


College of New Jersey.



College of New Jersey








1. The officers of the college are the President, Deau of the Faculty, Professors, Tutors, lustructors, the Treasurer, the Curator of grounds and buildings, the Librarian, the Registrar, and the Fellows resident in college buildings.

3. They are responsible to the Trustees for the full execution of the laws of the institution, and for the suitable and faithful instruction of the students.

3. They are not to engage in any pursuit or occupation that will interfere with the stated and punctual discharge of all their official duties, without the consent of the Board of Trustees.

4. It is the duty of every officer individually, to use his utmost vigilance and exertion to carry into complete effect the laws of the college.

5. An exemplary regard to moral and religious duties isi indispensable in every officer of the college.

6. The arrangement of the studies, lectures, and other exer- cises of the college shall be made and published by the Faculty at the beginning of each college year, subject to such sub- sequent modifications as may be found necessary.

7. To the officers of the college residing in the college build- ings is specially committed the preservation of oi'der and decorum in the college edifices.

8. The officers of the college have the right to enter the rooms of the students, or to visit them at their pleasure.



1. To the President is committed the general superintendence of the interests and reputation of the institution, which he is bound to promote and maintain by every exertion in his power.

2. He has a right to be present at the recitation of any class in the college, as often as he may judge proper, and to conduct or hear the recitation, if he choose ; and he shall see that the examinations are conducted in a proper manner.

3. He shall take such branches of instruction as may be assigned him by the Board of Trustees; and in case of the tem- porary absence, disability or death of any professor or instructor, he shall have power to designate any other professor to fill his place, or to make other provision for supplying the vacancy until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.

4. He shall see that prayers are made with the students daily, and that public worship be celebrated with them ou the Lord's Day. And he shall also give to the students, or provide for them, a course of Biblical instruction.

5. He shall be ex-officio President of the faculty when present with them. He shall be, also, the administrator of their decis- ions in cases of discipline, except in case of the appointment of a Dean of the Faculty as provided in Chap^sr HI.

6. He shall preside at commencements, and confer all degrees.

7. The President, or, if there be a Dean, then the Dean of the Faculty (with the advice and co-operatiou of the Faculty in case he shall ask it), shall so organize the officers of the college that, with the assistance of the proctor and such additional force as the Trustees may from time to time provide, students may be protected from assault or disturbance, and proper order be pre- served throughout the college ; and shall furnish to the officers residing in the college buildings all the assistance which he on their application may consider necessary to enforce order in their buildings.



1. The Dean of the Faculty is an extraordinary officer, who shall be appointed whenever, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, the needs of the college demand such appointment ; and who shall be continued in office, at the pleasure of the Board, so long as such needs continue. His office is independent

of that of the President, he being responsible solely and directly to the Board of Trustees.

2. He shall have charge of whatever does not pertain directly to the work of instruction, such in particular as the discipline of the college, the assignment of the rooms, and the sanitary con- dition of the institution : and to this end the curator of grounds and buildings shall report to him ; and the proctor shall be subordinated to him as well as to the President of the college, and shall report to him on all matters relating to the deport- ment of the students.

3. He shall, in case of the absence of the President of the college, preside at all meetings of the faculty; and he may at his pleasure preside in the various committees of the faculty.

4. He shall assist the President of the college in the reception and examination of students applying for admission, and in the correspondence of the college, to such extent as the President may desire.

5. He shall take such branches of instruction as belong to his professorship, or as may be assigned him by the Board of Trustees.

6. In case of his death or absence during an interim of the Board of Trustees, the faculty shall select from their number a dean ad interim, who shall act until the next meeting of the Board.



1. The professors shall be responsible for the faithful instruc- tion of the students in their respective departments.

3. In the absence of the President and Dean of the faculty, the senior professor present shall convene and preside in the faculty ; seniority to be determined by the date of their appoint- ment, unless the Trustees may otherwise direct.

3. The professors shall severally be responsible for the pres- ervation of the apparatus and specimens belonging to their respective departments.

4. The primary duty of the professors is to teach, but they are " officers of discipline " as well, and shall aid the President of


the college, the dean, the tutors, the instructors, the fellows, the proctor, and the proctor's assistants iu the prevention, detection, and punishment of oft'enst-s on the part of the students against the college laws.



1. The duty of the tutors and instructors in tlie instruction of the college is to assist tlip professors in teaching, and to perform such other services as may be assigned them, agreeably to Chapter I.

