.k r>%.... :S./;.^:ii*^^->" MONTANA STATE LIBRARY S 333.95 E29ktv< C.I Kootenai Falls wildllle inventory and im 3 0864 00047777 1 PLEASE RETURN 1/ KOOTENAI FALLS WILDLIFE INVENTORY -' AND IMPACT ANALYSIS — Final Report For the period January 1, 1978 - September 1, 1979 ITATt DOCUMENTS COLLECTION NOV 2 81984 MONTANA C7A^£ UoSARV 1515P. 6fhAVG. ^^^^>^\ MONTANA 50^20 Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Energy Division 32 South Ewing Helena, Montana 59601 October 1979 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST or FlfaURES iii LIST OF TABLES v INTRODUCTION 1 Background 1 The Kootenai Falls Project 1 Overall Study Scope and Object! \)(es 1 The Study Area 5 HABITATS OF THE STUDY AREA 7 The Kootenai River and Kootenai Falls 7 Preliminary Cover and Terrian Classification 7 Habitat Categories n INVENTORY 13 Methods 13 General . 13 Large Mammal Survey 13 Riparian Habitat Transects 19 Water Bird Survey and Census 19 Bald Eagle Survey 20 Bird Census 20 Small Mammal Trapping 20 Reptile and Amphibian Survey 22 Results 22 Sunmary of Fauna Observed 22 Water Bird Survey and Census 30 Riparian Habitat Transects | 33 Winter Bird Survey and Breeding Bird Census 38 Sniall Mammal Trapping 38 Furbearer Harvest Data 38 Species Accounts -- Birds 42 Species Accounts -- Mannials 51 Summary of Habitat Relations '.'.'.'.'. 70 I ^ ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATING MEASURES Habitat Alteration 80 Changes in Riparian Habitat Due to Impoundment t and Railroad Relocation 8o' Changes in Upstream Aquatic Habitat 96 Changes in Microclimate 97 Downstream Dewatering 97 Discharge Impacts at the Outlet Structure 99 Displacement 99 Changes in Mortality and Natality Rates 100 Physiological Stress 101 COMPENSATION OF UNMITIGATED IMPACTS 103 Compensation by Enhancement 103 Compensation by Protection of Threatened Habitat 105 Recommendations 106 OVERALL SIGNIFICANCE OF IMPACTS TO MONTANA'S WILDLIFE RESOURCE 107 Adverse Effects Which Cannot be Avoided 107 Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources 107 Short-Term vs. Long-Term Impacts 107 Summary 108 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MONITORING '. 10^ Rationale 109 Plan of Study 109 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 113 LITERATURE CITED 115 APPENDICES 123 A. Schedule of 1977-1979 Field Work, Kootenai Falls Wildlife Study 124 B. Wildlife Observation Data Sheet and Instructions 127 C. Waterfowl Observation Data Sheet and Instructions 132 D. Breeding Bird Census Results 136 E. Small Mammal Data Sheet 139 F. Riparian Census Instructions 140 G. Conceptual Basis for Compensation of Unmitigated Impacts 144 n LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Location of principal study area, proposed danisite, and transect route 2 Figure 2. Location of proposed dam, powerhouse, and diversion tunnels 4 Figure 3. Map of terrain types 8 Figure 4. Codes used for recording wildlife observations 14 Figure 5. Location of breeding bird census area and small mammal trapping sites 21 Figure 6. Locations of fall and winter 1978-1979 bald eagle observations, Kootenai Falls area 48 Figure 7. Location of elk, moose, mule deer, and white-tailed deer sign and observations, November 1977-August 1979 .... 53 Figure 8. Location of bighorn sheep observations, November 1977- July 1978 61 Figure 9. Generalized distribution of selected vertebrate species among habitats of three cross-sections of the Kootenai River Valley 71 Figure 10. Location of river cross-section profiles and proposed pool area 31 Figure 11. Monthly averages of mean daily discharge downstream from the Libby Dam site prior to impoundment (1970) and following impoundment (1977) 83 Figure 12. Typical seasonal patterns of discharge of the Kootenai River at Libby, based on July 1976-June 1979 hourly discharge data 85 Figure 13. Typical seasonal variation in surface elevation of the Kootenai River at three river cross sections, with and without the proposed dam (assuming a forebay elevation of 610 m (2000 ft)) 86 Figure 14. Typical seasonal variation in wetted perimeter and width of the littoral zone (area between daily high and low water marks) of the Kootenai River at three river cross- sections, with and without the proposed dam (assuming a forebay elevation of 610 m (2000 ft)) R7 m Figure 15. Possible method of creating permanent diked shallow M wetlands along the pool perimeter M Figure 16. Percent of time that different flows would be allowed to pass over the Kootenai Falls Dam 98 Figure 17. Schedule of field work for monitoring program. 110 Figure 18. Three possible strategies for mi tigating or compensating for a short term impact 145 TV LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Summary of habitat categories used in the wildlife study 17 Table 2. Summary of data collected on bird species observed on the Kootenai Falls study area, January 1978 - July 1979 23 Table 3. Summary of data collected on general habitat use and local distribution of mammals observed on the Kootenai Falls study area, 197a 28 Table 4. Number of waterfowl observations recorded each month on the Kootenai Falls study area, January 1978 - July 1978 31 Table 5. Census results for waterfowl and other water birds, sections G-N, P-S, and Z of the Kootenai River. 32 Table 6. Number of registrations and numbers of territories recorded for each bird species on the Kootenai Falls study area during sixteen transect runs and general reconnaissance, January 20 - July 8, 1978 34 Table 7. Number of registrations recorded for bird and mammal species during fourteen transect runs, January 20 - June 30, 1979 35 Table 8. Census data for breeding birds of the Kootenai Falls study area, 1978 39 Table 9. Summary of Kootenai Falls small mammal trapping pro- gram, September 3-5, 1978 41 Table 10. Harlequin Duck observations in the Kootenai Falls area, 1978 - 1979 44 Table 11. Minimum numbers of bald eagles seen along the Kootenai River, October 1978 - February 1979 47 Table 12. Mule daer and white-tailed deer observations and sign recorded on the Kootenai Falls study area, January - July 1978 d6 Table 13. Deer observations and sign recorded on the Kootenai Falls study area according to habitat type and ele- vation, January - July 1978 55 Table 14. Number of groups and number of bighorn sheep obser- ^ vations made each month on the Kootenai Falls study V area, June 1977 - July 1978 57 Table 15. Monthly activity of bighorn sheep on the Kootenai Falls study area, June 1977 - July 1978 59 Table 16. Monthly distribution of bighorn sheep on each area of the Kootena"' Falls study area, June 1977 - July 1978 5C Table 17. Monthly observations of bighorn sheep according to terrain type on the Kootenai Falls study area, June 1977 - July 1978 64 Table 18. Monthly distribution of bighorn sheep according to aspect on the Kootenai Falls study area, June 1977 - July 1978 66 Table 19. Monthly distribution of bighorn sheep according to slope on the Kootenai Falls study area, June 1977 - July 1978 67 Table 20. Monthly distribution of bighorn sheep according to elevation on the Kootenai Falls study area, June 1977 - July 1978 6? Table 21. Acreages of habitat which would be inundated by the ^ proposed Kootenai Falls Dam at a discharge of 1400 cms (50,000 cfs) or disturbed by railroad relocatioia 8S Table 22. Cavity-nesting species known to occur in the Kootenai Falls area 91 VI INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Northern Lights, Inc. (NLI), a rural electric cooperative based in Sandpoint, Idaho, agreed on February 3, 1978, to fund a study of the fish and wildlife resources of the Kootenai Falls area, in Lincoln County, Montana. This study, coordinated by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC), was designed to provide information relevant to the analysis of impacts of the proposed Kootenai Falls hydroelectric project on fish and wildlife resources, information which could be used by NLI in its application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and by DNRC in its ultimate evaluation of the facility required under the Major Facility Siting Act. THE KOOTENAI FALLS PROJECT The proposed Kootenai Falls hydroelectric project has been described in detail by NLI (197C) and will only be briefly described here. Figure 1 shows the location and Figure 2 illustrates the design of the proposed dam. The dam structure would be approximately 9.1 m (30 ft) high, impounding the river and inundating associated riparian habitat at least to the 509.6 m (2,000 ft) contour for approximately 4.8 km (3 mi). It would be utilized for peak power periods commensurate with flows released from dams upriver. Water would be diverted from above the dam into an underground powerhouse, which would have the capacity to utilize 672 cms (24,000 cfs) or the entire flow of the river. The water would return to the river through two 11.9 m (39 ft) tunnels approximately 1.6 km (1.0 mi) below the Falls. The bypassed portion of the canyon would be nearly dewatered, passing as little as 21 cms (750 cfs) of water. OVERALL STUDY SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES The DNRC's approach in designing and carrying out this study was one which emphasized impacts analysis and identification of possible means whereby impacts may be mitigated or compensated. Since the budget for the study was small, an effort was made to limit the collection of inventory data to that directly useful in impact assessment and miti- gation. Emphasis was placed on habitats and species most likely to be affected by hydroelectric development, particularly tr.ose dependent upon riparian and 'falls environments. The wildlife inventory was largely carried out by the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MDFWP) under contract with DNRC, entered into on February 15, 1978. Some limited field work was carried 00 en o 00 c: 3 c o •r— (/I S- OJ > c 03 a; o o E TJ t3 .,_ LO s_ s- CD at 3 r- ^^ o o o c — 3 a; ,. u c: -— UJl <— c 5 — J I— o > ^1 Ol E (D fO ■o TJ •o >+- 3 OJ 3 ^ 2 u 4-> U o c t/l c 1- fO r- 1/1 .— O" 5; fO V ■4-> 4^ -M o W ^ > cr a ns G w) i~ C71 "3] <: rg -' >> C t— E >, O -u Q.-<- E C O 3 ■-J S r-. l/l ^ ■o Ol •— T3 iS. o o 3 cn I— LlJ C3 ce •— •— -3:] a: f a. s 17 I— :d I ei in Ul ^ 3 I/) 13 3 n Q C c O o D- G. D- ■ ^ ■r- ■r- t/l m un i ca a .— . CT- CM --H .— " •— < CM •^.1. -;;- ^L OJ ,— I— >— r~ fZ, ■o ■ r- O L- CD £Z ex. s_ E E E ui ■o cz to QJ S- i/i I/) c OJ <_) S- cn ■o QJ OJ s_ O (a o O a: to »— * 21 skulls were prepared of all species except the deer mouse. (See Appendix E for sample data sheet.) Reptile and Amphibian Survey No systematic surveys of reptiles or amphibians were conducted during this survey, although all observations made incidental to other field work were recorded and occasional searches of likely habitat were made during both summers. RESULTS Summary of Fauna Observed The information presented below is based on work conducted by MDFWP as reported by Joslin (1978) for the period January, 1978 to July, 1978, and on work conducted by DNRC through August 1, 1979. Lists of vertebrates which occur or probably occur in northwestern Montana near the project area may be obtained from the reports of: Hall and Kelson (1979), Hoffmann and Pattie (1968), and Hoffmann ei_aL (1969a and b) for mammals; Davis (1961) and Skaar (1975) for birds; Black (1970a) for amphibians; and Black (1970b) and Davis (1963) for reptiles (see also Flath 1979). These data are readily available and need not be repeated in this document; only in- formation on vertebrates actually encountered during the study is included in this report. Inventory data for 72 species of birds and 28 of mammals encountered during this study are summarized in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. The only reptiles observed were a group of nine western garter snakes (Thamnophis elegans vagrans) found beneath discarded sheet metal in riparian grassland near the head of Kootenai Falls, and an unidentified snake (possibly a racer) observed in the understory of Douglas fir forest near the head of the Falls in June of 1979. No amphibians were found during the present study, despite a search of likely habitat. However, a Couer d'Alene Salamander (Plethodon vandykei) was reportedly collected on the south side of Highway 2 above the retaining wall at the western border of the project area (Elliott 1979). This species is considered a non-game species of "special interest" by the MDFWP (Flath 1979). It is likely that the wide fluctuations in discharge and shoreline of the Kootenai River presently limit amphibian populations in the area by rendering the entire river unsuitable as breeding habitat. According to Skaar (1975), over 211 species of birds occur in the Kootenai Basin, 84% of which breed there. Over 50 of these species are directly dependent upon water, and many others are directly dependent upon riparian habitat. Of the 72 bird species observed during this study, 15 (21%) were classified as permanent residents in the Falls area, 49 (63%) as summer 22 Q iij (-> I -^ O =» < J O - I n: '- aj. -=: -a 3 o o- > r^ c\j ■■ CNJ ^ CTf - IC r- Q_ OO - OJ U. ' TT O •■ m ■■ CXI LU .— E " ^CTi Q a^ UJ 1 — CQ CO Q f^ s (II ■— , C-' (O fC 3 CT Q) :*. ^ ■O CJ ^ OJ CO do, ' lij •r 3 t- Jo 4-> > Oi 0) «/t u ui xa < q: ^ ■— 3 Q. U\ tn in 3 -o 4-) (IJ ■M •M ■i-> o • I I O O !- --3 "^ ^1 ^ ra en ^ -D -D C^J I— O -a .— dJ OJ m ■o c m c c OJ 3 r^ t- I- QJ un c , Dl-r- ■r- 3 QJ U c: K C <— -O 1^ -C r— ^ Cn 1/1 t) ;- ^/^ *« L TO C U1 QJ E u ■>- 3 M- QJ jx: +-> -o U- :3 E I^ CP.— u u_ .,- •r- fD IT TO r o C >. ■<- o 5 U 3 x: •r- S- 2 <— c^ =J QJ 3 ZZ CL ^ QJ Li_ U~) i X ^ .— 4-> O OJ ■M QJ na o^ 3 o .— CyO M- on r- ^ E o^ t> "\ 01 -i-i -«: oi i_> QJ 0) n "O cxI o {O t: D n, ■u o QJ u +-> o rtl >, 0) ^ o o u o o 3 I- TO C i/l < U1 o TO ,^ TO TO c: i +-» " ' TO £- ■M OJ QJ OJ C ^~ a- LJ >i 4-J QJ U TO O h- r-- ° TO X I >. tn OJ T) ♦-> OJ n, W o c X) I cr 01 cn-Ml 13 i>n| >> TO TO « 24 .3 >^ Oj ■3 O > O CJ I— ■^ ■—} •=C =i -^ < — , 1/1 TDi ■r- 3' at u^; r: o, -CM CM r— m o * CVJ OJ "CNj cr^ 1 — rj 3 < £ o O 3 cn C 3 4-) t» 3 tJ Q TO I in 3 4J J= fO t/1 ra 3 i- ■«-> -C l/l »— 3 1/1 tn 3 C t. 0 rt3 iA x: C ■M TO moi S- t/i u 3 1 c 3 OJ CT T3 (V a: . > o 0) (T3 Q TJ w. c Ta o '< i- o -o u rl 5 TO O I- 1- O u > OJ E en 1- c OJ 13 > X3 TO 1- O TO :?: O i~ 3 •o o c (U 1 — Q I I o^ ■— 1— c: o •r- i- OJ TO -/= F to *© +-> . — ^ TO 4-' tJ i-. TO 4J +-> 3 i/i L- O O) (U TO q: Cn TO c ^ TO Cl O O 4-J s- (U 0) O CB-Ul TO ^1 X" tn, . — ■ 5 O O 1- h- TO CI c c V- TO OJ 1- ■l-J I/) Q. TO 3 e •a: ■■- <— > X 13 O- O ■<- 4- CL C TOl 26 1- OS J •— C7> o u .— 1- +-> : — cj t: . — jO TS -- OJ Q) ■^ C71 I — l/l 3 a; cJ -■^•d 5 ^ o *o L. rsl L. fa Q. o. i/i oo O cr 0) c »— I f\j| rol 27 C\J t— i O C r- c . — 3 TO — ro Ln I — (/) S- d i — "D r- n- ■-- C I — ■4-> ■.- -1- OJ -o ru TH Ci.'i- CH CC O X X OJ 1- s. o o uo tn f Q. Oil r- (TJ m in }-■ >! E i/i o r3 c u o I/) >, S- 1- -C n ■(-» s- QJ 0) Q. o lA ly) s- -J 3 fO Oh TO| +-) C) O u^ O u U TO 3 ■*-> ( ) -o ^ o c 1? OJ 2^ s: o r-J 7Z t/l t/l c tjO ai c ■o TO TO c ■!-> TO TO U ■— u --1 t/^ i~ •M C = la _J <-> o ^ - 28 CM r— ^1 c U- rj o 1/1 ^ QJ ^J Q. 1- >, o 4-' +- C "C JD C ":; — CJ -^ ■M x: "DC o o u OJ c i- >-, i/i o i/i ' — .— ^ C 1- U~ C ^ C 1- t— >, O) LO 'il C C3 fC Of Q, E ^ -.- o » D_ X) q: 2 TO t/ll ^\ c c c •2t I- e 01 > x:l ol , . l/l (/I c tn (U Qj — I rsJl 29 residents only, 3 (4%) as winter residents only, and 5 (7%) as visitors or transients. A total of 46 species were designated breeding species, 14 of which were confirmed breeders (active nests or dependent young ob- served). Evidence for overwintering was encountered for 11 species (if a species was encountered during botn January and February, it was considered an overwintering bird). Skaar's (1975) data indicate that 5C of the 72 species encountered in this study are confirmed breeders in this area of the state and another 17 are circumstantial breeders; also, 35 of these species are known to winter in this region o^ the state. Winter transients were defined as those species which were observed on one occasion sometime during the period from January to March 15. Although seven species were classified as winter transients, Skaar (1975) indicates that all but the snow bunting actually spend the winter in northwest Montana. It should be noted that very little field work was conducted during the late summer and fall months (August through November); the observations listed in Table 2 for these months were casual observations made incidental to other work. Therefore, the low numbers of species reported in Table 2 for these months are likely due to a lack of intensive field work rather than to a low diversity of birds. No field work was conducted in December. Water Bird Survey and Census Table 4 lists the number of waterfowl observations recorded each month in the study area, January through July, 1978. Since individual birds were often seen and recorded more than once during a given month, the figures given by no means represent a census of the number of birds present; they do, however, give an indication of relative abundances in the study area. Table 5 presents the results of the 1979 census of waterfowl popula- tions of sections G-N, P-S, and Z, Figure 4. In this table, the minimum number of birds known to be present below the Falls, above the Falls, and along the entire stretch are presented. During the March through May, 1978 spring migration period, seven species of waterfowl were observed in the Kootenai Falls study area. Common goldeneye was the most prevalent species followed by mallard, common merganser, Canada goose, harlequin duck, Barrow's goldeneye, and American wigeon. Of the seven species observed in 1978 during spring migration, three species were known to breed in the study area, including common merganser, mallard, and Canada goose. Territorial pairs of harlequin ducks and common goldeneye were observed on the study area, which indicate that breeding probably occurred (Dzubin 1969). 30 ■— ro r- ■— iO CM ' — m , — ^J CO m csj ^ ^ 31 -^1 o ^ o ^ o ^ o o o O .-1 ^ cr ^^ ,-1 o o CO o o o o o o o o o o- «:■ CO ojI o kO OD w-< o o o ^ o CM t-H o •"* o o o o o o o^ O .-4 »-l S '^ ° O O rt o o o to > -r- --ICNJI 32 Wintering waterfowl included the mallard, common goldeneye, and common merganser. The highest number of mallards observed in 1978 was 42 on February 24, and a high of 47 common goldeneye was observed on February 15. Riparian Habitat Transects Results of the 1978 riparian habitat transect runs are presented in Table 6, along with data on the number of bird registrations made at times other than transect runs. Fifty-nine species of birds were registered a total of 1277 times according to sight or song. Forty-five species were observed during transect runs. Sixty percent of the total number of registrations were recorded in the riparian type paralleling the river. This riparian floodplain area is the site of the proposed reservoir and construction area. The remaining registrations were noted in the coniferous forest sloping upward from the floodplain. The riparian type was used by 76 percent of the species observed while the conifer type was used by 51 percent of the species observed. Mapping of the territories of 26 bird species revealed that 85 percent of the species used the riparian type exclusively or in combination with the coniferous type. Only 15 percent of the species utilized the coniferous type exclusively. A total of 122 territories were identified on the transect for the 26 species. Eighty-seven percent of the territories occurred in the riparian type or ecotone; 77 percent of these occurred exclusively in the riparian type. In 1979, 40 species of birds and 6 species of mammals were recorded during the 14 transect runs (Table 7). Of the total number of registrations, 6 percent were in conifers, 77 percent in riparian, and 17 percent in ecotone areas; if waterfowl are excluded, the percentages are 17, 30, and 53, respectively. These percentages indicate the importance of ecotonal areas in terms of numbers of birds (other than waterfowl). However, the relative number of species is greater in riparian habitat where 28 species or 68 percent (23 species or 64 percent, excluding waterfowl) were observed. This is due to the fact that larger numbers of fewer species were recorded in ecotones, while smaller numbers of more species were recorded in riparian habitats. The lowest number of species, 14, was recorded in the coniferous areas of the tra-.sect; this may be due in part to reduced detectability of birds using this dense forest habitat. Of the 28 species utilizing riparian habitat, nine also used coniferous and nine used ecotonal habitat. Seventeen species were found in riparian habitat exclusively, while only four species were found exclusively in coniferous areas. The yellow-pine chipmunk was very abundant on the railroad embankment, and was the most commonly observed mammal on the transect runs. The highest densities were in areas where coniferous forest graded into tall shrubs on the south of the tracks and shrubs bordered the north side of the tracks. In more open areas, the ch'-'pmunks were not as common. Columbian ground .squirrels were the nexc most commonly seen mammal, and a concentration of burrows was found along the south side of the railroad 33 Table C. Number of registrations and number of territories recorded for each bird species on the Kootenai Falls study area during sixteen transect runs and genera'' reconnaissance, January 20 - July 8, 1978. Canada goose Mallard American wigeon Common goldeneye Barrow's goldeneye Harlequin duck ConiTion merganser Red-tailed hawk Bald eagle O.prey American kestrel Ruffed grouse Kill deer Spotted sandpiper California gull Ring-billed gull Band-tailed pigeon5/ Mourning dove Vaux's swift Calliope hummingbird Rufous hummingbird Belted kingfisher Common flicker Pi'eated woodpecker Hairy woodpecker Wi 1 low flycatcher Flycatcher (Lmpidonax sp. ) Violet-green swal low Tree swallow Rough-winged swallow Steller's jay Common raven Coiiiiion crow Black-capped chickadee Mountain Lhickadce Chestnut-backed chickadee Red-ureasted nuthatch Brown creeper Dipper Winter wren Gray catbird American robin Varied thrush Swainson's thrush Townsend's soli tare Golden-crowned kinglet Ruby-crowned kinglet Cedar waxwing Red -eyed vireo Warbling vireo Orange-crowned warbler Hasnvi 1 le warbler Yel low warbler Yel low-rumped warbler Townsend's warbler MacGl 1 1 ivray 's warbler American redstart Brown-headed cowbird Western tanayer Lazuli bunting Pine siskin Dark-eyed junco Chipping sparrow Lincoln's sparrow Song sparrow Snow bunting Number of Resistrationsl/ During Transect Runs During Other Times Conifersj/ Riparian!