nF^. f? /^•^Af^^-' ^.f^- ,a,^^aWQ«^ .:nk^ ^^^f/^ 'y^fr\l kls km wm\. LECTURES COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF TUB INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS, DELIVERED AT THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. BY RICHARD OWEN, F.R.S/^toOs^- /. HUNTERIAN PROFESSOR TO THE COLLEGE. '^^. L I L? R A R Y / SECOND EDITION. IX.I.USTRATSD BY I7UMEROXTS IVOOBCUTS. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS. 1855. London: A- and G. A. Spottiswoode, New-Street-Square. TO WILLIAM COOKE, M.D. M.K.C.S. FOUNDER AXD TREASURER OF THE HUNTERIAN SOCIETY OF LONDON, tlTfji^ Walximt OF HUNTERIAN LECTUKES ON THE INVEBTEBKATE ANIMALS IS DEDICATED BY A SINCERE ADMIRER OF HIS VIRTUES AND TALENTS. ADVERTISEMENT. The present Volume is not a reprint of that on the same subject, published in 1843. The difference between them is in some measure indicative of the progress of the anatomy and physiology of the Invertebrate Animals, during the ten years which intervened between my first and last course of Lectures on that subject. My friend and former pupil, Mr. W. White Cooper, having published his notes of the Lectures of 1843, in numbers, as they were delivered, time was not allowed to add references to the original authorities for many of the facts and opinions quoted in those Lectures : in the present Work, I have endeavoured to supply that omission according to the plan adopted in the volume on the Anatomy of Fishes : and some additions have been made of contributions to Invertebrate Anatomy and Physiology up to the date of publication. Royal College of Surgeons, London, May, 1855. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. CUARACTERS AND CLASSIFICATION OF AnIMALS Page 1 Polygastria LECTURE II. - 16 ROTIFERA LECTURE III. 39 Entozoa LECTURE IV. 57 Entozoa LECTURE V. - 80 Polypi LECTURE VI. - 93 LECTURE VII. Polypi, IIydrozoa and Anthozoa - 119 Bryozoa LECTURE VIII. 144 ACALEPHTE LECTURE IX. - 157 ECHINODERMATA LECTURE X. 190 Annulata LECTURE XL - 225 3129G VIU CONTENTS. LECTURE XII. Page Annulata. -------- 248 LECTURE XIII. Epizoa and Cirripedia _----- 266 LECTURE XIV. Crustacea -------- 296 LECTURE XV. Crustacea -------- 314 LECTURE XVI. Insecta -------- 344 LECTURE XVIL Insecta .------- 372 LECTURE XVIII. Generation of Insects - - - - - - 387 LECTURE XIX. Arachnida -------- 442 LECTURE XX. TuNiCATA, Brachiopoda - - - - - - 469 LECTURE XXL Lamellibranchiata ------- 503 LECTURE XXII. Pteropoda and Gastropoda - - - - _ 535 LECTURE XXIII. Cephalopoda ------- 575 LECTURE XXIV. Cephalopoda ------- 603 Works reperred to by Roman Numerals in the Present Volume 653 Glossary - - - -- - - - 667 Index --------- 682 HUNTERIAN LECTURES 1852. INTKODUCTORY LECTURE. CHARACTERS AND CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. In entering upon a description of the Animal Kingdom, the natu- ralist's first and greatest difficulty is to determine its bounds. The same difficulty meets the anatomist, and must meet whoever under- takes to write on any particular quality of animals in general. LiNN^us, the great framer of precise and definite ideas of natural objects and terse teacher of the briefest and clearest expressions of their differences and diagnoses, divided them into three kingdoms, and characterised them as follows : — "Lapides, corpora congesta, nee viva^ nee sentientia. " Vegetabilia corpora organisata et viva^ non sentientia. " Animalia, corpora organisata et viva et sentientia^ sponteque se moventia." * In other words — minerals are unorganised ; vegetables are or- ganised and live ; animals are organised, live, feel, and move spontaneously. By organisation is meant such an internal cellular or cellulo-yas- cular structure as relates to the reception of fluid matter with the power of altering that matter and adding it to the alterative structure, the fluid being on that account called '"nutritive," and the actions it is subjected to, "assimilation" and "intussusception." As these acts * I. tom.i. p. 11. B d INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. are not explicable on any known chemical or mechanical principles, they are called "vital" acts, and so long as they are continued the plant or animal is said to " live." A mineral or unorganised body can undergo no change save by the operation of mechanical or chemical forces ; and any increase of its bulk is due to the addition of like particles to its exterior: it augments not by "growth" but by " accretion." Organised beings differ so much more from the unorganised than they do from each other, that the co-equality of the three Linnaean kingdoms of nature is no longer admitted, and the primary division of natural bodies is into " organic" and " inorganic," the former being collectively designated " organisms." For the distinction of these into two kingdoms, moreover, the Linnasan diagnosis no longer suffices. Nothing seems easier than to distinguish a plant from an animal, and in common practice as regards the more obvious members of both king- doms no distinction is easier; yet as the knowledge of their nature has advanced the difficulty of defining them has increased, and seems now to be insuperable. Not that the lack of such power of definition is any loss to the Naturalist, if he has gained, instead, a truer conception of the fundamental unity of all organic nature. Any circumscription of the Animal Kingdom must, therefore, be arbitrary, as will, I think, be evident from the following consider- ations. Linnosus was not aware that many movements in unquestionable animals, that seem to be " spontaneous," are not so. Experiment had not proved that all those of Hartley's first class * depending on nervous influence, " which is detached down the motory fibres before reaching the brain," are unaccompanied by sensation, and inde- pendent of volition. f It has, indeed, been remarked Avith regard to this difficulty, that " if we always possessed the means of determining where consciousness and spontaneity do and do not exist, we should have comparatively little difficulty in drawing a definite line of demar- cation between " plants and animals." J Yet, in point of fact, we should then have merely a psychical character, which, in reference to other characters purely physiological, anatomical, and chemical, might prove after all to be an artificial one, drawing the boundary-line as arbitrarily as would be done by any other single character. But taking the power of self-motion, irrespective of its cause in living * n. Vol.i. p. 97. f III. p. 190, where the author, after detailing certain experiments, concludes from them, '* that thei'c is a property of the sentient and motory system of nerves, which is independent of sensation and volition." X IV. p. 182. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 3 beings, if Linniisus meant "locomotion," this truly is as striking a characteristic of a large proportion of the Animal Kingdom as the fixed or rooted state is of a still larger proportion of the Vegetable Kingdom : but the vegetative fixity of the individual is a character which advances pretty far into the animal series. Not only are most polypes and a few echinoderms adherent to the place of their growth, but the whole class of cirripedes and some genera both of articulate and molluscous animals, e. g. Serpula and Ostrea, are cemented by their shells as immoveably to the rock on which they grow as are the sea-weeds that float beside them from their adherent base. On the other hand, many microscopic single-celled plants, as well as the cili- ated zoospores or embryos of the Vaucheria* and other algae, and of the sponges, have a more rapid locomotion than some of the polygastric animalcules enjoy ; although in neither case, probably, does it arise from a distinct act of volition. The movements of the oscillatoriae, and the more partial shrinkings of the sensitive-plant from the touch, show that "motion" merely, whether of the whole or of the parts of a living organism, will not determine to which kingdom it belongs. Blumenbach, who appreciated the insufliciency of the psychical cha- racter from "spontaneous motion," adopted an anatomical one: — " Plants absorb their nutriment by means of numerous fibres placed at the lower end of their bodies : animals have a simple opening at their upper or anterior extremity, leading to a capacious bag, into which they introduce their food: "f Boerhaavelj: had long before said that the food of plants was absorbed by external roots, and that of ani- mals by internal roots ; and Hunter's favourite anatomical character for animals was the "mouth and stomach." But the free parasitic genus Gregarina §, with its contractile cell-wall, which is soluble in acetic acid, and many of the freely moving infusoria, have no mouth nor alimentary canal ; and there is nothing that can be properly called "stomach" in the cestoidea. The cellular parenchyme of tape- worms is traversed by canals more analogous in character to those which take the place of the digestive cavity in 'sponges. The sap- vessels, and the whole system of intercellular spaces, with their outlets in the stomata, of plants, exhibit an analogous arrangement. Carbonic acid, the nutritive material in plants, passes through the pores of the elongated canals of the intercellular spaces and is taken into the surrounding cells as formative material ; just as albumen and the hydrates of carbon are introduced by the stomata of the tape- worm into the longitudinal canals, and pass through their pores into the surrounding vacuolse or cells : the same materials, in a * V. t VI. p. 4. X CL. p. 64. § VII. p. 10. B 2 4 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. coarser form, passing by the more obvious mouth into the wider digestive sac of the higher animals. There is no essential or well- defined distinction of assimilative structure here : the difference is at most one of form and proportion of the internal cavities and of their external openings : they are the same as to function in plants and animals. The more free and locomotive the organism, the more capacious the internal receptacle for the matters to be assimilated, the characteristic differences of form fading away in the passage from the pendant parasites and the polypes to the astomatous polygastria, the sponges, and plants proper. So that if the presence of absorbent pores and assimilative cells, instead of a mouth and stomach, be deemed a Vegetable characteristic, then this, like the rooted character, mounts up a certain way into the Animal Kingdom. When the chemist entered upon his valued investigations into the changes which living organisms wrought upon surrounding media and those media upon them, he found that plants and animals differed in their behaviour in these respects. Plants exhaled oxygen, animals carbonic acid : the gas which was food to plants was poison to animals ; animals inspired the oxygen which plants exhaled. Thus the balance of the gases in the atmosphere was beneficially maintained by the antagonistic actions of the two kingdoms. And in a general way this is true, but the chemical antagonism fails as a boundary line where we most require it, as we approach, viz., the confines of the two kingdoms. Wohler * has shown that some of the free and locomotive Polygastria, e. g., Chlamidomonas pulvisculus, Euglena viridis, Frustidia salina, eliminate pure oxygen, as the ultimate metamorphosis of their tissues : and on the other hand, Drs. Schlossberger and Dopping | have proved that mushrooms and sponges exhale carbonic acid. The green-coloured matter called " chlorophyll " which is common in most plants, exists in the Poly- gastria, in the green Planariie, and the fresh-water polype. As regards the conversion of the surrounding elements into their own matter, animals combine carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen to form the proximate principles of most of their tissues, which are thus " quaternary " compounds ; whilst the tissues of plants are in general " ternary " compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and sometimes, as, e. g., the cellulose substance, only " binary " ones of carbon and hydrogen. But if the presence of nitrogen in the organic tissues be taken as an animal characteristic, then we find it descending pretty far into the vegetable series, the element being * VIII. 1843. p. 206. ] lb. bd. Hi. p. 119. CLASSIBICATION OF ANIMALS. 5 present in the alga3, the fungi, and almost all cryptogamia. On the other hand, it has been shown by Schmidt * that some animal tissues are binary compounds, as e, g., the mantle of the Frustidice and the thick cellular tunic of the Ascidice. Thus whilst it may be affirmed in a general way that plants decom- pose and animals recompose carbonic acid, the one fixing the carbon and yielding the oxygen, the other freeing the carbon in combination with oxygen taken from the atmosphere ; that the plant exhales less water, and the animal more water, than it imbibes ; that whilst the plant Jixes ammonia and uses its elements for the produc- tion of organic compounds, the animal sets free azotised substances which speedily resolve themselves into ammoniacal compounds; — the beneficial antagonism can only be predicated in a general way of the more complex or typical members of each kingdom respectively, and will not serve as a rigorous basis of definition in the lower approxi- mated forms where the aid of the chemist has been most wanted for that purpose. The physiologist has asserted that plants alone can subsist on inorganic matter, and that animals depend upon plants for combining the elements into binary and ternary compounds essential to animal support, f And this also is in some degree true : the lichen that first clothed the granite rock must have converted the inorganic elements into cellular tissue. Animals, as a general rule, subsist on vegetable or on animal matter, or on both. But no proof has been given that the Frustidice and other astomous polygastria, which separate oxygen in excess, do not effect this by reducing the carbonic acid of the atmosphere, and fixing the carbon, in order to produce their fats and hydrates of carbon : or that they do not, in like manner, assimilate their ammonia either directly, or by taking the nitrogen of the atmosphere into the required combination ; and so by its subsequent combination with the elements of the fats and hydro- carbonates, produce their proteine compounds and albuminates. Still less proof or probability have we that the typical or higher organised forms of vegetation could flourish without the support of decaying organised tissues, superadded to the air and water. Ehrenberg \ seems to have rested from his analysis of the distinc- tion between plants and animals, on arriving at considerations offered by the generative function, and accordingly refers the "• Desmidice,''^ " DiatomacecB^'' and " Closterice " to the animal kingdom, which he characterizes by "the power of increase by voluntary division," super- * IX. p. 34. t ^' ^^^' i- P- 2- X XI. p. 88. B 3 6 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. added to self-motion. But growth by elongation and bisection of tli6 cells is very frequent if not universal in the more simple algae ; whilst propagation by spontaneous fission is the common mode of increase of the single-celled plants which constitute yeast {Torula cerevisii) and the colouring matter of red snow {Protococcus ?iivalis). All living organs are continually receiving additions to their sub- stances ; and so long as these exceed in quantity the parts removed, they are said " to grow." Plants seem to grow as long as they live ; but if the tree and other compound kinds be rightly regarded as organic associations of individual phytons,then these, when fully developed into the form of the leaf, the sepal, the petal, or the pistil, abide, like the polype of the compound coral, without further growth, until the period of their decay or fall. And if this philosophic interpretation of the " tree " be rejected and the common notion of its individuality be held to be the truer one, it will as little assist in differentiating the plant and the animal by the character of growth : for the compound zoophyte must then be regarded as a many-mouthed individual, and any climacteric cessation of its growth can be as little predicated of it, as of the com- pound individual plant. But in regard to both trees and zoophytes it is plain that there is a certain term of growth, even for the com- pound whole ; for most species have a characteristic maximum of size, otherwise we should not see the Elm of 50 years surpassing the Yew of 500 years : and no term of life would bring the Elm or the Yew to an equality of size with the mighty Boabdad {Adansonia). The creatures that appear least equivocally to enjoy growth during the whole term of their existence are the Trout^ the Pike, the Ana- conda, the Testudo elephantopus, and the like cold-blooded vertebrate individuals : although as the rate of growth, which is always slow, becomes slower as age advances, they seem, during the few years that a naturalist can watch an aged individual of these long-lived species, to be stationary in regard to their growth. The records of unusually large specimens of such cold-blooded animals always asso- ciate such uncommon size with far advanced age, and imply that there is no definite period arresting their growth as in the warm-blooded vertebrates. Still, however, as in trees and zoophytes, the recog- nised average size characteristic of different species of fishes and reptiles, which all start from a germ-cell of nearly the same minute- ness, shows plainly that there is a specific limit of growth for each. And this at least is certain, that the " continually receiving additions during the term of existence",* however understood, helps us no way towards the discrimination betvveen plants and animals. * V. p. 182. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 7 Thus, after reviewing the different characters by which it has been attempted to distinguish the special subjects of the botanist and zoologist, we find that neither sensation and motion, the internal assimilating cavity, the respiratory products, the chemical constitu- tion of the tissues, nor the source of nutriment, absolutely and un- equivocally define the boundary between the animal and vegetable kingdoms. We can only recognise the plant or animal when a cer- tain number of their supposed characteristics are combined together. A rooted organism, exhaling oxygen, with tissues chiefly com- posed of cellulose or of binary or ternary compounds, is, without question, to be called a "plant." An irritable or locomotive orga- nism, with a mouth and stomach, with gelatinous or albuminous tissues, or chiefly composed of quaternary compounds, exhaling car- bonic acid, is as certainly an "animal." But such "plants" and "animals" are specially defined members of one and the same great family of organised beings. An internal assimilative cavity, whether in the form of cells, canals, or bags, is essential to all. The movement of a part, when stimulated, is a property continued from the higher organised forms far down into those that manifest the combined characteristics of the vegetable kingdom, as, e. g. in the Mimosa pudica and the Dionma muscipula, as to which the statement that such movements were destined solely for the furtherance of formative operations, would be purely gra- tuitous. Locomotion also crosses the supposed line, and is an en- dowment of the embryos or spores of the sea-weeds. On the other hand, the rooting or fixation of the organism is continued upwards from the vegetable kingdom into the Radiate, the Articulate, and the Molluscous divisions of the animal kingdom. The cellular and cellulo-vascular forms of the assimilative cavity, common to plants and sponges, is repeated in the cestoid entozoa, the astomous poly- gastria, the rhizopoda, and in the early embryos of all higher animals. Tissues of binary compounds are found in polygastria and ascidise, and the chitinous coverings of insects and crustaceans have a much closer resemblance to ligneous fibre than to proper animal tissues. The presence of starch is of itself quite inadequate as a ground of distinction, even were it proved to form part of the proper cell- walls. And, on the other hand, nitrogen combines with carbon and hydrogen to constitute the chief tissues of the sponges, algae, and fungi. These exhale carbonic acid like well-organised animals, and the polygastria exhale oxygen like typical plants. Thus the groups of characters that are essential to the true defini- tion of a plant and an animal interdigitate, so to speak, in that low department of the organic world from which the two great branches B 4 8 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. rise and diverge. Every naturalist or physiologist is at liberty, of course, to adopt any one of the characters that have been supposed to divide the two kingdoms ; but the boundary, so defined, will be artificial, and each different character will bisect the debateable ground in a different latitude of the organic world. Animals and plants, then, are not two natural divisions, but are specialised members, of one and the same great group of organised beings. When a certain number of characters concur in the same organism, its title to be regarded as a ''plant" or an "animal" may be readily and indubitably recognised ; but there are very nu- merous living beings, especially those that retain the form of nucleated cells, which manifest the common organic characters, but without the distinctive superadditions of either kingdom. Such organisms are the Diatomacece, Desmidice, Protococci , VolvocincB, Vibriones, Astasicece, Thalassicolce, and SpongicE ; all of which retain the cha- racter of the organised fundamental nucleated cell, with comparatively little change or superaddition. In a work treating expressly of the animal organisation I am un- willing to include more than the zoologist may fairly lay claim to, and I therefore look for certain combinations of characters as qualifications for admission, although occasional illustrations of organic functions will be derived from the indeterminate organisms above mentioned. Thus if irritability of parts or locomotion of the w^hole be not accompanied with mouth and stomach, it must be manifested by proximate tissues of quaternary compounds, and the cell-w^alls and fibres must consist of albuminous or gelatinous matter, or be soluble in acetic acid. If some of the tissues of an organism are binary compounds, yet if they include a stomach with a mouth, and are also associated either with irritable parts or a power of locomotion, such organism will be referred to the animal kingdom. When to a mouth and alimentary canal are superadded definite muscular and nervous filaments, a heart, a breathing apparatus, and generative organs, no doubt of the animality of the organism can be entertained. Having thus laid down the grounds on which I have marked out that higher division of organised bodies which is the proper subject of the studies of the zootomist, I proceed next to offer a ^^"^ remarks on the leading varieties and grades of structure in the animal king- dom, in so far as tbey are guides to its classification. Little useful progress can be made in Comparative Anatomy witliout some knowledge of Zoology. Zoology is the key to the na- ture and habits of the animals of which Zootomy unfolds the struc- CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 9 ture. Some knowledge of natural history and of the principles of classification, therefore, is essential to the comprehension of the con- nection between structure and habits, on which the utility of Anatomy in the advancement of Physiology mainly depends. The classification of animals is not now what it was in the time of Linnaeus. I do not mean merely to say that animals are differently arranged, but the objects and principles of that arrangement are very different. Linnaeus in his Systema Naturce wished to give, as it were, a Dictionary of the Animal Kingdom, by reference to which you might as readily ascertain the place of the animal in his system as that of a word in a lexicon by merely knowing its first and second letters. To this end, LiniiEeus selected a few of the most obvious characters for the establishment of his groups. Taking, for example, a certain number of incisor teeth and the pectoral position of the mammje, as the characters of his first order of animals, he thereby associated man with the monkeys and the bats. But, independently of the psychical endowments which place the human species far above the lower creation, it may readily be con- ceived that great differences of organisation must exist in animals which enjoy the erect position on two feet, in those which climb by having four hands, and in those which fly by having their anterior members in the form of wings. External and arbitrary characters, selected merely for the con- venience of their appreciation, thus tend to the association of very differently organised species, and as often separate into very re- mote groups of an artificial system two animals which may have very similar anatomical structures. Of this we have several ex- amples in the Linnaean subdivisions of the class of fishes, the orders of which are characterised by the easily recognisable position of the fins. Linnaeus's attention was particularly directed to the very vari- able position of the ventral pair of fins, which are the homologues of the hinder limbs in land animals. In some fishes, as the pike and many other fresh-water species, the ventral fins are at some distance behind the pectoral fins, or in their usual place — these formed the order Abdominales : in others, as the perch, the ventral fins are attached beneath the tliorax — these constitute the Thoracic order: in others, as the cod, you find the ventral fins in advance of the pectorals, or under the throat — such species formed the Pisces jugu- lares of Linnaeus : lastly, those species in which the ventral fins are altogether wanting, as the eel, formed the Apodal order. Such a sywStem has the advantage of enabling the collector to refer with great facility any firih to its artificial order: but you can scarcely 10 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. express any general proposition in comparative anatomy in reference to such groups. There are two sword-fishes, for example, having the same anatomical structure, and not easily distinguishable externally save by the height of the dorsal and the difference in the position of the ventral fins : but in the Systema Naturce of the Swedish Na- turalist, the Xiphias is placed in one order and the Istiophoriis in another ; the variable and little influential fins prevailing over all the rest of the organisation in the artificial ichthyology of Linnaeus. Amongst the lower animals, we find the slug, placed in one class, viz. the F in the water ; in Peridinium tripos there are three such prolonga- tions ; but true jointed locomotive members are never developed in any of this minute and primitive race of animated beings. They retain, throughout life, those simple vibratile organs which produce the ro- tatory movements in the ova of MoUusca whilst imprisoned in their nidus, which are the agents of analogous movements of the Mamma- lian ovum in the fallopian tube, and which are probably common to the embryos of all classes of animals at that early period which the Polygastric Infusoria seem permanently to represent. These cilia, the outward instruments of locomotion in Infusoria, and which are retained on a greater or less proportion of the mucous surfaces of all animals, most probably vibrate by virtue of the con- tractility of their tissue. Ehrenberg, however, directs attention to their expanded base in some Polygastria, and especially to a radiated structure there which he conceives to indicate the disposition of the muscular fibres moving such cilia. In observing the motions of the Polygastric Infusoria, one per- ceives that they avoid obstacles to their progress ; rarely jostle one another ; yet it is difficult to detect any definite cause or object of their movements. Some species, it is true, prey upon animalcules of their own class, and will gorge an individual of nearly their own size, which they attract by the currents in the water caused by the oral vibratile cilia, or entangle and inclose by those organs.