.L rif / \ ;,' ,!. i i ( IN /.O01,O( H.D.REED km B.r ■ Mi»*«iiittr animals and man. At the outset of such a study it is necessary that one should acquire a clear conception of what is signified by the term "living individual" or "organism" as a center about which to organize zoological kncjwlcdge. An organism is something more than a mere spatial association of structural components, however orderly they may be arranged. What constitutes the body of the animal? How are the struc- tural components of the body related? What are the services of the various parts and why are these services necessary? How are these diverse structures and their activities maintained and combined to form a unit and what is that unit? Studies along the lines suggested by such questions provide the basis for a comprehension of what is meant by the term "organism." These deliberations are, therefore, begun with the study of an animal type which will furnish the foundation upon which to place a conception of an organism. The frog is chosen as a convenient form, since it is a familiar animal exhibiting a moderately complex structure and in all fundamental respects of structure and phys- iology may be compared directly with man. The structural similarity is easily recognized by standing the frog upon its hind legs and making the comparison part for part. In the frog and other complex animals it is possible to dis- tinguish general regions of the body and directions within the body without reference to the movements of the animal or to any part of the environment. When such a state prevails the method of naming part? and directions is known as iiitrinsic io-ponomy. The following is a list of terms which will bo employed according to this method of naming parts: Dorsum, or back, that side of a orawlinR or (luadrupodal animal norinally away from the sulistratum (support) upon which it rests. Dorsad, toward the l)a<'k or in that direct if color, and any striking markings upon the i)ody. When the frog once confronts its food it is still in need of pro- visions for getting the food into its digestive organs. Reflect upon the usefulness of hands and jaws in this service, bearing in mind the non-grasping nature of the hands. In the forelimb or arm, beginning at the body, identify upper arm or brachium; the shoulder joint and its freedom of movement ; forearm or antebrachium; elbow joint and its movements; wrist; hand or manus with digits (fingers). Why is your own hand efficient as a prehensile (grasping) organ? What is lacking in the frog's hand? What is suggested by the structure, form, attitude, and flexibility of the arm in its service to the frog? In the hind limb identify thigh, shank, ankle, foot or pes with digits (toes). Locate and compare the hip, knee, and ankle joints with the corresponding joints of the arm. How many digits in the foot? Are the digits of the hand and foot similar in arrangement and in length according to numerical position? Compare the palm of the hand and sole of the foot; the heel with the corresponding part of the hand. Do these peculiarities of hands and feet suggest any sort of advantages to the animal? If not already familiar with both the terrestrial and aquatic modes of locomotion of the frog make such observations upon living specimens. Attempt a correlation of these observations with the position of the limbs when at rest, the movements and service of parts in active locomotion, determining, if possible, a general locomotor function which may be assigned to each pair of limbs, taking into consideration the need of buffers, propellers, steering devices, leverage, rigidity, and flexibility. If the limbs meet such needs, explain how it is done. Organs of Special Sense. — The awareness of the frog to sur- rounding conditions can l^e readily determined by observation and simple experiments performed upon the living animal. The means of gathering information from the surroundings are sense organs (receptors) either located within restricted areas as the organs of vision, smell, taste, and hearing or scattered as the organs of touch and other senses. Some of these organs cannot be observed by macroscopic study. Touch corpuscles and fine nerve endings in the skin render the frog sensitive to 8 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY contact, changes in temperature and moisture, the chemical nature of surroundings, and even hght. A substance which stinmlates the sense of taste must be in solution. It penetrates the surface membrane of the mouth and stimulates special taste organs. In the frog these organs occur apparently on the floor and roof of the mouth and particu- larly on the flattened surfaces of special mushroom-shaped elevations, fungiform papilloB, on the tongue. The organs of taste, like the organs of touch, cannot be made out in a macro- scopic study but they belong to the surface of the body, since the mouth lining and the skin form a continuous sheet of material identical in origin. Locate the two nostrils or external nares on the upper surface of the snout. Pass a beaded bristle through one and observe that it comes out of a round opening in the roof of the mouth cavity. This is the internal nostril or naris. The canal between the external and internal nares serves for the passage of air on its way to and from the mouth cavity. This short canal is enlarged during its course to form the olfactory sac the lining of which is thickened and otherwise modified to form the recep- tive organ of smell, olfactory sense organ. Gases given off from odorous bodies are detected by these organs. The olfactory sense organs constitute the doorway through which the animal communicates with the outside world as regards the nature of gases (odors) which surround it. The advantage of an organ of smell located in the walls of the breathing passages is obvious. Posterior to the external nares are the large prominent eyes, doorways for communication by means of light waves. In each may be distinguished the iris, surrounding a central opening, the pupil. By the proper manipulation with forceps eyelids may be discovered. Determine their locations and relative size and importance in covering and protecting the eye. The nictitating membrane is a thin, transparent "third eyelid" which is really an outgrowth of the lower lid. This may be observed in a living animal. In most animals, the nictitating membrane when present is distinct from the true lower lid. It reaches a high degree of development in birds, where it may be stretched over the whole front of the eye. In man it is represented by a vestigial fold at the inner angle of the eye. What advantage may reside in the presence and transparency of the nictitating membrane? Compare the position of the eyes in frog and man. THE STUDY OF AN AMMAL TYI'K 0 Can both eyes focus together upon the same object (binocular vision) or each eye separately (monocular vision) ? Why? Ask the instructor for a method of detcrinininp; your own angle of vision. Represent by a simple (iiagrain. Looking clown upon the top of the frog's head determine the angle of vision of each eye. Represent by a diagram. What do you judge to he the relative merits of the two kinds of vision? On the side of the head caudad of the eye is a flat disk, the tym- panum or eardrum, which responds to vibrations impinging upon it. By careful manipulation determine tlie nature and attachments of this membrane. Near the center on the inner surface of this membrane there is attached a small rod, the columella, which transmits the vibrations of the tympanic mem- brane to the inner ear or receptive organ of the sense of hearing. Carefully remove the cephalic third of the membrane as an aid in discovering its inner relation.s. If difficulties are encountered ask the instructor for assistance. In the mesal line of the head, slightly cephalad of the level of the eyes, there is a small light-colored spot termed the brown spot. Its significance will be mentioned later. For the present locate it only. The anus (the caudal opening of the intestine) appears to be located on the dorsal side rather than at the exact caudal end or on the ventral side. A survey of the sense organs (receptors) reveals them as organs located at the surface or in direct communication with the sur- face. Bearing in mind the general service of the sense organs what is the fitness of their location? Letting a horizontal line represent the frog's body, locate, by means of numbers or symbols, the organs of the five special senses (vision, smell, hearing, taste, and touch). What is the result? Of what obvious advantage to the animal? Identify the dermal plica: or thickened folds of skin extending caudad from the posterior angle of the eyes. Those folds lodge important skin glands. Make a drawing of the dorsal aspect of the frog, life size fif the frog 1)0 of modium size), representing the features mentioned in this study. THE FROG'S SKELETON For this study prepared skeletons are provided. They arc fragile and therefore must be handled with care. The value of each is such that a charge must be made for any breakage which is the fault of the user. The need of a firm and, at the same time, flexible support for the body is apparent in considering such functions as locomotion in which rigid support and precision of movement are paramount. Such functions, as well as many others, reside in the skeletal framework of the body. The skeleton as a whole comprises two main divisions: (o) the axial skeleton and (6) the appendicular skeleton. Axial Skeleton. — Extending along the middle line or main axis of the body there are found the skull and vertebral column constituting the axial skeleton. The Skull. — Recalling the shape of the frog's head examine the skull and determine the various aspects (i.e., dorsal, ventral, cephalic, caudal, lateral). The most conspicuous feature of the skull is the presence of a relatively enormous and somewhat rectangular space on either side of the middle port on. These spaces mark the location of the eyes and are known as the orbits. Through two smaller spaces immediately cephalad of the orbits the nostrils open. The skull placed at the cephalic end of the axial skeleton comprises (a) the cranium which encloses the small brain and occupies the mesal region between the orbits. Associated with the cranium are combinations of bones and cartilages forming protecting encasements for certain sense organs. These are called "sense capsules." They occur in pairs: the olfactory capsules surrounding the olfactory organs at the cephalic end of the cranium and the auditory capsules on either side at the caudal end. (6) the visceral skeleton includes the framework of the jaws and hyoid apparatus (tongue support). In the caudal end of the cranium is an opening, the foramen magnum, through which the spinal cord extends from the brain. Note the lines (sutures) formed by the meeting of bones. Determine the location of teeth. Identify the slender bone, columella, connecting the 10 Till': Fli(K:s SKKI.h'TOX 11 ciital siirliuT (»l the tynipaimin and miicr car. 'I'liis is tin; hone already seen wlicii studying tlir tyinpamiiii. It transmits vibrations from the tympanum to the auditory sense organ encased within the auditory capsule. The margin of the upper jaw is formed in front hy the prc- maxilldrics, one on either side, each of which sends a process in a dorsal direction, and on the side by the majUhinj. Both pre- nuixillary and maxillary bones bear teeth. The lower jaw is formed chiefly by the long dentariea, one on each side. Vertebral Column. — The vertebral column is composed of a series of irregular V)ones including nine elements called vertebriT and a caudal elongate bone, the urostijle. The first vertebra, or atlas, is slightly modified because of its articulation with the skull. Determine its peculiarities in this respect. The last vertebra possesses a lateral projection (transverse process) which is somewhat enlarged and serves as the attachment for the skeleton of the hind limb. This vertebra is termed the sacral vertebra. Select the fourth vertebra as a typical one for study and identify the following parts: a. Centrum, the solid cylindrical portion of the vertebra. This part is always ventral to the other parts. b. A'eural canal, the enclosed space or cavity dorsad of the centrum and lodging the spinal cord. c. Neural arch, the bony portion forming the sides and roof of the neural canal. d. Neural spine, the dorsal projection from the middle of the neural arch. e. Transverse processes, lateral projections from the junction of neural arch and centrum. /. Zygapophyses, cephalic and caudal projections from the base of the neural arch. They serve to yoke the vertebne together. The Appendicular Skeleton. — This division of the skeleton comprises (a) the bones of the free limbs, or those portions which may be seen projecting beyond the general surface of the body, and {b) the girdles which are embeddeil within the body walls and with which the skeleton of the free limb is articulated. The pectoral girdle (shoulder girdle) completely encircles the l)ody at the level of the arms. Mach half consists of two portions, dorsal and ventral, which meet at the socket of articulation of 12 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY the arm bones. This socket or articuhiting excavation in the girdle is known as the glenoid fossa. In the middle line of the ven- tral portion the caudally projecting bony element is the sternum. The skeleton of the arm consists of the humerus in the upper arm. In the forearm there are two bones side by side, the radius on the thumb side and the uhia on the other side, as in man. In the frog the radius and ulna are fused into one solid bone, the radio-ulna. Distad of (beyond) the lower arm is the wrist or carpus, containing six small bones known collectively as carpals, arranged in two rows. The proximal row, situated at the end of the radio-ulna, includes two elements; the distal row, three. The sixth element is located on the inner side of the wrist. The hand comprises five metacarpal bones, which support the palm and at their ends articulate with the fingers. The first digit (thumb) is absent. Its metacarpal is small. The humerus is a good example of a long bone serving as a lever. The enlarged ends formed of cartilages are known as the epiphyses, the shaft being the narrower portion between. The proximal end of the humerus rests in the glenoid cavity, forming a ball-and-socket joint, and is held in position by muscles and liga- ments. The strong ridge on the proximal portion of the shaft is the deltoid ridge and serves for the attachment of muscles. The distal end of the radio-ulna displays very obvious traces of its double origin. The proximal end is hollowed out for articula- tion with the humerus, and the ulnar part is produced proximally to form a projection, the olecranan, which fits over the rounded end of the humerus at the elbow. The pelvic girdle is shaped like a V with the open part directed cephalad. On each side the arm of the V is a distinct bone, the ilium. The ilium of each side articulates with the transverse process of the ninth vertebra. The ilia fuse with one another at the caudal end where there is formed a circular platelike por- tion excavated at its center. The cephalic half of this plate is formed by the fused ilia. The caudal margin is formed by the ischia (singular ischium) one on each side, which have joined at the middle line. The ventral margin of the plate is occupied by the puhes (singular, pubis) which like the ischia have joined at the middle line to form a triangular mass of cartilage. In old frogs this element becomes calcified. The ilium, ischium, and pubis all take part in the formation of the acetabulum, the excava- tion in which the leg skeleton articulates with the girdle. THE FROG'H SKELETON \:\ The skeleton of the leg consists of (1) a thigh bone or fctnur, (2) a lower leg bone, the tibio-fitula, formed by the united tibia (great toe side) and fibula (outer side), {'.i) an ankle region including the tarsal bones, two long proximal elements, and three imperfectly ossified elements forming a distal row, (4) five metatarsal bones, and (5) five toes, or digits the segments of which are called phalanges. Note the rudimentary sixth digit, the pre- hallnx, on the inner side of the first toe. After demonstrating to the instructor all the parts of the skele- ton mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, label the same parts on the proper plates. Syxoi'si.s of Skeletal Divisions [ Brain case Cranium { Olfactory capsules Auditory capsules Skeleton Axial Skull Visceral skeleton Upper jaw Ix)\vor jaw Ilvoid and larviix Apj)endicular Vertebral column (including ribs wlion jircscnt) Scapula and suprascapula and a number of elements not elsewhere mentioneil in these outlines; viz., coracoid, procoracoid, epicoracoid, clavicle, opisternum, omosternum, sternum, xiphisternuni Girdle Slioulder Free limb Hip Arm Leg Ilium Iscliium Pubis Humerus Kadio-ulna Carpals Metacarpals Phalanpcs Kemur Til)io-(ii>ula Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM All movements of an animal are the results of muscular activ- ity. The skeletal muscles constituting a great portion of the body mass are, in most cases, attached to some part of the skeleton. These are the muscles to which reference is made when the term "muscular system" is used. The skeletal muscles, because of a pecuHar banded appearance of their component fibers, are also termed striated muscles. There is another type of muscle asso- ciated with internal organs such as the walls of blood vessels and the intestine. Since these muscles are so arranged that they extend in a circular fashion about cavities they are known as hollow muscles. Their fibers are not crossed by bandlike stria- tions, and thus they present a smooth appearance. They are therefore termed non-striated or smooth muscles. The skeletal muscles for the most part can be controlled by the organism and are therefore often termed voluntary muscles in contrast to the hollow or involuntary muscles which are not so controlled. The middle portion of a muscle which shortens and increases in diameter during contraction is called the belly. From this part tendons extend to the bones for attachment. The two ends of the muscles are attached to different bones. Otherwise the contraction would come to naught as far as moving parts of the body are concerned. The bones serve as levers and fulcra, the muscles as the power. A thin, transparent, glistening membrane, fascia, adheres closely to the muscle. The less movable or fixed attachment of a muscle is called its origin; the movable end, the insertion. The primary reason for the study of a muscle is that of deter- mining its action, its name and attachments serving as a means to this end. After the attachments are known it is not ordinarily a difficult matter to determine the action. Muscles exhibit force or perform work during contraction only. When a body part has been moved in one direction by a given muscle or group of muscles acting in unison there will be found another muscle or group of muscles for the movement of the body part in the opposite direction. This is called the antagonistic 14 TIIK Ml'SCf'LAR sysTE.