'"""A LECTURE ON MENDELISM BY H. DRINKWATER THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Santa Monica Public Library A LECTURE ON MENDELISM Gregor Mendel [Frontispiece. A LECTURE ON ' MENDELISM BY H. LDRINKWATER M.D., F.R.S. (Edin.), F.L.S. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS LONDON J. M. DENT & SONS, Ltd 29 & 30 BEDFORD STREET, W.C. 1910 All rights reserved M-31 P632L INTRODUCTION The following Lecture is published at the earnest request of several friends who are interested in the subject and who heard it delivered as one of a series of " Science Lectures for the People " early in the present year. I have to thank Mr. Bateson and Mr. Punnett for kindly allowing me to include their portraits and also must acknowledge my indebtedness to their works on Mendelism for many of the statements contained in this lecture. H. Drinkwater Wrexham, Sept. igio. A LECTURE ON MENDELISM It is never easy, and sometimes impossible, to explain the facts of any science without using its technical language. For technical terms used by scientists are not, as is commonly supposed, arbitrary conventions designed for the exclusion of the layman, but are really abbreviations and simplifications which enable the student to handle in single terms complicated sets ot ideas and associations. I will, however, do my best to avoid these technicalities and will only use them when their content has been made clear by the course of the narrative. As Darwinism is the theory of the origin of species which takes its name from Charles Darwin, so by Men- delism we mean the biological theory of heredity first propounded by Mendel. Gregor Mendel was born on the 27th July, 1822, at Heinzendorf in Austria. His parents were peasant farmers. They were enabled to send him to Vienna to pursue his studies, and there he took a University degree. When twenty-one years old he joined the Augustinian Order, and three years later was ordained priest. Soon afterwards he removed to Brunn, a few miles north of Vienna, and here he taught natural science in the Realschule from 1853 to 1868, when he was appointed abbot of the Monastery. During the years he was teaching science in the Monastery School at Brunn, he spent a great deal of time in his little garden, working quietly, patiently, and alone, engaged in his favourite hobby, the cultivation of the edible and the sweet pea. He made careful observations, and 2 MENDELISM kept exact records of about 10,000 plants which he had cultivated. He was well versed in other branches of science, especially meteorology. Eventually he became president of the Brunn Society of Naturalists. In 1866 he published an account of his observations on Peas, but the scientific world of Germany did not appreciate their importance, and no one in England seems to have heard anything about them. His work was indeed lost sight of, until it was re-discovered by Prof. De Vries of Amsterdam about the beginning of the present century. In 1902 Prof. Wm. Bateson of Cambridge trans- lated Mendel's monograph into English, and published it under the title Mendel s Principles of Heredity. Mendel died in 1884, at the age of sixty-two years. That branch of science which Mendel founded is con- cerned with living things — both animals and plants — that is, with Biology. Mendel's work has supplied to Biology a key or guide which may be compared to the mariner's compass ; for, just as by the aid of the compass the mariner is able to take the most direct course from one place to another, so, by following Mendel's method, the biologist is now able to achieve results much more quickly, and with greater certainty than hitherto. Mendel's work constitutes "one of the most fascinating chapters in the history of science." It is interesting not only to the theoretical biologist, but will, I believe, before long be recognized as of great economic, commercial and social importance. I hope to be able to show that each one of you can, if you like, make observations without cost, and with com- paratively little trouble, by which you may not only test the truth of the laws which I shall explain to you, but you may be able to contribute some useful facts. " Mendel's Professor Bateson [ To face p. 2. MENDEL1SM 3 clue has shown the way into a realm of nature which, for surprising novelty and adventure, is hardly to be excelled. It has led us into a new world the very existence of which was unsuspected before." I shall first show you how Mendel gradually developed his theories, and then proceed to describe some of the later results achieved by his followers. Let us first consider Mendel's Method. His practice was to select two plants, such as two peas, which differ in some well-marked character — such as height of stem, colour of flowers, or shape and colour of the seeds, and he produced offspring from these contrasted plants, using one as the male and the other as the female parent. In order that this may be clearly understood it is neces- sary to know how plants are normally reproduced ; and in case there may be some one present who does