UNCLASSIFIED TM No. 327 EE TT Ee DOS Lae ee Pe TS LAGRANGIAN CURRENT MEASUREMENTS IN THE NORTHEAST PROVIDENCE CHANNEL AND THE TONGUE OF THE OCEAN, BAHAMAS 14 February to 6 March 1963 FINAL REPORT UNDERWATER ORDNANCE STATION NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAND | Le : EGAN RI ORT RE TT TE TE | 1% UNCLASSIFIED ONAN April UNCLASSIF TED 0 0301 0043988 1 1965 TMGN OS Ai U. S. NAVAL UNDERWATER ORDNANCE STATION NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAND TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM LAGRANGIAN CURRENT MEASUREMENTS IN THE NORTHEAST PROVIDENCE CHANNEL AND THE TONGUE OF THE OCEAN, BAHAMAS 14 February to 6 March 1963 FINAL REPORT Prepared by: G. S. COOK GapGe =< Technical Director F, B. TUCKER Captain, USN Commanding Officer _WEPTASK Assignment No. - RUTO-3E-000/219 1/SF099-03-02 and - RU22-2E-000/219 1/ROO4-03-01 UNCLASS IF IED TM No. 327 FOREWORD In the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center development program, the Naval Underwater Ordnance Station (NUOS) is responsible for the design, installation, test and evaluation of an underwater weapons tracking range, For greater accuracy, tracking data on test vehicles must be correlated with the oceanographic environment. In cooperation with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, NUOS obtained water current data during February and March 1963 in the Northeast Providence Channel and the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, A preliminary report (TM No. 306 dated September 1963) described the purpose of the cruise, the parachute drogue system employed, and the navigational equipment used in tracking the drogues. TM No. 306 also included the raw data obtained on the cruise. This final report presents an analysis of the data with emphasis on such factors as deep water motion, eddy motion, and current shear. This work was accomplished under BUWEPS Task Assignment No. RUTO-3E-000/219 1/SFO09- 03-02 and ASW Oceanographic Research RU22-2E-000/219 1/ROO4-03-01. TM No, 327 ABSTRACT The U. S. Naval Underwater Ordnance Station (NUOS ) is responsible for the installation of a weapons range in AUTEC (Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center). Since this work requires a knowledge of the environ- mental factors affecting deep water tracking, a program was established to gather water current data in the Northeast Providence Channel and the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas. Measurements were taken during February and March 1963 by tracking a total of 27 parachute drogues placed at various depths (10 to 1500 meters ) along five transects in the areas selected, Over 500 position fixes were taken using a Decca Hi-Fix navi- gation system, Although water motion in the Tongue is of necessity related to water motion in the Northeast Providence Channel, it is not apparent what dynamic regime exists in the Tongue for a given dynamic regime in the channel (and vice versa). This conelusion is based on the complex flow patterns exhibited by deep drogues set along the entrance to the Tongue (eddy motion was observed at depths of 600 and 1500 meters). In other words, if the current structure were well known in the Northeast Providence Channel, it would still be most difficult to predict the current structure in the Tongue of the Ocean. Current speed and vertical current gradients generally decreased in magnitude from the Northeast Providence Channel to the Tongue. There was a net in-channel flow along both transects located in the Northeast Providence.Channel, although outflow could have occurred at depths where no measurements were made. Variability in current speed exhibited by individual drogues indicated a turbulent current structure. The circulation in the Tongue is also turbulent in natures; i.e., there is no well-defined mean motion such as that found in the Gulf Stream. It is, therefore, extremely difficult to predict the current structure over relatively short periods (two or three tidal cycles). Analysis of all current data indicates that it may be necessary to monitor current information on the AUTEC weapons range prior to, during, and after tracking experiments in order that the dynamic oceanographic environment can be correlated with tracking data on the test vehicles. iii T™ No. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Special thanks are due Mr. D. H. Shonting (NUOS) and Mr. J. Bruce of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for sharing the responsibility of this work and offering.many helpful suggestions. Thanks are also due to Mr. Seward Johnson, the owner, and to the captains and crews of the OCEAN PEARL and R/V H. J. W. FAY for their untiring efforts in carry- ing out this work. iv 327 T™ No. 327 CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 RESEARCH VESSELS a CURRENT MEASUREMENT AREAS 2 DROGUE DESIGN AND PAYOUT h NAVIGATION AND TRACKING h DROGUE CURRENT MEASUREMENTS 5 Transect 1 5) Transect 2 f _Transect 3 10 Transect WL Transect 5 13 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 14 CONCLUSIONS 18 RECENT MEASUREMENTS IN AUTEC 19 REFERENCES za APPENDIX A: DROGUE HISTORY AND DATA SHEETS A-1 APPENDIX B: WIND DATA B-1 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table MOANAawW FWNE T™ No. 327 ILLUSTRATIONS Location of Transects and Decca Hi-Fix Transmitting Stations Parachute Drogue Design Drogue Tracks - Transect 1 (Drogues Victor, 2, and 3) Drogue Tracks - Transect 1 (Drogues 4 and 8) Drogue Tracks - Transect 1 (Drogues X-ray, Yankee, and Zebra) Vertical Current Gradient - Transect 1 Drogue Tracks - Transect 2 (Drogues Foxtrot, 3-II, Romeo, & Mike) Drogue Tracks - Transect 2 (Drogues Golf, Tango, 1, and SR) Vertical Current Gradient - Transect 2 Drogue Tracks - Transect 3 (Drogues Romeo II and 3-IIT) Drogue Tracks - Transect 3 (Drogues Tango II and SR-ITI) Vertical Current Gradient - Transect 3 Drogue Tracks - Transect 4 (Drogues Charlie, Yankee TI, and Kilo) Drogue Speed vs Time - Transect } ; Drogue Tracks - Transect 5 (Drogues Papa, Uniform, November and Lima) Vertical Current Gradient - Transect 5 Bottom Current Measurements Drogue Travel Time - Transect 1 Drogue Travel Time - Transect 2 Drogue Travel Time - Transect 3 Drogue Travel Time - Transect } Drogue Travel Time - Transect 5 TABLES Page Drogues, Depths, and Tracking Time 5} Summary of Drogue Data - Transect 1 5 Summary of Drogue Data - Transect 2 8 Summary of Drogue Data - Transect 3 10 Summary of Drogue Data - Transect } 12 Summary of Drogue Data - Transect 5 14 Average Current Speeds by Depth and Transect 16 Summary of Recent Current Measurements in TOTO 20 Vials TM No. 327 INTRODUCTION Since accurate tracking of test vehicles in the AUTEC (Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center ) deep water range depends in part on correlating the effects of the dynamic oceanographic environment with data obtained by the underwater instrumentation, additional information on these environmental factors is required. In addition, the results of past current measurements have been relatively unfruitful, largely because, of inadequate planning and lack of concentrated coverage. To learn more about the currents in the AUTEC area, the Naval Underwater Ordnance Station, in cooperation with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- tion, set and tracked parachute drogues in the Northeast Providence Channel and selected areas of the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas. These measurements were made during the period 14 February to 6 March 1963. A preliminary report (TM No. 306 dated September 1963) described the purpose of the program, the design of the drogue system, and the navigational equipment used in tracking the drogues. An analysis has been made of the raw data presented in TM No. 306. This final report provides at least a partial answer to the following questions: 1. Can the motion of the water in the Northeast Providence Channel be traced to the motion of the water in the Tongue of the Ocean (or vice versa)? 2, What is the mixing length (radius) of the predominant eddies in the Tongue of the Ocean? 3. What is the general magnitude of horizontal and vertical current gradients? 4. To what extent (and on what time scale) do turbulent shears (normal to the bank walls) cause mixing and transport of bank water into the AUTEC region? 5. How is the wind drift pattern related to tidal data? RESEARCH VESSELS Two vessels were used during the program, The OCEAN PEARL, a privately owned ketch capable of speeds up to 9 knots under power, was used by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution under the direction of Mr. John Bruce, WHOL, The H.J.W. FAY, a research vessel capable of speeds up to 18 knots, was used by the Naval Underwater Ordnance Station (on contract from Marine Acoustical Services, Inc., Miami, Florida) under the direction of Mr. G. S. Cook, NUOS. TM No. 327 Both vessels were equipped with Decca navigation radar and standard ship- to-shore transceivers. Decca Hi-Fix receivers were installed on each vessel and used in combination with the radars to track the drogues. Thus, if one system failed, tracking could be continued with the other system alone. With two vessels tracking their respective drogues simultaneously at various distances from each other, it was possible to make synoptic current measurements (using drogues ) for the first time in the area, In addition, the program was not interrupted when one vessel had to return to port. This was important, since quasi-continuous measurements were desirable in order to determine meaningful flow patterns. CURRENT MEASUREMENT AREAS Five areas were selected in the Northeast Providence Channel and the Tongue of the Ocean, and water current measurements were taken along transects in these areas (figure 1). The first transect (Tl) was between Northern Eleuthera (Egg Island) and Great Abaco Island (Hole-in-the-Wall), This transect was selected to define water motion at the entrance to the Northeast Providence Channel. The second transect (T2) was along a line bearing 343°T from Old. Fort Point (New Providence Island) and terminating east of the Berry Islands at the 100 fathom curve. The third transect (T3) extended eastward from the longitudinal axis of the Tongue of the Ocean (broken line in figure 1) to the east bank along latitude 24° o'N, The fourth transect (Ti) was parallel to the west bank of the Tongue about three miles east of Middle Bight on Andros Island. The drogues set along T4 were tracked simultaneously with those set along T3,. The fifth transect (T5) extended westward from the longitudinal axis of the Tongue to the west bank along latitude 24° 15'N. Drogues set along T5 were also tracked simultaneously with the drogues set along T3 (after tracking was completed along T4), A total of 27 drogues were set and tracked along these five transects, and 19 of the surface floats were recovered, The drogues were placed at predetermined depths to provide information on the character and velocity of