\f 15 luiioii of muscles and siieli ;i inusclc or muscle gr()U{) is known as the aritagonid of its opponent. The application of this principle facilitates the study of muscles to a considerable decree. The contraction of a nuiscle is in the direction of the lonjj; axes of its fibers which serves as an index to the particular work which a ^iven muscle or group of nuiscles may perform in producing movement in any part of the body. Remove the skin from l)oth the body and its appendages. In doing so it will be noted that over the greater part of the body the skin is not attached to underlying parts but that along certain narrow lines there are firm attachments which must be cut in order to free the skin. This forms underneath the skin great spaces circumscribed by the lines of attachment. These spaces in the living frog are filled with lymph and from their location and contents are termed subdermal lymph spaces. The removal of the skin exposes the superficial muscles of the body. The muscle masses may be improved for study by rinsing in a current of water and at the same time brushing the surface with a wad of absorbent cotton. During the progress of the study keep the muscles moist. A study of the muscles is not difficult but requires careful observation and thought. It is necessary to see what you look at and think about what you see. Manipulate the body of a live frog or one recently killed and determine those places where there is the greatest amount of move- ment or flexibility. A list of such places will be found convenient for later use. Observing the dorsal surface of the frog one notes that in certain places the muscles are massed while in others they are almost absent. Considering the dorsum of the body and the arm and leg of one side only, excluding hand and foot, there are six of these masses. Identify and give each a name which will indicate its location and so label the proper figure of the plate representing the superficial (surface) muscles. Determine and express the relation of these nmscle masses to points of flexibility. Repeat these observations upon the ventral side. Express results. Study these nmscle masses in the light of what has been said above concerning muscle antagonism. Results? The Study of an Individual Muscle. For studying the fibers and attachments of indiviilual nuiscles the dissecting microscope may be found useful. The gastrocnemius muscle which forms 16 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY the calf of the leg is selected for study. Its name means stomach plus leg, which is a reference to the enlarged belly of this muscle. Lay out the frog with its dorsal side upward. Pull the right foot caudad so as to straighten the leg. The gastrocnemius will be found to occupy the whole inner border of the shank between knee and heel. With an orange stick or blunt instrument sepa- rate it from the adjacent muscles. The origin of the gastro- cnemius is by two tendinous heads, one, a short clearly visible tendon extending to a broad sheetlike tendon spreading over the distal end of the femur and knee joint. This is the equivalent mechanically to an attachment upon the end of the femur itself. The other head is atta.ched by a short tendon exposed by rotating the shank slightly and exposing the "hollow " of the knee. Here the tendon of this head joins other tendons which are attached to the end of the femur. Thus the two heads of the gastrocnemius are seen to have their origin virtually upon the femur. This muscle tapers toward the heel where a strong tendon extends over the ankle joint to become inserted upon the sole of the foot. In the origin, extent, and insertion of the gastrocnemius muscle one sees provision made for its action which is that of flexing the leg at the knee and extending the foot. In addition to its double function one sees that it extends over two joints (knee and ankle) instead of one. Muscles which extend over two joints and possess a double function act in conjunction with other muscles, all of which increases their mechanical advantage. This is to be cor- related with providing the power for leaping. Label this muscle and its parts upon the plate showing the muscles of the dorsum. Upon the plate point out the reasons for regarding the gastrocnemius as a two -joint muscle with a complex action. Label all parts to which reference is made. The action of a muscle is the movement or movements in the body resulting from its contraction; that is, what the muscle does is spoken of as its action. When a part of the body bends, as, for example, the leg bends at the knee, it is said to be flexed and the muscle or muscles concerned with the flexing are called flexors. When a part of the body is straightened it is said to be extended and the muscle or muscles participating in such move- ments are called e.rtensors. With the proper attachments a given muscle may serve as a flexor for one part and at the same time as an extensor for another. Muscles may, there- THE AfirsCULAR SYSTE.U 17 fore, be classified aeconlin^; (o their act ions as in I lie folUtwiii^ categories: Flexors, lieiul a part. Extensors, straighten a i)art. Adductors, move one part toward aiiotlier or toward tlic iiiosal j)lane of tlie liody. Abductors, move one part away from another or away from the rnesal phuie. Rotators, rotate a part upon its axis. Depressors, lower or depress a part. Levators, elevate or lift a part. The action of individual muscles or muscle masses can be demonstrated by stimulation with a galvanic current upon a fresh specimen. The experiments will be performed by the instructor, the class making the observations and formulating explanations and answers to questions. By either experiment or judgment of the action of muscles formed through observing the direction of fibers and attachments select indivitlual muscles exemplifying each category mentioned above and label accordingly the proper muscles on the plate. If time permits, other muscles may be studied under the direc- tion of the instructor. THE ORAL CAVITY An etherized frog is best adapted to this study. Note that the jaws fit together very tightly. Open the mouth to its full extent and note the wide mouth (oral) cavity the posterior por- tion of which, the pharynx, is continued caudad into the eso- phagus. In the roof of the mouth identify the structures men- tioned in the paragraphs which follow. There are two groups of teeth found in this animal. The maxillary teeth form a row about the edge of the upper jaw where they are borne by the maxillary and premaxillary bones. The vomerine teeth form two small patches in the cephalic part of the roof of the mouth and near the middle line. They are attached to the vomers (vomerine bones). Locate again the posterior nares lying laterad of the two groups of vomerine teeth. The eustachian tubes open into the oral cavity through large apertures at the sides of the posterior part of the mouth cavity. Each tube enters a shghtly dilated chamber, the tympanic cavity (or middle ear), which lodges the columella and is closed externally by the tympanic membrane already seen in the study of the surface of the head. Pass a beaded bristle through the opening of one of the eustachian tubes and determine the results. If necessary make a slit in the tympanum. Two rounded prominences on the sides of the roof of the mouth are caused by the eyeballs. Press down upon one of the eyes with the finger and note results. The floor of the mouth cavity presents several features to be noted. The lower jaw, which lacks teeth, forms a bony margin for the floor of the mouth. The greater extent of the floor is soft and supported by a cartilaginous plate, the body of the hyoid. The tongue is attached to the cephalic portion of the floor and has its free bilobed end turned caudad toward the esophagus. If this organ is drawn cephalad the structures about to be described may be seen more readily. The glottis, or aperture leading into the lungs, is a longitudinal slit upon the apex of a prominence, just cephalad of the eso- phagus. It is supported laterally by the arytenoid cartilages 18 77//-; (>ir\L c.\ 1 /'/■]■ 19 which in the t'roj^ represents the v(»ice box of hijfher animals. These cartilages cannot he seen without dissection. .Inst beneath the corners of the mouth are the openings of the vocal sdcs in the male. Upon the plate showing the roof and floor of the mouth in outline represent and label all the oral structures mentioned above. THE VISCERA Lay the frog on its back under water. Hy passing pins through the Hmbs fasten it to the wax bottoin of a tray. Cut through the skin, along the middle line, the whole length of the ventral surface. Separate the skin from tiie underlying parts The muscles of the ventral body wall and the pectoral girdle should now be exposed. Note a dark blue streak running along the mesal longitudinal line just beneath the muscular walls. This line represents the location of the ventral ahdominal vein. With forceps pinch up the muscular body wall and with scissors cut through it into the celom (body cavity) a little to the left of the median line. Continue this cut caudad to the end of the body and cephalad to the jaws, cutting through the pectoral girdle with strong scissors, taking care not to injure the parts beneath. If incisions taking a lateral course be made through the body wall and skin in the region of the pelvic girdle the two resulting flaps of body wall may be lifted and pinned so as to expose the abdom- inal viscera (organs). It may also be necessary to clip oflF the mesal portions of the two halves of the pectoral girdle in order more clearly to reveal the relations of organs in the cephalic part of the body cavity. In this study locate and identify all structures mentioned, whether directed to do so or not. Note that the body cavity is lined by a smooth glistening mem- brane, the 'peritoneum. The various organs are suspended from the florsal walls by membranes called mesenteries. These are double folds of peritoneum. The Heart. — With great care free the pectoral girdle from the underlying muscles and blood ve.s.sels. Note the pericardial cavity and examine the heart with a view to the identification of the following parts: 1. The thin-w.-dled auricles form the ceijhalic and dorsal divi- sions of the heart. They are nameil according to their location upon the right or left side. Blood returning from the several 20 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY systems of the body is received by the right auricle and passed on to the ventricle. The left auricle receives blood coming from the lungs and passes it on to the ventricle. 2. The thick-walled ventricle is caudad of the auricles; it is conical in form, with the apex pointing caudad. 3. The truncus arteriosus is a tube arising from the right cephalic border of the ventricle and extending obliquely cephalad across the auricles. This trunk is the only course followed by the blood upon leaving the heart for the several regions of the body. 4. Lift up the ventricle and turn its apex cephalad. Do this very gently and do not allow too much strain to come upon the parts disturbed. Note three large vessels (veins) converging in their course toward the dorsal side of the heart. The thin- walled compartment which all three veins enter is the si7ms ve7iosus or receiving station for the blood coursing back to the heart from the body where it has performed its work. The sinus venosus communicates with the right auricle which is the final division receiving blood from the various systems of organs. On the plate showing the diagram of the heart label the parts. The Abdominal Viscera. — The liver is a large reddish-brown organ behind and at the sides of the heart. It is either trilobed or bilobed with the much larger left lobe further subdivided into two parts. The lungs are two thin-walled but elastic sacs at the sides of the heart; they He dorsad of the Uver and are often concealed by it when viewed from the ventral side. The glottis, noted in the study of the floor of the mouth, is the opening from the mouth cavity into the larynx communicating with the lungs. Study the location and relations of the reproductive organs. If your specimen is a female the ovaries will be seen as two large bodies of irregular shape, each comprising a mass of spherical black and white eggs, appearing like small shot. When fully developed the eggs break through the walls of the ovaries into the body cavity and find their way in a cephalic direction to the openings of the paired oviducts. These are two long very much convoluted tubes with thick white walls, lying at the sides of the body cavity. After the relations of ovaries and oviducts have been noted those of the left side may be removed. Turn the liver forward and note the stomach concealed by the left lobe. Pass the handle of a needle through the mouth and down the esophagus into the stomach which is an enlarged portion of the alimentary canal between the esophagus and rilK ORAL CWITY 21 intestine. Tlie stomach is n;uT()\v(>r at its caudal ciui and is demarcated from the intestine by the distinct circuhir pylorus or pyloric valve. Beyond the pylorus is the small intestine, consisting of the duodenum, that part of the intestine lying parallel to the stomach, and the ileum, which is the slender con- voluted portion of the small intestine continuous at its distal end with the large intestine. This passes without noticeable change of size into the cloaca which is the most caudal division of the alimentary canal. Locate the urinary bladder which is a thin-walled, bilobcd sac opening through the ventral walls of the cloaca. The gall bladder is a small spherical green sac lying between the right and left lobes of the liver. The pancreas is a pinkish irregular mass Ij^ing in the loop between the stomach and the duodenum and best seen by turning the whole loop toward the head. The pancreatic ducts are numerous but too small to be observed readily. They open into the slender bile duct which passes through the pancreas on its way from the liver and gall bladder to the duodenum. Bile secreted by the liver passes down the hepatic ducts into the common bile duct and is stored in the gall bladder until it is discharged into the intestine. Bring gentle pressure to bear upon the gall bladder. This will force bile into the common bile duct which may then be located. It is about the size of a large thread and enters the duodenum at a point about one-half inch beyond the pylorus and on the inner or concave side of the loop formed by the stomach and duodenum. The spleen is a small, dark-red, ovoid body lying in the mesen- tery, opposite the beginning of the large intestine. It is not a part of the digestive system. After the above-mentioned organs of the digestive system have been located, turn the alimentary canal and its appendages over to the left side of the body cavity so that the structures of the excretory and reproductive systems may be studied on the right side. The kidneys are a pair of elongate, reddish-brown organs attached to the dorsal bodj' wall, close to the middle line, one on each side of the vertebral column. They lie in the large lymph space dorsad of (outside) the peritoneum The vreter, or duct of each kidney, is a light-colored tube appearing to arise from the outer caudal margin. It extends caudad to open through the dorsal wall of the cloaca. On the ventral surface and partly 22 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY buried in the substance of the kidney is a narrow yellowish band, the adrenal gland, where there is produced a secretion of impor- tance to the life of the organism. Usually closely associated with the anterior ends of the kidneys is a pair of bright yellow finger-like tufts of flattened processes, the fat bodies. These vary much in size at different seasons of the year. The reproductive system consists of the sex organs, or gonads, in which the sex elements are lodged, and ducts extending to the cloaca. In the male frog the gonads are termed the testes (singular, testis). They may be seen as small, yellow, bean-shaped organs located at the ventral surface of the kidneys. A number of slender ducts, the vasa efferentia, may be made out in the mesen- tery between each testis and the inner border of the corresponding kidney. Spermatozoa (the male reproductive elements) pass through these ducts into the tubules of the kidneys and thence to the cloaca by way of the ureters. A tube conducting the spermatozoa from the testis toward the exterior is called a vas deferens. It will be seen that in the frog the ureter serves both as ureter and vas deferens. In many species, and especially is this true of the leopard frog {Rana pipiens), the male possesses a vestigial oviduct which appears as a wavy white tube on each side, laterad of the ureters. It will be noted by those who have female frogs that the ovaries lie in the same relative position as do the testes of the male but vary considerably in size and shape according to the season of the year. The most conspicuous organs in the celom of a mature female in the spring are the ovaries, bearing great numbers of ova. The ovaries bear no such relation to the kidneys as do the testes in the male but, as already mentioned, shed their eggs into the body cavity whence they make their way to the openings of the oviducts, which they follow to the exterior. The funnel- shaped mouth of an oviduct may be visible close to the outer side of the root of the lung of the same side. The opening of the oviduct through the dorsal wall of the cloaca should be identified. Unhke the male, the female possesses genital ducts independent of those of the urinary organs. After locating and studying all organs and structures described above, label those shown on the plate and add any which may not be represented. The reproductive system on the right side only need be shown. THE BLOOD SYSTEM The circulatory system is a closed scries of vessels filled with blood and ramifying through all parts of the body. Its main parts are (1) the heart, which by its muscular activity propels the blood through the vessels, (2) the arteries, which are the vessels conducting the blood from the heart to all parts of the body, (3) the veins, which return the blood from the various parts back to the heart, and (4) the capillaries, a system of very small vessels forming the transition from arteries to veins. It is during the course of the blood through capillaries that it performs its main service in the body. 'J'he order in which blood vessels are studied will depend upon the way in which the study specimens have been prepared. If one specimen is to serve for this whole study the veins, whether injected or not, should be studied before the arteries. The following directions are based upon the use of two specimens. For the study of the arteries the vessels are filled with a yellow starch mass injected through the ventricle which abnormally distends this compartment of the heart. Place the frog on its back in a wax-bottomed tray and extend the slit, made in injecting the animal, cephalad to the tip of the lower jaw and caudad to the pelvic girdle, cutting through both the skin and body wall. Note the ventral abdominal vein, which may be seen as a streak along the mid ventral line. Carefully separate this vessel from the body wall by gently tearing its attachments. Next, make transverse slits through the skin and body wall to the right and left of the midventral incision about a quarter of an inch cephalad of the caudal end of the body cavity. Turn back the flaps, thus formed. At this point students dis- secting a female frog should remove the ovary and oviduct of the animal's left side. Care must be used in separating the blood vessels from the body wall, since they will break if placed under too much strain. Use judgment with regard to the mechanics of dissecting. If more convenient for the worker the frog may be removed from the lifjuid and held in the hand. 23 24 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY The Arteries. — While the numerous blood vessels of the body may be confusinji; at first, there is no need for viewing their study as an impossible or even a difficult task. There are certain observations which, if kept in mind, will facilitate this study: 1. The heart is the central organ of the whole blood system. 2. Arteries convey currents away from the heart. 3. Veins convey currents toward the heart. 4. The organs of every region of the body must be supplied with blood from the heart. 5. The organs of every region must be drained of blood toward the heart. Fig. 1. Based upon the distribution of arteries to the various organs the body may be divided into three main regions: (1) the head, (2) the lungs and skin, (3) the trunk, arms, and legs. Each of these regions is supplied on each side by its own main trunk leaving the heart. Figure 1 is a schematic representation of the three regions and the arteries which supply them and as well the main vessels of the whole body. It should be kept in mind that this figure is schematic and not intended to show actual details. By a careful study of this schema aptitude will be acquired for the dissection and study of the vessels themselves. THE ni.OOI) SYSTEM Arisiiij; from the ventricle of the heart and passinn ohh 1 follows and the developmental stages already noted in the study of the starfish are completed in reg;ular order, n>sulting in a multicellular body with all the necessary organs. When the eggs hatch, the young animals arc not in the form nordothry possess the habits of the adult. They enter upon u true larval stngr which may be viewed as one occurring between the egg aiul adult stages for the completion of developiiient. During the larval period the structure and functions of the body arc such as conform to its afiuatic life, necessitating many organs such as gills aiul a swimming tail not present in the adult which leads a terrestrial life. At the end of the larval period the larval struc- tures are lost and those of the adult are assumed. Due to the presence of a large quantity of yolk in the frog's egg and for other reasons, the details of development vary from those found to obtain in the starfish. When properly viewed, however, they are found to be fundamentally alike. Stages illustrating the early development of the frog may l)e studied from preserved material. B}'- pouring the liquid containing this material into a watch glass or other container the several stages may be studied with a hand lens or, better, with a dissecting microscope. Small camcl's-hair brushes are convenient for moving the material in the liquid. Care must be used not to destroy the eggs and embryos. Report any mishap or lost stages, that these may be replaced immediately. Along with the prepared material it will facilitate study to employ enlarged models of the same stages. 1. One-celled Stage. — The greater part of the frog's egg is composctl of yolk, which is used for the nutrition of the develop- ing embryo. That portion of the egg in which the yolk is more abundant, the vegetal hemisphere, or pole, is marked externally by its white color, while the opposite, in which there is relatively less yolk, the animal pole, is colored with black pigment. Due to the large amount of yolk which it contains the egg of the frog is relatively nuich larger than that of the starfish but because of pigment granules the nucleus, which lies in the dark pole cannot be seen. 2. Two-celled Stage.— Cleavage begins at the animal pole as yolk retards this process. The depression gradually extends in the form of a groove until it finally surrounds the egg. This groove marks the outer boundary of a cleavage plane which extends through the egg, dividing it into approximately two e(iual 52 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY cells. This first cleavage plane may be spoken of as extending in a vortical or meridional direction. 3. Four-celled Stage. — The next cleavage plane also extends in a meridional direction but is at right angles to the first, result- ing in four more or less equal cells. 4. Eight-celled Stage. — The third cleavage plane is said to be equatorial, although appearing nearer the animal pole. It is at right angles to the other two. The result is four smaller cells in the animal hemisphere and four larger ones in the vegetal hemisphere. This inequality in the size of the blastomeres (cells) in the two hemispheres is the result of a relatively small amount of cytoplasm and large amount of inert yolk material in the vegetal hemisphere as compared with the same components of the animal hemisphere. 