a ee o airtel res tre arate areianr tier aye Se eS eT BE - ser nape ee anaece agement’ a . ~ . or sate Pos Beak Snes - ie ae minadtakeumaeeaanode hel (oe rte ter De Tid nate See te tam - eae Vy ‘ 3 i Se Nae : vy i ¢ es | a eae KEY TO NABIRDS PLATT 1. i GAYWALKER, a PRINTED AT THE SALEM PRESS, Corner of Liberty and Derby Streets, Salem, Mass., F. W. PurnaM & Co., PROPRIETORS. b October, 1872. Birt KEY NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS CONTAINING A CONCISE ACCOUNT OF EVERY SPECIES OF LEVYING ANT FOSSA BIRD AT PRESENT KNOWN FROM THE CONTINENT NORTH OF THE MEXICAN AND UNITED STATES BOUNDARY. ILLUSTRATED BY 6 STEEL PLATES, AND UPWARDS OF 250 WOODCUTS. BY ELLIOTT COUES, ASSISTANT SURGEON UNITED STATES ARMY. SALEM: AGENCY. NEW Y ND MEAD BOSTON: ES AND LAURIAT. Oot 1872. ° Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by F. W. PUTNAM AND ELLIOTT COUES, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. PREFACE. A PREFACE is indispensable in this instance, simply because I have no other opportunity of properly acknowledging the assistance I have received in preparing this work. I am particularly indebted to Mr. J. A. Atten, of Cambridge, Mass., who has diligently revised nearly all the proofsheets, and whose critical suggestions have proved invaluable. Mr. Roperr Ripeway, of Illinois, has given me the benefit of his still unpublished studies of the Raptores and some other groups, besides rendering, as Mr. ALLEN also has, various essential services. Prof. Barrp kindly offered me the use of all the illustrations of his late Review, while Prof. Acasstz generously placed at my disposal the plates accompanying Mr. Arien’s Memoir on the Birds of Florida. Several of the woodcuts have been taken from Prof. Tenney’s Manual of Zoology, with the author’s permission; and a few others have been contributed by Messrs. Len and SHEeparp. With a few exceptions, the rest of the illustrations have been drawn from nature by the author, and engraved by Mr. C. A. Waker. I have spoken elsewhere of Prof. Marsu’s almost indispensable codperation in one part of the work. While material for the greater part of the descriptions has been furnished by the author’s private cabinet, the Synopsis could hardly have been prepared without that free access to the collection of the Smithsonian Institution, of which I haye been permitted to avail myself. The only word of explanation that seems to be required is with regard to the large number of genera I have admitted. I have been led into this—unnecessarily, perhaps, and certainly against my judgment—partly by my desire to disturb a current nomenclature as little as possible, and partly because it is still uncertain what value should be attached to a generic name. Among wading and swimming birds —the groups of which are, on the whole, more precisely limited than those of Insessores—I have, however, indicated what I consider to be a reasonable reduc- tion; and on another occasion I should probably extend a like practice, if not one even more ‘‘conseryative,’ to the remaining groups. I will only add, that I consider that several of the admitted families of Oscines will require to be merged ‘im one. These are the Twrdidew, Sazxicolide and Sylviide, if not also the Troglo- dytidee and Motacillide ; while the same may prove true of the current Sylvicoline, Tanagrine and Fringilline groups. E. C. Wasnuineton, D. C., September 9th, 1872. CONTENTS. PAGE, INTRODUCTION. : 1 Sec. I. OrnirHoLtoGy Drrmyrnp— Birps DEFINED — BriEF DESCRIPTION OF THEIR PECULIAR COVERING. . . 0. 1Oxo No oe sb: Chiro CRAM JO od april! Src. II. AN ALLUSION TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF Brrps — Taxonomy — SrTrRuUC- TURE — CHARACTERS — Groups OF DmrreRENT GRADES — TYPES AND ABER- RATIONS — EQUIVALENCY — ANALOGY AND AFFINITY — EXAMPLE. 0 7 Sec. III. Derrrmirion AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EXTERIOR OF A BirpD. — Parts AND OrGans—I. Tur BoDy: HEAD, NECK AND BODY PROPER.—II. THE MEMBERS: BILL, WINGS, TAIL, FEET. t Che ck ks 13 Sec. IV. Directions — How To Usr tur Key. — How To Measure a SPECI- MEN, ETO. < . . Phat 53 ARTIFICIAL KEY TO THE GENERA. p iva oe ae 61 SYSTEMATIC SYNOPSIS OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 69 SYNOPSIS OF THE FOSSIL FORMS. 347 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 351 INDEX AND GLOSSARY. 353 INTEODUCTION. SECT. I. OrnirgoLtogy Drerinrp— Birps DEFriInED— BrirF DEscrIPTion OF THEIR PECULIAR COVERING. § 1. Scrence (Lat. scire, to know) is knowledge set in order; knowledge disposed after the rational method that best shows, or tends to show, the mu- tual relations of observed facts. Such orderly knowledge of any particular class of facts — such methodical disposition of observations upon any par- ticular set of objects — constitutes a Special Science. Thus, OrnrTHOLOGY (Gr. ornithos, of a bird, logos, a discourse) is the Science of Birds. Or- nithology consists in the rational arrangement and exposition of all that is known of birds. Ornithology treats of the physical structure, physiological processes, and mental attributes of birds; of their habits and manners; of their geographical distribution ; of their relations to each other and to other animals. The first business of Ornithology is to define its ground; to answer the question § 2. Wuat is A Brrp? A Bird is an air-breathing, egg-laying, warm- blooded, feathered vertebrate, with two limbs (legs) for walking or swim- ming, two limbs (wings) for flying or swimming, fixed lungs in a cavity communicating with other air-cavities, and one outlet of genito-urinary and digestive organs ; with (negative characters) no teats, no teeth, no fleshy lips, no external fleshy ears, no (perfect) epiglottis nor diaphragm; no bladder, no scrotum, no corpus callosum ; and with the following collateral characters, mostly shared by more or fewer other animals :— Under jaw hinged with _ the rest of the skull by means of an interposed movable bone, that is also movably jointed with two bones of the upper jaw; head jointed with neck by only one hinge; shoulder-joints connected with each other by a curved bone, the clavicle (with rare exceptions), and with breast-bone by a straight stout bone, the coracoid; ribs all bony, most of them jointed in the middle as well as with back-bone and breast-bone, and having bony offsets; less than three separate wrist and hand-bones ; two fingers, of one or two bones ; head of thigh-bone hinged in a ring, not in a cup; one of the two leg-bones not forming the ankle-joint; no separate ankle-bones; less than three sep- arate foot-bones; two to four toes, of two to five bones, always ending in claws; both jaws horny-sheathed and nostrils in the upper one; feet and toes (when not feathered) horny-sheathed ; three eyelids ; eyeball with hard KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 1. (1) 2 STRUCTURE OF FEATHERS. plates in it, eight muscles on it, and a peculiar vascular organ inside; two larynges, or “ Adam’s-apples”; two bronchi; two lungs, perforated to send air into various airsacs and even the inside of bones; four-chambered heart, with perfect double blood-circulation ; tongue with several bones; two or three stomachs; one liver, forked to receive the heart in its cleft; gall- bladder or none; more or less diffuse pancreas, or “sweetbread” ; a spleen; intestines of much the same size throughout; cceca, or none; two lobulated, fixed kidneys ; two testicles fixed in the small of the back, and subject to periodical enlargement and decrease; one functional ovary and oviduct ; outlets of these last three organs in an enlargement at end of intestine, and their products, with refuse of digestion, all discharged through a common orifice. But of all these, and other characters, that come under the head of description rather than of definition, one is peculiarly characteristic of birds; for every bird has FEATHERS, and no other animal has feathers. Naturally, then, we look with special interest upon FEATHERS : § 3. a. Tuerr Structure. A perfect feather consists of a main stem, or scape (scapus; pl. 1, fig. 7, ad), and a supplementary stem or after- shaft (hyporhachis; pl. 1, fig. 7, 6), each bearing two webs or vanes (vex- illum, pl. vewilla; pl. 1, fig. 7,¢), one on either side. The scape is divided into two parts; one, the tube or barrel, or “quill” proper (calamus; pl. 1, fig. 7, d) is hard, horny, hollow, cylindrical and semitransparent ; one end tapers to be inserted into the skin; the other ends, at a point marked by alittle pit (wmbilicus), in the shaft (rhachis), or second part of the stem; the rhachis is squarish, and tapers to a point; is less horny, is opaque, and filled with white pith; it alone bears the vexilla. The after-shaft has the same structure, and likewise bears vexilla; it springs from the stem, at junc- tion of calamus and rhachis, close by the umbilicus. It is generally very small compared with the rest of the feather; but in a few birds is quite as large; it is wanting in many; and is never developed on the principal wing and tail feathers. The vane consists of a series of appressed, flat, narrowly lance-shaped or linear laminz, set obliquely on the rhachis, and divarica- - ting outward from it at a varying angle; each lamina is called a barb - (barba; pl. 1, fig. 6, a, a). Now just as the rhachis bears barbs, so does each barb bear its vanes (barbules; pl. 1, fig. 6, 6, 6, c) ; it is these last that make a vane truly a wed, that is, they connect the barbs together, so that some force is required to pull them apart. They are to the barbs ex- actly what the barbs are to the shaft, and are similarly given off on both sides of the barbs, from the upper edge of the latter. They are variously shaped, but generally flat sideways, with upper and lower border at base, rapidly tapering to a slender thread-like end; and are long enough to reach over several barbules of the next barb, crossing the latter obliquely. All the foregoing structures are seen with the eye or a simple pocket lens, but the next two require a microscope; they are barbicels (or cilia; pl. 1, fig. TYPES OF FEATHERS. 3 8), and hooklets (hamuli; pl. 1, fig. 8). These are simply a sort of fringe to the barbules, just as if the lower edge of the barbule were frayed out, and only differ from each other in one being plain, fj hair-like processes, and the other being hooked at the end. Barbicels do occur on both anterior and pos- terior rows of barbules; but rarely on the latter; hooklets are confined to barbules of the anterior /| series, which, as we have seen, overlie the posterior 1) vows of barbules, diagonally forming a meshwork. | The beautiful design of this structure is evident; by | it, the barbules are interlocked, and the vane of the feather made a web; for each hooklet of one barbule \ catches hold of a barbule from the next barb in front, —any barbule thus holding on to as many of the bar- Fic. 2. Sections of a central * rigid feather of the Lyre- bules of the next barb as it ee ee? & has hooklets. ‘To facilitate this interlocking, the bar- _ bules haye a thickened upper edge of such size — that the hooklets can just grasp it. This is clear- ly illustrated in pl. 1. fig. 2, where a, a, a, a are four barbs in transverse section, viewed. from the ; cut surfaces; with their anterior (0, 6, 6, 6), and ~ posterior (c, ¢, c, ¢) barbules, the former bearing the hooklets which catch over the edge of the > Fig.1. Section from loosely barbed latter ~ feather of Lyre-bird. Natural size. 6. But all feathers do not answer the above description. First, the after-shaft may be wanting, as we have seen; then, as frequently happens, hooklets may not be developed, and barbicels may be few or wanting ; barbules may be few or wanting, or so trans- formed as to be only recognized by position, and even barbs themselves may be wanting on one side of the shaft, as in some tail feathers of the famous Lyre-bird, . or on hoth sides, as in certain bristly feathers about the , mouth and eyelids of various birds. (Certain unusual styles of feathers are shown in figs. 1, 2, 3.) Con- sideration of these and other modifications has led to the recognition of three § 4. Types or Srrucrurre. 1. The feathery (pen- y nacea), characterized as above. 2. The downy (plum- SS # ulacea), when the stem is short and weak, with soft Bifom one ot the eatemai Lhachis and barbs, with long, extremely slender, mostly single barb. "3" thread-like barbules, with little knotty dilatations in place of barbicels, and no hooklets. 3. The hairy (filoplumacea) with a thin, stiff calamus, usually no pith in the rhachis, fine cylindrical stiff barbs 4 . ¢ 7 } 4 KINDS OF FEATHERS. and barbules, the latter wanting barbicels, knots and hooklets. The first two types may be found in different parts of the same feather, as in pl. 1, fig. 7, which is partly pennaceous, partly plumulaceous. All feathers are built upon one of these three plans; and, though seemingly endless in di- versity, may be reduced to four § 5. Diererent Kiyps or Frarners. 1. Contour-feathers (penne) have a perfect stem composed of barrel or shaft, and vanes of pennaceous structure at least in part, usually with downy structure toward the base. They form the great bulk of the plumage, that is upon the surface of a bird, exposed to light; their tints give the bird’s colors; they are the most vari- ously modified of all, from the fishlike scales of the penguin, to the glit- tering plates of the humming-bird, and all the endless array of tufts, crests, ruffs and other ornaments of the feathered tribe ; even the imperfect bristle- like feathers above-mentioned belong here. Another feature is, that they are usually individually moved by cutaneous muscles, of which there may be several to each feather, passing to be inserted into the sheath of the tube, inside the skin, in which the stem is inserted; it is estimated that some birds have twelve thousand of these little feather muscles. Every one has seen their operation when a hen shakes herself after a sand-bath; and any one may see them plainly under the skin of a goose. 2. Down-feath- ers (plumule), characterized by the plumulaceous structure throughout. These form a more or less complete investment of the body ; they are almost always hidden from view beneath the contour-feathers, like padding about the bases of the latter; occasionally they come to light, as in the ruff about a condor’s neck, and then usually occur where there are no other feathers ; they have an after-shaft or none, and sometimes no rhachis at all, when the barbs are sessile in a tuft on the end of the barrel. They often, but not always, stand in a regular quincunx between four contour-feathers. 3. The semiplumes (semipluince), which may be said to unite the characters of the last two, possessing the pennaceous stem of one and the plumulaceous vanes of the other. They stand among penne, like the plumule, about the edges of patches of the former, or in parcels by themselves, but are always cov- ered over by contour-feathers. They are with or without an after-shaft. 4. Filoplumes (jiloplume), or thread-feathers ; these have an extremely slen- der, almost invisible, stem, not well distinguished into barrel and shaft, and no vanes (with rare exceptions), unless a few barbs near the end of the rhachis may be held for such. Long as they are, they are usually hidden by the contour-feathers, close to which they stand as accessories, one or more seeming to issue out of the very sac in which the larger feathers are implanted. They are the nearest approach to hairs that birds have. § 6. Pecuntar Feararers. Certain down-feathers are remarkable for continuing to grow indefinitely, and with this growth there is constant break- ing off of the ends of the barbs. These feathers, from being always dusted over with the dry, seurfy exudation or exfoliation from the follicle in which they grow, are called powder down-feathers. They occur in the hawk, par- PLUMAGE : TRACTS AND SPACES. 5 rot, and gallinaceous tribes, but especially in the heron family, where they are always present, and readily seen as two large patches of greasy or dusty, whitish, matted feathers over the hips and in front of the breast. Their use is not known. § 7. Frearner Om-cranp. With comparatively few and irregular ex- ceptions, birds have a singular apparatus for secreting oil with which to lu- bricate and polish their feathers. It is a two-lobed, or rather heart-shaped, gland, saddled upon the root of the tail; consisting essentially of numerous slender secreting tubes or follicles, the ducts of which successively unite in larger tubes, and finally perforate the’skin at one or more little nipple- like eminences. Birds press out a drop of oil with their beak, and then dress the feathers with it. The gland is largest in water-birds, which have most need of an impervious coating of feathers, and always present among them ; very large in the fish-hawk; smaller in other land-birds, and want- ing (it is said), among the ostriches, bustards, parrots and some others. _ (In pl. 1, fig. 4, the line 6 points to the oil-gland.) § 8. DevrLorpment or Frearners. In a manner analogous to that of hair, a feather grows in a little pit or pouch formed by inversion of the der- mal layer, and is formed in a closed oval follicle consisting of an inner and outer coat separated by a layer of fine granular substance. The outer layer, or “outer follicle ” is composed of several thin strata of nucleated epithelial cells; the inner is thicker, spongy and filled with gelatinous fluid; a little artery and vein furnish the blood-circulation. The inner is the true matrix of the feather, evolving from the blood-supply the gelatinous matter, and resoly- ing this into cell nuclei; the granular layer is the formative material. The outer grows a little beyond the cutaneous sac that holds it, and opens at the end; from this orifice the future feather protrudes as a little, fine-rayed pencil point. During subsequent growth the follicular layers undergo little further change; it is the granular that becomes the feather. § 9. Alla bird’s feathers, of whatever kind and structure, taken together, constitute its ptilosis or PLUMAGE. (a.) FeaTHERED Tracts AND UNFEATHERED Spaces. With the exception of certain birds that have obviously naked spaces, as about the head, ete., all would be taken to be fully feathered. So they are fully covered with feath- ers; but it does not follow from this, that feathers are implanted everywhere upon the skin. On the contrary, this is the rarest of all kinds of feather- ing, though it occurs, almost or quite perfectly, among the penguins and toucans. Let us compare a bird’s skin to a well-kept park, part woodland, part lawn; then where the feathers grow is the woodland; where they do not grow, the lawn; the former places are called éracts (pteryl@) ; the latter spaces (apteria) ; they mutually distinguish each other into certain definite areas. Not only are the tracts and spaces thus definite, but their size, form and arrangement mark whole families or orders of birds, and so are impor- 6 CHANGES OF PLUMAGE. tant for purposes of classification. They have been specially studied, named and classified by the celebrated Nitzsch, who has laid down the following as the general plan obtaining in the vast majority of birds : — (6.) 1. The spinal or dorsal tract (pteryla spinalis, pl. 1, fig. 4, 1), running along the middle of the bird above from nape of the neck to the tail; subject to great variation in width, to dilation and contraction, to forking, to sending out branches, to interruption, ete. 2. The humeral tracts (pt. humerales, pl. 1, fig. 4,2), always present, one on each wing; narrow bands running from the shoulder obliquely backward upon the upper arm- bone, parallel with the shoulder-blade. 3. The femoral tracts (pt. femo- rales, pl. 1, fig. 4,3), a similar oblique band upon the outside of each thigh, but, unlike the last, subject to great variation. 4. The ventral tract ( pt. gastrei, pl. 1, fig. 3,8), which forms most of the plumage on the under part of a bird; commencing at or near the throat, and continued to the anus; it is very variable like the dorsal tract, is usually bifurcate, or divided into right and left halves with a central apterium, is broad or nar- row, branched, etc. ; thus, Nitzsch enumerates seventeen distinct modifica- tions! The foregoing are mostly isolated tracts, that is, bands nearly surrounded by apteria that are complementary to them; the following are continuously, uniformly feathered, and therefore, in general, equivalent to the part of the body they represent. Thus, 5, the head tract (pt. capitis, pl. I, figs. 3,4; 4,4), clothes the head and generally runs into the beginning of both dorsal and ventral tracts. 6. The wing tract (pt. alaris, pl. 1, figs. 3, 5; 4,5), represents all the feathers that grow upon the wing, except those of the humeral tract. 7. The tail tract (pé. caudalis, pl. 1, figs. 3,63; 4, 6), includes the tail feathers and their coverts, those surrounding the oil-gland, and usu- ally receives the termination of the dorsal, ventral, and femoral tracts. 8. The leg tract (pt. cruralis, pl. 1, figs. 3, 7; 4, 7), clothes the legs as far as these are feathered, which is sometimes to the toes, generally only to the heel. I need not give the spaces, as these are merely the complements of the tracts ; and the highly important special feathering of the wings and tail will be examined in describing those members for purposes of classification. § 10. Progress anp Cuaner. Newly hatched birds are covered with a kind of down, entirely different from the feathers they ultimately acquire. It is scanty, leaving much of the body naked, in Altrices, or those birds that are reared by the parent in the nest ; but thick and puffy in a few of these, and in all Precoces, that run about at birth. But true feathers are soon gained, in some days or weeks, those of wings and tail being the first to sprout. The first plumage is usually only worn for a short time —then another is gained, and frequently several more changes ensue before the bird attains its mature covering. Feathers are of such rapid growth, that we can easily understand how exhaustive of vital energies the growth must be, and how critical a pe- riod the change is. The renewal of plumage is a process familiar to all under the term “ moult” (ecdysis). It commonly occurs at least once a year, and generally twice, in spring and fall; when old, faded and worn out feathers ; CLASSIFICATION. 7 are shed, and fresh ones take their place, either over a part or the whole of the body. The change frequently or generally results in considerable differ- ences of color, constituting the “seasonal plumages” of so many birds, which, in the same bird, may change from black to white even, from plain to variegated, from dull to brilliant. But birds also change colors, by actual alteration in the tints of the feathers themselves, and by gaining new ones - without losing any old ones. The generalization may be made, that when the sexes are strikingly different in color, the young at first resemble the female; but when the old birds are alike, the young are different from either. When the seasonal changes are great, the young resemble the fall plumage of the old. When the old birds of two different species of the same genus are strikingly alike, the young of both are usually intermediate between them, and different from either. Besides being the most highly developed, most complex, wonderfully per- fect and beautiful kind of tegumentary outgrowth; besides fulfilling the obvious design of covering and protecting the body, the plumage has its § 11. Psounrar Orrice: that of accomplishing the act of flying. For all vertebrates, except birds, that progress through the air—the flying-fish with its enlarged -pectoral fins; the flying reptile (Draco volans) with its skinny parachute ; the flying mammal (bat) with its great webbed fingers — accomplish aérial locomotion by means of tegumentary expansions. Birds, alone, fly with tegumentary outgrowths, or appendages. SECT. II. An aLtusion TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF Brrps— TAXxon- omy — STRUCTURE — CHARACTERS — Groups OF DIFFERENT GRADES— Types AND ABERRATIONS— EQUIVALENCY— ANALOGY AND AFFINITY — EXAMPLE. Serine what a bird is, and how distinguished from other animals, our next business is to find out how birds are distinguished from each other ; when we shall have the material for § 12. CrassrricaTion, a prime object of ornithology, without which, birds, however pleasing they are to the senses, do not satisfy the mind, which always strives to make orderly disposition of things, and so discover their mutual relations and dependencies. Classification presupposes that there are such relations, as results of the operation of fixed inevitable law ; it is, therefore, § 13. Taxonomy (Gr. fais, arrangement, and nomos, law), or the ra- tional, lawful disposition of observed facts. Just as taxidermy is the art of fixing a bird’s skin in a natural manner, so taxonomy is the science of arranging birds themselves in a natural manner, according to the rules that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, are deducible from examination of their ‘ § 14. Srrucrure: The physical constitution of a bird ; all the material constituents of a bird, and the way its parts or organs are put together. 8 : CLASSIFICATION. Internal structure, or anatomical structure (ana, and temnein, to cut), so called because we have to cut into a bird to see it, comprehends all the parts of a bird that are ordinarily hidden from view; external structure, those that lie exposed to view upon the surface. Much time has been wasted in arguing the superiority of one or the other of these for purposes of classifi- cation; as if a natural classification must not be based upon all points of structure! as if internal and external points of structure were not reciprocal . and the mutual exponents of each other! External points of structure stand to internal somewhat in the relation of interest and capital; it is legit- imate and wise enough to use interest only unless we need to draw upon capital. In our greater taxonomic enterprises —in the founding of our higher groups—we require all the capital we can get; in our lesser under- takings the interest alone is sufficient. Moreover, birds are so much alike in their anatomical structure, that this answers taxonomic purpose only for higher groups; and practically, at any rate, we make our lesser divisions so readily from external structure, that this may be said to furnish most of our § 15. ZootocicaL Cmaracters. . ses, and affix the variety with sign var.: thus, Mimus (Mimus) polyglottus, var. caudatus. Generic names are always written with a capital; specific names, according to the rules of the British Association, now gen- erally followed, should never be, though it is customary to so write those that are derived from the names of persons and places, as well as all substantive appellations. Ra ger ee ee 14 HEAD, NECK, BODY. § 31. Heap has the general shape of a 4-sided pyramid; of which the base is applied to the end of the neck, and does not appear from the exte- rior; the uppermost side is more or less convex or vaulted, sloping in every direction, and tapering in front; the sides proper are flatter, more or less perpendicular, and taper in front; the bottom is likewise flattish and simi- larly tapering. The departures from this typical shape are endless in degree, and variable in kind; they give rise to numerous general descriptive terms, as “head flattened,” “head globular,” ete., but these are not susceptible of precise definition. The sides present each two openings, eyes and ears; their position is variable, both absolutely and in respect to each other. But in the vast majority of birds, the eyes are strictly /ateral, and near the mid- dle of the side of the head, while the ears are behind and a little below. Exceptions :—owls have eyes “anterior ;” woodcock and snipe have ears be- low and not behind the eyes. The mouth is always a horizontal fissure in the apex of the cone; there are no other openings in the head proper, for the nostrils are always in the bill. The § 32. Neck, in effect, is a simple cylinder: rendered somewhat hour- glass shaped as above stated. Its length is variable, as is the number of bones it has. Bearing the head with the bill, which is a bird’s true hand, it is unusually flexible, to permit the necessarily varied motions of this impor- tant organ. Its least length may be said to be that which allows the point of the bird’s beak to touch the oil-gland on the rump; its length is usually in direct proportion to length of legs, in obvious design of allowing the beak to touch the ground easily to pick up food. Its habitual shape is a double curve like the letter S; the lower belly of the curve fits in the space between the legs of the merry-thought (furcula) ; the upper limb of the curve holds the head horizontal. This sigmoid flexure (sigma, Greek S) is produced by the shape of the jointing surfaces of the several bones: it may be increased, so that the upper end touches the lower belly; may be de- creased to a straight line, but is scarcely carried beyond this in the opposite direction. As a generalization, the neck may be called longest in wading birds; shortest in perching birds; intermediate in swimming birds; but some waders, as plovers, have short necks; and some swimmers, as swans, extremely long ones; a very long neck, however, among perching birds is rare, and confined mainly to a crane-like African hawk, and certain of the lowest perchers that stand on the confines of the waders. The shape of the § 33. Bopy proper or trunk (L. ¢runcus), is obviously referable to that of the egg; it is ovate, (LL. ovum, an egy). The swelling breast muscles represent the but of the egg, which tapers backwards. But this shape is never perfectly expressed, and its variations are unnumbered. In general, perching birds have a body the nearest to an oval; among waders, the oval is usually compressed, or flattened perpendicularly, as is well seen in the heron family, and still better in the rail family, where the narrowing is at an extreme; among swimmers, the body is always more or less depressed, or flattened horizontally, and especially underneath, to enable these birds to a a a ps TOPOGRAPHY OF THE BODY. 15 rest with stability on the water; a duck or a diver shows this well. Speak- ing of shape of body, I must allude to the § 34. Centre or Gravity of a bird, and show the admirable provision by which this is kept beneath the centre of the body. The enormous breast- muscles of a bird are its heaviest parts; sometimes they weigh, to speak roundly, as much as one-sixth of the whole bird. Now these are they that effect all the movements of the wings at the shoulder-joint, lifting as well as lowering the wings; did they all pull straight, the lifters would have to be above the shoulder; but they all lie below, and the lifters accomplish their office by running through a pulley, which changes their line of traction ; they work, in short, like men hoisting sails from the deck of a vessel; and thus, like a ship’s cargo, a bird’s chief weight is kept below the centre of motion, Topheaviness is further obviated by the fact that birds with a long, heavy neck and head draw this in upon the breast, and extend the legs behind, as is well shown in a heron flying. The nice adjustment of balance by the yari- able extension of the head and legs is exactly like that produced by shifting the weight along the bar of a steel-yard ; this, with the slinging of the chief weight under the wings instead of over or even between them, enables a bird to keep right side up in flight, without exertion. Sub-sect.1. Of the Body; its Topography, ete. § 35. Busipes being divided as above into body and members, the exte- rior of a bird is further subdivided ; the body being mapped out, mainly for purposes of description, into regions, and the members being similarly re- solved into their component parts or organs. We have first to notice, as the most general, the § 386. Uprer anp Unper Parts. Draw a line from the corner of the mouth along the side of the neck to and through the shoulder-joint and thence along the side of the body to the root of the tail; all above this line, including upper surface of wings and tail, are upper parts; all below, includ- ing under surfaces of wings and tail, are under parts; called respectively, “above” and “below.” The distinction is purely arbitrary, but so conven- ient that it is practically indispensable ; for it will be seen in a moment, how an otherwise lengthy description can be compressed into, for example, four words: “above, green; below, yellow:” and these terms are often used because many birds’ colors have some such simple general character. The “upper parts” of the body proper (§ 33) have, also, received the gen- eral name of nofeeum (Gr. notos, back; fig. 4, 12) : the “under parts,” simi- larly restricted, that of gastreum (Gr. gaster, belly ; fig. 4, 20). These two are § 37. Never Nakep, while both head and neck may be variously bare of feathers. The only exception is the transient condition of certain birds dur- ing incubation: when, either, like the eider duck, they pull feathers off the belly to cover the eggs or even to build the nest, or, like several other birds, the plumage below is worn off in setting. The gastreum is rarely pecu- 16 TOPOGRAPHY OF THE BODY. liarly ornamented with feathers of different texture or structure from those of the general plumage; but an instance of this is seen in our Lewis’ wood- ~ pecker. The noteum, on the contrary, is often the seat of extraordinary development of feathers, either in size, shape or texture; as the singularly elegant plumes of the herons. Individual feathers of the notzum are generally pennaceous (§ 4), in greatest part straight and lanceolate; and b i H { i H : i H i ' Fic. 4.— Topography of a Bird. 1, forehead (frons). 2, lore. 3, cireumocular region. remiges. 28, primary coverts. 29, alu/a, or bastard wing. 4, crown (verter). 5, eye. 6, hind head (occiput). 7, 30, greater coverts. 31, median coverts. 32, lesser coverts. nape (nucha), 8, hind neck (cervir). 9, side of neck. 33, the * throat,” including 34, 37,38. 34, jugu/um or lower 10. interscapular region. ll, dorsum, or buck proper, in- throat. 35,auriculars, 36, malar region. 37, gula,or mid- cluding 10. 12, not#um, or upper part of body proper, dle throat. 35, mentum, or chin, 39, angle of commis- including 10, 11, and 13. 13, rump (wrepygium). 14, upper sure, or corner of mouth. 40, ramus of under mandible. tail coverts. 15, tail. 16, under tail coverts. 17, tarsus. 41, side of under mandible. 42, gonys. 43, apex, or tip of 18, abdomen. 19, hind toe (ha/luxr), 20, gastraum, inelud- bill. 44, tomia, or cutting edges of the bill. 45, culmen, ing 18 and 24, 21, outer or fourth toe, 22, middle or third or ridge of upper mandible, corresponding to gonys. 46, toe. 25, side of the body. 24, breast (pectus). 25, prima- side of upper mandible. 47, nostril. 48 passes across the ries, 26, secondaries. 27, tertiaries; nos. 24, 26, 27 are all bill a little in front of its base. as a whole they lie smoothly imbricated (like shingles on a roof). The gastreeal feathers are more largely plumulaceous ({§ 4 ), less flat and imbri- cated, but even more compact, that is, thicker, than those of the upper parts ; especially among water birds, where they are all more or less curly, and very thickset. There are subdivisions of the § 38. Normum. Beginning where the neck ends, and ending where the tail coverts begin, this part of the bird is divided into back (Lat. dorsum; fig. 4, 11) and rump (L. wropygium fig. 4,13). These are direct continuations of each other, and their limits are not precisely defined. The feathers of both are on the pteryla dorsalis (§ 8, 6). In general, we may say that the anterior two-thirds or three-quarters of noteum is back, and the rest rump. With the former are generally included the scapular feathers, or scapulars: these are they that grow on the pteryle humerales (§ 8, 6): the region of TOPOGRAPHY OF THE BODY. 17/ noteum that they form is called scapulare (Li. scapula, shoulder-blade) ; that part of noteum strictly between them is called interscapulare (fig. 4, 10) ; it is often marked, as in the chipping sparrow, with streaks or some other distinguishing coloration. A part of dorsum, lying between interscapulare and uropygium, is sometimes recognized as the “lower back” (L. tergum), but the distinction is not practically useful. To uropygium probably also belong the feathers of the pieryle femorales (§ 8, 6), and at any rate they are practically included there in descriptions; but these properly represent the flanks (i. hypochondria), that is, the sides of the rump. They are sometimes the seat of peculiarly developed or otherwise modified feathers. The whole of noteum, taken with the upper surfaces of the folded wings, is called the “mantle” (i. séragulwm), and is often a convenient term, espec- ially in describing gulls. In like manner, the ~ § 39. Gastrawum is subdivided into regions, called, in general terms, “breast” (pectus; fig. 4, 24), “belly” (abdomen; fig. 4, 18) and “sides of the : body” (fig. 4,23). The latter belong really as much to back, of course, as to belly ; but in consequence of the underneath freighted shape of a bird’s body, the line we drew (§ 36) passes so high up along the sides, that these last are | _ almost entirely given to gastreum. The breast begins over the merry- : thought, where jugulum (§ 40) ends; on either hand it slopes up into “sides :” behind, its extension is indefinite. Properly, it should reach as far wo as the breast-bone (sternwm) does; but this would leave, in many birds, i almost nothing for abdomen, and the limit would, moreover, fluctuate with almost every family of birds, the sternum is so variable in length and shape. Practically, therefore, we restrict pectus to the swelling anterior part of gastreum, which we call abdomen as soon as it begins to straighten out and flatten. Abdomen, like breast, rounds up on either hand into sédes; behind, it ends in a transverse line that passes across the anus. It has been un- necessarily divided into epigastrium, or “pit of the stomach,” and venter, or “lower belly ;’ but these terms are rarely used. (“Crisswm” is a word constantly employed for a region immediately about the anus; but it is loosely used, sometimes including the hypochondria, and oftener meaning simply the under tail coverts; I refer to it again in speaking of these last.) Although these various boundaries seem fluctuating and not perfectly defin- ite, yet a little practice will enable the student to appreciate their proper use in descriptions, and then use them himself with sufficient accuracy. The anterior continuation of body in general, or the § 40. Neck, is likewise subdivided into regions. Its lateral aspects (ex- cept in a few birds that have lateral neck tracts of feathers) are formed by the meeting over its sides of the feathers that grow on the dorsal and ventral pteryle ; the skin is really not planted with feathers; and partly on this account, perhaps, a distinctively named region is not often expressed ; we say simply “sides of the neck” (parauchenia, fig. 4,9). Behind, it is divided into two portions: a lower, the “hind neck,” or “scruff of the neck,” cervix (fig. 4, 8), adjoining the back; and an upper, the “nape of the « KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 3. 18 _ TOPOGRAPHY OF THE BODY. neck” (nucha ; fig. 4, 7), adjoining the hind head; these are otherwise known as the cervical region, and the nuchal region, respectively, and both together as “the neck behind.” ‘The front of the neck has been, perhaps, unnecessa- rily subdivided, and the divisions vary with almost every writer. It will be sufficient for us in the present connection to call it throat (Lat. gula, fig. 4, 37), and jugulum (fig. 4, 3:), remembering that the jugular portion is lower, vanishing in breast, and the gular higher, running into chin along the under surface of the head. Gruétur is a term used to signify gula and jugulum together; it is simply equivalent to “throat” as just defined. Though generally fully covered with feathers, the neck, unlike the body proper, is frequently in part naked. When naked behind, it is almost in- variably cervix that is bare, from interruption of the upward extension of the pteryla dorsalis ; as exemplified in many herons. NVucha is rarely, if ever, naked except in continuation of general nakedness of the head. Similarly, gula is naked from above downwards, as is especially illustrated in nearly all the order Steganopodes, as pelicans, cormorants, etc., that have a naked throat-pouch; or some vultures, whose nakedness of head extends over nucha, and along gula, as if the feathers were killed by over-manuring with the filthy substances these birds eat. The condor has a singular ruffle all around the neck, of close, downy feathers, as if to defend the roots of the other feathers from such consequence. Jugulum becomes naked in a few birds, where a distended crop or craw protrudes, pushing apart the feathers of two branches of the pteryla ventralis as these ascend the throat. The neck is not ordinarily the place of remarkably modified feathers ; they might restrict freedom of motion in the neck; to this rule, however, there are signal exceptions. Among these may be mentioned here, the grouse family, among our representatives of which, the “ruffed” has singular tufts on the sides of the neck; the “pinnated” little wing-like feathers there, covering bare, distensible skin, and the “cock of the plains” has curious, stiff, scaly feathers ; unless these rather belong to pectus. Cervix proper almost never has modified feathers, but often a transverse coloration different from that of the rest of the upper parts ; when conspicuous, this is called “cervical collar,” to distinguish it from the guttural or jugular “collars” or rings of color. Nucha is frequently similarly marked with a “nuchal band ;” often, special developments there take the form of lengthening of the feathers, and we have a “nuchal crest.” More particularly in birds of largely variegated colors, guttur and jugulum are marked Jengthwise with stripes and streaks, of which those on the sides are apt to be different from those along the middle line in front. Jugulum occasionally has lengthened feathers, as in many herons. Higher up, the neck in front may have variously length- ened or otherwise modified feathers. Conspicuous among these are the ruffs, or tippets, of some birds, especially of the grebe family, and, above all our other birds, of the male ruff (Machetes pugnax). But these, and a few other modifications of the feathers of the upper neck, are more con- veniently considered with those of the TOPOGRAPHY OF THE HEAD. 19 § 41. Heap. Though smaller than either of the parts already considered, the head has been more minutely mapped out, and such detail is necessary from the number of recognizable parts or regions it includes. Without pro- fessing to give all that have been named, I describe what will be needed for our present purposes. (a). “Top of the head” is a collective expression for all the superior sur- face, from base of the bill to nucha, and on the sides nearly or quite to the level of the upper border of the eyes. This is pilewm (fig. 4,1, 4,6) 3 it is divided into three portions. orehead, or frontal region, or, simply, “the front” (Li. frons; fig. 4,1) includes all that slopes upward from the bill — generally to about opposite the anterior border of the eyes. Middle head or crown (lL. corona), or vertex (L. vertex; fig. 4,4), includes the top of the head proper, extending from forehead to the downward slope towards nucha. This last slope is hind head, or occiput (fig. 4,6). The lateral border of all three together constitutes the “superciliary line,” that is, line over the eye (Lat. super, over, cilia, hairs [of the brows in particular]). (b). “Side of the head” is a general term defining itself. It presents for consideration the following regions: orbital, or circumorbital (L. orbis, an orb, properly, here, the circular hole in the skull itself that contains the eye- ball; fig. 4,3) is the small space forming a ring around the eyes; it em- braces these organs, with the upper and under /ids (Li. palpebre) ; where these meet in front and behind respectively, is the anterior canthus and poste- rior canthus. The region is also subdivided into supra-orbital, infra-orbital, ante-orbital and post-orbital, according as its upper, under, front or back por- tion is specially meant. The position of the circumorbital varies in differ- ent families; generally, it is midway, as stated, but may be higher or lower, crowded forward toward the base of the bill, or removed to the back upper corner of the side of the head, as strikingly shown in the woodcock. The aural or auricular (fig. 4, 3) region is the part lying over the external ear- opening; its position varies in heads of different shape; but in the vast majority of cases it is situated a little behind and below the eye. Wherever located it may be known at a glance, by the texture of the auricular feathers (shortly, the auriculars) covering the opening. Doubtless to offer least ob- stacle to passage of sound, these are a tuft of feathers with loose vexilla (§ 3) from greater or less disconnection of the barbs (§ 3); and they may collectively be raised and turned forward, exposing the ear-opening ; they are extremely large and conspicuous in most owls. “Temporal region,” or the temples (Li. ¢empora, times, or age, because an elderly man’s hair whitens there first) is a term not often used ; it designates the part between eyes and ears, not well distinguished from the post-orbital space. At the lowermost posterior corner of the head a protuberance is seen, or may be felt; it is where the lower jaw is hinged to the skull, and is called the “angle of the jaw ;” it is generally just below and behind the ear. The lore (L. lorum, strap or thong; hence, reins or bridle ; hence, place where the main strap of a bridle passes; fig. 4, 2) is an important region. It is generally pretty 20 TOPOGRAPHY OF THE HEAD. much all the space betwixt the eye and the sides of the base of the upper mandible (§ 44). Thus, we say of a hawk, “lores bristly ;” and examina- tion of a bird of that kind will show how large a space is covered by the term. Lore, however, should properly be restricted to a narrow line between the eye and bill in the direction of the nostrils. It is excellently shown in the heron and grebe families, where “naked lores” is a distinctive family character. The lore is an important place, not only from being thus marked in many birds, but from being frequently the seat of specially modified or specially colored feathers. The rest of the side of the head, including the space between angle of jaw and Dill, has the name of cheek (L. gena, firstly eyelid, then, and generally, the prominence under the eye formed by the cheek-bones; fig. 4, 36). It is bounded above by lore, infra- orbital, and auricular; below, by a more or less straight line, representing the lower edge of the bony prong of the under mandible (§ 44). It is cleft in front for a varying distance by the backward extension of the gape of the mouth; above this gape is more properly gena, or malar region in strictness; below it is yaw (maxilla), or rather “side of the jaw.” The lower edge of the jaw definitely separates the side of the head from the (ce). “Under surface” of the head; properly bounded behind by an imag- inary line drawn straight across from one angle of the jaw to the other, and running forward to a point between the forks of the under mandible (§ 44). As already hinted, “throat” (gula; fig. 4, 37) extends upward and forward into this space without obvious dividing line; it runs into chin (LL. mentum; fig. 4, 38) of which it is only to be said, that it is the (varying in extent) anterior part of the under surface of the head. Anteriorly, it may be con- veniently marked off, opposite the point where the feathers end on the side of the lower jaw, from the feathery space (when any) between the branches of the under mandible itself; this latter space is called the dnéerramal (L. inter, between, ramus, fork). (d). The head is so often marked lengthwise with different colors, apt to take such definite position, that these lines have received special names. Median vertical line is one along the middle of pileum, from base of culmen (§ 50) to nucha: /ateral vertical lines bound it on either side. Superciliary line has just been noticed; below it runs the lateral stripe; that part of it before the eye, is loral or ante-orbital ; behind the eye, post-orbital; when these are continuous through the eye, they form a transocular line; below this is malar line, cheek-stripe, or frenum; below this, on the under jaw, maxillary line; in the middle below, mental or gular lines. ‘The lines are stripes (Li. plage) when narrow and distinct, like the welt of a whip-lash ; streaks (sé7de) when narrow and somewhat erratic ; and vittce or fascie when quite broad, as is particularly likely to be the case with the eye-line.* *I had thought of a section on patterns of coloration (picture), but the attempt to reduce birds’ infinitely varied colors to generalized formulas would take too much space. I may add, however, conveniently in this connection, the following: Considerable areas of color take name from the parts they occupy, down to what may be called variegations. These are produced in two ways: (1) by insensible change of colors, either in fading into lighter, or shading into darker tints of the same; as an indefinite brown into black, gray or eo Te ee ee wens nee wt Dae whe etapa 8 ee eet hl a tap PTILOSIS OF THE HEAD. : 21 (ce). No part of the body has so variable a ptilosis ({ 9) as the head. In the vast majority of birds, it is wholly and densely feathered; it ranges from this to wholly naked; but nakedness, it should be observed, means only absence of perfect feathers, for most birds with unfeathered heads have a hair-like growth on the skin. Our samples of naked headed birds, are the turkey, the vultures, the cranes, and some few birds of the heron tribe. Associated with more or less complete “baldness,” is frequently the presence of various fleshy outgrowths, as combs, wattles, caruncles (warty excres- cences), lobes and flaps of all sorts, even to enumerate which would exceed our limits. The parts of the barn-yard cock exemplify the whole; among North American birds they are very rare, being confined, in evident devel- opment at any rate, to the wild turkey. Sometimes horny plates take the place of feathers on part of the head; as in the coots and gallinules. A very common form of head nakedness marks one whole order of birds, the Steganopodes, which have mentum and more or less of gula naked, and transformed into a sort of pouch, extremely developed in the pelicans, and well seen in the cormorants. The next commonest is definite bareness of the lores, as in all herons and grebes. A little orbital space is bare in many birds, as the vulturine hawks, and some pigeons. Among water birds particularly more or less of the interramal space is almost always unfeath- ered; the nakedness always proceeds from before backwards. With the rare exceptions of a narrow frontal line, and a little space about the angle of the mouth, no other special parts of the head than those above given are naked in any North American bird, unless associated with general baldness. (f). The opposite condition, that of redundant feathering, gives rise to all the various crests (L., pl. criste) that form such striking ornaments of many birds. Crests proper belong to the top of the head, but may be also held to include those growths on its side; these together being called crests in distinction to the ruffs, rufiles, beard, ete., of gula or mentum. Crests may be divided into two kinds:—1, where the feathers are simply lengthened or otherwise enlarged, and 2, where the texture, and sometimes even the structure (§ 4) is altered. Nearly all birds possess the power of moving and elevating the feathers on the head, simulating a slight crest in moments of excitement. The general form of a crest is a full soft elongation of the coronal feathers collectively; when perfect such a crest is globular, as in the Pyrocephalus (genus 111) ; generally, however, the feathers lengthen on white; or by unmarked change of a secondary color, as green into blue or yellow. (2) by obvious markings. Markings are all reducible to two kinds, streaking and spotting. Streaking, as a generic term, is sharply divisible into lengthwise and crosswise. Lengthwise streaking comprehends all kinds of streaks, stripes, vitte, fascix, with the distinctions above given in the text. Crosswise streaking is called barring, and always runs transverse to the axis of a bird; if the lines are straight, it is banding; if undulating, it is waving; if very fine and irregular, it is vermiculation (L. vermiculus, a little worm). Spotting is graded according to size of the markings, from dotting or pointing, to blotching or splashing; and spots are also designated accord- ing to their shape, as round, square, U-shaped, V-shaped, hastate, sagittate, ete. Very fine spotting mixed with streaking, is called marbling; when indistinct, nebulation or clouding; intermediate special marks have particular names, as crescents. Distinct round spots are ocelli (‘‘little eyes”). Indistinct variegations of any sort are called obsolete. Washes of color over a definite color, are called tinges or tints. Color is glossy when it shines; metallic, when it glitters; iridescent when it changes with different lights. Colors are also bright dull, dead (said of white), opaque, or velvety (said of deep colors, chiefly black), ete. D2, } PTILOSIS OF THE HEAD. the occiput more than on the vertex or front, and this gives us the simplest and commonest form. Such crests, when more particularly occipital, are usu- ally connected with lengthening of nuchal feathers, and are likely to be of a thin, pointed shape, as well shown in the kingfisher. Coronal or vertical crests proper, are apt to be rather different in coloration than in specially marked elongation of the feathers; they are perfectly illustrated in the king- bird, and other species of that genus. Frontal crests are the most elegant of all; they generally rise as a pyramid from the forehead, as excellently shown in the blue jay, cardinal bird, tufted titmouse and others. All the foregoing crests are generally single, but sometimes double; as shown in the two lat- eral occipital tufts of the “horned” lark, in all the tufted or “horned” owls, and in a few cormorants. Lateral crests are, of course, always double, one on each side of the head; they are of various shapes, but need not be particularized here, especially since they mostly belong to the second class of crests —those consisting of texturally modified feathers. It is a general —though not exclusive — character of these last, that they are temporary ; while the other kind is only changed with the general moult, these are as- sumed for a short season only —the breeding season; and furthermore, they are often distinctive of sex. Occurring on the top of the head they furnish the most remarkable ornaments of birds. I need only instance the elegant helmet-like plumes of the partridges of the genus Lophortyx (186); the graceful flowing train of the Oreortyx (gen. 185); the somewhat similar plumes of the night and other herons. The majority of the cormorants, and many of the auks, possess lateral plumes of similar description; these, and those of the herons are probably —in most cases certainly — deciduous ; while those of the partridges above mentioned last as long as the general plumage. These lateral plumes, in many birds, especially among grebes, are associated with, and, in fact, coalesce with, the ruffs, which are singular lengthening and modifying in different ways of feathers of auriculars, gene and gula; and are.almost alwa¥s temporary. Beards, or special lengthening of the mental feathers alone, are comparatively rare; we have no good example among our birds, but a European vulture, Gypaétos barbatus, is one. The feathers sometimes become scaly (squamous) forming, for instance, the exquisite gorglets or frontlets of humming-birds. They are often bristly (setaceous) , as about the lores of nearly all hawks, the forehead of the dabchick, meadow- lark, ete. While usually all the unlengthened head feathers point backward, they are sometimes erect, forming a velvety pile, or they may radiate in a cir- cle from a given point, as from the eye in most owls, where they form a disk. In the foregoing, I only mention a few types, chiefly needed to be known in the study of our birds; but should add that there are many others, with endless modifications, among exotic birds; to these, however, I cannot even allude by name. Peculiarities of nasal feathers, and others around the base of the bill, are noticed below. Forms of crests are illustrated in figs. 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 56, 95, 96, 107, 109, 114, 117, 125, 127, 135, 136, 152, 1538, 154, 177, 191, 202. b fr $ é “~~. — a ee ee (chiefly) a bone called the intermazxillary, or better, OF THE BILL. 23 Sub-sect. 2. Of the Members; their parts and organs. ihe Mesos a sinage § 42. Tuer Birt is hand and mouth in one: the instrument of prehension. As hand, it takes, holds and carries food or other substances, and in many instances, feels; as mouth, it tears, cuts, or crushes, according to the nature of the substances taken; assuming the functions of both lips and teeth, neither of which birds possess. An organ thus essential to the prime funce- tions of birds, one directly related to their various modes of life is of the utmost consequence in a taxonomic point of view; yet, its structural modi- fications are so various and so variously interrelated, that it is more impor- tant in framing families and genera than orders; more constant characters must be employed for the higher groups. The general § 43. Suapn of the bill is referable to the cone; it is the anterior part of the general cone that we have seen to reach from its point to the base of the skull. This shape confers the greatest strength combined with the greatest delicacy ; the end is fine to apprehend the smallest objects, while the base is stout to manipulate the largest. But in no bird is the cone expressed with entire precision; and in most, the departure from this figure is great. The bill aLways consists of two, the upper and the lower § 44. Manprpezes (fig. 5), which lie, as their names indicate, above and below, and are separated by a horizontal fissure —the mouth. Each mandi- ble aLways consists of certain projecting skull-bones, sheathed with more or less horny integument in lieu of true skin. The frame-work of the Upper mandible is abcde f £ in this case, the premawillary. In general, this is a three-pronged or tripodal bone running to a point in front, with one, the uppermost prong, or foot, im- ; 1 k j i planted upon the forehead, and the other two, lower "Pig. 5. eae ee and horizontal, running into the sides of the front of a,siae orupper mandible; 6, cul- en; c, nasal fossa; d, nostril; e, A . ™m the skull. The scaffold of the Under mandible is a (Gee beiow); 7 gape, or'whole com> missural line; g, rictus; h, commis- compound bone called inferior maxillary; it is U-, or sural pointor angle oF tne ont i, pais of under jaw; j, tomia of : . . . andi t reference V-shaped, with the point or convexity in front, and tines’ should have been drawn to indicate the corresponding tomia the prongs running to either side of the base of the of upper mandible); t, angle of gonys; /, gonys; m, side of under skull behind, to be there movably hinged. These two Mules” HPs of mandibles. bones, with certain accessory bones of the upper mandible, as the palate es, etc., together with the horny investment, constitute the 7s. p bones, etc., togeth th the | t ie titute the Jaws. Both jaws, in birds, are movable; the under, by the joint just mentioned; the upper, either by a joint at, or by the elasticity of the bones of, the forehead ; it is moved by a singular muscular and bony apparatus in the palate, further notice of which would involve anatomical details. When closed, the jaws meet and fit along their opposed- edges or surfaces, in the same manner, and for the same purposes, as the lips and teeth of man or other ee, a ae inn. % | F . 24. DIFFERENT KINDS OF BILLS. vertebrate animals. All bills, thus similarly constituted, have been divided * into § 45. Four Cuassms, representing as many ways in which the two man- dibles close upon each other at the end. 1. The epignathous (Gr. epi, upon, gnathos, jaw) way, plan, or type, in which the upper mandible is longer than the under, and its tip is evidently bent down over the tip of the lower. 2. The hypognathous (Gr. hypo, under), in which the lower mandible is longer than the other. 3. The paragnathous (Gr. para, at or by), in which both are of about equal length, and neither is evidently bent over the other. 4. The metagnathous (Gr. meta, with, beside, etc.), in which the points of the mandibles cross each other. The second and fourth of these are ex- tremely rare; they are exemplified, respectively, by the skimmer and the cross-bill (genera 295 and 60). The first is common, occurring through- out the birds of prey, the parrots, and among the petrels, gulls, etc., etc. The great majority of birds exhibit the third; and among them, there is such evident gradation into epignathism, that it is necessary to restrict the latter to its complete development, exhibited in the intermaxillary bone di- vested of its horny sheath, which often, as among flycatchers, etc., forms a little overhanging point, but does not constitute epignathism. These classes, it should be added, though always applicable, and very convenient in de- scriptions, are purely arbitrary, that is, they by no means correspond to any four primary groups of birds, but on the contrary, usually only mark families and the subdivisions of families; and the four types may be seen in contiguous genera. The general shape of the bill has also furnished § 46. Orner Crasses, for many years used as a large basis for ornitho- logical classification ; but which the progress of the science has shown to be merely as convenient as, and only less arbitrary than, the foregoing. The principal of these are represented by the following types :— A, among land birds. 1. The jisstrostral, or cleft, in which the bill is small, shoré, and with a very large gap running down the side of the head, as in the swallow, chimney-swift, whippoorwill. 2. The éenucrostral, or slender, in which the bill is small, Jong, and with a short cleft; as in the humming-bird, creeper, nuthatch. 38. The dentirostral, or toothed, in which, with a various gen- eral shape, there is present a nick, tooth, or evident lobe in the opposed edges of one or both mandibles near the end; as in the shrike, vireo, and some wrens, thrushes and warblers. 4. The conirostral, or conical, suffi- ciently defined by its name, and illustrated by the great finch family and some allied ones. B, among water birds. 5. The longirostral, or long, an aquatic style of the tenuirostral, best exhibited in the great snipe family. 6. The pressirostral, or the compact, illustrated by the plovers, etc., and quite likely analogous to the conirostral. 7. The culétrirostral, cutting, perhaps analogous to the dentirostral, exemplified in the heron group. None of these are now used to express natural groups, in strict definitions; all are. * By the writer: Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila., Dec. 1869, p. 213. VARIOUS FORMS OF BILLS. 25 convenieut incidental terms in general descriptions. Various other lesser terms, expressing special modifications, as lamellirostral, acutirostral, etc., are employed; but all are best used, now, as common, not as proper names, simply descriptive of § 47. Orser Forms. A bill is called Jong, when notably longer than the head proper; shoré, when notably shorter; medium, in neither of these con- ditions. It is compressed, when higher than wide, at the base at least, and generally for some portion of its length; depressed, when wider than high ; terete, under neither of these conditions. It is recurved, when curved up- ward; decurved, when curved downward; bent, when the variation in either direction is at an angle ; straight, when not out of line with axis of the head. A bill is obtuse (said chiefly of the paragnathous sort) when it rapidly comes to an end that therefore is not fine; or when the end is knobby; it is acute when it runs to a sharp point; acwminate, when equally sharp and slen- derer; attenuate, when still slenderer; subulate (awl-shaped), when slen- derer still; acicular (needle-shaped), when slenderest possible, as in some humming-birds. +e Oe Pea e Bel: “tude cn ~~. . linia 26 COVERING OF THE BILL. the softest bill is found among the snipes, where it is skinny throughout, and in typical snipes vascular and nervous at the tip, becoming a true organ of touch, used to feel for worms out of sight in the mud. In all the duck order, the bill is likewise soft; but there it is always terminated by a hard, horny “nail,” more or less distinct; and such horny claw also occurs in other water birds with softish bills, as the pelican. An interesting modification occurs in all, or nearly all, of the pigeon order; these birds have the bill hard or hardish at tip and through most of continuity, but towards and at the base of the upper mandible the sheath changes to a soft, tumid, skinny texture, overarching the nostrils; if is much the same with most plovers. But the most important feature in this connection is ‘afforded by the parrots and all the birds of prey; one so remarkable that it has received a distinct name:—Crrr. The cere (L. cera, wax; because it looks waxy) is a dense membrane saddled on the upper mandible at base, so different from the rest of the bill, that it might be questioned rather it does not more properly belong to the head than to the bill, were it not for the fact that the nostrils open in it. Moreover, the cere is often densely feathered, as in the Carolina parroquet, in the bill proper of which no nostrils are seen, these being hidden in the feathered cere, which, therefore, might be easily mistaken, at first sight, for the bird’s forehead. ) or with a rounded joining (like) ). At their point of union there is a promi- nence, more or less marked (fig. 5, /); this is the Gonys (corrupted from the Gr. gonu, a knee ; hence, any similar protuberance). That is to say, this point is gonys proper; but the term is extended to apply to the whole line of union of the rami, from gonys proper to the tip of the under mandible; and in descriptions it means, then, the under outline of the bill for a corres- ponding distance (fig. 5, 7). This important term must be constantly held inmind. The gonys is to the under mandible what the keel is to a boat. It varies greatly in length. Ordinarily, it forms, say, one-half to three- fourths of the under outline. Sometimes, as in conirostral birds, a sparrow for example, it represents nearly all this outline; while in a few birds it makes the whole, and in some, as the puftin, is actually longer than the lower mandible proper, because it extends backwards in a point. Other birds have almost no gonys at all: as a pelican, where the rami only meet at the extreme tip, or in the whole duck family, where there is hardly more. As the student must see, the length of the gonys is simply a matter of the early or late fusion of the rami, and that similarly, their mode of fusion, as in a sharp ridge, a flat surface, a straight line, a curve, etc., results in corresponding modifications of its special shape. The interramal space (§ 41, c) is complementary to length of gonys: some- times it runs to the tip of the bill, as in a pelican, sometimes there is next to none, as in a puffin; while its width depends upon the degree of diver- gence, and the straightness or curvature of the rami. The surface between the tomium and the lower edge of rami and gonys together is the s¢de of the under mandible (fig. 5, m). The most important feature of the § 50. Urprr Manprsue is the culmen (Lat. for top of anything; fig. 5, 6). The culmen is to the upper mandible what the ridge is to the roof of a 28 SPECIAL PARTS OF THE UPPER MANDIBLE. house ; it is the upper profile of the bill—the highest middle lengthwise line of the bill; it begins where the feathers end on the forehead, and extends to the tip of the upper mandible. According to the shape of the bill it may be straight or convex, or concave, or even somewhat m-shaped ; or double- convex, as in the tufted puffin: but in the vast majority of cases it is con- vex, with increasing convexity towards the tip. Sometimes it rises up into a thin elevated crest, as well shown in Crotophaga (gen. 126) and in the puffins, when the upper mandible is said to be heeled, and the culmen it- self to be cultrate; sometimes it is really a furrow instead of a ridge, as toward the end of a snipe’s bill; but generally it is simply the uppermost line of union of the gently convex and sloping sides of the upper mandible (fig. 5, a). Ina great many birds, especially those with depressed bill, as all the ducks, there is really no culmen; but then the median lengthwise line of the surface of the upper mandible, takes the place and name of culmen. The culmen generally stops short about opposite the proper base of the bill; then the feathers sweep across its end, and downwards across the base of the sides of the upper mandible, usually also obliquely backwards. Variations in both directions from this standard are frequent; the feathers may run out in a point on the culmen, shortening the latter, or the culmen may run a way up the forehead parting the feathers; thus either in a point, as in the rails and gallinaceous birds, or as a broad plate of horn, as in the coots and gallinules. The lower edge (double) of the upper mandible is the maxillary tomium, as far backward as it is hard and horny. ‘The most con- spicuous feature of the upper mandible in most birds is the § 51. Nasa Fossa (L. fossa, a ditch), or nasal groove (fig. 5, ¢), in which the nostrils open. The upper prong of the intermaxillary bone (§ 44) is usually separated some ways from the two lateral ones; the skinny or horny sheath that stretches betwixt them is usually sunken below the general level of the bill, especially in those birds where the prongs are long or widely separated ; this “ditch” is what we are about. It is called fossa when short and wide, with varying depth; su/cws or groove when long and narrow ; the former is well illustrated in the gallinaceous birds; the Jatter in nearly all wading birds and many swimmers. When the prongs are soldered throughout, or are very short and close together, there is no (or no evident) nasal depression, and the nostrils open flush with the level of the bill. The § 52. Nosrrits (fig. 5, d) vary in position as follows :— they are lateral when on the sides of the upper mandible (almost always) ; culminal when together on the ridge (rare) ; superior or inferior when evidently above or below midway betwixt culmen and tomia; they are basal, when at the base of the upper mandible ; sub-basal when near it (usual) ; median when at or near the middle of the upper mandible (frequent, as in cranes, geese, etc.) ; terminal when beyond this (very rare; and probably there are now no birds with nostrils at the end of the bill, except the Apteryx). The nostrils are pervious, when open, as in nearly all birds; dmpervious, when not visibly open, as among cormorants and other birds of the same order; they are 4 ee eee ae q ssiaieceemetichosesietitinetiionesdiieaster ett ee EE ee ae Se ee exntiet> tumemntinhesdtcpmatiieges eee THE NOSTRILS AND NASAL FOSSA4—THE GAPE. 29 perforate when there is no septum (partition) between them, so that you can see through them from one side of the bill to the other, as in the turkey- buzzard, crane, etc. ; imperforate when partitioned off from each other, as in most birds; but different ornithologists use these terms interchangeably. The principal shapes of the nostrils may be thus exhibited : —a line, linear nostrils ; a line variously enlarged at either end, clavate, club-shaped, ob- long, ovate nostrils; a line, enlarged in the middle, oval or elliptic, nostrils ; this passing insensibly into the circle, round or circular nostrils; and the various kinds of more or less linear nostrils may be either longitudinal, as in most birds, or oblique, as in a few; almost never directly transverse (up and down). Rounded nostrils may have a raised border or rim; when this is prolonged they are called tubular, as in some of the goatsucker family, and in all the petrels. Usually, the nostrils are formed entirely by the substance surrounding them, thus, of cere, in a hawk, of softish skin, in a pigeon, plover or snipe, or of horn, in most birds; but often their contour is partly formed by a special development somewhat distinct cither in form or texture, and this is called the nasal scale. Generally, it forms a sort of overhanging arch or portico, as well shown in all the gallinaceous birds, among the wrens, ete. A very curious case of this is seen in the European wryneck (Jinx torquilla), where the scale forms the floor instead of the roof of the nostrils. The nostrils also vary in being feathered or naked; the nasal fossa being a place where the frontal feathers are apt to run out in points (called antiw) embracing the root of the culmen. This extension may completely fill and hide the fossa, as in many grouse and ptarmigan ; but it oftener runs for a varying distance toward, or above and beyond the nostrils; sometimes, similarly below them, as in a chimney- swift; and the nostrils may be densely feathered when there is no evident fossa, as in an auk. When thus truly feathered in varying degree, they are still open to view; another condition is, their being covered over and hidden by modified feathers. These are usually bristle-like (setaceous), and form two tufts, close-pressed, and directed forwards, as is perfectly shown in a crow; or the feathers may be less modified in texture, and form either two tufts, one over each nostril, or a single rug, embracing the whole base of the upper mandible; as in nuthatches, titmice, redpoll linnets, snow buntings and other northern Fringillide. Bristles or feathers thus growing forwards are called retrorse (Li. retrorsum, backward; here used in the sense of in an opposite direction from the lay of the general plumage; but they should properly be called antrorse, 7. e., forward). The nostrils, whether culminal or lateral, are, like the eyes and ears, always two in number, though they may be united in one tube, as in the petrels. § 53. Tue Garr. It only remains to consider what results from the re- lations of the two mandibles to each other. When the bill is opened, there is a cleft, or fissure between them; this is the gape or rictus (L. rictus, mouth in the act of grinning); but, while thus really meaning the open space between the mandibles, it is generally used to signify the line of their 30 THE WINGS—THEIR BONY FRAMEWORK. closure. Commissure (i. committere, to put or join together) means the point where the gape ends behind, that is, the angle of the mouth, where the opposed edges of the mandibles join each other; but as in the last case, it is loosely applied to the whole line of closure, from true commissure to tip of the bill. So we say, “commissure straight,” or “commissure curved;” also “commissural edge” of either mandible (equivalent to “tomial edge”) in distinction from culmen or gonys. But it would be well to have more precision in this matter. Let, then, toma (fig. 5,7) be the true cutting edges of either mandible from tip to opposite base of bill proper, rictus (fig. 5, 7) be their edges thence to the PomnT commissure (fig. 5, 2) where they join when the bill is open; the LINE commissure (fig. 5, f) to include both when the bill is closed. The gape is straight, when rictus and tomia are both straight and lie in the same line; curved, sinuate, when they lie in the same curved or waved line; angulated, when they are straight, or nearly so, but do not lie in the same line, and therefore meet at an angle. (An important distinction. See under family /ringillide in the Synopsis. ) THe WINGS. § 54. Deriirion. Pair of anterior or pectoral limbs organized for flight by means of dermal outgrowths. Used for this purpose by birds in general; but by ostriches and their allies only as outriggers to aid running ; by penguins as fins for swimming under water; used also in the latter capacity by some birds that fly too, as divers. Wanting in no recent birds, but imperfect in a few. To understand their structure we must notice § 55. Tuerr Bony Frameworrn. (Fig. 6.) This ordinarily consists of nine actually separate bones; but there are several more that fuse together. The arm-bone, humerus, a single bone, reaches from shoulder to elbow; it is succeeded by two parallel bones, wna and radius, of about equal lengths, reaching from elbow to wrist, forming the forearm, cubit or antibrachium. The wrist (carpus) has two little knobby carpal bones, called scapholunar and cuneiform; very early in life there is another, the mag- num, that soon fuses with the hand-bone, or metacarpal. At first, this last is of three bones, corresponding to those of our hand that support our fore, middle and ring finger respectively ; afterwards they all run together. The one corresponding to the middle finger is much the largest of the three, and it supports two finger-bones (phalanges) placed end to end, just as our ‘three similar finger-bones are placed one after the other at the end of their own hand-bone. The forefinger hand-bone sticks out a little from the side of the principal one, and bears on its end one finger-bone (sometimes two), which is commonly, but wrongly, called the bird’s “thumb.” For although on the extreme border of the hand, it is homological with the forefinger ; birds have no thumb (exe. Archewopteryx, Struthio, Rhea); and no little finger. The third hand-bone is joined to the second, and bears no finger- bone. Th - § 4 i - } STRUCTURE OF THE WING. 31 § 56. Tae Mecuanism of these bones is admirable. The shoulder- joint is loose, much like ours, and allows the humerus to swing all about, though chiefly up and down. The elbow-joint is tight, permitting only bending and unbending in a horizontal line. The finger bones have scarcely any motion. But it is in the wrist that the singular mechanism exists. In the first place, the two forearm bones are fixed with relation to each other so that they cannot roll over each other, like ours. Stretch your arm out on the table; without moving the elbow, you can turn the hand over so that either its palm or its back lies flat on the table. It is a motion (rotation) of the bones of the forearm, resulting in what is called pronation and su- pination. This is absent from the bird’s arm, necessarily ; for if the hand could thus roll over, the air striking the pinion-feathers, when the bird is flying, would throw them up, and render flight difficult or impossible. Next, the hinging of the hand upon the wrist is such, that the hand does not move up and down, like ours, in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the elbow-bend, but back and forwards, in a plane horizontal to the elbow; it is as if we could bring our little finger and its side of the hand around to touch the corresponding border of the forearm. Thus, evidently, extension of the hand upon the wrist-joint increases and completes the unfolding of the wing that commenced by straightening out the forearm at the elbow. There is another essential feature in a bird’s wing. In the figure, 6, aBc represents a deep angle formed by the bones, but none such is seen upon the outside of the wing. This is because this triangular space is filled up by a fold of skin stretched over a cord that passes straight from near 4 to c. But a and c approach or recede as the wing is folded or unfolded, and a simple cord long enough to reach the full distance a—c would be slack in the folded wing; so the cord is made elastic, like an india rubber band ; it stretches when the wing is unfolded, and contracts when the wing is shut; it is thus always hauled taut. The cord makes the always straightish and smooth anterior border of the wing. The carpus c, or the always promi- nent point of the anterior border, is a highly important landmark in de- scriptions, and should be thoroughly understood ; it is also called the “bend of the wing.” (See under Directions for Measurement; see also explana- tion of fig. 6.) Fic. 6, taken from a young chicken (right wing, upper surface), shows the composition and mechanism of a bird’s wing, A, shoulder; B, elbow; C, wrist or carpus; D, tip of prin- ee ee Pee 32 MECHANISM OF THE WING. cipal (the third) finger; 4B, arm; BC, forearm; CD, pinion, or hand, composed of c, carpus, thence to E, metacarpus or hand proper, except the bone 7, this, and Ep, being digits or fin- gers. a, shaft of humerus; }, ulna; c, radius; d, scapholunar bone; e, cuneiform bone; these last two composing wrist or carpus proper. Now the figure (1) marks two lines that run to the two ends of the humerus, designating a sort of cap on either end of that bone; this cap is an EprpHystIs;* both ends of ulna and radius show similar epiphyses, connected in the figure, as in case of the humerus, with the shaft by waved lines. Then, of the meta- carpus, g and f are the epiphyses of, respectively, the two principal metacarpal bones /:;, the third, and 7, the fourth; & and 7 have not yet coalesced together, but lie simply opposed to each other, whereas their epiphyses themselves, gy and jf, are seen nearly fused together. h, which seems to be the epiphysis of 7, is not; it is a metacarpal itself (the second), bearing the digit, i; it is nearly soldered with g, in which its epiphysis is already ab- sorbed. Later in life, % sends a plate-like process towards 7; 7 and k grow together; h grows into & and g; f and g grow into /k, with the compound result fyhik, forming a single bone, THE METACARPAL, bearing the ‘‘thumb” phalanx 7 and the two finger phalanges m, n, all three of which remain permanently separate. (Observe, that % is called the Tump meta- carpal, because it represents that bone in the hand of man and beasts; that in actual position it is second, h being first and 7 third; that ordinary birds have no first and no fifth metacarpals; and that the bone 7, though called ‘“‘thumb,” corresponds to the first joint of our forefinger.) d/, first finger, or thumb, the seat of the bastard wing-feathers (alula, § 58) ; d'', actually the second finger, but morphologically the third finger, composed of two movable bones m,n. a@!, seat of primaries (upon whole pinion); 5’, seat of secondaries (upon fore- arm); c’, seat of tertiaries (about and above elbow); a!’, seat of scapularies (upon pteryla humeralis). This wing is shown half-spread; in closing or folding, c approaches a, and D approaches B; all nearly in the plane of the paper; and in unfolding, the elbow-joint B is such a perfect hinge that c cannot sink down below the level of the paper, and c is similarly so hinged that p cannot fly up from the same level, as the air, pressing upon the quill feathers a! and b/, would tend to make it do. Observe also; 6 and ¢ are two rods connecting B and c, and the construction of their jointing at B and c, and of their jointings with each other at their ends, is such, that they can slide along each other a little way. Now when the point c, revolving about B, approaches a in the arc of a circle, the rod ¢ pushes on towards d, f, g, etc., while the rod b pulls back e, 1, etc.; so that the point D is brought nearer B. Conversely, in opening the wing, when c recedes from 4, ¢ pulls back, and 6 pushes on, effecting recedence of p from B. So the angle aBc cannot be in- creased or diminished without similarly increasing or diminishing the angle scp. In other words, you cannot open or shut one part of the wing, without opening or shutting the other; it is like killing two birds with one stone, this wonderful bony mechanism for economizing muscular power.t We are now ready to examine the § 57. Winc-Fratuers. These all grow upon the pteryla alaris (§ 9, 0, and Pl. 1, fig. 4,5). They are of two main sorts; the remiges (i. remex, a rower) or long quills collectively, and the coverts, ¢ectrices (Li. tectrix, arbitrary feminine corruption of ¢ector, a coverer) ; to which may be added as a third distinct group the bastard quills (alula, or ala spuria). The § 58. Anuna (L. diminutive of ala, a wing, Pl. 1, fig. 1, al), or little wing, is simply the bunch of feathers that grow upon the “thumb.” Highly *Epiphysis (Gr. epi, upon, phusis, growth). Young bones are wholly cartilaginous, or gristly; they harden at length by deposition in the cartilage of bone-earth. This deposit begins at certain points called ossijic cen- tres. Nowin what are called “long” bones, that is, bones like a humerus, etc., there may be one such centre for the shaft and one upon each end of the bone. The shaft ossifies first; the ends later; and before the bone has completed its growth these ends remain distinct from the shaft with which they afterwards solder. These cartilaginous or gristly caps on the ends are called epiphyses. +See BERGMANN, Arch. f. Anat., 1839, 296; COUES, Amer. Nat. vy, 1870, 513. _e WING-COVERTS AND REMIGES. 