the water currents throughout the water colum, Tabie 1 shows the number of drogues tracked along each transect, the depth at which each drogue was set, and the total tracking time per drogue. Ubevoullies “al a y) Drogue Identifi- cation Victor Romeo IT 3-ITI Tango II SR-IT Charlie Kilo Yankee IT Papa Uniform November Lima Depth (Meters ) Total Tracking Time (hours ) Drogues, Depths, and Tracking Time Surface Float Recovered Recovered Lost Lost Recovered Recovered Recovered Lost Lost Lost Recovered Recovered Recovered Recovered Lost Recovered Recovered Recovered Recovered Recovered Lost Recovered Recovered Recovered Lost Recovered Recovered T™ No. 327 T™ No. 327 DROGUE DESIGN AND PAYOUT Figure 2 shows the design of the drogue system, All drogues were identical in construction. The parachute drogue presented a drag area of about 45 square meters to the current at depths where measurements were taken. This was in contrast to a drag area of about three square meters where the styro- foam float was exposed to surface water and wind. After the surface float was launched, the specified amount of wire was payed out through an indicating meter wheel while the vessel steamed slowly upwind. When the proper amount of wire was payed out, a cheek clamp was attached to the suspension wire. The parachute and a 50-pound weight were secured to the cheek clamp, and the suspension wire was cut. The weight was then lowered over the side until the parachute shrouds carried the full weight. At this time the weight was released and the parachute was pulled downward by the weight. (The parachute is payed out exactly opposite to payout in the air; i.e., the shrouds are payed out first, the canopy being the last part to enter the water.) In all cases, it was possible to see the parachute open under water, NAVIGATION AND TRACKING The positions of the surface floats relative to known landmarks were determined with a Decca Hi-Fix System (Decca Navigator Company, Ltd. London), and an auxiliary fix was taken with navigation radar. The Decca Hi-Fix is a high precision, lightweight. electronic position- fixing system, intended primarily for use at short ranges. The system is designed for hydrographic, geophysical, andoobher surveys in which an accuracy of less than one meter is required, and which demand the use of an electronic surveying system that is readily portable, simple to operate, and quick to install. Decca Hi-Fix receivers were temporarily installed on both vessels, and were used independently but in conjunction with the radars. The H.J.W. FAY was equipped with a Decca 404 navigation radar, which is specified to have a frequency of 9320-9480 me/sec and a display discrimina- tion of 20 yards. Range scales in nautical miles are 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48. On shorter range scales, the range ring accuracy is 1 1/2 percent of the maximum of the range used or 75 yards, whichever is the greater, The variable range marker accuracy is better than 1 percent of the range ring accuracy, The bearing resolution is 41°, The OCEAN PEARL was equipped with a Decca 303 navigation radar, which has characteristics similar to the Decca 4o4, The ranges most used were 6, 12, and 24 nautical miles. The Decca Hi-Fix "net" in the Tongue of the Ocean, shown on figure 1, consists of three land-based transmitting stations (two slave stations in conjunction with the common master station), Typical operating distances TM No. 327 between Hi-Fix transmitters and receivers are 5 - 35 miles, However, the receiver can be used close to the transmitting station without loss of accuracy; or at a maximum offshore range of about 100 miles, if the radiated power from the transmitting station is increased, The radiated power of the transmitting stations in the Tongue of the Ocean is sufficient to ensure a working range which is normally in excess of 50 miles over sea water. During this program, the Hi-Fix system was used at a maximum distance of about 110 nautical miles (Tl in figure iL) from the farthest slave station with fair reliability. From a nomogram it was calculated that the lane width along transect 1 was from 1700 to 1900 meters. Since the receivers were capable of reading to 1/100 of a lane, this provided an accuracy in the order of 17 - 19 meters. A series of Decca transformation charts were available for the Tongue of the Ocean area to plot the positions of the drogue floats between 23° 50° and 24° 50' north latitude, Although there was no chart coverage for the transect in the Northeast Providence Channel, the Naval Oceanographic Office has a computer program for converting Decca coordinates to latitude and longitude, and this was used to plot the positions of the floats in these areas, In general, the Decca Hi-Fix system, backed up by radar, was quite adequate for tracking the drogues, and the position fixes obtained were satis- factory. DROGUE CURRENT MEASUREMENTS Transect 1 Hight drogues were set at various depths and tracked along transect 1 (Tl in figure 1) The drogue history and data sheets are included in appendix A, Table 2 is a summary of the drogue data obtained along Tl. Table 2. Summary of Drogue Data - Transect 1 Range of Avefage |. Total Mean Depth Speeds Speed. * Travel Time Direction (meters ) (cm/sec) (em 65ntt= Set 108.6-5.7 * 988 ,8-38.1 eg, *Questionable values TM No, 327 During the first 36 hours of tracking, drogue Victor (10 meters ) traversed a cyclonic path (radius about 7 kilometers), then coursed generally southward during the remainder of the tracking time. Two drogues were set at 200 meters, drogue 2 to the north and drogue 3 to the south of drogue Victor, They exhibited a general southward motion somewhat comparable to that of drogue Victor, (See figure 3.) Drogue 2 exhibited a remarkably high speed during the second 12-hour period. This was probably due to a temporary loss of signal by the Decca receiver. Two drogues were set at 600 meters, drogue 8 to the north and drogue 4 to the south of drogue Victor. The motions of the drogues were quite different from each other. Drogue 4 moved northward during the first 12 hours of tracking, then moved abruptly toward the west during the last 14 hours of tracking. Drogue 8 was set before drogue 4. During the first 12 hours of tracking, drogue 8 moved northward, then abruptly reversed its track and moved southward during the remaining tracking time, Thus, over the same time inter- val, the two 600 meter drogues were moving in opposite directions. (See figure Three drogues were set at 1500 meters (southern part of the channel). Drogues X-ray and Yankee showed a net southerly motion,while drogue Zebra showed a net easterly or out-channel motion, This difference in direction by drogue Zebra appears to be a boundary effect caused by the proximity of the banks. (See figure 5.) The motion of nearly all the drogues along Tl indicated a net flow into the Northeast Providence Channel at all depths. The only excéption was drogue Zebra (1500 meters), which had an average speed of 8.2 cm/sec toward O74°T. If the Northeast Providence Channel is arbitrarily divided into two equal parts by a line parallel to the long axis of the channel (figure Lb), it. will be noted that the drogues in the northern part of the channel had higher ranges of speed, and thus higher average speeds, than the drogues in the southern part of the channel, In either case, current speed generally decreased with increasing depth. The direction of six of the eight drogues (between 163°T and 208°T) was toward the bank between New Providence Island and Northern Eleuthera. This bank forms the southern boundary of the channel, The motion of the drogues indicates that the flow between the Northeast Providence Channel (TL) and an area closer to the Tongue (T2) is not simple, and that it may be a complex system of eddies resulting from the bounding bank acting asya barrier to the flow. Some of the position fixes taken close together in time appeared to be in error, resulting in extremely high current speeds, especially for drogues 2 and 8 located in the northern part of the Northeast Providence Channel, (See TMENO Sms Zi data sheets in appendix AJ) One probable source of error is that the receivers were used 110 nautical miles from the transmitting sites, resulting in a loss of signal strength (reference 1). In addition, a storm from the northeast with winds of 30 miles per hour interrupted tracking. (See appendix B for wind data.) The drag on the surface float due to the wind was probably sufficient to bias the drogue data, Some current data (6 days) were obtained 40 nautical miles east of Abaco (26°06'N and 76°19'W) during late October 1962 with a Richardson-type array (by J. Hirshman, Alpine Geophysical Associates, Norwood, Neue Data were taken at depths of 550, 610, 915, 1220, and 2740 meters. Briefly, these data indicated that currents at 550 and 610 meters were tidal in nature, with speeds ranging from 2.5 cm/sec to 20 cm/sec. The net direction was toward the south- west. At 915 and 1220 meters the currents were still indicative of tidal motion, but this was not as definitive as at 550 and 610 meters, Current speeds were generally greater at 915 meters with a flow of from 10 to 30 cm/sec toward the south and southeast. At 1220 meters the current was steady between 15 and 20 cm/sec toward the south and southwest. At 2740 meters the current was steady at 15 cm/sec, No directions were reported at this depth. If a steady state current regime exists east of Abaco (there is little data to support this one way or another ), then it is reasonable to assume that currents in this area can affect water motion in the Northeast Providence Channel and thus in the Tongue itself. Vertical current gradients were computed from data presented in table 2. This was accomplished by computing a velocity component parallel to the long axis of the Northeast Providence Channel from the average current velocity presented in table 2, The bearing of the long axis of the channel is 0°T- 230r Ls The velocity components for the northern and southern halves of the channel are plotted against depth in figure 6. The values for the vertical current gradient are shown on the figure. The vertical current gradients were generally greater in the northern half (drogues 2, 8, and X-ray) than in the southern half (drogues 3, 4 and Zebra) of the channel. It is important to note that at nearly all depths sampled, there was a definite imchannel (in TOTO) flow of water. The one exception was the out-channel flow at 1500 meters in the southern part of the channel, Negative gradients were shown from 200 to 1500 meters over the southern part of the channel and from 200 to 1500 meters over the northern portion, with a maximum of -6.6 cm/sec per 100 meters. Transect 2 Hight drogues were set at various depths and tracked along transect 2 (T2 in figure 1). -The drogue history and data sheets are included in T™ No, 327 appendix A. Table 3 is a summary of the drogue data obtained along T2. The depths at which drogues were tracked