3. The tutors must live in the college edifices, unless pre- vented by sickness.



The fellows of the college shall, so far as practicable, lodge in the college buildings, and shall under the direction of the Presi- dent, or if there be a Dean, under the Dean's direction, assist in the preservation of order and decorum in such buildings. Exceptions to this rule .shall be made only by and with the exj)ress written consent of the President of the college, or if there be a dean, with the written consent of the dean, and only for sufBcient reasons.



The lodgings of the tutors, instructors and fellows, shall be so distributed under the direction of the President of the college, or the Dean of the faculty, if there be a Dean, that all the dor- mitories and other edifices of the college shall be properly placed under etlficient observation and care, and the tutors and fellows shall have their respective responsibility explicitly defined, and be held responsible for reasonable vigilance in enforcing the laws of the college generally, and in particular within the bounds specially assigned to their supervision respectively.



1. The Faculty of the college shall consist of the President, Dean of tlie Faculty, Professors and Tutors, including all of them not specially excepted by the Board of Trustees.

2. It shall be the duty of all the members of the faculty to attend its regular meetings, and a majority of them shall, when convened after due notice, constitute a quorum.

3. Every matter brought before the faculty shall be decided by vote; and it shall be the privilege of the President of the college, when present, to vote in all cases that come before the faculty, and also to give a casting vote when otherwise there would be a tie.

4. The faculty shall keep a book of record or minutes, and appoint a clerk, who shall enter therein a fair statement of their transactions, resolutions and determinations ; which book the clerk shall lay before the Trustees, at each of their stated meetings,

5. The faculty shall from time to time, make needful regula- tions respecting absences and disorder marks, and give them to the students entering the college, along with a copy of the laws.

6. The registrar shall attend all the meetings of the faculty, but shall not be entitled to vote.



1. In all cases of wanton injury or wilful destruction of college property, the offender, if discovered, shall pay the cost of restor- ing it, and be otherwise dealt with as the faculty may judge proper. In all other cases the damages may be assessed equally on all the students, or, in special cases, upon such portion of them as the faculty may determine.

2. All damage done to a room beyond the ordinary wear and tear, shall be made good as soon as possible at the expense of the occupant. This provision includes the breakage of glass whether by accident or design. The occupant shall employ the


proper college workmen and pay the cost of the repairs at once to the treasurer.

3. All requests for repairs must be made at the College Ofl&ces and entered upon a book there provided for the purpose.



1. The librarian shall have the care of the library under the direction of the Board of Trustees.

3. At the commencement of each session, every student shall pay to the treasurer one dollar for the use and increase of the library.

3. The librarian shall attend at the library not less than five days in the week, during the session, at the hours specified in the annual catalogue, to give out books subject to such condi- tions as may be prescribed.

4. No student or other person except members of the faculty, shall be allowed to take out of the library at one time more than two volumes, which shall be returned before they shall have liberty to take out any other books.

5. The librarian shall permit no student to keep a book longer than two weeks. Every person who receives a book from the library shall be answerable for all injury done to it while in his possession ; if lost, defaced, or torn, he shall pay a sum in pro- portion to the damage caused, or replace it at the discretion of the faculty.

6. Any person except a member of the faculty, who shall keep a book longer than two weeks, shall be fined five cents for each day during which it is so kept.

7. No person on whom a fine shall have been imposed, shall be allowed to take a book from the library, till the fine be paid.

8. The members of the faculty may retain in their keeping books belonging to the branches which they teach, as long as to the librarian it shall appear that the general interest of the institution will permit ; provided that this time does not extend beyond that session of the college during which the books shall be taken out of the library.



1. Offenses committed may be dealt with in either of the following ways : private admonition or rebuke by the President, Dean of the Faculty, or other officers of the college ; admonition before the faculty, or in such other way as the faculty may direct; disorder marks ; letters to parents or guardians ; placing on a general or a last probation ; suspension from the privileges of the college for a detiuite or indetinite time ; dismission ; expul- sion, subject to the conditions hereinafter specified.

2. Private admonition or rebuke may be administered by any officer as he shall judge necessary. The other penalties and acts of discipline above mentioned, shall be determined by vote of the faculty. The repeated commission of offenses, whether the same or different iu kind, is always to be regarded and treated as an aggravation.

3. The punishment of expulsion shall not be inflicted unless santioned by the committee of trustees on morals and discipline, called at the request of the faculty, for that purpose ; but in the mean time the faculty may dismiss or suspend the offending party, and exclude him from all connection with the college.

