Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. = Re 3 ¥ "UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Issued May 12, 1923 Revised May, 1929 Washington, D. C. KILN DRYING HANDB f= D By : ROLF THELEN, In Charge U. 8, Department of Mbrioultyr: Section of Timber Physics, Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service CONTENTS Moisture in wood . . ... +. ++. ESIC OM OUCH! GAS cB a 6 oNGi6 6/6 General principles of drying wood. . . ... » a ourolisy el omouier emo sotacmee ate Heatinithejiilar sees ctrs, cee ee mic tener SCewaic aulelaemie Marjan slates ems Humidity amtheiksliaig.. 1-5. sy atest sive rere eure eh oe ieli ec. ertente nel onilet es) elie Air circulation in the kiln . . 2... 2 0 2 0 ee oo PLE ea Me ees eT ury Hes Dryingiand dryinpistresseS. «+ < «+ «os er es 0) «= sldle ss else DILGIngiScecUleSh = meme a dl cerab ao ol aie socio ei olrerles wos of neh eh ele seca Miscellaneous features of drying ..... +2222 c2es22 22220000 Mypes Ol Kilns gee raven eich iron ie c Nemreereles Wek Succi lode Vell elirel ote iouianiaer ey erent Piling: lumber for kilnidrying 3050. <0s- s,s o «1 ss 0 os 6 © ele 6 ss 0 6 6 86 Detailsiofikilnfoperation she ieicco a po cel ar oh wis ah aioe can obiemrerranven ele) letienbe ie of 6 Air SGASONIG oN roe sea enteh as Cieeciclt ek oh o. seen bite sa wtel ay anetlatiens) UNITED STATES _ GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1929 a UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE wae, ° Issued May 12, 1923 Washington, D. C. Revised May, 1929 KILN DRYING HANDBOOK By Rotr THELEN, In Charge, Section of Timber Physics, Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service? CONTENTS Page | Drying schedules—Continued. Page 1 PU OTS) Se 5 A SS a 1 General softwood schedules______._.._.---- 50 MTC HE REOS) VHD, VO LS See Me TEN IGT SY Sapa Nee 2 Specialischedulessioa2 Sse U0 yh COMO ee Rea 53 Moisture determination.__________________ 3 | Miscellaneous features of drying_______________ 62 Distribution of moisture in stock during Oscillating ;scheduless 22k ae 62 (Gls bafey Sees See yap ee a ae ae ere aa 5 Drying by superheated steam_____________ 62 General principles of drying cod UU RCNA EAN 7 IDyevpenes sO 63 Eeatemet hi eykellme ss aS ea a eS a GN 7 Binal moisture contents... 1a 64 Souncessolheate e2- e e 7 Steaming sap. gum 1200s se eee ea 66 Pipe coils and other radiators_____________- 8 Seasoning specifications________-___________ 67 Control of kiln temperature__-_-__..______- 12 Storage of kiln-dried stock_________________ 68 EME Gey; 1, Che kel SE ee a 19 Moisture change in transit___._____________ 69 Relative) humaldit yee tbe ot eee Saale LOM ely pes ot kilmss 2.22) Sen LEE ee ae 69 Humidity-measuring instruments--______- 20 IEAROLTESSTivjiOy Kell ry Ss yey ale Neo pe 71 Wontrolor kiln humidity 2 7 esr ee 24 Natural-circulation compartment kilns__._ 72 Miteinemation im vheikilm 2025. oo sek ey eke 26 Condenser compartment kilns_____________ 74 Production of circulation ----_- LM a i 27 Water-spray compartment kilns___________ 74 Measurement and control of circulation____ 29 External-blower compartment kilns______- 75 IRE), Oh GHG UIE Y OO aty 5 oe Oe ee al a ai 29 Internal-f an compartment kilns__._______- 75 Mest oa Me CiELCUlatlIOM a=. 42a eel 30 Superheated-steam compartment kilns___. 77 Divinsrandkdinyingystressesu. 21 see eee 3l Piling lumber for kiln drying_____-_______--___- 78 Mioistune: cradiente-2- 255. se) Be ee 31 Ma G youn oye ee ac Esky 2 ah ec a 78 Slap al eal Oia ete We isi i co oye Me ce Dae 32 IB Oe OUT es A Saas a ee A ae ee 80 Drying defects caused by unevenskrinkage_ 33 ADokezey op hove Nal ial een ACME ema orca Nh 81 SINOSSRUOLOCO Me yan yest n Mii oot nati fle i Lie! 37 Plt CHO LACTIC OMA ae NTE AR Mista ee Dee 82 Key for determining from stress sections the Detailsvofalnvoperation=s]22. wi. Asian 83 probable conditions in lumber during Reriodicinspection of kilmsus 2.2. ea aa 83 SEASO MMT Se aus WN ak ee eel eae 39 Calibration and adjustment ofinstruments. 83 SENESSPROIME CHOSE Ls soa Pay ee 39 Location of instrument bulbs_____________- 89 General rules for steaming________--_--___- 42 The placing of kiln samples_______________- 91 DTV IMCASCHOCUIES = ne wks ieee ey Say ee ee 43 AD o(zy Laub avh apy atam omar cel Os Mais Peteinie ces Bile 2 91 IKSiTRS aD ES es eats Nd Nae Nac ea ee ea 44 Keil re Core Sis e W taiD UNA Ic ais pear eat 92 Use of the drying schedules presented here__ 47 Hssentialtapparavusemse. esse eee 94 General hardwood schedules.________--____ AQ ASACITS SOQ.S O TAIN eee 2) es hea at al Rn esa pee 95 PURPOSE ii principal purpose of this publication is to present to the dry- kiln operator, in condensed and convenient form, the fundamental facts about the drying of wood that he must know in order to get 1 Acknowledgment is made by the author to the members of the section of timber physics, both past and present, who are largely responsible for the development of the practical technic of kiln drying described in this bulletin. Further acknowledgment is made to the manufacturers of lumber, dry kilns, and kiln equipment who have assisted in obtaining and in commercial testing of the results presented here and in addition acknowledgment Is made to the University of Wisconsin. 320060 29-1. i! 2 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE the most satisfactory results with his kiln. Naturally the major portion of the publication deals with the kiln drying of lumber, but specific suggestions for the drying of other partly manufactured wood specialities are also included. .The general information is applicable to all kinds of drying. | No attempt has been made to present detailed data in substantia- tion of the information given. The conclusions, which have been tested out in commercial practice, are for the most part based on extensive investigations and experiments by the Forest Products Laboratory of the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Madi- son, Wis. MOISTURE IN WOOD The chief aim in seasoning wood, whether such drying takes place in the kiln or elsewhere, is to remove part of the moisture naturally present in it, which if allowed to remain would ordinarily interfere seriously with its use. The amount of moisture to be removed de- pends upon both the quantity present and the service for which the wood is intended. It is rarely necessary, except in test pieces, or even desirable to remove all the moisture, that is, to bring about an oven-dry condition. Moisture in wood is commonly called sap, a word that has severa meanings. Since lack of a precise definition causes much confusion, this bulletin will avoid the use of the term “sap.” The moisture in both sapwood and heartwood consists almost en- tirely of water, although it does contain small percentages of organic and mineral matter. In the sapwood these substances are principally sugars of various kinds, and in the heartwood they include tannins, ‘coloring matter, and various other chemicals. For present purposes, sap will be considered as water only. Water occurs in wood in two distinct forms, usually called “ free * water and “imbibed ” water. The free water is in the cell cavities, and the imbibed is in the cell walls. Imagine each cell of a piece of wood to be a small bucket made of some absorbent material. When such a bucket is filled with water, a certain quantity of the water is absorbed by the sides and bottom, in addition to the pailful which they inclose. The pailful is free water, that absorbed by the walls is imbibed water, and the sum of the two represents all the water the bucket, or the cell, can hold. A portion or even all of the free water can be removed from the cell without changing the amount of imbibed water in its walls, but when it has become empty further draining removes water from the walls themselves and they begin to dry out. The point at which the cell becomes empty while the walls are still full is called the “ fiber-saturation point”; it has a very important bearing upon the process of drying and for that reason will be discussed more fully later. In most living trees both heartwood and sapwood contain some free water. The amount, which depends on a number of factors, varies considerably, although sapwood almost always has more mois- ture than heartwood. Similarly the butt may contain much more than the top, as is evidenced by the sinker stock of redwood and of sugar pine. The season of the year in which trees are felled may have some influence upon the moisture in their sapwood, although this influence is never important. KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 3 Both species and place of growth have an important bearing upon the amount of moisture in living trees. Those growing in swampy regions are apt to contain much more moisture, and also are likely to be harder to dry, than similar upland species; the oaks are an excellent illustration of this fact. On the other hand, certain species contain comparatively large amounts of water even though they normally grow under reasonably dry conditions. All variations such, as these must be taken into consideration in the drafting of drying schedules and in actual drying operations. MOISTURE DETERMINATION To dry steck successfully, which includes knowing when it has reached the proper degree of dryness, the operator must be able to de- termine at any time the amount of moisture in the wood. Although there are several methods of doing this the following is the one cus- tomarily used for lumber. Crosscut the board or other stock at least 2 feet from one end, to avoid the effect of end drying, and then again about three-quarters of an inch from the first cut, thus gaining a section as wide and as thick as the original stock and three-quarters of an inch long, measured with the grain. Remove all loose splinters from the section and weigh it immediately on a sensitive scale. Record the weight, which is called “original weight.” Place the section in a drying oven kept at a tem- perature of about 212° F., leaving it there until it no longer loses weight, usually from 12 to 24 hours, although sometimes longer. Leaving a section in the oven for more than the required time may cause an appreciable error in the result. Remove the section from the oven and again weigh it; the scale reading will be the “oven-dry ” weight of the wood—the weight of the actual wood substance. The difference between the original weight and the oven-dry weight is the weight of the water originally in the section. In calculating the moisture percentage, first divide the difference be- tween the original weight and the oven-dry weight by the latter, and then multiply by 100. The formula is as follow: Moisture content in per cent, _ original weight—oven-dry weight based on oven-dry weight RT oven-dry weight « 100" @) Thus, if the original weight is 180 grams and the oven-dry weight is 150, a difference of 30 grams, the moisture percentage will be 30 grams ; 150 grams is based on the oven-dry weight of the wood, a practice almost univer- sal. One of the important advantages of this basis is that the per- centages of moisture are directly proportional to their actual weights; if for instance a given piece of wood contains 5 per cent moisture, the actual weight of the moisture in it is just half of the value obtaining when the piece has 10 per cent moisture. It is possible, however, to base the moisture content of wood upon the original weight. ‘This system is occasionally employed for mois- x 100 = 20 per cent. The moisture content so determined 4. BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE | ture determinations by those who are accustomed to use it for other purposes. The formula for calculation follows: Moisture content in percent, _ original weight—oven-dry weight based on original weight aX original weight X100 (2) In the first of these systems the oven-dry weight is called 100 per cent; in the second, the original weight is so called. Although the system basing the moisture content on the original weight is not recommended for wood sections, conversion of moisture percentages from one system to the other sometimes is necessary. The following formulas permit such conversion: moisture content based on Moisture content based on oven- _ original weight (3) dry weight ~ 1—moisture content based on original weight moisture content based on Moisture content based on origi- _ oven-dry weight (4) nal weight ~ 1+moisture content based on oven-dry weight In these two conversion formulas, the values of moisture content must be expressed as decimals. -For example, if the moisture content of a piece of wood based on the dry weight is 25 per cent, and on the green weight 20 per cent, the formulas will read, respectively, as follows: Moisture content based onoven-___—0..20 0.20 dry weight i {==0100 a8 O80 me 0.25 Moisture content based on origi- 0.25 0.25 __ 0.20 nal weight 71005 9 ieee BALANCES Any system of weights may be used for moisture sections, but the metric is more convenient than the others and is preferable for this reason. The unit weight of the metric system is the gram; a fraction of a gram is conveniently expressed as a decimal. The choice of a balance is largely a matter of service requirements, of personal preference, and of first cost. For general kiln use it should have a capacity of 200 to 250 grams and should be sensitive to 0.1 gram. These requirements are met by the ordinary analytical balance in which the two pans are suspended from an overhead beam and which has separate weights; by the torsion balance, with its beams below the pans and with separate weights; and by the Harvard trip scale, which has the beam located under the pans and is provided both with separate weights and with a scale beam and rider reading to 10 grams by steps of 0.1 gram. (Pl. 1, A.) Kiln operators, how- ever, commonly prefer the multiple-beam balance, which has only one pan, suspended from the main beam, and which is provided with sliding weights. It has a normal capacity of 111 grams, with an auxiliary loose weight that nearly doubles this capacity, Agate KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 5 bearings improve its sensitivity, which with ordinary metal bearings is 0.05 gram and with agate is about 0.02 gram. An agate-bearing triple-beam balance of good quality (pl. 1, B) is reasonably satisfac- tory also for small pieces, such as moisture distribution sections. (See below.) Balances can be obtained from most dry-kiln manu- facturers and from dealers in scientific instruments. Several forms of calculating scales, developed particularly for moisture-determination work, have merit; some types permit direct reading of the moisture content, without calculation. The large scale required for kiln samples is described on page 88, and pages, 94 and 95 present a list of necessary equipment, DRYING OVENS Several kinds of ovens for the drying out of moisture sections are on the market. Most of them are electrically heated and practically all of these in addition are provided with thermostatic control, which keeps the temperature accurately at the desired point. (Pl. 2, A.) Steam-heated ovens, which are convenient and are free from trouble, will be found excellent where a suitable supply of steam is continu- ously available. Ovens of this kind are commonly homemade. ‘The walls and the doors can be of galvanized iron, built hollow with a 1%-inch space filled with mineral wool, and the heating element can be conveniently made of 1-inch or 114-inch pipe; both the insulation and the heating surface must be adequate for the heating capacity of 'the steam supply. Ventilators should be fitted to the top, and pro- vision should be made under the steam pipes for the entrance of fresh air. ‘The temperature is usually regulated by means of a reducing valve on the steam line and dampers on the ventilators. For each cubic foot of volume above the heating coils in the oven there should be at least 1% square feet of heating surface and 6 square inches of ventilator area. Shelves should be provided for the moisture sections. Various kinds of hot plates are available in place of ovens to dry out moisture sections. It is customary to use very thin sections with these hot plates and to leave them on only a short time—15 to 45 minutes. Such a hot plate is cheaper than a regular oven, and in the hands of a skillful operator can be made to yield good results, but it can not be recommended except as a makeshift. DISTRIBUTION OF MOISTURE IN STOCK DURING DRYING It is very helpful, except in the simplest kinds of drying, to know how the moisture is distributed through the cross section of the board or other piece of stock, and to secure this information moisture distributions are made. In so doing a moisture section is obtained in the usual manner, but instead of being weighed as a whole, it is cut or spht so as to separate the core from the outer portion, called the shell, and distinct moisture determinations are made on each part. The shell will usually be in two or four pieces, which can be weighed most conveniently as a single unit. For thick stock it may be desirable to divide the sections into three units, a shell, an inter- mediate part, and a core. The further procedure is then precisely the same as before, the pieces of the intermediate part being weighed 6 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE as a unit just as are those of the shell. To secure fully satisfactory results, the weights should be taken with an accuracy close to 0.01 gram. : , Figure 1 illustrates the method of cutting the moisture and the distribution sections. While recommended practice is to cut both a full section and a distribution section whenever a distribution test is to be made, it is not absolutely necessary, since the average mois- ture content may be secured with reasonable accuracy from the dis- MOIS TUPE SECTION SHELL AND CORE _ SHELL, COPE, AND QISTAIBUYTION SECTION SNTEPMEDIATE ZONE OISTSIEBUTION SECTION Figure 1.—Method of cutting sections from a piece of wood for moisture-content and moisture-distribution determinations tribution section alone by assuming the combined original weights of all the pieces to be the original weight of the section, and simi- larly with the dry weight. The entire calculation may for example be as follows: Shell Original weight=60 Oven-dry weight=50 Moisture = _ = 20 per cent Core Original weight=100 Oven-dry weight=80 9 Moisture= See = 25 per cent Section Original weight=160 Oven-dry weight =130 Moisture = Sa 23.1 per cent 130 KILN DRYING HANDBOOK ve GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF DRYING WOOD The drying of wood is a very complex process, concerning many phases of which information is still lacking. It is not essential, how- ever, that the operator understand all of the details of the movement of moisture through wood and all of the attendant phenomena. He may take it for granted, for the time being, that the moisture in each piece tends to distribute itself evenly, moving from the more moist parts to the drier. ones. The movement of moisture through wood is affected by a number of controllable external factors. Only two of them need to be considered here—the temperature and the humidity of the atmosphere surrounding the wood, that is, of the air in the kiln. Circulation of this air, adequate in both uniformity and volume, is necessary in order to control its temperature and its humidity; in fact the success of a kiln-drying operation depends very largely upon the proper regu- lation of heat, humidity, and circulation. HEAT IN THE KILN Heat is required, in kiln drying, to evaporate the moisture from the wood, whether the temperature of the kiln is high or low. The higher permissible temperatures, however, increase the rate of trans- fusion of moisture to the surface of the wood and thus permit more -rapid drying. The temperature that is correct for the purpose is determined in each case largely by the species of the wood and by the thickness and the shape of the individual pieces; these factors are modified somewhat by the use requirements for the finished ‘stock. Commercial-kiln temperatures range from 100 to 250° F. A kiln temperature above that of the surrounding atmosphere introduces a problem in the heating of buildings, imposing upon the heating system the added burden of replacing promptly the heat lost through its walls. The higher the kiln temperature, the greater will be the heat losses. The relation between the total heat input to the kiln and the heat required to evaporate the moisture from the charge in it is highly variable, even if steam used for humidification is omitted from the heat input. Such factors as species of wood, thickness of lumber, rate of drying, character of drying schedule, and type of kiln, have an im- portant effect upon this relation. Under the best possible conditions it is commercially practical to secure the evaporation of a pound of water for about 114 pounds of steam put into the heating coils. Average heat efficiency, however, is much lower than this. Economy of steam is of importance in many plants, but sacrifice of quality in drying seldom if ever pays a dividend. SOURCES OF HEAT Many methods have been used to heat kilns, and although most of them are obsolete or impractical, brief mention will be made of the principal ones. | Direct furnace heat.—A fire built on the ground or in a crude fire- place is the source of heat in the direct-furnace-heat method. The 8 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE products of combustion pass directly upward through the lumber, which is open piled on a platform above the fire. Kilns of this type are known as smoke kilns. A number of years ago they were very popular through the southern pine region, but their use is now limited almost entirely to small portable or semiportable mills in that region. ; | Indirect furnace heat—As in an ordinary hot-air furnace, the in- cirect-furnace-heat system leads the incoming air around the fire pot and the radiators on its way to the kiln, and the products of com- bustion pass directly up the chimney instead of going through the kiln. Gas.—Occasionally natural or artificial gas is used to heat small dry kilns, the burners being arranged much as in an ordinary house- hold gas oven. Llectricity —Electric heat offers many advantages in the way of cleanliness, ease of control, and efficient installation, but the cost of operation is in most cases prohibitive. The successful operation of a smal] electric-kiln installation is reported in the trade press. fot water—The hot-water system can readily be adapted to the heating of kilns that do not demand too high a temperature. A suit- able hot-water supply rarely is available, however, in the absence of steam. : | Steamv.—aAt present steam is almost universally employed for heat- ing dry kilns of all types, and consequently a knowledge ‘Sf its proper use 1s essential to intelligent kiln operation. It may be either high pressure, above 10 pounds per square inch, or low pressure, below 10 pounds. High-pressure steam is almost invariably live steam, that is, steam direct from the boilers; low-pressure steam is frequently exhaust steam, that which has passed through engine, pump, or turbine on its way from the boilers to the kilns. As a rule high- pressure steam is far drier than low-pressure, principally because exhaust steam generally carries with it much water condensed in its passage through the engine or other unit in which it has done work. The steam cooling in the kiln radiators gives up its heat to the kiln air and the charge of lumber is dried accordingly. PIPE COILS AND OTHER RADIATORS The form, construction, and arrangement of the kiln radiators is of importance. Those built of pipe coils are most common; the coils are made of ordinary merchant pipe or of wrought-iron pipe, the rust-resisting qualities of the latter making it particularly suit- able for severe corrosion conditions. Among the advantages of such radiators are low first cost, ease of manufacture and of installa- tion, ready adaptability to a great range of shapes and of sizes, and ease of repair by any shop mechanic. A good pipe coil must possess several essentials: (1) the size, the shape, and the location to heat properly and in some cases to recircu- late the air in the kiln; (2) mechanical strength and durability, with provision for the expansion and contraction of the individual pipes in the coil; (3) provision for the ready escape of air and of water of condensation from the entire system; and (4) provision for adjust- ment in the amount of active heating surface, by cutting some pipes Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 1 BALANCES FOR WEIGHING MOISTURE SECTIONS A.—This type of balance is usually known as the Harvard trip scale. The one illustrated has a maximum capacity of 5,000 grams. The capacity of the scale beam and its rider is 10 grams, reading by tenths. The balance, which has agate bearings, is sensitive to 0.1 gram under light loads and to 0.5 gram at full load. B.—The triple-beam balance illustrated has agate bearings and consequently is sensative to 0.02 gram or less. The three beams with their respective poises obviate the necessity of a set of loose weights. ‘Their capacities are as follows: Central beam and poise, 100 grams; rear, 10 grams; and front, 1 gram; making a total capacity of 111 grams for the balance as shown. ‘The addition of an auxiliary loose weight, similar to a counterpoise (not shown), increases the reading of the balance by 100 grams; this weight must be used only on the 100-gram notch of the central beam. With it, the maximum total capacity possible is 201 grams. Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 2 AN AUXILIARY AND A MAIN APPLIANCE FOR DRYING A.—Typical electric oven for drying moisture sections. Electric ovens can be obtained in various sizes and qualities to suit individual requirements. Each one should always be provided with an automatic thermostat, accurate to within 2° F., to keep the temperature constant. B.—Typical heating coils for external-blower compartment kilns. Steam enters the coils through the upper half of the receiver at the right, and condensate is drawn oft from the lower half. The cast-iron base into which the pipes are screwed is cored to provide separate paths for the steam and the condensate. Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 3 ey TO START CLOCK MOVE LEVER GENTLY TO STOP AND RELEASE A RECORDING THERMOMETER Changes in pressure produced in the bulb (not illustrated) by changes in the temperature of the air surrounding it are transmitted through the tube a to the spiral pressure-sensitive element 6, which is made of flattened tubing. ‘The pressure changes cause the free end (the outer one) of the element 5 to move back and forth. This movement is transmitted through the link c to the arm d, which through its pen records the change on the chart e. The chart is rotated by means of the clock /. Seven-day charts are customary in kiln work, although one-day are also used. Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 4 ee oraitingee eersensmnncn ease8 GEE ES ERR IR oor rmnenranmesenenetie = Sseeeve EXTENSION-T UBE RECORDING PSYCHROMETERS A.—A recording psychrometer is a 2-pen recording thermometer having a water box or a porous sleeve for one of the bulbs. Theinstrument illustrated, the vapor-filled type, is provided with an overflow-type water box and a wet wick. The wick, which incloses the wet bulb and dips into the water in the water box, is directly behind the dry bulb in the illustration. B.—This instrument, which is intended for the same use as the one in A, is equipped with a porous sleeve in place of the water box. In the illustration the porous sleeve, which incloses the wet bulb, is shown directly below the dry bulb. Water under slight pressure is fed to the inside of the sleeve, filling the annular space between the sleeve and the wet bulb. Then, seeping out through the porous wall, it evaporates from the outer surface, thus producing the drop in temperature commonly called ‘‘wet-bulb depression.’’ The flow of water through the sleeve must be sufficient to keep its outer surface wet. KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 9 in or out. Since it is difficult to combine all these essentials in the highest degree in any one type of coil, different kinds have been found best adapted for various special conditions, in which a single require- ment is likely to predominate. Pipe coils for dry-kiln heating fall into two general classes, known as header and as return-bend coils. In header coils, a number of pipes lead from the same supply main, called a header, and return to a drip main, also a header, usually but not always located at the other end of the kiln. In the return-bend type, however, the lengths of pipe in each group are connected end to end by means of return bends; steam enters the top length, and condensate is removed from the bottom one. Figure 2 illustrates various types of pipe couls. Most kiln coils, regardless of detail characteristics, are located in the kiln proper, commonly between or under the rails. Many differ- ent methods of arranging, particularly of grouping, these heating coils have been designed to meet widely varying individual drying requirements. In most pipe-coil kilns, the pipes run lengthwise of the kiln, and are ordinarily grouped as plain header coils or as return-bend header coils. In several recent designs of cross-piled kilns, however, the pipes run crosswise, with a group under each truck. These groups are sometimes subdivided so that various num- bers of pipes in each one may be used as desired. PLAIN HEADER COIL ' The plain header coil is one of the commonest forms of heating unit in present kiln practice. To secure satisfactory results, espe- cially in the quantity and the uniformity of the heat supply, coils of this type must be so designed and operated that there is steam in them all the time, and they must be arranged to drain freely. To meet the first requirement, the coils in each kiln must usually be divided into several groups, and just enough pipes in each group are used to give the desired amount of heat when the steam is on full all or most of the time. Trouble from uneven heating of header coils is confined largely to kilns having excessive heating surface, especially those with nonthrottling thermostatic control. RETURN-BEND COIL In the return-bend type the top pipes in each group become hot first, since the steam must pass through them before reaching the lower ones. Each pipe runs the full length of the kiln, however, and heating of the air will be practically uniform from end to end. The return-bend type also has disadvantages, among which are its first cost and the amount of head room that the vertical arrange- ment of the piping demands; the head room must be sufficient not only for the individual pipes and the return bends, but also for at least 0.1 inch of downward pitch per foot from the supply end to the discharge end of each group. ‘This pitch causes adjacent pipes to form a V with each other, and consequently the head room neces- sary increases rapidly with the length of the kiln. The return-bend coil is better adapted for short kilns requiring accurate temperature control and even heat distribution than for long kilns, 10 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FETURN BEND COIL q HEADLEP Coll WALL COLL, f i o COOOUEAO! VERTICAL FETULN BEND HEADER? COL FEF URN GENO 1ILAQEL COLL Ficgurp 2.—Typical pipe coils for heating dry kilns. All such coils provide for expan- sion and contraction of individual pipes and for free flow of condensed steam to the drain end. Header coils and return-bend header coils of various types are most common ; vertical return-bend coils are used in short kilns that require uniformity of temperature. In many cases header coils are made up with two rows of pipe instead of only one. The type of wall coil illustrated is ordinarily known as a Z coil; in dry-kiln work it is usually placed horizontally KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 11 COMPROMISE TYPES Various modifications of the two primary types, which in differ- ent degrees retain some advantages of both and eliminate some disad- vantages, have been introduced. Among these are the return-bend header coil, with horizontal headers and two or more layers of pipe connected by means of return bends; and the vertical header coil, with both headers at one end of the kiln and either return bends or elbows and nipples at the other end. Such compromise types have merit and will operate advantageously under conditions to which they are adapted. WALL COILS Although pipe-coil radiators on the side wall can not be recom- mended for general application, they properly form a part of the design of certain types of kilns. These radiators need not differ ma- terially from those located under the lumber. In fact, the great amount of head room available for them facilitates getting rid of the condensate from almost any type of coil; it even permits the use of return-bend coils in long kilns without the sacrifice of the pitch re- quired for proper drainage. CAST-IRON RADIATORS Cast-iron radiators have been used in a few kilns, but their high first cost has no doubt been an important factor in preventing their more general adoption. Although they can be obtained in a variety of shapes and sizes, in general they are best adapted to conditions that require concentrated radiation. Care must be exercised, especially with low-pressure steam, to secure proper venting of the air from them, and it is desirable to have some means of determining from the outside of the kiln whether they are working. EXTERNAL HEATING UNITS External fan kilns of several types have the heating units located outside of the kiln, as shown in Plate 2, B. These units are usually of the standard types common in blower systems for heating build- ings. Substantially all of them consist of compactly arranged groups of pipe coils made up with cast headers, each of which forms the base of a unit, although sometimes special forms of cast-iron radia- tors are used. Good practice equips each unit with valves, so that various portions of it may be cut out as desired. Such heaters give little trouble, since their design permits unusually easy removal of air and of water and the short pipes are free from difficulties caused by uneven expansion and contraction. CEILING COILS In addition to the heating equipment described, some kilns are equipped with ceiling coils. These usually consist of a few runs of pipe spaced a foot or more apart and hung an inch or two below the ceiling. Since their function is to replace the heat continuously lost through the ceiling, thus preventing the ceiling from acting as a condenser, they are made entirely independent of the main heating units, so that they may be in service most or all of the time. During 12 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE cold weather especially, and particularly whenever high humidities are used, a ceiling that lacks such local heating is likely to accumulate a great deal of condensation which, dripping down upon the lumber, interferes seriously with humidity control. CONTROL OF KILN TEMPERATURE Correct determination of the temperature in the kiln is essential to proper control of the drying process and consequently deserves much more time and attention than it usually receives. Thermom- eters, the only temperature-determining instruments in kiln prac- tice, may be grouped in two classes, indicators and recorders. INDICATING THERMOMETERS Many kinds of indicating thermometers are available, and care must be exercised to select reliable instruments. The very cheap ones, with separate scales stamped on metal strips attached to the case, are not accurate enough for kiln work and should be avoided. A number of better grades also have separate scales, but the highest- gerade thermometers have their graduations etched on the glass stem; these can be obtained with or without a metal protecting sleeve. Plate 9, C illustrates such a, thermometer in a sleeve; Plate 9, B, a shows sufficiently its appearance without one. Further information on the subject is given on page 84. Indicating glass-stem thermometers for kiln work are almost invariably of the mercury-filled type, though sometimes alcohol- filled ones are selected. Most kiln operators find it very desirable to determine both tem- perature and humidity at the same time; this is commonly done by means of the wet and dry bulb hygrometer, which will be discussed later. Since such a hygrometer indicates temperature, there is littie need, where it is used, for a separate thermometer in the kiln. Each operator, however, should have at least one dependable etched-stem thermometer available for purposes of comparison and calibration. RECORDING THERMOMETERS Recording thermometers for kiln work are almost without excep- tion of the extension-tube type. In such recorders the sensitive ele- ment, called a bulb, is connected to the instrument by a capillary tube of suitable length. The tube, which is usually protected by flexible armor, ends in a hollow spring or other pressure-sensitive element in the case. This spring, which may be any one of several different types, is so constructed that changes in internal pressure cause in it a movement that, transmitted from its free end by a lever system to a pen arm playing over a chart, is recorded graphically. The chart receiving the record, either a 1-day or a 7-day form, is rotated by a clock movement, which is wound whenever the chart is changed. Plate 3 shows the case of an extension-tube recording thermometer, cut away to display the internal mechanism, and Plate. 4 illustrates complete double-pen instruments. The construction appearing in Plates 10, 11, and 12 is similar: Three types of extension-tube recording thermometers are in com- mon use. The principal difference among them is in the material KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 13 filling the tube system, and accordingly the three are known, re- spectively, as mercury-filled, gas-filled, and vapor-filled thermometers. In dry-kiln work, both the tube and the case of the recording thermometer are subject to variable temperatures, which during op- eration of the kiln differ from that of the bulb; the thermometer is intended to record bulb temptrature alone. Fluctuations in the tube and in case temperatures affect the accuracy of the instrument, espe- cially with the mercury-filled and the gas-filled types. In these types, ordinary variations in any one of three temperatures, bulb, tube, and case, will change appreciably the reading of the thermom- eter, except when compensation is made for variations in case tem- perature. The vapor-filled instrument, on the other hand, is nearly free from errors caused by tube and case temperatures, provided that its bulb is large enough and contains the proper amount of liquid, since the pressure of vapor in the tube and in the hollow spring then is virtually the vapor pressure of the volatile liquid in the bulb, at bulb temperature. Practically all extension-tube instruments now sold for dry-kiln work are of the vapor-filled type. This includes recorders, air- operated controllers, and recorder controllers. Charts recording temperature for 1-week periods are satisfactory for most purposes; those at least 10 inches in diameter are preferable. The divisions on the charts of mercury-filled and of gas-filled instru- . ments are uniform throughout the working range. This is not true of most vapor-filled instruments, because the vapor pressure does not vary in direct proportion to the temperature. One manufacturer, however, has produced a vapor-filled recording thermometer with uniform chart, by introducing a cam into the pen-arm movement. REDUCING VALVES The temperature in the kiln is controlled by means of auxiliary apparatus, such as valves and thermostats. The pipe leading from the steam main to the kiln is almost always provided with a globe or a gate valve, by which the entire steam supply to the luiln can be turned on or shut off. This valve also permits hand control of the temperature in case no other means is available. When boiler steam is used for heating dry kilns, it often happens, especially with low-temperature schedules, that the pressure in the steam mains is higher than is necessary for the proper temperature in the kiln; this pressure commonly fluctuates materially over the 94 hours-of the day. A pressure-reducing valve (pl. 5) between the _ steam main and the kiln is likely to be desirable in such a situation. If a battery of kilns operates at high steam pressures, a single reducing valve may be made to serve the entire battery, but where steam at a customary boiler pressure is used either to augment the supply of exhaust steam or as the entire supply for low-pressure systems, it will be necessary to install two reducing valves in tandem, the first one reducing to perhaps 10 pounds and the second making the final step. The first valve will be a heavy, rugged type and the second a more sensitive one, capable of close adjustment. In an installation of this kind a steam receiver or a length or two of pipe should be placed between the two reducing valves to provide a cushion, thus preventing the first one from chattering. The varia- 14 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE tions in the reduced pressure are less than those in the high-pressure main. Whenever a battery of kilns is run part time on exhaust steam and part time on live steam it is highly desirable, if not essential, to have a reducer between the boilers and the exhaust-steam main to the kilns, so that the live steam may be supplied to this main at about the exhaust pressure. If desired, the back-pressure valve on the ex- haust line and the reducing valve on the boiler line can be so adjusted. that the boiler line will automatically supply any deficit in the ex- haust steam. To accomplish this, the back-pressure valve should be set at a slightly higher pressure than the reducing valve; tandem re- ducing v alves are required with such an arrangement. Steam pres- sure gauges should invariably be provided on a live-and-exhaust- steam heating system so that the operator may always know just what pressures he has available. The intelligent manipulation of reducing valves assists materially in maintaining good temperature control. “The pressure to the kilns may be so adjusted that it is barely sufficient to keep the desired tem- perature with the steam-control valve wide open. Excessive tem- perature rises can thus be prevented, and the coils may in conse- quence be kept full of steam most of the time. Under hand control this arrangement is unusually sensitive, since a comparatively large change in the setting of the hand valve will then make only a small change in the amount of steam supplied. Hand control, of course, is sensitive to weather changes and the temperature of a hand-con- trolled kiln will fluctuate with the outside temperature unless con- tinual readjustment is made. The use of automatic control valves is recommended for practically all kinds of kiln drying, because with them a temperature more even than that possible with hand control may be maintained, injury from excessive temperatures may be avoided, and loss of time from un- necesarily low temperatures may be prevented. Automatic control effects material savings in steam and in time of attendance over hand control. Reducing valves should always be so installed that they can readily be removed for repairs. If the kiln is provided with automatic con- trol, the control valve will usually be placed next to the kiln. AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL Automatic control of temperature is secured by means of instru- menis known as thermostats, which regulate the amount of steam suppled to the kiln. Two classes of thermostats, self-contained and auxiliary-operated, are in common use in dry kilns. The self-con- tained ones combine in a single unit a motor valve and a liquid or vapor filled tube system comprising the bulb—which is placed in the kiln—the capillary connecting tube, and the motor head. The tem- perature variations in the kiln change the pressure inside the bulb, which in turn causes corresponding pressure changes in the motor head. This action results in a movement of the valve, the stem of which is connected to the motor head, which is a bellows-type dia- phragm. The valve itself is usually of the balanced type, to provide ease of movement. A constant counter pressure, tending to keep the valve open by opposing the varying pressure in ‘the motor head, is KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 15 provided by means of an adjustable spring or of sliding weights, and the instrument (pl. 6) is set for the desired temperature by changing the tension of the spring or the position of the weights; the setting is made by the slow method of trial and error. The principal advantages of the self-contained thermostat are that no auxiliary source of power is required for its operation and that its first cost is comparatively small. An important disadvantage hes in the fact that instruments of this type fail to respond quickly to changes in temperature, with the result that they do not work well under conditions requiring wide fluctuations in the amount of steam supplied. In addition, changes in the temperature of the motor head may cause changes in the setting of the instrument, so that it will operate at temperatures higher or lower than the one desired. This irregularity occurs when the temperature of the head is as high as that of the bulb; the head accordingly should not be placed in an operating room the temperature of which is likely to approach that in the kiln. Further, the self-contained type is not quite so sensitive as the auxiliary-operated; although the manufacturers claim regu- lation within 2° F. of the temperature for which the instrument is set, this range is sometimes exceeded where the circulation is inade- quate. The principal field of usefulness of the self-contained ther- mostat 1s a progressive kiln, where the temperature at the control bulb is intended to be constant, rather than in a compartment kiln, the temperature of which is varied from time to time. The auxiliary- operated instruments, on the other hand, are supposed to control with a variation of only 1° F. and in kilns having ample circulation usually maintain this accuracy. Auxiliary-operated thermostats are made in various types. Some use electric power, some water or steam pressure, and some com- pressed air, and again certain of them work under various com- binations of these means. Most of the auxiliary-operated thermostats in dry-kiln service, however, are of the air-operated type. The temperature-sensitive element may be bimetallic, but in kiln work it is usually the extension-tube type, with bulb, capillary tube, and pressure-sensitive hollow spring or capsule filled with liquid or with vapor. (Pl. 7 and fig. 3.) The movement of the free end of the hollow spring or of the capsule top in response to temperature changes in the kiln is transmitted to a small valve connected on one side with a supply of compressed air at about 15 to 25 pounds pres- sure per square inch and on the other side with a diaphragm-motor valve on the steam main—the diaphragm is sometimes called a bel- lows. The small air valve is so arranged, in instruments using direct-acting diaphragm valves, that as the temperature rises, air pressure is admitted to the head of the diaphragm-motor valve. This forces the diaphragm down, closing the main vaive and shut- ting off the steam from the kiln. As the temperature falls, the air pressure is shut off, and a means of escape is provided for the air in the valve head. The valve then opens through spring action, again admitting steam to the kiln. Reverse-acting diaphragm valves are so constructed that the air pressure opens them and the springs close them. Direct-acting and reverse-acting valves can not be used interchangeably with the same thermostat. 16 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The advantage of the reverse-acting type is that a failure of the air supply causes the valves to shut, which prevents the possibility of a dangerous rise in temperature. The same effect may be secured in a battery of direct-acting thermostats by putting a single reverse- acting valve in the steam main and connecting it direct to the air supply. cl QX ws eddida NOW . NN 2) ESS UIE. WAVY BIS BSNS Noho on Mae ifn: AICO FicturRe 3.—Cross section of an air-operated thermostat and a direct-acting dia- phragm-motor yalvye. This diagram shows the method of operation and illustrates the details of a common type of air-operated thermostat, a type in which the flow of air to and from the diaphragm-motor valve is controlled directly by an air valve, without the use of an intermediate valve and bellows. Opening and closing oi the diaphragm-motor vaive is accomplished through the medium of compressed air, at a pressure of about 15 pounds to the square inch. When air is admitted to the chamber m it forces downward the diaphragm g and with it the valve and valve stem w; the valve, seating in the valve body o, shuts cff the flow of steam. When the air pressure is released, the spring p, aided by the steam pressure acting on the under side of the valve, raises the valve, thus opening the steam passage. The supply of air to the diaphragm-motor valve is controlled by a small valve e¢, as follows: When the temperature of the bulb 7, which is in the kiln, rises in response to increasec kiln temperature, increased pressure is transmitted through the capillary extension tube & to the spring capsule 7, which expands, its top ris- ing as a result, carrying with it the adjusting screw i and the lever h#. This movement allows the air pressure from the supply line a@ to raise the valve ¢ and the valve stem d. Air then flows around the valve through the pipe 7, into the chamber m. When the temperature of the bulb 7 falls, the reverse action takes place, and the valve ¢ is seated, shutting off the air supply to the diaphragm-motor valve. The pressure of the air in the chamber m is then relieved through leakage of air around the valve stem d, which is made a loose fit for this purpose. As the pressure is relieved, the valve and valve stem nm rise. The gauge e indicates the pressure of the air supply, and g that acting on the diaphragm gq Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 5 A PRESSURE-REDUCING VALVE FOR STEAM, DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR LOW REDUCED PRESSURES Steam enters at a, is reduced somewhat in pressure by the throttling action of the restricted pas- sages while flowing through the valve, and passes out at b, reaching its final pressure value by expan- sion in the low-pressure space. ‘The pipe c transmits the reduced pressure to the chamber d, which is closed at the bottom by the rubber diaphragm e, to which is attached the valve stem f. The pressure on the diaphragm tends to move the valve stem downward, an action that would close the valve and shut off the high-pressure steam. ‘This action is resisted by the weights on the arm g, which is pivoted at h. When the left-hand weight is placed far out, as is done in practice, its thrust presses upward on the stem f, tending to open the valve. When steam is actually flowing through the valve, the stem comes to the position that permits a flow just sufficient to produce the pressure on the diaphragm required to balance the effect of the weights. Thus the valve adjusts itself as needed to maintain the reduced pressure desired, the amount of which is determined by the setting of the sliding weights. The pair of equal weights shown reduces chattering more than a single weight would; unequal weights, permitting also the convenience of rough and fine adjustment, are supplied by some makers. Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 6 | . —asenny, : A 2 ace iy, Y My S MALTY RIC ft SELF-CONTAINED THERMOSTATS A.—This instrument does not require compressed air for operation, but depends entirely upon the pressure changes produced by variation in the temperature of the bulb a. Increase in pressure, which is transmitted through the tube 6 to the diaphragm motor c, tends to press down the balanced valve d and its stem e. Such a tendency is resisted by the spring f, the pressure of which can be adjusted by the spring housing g for any desired temperature within the range of the thermostat. When the temperature of the bulb a rises above that for which the thermostat is set, the diaphragm motor starts to close the valve, thus throttling down the steam supply, and when the temperature drops the action is reversed. In dry-kiln work conditions are usually close enough to constant so that the valve does not need to open or to close entirely, remaining in a partially open position. The strainer h, which must be-cleaned occasionally, prevents chips and dirt from entering the valve and causing breakage. The union connection on the bulb is not necessary for dry-kiln work. The accurate working range for self-contained thermostats is usually about 40° to 50° F. B.—Operating upon the same principle as the one shown in A, this instrument differs from the other chiefly in having a sliding weight for temperature adjustment in place of aspring. Correspond- ing parts are correspondingly lettered in the two illustrations. The bulb a is made up of a number of cylindrical tubes, to increase the surface-volume ratio and thus make the thermostat faster in its response to temperature changes. Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 7 AN AIR-OPERATED THERMOSTAT Pressure changes in the bulb a, which is placed in the dry kiln, are transmitted through the exten- sion tube b to the pressure-sensitive element in the case c of the instrument. ‘The pointer d serves to set the instrument for the desired temperature. Air enters from the right, passing first through a reducing valve h and a drip chamber 7, which is provided with a drain cock k. r~ ~~ i 68 18 08 108 08 08 6L 6L 62 62 62 Li 8L BL 8Z 82 82 LL C8e G8 143) v8 ¥8 8 €8 &8 &8 €8 &8 &8 68 68 G8 68 68 68 18 18 18 18 T8 Z8 1/681 98 98 98 98 g8 G8 G8 98 ¢8 G8 v8 v8 8 v8 v8 78 8 &8 68 &8 68 €8 88 88 88 Z8 Z8 48 Z8 18 Z8 Z8 18 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 g8 98 T6161 06 |26 06 |c6 06 06 06 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 88 88 88 88 98 |s8 88 88 88 88 66 66 66 66 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 06 06 06 06 06 06 $6 1/961 6 #6 r6 v6 v6 ¥6 v6 v6 v6 6 66 £6 66 66 66 &6 &6 66 £6 &6 &6 &6 96 96 861} 06% 86 | O16 86 | 002 86 | O6T 86 | 881 86 | 98T 86 | P8T 86 | S8T 86 | O8T 86 | SLT 86 | 921 86 | PLT 86 | CLT 86 | OLT 86 | 891 86 | 99T 86 | P9T 86 | c9L 86 | O9T 86 | 8ST 86 | 99ST 86 | PST 86 1 CST 94. BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE No satisfactory instrument for making a direct record of the relative humidity in a dry kiln is available, but a record of the wet- bulb and dry-bulb temperatures forms a reasonably good substitute, and is the expedient usually employed. It is obvious, of course, that such a record can be secured by the use of two separate recording thermometers, one suitably equipped with a wet wick over the bulb. It is just as obvious that a better arrangement would be to have both records on the same chart, and this is the way most humidity record- ersare made. ‘These instruments are known also as-wet and dry bulb recording thermometers, recording psychrometers, and recording hygrometers. In principle humidity recorders are exactly like recording thermometers, there being two complete though component instruments in a single case. (Pls. 3 and 4.) Two types of wet bulb are used in dry-kiln work, the well-known wick-and-water-trough type and the porous-sleeve type. In the latter (pl. 4, B) a porous sleeve of alundum or other suitable material, which surrounds the wet bulb, is kept filled with water. The water, gradually seeping through the porous walls, is evaporated on the sleeve surface, producing the necessary depression of temperature in the sleeve and the contained bulb. Both types are thcroughly reli- able and are fully satisfactory under proper ‘operating conditions. Hard water soon clogs up the porous sleeves, just as it encrusts the wicks, but the sleeves can be cleaned very easily by immersing them in muriatic (hydrochloric) acid, and the wicks can be changed at slight trouble and expense. CONTROL OF KILN HUMIDITY The humidity within a kiln may be raised or lowered in two ways: (1) Water vapor may be directly added to or removed from the kiln ~ atmosphere or (2) part of the air may be removed from the kiln and may be replaced by wetter or by drier air from the outside. To some extent both of these processes are continuously going on in the ordinary dry kiln, and it is not possible to exercise full control over certain parts of them. Thus, the evaporation of water from the wood is continuously adding water vapor to the kiln atmosphere, and air leakage into and out of the kiln is continuously tending to lower the humidity, since outside air almost invariably has a lower abso- lute humidity than kiln air. When air of a given absolute humidity is warmed, its relative humidity decreases, since its capacity for moisture increases, and the same weight of water vapor then repre- sents a smaller percentage of its total capacity for moisture. DEW POINT A controllable method for removal of moisture from the kiln depends upon the dew: point of the kiln atmosphere. The tempera- ture at which any atmosphere, upon cooling, becomes saturated is known as the dew-point temperature. This temperature is a fixed, determinate one for any given set of conditions. Ordinarily it is somewhat lower than the wet-bulb temperature, with which it must not be confused; at saturation, however, the dew-point temperature, the Ber bulb temperature, and the dry-bulb temperature are all equal. Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 9 GLASS-STEM INDICATING INSTRUMENTS A.—Wet and dry bulb hygrometer, the common form of this type of instrument. The right-hand thermometer is ordinarily the one used as a wet bulb, though either one can be so used. The central reservoir, which is readily detachable, must be filled with water, preferably soft or distilled, often enough to keep the wick fully moist at all times. Accurate readings require a brisk circulation of air past the wet bulb; this is usually secured, in the absence of natural circulation, by vigorous fanning. B.—Sling psychrometer. This instrument is a form of wet and dry bulb hygrometer. The air circulation needed to procure evaporation from the wet wick 6 is secured by whirling the entire instrument around the handle d; the metal sleeve c protects both the dry bulb a and the wet bulb. The sling psychrometer is convenient for use at the normal atmospheric temperatures of shops and storerooms, but has not found favor in dry kilns. C.—Etched-stem chemical thermometer a with metal protecting sleeve 6. This type makes a very satisfactory standard for the calibration of indicating and recording thermometers and hy- grometers. Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 10 i ' : \ AIR-OPERATED EXTENSION-TUBE RECORDER CONTROLLER WITH A POROUS- SLEEVE TYPE WET BULB As the name implies, recorder controllers perform two separate functions; one is to record tempera- ture, and the other is to controlit. The instrument illustrated is of the double type, being equipped with two entirely separate recording and controlling mechanisms; both records, however, are made on the same chart. When arranged as shown here, with a wet bulb and a dry bulb close together, the instrument functions as a temperature and humidity recorder and controller, and is named “humidity recorder controller’? by the maker. Since the two operating systems are independent, it would be quite possible to use them for entirely unrelated purposes. The instrument is set by moving the two pointers, at the left of the two pens, to the desired temperatures, as indicated on the chart. When the instrument is functioning and the temperatures are under control, the pens ride directly over their respective pointers. The adjustment of the pointers is made from outside the case, by turning the winding Key at the right of the case, directly over the padlock. Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 11 DIRECT~SET PERATURE —~ HUMIDI URNS, CON AN AIR-OPERATED EXTENSION-TUBE RECORDER CONTROLLER WITH A WATER BOX This instrument has the same functions as the one illustrated in Plate 10, although it is equipped with a wet wick and water box, whereas the other one has a porous sleeve. Either style of wet bulb may be had with any of the recorder controllers on the market. The two pointers by means of which the instrument is set are shown directly beneath their respective pens, which is the normal operating position. Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 12 AUTOMAT, RATURE-HE ROEDER -CONTROLITY grt 7. FEI Maps re < eco R. e AN AIR-OPERATED EXTENSION-TUBE RECORDER CONTROLLER WITH THE EXTENSION TUBES IN SINGLE ARMOR The functions of this instrument are the same as those of the instruments illustrated in Plates 10 and 11. Its general appearance is somewhat different, however, because the two pointers by means of which it is set are on the right side of the chart, whereas the pens are on the left side. When double-pen recorders and recorder controllers are to be used for wet and dry bulb record and control, it is usual to inclose the two extension tubes in a single armor, as shown here. When this is done, it is obviously impossible to separate the bulbs more than a foot or so, and therefore they can not be used independently of each other. ‘This restriction is, in general, of little importance. All of the instruments illustrated can be furnished in either style. ee Ce ee ee - KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 25 CONDENSERS Water vapor may be removed from the kiln atmosphere by con- densation, since it condenses as it passes over a substance colder than the dew point. Pipes with cold water flowing through them are commonly used for condensing. When cold water is not available, a refrigeration plant may be installed, with brine circulating through the condenser pipes. WATER SPRAYS Water sprays may be used either to raise the humidity within the kiln or to lower it; the result depends upon relative temperatures and upon the method of application. The spraying of water di- rectly into the kiln atmosphere, in such manner that it can be evap- orated for absorption by this atmosphere, will raise the kiln humid- ity. To lower the humidity with water sprays, it is necessary (1) to pass part or all of the air in the kiln through water sprays cold enough to cool the air below its original dew point, thus actually condensing moisture out of it, (2) to separate the spray water and condensed moisture from the air, and (8) to reheat the air to the kiln temperature and return it to the kiln. COMMON PRACTICE In the chemical laboratory air is dried by passing it through chem- - jcals that have affinity for moisture, principally calcium chloride and sulphuric acid. ‘The process has not been developed for commercial wood drying. In actual practice, most dry kilns depend upon leak- age and ventilation to lower the humidity and upon steam jets to raise it as required. WET-BULB CONTROLLERS The control of humidity is more difficult than temperature con- trol, and greater attention must be given to the humidity-regulating apparatus in order to secure satisfactory results. One principal reason is that a small difference in the wet-bulb temperature pro- duces a comparatively large difference in humidity, so that securing good control requires an accurate instrument. The humidity controllers of greatest importance in kiln drying are those that depend upon a wet-bulb of one type or another. Tem- perature controllers of various types can be made into wet-bulb humidity controllers by providing the bulb, the temperature-sen- sitive element, with a suitable wick and a water supply. Wet-bulb control on dry kilns is generally carried out by means of air-operated instruments. Self-contained thermostats can also be used for this purpose, particularly under conditions that do not require the greatest accuracy and quickness of response to changes in temper- ature. Wet-bulb controllers, however, can keep only the wet-bulb temperature constant. If the dry-bulb temperature is also kept con- stant, the humidity will remain constant. If it is not, the humidity will vary, even if the wet-bulb temperature is accurately controlled. It is obvious, therefore, that the wet-bulb controller alone can not keep the humidity constant, and that some form of temperature (dry-bulb) control must be used in conjunction with it. It also is 26 BULLETIN 1186, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE obvious that if either instrument fails to function, humidity control will also fail. Several instruments have been developed to over- come this inherent defect. In one type the operation of the con- troller depends upon the difference in pressure between a dry-bulb system and a wet-bulb system, both incorporated in the same instru- ment, and in another type changes in the weight of a hygroscopic material, such as wood shavings, operate the controller. STEAM JETS Humidity controllers almost without exception operate valves controlling steam jets, just as temperature controllers operate valves in the heating system, and the same kind of valves are ordinarily used, each one being adapted to the needs of the particular service it is to render. Since the use of humidity controllers on steam-jet lines presupposes the necessity of always increasing the humidity, means must be provided to insure this need. Ordinarily in natural- circulation kilns the fresh-air inlets and the moist-air vents are open sufliciently to require humidification of the kiln atmosphere. If necessary in special cases, the controllers can be made to operate dampers of various sorts and also to regulate the flow of water in condenser pipes. Humidity control in the various kiln types will be considered more in detail later. SPECIAL CONTROLLERS Several special types of temperature and humidity control instru- ments have been either designed or adapted for dry-kiln use. Prin- cipal among them are the humidity recorder-controllers (pls. 10, 11, and 12), which are generally of the air-operated direct-set type and combine, in a single case, two recording thermometers:and two temperature controllers. Only two tube systems are required, a wet- bulb system and a dry-bulb system. Hach tube system operates its individual recorder pen and its own air valve. The instrument serves to control temperature and humidity and to record both the wet-bulb and the dry-bulb temperature, and obviates the need for other recorders or controllers on the kiln. Air-operated humidity controllers, without recorders, which combine two single controllers in one case, are suitable for use where temperature records are not desired or where they are secured by recording thermometers. Several special forms of humidity controllers have been developed for special kinds of drying schedules. One of these controllers, operated by the rise and fall of the humidity in the kiln, produces periodic oscillations of humidity between predetermined limits. Another, operated by clockwork, serves to steam the kiln charge at set intervals; the time between steamings and the length of the steaming period are adjustable. AIR CIRCULATION IN THE KILN Air circulation performs several important functions in kiln drying. It serves to bring the heat to the lumber and to carry away the evaporated moisture. Upon its briskness and uniformity depends, to large degree, the uniformity of temperature and of KILN DRYING HANDBOOK Dare humidity throughout the kiln. Circulation, as applied to dry kilns, may be divided into two general kinds, recirculation and outside circulation. Recirculation, which uses heated air over and over, takes place entirely within the kiln and the recirculating ducts out- side of the kiln, if there are any; in outside circulation, fresh, cold air enters the kiln from the outside and passes through it, exhaust- ing to the outside. Although most kilns have at least a little cir- culation of each kind, the recirculation is far greater in volume and hence is much more important, in practically all types, than the out- side circulation. Progressive blower kilns, in which the entire vol- ume of air handled by the blowers is drawn from the outside at one end of the kiln and is discharged to the outside from the other end, are an exception to this rule; however, very few lumber dry kilns of this type are 1n operation. PRODUCTION OF CIRCULATION Circulation in dry kilns is produced in several different ways. For present purposes these ways may be divided into three groups, as follows: (1) Differences in temperature, (2) mechanical means, and (3) combinations of 1 and 2. Differences in temperature are secured by three distinct means: (1) Through evaporation of moisture, (2) by heating the kiln above the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere, and (3) by the use of heating elements and of cooling elements properly placed. Recirculation of air caused by evaporation is of extreme impor- tance in kiln drying, and every effort should be made to take full advantage of it. As already pointed out, evaporation of moisture results in cooling of the air. The cooled air tends to sink, and warm air from the heating coils tends to rise to replace it. If this move- ment is facilitated, through proper arrangement of the lumber and of the heating coils, a very definite circulation will be set up and will maintain itself as long as heat is supplied and evaporation takes place. Much of the recent improvement in dry kilns of the natural- circulation type has resulted from taking advantage of such recirculation. Under normal conditions, the dry kiln is hotter than the surround- ing atmosphere. Further, the warm air in the kiln is lighter than the air outside and hence is continually escaping through the top; cold outside air consequently is drawn in at the bottom. There is always inleakage at the bottom and outleakage at the top of a kiln, no matter how well it may be built, and when movement of the air is made easy by providing outlet flues and fresh-air intakes the circulation becomes quite brisk; the velocity in the flues may then be 600 feet or more per minute, depending upon circumstances. A reasonable amount of draft may be secured by means of the outlets, even though no air- intake openings are provided. Similarly the draft secured through the intakes may also be considerable even when there are no vents, or when the flue dampers are closed. Under such conditions the whole kiln acts as a chimney, and the leakage is sufficient to permit the escape and the replacement of appreciable amounts of air. Air intakes are usually placed at the bottom of the kiln and the outlets from the kiln to the flues at varying heights along the sides 98 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE and in the ceiling. The flues usually, but not always, project above the roof. The circulation produced by a flue is outside circulation; its prin- cipal effect, an important matter, is to lower the humidity within the kiln. Because its volume is comparatively small, however, its effect upon the internal circulation is not of great importance in the aver- age kiln. It is sometimes stimulated by the use of heater coils in the fiues, which increase the temperature difference between the air in the flue and that outside the kiln, thus making the warm air move upward faster. | As already suggested, if air is being continuously heated at one point in a confined space and is being cooled similarly at another point, there will be a continuous flow of heated air upward at the first point and of cooled air downward at the second point. Cross circulation between the two points will also occur, the warmed air at its high level flowing from the hot point to the cold one and cold air below flowing in the reverse direction. Condensers may well act as the cooling agents and the steam coils as the heat supphers in such a circulation system. If the pipes of the condensers are cold enough, moisture can be condensed out of the kiln air, and the humidity thus lowered. Mechanical means for producing circulation in dry kilns may be divided into two groups, namely, (1) fans and (2) steam jets. The fan group divides itself logically into two classes: Centrifugal blowers and disk fans. Centrifugal blowers used in dry kilns are almost all of the multiple-vaned rotor type. They are most often driven by electric motor, either direct or from a line shaft. Their application is now limited almost entirely to compartment kilns, principally for producing recirculation. A small amount of out- side circulation is usually provided for by means of a duct from the outside to the suction side of the fan. Centrifugal blowers are almost invariably located outside of the kiln. Disk fans find various applications in dry-kiln work. In one of: them, one or two fans, mounted in the end wall, draw the air length- wise through the kiln, bringing about a longitudinal circulation. Sometimes the air is discharged to the outside atmosphere, and some- times it is returned to the opposite end of the kiln, often through an outside duct, and recirculated. Fans of this kind are usually quite large in diameter and, as a rule, are belt or chain driven by electric motors. Another application is the internal-fan kiln. In this case, a number of disk fans are mounted upon a single shait which runs longitudinally through the kiln and is driven, usually by an electric motor, from the outside. These fans are so housed that they effect a cross circulation within the kiln. Reversal of the direction of rotation of the shaft causes reversal in the direction of the circulation. Fans of either the disk or the centrifugal type, properly designed and installed, are capable of producing very high rates of circulation. Steam jets and steam-jet blowers, of one sort or another, are used in the majority of dry kilns. Their principal purposes are to assist in producing circulation and to increase the humidity. Both ob- jects, of course, can be accomplished simultaneously. In fact, except when the jets form aspirators in the uptake flues, they necessarily increase the humidity. KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 29 The most important use of steam jets, as aids in producing eircu- lation, is in kilns that lack other means of forcing circulation, While they are commonly so placed as to stimulate recirculation within the kiln, they are occasionally located in the intake flues or in the outlets to augment the outside circulation. A usual arrangement of them is in rows along the sides or down the center of the kiln. The me- chanical efficiency of steam jets is very low in comparison to that of fans or blowers, but other considerations often outweigh this fact. Water sprays, as used in the water-spray kiln, produce circula- tion (assisted by the heating coils) through a combination of tempera- ture difference and of mechanical means. Located in rows along the sides or in the center of the kiln, near the bottom and pointing downwards, they both cool the air and drive it downward by impact. It passes over the heating coils after leaving the sprays, then through the lumber, and again through the sprays. MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL OF CIRCULATION Although the temperature and the humidity best for a particular drying condition may be specified with certainty, the amount of cir- culation desirable is not so easily disposed of. While rapid, uniform circulation does induce faster and more uniform drying and also permits better control of the drying conditions than slow, irregular circulation, it becomes increasingly difficult to secure uniformity as the speed of circulation rises, beyond certain limits, and producing and maintaining high circulation rates add to the cost of operation. Economic considerations naturally make desirable the range in rates of circulation that yields the greatest return on the total investment. RATE OF CIRCULATION Prescribing one specific rate of circulation as the best for all dry- ing conditions is impossible, because circulation requirements vary widely ; considerable difference in them may exist even during a single kiln run. A number of detail factors have an influence in determin- ing the rate of circulation proper for any particular set of conditions; among the most important are the following: (1) Species of wood, (2) grade of lumber, (3) previous seasoning of lamber, (4) size of lumber, (5) purpose for which lumber is to be used, and (6) length of air travel through lumber pile. These factors of course have an important bearing upon the selection of the drying schedule for the problem in hand. Rapid rates of circulation and high-humidity drying schedules have proved themselves to be paying investments in drying both green hardwoods and green softwoods. One of the out- standing developments in seasoning practice within the last four years has been the progress made in the use of high-circulation rates in the drying of certain southern and western softwoods. Fates as high as 150 feet per minute through the lumber charge are not unusual. Rapidly drying softwoods having large amounts of mois- ture when green require a circulation of about 100 to 150 feet per minute through the lumber stacks with a length of air travei not over 5 to 7 feet if the most effective drying schedules are to be em- | ployed successfully and if the kiln degrade is to be kept to a mini- mum. Green hardwoods, which as a rule dry more slowly than soft- 30 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE woods, usually do not require a circulation greater than 25 feet per minute for a 5-foot air travel, and previously air-dried hardwoods require still less circulation. ’ TESTING THE CIRCULATION ~ Much trouble in drying is caused by insufficient or nonuniform circulation, and frequently determining the amount of circulation and its direction is a necessary preliminary to prescribing a remedy. The rate of circulation inside the average kiln is so low that most of the methods usually employed in the measurement of air velocities are not suitable. Although the velocity of the air occasionally is great enough to permit the successful use of strips of tissue paper to show its direction and intensity, about the only method that has proved universally satisfactory is to watch the drift of smoke and, if desired, to time its movement over a known distance by means of a stop watch. One of the special advantages of this method is that it Hydrochloric | 4 . a Figure 5.