimes heard that we make the Isthmus canal our southern boundary. Such exuberance and enthusiasm are natural to youth. The fact seems scarcely to be considered that nearly ever}' one of these measures involves war. I do not mean to disparage the importance of our vast extent of territory and of our boundless resources, a just source of pride to every patriotic American. The annexation of both Texas and California has been productive of incalculable good to us and to the territory involved but that does not justify the mode and motive of their acquisition. We ought not to accjuire more territory by war and conquest. We ought not to annex islands so far removed from our present boundaries that a great and expensive navy would be necessary for their defense, costing more than the value of their total product. And we ought not to acquire territory of which the population is unfit to constitute a state in the Union. Quality is more important than quantity; domestic peace more valuable than foreign commerce. A second cause of the war spirit is to be found in the existence of deep seated prejudices against particular nations, prejudices un- reasoning and unreasonable. The strongest of these prejudices is directed against England. This is in part a survival of the passions of the revolution. Aversion to England and partiality to France were potent factors in our domestic politics from the revolution to the war of 1812. So strong indeed was their influence that a foreign observer was led to remark that "he found in the United States, man}' French and a few English but no Americans." Rightly understood the revolution furnished little reason either for hatred of England or gratitude to France. At least after the lapse of a century and especially as we were victorious, we can afford to be magnanimous. The English do not cherish the same resentment against us. An Englishman once said to me: "We don't bear you any grudge, you know, for beating us in the revolution. We are proud of you. It is just what we would have done in your place." hoddek: the duty of the scholar in politics. 73 And I believe that this remark is characteristic of the feeling of the English people. Prejudice against England was revived by the events of our civil war. There was in truth far greater reason for hatred of France, whose government on the one hand continually urged Great Britain to interference and to a joint recognition of Southern independence and on the other tried to turn our distracted condition to her own advantage b}' establishing an empire in Mexico. The existence of what is called the Irish vote tends to perpetuate this prejudice and enables politicians to make capital by trading upon the passions of the people. Here again we can- not do better tlian turn to the advice of Washington's farewell address: "Nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations and passionate attachments for others should be excluded and that in place of them, just and amicable feelings toward all should be cultivated Antipathy in one nation against another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage and to be haughty and intractable when accidental or trilling occasions of dispute occur .... Hence frequent collisions and obstinate, enven- omed and bloody contests. The nation, prompted by ill-will and resentment, sometimes impels the government to war contrary to the best calculations of policy. The government sometimes participates in the national propensity, and adopts through passion what reason would reject. At other tim3s, it makes the animosity of the people subservient to projects of hostility, instigated by pride, ambition and other sinister and pernicious motives. The peace often, sometimes even the libert}^ of nations, has been the victim. " A third cause of the war spirit may be found in an extreme sensitiveness and a disposition to resent anything that looks like injury before the actual facts are known. The conduct of foreign relations is undoubtedly a weak point in republican institutions. Formerly they were considered the exclusive affair of government, diplomatic correspondence was secret and time was allowed for explanation or apology before definite action was threatened or taken. Now all public questions are discussed in the forum of the people and upon the first rumor of insult or injustice there arises a demand for instant apology and a threat of war. Governments like individuals dislike the appearance of yielding to pressure and a premature resort to it diminishes the chances of accommodation. The danger is that popular excitement may precipitate an unnec- 74 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. essary conflict. Fortunately the government lias proved more moderate than the people and the danger so far has been avoided. Nations have the rights of individuals and the same duties rest upon them — among others the duty of moderation. "It not infrequently happens, " says General Halleck,* "that what is, at first, looked upon as an injury or an insult is found, upon more deliberate examination, to be a mistake rather than an act of malice or one designed to give offense. Moreover the injury may result from the acts of inferior persons, which may not receive the approbation of their own governments. A little moderation and delay, in such cases, may bring to the offended party a just satisfaction whereas rash and precipitate measures may often lead to the shedding of innocent blood." I woidd not abate one jot or tittle of our just rights but I would counsel moderation, a postponement of judgment until all the circumstances are known, an avoidance of irritating and insulting charges, a resort to peaceful measures of redress and above all no talk of war until it shall appear that war is necessary to save national honor. "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." The last and most important cause of the war spirit is to be found in the fact that the new generation have never known the horrors of war and are ignorant of its true character. "Art and literature," says a recent writer on international law,f "combine to help on the work of slaughter. Poets and painters celebrate the 'pomp and circumstance of glorious war' till people come seriously to regard it as a thing of bands and banners, of glittering uniforms and burnished steel, of deeds of heroic daring and examples of lofty self-sacrifice. They forget tlie stern realities of cold and hunger, wounds and death, the shattered limbs, the fever thirst, the fiendish passions of cruelt}' and lust. They forget the demoralization it causes among both victors and vanquished and the widespread ruin that follows in its train. In the twenty- five 3'ears betvven 1855 and 1880 over two million men died in wars between civilized powers." In our own civil war, upon the Union side alone, out of three hundred and fifty thousand dead, only sixty-seven thousand were killed in battle. Two hundred thousand died of disease, forty- three thousand died of wounds and forty thousand from accident, murder, execution, starvation or abuse. Thirty thousand one hun- *" International Law," 3d ed.. Vol. 1, p. 403. +T. J. Lawrence. "Essays on Modern International Law.'" id ed.. pp. :il2-4. hodder: the duty of the scholar in politics. 75 dred and fifty-six Union soldiers died in Southern prisons and thirty thousand one hundred and fifty-two Confederate soldiers died in Northern prisons, within four of the same number on both sides. "Who can calculate," says the same writer, "the awful mass of human misery that these figures represent?. . . .Comparatively few of those that perish die upon the battle field. Thousands succumb from sheer exhaustion, having endured for weeks, perhaps months, the slow agony of failing strength, under the influence of privation and over-exertion. Thousands die of disease, many of them for want of the commonest comforts of the sick. Starvation demands one host of victims, fever another, neglected wounds a third. Vice of all kinds preys upon the soldiery and exacts its terrible toll of moral and physical ruin. Even well appointed and victorious armies melt away under the influence of sickness and fatigue unless constantly reinforced. What then must be the case with a broken or retreating army, an army separated from its supplies or cooped up in a beleaguered fortress? Let the three hundred thousand Frencli soldiers, whose bones strewed the plains of Russia from Moscow to the Niemen provide the answer. Read in the history of a more recent period how a British army was destroyed by cold and privation, in the trenches before Sebastopol, while transports rocked idly in the harbor of Balaclava, almost within sight of the starved men dying like flies for want of the comforts they contained. Consult English papers for the condition of the hospitals at Plevna, when the Russians entered the town and found the wounded with broken and unset limbs twisted out of all human recognition. In records such as these you will read the true history of war. No one accjuainted with them can deny that much remains to be done to correct popular ideas and sentiments on the subject. There must be a great change in the ordinary modes of thinking and speaking of war before current opinion in regard to it conforms to the standard of Christianity." It is not death alone that makes war terrible. Worse than dead are the wrecks of men, maimed in body and shattered in mind, who live afterward, a curse to themselves and a burden to their friends. No account has yet been taken of the suffering at home. Think of the three hundred and fifty thousand deatl in our last war on the Northern side alone and then think of the' tliousands of mothers left childless, tlie thousands of wives left husbandless, the thou- sands of children left fatherless, the heart-burnings and heart-break- ings it caused, and tlioi talk lightly and wantonh' of war. 76 KANSAS UNlVERSriY QUARTERLY. "The real sorrows of war," says George Gary Eggleston,* in speaking of the Soutli, "fall most heavily upon the women. They may not bear arms. They may not even share the triumphs which compensate their brothers for toil and suffering and danger. They must sit still and endure. The poverty which war brings to them wears no cheerful face but sits down with them to empty tables and pinches them sorely in solitude. After the victory the men who have won it throw up their hats in glad huzza, while their wives and daughters await in sorest agony of suspense the news which may bring hopeless desolation to their hearts." I have heard men say that war would be a good thing, it would raise prices and make trade brisk. Truly when such remarks can be made, much remains to be done to correct popular ideas and sentiments upon the subject of war. The duty to do this rests upon those who know and feel the evil. It rests upon all alike, teachers in the schools and professors in the colleges, writers for the press and preachers in the churches, men of business on the street and statesmen in the halls of legislation. Lord Derby has said: "The greatest of England's interests is peace." Let us echo the sentiment: The greatest American interest is peace. 1 come now to the third danger that threatens our national peace — enormous expenditure for war purposes. This expenditure, as Dunning said of the influence of the crown, "has increased, is increasing and ought to be diminished." The possession of great force is a standing temptation to use it. It has been common for great men to give accounts of their early intellectual development and of books that have helped them. I see no reason why it may not also be permitted to small men to acknowledge their indebtedness to the influences that have moulded their opinions. In the library of the school where I received my training preparatory for college, there was a copy of the "Speeches and Addresses of Charles Sumner," which I often used to read when supposed by my instructors to be study- ing Latin or Algebra. The first speech in that collection made a powerful impression upon my mind. It was entitled "The True Grandeur of Nations," and defended the proposition that in our age there can be no peace that is not honorable, and no war that is not dishonorable. The oration was delivered on the fourth of July, 1845, before the city corporation of Boston. Mr. Sumner was himself a notable example of the scholar in politics — not always right, to be sure, but always honest and honorable. This speech v/as his first public appearance, the beginning of his public *" A Rebel's Recollections." 3d ed , p. 58. hodder: the duty of the scholar in politics. 77 career. I desire to quote the passage,* which, according to the testimony of those present, made the strongest impression upon his hearers: "Within cannon range of this city stands an institution of learn- ing which was one of the earliest cares of our forefathers. Favored child in an age of trial and struggle — carefully nursed through a period of hardship and anxiety — sustained from its first foundation by the paternal arm of the commonwealth, by a constant succession of munificent bequests and by the prayers of good men — the University of Cambridge now invites our homage as the most ancient, most interesting and most important seat of learning in the land It appears from the last Report of the Treasurer, that the whole available property of the University, the various accu- mulations of more than two centuries of generosity, amounts to $703,000." "Change the scene and cast your eyes upon another object. There now swings idly at her moorings in this harbor a ship of the line, the Ohio, carrying ninety guns, finished as late as 1836 at an expense of $835,000 — more than $130,000 beyond all the available wealth of the richest and most ancient seat of learning in the land. Choose ye, my fellow citizens of a Christian state, between the two caskets, — that wherein is the loveliness of truth, or that which contains the carrion death." "Pursue the comparison still further. The expeneliture of the University during the last year amounted to $48,000. The cost of the Ohio for one year of service, in salaries, wages and provisions is $220,000, being $172,000 above the annual expenses of the University and more than four times as much as those expenciitures. In othf^r words, for the annual sum lavished upon a single ship of the line, four institutions like Harvard University might be sup- ported. " A similar comparison between the cost of a modern warship and a modern University would be interesting, were the material at hand for making it. The average cost in recent years of a large man-of-war, without armament, has been over three million dollars. There have recently been added to our navy six battle ships — the Indiana, the Iowa, the Maine, the Massachusetts, the Oregon and the Texas, anei two arnioreei cruisers — the Brooklyn and the New York. Their total cost, making allowance for armament, is twenty-five million dollars. This amount exceeds by ten million dollars the total income of the four hundred and seventy-six colleges and universities in the United States to-day and at the present rate would defray the current *Sumner's " Works," Vol. 1. pp. 80-3. 78 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. expenses of the University of Kansas for a period of two hundred and fifty years. And yet tliis twenty-five million is but a fraction of the total expenditure for war purposes which during the last five years has amounted to four hundred and twelve millions,* an average of over eighty-two millions a year — and the present Con- gress has surpassed all its predecessors in extravagance and voted the largest appropriations ever made and ordered the largest number of battle ships ever provided for at a single time — and all this in a period of peace abroad and commercial depression at home, with an enormous deficit in the national treasur}^ and with wide- spread distress every winter in all our large cities, that has required for its relief an organization of charities hitherto unknown. Is it not time to call a halt in this enormous waste of wealth? Is there not some missionary work for educated men and women to do here at home in the way of arousing and civilizing public opinion upon this subject? " Let us," says General Walker, "f "frown indignantly upon every proposed measure, upon every representative vote, upon every word of every man, whether in public or private speech, which assumes or gives countenance to the assumption that this people are to come under the curse of the war system or which threatens our friendly relations with any power on earth. Sixty- five millions, transcending in all the elements of industrial, of financial and, if you please, of military strength, the combined resources of any two of the greatest nations of the world, who shall molest us or make us afraid, who shall be so insane as to wantonly attack the greatest power on earth? Why then should we enter upon that career of competitive armament into which mutual jealousies and mutual fears have driven the nations of Europe — a career which once entered upon, has no logical stopping place short of complete exhaustion, impoverishment and financial bankruptcy and which in its turn finds that it has earned nothing but to be the object of universal dread and universal detestation? . . . .Let it then be our pride as it is our privilege to remain the great unarmed nation, as little fearing harm from any as desiring to wrong any. Let us follow the paths of peaceful, happy industry, developing the resources with which nature has so bounteously endowed us, reserving our giant strength for those competitions whose results are mutual benefits, and bestowing upon schools and colleges, libraries and museums, public parks and institutions of beneficence that wealth which others waste on frontier fortresses and floating castles." *" statistical Abstract of tlie United States," No. is. p. 33. +"Th6 Growth of tlie Nation," an Address at Urown T]niversity, .Tune 18tli, 1889, printed in the Providence '"Journal." Editorial Notes. The Univerbity of Pennsylvanvia sends out a handsome collection of the