4. If any student shall refuse to remove out of the college on being dismissed or suspended by the faculty, the faculty are authorized to cause him to be immediately removed and if neces- sary to call in the aid of the civil authority. They may also give such publicity to the case as they shall deem proper. Such recusant student shall be permanently excluded from the college.



1. No person shall be admitted to the college but by a vote of the faculty taken for that purpose after his examination.

2. Candidates for admission shall be examined in the books and studies prescribed in the annual catalogue last published before their application for admissioii, or in what is a fair equiv- alent for the same.


3. All candidates for admission to any class must bring with them testimonials of moral character: and if the candidate has been a member of another College or University, he must pro- duce a certificate from the president or faculty that he is free from censure in that institution.

4. No student shall be admitted to the college as a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts after the beginning of the first term of tbe Senior year.

5. To prevent all excuses arising from the ignorance of the laws of this institution, every student shall receive a printed copy of them at the time of his admission.



1. Every student shall faithfully apply himself to such studies as shall be prescribed to him by his teacher,

3. When a student is absent from a recitation, without the express permission of his teacher, he shall assign the reason for his absence, at the time and in the manner prescribed by the faculty for rendering such excuses. If his absences are numer- ous and without sufficient reason, he shall be subjected to such punishment as may be deemed necessary,

3, The students shall conform to such regulations in regard to hours of study and recreation as shall be prescribed by the faculty,

4, Every class shall ordinarily be examined each term on the studies of that term, and be subject to such other examinations and written recitations as the faculty may prescribe.

5, Those who shall appear to the faculty, on examination, to be deficient in their studies, shall be dealt with according to the nature and extent of the deficiency. (1) Any member of either of the three lower classes who shall fail to pass the examinations at the end of the first or second term in more than two depart- ments, shall be dropped from his class and shall be required to enter a lower class or to withdraw from college, (3J If the failure be in not more than two departments the student maybe allowed a second trial at the beginning of the next term ; if he


fail in this second examination, he shall employ a tutor approved by the faculty, and be allowed four weeks for further prepara- tion, but if he still fail to pass, he shall be required to enter a lower class or to withdraw from college. (3) The same rules shall api)ly to the annual examinations except that in the case of failure in not more than two departments the student shall be required to pass a satisfactory examination at the beginning of the next academic year, and will not be allowed additional time for preparation, nor a third trial.

6. Competitions for fellowships, prizes, and other special honors in literature and science may be appointed by the trus- tees and faculty, at such times, and subject to such regulations as they may judge expedient.

7. The examinations for degrees shall be on such studies of the college course as shall be prescribed by the faculty.

8. In awarding literary honors and distinctions, a regard shall be had to the moral conduct and orderly behaviour of the can- didates for such distinctions.



1. For the improvement of the students in public speaking, orations shall be pronounced at such time and place as the faculty may direct.

2. The members of the Senior class shall pronounce, at stated times to be appointed by the faculty, orations or declamations of their own composition,

3. Exercises in public speaking shall be assigned at the dis- cretion of the faculty.

4. On the day of commencement, the candidates for degrees shall perform such exercises as shall be appointed them, and no candidate shall decline to perform such exercises, unless excused by the faculty, under penalty of forfeiting his degree.

5. Nothing indecent, profane, immoral, or personally offensive shall at any time be delivered on the public stage, under penalty of such censure as the faculty or trustees shall judge proper. Every student shall, at least two weeks before the delivery of


any public oration, show to the officer in charge of the depart- ment the whole of what he proposes to speak, and shall observe such corrections as shall be made of his performances ; and if any student pronounce anything in public not officially sanc- tioned, the President is authorized to stop him on the public stage, and he shall be otherwise dealt with as the trustees or faculty shall determine.



1. Students are required to call at the treasurer's office in the course of the first ten days of each session and to give informa- tion as to their place of boarding, etc., so that their bills can be made out. All bills must be paid withiu the first four weeks of the session. Failure to comply with this rule sliall deprive the student of the privileges of the college until payment is made, unless excused by special vote of the faculty.

2. To aid those persons who furnish the students •with lodg- ings, board, and washing, in obtaining the moneys due them, each student is required to deposit with the treasurer of the college, in addition to the college dues, an amount sufficient to pay his room, washing and board bills for the current session ; but the college will not be responsible for the payment of such bills unless the money has been so deposited.