were the same as the depths along Tl. Table 3. Summary of Drogue Data - Transect 2 Range of | Average Total Depth Speeds Speed Travel ‘Time Drogue (meters) (cm ) ( (hours ) Foxtrot { 3-11 Current speeds along T2 were generally less than those obtained along Tl. Directional motion was also markedly different. Motion at 10 and 200 meters was southwesterly (into the Tongue), and the drogue tracks indicate uniformity with respect to speed and direction (figure Tilo Drogue Foxtrot (10 meters), however, did not conform with the others. Position fixes indicated that the Decca receiver was not operating properly. The tracks of drogue 3-II (10 meters), and of Mike and Romeo (both 200 meters) indicated a displacement (in the form of a hump) toward the north from a relatively uniform path (figure 7). This displacement occurred on all three drogues at the same time. The displacement began on 22 February at 0500 hours and continued until 0200 hours on 23 February. This motion did not appear to be tidal in nature, but fixes on the individual drogues were too far apart in time to substantiate this. Motion at 10 and 200 meters was uniform and toward the Tongue, as was the case with the 10 and 200 meter drogues along Tl, The water motion at these depths is probably due to a combination of flow through the Northeast and Northwest Providence Channels. (The sill depth fn the Northwest Providence Channel is approximately 660 meters [reference 2]; therefore, there can be no contribution of flow from the Northwest Providence Channel at depths greater than about 660 meters in both the Tongue and the Northeast Providence Channel. ) T™ No. 327 The flow at T2 is related in a complex manner to the flow at Tl, which acquires its energy from the Sargasso Sea, It is not apparent from the data how the flows in these different areas are related. The water motion at 600 and 1500 meters was not as well defined as the motion at the shallower depths, and average speeds were less than those at 10 and 200 meters, Drogue 1 (1500 meters) was launched in the northern part of the channel and moved 5.0 kilometers toward 22°T (following the bank contours). Drogue SR (1500 meters) was launched in the southern part of the channel and moved eyclonically toward 345°T, with a mean displacement of 20.9 kilometers. Drogue Golf (600 meters) was. launched in the northern part of the channel and moved cyclonically with a mean displacement of 21,4 kilometers toward 175°T. Drogue Tango (600 meters) was launched in the southern part of the channel and had a mean displacement of 3.3 kilometers toward 092°T. (See figure 8.) The motion of the 600 meter and 1500 meter drogues is quite complicated, exhibiting two scales of eddy motion at 600 meters and one scale of eddy motion at 1500 meters. At 600 meters the radii of the eddies are 13 kilometers for drogue Golf and 3 kilometers for drogue Tango. At 1500 meters the track of drogue SR had a radius of 13 kilometers. For an average speed of 8 cm/sec the inertia circle had a radius of 12.8 kilometers at 25°20'N. However, since drogues.1,(1500)meters) and Tango (600 meters) did not conform to the: motion of drogues SR (1500 meters) and Golf (600 meters), the presence of an eddy system could not be definitely established. Some inaccuracy was expected (as dong Tl) in obtaining fixe Sy. SMe Cmune Decca receivers were being used close to the baseline in the northern part of the channel. The erratic nature of fixes for drogue Foxtrot (10 meters) confirmed this. Vertical current gradients were computed from the data obtained along Te, using the same method as with the data from Tl. Transect 2 was also divided into a northern section (drogues Foxtrot, Mike, Golf, and 1) and a southern section (drogues 3-II, Romeo, Tango, and SR). Drogues along the northern part of the transect indicated a net motion toward the Tongue, with the greatest vertical gradient between 10 and 200 meters (figure 9). This gradient is very doubtful, due to the erratic position fixes on drogue Foxtrot. Drogues along the southern part of T2 indicated a net motion into the Tongue at 10 and 200 meters, but at 600 and 1500 meters the net flow was out of the Tongue. T™ No. 327 It is difficult to infer just how representative the gradients are between 600 and 1500 meters, due to the eddy motion indicated in the drogue tracks (figure 8). Motion at 10 and 200 meters was much more uniform with regard to direction. Transect 3 Four drogues were set at various depths and tracked along transect 3 (T3 in figure 1). The drogue history and data sheets are included in appendix A. Table 4 is a summary of the drogue data obtained along T3. Table 4. Summary of Drogue Data - Transect 3 Range of Average Depth Speeds Speed Drogue (meters ) (cm/sec) (cm/sec) (hours ) (ae) 29.5-346 = a5 | 36 Current speeds were less along T3 than along Te. Total Mean Track Time Direction Drogue Romeo II (200 meters) was launched in the eastern part of the Tongue. The drogue moved southward during the first 24 hours, executed an anticyclonic loop (diameter of 1.1 kilometer ) and moved northward along the 1100 meter isobath for a 48-hour period, then moved northwesterly toward the central part of the Tongue. (See figure 10.) The average speed of drogue Romeo II while moving southward was 19.5 em/sec, and the average speed along the northward displacement was 10.8 cm/sec. Drogue 3-III (500 meters), which was launched approximately two hours after Romeo II, moved southward during the first 11 hours of tracking; then moved anticyclonically toward the north (along the long axis of the Tongue) parallel but to the west of Romeo II (figure 10). The average speed of 3-III moving eouanveed was 9.3 cm/sec, and the averagespeed while moving northward was 8.8 em/sec, The motions of drogues Romeo II (200 meters) and 3-IITI (500 meters) were the first definite indication of a net flow of water out of the Tongue. There was one drogue (Zebra) on transect 1 and two drogues (Tango and SR) on 10 T™ No. 327 transect 2 which indicated a net flow out of the channel, but their motions were so erratic that one fix plus or minus the last fix on the surface float could have appreciably altered the value found for the resultant net motion (eddy motion), This is not to imply that there is no outflow from the Tongue ; it simply means that for depths at which currents were measured, there was no definitive outflow from the Tongue at transects 1 and 2, Certainly, if there is a flow of water into the Tongue, there must be an outflow at some depth (possibly a depth at which no current measurements were taken), Two drogues, Tango II and SR-II, were set at 1000 meters in the eastern and western parts of the Tongue, respectively. Both drogues indicated a net flow into the Tongue.(See figure 11:) Drogue SR-II followed the 1600-meter isobath, whereas drogue Tango-II showed a very erratic course with a net motion toward the southwest. The average speed for both drogues was nearly the same, (See table 4.) Current measurements taken the previous year (reference 3) in approx- imately the same area indicated a net northerly motion at 50 and 200 meters, but a net southerly motion at 500 meters. The 50 meter drogue track was remarkably similar to that of drogues Romeo II and 3-III; i.e., the drogue coursed southward during the first 11 hours of tracking, gradually veered to the east, then moved northward during the remaining tracking period. Transects 3 and 4 were run simultaneously, and both T3 and Th were run during a portion of transect 5. Vertical current gradients were computed the same as before, except that the bearing of the longitudinal axis of the Tongue (340°T-160°T) was used in place of the axis of the Northeast Providence Channel. Drogues set along T3 were located in the eastern half of the Tongue, with the exception of drogue SR-II (1000 meters), which was located in the western part of the Tongue. Figure 12 is a diagram of the current gradients for transect 3. There was a net flow of water out of the Tongue at 200 and 500 meters, and a net flow of water into the Tongue at 1000 meters. This was indicated by both 1000 meter drogues. Negative gradients were shown from 200 to 1000 meters. Transect 4 A series of special drogue measurements was made 4-5 kilometers east of Middle Bight in an attempt to learn more about the character of the surface currents and how closely these currents are related to the tidal motion on the banks. Of particular interest was the degree of mixing of bank water with Tongue water, Table 5 is a summary of drogue data obtained along ae aa T™ No. 327 Table 5. Summary of Drogue Data - Transect 4 Range of Average Total Depth Travel Time Drogue (meters ) ( ( Direction cue ie 5.9:09.8 | The study consisted of placing three surface (10 meter) drogues along an approximate northwest-to-southeast line and about 2 kilometers apart. The drogues were tracked for about 30 hours, with position fixes taken at intervals as short as ten minutes, The accuracy of the Decca Hi-Fix system in this area was of the order of a few meters, allowing very precise tracking. These particular measurements were planned and conducted separately by D. H. Shonting of NUOS in support of the overall study. A detailed analysis is being made of these data,and results will be reported under separate cover at a later time. Only the salient features of the drogue motion are discussed here. The track plots of the three drogues are presented in figure 13. Data sheets and the drogue history are included in appendix A. Drogue Kilo was tracked from 1146 on 28 February to 1033 on 3 March,with a temporary postponement of tracking from 1245 on 1 March to 0812 on 2 March due to high winds. During the first six hours of tracking (1146 to 1824 on 28 February) Kilo moved north-northwest at an average speed of 17.1 cm/sec. During the second six hours Kilo moved west then south at an average speed of 6.8 em/sec. During the next 12 hours Kilo moved southward at an average speed of 10.5 em/sec, after which the tracking was delayed due to high winds. The following day Kilo was located to the southeast of the initial starting point (see figure 13), and at 1230 on 2 March Kilo was east of the position fix taken at 1241 on 28 February. Kilo then moved north-northwest and later northwest for the remaining time at an average speed of 12.6 cm/sec. The remarkable feature of the cyclonic motion exhibited by drogue Kilo is the apparent symmetry, which is indicated by the fact that after 48 hours Kilo had nearly returned to the same position at which it was launched. It is of further interest to note the similarity between the drogue track from 1146 to 1824 on 28 Feb and that from 0812 to 1628 on 2 March. ae TM No. 327 The motion of drogue Yankee II during the first seven hours of tracking was generally toward the north at an average speed of 24.8 cm/sec. Yankee II then veered to the west, exhibiting a sawtooth pattern during the next 7-8 hours with an average speed of 8.6 cm/sec, These curious fluctuations were probably real, since the accuracy of