/ Conifers Riparian Total 9 77 27 28 239 2 313 13 75 105 38 9 4 12 85 23 10 1 21 35 32 1 2 17 25 16 21 1 11 1 2 28 72 12 25 43 2 243 2 13 45 45 1 2 6 m 8 1 1 21 3 8 15 lb 1 59 54 282 4 556 15 80 150 2 8 49 4 4 6 31 0 1 1 6 3 1 4 3 4 3 1 3 2 59 12 12 1 42 212 9(i 1 8 1 1 69 2 3 42 17 32 3 100 1 1 9 6 12 1 17 13 41 13 55 2 2 2 16 1 1 19 1 2 22 24 2 2 2 2 G 2 8 6 14 21 2 1 24 11 1 4 184 5 1 1 8 20 2 135 8 Number of Indicated Breeding Territories ^ Conifers parian Ecotone 20 5 13 4 10 1 1/ U 4/ 5/ A minimum of three registrations recor ■^W 0 Registrations = observations or song (call). Territories determined from breeding season transect information only. different days were used in defining a territory. ,. . ko fi,,nHoH Conifer = the western red cedar, douglas-fir, western larch, lodge pole pine forest. This area would not be flooded by the proposed project and little area would be disturbed. f,„„^„H .e ;. ^oc.it Riparian - deciduous forest and floodplain grassland, an area which is likely to be disturbed or flooded as a result 34 of the proposed project Unconfirmed. TABLE 7. Number of registrations recorded for bird and mammal species during 14 transect runs, January 20 - June 30, 1979. Species BIRDS Canada Goose Mallard Common Goldeneye Harlequin Duck Common Merganser Red-tailed Hawk Bald Eagle Golden Eagle Osprey American Kestrel Merl in Ruffed Grouse Great Blue Heron Spotted Sandpiper Mourning Dove Common Flicker Willow Flycatcher Flycatcher (Empidonax sp.) Violet-Green Swallow Conrion Raven ' Common Crow Conifers 2/ 1 1 1 1 2 9 Number of registrations- Riparian--' Ecotone 4/ 3 147 364 3 38 4 2 2 1 5 1 2 2 6 1 57 3 10 Total 3 147 364 3 38 1 8 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 5 5 1 3 57 7 25 35 Table 7: Continued Black-Capped Chickadee Cipper Gray Catbird Anierican Robin Swainson's Thrush Golden-crowned Kinglet Cedar Waxwing Red-eyed Vireo Warbling Vireo Yellow Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler MacGil 1 iVray's Warbler Brown-headed Cowbird American Goldfinch Pine Siskin Red Crossbill Dark-eyed Junco Chipping Sparrow Rufous -sided Towhee Song Sparrow TOTAL SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS (Excluding Waterfowl) 10 2 3 11 5 1 12 3 1 4 4 1 - 1 - 2 - 5 14 28(23) 46 634(79) 6/ 3 2 2 6 2 1 1 4 20 19 19 142 11 8 3 9 4 25 6 6 1 4 3 2 4 4 20 1 4 2 24 822(267) 36 Table 7: Continued MAMMALS Columbian Ground Squirrel Yellow-pine Chipmunk Red Squirrel Mountain Cottontail Snowshoe Hare Bighorn Sheep ,0^' 80^/ 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 TOTAL SPECIES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 91 92 -'Reyistrations = Observations or song (call) 21, Conifer = Forests dominated by western red cedar, Douglas fir, or western larch. 3A Riparian = Deciduous forest, shrub, and floodplain grassland. — 'Ecotone = Railroad right-of-way, an area of disturbed vegetation, mixed conifers, and riparian shrubs. — Estimated abundance. r I — Percent of total . 37 tracks east of the switching station below the power line crossing. These squirrels appeared to prefer the more open habitat next to the railroad tracks. Winter Bird Survey and Breeding Bird Census Fourteen species were encountered during the 1978 winter bird survey on 8 counts averaging 107 minutes each, as follows (numbers in parentheses indicate average number seen per trip (+ = less than 0.5) , indicated density per 100 ha, and indicated density per 100 acres): Mallard (2, 5, 2), Common Goldeneye (10, 22, 9), Common Merganser (+, +, +), Mourning Dove (+, +, +), Belted Kingfisher (+, +, +) Pileated Woodpecker (+, +, +), Hairy Woodpecker (+, +, +), Common Raven (+, +, +), Common Crow (1,1, +), Black-capped Chickadee (4, 9, 4), Brown Creeper (+, +, +), Dipper (6, 13, 6), Golden- crowned Kinglet (5, 12, 5), and Song Sparrow (1 , 1 , 1). Results of th:^ 1978 breeding bird census are (."resented in Appendix D and summarized in Table 8. A total of 33 breeding species were encountered on the plot, with a total of 91 territorial males or females. The overall density of birds for the plot, including the water area, was found to be 410 individuals/km2 (166/100 acres); for the land are alone, density was 684/km2 (278/100 acres) (each territory was assumed to represent two individuals). These latter figures are within the range reported by Beidleman (1978) for cottonwood-willow communities in Colorado, but are somewhat lower than typical densities of eastern deciduous woodland. Rocky Mountain coniferous forest, and floodplain forests (Beidleman 1978, Fitzgerald 1978). Small Mammal Trapping A summary of small mammal trapping data is presented in Table 9. Eight species of mammals were captured during the trapping program; a song sparrow was also taken in a snap trap. Snap trap data indicated that the tota> number of captures, total number of species, and total biomass of captures were lower in the riparian grassland than in adja- cent coniferous forest. A large percentage of all captures and biomass in the coniferous forest were of deer mice, which were not taken in riparian grassland. Voles of the genus Microtus and meadow jumping mice were taken only in riparian grassland, while the masked shrew, red- tailed chipmunk, and red-backed vole were taken only in conifers during the snap trapping program. Furbearer Harvest Data Trapping of furbearers is a locally important type of recreation and also contributes to the local economy. MDFWP estimates of fur harvest by licensed trappers in Hunting District lOO, which includes the 38 TAGLE 3 . Census data for breeding birds of the Kootenai Falls study area, I'^/.i. SPECIES Preferred habitat in census area No. of Breeding No. of 2/ Overallj/ Adjusted;,, Pairs Nests Located Density- Density ' Mallard Corifnon Goldeneye Harlequin Duck Coranon Merganser Osprey American Kestrel Spotted Sandpiper ComnxDn Flicker Empidonax Flycatcher Violet-green Swal low Tree Swallow Rough-winged Swallow Cotimon Raven Conrnon Crow Black-capped Chickadee Dipper American Robin Varied Thrush Swainson's Thrush Golden-crowned Kinglet Red-eyed Vireo Open water, shores Open water Fast water, rocky peninsulas Open water Open water, adjacent forest Open conferous forest with snags 1/ Shores 1.5 Riparian cottonwoody -1 Douglas fir - western 1 larch River canyon 12 Open water and adjacent 1 forest River canyon 4 Coniferous forest, rocky + cliffs Coniferous forest, RR 1 right-of-way Coniferous forest 3.5 Shores 4 Coniferous forest 4.5 Dense conifers + Coniferous forest 5.5 Dense conifers 6 Mixed forest 4 nest near plot 27,11 27,11 9,4 9,4 8,3 13,5 9,4 23,10 10,4 17,7 12,5 20,8 13,5 22,8 9,4 15,7 39 Warbling Vireo Nashville Warbler Yellow Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Townsend's Warbler MacGillivray' s Warbler American Redstart Brown-headed cowbird Western Tanager Pine Siskin Dark-eyed Junco Song Sparrow Mixed forest Deciduous groves Open shrubbery Mixed for;st Coniferous forest Low shrubbery Moist mixed forest Mixed forest Coniferous forest Coniferous forest Coniferous forest Open shrubbery 2 2 4.5 7 5.5 2 2 2 1 2 4.5 3.5 10,4 17,7 16,6 27,10 12,5 20.8 10,4 17,7 8,3 13,5 J- Species with partial territories (less than 0.5) are indicated by a +. ^' Active nests only. - First figure is breeding pairs/km^; second figure is breeding pairs/100 acres. Density over the entire plot, including both terrestrial and aquatic habitats, is shown here. Density estimates are given only for species having more than two breeding pairs per plot. ^/ These figures represent densities in terrestrial or aquatic habitats only for terrestrial and aquatic species, respectively. 40 CO tsj CO I • '^ m I 2: CO _J CTi *X. uj Li_ :n CM CTl — ' CM I in I CM CO CM CO f^J 3 •" ,_ ._ ^ (U (U , i?l 'TJ til 41 study area, indicate that the iiarten (Marties americana) was the most important furbearer during the 1977-1978 season, both in terms of number of pelts and value of pelts. In terms of total value of pelts, coyote and bobcat ranked second and third, while the key aquatic furbearers -- beaver, muskrat, and mink -- ranked fourth, fifth, and seventh, respec- tively (Weckwerth and Cross 1979). Species Accounts -- Birds A summary of inventory data for bird species for which additiona' data were obtained (primarily riparian species) is presented below. Location codes, as defined in Figure 4, are used to describe locations where appropriate. Canada Goose. In 1978, Canada geese were first observed March 7. They were seen on or flying over the river from Williams Creek (N) to near Throops Lake (C). Geese were most often observed while in flight although loafing geese were observed on several occasions just up frrm Kootenai Falls at the boundary of section M and N. Broods of three and eight were reported on April 26 and May 15, respectively, upstream from Throops Lake (D). In 1979, geese were first encountered April 18, the first day of spring observations, when a pair of geese was seen on the south river bank at the Falls. A pair was also seen on the river near Throops Lake. No nests or broods were discovered in 1979. Mallard. Mallards are year-long residents of the Kootenai River in the Falls area. They were seen along the river from Bobtail Creek (U) to below the Falls south of Kootenai Mountain (F). Mallards were seen in the same sections of river as common goldeneye (M and N); however, on several occasions they were noted standing and feeding in the white water and on a fallen log just above the crest of the Falls (L). During winter, sheltered areas on the shore on the south side of the river were preferred, while beaches on either side of the river were preferred in spring. The Mallards were associated with shallow water and shoreline more often than any other duck observed on the study area. A favorite loafing site of Mallards was the point of land east of the boundary between section M and N. A class I-a (Gollop and Marshall 1954) mallard brood of 6 was observed on May 18, 1978, directly across from China Creek (N); a brood of 4 was seen on June 29, 1979, swimming among rocks in the cattail marsh just above the Falls on the south side of the river (M). American Wigeon. American wigeon were observed on April 30, 1978, and once more on May 25, 1978, in the bay area immediately above the Falls (M). They were apparently using the area as a stopover during migration. Common Goldeneye. Common goldeneye were observed at all seasons and should be considered year-long residents. In 1978, they were seen along the river from near the city limits of Libby to the vicinity of 42 the only island in the river below the Falls (E), but they were most often seen in the section of river (M and N) from Williams Creek to the head of the Falls. Common goldeneye usually nest in cavities in deci- duous trees (Bell rose 1976). Along the Kootenai River this type of habitat occurs in the riparian zone. An unverified brood was reportedly seen June 12, 1978, by fisheries biologist Brad Shepard. In 1979, Common Goldeneye were often seen in fast water and, in winter, in large pools sheltered by rocks. They were observed courting in winter and spring when their numbers were highest. By June, observations of Common Goldeneyes ranked behind those of Mallards (Table 5). It appears that the project area is more heavily utilized by the common goldeneyes as a wintering area than a breeding area. This could be due to the avail- ability of fast-flowing ice- free water and resultant available food in winter. During spring and summer, numbers decreased but the common goldeneye remained on the study area during the nesting season. Barrow's Goldeneye. In 1978, Barrow's goldeneye were first observed April 30 and were last observed June 5. No more than two birds were ob- served on any one occasion although at least two males and one female were present and used the bay area immediately above the Falls (M). These birds were apparently transients. Nesting habits of the Barrow's goldeneye are similar to those of the Common goldeneye. None were seen in 1979. Herlequin Duck. One of the most unusual species encountered in this study was the harlequin duck. Rare and local in its distribution throughout Montana (Skaar 1975), this species is a highly stenotopic "K-selected" species, and is restricted to turbulent, fast-flowing mountain stream habicat. According to Kuchel (1976), the harlequin duck's "precise ecological requirements and extreme sensitivity to human intrusion limit breeding activities to remote, pristine areas." While not formally recognized as a threatened or endangered species, the harlequin duck is rare throughout its range, and became extinct in Colorado in the early ISOC's (Kuchel 1976), although a breeding popu- lation has recently become re-established there (Nelson and Parkes 1976). A small population, consisting of at least 7 individuals in 1978 and 3 in 1979, was found to be closely associated with the Falls (Table 10). In 1978, the population consisted of one pair, a lone female, and four bachelor males; while observations were made in river sections G, H, I, J, L, M, and N, most birds were seen feeding in swift water at the head of the Falls (L) or loafing on exposed rocks at or just above the head of the Falls (M). All 7 birds were seen loafing together, forming a "club" of both paired and unpaired birds as described by Bengtson (1966:84). The rushing water at the head of the Falls, where the river first begins to break over the rocky benches, was a preferred feeding site. Harlequins feed almost exclusively on aquatic insect larvae (Bengt:.on and Ulfstrand 1971, Bengtson 1972, Kuchel 1976). Simuliidae (Diptei^a) were the major food source in Iceland, and while Orthocladiinae were found to be much more abundant dipterans in bottom samples taken in the Kootenai Falls area, Simuliidae were dominant in substrate basket samples (Graham 1979) and are probably abundant in the 43 TABLE 10. Harlequin duck observations in the Kootenai Falls area, 1978-1979. Minimum number known present Location Date Males Females Pairs Total (River Section) 1978 April 18 1 - - 1 L April 21 1 - - 1 H,L June 13 1 1 - 2 G,H July 31 - 2 - 2 L August 1 - 2 - 2 L April 29 1 May i 1 May 2 2 May 7 1 May 8 2 May 9 3 May 11 1 May 21 1 May 22 1 May 29 1 June 2 1 June 5 4 June 6 5 June 7 5 June 8 5 June 9 5 June 16 - 1979 - 1 L 1 2 L 1 3 M 1 2 J,L - 3 L 2 5 L 1 2 L,M,N 1 2 F,I,L,M,N 1 2 H - 1 M - 1 M 1 6 J,L,M 1 7 L,M 1 7 L,M 1 7 L,M 1 7 M - 1 L 44 preferred feeding sites which are characterized by laminar rather than turbulent flow (Hynes 1970). Harlequin ducks nest in tree cavities, fissures in rocks, or on the ground near turbulent water (Peterson 1961, Bellrose 1976, Bengtson 1966); the majority of broods hatch during the first week of July and do not feed in fast water for two weeks. A search of the Falls area on June 29-30, 1978 failed to reveal either adult birds or young. Fewer harlequin ducks were present at the Falls in 1979 than in 1978; only 8 or 9 observations were made during the report period. The first individual encountered in 1979, a lone male, was seen at the head of the Falls on April 18. On April 21, 1979, a male was seen below the footbridge and another (possibly the same individual) on rocks just above the Falls. According to Kuchel (1976), non-breeding males arrive in Montana in mid-April, two or three weeks before the rest of the population; it is therefore likely that these April observations represent non-breeding individuals. Harlequins were next seen on June 13, 1979, when a female was seen swimming along the shoreline near the bend in the river between sections G and H. It was only observed for a few minutes before it disappeared among the rocks. A male was also seen flying back and forth in this same area, but there was no indication that the two were paired (Smith 1979). An intensive search was made of the Falls area for harlequins on June 13-14 and 27-30, but no birds were seen. Two females were seen together at the head of the Falls on July 31 and again on August 1, 1979; a careful search of river section G-L for broods on August 1 failed to yield additional observations. Kuchel (1976) reports that, in Glacier Park, pairs dissolve and all males usually leave the breeding grounds in mid-June. Non-breeding females may depart as the final males leave the area, while females with broods remain until August. While it is therefore possible that the June 13, 1979 observations represent a nesting pair, and the females seen in August were breeding individuals which had lost either nests or broods, it is also likely that the 1979 Falls area population is simply a non- breeding aggregation, as described by Bengtson (1972). Breeding popu- lations may occur in larger tributaries of the Kootenai River (such as China Creek), although none have yet been reported. The nearest known breeding population is at Grave Creek, a tributary of Fortine Creek (Weydemeyer 1979). Common Merganser. Common mergansers were observed during all seasons, and were observed more universally along the river than any other duck species. They were seen on the river from near the city limits of Libby to near Throops Lake (D). Second only to harlequin ducks, common mergansers used the fast water of the Falls for feeding and security (I, J, L). Common mergansers nest in cavities of deciduous trees, usually near water. At least two broods (probably creches) having an average brood size of 11.5 were seen in 1978 between Williams Creek and China Creek (N and Z). A brood of 7 was seen on June 27 and 28, 1979, in river section M and P. 45 Bald Eagle. The bald eagle was classified as an endangered species in Montana in March of 1978. During this study, bald eagles were observed on 8 occasions during the winter of 1977-1978, at the following locations: directly over the Falls (J); immediately below Kootenai Falls over the footbridge (H); downriver from this location approximately 0.8 km (0.5 mi) (F); on two occasions at the lower entrance of the river gorge (D); near the junction of Highways 2 and 202 (two perched in conifers along the river); and one perched in a conifer near the town of Libby. Observations made during the winter of 1978-1979 are summarized in Table 11, and locations of birds seen are shown in Figure 6. Most use of the area by bald eagles occured from October through March. No active nests have been found in the area (Kichura and Ruediger 1978; Meyer 1979), although observations made in the Falls area in June and July of 1978 indicate possible breeding. The nearest known active nest on the Kootenai River in Montana is located along Lake Koocanusa, near the Canadian border (Craighead and Craighead 1979). Wintering bald eagle populations of the Kootenai River have been the subject of recent study in connection with the proposed Libby reregulating dam (LAURD) (Craighead and Craighead 1979) and the proposed BPA 230-kV Libby Integration and Northwest Montana/North Idaho Support Project (Meyer 1979). Kichura and Ruediger (1978) also collected nesting data in the area as part of an osprey survey. According to Craighead and Craighead (1979), fall migration through the LAURD area occurs from early September to early December, overwintering from early December through late February, and spring migration from late February to mid-April. The LAURD area was found to be more important as a stopover for migrating eagles (an estimated 350 eagles pass through - the southward migration) than as a wintering area (only 12 or fewer were known to overwinter). Craighead and Craighead (1979) estimate the overwintering population on the Kootenai River from Porthill to Libby Dam to be about 40. Meyer (1979) obtained a high count of 14 for the Yaak River - Libby section of the Kootenai River in early December, 1978, but only about 7-10 eagles winter on this section (Meyer 1979, Craighead and Craighead 1979). The area of heaviest concentration was between Kootenai Falls and Quartz Creek, which contained 40 percent of the eagles observed in this river section. Overall, the Kootenai River near Kootenai Falls appears to be less important as a wintering area for bald eagles than other major rivers of northwestern Montana; estimates of eagle density obtained by the National Wildlife Federation's national midwinter bald eagle survey (conducted January 13-27, 1979) for the lower Flathead, Clark Fork, and Kootenai rivers were 1.80, 6.73, and 8.56 river kilometers/eagle (1.12, 4.18, and 5.32 river miles/eagle), respectively. Use of the Kootenai River as a wintering area appears to be limited by food availability; fish are apparently the major winter food source in the Kootenai Falls area, and there is no concentrated food source (such as a fish spawning run) available (Meyer 1979). Meyer (1979) found that tall cottonwoods and Douglas fir received the greatest use as perch trees, and that most perch trees were located 15.2 m (50 ft) or less from the river. Similar findings were obtained by Craighead and Craighead (1979) and this study. on 46 TABLE 11. Minimum numbers of bald eagles seen along the Kootenai River, October 1978-February 1979. Location Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. 16 18 20 23 21 20 10 11 12 Above Falls Below Falls 47 C o •f— +J S- m OJ > 4-J s- c QJ • f— l/l ^ ^ -^ — ^ -o O >> c QJ • S- ra =3 cn 0) JD i- , — ro !- E -Q 1— OJ ro (L> QJ in > Li_ 4- -o l/l O 1 f— I — Z >, 4- fO 1 — 1 i- o jO 03 s- ro Ll_ OJ 3 CO cn -Q C c r~- •f— O fO o cn fa •l-J ^^3 • r- r—i c u ~— - -!