33 important as it is in a morphological point of view, it is taken into little account in practical ornithology, unless when largely modified in form, con- spicuous in color, or bearing special organs, as claws, spurs, etc. It strengthens, and defends, and adds to the symmetry of the anterior outer border of the wing. (The student must carefully distinguish the use of the word spurious in this connection from its application to a certain state of the first primary — see § 62.) § 59. Tae Winc-coverts are conveniently divided into the wpper (tec- ‘trices superiores) and under (tect. inferiores); they include all the small feathers that clothe the wings, extending a varying distance along the bases of the remiges (§60). The ordinary disposition and division of the upper coverts is as follows :— There is one set, rather long and stiffish, close-pressed over the bases of the outer nine or ten remiges, covering these, in general, about as far as their structure is plumulaceous. These spring from the hand or pinion (§ 55) and are the upper primary coverts (PI. 1. fig. 1, pe) : they are ordinarily the least conspicuous of any. All the rest of the upper coverts are SECONDARY, and spring mostly from the forearm; they are considered in three groups, or rows. The greater coverts (Pl. 1, fig. 1, gsc) are the first, outermost, longest row, covering the bases of most of the remiges except the first nine or ten; the median coverts (Pl. 1, fig. 1, msc), are a next row, shorter, but still almost always forming a conspicuous series. All the rest of the secondary coverts pass under the general name of lesser coverts (Pl. 1, fig. 1, dc). The greater coverts have furnished a very important z06- logical character: for in all Passeres they are not more than half as long as the remiges they cover, while the reverse is believed to be the case in nearly all other birds. The under coverts have the same general disposition as the upper: but they are all like each other, have less distinction into rows or series, and for practical purposes generally pass under the common name of under wing-coverts; and since, when the wing is strikingly colored under- neath, it is these feathers, and not the remiges, that are highly or variously tinted, the expression “ wing below,” or “under surface of the wing” gener- ally refers to them more particularly. We should distinguish, however, from the under wing-coverts in general, the awillary feathers, or axillars (i. axilla, arm-pit). These are the innermost of the under wing-coverts ; al- most always longer, stiffer, and otherwise distinguishable from the rest; in ducks, for example, and many waders, they take on remarkable development. § 60. (a.) THe Remices (PI. 1, fig. 1, 6, s, and ¢) mainly give the size, shape, and general character to the wing, and are its most important fea- tures; they represent the whole of its posterior outline, most of its surface, and most of its outer and inner borders. Taken collectively, they form a flattened surface for striking the air; this surface may be quite flat, as in birds with long pointed wings that cut the air like oar-blades; generally it is a little concave underneath, and correspondingly convex above; this con- cavo-convexity varying insensibly within certain limits. It is usually great- est in birds with a short rounded wing, as in the gallinaceous order. Two KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 5 34 NUMBER AND SHAPE OF REMIGES. extremes of the mode of flight result. The short, round wing confers a heavy, powerful, cutting flight, for short distances, with a whirring noise, produced by quick vibrations of the wing: birds that fly thus are almost always thickset and heavy. The long, pointed wing gives a light, airy, skimming flight, indefinitely prolonged, with little or no noise, as the wing beats are more deliberate: birds of this style of wing are generally trim and elegant. These, of course, are merely generalizations, mixed and ob- scured in every degree in actual bird-life. Thus the humming-bird, with long pointed wings, whirs them fastest of all birds; so fast that the eye can- not follow the strokes, and merely perceives a mist on each side of the bird. The combination of a pointed with a somewhat concave shape of wing is a remarkably strong one; it results in a rapid, vigorous, whistling flight, as in a pigeon or duck. An ample wing, as it is called, that is, one long as well as broad, without being pointed, is seen in the herons; it confers a slow and somewhat lumbering, but still strong, flight. The longest winged birds are found among the swimmers, as albatrosses; but here the extreme length is largely produced by the length of the humerus ; some land birds, as swallows, swifts, humming-birds, and other fissirostral birds, would have a still longer wing, were not the humerus extraordinarily short. The shortest wings (among birds with perfect remiges), occur in the lowest swimmers, as among the auks and divers, and in the gallinaceous birds. The various special shapes of wings are too numerous and too insensibly gradated to be men- tioned here. The mechanics of ordinary flying’ are probably now under- stood,* though the “way of an eagle in the air” was an enigma to the wise man of old. But the sailing of some birds for an indefinite period through the air, up as well as down, without visible motion of the wings, remains a stumbling-block ; the flight of the turkey vulture is yet unexplained, I ven- ture to afirm. (b.) The number of remiges ranges from sixteen, in the humming-bird, to upwards of fifty, in the albatross. This statement is exclusive of the penguins, in which there are no true remiges. The remiges subserve flight in nearly all existing birds except these last, the ostriches and their allies, and the great auk, Alca émpennis—if indeed this bird still lives. (c.) Of the shape of remiges there is little to be said, they are, with few exceptions, so uniform. They are the stiffest, strongest, most truly penna- ceous (§ 4) of a bird’s feathers ; they have no evident hyporhachis (§ 3, a) ; they are generally lanceolate, that is, taper regularly and gradually to a rounded point. Sometimes one or both webs are incised or attenuate towards the end, that is, they narrow abruptly ; this is also called emargina- tion. (See fig.110.) The tips of the remiges may be squarely or obliquely cut off, as it were, or nicked in various ways. Except in the case of a few of the innermost remiges, their outer vexillum (§ 3, a2) is always narrower *The student should not fail to consult, in this connection, M. Marey’s ‘Lectures on the Phenomena of Flight,” Smithsonian Report for 1869, p. 226. (Translated from Revwe des Cours Scientifiques.) } adiip karan wn — niet EA at ay core bilgi a ES SS i OE ay Fe aN a Pe eee eee =} : re “I t PRIMARIES. 35 than the inner, and its barbs stand out less from the rhachis (§3, a). Rem- iges are divided into three classes, according to their seat; and in this is in- volved one of the most important considerations in practical ornithology, of which the student must make himself master. The three classes are 1, the primaries; 2, the secondaries; 3, the tertiaries. § 61. Tue Primaries (PI. 1, fig. 1, 6) are those remiges which grow upon the pinion, or hand- and finger-bones (fig. 6, cp). Whatever the total num- ber of remiges may be, in all birds with remiges the primaries are either NINE or TEN in number, as far as is known. ‘The albatross and the humming-bird (§ 60, b) both have ten. All birds, probably, below the highest, the oscine Passeres, have ten. Among Oscines, there are nine or ten indifferently ; and just this difference of one primary more or less formas one of the most marked distinctions between some families of that suborder. So the tenth feather in a bird’s wing, counting from the outside, is a sort of crucial test in many cases ; if it be first secondary, the bird is one thing; if it be last primary, the bird is another; the necessity, therefore, of determining which it is, becomes evident. It is, of course, always possible to settle the question by striking at the roots of the remiges and seeing how many are seated on. the pinion ; but this generally involves some defacing of a specimen, and ordinarily there is an easier way of determining. Hold the wing half spread ; then, in nearly all Oscines, the primaries come sloping down on one side, and the secondaries similarly on the other, to form, where they meet, a reéntrant angle in the general contour of the posterior border of the wing ; the feather that occupies this notch is the one we are after, and unluckily is sometimes last primary, and sometimes first secondary. But primaries are, so to speak, emphatic, self-asserting, italicized remiges, stiff, strong, obstinate; while seconda- ries are whispering, retiring remiges in brevier, limber, weak, and yielding. This difference in character is almost always shown by something in their general shape, impossible to describe, but which the student will soon learn to detect. Let the reader examine plate 1, fig. 1, where 6 marks the 9 pri- maries of a sparrow’s wing, and s indicates the secondaries ; he will see a dif- ference at once. The primaries express themselves, though with constantly diminishing force, to the last; then the secondaries immediately begin to tell a different tale. Among North American birds, the only ones with NINE primaries are the families Motacillidew, Alaudide, Sylvicolide, Hirun- dinide, Fringillide, Icteride, part of the Vireonide, and the genus Am- pelis.* The condition of the first primary, whether § 62. Spurious or not, is often of great help in this determination. The first primary is said to be spurious (compare § 58) when it is very short; saya third, or less than a third, of the length of the second primary. Coors, a ase ie ae Geen 6s =o be en ee ne OARS UNITE Fic. 74, Cassin’s Bullfinch. Fic. 75. Bill of Purple Finch. FRINGILLIDH, FINCHES, ETC.—GEN. 59. 129 ** Adult g with the red partly in definite areas, the belly streaked, the edging of the wings whitish. Crimson-fronted Finch. House Finch. Burion. 2 with the forehead and a line over the eye, the rump, and the chin, throat and breast, crimson ; other upper parts brown, streaked with darker, and marked with dull red, and other under parts white or whitish, streaked with dusky ; wings and tail dusky with slight whitish edgings and cross bars. The changes of plumage are parallel with those of C. purpureus, but the species may easily be dis- tinguished in any plumage by its smaller size, with relatively longer wings and tail, these members being absolutely as long or nearly as long as in purpureus; the tail barely or not forked ; and especially by the much shorter and more inflated bill, which is almost exactly as represented in the fore- going figure of Pyrrhula cassinii. Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, U. S., avery abundant species in the towns and gardens of New Mexico, Arizona and California, where it is as familiar as the European Sparrow has become in many of our large eastern cities ; nests about the houses; a pleasant song- Sete AUD. 1 Udo. 19s bps 4155 Coor., 156. . 3 . FRONTADIS. 59. Genus CURVIROSTRA Scopoli. *.* Distinguished from all other birds by the falcate mandibles with crossed points. Nasal ruff conspicuous; wings long, pointed; tail short, forked; feet strong. Sexes dissimilar; g some shade of red, nearly uniform, with dusky wings and tail; @ brownish or olivaceous, more or less streaked, head and rump frequently washed with brownish-yellow ; young like the 9. Irregularly migratory, according to exigencies of the weath- er, eminently gregarious, and feed principally on pine seeds, which they skilfully husk out of the cones with their singular bill. Our two species inhabit the northern parts of Amer- ica, coming southward in flocks in the fall; but they are also resident in northern and mountainous pine-clad parts of the United States, where they sometimes breed in winter. White-winged Crossbill. Wings in both sexes with two conspicu- ous white bars; @ rosy red, 9 brownish-olive, streaked and speckled with dusky, the rump saffron; about 6; wing 34; tail 24. Wis. iv, 48, pl. 31, f.3; Aup., iii, 190, pl. 201; are Oe res ae ere Cay ats ik aa eet tt $e) a. ~EEUCOPTERA’ Red Crossbill. Common Crossbill. (Puiatr m, figs. 13, 14, 15, 13a, 14a, 15a.) Wings blackish, unmarked; ¢ bricky red; 9 as in lewcoptera, but wings plain. Whuus., iv, 44, pl. 31, f. 1,2; Aup., iii, 186, pl. 200; ere mOOOr mals.) Ghee SOA 5 Rin hi tos vy a AMERIGANAS Fic, 76. WlLite-winged Crossbill. Var. mexicana. Similar to the last; bill large, about ? of an inch long. Moun- KRY TO N. A. BIRDS. 17 oe 130 FRINGILLID®, FINCHES, ETC.—GEN. 60, 61. tainous parts of New Mexico, and southward. Bp., 427 (in text), 924. My New Mexican specimens show a bill almost matching that of C. pytiopsittacus of Europe. 60. Genus LEUCOSTICTE Swainson. *,* Sides of the under mandible with a small sharp oblique ridge; nasal tufts conspicuous, _ Gray-crowned Finch. Chocolate or liver-brown, the feathers posteriorly skirted with rosy or lavender, wings and tail dusky, rosy-edged, chin dusky with little or no ashy, crown alone clear ash, forehead alone black, bill and nasal feathers whitish, feet black; 9? not particularly different; about 7; wing 44; tail 22; a little forked. In midsummer, the black frontlet extends ~ over the crown, the rosy heightens to crimson, and the bill blackens; the whole plumage is likewise darker. Rocky Mountain region, south to Colo- rado. AUD., iii, 176, pl. 198; Bp., 430; Coor., 164. . TEPHROCOTIS. Var. campestris Bp., in Coor., 163. Colorado. In the specimen described, the ash of the head extends a little below the eyes but not on the auriculars, and forms a narrow border on the chin; thus approximating to the next. Var. GRISEINUCHA. Gray-eared Finch. The ash of the lead extending over the whole cheeks and ears and part of the chin; the black frontlet extending over most of the crown. Larger than average tephrocotis. Aleutian Islands. Bp., 430 (footnote); Trans. Chicago Acad. Hea fi, Gray caved FMoh G): 1 869" ple 285 £2 4 COOP. 161, \_ Var. nirroraLis Bp., Trans. Chicago Acad. 1869, p. 317, pl. 28,f. 1; Coop., 163. In the specimens described, from Sitka and British Columbia, the whole head including the chin, except the black frontlet, is ashy. The gradations noted in the foregoing paragraphs show that there is but a single species, although griseinucha and littoralis look quite different from tephrocotis and campestris. Siberian Finch. Dusky purplish; neck above pale yellowish; forehead and nasal feathers blackish; outer webs of quills and wing coverts, tail coverts, rump and crissum silvery gray, rosy-margined. Kurile and Aleu- tian Islands; Siberia. Bp., 430 (footnote); Coop., 165. . . ARcToa. 61. Genus AEGIOTHUS Cabanis. * ,* Small species (53-52; wing 23-3; tail 23-21), with the bill extremely acute, overlaid at the base with nasal plumules, the wings long, pointed, the tail short, forked, the feet moderate. . Conspicuously streaked, the crown with a crimson patch in both sexes, the face and chin dusky, wings and tail dusky with whitish edgings ; the males with the whole breast rosy and the rump tinged with the same. Boreal birds, occurring in the United States in winter, in large flocks. Red-poll Linnet. (PLATE m1, figs. 1, la, 2, 2a, 4, 4a, 5, 5a.) Upper parts streaked with dusky and flaxen in about equal amounts, rump white or rosy, always streaked with dusky; below, streaked on the sides, the belly dull white; bill mostly yellow; feet blackish; middle toe and claw as long as the tarsus. WILS., iv, pl. 42; Nurr.,i, 512; Aup., iii, 122; Bp., 428; Couns; Erocs Phila. AcadselS Glens saan oi ate in eane pee nm LGN AT se FRINGILLIDH/, FINCHES, ETC.—GEN. 61, 62. 131 Var. Fuscescens. Dusky Redpoll. (Puiare it, figs. 3, 3a.) Upper parts nearly uniform dusky, rump scarcely lighter, sides heavily streaked; bill dusky. Avp., iii, pl. 179? Cowes, Proc. Phila. Acad., 1861, 222, 390; 1869, 186; Extror, pl. 10. I am not sure that this is anything more than a state of plumage of linarius, as the dusky appearance may be due to wearing away of the lighter edges of the feathers. Var. exttires. American Mealy Redpoll. (Puiare m1, figs. 6, 6a.) Colors pale, the flaxen of linarius bleaching to whitish ; rump white or rosy, entirely unstreaked in the adults; breast pale rosy, and streaks on the sides small and sparse; bill very small, with heavy plumules ; feet small, the middle toe and claw hardly or not equal to the tarsus. Avp., iii, 120, pl. 178; Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad., 1861, 385, 1869, 187; Extror, pl. 9. An Arctic race, not difficult to recognize, representing in America the true Mealy Redpoll, A. canescens, of Greenland. Oss. In addition to the foregoing, a large variety with a very large yellow bill, apparently corresponding to what is called holbclli in Europe, has been noted from Canada. Couvegs, Proc., Phila. Acad., 1862, 40; 1869, 184. 6lbis. Genus LINOTA Bonaparte. Brewster's Linnet. With the general appearance of an immature Aegio- thus, this bird will be recognized by absence of any crimson on the crown, a peculiar yellowish shade on the lower back, and somewhat different propor- tions. Massachusetts, one specimen (Lrewster). Aegiothus flavirostris, var. brewsterii Ringway, Am. Nat. vi, July, 1872. An interesting dis- covery, of which I learn as these pages go to press; may be same as the European. (Notin the Key.) . . . ‘JFLAVIROSTRIS var. BREWSTERII. 62. Genus CHRYSOMITRIS Boie. *Sexes alike. Bill extremely acute; nasal plumules sometimes deficient. Everywhere thickly streaked ; no definite black on head ; no red anywhere. Pine Linnet. (Puate ut, figs. 11, lla, 12,12a.) Continuously streaked above with dusky and olivaceous brown or flaxen, below with dusky and whitish, the whole plumage in the breeding season more or less suffused with yellowish, particularly bright on the rump; the bases of the quills and tail feathers extensively sulphury yellow, and all these feathers more or less edged externally with yellowish. 43; wing 22; tail 12; forked. The plumage is extremely variable; young birds frequently show a buffy or flaxen suffusion, and resemble a redpoll; but the yellowish coloration of the wings and tail is peculiar, and distinctive of the species. North Amer- ica, breeding northerly, ranging throughout most of the United States, in flocks, in the winter; abundant. WHd1s., ii, 133, pl. 17, f.1; Nurv., i, 511; MUD spt.) L255 pl. 180); Bp. 4255 (Coop. 172. =... . 2... PINUS: * * Sexes unlike. Bill moderately acute. Not noticeably streaked. The adult males with definite black on the crown, wings and tail. American Goldfinch. Yellowbird. Thistlebird. (PLATE m1, figs. 7, 8, 9, 10, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10a.) g in summer, rich yellow, changing to whitish on the tail coverts; a black patch on the crown; wings black, more or less edged and barred with white; lesser wing coverts yellow; tail black, every feather with a white spot; bill and feet flesh-colored. In September, the H52 FRINGILLIDZ, FINCHES, ETC.—GEN. 62. black cap disappears, and the general plumage changes to a pale flaxen brown above, and whitey-brown below, with traces of the yellow, especially about the head: this continues until the following April or May. 9 olivaceous, including the crown; below soiled yellowish, wings and tail dusky, whitish-edged : young like the?. About 43 long; wing 23; tail 2, a little forked; 9 rather smaller than the ¢. North America, especially the Eastern United States; an abundant and familiar species, conspicuous by its bright colors, and plaintive lisping notes; in the fall, collects in large flocks, and so remains until the breeding season ; irregularly migratory ; feeds especially on the seeds of the thistle and buttonwood ; flies in an undulating course. Nest small, compact, built of downy and very soft pliant substances, with stucco-work of lichens, placed in a crotch; eggs 4-5, white, speckled. Wius., i, 20, pl. 1, f. 2; Nurz., i, 507; Aup., ii, 129, ple dels Bpss 2 15 yo theme ts 0 ose ete a) tee ent cet eae STS Lawrence’s Goldfinch. & gray, whitening on the belly and crissum: rump, a large breast patch, and often much of the back, rich yellow; crown, face and chin black; wings black, variegated with yellow, most of the coverts being of this color, and the same broadly edging the quills; tail black, most of the feathers with large square white spots on the inner web; bill and feet dark. The ¢ resembles the male, but there is no black on the head, and the yellow places are not so bright. Size of tristis, or rather less ; an elegant species. California, Arizona, and probably New Mexico. Bop., 424; Exxior, pl. 8; COGPs SUT) hag Fee al ack ORs eet oe et Pe Arkansas Goldfinch. @ olive-green, below yellow; crown black, this not extending below eyes; wings black, most of the quills and the greater coverts white-tipped, and the primaries white at base; tail black, the outermost three pairs of feathers with a long rectangular white spot on the inner web. @ and young similar, but not so bright, and no black on the head; sometimes, also, no decided white spots on the tail. 44-44; wing Fic. 78. Lawrence’s Goldfinch. Fic. 79. Arkansas Goldfinch. 24; tail 2. Plains to the Pacific, (Arizona variety.) U. S., rather southerly. Aup., iji, 134, pl. 183; Nurr., i,510; Bo., 422; COOP, LEB. jee hic an SEE year ene Coat ee Seo ee Se Var. arizonz Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad., 1866, p. 46; Coor., 170. The upper * parts mixed olive and black in about equal amounts, thus leading directly into . « LAWRENCE. 7 FRINGILLIDH, FINCHES, ETC. —GEN. 63. 133 Var. MEXICANA, with the upper parts continuously black, and the black of the crown extending below the eyes, enclosing the olive under eye-lid. Mexican border and southward. Bp., 423; Coop., 169. This bird looks quite unlike typical : ASN psaltria, but the gradation through var. QA arizone is perfect; and mexicana, more- over, leads directly into var. columbiana, a Central American form in which the tail- spots are very small or wanting. The females of these several varieties cannot be distinguished with certainty. Oss. Chrysomitris magellanica, a South American species with the whole head black, is said by Audubon to have been taken in Kentucky, where probably it will not be found again. Chrysomitris stanleyi and C. yarrellii, of Audubon, were apparently cage-birds, improperly attributed to North America. Fig. 80. Mexican Goldfinch. 63. Genus PLECTROPHANES Meyer. * Bill small, truly conic, ruffed at base; hind claw decidedly curved. Snow Bunting. Snowflake. In breeding plumage, pure white, the back, wings and tail variegated with black ; bill and feet black. As generally seen in the United States, the white is clouded with clear, warm brown, and the bill is brownish. Length about 7; wing 443 tail 23. Arctic America, irregularly southward, in flocks, in the winter, to about 85°; but its move- ments depend much on the weather. WAILs., iii, 86, pl. 21; Nurr., i, 458; Aup., iii, 55, pl. 155; BOR RAO ORME eeifete fo 8 ok ars ce Ne SNIVALISS ** Bill moderate, unruffed, but with a little tuft of feathers at the base of the rictus; hind claw straight- ish, with its digit longer than the middle toe and claw. Sexes dissimilar; ¢ with a cervical collar, and oblique white area on the outer tail feathers; 9 resembling some of the streaked sparrows. (Centrophanes.) hp Fic. 81. Foot in Centrophanes. Lapland Longspur. Adult g : whole head and throat jet black bordered with buffy or whitish which forms a postocular line separating the black of the crown from that of the sides of the head; a broad chestnut cervical collar; upper parts in general blackish streaked with buffy or whitish that edges all the feathers; below, whitish, the breast and sides black-streaked ; wings dusky, the greater coverts and inner secondaries edged with dull bay ; tail dusky with white areas as above mentioned; bill yellowish tipped with black, legs and feet black. 6-64; wing 3}-33; tail 24-23. Winter males show less black on the head, and the cervical chestnut duller; the 9@ and young have no continuous black on the head, and the crown is streaked like the back; but there are traces of the cervical collar, whilst the generic char- acters will prevent confusion with any of the ordinary streaked sparrows. Arctic America, irregularly southward into the United States in winter, fre- ee, es 134 FRINGILLID2, FINCHES, ETC.—GEN. 63. quently in company with nivalis, but not so common. NutT., i, 463; AD, Wis 00> plo llo2 bps 435: Fld: LAPPONICUS. Painted Lark Bunting. Adult g : cervical collar and entire under parts rich buffy brown or dark fawn; crown and sides of head black, bounded below by a white line, and interrupted by white superciliary and auricular line and white occipital spot; upper parts streaked with black and brownish yellow; lesser and middle wing coverts black, tipped with white forming conspicuous patches; one or two outer tail feathers mostly white; no white on the rest; legs pale. Size of lapponicus: seasonal and sexual changes of plumage correspondent. British America into United States in the ¢nterior ; not common with us. Nurt., ii, 589; Avp., iii, 52, pl. 153; vii, 337, pl. 487 (smithiz) ;.Bp., 484. nee eee ar OA PICTUS. Chestnut-collared Lark Bunting. Adult g: a chestnut cervical collar, as in lapponicus, and upper parts streaked much as in that species, but erayer; nearly all the under parts continuously black, the throat yellowish ; lower belly and crissum only whitish; in high plumage the black of the under parts is more or less mixed with intense ferrugineous, and sometimes this rich sienna color becomes continuous; crown and sides of head black, interrupted with white auricular and postocular stripes, and in high plumage with a white occipital spot; lesser wing coverts black or brownish-black ; outer tail feathers mostly or entirely white, and all the rest largely white from the base —a character that distinguishes the species in any plumage from the two preceding; legs not black; 9 with or without traces of the cervical collar; crown exactly like the back, generally no black on head or under parts ; below whitish, with slight dusky maxillary and pectoral streaks and sometimes the whole breast black, edged with grayish. Immature males have the lesser wing coverts like the back; but they show the black of the breast, veiled with gray tips of the feathers, long before any black appears on the head. Size less than in the foregoing. 54-6; wing 3-34; tail 2-24. Missouri Region, Kansas, and westward; 8. to the Table-lands of Mexico. Aup., iii, 53, pl. 154; Nurr., 2d ed. 1, 539; Bp., 485. P. melanomus Bp., 486, appears to be merely a high plumage, perhaps not always assumed by, northerly: tbinds ss ge. ss) yo een es) eel etl Uo siete es cm COTE AUTSTOD ** * Bill large, turgid, unruffed ; hind claw as before, but shorter; sexes dissim- ilar ; no cervical collar; outer tail feathers white, the rest, except the middle pair, white on the inner webs to near the tip, the line of demarcation running straight across. (Rhynchophanes.) Maccown’s Bunting. Adult g: crown anda broad pectoral crescent black; superciliary line and under parts white; bend of wing chestnut; above, streaked with blackish and yellowish-brown. Size of the last, or : rather larger; 6-64; wing 33; tail 24-24; bill nearly $ inch long. The ¢? lacks the black and chestnut, but in any plumage the species may be known by the peculiar markings of the tail feathers, the white areas being cut squarely off, except in the outer pair, which are wholly white. Plains to the Rocky Mountains, U. S., rather northern; breeds abundantly about Chey- ot FRINGILLIDH, FINCHES, ETC.—GEN. 64, 65. 135 enne, Wyoming. (Allen.) Lawr., Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1851, v, ire CAss lll. 228, pl. 39; Bp. 437. ~. . - « ~. . . MACCOWNI. 64, Genus CENTRONYX Baird. Baird’s Bunting. Wind claw rather longer than its digit ; hind toe and claw not shorter than the middle one. Wings pointed, but inner secondaries not lengthened as in Passerculus. Tail emarginate. Thickly streaked everywhere above, on the sides, and across the breast ; above, grayish streaked with dusky, below white, with blackish maxillary, pectoral and lateral streaks; crown divided by a brownish-yellow line; a faint superciliary whit- ish line; no yellowish on bend of wing; outer tail feathers whitish. A curi- ous bird, apparently related to Plectrophanes in form, but with the general appearance of a savanna sparrow or bay-winged bunting. Only one speci- men known. Yellowstone, Aup., vii, 359, pl. 500; Bp., 441. “ Massa- chusetts,” Maynarp, Am. Nat., 1869, 554, and Guide, 112, frontispiece ; Auten, Am. Nat. 1869, 631; Brewster, Am. Nat. 1872, 307. I have seen the later supposed specimens, the fresh measurements of one of which (64; wing 34; tail 23; bill .4; tarsus nearly an inch) are much larger than those recorded by Audubon, and there are many other discrepancies. The bird should be diligently sought for, as a full investigation will reveal some- Poe MOU MOWAAUUCIPAveM. | 6 ba 6 «8 6 = ~ «© | «» \ BATRDID. 65. Genus PASSERCULUS Bonaparte. Savanna Sparrow. (Puate mi, figs. 16,17, 18, 16a, 17a, 18a.) Thickly streaked everywhere above, on sides, and across breast; a superciliary line, and edge of the wing, yellowish; lesser wing coverts not chestnut; legs flesh-color; bill rather slender and acute; tail nearly even, its outer feathers not pure white; longest secondary nearly as long as the primaries in the closed wing. Above, brownish-gray, streaked with blackish, whitish-gray and pale bay, the streaks largest on interscapulars, smallest on cervix, the crown divided by an obscure whitish line; sometimes an obscure yellowish suffusion 7" (pin too slender) about head besides the streak over the eye. Below, white, pure or with faint buffy shade, thickly streaked, as just stated, with dusky — the individual spots edged with brown, mostly arrow-shaped, running in chains along the sides, and often aggregated in an obscure blotch on the breast. Wings dusky, the coverts and inner secondaries black-edged and tipped with bright bay ; tail feathers rather narrow and pointed, dusky, not noticeably marked. 54-52; wing 24-23; tail 2-24; middle toe and claw together 14; bill under $. North America; a terrestrial species, abundant everywhere in fields, on plains, by waysides, and along the seashore; migratory, grega- rious. With a close general resemblance to several other species, it may be readily distinguished by the foregoing marks. It varies but little with sex ff. ee eee Be > 136 FRINGILLID®, FINCHES, ETC.- GEN. 66. and age, though the colors may be darker and sharper, or brighter and more diffuse, according to season and wear of the feathers. Wits., iii, 55, pl. 22, f.1; Nurr., i, 489; Auvp., iii, 68, pl. 160; Bp., 442. P. alaudinus Bo., 446; Coor., 181, is indistinguishable. . -, . . . . = = SAVANNA. Var. antutnus Bp., 445; Coopr., 183; Ett., pl. 13, may be recognized. Bill longer, slenderer (as in fig. 82); spots below very numerous, close, sharp, dark. California coast, abundant in the salt marshes. + Var. SANDVICENSIS Bp., 444; Coor., 180. A large northern race: 6 or more long; bill 4, stout; head more yellowish. Northwest coast. Sea-shore Sparrow. With the form of a savanffa sparrow, but the bill elongated as in Ammodromus, yet very stout and turgid, with decidedly convex culmen, 4 an inch long. No evident yellowish over eye or on edge of wing ; no evident median stripe on crown. Brown- ish-gray, back and crown streaked with dusky, below dull white, confluently streaked with brown everywhere except on belly and crissum. Wings and tail dusky gray, the rectrices with paler edges, the primaries with whitish edges, the wing coverts and secondaries broadly edged and tipped with grayish-bay ; an obscure whitish superciliary line; under mandible yellow- Fic. 83. Sea-shore Sparrow. ish, legs pale; 543; wing 23; tail 2. Pacific coast, U. S.; a curious species, common, maritime, representing, with var. anthinus, the Amimodromi in the marshes of the seashore. Cass., Ill., 226, pl. 28; Bp., 446; Couss, Ibis, ISG66RE2Z68s COOP! G4 Wels nes. arenes 2) we es. SROSTRARUSS St. Lucas Sparrow. Similar to rostratus; same size; bill not so heavy : “A’ stripe of pale yellow runs from the bill to the eye, a longer stripe of pale yellow extends from the under mandible down the side of the throat * * * differs from all its allies in the obscure grayish coloring of the upper parts, with no reddish- brown, and in having its under plumage more closely and fully spotted.” San José, L. California; a variety of the last? Lawr., Ann. lye. Nat. Hist-eN. Yo. 1867, 47355) Coor., 1855008. EGULTATI Ss 66. Genus POOECETES Baird. Bay-winged Bunting. Grass Finch. Thickly streaked everywhere above, on sides and across breast; no yellow anywhere; lesser wing coverts chest- nut and 1-3 pairs of outer tail feathers partly or wholly white. -Above grayish-brown, the streaking dusky and brown, with grayish-white ; below white, usually noticeably buffy-tinged, the streaks very numerous on the fore parts and sides; wing coverts and inner quills much edged and tipped with bay ; crown like back, without median stripe, line over, and ring round, eye, whitish; feet pale; 53-64; wing 2§-84, with inner secondaries lengthened; tail 24-23. North America; a rather large, stout species, known on sight by combination of chestnut lesser wing coverts and white outer tail feathers; the sexes are alike, and the variations in color are only such as are indicated under P. savanna; western specimens average paler and grayer, representing var. confinis Bp., 448. A very abundant bird, / _ REPT NABIRDS. ' PLATE It. ar UI. M203, re As - nn 4 wh =_ an <4 17 \ =" 12 <4 th 10 : 16, Héiothns linarius, 710; Chrysomntris trists, 112, Cpinus, 13-15, Curvirostra amerieana, 1618, Passerculus savanna. FRINGILLIDZ, FINCHES, ETC.—GEN. 67, 68. ilsii in fields, etc., terrestrial, migratory, gregarious in the fall. Wruus., iv, 51, pl. 31, f. 5; Norr., i, 482; Aup., iii, 65, pl. 159; Bp., 447. GRAMINEUS. 67. Genus COTURNICULUS Bonaparte. Yellow-winged Sparrow. Edge of wing conspicuously yellow; lesser wing coverts, and short line over eye, yellowish; below, not or not evidently streaked, but fore parts and sides, buff, fading to dull white on the belly. Above, singularly variegated with black, gray, yellowish-brown and a peculiar purplish-bay in short streaks and specks, the crown being nearly black with a sharp median brownish-yellow line, the middle of the back chiefly black with bay and brownish-yellow edgings of the feathers, the cer- vical region and rump chiefly gray mixed with bay ; wing coverts and inner quills variegated like the back; feet pale. Small; only 4§-5}$ long; wing 24, much rounded; tail 2 or less, with very narrow pointed feathers, the out- stretched feet reaching to or beyond its end; bill short, turgid. Sexes alike ; young similar, not so buffy below, and with pectoral and maxillary dusky spots; but in any plumage known from other sparrows (except the next species) by amount of yellow on wings, and peculiar proportions of parts. United States ; abundant in tall grass and weeds of plains and fields ; strictly terrestrial, migratory, with a peculiar chirring note, like a grasshopper’s ; nests on the ground, eggs 4—5, white, speckled. Specimens from -dry western regions are paler and grayer (var. perpallidus Ripaway, Mss.). Wus., iii,-76, pl. 26, f.5; Avp., iii, 73, pl. 162; Noutt., i, 494; Bp., 450; SBOE SO Marae Seeker e2 | et kM te bis asc 3a ly S PASSERINUS: Henslow’s Sparrow. Resembling the last; smaller; more yellowish above, and with sharp maxillary, pectoral and lateral black streaks below ; tail longer, reaching beyond feet; bill stout. Eastern U. S., not very com- mon. AUD., iii, 75, pl. 163; Nurr., i, 2d ed. 571; Bp., 451. HENSLOwII. Leconte’s Sparrow. Like the last; bill much smaller; fore and under parts and sides of head buff, with black touches on sides; no yellow loral spot; median crown-stripe buff, white posteriorly ; 45; wing 24; tail 1%. Missouri region; Texas. ». > & « GRANITAGAM Fie. 90. Lark Finch. 76. Genus PASSER Auctorum. English Sparrow. Bill shaped much as in the purple finch, with a slight basal ruff; tarsus as long as the middle toe; wings pointed; tail forked a little, 2 as long as the wing. g ,above, reddish-brown, the back black-streaked, the crown and under parts brownish-ash, the chin and throat black; 9? lack- ing the latter marks. A species lately imported from Europe, now thoroughly naturalized, and already abundant in many towns and cities of the Eastern and Middle States, though not yet generally dispersed over the country. It has also been recently introduced into Salt Lake City, where it seems to thrive equally well. It has proved highly beneficial by destroying canker-worms, the pest of our shade trees, and our dusty streets are enlivened with its presence ; but if it continues to multiply at the present rate, it must soon overflow municipal limits, and then the results of the contact of this hardy foreigner with our native birds may cause us to regret its introduction, unless it finds natural enemies to check its increase. Lawr., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y. viii, 1866, 287; Proc. Bost. Soe. 1867, 157; 1868, 389 ; Covers, Proc. Essex Inst. 1868, 283; Atten, Am. Nat. iii, 635; Exxior, ra PMR Wace Vs ae MRM MRSC Te Ozs. Two other European finches, the Goldfinch, Carduelis elegans, and the Serin finch, Serinus meridionalis, ave reported from Massachusetts, but believed to have been escaped cage-birds. Anien, Am. Nat. iii, 635. FRINGILLIDZ, FINCHES, ETC.—GEN. 77, °78. 147 77. Genus PASSERELLA Swainson. Fox Sparrow. General color ferrugineous or rusty red, purest and brightest on the rump, tail and wings, on the other upper parts appearing as streaks laid on an ashy ground; below, white, variously but thickly marked except on the belly and crissum with rusty red —the markings anteriorly in the form of diffuse confluent blotches, on the breast and sides consisting chiefly of sharp sagittate spots and. pointed streaks; tips of middle and greater coverts forming two whitish wing-bars; upper mandible dark, lower mostly yellow; feet pale—the lateral toes so lengthened that the tips of their claws fall far beyond the base of the middle claw; this is a diagnostic feature, not shared by any other yy¢. 91. pin of Fox streaked sparrow. A large handsome species. 63-74 long ; CE ak wing and tail, each, 3 or more; sexes alike, and young not particularly different. Eastern North America, abundant. Wruts., iii, 53, pl. 24, f. 4; Nort., i, 514; Aup., iii, 139, pl. 186; Bp., 488. P. obscura VerRRILL, rocer Bost. soc. Nat. Hists 1x) 1862, pi 143, 2. .5-.. 9. 5s. TLTACA. Var. TOWNSENDIL. With the same size and pattern of coloration, but darker ; above, continuous olive-brown, with a rusty shade; rump, tail and wings rather brighter; no whitish wing-bars; below, the markings of the color of the back, close, and illy defined. Pacific coast. Avp., iii, 143, pl. 187; Nurv., i, 2d ed. 533; Bp., 489; Coop., 221. Var. scurstaceA. Similar to the last; above continuous slate-gray, with little rufous on wings and tail, the spots below slate-colored, sparse, small, sharp. Rocky Mountain region, U.S. Bo., 490, 925, pl. 69, f. 3, 4 (megarhynchus — large- billed form from Cala.) ; Coop., 222. Oss. P. schistacea and townsendii are certainly not distinct specifically from each other, but it may be a question whether they do not form two races of a species different from iliaca. In all three cases, however, the difference is solely in the relative intensity and predominance of certain common colors; and although the Western and Eastern forms may not have been shown to intergrade, they differ from each other less than some of the recognized varieties of Melospiza do from the Kast- ern song sparrow, and in a parallel manner. 78. Genus CALAMOSPIZA Bonaparte. Lark Bunting. White-winged Blackbird. §$ entirely black, with a large white patch on the wings, and the quills and tail feathers frequently marked with white; bill dark horn above, paler below; feet brown; 6-63; wing 33; tail 2?. Sexes unlike: Q resembling one of the sparrows, brown above, streaked, white below, somewhat streaked, but always known by the whitish wing-patch; @ said to wear the black plumage only during the breeding season, like the bobolink (Allen). In the form of the bill, this interesting species is closely allied to the grosbeaks (Groniaphea) ; and this, with the singularly enlarged tertiaries, as long as the primaries in the closed wing, renders it unmistakable in any plumage. A prairie bird, abundant on 148 FRINGILLIDA, FINCHES, ETC.—GEN. 79, 80. the western plains, to the Rocky Mountains; Cape St. Lucas. Aup., iii, 195, pl. 201; Nurv., 2d ed. 1, 803; Bpo., 492; Coor., 225. - BICOLOR. 79. Genus EUSPIZA Bonaparte, Black-throated Bunting. @ above grayish-brown, the middle of the back streaked with black, the hind neck ashy, becoming on the crown yellowish- olive with black touches; a yellow superciliary line, and maxillary touch of the same; eyelid white; ear coverts ashy like the cervix ; chin white 3 throat with a large jet-black patch; under parts in general white, shaded on the sides, extensively tinged with yellow on the breast and belly ; edge of wing yellow; lesser and middle coverts rich chestnut, other coverts and inner secondaries edged with paler; bill dark horn blue, feet brown; 64-7; wing 84, sharp-pointed ; tail 24, emarginate. 9 smaller; above, like the g, but head and neck plainer ; below, less tinged with yellow, the black throat patch wanting and replaced by sparse sharp maxillary and pectoral streaks, wing coverts not chestnut. An elegant species, of trim form, tasteful colors and very smooth plumage, abundant in the fertile portions of the Eastern U.S.; N. to Connecticut Valley ; W. to Kansas and Nebraska. WILs., iii, 86, pl. 3, f. 2; Nurv., i, 461; Aup., iii, 58, pl. 156; Bp., 494. AMERICANA. Townsend's Bunting. “Upper parts, head and neck all round, sides of | body and forepart of breast, slate-blue ; back and upper surface of wings rh tinged with yellowish-brown ; interscapulars streaked with black ; super- | ciliary and maxillary line, chin and throat and central line of under parts i from breast to crissum, white ; edge of wing, and gloss on breast and middle te of belly, yellow; a black spotted line from lower corner of lower mandible ly down the side of the throat, connecting with a crescent of streaks in the the upper edge of the slate portion of the breast.” Bp., 495. AUD., iii, 62, pl. 157; Nurv., i, 2d. ed. 528: Pennsylvania; one specimen known, astanding puzzle to ornithologists, in the uncertainty whether it is a good species or merely an abnormal plumage of the last. . . . TOWNSENDU. 80. Genus GONIAPHEA Bowditch. *,* Embracing large species, of beautiful and striking colors, the sexes dissimilar. t Bill extremely heavy, with the lower mandible as deep as the upper or deeper, the : r pay commissural angle strong, far in advance of the : i feathered base of the bill, the rietus overhung with a . j few long stiff bristles. Brilliant sonesters. ; Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Adult é with the head and neck all round and most of the upper parts black, the rump, upper tail coverts and under parts white, the breast and under wing coverts exquisite carmine or rose-red ; wings and tail black, variegated with white ; bill pale, feet dark. above, streaked with blackish and olive-brown or flaxen-brown, Mia, 92. Rose-breasted Grosbeak. ay me with median white coronal and superciliary line; below, white, more or less FRINGILLIDA, FINCHES, ETC.—GEN. 80, 81. 149 tinged with fulvous and streaked with dusky ; under wing coverts saffron- yellow; upper coverts and inner quills with a white spot at end; bill brown. Young @ at first resembling the 9. 74-84; wing about 4; tail about 34. Eastern United States, common. Writs., ii, 135, pl. 17, f. 2; Nurv., i, MA AUD>, ii, 209, pl. 205; Bp., 497. . . « + «| «- LUDOVICIANA. Black-headed Grosbeak. Adult @ with the crown and sides of head, back, wings and tail black; the two latter variegated with white blotches ; neck all ‘asound and under parts rich orange-brown, changing to bright yellow on the belly and under wing coverts; bill and feet dark horn. Size of the last; the 9 and young differ much as in the last species, but may be recognized by the rich sulphur-yellow under wing coverts; the bill is shorter and more tumid. Plains to the Pacific, United States; common. Avp., iii, 214, pl. 206; Bo., 498; Coorp., 228. . . . »« MELANOCEPHALA.+ Blue Grosbeak. Adult g rich dark blue, uni- form; feathers around base of bill, wings and tail, black; middle and greater wing coverts tipped with chestnut; bill dark horn, feet black- ish; 64-7; wing 34; tail 3. 9 smaller, plain warm brown, paler and rather flaxen below, wings with whitey-brown cross-bars, bill and feet brown. Young 7 at first like 9 ; when changing, shows confused brown and blue, afterward blue interrupted with white below. United States, ratherly southerly, but N. to Massachusetts, and even Maine (Boardman). Wius., iii, 78, pl. 24, f. 6; Nurr., i, 529; Aup., iii, 204, pl. 204; Bo., OE OO, tear, a hn ae ie ss 4 es) | ORRULEA. FiG.%3, Blue Grosbeak. 81. Genus CYANOSPIZA Paird. Painted Finch. Nonpareil. Adult g with the head and neck rich blue, the rump, eyelids and under parts intense red, the lores, back and wings glossed with golden-green, the tail purplish-blue. 9 above plain greenish, below yellow; young ¢@ at first like the 9. 54; wing 2%; tail 24. South Atlantic and Gulf States, common; an exquisite little creature of matchless hues. WI1s., ili, 68, PI 04.4, 4,9 Avup., i, 93, eo 169; Nurr., i, 477; M00... '. ? aatts « ‘OLRIG. Western Nonparells Adult ‘4 wih the Gre hes ae cervix, bend of wing and rump purplish-blue, throat and hind head dusky red, belly reddish- purple, wings and tail dusky glossed with blue; 9 “similar to that of C. amena, but distinguished by the absence of the two white bands on wings, and by the legs being black.” Size of the last. Mexico; Cape St. Lueas. Bp., 503; Coop., 234. .. . . . VERSICOLOR. Lami Finch. Adult 2 lacili- blue, Giveieed on : the back, the lores black, the breast definitely brown, the rest of the under parts, and the wing- hands, white; tibie blue; bill and feet dark. Size of the first. 9 plain brown above, whitish below, the breast browner, the wings with whitish 150 FRINGILLIDH, FINCHES, ETC.—GEN. 82, 83. bars. Plains to the Pacific, replacing cyanea; common. Nurt., i, 478; Aup:, iii,7100 pl. wi7ass Bp: b04 ee COOr ss 233. auesee akan ane ay AW ICHNAS Indigo bird. Adult g¢ indigo-blue, intense and constant on the head, glancing greenish with different lights on other parts; wings and tail black- ish glossed with greenish-blue ; feathers around base of bill black: bill dark above, rather paler below, with a curious black stripe along the gonys. 9 above plain warm brown, below whitey-brown, obsoletely streaky on the breast and sides, wing coverts and inner quills pale-edged, but not whitish ; upper mandible blackish, lower pale, with the black stripe just mentioned — this is a pretty constant feature, and will distinguish the species from any of our little brown birds. Young ¢ is like the 9, but soon shows blue traces, and afterward is blue with white variegation below. Size of the foregoing. Eastern United States, abundant, in fields and open woodland, in summer ; a well meaning but rather weak vocalist. Wuus., i, 100, pl. 6, f. 5; Nurr., ie iho. ANuidees its We eel Wein bs HU, a wo Be wo 6 | ONAN 82. Genus SPERMOPHILA Swainson. Morelet’s Finch. Top and sides of head, back of neck, broad band across upper part of breast, middle of back, wings and tail, black; chin, upper throat and neck all round, except behind, rump, and Le remaining under parts, white, the latter tinged with eS brownish-yellow ; two wing-bands, and concealed bases ot na all the quills, also white. 9 olivaceous above, brownish- yellow below, wings and tail somewhat as in the @. Length about 4 inches; wing 2; tail less. Mexico to Texas. Bop., 507. /S.-albigularis Lawr., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., v, 1851, PQ eS ra ta ae! ea a es Me? Eten) oc eee eee LORE RTS Fic. 94. Morelet’s Finch. 82bis. Genus PHONIPARA Bonaparte. Black-faced Finch. @ dark olive green, paler below, grayish-white on the belly; head, throat and breast more or less blackish; wings and _ tail dusky, unmarked, with olivaceous gloss; upper mandible blackish, lower pale. The ¢ lacks the black of the g, but is otherwise similar. About 4 inches long; wing 2; tail 13. A West Indian bird, the occurrence of which, in Florida, I learn from advance sheets of Mr. C. J. Maynard’s work on the Birds of Florida, now publishing. (Not in the Keyed arate pk hee) Salata oR TOORORS 83. Genus PYRRHULOXIA Bonaparte. Texas Cardinal. Conspicuously crested, and other-~ wise like the common cardinal in form, but the bill extremely short and swollen. 2 ashy-brown, paler below; the crest, face, throat, breast and middle line of the belly, with the wings and tail, more or less per- fectly crimson or carmine red; bill whitish. ¢ similar, rather brownish-yellow below, with traces of the red on the breast and belly. Fic. 95. Texas Cardinal. FRINGILLID®, FINCHES, ETC.—GEN. 84, 85. ileal Length about 8$; wing 3%; tail 43. Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Cape St. Tucas. Cass., Ill. 204, pl. 33; Bp., 508; Coor., 236. . . . SINUATA. 84, Genus CARDINALIS Bonaparte. Cardinal Red-bird. Virginia Nightingale. Conspicuously crested ; tail longer than the wings, both rounded. @ rich vermilion or rosy red, obscured with ashy on the back, face black, bill reddish, feet brown. 9 ashy-brown, paler below, with evident traces of the red on the crest, wings, tail and under parts. Length 8-9; wing about 33; tail 4; 9 rather less than the g. Eastern United States, somewhat southern, seldom north to the Connecticut Valley; a bird of striking appearance and brilliant vocal powers, resi- dent in thickets and undergrowth, abundant. Its rolling notes recall those of the Carolina wren, but are stronger. WiILs., i, 38, pl. 6, f. 1, 2; Nurr., 1, 519; Aup., iii, 198, pl. 203; Bp., 509. virernranus. ¢+ Var. 1aneus. Like the last, but paler, with the black frontlet interrupted at the base of the culmen, where the red comes down to the bill. Cape St. Lucas; Colo- radq Valley. Bo., Proc. Phila. Acad. 1859, 305; Exxror, pl. 16; Coor., 238. Fic. 96. Cardinal Red-bird. 85. Genus PIPILO Vieillot. * Colors of the male black, white and chestnut in definite areas. + No white on the scapulars or wing coverts. Sexes very unlike. Towhee Bunting. Marsh Robin. Chewink. (PuaTE i, figs. 17, 18, 17a, 18a.) Adult male black, belly white, sides chestnut, crissum fulvous brown; primaries and inner secondaries with white touches on the outer webs; outer tail feather with the outer web and nearly the terminal half of the inner web, white, the next two or three with white spots decreasing in size; bill blackish, feet pale brown, iris red in the adult, white or creamy in the young, and generally in winter specimens; @ rich warm brown where the ¢ is black, otherwise similar. Very young birds are streaked brown and dusky above, below whitish tinged with brown and streaked with dusky ; but this plumage, corresponding to the very early speckled condi- tion of thrushes and warblers, is of brief duration; sexual distinctions may be noted in birds just from the nest, and they rapidly become much like the adults. g 84; wing 34, much rounded; tail 4; ¢Q rather less. Kastern United States, an abundant and familiar inhabitant of thickets, undergrowth and briery tracts, spending much of its time on the ground, scratching among fallen leaves; migratory. Nest on the ground, bulky, of leaves, grasses and other fibrous material; eggs 4-5, white, thickly speckled with reddish. Wius., vi, 90, pl. 53; Nurv., i, 515; Aup., iii, 167, pl. 195; nei rt he ee Fo eb). oa! PRY THROPRTMALMUS. ee , \} a sf - eee 152 FRINGILLIDH, FINCHES, ETC. —GEN. 85. Var. ALLENI Cours, Am. Nat. 1871, 366. Similar; smaller; less white on the wings and tail; claws longer; iris white. Florida. P. leuwcopis Maynarp, Birds of Florida (in press). {+t Scapulars and wing coverts with white spots; sexes more alike. Spotted Towhee.’ A. Mexican species. .° 2°". -. ., % . MACULAROR. Represented in the United States by the following varieties :— Var. orEGoNus. Oregon Towhee. Very similar to erythrophthalmus; wing coverts with small rounded, and scapulars with larger oval, white spots on the outer web of the feathers near the end; white marks on the quills very small or wanting ; white spots on tail feathers very small, the outer web of the outer rectrix not white except just at the end. Excepting these particulars, this variety Jooks more like erythrophthalmus, than like the typical maculatus, in which the body colors are olivaceous ; nevertheless, it shades into the latter. On the other hand, erythroph- thalmus, which might seem to be merely the extreme link in the chain, may be fairly considered a different bird; its sexes are very unlike, whereas in the western black Pipilos the @ is blackish-brown, more like the ¢ ; its note is entirely different, the words ‘‘towhee” and ‘‘chewink” being an attempt to imitate the sound, while the cry of the western varieties of maculatus is exactly like the scolding mew of a catbird.—Pacifie coast. Pipilo oregonus Brit, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y. v, 1852, 6; Bp., 513; Coop., 241. P. arcticus Aup., iii, 164, pl. 194. Var. arcticus. Arctic Towhee. Similar to the foregoing; the white spots of the wing coverts larger, those of the scapulars still larger and lengthening into ‘streaks, the interscapulars also spotted with white; the white on the quills and tail feathers at a maximum, as in erythrophthalmus; there are usually, also, concealed white specks in the black of the throat. 9 comparatively dark. Central region of N. A. P. arecticus Swainson, Fauna Bor.-Am. 1831, 11, 260. Norr., i, 589; 2d ed. i, 610; Bo., 514. Var. MEGALONYx Bp., 515, pl. 73; Coor., 242, is the prevailing form in the Southern Rocky Mountain region, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. It is precisely like arcticus, but the feet are larger, with highly developed claws; the hind claw is decidedly longer than its digit, while the lateral claws reach to or beyond the middle of the middle claw. In this form at any rate, the Q is hardly distinguishable in color from the ¢, being blackish with an appreciable olivaceous shade, thus exhibiting an approach to the typical Mexican stock. (See Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1866, 89; AttEen, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., iii.) * * Colors not definitely black, white and chestnut; no greenish; sexes alike. Brown Towhee. Canon Towhee. Above, uniform grayish-brown with a slight olivaceous shade, the crown brown in appreciable contrast ; wings and tail like the back, unmarked; below, a paler shade of the color of the back, whitening on the belly, tinged with fulvous and streaked with dusky on the throat and breast, washed with rusty brown on the flanks and crissum. 84; wing 3}; tail 43. New Mexico, Arizona, and southward. This is the P. mesoleucus Bo., 518; Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1866, 90; Coor., 247, which is P. fuscus Swarnson, Philos. Mag. 1827, 434, of Mexico. Fuscus. Var. Atgicguta. Exactly like the last, but the white of the under parts extending further up the breast, the gular spots more restricted, sparser, and better defined. Cape St. Lucas. Bop., Proc. Phila. Acad. 1859, 305; Exxior, pl. 4; Coor., 248. 7 Sewanee. a es i Jom Se * { =e ant) P te ht -~ - ' key TONABIRDS PLATE N. \ “BUILAGZNOL 27° S. : * PLATE VI c.sokse| Agelzus pheniceus ° ICTERIDH, AMERICAN STARLINGS. —GEN. 86. 153 Var. crissAtis. Similar to the first; crown like the back; rather darker above, decidedly so below, the middle of the belly scarcely or not whitening, the gular fulvous strong and, with its dusky streaks, definitely restricted to the throat; the flanks and crissum chestnut or deep cinnamon brown. Upwards of 9 inches long ; wing 4; tail 5; 9 rather less. Coast region of California (and northward?), abundant. This is the dark coast form, bearing the same relation to fwscus (mesoleucus) that the coast Harporhynchus redivivus bears to the paler H. lecontii of the interior. Itis the P. fwscus of Cass., Ll. 124, pl. 17; Bpo., 517; Coop., 245, but not the true fuscus of Swarnson; and its earliest name appears to be Fringilla crissalis Vicors, Zool. Voy. Blossom, 1839, 19. Abert’s Towhee. Somewhat similar to the foregoing species of this sec- tion; no decided markings anywhere. Dull brown, paler and more fulvous below, the face dusky; otherwise nearly uniform. Very large, 9; wing 4 or less; tail5 or more. New Mexico and Arizona; abundant in the Colorado Valley ; Covss, Pr. Phila. Acad. 1866, 90. Bp., 516; Coor., 244. aperrit. *** Colors greenish ; sexes alike. Green-tailed, or Blanding’s Finch. Above dull olive-green, brighter on the wings and tail, crown chestnut, forehead blackish, edge of wing yellow ; chin and throat pure white, bounded by dusky maxillary stripes, and con- trasting with the dark ash of the breast and sides of head and neck (very much as in the white-throated sparrow); this ash fades to white on the belly; the flanks and crissum are washed with dull brownish; bill dark horn, feet brown; about 74 long; wing 3}; tail rather more. In the young the markings, especially of the head and throat, may be obscure, but the species is unmistakable. Rocky Mountain region, U. S. and southward, northeast to Kansas; abundant. Aup., Orn. Biog. v, 339; Cass., IIl., 70, emt sabi 20)l Ils. COOP, 20 0sera Geren re. es, Saabs; CHLORURUS- 86. Genus EMBERNAGRA Lesson. Green Finch. “Above uniform olivaceous green; sides of the hood and a stripe behind eye, dull brownish rufous, not very conspicuous; an ashy superciliary stripe, rather yellowish anteriorly ; under parts brownish-white, tinged with yellowish anteriorly, and with olivaceous on the sides, white in the middle of the belly ; edge of wing, under coverts and axillaries, bright yellow. Length 53; wing 23; tail 2?. Valley of the Rio Grande, and probably of the Gila, and southward.” Bp., 487. . . . RUFIVIRGATA. Family ICTERIDA. American Starlings. A family of moderate extent, confined to America, where it represents the Sturnide, or Starlings, of the Old World. It is nominally composed of a hundred and fifty species, half of which may prove valid, distributed among fifty genera or subgenera, of which one-fourth may be considered worthy of retention. The relationships are very close with the /ringillide on the one hand; on the other, they grade toward the crows (Corvide). They share with the fringilline birds the characters of angulated commissure and nine developed primaries, and this distin- KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 20 154 ICTERIDHZ, AMERICAN STARLINGS.— GEN. 87. guishes them from all our other families whatsoever; but the distinctions from the Fringillide are not easily expressed. In fact, I know of no character that, for example, will relegate the bobolink and cowbird to the Jcteride rather than to the Fringillide, in the current acceptation of these terms. In general, however, the Icteride are distinguished by the length, acuteness and not strictly conical shape of the unnotched, unbristled bill, that shows a peculiar extension of the culmen on the forehead, dividing the prominent antiz (p. 29, § 52) of close-set, velvety feathers that reach to or on the nasal scale. Among our comparatively few species are representatives of each of the three subfamilies into which the group is conveniently and probably naturally divisible. In most of them, black is predominant, either uniform and of intense metallic lustre, or contrasted with masses of red or yellow. In nearly all, the sexes are conspic- uously dissimilar, the female being smaller, and plain brownish or streaky in the iridescent black species, olivaceous or yellowish in the brilliantly colored ones. All are migratory in this country. Subfamily AGELALIN_A. Marsh Blackbirds. Gregarious, granivorous species, more or less completely terrestrial, and chiefly palustrine, not ordinarily conspicuous vocalists, building rather rude, not pensile, nests, laying 4—6 spotted or curiously limned eggs. With the feet strong, fitted both for walking and for grasping swaying reeds, the wings more or less pointed, equalling or exceeding the tail in length, the bill conic-acute, shorter or little longer than the head, its cutting edges more or less inflected. *,* In gen. 87, 91, the tail feathers are acute; in 91, the wing is unusually rounded for this family ; in 87, 88, the bill has an ordinary fringilline character. 87. Genus DOLICHONYX Swainson. Bobolink ; Northern States. Reedbird; Middle States. Ricebird; South- ern States. g, in spring: black; cervix buff; scapulars, rump and upper tail coverts ashy white; interscapulars streaked with black, buff and ashy ; outer quills edged with yellowish; bill blackish horn; feet brown. in fall, 9 and young, entirely different in color ; yellowish-brown above, brownish-yellow below, crown and back conspicuously, nape, rump and sides less broadly, streaked with black ; crown with a median and lateral light stripe; wings and tail blackish, pale-edged; bill brown. The ¢ changing shows confused characters of both sexes ; but in any plumage the species may be recognized by the stiffish, extremely acute tail feathers, in connection with these dimensions; length 63-74; wing 34-4; tail 23-3; tarsus about 1; middle toe and claw about 14. Eastern United States, very abundant. In its black livery, only worn for a short time, the “bobolink” is dispersed over the meadows of the Northern States to breed, and is a voluble, spirited songster. After the midsummer change, the “reedbird” or “ricebird” throngs the marshes in immense flocks, with the blackbirds ; has simply a chirping note, feeds on the wild oats, becomes extremely fat and is accounted a great delicacy. The name “ortolan,” VIG. 97. Bobolink. ea a Ps ICTERIDZ, AMERICAN STARLINGS. —GEN. 88, 89. 155 applied by some to this bird, by others to the Carolina rail, is a strange misnomer, the ortolan being a fringilline bird of Europe. In the West Indies, where the present species retires in winter, it is called “butterbird.” Wvies.; ii, 48, pl. 12, f. 1,.2; Norv., i, 185; Aup., iv, 10, pl. 2114 Bo., Meee cee er ee RP 50 6 SS ORYAIVGRUS. 88. Genus MOLOTHRUS Swainson. Cowbird. @ iridescent black, head and neck purplish-brown; 74-8 ; wing over 4; tail over 3. @ 7-74; wing 3}; tail 22; an obscure looking bird, nearly uniform dusky grayish-brown, but rather paler below, and appearing somewhat streaky, owing to darker shaft lines on nearly all the feathers ; bill and feet black in both sexes. The young ¢ at first resembles the 9 , but is decidedly streaked below. North America, abundant; grega- rious, polygamous, parasitic. The singular habits of this bird, probably shared by others of the genus, form one of the most interesting chapters in ornithology. Like the European cuckoo, it builds no nest, laying its eggs by stealth in the nests of various other birds, especially warblers, vireos and sparrows ; and it appears to constitute, furthermore, a remarkable exception to the rule of conjugal affection and fidelity among birds. A wonderful provision for the perpetuation of the species is seen in its instinctive selec- tion of smaller birds as the foster-parents of its offspring; for the larger ege receives the greater share of warmth during incubation, and the lustier young cowbird asserts its precedence in the nest; while the foster-birds, however reluctant to incubate the strange egg (their devices to avoid the duty are sometimes astonishing) become assiduous in their care of the found- ling, even to the neglect of their own young. The cowbird’s egg is said to hatch sooner than that of most birds; this would obviously confer additional advantage. — Wits., ii, 145, pl. 18, f. 1, 2, 3; Nurr., i, 178; Avp., iv, Morapiepeiia se D024. 93 so ee a SS. ee se 0) PECORIS: Var. opscurus. Dwarf Cowbird. Similar; smaller; ¢ the size of 2 pecoris ; Q@ under 7; wing 34; tail 21. The difference is very strongly marked, and appar- ently constant. Arizona, Lower California, and southward. Cass. Proc. Phila. Acad. 1866, 18; Cours, ibid., 90; Coopr., 260. 89. Genus AGELAUS Vieillot. *,*The gf uniform lustrous black, with the bend of the wing red; 8—9 long; wing 41-5; tail31-4. The 9 everywhere streaked; ,above blackish-brown with pale streaks, inclining on the head to form median and superciliary stripes; below whitish with very many sharp dusky streaks, the sides of the head, throat, and the bend of the wing, tinged with reddish or fulvous; under 8; wing about 4; tail 3}. The young ¢ at first like the 9, but larger, apt to have a general buffy or fulvous suffusion, and bright bay edgings of the feathers of the back, wings and tail, and soon showing black patches.— Upon investigation of the variations in the character of the wing-patch, upon which our three accredited species rested, I am satisfied of the propriety of treating them as varieties of one. The 9’s are indistinguishable. 2 EN ee ee Eted-winged Blackbird. (PLATE Iv, all the figs.) Lesser wing coverts scarlet, broadly bordered by brownish-yellow, or brownish-white, the middle row of coverts being entirely of this color; sometimes the greater row, likewise, are mostly similar, producing a patch on the wing nearly as large as the red one; occasionally, there are traces of red on the edge of the wing | and below. In some Eastern specimens the bordering is almost pure white. | United States from Atlantic to Pacific, very abundant. Wzu1s., iv, 30, pl. 30; Num, 1,167) Aope iv. ol, 2065 (bD:026.) 2 oe, SPHOENIOMUN: Var. GUBERNATOR. Lesser wing coverts scarlet, narrowly or not at all bordered, the next row having black tips for all or most of their exposed portion, so that the brownish-yellow of their bases does not show much, if any. Pacific Coast. Norr., i, 2d ed., 187; Auvp., iv, 29, pl..215; Bp., 529; Coopr., 263. Var. TRIcoLOR. Lesser wing coverts dark red, bordered with pure white. California. Nutr., i, 2d ed., 186; Aup., iv, 27, pl. 214; Bp., 530; Coop., 265. 3 156 ICTERIDH, AMERICAN STARLINGS.—GEN. 89, 90. } 90. Genus XANTHOCEPHALUS Baird. “ellow-headed Blackbird. @g black, whole head (except lores), neck and upper breast yellow, and sometimes yellowish feathers on the belly and legs ; a large white patch on the wing, formed by the primary, and a few of the outer secondary, coverts; 10-11; wing 53; tail 4$. 9 and young brownish- Fic. 98. Yellow-headed Blackbird. black, with little or no white on the wing, the yellow restricted or obscured ; g much smaller than the ¢— 94, etc. A handsome bird, abundant on the prairies and marshes from Illinois and Wisconsin, westward; N. to 58° : and even Greenland (Reinhardt). Nurv., i, 176; Aup., iv, 24, pl. 218; Bp., 581; Coor., 267; Cours, Am. Nat., 1870, 195. . 1cTEROCEPHALUS. ICTERIDEH, AMERICAN STARLINGS.—GEN. 91, 92. 157 91. Genus STURNELLA Vieillot. *,* Plumage highly variegated ; each feather of the back blackish, with a terminal reddish-brown area, and sharp brownish-yellow borders ; neck similar, the pattern smaller; crown streaked with black and brown, and with a pale median and super- ciliary stripe; a blackish line behind eye; several lateral tail feathers white, the others, with the inner quills and wing covyerts, barred or scalloped with black, and brown or gray. Edge of wing, spot over eye, and under parts generally, bright yellow, the sides and crissum flaxen-brown, with numerous sharp blackish streaks, the breast with a large black crescent (obscure in the young) ; bill horn color, of peculiar shape; feet light brown, very large and strong, reaching beyond the very short tail. Length 10-11; wing 5; tail 34; bill4; @ smaller (91; wing 41; tail 3), similar in color; young not particularly different. Fieldlark. (Puate vi, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, la, 2a, 3a, 4a.) The colors, as above described, rich and pure, the prevailing aspect brown; yellow of chin usually confined between rami of under mandible; black bars on wings and tail usually con- fluent along the shaft of the feathers, leaving the gray in scallops. . Eastern United States, everywhere abundant in open country; imperfectly migratory ; partially gregari- ous when not breeding; strictly terrestrial; an agreeable vocalist; nest of dried grass, on the ground, eggs 4-6, white, speckled with reddish. Wuus., iii, 20, pl. 19; PAOD 1s C0; pl. 223) Nurs ty AdsebD.; 0008. =. 5 . . . MAGNA. Fic. 99. Fieldlark. ay Var. NecLecTA. The colors duller and paler, the prevailing aspect gray ; yellow of chin usually mounting on sides of lower jaw; black on wings and tail usually resolved into distinct bars alternating with gray bars. Western U. 8. Song said to be different. Aun., vii, 339, pl. 487; Bp., 537; Coop., 270. Oxs. It does not appear that the Red-breasted Lark, Trupialis militaris, was ever taken in this country. It is a South American species resembling ours, but with red in place of the yellow. Bop., 533. Subfamily ICTERIN_A. Orioles. Non-gregarious, insectivorous and frugivorous species, strictly arboricole, of brilliant or strikingly contrasted colors, and pleasing song, distinguished as archi- tects, building elaborately woven pensile nests. With the bill relatively longer, slenderer and more acute than in most of the last subfamily, and the feet weaker, exclusively fitted for perching. Three of our species are abundant migratory birds in summer; the rest merely reach our southern border from tropical America. ' 92, Genus ICTERUS Brisson. * The ¢ black and chestnut. Orchard Oriole. & black, lower back, rump, lesser wing coverts and 158 ICTERIDZ, AMERICAN STARLINGS. —GEN. 92. all under parts from the throat, deep chestnut; a whitish bar across tips of greater wing coverts; bill and feet blue-black; about 7; wing 34; tail 3; @ smaller, plain yellowish-olive above, yellowish below; wings dusky ; tips of the coverts and edges of the inner quills, whitish; known from the 9 of the other species by its small size and very slender bill. Young ¢ at first like 9 , afterward showing confused characters of both sexes; in a particular stage, it has a black mask on the face and throat. Eastern U. S., very abundant in parks, orchards, and the skirts of woods. Wmuus., i, 64, pl. 4, f. 1, 2, 3,4; Awp:, 1v, 46, pl. 219); Noms, i, 165);) Bp. 547500 SPuRTDSS Var. arrints. Much smaller; ¢6}; wing under 3. Texas. Lawre. Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y. 1851, 113. ** The ¢ black and orange. Baltimore Oriole. Golden Robin. Firebird. Hangnest. 3 with the head and neck all round, and the back, black; rump, upper tail coverts, lesser wing coverts, most of the tail feathers, and all the under parts from the throat, fiery orange, but of varying intensity according to age and season; middle tail feathers black; wings black, the middle and greater coverts, and inner quills, more or less edged and tipped with white, but the white on the coverts not forming a continuous patch; bill and feet blue- black; 73-8; wing 33; tail 38. 9 smaller, and much paler, the black obscured by olive, sometimes entirely wanting. Young ¢ entirely without black on throat and head, otherwise colored nearly like the @. Eastern United States, west to the mountains of Colorado (Allen); abundant, in or- chards and streets, as well as in woodland, conspicuous by its brilliant colors and spirited song. WILS., 1, 23, pl. 1, f- 3; Vi, pl. 53; Aup., iv, 37, Pla Zits Nurn Selo Deeb De. . 548. . . . . BALTIMORE. Bullock’s Oriole. Similar ; the orange invading the sides of the head and neck and the forehead, leaving only a Fic. 100. Bullock’s Oriole. harrow space on the throat, the lores, and a line through the eye, black; a large continuous white patch on the wing, formed by the middle and greater coverts. 9 olive-gray, below whitish, all the fore parts of the body and head tinged with yellow, the wings dusky, with two white bars, but the tail and its under coverts quite yellowish. Young ¢ at first like the 9 , soon however showing black and orange. Rather larger than the last. Western United States, in woodland, abundant, replacing the Baltimore. Avp., iv, 43, pl. 218; Bp., 549; Coor., 273; Cours, Am. Nat.. v, 1870, 678. 