the Decca Hi-Fix was considered less than the amplitude of the sawtooth fluctuations. During the remaining period of tracking, Yankee II moved toward the west-southwest at an average speed of 10.9 cm/sec. Drogue Charlie moved north-northwest during the first seven hours of tracking at an average speed of 25.5 cm/sec, then gradually veered to the west. During the period from 2038 to 2301 on 28 February (when the drogue was turning to westward), the speed decreased from 16.8 to 10.0 cm/sec. The average speed during the remaining tracking time was 8.9 cm/sec, After the delay in tracking,drogue Charlie (like drogue Kilo) was located at nearly the same position it was in some 48 hours earlier, (See figure 13.) Note also the similarity of track plots for drogues Charlie and Yankee II. In general, the three drogues showed remarkable similarity with respect to direction, but less so with respect to speed, Figure 14 shows the average speed of the three drogues over the same time interval, There was an increasing horizontal current (speed ) gradient from drogue Kilo to drogue Charlie, and throughout each individual drogue track there was considerable variability with respect to speeds, However, there appear to be three distinct forms of motion over particular time intervals (indicated by the drogue tracks) during which the speeds were relatively uniform. Note also the apparent 12- hour periodicity in the speed and the phase difference for the three drogues (figure 13). The subsequent: detailed: analysis of these data should shed some light on the turbulent mixing and transport of bank water in the AUTEC area. Transect 5 Four drogues were set at various depths and tracked along transect 5 (T5 in figure 1). The drogue history and data sheets are included in appendix A. Table 6 is a summary of the drogue data obtained along T5. 13 T™ No. 327 Table 6. Summary of Drogue Data - Transect 5 Range of Average Total Mean Depth Speeds Speed Travel Time Direction Drogue meters em/sec | (cm/sec) hours ) Om) a ee Pee = “erem | peas Beets | ae ene ; ¥* | ovesner | r000 | wo.e-72 | ak | epte Per “Doubtful valu Along transect 5 all drogues indicated a net northerly flow of water out of the Tongue (figure 15)- Drogue Papa (200 meters) showed an abrupt westward displacement during the last 36 hours of tracking. This was probably due to rather strong winds blowing from the east, which interrupted tracking for a day. The same displacement was noted on drogue Uniform (500 meters), but was less apparent on drogues November (1000 meters) and Lima (1400 meters). Average speeds were generally higher along T5 than along T3 (Compare tables 4 and 6.) Drogue current observations taken the previous year (February 1962) indi- cated a northerly set at 200 meters with an average speed of 7 em/sec (reference 3, p- A-25). At 500 meters the drogue moved cyclonically, with a net motion toward the west-southwest at an average speed of 6 cm/sec. The motions of drogues November, SR-II, and Tango II (all set at 10Mmeters) relative to each other were quite different. (See tables 4 and 6 and the drogue tracks.) In fact, drogues SR-II and November converged, with November moving more than three times as fast. The explanation for this is not known. The parachute had not parted from the drogue, as a tension was noted on both drogues upon retrieval. Vertical current gradients for T5 are shown in figure 16. Note the negative gradient between 1000 meters and 1400 meters. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Current speeds at all depths were generally higher along T1 than along Te. The directional motion at 10 and 200 meters was much more uniform along T2 than along Tl. In practically all cases, except those previously noted, there was a net in-channel flow. The flow at Tl was apparently related to the flow at T2, but in a complex manner due to the effects of the bounding banks. Any influence from the Northwest Providence Channel was not readily apparent from the data; however, since the sill depth of this channel (refer- ence 2)°is about 660 meters, it will have little if any effect on the water below 660 meters in the Tongue or in the Northeast Providence Channel. 14 TM No. 327 Vertical current gradients were generally greater at Tl than along T2. A net out-channel flow below 1000 meters was noted in the southern part of the Northeast Providence Channel. Similarly, an out-channel flow was noted between 600 and 1500 meters along the southern portion of Te. Drogues set along T3 gave the first clear indication of flow out of the Tongue. At 200 and 500 meters the flow was northerly out of the Tongue, whereas at 1000 meters the flow was southerly into the Tongue. In February 1962 a series of drogue (reference 3) data measurements were made in the area of T3. In brief, these data indicated a northerly flow at 50 and 200 meters and a southerly flow at 500 meters, with average speeds of 7.6, 4.1, and 7.5 cm/sec, respectively. Vertical current gradients were quite small along T3 compared with those found along Tl and T2. There was also a flowd water into the Tongue at 200 and 500 meters and an outflow at 1000 meters. The shallow drogues set along transect 4 indicated that the surface currents are related to some extent to tidal motion. However, mixing of the bank water with Tongue water was not readily apparent. A detailed analysis of the data should shed more light on this subject. Along T5 the flow of water was northerly or out the Tongue at all depths measured. A storm from theeeast interrupted tracking for a day. The effect of the wind on the surface floats was shown in the sharp westward displacement in the drogue tracks of Papa and Uniform. Vertical gradients were generally greater at T5 (western part of the Tongue) than at T3 (eastern part). There was a positive gradient between 500 and 1000 meters at T5. There was practically no eddy motion observed along Tl except for the “first 36 hours of tracking drogue Victor (10 meters). This motion (figure 3) was probably due to a combination of the winds and tides. Eddy motion was particularly noticeable along T2 at depths of 600 meters and 1500 meters. The sense of rotation of these eddies was opposite to that expected, if the flow patterns at Tl were representative of actual condi- tions. Moreover, if water entering the Northeast Providence Channel courses southward (as indicated in figures 3, 4, 5), then an anticyclonic eddy would be expected at T2, due to the effect of the bounding bank, rather than the cyclonic eddies shown in figures 7 and 8. Eddy motion was not observed at T3, but a marked reversal in current direction was noted at 200 meters and 500 meters. At 1000 meters, the net flow was southerly. a) T No. 327 The net flow along T5 was northerly with no indication of eddy motion. Table 7 is a summary of current speed by depth for all transects. Table 7. Average Current Speeds by Depth and Transect CURRENT SPEED (cm/sec ; NOTE: Each value presented represents the average speed of one drogue. *Questionable value i The average current speeds presented in table 7 are representative values for the given areas and depths. In particular, the average sur- face current velocities at Tl are considered to be quite accurate, al- though there are fluctuations in the velocities over periods of time much less than that of the total tracking time (see appendix A-T4). These fluctuations are real and are informative for operations taking place in the weapons range area. 16 TM No. 327 Average subsurface currents are less accurate than the surface current measurements, and may be accurate to within 15 percent of the surface current. Maximum or peak current speeds presented in the tables are at best only a first approximation to the actual current, with the ex- ception of the surface current measurements at T5. Precise measurements of peak current speeds, especially near the bottom, can best be made using the self-recording Richardson-type current meter. Apparently, two separate dynamic regimes exist -- the Northeast Providence Channel area, which in itself is quite complex, and the Tongue of the Ocean. Both areas are turbulent in nature. They are related to the extent that the energy required for driving the circulation in the Tongue can come only from the Sargasso Sea via the Northeast Providence Channel, and from the Florida Straits via the Northwest Providence Channel (sill depth of 660 meters). Assuming that the current structure in the Northeast Providence Channel were known, it would still be most difficult to predict the current structure in the Tongue of the Ocean. This is due to the effect of the physiographic structure of the channel and Tongue on the water motion. Although wind data taken during the cruise are not complete and in many cases were estimated, the wind effect on the surface floats was apparently considerable at certain previously noted times (see appendix B). Persistent northeast winds may explain in part the fact that nearly all drogues moved southerly into the channel along Tl. Wind effects were also quite noticeable on the surface floats of the drogues along T3 and T5 during the latter period of tracking. 101 ih pe ey nN h ay ve ea hi i t ‘ « 1 7 od i i 2 mm! ; : i) es On o th v f fl = r rl a i : ie i r a ‘han, i - iy ar pemett ' f vy — 1, mat i i 7 Da - z ee tree = eS : . ' i - x =H i ‘ i) * : a = ty a ith Dotan 7 ‘ ry ae ye o Henin T No. 327 CONCLUSIONS Based on the data presented herein, the following conclusions are drawn with respect to the five questions posed at the beginning of this report. 1. Although the water motinn in the Northeast Providence Channel is of necessity related to the water motion in the Tongue, it is not apparent what dynamic regime exists in the Tongue for a given dynamic regime in the Northeast Providence Channel (or vice versa). The complex flow patterns exhibited by the deep drogues at T2 support this. In other words, if the current structure were well known in the Northeast Providence Channel area, it would still be most difficult to predict the current structure in the Tongue. 2. The only eddy motion observed was found along T2 at depths of 600 and 1500 meters. The two eddies at 600 meters had radii of 3 and 13 kilometers;. the eddy at 1500 meters had a radius of 13 kilometers. Although eddy motion was not observed at the other transects, it may occur from time to time in either the Northeast Providence Channel area or the Tongue of the Ocean. ‘The duration of theeddies would depend on the differential force coupling between the two areas. 