-> 1 OJ o 13 CO +-) -— cn ( ) r^ o r^ O cn o 00 cn _J . — 1 :^ cn ^O r— +-> 1— C liJ fT3 •>- oc u- 2: ^ CD II II Ll. X o 49 Pff V I ' ' vA a ^"-^H r'A-'Y ' r^-O 'Mi gj Osprey. Osprey were frequently observed in the Falls area in the summer and fall and were usually seen fishing in the stretch of river between the Falls and the transmission line crossing (section M, Figure 4). This area is fairly shallow, offering easy fishing. On two occasions, successful fishing bouts were witnessed in which the Ospreys caught fairly large mountain whitefish, then flew off upstream and out of sight into drainages on the south side of the river. The Osprey appear to use the river and Falls area as a preferred feeding area. The Kootenai River supports a healthy, and apparently stable or growing, breeding osprey population (Craighead and Craighead 1979). The nearest known nest site is located near Throops Lake, area code 25 (Kichura and Ruediger 1978-, Meyer 1979), Although no nests were located in the Falls area, it is believed that one pair nested up Williams Creek (area code 21-22), and another pair might have nested on or near Lynx Flats (1). A pair was reportedly observed going through the motions of building a nest above the highway retaining wall midway down the gorge (22), but since the activity occurred in mid-June and was not completed, it is likely this pair was either immature or was engaging in an unsuccessful renesting attempt. American Kestrel . The nest of an American kestrel was located in an abandoned woodpecker hole in a cottonwood snag immediately upriver from the Falls (21). The nesting kestrel and a nesting common flicker in an adjacent snag were observed harassing each other on several occa- sions. Success of the kestrel nest was not determined. Dipper. Dippers were present in the Falls area throughout the study period. They were observed feeding in fast water on the Falls in the winter, when tributary streams are frozen or snowbound. They were also observed feeding in rapids on rocks upstream from the Falls. Kootenai Falls provides suitable habitat for nesting (Bakus 1959), although fluctuating water levels probably make nesting hazardous. No nests were located during this study. Many small streams feed into the river on the north and south shore, providing additional habitat for Dippers. Table 5 presents census data for Dippers; the greatest number seen on a single day in 1979 was nine on August 1, when newly fledged young were abundant. Dippers appeared to be concentrated near the Falls during all seasons, probably because of increased food density. Worthy of special note is the Dipper population which winters at the Falls. On one occasion 11 Dippers were observed feeding in the rushing water. The. average number of Dippers observed during 11 winter trips to the Falls (sections J, K, L, and the downstream third of M) was 6.25. Dippers move to lower elevations to find fast water during winter; they do not undertake long-distance migrations. Because of this, the few available stretches of free-flowing white water become critical wintering areas. Kootenai Falls constitutes such an area. Species Accounts -- Mammals A summary of inventory data for mammal species for which additional data were obtained is presented below. 51 Beaver. An active beaver lodge was discovered on the river's south shore, upriver from the Falls, below the powerline crossing, on the boundary of river sections M and N (Figure 4). Den openings were in an undercut bank protected by a flexible barricade of cut branches and shrubs which allowed secure access to and from the den regardless of river fluctuation. River Otter. Only one verified sighting of a river otter was made during this study. On June 29, 1979, one individual, probably a transient, was observed swimming, fishing, and cliiiibing on rocks just above the Falls (section M). An unverified sighting by a fisherman was reportedly made in this same area in 1978. White-tailed Deer. White-tailed deer were infrequently seen during this study and are apparently uncommon in the Falls area, probably due to limited security and railroad and highway related disturbance. Only 11 observations were recorded in 1978 and 1 (a male seen near the Falls Septemoer 2) in 1979. Locations of sightings and sign are shown in Figure 7. Monthly distribution of sightings for the period January - July, 1978, is shown in Table 12, and the distribution ot all deer observations (mule and white-tailed, including sign) among habitat types and elevation categories is shown in Table 13. MDFWP harvest estimates indicate a 1978 harvest of 945 deer, of which 66 percent were white-tailed deer, in hunting district 100, which includes the study area (Weckwerth et al. 1979). Mule Deer. Mule deer also appear to be uncommon in the study area; 18 observations were made in 1978 and none in 1979 (Figure 7; Tables 12 and 13). Elk. A single set of elk tracks was observed in the study area in 1978 (Figure 7); no additional evidence of elk use of the area was obtained. Moose. Two sets of moose tracks were observed in the study area in 1978 (Figure 7). A cow and calf were reportedly seen near the Lion's Club turnout in early June, 1979 (McGrady 1979). Bighorn Sheep. Bighorn sheep were the most frequently observed ungulate in the Kootenai Falls study area. Twenty-one bighorns were transplanted along the Kootenai River between Libby and Troy in 1954, 1955, and 1963. Sporadic observations have been made by MDFWP personnel (K. Knoche and B. Campbell) since 1974. Only the information collected since June 1977 was utilized in the following analysis. From June 1977 through July 1978, 109 groups totaling 522 sheep observations were recorded (Table 14). These consisted of 91 rams, 247 ewes, 102 lambs, and 82 unclassified sheep. Monthly censuses were conducted from February through June, 1978, and the number observed during any one census represented a minimum number of sheep present on the visible portion of the study area. During the February census, 40 52 53 cr: C3 54 55 9^. CM — Cl 0) E M n ■•- CO ■— r— CM I— r— 13 O > S- U JZ t/l JD >i O V. fo l_ 3 CJ^ (X) O CM o o o o CM CO CM CM *J r-t .-H +J ^ O O M- O CM O CM CM O CM E E CM - — o m ---- r^ in e uD CO E cr> I I CO o o •-< in ^£3 •— ' r^ 00 :^ Rfi 0) o o +-> c o E ^ u la (U 0) ■o E i/> c o •r— ■!-> fO > S- 0) 1/1 -Q O Q. 0) V J= 10 c S- o ^ O) • 00 -Q r^ CTl H- ^— O >^ 5- 1 — OJ 3 ja rs E 3 1 c r~^ -o r-~ c: CTi (O f— 1 .a -o E 3 ^ +-> (/) s_ (/I XI o 00 en OJ 00 (NJ CM CD 00 UD 00 Ln o i r>. QJ a> 00 >> S- r-^ ^ XI r~ s- rO Tl E E en fO Z3 1 — OJ cu CU ^— 3 S_ c: > u C J3 3 o cu n3 > 57 sheep were o^^served, followed by 76 in March, 74 in April, 46 in May, and 35 in June. These figures represent the maximum number of sheep observed during any one census. Observability of sheep was hampered by dense timber, rugged terrain, and ground censusing from one elevation along the highway. Aerial surveys vere limited due to dangerous flying conditions in the narrow canyon. A capture and mark program would be necessary to obtain population estimates or year}y trends. Bighorn ewes do not normally breed until 2.5 years of age (Smith 1954). It was difficult to separate the yearling ewe component and the 1/2 to 3/4 year old rams from adult ewes depending upon the date of observation. The unclassified portion of the herd consisted of this faction and possibly some adult ewes. Sheep classified as lambs in April were considered yearlings in May, since two newborn lambs were observed May 7. The lamb/ewe ratio (primary age ratio) based on classified animals for the February through April period was 50.5/100. This figure may be high if adult ewes were inadvertently unclassified. The ratio is 39.4/100 when the unclassified segment is incorporated. The true primary age ratio falls within this range (11 percent). Stelfox (1976) indicates that the average primary age ratio of four Canadian bighorn herds during the winter period was 45.6 lambs/100 ewes, which compares closely with these findings; however Brown (1974) found an 82 percent ratio for the February through April period in the nearby Thompson Falls herd. Age ratios cannot be used to interpret herd vigor (Caughley 1974) because the population may be exploding or crashing while the age ratio is doing the opposite, depending upon other demographic factors. The 1978 ram/ewe ratio for all months combined was 36.8/100. During a May 3, 1979, helicopter survey of the Kootenai Falls area, MDFWP personnel observed 80 sheep and obtained ratios of 33 lambs: 100 ewes and 58 rams: 100 ewes (Weckwerth et al. 1979). The activity or behavior of all observed bighorns was recorded according to one of five activity patterns (Table 15). Seasonal changes did not seem to influence activities, although walking and running were observed more often during the summer months. The sheep observed showed no apparent reaction to the presence of train work crews or other human presence on the south side of the river. Trains pass through the area fairly regularly and the sheep are probably habituated to the noise created. Highway 2 is clearly visible from the north bluffs, but auto traffic had no apparent effect on the sheep. Habitat use on the Kootenai Falls bighorn sheep range is summarized in Tables 16 through 20. As previously mentioned, an observability bias was present which likely influenced the data. A radio-tracking program would be necessary to alleviate this type of bias. Table 16 and Figure 8 reveal where bighorns were observed, by season. From November through March, most bighorns were observed from just below the Falls (area 3), across Kootenai Mountain (areas 1 and 2). During spring and summer (except for June) the majority of sheep were found on other portions of the study area, upriver from the Falls. During November through March the majority of sheep were observed using the broken terrain type (Table 17) 58 I o CO >i 3 CD O S- CTi ■o >. 'J cn 3 cn c: CO C5 CD LD O ID LD CO ^ ^ CO CO C\J r— Ol +-> O o .C o o. OJ i. o cn •r- -Q 4- O U re C o Ol OJ 03 cn c -a Ol o «* r— OD CNJ OO CM LD r^ CvJ uo oo o CO O CM IT) CO o ir5 CM CM CM CM C\J cri CM CM ^ CM CO 00 LD 00 O CO r^ ^ CO CO CM O CO o r-~. CO CM CO CO _ C7^ C^ ^ c: o != c •I — !_ rs -o to c o •I— > s_ 00 C r>. >o CT> 1 CO co CO <^ r->. r-. r-^ r-~ CO t — >> CT^ CTi CO r-- r>. ^— fO cri 3 ^ ^— r— • S_ (J • r— CU >, > ^ S- i- >, c O QJ IT3 Q. (C Zi 3 Z U- s: <; z: o T > S- (U (/) o o. 0) +-> (O c +i o o £ +-» (U cn CD c (O •r- • +-> i- "O c 3 OJ OJ TD c o •r— s_ ■o J3 CU o ^^^ S_ (J to 0) Q. to t! 3 -O +-> o o fO i- -o CJ> 01 . Q. CX) >, r^ 3 r^ (O O a^ C +J s- ^— o o cn +J ■o -0 >+- c +J 4- O r— en -U c 1 — CZ OJ •• QJ U CD >> O S- c S- QJ 3 3 QJ a. •-3 -D D. r--l cmI ro| .^ 59 -^ c^ CO •— UD r*-. <— CNJ -— CM I— f— CO rsj .— r— -^ ---. -^ ----- "--^ ro *:?■ CM ^ ro .— CM .— CO CM I — CM o O ro CM '— »— O O CO CsJ .— CvJ ^ .^ ^ f— to a\ •— <— .— .— c r~ 1- r^ cmI rnl ^ LOl 60 <0 >. o o 01 a. >. o u u Ol lU ^ <— IT) CD ^ , in I — ■I- 3 ■o O .— .— in CO ■— r— r- CMC\jr^>X>i — ■ — I — r— I— KO n I— o o csi .— f— ^ ^ CO <^ ■ — rtj ^1 . — .— c j1 rol ^ 66 -'d- r— TJ- ^ O IT) ,— _ o ^ <— O LO f^ fO ,— ,— ;^ ^ •U CO •— en JC ID J-> o 00 ^ c: . — , — s: 67 •— I tsjl (^ ^ Of c: 7 o - o NJ O J^ O -t O & o o -^^ .— CO ^ UD .-1 O 4-) CO CTi O CD O CO S 5 ^ .^ ^ C r- A^ .—1 OvTl rol t^ LfTl 68 In 1978, 5 ram permits and 10 ewe permits were issued for Hunting District 100, which includes the Kootenai Falls herd. Hunter success was 100 percent for rams and 75 percent for ewes (Weckwerth and Cross 1979, Weckwerth et al. 1979). 69 SUMMARY OF HABITAT RELATIONS The Kootenai FaPs area is a complex mosaic of many different habitats, each harboring its own assemblag'^ of animals. Figure 9 shows the pattern of distribution of selected vertebrates among habitats of three generalized cross-sections of the Kootenai River Valley (at the Falls, at the gorge below the Falls, and upstream from the Falls). Typical vertebrate species associated with each of the habitat categories listed in Table 1 are discussed below. Water Habitats Rapids. The only species which was observed to use rapids extensively was the dipper. Aquatic insects associated with rapids provided an important food source for the dipper, and wintering dippers concentrated at major rapids. Fall s. Kootenai Falls is the only remaining unimpounded falls of a major river in Montana, and as such provides a unique habitat. The Falls of the Yaak River, located north of Troy, is smaller and of lower gradient than Kootenai Falls and does not provide a comparable habitat. Kootenai Falls actually consists of several very different habitats, which receive different levels of use by different wildlife species. The thalweg (deepest part) of the river channel is located near the north bank of the river at the Falls, and -- at all flows -- most of the water volume descends the Falls through this channel. Water velocity is high in this constricted channel, and flow is very turbulent. A large island separates the main flow into north and south channels just below the head of the Falls. The only species observed to use the crashing, turbeulent water and spray of the main channels was the dipper. The head of the Falls and the minor channels below are a highly variable environment, depending on the pattern of discharge from Libby Dam. A series of relatively flat rock benches occur at the head of the Falls, south of the main channel and form a stairstep pattern leading to the sheer rock dropoffs of the Falls itself. These rock benches are densely covered with periphyton the river's southern bank. At low flows of 112 to 168 cms (4,000 - 6,000 cfs), most of this rock is dry and exposed or supports a gentle trickle of water from the relatively calm pool upstream; relatively little water descends over the Falls here, and the minor channels downstream are essentially calm pools. At high flows of 168 cms (6,000 cfs) and higher, a much larger volume of water cascades in a turbulent manner over the rock benches and the edge of the Falls, and the minor channels are turbulent as well, producing considerable spray and white water. At nearly all discharges, water flow across the benches between "stairsteps" is laminar rather than turbulent somewhere near the center of the Falls, and provides preferred feeding habitat for the harlequin ducks, the most distinctive and characteristic species of the Falls habitat. Harlequins are presumably feeding on diptera larvae (probably Simuliidae) in this swift water. Dippers feed in the same general area, but competition with the harlequins for food resources is avoided, as dippers feed in shallower water, closer to the rocks, and 70 o.i.i 1/, ;.ui ^':.i' , jatqjPM ottiAqsi'N -r,'-dv "S ■•■.■■■TMilJ ('■■■'•■'' :;-|:n'ia't^'' i ja^qji'M s,/eJAiill03«W '-*? 5 I MOjjpds 6uos jBtqjPM M0LL3A >(uniudiqo auid «oil.3A MOjjpd^ 6uo$ Js^qjeM M0t[3A jaAPSg jaduipue^ panodj 'jaapi[i> U0J3H ania jeajo 'jaddiQ /COjdSQ MOnB«s uaajQ-iaioiA aAauaptog s.MOJjeg a/'auap[O0 uouimoo "jasup5jai.| uoiuuoj J83;0 JS/^ia jasus5jaH uomuioj 'jadidpup; pai;od5 3/(aaapi09 uoiuiiioo 'asoog eppueQ uo-iaH an^a ;esJ9 utqoy upDueinv -laLjdo'j ;a-pod u.taqijoij _^J o > uiqoy UPDijaujv ja6euti uj.nsa'i aape)(Diq3 poddeD-pPia ODunp pa/Ca-^jtQ '[[iqssojj pay uiqoy upDuauiv/ 'moj3 uouiujoo lajjiribs punojo pa^iupw-uapioo >m^>?,v- jaoG ainw oaaqS ujoqSia MO J 3 iioi:i.uo3 utqoy ueiuaiui/ 71 lliqssoj] pay j3BBuPi ujoqsaKsZ>.iS;^ I3jjinb5 pax yunuidi^Q P3|.ej.-p3y "^VriJ? 3S00W )||3 03unc p3Aa-)(jea 'I 03Ji/\ Cut[q.i?f.| oajtA po/:a-p3yC'4-^i'!C^'A;^ q5n-4i paueA uiqoa LiPDiJ3iuv^'"'r?\>,--«i^^ jadaajo umo.iu MSjeqviN pa;seaja-p3jp;S,<- Si'A 3?pe>DmO uie^unoH a3pe>|3iq3 f>')':i'Jeo-^dv\ paiisg P-"?Ui'W I ^ < / jaBeupj^ ujBTsaM iy \ •-' 3epe)|DH|0 paddea-^sp^g ^w""'!.'^* " ODunp pdAa-),jL'Q iLia ssojo pay .'wV'' uiqo;j MOJO iioiiiiioo uoApy iiuiiiijoo J' T' !S daaqs Luoqoig asnoiii jaar] .;^ ^ £ [ajjinb'-; punoj'j pa[-)ijpi^-uop|0'j .'/^ Mu.rj uoiiiuo) .-!^ .'■•'•/'. ^s'-^ uaAPa uoii:;iioj ..■|bnpii"j , ), ''kir .v'''^ L/1 O - '- fO O f— ■O Di o o s MO.upd^ 5uos '^^'■ j3[q.a'M MO[[aA aa3Q 3[n 9snow jeaQ :iejpoo,'.i p9|_ Lei-/Ci|sng auLPli [OS s.puasuMOi M0[L9MS u3au9-io[oiA uiqo^ pjPLieW J3SUL'6^3|^ UOUJUiOQ pnQ ULnb9[jPH aA'rtUop[05 uouiiiioo >|uniiiLluo oii; cl-MO[ [3A daaL|5 ujOLiBig oounp paAa-^jup joiquPM pocluiriy-MO[ [aA vjaGyuei uaa-}se,'{ oaji/\ pa/.'a-pny acpp>t3m:) paddpo-)jari f [^iqssojn pay uiqoy Moj'j U0U1U103 jaLpieoA'[j. xeuopidiuj uaAey uouhuoq ja>j3i[j uouiujoo [O-tJi.nh'; punoa9 p3[;ufi.j-uap [09 cjaai|5 uJoq5ia ^ S_ (O OJ (-J <-) CJl -. QJ "O uo ■f— iji X3 0 in •(-> 0 0 UJ u 0 (j; CJ 14- =D C3 ~ Y\ O) -ii OS s- 0 QJ r- (D 0 3 C/l CO Cd (J U1 i/l ra (U '- U- CJ U- <_) select different prey (primarily Ephe.meroptera, Trichoptera, and Oiptera, with very few Simuliidae) (F^itchell 1963). Mallards, common goldeneye, spotted sandpipers, a river otter were observed i; the relatively slow water between rock benches at the head of the Falls. A beaver was seen along a minor channel on the south bank of ttie river at a time when discharge war relatively low. Common ravens and common crows were occasionally seen on exposed rocks at the head of the Falls, presumably drinking or scavpnging on carrion trapped on the exposed recks or logjams. Harlequin ducks were also observed in fairly quiet side channels just below the Falls or perched on rocks adjacent to the main channel . Slow Water. Relatively slow, deep water occurs both above and below the Falls; its distribution and extent are controlled largely by the pattern of discharge from Libby Dam. Large flocks of mallards, common goldeneye, and common mergansers were frequently seen swimming in this habitat; harlequin ducks, Canada geese, Barrow's goldeneye, American wigeon, belted kingfishers, and ring-billed and California gulls were seen less frequently. Spotted sandpioers, great blue herons, ana dippers used shoreline areas for feeding. Csprey and (presumably) bald eagles use these relatively slow and deep stretches of the river for feeding. Otter, muskrat, and beaver were also observed in slow water. Fast Water. Constricted areas, especially the main river channel in the gorge below the Falls, are characterized by fast, turbulent flows and are used by a few species, including mallards, common goldeneye, harlequin ducks, common mergansers, and dippers. Aquatic Vegetation (Rooted). The mallard, common merganser, and river otter were the only species seen using this very limited habitat, which occurs only in a relatively quiet backwater-like area at the head of the Falls on the south bank of the river. A mallard brood used this area extensively, and it apparently provides the only suitable brood- rearing habitat for puddle ducks in the Falls area. Sparsely Vegetated Habitats Exposed Rock or Logjams (in River). A peninsula of boulders and rocky rubble extends into the river from the south bank just upstream from the head of the Falls; when cut off from shore by high discharges, these rocks were preferred loafing habitat for "clubs" of harlequin ducks, and were used also by spotted sandpipers, dippers, ring-billed gulls, mallards, and Barrow's and common goldeneye. Small islands of exposed rock and the log and debris jams at the head of the Falls were extensively used as loafing habitat (or as perching areas between feeding bouts) by great blue herons, mallards, harlequin ducks, common mergansers, ring-billed gulls, dippers, common crows, and brown- headed cowbirds. Dippers were the most characteristic species on exposed rock surrounded by water below the Falls. 74 Bare Rock (Upland). The nearly vertical rock cliffs forming the river gorge between the footbridge and the concrete retaining wall were used as nesting sites by rough-winged swallows, robins, and possibly violet-green swallows. Gravel Bars. Spotted sandpiper breeding territories were typically associated with gravel bars along the river; great blue herons, Canada geese, mallards, American wigeon, common goldeneye, common mergansers, and killdeer also used this habitat. Scree and Talus. Rockslides and talus slopes were most common on the steep hillside to the north of the Falls; they were used occasionally by bighorn sheep, and provided cover for golden-mantled ground squirrels and yellow pine chipmunks. A single deer mouse was the only mammal taken in pitfall traps set in loose rock, but both masked and vagrant shrews probably occur there as well. Pikas have been reported to use this habitat at unusually low elevations along the Fisher River near the study area (Hoffman et al. 1979a), but none were observed during this study. Rocky Outcrops (Upland). A raven nest was located on a steep rock outcrop above Highway 2. On the north side of the river, sparsely vege- tated cliffs and rocky bluffs were used extensively by bighorn sheep, and also by merlin, Townsend's solitaire, and bushy- tailed woodrat. Grassland and Marsh Habitats Riparian Grasslands and Hayfields. While these habitats were used occasionally for feeding or loafing by a variety of birds from adjacent tree and shrub habitats (e.g., American robins, common ravens, song sparrows) and by Canada geese and common goldeneye, they supported no typical grassland species (such as savannah sparrow or western meadowlarks) , probably because of their limited extent. Nevertheless, such habitats are characterized by relatively high primary productivity, and are a prime food source for grazing herbivores , particularly voles (Microtus spp.) and bighorn sheep. Figure 8 shows where relatively flat, grassy slopes of this habitat occur adjacent to rocky areas used heavily by bighorn sheep on the north side of the river. In tliese areas, bighorn sheep occupy the lowest elevations in late March and early April ; these highly productive grasslands provide a key food source. Small mammals taken during the trapping effort in this habitat include the vagrant shrew, meadow vole, long-tailed vole, and meadow jumping mouse. Burrows of northern pocket gophers and Columbian ground squirrels were observed in this habitat, and western garter snakes were found only in this habitat. Fescue Grassland. This grassland type is also an important source of forage for bighorn sheep. It Is occupied oy yellow-pine chipmunks and probably deer mice and vagrant shrews, as well as various birds using adjacent timber and shrub habitats. 