6s elo sane 6 JBUBHOCRT. ICTERIDA, AMERICAN STARLINGS.—GEN. 92, 93. 159 Hooded Oriole. $ orange; wings, tail, a narrow dorsal area and a large mask on the face and throat, black; tips of wing coverts, and edges of many quills, white ; size of the foregoing, but wings shorter and tail longer. The g lacks the black mask; but the species may be distinguished in any plum- age from either of the foregoing by not having the wings evidently longer than the tail. Valley of the Rio Grande and Colorado, Lower California, and southward. Cass., Ill. 42, pl. 8; Bpo., 546; Coopr., 275. cUCULLATUS. *** The g black and clear yellow. Scott’s Oriole. @ black; below from the breast, rump and upper tail coverts, lesser, middle and under wing coverts, both above and below, and basal portions of all the tail feathers, except the central ones, clear yellow ; greater wing coverts tipped, inner quills edged, with white ; in the 9 or young the black is replaced by brownish, and the yellow is not pure; about 8; wing and tail about 4. Valley of the Rio Grande and Colorado, Lower California, and southward. Bop., 544; Coop., 276. . . . PARISORUM. Audubon’s Oriole. 3 yellow, somewhat olivaceous on the middle of the back ; head, neck, breast, wings and tail black ; wings with a white cross bar and white edging; about 9; wing 4; tail 44. Texas, and southward. Cass., Ill., p. 137, pl. 21? (apparently represents the Southern smaller true melan- ocephalus); Bp.,542. . . . . (MELANOCEPHALUS var?) AUDUBONII. Oss. Several additional orioles have been ascribed to this country, but the fore- going are all that appear to have been actually taken within our limits; others, however, may be confidently expected to occur on our Southern border. Subfamily QUISCALIN. Crow Blackbirds. Closely resembling the Agelwince both in structure and in habits, these birds are distinguished by the length and attenuation of the bill, with decidedly curved culmen, especially towards the end, and strongly inflected tomia. The typical Quiscali have a certain crow-like aspect, but they are readily distinguished by several features. The feet are large and strong, and the birds spend much of their time on the ground, where they walk or run instead of advancing by leaps. They generally build rude, bulky nests, lay spotted or streaked eggs, and their best vocal efforts are hardly to be called musical. The g¢ of most of the species is uniform lustrous black, the @ brown and much smaller. There is only one genus (Cassidix) besides the two of this country; in 93, the tail is slightly rounded and shorter than the wings ; in 94, the tail is graduated, and about equals or exceeds the wings. 93. Genus SCOLECOPHAGUS Swainson. Rusty Grackle. gin summer lustrous black, the reflections greenish, and not noticeably different on the head; but not ordinarily found in this condi- tion in the U.S.; in general simply glossy black, nearly all the feathers skirted with warm brown above, and brownish-yellow below, frequently continuous on the fore parts; the g of the first season, like the ? , is entirely rusty brown above, the inner quills edged with the same ; a pale superciliary stripe; below, mixed rusty and grayish-black, the primaries and tail alone 160 ICTERIDH, AMERICAN STARLINGS. —GEN. 93, 94. black ; bill and feet black at all times; g about 9; wing 44; tail 34; bill 3; very slender for the family, somewhat resembling a thrush’s; 9 smaller. Eastern North America, N.W. to Alaska (Dall), very common in the U.S. in the fall and winter, in flocks, in fields; breeds in Labrador and other Northern regions, laying speckled, not streaky, eggs. Whuxs., iii, 41, pl. 21, f. 33 Nort:, 7, 199; Aup., iv, 65, pl. 222;-Bp., 551. . ®eREUGINETS. Blue-head2d Grackle. Brewer's Blackbird. Similar; the general irides- cence green as before, changing abruptly on the head to purplish, violet or steel-blue, the difference obvious; larger; ¢ 94-103; wing 5-54; tail 4-44; bill much stouter, more like that of Agelcus, and altogether it seems to be quite another bird. The 9 and young ¢ differ much as in the last species, but they are never sorusty. Plains to the Pacific, U.S. and southward, abundant. Aup., vii, 845, pl. 492; Bp., 552; Coop., 278... . . CYANOCEPHALUS. 94. Genus QUISCALUS Vieillot. *.*The ¢ iridescent black throughout. Great-tailed Grackle. about 18 inches long; wing 74; tail 9, its lateral feathers about 34 inches shorter than the central ones; bill about 1?. Texas, Fic. 101. Great-tailed Grackle. and southward. It may prove only an extreme form of the following species, but presents dimensions that the latter has not shown. Bp., 254. Macrourus. Boat-tailed Grackle. Jackdaw. § 153-17 long; wing and tail 7-8 ; bill about 14; graduation of the tail under 3 inches; tarsus nearly 2, middle toe and claw about the same; the general iridescence green, purple or violet mainly on the head. astonishingly smaller than the g, lacking entirely the great development of the tail, and easily to be mistaken for 9 purpureus, but is rarely so glossy ; 12-134; wing 54-6; tail 47-54. 9 and young apt to be quite brown, only blackish on the wings and tail, below grayish-brown, frequently whitening on the throat and breast. South Atlantic and Gulf States, on the coast; strictly maritime, abundant; N. regularly to the Caro- linas, frequently to the Middle districts, hut not to New England as currently reported. Aup., iv, 52, pl. 2205. Bp.,,555. 4. 3... .. =) “MAJOR: Purple Grackle. (PuatTe v, figs. 1, 3, 4, 5, la, 3a, 4a, 5a.) = 12-138; wing averaging 53; tail 54; but either from 5 to 6; bill about 14; tarsus 14; graduation of the tail 14 or less; 9 11-12; wing about 5; tail about 44. Iridescence of the male variable with age, season and other circumstances, e 4 mall | 7 —s Saeee : ae TONA.BIRDS, ‘ PLATE ¥, BULL ALG S VOLUN? 3. PLATE VI . CAWse,) Quisealus purpureus. CORVIDZ, CROWS AND JAYS.—GEN. 94. 161 but in the adults always intense, inclining to bronzy, purplish or violet rather than the uniform green of the last species; @ blackish-brown, sometimes quite lustrous. Eastern United States, abundant and generally distributed, migratory, gregarious. Waus., iii, 44, pl. 21, f.4; Norr., 1,194; Aun., iv. oelaceis) DD. JOD. 0 1. «= > . sPURPUREUS: Var. aGLzus. (PLATE v, figs. 2,6, 2a, 6a.) Similar; averaging smaller, but dimensions inosculating with those of the last; bill relatively larger, or at least longer, with more attenuated and decurved tip. Florida. Q. baritus Bp., 556; Q. agleus Bo., Am. Jour. Se. 1866, 84; Cass., Proc. Phila. Acad., 1866, 404; Rrpeway, zbid., 1869, 135. Oss. The Quiscalus eneus, lately described as a new species by Mr. Ridgway (/. c. 154), appears to be based upon a special plumage of Q. purpureus; and since it does not prove to be confined, as its describer believed, to any (/ particular region, I should judge it not entitled to rank "7% 1% BUS of Quiseati. as a geographical variety. The brilliant coloration is that rep resented in Audu- bon’s plate, above cited. Family CORVIDA. Crows, Jays, etc. A rather large and important family, comprising such familiar birds as ravens, crows, rooks, magpies, jays, with their allies, and a few diverging forms not so well known ; nearly related to the famous birds of paradise. There are 10 primaries, of which the 1st is short, generally about half as long as the 2d, and several outer ones are more or less sinuate-attenuate on the inner web toward the end. The tail has 12 rectrices, as usual among higher birds; it varies much in shape, but is generally rounded —sometimes extremely graduated, as in the magpie, and is not forked in any of our forms. The tarsus has scutella in front, separated on one or both sides from the rest of the tarsal envelope by a groove, sometimes naked, sometimes filled in by small scales. The bill is stout, about as long as the head or shorter, tapering, rather acute, generally notched, with convex culmen; it lacks the commissural angulation of the Fringillide and Icteridce, the deep cleavage of the Hirundinide, the slenderness of the Certhiide, Sittide, and most small insectiv- orous birds. The rictus usually has a few stiffish bristles, and there are others about the base of the bill. An essential character is seen in the dense covering of ~ the nostrils with large long tufts of close-pressed antrorse bristly feathers (excepting, among our forms, in gen. 97, 98). These last features distinguish the Corvide from all our other birds excepting Paride ; the mutual resemblance is here so close, that I cannot point out any obvious technical character of external form to distin- euish, for example, Cyanuwrus from Lophophanes, or Perisoreus from Parus. But as already remarked (p. 79), size is here perfectly distinctive, all the Corvidew being much larger birds than the Paride. Owing to the uniformity of color in the leading groups of the family, and an apparent plasticity of organization in many forms, the number of species is diffi- cult to determine, and is very variously estimated by different writers. Mr. G. R. Gray admits upwards of two hundred species, which he distributes in fifty genera and subgenera; but these figures are certainly excessive, probably requiring reduc- KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 21 162 CORVID&, CROWS AND JAYS.—GEN. 95. tion by at least one-third, in both cases. They have been divided into five sub- families ; three of these are small and apparently specialized groups confined to the Old World, where they are represented most largely in the Australian and Indian regions; the other two, constituting the great bulk of the family, are more nearly cosmopolitan. These are the Corvine aiid Garruline, readily distinguish- able, at least so far as our forms are concerned. Subfamily CORVIN-4E. Crows. With the wings long and pointed, much exceeding the tail, the tip formed by the 3d, 4th and 5th quills; the legs stout, fitted for walking as well as perching. Asa rule, the plumage is sombre or at least unvariegated — blue, the characteristic color of the jays, being here rare. The sexes are alike, and the changes of plumage slight. Although technically oscine, these birds are highly unmusical ; the voice of the larger kinds is raucous, that of the smaller strident. They frequent all situa- tions, and walk firmly and easily on the ground. They are among the most nearly omnivorous of birds, and as a consequence, in connection with their hardy nature, they are rarely if ever truly migratory. Their nesting is various, according to circumstances, but the fabric is usually rude and bulky; the eggs, of the average oscine number, are commonly bluish or greenish, speckled. Although not prop- erly gregarious, as a rule, they often associate in large numbers, drawn together by community of interest. In illustration of this, may be instanced the extensive roosting-places in the Atlantic States, comparable to the rookeries of Europe, whither immense troops of crows resort nightly, often from great distances, recall- ing the fine line of the poet— “The blackening trains of Crows to their repose.” 95. Genus CORVUS Linneus. *,* The species throughout uniform lustrous black, including the bill and feet ; nasal bristles about half as long as the bill. * Ravens, with the throat-feathers acute, lengthened, disconnected. Raven. About 2 feet long; wing 16-18 inches; tail about 10. North America; but now rare in the United States, east of the Mississippi, and altogether wanting in most of the States; Labrador, ranging southward, rarely, along the coast to the Middle districts; very abundant in the west, there generally supplanting the crow. Whuzs., ix, 136, pl. 75, f. 3; Nurt., i, 202; Aup., iv, 78, pl. 224; Bp. 560. C-. cacolotl Bp., 563. corax (var?). White-necked Raven. Smaller; concealed bases of cervical feathers pure white. Southwestern U.S. Bp., 565; Coop., 284. cRYPTOLEUCUS. ** Crows, with the throat-feathers oval and blended. Crow. Length 18-20; wing 13-14; tail about 8; bill 13-2, its height at base 2; tarsus about equal to the middle toe and claw. Eastern North America, chiefly U. 8., not ordinarily found westward in the interior, where the raven abounds. Wuzs., iv, 79, pl. 25, f. 3; Nurr., i, 209; ADD, 1Vi5:80 5 pla 220 36BD:, (066. eee oh ke eee) PANTRIG ANTS: Fig. 103. Bill of Crow. CORVIDH, CROWS AND JAYS.—GEN. 96, 97. 163 Var. FLoripANus Bp., 568, represents the greater relative size of the bill and feet shown by many birds of Florida and corresponding latitudes. Var. cAurtinus Bp., 569; Coop., 285, is a smaller race from the Pacific Coast ; maritime ; piscivorous ; voice said to be different. Fish Crow. Small; 14-16 inches long; wing 10-11; tail 6-7; tarsus about equal to middle toe alone; a bare space about the gape? South Atlantic and Gulf States, north to New England, common; maritime, piscivorous. Apparently a different bird, as it presents some tangible dis- tinctions, although constantly associated with the last. Wus., v, 27, pl. Sita Nort., 1, 216; Aup., iv, 94, pl. 226; Bp., 571. .. OSsIFRAGUS. 96. Genus PICICORVUS Bonaparte. Clarke's Crow. Gray, often bleaching on the head; wings glossy black, most of the secondaries broadly tipped with white; tail white, the central feathers black ; bill and feet black. About a foot long ; wing 73-8 inches ; tail 43-5 ; bill 13; nasal feathers very short for this family ; claws very large and much curved. Coniferous belt of the West, N. to Sitka, S. to Mexico, E. to Nebraska, W. to the Coast Range; the American representa- tive of the European nuteracker, Nucifraga caryocatactes; abundant, imper- fectly gregarious. WHILS., iii, 29, pl. 20; Nurt., i, 2d ed. 251; Auvp., iv, IPA pl. 20; BD. 01a; Coop., 289, . . .-.. .*. . COLUMBIANUS: Fic. 104. Clarke’s Crow. 97. Genus GYMNOKITTA Maximilian. Blue Crow. Dull blue, very variable in intensity, nearly uniform, but brightest on the head, fading on the belly; the throat with whitish streaks ; wings dusky on the inner webs; bill and feet black; g 11-12; wing about 6; tail about 44; bill 14; ¢@ smaller, duller. Rocky Mountain region ; much the same elevated distribution as the last, but apparently rather more southerly ; decidedly gregarious, and very abundant in ecg ee TON: some places, though still rare in collections. A remarkable bird, combining the form of a crow with the color and rather the habits of a jay, and a peculiarly shaped, slender, lengthened and acute bill; the antiz are prominent and somewhat antrorse, but do not hide the nostrils. Cass., Ill. 165, pl. 28; Bp., 574; Coop., 292. CYANOCEPHALUS. Subfamily GARRULIN A. Jays. With the wings much shorter than or about equalling the tail, both rounded, the tip of the wing formed by the 4th—7th quills. The feet, as well as the bill, are usually weaker than in the true crows, and the birds are more strictly arboricole, usually advancing by leaps when on the ground, to which they do not habitually 164 CORVIDH, CROWS AND JAYS.—GEN. 98, 99. resort. In striking contrast to most Corvine, the jays are usually birds of bright and striking colors, among which blue is the most prominent, and the head is frequently crested. The sexes are nearly alike, and the changes of plumage do not appear to be as great as is usual among highly colored birds, although some differ- ences are frequently observable. Our well known blue jay is a familiar illustration of the habits and traits of the species in general. They are found in most parts of the world, and reach their highest development in the warmer portions of America. With one boreal exception (Perisoreus), the genera of the Old and New World are entirely different. It is proper to observe, that, while the American Corvine and Garruline, upon which the foregoing paragraphs are mainly drawn up, are readily distinguishable, the characters given may require modification in their application to the whole family, the different divisions of which appear to intergrade closely. 98. Genus PSILORHINUS Rueppel. Brown Jay. Smoky brown, darker on head, fading on belly ; wings and tail with bluish gloss; bill and feet black, sometimes yellow ; about 16 long ; wing 73; tail 84, much graduated; bill 14, very stout; nostrils naked ; head uncrested. Rio Grande Valley and southward. Bp., 592. . . . MORIO. 99. Genus PICA Brisson. Magpie. Lustrous black, with green, iridescence, especially on the tail and wings; below from the breast, a scap- ular patch, and edging of the quills, white; some whitish touches on the throat; bill and feet black. Length 15 or 20 inches, according to the develop- ment of the tail, which is a foot or less long, extremely graduated ; wing about 8, the outer primary short, slender, and falcate. Arctic America, and U.S. from Plains to Pacific, except California ; common, ~ Wats:,-iv, (0, plimoor Weeds LE Ee Norr., i, 219; Aup., iv, 99, pl. 227: Bp., 076: - 6 elle 2 te 6) ol) OMELANOLEUGACVar. HUDSONIGAS Var. nutratiu. Yellow-billed Magpie. Bill yellow; otherwise precisely like the last, of which it is a perpetuated accident! The European Magpie sometimes shows the same thing, and in some other species, like P. morio, the bill is indiffer- ently black or yellow. California. Aup., iv, 104, pl. 228; Nurr., i, 2d ed., 236 ; Bp., 578; Coor., 295. Ozss. The Columbian Magpie, Pica bullockii of Aup., iv, 105, pl. 229, and Norr., i, 220, is the Calocitta collie, 2 magnificent species of the West Coast of Mexico, erroneously attributed to California and Oregon. | | purple and violet, and even golden ‘ CORVIDE, CROWS AND JAYS.—GEN. 100, 101. 165 100. Genus CYANURUS Swainson. *.* Conspicuously crested; wings and tail blue, black-barred; bill and feet black. Length 11-12; wing or tail 5-6. Blue Jay. Purplish-blue, below pale purplish-gray, whitening on the throat, belly and crissum ; a black collar across the lower throat and up the sides of the neck and head behind the crest, and a black frontlet bordered with whitish ; wings and tail pure rich blue,-with black bars, the greater coverts, secondaries and tail feathers, except the central, broadly tipped with pure white ; tail much rounded, the graduation over an inch. Eastern North America, especially the United States, everywhere abundant. Wzurts., i, 2, ple l)f. 1; Aup.; iv, 110, pl. 231; Nurr., i, 224; Bp., 580. crisratus. Steller’s Jay. Sooty brown, darker on the head, passing insensibly into rich blue on the rump and below from the breast; wings and tail deep prussian blue, with black bars (wanting in very young birds) ; crest faced with some blue touches, and throat with some whitish streaks ; no white on Fig. 107. Steller’s Jay; long-crested variety. the eyelids ; tail moderately rounded ; crest about two inches long when full grown. Western North America; the typical bird rather northerly. Nurr., ii, 229; Avp., iv, 107, pl. 230; Bp., 581; Coop., 298.- . . sTELLERII. Var. macrotopuus. Long-crested Jay. Similar; head quite black; crest longer? the facing bluish-white, and some white touches on the eyelids. Southern Rocky Mountain region. Bp., 582; Eut., pl. 17; Coor., 300; Cours, Am. Nat. vy. 1871, 770. 101. Genus APHELOCOMA Cabanis. * .* Not crested; wings and tail blue, not barred. Florida Jay. Blue; back with a large well-defined gray patch, belly and sides pale grayish, under tail coverts and tibiz blue in marked contrast ; much hoary whitish on forehead and sides of crown; chin, throat and middle of breast vague streaky whitish; ear-coverts dusky; the blue that seems to encircle the head and neck well defined against the gray of back and breast ; bill comparatively short, very stout at the base. About 12; wing 5 or less; 166 CORVIDH, CROWS AND JAYS.—GEN. 102, 103. tail about 6, much rounded; bill about 1. Florida (and Gulf States?), abundant. Nort., i, 230; Aup., iv, 118, pl. 233; Bp., 586. FLORIDANA. Var. woopHouser. The dorsal patch dark, somewhat glossed with blue, shading into the blue of surrounding parts; under parts rather darker, somewhat bluish- gray; the tail coverts pale bluish but not contrasted; on the breast the blue and gray shading into each other, the gular and pectoral streaks whitish and well defined, the superciliary line definite white, but no hoary on forehead ; bill slenderer. Southern Rocky Mountain region. Bp., 585, pl. 59 ; Coopr., 304. Var. cALirornica. California Jay. The dorsal patch light and distinct as in true floridana, but the under parts, including tail coverts and tibis, nearly white; gular streaks very large, ageregated, and white, causing this part to be nearly uniform; a white super- ciliary line, but no hoary on forehead, as in woodhousei; bill slender. Thus it is seen that each of the three forms presents a varying emphasis of common char- acters. Pacific Coast, U.S. Avp., iv, 115, pl. 232; Bp., 584; Coop., 302. Sicher’s Jay. Bright blue, scarcely duller on the middle of the back, below white, the throat and breast tinged with blue. Length 13; wing 63; tail about the same, rounded, the graduation nearly an inch; tarsus 1%; bill 1, its height at base nearly $. Bp., 587; Coopr., 305. . . soRpmDA. Oxzs. Not having seen this species, I take the name and description — the works cited, without raising the question of its relation- ships to its allies, especially C. ultramarinus. Fic. 108, Florida Jay. 102. Genus XANTHOURA Bonaparte. Rio Grande Jay. Green, below greenish-yellow, inside of the wings and all the tail feathers except the central pair, clear yellow; crown, nape and stripe from bill to eye, rich blue; forehead hoary white; rest of the head and whole throat velvety black ; central tail feathers greenish-blue ; bill black ; feet dark. About 11 long; wing 44, rounded, with elongated inner quills ; tail 5, graduated an Han or more; bill very short aa stout. Southern Texas and southward. Cass., Ill. i, pl. 1; Bp., 589. yncas var. LUXUOSA. Fic. 109. Rio Grande Jay. 103. Genus PERISOREUS Bonaparte. Canada Jay. Whiskey Jack. Gray, whitening anteriorly, with a darker nuchal area; wings and tail plumbeous, the feathers obscurely tipped with whitish ; bill and feet black. Young much darker, sooty or smoky brown ; the bleaching progresses indefinitely with age. 10-11 long; wing 54-6; tail rather more, graduated ; tarsus 14; bill under 1, shaped like a titmouse’s. Arctic America, into the N. States, S. along the Rocky Mountains to 40° and ae further; breeds in Maine in winter. W§ILS., iii, 33, pl. 21; Nurr., , 232; Aup., iv, 121, pl. 234; Bp., 590; Coor., 807. . CANADENSIS. TYRANNIDA, FLYCATCHERS. 167 Ozs. Several additional species of jays have been ascribed to our country, but apparently upon insufficient evidence or erroneous information. Suborder CLAMATORES. Non-melodious Passeres. As already intimated (p. 70), the essential character of this group, as distin- guished from Oscines, is an anatomical one, consisting in the non-deyelopment of a singing apparatus; the vocal muscles of the lower larynx (syrinz) being small and weak, or else forming simply a large fleshy mass, not separated into particular muscles. This character, however, appears subject to some uncertainty of deter- mination, and probably does not always correspond with the only external character assignable to the group, namely, a certain condition of the tarsal envelope rarely if ever seen in the higher Passeres. If the leg of a kinghird, for example, be closely examined, it will be seen covered with a row of scutella forming cylindrical plates continuously enveloping the tarsus like a segmented scroll, and showing on its postero-internal face a deep groove where the edges of the envelope come together ; this groove widening into a naked space above, partially filled in behind with a row of small plates. With some minor modifications, this condition marks the clamatorial birds, and is something tangibly different from the ordinary oscine character of the tarsus, which consists in the presence on the sides of entire corneous Jaminze meeting behind in a sharp ridge; and even when, as in the case of Hremophila and Ampelis, there is extensive subdivision of the laminz on the sides or behind, the arrangement does not exactly answer to the above description. The Clamatores represent the lowest Passeres, approaching the large order Picarie (see beyond) in the steps by which they recede from Oscines, yet well separated from the Picarian birds. The families composing the suborder, as commonly received, are few in number; only one of them is represented in North America, north of Mexico. Family TYRANNIDA. Flycatchers. While haying a close general resemblance to some of the foregoing insectivorous Passeres, the North American representatives of this family will be instantly distin- guished by the above-described condition of the tarsus; and from the birds of the following order by the Passerine characters of twelve rectrices, greater wing coyerts not more than half as long as the secondaries, and hind claw not smaller than the middle claw. This family is peculiar to America; it is one of the most extensive and character- istic groups of its grade in the New World, the Tanagride and T'rochilide alone approaching it in these respects. There are over four hundred current species, distributed among about a hundred genera and subgenera. As well as I can judge at present, at least two-thirds of the species are valid, or very strongly marked geographical races, the remainder, being about equally divided between slight varieties and mere synonyms. Only a small fragment of the family is repre- sented within our limits, giving but a vague idea of the numerous and singularly diversified forms abounding in tropical America. Some of these grade so closely toward other families, that a strict definition of the Tyrannide becomes extremely difficult ; and I am not prepared to offer a satisfactory diagnosis of the whole group. Our species, however, are closely related to each other, and may readily be defined in a manner answering the requirements of the present volume. With a possible exception, not necessary to insist upon in this connection, they belong to the * 168 TYRANNIDE, FLYCATCHERS. Subfamily TYRANNINA, True Tyrants, presenting the following characters :—Wings of 10 primaries, the 1st never spurious nor yery short, one or more frequently emarginate or attenuate on the inner web a near the end. Tail of 12 rectrices, usually nearly even, sometimes deeply forficate. Feet small, weak, exclu- sively fitted for perching ; the tarsus little if any longer than the middle toe and claw, the anterior toes, especially the outer, extensively coherent at base. Bill very broad and more or less depressed at the base, and tapering to a fine point, thus presenting a more or less perfectly triangular outline when viewed from above; the tip abruptly deflected and usually plainly notched just behind the bend; the culmen smooth and rounded transversely, straight or nearly so lengthwise, except towards the end; the commissure straight (or slightly curved) except at the end; the gonys long, flat, not keeled. Nostrils small, circular, strictly basal, overhung but not concealed by bristles. Mouth capa- cious, its roof somewhat excavated, the rictus ample and deeply cleft, the commissural point almost beneath the anterior border of the eye. Rictus beset with a number of long stiff bristles, sometimes reaching nearly to the end of the bill, but generally shorter, and flaring outward on each side; there are other bristles or bristle-tipped feathers about the base of the bill. The bill is very light, gives a resonant sound, in dried FiG.110. Emargination of primaries Specimens, when tapped, and on being broken open, pin hes the upper mandible will be found extensively hollow. These several peculiarities of the bill are the more obvious and important features of the group; and will prevent our small olivaceous flycatchers from being con- founded with insectivorous Oscines, as the warblers and vireos. The structure of the bill is admirably adapted for the capture of winged insects ; the broad and deeply fissured mandibles form a capacious mouth, while the long bristles are of service in entangling the creatures in the trap and restraining their struggles to escape. The shape of the wings and tail confers the power of rapid and varied aérial evolutions necessary for the successful pursuit of active flying insects. A little practice in field ornithology will enable one to recognize the flycatchers from their habit of perching in wait for their prey upon some prominent outpost, in a peculiar attitude, with the wings and tail drooped and vibrating in readiness for instant action; and of dashing into the air, seizing the passing insect with a quick movement and a click of the bill, and then returning to their stand. Although some Oscines have somewhat the same habits, these pursue insects from place to place, instead of perching in wait at a particular spot, and their forays are not made with such admirable élan. Dependent entirely upon insect food, the species are necessarily migratory in our latitudes ; they appear with great regularity in spring, and depart on the first approach of cold weather in the fall. They are distributed over temperate North America; many of them are common birds of the Eastern States. The voice, susceptible of little modulation, is usually harsh and es eee eee . ee Oe eee ee m ren ee a ae TYRANNIDZ, FLYCATCHERS. —GEN. 104, 105. 169 strident, though some species have a not unpleasant whistle or twitter. The sexes are not ordinarily distinguishable (remarkable exception in gen. 111), and the changes of plumage with age and season are not very great. The larger kinds are unmistakable, but several of the smaller species (of gen. 107, 108, 109) look very much alike, and their discrimination becomes a matter of much tact and diligence. 104. Genus MILVULUS Swainson. * * Adults with the tail much longer than the body, deeply forficate, one or more outer primaries strongly emarginate, and a brightly colored crown-patch. Fork-tailed Flycatcher. Three or four primaries emarginate; crown- patch yellow. Clear ash, below white ; top and sides of head, and tail, black ; the outer tail feather white on the outer web for about half its length; wings dusky, unmarked. Sexes alike; young similar, but primaries not emar- ginate, nor tail lengthened. Wing about 4; tail from 3 inches to a foot long. pl. 59s Bp.;, 185.3 ‘Coop:, 320%...) 2s Sg ie SERGIO Pewee. Pewit. Phebe. Dull olivaceous-brown, the head much darker fuscous-brown, almost blackish, usually in marked contrast with the back ; below soiled whitish, or palest possible yellow, particularly on the belly ; the sides, and the breast nearly or quite across, shaded with grayish-brown; wings and tail dusky, the outer tail feather, inner secondaries, and usually the wing coverts, edged with whitish ; a whitish ring round the eye; bill and feet black. Varies greatly in shade; the foregoing is the average spring condition. As summer passes, the plumage becomes much duller and darker brown, from wearing of the feathers, and then, after the moult, fall specimens are much brighter than in spring, the under parts being fre- quently decidedly yellow, at least on the belly. Very young birds have some feathers skirted with rusty, par- 2 3 ticularly on the edges of the wing and ag pee are epaller tail feathers. The species requires careful discrimination, in the hands of a novice, from any of the little oliva- ceous species of the next two genera. It is larger; 63-7; wing 3-3$; tail about the same, slightly emarginate ; bill 4 or slightly more, little depressed, not so broad for its length as is usual in Contopus and Hmpidonaz, its lateral outlines straight ; tarsus equalling or slightly exceeding the middle toe and claw, these together about 14 long; point of the wing formed by the 2d to TYRANNIDE, FLYCATCHERS.—GEN. 108. 173 5th quill; 1st shorter than 6th; 3d and 4th generally rather the longest. Eastern North America, very abundant, in open places, fields, along streams, ete.; one of the very earliest arrivals in spring, a late loiterer in the fall; winters in the Southern States. Voice short, abrupt, unlike the drawling note of the wood pewee. WILS., ii, 78, pl. 13; Nurr., i, 278; Auvp., i, Pe EMCO EED swLOt amet tse sia se! Se sus osha RUSOUSS ; 108. Genus CONTOPUS Cabanis. * .* With the feet extremely small, the tarsus shorter than the middle toe and claw; the tarsus, middle toe and claw together, barely or not one-third as long as the wing; the bill flattened, very broad at base; the pointed wings much longer than the emarginate tail. Medium sized and rather small species, brownish- olivaceous, without any bright colors, or very decided markings; the coronal feathers lengthened and erectile, but hardly forming a true crest. Fig. 113¢. * Species 7-8 long, with a tuft of white fluffy feathers on the flank. Olive-sided Flycatcher. Dusky olivaceous-brown, usually darker on the crown, where the feathers have blackish centres, and paler on the sides; chin, throat, belly, crissum and middle line of breast, white, more or less tinged with yellowish; wings and tail blackish, unmarked, excepting incon- spicuous grayish-brown tips of the wing coverts, and some whitish edging on the inner quills; feet and upper mandible black, lower mandible mostly yellowish. The olive-brown below has a peculiar streaky appearance hardly seen in other species, and extends almost entirely across the breast. Young may have the feathers, especially of the wings and tail, skirted with rufous. Wing 3g-44, remarkably pointed ; second quill longest, supported nearly to the end by the first and third, the fourth abruptly shorter; tail about 3; tarsus, middle toe and claw together only about 14; bill 2-3. North Amer- ica, apparently nowhere very abundant. Nurr., i, 282; 2d ed. 298; Aup., meerplocs D., 1883. Coorira23. 2). ~ . . = « BOREALIS. Coues’ Flycatcher. Somewhat similar; colors more uniform and more clearly olive; below, fading insensibly on the throat and belly into yellowish white, and lacking the peculiar streaky appearance: cottony tufts on the flanks less conspicuous; wing-formula entirely different; second, third and and fourth quills nearly equal and longest, first abruptly shorter; tail longer, about 32. Mexico; north to Arizona. Cas., Mus. Hein. ii, 72; Cours, Proe. Phila. Acad. 1866, 60; Enu., pl. 18; Coop., 324. . . PERTINAX. ** Species under 7 long, without an evident cottony white tuft on the flank. Wood Pewee. Olivaceous-brown, rather darker on the head, below with the sides washed with a paler shade of the same reaching nearly or quite across the breast ; the throat and belly whitish, more or less tinged with dull yellowish; under tail coverts the same, usually streaked with dusky ; tail and wings blackish, the former unmarked, the inner quills edged, and the greater and middle coverts tipped, with whitish; feet and upper mandible black, under mandible usually yellow, sometimes dusky. Spring specimens are purer olivaceous; early fall birds are brighter yellow below; in : b 174 TYRANNID®, FLYCATCHERS. —GEN. 108, 109.. summer, before the now worn features are renewed, the plumage is quite brown, and dingy whitish; very young birds have the wing-bars and edging of quills tinged with rusty, the feathers of the upper parts skirted, and the lower plumage tinged, with the same; but in any plumage the species may be known from all the birds of the following genus, by these dimensions : Length 6-64; wing 54-33; tail 22-3; tarsus, middle toe and claw together hardly one inch, or evidently less; tarsus alone about 3, not longer than the bill. North America, in woodland; extremely abundant in most United States localities, May—Sept. Muscicapa rapax Wits., il, 81, pl. 13, f. 5; M. virens Aup., i, 231, pl. 64; Nurr., i, 285; C. virens Bp., 190. vrrEens. Var. RICHARDSONII. Western Wood Pewee. Similar; darker, more fuscous olive above, the shading of the sides reaching almost uninterruptedly across the breast ; belly rather whitish than yellowish; outer primary usually not obviously white- edged; bill below oftener dusky than yellow, sometimes quite black. I fail to appreciate any reliable differences in size or shape. Note not exactly like that of virens; nesting said to be different (Audubon, Allen). Rocky Mountains to the Pacific; ‘‘ Labrador” (Audubon). Tyrannula Richardsonii Sw., Fn. Bor.-Am. ii, 146? Contopus richardsonii Bp., 189; Coor., 325. Muscicapa phoebe Auvp., i, 219, pl. 61; Nurr., i, 2d ed. 319. 109. Genus EMPIDONAX Cabanis. *,* Species 5-6 (rarely 63) long; wing 3} or less; tail 22 or less; whole foot at least + as long as wing; tarsus more or less obviously longer than middle toe and claw, much longer than bill; 2d, 3d and 4th quills entering into point of wing, 1st shorter or not obviously longer than 5th; tail not over } an inch shorter than wings; breast not buffy. (Compare 107, 108,110.) As in allied genera, several outer primaries are slightly emarginate on the inner web, but this character is obscure, and often inappreciable. Fig. 115d. Small Green-crested or Acadian Flycatcher. Above, olive-green, clear, continuous and uniform (though the crown may show rather darker, owing to dusky centres of the slightly lengthened, erectile feathers) ; below, whitish, olive-shaded on sides and nearly across breast, yellowish-washed on belly, flanks, crissum and axillars; wings dusky, inner quills edged, and coverts tipped, with tawny yellow; all the quills whitish-edged internally ; tail dusky, olive-glossed, unmarked; a yellowish eye-ring; feet and upper mandible brown, under mandible pale. In midsummer, rather darker; in early fall, brighter and especially more yellowish below ; when very young, the wing-markings more fulvous, the general plumage slightly buffy-suffused. Largest ; 53-64; wing 23-3 (rarely 34) ; tail 24-22; bill nearly or quite 4, about 4 wide at nostrils; tarsus 3; middle toe and claw $; point of wing reaching nearly an inch beyond the secondaries ; 2d, 3d and 4th quills nearly equal and much (4 inch or more) longer than 1st and 5th, which about equal each other; Ist much longer than 6th. Eastern United States, abundant, in woodland; readily diagnoscible by the points of size and shape, without regarding coloration. Muscicapa querula Wits., ii, 77, pl. 18, f.3; MW. acadica Nurr.,.i1, 208; Aup.; 1, 221.) pl.G2 5 Bp, 19%. 2.) ACADIOUS. SFU se TYRANNID, FLYCATCHERS.—GEN. 109. 175 Traill’s Flycatcher. Above, olive-brown, lighter and duller brownish posteriorly, darker anteriorly, owing to obviously dusky centres of the coronal feathers; below, nearly as in acadicus, but darker, the olive-gray shading quite across the breast; wing-markings grayish-white with slight yellowish or tawny shade; under mandible pale; upper mandible and feet black. Averaging a little less than acadicus; 53-6; wing 23-22, more rounded, its tip only reaching about 3 of an inch beyond the secondaries, formed by 2d, 3d and 4th quills, as before, but 5th not so much shorter, (hardly or not 4 of an inch), the Ist ranging between 5th and 6th; tail 23; tarsus %, as before, but middle toe and claw #, the feet thus differently pro- portioned, owing to length of toes. Eastern North America to the Plains, common; an entirely different bird from acadicus, but difficult to distinguish from the following species. AvD., i, 234, pl. 65; Nurv., i, 2d ed. 323; TD is5 TAGES SOUS eet i mre oes tentrs eta eT gaa De PO Rw 20 Var. pusittus of Bp., 194, which replaces true traillii from the Plains to the Pacific, may usually be recognized by its more fuscous coloration, the olivaceous and yellowish shades of truilliz being subdued ; by its larger bill, and the feet nearly as in acadicus. The original Tyrannula pusilla of Swarxson, Fn. Bor.-Am. ii, 144 ; Aup., ii, 236, pl. 66, is uncertain, just as likely have been minimus as this bird. I therefore pass over the name, which, if belonging here, antedates ¢raillii, and adopt traillii for the eastern form (although AupuBon says “Arkansas to the Columbia”), taking pusillus of Barrp for the western variety. Least Flycatcher. Colors almost exactly as in ¢railii; usually however olive-gray rather than olive-brown; the wing-markings, eye-ring and loral feathers plain grayish-white; the whole anterior parts often with a slight ashy cast; under mandible ordinarily dusky ; feet perfectly black. It is a smaller bird than ¢rai/lii, and not so stoutly built ; the wing-tip projects only about $an inch beyond the secondaries; the 5th quill is but very little shorter than the 4th, the lst apt to be nearer 6th than 5th; the feet are ' differently proportioned, being much as in acadicus; the bill is obviously under 4 an inch long. Length 5-54; wing 22 or less; tail about 24. Although it grades up to ¢raillii in size, and has no obviously different color- ation, yet I am satisfied that it is a different bird. Eastern North America to the Plains, very abundant in the U. 8. during the migrations, in orchards, coppices, hedgerows and the skirts of woods rather than in heavy forests. Awp., vii, 343, pl. 491; Bp., 195. Pe ese ove eer ete MINIM 4 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Above, olive-green, clear, continuous and uniform as in acadicus, or even brighter; below, not merely yellow/sh, as in the foregoing, but emphatically yel/ow, bright and pure on the belly, shaded on the sides and anteriorly with a paler tint of the color of the back; eye- ring and wing-markings yellow; under mandible yellow; feet black. In respect of color, this species differs materially from all the rest; none of them, even at their autumnal yellowest, quite match it. Size of ¢raill7i, or rather less; feet proportioned as in acadicus; bill nearly as in minimus, but rather larger; Ist quill usually equal to 6th. Eastern United States, 176 TYRANNIDH, FLYCATCHERS.—GEN. 109, 110. common. Aub., vii, 341, pl. 490; Bp., 198. Var. pirricitis Bp., 198 (in text), Coor., 328, is the paler western form. . . . FLAVIVENTRIS. Hlammond’s Flycatcher. Above, olive-gray, decidedly grayer or even ashy on the fore parts, the whole throat and breast almost continuously olive- gray but little paler than the back, the belly alone more or less decidedly yellowish ; wing-markings and eye-ring dull soiled whitish ; bill very small, and extremely narrow, being hardly or not 4 wide at the nostrils; this distin- guishes the bird from all but minimus and obscurus; under mandible usually | blackish ; tail usually decidedly forked, more so than in other species, though 5 in all of them it varies from slightly rounded to slightly emarginate ; outer tail feather usually whitish-edged externally (a character often shown by traillii and minimus), but not decidedly white. About the size of traillii, but not so stoutly built ; wings and tail relatively longer; feet as in minimus. Western United States. Bp., 199; Coopr., 330. . . . . HAMMONDII. Wright's Flycatcher. Colors not tangibly different from those of ¢raillit or minimus, but outer web of outer tail feather abruptly white in decided contrast. General dimensions approaching those of acadicus, owing to length of wings and tail; wing 23 to nearly 3; tail 25-22; tarsi about 3; bill about $, extremely narrow (much as in Sayornis fuscus), its width at the nostrils only about $ its length. Southwestern U. S. Bp., 200, 922; COOPs OOo. (Ae SF are a es a ce, a eee Pan aoe ee OR SONS Ozs. The foregoing account, carefully prepared after examination of a great amount of material from all parts of the country, will probably suflice to determine ninety out of a hundred specimens; but I confess it does not entirely satisfy me, and, as it does not fully answer all the requirements of the case, it must be regarded as provisional. At the same time I must say, that the only alternative seems to be, to consider all the foregoing (excepting acadicus and jflaviventris, perhaps) as varieties of one species; but for this I am not prepared. 110. Genus MITREPHORUS Sclater. Buff-breasted Flycatcher. Coronal feathers and rictal bristles longer than in Hmpidonax, and general cast of the plumage buffy. Above, dull grayish- brown tinged with olive, particularly on the back; below, pale fulvous, strongest across the breast, whitening on the belly ; no fulvous on the fore- head ; sides of head light brownish-olive; wings and tail dusky, outer web of outer tail feathers, edges of inner primaries except at the base, and tips of wing coverts, whitish ; iris brown; bill yellow below, black above; feet i black ; 43 long; extent 74; wing 24; tail 2; tarsus .55; middle toe and claw .45; bill .40. Fort Whipple, Arizona. Lmpidonax pygmceus Cours, y Ibis, 1865, 537; MZ. pallescens Cours, Proc. Phila, Acad. 1866, 63; Coopr., 334; Exxuror, pl. 19. My original specimens, affording the descriptions ‘ quoted, and the first known to have been taken in the United States, do not ; appear to be specifically distinct from fulvifrons of Grraup ( B. of Tex. pl. 2, f. 2), which may itself be the same as a Mexican species of prior mame... 9. «9 & Ge! &) e294) IRGRVEERONS) var. PALGESOENS: 7, = a PICARL®, PICARIAN BIRDS. —GEN. 111. V7 lll. Genus PYROCEPHALUS Gould. Vermilion Flycatcher. pure dark brown; wings and tail blackish with slight pale edgings ; the full globular crest, and all the under parts, searlet ; bill and feet black. ¢ dull brown, including the little crested crown; below, white, tinged with red or reddish in some places, the breast with slight dusky streaks. Immature ¢ shows gradation - between the characters of both sexes; the red is some- times rather orange. 54-6; wing 34; tail 24. Valleys . Fic. 114. Vermilion Fly- of the Rio Grande and Colorado, and southward. Cass., catcher. of Til. 127, pl. 17; Bp., 201; Coor., 333. . . RUBINEUS var. MEXICANUS. Order PICARIA. Picarian Birds. This is a miscellaneous assortment (in scientific language, “‘a polymorphic group,”) of birds of highly diversified forms, grouped together more because they differ from other birds in one way or another, than on account of their resemblance to each other. As commonly received, this order includes all the non-passerine Insessores down to those with a cered bill (parrots and birds of prey). Excluding the parrots, which constitute a strongly marked natural group, of equal value with those called orders in this work, the Picariew correspond to the Strisores and Scansores of authors, including, however, some that are often referred to Clama- tores. This ‘‘order” Scansores, or Zygodactyli, containing all the birds that have the toes arranged in pairs, two in front and two behind (and some that have not), is one of the most unmitigated inflictions that ornithology has suffered; it is as thoroughly unnatural as the divisions of my artificial key to our genera. As at present constituted, the Picarie are insusceptible of satisfactory definition ; but we may indicate some leading features, mostly of a negative character, that they possess in common. The sternum rarely if ever conforms to the particular Passerine model, its posterior bordtr usually being either entire or else doubly notched. The vocal apparatus is not highly developed, haying not more than three pairs of separate intrinsic muscles ; the birds, consequently, are never highly musical. There are some modifications of the cranial bones not observed in Pusseres. & CATHARTID/Z, AMERICAN VULTURES. 221 The American vultures differ in so many essential respects from those of the Old World, that they should unquestionably rank as a separate family, whatever may be the propriety of uniting the others with the Fulconide. In a certain sense, they represent the gallinaceous type of structure; our species of Cathartes, for instance, bear a curious superficial resemblance to a turkey. ‘They lack the strength and spirit of typical Raptores, and rarely attack animals capable of offering resist- ance; they are voracious and indiscriminate gormandizers of carrion and animal refuse of all sorts—efficient and almost indispensable scavengers in the warm countries where they abound. They are uncleanly in their mode of feeding; the nature of-their food renders them ill-scented, and when disturbed they eject the foetid contents of the crop. Although not truly gregarious, they assemble in multi- tudes where food is plenty, and some species breed in communities. When gorged, Fic. 14, Californian Vulture. they appear heavy and indisposed to exertion, usually passing the period of diges- tion motionless, in a listless attitude, with the wings half-spread. But they spend most of the time on wing, circling high in the air; their flight is easy and graceful in the extreme, and capable of being indefinitely protracted. On the ground, they habitually walk instead of progressing by leaps. Possessing no vocal apparatus, the vultures are almost mute, emitting only a weak hissing sound. The plumage in Cathartes is sombre and unvaried; its changes are slight; the sexes are alike in color; the 9 is not larger than the g. The famous condor of the Andes, Sarcor- hamphus gryphus, the king vulture, S. papa, and the following species of Cathartes, with their one or two South American analogues, compose the family. 222 CATHARTID®, AMERICAN VULTURES. —GEN. 166. 166. Genus CATHARTES Illiger. Californian Vulture. Brownish-black, lustrous above, paler below; secondary quills gray; greater coverts tipped with white; bill whitish; head and neck orange and red; “iris carmine.” Most of the neck, as well as the head, naked, with scattered bristle-like feathers, and a feathered patch at base of the bill; plumage commencing on the neck, not with a downy ruff, as in the condor, but with lengthened lanceolate feathers continued on the breast; nostrils comparatively small; tail nearly even. Young covered with whitish down. Largest of the genus; length about 4 feet; extent 9; wing 2; tail 14; thus approaching the condor in size. Egg white, granular, elliptical, 43 by 2% inches. General habits the same as those of the following species. Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, U.S. Avp., i, 12, pl. 1; Nurr., 1,39; ii, 557; Cass. in Bp., 5; Coopr., 496. CALIFORNIANUS. Turkey Buzzard. Blackish-brown; quills ashy-gray on their under surface ; head red; feet flesh-colored; bill white. Skin of the head corru- gated, sparsely beset with bristle-like feathers; plumage commencing in a circle on the neck; nostrils very large and open; tail rounded. Length about 25 feet; extent 6; wing 2; taill. U.S., from Atlantic to Pacific, and somewhat northward; abundant in more southern portions; resident as far north as New Jersey. Nests on the ground, or near it, in hollow stumps and logs, generally breeding in communities; eggs commonly two, creamy white, blotched and speckled, 22 by 1g. WHLS., ix, pl. 75, f. 1; Nurr., i, 43; Aun. 1,-15; pl. 25 Casss mBp., 45 Coor.,.503. -.. a ee eau Carrion Crow. Blackish; quills very pale, almost whitish, on the under surface; head dusky; bill and feet grayish-yellow. Skin of the head as in the last species, but plumage running up the back of the neck to a point on the hind head; nostrils as before; tail square. Smaller than awra, in linear dimensions, but a heavier bird; length about 2 feet; wing 14; tail 3. The difference in size and shape between this species and aura is strikingly dis- played when the birds are flying together, as constantly occurs in the South- ern States ; there is also a radical difference in the mode of flight, this species never sailing for any distance without flapping the wings. Nesting the same : eggs similar, but larger, or at any rate more elongate; 34 by 2. Chiefly South Atlantic and Gulf States, there very numerous, far outnumbering the turkey buzzard, and semi-domesticated in the towns; N. regularly to North Carolina, thence straggling even to Massachusetts (Ji/lson; Purnam, Proc. Essex Inst. 1856, 223) and Maine (Boarpman, Am. Nat. iii, 498) ; Ohio (Audubon) ; not authenticated on the Pacific Coast. Wus., ix, pl. 75, {23 Numpad, 46s At. allt, ples (CASS. InebD...o: > ATRATUSS Oss. C. burrovianus Cass. in Bp., 6; Exttor, pl. 36, a doubtful species, is said to inhabit Lower California. From various accounts, it seems probable that the king vulture really occurs on our southern border, but this remains to be deter- mined. See Bartram, Travels in Florida, p. 150; Cassin in Bp., p. 6; Cougs, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1866, p. 49; Aten, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. ii, 1871, p. 313. COLUMBIDZ, PIGEONS. 223 Order COLUMBA, Columbine Birds, An essential character of birds of this order is seen in the structure of the bill: horny and convex at the tip, somewhat contracted in the continuity, furnished at the base with a soft swollen membrane in which the nostrils open. There are four toes, three anterior, generally cleft, but occasionally with a slight basal web, and one behind, with few exceptions perfectly insistent or not obviously elevated. The feet are never lengthened ; the tarsus is commonly shorter than the toes, either scutellate or extensively feathered anteriorly, reticulate on the sides and behind, the envelope rather membranous than corneous. The plumage is destitute of aftershafts. The syrinx has one pair of intrinsic muscles. There are two carotids. The sternum is doubly notched, or notched and fenestrate; there are other osteological characters. The regimen is exclusively vegetarian. Terrestrial progression gradient, never saltatory. As commonly accepted, the order is composed of three families. The strange dodo, Didus ineptus, recently extinct, represents one, Dididw; another, Didunculide, consists of the only less singular tooth-billed pigeon, Didunculus strigi- rostris, of the Navigator Islands; the third is the Columbide. Some, like Lillje- borg, enlarge the order, under name of Pullastr, to receive the Cracide (see beyond), and Megapodide, big-feet or mound-birds of the East Indies; mainly on account, it would appear, of the position of the hallux in these families; but the balance of evidence favors their reference to the gallinaceous birds. ‘There is no question that the columbine are very closely related to the rasorial birds, but it seems best to draw the line between them as above indicated; and I shall accord- ingly close the great Insessorial series with the Family COLUMBIDZ:. Pigeons. The family may be framed simply by exclusion of the Didunculide and Didide. With one exception, all our species will be immediately recognized by their likeness to the familiar inmates of the dove-cot. One seemingly trivial circumstance is so constant as to become a good clue to these birds: the frontal feathers do not form antize by extension on either side of the culmen, but sweep across the base of the bill with a strongly convex outline projected on the culmen, thence rapidly retreat- ing to the commissural point. The plumuleless plumage is generally compact, with thickened, spongy rhachis, the insertion of which will seem loose to one who skins a bird of this family. The head is remarkably small; the neck moderate; the body full, especially in the pectoral region. The wings are strong, generally lengthened and pointed, conferring a rapid, powerful, whistling flight ; the peculiar aérial evolutions that these birds are wont to perform, have furnished a synonym for the family, Gyrantes. The tail varies in shape, from square to graduate, but is never forked; as a rule there are 12 rectrices, frequently increased to 14, rarely to 16. The feet show considerable modification when the strictly arboricole are compared with the more terrestrial species; their general character has just been indicated. The gizzard is large and muscular, particularly in the species that feed on seeds and other hard fruits; the gullet dilates to form a capacious circumscribed crop. This organ at times secretes a peculiar milky fluid, which, mixed with macerated food, is poured by regurgitation directly into the mouth of the young ; thus the fabled ‘ pigeon’s milk” has a strong spice of fact, and in this remarkable circumstance we see probably the nearest approach, among birds, to the character- t 2 : 224 COLUMBID, PIGEONS. istic function of mammalia. .‘‘The voice of the turtle is heard in the land” as a plaintive cooing, so characteristic as to have afforded another name for the family, yemitores. Pigeons are altricial, and monogamous — doubly monogamous, as is said when both sexes incubate and care for the young; this is a strong trait, compared with the preecocial and often polygamous nature of rasorial birds. They are amorous birds whose passion generally results in a tender and constant devotion, edifying to contemplate, but is often marked by high irascibility and pugnacity—traits at variance with the amiable meekness which doves are supposed to symbolize. The nest, as a rule, is a rude, frail, flat structure of twigs; the eggs are usually two in number, sometimes one, white. “The entire number of pigeons known to exist is about 300; of these the Malay Archipelago already counts 118, while only 28 are found in India, 23 in Aus- tralia, less than 40 in Africa, and not more than 80 in the whole of America.” They focus in the small district of which New Guinea is the centre, where more than a fourth of the species occur. Mr. Wallace accounts for this by the absence of fruit-eating forest mammals, such as monkeys and squirrels; and finds in the converse the reason why pigeons are so scarce in the Amazon valley, and there chiefly represented by species feeding much on the ground and breeding in the bushes lower than monkeys habitually descend. ‘‘In the Malay countries, also, there are no great families of fruit-eating Passeres, and their place seems to be taken by the true fruit-pigeons, which, unchecked by rivals or enemies, often form with the Psittaci the prominent and characteristic features of the Avifauna.” (Newron.) There are three prominent groups of pigeons. The Treroninw are exclusively frugivorous and arboricole species, with short, soft, broad-soled and extensively feathered feet, 14 rectrices, and soft lustreless plumage, of which green is the characteristic color. These are all Old World; the genera are Treron and Ptilono- pus, with their subdivisions; ‘54 species are confined to the Austro-Malayan, while 28 inhabit the Indo-Malayan, subregion ; in India 14, and in Africa 6 species are found; 30 inhabit the Pacific Islands, and 8 occur in Australia or New Zealand, while New Guinea has 14 species.” (Wattacrn.) The Gowrine are more or less terrestrial species, of both hemispheres, embracing a considerable number of more varied generic forms. In the New Guinean Gowra coronata there are 16 rectrices, and the head is crested; in the singular Calanas nicobarica, feathers of the upper parts are acuminate, elongate and even pendulous; each of these is sometimes made the type of a family. There are several other Old World forms, such as Trugon, Phaps, Henicophaps, Geophaps, Lophophaps, Ocyphaps and Chalcophaps ; our genus Starnonas is an interesting American one. The Columbine are the least specialized and most generally distributed group, comprising numerous species of which the domestic pigeon (Columba livia) is a type. Of these the Australian Lopholemus antarcticus, if really belonging here, is one of the most peculiar; Carpophaga and Turtur are leading Old World genera. The North American genera, excepting the first two following, are probably Gowrinw in the current acceptation of that term; but in the uncertainty attending its precise limitation as compared with Columbine, I shall not attempt to distinguish subfamilies. In gen. 167-8 the tarsi are short and slightly feathered above, a characteristic of arboricole pigeons; in the rest, longer and entirely naked, as usual in the terrestrial species ; and in many of these there is a naked space above the eyes. The males of nearly all our species show a beautiful iridescence on the neck; the sexes are distinguish- able by color; the young resembles the female. ee ae Sn eS ee Se ee se = | . COLUMBIDH, PIGEONS. —GEN. 167; 168. 225 167. Genus COLUMBA Linneus. Band-tailed Pigeon. Ashy-blue, tinged with olive on the back; head, neck and under parts purplish, whitening on the belly; hind neck metallic golden, with a conspicuous white collar; tail with a dark bar, beyond this brownish-white ; bill and feet yellow, former black-tipped: 9 and young less or not purplish, the nuchal band often obscure or wanting; 15; wing 84; tail 64, nearly even; tarsus 1, feathered above. Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, U. S. and southward; common. Bonar., Am. Orn. i, 77, pl. 8; WNurr., i, 624; Aup., iv, 312, pl..279; Bp., 597;‘Coor., 506. . FASCIATA. Red-billed Pigeon. Slaty-blue, olive on the back and seapulars ; head and neck all round, breast and wing-patch, chocolate-red ; no nuchal iridescence ; “bill, feet and eyes, purple ;” 14; wing 8; tail 53. Mexico, to U.S. border ; Cape St. Lucas. Lawr., Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 1851, 116; Bo., 598, pl. 61; MOOR DUS. 9. Geet Un Oe uy ee ae eal Ge ns S FLAVIROSERIS; White-crowned Pigeon. Dark slaty-blue, paler below ; crown pure white ; hind neck purplish-brown, lower down metallic golden, each feather black- edged ; iris white ; bill and feet reddish, former blue-tipped ; 134; wing 73 5 tail 54; Q similar. West Indies and Florida Keys. Bonar., Am. Orn. ii, 11, pl. 15; Nurr., i, 625; Aup., iv, 315, pl. 280; Bp., 599. LEUCOCEPHALA. 168. Genus ECTOPISTES Swainson. Wild Pigeon. Adult g dull blue with olivaceous tinge on back, below dull purplish-red whitening on vent and crissum; sides of neck golden and ruby ; some wing coverts black-spotted ; quills blackish, with slaty, whitish and rufous edging; middle tail feathers bluish-black, the others white or Fie. 145. Wild Pigeon. ashy, the inner webs basally black with a chestnut patch; bill black; feet yellow; @ and young duller and more brownish or olivaceous above, below dull grayish, with a tawny tinge anteriorly, or quite gray; very young have the feathers skirted with whitish; 15-17; wing 7-8; tail about the same, cuneate, of 12 narrow acuminate feathers. “Wanders continually in search KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 29 226 COLUMBIDZ, PIGEONS.—GEN. 169, 170, 171, 172. of food throughout all parts of North America; wonderfully abundant at times in particular districts” (dudubon); chiefly, however, temperate Eastern North America; eminently gregarious. Wuts., v, 102, pl. 44; Nurr., i, 629; Aup.; v, 25,)pl. 2853) Bp:. 600: . MIGRATORIUS. 169. Genus ZENZ{DURA Bonaparte. Carolina Dove. Brownish-olive, glossed with blue on the crown and nape; below purplish-red, becoming tawny-white on the vent and crissum ; neck metallic golden; a velvety black spot on the auriculars, and others on _ the wing coverts and scapulars ; middle 7) tail feathers like the back, the rest 7 ashy-blue at base, then crossed by a black bar, then white or ashy-white ; bill very slender, black; feet carmine ; g and young differ as in the wild pigeon; 11-13; wing 5-6; tail 6-7, shaped as in the wild pigeon, but of 14 feathers; circumorbital space naked. Temperate North America, very abundant. Wiuts., v, 91, pl. 43; Nourr., i, 626; Aup., v, 36, pl. 286; IBDSs GOA qc SP ere te, pak vce asl ees Pac Iebeasi | yo. Maier eee CARON UNEN Ger Fic. 146. Carolina Dove. 170. Genus ZENAIDA Bonaparte. Zenaida Dove. Olive-gray with a reddish tinge, crown and under parts vinaceous-red, sides and axillars bluish; a velvety black auricular spot, and others on the wing coverts and tertiaries; secondaries tipped with white ; neck with metallic lustre; middle tail feathers like the back, others bluish with whiter tips, a black band intervening; 10; wing 6; tail 4, rounded. West Indies and Florida Keys. Bonar., Am. Orn. ii, pl. 15, f. 2; Nurr., i OPByee np Ay ligeialle Pollo eings WO 5 68 5 ek c.g ANAT. 171. Genus MELOPELEIA Bonaparte. White-winged Dove. A broad oblique white bar on the wing, formed by ends of greater coverts and alula. Tail feathers, except the middle, broadly tipped with white; general plumage resembling that of the Carolina dove ; 11-12; wing 6-63; tail 5, rounded. Southwestern U.S. and southward. Columba trudeaui Aup., vii, 852, pl. 496. Bp., 603. . . LEUCOPTERA. 172. Genus CHAMASPELETIA Swainson. . Ground Dove. Grayish-olive, glossed with blue on the hind head and neck, most feathers of the fore parts with darker edges, those of the breast with dusky centres; forehead, sides of head and neck, lesser wing coverts and under parts purplish-red of variable intensity, paler or grayish in the Q ; under surface of wings orange-brown or chestnut, this color suffusing the quills to a great extent, upper surface sprinkled with lustrous steel-blue a we UN an ere er err ere. 2. Oo & eee a a COLUMBIDH, PIGEONS.—GEN. 173, 174, 175. 227 spots; middle tail feathers like the back, others bluish-black ; feet yellow ; bill yellow with dark tip; diminutive ; 6-64; wing 34, with inner second- aries nearly as long as the primaries; tail 2?, rounded. Southern U. S., Atlantic to Pacific, but chiefly coastwise ; N. to the Carolinas, and accident- ally to Washington, D.C; common. WitLs., iv, 15, pl. 46; Nurr., i, 635; Aup., v, 19, pl. 283; Bpo., 606; Coor., 516. Var. paillescens Bp., Proc. Phila. Acad. 1859, 305; Coopr., 517; Cape St. Lucas. . . PASSERINA. 173. Genus SCARDAFELLA Bonaparte. Scaly Dove. General coloration much as in the ground doye, but all the body-feathers with sharp dark border producing a scaled appearance ; tail long and cuneate, with (14?) narrow acuminate feathers, as in the common dove, broadly tipped with white, except the middle pair; wing shaded as in the ground dove. Small; 8; wing and tail about 4. Mexico to U. S. border. Bp., 605; Exutior, pl. 37; Coop., 519. . SQUAMOSA var. INCA. 174. Genus GEOTRYGON Gosse. Key West Dove. Above, vinaceous-red with highly iridescent lustre of various tints; below pale purplish fading to creamy; an infraocular stripe and the throat white; 11; wing and tail about 6, latter rounded. West Indies and Key West. Columba montana, Aup., v, 14, pl. 282. Nurrt., MEECOM DOS Ds sO0(in a 9s ae tsdeuwh o oe, @ = 3 = «© MARTINICA. 175. Genus STARNGNAS Bonaparte. Blue-headed Ground Dove. Crown rich blue bounded by black; a white stripe under the eye meeting its fellow on the chin; throat black, bordered with white; general color olivaceous-chocolate above, purplish-red below, lighter centrally; 11; wing 54; tail 4$. West Indies and Florida Keys. A remarkable form, grading towards the gallinaceous birds in structure and habits ; bill short; wings and tail very short, former rounded and concave, latter nearly even; legs very long and stout; tarsus bare, reticulate; hind toe not strictly insistent. Aup., v, 23, pl. 284; Nurr., i, 2d ed. 769; UCM Se ite taras cs ks lS ) OYANOCEPHATA; 228 GALLINA, GALLINACEOUS BIRDS. Subclass II, AVES TERRESTRES, or CURSORES, TERRESTRIAL BIRDS. This second series includes all living birds, between the Columbe and the Lam- ellirostres, excepting, probably, the ostriches and their allies. Like the other two divisions called ‘‘subclasses” in the present work, it is insusceptible of definition by characters of more than the slightest morphological importance, and conse- quently has nothing of the taxonomic value commonly attaching to groups so named. It may be considered, however, to represent the teleological generalization, that a certain number of birds, differing greatly in structure, are collectively modified in a way that fits them for similar modes of life—that several different types of structure are bent to subserve a particular end. In a certain sense, there- fore the Cursores may be said to hold together more by analogical relationship than by special morphological affinity ; and among them there is certainly greater diversity of structure than that existing between some of them and the birds standing upon the confines of IJnsessores and Natatores. On the one hand, the gallinaceous birds shade directly into the columbine, while on the other, the Grallatores are perfectly linked with the Natatores by means of the flamingoes. As implied in their name, the birds of this series are especially terrestrial in habit, spending most of the time on the ground, not on trees or the water; although most of them fly vigorously, and some swim well. A character of general applicability . is the combination of long or strong legs (as compared with Jnsessores), with the freedom of the knee and lower thigh from the body (as compared with Natatores). The hallux as a rule is reduced in length and elevated in position, and is often absent altogether—a modification rarely found outside this group; the front toes are generally webbed at base, often cleft, occasionally lobed or even full-webbed. Excluding the struthious birds, which cannot well be brought into this connection, the series represents two commonly received orders. Order GALLINA. Gallinaceous Birds. Equivalent to the old order Rasores, exclusive of the pigeons— this name being derived from the characteristic habit of scratching the ground in search of food ; connecting the lower terrestrial pigeons with the higher members of the great plover-snipe group. On the one hand, it shades into the Columbe so perfectly that Huxley has proposed to call the two together the ‘‘ Gallo-columbine series ;” on the other hand, some of its genera show a strong plover-ward tendency, and have even been placed in Limicole. The birds of this family are more or less perfectly GALLINZ, GALLINACEOUS BIRDS. ; 229 terrestrial ; the legs are of mean length, and stout; the toes four (with rare excep- tions), three in front, generally connected by basal webbing, but sometimes free, and one behind, almost always short and elevated, occasionally absent. The tibice are rarely naked below; the tarsi often feathered, as the toes also sometimes are; but ordinarily both these are naked, scutellate and reticulate, and often developing processes (spurs) of horny substance with a bony core, like the horns of cattle. The bill as a rule is short, stout, convex and obtuse; never cered, nor extensively membranous; the base of the culmen parts prominent antize, which frequently fill the nasal fossze ; when naked the nostrils show a superincumbent scale. The head is frequently naked, wholly or partly, and often develops remarkable fleshy processes. The wings are short, stout and concave, conferring power of rapid, whirring, but unprotracted, flight. The tail varies extremely; it is entirely wanting in some genera, enormously developed in others; the rectrices vary in number, but are commonly more than twelve. The sternum, with certain exceptions, shows a peculiar conformation; the posterior notches seen in most birds, are inordinately enlarged, so that the bone, viewed vertically, seems in most of its extent to be simply a narrow central projection, with two long backward processes on each side, the outer commonly hammer-shaped ; this form is modified in the tinamous, curas- sows, mound-birds and sand-grouse, and not at all shown in the hoazin. The palate is schizognathous ; there are cther distinctive osteological characters. As a rule, the digestive system presents an ample special crop, a highly muscular gizzard, and large ceeca; ‘‘ the inferior larynx is always devoid of intrinsic muscles” (Hualey). Excepting the Pteroclide (?), there are aftershafts, and a circlet around the oil-gland. Gallincee are precocial. A part of them are polygamous —a circumstance shown in its perfection by the sultan of the dunghill with his disciplined harem ; and in all such the sexes are conspicuously dissimilar. The rest are monogamous, and the sexes of these are as a rule nearly or quite alike. The eggs are very numerous, usually laid on the ground, in a rude nest, or none. The order is cosmopolitan ; but most of its sroups haye a special geographical distribution; its great economic importance is perceived in all forms of domestic poultry, and principal game-birds of various countries ; and it is unsurpassed in beauty—some of these birds offer the most gorgeous coloring of the class. The characters of the order have been ably exposed by Blanchard, Parker, Huxley and other distinguished anatomists. I will briefly recount the exotic families. 1. The tinamous, Tinamide, are so remarkably distinguished by certain cranial characters that Huxley was induced to make them one of his four primary divisions of carinate birds. The palate is ‘“‘completely struthious;” the sternum has a singular conformation. An obvious external feature, in many cases, is the entire lack of tail feathers (only elsewhere wanting among grebes) ; in others, however, these are developed. Confined to Central and South America, and represented by about forty species, of six or eight genera. 2. The wonderful hoazin of Guiana, Opisthocomus cristatus, is the sole repre- sentative of a family Opisthocomide, one of the most isolated and puzzling forms in ornithology, sometimes placed near the Musophagide, but assigned by maturer judgment to the fowls, which it resembles in most respects. The sternum and shoulder-girdle are anomalous; the keel is cut away in front; the furcula anchylose with the coracoids (very rare) and with the manubrium of the sternum (unique) ; the digestive system is scarcely less singular. 3. The bush-quails of the Old World, Twurnicide, differ widely from other i nn a RN 230 GALLINE, GALLINACEOUS BIRDS. Galline, resembling the sand-grouse and tinamous in some respects, and related to the plovers in others. A singular circumstance is a lack of the extensive vertebral anchyloses usual in birds, all the vertebrae remaining distinct (Parker). The crop is said to be wanting in some, as is also the hind toe. There are some twenty current species of the principal genus, Turniz, to which Gray adds the African Ortyxelos meiffrenii, and the Australian Pedionomus torquatus; the latter is placed, by some, with the Gralle. 4. The sand-grouse, Pferoclide, inosculate with the pigeons, as the Turnicide do with the plovers. The digestive system is fowl-like; the sternum in Pterocles departs from the rasorial type to approach the columbine, the modification being even more marked than in the next family; the pterylosis is pigeon-like, lacking aftershafts (Hualey), or having small ones (NVitzsch). The wings are very long and pointed, the feet short, with reduced hallux, and variable feathering. Confined to Europe, Asia and Africa: the principal genus, Pterocles, has about a dozen species ; the only other, Syrrhaptes, has two. 5. The mound-birds, Megapodide, as the name implies, have large feet, with little curved claws, and lengthened insistent hallux. They share this last feature with the Cracide (beyond) ; and the osseous structure of these two families, except as regards pneumaticity, is strikingly similar. Both show a modification of the sternum, the inner one of the two notches being less instead of more than half as deep as the sternum is long, as in typical Gallinw. Confined to Australia and the East Indies; Megapodius is the principal genus, of a dozen or more species; there are three others, each of a species or two. : 6. The guinea-fowl, Numidide, of which a species, Nuwmida meléeagris, is com- monly seen in domestication, are an African and Madagascan type. While the foregoing families are strongly specialized, this one, like the turkey family, more closely approaches the true fowl, and both may be only subfamilies of Phasianide. The bones of the pinion have a certain peculiarity ; the frontal generally develops a protuberance ; there are wattles, but no spurs; the tail is very short; the head naked. There are six or eight species of Nwmida, in some of which the trachea is convoluted'in an appendage to the furcula; Acryllium vulturina, Agelastes melea- grides and Phasidus niger, are the remaining ones. 7. Finally, we reach the Phasianide, or pheasants, a magnificent family of typical Galline, of which the domestic fowl is a characteristic example. These birds do not show any of the foregoing special characters; the feet, nasal fosse, and usually a part, if not the whole, of the head, are naked; the tarsi commonly develop spurs; the hallux is elevated; the tail, with or without its coverts, some- times has an extraordinary development or a remarkable shape. There are fifty or sixty species, distributed in numerous modern genera, about twelve of which are well marked; they are all indigenous to Asia and neighboring islands, focussing in India. In the peacock, Pavo cristatus, the tail coverts form a superb train, capable of erection into a disk, the most gorgeous object in ornithology ; in an allied genus, Polyplectron, there are a pair of spurs on each leg. The argus pheasant, Argqusanus giganteus, is distinguished by the enormous development of the secondary quills, as well as by the length of the tail feathers and peculiarity of the middle pair. The combed, wattled and spurred barn-yard fowl, with folded tail and flowing middle feathers, are descendants of Gallus bankiva, type of a small genus. The trago- pans, Cereornis, are an allied form with few species; the macartneys, Ewplocomus, with a dozen species, are another near form, as are the impeyans, Lophophorus, beat penb tS P ee eee —— eee a a ee Ce es ———— i le CRACIDH, GUANS. MELEAGRID®, TURKEYS.—GEN. 176, 177. 231 with a slender aigrette on the head, like a peacock’s. The naturalized English pheasant, P. colchicus, introduced into Britain prior to A. D. 1056, is the type of Phasianus, in which the tail feathers are very long and narrow; in one species, P. reevesii, the tail is said to attain a length of six feet. The golden and Amherstian pheasants, Chrysolophus pictus and amherstie, are singularly beautiful, eyen for this group. The other genera are Crossoptilon and Pucrasia. New species are still coming to light. Family CRACIDA. Curassows. Guans. This type is peculiar to America, where it may be considered to represent the Mega- podide, though differing so much in habit and general appearance. The affinities of the two are indicated above, and some essential characters noted. According to the latest authority on the family, Messrs. Sclater and Salvin, it is divisible into three subfamilies: Cracine, curassows and hoccos, with four genera and twelve species; Oreophasine, with a single species, Oreophasis derbianus, and the Subfamily PENELOPIN, Guans, with seven genera and thirty-nine species, one of which reaches our border. 176. Genus ORTALIDA Merrem. Texan Guan. Chiacalaca. Head crested, its sides, and strips on the chin, naked, but no wattles; tarsi naked, scutellate ; hind toe insistent, about 4 the middle toe; tail graduated, longer than the wings, of 12 feathers. Length nearly 2 feet; wing 84 inches; tail 11; tarsus 2§; middle toe the same. Dark olivaceous, paler and tinged with brownish-yellow below, plumbeous on the head; tail green, tipped with white except on the middle pair of feathers; bill and feet plumbeous. Mexico, to Texas. O. vetula Lawre., Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 1851, 116; O. poliocephala Cass., Ill. 267, pl. 44; UCT Dsl eee es sys). i shew ts. si ~ | WP UAL Family MELEAGRIDA. Turkeys. Head and upper neck naked, carunculate; in our species with a dewlap and erectile process. Tarsi naked, scutellate before and behind, spurred in the @. Tail broad, rounded, of 14-18 feathers. Plumage compact, lustrous ; in our species with a tuft of hair-like feathers on the breast. One genus, two species. MV. ocella- tus is a very beautiful species of Central America. - 177. Genus MELEAGRIS Linneus. Turkey. Upper-tail coverts chestnut, with paler or whitish tips; tail feathers tipped with brownish-yellow or whitish ; 3-4 feet long, ete. Wild in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and southward; domesticated elsewhere. There is reason to believe that the Mexican bird is the original of the domestic race; it was upon this form, imported into Europe, that Linneus imposed the name gallopavo (Fn. Suec. No. 198; Syst. Nat. i, 1766, 268), which has generally been applied to the following feral variety. M. 232 TETRAONIDE, GROUSE, PARTRIDGES.