3. Vertical current gradients generally decreased in magnitude from the Northeast Providence Channel to the Tongue of the Ocean. The maximum positive (increase with depth) and maximum negative (decrease with depth) gradients were found at Tl, whereas the minimum positive and negative gradients were found BLODs T2. Vertical current gradients in the Tongue varied from $0-( to -2.1 cm/sec per 100 meters. Although vertical gradients may be stronger or weaker from time to time, especially in the upper 500 meters, these are probably representative values of the mean. hk. Conclusions regardi with Tongue water in the surface lay report. ing tidal motion and the mixing of bank water er will be discussed in a subsequent 5. Relatively little tidal data has been gathered in the Tongue, precluding any accurate analysis of wind drift of the surface water in relation to tidal data. In addition to the above comments pertaining to the aforementioned questions, the following conclusions have been reached. Current speeds generally decrease in magnitude from the Northeast Providence Channel ta the Tongue of the Ocean. The net in-channel flow observed along the first two transects is probably not a steady state phenomenon, although outflow could have occurred at depths at which no measurements were made. 16 TM No. 327 Variability in current velocity exhibited by individual drogues is indicative of a turbulent current structure. The circulation in the Tongue of the Ocean is turbulent in nature; that is, there is no well-defined mean motion such as one finds in the Gulf Stream. It is, therefore, extremely difficult to predict the current structure over relatively short periods (two or three tidal cycles). . On the basis of the above conclusions, it may! be necessary to monitor current information on the AUTEC Weapons Range prior to, during, and after tracking experiments in order that the dynamic oceanographic environment can be correlated with tracking of the test vehicles. However, better measure- ments are needed before a definite conclusion is made. RECENT MEASUREMENTS IN AUTEC Since the AUTEC Weapons Range will depend on a bottom-mounted system which must be compatible with the oceanic environment, bottom current informa- tion is necessary in order to facilitate the engineering design for the bottom-mounted system. To this end bottom current measurements were made over a two-week period during March 1964. The measurements were made by NAVOCEANO at the request of NAV UNDERWATER ORDSTA, using self-recording Richardson-type current meters. Measurements were made at 2, 3, and 10 meters above the bottom and at a number of other depths. Measurements were concentrated in the launch area, re-entry area, and along a line connecting the centers of these two areas. (See figure 17.) Data were recorded on 16mm film in a gray binary code. The film is being machine read for subsequent analysis. Table 8 is a summary of recent current measurements and is included in order to detail each array. Use table 8 with figure 17. 19 T™ NO, 327 Table 8. Summary of Recent Current Measurements in TOTO Array Station Location , 2h'25.5'N 1920 on Array lost. Retrieved mine TT 33.0'W 3/13/64 case and Braincon buoy. 1051 on 1620 on Mine case imploded. 3/14/64 3/21/64 . 1406 on 1750 on ; 3/14/64 3/16/64 1750 on 0215 on : 6 Array retrieved - 24°23.9'N 3/14/64 3/17/64 . and 77°29.2'W. 2305 on 0555 on 3/16/64 3/19/64 24°20.9'N 1505.5 0845 on F Array lost. Retrieved mine TT 31.4'W 3/17/64 0 case and Braincon buoy. 24°01.8'N 1120 on 1335 on 6 Array retrieved - 23°59.8'N TT 2k.2'W 3/19/64 3/21/64 0 and 77°25.0'W A 24°25, 0120 on 1455 on Modified é 3/22/64 3/30/64 B 2 2050 on 0557 on Modified 3/21/64 | 3/30/64 ¢ D 24°23.2'N 0229 on 0625 on 6 0 Two meters lost during re- Modified TT 31.8'W 3/22/64. 3/2k/64. 6 trieval. D, 1100 on 1245 on Z Modified °30. 3/24/64 3/26/64 6 Ds 1653 on 1053 on Modified a 3/26/64 | 3/30/64 A 24°25.5'N 1845 on 1455 on TT°33-3'W 3/30/64 | 4/15/64 2053 on Array lost. Retrieved mine 3/30/64 case and Braincon buoy. 20 TM No. 327 REFERENCES NUOS Technical Memorandum No. 306, “Lagrangian Current Measure- ments in the Northeast Providence Channel and the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, 14 February to 6 March 1963¢ Preliminary Report," G. S. Cook, September 1963. ; NUOS Technical Memorandum No. 289, “Review of the Oceanographic Environment of the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, Part I: Pre- liminary Discussion,” D. H. Shonting, May 1963. NUOS Technical Memorandum No. 290, “Review of the Oceanographic Environment of the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas. Part II: Survey and Analysis of Ocean Current Data," G. S. Cook, October 1963. 21 TM No. 327 1520 The current ouracde thene resfs runt to the NW or SE generolly with considerable atrengm W chonges direction rapidly and irs mosimurs ro7 lt aatimated of about knots This port ia vary shoo! wiel ory eond heres > STATIONS \ AS nom | ~ 3 2) 2 2 Path 5 2) “Pigeaa Cay reaherwomens Cur OS 0 Narrow ridges cf scm urrioane 0h decp weter berween 3 \ Sond fIars gradvally decreasing in Flats WE pray bh teers cas Location of Transects and Decca Hi-Fix Transmitting Stations Figure 1 ™ No. 327 BLINKING LIGHT RADAR REFLECTOR 2 INTERNATIONAL ORANGE SIGNAL FLAG | “Ap SIGNAL FLAG (FOR |.D.) BAMBOO POLE x (15 FT.) HOSE CLAMPS my, ALUMINUM POLE (20FT.) h_— BATTERY 6 THREAD lina ina ), STAINLESS WIRE {-) IN.) | SIN. MARINE PLYWOOD awl eae —ER ST ~ STYROFOAM 8 FT. } (2FT. X 3FT. X IFT.) bi 50 LB. BALLAST WEIGHT | (0.058 IN. DOUBLE * GALVANIZED) PARACHUTE (28 FT. DIAMETER) NS ——_ ‘i 5 FT. L-— 50 LB. WEIGHT Parachute Drogue Design FIGURE 2 ri es, T™ Nos 32% is Sees Soue sees sous sees Sees seed sous see Sans sees sess scessens snes saeesessacucsscesaes: 2540 B10 cS oP gy «ss 2271 an Fe iss1040 Po 2200 2151 DROGUE 350 ) 10 VICTOR a7 4.0 yanbetoboatin |, , 20 e Nise 950 Vy) / Ks 1765 RAS “14, 30 | 1G 0 Naastvorlcntiserl 1192 oo i NE iO MeO ee x VICTOR 14/1755 SLA HOV Le OMe Mn, 72 “14752 tae AON eee uy 15/2109 1932 1637 VAR 9°45’ W (1953) + DROGUE 3 (200 m) 1527 NEARLY STATIONARY / Jor / SMa bon, 4 (ia) ost 199 '6IZ 56 180 | Pein sapere perp ane \ 3 wi Current Ric j peeatly FI Bissec 41ft 7M } 60! 7 \g6°T «1570 7758 20° Drogue Tracks - Transect 1 (Drogues Victor, 2, and 3) Figure 3 TM No. 327 Hole in F the Wall “5 yo WON 230 4 309 mn feat as H g 2222 \765 ft DROGUE 4 H (600 m) H| H Wee Ue) 1345 H HT ny 1932 1637 Hy *° 15/2044 H (5/1659 H rt 1758 H| 15/1257” ~ _ 4 15/1240 1328 ; ty 103! q NEARLY STATIONAR 32 + —j—_—__ | | | 1600 +7 Vinrdos ee Tea thn hoyle / “Papasan Pharrent Set] | izet 1M H ost /} f ot HG | ig " | i Ree | = area Tn ce 180 \70 1570 : / Ve \98°T 1731 20 479 1036 ac) A Veer eons soso anne see mane sese naan ssesnnnssnernnarsseesenesecsnccrsestsesesssenesee 10 17° Drogue Tracks - Transect 1 (Drogues 4 and 8) Figure 4 TM No. 327 jarque. 1610 4 1704 0 10 \notwliotund,, 20 950 1, ,/ A af 0 \anduchetitss oped AiO hg MAGNETIC VAR 0°45’ W (1953) Be e vi ; H GREAT (fo, ° 26 Hole in the Wall 5 yo) Is SINT Abaco Fl 10sec 172ft 19M io 9 1564 120 DROGUE X-RAY 3o (1500 m) NEARLY STATIONARY 1380 / 7 15/0047 775 DROGUE YANKEE (1500 m) 15/2007, S\isv1332 15/0323 & ae mee 15/2235 (17 4+") %, / / Yingdos ee Cine viel FT Hci ost Secacesseccasesesssssns==' XN rr Cut Wry 1528 \s éf Sy Lorin, aye'\ fo) 20g Uf rerpaiap nyu! \o } 2 199 70 1S70 fa 2 a ‘Current | Island H 1 H 1731 | 2k 20 }H79 1036 1430 li 4 H 24 fs Seeeseenseesseenseseneassssesssesesesccese Seccsssesseescsssesns| 1345 Current SEQ Fizft 1M Drogue Tracks - Transect 1 (Drogues X-ray, Yankee, and Zebra) Figure 5 TM No. 327 VERTICAL CURRENT GRADIENT TRANSECT | IN TOTO OUT TOTO << 230° T SPEED (cm/sec) ber ad 050° T 70 60 50 40 30 20 #110 (@) 10 20 30 pen VICTOR 10 77 \=17em/sec/100m Pe 4 _ “#187 cm/sec/l00m\ % 3 ss OO -2.2 cm/sec/lIOOm -6.6 cm/sec/lIOOm iw) m a) 4 =x 600 = m + m D 7) F -2.3cm/sec/lOOm 1.7 cm/sec/|0Om e ZEBRA 1500 YANKEE Vertical Current Gradient = Transect 1 Figure 6 T™ No. 327 40’ Ae" i890 1379 {" 1409 are -|4 Wj E 248 0 H 1070 U i B | 1361 ’ 308 os Gated i & 1332 k a2 i 186 1230 ws so \o07 hig vey 36) 393,201 77° 20° Drogue Tracks - Transect 2 (Drogues Foxtrot, 3-1], Romeo and Mike) Figure 7 ee we ass T No. 327 30’ 25° 20'4 — aon i379 ao ft of i , (1500 m) #40827 iH 230432 | 4] 917 E 8 —~—e O92°T 15" os 1977 22/1815 “nar ae aun 21047 hi * 1288 a t oe loar~ © ms : yj oa r 1350 1220 10 var Tore — SS t < bY rn ny 1020 1973 gg. NSP #7) Jeo ee t 1240 189 q ) i 1260 “ i268 lh fara r / od 4 1 f \308 os’ | wn | 1392 sae f 1390 i 140 rt 1200 i waa 30 1084 ‘ peat bona uso 1080 1787 ner mo (208 N09 1001 169 4 249 ne 1066 ea? 64 — “9 me ne 16s 1074 are y ne 1948 09 1020 “ eat { 4) Southwest Bay E 39 i r —— = — poet = eee 45 40° Drogue Tracks - Transect 2 (Drogues Golf, Tango, 1, and SR) Figure & VERTICAL CURRENT GRADIENT TRANSECT 2 iN TOTO SPEED (cm/sec) OUT = 230°T 30 20 10 O 10 20 30 3-0 ; |FOXTROT / —2.7cm/sec/1com [+83 cm/sec/i00m *4,.3cm/sec/io0om — 1.4cem/sec/l00m GOLF TANGO +0.3cm/sec/100m + O.1cm/sec/ioom ” BIL NS xD Cc = | xr x= m ~m 0 P) 4 2 W a e (2) = (e) (e) 2 2 | SR oh oe Vertical Current Gradient - Transect 2 Figure 9 TM No. 327 TOTO —e 050°T 10 200 is) m vu 600 = = Mm + rl Ps) (7) TM No. 327 50" oo oe Coe 1079 10164 me aan 109 gyyo7a4s 104 wr 92 ~ logs woo 27 9H ‘ * ez ase | 10% 76 067 a4 on 209 asd Cy) wo mH mm» 6 24 mlk 19 6 ad 6% 70 870 909 Yle= 1039 \ 308 670 \ 79 906 1000 1036 = 1019 “ 596 ms 67 2 = 6 | az 9 los oz \ “87 ses { oo =~. ora per tee soak 019 \os2 929 ma sa t008 | O 914 99% 1009 0v044 DZ ovols 938 {907 982 936 ( si Noo 6G Oy 930: 28/2345, 99; 982 951 B42 991 058 929 973 OVI400 950 986 neal oe 853919 oga 980 9st 926 670 son 9% 970 937 wea" jpto00) 9 tse) leseay we os 962 988 715 ars 937955 “8 2 eas 947 982 695 820 907 poo ef me ro ‘al 1 Gun Rock BA s g Man of War Cay Als O ' 2909 920 904 840 903 a7 926 92 ti aay. eS 867 918 902 e909 { 70s 795—Ss«86D a9z sos Tees) “+ s60 490) 700 83780 -~ 93 ies ea LETS CH F 700 bss Up a13 ey sas Ae A FI NOmec (PA) es | Morted by 7 lighted buoy 60 epi Se 886 7750 a00 860 891 co 660755 830's—«iN 8D 8K 276 862 F f) 670 807 BSS 360 = ‘Vvvustuan ABE oh 1 VAR 1 °15'W. CR ey 11,28 - 85s. ‘eso 851 ‘6b (1963)___-835 [xd 835, ANNUAL INEREASE 5° W cx) 30° 25' 820 7, [8 su vl \ edi’ sie ‘aio Vad at : Drogue Tracks - Transect 3 (Drogues Romeo II and 3-III) Figure 10 “Henry gyasysy SN = ws 30° 254 77° 20' T No. 327 50’ 0791016, Wray see 04 1061 1014-970 839 579663 709 s74%eoe 389 ‘A good 2 fathom channel 051" to Douglas Road if lookout is kept for rocky heods 7 656 {426 ovosoo ”% N 1014 1039 1004, 972 \ 45’ 1220) 1036 1019 j1016 028 geo 1019 wri O j or 938 i007 40’ Ls * Dangerous 3. coral heads « 330 218 { 35’ 273 Fi 10sec (PA) 30° 25° VAR 1°15’ W(1963) ANNUAL INEREASE 5° W. 83 24° : 20" afta ial Vato 45° 77° 20’ Drogue Tracks - Transect 3 (Drogues Tango II and SR-I!) Figure 11 T No. 327 VERTICAL CURRENT GRADIENT TRANSECT 3 IN TOTO SPEED(cm/sec) —P 160°T 30 20 10 O 10 20 30 OUT TOTO < 340°T ROMEO IL —0.8cm/sec/i00m 3M 500 iw] m ms) + eS F 1.8 cm/sec/!100m = oe m Ps) b!2) SR r) 1000 ‘\rancon Vertical Current Gradient = Transect 3 Figure 12 TM No. 327 24°27' g 03/1033 KILO END 0726 : 24°26' 0514 26 0322 nen 03/0134 : 0120 29/1159 0920 CHARLIE O6S6 0447 29/0005 END 9359 2301 2217 2200 ° 24°25) 29/04 2038 0645 0750 1939 COE 2316 29/1223 Sa 1024 Ol/0022 : paeoat 1145 1839 YANKEE II 0138 re 0318 1700 \741 1630 1600 0 02/1230] 54053! O515 1534 pl 1635 \, 1230 1508¥ (KILO) 073! 