addresses at the opening of the recently purchased Bechstein Germanic Library. With this purchase — 15000 volumes and 3000 pamphlets — the University of Pennsylvania at one step takes front rank among American universities for students of Germanic languages. Dr. Geo. I. Adams, late assistant on the University Geological Survey, and a Fellow of Princeton College, has printed the substance of his Dissertation in the American Journal of Science, under the tittle "The Extinct Felidae of North America " Some reference to the paper is made in an article in this number of the Quarterly. The University Geological Survey of Kansas, Volume I, has been issued from the offce of the state printer. The work is conducted by Prof. E. Haworth assisted by J. Bennett, G. D. Adams, M. Z. Kirk, E. B. Kneer and J. G Hall. The report consists of sections, mostly in the Eastern portion of the state, with reports on certain borings, and particular deposits, as coal and salt. A vast amount of useful information has been accumulated. It is illustrated by thirty-one plates, eleven figures, and occupies 310 pages. Volume II is in preparation. The fifth volume of the Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society, which has just been published, contains nearly 700 pages, and is a well-printed book. It contains most of the addresses delivered before the society during the past six years, including the address of Rev. Doctor Cordley, on the Convention Epoch in Kansas History; that of Col. C. K. Holliday, on the Freemont Campaign of 1856; of Hon. James S. Emery, on History and Historical Composition; of Dr. Peter McVicar, on School Lands on the Osage Indian Reservation; of W. H. T. Wakefield, on Squatter Courts in Kansas; Mrs. Lois H. Walker's Reminiscences of Early Kansas Times; C. H. Dickson's Reminiscences of 1855; Hon. J. R. Mead's Trails in Southern Kansas; Hon. P. G. Lowe's account of Army Service on the Plains in 1852; memorial proceedings on Col. William A. Phillips; Hon Albert R. Greene's account of the Battle of Wilson Creek; Prof. O E. Olin's Romance of Kansas History; Hon. John Speer's Incidents of Pioneer Days; Doctor Cordley's discourse on Judge S. O. Thacher; and Gov. Morrill's address at the annual meeting of the society, last January, on the Trials, Privations, Hardships and Sufferings of the Early Kansas Settlers Besides, this volume contains a large fund of documentary historical materials pertaining to the troublesome times in early Kansas, including the official papers of the period of the administration of Governors Robert J. Walker, James W. Denver, and Samuel Medary, and of Acting Governors Frederick P. Stanton, Hugh S. Walsh, and Geo. M. Beebe. These papers for the most part have been lying hidden in the archives of the department of state, at Washington, during a period of over 36 years. At the personal request Hon. R. W. Blue. Secretary Olney directed a search to be made, which resulted in securing copies of these records. The documents complete the publication of the entire documentary history of the period of the Kansas territorial government from 1854 to 1861, the papers of former administrations having been published in the third and fourth volumes of the Historical Society's Collections. 8o KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. Lantern or Stereopticon Slides. Duplicates of the extensive collection of original Lantern Slides made expressly for the University of Kansas can be furnished from the photographer. A net price of 33)^ cents per slide will be charged on orders of twelve or more plain slides. Colored subjects can be supplied for twice the price of plain sub- jects, or 6673 cents each. Send for list of subjects in any or all of the following departments: Physical Geology and Paleontology. — Erosion, Glaciers and Ice, Eruptions, Colorado Mountain Scenery, Arizona Scenery, Restoration of Extinct Monsters, Rare Fossil Remains, Kansas Physical Characters, Bad Lands of S. Dakota, Fossil Region of Wyoming, Enlarged Sections of Kansas Building Stones. Mineralogy. — Microscopic Sections of Crystalline Rocks, and of Clays, Lead Mining, Galena, Kan., Salt Manufacture in Kansas. Botany and Bacteriology. — Morphological, Histological, and Physiological, Parasitic fungi from nature. Disease Germs, Formation of Soil (Geological). Entomology and General Zoology. — Insects, Corals, Birds, and Mammals, nearly all from nature. Anatomy. — The Brain, Embryology and Functions of Senses. Chemistry. — Portraits of Chemists, Toxicology, Kansas Oil Wells, Kansas Meteors, Tea, Coffee and Chocolate Production. Pharmacy. — Medical Plants in colors, Chracteristics of Drugs, Anti-toxine. Civil Engineering. — Locomotives and Railroads. Physics and Electrical Engineering. — Electrical Apparatus, X-Rays. Astronomy. — Sun, Moon, Planets, Comets and Stars, Many subjects in color. Sociology. — Kansas State Penitentiary. American History. — Political Caricatures, Spanish Conquests. Greek. — Ancient and Modern Architecture, Sculpture, Art and Texts. German. — German national Costumes, in colors, Nibelungen Paintings, Life of Wm. Tell, Cologne Cathedral. For further information address E. S. TUCKER, 82S Ohio St , Lawrence, Kan, A Colorado Summer — Is the title of an illustrated book descriptive of Resorts in Colorado reached by the San- ta Fe Route It tells where a vacation may be pleasantly spent. Advlress G. T Nicho'son, G. P A., A, T & S F Py., Chicago, for a frpe copy. Summer tourists, rates now in , effect from the East to Fueblo, Colorado Springs, Manitou' and Denver. The w^ay LO go IS via the Santa Fe Route. m Vol. V. OCTOBER, 1896. No. 2. I3j,^tf THE Kansas University Quarterly. CONTENTS. I. Continuous Groups of Projective Trans- formations Treated Synthetically, - //. B. Netvso/i II. Theory of Compound Curves in Railroad Engineering, ------ Arnold Emch III. The Visual Perception of Distance, - John E. Rouse IV. The Limitations of the Composition of Verbs with Prepositions in Thucydides, David H. Holmes V. Editorial Notes. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY Lawrence, Kansas. Price of this number, 50 cents. Entered at tbe Post-offlce iu Lawrence as Second-class Matter. ADVKRTISKNIENT. The Kansas University Quarterly is maintained by the Uni- versity of Kansas as a medium for the publication of the results of original research by members of the University. Papers will be published only on recommendation of the Committee of Publication. Contributed articles should be in the hands of the Committee at least one month prior to the date of publication. A limited number of author's separata will be furnished free to contributors. The Quarterly is issued regularly, as indicated by its title. Each number contains one hundred or more pages of reading matter, with necessary illustrations. The four numbers of each year constitute a volume. The price of subscription is two dollars a volume, single numbers varying in price with cost of publication. Exchanges are solicited. Communications should be addressed to W. H. Carruth, University of Kansas, Lawrence. COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION E. H. S. BAILEY F W BLACKMAR E. MILLER C. G. DUNLAP GEORGE WAGNER S. W. WIULISTON W. H. CARRUTH, MANAGING EDiTOR. This Journal is on file in the office of the University Review, New Yerk City. Journal Publishing Company Lawrence, Kansas Kansas University Quarterly Vol. V. OCTOBER, 1896. No. Continuous Groups of Projective Transfor- mations Treated Synthetically. BY H. B. NEWSON. *Pai't ir Continued. i^2 Groups in the Plane. I have defined a projective transformation in a plane in the sense in which the the term will be used in this paper, and have given a simple method of constructing it. Having given four points A,B, C,D, no three of which are in the same straight line, we may choose as their corresponding points A',B',C',D'; thereby a pro- jective transformation T of the plane is completely determined such that any point P is transformed into a definite point P'. If now we choose four other points A",B",C",D", as the corresponding points to A',B',C',D', we would have obtained a projective transformation T, transforming P directly to P". It is clear that two transforma- tions T and T^ together produce the same effect as Tg. Thus it may be shown in general that any two projective transformations of the plane are together equivalent to some third. Therefore all the projective transformations of the plane form a Continuous Group of Transformations. The number of projective transforiuations in the plane is like- wise determined from the same considerations. Having given four points A,B,C,D, a transformation is determined when their corres- ponding points are chosen; and there are as many transformations of the plane as there are sets of four points in a plane. Since the plane contains 00- points, we easily see that there are oo** such sets of points and hence there are co'* projective transformations in the plane. Another method of determining the number of projective trans- formations in the plane leads to the same result. From the method (81) KAN. UNIV. QUAR., VOL. V, NO. a, OCTOBER, 1896, 82 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. of constructing a projective transformation referred to above, we see that any two conies touching a line 1 determine a projective transformation of the plane. Since the number of conies touching the line is oo*, the number of pairs of such conies is co'^ and hence there are oo** projective transformation of the plane obtained by taking any line 1 as the fixed line of the construction. The line 1 was taken as the line of intersection of the two planes tt and tt', and in de- veloping the construction of one projection of the plane upon the oth- er the angle between the two planes was not considered. By making the planes tt and tt' intersect in some other Ime as 1, we get another sys- tem of transformations which must be identical with the first system. If the angle between the two planes in the last position is not the same as in the first position, the transformations of the two systems will not be in the same order, but no new transformation will be introduced. We therefore infer that there are only o:>^ projective transformations in the plane. The group of the projective transformations of the plane will be called the General Projective Group and will be designated by the symbol G^. Tlieorcni 4. There are 00**, projective transformations of the plane ; these form the General Projective Group G^ whose fundamental property is that any two transformations of the ^^■roi/p are together equivalent to some third transformation belonging to the sante group. (For Lie's analytical proof see "Cont. Gruppen," Kapitel 2, §1.) Every projective transformation of the plane leaves some line or lines and some point or points of the plane unaltered in posi- tion, or as we say, invariant. There are five types of these trans- formations, distinguished according to the kind of plane figure which is left invariant. (See Vol. IV, page 248 K. U. Q. and "Cont. Gruppen" page 35-6). If two transformations T and T, both leave any plane figure invariant, e. g. a line 1, the transformation Tg which is ecpiivalent to the combination of T and T^ must also necessarily leave 1 invariant. Thus considering the totality of transformations which leave 1 invariant, we see that the combina- tion of any two transformations of the system are together equiva- lent to a third transformation of the same system. Hence the totality of transformations leaving a line invariant have the group property and form a sub-group of the general projective group. The same reasoning applies in general to the system of transfor- mations leaving invariant any plane figure whatever. Theorem 5. All projective transformations of the plane leaving a plane figure invariant have the group property and form a sub- iSIEWSON: CONTINUOUS GROUPS. 83 group of tJie general projeetive group. (See "Cent. Gruppen," page 113.) By means of this theorem many of the sub-groups of the general projective group can be readily determined. It will be convenient to have separate symbols to designate each of the five types of transformations referred to above. We shall represent the five types of transformations whose invariant figures are ! —a—k--^-% — *— —A — *—•—■*— * — by T, T', T'', S, S', respectively. We shall now consider more in detail these different types of transformations, beginning with the most general case (^type i) whose invariant figure is a triangle. Let the vertices of the tri- angle be represented by A, B, C; and the opposite sides by x, y, z, respectively. B}' means of a transformation T the line x is trans- formed into itself in such a way that the points B and C on it are invariant points of the transformation. Now we know that the one-dimensional transformation of the points on a line, which leaves two points of the line invariant, is characterized by the constant anharmonic ratio of the invariant points and any pair of corresponding points. (Kansas University Quarterly, Vol. IV., page 74.) Let k^ be the characteristic anharmonic ratio of the one-dimensional projective transformation along the line x. In like manner we have projective transformations of one dimension along each of the invariant lines y and z. We shall call their characteristic anharmonic ratios ky and k^. respectivel}^ In reck- oning these anharmonic ratios the points will be taken always in the same order around the triangle. Thus we see that every pro- jective transformation of the kind T in the plane determines three characteristic anharmonic ratios along the three invariant lines. It is also evident that the pencil of lines through the vertex A of the invariant triangle is transformed into itself in such a way that the rays AB and AC are invariant rays of the transformation. Also the anharmonic ratio of the invariant rays and any pair of corres- ponding rays of the pencil is constant for all pairs of corresponding rays; this anharmonic ratio is equal to k^ , the characteristic anharmonic ratio along the opposite side x. Similar considerations apply to the pencils of rays through the invariant points B and C. We shall now proceed to show that these three anharmonic 84 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. ratios are not independent but are connected by a very simple relation. Let p and p' (fig. 3 ) be a pair of corresponding lines in the plane; and let p cut the lines x, y, z in the points X, Y, Z re- spectively; and let p' cut the same lines in X', Y', Z' respectively. Since ^^(ABZZ'); kx^(BCXX'); and ky=(CAYY'); we have newson: continuous groups. 85 AZ AZ' BX BX' CY CV kz= : ; k^.= : ; and ky^ : . BZ BZ' CX CX' ■ AY AY' But by similar right triangles we have AZ Aa AZ' Aa' BX Bb BX' Bb' CY Cc CY' Cc' BZ Bb' BZ' Bb'' CX Cc CX' Cc'' AY Aa ' AY' Aa' Multiplying together and substituting we get AZ BZ' BX CX' CY CY' BZ AZ' CX BX' AY AY' Aa Bb' Bb Cc' Cc Aa' Bb Aa' Cc Bb' Aa Cc' Theorem 6. Every projective traiisfonnation of the kiint T in the plane determines a eliaraeteristic anharmonie ratio along each of the invariant lines and through each of the invariant points. When these three anharmonie ratios are reckoned in the same order around the triangle their product is unity. Thus we see that of these three anharmonie ratios only two are independent. Every transformation of T depends therefore upon 8 parameters, viz: the six co-ordinates of the three invariant points (or lines) and these two independent anharmonie ratios. Since each of these parameters may assume oa^ different values, we see again that there are 00'^ transformations of the kind T in the plane. We are also enabled to distinguish two distinct varieties of varia- ble parameters, viz: co-ordinates of invariant points (or lines) and characteristic anharmonie ratios. This is an important distinction which will be of considerable use later on. Theorem y. Of the eight parameters ichich deter/nine a transforma- tion of the kind T six are coordinates of invariant points {or lines) and two are characteristic anharmonie ratios. We proceed now to consider the system of transformations leav- ing a triangle invariant. In this case the six co-ordinate parame- ters are constant and the two anharmonie ratio parameters are vari- able; thus we see that there are oo^ transformations leaving a given triangle invariant. From another point of view we arrive at the same result. The two conies K and K^ by means of which we can construct the transformation T touch four fixed lines I, x, y, z. K and Ri therefore belong to a range of co^ conies touching the same four lines. Any pair of conies taken from this range determines a transformation leaving the triangle (ABC) invariant. 00- pairs of conies may be formed from this range, thus showing that there are §6 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. (x>" transformations which leave the triangle invariant. By Theorem 5 these oo^ transformations form a two-termed group Gg or G (ABC). Since there are co'' different triangles in the plane, it follows that there are oo'' such two-termed groups. Hence the general projec- tive group Gj^ is composed of oo^ two-termed groups G^', thus Gg^ oo^Gj,. No two of these two-termed groups can have a trans- formation of the kind T in common; for if two transformations T and Tj are identical the eight parameters of the one must be equal to the eight parameters of the other. Now the two anharmonic ratio parameters of one of the transformations may readily be equal to those of the other; but if the transformations leave differ- ent triangles invariant, all of the six co-ordinate parameters of the one can not be equal to those of the other. Hence T and Tj can not be identical. (Later it will be shown that for particular posi- tions of the triangles two or more groups Gg may have common many transformations of the type S.) Theorem 8. The general projective group G^ is composed of oo^ tivo-tcrmcd sidy-grotips G.