—GEN. 178. mexicana GouLD, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1856, 61; Bp., 618; Extioz, pl. 38; Coor:, 523. GALLOPAVO. Var. aAmeRICANA Bant., Tray. 1791, 290. Gallopavo sylvestris Le Conte, Proce. Phila. Acad. 1857,179; MM. gallopavo Aup., v, 42, pls. 287, 288 ; Nurt.,i,630; Bp., 615. Upper tail coverts without light tips, and ends of tail feathers scarcely paler. This is the ordinary wild turkey of Eastern North America; N. to Canada, where it is said still to occur; apparently extirpated in New England. N.W. to the Missouri, and $.W. to Texas (Audubon). The slight. differences just noted seem to be remarkably constant, and to be rarely, if ever, shown by the other form, although, as usual in domestic birds, this last varies interminably in color. Family TETRAONID4. Grouse, ete. All the remaining gallinaceous birds are very closely related, and they will prob- ably constitute a single family, although the term Tetraonide is usually restricted to the true grouse as below defined ( Tetraonine), the partridges being erected into another family, Perdicide, with several subfamilies. But the grouse do not appear to differ more from the partridges than these do from each other, and they are all — variously interrelated; so that no violence will be offered in uniting them. One group of the partridges is confined to America; all the rest to the Old World. The leading forms among the latter are Perdiz, the true partridge; Cotwrnix, the true quail; Francolinus, the francolins; with Rollulus and Caccabis. In all, perhaps a hundred species and a dozen genera. Without attempting to frame a family diagnosis to cover all their modifications, I will precisely define the American forms, as two subfamilies. Subfamily TETRAONINA. Grouse. Head completely feathered, excepting, usually, a naked strip of skin over the eye. Nasal fossze densely feathered. Tarsi more or less perfectly feathered, the feathering sometimes extending on the toes to the claws ; the toes, when naked, with fringe-like processes. Tail variable in shape, but never folded, of 16-20 feathers. Sides of the neck frequently with lengthened or otherwise modified feathers, or a bare distensible skin, or both. ; The true grouse are confined to the northern hemisphere, and reach their highest development, asa group, in North America, where singularly varied forms occur. The only Old World species are—the great Tetrao urogallus, or capercailzie of Europe, and its allied Asiatic species; Tetrao tetrix, the ‘‘ black game” of Europe, with curiously curled tail feathers; Tetrao falcipennis of Siberia, the represen- tative of our spruce partridge ; Bonasa betulina of Northern Europe and Asia, like our ruffed grouse; and two or three species of ptarmigan (Lagopus). 178. Genus TETRAO Linneeus. *.* No peculiar feathers on the neck; tarsus feathered to the toes; tail mod- erate, little rounded, of 16-20 broad feathers. Woodland birds of northerly or alpine distribution. Our species differ materially from the European capercailzie, T. urogallus, type of the genus, and might be properly separated. * Tail normally of 16 (14-18) feathers. (Can«ace.) Canada Grouse. Spruce Partridge. . g below mostly black with numerous white spots; above, vermiculated with blackish and slate, and | | : . | | Se a Ae i Le a Re AA TETRAONIDE, GROUSE, PARTRIDGES.—GEN. 179, 180. 238 usually some tawny, especially on the wings; quills variegated with tawny ; tail with a terminal orange-brown band, its upper coverts plain; 15-17; wing 7; tail 5; Q rather less, no con- tinuous black below, but variegated with blackish, white and tawny; above, much as in the ¢, but more tawny. N. Am., northerly; in Brit. Am., W. to Alaska; in U. S., W. to Rocky Mts. ; S. into the northern tier of states; Maine, and casually to Massachusetts. Nurt., i, 667; Aup., v, 83, pl. 294; MeO22. 2) 2...” CANADENSIS. Var. FRANKLINU. ‘Tail less rounded, lacking the terminal orange-brown band, and its upper coverts conspicuously white-tipped. Rocky and Cascade Mts., U.S. Bp., 623; Coor., 529. ** Tail normally of 20 (18-22?) feathers. (Dendragapus.) Dusky Grouse. @ blackish, more or less variegated with slate-gray, or a peculiar slaty-black; throat and sides marked with white; breast black ; belly slate; tail clouded with slate and black, and with a broad terminal slate bar; 18-20; wing 9-10; tail 7-8; 9 smaller, not particularly different in color, but not so uniformly dark, having ochrey or reddish-brown variega- tion in places. Rocky and other Mountains, U. 8. to the Pacific. Nurr., 1, 666; Aup., v, 89, pl. 295; Bp., 620; Coor., 526. . . . OBSCURUS. Var. nicuarpsonu. Tail nearly square, entirely black, or with only a slight slate tipping. Central Rocky Mountains and northward. Coop., 582. Fic. 147. Canada Grouse. 179. Genus CENTROCERCUS Swainson. Sage Cock. Cock of the Plains. Tail very long, equalling or exceeding the wings, of twenty stiffened, graduated, narrowly acuminate feathers ; sides of lower neck with a patch of peculiar sharp scaly feathers, the shafts of which terminate in bristly filaments, sometimes 3-4 inches long in the @ ; tarsi full feathered. Very large; two feet or more long, wing and tail each about a foot; ¢ much smaller. Above, variegated with black, gray and tawny ; below, a large black abdominal patch in the adult. Confined to the sterile plains and ‘sage-brush (Artemisia) tracts of Western U.S. ; S. to about 35° (Mojave river; Cooper). Sw. and Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 358, pl. 58; Nurr., i, 666; Aup., v, 106, pl. 297; Bp., 624. UROPHASIANUS. 180. Genus PEDIG:CETES Baird. *,* Neck without peculiar feathers; tail very short, of sixteen narrow, soft, true rectrices, and a middle pair, apparently developed coverts, projecting an inch beyond the rest; tarsi fully feathered. Length about 18; wing 8-9; tail 5-6. Below, white, with numerous dark marks; above, variegated with blackish and white, or tawny; quills dusky, with white or tawny spots on the outer web; central tail feathers like the back, others white on the inner web. Sexes alike. KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 30 234 TETRAONIDA, GROUSE, PARTRIDGES. —GEN. 181. Northern Sharp-tailed Grouse. The markings black, white and dark brown, with little or no tawny ; spots on the under parts numerous, blackish, V-shaped; throat white, speckled. Arctic America; not S. to the U.S. Tetrao phasianellus Linn., Syst. Nat. i, 160; Exxror, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1862, 403. P. kennicottii Suckuery, ibid. 1861, 361. . PHASIANELLUS. Var. cotumBianus. Common Sharp-tailed Grouse. The markings black, white, and especially tawny; below, the spots fewer, brown, U-shaped; throat buff. T. phasianellus Nutr., 1, 669; Avp., v, 110, pl. 298. Bp., 626. P. columbianus Extror, J. c.; Coop., 532. This is the ordinary U.S. bird, abundant on the prairies from Wisconsin and Kansas westward. It is accurately discriminated from the dark northern form by Dr. Suckley and Mr. Elliot, who, however, incorrectly suppose that the two forms are distinct species; they are geographical races differing from each other according to well known laws of climatic variation. 181. Genus CUPIDONIA Reichenbach. Pinnated Grouse. Prairie Hen. Neck with a peculiar tuft of loose, lengthened, acuminate feathers, beneath which is a patch of bare, brightly colored skin, capable of great distension; tail short, rounded, of eighteen stiffish, not acuminate, feathers; tarsi barely feathered to the toes. Length 16-18; wing 8-9; tail about 5. Above, variegated with black, brown, tawny or ochrey, and white, the latter especially on the wings; below, pretty regularly barred with dark brown, white and tawny; throat tawny, a little speckled, or not; vent and crissum mostly white ; quills fuscous, with white spots on the outer webs; tail fuscous, with narrow or imperfect white or tawny bars and tips; sexes alike in color, but 9 smaller, with shorter Fic. 148, Foot of Prairie Hen. neck-tufts. This well known bird formerly ranged across the United States, in open country, from the Atlantic to the Eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains, and now abounds on the prairies, from Illinois and Wisconsin, to Middle Kansas at least, if not found on the dryer plains westward. It has been almost extirpated in the Middle and Eastern States, though it still occurs sparingly in isolated localities in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Long Island, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, etc. Its abundance, and the excellence of its flesh, render it an object of commercial importance. Though there may be little probability of its extinction, legis- lation against its wanton or ill-timed destruction would be a measure of obvious propriety. Whus., iii, 104, pl. 27; Nurv., i, 662; Aun., v, 93, ple 296 3 BD O28 05. oie vy os tele ee ee eh ees Pee TIIOE TETRAONID®, GROUSE, PARTRIDGES. —GEN. 182, 183. 235 182. Genus BONASA Stephens. Ruffed Grouse. Partridge; New England and Middle States. Pheasant ; Southern States. Sides of the neck with a tuft of numerous (15-30), broad, soft, glossy-black feathers ; head with a full soft crest ; tail about as long as the wings, amply rounded, of (normally) eighteen soft broad feathers ; tarsi naked below. Length 16-18; wing 7-8. Sexes nearly alike; variegated reddish- or gray- ish-brown, the back with numerous, ‘ oblong, pale, black-edged spots; below, whitish barred with brown; £— tail with a broad subterminal black zone, and tipped with gray. A woodland bird, like the species of Tetrao, abundantly distributed over Eastern North America, well known under the above names in different sections; but it is neither a partridge nor a pheasant. The “drumming” sound for which this bird is noted, is not vocal, as some suppose, but is produced by rapidly beating the wings together, or against some hard object, as a fallen log. Wus., vi, 46, pl. FUSE NULT., 1, 00%; AUD., Vv, pl. 293, (2; Bp., 630: . . . UMBELLUS. Var. umMBeLtLorpes. Pale; slaty-gray the prevailing shade. Rocky Mountain region. Dovexas, Linn. Trans. xvi, 1829, 148; Bp., 925. _ Var. sABineri. Dark; chestnut-brown the prevailing shade. Pacific Coast region. Doveuras, ibid. 1387; Bp., 631; Coor., 540. Fic. 149. Ruffed Grouse. *183. Genus LAGOPUS Vieillot. *.* No peculiar feathers on neck; tarsi and toes densely feathered ; tail short, little rounded, normally-of 14 broad feathers, with long upper coverts, some of which resemble rectrices. Boreal and alpine grouse, shaped nearly as in Canace, remarkable for the seasonal changes of plumage, becoming in winter snow-white. There are only five or six species, at most, and probably fewer; we certainly have the three here given: Willow Ptarmigan. Tail black; no black stripe on head; bill very stout, culmen 3, or more, its depth at base as much as the distance from nasal fossa to.tip. In summer, the fore parts rich chestnut or orange-brown, ; variegated with blackish, the upper parts and sides barred with blackish, tawny and white; most other parts white. 15-17; wing 8; tail 5. British America, into northernmost U.S. Nurr., i, 674; Aup., v, 114, pl. 299; Bp., 633. JZ. salceti Sw. and Ricu., Fn. Bor.-Am. ii, 351. . . ALBUS. Lock Ptarmigan. Tail black; g with a black transocular stripe; bill slenderer, culmen about 3, deptlrat base less than distance from nasal fossa to tip. In summer, the general plumage irregularly banded with black, reddish-yellow, and white. Rather smaller than the foregoing. Arctic a 236 TETRAONIDEH, GROUSE, PARTRIDGES.—GEN. 184. America. Sw. and Ricn., Fn. Bor.-Am. ii, 354, pl. 64; Nurr., i, 610; Aup., v, 122, pl. 801; Bp., 635. ?Z. americanus Aup., v, 119, pl. 3005 based on Z. mutus Sw. and Ricu., Fn. Bor.-Am. ii, 350. . RUPESTRIS. White-tailed Ptarmigan. Tail white at all seasons; in winter, no black anywhere ; in summer, barred with dark brown and ochrey; bill slender, and other proportions nearly as in the last. A species of alpine distribution in western North America, from the Arctic regions to New Mexico (lat. 37°). Sw. and Ricu., Fn. Bor.-Am. ii, 356, pl. 63; Nurr., i, 612; Aun., v, 125; pl..302; Bp:,636:5) Goor., 542. (55 2. 6. | eS REUCURGR. Subfamily ODONTOPHORINE. American Partridges. Head completely feathered, and usually crested, the crest frequently assuming a remarkable shape. Nasal fosse not filled with feathers, the nostrils covered with a naked scale. Tarsi and toes naked, the latter scarcely or not fringed. Our partridges may be distinguished, among American Galline, by the foregoing characters, but not from those of the Old World; and it is highly improbable that, as a group, they are separable from all the forms of the latter by any decided peculiarities. I find that the principal supposed character, namely, a toothing of the under mandible, is very faintly indicated in some forms, and entirely want- ing in others. Pending final issue, however, it is expedient to recog- nize the group, so strictly limited geographically, if not otherwise. Several beautiful and important genera occur within our limits, but these partridges are most numerous in species in Central and South America. Odontophorus is the leading genus, with perhaps 15 species ; Hupsychortyx and Dendrortyx are other extra-limital forms ; and in all, some forty-odd species are known. In habits, they agree more or less completely with the well known bob-white. Our species are apparently monogamous, and go in small flocks, called ‘‘coveys,” usually consisting of the members of one family ; they are terrestrial, but take to the trees on occasion; nest on the ground, laying numerous white or speckled eggs; are chiefly granivorous, but also feed on buds, soft fruits, and insects ; and are non-migratory. Fic. 150. Foot and bill of Partridge. 184. Genus ORTYX Stephens. Virginia Partridge, or Quail. Bob-white. Quail; New England and Middle States, wherever the ruffed grouse is called “partridge.” Partridge ; Southern States, wherever the ruffed grouse is called “pheasant.” Coronal feathers somewhat lengthened, and erectile, but hardly forming a true crest. Forehead, superciliary line and throat, white, bordered with black; crown, neck all round, and upper part of breast, brownish-red, other under parts tawny-whitish, all with more or fewer doubly crescentic black bars; sides broadly streaked with brownish-red; upper parts variegated with chestnut, black, gray and tawny, the latter edging the inner quills. 9 known by TETRAONIDEH, GROUSE, PARTRIDGES. —GEN. 185, 186. 237 having the throat buff instead of white, less black about the fore parts, and general colors less intense; rather smaller than the g. 9-10; wing 44-5; tail 23-3. Eastern United States to high central plains; the characteristic game bird of this country. Eggs white. Wuts., vi, 21, pl. 47; Nurt., i, Pee UD: nV ,0005) Dl.e2Ouise DD, 6405: ls os) eo tte ces SVIRGINEANUS. Var. FLORIDANUS Cougs, 7. v. Rather smaller, the ¢ about the size of the? virginianus, but bill relatively larger, and jet-black; colors darker, all the black markings heavier. Florida (Allen) ; an approach to the Cuban form (0. cubanensis). Var. TExANUS Lawr., Ann. Lyc. N. Y., vi, 1853, 1; Bpo., 641. Size of florida- nus; colors paler, the prevailing shade rather gray than brown; upper parts much variegated with tawny. Texas. Ozs. Among the thousands of bob-whites yearly destroyed, albinotic or melan- otic, and other abnormally colored specimens, are frequently found; but the percentage of these cases is nothing unusual, and the sportsman must be cautioned against supposing that such birds have any status, in a scientific point of view, beyond their illustration of certain perfectly well known variations. Such speci- meus, however, are interesting and valuable, and should always be preserved. 185. Genus OREORTYX Baird. Plumed Partridge. Mountain Quail of the Californians. With an arrowy crest of two slender “keeled feathers, 3-4 inches long in the g when fully developed, shorter in the 9. An elegant species, much larger than the bob- white, inhabiting the mountainous parts of California and Oregon. A foot long; wing over 5 inches; tail over 3; whole foot about 3; Qrather less. Hinder half of body above, with wings and tail, rich dark olive-brown, the inner edges of the inner quills brownish- white; hinder half below purplish-chestuut, barred with white, black and tawny; fore parts above and below slaty-blue (above : more or less glossed with olive, below finely : : marbled with black), the chin and throat eal purplish-chestnut, edged with black and EsGe dp es Murad t erenaee, bounded by a white stripe meeting its fellow under the bill; 9 sufficiently similar. AvuD., v, 69, pl. 291; Nutr., i, 2d ed. 791; Bop., 642; Coor., SE to ct earae Mace ob ioe sg sy, Maske. os e PIOLUS: 186. Genus LOPHORTYX Bonaparte. *,* With an elegant crest, recurved helmet-wise, of several (6-10) keeled, clubbed, glossy black imbricated feathers, more than an inch long when fully developed; in the ¢, smaller, of fewer feathers. Bulk of the bob-white, but longer; 10-111; wing 4 or more; tail 3 or more. @ with the chin and throat _ jet-black, sharply bordered with white; a white line across the vertex and along the sides of the crown, bordered behind by black; 9 without these head-markings. 238 TETRAONIDEH, GROUSE, PARTRIDGES.—GEN. 187. Californian Partridge. Valley Quail of the Californians. @ with a small white line from bill to eye; forehead whitish with black lines; occiput smoky-brown; nuchal and cervical feathers with very dark edging and shaft lines, and fine whitish speckling; general color of upper parts ashy with strong olive-brown gloss, the edging of the inner quills brownish-orange ; fore breast slaty-blue; under parts tawny deepening centrally into rich golden-brown or orange-chestnut, all the feathers sharply edged with jet- black; sides like the back, with sharp white stripes; vent, flanks and cris- sum tawny, with dark stripes. Besides lacking the definite head-markings, the @ wants the rich sienna color of the under parts, which are whitish or tawny, with black semicircles as in the ¢ ; the breast is olive-gray. Lower portions of California and Oregon, East nearly to the Colorado River; abundant. Eggs of this and the next species speckled. Aup., v, 67, pl. 290; Nurr., i, 2d ed. 789; Bp., 644; Coor., 549. . CALIFORNICUS. Gambel’s Partridge. Arizona Quail. @ without white loral line; fore- head black with whitish lines ; occiput chest- nut; nuchal and cervical feathers with dark shaft lines, but few dark edgings or none, and no white speckling; general color of upper parts clear ash, the edging of the inner quills white; fore breast like the back ; under parts whitish, middle of belly with a large jet-black patch; sides rich purplish- chestnut with sharp white stripes; vent, flanks and crissum white with dusky streaks. Besides lacking the definite head-markings, the @ wants the black abdominal area, where the feathers are whitish with dark lengthwise touches. New Mexico and Arizona, both in mountains and valleys, very abundant; E. \ to Pecos and San Elizario, Texas, beyond FIG. 152. “Gambel’s Partridge. which replaced by the Massena partridge ; W. to Colorado R. and slightly beyond; N. to 35° and probably a little further; S. into Mexico. Cass., Ill. 45, pl. 9; Couns, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1866, 59, and Ibis, 1866, 46; Bp., 645; Coop., 553.. . . . GAMBELII. 187. Genus CALLIPEPLA Wagler. Scaled Partridge. Blue Quail. With a short, full, soft crest. Grayish- blue, paler below, in places with a brownish shade, the sides with white stripes, nearly the whole plumage marked with semicircular black edging of the feathers, producing a scaled appearance ; inner edges of inner quills, and end of crest, whitish; crissum rusty with dark streaks. 9 not particularly different. 9-10; wing 5; tail4. Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and south- ward. Cass., Ill. 129, pl. 19; Bp., 646; Coop., 556. . . SQUAMATA. — i er ee | ae GRALLATORES, WADING BIRDS.—GEN. 188. 239 188. Genus CYRTONYX Gould. Massena Partridge. with the head singularly striped with black and white; the upper parts variegated with black, white and tawny, and with paired black spots on the wings; below - velvety black, purplish-chestnut along the middle line, and with numerous sharp circular white spots; 9-10 long; wing 6; tail 24; tarsus 1}. 9 smaller, and entirely different in color, but easily recognized by the peculiar generic characters; tail very short, soft, almost hidden by its coverts; wing coverts and inner quills highly developed ;_ toes short; claws very large; head with a short, full, soft, occipital crest. Texas, Fic. 153. Massena Partridge. New Mexico, Arizona and southward. N. at least to 35°. Cass., Ill. 21, Sereemnp,, 6475 COOP., 598. - . « + + + + + + + + MASSENA. Oss. The Welcome Partridge, Zupsychortyx cristatus (Ortyx neorenus AvD., Vv, 71, pl. 292) and several other species, have been admitted to our fauna upon unsatisfactory evidence, or erroneous reports. Some of them, however, may yet be found over our Mexican border. Order GRALLATORES. Wading Birds. A character of nearly unexceptional applicability is nakedness of the leg above the heel, or tibio-tarsal joint (suffrago). The bare space is generally of consider- able length, but in several genera the ends of the feathers reach to the joint, while in others the tibize are completely feathered. The legs are usually long; as a rule the neck is lengthened pari passu; and the length of the bill is also in some measure correspondent. In its current acceptation, the order does not appear suscep- tible of further, or of any very exact, definition. Besides its several leading and characteristic groups, it contains a number of singular outlying forms, mostly represented each by a single genus, the location of which has not been satisfactorily determined. Present indications are, however, that all the grallatorial birds will fall in one or another of three groups, to be conventionally designated as sub- orders. All of these occur in this country; their nature may be approximately indicated, as follows : — I. LIMICOLZ. Shore-birds. Commonly known as the great ‘‘ plover-snipe group,” from the circumstance that the pluvialine and scolopacine birds form the bulk of the division. The species average of small size, with rounded or depressed (never extremely compressed) body, and live in open places on the ground, usually by the water’s edge. With rare exceptions, the head is completely feathered; the general pterylosis is of a nearly uniform pattern. The osteological characters are shared to some extent by certain swimming birds, as gulls and auks; the palate is schizognathous ; the carotids are double; the syringeal muscles, not more than one pair. The physiological nature is precocial; the eggs, averaging four, as a rule are laid on the ground in a rude nest or bare depression ; the young hatch clothed 240 GRALLATORES, WADING BIRDS. and able to run about. The food is insects, worms, and other small or soft animals, either picked up from the surface, or probed for in soft sand or mud, or forced to rise by stamping with the feet on the ground; from this latter circumstance, the birds have been named Calcatores (stampers). With a few exceptions, the wing is long, thin, flat and pointed, with narrow stiff primaries, rapidly graduated from 1st to 10th; secondaries in turn rapidly lengthening from without inward, the posterior border of the wing thus showing two salient points separated by a deep emargina- tion. The tail, never long, is commonly quite short, and has from 12 (the usual number) up to 20 or even 26 feathers (in a remarkable group of snipe). The legs are commonly lengthened, sometimes extremely so, rarely quite short, and are usually slender; they are indifferently scutellate or reticulate, or both. The feathers rarely reach the suffrago. The toes are short (as compared with the case of herons and rails, of the next group), the anterior usually semipalmate, fre- quently cleft to the base, rarely palmate or lobate; the hinder is always short and elevated, or absent. The bill varies much in length and contour, but is almost always slender, contracted from the frontal region of the skull, and as long as, or much longer than, the head, representing the ‘‘ pressirostral” and “ longirostral” types of Cuvier. Furthermore, it is generally in large part, if not entirely, covered with softish skin, often membranous and sensitive to the very tip, and only rarely hard throughout. The nostril is generally a slit in the membranous part, and probably never feathered. Most of the families of this division are well represented in this country, and will be found fully characterized beyond. The extra-limital ones are: — Otidide, bustards, an important group of Europe, Asia and Africa, containing some 20 species; it has a certain gallinaceous bent, and stands, like the Turnicide, near the boundary line of the two orders. The remarkable genus Chionis, of two South American species, forms the family Chionidce (or sheath-bills, so called because the bill is invested by a horny sheath forming a false cere), with some gallinaceous rela- tionships, and appears to belong here, near the oyster-catchers. The Thinocoride, or ‘ lark-partridges,” as they are called, consisting of the South American genera Thinocorus and Attagis, of few species, appear to be plover-like birds, near the elareoline group of the latter. The singular African Dromas ardeola, representing a family Dromadidce, of uncertain position, is sometimes placed near the avocets, sometimes with the herons, and is occasionally removed to another order. II. HERODIONES. Herons and their allies. The species average of large size, some of them standing amongst the tallest of birds (excepting ostriches). The body is usually compressed ; the legs, neck and bill are commonly extremely long. The general pterylosis is peculiar, in the presence, nearly throughout the croup, of the remarkable powder down tracts, and in some other respects. A part, if not the whole of the head, is naked, as much of the neck also frequently is. The toes are long and slender; the hallux is long, and either not obviously elevated, or else perfectly insistent. A foot of insessorial character results, and the species frequently perch on trees, where the nest is usually placed. The physiological nature is altricial; the young hatch naked, unable to stand, and are fed in the nest. The food is fish, reptiles, mollusks and other animal matters, generally procured by spearing with a quick thrust of the sharp bill, given as the birds stand in wait, or stalk stealthily along; hence they are sometimes called Gradatores (stalkers). The bill represents the cultrirostral pattern; it isas arule of lengthened, wedged shape, hard and acute at the end, if not hard throughout, with sharp cutting edges, and it gee 8. EN oe NN TR 8) et ee ne a ee ae = GRALLATORES, WADING BIRDS. 241 enlarges regularly to the forehead, where the skull contracts gradually in sloping down to meet it. The palate is desmognathous. The wings normally show a striking difference from those of Limicole, being long, broad and ample, much as in the next group. The herons (Ardeide, beyond), are typical of this group. The only extra-limital family is that of the Ciconiide, or storks; these are birds standing very near the ibises and spoonbills (beyond), and distinguished from the herons, among other circumstances, by the absence of powder-down tracts. Excepting the jabiru of tropical America, Mycteria americana, the storks are all Old World, and chiefly inhabit warm countries; there are only 8-10 species, representing nearly as many genera of authors; among these, Anastomus and Hiator are remarkable for a wide interval between the cutting edges of the bill, which only come into apposition at base and tip. The singular African Scopus wmbretta, type of a subfamily at least, is often placed among the herons, but its pterylosis is that of the storks. The eranes, which have been associated with Herodiones on account of their stature and other superficial resemblances, unquestionably belong to the next division, where also several doubtful forms appear to fall. Ui. ALECTORIDES. Cranes, Rails and their allies. A portion of these birds, representing the crane type, have a general resemblance to the foregoing, but are readily distinguished by the technical characters given beyond under the head of Gruidee, and in essential respects accord with the rest, representing the rail type. The latter are birds of medium and small size, with compressed body, and the head feathered. The neck and legs are not particularly lengthened, but as a rule the toes are remarkably long, enabling the birds to run lightly over the soft oozy ground and floating vegetation of the reedy swamps and marshes they inhabit. This length of the toes has given a name, Macrodactyli, to the group ; their shy retiring habit of skulking among the rushes has caused them to be sometimes called Latitores (skulkers). Their nature is precocial ; the eggs are numerous, usually laid on the ground, in a rude nest. The nourishment is essentially the same as that of the Limicole, but it is simply picked up from the surface, not felt for in the mud, nor stamped out of the ground. The hallux is usually lengthened, and but little elevated ; the feet are conspicuously lobate in some forms. The wings are usually short, rounded and concave; the tail is very short, few-feathered, often held cocked up, and wagged in unison with a bobbing motion of the head that occurs with each step taken. The Alectorides are schizognathous. This country affords typical representatives of the two leading forms, that of the cranes, and of the rails, coots and gallinules, as given beyond; there are, however, a number of remarkable outliers, that may be briefly mentioned, as follows ;— The kagu, Rhinochetus jubatus of New Caledonia, and the carle, Zurypyga helias of Guiana, are each the type and single representative of a family which seems near the cranes in principal osteological characters (Hualey), although pterylographi- cally they are more like herons, both possessing powder-down tracts (Bartlett) ; and Hurypyga, in particular, resembles herons in other respects. More closely allied to the cranes are the trumpeters, Psophiidew, of one genus and few species of South America, with the cariamas, Cariamidce, of the same country, represented only by the Cariama cristata and the Chunga burmeisterii. The horned screamers, Palamedeide, of South America, consisting of three species, Palamedea cornuta, Chauna chavaria and CO. derbiana, seem to be nearer the rails, and also closely approach the water birds; one of them is by some considered the nearest living KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 31 —— == = Se 242 CHARADRIID@H, PLOVER. ty | ally of the mesozoic Archewopteryx. Some gigantic extinct birds belong in the neighborhood of the rails and coots. Decidedly rail-like and better known birds are the jacanas, Parride, noted for the length of the toes, and especially of the claws; they have a sharp spur on the wing. There are less than 12 species, usually referred to several genera, of various parts of the world. Finally, the sun-birds, Heliornithide, are a small but remarkable family of one or two genera and about four species of tropical America, Africa, and southern Asia. They have been classed, on account of their lobate feet and a certain general resemblance, with the ; grebes ; but the feet are like those of coots, and their whole structure shows that they belong with the ralliform birds. This completes an enumeration of the Alectorides. Suborder LIMICOL4. Shore Birds. (See p. 239.) Family CHARADRIIDA. Plover. This is a large and important family of nearly a hundred species, of all parts of the world. Its limits are not settled, there being a few forms sometimes referred here, sometimes made the types of distinct families. I exclude from it the genera Thinocorus, Attagis, and Chionis, noted on a preceding page. The glareoles (Glareoline if not Glareolide) are a remarkable Old World form, like long-legged swallows, with a cuckoo’s bill; the tail is forked ; there are four toes; the wings are extremely long and pointed ; the tarsi are scutellate; the middle claw denticulate. The coursers, Cursoriince, are another Old World type, near the bustards, of one or two genera and less than ten species. In both of these the gape of the mouth is longer than in the true plovers; the hind toe, as usual for this family, is absent in the coursers. The thick-knees, @dicnemine, are truly plover-like birds, with one exception belonging to the Old World, comprising about eight species of the genera Gidicnemus and Esacus. All the remaining pluvialine birds appear to fall in the Subfamily CHARADRIINA?. True Plover. Toes generally three, the hinder absent (excepting, among our forms, gen. 189, 193) ; tarsus reticulate, longer than the middle toe; toes with a basal web; tibize naked below. Bill of moderate length, much shorter or not longer than the head, shaped somewhat like that of a pigeon, with a convex horny terminal portion, con- tracted behind this; the nasal fosse rather short and wide, filled with soft skin in which the nostrils open as a slit, not basal, and perforate. Gape very short, reaching little beyond base of culmen. Wings long and pointed, reaching, when folded, to or beyond the end of the tail, and sometimes spurred; crissal feathers long and full; tail short, generally nearly even and of 12 feathers; body plump; neck short and thick ; head large, globose, sloping rapidly to the small base of the bill, usually fully feathered. Size moderate or small. Our species (excepting Aphriza, if really belonging here) are very closely related, and will be readily recognized by the foregoing characters. There are in all perhaps sixty species. The most singular of them is the Anarhynchus frontalis, in which the bill is bent sideways. Thinornis zelandie of New Zealand, Phegornis mitchellit and Oreophilus totanirostris of Chili, are peculiar forms. Species of Chettusia, Lobivanellus, and Hoplopterus have fleshy wattles, or a tubercle, often developed into a spine, on the wing, or both; some of these, and others, are crested. These are (Nore. The genus Grus, inadvertently numbered 223 in the Key, will be found next after genus 238.] rT CHARADRIIDE, PLOVER. —GEN. 189, 190. 243 all near Vanellus proper, and a part of them are 4-toed. Our species are found along the seashore, by the water’s edge in other open places, and in dry plains and fields. They all perform extensive migrations, appearing with great regularity in the spring and fall, and most of them breed far northward. They are all more or less gregarious except when breeding. They run and fly with great rapidity ; the yoice is a mellow whistle ; the food is chiefly of an animal nature. The eggs are commonly four in number, speckled, very large at one end and pointed at the other, placed with the small ends together in a slight nest or mere depression in the ground. The sexes are generally similar, but the changes with age and season are creat. Ozss. The European lapwing, Vanellus cristatus, is reported by Mr. Dall from Alaska, where, however, specimens were not taken. (Alaska and its Resources, p.586.) 189. Genus SQUATAROLA Cuvier. Black-bellied Plover. Beetle-headed Plover. Whistling Field Plover. Bull-head. Ox-eye. A small hind toe, hardly 4 long; plumage speckled. Adult in breeding season (rarely seen in the U. S.): face and entire under parts black, upper parts variegated with black, and white or ashy; tail barred with black and white; quills dusky, with large white patches. Adult at other times, and young: below white, more or less shaded with gray, the throat and breast speckled with dusky ; above blackish, speckled with white or yellowish; the rump white with dark bars; legs dull bluish. Old birds changing show every grade, from a few isolated black feathers on the under parts, to numerous large black patches. 11-12; wing 7 or more; tail 3; bill 1-14; tarsus 2; middle toe and claw 1}. A bird commonly diffused over most parts of the world. Wuts., vii, 41, pl. 57,f.4; Aup., v, 199, pl. 315; Nurv., ii, 26; Cass. in Bp., 697. HELVETICA. Fic. 154. Black-bellied Plover. 190. Genus CHARADRIUS Linnzus. Golden Plover. Frost-bird. Bull- head. No hind toe; plumage speckled above, and in the breeding season black below, as in the last species, but much of the speckling bright yellow, and the rump and upper tail coverts like the back ; forehead, and a broad line over the eye to the nape, white ; tail feathers grayish-brown, with imperfect white or = ashy bars; axillars gray or ashy. At Fig. 155. Golden Plover; winter plumage. other times the under parts nearly as in the last species. 10-11; wing 7 or less; tail under 3; bill 1 or less; tarsus 12; middle toe and élaw 14. N. Am., abundant in the U. S. in J vA - — om, eg a ee os ere a 244 CHARADRIIDE, PLOVER.—GEN. 191, 192. great flocks in the fall, a well-known and highly-rated game bird. It is very near the European species, but seems distinct; the axillars are gray, not white. It appears to be a variety of the Asiatic; rather larger and with shorter toes. Wus., vii, 71, pl. 59,f. 5; Nutr., 11, 16; Aun:; v; ‘203, pl. 316; Cass. in Bp., 690. . . . . . ‘¥FULVUS Var. VIRGINICUS. . 191-2. Genus ASGIALITIS Boie. *,* Plumage not speckled; below, white; head and neck with black bands in the breeding season. * Tarsus about half as long again as the middle toe. (#gialitis.) Ivildeer Plover. Rump and upper tail coverts tawny or orange-brown, ' most of the tail feathers white at base and tip, suffused with orange-brown ina part of their length, and with 1-3 black bars ; secondaries mostly white, and primaries with a white space ; forehead white ; a black bar across the crown, and éwo broad black bands on the neck and breast ; bill black; feet pale grayish-blue. 9-10; wing 6 or more; tail 33, much rounded; tarsus about 14. North America, very abundant, especially on the Plains; breeds anywhere, but rarely in New Eng- Fic. 158. Kildeer Plover. land; name derived from its pecu- liar notes. WILS., vii, 73, pl. 59; Nurt., ii, 22; Avup., v, 207, pl. 517; CASS SID Die G92" eek gee oh: 2s NOCIRERIUSS Wilson’s Plover. Pale ashy-brown, merging into fulvous on the nape; a black bar on the crown, and a broad black pectoral belt, grayish-brown in the @ and young; no bright ring round eye; legs flesh-colored; bill black, extremely large and stout, nearly as long as the head; 7-8; wing 44-5; tail 2, nearly square. Seacoast of S. Atlantic and Gulf States, common; N. to the middle districts, and probably to New England; also on the Pacific side to California? Wiuus., ix, 77, pl. 73, f. 5; Nurv., ii, 21; Aup., v, 214, pl. 319; Cass. in Bp., 693. ee Ds se ay LS ONT Semipalmated Plover. Ling Plover. Ringneck. Dark ashy-brown with an olivaceous shade; very broad coronal 4nd pectoral black bars, in the adult of both sexes, that on the breast grayish-brown in the young, but still evident: edges of eyelids bright orange; bill moderately short and stout, orange or yellow, black-tipped; legs yellowish; toes conspicuously semi- palmate. About 7; tail about $-as long as the wings, rounded. North America, abundant. Breeds northward. Wus., vii, 65, pl. 59, f.3; Nurr., li, 24; Aup., v, 218, pl. 320; Cass. in Bp., 674. . . . SEMIPALMATUS. Piping Plover. Ringneck. Very pale ashy-brown; the black bands narrow, often imperfect; bill colored as in the last, but very short and es CHARADRIIDH, PLOVER.—GEN. 192, 193. 245 stumpy; edges of eyelids colored ; no evident web between inner and middle toes, and only a slight one between middle and outer; size of the last, or rather less. Eastern and Middle North America; abundant on the Atlantic coast, breeding northward. Wius., v, 30, pl. 37, f. 3; Nurr., ii, 18; Paes 220, pl. o2l 5 Cass. in Bp., 695. . . . . . . MEDLODUS: Snowy Plover. With a general resemblance to the last, this species is rather darker (not so dark as in semipalmatus), and the hind head is tinged with fulvous, as in wilsonius; it may be at once recognized by its entirely black bill, slender, about 3 long; legs dark; several lateral tail feathers entirely white; 64-7 long; wing 4-44; tail 2 or less. California coast, where I found it abundant in winter: Ibis, 1866, 274. It belongs to a different sub-group from the foregoing, and appears to be identical with the common Kentish plover of Europe, A. cantiana; but I have had no opportunity of a direct comparison. Cass. in Bp., 696. . . CANTIANA. ** Tarsus about twice as long as the middle toe. (Podasocys.) Mountain Plover. Bill black, slender, an inch long; middle toe and claw the same; tarsus 13; tibice bare over 4; about 9; wing 6; tail 3, nearly square. Above brown, all the feathers skirted with rusty, which also shades the breast; other under parts, forehead, and short line over eye, white; a coronal (and pectoral?) black band in mature plumage; quills and tail blackish, former with white shafts, latter tipped with whitish. Middle Kansas to the Pacific, common on dry plains and even in deserts; inde- pendent of water; feeds on insects, especially grasshoppers. I found it in New Mexico in June, and abundantly in California in November. The eggs, hitherto undescribed, measure 1.40 to 1.50 in the greater axis, by 1.10 in the transverse; color an olive drab with a slight brown shade, thickly marked, especially toward the larger end, with small sharp speckling and fine dotting of blackish, dark brown and neutral tint. (Described from two specimens in the Smithsonian collection, taken by Haypen, July, 1859, in Nebraska). Charadrius montanus AuD., v, 213, pl. 318 ; Zgialitis montanus Cass. in Bp., 693; Podasocys montanus Cougs, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1866, MOEee ior, pldo. 5 . > - . . =. .. - ASIATICUS var. MONTANUS. 193. Genus APHRIZA Audubon. Surf Bird. Dark ashy-brown, streaked with white on the head and neck, and in summer with chestnut and black on the back; upper tail coverts white; under parts white, often ashy-shaded, and variously marked with blackish ; tail black and white; bases and shafts of primaries, most of the secondaries, and tips of greater coverts, white; bill black, flesh-colored at base below; legs dusky-greenish; 9-10; wing about 7; tail 3 or less; bill 1; tarsus 14, reticulate ; hind toe present; front toes cleft to the base. Varies greatly in plumage with age and season. A remarkable bird, appar- ently a plover, connecting this family with the next, and also related to the sandpipers. Extensively dispersed on the coasts and islands of the Pacific. Cass. in Bp., 698; Aphriza townsendii Aup., v, 228, pl. 822. . VIRGATA. 246 H#MATOPODID®, OYSTER-CATCHERS, TURNSTONES. —GEN. 194, 195. Family HAAMATOPODIDA:. Oyster-catchers. Turnstones. A small family of two genera and six or eight species, with the bill hard, and either acute or truncate, the nasal fosse short, broad and shallow; the legs short, stout, brightly-colored. The two following genera differ much. Hematopus is 3-toed, with much basal webbing, the tarsi reticulate; the bill longer than the tarsus, stout, straight, constricted toward the base, compressed and truncate at the end, somewhat like a woodpecker’s; it is an efficient instrument for prying open the shells of bivalve mollusks. Strepsilas is 4-toed, with no obvious basal webbing; the tarsi scutellate in front, the bill sharp-pointed, not longer than the tarsus; its scientific and vernacular names are both derived from its curious habit of turning over pebbles along the beach in search of food. ‘There is but one species, cosmopolitan. 194. Genus HASMATOPUS Linneus. Oyster-catcher. Head and neck blackish tinged with brown or ashy; back ashy-brown; below from the breast, eyelid, rump, tips of greater wing coverts, most sec- ondaries, and basal part of tail feathers, white ; rest of tail, and quills, blackish; bill and edges of eyelids red or orange ; legs flesh color; 17-18; wing 10; tail 44; bill 3. Fic. 157. Bill of Oyster-catcher. Fi Atlantic coast ; California (Cooper). Wrus., viii, 15, pl. 64; Nurrt., ii, 15; Avup., v, 236, pl. 324; CASS. cing SD s.n099s eee) are 2), SPATETATUSS Black Oyster-catcher. Nearly uniform blackish or sooty brown; the head and neck frequently with an ashy shade. Size of the foregoing. Pacific coast. Cass. in Bp., 700. WH. townsendii Aup., v, 243, pl. 325. NIGER. Oss. HA. bachmani Aup., v, 245, pl. 326; H. ater Cass. in Bp., 700 (if really distinct from the last, which is doubtful), is a South American species improperly attributed to our fauna. 195. Genus STREPSILAS Linneus. Turnstone. Brant Bird. Calico-back. Adult in summer pied above with black, white, brown and chestnut-red, the latter color wanting in winter, and in young birds; below, from the breast (which is more or less completely black), throat, most of the secondaries, bases and shafts of primaries, and bases and tips of tail feathers, white; bill black; feet orange; 8-9; wing 53-6; tail2$; bill $, almost recurved, with ascending gonys; tarsus 1; tibie bare butalittle — F1G. 158. Bill of Turnstone. way. Both coasts, abundant during the migrations. Wus., vii, 32, pl. 57, f. 1; Nott., ii, 30; Aup., v, 231, pl. 323; Cass. in Bp., 701. INTERPRES. Fam. PHALAROPODIDAs. Phalaropes. Nunes RECURVIROSTRIDZ, AVOCETS, STILTS. —GEN. 196, 197. 247 Var. MELANOCEPHALUS. Black-headed Turnstone. Without any of the chestnut coloration of the last, the parts that are pied in interpres being blackish; the white parts, however, as before. Apparently a permanent melanism. Pacific Coast. Cass. in Bp., 702. Family RECURVIROSTRIDA. Avocets. Stilts. Another small family, characterized by the extreme length of the slender legs, and the extreme slenderness of the long acute bill, which is either straight or curved upward. ecurvirostra is 4-toed, and full-webbed; the bill is decidedly recurved, flattened, and tapers to a needle-like point; the body is depressed; the plumage underneath is thickened as in water birds. The species swim well. Himantopus is 3-toed, semipalmate, the bill nearly straight, and not flattened; in relative length of leg it is probably not surpassed by any bird whatsoever. These two genera, each of three or four species of various parts of the world, with the Cladorhynchus pectoralis of Australia, i compose the family. 196. Gen. RECURVIROSTRA Linneus. Avocet. Blue-stocking. White; back and wings with much black ; head and neck cinnamon-brown in the adult, ashy in the nF young (JL. occidentalis Cass., Ill. 232, pl. Fi G. 159. Bill and foot of Avocet. 40); bill black; legs blue; eyes red; 16-18 ; wing 7-8 ; tail33; tarsus33. Temperate N. Am. Wixts., vii, 126, pl. 63,f. 2; Nurt., ii, 74; Aup., vi, 24, pl.353; Cass.in Bp., 703. AMERICANA. 197. Genus HIMANTOPUS Brisson. Stilt. Longshanks. Lawyer. Glossy black ; forehead, sides of head and neck, rump and under parts, white; tail white or ashy; bill black; legs carmine. Young with back and wings brown. 13-15; wing 8-9; tail 3; tarsus 4. United States. Wiuus., vii, 48, pl. 38, f.2; Avp., vi, 31, pl. 354; Nurtr., ii, 8; CAsssin-Bp., 704. . . . . #NIGRICOLLIS. This is likewise a small family; the three species comprising it resemble sandpipers, but are imme- diately distinguished by the lobate feet ; the toes are furnished with plain or scalloped membranes, like those of coots and grebes, but not so broad. The body is depressed, and the under plumage thick and duck-like to resist water, on which the birds swim with perfect ease and grace. The wings and tail are like those of ordinary sandpipers ; the tarsi are much compfessed ; there is basal webbing of the toes besides the marginal membrane ; the bill, and some other details of form, differ in each of the three species. These birds inhabit the northern portions of both hemispheres, two of them at least breeding only in boreal regions, but they all wander far southward in winter. Fie. 160. Stilt. 248 PHALAROPODIDH, PHALAROPES.— GEN. 198, 199, 200. 198. Genus STEGANOPUS Vieillot. Wilson’s Phalarope. Membranes straight-edged; bill very slender, subulate. Length 9-10; wing 5; tail 2; bill, tarsus, and middle toe, each, over 1, black. Adult ashy; upper tail coverts and under parts white ; a black stripe from the eye down the side of the neck spreading into rich purplish-chestnut, which also vari- egates the back, and shades the throat; young lacking these last colors. N., Am. Wiis: 1x, 725 pl. 735, £35 =Newrs,piijeeot oe Aup., v, 299, pl. 341; Cass. in Bp:;-705..2 2.8 2~ 4 Oo WESONES 199. Genus LOBIPES Cuvier. Fic. 161. Wilson’s Phalarope (head); Northern . Phalarope (foot). Northern Phalarope. Mem- branes scalloped; bill very slender, subulate. Length about 7; wing 44; tail 2; bill, tarsus and middle toe, each, under 1, black. Adult dark opaque ash or grayish-black, the back variegated with tawny; upper tail coverts and under parts mostly white; side of the head and neck with a broad stripe of rich chestnut, generally meeting on the jugulum; breast otherwise with ashy-gray ; young lacking the chestnut. Northern N. Am., U.S. during the migration. Bonar., Am. Orn. iv, 82, pl. 25, f. 2; Nurr., ii, 239; Aup., v, 295, pl. 340; Cass. in Bp., 706. . . HYPERBOREUS. 200. Genus PHALAROPUS. Red Phalarope. Membranes scalloped ; bill comparatively stout, flattened, with lancet-shaped tip. Length 7-8; wing 5; tail 22; bill 1, yellowish, black-tipped; tarsus #, greenish. Adult with the under parts purplish- chestnut, of variable intensity, white in the young; above variegated with blackish and tawny. Northern N. Am., U. S. during the migrations. Wits., ix, 75, pl. 73, f.4; Nurv., ii, 236; Aup., v, 291, pl. 339); Casae MB FOU eh < Geo ele 8) Res SR oe LU ene Family SCOLOPACIDA. Snipe, etc. Snipe and their allies form a well-defined and perfectly natural assemblage, one of the two largest limicoline families, agreeing with plover in most essential respects, yet well distinguished® from the pluyialine birds. In general, the bill is much elongated, frequently several times longer than the head, and in those cases in which it is as short as in plover, it does not show the particular, somewhat pigeon-like, shape described under Charadriine, being slender and soft-skinned throughout. It is generally straight, but frequently curved up or down. The nasal grooyes, always long and narrow channels, range from one-half to almost the whole length of the bill; similar grooves usually occupy the sides of the under mandible; the interramal space is correspondingly long and narrow, and nearly naked. This length, slenderness, grooving, and peculiar sensitiveness are the prime . . | ; : : i e | ; ; ’ , 7 : ; . ; SCOLOPACID, SNIPE, ETC. 249 characteristics of the scolopacine bill. The gape, never ample, is generally very short and narrow, reaching little, if any, beyond the base of the bill. The nostrils are short narrow slits, exposed. The head is completely feathered to the bill * (except in one species), at the base of which the ptilosis stops abruptly, without forming projecting antiz. The wings commonly show the thin pointed contour described under Limicole, but they are occasionally short and rounded. The tail, always short and soft, has as a rule 12 rectrices; in one genus, however, there are from 12 to 26. The crura are rarely feathered to the suffrago. The tarsi are scutellate before and behind, and reticulate on the sides, except in the curlews, where they are scutellate only in front; they are probably never entirely reticulate (the normal state in plover). The hallux is absent in only two or three instances ; the anterior toes commonly show one basal web, and often two, but in many species they are entirely cleft. The scolopacine birds are of medium and small size, ranking with plover in this respect ; none attain the average stature of Herodiones. The general economy of these birds is similar to that of plover; a chief peculiarity being probably their mode of procuring food, by feeling for it, in the majority of cases, in the sand or mud with their delicately sensitive, probe-like bill. The eges are commonly four, parti-colored, pointed at one end and broad at the other, placed with the small ends together in a slight nest or mere depression on the ground ; the young run about at birth. The sexes, with very rare exceptions, are alike in color or nearly so, and the 9 is usually a little larger than the ¢ ; but the sexual distinctions are very rarely strong enough to be perfectly reliable (remark- able exception in gen. 218). Color distinctions with age, likewise, are rarely marked ; but on the contrary, seasonal plumages are, in many cases, as throughout the sandpipers, very strongly indicated, the nuptial dress being entirely different from that worn the rest of the year. Excepting a few species that frequent dry open places like many plover, these birds are found by the water’s edge where the ground is soft and oozy—in moist thickets, low rank meadows, bogs and marshes, by the Tiverside, and on the seashore. Some are solitary, but the majority are gregarious when not breeding, and many gather in immense flocks, especially during the extensive migrations that nearly all perform. The voice is a mellow pipe, a sharp bleat, or a harsh scream, according to the species. Few birds surpass the snipe in sapid quality of flesh, and many kinds rank high in the estimation of the sportsman and epicure. The family is cosmopolitan, but the majority inhabit the northern hemisphere, breeding in boreal regions. There are about ninety well-determined species of scolopacine birds, referable perhaps to fifteen tenable genera, although many more than this are often employed. Various attempts to divide the group into sub-families have met with little success, owing to the close intergradation of the several types. All the leading forms of the family, with most of the lesser genera, are represented in this country, and are indicated by the specific descriptions given beyond ; while its entire composition may be pointed out and rendered perfectly intelligible by a brief summary :— a. In woodcock (gen. 201-2) and true snipe (203) the ear appears below and not behind the eye, which is placed far back and high up; and if the brain be examined, it will be found curiously tilted over so that its anatomical base looks forward. The bill is perfectly straight and much longer than the head, deep-grooved to the very end, which is either knobbed, or widened just behind the tip, where there is a furrow in the flattened culmen. The membranous covering is abundantly supplied with nerves; this organ constitutes a probe of delicate sensibility, an | efficient instrument of touch, used to feel for food below the surface of the ground. KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 32 250 SCOLOPACID, SNIPE, ETC. In the dried state, the soft skin shrinks tight like parchment to the bone, and becomes studded with small pits. The gape of the mouth is extremely short and narrow; the toes are cleft; the legs, neck and wings are comparatively short, and the body is rather full. There are no obvious seasonal or sexual differences in * plumage. Not completely gregarious; no such flights of woodcock and true snipe occur as are usually witnessed among sandpipers and bay-snipe; they inhabit the bog and brake rather than the open waterside; they cannot be treacherously massacred by scores, like some of their relatives; they are knowing birds, if their brains are upset, and their successful pursuit calls into action all the better qualities of the true sportsman. There is but one species of Philohela; two or three of Scolopax, and about twenty of Gallinago. The curious circumstance occurs, among the latter, that the tail feathers range from 12 to 26 in different species ; and:in those with the higher numbers, several pairs are narrow and linear— a character upon which the genus Spilura rests: —The singular genus Rhynchea, with two species, R. capensis (Africa) and FR. semicollaris (S. America), may belong here.— Macrorhamphus (204), containing only our species, and one other, M. semi-" palmatus of the Old World, has the bill exactly as in Gallinago, but is distinguished by more pointed wings, and differently proportioned legs, with basal webbing of the toes. It stands exactly between the true snipe and 6. The godwits (213), in which we-find the same very long, wholly grooved, and extremely sensitive bill, which, however, is not dilated at the end, nor furrowed on the culmen, and is bent slightly upward; the gape, as before, is exceedingly con- stricted. The toes show a basal web. These are rather large birds, with the colors and general aspect of curlews, but the bill is not decurved and the tarsi are scutel- late behind. They frequent marshes, bays and estuaries, and are among the miscellaneous assortment of birds that are collectively designated ‘* bay-snipe.” There are only five or six species, of the single genus Limosa. The Terekia cinerea of various parts of the Old World, with the bill recurved almost as in an avocet, stands between the godwits and tattlers. c. The sandpipers (gen. 205-212) are a rather extensive group, notable for the variation in minor details of form, that it shows with almost every species —a cir- cumstance that has caused the erection of a number of unwarranted genera. Here the bill retains much of the sensitiveness of a snipe’s, and the gape likewise is much constricted ; but the bill is much shorter, averaging about equal to the head. One trivial circumstance affords a good clue to this group; the tail feathers are plain colored, or with simple edgings, while in almost all the species of other groups these feathers are barred crosswise. In this group the seasonal changes of plumage are very great; the proportions of the legs, and webbing of the toes, are variable: with the species, but as a rule, the toes are cleft to the base (not so in 205, 206), and four in number (except 212). The sandpipers belong particularly to the northern hemisphere, and breed in high latitudes ; they perform extensive migra- tions, and in winter spread over most of the world. Among them are the most diminutive of waders. They are probably without exception gregarious, and often fleck the beach in vast multitudes; they live by preference in open wet places, rather than in fens and marshes, and feed by probing, like snipe; the voice is mellow and piping. They are pretty well distinguished from both the foregoing, though gen. 203 connects with the snipe through 204; but shade directly into the following group; for instance, gen. 218-19-20, if not also 217, have been called Tringa, and “sandpiper.” Nearly all the forms of sandpiper are described in detail beyond. There are in all about 20 species. The only generic forms not SCOLOPACID®, SNIPE, ETC.—GEN. 201. 251 represented in this country are the Limicola platyrhyncha, the peculiarity of which is expressed in its name; and the Hurinorhynchus pygmceus, a wonderful and exceedingly rare species, in which the bill is expanded and flattened at the end, somewhat as in the spoonbill. The singular Philomachus pugnax should perhaps rather come here than among d. The tattlers, with which it is ranged, beyond. In this, the largest and most varied group, the bill has comparatively little of the sensitiveness of that of all the foregoing, and the gape is longer, extending obviously beyond the base of the culmen, and sometimes to nearly below the eyes. It varies much in length and shape, but it is wswally longer than the head, and very slender, not often grooved to the. tip, and is either straight, or bent slightly upward. The body and its members are commonly more elongate than in the foregoing, the toes have a basal web or two, and the hinder is always present. The tail is usually barred. They are noisy, restless birds of the marshes and sand-flats and mud-bars of estuaries, and apparently do not probe for food to any extent; they gain their name from their harsh voice. The yellowshanks is a typical example of the group; most of the species cluster close about this type, and ought to go in the single genus Totanus. Gen. 217, 219, 220, are another slight group. The only extra-limital form is the Prosobonia leucoptera, of the Sandwich Islands, a curious species, apparently near 220. There are about 18 species in all, universally distributed. Finally, e. The curlews (gen. 222) are distinguished by the downward curvature, extreme slenderness, and usually great length of the bill, with the slight scutellation of the tarsus. In size and general appearance they are near the godwits; they inhabit all parts of the world. They all belong to the genus Nwmenius, which has about a dozen species — excepting the Tbidorhyncha struthersii of Asia, which is a three-toed curlew, not showing the coloration characteristic of the rest. 201. Genus PHILOHELA Gray. American Woodcock. Bogsucker. First three primaries attenuate and faleate; wings short; when closed, the quills hidden by the coverts and Fic. 162. Woodcock; with attenuate primaries. tertiaries; tibise feathered to the joint; tarsi shorter than middle toe, scutellate before and behind ; toes slender, free to the base ; bill much longer than the head, stout and deep at base, grooved nearly its whole length, the tip knobbed ; gape very short and narrow; ear under the eye, which is set in the back upper corner of the head; colors above variegated and harmoniously blended black, brown, gray and russet ; below pale warm brown of variable 252 SCOLOPACIDE, SNIPE, ETC.—GEN. 202, 203, 204. shade; ¢.10-11; 9? 11-12; extent 16-18; wing 44-5; bill 23-3; tarsus 14; middle toe and claw 13; weight 5-9 oz. Bogs, swamps, wet woodland and fields, Eastern U. S. and Canada.- Wits., vi, 40, pl. 48, f. 2; Nurr., ni, 194; Awp:, vi, L5>.pl.352) Cassin bp., (095). 0. ee MINORS 202. Genus SCOLOPAX Linneus. European Woodcock. First primary alone attenuate ; wings more pointed than in the last; one-third larger; weight 12-15 oz. This bird has not hitherto been formally introduced to our fauna in any systematic treatise ; but there are several authentic instances of its capture in this country, and it is unquestionably entitled to a place here, as a straggler from Europe. See Lewis, American Sportsman, ed. of 1868, p. 169, footnote (New Jersey) ; Lawr., Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1866, 292 (Rhode Island and New Jersey) ; Barrp, Am. Journ. Sci. xli, 1866, 25 (Newfoundland). Sportsmen who get a bird of this sort, will do well to report the fact at once. Of all the snipe- like birds of this country, called “Scolopax,” the present is the only one to which the name is strictly applicable. . . . . . . . . RUSTICOLA. 203. Genus GALLINAGO Teach. American Snipe. Wilson’s Snipe.” Bill much longer than the head, perfectly straight, soft to the end, where it is somewhat widened and grooved on top; gape narrow, not reaching beyond base of culmen; ear under eye; tibize feathered not quite to the joint; tarsus a little shorter than middle toe and claw; toes perfectly free. Crown black, with a pale middle stripe; back varied with black, bright bay and tawny, the latter forming two lengthwise stripes on the scapulars ; neck and breast speckled with brown and dusky; lining of wings barred with black and white; tail usually of 16 feathers, barred with black, white and chestnut; sides waved with dusky ; belly dull white; quills blackish, the outer white-edged. Length 9-11; wings 43-54; bill about 24; whole naked portion of leg and foot about 3. This is the genuine snipe, of all the birds loosely so called; its name of “English” Fic. 163. American Snipe. snipe is a misnomer, as it is indigenous to this country, and distinct from any European species, though closely resembling one of them. Open wet places of North America, at large; migratory. Wus., vi, 18; pl. 47, f. 2; Nurr., ii, 185; Aup., v, 339, pl. 350; Cass. in Bp., 700. WScolopax drummondii and S. douglasii Sw., F. B.-A., ii, 401 ;9Seleucurusiip 07d. .d0leea aes et) ean ete chia eens ONE 204. Genus MACRORHAMPHUS Leach. - Red-breasted Snipe. Gray Snipe. Brown-back. Dowitcher. A very snipe-like bird, with the bill exactly as in Gr'allinago, but readily distinguished Cu —" ee ee — ee — ee Pe oe ees, CL i SCOLOPACID®, SNIPE, ETC.—GEN. 204, 205. 253 generically: legs long; tibie bare upwards of ? of an inch; tarsus longer than middle toe and claw; outer and middle toes connected by an evident membrane ; tail of 12 feathers. ‘Tail and its coverts, at all seasons, conspic- uously barred with black and white (or tawny) ; lining of wings, and axillars, the same; quills dusky, shaft of first primary, and tips of secondaries except the long inner ones, white; bill and feet greenish-black. In summer, brownish-black above, variegated with bay ; below, brownish-red, variegated with dusky; a tawny superciliary stripe, and a dark one from bill to eye. Fic. 164. Red-breasted Snipe; with end of bill, from above. In winter, plain gray above, and on the breast, with few or no traces of black and bay, the belly, line over eye, and under eyelid, white. 10-11; wing 5-54; tail 24; bill about 24; tarsus 14; middle toe and ‘claw 14. A variety of this bird is almost a foot long, the bill upward of 3 inches (M. scolopaceus Lawr., Ann. Lyc. 1852, 4, pl. 1; Cass. in Bp., 712). North America, at large; abundant, migratory; it generally flies in large compact flocks, like the sandpipers and shore-birds generally, rather than singly or in wisps like the true snipe; and prefers the shores of bays and estuaries, instead of wet meadows. WItsS., vii, 45, pl. 58, f. 1; Nurr., ii, ialeeAnD:, vi, LO, pl. dois) Cass.in Bp., 712: . . . . . GRISEUS: 205. Genus MICROPALAMA Baird. Stilt Sandpiper. Bill much as in the last genus, but shorter, less evidently widened at the end and not so distinctly furrowed on top, some- times perceptibly curved; legs very long; tibiz bare an inch; tarsus as long as the bill, both 14-13; feet semipalmate, the front toes being connected by two evident webs; middle toe 1. Length 8-9; wing 5; tail 24; plumage resembling that of the last species, its changes the same. Adult in summer: above blackish, each feather edged and tipped with white and tawny or bay, which on the scapulars becomes scalloped; auriculars chestnut; a dusky line from bill to eye, and a light reddish superciliary one; upper tail coverts white with dusky bars; primaries dusky with blackish tips; tail feathers 12, ashy-gray, their edge and a central field white; under parts mixed reddish, black and whitish, in streaks on the jugulum, elsewhere in bars; bill and feet greenish-black. Young, and adult in winter: ashy-gray above, with or without traces of black and bay, the feathers usually with white edging ; line over the eye and under parts white, the jugulum and sides suffused with the color of the back, and streaked with dusky; legs usually pale. N. Am., 254 SCOLOPACIDH, SNIPE, ETC.—GEN. 206, 207-211. generally dispersed, but apparently not very common anywhere ; West Indies ' in winter; U. S. during the migrations; breeds in high latitudes. Avp., v, 271, pl. 334; Nurr., ii, 138, 140, 141; Sw., F. B.-A. ii, 379, 380, pl. | 66; Cass. in Bp., 726; Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1861, 174. HIMANTOPUS. 206. Genus EREUNETES [Illiger. Semipalmated Sandpiper. Peep. Bill, tarsus and middle toe with its claw, about equal to each other, an inch or Jess long, but bill very variable, and apt to be shorter —%-§; feet semipalmate, with two evident webs; length 53-63; wing 34-32; tail 2, doubly emarginate, the central feathers projecting. Adult in summer: above, variegated with black, bay, and ashy or white, each feather with a black field, reddish edge and whitish tip; rump, and upper tail coverts except the lateral ones, blackish; tail feathers ashy-gray, the central darker; primaries dusky, the shaft of the first white ; a dusky line from bill to eye, and a white superciliary line ; below, pure white, usually rufescent on the breast, and with more or less dusky speckling on the throat, breast and sides, in young birds usually wanting; in winter the upper parts mostly plain ashy-gray ; but in any plumage and under any variation, the species is known by its small size and Fic. 165. semipalmate feet. The extreme variation in the length of the bill is from 4 to 14, or 86 per cent. of the average (§). N. Am., everywhere an abundant and well known little bird, thronging our beaches during the migrations. Tringa semipalmata WIxS., vii, 131, pl. 63, f. 4; Norr., ii, 136; Aup., v, 277, pl. 336; Hreunetes petrificatus Cass. in Bp., 724; #. pusillus Cougs, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1861, 177. Var. occidentalis LAwr., 202d. 1864, 10759 humor pl. 40. 9) ean ee EUStumUs. 207-11. Genus TRINGA Linnzus. * Bill, tarsus, and middle toe with claw, of about equal length. (Actodromas.) t+ Upper tail coverts (except the lateral series) black or very dark* brown ; jugulum with an ashy or brownish suffusion, and dusky streaks. Least Sandpiper. Peep. Smallest of the sandpipers ; 53-6; wing 34-33 ; tail 2 or less; bill, tarsus, and middle toe with claw, about 2; bill- black; legs dusky-greenish; upper parts in summer with each feather blackish centrally, edged with bright bay, and tipped with ashy or white ; in winter, and in the young, simply ashy; quills blackish, the shaft of the first white ; tail feathers gray with whitish edges, the central blackish, usually with reddish edges; crojvn not conspicuously different from hind neck; chestnut edgings of scapulars usually scalloped; below, white, marked as above stated. North America, very abundant; this species and the last are usually confounded under the common name of “sandpeeps,” and look much alike ; but a glance at the toes is sufficient to distinguish them. Tringa minutilla ViEILLOT; Cougs, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1861, 191; 7. pusilla Wits., v, 32, pl. 37, f. 4; Aup., v, 280, pl. 337; 7. minuta Sw., F. B.-A., ii, 385; Nutt., ii, 119; Z. welsont Nurt., ii, 121; Cass. in Bp., 721. mMInuTILLA: ue SCOLOPACIDH, SNIPE, ETC. — 207-11. : 255 Baird’s Sandpiper. Medium; 7-74; wing 44-48 ; tail 24; bill, tarsus, and middle toe with claw about %; bill and feet black ; colors almost exactly as in the last species ; edgings of upper plumage rather tawny than chestnut ; jugular suffusion pale, rather fulvous, the streaks small and sparse, some- times almost obsolete. North and South America; rare on the Atlantic coast (Long Island, Henshaw; Am. Nat. vi, 306). Tringa schinzii Woonu., Sitgreaves Rep. 1853, 100. 7. bonapartet Cass. in Bp., 722 (in part). “2. maculata, Scutecey, Mus. Pays-Bas, Scolopaces, 39 (in part). A. bairdii, Couxs, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1861, 194; 1866, 97; ScuaTER, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1862, 369 (Mexico) ; 1867, 332 (Chili, ete.) ; Dann and Bann., Trans. Chicago Acad. i, 292 (Alaska) ; AtLEN, Bull. MiG. Z., 1812; k32 (Kansas) ; Harting, Ibis, 1870, 151 (S. Africa!). . . . . BAIRDII. Pectoral Sandpiper. Jack Snipe. Grass Snipe. Large; 84-9 ; wing 5-54; bill, tarsus, and middle toe with claw about 14; bill and feet greenish ; crown noticeably different from cervix ; edging of scapulars bright chestnut, straight-edged ; chin whitish, definitely contrasted with the heavily ashy- shaded and sharply dusky-streaked jugulum. North America, abundant. Nort., ii, 111; Aup., v, 259, pl. 359; Cass. in Bp., 720. . MACULATA. ++ Upper tail coverts white, with or without dusky marks; jugulum sharply streaked, but with little or no ashy suffusion. White-rumped Sandpiper. Medium; size of bairdii; feet black; bill black, light-colored at base below; plumage as in the foregoing species, excepting the above particulars. An ashy wash on the jugulum is hardly appreciable except in young birds, and then it is slight; the streaks are very numerous, broad and distinct, extending as specks nearly or quite to the bill, and as shaft lines along the sides; while the white upper tail coverts are a diagnostic feature. Eastern N. Am. to the Rocky Mountains. Western? An abundant species along the Atlantic Coast. T. schinzit Sw., Fn. Bor.-Am. ii, 384; Nurr., ii, 109; Aup., v, 275; 7. bonapartit Conse, fin Bing, Uae eG Saree ieee) cece a BONAPARTEI. Cooper’s Sandpiper. Largest; 933 wing 5%; tail 23; bill 17; tarsus Ieye Like the last in color. Long Island; only one specimen known. It is uncertain whether this is a good species or an unusual state of J’. canutus or A. maculata. Bo., 716; Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1861, 202. COOPERII. ** Bill, tarsus, and middle toe, obviously not of equal length.’ { Tarsus shorter than middle toe; tibiee feathered. (Arquatella.) Purple Sandpiper. Bill little longer than head, much longer than tarsus, straight or nearly so; tibial feathers long, reaching to the joint, though the legs are really bare a little way above ; tarsus shorter than middle toe; - 8-9; wing 5; tail 23, rounded ; bill 14; tarsus 3; middle toe 1 or a little more. Adult: above ashy-black with purplish and violet reflections, most of the feathers with pale or white edging ; secondaries mostly white; line over eye, eyelids, and under parts white, the breast and jugulum a pale cast of the-color of the back, and sides marked with the same. In winter, and most immature birds, the colors are similar but much duller; very young si | 256 SCOLOPACID, SNIPE, ETC.—GEN. 207-211. birds have tawny edgings above, and are mottled with ashy and dusky below. Atlantic coast, rather common. Nutvt., ii, 115; Aup., v, 261, 330 3: Cassin SBD A aT ley ee pee ei ice Se nc oe AE AEE tj Tarsus not shorter than middle toe; tibiz bare below. +-Bill slightly decurved, much longer than tarsus. (Pelidna.)* American Dunlin. Black-bellied Sandpiper. Red-backed Sandpiper. Ox-bird. Bill longer than head or tarsus, compressed at the base, rather depressed at the end, and usually appreciably decurved ; 8-9; wing 44-5; tail 2-24; bill 14-12; tibie bare about $; tarsus 1 or rather more; middle toe and claw 1 or rather less. Adult in summer: above, chestnut, each feather with a central black field, and most of them whitish-tipped, rump and upper tail coverts blackish, tail feathers and wing coverts ashy-gray, quills dusky with pale shafts, second- aries mostly white, and inner pri- maries edged with the same; under parts white, belly with a broad, jet- Fic. 166. Bill and foot of American Dunlin. thickly streaked with dusky; bill and feet black. Adult in winter, and young: above, plain ashy-gray, with dark shaft lines, with or without red or black traces; below white, little or no trace of black on belly; jugulum with few dusky streaks and an ashy suitusion. IN. Am. Wits., vil, 25, pl..56, f& 2°39) pl5”, f..d 58 Naeem, 106; Aup., v, 266, pl. 332; Cass. in Bp., 719. ALPINA var. AMERICANA. ++ Bill much decurved, slightly longer than tarsus. (Ancylocheilus.) Curlew Sandpiper. Bill longer than head or tarsus, compressed through- out, decurved; size of the last; legs longer; tibie bare #; tarsus 14; middle toe and claw under an inch; bill about 14. Adult in summer: above, greenish-black, each feather tipped and edged with yellowish-red ; below, deep brownish-red; upper tail coverts white with dusky bars; tail ashy-gray, with greenish gloss; wing coverts ashy with reddish edgings and dusky shaft lines; quills dusky, the shafts whitish along their central por- tion; bill and feet greenish-black. Adult in winter, and young: similar; above, duller blackish with little reddish; below, white, more or less buffy- tinged, the jugulum dusky-streaked. Atlantic coast, extremely rare, little more: than a straggler; Europe; Asia; Africa. Nurr., ii, 104; Aup., v, 269) pl. s5as. Cassin Bps, 418.5. as. tue a | a eo oe SUB ARO TNE AS +++ Bill perfectly straight. (Tvringa.) Ted-breasted Sandpiper. Ash-colored Sandpiper. Gray-back. Robin- snipe. Itnot. Bill equalling or rather exceeding the head, straight, compar- atively stout ; toes evidently shorter than tarsus; large, 10-11; wing 6-63 ; tail 24, nearly square; bill about 14 (very variable); tarsus 14; middle toe and claw 1; tibize bare 4 or more. Adult in summer: above, brownish- black, each feather tipped with ashy-white, and tinged with reddish on the black area, breast and jugulum | —_—— SCOLOPACIDE, SNIPE, ETC.—GEN. 212, 213. 257 seapulars ; below, uniform brownish-red, much as in the robin, fading into white on the flanks and crissum; upper tail coverts white with dusky bars ; tail feathers and secondaries grayish-ash with white edges; quills blackish, gray on the inner webs and with white shafts; bill and feet blackish. ‘Young: above clear ash, with rumerous black-and-white semicircles ; below white, more or less tinged with reddish, dusky-speckled on breast, wavy- barred on sides. Atlantic coast, abundant. Wus., vii, 36, 43, pl. 57, f. 2, 9; Nourr., ii, 125; Aup., v, 254, pl. 328; Cass. in Bp., 715. . cANUTUS. 212. Genus CALIDRIS Cuvier. Sanderling. Luddy Plover. No hind toe; otherwise, form exactly as in Tringa proper; 73-8; wing 44-5; tail 24; bill about 1; tarsus 1 or rather less; middle toe and claw #. Adult in summer: head, neck and upper parts varied with black, ashy and bright reddish; below from the breast pure white; tail except central feathers light ash, nearly white ; primaries gray with blackish edges and tips, the shafts of all and bases of most, white ; secondaries white except a space at the end, and greater coverts broadly white-tipped ; bill and feet black. Adult in winter, and young: little or no reddish ; speckled with black and white, or ash and white, below white, sometimes tawny-tinged on the jugulum. N. Am., coastwise, abundant. Wus., vii, 68, 129, pl. 59, f. 4; pl. 63, f. 3; Nort.. ii, 4; Aup., v, 287, pl. 338; Cass. in Bp., 723. . . ARENARIA. Fic. 167. Foot of Sanderling. 213. Genus LIMOSA Brisson. Great Marbled Godwit. Marlin. Tail barred throughout with black and rufous ; rump and upper tail coverts like the back ; no pure white anywhere. General plumage rufous or cinnamon-brown ; below, nearly unmarked and of very variable shade, usually deepest on the lining of the wings; above, variegated with black and brown or gray ; quills rufous and black ; bill flesh colored, largely tipped with black ; feet dark. Large ; 16-22; wing about 9; tail about 34; bill 4-5, grooved nearly to the end, usually slightly recurved ; tibie bare 1-14; tarsus 24-34, scutellate before and behind; toes 14, stout. Tem- perate North America, abundant; conspic- —= uous by its size and coloration among the — waders that throng the shores and muddy or sandy bars of bays and estuaries during the migration; breeds in the U.S. as well as northward. Writs., vii, 30, pl. 96, f.1; Nurr., ii, 173; Aup., v, 331, pl. 348; Cass. in Bp., 740. FEDOA. KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 33 Fic. 168. Great Marbled Godwit. re en ~~ 258 SCOLOPACID®, SNIPE, ETC.