1440 § 1538 28/ 1146 8 START | 415 1513 KILO = 1343 ly 1000 24°22 18 1254 1417 S ovi245 >= See START 828/1205\ | 28/1319 — ; ae YaNKEE I \@START NOTE: THE TIME OF CERTAIN POSITION FIXES = CHARLIE > 29} HAVE BEEN NECESSARILY OMITTED SS ide THESE TIMES CAN BE FOUND IN SS CEROE APPENDIX A-PAGE A-21, A-22, A-23. —1 Km— 24°20! 77°40' 77°39 77°38" 77°37" 77°36" TUS Drogue Tracks - Transect 4 (Drogues Charlie, Yankee II, and Kilo) Figure 13 TM No. 327 __ YANKEE II - oO WW wn ~~ = oO (=) lu WW a n 2 13 14 15 6 I7 18 I9 20 al 22 23 2401 02 03 0405 06 07 08 OF 10 II l2 13 28 FEB | | MARCH KILO os o9 10 lil l2 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 20 21 22 23 2401 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 II 12 2 MARCH | 3 MARCH DATE AND TIME Drogue Speed vs Time - Transect 4 Figure 14 TM No. 327 45’ 40' —— SoS ao Sees SS St 360 1048 1055 woes, 992 on 89) a4, 1096 138) fous. 968 917 699 (9% 126 log 10" S986 50" rt) 936 992 1028 are: (Es 1014 9096 76 679 cr op \ 824 2 \ tg 1064 7a i926. (679 708 bce 666 Gp FI (2) 153 359 069 966 \ 1084 1079 10161 Mec BOL Lie 4 689. 766 876 969, 1092 1061 1014970 899 809 458-106 ‘ Ba4 ese 607912 999 1085 1054 \ sz 649 2h 694 609 02 909 789 393}, 0: 1021) 956 36 4004 76 azz 959 1069 loco [979 952 888 106 . 1 i bah 726 857 oe 1068 oae\- 964-937 8% 754 soe {tee 619 Gee 799 esd 997, 1959 1006 on Gas ED Ord / ‘ P 60. 7 739 096 (1034 1064 989 ea! 787 709 574{696 369 Fre) oh ey & = ~ \ 952 A good 2 fathom channel 051° 5 5 aa 45" Cu 72m Ble 349 1044 1034 Bok 769 12 Douglas Road If lookout 414 rn 4 " 45! 57% Is kept for rocky heods 9 | * 2 cia’ nse ood, 972 939 821 =D ose 306 \(@ K ‘ 4 5 \ \ \ : 3 ‘ 1000 1036 1019 959 a0 iS ll 264 ihe « be ‘108 roa \ 9s1as9 756 596 529, 37% “ 2a1 } 4 seas [018 992 Bak 679 61 i626 on Ay ~ En eal pees 2 eh Oc Ca lea SS ; ‘ Tol Be 914 99% 1009 987 ee 854 784 674 «579 a70 0 \ Z. 4 ue) 886 938 ioo7 sez sae ash 77 701 a { ZS % 784 899 ge: 490) 904 804 ™ 536} 6 a © f a9 930 993 991 982 95) 900 826 Viole 649 Py 40’ #12 42 — 991 OA ss os es? 79. on (BN o> 40" 923 Se 9 \ “ O@ | or oe best oc oe “al 616 \492 27g Sa 853919 gga 980 951 926 689 854 70% 55% 4 409 tes Dangerous % a ais en ’ coral heads 670 gon 9% ! 970 937 921 865 782 ssa ‘soo 465 330 ay ; ! 783 900 928968 gg 930 917 CE ae 698 WEG In 679766 903 962 883 we 920 303 760 «10 my 7S 67s 8 725 \ 937955 Sag 917 om aa = aff 3 967982999 Go G2 907 Cec OS va 1°15" W(1963) oD ANNUAL INCREASE 5°W oesTaRT a9 o- A UNIFORM. 02/0911 é 02326 STaRT 02/1440 NOVEMBER es. 632 27 22 24° es eas 205 24° ye e25 | _ ear 20" Muy tidy HANS x oe Se eS ee 35° 30' 25° 77°20' Drogue Tracks - Transect 5 (Drogues Papa, Uniform, November, and Lima) Figure 15 T™ No. 327 VERTICAL CURRENT GRADIENT TRANSECT 5 OUT TOTO SPEED(cm/sec) IN TOTO ° —D e ; 340°T 930 20 10 6 10 20 30 IG Oni PAPA —2.0cm/sec/loom UNIFORM 500 +1.30m/sec/lI00m (SY3LIW) Hid3G NOVEMBER 1000 — 2.4cm/sec/i00om Vertical Current Gradient = Transect 5 Figure 16 TM No. 327 ee LOCATION OF MOORED CURRENT METER STATIONS NOTE: SYMBOLS USED INDICATE: @ MOORING RETRIEVED AT END OF SAMPLING TIME. © MOORING LOST DUE TO PARTING OF LINE. @->-@ MOORING DRIFTED (IN DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROW HEAD ) A=CENTER OF LAUNCH AREA B= CENTER OF RE-ENTRY AREA — ——— 230) 5 ib Bottom Current Measurements Figure 17 he 7 nt my iy a; 7 : ha oy ; ra i, i 7 i ‘ tl a a, i a ah me : - = Pom a % cam . TM No. 327 APPENDIX A DROGUE HISTORY AND DATA SHEETS ‘g yy 09 (o) Transect 1 Transect 2 Transect 3 Transect 4 Transect 5 > PS Pe > p> mM POP at a v rc ay ny . OO fan ; tin ; : cine ay vl i Ate at Nios ve oe ) , i wth Nit au ae tah oi aie aha nf T™ No. 327 TRANSECT | FEBRUARY 1963 DAY 14 15 16 \7 | 18 HOUR 12 18 24 6 l2 18 24 6 l2 18 24 6 (2 18 24 6 (2 #I8 24 victoR ae iy !Om ----|---4---40 600 m DROGUES & DEPTH ZEBRA 1500 m YANKEE ne ae. X-RAY os ee =) 1500 m Drogue Travel Time - Transect | Figure A-1 T™ No. 327 Transect 1: | DROGUE VICTOR (10 meters) Time Speed Direction Date (EST ) (cm/sec ) (OT) Remarks 14 Feb 1752 Launch aly(s\s) 48.9 118 1902 65.4 O74 2002 26.1 078 22h3 32.9 339 15 Feb 1040 rb 155 2h0 1545 iO 195 16 Feb 1413 57-1 211 1707 Do il 153 2345 5.7 22h 18 Feb 1450 Average Speed = Pol. em/sec Total Travel Time = 92.84 hours Mean Direction = 20207 Displacement Total Distance 29.2 kilometers 73.0 kilometers Date 15 Feb 16 Feb 18 Feb Transect 1: Time (Est) 1326 1333 1643 1825 2109 2120 0100 1040 1328 1546 1740 22h7 1425 22h0 Time cm/sec) 108. Average Speed Total Travel Time ims | Mean Direction Displacement Total Distance DRO T™ No. GUE 3 (200 meters) Direction (°T) Remarks Launch Settling Bail: 263 223 Questionable 212 175 148 036 319 259 199 023 aie) cm/sec 77-95 hours 208°T 14.6 kilometers 48.5 kilometers A-2 327 T™ No. 327 Transect 1: DROGUE 2 (200 meters) Time Speed Direction Date (EST) (cm/sec) (erm) Remarks 15 Feb 1520 Launch 1529 Settling 16 Feb 0016 62.3 196 0146 4h .8 183 0253 288.8 201 Questionable o421 53.0 189 0610 38.1 178 0754 47.9 164 1146 153-4 216 Questionable 1218 54.0 153 1456 Average Speed Weal cm/sec Total Travel Time 14.67 hours Mean Direction 186°T Displacement Total Distance 39.0 kilometers 41.1 kilometers A-3 Date 15 Feb 16 Feb Transect 1: Time Speed (EST) (cm/sec) 12h0 1251 1659 1808 20h 0001 0435 1447 Average Speed Ss} 7-7 18.0 12.9 17.0 Total Travel Time Mean Direction Displacement Total Distance e DROGUE 4 (600 meters) A-4 Direction (or) 226 345 010 259 280 14.9 cm/sec 21.8 hours 2900T 8.9 kilometers 11.7 kilometers Remarks Launch Settling T™ No. 327 Date 15 Feb 16 Feb 18 Feb T™ No. Transect 1: DROGUE 8 (600 meters) Time Speed _(EST) (cm/sec ) Ths 1500 2152 134.4 2355 90.6 0058 56.1 0336 252.7 0520 150.8 0555 23.2 0642 187.9 O704 Bi9 0852 Stela al 1322 AO 1634 16.5 des) Average Speed Total Travel Time Mean Direction Displacement Total Distance A-) Direction (ay) Remarks Launch Settling 026 Questionable 206 205 205 Questionable (Not used) 25) 228 059 Questionable 221 228 219 182 34.0 cm/sec 63.41 hours 198°T 46.4 kilometers 7/-3 kilometers 327 TM No. 327 Transect 1: DROGUE ZEBRA (1500 meters) Time Speed Direction Date ( EST) (cm/sec ) (OT) Remarks 14 Feb 1514 ‘ Launch 15421 Settling 2016 4.4 155 2925 (et 069 15 Feb 0921 Beri 061 1332 10.3 058 1522 yall 186 1945 15.4 02k 232k ae 013 16 Feb 0354 Average Speed 8.2 cm/sec Total Travel Time Mean Direction Displacement Total Distance 31.97 hours o74or 5.9 kilometers 9.6 kilometers A-6 Date 14 Feb 15 Feb 16 Feb T™ No. 327 Transect 1: DROGUE YANKEE (1500 meters) Time Direction Speed (EST) (cm/sec) (on) Remarks 1614 Launch 1643 Settling 2047 Settling 2212 18.5 152 0123 18.5 154 1300 11.8 176 2235 .6 115 0228 ESS 197 135 30.4 oo 1238 19.0 200 1633 13.4 191 1922 14.4 om/sec 45.0 hours 163°T 19.4 kilometers 23.6 kilometers Average Speed Total Travel Time Mean Direction Displacement Total Distancee BAY ™ No. 327 Transect 1: DROGUE X-RAY (1500 meters) Time Speed Direction Date (EST) (cm/sec) (Sr) Remarks 14 Feb 1706 Launch 1729 Settling 2108 15 Feb 0323 0435 1225 18.0 133 1902 45.3 015 2007 146.7 185 Questionable 2036 19.6 dial 2215 16.0 182 16 Feb 0210 185 184 IEW2Y( 9.8 182 1247 14.4 192 1937 8.8 189 18 Feb 1010 Average Speed = 13.4 em/sec Total Travel Time = 69.74 hours Mean Direction 179°T Displacement Total Distance 28.3 kilometers 33.4l:kilometers A-8 DAY HOUR 6 3-0 1Om FOXTROT !1Om DROGUE & DEPTH Figure A-2 2 12 TRANSECT 2 | | | 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 (2 18 24 6 Drogue Travel Time - Transect 2 FEBRUARY \2 I963 | 168 24 6 TM No. 327 25 | 2 18 24 ‘ a ‘ \ &, a3 —s ‘ — . . = ees 7 oN TM No. 327 Transect 2: DROGUE FOXTROT (10 meters) Time Speed Direction Date (EST) (cm/sec) (°T) Remarks 21 Feb 1338 8.2 302 22 Feb W253} 19.6 300 1632 iOS) 321 23 Feb 0032 Conn 329 1039 Average Speed = 12.4 em/sec Total Travel Time = 45.02 hours Mean Direction 3140p 18.9 kilometers 19.6 kilometers Displacement Total Distance A-9 TM No. 327 Transect 2: DROGUE 3-II (10 meters) Time Speed Direction Date (EST) (cm/sec) (8) Remarks 21 Feb 1601 Displacement Total Distance 24.3 kilometers 25.9 kilometers iiees 281 1741 20.6 225 1910 ial fe} 259 2030 si) 303 2116 12.4 265 2203 9.8 29h 2340 34.5 220 22 Feb 0005 eal eI 220 0150 25.7 310 0220 9.3 270 0325 21.6 237 0635 eal Ab 231 0811 17.5 278 0915 15.4 257 1036 14.9 221 1145 8.2 252 1306 16.0 220 2158 28.8 233 23 Feb 0630 Average Speed = 18.5 em/sec Total Travel Time = 38.31 hours Mean Direction = 237°T A-10 Transect 2: DROGUE ROMEO (200 meters) TM No. 327 2) Time Speed Direction Date (EST) (cm/sec) (CD) Remarks el Feb 1229 i Launch 1237 Settling 14.00 20.1 326 1423 gan 326 1526 13}09) 226 1658 6.7 264 1830 12.4 2 1946 a 14.9 226 2029 8.8 329 22h8 One 208 - B2 Feb 0019 Preele 225 O25 15.4 eho 0549 12.4 260 0754 38.6 346 o8he 7-7 2DD pleat ee 312 12h0 MOS 210 1737 : 10.8 184 2253 13.9 204 23 Feb 0250 MAAS) 236 O545 21.6 eke 1233 dS Paes 1740 Average Speed = IZ 6) em/sec Displacement = 18.0 kilometes Total Travel Time = 53.18 hours Total Distance = 25.2 kilometer Mean Direction 3 Bilieyenr A-11 TM No. i327. Transect 2: DROGUE MIKE (200 meters) Time Speed Direction Date (EST) (cm/sec) (oT) Remarks 21 Feb 1258 Launch 1310 Settling 1814 32.9 180 1854 9.8 205 22 Feb 0332 18.0 218 0512 12.4 306 0828 93 235 1AT3 D+ 25k 1710 12.9 198 2335 LOS 227 23 Feb 0207 14.9 ehh 1144 Average Speed = 11.3 em/sec Total Travel Time = 46.60 hours Mean Direction = P2807 Displacement =. 15.1 kilometers Total Distance = 19.4 kilometers T™ No. Transect 2: DROGUE GOLF (600 meters) Time Direction Speed Date (EST) (cm/sec) (22) Remarks 21 Feb 12h) 21.5 kilometers 35.3 kilometers Displacement Total Distance Launch 1255 Settling 1803 8.8 ell 1905 9.8 267 1940 Shoal 29k 2340 ESO 304 22 Feb 0258 Ce. 190 O443 OHO 350 0905 ae Ak 035 1028 Fale 2.6 195 1645 9.3 203 23 Feb 0009 alabieS} 210 1003 ed 228 1658 6.7 212 24 Feb a5} 14.9 V41 1600 Average Speed = 9.8 cm/sec Total Travel Time = 99.30 hours Mean Direction = 175°T A-13 TM No. 327 Transect 2: DROGUE TANGO (600 meters) Time Speed Direction Date (EST) (cm/sec ) (a) Remarks 21 Feb 1415 Displacement Total Distance 3-3 kilometers 19.3 kilometers Launch 1432 Settling 1509 Settling 1639 25 194 1722 622 180 1859 alleen) Aa eatel 189 2016 18.5 186 2328 a5 180 22 Feb 0010 eal pits) O47 yh 3 005 0222 5.1 248 0625 Ball 182 0728 8.8 025 0933 ab 110 1418 Tait 161 1815 9.8 150 2017 Byaak 103 23 Feb 0737 8.2 058 1454 4.6 008 24 Feb 1428 0.5 293 25 Feb 1028 Average Speed = Doi em/sec Total Travel Time = 92.21 hours Mean Direction = Q92°T A-14 Date 21 Feb 22 Feb 23 Feb T™ No. Transect 2: DROGUE 1 (1500 meters) Time Speed (EST) (cm/sec ) a3 9) 1202 1730 Drepile 1920 evar 2308 Wed 022) eal O421 6.2 oo41 Average Speed Total Travel Time Mean Direction Displacement Total Distance A-15 Direction (Er) Remarks Launch Settling 267 338 303 eo, 230 6.2 cm/sec 37.10 hours 2207 5.0 kilometers 8.8 kilometers SEM T™ No. 327 Transect 2: DROGUE SR (1500 meters) Time Speed Direction Date (EST) (cm/sec) (or) Remarks 21 Feb PAIUO) 135 030 2209 Bak ou 22 Feb 0205 2.6 o14 O701 ea 000 0955 A 8.