—A smoke machine for testing the air circulation in dry kilns. The bottles are common ink bottles—aimost any kind of a bottie will do, but in order to avoid bulkiness a comparatively narrow one is desirable. The box and its handle can be constructed in any way desired, or in case of need could even be dispensed with entirely. Two pieces of bent-glass tubing, a cork, and a rubber tube @ complete the machine; short lengths of glass and of rubber tubing may be used instead of the bent glass, although they are not so good. The tube a should be long enough to allow the operator to extend the apparatus at arm’s length while biowing into the tube. Some operators prefer to fit the end of the rubber tube with a syringe bulb $ this is practically necessary when a mask is worn shows clearly the direction of movement. It has also some disad- vantages. Smoke from any burning substance, for instance, tends to rise because of its higher temperature; hence the true circulation will not be indicated until the smoke has cooled to the temperature of the surrounding air. The operator, of course, must be inside the kiln during the test, and it is essential that all the doors be closed and that the kiln be operating in the normal manner. Tobacco, punk sticks, or rope may be used to provide the smoke, although it is difficult with these means to get a suifcient volume, and the fire risk is an objectionable feature. A special form of fireless smoke machine for dry-kiln work has been developed at the forest products laboratory. It consists essentially of two small bottles and a few pieces of connecting tubing. One bottle is partly filled with concentrated hydrochloric acid and the other with strong ammonia water. When air is blown through the bottles, fumes of the two chemicals are mixed, producing a dense fog or smoke that will drift readily with the air current. (Fig. 5.) F KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 31 For velocities higher than the average, such as those usually occur- ring in the flues of natural-circulation kilns and in the interiors of some forced-circulation types, the Biram type of anemometer 1s suitable. This anemometer is in essence a disk fan mounted upon pivot bearings and provided with a revolution counter. ‘The counter ’ is ordinarily in the form of a dial and pointer, one revolution of the pointer usually representing an air movement of 100 feet. A watch is necessary to determine the time corresponding to a certain air movement. It is customary to let the anemometer run a definite number of minutes, and then to divide the number of feet recorded by the number of minutes, the quotient being the velocity expressed in feet per minute. Since the velocity in any duct varies through- out the cross section, commonly being greatest at the center and least along the sides, a single reading will probably fail to represent a true average, and for accurate results the cross section of the duct should therefore be divided into squares about equal to the diameter of the anemometer, and a reading taken on each square. This will seldom be necessary, however, in ordinary work. In using anemom- eters in open places especial care must be exercised to set the ane- mometer with its axis truly parallel with the air movement, because otherwise it will register less than it should. Smoke may be used to indicate the direction of the air movement. Anemometers are imperfect in that the speed of the fan is not .truly proportional to the air velocity over the entire range of useful- ness of the instrument, and a correction factor accordingly is neces- sary. This correction factor is determined at the factory by actual trial, and a calibration curve showing the amount of correction to be applied at different velocities should accompany the instrument. DRYING AND DRYING STRESSES MOISTURE GRADIENT The moisture in wood tends to distribute itself equally by flow- ing from spots of high moisture content to those of low. If it is desired to produce a flow of moisture in a piece of wood of uniform moisture content the uniform condition must first be upset. This may be done by removing some of the moisture from the surface by circulating air of proper temperature and humidity around the piece. As soon as evaporation from the surface commences, a “ moisture eradient ” is established, that is, the wood has then been made drier _ on the surface than in the interior, and thereby a movement of the | moisture from the interior toward the surface has been started. | A moisture gradient is usually thought of as a curve. Figure 6 | shows some possible moisture gradients in a wood block of substan- @ tial size. The full line, A, represents a typical variation in internal moisture conditions when the surface of the green wood has just been | dried to equilibrium with the temperature and the humidity of the | surrounding atmosphere. The horizontal distances between the ver- _ tical axis (at the left) and points on the curve represent distances '/ measured directly inward from the surface of the block. Similarly ) the vertical distances between the horizontal axis (at the bottom) | ~and these same points on the curve represent the corresponding values _ of the moisture content at the points... 32 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The lower dotted line, C, presents a typical moisture gradient for almost-oven-dry conditions in the interior-of the block and for a surface equilibrium value lower than that of A. The nearly uniform moisture content makes curve C much flatter than the steep A, that is, the slope of C is much less than that of the steep part of A. The intermediate dotted line, B, follows moisture conditions in- termediate to those of A and C. | Besides changing with the temperature and the humidity of the | surrounding air, the moisture gradient is affected by a number of | oS) 30 45 40 SiS) —_— i ee ee ee ee ee 30 25 20 Molstudre Contrent-Fer Centr Fiber Saturation FPorwnr K-———— Thickness +1 FIGURE 6.—Typical moisture gradients, across the thickness of a board, at three stages of drying. Curve A is intended to represent the moisture gradient just after the drying has commenced. The moisture content in the center of the piece then is still very high, but that at the surface has reached equilibrium with the surround- ing atmosphere. Curve B illustrates an intermediate stage, when the center of the piece has just reached the fiber-saturation point. Curve C shows an extremely dry condition, in which the surface has reached zero moisture content internal factors, such as the amount and the distribution of the mois- | ture in the wood, the size of the piece, and its structural character- istics. Moisture gradients, therefore, are likely to be constantly changing. In fact, if dry wood is placed in an extremely moist at- mosphere, the zero-thickness end of the curve will become the highest point on it, the reverse of the situation shown in the figure. SHRINKAGE In discussing the shrinkage of wood during drying and the resulting internal stresses, together with the moisture gradient, it is convenient to think of a piece of wood, especially a stress sec- Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 13 Cross SECTION OF A SOUTHERN SWAMP OAK TREE CUT INTO BOLSTER STOCK AND DRIED The black rectangles represent the green size and the exact location of the pieces in the tree. The dried pieces exhibit in exaggerated form many of the common drying defects, such as checks, honeycomb, diamonding, and even cupping. The difference between radial and tangential shrinkage and the comparatively small shrinkage of some of the sapwood are illustrated. Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 14 TWO IMPORTANT KINDS OF DRYING DEFECTS A.—Collapse in redwood; before drying, the board of which this piece is a section was uniform in thickness. B.—Honeycomb in a cross section of a Douglas fir plank. C.—Extreme honeycomb in the tangential face of a resawed piece of plain-sawed oak. ~ o> SSS KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 33 tion, as made up of a number of layers, like the leaves of a book. The outside layers, that is, the covers, may be termed a shell, but in the following discussion all of them will be called layers. As the drying of green wood progresses the amount of free water in the cells gradually diminishes, and soon those near the surface lose all their free water, that is, they reach the fiber-saturation point. It is at this point, which is a very definite one for most species, usually between 25 and 30 per cent moisture content, that the changes in the properties of the wood caused by drying begin to take place. As wood dries beyond its fiber-saturation point it starts to shrink and it will continue to shrink as long as it loses moisture. In fact, the amount of shrinkage is very nearly proportional to the degree of drying below the fiber-saturation point. When the moisture gradient is steep, however, the surface layers may be well below the fiber- saturation point even though the average moisture content may still be far above it, and the consequent tendency of the inclosing outer layers to contract may cause some shrinkage of the entire piece to take place. So it often happens, on account of such a moisture condition, that shrinkage throughout the piece commences while the average moisture content is still above the fiber-saturation point. Wood is not a homogenous material, and many of its properties are different along different axes (in different structural directions). Shrinkage is one of these properties. Longitudinal shrinkage (par- allel to the length of a board) is practically nothing for most species and can be neglected in most drying problems, although cross- grained stock often shrinks appreciably in a lengthwise direction on account of the longitudinal components of the tangential and the radial shrinkages. The shrinkage is more or less proportional to the density (the unit weight) of the wood; the heavier woods, as a rule, shrink more than the lighter ones. Below the fiber-saturation point, drying is accompanied by a hardening of the wood and a reduction in its plasticity. There are also important changes in its mechanical properties; the wood be- comes stronger under such stresses as bending, tension, and compres- sion, and also gains in stiffness. The increase in these properties as the wood is dried from the fiber-saturation point to zero moisture content varies somewhat; for compression it may be more than 100 per cent of the values in the green wood. On the other hand, a few of the mechanical properties, especially those having to do with resistance to suddenly applied loads, remain practically con- stant as the wood dries, DRYING DEFECTS CAUSED BY UNEVEN SHRINKAGE Most of the defects ordinarily classed as drying defects would not exist if uneven shrinkage and the attendant stresses set up by it could be eliminated. Take, for example, the simplest case, a hypo- thetical one, in which boards dry without moisture gradient and with uniform radial and tangential shrinkage. If the boards are truly radial (quarter-sawed or edge-grain) or truly tangential (plain-sawed or flat-grain), they will remain flat in drying but, assuming that all were of the same width and thickness when green, after drying the radial boards will be both thinner and wider than 32006°—29——3 34 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE the tangential ones. If, however, a board is neither radial nor tangential, the difference between radial and tangential shrinkage will cause “ diamonding ”; its pairs of adjacent sides and edges then will no longer be at right angies to each other. (Pl. 138.) The nor- mal curvature of the annual rings makes it impossible to find boards that are truly radial or truly tangential; in ordinary sawmill opera- tion a large number are cut in which the rings are tangential at the center of the end section and are at an angle of from 30° to 45° to the broad faces at the edges. In boards of this kind, the difference between radiai and tangential shrinkage causes cupping; the edges of the board turn away from the heart of the log, flattening out the curvature of the annual rings. CASEHARDENING Above the fiber-saturation point, changes in the moisture content do not produce changes in the dimensions of the wood. Below this point, loss in moisture causes shrinkage and gain causes swelling. When a moisture gradient passes through the fiber-saturation point, that is, when part of the piece is above the fiber-saturation point and part below, unrestrained shrinkage is impossible and consequently shrinkage stresses are set up in drying. Similarly when the slope of a moisture gradient, below the fiber-saturation point, is changed, stresses are set up by the nonuniform shrinking or swelling that takes place. ! As already suggested, when surface layers of a board that is drying pass the fiber-saturation point they tend to shrink. In order to succeed, however, they must squeeze together ali of the green wood inside, since it has not yet reached the fiber-saturation point and is therefore not ready to shrink of its own accord. The first result is that the outer layers, in trying to squeeze the core of such a board, ereate in it a state of compression and in themselves a corresponding state of tension. Consider, in illustration, a rubber band pulling together a bundle of papers. The band is stretched, and the papers are compressed. The only difference between the surface wood and the rubber is that the tension is put into the rubber by actually stretching it, whereas the tension is produced in the outer layers of the wood by preventing them from shrinking. The same thing occurs if a piece of wet leather is kept from shrinking as it dries. If a piece of wood has been dried under such restraint that a tension stress has been caused in it, and if the restraint is then removed, the wood will spontaneously contract enough to relieve the stress. However, it will not shrink so much as it would have done if it had been free to shrink during the drying, even though the con- traction that does occur may be sufficient to relieve the stress entirely. Such wood has acquired a tension set. Similarly, when a piece of wood below the fiber-saturation point is made to absorb moisture but is not permitted to swell, it will acquire a compression set and although when the restraint is removed it will spontaneously swell somewhat, the amount of expansion will not be so great as that which would have occurred if the piece had been allowed to swell without restraint in the first place. Further, if dried again, this time without restraint, it will shrink to dimensions smaller than the original dry KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 35 size. Wood seldom either shrinks or swells without some restraint, and therefore set is of great importance in practically all drying. The extreme outer layers of any piece of wood of commercial size approach equilibrium moisture content shortly after drying com- mences. They are then in a state of tension, with a certain amount of tension set present. As the wood continues to dry, more and more of the deeper layers reach the fiber saturation point and start to shrink, thus first relieving themselves of any compression under which they may have been and afterward putting themselves in ten- sion and as a result increasing, to a corresponding amount, the com- pression on the core. The entire piece shrinks, the core, which is still wet and plastic, yielding under the stress. The outer layers, now dry and quite stiff, assist in producing the shrinkage until they have relieved themselves of their tension stress. At this point of stress- freedom they set, because of the initial tension still in a condition of expansion somewhat beyond that which otherwise would be their then natural state. As the drying and the shrinking continue these outer layers become compressed, in contrast to their former condi- tion of tension, and strongly resist further shrinkage. Accordingly the core, which is now below the fiber-saturation point and is trying to shrink, is put in tension. All of the wood in such a piece is under tension during part or most of its drying below the fiber-saturation point and each layer sets in a more or less expanded condition. When the wood is finally uniformly dry, the outer layers in conse- quence are in compression and the core 1s in tension. Under these circumstances the wood is said to be casehardened. Casehardening is of Importance in most hardwoods and in many softwoods. Methods for relieving it will be considered later. CHECKING AND HONEYCOMBING It was assumed in the preceding discussion that the stresses in a casehardened board are insufficient to cause visible damage. Tf, how- ever, the strength of the wood in tension across the grain is not great enough to resist the tensile stresses in the surface layers during the early stages of drying, they will tear open, forming surface checks of varying size and depth. (Pl. 13.) Wikewise, if the inner layers are not strong enough to resist the tension placed upon them during the latter stages, they will rupture, causing honeycomb. (PI. 14, Band C.) Both because radial shrinkage is less than tangential and because weakness occurs throughout the planes where rays and fibers cross, checks and honeycomb more often run radially than tangen- tially. It not infrequently happens that surface checks formed dur- ing the early stages of drying or, in the case of partially air-dried stock, before entering the kiln, close up and disappear during the final drying. In fact, the effect of shrinkage of the core may go still farther and result not only in closing the checks at the surface, but in actually deepening them and opening them up in the center of the piece of wocd, thus again forming honeycomb. (Fig. 7.) WARPING, LOOSENING OF KNOTS, END CHECKING Uneven shrinkage results in several other drying defects, such as bowing and twisting, which are often caused by either spiral or interlocked grain, by a difference in longitudinal shrinkage between 36 BULLETIN 1136, U. §. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE sapwood and heartwood, and by various other irregularities in struc- ture and in drying. (Pl. 13.) Loosening of knots is caused by the drying-out or the exudation of cementing resins and gums with dead knots, and with live knots by the differences in shrinkage resulting from the right-angle relation of the axes of the knot and of the tree— the axis of the knot coincides with that of its branch. The knot shrinks away from the rest of the wood lengthwise of the board, but does not do so appreciably in the crosswise direction. End checking, which is caused by the excessively rapid drying of the end surfaces, is discussed more fully under “ Drying schedules.” ; 1] CH ute tO fp to simeel (cree Waeie Sl \\HEE taiae rite AH LY Stee eee, N isane senate azarae al nsicgeee rTLe a pe sees aires = my rl EH aa OE: iain ae A us pee TA ie ie peep acsiaes ue Pieerae ea a ig hac Vs ‘A A ES Fictrp 7.—Development of a surface check into a honeycomb. In stages 1, 2, and 3 the check is gradually closing as the center of the piece shrinks in drying. Stages 4, 5, and 6 show how the tensile stresses deepen the honeycomb as the casehardening pEcomes more severe. The depression above the honeycomb in stages 5 and 6 is ypica COLLAPSE One form of seasoning defect is the actual collapse of rows of cells, just as a rubber tire collapses when the air is let out. (PI. 14, A.) This defect occurs principally in the heartwood of only a few species, such as redwood, western red cedar, cypress, swamp-grown oaks, and red gum, although it is occasionally seen in other species, such as hickory and black walnut. No entirely successful method of avoiding it has been developed. The establishment of a steep moisture gra- dient at the beginning of the drying, however, is of much assistance. Such a gradient may be secured by the use of low humidities, but they may have to be accompanied by low temperatures to prevent injury to the stock. In some cases sumply the use of low tempera- tures at the beginning of the run, without unusually low humidities, seems sufficient. A See SS re KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 37 STRESS DETECTION The detection and the relief of the shrinkage stresses causing case- hardening, checking, and honeycombing are among the most im- portant of the kiln operator’s duties; they require special skill and close application. The usual method of detecting the presence of these stresses, which commonly are called casehardening stresses, is to cut a stress section from an average board. Such a section should be cut at least 2 feet from the end of the board, and should be about 1 inch long in the direction of the grain. It must be slotted somewhat as shown in Figure 8, the exact number of slots depending upon the thickness of the board and upon the preference of the individual operator. Often it is desirable to cut off several stress sections, slotting them variously. The direction in which the individual prongs turn and their relative lengths tell the story. If the outer ones turn out, it is an indication of tension in the outer layers. If they turn in, there is compression in the outer layers. Figure 8.—Typical stress sections. 1 represents a green board; 2 indicates tension in the surface, typical of early stages of drying; in 3 drying has progressed enough further than in 2 to make the shrinkage of the interior balance that of the surface; 4 shows typical casehardening ; 5 reveals slight reversal of the stresses in 4 by treat- ment to relieve caSehardening; and 6 is the finish board, free from stress. The changes in the length of the prongs have been exaggerated slightly for clearness Slotting the stress section into prongs frees groups of layers, which had been locked in a common restraint, allowing each group to make a new adjustment within itself. The tension side of each will imme- diately contract and the compression side will stretch, just as a spring under tension or under compression will change its length when the deforming pressure is removed. In doing this the prong will be bent, the amount of the bend depending upon the thickness of the prong and upon the magnitude of the stress originally present. The side that was originally in tension will become concave and the one originally in compression will become convex. The comparative values and the distribution of the drying stresses can be judged by the relative bending of the several prongs, especially when they all turn outward. When some prongs of a stress section turn inward, however, the relative bending can not be judged so well, since interference is 38 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE then likely to occur. In such cases it may be advantageous to cut the section into a larger number of prongs, thus reducing the degree of curvature in each and hence permitting surer comparison of the relative lengths of the individual ones. If they are thin enough there will be but little difference in stress between the opposite sides of each prong, and its state of stress will consequently be correctly indicated by the change in its length. , All stress-section prongs in tension at the time of cutting will shorten, and those in compression will relieve themselves by length- ening. The outer ends of such prongs will form a curve, as shown roughly by sections 2 and 4 of Figure 8, and the shape of this curve will indicate clearly the state of stress. If it is convex or high in the center, as in section 2, it denotes tension in the outer layers and compression in the core. If low in the center, it means the reverse. So far only general indications at the time of sawing have been considered. If the sections are now set aside in a suitable place they will soon dry down to an approximately uniform moisture content, the actual value depending upon the temperature and the humidity of the surrounding atmosphere, and these last changes in the moisture content of the section will be made evident by further changes in the length and in the curvature of the individual prongs. Loss of mois- ture on one side of a thick preng will usually be most plainly shown by a change of shape, the prong bending toward the side that has just been drying. If, however, there is an equal loss of moisture from both its sides, which may happen if it is in the middle of a section, the only indication will be a shrinkage in its length. In sections taken from thin lumber this is apt to be the fact anyway, because the very thinness precludes much difference in moisture content between the two sides of the board and allows still less between the sides of a prong. : Under ordinary circumstances, the final drying of a stress section will cause a contraction or an inward turning, or both, to take place in all the prongs, the amount in each prong being dependent upon the amount of moisture lost from the individual prong. Except when steaming or other conditioning treatment is given the stock in the kiln after the stress section has been taken out, the final shape of the entire section is a criterion by which to judge what the condition of the stock will be after the drying has been completed. Caution must be used in judging, however, since the sections dry without further stress and the stock in the kiln probably does not. The more nearly dry the stock is when the stress section is cut, the more reliable an indicator will it be in this respect. The following key interprets the significance of the behavior of the stress sections when they are first cut and then after room drying. In using this key and in comparing various sections one with another it must be remembered that the thickness of the stock and the width and the number of the prongs have an important bearing upon the appearance and the behavior of the individual sections. KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 39 | KEY FOR DETERMINING FROM STRESS SECTIONS THE PROBABLE | CONDITIONS IN LUMBER DURING SEASONING 1. When the prongs turn out on sawing.—The surface is in tension (attempting to shrink), and the center is in compression (opposing surface shrinkage), A. If the prongs turn in after room drying— | Indication of unequal moisture distribution, with the surface drier than the center. Occurrence: In the early stages of drying. Remarks: The lumber does not need steaming at this time. If a tendency to surface check is noticed, use a higher humidity to retard surface drying. B. If the prongs do not change after room drying— Indication of practically equal moisture distribution, with the sur- face in tension and the center in compression. Occurrence: After oversteaming at a low moisture content. Remarks: The lumber should have received less severe steaming treatment. 2. When the prongs turn in on sawing—The center is in tension (attempting to | shrink) and the surface is in compression (opposing center shrinkage). A. If the prongs pinch tighter after room drying— Indication of unequal moisture distribution, with the surface drier , than the center. Remarks: An advantageous point to relieve stresses by steaming. B. If the prongs become straight or turn out after room drying— Indication of unequal moisture distribution, with the center drier than the surface. Occurrence: After steaming and before redrying. Remarks: After redrying the prongs should remain practically straight. 