3. Students may take their meals at any house approved by the faculty, but no student shall change his place of boarding after the beginning of a session without the consent of the treasurer previously obtained ; and only one such change shall be permitted in each session except by special permission of the faculty. If any student disregard this rule, he shall forfeit the sum of five dollars, and be subject to such further action as the faculty may judge to be necessary.

4. The students are required to lodge in the college buildings, unless they have special permission from the President or the officer in charge of this department, and any student changing his lodging without notice previously given and permission obtained, shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars and be subject to such further action as the faculty may judge necessary.


5. When a student enters college before the middle of a ses- sion, he shall pay in full the usual college charges for that ses- sion, with the exception of the charges for board and washing ; if he enter after the middle of the session, he shall pay one-half. For board and washing he shall pay in proportion to the time,

6. When a student leaves the college, whether voluntarily or by dismission, before the middle of any session, one-half of the charges for tuition and public rooms for that session shall be refunded. But in the case of temporary absence and subsequent return, although the absence be for more than half a session, no such rebate shall be granted.

7. When a student is dismissed from college for any cause the advance deposit for board, washing, fuel, and gas, beyond the time of his dismission, shall be refunded to his parent or guardian.

8. When at the end of the first or second sessions, the amount of the advance deposit proves to be in excess of the sum re- quired to defray the board, washing, or room bills of any student, the excess shall be credited on his bill for the next session.

At the end of the College year the amounts overpaid by the members of the graduating class for board, washing, room rent, fuel, or gas shall be refunded by the Treasurer to the student's parent or guardian. The parent or guardian of all zmder- graduates will be advised of the amount of excess to the credit of his son or ward, and such amount will be carried over to Ms credit on tlie bill of the first session of the following year. In case of withdrawal or dismissal from College of any undergraduate, at the end of the College year such excess will be refunded by the Treasurer to the parent or guardian, when informed by the Clerk of the Faculty that such undergraduate has been with- drawn or dismissed from College.


1. Whenever a student desires to occupy a room in one of the College buildings, he and his parent or guardian shall be required to sign a room-agreement, engaging to pay the rent and charges of said room for the ensuing Academic year, or for the remainder of the current year, as the case may be.


2. The tenure of all rooms so engaged shall be subject to the following conditions as regards damages and repairs, viz. : (1.) All damage done to a room beyond the ordinary wear and tear, shall be made good as soon as possible at the expense of the occupant. This provision includes the breakage of glass whether by accident or design. The occupant shall employ the proper College workmen and pay the cost of the repairs at once to the Treasurer. (2.) The occupants of a room shall deposit with the Curator the sum of twenty-five cents for every key furnished, which amount shall be refunded on return of the keys.

3. Students now occupying rooms, or to whom rooms shall hereafter be allotted, may have the option of retaining such rooms until the end of their College course, on condition of annually notifying the Treasurer of their intention of retaining their room for the following year, and signing a new room- agreement before May 15th ; their rooms will be con- sidered as vacated, and will be included in the annual allotment.

4. In the annual room drawing, rooms shall be drawn only by the bona fide intending occupant. In case of absence through sickness, of any such intending occupant, a proxy duly author- ized, in writing, may act in his stead. Tlie student so drawing a room, either in person or by proxy, will be held for the rent of such room for the entire ensuing year unless released by the proper authority.

5. Rooms becoming vacant at or near the close of the College year shall be assigned to new occupants, by lot. The members of the Junior and Sophomore classes who desire a choice shall draw lots first ; then, the Freshmen. As soon as the drawing is completed the rooms must at once be seltcted in order of priority of choice.

6. No student will be entitled to the room allotted him unless the room agreements shall have been signed and returned to the Treasurer before June 5th.

7. New students shall have the choice of any remaining rooms in the order of their application, after admission into College, on condition of immediately signing the room-agreement, and depositing with the Treasurer the rent for the next ensuing term.

8. Every student who draws or retains a room is expected to occupy the same, and pay the rent and charges, or his share


thereof, until the end of the College year, unless sooner released by the proper authority.

9. A student who expects to be absent on leave for a term may be released from the above obligation, by notifying the Treasurer before the beginning of the term, and by giving up the room ; but no abatement or drawback for room rent will be made to any student vacating his room during a term, unless by express direction of the Faculty.

10. Whenever, by any contingency, one of two room-mates is permitted or obliged to cancel his room-agreement, the re- maining occupant must vacate the room at the end of the cur- rent term, unless he agrees to pay the whole rent, or provides a room-mate who shall join him in signing a new agreement for the remainder of the College year. When one of two occupants of a room is a member of the Senior class, the room shall become vacant when the Senior graduates, and be subject to the pro- visions of Rule 5, except in cases where the joint occupancy has continued for at least one year.