75 Cattail Marsh. Mallards were the only vertebrates observed using the small patch of cattails located on the south bank of the river adjacent to the head of the Falls, but it is likely used by vole? and deer mice. The area is too snrll and isolated to provide suitable oreeding habitat for such characteristic species as the red-winged blackbird, long-billed marsh wren, and sora. Shrub Habitats Willow. Riparian willows at the head of the Falls provided food for beaver and breeding habitat for the willow flycatcher. Yellow warbler and ?ong sparrows also used this habitat occasionally. Bi rch-Al der-Dogwood. Conmon birds in this habitat include: willow flycatcher, black-capped chickadee, gray catbird, American robin, cedar waxwing, red-eyed vireo, warbling vireo, oranqe-crowned warbler, Nashville warbler, yel low warbler , McGil 1 ivrey' s warbler, American redstart, rufous-sided towhee, and song sparrow. Alder-Dogwood. This type was quite limited in extent and was not investigated regularly. Species composition is probably similar to the birch-alder-dogwood type. Forest Habitats Riparian Cottonwoods. The shrub layer of this habitat supports a group of species similar to that of the birch-alder-dogwood type. Additional species using the tall cottonwoods are the bald eagle, osprey, American kestrel, common flicker, hairy woodpecker, common raven, common crow, American robin, yellow-rumped warbler, and brown-headed cowbird. Snags (Deciduous). Snags of cottonwood and (to a lesser degree) birch and aspen provide perch sites for bald eagles, American kestrels, and osprey; cavities within snags provide nesting habitat for American kestrel, common flicker, hairy woodpecker, tree swallow, and black- capped chickadee; cavity-nesting ducks (common goldeneye, harlequin duck, common merganser) may also use deciduous snags for nesting (see discussion on p. 7. Cottonwood - Conifers. This habitat is apparently a mid-succession type in which riparian cottonwoods are being successfully invaded by conifers. Characteristic bird species of this habitat are: bald eagle, osprey, American kestrel, common flicker, hairy woodpecker, common raven, common crow, black-capped chickadee, American robin, Swainson's thrush, golden-crowned kinglet, ruby-crowned kinglet, cedar waxwing, warbling vireo, orange-crowned warbler, Nashville warbler, yellow warbler, yellow-rumped warbler, MacGi 11 ivray' s warbler, American redstart, brown- headed cowbird, western tanager, lazuli bunting, pine siskin, American goldfinch, red crossbill, dark-eyed junco, and chipping sparrow. 76 Ponderosa Pine-Douglas Fir. This type occurs on the dry, steep south-facino slopes on the north side of the river, and was not investigated with the same level of intensity as the riparian types. Birds seen in this habitat were the American kestrel, golden eagle, bald eagle, common raven, common crow, American robin, Townsend's solitaire, cedar waxwing, pine siskin, and dark-eyed junco; mammals using this type include the yellow-pine chipmunk, golden-mantled ground squirrel, white-tailed deer, mule deer, and bighorn sheep. Douglas Fir-Shrub. Bird species using this mid-succession habitat are similar to those of the cottonwood- conifer habitat. Those observed include the bald eagle, merlin, American kestrel, ruffed grouse, mourning dove, rufous hummingbird, calliope hummingbird, Empidonax flycatcher, common raven, common crow, black-capped chickadee, chestnut-backed chickadee, red-breasted nuthatch, American robin, Swainson's thrush, cedar waxwing, red-eyed vireo, orange-crowned warbler, Nashville warbler, yellow warbler, yellow-rumped warbler, brown-headed cowbird, western tanager, lazuli bunting, American goldfinch, red crossbill, dark-eyed junco, chipping sparrow, Lincoln's sparrow, and song sparrow. Mammals observed in this type include the red squirrel, deer mouse, white-tailed deer, and bighorn sheep. Douglas Fir-Ninebark. Characteristic species of this late-successional type are common flicker, Empidonax flycatcher, common raven, common crow, black-capped chickadee, American robin, varied thrush, Swainson's thrush, red-eyed vireo, yellow-rumped warbler, western tanager, pine siskin, red crossbill, dark-eyed Junco and chipping sparrow. The vagrant shrew and deer mouse were taken during limited trapping in this type; also seen were Columbian ground sqiiirrel, red squirrel, mule deer, and bighorn sheep. Douglas '^ir-Western Red Cedar. Bird species using this type include ruffed grouse, common flicker, pileated woodpecker, hairy woodpecker, Empidonax flycatcher, Steller's jay, common raven, common crow, black- capped chickadee, mountain chickadee, red-breasted nuthatch, brown creeper, winter wren, American rooin, varied thrush, Swainson's thrush, golden-crowned kinglet, ruby-crowned kinglet, red-eyed vireo, warbling vireo, yellow-rumped warbler, Townsend's warbler, MacGill iv>^ay' s warbler, American redstart, western tanager, lazuli bunting, pine s'skin, red crossbill, dark-eyed junco, chipping sparrow, and Lincoln's sparrow. Mammals observed, trapped, or leaving signs in this habicat &re the masked shrew, vagrant shrew, red-tailed chipmunk, red squirrel, northern flying squirrel, deer mouse, red-backed vole, coyote, white-tailed deer, elk, and mjose. Snags (Coniferous). Cavities in coniferous snags provide important nest sites for cavity-nesting birds as well as the red squirrel and northern flying squirrel. Large western red cedar snags between the head of the Falls and Highway 2 showed evidence of extensive feeding use by pileated woodpeckers. Such snags were f.^equently used as perches by bald eagles and American kestrels. 77 other Power! ine Riqht-of-Way. This habitat is extremely variable, and is typically used by species of adjacent habitats, as well as shrub and edge-loving species such as the yellow warbler, MacGill ivray' s warbler, and song sparrow. Wires on the distribution line were often used as perches by viol?t-green swallows and brown-headed cowbirds. Railroad Right-of-Way. Like the powerline right-of-way, the railroad right-of-way is used by species of adjacent habitats for travel and feeding. In the vicinity of the head of the Falls, shrubs along the right-of-way produce oerries abund^intiy which are used extensively by birds and small mammals. Columbian ground squirrel burrows are comr.on on the right-of-way at the head of the Falls, and vellow pine chipmunks are abundant on the right-of-way in summer and fall. Orchard. The scattered apple orchards along the Kootenai River were used by species of adjacent habitats and did not support a char- acteristic group of species. Black bears from adjacent coniferous habitats are likely to feed on fallen apples in the fall, although none were observed in this study. Open Air. The open air above the river is of course traversed by many bird species (especially raptors and waterfowl) which are crossing the river or moving-up or down river. A number of species, however, use this habitat for feeding on the flying insects which are abundant in summer above the river; these include the black swift, Vaux's swift, violet- green swallow, tree swallow, and rough-winged swallow. Violet-green swallows were especially abundant in the Falls area. 78 ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATING MEASURES In the following section, potential impacts of the proposed Kootenai falls project on the wildlife resource are discussed, along with possible means of mitigating these impacts and the overall potential effectiveness of mitigation. Potential impacts are described in terms of their ultimate effect on population size and/or the carrying capacity of the environment (that is, the optimum number of animals which the environment can support over a long period of time). In this sense, an adverse or negative impact may be de- fined as an environmental change which (1) temporarily reduces population size below carrying capacity, (2) increases population size above carrying capacity, or (3) reduces an area's carrying capacity. Similarly, a bene- ficial or positive impact is a change which (1) restores a depleted or oversize population to carrying capacity, or (2) increases an area's carry- ing capacity. For the purposes of this report, potential impacts were grouped according to the four primary mechanisms by which populations or carrying capacity may be affected: (1) habitat alteration, (2) displacement, (3) changes in mortality or natality rates, and (4) physiological stress. The relationships among these mechanisms of impact are complex, but this categorization is nevertheless useful for purposes of impact analysis. The overall significance of an impact may be viewed from either a social or a biological perspective (Sharma et al . 1975). Social significance is dependent upon the degree to which a given impact affects the public's sensibilities or system of values; thus, while destruction of a brood of ducklings may not be biologically significant, it may outrage people and assume a social significance that cannot be ignored. Biological significance is best thought of in terms of measurable, long-term changes in carrying capacity. Thus, if 100 tree squirrels should be destroyed, the impact to the totsl population would be short-term (lasting a few years at most) and hence not significant (s'nsu Sharma et al . 1975) -- the population would recover relatively Cuickly, and carrying capacity would not be affected. If ten osprey or fi\e bighorn sheep were destroyed, the impact would be more long-lasting and hence more significant, since these species are rela- tively scarce and have lower recovery rates, but carrying capacity would still not be affected. If nesting habitat for five pair of osprey or winter- spring habitat for five bighorn sheep were destroyed, however, the impact to the population would be long-term (lasting mora than a few years) and carrying capacity would be reduced -- a significant impact. Possible mitigating measures are discussed in this section; compensation and enhancement manager^nt are dealt with in a later chapter. It should be emphasized that the mitigating measures discussed below are not necess- arily those which will ultimately be recommended by DNRC; selection of appropriate mitigating measures in many cases requires tradeoffs with other concerns as well as consideration of cost-effectiveness. For example, loss of riparian habitat can be very effectively reduced by lowering forebay elevation from 510 to 606 m (2000 to 1990 feet), but this would affect' many other features of the project and such a recommendation is beyond the scope 79 of this report. A final set of mitigating measures, construction guidelines, and stipulations can be arrived at only after DNRC has completed its multi- | disciplinary review of the project, and after public conment has been received " as I'equired by the Major Facility Siting Act. HABITAT ALTERATION The habitat of an animal species iiiay be defined as a type of area where the species can generally be found, and which provides for all life require- ments of the species. Although carrying capacity "'s determined by a great many environmental features, such as colonization rates, competitive milieu, etc., habitat quality is often considered the principal detenninant of carry- ing capacity: if habitat is altered in such a way that it no longer meets the life requirements of a population, carrying a capacity is ''e'duced. Species differ considerably in their ability to adapt to different habitats. Some species are very stenotopic, that is, restricted to a narrowly-defined range of environmental conditions. "K-selected" species (MacArthur and Wilson 1967), such as the harlequin duck, pilea"i,ed woodpecker, and wolverine, are usually very stenotopic and are especially vulnerable to habitat alteration. Such species are often restricted to late-successional habitats. Eurytopic species are those which can tolerate wide extremes in environmental conditions. These are often "R-selected" species, such as most rodents and m^^.ny songbirds, which have high reproductive rates and the ability to quickly colonize vacant habitats. Eurytopic species are generally characteristic of early successional stages and occupy a wide range of habitats. The proposed Kootenai Falls project would affect a variety of species ^ through changes in aquatic and riparian habitats. These habitat changes would result primarily from impoundment of the Kootenai River and relocation of the railroad, and are discussed in detail below. Changes in Riparian Habitats Due to Impoundment and Railroad Relocation The construction of Libby Dam has had a profound effect on the downstream riparian environment of the Kootenai River. Prior to impoundment in 1972, the pattern of discharge of the Kootenai River was typical of that of large montane rivers: high flows occurred with spring runoff, and low flows occurred in win- ter. Libby dam reversed that pattern, and now peak flows generally occur in winter (Figure 11). Furthermore, the frequency of extremely high (flood) run- off has been reduced and the daily variation in flows is extreme. Flows often vary by 424 cm,s (15,000 cfs) or more from morning until evening each day in winter. This alteration in flow regimes has undoutedly influenced the pattern of succes- sion in riparian plant comnuni ties, both by eliminating the "flood disclimax" successional pattern and by allowing relatively high flows to scour a portion of the riverbanks almost any day of the year. The proposed Kootenai Falls project would superimpose further changes on those brought about by Libby Dani, as discussed below. Littoral Habitats. The term "littoral" is used here as in marine ecology i.e., to refer to the zone between high and low water marks. In order to ade- ^^ quately assess potential effects of the proposed dam on littoral habitats (which^ are largely limited in the project area to gravel bars and bare rock), it is 80 c 00 o With Project- River cross-section no. 4 -610 tf) E c o o 605 CO 2000 - 1990- 1980 With Project -610 -605 -I 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 I I r Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 86 FIGURE 14. Typical seasonal variation in wetted perimeter and width of littoral zone (area between daily high and low water marks) of the Kootenai River at three river cross sections, with and without the proposed dam, assuminq a forebay elevation of 610 m (?0()0 ft) and tho jiattorn of discharge shown in I iqiiro 12 (SOURCE: Sewol I and Associates ][}7')) 1000 900- 800- River cross-section no. I With project- Without project- 700 600- 500- 400- „ 300 -• 600 a> E a> "S 500 -f 100% of time< 1 >807o of time 5 400- 300- 200- With project- River cross-section no. 4 Without project- -300 -200 -loo";;; > 1 1 1 }> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 II I 300-1- ^ With project Without project — ~^ \ \ I I \ \ \ 1 \ 1 lar Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Seo Oct Nov Dec r200 -100 87 an ir./'ospitaole environn.ent for benthic macroinvertebrates , since few local orga- ^ nisms are adepted for a "freshwater intertidal" life (Hanson and Eberhardt 1971:3- f 9, Payne, et al . 1976). Stranding of benthic insects on a wide littoral zone can be lethal during exposure periods of 24-28 hours; Ephemeroptara, a key food source of the dipper (Mithcell 1968), are especially intolerant to short-term exposure (&>^usven et al . 1974). A stabilized river shoreline would probaoly be more pro- ductive of aquatic insects than the present fluctuating' shoreline, although species composition would change drastically; net effects on availability of suitable food for waterfowl broods are uncertain. Shoreline stabilization could also result in increased production of rooted aquatic vegetation, which is important to divin^^ ducks, once siltation establishes suitable substrate (McKern 197G). Shore- line stabilization and eventual siltation cou^d increase breeding and estivation habitat for riparian amphibians such as the leopa-^d frog (Rana pipiens) and spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) , both of which were consipicuously absent from both the Kootenai Falls study area and from the widely fluctuating Columbia River (McKern 1976). Creation of a muddy-bottomed r^verbank via sedimentation could create habitat for mud-probing shorebirds, which were also conspicuously rare in tlie Kootenai and Columbia River study areas (Payne et al . , 1976). Stabilization of shoreline eleva- tions could also benefit furbearers by preventing the exposure of dens with young to drowning (due to sudden high discharges) or predation (due to exposure of den entrances at low water), and possibly increasing food supply (faber and Raedeke 1976; Martin 1977). Terrestrial (Supra! ittoral ) Habitats. At a river discharge of KOO cms (50,000 cfs), the project as proposed (forebay at 610 m (2,000 ft) would inundate roughly 24.5 ha (60.6 acres) of riparian habitats which would otherwise be exposed. An ad- ditional 4.6 ha (11.4 acres) of land would be disturbed for railroad relocation, ^k bringing the total amount of riparian habitat which would be altered at the project^^ site to roughly 29.1 ha (72 acres) (table 21). An unknown amount of additional habi- tat would be disturbed off-site to provide housing for construction workers and to produce the fuel and materials necessary for construction of the project. This loss of habitat represents a reduction in carrying capacity for all species presently de- pendent upon the affected terrestrial habitats (see pages for a list of spe- cies for the individual habitats listed in table 21). Of the 29.1 ha (72 acres) of habitat affected, 9.8 ha (24.3 acres) (34%) are dominated by trees and/or shurbs (including the willow, birch-alder-dogwood, ripar- ian Cottonwood, cottonwood-conifer, and conifer-dominated types). Trees and/or shrubs dominate 6.8 ha (16.8 acres) (28%) of the 24.5 ha (60.6 acres) which would be inudated at a forebay elevation of 610 m (2,000 ft), and 3.0 ha (75 acres) (66%) of the 4.6 ha (11.4 acres) which would be disturbed by railroad relocation. Most of this latter area would represent a permanent, long-term loss since the new rail- road right-of-way would be kept clear of trees and tall shrubs. Loss of riparian trees and shrubs is especially significant, since these riparian habitats are not only highly diverse and productive, but also increasingly rare. Due to various human developments, riparian vegetation has been reduced in the United States to 70 - 90 percent of its original extent, and remaining riparian habitat continues to be destroyed at approximately 5 percent per year (McCormick 1968). Realizing the value of this diminishing resource, the U.S. Forest Service recently conducted two national symposia dealing witli the importance, protection. 88 TABLE 21. Amounts of habitat which would be inundated by the proposed Kootenai Falls dam at a discharge of 1400 cms (50,000 cfs) or disturbed by railroad relocation. ~~ Area Flooded at a Discharge of 1400 cms (50,000 cfs)!./ Forebay at Forebay at Area Total Area ^ . .^ , 605.5 m 609.6 m Disturbed by Disturbed with ^^^'^^^ (1,990ft) (2,000ft) Railroad Forebay at 609. 6m Aquatic Vegetation (Rcoted) Gravel Bar ( incl. exposed rock) Scree and Talus Rocky Outcrpp-. (Upland) Riparian Grasslands and Hayfiel Fescue Grassland Cattail Marsh Willow Bi rch-Al der-Dogwood Alder- CDgwood Ripar'an Cottonwoods Cottonwood-Coni fers PoTderosa Pine-Douglas Fir Douglas Fir-Shruo Douglas Fir-dinebark Douglas Fir-Western Red Ceda'- Pjwerline Right-of-way Railroad Right-of-way Orcn.rd TOTAL Relocation (2,000 ft) .06(.16)i'' .06(.16) 0 .06(.16) 6.37(15.73) 14.6(36.06) 0 14.6(36.06) .06(.16) .11(.25) 0 .11(.26) 0 0 0 0 ds 1.17(2.RR) 1.17(2.88) 0 1.17(2.83) 0 0 0 0 .01(.02) .01( 02) 0 .OK. 02) .50(1.23) .50.: 1.23) 0 .50(1.23) .12(.29) .41(1.02) 0 .41(1.01) 0 0 0 0 ■ •.03(.08) 1.78(4.40) 0 1.7°(4.40; .53(1.31) 2.69(6.64) .72(1 .77) 3.40(8.41) .31(.77) 0 0 0 • .53(1.30) 0 0 .89;2.19) .34( .22' 1.75(^ 0 85) 55) .32 .53(1.30) .34(.85) .22(.55) 2.64(6.51) .Oi( 02) .21 (.52) .36(. 89) .57(1.41) .44(1.08) 1.60(3.96) 1.21(2.98) 2.8.(6 94) 0 9.61(23.73) 0 24.54(60.63; 0 4.60(11.36) 0 29.14(71.99) 1/ ha (acres). 2/ Land area present" exposed at a flow of 396.2 ± 34.9 cms':i4.000 i 3.000 c<^s), SOURCE: Olson-Elliott anu Associates 1979. 89 and management of riparian ecosystems (Johnson and Jones 1977, Johnson and McCormick^ 1978), and a similar symposium was recently held in Colorado (Graul and Bissell 1978^^ While the cottonwood-wil low riparian ecosystem is "unquestionably the most produc- tive and highly diversified ecosystem in the west" (Beidleman 1978), it is also our most endangered nabitat (Mustard 1978). Many stjdias have documented that the high structural diversity and horizontal patchiness of multi-layered riparian forests contributes not only to greater numbers of birds, but also to a greater diversity (both of species and guilds) than most other temperate habitats (Wal check 1969, 1970, Carothers et al". 1974, Thompson 1978, Meslow 1973, Anderson, et al . 1977). In the present study, both the breeding bird census and riparian habitat transects showed that riparian trees and shrubs support both more individual birds and a greater variety of birds than any other habitat studied. Riparian forests and shrubbery are highly productive, and those in the study area probably have a ne: primary productivity on the order of 5-10 tons/acre (Golden et al . 