3. When the prongs remain straight on sawing—The lumber is free from stresses. A. If the prongs remain straight after room drying— Indication of freedom from stresses, with equal moisture distri- bution. B. If the prongs turn in after room drying— Indication of unequal moisture distribution, with the surface drier than the center. Remarks: A short steaming treatment to balance the moisture content should relieve all stresses. C. If the prongs turn out after room drying— Indication of unequal moisture distribution, with the center drier than the surface. Occurrence; During some period of redrying after steaming. STRESS REMEDIES _ The prevention of stress troubles in a kiln charge, as far as that is possible, is even more desirable than remedying them. The condi- tion of stock entering the kiln should be carefully determined, so that its subsequent treatment may be suitable. STEAMING _ A high-humidity treatment of a kiln charge, which for convenience is ordinarily called a “steaming,” is a treatment at a humidity that corresponds at least to the moisture content of the surface of the lum- ber. The first steaming should, as a rule, be comparatively mild in or- der to avoid the possibility both of honeycomb during the treatment and of the opening up of old surface checks or the formation of new ones during subsequent drying, even when it is given only in order to warm the stock before drying commences. In fact, if the stock has 40 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE checked during air seasoning, and particularly if it is so dry that the checks have closed up, great care must be exercised to see that the sur- face is not moistened too much during any high-humidity treatment. If it is, checks that would otherwise be closed when the drying process is over will open up glaringly. RELIEF OF SURFACE TENSION Among kiln operators it is common practice to steam air-dried or partially air-dried lumber initially for the purpose of reducing! the tension set in the outer layers of the individual pieces. ‘This practice has degraded a large amount of such lumber, not because steaming at the initial stage of the drying process is in itself fundamentally wrong, but because the customary manner of doing it is wrong. Initial steaming is often unessential, and it is far better not to steam air-dried lumber than to give the treatment improperly. The first evidence of stress in fresh stock in the kiln is a tension in the outer portion of a piece (the shell), which appears in the stress section in an outward turning of the prongs. Such tension may be considered a normal condition, more or less unavoidable. If it be- comes too severe, however, surface checks will result. The condition of the stock in the early part of the run is usually judged by the presence or the absence of surface checks. Excessive tension in the surface and resulting surface checks are caused by too steep a moisture eradient; in other words, the moisture content of the surface layers, under this condition, is too low in comparison with that of the core. The remedy is to raise the moisture content at the surface by raising the relative humidity of the air in the kiln, thereby reducing the mois- ture gradient. (Refer again to fig. 6 to consider the effect of raising to a higher position the ends of any one of the curves.) Although successful methods of steaming lumber have for the most part been worked out empirically, there is one basic principle that must be grasped before steaming treatments can be given intelli- gently, namely, before a set expanded condition in the outer layers of a piece can be reduced, this portion of it must be made to fail perma- nently in compression across the grain, that is, these layers must take a compression set. Such failure necessitates the following condi- tions: (1) An interior below the fiber-saturation point, (2) an exterior tending to swell across the grain because of the raising of its moisture content above that of the interior, and (38) a resultant increase in stress in the wood sufficient in value and in duration to cause a per- manent compression deformation across the grain in the exterior of the piece. A general rule is that the humidity during the initial steaming of air-dry stock should correspond to a moisture content 2 or 3 per cent higher than that of the surface layers of the stock and that the treat- ment should continue until the surface quarter inch has absorbed moisture enough to bring it into equilibrium with these humidity con- ditions. ‘The time required for such a steaming, once the conditions proper for it have been attained, will vary for 1-inch stock from a few hours to a day, depending upon both species and individual con- ditions. ‘To hasten the treatment and to warm up the stock most satisfactorily, it is customary to use a temperature about 15° F, higher than that at which drying is to commence. KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 4] Preliminary steaming of green stock.—The first steaming of stock that is put into the kiln in a totally undried condition is solely to warm it. The procedure is outhned on page 47. RELIEF OF INTERNAL TENSION Assume that the stock has safely passed the first stages of drying, and that the stress in the outer portion of each piece has changed ' from tension to compression. During this period of the process the stock usually is not lable to injury, and the only surface phenomenon is that the checks close up. The surface compression existing will naturally be accompanied by a corresponding tension in the cores. If surface checks were originally present and have closed up, such increasing tension is more likely to produce honeycombing than if the stock had never been surface checked. In any event, the greater the tension stress across the grain in the center of a piece the greater is the danger of the wood failing internally in tension across the grain (honeycombing). Now the degree of tension that ultimately develops in the interior of a piece of wood depends on the degree to which the surface is set in an expanded condition. Honeycombing, therefore, can largely be prevented by carrying high relative humidi- ties during the period in which set is developing in the lumber. The shell of a piece of air-dried lumber, however, is usually set in an expanded condition when the stock enters the kiln, so that in general it is not the relative humidity used in the kiln schedule that governs the extent to which the core of such a piece is stressed during subsequent kiln drying; the degree of stress during kiln treat- ment depends chiefly on the drying conditions that existed during the previous air-seasoning process. The relative humidity specified in a drying schedule, therefore, has little to do with the prevention of honeycombing in the usual kiln charge. The temperature car- ried has a bearing on such prevention, though, because hot wood will honeycomb under smaller stress than cool wood. With 6/4-inch and thinner partially dried stock, it ordinarily is safe practice so to adjust the relative humidity in the kiln that the moisture content of the surface of the stock will be raised to the value of the core content. This treatment will usually have a desir- able effect on the surface, moistening and softening it and tempo- rarily increasing the compression in the outer shell, which in the semiplastic condition thus caused fails permanently under the in- creased load, taking a compression set across the grain. In this way the set expanded condition is decreased. Almost immediately after the steaming treatment the surface layers will lose most of the mois- ture picked up, and if the treatment has been properly conducted, with respect to duration, temperature, and relative humidity, the stock will then be stress-free. On the other hand, if the relative humidities em- ployed have been too high the stresses in the surface layers will be re- versed. The outer prongs in a casehardening stress section will then turn outward. Prevention of reverse casehardening—When stock is reasonably dry and the compression shell of each piece is comparatively thick, a steaming treatment at too high a relative humidity may readily re- sult in too severe an effect on the surfaces without enough effect. to- ward the deeper portions of the shells. If the treatment is con- 49 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE tinued long enough to penetrate the shells entirely, the surfaces may pick up so much moisture that the resultant great shrinkage oc- curring during redrying will produce a permanent reverse case- har dening, which the drying down to the desired final moisture con- tent will not eliminate. ‘This state of affairs must be avoided, since reverse casehardening in dry stock can be removed only through softening up the entire piece again—a tremendously long and unsat- isfactory process. It is better, therefore, to employ relative humidi- ties no higher than those necessary to eliminate the casehardening. GENERAL RULES FOR STEAMING Tnfiexible rules for steaming treatments to relieve caseharden- ing can not be laid down, largely because it is impossible to express the degree of casehardening itself with numerical exactness; each operator will have to learn by experience just what can and must be done with each individual kiln charge. Steaming at the satura- tion point (100 per cent relative humidity) may, in general, be done satisfactorily only with green stock (as a preliminary treatment) or with stock in which the moisture in the core is above the fiber-sat- uration point and the moisture content of the surface is not below 18 per cent. For drier stock lower humidities should be used. The relative humidity of the air should be adjusted to correspond, during the steaming treatment, to the desired final surface moisture con- tent. Suppose, for instance, that the surface moisture content is 10 per cent, and it is desired to raise it to 13 per cent, the ten nperature of the treatment being 180° F. At this temperature, a relative hu- midity of about 82 per cent is in balance with a moisture content of 13 per cent (fig. 4) and the treatment, therefore, should be given at that humidity. Comparatively high temperatures are usually car- ried for final steaming treatments; for hardwoods they customarily range up to 165° F. and for softwoods they may rise as high as 200° F. Steaming at high temperatures will be discussed further i in con- nection with the special softwood drying schedules (p. 56). Casehardening is not in itself a serious defect during the drying process, but is undesirable because it leads to various other difficul- ties. In the finished stock, however, matters are different; casehard- ening then is of itself a serious defect, one that results in warping, unequal shrinkage, and similar trouble, especially in resawing or in working deep patterns. Tt is almost essential, therefore, that case- har dening i in such stock be remedied before the stock is taken from the kiln, and accordingly provision for a final conditioning treatment should be made in the drying schedule. While final conditioning i is not customary in the drying of most softwoods, it has repeatedly been shown that, especially for resaw stock, final relief of case- hardening is highly advantageous even in woods like the pines. There are, on the other hand, many cases, such as drying simply to reduce shipping weight, where the financial advantage 1s questionable. RELIEVING CASEHARDENING DURING STORAGE Sometimes a suitable final steaming treatment can not be given— for instance, in a typical progressive kiln. Under such circumstances it is desirable to relieve casehardening stresses, to the extent pos- ———— KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 43 sible with this method, by drying to a relatively low moisture con- tent and then bulk piling the stock for storage in a suitable space, preferably one that can be heated to about 25° F’. above the outside temperature. The extent to which these stresses will die out dur- ing storage varies greatly among different species. As a rule the softwoods react very favorably; but many of the hardwoods, such as the oaks, for instance, are quite resistant, and severe drying stresses consequently are likely to remain almost indefinitely. On the other hand, it undoubtedly is true that wood exposed during service to widely varying atmospheric conditions will normally tend to relieve itself of casehardening stresses. The relief of such stresses during storage and in use depends upon the pick-up of moisture and the resultant compression set. Without this pick-up and set, relief can not be obtained. (See also “ Storage of kiln-dried stock,” p. 68.) KILN DRYING TO KILL FUNGI AND WOOD BORERS The kiln operator is frequently confronted with the necessity of handling stock showing evidences of decay, mold, or stain, or of the action of borers. Under ordinary drying conditions in the kiln, some borers will be killed, and the growth of decay, molds, and stains of fungous origin will be arrested. When drying is carried on at low temperatures and high humidities, however, the conditions are favorable to the growth of many of these parasites, and they may at times cause trouble in the kiln. The growth of mold on semigreen stock during the early stages of drying is not uncommon. About 180° F. is required to kill many of the borers, such as the Lyctus powder-post beetle, that infest wood, although considerably lower temperatures will suffice for some. When wood infested by heat-endurant borers has not been subjected to a temperature of 180° F. or higher during the drying process, the kiln temperature should be raised to 180° F. at the end of the run and so held for a half hour or longer, the exact time depending upon the thickness of the stock. If the moisture content of the wood does not exceed 12 per cent and if the relative humidity during the heating period is con- trolled so as to prevent any visible damage, it is improbable that subjecting the stock to 180° F. for two or three hours will injure the strength of the wood. The steaming of sap gum before air drying is discussed on page 66. i DRYING SCHEDULES A drying schedule is a set of brief directions for the operation of the kiln during the drying period. Such schedules are usually presented in the form of curves or of tables showing the temperatures and the humidities to be used at various stages of the process, it being taken for granted that a kiln of suitable type, with ample and uniform circulation, is available; obviously, successful drying can not be accomplished if the kiln is incapable of doing the work required of it. The temperatures and the humidities in drying schedules are based upon either the length of time the stock has been in the kiln or the current moisture content of the stock. The 44 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE forest products laboratory prefers the latter basis, using it wherever possible. ' The nature and use of the schedules are discussed later, beginning on page 47. KILN SAMPLES The successful employment of a drying schedule based upon the current moisture content of the kiln charge requires a system by which this content can be determined with both ease and certainty. The best system so far developed depends upon the use of kiln samples. These samples are short pieces of typical stock of known original moisture content which, placed in representative parts of the kiln, are allowed to dry with the rest of the charge and are peri- odically weighed to determine the loss in moisture of each of them. Their current moisture-content values are then computed from the original moisture-content values and the losses in weight, and the average of the current values is assumed to be the average moisture content of the entire kiln charge. , Kiln samples are prepared as follows: Several pieces, representing both fast-drying and slow-drying stock, but usually not sapwood, are selected from the stock to be dried, and from each of them one or more samples fully 2 feet long are cut. In order to avoid the un- certainty in the condition of the ends usual with lumber, the samples should, if possible, be cut not less than 2 feet from the end of the piece. A moisture section should immediately be taken from each end of each sample, and the moisture determinations should be care- fully made. The average of the results from each pair of sections is assumed to be the average moisture content of the corresponding sample. END COATINGS When the moisture sections cut from the kiln samples have been weighed and placed in the oven the samples should be end coated. It has already been shown that wood dries out much faster from end grain than from side grain, and if their end surfaces were not pro- tected in some suitable manner the comparatively short samples would soon become drier than the rest of the stock and would then fail to represent average conditions in the kiln charge. The end coatings commonly used are of two classes, those liquid at ordinary temperatures, which can be applied cold, and those solid at the same temperatures, which must be applied hot. Either the cold or the hot coatings can be used effectively for drying temper- atures up to 140° F. Temperatures much above this cause blistering in the cold coatings, but make the hot type plastic enough to form a new surface as fast as the old one breaks. For this reason the hot coatings are likely to be more effective than the cold for tempera- tures from 140° up to 170° F., where they liquefy to such an extent that they run off. No coating has been found that is entirely satis- factory for temperatures above 170° F. Cold coatings are perhaps somewhat better than hot for all uses in temperatures above 170° F., and in addition for any kiln samples that may be placed in tem- peratures below this value but still high enough to cause the loss of part of a hot coating, with the resultant error-making change in the weight of the sample. Some asphalts are strongly moisture-resist- I KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 45 ant, but they are hard to apply because of the high temperatures re- quired to make them plastic. Paraffin has proved unusually satis- factory as an end coating for stock during air seasoning, but it can not be employed in the kiln because of its low melting point. Cold coatings should have about the consistency of heavy sirup. The amount of filler required for them ranges from one-half to 4 parts by weight to 1 of the vehicle. They, of course, must be allowed to dry a few hours before being subjected to kiln temperatures. The two best cold coatings developed at the forest products labora- tory are hardened gloss oil thickened with barytes and fibrous tale, which is very cheap, and high-grade spar varnish and barytes, a more expensive mixture. The gloss oil coating is made as follows: The oil itself should be a thick grade, made up (by a paint manufacturer) of about 8 parts of quicklime, 100 parts of rosin, and 57.5 parts of a thinner, such as mineral spirits. To 100 parts of the gloss oil add 25 parts of barytes and 25 parts of fibrous tale. One or two parts of lampblack may also be added if a black coating is desired. The fibrous talc helps to prevent the settling out of the pigment. Any paint manufacturer can make up this coating. It can also be mixed by the user as needed, if the proper grade of gloss oil is obtained. A list of the most usual hot dips follows. They are effective in the order given. 213° coal-tar pitch (inexpensive). 254° eoal-tar pitch (inexpensive). Rosin and lampblack; 100 parts of rosin to 7 parts of lampblack (mod- erate in cost). When hot dips are used, the wood should be dipped one-half inch into the liquid. Excessive shrinkage of the wood and also rough handling often cause the end coating to chip or to shear off, and a fresh application of coating material must then be made; when this is necessary, the weight of the sample must be corrected accordingly. To reduce end drying sufficiently the coating, either original or patched, must cover the entire end surface and must also be sufficiently thick. Although coating the ends of kiln samples is imperative, such treatment of all the stock in the kiln is desirable only in difficult drying and is considered economically justified solely in unusual cases, such as the drying of heavy vehicle parts, gunstock blanks. and shoe-last blocks. WORKING UP OPERATING DATA The oven-dry weight of the kiln sample is found by multiplying its original weight by 100 and then dividing by 100 plus the moisture content expressed in per cent. Assuming that the sample originally weighed 3.75 pounds and that the first two moisture sections aver- ages 25 per cent moisture, the oven-dry weight of the sample is 3.75 pounds < 100 _ ! ero on 3 pounds. If the moisture content were ex- pressed as a decimal instead of in the form of percentage, this formula would be still simpler; the oven-dry weight then is 3.75 pounds _ mos 3 pounds. 46 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Although the kiln samples must be placed in the kiln charge at points where they will dry neither faster nor slower than the stock immediately around them, they must also be readily accessible for weighing. Whenever a current weight is taken, the current moisture content 1s always calculated on the basis of the oven-dry weight previously determined, just as if the sample were a regular moisture section, and the moisture content of the entire kiln charge is assumed to be the average of the moisture-content values of the various samples. ‘This method of estimating the moisture content of a kiln charge is subject to several kinds of errors, and the satisfaction de- rived from its use will depend largely upon the skill and the judg- ment of the operator. The end coating, for example, may introduce errors in both directions. If a heavy coating, which in itself does not dry out, is apphed, the current calculated moisture content will always be higher than the actual content because of the retention by the coating of weight that it would lose if it were wood. On the other hand, if the coating chips off, the loss in weight is credited to moisture loss, and the current calculated moisture content will be too low; replacing such a coating loss too. generously will make this calculated moisture content too high. If the end coating is insufii- ciently resistant to the passage of moisture, the samples will dry out faster than the full-length boards and will, therefore, indicate a moisture content too low for the kiln charge. Further, it has been found by experience, though no entirely satisfactory explanation has been discovered, that for green stock, particularly with softwoods, the kiin samples consistently show a lower moisture content, when dry, than the rest of the kiln charge. On account of these various facts it is desirable to make moisture determinations on the samples at the end of the run, for comparison both with the calculated values tor the samples and with the final moisture determinations on the kiln charge proper. In addition to the usual minor errors possible when working with kiln samples, however, important variations in moisture along the length of a sample may exist in certain species, cypress, for. instance, and in such species the moisture content of a sample may be quite different from the average content of its two moisture sections. An- other method may be found practical for stock of this kind, a method by which the dry weight of the sample is determined direct from the dry weight and the size of the moisture sections. The proper use of this method requires the sample to be of uniform cross section, and the moisture sections must be both cut square with it and of uniform length along the grain. The dry weight of the sample is then cal- culated as the total dry weight of the two moisture sections times the length of the sample, divided by the combined length of both sections; in other words, the dry weights of the uniform pieces are proportional to their lengths. Once the dry weight of the sample has been calculated, the rest of this method is the same as that de- scribed in the preceding paragraph. Stress sections also should be cut from the samples at the end of the run; in fact enough samples should be placed in the kiln so that current stress and moisture determinations may be made as often as desired. KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 47 USE OF THE DRYING SCHEDULES PRESENTED HERE Drying schedules must meet the conditions of actual service, and since these conditions are quite variable it 1s impossible to set up a single series of exact schedules that will have universal application. The condition of the stock as the result of previous seasoning deter- mines to a large degree the preliminary steaming treatment and the initial stages of the drying proper for 1t, and the purpose for which the dry stock is to be used largely governs the severity of the schedule and the final treatment for stress relief. In addition, the kind of kiln has an important bearing upon the suitability of a schedule and upon the manner of its application. For instance, if it 1s desired to dry green hardwoods in a kiln having sluggish circulation, the use of high humidities at the beginning is impractical, and it becomes necessary to start the drying at a somewhat lower temperature, with lower humidity, than would otherwise be needed. Again, in drying softwoods, such as pine, in a natural-circulation progressive kiln, a typical high-humidity schedule will fail to give satisfactory results because it will not induce circulation adequate to carry the heat to the lumber and to remove the evaporated moisture. ‘To secure good drying in such circumstances requires a lower humidity at the green end and a higher temperature at the dry end of the kiln. Under ordinary commercial conditions the humidity at the dry end can be comparatively low since the lumber will not be exposed to it long. enough to be damaged. In most progressive kilns and in many softwood compartment kilns operating at high temperatures the use of kiln samples is more or less impractical, and it become necessary to operate the kilns on a time basis. When stock of the same general character is being dried right along, it is possible to secure very satisfactory results in this way. CHARACTER OF THE SCHEDULES Most of the drying schedules presented on the following pages are intended for use with kiin samples, the indicated changes in tem- perature and in humidity being made as the moisture content of the samples passes the various stages. All of these schedules are safe. It is possible to obtain good results with faster drying, but the use of schedules more severe than those recommended will require most careful judgment on the part of the kiln operator. The schedules of widest application are the hardwood, which were originally intended for furniture stock, and the softwood, which provide for drying at temperatures higher than those of the hardwood schedules. ‘These two series, which supplement each other, are numbered consecutively; No. 000 of the softwood schedules is the most severe, and No. 8 of the hardwood schedules is the mildest. Preliminary steaming is recommended for green stock, not to re- lieve stresses but to warm the stock thoroughly before the drying operation begins. It is not necessary to steam green stock so long as partly seasoned stock, one hour per inch of thickness being sufficient. The temperature during steaming may be from 10° to 15° F. above | 48 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE the starting point of the schedule, and the humidity should be as near 100 per cent (the saturation point) as possible. In general, the schedules are apphcable to the further drying of stock of any degree of seasoning. Once the preliminary steaming, if any, has been given, the drying may be started at the temperature and the humidity corresponding to the moisture content of the stock as it entered the kiln. The whole of the schedule selected will, as a rule, be used only when drying green stock. 'To illustrate: Suppose a charge of stock at 25 per cent moisture content is to be dried under Schedue 1. The drying conditions proper to start with then are those opposite the 25 per cent on the schedule, namely, a temperature of 155° I. and a humidity of 60 per cent. As soon as the stock has dried 5 per cent, the kiln temperature is to be raised to 160° F. and the humidity is to be dropped to 50 per cent, and so on until the stock is dry. Stock that has been air dried usually has a more moderate mois- ture gradient than stock that has reached the same average moisture content in kiln drying and for this reason, if the stock is in good condition, a schedule somewhat more severe than the one specified can be used for it. ‘To do this successfully, however, requires both skill and care. , | Each schedule is based on dry-bulb temperatures and relative hu- midities. The wet-bulb temperatures are the nearest whole numbers, taken from Table 1, that correspond to the kiln temperatures and humidities desired. , The names of woods appearing in the following tables are the standard common names given in the Check List of the Forest Trees of the United States, Miscellaneous Circular 92 of the United States Department of Agriculture. GENERAL HARDWOOD SCHEDULES The hardwood schedules in Table 2 are intended for use on lum- ber of all thicknesses up to about six quarter inches.. Thicker stock can be dried by using a schedule one number higher (milder) for each additional inch in thickness. 