11. When rooms are vacated during the first or second term the rent shall be paid to the end of the term (see Rule 9), at which time the students who may have registered their names as applicants for vacancies shall draw for them by lot.

12. Exchange of rooms, or substitution of one occupant for another, must be by authority of the Treasurer, and any student moving into a room, without authority previously obtained, will be liable to a fine of $10, and be required to vacate the room. Such exchanges can only be made at the end of the 1st or 2nd term or the first three days of the 2nd or 3rd term.

13. No tenant of a College room who is permitted or com- pelled to vacate such room will be allowed to transfer directly or indirectly any interest in or title to the room.

14. When a student vacates a room he shall immediately remove the furniture therefrom unless the student to whom the room is assigned elects to purchase the same. In case a sale is agreed upon between the parties, the price to be paid by the purchaser shall be ascertained by deducting from the cost price of the furniture a discount of twenty per cent, per annum for the time the same has been in use by the vendor ; provided that the price to be paid for the furniture in a room shall in no case


exceed $300. All sales shall be approved by the Treasurer before the same are finally cousummated.

15, Students leaving College, or otherwise vacating their rooms, shall be allowed to store their furniture in a room assigned by the College authorities, under the charge of a sales- man appointed by the College, where it may be offered for sale. Funiture remaining unsold at the end of three months, if not removed by the owner, will be disposed of at public auction to the highest bidder.



1. Every student shall attend worship in the college chapel at the hoars appointed, and shall behave with gravity and rever- ence during the whole service. All irreverent or indecorous conduct in the chapel, either before, during, or after the services, shall be treated as a grave otfence and be punished at the dis- cretion of the. faculty.

2. Every student shall attend public worship on the Sabbath, at such times and places as shall be prescribed by the faculty, and shall be careful to maintain a reverential deportment. All practices inconsistent with the due observance of the Lord's Day are expressly prohibited.

3. Besides the public exercises of religious worship on the Sabbath, there shall be assigned to each class such other exer- cises for their religious instruction as the President and faculty may direct.

4. No student shall possess or exhibit any indecent picture, nor purchase or read or circulate in college any lascivious or impious books.

5. Lying, profaneness, drunkenness, theft, uncleanness, gam- bling, or other improprieties shall be punished according to the nature and heinousness of the offense.

6. If any student shall quarrel with, insult, or abuse a fellow student, or any person whatever, he shall be punished as the faculty, in view of all the circumstances, may determine.

7. Any student who shall send or accept a challenge to fight a duel, who shall carry such challenge or be second in a duel, or in any wise aid or abet it, shall be expelled.


8. No student shall bring or cause to be brought into college, or keep in his room, any spirituous or fermented liquors ; nor shall he frequent any place where intoxicating liquors are sold as a beverage.

9. The use of distilled or fermented drinks by the students at eating clubs and boarding houses, upon any occasion or pretext whatsoever, is prohibited. Students will not be permitted to board where this rule is violated.

10. It is required of all students to treat all persons with whom they have intercourse, with decorum, but especially to exhibit respectful deportment to the officers of the college ; and if any student shall disobey any of the lawful commands of his teachers, or shall, either in speech or action, manifest disrejject towards any of them, he shall be required to make due acknowl- edgment, and shall be further dealt with as the faculty may- judge proper.

11. If any student shall refuse to appear personally before any officers of the college, when required so to do, he shall be punished for contemjit of authority.

12. Any student who may be required so to do, shall open the door of his room to any officer of the college ; and if he refuse the officer may break it open, and the expense of repairing it shall be defrayed by the student, who shall also be punished for disobedience.

12. If any students remain in college, or in the town, during the vacation, they shall be subject to all the laws respecting orderly conduct, and shall be under the control of the officers of the college who may remain there during the vacation.



1. All secret societies, except those publicly sanctioned by the authorities of the college, are strictly prohibited.

2. At his matriculation each student is required to sign the following pledge : '' We the undersigned do individually for our- selves promise, without any mental reservation, that we will have no connection whatever with any secret society, nor be present at the meetings of any secret society in this or any other college,


so long as we are members of the College of New Jersey ; it being understood that this promise has no reference to the American Whig and Cliosophic Societies. We also declare that we regard ourselves bound to keep this promise and on no account whatever to violate it."