* But the greater number of the class subsist on the minute atoms of the decomposing animal and vegetable substances of the fluids or in- fusions in which they exist, — particles which do not require a definite pursuit, since they are inert and generally diffused through- out the infusion. * XIX. p. 202. C 3 22 LECTURE II. The motions of the Polygastria have appeared to me, long watching them for indications of volition, to be in general of the nature of respiratory acts, not attempts to obtain food or avoid danger. Very seldom can they be construed as voluntary, but seem rather to be automatic ; governed by the influence of stimuli, within or without the body, not felt, but reflected upon the contractile fibre ; and therefore are motions which never tire. We may thus explain the fact which Ehrenberg relates — not without an expression of surprise — namely, that at whatever period of the night he examined the living Infusoria, he invariably found them moving as actively as in the day-time ; in short, to him it seemed that these little beings never slept. Nor did this appear to be merely the result of the stimulus of the light required to render them and their movements visible ; since when they were observed upon the sudden application of light without any other cause of disturbance, they were detected coursing along at their ordinary speed, and not starting off from a quiescent or sleeping state. Evidence of muscular action in the Polygastria is afforded by the contraction and change of form of the entire body. These changes are so rapid, extensive and various in certain species that it is impos- sible to refer their bodies to any definite shape : such form the genus Proteus of Miiller, and the family Amoebcea of Ehrenberg. No defi- nite arrangement of nervous matter has yet been detected in the Polygastric Infusoria ; but its presence is indicated by the coloured eye-speck in certain genera : and nervous conductors of impressions are no less requisite for reflex than for voluntary motions. The eye-speck {Jig. 11. c), as the bright pink spot has been interpreted by Ehrenberg, is usually single, e. g. Amblyophis, Euglena, Chlorogonium ; but is double in Distigma : it is absent in the AstasicBce, which have other close relations to the single- celled plants. In many Polygastric animal- cules, e. g. Vorticella, Loxodes, there is a permanent cavity {fig. 18. a.) in the interior of the cell-like body, which opens ex- ternally. This aperture, which may be termed the mouth, is sometimes sessile, sometimes placed upon Monad of Volvox. I'OLYGASTKIA. 23 a long extensile neck, as in Lacrijmaria ; in some monads, if Ehren - berg have rightly interpreted its presence and position, it is pro- vided with a long tentacle or a pair of tentacles {p'g. 11. a.) ; it has a conspicuous fringe of cilia in some Polygastria {Jig- 13. «.) ; in other species it is unequivocally armed with a curious dental apparatus, consisting of a series of long, slender and sharp teeth, arranged side by side, in the form of a cylinder, as in Chilodon and Nassula {Jig. 14. a, a). Later Microscopists have failed to detect the mouth or the canals converging towards it from the green globules, which canals Ehren- berg has described and figured in the constituent monad of the Volvox glohator{fig. 11).* Sieboldf refers, indeed, the Volvoci7icB to the same group of the Vegetable Kingdom as the Closterince and BacillaricB ; and he cites the unusually large species of the genus . Opalina (0. Ranarum), parasitic in the intestines of the Frog, as affording indubitable evidence of the absence of any mouth, and of the power of these astomatous Infusoria to absorb fluid nourish- ment by generally diffused surface-pores, as shown by the bile- stained contents of their body. In certain Astomata, with long cilia or filaments, e. g. Actinophrys Sol, when a prey is brought within their reach the filaments incline towards and bend over it, intercrossing each other and pressing the prey to the surface of the animalcule. That part of the surfiice yields ; the prey, whether it be a smaller animalcule or plant-sporule, sinks into the substance of the body, which closes over the prey without leaving any trace of its pas- sage : functionally such passage performs the office of a mouth ; just as the vacuolae in the central plasma, which receive the nutriment so taken in, perform the office of stomachs : but neither such mouths nor stomachs have proper parietes or a permanent existence J: and the same may be said of any part of the external parietes of the animalcule through which insoluble or indigestible parts of the food are extruded. In the higher forms of the Polygastria provided with a determinate mouth armed with teeth, the larger objects of food are seized and bruised by them: the dental cylinder first expands in front to receive the morsel, and, as this passes along, the cylinder contracts in front and dilates behind, so as to push the food into the digestive cavity. If such larger animalcules with unequivocal mouths be removed from their native infusion to a drop of clear water, and after they have fasted a few hours, a drop of the solution of pure indigo or carmine be added, the fine particles of these colours will be greedily swallowed, and will soon be seen to fill successively a number of pyriform or spherical * XL, tab. iv. fig. 1. 13. t X. p. 7. % XIX. p. 198, pi. xvii. c 4 24 LECTURE II. cavities (y?^. 13. b.) in the interior of the animal. In some species these cavities have been so shown to be very numerous; and if, with Ehrenberg, we call them stomachs, they afford a very interesting ex- ample, in these early forms of animal life, of the irrelative repetition of this most essential and characteristic organ of the animal. Ehrenberg has described and figured certain definite arrangements of these digestive cavities, as well as of the alimentary canal, to which he states that they are appended. In the Monads, and many other of the more minute species of the Polygastria, he affirms the stomachs to arise by separate tubular pedicles from a common mouth, as shown mjig. 11., copied from his great work. Such species have no intes- tine, no anus, and are said to be anenterous. In others, he believes the so-called stomachs to be appended to an alimentary canal {Poly- gastria eiiterodela Ehr.) : which canal may be bent into a loop, and describe a circle, with the anus opening near the mouth, as in Vor- ticella {Jig. 12.) ; or it may pass in a straight line through the axis of the body, as in Enchelis ; or form several flexuous curves in its passage from the mouth to the opposite extremity of the body, as in Leiicophrys {Jig. 13.). But sometimes, as in the Kolpoda, neither the mouth nor anus is terminal in position. Vorticella. It has been objected to this interpretation given by Ehrenberg of the nature of the vacuola3 which receive and assimilate the nutrient molecules, that certain species, as the Enchelis pupa, will swallow another animacule nearly equal to itself in bulk, and thereby undergo a total change in the form of its body ; but this may only imply great dilatability of the oesophagus or common canal, such as we observe in the boa constrictor, which becomes in like manner deformed after POLYGASTRIA. 25 gorging a goat or other animal much thicker than the snake itself ; for doubtless the little cavities successively receive and digest, like the stomach of the boa, the dissolved parts of the swallowed prey. But it has been further objected that the cavities are not fixed in definite positions, but are seen constantly, though slowly, moving, and apparently rotating through the general cavity of the animal. This phenomenon, first observed by Focke in 1835*, led him to dis- sent from Ehrenberg's account of the alimentary canal, at least in re- gard to the Loxodes Bursaria, in which not only the balls of coloured food, but the green corpuscles, which are constant elements in the organisation of the animalcule, are subject to a regular circulating movement, like the granules of chlorophyll in the leaf-cells of the Valisneria spiralis : both food and granules being carried along by the corresponding motion of the gelatinous fluid or plasma in which they are suspended. Analogous phenomena observed by Rymer Jones f, MeyenJ, Erdl§, and Siebold||, have accumulated a body of evidence against Ehren- berg's determinations which the sub-circular arrangement of the food-filled spaces in Vorticella, and their subspiral disposition in Leucophrys, are inadequate to repel. The only expressly organised internal digestive apparatus in the stomatode Pohjgastria is a simple wide and very dilatable cavity {Jig. 18. «.), extending into the middle of the body from the mouth'; having a ciliated inner surface in Loxodes^ and probably other species. The spaces in the surrounding soft tissue into which the digesting parts of an engulphed prey, or the particles of carmine and indigo, pass, are usually filled with a clear fluid, and they have no constant and specially organised canals of communication with the common digestive cavity. In some species this cavity has a second opening or anal outlet {Nassula eleyans) : in most species the same opening serves both as mouth and vent. Although a vascular system v/ith proper parietes has not been detected in any Polygastrian, all the species which possess a mouth and digestive cavity also manifest one or more pulsating vesicles, varying as to shape and position in the diflerent species. During the diastole the vesicle is filled by a clear colourless fluid ; in the systole it disappears. The fluid is the product of the digestive process, and answers to both chyle and blood in the higher animals ; by the action of the pulsatile cells it is driven through the soft parenchyme and its stagnation there is prevented. In the genera Vorticella, Epistylis, Loxodes, in Amceha diffluens, Paramceciiim Kolpoda, Stylonychia * XX. p. 785. t X^l- P- 121. X XXII. § XXIII. II XXIV. p. 16. 26 LECTURE II. mytilus, and Euplotes patella, the pulsating sac is single and sub- circular, and situated at one side of the body. In Actinophrys, Sursaria and Trichod'ma there are two pulsating sacs : in Loxodes Bursaria one of them is situated in the anterior third, tlie other in the middle third part of the body {fig' 18. v, v.). In Arcella vulgaris from three to four pulsating sacs have been observed. In Nassula elegans four round hearts follow one another along the dorsal region of the body ; in Trachelius Meleagris there is a row of from eight to twelve such hearts. The contractile sac presents the form of a long pulsating vessel in Spirostomum ambiguum and in Opalina Planariarum. In Paramcecium Aurelia canals extend from the circular sac in the form of rays. The Cryptomonas ovata and Opalina Planariarum are the only species of the Astomatous Infusoria in which the contractile sac has been observed.* By the analogy of the gills of the acephalous Mollusks we may regard the mechanism for renewing the surrounding oxygenised medium upon the respiratory surface, to be the superficial vibratile cilia, the action of which upon the water is necessarily attended in the free Infusoria with a reaction which rolls the little animalcule through its native element and produces the semblance of a definite voluntary movement. In the saline springs at Konigsborner and Rodenberg, Wohlerf ob- served that the green mantle, formed of innumerable individuals of Frustalia salina, Chlamydomonas pulvisculus and Euglena viridis, was raised from the surface, here and there^ by bubbles of gas. He collected the gas, and found it to be almost pure oxygen. This in- teresting discovery clearly indicated a respiratory process like that of plants. The minute green corpuscles, partly fixed in the inner layer of the integument, partly circulating in the contained fluid of the Polygastria, and regarded by Ehrenberg as ova, correspond in their nature with the chlorophyll corpuscles of AlgcE, and most probably perform an analogous function, fixing the carbon of the atmosphere in the hydro-carbonates, and evolving oxygen. Perhaps the most marvellous part of the organisation and economy of the Polygastric Infusoria is that which relates to the function of generation : the only one which does not necessarily require a special organ for its performance — a proposition which will be quite intelli- gible when the essential nature of the generative process is understood. The part which Ehrenberg describes as the " testis " is the usually large sub-spherical corpuscle (Jig. 17. n.\ situated at or near the middle of the body in the Polygastria. It presents an extremely * XXIV. p. 20. t VIII- 1843, p. 206. POLYGASTRIA. 27 fine granular appearance, and is much firmer than the loose tissue in which it is embedded. Its colour is commonly a dull yellow by transmitted light ; and in the more minute species it is highly re- fractive : upon the whole it presents the nearest resemblance to the matter of the spermatozoa, which are themselves modifications of a cell-nucleus; and from the close analogy which the so-called "testis" presents to the " nucleus " in both the animal and vegetable cell, it has now generally received the latter name. It is commonly single, and presents the spherical or oval form in Chlamydomonas {fig. 17. n n.\ Euglena, Actinophrys, Arcella, Amceba, JBursaria, ParamcB- cium, Glaucoma^ Nassula, Chilodon, Loxodes {fig' 18. w.), &c. There are usually two nuclei, one behind the other, in Amphileptus Anser, Trachelius Meleagris, and Oxytricha Pellionella : four nuclei have been observed in Stylonychia mytilus. More numerous nuclei, partly united, like a row of beads, have been seen in Stentor polymorphus, Spirostomum ambiguum, and Trachelius moniliger. The nucleus assumes the elongated form in Vorticella convallaria, Epistylis leucoa, and Bursaria truncatella, in which it is slightly bent : in Euplotes Patella it is horse-shoe shaped, and in Stentor Roeselii is spirally twisted.* The nucleus performs an essential part in, and seems to govern, the act of propagation by spontaneous fission, which is the most common mode in the Polygastria. In Tab. xxxvi. of Ehrenberg's great work -f, fig. vii. 13. shows, in Chilodon cucullulus, the nucleus divided in the direction of the long axis of the body : in fig. 14. the division of the whole body in the same direction has commenced: in fig. 15. it is nearly completed. Figure 16. shows the preliminary division of the nucleus transversely, and the succeeding figures illustrate the trans- verse fission which follows. In most well-fed Polygastria, after the preliminary division of the nucleus, which may be obscured from view by the coloured contents of the body, the first sign of the approaching fission is usually a clear line which may be discerned stretching itself transversely across the middle of the body and indi- cating a separation of the contents into two distinct parts. The containing integument next begins to contract along this line, and the creature to assume the form of an hour-glass {fig. 6, 7. and Jig. 14.) : this, though an uncontrollable, seems to be a spontaneous action, and the struggle of each division to separate itself from its fellow indicates an impulse in each to assume its individual and independent character; the which they no sooner effect than they dart off in opposite direc- tions, and rapidly acquire the normal size and figure. In the Vorti- * XXIV. p. 24. t XI. 28 LECTURE II. Nassula. cella and some other species, we have examples of spontaneous divi- sion in the longitudinal direction, which com- mences at the mouth {Jig. 5. b.), and extends {ib. c, d.), to the irritable and contractile stem, from which one or both of the new-formed individuals detach themselves (ib. e, /.). Both the longitudinal and transverse mode of fission may take place in the same species (as in the Glaucoma, figured in Jiff. 6, 3 — 8.), and as in the Chilodon cuculluliis above cited. Cohn* observed, in Loxodes Bursaria, that the two indivi- duals produced by longitudinal fission had almost the same size and shape as the previous single individual ; whilst the two resulting from transverse fission seemed longer to remain as mere halves or mutilated individuals. Sometimes one of the individuals or halves from the longitudinal bisection will set up another act of fission be- fore it has quite separated from its fellow. The circulation of the green globules is arrested during the process of spontaneous fission. | In some species this spontaneous fission, which corresj)onds in so interesting a manner with the earliest phenomenon in the develop- ment of the ovum in the higher animals f , is arrested before its com- 15 pletion, but the partially separated individuals continue in organic connection and form compound animals, sometimes in the form of long chains, sometimes branched, sometimes expanding to form a spherical bag, as in the well-known Volvox globator, which was long deemed a single individual of a peculiar species. New spherical groups of Volvoces * XVIII. f Beccaria, who first saAV a Polygastrian in the act of dividing, supposed it to be two in copulation. Saussure, in 1765, first recognised its real character. J This analogy I pointed ont in ilhistration of the cleavage -process of the ova of the Mednsa in my "Lectures on Generation," delivered in 1840. It is alhided to in the following passage in Dr. ISI. Barry's " Memoir on the Nucleus of the Animal and Vegetable Cell," 8vo. 1847. "Between the appearances presented by the mammiferous germ during the passage of the ovum through the oviduct, and cer- tain infusoria, including the Volvox globator as figured by Ehrenberg, the resem- blance first mentior^ed by Professor Owen is so remarkable that we cannot avoid the beUef, that the same process operates in both." rOLYGASTRIA. 29 are thrown oli' into the interior of the parent monadiary, which is rent open to allow them to escape, as in,fiy. 15. Another mode of generation is by gemmation or the development of buds, which in some species, as Cheroma, grow out of the fore part of the body, and in others, as Vorticella, from the hind part, near the stem, or from tlie stem itself, from which the young animal soon detaches itself. In most Vorticellidce, as in Carchesium and Epistylis, the small liberated end of the body opposite the mouth is provided with a circle of vibratile cilia, so long as the individual swims freely : but these disappear when the pedicle is developed. In the Zygnema, a freshwater confervoid Alga, the filaments of which it is composed are developed, separately, by a linear multipli- cation of cells ; the filaments then approximate, protuberances are formed from corresponding cells of each, and these meet and adhere : the co-adapted parts of the cell-walls disappear after a time, and the contents of the confluent cells freely intermingle. This mode of de- velopment is called " conjugation," and appears to be common to the Algae generally. According to Stein*, the Gregarince conjugate, and so form motionless spherical sacs, in which are developed a vast number of minute bodies resembling Naviculce in shape, whence they are called " navicella-sacs." But of these minute parasitic monads more will be said in the Lecture on " Entozoa." In the ciliated Polygastria conjugation has been observed to take place in the genus Acti7iophrys^, i. e., two individuals of A. Sol, have been observed to unite, coalesce, and become one. The same has been recorded of species of Epistylis and of Vorticella. With regard to the more common fissi- parous mode of multiplication, Ehrenberg has figured gradations of this spontaneous division of the organised contents of the integument in the Go7iium {Jig. 16.) and Chamydomonas {fig. 17.), which may be compared with the earliest stages of the development of the germ, as figured by Siebold in the Strongylus and Medusa, by Baer in the frog, and by Barry in the rabbit; who, in 1841, remarked: " On examining the figures given by Ehrenberg of successive genera- tions of the Chlamydomonas {fig. Gonium. Chlamydomonas. XXY p. 182. t XIX. p. 207. 30 LECTURE n. 17.), I see a resemblance to the two, four, eight, &c. groups of cells in the mammiferous ovum too striking not to suggest that the process of formation must be the same in both : the essential part of this process consisting in the division of the pellucid nucleus."* Ehren- berg, who, as we have seen, calls this nucleus of the Poljgastria the " testicle," views its division simply in the relation of the ne- cessity of each individual resulting from the general fission having such an organ : meaning that each monad, developed by spontaneous fission, is perfected, as regards its so-called testis, by the spon- taneous division of the previous testis, and not by the formation of a new one. But this is not the mode in which the eye, or the circle of teeth, or the pulsating sac, is gained by the second indivi- dual from the fission : the division usually takes place so as to in- clude the original organ in one or in the other moiety ; and that in which it may be wanting gets the organ by a special and independent development of it. The constancy of the preliminary fission of the nucleus would therefore show that it related rather to the totality of the act itself than to the partial completion of the individual in respect of its being provided with a particular male organ of genera- tion. How then, we may inquire, does the division of the nucleus relate to the performance of the general act of spontaneous fission ? Our hope of any insight into this mysterious relationship would be from some light to be derived by analogous pheenomena. But with what phsenomena is the one in question analogous ? Obviously most closely with those which have been observed in the successive fissions of the impregnated germ- cell of those ova, such e.g, as the ova of the Ascaris {figs. 48-59.), best adapted to give a view of the fission analogous to those which the perseverance of Ehrenberg enabled him to trace in the spontaneous fission of the monad. If this spontaneous fission of the nucleus and germ-cell preliminary to the division of the germ-yelk has not been seen in the ova of other animals, it is because hitherto only the coarser phaenomena of such division of the yelk in the ova of Medusas, Mollusca, Fishes, Frogs, &c. have been noticed. In Dr. Barry's observations however on the development of the germ-mass in the pellucid ova of the rabbit f, phaenomena were noted closely analogous to those described by Sie- bold and BaggeJ in the ovum of the entozoon. In reflecting on the cleavage phaenomena in the monad and the ovum — that a central something is first established, and the consequence thereof — I have been led to draw the same conclusion with respect to both, and to regard the establishment of the special centre as the cause * XXVI. p. 24. t XXVII. p. 320-324. + XXVIII. rOLYGASTRlA. 