'The schedules have been made up for the drying of only one species and one thickness at a time, and for heartwood. In drying hardwood it is unnecessary, as a rule, to segregate the stock by grade or by character of sawing (quartered or plain), and in most cases no attention need be paid to sapwood, except to be sure that none is present in the kiln samples. Sapwood is much easier to dry than heartwood in practically all hardwoods and will dry much faster with a given schedule. In some species, such as red gum, it is sometimes possible to segregate the sap boards and to dry them separately. When this can be done a relatively large saving in time can be effected, especially with green stock (p. 60). KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 49 TaBLE 2.—General hardwood kiln-drying schedules 1 to 8 (D=dry-bulb temperature; W=wet-bulb temperature; H=relative humidity) : : Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 Moisture content at which Chamees soowlkdl be wey |_-— —e ———eeee eeeeeeeee per cent Tye Welw 18d Aa) Pe di eae Me soy Ae een Ttsieray IL eaggee th Tr Per Per Per Per °F,.|° F. | cent | ° F.|° F. | cent |° F. | ° F. | cent | ° F. | ° F. | cent A SOTETTONO seat tee oe whol 140 132 80 135 128 80 130 123 80 125 118 80 ND vi a eal as 9 1 A a 145 135 75 140 130 75 185 126 7h) 130 121 75 SAD) ocho os ese 150 137 70 145 133 70 140 128 70 135 123 70 py yaaa ey er eR SIG BH Ng a Sk 155 136 60 150 132 60 145 128 60 140 123 60 PADS Nae 8 A a en 160 135 50 155 131 50 150 127 50 145 122 50 Tce SA SO e URC OTE Te e 165 127 85 160 124 35 155 124 40 150 120 40 HOROMIA Tete 170 116 20 165 112 20 160 115 25 155 111 25 hedule Schedule 6 Schedule Schedule Moisture content at which otoe : ql ecmle.® CMATICESES HOU NICHT Cl On a a ber cent Dy hua Nast MAT), WNT Letse yO) AG Wnms aa Mead Noayat lh ret Pe Per Pe er OS Oo SHE A CETiEe ick Be | OR | CEenE |i o BAS RW cent NOUR oe cent AION MN OVO sees et eo 120 113 80 115 108 80 110 105 85 105 101 85 fl ES Ae ee 125 116 75 120 111 75 115 108 80 110 104 80 Pak Ys Set aS i Pee Se 130 119 70 125 114 70 120 111 75 115 107 75 FOG a So tek tal Bn US ea pe a 135 121 65 130 116 65 125 112 65 120 109 70 AU) EMMY E Ro AER Web) 140 120 55 135 116 55 130 112 55 125 110 60 il eee Ota Se ys ea 145 119 45 140 115 45 135 110 45 130 109 50 ORO smMaAlek es eee ee 150 | 112 30 | 145 | 108 30 | 140; 108 35 | 135 | 107 40 Study of these schedules draws attention to the fact that, for a given equilibrium moisture content, in the mild schedules the tem- peratures are lower and the humidities are higher than in the severe schedules. The moisture gradients, as a result, will be less steep with the milder schedules. Further, high final humidities preclude the possibility of drying to a low final moisture content. For example, the final conditions in Schedule 8, namely, 135° F. and 40 per cent humidity, correspond to an equilibrium moisture content of about 6 per cent, and it would be impossible, under these conditions, to secure a final moisture content lower than this no matter how long the dry- ing was continued. Moreover, getting a moisture content less than 8 per cent would take too long. When low final moisture-content values are desired with the mild schedules, therefore, it will be necessary to use final humidities lower than those shown. —_ See ay a ———— ONS $2]400 = ee fF K ; KILN DRYING HANDBOOK V1 period. Since the temperature and the humidity in a progressive kiln vary from end to end, the circulation of air must be chiefly longitudinal; the circulation in a compartment kiln may be in almost any desired direction but is usually some kind of cross circulation. The field of the progressive kiln is limited, whereas the compart- ment kiln can be used for almost any kind of drying. The pro- gressive kiln must be supplied continuously with lumber of the same kind and thickness if it is to function properly, and it, there- fore, is not satisfactory except where a constant supply of such stock is available; further, because of the lack of flexibility of con- trol of temperature and humidity it is not adapted to drying re- quiring great accuracy of control. High-humidity schedules, oscil- Jating schedules, and constant-temperature-and-humidity schedules can not be followed satisfactorily in progressive kilns, nor can steam- ing treatments be given effectively. The economy in steam consumption of progressive kilns is often very high in comparison with that of compartment kilns doing simi- lar drying. PROGRESSIVE KILNS Progressive kilns may be of several different types, roughly classed as natural circulation and as forced circulation. Most natural-circu- lation kilns rely almost entirely upon differences in temperature to - produce the circulation, whereas forced-circulation kilns rely largely upon centrifugal blowers, disk fans, or steam-jet blowers for that purpose. The progressive kilns now in service are mostly of the natural-circulation type. In all progressive kilns the major portion of the circulation is longitudinal; the air flows through the lumber from the warm, dry end to the cool, moist end. It may be discharged into the at- mosphere from the cool end, or it may be returned to the dry end through suitable ducts or passages. As the air progresses through the kiln from the dry end to the green end it becomes cooler and more moist, the cooling itself in- creasing the relative humidity and the moisture evaporated from the wood adding a share. Thus the severity of its drying action is automatically reduced as the air reaches the greener lumber. The extent of this reduction depends upon the individual kiln design, upon outside atmospheric conditions, and upon the kind, the thick- ness, and the initial moisture content of the stock being dried. Other conditions remaining constant, the longer the kiln the cooler and the more moist will be the air at the green end. Similarly very wet, easily dried stock or a reduction of heating surface at the green end will certainly cool and moisten the air more than the usual con- ditions, and a reduction in the rate of circulation may do so. To adjust conditions so that the temperature and the humidity will be in accordance with the drying schedule throughout the length of the kiln is usually very difficult, since ordinarily only a single point of control is possible for each of these two factors. The controls for temperature and humidity may be located at the same end of the kiln or at opposite ends, as seems best in individual circumstances. Occasionally steam jets are fitted along the length of the kiln to increase further the growing humidity as the air moves toward the 72 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE green end, and in some kilns vents are provided along the length so that some of the.air can be exhausted before it reaches the green end. There is seldom any provision, however, for regulating the temperature along the length of the kiln. NATURAL-CIRCULATION PROGRESSIVE KILNS The circulation in natural-circulation progressive kilns is very com- plex. In the commonest kind of such kilns it is made up of (1) longitudinal outside circulation (see “Air circulation in the kiln,” p. 26) from the intakes at the dry end to the exhaust flues at the green end, (2) longitudinal recirculation from the dry end to the green end above the heating coils and in the reverse direction below them, and (8) cross recirculation, mostly vertical, through and around each pile. The longitudinal circulation takes place largely in the passages between the inner face of the kiln and the piles instead of through the piles, so that much of the actual drying is done by the widespread vertical recirculation. The longitudinal circulation serves chiefly to maintain the temperature and the humidity gradients and to remove much of the moisture from the kiln. The various kiln manufacturers employ a number of different arrangements of intake ducts and exhaust flues. In the most common one, intakes are provided at the dry end and outlets at the green end. In another, no intake openings are provided, and exhaust flues are located in one or more rows the entire length of the kiln. Although a chamber for preliminary steaming can be formed in many natural-circulation progressive kilns by dropping a curtain between two trucks near the green end, steaming in such a curtained- off space is apt to upset the conditions in the kiln, increasing the humidity throughout. Furthermore, trouble may result if stock warmed in this manner is not carefully cooled in saturated air to the drying temperature before the curtain is rolled up and drying is begun. FORCED-CIRCULATION PROGRESSIVE KILNS Where the longitudinal circulation in a progressive kiln is stimu- lated by steam-jet blowers, they are usually placed near the dry end of the kiln, pointing toward the opposite end, and may be so ar- ranged that they can draw fresh air from the outside as well as recirculate the air within the kiln. Many arrangements of disk and centrifugal fans are possible, and various ones have been tried out trom time to time. At present the most favored arrangement seems to be a pair of large disk fans in the end wall of the kiin, at the green end. The air drawn through the kiln by the fans may be discharged to the atmosphere or returned to the dry end through suitable ducts, depending upon the design of the kiln. It should be pointed out here that the gradients of temperature and humidity along the length of the kiln depend, among other things, upon the rate of circulation, and a marked increase in that rate will reduce these gradients very materially. NATURAL-CIRCULATION COMPARTMENT KILNS Although natural-circulation compartment kilns differ consider- ably in detail design, most of them are arranged for cross circulation ; KILN DRYING HANDBOCK Va the fresh air is usually brought in at the bottom and distributed throughout the length of the kiln by means of ducts under the charge of lumber. Vertical ventilating flues, with the outlets to them leaving the kiln at various heights and in various ways, are commonly provided at intervals along both sides of the kiln. All rewee, RTE EIT RISISE SoA Desa SDA Soo EO Ice ales! FLAP? My td i _ cl ig na S S NI NM K NG iN ee N a IN Res 0 Slee we S & S ee ee es SES RTS Ee A | a x y S SS >» se T N Se oot a » < $e Mn | NT AG NS Pea noes paca eel NOES OT ESSASSEA e Ny 0 ee re CG OS : AN 5 : : N 0000000000000000000000000 On S ~ HEATING COILS | N nN ©0000000000000000000000000 Re 5 a vA INLET DUCT, ~~ e 9 oY ; a ¢ y =o ee ee ee e t LALFLE ol 7 BAFFLE fee “eae = } Ae eae be ae ae ea NSS EET ak ae as =e. 2 RETR Hie Spot Demet aN ~ OY WT ITLAM JET IN} (alas Dias US }- TONO Nese det ae ‘ {a “2 - Hicurr 10.—Cross section of a natural-circulation compartment kiln. 'The arrows indicate the direction of the main circulation, which is crosswise. Air, heated by the coils, passes up through the central chimney and sidewise through the end-piled stock, accu- mulating moisture in its movement through the lumber pile. Most of the moisture-laden air drops down between the walls and the baffles, returning then to the heating coils, but some of it is discharged through the outiet flues. FHresh, comparatively dry air, drawn through the inlet duct, replaces the moist air discharged. Continuous recircula- win ad outside circulation of this nature are essential to gatisfactory operation of the kiln parts of the flue arrangement, however, depend upon the diverse ideas of the individual manufacturers; commercial practice includes, for instance, the entire possible range of locations for the outlets, at a 74 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE least one manufacturer drawing the exhaust air from below the lumber, practically at the kiln floor, and another placing every one of the air vents in the roof and the flue for each directly above it. Almost as wide a range is found in the location of the inlets to the kiln; although the air is usually brought into the kiln in ducts running along the floor, several kiln designers carry it up in risers at various points along the length of the kiln and deliver it at convenient heights above the rail level. While it is customary to provide considerable outlet flue area, there is a wide difference in the amount of inlet area. One maker furnishes none at all, another allows about a square foot for.a kiln 70 feet long, and a third insists upon at least 4 or 5 square feet for a similar kiln only 40 feet long. The natural-circulation compartment kiln must depend very largely upon recirculation to effect the drying, and in well-designed kilns of this type the recirculation is much greater than the outside circulation through inlets and chimneys. Figure 10 shows the gen- eral construction of such a kiln; the figure, which is a composite, represents no particular make. The principles of the action of this kiln can best be understood by following the arrows in Figure 10 that indicate the air flow. As already explained under “Air circulation in the kiln,” circulation is produced by differences in the temperature of the air in the kiln. Fresh, cool air enters the kiln through openings in the inlet duct, passing over the heating coils and into the space left for the purpose in the center of the lumber pile, and thence outward and downward. Some is exhausted through the outlets, but most of it returns past the steam-spray line and the baffles to the heating coils and then starts around again. The downward-pointing steam sprays, which are used both for steaming treatments and for humidity control, are placed so as to assist the recirculation as much as possible. In addi- tion, the baffles tend to prevent the air from rising in any passages, except the one, often called a chimney, within the charge, thus assist- ing materially in producing and in maintaining the desired air flow. They also keep the steam from spraying against the lumber or the heating pipes. The floor boards under the lumber pile protect the lower layers from direct radiation, besides preventing the short-cir- cuiting of the legitimate air paths by the passages through these layers. CONDENSER COMPARTMENT KILNS Condenser kilns as now built are usually of the recirculating type without air inlets or outlets. A single row of condenser coils is placed high on one side of the kiln, or one row on each side. Cold water is supplied to the coils, and the moisture condensed on them from the kiln atmosphere is drained from the kiln through suitable troughs. WATER-SPRAY COMPARTMENT KILNS Waiter sprays in compartment kilns, located about the same as the steam-spray lines in Figure 10, serve the dual purpose of stimulating circulation and of controlling humidity. The control of humidity is accomplished by regulating the temperature of the spray water. KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 75 The air, in its passage through the sprays, is cooled to a predeter- mined temperature (the dew point corresponding to the desired tem- perature and humidity), emerging from its conditioning bath in a state of saturation. Then after being reheated to the kiln tempera- ture the air again passes through the lumber, following the general path indicated in Figure 10. EXTERNAL-BLOWER COMPARTMENT KILNS External-blower kilns for drying lumber, almost without excep- tion, are of the recirculating compartment type. Figure 11, a dia- erammatical cross section of such a kiln, illustrates the path of the air through the system. The blower, which is usually placed in an operating room adjoining one end of the kiln, exhausts and returns the air through a duct system running the full length of the kiln. The heating units may be boxed in at the blower, or they may be arranged in almost any desired manner in the kiln proper. The humidity may be increased by means of steam-spray lines located along the sides of the kiln, much as in Figure 10, or by means of a steam jet in one of the ducts; it may be reduced by opening a fresh- air intake located about as shown in Figure 11. Under most condi- tions no air outlets are needed, since leakage, aided by the air pres- suré within the kiln, will normally take care of an amount of air equal to that drawn in through the fresh-air intake. For species of wood that give up their moisture very readily, however, it is sometimes necessary to provide air-outlet flues in order to make pos- sible keeping the humidity down to the desired point. INTERNAL-FAN COMPARTMENT KILNS Internal-fan kilns as built in this country are almost exclusively of the recirculating compartment type with cross circulation. Never- theiess a number of such kilns, designed for particular purposes, have special fans or special blowers for producing a definite longitudinal circulation in addition to the cross circulation. One European manu- facturer has developed a line of internal-fan kilns that includes a progressive type. Figure 12 is a diagrammatic sketch of a cross section of an internal- fan kiln. The disk fans outlined are mounted at intervals of perhaps 6 to 8 feet upon a line shaft which, extending the full length of the kiln and projecting into the operating room, is driven by motor or engine in this outside room. Each fan has a separate housing, de- signed to permit flow of air to the fan from the sides and discharge of the air upward from the fan into the central chimney. Reversal of the direction of rotation of the shaft causes reversal in the direc- tion of air flow, the central duct then becoming the intake for the fans and the lateral ducts carrying their discharge. Occasional reversal of the circulation helps to smooth out differences in the drying rate, especially differences between the entering-air and the leaving-air portions of the pile. The heating coils and the distribu- tors in turn, as the air flow is reversed, break up the blast from each fan, spreading out the air column so as to give a reasonably uniform circulation throughout the lumber piles; to a certain extent the layers 76 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE of lumber themselves equalize the various rates of fiow in the air as it reaches them. Two sets of steam spray lines may be provided, as shown, one set for use with outward circulation and the other for PX es EAA ey | ESE Eee Ee eis) 5égea| ES |S | | a | SO: | aa | SS | PG eas 7 ae ed a. i. 1. 1. 1 2 a a ee ee RM eq 1 0. 1.1 VO |S | a | es | ES | DE aS: =) SD PE KRAROA SED | S| | a | ae | | SUS | Re ee | PS | a | Ee Tisai | Si | os | Eas | | ES) | PS | SS | a | ee ed | es EE) | | Ee | | | | a (ics | | Ha | Te | Fee Sa | SS | a | | es |__| i i ibe DSS | | Ee | ee eSB: CS | EE | a | BR | Pad a | RE Pe | ee | ES | a | ed | | a Se | (| | Pe 1 |) | a a es) aes ea a BST ES GT SSS | | es 25523] REA | | a | | SS WS ak [ese ——————— CoO nL re Xx] ROX RAT ALU SIL ee BORSA OARS PREI ESS PRE REPO APES ERA a eS Yee6 | | | ES INLET DUCT | a Sal eae RETURN DUCT — x, ~- _ FETURN DUCT FALE SH All? INTAKE FIGURE 11.—Cross section of a typical] external-blower compartment kiln. The blower, drawing air over the heating coils, forces a current of air upward through the inlet duct and the chimney, through the kiln charge, as indicated by the arrows, downward into the return ducts, and then to the heating coils. Supplying some air from the intake reduces the humidity in the kiln, since the fresh air replaces moisture-laden air that ordinarily escapes through leakage; exhaust flues, however, are necessary with rapid drying rates Z inward. Since the circulation-producing effect of the steam jets is not needed, however, a simpler arrangement with a single steam line running along the bottom of the kiln near the center and a single jet located at each fan has been developed. KILN DRYING HANDBOOK rire While it is obvious that many arrangements of fans and of heat- ing systems are possible, American manufacturers employ only the one illustrated, namely, a single central fan shaft and heating coils on each side, all located below the lumber. A German type recently introduced in the United States has a similar arrangement of fan shaft and of coils, but all this equipment is placed above the lumber. A a CANVAS CURTAIN eee aaa SS aE LESS Y ESBS (eNO eee ee SL Set Eg ER a es SS [een fra | [ee | SS) [| Es | Se see | || Je EE REAP TES BSS PS PSA ail ESRD FS Ea LS HE ME] (ERR REE eee a ee eo SIBCLGI SBS Re STEA/IY SPRAY LINE STEAM SPRAY LINE 0000 0000 ©) ©.) ©) ©) OQ OO 9000 0000 0000 fe) lore) ce) HEATING CO/LS DISC FANS S7TEAII SPRAY LINE Figur® 12.—Cross section of a typical internal-fan kiln. The chief part of the circula- tion is crosswise, in the direction of the arrows. A series of disk fans, mounted with a spacing of 6 to 8 feet on a shaft that extends the full-length of the kiln, draws air over the heating coils and forces it upward through distributors that also exend the length of the kiln. The direction of air circulation may be reversed by reversing the direction of retation of the fans. in several commercial designs the distributors are dispensed with, the lumber itself and the heating pipes being relied upon to distribute the air SUPERHEATED-STEAM COMPARTMENT KILNS _The superheated-team kiln is comparatively simple. The essen- tials of its construction and operation are merely these: Provision must be made for high-pressure steam for the heating coils and the 78 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE jets, the circulation should be reversed periodically, and the design must secure short travel of the steam through the lumber. } : Two types of superheated-steam kilns were developed and marketed several years ago. In one the heating coils and the steam- jet lines are under the lumber piles. In the other the heating coils are on the side walls and the steam-jet lines, four in all, are located above and below the coils, PILING LUMBER FOR KILN DRYING Lumber to be kiln dried is usually piled in layers with several narow strips, called either stickers or crossers, between adjacent layers—the layers are also called courses. Sometimes short stock, like spoke billets, handles, and shoe-last blocks, is simply dumped into the kiln without any attempt at orderly arrangement. ‘This method, however, is likely to cause irregular drying unless small amounts only are dried at a time. The piling and the stickering of the lumber should provide suitable air passages around the surfaces of each piece in the charge, and should furnish sufficient support to the lumber, with whatever restraint is necessary, to make it dry as straight as possible. For drying in a progressive kiln, the lumber is always loaded on trucks, or bunks, and is run through the kiln on rails; the track is usually pitched downward, so that gravity will assist in moving the loads toward the dry end. Similarly, large compartment kilns are usually provided with rails, to permit running the lumber in on trucks, but many small kilns have no such provisions, and in them the lumber is piled on horses or equivalent supports. The two general ways of piling lumber are called, respectively, horizontal or fiat piling and vertical or edge piling. Each of these may be divided into cross and end piling. (Pl. 15, A and B.) In cross piling, the boards run across the kiln, and in end piling they run along it. | FLAT PILING The manner of piling must. be adapted to the characteristics of the kiln. The design of the forced-circulation type more or less hmits the form of piling suitable for it. In natural-circulation compart- ment kilns having heating coils running lengthwise of the kiln, the lateral circulation that occurs is generally in the plane of the cross- section; end piling is best fitted for this condition, since with that method the air moves parallel to the stickers. If cross piling is used with cross circulation the stickers, which are then at right angles to. the movement of the air, practically block the circulation and hence extra-wide spacing between adjacent boards or pieces in each layer must be maintained if satisfactory results are to be secured. in those compartment kilns, however, in which an individual heating coil crosswise of the kiln is provided for each pile, cross piling is required. CIRCULATION The circulation in natural-circulation progressive kilns is complex, so that obtaining a general longitudinal movement of air through the lumber piles is difficult if not impossible. A large but variable part KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 79 of the air movement that does exist, longitudinal included, is local in character and to a great extent is independent of the direction of piling. Hence considered from the circulation standpoint there is little to choose between end piling and cross piling; both systems are employed with success. In comparatively long kilns for drying green softwoods, however, end piling seems to permit the securing of a somewhat better local circulation, especially if the heating system and other detail parts of the kiln are arranged with this purpose in view. Cross-piled progressive kilns are designed to take a definite maximum length of stock, making it especially desirable to have all the piles in such kilns take up fully the space intended for them, in order to allow as little opportunity as possible for the development of air currents that counteract the regular air movement. SPACING OF BOARDS As already suggested, the spacing of the boards or pieces in the individual layers of the piles has an important bearing upon circula- tion, especially in natural-circulation kilns; manufacturers of this type frequently recommend a wide spacing. The amount of space to leave in any particular case, depending as it does upon the circula- tion, is a matter of judgment. Ordinarily 2 to 3 inches of open space to each 12 inches of stock width is sufficient for slow-drying species, but for fast-drying stock 4 to 6 inches is desirable. One space of 2 inches is better than two spaces of 1 inch, but the distance between spaces should not be over 14 inches. In piling narrow stock it is desirable to group the boards in widths of 10 to 12 inches with 92-inch spaces (or more) between the groups. Im so far as possible, spaces in successive layers should be in vertical alignment. To obtain best results, material dried at the same time should be of the same species and the same thickness and with its moisture content as nearly uniform as circumstances permit. Stock in the same layer should be of one thickness, since otherwise warping will develop in thin boards. STICKERS Stickers should be made from clear, straight-grained stock, entirely free from both stain and decay, and should be dressed to a uniform thickness. Seven-eighths-inch stickers are common for most classes of stock, except in edge stacking, in which the requirements of the stacking machine may determine both their width and their thick- ness. If stickers are made about one and one-half times as wide as they are thick, they will lie flat instead of tending to roll when the boards are laid on them. SPACING OF STICKERS The spacing between tiers of stickers should be reasonably close. With green hardwoods it should normally vary from 2 to 4 feet. Softwood practice, which depends somewhat on species and grade, is variable; as a rule the spacing is from 4 to 6 feet, but it has been demonstrated, for southern pine, that a spacing as close as 2 feet re- sults in sufficient saving from lessened warping and consequent kiln and planer degrade to be economically sound practice. Box piling, 80 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE which will be described later, ordinarily requires a 2-foot spacing for satisfactory results. If the boards show a tendency to warp, with the spacing employed, the stickers should be placed more closely. STICKER SUPPORTS The supports necessary for the tiers of stickers should be firm and even, and when possible one should be directly under each tier. In- dividual conditions, such for instance as the number of tracks in the kiln, the kind of piling required for the loads, and sometimes the in- genuity of the operator, determine the location of sticker supports. Other individual conditions largely select the material for them; metal often is cheaper than wood, especially in high-temperature kilns, in which wooden sticker supports may have a life of only a few trips through the kiln. Naturally breakage of sticker supports us- ually occurs in the kiln; it then causes delay and expense in removing the kiln car affected, as well as damage to the stock and some- times also to the track supports and the heating coils. ALIGNMENT OF STICKERS Perfect alignment above their supports of. those of the stickers that actually carry the weight of the lumber is essentiai, since the eccentric loading caused by poor sticker alignment tends to deform the lumber. When the number of sticker tiers exceeds the number of solid supports that can be provided conveniently, two tiers can be started upward from a single support by slanting the pair apart until the desired space between them is secured, and thereafter con- tinuing them vertically—a third tier of course is run straight up as usual, directly over the support. Further, when offset tiers are started thus, especially in the case of a single end tfer, enough extra stickers should be placed suitably in the lower part of the pile to ex- tend the vertical section of the sticker line clear down to the lowest layer; these additional stickers are intended to act as separators te prevent warping. If only a single tier is inserted between adjacent supports in the manner outlined, an arching line of stickers should be carried over to it from each support. Figure 13 illustrates good practice in stickering a flat-piled kiln charge having insufficient points of support. 