5. Sixteen-celled Stage. — At this stage in the development of the egg two vertical grooves at right angles to one another appear simultaneously, thus indicating the directions of the next cleavage planes. These grooves first cut the 4 cells of the animal pole into approximately equal halves, forming a 12-celled state, and then continue through the cells of the vegetal hemisphere to complete the 16-celled stage. Either the 12- or the 16-celled state may be found in the material. 6. Crescentic Groove Stage. — From this stage on, the inequal- ity in the size of the cells of the two hemispheres coupled with other tendencies results in irregularities in the number and shape of the cells. These later stages are marked by the appearance of the segmentation cavity within. The hlastida differs from that of the starfish in the presence of much thicker walls on the vegetal side. The thicker walls of the vegetal side comprise large yolk- laden cells. As a result, the process of gastrulation is very much modified in the frog from that exemplified by the starfish. The large accumulation of yolk at the vegetal side of the blastula prevents the invagination of this region from taking place so that the gastrula is formed partly by a process of ingrowth and partly by the growth of the animal pole over the vegetal pole. The ingrowth and overgrowth take place more on one side of the egg than on the other and are indicated externally by the appearance of a crescentic groove. This groove marks the advancing edge of the down-growing cells of the animal pole. The crescent represents the beginning of the blastopore and with its appearance the development passes into the gastrula stage. HASIC liEI'RoDrcriVI': .\M> llEUEhlTV I'llESoMKS.X .'ili 7. Yolk-plug stage. Tlu* cresccntic j^roovc is (h-cpcbt at the center and thins out toward the edges, whicli gradually ext<'nd around the vegetal pole of the egg. In this way the crescent becomes a circle and as the white-cell area is gradually over- grown a stage is reached when only a small circle of white yolk appears in the midst of the black covering. This is known as the yolk plug, socalled since the yolk cells appear as a plug in the blastopore. The white cells which have been enclosed by the dark and other cells which have been overgrown or invaginatcd now become the entoderm. By the time the yolk-plug stage is reached the formation of the mesoderm or middle germ layer is well underway. It develops from the cells around the blastopore which proliferate and push their way in between the ectoderm and entoderm with the result that the embryo comes into the possession of three layers of cells. These are the primary germ layers, furnishing the cells out of which the completed body is formed. The method followed is that which may be expressed as infoldings, outfold- ings, and thickenings of the layers and special changes in the component cells. 8. Neural-fold Stage. — This stage is recognized in its early phases by the elongation of the embryo and by the appearance of a fold on each side of a median groove extending lengthwise along the future back of the individual. The edges of these folds, the neural folds, later meet and fuse along the median dorsal Hne, thus forming a longitudinal tube which sinks beneath the ectoderm from which it is separated and forms the central nervous system. The yolk plug has finally disappeared by further overgrowth, leaving only a minute pit to indicate the former position of the blastopore. This pit may be covered over by the neural folds in this region but a short distance behind this point the anus begins as an invagination of the ectoderm which later meets and fuses with the archenteron to establish an open- ing, the anus, between the latter and the exterior. The beginning of the mouth may be seen as a hollow depression of the ectoderm, but it does not comnumicate with the archenteron until after hatching. Dorso-caudad of the ventral suckers there develops an eleva- tion in which two vertical grooves appear. These grooves represent the first two gill slits. Later two more grooves appear, one cephalad and one caudad of the first pair. At the time of 54 LABORATORY STUDJES IN ZOOLOGY hatching all four meet corresponding cvaginations of the ento- derm of this region thus forming the functional gill slits. The nostrils appear as a pair of external depressions or pits a little above the rudiment of the mouth. It is difficult to make out the beginning of the eyes which are indicated on each side by an ectodermal thickening, above the nasal pits. Soon after this stage, life in the jelly of the egg mass is abandoned. This marks the end of embryonic existence and the beginning of larval life as a free-swimming organism. 9. Young Larva (Two to Four Days after Hatching).— The features adapting the larva to an aquatic life are easily recognized. Note the vertically flattened tail useful in swimming. The sides of the tail show the zigzag muscle segments. Identify the eyes on the sides of the head, the ventrally located mouth, the two nasal openings cephalad of the mouth, and the external gills which appear as long, branching tufts extending from the side of the "neck region". The gill slits show beneath. This stage in the larval life is of a few days' duration only. The disappearance of the external gills is accompanied by the caudal growth of a flap of skin, the operculum (meaning "cover") beginning in front of the first external gill. This cover fuses along its edges with the integument of the head, thus conceaUng the region of the gill slits along with the surface of the "shoulder region" from which the arms are formed. The edges of the caudally growing opercular flap, throughout its extent, fuses with the surface of the body excepting at one place on the left side where it remains open as the spiracle. The external gills are thus covered over and disappear. Internal gills formed within the margins of the gill shts become the functional respiratory organs. With the loss of the external gills and the completion of the tail crest the early larva enters the tadpole stage. The true tadpole stage endures until development is completed in which state the larva is said to be mature. During the tadpole stage the legs may be seen growing from the base of the tail. The arms, however, are not to be found upon the exposed surface. If a slit were made through the spiracle and thence cephalad across the opercular flap the relations of the spiracle and gill slits and the location of the arms would be revealed. In the leopard frog larval maturity is reached from 60 to 80 days after the eggs are laid. At this time the larva passes into its third stage, namely, metamor- phosis. That is, there ensues a relatively short period during HAsic HKi'iionrcrn K wn iiEiiKDiry riiKXoMENA ')') wliicli it loses its ('(luipiufiil tdr stiiclly .•HHiatic life (ljirv;il clKirac'tcristics) and assuiiu's the form, struct urc, and liahits of the adult. There can he ohserved tluring the metamorphosing period the resorption of the tail, the extension of the mouth cleft, the elevation of the eyes, the perforation of the integument of shoulder region by the arms, and many other transformations. If time permits, study preserved specimens or models of the three larval periods of the frog. Arrange the material provided for study (i.e., segmenting eggs, embryos, and larvae) in order ranging from the earliest to the latest stages and demonstrate to the instructor, pointing out not only the stages themselves but also characteristic features of each. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF INHERITANCE In preceding studies attention has been called to the behavior of the chromosomes in two kinds of mitosis. In one, somatic mitosis, the chromosomes spUt equally as regards the quality and quantity of materials which they comprise. Thus, two daughter nuclei are formed exactly like each other and the result- ing daughter cells are provided with the normal number of chromosomes. In the other, reduction mitosis, the number of chromosomes in the daughter nuclei through synapsis is reduced by half. Such nuclei become those of the gametes. Thatjs, a mature ovum and a mature spermatazoon each possesses*one- half the number of chromosomes normal to the species. A zygote (new individual) formed by the fusion of two such gametes is not only provided with the normal number of chromosomes but also half comes from each of the two parents. While the offspring of a given pair of parents differ from one another in certain details they nevertheless resemble each other more than they resemble the individuals of any other group. This means that there have been transmitted to the offspring the character- potential of the parents which may become expressed and recog- nized. In other words, the offspring biologically inherit from two parents (biparental inheritance), each of which have inherited from two parents, and so on back. It is, therefore, readily understood that each individual harbors in its chromosomes a great complex of heritable traits which may become expressed according to chance combinations, thus accounting for both similarities and differences which may be encountered among the offspring. If heredity be interpreted as meaning "organic resemblance based upon descent," no one can question its importance in the study of the rise and perfection of animals. As one of the prin- ciple methods of attack upon the problems of heredity is experi- mental breeding, it has seemed advisable to introduce a study of a simple Mendehan ratio. This study presupposes general famili- arity with the subject gained from the textbook, assigned read- ings, or lectures. 56 THE STUDY OF IMIKUITANCE 57 The small fruit fly, Diosophila melanogaster, jifTords excellent material for the study of Mcnddian phenomena. It lays its eggs on fermenting fruit the yeast in which forms the food of both the larva and the adult. The complete reproductive cycle from egg to breeding adult is very short, seldom exceeding two weeks. The Hies cxhil)it a number of different eye colors, body colors, and wing characters the inheritance of which may be studied in the laboratory. They are easily grown in bottles containing fermenting bananas. It will be impossible for the student to carry on the actual i)reeding during the time allowed for laboratory work but the steps necessary for the preparation of the material are here given that the process and aims may be better understood. Each group of four students should be supplied with a culture of Fi flies produced by crosses involving a single Mendelian fac- tor, such as vestigial wing or sepia or scarlet eye, also samples of the Pi and Fi ancestors as well as larvic and pupaj, the object being that of studying the structural peculiarities of larvae, pupae, and adults and to observe the inheritance of these factors through two generations and compare the actual count of individ- uals in the F2 generation with the expected Mendelian 3:1 ratio. These cultures were produced in the manner set forth in the paragraphs which follow. Securing the Fi Generation. — Mrgin females for mating were obtained by isolating pupte in individual half-pint milk bottles containing a banana agar-agar preparation for food. Females cannot be taken from the general stock, as they have almost certainly been fertilized by the males in the culture. In order to secure a pair for the first mating (the P, generation) a single pupa was taken from each of the two cultures to be crossed, one from the wild type (red eyed) and one from the sepia-eyed type. Since sex cannot be recognized in the pupal state there are four chances as regards the results, namely, (1) getting a female wild and a male sepia, (2) a male wild and a female sepia, (3) two females, (4) two males. The first two are sati.sfactory for si^cur- ing the Fi generation; if each of the two females resulting from the third possibility is given a male from the original culture these will form two more combinations from which to secure the desired crosses; the two males wliich may result from the fourth chance is the only combination which is not usable for the purpose of this study. After a pair lias been together in the breeding 58 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY bottle for about a week they will have mated and eggs will have been deposited resulting in the presence of many larvse, some of which will have proceeded as far as the pupal stage. As soon as pupae have formed, the parents must be removed so as not to become mixed with their offspring. These Fi offspring may be collected from such a culture not to exceed ten days after the first flies appear. Securing the Fo Generation. — About 15 Fi adults of each sex are then transferred to breeding bottles in order to insure the production of a large F2 generation. The expected Mendelian ratio of 3:1 in the F2 generation resulting from crossing flies in which there is a single Mendelian character involved can be approximated only by having a comparatively large number on which to base a count. As soon as the pupae have formed, the Fi adults must be removed so as not to mix with the F2 flies soon to emerge. Only those flies should be counted which emerge within ten days after the appearance of the first F2 flies in the culture. In all holometabolous insects, or those which undergo a complete metamorphosis, four stages in the life cycle are to be expected, namely, the eggs, larval, pupal, and adult. The eggs of the fruit fly will be disregarded because their small size render it difficult to find sufficient numbers for class use. Examine the larva and pupse of this fly under a dissecting lens and make sketches of each upon the proper plates. Look at a pupa case from which the adult has emerged and note the nature of the exit. Each table should be supplied with (1) a milk bottle of flies (F2 generation) living upon a banana culture; (2) a glass vial which will fit over the mouth of the milk bottle and into which the flies are to be driven before etherizing; (3) a black cloth which when wrapped about the milk bottle will facilitate trans- ferring the flies to the glass vial on account of their positive reaction to light; (4) a small bottle of ether and a cotton plug to be used in etherizing; (5) a petri dish into which the etherized flies may be poured for examination, segregation, and counting; (6) a camel's-hair brush for moving the flies. First, saturate the cotton plug with ether and have it close at hand in order to stop up the mouth of the vial as soon as the flies are transferred to it from the milk bottle. The next step requires much care if all the flies are transferred from one bottle 77/A' sriDY or IMIKh'ir.WCH .'><) (() tllO other. 'I'lic milk lyotllc shoiiUI iml !»<• Ilinird upside (l(»wii and shaken violently as the haiiaiia ciillure will become loosened and fail with the flies, thus incorporat in^ the Hies within its owr> mass and destroyiiif^ the results of the experiment. In order to move the flies from one container to another, place a hhick cloth al)out the milk bottle and hold the shell vial in the direction of the winilow or .some source of light. The flies hein^; positively phototropic will crawl or fly into the vial where after a few minutes most of them will have assend)led. Lift the l>lack cloth from time to time, making sure that none remains in the milk bottle before removing the vial so as to place the ether plug of cotton into its mouth. A quick transfer is necessary if no Jlies are to be lost. Leave the flies in the etherizing vial for about two minutes or until all the flies have dropped to the bottom and then pour them into the petri dish. The work of separating the sepia-eyed fiies from the wild flies follows, using the dissecting microscope if necessary, after which the count can be made. If flies become active place a small piece of etherized cotton in the petri dish and cover until movements cease. After the count is made the flies should be returned to the milk bottle and // 7iot over etherized may be used again. Avoid loosing flies, there- fore, during transfer, and do not leave them in the etherizing bottle too long. Before returning flies to the milk bottle compare these Fo flies with the Fx and the Pi generations, which will l)e supplied by the instructors. Write a description of the male parent used in the Pi cross (i.e., a statement of the combination of cliaiaeters which it po.s.ses.'^es). Do the same for the female used in the Pi cross. Also a statement of the characters in which the Fi generation differs from its parents. Then list the number of individuals of each type of Fo progeny. How does this compare with the expected ratio? Two plates are provided upon which a summary of this study may be recorded. A STUDY OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE VARIOUS ANIMAL PHYLA INTRODUCTION The preceding laboratory periods have been devoted to a study of the organization of a moderately complex animal, the frog. The grosser features of external structure were considered by way of illustrating the importance of the surface of the animal, especially as a means of providing a communicating and buffer systems between the organism and its surroundings. The vari- ous internal organs were studied with a view to ascertaining, first, the services which they render and the manner in which it is done and, second, the determination of the interrelationships and interdependence of organs. It became apparent that the body of the animal is an orderly association of components organized according to a plan of differentiation resulting in division of labor among the parts. This organization involves all parts from the cells to the completed body. Each structural component, whatever its rank, contributes a service in the organ- ism as a whole but not independently. Each component in contributing its service is assisted by other components. This requires harmony of action or the coordination and control of the various parts. Such coordination rests largely with the nervous and hormonic forces. For example, respiration cannot be considered as a function of any particular organ. There are involved not only the services of the respiratory organs as such but also the circulation, muscles, the surrounding medium, nervous and hormonic activities, the internal environment, and changes taking place in the protoplasm of the body. Respiration is rather a function of the organism. And so it is with digestion, excretion, etc. Thus it appears that the organism is a complex of interactions taking place in relation with the protoplasm of the component parts of the body and between it and the internal and external environments. When life ceases the components remain in the same state of organization as before death but what is left is a corpse rather than an organism. That is, the inter- 60 liEPHESENTATl\ ES OF AS I MM. I'llYLA til actions constitute the organism and as such it is to be regarded :is superior to its structural components which it builds for itself. The laboratory studies throughout the ronuiiiider of the course will be concerned with representative types of each of the animal phyla. This is an attempt to decipher through the study of living animals those features of organization which have endowed animals with such advantages as have enal)led them to advance beyond a given rank. It is also a means of plotting the probable pathway in the descent of animal groups. The animals thus studied will l)e arranged in a series in which the succession is from the lower to the higher. Review the various grades of groups by means of which ani- mals are classified. PHYLUM PROTOZOA Class Sarcodina {Amoeba proteus). — The amccba is an organism which affords an opportunity for studying living protoplasm in a relatively simple state, since it exists as a small naked mass of this living substance. Place a few drops of the culture containing anui'bir on a slide, cover with a thin cover slip, and allow it to stand for a few minutes until some of the animals have emerged from the detritus of the preparation. Cut down the light and look for specimens using the loiv-power objective of the compound micro- scope. When an irregularly shaped, granular, slow-moving object has been located ask the instructor if the desired animal has been found. These animals appear iron-gray in contrast with the yellowish-brown color of the plant tissues in the culture. Select an active specimen in a clear field and study to determine the mode of locomotion. Observe that the outhne of the animal is irregular and variable due to the extension of projections, called pseudopodia, which are constantly changing in position, numl)er, size, and form. By flowing into these projections the animal moves with the type of movement known as amahoid. The pseudopodia are termed "organs of locomotion," since it is through these that movement from place to place is efTected. Notice the outer, thin, dear, firmer layer of protoplasm, called ectoplasm, free from granules, and an inner granular, more \'n\uU\ mass, the ciidoplasm. Do form and locomotion indicate that there are anterior and posterior ends in the animal? 62 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY Study the formation of a pseudo podium. The first indication of its appearance is a bulging of the ectoplasm. This is followed by a current of endoplasm into the extended ectoplasm. Because these extensions form only a temporary means of locomotion they have been given the name "pseudopodia." These tempo- rary organs appear capable of extending from any part of the surface. Make a number (five or six) of one and one -half inch outline drawings of the amoeba at intervals of a minute or more, to show successive changes of shape. By arrows indicate the direction in which the protoplasm is flowing in different parts of the animal, at the time the figures are drawn. Study the structure of a favorable specimen (one whose proto- plasm is not too granular) and look for the following features, using the high power. 