—GEN. 214-216. White-tailed Godwit. Tail, its upper coverts and rump, white, barred throughout with black ; head, neck and under parts rusty-red in the breeding season, in winter whitish; above, grayish-brown, the feathers with darker centres, and blackish s haft lines ; sides and crissum with sagittate black marks. About the size of the last. A widely distributed Old World species, and a very near relative of Z. rufa of Europe, lately discovered in Alaska (Dail). Bp., Trans-sChicago Acad.i, 320, pl. 32... 2 3 3) . URORYGLALIE: Hudsonian or Black-tailed Godwit. Ling-tailed Marlin. Tail black, largely white at the base, its coverts mostly white ; rump blackish; lining of wings extensively blackish; under parts in the breeding season intense rufous, variegated (chiefly barred) with dusky ; head, neck and upper parts brownish-black, variegated with gray, reddish, and usually with some whitish speckling; quills blackish, more or less white at the base. Young and apparently winter specimens much paler, tawny whitish below, more gray above. Considerably smaller than either of the foregoing; about 15; wing 8 or less; bill 34 or less; tarsus 24 or Jess. North America, rather northerly, apparently not common in the United States; a near relative of LL. egocephala of Europe. Nurv., ii, 175; Aup., v, 335, pl. 349; Cass. MH BD el 4he bs) ek sande ee pe ke, oe, SE Sa ee EO DS ONILORG 214-16. Genus TOTANUS Bechstein. * Toes with 2 subequal webs; legs bluish or dark. (Symphemia.) Willet. Semipalmated Tattler. Bill straight, comparatively stout, grooved little if any more than half its length; toes 1685. CAss..in Bp., 737... . . . .. .* BARTRAMIUS. 220. Genus TRYNGITES Cabanis. Buff-breasted Sandpiper. Bill extremely small. and slender, appearing the more so because of the extension of the feathers on its base—on the ‘upper mandible, quite to the nostrils, nevertheless not reaching nearly so far as on the sides of the lower, and the interramal space completely filled ; gape reaching beyond base of culmen; basal webbing of toes rudimentary, hardly noticeable; tail rounded, with projecting central feathers; 7-8; wing 5-53; tail 24; tarsus 1}; middle toe and claw, and bill, under an inch. Quills largely white on the inner web, and with beautiful black marbling or mottling, best seen from below; tail unbarred, gray, the central feathers darker, all with subterminal black edging and white tips; crown and upper parts blackish, the feathers with whitish and tawny edging, especially on the wings; sides of the head, neck all round, and under parts, pale rufous, or fawn color, speckled on the neck and breast with dusky ; generally distributed in open country, but apparently not abundant; a remarkable bird both in form and coloration, in the latter respect somewhat resembling the foregoing, with which it shares many habits. Nurr., ii, 113; Aup., v, 264, pl. 331; Cass. in Bp., 739. RUFESCENS. 221. Genus HETEROSCELUS Baird. Wandering Tatiler. Bill straight, stout, compressed, grooved about § its length, gape reaching beyond base of culmen; legs rather short, rugous; reticulate, scutellate only in front of the tarsus; outer toe with an evident basal web, inner with a rudimentary one; 10$; wing 64; tail 34; bill 13; tarsus 14; tail unbarred; plumage variable, generally uniform plumbeous- gray above, below white shaded on breast and sides, or barred on the latter, with the color of the upper parts. A species of almost universal distribution on the coasts and islands of the Pacific, described under at least twelve different names, without counting its various generic appellations. //. nee ne (ot... sw se . LINOANUS. 262 ’ SCOLOPACIDA, SNIPE, ETC.—GEN. 222. 222. Genus NUMENIUS Linneus. Long-billed Curlew. Sickle-bill. Bill of extreme length and curvature, measuring from 5 to 8 or 9 inches; total length about 2 feet; wing a foot or less; tail about 4 inches; tarsus 24-23, scutellate only in front. Plumage very similar to that of the godwit; prevailing tone rufous, of varying intensity in different birds and on different parts of the same bird, usually more intense under the wing than ~ elsewhere; below, the jugulum streaked, and the breast and sides with arrow-heads and bars, of dusky ; above, variegated with black, especi- ally on the crown, back and wings; tail barred throughout with black and rufous; secondaries rufous ; primaries blackish and rufous; no pure white anywhere; bill black, the under mandible flesh colored for some distance; legs dark. Temperate N. Am., abundant; breeds in the U. 8. Wus., viii, 23, pl. 64; Nurv., ii, 94; -Aup., vi, 35, pl. 355; Cass. in’ Bp., 743. . . . BONGIROSTRIS- Hudsonian Curlew. Jack Curlew. Bill medium, 3 or 4 inches long; length 16-18 ; wing 9; tail 33; tarsus 24-24. Plumage as in last species in pattern, but general tone much paler; quills barred. N. Am., abundant ; breeds in British America; U.S. chiefly during the migrations. Scolopax borealis Wixs., vii, 92, pl. 56; WV. intermedius Nutt., ii, 100. AvuD., vi, 42. pl. 356; Nurr:, ii, 97; Cass. in Bo., 744. . ... = »HUDSONICUBE Esquimaux Curlew. Dough-bird. Bill small, under 3 inches long; length 12-15 inches; wing under 9; tail 3; tarsus 2. Plumage in tone and pattern almost exactly as in the last species, but averaging more rufous, especially under the wings, and primaries not barred. N. Am., abundant; distribution much as in the last species. Swarns., Fn. B.-Am., ii, 378, pl. 65; Nurr., ii, 101; Aup., vi, 45, pl. 357; Cass. in Bp., 744. BORBALIS. Fig. 174. Long-billed Curlew. Suborder HERODIONES. Herons and their Allies. The character of this group has been indicated on p. 240. Family TANTALIDA. Ibises. Spoonbills. @ Under this head I associate the genera Tantalus, Platalea and Ibis, with its subdivisions ; all of these, especially the first, are very nearly related to the storks (Ciconiide) ; the last two agree more closely with each other, in the remarkable smallness of the tongue, and other characters. In all, the pterylosis is more or less completely stork-like. The head is more or less perfectly bare of feathers in the adult state, downy in young. Birds of medium and very large size, long- legged, long-necked and small-bodied, like the cranes, storks and herons, with ample,*more or less rounded wings, of which the inner quills are very large; tail very short, usually, if not always, of 12 broad rectrices; tibiz bare for a long distance ; tarsi reticulate, or scutellate in front only ; toes four, the anterior webbed TANTALID@, IBISES, SPOONBILLS.—GEN. 224, 225-6. 263 at base, the hinder lengthened and inserted low down, as in storks and herons (not eranes) ; middle claw not pectinate as in the herons. Chiefly lacustrine and palus- trine inhabitants of the warmer parts of the globe, feeding on fish, reptiles and other animals. The sexes are alike; the _ young different. The manifest modification of the bill is the principal external character of the three subfamilies into which the group is divisible. . j Subfamily TANTALINA. Wood Lbises. Bill long, extremely stout at base, where it is as broad as the face, gradually tapering to the decurved tip, without nasal groove or membrane, the nostrils directly perforating its substance. One genus and three or four _ species of America, Africa, Southern Asia, and part of the East Indies. | 224. Genus TANTALUS Linneus. Wood Ibis. Adult with head and Beep Perc oD. _ part of the neck naked, corrugate, bluish; legs blue; bill pale greenish ; plumage entirely white, excepting the quills, tail, primary coverts and alula, which are glossy black; young with the head downy-feathered, the plumage _ dark gray, the quills and tail blackish; about 4 feet long; wing 18-20 : inches; bill 8-9; tarsus 7-8. Wooded swampy places in the Southern states, N. to Ohio and the Carolinas, W. to the Colorado, abundant; grega- rious; nests in trees and bushes. Wrrts., viii, 39, pl. 66; Nurr., ii, 82; Reeweerevia oto pl. ool; Bp. 682. . 3. . « . . « + LOCULATOR. Subfamily IBIDINA. Lbises. Bill long, very slender, curved throughout, and grooved nearly or quite to the tip (thus closely resembling a curlew’s). There are about twenty species of ibises, among which minor details of form vary considerably, nearly every one of them having been made the type of some genus. They probably form two genera, Ibis, with the tarsi scutellate in front, and Geronticus, with the legs entirely reticulate. Our species vary in the nakedness of the head, which in one is little more than in the herons, and in none is it complete, as in the preceding and following genus. 225-6. Genus IBIS Moehring. Glossy Ibis. Plumage rich dark chestnut, changing to glossy dark green with purplish reflections on the head, wings and elsewhere; bill dark ; _ young similar, much duller, or grayish-brown, especially on the head and neck, which are white-streaked. Claws slender, nearly straight; head bare only about the eyes and between the forks of the jaw. Length about 2 feet ; Wing 10-11; tail 4; bill 4$; tarsus 34; middle toe and claw 3. U.S., _ generally but irregularly distributed, chiefly southerly and especially coast- wise; N. casually to New England. Bownarv., Am. Orn. iv, 23, pl. 23; Norv., ii, 88; Aup., vi, 50, 358; Bp., 685. . FALCINELLUS var. ORDII. , y th, le ta et mes un ICR yen 264 TANTALID®, IBISES, SPOONBILLS.—GEN. 227. White Ibis. Plumage pure white, outer primaries tipped with glossy black ; bill and feet reddish; young dull brown or gray, the legs bluish, the bill yellowish. Claws curved; face and throat bare in the adult. Size of the last or rather larger; bill 7; tarsus 4. South Atlantic and Gulf States, casually N. to Long Island (Lawrence). W4xs., viii, 43, pl. 66; Nurr., ii, 86; Aup.;, vi, 54, pl. 360); Bp., 684505" tt ahh | ee, Ae Scarlet Tis Plumage rich cece outer primaries t ipeed with glossy black; bill and feet reddish. Yoing ashy-gray, darker above, paler or whitish below. Size and proportions nearly as in the last species. Tropical America; accidental in the U.S. (Louisiana; seen at a distance, not pro- i ~ cured, Audubon; Rio Grande, fragment of a specimen examined, Cowes.) Wits., viii, 41, pl. 66; Nurr., ii, 84; Aup., vi, 53, pl. 359; Bp., 683. RUBRA. Subfamily PLATALEIN4. Spoonbills. Bill long, perfectly flat, remarkably widened, rounded and spoon-shaped at the end. Birds of this group are known at a glance, by the singularity of the bill; they closely resemble the foregoing in structure and habit. One genus, with five or six species of various countries. 227. Genus PLATALEA Linneus. 1, Ltoseate Spoonbill. In full plumage rosy-red, whitening on neck; lesser wing coverts, tail coverts, and lower throat crimson; tail brownish-yellow ; legs pale carmine ; bare head yellowish-green, with a dark stripe ; bill mostly grayish-blue. Young with the head mostly feathered, colors much less vivid (no crimson) ; tail rosy ; in an early stage probably grayish. Length about 30; wing 14-15; tail 4-5; tarsus 4; bill 6-7. South Atlantic and Gulf states, N. casually to the Carolinas and Natchez (Audubon) ; common; gregarious ; breeds on trees and bushes in the wooded swamps. WILS., Vii, ; pl. 62; Nurr., ui, 79; AuD., il, 72, pl. 362; Bp., 686. . -.) “AvADAS Family ARDEIDA. Herons. It is in this family that powder-down tracts (p. 4, § 6) reach their highest development; and although these peculiar feathers occur in some other birds, there appears to be then only a single pair; so that the presence of two or more pairs is probably diagnostic of this family. In the genus Ardea and its immediate allies there are three pairs, the normal number; one on the lower back over the hips, one on the lower belly under the hips, and one on the breast, along the track of the furcula. In the bitterns, the second of these is wanting. In the boat-billed heron, Cancroma cochlearia, there is still another pair, over the shoulder blades. There are other pterylographic characters; in general, the tracts (p. 5, § 9) are extremely narrow, often only two feathers wide; there are lateral neck tracts; the lower neck is frequently bare behind. More obvious characters are, the complete feathering of the head (as compared with storks, etc.) except definite nakedness of the lores alone—the bill appearing to run directly into the eyes; a general looseness of the plumage (as compared with Limicole), and especially the frequent development of remarkably lengthened, or otherwise modified, feathers, constituting ARDEID, HERONS. 265 _ the beautiful crests and dorsal plumes that ornament many species, but which, as a Tule, are worn only during the breeding season. These features will suffice to deter- mine the Ardeide, taken in connection with the more general ones indicated under head of Herodiones, and the details given beyond. The boat-billed heron of Central America, with a singular shape of the bill that has suggested the name, and the four pairs of powder-down tracts, constitutes one subfamily, Cancromine. The still more remarkable Baleniceps rex, of Africa, with an enormous head and bill, thick neck, and one pair of such tracts, is probably assignable here as a second subfamily, Balenicepine ; but it approaches the storks, and may form a separate intermediate family. The disputed cases of Rhinochetus, Burypyga and Scopus have been already mentioned; these five forms aside, the herons all fall in the single Subfamily ARDEINA. True Herons. Bill longer than head, straight, or very nearly so, more or less compressed, acute, cultrate (with sharp cutting edges) ; upper mandible with a long groove; nostrils more or less linear, pervious. Head narrow and elongate, sloping down to the bill, its sides flattened. Lores naked, rest of head feathered, the frontal feathers extending in a rounded outline on the base of the culmen, generally to the nostrils. - Wings broad and ample; the inner quills usually as long as the primaries, when closed. Tail very short, of twelve (usually), or fewer soft broad feathers. Tibize naked below, sometimes for a great distance. Tarsi scutellate in front, and some- times behind, generally reticulate there and on the sides. Toes long and slender ; the outer usually connected with the middle by a basal web, the hinder very long (for this order), inserted on the level of the rest. Hind claw larger and more curved than the middle one (always?) ; the middle claw pectinate. The group thus defined offers little variation in form; all the numerous genera now in yogue have been successively detached from Ardea, the typical one, with which most of them should be reunited. The night herons (235-6) differ ~ somewhat in shortness and especially stoutness of bill; while the bitterns (237, and the South American genus Tigrisoma) are still better marked. There are about seventy-five species, very generally distributed over the globe, but especially abounding in the torrid and temperate zones. Those that penetrate to cold countries in summer, are regular migrants; the others are generally stationary. They are maritime, lacustrine and paludicole birds, drawing their chief sustenance from animal substances taken from the water, or from soft ground in its vicinity ; such as fish, reptiles, testaceans and insects, captured by a quick thrust of the spear-like bill, given as the bird stands in wait or wades stealthily along. In conformity with this, the gullet is capacious, but without special dilation, the stomach is small and little muscular, the intestines are long and extremely slender, with a large globular cloaca, and a cecum. Herons are altricial, and generally nest in trees or bushes (where their insessorial feet enable them to perch with ease) in swampy or other places near the water, often in large communities, building a large flat rude structure of sticks. The eggs vary in number, coincidently, it would seem, with the size of the species; the larger herons generally lay two or three, the smaller kinds five or six; the eggs are somewhat elliptical in shape, and usually of an unvariegated bluish or greenish shade. The voice is a rough croak. The sexes are nearly always alike in color (remarkable exception in gen. 238); but the species in which, as in the bittern, KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 34 = 22 a a pean dA (innate lth gens saat? 2, See Perens ent ome 2S REAR SS ata SO 266 ARDEIDA, HERONS. the plumage is nearly unchangeable, are very few. Indeed, probably no birds show s y $ ’ dl ; greater changes of plumage, with age and season, than nearly all the herons. Their beautiful plumes are only worn during the breeding season; the young — invariably lack them, and there are still more remarkable changes of plumage in many cases. Thus, the young may be pure white while the adults are dark colored, as in the small blue heron; and sometimes even, as in the remarkable case of our reddish egret, most individuals change from white to a dark plumage after two years, while others appear to remain white their whole lives, © Fic. 176. Great Blue Heron. a and others again are dark from the nest. Many species are pure white at all times, and to these the name of ‘“ egret” more particularly belongs ; but I should correct a prevalent impression that an egret is anything particularly different from other herons. The name, a corruption of the French word “aigrette,” simply refers to the plumes that ornament most of the herons, white or otherwise, and has no classificatory meaning; its application, in any given instance, is purely conventional. The colors of the bill, lores and feet are extremely variable, not only with age or season, but as individual peculiarities; sometimes the two legs of the same specimen are not colored exactly alike. The 9 is commonly smaller than the g. The normal individual variability in stature and relative length of parts | | ARDEIDZH, HERONS. —GEN. 228-34. 267 is very great; and it has even been noted that a specimen may have one leg larger than the other, and the toes of one foot longer than those of the other—a circum- stance perhaps resulting from the common habit of these birds, of standing for a long time on one leg. * 228-34. Genus ARDEA Linneus. *Species of large size, and varied dark colors. (Ardea.) Great Blue Heron. Back without peculiar plumes at any season, but scapulars lengthened and lanceolate ; an occipital crest, two feathers of which are long and filamentous; long loose feathers on the lower neck. Length about 4 feet; extent 6; bill 54 inches; tarsus 64; middle toe and claw 5; wing 18-20; tail 7. ? much smaller than ¢. Adult of both sexes grayish- blue above, the neck pale purplish-brown with a white throat-line, the head black with a white frontal patch, the under parts mostly black, streaked with white; tibie, edge of wing, and some of the lower neck feathers, orange-brown ; bill and eyes yellow, culmen dusky, lores and legs greenish. The young differ considerably, but are never white, and cannot be confounded with any of the succeeding. Entire temperate North America, abundant ; migratory in northerly portions. Wuus., vili, 68, - Ge INfomits, an. 4) AUD Vis 122.) pl. 3093, BD., 668. . . 8 . . HERODIAS. Florida Heron. Similar; larger; bill Ga: tarsus 8 or more; tibize bare nearly $ their length; middle toe not % the tarsus; below, white, the sides streaked with black; neck ashy ; ay with the crest, white, the forehead streaked with black. Southern Florida ( Wurdemann). Bo., 669. It seems improbable that this is anything more than a special state of the last species, but as it is useless to exchange one doubtful opinion for another, I retain it, pending final determination. . . . . . . WURDEMANNII. ** Species (large or small) white at all times. (dAudubonia, Herodias and Garzetta.) Great White Heron. Size and form nearly as in the foregoing ; no greatly elongated occipital feathers nor lengthened scapulars ; bill 645; tarsus 84; tibie bare 6. Color entirely pure white; bill and eyes yellow; culmen greenish at base; lores bluish; legs yellow, greenish in front. Southern Florida. Auvp., vi, 110, pl. 368; Nurr., ii, 89; Bp., 670. OCCIDENTALIS. : Great White Egret. White Heron. No obviously lengthened feathers on the head at any time; in the breeding season, back with very long plumes of decomposed feathers drooping far beyond the tail; neck closely feathered; plumage entirely white at all seasons; Dill, lores and eyes, yellow; legs and feet black. Length 36-42 (not inciuding the dorsal train); wing 16-17; bill nearly 5; tarsus nearly 6; rather larger speci- mens constitute var. californica Bn., 667. Distribution the same as that of the snowy heron; abundant. WHLs., vii, 106, pl..6l,. £4 3 Nuwr., at, Pau. vi, 132, pl.370; Bp.; 666. . - . . . . EGRETTA. Little White Egret. Snowy Heron. Adult with a ees occipital crest of 268 ARDEIDAZ, HERONS.—GEN. 228-34. decomposed feathers, and similar dorsal plumes, latter recurved when per- fect; similar, but not recurved plumes on the lower neck, which is bare behind; lores, eyes and toes yellow; bill and legs black, former yellow at base, latter yellow at the lower part behind. Plumage always entirely white. Size of the little blue heron. S. States; Cala. ; Middle States, in summer ; N. occasionally to New England; abundant. Wits., vii, 120, pl. 62, f. 4; Nutt., ii, 49; Avp., vi, 163, pl. 374; Bp., 665. . . . CANDIDISSIMA. *** Species under 3 feet long, of varied dark colors when adult, in some cases white when young. (Hydranassa, Florida and Butorides.) Louisiana Egret. Adult slaty-blue on the back and wings, mostly white below and along the throat-line ; crest and most of the neck reddish-purple, mixed below with slaty; the longer narrow feathers of the crest white ; lower back and rump white, but concealed by the dull purplish- brown feathers of the train, which whiten towards the end; bill black and yellow; lores yellow; legs yellowish-green, dusky in front. Young variously different, but never white. Length about 24 (exclusive of the long train) ; wing 10-11; bill 4-5; tarsus 4; middle toe and claw 3. SS. Atlantic and Gulf States, chiefly maritime, very rarely N. to the Middle districts. A. ludoviciana WILS., viii, 13, = 64,:f..1;— Norn... ai, dis Anup; vi, b> Gale dll -bDess0 Cosme earn . . LEUCOGASTRA var. LEUCOPRYMNA. Reddish Egret. Adult gray ‘she blue, rather paler below, head and neck lilac-brown, ends of the train yellowish; bill black on the terminal third, the rest flesh-colored, like the lores; iris white; legs blue, the scales of the tarsus blackish; length about 30; wing 14-15; bill 4; tarsus 54. Young usually entirely white, for a year or two; some individuals permanently so ; bill as in the adult ; legs greenish, with yellowish soles; in this state the bird A. pealei Bonar., Am. Orn. iv, 96, pl. 26, f. 1; Nurr., ii, 49; GamBet, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1848, 127; Bp., 661. Florida and Gulf States, strictly ; maritime, abundant. Ardea rufescens Aup., vi, 139, pl. 371; Demiegretta TUF OD. O02.) eee : ‘ : $2) | eR UE Little Blue Heron. Heda of ie sault with deiciedea decomposed feathers, those of the lower neck, and scapulars, shee ate and lanceolate ; no dorsal plumes; neck bare behind below; length about 24; wing 11-12; bill 3; tarsus 34-4. Adult slaty-blue, becoming purplish on the head and neck; Dill and loral space blue, shading to black at the end; eyes yellow; legs black. Young pure white, but generally showing blue traces, by which it is distinguished from the snowy heron, as well as by the color of the bill and feet, though at first the legs are greenish-blue with yellowish traces. §. Atlantic and Gulf States, abundant; N. casually to New England in summer. WIzts., vii, 117, os 62; feds) Nuptse sen AUD? sVis TASS plo tioes Aa Ds. OC cee ee =i. = . CARUDEAS Green Heron. Adult in the breeding season Sh the crown, long soft occipital crest, and lengthened narrow aa of the back lustrous dark green, sometimes with a bronzy iridescence, and on the back often with a glaucous cast; wing coverts green, with conspicuous tawny edgings; neck ARDEIDE, HERONS.—GEN. 235-6, 237. 269 purplish-chestnut, the throat-line variegated with dusky or whitish; under parts mostly dark brownish-ash, belly variegated with white; quills and tail greenish-dusky with a glaucous shade, edge of the wing white; some of the quills usually white-tipped ; bill greenish-black, much of the under mandible yellow; lores and iris yellow; legs greenish-yellow; lower neck with lengthened feathers in front, a bare space behind. Young with the head less crested, the back without long plumes, but glossy greenish, neck merely reddish-brown, and whole under parts white, variegated with tawny and dark brown. Length 16-18; wing about 7; bill 24; tarsus 2; middle toe and claw about the same; tibiz bare 1 or less. U.S., and a little beyond, abundant in summer; resident in the South. Whuts., vii, 97, pl. 61, f. Ls Nurr., 11, 63; Aup.; vi, 105, pl. 867; Bp., 676. . . -. VIRESCENS. 235-6. Genus NYCTIARDEA Swainson. Night Heron. Qua-bird. Squawk. No peculiar feathers excepting 2-3 very long filamentous plumes springing from the occiput, generally imbricated in one bundle ; bill very stont; tarsi reticulate below in front; length about 2 feet; wing 12-14 inches; bill, tarsus and middle toe about 8. Crown, seapulars and interscapulars, Very dark glossy green; general plumage bluish-gray, more or less tinged with lilac; forehead, throat-line and most under parts, whitish; occipital plumes white; bill black; lores greenish ; eyes red; feet yellow. Young very different; lacking the plumes; grayish- brown, paler below, extensively speckled with white ; quills chocolate-brown, white-tipped. U.S., and somewhat northward, abundant; resident in the South, migratory elsewhere. A. nycticorax Wits., vii, 101, pl. 61, f. 2, 3; AuD., vi, 82, pl. 363; A. discors Norn, ii, 54; WV. gardeni Bp., 678; A. nevia Bopp., Planches Enluminées, 939. .. GRISEA var. NAVIA. Yellow-crowned Night Heron. Adult with the head crested, some of the feathers extremely long, and back with long loose feathers, some of which reach beyond the tail; bill short, extremely stout; tarsi mostly reticulate, longer than middlé toe; about as large as the last; bill 22; tarsus 33; middle toe 3. Grayish-plumbeous, darker on the back, where the feathers have black centres and pale edges, and rather paler below, the head and upper neck behind black, with a cheek-patch, the crown, and most of the crest, white, more or less tinged with tawny; bill black, eyes orange, lores greenish, feet black and yellow. Young speckled, as in the last, but show- ing-the different proportions of the bill and feet. Wuts., viii, 26, pl. 65, Per eNUTTs 11,02; Aup., vi, 89, pl..364; Bp., 679... . . VIOLACEUS. 237. Genus BOTAURUS Stephens. Bittern. Indian Hen. Stake-driver. Bog-bull. Plumage of the upper parts singularly freckled with brown of various shades, blackish, tawny and whitish ; neck and under parts ochrey or tawny white, each feather marked with a brown dark-edged stripe, the throat-line white, with brown streaks, a velvety black patch on each side of the neck above; crown dull brown, 270 ARDEIDZ, HERONS. —GEN. 238. with buff superciliary stripe; tail brown; quills greenish-black, with a glaucous shade, brown-tipped ; bill black and yellowish, legs greenish, soles yellow; 23-28 long; wing 10-13; tail 43, of only 10 feathers; bill about 3; tarsus about 33. Temperate N. Am., abundant. Not gregarious; nests on the ground; eggs 4-5, drab-colored. Wus., viii, 35, pl. 65, f.3; Nurr., ii, 60; Aup., vi, 94, pl. 365; Bp., 674. Enpicorr, Am. Nat. iii, 169. mmnor. Fic. 177. Bittern. 238. Genus ARDETTA Gray. Least Bittern. No peculiar feathers, but those of the lower neck long and loose, as in the bittern; size very small; 11-14 inches long; wing 4-5; tail 2 or less; bill 2 or less; tarsus about 13. Sexes dissimilar. ¢ with eer ————— the slightly crested crown, back and tail, glossy greenish-black; neck ” behind, most of the wing coverts, and outer edges of inner quills, rich chestnut, other wing coverts brownish-yellow; front and sides of neck, and under parts, brownish-yellow, varied with white along the throat-line, the sides of the breast with a blackish-brown patch; bill and lores mostly pale yellow, the culmen blackish; eyes and soles yellow; legs greenish-yellow ; @ with the black of the back entirely, that of the crown mostly or wholly, replaced by rich purplish-chestnut, the edges of the scapulars forming a_ brownish-white stripe on either side. U. S., common. Wmits., viii, 37, pl. 65; f. 4; Nurr:, ii, 665 Aup:, v1, 1005 pl 36Gse Bp ton os en mE SaaS Family GRUIDAi. Cranes. As already intimated, cranes are related to rails in essential points of structure, though more resembling herons in their general aspect. They are all large birds, some being of immense stature; the legs and neck are extremely long, the wings ample, and the tail short, usually of twelve broad feathers. The head is generally, in part, naked and papillose or wattled in the adult, with a growth of hair-like feathers, or, in some cases, an upright tuft of curiously bushy plumes. The general plumage is compact, in striking contrast to that of herons; but the inner remiges, in most cases, are enlarged and flowing. In some species, the sternum is enlarged and hollowed to receive a fold of the windpipe, as in swans. Bill equalling or exceeding the head in length, straight, rather slender but strong, compressed, con- tracted opposite the nostrils, obtusely pointed ; nasal fossee short, broad, shallow ; nostrils near the middle of the bill, large, broadly open and completely pervious ; ee — T= wee GRUIDM, CRANES.—GEN. 223. ARAMIDMH, COURLAN.—GEN. 239. 271 tibiz naked for a great distance; tarsi scutellate in front; toes short, webbed at base; hallux very short, highly elevated. About 14 species of various parts of the world; only 2 of them American. Most of them fall in the genus Grus; the elegant ‘‘ demoiselle” cranes of the Old World, Anthropoides virgo and paradise, and the African Balearica pavonina, are the principal exceptions. © 223. Genus GRUS Linnsus. White or Whooping Crane. Adult with the bare part of the head extending in a point on the occiput above, on each side below the eyes, and very hairy. Bill very stout, gonys convex, ascending, that part of the under mandible as deep as the upper opposite it. Adult plumage pure white, with black primaries, primary coverts and alula; bill dusky greenish; legs black ; head carmine, the hair-like feathers blackish. Young with the head feathered; general plumage gray? varied with brown. Length about 50 inches; wing 24; tail 9; tarsus 12; middle toe 5; bill 6. Temperate N. Am., but apparently of irregular distribution, not well made out; said to be common in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. Wiuus., viii, 20, pl. 64, f. 3: Norr., ii, 34; Aup., v, 188, pl. 313; Bp., 654. . amMERICANUS. Brown or Sandhill Crane. Adult with the bare part of the head forking behind to receive a pointed extension of the occipital feathers, not reaching on the sides below the eyes, and sparsely hairy. Bill moderately stout, with nearly straight and scarcely ascending gonys, that part of the under mandible not so deep as the upper at the same place. Adult plumage plumbeous-gray, never whitening; primaries, their coverts, and alula, blackish. Young with - head feathered, and plumage varied with rusty brown. Rather smaller than the last. Temperate N. Am., rare or irregular in the east, very abundant in the south and west. Nurtt., ii, 38; Aup., v, 188 (in part), pl. 314; - Bp., 655. Also, Gt. fraterculus Cass. in Bp., 656 (young). CANADENSIS. Family ARAMIDZ:. Courlan. Consisting of a single genus, with probably only one species, of the warmer portions of America; closely allied to the rails in all essential points of structure, and perhaps only forming a subfamily of fdillide. Bill twice as long as the head, slender but strong, compressed, grooved for about half its length, contracted opposite the nostrils, the terminal portion enlarged, and decurved; nostrils long, linear, pervious; head completely feathered to the bill; tibiee half bare; tarsus seutellate anteriorly, as long as the bill; toes cleft, the hinder elevated; wings short, rounded, with falcate 1st primary ; tail short, of 12 broad feathers. 239. Genus ARAMUS Vieillot. Scolopaceous Courlan. Orying-bird. Chocolate-brown with a slight oliva- ceous or other gloss, paler on the face, chin and throat, most of the plumage sharply streaked with white ; 24-28 long; wing 12-14; tail 6-7; bill and tarsus, each, about 5. Florida. Bonar., Am. Orn. iv, 111, pl. 26; Nurr., li, 68; Aup., vy, 181, pl. 312; Bp., 657. . SCOLOPACEUS var. GIGANTEUS. 2iee RALLIDZ#, RAILS, ETC. Family RALLIDA, Rails, etc. This is a large and important family, abundantly represented in most parts of the world. They are birds of medium and small size, generally with compressed body and large strong legs (the muscularity of the thighs is very noticeable), enabling them to run rapidly and thread with ease the mazes of the reedy marshes to which they are almost exclusively confined; while by means of their very long toes they are prevented from sinking in the mire or the floating vegetation. The wings are never long and pointed as among Limicole, being in fact of the shortest, most rounded and concave form found among waders; and the flight is rarely protracted to any great distance. The tail is always very short, generally of 10 or 12 soft feathers. Details of the bill and feet vary with the genera; but the former is never sensitive at the tip, and the latter have the hallux longer and lower down than it is in the shore-birds. The nostrils are pervious, of variable shape. The head is completely feathered; the general plumage is ordinarily of subdued and blended coloration, lacking much of the variegation commonly observed in shore- birds ; the sexes are usually alike, and the changes of plumage not great with age or season. The food, never probed for in the mud, but gathered from the surface of the ground or water, consists of a variety of aquatic animal and vegetable substances. The nest is a rude structure, placed on the ground, or in a tuft of reeds or other herbage; the eggs are numerous, generally variegated in color; the young are hatched clothed. The general habit is gregarious, and migratory ; many species occur in vast multitudes, though their skulking ways, and the nature of their resorts, withdraw them from casual observation. Some species swim habitually. There appear to be upward of 150 species of the family, falling in several well “marked groups. The Ocydromine are an Old World type of some 35 species, ranking with some authors as a distinct family. Mr. Gray makes the African Himantornis hematopus the type and single representative of another subfamily. Excluding the Purride and Heliornithide (see p. 241), both of which are sometimes brought under Fallidce, as subfamilies, the three remaining groups are represented in this country. i Subfamily RALLINA. Rails. This is the largest, and central or typical, group, to which most of the foregoing paragraph is especially applicable. The species are strictly paludicole; the compression of the body is at a maximum; the form is blunt and thick behind, with a very short tip-up tail, and tapers to a point in front; the whole figure being thus adapted to wedge through narrow places. The wings are extremely short and rounded, and the ordinary flight appears feeble and vacillating, though the migra- tions of many species are very extensive. The flank-feathers are commonly enlarged and conspicuously colored; the thighs are very muscular; the tibiz are generally if not always naked below; the toes are long, completely cleft, without lobes or any obvious marginal membranes. The bill occurs under two principal modifications: in allus proper it is longer than the head, slender, compressed, slightly curved, long-grooved, with linear nostrils; in most genera, however, it is shorter or not longer than the head, straight, rather stout, with short broad nasal fossze, and linear-oblong nostrils—altogether somewhat as in gallinaceous birds. The culmen more or less obviously parts antial extension of the frontal feathers, but never forms a frontal shield, as in the coots and gallinules. Of the 3d RALLIDZ, RAILS, ETC.—GEN. 240, 241. 273 American species (Sclater and Salvin) only 7 occur in this country, one of which is merely a straggler. There are some 25 Old World species. 240. Genus RALLUS Linneus. Clapper Rail. Salt-water Marsh-hen. Mud-hen. Above, variegated with dark olive-brown and pale olive-ash, the latter edging the feathers; below, pale dull ochrey-brown, whitening on the throat, frequently ashy-shaded on the breast; flanks, axillars and lining of wings, fuscous- gray, with sharp white bars; quills and tail plain dark- brown; eyelids and short superciliary line whitish ; young birds are mostly soiled whitish be- low; when just * from the Ss» eh Fig. 178. Clapper Rail. tirely sooty black. 14-16 long; wing 5-6; tail 2-24; bill 2-24; tarsus 13-2; middle toe and claw 2-24; 9 smaller than the g. Salt marshes of Atlantic States, extremely abundant southerly ; N. regularly to middle districts, sometimes to Massachusetts; Great Salt Lake (Allen). Eggs 6 to 10, 13 by 14, whitish, creamy or buff, variously speckled and blotched with reddish- brown, with a few obscure lavender marks. &. crepitans WILs., Vil, p. 112; Nourr., ii, 201; Aup., v, 165, pl. 310; Cass. in Bp., 747. LONGIROSTRIS. King Rail. Fresh-water Marsh-hen. With a general resemblance to the last species, but much more brightly colored; above, brownish-black, variegated with olive-brown, becoming rich chestnut on the wing coverts ; under parts rich rufous or cinnamon-brown, usually paler on the middle of the belly, and whitening on the throat; flanks and axillars blackish, white- barred. Rather larger than the last. U.S., chiefly in fresh-water marshes. Wus., vii, pl. 62, f. 2; Aup., v, 160, pl. 309; Cass. in Bp., 746. ELEGANS. Virginia Rail. Coloration exactly as in elegans, of which it is a perfect miniature. Length 83-10}; wing about 4; tail about 13; bill 14-13 ; tarsus 14-14; middle toe and claw 14-13. Temperate N. Am., common, migratory ; many winter in the S. states. Wu.s., vii, LOO F pleG 2s. tomes Nurt., ii, 205; Aup., v, 174, pl. 311; Cass. in Bp., 748. . VIRGINIANUS. 241. Genus PORZANA Vieillot. Carolina Rail. Common Rail. Sora. “ Ortolan.” Above, olive-brown, varied with black, with numerous sharp white streaks and specks; flanks, axillars and lining of wings, barred with white and blackish; belly whitish ; KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 35 2 gn i tet eet La ARN 274 RALLIDZ, RAILS, ETC.— GEN. 242. crissum rufescent. Adult with the face and central line of throat black, the rest of the throat, line over eye, and especially the breast, more or less intensely slate-gray, the sides of the breast usually with some obsolete whitish barring and speckling ; young without this black, the throat whitish, the breast brown. Length 8-9; wing 4-44; tail about 2; bill 3-2; tarsus 14; middle toe and claw 1%. Temperate N. Am., exceedingly abundant during — = the migration in the reedy swamps of the Atlantic Fig. 179. Carolina Rail. states. WILs., vi, 27, pl. 48, f. 1; Nurr., ii, 209; Aup., Vv, 145; —pl. 306;0CAsssin Bdesn4 950 es . . CAROLINA. Yellow Rail. Above, varied with biadkieh and ochr enon and thickly marked with narrow white semicircles and transverse bars; below, pale ochrey-brown, fading on the belly, deepest on the breast, where many feathers are dark-tipped; flanks dark with numerous white bars; crissum varied with black, white and rufous. Small, about 6 long; wing 34; tail 13; bill $; tarsus $; middle toe and claw 14. Eastern N. Am., not abundant. Bonap., Am. Orn. iv, 136, pl. 27, f. 2; Sw. and Ricu., Fn. B.-A. ii, 402; Norr., ii, 215; Aup., v, 152, pl. 307; Cass. in Bp., 750. NOVEBORACENSIS. Black Fail. Blackish; head and under parts dark slaty, paler or whitening on the throat; above, speckled with white, the cervix and upper back varied with dark chestnut; lower belly, crissum, flanks and axillars, white-barred ; quills with white spots. Very small; about 54; wing 23-3; tail 14; tarsus #. S. and Cent. Am. and West Indies; rarely observed in the U. S, Washington, D. C., (Cowes and Prentiss) ; Kansas, (Allen). AUDs V5 lOve plo08!s CASS: In Bp. (490 ey cial. ied eee ANC ALORINGIS 242. Genus CREX Bechstein. Corn Crake. Yellowish-brown, varied with black; below, cinereous- whitish, palest on the throat and belly ; wings extensively rufous both above and below; flanks and crissum barred with the same; 10-11; wing 54-6; tail 2; bill 1; tarsus 13. Europe; Greenland; accidentally on the Atlantic Coast, U.S. Cass., Proc. Phila. Acad. 1855, 265 (New Jersey), and in Bp., (ol; Bamp, Am. Journ. Sci. 1866, xli, 25. == = = 5 = PRATENSISe Subfamily GALLINULINE. Gallinules. Forehead shielded by a broad, bare, horny plate, a prolongation and expansion of the culmen. Bill otherwise much as in the shorter-billed rails, like Porzana ; general form much the same, though the body is not so compressed; toes slender, simple or slightly margined. The two following genera differ considerably, and each becomes the type of a subfamily with those who elevate the gallinules to the rank of a family; but this does not seem to be required. In Gallinula, the nostrils are linear, and the toes have an evident marginal membrane. Porphyrio (not ‘‘ Por- phyrula”) has broadly oval nostrils and no obvious digital membranes; the legs are notably longer, with shorter toes; the bill is thicker, ete. There are about thirty species of gallinules, of various parts of the world. aia RALLID/, RAILS, ETC.—GEN. 243, 244, 245. : 275 243, Genus GALLINULA Brisson. Florida Gallinule. Head, neck and under parts, grayish-black, darkest on the former, paler or whitening on the belly ; back brownish-olive; wings and tail dusky; crissum, edge of wing, and stripes on the flanks, white ; bill, frontal plate, and ring round tibi, red, the former tipped with yellow ; tarsiand toes greenish. 12-15 long; wing 63-74; tail 3-34; gape of bill about 14; tarsus about 2. S. Atlantic and Gulf states, N. sometimes to Massachusetts. Bonap., Am. Orn. iv, 128, pl. 27, f. 1; Nurr., ii, 223; Aup., v, 132, pl. 304; Cass. in Bp., 752. . (CHLOROPUS var?) GALEATA. 244, Genus PORPHYRIO Temminck. Purple Gallinule. Head, neck and under parts beautiful purplish-blue, blackening on the belly, the crissum white; above, olivaceous-green, the cervix and wing coverts tinted with blue; frontal shield blue; bill red, tipped with yellow; legs yellowish. Young with the head, neck and lower back brownish, the under parts mostly white, mixed with ochrey. 10-12; wing 63-7; tail 24-3; bill from gape about 14; tarsus about 24; middle toe and claw about 3. §S. Atlantic and Gulf States, N. casually to New England (Maine, Boarpman, Am. Nat. iii, 498). Wus., ix, 69, pl. 73; f. 2; Nurvr., ii, 221; Aup., v, 128, pl. 303; Cass. in Bp., 753. MaRTINICA. Subfamily FULICINE. Coots. Bill and frontal plate much as in the gallinules; body depressed, the under plumage thick and duck-like, to resist water; feet highly natatorial; tarsus shorter than middle toe ; toes, including the hinder, Jobate, being furnished with \ large semicircular membranous flaps. The coots are emi- nently aquatic birds, swimming with ease, by means of their lobate feet, like phalaropes and grebes. There are about ten species, of both hemispheres, all referable to the 245. Genus FULICA Linneus. Coot. Dark slate, paler or grayish below, black- ening on the head and neck, tinged with olive on the back ; crissum, whole edge of wing and tips of second- aries, white; bill white or flesh color, marked with pre. 180. Frontal plate of a reddish-black near the end; feet dull olivaceous ; See OR, young similar, paler and duller. About 14; wing 7-8; tail 2; bill from the gape 14-14; tarsus about 2; middle toe and claw about 3. Temperate eeeam, abundant. . WiLs., ix, 61, pl. 73, f.1; Nurt., ii, 229; Aup., v, PMR OASS. In Ds, Wal. ~ . « 2. » + . « . AMERICANA. 276 NATATORES, SWIMMING BIRDS. Subclass III]. AVES AQUATICA, or NATATORES. AQUATIC BIRDS. SWIMMERS. Tuts, the third and last series, containing all remaining carinate birds of the present geologic epoch, is a group that may readily be defined upon the principles of adaptive modification already explained under head of Aves Terrestres; although as in the cases of the other two “subclasses,” it does not rest upon characters of much morphological significance. The birds composing it are aquatic in a strict sense, fitted to progress upon or through the water, and to derive the greater part of their sustenance from the same source; many of them are absolutely independent of land, except for the purpose of reproduction. Manifest indications to be fulfilled in adaptation to an aquatic mode of life, are such a con- figuration of the body as will enable the bird to rest upright on the water, boat- like; and such conformation of the legs as will render them a pair of paddles rather than simple pillars of support, together with water proof clothing of the body. Accordingly, all swimming birds haye a more or less broad and depressed shape, especially flattened underneath. The coat of feathers is compact and impervious to water, either by its close imbrication, or its thickening with broad tracts and abundant down-feathers, or its plentiful lubrication with oil from the well- developed gland on the rump ; in general, these three circumstances conspire to the single result. The modifications of the legs are especially interesting. In general, these limbs are transformed into oars by means of webs stretching from tip to tip of the front toes, and sometimes also from the inner toe to the hallux. This com- plete palmation is so nearly universal that it alone would characterize the Swim- mers, were it not that in one family the same result is effected by means of broad lobes instead of plain webs, and for the fact that a very few genera of waders are more or less completely palmiped. Since these broad webs would interfere in passing each other were the legs as close together and as parallel as they are in higher birds, another feature is introduced. The limbs are widely separated, in swimming, not only by the unusual width of the body, but by an outward obliquity of the members themselves; divergence begins at the hip-joint in the direction of the axis of the femur, and increases thence to the terminal segments. Greater power being required to push the body through the water than is needed to simply support it, first on one leg and then on the other, as in ordinary walking, the femur is shortened to become rather a fulcrum for advantageous application of power, a PHENICOPTERIDA, FLAMINGOES. 20 than a lever for increase of motion. This shortening is generally so marked that the knee is entirely withdrawn within the general skin of the body—a special characteristic of swimming birds; and in the best swimmers, the whole limb is thus buried almost to the heel-joint. Finally, the natatorial limb becomes a rudder as well as an oar, serving to steer the bird’s course through the water, as much as the tail guides flight through the air. This is accomplished by the backward set of the legs—they project so far posteriorly, in many cases, that in standing on land, the birds necessarily assume a nearly upright position. The wings, tail and Dill differ according to families, as noticed under the several heads, beyond, while the more important points of the osseous and digestive systems are similarly diversified. The Natatorial plan is primarily carried out in four different ways, affording as many orders. All of these, and all their families excepting one, are represented within our limits. The missing family is that of the Spheniscide, or penguins. Order LAMELLIROSTRES. Anserine Birds. Bill lamellate: that is, both mandibles furnished along their tomial edges with series of laminar or teeth-like projections, alternating and fitting within each other. Covering of bill membranous, wholly or in greatest part. Tongue fleshy, usually with horny tip, and serrate or papillate edges corresponding to the denticulations of the bill. Feet palmate; hallux elevated, free, simple or lobed (rarely absent). Wings never exceedingly long, rarely very short. Tail generally short and many-feathered. sophagus narrower than in the lower flesh-eating orders, usually with a more or less specially formed crop; gizzard strongly muscular ; intestines and their ececa long; cloaca capacious. Legs near centre of equilibrium ; position of body in walking horizontal or nearly so. Reproduction precocial. Sexual habit frequently polygamous. Diet various, commonly rather vegetarian than animal. There are two remarkably diverse families of lamellirostral birds. Family PHQANICOPTERIDZA:. Flamingoes. Bill very large and thick, entirely invested with membrane (without the horny terminal nail of the Anatide) which extends around the eyes, and abruptly bent downward at the middle. Legs and neck exceedingly long. Tibixw largely bare below ; tarsus broadly scutellate, much longer than the toes. Front toes completely webbed; hallux very small, or wanting. Wings moderately long, ample. This is a small but very peculiar group of about six species, inhabiting various warm parts of the world. The external characters are so nicely balanced between those of wading and swimming birds, that the flamingoes have been placed indiffer- ently in both groups; but nearly the whole organization corresponds essentially with that of the duck tribe, the grallatorial relationship, in form and habits, though so evident, being rather of analogy than of affinity. In length of legs and neck these birds exhibit even an exaggeration of the characters of cranes, storks and herons. The bill is unique in shape; its abrupt bend brings the upper surface in contact with the ground in the act of feeding. The nest is a heap of earth a 278 ANATIDE, GEESE, DUCKS, ETC.—GEN. 246. high enough to permit their long legs to dangle, as represented in some popular accounts and pictorial efforts. The young are said, on good authority, to take to the water as soon as hatched. 246. Genus PHG:NICOPTERUS Linneus. American Flamingo. Adult plumage scarlet; most of the quill feathers black; legs lake-red; bill orange-yellow, black-tipped. Length about 4 feet; wing 16 inches; tail 6; bill 5; tarsus 12; middle toe and claw 33. Florida and Gulf coast; N. casually to S. Carolina (Audubon). Whuxs., vill, 45, pl. 66; Nurt., ii, 70; Aup., vi, 169, pl. 375; Bp., 687. RuBER. Family ANATIDA. Geese, Ducks, etc. Bill lamellate, stout, more or less elevated and compressed at base, widened or flattened at tip, invested with soft, tough, leathery membrane, except at the end, which is furnished with a hard, horny ‘ nail,” generally somewhat overhanging, sometimes small and distinct, sometimes large and fused; that is, changing insen- sibly into the general covering. (This soft covering is regarded by some as a prolonged cere; but this is purely theoretical.) Body full, heavy, flattened beneath ; neck of variable length; head large; eyes small. No anti, the frontal feathers encroaching on the culmen with a convex or pointed out- line, and forming other projections on the sides of the bill, and in the interramal space, which latter is broad and long, the mandibular crura being united only at the end by a broad short bridge; no culminal ridge nor keel of gonys. Nostrils subbasal, median or subterminal, usually broadly oval. Fic. 181. Wild Duck. Wings of moderate length (rarely very short), stiff, strong, pointed, conferring rapid, vigorous, whistling flight; a wild duck at full speed is said to make ninety miles an hour. Tail of variable shape, but usually short and rounded, never forked, sometimes cuneate, of 12-24 feathers, usually 14-16, the under coverts very long and full, forming a conspicuous crissal tuft. Feet short; knees buried in the general integument; tibizee feathered nearly or quite to the suffrago; tarsi reticulate or scutellate, or both; toes palmate, the hinder always present and free, simple or lobate. Wing occasionally spurred. Like the gallinaceous, the anserine type is a familiar one, comprising all kinds of ‘‘ water-fowl,” among which are the originals of all our domestic breeds of swans, * geese and ducks, that vie with poultry in point of economic consequence, ornament our parks, or furnish exquisite material for wearing apparel. But additional infor- mation respecting the structure of this, the largest and most important family of swimming birds, may be desirable. It is definitely characterized by many impor- tant points besides those external features just stated. In palatal structure, the Anatide are desmognathous ; ‘‘the lachrymal region of the skull is remarkably long [the lachrymal bone itself is large]. The basisphenoidal nostrum has oval sessile basipterygoid facets. The flat and lamellar maxillo-palatines unite and form a bridge across the palate. The angle of the mandible is produced and greatly recurved” (Hualey). The interorbital septum is more or less completely ossified, and the orbits are better defined than in many birds, by well developed processes. The premaxillary is large, and its three prongs are so extensively fused that only a ‘and other material, which the birds bestride in an ungainly attitude ; but it is not ana eee eh ANATIDZ, GEESE, DUCKS, ETC. 279 slight nasal aperture remains. Sometimes the top of the skull shows crescentic depressions for lodgment of the supraorbital gland, the secretion of which lubricates the nasal passages; but this feature is never so marked as in most of the pisciv- orous swimmers. The sternum is both long and broad, more or less transverse posteriorly, with a simple notch or fenestra on each side; sometimes its keel is curiously hollowed out for a purpose stated beyond. The vertebrae vary a good deal in number, owing to the variability of the cervicals, which run up to 23 in some swans. The pelvis is ample, arched and extensively ossified, with small foramina, showing nothing of the straight, constricted, largely fenestrated figure prevalent among lower water-birds. The tongue is large and fleshy ; its main bone (glosso-hyal) is highly developed ; its sides show a fringe of processes corresponding to the lamelle of the bill. The gullet is not so ample as in the flesh-eating swimmers. The gizzard resembles that of a fowl in its shape and great muscularity ; the muscles are deep-colored, and well show the typical disposition of large hemispherical lateral masses converging to central tendons. The cceca vary with the genera according to food; they are very long—12 or 15 inches—in some of the herbivorous species. The male genital armature merits special notice. ‘‘In some Natatores which copulate on the water there is provision for more eflicient coitus than by simple contact of everted cloacee ; and in the Anatide a long penis is developed. It is essentially a saccular produc- tion of a highly vascular part of the lining membrane of the cloaca. * * * In the passive state it is coiled up like a screw by the elasticity of associated ligamentous structure. * * * A groove commencing widely at the base follows the spiral turns of the sac to its termination; the sperm ducts open upon papillee at the base of this groove. This form of penis has a muscle by which it can be everted, protruded and raised.” (Owen.) Among the most interesting structures of the Anatide are the curious modifications of the windpipe, prevailing almost throughout the family. In a number of swans, this organ enters a cavity in the keel of the sternum, doubles on itself and then emerges to pass to the lungs, forming either a horizontal or a vertical coil. In some geese the windpipe coils between the pectoral muscles and the skin. These vagaries of the windpipe are not, however, confined to the present family, occurring in some of the cranes, certain Galline, and also, it is said, in the curious snipe, Rhynchwa capensis. In most of the ducks, furthermore, and in the mergansers, the lower larynx is a singularly enlarged and complicated affair; several of the lower rings of the trachea being soldered together and greatly magnified to produce a large irregularly shaped capsule. Its use is not known; in some sense it is a sexual character, since it is only fully developed in the male; it varies greatly in size and shape in different species. Finally, it should be added, that the pterylosis of the family is perfectly definite, a certain type of tract-formation prevailing throughout, with very slight minor modifications. It is not easy to overrate the economie importance of this large family. It is true that the mergansers, some of the sea ducks, and certain maritime geese, that feed chiefly upon animal substances, are scarcely fit for food; but the great majority afford a bounteous supply of sapid meat, a chief dependence, indeed, with the population of some inhospitable regions. Such is the case, for example, in the boreal parts of this continent, whither vast bands of water-fowl resort to breed during the fleeting arctic summer. Their coming marks a season of comparative plenty in places where hunger often pinches the belly, and their warm downy covering is patched into garments almost cold-proof. The general traits of the anserine birds are too well known to require more than A 4 } 280 ANATIDH, SWANS. passing notice. They are salacious to a degree remarkable even in the hot-blooded, passionate class of birds; a circumstance rendering the production of hybrids frequent, and favoring the study of this subject. If we recall the peculiar actions of geese nipping herbage, and of ducks ‘‘dabbling” in the water, and know that some species, as the mergansers, pursue fish and other live prey under water, we have the principal modes of feeding. Nidification is usually on the ground; sometimes in a hollow tree; the nest is often warmly lined with live feathers; the eggs are usually of some plain pale color, as greenish or creamy; the clutch varies in number, commonly ranging from half a dozen to a dozen and a half. The young are clothed with stiffish down, and swim at once. Among the ducks and mergansers, marked sexual diversity in color is the rule; the reverse is the case with swans and geese. A noteworthy coloration of many species, especially of ducks, is the speculum; a brightly colored, generally iridescent, area on the secondary quills. Most of the species are migratory, particularly those of the northern hemisphere; the flight is performed in bands, that seem to preserve discipline as well as companionship; and with such regularity, that no birds are better entitled to the claim of weather-prophets. There are upward of 175 species of this family, inhabiting all parts of the world. They differ a good deal in minor details, and represent a number of peculiar genera aside from the ordinary types, though none are so aberrant as to endanger the integrity of the group. It is difficult to establish divisions higher than generic, because the swans, geese and ducks, if not also the mergansers, are closely united by intermediate genera. But the five groups presented as subfamilies in the following pages, and representing the whole of the family, may be conveniently recognized, and are readily distinguished, so far as our species are concerned, by the characters assigned. Subfamily CYGNIN4!. Swans. A strip of bare skin between the eye and bill; tarsi reticulate. In the swans, the neck is of extreme length and flexibility ; the movements and attitudes on the water are proverbially elegant and graceful. The bill equals or exceeds the head in length ; it is high and compressed at base (where sometimes tuberculate), flatter and _ widened at the end; the nostrils are median. Some of the inner remiges are usually enlarged, and when elevated in a peculiar position of the wing, they act as sails to help the course of the bird over the water. The legs are placed rather far back for this family, so that the gait is awkward and constrained. The tail is short, of 20 or more feathers. Although the voice is sonorous at times, an habitual reticence of swans contrasts strongly with the noisy gabbling of geese and ducks ; it is hardly necessary to add, that their fancied musical ability, either in health or at the approach of death, is not confirmed by examination of their vocal apparatus ; this is in many cases convoluted as already described, but there are no syringeal muscles nor other apparatus for modulating the voice. There are eight or ten species, of various countries, among them the celebrated black swan of Australia, Chenopsis atratus, the black-necked swan of South America, Cygnus nigricollis ; and the Coscoroba anatoides of the same country, a species with feathered lores; in none of these does the trachea enter the breast-bone. Our two species belong to the subgenus Olor, distinguished from Cygnus proper by absence of a tubercle at the base of the bill. The sexes are alike throughout the group. ANATIDE, SWANS.—GEN. 247. 281 247. Genus CYGNUS Linneus. ** Adult plumage entirely white; younger, the head and neck washed with rusty brown; still younger, gray or ashy. Bill and feet black. Length 4-5 feet. Trumpeter Swan. Tail (normally) of 24 feathers. No yellow spot on bill, which is rather longer than the head, the nostrils fairly in its basal half. Mississippi Valley, westward’ and northward; Canada (C. passmorei Hincks). Sw. and Ricw., Fn. Bor.-Am. ii, 464; Nurr., ii, 370; Aup., PEO plSdG4, OOO sD. (OS. ~ sss +. « » «© «© BUCCINATOR. Fig. 182. American Swan. Whistling Swan. ‘Tail (normally) of 20 feathers. A yellow spot on bill, which is not longer than the head; nostrils median. N.Am. C. bewichii Sw., Fn. Bor.-Am., 465; C. ferus Nutt., ii, 3663 C. bewickit Nurr., ii, 372; C. americanus Aup., vi, 226, pl. 384; Bp., 758. . . AMERICANUS. Subfamily ANSERINAE. Geese. Lores completely feathered; tarsi entirely reticulate. Neck in length between that of swans and of ducks; cervical vertebre about 16; body elevated and not so much flattened as in the ducks; legs relatively longer; tarsus generally exceeding, or at least not shorter than, the middle toe; bill generally rather short, high and compressed at base, and tapering to tip, which is less widened and flattened than is usual among ducks, and almost wholly occupied by the broad nail. The species as a rule are more terrestrial, and walk better, than ducks; they are generally herbivorous, although several maritime species (gen. 249, and an allied South American group) are animal-feeders, and their flesh is rank. Both sexes attend to the young. A notable trait, shared by the swans, is their mode of resenting intrusion by hissing with outstretched neck, and striking with the wings. With some exceptions the plumage is not so bright and variegated as that of ducks, and the speculum is wanting; there is only an annual moult, and no seasonal change of plumage; the sexes are generally alike. Most of the geese fall in or very near gen. 248 and 250, and are modelled in the likeness of the domestic breeds. ‘The more notable exotic forms are:—the Australian Anseranas melanoleuca and Cereopsis nove-hollandice, the former having the feet little more than semipalmate, the latter scarcely aquatic, with very long legs, much bare above the suffrago, and the bill small, very membranous ; the African Plectropterus gambensis, a purplish-black KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 36 282 ANATIDH, GEESE.—GEN. 248. bird with spurs on the wings and a tubercle at the base of the bill; the Asiatic Cynopsis cygnoides, frequently domesticated, a true goose with a swan-like aspect ; the Egyptian goose, Chenalopex cegyptiaca. The geese appear to pass directly into the ducks through the rather large shieldrake group, the species of which resemble the latter in many external features, but are more essentially like geese. Charac- teristic examples of this group are the European Tadorna vulpanser and Casarea rutila ; there are several others in the southern hemisphere; our long-legged arboricole genus Dendrocygna belongs in the immediate vicinity, while the domes- ticated musk duck, Catrina moschata, is not far removed. Through such forms as these we are brought directly among the ducks proper. 248. Genus ANSER Linneus. * ,* Bill and feet light or bright colered; plumage white, or much variegated. American White-fronted Goose. Bill smooth; the lamine moderately exposed ; tail normally of 16 feathers. Under parts white or gray, exten- sively blotched with black ; back dark gray, with paler or brownish edgings of the feathers ; upper tail coverts white ; head and neck grayish-brown, the forehead conspicuously pure white (in the adult; dark in some states) ; bill pale lake; feet orangé, with pale claws. About 27 long; wing 16-18; tail 5-6; tarsus 22-3; middle toe and claw about the same. North America; only differs from the European in an average longer bill (12-2, instead of 13-13). Sw. and Ricu., Fn. B.-A. ii, 466; Nurr., ii, 346; Aup., vi, 209, pl. 880; Bpo., 761; A. frontalis Bp., 762 (young). ALBIFRONS var. GAMBELII. ? Blue Goose. With nearly the size, and exactly the form, of the next species, but the plumage ashy, varied with dark brown, the head, upper neck, tail coverts and most of the under parts white, the wing coverts silvery- ash. Questionably the young of the snow goose. Wits., viii, 89, pl. 69, f. 5; Cass., Proc. Phila. Acad. 1856, 12; Ex. pl. 43. . . C#@RULESCENS. Snow Goose. Bill smooth; the lamin very prominent, owing to arching of the edges of the bill. Adult plumage pure white, but in most specimens — the head washed with rusty-red; primaries broadly black-tipped;_ bill lake-red with white nail; feet the same, with dark claws. “Young, dull bluish or pale lead colored on the head and upper parts of the body” ( Cassin). Length about 30; wing 17-19; tail 54-63; bill 24; tarsus 34. North America; U.S. in winter; extremely abundant in the West, much less so in the East. WIts., viii, 76, pl. 68, f. 5; Sw. and Rios., Fn. B.-A. ‘ii, 467; Nurt., li, 844; Aup., vi, 212, pl. 381; Bp., 760. . HYPERBOREUS. Var. arBatus. Lesser Snow Goose. Smaller; “length about 25 inches; wing 153; tail 52; bill 2; tarsus 3.” Western N. Am. Cass., Proc. Phila. Acad. 1856, 41; 1861, 73; Bp., 760, 925; Exxtior, pl. 42. Ross’ Goose. Bill studded at the base with numerous elevated papillz. Color white, with black-tipped quills, exactly as in the snow goose, but less than 24 long; wing 14-15; tail 5; bill 13; tarsus 24. Arctic regions (U. S. in winter?). “Horned Wavey” of Hearne, Journ. 442 ; A. rossii Bp. ; Cass., Proc. Phila. Acad. 1861, 73; Haanthemops rossii ExxroT, pl. 44. ROSSI. ee ateen ee ANATID, GEESE.—GEN. 249, 250. 283 249. Genus PHILACTE Bannister. Painted Goose. Emperor Goose. Wavy bluish-gray, with lavender or _ lilac tinting, and sharp black crescentic marks; head, nape and tail white, _ former often washed with amber-yellow; throat black, white-speckled ; tarsus 38. N.W. coast; abundant at mouth of Yukon. Chloephaga canagico. Sep. (08; ExL., pl. 45; Dauu., Trans. Chicago Acad. i, 296; Philacte CANAGICA. 3 a Fig. 183. Emperor Goose. 250. Genus BRANTA Scopoli. *,* Bill and feet black; head and neck black, with white spaces. Barnacle Goose. Blackish; tail coverts, sides of rump, forehead, sides of head, and throat, white; interscapulars and wing coverts bluish-gray ; under parts plumbeous-white ; 28; wing 17; tarsus 23; bill 14. Europe; _ very rare or merely casual in N. Am. Bo., Am. Nat. ii, 49 (Hudson’s Bay) ; Lawr., ibid. v, 10 (North Carolina). Norr., ii, 355; Avp., vi, 200, pl. 378; arentoo. . . %- . . LEUCOPSIS. * Brant Goose. Head, neck, body anteriorly, quills and tail, black; a small patch of white streaks on the middle of the neck, and usually white _ touches on the under eyelid and chin; upper tail coverts white ; back brown- _ ish-gray ; under parts the same, but paler, and fading into white on the lower _ belly and crissum; black of jugulum well defined against the color of the 4 FG. 184. a, Brant Goose; b, var. nigricans. 284 ANATIDH, GEESE.—GEN. 251. breast ; 2 feet long; wing 13; tail 5; bill 14; tarsus 24. Hudson’s Bay; Arctic and Atlantic (and Pacific?) Coast, S. in winter to Carolina or further ; common. WILS., viii, 131, pl. 72, f. 1; Sw. and Ricn., F. B.-A. ii, 469 ; Nurt., ii, 859; Aup., vi, 203, pl. 379; Bp., 767... - . = BUERNICEAS Var. niericans. Black Brant. Similar; black of jugulum extending over most of the under parts, gradually fading behind ; white neck patches usually larger and meeting in front. Both coasts; very abundant on the Pacific; not common on the Atlantic. Lawr., Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 1846, 171; Cass., Ill. 52, pl. 10; Bo., 767. Canada Goose. Common Wild Goose. Tail normally 18-feathered. Grayish-brown, below paler or whitish-gray, bleaching on the crissum, all the feathers with lighter edges; head and neck black, with a broad white patch on the throat moutiting each side of the head; tail black, with white upper coverts. About 36; wing 18-20; tail 64-74; bill 12-2; tarsus usually over 3. N. Am., abundant; U.S. chiefly in winter, but also occasionally in summer, breeding sparingly. WIELS., viii, 52, pl. 67, f. 4; Sw. and Ricw., Fn. B.-A. ii, 468; Nurt., 11,7549); -Aub., vi, 178, pl: 376) Bp. (G4). <9 CANAD ENG ESE Fig. 185. a, Canada Goose; b, var. leuco- pareia. Var. teucopareIA. Black of neck bounded below by a white jugular collar ; under parts rather darker than is usual in the Canada goose, well defined against the white of the jugulum and crissum. Size of the last; tail feathers 18. Cass., Ill. 272, pl. 45; Bp., 765. B. occidentalis Bp., 766 (in text). Var. nurcuinsi. Tail usually 16-feathered. Colors exactly as in the Canada goose, but size less. About 23 feet long; wing 15-17; tail 5-6; bill 14-12; tarsus rather under 3. N. Am., but chiefly northern and western. Svw. and Ricu., EF. B.-A., ii, 470% Norn, ii, 362); Aup., vi, 198) spl 3775) Bp... coo. 251. Genus DENDROCYGNA Swainson. * .* Duck-like arboricole geese, with the bill longer than the head, terminated by a prominent nail, the legs very long with the tibize extensively denuded below, the hind toe lengthened, more than one-third as long as the tarsus. In addition to the following species, a third, D. arborea, of the West Indies, may occur in the South. Fulvous Tree Duck. Pale cinnamon or yellowish-brown, darker on the crown, the nape with a black line, the bend of the wing chocolate-brown ; rest of the wing, rump and tail, black, its upper and under coverts white ; scapulars and fore back dark with pale cinnamon edgings; Dill and feet blackish ; 20; wing 94; tail 34; bill 14; tarsus 24. S$. and Cent. Am. and Mexico; Southwestern U. S., not common. Fort Tejon, Cal. (Xantus), Bo., 770; Fort Whipple, Ariz., Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1866, 98; Gal- veston, Tex. (Dresser; breeding) ; New Orleans, La. (Moore). . FULVA. Autumnal Tree Duck. Blackish, including a nuchal stripe; crown, most of neck and fore breast, middle of back and scapulars, reddish-chocolate ; 2 = | F. — ANATID, DUCKS.—GEN. 252. 285 a large white wing-patch; bill and legs reddish. Size of the last. South and Central America and Mexico, to Texas (Scholt). Lawr., Ann. Lye. em Soames eseClO. a 6 6: ee ve owe LAUTUMINAETS: Subfamily ANATINA. River Ducks. Tarsi scutellate in front; hind toe simple. This expression separates the present group from all the North American examples of the foregoing and succeeding sub- families, although not a perfect diagnosis. The neck and legs are shorter than they average in geese, while the feet are smaller than in the sea-ducks, the toes and their webs not being so highly developed. None of the Anatine are extensively maritime, like most of the Muliquline ; yet they are not by any means confined to fresh waters, and some species constantly associate with the sea-ducks. They feed extensively, like most geese, upon succulent aquatic herbage, but also upon various animal substances; their flesh is, almost without exception, excellent. They do not dive for their food. The moult is double; the sexes are almost invariably markedly distinct in color; the young resemble the 9 ; the wing has usually a brilliant speculum, which, like the other wing-markings, is the same in both sexes. Unlike geese, these and other ducks are not doubly monogamous, but simply so if not polygamous ; the male pays no attention to the young. Excluding the shield- rake group, already mentioned as pertaining rather to the geese than the ducks, there are about fifty species, generally distributed over the world. They are split into a large number of modern genera, most of which indicate little more than specific characters; the majority are represented in this country. Of those here following, only two, Spatula and Aix, represent any decided structural peculiarity ; the rest might all be referred to Anas, type of the group. The Mulacorhynchus membranaceus, of Australia, is a notable exotic form. 252. Genus ANAS Linneus. Mallard. % with the head and upper neck glossy green, succeeded by a white ring; breast purplish-chestnut; tail feathers mostly whitish ; greater wing coverts tipped with black and white, the speculum violet, black- bordered ; bill greenish-yellow; feet orange-red; @ with the wing as in the 3; head, neck and under parts pale ochrey, speckled and streaked with dusky. Length about 24; wing 10-12. N. Am., abundant; rare or casual in New England and further eastward. Wu1s., viii, 112, pl. 70, i (he i haptatye Hipsios AuD.. vi, 206, pl. doo; BD. (74. . . . « « ~ = BOSCHAS: Oss. This is the well-known original of the common tame duck. An anoma- lous duck, with the general aspect of this species, but nearly as large as a goose, is occasionally taken on the Atlantic coast. It is unquestionably part mallard, but the balance of its parentage is unknown—supposed to be muscovy. (A. maxima Gossr, Birds of Jamaica, 399; Fuligula viola Beit, Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1852, 219%) A. glocitans or A. breweri of Aup., vi, 252, pl. 387 (A. audubonii of Bonar.) is supposed to be a hybrid between the mallard and gadwall. The mallard is known to cross with various other species. Upwards of fifty kinds of hybrid ducks are recorded; some of them have proved fertile, contrary to an assumed rule. Dusky Duck. Black Duck. Size of the mallard, and resembling the ¢ of that species, but darker and without decided white anywhere except under We) Wh 1 i ry 286 ANATIDH, DUCKS. —GEN. 253, 254, 255. the wings. Tail 16-18-feathered. Eastern N. Am., abundant, especially in New England and eastward. Wits., viii, 141, pl. 72, f. 5; Nurr., i; 392 5 AWD: , -V1,-244, pl. d80:3)) bDes (don - ee een eel ORR eC UiRAe 253. Genus DAFILA Teach. Pintail. Sprigtail. Tail cuneate, when fully developed the central feathers much projecting and nearly egualling the wing in length; much shorter and not so narrow in the @ and young; 4 to 9 inches long; wing 11; total length about 24. Bill black and blue, feet grayish-blue ; head and upper neck dark brown, with green and purple gloss, sides of neck with a long white stripe; lower neck and under parts white, dorsal line of neck black, passing into the gray of the back, which, like the sides, is vermiculated with black; speculum greenish-purple, anteriorly bordered by buff tips of the greater coverts, elsewhere by black and white; tertials and scapulars black and _ silvery ; ? and young with the whole head and neck speckled or finely streaked with dark brown and grayish or yellowish-brown; below, dusky-freckled ; above, blackish, all the feathers pale-edged; only a trace of the speculum between the white or whitish tips of the greater coverts and secondaries. N. Am., abundant. WHUts., viii, 72, pl. 68, f. 3; Nurr., ii, 386; Aup., vi, 266, 390; Bpo., 776. Anas caudacuta Sw. and Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 441. acura. Fig. 186. Female Pintail. 254. Genus CHAULELASMUS Gray. Gadwall. g with most of the plumage barred or half-ringed with black and white, or whitish; middle wing coverts chestnut, greater coverts black, speculum white; known by these wing-marks; 19-22; wine 10-11; y fo} a oD aug N. Am., common. Sw. and Ricw., F. B.-A., ii, 440; Wus., vii, 120; pl. 71, f.1; Nurr., ii, 383; Aup., vi, 254, pl. 388; Bp., 782. sTREPERUS. 255. Genus MARECA Stephens. *.* Bill shorter than head, grayish-blue like the feet; tail 14-16-feathered, pointed, but hardly or not half as long as the wing; top of head white or nearly so, plain or speckled, its sides, and the neck, more or less speckled; fore breast light brownish-red ; belly pure white; crissum abruptly black; middle and greater coyerts white, latter black-tipped; speculum green, black-bordered ; 20-22; wing 11; tail 5; tarsus 2; bill 14-11; 9 known by the wing-markings. European Widgeon. Head and neck reddish-brown, scarcely varied ; top of head creamy, or brownish-white, its sides with mere traces of green. ee) ee i _ ee — ATR ME Seg he ct: : Pet M eT er t -f eet a & re ANATIDH, DUCKS.—GEN. 256-7. 287 Europe; casually on the Atlantic coast, Greenland to Florida; California (Cooper). Grraup, Birds Long Island, 807; Bp., 784. . . PENELOPE. American Widgeon. aldpate. Head and neck grayish, dusky-speckled ; top of head white (in full plumage), its sides with a broad green patch. N. Am., abundant. Scarcely distinct from the last. Sw. and Ricw., F. B.-A. ii, 445; Wits., viii, 86, pl. 69, f. 4; Nurr., il, 989; AtD., vi, 259, pl. 389; Bp., 783 . . AMERICANA. 256-7. Genus QUERQUEDULA Stephens. * Subcrested ; head and upper neck chestnut, with a broad glossy green band on each side, whitish-bordered, uniting and blackening on = the nape ; under parts white, the fore breast with circular black spots; ria. 187. Ameri- upper parts and flanks closely waved with blackish and white; crissum °*“" "8°" black, varied with white or creamy; speculum rich green, bordered in front with buffy tips of the greater coverts, behind with white tips of the secondaries; no blue on the wing; bill black; feet gray. @ differs especially in the head mark- ings, but those of the wings are the same. Small; 14-15; wing 73; tail 33; bill 14; tarsus 1}. (Nettion.) English Teal. No white crescent in front of the wing; long = scapulars black externally, creamy internally. Europe; acci- dental on the Atlantic Coast. Cours, Proc. Phil. Acad. 1861, PZSSNGMADTACOR) 3) Des giCSs 5 2 «sss. . \« CRECCA- Green-winged Teal. A’conspicuous white crescent on the pe ae side of the body just in front of the bend of the wing; scap- ~ winged Teal. ulars plain. N. Am., abundant. Wiuts., viii, 101, pl. 70, f. 4; Nort., ii, 400; Aup., vi, 281, pl. 392; Bp., 777. . CAROLINENSIS. ** Wine-coverts in both sexes sky-blue, the greater white-tipped ; speculum green, white-tipped ; axillars and most under wing coverts white; scapulars striped with tawny and blue (not in the 9) or dark green; fore back barred; rump and tail dark, plain; crissum dark or black; bill black; feet not dark. (Querquedula.) Blue-winged Teal. Head and neck of the ¢ blackish-plumbeous, darkest on the crown, usually with purplish iridescence ; a white crescent in front of the eye; under parts thickly dark-spotted ; 9 with head and neck altogether different ; under parts much paler and obscurely spotted ; but known by the wing-markings from any species except the next one. 15-16; wing 7; tail 3; tarsus 14; bill 14-12. Eastern N. Am. to the Rocky Mountains, abun- dant; also, Alaska (Dall). Sw. and Ricn., F. B.