not under- stand this, it will be well briefly to describe the process. Almost any plant will answer the purpose, but we will take a primrose shown in section in Fig. i. Within the tube of the flower (the corolla), and attached to it, are some small bodies called anthers, which contain a fine powder called pollen. When the anther is ripe it bursts, and the pollen becomes dispersed. In the very centre of the flower is the pistil, surmounted at the top by a little knob called the stigma, which is generally covered with a sticky juice. Fig. i. The lowest part of the pistil is called the ovary — a hollow chamber containing small bodies called ovules. These ovules eventually develop into ripe seeds, as a result of uniting with the pollen contained in the anthers. How does the pollen from the anthers reach the ovules in the closed ovary ? When the anther bursts, and the MENDELISM liberated pollen is scattered about, some of it alights on the stigma, and is retained there by the sticky juice (Fig. 2). Very soon the pollen grain begins to shoot out little finger- like processes called "pollen-tubes," which grow down the Fig. 2. A and B are pollen grains with commencing " pollen tubes." C — Section (vertical) of stigma ; showing two pollen grains resting on the upper surface, with their downward growing tubes. whole length of the pistil, until they eventually reach the ovules. The pollen-tube then enters an ovule, and the two bodies (pollen grain and ovule) become blended into one body, and a ripe seed is the result of the union. The union of pollen grain with ovule constitutes what is termed " fertilization " : the pollen is said to fertilize the ovule ; and without the addition of the pollen the ovules will not ripen into "seeds." The pollen is the male ele- ment, the ovule is the female element. We may have " self- fertilization," and " cross-fertilization." When pollen fer- tilizes the ovules of its own flowers, we get " self-fertilization," but the pollen of one flower may be carried by such insects as bees, butterflies and moths to another flower, and effect "cross-fertilization." If the pollen from A (Fig. 3) fer- MENDEL ISM tilizes the ovules of B, or if the pollen from B fertilizes the ovules of A we get cross-fertilization. Gardeners sometimes effect cross-fertilization, or " crosses," by placing the pollen from one flower on to the stiema of another flower. The flower from which the pollen is derived is the male parent ; that which contains the ovules (and seeds) is the female parent. A Fig. The Two Types of Primrose. Male and female may be represented by the letters M (male) and F (female), but they are best represented by certain astronomical signs employed by scientists of all countries — £ stands for male ; £ stands for female. The male and female elements, the pollen grains and ovules, are now called "gametes," which means marry ing- cells, but it will be easier to follow me if I use the better- known term "germ-cells." The germ-cells of plants, then, are the pollen grains and ovules. The same term (germ- cells) is also applied to animals ; the process of reproduction is essentially the same in them as it is in plants. Reproduction or fertilization may be represented in diagrammatic form thus — ? x t 6 MENDELISM The cross ( x ) is to be read as " fertilized by." This therefore shows that a female germ-cell is fertilized by a male germ- cell. A vertical line placed under the cross points to the offspring which results from the fertilization, a simple circle indicating the offspring without showing the sex. Thus- x When the two germ-cells which unite in fertilization are derived from two plants which are essentially similar, the resulting offspring is said to be "pure-bred." When the two parents show some well-marked difference, as in stature or colour of flowers, the offspring is said to be " cross-bred," so far as this particular character is concerned, and such a cross-bred individual is called a " hybrid." The similarity or difference of the parents may be represented by the sign, thus — £ and $ represent two similar parents ; $ and ?, or $ and ? represent two parents which differ in some important feature. ? x $ represents the production of pure-bred o offspring ; $ x^ $ x or o o represents the production of cross-bred or hybrid offspring. Now, when the parents show a marked difference, what will the hybrid offspring be like ? Will it be like one of the parents, and if so, which one ? Or will it be inter- mediate between the two ? Clearly it cannot be like both. This is what Mendel studied experimentally. He sought to discover the Law of Inheritance in these hybrid offspring ; in other words, the law or laws governing the resemblance between parent and offspring. MENDELISM 7 Mendel's method of experimentation was as follows — First of all he removed the anthers from a flower just before they were ripe, in order to prevent self-fertilization : this would be the female parent. Then he placed upon its stigma the ripe pollen from another flower, the male parent. Fig. 4 shows the pollen from a r