31 of the confluence of the parts around it, and to call it " a centre of attractive and assimilative force." * Since the pellucid centre of the germinal body has not divided from the necessity of endowing the moiety to be separated by the subsequent fission with a particular organ required for its individual completeness, I infer that the same preliminary act in the monad was not solely for the purpose of pro- viding its separated moieties with their respective testes, but that it had a higher significance. As the pellucid centre in the ovum is the result of impregnation or the reception of the matter of the spermatozoon, so it may be con- cluded that the nucleus of the monad is of a nature similar to, if not identical with, that of the spermatozoon. It was doubtless a gross view of its nature and analogies to regard it as the homologue of the whole preparatory organ of the spermatic fluid, such as is re- quired in the higher animals ; because as the germ-cells exist in the body of the Polygastria without the organ called ovarium, so we ought to expect that the essential matter of the sperm would likewise exist without a special testicular envelope. The objection, however, to Ehrenberg's determination of the nucleus as the " testis," that it has never been observed to produce spermatozoa, is akin to that which has been opposed to his determin- ation of the ova, viz. that the young have never been seen to quit them and leave the shell behind. Neither of these objections will apply to the view of the nucleus as the essential matter of the sperm, and of the germ-cells as the essential elements of ova and embryo. A spermatozoon is doubtless a very general form of the essential matter of the sperm : but in tracing the modifications of the sper- matozoa from mammalia down the scale of animal life, we find them gradually reduced to the head or nuclear part, and discern in the vibratile caudal appendage an accessory relating to the passage of the fertilising principle to the germ-cell, rather than to its essential opera- tions when arrived there. The best microscopical examinations of the spermatozoa show that they consist of a homogeneous or minutely granular substance, which exhibits a yellow amber-like glitter. The nucleus of the Polygas- trian oiFers the closest resemblance to this character of tissue. And it is not uninteresting to notice the close analogy of the modification of form which the nucleus of some of the larger Polygastria, Stentor * XXTX. p. 203. XXX. p. 60. 32 LECTURE II. Roeselii e. g., presents to the spirally disposed elongated head of the spermatozoon in the Torpedo, Pelobates, and the Passerine birds. Besides the more frequent and commonly observed mode of propa- gation by spontaneous fission, the Polygastria generate in the more normal and perfect way. This, indeed, has been rarely seen, and has been denied by some.* No doubt the term 'ova' has been applied to many of the minute granules and nucleated cells in the soft paren- chyme of the Polygastria, without that evidence which is requisite to produce conviction of the accuracy of such determination. The green-coloured nucleated cells, for example, which circulate in LoxodeSy like the chlorophyll-particles in the leaf-cells of Valisneria, are more probably concerned in fixing carbon and eliminating oxygen, like their answerable parts in plants. But the essential part of the ovum, e. g. the germ -cell, must exist to set on foot those processes of development which lead to the formation of the embryo in the viviparous species of Polygastria. And I may here cite the remark of a distinguished chemist in support of the partial accuracy at least of Ehrenberg's ascription of ova to the Infusoria. In the simplest animals in which the ova or ovarium can be distinguished with certainty, it is the only organ in which oil or fat is accumulated. The yellowish masses which Ehrenberg discovered, by the aid of a high magnifying power, on each side of the siliceous carapace in the gelatinous envelope of the Friistulia salina, when chemically tested, yield abundance of fat : tl.ey disappear, e.g. when treated with aether, and the latter then contains a brownish fat in solution. This result of Schmidt's minute analysis leads that accurate observer to regard Ehrenberg's determination of those yellowish masses, as ovaria, to be well founded.! The formation of locomotive germs in, and their escape from, the interior of a Polygastrian, appears to have been seen by Dr. Arlidge \ in the Trichodina pediculus, in which he de- scribes the phenomena as a kind of internal gemmation. The best description of the viviparous generation of a Polygastrian is that given by Focke § and Colin || in Loxodes Bursaria. In this species, at the latter end of autumn and in winter, there may be seen within the body one or more large globules, which, when from six to eight in number, present, by mutual pressure, a parenchymatous structure (Jig. 19.). They are of different sizes, from -y^'" to -[^"' in dia- meter, well-defined, almost colourless, filled with fine granules and one or more hyaline nuclei {h) ; and they are inclosed by tw^o contractile cysts, defining the individual life in each. These germs * XXIV. p. 23. t IX- P- 36. X XXXI. § XXXII. II XVIII. POLYGASTRIA. 33 lie free in a clearly defined cavity of the body, which opens by a narrow canal through a projecting portion of integument, upon an infundibular orifice with a labiated border. Cohn saw these germs escape by this canal and orifice, the canal expanding, and the germ yielding to the pressure and becoming a narrower and longer body in transitu {fig. 18, e). The parturition lasted twenty minutes, giving ample time to observe and delineate a germ half in and half out of the mother. As soon as one end of the germ enters the surrounding water, it begins to ciliate and create a cur- rent, which accelerates the birth : this completed, the young rests awhile beside the mother, then separates itself and moves freely through the water. It is cylindrical, thrice as long as broad, obtuse at both ends : but the embryos vary in size from -j^'" to -^-^"' in length. They are colourless, sometimes present little tubercles at one end, have no mouth, are beset by fine and long cilia, and differ so much from the parent that their relationship could not be recog- nised without observation of the birth. They have accordingly been referred to a distinct genus, viz. Cyclidium, by Ehrenberg. * As soon as one germ is born, out follows another ; and ■.'''''/'/'. ^ Cohn thinks that when ; only one or two are I, seen in a Loxodes, the rest have already es- '% caped ; and that many J. are developed as a rule. ^ The position of the ^ outlet varies ; and Cohn once saw two embryos escaping by two distinct apertures, which indi- cates that the 'vulva' like the 'anus' may be casual and temporary. The pulsatile vesicles of the parent are not disturbed in their actions during the parturition. The rotation of the chlorophyl-cells is arrested so long as a germ is inclosed in the body : but it is resumed, and goes on more rapidly, as soon as the parent is relieved of her burden. One of the moieties of a longitudinally splitting Loxodes may sometimes be seen to contain germs, and these also to be excluded even before the other moiety has become separated : thus the two distinct gene- rative processes may go on simultaneously. Cyclidium margaritaceum, XL p. 387., pi. xxii. 34 LECTURE n. The Vorticella microstoma secretes, and surrounds itself by, a smooth cyst, in which all its previous organisation is resolved into a minutely granular fluid, save the pulsatile sac, which ceases to beat, and the elongated bent nucleus. Two processes of development start from this partial dissolution and passive pupal condition. In the one (acinetiform) process the nucleus contracts itself into a shorter and thicker shape; two pulsatile sacs are developed ; and a new integu- ment is formed, from which radiate groups of long vibratile filaments. The creature thus starts afresh into locomotive life as an Actiiio- phrys ; and then developes a hollow stem, and becomes the Acineta mystacina of Ehrenberg.* In this the nucleus expands, attracts and assimilates the surrounding granular fluid, and becomes deve- loped into a pyriform monad with a circular band of vibratile cilia : the embryo escapes from the Acineta, swims off, and lays the foundation of a new colony of Vorticellce. In the second (monadiform) process of development the nucleus of the encysted pupa elongates and divides by spontaneous fission into many nucleoli : each of these exercises its attractive, assimilative, and modifying properties upon the contiguous granular fluid : as many minute simple locomotive monads are the result, which escape from a rent in the cyst, and swim abroad, doubtless to undergo further changes, completing the metagenetic cycle. \ By virtue of these diversified modes of multiplication, the powers of propagation of the most diminutive of organised creatures may be truly said to be i?nmense. Malthusian principles, or what are vulgarly so called, have no place in the economy of this department of orga- nised nature. To the first great law imposed on created beings, "increase and multiply," none pay more active obedience than the Infusorial animalcules. Attempts have been made to calculate approximatively their rate of increase. On the 14th of November, Ehrenberg divided a Pa r«?72ower of pro- pagating by gemmation."— XI. p. 384. 46 LECTURE 111. chionus, and Pterodina. In all the species tlie shell is a cylinder or case (testiila), not a mere shield (scutellum). Horn-like processes project from the front margin of the firm shell in some species of Brachionus, and from both front and back margins in other species. In some Notei and AtiurcBCB the shell is ornamented by large pen- tagonal or hexagonal groups of granules. The cephalic cilia are aggregated into from two to five groups, upon lobes (Jiff' 20, a), or pedunculate discs, which in some species are developed into short tentacular processes, with a verticillate arrange- ment of cilia, as in Floscularia and Stephanoceros {Jiff' 22.). These lobes or processes Ehrenberg regards as muscular. The movements of the ciliated quasi-wheels are under the control of the will. They can be instantly arrested, the whole apparatus drawn out of sight, again protruded, and as instantly set in motion. The muscles which protrude and retract the ciliated lobes, which bend and modify the form of the body, and which throw out, attach, or heave in the anal anchors, are developed in the form of distinct narrow fibrous bands, which are transversely striated. The long and narrow longitudinal muscles which retract the head and shorten the whole body are some- times in two pairs, one lateral and the other dorsal (6,^^.20.). There are other mere filamentary longitudinal muscles, which are usually forked at their insertions. Very fine muscular threads are attached to the principal viscera, and keep them in their places. The antagonist transverse bands which diminish the breadth of the body and restore its length, are shown at c c, fig. 20. All these muscles are attached to an inner layer of the skin separable from the outer one. With this advanced condition of the muscular system the parts of the nervous system now likewise become distinctly visible. Ehren- berg delineates a large cerebral ganglion, which in some species is of a trilobate form, in others {fig. 22, b) is double, and which is always in close connection with the coloured, generally red, ocellus or eye- speck {fig. 20, e, fig. 22, a). Some of the nervous filaments ex- tend from this ganglion forwards to the muscular lobes supporting Notommata. KOTIFERA. 47 and moving the wheel-like cilia ; other filaments of greater length stretch backwards into the cavity of the body, apparently attached to the ventral integument, on the outer side of the principal longitudinal retractor muscles. In Notommata clavulata Ehrenberg describes two radiated ganglions in the neck {Jig. 20, d, d), superadded to the prin- cipal cerebral ganglion connected with the rotatory muscle, and other gangliforra bodies on each side, developed upon the long abdominal nervous filaments. Besides these, other small enlargements are figured as ganglions upon the transverse bands or " vascular circles " of Ehrenberg, making altogether eight pairs of ganglions in this little animalcule, which measures one-eighth of a line in length. With regard to the ganglions on the so-called transverse vessels, both these and the vessels bear a striking analogy to those transverse muscles with a middle swelling, which Dr. Arthur Farre* has described and figured in his Ciliobrachiate Polypes. The most satisfactory indica- tion of the nervous system in a Rotifer appears to be that given by Leydig in the Lacinularia socialis. It consists of two groups of four spindle-shaped nucleated cells, the extremities of which are attenuated and produced into fine (nervous) filaments. One group is situated between the pharynx and ingluvies ; the other and more conspicuous group is placed in the base of the tail. | The movements of the Rotifera are of a more varied character than those in the Polygastria ; they sometimes dart swiftly forwards, at others glide leisurely along, or, anchoring themselves by their little terminal claspers, employ their ciliated paddle-wheels to create the currents which prove so fatal to the minuter race of Infusories. The Philodina creeps, like a leech, by the aid of a sucker at the mouth, and another at the end of the tail. When the Rotifer has attached itself to some fixed body by its hinder claspers, the vortices which it occasions in the water are so directed as to draw the smaller Infusoria and other particles of food towards the orifice of the infundibular mouth. In some species this cavity is so large as to allow of a con- siderable accumulation of food, as e.g., in the Stephatioceros {Jig. 22, c). In Lacinularia a pair of bifid salivary glands open into it. Having seized their prey, it is exposed in a second cavity or pharynx to the destructive action of a complicated dental apparatus {Jg. 21, f). This consists of two horny jaws, acting horizontally upon a median piece, or anvil. The hard maxillae are each bent upon themselves at a right, or, rather, acute angle ; the transverse or dental part, w^hich beats upon the surface of the anvil, being divided into two or more sharp spines. The muscles which work these dental hammers are * XXXV. p. 394., pl.xxi., fig. 13. f CLVIL, p. 452. t. xvii. 48 LECTURE III. 21 disposed in four masses, and inserted into the longitudinal or poste- rior portion, which may be regarded as the rudimental jaw. The efficacy of these instruments in tearing to fragments the objects swal- lowed up may be easily discerned in the living animal through its transparent parietes. The condition of the alimentary organs differs in the two sexes of the Rotifera. In the minute males there is a simple digestive sac, without intestine or anus ; and those parts are absent, according to Gosse, in the female also of his Asplanchyia priodonta* In the females of all the species previously observed the alimentary canal is a more or less simple tube {fig. 20, f,g, h), commonly extending lon- gitudinally through the well-developed abdominal cavity, to terminate by a cloacal outlet (h) at the hinder end of the body, generally above the base of the sheath of the claspers. In the loricate Tubicolaria and Melicerta the intestine is bent and the anus opens far forwards. The canal is sometimes wider, sometimes narrower, sometimes with (EuchlaniSf l^racliionus) and sometimes without {PhilodincC) a constriction indicative of the stomach : this cavity is usually well marked in Notommata {Jig. 20, g) : in Rotifer {Jig. 21.) and Ptyura there is a distinct ter- minal dilation or rectum : sometimes the intestine is complicated with many ceeca, as in Diglena and Mega- lotrocha. The lining membrane of the alimentary canal is beset with vibratile cilia, and the parietes con- sist of cells, with a colourless nucleus, and with a brown or green finely granular contents, which may elaborate a fluid analogous to bile. Most of the Roti- fers (certain species oi Ichthydina being exceptions) have, just behind the pharynx, or continued from the stomach, two large oval glandular sacs, rarely cylin- drical or bifurcated, to which sometimes filamentary CJfica are appended, as in Enteroplea. These secerning sacs {Jig. 20, i) are also lined by a ciliated epithelium, Ai. canal. Rotifer, and, from the colourlcss nature of their contents, are probably of the nature of pancreatic glands. Ehrenberg recognises a vascular system in the parallel transverse slender bands Vy'hich surround the body ; these are in close connec- tion with the integument, and are more probably muscular. In most Rotifers there extends down each side of the body a narrow band or tjeniiform organ, containing a motionless vasiform canal. At the anterior part of the bands many short lateral vessels * XXXVL p. 20. ROTIFERA. 49 appear in some Rotifers to be in connection with the longitudinal canals : in Lacinularia these terminate here in a small convoluted knot. Rapidly vibrating or undulating ciliated tags are attached to dif- ferent parts of the vasiform bands. The number of the vibratory tags varies not only in different species, but even in individuals of the same species. In general there are from two to three on each side, sometimes from five to eight, as in Notommata copeus and N. syrinx ; and in the rare instance of Notommata claviculata as many as from thirty-six to forty-eight have been seen on each lateral band. At the anal end of the abdomen the two lateral bands converge, and their longitudinal canals anastomose and open into a common contractile bladder, which expels its watery contents into the cloacal outlet. An aperture, sometimes supported on a special process at the fore-part of the trunk, probably admits the water into the abdomen, where it may be received into the freely suspended lateral canals, and expelled by the contractile bladder. This apparatus is viewed by Siebold with much probability, as subserving respiration. Enter oplea, Hydatina, and Diglena, have a simple anterior branchial aperture. Rotifer, Philodina, Brachionus, and some species of Notommata, have a branchial tube : Tubicolaria and Melicerta have a double branchial tube. Groups and rows of minute granules may be observed in rapid molecular motion, immediately beneath the integument ; and these are sometimes hurried along in currents, indicative of a circulatory movement. The gelatinous cell or tube protecting the body in some Rotifera must be cited as one of the secretions in that class : the gland is situated at the base of the tail in Lacinularia, and its duct traverses that extensile part to terminate at its extremity. Many individuals of Conochilus and Lacinularia may be found in a conglomerate of such gelatinous shells, diverging from their fundus as from a centre. The individuals of Tubicularia, Floscularia, and Stephanoceros are protected in more elongated tube-shaped cells, which are commonly insulated. In 3Ielicerta the protective tube is composed of multan- gular brown corpuscles, expelled from the cloacal opening, and com- pacted together.* The Rotifera are of distinct sex ; the females being larger than the males, and almost exclusively the subjects of scrutiny by the eminent micrographers to whom we are indebted for a knowledge of the anatomy of the class. Any other than female organs in these larger individuals has been ascri^d to them only on the supposition * XXIV. p. 183. E 50 LECTURE in. StephaiKiceros Kichonm. that part of the respiratory or aquigerous apparatus was the male organ. Most of the Rotifera are oviparous, the ova being large and few in number {fig. 22, «.) : the Philodince are commonly vi- viparous. No species has yet been found to be par- thenogenetic, either by way of spontaneous fission or gemmation. The egg-forming organ consists of a simple wide sac, single in Notommaia {fig. 20, /.), but more com- monly divided into two cor- nua, the body terminating by a short contracted cervix, which communicates with the cloaca. The two other longer and more slender canals con- nected with the cloaca by the medium of the pulsa- tile sac, which are supposed by Ehrenberg to be the testes and seminal vesicle, are the parts already de- scribed as the respiratory system. In the first place Siebold has shown, that in the development of the Rotifera, the long and slender tubes appear and increase in the ratio of the growth of the intestinal organs and before the ovaria ; secondly, they contain nothing but clear liquid ; thirdly, the true nature of the pulsatile sac beinof determined in the Po- lygastria, we may infer that it has to do with the circulat- ing and respiratory process ROTIFERA. 51 in the Rotifera ; and lastly, neither the pulsatile sac nor the slender la- teral canals ever contain spermatozoa. The conclusion to which Siebold arrived, viz., that only female organs could be determined in the large and complex Rotifera, which had been examined by him and others, appeared, therefore, to be well-founded. At this stage of know- ledge of the nature of the generation of Rotifera, the following ob- servations were very timely and acceptable. Mr. Brightwell, who has paid much attention to the Infusoria, and has published a work on those found in the county of Norfolk, met with some small individuals of a species of Notommata, so different in character to the ordinary large female ones, to which they were often attached, as to give him the impression that they were the male individuals*; and in a letter which I have received from him he says : " I have lately repeatedly seen the male in connexion with the female ; and it re- mains so for about seventy seconds." In these small individuals Mr. Dalrymple has discovered organs with abundant spermatozoa ; but the rest of their structure is much more simple than that of the female : e. g. they have neither intestine nor anus. This may seem at first opposed to all ordinary analogies ; but inferiority, not of size only, but in grade of organization, is no uncommon characteristic of the male in the invertebrate series. Nordmann discovered the male of the Lernaea to be a minute parasite upon the vulva of the female. Darwin has detected an analogous condition of the impregnating individual in certain Cirripedes ; and the worm which Cuvier de- scribed under the name of the Hectocolylus, as the parasite of the Argonaut, appears from the observations of the accurate Kolliker, to be actually the male of that species. In the Notommata Syrinx the male is about half the size of the female : it has a large round sperm-sac, or testis, at the lower end of its body, communicating by a short duct with a short penis or sperm- tube. The spermatozoa may be seen in active motion within the sperm- sac. On the 15th of June Mr. Brightwell f placed one of these males and six females in a small glass trough, and on the following day saw it attach itself to a female by his sperm-tube, remaining so attached twenty or thirty seconds : it afterwards repeated the act with four other females : the whole occupying a period of about fifteen minutes. Mr. Gosse % has subsequently recognised similar males in the genus Asplaiichna ; and Dr. Leydig has described from one to four indi- viduals in each colony of LacinularicB §, which exclusively develope spermatozoa : but he recognises in these the ovarium also, and believes them to be hermaphrodites, whilst the rest are females. There can * XXXVII. p. 153. fXXXVII. p. 17. J XXXVI. p. 22. § XXXV*. p. 47 L F -2 52 LECTURE III. be no doubt about the functions of the conspicuous ovarium in the latter, for the structure of the ovum can be discerned through its transparent walls {Jig. 22. //): in the Rotifer vulgaris, the young may be seen to escape from the eggs in the uterus, and leave the empty shells behind them : they issue from the parent after intervals of from five minutes to an hour. The unimpregnated eggs are oval, with a firm colourless coat, containing a minutely granular, usually colourless, yolk, with a conspicuous germinal vesicle. In Philodina roseola and Brachionus ruhens the yolk is of a reddish colour. In the tubicular Rotifera the eggs are generally deposited within the tube. In Triarthra and Polyarthra they remain attached to the cloacal opening. In some species two kinds of eggs are laid, one having two shells, and a later period of hatching, carrying the latent life of the germ through the winter, after the death of the parent. In the Hydatina senta Ehrenberg has carefully traced the forma- tion of the ova. They are first manifested as clear spots or vesicles filled apparently with albumen. In two or three hours a dark speck is seen in the middle of the clear vesicle, which he compares with the yolk. In five or six hours the yolk fills the clear space and pushes it to one side, and in this state the ova are fecundated and excluded from the cloaca. The change in the position of the clear spot is important, from its interesting analogy with the change in the position of the germinal vesicle in relation to the yolk of the rabbit's ovum, and with the altered position of the entire ovum in relation to the ovisac, pre- paratory to impregnation ; both being, to use Ehrenberg's expression, *' pushed to one side ;" to that side, viz., which approximates the important vesicle whence all subsequent development radiates, to the surface which admits the fertilising principle. The result of this admission is seen in the commencement of the series of successive divisions of the yolk, the whole of which is acted upon by the pre- viously dividing central hyaline nucleus, and is so converted into a 'germ-mass.' This process of 'total cleavage' of the impregnated egg-material has been described by KoUiker * in 3Iegalotrocha, and by Leydig in Lacinularia^, where the progression is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, &c., instead of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, as in the usual formation of the germ-mass. The further development of the Rotifera has been very well followed by Ehrenberg. He states, that in the ovum of the Hydatina, three hours after its exclusion, the clear spot (ger- minal vesicle) has disappeared, and the egg is occupied by the yolk, which is granular at one end and clear at the other. A dark spot XXXYIII. t XXXY* p. 473. tf. xvii. f. 4. ROTIFERA. 