-A. ii, 444; WILS., Vili, 7A, pl. 68, f.4; Nurv., ii, 397; Aup., vi, 287, pl. 393; Bp., 779. Discors. Cinnamon Teal. 3 with head, neck, and whole under parts, rich purplish-chestnut, darkening on crown, chin and crissum, and blackening on middle of belly ; rather larger than the last; bill longer, 12-12. 9 with the chestnut replaced by mottled brown and tawny, and difficult to distinguish from 9 discors; but darker, usually with some chestnut traces; head, and especially chin, more spotted; bill longer. A generally distributed S. Am. species, now abundant in the U. S. west of the Rocky Mountains ; of casual occurrence in the Gulf States (Louisiana, Pélaté; Florida, Maynard). 288 ANATIDH, DUCKS. —GEN. 258, 259. Cass., Proc. Phila. Acad. 1848, 195, and Ill. 82, pl. 25; Lawr., Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1852, 220; Bp., 780, and Stansbury’s Rep. 322. cyYANOPTERA. 258. Genus SPATULA Boie. Shoveller. Broad-bill. Bill twice as wide at the end as at the base ; with very numerous .aud prominent luminz. Head and neck of g green; fore breast white ; belly purplish-chestnut ; wing coverts blue; speculum green, bordered with black and white ; some scapulars blue, others green, all white- striped; bill blackish; feet red. ¢ known by bill and wings. 20; wing 94; tarsus 14; bill 24-22. N. Am., abundant. Wuxs., viii, 65, pl. 67, f. (5) NUET..) loo GeeAUID saviors pl. 394; Bp.,. 781. . : CLyPEATA: 259. Genus AIX Swainson. Summer Duck. Wood Duck. Crested; head iridescent green and purple, with parallel curved, white superciliary and postocular stripes, Z and a broad, forked, white throat Fic. 189. Summer Duck. patch ; 18-20; wing 83-94; tail 43-5; tarsus 14-14; bill 14; ¢@ with the head mostly gray. N. Am., abundant, breeding in most sections, nesting in trees. WU1s., vili, 97, pl. 10, 4.3; Nurr.5 a, 394; Aun. vi, 271, plo; Bp.) (Sonne mSEONS ae Subfamily FULIGULIN A. Sea Ducks. Tarsi scutellate in front; hind toe lobate. The large membranous flap depending from the hind toe distinguishes this group from the preceding, probably without exception. While the general form is the same as that of the Anatine, the feet are notably larger, with relative shorter tarsi, longer toes, and broader webs, and placed somewhat further back, in consequence of which the gait is still more awkward and constrained than the ‘‘ waddle” of ordinary ducks; but swimming powers are enhanced, and diving is facilitated. A large number of the species are exclusively maritime, but this is no more the case with all of them, than is the reverse with the river ducks. These birds feed more upon mollusks and other animal substances (not, however, upon fish, like the mergansers) than the river ducks do, and their flesh, as a rule, is coarser, if not entirely too rank to be eaten; there are, however, single exceptions to this, as in the case of the canvas-back. The sexes are unlike, as among the Anatine ; and besides the difference in color, the 9 is often distin- guished by the absence or slight development of certain tuberosities of the bill that the @ of several species, as of scoters and eiders, possesses. A large majority of the species inhabit the Northern Hemisphere ; there are some forty in all, exhibiting a good deal of diversity in minor details, but to no such extent as the number of current genera would imply. Among notable exotics, we have the soft-billed Hymenolemus malacorhynchus of New Zealand, and the short-winged Micropterus 4 : & é sf ANATIDEH, DUCKS.—GEN. 260-1. 289 cinereus of South America, both related to our gen. 264; there are but very few others. .The genus Hrismatura is the type of a small remarkable group, as noticed beyond, sometimes considered as a subfamily. Biziura lobata of Australia, with a fleshy appendage under the bill, the African Thalassornis leuconota, the $ Nesonetta aucklandica, and several species of Hrismatura, compose the subgroup. 260-1. Genus FULIGULA Stephens. *@ with the head, neck, and body anteriorly, black, the former glossy ; lower back, rump, tail and its coverts, blackish ; below, white, with fine black waving on the sides and lower belly; 9 with the head and anterior parts brown, with or without pure white around the-bill, and. other black parts of the ¢ rather brown ; é Q bill black and blue, or dusky; feet livid. (fuliz.) Greater Scaup Duck. Big Black-head. Blue-bill. Raft Duck. Flock- ing Fowl. Shuffler. No ring round neck ; speculum white; back and sides whitish, finely waved in zigzag with black; gloss of head green; bill dull blue with black nail; legs plumbeous; ¢ with the face pure white, the black-and-white vermiculation less distinct. About 20 long; wing 9. N. Am. WILs., viii, 84, pl. 69, f.3; Nurr., ii, 437 (includes next perieaye Aup., vii, 395, pl. 498 (not of vi, 316); Bp., 791. ... . . .. MARIA. ?Lesser Scaup Duck. Little Black-head Gath other names of the fore- going). Extremely similar; smaller, about 16; wing 8; gloss of head chiefly purple; flanks and scapulars less closely waved with black? It is very difficult to define this bird specifically, and it may be simply a small southern form; but it appears to preserve its characters, although constantly associated with the last. #. marila Aup., vi, 316, pl. 397;-#. minor Giravup, Birds of Long Island, 323; F. affinis Bp., 791. . . AFFINIS. Ring-necked Duck. An orange-brown ring round the neck; speculum gray; back nearly uniform blackish; bill black, pale at base and near tip ; 2 with head and neck br own, and no collar, but loral space and chin whitish, as is a ring round eye; bill plain dusky. In size between the foregoing. N. Am. Ww ILS., viii, 60, pl. 67, f. 5; Nurt., ii, 489; Aup., vi, 320, pl. 398; Bp. 792. . .~ coOLLaRIs. ** @ with the head and neck chestnut, pure or obscured, in the & plain brown; body anteriorly, rump and tail coverts, black, in the 9 dark brown ; back, scapulars and sides plumbeous-white, finely waved with black, less distinct in the 9 ; speculum bluish-ash. Length about 20; wing 9-10; tarsus 12-12. (Aythya.) Red-head. Pochard. Bill dull blue with a black belt at pepe eae the end, broad and depressed, shorter than head (2 or less), the nostrils within its basal half; color of head rich pure chestnut, with bronzy or red KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 37 i hs. 290 ANATIDZ, DUCKS.—GEN. 262. reflections ; of back, mixed silvery-gray and black in about equal amount, the dark waved lines unbroken. N.Am., abundant. Wiuzs., viii, 110, pl. 70, f. 6; Nurtt., ii, 484; Aup., vi, 311, pl. 396; Bp., 793. FERINA var. AMERICANA. Canvas-back. Bill blackish, high at the base and narrow throughout, not shorter than head (24, or more), the nostrils at its middle; head much obscured with dusky ; black waved lines of the back sparse and much broken up into dots, the whitish thus predominating. N. Am., especially abundant along the middle Atlantic Coast in winter, where from feeding on the wild celery ( Vallisneria) its flesh acquires a peculiar flavor, though not particularly excellent under other circumstances. WH1S., viii, 103, pl. 70, f. 5; Nurr., ii, 480; Aup., vii, 299, pl..395; Bp: 794... : 2 = VALUISNERTAR 262. Genus BUCEPHALA Baird. *,* @ with the head puffy, dark colored, iridescent, with large white patches ; lower neck all around, under parts, including sides, most of the scapulars, wing coverts and secondaries, white ; lining of wings and axillars dark; most of upper parts black ; no waving on back and sides. 9 with the head less puffy, brown or dark gray, with traces of the white patches, or not; somewhat less white on the wings ; fore breast and sides with gray, the feathers paler-edged. Bill much shorter than head, very high at the base, tapering, with median nostrils. Golden-eye. Garrot. & with the head and upper neck glossy dark green, and a white oval or rounded loral spot, not touching the base of the bill throughout ; white continuous on outer surface of wing; bill black with pale or yellow end, with nostrils in anterior half; feet orange ; webs dusky ; eyes yellow; head uniformly puffy; 9 with head snuffy-brown, and no white patch in front of the eye. Length 16-19; wing 8-9. N. Am., abundant. Our bird does not appear to differ in the least from the European. Wus., viii, 62, pl. 67, f. 6; Nurr., ii, 441; Aup., vi, 362, pl. 406 (describes the next species as summer plumage); Bp., 796. . . . . . CLANGULA. Barvow’s Golden-eye. Locky Mountain Garrot. Very similar; gloss of head purplish and violet; the loral spot larger, triangular or crescentic, applied against the whole side of the bill at base; white on surface of wing divided by a dark bar; rather larger than the last; 19-22; wing 9-10; occipital feathers lengthening into a slight crest; bill shorter; 9 probably not distinguishable with certainty from that of the foregoing, unless by the dark bar on the wing. Arctic America to the N. States in winter, not common. Also N. Europe. It is doubtfully distinct from the last, with which, however, Tam not prepared to unite it. Sw.and Ricu., F. B.-A. 456, pl. 70; Nurr., ii, 444; Bpo., 796; Extior, pl. 46, and Aun. Lyc. N. Y. 1862. .. IsLanpIca. Bufile-headed Duck. Butter-ball. Spirit Duck. Dipper. @ with the head particularly puffy, of varied rich iridescence, with a large white auric- ular patch confluent with its fellow on the nape; small; 14-16; wing 6-7; bill 1, with nostrils in basal half; 9 still smaller, an insignificant looking duck, with head scarcely puffy, dark gray, with traces of the white auricular patch. N. Am., abundant. Wiuzs., viii, 51, pl. 67, f. 2,3; Nurr., ii, 445; Aup., vi, 369) pl. 4085 Bp eC. eal se ree arent denen ATT nO ie “Ss ANATIDZ, DUCKS. —GEN. 263, 264, 265, 266-8. 291 263. Genus HARELDA Leach. Long-tailed Duck. South-southerly. Old-wife. Tail of 14 narrow pointed feathers, in the ¢ in summer the central ones very slender and much elongated, nearly or quite equalling the wing; nail of bill occupying the whole tip; seasonal changes remarkable. ¢ in summer with the back and the long narrowly lanceolate scapulars varied with reddish-brown, wanting in winter, when this color is exchanged for pearly-gray or white; general eolor blackish or very dark brown, below from the breast abruptly white ; no white on the wing; sides of head plumbeous-gray; in winter the head, neck and body anteriorly, white, but the gray cheek-patch persistent, and a large dark patch below this ; bill at all seasons black, broadly orange-barred. 9 without lengthened scapulars or tail feathers, the bill dusky greenish, and otherwise different ; but recognized by presence of head- and neck-patches, and absence of white on the wing. Length 15-20, or more, according to tail; wing 8-9. N. Am., northerly, coastwise; U. S. only in winter; common. Also Northern Europe. Wuts., viii, 93, pl. 70, f. 1, 2; Nurv., Pisce ATDeavioto., pl. 4105 Bp. 800. +: . . . . « GLACTALIS. 264. Genus CAMPTOLAMUS Gray. Labrador, or Pied Duck. Bill enlarged towards end by membranous expansion, the nostrils in its basal third; cheek feathers rigid; g with the body and primaries black; rest of the wing, with neck and head, white, with a black collar and lengthwise coronal stripe; 9? plumbeous gray; about 2 feet long; wing 9. N. Atlantic Coast, to middle districts in winter; formerly common, now apparently rare. Wiuzs., viii, 91, pl. 69, f. 6; Nuorr., ii, 428; Aup., vi, 329, pl. 400; Bp., 803. . . . LABRADORIUS. 265. Genus HISTRIONICUS Lesson. - Harlequin Duck. Bill very small and short, rapidly tapering to tip, which is wholly oceupied by the nail, and with a membranous lobe at its base ; tertiaries curly ; plumage singularly patched with different colors; g deep leaden-bluish, browner below; sides of head, and of body posteriorly, chestnut; coronal stripe and tail black; a white patch at base of bill, another on side of occiput, of breast and of tail, two transverse ones on side of neck, forming a nearly complete ring, and several on the wings; a white jugular collar; speculum violet and purple; @ dark brown, paler below, whitening on belly; a white patch on auriculars and before eye. 15-18; wing 8; Northwestern Europe; N. Am., northerly, and entirely coastwise, U. S. only in winter, not abundant. Whus., viii, 139, pl. 72, f. 4; Nurr., ii, 448; Aup., vi, 374, pl. 409; Bo., 799. . . TORQUATUS. 266-8. Genus SOMATERIA Leach. * Bill without frontal process, not feathered to the nostrils. (Polysticta.) Steller’s Hider. Head white, with a pearly gray tinge, a green occipital 4 292 ANATIDH, DUCKS. —GEN. 266-8. band, and a black chin-patch and eye-ring; collar round neck, and upper parts, lustrous velvety black, the lengthened curly scapulars and tertiaries. silvery-white on the inner webs, the lesser and middle wing coverts white, the greater coverts and secondaries white-tipped, enclosing the violet speculum; under parts rich reddish-brown, blackening on the belly and: crissum, fading through buff to white on the breast and sides, where there are black spots. ¢ reddish-brown, blackening below, varied with darker on’ the head, neck and fore parts; tips of greater coverts and secondaries alone white, enclosing the speculum. Length about 18; wing 8. Northwest: Coast. ‘Nutr., ii, 451 3: Aup.,vi, 368, pl. 407 ; Bo., 801. sreLLERI.: ** Bill without frontal processes, feathered to the nostrils. (Lampro- netta.). : Spectacled Hider. $ black or blackish, the throat, most of neck, fore back, wing coverts, scapulars, ter- tials and flank-patch,. white ; nape and occi- put green; a whitish. space round eye, bounded by black; 9. said to be brown, varied with darker, the chin and throat whitish, the eye patch obscurely indicated ; after the summer moult the ¢ is said to be like the 9. Length about 2 feet. Northwest Coast, common about St. Michaels. Dat, Trans. Chicago Acad. i, 299; Exxior, pl. 47; Bp., 803. ¥FIscHERI. *** Bill with frontal processes, not feathered to the nostrils. (Somateria.) Eider Duck. Bill with long club-shaped processes extending in a line with the culmen upon the sides of the forehead, divided by a broad feathered interspace. ¢ in breeding attire white, creamy-tinted on breast and washed with green on head; under parts from the breast, lower back, rump, tail, quills, and large forked patch on the crown, black. 9 with the bill less developed, general plumage an extremely variable shade of reddish-brown or ochrey-brown, speckled, mottled and barred with darker; @ in certain stages resembling the ¢. Length about 2 feet; wing 11-12 inches. Arctic and N. Atlantic Coasts, abundant, S. in winter to New England commonly, to the Middle States rarely. This celebrated bird, semi-domesticated in some places, yields most of the prized eider-down of commerce, which the parent plucks from the breast to cover the eggs; eggs commonly 3-4, pale dull greenish. WI£Ls., viii, 122, pl. 71, f. 2,3; Nurr., ii, 407; Aup., vi, 349, pl. 405; Bp., 809. The American bird has lately been separated from the Fic. 191. Spectacled Eider. seit hag htp ll) Rah sd Wy hela IS x b t ¥ ~ ; f \ ing angularly out of line /) and fore parts of the body, ANATIDH, DUCKS.—GEN. 269. 293 European under name of S. dresser?, by Mr. Sharpe, but I doubt the . exclusive pertinence of the assigned characters. . . MOLLISSIMA (var?). . Pacific Hider. Precisely like the last, excepting a V-shaped black: mark on the chin; :may require to be treated as merely a variety. Arctic and North Pacific coast, com mon. Bop., 810; Exuior mpl48....0 3. . “V-NIGRA . King Hider.. Bill with | broad squarish nearly ver- | tical frontal processes bulg- | with culmen. ¢ in breed- ing attire black, including a forked chin-patch, a} frontal band, and small space round eye; the neck part of interscapulars, of wing coverts and of lining of wings, and a flank patch, white, creamy on the jug- ulum, greenish on sides of head ; crown and nape fine = bluish-ash. 92 resenblijag SS —* that of the common eider, Fig. 192. Eider Ducks. Upper fig., #; lower fig., 2. but bill different. Size of the last, or rather less. Both coasts, arctic and northerly; S. in winter sometimes to New York. Nurv., ii, 414; MUD, Visa.) pl. 4045)Bp., 810. . 1. » .» » + + «+ “SPECTABILIS. 269. Genus G2DEMIA Fleming. *,.* Embracing the black sea-ducks, surf-ducks, scoters or ‘‘coots” as they are variously called: maritime mollusk-eating species, scarcely fit for food; ¢ black, relieved or not by definite white patches on head or wings, or both, with brightly _parti-colored bill, very broad at the end, singularly gibbous at base, but of different form in each of the following species, unnecessarily causing their separation into the three genera, mentioned below; @ sooty-brown, etc., bill simply turgid at base, much widened at end; but may be known by having the nostrils at the middle of the bill or beyond it, the nail broad, fused, occupying all the tip, the frontal feathers reaching further on culmen than on sides of upper mandible, and forming no reéntrance at its back upper corner; young g resembling the @. Our three species inhabit both coasts, and sometimes the larger inland waters, breeding northward; they occur abundantly in winter along the whole length of the U-S. American Black Scoter. Bill scarcely encroached upon by the frontal feathers, shorter than the head, black, the gibbosity superior, circumscribed, orange ( g); nostrils at its middle ; tail normally 16-feathered. ( Hdemia.) Plumage of ¢ entirely black. 9 sooty-brown, paler below, becoming 294 ANATIDE, DUCKS. —GEN. 269. grayish-white on the belly, there dusky-speckled, on the sides and flanks dusky-waved ; throat and sides of head mostly continuous whitish ; bill all black; feet livid olivaceous, with black webs. @ nearly 2 feet long; wing about 10 inches: 9 18-19 inches; wing 8-9; gape 2; culmen 13. Differs from the European in the shape and coloration of the protuberance on the bill. Wus., Villy, lS 5 yap leweidez eat 23 Num aati oe | and 423; Avup., vi, 343, pl. 403; Bp., 807. . AMERICANA. Velvet WScoter. White-winged Surf- | duck. Bill broadly encroached upon by the frontal feathers, on the culmen nearly or quite to the nostrils, and on its sides to a less extent, shorter than head, black, broadly orange-tipped (g¢); nail broad and truncate; gibhosity superior, circumscribed. (Melanetta.) @ black, with a large white wing- patch, and another under the eye; feet orange-red, with dusky webs. Size of the last, or rather larger; 9? smaller, sooty-brown, pale grayish below, with much whitish about head, but showing white speculum ; bill all black. Said to differ from the European by greater encroachment of feathers on bill, but the ascribed feature is not tangible. Whus., viii, 137, pl. 72, f. 3; Nutt, ii, 419; Aup., vi, 332, pl. 401; JZ. velvetina Bo., 805. Also, Fuli- gula bimaculata Hersert, Field Sports, ii, 2d ed. 366; O. bimaculata Bo., SOSN(e@mmature). Fic 2) i ..) Va ee eee pe enero Surf Duck. Sea Coot. Bill narrowly encroached upon by the frontal feathers, on the culmen nearly or quite to the nostrils, but not at all upon its sides, about as long as head, with the nail narrowed anteriorly, the swelling lateral as well as superior; nostrils beyond its middle; bill of g orange-red, whitish on the sides, with a large circular black spot on each side at the base; tail nor- mally 14-feathered. Fig. 194. Young male Surf Duck, with outline of bill viewed from below. Fic. 193. Female Black Scoter, with outline of bill viewed from below. (Pelionetta.) @ black, with a triangular white patch on the forehead and another on the nape; no white on wings; feet orange, with dusky webs. | ANATIDZ, DUCKS.—GEN. 270. 298 Size of the first; gape of bill about 24; 9 smaller; bill black, shorter, gape about 24; feathers of culmen hardly or not reaching nostrils; feet dark, tinged with dusky-reddish ; webs black; plumage sooty-brown, below silvery-gray, sides of head with much whitish, chiefly in two patches, one loral, the other auricular. Wits., viii, 49, pl. 67, f. 1; Nurv., ii, 416; UM ev, eoots pla 4023) BDs.806. - + . =>. «-'. |. “PHRSPICIELATA, Var. TROWBRIDGEI. With the bill longer, exceeding the head, and of slightly - different shape; feathers falling short of nostrils; gape about 22; white frontal patch small, its posterior border anterior to a line between the eyes, instead of reaching or passing beyond this. Cala. Bp., 806; Exxior, Introd. B. A., No. 64. 270. Genus ERISMATURA Bonaparte. *,* Remarkably distinguished from other Puligqulince by the stiffened, linear- lanceolate tail feathers (16-20 in number) exposed to the base, by reason of extreme shortness of the coverts ; bill broad, flattened, the nail large, overhanging. Ruddy Duck. The ¢g in perfect plumage with the neck all round and the upper parts brownish-red, the lower parts silky silvery-white watered with dusky, the chin and sides of the head dead-white, the crown and nape black ; but not often seen in this condition in the U. S. As generally observed, and the 9 at all times, brown above finely dotted and waved with dusky, paler and duller below with darker undulations and sometimes a slight tawny tinge, as also occurs on the sides of the head; crown and nape dark brown ; bill dusky; crissum always white. Length 14-17; wing 5-6; tarsus 1}. N. Am., abundant. WixS., viii, 128, 130, pl. 71, f. 5, 6; Nurr., ii, 426; MOD VIO t ROOM EISD atolls co. oe) tents sper ue pee) RUBIDA. St. Domingo Duck. @ head anteriorly and chin black; hind-head, neck and breast deep ferrugineous; above brownish-red, blotched with black ; below lighter ferrugineous; speculum white. 9 similar, but less strongly marked. 134; wing 64; tail 33; bill 14, smaller and less expanded than in the preceding. S. Am. and W. Indies, accidental in U.S. The only known instances are Lake Champlain (Cazor, Proc. B. 5. INSEL Evisgoe) is Wisconsin (Kumuein; ibid. xiv, 154; Am. Nat. v, 441). 2. dominica Bp, 925; L. ortygoides Gossx, Birds of Jamaica, 405. . . DOMINICA. Subfamily MERGIN AZ. Mergansers. Bill more or less nearly cylindrical, the nail hooked and overhanging, the lamellz highly developed into prominent retrorse serrations. Excepting these characters of the bill, the fishing-ducks are simply Fuwligulinee, somewhat modified in adaptation to a more exclusively animal regimen; the principal point in their economy is ability to pursue fish under water, like cormorants, loons and other birds of lower orders. The nature of their food renders their flesh rank and unpalatable. The gizzard is rather less muscular than in most ducks; the intes- tines and their ececa are shorter; the laryngeal capsule of the males is very large, irregular, and partly membranous; the trachea has other dilations. Birds of this group inhabit fresh as well as salt water, and are abundant in individuals if not in species. There are only about eight species, chiefly of the Northern Hemisphere ; but several occur in South America. 296 ANATIDZ®, MERGANSERS. —GEN. 271-2. Oss. The smew, or white nun, Mergellus albellus, of Europe, has been attributed to N. Am. upon insufficient evidence, though very possibly occurring. WILS., Vili, 126, pl. 71, f. 4; Norr., ii, 467; Avp., vi, 408, pl. 414; Bop., 817. 271-2. Genus MERGUS Linneus. * Bill not shorter than head, mostly red. (Mergus.) ; Merganser. Goosander. Fish Duck. Nostrils nearly median; frontal feathers reaching beyond those on sides of bill; g with the head scarcely crested, glossy green; back and wings black and white, latter crossed by one black bar; under parts salmon-colored ; about 24; wing 11;. 9 smaller; occipital crest better developed, but still flimsy ; head and neck reddish- brown; black parts of the ¢ ashy-gray; less white on the wing; under parts less tinted with salmon. N.Am., common. Wrts., viii, 68, pl. 68, f. 1, 2; Nurt., ii, 460; Aup., vi, 387, pl. 411; 1. americanus Bp., 813. MERGANSER. Red-breasted Mer- ganser. Fish Duck. Nostrils sub-basal ; frontal feathers not reaching beyond those on sides of bill; along thin pointed crest in both sexes. Smaller than the last; wing 8-9; general color- ation, and sexual differences, the same, but the ¢ with the jugulum rich reddish-brown, black-streaked, the sides conspicuously finely waved with black, a white, black-bordered mark in front of the wing, and the wing crossed by two black bars.. N. Am., abundant. Wauts., viii, 91, pl. 69, f. 2; ‘Norv., ii,'463; Aup., vi,-395,, pl. 412; Bp.5-814. 9. 1. “sHRRATons ** Bill shorter than head, mostly or entirely black. (Lophodytes.) Hooded Merganser. Nostrils sub-basal; frontal feathers reaching beyond those on sides of bill; a compact, erect, semicircular, laterally compressed crest in the g¢, smaller and less rounded in the 9; ¢g black, including two crescents in front of wing, and “bar across speculum; under parts, centre of crest, speculum, and stripes on tertials, white; sides chestnut, black-barred ; 18-19; wing 8; @ smaller; head and neck brown; chin whitish ; back and sides dark brown, the feathers with paler edges; white on the wing less ; bill reddish at base below. N.Am., common. Wits., viii, 79, pl. 69, f. 1; Nurr., ii,465;° Aup., vi,.402, pl. 413;-Bp.,.816. ...+ . eUGUBEATUBS Fic. 195. Red-breasted Merganser, with outline of bill from above. Order STEGANOPODES. Totipalmate Birds. Feet totipalmate, with three full webs; hind toe semi-lateral, larger and lower down than in other water birds, connected with the inner toe by a complete web reaching from tip to tip. Nostrils minute, rudimentary or entirely abortive. A gular pouch. Bill not membranous nor lamellate, but tomia sometimes serrate. ie STEGANOPODES, TOTIPALMATE BIRDS. 297 This is a definite and perfectly natural group, which will be immediately recog- nized by the foregoing characters, one of which, the complete webbing of the hallux, is not elsewhere observed among birds. It is represented by six genera, all North American, each the type of a family. The nature is altricial throughout the order. The eggs are very few, frequently only one, usually if not always plain-colored, and encrusted with a peculiar white chalky substance ; they are deposited in a rude bulky nest on the ground, on rocky ledges, or on low trees and bushes in the vicinity of water. The dietetic regimen is exclusively carnivorous, the food being chiefly fish, sometimes pursued under water, sometimes plunged after, sometimes scooped up. In accordance with this, we find the alimentary canal to consist of a capacious distensible cesophagus not developing a special crop, a large proventriculus with numerous solvent glands, a small and very moderately muscular gizzard, rather long and slender intestines, with small coca, if any, and an ample globular cloaca. The tongue is extremely small, a mere knob-like rudiment (as we have seen in the piscivorous kingfishers). The characteristic gular pouch varies greatly in development. The condition of the external nostrils is a curious and unexplained feature ; they appear to be open at first, and in some species, like the tropic-bird, they remain so; but they are gener- ally completely obliterated in the adult state. There are probably no intrinsic syringeal muscles in any birds of this order. But the most notable fact in connec- tion with the respiratory system is the extraordinary pneumaticity of the body, which reaches its height in the pelicans and gannets; it is described by Nitzsch substantially as follows: The interior air receptacles are of an ordinary character, but the anterior of these cells are more subdivided than usual; from them, the air gets under the skin through the axillary cavities, and diffuses over the entire pectoral and ventral regions, in two large parallel inter-communicating cells on each side, over which the skin does not fit close to the body, but hangs loosely. It is further remarkable that the skin itself does not form a wall of these cavities, a very delicate membrane being stretched from the inwardly projecting bases of the contour-feathers. Thus there is yet another, although a very shallow, interval between this membrane and the skin, this also containing air, admitted from the larger spaces by numerous minute orifices close to the roots of the feathers. This subcutaneous areolar tissue is that which, in ordinary birds and mammals, holds the deposit of fat, no trace of which substance is found in these birds. The pterylosis of Steganopodes adheres throughout to one marked type, there being little variation except in the density of the plumage, which would seem to accord with temperature, the tropical forms being the more sparsely feathered. Excepting one genus, the gular sac is wholly or in part bare. The contour feathers appear to always lack aftershafts. The remiges are from 26 to 40 in number, of which 10 are always long, strong, pointed primaries. There are usually 22-24 tail feathers in the pelicans, but 12, 14 or 16 in the other genera. All have the oil gland large, with a circlet of feathers and more than one orifice ; sometimes, as in the pelicans, it is protuberant, heart-shaped, and as large as pigeons’ eggs, with two sets of six orifices; in the gannets it is flat and disc-like. The palatal structure is desmognathous; there are no basipterygoids; the maxillo-palatines are large and spongy; the mandibular angle is truncate; other Fic. lvb6. Totipalmate Foot. KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 38 298 SULIDH, GANNETS.—GEN. 273. cranial characters appear under two aspects, one peculiar to the pelicans, the other common to the rest of the order. (Huxiey.) The sternum is short and broad, with transverse, entire or emarginate, posterior border; the apex of the furculum commonly, if not always, anchyloses with the sternal keel. The upper arm bones are very long; the tibia does not develop the long proximal apophysis seen in many Pygopodes. The carotids are double. The species of this order are few—apparently not over fifty, of which the cormorants represent half—very generally distributed over the world. Family SULIDA. Gannets. Bill rather longer than the head, cleft to beyond the eyes, very stout at the base, tapering and a little decurved toward the tip, which however is not hooked, the tomia irregularly serrate, or rather lacerate. Nostrils abortive. Gular sac little developed, but naked. Wings rather long, pointed. Tail long, stiff, wedge-shaped, 12-14-feathered. Feet more nearly beneath centre of equilibrium than in some other families of this order. General configuration somewhat that of a goose; body stout ; neck rather long; head large, uncrested ; plumage compact. Gannets are large heavy sea-birds of various parts of the world. There are only five or six well established species, of which the two following, with the S. piscator of the Indian Ocean, and the Australian S. cyanops, are the principal ones. They are piscivorous, and feed by plunging on their prey from on high, when they are completely submerged for a few moments; but they do not appear to dive from the surface of the water, like cormorants. The gait is firm; the flight vigorous and protracted, performed with alternate sailing and flapping. Although so heavy, they swim lightly, owing to the remarkable pneumaticity of the body, already noticed. They are highly gregarious; the common gannet congregates to breed in almost incredible numbers on rocky coasts and islands, of high latitudes, while the booby similarly assembles on the low shores of warmer seas. The nest is a rude bulky structure of sticks and seaweed, placed on the rock or in low thick bushes; the egg, generally single, is plain in color and encrusted with calcareous matter. Both sexes appear to incubate; they are alike in color, the young being different. 273. Genus SULA Brisson. Common Gannet. Solan Goose. White, with black primaries, the head washed with amber-yellow; bill not yellow; lores, sac and feet blackish. Young: dark brown speckled with white, below from the neck grayish-white, each feather darker-edged ; quills and tail blackish. Length about 31; extent 60; wing 17-21; tail about 10; bill 4. Atlantic Coast; swarming in sum- mer at certain northern breeding places, S. to the Gulf of Mexico in winter. Nortr., ii, 495; Avup., vii, 44, pl. 425; Lawr. in Bp., 871. . BASSANA. Booby Gannet. Brown; below from the neck white ; bill and feet yellow. Young: grayish-brown, merely paler below; bill dusky. Rather smaller than the last. S. Atlantic and Gulf States, very abundant. Norv., ii, 500; AUD.; Vil; Of; pl4265) Awe. an) BD...O0 2mm ee ten ley ene EBs Family PELECANIDA., Pelicans. Bill several times as long as the head, comparatively slender but strong, straight, broad, flattened, ending with a distinct claw-like hook. Mandibular rami joining _ ae — —_— oe ' like a gannet, and makes PELECANID®, PELICANS. 299 only at their apex; the long broad interramal space, and the throat, occupied by an enormous membranous sac. Nostrils abortive. Wings extremely long, in the upper and fore-arm portions, as well as the pinion, with very numerous remiges. Tail very short, of 20 or more feathers. Feet short, very stout. Size large. The remarkable pneumaticity of the body (shared however by the gannets) has been already described. A principal osteological character is, that ‘‘the inferior edge of the ossified interorbital septum rises rapidly forward, so as to leave a space at the base of the skull, which is filled by a triangular crest formed by the union of the greatly developed ascending processes of the palatines” (Hualey). The tongue is a mere rudiment. But the most obvious peculiarity of these birds is the immense skinny bag hung to the bill, capable of holding several quarts when distended ; its structure is as follows: The covering is ordinary skin, but very thin; the lining is skin modified somewhat like mucous membrane ; between these ‘‘ is interposed an equally thin layer, composed of two sets of very slender muscular fibres, separated from each other, and running in opposite directions. The outer fibres run in fascicles from the lower and inner edge of the mandible, those from its base passing downward, those arising more anteriorly passing gradually more forward, and reach the middle line of the pouch. The inner fibres have the same origin, and pass in a contrary direction, backwards and downwards. From the hyoid bone to the junction of the two crura of the mandible, there extends a thin band of longitudinal muscular fibres, in the centre of which is a cord of elastic tissue. By means of this apparatus, the sac is contracted, so as to occupy but little space. When the bill is opened, the crura of the lower mandible separate from each other to a considerable extent [in their continuity —not at the symphysis], by the action of muscles inserted into their base, and the sac is expanded” (Audubon). This organ is used like a dip-net, to catch fish with ; when it is filled, the bird closes and throws up the bill, contracts the pouch, letting the water run out of the corners of its mouth, and swallows the prey. Pelicans feed in two ways; most of them, like our white one, scoop up fish as they swim along on the water ; but the brown species plunges headlong into ~ the water from on wing, Z Fic. 197. Bill and gular pouch of White Pelican. a grab, often remaining submerged for a few seconds. Neither species often catches large fish ; they prefer small fry of which several hundred may be required for a full meal. The prevalent impression that the pouch serves to convey live fish, swimming in water, to the little pelicans in the nest, is untrue; the young are fed with par- tially macerated fish disgorged by the parents from the crop. As Audubon remarks, it is doubtful whether a pelican could fly at all with its burden so out of trim. The gular pouch varies in size with the different species, reaching its greatest development in the brown pelican, where it extends half-way down the neck in front, is a foot deep when distended, and will hold a gallon. Besides this singular adjunct, the bill of our white pelican has another curious structure, not found in other species. The culmen is surmounted near the middle by a high thin upright es 300 PELECANID®, PELICANS.—GEN. 274. comb or crest, the use of which is not known. It is supposed to be a weapon of attack or defence in the combats that occur at the breeding season between rival males, being found only in this sex, and during the breeding season alone. It appears to be shed and renewed in a manner analogous to the casting of deer’s a remarkable circumstance first noticed, I believe, by Mr. Ridgway. Its structure explains how this can be: ‘The crest-like excrescence on the ridge of the upper mandible is not formed of bone, nor otherwise connected with the osseous surface, which is smooth and continuous beneath it, than by being placed upon it, like any other part of the skin; and when softened by immersion in a liquid may be bent a little to either side. It is composed internally of erect slender plates of a fibrous texture, externally of horny fibres, which are erect on the sides, and longitudinal on the broadened ridge; these fibres being continuous with the cutis and cuticle” (Audubon). ; Pelicans are found in most temperate and tropical countries, both coastwise and inland; they are gregarious birds at all times, and gather in immense troops to breed. A large rude nest is prepared on the ground, or built of sticks in a low bush near the water; the eggs appear to be one to three, plain dull whitish, with a thick roughened shell. The gait of these cumbersome birds is awkward and constrained ; but their flight is easy, firm and protracted, and they swim lightly and gracefully, buoyed up by the interior air-sacs. The sexes are alike; the young different ; most species are white, with yellow or rosy hue at times, and a crest or lengthened feathers, at the breeding season; while nearly every one of them has a peculiar contour of the feathering at the base of the bill, by which it may be known. There are only six unquestionable species, although some authors admit eight or nine. The four exotic ones are: JP. onocrotalus of Europe, Asia and Africa (including the P. minor and javanicus of authors), with the frontal feathers extending in a point on the culmen; P. crispus of the same countries, the largest of the genus, and P. rufescens (with philippinus) of various parts of the Old World, in both of which the frontal outline is concave on the base of the culmen; and, finally, the Australian P. conspicillatus, in which a strip of feathers cuts off the naked cireum- ocular region from the base of the bill. This is an entirely peculiar feature; and our white pelican shows another, having the sides of the under mandible feathered at base for a short distance. Excellent accounts of the genus have been given by Dr. Sclater and Mr. Elliot (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1868, 264, and 1869, 571). horns 274. Genus PELECANUS Linnezus. American White Pelican. White; occiput and breast yellow; primaries, their coverts, bastard quills, and many secondaries, black; bill, sac, lores and feet yellow. About 5 feet long; expanse 7-9; wing 2; bill 1 or more; tail 4, normally 24-feathered. N.Am.; N. to 61°; very abundant in the west; only accidental in the Middle and Eastern States. Rion. and Sw., F. B.-A., ii, 472; Nutrt., ii, 471; Aup., vii, 20, pl. 422; Lawr. in Bp., 868.0 cigGoecce dese bie pee ls oe een oe aa es ene, RUA Eve ER CEU Brown Pelican. Dark-colored, variegated; neck of the adult mostly reddish-brown, head mostly white; bill dark, varied with red; sac blackish ; feet black; rather smaller than the last; tail normally 22-feathered. S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and California, abundant, strictly maritime. Norr., ii, 476; Aup., vii, 82, pls. 423, 424; Lawr. in Bp., 870. ¥Fuscus. (oe) oo GRACULIDH, CORMORANTS. 301 Family GRACULIDZ. Cormorants. Bill about as long as head, stout or slender, more or less nearly terete, always strongly hooked at the end; tomia generally found irregularly jagged, but not truly serrate; a long, narrow, nasal groove, but nostrils obliterated in the adult state; gape reaching below the eyes, which are set in naked skin. Gular pouch small, but forming an evident naked space under the bill and on the throat, variously encroached upon by the feathers. Wings short for the order, stiff and strong, the 2d primary usually longer than the 3d, both these exceeding the 1st. Tail rather long, large, more or less fan-shaped, of 12-14 very stiff, strong feathers, denuded to the base by extreme shortness of the coverts; thus almost ‘scansorial” in struc- ture, recalling that of a woodpecker or creeper, and used in a similar way, as a support in standing, or an aid in scrambling over rocks and bushes. The body is compact and heavy, with a long neck; the general configuration, and especially the far backward set of the legs, is much like that of pygopodous birds. While other Steganopodes can stand with the body more or less nearly approaching a horizontal position, the cormorants are forced into a nearly upright posture, when the tail affords with the feet a tripod of support. They also, like the birds just mentioned, dive and swim under water in pursuit of their prey, using their wings for submarine progression, which is not the case with the other families, excepting Plotide. Among osteological characters, aside from the general figure of the skeleton, a long bony style in the nape, in the position of the ligamentum nuche of many animals, and ossified with the occiput, is the most remarkable. It occurs in the anhinga also, but is there much smaller. The desmognathous structure is seen in its highest development; the palatines being not only soldered, but sending down a keel along their line of union; the interorbital septum is very defective, with horizontal inferior border (a general character of the order except in the pelicans). The pterylosis agrees essentially with the ordinal pterylographic characters, but the plumage is peculiar in certain details. Excepting a few speckled species, and some others that are largely white below, the plumage is glossy or lustrous black, often highly iridescent with green, purple and violet tints, commonly uniform on the head, neck and under parts, but on the back and wing coverts, where the feathers are sharp-edged and distinct, the shade is more apt to be coppery or bronzy, each feather with well defined darker border. This concerns, however, only the adult plumage, which is the same in both sexes; the young are plain brownish or blackish. The cormorants have other special featherings, generally of a temporary character, assumed at the breeding season and lost soon after; these are curious long filamentous feathers (considered by Nitzsch filoplumaceous), on the head and neck, and even, in some cases, on the upper and under parts too. These feathers are commonly white, as is also a large silky flank-patch acquired by several species. Many cormorants are also crested with ordinary long slender feathers ; the crest is often double, and when so, the two crests may be either one on each side of the head, or they may follow each other on the middle line of the hind head and nape. Our species illustrate all these various featherings. The naked parts about the head vary with the species and afford good characters, especially con- sidering the shape of the pouch, as noted by Mr. Lawrence and Prof. Schlegel; the skin is usually brightly colored, and sometimes carunculate. The eyes, as a rule, are green—a color not common among birds. Twenty-five species of cormorants may be considered established. Their study 302 GRACULIDH, CORMORANTS. —GEN. 275. is difficult, owing to the great changes in plumage, the high normal variability in size, and their close inter-relation, which is such that the single genus Graculus does not appear capable of well founded division. Species are found all over the world, excepting the uttermost polar regions, and are usually very abundant in individuals ; they are all very much alike in their habits. Many are maritime, but others range over fresh waters as well. They are eminently gregarious, especially in the breeding season, when they congregate by thousands—the boreal kinds generally on rock-begirt coasts and islands, those of warm countries in the dense fringes of shrubbery. They often migrate in large serried ranks. The nest is rude and bulky ; the eggs are commonly two, of elliptical form and pale greenish color, overlaid with a white, chalky substance. They feed principally upon fish, and their voracity is proverbial, though probably no greater than in the cases of allied birds. Under some circumstances they have shown an intelligent docility ; witness their semi-domestication by the Chinese, who train them to fish for their masters, a close collar being slipped around the neck to prevent them from swallowing the booty. Fic. 198. Double-crested Cormorant. 275. Genus GRACULUS Linnzus. * Tail of 14 feathers (and gular sac heart-shaped behind). Common Oormorant. Shag. Glossy greenish-black, feathers of back and wing coverts bronzy-gray, black-edged ; quills and tail grayish-black ; gular sac yellow, white-bordered; feet black; in summer a white flank patch, numerous long thready white plumes on head and neck, and a small black occipital crest ; length 36; wing 12-14; tail 6-7; tarsus over 2; bill 4 along the gape. Atlantic Coast of Europe and North America; breeds in great numbers in Labrador and Newfoundland; S. to the Middle States in winter. Nurr., ii, 479; Aup., vi, 412, pl. 415; Lawr. in Bp., 876. CARBO. ** Tail of 12 feathers. + Gular sac convex, or nearly straight-edged, behind. White-tufted Cormorant. Glossy greenish-black, the back and wing coverts with the feathers gray, black-edged ; lateral crests, of a superciliary bundle of long curly filamentous feathers, white. Size of the last. Alaska. I have never seen this bird, and do not know of any specimen in this country: description compiled from the original account. Branpt, Bull. Imp. Acad. St. Petersburg, iii, 55; Bonap., Consp. Av. ii, 168; ScHLEGEL, Mus. Pays-Bas, iv, 22; Lawr. in Bp., 877; Exxior, pl. 51. CINCINNATUS. GRACULIDZ, CORMORANTS. —GEN. 275. 303 Double-cresited Cormorant. Glossy greenish-black; feathers of the back and wings coppery-gray, black-shafted, black-edged ; adult with curly black lateral crests, and in the breeding season other filamentous white ones, over the eyes and along the sides of the neck; white flank-patch not observed in the specimens examined, but probably occurring ; gular sac and lores orange. Length 30-83 inches; wing 12 or more; tail 6 or more; bill along gape 3%; tarsus a little over 2. Young plain dark brown, paler or grayish (even white on the breast) below, without head-plumes. N. Am., at large, the commonest species. Sw. and Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 473; Nurv., ii, 483; ‘ADD:, Vi, 425, pl. 416; Lawr.in Bp., 877. . . . ... . DILOPHUS. Var. rLormpanus. Florida Cormorant. Similar, smaller (wing 12 or less; tail 6 or less; tarsus a little under 2), but bill as large if not larger; gape nearly 4. The plumage is exactly the same, excepting, probably, that white plumes are not developed. There are said to be certain differences in the life-colors of the bills (blue instead of yellow on under mandible and edges of upper— Audubon), but none show in my specimens. ‘This is simply a localized southern race of dilophus, smaller in general dimensions, with relatively larger bill, as usual in such cases ; the sac seems to be more extensively denuded. Resident on the Floridan and Gulf coast, breeding by thousands on the mangrove bushes ; in summer, ranging up the Mississippi valley to Ohio (Audubon) and along the coast to North Carolina (Coues). Aup., vi, 430, pl. 417; Lawr. in Bp., 879. Mexican Cormorant. Resembling the last; lustre more intense, rather violet-purplish than green; long filamentous white feathers on head and -neck (but no definite black lateral crests?) ; sac orange, white-edged. Small; length about 24; wing about 10; tail 6, thus relatively long; tarsus under 2; gape of bill under 3. The sac is not strongly convex in outline behind, the feathers passing across in a straight or even convex line. Central America and West Indies; Texas; up the Mississippi to Illinois (Ridgway). Branvt, /. c. 56; Lawr. in Bp., 879. . . . MEXICANUS. ++ Gular sac heart-shaped behind, owing to a narrow pointed forward extension of the feathers on the middle line. Brandt’s Cormorant. Deep lustrous green, changing to violet or steel-blue on the neck, the back proper like the under parts, but the scapulars and wing coyerts showing narrow dark edgings of the individual feathers (much less conspicuous than in any of the foregoing species : nothing of the sort is seen in any of the following ones). Sac dark blue, surrounded by a gorget of fawn- colored or mouse-brown plumage, largely naked, the feathers extending on it little if any in advance of those on the lower mandible. White filamentous plumes, 2 inches or more long, straight and stiffish, spring in a series down each side of the neck; a few others are irregularly scattered over the back of the neck; many others, still longer, grow on the upper part of the back. No black crests, nor white flank-patch, observed. Wing nearly 12; tail scarcely or not 6, thus relatively very short ; bill along culmen 22; tarsus 24. Does not particularly resemble any other species here described. Young: blackish-brown, rustier below, the belly grayish ; scapulars and wing coverts 304 GRACULIDH, CORMORANTS. —GEN. 275. with edges of the feathers paler than the centres; gorget fawn-colored, as in the adult (Phalacrocorax townsendii! Aup., vi, 438, pl. 418). Pacific Coast, U. S., common. Branpv, J. c. 55; GamBen, Journ, Phila. Acad. 1849, 227; Lawm: in Bp., 880:.2° 2 5 = =.) 2. . |) RENICIUMAmUSS Pallas’s Cormorant. Deep lustrous green, above and below, with blue gloss on the neck, and rich purplish on the scapulars and wing coverts, the latter not edged; shafts of tail feathers (said to be) white; if this holds, it is a unique character among our species. Adult with coronal and occipital crests (not lateral paired crests) ; a white flank-patch in the breeding season ; face and neck with long sparse straw-yellow plumes; sac orange. Large ; 36; wing 13; tail 7? 9? tarsus 3; bill (along gape?) 4, very stout, 3 deep at base. N. Pacific Coast. I have not seen this species, which seems to be well marked. Pauuas, Zoog. R.-A. ii, 305; Gouxp, Voy. Sulphur, 49, pl. 32; SCHLEGEL, J. c. 17; Bonar., Consp. Av. ii, 167; Lawr. in Bp., 877; ELEIOT;, pli: DO By A. o aa, os! ce geen oes aie nee ERS RIO More Ati Red-faced Cormorant. Frontal feathers not reaching base of the culmen, the bill being entirely surrounded by naked red skin which also encircles the eyes, somewhat carunculate, forming a kind of wattle on each side of the chin; base of under mandible blue; feet black, blotched with yellow. Crown with a median black crest, and nape with another, in the same line. In the specimen examined, a large white flank-patch, but no white plumes on neck. Plumage richly iridescent, mostly green, but violet and steel-blue on the neck, purplish, violet and bronzy on the back and wings, the feathers there without definite dark edgings. Length 83; extent 48; wing 12; tarsus 23; gape of bill 3. Kadiak, Alaska; described from the single recognized specimen, No. 52, 512, Mus. Smiths. Inst., the same noticed by Barrp, Trans. Chicago Acad. i, 321, pl. 33, believed to represent the Phalacrocorax bicris- tatus of Patuas, Zoog. R.-A. ii, 183. Probably the “red-faced cormorant,” Pelecanus urile, of Pennant, Latham and Gmelin, but as this point cannot be decided, I accept Baird’s identification. . . . . . . BICRISTATUS. Violet-green Cormorant. Frontal feathers reaching culmen; gular sac inconspicuous, very extensively feathered, the feathers reaching on the sides of the under mandible to below the eyes, and running in a point on the sac far in advance of this. Small; length 24-28; wing 10-11; tail 6 or less; tarsus 2 or less; bill along gape 3 or less, very slender, and smooth on the sides, its depth at base about $. Deep lustrous green, including the back ; the scapulars, wing coverts and sides of the body iridescent with purplish or coppery, the neck with rich violet and blue; gular sac orange; feet black; Two median lengthwise crests as in the last two species. Among the speci- mens before me, one has no white flank-patch, but a few white scattered plumes on the neck; another, marked 9, has none of these, but a large snowy tuft on the flanks. A third, labelled “datrdii, g , Farallones, Apr.’61,” has both the flank tufts and the neck plumes ; it is very small, the wing being under 10, the tarsus 1%, the gape 28, and the bill is extremely slender; it possibly represents a small southern race, bearing somewhat the relation to — <*s PLOTIDH, DARTERS. —GEN. 276. 305 violaceus that floridanus does to dilophus. Pacific Coast, N. A.— Pelecanus violaceus GM., 1, 575? Graculus violaceus Lawn. in Bp., 881; ScHLEGEL, l.c. 17; Urile bicristatus Bonap., Consp. Av. ii, 175 (nee Pall.) ; Phala- crocorax resplendens AuD., vi, 430, pl. 419; G. bairdit Coor., Proc. Phila. cr eSGD seo. OM EonIOr,, pl. 49.00 9. 2) 2... VIOUACEUS. Family PLOTIDA:. Darters. Bill about twice as long as the head, straight, slender, very acute, paragnathous, the tomia with fine serratures. Gular sac moderate, naked. Nostrils minute, entirely obliterated in the adult. Wings moderate, the 3d quill longest. Tail rather long, stiff, broad and fan-shaped, of 12 feathers widening towards the end, the outer web of the middle pair curiously crimped (in our species). There is an occipital style, as in cormorants, but it is very small. The digestive system shows a remarkable feature; instead of the lower part of the cesophagus being occupied by the proventricular glands, these are placed in a small distinct sac on the side of the gullet. As in other Stegunopodes, the gizzard develops a special pyloric cavity. There are no proper coca, but there is a small rounded termination of the rectum (Audubon). The darters are birds of singular appearance, somewhat like a cormorant but much more slightly built, and with exceedingly long slender neck and small con- stricted head that seems to taper directly into the bill. As in the cormorants, there are long slender feathers on the neck; the sexes are commonly distinguishable, but the 9 is said sometimes to resemble the ¢. Other changes of plumage appear to be considerable, but not well made out. The feet are short, and placed rather far back, but the birds perch with ease. Unlike most of the order, they are not mari- time, shunning the seacoast, dwelling in the most impenetrable swamps of warm countries. They fly swiftly, and dive with amazing ease and celerity. They are timid and vigilant birds; when alarmed they drop from their perch into the water below, noiselessly and with scarcely a ripple of the surface, and swim beneath the surface to a safe distance before reappearing. When surprised on the water, they have the curious habit of sinking quietly backward, like grebes; and they often swim with the body submerged, only the head and neck in sight, looking like some strange kind of water serpent. They feed on fish, which they do not dart down upon, but dive for and pursue under water like cormorants and loons. The eggs are three or four, pale bluish, with white chalky incrustation. There are only three or four species: the African P. levaillantii; the P. melanogaster of Southern Asia, with the Australian P. nova-hollandic, if distinct from the last ; with the following : 276. Genus PLOTUS Linnezus. Darter. Anhinga. Snake-bird. Water-turkey. Glossy greenish-black ; a broad gray wing-band formed by most of the coverts ; lower neck behind and scapulars ed with grayish-white; tertiaries striped with silvery ash; tail pale-tipped; filamentous feathers of neck purplish-ash; ¢ with parts of the head, neck and back brown, the jugulum and breast fawn-color sharply margined with rich brown. Length about 56; extent nearly 4; wing 14; tail 11; bill 34; tarsus 14. S. Atlantic and Gulf States, common; in summer to North ence (Audubon), and up the Mississippi to S. Illinois KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 39 306 TACHYPETIDH, FRIGATES. PHAETHONTIDH, TROPIC BIRDS.—GEN. 277. (Kennicott) ; Fort Thorn, New Mexico (Henry). Nutv., ii, 507; Aup., vi, 443, pl. 420; Lawre. in Bp., 883; P. melanogaster Wits., ix, 79, 82, pl. TA, £01525 oc ce GR ee eo Se EAN ETTON CHA Family TACHYPETIDA. Frigates. Bill longer than the head, stout, straight, wider than high at the base, thence gradually compressed to the strongly hooked extremity. Nostrils very small, linear, almost entirely closed, in a long narrow groove. Gular sac small, but capable of considerable distension. Wings exceedingly long and pointed, of about 34 remiges, of which the 10 primaries are very powerful, with stout quadrangular shafts ; upper and middle portion of the wings greatly lengthened. Tail very long, deeply forked, of 12 strong feathers. Feet exceedingly small, the tarsus, in particular, extraor- dinarily short (§ 75, p. 45), feathered; middle claw pectinate. Bulk of body slight compared with the great length of the wings and tail. Here only in this order is found the os wncinatum, a peculiar skull-bone occurring in nearly all the petrels, the turacous (Musophagide, p. 178) and many cuckoos. The frigates are maritime and pelagic birds of most warm parts of the globe. Their general contour is unique among water-birds, in the immense length and sweep of the wings, length of the forked tail and extreme smallness of the feet. In command of wing they are unsurpassed, and but few birds approach them in this respect. They are more nearly independent of land than any other birds excepting albatrosses and petrels, being often seen hundreds of miles at sea, and delight to soar at an astonishing elevation. They cannot dive, and scarcely swim or walk; food is procured by dashing down on wing with unerring aim, and by harassing gulls, terns and other less active or weaker birds until they are forced to disgorge or drop their prey. Their habit is gregarious, especially during the breeding season, when thousands congregate to nest in low thick bushes by the water’s edge. The nest is a shallow flat structure of sticks; the eggs, two or three in number, are greenish-white with a thick smooth shell. ‘‘The young are covered with yellowish- white down, and look at first as if they had no feet. They are fed by regurgitation, but grow tardily, and do not leave the nest until they are able to follow their parents on wing” (Audubon). The following is the principal if not the only species. 277. Genus TACHYPETES Vieillot. Frigate. Man-of-war Bird. & brownish- black, glossed with green or purplish, duller on the belly, wings showing brown and j gray; 92 with white on neck and _ breast. Fig. 199. Frigate. Length about 34 feet ; extent about 8; wing 2; tail 14; bill 5 or 6 inches; tarsi 1 inch or less. S. Atlantic and Gulf Coast. Nurt., ii, 491; Avup., vii, 10, pl. 421; Lawr. in Bp., 873. - aqguinus. Family PHAETHONTIDA. Tropic Birds. Bill about as long as the head, stout, straight, compressed, tapering, acute, paragnathous. Gular sac rudimentary, almost completely feathered. Nostrils LONGIPENNES, LONG-WINGED SWIMMERS.—GEN. 278. 307 small, linear, but remaining patulous. Tail with the two middle feathers in the adult filamentous and extraordinarily prolonged, the rest short and broad. The tropic birds resemble a large, stout tern in their general figure; the bill, especially, being almost exactly like that of a tern. The principal external peculiarity is the development of the middle tail-feathers; the feathering of the gular sac and the permanent patulence of the nostrils are other features. They are graceful birds on the wing, capable of protracted flight, venturing far from land. They are gregarious at all times, and nest in communities along coasts and on islands, in rocky places or among low trees and bushes. As implied in their name, they are birds of the torrid zone, though i in their extensive wanderings they visit Southern seas, and have even been reported from latitude 40° N. There are but three well determined species: P. flavirostris (below) ; P. etherews, and P. rubricauda. 278. Genus PHAETHON Linnzus. Tropic Bird. White, satiny, rosy-tinted; long tail feathers reddened, black-shafted ; sides of head, wings and flanks varied with black ; bill orange ; tarsi yellow; toes and webs black; young with more black on upper parts. Wing 11; bill 12-2; tarsus 1; tail 4-5, its middle feathers up to 15-20. Gulf Coast, rare or casual. P. ethereus Nurv., ii, 503; Aup., vii, 64, pl. 427; P. flavirostris Branpt; Lawr. in Bp., 885. . . . FLAVIROSTRIS. Order LONGIPENNES. Long-winged Swimmers. Wings long, pointed, reaching when closed beyond the base, in many cases beyond the end, of the tail, which is usually lengthened and of less than 20 rec- trices (oftenest 12). Legs more or less perfectly beneath centre of equilibrium when the body is in the horizontal position; the crura more nearly free from the body than in other Natatores, if not completely external. “Anterior toes palmate ; hallux never united with the inner toe, highly elevated, directly posterior, very small, rudimentary or absent; tibize naked below. Bill of variable form, but never exten- sively membranous nor lamellate, the covering horny throughout, sometimes dis- - continuous. Nostrils variable, but never abortive. No gular pouch. Altricial. This order, which may be recognized among web-footed birds by the foregoing external characters, is less substantially put together than either of the two preceding —not that its components are not sufficiently related to each other, but because the essential points of structure are shared to a considerable extent by other groups. Thus the osteological resemblances of longipennine birds with loons, auks, and plover, are quite close, as noted by Huxley; while the digestive system agrees in general characters with that of other fish-eating birds. In some of the lower members of the order, the tibia develops an apophysis, as in the loons; while even in external characters, one genus at least, Halodroma, resembles the Alcide. It is not certain, that the order must not be broken up, or rather enlarged and differently defined, to include some of the genera now ranged under Pygopodes. The palate has the schizognathous structure; ‘‘the maxillo-palatines are usually lamellar and concayo-conyex, but in the Procellariide they become tumid and spongy” (Hualey) ; basipterygoid processes may be often wanting, but they are certainly present in many more cases than Huxley supposed. There is appar- ently one pair of syringeal muscles throughout the order. The cesophagus is capa- 308 LARIDA, GULLS, TERNS, ETC.—GEN. 279-80. cious and distensible ; there is no special crop; the proventriculus is a bulging o the gullet; the gizzard is small and little muscular; the coca are variable; the cloaca is large. Certain genera offer peculiarities of this general type of alimentary canal. According to Nitzsch, the pterylosis of the gulls ‘‘approaches very closely that of the Scolopacide, and can hardly be distinguished therefrom with certainty by any character.” In the terns, ‘‘in consequence of the slender and elegant form of the body, the tracts are very narrow, and perfectly scolopacine.” The jaégers differ ‘“‘in having the outer branch of the inferior tract united with the main stem in the first part of its course, and all the tracts still broader and stronger than in” the gulls ; while in the petrels, ‘‘ the tract formation of the jaégers is elevated into the type of a group, undergoing scarcely any change in the form of the inferior tract, but showing some little modification of the dorsal tract.” As here constituted, the order embraces two families, to be known by the char- acter of the nostrils ; both are well represented in this country. Family LARIDA. Gulls, Terns, etc. Nostrils not tubular (linear, linear-oblong, oval or drop-shaped), sub-basal or median, lateral, pervious. The hallux, though very small and elevated, with its tip hardly touching the ground, is, except in one instance, better developed than in the petrels. The habitat is fluviatile, lacustrine and maritime, rather than pelagic. The family contains four leading genera, each of which may be assumed as the basis of a subfamily; all four occur in North America, Subfamily LESTRIDIN A. Jaégers, or Skua Gulls. Covering of bill discontinuous, the upper mandible being saddled with a large horny ‘‘ cere,” beneath the edges of which the nostrils open (unique, among water- birds) ; bill epignathous. Tail nearly square, but the middle pair of feathers abruptly long-exserted. Feet strong, the podotheca granular or otherwise roughened behind, scutellate in front; webs full. Certain pterylographic characters have been already noted. A leading anatomical peculiarity in the large size of the ceeca, as compared with the cases of the other subfamilies. There is but one genus, and only four species are well determined. They belong more particularly to the northern hemisphere, although some also, inhabit southern seas; they mostly breed in boreal regions, but wander extensively at other seasons. ‘They inhabit sea coasts, and also large inland waters; the nidification resembles that of the gulls; eggs, 2-3, dark-colored, variegated. The sexes are alike; the young different, excepting one species; there is also a particular melanotic plumage, apparently a normal transient condition. At first the central tail feathers do not project, and they grow tardily. The skua gulls are eminently rapacious, whence their name of ‘jacger” (hunter) ; they habitually attack and harass terns and the smaller gulls, until these weaker and less spirited birds are forced to drop or disgorge their prey. Their flight is vigorous ; lashing the air with the long tail, they are able to accomplish the rapid and varied evolutions required for the successful practice of piracy. Thus in their leading traits they are marine Raptores; whilst the cered bill furnishes a curious analogy to the true birds of prey. 279-80. Genus STERCORARIUS Brisson. * Bill shorter than middle toe without claw ; tarsus shorter than middle toe and claw ; central rectrices little projecting, broad to the tip. (Buphagus.) a LARIDA, JAEGERS.—GEN. 279-80. 309 Skua Gull. Length about 2 feet; wing 17 inches; tail 6; tarsus 23, middle toe and claw 3; bill about 2, its depth at base 8. Above, blackish- brown, varied with chestnut and whitish ; throat and sides of neck yellowish- brown, streaked with white ; below, fusco-rufous, with an ashy ‘shade ; quills blackish, with white shafts and a conspicuous large white area at base; tail feathers blackish, white at the base; very old birds are much darker and more uniform brown, almost blackish above, rather smoky brown below. Northern N. Am., rare or casual; “California.” Lestris cataractes Nurv., ii, 812; Stercorarius cataractes Lawr., Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1853, 71, and in Bo., 838; Buphagus skua Cours, Proe. Phila. Acad. 1863, 125. . sxua. ** Bill and tarsi relatively longer than in the foregoing ; central rectrices finally projecting far beyond the rest. Smaller and less robust. (Stercorarius.) Pomarine Jaéger. Middle tail feathers finally projecting about 4 inches, broad to the tip. Length about 20 inches; wing 14; bill 14-12; tarsus about 2. Adult: back, wings, tail, crissum and lower belly blackish-brown, deepening on the top of the head and slight occipital crest to brownish- black ; below, from bill to belly, and neck all round, pure white, excepting acuminate feathers of sides of neck, which are pale yellow; quills whitish basally, their shafts largely white ; tarsi above blue, below, with the toes and webs, black. Wot quite adult: as before, but breast with dark spots, sides of the body with dark bars, blackish of lower belly interrupted ; feet black. Younger: whole under parts, with upper wing and tail coverts, variously marked with white and dark; feet blotched with yellow. Young: whole plumage transversely barred with dark brown and rufous; feet mostly yellow. Dusky stage (coming next after the barred plumage just given?) ; fuliginous, unicolor; blackish-brown all over, quite black on the head, rather sooty brown on the belly; sides of the neck slightly gilded. Northern N. Am., ranging S. to the Middle States in winter. Sw. and Riew., F. B.-A. ii, 429; Nurv., ii, 315; Aup., vii, 186, pl. 451; Lawr. PHB GUROO Orme OOUNS@iacr 129. © .. 6 s.c0 « % ss POMATORHINUS: Parasitic, or Richardson’s Jaéger. Middle tail feathers finally projecting about 4 inches, ¢apering, acuminate; smaller; wing 12-13; tarsus 197-1]; bill 14-13; tail 5-6, the long feathers up to 9 inches. Adult: upper parts, including top of the head and slight occipital crest, and crissum, blackish- brown, deeper on wings and tail; chin, throat, sides of head, neck all round and under parts to the vent, white, the sides of the neck pale yellow; quills and tail feathers with whitish shafts ; feet blue and black. Younger: clouded below with dusky in variable pattern and amount. Young: barred cross- wise with rufous and dusky; feet mostly yellow. There is a fuliginous stage, precisely:as in the last species. Northern N. Am.; U.S. in winter. Lestris richardsonii Sw., F. B.-A. ii, 433, pl. 73 (in dusky plumage) ; Nurr., ii, 319 (dusky) ; Aup., vii, 190, pl. 452; Stercorarius richardsonii Cougs, 1. c. 135; Lestris cepphus Nurtr., ii, 818 (adult); Stercorarius parasiticus Lawr. in Bp., 839; Cours, /.c. 1382. . . . . PARASITICUS. - Arctic, Long-tailed, or Buffon’s Jaéger. Middle tail feathers finally pro- 310 LARIDZ, GULLS. jecting 8 or 10 inches, very slender and almost filamentous for a great part of their length; smaller still; wing about 12; tail about 6; tarsus 14-13; bill 1-14; plumage as in the last. Same habitat. Lestris parasiticus Sw. and Rion., F. B.-A. ii, 430; Nurr., ii, 317; Aup., vii, 192, pl. 453; S. cep- phus Lawr. in Bp., 840; S. buffonit Cougs, 1. c. 136. . . . BUFFONIIL. Subfamily LARINA. Gulls. Covering of bill continuous, horny throughout: bill more or less strongly epi- gnathous, compressed, with more or less protuberant gonys ; nostrils linear-oblong, median or sub-basal, pervious. Tail even or nearly so, rarely forked or cuneate, without projecting middle feathers. Certain of the smaller slenderer-billed species alone resemble terns, but may be known by the not forked tail (except Xema) ; in all the larger species, the hook of the bill is distinctive. Gulls average much larger than terns, with stouter build; the feet are larger and more ambulatorial, the wings are shorter and not so thin; the birds winnow the air in asteady course unlike the buoyant dashing flight of their relatives. They are cosmopolitan; species occur in abundance on all sea coasts, and over large inland waters ; in general, large numbers are seen together, not only at the breeding places, but during the migrations, and in winter, when their association depends upon community of interest in the matter of food. This is almost entirely of an animal nature, and consists principally of fish ; the birds seem to be always hungry, always feeding or trying to do so. Many kinds procure food by plunging for it, like terns; others pick up floating substances ; some of the smaller kinds are adroit parasites of the pelicans, snatching food from their very mouths. They all swim lightly —a circumstance explained by the small- ness of the body compared with its apparent dimensions with the feathers on. The voice of the larger species is hoarse, that of the smaller shrill; they have an ordinary note of several abrupt syllables during the breeding season, and a harsh cry of anger or impatience; the young emit a querulous whine. The nest is commonly built on the ground; the eggs, 2-3 in number, are variegated in color. Several circumstances conspire to render the study of these birds difficult. With few exceptions, they are almost identical in form; while in size they show an unbroken series. Individual variability in size is high; northerly birds are usually appreciably larger than those of the same species hatched further south; the ¢ exceeds the 9? a little (usually) ; very old birds are likely to be larger, with espec- ially stouter bill, than young or middle aged ones. There is, besides, a certain plas- ticity of organization, or ready susceptibility to modifying influences, so marked that the individuals hatched at a particular spot may be appreciably different in some slight points from others reared but afew miles away. One pattern of coloration runs through nearly all the species : they are white, with a darker mantle (stragulwm ; § 38, p- 17), andin most cases with black crossing the primaries near the end, the tips of the quills white. The shade of the mantle is very variable in the same species, accord- ing to climate, action of the sun, friction and other causes; the pattern of the black on the quills is still more so, since it is continually changing with age, at least until a final stage is‘reached. Incredible as it may appear, species and even genera have been based upon such shadowy characters. One group of species has the head enveloped in a dark hood in the breeding season, the under parts tinted with peach-blossom hue. The sexes are always alike; the moult appears to be twice a year, so that a winter plumage more or less different from that of summer results ; while the young are never like the old. The change is slow, generally requiring LARIDE, GULLS. —GEN. 281-5. 311 2-8 years; in the interim, birds are found in every stage. They are always darker than the old, often quite dusky ; usually with black or flesh-colored bill; and of those with black on the primaries when adult, the young usually have these quills all black. There being no peculiar extra-limital species, those of our country give a perfect idea of the whole group. Some seventy-five species are currently reported ; there are certainly not over fifty, and I doubt that there are over forty unques- tionable species. For these, thirty! generic names have been invented, nine-tenths of which are simply preposterous. N.B. In using the following descriptions, understand that the color is white, unless otherwise stated. 281-5. Genus LARUS Linneus. A. Species of largest to medium size, of robust form, with a stout bill, more or less strongly hooked, and protuberant at the symphysis ; the white of the under parts never rosy-tinted, nor the head enveloped in a dark-colored hood. a. Hind toe well developed, bearing a perfect claw. * Tail of the adult entirely white. + Feet not black; and with full webs. { Primaries without any Dlack. Glaucous Gull. Ice Gull. Burgomaster. Primaries entirely white, or palest possible pearly-blue fading insensibly into white at some distance from the end, their shafts straw-yellow; mantle palest pearly-blue; bill yellow, with vermilion spot on lower mandible; feet flesh colored or pale yellowish. In winter, head and hind neck lightly touched with dusky. Young: impure white, with or without traces of pearly on the mantle; head, neck and upper parts mottled with pale brownish (sometimes quite dusky on the back), the under parts a nearly uniform but very faint shade of the same, the quills and tail often imperfectly barred with the same; bill flesh-colored or yellowish, black-tipped. Very large; length about 50; extent 60; wing 18, or more ; bill 22 or more; tarsi 3 or more. Arctic America; S. coastwise in winter -to the Middle States. Ricn., F. B.-A. ii, 416; Nurr., ii, 306; Aun., vii, 170, pl. 449; Lawr. in Bp., 842.—Z. hutchinsti Ricu., FE. B.-A. ii, 419? Cougs, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1862, 294, and Proc. Essex Inst. v, 806; Exuior, pl. 53 (young). . . . GLAUCUS. White-winged Gull. eroniadly iilze ihe races tae Sense ; length about 24 (rather less than more) ; wing 16-17; bill 13-2; tarsus 2-23. Same habitat. Ruicu., F. B.-A. ii, 418; Nurr., ii, 305; Aup., vii, 159, pl. 447; WAWRASIN De hO4o. «8 oss : . . LEUCOPTERUS. Glaucous-winged Gull. Primaries a tHe goles of ie: mantle to the very tips, which are occupied by definite small white spots; the Ist also with a large white sub-apical spot. Mantle average “gull-blue ;” bill yellow with red spot; feet flesh-colored ; in winter, the head and hind neck clouded with dusky. Young: gray, more or less variegated with whitish, chiefly in bars on the back and Hee: bill black, or pale with dark tip. Size and shape of argentatus; the adult is exactly like that species, excepting that the primaries have the color of the mantle, instead of black; the young are much paler than young herring-gulls. I have seen no specimens not instantly distin- 312 LARID&, GULLS.—GEN. 281-5. guishable from the foregoing. Pacific Coast, common; breeding northerly ; U.S. in winter. Z. glaucescens and LL. chalcopterus (younger) Lawr. in Bp., 842, 843; Couns, /. c. 295; Bonar., Consp. Av. ii, 216; Laroides glaucopterus BRUCH. -= 9. a2) -) ae te) Jee teen eee GNU OMS Ormn se {{ Primaries crossed with black (adult), or all black (young). Great Black-backed Gull. Saddle-back. Coffin-carrier. Cobb. Feet flesh-colored ; bill yellow with red spot. Mantle blackish slate-color; 1st primary with the end white for 2-3 inches; 2nd primary with a white sub- apical spot, and, like the remaining ones that are crossed with black, having the tip white (when not quite mature, the 1st with small white tip and sub- apical spot, the 2nd with white tip alone). In winter, head and neck streaked with dusky. Young: whitish, variously washed, mottled and patched with brown or dusky ; quills and tail black, with or without white tips; bill black. Very large; equalling or even exceeding ZL. glaucus. N. Atlantic; S. along the U. S. coast in winter; Florida (Audubon). Nurr., ii, 308; Aup., vii, 172, pl. 450; Lawr. in Bp,, 844... . . . . . . . + MARINUS. Oss. JL. fuscus, a European species bearing the same relation to marinus that leucopterus does to glaucus, has been attributed to this country, upon insufficient evidence. Bonar., Synopsis U.S. Birds, No. 298; Nurt., ii, 302. Herring Gull. Common Gull. Feet flesh color; bill yellow with red spot; mantle pale dull blue (darker than in glaucus, but nothing like the deep slate of marinus—much the same as in all the rest of the species) ; primaries marked as in marinus (but the great majority of specimens will be found to have the not quite mature or final condition) ; length 22-27; wing 15-18; tarsus 24-22; bill about 24 long, about 3-3} deep at the base, and about the same at the protuberance. In winter: head and hind neck streaked with dusky. Young: at first almost entirely fuscous or sooty- brown, the feathers of the back and wings with paler edges; bill black; quills and tail black, white-tipped or not; size at the minimum above given. As it grows old, it gradually lightens; the head, neck and under parts are usually quite whitish, before the markings of the quills are apparent, and before the blue begins to show, as it does in patches, mixed with brown ; the black on the tail narrows to a bar, at the time the primaries are assuming their characters, but this bar disappears before the primaries gain their perfect pattern. At one time the bill is flesh colored or yellowish, black- tipped. The American bird proves to average larger than the European in all its parts, as observed in several other water-birds: whence L. smithsoni- anus Cougs, J. c. 296. N. Am., abundant, both coastwise and in the interior, breeding northward, generally distributed at other seasons. L. argentatoides Bonar., Syn. No. 229; Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 417. Norr., ii, 8304; Aup., vii, 163, pl. 448; Lawr. in Bp., 844. . . ARGENTATUS. Var. occipentaLis. Mantle notably darker, rather slaty-blue than grayish-blue ; bill stouter, especially towards the end, the depth at the protuberance usually rather ereater than at the base; greatest depth ~; at the nostrils 3. Pacific Coast, abundant. Avup.,-vii, 161; Lawr. in Bp., 845 ; Couns, /.