^. Each of these two-icrmcd sub-groups has an invariant triangle. No two of these tiao-termed groups can have a transformation of the kind T in common. We now proceed to show that there are other sub-groups of the general projective group G,^ that can be constructed out of these two-termed sub-groups of the type G (ABC). Suppose the vertex A of the triangle ABC to move along the side AC. It may assume 00^ different positions on the line and thus form oo^ triangles of the type A„BC. To each of these triangles belongs a two-termed group of transformations. Consider any two transformations taken from different groups of this series. These two transformations both leave invariant the points B and C, and the lines x and y; and they are together equivalent to a third transformation which leaves the same figure invariant and therefore belongs to some one of these 00^ groups Gg. Thus we see that the co'^ transformations leaving the lines x and y and the points B and C invariant form a three- termed group Gg, which is made up of ooi two-termed groups. Thus G.^^oo^G.,. It is easily seen that the general projective group G^ contains oo^ such three-termed sub-groups. Two three- termed groups, whose invariant figures contain no geometric ele- ment in common, contain no transformation in common. But it is possible to chose the invariant figures so that they shall contain a common triangle; the two three-termed groups then contain a common two-termed group. newson: continuous groups. 87 Theorem g. The general projeetive group G ^ may be decomposed into 00 5 three-termed sub-groups caeh of whieh has for invariant figure two tines, their point of intersection, and another point on one of tJiese lines. In a similar manner three-termed groups of the type just dis- cussed may be put together so as to form four-termed groups; and this may be done in three different ways. First, suppose that the line y is made to revolve about the point C; it thus assumes 00^ different positions. Belonging to each of these positions is a three-termed group, and by the principle of Theorem 5 these form a four-termed group G^.a,! whose invariant figure is composed of two invariant points and the line joining them. In the second place, the point B may be supposed to assume all positions on the line x; corresponding to each position of the point B is a three-termed group, and the totality of all these three-termed groups is a four-termed group G^j,, whose invariant figure is com- posed of two invariant lines and their point of intersection. Again the point C may be made to move along the line y; to each position corresponds a three-termed group, and the totality of all these three-termed groups is a four-termed group G^ ,.> whose invariant figure consists of the invariant line y and the invariant point B not on the line y. These three types of four-termed groups are the only possible ones that can be compounded out of three-termed groups of the kind G.j. We shall designate these by the symbols G^.;i, G^_i„ G^.,.. Theorem to. There are three types of four-termed groups whieh may be compounded out of three-termed groups cf the kind G^ {and hence out of two-termed groups of the kind G (ABC)). Their invariant fig- ures are respectively 1 100 points and their join; two lines and their inter- section: a line and a point not on the line. If oqI four-termed groups of the kind Gj^ ^ be taken such that their invariant figures have common the line x and the point C on X, these form a system of oo^ transformations all of which leave invariant the linear element x, C. Hence these form a five-termed group. Again, if we take c»^ four-termed groups of the kind G^ i, such that their invariant figures have common the line x and the point C, we have the same five-termed group as before. But if we take four-termed groups of the kind G^^. we can not put them to- gether so as to form a five-termed group. This kind of a five- termed group with an invariant linear element is the only kind that can be built up out of two-termed groups G (ABC). Two such five-termed groups will generally have a two-termed group in com- OO KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. mon; for the common invariant figure is a triangle. If the two lines or the two points of the linear elements coincide, the two groups have in common a four-termed group. Tlicoreiii II. The oo^ transfonnatioiis wliicli leave a linear element invariant form a five-termed group . The general projective group con- tains 00 3 such five-termed groups. If the point C be made to move along the line x, to each posi- tion of the point belongs a five-termed group. The sum total of the transformations belonging to all these five-termed groups forms a six-termed group whose invariant figure is a straight line. It is clear that to every line in the plane belongs a six-termed group of this kind. The general projective group therefore contains oo* such six-termed groups. In like manner if the line x be made to revolve around the point C, to ever}^ position of the line x belongs a five-termed group. These co^ five-termed groups make up a six-termed group whose invariant figure is a point. The general projective group contains 00^ of these six-termed groups. Theorem 12. The 00 "^ transformations which leave a line or a point invariant form a six-termed group. The general projective group co7itains 00 2 sub-groups of each kind. This completes the enumeration of the sub-groups of the general projective group, which can be built up out of the two-termed sub- groups of the kind G (ABC). We have a list of nine kinds of groups, as follows: G^; Gg p, Gg.i; G,; G^.a> G^.,,, G^.c; G3; G^,. So far we have shown how to build up these groups of higher orders out of groups of lower orders. The reverse process might have been followed. We might have started with the general pro- jective group and decomposed it into groups of lower orders. This we proceed to do briefly. A transformation of the kind T is determined by eight para- meters, six co-ordinate parameters and two anharmonic ratio para- meters. When all eight of these vary they generate the general projective group. When two or more of the co-ordinate parameters are fixed quantities and the rest of them variables the various sub- groups are generated. In order that a point of the plane shall remain invariant it is necessary and sufficient that two of the co- ordinate parameters shall be fixed; the variation of the other six parameters generates a six-termed sub-group Gg.p. In like manner two conditions or parameters determine a line; the variation of the other six parameters generates a six termed group G^.j. The gen- newson: continuous groups. 89 eral projective group G^ contains cc'^ sub-groups G^.p, and also oc- sub-groups Gg.;. Three conditions determine a linear element; if the co-ordinaies of a linear element are fixed, the variation of the other five parameters generates a five-termed group G j. If two points of the plane are invariant, four parameters are fixed and the variation of the remaining four produces the four-termed group G^ij. If two lines of the plane are invariant, four parameters are fixed and the remaining four produce the four-termed group G^ y. If a point and a line are invariant, four parameters are fixed and the remaining four produce the four-termed group G^ ,.. If two points, their join and a line through one of them; or two lines, their intersection and a point on one of them are invariant, five condi- tions are satisfied; the variation of the remaining three parameters generates a three-termed group G^. If three non-collinear points or three non-concurrent lines are invariant, all six co-ordinate par- ameters are constant and the two anharmonic ratio parameters generate a two-termed group G^,. (If three coUincar points are invariant, all the points of the line are invariant; but the transfor- mations leaving all the points of a line invariant are of the kind S and S'; the same is true of three concurrent lines. Groups of this kind will be discussed later, j ij3 One-Termed Croups of Transformations of the Kind T. We shall next show that a two-termed group G (ABC) can be decomposed into one-termed sub-groups. To do this we proceed as follows: Let T^ be any transformation of the group G^, and let its char- acteristic anharmonic ratios along the invariant lines x, y, z be A., /X.J V, respectively. Let T.3 be another transformation of the group Gj, and let its characteristic anharmonic ratios be A, /x., Vg respectively. These two transformations are together equivalent to another transformation of the same group G^, whose character- istic anharmoic ratios are respectively A3 fji.^ v.j. But these two- dimensional transformations each determine along the invariant lines one-dimensional transformations. The three one-dimensional transformations, one along each of the invariant lines, since they leave two points of the line invariant, belong respectively to one- termed groups of transformations of the points on a line. Hence we have by theorem 5, part I, AjA.,=A.j; /x^fi^^fji^; v^v.,~v.^. (i) But by means of the relations Aj/AjV, =^i, X.^fji.^v2 = i, and X^fx^v.^ = i, we have Vj — (A,)u.j)-i; v.,={>^2l^-2'>'^' "3 = (-^3/^3 )"^- ^o^^ ^^^ us put a rr-\-'^ where a is some unknown constant; let us also put 1 ix,=.\-^, wdiere /> is another unknown constant. The three charac- go KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. teristic anharmonic ratios of the transformation T, are now A,,A-'SA"-i; those of To are A.,,A-^,A''"i; those of T„ can be expressed ' ] 1 - - 2 3 in terms of the others. The relations existing among these anhar- monic ratios are given by the equations Aj A3=A3 ; A-»A;b=(A, A.)-'A;^-''^A:;'A''-'J; Xa-ixb-i = (A.A.,yi-Ui>=^=A''-iAi'-=^ (2) 12 i -A i If now b^a these equations reduce to A,A„=A,; A-='A-='=--(A.A.O-''=A-''; \'^-iX^-'^ = {X,\.y-^^-\^-l (3) Hence we see that if the two transformations T, and T^ are so related that their characteristic anharmonic ratios along one of the invariant lines, for example along y, are each equal to the same power of the corresponding characteristic anharmonic ratios along another invariant line as x, then the resulting transformation T.^ has the same property; i. e. its corresponding anharmonic ratios have exactly the same relation. Thus we see that the two trans- formations T, and T.^ of this particular kind are together equivalent to a third T3 of the same kind; i. e. T3 is expressed in terms of A3 and a exactly as T, and T^ are expressed in terms of A, A3 and a. This is the fundamental property of a group. Hence we conclude that all the transformations of the group G„, which have the char- acteristic anharmonic ratio along one of the lines as y equal to a constant power of that along another of the lines as x, form a sub- group. This is a one-termed sub-gro'up of G (ABC), the variable para- meter of the group being the characteristic anharmonic ratio along some one of the invariant lines. This one-termed group contains 00 1 transformations corresponding to the cc^ values of the variable parameter. This constant power a is the same for all transforma- tions of the group. If we give to a different values we obtain dif- ferent one-termed groups, and as many as there are values of a, viz: cci. Thus we see that our two-termed group G^,. falls apart into co' one-termed groups G^. Theorem 13. The two-termed group of fransformations G^, which leaves a triangle invaria7it, consists of 00' one-termed groups G ^. All the transformations belonging to one of these onr-tcirmed groups have the common property that the characteristic anharmonic ratio of each trans- formation along one of the invariant lines is a consta7it poivcr of its char- acteristic anharmonic ratio along another of the invariant lines; this consta7it power is the same for all transformations of a one-termed grot/p, but is different for different o?te-iermed groups. newson: continuous groups. gi We shall now proceed to study in detail the properties of one of these one-termed groups. Since the variable parameter of the one- termed group in the plane is the characteristic anharmonic ratio of a one-termed group of one-dimensional transformations along one of the invariant lines, we may expect that the properties of the group of the kind Gj on a line, (Sec Part I.) The characteristic anharmonic ratios of a transformation T along the invariant lines are A, A"=^.A='"^; hereafter we shall speak of A as the characteristic anharmonic ratio of the transformation T. We have already shown in equation (r) that Aj, t'.\2 characteristic aaharmon- ic ratio of the reiultaat transformation Tg, is equal to the product of A, and A,, the characteristic anharmonic ratios of the component transformations T, and To- By combining T^ with T^ we obtain Tj; so that P. is equivalent to the coaibination of Tj, T.,, T^; tlitis TjTgT^^Tj. Also A jA^-=A- i. e. AjAjA^ — Ag. The same reason- ing may be extended to any number of transformations. Property I. Any liuo or more transfoniiations of the grotip G^ arc equivalent to som: sin':;;le transformation of tli3 sam: group; the eltarac- t eristic anharmonic ratio of the resultant transformation is equal to the continued product of the characteristic anharmonic ratios of the compon- ent transformations. If A=i, then A'-'-^i, and A"'"!^!; but for A^=i the transformation along an invariant line is an identical transformation. Hence every point on the invariant lines x, y, and z are invariant points; also all lines through A, B, and C are invariant lines; therefore every line of the plane and every point of the plane is invariant, The trans- formation of the group given by A = i is therefore an identical trans- formation. Prop. 2. Tiie group G contains one identical transformation whose eiiaracteristic ratio is unity. Two transformations of the group whose characteristic anharmon- ic ratios are reciprocals of one another are said to be inverse trans- transformations. It is evident that all transformations of the group may be arranged in inverse pairs, and that the two transformations of a pair are together equivalent to the identical transformation of the group. Hence we see that if any transformation T moves P to P', the inverse transformation T' moves P' back to P. Prop. J. Pile transformations of a group G may be arranged in in- 7'erse pairs; the characteristic anharmonic ratios of t/ie transformations forming an inverse pair are the reciprocals of ofie anotJicr. Any trans- formation of tlie group and its inverse are together equivalent to the iden- tical transformation of the group. 92 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. We must examine the two transformations corresponding to X-^o and X-=oo . We learned in one-dimensional groups to call these psuedo-transformations. In order to understand the psuedo-trans- formations in the plane we must consider the value of the constant a. First let a be positive between o and i; second let a be positive between i and x : third let a be negative. Let ABC be the invari- ant triangle; and let the cliaracteristic anharmonic ratio along BC be A, along CA be X"-'-; and along AB be X'^"* all Uken in the same order around the triangle. For X -^o and a a positive fraction these ratios are respectively o, oo , oo. Hence (Kansas University Q'Jar- terly Vol. lY, page 79) all points of the plane except the line AB are transformed into the point C: the line AB is indeterminately transformed. For X--x and a a positive fraction the values of these ratios are respectively ex, o, o. Hence all points of the plane ex- cept the points on the line AC are transformed to B; the points on AC are indeterminately transformed. In the second place let a be positive between i, and oc; for X= o the three anharmonic ratios in the order mentioned above are o, cc, o. Hence in this case all points of the plane except the line AB are transformed to the point C. For X=- 00 and a between i and cc tlie vahus of the -three ratios are respectively ex, o, 00. Hence all points of the plane are trans- formed to A except those on BC. In the third place let a be nega- tive; for X~ o the three values are respectively o, o, 00. Hence all points except those on BC are transformed to A. For X^^ 00 the values are respectively cc, oc, o; hence all points of the plane are transformed to B except those on AC. In general it can be shown that when a is any complex quantity for X o and for X cc all points of the plane are transformed into some one of the invariant points. Prop. 4. The group G to?i fains t7i'o pS(iui'o-(raf;sfcrn:atu?is 7i /,i whose cliaretcteiistic anhcvi/ionic ratio is (/-f 8). Any transfoiniation of the group or the whole gi'Oiip itself may he generated fro/n the injini- tesinial transformation. The foregoing properties of the most general form of a one- termed group in the plane are almost identical with the properties of the most general form of a one-termed group on a line. Both sets of properties depend upon the variation of an anharmonic ratio parameter. We proceed now to examine certain properties of these one- termed groups of transformations and their relations to the conies K and K' which ar'e used to construct the transformation. Since four points and their four corresponding points completel}' deter- mine a transformation, we should be able to construct the conies K and K' when the invariant triangle ABC and one other pair of cor- responding points are given. We first show how to do this. The conies K and K' belong to a range of oc ' conies touching the lines x, y, z, and 1. If we take any conic K of this range S and consider the transformations formed by taking K with all con- ies of the range, we shall have a system of 00' transformations which may be represented b)^ T (KS). Each transformation of this system transforms an\' point P of the plane into points P', P", P"', . . P" . We wish to find the locus of these points P', P", P", . . P" . The tangents from P to K intersect I in Q and R. The tangents from Q and R on the line 1 to the conies of the range S form two projective pencils of rays. The intersection of corres- ponding rays are the points P'. P", P'", . . P" , which therefore lie on a conic through O and R. This conic also passes through the points A, B, C; for the segments AAj, BB,, CC^ are conies of the range S, and the tangents from Q and R to AA^ intersect in A. Hence this conic which we shall call K passes through A and like- wise through B and C. Hence if we have given the invariant triangle and any pair of corresponding points P and P', we can construct K and K', the conies which determine the transformation, and therefore construct the whole transformation. The points A, B, C, P, and P' deter- mine a conic ^ which cuts 1 in two points Q and R; connect P with Q and R; these two lines and the lines x, y, z, and 1 all touch a conic K of the range S. The lines joining P' to Q and R touch gA KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. another conic K' of the range S. Having found the conies K and K' all the rest of the transformation can be constructed. If the conic A' cuts the line 1 in two real points Q and R, then P and P' are outside of K and K' respectively; but if Q and R are a pair of conjugate imaginary points, then P and P' are inside of K and K' respectively; if the conic A' should touch 1, then P and P' are on K and K' respectively. The conies K and K' are each characterized by a certain numer- ical constant. Any tangent to the conic K cuts the four fi.Ked tan- events X, V, z, 1 in a constant anharmonic ratio which we shall des- ignate by k. In like manner every tangent to K' cuts the same four tangents in a constant anharmonic ratio which we shall desig- nate bv k'. We shall call these two anharmonic ratios the tan- gcii/ia/ aiilianiioiiii ratios of the conies K and K'. Let the conies K and K' touch 1 in the points L and L': let them touch X in X and X', \- in Y antl V. z in Z and Z'. The tan- gential anharmonic ratio k aK)ng the fixed tangent 1 is that of the four points A,, B,, C,, and the point of contact L; thus k=(AjB,C^L); likewise k-^( A, B ,C, L'). Along the line x these same tangential anharmonic ratios are respectively k = (XCBAj) and k' = (X'CBAj). Along z they are k:^(BAZCj) and k'=(BAZ'C,). Along y they are k^-(CYAB, ) and k'-(CY'AB,). We shall now show that the three characteristic anharmonic ratios A^ , Ay , A^ can be expressed in terms of the two tangential anharmonic ratios k and k . X and X' are corresponding points on the invariant line x: hence A^, -(BCXX'). In like manner Ay=(CAYY') and A, :^(ABZZ'). Taking the ranges of points along the line z. we have AZ AZ' A^^CABZZ')-^ : . Also k:--^(BAZC,): hence ZB Z'B I AZ AC, -r=(ABZC )=^ — - : : and likewise we have k ZB C,B AC, AZ' k' = (BAZ'C.)