5JJ then appeared in the middle of the ovum, which, six hours after excluwsion, could be distinguished as the head, with the rudimental dental apparatus of the embryo. At the eleventh hour the wheel- like ciliated organs began to plaj, and the foetus to move in the Qgg. At the tivelfth hour the body was completely formed, and bent some- what spirally, the bifurcated anal appendage being doubled backwards towards the head. The revolutions of the young Rotifer are now so powerful as to threaten every instant to burst the egg-shell, but they often continue two hours. The average period of development of a young Hydatina under favourable circumstances is twenty-four hours ; twelve within and twelve without the parent's body. When it proceeds more slowly? Ehrenberg recommends the liberal supply of the green monads, ( Chlamydomonas pulvisculus, and Euglena viridis). Ova deposited in the cold early days of winter remain undeveloped until spring, and are protected by their dense double shell. Ehren- berg watched during eighteen days successively an individual Hydatina senta, which was full-grown when singled out, and did not die of old age, which proves this species to live more than twenty days. Such an individual is capable of a four-fold propagation every twenty-four or thirty hours, bringing forth in this time four ova, which grow from the embryo to maturity, and exclude theii* fertile ova in the same period. The same individual, producing in ten days forty eggs, developed with the rapidity above cited, — this rate, raised to the tenth power, gives one million of individuals from one parent, on the eleventh day four millions, and on the twelfth day sixteen millions, and so on. Although this rate of production from fertile ova is the greatest hitherto observed, far exceeding that in the class of insects, it is much inferior to the propagative power in the Polygastria. We saw that in the Paramcecium aurelia, which lives several days, a trans- verse fission took place, the individual becoming two, every twenty- four hours. It is affirmed also to propagate by ova, which are excluded, not singly, but in masses ; which ova rapidly develope and repeat the acts of propagation ; so that the possible increase in forty- eight hours is quite incalculable. Who can wonder that infusions should, with the brood of two or three days only, swarm with these animalcules. All the ordinary Infusoria live through the winter beneath the ice. After having been once completely frozen, Ehrenberg found them dead when thawed. They, however, manifested considerable powers of resistance to this effect of extreme cold. Ehrenberg endeavoured E 3 54 LECTURE III. to freeze some Infusoria in a watch-glass, and examined the clear ice in a cold room : he observed that those which appeared to be frozen and imbedded in the mass were actually inclosed in very minute vesicles in the ice. He conceives that they may remain torpid in this state through the winter, and revive when their little ice-houses have been melted away in spring. Infusoria are destroyed generally by expanding and bursting, after a few minutes* subjection to the heat of boiling water. In water subjected to a galvanic current strong enough to cause decomposition, the contained Infusoria are killed. When subjected to a weaker current, those only which came into its course were affected : some Rotifera were observed to be stunned only, and afterwards recovered ; others were killed. Tenacity of life is a very striking physiological character of the Infusoria. The famous phenomena of the revival of Rotifera, after having been completely dried and apparently killed, certainly when reduced to the state of the most complete torpidity, were first observed by Leeuwenhoek in the year 1701.* The father of microscopical anatomy had been engaged in examining some specimens of Rotifer vulgaris with Euglena sanguinea, and had left the water in which they were contained, to evaporate. Two days afterwards, having added some rain-water, which he had previously boiled, within half an hour he saw a hundred of the Rotifera revived and moving about. A similar experiment was followed with the same result after a period of five months, during which period the Rotifera had remained in a state of complete desiccation and torpidity. These observations were repeated by Hill f and Baker.^ You will find all the experiments that were recorded before the time of Haller accurately quoted in his great " Physiologia Corporis Humani," vol. viii. p. 111. Fontana § kept Rotifera two years and a half in dry sand, exposed to all the power of an Italian summer's sun : yet in two hours after the application of rain-water they recovered life and motion. Goze, Corti, and Miiller recorded similar experiments : but those performed by the celebrated Abbe Spallanzani are perhaps most generally known. He succeeded in reviving his Rotifers after four years' torpidity : he alternately dried and moistened the same animalcules twelve times with similar results, except that the number of the revivers was successively smaller ; after the sixteenth moistening he failed to restore any of them to life. |'| * XXXIX. p. 386. t XL. p. 11. X XLI. Chapters iv. and vi. § XLII. toin. i. p. 87. II XLIII. vol. ii. p. 127. ROTIFERA. 55 One of the essential conditions of the revival of the Rotifers ap- peared to Spallanzani to be their burial in sand : the access of air seems prejudicial to their retention of vitality. MUUer *, the famous Danish observer of Infusoria, only succeeded in reviving them when they were surrounded by foreign particles, and defended from the air. Both Oken and Rudolphi f deny the revival of desiccated animals ; but later observers have succeeded in reproducing the wonderful phe- nomena described by Spallanzani, especially Professor Schultze ; and I myself witnessed at Freiburg, in 1838, the revival of the arachnidal Arctiscon which had been preserved in dry sand by the Professor upwards of four years. Summary of the Classes, Orders, and Families of the " Infusoria " of Cuvier and Ehrenberg. Class POLYGASTRIA. Form, more or less that of a cell. Shell, when present, siliceous or calcareous. Motion, a few pedunculate, most are free and move by more or less generally diffused superficial vibratile cilia. Digestion, by cavities in a soft parenchyme, without proper walls ; the food taken either by superficial absorption or breach into the parenchyme, or by a mouth into a ciliated dilatable cavity. Circulation, by one or more pulsating sacs. Respiration, by rotating chlorophyl and by ciliated integument Generation, by spermatic nucleus governing partial or total fis- sion of body, by gemmation, and by germ-cells, excluded as such (?), or developed within the body. No distinction of sex. Order ASTOMA. Shell, when present, siliceous. Families Monadina. Genera Monas, Microglena, Chilomonas, Bodo, Gregarina. AsTAsiiNA. Amhlyophys, Euglena, Chlorogo- nium. Peridinina. Peridinium, Glenodinium. Opalinina. Opalina. AcTiNOPHBYNA. Actinophrys. Order STOMATODA. Shell, when present, siliceous. Families Vorticellina. Genera Stentor, Trichodina, Vorticella, JEpistylis, Carchesium. Ophrydina. Vaginicola, Cathurnia. Enchelia. Leucophrys, Prorodon. * XLIV. p. 98. t XLV. Bd. I. p. 285. £ 4 .56 LLCTURE in. Trachelina. KOLPODINA. OXY TRICHINA. EUPLOTINA. Glaucoma, Spiiostomum, Trache- litis, Loxodes, Chilodon, Phia- li?ia, Bursaria, Nassula. Kolpoda, ParamcEcium, Amphi- leptus. Oxytricha, Stylonychia, Uro- styla. Euplotes, Himantophorus, Chla- midodo7i. Order EHIZOPODA. Shell, calcareous, camerated. Locomotion, by branched, retractile processes. Tribe Monosomatia. Genus Amceba. Genera Arcella, Difflugia, Gromia, Euglypha, Trinema. Family Amcebina. Family Arcellina. Miliola, Form jointed. Tribe Polysomatia. Genera Vorticialis, Geoponus, Nonionina. Class ROTIFERA. (Wheel-animalcules). Body oblong, with a tail or post-abdomen more or less Shell, when present, gelatinous. Locomotion, by peculiar aggregates of vibratile cilia on the head. Digestion, by an alimentary sac or canal, in an abdominal cavity. Circulation, by a pulsatile sac, vessels, and sinuses. Respiration, by an aquigerous apparatus with peculiar vibratile organs. Generation, oviparous or ovoviviparous. Sexes distinct. Family Monotrocha. (Single-wheeled). Qte\^ev2i Ptygura, Ichthy- dium, ChcBtonotus, (Ecistes, Conochilus. (Notch -wheeled). Genera Megalotrocha, Tuhicolaria, Stephanoceros, Lacinularia, Melicerta, Floscularia. (Many-wheeled). Genera Enteroplea, Hyda- tino, Noiommata, Polyarthra, Triarthra, Euchla7iis, Scdpina. (Double-wheeled). Genera Rotifer, Acti- 7iurus, Noteus, Philodina, Anurma, Brachionus.* Family Schizotroch. Family Polytrocha. Family Zygotrocha. * In this summary adopted, with slight modiiication, from Siebold (XXIV.), only those families and genera are cited which best serAe as types of the organisation of the rc:?pective groups. ENTOZOA. 57 LECTURE IV. ENTOZOA. The ancient philosophers styled man the microcosm, fancifully con- ceiving him to resemble in miniature the macrocosm or great world. Man's body is unquestionably a little world to many animals of much smaller size and lower grade of organisation, which are developed upon and within it, and exist altogether at the expense of its fluids and solids. Not fewer than eighteen kinds of parasitic animals have been found to infest the internal cavities and tissues of the human body ; and of these, at least fourteen are good and well established species of Entozoa. Hippocrates and Aristotle had distinguished the human intestinal worms by the names of " Helminthes stronguloi " and " Helminthes plateiai ; " but the study of these parasites in general has been re- served for recent times. Since Linnaeus the stimulus which that great master gave to every branch of Natural History has been in no department more potent than in encouraging researches into the before neglected field of the Internal Animal Parasites. To the labours of Goeze* Zederf, Bremser J, and, above all, to those of Rudolphi §, we are indebted for our knowledge of these animals as an extensive class, which Rudolphi has characterised, under the name o^ Entozoa, as white-blooded worms without respira- tory organs, and (but less accurately) without nerves. The number of these parasites may be conceived when it is stated that almost every known animal has its peculiar species, and generally more than one, sometimes as many as, or even more kinds than, infest the human body. There are few common and positive organic characters which can be attributed to this very extensive and singular group of animals ; they have generally a soft, absorbent, colourless integument, which in a few species is armed with spines. That the integument should be uniformly white or whitish might, a priori, have been expected of animals which are developed and exist in the dark recesses of other animal bodies. The mature ova are almost the only parts which naturally acquire a distinct colour ; and the subtransparent body some- times derives other tints from the accidental colour of the food. Ex- cluded also by the nature of their abode from the immediate influence * XLVIII. t XLIX. t L. and LI. § XL VI. and XLVII. 58 LECTURE IV. of the atmosphere, no distinct respiratory organ could be expected to be developed in the Entozoa; but this negative character is common to them with most of the other " Zoophytes " of Cuvier. In animals surrounded by and having every part of their absorbent surface in con- tact with the secreted and vitalised juices of higher animals, one might likewise have anticipated little complexity and less variety of organ- isation. Yet the workmanship of the Divine Artificer is sufficiently complicated and marvellous in these outcasts, as they may be termed, of the Animal kingdom, to exhaust the utmost skill and patience of the anatomist in unravelling their structure, and the greatest acumen and judgment of the physiologist in determining the functions and analogies of the structures so discovered. What also is very re- markable, the gradations of organisation that are traceable in the in- ternal parasites reach extremes as remote, and connect those animals by links as diversified, as in any of the other groups of Zoophytes, although these play their parts in the open and diversified field of Nature. Beginning with the lowest link of the Entozoal chain, we have to commence with a condition of organisation more simple than is presented by the lowest Infusory or Polype. We end with a grade of organisation, which, whether it is to be referred to the radiated or articulated types, zoologists and anatomists are not yet unanimous. Amongst the vermiform animals with colourless integument, colour- less circulating juices and without respiratory organs, two leading dif- ferences of the digestive system have been recognised : in the one it is a tube with two apertures contained in a distinct abdominal cavity ; in the other it is excavated or imbedded in the common parenchyme of the body, and has no anal outlet. The first condition characterises the Vers Intestinaux Cavitaires of Cuvier ; the second the Vers In- testinaux Parenchymateux of the same naturalist.* I have rendered the Cuvierian definitions of the two leading classes or groups of the Entozoa by the single-worded names "Coelel- mintha," and " Sterelmintha." The Coelelmintha include the Linguatulce with the Gordiacea or * hair-worms', and the cylindrical Entozoa or 'round worms' which form the order Nematoidea of Rudolphi. This great entozoologist, who devoted the leisure of a long life to the successful study of the present uninviting class, divided the parenchymatous Entozoa, here associated in the class Sterelmintha^ into four orders. The Acanthocephala, in which the head has a retractile proboscis armed with recurved spines, the body round and * XII. torn. iv. p. 38. ENTOZOA. 59 elongated, and the sexes in distinct individuals. The Trematoda, in which the head is unarmed and has a suctorious foramen, the body rounded or flattened, and generally one or more suctorious cavities for adhesion, and in which the organs of both sexes are in the same individual. The Cestoidea, in which the body is elongated, flattened, and generally articulated : the head, variously organised, generally provided with suctorious cavities, sometimes armed with a coronet of hooks, sometimes with four unarmed or uncinated tentacles: both kinds of generative organs are combined in the same individual. Lastly, the order of Cystica^ in which the body is rounded or flattened, and terminates posteriorly in a cyst, which is sometimes common to many individuals : the head is provided with suctorious cavities, and with a circle of booklets, or with four unarmed or uncinated ten- tacles. No distinct generative organs are developed in the cystic Entozoa, and there is good evidence that most, if not all, are larvae of a higher order. The anatomy of the Entozoa is so distinct in each of these orders that I shall describe it successively in a few typical species, selecting more especially for demonstration those which infest the human body ; and which chiefly concern the medical practitioner. In this category the common pathological product called hydatid, and " Acephalocyst" by Laennec, is by many received, and ought not, per- haps, in this place to be omitted. The acephalocyst {Jig. 23, b.) consists of a sub-globular or oval vesicle filled with fluid. Sometimes suspended freely in the fluid of a cyst of the surrounding condensed cellular tissue («) ; some- times attached to such a cyst; deve- loping smaller acephalocysts (c), which are discharged from the outer or the inner surface of the parent cyst. These acephalocysts vary from the size of a pea to that of a child's head. In the larger ones the wall of the cyst has a distinctly laminated texture. They are of a pearly whiteness, without fibrous structure, elastic, spurting out their fluid when punctured. Their tissue is composed chiefly of a substance closely analogous to albumen, but differing by its solubility in hydro- chloric acid; and also of another peculiar substance analogous to mucus.* The fluid of the acephalocyst contains a small quantity of albumen with some salts, including muriate of soda, and a large pro- portion of gelatin. The tunic of the acephalocyst is usually studded with more or less * Ln, Acephalocyst. 60 LECTURE IV. numerous and minute globules of a clear substance (c), analogous to the " hyaline," whose remarkable properties in reproductive cells, Dr. Barry has demonstrated*, and from which the young acephalocysts are developed. No contractile property, save that of ordinary elas- ticity, has been observed in the coats of the acephalocyst ; no other organisation than that above described ; no other function than that of assimilation of the surrounding fluid by the general surface, and the development of new cells from the nuclei of hyaline. It stands on a still lower step in the series of organic structure than the Pro- tococci of the vegetable kingdom ; for spontaneous fission has not been observed in any acephalocyst ; and it ought, therefore, to be regarded rather as an abnormal organic cell, than as a species of animal, even of the simplest kind. Yet these productions have not escaped the ingenuity and dis- criminative powders of the classifier. Of the numerous species, nominal or real, which are to be found in the works of naturalists and pathologists, I shall notice only a few: — 1st, the Acephalocystis endogena of Kuhn, likewise called socialis, vel prolifera, by Cru- veilhier: the "Pill-box Hydatid" of Hunter. It is the kind most commonly developed in the human subject, and in which the fissi- parous process takes place usually from the internal surface of the parent cyst, the progeny being sometimes successively included : and, 2dly, the Acephalocystis exogena of Kuhn, eremita vel sterilis, of Cruveilhier, which developes its progeny generally from the ex- ternal surface, and is found in the ox and other domestic animals. Mr. H. Goodsir, who has particularly studied the development of the acephalocysts f, has described three species of the genus, the specific characters being derived from the structure of the membrane from which they originate, and from the mode of growth and structure of the young. In Acephalocystis simplex the membranes appear to be more or less inseparable, transparent, and the young vesicles are very few in number. In A. Monroi the ^'germinal membrane" is divided by means of a fibrous tissue, into numerous compartments, each of which is occupied by a delicate transparent vesicle filled with cellular substance, of which the cells or division are very large. Each of these vesicles contains one or more small dark bodies — the young hydatids. In A. armatus the young arise from the germinal membrane of the parent as very distinct small separate vesicles, which at first are quite transparent, but soon become opaque from the addition of young within them. * XXIX. t Lllh P- 563. ENTOZOA. 6 1 A small transparent vesicle jutting out from the surface of the germinal membrane is the first vestige of a young hydatid, which speedily becomes opaque in consequence of young cells growing within it. This vesicle very soon separates, and then becomes what Mr. Goodsir terms a secondary hydatid. The young cells which were seen growing within it before its separation now also increase iu size, and soon become parent cells, but do not separate from the germinal membrane of their parent until she escapes from the primitive hydatid. Thus there are four generations, the primitive hydatid still containing the three generations to which she had given birth. If the primitive hydatid is buried so deeply in the tissues of the infested being as to prevent the escape of the secondary hydatids, with their two inclosed series of young, decomposition ensues, upon which they speedily disappear. And now some may naturally be tempted to ask, having heard this description of a free and independent being, whose tissues are chemi- cally proved to be of an animal nature, imbibing nourishment without vascular connexion with the cavity containing it, and reproducing its kind. How is an animal to be defined, if this be not one ? The answer that the acephalocyst has no mouth, would not be regarded as satisfactory, after the recognition of the animality of the astomatous Polygastria : these, however, are locomotive and can propagate by spontaneous fission. But, definitions apart, our business is to discover to what organic thing the acephalocyst is most similar. Almost all the animal tissues result from transformations of free cells, which grow by imbibition, and which develope their like from their nucleus of hyaline. It is to these primitive or fun- damental forms of tissue that the acephalocyst bears the closest analogies in physical, chemical, and vital properties. When the infusorial monads are compared to such cells, and man's frame is said, by a figure of speech, to be made up of monads, the ana- logy is overstrained, because no mere organic cell has its cilia, its stomachs, its pulsatile sac, &c. So also it appears to me that the analogy has been equally overstrained, w^hich makes the acephalocyst a kind of monad, or analogous species of animal. We may, with some truth, say that the human body is primarily composed or built up of hydatids ; microscopical, indeed, and which, under natural and healthy conditions, are metamorphosed into cartilage, bone, nerve, muscular fibre, &c. When, instead of such change, the organic cells grow to dimensions which make them recognisable to the naked eye, such development of acephalocysts, as they are then called, is com- monly connected in the human subject with an enfeeblement of the controlling plastic force, which, at some of the weaker points of the 62 LECTURE IV. frame, seems unable to direct the metamorphosis of the primitive cells along the right road to the tissues they were destined to form, but causes them to retain, as it were, their embryo condition, and to grow by the imbibition of the surrounding fluid, and thus become the means of injuriously affecting or destroying the tissues which they should have supported and repaired. I regard the different acepha- locysts, therefore, as merely so many forms or species of morbid or dropsical cells. The conclusion to which' the known phenomena of the parasitic gregarinse lead is a different one ; and to this much-mooted question I next pass. In 1826, M. Leon Dufour* described and figured some minute entozooids, of very simple form and structure, which he discovered in the alimentary canal of several species of Coleoptera. Subsequently, detecting them in great abundance in the chylific stomach of the earwig in the month of August, the same distinguished entomologist communicated a particular description of them to the 'Annales des Sciences Naturelles," 1828 f^ proposing the name Gregarina for the genus ; and he gives three figures of the species, under the name of Gregarina oralis. It is half a line in length. One individual is characterised as having a spherical anterior seg- ment. In a second this appears to have been lost, and is said to be replaced by a sort of skull-cap (calotte). The third, besides the constriction defining the anterior sphere, shows another constriction equally bisecting the trunk. Of this latter specimen Dufour re- marks : — " Deux individus fixes bout a bout ou tete a queue, peut- etre accouples:" — but either in the act of conjugation or of sponta- neous fission. M. Dufour could detect nothing in the interior of these parasites except " des corpuscules arrondies." They were ob- served to vomit these " corpuscles " by the anterior end (probably after the fission). Siebold, in 1837, not succeeding in observing any signs of volun- tary movement in the Gregarina, rejected them at first from the kingdom of completely-formed animals, and supposed them to be eggs of insects. \ Returning to the investigation, he soon, however, re- nounced his first opinion, and retained the genus, as unique and exceptional in its nature amongst the Entozoa. He observed, in some, a feeble contraction of the body, producing a vermiform figure. They consist of a very firm, smooth, completely-closed skin, which is highly elastic, and includes a milk-white, minutely granular mass, imbedded in which there is a clear cell, including smaller cells. * LTV. p. 44. t XIII. p. 366. % LV. p. 56. ENTOZOA. 