3 BOX PILING Great care must always be exercised in the actual piling which, on account of the importance of proper stickering, may be said to in- clude the lumber as well as the stickers. Having in each pile boards of only one length is the ideal condition, but where this is impossible the stock should be box piled. Im such piling the outer tiers are carried up with full-length boards and the short boards in each layer are brought flush alternately at opposite ends of the pile, al- though bringing all of them flush at the same end is possible. The alternate method diffuses the chimney effect incident to tiers of short length, both by making the vertical end spaces smaller and by sepa- rating them, and thus prevents upsetting the circulation; it avoids the concentration of lumber at one end of the pile, with the unequal and irregular drying that results, and it also obviates the tendency Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 15 | METHODS OF FLAT PILING KILN TRUCKS A.—Cross piling.—The careful alignment of boards and of stickers and the adequate number of tiers of stickers in this illustration are admirable. Box piling, with the short lengths inside the outer tiers of full-length boards and staggered from end to end of the pile, however, is preferable tothe arrangement shown. Stringers stiff enough to support properly the outside stickers, or the arch stickering of Figure 13, give less degrade than deformed stringers, and the avoidance of overhanging ends of boards also reduce warping. B.—End piling.—Each tier of stickers is supported by a tie directly under it, all of the boards in each course-are of the same thickness, the narrow boards are grouped in pairs, and the sides and ends of the pile are uniform and vertical, all of which is highly desirable. On the other hand, placing the outer stickers at the extreme ends of the boards would reduce both warping and end checking, and uniformity of the vertical air channels through the pile would give faster and more even drying. PLATE 16 Dept. Bull. 1136, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture SSA RE Sh gee Fen a Sao SIRE: At Cs ee VERTICAL CROSS PILING Crosswise edge stacking for the dry kiln; a truck load of lumber with shrinkage take-up devices i ie +i i fe \ KILN. DRYING HANDBOOK 81 of stickers to sag when they are unsupported for a considerable dis- tance. Both the lumber and the stickers should be arranged so that no board rests on unsupported stickers and no ends are unsupported. Less end checking develops when the stickers are at the extreme ends of the boards than when they are even a few inches back. Minor modifications of the method of piling here described also receive the name “ box piling.” EDGE PILING Under certain conditions vertical or edge piling is cheaper than flat piling. (Pl. 16.) Several automatic stacking and unstacking machines have been developed for this work. While they differ in operation, the resulting stacks are very much alike, except in the width and the thickness of the stickers. The layers of boards and Ficurs 13.—A very effective way of arranging the stickers when the number of rows desirable exceeds the number of supports available. ‘The use of a large number of rows of stickers is recommended wherever there is appreciable degrade from warp- ing or from planer splitting; to secure the greatest benefit from their use it is essential both that the individual rows be given as much support as possible and that the entire load be piled as nearly straight and flat as possible the stickers are vertical and, in contrast with flat piling, the boards in each layer join closely, without intervening spaces. As the lum- ber shrinks in drying there is a tendency for the stacks to become loose and to lean. To avoid this trouble several take-ups have been devised; they are intended to squeeze the load together sidewise as the boards shrink and thus keep it always tight. A serious ob- jection to most take-ups is that they increase the ‘weight of the bunk considerably; this is important where the bunks have to be moved by hand. CIRCULATION The principal direction of the circulation through the lumber, with edge stacking, must be either upward or downward. Most 32006°—29——-6 89 BULLETIN 1136, U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE blower kilns are designed for downward circulation through the lumber, while in internal-fan kilns the movement of the air may be either upward or downward as the operator chooses. The arrange- ment of heating coils and of other elements in most natural-circula- tion kilns tends to produce upward circulation, whereas the evap- oration of moisture does the opposite. The preponderance of one over the other determines in large measure the direction that the air actually takes at any given time; when drying green stock it is usually downward during the beginning of the run and upward to- ward the end, and it generally is upward throughout the final drying of previously air-dried stock. In forced-circulation kilns the eifect of evaporation on circulation is largely overshadowed by the efiect of the mechanical apparatus. Considered from the standpoint of circulation the direction of piling of edge stacked stock makes little difference; the circulation must be vertical with either cross piling or end piling. The present tendency is to use end piling and single-track forced-circulation compartment kilns. STICKERING With edge stacking as usually practiced only three stickers are used for each layer, and the boards do not receive support enough to prevent warping. Comparable tests made on southern pine lum- ber showed that flat piling with seven rows of stickers gave sub- stantially less degrade from planer splitting than did edge stacking with only three rows of stickers. Bee Edge stacking, with the special equipment that makes it profit- able, is limited to large softwood operations, principally in the Pacific Northwest and other western lumbering regions. ‘There are, however, a number of installations in the South. PILING PRACTICE Both cross piling and end piling are used in natural-circulation progressive kilns. Edge stacking also is employed to a slight extent. Although there seems to be no definite correlation between the method of piling the lumber and the ventilation openings, regard- less of how the piles are arranged care must be taken to provide ample space for recirculation through them if good drying 1s to result. One type of progressive kiln with steam-jet blowers 1s arranged to force the air through internal ducts from the green end of the kiln back to the dry end. This system can be used with either cross piling or end piling. ; End piling is the logical arrangement of lumber in a cross-circu- lation kiln, but many such kilns, particularly the older ones, are equipped for cross piling. On the other hand, several new types of cross-piled natural-circulation kilns have recently been developed. In them each pile of lumber is arranged, together with the heating coils, the steam spray lines, and the flues, to secure active recircu- lation of air through the piles; each of these piles has a set of heating coils of its own, also placed crosswise of the kiln. Such recir- culation is similar in its general features to that through the pile in Figure 10, though of course its direction is lengthwise of the kiln instead of crosswise. KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 83 DETAILS OF KILN OPERATION The successful operation of dry kilns requires constant and careful attention. ‘The results secured depend to a large degree upon the operator, and he should be impressed with his obligation to make every effort to turn out perfect stock. The first duty of a new operator is to familiarize himself with the kilns under his super- vision. Before making the initial run in a kiln, he should inspect it thoroughly to assure himself that the structural work, including the rails, is mechanically safe, that the heating coils, traps, and simi- jar parts are in proper working order, and that the instruments have been calibrated and, after being properly placed in the kiln, have been checked by additional brief comparison with a standard instrument. Efficient care of instruments requires the recording in a log book of all full calibration readings, together with check read- ings, and brief memorandums of all work done on the instruments. PERIODIC INSPECTION OF KILN The kiln building should be kept structurally sound; each part, of course, must be sufficiently strong and rigid for its duty, but in addition the building should be tight, as tight as a good residence. Maintaining the doors in good repair will retain the large amount of heat allowed to escape by poorly fitting ones, usually with a resulting - upset of the drying conditions. It is extremely difficult to maintain high humidities in a leaky kiln. Rails and rail supports, together with their fastenings, should be inspected periodically. Proper repair of the pipes is highly important. Besides the usuai looking after leaks and other ordinary matters obviously necessary, their pitch to the drain end should be maintained both to allow free flow of the condensate to the traps and drainage of air from the system. The coils should be inspected occasionally to make sure that all of them are working, and the traps should be examined every day. Suitable runways should be provided to enable men entering the kiln to do so with safety and without walking on the pipes. These runways, preferably gratings, must be so arranged that they will not interfere with the air circulation; in general, solid planking should not be used for this purpose. The interior surfaces of the building and also the iron work and the pipes should be protected with a good kiln paint; the pipes, however, can be painted with a mixture of cylinder oil and graphite if this type of protective coating is preferred for them. ‘The latter coating can best be apphed when the pipes are hot. CALIBRATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF INSTRUMENTS Success in all except the simplest kind of kiln drying and the most easily dried stock depends upon the accuracy of the instruments and of the apparatus used in the regulation of the kiln and in the deter- mination of the moisture content, as well as upon the condition of the kiln, upon the schedule, and upon the operator. It is therefore essen- tial that all of the control equipment be maintained precisely in its correct operating condition. Most important is the calibration and adjustment of temperature indicating, recording, and regulating in- struments, since through them both temperature and humidity are determined and also controlled. 84 BULLETIN 1136, U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THERMOMETERS STANDARD THERMOMETERS The easiest and most satisfactory way to calibrate indicating and recording thermometers is to compare them at different temperatures within their ranges with a standardized thermometer, the accuracy oi which has been determined by its manufacturer. Hence each operator should have at least one standard indicating thermometer, made by a reliable concern—even good glass shrinks slightly with age, so that thermometers manufactured too hurriedly become inac- curate in time. The type recommended is a 12-inch mercury-filed glass chemical thermometer, with graduations in degrees Fahrenheit etched on the stem, and correct for ordinary purposes over a range of 30° to 220° F. Such a thermometer can be purchased at a list price of about $3, and a brass protecting sleeve, desirable for kiln service, can be had for about $1.50 net. CALIBRATION OF INDICATING THERMOMETERS The first step in the usual laboratory method of calibration by comparison with a standard thermometer is the immersion of the standard and the thermometers to be calibrated in a vessel of water, which is constantly stirred to keep the temperature uniform through- out. ‘The water, which should be cold at the start, is gradually heated, and the thermometers are read at intervals of a few degrees throughout their working range. The differénce between the read- ings of the standard and of another thermometer at any temperature is the error of the other one at that temperature; a correction of this amount must be applied to the faulty reading to give the actual temperature. Jf the standard reads the higher, call the correction plus (+) and add it to the future readings of the other thermometer ; if not, subtract it from those readings. This method is apphcable to all portable thermometers used in kiln work, including wet-bulb, the wicks of which are removed during the process. Once every six months should be sufficient for the calibration of glass-stem ther- mometers. CALIBRATION OF RECORDING THERMOMETERS Recording thermometers require more attention than other types on account of the comparative ease with which they may become deranged; those used in dry kilns are almost invariably of the extension-tube type. They should be calibrated in water, as described for glass indicating thermometers, the bulb and about a foot of the tube being immersed. Sometimes this calibration can be accomplished by dismounting the bulb and tube alone, but it is often more convenient to dismount the entire instrument from its position in the kiln. Because of the size of each bulb and the construction of the instrument, recording thermometers respond less quickly to tem- perature changes than glass indicating thermometers. This natural lag requires that more time be given for the recording thermometer to adjust itself during calibration. 7 ae _ KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 85 ADJUSTMENT OF RECORDING THERMOMETERS Calibration shows how the error of an instrument, if any, varies throughout its operative range. Errors are usually of two types, constant and cumulative. Sometimes, however, derangement of the mechanism may cause erratic errors. Constant errors, in which the pen reading of a recording thermometer is off the same amount throughout the entire range, can be corrected by adjustment of the en arm itself. For making this adjustment there is usually pro- _ vided a small screw at or near the pen-arm pivot, the turning of which moves the pen over the scale. Cumulative errors, in which the error increases or decreases progressively as the temperature rises, can be corrected in some makes of instrument by changing the leverage of the pen arm or the effective length of the hollow spring. Such ad- justment is rather delicate and should not be attempted by unskilled hands. Most recorders operate over a comparatively small range and it usually is possible to adjust them at the kiln so that they will be sufficiently accurate within this range. The adjustments should be made during the calibration in water, and should be checked for accuracy before remounting the instrument. If it has been possible to do the calibrating with the case and the bulb at the relative elevation they assume in the kiln, probably no further adjustment will have to be made, Once a thorough check of the instrument has been made, the usual calibrations in place should suffice as long as it remains in proper operating condition. SERVICE CHECK OF CALIBRATION AND ADJUSTMENT After a thorough calibration in the manner described the instru- ment should be remounted in the kiln and then again checked up at several points in its range by comparison with a standard thermometer hung close beside its bulb. Such comparison can well be made during the next run, if care is taken to read the instruments only after the temperature ‘has been practically constant for 10 minutes, to allow the recorder bulb to overcome its natural lag. Simple further adjust- ment of the instrument, if it is necessary, may be made after securing check readings sufficient to show what is required. PECULIARITIES OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF RECORDERS Jt must be remembered. during the calibration of recording ther- mometers that the three types, vapor-filled, gas-filled, and mercury- filled, do not behave alike. The elevation of the bulb, with respect to the case, has an important effect upon the reading of both the vapor- filled and the mercur y-filled types; raising or low ering the bulb will move the pen arm up or down. Hence final calibration of recorders of either of these two types must be made with the bulb and the case of each instrument at the relative elevation they will have in service. With the gas-filled type, on the other hand, such manipulation has no effect upon the reading. Again, variations in either the tube or the case temperatures or both may affect the reading of gas-filled and of mercury-filled recorders, and important changes in these temperatures 86 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE must be guarded against during calibration and in so far as possible ae ing use, although this matter is not at all important with vapor- filled instruments. CALIBRATION OF WET-BULB INSTRUMENTS Wet-bulb recorders also should be calibrated regularly, preferably without the wick, as frequently as the dry-bulb recorder and in a sim- ilar manner; double-pen instruments should have-both bulbs cali- brated, dry, at the same time. An occasional check with a wet and dry bulb thermometer will show whether the wet bulb is really record- ing the wet-bulb temperature. When making such checks it must be - kept i in mind that a reasonable amount of circulation past the bulb is necessary to secure evaporation enough to bring the actual tem- perature of the bulb down to the value correct for the conditions existing. SERVICE CALIBRATIONS Recorders of all types should be calibrated in place at least once every two months, and oftener if they show a tendency to fluctuate abnormally. They should be handled carefully, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, special pains being taken in changing charts not to bend the pen arm, and when filling the pen not to spill ink down the arm. Instruments should be returned to the manufac- turer when other than the clock mechanism néeds repair. Competent jewelers can keep the clocks in order. INSTALLATION OF RECORDERS Although recording thermometers can be obtained in weatherproof cases which need no special protection from the elements, it will be found advantageous to mount them in the operating room in some place that is readily accessible and as free from temperature changes as possible. RECORDER CONTROLLERS The manufacturer’s instructions should be followed with especial care in the calibration and adjustment of recorder controllers. The calibration of the recording mechanism can be made in general in the manner outlined for recording thermometers. In some types, however, the thermostat mechanism interferes with the movement of the pen arm when the position of the setting arm or pointer fails to correspond to that of the pen arm. Hence it is desirable that the setting arm be moved in unison with the pen arm during calibration so that any possible interference effect may be avoided. The adjustment of the setting arm must be made with the instru- ment in place and air pressure on. It also is desirable to have the temperature of the bulb within the usual operating range of the instrument. Starting with the setting arm well below the tempera- ture of the bulb, move it, by means of the key or other mechanism provided for that purpose, until the diaphragm valve on the steam. line opens, and note the position of the arm. Then move it further, until the valve closes, again noting its position. The last movement KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 87 will be small—perhaps about 2° on the chart. Now place the set- ting arm halfway between these two positions and adjust the pointer (there is usually a simple screw adjustment on or near the arm) until it corresponds to the temperature indicated by the recorder pen. THERMOSTATS. Thermostats as a rule require no calibration other than the deter- mination that, with a wet-bulb instrument, the circulation past the bulb is sufficient to insure proper depression. Such determination can be made by means of a wet-bulb thermometer placed right at the regulator bulb. The test must be made under actual operating con- ditions, since the air circulation past the bulbs may be quite different under other conditions. The thermometer should be read as soon’ as it has reached a constant indication and should then be vigorously fanned. If this fanning produces an additional drop in the reading of the thermometer, the normal circulation is inadequate. It is necessary, however, to give the thermostat regulators occa- sional attention. With a self-contained instrument, which has a stuf- fing box on the valve stem, a small quantity of oil and graphite ap- plied occasionally to the stem at the box will help to reduce friction, thus making the instrument more accurate. The stuffing box should be* tightened only enough to prevent leakage. In the air-operated type the small valves in the regulator head must be kept free from the _ oil that is apt to be carried by the air. An occasional washing of the head, by disconnecting the air lines and pouring gasoline through it, will keep the parts clean, thus preventing sticking. DRYING OVENS The drying oven needs no particular attention, except to make sure that it is maintaining an average temperature of 212° F. and that its maximum variation, between limits, is not more than 5° F. Noticeably different values of oven temperature give appreciably different results in the moisture-content determinations. Steam ovens are easily regulated by means of a reducing valve in the steam main, and electric ovens by an adjustable thermostat operating on the heating circuit. SCALES AND BALANCES REQUIREMENTS Scales for weighing samples and sections should be sensitive to the smallest quantity that they are intended to weigh; if they are not, they should either be repaired locally, returned to the factory for adjustment or replaced. The absolute accuracy of the scales, how- ever, 1s not of paramount importance, as long as all the readings are in proportion. Thus, supposing for instance that a certain scale is constantly 5 per cent in error, the error will apply just as much to the original and the current weights as to the oven-dry weight, and the moisture percentages will work out just the same as they would if the scale were accurate, provided, of course, that all the weighings are made on the same one. This single example is sufficient to show that it is not absolutely necessary to have a set of standard weights for calibration. It is necessary, however, to be certain that the indi- 88 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE cated weights are always in proportion. If, for instance, one sample weighs twice as much as another, the scale must show that fact. Specifically, this means that all of the weights and the poise must be in proper proportion. Such a condition can be readily determined on platform scales by any scheme which allows the same piece or the same quantity of material to be weighed in turn with the different loose weights and with the poise. CHECKING THE PLATFORM SCALE Consider, for example, a 100-pound silk scale that has a single poise and a beam graduated to 2 pounds by hundredths of a pound, and loose counterpoise weights of 50, 20, 10, 10, 5, 3, and 2 pounds, respectively. This scale can be checked up as follows: Balance the beam accurately, set the poise at 2 pounds, and place just enough material on the platform to balance. Then return the poise to zero and put the 2-pound loose weight on the counterpoise. The beam should balance again. If it does not, the 2-pound loose weight and the poise are not of the proper relative weight. To ascertain the