1. Bear in mind that this is a unicellular organism. It is composed of cytoplasm as the main mass, within which one or more granular nuclei can often be seen in the living specimen. If the nucleus is not visible in the active specimen study stained preparations. Before considering the structure of an amoeba it will be of advantage to have in mind one of the chief differences between this single-celled animal and a single tissue cell or a fertilized egg (zygote) from which all multicellular animals arise. The single-celled amoeba is independent of all other cells, while a tissue cell is dependent upon others in the association, and a fertilized egg cannot exist indefinitely without dividing into a number of cells, thus forming an interdependent and interacting association of cells. 2. Search the non-moving part of the endoplasm for a spherical clear spot. At intervals it contracts and disappears to reappear later and does so with more or less rhythm. Because of its nature and behavior it is called the contractile vacuole. Observe several pulsations and estimate the frequency. The contractile vacuole is a space so fashioned and functioning as to eliminate liquids from the interior of the cell. 3. The endoplasm also contains particles of ingested food the larger of which are surrounded by a fluid and hence are called food vacuoles. Other cell inclusions may be found such as oil droplets, crystals, and perhaps foreign particles. If possible find a specimen which is taking in food and watch the procedure. Observe the method of passing an object with HRPKESESTATI\ ES ()F AM MM. flDI.A iVA vvliich it has conu' in contact. Slioukl a sju'cinicn be fcjund in the act of dividing; by simple jis.sion watch tho process closely. One sees only a rolativoly sli^lit amount of visible difTcrcntia- tion exhibited within the protoplasm of the anueba yet all of the essential processes of li/e are in progress as effectively, appar- ently, as in the frog. The amceba takes food and oxygen, dis- tributes them to various parts of its unicellular body, providing the materials for energy liberation and the building of new proto- plasm; it excretes waste, it can move from plac(> to place, respond to stinuili, and reproduce its kind. Physiologically the highest multicellular organism can do no more. Such forms as the anurba, therefore, arc of the greatest interest and value to the student of life. Make an enlarged drawing (four inches in diameter) of an amoeba and show those details of structure which you have been able to identify. Indicate the granular appearance by stippling. Class Infusoria {Paramcccium. cnudnium). — Becau.se of its relatively large size and the ease with which unlimited supplies of specimens may be secured this animal lends itself to the study of the structure and normal activities of a more complex type of protozoan. Members of the class Infusoria possess both per- manent form and organs of locomotion. These latter are in the form of cilia which are similar in appearance and action to those found upon the surface of the cells lining the roof of the frog's mouth. These permanent locomotor organs of Paramecium afford a striking contrast to the transitory pseudopodia of the amoeba which are formed "when needed" by a local bulging of the protoplasm of the cell. The permanent form is due to the condensation of the ectoplasm, which necessitates a number of permanent organs some of which arc described below. Cilia are responsible for the rapid movements characteristic of this organism. With a pipette place a drop of the infusion containing jiaraino- cia on a slide, cover, and examine under low power. Among the various organisms in the preparation, relatively large, slipper- shaped forms will be noted. These are paramecia. ()bs(>rve them carefully to determine from observation whether the body possesses permanence of form. Are there differences in the form of the two ends of the body? What is the relation of the ends to the direction of locomotion? G4 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY The most striking structural feature to be noted in the swim- ming Paramecium is the depression or broad curved groove which interrupts the even surface of the foremost end. This concavity, the oral groove, extends diagonally from the tip of the foremost end to a point beyond the middle of the body, where it terminates in the "mouth." Study the relative widths of this groove and the body at different places, compare the length of the organism with its width, and determine the angle of slant of the oral groove when the oral surface (that in which the mouth is located) is toward the observer. Make an outline drawing about five inches long of that aspect of the animal in which the oral surface is toward the observer. Only the general form of the body and the oral groove need be shown, but as details of structure will be added later special care should be used in representing proportions. Various methods have been employed to decrease the rapidity of movement of both animal and its cilia, thereby facilitating the study of details. Before trying any of these, however, look for animals near a piece of scum or other foreign materials which are usually abundant in the cultures. Paramecia usually remain relatively quiet around such material and are studied most satisfactorily when in a normal state. Failing in this ask your instructor for suggestions as to methods of slowing down the activities of these animals. Compare the degree of differentiation of structures to be found in Paramecium, when studied under high power, with that observed in amoeba, as suggested in the outlines which follow. The cytoplasm of Paramecium comprises two regions, ecto- plasm and endoplasm. The stratified ectoplasm is rather highly differentiated. The outer layer, or cuticle, is a firm mem- brane to which the animal owes its permanent shape. Study a demonstration preparation of an animal in which the trichocysts have been discharged following stimulation with weak picric acid. Long threads of the discharged contents of the tricho- cysts can be seen surrounding the animal. How does their length compare with that of the cilia? These structures are supposed to be both offensive and defensive in nature. The innermost or cortical layer of the ectoplasm contains the main portion of the trichocysts as well as the two pulsating contractile vacuoles. These, aside from eliminating water, possibly aid the animals in maintaining their balance. The two vacuoles appear liKPRESEXTATn HS O/-' l.V/U.l/. I'IIYI.\ (>.') one near ci) licr cud »»f t lie aiiiiiial as circular clear spots int«» w hi(;li from seven to ten slarlikc radiations convey li(|iiids from oiitlyinn regions of the protoplasm. These rndiatiiKj ciukiIs may be seen at the times the vacuoles contract and are hesf seen in prepara- tions which are beginning to dry. The central mass of protoplasm in the animal, tin; endoplasm. appears devoid of particular structures when examined without special treatment. It is much more fluid than the ectoplasm and appears granular. It generally contains a number of fond vacuoles, with food in various stages of digestion. The two nuclei, a large macronucleus and a small micromicleus, are embedded therein. It is usually very difficult to make out either in normal animals. Study a stained slide for an idea of these structures. The macronucleus is a large lobed mass near the center, and the micronucleus is a small spherical body lying in a concavity of the macronucleus. The micronucleus plays an important role in reproduction. The food of this animal is mainly bacteria, decaN'ing organic matter, and minute protozoa. The mouth is located at the base of the oral groove and opens into a funnel-like, S-shaped pharynx or guUet which leads oblic]Ucly toward the hindermost end into the endoplasm. The arrangement of cilia about the oral groove is such that a steady current bearing food particles is directed toward the mouth. If possible, observe an animal feeding. Food particles are wafted down the pharynx by its ciha which are fused into a so-called undulating membrane. The particles collect into gastric vacuoles at the end of the pharynx. These food vacuoles are then carried through the protoplasm in a more or less definite course during the process of digestion and absorption and the undigested portion is voided through a small permanent anal spot in the surface of the body just behind the pharynx. The firm cuticle, giving definiteness of form, has necessitated the presence of oral groove, moutli. pharynx, and anal spot as permanent organs. Reproduction takes place by transverse division (binary fission) of the animal into two daughter individuals. A.ssoeiated with binary fission are the phenomena of conjugation iluring which the oral surfaces of two animals are connected by a protoplasmic bridge. Across this bridge there is an exchange of micronuclear material. Illustrations of fissicm and conjugation may be ft>und in the culture, but, if not, demonstration mounts of stained 66 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOdY specimens should be studied. Conjugation may be looked upon as a simple form of syngamy. To the outline drawing already made, add all the details of structure which have been observed. Such structures as ecto- plasm, endoplasm, cilia, contractile vacuoles (showing radiating canals in connection with one), macronucleus, micronucleus, and gastric vacuoles should be indicated. If the trichocyst threads were seen, add only a few to one side of figure to show their relative length. In the lower left- and right-hand corners of the drawing sheet make sketches of binary fission and conjugation. A STUDY OF MIXED PROTOZOAN CULTURES A study of mixed protozoan cultures is introduced for the purpose of illustrutinji; the great variety of forms and modes of life of these minute organisms and that of providing an oppor- tunity to gather first-hand information concerning them. A further object in this study is that of furnishing an introduction to the identification (classification) of animals through the use of so-called "tables" or "keys." Such keys make use of the important structural features wherein animals resemble or differ from one another. The statements of characteristic features are so contrasted that the problem becomes one of deciding with which of two contrasting statements a given animal agrees. Place a drop of the culture in the center of a glass slide. After placing a cover glass upon the drop, study the culture with the low power of the compound microscope. Note differences in form, size, and -behavior of the individuals coming within the field of the microscope. ]\Iove the slide so as to bring different regions of the culture into the field. Such observations should give one a general idea of the different kinds of protozoans pres- ent, their means of locomotion, and noticeable peculiarities. After a short period the organisms will become less active, enabling one to focus the microscope upon a single individual for a detailed study which will reveal those peculiarities whereby it may be distinguished from other kinds. Look for those charac- teristics mentioned in the first statement of the key designated by A. The contrasting (opposite) characteristics will be found under AA in the same vertical column. When the characteris- tics given either under A or AA fit those of the organism proceed to the statement immediately following, and so proceed until a name appears at the end of the statement. If the observations are correct this name will be that of the group to which the organism belongs. Reading both of the contrasting statements will aid one in determining which is descriptive of the organism in (juestion. Assistance in tiie identification of these organisms may l»e gained through comparisons made with the accompanying figures. 67 68 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY The matching of organisms with figures is not to be recommended as a general method, but in an introductory study of micro- organisms it facihtates the gaining of famiHarity with the different types. If needed, further explanation in the use of the key will be given by the instructor. Key for the Identification of Protozoans Most Commonly Found IN Fresh-water Cultures Should forms be found which do not appear to be included in this key, they need not be identified. A. Locomotor organs not cilia. B. Flagella as organs of locomotion Class Madigophora C. Solitary (not colonial). D. With test formed in plates; one anterior horn and one to three posterior horns; groove encircling body Ceratium DD. Without test. E. Colorless; i.e., without green, yellow, or brown chromato- phores. V. Body truncate or concave at anterior end, slightly flattened; two flagella Chilomonas FF. Body not truncate at anterior end. G. Body elongate, wider at posterior end; two flagella, one long and heavy, one short and fine Astasia GG. Body oval, flattened, not wider at posterior end, and very flexible, gullet present with rodlike organ back of mouth ; one flagellum Peranema EE. With green chromatophores. F. Body not spindle shaped. G. Body spherical, or eliptical in form with one largo cup- shaped chromatophore and stigma (eyespot); two flagella Chlamydomonas GG. Body round or pear shaped, not symmetrical, with caudal process; one flagellum Phacus FF. Body spindle shaped; gullet present; single flagellum; stigma present Euglena CC. Indi^^duals associated in colonies. D. With yellowish brown chromatophores. E. Colon}' spheroidal. F. Individuals embedded on surface of a gelatinous mass; two yellow chromatophores Uroglena FF. Individuals not embedded in gelatinous mass and loosely joined; two flagella Symira EE. Colony arboroid; each individual resting in a cellulose cup; one long, one short flagellum; the cup of each individual attached within the cup preceding it Dinobryon .4 STUD) OF \U\ED PROTOZOA \ CULTURES 00 1)1). With Rnt'ii (•lin)iiiaU)|)l»»n;s. K. (xjloiiy fhit (cells in one plants of 4 t<> li> iiniivulualN; llaKullu (lirccteil fn)in one .surface dimium EE. Colony spluMoidal. F. Indivitlual.s ('(lual in size. G. IndiNaduaLs crowded, inner ends pointed and reaching center of mass; colony enclosed within definite mem- brane; two long flagella Pandorina GG. Individuals scattered in jelly mass (not crowded); two fiagella Eudorina FF. Individuals not all of .same size (.smaller ones vegetative, larger ones germinal). G. No protoplasmic connections between celLs; larger germ cells at posterior pole of colony (i.e., poles of colony difTerentiated) Pleodorina GG. Protoplasmic connections between cells distinct; poles of colony not differentiated Volvox HM. locomotor organs in form of pseudopodia which may be changeable, blunt, fine, or raylike and rigid Class Sarcodina (". Pseudopodia fine and raylike; no outer envelope or .shell, body rounded. D. Ectoplasm not distinctly differentiated, axial filaments of pseudopodia extending to nucleus Adiiwphrys DD. Ectoplasm distinct, axial filaments extending to ect«plasn> .4 clinosphaeri u m CC. Pseudopodia not raylike but changeable and flowing; body form irregular. D. Body naked (without test) -i "'<^ba DD. iJody with test. E. Test chitinous, smooth, hemispherical in form, pro\nded on its flat surface with circular opening through which pseudo- podia extend Arcella EE. Test covered with minute foreign bodies and therefore appears uneven Difflugui A A. Ciha present as locomotor organs Class Infusona B. Mouth surrounded by a spiral zone of large ciiia. C. Free-living, membranelle winding to left. D. Entire surface of cell covered with cilia. E. Adoral zone (fringe of fused cilia near mouth) nearly at right angles to body axis; cell trumpet shaped; free swimming (or may become attaciied temporarily but without special stalk) Stenlor EE. Adoral zone paralleling body axis. F. Adoral zone funnel shaped, sunken in the body; cell oblique in front Bursaria FF. Adoral zone narrow, elongate, reaching middle of body, which is elongate in appearance Spirostomum DD. Ventral surface with cirri (long cilia fused together to form bristle-like appendages, which are sometimes used as legs); dorsal surface with only fine cilia or none. 70 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOIAHIY E. With both ciha and cirri. F. Body not very flexible. G. Three caudal or posterior cirri Stylonychia GG. No caudal cirri Histrio FF. Body quite flexible; caudal cirri undeveloped. . . .Oxylricha EE. With cirri only. F. With four caudal cirri Euplules FF. With seven to nine caudal cirri Uronychia CC Sessile, enlarged oral cilia winding to right, usually forming an almost complete circle. D. Solitary, attached by a retractile stalk; body bell shaped; circle of strong ciha about elevated disc of free (broad) end. Vorhcella DD. Individuals forming arboroid colony; bodies bell shaped. E. Stalks retractile. F. Individuals contracting independently Carchesium FF. Individuals all contracting together Zouthamium EE. Stalks not retractile Epixtylis BB. Mouth not surrounded by a spiral zone of large cilia. C. With a sculptured shell about a barrel-shaped l)ody Colcps CC. Without such a shell. D. Cilia not uniform over body. E. Prominent cilia confined to one or two bands. F. With two circles or crowns of long cilia, one near the anterior end, the other in the region of the equator of the ovoid body; nipple-like elevation bearing mouth and arising from the center of a flattened anterior end Didinium FF. Two zones of strong cilia about body; cell somewhat cylindrical, with a constriction slightly behind the mid- dle; a prominent tuft of fused cilia at the posterior end Urocejitrum EE. Cilia only on ventral surface; cirri not present. F. With a long neck; body oval, ending in a short tail. Lionotus FF. With the anterior end hooklike; body inflexible, ventral sur- face flattened and showing ciliated ribs; mouth on the left anterior edge, at the bottom of a slitlike peris tone Loxodes DD. Cilia uniform over body. E. Mouth terminal or nearly so; no proboscis. F. With no evident gullet; body elongate, anterior end nar- rowed and flattened into a neck which is obliquely trun- cate Spathidiuni FF. With more or less evident gullet. G. Form flask shaped; with a short or long, highly con- tractile neck, and a rounded posterior end. .Lacrymaria GG. Form spherical to ovate; without a neck; cytopharynx long Prorodon EE. Mouth somewhat posterior to anterior end; sometimes with a proboscis. F. With proboscis in front of mouth. .t STCDV or MIXED I'lxOTo'/j ).\ \ cri/ICh'ES 71 (1. liotly cluiiKiilc; inoiitli .-il luisc uf a hirin, very flcxihli- |>n)lK)sc'i.s Dileplug CI(!. Kody fliittcncd, Icafliko; prolmsriH only slightly (Icvi'lojH'd l.iixnphyUuvi VV. W'itliout proboscis. G. Mouth anterior to niidcilo. H. Form ellipsoidal; mouth not fur from anterior ctid; genus includes some of tlie largest holotrichs Frontoiiin II II. Body somewhat kidney shaped; mouth about one- third of the distance hack of tlie anterior end; species small as compared with those of Frontonia . .Colpwla GO. Mouth near middle; gullet short; peristome oblique Parnmecium 72 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY \ \\ \ \ \ 'I ' / // / / Actinosphaerium eichornii Arcella vulgaris Uvellavirescens Prorodonsp Dileptus anser Fig. 3. A STUDY 1)1' MIXED I'lioToZo.W ClLTriiES 7:i Euplotes patella Fig. 4. PHYLUM CCELENTERATA In the phylum Coclenterata there is laid down the fundamentals of body organization which are adhered to in all higher types of animals. In contrast to the sponges the representatives of this phylum fall in the direct line of animal descent. Only two cell layers are found in the body wall. The cells of both layers are differentiated in relation to definite functions. All of the coelenterates are aquatic, mostly marine, and chiefly sessile in the adult state. Class Hydrozoa (Hydra). — Specimens of Hydra may usually be found in quiet ponds or streams where they are attached by one end to aquatic vegetation. Examine a living individual in a watch glass with a hand lens, or with the low power of the compound microscope. Jar the watch glass and note any response to such a mechanical stimulus. With the point of a needle very gently touch one of the tentacles of an extended animal. Is there any evidence that the stimulus is transmitted from one tentacle to another or to any other part of the body? Compare the form of the body when extended and contracted. If a hydra should be found moving along the object to which it is attached note the type of locomotion employed. Reflecting upon the hydra's behavior, what deductions might be made with regard to some details of organization? General Structure. — The body of the animal in a moderately extended state is tubelike in form increasing slightly in diameter toward the free end so that under certain conditions it is vaselike. At the fixed end the body expands into a hasal disc for attachment. A circle of slender tentacles arises from the free end. These may vary in number. In the arrangement of bodily parts Hydra is radially symmetrical, that is, similar parts are repeated about an axis as a center. The region encircled by the bases of the tentacles projects as a conical elevation termed the hypostome. At its apex is located the mouth, which leads into the digestive cavity. The mouth is usually closed and difficult to distinguish. 