1979). Much of the production is in the form of browse available to white- tailed deer, and loss of this habitat would probably reduce w.ii te-tailed deer carry- ing capacity. Deer security within the riparian habitats which would be flooded along the south bank of the river is presently limited by existing disturbances in the area, notably traffic on the twin railroad tracks, the unimproved road parallel- ing the tracks. Highway 2, and fishermen and sight-seer traffic. In fact, few deer were seen in this area during the study. Both the riparian deciduous forests and the coniferous forests provide perch sites and potential nest support structures for osprey and bald eagles. The trees that would be removed do not appear to be preferred or specially selected by these birds. Available data indicate that wintering bald eagles use whatever tall trees are available close to the river's edge (especially within 15.2 m (50 ft)), and that after impoundment the availability of suitable roosting or nesting trees would not be reduced. The forest types which would be inundated or cleared are a source of snags and dead or decaying trees, which are important as nest sites or feeding sites for a variety of species. Many recent studies have shown the importance of snags and old growth to cavity-nesting birds and mammals (Meslow 1978, Bull 1978, McClelland 1977, Jackman 1974); cavity-nesting species found in or near the study area are listed in table 22. Loss of existing snags, and of a source for future snags, would represent a significant, long-term loss for these species. A total of 1.2 ha (2.9 acres) of riparian grasslands and hayfields would be in- undated assuming a forebay of 610 m (2,000 ft). These habitats are relatively scarce in the area, and support relatively high densities of rodents. Of the 1.2 ha (2.9 acres) affected, almost none occur on the north bank of the river adjacent to big- horn sheep concentration areas (Figure 8). However, the rise in water table brought about by the pool is likely to encourage establishment and growth of hydrophilic shrubs over a much larger grassland area, thus reducing further the amount of for- age available to bighorn sheep. Bighorns use these low-elevation grasslands most heavily in spring, preferring such grass species as Festuca scabrella, Festuca idahoensis, A^ro^yron spicatum, Koeleria cristata, and Stipa comata in the nearby 90 TABLE 22. Cavity-nesting species known to occur in the Kootenai Fal Is Area Common Goldeneye Barrow's Goldeneye Coiimon Merganser Merlin American Kestrel Comnon Flicker- Pileated Woodpecker_/ Hairy Woodpecker— Violet-green Swallow Tree Swallow Black-capped Chickadee Mountain Chickadee Chestnut-backed Chickadee White-breasted Nuthatch-^ Red-breasted Nuthatch- Brown Creeper Winter Wren Red Squirrel Northern Flying Squirrel -Primary cavity nesters (excavate own cavity) SOURCE: Bull 1978, Scot+, et al . , McClelland 1977. 91 Lake Koocanusa area (3rown 1979). j The cattail marsh and rooted aquatic vegetation stands which would be inun- dated by the project are the only representatives of these types found in the study area (Olson-Elliott and Associates 1979). Although small in extent, these types are at least seasonally important to dabbling ducks. All tree, shrub, end grassland-dominated types, as well as the existing rail- road and powerline ri gnts-of-way , support considerable small mammal populations. Thisp.rey base is used by a number of predators in the area, notably the raven, coy- ote, red-tailed hawk, American kestrel and possibly one or more species of owl. Except for the raven, these predators do not appear to heavily use these habitats at present, and effects of loss of a portion of the p'^ey base would likely be small. Mitigating Measures and Their Effectiveness. One of the most effective mea- sures for reducing the amount of riparian habitat lost would be lowering of the forebay elevation. Since the banks of the river are gently sloping, a small change in forebay elevation cculd lead to a substantial decrease in area inundated (Table 21). For example, lowering the forebay from 610 m (2,000 ft) to 606.5 m (1990 ft) would reduce the amount o^ habitat flooded from 24.5 ha (60.6 acres) to 9.6 ha (23.7 acres); this would reduce the amount of riparian forests flooded even more dramatically, from 5.9 ha (14.5 acres) to 0.9 ha (2.2 acres). Also, since the railroad wouM not have to be relocated as high upslope, the amount of new right- of-way clearing and the lateral extent of fill slopes would be reduced as well. Such a lowering of pool level would have important effects on other aspects of the project (especially economics, visual impact, and power generation capability), and optimum pool elevation can only be determined by careful consideration of costs and^ benefits of the tradeoffs involved. These tradeoffs are beyond the scope of this analysis, and can only be made after DNRC's full evaluation of the facility under the MFSA and analysis of public comment. Prior to the commencement of any clearing operations, NLI should submit for FERC and state review and approval a clearing plan, specifying the timing and ex- tent of vegetation removal along the shoreline. Specific trees to be removed, and those allowed to remain, should be identified in this plan. NLI plans to allow some of the larger conifers which would be inundated to remain as snags in the pool; this would provide attractive perching and possibly nesting sites for eagle and os- prey. The amount of vegetation cleared should be the minimum necessary to allow construction to proceed, and clearing should be postponed as long as possible dur- ing construction (Regan 1979, Fielder 1977). Clearing should be done in stages rather than all at once; the earliest construction stages would require the earli- est clearing. Riparian trees surrounding the construction area at the head of the Falls should be allowed to remain until just prior to final inundation. As mentioned earlier, flood-tolerant shrubs and/or trees should not be cleared from the littoral zone at the upper end of the pool if the extent of inundation does not exceed their tolerances. Assuming a forebay elevation of 610 m (2,000 ft), it is possible to partially mitigate some habitat loss by restoration of riparian habitats along the shoreline and relocated railroad right-of-way. _ NLI (1978) proposes to use a portion of the approximately 650,250 m^ (850,000 yd"^) of the material excavated 92 during project construction as fill for railroad relocation, access roads, and a construction plant area to be placed on the south bank of the river near the intake structure at the head of the Falls. Once construction is completed, approximately 4.5 ha (11 acres) would be restored and revegetated as wildlife habitat. NLI's proposed habitat restoration plan is as follows: Appropriate fill materials will be used to raise the level of the construction plant and spoil disposal areas above the project pool level, and to provide a gradual slope extending from the relocated railroad embankment into the reservoir. The area thus treated and revegetated with appropriate species will provide terrestrial ri- parian habitat and shallow water habitat along the new shoreline. Creation of small coves along this shoreline will restore water- fowl and shorebird areas. If deemed appropriate, the gradual slope could be extended into the reservoir with underwater placement of rubble and boulders in order to provide suitable substrate for ben- thic insects. The area for the proposed habitat restoration will extend along the left embankment from the dam to approximately 1,219 m (4,000 ft) upstream. The average width will be about 19.8 m (65 ft) and the total surface area will be 4.5 ha (11 acres) (Figure W-32). Prior to place- ment of spoil material in the construction plant and spoil disposal areas, the sandy topsoil will be stripped and stockpiled. After dam construction is completed, sufficient spoil material will be placed to form a gradual slope from near the top of the left embankment to the water surface. The new shoreline essentially will follow the original shoreline contour but at a nigher elevation. An effort will be made to create as many small sheltered bay areas as possible. The stockpiled topsoil will then be placed over the spoil, graded, and stabilized against erosion. Once the topsoil is in place, the area initially will be seeded in native grasses. Dec-duous trees and shrubs will be planted in strips, shelterbelt fashion, at the highe"^ elevatic^s. The overall objective is to restore a habitat similar to the riparian grasslands and thickets lost through construction and impoundment. In order to maximize the area's usefulness ard attractiveness to ''ocal wildlife and to enhance habitat diversity in the conifer-dominated general Project Area, re- commendations concerning suitable plant species, planting, and manage- n;ent requirements will be solicited from appropriate state and federal agencies such as MDNRC, USFWS, and USFS. Potentail candidate tree and shrub species are black cottonwood, willows, alders, birches, elder- berry, and wild rose. To enhance wate'fowl and furbearer habitat, semi- aquatic plants, such as cattails and reeds could be established in the small bays along the new undulating shoreline. After the initial plants have become established, natural secondary successional processes will result in the introduction of additional species. Sufficient riparian habitat exists both upstream and down- steam to insure the transportation by wind, water, and animals of S':!eds and oiher plant propagation material into the area. Depending on the vegetation established and recommended habitat management techniques, 93 poriodic cutting and thinning may be required to maintain the proper balance between trees, snrubs, grasses, and herbs for providing max- imum wildlife food and cover. In addition, several of the larger-sized conifers such as ponderosa pine will not be "^emoved from along ■^he 510 m (2,000 ft) contour level. Inundation will Kill these trees and their dead snags could be attractive to osprey and eagles for nesting and perching, (NLI 19^8: W4-2,3) Prior to certification, NLI should submit to FERC and DNRC for review, and to FERC and the Montana Boa>^d of Natural Resources and Conservation for approval, a detailed reclamation and restoration plan spelling out the precise goals, location, and methods of habitat restoration. A map (scale - 1:400) should accompany the plan, showing the new shoreline, surface contours, loca- tions of :ransplanted trees and shrubs, and the type of treatment (fertiliza- tion, mulching, etc.) to be employed in different areas. A series of cross- section profiles, showing depth of water table, depth of fill, depth of top- soil, etc. should also accompany the plan. The plan should specify the time- table of restoration, as well as species of plants to be used, sources of seeds, sod, and nursery stock, types of mulch and/or fertilizer to be used, time sequence of topsoil removal and replacement, sources of additional top- soil, and methods and season of planting (Olson-Elliott and Associates 1979). It should also include ''ong-term management and monitoring speci ."ications, possibly including plans for maintaining a disci imax cottonwood-dominated community by control of invading conifers. Before such a habitat restoration plan is prepared, it is necessary to identify the "target species" for which the area is to be managed; this can only be done after analysis of public comment on the proposal. Creation of shallow ponds and sheltered coves in the reclaimed area which would support rooted aquatic vegetation and cattail marshes would benefit dabbling ducks. The more stable river elevations along the pool (Figure 13) would probably allow cattails and emergent vegetation to eventually become established along the shore-line. Permanent ponds could also be created near the upper end of the pool, where river level "fluctuations are relatively great, by construction of sandbagged dikes to retain water during low flows (Figure 15) or to trap water from the many springs and small streams which enter the river in the Falls area. Establishment of dense grass cover would benefit small mammals (especially voles) and, if accomplished in certain areas along the north river shore, possibly bighorn sheep as well. Aquatic furbearers (especially beaver, muskrat, and mink) would benefit from establishment of willows, Cottonwood saplings, and cattail marshes along the shoreline. Bird diversity and abundance would likely be increased by creating a three-layered habitat with grasses and forbs, mixed shrubs, and tall deciduous and coniferous trees. Taller trees and snags would benefit cavity-nesting birds and provide perch sites for bald eagles and other large birds. Abundant browse could benefit white-tailed deer. The best habitat restoration strategy would probably be aimed at creating a complex mosaic of many habitats with high vertical layering and horizontal patchiness, similar to that which exists in the area today. Management of the south bank of the river for big game is not advisable, since the railroad and Highway 2 would create the risk of mortality for animals attracted to the re- claimed habitats, and since heavy big game use could impede reclamation. The restored land should slope gently from the railroad fill slopes into shallow 94 A. HIGH DISCHARGE .^' /'■ 7- DIKE 'C ■-77~< ^^ B. LOW DISCHARGE yf FIGURE 15. Possible nethod of creating permanent diked shallow wetlands along the pool pernieter. 95 water., allovn'ng fishermen access to the shoreline and allowing tree and shrub roots to reach the water table. The new shoreline should be wide enough to M allow tree and shrub establishment between the railroad grade and the river. " Shoreline length should be maximized by the creation of peninsulas and sheltered downstream coves (Stoecker 1978). A few large boulders left protruding above the pool some distance fron shore would provide roosting and loafing areas for waterfowl and other bird species. In no case should a steep riprap or fill slope extend from the railroad bed to the river bottom. It is likely that a well-planned and executed habitat restoration pi'ogram •/ill e\/entually be effective in restoring a portion of the riparian habitats lost as a result of thf project. However, assuming only 4.5 ha (11 acres) is restored (as proposed by NLI 1978), there will be an unmitigated net loss of at least 1.3 ha (5.8 acres) of riparian tree and shrub habitat. While it would be possible to restore an area greater than the 4.5 ha (11 acres) proposed by NLI, it is unlikely that sufficient fill is available to restore the entire area inundated, or that costs of such extensive restoration would be justified in light of the benefits. Reducing the volume of the pool while maintaining constant forebay elevation would not affect the power generating capability_ of ohe project, since the head would remain unchanged, so there is the possi- bility that somewhat more than 4.5 ha (11 acres) could be restored. Construction of the project is scheduled to take, place over 4.5 yr (NLI 1978), and it is likely that 15 to 20 yr might be required to restore riparian habitats and the railroad right-of-way to a condition similar to that found today. The wildlife losses -- including not only population losses but lost viewing or hunting opportunities -- which would accrue during this ^ period are both significant and irretrievable. W Changes in Upstream Aquatic Habitat Impoundment of Kootenai River by the proposed dam would create a relatively deep, slow-moving pool extending roughly 4.8-8.0 km (3-5 mi) upstream from the Falls, This could affect a number of aquatic species, especially waterfowl and furbearers (effects'dn littoral habitats and associated wildlife species have been discussed previously). Furbearers, such as beaver and muskrat, would probably benefit from the project, as pool elevations would be relatively stable and favorable vegetation would probably thrive along the more stable shoreline. Use of the pool area by waterfowl for feeding would probably decrease with im- poundment. Harlequins, common goldeneyes, and common mergansers prefer rapidly moving shallow water areas in which to feed, areas which would be inundated by impoundment. The proximity of very swift, turbulent water to such feeding areas is essential to harlequins (Bengtson 1966). Both mallards and Canada geese prefer rocky sheltered areas and streamside areas for loafing and resting; submergence of rocks and gravel bars would eliminate these areas. Mallards were seen consistently on shore in winter on both sides of the river. All of these shores would be lost in the pool area after impoundment. Suitability of the area as brood-rearing habitat might also be affected by the project. Broods of most species of waterfowl using the area survive almost exclusively on macroinvertebrates during the first two weeks of life, and -- depending on shoreline configuration of the restored habitats -- impoundment of the river and altered flow regimes would likely affect availability of this food source. ^ Eventual siltation of rock interstices on the pool bottom would change produc- ^T tion of invertebrates used by waterfowl. Migrating, wintering, and other non- breeding waterfowl would probably continue to use the pool as a loafing area (provided the pool effect does not cause the river to ice over in winter). 96 Bald eagles and osprey would probably continue to use the pool area for feeding, although it is probable that impoundment will reduce fish density (Graham 1978b). Inundation of China Rapids would reduce the winter carrying capacity of the river for dippers, which use the rapids for feeding in winter. Mitigation of possible waterfowl production losses could be accomplished by providing suitable brood-rearing habitat along the restored shoreline. Present levels of waterfowl production are relatively low in the pool area, and it is unlikely the project would have a significant effect on production (with the exception of the harlequin duck, as discussed elsewhere). Changes in Microclimate It is possible that the presence of the reservoir would alter the micro- climate of the Kootenai River canyon. In a study in western Washington, Taber and Raedeke (1976) found that the presence of reservoirs created a "warm bowl" effect, raising the temperature in the vicinity of the reservoir and increasing the rate of snowmelt adjacent to the reservoir. This effect, if it does occur in the project area, is not likely to significantly affect wildlife populations. Impoundment of the river could result in ice formation, but the extent o-f ice-over is not known. Downstream Dewatering NLI's proposal calls for reduction of flows over Kootenai Falls to 21 cms (750 cifs) roughly 98-100 percent of the time (NLI 197&:H-1; Figure 16). Most of this flow would be diverted to trickle over the Falls, essentially dewatering the north channel of the river. Much of the area below "che Falls which is now under water at lowest discharges would be exposed, and high discharges would flush the area very infrequently. The almost constant flow of 21 cms (750 cfs) over the Falls and through the canyon would contrast dramatically with the present flow regime, which is much higher and which is characterized by wide daily and seasonal variation (Figure 12). The most significant impact of this dewatering would be elimination of feeding areas for harlequin ducks. Harlequins presently use the fast water at the head of the Falls as a preferred feeding site, presumably feeding on dipteran larvae. Ti^is area is presently characterized by sw'ft, laminar flow, and the change to a meager, turbulent flow would alter the suitability of the area for feeding. The harlequin duckis a "K-selected" species, having highly specialized habitat requirements, a high suseptibility to changes in flow regimes, and a strong dependence on aquatic insects of fast-flowing waters as a food source (Kuchel 1976). A change in flow regime of the Falls and the gorge downstream, coupled with a change in insect production, would be highly detrimental to this population. Feeding habitat -- and winter carrying capacity -- for dippers would be reduced as well, although dippers would probably continue to use the Falls to some extent. Harlequins, goldeneyes and dippers were seen between the rails and future outlet area, both feeding and loafing. The canyon offers protection from disturbance and evidently a good food resource. This will be changed by the drastic reduction in water coming over the Falls. Dewatering could also affect the bighorn sheep wh-"ch can reach the river easily below 97 100 99- e 98 V o ^ 97 I— a. 96 95 79.2-240.6 cms- (2800-8500 cfs) 21.2-79.2 cms- (750-2800 cfs) "Y / \ 21. 2-515. 1 cms- (750-18200 cfs) 1 1 1 1 ., 1 1 1 1 1 1 Jon Feb Mar Apr Moy Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec FIGURE 16. Percent of time that difforent flows would be allowed toRassover the Kootenai Falls Dam. (SOURCE: Sewell and Associates 1979). the Falls. The area north of the canyon is used by bighorn sheep in spring; access to free-flowing water could be restricted somewhat by dewatering of the gorge. Considerable daily fluctuations in flow, and occasional great daily summer discharges, presently limit the suitability of the gorge area as nesting habitat for birds which nest on rock ledges or cavities (e.g., har- lequin duck, dipper, Canada goose, conmon goldeneye). Nests which are constructed during periods of low, relatively constant spring or sunnier flows are destroyed during the occasional high discharges from Libby Dam (Figure 12). The change to a constant flow regime brought about by the proposed Kootenai Falls Dam may thus allow increased nest success for species not other- wise affected by the project, although some high flows may occur over the dam briefly during the breeding season (Figure 16). Low, constant flows through the channels below the Falls would encourage the growth of algae (probably Spirogyra or Ulothrix (May and Huston 1975), which is presently abundant at the head of the Falls) and possibly vascular plants along the shoreline. These changes would probably not significantly affect wildlife populations, other than possibly increasing suitability as amphibian breeding habitat and increasing production of certain invertebrates. Effects of low flows on the harlequin duck could be mitigated only by relocating the damsite upstream from the rocky area used as a loafing area and by providing minimum discharges ofU? cms (4,000 cfs) or more over the dam. Since this would orobably not be entirely effective and would also greatly affect overall design of the project, its feasibility as a mitigating measure cannot be evaluated at this time. Such an evaluation can only be made after DNRC's full evaluation of the facility under the MFSA and analysis of public comment. Discharge Impacts at the Outlet Structure NLI (1978) proposes to divert the entire river flow (except for 21 cr.is (750 cfs) allowed to pass over the dam) up to discharges of 67;^ cms (24,000 cfs), and to return these flows to the river gorge roughlyO'tiei mile below the Falls. It is likely that, at high flows, discharge at the outlet structure would cause backflows of water upstream into the canyon, perhaps forming a pool of relatively still water. This pool would probab'y be used by waterfowl, especially during migration. If detritus (such as dead fish which were killed by passage through the powerhouse) accumulate at this pool and near the outlet structure, bald eagles and ravens are like.y to be attracted to the area, althou few suitable perch sites for bald eagles exist in the steep canyon area. Sin-" the amount of fish mortality caused by passage through the powerhouse depends largely on the effort toward mitigation of entrainment impact (Graham 1978b), it is impossible to predict at this time wheth3r or not bald ragles will -^ind a concentrated food source near the outlet. DISPLACEMENT Displacement, or population redistribution resulting from disturbances or other environmental change, is a special case of habitat alteration that causes animals to avoid an otherwise suitable area. Extended displacement is equivalent to a reduction in carrying capacity, since the amount of habitat availaible to the population is reduced. 