degree of error, balance the beam by changing the weight of the material on the platform. Then remove the 2-pound loose weight and balance the beam again by sliding the poise. The reading on ihe scale then indicates the weight of the 2-pound weight in com- parison with that of the poise; if the loose weight is heavy enough to make it necessary, set the poise at the 2-pound reading, remove material from the platform until the beam balances, and get the weight of the material removed. Having checked the 2-pound weight against the poise, check the 3-pound weight by putting enough additional material on the platform to balance at 3 pounds with the poise set at 1 pound and the 2-pound weight on the counter- oise. Remove the 2-pound weight, return the poise to zero, and place the 3-pound weight on the counterpoise. This scheme of com- parisons may be continued through the entire capacity range of the scale. It is most convenient, in securing the final balance of the beam at the different weights, to use a pan of shot, sand, or water for the material. CORRECTING ERRORS IN THE WEIGHTS After all the loose weights have been compared with the poise, consideration may be given to the correction of errors. If all the loose weights seem to be either too hght or too heavy, the poise itself probably is too heavy or too hight, and hence its weight should be corrected. ‘The usual method of lightening is by drilling or fil- ing; weight may be increased by adding metal, usually lead or solder. Care should be taken to see that any metal added will stay in place. If the errors in the loose weights are erratic, the assumption is that the individual weights are incorrect, and they should be changed accordingly. CHECKING THE BALANCE A balance in which loose weights are used can be checked, after the beam has been balanced with the pans empty. simply by inter- changing the contents of the two pans. If the pans were in balance SE Fe me oe KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 89 in the first place and remain so, the arms must be of equal length. If the arms are not of equal length, the balance can still be used, by always placing the weights on the same pan. The individual loose weights may be checked against one another by placing the same nominal weight on each pan. One common type ot equal-arm balance intended for use with loose weights has a scale beam and rider for the final balancing. When checking this type of balance for equality of beam length by interchanging the weights between the pans, the rider must be set at zero. For checking the rider itself, one of the small loose weights may be placed upon the left-hand pan, which is the one intended for the material to be weighed, and weighed by the rider. ADJUSTMENT AT NO LOAD Practically all scales and balances have a means for securing accu- rate balance at no load, in the beam type usually either loose shot in a chamber in the base of the counterpoise or a moveable threaded counterweight carried on a reverse extension of the beam. Making the adjustment to obtain such balance is the first step in checking. PRESSURE GAUGES Steam and air pressure gauges, if used simply to give a general idea of the amount of pressure available or to check the operation of a reducing valve, need not be very accurate. The operator, how- ever, should know how to calibrate them so that he may do so when necessary. ‘Two general methods of calibration are in common use; in one the gauge is compared directly with a standard test gauge and in the other the pressure to which the gauge is subjected is determined by means of standard weights on a piston of known diameter. In both cases the test pressure is produced by means of a small, oil-filled hand pump that is provided with connections for the gauges and the gauge tester. Testing equipment for light field work is carried by all boiler inspectors. If none is available, com- parisons can often be made with other gauges, such as those on the boilers, and a fair idea of the accuracy of the kiln gauges obtained in this manner. The gauge under test is subjected to pressures within its range, and its errors of indication are noted. Ordinary adjustment of minor errors can often be made by pulling the gauge hand from its spindle and putting it back again in the proper position. If the fault is of a nature such that resetting the hand fails to correct it, the gauge should be returned to the manufacturer for repair. LOCATION OF INSTRUMENT BULBS The drying schedules in this bulletin are based on the assumption that the temperature and the humidity in the kiln are both meas- ured and controlled at one of the points where the air enters the lum- ber pile. The drying conditions at such points are the most severe, since the air constantly becomes cooler and more moist as it travels through the lumber. | Only a thorough examination by means of the smoke test and of thermometers hung in different parts of the kiln will determine 90 BULLETIN 1136, U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE where the recorder and the regulator bulbs must be hung in order to secure exposure to conditions corresponding to those of the enter- ing air. After the placing of the instrument bulbs correction can be made in the setting or the reading of the instruments proper. In cross-piled kilns and in the single-track end-piled type without cen- tral chimneys in the lumber piles, bulbs are often hung on the wall, since removing and replacing them in such kilns each time the charge is shifted is considered not worth while. Further, the circulation in these kilns is frequently such that no definite entering-air point can be determined. In compartment kilns, such as the one in Figure 11, the bulbs can be placed in the central chimney formed by the lumber, which is the proper place for them. They should be at least 15 feet from the end of the kiln and should also be fully 6 feet above the heating coils unless they are shielded from direct radiation. In external-blower kilns the bulbs are sometimes placed within the entering-air duct, but it is considered better practice to place them within the entering-air chimney in the lumber pile, 4 or 5 feet above the duct. The air is more representative of entering air at this point than within the duct. If the heating units are in the form of pipe coils within the kiln, the bulbs must not be placed in the air duct. . In the internal-fan kiln the fans are usually operated so that the air circulation remains in its initial direction only during the first part of the drying; the bulbs should be located in what is entering air under these conditions. Most internal-fan kilns are of single- track design; in edge-stacked kilns of this design the proper place for the bulbs is in a side flue, and in flat-piled kilns it will usually be necessary or at least expedient to put them in this location also, even though the logical place in such kilns, in general, is in the central chimney within the lumber pile. In double-track flat-piled kilns of the internal-fan type the proper place for the bulbs is in the central chimney between the two rows of trucks. For all of the locations suggested, when the circulation is reversed, the bulbs will be in a cooler leaving-air current, and consequently the dry-bulb thermostat will probably have to be lowered a few degrees so that the entering-air conditions may remain constant. The wet-bulb thermostat will usually require no change, since the drop in wet- - bulb temperature during the passage of the air through the lumber is negligible. A special type of vapor-filled thermostat has been developed for temperature control in reversible-circulation kilns. The wet-bulb thermostat has the usual single bulb, which may be placed as already indicated. The dry-bulb thermostat, however, has two bulbs and two extension tubes, both connected to the same tube system. One dry bulb is placed near the wet bulb and the other in an opposing flue, that is, a flue that carries leaving air when the other carries entering air and conversely. The properties of a system of this kind are such that the instrument is automatically actuated by the bulb having the higher temperature, namely, the entering-air bulb. Thus as the air circulation is reversed, the control is automatically shifted from one dry bulb to the other. i il i KILN DRYING HANDBOOK Ot THE PLACING OF KILN SAMPLES A large number of samples, 10 or 12, should be used for each run until the behavior of the kiln is well determined. The position of these samples is of prime importance; faulty position will render them valueless, for their sole purpose is to represent truly the condi- tions in the kiln. They should be so placed in the piles of lumber that they will receive exactly the same drying treatment as the lumber itself, that is, they should be located on both entering-air and leaving-air sides of the piles, high, low, and halfway up, to permit determination of the various relative drying effects. In case of erratic circulation or of trouble from uneven drying, samples can also be placed in the middle of the piles; no intermediate weighing of these will be possible. With progressive kilns, or in fact with any type operating at high temperatures, the obtaining of intermediate weights on any of the samples is often a difficult matter. THE KILN RUN STEAMING If the stock is to be steamed, this operation may be started as soon as the kiln has been loaded, with the samples in place. A full supply of high-pressure steam should be available, so that the steaming temperature may be reached quickly. Care must be taken to prevent possible injury to the instruments as the kiln is heated; the steaming temperature will often be higher than that for which the regulators are set, and if these are of the liquid-filled type the excessive pressure developed may strain the bulbs or the diaphragms or cause the valves to stick on their seats. The obvious way to avoid such a situation is to set the regulators higher during steaming. When the steam sprays are automatically controlled this will be done in any event. DETERMINING THE CIRCULATION After the drying conditions have been established a study should be made of the circulation. This study can well be supplemented by the use of a number of wet and dry bulb hygrometers scattered through- out the kiln, preferably near the different samples. The readings of properly placed hygrometers will give a good idea of the relative drying conditions in the kiln. After tabulation of the readings, the corresponding relative humidity values should be determined. The variation in the relative humidity is a good indication of the varia- tion to be expected in the drying rate throughout the kiln. If wet and dry bulb hygrometers are used in progressive kilns to determine the degree of uniformity of drying, they should all be placed in a single pile at any one time, since variation from end to end of the kiln is to be expected. Studying the lengthwise variation, however, may be desirable; for this purpose a number of hygrometers should be distributed throughout the kiln length. OBTAINING HUMIDITY READINGS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES Entering a high-temperature kiln under its full operating tem- perature frequently is impossible. Hygrometers can often be let down through vents or other holes in the roof of such a kiln and 02 BULLETIN 1136, U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE withdrawn for reading; obviously they must be read immediately unless they are of the maximum-reading type. When it becomes necessary to enter a hot kiln an assistant should always be on hand for help in case of emergency. DRESSING TO WITESTAND KILN TEMPERATURES A certain degree of protection against heat at the operating tem- peratures of the kiln may be secured by the use of extra heavy clothing, preferably wool, of heavy, rivetless leather gloves, and of a mask or a hood. A gas mask with a special ice-filled container will cool air for breathing. To secure greatest results from heavy clothing it should be as vapor-tight as possible from the soles of the shoes to the top of the head. The wet-bulb temperature, rather than the dry-bulb value, is the prime determining factor in the matter of physical discomfort. An atmosphere with a wet-bulb temperature of 135° F. or higher can not, as a rule, be withstood unprotected long enough to make entry into the kiln practical. If a smoke machine is to be used at such a temperature, a 2-valve rubber syringe bulb should be fitted to its mouthplece. WEIGHING KILN SAMPLES The samples should be weighed frequently enough to determine accurately their changes in moisture content. The percentage of moisture should be calculated immediately after each weighing, and a chart, showing graphically the loss of moisture day by day, should be maintained. The daily temperatures and humidities may be plotted on this same chart, which can then be compared with the drying schedule for the detection and the correction of differences. Plotting the temperature and the humidity of the schedule on the same sheet will provide the most convenient means for comparison of the schedule and the actual run. (Fig. 14.) KILN RECORDS In addition to a kiln-performance chart, it is desirable to keep a permanent record of the other details of each run. Forms for this purpose are provided by some of the kiln manufacturers and can well be used wherever they are applicable. Many an operator, however, prefers to make up his own form. Excepting for the most simple class of routine drying, each run in any kind of a kiln should be identified fully, to permit quick and positive reférence to the kiln-performance record covering it. Then, if trouble subsequently develops with any lot of stock, examination of its history will usually show the cause. Naturally this cause may be some factor in its life before it reached the kiln rather than in its handling through the kiln, but only adequate records will disclose that fact. A run in a compartment kiln may be identified by number or by date; both means are preferable to either alone. The record of a progressive kiln of necessity is kept by days; each truck load of lumber going through such a kiln can be numbered—it is common practice to do so—and then in addition should be tied in with the kiln record by dates showing the time both of entering and of leaving. KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 93 Although records other than the kiln record will provide for some necessary information, the kiln form should be inclusive rather than exclusive, with extra blank spaces for occasional special data. Con- venience, as well as wisdom, almost demands that a copy of all other pertinent records be filed with the kiln record. An operator doing custom drying of course requires some infor- mation not needed by others, just as one handling stock from many Ee © oS eel 140 a je la tomers a he a peel | ee steer |} 2 AEE ae PAs A ee a Se toe ture Cornteyt-Per Cent Se Hurnlal Ty Dep Cent 10 le 14 6 Days ww kiln Figure 14.—The probable appearance of the plotted record of. a kiln run that followed general hardwood Schedule 5 accurately and took 30 days for completion. Records of any conditioning treatments that may have been give. are omitted for the sake of simplicity. The three moisture-content curves are intended to show the current moisture-content vaiues of three kiln samples. The temperature and humidity graphs are plotted directly from Table 2 on page 49 and diverse sources carefully records data that are of slight value to the man drying only the product of a single mill drawing its supply from the same stand. Hence individual conditions will modity somewhat the fellowing list of suggested headings for the kiln record form. Name of the company drying the stock. Name of the operator. Kiln number. . Run number. Date and hour of the beginning of the run. Date and hour of the completion of the run. DOR OOD EH 04 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 7. Number of hours in the kiln. . 8. Name of the manufacturer of the stock to be dried. 9. Date of the arrival of the stock at the yard. 10. Name and number of the railroad car that carried the steck to the yard. 11. Species of wood. 12. Locality in which the wood was grown. 13. Moisture content of the stock on its arrival at the yard. 14. Appearance of the stock as to seasoning defects. 15. Time of air seasoning when the stock enters the kiln. 16. All important dimensions of the stock, including the range in length. 17. Number of board feet on each truck. 18. Size of the stickers and species of wood used for fie 19. Number of tiers of stickers to the truck. 20. Use for which the stock is intended. 21. Final moisture content desired. 22. Original weight, final weight, and moisture content of each preliminary moisture section cut from a kiln sample. 23. Original weight, original moisture content, and calculated dry weight of each kiln sample. 24. Running record of the current weight and the calculated moisture con- tent of each kiln sample. 25. Original weight, final weight, and moisture content of each moisture sec- tion cut from a kiln sample at the end of the run. 26. Running record of the kiln temperature, together with the hour at which each reading was taken. (Two or more readings a day are desirable.) 27. Running record of the kiln humidity, corresponding exactly to the tem- perature record. 28. Identification number of each thermometer used in the run and the cor- rection to be applied to its readings. 29. Running record of the appearance of the stock, of stress determinations, and of high-humidity treatment. 30. Final moisture content of the stock. 31. Unusual conditions of any kind, general or specific. The charts from the recorders, with run number, dates, and cor- rections plainly indicated on each, should be filed with each run re- port, and final stress sections can frequently be kept to advantage, at least until the stock has been worked up. To make the marking of kiln samples simpler, each one may be given the run number and an additional individual serial number. Thus, if there are four samples in run 32, they may be numbered 32-1, 32-2, 32-3, and 3244, respectively. Moisture sections cut from the sample should bear the sample number and also an individual identifying number or letter. The two sections first cut from 32-1 may be marked 32-1A and 82-1B, and the final section 32-1C, ESSENTIAL APPARATUS In order to work effectively, every operator should have certain apparatus and a suitable workroom in which to keep and to use it. The following lst represents the minimum equipment compatible with efficient work: One standard-grade etched-stem glass chemical thermometer, 30° to 220° F., graduated in degrees. Six wet and dry bulb hygrometers, 60° to 220° F., graduated every second degree, with spare wicks. One balance or trip scale for weighing moisture sections; see page — for a discussion of the various balances available for this purpose. One platform scale or balance for kiln samples, capacity 100 pounds, sensi- tive to one one-hundredth pound, the beam graduated to one one-hundredth pound, or— eT KILN DRYING HANDBOOK 95 A. solution scale, capacity 20 kilograms, sensitive to 1 gram; two scale beams, one graduated to 100 grams in 1-gram units, the other graduated to 1,000 grams in 100-gram units; counterpoise and loose weights. One drying oven (electric or steam), inside dimensions at least 10 by 12 by 10 inches, to operate at 212° EF. Thermostatic control for the oven accurate to within 2° F. One 10-inch slide rule. One smoke machine with concentrated hydrochloric acid and strong ammonia water. Two flash lamps; spare batteries and lamp bulbs. If hot end-coatings are to be used, a kettle and a hot plate or a stove will be needed. A small motor-driven band saw for cutting samples and sections will in many eases prove an excellent investment. For high-temperature kilns two maxi- mum-reading wet and dry bulb thermometers, 60° to 220° F., graduated every second degree, will be found very useful. Miscellaneous tools, such as screw drivers, pipe wrenches, pliers, a saw, a hammer, and a rule. For identification purposes each instrument should be numbered before it is put into service. A metal tag attached to the casing or to the support is convenient for this purpose when numbers can not be stamped or etched directly on the instrument itself, AIR SEASONING Discussion of the air seasoning of wood falls outside of the prov- ince of this publication, except in so far as a knowledge of it is essential to the kiln operator. Much of the lumber dried in kilns, especially hardwood lumber, however, is first air-dried, either at the sawmill or at the manufacturing plant, and the quality of the finished product depends in no small measure upon the care taken in the pre- liminary air seasoning. Piling correctly for air seasoning must accomplish a number of things: It must provide proper air circulation, it must offer suitable protection from sun and rain, and it must keep the boards straight and flat while they are drying. If these things are accomplished, the best drying will result, and drying defects will be at a minimum. Among such defects may be mentioned stain and decay, end and sur- face checking, and warping. No one rule will apply to all weather conditions and to all classes of stock; often, however, no special precautions have to be taken to prevent too rapid drying, while on the other hand every effort should be made to secure ample air circulation through the pile. ns following general principles will apply to most seasoning yards: Foundations for lumber piles should be firm, and level in one di- rection and properly pitched in the other. Standing well above the ground, preferably high enough to give a 12 to 18 inch clearance above the ground at the lowest point, they should provide adequate support for each row of stickers and keep the lumber entirely free from decay. Free circulation of the air under the stringers and around all parts of the foundations must be secured. _ Pile widths should be kept small when possible. A 6-foot width is an excellent minimum for most hardwoods. Softwood piles can usually be wider—8 feet and upward. When softwoods are stickered with stock (self-stickered) instead of with special stickers the width 96 BULLETIN 1136, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE of the pile will of course equal the length of the stock. Low grades of softwoods, especially in narrow widths, are often self-stickered. Spaces between adjacent piles should be ample— feet if possible— and spaces between rows of piles should average 8 feet or more; main alleys should be about 16 feet wide. Stickers should be of clear, dry stock, entirely free from both stain and decay, not less than Wie -inch thick, and from 114 inches wide or more for hardwoods to 4 inches or less for softwoods. They must all be of the same thickness. The spacing between rows of stick- ers will vary from 2 feet minimum, for green hardwoods such as red eum, to 6 or 8 feet maximum, for softwoods. Under most condi- tions, 8 feet will be found too wide a spacing even for softwoods. Front and rear stickers should project an inch or so beyond the ends of the boards. The piles should pitch forward about 1 inch in 12 inches and should slope downward toward the rear the same degree. Roofs for lumber piles, which ordinarily are made of common grades of lumber, must provide protection from sun and rain; such roofs often are used repeatedly but in some instances are disposed of after they have been used a few times. They should be made of two overlapping layers of boards, should project at least a foot on all sides of the pile, and may if desired be given a greater slope than the pile itself. This may be done by elevating them above the top of the pile 4 inches at the rear and 8 inches at the front. In windy localities they may have to be anchored to the pile. Spaces between boards in the same layer should usually be from 2 to 4 inches. As far as possible, the corresponding spaces in suc- cessive layers should be in vertical alignment. In large piles a single central chimney or two or more side flues may be formed by the method of piling in order to hasten drying. The lower parts of piles usually dry more siowly than the upper parts, and it is often desirable to open up the lower portions to counteract this tendency. In general, overhanging ends of long boards should be avoided. To do this, when it is necessary to pile “boards of uneven length to- gether, they should be box piled, either exactly as described on page 80 for kiln work or possibly with some slight modification of that method. In any event, both ends of each board must be supported, and no board should be placed on a sticker that is not itself supported by_a beard underneath it. If drying is too rapid, as evidenced by excessive checking, the circulation should be cut down by using thinner stickers, wider. piles, or narrower spaces between boards; by spacing the pues closer to- gether; or by a combination of these means. If drying is too slow, as evidenced by staining, the opposite course should be pursued. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. AT 30 CENTS PER COPY V ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE May 10, 1929 Secretary of Agriculture...........-------- Artuur M. Hype. PESRISHILME BECTON YS soa Se Hoes ee ee R. W. DUNLAP. Director of Scientific Work....._.....------ A. F. Woops. eDvrector of tegquiatory Work. <2) 2 2 WALTER G. CAMPBBLL. Director of Extension Work... 22-52-2222 C. W. WARBURTON. Director of Personnel and Business Adminis- W. W. STOCKBERGER. tration. Picrector of Information. 22 oe M.S. E1s—ENHOWER. Bsc Loy eee ea re pose EW ee R. W. WILLIAMs. RECULLCT DUTCOM ere a ee 2 SOL ee Cuaries F. Marvin, Chief. Eeou Of Animal i ndusiry= 2282 JoHN R. Mouter, Chief. Bureau of Dairy Industry_—_ 2-25-22. | O. E. Resp, Chief. EOUCEORLAGNG LNGUSITY 225 5 8 WiuuiAM A. Tayuor, Chief. Pierce Services a R. Y. Stuart, Chief. Bureau of Chemistry and Sotls......-----_-- H. G. Knicut, Chief. Be UnCUN Of EROMOLOGY <2 ise C. L. Maruart, Chief. Bureau of Biological Survey. _. = 2 222 sk Pau. G. Repineton, Chief. urea OFF woe moads2 = oe Tuomas H. MacDona.p, Chief. Bureau of Agricultural Hconomics_....----- Nits A. Ousen, Chief. Bureduo; Home Heanomics. ©. = 8 Lovisp STANLEY, Chief. Plant Quarantine and Control Administration. C. L. Maruatt, Chief. Grain Futures Admimstration___.----.---- J. W. T. Duvet, Chief. Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration. Water G. CAMPBELL, Director of Regulatory Work, in Charge. Office of Experiment Stations._....--...--- BE. W. Auten, Chief. Office of Cooperative Extension Work___.--- C. B. Smita, Chief. PORTH oe en wi ee ee rere CLARIBEL R. Barnett, Librarian. This bulletin is a contribution from Beorent Service. 2.0 Vos ee ee ee R. Y. Stuart, Chief. Branch of. esearch “2222 5222 ees EArt H. Cuapp, Assistant Forester, in Charge. Forest Products Laboratory -------- CarLite P. Winstow, Director. Section of Timber Physics_...-- Rot¥F THELEN, in Charge.