=(ABC,Z')rr= : . C,B Z'B k' AZ AZ' Therefore -^^-•—- : = (ABZZ')-Az. Thus we h.ave k ZB Z'B expressed A^ in terms of k and k'. Let us next take the ranges ahjug tlie invariant line y. Here we have Ay— (CAYY'_), k=(CYAB,), and k':^-o eonies K and K' luliieh determine the transformation: thus k' k— I k(k'— I) Xj =: , Ay ^= , Ay r= . k ' k'— I k'(k— I) If we express these in terms of A and a, these relations are found. k' k — I k(k'— I) A^^ — : A-'-i^ : A"":^ . k k'— I k'(k~i) We wish to find out how to select the pairs of conies which pro- duce transformations belonging to a one-termed group. We must first express k and k', the tangential anharmonic ratios of the con- ies K to K', in terms of A, the characteristic anharmonic ratio ot the transformation. By theorem 14 we have gb KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLV. k' (k— I) k X= — and /x=rA-a=^ ; — ^ k (k— n k' k— I k'^i-i k' therefore = ; by means of the relation A— — we get after k'_i ka-i k reduction Aa-i— I A^— A k= , and k'= . (4) Aa — I A^— 1 When the fixed constant a is given, the conies K and K' corres- ponding to a given value of A are at once determined, We can now determine the positions of the conies K and K' for particular values of A. When A=-i, the transformation is an iden- tical one for the whole plane; substituting this value of A in the last equations and evaluating the indeterminate expressions we find k=k'^^. Thus in the case of the identical transformation of the group the conies K and K' are coincident, and touch the line 1 at the point L, such that (A jB,CjL)='^" . When the conies K and K' are coincident, it is easy to see from the construction of the transformation that ever}' point of the plane is unaltered in posi- tion; in other words the transformation in the w-hole plane is an identical one. If we consider the construction of an}' transformation T (KK') by means of the conies K and K', we see that the transformation determined by the same two conies taken in the reverse order, T (K'K), is the inverse of the first: i. e. if T (KK') transforms P to P', then T (K'K ) transforms P' back to P; and so with every point of the plane. It is clear that every transformation of the group has an inverse belonging to the same group and that any transformation and its inverse are together equivalent to the iden- tical transformation of the group. In considering the positions of the conies which produce a pseudo-transformation of the group it is necessary to consider the value of the constant a. We shall consider the case where a is between o and i, and a real quantity. The coincident conies pro- ducing the identical transformation of the group touch the line 1 between Aj and Bj. Let A' gradually decrease in value; then the two conies separate, the point of contact of K approaching Aj and the point of contact of K' approaching B,. When A— o, k=^ — x and k'=o; the conic K then becomes the degenerate conic AAj, while K' becomes BBj, Thus the pseudo-transformation is pro- newson: continuous groups. 97 duced b}' the two degenerate line conies AA , and BB,. Let A decrease still further and become negative; the point of contact of K approaches C^ from one side and the point of contact of K' ap- proaches the same point from the other side. For some value of A (usually an imaginar}' root of unity ) the two conies coincide with the degenerate line conic CC,. Let A approach — x : the conic K then approaches its limiting form BB,, while K' approaches its limiting form AA^. Thus we reach the second pseudo-transforma- tion of the group which is produced by the same two degenerate conies BB^ and AAj; but now taken in the reverse order, showing that the two pseudo-transformations form an inverse pair. If ii be taken not between o and i, another combination of line conies will produce the pseudo-transformations. The real group contains two real infinitesimal transformations which are inverse to one another. The conies K and K' which determine these infinitesimal transformations differ by an infinitesi- mal amount from the coincident conies which produce the identical transformation of the group. (The case where the transformations of the group are not real will be discussed elsewhere.) The analytical expressions for a one-termed group G., can readil}' be written dow^n from the properties pointed out above. Let the invariant triangle be ABC, and let the transformation T whose equations we wish to find be that one which transforms the point P (x, y, z) to the point P^ (x,, y^, Zj). The anharmonic ratio of the pencil C(ABPP^) is A; in terms of the co-ordinates of the Yi y y, y points P and P^ this is seen to be A=^ — : — . Hence — =A — . In x, x X, x like manner the ratio of the pencil A(BCPP,) is A"": and its analy- tic expression in the co-ordinates of P and P, is A"'''^ — : — ; hence Yi y z^ z we have — =A"'>' — . The anharmonic ratio of the pencil B(CAPP^) Yi y Xj X is similarl}' found to lead to — =r:A^-i — . z^ z These three equations express the transformation T which trans- forms P to P^ : if we have a second transformation Tj of the same group which transforms Pj to P.,, its equations will be y, ^y, z. ^ z^ Xj ^ Xj Xg x, y^ yj Zg Zj 98 KANSA*; llNlVERSITY QUARTERLV. If we eliminate x,, yj, Zj from these two sets of equations, we are able to express the co-ordinates of P^ in terms of those of P. Setting XA'=A,, the elimination gives y„ y z„ 2 ^2 ^ ~=A, — ; — =A.-a_; ^=xa-l_. Xo X y2 y z, z This shows that the two transformation T and Tj are together equivalent to T^: another transformation of the same group which transforms P directly to Pg. This analytical expression for a one-termed group G.^ is in fact identical with Lie's expression in homogeneous co-ordinates. [ Tc? be Continued. ] Theory of Compound Curves in Railroad Hnoineerin^. BV ARNOLD EMCH. 1. It is the purpose of this note to treat the problem of com- pound curves as it occurs in railroad engineering from a general geometrical stand point which enables us to discuss in an easy man- ner all the essential parts of the problem. It will be seen that the theory of compound curv^es is identical with the theory of two pro- jective special pencils of circles. In Vol. Ill, No. 5, of the Aiiicricaii Mathciitatical Moiitlily, the author has treated of projective pencils of circles in connection with a special complex of lines of the second degree*. The theorem has been established: TIic locus of the points of iangcncy of both taii^cnt-circlcs of two pencils of circles is a bi-circnlar ci/rve of the fourth order. The same curve is also produced b\ one of the pencils and the projective conjugate pencil of the other pencil. ■ This curve, of course, passes through the four fundamental points of the pencils of circles. Now we may take the special case where the two fundamental points of each pencil of circles coincide, or where all the circles of the pencil are tangent to a fixed line at a fixed point. This, however, represents precisely the case of compound curves in railroad engineering. Evidently the bi- circular curve of the fourth order, having also two finite double points, must degenerate into ttco circles. 2. In order to apply the previous result we will verify it directly. First we will write the equations of the two special pencils of cir- cles in the form U — 2AV=o, (I) U'— 2A'V'=o, and assume as the double points (coinciding fundamental points) of these pencils the points (0,0) and (a,b) fig. i. *A fJpecial Complex of the Second Degree and its Kelation with the Pencils of Circles, (99) KAN- Umv. <^UAR., VOU V, NQ 2, OCTOBER, 1890. KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. The circles of the first pencil we assume tangent to the y — axis (x=o), and those of the second tangent to the line X — a =k, y— b or X — vk — a-[-L)k=o (2) at the point (a,b ). Now any two circles of a pencil of circles determine all the other circles of the pencil, as indicated in the formulae (i). We may also choose special circles of these pencils, for instance, the tang- ents at their double points and the zero-circles in these points. Thus we have ' U^x2+y2, V=x U'=(x— a)3 + (y— b)2, V'=x^yl<— a + bk. The equations of our special pencils of circles are therefore emch: theory of compound curves. ioi x'--fy- — 2Axr=o, (3) (X — a)2-f (y — b)2 — 2A'(x~yk— a + bk)=o. (4) It is required that any of the circles (3) is orthogonal to as many circles of (4 ) as is possible. Designating the co-ordinates of the centers of any two circles by {a,/3) and (a',fi') and their radii re- spectivel}- b} p and p', the condition for the orthogonality of the two circles is (a— a')-' ^-{/3~/3')~=p-^p'"^. (5) Associating the values a. /3, p for a special value of A. with the corresponding circle of the pencil (3) we have a=A, /3=:0, pi^A. In the same way we associate the values a, /?', p' with the pen- cil (4) and have a'=a^A', /3'=b— A'k. p'=A' /(i^k-^). Substituting these values in equation (5) there is (A— a— A' ) " + ( A'k— b) •=X"' +A' 2 ( i +k2), or after some reductions 2A'{ a — A — bk)=i2Aa — a" — b-, whence 2Aa-a-^— b2 A'=^ . (6) 2a — 2A — 2bk According to this condition, to each value of A belongs one and only one value of A', i. e., taking any circle of the pencil (3), there is one and only one circle in the pencil (4) orthogonal to that circle. If we substitute in formula (6) for A' and A successively the values: h—13', A'^=a' — a, A=a, and A'=; — ,X.^^(i, k we obtain the two expressions 2aa — a 2 — b- a — a= , 2a — 2a — 2bk and kC2aa — a- — b") /?'— b=- -, 2a — 2a-(-2bk or a^ — b- — 2abk f a = , 2a — 2a — 2bk I02 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. 2a(b-|-ak) — 2ab — a-k /3'- . 2a— 2a-|-2bk Froii] this is seen that the centers of corresponding orthogonal circles in the two pencils form projective point-ranges. The two pencils are, therefore, also projective and their prodnct is a bi-cir- cular curve of the fourth order which degenerates into two circles. To obtain the equation of these circles we have to eliminate A and A' from the following equations: x2-)-y2 — 2Ax = o (I) (x— a)2 + (y— b)2-~2A'(x— yk— a + bk)=o (II) 2Aa— a2— b2 A'= . (Ill) 2a — 2A— 2bk From (I) follows hence A': x~+y- a(x3J-y2)_x(a2-fb2) 2x(a — bk) — (x2+y2) Substituting this value in II, there is r(x— a)2 + (y— b)-l r2x(a-bk)— (x^ + ys)"]— — 2 X — yk + bk — a a(x-+y2) — x(a2-^b2) =o. After some transformations and reductions this equation may be written in the conspicuous form rx2+y2~x(a— bk— b,/i+k"2)— y(b + ak-fal i+k2)1x (7) XJ x2+y2_x(a— bk + bl i -l k ^ ) _y ( b + ak— a 1 ' i + k ^ ) =0. This is the equation of tlie product of the two projective special pencils of circles and, evidently, represents two circles x^H-y-— x(a— bk— bl i+k>^)— y(b + ak + al ' i + k2)=:o, (8) x2-fy2_x(a— bk + bl i+k^)— y(b+ak--al/ i+k2)=o, (9) which both pass through the origin and through the point (a, b), the two finite double points. EMCH: THEORY OF COMPOUND CURVES. IO3 The co-ordinates of the center of the first circle are a— bk— bl'- i+k^ m^= b + ak + al/i-4-k2 n== (10) and of the second a — bk + bl i+k3 (II) b + ak— al i-f-k^ 2 The radii of these circles respectively are 1 ni^-j-n^ and 1 ' m'2-(-n'-. It is easih' verified that (m— m')2-j-(n— n')2^ms+n3-fm'2+n'2. This, however, is tlie condition that two circles are normal to each other. Hence: Tlic tiuo circles fonui Hi:; the locus infer sect each othei' at rij^ht angles. From this follows, that the points P, Q, O, M, T in fig. 2. all lie on the same circle with the line Py as a diameter. 3. The normal pencil of circles of the pencil (4) is obtained by X — a considering the normal to the straight line (2), :=k, which is y-b xk-f-y — ak — b=o, and the zero-circle at the point (a,b) as two circles of the pencil. The required normal pencil is therefore given by the equation (x — a)2-|-(y — b)'' — 2A"(xk-p-y — ak — b)=o. (12) For a fixed value of A" the co-ordinates of the center of the cor- responding circle are a" = a-fA"k, /3"=b+A", and p"=A"l/i+k2. I04 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. The condition for the tangency of the circle (12) and of the ori- ginal circle (3) is Substituting the values of a, /3, p and a", /3", p'' and developing we find the expression a^xb^ — 2aA A"= — , 2A(kdzl i + k2)— 2(ak4-b) which shows that to eacli value of A belong two values of A'', or that each circle of the pencil x"^+y-— 2Ax=o is touched by two and onl_y two circles out of the pencil (x— a)2-i-(y_b)2_2A"(xk--y— ak— b)=o. These results are all well known from the theory of pencils of circles and it is for the present purpose not necessary to develope further details. We will now show that any circle C of the pencil (x— a)2^(y— b)2_2A'(x— yk— a + bk)^o which is normal to a certain circle C of the pencil x2^ y2— 2Ax^o cuts the latter circle in two points, A and B, which are precisely the points of tangency of the two possible tangent circles C^ " and Cg" out of the normal pencil of circles (x— a)2-u(y— b)2— 2A"(xk+y— ak— b)=o. In fig. 2, Cj" and C," are the two circles tangent to the circle C. Now tlie tangent to C or Cg" at B, intersects the tangent V^ in the point (a'. /3', ), or N, such that NBr=NM = NA. Hence the normal circle of C, C^", and Co" pass through A and B, q. e. d. The locus of the points of tangenc}' of the circles of our special pencils of circles is, therefore, the same as the product of projec- emch: theory of compound curves. 105 tivit}' of one of the pencils with the normal pencil of the other, i. e., consists of two circles which both pass through M and O. Kig. :i. The equation of the line V is xk ; V — ak — b=;0, xk V ak-t-b — =0, 1 i-^k" 1 I— k2 1 i4-k2 and of the v- -axis The equations of the inner and outer bi-sector are, thefefore, ;iven by the expressions and x(k — 1 i+k^)— y — ak — b— o, (13) I06 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. x(k + l i+k2)4y — ak— b=o. (14) As is easily verified, the co-ordinates (lo) which represent the center of one of the circles of the locus, satisfy the first of these equations and those of ( 1 1 ) the second. If we now use the technical terminology, i. e. designate the arcs MB, OB, MA, AO, etc., as arcs of compound curves and their points of tangency as points of compound curves we may state the theorem: Tlic locus of all points oj coiiipoiiiul ciii-iws be twee )i two tan^^ciiis and points consists of two circles ivhich pass tliron^i:^// the two given points on tzvo gi7'en tangents and wliose centers lie on the bi-sectors of the ttuo given tangents. To construct these centers we may, therefore, connect A with B, erect a perpendicular to AB in the middle of AB. which will inter- sect the bi-sectors in the required points P and (J. Considering any point of compound curve as B, then it lies on the same right line with the centers of the corresponding arcs of compound curves OB and MB. Since O and B lie also on the circle of the locus of points of compovmd curves with the center P, the perpendicular to the chord OB througli E passes through P. Hence -) as a center, and OM as 2.2 a diameter, fig. 3. *In practical treatises on tliis subject tlic concoption of compound curves is not given under tliis sfiueral point of view Thus in Mr. W. H. Scarles's treatise on Field Engineering the fol lowing restriction is made: '"A compound curve consists of two or more consecutive circular arcs of different radii, having their centers on the same side of tlie curve; but any two consecutive arcs must have a common tangent at their meeting point, or their radii at this point must coincide in position " io8 KANSAS UNIVERSITY ()UARTERLV. This result is also obtained from the expressions (lo) and ( 1 1 ). For k^=oc the first indicates that the center of the circle (8) is at Fig. H. an infinite distance in a direction whose trigonometric tangent is j b-j-ak + al i-|~k2 I a lim -: '- r= . La— bk— hi i+k3 i k=x b The second expression gives for the co-ordinates of the circle (g) a b 2 2 The Visual Perception of Distance. BY JOHN K. ROUSE. If we omit Descartes, the scientific study of the perception of distance began with Bishop Berkele}'. Assuming that a difference in the distance of a point can make no difference in the nature of the retinal image, since "distance being a line directed endwise to the eye projects only one point upon the fund of the eye — which point remains invariably the same, whether the distance be greater or smaller," he concluded that distance could not be a visual sen- sation, but must be an intellectual "suggestion," due to some non- visual experience, and this experience he considered tactile. According to his view, visual perception of distance is the ac- quired interpretation of light and color differences in terms of distance already gained by skin and muscle. To say that an object is a certain distance, is to assert that so much sensation of skin and muscle must be had before the object can be touched. But the notion that distance is not a visual, but a tactile form of consciousness, suggested b}- visual signs, though endorsed b}' many later psychologists, is b}' no means gcncrallx accepted. Some argue that the estimation of distance by the eye, is, as Berkeley said, a result of suggestion and experience, but that visual experi- ence alone is adequate, and this Berkeley denied. It is further maintained that depth feeling is just as optical in its nature as either hight or breadth, and that in the absence of motion of the body, or any part of it, toward or away from objects observed, the movement of the objects themselves may be substituted, with simi- lar experience resulting. Persons blind from birth and acquiring their sight in later years, have thus at first experienced distance by touch, and afterwai'd both by touch and sight. As these persons (about twelve cases having been reported) gciwra/ly maintain that all objects seemed to be, when first seen, in one plane near the globe of the eye, and that optical perception of their distance was learned by "associa- (109) KAN. UNIV. QU.