¢c. 296; Exxror, pl. 52. The eos oe re eee mere rete aar erent ern, emer LARIDH, GULLS.—GEN. 281-5. 313 ordinary Californian bird is distinguished by the above particulars ; but connects directly with argentatus by the North Pacific strain (ZL. borealis Branpr; Barrp, Trans. Chicago Acad. i, 324), and the Siberian bird (L. cachinnans Paty.; L. argentatus var., MipDDENDORF, SCHRENK). Ring-billed Gull. Adult plumage precisely like that of the last species, and its changes substantially the same; bill greenish-yellow, encircled with a black band near the end, usually complete, sometimes defective, the tip and most of the cutting edges of the bill yellow; in high condition, the angle of the mouth and a small spot beside the black, red; feet olivaceous, obscured with dusky or bluish, and partly yellow; the webs bright chrome. (Observe the coloration of the feet in this and in californicus, as compared with argentatus.) Notably smaller than argentatus; length usually 18-20 inches ; extent about 48 ; wing about 15; bill wnder 2, and only about 4 deep at the protuberance; tarsus about 2, obviously longer than the middle toe. N. Am., abundant and generally distributed. LZ. delawarensis Orv, Guthrie’s Geog. 2d Am. ed. ii, 319; Lawr. in Bp., 846; Z. canus Nur., il, 299; L. zonorhynchus Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 421; Nurr., ii, 300; Aup., vii, 152, pl. 446. Cours, 1. c. 302. Reeth eer ae oe Pa een un DHT AW AEN SIGs Var. catirornicus. Apparently larger than ordinary delawarensis, and sometimes nearly equalling argentatus, averaging perhaps 22 inches; bill about 2, the black band probably never perfect, the red spot more obvious ; feet colored as in the last ; tarsus 24, yet not, or not obviously, longer than the middle toe and claw. Tn all the adult birds observed, the white spot on the 1st primary had enlarged to occupy the whole end of the feather for about 2 inches; while the subapical spot on the 2d was large—a state I have not observed in typical delawarensis. Arctic and Western America, abundant. Lawr., Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1854, 79, and in Bp., 846; Cours, 1. c. 300 (excl. syn.). (Type specimen examined.) American Mew Gull. Small; length 16-18 inches; extent about 40; wing 13-14; bill 14, slender, its depth hardly or not over 3; tarsus about equal to the middle toe and claw, both about 13. Bill bluish-green, yellow- tipped, without any red or black; feet dusky bluish-green, webs yellow. Mantle considerably darker than in delawarensis. Arctic and Western N. Am., in the interior and along the Pacific Coast to California ; I am not aware that it occurs on the Atlantic, or anywhere in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains ; Nuttall and Bonaparte seem to refer to the pre- ceding species in giving this range. It will be seen at once to be different from any of the foregoing: and it appears to show constantly some slight discrepancies from the European Z. canus. ZL. canus (adult) and L. brachyrhynchus (young—type specimen examined) Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 420, 422; Nurr., ii, 299, 301; Cours, J. c. 302; Rissa septentrionalis (adult) and Z. suckleyi (young —types of both examined) Lawr., Ann. Lye. N. Y. vi, 265, 264, and in Bp., 854, 848. CANUS var. BRACHYRHYNCHUS. +} Feet black, stout, rough, with short tarsi and excised webs. (Pagophila.) Ivory Gull. Adult plumage entirely pure white, the shafts of the primaries yellow; bill yellow, more or less extensively greenish or dusky toward the base; feet black. Young: more or less spotted and patched KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 40 314 LARIDH, GULLS.—GEN. 281-5. with blackish, and bill often black. Length 16-20 inches; wing 11-13; bill 14-14; tarsi about the same, and rather shorter than the middle toe and claw. Quite different from any other species. Arctic America and Europe, coastwise, rarely S. to U. S. in winter. Sw. and Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 419; Nurr., ii, 301; Aun., vii, 150, pl. 445 ; Pagophila eburnea and P. brachytarsi Laws. in Bp., 856; Couss, J. c. 308, 309. . . . . . . EBURNEUS. ** Tail of the adult almost entirely’black. (Blasipus.) White-headed Gull. Adult with the head white, gradually merging on the neck and under parts into pale ash; mantle dark plumbeous; upper tail coverts whitish ; ends of secondaries and tertiaries white ; primaries and tail feathers black, some of the former usually with white specks at the end, the latter white at extreme tip and base; bill red, black-tipped; feet dark. This is the final plumage; but the blanching is very gradual and tardy, a more usual condition being leaden-gray all over, the mantle slate-gray, the quills and tail black. Very young birds are fuliginous brown, paler or grayish below, the feathers of the upper parts with lighter brown edges, the bill pale with dark tip. Length 16-20 inches; wing 13-14. Pacific Coast, U. S. and southward, abundant. JZ. belchert Vicors, Zool. Voy. Blossom, iv, 358; L. fuliginosus Goutp, Zool. Voy. Beagle, Birds, 141; LL. heermanni Cass., Proce. Phila. Acad. vi, 1852, 157, and Ill. 28, pl. 5; B. heermannt Lawr. in Bp., 848; Cours, /.c. 304. . . . . BELCHERII. 6. Hind toe rudimentary or minute, usually without perfect claw. (?issa.) Kitliwake Gull. Hind toe only appearing as a minute knob, its claw abortive. Mantle rather dark grayish-blue ; 1st primary with the whole outer web, and the entire end for about 2 inches, black; next one, with the end black about as far, but outer web elsewhere light, and a white speck at extreme tip ; on the rest of the primaries that have black, this color decreases in extent proportionally to the shortening of the quills, so that the base of the black on all is in the same line when the wings are closed (a pattern peculiar to the species of fissa); and these all have white apex. Bill yellow, usually clouded with olivaceous; feet dusky olivaceous. Rather small; 16-18 ; wing 12 long; bill 14-14; tarsus about the same; middle toe and claw longer ; tail usually slightly emarginate. In winter, nape and hind neck shaded with the color of the mantle. Young: bill black; a black bar on the tail, another across the neck behind; wings and back variously patched with black; dark spots before and behind the eyes; quills mostly black. Arctic America and Europe, chiefly coastwise, very abundant; in winter, commonly 8. to the Middle States; breeds from New England northward. Sw. and Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 423; Nurt., ii, 298; Avup., vii, 146, pl. 444; Lawr. in Bp., 854; Cours, /. c. 304. . TRIDACTYLUS. Var. xorzeBur. It is a curious fact, that the common kittiwake of the North Pacific usually has the hind toe better formed — sometimes nearly if not quite as long as in ordinary gulls, with a nearly or quite perfect, though small, claw. But I cannot predicate a specific character on this score, since the development of the toe is by insensible degrees. See Cougs, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1869, 207 (footnote). Bonap., Consp. Av. ii, 226; Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1862, 505; Exxior, pl. 54. LARID®, GULLS. —GEN. 281-5. 315 Short-billed Hittiwake. Red-legged Hittiwake. Bill very short, stout, wide and deep at the base, with very convex culmen; its color clear yellow; feet coral-red, drying yellow; tarsus only about two-thirds as long as the middle toe and claw; hind toe very small (little if any larger than in an Atlantic kittiwake, smaller than in the best marked var. kotzebu?), its rudi- mentary claw showing as a little black speck. I do not know the young bird, in which the color of the bill and’ feet is probably materially different. Adult with the mantle leaden-gray, much darker than in the common kitti- wake ; pattern of the primaries essentially the same as in that species. Wing 13; bill 14-14, its depth at base $, at angle little less; tarsus 14; middle toe and claw nearly 2. North Pacific Coast, abundant. This is unques- tionably a different bird from the foregoing, and in adult plumage it would seem impossible to mistake it. Here belong the following names : — Rissa brevirostris Branprt; Lawe. in Bp., 855; Datu and Bann., Trans. Chicago Acad. i, 305 (breeding by thousands about St. George’s, Alaska) ; Larus brachyrhynchus Gouup, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1843, p. , and Zool. Voy. Sulphur, 50, pl. 34; Lissa brachyrhyncha Bonar., Consp. Ay. ii, 226; Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1862, 306; R. brevirostris and R. nivea Lawre. in Bp., 855; £2. nivea Exxior, pl. 54 (not Larus niveus PALu.). BREVIROSTRIS. B. Species of medium to smallest size, of less robust form and slenderer bill than most of the foregoing; in the breeding season the white of the under parts rosy-tinted, and the head enveloped in a dark-colored hood. (Chroecocephalus.) Black-headed, or Laughing Gull. Tarsus one-fourth longer than middle toe and claw. Large; 16-19; wing 12-13; tarsus 2; middle toe and claw 14; bill about 13, the tip elongated and decurved, so that the point comes down nearly or quite to the level of the small, acute prominence of the gonys. Mantle grayish-plumbeous; hood dark plumbeous; eyelids white; black on y primaries taking in nearly all the Ist 4 quill, but rapidly decreasing to the 6th; the white tips very small, few, or want- ing; bill and feet dusky carmine. In Fic. 200. Bill of Black-headed Gull. winter : not rosy, and unhooded ; head white, with dusky or grayish patches on the nape and auriculars. Young: quite brown, paler, grayish or whitish below and on the upper tail coverts; feathers of the back dark with paler edges; quills and tail black, or latter white or partly grayish-blue, with a black bar; bill and feet dusky or brownish. United States, chiefly coast- wise, breeding northward to Bay of Fundy (Boardman), but more abund- antly southward; extremely numerous along the South Atlantic coast. New Mexico and Arizona (Coues); Pacific Coast (Xantus). Larus ridibundus Wits., ix, 89, pl. 74, f. 4; Z. atricilla Nurr., ii, 291; Aup., vii, 136, pl. 443; Lawr. in Bp., 850. . . . . . ATRICILLA. Franklin's Rosy Gull. hs about equal ts the fiddle toe and claw. Medium; 14-16; wing about 11; bill 14-14; tarsus 13; bill and feet 316 LARIDH, GULLS. —GEN. 286. carmine, former usually with a black mark near the end; mantle bluish- plumbeous, the ends of the secondaries white nearly an inch; hood blackish- plumbeous, with white eyelids. Final pattern of primaries :—shaft of Ist entirely white, of next 5 white except in the portion of the quill occupied by black; 1st with its outer web and a bar on the inner web, black, leaving the tip wholly white an inch or more, rest of the feather pearly white ; next 5 crossed by a black bar on both webs, 2-3 inches wide on the 2nd quill, narrowing to a mere spot on the 6th; tips of all these broadly white. Younger birds have much more black on the wing, in a different pattern, and the tail washed with bluish (Ch. cucullatus Licut. ; Lawr. in Bp., 851, pl. 95; Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1862, 309). Central America and Mexico in winter, migrating in the interior, west of the Mississippi, to the Arctic regions ; abundant; has not been observed in the Atlantic States. Larus franklint Ricw., F. B.-A., ii, 424, pl. 71; Nurr., ii, 293; Avp., vii, 145; Ch. franklint Lawr. in Bp., 851... . . . . FRANKLINII. Bonaparte’s Gull. Tarsus about equal to middle toe and claw. Small; 12-14; wing 93-104; tarsus 14; bill 14-14, very slender, like a tern’s. Adult in summer: 67] black; mantle pearly blue, much paler than in the foregoing ; hood slaty-plumbeous, with white touches on the eyelids ;|' many wing coverts white; feet chrome yellow, tinged with coral red; webs ver- milion. Primaries finally :—the first 5-6 with the shafts white except at tip ; 1st white, with outer web and extreme tip black; 2d white, more broadly crossed with black ; 3d to 6th—8th with the black successively decreasing. In winter, no hood, but a dark auricular spot. Young: mottled and patched above with brown or gray, and usually a dusky bar on the wing; the tail with a black bar, the primaries with more black, the bill dusky, much of the lower mandible flesh-colored or yellowish, as are the feet. N.Am.; breeds in the Arctic regions; very abundant in the U. 8. during the migration. Sterna philadelphia Orv, Guthrie’s Geog. 2d Am. ed. ii, 319; Ch. phila- delphia Lawr. in Bp., 852; L. bonapartet Ricu., F. B.-A., ii, 425, pl. 72; Nurtt., ii, 294; Aup., vii, 131, pl. 442; Cougs, 7. c. 310. PHILADELPHIA. Ozs. The sexes of this gull are alike, as in all other cases. Audubon is wrong in figuring the 9 with a brown hood. But it is a question whether the ‘ brown- headed gull,” Larus capistratus of Bon., Syn. p. 358, No. 293—Norr., ii, 290, should be considered as this species, or as the true European bird, ZL. ridibundus, erroneously attributed to this country. The European Least Gull, Z. minutus, has been introduced to our fauna upon erroneous information, the single authority (SaBrne) for its occurrence having doubtless mistaken the last species for it. Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 426; Nurt., ii, 289; Lawr. in Bd. 853. See Cougs, l. c. 311. 286. Genus RHODOSTETHIA Macgillivray. Wedge-tailed, or Ross’ Rosy Gull. Adult: white, rosy-tinted; a black collar, but no hood; mantle pearly-blue ; primaries marked with black; bill black ; feet vermilion; length 14; wing 103; “bill along the ridge ?,” very slender; tarsus little over 1; tail 53, cuneate, the graduation being one i ' : LARIDH, TERNS.—GEN. 287-8. 317 inch. Arctic America, apparently very rare; I have never seen a specimen, and do not know of any in this country. Rron., F. B.-A. ii, 427; Nurt., li, 295; Aup., vii, 130; Lawr. in Bp., 856; Couns, /.c. 311. . ROSEA. 287-8. Genus XEMA Leach. Fork-tailed Gull. Adult: white, including inner primaries, most of secondaries, and greater coverts; head enveloped in a slate-colored hood, succeeded by a velvety-black collar; mantle slaty-blue, extending quite to the tips of the tertiaries; whole edge of the wing, and first 5 primaries, black, their extreme tips, and the outer half of their inner webs to near the end, white; bill black, tipped with yellow; feet black; length 15-14; wing 10-11; bill 1; tarsus 14; tail 5, forked an inch or more. The changes of plumage are correspondent with those of L. philadelphia; in the young the tail is often simply emarginate. Arctic America, both coastwise and in the interior, common, but still rare in collections; in winter, S. occasionally to New York (Audubon) and Utah (Allen). Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 428; Nurv., ii, 296; AuD., vii, 127, pl. 441; Lawn. in Bp., 857; Couns, /.c.311. SABINET. Swallow-tailed Gull. Head and nearly all the neck grayish-brown; a white spot on each side of the forehead; mantle grayish-white ; lesser wing coverts white, greater slate, white-bordered ; bill black at the base, white at the end, much bent; eyes and feet red; eyelids orange; claws black; tail white, very much forked. Length about 2 feet. “California.” This bird appears to be exceedingly rare; no one in this country has seen it. The de- scription is compiled from the original account. Larus furcatus Nesoux, Rev. Zool. 1840, 290; Prevost and Des Murs, Voy. Venus, pl. 10; Creagrus furcatus Bonar.; Lawr. in Bp., 857; Counswiewole weer ees |) | | L FURCATUM. Subfamily STERNIN A. Terns. Covering of bill continuous (no cere), hard and horny throughout; bill paraynathous, relatively longer and slenderer than in the gulls, very acute, the commissure straight or nearly so to the very end; nostrils generally linear. Tail never square, almost invariably forked (often deeply forficate), in one group double-rounded. Wings extremely long, thin and pointed. Feet small, weak, scarcely ambulatorial. The terns are not distinguished from the gulls by any strong structural pecu- liarities, but they invariably show a special contour, in the production of which the longer, slenderer and acutely paragnathous bill is a conspicuous element. Only one species has the bill in any noticeable degree like that of a gull. A few of the terns are as large as middle-sized gulls, but the normal stature is much less; and they are invariably of a slenderer build, more trim in shape, with smoother, closer-fitting plumage. The great length and sharpness of the wing relative to the bulk of the body confer a dash and buoyancy of flight wanting in the gulls; in flying over the water in search of food, they hold the bill pointing straight downward, which makes them look curiously like colossal mosquitoes; and they secure their Fic. 201. Roseate Tern. 318 LARID/, TERNS. prey by darting impetuously upon it, when they are usually submerged for a moment. The larger kinds feed principally upon little fish, procured in this way ; but most of the smaller ones are insectivorous, and flutter about over marshy spots like swallows or nighthawks. The general appearance and mode of flight have suggested the name of ‘“sea-swallow,” the equivalent of which is applied in nearly all civilized languages. A forking of the tail is an almost universal character. In the Caspian and marsh terns, the black tern and its allies, and some others, the forking is moderate, and not accompanied by attenuation of the lateral feathers ; but ordinarily, these are remarkably lengthened and almost filamentous, as in the barn swallow. It should be observed that in all such cases the narrowing elongation is gradual, and consequently less evident in the young ; and that it is very variable in its development. The noddies offer the peculiarity of a tail lightly forked centrally, but rounded laterally. The feet are small and relatively weak throughout the group; the terns walk but little, and scarcely swim at all. Ordinarily the webbing is rather narrow, and excised, particularly that between the middle and inner toe ; in Hydrochelidon, this occurs to such extent that the toes seem simply semipalmate. The webs are fullest in Anows, where also the hallux is unusually long; in some species, this toe is slightly connected with the tarsus by a web. The inner toe is shorter than the outer, and much less than the middle, which, especially in Hydro- chelidon, is much lengthened, and has the inner edge of its claw dilated, or even slightly serrate. The coloration is very constant, almost throughout the subfamily. Most of the species are white (often rosy-tinted below), with a pearly-blue mantle, a black cap on the head, and dark-colored primaries, along the inner web of which usually runs a white stripe. These dark-colored quills, when new, are beautifully frosted or silvered over; but this hoariness being very superficial, soon wears off, leaving the feathers simply blackish. The black cap is often interrupted by a white frontal crescent; it is sometimes prolonged into a slight occipital crest; in a few species, it is replaced by a black bar on each side of the head. One species, Inca mystacalis, has a curious bundle of curly white plumes on each side of the head. Another, Gygis alba, is pure white all over; Procelsterna cinerea is wholly ashy : the noddies are all fuliginous; the upper parts of Haliplana are dark; the species of Hydrochelidon are largely black. These are the principal if not the only excep- - tions to the normal coloration just given. ‘The sexes are never distinguishable, either by size or color; but nearly all the species, in the progress toward maturity, undergo changes of plumage, like gulls; while the seasonal differences are usually considerable. As a rule, the black cap is imperfect in young and winter specimens, and the former show gray or brown patching instead of the pure final color of the mantle. In all those species in which the bill is red, orange or yellow, it is more or less dusky in the young. The changes are probably greatest in the black terns. The general economy is much the same throughout the group. The eggs are laid in a slight depression on the ground—generally the shingle of beaches, or in a tussock of grass in a marsh, or in a rude nest of sticks in low thick bushes; they are 1-3 in number, variegated in color. Most of the species are maritime, and such is particularly the case with the noddies; but nearly all are also found inland. They are noisy birds, of shrill penetrating voice; and no less gregarious than gulls, often assembling in multitudes to breed, and generally moving in company. Species occur near water in almost every part of the world, and most of them are widely distributed; of those occurring in North America, the majority are found in corresponding latitudes in the Old World. About seventy species are currently reported; these must be reduced nearly one-half; the true number is LARIDZ, TERNS.— GEN. 289-92. 319 apparently just about that of the gulls. Some twenty “genera” have been imposed upon the terns—three-quarters of these are of no account whatever. N.B. Understand white, the pilewm black, the quills silvered-dusky with long white stripe, unless the descriptions state otherwise. 289-92. Genus STEHRNA Linneus. * Bill remarkably short, stout and obtuse, hardly or not half as long again as the tarsus. (Gelochelidon.) Gull-billed, or Marsh Tern. Bill and feet black; mantle pearly grayish- blue, this color extending on the rump and tail; primaries with the white stripe restricted to their base, their shafts white. Length 13-15; extent about 384; wing 10-12; tail 4, forked only 2 or less, the lateral feathers little narrowed; tarsi 1-14; bill 1$. Eastern United States; apparently not abundant in this country. Europe, ete. S. aranea Wits., viii, 143, pl. 72, f. 6; Lawr. in Bp., 859; S. anglica Nutr., ii, 269; Aup., vii, 81, pl. 430; Gelochelidon anglica Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1862, 536. . . ANGLICA. ** Bill of an ordinary sternine character. 7 Occiput slightly crested. Feet black. Size large. (Thalasseus.) Caspian Tern. Bill red. Mantle pearly grayish-blue; cap extending below the eyes, but the under eyelid white; primaries without any white band. In winter, black of the cap chiefly restricted to the occiput; young, with the bill dusky and yellowish, the back, wings and tail patched with brown or blackish. Much the largest of the terns; length 20 or more; wing 15-17; tail 5-6, moderately forked, without narrowed feathers ; bill 24-22, very stout, ? or more deep at base, 4 wide opposite nostrils ; tarsus 13-13; middle toe and claw rather less. Arctic America and Europe, S. in winter to the Middle States; apparently not abundant in this country. Lawre. Ann. Lye. N. Y., 1851, v, 37 ; Cousrs, /. c. 537 (var. imperator), and irdesbssex inst. vy, 508; Bemor, pl. 56. . . . . . + »« » GASPIA. Royal Tern. Bill orange. Mantle pearly grayish-blue. In winter, bill duller colored ; cap mostly restricted to occiput: rump and tail shaded with the color of the mantle. Young, with the crown much like that of the adults in winter; upper parts without bluish, or this only showing in patches, and variously spotted with dusky. Scarcely shorter than the last, owing to length of tail, but much less bulky; length 18-20; wing 14-15; tail 6-8, deeply forked, with narrowed lateral feathers; tarsus about 14, middle toe and claw rather more than less; bill 25-2? (in the young sometimes only 2+), 4$-§ deep at base, the gonys about 1 long. Atlantic Coast, U. S., to New York (Lawrence), abundant southerly ; California? S. cayana Nurr., ii, 268; Aup., vii, 76, pl. 429; S. regia GampBet, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1848, 128; Lawr. in Bp., 859; Thalasseus regius Couns, 1. c. 538. REGIA. Elegant Tern. Similar to the last; mantle very pale; under parts rosy- tinted in high plumage. Smaller and somewhat differently proportioned ; bill much slenderer; tarsus obviously longer than middle toe and claw. Length about 17; wing 12-13; tail 6-7; bill 243, under 4 deep at base, the gonys about 14 long; tarsus rather over 1; middle toe and claw under 1. 320 LARIDA, TERNS. — 289-92. California, Mexico, Cent. and S. Am., and Africa. S. galericulata Licut., Verz. 1823, 81; WS. elegans Gamp., Proc. Phila. Acad. 1848, 129; Lawr. in Bp. 860; TLhalasseus elegans Cours, 1. c. 540. . . . GALERICULATA. -Sandwich Tern. Bill black, tipped with yellow. Plumage as in regius or galericulata, but mantle extremely pale; smaller; length 15-16; wing about 12; tail 5-6 ; bill . 2-24, the yellow part from ? of an inch to a mere point; tarsus 1; middle toe and claw 14. Atlantic and Gulf Coast of U. S., abundant. Europe. S. boystt Nutr., ii, 276; S. can- tiaca AwD., vii, 87, pl. 431; S. acuflavida Cazot, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 1847, 257; Lawr. in Bo., 860; Thalasseus acuflavidus Couns, 1. c. 540. . . . CANTIACA. Fic. 202. Sandwich Tern. +} Occiput not crested. Feet not black. Medium and small. (Sterna.) Common Tern. Wilson's Tern. Sea Swallow. Bill red, blackening on the terminal third, the very point usually light; feet coral-red. Mantle pearly grayish-blue ; primary shafts white except at the end; below white, washed with pale pearly plumbeous, blanching on throat and lower belly. Tail mostly white, the outer web of the outer feather darker than the inner web of the same. Length of g 144 (13 to 16); extent 31 (29-32) ; wing 104 (93-112) ; tail 6 (5-7); tarsus 2 (§-%); bill 12 (14-4); whole foot averaging 13; 9 rather less; averaging toward these minima: young birds may show a little smaller, in length of tail particularly, and so of total length ; length 124-; wing 9++; tail 44+-; bill 14+. In winter, this species does not appear to lose the black cap, contrary to a nearly universal rule. Young: bill mostly dusky, but much of the under mandible yellowish; feet simply yellowish ; cap more or less defective; back and wings patched and barred with gray and light brown, the bluish showing imperfectly if at all, but this color shading much of the tail; usually a blackish bar along the lesser coverts, and several tail feathers dusky on the outer web; below, pure white, or with very little plumbeous shade. N. Am., abundant; breeds at various points along the Atlantic States, and northward. It does not differ in the least from the European. S. hirundo Wis., vii, 76, pl. 60, f. 1; AuD., vii, * 97, pl. 483; Nurr., ii, 271; S. wilsont Lawr. in Bp., 861. . MHrRUNDO. Forster's Tern. like the last; larger, tail longer and wings shorter. Wing of adult 93-103; tail 63-8, thus often beyond the extreme of hirundo, and nearly as in macroura; bill 13 (14-1}), and about 2 deep at base (in hirwndo rarely if ever so deep) ; tarsus seldom down to §; whole foot about 2. Little or no plumbeous wash below; inner web of the outer tail feather darker than the outer web of the same. Young and winter birds may be distinguished from /Adrundo at gunshot range ; the black cap is almost aneqere> LARIDZ, TERNS.—GEN. 289-92. 321 entirely wanting, and in its place is a broad black band on each side of the head through the eye; several lateral tail feathers are largely dusky on the znner webs; their outer webs are white. (Sterna havelli! Aupuson, vii, 103, pl. 334.) N. Am., at large, abundant. S. hirundo Sw. and Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 412; S. forstert Nutv., ii, 274; Lawre. in Bp., 862. See Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1862, DAS TOs IDs 201s LOM Ade 2s 3 . | KORSTERIT. Arctic Tern. Bill carmine or lake-red throughout ; feet vermilion. Plumage like that of-hirundo, but much darker below, the plumbeous wash so heavy that these parts are but little if any paler than the mantle ; crissum pure white in marked contrast; the throat and sides of the neck pale or white. In winter, cap defective; in young, the same; upper parts patched with gray, brown or rufous; under parts paler or white; a dark bar on the wing; outer webs of several tail feathers dusky; Dill blackish or dusky-red with yellow on the under mandible; feet dull orange. Smaller than hirundo, but tail much longer. Length 14-17; extent 28-30; wing 10-12; tail 5-8 ; bill 14-12; tarsus only 4-3 ; whole foot about 13. Europe; N. Am., especially coastwise and northerly; breeds plentifully in New England and northward; abundant in Alaska. S. arctica Sw. and Rion., F. B.-A. ii, 414; Nurvt., ii, 275; Aup., vii, 107, pl. 436; S. macroura Lawr. in Bop., SOF SOUNG UNG AQ mee, hots a hey ie gh pa) a ald al bea MACROURA. Pikes Tern. Bill black, or reddish-black, the point often whitish. Plum- age resembling that of hirwndo, and size about the same; wings and tail relatively longer ; bill 14-14, very slender, 1-2, high at the base; tarsi 4-3. Pacific Coast, N. Am. I have never seen an adult, nor indeed any authentic specimen of this bird; but the type of Sterna pikei (a young bird, in poor condition) which I have examined, seems almost unquestionably referable here ; if not this species, it is a young macroura. SS. longipennis NorpMann, Verz. 1835, 17; MippEnporr, Sibirische Reise, 246, pl. 25, f. 4; ScuLEGEL, M. P.-B. Sterne, 23. S. pikei Lawr., Ann. Lye. 1853, 3 and in Bp., 863; Compe teca 0 Oveetamaeth Gece Seyrecp cc pe Poco seTe ls, Goren) LONGIPENNIS. Roseate Tern. Bill black, usually orange at base below. Mantle very pale pearly blue; primaries with the white band broad and usually extending to the very tip; below, pure white, or rosy-tinted; feet coral-red. Changes of plumage as in other species. Length 12-16; wing 9-10; ¢ail 5-8; bill 14-13, very slender; tarsus 3-3. Atlantic Coast, U. S., abundant. S. doug- allii Nutv., ii, 278; Aup., vii, 112, pl. 437; S. paradisea Lawr. in Bp., DUB PRCOUNGT a Ga Mire chea tues 0 Ue walt eam ech on 3 925s) 0 ow PARADISAAS Least Tern. Bill yellow, usually tipped with black. Mantle pale pearly grayish-blue, extending unchanged on the rump and tail; @ white frontal crescent, separating the black cap from the bill, bounded below by a black loral stripe reaching the bill; shafts of two or more outer primaries black on KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 41 Fic. 203. Foot of Forster’s Tern. 322 LARIDEH, TERNS.—GEN. 289-92. the upper surface, white underneath ; feet orange. Young; cap too defective to show the crescent; bill dark, much of the under mandible pale; feet obscured. Very small, only 8-9; wing 6-63; tail 2-33; bill 1-1}; tarsus 3%. U. S. and somewhat northward, chiefly coastwise, abundant. Appears to be perfectly distinct from the European bird. S. minuta W11s., vii, 80, pl. 60, f. 2; Aup., vii, 119, pl. 439. S. swperciliaris Virmuor, Dict. Deterv. 1819, xxxii, 176. S. argentea Maxtm., Voy. i, 67; Nurr., ii, 280. S. antillarum and melanorhyncha Lesson, 1847; Couns, J. c. 552. WS. frenata Gams., Proc. Phila. Acad. 1848, 128; Lawr. in Bp., 864. SUPERCILIARIS. Trudeaws Tern. Bill orange, crossed by a blackish band, the tip yellow. Entire plumage pearly grayish-blue, little if any paler below than above but whitening on the head; a black band through the eye; no black cap. Size and proportions precisely as in /forsteri (excepting shorter tail?). South and Central America, rare or only casual on the Atlantic Coast (New Jersey and Long Island, Trudeau). Avp., vii, 105, pl. 4385; Lawr. in Bos, 861; Couns, 1. co425 8. ee ELROD HAUI ttt No occipital crest. Feet and bill black ; colors darker than in any of the foregoing. Size medium. (Haliplanda.) Aleutian Tern. Top of the head black, with a white frontal crescent; back very dark ash, or dull slaty-blue; under parts similar, paler; tail white; chin and sides of head, edge and lining of wings, and shafts of primaries, white. Length about 14; wing 103; tail 74, forked nearly 4; bill 14; tarsus .55; middle toe and claw 14. Alaska; one specimen known. A remarkable species, entirely different from any other known to me; it stands exactly between Sterna proper and Haliplana, and appears related to S. lunata Pears (Cass., U. S. Expl. Exp. 1858, 382). Barrp, Trans. Chicaco’ Acad’, 1,7°186959240 plaola ds ae tee :> CAE UBICAS Sooty Tern. Brownish-black, continuous from Head £6 tail; under parts, outer web of outer tail feather, and a frontal crescent, white. The frontal lunule is short and wide, its horns not reaching beyond the eyes; the black loral stripe does not quite reach the bill. Very young birds are fuliginous, speckled with white. Length 15-17; wing 11-12; tail 6-8; bill 13-2; tarsus %. Atlantic and Gulf Coast, southerly; breeds by thousands in Florida, with the noddies. Wuts., viii, 145, pl. 72, f. 7; Norr., ii, 284; AUD evil. 00); plat32)- AW Rin BD. cole. momar . . FULIGINOSA. Bridled Tern. Slaty-gray, bl: enae on crown aa quills, the color of the head separated from that of the back by an ashy-gray interval on the cervix ; white frontal crescent very narrow, with long horns reaching beyond the eyes, involving the upper eyelid and forming a superciliary line ; black loral stripe reaching the bill; under parts, and most of 2-3 outer tail feathers, white; smaller than the last, and easily distinguished. Central America, and various warmer parts of the world; I introduced it to our fauna upon the strength of a specimen from Audubon’s collection, now in Mr. Lawrence’s cabinet, labelled “Florida.” 8. anosthetus Scorouti (fide Fic. 204. Aleutian Tern. POs me, covery aq LARIDH, TERNS.—GEN. 293, 294. 323 Gray); S. panayensis of aurnors: Faliplana discolor Cougs, Ibis, 1864, 392; Lawrence, Ann. Lyc.N. Y. viii, 105; Exxior, pl. 57. sanosrHara. 293. Genus HYDROCHELIDON Boie. Black, or Short-tailed Tern. Adult in breeding plumage: head, neck and under parts, uniform jet-black; back, wings and tail, plumbeous; _ primaries unstriped; crissum pure white; bill black. In winter and young birds, the black is mostly replaced by white on the forehead, sides of head and under parts, the crown, occiput and neck behind, with the sides under the wings, being dusky gray; a dark auricular patch and another before the eye; in a very early stage, the upper parts are varied with dull brown. Small; wing 8-9, little less than the whole length of the bird; tail 34, simply forked; bill 1-14; tarsus 3; middle toe and claw 14. N. Am., chiefly inland, breeding in marshy places. S. plumbea Wus., vii, 83, pl. 60, f. 3 (young) ; H. plumbea Lawr. in Bp., 864; S. nigra Nutt., ii, 282; Avp., vii, 116, pl. 438; H. jissipes Couns, J. ¢. 554. . . FISSIPES. 294. Genus ANOUS Leach. Noddy Tern. Frontal feathers in convex outline on \ the bill (the anti, shown by all the foregoing, here jy¢. 095. Foot of Black wanting) ; webs remarkably full; tail graduated laterally, aaa emarginate in the middle, the feathers broad aud stiffish. Plumage fuliginous, blackening on quills and tail, with a plumbeous cast on the head and neck, the crown more or less purely white; bill black; length 15-17; wing 10-11; tail 6-7; bill 1$-1$; tarsus 1; middle toe and claw 12-13. S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, breeding in vast multitudes ; the nest is placed on bushes. Nurv., ii, 285; Aup., vii, 123, pl. 440; Lawr. in Bp., 865. A. stolidus and A. frater Couns, 1. c. 558. . . . STOLIDUS. Subfamily RHYNCHOPIN A. Skimmers. Bill hypognathous. Among the singular bills of birds that frequently excite our wonder, that of the skimmers is one of the most anomalous. The under mandible is much longer than the upper, compressed like a knife-blade; its end is obtuse ; Fic. 206. Bill of Skimmer. its sides come abruptly together and are completely soldered ; the upper edge is as sharp as the under, and fits a groove in the upper mandible; the jawbone, viewed apart, looks like a short-handled pitch-fork. The upper mandible is also com- 324 LARIDE®, SKIMMERS. —GEN. 295. pressed, but less so, nor is it so obtuse at the end; its substance is nearly hollow, with light cancellated structure, much as in a toucan ; it is freely movable by means of an elastic hinge at the forehead. There are cranial peculiarities. Conformably with the shape of the mouth, the tongue differs from that of other Longipennes in being very short and stumpy, as in kingfishers, and the Steganopodes. The wings are exceedingly long, and the flight more measured and sweeping than that of terns ; the birds fly in close flocks moving simultaneously, rather than in straggling com- panies. They seem to feed as they skim low over water, with the fore parts inclined downward, the under mandible probably grazing or cutting the surface; but they are also said to use their odd bill to pry open weak bivalve mollusks. The voice is very hoarse and raucous, rather than strident. They are somewhat nocturnal or at least crepuscular; their general economy is the same as that of terns, as are all points of structure excepting those above specified. Besides the following, there are only two species: &. flavirostris and R. albicollis, of Asia. 295. Genus RHYNCHOPS Linneus. Black Skimmer. Cut-water. Glossy black, the forehead, sides of head and neck and all under parts pure white, or rosy-tinted ; tail ashy and white ; bill red, black-tipped; feet orange. Young: grayish-black or dull brown above, varied with white ; bill yellow, dusky-tipped. Length 16-20 inches ; extent 3-4 feet ; wing 13-15; tail 4-5, forked ; under mandible 34—4$, upper 24-3. Coast of South Atlantic and Gulf States, very abundant; frequently to the Middle States, and even straying to New England. W11s., vii, 85, pl. 60, f.4; Nurr., ii, 264; Aup., vii, 67, pl. 428; Lawr. in Bp., 866. NiIGRA. Family PROCELLARIIDA. Petrels. Nostrils tubular. Bill epignathous; its covering discontinuous, consisting of seyeral horny pieces separated by deep grooves. Hallux small, elevated, func- tionless, appearing merely as a sessile claw, often minute, absent in two genera. These are oceanic birds, rarely landing except to breed, unsurpassed in powers of flight, and usually strong swimmers; excepting the sea-runners, none of them dive. With the same exception, the wings are long, strong and pointed, of 10 stiff primaries and numerous short secondaries ; the humeral and ante-brachial portions are sometimes extremely lengthened. ‘The tail is short or moderate, of less than 20 feathers, of variable shape. The feet are usually short, with long full-webbed front toes, and a rudimentary hallux, as above stated, or none. In size, these birds vary remarkably, ranging from that of a swallow up to the immense albatrosses, probably unsurpassed by any birds whatever in alar expanse, and yielding to few in bulk of body. The plumage is compact and oily, to resist water; the sexes appear to be always alike, and no seasonal changes are determined ; but some color variation with age, or according to individual peculiarities, certainly occurs in most cases, and in the Pufini, for instance, in which some currently admitted species are uniformly fuliginous, it is not proven that this feature is not temporary, as in the jacgers. The food is entirely of an animal nature, and fatty substances, in partic- ular, are eagerly devoured ; when irritated, many species eject an oily fluid from the mouth or nostrils, and some are so fat they are occasionally used for lamps, by running a wick through the body. The eggs are few, or only one, laid in a rude nest, or none, on the ground or in a burrow. Petrels are silent birds, as a rule, ww ore PROCELLARIIDH, ALBATROSSES.— GEN. 296-7. 325 contrasting with gulls and terns in this particular; many or most are gregarious, congregating by thousands at their breeding places or where food is plenty. Birds of this family abound on all seas ; but the group is yet imperfectly known. Bonaparte gaye 69 species, in 1856 ; my memoirs upon the subject (1864-6) present 92, of which 17 are marked as doubtful or obscure; last year, Gray recorded 112; there are probably about seventy good species. They are sharply divided by the character of the nostrils into three groups; two represented in North America, as beyond, and the Halodromine. These last, consisting of one genus and three species or varieties, are remarkably distinguished from the rest, resembling auks in external appearance and habits ; the wings and tail are very short; there is no hind toe; the skin of the throat is naked and distensible ; the tubular nostrils, in fact, are the prin- cipal if not the only petrel-mark, and these organs are unique in opening directly upward, the nasal tube being vertical instead of horizontal as in all the rest. Subfamily DIOMEDEINA. Albatrosses. Nostrils disconnected, placed one on each side of the bill near the base. No hind toe. Of largest size in this family. There are eight unquestionable species, with two or three doubtful or obscure ones. Only three have proven their right to a place here. As Mr. Lawrence observes (Bp., 821), there is no well authenticated instance of the occurrence of the great wandering albatross, D. exulans, off our coasts ; but it has been taken in Europe, and is liable to appear at any time. It is distinguished from the first species following by its great size, and the outline of the frontal feathers : deeply concave on the culmen, strongly convex on the sides of the bill to a point nearly opposite the nostrils. The yellow-nosed albatross, D. chlororhyncha of AUDUBON, Vii, 196; Lawr. in Bp., 822, is the D. culminata, a species of Australian and other Southern seas, said to have been taken ‘‘ not far from the Columbia river,” but there is no reason, as yet, to believe it ever comes within a thousand miles of this country. It has the bill black with the culmen and under edge yellow. Other well known species of Southern seas are D. chlororhyncha, cauta and melanophrys. stout, moderately compressed, with rounded culmen, the feathers running nearly straight» around its base. Wing three or more times as S& long as the rounded tail. (Diomedea.) Short-tailed Albatross. Bill 5 or 6 inches long, with moderately concave culmen and prominent hook. Tail very short, contained about 34 times in the wing. Length about Fic. 207. Short-tailed Albatross. 3 feet ; extent 7; wing 20 inches; tail 55; tarsi 32. Adult plumage white, | with a yellowish wash on the head and neck; primaries black; other quills, the wing coverts and tail feathers, marked with blackish ; bill and feet pale. Young dark colored, resembling the next species. Off the Pacific Coast, abundant. Cass., Ill. 289, pl. 50; Lawr. in Bp., 822. . . BRACHYURA. Black-footed Albatross. Bill about 4 (never 5) inches long, extremely stout, with the culmen almost perfectly straight to the hook, which is com- 326 PROCELLARIIDZ, PETRELS. paratively small and weak; the horny piece forming the culmen very broad, especially at base, where it overlaps the lateral piece; depth of bill at base 13, its width there 14. Tail contained about 3 times in the wing. General dimensions of the last species, or rather less; tail longer. Adult plumage dark brown, paler and grayer, or rather plumbeous below, lightening or even whitening about the head; quills black with yellow shafts; bill dark ; feet black. A final plumage may be lighter than as described, but is never white; and other characters seem to prove the validity of the species. Pacific Coast, very abundant. Avp., vii, 198; Scuurcen, M. P.-B., Pro- cellarie, 33; SWINHOE, Ibis, 1863, 431; Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1866, 178 3"Cass:, M1Fs2KO% pl. 35. D. gibbosa GOULD? . NIGRIPES. ** Sides of under mandible with a long colored groove; bill comparatively slender, strongly compressed, with sharp culmen; frontal feathers forming a deep reéntrance on the culmen, a strong salience on the sides of Wing about twice as long as the cuneate tail. (Pheebetria.) Sooty Albatross. Fuliginous brown, nearly uniform, in some cases lighten- ing on various parts; quills and tail blackish with white shafts; eyelids white; bill black, the groove yellow; feet yellow. Length about 3 feet ; wing 20-22 inches ; tail 10-11, its graduation 383—4$; tarsi 3; bill 4-43, at base 14 deep, but only $ wide. D. fusca Aup., vii, 200, pl. 454; D. fuli- ginosa Lawn. in Bp., 823; Phoebetria fuliginosa Couns, 1. c. 186. FULIGINOSA. Fic. 208. Sooty Albatross. Subfamily PROCELLARIINA. Petrels. Nostrils united in one double-barrelled tube laid horizontally on the culmen at~ base. Hallux present, though it may be minute. Five groups of petrels may be distinguished, although they grade into each other; four of them are abundantly represented on our coasts. The fulmurs are large gull-like species (one of them might be taken for a gull were it not for the nostrils), usually white with a darker mantle, the tail large, well formed (of 14-16 feathers), the nasal case prominent, with a thin partition. They shade into the group of which the genus Zstrelata is typical, embracing a large number of medium sized species, chiefly of Southern seas, in which the bill is short, stout, very strongly hooked, with prominent nasal case ; the tail rather long, usually graduated. The shearwaters have the bill longer than usual, comparatively slender, with short low nasal case, obliquely truncate at the end, and the partition between the nostrils thick; the tail short and rounded; the lower mandible. - iinet PROCELLARIIDH, PETRELS.— GEN. 298-300. 327 the wings extremely long; the feet large. The elegant little “‘ Mother Carey’s chickens” or ‘‘stormy petrels” (genus Thalassidroma of authors; gen. 303-8, beyond) are a fourth group, marked by their small size, slight build, and other characters ; their flight is peculiarly airy and flick- ering, more like that of a butterfly than of ordinary birds ; they are almost always seen on wing, appear to swim little if any, and some, if not all, breed in holes in the ground, apparently like bank-swallows. Like other petrels they gather in troops about vessels at sea, often following their course for many ‘ miles, to pick up the refuse of the cook’s galley. Some of them, like gen. 307, have remarkably long legs, with fused scutella, flat obtuse claws, and the hallux exceedingly minute ; in the rest, the feet are of an ordinary character. The exotic genus Prion typifies a fifth group, of five or six species; here the bill is expanded, and furnished with strong laminz, like a duck’s; the colors are bluish and white. Fic. 209. Stormy Petrel (Leach’s). 298-300. Genus FULMARUS Leach. * Tail 16-feathered ; bill longer than the tarsus. (Ossifraga.) Giant Fulmar. The largest of the petrels, equalling most of the alba- trosses in size; length 3 feet; extent 7; wing 20 inches; tail 8; bill 4, the nasal case nearly 2. Plumage dark dingy gray, paler below, often whitening in places; bill and feet yellow. Pacific Coast; “common off Monterey” (Cooper). Nutr., ii, 329; Aun., vii, 202; Lawr. in Bp., 825. GIGANTEUs. ** Tail 12=14-feathered ; bill not longer than the tarsus. (/ulmarus and Priocella.) Fulmar. Bill obviously shorter than the tarsus. Adult white, the mantle pale pearly blue, frequently extending on the neck and tail; quills blackish- brown; usually a dark spot before the eye; bill yellow, feet the same tinged with greenish. Young: smoky gray, paler below, the feathers of the back and wings dark-edged; colors of bill and feet obscured. Length usually about 164, but from 15 to 18; wing 11-13; tail 4-5; tarsus about 2; bill 14-13, about ? deep and almost as wide at base; nasal tubes 3. Extraor- dinarily abundant in the North Atlantic; S. to U.S. in winter. Nurrv., ii. 331; Aup., vil, 204, pl. 455; Lawr. in Bp., 825. . . - . GLACIALIS. Var. pactricus will probably average considerably darker on the mantle, with a weaker bill. N. Pacific Coast. Avp., vii, 208; Lawr. in Bp., 826; Cousrs, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1866, 28. Var. nopGErsi. The mantle dark, as in pacificus, but much restricted, most of the wing coverts and inner quills being white ; primaries mostly white on the inner webs, their shafts yellow. A particular condition of the last variety? N. Pacific Coast. Cass., Proc. Phila. Acad. 1862, 290; Couns, ibid. 1866, 29; Bp., Trans. Chicago Acad. i, 323, pl. 34, f. 1. Slender-billed Fulmar. Bill little if any shorter than the tarsus. Adult white, with pearly blue mantle; primaries pearly whitish basally, white- tipped, crossed with definite black, much as in a herring cull; usually a small dark spot before the eye; feet yellow; bill yellow, obscured on the tube, at 328 PROCELLARIIDH, PETRELS.—GEN. 301, 302, 303, 304. tip, and often at base. Changes of plumage as in the foregoing ; size the same, but bill 2 long, scarcely 3? wide or high at the base, the tube about 3 long. Pacific Coast; only casual? P. tenwirostris Aup., vii, 210; Lawr. in Bp., 826; P. glacialoides Smira ; Thalassoica glacialoides Rricu. ; Cougs, /. c. 30; P. smithii SCHLEGEL; Priocella garnoti Home. and JacQ. . . TENUIROSTRIS. 301. Genus DAPTION Stephens. Pintado Petrel. Cape Pigeon. Bren 2W), 5 blender Pelee rolmar, Speckled above with blackish and white ; white below; tail black-barred; bill black; 15; wing 11; tail 43; bill 13; tarsus 13. Accidental on the Coast of California. Lawr., Ann. Lye. N> ¥.018583°6,andtin Bp: 8282.) ae ee ee! 2, eee CARENATOE 302. Genus AISTRELATA Bonaparte. Black-capped Petrel. Adult: forehead, sides of head, neck all round, upper tail coverts, base of tail and all under parts, white; back clear bistre- brown (nearly uniform, but the feathers often with paler or ashy edges), deepening on the quills and terminal half of tail; crown with an isolated blackish cap, and sides of head with a black bar (younger birds with the _white of the head and neck behind restricted, so that these dark areas run together) ; bill black; tarsi and base of toes and webs, flesh-colored (drying yellowish) ; rest of toes and webs black. Young extensively dark below? Length 16; wing 12; tail 54, cuneate, its graduation 14: tarsus 12; middle toe and claw 24; bill 12, % deep at base, 2 wide; tube 4. Of casual occur- rence on the Atlantic Coast, U.S. P. hesitata Kuni, Monog. 142, No. 11; Tremm., Pl. Col. No. 416; Newron, Zool. x, 1852, p. 3691; Scuuxne., M. P.-B. 13; Z. hesitata Cougs, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1866, 139 ; P. meridionalis Lawr., Ann. Lyc. N. Y. iv, 475; v. 220, pl. 15; in Bp., 827. HasrraTa. 303. Genus HAGLOCYPTENA Coues. Wedge-tailed, or Least Petrel. Blackish, more fuliginous below, the greater wing coyerts more grayish, the quills, tail, bill and feet black; no white anywhere. Length 53; wing 43; tail 24, cuneate, the graduation $5; bill 4, its height at base 4; tarsus .90; tibie bare 4. Lower California ; one specimen known (No. 11, 420, Mus. Smiths. Inst.). Cours, Proc. Phila. Atcad)., 1864, 795 Huron, pl.61. s:9. >< ee |. eee MLCROSOMAG 3804. Genus PROCELLARIA Linneeus. Stormy Petrel. Mother Carey’s Chicken. Coloration of the last species, but upper tail coverts white, with black tips, and usually some white under the tail and wings; no yellow on the webs; tail a little rownded. About the size of the last. Common off the Atlantic Coast. Nurv., ii, 327; Aup., Vii; 228, pls 461; Lawren Bp. sal 2) 2-2 eee eB EAGTOAS PROCELLARIIDH, PETRELS.—GEN. 305, 306, 307. 329 305. Genus CYMOCHOREA Coues. Leach’s Petrel. Coloration as in the last species, with conspicuous white upper tail coverts, but apt to be lighter —rather of a grayish or even ashy tint on some parts. Much larger: length about 8; wing 6-64; tail 3-34, forked; tarsus about 1; middle toe and claw the same; bill 3, strong. Both coasts; abundant on the Atlantic. P. lewcorrhoa Vinitu., Nouv. Dict. xxv, 422; ©. leucorrhoa Cours, 1. c. 76. Thal- assidroma leachiti Nutt., li, 326; Aup., vii, 219, pl. 459; Lawr. in Bp., 830. . . LeucORRHOA. Black Petrel. Coloration as in the last species, but no white anywhere. Very large; 9; extent 184; wing 62; tail 4, forked an inch or more; tarsus 14; bill 2. Coast of California. _Pro- Fic. 211. Black Petrel. cellaria melania Bonar., Compt. Rend. 1854, 662; C. melania Cours, I. c. 76 (described from No. 13,025, Mus. §. I.).. . . . MBELANIA. Ashy Petrel. Somewhat similar to the last, like it having no white any- where, but plumbeous rather than fuliginous, and much smaller. Length ubout 74; wing about 5; tail 34, forked about $ an inch; tarsus under an inch; bill $. California. Thalassidroma melania Lawr. in Bp., 829, pl. 90 (nec Bonar.). C. homochroa Cours, l. c. 77; Exxtot, pl. 87. HoMOCHROA. 306. Genus OCEANODROMA Reichenbach. Fork-tailed Petrel. Bluish-ash, paler below and on the greater wing coverts, dusky around the eye; quills and tail brownish, outer web of the external tail feather white; bill black; feet dark. Length about 8; wing 6; tail 32, forked; bill 3; tarsus §. N. Pacific Coast, common. Cass., Wi 2945 pl.47 3) Lawr. in) Bp., 829. . . - 2.) HUROATAS Hornby’s Petrel. “Front, Alleles: throat, collar punt hind part of neck, breast and abdomen, pure white,” quills black, other parts dark gray. Size of the last. N.W. coast. I have never seen this species, of which there are not to my knowledge any specimens in this country. Thalassidroma hornbyi Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1853, 62; Lawr. in Bp., 829. . . . HORNBYI. 307. Genus OCEANITES Keys. and Blas. Wilson’s Petrel. Dark sooty brown, pale gray on the wing coverts; the upper tail coverts, and frequently the crissum and sides of rump and base of tail, white; bill and feet black, but webs with a yellow spot. Legs very long ; tibix bare an inch or more ; tarsi ‘‘ booted,” much longer than the toes ; claws flat, obtuse; bill small and weak; hind toe very minute, liable to be overlooked. Length 7-8; wing about 6; tail 3, nearly even; tarsus 1}; middle toe and claw 14; bill only 4. Atlantic Coast, common. Proc. oceanica Kunt, Monog. 136, pl. 10, f. 1; Oceanites oceanica Cougs, l. ¢. 2; Proc. pelagica Wits., vii, 90, pl. 60, f. 6; Thalassidroma wilsont Nurv., ii, 322; Avp., vii, 223, pl. 460; Lawr. in Bp., 831. . OCEANICA. KBY TO N. A. BIRDS. 42 330 PROCELLARIIDZ, PETRELS.—GEN. 308, 309-10. 308. Genus FREGETTA Bonaparte. White-bellied Petrel. Blackish-gray of variable intensity, blackening on the quills and tail, the whole under parts from the breast, the upper tail coverts, most of the under wing coverts, and bases of all the tail feathers except the middle pair, white; bill and feet black. Length about 8; wing 6-63; tail 3, about even, with very broad, square-tipped feathers; bill 3; tarsus 14; longest toe (outer) and claw 1 or less; tibix bare 1 or more. Florida, accidental, one instance (LAwr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y.v,117). Procel- laria grallaria Vinitu. Procellaria fregetta Kuni, and many authors. Thalassidroma leucogastra Goutp. SF regetta lawrencit Bonar.; Lawr., in Bp., 832 (unquestionably this species). . . . . . . . GRALLARIA. 309-10. Genus PUFFINUS Brisson. * Nasal tubes vertically truncate, with thin septum. (Priofinus.) Black-tailed Shearwater. Upper parts cinereous, nearly uniform, but some of the feathers with paler edges; under parts white, without line of demarcation from the color of the upper parts ; tail, crissum and vent blackish ; lining of wings, axillars, and some feathers on the sides of the body, brownish-cinereous ; quills blackish-cinereous on outer webs and tips, paler internally and basally, with brown shafts; bill yellow, the nasal case, culmen as far as the hook, cutting edge and groove of lower mandible, black ; feet (dried) dingy greenish with yellow webs. Large; 19; wing 13; tail 5-53, wedge-shaped, 12-feathered, the outer feathers an inch or more shorter than the middle; bill 14, 3 high at base, the nasal tubes nearly 4; tarsus 22; middle toe and claw 2g. Accidental off the coast of California. A peculiar species, very different from any of the following, approaching the fulmars. Proc. cinereus Gm.? Proc. melanura Bonn. Proc. hesitata Forsr., Descr. Anim. 1844, 208; Goutp, B. Aust. pl. 67; Pufinus hesitatus Lawr., Ann. Lyc. N. Y. vi, 5. Proc. adamastor ScnteceL. -Adamastor typus Bonar. Puffinus cinereus Lawr. in Bp., 835; Adamastor cinereus Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1864, 119; Priofinus cinereus Cours, Proc. Essex Inst. v, 303. Puffinus kuhlii Cass., Proc. Phila. Acad. 1862, 327 (err.). . MELANURUS. ** Nasal tubes obliquely truncate, with thick septum. (Puffinus.) + Below, white or nearly so, the upper parts different. Cinereous Shearwater. Above, pale brownish-ash, interrupted by paler or white edges of the feathers, most of the upper tail coverts white ; below, entirely pure white, except some slight gray touches on the flanks; on the sides of the head and neck the ash and white gradually mingling; lining of wings and axillars white; quills dark with large white spaces on the inner webs; bill and feet mostly yellowish. Younger birds are darker, the bill and feet obscured. Length about 18; wing 15; tail 54, outer feathers nearly an inch shorter; bill 1g, 3 high at base, nasal tube only about } its length ; tarsus 13; middle toe and claw 24. A common bird of the North Atlantic, not hitherto introduced into our fauna. Proc. kuAlii Born, Isis, 1835, ——— PROCELLARIIDH, PETRELS.—GEN. 309-10. 331 257. Puffinus kuhlit Bonar., Consp. Av. ii, 202; Couns, Proc. Phila. Woeadvelsed at 28.e- Chroc.. cinereus GM?) oS Se ss KURI, Greater, or Wandering Shearwater. Dark bistre-brown, somewhat plum- beous on the head, most feathers of the back and wings with pale edges, most upper tail coverts partly white; below, white, with a plain line of demar- cation from the color of the upper parts on the side of the head and fore neck, and dark flank patches; quills and tail blackish, paler or whitish at bases of inner webs; lining of wings mostly white; crissum mostly dark; d7il dark; outside of tarsi and outer toe dark, rest of feet pale. Length 18-20; extent 45; wing 13; tail 53, outer feathers an inch less; bill 2; tarsus 22; middle toe and claw 24. Whole Atlantic coast, abundant. P.cinereus Nurr., ii, 334; AUD., vii, 212, pl. 456; P. major Lawre. in Bp., 833. . Magor. Flesh-footed Shearwater. Similar to the last ; no white on upper or under tail coverts or bases of quills; bill yellowish flesh color, with dark tube, cul- men and hook, short, very stout at base, with turgid tube; feet flesh color. Size of the last, but bill only 1%, height or width at base nearly %; tarsus 24; middle toe and claw 23. San Nicholas Island, Cal. (No. 31,964, Mus. Smiths. Inst.). A doubtful species; I have little faith in its validity, but cannot refer it to any species known to me; it looks like one of the following section (tf) passing to a bicolor plumage. Cougs, /.c. 131. . CREATOPUS. Manks Shearwater. Blackish, this color extending below the eyes, leaving the under eyelid white; under parts, including crissum and lining of wings, white; bill greenish-black; outside of foot mostly blackish, inner side dingy orange; zbout 15; extent 33; wing 94; tail 4, graduated 3; bill 14-14, but nearly 4 deep at base; tarsus under 2; middle toe and claw 2 or rather less. Very distinct from the rest. N. Atlantic Coast, common. Nourr., ii, 336; Aup., vii, 214, pl. 457; Lawr. in Bp., 834. ANGLORUM. Dusky Shearwater. Resembling the last, but rather grayish- or plum- beous-black, the dark color not reaching below the eyes; crissum mostly white ; bill dark leaden-blue ; much smaller and otherwise distinct. Length about a foot; extent 26 inches; wing 74-8; tail 44, graduated an inch; bill 14; tarsus 12; middle toe and claw under 2. S. Atlantic Coast, as far as the Middle States, common. Norr., ii, 337; Aup., vii, 216, pl. 458; NA MET DE Oo) rane ects Pepe} ous aes fo.) =, ap OBSCURUS. Black-vented Shearwater. ike the last; crissum and lining of wings mostly blackish; sides of head dark below the eyes ; rather larger; bill 12; wing 9; tail 32, thus shorter; tarsus 14; middle toe and claw 24. Cape St. Lucas (Nos. 16,990-1, Mus. Smiths. Inst.). Seems to be distinct from the last, but may be the same as an exotic species of prior name. CouEs, BroceeehilaeANcada 1364. la9:e sos ss -. - = - OPISTHOMELAS. +} Below, dark, much like the upper parts. Sooty Shearwater. Dark sooty brown, blackening on the quills and tail, paler and grayish below, usually with some whitish on the lining of the wings; bill dark; feet dark outside, pale on the inner aspect. Length 18; extent 40; wing 12; tail 4; bill 13-2; tarsus 21-24; middle toe and claw 332 PYGOPODES, DIVING BIRDS. 24. North Atlantic, abundant; S. at least to Carolina (Cowes). A special state of P. major? SrrickLanp, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, 129; DrKay, New York Birds, 287, pl. 136, f. 298; Lawr. in Bp., 834; Cougs, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1864, 123. . ‘¥ULIGINOSUS. Dark-bodied Shear- water. Similar to the last; feet flesh color, slightly obscured out- side; lining of wings . mostly white ; smaller; FG. 212. Sooty Shearwater. wing 11, etc. Cape St. Lucas. Very doubtful. I allow this, and several others, to stand, because it is still uncertain what reduction of the species of this genus will prove necessary. Vectris amaurosoma Cours, 1. c. 124. . . . AMAUROSOMA. Slender-billed Shearwater. Plumage as in the foregoing; size less; tail shorter; bill smaller. Bill dusky-greenish, with yellow; feet yellowish, blackish behind and under the webs. Length about 14; wing 10; tail 34, graduated an inch; bill 14; tarsus under 2; middle toe and claw 2%. N. Pacific Coast. Trmm., Planches Color. No. 587; Trem. and Scutu., Fn. Japon. 131, pl. 86; Bonar., Consp. Av. ii, 202; Couns, /. c. 126; Barren, Trans. Chicago Acad. i, 1869, 322, a 34, f. 2. PP. tristis, curilicus and brevicauda of authors? . . . . SUT eee Soe SP eLENUIROSPRISS Order PYGOPODES. Diving Birds. In the birds of this order the natatorial plan reaches its highest development. All the species swim and dive with perfect ease; many are capable of remaining long submerged, and of traversing great distances under water, progress being effected by the wings as well as by the feet. Few other birds, such as cormorants and anhingas, resemble the Pygopodes in this respect. The legs are so completely posterior, that in standing the horizontal position of the axis of the body is impos- sible; the birds rest upright or nearly so, the whole tarsus being often applied to the ground, while the tail affords additional support ; progression on land is awkward and constrained, only accomplished, in most cases, with a shuffling motion, when the belly partly trails on the ground. The penguins, and one species of auk, cannot fly —the former, because the wings are reduced to mere flippers with scaly feathers, the latter because the wings, although perfectly formed, are too small to support the body. The rest of the order fly swiftly and vigorously, with continuous wing- beats. The rostrum varies in shape with the genera; but it is never extensively membranous, nor lamellate, nor furnished with a pouch. The nostrils vary, but are neither tubular nor abortive. The wings are short, never reaching when folded to the end of the tail, and often not to its base. The tail is short, never of peculiar shape, generally of many feathers; there are, however, no perfect rectrices in the grebes. The crura are almost completely buried, and feathered nearly or quite to the heel. The tarsus is usually compressed, sometimes, as in the loons, extremely so; in the penguins, on the contrary, it is much broader across than in the opposite direction, being nearly as wide as long. The front toes are completely palmate in the loons, PYGOPODES, DIVING BIRDS. 333 auks and penguins, lobate with basal webbing in the grebes; the hallux is present and well formed, with a membranous expansion, in loons and grebes, very minute and lateral in position in the penguins, wanting in the auks. The plumage is thick and completely water-proof; once observing some loons under peculiarly favorable circumstances in the limpid water of the Pacific, I saw that bubbles of air clung to the plumage whilst the birds were under water, giving them a beautiful spangled «appearance. The pterylosis shows both contour and down-feathers, both after- shafted ; in the penguins the feathers are implanted evenly over the whole skin; in the rest there are definite apteria; the auks have free outer branches of the inferior tract-bands, wanting in the loons and grebes. The oil-gland is large with several orifices. Among osteological characters should be particularly mentioned the long apophysis of the tibia found in the loons (fig. 8) and grebes, but not in the auks and penguins: in the latter, the patella is of great size, and it is stated to develop from two centres. In penguins and auks, the elbow has two sesamoids ; among the former, there is a free ossicle in the heel joint. The thoracic walls are very exten- sive ; the long jointed ribs grow all along the backbone from the neck to the pelvis, and form with the long broad sternum a bony box enclosing much of the abdominal viscera as well as those of the chest, perhaps to prevent their undue compression under water. The top of the skull has a pair of crescentic depressions for lodg- ment of a large gland; the palate is schizognathous. The sternum has a different shape in each of the families. There are two carotids, except among the grebes. The digestive system shows minor modifications, but accords in general with the piscivorous regimen of the whole order. The sexes are alike; the young different ; the seasonal changes often great. A part of the order are altricial, the rest preecocial. There are four families of Pygopodes, sharply distinguished by external characters ; three of them are represented in this country. The penguins (Sphen- iscide) are confined to the seashores of the southern hemisphere. This group is well marked by the solidity of the skeleton, and the flatness of most of the bones, with many peculiar osseous details; by a very special ptilosis, both in the lack of tracts, and the structure of the feathers themselves, many of which are curiously scale-like ; by the completely posterior set of the legs with extremely short tarsus, and especially, among external features, by the reduction of the wings to mere paddles, lacking specially formed remiges, unserviceable for flight, but highly efficient as fins to aid progress under water. There are twelve species of penguins, referable to three or four genera. One of the most singular facts in ornithology is, that some species of penguin do not lay their egg in a nest in the ordinary way, but carry it about with them in a pouch temporarily formed by a fold of the abdominal integument (Verreaux) ; thus affording a wonderful analogy to marsu- pial mammals. The author’s monograph of the Spheniscide will be found in the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy, of the present year. Family COLYMBID:. Loons. Bill stout, straight, compressed, tapering, acute, paragnathous, entirely horny. Nostrils narrowly linear, their upper edge lobed. Head completely feathered, the anti prominent, acute, reaching the nostrils; no crests nor rufis. Wings strong, with stiff primaries and short inner quills. Legs completely posterior, buried, feathered on to the heel-joint; tarsi entirely reticulate, extremely compressed, the back edge smooth; toes four, the anterior palmate, the posterior semilateral and having a lobe connecting it with the base of the inner. Tail short, but well formed, 334 COLYMBIDAE, LOONS.—GEN. 311. of many feathers. Back spotted. Loons are large heavy birds with broad flattened body and rather long sinuous neck, abundant on the coasts and larger inland waters of the Northern Hemisphere ; they are noted for their powers of diving, being able to evade the shot from a gun by disappearing at the flash, and to swim many fathoms under water. They are migratory, breeding in high latitudes, generally dispersed further south in winter. They are priecocial, and lay two or three dark- colored spotted eggs in a rude nest of rushes by the water’s edge. The voice is extremely loud, harsh and resonant. The 9 is smaller than the ¢. There is but one genus, with only three well-determined species. 311. Genus COLYMBUS Linnzus. Great Northern Diver, or Loon. Black; below from the breast white, with dark touches on the sides and vent; back with numerous square white spots; head and neck iridescent with violet and green, having a patch of sharp white streaks on each side of the neck and another on the throat ; bill black. Young: dark gray above, the feathers with paler edges ; below white from the bill, the sides dusky ; bill yellowish-green and dusky. Length 24-3 feet; extent about 4; wing about 14 inches; tarsus 3 or more; longest toe and claw 4 or more; bill 3 or less, at base 1 deep and 3 wide; the culmen, commissure and gonys all gently curved. N. Am., abundant; the whole U. S. in winter. Wuus., ix, 84, pl. 74, f. 3; Nurr., ii, 513; AUD., Vii, 282, pl. 476; Lawr. m Bp., 888. .-- . “. 9.) 2 “©ToRQUATUS: Var. apamsit. Yellow-billed Loon. Similar; larger; spots on the back larger, not so nearly square ; gloss of the neck rather steel-blue, the white patches smaller, but the individual streaks larger; bill mostly yellowish-white, nearly 4 long, higher and comparatively narrower at the base, the gape straight, the culmen and gonys nearly so (fig. 215 shows the shape exactly, although intended for the common species). Northwestern America, chiefly; England; Asia. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1859, 167; Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1862,.227; Extror, pl. 63. Black-throated Diver. Back and under parts much as in the last species ; upper part of head, and hind neck, bluish-ash or hoary gray; fore neck purplish-black with a patch of white streaks, the dark color ending abruptly ; bill black. The young resemble those of that species, but will be known by their inferior size. Length under 24 feet; extent about 3; wing 13 or less; tarsus 3; bill about 24. N. Am. and N. Europe; said to be common and generally dispersed throughout the U.S. in winter, which is contrary to my experience. Sw. and Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 475; Nurr., ii, D1; Aun, vu, 295, pl. 44 ¢; awe: in BD. 66.8. se 5-2) ARCTIONS: Fic. 213. Great Northern Diver. a PODICIPIDH, GREBES. 335 Var. paciricus. Colors the same; size less; length about 2 feet; wing about 11; tarsus 23; bill 2-21, very weak and slender. Northwestern Am., abundant on the Pacific Coast of the U.S. in winter. Lawr. in Bp., 889; Cours, J. c. 228. Rted-throated Diver. Blackish ; below white, dark along the sides and on the vent and crissum; most of head and fore neck bluish-gray, the throat with a large chestnut patch; hind neck sharply streaked with white on a blackish ground ; bill black. Young have not these marks on the head and neck, but a profusion of small, sharp, circular or oval white spots on the back. Size of the last, or rather less, N. Am. and N. Europe, common; dispersed over most of the U.S. in winter. Sw. and Ricn., F. B.-A. ii, 476; Nurr., ii, 519; Aup., vii, 299, pl. 478; Lawr. in Bp., 890.. | sEPTENTRIONALIS. Family PODICIPIDA:. Grebes. Bill of much the same character as that of loons, but generally weaker, in one genus only- quite stout and somewhat hooked. Nostrils linear, linear-oblong or oval, not lobed. Head incompletely feathered, with definitely naked lores, the feathers not reaching the nostrils; commonly adorned in the breeding season with lengthened gayly-colored crests, ruffs, or ear-tufts. Back not spotted; under plumage peculiarly silky and lustrous, usually white. Wings very short and con- cave, the primaries often attenuated at the end, covered by the large inner quills when closed. Tail a mere tuft of downy feathers, without perfectly formed rectrices. Feet lobate, the front toes also semipalmate; tarsi compressed, scutellate, their hinder edge rough with a double row of protuberant scales; toes flattened; claws short, broad, flat, obtuse, something like human nails. The grebes are strongly marked by the foregoing characters, especially of the feet and tail, though they agree closely with the loons in general structure and economy. Principal internal characters are the absence, it is said, of one carotid, the greater number of cervical vertebrae (19 instead of 13) and shortness of the sternum, with lateral processes reaching beyond the transverse main part (the reverse of the case in loons). The gizzard has a special pyloric sac. These birds are expert divers, and have the curious habit of sinking back quietly into the water when alarmed, like anhingas. Owing to the virtual absence of the tail the general aspect is singular, rendered still more so by the almost grotesque parti-colored ruffs and crests that most species possess. These ornaments are very transient; old birds in winter, and the young, are very different from the adults in breeding attire. The eggs are more numerous than in other pygopodous birds, frequently numbering 6-8 ; elliptical, of a pale or whitish color, unvariegated ; commonly covered with chalky substance. The nest is formed of matted vegetation, close to the water, or even, it is said, floating among aquatic plants; the young swim directly. Grebes are the only cosmopolitan birds of the order, being abundantly distributed over the lakes and rivers of all parts of the world, though they are less maritime than the species of either of the other families. There are not over twenty well deter- mined species, for which fifteen generic, and about seventy specific, names are recorded. The genera requiring recognition are only two. In Podilymbus, the bill is short, stout, and bent at the end, the lores are broadly naked, the frontal feathers are bristly and there are no ruffs or crests; in all the rest of the grebes the bill is slender, straight and more or less acutely paragnathous, the naked loral strip is narrow, and the soft feathers of the head form lengthened tufts of various kinds. 336 PODICIPIDH, GREBES.—GEN. 312-4. 312-4. Genus PODICEPS Latham. * Large, with very long neck; bill very slender and sharp-pointed, longer than the head, straight or almost recurved; tarsus as long as the middle toe and claw. No colored ruffs at any season? (d#chmophorus.) Western Grebe. Length about 30; extent 36; wing 8-9; bill and tarsus, each about 3. Above, blackish-gray, with paler edges of the feathers, blackening on the hind neck and top of the head, the loral region gray; quills ashy- brown, bases of the primaries and most of ¥ the secondaries white; below, from bill to tail, pure silky white, with dark touches on the sides; bill obscurely olivaceous, brighter along the edges and at tip. Adult FIG. 214. Western Grebe. in the breeding season with a short occipital crest, and slight indications of a ruff; but no brightly colored feathers on the head or neck as yet observed. Pacific Coast, U.S., abundant. P. occidentalis Lawre. in Bp., 894 ; _chmophorus occidentalis Couns, 1.¢. 229. OCCIDENTALIS. Var. cLarku. Similar; loral region white; bill bright yellow, the ridge black, shorter, slenderer, extremely acute and almost recurved ; smaller; length 2 feet or less; wing 7; tarsus 22; bill 23. Same habitat. Lawr. in Bp., 895; Cougs, l.c. 229 and 404. *,* The foregoing species has been united with the ordinary bird of Central and South America (P. major, cayennensis, bicornis and leucopterus) by Dr. Schlegel. This seems premature, but it may be required if occidentalis proves to assume the red neck and other coloration of major. ** Medium, with moderately long neck; bill not longer than the head, shorter than the tarsus, moderately stout and acute; tarsus shorter than the middle toe and claw. Conspicuous crests, ruffs or tufts, in the breeding season. (Podiceps.) Crested Grebe. Tarsus equal to the middle toe without its claw; bill equal to the head, about 4 the tarsus; crests and ruff highly developed. About 24; extent 34; wing 74-84 ; bill 2-24; tarsus 24-23. Adult: throat and sides of head white changing to brownish-red on the ruff, which is tipped with black; fore part and sides of neck like the ruff; top of head and long occipital tufts dark brown, as are the upper parts generally, the feathers of the back pale-edged; primaries brown, part of them and nearly all the secondaries white; under parts silky silvery white, without dark mottling, but the sides dark-marked. Young: without any lengthened colored feathers on the head or neck. N. Am. at large; U.S. in winter, but not nearly so common as the next species. Sw. and Ricu., F. B.-A, ii, 419; Nurr., ui, 250; AUD., vii, 308, pl. 479; Lawr. in Bd., 893. P. coopert Ib., ibid. ; Cougs, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1862, 230. ?P. affinis Satvaport; EL.ior, Introd. No. 98, with figure of head. . . . . . . . «| ORISTATUS. Red-necked Grebe. Tarsus about * the middle toe and claw; bill little shorter than tarsus; crests and ruff moderately developed. Medium; length about 18; wing 7-8; bill 13, to nearly 2; tarsus 2; middle toe and claw 2%. Adult: front and sides of the neck rich brownish-red ; throat and sides of PODICIPIDH, GREBES.—GEN. 312-4. 337 head ashy, whitening where it joins the dark color of the crown, the feathers slightly ruffed; top of head with its slight occipital crests, upper parts generally, and wings, as in the last species, but much less white on the inner quills; lower parts pale silvery-ash, with dark sides (not pure white, but watered or obscurely mottled, sometimes obviously speckled, with dusky) ; bill black, more or less yellow at base. The young will be recognized by these last characters, joined with the peculiar dimensions and proportions. N. Am.; common in the U. S. in winter. P. rubricollis Sw. and Ricu., F. B.-A. ii, 411; Nurv., ii, 253; Aup., vii, 312, pl. 480; P. griseigena Lawr. in Bp., 892; P. holbilli Retnnarpr; Cours, /. c. 231. Our bird appears to differ constantly from the European in being larger, with the bill dispro- portionately large, and differently colored. . GRISEIGENA var. HOLBOLLII. Horned Grebe. Tarsus about equal to the middle toe without its claw; bill much shorter than head, little more than half the tarsus, compressed, higher than wide at the nostrils, rather obtuse ; crests and ruffs highly devel- oped. Small; length about 14; extent 24; wing 6 or less; bill about 2; tarsus 14. Adult: above, dark brown, the feathers paler-edged; below, silvery-white, the sides mixed dusky and reddish; most of the secondaries white ; fore neck and upper breast brownish-red ; head glossy black, including the ruff; a broad band over the eye, to and including the occipital crests, brownish-yellow ; bill black, yellow-tipped. The young differ as in other species, but are always recognizable by the above measurements and propor- tions of parts. N. Am., abundant. Sw. and Ricua., F. B.