74 I' II y I.I'M rn-JLEXTERATA /> ( )l)S('rvo the irregular aj)pc!inincc of tlic surface of the tentacles and body wall. These small elevations indicate the location of hatterics of stinging cells which are found <»n all parts of the body except the basal disc but are most numerous on the tentacles. The high power of the microscope reveals each battery as a com- pact uroup of specialized cells called niidublasts within each of which is the stinging nux-hanism or nenidtocyst in the form of a pear-shaped capsule. Prepared slides should be provided for this observation. Determine the extent of the digestive or gadrovaandar cavity. By focusing carefully on such a partially transparent organism .some of the details of internal structure can be determined by bringing into focus different levels of the body. By thus mani- pulating the microscope the two body layers may be recognized. The hollow central cavity of the animal appears Ughter than t he tlenser edges. Ingested food is forced down into the digestive cavity where the greater part is apparently engulfed by pseudo- podia of the cells lining the cavity and digested within these cells in the the protozoan manner. Although digestion is mainly intracellular there is also a limited amount of extracellular diges- tion in Hydra similar to that obtaining in the frog and higher animals. Certain cells among those lining the digestive cavity secrete juices containing enzymes which are discharged upon their surfaces where small amounts of food materials are split into simpler compounds. Undigested food is ejected through the mouth. Both agamic and gamic reproduction occur in Hydra. The common agamic mode is that of budding, according to which a new individual is formed as a bud growing from the side walls of the parent. The buds may be found in varying stages of development. When mature the new individuals separate from the parent, leading an independent though sessile life. Trans- verse and longitudinal fission of the whole animal have been reported. In its gamic reproduction Hydra is hermaphroditic and without permanent gonads. During the period of gamic reproduction the gonads appear as elevations of the surface. The spennaries form conical elevations in the ectoderm somewhat nearer the tentacles than the base of the animal, while the ovaries form low, broad elevations near the base. Both sperm and egg mother cells ari.se from interstitial cells and are borne by the same 76 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY iiulivicliuil. Altliough hcrnuiphroditic it is rather excepticjiial to find specimens bearing both ovaries and spermaries at the same time. Make an outline drawing, at least five inches in length, of an expanded Hydra as seen from the side. To the same scale draw the animal in a contracted state. Details of Cellular Structure. — Examine a stained cross-section of the animal using the low power for the preliminary study. Hydra clearly presents the fundamental plan of structure in the coelenterates. Observe that the cells of the body wall are arranged in two definite laj^ers, an outer ectoderm and an inner entoderm, the latter forming the lining of the gastrovascular cavity. These two layers are sharply marked off from each other by a very thin non-cellular layer of supporting substance, the mesoglea. Study the cross-sections under the high power. The ectoderm is composed of three principal kinds of cells. By far the common- est type is the epithelio-museular cell to be distinguished by its large nucleus and deeply staining nucleolus. The bases of these are expanded and contain long contractile fibers which form a thin longitudinal muscular layer accounting for the remarkable capacity for contraction which Hydra possesses. These con- tractile bases cannot be made out in thin cross-sections. A second type of ectodermal cell is called the interstitial cell. These are small, spherical, somewhat granular cells occurring in groups between the epithelio-muscular cells. They appear to be undifferentiated cells held in reserve to take up any one of several functions when necessary. It may be that they give rise to cnidoblasts more frequently than to other kinds of cells. The cnidoblasts are the cells enclosing capsules or nematocysts containing the stinging threads. Each cnidoblast contains a nucleus and gives rise to a spinelike projection, the cnidocil, at its outer end. Nematocysts show an affinity for eosin and therefore appear stained a pinkish color when treated with this dye. Threads shot out from these cells penetrate the body of small animals and inject into them a fluid which has a paralyzing effect. At least two types of cells can be distinguished in the entoderm. The more common type is the large, elongate, vacuolated diges- tive cells. They are dumb-bell-like in shape, the larger end extending into the gastrovascular cavity. Their nuclei and rHVLlM (:(ELENTEliAT.\ 11 nucleoli rcsciiiblc tliose of the epitlielio-iiiuscuhir cells. At their free ends are two flagelhi which arc not visible in ordinary preparations. The basal ends of these cells are provided witli I'xtensions containing contractile fibers. Between the digestive cells another type of cell may often be seen. These appear as triangidar cells with the broader end exposed to the digestive cavity. They are kiiown as ghiinl cells, since they secrete the enzymes used in the small amount of extracellular digestion. The non-cellular mesoglea secreted by cells of the ecto- derm and entoderm is composed of a gelatinous non-cellular material. If possible the details of cellular structure should be reviewed by a study of mascerated, teased, and stained cells of the body walls. "When such preparations are successful one should be able not only to recognize the cell components of the body walls but also to determine the form and general relations of the cells. Sensory and nerve cells are difficult to find and study in transections and are therefore not included in these outlines. In a four-inch circle representing a diagram of a cross-section of Hydra show the relative width of ectoderm, mesoglea, entoderm, and gastrovascular cavity. In a small sector of this diagram show in detail the structure of the various types of cells composing the two layers of the body wall. Class Hydrozoa (Obelia). — In addition to Hydra and a few other fresh-water representatives, the class Hydrozoa includes a large number of marine species of diverse form and appearance. These are, however, all reducible to the fundamental plan of structure typified by Hydra. Great numbers of these species are colonial in habit. As an example of a colonial hydroid, Obclia is chosen for study. It is a common marine form found on docks, submerged or floating wood, stones, seaweeds, etc. Obelia commonly occurs in shallow water just below the ebb-tide lev(>l. It may be found at greater depths. In Obelia the striking feature is the division of labor which obtains among the several kinds of indiviriiials comprising the colony, each of which is specially modified in connection with the performance of definite functions for the colony as a whole. There are three kinds of polyps {i.e., three kinds of individuals or "Obelia persons"): (1) the nutritive polyp, whose service to the colony is food getting; (2) the reproductive polyp, whose serv- 78 LABORATORY STUDIES /A' ZOOLOGY ice is the production of medusje which arise as buds; and (3) the medusoE, whose function is gamic reproduction and the dissemination of the species. A colony consisting of three or more different kinds of speciaHzed individuals is said to be polymorphic. The Structure of a Colony. — Certain general features of the colony must be clearly in mind before a detailed study of any part is begun. Under the dissecting microscope examine a prepared specimen of a single stem of an Obelia colony. Note that the main stem is zigzag in form although sometimes in preserved material this is not pronounced. A demonstration preparation of a stem exhibiting its natural state should also be examined. The attached end of the stem, in root fashion, creeps along the surface to which the colony is attached. This portion of a stem may be called the "foot." The main stem gives off alternating side branches each of which terminates in an individual of the colony. At the extremities of these side branches observe the nutritive polyps, characterized by the presence of numerous tentacles. The polyp nearest the foot is termed the founder polyp, since it founded the colony. Less numerous are the reproductive polyps, which are usually borne in the angles where the stems of the nutritive individuals arise from the main stem. They may be distinguished from undeveloped feeding polyps by their position on the stem as well as by their swollen appearance. All the soft parts of the colony are protected by a translucent sheath, the perisarc, which becomes expanded and variously modified in the regions of the nutritive and reproductive polyps. Make a six-inch diagram showing the growth habit of an Obelia colony. Use schematic figures to represent the several kinds of individuals. Label structures described in the preceding paragraphs. Details of Structures. — Under the low (or, if necessary, high) power of the compound microscope study in detail a portion of the stem and branches containing all types of polyps. The living tissues of the individuals and stems are called the cosnosarc, the reference being to the living flesh in contrast to the perisarc which is composed of inert materials secreted by the cells of the coenosarc. The coenosarc of the main stem will be readily recognized by its granular nature and deeper staining qualities. Note that PHYLUM CCKLESTERATA 7'.l the cci'iiosarc (both stem and Ixxly) <»f each ( )l»clia iiidiviilual in a colony is continuous with that of tlic main stern and therefore with every other indiviihial in the colony; also that there is a cavity within the iivinjii; stems which is connected with the dig^'s- tive cavity of each individual. Of what advantaRe is this condition to the animal? Some di^iestion takes place in the cavity of the stems as well as in the f^astrovascular cavity of the feeding polyps but the predominating type of digestion in ( )l)elia, as in Hydra, is intracellular. The perisarc, throughout, stains more lightly than the c(rnosarc and is of a homogeneous, nature. Is it uniform in thickness on both sides of the stem? Is this thickening the same in successive segments? Note the nature of the perisarc surrounding the stems leading to the polyps. A nutritive individual of an Obelia colony is similar in fimda- mental respects to a Hydra; the body wall consists of two cellular layers, the ectoderm and the entoderm, and the thin, ncm- cellular mesoglea. Hj/postomc, mouth, and tentacles are in the same relative positions and are readily recognized. Compare the tentacles of Hydra and Obelia and determine the most funda- mental differences. The perisarc, surrounding the nutritive polyp, is expanded into a goblet-shaped structure, which, since it harbors a polyp, is called a hydrotheca (meaning hydra case). Look for variations in the thickness of the hydrotheca. Note the centrally extending ledge at the base of the hydrotheca supporting the body of the polyp. The reproductive polyps are elongate in form, ending in a broad, flat disk with neither mouth nor tentacles. Tiie walls of these individuals produce by budding, the third kind of indi- viduals in the colony, the medu.sae bud.s. Observe carefully the structure of one of these. The perisarc is vase-shaped around the reproductive polyps and is known as the gonotheca. The medusa' buds, when mature, separate from the core oi the reproductive polyp or l)lastostyle, pass out through an opening in the end of the gonotheca, and lead a free life. They are to be regarded, nevertheless, as sister individuals to the feeding and reproductive |)olyps, which remain attaciied to the colony. Upon the plate of Obelia label details to which attention has been directed in the preceding paragraphs. The Study of a Medusa. .\s .stated al)ov«', the medusa' buds when fully grown break away from the blastostyle and lead a 80 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY free life. Gamic reproduction prevails in this type of individual and the sexes are distinct. The medusae of Obelia are small. The medusa of another hydrozoan, Gonionenms murbachii, has been chosen for the study of a typical medusa because of its fair size. It is found in con- siderable numbers through the summer in the vicinity of Woods Hole, Mass. Structure. — Study a specimen in a watch glass with a dissecting microscope. Use great care in turning the animal over for different views. Never use forceps. A camel 's-hair brush serves the purpose much better. Notice the umbrella-shaped body with tentacles hanging free from the margin and the hypostome hanging down within the space formed by the concave surface of the umbrella. The hypostome is the same structure already observed in Hydra and Obelia. The convex surface of the umbrella is called the exumhrella (or aboral surface), while the concave portion is termed the suhumbrella (or oral surface), A circular muscular shelf, the velum, extends inward from the edge of the umbrella. By gentle contractions of the umbrella (or bell) and of the velum, water is driven out of the subumbrella cavity, thus effecting locomotion. To understand the relation of parts comprising the food- distributing system place the animal with aboral side uppermost. Note the quadrangular area visible through the transparent tissues; this area marks the location of a relatively large saclike structure at the base of the manubrium, the stomach, from the angles of which four delicate, equidistantly spaced radial canals lead to the edge of the umbrella where they open into the circum- ferential canal following a circular course about the margin of the bell. These canals serve as a food-distributing system and together with the stomach represent, as far as spaces are con- cerned, the gastrovascular cavity of the nutritive polyps. On the subumbrella side of the radial canals note the corrugated reproductive organs or gonads which may be either spermaries or ovaries. Observe the mode of distribution of nematocysts on the tentacles and compare in this respect with tentacles of Hydra and Obelia. An abrupt bend near the distal end of the tentacles of Gonionemus indicates the location of a cuplike adhesive rnyuwr c(EJ.EsrKu.\T.\ 81 (line by niciins of which ihu animal c:ui aLlach ilsclf Icmporaiily to vegetation or other objects in the water. Turn a spooinicn witli the vchiiii side toward tht; observer and stud}' the edge of tlie body for the two kinds of sense organs. The low objective may be necessary to render these distinguish- able. At the base of each tentacle and coniniuiiicating with the circumferential canal is a noticeable round body which is made up of strongly pigmented cells. These are considered as light- perceiving organs. Other smaller transparent outgrowths between the bases of the tentacles are the datocysi'i which serve as balancing (static) organs. The jelly-like consistency of the medusie is duo to the enormous dcvclopiiioTit of the mesoglea. Upon the plate of Gonionemus label all the parts to which attention is called in the outlines. PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES There is a double purpose in the study of this phykim. One is found in the parasitic life which great numbers of these animals lead and the resulting maladies produced in higher animals which serve as hosts. The other purpose is found in their body organi- zation which serves as an index to their relative success as organisms and their elevation to a higher rank than that attained by the forms previously studied. Among other advances there may be noted: (a) the mode of progression, being that of an elongate animal moving with the same end of the body foremost, (b) the regional differentiation of the body as a whole which accompanies this type of locomotion, namely, a true anterior and posterior end, bilateral symmetry (with right and left sides), dorsal and ventral surfaces, and (c) triploblastic body walls which have provided the structural means for these advances in organization. Class Turbellaria. Planaria or Procotyla (Dendroccelum). — Either of these genera of flatworms is found commonly in fresh- water ponds throughout the United States. The species of Procotyla are white and somewhat translucent, a condition which greatly facilitates the study of the digestive and other internal organs. These free-living {i.e., non-parasitic) flatworms or turbellarians are found under stones, leaves, or other sub- merged objects. Behavior and External Structure. — Make observations upon a living specimen in a watch glass, using a hand lens or dissecting microscope. Study the behavior, form, and surface structure of the animal, making use of the following as a guide: (1) form of body, making specific references to the relative length of the three axes (longitudinal, vertical, transverse); (2) relation of body to the substratum (surface over which the animal crawls) ; (3) relations of the ends of the body to direction of locomotion; (4) movements which involve muscular activity and the normal glidiiig form of locomotion due to the action of cilia covering the body; (5) muscular movements as a means of crawling, determin- ing the nature and progress of the waves of contraction; (6) 82 I'll YUM I'LATYUKLMISmES 83 c«iin]);iiis()M of luiisciilar movements of the flatworm and fhosp of Hydra; (7) observations and description of the behavior of tlio tentack's and the anterior end of the animal (hiring locomo- tion, with conclusions; (S) determination of results of stimuliitinn various parts of the animal with a camers-hair brush, especially rejiional difTerence in sensiti\it y. At the conclusion of the laboratory period hand in a written report embodying the results of observations upon the structure and behavior of the f^atworm. Make a five-inch drawing of the animal from the dorsal side. Show and label eyespots, tentacles, and any other structures observed. In a well-fed animal of the white species the digestive canal may be seen clearly outlined in brown. If such an animal is being studied note the oval clear region, the pharyngeal chamber in the center of the body, in which is located an elongate muscular tube, the pharynx. The pharynx can be extended as a proboscis through the mouth opening located on the caudal part of the midventral side. At its cephalic end the pharynx opens into an intestine comprising three main trunks, a median branch extending to the cephalic region, and two lateral branches, one extending caudad on either side of the pharyngeal chamber toward the posterior end of the body. Each of these branches further gives off a large number of irregular lateral extensions. In all probability, the majority of the worms available for study will be of th? dark species (Planaria). Often these may be induced to eat blood or liver if such materials be added to the water in the watch crystal. If a dark-colored worm is being studied, try such a feeding experiment. When the animal begins to eat, a better idea of the structure of the pharynx or proboscis may be gained upon close observation. A little patience while inducing an animal to feed is often rewarded. The general shape of the gastrovascular system of Planaria is similar to that of Procotyla described above. Study a specimen of Planaria pre- pared to show the digestive system. Locate th(> three main divisions and determine the ramifications of each. Represent the digestive system in the drawing already made. Flatwornis have well-differentiated nervous, excretory, and reproductive systems, i)ut these are so obscun* that their study is imi)ossible in a living animal. 