\R., VOL. V, NO 2. OCTOBER, 1896. no KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. tion" witli the tactile sense, it seems that a strong argument for Berkeley's theor}^ has been found. But there have been a few peo- ple of the above class to whom objects, when first seen, did not appear in the same plane, but nearer and farther, although, of course, experience enabled them to locate the objects more accu- rately. The difficulty of finally settling the question of whether or not distance is a visual as well as a tactile form of consciousness, is greatly augmented by the fact that, although we find persons who at one time perceived distance tactually, and later both factually and visually, as above, we do not have at hand to compare with them, persons who at first have no tactile sensations, but only visual, and then later both kinds of sensations. Numerous experiments and observations have led psychologists to conclude that distance perception may be regarded as the pro- duct of three ever varying factors: retinal, muscular, and intellectual, as may be seen in the following so-called "clues" — accommodation, double and disparate images, difference in parallactic displacement of objects when the head is moved, faintness of tint, dimness of outline, and smallness of retinal images of objects named and known, together with various comparisons and allowances made, voluntarily and involuntarily. All of the above have sonietliing to do with our notions of "far" and "near;'" but when we consider that these -'aids" have a way of overcoming and overbalancing each other, especially when influenced by the presence of some other sensible quality in the object, anti that definite tactile and retinal modifications do not accompany differences in distance, and further, that there are many other irregularities, it then becomes evident to us that the act of judging distance follows no simple law. But that there are certain tendencies shown in our acts of judgment, a number of psychological experiments have plainly in- dicated; and it was to continue the examination of various estima- tions of distance that the following investigation was made. The accompanying drawing is intended to represent the large room in which the tests of judging given distances were made, and to show the mechanism and arrangement of the apparatus used. rouse: the visum, perception of distance. Fig. 1. In the figure above, E represents a light-brown paste-board box, suspended with an invisible wire (D ) to a larger wire (AB), by means of a smooth ring (Cj capable of sliding back and forth. Four such cubical boxes were employed, their edges measuring, respectively, 2, 3, 4, and 5 centimeters. The larger wire (AB), supporting them, was tightly drawn in a horizontal position over- head and extended the entire length of the 52 foot room. Two tin tubes ( F), well smoked inside, were so fixed at one end of the room that they were directl}- below the horizontal wire (AB), parallel with it, and in the same horizontal plane with the boxes when sus- pended successively. A curtain of plain dark material ( H) was placed at the further end of the room, just below and at right angles to the wire drawn above. Two persons were required (besides the subject) to perform the experiment, one to move the boxes back and forth (with a long stick or pointer) to correspond with divisions of a chalk line drawn upon the floor directly below the horizontal wire (AB), and another to give the subject views of the boxes when placed at proper posi- tions, not permitting him to see them moved, or to know when one box was exchanged for another, and to keep account of estimations made, thus leaving the subject free to judge the distance of the objects at different positions. Views at the proper time were given b}^ uncovering the farther ends of the tubes, a large piece of paste- board (M), perforated with holes through which the nearer ends of the tubes passed, cutting off all view in front of the subject except through the tubes. In the experiment ten young men from the higher classes of the university were used as subjects, each sitting at the opposite end of the. room from the curtain, and judging the distance of each of the four boxes, when placed in a definite series of positions. When judging distance at the first of the experiment the subject looked through the tubes and saw nothing but the suspended boxes ri2 KANSAS UNIVKRSr|-V (^lARTERLV. and the screen (H), without knowinj^; the size of the former or the distance of the latter. Then afterwards he was shown the boxes, and allowed to handle them and to learn their respective dimen- sions, informed of the distance of the curtain, and permitted to judge the distance of the objects, when again suspended, but with- out looking through the tubes. In this way the judgment was assisted in every way possible, except in seeing the objects moved, which was* in no case permitted. In the former case, when the tubes were used, the same definite series of positions was estimated in three ways: with ;/>/// eye. with /('// eye, and with both eyes, one tube being closed for monoc- ular vision. In seeing directly (without the tubes) only binocular vision was used. In addition to the above series of tests a shorter one was given, using the tubes and binocular vision (with 2 in. box), to illustrate Wundt's Law regarding judgment of the distance of ol^jects when moving closer and closer, or farther and farther. Each of the ten subjects made observations requiring a sitting of an hour or more. Care was taken to have the room lighted evenly in different parts, and the same set of tests was given to each sub- ject in as nearlv the same manner as possible. Below is shown a tabulated report of 160 average judgments, made from 1,600 tests upon ten subjects. Arabic numerals at the top of each of the four columns are used to indicate different sized boxes used, the boxes being named in thj order of their sizes, be- irinninsj' with the smallest box. T. \V,\.V. I. Without tubes, size u sing Iho tubes, and seeing only objects and curtain l)e> ond, 5ize ol, of ob.iects and distance former and distance of latte r not beuig known of curtain Ivnown. Real (1.) (ID 1 (III.» (IV.-) Uist Right Eye. Left Eye 1 Both Eyes. Both Eyes (fr e) Meters (1) (3) (3) (*) (1) (3) I (3) j (4) (b CA 1 . 75 1 . 65 (3) (4) H) (2) (3) (4) 1^2 3 1.9") 1 SO 1.05 1.10 2.05 1 ,55 1 55 1.30| 1.40 1.35 1.50 1.40 1.45 1.35 3.7a 3.60 2 45 2.35 3.65 3.05' 2.65 245! 3.45 2.80 3 65 2 . 55 3.80 3.05 3 GO 3.85 (J 5.60 3 75 3 65 3 15 5 35 4.0.i 3.651 3.40 4 25 3.70 3.95 3.25 4.05 4.40 4.30 4.25 7..=)5 5 20 5.05 4 55 7.00 5.3;5 4. 70 1 4 65 5 45; 4.65 4 90 4 45 5.. 55 5 70 5 80 5.50 9 « 75 (J 75 6 15 5 (iO 8.75 6 45 6 00 5 7i ■ 1 6. 55! 5 95 6.45 5 50 6 35 () 90 7 10 6.85 10 50 8.01) 7.45 6.55 10.15 7. HO 7.30j 6 60 ! 7.8;-.l 7.25 7 45 6 75 7 65 8 35 8.40 8.00 ]0^ 11.55 9.40 8 5r> 7 65 11.35 8.85 H 45' 7.60' 91.5! 8.35 8 50 8 20 9.55 9. 55 9 10 9.35 r' 12 4fi 10 55 9.70 8.75 12.45 10 15 9 50, 8.,"0l 10.45 9 45 9.65 9.30 i0.('5 11 10 11 55 11.40 1314 15 13 25 11 30 10 80 9.55 13.15 11 00 10.65' 9 ,50' n.55 10 75 10 75 10 ,50 12 80 12 90 13.15 13. (X) 14.85 13 00 12.30 10 85 13.60 12. 70 11.90^ 10 90j 13.90 13. 40 12.00 11.20 14 >-0 14 80 14 90 14.f-0 83i4 90.20 73.05 67.15 60 00 87.50 70 951 66 25 6O.6OI 73.35| 66.95 67.70 63.95 76.10 78..15 78.75 77.35 rouse: the visual perception of distance. 1^3 It will be seen that the average estimations generalh' vary in- versely as the size of the object observed, i. e., as the box used is larger, the distance judged is shorter, and vice versa. E. g., for 3 meters in (I), the smallest box (i) was thought to be 3.75 meters distant, and the next larger ones, (2), (3) and (4), 2.60, 2.45 and 2.35 meters, respectively. This is a common illusion, and it is natural that it should be shown here. To this tendency there is but one exception in (I) and one exception in (II), while in (III) there are a half dozen exceptions, and in (IV) the illusion almost wholl)' disappears, showing that m unassisted binocular vision there is a slii^Ii/ tendency to overcome the mistake of judging a larger object to be nearer, and a smaller object to be farther, while in bi- nocular vision assisted in different ways the illusion, in a great measure, disappears. A comparison of the sums of the averages for each box in different columns will show the same relation more plainly. Observing the same order of boxes, the smallest first, we find the sums as follows: Table II. 1 3 i •i (I) 90.20 7:>.05 H7 15 60.00 (II) 87.:-0 :0.H5 (i(5 25 (iO.OO (III) ^S.Ii) 6!5.l»5 fir 70 6J.H5 (IV) 7(5.10 78.15 78 75 77.:i5 By averaging (1), (2), (3) and (4) of each of the four columns of table No. i, the final average estimations (with different kinds of vision) appear as follows: Table Hi. . > Real Dist. (1.) (II.) (til.) . (IV.) Risht. Left. Both. Both (f i-ee) 1'.. i.:i:.50 1.6125 1..5125 1.42.50 3 2.78:5 2.9590 2.8625 2.9250 •t'i 4.0:5:5 4.Il;.'5 ::i.78:5 4. 250 J (i 5.5875 5.4000 4.8625 5.0:1:5 7'-> (i.8125 ().7.'.50 6.11:25 6 8000 !) 8.12.50 7.01)25 7.:):r.0 8.100 1 10'.. 9 2875 o.o;;25 8.5500 9 . :i8:5 12 10.:5li25 10.15')0 9.:i:.'5 11.27.50 m. 11.2250 ii.o:.50 10.8875 12.96?5 15 12.750J 12.2:50 12.1:J50 14.825U 82^2 :2.:i)00 71.:S2.50 67.7:;i75 77.5875 Table III seem to indicate that, within a scope of 15 meters, dis- tance is nearly always iiudercstiniatid, and appears less to the hft eye than to the right eye, and less to botJi eyes (unassisted) than to the left eye, as is more plainly shown by the following diagram. The perpendicular lines represent on a small scale the actual dis- tances indicated at their lower extremities; and the length of these perpendiculars from the horizontal base line to where they are cut b}'- the different curves, shows the respeetive estimates of these "actual distances," - 114 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY, Actual dist. both (assisted). Actual distance. Right eye. Left eye. Both eyes, Hi 3 lOH 15. 13^ 15 Comparing the sum of the actual distances (82 12 m. ), shown in table III, with the sums of the estimates in columns \^l), (II) and (III), the order of accuracy is shown as follows: Real Distance. Right Eye. Left Eye. Both, unassisted. 82>4 72.35 71-325 67.7375 A previous experiment was made in nearly the same manner as this one, except that no distance greater than 10 meters was shown (instead of 15, as in this), and that a greater number of subjects were used with fewer tests each, and finally, that instead of giving the tests in the order of right eye, left eye and both eyes, it was given in this order: both eyes, right eye and left eye; so the order of giving the tests could not have influenced the results of the two experiments to be similar to each other. The averages of the results obtained from the preceding experi- ment were as follows: Real Distance. Right Eye. Left Eye. Botli. unassisted. 9214 87.96^ 86.03^ 79-72>< Simplifying these two sets of results by reducing the real dis- tances (82^ and 92}4) to unity, we have the following compari- sons: Estimations. Real Distance. Right. Left. Both. For 15 meters, i meter. .87 .86 .82 For 10 meters, i meter. .95 .93 .86 These figures show the accuracy of judgment to be greater within a scope of 10 meters than 15, which might have been expected, since in the curve in diagram I the oblique lines representing the relative judgments, diverge more and more from the true line as the distance increases. This is better shown below: rouse: the visual perception of distance. "5 Table IV. Dist. Actual Errors. Per centu m of 1 Errors. Right. Left. Both. Both(free) Right. 1 Left. Both. Both(free) m .13^ — .im -.011/2 .071/2 8.33 —7.50 -.83 5.00 3 .2114 .05 .\-d% 07;/» 7.08 1.66 4.58 2.50 41/2 .W4 .38^4 .7114 25 10.37 8.61 15.83 5.55 6 .4114 .60 1.13 '4 .3GI4 () 87 10 00 18 78 6.04 7t4 .m% .TT'-i l.:i»->i .70 9.16 10.33 18.50 9 33 9 .87M 1.035a 1.0714 .90 9.72 11.53 18.61 10 00 10/» 1.21L4 1.43^4 1.95 1.111^ 11,54 13.69 18.57 10.59 12 1.63S£ 1.85 2.2814 .721/2 13 64 15.41 19.06 6.04 13/2 2.2714 2 421/s 2.6II4 ..53=^ 16.85 17.96 19.35 3 98 15 2.25 2.72^4 2.87Vi .1114 15. ©0 18.16 19.16 .76 Si% 10.15 ilAlVi 14.9614 4.91M Tne curves in the following diagram show the actual error for distances marked below: E)~ror. 31TU , Both JJiogrom I. Heal Distances 2 Both (free). 1354 13 *Due to approiifliing curtain at known distance. Below is a plot showing /fv centu))i of errors (omitting first two positions, where close view and some imperfections of method en- abled subjects to overcome tendencies seen in other places), fiafc pe/' vnituin. j^ Diagram BE Real Distance. Both. Lefi. Right. *Due to approacliing curtain at known distance. wa n J3fi 15 Both (free). The above shows that the error has a strong tendenc}- to increase as the distance increases, with few exceptions. ii6 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. Tlie following is a report (illustrated by curve) of a series of igo tests to explain Wundt's Law: Diaqrata IZ. lis* 56 UiaqrartL jy.. 7 8 9 l6 n 12 13 14 15 J6 17 18 19 / \ -- / \ 1 " / \ '' \\ , 1 '\ / / ^^ 11 '\ // A ' 1 V /;' ; , f ^ ^ s / ,' '-1 ' \ /.■ \ / \ \ /■ \ /' ^ \i ^ (i; (H v Table V. Dist., 2 00 3 00 4.50 5 00 i.M 3 00 2.00 i.hO 9 00 10.00 9 00 4 50 2.00 3.50 13.00 15.00 13.00 5.50 2.00 Est.. l.tiO 2.r5 3.05 4.45 4.40 3.75 1 ()5 3.9.) fl 9J 8.15 0.90 3.90 1.55 4.15 8.60 11 35 10.10 5.30 1.55 In the table a series of positions is shown, such that the object observed is part of the time approaching the observer and part of the time receding, at equal distances each. In the plot the heavy line represents the true distances and the dotted line the judgments, the left hand side of the figures showing the forward movement, the right hand side the backward. Remembering that the relative accuracy is shown in the above diagram by the tendency of the two lines to come together, we conclude that the accuracy in (I) and (Til) is greater when the object seen approaches than when it recedes, although in (II) there seems to be no marked tendency either way. A numeri- cal statement of all the different judgments is shown in the follow- ing table. In the following table Roman numerals correspond to those in the preceding diagram. Table VI. Estimations. Parts. Real Distance. Approaching. Receding. (I) (II.) (III.) 14. 50 25 50 35 50 14.25 20 50 28.30 12.45 20 65 25 65 Total. 75 50 00 05 58.75 From the above numerical statement it would appear that, within ROUSE: THE VISUAL PERCEPTION OF DISTANCE. II7 a range of 15 meters, the accuracy of judging the distance of an approaching object is greater than in determining tliat of a reced- ing one b}' the ratio of 63.05 to 58.75. In making estimates it was noticed that subjects quite generally moved the head in different ways while looking at the objects, ap- parently to give motion to the e3^e. Many were unable to tell with which eye the}' saw the object, often mistaking monocular for bi- nocular vision, and one kind of monocular vision for another. Some subjects made their estimates quickl}', others slowly. Some quickly at one time, but slowly at another. A coiuparison of the results of these different subjects did not indicate that the time element entered into the problem at all. Each subject required at least an hour for the whole series of tests. (GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. 1. There is a strong tendency to underestimate visible distances. 2. The illusion of judging a large object to be nearer and a small one farther, is less eoiiunon in biiioeiilar than in /iio/ioeitlar vis- ion, although the value of this advantage must not be considered too high, as it only shows a less variable relation betv/een differ- ent estimates of binocular vision, all of which may be farther wrong than the aggregate of monocular estimates, though severally more variable. 3. The greatest accuracy of judgment is that attained in binoe- iilar vision, assisted by various clues (as size of objects, comparison of other distances). 