99 gh ince pends The project-t^elated features which would most likely cause displ,. cement of animals are: (1) the presence of up to 500 construction workers in the project area; (2) construction activity in the dam area, outlet area, and the work area at the head of the Falls; (3) blasting noise during excavation; (4) noise created by transport and unloading of excavated material; (5) noise created by clearing machinery, earth-moving machinery, concrete plants, and other on-site machinery. Construction would extend over a 4.5 yr period, with most of the excavation and railroad relocation taking place during the first 18 months (NLI 1978), Estimates of noise levels to be created oy this project are not available from NLI, but similar types of activities can be expected to produce noise levels of 78 - 88 dB with occasional peaks of llOdB at a distance of 15.2 m (50 ft) (Golden et al . 1979). The wildlife species of the project area which would be i.^'ost sensitive to construction noise and human activity are waterfowl, large raptors (espe- cially the ba"'d eagle), and ungulates. Waterfowl would probably avoid the entire pool area during construction and dumping of fill along the south shoreline. Harlequin ducks are particularly sensitive to human disturbance (Kuchel 1976), and would be displaced fromthe Falls during dam construction. Wintering bald eagles are also wery sensitive to hunan activity (Craighead and Craighead 1979, Meyer 1979), and would probably avoid the stretch of river from the outlet to near the pool head during construction. At present, the Falls area is the portion of the Libby-Troy section of the river most heavily used by bald eagles (Meyer 1979). Bighorn sheep would initially avoid the Falls area during construction, probably moving into less suitable habitat farther upslope, but would probably eventually become habituated to some extent and return at least partway. Bighorns are apparently able to habituate readily to constant or regular disturbances, and presently occupy the area in spite of noise from the Falls, the railroad, and from traffic on Highway 2. The few white-tailed and mule deer present in the project area would be dis- placed during construction. With the exception of the harlequin duck, all species displaced by con- struction disturbances would probably return following completion of the pro- ject (to the extent that suitable habitat remains), and are unlikely to suffer long-term population-level effects as a result of displacement. Little opportunity exists for mitigation of noise and construction related displace- ment, other than seasonal curtailment of construction, as mentioned below. CHANGES IN MORTALITY AND NATALITY RATES Minor variations in the natural mortality rate of a population are normally balanced by over-production of young or, in many cases, by an increase in the natality rate, with the result that most animal populations are maintained at or near carrying capacity. Thus, increased mortality rates or decreased natality rates have a serious significant impact on populations only when they exceed the potential of the population to recover. If mortality rates increase or natality rates decrease for long periods of time, a population can become locally extinct. Small mammals and other r-selected species have high reproductive potentials and high natural mortality rates; very high mortality in populations of these species can often be compensated for in a few months or years. Species most likely to exhibit population-level effects of increased mortality are those with a low reproductive potential, those which are already rare or in danger of ex- tinction, and those living in small, isolated habitats. Of the species in- 100 habiting the study area, the bald eagle, osprey, and harlequin duck are most vulnerable to mortality-induced population declines. The work force would peak at about 500 construction workers for a period of about 20 months during this project (NLI 1978). Of these 500 workers, 200 would be hired locally and 300 would move into the area. Many of the latter would bring their families to the area. The presence of this many people in the project area increases the likelihood of illegal off-hours shooting of wildlife, both on-site and off-site. The magnitude of this man-caused mortal- ity is impossible to predict, but such shooting could nonetheless result in a significant impact, especially in the case of the bald eagle. Local harvest of game animals, both legal and illegal, would probably increase during cons- truction. In recent years, five bighorn sheep ram permits have been issued annually for the Kootenai River herd located near the project area; poaching by construction workers could limit the number of permits which could be issued in future years, thereby limiting hunter opportunities. The impacts of illegal shooting can be mitigated somewhat by strict enforcement of regulations in the project area, by posting notices near construction areas, or by closing the area to hunting of bighorns. The possibil ity exists for entrainment of waterfowl and other water birds in the intake structure; should this occur, it is unlikely that populations will be significantly affected by the resultant mortality. Project construction could decrease natality rates by (1) destroying nests during clearing, thus inhibiting or halting reproductive activities; (2) displacing bighorn sheep during lambing (in late May or early June); or (3) producing physiological stress as described elsewhere in this report. As discussed earlier, the project could increase nest success of birds nesting along the dewatered section. (^Such changes in natality are not expected to significantly affect populations of species found in the project area.) PHYSIOLOGICAL STRESS The effects of stress are sublethal, difficult to identify, and may not result in immediate observable population changes. Stress on a population may increase as a result of displacement, which can indirectly affect mortality and natality rates. For example, repeated displacement of bighorn sheep from winter-spring range into areas of deep snow or other suboptimal habitat would not kill animals directly, but it could cause abortion of fetuses or predispose animals to mortality through other causes, such as predation, disease, starva- tion, or hypothermia. Even slight increases in stress and the expenditure of stored energy (such as would result from displacement and harassment) are im- portant during winter, when most animals are already under severe stress. Creation of dust during construction could create slight increases in stress by coating forage, irritating eyes, or impairing visibility, but rain- fall is generally high in this area and dust is expected to have little or no effect on wildlife. Mitigation of displacement-related stress to bighorn sheep or bald eagles could be accomplished by restricting noise-producing construction activities during late winter and spring. 101 COMPENSATION OF UNMITIGATED IMPACT Even with the most successful habitat restoration and other mitigation, a certain amount of adverse wildlife impact would be unavoidable should the project be built (see discussion on adverse impacts which cannot be avoided, p. 107). In the words of Pengelly (1973), mitigation implies an admission that "some loss will occur and that you will try to do as little harm as possible. Unfortunately for wildlife, this is a decision that is being increasingly made with inevitable long-term results -- a one-way attrition." However, unmitigated wildlife losses need not -- and should not -- be written off as an unavoidable cost of development. Loss or degredation of wildlife or habitats, which are public resources, may be considered to be part of the cost of development, and there is no reason the public should be required to bear this cost any more than the public should bear more direct costs such as cost of materials and labor. Compensation of development-related losses of private property is standard practice, and compensation of losses of public resources -- such as wildlife -- is no less valid. The legal framework for compensation of unavoidable impact is provided at the national level by NEPA, which requires federal agencies to consider the following means by which developer would ultimately bear all project-related costs (including losses of public resources): a) Avoiding the impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action. b) Minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation. c) Rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating or restoring the affected environment. d) Reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations during the life of th-? action. e) Compensating for the impact by replacing or providing substi- tute resources or environments. It will be noted that (a), (b), and (c) above deal with mitigation of impact as defined earlier, while (d) and (e) deal with compensation o-*" Impact. Cost- effectiveness should be an important consider6':ion in determining tiie optimal strategy for dealing with project-related losses; in some cases, compensation or related strategies may yield greater and more cost-effective benefits than mitigation alone (Thompson 1979). Two possible strategies for compensating unmitigated impact are described below; the conceptual basis for these strategies is presented in Appendix 6. Compensation by Enhancement Unmitigated short-term losses could be compensated by enhancement management, either on-site or off-site. Compensation by enhancement involves management to 103 produce gains in carrj, ing capacity in one area to make up for impact-related losses in carrying capacity in another area. Thus, unmitigated losses are accepted, and an attempt i: made to recoup these losses through intensive en- hancement elsewhere. Compensation may be in-kind (e.g., lost harlequin duck habitat is compensated by increased harlequin duck management) or out-of-kind (e.g., lost harlequin duck habitat is compensated by increased bighorn sheep management). The latter approach creates considerable problems, as it necessi- tates quantification of the relative value or importance of the different species. Intensive habitat improvement is often the most feasible means of increas- ing wildlife numbers (Oliver and Barnett 1966, Remington 1971). Compensation of riparian habitat losses by off-site enhancement has recently been applied to several nydroelectric projects in the northwest. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was required to partly compensate for inundation of bighorn sheep winter habitat by Libby Dam through purchase of sheep habitat along the Kootenai River near Kootenai Falls. This settlement would result in only partial compensat"ior, , however, sir.ce 3500 acres were inundated and only 107 were purchased. Loss of whooping crane migration habitat due to construction of the Grayrocks Dam in Wyoming was compensated by establishment of a $7 million Whooping Crane Trust Fund, the annual interest of which (c. $500,000) will be used to manage habitat elsewhere (Bowen 1979). In perhaps the classic compen- sation settlement to date, riparian habitat lost due to inundation by the Wells Project in Washington is to compensated by a $1.25 million program, which includes not only long-range relief from damage (restoration and off-site enhancement), but immediate interim relief as well (including release of pen-reared game birds to offset decreased availability to hunters). Overall, nearly 2996 ha (7,400 acres) of off-site lands were made available for intensive enhancement management, as compared to losses of about 1903 ha i (4,700 acres) due to inundation (Oliver 1974). Utilities often enter into ' voluntary wildlife compensation agreements, recognizing the considerable public relations value provided by such programs (Burgess and Huber 1979). Some possible means of compensating unmitigated losses of the Kootenai Falls project via enhancement are discussed below. Riparian Habitat Enhancement. Riparian habitat along the Kootenai River upstream or downstream from the project area could be intensively managed to partly offset project-related losses. Possible techniques would involve con- trol of conifer invasion, artificial propagation of cottonwoods, enhancement of browse species important to white-tailed deer, management to ensure long- term production of old growth cottonwood and snags (perhaps by girdling of live trees), and management to ensure a high structural diversity of tree and shrub habitats. Another possibility is restoration of cleared riparian forest habitats in the Libby-Troy area. Such management would probably be costly and of limited effectiveness in substantially increasing carrying capacity of target species. Bighorn Sheep Habitat Enhancement. Bighorn sheep production could be enhanced in the Libby-Troy area by acquisition and management of key habitat (especially winter-spring range). Possible habitat improvements include vegetation manipulation, controlled burning, nitrogen fertilization, and seeding and planting of preferred forage plants (Bailey 1978). However, much grassland habitat along the Kootenai River has already been acquired by MDFWP as part of ^ 104 the Libby Dam compensation effort, and a greater opportunity for enhancement through habitat acquisition might exist outside the Libby-Troy area. Enhance- ment management of existing MDFWP lands would probably be more cost-effective. (NOTE: Control of shrub invasion of riparian grasslands used by biah^rn sheep has been discussed previously as a mitigating measure). Harlequin Duck Habitat Enhancement. Little opportunity exists for com- pensation of harlequin duck habitat losses. It is reasonable to assume that all suitable habitat in the vicinity is occupied, and that any habitat changes of such areas would only be detrimental to populations. Investigation of the Yaak Falls as possible compensation habitat is recommended as part of the monitoring program presented below. Enhancement of Habitat of Other Waterfowl. Nesting habitat of Canada geese and cavity-nesting ducks could possibly be enhanced along the Kootenai River by installation and maintenance of nest boxes, nesting platfonns and/or nesting islands. However, as discussed by Nelson et aj^. (1978), such increases in nest site availability are effective only where nest sites are limiting and where habitat is otherwise suitable to support a larger population. There is some evidence that breeding populations in the Kootenai Falls ared are limited by the availability of brood-rearing habitat and food for young ducks (espe- cially aquatic macroinvertebrates) rather than by nest site availability, and new nesting structures would probably provide but minor increases in an already minor production, unless impoundment were to substantially increase availability of food along the shoreline. Use of the area by migrating field-feeding water- fowl could possibly be enhanced by creation of grainfields adjacent to the river but suitable areas are lacking and cost-effectiveness would probably not be great enough to justify such land use change. Creation of shallow permanent pools along the shoreline using sandbags or dikes has been discussed previously. Installation of Raptor Nest Structures. As was the case with waterfowl, breeding populations of osprey, bald eagle, and red-tailed hawks in the area appear to be limited by factors other than nest-site availability (probably food availability and relative security). An abundance of potential nest sites presently exist in the area, and creation of new sites would pro- bably do little to increase nesting populations or production of young. Compensation by Protection of Threatened Habitat Another strategy for compensating unmitigated losses is to prevent future impact, which would otherwise occur, by protecting threatened habitat off-site. The rate of loss of quality wildlife habitat due to development is in- creasing nationwide, and the loss of riparian habitat is especially acute, with annual losses approaching 6 percent (McCormick 1968). Nearly all habitat presently available can be considered threatened or endangered ove.- the long- term, as man's exploitation of other resources continues (Mustard 1978). Long- term protection of habitat, then, can provide substantial future benefits, benefits which may actually increase in unit value over time. Protection of habitat can be afforded via fee simple purchase, which is often prohibitively expensive, or via long-term dedication or easement. The legal framework for the latter is provided at the state level by the Montana Open Space Land and Conservation Act of 1975, which provides for maintenance 105 of lands in perpetuity of their natural condition (MDFWP and USDI no date). Specifically, loss of riparian habitat, harlequin duck habitat or other losses could be partly compensated by the establishment of easements which would assure maintenance of similar habitats in perpetuity elsewhere in the area. For example, easements obtained on riparian habitat between Libby and Troy would contain provisions allowing present uses, but prohibiting future timbe>' clearing, subdivision, inundation, or other activities detrimental to wildlife. Federal easements would be more desirable than rtate easements, since the former could not be overturned by state action, and since much riprian habitat between Libby and Troy is presently owned by the U.S. Forest Service, Such easements are an especially attractive form of compensation, since the cost (Cp, page 144) may be yery low compared to outright purchase, _ and protection is afforded regardless of future ownership status. The benefits of this form of compensation may not be felt for years or decades, and therefore some environmental costs (i.e., unmitigated impact) would continue to accrue. However, as protected habitat becomes increasingly scarce, the benefits of long-term protection would not only accrue but increase over time, and total benefits ever the long-term could eventually be far creater -- even if discounted than those to be obtained by mitigation. Also, since initial costs ^re small and costs do not accrue (as do costs of long-term enhancement), the cost- effectiveness of this strategy would probably be much higher over the long- term than that of either mitigation or enhancement compensation. Recormiendations Prior to certification, NLI should submit to DNRC and FERC for review, and to FERC and the Board of Natural Resources and Conservation for approval a detailed plan for mitigation and for compensation of unmitigated losses. Such a plan should accompany the reclamation and restoration plan mentioned i earlier, and should employ the most cost-effective mix of strategies -- mitigation, enhancement, and long-term protection of off-si,te habitats. Means should be provided to provide immediate interim relief as well as long- term relief from damage. It appears likely that the best strategy for long- term relief would involve protective easements on habitats similar tothose affected by the project; a reasonable plan would probably afford in-kind protection in perpetuity for an area 20-25 times that of each affected habitat. A map (scale = 1:24,000) should accompany the plan, and show the location and dominant vegetation of enhancement lands as well as land ownership and proposed easements. NLI shoudl be required to negotiate purchase of land or acquisition of easements before final certification of the project. The plan should specify methods of cost-benefit analysis and of estimating the requirements for habitat losses; the habitat evaluation procedures of Schamberger and Farmer (1978) or Fielder (1977) merit consideration for the latter. A procedure for long-term monitoring of the success of mitigation, compensation, and en- hancement should beout lined, and should be capable of ensuring that all mitigating measures are enforced and of discerning unmitigated losses. 