84 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY Regeneration. — Flatworms show remarkable powers of regen- erating lost parts. In each section the instructor will cut a specimen in two while it is gliding across the bottom of a watch glass and place the two halves in a bottle of water to examine later. Each student should make a rough sketch of this worm showing the approximate location of the cut in order to aid his memory when examining the specimen later for evidences of regeneration. PHYLUM ANNELIDA The phylum Annelida comprises the so-called "true worms'' in contrast to the flat worms, liotii phyla are important in tracing advances in organization. In the flat-worms bilateral symmetry and progression with the same end foremost are associated with noticeable though moderate regional diff"crentiation, as for example, an anterior end which may be regarded as an incipient head. In the annelids the anterior end has become further differentiated. Aside from this advance in their perfection the annelids are organized upon the structural plan of metamerism accompanied bj' the presence of a true body cavity or coelom which is not to be regarded as the least of important annelid innovations. Class Chaetopoda (Nereis, a sandwor7n). — Nereis may be taken as a typical annelid. It lives in burrows in the coarse sand and mud of the seashore at tide level. External Structure. — Study an animal in a wax-bottomed dissecting pan. Make observations upon the surface structure with a view to determining the kind of symmetry. The most striking structural character is the ringed appearance of the body. Each of these rings is a unit in the organization plan of the body and is called a metamere (or somite or segment). Each metamere bears a pair of very thin lateral prolongations of the body wall, known as parapodia, whose double function will be considered later. Head. — Two segments in the anterior region are so modified as to be able to test the nature of the surroundings as the body advances. Other functions in these segments are lost to a great extent. The first somite, or prostomium (meaning "in front of the mouth"), is a dorsal rectangular projection which does not extend to the ventral side. The second, or peristomium, is a complete ringlike segment bearing the mouth. The sense organs of the head have reached a relatively high state of perfection. Projecting from the middle of the cephalic edge of the prostomium there are two short prostomial tentacles. On either side of these is a thick, jointed palp whose service is S5 86 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY probably that of providing a sense subserving as taste. On tlie dorsal surface of the prostomium arc four indistinct grey spots, each marking the location of a light-perceiving organ. The peristomium bears four pairs of lateral peristomial tentacles or cirri. Make a four-inch drawing of the dor so -lateral aspect of the left side of the head and first segment of the body. Label the parts described above. Body and Tail Metameres. — The large number of segments caudad of those already mentioned as constituting the head may be regarded as the body metameres, excepting the last which is called the tail segment. Note the similarity between the body segments. Internally, parts will be found repeated in successive segments. The posterior or tail segment differs from the others in the modification of the parapodia into a pair of tactile processes or cirri. In this segment the anus is located. Parapodium. — Compare the parapodia at different parts of the body for similarities or differences. Study a parapodium which has been removed and mounted in balsam, or cut off one with the scissors, mount in water, and cover with a glass slip. Employ a dissecting lens or the low power of the compound microscope. Compare the parapodium studied in this way with those still attached to the animal and determine which is its dorsal and which its ventral edge. These lateral outgrowths of the body wall serve both as respira- tory and locomotor organs. A parapodium can be divided into two distinct portions, a dorsal called the notopodium and a ven- tral called the neuropodimn, each of which is stiffened by an internal chitinous supporting rod, called the aciculum or bristle. Find the two acicula. The large dorsal lobe of the notopodium is a respiratory organ, that is, a gill, containing a network of blood vessels which can easily be seen in life. Attached to its dorsal edge is a slender vibratile sense organ, the dorsal cirrus. The ventral portion of the notopodium comprises two lobes the smaller of which bears fine bristles or seta. The neuropodium likewise comprises two lobes, the notched one of which is setas bearing. Beneath these lobes on the ventral margin of the neuro- podium is a ventral cirrus. Make a three-inch outline drawing of a parapodium, labeHng the structures described above. ruYi.rM A.wi'ji./DA 87 A STUDY OF THE EARTHWORM The above study of Nereis presented information concerning what may he regarded as the typical external structure of marine worms. Tlu're is another great group of worms typified hy the earthworm. The worms of this group are terrestrial, though some are aquatic and a few are equally at home in either kind of environment. These animals feed mostly at night by crawling entirely or partially from their burrows to the surface of the ground. Their subterranean habits are associated with the absence of certain structures which are possessed by the marine worms. The structural features to which attention is called in the following paragraphs apply to the large species, Lumbrirus terrestris. If other species are studied, allowance must be made for variations in structural details such as number of metameres, the location of apertures, and the relations of internal organs to segments, etc. External Characters. — Study a preserved specimen in a dissect- ing pan containing a little water. For the finest structures employ either a dissecting microscope or the lowest-power objective of a compound microscope. Distinguish anterior and posterior ends, dorsal and ventral surfaces. Is the "head" as well differentiated as in the case of Nereis? The head of Nereis is to be regarded as more nearly a typical annelid head, while that of the eartiiworm is simplified or better fitted to the needs^of subterranean life. Do any obvious vestiges of the parapodia persist in the earthworm? As in Nereis, the mouth is surrounded by the first complete segment or penstomium and is overarched by a small lobe, the prostomium. C'audad of the peristomium the similarity of the body segments is quite noticeable, each being readily determined externally by the grooves extending around the body. Deter- mine the total number of metameres exclusive of the prostomium. In the cephalic third of the body of mature worms certain seg- ments are swollen forming about the body a thick band or girdle called the cliteUum. This is a glandular region which secretes the cocoon in which the eggs of the earthworms are deposited. Counting from the anterior end and omitting the prostomium determine the metameres occupied by the clitellum. Pass the fingers in both directions along the ventral part of the sides of the body. The sensation produced is due to rows 88 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY of bristles or 6c(w which aid (he woini in crawUng. These struc- tures render the removal of these animals from their burrows very difficult. Determine the relations of the setae to each other, to the metameres, and to the symmetry of the body. The body of the earthworm is covered by a delicate trans- parent cuticle secreted by the cells which lie immediately below it. Are there any eyespots to be found? While unable to hear, these animals are very sensitive to vibrations conveyed to the body through the ground and also to various forms of chemical stimuli and light. In addition to the mouth at the anterior end and the anus in the last segment numerous other external openings are found on the ventral side of the body. The nephridio'pores, openings of the excretory organs, should be located previous to dissection of the specimen. With the exception of a few somites in the cephalic end and the last somite, a pair of these openings occurs in every segment. They are usually situated somewhat diago- nally in front of the outermost setse of the ventral (inner) double row. If these openings cannot be located examine a specimen under the demonstration microscope. Carefully examine the ventral surfaces' of segments 14 and 15 for the genital apertures which are larger than those of the nephridial tubes and differently located. The openings of the vasa deferentia are upon rounded elevations one on each side of the ventral surface of segment 15. The oviducts open in a similar location upon segment 14 but are not borne upon elevations. The food of the earthworm consists of organic matter contained in the soil which is drawn into the mouth by the bulblike pharynx. This is controlled by small muscles radiating from its walls to the body wall. In order to study the digestive system the animal should be dissected under water. By means of pins through the two ends fasten a preserved specimen in water, dorsal side up. Because the alimentary canal lies close to the dorsal body wall great care should he used in performing the following dissection. With forceps hold up the body wall at a point about one inch behind the clitellum and with the points of the scissors make an incision a little to the left of the median line. Carefully continue this cut forward to the prostomium. In order to make it possible to pin out the body wall on each side and thus expose the internal I I'll y LI M AWEIJDA 89 organs it will be necessary to snip with the scissors or cut with a scalpel the septa which hold the body wall close to the alimentary canal. Separate the edges of the cut, spread open the walls of the body, aiul fasten by means of pins inserted diagonrdly near the periphery in segments V, X, and XV. At the point where the first incision was made note that the body wall is separated from the intestine by a distinct space, the ca>lom. Do you find any indications of metamerism internally? What is the relation of the scpla to the external rings? Note the glistening, iridescent lining of the body wall. What is the relation of this Hning to the coclom? The large cream-colored structures .somewhat obscuring the alimentary canal in segments 10, 11, and 12 are the three pairs of seminal vesicles which are parts of the reproductive system. Laterad of the anterior pair of vesicles in segments 9 and 10 are small white spherical objects, the seminal receptax'les (sperma- thecie), which are also parts of the reproductive system. Along the dorsal surface of the intestine can be seen a brown or yellow streak which marks the location of the longitudinal ridge, the typhlosole, which encroaches upon the enteric cavity. Its color is due to the yellow chlorogogen cells of which it is mainly composed. The typhlosole can be more readily distinguished later when a section of the intestine is removed. Note also the dorsal blood vessel visible along this streak. Arising from it are transverse vessels in each segment, best seen in the region of the intestine. One pair of these in each of the seventh to the eleventh segments, inclusive, on either side of the a'sophagus, is specialized as the hearts, which due to their pulsations assist in maintaining a blood current. The Digestive Tract. — Identify the following regions in the digestive tract: the mouth or buccal cavity in the first three seg- ments; the longer, thick-walled pharynx extending through about four segments and attached to the body wall by radiating muscle fibers; the narrower asophagus (partly concealed by the five i)airs of hearts and by reproductive structures) extending to segment 13 or 14; the large, thin-walled crop or storage reservoir for food, extending through three or four segments; and the white, thick-walled gizzard in which the food is ground into small particles. From the gizzard the intestine stretches to the anus as a long unspecialized tvibe. It is in the intestine that digestion is completed and absorption takes place. 90 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOIJKiY On the plate of the anterior end of the earthworm designate the parts of the head ; then label the parts of the blood system and digestive tract. On the small drawing in the lower right- hand corner label the space representing coelom and the location of the setae. Write the names on the left of this diagram. The Excretory Organs. — The excretory system of the earth- worm consists of a series of paired coiled tubes, the nephridia, one pair of which is present in every segment except the first three and the last. Remove a portion of the alimentary canal caudad of the gizzard by carefully cutting the septa surrounding it and severing it in two places. Then with the aid of a hand lens study the pair of coiled tubular nephridia on the floor of each metamere. The main part of each nephridium consists . of a coiled tube comprising three loops lodged in the coelom of each segment through the ventro-lateral walls of which it opens to the exterior. The aperture is the nephridiopore previously noted in the study of external characters. The coelomic opening of the nephridium is situated in the segment cephalad of the one in which the main structure is located; the tube penetrates the septum and opens into the coelom of the preceding segment by a funnel, called the nephrostome. Seize a septum with the fine forceps and gently move it caudad and cephalad. It will then be possible to recognize on either side of the midventral line the two minute nephrostomes as the septum changes position. During life the coelomic cavity is filled with a fluid. The cilia on the nephrostome and in the beginning of the tubule create a current by means of which waste material floating in the coelomic fluid is drawn into the nephridium and in this way eventually conducted to the exterior. The middle portion of each tubule is much thicker and has glandular walls. It functions by removing waste matter in solution from the blood which reaches the walls in a network of capillaries. The portion of each tubule near the excretory pore is dilated and probably subserves the purpose of a bladder. On the plate above mentioned label the parts of the excretory system. Write these names on the right of the small drawing at the lower right-hand corner. The Nervous System. — In the place where the alimentary canal has been removed identify the vcnlral nerve cord and trace it along the floor of the body wall in the midline. This cord extends throughout the length of the animal. Study its character rilYUM .I.V.\A7.//M 91 ill tlu' rcninii t'lttiii which the :ihm('iil;irv (•;iii:il h:i> liccii rclimvctl, iiotinji; in each nu'laiiicrc an (•nlarnciiiciit , nr (jdnglion, and Ihnr fxiirs of inriphcidl lurirs, two pairs leaving; tlic ^an^lion directly, and a third appealing to h-avc the cord itself cej)hahid of the ganglion. In the third or fourth seiiiiient note that the two halves of the cord diverge to j)ass around the alimentary canal as the cirrumphdniuqcnl rituj which unites dorsally with the cerebral ganglion. Observe the pair of small peripheral iierves given off from the IiiIoIxmI cerel)ral ganglion; these nerves divide into very fine branches as they extend forward into the highly sensitive prostomial region. Other peripheral nerves which supply the ventral side of the cephahc end of the body are given off from ihv circumpharj-ngeal ring. Label the parts of the nervous system on both the large and small drawings of the plate. The Reproductive System. — A complete set of l)otli male and female genital organs occur in the same individual. That is, the earthworm is hermaphroditic. By careful dissection remove the intestine from about the sixth metamere to the twentieth. Avoid cutting any organs which lie below or to the side of the alimentary canal in the region between the ninth and fifteenth mctamercs. Clear away the nephridia of the thirteenth segment and look for the pair of ovaries, minute white bodies lying against the septum at the cephalic end, near the nerve cord. By gently waving the septum between the twelfth and thirteenth segments the ovaries which look like tiny pears fixed at their broad ends may be identified. When mature the ova drop from the ovary into the ca'lom of the thirteenth segment and are pa.ssed out of the body through a pair of nephridia which have become modified into oviducts. The internal funnel-shaped openings of the oviducts lie in segment 13, while the ducts penetrate the .septum entering the c(elom of the fourteenth segment, where they lead ol)li(iuely outward, opening to the exterior in this segment. In the wall of each oviduct is an enlargement, the egg receptacle, for the storage of eggs. Associated with the female genital organs are two pairs of small white spherical bodies, the seminal receptacles, for the temporary storage of spermatazoa received from the worm with which reciprocal mating occurs. The.se are located in the ninth and tenth .somites and open to the outside by two pairs of spi rmathecal 92 LABORArORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY ' jxurs situated Ijctwccn segments 9 and 10 and 10 and 11, respectively. The most conspicuous structures of the male reproductive organs are three pairs of seminal vesicles located in segments 9, 11, and 12, respectively, connected with two central reserviors lying in the midventral portions of somites 10 and 11. These sperm sacs are associated with the testes of the male which lie encased within the central reservoirs. By carefully peeling away the tops of the reservoirs on the right side of the animal the glove- shaped testes of that side may be exposed, one each at the anterior ends of the tenth and eleventh segments near the midventral line. Behind each testis is the enlarged ciliated funnel which forms the opening of the sperm duct or vas deferens. Trace a vas deferens back through the septum, noticing the several convolu- tions, and then the straight caudal extension along the floor of the body cavity to its opening, through the sperfniducal pore, in the fifteenth segment. Note that the two vasa deferentia on each side unite in the twelfth somite. If any difficulties were experienced in dissecting this system on the right side of the body repeat the dissection upon the left. Label the parts of the Reproductive system on the plate of the anterior end of the earthworm. A Cross-section of an Earthworm. — Study the cross-section first under a dissecting microscope for the plan of structure of a coelomate animal, that is, one which possesses a coelom. Note the relative thickness of the body wall at different levels and compare the contour of its outer and inner surfaces. Recall structures previously studied which may account for the division of the body wall into definite, well-marked areas. How many of these areas are there? If the section studied happens to be in the proper plane the slender, curved, rodlike setoi already noted upon the surface may be seen. They are of the same composition as the cuticle and like it secreted by the epidermis. They may be seen projecting through the body wall. Between the body wall and the intestine is the coelom within which fragmentary portions of nephridia may be made out. Why do the sections not show complete nephridia? Note the intestine with its dorsally invaginated typhlosole. Identify the dorsal Mood vessel lying above the typhlosole and embedded in its large cells, the ventral blood vessel below the intestine, and the ventral nerve cord just below the ventral blood vessel. I'llYhUM A.WKLIDA •••^i Make a diagram, four inches in diameter, of a cross-section showing the features described above. Do not represent the cell structure. Having ubliiined a j^t'ncral idea of tlu' cross-section, study it with the low power or if necessary the high power for detailed structure. Note the following features of the body wall from without inward: (1) ii very thin nitirlc or non-ccUular covering; (2) the epidermis, consisting of a single layer of cells, among which numerous glattd cells may be distinguished by their oval shape and swollen appearance; (3) the inuscular layers, consisting of a thinner layer of very long, slender, circular muscle cells embedded in connective tissue and attached to the septa, the longitudinal layer of muscle cells which when seen in cross-section appear feather-Uke; (4) the peritoneum, a thin layer of flat cells lining the body cavity and attached to the inner surface of the longitudinal muscle layer. The intestinal wall shows the parts arranged in layers. Some of these layers, notably the longitudinal muscle and vascular layers, are inconspicuous and made out with difficulty, hence may be omitted from an elementary study. The evident layers are : (1) the peritoneum on the outer surface, comprising large yellow cells called the chlorogogen cells; (2) the circular muscles, a thin but continuous layer of circularly arranged muscle cells; and (3) the lining epithelium, or the innermost single layer of elongated ciliated cells. In a sector of the diagram previously drawn show the details of cellular structure of the body and intestinal walls. Nerve Cord.~The nerve cord is somewliat oval in outUne and is covered externally by a sheath, consisting of peritoneum, connective tissue, mu.scles, and blood vessels. The subneural blood vessel on the midvcntral side and the paired lateral neural blood vessels, one on each side of the subneural vessel, can be distinguished under high power. In the dorsal portion of the cord are three large, clear areas, the giant fibers, which extend for long distances in the worm. I^ach is surrounded by a thick sheath. If the section happened to pass through a ganghon of the cord a number of large nerve celis may be present. The rest of the cord is made up of numerous small nerve fibers forming a network. Make a drawing, one and one-fourth inches in diameter, of a cross-section of a nerve cord. Show in detail the structures described above. PHYLUM MOLLUSCA Many peculiarities of organization set off the animals of the phylum Mollusca from those previously studied. Molluscs possess bilateral symmetry, but a pronounced regional differ- entiation is lacking. Class Pelecypoda Unio or Anodonia (or Any of the Bivalves Commoyihj Used). — Animals of these genera wander along the muddy bottoms of creeks, ponds, and rivers, with the anterior end buried in the mud. The food consists of minute plants and animals gathered from the respiratory current. Exterior of Shell. — The shell comprises right and left halves (right and left valves) which retain their continuity along the dorsal side in the elastic hornlike hinge. At other points the two halves touch upon one another only. Note the concentric lines on the shell indicating stages in its growth. The knob on each shell near the hinge about which the growth lines are concentrically arranged is the beaPc or umbo. Its apex is directed toward the anterior end of the animal. Taking the position of the hinge and umbo as a basis, determine the toponomy of the clam body. Structure of the Shell. — The shell is composed of three layers: the thin outer dark-colored layer of conchiolin (hornlike in appearance) ; the middle or limestone layer of perpendicularly arranged prisms; and the inner or mother-of-pearl layer formed of limestone arranged in sheets. Break a fragment from the edge of one valve and examine these layers. Inner Surface of the Shell. — Lay back the left half of the shell and study the internal surface. This can be done by first opening the shell slightly. Insert a scalpel at each end of the hinge and cut the muscles which draw the halves together. The left valve must also be carefully freed from the soft parts within before the two halves are widely separated. In Unio the valves articulate with each other by means of conical and ridged projections called hinge teeth. These dove- tailing teeth hold the valves in their proper relations when moving upon one another. Hinge teeth are almost entirely wanting in 94 I'llVIJ.M MoLLI'SCA '.