4. When vision is in no way assisted, the order of accuracy is: right eye, left eye, and botli eyes, in the ratio of .87: .86: .82 (true distance being iinitv). 5. The distance of appi-oaehing Q)h']^z\.?, is more truly judged than that of receding ones, in the ratio of 63.05 to 58.75 (true distance being 75.50). 6. As the true distance increases the error steadily increases also. 7. Distance perception has little dependence upon the time con- sumed in the process. 8. Movement of head to give motion to eye appears to be a factor in distance perception. The Limitations of the Composition of Verbs with Prepositions in Thucydides- DAVID H. HOLMES. In Greek the subject of composition in general has received but httle attention. So far as I know, the particular chapter which I have chosen has not been treated at all. But no attempt has been made in this paper to discuss such problems as the change of meaning caused by composition, or the case-constructions of compounds, or the influence of the preposition on the voice of the verb. As these subjects have been uniformly passed over by grammarians, we can- not reproach ourselves for treating them with the same respect. The object of the present investigation is rather to see from an examination of the material offered by Thucydides what the indica- tions are from this source regarding the principles underlying the composition of verbs with prepositions, and the limitations affecting the operation of these principles. If any justification is needed for the undertaking of such a task, it is found in the interest and instruction which attach to the an- swers to such questions as: the range of prepositions of the differ- ent verbs; the relative affinity of verbs for prepositions; the lines of favoritism between verbs and prepositions; causes and results of loss of color in the preposition. The same inquiries will be ex- tended to diprothetics and triprothetics. Such is the modest aim of this paper. But whatever the results may be, they can not of course be considered binding, except so far as the language of Thucydides is concerned, until, at least, oth- er authors are investigated in the same manner. With this aim in view, then, I shall present the following materi- al: First, A consideration of the individual prepositions; Second, Statistical tables for monoprothetics, diphrothetics and triprothetics; Third, An examination of the statistics. I. A Consideration of tlie Individual Prepositions. The test of a proper preposition is its ability to combine with verbs. It is only necessary to strike d/A<^t out of the list of proper (119) KAN. UNIV. QUAE., VOL,. V, NO. 3. OCTOBER, 1896. I20 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. prepositions to get the range of conibinable prepositions in Thucy- dides. They all occur in their simple form (dm and d/x^t twice each"). The compounds ofd,(X(^llike the preposition, are mostly con- fined to poetry. avd. The case of ava. is different. While the simple preposition is confined mostly to phrases and poetry, it survives in composition, having a range of 77 verbs in Thucydides. Its favorite verb is ;(w/oew with which it occurs 144 times. It is the favorite preposition of 5 verbs, not counting its exclusives. It combines exclusively with 17 verbs, of which g are airj.$ dprjixivx. In one of these, dvotyi'u/x.i. the place of the simple has been usurped by the compound in prose. The simple olyvu/At belongs to poetry. In dvaAi'o-Ko> and dvaAo'o), we have probable usurpations of old simples which had passed out of the language in pre-historic times. 'Ava does not oc- cur as first eleiuent in diprothetics or triprothetics. The range of the simple dvd, like d/x^i', is largely poetic. avTL. The simple preposition dvri occurs 52 times in Thucydides. It is found in composition with 80 verbs, of which 48 are monopro- thetic, 27 diprothetic and 5 triprothetic. No other preposition oc- curs more than once in triprothetics. Its favorite verb is Ix*" with which it combines 41 times. Other favorites are larrrjfXL and tlirov. It combines exclusively with 10 verbs, of which 7 are u.Tra$ elprjfjiivji. oLTTo. The simple diro occurs 634 times. It has a combinable range of 114 verbs, of which 112 are moaoprothetic, and 2 diprothetic. The favorite verb is iKviofxai, in composition with which it occurs 192 times. It is the favorite preposition of 22 verbs, not counting its exclusives. It is the exclusive preposition of 23 verbs, of which 15 are aira^ €lpr]fxiv.x. In diravTaLw, we have a usurpation of the simple dvTao), which is limited to poetr3\ The compounds dTroKretVw, its passive diroOv^cTKM, and aLKveo/xxi are equivalents of their respective simples, except in the perfect and pluperfect of OvrjaKO), which are rarely compounded in Attic Greek, never in Thucydides. In aTToWvfXL, we have a complete usurpation, the form oXXvpn being re- stricted to poetry. Homer has a-n-o oWvfXiin so-called tmesis, where the prepositional element was strongly felt. To say, however, with Liddell and Scott, that d-n-oWv/xL is a stronger form of oXXv/xi, pre- supposes a weaker oWvfxi for Attic prose, which does not exist. dTToWv/xL is stronger than dTroKreivw, just as oXXv/xl is stronger than KT£LV(i>. ' ATrexOdvofji'ii is a usurpation of the poetic exOw. Std. In the simple form 8ta. occurs 534 times. It has a range of loi verbs, g8 of which are monoprothetic and 3 diprothetic. ^et/3w is its favorite verb with which it combines 151 times. It is the fav- orite of 14 verbs, though the favoritism is not so sharply defined as holmes: composition of verbs with prepositions. 121 in the prepositions treated above. It has an exchisive range of i8 verbs, of which lo are aira$ elp-Qfjiiva.. In Sta(/>^etpw, we have an effort to usurp cftOeLpu), the proportion standing 3- 75:1- Tlie place of voe'w, largely confined to poetr}', is taken in prose by its compounds; Sia being its favorite preposition by more than 4 to i. i$. The preposition ef occurs in simple form 897 times. It has a range of 89 verbs of which 85 are monoprothetic, 4 diprothetic. "EpxofX'M {iXOeiv) is its favorite verb, with which it combines 47 times. Ile/ATrw is also a marked favorite. 'E^ is favorite preposition of eight verbs, not counting its exclusives. The favoritism of ef for verbs or of verbs for i$ is not strongly marked. Its exclusive range con- sists of 17 verbs of which g are a-n-a^ elprjixeva.. The simple dprvdi is superseded by the compounds in /euro, and ef, i$ alone occurring in Thucydides. eV. The preposition ei/ occurs 1794 times, in which respect it stands first in the list. This fact is rather remarkable considering that it governs but one case. It has a com binable range of 67 verbs, 55 being monoprothetic, and 12 diprothetic. Its favorite verb is 8t 8oj/i,t with which it combines 38 times. It is the favorite preposition of three verbs, the preference being marked with 7rt)x7rpr;/xt which is su- perseded in prose by c/ATrt/xTrpT^/xt. Its exclusive range consists of 13 verbs of which 11 are aTTJ,^ etpiy/xeVa. In ei/avTioo/Aat and e/A7rt]u,7rp7^/At we have usurpations, the simple of the former being restricted to Ionic Greek, of the latter to poetry. i-n-i. The simple irrl occurs 1216 times. It has a range of 156 verbs in which respect it heads the list of prepositions. 117 are monoprothetic, 39 diprothetic. Its favorite verb is ef/At; yiyvofjuu and iXOetv are also favorites, all three having iwl for their favorite prep- osition. It is the favorite prepositional element of 23 verbs. Here as in all cases exclusives are not counted. It has an exclusive range of 20 verbs, of w'hich 5 are a-n-a^ elprffxeva. There is no case of complete usurpation with irrl in Thucydides. Though the simple of eTTt/xeXeo/xat or i-Tn/xiXopa does not occur, yet its meaning is sharply differentiated from that of the simple. The spheres are different. es. 'Es occurs 1692 times in Thucydides, ranking next to ei/, and like iv, governing but one case. Its range of verbs is limited to 23, all of which are monoprothetic. Its combinable range is less than that of any other preposition in proportion to the number of its occur- rences as a simple preposition. Its favorite verb is (SdXXw, with which it is found 65 times, and of which it is also a favorite prepo- sition, ranking next to Trpo?. It is the favorite preposition of only one verb, aKovTL^w, and has no exclusives and no usurpations. Kara. The preposition Kara occurs in simple form 861 times. It 122 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. has a range of 105 verbs, 104 monoprothetic and i diprothetic. "la-T-qixi is its favorite verb with which it occurs 260 times, and of which it is also the favorite preposition. It is the favorite preposition of 16 verbs and has an exckisive range of 25 verbs, of which 12 are ttTTj,^ dp-qfjilvs. In Karayvu/xt we have a usurpation in the active voice. KaOi^ofX'u, KaOrjiJi'XL and kx9l(w are usurpations. The simples are po- etic, e^ofxat and t^w are late Greek. ixerd. Mero, occurs 6ig times. It is restricted in the range of its verbs to 24, of which 22 are monoprothetic and 2 diprothetic. Its favorite verb is la-Trj/xL. Leaving out its only exclusive, /xera/xe'Xet, it can not be said to be the favorite preposition of any verb. Mera is not a general favorite in composition. ^vv. Hi'i' occurs 35 times. It is not, strictly speaking, an Attic preposition, surviving chiefly in legal and religious phrases. It has a range of 153 verbs, of which 102 are monoprothetic, 50 dipro- thetic and I triprothetic. In respect of range of combinable verbs, it stands second in the list of prepositions, being next to i-n-L. Its favorite verb is ^aivw, with which it combines 130 times and of which it is the favorite preposition. It is the favorite preposition of 10 verbs. It has an exclusive range of ig verbs, of which 13 are aTroi4 elprj/jieva. There are no usurpations with ivv. irapa.. The preposition irapa. occurs in simple form 282 times. It combines with 54 verbs of which 48 are monoprothetic and 6 dipro- thetic. El/At is its favorite verb, with which it occurs 173 times and of which it is the favorite preposition. It is the favorite preposi- tion of 7 verbs and has a range of 8 exclusives, 4 being aira^ dp-qp^iva.. VL'xpa has no usurpations. While atve'w is found in Attic prose only in composition (except twice in Plato), and in Thucydides only with TTiipa. and Ittl (Kara, once), yet the spheres of each are sharply defined. irtpi. l\tpl occurs 478 times. It has a range of 43 verbs, all of which are monoprothetic. Its favorite verb is yCyvopuai. with which it combines 48 times. It is the favorite preposition of 3 verbs and is the exclusive of 2, both of which are aTraf dp-qp-iva. Wepl has no usurpations. ^ TT/oo. 11/30 occurs 80 times. It has a combinable range of 105 verbs, 6g being monoprothetic, 35 diprothetic and i triprothetic. Xw/aew is its favorite verb with which it combines 37 times. It is the favor- ite preposition of 7 verbs and is the exclusive preposition of 6, one of which is d-Trat" dpr)p.ivov. Yipo has no usurpations. 7r/3o?. The preposition 7rp6s occurs in simple form 861 times. It has a combinable range of 74 verbs of which 56 are monoprothetic, 17 diprothetic and i triprothetic. Its favorite verb is fiaXXw, with which it occurs 67 times and of which it is also the favorite- prepo- HOLMKS: COMPOSITION OK VERBS WITH PRP:P0SrnONS. 1 23 sition, being a little in advance of e?. It is claimed by ii verbs as a favorite and by 2 as an exclusive. No dwa^ dprj/jieva and no usurpa- tions occur with tt/oos. virep. 'Yirkp occurs 64 times and has a range of 1 1 verbs, all of which are monoprothetic. Its favorite verb is /3atVaj, with which it occurs 9 times. It is not a favorite of any verb and has but i ex- clusive wiiich is tiTra^ tlprjiiivov. No usurpations. v-nro. The simple viro occurs 422 times. Its range of combina- ble verbs consists of 58, of which 45 are monoprothetic, 12 diprothetic and i triprothetic. Its favorite verb is apx^, with which it combines 94 times and of which it is the favorite preposition. 3 verbs claim it as their favorite preposition and 5 as an exclusive, of which I is uttu^ tlprjixivov. In viroTTTevw and viroroirioi we have usur- pations of (jTrremo found onl}' in Aristophanes, and totvIm used once by Eustathius, the Homeric commentator. II. S^tatistioal Tables. This portion of the work consist of four tables. The first shows all the simple verbs in Thucydides which combine with prepositions to form other verbs. It indicates the prepositions so used and the number of occurrences of both compounds and simples. It gives the complete statistics for monoprothetics based on simple verbs. I have taken no account of compounds whose verbal elements are not referable to simple verbs. Accordingly I have omitted verbs hke eTTtKovpio), Trpodvfxioixai, eyi^etpe'oj referable to cTTtKoupos, Ovixo<; and X^^p respectively. On the other hand such verbs as erSt'Sw/xi, ^vfiirpo- dvfjiiofjiai, are included, being referable to the simples Si'Sw/xt and TTpoOvfXiOfxaL. A compound like KaT-qyopiu), although the verbal ele- ment *yjyop€w does not exist, is included, since *r]yopeo) is referable to dyopevdi). Another example is eK8iaiTao/u,ai (Statrao)) . Such verbs are starred. The second table shows the same facts for the oj3r}fxevo^ «A^)7s; Od. 6, 40: TroSea-cnv tpx^frOac, II. 5, 204: Tre^os dXrjXovOa; of flying: Od. 14, 334. In fact the use of this verb of the motion of spears, javelins, or of natural phenomena such as rivers, wind and storm, clouds and stars, time and sound, is too frecpient to need confirmatory refer- ences and quite sufficient to denote the relative purity of the idea of motion contained in it. II. Another evidence is furnished by the fact that epxo/xut plays the part of present to both rjKu) and olxoixaL, two verbs of motion with exactly opposite points of view. III. Here again we find that same prepositional balance as in the case of et/At, except that in this case the prepositions are airo and cTTt, direp^ofxaL (aTreXOelv) and (.Trip-^opiaL {liTtXOtiv) each occurring 76 times. Next to et/Mt and epxopat (iXOeiv), though by a considerable interval, ranks jBaivM. In ^atW at least the color becomes visible. Yet no little freedom is also here manifest, as a participle often accom- panies the verb to show the kind of motion. Thus, II. 2, 167: Prj at^aaa; and id. 2, 665: firj (f>evya}v. Another evidence is that certain tenses of (3a[vw are represented by efym and epxo/xat (iXOeiv). These three verbs, cT/At, epxop.ai (iXdetv) and /SatVw, sustain very much the same relation to what are ordinarily classed in the grammars as verbs of motion, as Trotew does to what are more broadly termed verbs of action. The moment color is given to the motion of a verb, that moment internal modification sets in and the sphere of the verb is narrowed. 126 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. The first curtailment is given to the idea of motion in the expres- sion of its character or kind. Thus, f^dWuD, ttI^ttm, iriirTuy. ip, &c., direction in i^'kw, AetVa), cTro/xai, Shokw, &c. , while in verbs like /xaxo/Aat, dvayKalo), &c. . the color of the ac- tion is more prominent than the notion of motion, which continues to grow less in ap^o), Sew, yeXdw, and is scarcely felt at all in dSiKcw. €VOU), OvrjCTKO). The same variation in color is also seen in verbs expressing potential motion. Thus, in verbs of existence, dp,l and yiyvop-ai may be taken as being most nearly colorless. The metaphysical idea of motion in such verbs often becomes physical when given direction. But the idea of motion fades out as the idea of exist- ence gives place to condition. Cf. ^aw, evSixifxovew . In like manner, in the case of verbs of speech, (iyoptvw, tmov and Xiyoi {y]pl not occurring in composition ) may be said to be most nearly colorless. But the idea of speech assumes character in KoXioy and ypd(f>w,* still more so in f3odw, SeUvvfjiL, still more so in ij/rjdi^w-oixaL. ofxi'vjxi, fxapTvpi(x}-op.'xu and becomes faint in StSao-Kw, bfJioXoyiis). Again in verbs of thought and perception. This variety of potential motion finds its purest expression in the verbs voioi-op.at, ytyviixTKO} (oio/Aai not being used in composition), becoming colored in KpLVix>-op.'xt on the one hand, and in etSov, opaw and aKovw on the oth- er; while in fjufivrjo-Kw, (fio^eay and eATrt^w the mobility of the thought is replaced by color, and in aio-^avo/xat and p.av6dvoi the notions of thought and perception are mixed. It appears therefore from this general survey of the combinable verbs, with the aid of the statistical tables given below, that the *The constructions of ypd(f> had the advantage in that it started life as a verb of actual motion. Its . later legal sphere was again in its favor. That ypdffnu should get the better of the verbs most nearly colorless in the orators, is what would be expected from the legal teclmique employed in that department. Accordingly, in Demosthenes, the proportion is 13 for ypdcjxx), as against 8 for the group dyopevw, eT-n-ov and Ae'yw. III. A third objection ma}' be found in the narrow range of prepositions of the verbs tKveo/i,at and ariWo), in which the notion of motion clearh^ predominates. Here again the community of feeling between verb and preposition comes into pla\'. especially in the case of iKviop.u.L. In iKvio/xat, "arrive", the point of view of the motion is "whence ". The notion is not so much "come to ", as "come from to ". Hence airb is the preposition for which iKvioixat has the strongest affinity. But the addition of d7r6 did not create any modification in the idea of the verb. The notion was still "arrive", the point of view of the motion being simply reinforced. Now began a race between LKviofxai and dfftLKveojxai in which dtftLKviofxat was the winner, debarring its rival entirely from the track of prose. The problem which the language then had to solve had changed from defining the direction of t/iKveoixaL, see Table II.), yet 130 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. it preferred in this case to show the direction by prepositions in the simple form. The