3. The faculty are required by a resolution of the Trustees "promptly to dismiss any student known to be a member of a prohibited secret society."


OF "hazing."

1. Acts or attempts at acts of a brutal character, or involving the restraint of the liberty of any student by one or more other students, or the invasion of his private rights, and all proceed- ings in the nature of intimidation or coercion, shall be included under the general designation " hazing."

2. Oflfenses coming under the above designation shall be pun- ished by dismissal from college, and any student so dismissed, shall not be permitted to return within one year, nor then to the class of which he was formerly a member. Flagrant offenses of this character may be punished by expulsion.

3. Any student who shall incite another to commit a breach of this regulation, or shall directly or indirectly encourage or pro- cuie the committal of an oft'ense, or shall countenance by his continued presence or otherwise, any such oft'ense when commit- ted, shall be held guilty as if he were an actual participant, and shall be punished accordingly.



Minor indignities to students shall receive such penalties as the gravity of each particular case mav require.



1. All boisterous noise in the entries or rooms of the college at any time is strictly prohibited ; and every student shall be required to preserve order and decorum in his own room, and shall be responsible for all disorder therein.


2. All blowiufi of horus, kiudling- of bonfires, and disorderly or unauthorized gatherings, of any kind or for any purpose, on the college grounds or elsewhere, are strictly forbidden ; and upon every occasion of open disorder the students are required to repair to their several rooms, and to remain in them during the continuance of the disorder. Any disregard of this rule shall be punished at the discretion of the faculty.

3. All students present in gatherings, crowds or processions which commit any disorder, mischief, destruction or injury of projDerty, or make any offensive visit to, or in any way molest persons, residences, institutions or i3remises, shall receive such penalties as the gravity of each particular case may require.

4. If any student present in a disorderly gathering shall dis- obey an order of the proctor or of any officer of the college to repair to his room, or after retiring to his room shall return to the gathering, he shall be suspended from the college for such period as the faculty may determine.

5. If any combination of the students shall at any time be formed either for resisting the authority of the college, interfer- ing in its government, or for concealing or executing any evil or disorderly design, every student concerned in such combination shall be considered as guilty of the offense which was intended ; and the faculty are empowered and directed to break up all such combinations as soon as discovered, whatever be the number concerned, and whatever be the consequences to the college.

6. No meeting of the students of the college, or of any class in it, shall be called without the permission of the President, or in his absence, of the dean of the faculty, or in case of the ab- sence of both the President and Dean, of the next senior officer ; and in all cases the request for the meeting shall be iia writing specifying the object of the meeting, and signed by the persons making the request, which persons shall be responsible for the good order and doings of the class, or of all the classes, at such meeting. No business shall be transacted at such meeting ex- cept that for which permission has been obtained.

7. It may sometimes happen that a student may become an unworthy, corrupting, and dangerous member of the institution, and yet it may not be practicable to establish his criminality by


formal aud specified proof. In such cases, it shall be the duty of the faculty first to warn and admonish the party thus circum- stanced, and if reformation do not take place, then, unless the urgency of the case shall forbid the measure, to request his parent or guardian to remove him ; and if he shall not be re- moved without unnecessary delay, it shall be the duty of the faculty to remove him iu such manner as they shall judge that equity and the good of the institution require.

8. No student suspended, dismissed, or expelled from college shall be permitted to enter the college buildings, or come on the college grounds without permission of the President.

9. No student shall be allowed to disguise himself in any way whatever.

10. No student shall be allowed to carry a pistol, or any deadly weapon whatever.

11. No student shall be permitted to keep a dog in his college room or about the college premises.

13. If any student or students shall steal, destroy, disfigure by painting or otherwise, or trespass upon the property of the college, or of any person in the town or elsewhere, the authori- ties of the college shall inflict an exemplary punishment on him or them ; and any combination to prevent the execution of the civil laws shall be severely punished.

13. It is to be distinctly understood that any student violating the laws of the land shall be liable to the penalties imposed by public law, aud the faculty will not interpose to save him from these penalties.

14. No student shall, without permission, leave the town at any time whatever.

15. The students are subject to all the laws of the college, after the classes to which they belong are dismissed at the close of each session, till they take their departure from the town.

15. Whereas cases may arise not expressly provided for, the faculty are fully authorized to adopt such additional regulations, not inconsistent with the preceding laws, as in their opinion are necessary for the good order of the institution ; and these regu- lations, when announced, shall be as promptly obeyed as the printed laws.