% 035 1416 sal 036 2046 622 066 23 Feb 0432 (a 012 0827 Gu 345 1538 des 327 24 Feb 1532 6a7 shlal 25 Feb 1130 Displacement Total Distance 20.9 kilometers 24.5 kilometers Average Speed = Wott em/sec Total Travel Time = 88.10 hours Mean Direction = 345m A-16 T No. 327 TRANSECT 3 FEBRUARY - MARCH 1963 DAY 28 | | | ool Sl 4 | ey HOUR 6 |2 18 24 6 (2 18 24 6 (2 18 24 6 (2 18 24 6 (2 18 24 6 12 18 24 Drogue Travel Time - Transect 3 Figure A-3 a ” ne a T™ No. 327 Transect 3: DROGUE ROMEO II (200 meters) Time Direction Speed Date (EST) (cm/sec) (Cr) Remarks 28 Feb ALS Launch 1659 14.4 134 1849 14.4 090 1923 B53 162 2006 12.4 ay 2226 9.8 166 1 Mar 0054 18.0 133 0607 29.3 119 0806 8.2 200 Ha5S 3.6 330 1541 3.6 018 2 Mar 1012 16.5 350 1345 Pepe 350 AS 17-5 334 3 Mar 1004 13.9 320 1615 6.2 294 5 Mar 1310 Average Speed 9.8 cm/sec Total Travel Time 116.20 hours Mean Direction 3260T 19.2 kilometers 41.9 kilometers Displacement Total Distance [i ed | | | A-17 TM No. 327 Transect 3: DROGUE 3-III (500 meters) Time Speed Direction Date EST) (cm/sec) (°r) Remarks 28 Feb 1356 Launch 1409 Gay 167 1647 AHS 3} 198 1902 18 210 2022 8.8 L177 2300 clues 230 1 Mar 0012 AES 3} 210 0119 ae 302 O446 4.6 302 o914 Sey 302 1322 Tats) 315 neal SES} 328 2 Mar 0834 8.2 315 1227 13.2 330 1630 2 310 3 Mar 0715 10.8 287 0743 Average Speed 8.7 cm/sec Total Travel Time 66.18 hours Mean Direction 305°T 14.7 kilometers 20.5 kilometers Displacement Total Distance A-18 Date 28 Feb 1 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar TM No. Transect 3: DROGUE SR-ITI (1000 meters) Time Speed ( ESZ) (cm/sec) 1740 1805 2345 4.6 0357 Stalk 1400 Wed 1D 6nif ge 7-7 1453 Bail 1906 2.6 1140 Average Speed Total Travel Time Mean Direction Displacement Total Distance Direction (on) Remarks Launch Settling 287 180 286 173 163 090 180 4.1 cm/sec 59.92 hours 180°T 7.6 kilometers 9.7 kilometers A-19 327 Date 28 Feb 1 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar Transect 3: DROGUE TANGO II (1000 meters) Time Speed (EST) (cm/sec ) 10421 1101 1649 cul 2050 eed 0150 8.8 0500 Be 0933 2.6 1638 1.5 0809 Diath 1159 Saal 1540 6.2 eS yea 1045 Average Speed Total Travel Time Mean Direction Displacement Total Distance A-20 Direction (Or) 217 252 320 339 339 235 140 145 248 190 3.6 cm/sec 65.92 hours eehor 4.1 kilometers 9.1 kilometers Remarks Launch Settling T™ No. 327 TM No. 327 TRANSECT 4 FEBRUARY- MARCH 1963 DAY 28 | | ae HOUR 6 (2 18 24 6 (2 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 (2 18 24 6 12 18 26 as mm J CHARLIE fa) 10 m 0 (p) iJ ro) KILO 2 Om (a) Drogue Travel Time - Transect 4 Figure A-4 tw 7 co Transect 4: DROGUE KILO (10 meters) TM No. 327 Time Speed Time Speed Date (EST) (cm/sec) Date (EST) (cm/sec ) 28 Feb 1146 1 Mar 0138 19.0 One 1216 0222 Ale)g a L2 1241 0318 Tpate A} cal 1336 oh13 2OWO 19.0 1404 O515 18.0 63.8% 1432 0525 g(a) Woy 1500 0731 WS i fal 1526 i 0843 ae: Ta oe 1000 1622 16.8 8.6 18.7 THES) a 1649 : 8.1 14.0 le 125 (3 Noel 2 Mar 0812 1754 ek .y 13.8 1230 182 3 18 z 6 LEO 1400 1852 20.8 Te 1515 1924 15. he 5.0 1628 1953 1272 3.6 1822 2024 AGS} Wfodk 1932 2050 13.8 Bie 2053 2145 16.6 65a 2217 2217 19.9 6.4 2350 2e2h5 120 Lee ae 3 Mar 0134 a 2347 ae 0322 9.9 ce 1 Mar 0022 O514 oS Dies 0100 0726 ORO ML ay 0138 ee 1033 *Questionable Transect 4: DROGUE YANKEE IT (10 meters) T No. 327 Time Speed Time Speed Time Speed Date (ST) cm/sec ) Date (ust) (cm/sec) Date (ST) (cm/sec) 28 Feb 1205 28 Feb 1836 1 Mar 0ook8 5 23.3 22.4 Aas 10.6 1230 1844 0115 Plo Te Vt 19.6 5.1 1254 1904 0126 2142 23.6 Hale) 1327 1gT3 - 0152 34.3 16.3 2.6 1343 1936 0218 1722 15.4 a15L 4S) 1355 1944 o2ho 25-7 13.2 10.9 1412 2004 0300 28.0 akghaal 5.7 2h. 2013 0337 EEE | U3( 6.3 1440 2033 0354 Ne 6.9 16 1452 20he 0435 28.6 deka 12.8 1508 2128 O457 52.9 10.4 9.3 aul 2135 ‘ 0536 23-1 9.4 16.8 1534 2157 s. 0556 21.4 8.4 10.2 1545 2205 0645 P13 (esl: 6.8 1600 2228 0708 20.5 6.3 10.0 1615 2236 0750 28.0 10.6 9.6 1630 2256 0819 25.2 5.6 TONG 1641 2306 0908 eae O63) jae TT Oe 232 0932 30.8 20.8 10.2 1714 2338 1024 Cows W@yeas Wei 1736 2359 1048 20.9 2 8.5 1747 1 Mar 0012 1145 25.4 9.6 als) 1806 0037 1223 2h. 3 5.1 1815 0048 Baa 1836 A-22 TM No. 327 Transect 4: DROGUE CHARLIE (10 meters) Time Speed Time Speed Date (ZS) (cm/sec) Date (EST) (cm/sec) 28 Feb 1319 28 Feb 2200 25.0 10.2 1349 ; 2233 29.8 10.0 1417 2301 22.0 9.0 V4h5 2332 27.6 6838 1513 1 Mar 0005 oh .6 Was 1538 ook2 26.2 Sar 1635 0120 ela Di 1708 0158 24 /(0) 7.8 1741 02h7 26.0 9.6 1812 0345 PO Ala as) 1839 O47 2h .3 11.4 1909 0546 8. oh 8.0 1939 0656 22.0 Gaal 2008 0805 22.8 8.6 2038 0920 16.8 9.6 2104 ; 1042 14.2 9.4 2200 Ie) ‘i | ] ‘ i ‘ « i y 4 i ae ; o > re aur ‘ae, — i : geen i seat | q oe ¢ { { y 4 : T No. 327 TRANSECT 5 MARCH 1963 ad DAY 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | HOUR O 6 (2 I8 24 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 6 i2 [8 24 UNIFORM 500 m NOVEMBER 1000 m DROGUE & DEPTH Drogue Travel Time = Transect 5 Figure A-5 U ] ‘ 4 ! 1 ? 3\ ' ek) : y 5 — ae Ss Mi {. x tt Y { ” 4 ‘ i — Fi {i i , if : 4 m Finney! ‘ te 3) i : mi) { af ‘ a y i = y { : a ed Sheets : a) ae a his ‘iu T™ No. 327 Transect 5: DROGUE PAPA (200 meters) Time Speed Direction fe) Date (EST) (cm/sec) (ey) Remarks 2 Mar O96 Launch 0951 Settling 1341 9.3 338 42h 13.9 311 1534 13.9 SD) 1646 Bea 338 1705 as 3h0 1740 8.2 347 1956 16.0 358 2033 aa ate) 344 2115 11.8 S02 2152 1h.9 348 2238 17.0 344 2320 11:8 343 3 Mar 0025 18.0 343 0108 16.0 334 0210 Ova: 341 0253 13.9 348 0350 16.0 356 o4LO 16.5 33 0548 12.4 336 0650 dulese 382 0800 Aol T™ No. 327 Transect 5: DROGUE PAPA (200 meters) (cont.) Time Speed Direction Date (EST) (cm/sec) (°T) Remarks 3 Mar 0800 13.4 331 1000 12.9 320 ily 10.3 331 1240 35.5 000 1655 6:2 338 2037 Bae) 280 Strong Wind 5 Mar 1055 Average Speed = 13.9 cm/sec Total Travel Time = 27.94 hours Mean Direction = 345° Displacement = 13.5 kilometers Total Distance 13.8 kilometers A-25 T™ No. 327 Transect 5: DROGUE UNIFORM (500 meters) Time Speed Direction Date (EST) (cm/sec) (Gp) Remarks 2 Mar 0920 Launch 0932 Settling 1320 8.7 2/5, 1431 IS 318 1542 20.6 329 1603 20.1 325 1648 103.0 340 1658 (-2 33D 1847 283 355 1907 Tian 350 2005 Dre 345 2123 1.5 355 3 Mar 0417 9.3 3h6 ' 0624 Tee 346 0935 ee at 194 1221 9.3 267 1734 ao) 315 1816 15.9 295 1950 Average Speed 8.2 cm/sec 30.51 hours 318°T 7.4 kilometers 8.9 kilometers Total Travel Time Mean Direction Displacement Total Distance Transect 5: DROGUE NOVEMBER (1000 meters) ™ No. 327 Time Speed Direction Date (EST) (cm/sec) (Sy) Remarks 2 Mar 0856 26.6 kilometers 28.9 kilometers Displacement Total Distance 0911 1326 140 1552 eae 335 1708 16.0 335 1749 16.0 530 1902 L5H 350 2015 9.8 336 2135 13-9 350 2300 Sart 3h0 3 Mar OO47 7-2 330 0230 ho.2 330 o412 15.4 S}Sii( 0618 14.9 332 0837 15.4 325 0927 12.4 316 1229 12.9 316 1718 13.9 320 2017 pom 313 5 Mar 1126 Average Speed = 14.4 em/sec Total Travel Time = 29.42 hours Mean Direction = 32501 A-2G / TM No. 327 Transect 5: DROGUE LIMA (1400 meters) Time Speed Direction Date (EST) (cm/sec) GD) Remarks 3 Mar 0900 Launch O917 Settling 1143 ok 165 L(D2 3.6 256 1918 Dif 308 5 Mar 1021 Average Speed a em/sec 46.65 hours 2910T 6.85 kilometers 9.6 kilometers Total Travel Time Mean Direction Displacement Total Distance A-28 Wy ae = e i x = ~~ @ 4 _ Veta” Sy ECS ay any. 7 ee nd a: oats? | 7 ) = : _ ¥ = Sele F = 4 all 1 o ray _ ie T™ No. 327 APPENDIX B WIND DATA Time Speed Date EST) (mph) Direction Transect 1 14 Feb 1514 3-4 N 1936 CAIM 2002 CALM 16 Feb 0950 12 NE 1130 8 NE 1420 6-8 NE 1740 20 NE 2345 30 NE 17 Feb 1030 220 NE 1437 12 NE 18 Feb 0900 8 NE 0933 12-15 NE Transect 2 21 Feb 1528 CAIM 1722 CALM 2116 CAIM 2205 CAIM 2308 9 SE 22 Feb 0008 11 SE 0228 =a SSE B-1 Transect 2 Transect 3, 4, 5 Date 22 Feb 23 Feb 2h Feb 25 Feb 28 Feb 15-16 12-15 T Ib. Direction SSE SE SE 327 T™ No. 327 Date (EST) (mph ) Direction Transect 3, 4, 5 28 Feb 1037 12 E by S 1146 12-15 ESE 1622 - ESE 1754 12 ESE 1805 12 E 182) 12-15 ESE 1925 12 E 2217 18 ESE 1 Mar 0022 220 ESE OO41 12 E 0222 19 ESE 0413 15 ESE 0525 15 SSE 0816 12 SSE 0843 15 SE 1037 15 ESE 1119 22-28 SE 2203 8 ESE 2 Mar O715 6 SSE rN 1615 8 SSE 3 Mar 02h5 6 E 0500 5 E 1440 I2=15 E B-3 DISTRIBUTION LIST (1) Addressee No. of Copies Chief, Bureau of Naval Weapons (DLI-31) (For dissemination within BUWEPS as follows: FASS - 1 copy; RU-222 - 1 copy; DLI-31 - 2 copies) Director of Defense Research and Engineering 1 Attn: Coordinating Committee on Science Pentagon Washington, D. C. Office of Naval Research 2 Geophysics Branch (Code 416) Washington, D. C. Office of Naval Research Washington, D. C. Attn: Biology Branch (Code 446) Attn: Surface Branch (Code 463) Attn: Undersea Warfare (Code 466) Attn: Special Projects (Code 418) PREP Commanding Officer ili Office of Naval Research Branch hO5 Summer Street Boston, Massachusetts Commanding Officer aL Office of Naval Research 207 West 24th Street New York, New York Commanding Officer i Office of Naval Research Branch The John Crerar Library Building 86 East Randolph Street Chicago, Illinois Commanding Officer al Office of Naval Research Branch 1000 Geary Street San Francisco, California Commanding Officer 1 Office of Naval Research Branch 1030 East Green Street Pasadena, California DISTRIBUTION LIST (2) Addressee Commanding Officer Office of Naval Research Branch Navy #100, Fleet Post Office New York, New York Oceanographer Office of Naval Research Navy #100, Box 39 Fleet Post Office New York, New York Contract Administrator Southeastern Area Office of Naval Research 2110 "G" Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. ONR Special Representative e/o Hudson Laboratories Columbia University 145 Palisade Street Dobbs Ferry, New York Director Naval Research Laboratory Attn: Code 5500 Washington, D.C. Oceanographer U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office Washington, D. C. Attn: Library (Code 1640) Office of the U. S. Naval Weather Service U. S. Naval Station Washington, D. C. Commanding Officer and Director U. S. Navy Electronics Laboratory San Diego, California Attn: Code 2201 Attn: Code 2420 Commander, Naval Ordnance Laboratory White Oak, Silver Spring, Maryland Attn: E. Liberman, Librarian T No. 327 No. of Copies LO DISTRIBUTION LIST (3) Addressee Commanding Officer Naval Ordnance Test Station China Lake, California Commanding Officer Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory San Francisco, California Chief, Bureau of Ships Department of the Navy Washington, D. C. Attn: Code 688 Ofticer an Charge U. S. Navy Weather Research Facility Naval Air Station, Bldg. R-48 Norfolk, Virginia Superintendent U. S. Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland Department of Meteorology and Oceanography U. S. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California Commanding Officer U. S. Naval Underwater Sound Laboratory New London, Connecticut Commanding Officer U. S. Navy Mine Defense Laboratory Panama City, Florida U. S. Army Beach Erosion Board 5201 Little Falls Road, N.W. Washington, D. C. Army Research Office Washington, D. C. Attn: Environmental Sciences Division Director Coast & Geodetic Survey U. S. Department of Commerce Washington, D. C. Attn: Office of Oceanography TM No. 327 No. of Copies ill DISTRIBUTION LIST (4) Addressee Director of Meteorological Research U. S. Weather Bureau Washington, D. C. Laboratory Director Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory 450-B Jordan Hall Stanford, California Bureau of Commercial Fisheries U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 3830 Honolulu, Hawaii Attn: Librarian Director Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts Director Narragansett Marine Laboratory University of Rhode Island Kingston, Rhode Island Bingham Oceanographic Laboratories Yale University New Haven, Connecticut Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Post Office Box Ocean Springs, Mississippi Attn: Librarian Chairman Department of Meteorology and Oceanography New York University New York, New York Director Lamont Geological Observatory Torrey Cliff Palisades, New York Director Hudson Laboratories 145 Palisade Street Dobbs Ferry, New York ™ No. 327 No. of Copies dl. DISTRIBUTION LIST (5); Addressee Great Lakes Research Division Tnstitute of Science and Technology University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Director Chesapeake Bay Institute Johns Hopkins University 121 Maryland Hall Baltimore, Maryland Oceanographic Institute Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida Director, Marine Laboratory University of Miami #1 Rickenbacker Causeway Virginia Key Miami, Florida Head, Department of Oceanography and Meteorology Texas A&M College College Station, Texas Director Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla, California Head, Department of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon Director Arctic Research Laboratory Barrow, Alaska Director Bermuda, Biological Station for Research St. Georges, Bermuda Director Hawaiian Marine Laboratory University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii No T™ No. 327 - of Copies i DISTRIBUTION LIST (6). ° . Addressee Applied Physics Laboratory University of Washington 1013 NE Fortieth Street Seattle, Washington National Institute for Oceanography Wormley, Godalming, England Administrator Defense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical Information (DDC) Bldg. No. 5, Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Chief of Naval Operations (0p03EG) Department of the Navy Washington, D. C. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts Attn: Earth Science Library Attn: Director, Department of Meteorology Attn: Director, Department of Geology and Geophysics NAVY-1ND, DPPO, Newport, R. I. IM No. 327 No. of Copies p 20 BHR UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA - R&D (Security classification of title, body of abstract and indexing annotation must be entered when the overall! report is classified) . ORIGINATIN G ACTIVITY (Corporate author) 2a. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION US Naval Underwater Ordnance Station, UNCLASSIFIED Newport, Rhode Island . REPORT TITLE Lagrangian Current Measurements in the Northeast Providence Channel and the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, 14 Feb to 6 MAR 1963 Final Report . DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type of report and inclusive dates) Final - 14 Feb to 6 Mar 1963 . AUTHOR(S) (Last name, first name, initial) Cook, Gerald 8. 6. REPORT DATE 7a. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES 76. NO. OF REFS April 1965 81 3 Ba. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. 9a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) IM Nov 327 b. PRosecTNO. WEPTASK Assignment No. RUTO-3SE-000/219 1/SF099-03-02 a and RUZZ-2E-000/2 19 9b. OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any other numbers that may be assigned ~1/R004-03--01 d. this report) None 10. AVAILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES Qualified requesters may obtain copies of this report from DDC. 11. SUPPL EMENTARY NOTES 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY BUWEPS —- NUOS 13. ABSTRACT The Naval Underwater Ordnance Station is responsible for the in- stallation of a weapons range in AUTEC. his work requires a knowl- edge of the environmental factors affecting deep water tracking. | |Parachute drogues were placed at depths from 10 to 1500 meters and || tracked to obtain water current data in the Northeast Providence Chan nel and the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas. | Although water motion in the Tongue is of necessity related to water motion in the Northeast Providence Channel, it is not apparent what dynamic regime exists in the Tongue for a given dynamic regime in the channel (and vice versa). Current speed and vertical current gradients generally decreased in magnitude from the Northeast Prov— idence Channel to the Tongue. There was a net-in-channel flow along both transects located in the Northeast Providence Channel. Variabil- ity in current speed exhibited by individual drogues indicated a tur- bulent current structure. The circulation in the Tongue is also tur- bulent in nature. It is extremely difficult to predict the current structure over short periods (two or three tidal cycles). It will therefore be necessary to monitor current information on the AUTEC weapons range during tracking experiments in order that the dynamic oceanographic environment can be correlated with. tracking data on the test vehicles. DD .5o. 1473 UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification KEY WORDS Torpedo Oceanogra = INSTRUCTIONS 1, ORIGINATING ACTIVITY: Enter the name and address of the contractor, subcontractor, grantee, Department of De fense activity or other organization (corporate author) issuing the report. 2a. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION: Enter the over all security classification of the report. Indicate whether “‘Restricted Data”’ is included. Marking is to be in accord ance with appropriate security regulations. 2b. 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Each paragraph of the abstract shall end with an indication of the military security classification of the in- formation in the paragraph, represented as (TS), (S), (C), or (U). There is no limitation on the length of the abstract. How- ever, the suggested length is from 150 to 225 words. 14. KEY WORDS: Key words are technically meaningful terms or short phrases that characterize a report and may be used as index entries for cataloging the report. Key words must be selected so that no security classification is required. Identi- fiers, such as equipment model designation, trade name, military project code name, geographic location, may be used as key words but will be followed by an indication of technical con- text. The assignment of links, rales, and weights is optional. DD 1473 (BACK) 1 JAN 64 UNCLASSIFIED ——a| Security Classification GaISISSV TON 10-£0-¥00U/T 617/000-4A7-77NU pue 70-€0-660AS/T 617Z/000-4E-O.LNU °ON quawusissYy NSVLddaMh "S °*D ‘HOOD squoew -oInseayp WwWoiINnD vied Dtydessoues5Q guryoely opadioy asuey Joey dooq DALNV ddgIdISSV TON 10-€0-¥00U/T 617/000-Az-77NU pue Z0-£0-660AS/T 61Z/000-AE-OLNYU °ON quawusissy YSVLdaM °S °D “HOOD *I squow -aInseap 3uasIND e1eq Itydesdoues509 SuryoVi[, opadiof aguey Jaze, daaq DALNV *semEyeg ‘uea0Q ayi Jo anduo] ayi pue JauuEYD) 2UeprAolg 3svo -YJJON 242 UT BIeP WaIIND JaIVM UTeIGO O} PpayxIeI] pue siaiaw QOS 02 OT wor syidap ae padeyd asam sangoip ainyoeieg ~suIyIeI] Joiem daap Jurdajje ssioisvy ]BIUsUIUOITAUS SIP JO a3pay;Mmouy e SarInbas yJom sty OALAY ut eguer uodesam e& jo uoNe]][eIsUT JY3 JOJ aIqIs -uodsai ST U0TI81G JDULUPIO JoleMJapu/) [EARN oy daisdISSVWIONN edd 18 ‘S96I I11dy “YOoD °S °D 4q ‘LYOdaU TVNIA ‘€961T HOUVW 9 OL AUVNU -dadd FI ‘SVNWVHVd ‘NVADO AHL JO ANONOL AHL GNV IANNVHD AONAGIAOUd LSVSAHLUYON AHL NI SLNAWAUNSVAW LNAYUNO NVIONVUOVTI (ZZ€ “ON WL) °] °Y ‘odman “uoTI¥1Sg aDULUPIO JolIVMIapus) [BARN *semEeyeg ‘uva5Q ay) JO an3uo] ayi pue [auULYD JAouUaptAosq isva -YJON 242 UT BVP JWaIIND JaiIVM UTeIGO 0} payIeI] pur siaiaw QOS 02 OI wor syidap ie padeyd a3am sangoip ainyoeieg ~SurTyIeII Jaiem doap Jurdajje sioioey [eJUsuIUOITAUS aI Jo adpay;Mouy e SaiInbas yom sty] OALNAY ur aeguvi uodesm ev jo uore][eisur ayi JoJ ayqrs -uodsai ST UOTI¥IS 9DULUPIO JoIVMIJapUy [VAEN ay] CaIdISSVIONN edd 18 “S96I [tidy “YO0D *S °D Aq ‘LYOd au TVNIA ‘£961 HOUVW 9 OL AUVNYU -€44 bl ‘SWWVHVd ‘NV4A00 AHL AO ANDNOL AHL GNV TSNNVHO JONACIAOUd LSVAHLYON AHL NI SLNANAUNSVAW LNAYUND NVIONVUOVI (ZZ “ON WL) °] °Y ‘odmaN ‘uoTIZ1g aDUeUPIO JoIVMIJapuUy) [BAN GaIdISSV TONN 10-€0-¥OOU/T 617/000-AC-77NU pue Z0-£0-660AS/T 61Z/000-AE-OLNU °ON quauusissy ASV Lda °S°D “00D °I squoau -aInsevay JuarInD vied 2TydesdouraIQ Suryoes], opadioL aduey Jae daaq OALNV GaIdISSV TONN 10-£0-¥OOU/T 6172/000-AC-c7NU pue Z0-£0-660AS/T 61Z/000-A£-OLNU °ON juaowustIssY YSVIdaM °S°D “HOOD “I s1uau -oInsvay JarIND wieq o1ydesdsouKr3s50 sutyovs], opadioy aguey Jaie,, daaq DALNV esemeyeg Suva9Q ays JO anduo], ay3 pue JauULYD JUeprAOl 3s¥d -y3JON 24) UT BIEP IasIND Ja3"M UTEIGO 03 payxdeI) pu s1919W 00ST 03 OT wosy syidap 3e paoeyd asom sangoip amyseieg °suIyIeI) JoI"M daap Jurdajjze S3JoOIDV} JeIuauUOITAUA aIp JO adpayMouy & samba yJom sty JALAV ur aduvs uodvam ev jo voney]]e3sur ayy JoJ aqrs -uodsai ST UO1I¥IS BIULUPIO JaleMIopu/) [RAEN 24] GaIAISSVIONA edd 18 *S9G6I [tdy “y00D °s °D 4q ‘LYOd aU IVNIA *€961 HOUVW 9 OL AUVNUA -€ai v1 ‘SVWVHVd ‘NV400 AHL JO ANONOL AHL GNV 1ANNVHOD AONACIAOUd LSVAHLYON AHL NI SLNANAUNSVAW LNAYUND NVIONVUOVT (ZZ °ON WL) oT °y ‘uodmay ‘u0T3I"VIg aDULUPIO JoIwMIJapu/) [BAEN esemeyeg fuvadQ ay) JO anduo] ayi pue [auuUeYD 25UaprAolg 3s¥v9 -YJJON 2) UT BIEP JaIIND J3aIVM UTEIGO 03 payxdeI) pue S1919W OOST 03 OT wosy syidap 3e padeyd ajam sando3p ainyosvieg °SuTyIeII JoIwM daap Jumdajje SJoIDey [eIUauUOITAUD aIp Jo adpay_Mouy ve SaiNbas yom sty “YALAV ul adues uodeam ev jo uOTIe]][VISUT aYI JO} aTqIS -uodsaJ SI U0TI¥Ig JDULUPIO JaiVMJapus) [BAEN ey GaIsISSVIONA edd 18 ‘S96I [t3dy “HOOD °S °D 4q ‘LYOd au IVNIA “€961 HOUVW 9 OL AUVNU -€ad yl ‘SWWVHV4d ‘NV400 AHL JO ANDNOL AHL GNV 1SNNVHOD AONACIAOUd LSVAHLYON AHL NI SLNAWAUNSVAW LNAYUND NVIONVUOVT (LZE *ON WL) °] °Yy ‘WodmayN ‘UOTIZIg DDULUPIO JoJeMIopuy) [VAEN , *sSa]ITYaA 3S9] 9YyI UO vIEp SuTyoRII YIM payejaoo aq uv JUaWUOITAUD JTYdeIdO -uvd00 STwWeUAP ay) Jey Japso ur sjuawWIJedxa duryseI Surmp adues suodeam DALNY 2y2 uO uOoTIeUJOjJUT JUaT -IND 10j]TUOW 03 AIeSsadaU aq arOjJaIayI []TM IJ *(SaTIAD [Bp eeryi Jo OM}) spotiad 3JOYS JaAO aINIONIIS aT -IND ay) ITpasd 03 AyNoTFJIp ATowamxa st J *aINIeU UT quaynqini osje st anguo] ayi ut voriwypnoi1D ay] °9In3 -ONnIIS WaIIND JUa[Nqini e paiwoTpuT Sandosp [enprArpur Aq paiqryxe poeds quasmd ur AiyjiqetixeA "TauueYy) aIUaPIAOIg ISVIYION 9YyI UI paiedoO] SiDasueI YyI0qG Juole MOTj [auUULYS-UT Jou e SEM aay] vanduo], ay? 0} JaUULYD SDUapPIAOIg IsevaYyON 2y3 WOIy apnitudew UI pasvaidap A[][esouad sjuaTpesIs IwaIINS [eoTIJ9A puv peeds quaim) “(esiaA 95TA puv) JauUeYS oy) UT aUTdaI DtweuAp UdATS & JO} ANZuUO]T ay? 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