106 OVERALL SIGNIFICANCE OF IMPACTS TO MONTANA'S WILDLIFE RESOURCE Overall, the impact to the wildlife resource which would result from the proposed Kootenai Falls project is not exceptional, in comparison with many other energy facilities which have been sited in Montana. NLI is to be com- mended for a sincere effort toward making the proposal as environmentally compatible as possible, as evidenced by the drastic changes in project design which were made during evolution of the final proposal. However, project- related losses should certainly not be considered unimportant, as they involve a number of significant long-term effects which cannot be avoided. Piecemeal erosion of habitat is proceeding statewide at an ever-increasing rate, and irre- versibly affects the future abundance and distribution of animals. Mustard (1978) has termed this attrition "incremental extinction." Losses which appear relatively small at the present time will thus assume a greater importance in the future, when supply is scarcer and demand is higher. Adverse Effects Which Cannot Be Avoided As discussed previously, there are certain impacts associated with the project which could not be completely mitigated should the project be carried out; these include loss of riparian and "rapids" habitat and associated wildlife species due to inundation; loss of the harlequin duck feeding and loafing habitat; restriction of flows between the damsite and the discharge tunnel; possible reduction of bald eagle prey availability; displacement and associated stress due to con- struction noise and human activity; and increased mortality of various species due to legal or illegal shooting. It appears that little opportunity exists for compensation of these losses through enhancement, and long-term protection of off-site habitats -- although an attractive strategy -- would not be entirely effective in preventing net losses over time. Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources All long-term impacts which would result from construction of the project would be irreversible, assuming the dam would remain in place and in operation indefinitely. The unmitigated net losses which would accrue over time repre- sent an irretrievable loss of viewing and/or hunting opportunities in this scenic area; such losses assume special importance in light of projected growth in the area and the probable future demand for recreational use the area will consequently receive, and of the probable future decline in supply of quality wildlife viewing and hunting opportunities. No extinctions of species or gene pools are expected to result from the facility, Short-Term v. Long-Term Impacts Displacement, stress, and increased mortality rates due to construction noise and the presence of construction crews would in most cases be a short- term impact; most species affected would probably re-establish in the area (insofar as habitat alteration allows) following completion of the project. Habitat alteration, however, would be a long-term impact, and would continue to affect populations as long as the project exists. 107 Summary of Major Impacts The most significaatimpacts which are likely to result from the proposed facility are summarized below. k k ^ , .. Loss of the Harlequin Duck Population. The destruction of feeding and loating habitat, as well as two or more years of construction-related dis- turbance, IS expected to eliminate the present harlequin duck population from the area. No effective methods of mitigation or in-kind compensation of this impact have been identified. The harlequin duck is very rare in Montana, and the study area represents the only readily accessible viewing area outside a national park. Observing a harlequin duck in Montana is an uncommon experience, and the importance of the viewing opportunity provided by the Falls is likelv to increase with time. Loss of Riparian Habitat and Associated WilHlifp Pnni^i^tinns Even with the most successful restoration and reclamation, a net loss of riparian shore tree, and shrub habitats would result from the proposed facility. These habi- tats are unusually diverse and productive, and their continuing attrition has recently become a matter of national concern. Approximately half of the Kootenai Kiver in Montana has been impounded by Libby Dam, and another 20 percent would be impounded by the proposed LARUD project; the little riparian habitat remaining thus assumes key importance. Bighorn Sheep Losses. The bighorn sheep population located near the pro- ject area could be affected by (1) shrub invasion of grasslands on winter- spring range due to raised water table; (2) increased stress due to construction- related displacement; and (3) increased mortality due to illegal shooting by construction workers. These effects taken together could be expected to at least temporarily reduce the harvestable surplus - and hence the number of permits issued for the herd. Bighorn sheep are one of the most highly prized game animals in Montana, and the number of permits applied for greatly exceeds the number issued. Any losses in hunting or viewing opportunities for this species are thus of relatively great concern. 108 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MONITORING RATIONALE The inventory reported in this document was designed to provide a description of the wildlife resource of the project area as it exists before construction of the proposed Kootenai Falls project. Another objective of this inventory was to allow a priori predicition of potential impacts which may result from the proposed facility. A long-term monitoring program of the project area is necessary to document the nature and magnitude of actual impacts (including unexpected impacts), as well as to determine the success of habitat restoration, compensation programs, and mitigation in general. Also, long-term monitoring provides an essential continuation and refinement of the original inventory in light of year-to-year changes in wildlife communities and unforseen human develop- ments of activities in the area. The long-term monitoring program presented below was designed to meet these objectives (NOTE: This program will be expanded to include off-site mitigation and compensation lands once they have been identi- fied). PLAN OF STUDY General Each year, until the second year following project completion, field work will take place for five consecutive days during each of five months. Specifically, field work will take place within the following time period each year: January 1-15, April 1-10, June 1-15, August 1-10, and October 1-15. Following the second year after construction, this schedule will be followed every third year, while field work will take place June 1-15 only during other years. All observations of mammals (exclusive of sciurid rodents), upland game birds, waterfowl, and raptors made in the project area and elsewhere between Libby and Troy will be recorded on 1:24,000 field maps and on standard data sheets (see Appendir B and C). All bird nests located will be described on standard nest record cards and locations plotted on a separate set of maps. A journal shall be kept by all field investigators throughout the study, and will include itinerary, species lists, detailed species accounts (including field marks for rare or unusual species, habitat preferences, food habitats, etc.), and other appropriate information. Figure 17 shows the schedule of field work and the timing of special studies as described below. Riparian Wildlife Census This census is designed to produce data allowing comparisons of wildlife use of the project area between months and between years. The general methodology is patterned after standard winter bird study (Kolb 1965) and breeding bird census (Hall 1964, Van Velzen 1972) techniques used ir the original inventory, but has been extended to include all vertebrate species. The census area includes: the entire Kootenai River and its shorelines from 50 m (164 ft) below the proposed outlet to the upper end of the proposed pool; the land area which would be in- undated at a forebay elevation of 610 (2,000 ft); the land area would be affected by the railroad relocation; and a "control" area, including all remaining land between Highway 2 and the Kootenai River. The entire area is to be censused on three consecutive days during each month in the field following the instructions 109 1^ > o o I S- Dl O S- Q- C s- o o B i~ o s- o o ■a o I/) c OO >1 -0 0) o. Ol Li- UJ to Da 3 r3 (/I c •r— 1 — c q: 0) u c 03 CL ( — o >> CL ro 3 CL ro o3 QJ OO S- O X3 ro Ll_ 4-> > h- CJ •r— S- Q. >, S_ -^ -C h- -^ • f— a? 3 o Q- Q- CL m s_ > OO 3 OJ - I/) 3 OJ xz j:: g cu -D 1 — jr -C -LJ 1 — LO •r— c: s_ en en CL ro c J2I Ol (TJ ro • r— ■f— d) E OJ to cs en ZIZ CO CQ cc: OO (_) n: o > o 5 no outlined in Appendix F. Results will be analyzed separately for the project ared and the control area. Bald Eagle Survey The Kootenai River between Libby and Troy will be surveyed from Highway 2 for bald eagles three times in Janaury, following the methods of Meyer (1979). These data will be treated separately from bald eagle information obtained during general surveys and riparian habitat censuses. Harlequin Duck Special Studies In addition to surveys made during riparian habitat censuses, special searches of the Falls area for harlequin ducks will be carried out each day in the field in June and August. In June, emphasis will be placed on deter- mination of total population size and the number of pairs present; in August, emphasis will be placed on search of likely brood-rearing habitat for broods. Bighorn Sheep Counts One day each month, a special search of the cliffs north of the River between Libby and Troy will be made from strategic viewpoints along Highway 2 using a spotting scope. An estimate of the minimum number of sheep known to be present will be recorded. All oberservations will be recorded on field maps and data sheets. Bighorn Sheep Tracking On two different days each April, the north shore of the Kootenai River adjacent to known bighorn sheep range will be walked and searched for tracks or other evidence of bighorn sheep use. These data will be recorded on standard field maps and data sheets. Amphibian and Reptile Search At least four hours will be spent each month during April, June, and August in a search of likely habitat for amphibians and reptiles. Small Mammal Trapping Two snap-trap lines (each consisting of 25 stations of two traps each) will be run for three consecutive nights in August (beginning in 1980), one in riparian cottonwoods at the head of the Falls and one in adjacent riparian grassland. Capture data will be recorded on standard data sheets (Appendix E) 111 Census of Yaak Falls Water and shoreline habitats of Yaak Falls and c. 100 m (328 ft) of M river upstream and downstream will be censused for vertebrates in January, " April, June, and August (one visit each month) in an effort to determine its suitability as a possible future control study area or as a compensation area. Species List Updated The species lists presented in this report as Table 2 and 3 will be up- dated each year; emphasis will be placed on refining data on habitat preferences, distribution, and breeding status, and upon recording new species (particularly migrants) . Habitat Description Six vegetation plots 0.04 ha (0.1 acre) in size will be permanently staked and sampled in May or June of 1980 and again the year prior to project construction using the methods of James and Shugart (1970) in each of the following three riparian habitats: riparian cottonwood, cottonwood-conifers, and birch-alder. Foliage height diversity measurements will be made at each plot. 112 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was funded by Northern Lights, Inc., of Sandpoint, Idaho. Most of the inventory data was gathered by Gayle Joslin of the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks; other biologists involved in the inventory were Larry Thompson and Pat Nichols of the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation and Pat Graham of the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks. This report was prepared by Larry Thompson and Pat Nichols of the Department of Natural Re- sources & Conservation. Wilbur Rehmann (Kootenai Falls Project Manager, Depart- ment of Natural Resources & Conservation), Frank Culver (Department of Natural Resources & Conservation), Gayle Joslin (Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife S Parks), and Bob Martinka (Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks) provided technical review of our earlier draft of this report. Graphics were prepared by June Virag and Gordon Taylor of the Department of Natural Resources & Conserva- tion, and typing was done by Marci Curtis, Patty Hallberg, and Cheye Ann Butler. 113 LITERATURE CITED Anderson, B.S., and R.D. Ohmart. 1977. Vegetation structure and bird use in the lower Colorado Valley. In Importance, preservation management of riparian habitat: a symposium, pp. 23-34. R.R. Johnson and D.A. Jones (tech. coord.) U.S.D.A. Forest Service General Technical Report RM-43. Bailey, J. A. 1978. Trickle Mountain bighorn sheep study. Colorado State Univer- sity, Fort Collins. Bakus, G.J. 1959. Territoriality, movements and population density of the dipper in Montana. Condor 61:410-425. Beidleman, R.G. 1973. The cottonwood-wi 1 low riparian ecosystem as a vertebrate habitat, with particular reference to birds. In Lowland river and stream habitat in Colorado: a symposium, pp. 192-195. Graul , W.D., and S.J. Bissell (tech. coord.) Colorado Chapter Wildl. 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G.A. Swanson (tech. coord.) U.S.D.A. Forest Service "General Technical Report RM-65. Brown, G.W. 1974. Distribution and population characteristics of bighorn sheep near T lompson Falls in Northwestern Montana. M.S. Thesis. University of Montana, Missoula. 134pp. 115 Brown, G.W, 1979. Ural-Tweed bighorn sheep investigation. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Helena. Brusven, M.A., C. MacPhee, and R. Biggam. 1974. Effects of water fluctuations on benthic insects. In Anatomy of a river, pp. 67-79. Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission. Vancouver, Washington. Bull, E.L. 1978. Specialized habitat requirements of birds: snag management, old growth, and riparian habitat. In Proceedings of the workshop on non- game bird habitat management in the coniferous forests of the western United States, pp. "79-32. R.M. DeGraaf (tech. coord.) U.S.D.A. Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-64. Burgess, R. , and E. Huber. 1979. Biological monitoring on rights-of-way. 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Sullivan, J.O. 1973. Ecology and behavior of the dipper: adaptations of a pass- erine to an aquatic environment. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Montana, Missoula. 212pp. Taber, R.D., and K.Ra edeke. 1975. Biotic survey of Ross Lake Basin report for July 1, 1975 - June 30, 1976. College of Forest Resources. Institute of Forest Products, University of Washington, Seattle. Thompson, L.S. 1978. Species abundance and habitat relations of an insular montane avifauna. Condor 80:1-14. Thompson, L.S. 1979. Mitigation as management: strategy and some alternatives. In The mitigation symposium: a national workshop on mitigating losses of fish and wildlife habitats, pp. 222-228. G.A. Swanson (tech. coord.) U.S.D.A. Forest Service General Technical Report RM-65. Teskey, R.O., and T.M. Hinckley. 1978. Impact of water level changes on woody ri- parian and wetland communities. Vol. VI: Plains grassland region. U.S. D.I. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Services Program FWS/OLiS-78/89. 121 APPENDIXES 123 Appendix A. Schedule of 1977-1979 field work. Kootenai Fall Wildli fe Study 1/ T ^ r- , waterfowl Census Date Observer!/ Type of Field Work ..o.^TmP-^^, ,u s 1977 Oct. 13 LT Reconnaissance , Nov. 30 GJ Reconnaissance " Dec. 20 GJ Reconnaissance 1978 Jan. 11 GJ General Inventory Feb. 9 GJ General l^^- 1° GJ General Inventory reb. 11 GJ General Invpntnru General Inventory Riparian Habitat Transects Jan- 18 GJ General Inventory 'i^"- ^° GJ General Inventory . : 'i^"- 21 GJ General Inventory - " J '^^"- 30 GJ General Inventory - '' ril' ,r. beneral Inventory - ^ "^eo- 10 GJ General Inventory ^ General Inventory ^^^- 13 GJ General Inventory - . ^ CK Ir '^'^ General inventory ... : l^°- 16 GJ General Inventory - J l^^- f GJ General Inventory - . ^ Feb. 28 GJ General Inventory - . Z j^^'"- 1 GJ General Inventory Mar. 2 GJ.LT General Inventory Mar. 3 GJ . - . •' ^^'"- 6 GJ General Inventory ™''- ^ GJ General Inventory "a""- 10 GJ General Inventory - _ " ™'"- 11 GJ General Inventory - . ~ Mar. 12 GJ General Inventory - . ' Apr. 13 GJ General Inventory Apr. 17 GJ General Inventory - . ~ Apr. 24 GJ General Inventory - . " Apr. 25 GJ General Inventory - . ' Apr. 26 GJ General Inventory - - " Apr. 27 GJ General Inventory - . " Apr. 29 GJ General Inventory - . Z '^P''- 30 GJ General Inventory - . jj l^^y 1 GJ General Inventory - . „ "^y ] GJ General Inventory - . J "^y '' GJ General Inventory - . J ™y ^ 11 General Inventory - - '^ May 7 GJ.LT General Inventory - . ' May 8 GJ.LT General Inventory - . Z '^^y 9 GJ.LT General Inventory - . J 124 Appendix A. (Co(it) May 10 GJ May 11 GJ May 12 GJ May 13 GJ May 15 PG May 18 GJ May 19 GJ May 21 GJ May 22 GJ May 25 GJ June 2 GJ June 5 GJ,LT June 6 PG.LT June 7 LT June 8 GJ.LT June 9 LT June 11 GJ June 12 PG June 13 GJ June 15 GJ June 16 GJ June 18 GJ June 20 GJ June 21 GJ June 29 LT June 30 LT July 5 GJ July 8 GJ July 9 BM July 11 GJ July 13 GJ July 14 GJ July 15 GJ July 16 GJ July 17 GJ July 31 PG Sept 2 PN Sept 3 PN Sept 4 PN Oct. 11 LT Oct. 16 PG Oct. 18 PG Oct. 20 PG General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory Incidental Observations General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory Incidental Observations General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory Incidental Observations General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory General Inventory Incidental Observations Small Marmial Trapping Small Mammal Trapping Small Mammal Trapping Reconnaissance Incidental Observations of Bald Eagles Incidental Observations of Bald Eagles Incidental Observations of Bald Eagles 125 Oct. 23 PG Insldental Observations of Bald Eagles Reconnaissance Incidental Observations of Bald Eagles Nov. 2 LT Nov. 21 PG 1979 Jan. 20 PN Feb. 10 PN Feb. 11 PN Feb. 12 PN April 18 PN April 19 PN April 20 PN April 21 PN June 13 PN June 14 PN June 27 PN June 28 PN June 29 PN June 30 PN July 31 LT Aug 1 LT Waterfowl and Riparian Surveys X - x— '' Waterfowl and Riparian Surveys X - x Waterfowl and Riparian Surveys X - x Waterfowl and Riparian Surveys X - x Waterfowl and Riparian Surveys X XX Waterfowl and Riparian Surveys X XX Waterfowl and Riparian Surveys X XX Waterfcwl and Riparian Surveys X XX Waterfowl and Riparian Surveys X X X,, Waterfcwl and Riparian Surveys X X X- Waterfowl and Riparian'Surveys X XX Waterfowl and Riparian Surveys X XX Waterfcwl and Riparian Surveys X XX Waterfowl and Riparian Surveys X XX Reconnaissance - . . Reconnaissance - v - -GJ=Gayle Joslin, PG=Pat Graham, PN=Pat Nichols, BM-Bill iMartin, LT=Larry Thompson. - Bad weather may have affected results on these dates. 126 APPENDIX B KOOTENAI FALLS WILDLIFE STUDY WILDLIFE OBSERVATION DATA SHEET: INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 1. Level. Leave Blank 2. Date.* List only for first observation, or for observations listed at top of data sheet. 3. Observers.* Indicate two initials of two principal observers; e.g., RP = Richard Prodgers alone; RPLR = Richard Prodgers, Lamar Rose, and Joe Elliott. 4. Vehicle.* SC - Stationary car MC - Moving car FT - Foot AP - Airplane BT - Boat SK - Skiis 5. Cloud Cover.** Estimate percent cloud cover. 6. Precipitation.** Indicate type (R - rain, H - hail or sleet, S - snow, N - none) and rate (N - none, L - light, M - moderate, H - heavy). 127 7. Temperature.** Use Fahrenheit scale; indicate whether estimated (e.c., E 50) or measured (M50). For below zero temperatures, indicate with B or X (e.g., lOB = ten below, estimated; lOX = ten below, measured). 8. Wind Speed.** Use Beaufort Numbers: Wind Speed Number MPH Indicators 0 Less than 1 Smoke rises vertically 1 1 to 3 Wind direction felt by smoke drift 2 3 to 7 Wind felt on face; leaves rustle 3 8 to 12 Leaves, small twigs in constant motion 4 13 to 18 Raises dust and loose paper 5 19 to 24 Small trees in leaf sway; crested wavelets 6 25 to 31 Large branches in motion ^ 7 32 to 38 Whole trees in motion, inconvenience in walking against wind 8 39 to 46 Breaks twigs off trees, impedes progress 9 above 47 Structural damage 9. Observation Number. Begin with one for each day. 10. Time. Military (e.g., 0535, 1721) 11. Species. Use common names as listed in Skaar (1975) and Burt & Grossenheider (1964). If common name consists of one word, list first four letters (e.g., Beaver - BEAV). if two words, list first two letters of each word (e.g.. Bighorn Sheep = BISH). If three or more words, list 128 first letter of first two words, first two letters of last word (e.g.. White-tailed Oeer = WIDE). For unusual species or ambiguous names, it is best to list full name under "Remarks". 12. Number of Animals. Make sure the sum of adult males, adult females, young, and unclassified equals the total. Each distinct group of animals should be given a separate observation number, 13. Activity. List first two letters of word; for example: BE = Bedded SO = Soaring ST = Standing DR = Drinking FE = Feeding CO = Courtship WA = Walking MA = Mating RU = Running SB = Standing and bedded (in same group) FL = Flying BF = Bedded and feeding (in same group) SW = Swimming RK = Roadkill PE = Perched SC = Scat NE = Nesting TR = Tracks 14. Slope. Estimate degrees from horizontal. 15. Aspect. N. NE. E. SE , S, SW, W, NW 16. Percent of Snow. Estimate overall snow cover for area. 129 17. Vegetation. Indicate two-letter wildl ife habitat category code (See Table 1 of Final Report) in appropriate column. Dominant plant species (e.g. , Pseudotsuga menziesii and Symphoricarpos alba = PSMESYAL) may also be listed under "dominants." If additional dominants need be listed, list under "Remarks." 18. Topography. Classify according to terrain type categories described on Page of the Final Report. 19. Elevation. Record first two digits of elevation in feet (e.g., 2317 = 23). 20. Remarks. Indicate such observations as associated species, food items, catalogue numbers of specimens taken, etc. * List only for observation number one for each day, for observations list at top of data sheet, or when changing observers, vehicles, or level. ** May be listed only at beginning and end of trip. 130 H < t/» Z. i o i 1;^ uj : X CO o 1 jsj — ; — ■•"■" . ' T~~ — 1 : : 1 1 — < — T— 1 CE < " 1 1 1 1 q: 1 1 t 1 I . 1 ^ 1 1 ; 1 «i> NOIiVAJia 1 "1 — 1 I .