-A. ii, 411; Nurr., 254; AUD., vii, 316, pl. 481; Lawr.in Bp., 895. . . . . CORNUTUS. Eared Grebe. Proportions substantially the same as in the last species ; size rather less; bill shorter and more acute, depressed, wider than high at the nostrils. Adult: above, blackish-brown, the feathers with scarcely or not paler edges; below silky-white, reddish along the sides ; all the prima- ries chocolate-brown, most of the secondaries white; head and neck all round black, the auriculars lengthened into a rich golden-brown tuft, but no obvious crests or ruff. Young: known from the last by the different shape of the bill. Arctic America, chiefly western; common in the Pacific States in winter; has not been observed in the Atlantic States. P. auritus Nurt., li, 256; Aup., vii, 322, pl. 482; P. californicus HeERMANN, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1855, 179, and Pac. R. R. Rept. x, Cala. Route, pl. 8 (young) ; Lawr. in Bp., 896; Cours, J. c. 231. All the American specimens I have seen, differ from the European ones examined, in having less white on thejwines- 9. 5... . |. « .« = - AURITUS var. CALIFORNICUS. *** Very small; bill much shorter than the head, 2 or less of the tarsus; tarsus about 2 the middle toe and claw. No colored crests or ruffs. (Sylbeocyclus.) St. Domingo Grebe. Adult: top of head deep glossy steel-blue; rest of head and neck ashy-gray, deepest behind, the, throat with whitish ; upper parts brownish-black, with greenish gloss; primaries chocolate-brown, a great part of most of them, and all the secondaries, pure white; under parts silky-white thickly mottled with dusky. Length 93; wing 33; bill §; KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 43 338 ALCIDEH, AUKS.—GEN. 315. tarsus 14; middle toe and claw 13. Central America, West Indies and Mexico, Texas, Southern Colorado, Lower California. Sylbeocyclus domi- Micus COUESs (ls Cl Olt ee ke Ghee) Mee ener Uo eiaetie ce eee me OMIM ONan 815. Genus PODILYMBUS Lesson. Pied-billed Grebe. Dab-chick. Dipper. Diedapper. Water-witch. Length 12-14; wing about 5; bill 1 or less; tarsus 13. Adult: bill bluish, dusky on the ridge, encircled with a black bar; throat with a long black patch ; upper parts blackish-brown ; primaries ashy-brown, secondaries ashy and white; lower parts silky-white, more or less mottled or obscured with dusky; the lower neck in front, fore breast and sides, washed with rusty. Young: lacking the throat patch and peculiar marks of the bill, otherwise not particularly different ; in a very early plumage with the head curiously striped. N. Am., very abundant. Nurv., ii, 259; AUD., Vil, 324,-pl..483> Lawre. in tBD., 898: 5 2 )oes) 2) een 0 eee PE ODICK ER: Family ALCIDA. Auks. Feet three-toed, palmate. Bill horny, non-lamellate, of extremely variable shape, often curiously appendaged; nostrils variable, but not tubular. Wings and tail short; tarsi shorter than the middle toe and claw. Form heavy, thickset. Birds of this family will be immediately recognized by the foregoing circum- stances, taken in connection with general pygopodous characters. Agreeing closely = in essential respects, they differ among themselves to a remarkable degree in the form of the bill, with every genus and ==] almost every species; this organ frequently | assuming an odd shape, developing horny | processes, showing various ridges and furrows, or being brilliantly colored. It is the rule that any soft part that may be observed on the bill will finally become hard, or form an outgrowth, or both; and: such processes, in some cases at least, are temporary, appearing only during the breeding season. ‘The bill, besides, varies ereatly with ‘age, in size and shape, often showing at first little trace of its adult character. In gen. 316-7 the bill is high, compressed, with curved vertical colored erooves, the nostrils densely feathered ; in 318-23, the feathers are remote from the nostrils, and the bill reaches its maximum of diversity and singularity of contour ; in the rest, the bill is of simpler shape, Fie. 215. Great Auk. usually conico-elongate, with more or less perfectly feathered nostrils. The general coloration is simple; but many species develop very remarkable frontal or lateral crests; the sexes are alike; the young different; seasonal changes are almost always strongly marked. ALCIDZ, AUKS.—GEN. 316, 317. 339 The family is confined to the Northern Hemisphere, where it represents the pen- guins of the Southern; several species occur in the North Atlantic, in almost incredible numbers, or are of circumpolar distribution; but the majority, including all the stranger kinds, inhabit the North Pacific ; some range as far south, in winter, at least as the Middle States and Lower California. They are all marine; feed on fish and other animal substances, exclusively ; lay 1-3 eggs on bare ledges, in rifts of rocks, or in burrows; and are altricial. The voice is hoarse; the flight swift and firm, performed with vigorous rapid wing-beats; one species is deprived of flight owing to the shortness of the wings, although these members are well formed with perfect remiges; all swim and dive with great facility. They are eminently gregarious, and mostly migratory. All the species are represented in this country. The number of species given by Brandt in 1837 (Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg), by Cassin in 1858 (Baird’s B. N. A.) and by myself in 1868 (Proc. Phila. Acad.), must be materially reduced, as Brandt himself has since shown (op. cif. 1869), and as I now admit. Only twenty-one are unquestionably valid. 316. Genus ALCA Linnsus, Great Auk. Coloration as in the next species, but a large white area before the eye; length about 30; wing 6; tail 3; bill 3, along gape 4, its depth 1%. Nourr., ii, 553; Aup., vii, 245, pl. 465; Cass. in Bp., 900. Special interest attaches to this bird, which is now on the point of extinction, largely through human agency. It formerly inhabited this coast from Massa- chusetts northward, as attested by earlier observers, and by the plentiful occurrence of its bones in shell-heaps; also, Greenland, Iceland, and the N. W. shores of Europe, to the Arctic Circle. On our shores it was appar- ently last alive at the Funks, a small island off the S. Coast of Newfound- land; while in Iceland, its living history has been brought down to 1844. Of late years, it has been currently, but, as it appears, prematurely, reported extinct. Mr. R. Deane has recently recorded (Am. Nat. vi, 368) that a specimen was “found dead in the vicinity of St. Augustine, Labrador, in November, 1870;” this one, though in poor condition, sold for $200, and was sent to Europe. I know of only four specimens in this country—in the Smithsonian Institution, in the Philadelphia Academy, the Cambridge Museum, and in Vassar College, Poughkeepsie (the latter the original of Audubon’s figures). There is an egg in each of the first two mentioned collections. About 60 skins appear to be preserved in various museums. See Srerenstrur, Viddensk. Meddel., Copenhagen, 1856-7, 33-116; Newton, Ibis, 1862, p.—; Cours, Proc. Phila. Acad. 1868, 15; Orron, PME ate MOORE see. aoe N tee Aire om ivpois 2 he cle) Seta 3) UMPENNISS 317. Genus UTAMANIA Leach. Razor-billed Auk. Tinker. Brownish-black, browner on the head and throat; under parts from the throat (in summer; from the bill in winter, and in young), tips of secondaries, and sharp line from bill to eye, white ; bill black with a white curved line; mouth yellow; 16-19; wing 7-8; tail 3-34, graduated 1 or more; tarsus 1-14; bill 14, along gape 24, nearly 1 deep. N. Atlantic, extremely abundant on rocky shores and islands with 340 ALCIDH, AUKS.—GEN. 318-9. murres, puffins and gannets; egg generally single, and deposited in a rift of rocks; 8X2, white or whitish variously speckled and blotched with brown. Comes S. in winter to the Middle States. N. Pacific, casually. Nurr., ii, 547; Aup., vii, 247, pl. 466; Cass. in Bp., 901; Couss, J. ¢. 18, and, op: cut. W861, 249 ais eee tae: caer Noles toate ne 818-9. Genus FRATERCULA Brisson. * Not crested; eyelids appendaged; under mandible sulcate, like the upper, the grooves convex forward; culmen simple, with one curve; base of bill bossed ; corners of mouth callous. Blackish, including the throat, the sides of the head ashy-gray, with dusky maxillary patches (whole face dusky in the young) ; below, white ; bill red, blue and yellow; feet red. (Fvratercula.) Horned Puffin. A slender sharp spur on upper eyelid. Black of throat reaching the bill. 144; wing 74; tail 23; bill 2; tarsus 13. N. Pacific; not authentic on our Atlantic Coast. Mormon glacialis Aup., vii, 236, pl. 463; MM. corniculata Cass. in Bp., 902; Couns, J. c. 24. . CORNICULATA. Common Puffin. Sea Parrot. ide ee a ee het a) | { ; ? ge ed ea SYNOPSIS OF THE FOSSIL FORMS. There is at present no satisfactory evidence of the existence of Birds in this country earlier than the Cretaceous period. The footprints in the sandstone of the Connecticut Valley, which have been attributed to Birds, were probably all made by Dinosaurian Reptiles. The species which have been described from the Cretaceous formation are nearly all known only from fragmentary remains. Those from the Tertiary and Post- tertiary are generally represented by better preserved specimens. The following synopsis has been revised by the accomplished palzontologist who has described nearly all the known species. Through his courteous atten- tions, the list has been completed to the date on which these pages go to press. This first connected account of the Extinct Birds of North America will unques- tionably be very largely supplemented by future discoveries. Work in this field of research was neyer more actively and successfully prosecuted than at present, and new species are almost continually being brought to light. PICARIZA. UINTORNIS LUCARIS Marsh. American Journal of Science, iv, 259. Oct., 1872. This bird was about as large as a robin, and apparently related to the Woodpeckers. The only known remains are from the Lower Tertiary formation of Wyoming Territory. They are preserved in the museum of Yale College. RAPTORES. AQUILA DANANA Marsh. American Journal of Science, ii, 125. August, 1871. This species was nearly as large as the Golden Eagle (A. chrysaétos). The only known remains were found in the Pliocene of Nebraska, and are now in the Yale museum. BUBO LEPTOSTEUS Marsh. American Journal of Science, ii, 126. August, 1871. A species about two-thirds as large as the Great Horned Owl (B. virgin- ianus). The remains were discovered in the Lower Tertiary beds of Wyoming, and are also in the Yale museum. GALLINZ. MELEAGRIS ANTIQUUS Marsh. American Journal of Science, ii, 126. August, 1871. This species was nearly as large as the Wild Turkey (JM. gallopavo). The remains representing it were found in the Miocene of Colorado, and are preserved in the Yale museum. (347) 348 FOSSIL BIRDS. MELEAGRIS ALTUS Marsh. Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy, 11. March, 1870. — American Naturalist, iv, 817. July, 1870.— American Journal of Science, iv, 260. Oct., 1872. (MM. superbus Cope. Synopsis Extinct, Batrachia, etc., 239.) “Represented by portions of three skeletons, of different ages, which belonged to birds about the size of the Wild Turkey, although proportionally much taller. The tibize and tarso-metatarsal bones were, in fact, so elon- gated as to resemble those of wading birds.” From the Post-pliocene of New Jersey. The remains are mostly in the museum of Yale College. MELEAGRIS CELER Marsh. American Journal of Science, iv, 261. Oct., 1872. A species much smaller than the foregoing, but with legs of slender pro- portions. Also from the Post-pliocene of New Jersey, and preserved in the Yale museum. GRALLATORES. GRUS HAYDENII Marsh. American Journal of Science, xlix, 214. March, 1870. A species about as large as the Sandhill Crane (G‘. canadensis). From the Pliocene of Nebraska. Remains preserved in the museum of the Phila- delphia Academy. GRUS PROAVUS Marsh. American Journal of Science, iv, 261. Oct., 1872. This species was nearly as large as a Sandhill Crane. The remains repre- senting it were found in the Post-pliocene of New Jersey, and are now in the Yale museum. ALETORNIS NOBILIS Marsh. American Journal of Science, iv, 256. Oct., 1872. Nearly as large as the preceding species. Found in the Eocene deposits of Wyoming, and now in the museum of Yale College. ALETORNIS PERNIX Marsh. American Journal of Science, iv, 256. Oct., 1872. About half the size of the above, and from the same locality. Also in the Yale museum. ALETORNIS VENUSTUS Marsh. American Journal of Science, iv, 257. Oct., 1872. A smaller species, about as large as a Curlew (umenius). From the same locality, and likewise in the Yale museum. ALETORNIS GRACILIS Marsh. American Journal of Science, iv, 258. Oct., 1872. A bird about the size of a Woodcock (Philohela minor). From the same formation and locality, and now preserved in the museum of Yale College. FOSSIL BIRDS. 349 ALETORNIS BELLUS Marsh. American Journal of Science, iv, 258. Oct., 1872. A still smaller species, probably belonging to a different genus. From the same locality, and also in the Yale museum. TELMATORNIS PRISCUS Marsh. American Journal of Science, xlix, 210. March, 1870. A species about as large as the King Rail (2allus elegans), and probably allied to the /tallide. From the Cretaceous formation. Found near Horn- erstown, New Jersey, and preserved in the Yale museum. TELMATORNIS AFFINIS Marsh. American Journal of Science, xlix, 211. March, 1870. A somewhat smaller species from the same formation and locality. Also in the museum at Yale. PALMOTRINGA LITTORALIS Marsh. American Journal of Science, xlix, 208. March, 1870. About equalling a Curlew in size. The remains were found in the Creta- ceous green-sand, at the above mentioned locality, and are now preserved at Yale. PALHOTRINGA VETUS Marsh. American Journal of Science, xlix, 209. March, 1870. A smaller species, from the same formation, found at Arneytown, New Jersey. The known remains are in the Philadelphia Academy. PALMOTRINGA VAGANS Marsh. American Journal of Science, iii, 865. May, 1872. Intermediate in size between the two preceding species. Discovered in the same formation, near Hornerstown, New Jersey; now in the museum of Yale College. NATATORES. SULA LOXOSTYLA Cope. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, xiv, 236. Dec., 1870. A species not so large as the common Gannet (S. bassana). From the Miocene of North Carolina. Remains preserved in Prof. Cope’s collection. GRACULUS IDAHENSIS Marsh. American Journal of Science, xlix, 216. March, 1870. A typical Cormorant, rather smaller than G'. carbo. From the Pliocene of Idaho. Most of the known remains are deposited in the Yale museum. GRACULAVUS VELOX Marsh. American Journal of Science, iii, 363. May, 1872. This bird was related to the Cormorants, and was rather smaller than Graculus carbo. The remains were found in the green-sand of the Cretaceous formation, near Hornerstown, New Jersey, and are now at Yale College. 350 FOSSIL BIRDS. GRACULAVUS PUMILUS Marsh. American Journal of Science, iii, 364. May, 1872. A smaller species, from the same formation and locality. The remains are in the Yale museum. GRACULAVUS ANCEPS Marsh. American Journal of Science, iii, 364. May, 1872. Apparently a species.of Cormorant, about as large as Graculus violaceus. From the Cretaceous of Western Kansas. Remains in the Yale College museum. ICHTHYORNIS DISPAR Marsh. American Journal of Science, iv, appendix, 344. Oct., 1872. A bird about as large as a pigeon, and differing from all known birds in having biconcave vertebre. The remains were found in the Cretaceous shale of Kansas, and are in the museum of Yale College. PUFFINUS CONRADII Marsh. American Journal of Science, xlix, 212. March, 1870. A shearwater about the size of P. cinereus. From the Miocene of Mary- land, and now preserved in the museum of the Philadelphia Academy. CATARRACTES ANTIQUUS Marsh. American Journal of Science, xlix, 213. March, 1870. A Guillemot rather larger than the Common Murre (Lomvia trotle). From the Miocene of North Carolina. Deposited in the Philadelphia Academy. CATARRACTES AFFINIS Marsh. American Journal of Science, iv, 259. Oct., 1872. A species about as large as the preceding, and nearly related. From the Post-pliocene of Maine. The original specimen is in the Philadelphia Academy. HESPERORNIS REGALIS Marsh. American Journal of Science, iii, 360. May, 1872. This bird was a gigantic Diver, related to the Loons (Colymbide). The skeleton measured about five feet nine inches in length. The known remains were found in the upper Cretaceous shale of Western Kansas, and are now in the Yale museum. LAORNIS EDVARDSIANUS Marsh. American Journal of Science, xlix, 206. March, 1870. This species was nearly as large as a Swan. The remains were discovered in the Middle Marl bed, of Cretaceous age, at Birmingham, New Jersey, and are now in the museum of Yale College. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. INTRODUCTION, passim. For Order Scansores read zygodactyle birds. P.9, §19.—The Phenicopteride were not considered as belonging to Lamellirostres when the fourth sentence of this paragraph was penned. P. 22, last two lines. For 117 read 123; for 177 read 176; dele 154; insert 149, 151, 189, 222-3-4, 230. P. 30, last line but one. For no read a. (This important error is also repeated in fig 6, where the phalanx in question is omitted.) P. 35, eighth line. After in insert nearly. P. 38, end of ninth line from bottom. After Strisores insert of some authors. P. 39, tenth line. After no insert perfect. P. 47, § 81, tenth line. After (307) insert and a species of Accipiter (156). P. 49, § 86, fourth line. After 1t insert when present. Next line, after 2t, insert when developed. P. 55, third line. After belongs to the read: family Picide, of the sub-order Pici, of the order Picariz. P. 58. Among “abbreviations used” insert; —1. ¢., locus citatus —the place (of a work) just cited. op. cit., opus citatum— the work just cited. P. 59. Among “works referred to” insert ; — Sw. and Ricu., F. B.-A. ii. Swainson, W., and Richardson, J.; Fauna Boreali-Americana. Vol. ii. 4to. 1831. P. 61. After Hydrochelidon, for 292 read 293; after Haliplana, for 293 read 292. P. 63. For Giorris 215, SympHemia 214 and Ruyacopuitus 216, read TOTANUS 214-6. P. 68. For Furrx 260, and Ayruya 261, read FuLiGuta 260-1. P. 75. Curve-billed Thrush. Specimens lately received indicate that the Arizona bird constitutes a variety of H. curvirostris: the following is a better description than that given in the text. — Var. palmeri Ripaw. Ms. Above, grayish-brown, nearly uniform; wing coverts and quills with slight whitish edging, the edge of the wing itself white; tail feathers with slight whitish tips; below, a paler shade of the color of the upper parts, the throat quite whitish, the crissum slightly rufescent, the breast and belly with obscure dark gray spots on the grayish-white ground; no obvious maxillary streaks, but vague speckling on the cheeks; bill black; feet blackish-brown; bill 1}; wing 44; tail 5; tarsus 14; middle toe and claw 14. (Described from 61589, Mus. Smiths. Inst., Tucson, Arizona, Bendire.) P.77. Kennicott’s Sylvia. Add to the quotation: Tristram, Ibis, 1871, 231. P. 85. Allied Creeper Wren. In all probability distinct from the preceding species. P. 87. Alaskan Wren. May be best treated as a variety of the Winter Wren; and this last may be considered as Anorthura troglodytes var. hyemalis. P. 122. Plumbeous Vireo. Additional material shows that most probably this is a variety of V. solitarius, as intimated in the text. P. 129. For Genus Curvirostra Scopoli read Genus Loxta Linneus. The Red Crossbill may be considered as var. americana of the European Loxia curvirostra. (351) + 31533) ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. P. 130. Gray-crowned Finch. It is hardly necessary to recognize by name more than one variety of this bird—‘‘campestris” being referred to tephrocotis proper, and ‘‘littoralis” to var. griseinucha. 9 P. 135. Baird’s Bunting. As very strongly hinted in the text, the supposed specimens of Centronyx bairdii from Massachusetts are not this species at all, but a Passerculus, apparently new. (P. princeps Maynarp, Am. Nat. vi, 1872, p. 637). Although perfectly aware of this at time of writing, I refrained from anticipating publication of the fact. I venture to foretell, that a second specimen of ‘‘ Centronyx” will never be found. P. 136. St. Lucas Sparrow. Doubtless only a variety of P. rostratus. P. 140. Good authority contends for the specific validity of Peucea cassinii, but I am not prepared to yield my position. P. 147. It may be as well to allow Passerella townsendii to stand as a species, until its intergradation with tliaca is proven. P. schistacea goes with townsendii as a slight variety. P. 174, first line. For features read feathers. P. 183. Vauex’s Swift. Iam more inclined to doubt its validity. P. 186. Linné Hummingbird. The implication is, that the specimen accredited to Massa- chusetts came from a dealer’s stock, in exchange for a specimen of 7. colubris spoilt in stuffing. P. 207. Ferrugineous Owl. To the extralimital specimens described, add :—No. 61585, Mus. Smiths. Inst., from Tucson, Arizona, since transmitted to me by Lt. C. Bendire, U.S. A. It is the specimen of which some fragments furnished my note in the American Naturalist, as quoted in the text. P. 213. Gyrfaleon. The specimens from the Mackenzie's river region, noticed by Baird (i. c.) under name of F. sacer, have since been determined by Prof. Newton to be indistin- guishable from ordinary var. islandicus. I omitted to state, that var. gyrfalco is a N. European form, not recognized, I believe, from this country. The name sacer has priority over all the others as the specific designation. P. 222. Cathartes burrovianus, there is, reason to believe, may be a valid species; it does not, however, occur within our limits. P. 248. After Genus PHALAROPUS insert Brisson. P. 270. Before Gruiwx insert: — SuBorDER ALECTORIDES. Cranes, Rams anp OTHER ALLIES. SEE p. 241. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Note. A few English synonyms, not in the body of the work, are introduced. “No.” refers to number of genus; “§” refers to paragraph of Introduction; other references are to pages. A. Abdomen, n. Belly, § 39. Aberrant, a. Deviating from ordi- nary structure, § 24. Abert’s Towhee, 153. Acadian Flycatcher, 174. Owl, 206. Accipiter, No. 156. Acicular, a. Needle-shaped, § 47. Acropodium,n. Top of toes, § 77. Acrotarsium, 7. Instep, § 77. Actiturus, No. 219. Actodromas, No. 207. Echmophorus, No. 312. Bgialitis, No. 191. Hgiothus, No. 61. Hstrelata, No. 302. Affinity, . Quality of direct rela- tion, § 26. Agelwinz, 154. Agelzus, No. 89. Agyrtria, No. 124. Aix, No. 259. Ala, n.; pl. ale. Wing, § 51-64. Alar, a. Pertaining to the wings. Alaskan Wren, 87, 351. Alaudidz, 88. Albatrosses, 325. Alca, No. 316. Alcedinide, -inze, 187. Alcide, 338. Alectorides, 241, 352 Aletornis bellu f ~ gracilis, 348. nobilis, 348. pernix, 348. venustus, 348. Aleutian Auk, 343. Tern, 322. Alice’s Thrush, 73. Alimentary, a. Pertaining to fune- tion of nutrition. Allen’s Towhee, 152. Allied Creeper Wren, 85, 351. Orchard Oriole(var. affinis), 158. Altrices, n. pl. Birds reared in the nest. Altricial, a. Having the nature of Altrices. Alula, x. Bastard wing, § 58. American Avocet, 247. Black Scoter, 293. Creeper = Brown C., 84. Cuckoos, 189. Dipper, 77. Dunlin, 256. Flamingo, 278. Goldfinch, 131. Mealy Redpoll, 131. Mew Gull, 313. Partridges, 236. Snipe, 252. Starlings, 153. Swan, 281. Teal = Green-winged 7, 287. Vultures, 220. Warblers, 91. White Pelican, 300. White-fronted Goose,282 KEY TO N. A. BIRDS. 45 American Widgeon, 287. Woodcock, 251. Ammodromus, No. 68. Amotus, a. Remote, § 87. Ampelide, 114. Ampelinz, 115. Ampelis, No. 50. Analogy, n. “Counterfeit present- ment,” § 26. Anas, No. 252. Anatide, 278 Anatinz, 285. Ancylocheilus, No. 209. Angle of the jaw, § 41, b. Angulated.a@. Bent abruptly. Anhinga, 305. Ani, 189. Anisodactyle, @. Unequal-toed,178. Anna Hummingbird, 185. Anorthura, No. 23. Anous, No. 294, Anser, No. 248. Anserine, 281. Anserine Birds, 277. Anteorbital, @ In front of the eye, § 41, b. Anthinee, 90. Anthus, No. 28. Antiz, n. pl. Projections of feath- ers on either side of base of cul- men, § 52. Antrorse, a. Turned forward, § 52. Antrostomus, No. 114. Aphelocoma, No. 101. Aphriza, No. 193. Apteria, n. pl. Spaces between feathered 8, Aquatic Birds, 276. Aquila, No. 163. Aquila danana, 347. Aramid, 271. Aramus, No. 239. Arboricole, @. Tree-inhabiting. Archzopteryx, 69 (footnote). Archibuteo, No. 160. Arctic Bluebird, 76. Jaéger, 309. Puftin = Common P., 340. Tern, 321. Towhee, 152. Areuate, a. Bovw-shaped. Ardea, No. 228. Ardeide, 264. Ardeinz, 265. Ardetta, No. 238. Aridz, 199. Arizona Chipbird, 143. Goldfinch, 132. Quail, 238. Arkansas Flycatcher, 170. Goldfinch, 132. Arquatella, No. 210. Articulation, n. Joint; jointing. Ash-colored Sandpiper, 256. Ash-throated Flycatcher, 171. Ashy Petrel, 329. Astur, No. 157. Asturina, No. 160bis. Asyndesmus, No. 136, Attenuate,a. Abruptly narrowed, § 60, ¢ and fig. 110. Atthis. Under No, 122. a, adjective; mn, noun. Audubonia, No. 229. Audubon’s Oriole, 159. Thrush, 72. Warbler, 100. Auks, 338. Aural, Auricular. the ear, § 41, b. Auriculars, x. pl. § 41, b. Auriparus, No. 15. Autumnal Tree Duck, 284. Warbler, 101. Aves aéree, 69. aquatic, 276. terrestres, 228. Avocet, 247. Axilla, n. Arm-pit. Axillar, «. Pertaining fo armpit. Axillars, n. pl. Certain longer under wing coverts, § 59. Aythya, No. 261. B. Bachman’s Finch, 140. Oyster-catcher, 246, Warbler, 94. Pertaining to Ear-feathers, Back, § 38. Baird’s Bunting, 135, 352. Sandpiper, 255. Bald Eagle, 219. Baldpate, 287. Baltimore Oriole, 158. Band, x. Straight color-mark, § 41, d. Banded Three-toed Woodpecker, 4. Band-tailed Buzzard, 217. Pigeon, 225. Bank Swallow, 114. Bar, n. See Band. Barb, 7. Lamina of a vane, § 3. Barbicel,n. Fringe of barbule, § 3. Barbule, n. Lamina of barb, § 3. Barn Owl, 201, A Swallow, 113. Barnacle Goose, 283. Barred Owl, 204. Barrow’s Golden-eye, 290. Bartramian Sandpiper, 260. Vireo, 119. Basipterygoid, a. or n. _ Process of bone at base of skull. Bay-breasted Warbler, 101. Bay-winged Bunting, 136. Beak. See Bill. Bee-martin, 169. Beetle-headed Plover, 243. Bell’s Finch, 141. Vireo, 123. Belted Kingfisher, 188. Berlandier’s Wren, 86. Bewick’s Wren, 86. Big Black-head, 289. Bill, § 42-53. Bird. Feathered Animal, § 2. Birds of Prey, 199. Bittern, 269. Black Brant, 284. Duck, 285. Flycatcher, 172. Guillemot, 345. crosswise Black Hawk, 218. Logcock = Pileated Wood- pecker, 192 Oyster- catcher, 246. Parrot = Ani, 189. Petrel, 329. Ptilogonys, 6. Rail, 274. Scoter, 293. Skimmer, 324. Swift, 18: Tern, 3 Vulture=Carrion Crow, 222. Black and White Creeper, 92. Yellow Warbler, 102. Black-backed Woodpecker, 194. Black-bellied Plover, 243. Sandpiper, 256. Black-billed Cuckoo, 190. Blackbirds, 154, 159. Blackburnian Warbler, 100. Black-eapped Petrel, 328. Chickadee, 81. Black-chinned Hummingbird, 184. Sparrow, 143. Black-crested Titmouse, 80. Black-faced Finch, 150. Black-footed Albatross, 325. Black-head, 289. Black-headed Gnateatcher, 79. Grosbeak, 149. Gull, 315. Turnstone, 247. Vireo, 124. Black-necked Stilt = Stilt, 247. Black-poll Warbler, 100. Black-shouldered Kite, 211. Black-tailed Godwit, 258. Shearwater, 330. Black-throated Blue Warbler, 98. Bunting, 148. Diver, 334. Finch, 140. Gray Warbler, 98. Green Warbler, 97. Guillemot, 343. Hummingbird,184. Black-vented Shearwater, 331. Black-whiskered Vireo, 120. Blanding’s Finch, 153. Blasipus, No. 282. Blue Crow, 165. Golden-winged Warbler, 94. Goose, 282. Grosbeak, 149. Hawk = Marsh Harrier, 210. Heron, 267, 268. Jay, 165. nfoustatn Warbler, 105. Quail. 2 Yellow- rt iickedl Warbler, 92. Blve-bill, 289. Iluebird, 76. Blue-eyed Yellow Warbler, 97. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 78. Blue-headed Grackle, 160. Ground Doy @, 227. Pigeon, 227. Sawbill, 187. Vireo, 121. Blue-stocking, 247. Blue-winged Teal, 287. - Yellow Warbler, 94. Boat-billed Heron, 265 (in text). 3oat-tailed Grackle, 160. Bobolink, 154. Bob-white, 236. Bog Bull, 269. Bogsucker. 251. Bohemian Waxw ing, 115. Bonaparte’s Flycatcher = Cana- dian F., 109. Gull, 316. Sandpiper = White- rumped S., 205. Bonasa, No. 182. Booby Gannet, 298. * Boot,” * booted,” § 81. Botaurus. No. 237. Brachyotus, No. 143. Brachyrhamphus, No. 326. Brandt’s Cormorant, 303. Brant Bird 246. Branta, No. 250. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Breast. n. Swelling anterior part of gastreeum, § 39. Brent. See Brant Goose. Brewer's Blackbird, 160. Sparrow, 143. Brewster’s Linnet, 151. Bridled Tern, 322. Titmouse, 80. Broad-bill, 288. Broad-tailed Hummingbird, 185. Broad-winged Buzzard, 217. Bronchus, pl. bronchi, n. Fork of the windpipe, § 2. Brotherly-love Vireo, 120. Brown Crane, 271. Creeper, 84. Jay, 164. Lark, 90. Pelican, 300. Thrush. 75. Towhee, 152. Brown-back, 252 Brown-headed Creeper Wren, 85. Nuthatch, 83. Woodpecker, 195. Briinnich’s Guillemot, 346. Bubo, No. 140. Bubo leptos Bucephala, No. 262. Budytes, No. 27. Bufl-breasted “Fiycatcher, 176. Sandpiper, 261. Buflle-headed Duck, 290. Butlon’s Jaéger, 309. Buill-bat, isl. Bullfinches, 126, 128. Bull-head, 243. Bullock’s Oriole, 158. Buntings, 126, 133, 154, 185, 136. Buphagus, No, 279. Burgomaster, 311. Burion, 129. Burrowing Owl, 207. Bush Quails, 229 (in text). Butcher Bird, 125. Buteo, No. 159. Butorides, No. 234. Butter Ball, 290. Buzzards, 209, 215-20. Cc. Cabanis’ Kingfisher, 188. Cabot’s Tern=Sandw ich Tern, 320. Cerulean Warbler, 99. Calamospiza, No. 78. Calamus, x. Barrel of feather, §3. Calandritina, 88. Calcareous, a. baler Calico-back, 246. Calidris, No. 212. California Grebe = Eared G., 337. Jay. 166. Mockingbird, 75. Ps urtridge, 238. Quail, 238. Squirrel Hawk = Ferru- gineous Buzzard, 218. Vulture, 222. Woodpe r, 196. Calliope Hummingbird, 185. Callipepla, No. 187. Campephilus, No. 129. Camptolamus, No. 264. Campylorhynchus, No. 18. Camtschatcéan Auk = Whiskered Auk, 342. Canada Flycatcher, 109. Goose, 284. Grouse, 232. Jay, 166. Canaliculus, n. Groove. Canon Towhee, 152. Canthus, n. Corner of eyelids. Canvas-back, 290, Cape May Warbler, 102. Cape Pigeon, 328. Caprimulgide, 179; -ine, 180. Caput, n. Head, §31. Caracara Buzzard, 220. Carbonated Warbler, 105, Cardinal Redbird, 151. Cardinalis, No. 84. Carina, n.; pl., -®. Keel or ridge. Carinatz, 69 (footnote). Carinate, a. Keeled or ridged. Carnivorous, @. Flesh-eating. Carolina Dove, 226. Parroquet, 199. Rail, 273. Titmouse, 81. Waxwing, 116. Wren, &6. Carotid Artery. Principal artery of the neck. Carpal, x. Pertaining to carpus. Carpodacus, No. 58. Carpus,n. Wrist, § 55, 56. Carrion Crow, 222. Carunele, n. "Any natural fleshy outgrowth. § 41, e. Carunculate, @. Having natural fleshy outgrowths. Caspian Tern, 319. Cassin’s Auk = Whiskered A., 342. Bullfineh, 128. Finch, 140, 352. Flycatcher, 170. Purple Finch, 128. Vireo, 122. Catarractes aflinis, 350. antiquus, 350. Catbird. 74. Cathartes, No. 166. Cathartida, 220. Catherpes, No. 20. Cauda, n. Tai), § 65-70. Caudal, a. Pertaining to the tail. Cedar Bird, 116. Centre of gravity, § 54. Centrocercus, No. 179. Centronyx, No. 64. Centurus, No. 134. Ceratorhina, No. 320. Cere, n., § 48. Certhia, No. 17. Certhiidz -inz, 83. Certhiola, No. 42. Cervix, n. ruff of neck, § 40. Ceryle, No. 113. Cheetura, No. 118. Cheturin®, 183. Chamea. No. 11. Chameide, 79. Chamiepeleia, No. 172. Chaparral Cock, 189- Character, n., § 15. Charadriida, -ine, 242. Charadrius, No. 190. Chats, 108 (also 76). Chatterers. See Waxwings. Chaulelasmus, No. 254. Cherry Bird, 116. Chestnut-backed Chickadee, SL. Chestnut-collared Lark Bunting, 134. Chestnut-sided Warbler, 101. Chewink, 151. Chiaealaca, 231. Chickadees, 79. —~ Chicken Hawk, 212. Chimney Swift o7 Swallow, 183. Onip bum or Chipping Sparrow, Chondestes, No. 75. Chordeiles, No. 115. Chr cocephalus, No. 283. Chrysomitris, No. 62. Chuck-will’s-widow, 180. Ciconiide, 241. Cilia, n. pl. Barbicels, § 3. (Hairs.) Cinclide, 76. Cinclus, No. 7. Cinereous Shearwater, 330. Snowbird, 141. Thrush, 7B. Cinnamon Teal, 287. Circumorbital, a. eyes, § 41, b. Cireus, No. 151. Cistothorus, No. 25. Clamatores, es Clapper Rail, 2 Clarke’s Crow, Ges Grebe, 336. Class, n., § 16. Clavicle, x. Collar-bone, § 2. Clay-colored Sparrow, 148. CluY Swallow, 114. Around the Cloaca, n. End of large gut. Cnemial, a. Pertaining to the shin. Cobb, 312. i Coccygeal, a. tail. Coccyx, n. Last tail-bone, § 65. Coccyzine, 189. Coccyzus, No. 128. Cock of the Plains, 233. Cecum, n.j pl. coca. cul-de-sac, § 2 Ceerebida, 110. Coffin-carrier, 312. Colaptes, No. 137. Collum, n. Neck, § 32. Collurio, No. 5t. Columba, No. 167. Columba, 223. Columbian Magpie, 164. Columbidie, 223. Colymbide, Colymbus, No. 311. Commissure, n. Line of closure a mouth; also, corner of mouth, 53. Common Cormorant, 302. = Crossbill, 129. * Crow, 162. ~ Dove, 225. Gannet, 298. Gu 845, Pertaining to the Intestinal Wild Goose, QBL. Compressed, a. Flattened side- ways. Conirostral, @ Having a cone- shaped bill, § 46. Conirostral Birds, 126. Connecticut Warbler, 105. Continuity, n. Part of a thing between its ends. Contopus, No. 108. Conurus, No. 138. Cooper’s Buzzard, 215. Flycatcher = Olive-sided .¥F., 173. Hawk, 212. Sandpiper, 255. Tanager, 111. Coot, 275. Coots (Sea), 293. Coracoid, a. orn. Bone connecting shoulder with sternum. Cormorants, 301. Corn Crake, 274. Corneous, a. Horny. Cornu, n.; pl. cornua. Corona, n. Crown; pileum, § 41, a. Corpus callosum,n. Mass of white brain substance connecting right and lett hemispheres, § 2. Corvidew, 161; -inw, 162. Corvus, No. 95. Costa Hummingbird, 185. Coturniculus, No. 67. Cotyle, No. 47. Couch’s Flycatcher, 170. Coues’ ay catober, 1738. Courlan, 2 Cowbird, 15 =Cowpen Bird, 155. Cracide,” ae Cranes, 241, 2 Craxirex. Seo Tater, No. 159. Creagrus, No. 288. Creepers, 83. Crenulate, a. Wavyy-edged. Crest, n., § 41, f. Crested Auk, 342, Flycatcher = Great Crest- ed F., 171. Grebe, 336. Titmouse = Tufted T., 80. Crex, No. 212. Cr eon eres Finch, 129. ri Pertaining to under Horn. middle of Crissum, n. Under tail coverts, § 39, § 66. Crista, n. Crest, § 41, f. Crossbills, 126, 129. Crotophaga, No. 126; -ine, 189. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Crow-blackbird, 159. Crows. 161, 162. aes n. Leg from knee to heel, 72, a. Gryine Bird, 271. Cuckoos, 188. Cuculi, 178, 185; -idae, 188. Culmen, n. Top ridge of bill, § 50. Culminal, a. Pertaining to cul- men, § 52. Cultrate, a. Like a knife-blade. Cultrirostral, a. § 46. Cuneate, a. We ige-shaped. Cuneiform, a. Wedge-shaped. Cuneiform, n. One of the wrist- bones, § 55. Cupidonia, No. 181. Curassows, 231. Curlew idpiper, 255. 5 2. d Thrush, 75, 351. a, No. 59 (Lege Loxia) and p. 851. Cuticle, n. skin. Cutis, n. Cutwater, Cuvier’s Icinglet t, 78. Cyanospiza, No. SL. Cyanurus, No. 100. Cygninz, 28 nus, No. is lymochorea, No. 305. ypseli, 178, 179. Oypselidee, -inze, 182. Cyrtonyx, No. 188. D. Dab-chick, 338. Datila, No. - Daption, No. 301. ‘ Dark-bodied Shearwater, 332. Darters, 305. Day Owl, 205. Deciduous, a. Falling off. Decuryed, @ Curved downward. Dendrocygna, N iF Dendreeca, No. 3 Dentirostral, a. Havyinga bill with toothed or notched tomia, § 46. Depressed, a. Flattened up and down. Dermal, a Pertaining to skin; cutaneous, § 8. Desmognathous, a. palate-bones united. Diaphragm, n. Muscular partition between breast and belly, § 2 Diedapper, 338. Dietetic, a. Pertaining to food. Digit, n. Finger or toe, Digitigrade, a That walks on toes only. Diomedea, No. 296. Diomedeinze, 325. Dipper, 77. (Duck, 290). 3: Disk, n. Set of radiating feathers, § 41, f. Distichous, @. Two-rowed, § 65. i ul Birds of Prey, 208. ate,a. Branching off. Loo 333. Diving Bir Dolichonyx 7 Dorsal, a. Pertaining to the back, Dorsal Woodpecker, “L94. Dorsum, 7. Back; part of no- frum, § 58. Double-crested Cormorant, 303. Dough-bird. 262. Dovekie, 343. Doves, 223. Dowitcher, 252. Downy Woodpecker, 194. Duck Hawk, 213. Ducks, 278, 285, 288. Dunlin, 2¢ Dusky Duck, 285. Grouse, 233. Redpoll, Shearwater Dwarf Cowbird, 155. Thrush (var. nanus), 72. Outermost layer of w or Having the (Grebe, Eagles, 209, 2 Rared Grebe Eastern B luebird, 76. Baye Swallow, 114. Ecdysis, n. Moult. § 10. Ectopistes, No. 168. Egrets, 267, 268. Hiders, 291, 292 Bider Du Blanus, No. 15 Hlegant Tern, 319. Emarginate, a. Slightly forked ; also, incised, § 60, ¢; fig. 110. Embernagra, No. 80. Emperor Goose, 283. Hmpidonax, No. 109. English‘ lipe”=Wilson’s S., 252: irrow, 146. Teal, 287. Epigastrium, x. § 39. Epiglottis, n. Gristly flap on top of windpipe, § 2. Epignathous, a. Hook-billed, §45. Epiphysis,n. Gristly or bony cap on end of a bone, 32 (footnote). Epithelium, nx. Superficial layer of mucous membrane, as cuticle is of skin, § 8. Eremophila, No. 26. Ereunetes, No. 206. Erismatura, No. 270. Esquimaux Curlew, 262. European Goldfinch, 146. Widgeon, 286. Woodcock Euspiza, No. 79. Evening Grosbeak, 127. Everglade Kite, 211. F. Scythe-shaped. 0. 225 (with Ibis). Pit of stomach, Faleate, a. inellus, Fale onidee, 208. Falcons, 210, 213. Family, n, § 19. Reso n. Broad band of color, §41,d FE: ted Tit, 79. le, fasciculum, n. Feather By he birds, §3. Femoral, a. Bertainine to thigh. Wenioral ee on, 215. Femur, Thigh-bone. Rennie IneOuH Buzzard, 218. Owl, 205, 352. Fibula, n. Smaller outer leg-bone, Bandle. Pec uliar covering of § 72 Fila ‘Lark. 157. Plover, 260. Sparrow, 143. Fiery Redbird, 151 (var. ignens). Filamentous, a. Thread-like. Filopluma, x. Hair-like feather, §5. Filoplumaceous, a@., § 4. Finches, 126 et seq. Fire-bird, 158. Fissirostral, n. cleft bill, § 46. Fissirostral Birds, 126. Oscines, 112. Fish Crow, 163. Duck, 296. Hawk, Flamingoes, 277. Flammulated Owl, 203. Flesh-footed She iwwater, 331. Plexure, n. A bending; a bent place. Flicker, 197. Flocking Fowl, 289. Florida, No. 230. Florida Cormorant, 303. Crow, 163. Ge ulinule. : 3 Beton, Jay, 1 Flycatchers, 167. Flycatching Thrushes, 116. Having deeply- 219. 356 Flycatching Warblers, 108. Fly-up-the- “Creek = Green Heron. Follicle, n. Minute sac secreting various substances, § 7, §8 Forficate, a. Deeply forked, § 70. Fork-tailed Flycatcher, 169. Gull, 317. Bebrele Forster’s met n, s parrow, MG. Franklin’s Grouse, 253. Rosy Gull, 315. Fratercula, No. 318. Fregetta, No. 308. French Mockingbird = Thrasher, 75. Frenum, n. Cheek-stripe. Fresh-water Marsh-hen, 273. Frigates, 306. Fringillid, 126. Frons, 7. Forehead, § 41, a. Frontal, a. Pertaining to the fore- head. Frost-bird, 243. Fulica, No Fulicinz, 275. Fuligula (* ‘Fulix”); No. 260. F uligulinze, 2 88. Fulix = Fuligula, No. 260. Fulmar Petrel, 327 Fulmars, 327. Fulmarus, No. 299. Fulvous Tree Duck, 284. Furculum, n. Merry-thought, § 52. Fusiform, a. Spindle - ‘shaped; cigar-shaped. G. Gadwall, 286. Gairdner’s Woodpecker, 194. Gallinaceous Birds, 228. Gallinze, 228, 347. Gallinago, No. 203. Gallinula, No. 243. Gallinules, 274. Gallinuline, 274. Gambel’s Partridge, 238. Sparrow, L4t. Gannets, 298. Garrob, 290. Garrulinze, 163. Garzetta, No. 231. Gastreum, n. Under parts, § 36. Geese, 278. 281-4. Gelochelidon, No. 289. Gena, n., pl. genw. Cheeks, § 41, b. Genito-urinar: y, a. Pertaining to the sexual organs. Genus, n., § 20. Geococcyx, No. 127. Geothlypis, No. 38. Geotrygon, No. 174. Giant Fulmar, 327. Gila Woodpecker, 196. * Gilded Woodpecker, 197. Glacial Puflin, 340. Glaucidium, No. 148. Glaucous Gull, 311. Glaucous-winged Gull, 311. Glossy Ibis, 263. Glottis = Totanus, No. 215. Gnatcatchers, 78. Gnathotheca, n. der jaw, § 48, b. skers, t79, 180. 0, 257. Covering of un- Robin, 15: Warbler, 97. Golden-cheeked Warbler, 98. Golden-crowned Kinglet, 78. Sparrow, 145. Thrush, 105. Golden-eye, 290. Golden-winged Woodpecker, 197. Goldfinches, 131, 132; 146 (Obs.). Goniaphea, No. 80. Gonys, vz. Outline of mandibular symphysis, § 49. Goosander, 296. Goose. See Geese. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Goshawk, 212. Gould’s Sparrow, 139. Grace’s Warbler, 103. Graculayus anceps, 350. pumilus, 350. velox, 349. Graculide, 301. Graculus, No. 275. Graculus idahensis, 349, Gradate, a@., § 70. Grallatores, 239, 348. Granular, a.. § 8. Granulate, § 79. Grass Finch, 136. Snipe, 255. Gray WS = Gadwall, 286. Hawk, 218. Kingbird, 170. Rutfed Grouse, 235. Snipe, 252. Vireo, 122. Gray-back, 256. Gr rowned Finch, 130, 352, Gray-eared Finch, 130. Great Auk, 339. Black-backed Gull, 312. Blue Heron, 267. Carolina Wren, 86. Crested Flycatcher, 171. Gray Owl, 204. Horned Owl, 202. Marbled Godwit, 257. Northern Diver, s Shrike White Egret, 267. Heron, 26 Greater Scaup Duck Shearwater, Tell-tale, 258. Yellowshanks, 258. Great-tailed Grackle, 160. Grebes, 335 Green Black-capped Flycatcher, 109. Green Crested Flycatcher, 174. Finch, 153. Heron, 268. Greenland Sea Eagle, 220. Greenlets, 117. Greenshanks, 259. Green-tailed Finch, 153. Green-winged Teal, 287. Grosbeaks, 126, 127. Ground Cuckoo, 189. Dove, 226, 227. Wren, 79 Grouse, 232. Gruber’s Buzzard, 219. Gruide, 270. Grus, No. 223. haydenii, 348. proayus, 348. Guans, E Guinea 30. Gula, vn. Upper throat, § 40. Gular,a. Pertaining to the throat. Gull-billed Tern, 319. Gulls, 308, 310. Guttur, n. Throat, § 40, Gymnokitta, No. 97. Gyrfalcon, 213, 352. H. Hemantopodide, 246. Hematopus, No. 194. Tairbird, 142. Hairy Woodpecker, 193. Haliaétus, No. 164. Haliplana, No. 292. Halocyptena, No. 303. Halodromine, (in text). Hammond’s Flycatcher, 176. Hamulate, a. Hooked. Hamulus, 7. Hooked fringe of a barbule, § 3. Hangnesf. 158. Harelda, No. 263. Harlan’s Buzzard, 216. Harlequin Duck, 291. Harporhynchus, No. 4. Harrier s, 209. Harris’ 's Buzzar d, 215. Sparrow, 145. Woodpecker, 193. Hastate, a. Spearhead-shaped, § 41, d (footnote.) Hawk Owl, 205. Hawks, 208, 209, 212. Heerman’s Song Sparrow, 139. Gull = White-headed G., 314. Heliopxdica, No. 119. Helminthophaga, No. 34. Helmitherus, No. 33. Heloise Hummingbird, 185. Hemlock Warbler, 100. Hen Hawk, 216. Henry’s Night- hawk, 181. Henslow’s ‘Sparrow, 137. Hepatic Tanager, 112. Hermit Thrush, 72. Herodias, No. 2382. Herodiones, 240, 262. Herons, 240, 264-5. Herring Gull, 312. Hesperiphona, No. 55. Hesperocichla. Subg. of No.1. Hesperornis regalis, 350. Heteroscelus, No. High Holder — Flic er, 197. Himantopus, No. 197. Hirundinidee, 112. Hirundo, No. 44. Histrionicus, No. 265. Hoazin, 229. Honey Creeper, 110. Hooded Flycatcher, 109. Gull = Franklin’s G., 315. Merganser, 296. Oriole, 159. Warbler = H. Flycatcher. Horn-billed Auk, 341. 7 Hornby’s Petrel, 329. Horned Grebe, 337. Lark, 89. Owl = Great H. O., 202. Puffin, 340. House Finch, 129. Wren, 86. Hudsonian Curlew, 262. Godwit. I Humeral, a. Pertaining to the upper arm. Humerus, n. Upper arm-bone, § 55. Hummingbirds, 183. Huron Scoter = White-winged do. : Hutchins’ Goose, 284. Hutton’s Vireo, 123. Hybrid, nm. Cross between two species, § 22. Hydranassa, No. 233 : Hydrochelidon, No. 293. Hylocichla. Subg. of No. 1. Hylotomus, No. 130. Hyoid,a. Pertaining to tongue, 191. Hypochonarium, n. Flank, § 38. Hypognathous, a. Having under mandible longer than upper. Hyporhachis, x. Aftershaft, § 3. ie Rosy Tbidinz, 263. ; Ice Gull, 311. Iceland F: con = Gyrfale on, 213. 4 { :3 - Ichthyornis dispar, 350. Icteria, No. 39. Teteride, 153. Icteriinz, 108. Ictinia, "No. 153. Imbricated, a. Fixed aldnglewise, Imperial Tern = Sterna caspia, var. imperator, 319 (in text). Woodpecker = Campe- philus imperialis, 191. Incised, a. Cut away. Narrow- ing abruptly, § 60, ¢; fig. 110. Incumbent, a. Overlyi ing, § 87. Indian Hen, 269. Indigo Bird, 150. Inferior maxillary,n., § 44. Infraorbital, a. Under the eye, § 41, b. ’ Insessores, 69. Tnsistent. a., § 87. Intermaxillary. See premaxillary. Internode, xz. Any bone of finger or toe, § 72, f. Interorbital, a. Between the eyes. Interramal, a. Between forks of the lower jaw, § 41,c. Interscapular, a. Between shoul- ders, § 38. Tridescent, a. Of changeable glit- tering color, § 41, d (footnote). Ivory Gull, 3138. Iyory-billed Woodpecker, 192. J. Jack Curlew, 262. Snipe, 255. Jackdaw, 160. Jaégers, 308. Jaw, n., § 44. Jays, 161, 163. Jerfalcon, 213: Jugulum, x. Lower throat, § 40. Junco, No. 72. K. Kennicott’s Owl, 203. Warbler, 77, 351. Kentucky Warbler, 106. Key West Pigeon (Dove), 22 Kildeer Plover, 244. King Eider, 293. Rail, 273. Vulture, 222. Kingbird, 169. Kingtishers, 187. Kinglets, 77. Kirtland’s Warbler, 104. Kites, 209, 211. Kittiwake Gull, 314. Kittlitz’s Murrelet, 544. Knob-billed Auk, 343. Knot, 255. Kotzebue’s Gull, 314. L. Labrador Duck, 291. Lagopus, No. 183. Lamellate, a. Having lamelle, § 47. Lamellirostral, a. late bill, § 46. Lamellirostres, 277. Lampornis, No. 120. . Lampronetta, No. 267. Lanceolate, a. Lance-head- shaped. Lanier Falcon, 213. Laniidie,-inze, 124. Laornis edvardsianus, 350. Lapland Longspur, 133. Lapwing, 243. Large-billed Water Thrush, 106. Laride, 308. Larinze, 310. Lark Buntings, 134, 147. Finch, 146. Larks, 88, 157. Larus, No, 281. Larynx n.; pl. larynges. Haying lamel- Adam’s apple; hollow cartilaginous organ at either end of wind- pipe, § 2. Laughing Gull, 315. Lawrence's Flycatcher, 171. Goldfinch, 132 Lawyer, 247. Lazuli Finch, 149. Leach’s Petrel, 329. Leaden Titmouse, 82. Least Auk, 343. Bittern, 270. Flycatcher, 175. Gull. 316. Petrel, 328. Sandpiper, 254. Tern, 321. Titmouse, 82. Vireo, 123. Leconte’s Sparrow, 137. Thrush, 75. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Lesser Redpoll = Redpoll, 130. Scaup Duck, 289. Snow Goose, 282. Tell-tale, 259. Lestridina, 308. Leucosticte, No. 60. Lewis’ Woodpecker, 197. Ligamentum nuche, n. Strong fibrous band in the nape of many animals. Limicole : Limoss 3. Lincolw’s Finch, 138. Linear, a. Of uniformly narrow shape. Linné Hummingbird, 186, 352. Linnets, 127, 130, 181. Linota, No. 61bis. Little Black-head, 289. Blue Heron, 268. White Egret, 267. Lobate, a. Finished with mem- branous flaps, § 89. Lobipes, No. 199. Logcock = Pileated Woodpecker. Loggerheac rike, 125. Lomyia, No. 328. Long-billed Curlew, 262. Marsh Wren, 87. Thrush, 75. Long-crested Jay, 165. Long-eared Owl, 203. Long-exserted. Said of tail feath- ers abruptly longer than the rest. Longipennes, 307. Longirostral, a, mies: Longshank Longspur, Long-tailed Chat, 108. Chic kadee, 81. Duc Jaeger, 309. Long-winged Swimmers, 307. Loons, 333. Lophodytes, No. 272. Lophophanes, No. 12. Lophortyx, No. 185. Lore, n. Space between eye and bill, § 41, b. Lorum. See Lore. Louisiana Egret, 268. Sh = Loggerhead Tan aa 112. Loxia = Curvirostra, No. 59. Lucy’s Warbler, 94. Lunda, No. 319. M. Maccall’s Owl, 203. Maccown’s Bunting, 154. Macerated, a. Soaked to softness. Macgillivray’s Warbler, 107. Macrorhamphus, No. 204. Magnolia Warbler, 102. Magnum, n. A certain wrist-bone, 5). Magpie, 164. Mala, n. Side of upper jaw. Mallard, 285. Mandible, n. jaw), § 44. Mandibular, a. Pertaining to the mandible. Mangrove Cuckoo, 190. Mank’s Shearwater, 331. Man-of-war Bird, 306. Mantle, n. See xulum, § 38. Marbled Godwit, Guillemo At Marbling, ». Fine spotting and streaki § 41, d (footnote). Mareca, No. 255 Marginal F Marlin, 257. Marsh Blackbirds, 154. Harrier or Hawk, 210. Robin = Towhee Bunting, 151. Tern, 319. Wrens, 87, 88. Martins, 114. Maryland Yellow-throat, 107. Jaw (usually under nges, § 90. 357 Massena Partridge, 239. Matrix, n. Mould; tissue or or- gan containing something and determining its nature. Maxilla, x. ipl. maxille. Generally re einen to upper mandible, 44. Maxillo-palatines, n. bones of upper jaw. a milian’s Jay = Blue Crow, Meadow-lark, 157. Mealy Red-poll, 131. Megapodide, 230. Melanerpes, No. 135. Meleagridz, 231. Meleagris, No. 177. altus. 348. antiquus, 347. celer, 348. Melopeleia, No. 171. Melospiza, No. 69. Members, n. Bill, wings, tail and feet. Chin, § 41, c. Certain Mentum, n. Mergansers, 295-6. Mer, gine, : 2! Mergul rpal, a. ‘Pertaining to the hand. Metacarpus, n. Pinion; bones of hand, § 55. ee enatnous a. Cross-billed, § 45. Metatarsal, @. Pertaining to the shank, § 72, d Met itarsus, n. Shank; foot (leg) poween heel and base of toes, 72, ¢ Mexican Cormorant, 303. Coen Flicker, 1¢ Goldfinch, 133. Trogon, 186. Woodpecker, 198. Wren, 85. Mew Gull, 313. Micrathene, No. 149. Micropalama, No. 205. Migratory Thrush = Robin, 71. Milvulus, No Mimine, 7; Mimus, No. Mississippi Kite, 211. Missouri Skylark, 91. Mitrephorus, No. 110. Mniotilta, No. 30. Mockingbird, 74. Mocking Thrushes, 73. Mollipilose, a Softly downy- feathered. Molothrus, No. 88. Momotide, 186. Momotus, No. 112. Morelet’s Finch, 150. Morton’s Fineh, 145. - Motacillidz, 89; -inze, 90. Mother Carey’s Chicken, 328. Motmots, 186. Mottled Owl, 202. Mound-birds, 230. Mountain Chickadee, 81. Mockingbird, 74. Plover, 245. Quail, 237. Mourning Warbler, 107. Mucous membrane, mn. Lining of alimentary and some other in- terior tracts of the body. Muceronate, a. Spine-tipped. Mud-hen, 273. Murre, 345. Murrelet, 344. Myiadestes, No. 52. Myiadestinw. 116. Myiarchus, No. 106. Myiodioctes, No, 40. Myrtle Bird, 99. N. Nashville Warbler, 9: Natatores, 276, 349. Nauclerus, No. 155. 358 Nebulation, n. Clouding. Neocorys, No. 29. Nepheecetes, No. 117. Nettion, No. 256. New World Warblers, 91. New York Thrush—Water Thrush. Night Heron, 269. Night-hawk, 181. Night-jar, 180. Nocturnal Birds of Prey, 200. Noddy Tern, 323. Node, n. Swelling; hence joint, § 72, f. Non-melodious Passeres, 167. Nonpareil, 149. Northern Phalarope, 248. Sea Eagle, 220. Sharp- tailed Grouse, 234. Noteum, n. Upper parts, § 36, § 38. Nucha, n. Nape, § 40. Nuchal Woodpecker, 195. Nucleated, a. Oaving a special cell or cells within,§ 8. Numenius, No. 222. Numididie, 230. Nuthatches, 82. Nuttall’s Magpie, 164. Whippoorwill, 181. Woodpecker, 193. Nyctale, No. 147. Nyctea, No. 145. Nytherodius. No. 236. Nyctiardea, No. 235. oO. Oceanites, No. 307. Oceanodroma, No. 306. Occiput, n. Hind-head., § 41, a. Ocellus, m. Small sharp round spot, 21 (footnote). Odontophorine, 236. (demia, No. 269. @sophagus, 7. Oil-gland, n., § 7. Old-wife, 291. Old World Vultures, 208. Warblers, 77. Olive-backed Thrush, 72 Thrush (var. Jatus), 73. Olive-sided Flycatcher, 173. Olor, 280. Onychotes, No. 161. Opisthocomus cristatus, 229. Oporornis, No. 37. Orange-crowned Warbler, 95. Orbite fal, a. Pertaining to the eye- socket, § 41, b. Orchard Oriole, 157. Order, 7, § 18. Oregon Snowbird, 141. Towhee, 182. Oreortyx, No. 185. Oreoscoptes, No. 2. Orioles, 157. Ornithology, n. Ortalida, No. 176. Ortolan, 273. Ortyx, No. 184. Os, Bone. Oscines. Singing Birds, 70. Osprey, 219. Ossified, a. by bone. Ossifraga, No. 298. Otus, No. 142. Ouzel= Dipper, 77. Ovary,n. Organ that makes eggs. Oven-bird, 105. . Oviduct, n. Tube that carries eggs to anus, § 2. Gullet. ustu- Science of Birds. Become bony; joined Ovum, n.; pl. ova. Egg. Owls, 200. Ox-bird, Ox-eve, 243. Oyster-catcher, 246. Paci Pagophila, No.: Painted Finch, 149. Flycatcher, 110. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Painted Goose, 283. Lark Bunting, 134. Paisano, 189. Paleotringa littoralis, 349. vagans, 349. vetus, 349. Palate, n. Bony roof of mouth. Palatine, a. Pertaining to palate. Palatine, x. Bone in roof of mouth. Pallas’s Cormorant, 304. Thrush = Hermit Thrush. Palm Warbler, 104. Palhnev’s Thrush. p. 301. Palpebra, n.; § 41, b. Pancreas, n. Sweet-bread: lobu- lated gland near stomach, the secretion of which aids diges- tion. Pandion, No. 162. Panyptila, No. 116. Papilla, n.; pl. -w2. prominence. Papillose, a. Having papille. Paragnathous, a. Having the mandibles meeting at the point, itie Jaéger, 309. Parauchenium, n. Side of neck, § 40. Paride, 79. Parine, 80. Parkmann’s Wren, 87. Parroquet, 199. Auk, 341. Parrots, 198. P: fay See Additions, pl. -2 Eye-lid, Small fleshy Passerculus, No. 65 and p. 352. Passerella, No. 77. Passeres. Perchers Proper, 69. Patella, m. Knee-cap, § 72. Peabody-bird, 144. Peile’s Egret. Reddish Egret. Pectinate, a. Toothed like a comb, § 91. Pectoral Sandpiper, 255. Pectus, vm. Breast, § 39. Pedicecetes, No. 180. Peep, 254. Peetweet, 260. Pelecanidx, 298. Pelecanus, No. 274. Pelicans, 298. Pelidna, No. 208. 9 Penelopine, 231. Penguins, 333 (in text). Penna, n. Contour feather, § 5. Pennaceous. a. Of complete feath- _ery structure, § 4. Perchers, 69. Peregrine Falcon, 213. Perisoreus, No, 103. Pernis (genus), 209. Pes, n. Foot, § 71 et seq. Petrels, 324, 326. Petrochelidon, No. 46. Peucwa, No. 70. Pewee, 172, 173. Pewit, 172. Phebetria, No. 297. Phenopepla. No. 51. Phaéthon, ; Phavithontide, 306. Phalanx, n.; pl. phalanges. Any bone of a finger or toe, § 55, § 72, a. Phalaropes, 247. Phalaropodide, 247. EINE No. 200. Phaleris, No. 321. Phas mide, 3 Philadelphi: mn V ireo, 120. Philohela, No. 201. Philomachus, No. 218. Phebe, 172. Pheenicopteridz. 277, sol. Pheenicopterus, Phonipara, No. 82bis. Phyllopneuste, No. 8. Pica, No. 99. Picariz, 177. Picarian Birds, 177, 347. Pici, 179, 190. Picicor vus, No. 96. Picidie, 190. Picoides, No. 132. Pictura, x. Pattern of coloration, § 41, ad (footnote), Picus, No. 131. Pied Duck, 291. Pied-billed Grebe, 338. Pigeon Falcon (Hawk), 214. Guillemot, 345. Pigeons Pike’s Tern, 321. Pileated Woodpecker, 192. Pileum, x. Top of head, § 41, a. Pine Grosbeak, 127. Linnet (Finch), 181. Warbler, 10L. Pine-creeping Warbler, 104. Pinicola, No. 56. Pinion, n. Part of wing beyond carpus, § 55 and § 56. Pinnated Grouse, 234. Pintado peels 328. Pintail, 286 Pipilo, No. ‘5. Piping Plover, 244. Pipit, 90. Pisciyorous, a. Fish-eating. Plaga, n. Stripe, §41, d. Plain Titmouse, 80. Planesticus. Subg. of No.1. Plantigrade, @. Walking on whole sole of foot, § 73, b Platalea. No. 227. Plataleinz, 254. Plee troph nes, No. 63. Plotidee. 305. Plotus, No. 276. Plover, 242. Plumage, § 9. Plumbeous Gnatcatcher, 79. Vireo, 122, 351. Plumed Partridge, 23 Plumula, n. Down-feather, § 5. Plumulaceous, a. Of downy structure, § 4. Pneumatic, a. air. Pochard, 289. Podasocys, No. 192. Podiceps, No. 313. Podicipide, 335. Podilymbus, No. 315. Podiun, n. Toes, collec tively, §84. oda iece: n. Covering of foot, 76. Polioptila, No. 10. Polioptilinze, 78. Polyborus, No. 165. Also p. 208. Polygonal,a. Of more than 3 sides. Polymorphic >a Of many forms. Polysticta, No. 266. Pomarine Jaéger, 309. Pooecetes, No. 66. Poospiza, No. 71. Porphyrio (not Porphyrula), No. 2h. Permeated with Porzana, No. 241. Postorbital, a. § 41, b. Powder-down feathers, § 6. Pretoces. Birds that run about at birth. Precocial, a. at birth. Prairie Hen, 254. We GY 103. Principal upper Behind the eye, Able to run about Premaxillary. jaw-bone, § st Pressirostral, @.. § 46. Primary. n.; pl. -ies. pinion, S G1. Priocella, Priofinus Procella Procella Procellariin Progne, No. 49. Prothonotary Warbler, 93. Quill of Protonotaria, No. 32. Proyentriculus,n. Part of gullet next to gizzard where are sol- vent glands. Psaltriparus, No. 14. Psilorhinus, No. 98. Psittaci, 19s. Ptarmigan, 235. Pteroclide, 230. Pteryla, . Place where feathers grow on the skin, § 9. Pterylography, n. Account of feathers, § 9. ee Gas n. Mode of feathering, IB Ptilogonydine, 116. Ptilogonys, 116. Ptilosis, n. Plumage, § 9. Ptychorhamphus, No. 323. Puflinus, No, 310. Puflinus conradii, 350. Punctate, a. Dotted; pitted. Punctum, rn. A point. Purple Finch, 128. Gallinule, 275. Grackle, 160. Martin, 114 Sandpiper, 255. Pygmy Auk = = Least Auk, 343. Nuthatch, 83. Owl, 206. Pygopodes, 332. Pygopodous, a. Rump-footed. Pygostyle, n. Last tail-bone. Pyranga, No. 43. Pyrocephalus, No. 111. Pyrrhula No. 57. Pyrrhuloxia, No. 83. Q. elec 269. Quail, 2: Gaetdaeauls, No, 257. Quin UnX, 2. Set of five, arranged thu Quises ding, 1 159. Quisealus, No. 94. R. ma a n. Outer bone of forearm, ov Ratt Duck, Rails, 241, 272. Rallidi, -inze, 272 Rallus, No, 240. Ramus, v. Branch or fork. Raptores, 199, 347. Ratitwe, 69 (footnote). Raucous, « LIRoarse. Ravens, 162. Rizor-billed Auk, 339. Rectrix, n.; pl. rvectrices. Tail- feathers, § 67. Recurved, a. Curved upward. Recurvirostra, No. 196. Recurvirostridz, 247. Red Crossbill, 129. Owl, 202. Phalar ‘ope, 2 Red-and-whit TF alder ed Black- bird, 156 tricolor). Red-backed Sandpiper, 256. Red-bellied Nuthatch, 83. Woodpee ker, 196. Red-billed Pigeon, 225. Redbird, 151. Red-breasted Lark, 157. Merganser, 296, Sandpiper. 256. Snipe, 252. Teal=Uinnamon T. Woodpecker, 195. Red-cockaded Woodpecker, 192. Reddish Egret, 268. Red-eyed Vireo, 119. Red-faced Cormorant, 304, Red-head, 28). Red-headed Woodpecker, 196. Red-legeed Kittiwake, 315. Red-necked Grebe, 336. Red-poll Linnet, 130. Red-shafted Woodpecker, 198. s~ INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Red-shouldered Blackbird, 156 (var. guberna- tor). Buzzard, 216. Redstart, 110. Red-tailed Buzzard, 216. Red-throated Diver, 335. Red-winged Blackbird, 156. Reedbird, 154. Reeve, 260. Regimen, n. Habit of life. Regulina, 77. Regulus, No. 9. Remex, n.; pl. vemiges. Quills of wing, § 57, § 60. Reticulation, rn. Mosaic, § 78. Retrorse, a Directed backward. Rhachis, vn. Part of scapus, § 3. Rhamphotheea, n. Covering of either jaw, § 48, b. Rhinotheca, x. Covering of upper jaw, § 48, b. Rhodostethia, No. 286. Rhyacophilus, No. 216. Thynchopinze Rhynchops, No. 295. Ricebird, 154. Richardson’s Falcon, 214. Jaéger = Parasitic ow T Tengmalm’s O., 205. Pewee, 174. Rietus, n. Gape. Ring Plover, 244. Ring-billed Gull, 313. Ringneck, 244. Ring-necked Duck, 289. Ring-tailed Eagle=Golden Eagle. Marlin, 258. Rio Grande Jay, 166. Rissa, No. 284 River Ducks 3. Road-runner, 189. Robin, 71. Robin Snipe, 256. Rock Ptarmigan, 235. Wren, 8). Rocky Mountain Garrot, 290. Rodger’s Fulmar, 327. Roseate Spoonbill, 264. Tern, 321. Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 148. Ross’ Goose, 282. Rosy Gull, 316. Rostrhamus, No. 152. Rostrum, n. Bill, which see. Rough-legged Buzzard, 218. Rough-winged Swallow, 114. Royal Tern, 319. Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 78. Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 184. Ruddy Duck, 295. Plover, 2 Ruff, 260. Ruff,n. Long feathers of gula, § 40. Ruifed Grouse, 255. Rufous-backed Hummingbird, 185. Rufous-crowned Finch, 140. Ruga, 2.; pl.-x. Wrinkle. Rugous or rugose, a. Wrinkled. Rusty Grackle, 159. Rusty-crowned Falcon, 214. s. 2auee back, 312. Sage Cock, 233. S: igittate, a. Arrowhead-shaped, §41,d open ote: Salpinctes, No. 19. Salt-water Mz -hen, 273. Sand Martin, 114. Sanderling, 257. Sand-grouse, 230. Sand-hill Crane, 271. Sand-lark, 260. Sand-pipers, 249, 253-6, 260. Sandwich Tern, 320. Sandy Mockingbird, 75. Sapsuc ker = Yellow-belliedW ood- pecker, Saurotherine, 189. Savanna Sparrow, 135. Saw-bills, 186. he 359 Saw-whet Owl, 206. Saxicola, No. 5, Saxicolidex, 76. Sayornis, No. 107. ?s Flycatcher, 172. abrous, a. Seabby, scurfy, §80. ed Partridge, 238. y Dove, 297, Scansores. See 351. Scapholunar, rn. One of the wrist bones, § 55. Seapula, n. Shoulder-blade. Scapulare, x. Region of the shoul- der-blade, Scapulars, x. Feathers over shoul- _ der-blades, § 38, § 64. Scapus, zn. Stem of a feather, § 3. Scardafella, No. 1738. Searious, @. Same as scabrous. Scarlet Ibis, 264. Tanager, 111. Scaup Duck, 289. Scissor-tail, 169. Schizognathous, a. Waving the palate bones separate. Scolecophagus, No. 9: Scolopaceous Courlan, 2 71. Scolopacide, 248. Scolopacine Birds, 248. Scolopax, No. 202. Scops, Scoters, 293. Scott’s Oriole, 159. Screech Owl, 202. Serotum, 2. _ Bag holding testi- cles, §2. Scutellate, a. scales, § 77. Scutellum, 7.; pl. scutella. Scale, Furnished with Parrot, 340. Pigeon, 345. Swallows, 320. Sea-coots, 294. Sea-runners, 324 (in text). hore Sparrow, 136. Seaside Finch, 137. Secondary, 7.; pl. secondaries. Quills growing on the forearm, 62 § Seiurus, No. 36. Selasphorus, No. 122. Semi- (in composition). Half. Semilunar, @ Crescentic, § 41, d. Semipalmate, @. Half webbed, §89. Semipalmated Sandpiper, 254. Plover, 244. Tattler, 258. Semiplume, § 5. Septum, m. Partition. Serin Finch, 146. Serrate, a. Saw-like. Setaceous, a Bristly or bristle- like. Setophaga, No. 41. Setophagine, 108. Shag, 302. Sharp-shinned Hawk, 212. Sharp-tailed Finch, 1 Grouse, 2% Shore-birds, 239. Shore-lark, 89. Short-billed Kittiwake, 315. Marsh Wren, 88. Short-eared Owl, 204. Short-tailed Albatross, 325. Tern, 325. Shoveller, 288, Shrikes, 124. Shufiler, 289. Sialia, No. 6. . Siberian Finch, 130. Sickle-bill, 262. Sickle-billed Thrush, 75. asber’s Jay, 166. xmoid, @ Shaped likean 8. Simorhynchus, No. 322. Sineiput, n. Forehead, Sinuate, a. Wavy. Si ta, ath 16. Biigantes Skua Gulls, 308. 360 Slender billed Fulmar,~327-. Nuthatch, 83. Shearwater, 332. Small-headed Flycatcher, 109. Smew, 206. Snake-bird, 305. Snake-killer, 189. Snipe, 248-9, 252. Snowbird, {141. 3 Snow Bunting, 133. Goose, 282. Snowflake, 153. Plover, 245. Solitary Tattler, 259. Vireo, 121. Somateria, No. 268. Song Sparrow, 139. Sooty Albatross, 325. Guillemot, 34. Shearwater, 331. Tern, 322. Sora, 273. South-southerly, 291. § Spanish Curlew = White This, 264. Sparrow Hawk, 214. Sparrows, 127, 135, etc. Spatula, No. 258. Spatulate, a. Spoon-shaped. Species, § 21. Spectacled Hider, 292. Speculum, n. Mirror; bright col- ored area on ducks’ wings. Spermophila, No. 82. Spheniscide, 333 (in text). Spheotyto, No. 150. Sphyrapicus, No. 133. Spinal, a. Pertaining to the back- bone. Spine-tailed Swifts, 183. Spirit Duck, 290. Spizella, No. 73. r Spleen, n. A vascular abdominal organ, § 2. Spoonbills, 262, 264. Spotted Sandpiper, 260. Towhee, 152. Sprigtail, 286. Spruce Partridge, 232. Spurious, a. See § 58 and § 62. Squamous, a. Scaly. Squatarola, No. 189. Squawk, 269. Stake-driver, 269. Starlings, 153. Starncenas, No. 175. St. Domingo Duck, 295 Grebe, 337. Steganopodes, 296. Steganopus, No. 198. No. 48. Stellula, 3 Stercorarius, No. 280. Sterna, No. 291. Sternine, 317. Sternum, 7. Stilt, 247. Stilt Sandpiper. 253. St. Lucas Sparrow, 136, 352. Stone Chat, 76. Snipe, 298. Storks, 241 (in text). Stormy Petrel, 328. Stragulum, n. Mantle, § 38. Stratum, 2. Layer. Strepsilas, No. : Breast-bone. Strix, No. 139. Structure, § 14. Sturnella, No. 91. Sub- (in composition). less than; not quite. Sub-basal, @. Near the base. Sub-ch n., § 17. Sub-typical, a. Between typical and aberrant. Subulate, @ Awl-shaped. Suffrago, n. Heel-joint; tibio-tar- sal joint Sula, N 73+ Sula loxostyla, 349. Under; 273 INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Suleate, a. Furrowed. Sulcus, zn. Furrow. Sulide, 298. Summer Duck, 288. Redbird, 111. Warbler, 97. Yellowbird, 97. Super (in composition), Over, be- yond, more than. Superciliary, a. Over the eye. Supraorbital, a. Over the eye sock- ets, § 41, b. Surf Bird, 245. Duck, 294. Surnia, No. 146. Swainson’s Buzzard, 217. Vireo, 121. Warbler, 93. Swallows, 112. Swallow-tailed Flycatcher, 169. Gull, 317. Kite, 211. Swamp Sparrow, 138. Swans, 2580. Swifts, 182. Swimming Birds, 276. Sylbeocyclus, No. 314. Sylvia, 77. Sylvicolide, 91. Sylvicoline, 92. Sylviidee, 77. Sylviine, 77. Symphemia, No. 214. Symphysis,n. A growing together. Syndactylous, § 59. yngnesious, § 8). Synthliborhamphus, No. 320. Syringeal, a. Pertaining to lower larynx. Syrinx, n. Lower larynx; the vocal organ of birds, situate where windpipe forks into bron- chi. Syrnium, No. 144. ibe Tachycineta, No. 45. Tachypetes, No. 277. Tachypetide, 306. Tanagers, 111. Tanagride, LLL. Tantalidz, 262. Tantalinz, 263. Tantalus, No. 224. Tarso-metarsus, 2., § 72, ¢. Tarsus, n. Shank, § 72, e, § 83. Tattlers, 251, 255-9. Taxonomy, 7. Classification, § 12, § 1. Tawny Thrush = Wilson’s T., 73. Teal, 287. Tectrices, m.; pl. or tail, § 59, § 66. Teeter-tail, 260. Tegumentary, § 11. Telmatodytes, No Telmatornis afli priscus, ¢ Tell-tales. See Tattle Temminck’s Guillemot, 34. Tempora, n.; pl. temples, § 41, b. Tengmalm’s Owl, 200. Tennessee Warbler, 99. Tenuirostral Picarie, 183. Tergum, 7. Lower back, § 38. Terns, 317. Terrestrial Birds, 228. Tertiary, n.; pl. tertiaries. Inner- most quills of wings, § 64. Testis, n. Gland secreting male seed. Tetradactyle, a. Tetrao, No. 178, Tetraonide, -inw, 232. Texas Cardinal, 150. Guan, 231. Night-hawk, 181. Woodpecker, 193. Thalasseus, No. 290. Thick-billed Guillemot, 346. Thistle-bird, 151. Thrasher, 75. Three-toed Woodpeckers, 194. Coverts of wing 24. Four-toed. Thrushes, 71. Thryothorus, No. 21. ie n. Larger inner leg-bone, Tinamide, 229. Tinamous, 229. Tinker, 339. Tip-up, 260. Titlark, 90. Titmice or Tits, 79. "7 Tomium, n.; pl. tomia. Cutting edge of either mandible, § 49. Totanus, No. 215. 2 Totipalmate birds, 296. Towhee Bunting, ll. Townsend’s Bunting, 148. Flycatehing Thrush, 117. Fox Sparrow, 147, 352. Warbler, 98. Traill’s Flycatcher, 175. Tree Ducks, 28}. Sparrow, 142. Tridactyle, a. Three-toed. Tringa, No. 211. Tringoides, No 217. Trochilida, 183; -inz, 184. Trochilus, No. 121. Troglodytes, No. 22. Troglodytide, St. Trogon, No, 125. Trogonide, 186. Trogons, 186. Tropic Bird, 307. Trowbridge’s Surf Duck, 295. Trudeaw’s Tern, 322. Trumpeter Swan, 281. Truncate, a. Cut squarely off. 4 Truncus, 7. Body without its members, § 33. Tryngites, No. 220. Tufted Titmouse, 80. Putin, 340. Turdide, 71. Turdinae, 71. Turdus, No. 1. Turkey, 251. Turkey Buzzard, 222. Turnicide, 229. Turnstone, 246. ey n.pl. Pads under the toes, 80. Typical, § 24. Tyrannide, 167. Tyrannine, 168. Tyrannus, No. 105. Tyrants, 167-8. U. Uintornis lucaris, 347. Ulna, n. A bone of the forearm. Ultramarine Jay (Aphelocoma ul- tramarina), 165. Umbilicus, n. Pit, § 3. Under parts, § 36. Unguiculate, a. Clawed. Upland Plover, 260. Upper parts, § 36. Uria, No. 327. Uropygium, n. Rump, § 38. Utamania, No. 317. Vv. Valley Quail, 238. Vane; n. Web of a feather, § 3. Varied Thrush, 72. Variety, § 22- 4 Vaseuiar, a. Having many small j bloodvessels, § 2. Vaux’s Swift, 183, 352. Veery, 73. Velvet Scoter, 294. Venter, n. Belly, § 39. Ventral. a. Pertaining to.the belly. Vermiculation, n. Very fine cross- wise marking, § 41, d (footnote). Vermilion Flycatcher, 177. Versatile, n. Capable of turning either way. Vertebrate, a.or n. Backboned animal. Vertex, n. Middle of pileum,§41.a. Vexillum, m. Web or vane of a feather, § 3. Violet-green Cormorant, 304. Swallow, 113. Vireo, No. 53. Vireonide, 117. Vireos, 117. Virginia Nightingale, 151. “* Partridge, 236. Rail, 273. Virginiws Warbler, 94. Mere = Broad band of color, 41, d. Vomer, 7”. A skull bone; last tail bone, § 65. Vultures, 220. WwW. Waders, 239. Wagtails, 89, 90. Wandering Albatross, 325. Shearwater, 331. Tattler, 261. Warblers, 77, 91, 92 to 109. Warbling Vireo, 120. Washington Eagle = Bald Eagle. Water Ouzel, 77. Thrush, 106. Turkey, 305. Wag-tail, 106. Water-witch, 338. Waxwings, 115. Wedge-tailed Gull, 316. Petrel, 328. Western Barred Owl, 204. Bluebird, 76. Grebe, 336. Gull, 312. Meadow Lark, 157. Nonpareil, 149. Titmouse, 81. Warbler, 97. Warbling Vireo, 121. Wood Pewee, 174. Wheatear, 76. Whippoorwill, 180. Whiptomkelly, 120. Whiskered Auk, 342. Whiskey-jack, 166. Whistle-wing = Golden-eye. Whistling Field Plover, 243, Swan, 281. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. White Crane, 271. Curlew = White Ibis. Grouse = Ptarmigan. Heron, 257. This, 264. Nun, 296. Owl = Snowy Owl. White-bellied Nuthatch, 82. Petrel, 330. Swallow, 113. White-crowned Pigeon, 225. Sparrow, 144, White-eyed Vireo, 122. White-fronted Goose, 282. White-headed Eagle, 219. Gull, 314. Woodpecker, 192. White-necked Raven, 162. White-rumped Sandpiper, 255. Shrike, 125. White-tailed Godwit, 258. Kite, 211. Ptarmigan, 236. White-throated Sparrow, 144. Swift, 182. Wren, 85. White-tufted Cormorant, 302. White-winged Blackbird, 147. Crossbill, 129. Dove, 226. Gull, 311. Surf Duck, 294, Whitney’s Owl, 207. Whooping Crane, 271. Widgeons, 286-7. Wild Goose, 284. Pigeon, 225. Turkey, 231. Willet, 258. Williamson’s Woodpecker, 195. Willow Ptarmigan, 235. Wilson’s Petrel, 329. Phalarope, 248. Plover, 244. Snipe, 252. Tern, 320. Thrush, 73. Ibis, 263. Pewee, 173. Thrush, 72. Wren = House Wren. 361 Woodcock, 249, 251, 252. Woodhonse’s Jay, 166. Woodpeckers, 190. Worm-eating Warbler, 93. Wren-tits, 79. Wrens, 8t. Wright’s Flycatcher, 176. x. Xanthocephalus, No. 90. Xanthoura, No. 102. Xantus Hummingbird, 184. Xema, No. 287. MSc Yellow Rail, 274. > Red-poll Warbler, 104. Wagtail, 90. Warbler, 97. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, 175. Woodpecker, 195. Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 190. Loon, 3384. Magpie, 164. Yellowbird, 131. Yellow-breasted Chat, 108. Yellow-crowned Night Heron, 269 Warbler, 99. Yellow-faced Woodpecker, 196. Yellow-headed Blackbird, 156. Titmouse, 82. Yellow-nosed Albatross, 325 (in text). Yellow-rumped Warbler, 99. Yellow-shatted Woodpecker = Flicker, 197. Yellowshanks, 259. Yellow-throat, 107. Yellow-throated Vireo, 121. Warbler, 103. Yellow-winged Sparrow, 137. Yucker = Flicker, 197. Z. Zenda, No. 170. Zenzdura, No. 169. Zenaida Dove, 226 Zonotrichia, No. 74. Zygodactyle, a. Yoke-toed, § 84. Zygoma,n. Malar bone and its connections. ane cherie Wes — orr THE AMERICAN NATURALIST. This Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Natural History begins its Seventh Volume with the Number for January, 1873. Byery number of the NATURALIST contains 64 large 8vo pages of reading matter, illus- trated by plates and woodcuts. All the leading Naturalists in the Country cordially support it and contribute to its pages. The aim of the Editors is to make every number of the Magazine of importance to all persons interested in Natural History, and to keep its readers informed as to the latest discoveries and advances made in this progressive and popular science. No teacher or student can now consider himself posted by simply studying the latest text books, for they are necessarily old almost as soon as issued, and it is only by keeping informed of the daily progress of science through the medium of such Magazines as the NATURALIST that it is possible to keep up with the times. Besides the leading articles in each number there are the following special headings, under which the Miscellaneous and short notices are grouped — Reviews and Book Notices, Botany, Geology, Zoology, Anthro- pology, Microscopy, Notes, Notices of Specimens for Exchange and Books Received. The following are the titles of some of the leading articles in the numbers for the year 1872: CONCERNING Drpe-SEA DREDGINGS.- By Prof. L. Agassiz. THE Biinp FISHES OF MammotH CAVE AND THEIR Auuies. llustrated by two plates and cuts. By F. W. Putnam. A New ERECTING ARRANGEMENT, FOR USE WITH BinOCULAR MICROSCOPES. By R. H. Ward, M.D. THE RATTLESNAKE AND NaTuRAL SELECTION. By Prof. N. S. Shaler. DISMISSAL oF THE LATE BOTANIST OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. By Prof. A. Gray. THE MounNTAINS OF COLORADO. By J. W. Foster, LL.D. IRRIGATION AND THE FLORA OF THE Piains. By Rev. E. L. Greene. THE FORMER RANGE OF THE BUFFALO. By J. G. Henderson. Tur BREATHING PORES OF Leaves. With plate: By prof. T. D. Biscoe.. AQUEOUS PHE- NOMENA OF THE PRAIRIES. By Prof. H. W- Parker. UNIFORMITY OF NOMENCLATURE IN REGARD TO MICROSCOPICAL OBJECTIVES AND OCULARS. By R. H. Ward, M.D. THE STONE AGE IN New JERSEY. Tllustrated: By C. C. Abbott, M.D. THE Use OF AMPHIPLEURA PELLUCIDA AS A TEST-OBJECT yor High POWERS. With a plate: By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U. S. A. WHAT Is Trun Taconic? By Prof. James D. Dana. Hints ON HERBORIZING- By Prof. A. H. Curtiss. ORNITHOLOGICAL Norrs FROM THE WEST. By J. A. Allen. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING Birps’ Eccs. By Wm. Wood, M.D. RELATIONSHIP OF THE AMERICAN WHITE-FRONTED Ow. By Robert Ridgway. OnE OF OUR COMMON MonaDs. Tilustrated: By Prof. A. H. Tuttle. STUDENTS’ MiIcROSCOPES- By R. H. Ward, M.D. HIBERNATION OF THE JuMPING MOUSE. Tllustrated: By Prof. S. Tenney. THE WHITE Corrng-LEar MINER. Illustrated: By B. P. Maun. Tye Fepias oF THE UNITED STATES. Tilustrated: By Prof. T. C. Porter. Mriuicry IN THE Coors OF INSECTS. By Prof. H. Hagen. A VISIT TO THE OriGinaL LocaLiry OF THE New SPECIES OF ARCEUTHOBIUM IN Warren Co., N. Y- By C. C. Parry, M.D. Tur WYANDOTTE Cave AND ITS Fauna. Tllus- trated: By Prof. E. D. Cope. A NEw ENTOZOON FROM THE EEL. Jilustrated: By Rey. Samuel Lockwood, Ph.D. On THE USE OF MonocHuRoMATic SUNLIGHT AS AN Arp TO HiGu- powrr Drrririon. By Dr. J. J. Woodward, of U. §. A. Medical Museum. SoME OF THE Famiuiar Brrps or Inpia. By Rey. H. J. Bruce. Tur Currous History OF 4 BUTTERFLY. By S._H. Scudder, B.S. ON THE GreoLoGy oF THE ISLAND OF AQUIDNECK, ETC. With a map: By Prof. N.S. Shaler. New IMMERSION ILLUMINATION. Tllustrated: By R. H. Ward, M.D. CausE OF THE DETERIORATION IN SOME OF OUR NATIVE GRAPE-VINES, grec. ILllus- trated: By Prof. C. V. Riley. SEQUOIA AND ITS Hisrory, an address before the A. A. A. (Se. by, Prof. A. Gray. Facer Urns IN Braz. Illustrated : By Prof. C. F. Hartt. ON AponriGiInaL RELICS KNOWN 4S “PLUMMETS.” Tllustrated: By J. G. Henderson. CoNnTRI- BUTIONS TO THE NATURAL History or Quito. By Prof. James Orton. ON THE VEGETATION OF THE Wapasn VaLttry. By Robert Ridgway- Fossit INSECTS FROM THE Rocky Mounrarys. By S. H. Scudder, B.S. GEOLOGICAL AGE OF THE CoaL OF WYOMING. By Prof. E. D. Cope. Errgcrs oF EXTRAORDINARY SEASONS ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS. By Prof. N. 8. Shaler. THE CARPENTER BEE AND BaLTIMORE OrioLtE. By Rev. Samuel Lockwood. ON THE CativorniaN TRIVIA. Illustrated: By R. B. C Stearns. THE ALPINE Fiora or Cororapo. By Rey. E. L. Greene. ON ORGANIC Vigor anp Sex. By Prof. Henry Hartshorne. ON THE CRANIA OF THE Mounp BUILDERS. Tilustrated: By J. W- Foster, LL.D. pitegie eee SS TERMS: Subscription $4.00 a year in advance. $2.00 for six months. Single numbers 35 cents. Bound volumes $5.00 each. Covers for binding 50 cents each. Subscription to Vol. 7 (1873) and the 6 preceding vols. unbound for $21.00, or pound for $27.00. (The pound volumes form a handsome illustrated work of reference that should be in every library.) A. §, PACKARD, Jr, and F. W. PUTNAM, Editors and Proprietors, Salem, Mass. R. H. WARD, of Troy, N. Y., Associate Editor of Department of Microscopy- Address AMERICAN NATURALIST, Salem, Mass. For sale and subscriptions taken at any Book or Periodical Store. [THIRD AND IMPROVED EDITION. | THE ONLY AMERICAN TEXT BOOK OF ENTOMOLOGY; A GUIDE TO THE STUDY oF INSECTS, BEING A POPULAR INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ENTOMOLOGY, AND A TREATISE ON INJURIOUS AND BENEFICIAL 3; WITH DESCRIP- TIONS AND ACCOUNTS OF THE HABITS OF SECTS, THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS, DEVELOPMENT AND CLASSIFICATION, JSINE J Sh PACKARD, UESe sven ee Curator of Articulata at the Peabody Academy of Science, Lecturer on Entomology at the Mass. State Agricultural College, and Entomologist to the Juss. State Board of Agriculture. CONTAINING 715 PAGES, 15 FULL PAGE PLATES, AND 670 CUTS IN THE TEXT, EMBRACING 1260 FIGURES OF AMERICAN INSECTS. IN A LARGE OCTAVO VOLUME, PRINTED ON EXTRA PAPER AND IN FULL CLOTH BINDING. PRICE REDUCED TO $5.00. The “ GuIDE” has been already introduced either as a Text-book, or for reference, in Harvard University, Williams College, Dartmouth College, Antioch College, Massachusetts Agricultural College, and Ozford and Cambridge Universities, England. Published by the NATURALISTS’ AGENCY, Salem, Mass, —AND— TRUBNER & co... LONDON. FOR SALE AT THE PRINCIPAL BOOK STORES. TRADE SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL TERMS. Remittances by mail at the risk: of the sender, unless in the form of drafts on New Yorr or Boston (if on any other place 25 cents must be added to pay for discounting), payable to order of AMERICAN NATURALIST; a Post-oflice Money Order, or in a Registered Letter. IN PRESS. TO BE PUBLISHED IN DECEMBER, 1872, OUR COMMON INSECTS, By A. S. PACKARD, Jr., M. IDES Author of the Guide to the Study of Insects. This little volume by Dr. Packard will be issued by the INAS Ey ee AL ee So A GH IN Cy in December, 1872, and will contain 4 popular account of the more common insects of our country, em- bracing chapters on BEES AND THEIR PARASITES, MOTHS, FLIES, MOSQUITOES, BEETLES, etc., etc., while a Calendar will give a general account of the more conmon injurious and beneficial insects, and their time of appearance, habits, ete. The volume will be a 12mo of upwards of 200 pages, profusely illus- trated by Woodcuts, and is intended for the general reader and the young student, thereby filling a gap in the entomological literature of this country, while the LOW PRICE Or $2.50 will bring it within reach of all, Send orders to THE NATURALISTS’ AGENCY, Salem, Mass. Record of American Entomology, A YEAR BOOK OF PROGRESS IN AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGY FOR Pee 2869; 1870), 1874. Price of Parts for 1868 and 1869, 75 cents each. For 1870 and 1871, 50 cents each, or the four Parts for $2.00, Address THE NATURALISTS’ AGENC Y, Salem, Mass. THE BIRDS OF FLORIDA. BY. Cogs EASY IN Ae Tus work will be issued to subscribers in parts. (Part one was published in October, 1872.) PRICE $1.00 FOR EACH PART, payable on delivery, or $10.00 in Advance for the Complete Work. The work will consist of at least TWELVE PARTS, and will make a volume of about THREE HUNDRED LARGE QUARTO PAGES, containing FIVE COLORED PLATES of new or little known species of birds and eggs. Upwards of 250 species of Birds found in Florida by the author will be described in detail from the specimens, and the observations on their habits, etc., will be entirely from the author's original notes. The usual arrangements will be made with the trade, and parties can subscribe through any bookseller, or by sending direct to the Naturalists’ Agency, SALEM, MASS. THE MAMMOTH CAVE AND ITS INHABITANTS, Or Descriptions of the Fishes, Insects and Crustaceans found in the Cave; with figures of the various species, and an account of allied forms, comprising notes upon their Structure, Development amd HWebits; with remarks upon subterranean life in general. By A. Ss. PACKARD, Jr. ann F. W. PUTNAM. Svo, 62 PAGES, 2 STHEL PLATES AND 74 WOODCTTS, FULL CLOTH BINDING AND APPROPRIATE STAMP IN GOLD ON SIDE. RO ae) abel Sy JAC VGN OE vee Published by the NATURALISTS’ AGENCY, Salem, Mass. PUBLICATION OF WORKS ON NATURAL HISTORY. ase) EA ee Aare i Ge iG HAS, BY ITS CONNECTION WITH THE SA‘ Ea RSS, unrivalled facilities for the printing of works on Natural History, while the several artists and engravers employed in illustrating the NATURALIST, and other publications issued from the Salem Press, enable us to have any desired style of engraving executed with despatch at the lowest prices. The valuable medium of advertising furnished by the NATURALIST, and the connection of the AGENCY with the trade throughout the country and with the leading houses of Europe, enable us to place a work on the market at once, in a thorough and desirable manner. With these favorable conditions at hand, we request authors of proposed publications in any department of Natural History to communicate with us in relation to the printing and publication of their works. Address WATURALISTS’ AGENCY, Salem, Mass. va} Tre et eee ee c aii : ‘i 4 ‘) AWD al) Malas rn ; j : ae a) i At Pa We om” ’