••'> Anoilonla. The elasticity of the liiiine opens tlie shell. ( "lusiiin the shell is effected by the action of muscles. Notice the line on the inner surface of the shell about a half inch from the free edge of the left valve running more or less parallel with it. This is the mantle line to which the mantle wa.s attached. The mantle is the thin sheet of tissue enveloping the body and lining the shell. The Body (Soft Parts). — Submerge the right valve, which still contains the body of the animal, in a dissecting tray of water. Note the position of the two largest muscles, the ankrior (nhhirtor, in the cephalic and the posterior adductor in the caudal end of the l)ody. Follow these muscles to their attachments in slight depressions on the shell, termed muscle scars. The.se muscles close the shell working against the elasticity of the hinge which opens it. Manipulate the valves so as to demonstrate the elasticity of the hinge. The body is enveloped or concealed within the inanllc which consists of two lobes, the right and left, the posterior margins of which arc thickened and somewhat modified to form the siphons through which water enters into and pas.ses out of the nuintlc cavity (the space between the mantle folds). To facilitate further study, remove the left mantle lobe by carefully cutting it away with scissors, leaving about an inch of the lobe in front of the siphons undisturbed, taking great care neither to remove nor to destroy the labial palps, which adhere closely to the mantle at its cephalic margin. This exposes the mantle cavity within which is suspended the nuiscular foot. The dorsal part of the foot and the mass toward the hinge line lodges the viscera and is termed the visceral mass. On either side of the visceral mass, extending into the mantle space, is a pair of thin, striated gills. Kai.>^e the foot gently and observe the corresponding pair of gills on the right side. In the posterior part of the body the thickened margins of the mantle lobes form by contact the ventral or inhalant siphon, dorsad of which is the smaller exhalant siphon. With these facts in mind, determine by dissection the course followed by the respiratory current. The 7nouth is situated at the cephalic entl of the body between the foot and the anterior adductor nuiscle. Identify the labial palps, which are somewhat n)lled and twisted Haps associated with the mouth. 96 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOdV Carefully separate the mantle lobes just caudad of the posterior adductor muscle and trace the caudal course of the intestine which lies exposed along the caudal border of the muscle. It terminates in the anus, which opens into the cloacal or exhalant siphon at a level with the ventral margin of the posterior adductor muscle. Make an outline drawing, each valve four and a half inches long, of the united halves of the shell with the left valve at the top of the page. In the left valve represent the inner surface of the shell and also show any external structures which may be visible from this aspect. In the right valve show as many details as possible of the soft parts discussed above. Indicate the course of the respiratory current by means of arrows. PHYLUM ARTHROPODA The pliyluu Artliiopoda is iUv largest of all phyhi, coniprisinj? about four-fifths of all the known animal species. The funda- mental plan of organization has enabled these animals to compete successfully both with other animals and with the forces encoun- tered in their environment. Class Crustacea Crayfish (or the Lobster May Be Used). — With few exceptions the animals of the class Crustacea arc aquatic. Respiration is either by means of gills or directly through the surface of the body. The common crayfish is an inhabitant of fresh-water streams and lakes. External Structure.— Study a specimen in a dissecting pan. The hard external covering, the exoskeleton, is secreted by the ectoderm and corresponds to the cuticle of the earthworm. It is composed of chitin and serves for proiediou, support, and the attaehment of muscles. As this covering cannot expand with the growth of the animal, it must be molted (shed) periodically. Regional differentiation is pronounced as attested by the presence of head, thorax, and abdomen in each of which the component segments resemble each other more than they do those of other regions. In the crayfish and others of its kind the head and thorax are outwardly united. The line of demar- cation is a groove over the sides and dorsum of the shell and known as the rermcal or ncek groove. When head and thorax are thus united it constitutes a eephaloihorax. The single piece of exoskeleton covering this portion of the body dorsally and laterally is known as the carapace. The head terminates in the anterior pointed extension of the carapace called the rostrum. This division of the botly is pro- vided with a number of sense organs more complex than those found in forms previously considered. Notice the pair of large compound eyes. These are stalked and movable and are con- sidered by some to be appendages. In front of the eyes are the smaller first sensory appendages or antennules. Just below are the long, flexible, many-jointed pair, the antmiia'. Both pairs 97 98 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY of sensory appendages render services which are tactile and chemical in nature. Note the openings of the nephridia (green glands) on the middle of the ventral surface of the basal segment of the antenna?. The cervical groove, already referred to, crosses the dorsum of the carapace at about the middle of its extent and is thence continued forward on either side as a groove, which ends just laterad of the antennae. The cervical groove marks the boundary between head and thorax. The ventro-lateral edge of the carapace is not attached, the free plate on each side being known as the gill cover, since underneath are found the gills by means of which these animals obtain oxygen. When the animal is viewed from the dorsum, those appendages constituting the mouth parts (serving as jaws and conveyors of food to the mouth) may be seen projecting slightly beyond the cephalic margin of the carapace. These appendages named in order from the first or cephalic pairs are: mandibles, one pair; maxillae, two pairs; maxillipeds, three pairs. Caudad of these and borne by the thorax are five pairs of walking legs the anterior pair of which is modified into large pincers termed chela. The basal piece of the third pair of walking legs bears the genital opening in the female. The fifth pair of walking legs in a corresponding location bears the opening of the male genital organs. The appendages will be studied in more detail later. The abdomen comprises seven segments six of which bear appendages. These appendages are called swimmerets. In the female they serve as attachments for the eggs which are thus carried during the developmental period. The first pair of abdominal appendages in the female are reduced. In the male they are fused to form an organ for the transfer of sperm to the female. In the sixth pair of swimmerets, called the uropods (meaning "tail-foot"), the parts are greatly enlarged and form with the telson (last segment bearing the anus) an efficient swim- ming organ, termed the caudal fin. y On the appropriate plate label all the above-described struc- tures, which are visible from the dorsal side. The Gills. — Remove the carapace of the left side and note the pinnate (feather-like) gills underneath. Study those above the second or third walkingjeg. The gill exposed at the base of the appendage is the podohranch (foot gill). In the lobster the delicate lamina uniting with its base and forming the division I'll YUM MrrilL'ol'itnA gill cover was cut away and ii«iii- that this extension of the carapace over the branchial chamber is not the true sides of the thorax but rather an outward and downward growth from the carapace. The gills conceal the true l)()dy wall. Slice off a portion from the tip end of the eye stalk, including only the outer pigmented covering. Remove the pigment from the under surface and mount the transparent piece (cornea) in water on a slide. Make a sketch of several corneal facets on the plate of the dorsal aspect of the animal. The balancing organs or statocysts are located in the dorsal portion of the basal segment of the antennules. They consist of a pocket or invagination of the surface, which is lined with sense hairs, among which solid particles are lodged. Remove the right antennule and cut off the ventral wall of the basal segment. Investigate the saclike statocyst, determining its relations, contents, and the nature of its lining. IVIany fine hairlike processes of chitin on the body and append- ages are of a tactile nature, while others on the antennules, antennip, and mouth appendages provide a gustatory service. The Appendages. — The 19 pairs of appendages exhibit con- siderable diversity of structure in difTerent segn»ents of the body: yet all possess the same structural plan and in early stages of development are quite similar. Among these appendages there is a close correlation between structure and function, a fact which bears witness to their value as good material for the study of serial homology. Typical Segment and Pair of Appendages.— As the abdominal segments are most distinct and less modified than tho.se of other regions, the third or fuinih, with its appemlages, may be studied as a typical somite. Although the regions of the exoskeleton constitute a continuous whole, it is convenient to speak of the 100 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY convex dorsal portion as the tergum (meaning the "back"), the lateral lobes as the pleura (singular, pleuron, meaning the "side"), and the slender ventral bar as a sternum (" breastbone"). By removing the right appendage the following parts may be made out: Its union with the segment is through a division called the protopod. This consists of two portions, a very small basal part, the coxopod, and a long distal part, the basipod. From the basipod arise two flattened, many-jointed plates. The outer of these is the exopod; the inner one near the median line, the endopod. This type of appendage found on the abdominal segments is called the forked or hiramous type of appendage. It is regarded as the most primitive arthropod appendage, all other kinds having been derived from such an appendage through modifications. The Remaining Abdominal Appendages. — Remove the remain- ing appendages from the left side of the abdomen and arrange them in the order of the segments to which they belong, beginning at the cephalic end. The appendages of the second to fifth somites, inclusive, in both sexes are quite similar to those of the typical segment described above. There are the usual two joints of the protopod comprising a short coxopod and a long cylindrical hasipod. Both the endopod and exopod are present as many jointed filaments, the former slightly longer than the latter. The uropod comprises a very broad and thick single- jointed protopod and two terminal oval plates which represent the endopod and exopod. The latter is divided by a transverse suture into two pieces. Noticeable differences exist between the appendages of the first abdominal segment of the male and female. In the male these appendages are stiffened and otherwise modified so as to form an organ for transferring sperm to the proper receptacle in the female. The first abdominal appendage of the female is flexible and much reduced. Although wide variations in the appendages of the thorax and head exist, they are nevertheless reducible to the same funda- mental plan of structure as the abdominal appendages. The Appendages of the Thorax. — Beginning with the last pair of walking legs, remove eight appendages from the left side. Be sure to cut these close to the body wall so as not to destroy their podohranchioe. The thoracic appendages include five pairs of walking legs and three pairs of smaller appendages, the maxilUpeds. Arrange these appendages in serial order for study. rilYIAM AUTIIh'orohA 101 The /////■(/ tiHi.rilli/Kd is one of I lie most coiiiijIcIc of ihrsi' :il)IH'ii(l;i^('S and will he used as an approach to the study (»f the whole series. Compare with a swimmeret. Identify the parts, note differences, and determine the type. Express the results in writing and submit as a part of the laboratory report. These comparisons may be expressed in the form of a tal)le. The second maxilliped possesses essentially the same com- ponents as the third, l)Ut the exopod is relatively larger, the cndopod smaller. In the first maxilliped the coxopod and the basipod are broad, thin plates, while the cndopod is short and only two-jointed. The undivided portion of the exopod is very long. In place of the podobranchia is a broad membranous plate. Examine the left third ic(dking leg and compare with the third maxilliped. This walking leg has a coxopod with an epipod and a gill, a basipod and an endopod of five joints. The exopod is lacking, and therefore this more specialized unforked type is known as a uniramous appendage. Note the pinccr formed l)y the prolongation of one angle of the distal end of the penultimate joint, thus forming a fixed jaw for the last joint to work against. Examine the other walking legs. Do all have pincers, epipods, and gills? The first pair is greatly enlarged, with a powerful pinccr for offensive and defensive use. Draw the left third maxilliped and left third walking leg in the same relative positions. The Appendages of the Head.— Remove the remaining appendages of the left side and arrange in a series for study and comparison. The coxopod and basipod of the second maxilla are still thinner and more lamellate than is the case of these parts in the first maxilliped and are subdivided by deep fissures which extend from their inner edges. The endopod is very small and undivided, while the .so-called bailer is probably formed by a fusion of the exopod with the epipod. The bailer moves in such a manner as to draw water through the branchial chamber over the gills from the caudal end. In the first maxilla the exopod and epipod have disappeared, and the endopod is insignificant and unjointed. Its two inner thin plates are the protopod. The small process in front of this appendage in the head is not considered as an appendage i)Ut as a part of the lower lip. 102 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY The coxopod (jf the maiulihle is greatly elongated transversely to form a strong functional jaAv. The hasipod possesses a much reduced two-jointed endopod which forms the palp. The exopod is lost. In front of the mouth opening is the upper lip or labrum. The protopod of the antenna is two-jointed, the coxopod being small and bearing the aperture of the duct of the renal gland, while the basipod is larger. The long many-jointed filament connected with the basipod by two stout basal segments is the endopod. The thin, sharp projection near the base of the filament is the exopod. Draw the left antenna enlarged about three times. The antenmde possesses a three-jointed protopod, from which arise two, short, many-jointed filaments. These may or may not represent the endopod and exopod. It is perhaps doubtful whether this appendage is strictly comparable with the others. This study shows that there are at least 5 pairs of appendages borne upon the head, 8 upon the thorax, and 6 upon the abdomen, making a total of 19. If the eye stalks are construed as belonging to the same category of appendages as the others and, therefore, representing a segment, and the telson accorded the rank of a segment, then there are represented in the body of the crayfish 21 segments. Class Insecta : The Lubber Grasshopper , Schistocerca americanum (or an Allied Species). — One of the Southern species of grass- hopper is chosen for study because of its large size. Most of our grasshoppers, so common in the summer and autumn, show the same fundamental plan of structure but are difficult of study because of their small size. External Structure. — Study a specimen in a dissecting pan. A chitinous exoskeleton, lacking the lime deposits of the crayfish, is present and is secreted by the ectoderm lying beneath. The hard surfaces of the exoskeleton are known as sclerites, which are joined by sutures less densely chitinized. Regional Differentiation. — Note that the bilaterally sym- metrical body is divided into three distinct regions; the movable head, the thorax bearing legs and wings, and the conspicuously segmented abdomen. The Head and Its Appendages. — The head exhibits no clear evidence of segmentation. The six segments (at least) which it comprises are suggested by comparative structural studies. The larger part of the head is enclosed in a single sclerite, the I'll YUM .\irriiii'(>i'(>n.\ \{):\ epicraniinn, in which thc^ dorsinn is spoken of as the rrih.r, the sides as the gena, and the front as the Jranx. The frons extencis ventrad to a distinct transverse suture, below which is a very broad sclerite known as the clypeus. Attache(i to the ventral l)order of the clypeus is a broad, freely moving flap, the upper lip, or Idbruni. This is not a true appendage but a part of one of the segments which enters into the composition of the head skeleton. The head bears eyes, antenna?, and three pairs of mouth parts. Note the two large, brown, oval areas on the dorso-lateral portions of the head. These are the compound eyes. Remove a portion of the cornea, clean out the pigment, and mount in water on a slide. Are the facets of this cornea similar in shape to those of the cornea taken from the eye of the crayfish? The gra.ss- iiopper also has three simple eyes, or ocelli, one in the depression of the middle of the frons, the other two cephalad of the dorsal portion of the two compound eyes. The antennce are many- jointed appendages springing from the space between the com- pound eyes. Raise the upper lip and note a pair of heavy, black mandibles. Determine the direction of their movements. Ju.st caudad of the mandibles is the first pair of maxillce with feelers or palps at the sides, and lying back under the head, bearing palps on either side, is the second pair of maxillce which have fused with one another to form the labium or lower lip. The antenme and mouth parts of the grasshopper represent modifica- tions of typical arthropod appendages. The Thorax and Its Appendages.— The thorax comprises three segments, called the prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax, when named in order from the cephalic end. These divisions are easily recognized by the appendages which they bear. One pair of legs is attached to the ventro-lateral margin of each thor- acic segment. In addition, the mesothorax and metathorax each bears a pair of wings articulated with the dorso-lateral margin. Remove the wings from the left side and compare them. What are your deductions? The wings arise as saclike evaginations of the body wall. During development the two walls of the sac become pressed together, forming a thin membrane. The veins of the wings are respiratory tubes or trachea', filled with air, each surrounded by a tubular blood sinus. After^the insect attains its full size, blood ceases to flow in the wings and they become the dry, hard, and lifeless structures of the adult. 104 LAHOUATORY STUDIES IK ZOOLOCY All Www p;iirs of legs of the grasshopper are used iu walking, but the third pair are primarily jumping legs and show structural modifications for such a use. Remove a walking leg from the right side of the body and study. It has five parts. The short joint next to the body is the coxa. The second segment or trochanter is smaller than the coxa, its ventral aspect being longer than the dorsal. This segment is succeeded by the long femur. Distad of this is placed the slender, spiny tibia, while the tarsus includes all that part of the leg distad of the tibia. It consists of three segments. The last segment of the tarsus bears a pair of claws and a single cushion or pulvillus. In addition there are four pairs of pulvilli under the other segments of the tarsus. Compare the jumping leg with the other walking legs as to relative proportions of parts and direction of the convexities of the articulations. In the membrane along the sides of the thorax, just cephalad of the mesothorax, is a small opening. This is the mesothoracic spiracle, one of the openings of the respiratory system. Notice also on the pleural suture which separates the mesothorax from the metathorax a similar opening, the metathoracic spiracle. Both openings are guarded by lips. The Abdomen and Its Appendages. — Each complete segment of the abdomen consists of an inverted U-shaped tergum bearing on its ventral border a slight indentation, the abdominal spiracle. This arched plate is probably a fused tergum and pleuron. There is a convex ventral plate, the sternum. The rest of the pleuron is represented by the membranous fold where tergum and sternum articulate. The sternum and tergum of the first abdominal segment are separated from each other by the depression for the insertion of the third pair of legs. The tergum of this segment bears upon either side a kidney-shaped opening, covered by a thin, semi- transparent membrane. This is the chordotonal organ, erroneously called an ear. On the anterior border of the chordotonal organ is the first abdominal spiracle. How many spiracles are present on the body of the grasshopper? The next seven segments are alike in both sexes but the remain- der of the abdomen is different in form and structure in the male and female. In both sexes the ninth and tenth terga are narrow and partially fused on their lateral margins. The eleventh tergum or suranal plate extends caudad forming the roof I'll VIA' M Ain Uli'ol'nDA 105 of the aiKil opcninji. On cacli side, projecting from hcncatli llir caudal l)()rdor of tlio tenth torguin, is a pointed appendant' termed the nrnis (phjral, cerri). These are generally re^sarded as the modified appenda^jes of the tenth segment. I'^ach cercus partially covers a much larger, triangular sclerite which ext^'nds from the lateral border of the tenth tergum caudad. These are the podical plates. In the male the hroad ninth sternum is followed hy a houd- shaped tenth which forms the caudal end of the body and terminates dorsad in two points. This is commonly called the subgenital plate as it forms a hood about the genital apparatus. The most prominent portion of the caudal part of the abdomen of the female is the ovipositor, composed of two pairs of rigid and pointed pieces and employed in forming a hole in the ground within which the eggs are deposited. Between the ventral pair is the opening of the oviduct. From the median caudal margin of the eighth sternum a pointed projection, the egg guide, extends caudally l)etween the ventral pieces of the ovipositor and aids in placing the eggs. On the plate of the left lateral aspect of the female indicate by means of brackets and labels the three divisions of the body. These should be placed above the drawing. Label the various external structures described for each region. The abdominal segments may be numbered serially. The abdominal terga and sterna may be designated by symbols, as, for example, /j referring to the tergum of abdominal segment 2, and .