63 Usually only two individuals were seen to be attached to one another. " Auch sah ich gewohnlieh nur zwei individuen aneinander kleben.* Dufour had conjectured, that the genus Gregarina might belong to the Trematoda. Siebold, with better judgment, refers the genus to the order Cystica. He describes several species ; and figures some in the state of either conjugation or of spontaneous transverse fission ; he describes this as two complete individuals sticking toge- ther. Each shows the central multinucleate cell. Schleiden f has viewed these Gregarinag as essentially a single organic cell, and would refer them to the lowest group of plants. And here, indeed, we have a good instance of the essential unity of the organic division of matter. It is only the power of self-contraction of tissue, and its solubility in acetic acid, which turn the scale in favour of the ani- raality of the Gregarinae; they have no mouth and no stomach, which have commonly been deemed the most constant organic characteristics of an animal. Henle J and others have questioned the title of the Gregarina to be regarded as an organic species or individual at all, or as any thing more than a monstrous cell : thus applying to it my idea propounded in 1843 of the true nature of the acephalocyst. In 1848 Kolliker§ published an elaborate memoir on the genus, in which good and sufficient grounds are given for concluding that the Gregarina not merely resembles, but actually is an ani- mated being ; it stands on the lowest step of the animal series, parallel with that of the single-celled species of the vegetable king- dom. The Gregarina consists, as Schleiden and others have well shown, of a cell-membrane, of the fluid and granular contents of the cell, and of the nucleus with (occasional) nucleoli. The nucleus is the hardest part, resisting pressure longest, like that of the Polygas- trian. It divides, and its division is followed by spontaneous fis- sion. Sometimes the establishment of the two centres of assimila- tive force separates the cell-contents into two groups, without the concomitant division of the cell-wall ; but an inner partition-wall is developed. Stein believes that this is the result of the conjugation of two individuals. However this may be, another mode of propagation is then set up ; the granules of the divided cell-contents, as if im- pregnated, develope cells, divide and subdivide, and are ultimately resolved into embryos having the form of Navicellae ; but without the siliceous shell. KoUiker is of opinion, from the frequent co-existence of these pseudo-navicellar capsules with the ordinary Gregarinae and the identity of structure of the capsules, prior to the development * LV. p. 57. t LVI. p. 97. X LVn.p.369. § VH. 64 LECTURE IV. of the pseudo-navicellae, that this is one mode of propagation of the Gregarinae, but the progress of the Navicella to the Gregarina has not been seen. The firm nucleus of the Gregarina answers to that of the Polygas- trian ; the cell-membrane to the ciliated integument, and the granular contents to the more-specialised cells which surround the nucleus. The Gregarina may be regarded as a parasitic Monad, and the most simple of the animal kingdom. It differs from the single-celled plant by the contractility of its tissue, and the solubility of its cell-wall by acetic acid. I next proceed to consider the internal parasites, which present the characters assigned by Rudolphi to his Cystic Entozoa. The name Echinococcus has been given to a cyst resembling the acephalocyst, in the absence of any external organised appendage, but differing in the structure of the innermost layer or "membrana propria," which is very thin and contains many minute clear calca- reous corpuscles, which on the application of a weak acid, liberate bubbles of gas and disappear. The other tissues of this, which should be called the " echinococcocyst," consist, as in the acephalo- cyst, of coagulated albumen, the product probably of the adventi- tious cyst of the organ in which the echinococcocyst is imbedded. From the innermost or proper tissue of the echinococcocyst small pyriform buds protrude, in which are developed one or more minute vesicular organisms, having a head armed with a circle of more or less bent spines {Jig. 24. a.) and in some species also four suckers (ib. b.). These properly represent the genus Echinococcus. As their de- velopment advances, their nursing-cysts become pedunculate, and finally burst or break off, liberating the organisms which then float, or freely swim, in the sero-albuminous fluid of the parent-cyst.* The tissue of the little echinocoeci is highly contractile, and the uncinated head can be retracted within the cavity of the body. In the Echinococcus Veterinorum, the species which infests the common domestic animals, the oral spines, so retracted, offer a resem- blance to the cylinder of teeth, which characterises the Nassula {Jig. 14.) and many other Polygastria. The tissue of the body pre- sents a number of clear oval cells or spaces. On examining the fluid of an echinococcocyst from the abdomen of a recently-killed sow, I saw the young echinocoeci moving freely about in it : the anterior end of the body presented a trilobate depression produced by the retraction of the uncinated head, and at the opposite end there was, in some, a small orifice, " from which a granular and glairy substance was ♦ LVIII., LIX., LX., LXI. ENTOZOA. 65 occasionally discharged."* The echinococci from a small musk- deer ( Tragulus) closely resemble those of the hog. Each tooth or spine presents an elongated triangular form, a small process extending from the middle of its outer margin, probably for the attachment of the protractor fibres. The Echinococci of the human subject {Jig. 24.), which have been accurately described by Professor MuUer in a case where they were developed in the urinary bladder, and which 9i'iy ^^'^^ h^Qn carefully figured by Mr. Quekett in a case ob- EcTiinococcus scrvcd by Mr. Curling, where they were developed in the ^g"n!* liver, present well developed suctorious cavities {b), external to the circle of teeth («), and thus closely resembling the head of a Taenia, appended to a small cyst. The hydatid developed in the substance of the brain of sheep and rabbits, called Ccenurus cerebralis, consists of a large cyst, with which many heads, like those of the Taeniae, are in organic connection. These can be retracted within, or protruded without, the common cyst. Our present knowledge of the generation of the Ccenurus is limited to one of the alternating modes, viz., the gemmation of the armed and suctorious vermiculi. The common or parent cyst is composed of two layers of substance, — the external one fibrous, or striated, in different directions ; the internal of a delicate pulpy texture, locally thickened, and studded with minute clear cells. The gemmation of the vermiculi is not a process of continuous growth from the tunics of the parent cyst, but commences from an independent cell, situated between the layers, like the commencement of the bud from the hydra. Mr. Goodsirf has figured the progressive multiplication of cells from the primary one, closely analogous to the mode of establishment of the germ-mass from the primary-impregnatedgerm-cell in the ovum, until the cellular basis of the vermicule is established : it then pushes out before it the external fibrous layer of the mother-sac ; and the organisation of the head is completed by the metamorphosis of the pre-developed cells. At this point, however, the generation by gemmation is arrested ; the young individual is not cast off* like the young Echinococcus or Hydra ; its base continues in organic connection with the parent stock, and thus a compound animal, or aggregate of vermiculi results, analogous to the compound polypes, or as regards the general form of the community, to the Volvox globator. * LX. p. 118. Mr. Erasmus Wilson has noticed a similar fact in the Echinococcus hominis. LXI. p. 36. pi. 1. fig. 8. " Some of the granular contents of the animal expelled through the aperture left by the torn peduncle." t LIII. p. 565, pi. xvi. P 66 LECTURE IV. The genus Cysticercus is characterised by having only a single 25 uncinated and suctorial head, connected by a neck or body, sometimes annulated, and of greater or less length, with the terminal cyst. Of this genus one species, Cysticercus cellu- losce {Jig. 25.), is occasionally developed in the human sub- ject. It has been met with in the eye, the brain, the sub- stance of the heart, and the voluntary muscles of the body. Cysticercus ^ •' "^ ceiiuiosae. The pcculiar inflammation which it excites leads to the form- ation of a condensed bag of cellular tissue around it, which, in the muscular tissue, lengthens in the direction of the fibres, and so im- presses an oval form upon the Cysticercus : but this form does not characterise the specimens developed in the softer tissue of the brain or liver. The Cysticercus cellulosce is generally about half an inch in length. The most common hydatid in the ox and other ruminants, is a large species of the present genus, called Cysticercus tenuicollis, which has been found weighing 25 drachms and containing 3 oz. of fluid. In these much-expanded Cysticerci muscular fibres are developed in different directions in the substance of the cyst, and produce lively contractions. The clear calcareous corpuscles which in Ccenurus and Echinococcus are scattered through the walls of the cyst immediately under the skin, in the Cysticercus are exclusively aggregated in the undistended part of the animal called the " neck." In the progress of the accumulation of the fluid in the main body, shreds of the tissue get occasionally detached from the inner surface of the dropsical cyst, and are occasionally seen hanging from the base of the neck and floating in the fluid.* In the oral circle of spines, these are arranged in a double row alternately long and short, and from twenty to thirty in number. The four suckers are im- perforate. This well-armed head may serve to irritate the interior of the adventitious cyst and excite the secretion on which the pa- rasite subsists.! All the Cysticerci manifest their affinity with the Cestoidea by the organisation of their head, and this is more strikingly illustrated by the length and segmentation of the body, with the comparatively small size of the cysts, in the Cysticercus fasciolaris, which is commonly found encysted in the liver of the rat and mouse. The question of the larval relation of all the above- described cystic entozoa to the Cestoidea will be entered upon after a description of the latter, to which I shall next proceed : limiting myself chiefly, in regard to the organisation of the Tapeworms, to the two species which infest the human intestines ; namely, the Tcenia solium and * LXII. p. 205. f LXI. p. 183. ENTOZOA. 67 the Bothriocephalus lati/s, and which may be regarded as the types of the two leading genera of the order Cesloidea. The Tcenia solium is that which is most likely to fall under the notice of the British medical practitioner. It is the common species of tapeworm developed in the in- testines of the natives of Great Britain ; and it is almost equally peculiar to the Dutch and Germans. The Swiss and Russians are as exclusively infested by the Bothrio^ cephalus latus. In the city of Dantzig, it has been re- marked, that only the Tcenia solium occurs; while at Konigsberg, which borders upon Russia, the Bothrio- cephalus latus prevails. The inhabitants of the French provinces adjoining Switzerland are occasionally infested with both kinds of tapeworm. The natives of north Abys- sinia are very subject to the Tcenia solium^ as are also the Hottentots of South Africa. Such facts as to the prevalent species of tapeworm in different parts of the world, if duly collected by medical travellers, would form a body of evidence not only of elminthological but of ethnological interest. In the Bothriocephalus latus of some parts of central Europe and of Switzerland we may perceive an indication of the course of those north-eastern hordes which Head and contributed to the subversion of the Roman Empire ; and n 8CK , 1 ^n i a. solium. the TcEnia solium affords perhaps analogous evidence of the stream of population from the sources of the Nile southward to the Cape. The Tcenia solium attains the length of ten feet and upwards : it has been observed to extend from the pylorus to within seven inches of the anus. Its breadth varies from one fourth of a line at its an- terior part {fig. 26.), to three or four lines towards the posterior part of the body, which then again diminishes. The head is small, and generally hemispherical, broader than long. It commences by a central rostellum, which is surrounded by a double circle of small recurved hooks {fiy^ 27, a), occasionally shed in old individuals. Behind these are four suctorious cavities {fig. 27, b), by which the head is firmly attached to the intestinal membrane. The anterior segments are feebly repre- sented by transverse rugae ; the succeeding ones are subquadrate, and as broad as long. They then become sensibly longer, narrower anteriorly, thicker and broader at the pos- terior margin, which slightly overlaps the succeeding joint. The last series of segments are sometimes twice or three times as long F 2 27 Taenia solium. 68 LECTURE IV. as they are broad, proportions which are never observed in the Russian tapeworm. But the chief distinction between the Bothriocephalus latus and the Tcenia solium is in the position of the generative orifices, which, in the Tcenia solium^ are placed near the middle of one of the margins of each joint, and are generally alternate {fig. 28, «, a). The integument of the Taenia is soft, like a mucous membrane ; beneath it is a layer of delicate transverse muscular fibres, and a more easily recognisable stratum of longitudinal fibres. There must also be special muscles for the movements and retraction of the uncinated Taenia solium. proboScis. The condition of the nervous system is a matter of analogical con- jecture. Its principal part most probably exists in, or near, the well-organised head, whence, as in the Trematoda, it may send back- wards two delicate filaments. The correspondence of the digestive system with that of many Distomata is more certainly known, since it consists of long and slender canals continued lengthwise, with transverse connecting channels in most species, through the soft parenchyme. The mode of commencement of this system of canals appears to have been best seen by Siebold*, who describes and figures it in the larva of a tapeworm {fig. 33.), as commencing by a circular canal around the opening of the fossa in which the uncinated proboscis is retracted. Four longitudinal vessels are continued from this circle, which bi- furcate on arriving at each of the four suckers and re -unite below them, to be continued downwards as the main longitudinal vessels of the body {fig. 32, /, /). These contain a clear colourless liquid, and are readily seen in recent Ta3nia3 subjected to moderate pressure. This mode of investigation is better than that by injection, the na- tural extent of which cannot be defined by distinct walls of the spaces into which it may be driven. The transverse canals which connect the longitudinal ones in the Tcenia solium are situated near the pos- terior margin of each segment. No other system of vessels can be detected in recent Taenise scrutinised in the way recommended. The longitudinal nutrient canals have no communication with the marginal pores : they equally exist in those Cestoidea which liave no marginal pores, and the nutriment may be received by cutaneous absorption, the head being organised to serve chiefly as a hold-fast. The tissue of the Taeniae in which the alimentary canals are im- * LXIII. p. 20G. 1)1. xiv. ENTOZOA. by bedded is beset with numerous minute nucleated cells. These, doubt- less, take an important share, by their assimilative and reproductive powers, in the general nutrition of the body. The subcutaneous tissue is also characterised by the minute, clear and colourless cal- careous bodies which are common in the cystic entozoa. There are also globules of oil. The TaeniaB are androgynous, and each joint contains a compli- cated male and female apparatus equal to the production of thousands of impregnated ova. The ova are developed in a large, branched ovarium {fig. 28, c\ occupying almost the whole space included by the nutrient canals, at least in the posterior segments, where it is very conspicuous from the amber colour of the more mature ova. The oviduct is continued from near the middle of the dendritic ovary to the marginal papilla, where it terminates by a small orifice, some- times produced into a vulva, posterior to the pore of the male organs. The parts of the male apparatus which have at present been recog- nised consist of a small pyriform vesicle {fig- 28, h\ situated near the middle of the posterior margin of the segment ; this, however, is most probably only a seminal vesicle, and not the testis. The vas deferens is continued from the vesicle with slight undulations, to the middle of the segment, where it bends upon itself at a right angle, and terminates at the generative pore {^fig- 28, a), from which the lemniscus, or rudimental penis, projects. The ova may be fecundated by intromission of the lemniscus into the vulva before they escape. The segments containing the mature ova are most commonly detached and separately expelled. The development and metamor- phoses of the embryo Tjeniag have not yet been completely traced out. But much has recently been done, especially by the sharp-sighted and clear-minded Siebold, to whose most valuable observations on this subject we shall return, after the description of the generative organs in the Bothriocephalus latus. For a knowledge of the minute anatomy of this species of human tapeworm {figs. 29, and 30), we are indebted to the admirable skill and patience of Professor Eschricht, of Copenhagen, whose work* on the subject has received the prize of the Academy of Sciences, at Berlin. His observations were made on a specimen of the worm which, after various remedies, was dislodged from one of his patients.f * LXIV. f In Denmark, as in Holland, the Tcenia solium is the common tapeworm ; but the case in question occurred in a female aged twenty-three, born at St. Petersburg, of Russian parents, Avho had spent almost all her childhood and youth at Copen- hagen, with, however, occasional sojourns of three or four months' duration in Russia. The usual symptoms of tapeworm, with occasional ejection of fragments F 3 70 LECTURE IV. The head and neck of this specimen are represented of the natural 29 size in fig. 29. and magnified in fig. 30. Instead of the i coronet of hooks and circle of suckers which charac- terise the head of the Tcenia solium, it forms a simple? elongated, sub-compressed enlargement, with an anterior obtuse prominence, fig. 29, a, and two lateral sub-trans- parent parts separated by a middle opake tract. Accord- ing to Bremser, the margins are slightly depressed, form- ing what are termed the bothria or pits, ib. b, b, whence the generic name of this tapeworm. There is no trace of joints for a short distance from the head : these are at first feebly marked ; then the segments expand posteriorly, and slightly overlap the succeeding ones : their length nearly equals their breadth. At sixteen inches from the head a slight prominence at the middle line, the anterior part of the ventral surface of the segment, indicates the genital apertures. These become conspicuous in the pos- terior segments, and are two in number, situated on the same prominence (fig- 30.). The tegumentary and muscular systems appear to re- semble closely those in the Tcenia solium. Dr. Eschricht could not discern any trace of nerves. Of the nutrient system, he obtained evidence only of the submarginal longitudinal canals : by placing the recent segments in dilute acetic acid, he coagulated the contents of these Head and neck, , . , i • r« i i • Bothr. latus. cauals, wliicli wcrc then manifest by their opacity and whiteness. How the nutritious fluid is absorbed by the Bothrio- cephalus Eschricht was unable to discern : he supposes, analogi- occuiTed in 1 834. She had also distorted spine and other indications of a weakly constitution. Thrice, in that year, oil of turpentine with castor oil, and once some strong drastic pills and pomegranate rind, were administered ; and, with the excep- tion of the last medicine, which produced no effect, each time from twelve to twenty feet of the wonn were expelled, but Avithout the head. In the spring of 1835 she was induced to try a remedy called " Schmidt's cure," which consists of strong coffee, and salt hen'ing ; and it was followed by the expulsion of a piece of the worm measuring ten yards, still without the head. She then paid a \asit to Peters- burg, and there parted with four or five pieces of the tapeworm measuring from two to four feet in length. She returned to Copenhagen in the winter of 1835, still suffering from her pertinacious parasite. Castor oil and turpentine were again ad- ministered on the 3rd of December, and procured the ejection of two pieces of the tapeworm, measuring together twelve feet in length, but without the head. Eighteen days afterwards, Nouffer's remedy, which consists of a preparation of fern seed, was resorted to, whereupon the remaining part of the worm, twenty feet in length, with the neck and head, came aAvay, and all the symptoms of the malady disappeared, and had not returned in 1838, when this instructive case was recorded. ENTOZOA. cally, by an anterior suctorious mouth, leading to a gullet, 30 bifurcates m the neck to form the two lon- cc gitudinal canals. Eschricht could not detect the transverse anastomosing canals. We shall be justified, perhaps, by the analogy of a species of Bothriocephalus from the Python*, in which I succeeded in injecting with quicksilver both the longitudinal and transverse canals, in con- cluding that the anastomosing channels are pre- sent at the posterior margins of the segments in the Bothriocephalus of the human species. Sie- laiSL' bold states that the annular vessel by which the nutrient canals commence in the rostellated TcBJiice, is not present in the genus Bothriocephalus, nor in the unarmed Tccnia rostellata and Caryophyllceus mutahilis : in these tape- worms four longitudinal vessels when they approach the head begin to ramify and form there a rich network. This arrangement is more favourable to the idea of nutrition by cutaneous absorption, than by a hypothetical mouth and bifurcating gullet. Innumerable and very minute nucleated cells are apparently disse- minated through the tissue of the Bothriocephalus. Eschricht points out their analogy to the blood-cells in the lower animals, but could not perceive any ramified system of blood-vessels, superadded to the longitudinal canals. At the deepest part of each segment there is a stratum of whitish granules or glands {fig. 32^ «, a), composed of a cluster of minute Bothr. latus. 32 blind sacculi, filled with opake fluid, each group or gland being sus- pended in a separate cell, the pedicle of which is, without doubt, the duct of the sacculated gland which Eschricht regards as a testis, and estimates at 400 in number at each Bothr. latus. joiut. Their ducts unite to form a network, having the capsules of the gland in the interspaces. The vas deferens {fig. 32, b), is best seen on the dorsal aspect of the joint, along the middle of which it runs in close transverse folds, pro- gressively increasing in breadth, until it terminates in a pyriform seminal receptacle or " bursa penis" {fig. 32, c). From this bursa a small lemniscus is protruded through the anterior of the two Prep. No. 846. A. F 4 72 LECTURE IV. generative pores, situated upon the eminence near the middle of the anterior part of the ventral surface of the segment. The ovaria {Jig. 32, d) are situated near the posterior margin of the segment. They consist of two large transversely oblong lobes, and a smaller median annular portion. They are composed of tubes in which the small germinal and vitelline rudiments of the ova are arranged in rows. The oviducts terminate in a long tubular uterus {Jig. 32, e\ which is considerably wider than the vas deferens, and advances forwards, making many transverse convolutions, the two last being wider than the rest, and extending on each side of the bursa penis. The ducts of a very complicated series of glands commu- nicate with the uterus before its final termination at the vulva or pore, which is behind the male opening. The glands just alluded to form a stratum next beneath the skin at the sides of the joints. Eschricht calculates that there are 1200 of these glands in each joint. In the joints furthest from the head, containing the mature ova, these glands become filled with a thick yellow matter which they pour into a system of ramified ducts, which unite to discharge themselves in the dilated part of the uterus. Their office seems to be to cement together the ova in hard cylindrical masses by forming a crust around them, in which state they are found in the detached joints. This is the first example we have yet seen of nidamental glands, which we shall sub- sequently find to be a conspicuous part of the generative organs in many oviparous Invertebrata. From this description it will be seen that the proportions and almost the forms of the ovarium and testis, are reversed in the Bo- thriocephalus and Tcenia : the positions of the sexual outlets are unquestionably very different in the two genera. Both, however, agree in presenting the most extensive development and preponder- ance of the generative system that is known in the Animal Kingdom. In fact there is scarcely space left in the hinder joints of the tape- worms for the organs of any of the other systems. The natural rate of life of a tapeworm, the consequences to the remaining adherent part of the repeated detachment of the ovigerous segments, the extent to which they are detached and subsequently renewed, have not yet been, nor are likely ever to be, the subjects of direct observation in these internal parasites of man. Some highly interesting facts have, however, been made known by the same professor, to whom v/e are indebted for a knowledge of the anatomy of the Bothriocephalus latus, in the economy of another species of Bothriocephalus (B. pwictatus) which is extremely common in the small sea-fish called Cottus scorpius. During midsummer these tapeworms are fully developed, and their ENTOZOA. 