combination afjuKvioixaa made the loss of color of avo merely a matter of time. Thus in acjuKviofxai the compound has usurped the place of the simple, the preposition aTro having come in to the exclusion (or nearly so) of other prepositions, though a few cases exist of iKviofxai in composition with 8ta, Ik (one each in Thuc), with 8ia, e/c and Kara (Hom.) and €7rt (Dem. ). The case of crreAAw is of the same kind with the additional cir- cumstance that the ofificial character of o-reAAo) gives it a much narrower range of prepositions (see Table I.). When o-reAAw fails, Tre'/xTTOj supplies the deficiencies. Additional evidence for the truth of our main thesis is derived from a consideration of the diprothetics and triprothetics. Here as in monoprothetic composition, where there exists most mobility, there exists also most modification. The more nearly the idea of the simple verb approaches pure motion, the wider its range of diprothetic combinations. Pursuing the same method as in monoprothetics, we find that, with reference to range of diprothetic combinations, the verbs run as follows: 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 For further particulars see Table II. The et/Ai — epxa/xM {iXOetv) — fSxivw — combination gives us here a re- markable range of 22 prepositional doublets. The prominence of l(TTT}iii in this connection is interesting. The large number of combinations possible ^ith laT-qixiis due to the predominance of Kara and ava as second elements in its diprothetics. The modification produced in the motion of la-T-qiii by Kino, and ava m composition with it, is not so much a change in its direction as a reinforcement and an extension of it, from opposite points of view. "Up" and "down", like "high" and "deep", are the same idea logically, but from exactly opposite points of view. So the diprothetic com- pounds of la-TrjfXL which have Kara or ava as second element, give, in feeling, practically a monoprothetic resultant. In this same ifTTrjjXL 13 Tre/LtTTW afXL 1 1 ^wpeo) tp-^oiLiL [iXOelv) 10 AetTTO) ayo) 9 areXXo) jiiuvio 9 ''aXiorKW /SdXXoi 8 (3i(3d(o> aipeo) 6 ytyv(0(TKO) «X« b 6ib(op.t '^p,aL 6 e^ofxaL TrAew 6 oXXv/XL Xafx/Sdvui 5 TiS-qixi 6eL- pw with 8ta (with OTTO once in Thuc. ). Chis gives rise to what we may term (\\r/iisio/i. \^erbs which combine with only one prepo- sition may be called exclusives. Exclusives, however, are to be sharply distinguished from uTra^ dprjfxeva., since a single occurrence would not generate sufficient force to produce exclusion. III. Usurpation. Again the preference of the verb for the preposition may be so marked as to bring about usurpation, or a complete effacement of the simple by the compound. Such usurpations are most notable among exclusives, though cases are not infrequent where the different compounds have acted conjointly in the displacement of the simple. Thus of the first sort are dvotyw/At, dvaAow, ivavTioofxai, KJiOi^oixat, Ka.drjiJ.at, &c. Examples of the latter are: the compounds ot alveu), vo€(D, &C. IV. Phraseological RxprcMSion^^. This preference for a certain preposition is often due merely to a transferred signification imported by the prepositional element which gives a phraseological resultant. Thus, ^u/x/3atVw. vTrdpx<^, Trapufxt, irape^uy, &c. V. Loss of Color of I'reposilioiis. Another natural concomitant of this principle of favoritism is the loss of color of the preposition. This has already been incidentally alluded to. This loss of color is most prominent in compounds which are mere reinforcements of the meanings of the simples. Where least needed, the feeling is least. We look for loss of color, therefore, first in extensions, exclusions, and usur- pations. In extensions, the similarity in meaning, which was the basis of the attraction, became the cause of the fading out of the color. What became the life of the compound became the death tioLMEs: co^tpos^n()N of verbs wnri prepositions. 133 of the preposition in the compound. In exchisions and usurpa- tions the loss of color became easier by reason of the absence of contrast with other prepositions which would have operated to some extent in keeping up the difference in feeling. The function of the simple becomes the function of the compound, the simple often being relegated to poetry, while the compound does duty in prose. The simple often reappears in late Greek, a striking paral- lel to which is found in the Silver Latinity. Thus, KaOi^oixai, e^o/xat being poetic and late Greek. Cf. also a(f>LKveofx'u, dvoi'yvu/xi and aTroWv/xL. The preposition is sometimes ignored in augment. Thus, ^ve'wy/xai, N. T. Rev. 10, 8; Heliodor. g, 9; rjvewxOrjv, Dio Cass. 44, 17; lKj.de.t,6iJir]v Xen. An. i, 5, g; and frequently in Attic. The emergence in late Greek of strengthened compounds often follows loss of color in the preposition. Thus, the strengthened combinations Trpoa-ewi-, lirnrpoa--: i^aTTO-, oLTre^-; crvfjifjieTa-, /jLtracrvv-: TT/aocretcr-.- KJLTavTL- and avTiKixTa-. are not uncommon in late Greek, but rare in classical Greek. Cf. Table III. VI. Relative Coiisciousne!!S of Prepositions. The loss of color in the preposition naturally suggests the relative consciousness of the prepositions. Here again we cannot hope to be more than suggestive. Valuable service is rendered in this connection by the diprothetics. A careful examination of Tables II. and III. will show the operation of two principles in diprothetic composition. First — a desire for reinforcement — the extension side. Second — a desire for modification — the plastic side. Now reinforcement implies weakness. Language is con- tinually building itself up where long use or abuse has broken it down. In the case of monoprothetics it is evident that most weak- ness is found in extensions and usurpations. A monoprothetic whose prepositional element has faded out is felt as a simple. This leads either to a discarding of the preposition altogether and a restoration of the simple, as actually occurs in late Greek, or to reinforcement. Reinforcement of such monoprothetics gives a diprothetic form but a monoprothetic feeling. The language of Thuc3'dides presents us with a range of 387 separate monopro- thetics, but only 86 diprothetics. It is fair then to conclude that the language may consent to a single union but resist a double one, and since the growth of language is along the line of the least resistance, we find that diprothetics having reinforcement as their cause, greatly preponderate over the plastic use. Now when language reinforces it brings to bear the most powerful means at its command. This is seen in the predominant prepositions in 134 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. diprothetic composition. Those prepositions hold their color longest which play the most prominent role in diprothetics and triprothetics. Thus, dvri appears as first element in 27. eVt in 39, iin' in 50, TT/ao in 35, and Trpos in 17 diprothetics, while of tripro- thetics, dvTi has 5, and '^vv, Trpd, Trpos and viro, have each one. The absence of eVi in triprothetics would seem to militate against this view, but coincident with this absence, it occurs as a second element in S out of the g triprothetics in Thuc\'dides, reinforced by dvTL in 5 out of the 8 cases and by -n-poi in one, thus indicating the fading out of the color of iirl in diprothetics. This tendency to make that combination in which there will be the most strength, shows itself also in another way. In the forma- tion of a diprothetic, when there exists a choice between mono- prothetics in €k or airo, or between ets and Trpos, or between Kara and ai'Tt, the forms in ck, ei's .md Kira are chosen. The exceptions can usually be explained. Thus, dyw (see Table II.) has ck instead of aTro as second element in diprothetics; e?p.t, €k 3 times, aTTo once; ep^ofXH, ck instead of aVd,- laTiyxt does not count, as other considerations are involved, such as loss of color of kxto. and the military character of a<^io-TrjixL, accounting for the preponderance of these elements here. In this phenomenon we are limited to the class of diprothetics which represent the plastic side. Naturally enough, those simples predominate here in which the motion is least obscured. Where modification is necessary, room and mo- bility are needed. It follows that the second elements of dipro- thetics represent two opposite conditions of things: ist, loss of color of the preposition; 2nd, vividness of preposition. In the first case, reinforcement was aimed at; in the second, modification of the idea of the verb. Hence there is greater diprothetic feeling in the latter class than in the former, and from this follows the comparative ease with which diprothetics of the former class were formed and their consequent preponderance over the latter class. In triprothetics, the principle of reinforcement again is chiefly operative, and here naturally enough, the second element is the least conscious. It is noticeable that ctti is second element in 8 of the 9 triprothetics in Thucydides. i^iiniiiiary. In the foregoing discussion I have endeavored to prove the theorem for Thucydides: In general the range of combinable prepositions of a verb is in direct ratio to the nearness with which the verb expresses pure motion. holmes: composition of verbs with prepositions. 135 From the demonstration of this theorem can be deduced the following corollaries: 1. A verb unites most readily and first with that preposition which is in a sense an extension of its own meaning. 2. The converse is also true, that that preposition has the greatest affinity for those verbs which are in line with its own direction. 3. The character of a verb is best shown by its favorite prepo- sitions, or more narrowly, the best inde.x of a verb is its favorite preposition. 4. The converse is also true, that the character of a preposition is best shown bv its favorite verbs. 5. Favoritism is extension, extension leads to exclusion, ex- clusion leads to usurpation. All contribute toward the loss of color of the preposition. 6. Loss of color in the preposition is attended with a decline of the simple, a narrow^ range of combinable prepositions, followed, perhaps, by emergence in late Greek of the simple or of a strength- ened compound. 7. Those monoprothetics whicli are extensions of their simples or which reinforce the point of view of the simple, enter most into diprothetic composition. 8. Those prepositions which preponderate in monoprothetics, preponderate also as second elements in diprothetics. 9. Those propositions have lost most color which appear most as second elements in diprothetics. 10. Those prepositions are most conscious which appear most as first elements in diprothetics. 11. In general, in the formation of diprothetics from a given simple, the formation is made on the basis of the monoprothetics in eK, ets and Kara, instead of in d-rro, Trpo; and dvrt', where choice is possible. 12. In triproth'^tics, the first element is the most conscious, the second the least, while the third is variable. It is the operation of the above principles that defines the Lim- itations of the Composition of Verbs with Prepositions in Thu- cydides. TaWes to "GoDiBOsilloD of Verlis in TlBcifliSes." STATISTICS for the Composition of Verbs with Prepositions in Thukydides. Prepared by D. H. Holmes, Ph. D. ~ Tafel I. Statistik fiir monoprothetische Verben. Sie giebt an: a) alle kombinierbaren Verben bei Thukydides; b) die Reihe der Prapositionen eines jeden Verbums und umgekehrt die Verbenreihe einer jeden Praposition; c) die erforderlichen Zahlenangaben. Verben "a -a -5 :ik *»** "HI 3. My. --* K 'O 'O K Si . 4) M ■73 O tS]l-H Bevor- zugte Pr. Zaiil des Voikoinm. d. einfacli. V. dj(QjM*) 1 20 1 1 15 8 13 10 1 9 d%6 43 d^E'pOi 6 1 ^UV 6 a-fvoiJL! 2 1 xatd dyjpz'jui 2 3 5 2 4 xpo 1 «T7/« 2 1 dTO (qia 36 33 7 18 9 43 13 17 14 8 1 8 45 7 u{ Ttpoc; £Tt'. 110 dov/iioi 2 3 1 4 2 1 5 1 22 119 dO-psco 1 1 dvd 1 d&po!SIoL) 2 1 8 aivsco 14 1 40 3 Trapd *a'.p£Ojxa'. 2 2 3 3 aipsoj 32 28 17 11 42 7 1 5 1 3 9 xaxd 154 aipto 2 10 22 7 4 5 Sill 58 a'.a&dvoita'. 10 1 ~p6 120 w.oymui 1 1 xatd 8 *a:.xio\i.a>. 1 1 xapd oC'.-ioi 1 6 2 diro 21 a'-tdo[ia! 6 2 2 ill: 15 dy.rj'Krj'jMm 7 3 2 STIl 13 dyjjv-'/Coi 8 2 2 £<; 4 dxo'Mi 2 13 2 27 4 alio 74 dl-j-sto 1 2 2 2 d'Lzl'^m 2 1 sx 3 d)vr,&s6(i) 2 1 37C'. *dA.(ay.oj 2 1 dvd *dXXac£(to 1 1 dTIO dXXdaaco 2 26 9 1 1 3 1 7 8 d'^io 1 *d/.c/'(o 16 1 dvd «jj.ap-dv(o 3 2 2 S'd 41 *) In der n Indices alphabetischen Anordnung sind dieselben Priuzipien wie in den und Worterbiicbern befolgt worden. KAN. UNIV. QUAR.. VOL. V, NO 3, OCTOBER, 18B6. Verben '2 „Sk -1 -ir »> ^ 'a 'O 'O 'O T3 O r-1 :c^ djidco 1 1 §td djj-sXeto 1 1 Tiapd 5 *d[i'Jvo[j.ai 2 2 2 1 d|x6vo3 6 1 STIl 117 djJ-cpoxspiCo) 1 1 dvaY>''«^<^'^ 1 5 8 3 TCpOQ 67 dvTdo) 18 1 dTCO dvt'OOjiat 25 1 £v ! d^to'to 1 1 2 98 dTcaxdtt) 4 1 sx i 8 *d7rto|j.at 2 1 dvti a'Jito) 2 2 1 3 19 dpdaooj 1 1 2 [ *dp-pp''^^'i 1 1 sx dpso/oi 1 1 dirci 21 dpxsto 1 1 dvTi 12 dpixo'£^co 1 1 ^uv " dpvsojj-ai 1 1 dxo 2 dpudS^to 4 1 S-d 3 dptdco 1 1 1 3 2 doTUO) 16 1 £X dpyoD 9 94 2 6x0 277 ao/lZoi 3 2 2 ev 17 au^dvo) 2 1 iro 10 aoxfJiioLioi 1 1 dito 7 tt'jysto 1 1 UTiep 1 Pao(21oii 1 1 Sid PcclvoD 26 48 34 7 1 11 20 25 130 19 2 4 9 13 <;!Jv 1 Pd/iXoj 5 1 3 22 8 12 8 65 9 10 9 9 4 6 67 6 .{ 24 *Paa£[o) 1 1 QOV *P'.d2^o[iat 1 1 2 ptdJIoj 1 1 xatd 54 PipdSltt) 2 3 3 5 2 2 2 2 1 9 ex Pidoi 2 1 £■711 pXezoo 1 1 dxo 2 PodcD 1 2 2 9 3 5 1 ETC'. 5 Porjd-ea) *pou)i£6o|xat 2 3 1 27 11 13 25 £711 TTpoc; S:d 136 Verben '« nS K* -S 'O 'S '5 ,:> "iu 'a 'a 5- 'S Q/ K 'O 03 O =31 = pOD/v£6cO 34 2 2 3 ZTl 109 ji'jpjo'co 1 1 xaxd -,'3Adto 1 1 xa~d -('•/jpdaxto 1 1 £V -p/i'vojiai 5 1 1 9 74 5 44 48 7 32 10 £■31'. 834 -(■'-'I'voiaxco 3 10 4 8 7 3 3 7 ^'.d 130 -,'pdcs.co 2 1 3 3 1 2 16 1 1 9 c;'jv 19 o«[j.d?I(o 1 1 xatd oapO'dvo) 1 1 xatd oaxio\).a>. 1 1 dvd *\ IN Oc'.OOJ 3 1 xaxd 140 ^clXVUHt 14 2 4 1 2 5 d'JTO 19 oiyojiai 1 9 13 2 55 11 6 TipO:; 110 0£CD 9 3 1 3 dvd 10 SS(D 2 11 2 TipOQ 181 o-/iXo'co 2 1 Tip 6 59 *oia'.xdo|xa'. 1 1 1 3 6 otoda/to 1 1 2 26 o'.^pdaxco 3 5 1 2 4 dTCO o!oo)[X'. 2 5 81 2 4 38 6 3 82 31 .{ Ttapd dTtd 113 otxdSloj 2 1 xaxd 7 o'.xa'.dto 1 1 Ota 11 rjlur/M 2 1 11 14 2 1 6 xaxd 24 oo'.dS^co 3 1 £V ^0X£tO 3 2 2 c;'jv ^ 309 SouXoVo 2 1 xaxd 29 opdco 1 1 CUV ^ 84 oovaatc'Jto 1 1 Ttapd 2 S6(o 1 1 1 11 4 xaxd ocoac'O) 1 1 TTOpd £Y"pdtt) 1 1 h'.d eSlojxat 17 1 xaxd i^'Zia 1 1 ^6v 1 eloov 2 3 4 6 10 10 6 '{ 7C£p'. TipO 64 eixo) 2 2 2 £'XA(0 1 1 £V £11x1 10 35 28 1 3 3 173 25 8 2 10 Tiapd 2389 £l|JLt 33 6 25 83 11 7 3 11 13 1 15 29 12 £TO 116 Ve r b e n 'O 's '^ 'a i:^ -8 Q/ 'O 'Q "4j 'O 1 ^ 1^ '8 -a ^S N "* -ir 'ft is K R -s 'ft !3 '^^ w1 > sIttov 3 15 5 1 1 20 3 7 xpo 144 si'pYO) od. s'pYO) 4 3 4 6 2 5 xatd 33 sXauvoj 2 17 1 4 4 5 id 12 sXqyco 1 1 £X 3 sXsoy-spo'o) 4 1 31 £>^X03 12 1 2 2 7 1 6 dvd 4 eXx'^to 1 2 2 53 sirsqw 1 1 xaxd 26 so'.xa 1 1 iopToiC^oi 1 1 Ota 1 £XiyStp£(0 1 1 TCpO £TO|J.a! 11 8 2 £71'. 15 i^-^dZo\m'. 9 8 1 3 1 4 £X xatd 17 £p£9-l2^(0 1 1 ayd £po|xa'. 3 1 £X'. 3 £pyo|xat (£}l9-£iv) 1 76 20 47 76 34 12 3 18 41 3 26 18 -1 £TI'. 172 ipoj-do) v 4 1 iv. 13 ExdS^oj 3 1 £X £uoa'.jxov£(o 1 1 £V 1 £uSoj 1 1 xatd cupiaxo) 1 2 2 42 ipo) 1 5 3 8 4 7:p6 5 *£y9-rivo|xa'. 4 1 dxd £^0) 16 41 49 6 29 48 24 3 126 9 31 12 4 4 14 Aiapd 767 21 (/.to 1 1 2 20 'Cs6y>viu 1 1 dvd 1 'Cr^■zi^a 2 1 7 "/"(■j'iojj.aj 1 11 4 1 1 5 £X 127 *rjop£oj 10 2 2 xaid r,xo) 1 1 4 1 1 1 34 7 TZ^iz, 86 T||X(Xt 13 1 xaxd Tjaadojiw 1 1 dvt'. 34 ddTTICO 1 1 ^uv 14 O'apadco 6 1 dvd 39 9'apa6v(o 5 1 Tiapd 7 d-B'.dZoi 2 1 iiu. 1 0-cpa-£'j(o 2 1 STV. 22 &£0J 1 2 1 3 5 — 5 — Si . u -c . Verb en 'O K 'B \ 5i s 'a i» 'a -*6 'O CD m 'O o 3--g 1=^ tj _M *♦-< "a "a "a "D '^^J ^^ -tu X 3- M/. K K R K **?* «• ^^ tS! > ^ dv^rjaxco 65 1 2 diio 32 y-opDp£co 1 1 hid 18 {>pO£(0 2 1 M iS^co 12 1 xaxd 'ir^\n 21 47 2 2 15 6 1 5 11 2 10 diro 1 ixv£0|xai 192 1 1 3 dizo 2 ITTXS'JCO 2 1 2 *'.ao'o[j.a'. 1 1 dvT'. boo) 3 1 ex ior/]ixi 43 24 148 9 3 2 5 •260 25 31 14 23 11 12 14 xaxd 78 *'.ayv£0[ia! 26 1 UTTO '.ayupi?!^(o 1 1 2 7 loyo) 3 2 1 5 2 5 TLpO 5 xaico 12 1 xaid 5 xalsfo 5 4 30 1 1 12 23 22 3 9 STcl 78 xdjivco 1 1 ex 5 xap7:o'(o 1 1 ex 2 xapTspeco 1 1 £V 4 X£lji.at 2 5 12 30 1 14 1 4 18 1 10 em 38 *'AZkZ'M\mi 1 24 2 "^tapd xikeooi 2 2 1 3 148 X£pdvvU|i'. 1 1 ^ov 2 *xr(puxs6ojj.at 1 17 1 3 ero xTjp'Jaaco 1 1 9 xivSuvEuto 3 12 3 2 2 5 ^td 55 Xiveco 1 1 Old xXdco 2 3 2 xXsTi-co 1 1 S'.d xXr^pdo) 2 1 2 1 xA-^jO) 11 4 6 3 4 dTto 5 xX'VO) 1 1 2 x/l'jS^co 1 1 1 3 *xo'vdo[xat 1 1 ^ov '/.rjKdx-Oi 1 1 ex '/.oKtJ.Z,(o 1 1 xaxd xoXo|x,3dto 1 1 2 O'.a xojvXco 4 9 14 3 13 2 2 6 2 5 £<; 90 XO[X-£CO 2 1 izi 1 xdztCO 2 1 4 1 ^ 5 xatd 8 6 — Ve r b e n -a 'a .\ -■a 5. 'O 0/ -a o o [SI "ca -^ '- xoajxdo) xpdS^co 1 1 1 1 ci'.d £V 7 XpaTEO) 17 1 2 STll 72 xpsij-dvv'jjj.'. 1 4 2 Sit'. *xp(vo[iat 36 10 1 3 drJj xp'vco 1 2 1 3 38 xpouto 3 1 5 4 2 5 drjj 7 XpUTTXO) 3 1 2 dizo 6 xxdo\m'. XX£''v(0 1 68 3 2 5 4 1 -poQ WTO 46 20 XTi^Tco 1 1 CUV 14 X'J-TO) 1 1 £V x'jpoto X(OA'JO) 3 13 2 1 1 3 Bid 2 66 XajJ-pdvd) 27 14 27 1 5 67 5 27 36 1 2 24 11 13 xaxd 207 Xajj-Trpuvoiiot'. XavO-dvco 2 1 1 1 £V Bid 1 60 *Xa6co 3 1 d7:6 7^£"|'(0 18 3 3 2 1 5 :;'JV 261 "/^SY^*^ 4 3 37 3 XsiTTCO 23 4 27 7 5 34 4 3 23 9 xaxd 21 )*.£6(0 1 1 xaxd 1 kilivaCo) 1 1 XEpi X'[X7:dv(o Xo7'Xo|xa'. Xoy(21(o 2 4 1 3 1 2 1 xaxd £X ~po 14 2 '/^u'::£o) 2 1 7:apd 10 koto 14 35 44 3 1 ^( xaxd Bid 46 liavddvco 1 1 2 15 jiaptupsco [xapTupojj-a'. *jj.ay£0) 1 1 1 15 1 1 2 £7rl 2 [idyo[j.«'. 1 1 5 2 1 5 B'.d 51 *[isl£Ojj.ai 7 1 £"'. |j.£A.(j|J.a'. (xsXco 1 10 2 7 1 1 2 £Xl H£xd Old 1 181 |xsjX'-to[xa'. 1 3 2 xaxd 13 [ISVCO 6 17 4 4 11 15 1 29 8 'j-o 57 — 7 — Verb en '5; ■=5 -5 -^ ^o. '5J 'a s. 'a a. 5/ •c -o T3 o o J; e _. "^ -^ ^ |j.3xpsco 2 1 ]j.7,yavdo|xa'. 1 1 dvt'. 7 |U-,'V'J|J.'. 3 11 25 1 4 xpoc; (X'[iv-(,axco 4 1 2 6 4 UTO 21 |j.b7co 3 3 4 3 ji'.aD'Oco 1 2 2 4 jiV/jIJ-OVS'JcO 1 1 1 1 Bid ditO 2 7 jj.'jf)-sojj.a'. 5 1 iza^d vaL>[J.ay3to 4 1 , 2 Old 58 va'j'TjYSco 2 1 dvtl 5 Vc!'iOJ 2 1 UTCO V3J1C0 2 . 1 1 3 39 ^vsoc/'ia'. 9 1 dvd VS'JIO 1 1 2 vito 1 1 2 2 v'.xdco 2 2 2 109 *v'j30[ia'. 1 63 8 3 hid vosco 15 6 7 3 sri ' voaTao 1 1 2 (;r,paiv(o 1 1 dird or,'v'j[Xi 15 1 dvd oloa 11 8 2 c;uv 123 0'./£CO 1 1 1 8 2 8 3 3 3 9 xatd 85 *o'./'Xojia'. 