« I I z o < > ]■ z 1 '■ 1 m d O - — U- ■"■"'■' O la! 5- a •o^sNr^l 1 1 — lOJrtt*— ) 1 1 1 CO « > i;! (T ii 1 1 i i 1 Z < t:^ :i ' 1 1 i 1 1 J UJ 1 1 Is 1 ; 1 V' ' Al'A.iD» \ ■ 1 1 1 ' \ 1 Li"?S30 'S j 1 1 I ' ■ 1 1 u_ o s 1 1 « " 2S cr o — — i ~—~ 1 — "' 1 O ii 1 1 ' r— ! 1 t" — -13 1 — — rl o^ m ». " o > u o,^ a r- ^ '-^cr. ^ < 1 2"^ a: 1 2 ; i <'s uJ ^2 o z UJ It o 1 UJ " a X « 0. m bj u o z c 1 13 z o o 2 o o a ~~~ — ■■^ — CM 1 "^~ jAHlCflok V, — -A I i ! 1 1 .'. i : . . r 1 .,.c,:» 1 ! ' 1 J i ~f 1 T r — ^ O . ; 1 1 1 H»3»- ^ — 1 — 1- 1 i- i i — 1 1 1 1 1 .,.,„., ^ ; 1 ■ 1 r- -^ z: 1 1 ' i 1 i^5 APPENDIX D CENSUS OF RIVER FALLS AND ADJACENT WESTERN RED CEDAR-DOUGLAS FIR FOREST Location: Montana; Lincoln County; located bctv/cen the Kootenai River and U. S. Highway #2, about 19 km (12 miles) WNW of Libby; 48° 27' fi , 115° 47' W, Kootenii Falls Quadrangle, U.S.G.S. Continuity: Mew. Size: 44. S ha ^ 110 acres (oblong, paced). Description of Plot: Approximately 40." of the plot is water, incl 'idi nq a 1500 m (= 4921 ft) stretch of the Kootenai River. Kootenai Falls, the major falls of the Kootenai River, is located in this stretch, and river elevation drops 17 rr. (= 55 ft) between the eastern and western edges of the plot. Flows of the Kootenai River are controlled by the pattern of discharge froiii Libby Dam (located approxiridtely 40 km = 25 mi,les upstream), and varied from in in^/sec (= 4,000 ff-^/sec) to 566 rrr'/sec (= 20,000 ft"^/sec) during the study. Width of the river within the plot was approx- imately 250 m (820 ft) at its widest point and 45 n; (= 111 ft) at its narrowest, where it flows through a steep, rocky canyon. A nur.ber of islands, the larr;nst of which is less than 2 ha (= 5 acres) in size, are found in the 400 m (= 1,112 ft) stretch of the river iimiediately below the falls; th(.'Se islands, as well as all water areas to the north of them, were excluded from the plot. A footbridge spans the river at its narrowest point, approximately 500 m (^ 1,640 ft) from the weste-n boundary of the plot. The land area included in this [ilot is that between the southern bank of the Kootenai River and U.S. Highway ^2 to the south. This strip of land is 300 m (= 984 ft) wide at its widest point and 70 m wide (= 230 ft) at its narrowest point. A two-track Burlington Northern railroad roughly bisects this land area lengthwise; these tracks were used by approximately one train/hour during census runs. A telephone line and a 34.5 kilovolt powerline parallel this railroad, resulting in a cleared corridor roughly 40 m (=131 ft) in width. Most of the remainder of the plot is forested. A Lion's Club picnic area with a spring, wooden tables, garbage receptacles, and outhouses is located along Highway 2 near the center of the plot, and a 150 m (= 492 ft) loop road enters into the plot from Highway 2 300 m (= 984 ft) from the eastern edge of the plot. Both areas wer-e heavily used by picnickers, fishermen, and sightseers throughout the sumrier. An abandoned forest road connects U.S. tt2 and the railroad right-of-way near the eastern edge of the plot. At the western edge of the plot, the highway, railroad, and telephone lines come togetner at the base of a steep, rocky cliff, and pass over a nearly vertical concrete embankment which extends to the riverbank. Rocky outcrops are common within the plot north of the railroad right-of-way. A number of wcry small streams bisect the plot. Elevations range from 58H m (= 1,930 ft) to 640 m (= 2,100 ft). A fairly steep bank rises between the railroad right-of-way and the relatively flat bench to the south in the eastern 2/3 of the plot. Forests to the north of this bank are fairly open and shrubby, with few large trees; forests to the south are much more dense, with many tall trees and little understory vegetation. The study area falls primarily within the western red cedar/gueencup beadlily {Thuja plijata/Clintonia imiflora' habitat type (Pfister et al . 1977, Forest Habitat Types of Montana, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah), although a gradation to the Douglas fir/ninebark ( P.- •> ;a. •'.,.:';.': u.ja menziesii/PhysocarpuR r;)alva.;euu) habitat type is indicated along drier, exposed ridges near the water's edge. The dominant canopy trees &re. Douglas fir, western larch {iarix ocaidi-ntaiir.) , and western red cedar, and th(? most prominent shrubs are Canadian buffaloberry {L'.lirj'her.iin. ccrr.adc^-.r.ir-) , chokcchor'ry {:'r'o:u:^ virnini'.cir. i) , 136 common snowberry {r:^m>hcri.-ar;>.- r. al}:ii.-), crodinbush octv.nspray [rirl'uHscu.- ,:—,'oU>r) , elderberry {;:,CT/-ucui; spp. ) . mountain alder [ALnur. //;-.•,;';. J , ninebark, quaking aspen iiPc'puI.u.': ii\ -ml Older. ) , red-osier dogwood {Cor>'ur. rt ^ro>:^ f. v.:! , redstem ceanothus^ {Ccanuthic: r.,innuincuc) , Rocky Mountain maple [Acer ijlairic-) , syringia {rhil:Jclpli:in^ Icui-i:^, thimbleberry {h-i!ur. i^arv! fLTur,) , western servicoberry [Ari,^Jar'h:.i'aln:j\^l:a), and willow (r^^ilix spp.). Mur.f-, of the more densely forested portion of the plot south of the railroad tracks has little or no ground cover, and ttie soil in these areas is covered with a mat of needles and with scattered logs and branches. A t|u,inl i t .1 1 1 ve survey of the vegetation gave the following results: trees, 3 in. (= 7.6 cm) diameter and over, based on five n.l acre (-0.04 hal circular samples, 2421/ha {■= 9R0/acre); total basal area 37 mVha (- 160.1 ff^/acre). Species of trees (figures after each give number of trees/ha, number of trees/acre, relative density (',"), relative dominance, and frequency, in that sequence): Douglas fir 760, 338, 34, 48, 100; western larch 716, 318, 32, 27, 100; western red cedar 414, 184, 19, 13, 80; lodgepole pine [Pinus contorta) 86, 38, 4, 5, 40; water birch [Hctula occi(h:>it.ilic) 158, 70, 7, 3, 80; Rocky Mountain maple [Acer glahrwi) 9, 4, tr (= trace, or less than 0.57o), tr, 20; ponderosa pine (.^'znus pondcror.a) 5, 2, tr, tr, 20; Rocky Mountain juniper {Junivcrus r.copuJcDcn) 5, 2, tr, tV, 20. A few small Engelmann spruce [Picaa cngclmannti), western hemlock {'T.-^uga hi^terophulla) and grand fir {Abies jrayidiir,) were also found in the plot. Trees by diameter size class (figures after each class given number of trees/ha, nuntier of trees/acre, relative density (%), basal area in m^/ha, basal area in ft^/acre, relative dominance): A(8-15 cm = 3-6 in) 1278, 568, 58, 13.0, 56.8, 18; 8(15-23 cm = 6-9 in) 540, 240, 24, 16.5, 72.0, 22; C(23-78 cm = 9-15 in) 315, 140,14, 65.7, lll'.O, 35; 0(38-53 cm = 15-27 in) 41, 18, 2, 7.4, 32.4, 10; E(53-69 cm - 21-27 in) 27. 12, 1, 8.5, 37.2, 12; F(69-a4 cm = 27-33 iF} 5, 2, tr, 2.3, 9.8, 3. Shrub stems/ha, 5265; shrub stems/acre, 2340; ground cover 26".; canopy cover 66%; average canopy height 22 m = 72 feet (range 18-30 m = 60-100 feet). Plant "kames fol low Hi tchcock and Cronquist's (1973) Flora of the Pacific Northwest. Edge: bordered on the north by the steep north bank of the Kootenai River and the slopes of the Purccll Mountains, characterized near the plot by Douglas fir/ninebark forests and relatively dry rocky outcrops; bordered to the south by U.S. Highway 2 south of which rise the lower slopes of the Cabinet Mountains, characterized near the plot by the relatively moist western red ccdar/queencup beadlily and western hemlock/queencup beadlily habitat types. A steep, rocky cliff rises above the high- way just south of the western thi'-d of the plot. Weather: the spring of 1978 was relatively moist and followed a severe winter; plant phenology was thus several days behind the normal. Rain was occasionilly experienced during census runs, but weather for the most part was clear to cloudy and dry. Coverage: May 7, 8, 9, 22, 25; June 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 29, 30. All trips between 0515 and 2130 hours. Total person-hours: 34.6. Census: violet-green swallow, 12(27, 11); yel 1 ow-rumped warbler, 7 (16, 6); golden-crowned kinglet, 6(13, 5); Swainson's thrush, 5.5 (12, 5); Townsend's warbler, 5.5 (12, 5); American robin, 4.5 (10, 4); yellow warbler, 4.5 (10, 4); dark-eyed junco, 4.5 (10, 4); rough-winged swallow, 4 (9, 4); dipper, 4 . (9, 4); red-eyed vireo, 4(9,4); black-capped chickadee, 3.5 (8, 3); song sparrow, 3.5 (8, 3); mallard, 2; warbling vireo, 2; Nashville warbler, 2; MacGi 11 i vray ' s warbler, 2; American redstart, 2; brown-headed cowbird, 2; pine siskin, 2; spotted sandpiper, 1.5; harlequin duck, 1; American kestrel, 1; conmon flicker, 1; Enipidonax flycatcher (Hantnond's or Dusky), 1; tree swallow, 1; common crow, 1; western tanager, 1; common goldeneye, +; common merganser, +; osprey, +; common raven, +• varied thrush, +. Total: 33 species, 91 territorial males or females (205/kmS 83 per 100 acres). Visitors: Canada goose, American wigeon, Barrow's goldeneye, mourning dove, rufous hummingbird, calliope hummingbird, belted kingfisher, hairy woodpecker, ^^llow flycatcher, Townsend's solitaire, cedar waxwing , orange-crowned warbler, ^^zuli bunting, Lincoln's sparrow. Remarks: Five nests were located: common 137 flicker, 1; tree swallow, 1; black-capped chickadee, 1; robin, 2. Rough-winged swallows nested in crevices in the steep concrete retaining wail at the extreme westei-n edge of the plot, and a raven nest was located on a steep rock cliff facing Highway 2 just outside the plot. An active osprey nest was found several km downstream from the plot. Although pi leafed woodpeckers were not observed during the census, one was seen on the plot February 9, 1978, by G. Joslin, and feeding excavations were fairly coinmon in old-growth western red cedar. A brood of 12 common mergansers was seen on June 2 by G. Joslin near the eastern boundary of the plot, and a possible but unverified brood of 7 harlequin ducks was seen June 12 by B. Shepard just downstream from the plot. At least seven harlequin ducks were present on the plot; these appeared to represent one pair, one lone female, and four bachelor males. All preferred the head of the falls as a feeding area and the rocky promontory just upstream from the falls as a nesting area, although the entire stretch of river within the plot was used at some time. The first harlequin {a male) was seen in the plot April 29, and the last (a female) was seen June 16. Of the 33 breeding species encountered during the census, the following were restricted to the Kootenai River and/or its shores: mallard, common goldeneye, harlequin duck, common mergdnser, spotted sandpiper, and dipper. The remaining species, with the exception of the swallows, were primarily restricted to terrestrial habitats, whicfi comprised only 60/.' of the plot. More meaningful density estimates for these species in terrestrial habitats may thus be obtained by multiplying the density figures reported above by 1.57. The varied thrush, golden-crowned kinglet, Townsend's warbler, yellow-rumped warbler, and western tanagor occupied priinarily tall, dense, western red cedar and Douglas fir forests south of the railroad right- of-way; the warbling vireo, yellow warbler, MacGil 1 i vray 's warbler, and song sparrow occupied open, shrub-dominated habitats along the right-of-way. Other vertebrates seen on the plot: wandering garter snake, Clliajmxophia elegans) , beaver (Castor aanadenais), chipmunk {Eui-amias spp.), tree squirrel [Tamiasciu^'us hiuisonici-ic), Columbian ground squirrel {Spei'mopkilua ccluipbianus) , northern flying squirrel {Glauaom>js sdbrinuc), mule deer [Odocoileus hcmionus) . This study was part of a wildlife inventory related to a proposed hydroelectric facility, and was funded by Northern Lights, Inc. 138 Appendix K FIELD DATA SHEET - VERTEBRATE TRAPPING i z O -1 < t- z 5 o I O z 5 ^ »- z UJ UJ Z bj o UJ O I z o b Q § O < 2 z UJ —J < S UJ -J < UJ u. o i 2^ z £ 3 o o UJ S 47 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO^II "i? 13 14 16 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 33 34 35 37 38 39I 40 DATA TYPE TIME 1-Trap Grid 1-Morning 2-Live Trapline 2-Afternoon 3-Snap Trapline TP£ATMENT ^ 1-Control l^-\j L'^^' f 2-Experiinent CONDITION . xo O-Norwal ^N ) jt; \_-.^400 1-Escaped "^ 7^^Y~^^^ 2-Torpid J- V o 3-Dead »■ | V 4-In]ured \ MARX TRAP NUMBER O-Normal 00 to 100 1-Unmarked 2-Ear Tag 3-Toe Clip 4-2 S 3 5-Nat. Amp. MALE FEMALE 0-Ad. Non-Breed 0-Ad. Non-Breed 1-SAd. Non-Breed 1-SAd. Non-Breed 2-J. Non-Breed 2-J. Non-Breed 3-Ad. Breed? 3-Ad. Breed? 4-SAd. Breed? 4-SAd. Breed? 5- J. Breed? 5- J. Breed? 6- Ad. Breed 6- Ad. Breed 7-SAd. Breed 7-SAd. Breed 8- J. Breed 8- J. Breed 9-Undeterm. 9-Undeterm. • ? 139 APPENDIX F KOOTENAI FALLS RIPARIAN WILDLIFE CENSUS INSTRUCTIONS Objectives The objective of this census is to document the seasonal pattern of use of the Kootenai Falls project area by wildlife before, during, and after construction. All vertebrate species using the area are to be investigated-- reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals. Materials Needed Binoculars, spotting scope, clipboard, field maps, field data sheets, summary sheets, nest record cards, colored pencils, rain gear, field guides. Methods This census is designed to produce data allowing comparisons of wild- life use between months and between years. The general nrethodology is pat- terned after the standard winter bird study (Kolb 1965) and breeding bird census (Hall 1964, Van Velzen 1972) techniques, but is extended to include all vertebrate species. The study area is to be censused on three consecu- tive days each month during January, April, June, August, and October along a standardized route. Censuses will begin precisely at local sunrise except in April, June, and August, when they will begin one-half hour before local sunrise each day. The same route will be followed each time (although starting point and direction will be changed randomly from day to day), and 140 will be such that all points of the studyarea come under direct observation, including the interior of forests and the north shore of the river. The species, location, sex hf known), age (adult or immature, if known), and movements of each animal seen will be recorded precisely in relation to habitat categories on field maps using colored pencil or ball point pen; special notation shall be used to denote simultaneous observations and evi- dence of territoriality (singing males, chasing, etc.). All vertebrates seen, even those not identified, will be recorded; if not identified to spe- cies, animals will be identified as precisely as possible: "unknown gull", "unknown frog or toad," "unknown chipmunk," "unknown passerine," etc. Starting points and direction of runs will be varied randomly to ensure that all portions of the project area receive at least one day's early-morning observation. The exact route taken, starting and ending points, and direction of travel will be recorded directly on the field maps. Pertinent data re- garding starting time, weather conditions, etc. will be recorded at the start and end of each route on the field data sheets (a different set of maps and one or more field data sheets will be used each day). Record time as military time (e.g., 0820, 1916); use Beaufort wind speed code numbers. At the end of each day's run, the minimum estimate of the number of animals of each species known to be present for each of two areas (the pro- jectarea and the control area) and^ the total census area will be recorded on field data sheets for each of the four sections of the map. (NOTE: If an animal is seen in both areas (control and project), its will be assigned to the area where first observed.) It is important that this analysis be performed immediately after conclusion of each day's census run. Species will be listed in phylogenetic 141 order; unkowns will be listed at the end of the appropriate taxonomic group (e.g., "unknown hawk" will follow those hawks identified to species ;( "unknown bird" will fall between the last identified bird and the first identified mammal.) Under the column entitled "entire plot," the minimum number of each species present within the entire plot will be estimated. Note that the numbers in this column will not necessarily be the totals of the four map sections. For example, a bald eagle may have been seen on section 1 and also on section 3, but unless there is firm evidence that two individuals were actually seen (e.g., simultaneous observations or separate observations of one adult and one irmature), only one will be entered under the "entire plot" column. Also, if four mallards (one male, three females) were seen on section 1, five mallards (three males, two females) on section 2, seven unidentified ducks on section 3, and six unidentified ducks in section 4, and if it was uncertain that these groups did not mix during the census, the entries would be as follows: Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Entire Plot Mallard 4 5 _ _ 6 Unidentified Duck '-76 1 This represents the minimum estimate of the total population present. If, on the other hand, there was a reasonable certainty that the sightings represented all different ducks (perhaps two groups were seen simultaneously, or perhaps the river was in view the full time of the census and no ducks were seen flying between sections), 9 mallards and 13 unidentified ducks would be recorded in the "entire plot" column. Once this is done for all species, the number of birds seen in the entire plot divided by the total number of hours of observation (minus any breaks) will be entered in the last column (to the nearest hundredth ^^ 142 At the end of the week data from all plots will be transferred to the summary sheets, also in phylogenetic order, and the average minimum number present and number seen per hour will be calculated. Each month, then, three field data sheets and three summary sheets will be preapred. April, June, and August data will be used to determine breeding bird territories according to the criteria listed by Robbins (1970) . ' Species seen or heard outside the census boundary will be listed on the field sheet, but not included in the census results. All observations of waterfowl, raptors, and large mammals made during census runs will be re- corded on standard waterfowl or wildlife data sheets as well. Details of any nests located will be recorded on nest record cards, and locations of nests will be marked on a separate set of maps each year. 143 APPENDIX G Conceptual Basis for Compensation of Unmitigated Impact Strategies of mitigation and compensation may be considered conceptually by examination of Figure 18. In this figure, carrying capacity (K) is shown as a function of time (with seasonal, successional , and other variations smoothed out) under various management strategies. Carrying capacity with management is shown by dashed lines; that which would be the case if the management technique were not applied is shown by solid lines. Carrying capacity may be considered proportional to the "habitat units" of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hab- itat Evaluation Procedures (Schamberger and Farmer 1978); thus, similar figures may be constructed based on actual field data. In Figure 18-1, a solid curve is shown which represents, as a function of time f(t), the change in K resulting form an unmitigated, short-term impact. The dashed curve in this same figure shows how mitigation might serve to lessen the reduction in K over time according to a different function of time, m(t). The benefits B,^ to the population which could be obtained by mitigation, repre- sented as the shaded area in Figure 18-1, would thus be t m(t) - f(t) dt. If the costs of mitigation are Cm, the benefit per unit cost (expressed as habitat unit days or a similar measure) is simply Bm/Cm = E^, which is a measure of the cost-effectiveness of mitigation. Note that, in this figure, some losses accrue over time even with mitigation. Two strategies for compensating this unmitigated impact are described below. If justified on the basis of cost-effectiveness, such strategies may even be considered as substitutes for mitigation in certain cases. Figures 18-11 and 18-III show these two alternatives. In both cases, the impact curve f(t) is the same as in figure 18-1, but the impacts are not mitigated and simply accepted as they are. The impact-related losses L to the resource are thus equal to the difference between the situation if the impact did not occur (represented by a dotted line) and the function h'(t) and f(t), or L = rm(t) - f(t)1 dt. Compensation by Enhancement In figure 18-11, the carrying capacity of enhancement land is represented by the solid line r(t). Long-term enhancement of this area may increase the 144 i- o as c a. E o o s- o o «) (U a> ■(-> n3 S- • +J +J l/> u a: O) Q- .— E JD -1- i/i E in i- o cu Q- -U dJ S- s- o t— 1/1 00 .-« LU a: C3 »— t < O '■"'■m^ l:i>-:'::::::>: a £ '( Ui ^ \ CO r < <►- 145 incremental value of K only slightly each year (as shown by curve e(t)), but over many years the total gains of such enhancement ^■■l C. = I re(t) - r(t) ] dt properly discounted, may very well exceed the unmitigated losses L. It is clear that the longer enhancement can be applied, even if enhancement is very slight, the more substantial the long-term benefits that accrue over time. (NOTE: Unless discounted, any long-term compensation, however slight, would turn out to be the best strategy for dealing with a short-term impact.) In this case, the overall net benefits of compensation Be are equal to Ge - L. Assuming costs of enhancement equal Ce, the benefit per unit cost of compen- sation is B(;/Ce = Ec- This value can be contrasted to that of mitigation, E^, to determine which strategy would be most cost-effective. Compensation by Protection of Threatened Habitat. In figure 18-1, the solid line described by the function q(t) shows that change in K which would occur if nothing is done about the impending impact, and p(t) describes the situation if this impact is prevented. The total gains I p(t) - q(t) j dt discounted over time, may in fact exceed long-term unmitigated losses L, in which case the overall net benefits are Bp = Gp - L. Assuming costs of pre- vention are Cp, the benefit per unit cost is Bp/Cp = Ep, which again may be compared to corresponding values for mitigation and enhancement compensation. 146