75 segments are laden with ova. They adhere by the fore part of the head to the mucous surfaces of the appendices pyloric^e, and cast off the ovigerous segments, sometimes in their whole length ; so that headless tapeworms are found in the lower part of the intestine, whilst a number of heads without bodies may be observed adhering to the pyloric appendages between other tapeworms of very diflferent lengths. The heads thus left behind generate a new series of perfect joints in the following way: the joint next the head is divided by a transverse fissure into two, each of which repeats the same process as soon as it is somewhat grown. Whilst the joints multiply in this way, they continue to increase in size, and so become removed from the head ; but at a certain distance from the head, this mode of sub- dividing ceases, and the whole nutritive power is applied to the de- velopment of the organs of generation. During winter the Bothrio- cephalus piinctatuSy still adhering firmly to the mucous surface of the pyloric appendages, grows to its full length, the segments with the generative organs being formed ; but no ova can be seen. These begin to appear at the commencement of spring in the posterior joints, and by degrees fill the uteri of all the joints, until they occupy those which are close to the head, when the separation from the head before described ensues, and this last-named member is left to repeat the important process. No single joint of a tape- worm can develope a head, and so form a new nutrient individual ; the transverse fission relates only to the dissemination of the fertile ova. But the joints, so separated, may be regarded as "generative individuals," and those of the Tcenia solium live and move about, and closely resemble Distomata, They may be seen in all grades of development, some as infants, others adolescent, and the terminal ones fully formed and pregnant. The eggs of some Cestoidea have a single shell or tunic, which is colourless in Tcenia literata, T. Scolecina^ as well as in the genera CaryophyllcEUS and Tricenoplioriis ; but is of a brown colour in many species of Bothriocephalus. The round eggs of Tcenia amphitricha, T. serrata, and T. bifaria, and the elliptic eggs of T. an- gulata and T. villosa, have two colourless tunics. In Bothriocephalus proboscideus and Tcenia porosa, the eggs have three colourless tunics. In Tcenia solium, the innermost of the three tunics is thick and becomes a yellowish brown in the ripe eggs. In Tcenia in- fundibuliformis and T. planiceps, the outer tunic has two long pointed processes on each side : in T. cyathiformis it is provided with two round vesicular appendages. In Tcenia injiata, the inner- most of the three tunics is transversely elliptical, the middle tunic is produced into two long diverticula, and the outer tunic has two long 74 LECTtTRE IV. lateral appendages. The eggs of T. cucumerina and T, crateri- formis are collected in groups of from ten to twenty, in a common gelatinous nidamental capsule. In the eggs with a single brown shell the young are liberated by the fall of a kind of lid from one end.* In the other eggs the tunics dehisce irregularly to liberate the larva. Wide and interesting questions on animal development are con- cerned in the solution of the narrower, but not less interesting ones, as to how and where the young of the impregnated ova of tape- worms are developed ? In no instance have they been observed to be excluded in the intestines of the animal in which they were formed. The eggs are cast out with the excrement into the waters or on the surface of the earth. Development of the cestoid embryo begins, however, as soon as the proper tunics of the ovum are formed, and it is commonly far advanced before the generative joints of the parent are expelled. The process has been studied by Siebold in the Bothriocephalus pro- boscideus, B. crassicollis and B. infwidibuliformis; in Tcenia solium, and in a score of other species of Tcenia. In each case the embryo, presenting a rounded or oval shape, according to the shape of the Qg%^ is characterised by having six spines or booklets, retracted into the interior of the body : one middle pair lying in the axis of the body, the other two lateral pairs diverging and directed outwards. The embryos were found so armed even in the Cestoidea, which, when mature, are devoid of hooks and form the Tcenice. inermes of Rudolphi. In the T. cyathiformis, the two middle hooks are the largest and most bent. In Tcenia porosa, one of the oblique lateral hooks is very thick, the other very slender. The young of the Bothriocephalus proboscideus present an ovate subdepressed form ; and when they are two-thirds of a line in length, the bothria may be discerned at the larger end. The embryo of Tcenia ocellata, when half a line in length, shows plainly, under the compressor, the four suckers, f This discovery was soon confirmed by Dujardin, who gave a figure of the embryo of Tcenia cucumerina, observed by him in the ova of the fully developed generative joints of that tapeworm from the intestines of a dog J: and he has described the contractions of the body of the larva and the movements of the booklets. The earlier phases of development have been well traced by KoUiker, in both Tcenia and Bothriocephalus.^ Development is first indicated by a clear place in the centre of the egg, which becomes more and more clear, larger, and nearer the surface of the yolk, where * LX. p. 201., and XXIV. p. 148. t LX. p. 202. X LXV. p. 29. pi. i. tig. 10. § LXVI. p. 91. ENTOZOA. 75 it is seen to be a nucleated cell. In this are developed two cells, which are liberated, and, repeating the process, form four* cells ; this cluster of germ-cells divides the more opaque yolk mechanically into two parts. The germ-cells become progressively smaller and more numerous, and the yolk becomes in the same ratio acted upon and diminished, until it is wholly absorbed and assimilated by the germ- cells, and the egg finally contains only the germ-mass so constituted ; that is, consisting of the progeny of the primary germ-cell, de- veloped and multiplied at the expense of the yolk, which is, therefore, exclusively a " germ-yolk " in the Tcenice. The embryo above described is the result of the metamorphoses of certain cells of the germ-mass into its different tissues ; viz. the skin, the proboscis, the six booklets, and the suckers ; the contained parenchyme consists of the remnant of the germ-mass comparatively little changed. The next step in development has been observed by Siebold in the larvae of TcBnicB, which have become parasitic in animals of quite distinct species from those in which the ova and ovigerous segments were formed. In a species of slug {Ario7i empiricorum), e. g., Sie- bold observed minute white cysts projecting from the inner surface of the pulmonary sac. Each cyst con- tained a vermicule, with an uncinated and suctorial head retracted within the body. By regulated pres- sure the head was everted, and also the opposite end of the body, which had previously been intussuscepted, and the animalcule then presented the form given in Jig. 33. Instead of six hooks, these were now ar- Larva of Tania ^^^S®^ ^^ ^ doublc roW of ten in each. The con- magnified. ' tractile parenchyme of the unjointed body shows the vascular system above described, together with numerous minute cells and the clear calcareous corpuscles, but no trace of genera- tive organs. These sexless larval cestoids are probably excluded from the ova of the taeniae of some species of bird, voided with the excrement. Being hatched, they creep upon the body of the first slug that may crawl near them, and entering the open orifice of the pulmonary sac excite a certain inflammation by their hooks, become surrounded by an adventitious cyst, and attain that grade of development, as manifested by the number of the hooks, the suckers, and the length of the body, by which they differ from the larvae as first formed in the egg of the tape-worm.* They have never been * With regard to the change from the six-uncinated embryo to the larvas with the double crown of hooks, Stein states that the latter are a new formation which supersedes the embryonal armature of the proboscis. LXVII. p. 69. 76 LECTURE IV. found in a higher grade of development, or with sexual organs, in the intestines or other parts of the slug. Siebold therefore concludes that they may be restored to their native locality — the intestinal canal of a warm-blooded animal — by the slug being devoured by some mammal or bird, and that there they undergo Iheir further and com- plete development ; quitting their cysts, and forming their segments with the generative organs, which are detached by spontaneous fission. This seems a bold hypothesis, and it would be a hazardous one if it rested on the mere facts of the resemblance of the vermicule (yfig. 33.) in the pulmonic cysts of the slug to the embryo in the ovum of the Cestoidea. But the modifications of the hooks and suckers in some other vermicules, having the general character of cestoid larvas, correspond so closely with peculiarities of the same parts in the tapeworms of animals feeding on those in which such larvae are found encysted, as to add greatly to the probability of the migratory hypothesis. Siebold discovered vermicules, having the general cha- 34 racter of cestoid larva3, in cysts in the coats of the ^r'v^g^^l intestine, and free in the cavity of the intestine, of a j^ ---^^^ ") cuttle fish {Eledone moschatd). These vermicules had ^-^ _ ,^ ^ a large quadrangular head, divided by a slight con- striction from the body, and bearing on its anterior flattened surface nine suckers, arranged as VLifiQ' 35., the largest in the middle, the rest in four pairs, with the inner one largest in each. The parenchyme of the body of this vermicule presented the clear calcareous corpuscles characteristic of the cestoid tissue, together with the four longitudinal canals, as in Jig. 33, I; with which evidence of its cestoid character, the next step was to examine what known species of mature or sexual cestoid presented the nearest resemblance to the pecu- liar cephalic organisation of the presumed larva. This Siebold found in the Bothriocephalus auriculatus, in which the four angles of the head are produced into distinct lobes, each bearing on its flattened anterior surface a pair of suckers corresponding in their inequality of size and relative position with those in the larvas from the cuttle-fish ; the large central sucker having disappeared in the course of the modification of the central interspace through the progressive development of the lobes {Jig. 34.). That such change takes place in the condition of the peculiar head of the B. auriculatus is made probable by further changes observed in different individuals of that species. The suckers, for example, are seen in the younger specimens, and gradually disappear in the older ones. The animal ENTOZOA. 77 infested by the B. auriculatus is a carnivorous fish {Musteliis vul- garis), inhabiting the same sea as the Eledone inoschata, and prone to devour that and other kinds of cuttle-fishes. The fertile ova of the B. auriculatus are discharged by thousands from the molluski- vorous fish, and thousands of the larvae doubtless perish. Some, however, gain an entry into the interior of the lower organised marine animals suited to their further development and encysted life ; still fewer complete their vital career when the, to them, lucky accident occurs of the devouring of the moUusk containing them by the fish whose intestines form a suitable nidus for their ultimate transformation, and for the development and propagation by spon- taneous fission of the generative segments. Another cestoid larva found in cuttle-fishes and other marine invertebrata is characterised by its four lateral elliptical suckers, the tumid borders of which are facetted, or divided by many incisions. The Bothriocephalus coronatus, " bothriis tumidulis transversira costatis," of Rudolphi, presents the like peculiarities of its suckers, and it is found in the intestines of fishes that feed upon the inverte- brates and smaller fishes in which the larva in question {Scolex pohpnorphus, Auct.*) is found. To take a final instance, indicative of the migration of the cestoid larvae, from land animals. The common tapeworm of the cat, TcBuia crassicollis, is remarkable for the disproportionate size of the head, the short and thick neck, the position of the four suckers, and the shape and number of the booklets of the uncinated proboscis : all these peculiarities are repeated in the larval form of tape-worm which is commonly developed in cysts of the liver of the mouse and rat, and which has already been described as the Cysticercus fascio- laris. The warm blood and "high organisation of the small mammal in which that larva is developed may well be regarded as favouring a further advance of that development than takes place in the en- cysted cestoid larvae found in the cold-blooded invertebrates ; and accordingly we find, not only the uncinated proboscis and suckers of the tapeworm established, but also a lengthening and segmentation of the body, in the so-called Cysticercus of the rat, without, how- ever, the development of the generative organs, and with a tendency to a dropsical accumulation of nutrient fluid in a few of the terminal joints. All cestoid larvce which find their early entrance into the soft tissues * LL t. xi. fig. 10. The cestoid larvse, in their various grades of development, have served as the grounds of many nominal genera of entozoa ; e. g. Anthoce- phalus, Balanophorus, Bothriocephalus bicolor, Dibothriorhynchus, Floriceps, Gymno- rhynchus, Hepatoxyhn, Rhynchohotlirium, Scolex, Tentacularia, and Tetrarhynchus. 78 LECTURE IV. of mammalia seem to be subject to that accumulation. It is shown in a slight degree in the so-called Cysticercus pisiformis of the liver of the hare, which probably finds its full development as the Tcenia serrata of the dog. But in many instances the dropsical enlargement of the encysted cestoid larva proceeds to such an extent as to make it highly improbable that they can carry out the future phases of their proper life-cycle. This we may conclude to be the case with the Cysticercus cellulosce of the human subject, from the number of the adventitious cysts of that parasite which are found to contain the dead hydatids ; these, moreover, have sometimes undergone a decomposition into an adipo- ceral and cretaceous mass, like a tubercle, but the true nature of which can frequently be demonstrated by the recognizable remains of the head, or of the booklets of the abortive parasite. In the encysted, probably cestoid, larvse of the ruminants ( Cysticercus tenuicollis, Auct.) the accumulation of the fluid proceeds to a greater extent ; and in that to which the name Echiriococcus has been given, it seems to be carried so far as to obliterate entirely both head and neck of the original larval form. The Echinococcus how- ever, like the Ccenurus, retains so much of the original spermatic force in the germ-cells that remain unmetamorphosed in its parietes, as to set up a multiplication of its kind by gemmation. But the product never goes beyond the sexless vermicule with the uncinated and suc- torial head, like that which is developed in the egg of the tapeworm. In the Ccenurus, these larvae are retained, as we have seen, in organic connection with their parent-cyst, and bud out from her outer surface. In the Ecldnococcus they proceed from the inner surface of the cyst, and become free, reminding us of the development and accumulation of the navicellar larvae, within the cyst-like body of the parent Gregarina. The parthenogenetic mode of generation being the only one that the hydatid-like sexless progeny of the Cestoidea are able to manifest, the life-period of these dropsical larvas, when not liberated, 'seems to be determined by the progressive accumulation of their parenchymal calcareous corpuscles, which have been absurdly described as their ova. The right recognition of the nature of the cystic entozoa of Rudolphi shows the futility of looking for normal organs of genera- tion in any part of their structure. The hypothesis of equivocal generation has been deemed to apply more strongly to the appearance of internal parasites in animal bodies than to the origin of animalcules in infusions. But if a tapeworm might be organised from a fortuitous concourse of organic particles, or by the metamorphoses of an organic cell in the animal it infests, ENTOZOA. 79 why that immense complication and extent of the organs for the pro- duction of normal fertile ova ? " The division of the body into joints is intended," Professor Eschricht observes, " to produce a corresponding number of bunches of ova, just as the repeated ramification of plants is destined to provide space for the production of new bunches of seeds." The head of the tapeworm is fixed to the mucous surface, and thence it may derive the nutritive juices required for the whole organism, in a degree analogous to that in which the root procures the nourishment of the plant from the soil ; and the analogy of the extent to which a plant is nourished by its leaf-pores may also be carried out by the extent to which the tapeworm is supplied by the absorbent action of its mucous integument. The ova having reached maturity, the joints rupture to liberate them; or the whole joint will be thrown off in the same way as the seeds of plants are freed, sometimes one by one, sometimes in masses, according to the particular manner of life assigned to every species of plant. " And is there any one," asks Dr. Eschricht, " who, upon the contemplation of this wonderful apparatus, and the extraordinary results of its agency, can for a moment imagine that it is without an object or an end?" The geographical distribution of the human Cestoidea is, likewise, opposed to the doctrine of their spontaneous origin. The organic particles, or alimentary mucus of a Swiss and Dutchman, are not so distinct in their nature as to account for the difference in their tapeworms. Yet no Swiss that never left his native mountains ever had a TcBiiia solium, and no Dutchman, the constant resident of his swamps, ever had a Bothriocephalus latus. But a native of either of these countries may be infested by the tapeworm peculiar to another region, if he sojourn there, just as the English sailor may be attacked by the Guinea-worm, if he visits the tropical regions where that entozoon is common. The great anatomist Soemmering suffered from a Bothriocephalus latus. Now he was a German ; but it was ascertained that he paid occasional visits to a friend in Switzerland. There, doubtless, the larvae of the parasitic worm was introduced into his body. The countless ova of the tsenige, with their hard crusts or shells, and tenacity of latent life, are, doubtless, widely dispersed ; the larvae are early provided with express organs for attaching themselves to the animals and tissues suitable for their first phase of existence, and these nursing animals serve as food for the higher species destined, in their turn, to subserve the complete development of the migratory parasites. 80 LECTOPvE V. LECTURE V. ENTOZOA. The essential anatomical character of the third order of Entozoa in the classification of Rudolphi may be represented by combining the head of an unarmed Taenia, with one of its joints, containing the fully developed androgynous organs. The digestive system being repre- sented by simple canals, imbedded in the soft cellular parenchyme, and without anal outlet. The Trematoda may be characterised as having a soft, flattened, rarely rounded, body, with an indistinct head, an unarmed mouth, and generally one or more suckers for adhesion in different parts of the body : the organs of both sexes are in the same individual. Rudolphi was a pupil and ardent admirer of Linnaeus, and adopted external and easily recognisable characters for the generic sub- divisions of the Trematode order, the species of which he distributed according to the number and positions of the suctorious orifices and cavities. When there is a single one, it constitutes the genus Mono- stoma : when there are two, which are terminal or at opposite ends of the body, you have the character of the genus Amphistoma : when the posterior of the two suckers is not terminal, but on the inferior surface of the body, this constitutes the genus Distoma : three suc- torious cavities characterise the genus Tristoma ; five, the genus Pentastoma ; and a greater number that called Poli/stoma. Subse- quent anatomical investigations have led to the formation of other genera of Trematoda, and have likewise shown that those species which were grouped together by the external and artificial characters of the Rudolphian system, manifest differences of organisation, indicating, at least, the generic distinction of such species : nay, most of the Pentastomata of Rudolphi appertain to the Coelelminthic class of Entozoa. tr My illustrations of the anatomy of this order will be chiefly derived from the two species which infest the human subject ; these are the Distoma hepaticum {Jig. 36.), and the Distoma lanceolatum {Jig. 37.). Both are peculiar to the biliary ducts and gall bladder, but may pass thence into the intestine. Both, like- wise, are more commonly found in the ordinary domestic animals, as the sheep and ox, than in the Dist. hepaticum, human SubjCCt, A full-grown Distoma hepaticum is of a flattened, ovate, or oblong-ovate form, broader and rounded anteriorly, attenu- ENTOZOA. 81 ated posteriorly ; from ten to sixteen lines in length, from four to seven in width : the broad end sends forward a sort of conical neck or head, convex above, flat below ; one of the suckers (a) is at the extremity of this process, a little turned downwards, and is the true mouth ; the other (b) is at the under part of the base of the neck, is imperforate, and serves, merely as an organ of adhesion. Between these is a small depression (d) in which the genital pores are placed : not unfrequently the curved or spiral penis may be observed projecting from the anterior of these pores. The body is of a whitish yellow colour, variegated near the margins by the yellow ova, and on the dorsal aspect by the brown colour of the double ramified alimentary tube. The integument is soft : traces of muscular fibres can hardly be discerned, except around the larger subventral sucker. Dr. Mehlis*, who has given the best anatomical account of the human Trematoday describes and figures the nervous system of the Distoma hepaticum as a delicate oesophageal filamentary ring, with a slight ganglionic enlargement on each side, from v/liich minute fibres pass into the oral sphincter ; and two large filaments pass backwards, one on each side, as far as the ventral sucker. I have tested this description by a dissection of the largest known species of Distoma, the Dist. clavatum, whose anatomy I have de- scribed in the Zoological Transactions. You may distinctly perceive in this preparation t the oesophageal nervous circle, the small cephalic filaments, and the two widely separated nervous chords of the trunk. In this specimen also, you will see the integument raised as a distinct membrane from the outer transverse muscular fibres, and a portion of these is reflected from the inner longitudinal stratum. Feeble analogues of these parts of the muscular system are doubtless pre- sent in the smdM^r Distomata of the human subject. Pigment-specks, called " eye-specks," are present in the Pohjstoma of the urinary bladder of the toad and frog, as in the locomotive cihated larva of most Trematoda. In the Pohjstoma six long muscles diverge from the hinder part of the body to have an expanded insertion into the convex sides of the six suckers. The sole aperture of the alimentary system is that of the anterior pore, which is surrounded by the fibres of the suctorial organ. The alimentary canal in the Distoma hepaticum is continued from this pore for a very short distance as a single tube, and then bifur-» cates ; the divisions {Jig. 36. c, c) diverge to enclose the bursa penis and the ventral sucker, again approximate, and afterwards run * LXVIII. p. 22. fig. 13. 