^o referring to the sternum of abdominal segment 2. Secure an animal of the other sex, study and label the struc- tural modifications of the caudal end. It will he profitable to devote .some time to a comparison of the figures of the crayfish and grasshopper with regard to body regions and appendages including types, distribution, modifica- tions, and functions. Such a study might be summarized in the form of a table. PHYLUM CHORDATA 'I'ho phylum Chordata, which is the last in tho scries, comprises animals which are diverse in form and structure. All are alike, however, in the possession of certain fundamental characteristics of organization which are not found combined in any other animals. The phylum is divisible into four subphyla, a represent- ative of one of which will be studies by way of gathering first- hand information regarding the general plan of organization which prevails throughout the phylum. Subphylum Cephalochorda Branchiostoma (Amphioxus). — This subphylum comprises about a dozen species of small marine animals called "lancelets." They possess in a typical state the fundamentals of organization common to all chordates. These animals are found near the shore, where they burrow in the sand which may be entered either head or tail foremost. The body, with the exception of the anterior end, is usually concealed by day, but the animals may leave their burrows at night and dart through the water. While rapid and powerful swimmers, they topple over upon their sides when forward progression ceases. External Structure. — Study a stained and mounted specimen of a young animal under the dissecting microscope or low power of the compound microscope and note the spindle-shaped body and the lack of a well-defined head. Along the middorsal line note the low, nearly transparent fold extending the entire length of the body. This fold is the dorsal fin which becomes broader in the tail region and is continued around the end of the tail to the ventral side where it narrows in its cephalic extent. This broader portion of the fin fold about the end of the tail is known as the caudal fin, while the narrower ventral part extending cephalad from the caudal is the anal fm. Two ventro-lateral folds, the metapleural folds, border the flattened ventral surface of the anterior two-thirds of the body and give this portion a triangular shape when viewed in cross-section. These may be seen in preserved specimens. The sides of the body are marked by a series of V-shaped lines, formed by niyo.septa of connective tissue which divide the great 106 rilYUM CIKth'DATA 10/ hnigitiulinal iimsclr in.iss into scumcnls cullcil myolotnts or myotnei'cs. Lociito the opt'iwnn of llic oral hood, which is a larnc <»v:il aperture on the ventral surface of the cephahc end of the Ixxiy. It is fringed on each side with about 12 ciHated tentacles or cirri, known as the oral cirri. The nce of the metapleural folds. The respiratory current entering the mouth leaves the body through this pore. Internal Structure. The Digestive and Res pi rotary Orfians. — The alimentary canal is essentially a straight tube. The oral hood and cirri have been mentioned above. The walls of the oral hood delimit a space called the oral cavity. The anterior part of the enteron is the pharynx, the word here being used to mean not merely a throat but a division of the enteron which serves the double purpose of conveying both the respiratory medium and the food. It is a compressed tube, occupying ai)out one-half the total length of the aUmentary canal. It is surrounded by a space, the atrial cavity, which will be seen in its proper relations in the study of a transection of this region. The pharyngeal walls are perforated by numerous sUtlike apertures, the gill slits, running obUquely ventrad and caudad. Water taken in at the mouth passes through the gill slits into the atrial cavity from which it escapes through the atriopore. The epithelium lining the gill slits constitutes the respiratory tissue. Between the cavity of the oral hood and the beginning of the pharynx there is a circular sheet of tissue which appears as a straight line when viewed from the side of the animal. This membrane is called the velum. It is perforated by the mouth opening. Caudad of the last gill slit the alimentary canal narrows and continues as the intestine which, a short distance caudad of the pharynx, gives off from the ventral side a blind pouch. This evagination is the liver the blind end of which extends cephalad on the right side of the pharynx. The Skeleton.— The skeleton is of the endoskeletal type and extreme in its simplicity. It consi.sts of a flexii)le, rodlike structure above the alimentary canal and extending throughout the entire length of the body. This is the notochord which serves 108 LAHOHATORY STUDIES IN ZnOJjOGY as an axial skolcloii. Other skeletal parts are found supporlinj; the oral cirri, gill slits, and mesal fin fold. I* The Central Nervous System. — The brain and spinal cord lie immediately above the notochord. Determine the extent and relations of the central nervous organs. Upon the plate of the left lateral aspect of Branchiostoma add features of external and internal structure which have been observed in the above study. Study of Transverse Sections. — The relations of internal organs are more readily understood through a study of transverse sections. For this purpose prepared slides through the region of the pharynx and liver are most instructive. Use a low-power microscope to determine the shape and general location and relations of internal structures. A higher magnifica- tion may be used for the study of details. An explanation of the stains used in preparing the slides will be given by the instructors. The section chosen for description here is one passing through the body at the level of the liver. In section the body is tri- angular in shape. In the midvertical portion may be seen the compressed pharynx on the right of which is the liver. The gonads on either side appear as elevations from the walls of the body encroaching upon the atrial cavity. The epidermis consists of a single layer of cells supported by an underlying thin layer of connective tissue, the dermis. Identify and locate pharyn.x, notochord, and spinal cord. Determine the following: (1) the nature of the notochordal cells, notochordal sheath, and the gill slits; (2) the nature of the spinal cord ; (3) the nature and relations of muscle segments (myomeres) ; (4) the nature and relations of muscle partitions (myotomes) ; (5) the dorsal groove of the pharynx {epipharyngeal groove) and the ventral groove (endostyle). These grooves serve to entangle the minute particles of food and transport them toward the intestine. The coelom is much reduced, having been encroached upon by the extensive atrial cavity. The remnants of the coelom consist of paired cavities at the sides of the epipharyngeal groove, a single space ventrad of the endostyle, a space between the walls of the liver and the atrial epithelium, and the space surrounding the gonads. The larger blood vessels can often be recognized by the coagulated blood which they contain. The dorsal aortce comprise a pair of vessels lying one on each side of the epibranchial groove. whili! the rtiilnil nortn (or heart) is a iii('(li:iii vessel lyiiin in the cndostyhir ccelomic canal. Alon^ the dorsal surface of the liver in the Cd'loniic space between the liver an phitr tlraw and lalx'l a scale showing lines of growth. Also a scale removed from the lateral line showing the pore to the lateral-line ennal. Internal Anatomy. Musculature. Keniovc enough of the skin at the base of the tail to expose the thick layer of muscles within. This layer is divided into ziRzag i)ands of muscle tissue. I'iach band is called a muscle segment or myotome. Each myotome extends from middorsal to midventral line and is separated from the adjacent myotomes by connective tissue partitions, calletl mi/osepta. Immcdiatelj' below the lateral line is a longitudinal partition separating the myotomes into dorsal and ventral portions. This arrangement of muscles reminds one of tlie state in .\mphi- oxus and is the primitive vertebrate plan from which the muscular system of all land vertebrates is derived. It consists essentially of a longitudinal scries of muscle segments. It is evidence of the segmental plan of structure of the vertebrate body. Skeleton. — It will be recalled that in Amphioxus the skeleton consists chiefly of an elastic rod, the notochord; in the shark a more extensive endoskeleton is present and formed entirely of cartilage. In the teleostean fishes cartilage has, for the most part, been replaced by bone. This is the reason for referring to them as the "bony fishes. " During development the vertebral column replaces the notochord, although vestiges of the latter persist. Kcfcrcnce to a mounted skeleton reveals the same general divisions that occur in the skeleton of a land vertebrate. These arc an axial skeletoji comprising the skull, vertebral column, and the supports of the unpaired fins and an appendicular skeleton comprising the supports of the paired fiyis. Looking further into this internal framework we find the skull divided into three main divisions, the cranium, the sense capsules, and the visceral skeleton. These parts which are separate during development become united in a rather compact whole in the adult. The cranium is that portion of the skull which houses the brain. The sensory capsules are skeletal parts which cnchK-^e or support the three pairs of sense organs of the head, the nasal sacs, the eyes, and the internal ears. The visceral skeleton has already been described and studied. Note how the bones which support the ilorsal and anal fins alternate with the neural and luemal spines. Note especially the 116 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY vertebral relations of the supporting structures of the caudal fin. The dorsal ends of the pectoral girdle are attached to the caudal end of the cranium. The arch is suspended ventrally to support the pectoral fins. The pelvic girdle of the perch is composed of two flat plates of bone on the midventral line free from other skeletal parts. Abdominal Viscera,— Make an incision through the body wall along the midventral line from a point immediately in front of the anus to the region of the lower jaw. Care should be used that the internal organs be not injured by too deep a cut. Make a dorsal incision at the point of origin of the midventral slit. Remove a portion of the body wall of the left side so as to expose the abdominal cavity. Note the glistening membrane, the peritoneum, which lines the cavity and suspends the various visceral organs from the dorsal body walls. A transverse septum forms the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. In front of this septum is the pericardial cavity, lined with a thin membrane, the pericardium. It contains the heart. From the pharynx the alimentary canal continues caudad into the oesophagus. The oesophagus merges into stomach the con- stricted caudal limit of which is the pylorus. Beyond this point the canal is continued as the intestine. In the region of the pylorus there are three finger-like blind pouches arising from the intestine and called pyloric coeca. Note the liver attached by the coronary ligament to the transverse septum. The gall bladder lies on the posterior surface of the liver. The spleen appears as a small dark body between the coils of the intestine. Because of its diffuse nature the pancreas is difficult to find. A descrip- tion of this organ is therefore omitted. In order to view the other viscera to the best advantage it will be necessary to strip off the layers of fat in which they are embedded. The reproductive system consists of a pair of gonads. There is no connection between the testes and the kidneys as is the case in the males of most vertebrates, but the testes as well as the ovaries merely taper down to a tube leading to the urogenital opening. Along the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity extends a large gas-filled sac, the swiyn bladder or air bladder. By slitting the wall of the bladder the extent of this sac can be determined. sriil'IIVIJ-^f \ EUTKHIiMW 117 In some fishes the swim bludder still ni.iiiis cuiiiicctiitii with [\\v l)h;irvn\', from which it arises, hut this comicctiuti is ctitirt'ly lost in the perch. It is a hydrostatic organ ('(jualizinn the weight of the animal and the water it (hsplaces. In life the swim hhulder is tilled with gases. By reducing the volume of gas the fish is able to descend to greater depths; hy increasing the volume it is able to rise easily in the water. Immediately dorsad of the swim bladder and just below the vertebral column are two dark-ct)lored, irregular masses extending cephalad as far as the (esophagus. These are the kidneys. The ureters extend the whole length of the kidneys and pass along the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity to the urogenital papilla. Before reaching the papilla, the two ducts unite and then enlarge to form a urinary bladder located immediately above the caudal end of the gonads. Jvxtend the mid ventral slit caudad on one side of the anus. This will facilitate the study of the caudal portions of the urogenital organs. The Circulatory System, — The heart of bony fishes consists of but a single auricle and ventricle. The ventricle is readily identified as the pale, thick-walled ventral chamber, with the thin-walled, dark-colored auricle overlying its anterior portion. Posterior to the auricle is the sinus venosus. From the ventricle the blood passes cephalad into an enlarged vessel, the bulbits aurtic, and thence into the ventral aorta which divides to form four pairs of afferent branchial arteries. Each of these follows the course along a gill arch to break up into the capillaries of the gill filaments where an exchange of gases takes place. These capillaries unite into efferent branhcial arteries which come together on the middorsal line to form the principal artery of the body, the dorsal aorta. This is the single type of circulation. > A REVIEW OF THE PHYLA, SUBPHYLA, AND CLASSES OF ANIMALS The following study is outlined as a review of the animal groups through the use of a key for their identification. The key is designed to include the forms which are ordinarily used in laboratory studies or which one might ordinarily encounter in general studies. Unlabeled representatives of the major animal groups should be provided in numbered jars. Specimens preserved in alcohol should be dipped in water and kept moist while used for study. After each specimen is identified, write upon a record sheet the name of the group or groups to which the animal is judged to belong. Make these records according to the number borne by the specimen. Key for the Identification of the Larger Groups of Animals A. The body of the organism comprising a single independent cell or many similar and independently functioning cells associated in a colony with little or no differentiation {i.e., without forming tissues); or comprising masses of multinucleate protoplasm; mostly microscopic Phylum Protozoa A A. The body of the organism comprising many cells of different kinds (i.e., forming tissues). B. Body usually forming irregular masses without apparent symmetry but the masses sometimes cylindrical, goblet shaped, or vase shaped, or definitely arboroid; walls rough, bristly, and pierced by numerous pores, one (or more) of which is large and conspicuous Phylum Porifera BB. Body regular in form, walls not pierced by pores and with evidence of a definite symmetry. C. Anus lacking, mouth capable of opening and closing. D. Symmetry radial or biradial, radii not five or multiples thereof. E. Body without rows of ciliated swimming plates; tentacles with batteries of nematocysts (uneven of surface); mouth surrounded by bases of tentacles Phylum Ccelenterata F. Bod}^ vase shaped (tapering toward basal end) with hypo- stome, with stalk or stem for attachment, and usually colonial; or body umbrella shaped, not colonial. G. Body vase shaped; or umbrella shaped with velum about margin of umbrella Class Uydrozoa GG. Body umbrella shaped without velum and with oral arms; margin of umbrella notched Class Sajphozon 118 .1 REVIKW OF Tin-: ASIMAL CROVI'S Il'J FF, Body cyliiidrioiil, without hypostoino, with stomodeum and mesenteries subdividing the Ra-strovascuhir cavity; scsflilc without stalk; single or colonial Class Anlhozoa EE. Body jelly-like in consistency, with eight n)W8 of ciliated swimming plates, tentacles present or absent but without nemaU)cysts Phylum Ctcn^iphora UD. Symmetry bilateral, body depressed ..Phylum I'latyhiiminihcs E. Moutli and digestive system present. F. Without sucking di.scs about moutli or upon other i)arts of the body Class TurbcUaria FF. Sucking discs present Class Trematoda EE. Mouth and digestive system absent, body elongate and divisioned into flat units (Roman girdle-like), one end of body undivisioncd, narrow with terminal enlargement liearing hooks or adhesive cups or both Class Cistoda CC. Anus presejit, mouth provided with accessory parts such as lobes; palps; hooks, special areas or crowns of cilia; chitinous, calcareous, or bony jaws; teeth, etc. D. Skeleton absent or external in location. E. Sj'mmetry radial. Radii usually five or multiple thereof. Surface of body with hard plates and spines or leathery with small calcareous plates Phylum Echinodirmata EE. Symmetry bilateral, sometimes curved or arrangdd in a spiral. F. True metamerism lacking or if the body appears metamcric (annulated) it will bear cilia upon the anterior end. G. Calcareous or horny sliolls ab.sent, or if present they arc tubular or of two valves placed dorsally and ventrally, the ventral valve curved dorsally at narrow end. H. Body wormlike without crown of tentacles on anterior end. I. With eversil)le proboscis which when not everted rests in a sheath above alimentary canal. Proboscis with one or more stylets at end but without hooks Pliylum Nemrrlinea IF. Without evcrsible proboscis. When such a structure is present it is permanently extended and its surface is beset with hooks. Body slender and covered with glistening cuticle. Expanded lips with teeth some- times present Phylum N emathelminthes HII. Body usually not wormlike but if so the anterior end will l)car tentacles. I. With one or more crowns or girdles of cilia borne upon the discoidal or lobed anterior end. Micro- .scopic in size, not colonial . .Phylum Trochrhninthta II. With an oval or horseshoe-shaped lophoi)hore, bear- ing tentacles. Calcareous or horny shells may be pre.sent as tubular ca.ses or as valves dorsal and ventral in position. Those without shells are colonial, the individuals resting in cases, tubes, or 120 LABORATORY STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY upon the surface of gelatinous masses Phylum Molluscoida GG. Calcareous shells present which may be spiral or of two valves lateral in position or segmented and placed on back. If sliell appears to be absent the body is elongate with a "saddle-blanket" patch on the back or the head bears a pair of eyes and long tentacles al)out the mouth each tipped with cuplike adhesive organs Phylum Mollusca FF. True metamerism obvious. G. Without jointed locomotor appendages Phylum Annelida H. Segments bearing parapodia or lateral bristles or both Class Choetopoda HH. Without either parapodia or bristles. I. Tentacles present Class Archianellida II. Adhesive organ at either end of body, tentacles absent Class Hirudinea GG. Jointed locomotor appendages present Phylum Arthropoda H. Antenna; present. I. Antenna; two pairs; gills present. . . .Class Crustacea II. Antenna; one pair. J. Most body segments bearing similar jointed leg- like appendages. Abdomen not differentiated Class Myriapoda JJ. Abdomen differentiated and without locomotor appendages. Thorax with three pairs of walking legs. Usuall}^ two (sometimes one) pairs of wings present Class Insecta HH. Antenna^ absent or apparently so; head and thorax combined, equipped for aerial respiration Class Arachnida DD. Skeleton internal, metamerism obvious in some, subdued in others. Axial skeleton in form of notochord or vertebral column of cartilage or bone or both. Pharynx with gill slits Phylum Chordata E. Locomotor appendages absent. F. Body wormlike with proboscis, collar, and evident gill slits or (in some exotic forms) polyp-like with tentacles at free end. Notochord confined to proboscis Subphylum Hemichorda FF. Body sachke; inhalant and exhalant apertures; with or without peduncle (stalk), single or colonial in habit Sybphyluni Urochorda EE. Locomotor appendages present in form of mesal or paired fins or both, or as legs. F. Notochord serving as axial skeleton, continuous mesal finfold present Subphylum Cephalochorda .1 REVIEW OF TffE AM MM. (HiOVrS 121 \'V. \'(Mt('l)r:il ruliiimi !iiin digits ('Ia.s.s Amphibia II. Digits witii claws, nails, «»r hoof.s. .1. Horny scales or plates or denticles a.s body covoring Class Rcplilia JJ. General body covering not in form of scule.s. K. Feathers present (Jlass Avea KK. Hair present Class Mammalia