4 1 2 dvd oixi^Ilco 1 2 21 7 4 xatd 26 0'.X000jX£(O 2 2 2 6 1 1 1 4 1 2 10 £V 22 O'.XTt^lcO 1 1 dv~'. 1 fj'.\).mZoi 1 1 dvd 6x3/J.(0 2 1 £7:1 3 0XV20) 9 2 2 dT:6 4 oX'.oQ-dvco 1 1 diro 0A.>l!J[J.'. 41 3 2 drJj 1 oXocpupojia'. 1 1 1 2 3 1 (;uv 4 5 onvjij.'. 1 1 12 3 20 6|j.o///,'ico 1 1 (;ov 18 ovojidSlto oc'Jvco 1 4 2 £7:i 17 4 1 Tcapd O-TSUCO 16 1 6x0 Verbeu 6pxd(o 6p|xdco 6p{JL£(0 6p|JLlC.(l) opuaaco oxpuvco Tie '9(0 •Trs'.pdw ■z£n::(o zepatdtt) TlTiYVUJit rliiTi'k-qiv. W^liTTpTilX'. •TriTCKD TCXSCO zXr^pdoD TrXyjaao) X0t£(O toXsjieco "jtoXsjio'co TioXtop/su) TCoX'.tSOO) Tcovdo) Tcopeuo) zop&sw 15 3 22 1 2 1 21 9 45 11 42 1 22 37 1 18 2 1 2 11 1 2 18 21 10 16 42 24 29 13 Or -o 'O Or 'O o it O N S-S 28 6 3 1 7 2 1 2 TtSpl xaxd £X 155 10 2 28 2 3 em 19 1 1 1 6 xaxd 15 1 1 3 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 1 «{ 2 2 £V dvx'. xaxd dvd xaid d\>d d%6 1 91 41 213 86 5 6 1 14 2 6 1 1 1 ] 5 2 £X Bid xatd TipCi £V 203 27 4 1 1 1 8 53 1 13 1 xpoc 9 51 35 1 22 3 -1 1 5 2 2 irapa d~d £X £X 203 51 5 1 8 1 17 3 7 6 TTpoq 433 109 1 2 4 4 £X 59 2 14 1 £X 9 3 47 2 14 Ve r b e n -5 ^ "* '-a __ 05 "3 ^ . N g.S rjj^j'/Cw 4 3 2 20 ~pdaa(o 2 6 1 13 4 quv 191 -psa,3£6(o 1 2 2 20 •Apoi}'j[isci[xa'. 3 1 ^L,V 15 7:'Jvi>dvo[ia'. 2 1 ff' 66 fdo-ZM 1 1 c;'jv p£(0 1 2 2 5 ?W'^\^'- 3 2 1 1 3 5 ^AliXOi 4 1 dvd 3 pa)vvu|xt 1 8 2 iz- 5 aaXc'Jco 3 1 alio CJS'O) 1 1 1 3 2 a7j;).a'V(o 1 1 2 3 17 O'-jJ-OCO 1 1 dizfj rjix'.'CM 3 1 iiv. oxdr^Toy 4 1 xaxd 1 axeodvvu|i'. 1 2 2 7 axs-oj 3 1 xaxd oxsudS^co 2 1 8 10 1 164 6 Tiapd 3 oxyjTiXco 2 1 2 1 axo-sco 2 5 2 5 4 37 axoxdSlco 2 1 G-d(0 3 2 6 5 1 5 aTTStpco 2 1 ciid OTCSVWO 1 1 £7CI 41 a-£pyto 1 1 2 ozs'JSco 1 1 dxo 10 axaupoco 1 3 1 1 1 1 6 d::o 2 a-jXico 3 64 12 1 1 5 d~o 4 aT£p£(0 6 1 dizo 16 atpaxsuo) 8 8 28 3 111 GxpaTOTCeSsuoiiai 2 1 1 3 27 OTpScptO 5 6 3 19 9 2 6 xatd a6p(o 1 1 dTto acpd!^(o 2 1 drJj 2 ao>21(o _ 23 1 2 S'.d 54 TaXaL';:cop£co 1 1 2 16 tapdoaco 1 1 ^6v 13 tdaato 10 6 11 1 14 19 3 22 «{ TTpOC Tiapd 65 — 10 Verben ""iJ 'O g ^ ,x 'i -** ^5 ^ir '5. ^ ^ a Q/ a S 0 'O Q/ 0 ■a 0 0 > xayjvco 1 1 £~'. TS'.VOJ 3 1 2 3 -eiyj.Ziu 19 4 1 2 2 11 1 1 8 drJj 61 t£X[J.atpo|xai TsXsco 3 3 10 1 2 1 1 1 6 c;uv £::• 3 -zKzoxdio 1 1 £V 89 TS|J.VOJ 1 1 3 3 c;uv 35 Tsyvdojxa'. 1 1 £X 3 Tr,ps(o 3 1 £TC'. 16 Tid'/jjit 13 3 1 3 39 1 19 2 18 1 3 19 36 4 -! £7i:i TtpOC 39 xlXTO) 1 1 £V T'.jidO) 3 6 2 zpo 24 T'.|J.(0p2(t) 1 2 2 25 TlVO) 2 1 £X To/Jidco 2 1 2 33 To:;c'jo) 1 1 xaxd 4 *Zfj~Z'J(.>) 1 1 'JTTO TO'idJ 8 1 'JTtO Toa'j]J.at''!l(t) 5 1 xaxct 4 XpSTtCO 22 1 24 1 2 ^i £Ti:i d'jio 105 TpSCpOi 1 1 5td 11 tpr/o) 1 2 1 3 2 4 1 7 xaxd xpipo) 7 1 1 3 O'.d 7 -p'jyd(o 2 1 £X 3 xo-,'ydv«) 1 11 7 2 10 12 1 7 -spi 135 b\i()• 03 cppdaaoj 1 2 2 4 *cppsto 1 1 M CppOVSO) 13 1 3 3 xaxd 12 '^povt'Slo) 1 1 £X cppoupso) 2 1 2 22 oui^Y^'''''^ 1 1 ^td cp'jXdoaco 1 3 2 TTpCl cpojpdo) 2 1 xaxd 1 yc![id^(o 4 1 2 O'.a 8 ystpieico 2 5 2 jxsxd ystpoTovcO) 2 1 dvti ya.) 2 1 S'.d yoo) 2 1 irpoc; 4 ypdo> 3 3 1 3 143 ypr,!m-:!!!ojj.a'. 1 1 £X ypov'!!^oj 1 1 £V 2 yoiXooj 1 1 diio ycopsto 144 52 1 2 25 37 45 30 8 dvd 103 '•];r,cp'Xo[j.a'. 1 1 2 48 '^■/jcp'Xco 1 4 2 i-rci '];6yco 1 1 2 (390 1 17 2 9 2 5 dxo 6 Tafel II. Statistik fiir diprothetische Verben. Verben '-«"« 8 TjAsiiZM 1 C'jvoia s-'.xaTa 2 y/.z'jd'^oiia'. 1 dvx'.zapa 3 — 14 — '«'.S Prapositio- -^.2 Prapositio- 3 5 Verben 3 S nale Kom- — o Verben 3's nale Kom- ^t2 binationen N> binationen Gy.e'jd'C^fi 2 c;L»Yxaxa 1 ^yv£x 1 -po-apa 3 CpSD'i'tO 2 ~p xaxa 3 axr, --03 1 s-(xaxa 1 U-jISX 2 axsXX(o 4 c,oya~o 1 cpfklpoi 1 TCpoBta 2 7:poa-o 3 y(op303 5 i^ava 11 ■jtpoaaTCo ^ £7:ava 15 TTpoas-t 2 TTpoava 1 axpaxs'jco 1 c;uvs7:t 1 -prja7:o 1 axpscpoj 2 £7:ava 'j-xava 1 0(0 2^03 1 (;'JY>'-«"« 1 3 '\>z'Jorjim'. (86) 1 sxr/axa 1 xdaaoi 2 dvxc-'. ocvxt-Jiapa 1 Triprothe tisclie Verben. a-,'(o 3 dvxcirava Tv.y'Z.M 1 avXSTTl 1 dvXSTCSX x!9-yj|j.' 3 avxsxi 1 5 £'.jJ.l 'jxs^ava dvXSTTcX tjzzy. 1 eKaovM dvX£X£X xpipo) 1 £vo'.a o spyojia'. dvXSTHSX Cf'tt'-VCO 1 avxairo 2 £'jp(axco -poasTTSx cpspto 3 £-:isa 1 'iaxTjixi (;uv£-xava £7ClS'.a 1 OSCtO (7) 7:po£~ava Tafel III Prapositionale Kombinationen. a) Diprothetische Verben. Kombin. 11. dvO'Uxo 2 avxava 4 avxaT:o 3 avxETi 1 avxsv 1 avxsi:'. 6 avx'.xaxa 3 avx'.-apa 7 -a f Kombin. r-S 1S1> dvx'.-po 1 a-ava 2 O'.EX 3 -f- £:;ccva 3 £;axo 1 sva-xo 2 svo'.a 1 s^xaxa 8 S]j.xapa 1 £-ava 12 Kombin. 3-S IS » e-'Mu 2 £X£X 7 £7:£c; 5 £Z'.xaxa 9 e:i'.[i£xa 1 extxapa xaxa-po 3 1 ]j.£xava 1 Ii£X£V 1 C'jvava 2 ■o g Kombin. 11 c,'jyarjj 5 5 ^UV£X 5 (;uv£c 3 <;L»V£Xt 11 Qu^xaxa ?'j[i~apa ^y[xxpo 13 4 1 •xapava 1 -ap£x 1 — 15 Kombin. -apaxaia -poava 4 5 zpoa-o zpoo'.a 8 3 ::po£>c 5 ZpOEV TCpOSXt -poxata 1 2 7 Korabin. Tipoc,'jy 1 -;ipo~apa 2 TCpOUTTO 1 "TTpoaocva 2 Tipoaa-o 4 r^lj'j^jcTJ. 1 TTpooxaTa 4 TTpOajJ-STCZ 1 Kombin. TTpoa^uv 2 TrpooTcapa 2 TTpoa-sp'. 1 u-ava 2 u-«-o 1 'JTZSX 7 U7U£V 1 uxoxata 1 (66) b) Triprothetiscbe Verb en. Kombin. dv-szava 1 avtc'Jtsx 4 ^uv2-c(va 1 Trpo£7:ava 1 Tipoas-cX 1 1 (6) Tafel IV. Statistik fiir die Prapositionen. Pra- posi- tionen > a. ^ § "<« r- NI .5 §■2 o £V 1794 67 55 12 13 11 38 3 11 1 S!ooj[ii £~'. 1216 156 117 39 20 5 83 23 1 3 £i|x', Y'.Yvonvt, <;. 1692 23 23 65 1 16 2 £pyo|xa'. i^ld/Jao xatd 861 105 104 1 25 12 260 16 5 5 <3Tr^lv. •xExd 619 24 22 2 1 25 15 7 laTyj-j.'. ^uv 35 154 103 50 1 19 13 130 10 2 15 palvco -jiapd 282 54 48 6 8 4 173 7 13 11 £l[X' z£p; -po 478 80 43 105 43 69 35 1 2 6 2 1 48 37 3 7 14 5 9 12 ycopao r.^oc. 861 74 56 17 1 2 67 11 10 5 pdX/ao U7:£p 64 11 11 1 1 9 17 13 j^afvco i)%6 422 58 45 12 1 5 1 94 3 12 10 dpyco 16 16 Prapositionen ,3(X/Jao (1) 14 Prapositionen a*((o £p) cpspw (6) Prapositionen -,pdci.(o xakiifi Xs'.Ttco 01X30) (6) 13 Prapositionen [iw.voi £pyo[xa'. (ek- I>£'V) Xa|x[5(iv(o (5) Prapositionen jXSVO) xdaao) tS'.y'S^o) cpa(v(« ^(opeo) (5) Tafel V. (4) (2) o'.X''21a) -0[j.a'. opdo) 7:oX3J).3(0 ax3Dd!lo) (jraopoo) axpscpo) I t£/.30) (15) Prapositionen 12 Prapositionen dXXdooo) Y'."(v(oaxoj Prapositionen ^rjiso) (9) (3) aip30) -o|J.a'. 3MU (2) vj.r ojiai Tp3-/(0 TO-p/dvo) '(7) 10 6 Prapositionen ! Prapositionen -('(■fvoij-a'. [jOTj^SOJ o[(5o)ij.i ^syoij-ai S 1(0/(1) iXxoD y.zllim 7jX(0 XOjJ-'Co) O'.XOOOjJ-SO) _ (3) (3) XplVO) -OjiCC'. (3) (3) (7) V030J -ojiai aip(o Podo) Ss'XVUjX' SipfO) spYdS^ojxat layo) /3) (2) xs/vSuo) -ojxa'. /•v30V3'J(O XO'-TW XpO'JO) Xr,'(o /JJO) [j.dyo|j.a'. TrXr^poo) Prapositionen d-|'0p30) dxo'JO) (3) (1) d-TO) -rj\ia'. (3) (1) po'j"/.3U(o-o[j.ai BiSpdT/.o) ^6o) iXa'Jvo) £00-) (3) (1) laod) -o|xa'. X/.fiO) XTdo;j.a'. p.i|xvT^ax(o ocp£''Xo) XoX'.OpXEO) 7:pdaato axo7:£0) cpOp£OD (18) O'.ot'-aoaa'. pvipuix' ai:d(o aT£'/J.O) tpdro) ©suYC) to9-£(0 (23) Druck von Alb. Sayffaerth, Berlin W., Biilowstrasse 57 Prapositionen (1) (2) -oiJia' .^>£0) •xv£ojj.a'. xr|P'jx£6o|ia'. xX'JXo) xo)/.6o) Xd'j'O) jx'.aYO) V£[iO) oXo'-fupojiai 0[J.V'JjJ.'. 6pjl.£(0 opuaao) '::a'Jo) 'Kfjp£'JO) a£'!o) or, |ia(vo) atpax£6(o aToato7:£^£6- o|j.a' X£''vO) T£[iLV(0 xpfpoi Cpo|5i£0) (500V£(i) ypdd) (32) 0t'.V3O) (2) (1) alxdo) -ojxai (1) (2) d[j.6v(o -ojj-at dva^xd^I^o) dpxdo) 030) Prapositionen (97) s. Tafel I. Proposition (181) s. Tafel I. Summa: 387, wobei zelin Media niclit o-ezahlt siud. Editorial Notes. Announcement — Beginning with January 1S97, the Kansas University Quarter- ly will be published in two series: Series A. for Science and Mathematics; Series B. for Literature and History. The management is assured that this arrangement will be much more satisfactory to those who consult the Quarterly and exchange with it. Volume V will close with the present issue, having, therefore, but two numbers. A complete file of the Quarterly for the scientist will therefore be vols. I — V, and from Vol. VI on in series A. For students in history the file will run from Vol. I to Vol V, and then via Series B. Subscribers will for the present receive both se- ries. Exchanges will receive the series suited to their character. Libraries and institutions will receive both. During the summer of 1896, Prof. Haworth, of the Department of Physical Geology and Mineralogy of the University of Kansas, was engaged in making investigations princi{jally in the western part of Kansas. He had a total of eleven helpers during the greater part of the summer. Early in the season Mr. W. R. Crane spent about four weeks in a further study of the coal beds, and now has tht- field work principally done for a Report on the Coal Deposits of Kansas. Later in the season he did work in the extreme northwestern part of the state in connec- tion with the investigations of the water supply of the state conducted by Prof. Haworth for the State Board of Irrigation. Mr. W. N. Lcgan took the field in May to continue investigations begun last season on the general stratigraphy of the Benton and Niobrara. After devoting about six weeks to this work he spent from three to four more weeks in the northern tier of counties investigating the under- ground water. Dr. George I. Adams, who had spent the greater portion of two previous summer vacations in connection with the field work of the University Geological Survey, devoted ten weeks to field work in west central Kansas. He had with him one assistant all the time and two part of the time. Dr. G. P. Grimsley, of Washburn College, has undertaken the task of making a careful study of the Gypsum deposits of Kansas and, in connection with Prof. Bailey of the Dept. of Chemistry, is preparing a Report on the Gypsum of Kan- sas which will treat the subject from the standpoints of Geology, Chemistry and economic value. Prof. C. S. Prosser, of Union College, Schenectady, New York, devoted eight weeks to a study of the Lower Cretaceous in Kansas, and to the "Red Beds," which are of somewhat doubtful age. It is hoped that he will be able to decide many mooted questions now connected with this interesting area. Prof. Haworth himself took up field work in April by continuing his investiga- tions of the lead and zinc deposits in the southern part of the state, and later made a detailed study of an area covered by four U. S. Topographic sheets lying princi- pally south of the Arkansas river and including Dodge City and Garden City. This latter work was done under the auspices of the United States Geological Survey, the report on which will be published by that bureau. The draughting and literary work is now being done for Vol II of the University Geological Survey of Kansas, a volume to be devoted to the general stratigraphy (13T) KAN. UNIV, QUAR., VOL. V, NO. 3, OCTOBER. 1896. 138 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. of the Cretaceous and the Tertiary of the state with such other matters as are closely allied. Also laboratory and literary work is being carried rapidly forward on the several chapters on coal, gypsum, etc. to constitute Vol. Ill of the Survey, a volume to be devoted to economic geology entirely. It is hoped that the Legislature at its next session will make provision for the proper illustration and publication C)f each of these volumes. The Elements of Physics, by E. L. Nichols and W. S. Franklin, Vol. II , Elec- tricity and Magnetism — This book is of a decidedly higher grade than the majority of text-books upon the subject, and really forms a connecting link between them and the more elaborate treatises upon special departments of physics. Starting with a chapter upon the properties and analysis of distributed scalars and vectors, the work discusses clearly and fully the topics usually treated under the subjects of electricity and magnetism. The proofs of the various propositions are in general clear and as simple as the difficulties of the subject permit. A good knowledge of calculus is required, and the student should be especially familiar with the idea of infinitesimals The book is thoroughly up to date, even such a recent subject as Roentgen's discovery being treated. It may be highly recommended to those students possess- ing the requisite mathematical knowledge, as a thoroughly scientific and accurate presentation of the subject. In order, however, to derive the greatest benefit from its study, the student should do a large amount of outside reading, describing, in dstail, the phenomena treated — A. St. C, D. With this number Mr. George Wagner is added to the Editorial Board of the Quarterly. He has already been helpful in rectifying the exchange list, and will in futura be in charge of the circulation. The Editor of the University Quarterly has studied the type-writer question with some care. He has come to the conclusion that every professional scholar should b.ive and use a typewriter, for the sake of accuracy, neatness and economy of time. What machine is the best for a professional stenographer he does not pre- tend to know, but he has concluded that the Hammond is the best for the profession- al man who is to operate his own machine. And this from the following grounds: Having watched the work of four or five standard machines in the hands of his col- leagues he finds that the Hammond work is vastly superior in alignment and uni- formity of impression; it is lighter and less bulky than other standard machines; the •single keyboard with shift-keys is much sooner learned, and as rapidly worked by any but professionals; it makes less noise than some; the quick and inexpensive change of font makes it convenient for all, and especially desirable for language men. For the.se reasons the Editor uses and recommends the Universal Hammond . KANSAS UNIVERSITV OUARTERI.V. 139 Lantern or Stereopticon Slides. Duplicates of the extensive collection of original Lantern Slides made expressly for the University of Kansas can be furnished from the protographer. Net price of 33 Vi cents per slide will be charged on orders of twelve or more plain slides. Colored subjects can be supplied for twice the price of plain sub- jects, or 6673 cents each. Send for list of subjects in any or all of the following departments; Physical Geography and Paleontology. — Erosion, Glaciers and Ice, Eruptions, Colorado Mountain Scenery, Arizona Scenery, Restoration of Extinct Monsters, Rare Fossil Remains, Kansas Physical Characters, Bad Lands of South Dakota, Fossil Region of Wyominy, Enlarged Sections of Kansas Building Stones. Mineralogy. — Microscopic Sections of Crystalline Rocks, and of Clays, Lead Mining, Galena, Kan., Salt Manufacture in Kansas. Botany and Bacteriology. — Morphological, Histological, and Physiological, Parasitic fungi from nature, Diseased Germs, Formation of Soil (Geological). Entomology and General Zoology, — Insects, Corals, Birds, and Mammals, nearly all forms of nature. Anatomy. — The Brain, Embryology and Functions of Senses Chemistry. — Portraits of Chemists. Toxicology, Kansas Oil Wells, Kansas Meteors, Tea, Coffee and Chocolate Production. Pharmacy. — Medical Plants in colors. Characteristics of Drugs, Anti-toxine. Civil Engineering — Locomotives and Railroads. Physical and Electrical Engineering. — Electrical Apparatus, X-Rays. Astronomy. — Sun, Moon, Planets, Comets and Stars, Many subjects in colors. Sociology— Kansas State Penitentiary, American History. — Political Caricatures, Spanish Conquests. Greek. — Ancient and Modern Architecture, Sculpture, Art and Texts. German. — German National Costumes, in colors, Nibelungen Paintings. Life of Wm. Tell, Cologne Cathedral. For further information address E. S. TUCKER, S28 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kan. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE evSARKS, DESIGN PATS9«TS, COPYRIGHTS, €tc. For Information and free Handbook viTite to MUNN & CO.. 361 Broadway, Kew York. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is l.roup:lit before the DUblic by a notice given free of charge in the Largest circulation of anv scientific paper !n the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, ^3,OOa year; $1.50 six months. Address, MUNM & CO., jPublisuebs, set Broadway, New York City. The True Story of the Premo Camera. Cannot be told in one advertise- ment. It is too much of ^n instrument to be dismissed in a few words — has too many features differing from other cameras. But if you are thinking about buy- ing, we shall take pleasure in sending you a description, with specimens of the work, and answer any questions you may ask. Complete, compact, practical, up to date in every particular. Premo answers every photographic purpose- -^lo to $50. Rochester Optical Company, Rochester, N. Y. THE New Hammond No. 2. Tlie Staiiflarfl ^ 01 "ONE THAT KXCELLS THIi (^>. IKkS OF BLAZONING PENS." No. 2 Hammond — For all regular Mercantile, Manufacturing and Professional work. No. 3. Hammond — Wide Carriage Machine. Writes a single line 12 inches long, of 133 characters.. With all improvements of the No. 2 model. No. 4 Hammond — The Clergyman's typewriter — a wide spacing machine. With all the improvements of the No 2 model. No. 5 Hammond — The Greek Machine. Ideal keyboard. (All other languages may also be written on it ) With all the improvements of the No. 2 model. Fourteen languages and thirty-seven styles of type on a SINGLE machine. Pa- per any width or length. The smallest card. The largest sheet for tabulating. In variety of work — it is unexcelled. In quality of work — it is unapproachable. Write for specimen of "Hammond" work and judge for yourself. THE HAMMOND TYPEWRITER CO., 415 East ead St., WE^V YOKK. I Yours i ifor HealthI § The S » Salt River Valley e g of Arizona ^ g and the various Ss f health resorts in ^ _, New Mexico. ^ 5 are unrivalled forthe cure of chronic lung ^ g and throat diseases. Pure, dry air; an 2 3 equable temperature; the right altitude; ^ ^ constant sunshine. S g Descriptive pamphlets, issued by Passen= 2 a ger Department of Santa Fe Route, contain ^ ^ such complete information relative to these ^ ^ regions as invalids need. (^ a The items of altitude, temperature, hu- ^ fmidity, hot springs, sanatoriums, cost of ^ ^ living, medical attendance, social 'advanta-^ ^ 3 ges, etc., are concisely treated. ^ ^ Physicians are respectfully asked to ^ g place this literature in the hands of patients ^ 3 who seek a change of climate. g ^ Address, G.T.NICHOLSON, ^ fc Chicago. «.P. A.. A .T.,&S. F. Ry. S wf^l :mfi> ^ ^^^ ^^^■KWm