82 LECTURE V. parallel with each other, with a narrow interspace, along the middle of the body to the caudal extremity. At their first bend, each tube gives off three or four branches from its outer, but none from its inner side. The parallel tubes send off a few short and simple branches from the inner side, and many larger ramified branches from their outer sides, which terminate in blind extremities near the margin of the body. These canals seem, at first sight, to be simply excavated in the sub^ stance of the body ; but, attentively examined, they present a delicate proper tissue. They are usually tilled with a brownish chyme, which appears to be mucus stained with cholesterine. A more minute system of ramified tubes, which by some have been regarded as the nutrient vessels, commences or terminates by a small foramen at the caudal extremity of the body. The trunk of this system runs forwards with a slightly serpentine course, along the interspace of the forked alimentary canal, to the anterior part of the body, where it bifurcates, and terminates in many finely ramified branches : similar branches come off in pairs from, or terminate in, the main canal. These vessels seem to be an excretory rather than a nutrient system. They are beautifully figured by the ingenious ana- tomist Blanchard, who has succeeded in injecting them independently of the digestive canals.* The vascular system of Diplostoma volvens, so beautifully illus- trated by Nordmann f, is the equivalent of the system of capillaries, described by Mehlis in the Distoma hepaticum ; and the median trunk {Jig. 38, 6), which is compared by Nordmann to the dorsal aorta in the Anellides, must be the principal excretory conduit : it passes directly backwards to the terminal pore {ib. h), distinctly recognised by Nordmann in the Diplostonia as an excretory outlet ; and he does not positively deny, what his figures indicate, its con- tinuity with the straight duct terminating at that pore. In the Dist. clavatum I have shown that the excretory system is complicated by a large terminal receptacle or bladder, of which the hinder pore is the outlet. % The male organs of the Distoma hepaticum consist of the secern- ing seminal tubes, a vesicula seminalis, a penis, and its bursa: the convoluted tubuli testis equal the smallest branches of the alimentary canal in size ; they occupy a great extent of the middle part of the body, are inextricably interwoven, are recognisable by their opake * LXIX. pi. 36. and LXX. (1820), p. 305. taf. ix. The idea of the natiu-e and function of these vessels, given in my former edition, p. 57, has been adopted by the experienced Siebold, XXIV. p. 136. " So gh\ube ich gehort das Gefassnetz welches Bojanus aus Distomum hepaticum beschreibt jeuem Excretionsorgans an." t LXXI. p. 37. taf. iv. fig. 6. J LXXH. p. 41. fig. 18. g. ENTOZOA. 83 37 white colour, and terminate bj two trunks in a common canal, which ends at the base of the receptaculum penis. This appendage is spirally disposed when flaccid, is tubular, and distinctly perforated at the apex. The ovaria occupy the whole margin of the body for a line in breadth : they consist of minute, branched tubes, in which the ova are developed, as in acini. The oviducts are close to the ventral integument, and terminate in a single large uterine canal, which is disposed in many convolutions between the subventral acetabulum and the bursa penis: it terminates by a vulva, or distinct pore, immediately behind the male bursa. The ovarian ova are colourless and pellucid, but become opaque as they approach the oviduct : having entered this tube they acquire a white glistening tunic, and afterw^ards a yellow colour, which becomes deeper as they approach the vulva. The Distoma lanceolatum {fig. 37.) has been regarded as the young of the Distoma hepaticum ; but it is of a dilFerent form, has a different anatomical structure, particularly as regards the alimentary canal, and its title to rank as a distinct species is sufficiently vindicated by its power of developing fertile ova without changing its characteristic shape or increasing in size. It rarely equals five lines in length, but is more commonly three lines long ; flat, lanceolate, more attenuated anteriorly, and with an obtuse caudal apex. The suctorial pores are relatively larger than in the D. hepaticum. The anterior sucker («) looks down- wards, and is perforated in the centre by the mouth : the genital pores are half way between this and the hinder sucker (Z>). The transparency of the integu- ment allows the internal parts to be readily discerned. The alimentary canal, commencing by a kind of pharynx, is continued as a very slender tube (c) to the bursa penis, where it bifurcates, each division (c?) being continued without further ramification along the right and left sides of the body to the tail, where it ends in a blind extremity. The minuter excretory system of vessels has not been discerned in this small Distoma. The simplicity of its digestive apparatus makes the analogy very close between the D. lanceolatum and the Tcenice. In the interspace of the two digestive tubes four opake whitish spots are visible, of which the three anterior or larger ones {e) form the testes. Each transmits from its anterior margin a very minute G 2 i Dist. lanceolatum, magiiihed. 84 LECTURE V. duct, which, advancing forwards, unite in a common vas deferens, terminating in a small vesicle at the base of the penis, which is pro- vided with its proper bursa. The ovaria (/,/) are two in number, of a milk-white colour, situated at the margins of the middle third of the body, exterior to the alimentary tube. They present a dendritic form, small branches being given off chiefly from their outer side. The oviducts run transversely to the middle line, and form there, by their convolutions, a fourth white opake body behind the testes. From this subspherical body the common uterine tube (g) is continued. This is a simple and ample canal, very long and tortuous, occupying all the posterior part of the interspace of the alimentary forks, thence continued forwards with decreasing convolutions, and terminating at the vulva. The digestive system in the species of Diplostoma, a genus which has two ventral suckers {Jig. 38, b, c\ is as simple as in the Dist. lanceolatum ; but the blind extre- mities {f,f,) of the two divisions of the alimentary cavity {e, e) are each ^lodged in a sac, i, which, from the milky character of its contents, has been termed the chyle-receptacle. It is supposed that the nutritious contents of the alimentary tubes exude through the parietes of their coecal extremities into these recep- tacles. Two delicate vessels, k, k, are continued from the anterior and outer angle of each chyle-receptacle, which extend forwards to the ante- rior third of the body, and are there brought into communication by a transverse vessel, I, which extends across the dorsal aspect of the body. From the point of union of the transverse with the external lateral vessels, a single trunk is continued forwards on each side to the anterior angles of the body, m, m, where they bend inwards and unite in the middle line to form a median trunk, w, 7^, which is continued to the posterior extremity of the body, distributing or receiving branches on each side throughout its entire length, and apparently terminating at the posterior excretory pore, h. Through the connections of this system of vessels with the chyle-receptacles, the terminal pore might be regarded as an anal ENTOZOA. 85 outlet to the digestive system, and the capillary vessels, extending from the chyle-receptacles to that pore, as a ramified form of intes- tine, fulfilling at the same time the office of lacteals, lymphatics, arteries, and veins ; but an excretory function is doubtless the chief one of this ramified system of vessels. In Monostoma mutahile the two digestive canals bend towards, and anastomose with, each other at the hinder end of the body. In Aspidogaster the digestive canal is continued backwards, without dividing, and ends by a cul-de-sac. A similar simple blind tube is continued from the mouth of Gasterostoma, which, as that name implies, is situated at the middle of the abdomen. In Distoma chi- lostoma and other species from the abdomen of Neuropterous insects, two short blind tubes diverge right and left from the gullet. The ramified type of the alimentary canal, exhibited by Dist. hepaticum, is repeated in Octobothrium pahnatum^ 0. Merlangi, Poly stoma appendiculatimi, Tristoma elongatum, and in the genus Diporpa*^ which, in the state of conjugation "j", represents that apparently most extraordinary form of the present order, called by Nordmann, its discoverer, Diplozoon paradoxum. In this Trematode, as well as in some others, e. g. Distoma echinatum, Aspidogaster conchicola, certain parts of the vessels show a ciliated inner surface, or special ciliated processes extending therefrom, which actively vibrate, and may relate to a respiratory process. The posterior contractile sac, already referred to in the Distoma clavatum, is present under certain modifications in many Trematoda. It is simple in Monostoma Faha, Distoma cirrigerum and Gastero- stoma Jimbriatum ; is bifurcate in Distoma clavigerum, D. tereticolle, D. variegatum, and in many Monostomata^ in which the two blind ends of the sac reach almost to the head. If I have been right in regarding the so-called "vascular system" of Dist. hepaticum as homologous with this sac and its prolongations, we have, then, in that species, a third (ramified) form of the excretory organ. An intermediate mo- dification is presented in the Amphistoma conicum. The contents of the excretory sac consist usually of a colourless fluid containing many granules and vesicles : but sometimes it is filled by clear cal- careous corpuscles like those found in the parenchyme of thecestoid worms and their cystic larvae. These substances are excreted by the terminal pore. In the above-cited lower' organised Sterelmintha the lime-corpuscles remain aggregated beneath the skin. The genus Planaria of Milller is now known to include many generic types of fresh-water vermiform animals, not internal parasites, yet closely allied, by their organisation, to the order Trematoda, * LXXIII. p. 316. pi. 8. f. c. 200. t LXXTV. p. 63. G 3 86 LECTURE V. They differ, in fact, chiefly by their ciliated external surface : and they form the order Turbellaria of Ehrenberg. Their soft paren- chyme shows, in many species, immediately under the ciliated integu- ment, peculiar corpuscles resembling the "thread-cells" of the Hydrozoa and AcalephcB : some of these cells contain six, eight or more spiculje. The whole parenchyme is remarkably contractile, and they creep or swim by movements of the whole body, as well as by the action of the vibratile cilia : where muscular fibres are obvious in the larger Plajiarice, they are smooth. The chief part of the nervous system consists of a pair of ganglions, sometimes confluent, near the head, from which many filaments diverge, the largest and longest pair being continued backwards. More or fewer of the smaller anterior nerves terminate in minute bulbs beneath the co- loured eye- specks, which are clustered in one or more groups on the upper surface of the forepart of the body. Exploratory organs or processes are sent off from the anterior border of the Planaria ten- taculata. The mouth is placed either at the anterior end of the body, or beneath that end, or under the middle of the body, and these differ- ences of position serve as generic characters. In certain Planarice the digestive canal is continued from the muscular pharynx to the hinder end of the body, where it terminates in a blind end : this simple type characterises the family Wiahdocceli. In the rest of the order the pharynx can be everted, like a proboscis ; it leads to a wide, more or less elongated, canal, from which numerous branched blind tubes radiate into the surrounding parenchyme: this type of the digestive apparatus characterises the DendroccelL In the latter PlanaricB there are two lateral vascular trunks which anastomose together at both ends of the body. In the Rhabdocceli there are one or two pairs of vessels, which form loops at the extremities of the body, and do not send out branches. These vessels contain a clear colourless fluid in both families, and have ciliated lobes or surfaces at certain parts. The male and female organs are so combined in the same individual in the larger Planarice, that self-impregnation may be possible ; but reciprocal impregnation seems to be the rule : and the twofold connection of two hermaphroditical individuals has been witnessed by Von Baer, Duges, and other observers of these non-parasitic Sterelmintha. The two ovaria are diffusedly branched through the parenchyme of the body, and terminate in a capacious oviduct or "bursa copulatrix." A double testis transmits the sperm with moving capillary spermatozoa through two convoluted sperm-ducts into a sperm-sac, with which an erectile organ is connected. A common generative outlet, close behind the mouth, serves for both ENTOZOA. 87 39 the eversion of the intromittent organ and the exclusion of the eggs. Two accessory vesicles communicate with the common generative passage, one of which is probably a sperm-reservoir, the other a nidamental sac ; the ova of some species are attached by short filaments, the secretion of such a sac, to the stems of aquatic plants. The chief modifications of the generative organ in the parasitic Trematoda will be understood by reference to the de^scription of them already given in the two species infesting the human subject. A third modification may be briefly noticed as it exists in the Distoma perlatiun, discovered by Nordmann in the intestines of the Tench. It is illustrated in the sub- joined cut from the magnified figure, given in that excellent observer's beauti- ful work. * In^^. 39. i, is the vagina expanding into k, the glandular uterus, or nidamental'organ ; /, m, are the two testes, beset internally with small spines; n, the prominent tube, by which the ova are excluded; o is the termination of the oviduct in the cavity of the tes- tis 711 ; p^ p, are the convolutions of the oviduct, laden with ova, received by r, the short tubes leading from the ova- ria q^ q, which are widely extended through the parenchyma of the sides of the body. As to the development of the Tre- matoda. When the Entozoologist contemplated the Tcenia fixed to the intestine, with its uncinated and suc- torious head buried in the mucous membrane, rooted to the spot, and im- bibing nourishment like a plant ; — when he saw the sluggish Distoma adher- ing by its sucker to the serous membrane of a closed internal cavity ; he naturally asked himself how they got there ? And finding no obvious solution to the difiiculty of the transit on the part of such animals, he was driven to the hypothesis of spontaneous generation to solve the difficulty. It is no wonder that Rudolphi and Bremser, who studied the Entozoa rather as Naturalists than Physiologists, should have been led to apply to them the easy explanation which Aristotle had given for the coming into being of all kinds of Vermes, Distoma perlatum. * LXXII. p.91.t. ix. fig. 4. G 4 88 LECTURE V. viz., that they were spontaneously generated. No other explanation in the then state of the knowledge of development of the Entozoa appeared to be adequate to account for the fact of their getting into the interior cavities and tissues of higher animals. Subsequent researches have, however, shown that the tapeworm quits the ovum as a minute locomotive Echinococcus, and exchanges its 6-uncinated character for a head like that of the Tcenice. armatce, in an encysted pupal state, within the body of some animal which is the natural food of that higher species, in which the ultimate development of the tapeworm is to be effected. The chances against the introduction of such a minute ovum or embryo are, of course, great, but these impediments are met by the incredible numbers that are developed in a single individual of the Tcenia or Bothriocephaliis. The mode of introduction of the Entozoa of the order Trematoda becomes in like manner more intelligible as the phenomena of their development are better understood. Certain fresh-water snails are infested by this order, as the Limncea stagnalis, e. g. by the Distoma tarda. The ova, or products of the ova, of this species are found in early summer, adhering in vast numbers to the inner surface of the respiratory cavity, and to the exterior of the lobes of the liver and generative organs of the snail ; where they increase in size, and detach themselves as free animal- cules, having a twisting vermicular motion, and assuming a bright yellow colour, whence they were Ccilled by Bojanus " konigsgelben Wurmern." If one of these be microscopically examined, none of the lineaments of the organs of the future Distoma can be discerned ; they resemble in structure rather the Gregarinae, consisting, in fact, of little else than the cell-progeny of the primary germ- vesicle. Few of the cells have perished as such, or have been metamorphosed, save those that have gone to form the outer contractile skin, whilst still fewer have been liquefied and absorbed into a larger subcentral cell. As the growth of this Gregariniform parasite proceeds, a progeny is seen to rise in its interior by the development of several of the contained germ-cells into embryos ; these gradually acquire a ce- phalic spiculum and a caudal appendage ; they escape from the parent cyst and from the snail, and disperse themselves as free swimming ciliated cercariform animalcules in the water. After a brief enjoyment of this free and active state of existence, they shrink in size, the vibratile tail is cast off, and they attach themselves to the skin of the snail. Here they become buried, form for themselves a pupa-case out of the condensed mucus, and are metamorphosed into true Dist07nata, which gain their parasitic habitat by piercing the soft integument of the water-snail. Thus we have a Trematode entozoon, successively assuming the form of a Gregarina^2^ Cercaria, ENTOZOA. 89 and a Distoma ; many individuals under the two latter forms being developed out of one impregnated ovum.* Professor Sieboldl has traced the metamorphoses of another species of Trematoda up to a certain point, the rest being made intelligible by the analogy of those of the snail. He found that certain water- fowl were, at particular seasons, infested with a small kind of fluke- worm, the Monostoma mutabile. Rudolphi and others had described them in the alimentary canal ; Siebold likewise found them in the air-cells of the abdomen. He discovered this species to be viviparous, and observed the act of bringing forth, when the Monostoma was placed in cold or luke-warm water. The ova and embryo are de- veloped as in the t^nia. The first germ-cell appears in the midst of a thick granular germ-yolk ; it multiplies, and its progeny, as they become smaller and more numerous, break through or divide the yolk, and finally consume it. The embryos escape from the vulva, close to the penis, and swim briskly, while the egg-shells fall to the bottom. Sometimes an gq^ was excluded, containing the embryo, which soon escaped. It is l-9th of a line in length, of a long oval shape, with a truncated head and a rounded tail-end. On the upper part of the head are a pair of square dark pigment-spots, which re- minded Siebold of the eyes of the cercaria. In the terms of the " alternate generation " theory the gregariniform being is the grand- nurse " gross-amme ; " the ciliated monadiform larva is the great- grand-nurse. This is an exposition of the main facts in figurative language, but is not an explanation of them. What we require are the conditions of structure, which give or admit of the power of pro- creation without the coitus or act of impregnation in the procreating animal. They appear to be these ; and they are revealed by examin- ing the structure of the entozoon in question in the several stages of its genetic cycle, comparing them with each other and with the changes operated in the ovum by the reception therein of the sper- matic principle. In the development of the monadiform larva of the monostoma or distoma, either the vitelline membrane is metamorphosed into the ciliated skin of the larva, or this is formed by the metamorphosis and coalescence of the peripheral layer of the germ-mass. But, admitting ■4;he latter process, no other parts of that impregnated germ-mass are changed excepting those which form the external contractile and ciliated integument ; there is no mouth, no stomach or other internal organs, and no members ; the only change which has taken place in the impregnated germ-cells is rather a kind of change of the relative position of the essential spermatic or clear nuclear matter, which has * XCIII. p. 52. t XCIV. p. 321. 90 LECTURE V. become aggregated in the centre of the locomotive larva, which may be compared to the locomotive germ or zoospore of an alga or sponge. It is, in fact, a single-celled animal with a ciliated as well as a con- tractile cell-wall. In a short time after it has escaped from the ovum the ciliated integument ruptures and its contents disappear, with the exception of the concentrated nuclear matter, which is left clear and distinct, and of a definite form. A spontaneous movement is observed in this body: it grows, and now a granular structure may be seen in it under a high magnifying power. Before its escape it seems to be a compact structureless mass ; but afterwards numerous points or centres of independent force begin to operate, and give rise to multi- tudinous minute granules or nuclei, and it takes on a structure com- parable to that of the Gregarina. Now, what is the condition of this second phase or form in the metagenetic progress of the entozoon ? It will be observed that the embryo of the monostoma, when it quits the ovum, is not like the chick ; the primary germ-cells have not been converted into numerous and diversified tissues and organs ; the great majority of them remain unchanged, and without exhaustion of the spermatic force. This force would seem to be concentrated in the clear nucleus, which expands to constitute the smooth-skinned Gregariniform worm. In this, as in the pseudo-navicellar capsules, numerous unchanged germ-cells or nuclei set up as many centres of development, from each of which a cercariform embryo results. In this process many of the germ- cells and nuclei are metamorphosed into organs, and a corresponding proportion of the spermatic force is exhausted. What remains serves to govern the subsequent develop- ments, which result in the change of the individual Cercaria into a Monostoma or a Distoma ; this is a " metamorphosis ; " but the ante- cedent phases should rather be called a " metagenesis," * and the con- ditions essential to that act are the retention of a due proportion of the primitive germ-mass unchanged, and with its primarily received spermatic force unexhausted. Some of the Trematode Entozoa are remarkable on account of the places they are found in ; as, for instance, the Diplostoma volvens, which infests the interior of the eye of the perch and other fishes. The pupa of this species has been found in the eye of the perch,, coiled up, adhering to the inner side of the cornea, and then there has been observed an oblique line, or trace in the cornea, which shows how the cercariform larva bored its way through to get there. But frequently it does not get so far, and one finds such pup^e in cases like a watch-glass adhering to the skin or conjunctiva outside the eye. It is probable that different stages of the Diplos to ?na volve?is have been de- * XXX. ENTOZOA. 91 scribed as distinct species, and that the Holostoma cuticolay Nordmann, is the pupa, and Diplostoina clavatum, the larva of the same species. In the PlanaricB the ordinary development is by ova; and it is remarkable to watch the instinct of these animals during ovi- position ; although they have no limbs, they take the ova as they are excluded, but covered with a gelatinous fluid, which they draw out into threads, and thus fix the ova to the stems of little aquatic plants. All this is done by the flexible and extensile mouth and neck. The ova are large, and contain numerous germ-masses, which manifest remarkable peristaltic movements of the cell-mem- brane surrounding them. After a time these movements cease, and the germ-masses conjugate? two or more losing their defining mem- brane and blending their albuminous and granular contents together. The embryo is developed from these larger, conjugated germ-masses, and acquires its ciliated skin and a mouth by which it imbibes the surrounding yolk-matter before exclusion. Several embryos are thus developed in a single ovum, but not in a constant number. When there are few, the embryos are large ; when many, they are small, at the time of hatching. The species that propagate by spontaneous fission are the smaller RhabdoccBli, which show no trace of generative organs, and which are, perhaps, larvae of some larger Planarise. Of the order Acanthocephala which includes the most noxious of the internal parasites, no species is known to infest the human body. They resemble the nematoid Entozoa in outward form, and in the distinction of the sexes, but in their digestive system they still mani- fest the sterelminthic type. The species of this order constitute but one genus, EchinorJiynchus^ characterised by a more or less elongated, round, subelastic body, the head having a retractile proboscis armed with recurved spines. Similar spines beset the whole outer surface in the Echinorhynchus hystrix. The Echinorhynchi abound in the lower animals, and are, some cylindrical, and others sacciform. The largest known species {Echinorhynchus gigas) infests the intestines of the hog. As regards the tegumentary and muscular system, it resembles the nematoid worms, as well as in its dioecious generation ; but its digestive system is very diiferent, and somewhat obscurely developed. The proboscis is provided with a sheath, which projects freely into the abdominal cavity ; two long and slender muscles are detached from the inner surface of the general muscular investment and are inserted into the base of the sheath, and two muscles pass from the most anterior part of the body backwards to the sides of the sheath, for its extrusion. At the base of the proboscis there is a group of ganglion-corpuscles, from which a number of nervous filaments radiate, and perforate the 92 LECTURE V. muscular investment.* The mouth is a minute pore, situated on the extremity of the uncinated proboscis : it leads to two long cylindrical canals excavated in the soft parenchyme adherent to the muscular tunic, and are continued to the posterior extremity of the body, send- ing oiF throughout their course a number of fine transverse vessels which anastomose together. Two short, slender, cylindrical, or flat- tened bodies, are continued backwards from the sheath of the pro- boscis, and are freely suspended in the anterior part of the general cavity : they are called lemnisci. These bodies contain a fine gra- nular parenchyme, and are richly supplied by a reticulate system of vessels, which communicate with those of the lateral canals, where the pedicles of the lemnisci are attached to the sheath of the proboscis. This apparatus, which in its form resembles a vascular system*]*, is the only part of the organisation that appears to relate to the nutrition of the worm. Hunter has left some remarkable instances of the boring powers of the Echinorhynchi : in No. 289, he shows the Echino- rhynchus porrigens, attached to a portion of the intestine of the Piked Whale {Balcena Boops, Linn.). The worm has perforated the intes- tine, and has formed in its parietes a tortuous passage ; the head having penetrated the mucous and muscular coats^ and returned again through the latter, into the intervening cellular coat. The sides of the canal are composed of thickened and condensed cellular mem- brane, and in the enlarged cavity which contains the head there is a quantity of curdled matter, which appears to be lymph thrown out in consequence of the irritation. The main body of the parasite con- tinued to float in the chyle and mucus of the intestine, which may be received into the fine vascular network of the skin by cutaneous absorption : the uncinated proboscis serving chiefly as an anchor or hold-fast. Hunter has placed this preparation in his series of " Parts analogous to Teeth in Invertebrate Animals^ The male organs consist of two fusiform testes, attached to each other and to the proboscis by a suspensory band; two varicose vasa deferentia, which unite together to terminate in a single vesicula seminalis ; and a long intromittent organ provided with a bursa occu- pying the posterior extremity of the body, and having a special mus- cular apparatus for the retraction and extrusion of the contained organ. Beneath the testes there are from one {Ech. claviceps) to six pyriform bodies, which secrete a minutely granular matter, and whose ducts, in the latter member, which is most common, unite into two tubes that terminate in the bursa penis. The secretion of the proper the size of the female. The generative organs in this sex consist of two ovaries and one oviduct. The ovaries are long and wide cylin- * XXIV. p. 125. •[ LXXVII. tab. 2. f. 10., tab. 3. figs. 10. 12. 21. LXXIX. figs. 1. 8. ENTOZOA. 93 drical bodies, which of themselves occupy almost the whole cavity of testes is characterised by the numerous actively moving capillary spermatozoa. The yellowish wax-like cement which is often found sticking round the vulva of the female is probably the secretion of the accessory pyriform bodies. The male echinorhyncus is generally half the body, extending from the proboscis to the tail, and appearing to float freely in the fluid of the general cavity: they contain a granulo- cellular mass in which the ova are developed. When ripe, the ovaria dehisce and the ova fall into the cavity of the body. The oviduct is supported by a suspensory ligament answering to that in the male, and opens freely, like the fallopian tube, by a bell-shaped mouth, into the cavity. The ova are taken up by it, and conveyed to a short mus- cular uterus, and are excluded by a vulva at the liinder end of the body. When first liberated, the ova have a single tunic, and consist of the vitellus in a minutely granular, and sometimes vesicular mass, but without a trace of germinal vesicle. In the uterus the ova have acquired two additional coats. LECTUEE YI. ENTOZOA. The four orders of the class Entozoa which have already been described, are less natural than the order Nematoiclea, w^hich will chiefly occupy our attention in the present lecture. The Cystica, Cestoidea, Trematoda, and Acanthocephala, are far from being re- spectively equivalent to the order Netnatoidea, either as regards grade, difference, or circumscription of organic characters. The transition from the cystic to the ta^nioid Entozoa was so obvious and close, by the Cysticercus fasciolaris, for example, that they were combined in the snme order '•'■ Tceinoidea^'' in the " Regne Animal." Cuvier, however, did not abolish the order Cestoidea, but separated the jointless Ligidce^ in wliich the head has neither suckers, bothria, nor uncinated proboscis, from the other Taanioids, in order to form it. It is hardly possible, however, to separate from the Tsenioids of Cuvier, the intestinal Ligidm of water-fowl, in which traces of both bothria and generative organs begin to manifest themselves. And Rudolphi's hypothesis that such Ligulce might be the more simple Ligulce of fishes that had been transferred to the warmer intestines of the birds preying upon such fishes, there to undergo their final meta- morphoses, has been established by later observations, which have also shown that the Cystica of Rudolphi are for the most part, if not all, larval forms, in a normal or abnormal state, of the Cestoidea. With respect to the higher organised Cestoidea of Rudolphi, it has 94 LECTURE VI. been already observed that they very closely resemble a composite form of Trematoda. The extensive and natural group formed by the two androgynous orders of " Sterelmintha " form, therefore, the equivalent of the Nematoidea. The Acanthocephala constitute a more limited, yet natural order ; and the Linguatidce {Pentastoma of Rudolphi) are the type of an analogous circumscribed group ( Oncho- phora) with a higher type of organisation, which entitles them to rank in the class Ccelelmintha. This class includes all the cavitary intestinal worms of Cuvier, with the exception of the " Vers ridi- o-ules " of Lamarck, or Epizoa, which are proved by their metamor- phoses to belong to the siphonostomous Crustaceans. The order Nematoidea, which forms the chief part of the class Ccelelmintha, must chiefly interest the physician, since it includes the principal internal parasites of the human sub- ject : viz. Trichina spiralis, Filaria medinensis, Filaria oculi, Filaria bronchialis, Trichocephaliis dispar, Spiroptera hominis, Strongylus gigas, Ascaris liimhricoides, and Ascaris or Oxyurus vermicularis. To the order Nematoidea, repeated examinations, since my first observation of the minute Trichina spiralis *, induce me to refer that singular microscopic parasite (^^. 40.). I have satisfied myself of the accuracy of Dr. Farre'sf and Dr. Henle's \ description of the distinct canal in the cavity of the body. In a specimen of Trichina now under the microscope, a loop of this Cysts of Trichina, in situ, caual may be sccu protruding through a rupture Nat. size. of the abdominal Wall. The vermicule is always contained in a cyst. The occurrence of these cysts in vast numbers in the muscular tissue was first made known in an interesting case pub- lished by Mr. Hilton § : and many others have since been recorded. The cysts are very readily detected by gently com- pressing a thin slice of the infected muscle between two pieces of glass and applying a magnifying power of an inch focus. They are of an elliptical figure, with the extremi- ties more or less attenuated, often unequally elongated, and always more opake than the body or intermediate part of the cyst, which is, in general, sufficiently transparent to show that it contains a minute coiled-up worm {Jig. 41.). The usual size of tlie cyst is -y^t\i of an inch in the long spiralis, and diameter, and y^ oth of an inch across their middle part, magn. ' Thc cysts are arranged with their long axis parallel to the course of the muscular fibres {Jig. 40.), which probably results * LXXX. vol.i. p. 315. t LXXX* J LXXXI. p. 528. § LXXXII, Tricliiiia ENTOZOA. 42 from their yielding 'to the pressure of the contained worm, and be- coming elongated at the two points where the separation of the mus- cular fasciculi most readily takes place, and offers least resistance. The innermost layer of the cyst can sometimes be detached entire, like a distinct cyst, from the outer portion, and its contour is generally well marked when seen by transmitted light. By cutting off the extremity of the cyst, which may be done with a cataract needle or fine knife, and gently pressing on the opposite extremity, the Tri • china and the granular secretion with which it is surrounded, will escape ; and it frequently starts out as soon as the cyst is opened. AYhen first extracted, the Trichina is usually disposed in two or two and a half spiral coils ; when straightened out it measures ^^^tli of an inch in length and -^^0*^ ^^ ^^ i^^^ i^ diameter, and now requires for its satisf\ictory examination a magnifying power of at least 200 linear admeasurement. The worm {fig. 42.) is cylindrical and filiform, minutely annulated, terminating obtusely at both extremities, which are of unequal sizes ; tapering towards one end for about one-fourth part of its length, but continuing of uniform diameter from that point to the opposite extremity which is trilabiate. The free canal, Avhich commences or is attached by a capillary tube or filament, at the small end {fig. 42. «.), rapidly widens and presents a saccular form through one half of its course : it is then continued of a more slender and equable form to the great end. At the junction of the saccular with the slender part, 6, of the canal there are, according to Luschka*, two small coeca. Near these is the blind end, of a second canal which contains the small cluster of minute dark granules |, and is continued to the trilabiate end of the body; Luschka:]: believes both tubes to terminate here in a blind end. The worm has no organic connection '^"'^'"' '.agmfied. ^-^j^ ^j^^ ^^^^ . gomctimes two TrichincEf rarely three, occur in the same cyst. * LXXXIII. p. 77. taf. iii. fig. 5. c c. f LXXXIV. p. 63., and LXXXV. X This author seems only to have read LXXX., and to have been unacquainted with the additional observations on the " Anatomy of the Trichma," in LXXXIV, ^' 96 LECTURE VI. The Medina or Guinea-worm (Filaria medinensis, Gmel.) is de- veloped in the subcutaneous cellular texture, generally in the lower extremities, especially the feet, sometimes in the scrotum, and also, but very rarely, beneath the tunica conjunctiva of the eye. It appears to be endemic in the tropical regions of Asia and Africa. The length of this worm varies from six inches to two, eight, or twelve feet ; its thickness is from half to two-thirds of a line ; it is of a whitish colour in general, but sometimes of a dark brown hue. The body is round and sub-equal, a little attenuated towards the anterior extremity. In a recent specimen of small size, we have observed that the orbicular mouth was surrounded by three slightly raised swellings, which were continued a little way along the body and gradually lost ; the body is traversed by two longitudinal lines corresponding to the intervals of the two well-marked fasciculi of longitudinal muscular fibres. The caudal extremity of the male is obtuse, and emits a single spiculum ; in the female it is acute, and suddenly inflected. The Filaria inedmeiisis, as has just been observed, is occasionally located in the close vicinity of the organ of vision ; but another much smaller species of the same genus of Nematoidea, infests the cavity of the eye-ball itself. The Filaria oculi humatii was detected by Nordmann in the liquor Morgagni of the capsule of a crystalline lens of a man who had under- gone the operation of extraction for cataract under the hands of the Baron von Grafe. In this instance the capsule of the lens had been extracted entire, and upon a careful examination half an hour after extraction there were observed in the fluid abore mentioned two minute and delicate FilaricB coiled up in the form of ring. One of these worms, when observed microscopically, presented a rupture in the middle of its body, probably occasioned by the extracting needle, from which rupture the intestinal canal was protruding ; the other was entire, and measured three-fourths of a line in length ; it pre- sented a simple mouth without any apparent papillae, such as are observed to characterise the large Filaria which infests the eye of the horse, and through the transparent integument could be seen a straight intestinal canal, surrounded by convolutions of the oviducts, and terminating at an incurved anal extremity. The third species oi Filaria enumerated among the Entozoa hominis is the Filaria hronchialis ; it is described by Treutler * as occurring in the enlarged bronchial glands of a man : tlie length of this worm is about an inch ; it is slender, subattenuated anteriorly, and emitting the male spiculum from an incurved obtuse anal extremity. * LXXXVI, p. 10. ENTOZOA. 97 The next human entozoon of the Nematoid order belongs to the genus Trichocephalus, which, like Filaria, is characterised by an orbi- cular mouth, but differs from it in the capillary tenuity of the anterior part of the body, and in the form of the sheath or preputial covering of the male spiculum. The species in question, the Trichocephalus disparRud. (Jig. 43.) is of small size, and the male is rather less than ^ — >v^ 43 the female. It occurs most commonly in the csecum %£/ ^"-^S^ and colon, more rarely in the small intestines. Occa- " sionally it is found loose in the abdominal cavity, Trichocephalus , p,. . rn dispar. Nat. size, havmg perforated the coats of the intestine. The capillary portion of this species makes about two-thirds of its entire length ; it is transversely striated, and contains a straight intestinal canal ; the head («) is acute, with a small simple terminal mouth. The thick part of the body is spirally convoluted on the same plane, and exhibits more plainly the dilated intestine ; it terminates in an obtuse anal extremity, from the inner side of which project the intromittent spiculum and its sheath. The species called Spiroptera Hominis was founded by Rudolphi on some small nematoid worms expelled, with many larger elongated bodies of a solid texture, and with granular corpuscles, from the urinary bladder of a woman, whose case has been described by Mr. Lawrence in the Medico-chirurgical Transactions.* The Spiroptera varies from eight to ten lines in length ; the head is truncate, the mouth orbicular, with one or two papilla, the body is attenuated at both extremities ; the tail in the female, thicker, and with a short obtuse apex ; that of the male more slender, and emitting a small tubulus ; a dermal aliform production near the same extremity determined the worms in question to belong to the genus Spiro- ptera. I The most formidable, but, happily, the rarest of the nematoid parasites of man, the Strongylus gigas, also infests the urinary system, but is developed in the kidney, where it hns attained the length of three feet, with a diameter of half an inch ; occasioning sup- puration and destructive absorption of that important glandular organ. The male ijig' 44.) of this species is less than the female, and is slightly attenuated at both extremities. The head («) is obtuse, the mouth orbicular, and surrounded by six hemispherical papillae ; the body is slightly marked with circular striae, and with two longi- tudinal impressions ; the tail is incurved in the male, and terminated by a dilated pouch or bursa, from the base of which the single intro- mittent spiculum {g) projects. In the female the caudal extremity * Vol. ii. p. 385. t XL VII. r- 251. 98 LECTURE VI. lii is less attenuated and straighter, with the anus a little below the apex ; the vulva is situated at a short distance from the anterior extremity. The Strongylus gigas is not confined to the human subject, but more frequently infests the kidney of the dog, wolf, otter, racoon, glutton, horse, and ox. It is generally of a dark blood-colour, which seems to be owing to the nature of its food, which is derived from the vessels of the kidney; as, where suppuration has taken place, the worm has been found of a whitish hue. The round-worm (Ascaris lumbricoides Linn.) {Jig. 46.) is perhaps the most anciently known* and common of the human Entozoa, and is that which has been subjected to the most repeated, minute, and successful anatomical examinations. It is found in the intestines of man, the hog, and the ox. In the human subject the round worms are much more common in children than in adults, and are extremely rare in aged persons. They are most obnoxious to individuals of the lymphatic temperament, and such as use gross and indigestible food, or who inhabit low and damp localities. They generally occur in the small intestines. The body is round, elastic, with a smooth shining surface, of a whitish or yellowish colour ; attenuated towards both extremities, but chiefly towards the anterior one {fig- 46, a), which commences abruptly by three tubercles, which surround the mouth, and characterise the genus. The posterior extremity {d) terminates in an obtuse end, at the apex of which a small black point may frequently be observed. In the female this extremity is straighter and thicker than in the male, in which it is terminated more acutely and abruptly and is curved towards the ventral side of the body. The anus is situated in both sexes close to the extremity of the tail, in form like a trans- verse fissure. In the female the body generally presents a constriction at the junction of the anterior with the middle third, in which the vulva (e) is situated. The body of the Ascaris lumbricoides is trans- versely furrowed with numerous very fine stride, and is marked strongylus gigas Nat. size. * It is the eXfiivs arpoyyvKos of Hippocrates. ENTOZOA. 99 with four longitudinal equidistant lines extending from the head to the tail. These lines are independent of the exterior envelope, which simply covers them; two are lateral, and are larger than the others, which are dorsal and ventral. The lateral lines commence on each side of the mouth, but, from their extreme fine- ness, can with difficulty be perceived ; they slightly enlarge as they pass downwards to about one-third of a line in diameter in large specimens, and then gradually diminish to the sides of the caudal extremity. They are occasionally of a red colour, and denote the situation of the principal vessels of the body. The dorsal and ab- dominal longitudinal lines are less marked than the preceding, and by no means widen in the same proportion at the middle of the body. They correspond to the two nervous chords, hereafter to be de- scribed. The last species of human Entozoon which remains to be noticed is the Ascaris vermicularis {Jig. 47.), a small worm, also noticed by Hippocrates under the name of arrKcipig, and claiming the attention of all physicians since his time as one of the most trou- blesome parasites of children, and occasionally of adults, in both of whom it infests the larger intestines, especially the rectum. The size of the male Ascaris vermicularis is two or three lines ; that of the female is five lines. The integument in the nematoid parasites of the human subject, and in almost all the order, is more or less smooth : it consists of a thin compact epidermis, and of a fibrous corium firmly attached to the outer transverse muscular fibres. The epiderm is homo- geneous ; i. e. it does not show the nucleated cellular structure. It is impressed by minute, close-set, transverse indentations, which, in some of the Nematoidea of the lower animals ( Strongylus annulatus^ e. g.) are so deep as to give an annulate character to the integument ; and in the Ascaris nigrovenosa the sides of the body appear thereby to be fringed. Lobes, or aliform processes of the integument, charac- terise certain genera and species ; e. g. the alas of Spiroptera^ the finely-striated " moustaches " on the head of the Ascaris mystax, the serrated membrane supported on tubercles near the tail of the same worm. The corium consists of decussating fibres. The entire integument is highly absorbent ; and, after death, endosmose will go on to such an extent as sometimes to cause the parietes of the body, if immersed in fluid, to burst. The epiderm is developed in the Strongylus horridus of the water hen, into four longitudinal rows of reflected booklets ; and similar spines are arranged in circular groups upon the anterior part of the Gnathostoma spinigerum. M. Cloquet, in his elaborate monograph on the Ascaris lumhri' *^ LECTURE VI. coides, correctly states that the exterior layers of muscular fibres are transverse, and the internal longitudinal ; the latter are arranged in most Ascarides in four groups. In this large specimen of the Stron- gyliis gigas, which I have dissected for the muscular system, you will perceive that a very thin layer of transverse fibres adheres strongly to the integument, the fibres being embedded in delicate furrows on the internal surface of the skin. Within this layer, and adhering to it, but less firmly than the transverse fibres do to the integument, there IS a thick layer of longitudinal fasciculi, which are a little separated from one another, and distributed, not in eight distinct series, but pretty equally over the whole internal circumference of the body. Each fasciculus is seen, under a high magnifying power, to be com- posed of many very fine fibres ; but these do not present the trans- verse stri^ which are visible by the same power in the voluntary muscular fibres of the higher animals. They anastomose in many parts. The inner surface of the stratum of longitudinal fibres is covered vdth a soft tissue composed of small obtuse processes, filled with a pulpy substance, and containing innumerable pellucid globules. In the muscles of the oral booklets of the Linguatula tcenioides, the fibres show the transverse striae. Coincident with this higher development of the muscular system in the coelelminthic Entozoa is the more obvious elimination of the nervous filaments, which, in the Lingtiatula, radiate from a distinct suboesophageal ganglion. Amongst the Nematoidea the great Sfron- gylus is a favourable subject for the demonstration of the nervous system : a slender nervous ring surrounds the beginning of the gullet * ; and a single chord is continued from its inferior part, and extends in a straight line along the middle of the ventral aspect to the opposite extremity of the body, where a slight swelling is formed immediately anterior to the anus, w^hich is surrounded by a loop analogous to that with which the nervous chord commenced, f The abdominal nerve is situated internal to the longitudinal muscular fibres, and is easily distinguishable from them with the naked eye by its whiter colour, and the slender branches which it sends off on each side. These transverse twigs are given off at pretty regular intervals of about half a line, and may be traced round to nearly the opposite side of the body. The entire nervous chord in the female of the Strongijlus gigas passes to the left side of the vulva, and does not divide to give passage to the termination of the vagina, as Cloquet describes the corresponding ventral chord to do in the Ascaris lum- bricoides. In the latter species, a dorsal nervous chord has been described as being continued from the oesophageal ring, down the * LX. p. 130. fig. 79. a. f lb, e. ENTOZOA. 101 middle line of that aspect of the body corresponding to the ventral ^^ chord on the opposite aspect.* ^ In the, Linguatula tcenioides {^fig. 45.), a propor- tionally large ganglion {g) is situated immediately behind the mouth, and below the cesophagus, which is turned forward in the figure at o : small nerves (h, i, k) radiate from this centre to supply the mus- cular apparatus of the mouth and contiguous pre- hensile booklets ; and two large cords (/, I) pass backwards, and extend along the sides of the ab- dominal aspect of the body to near the posterior extremity, where they expand and are lost in the muscular tissue, f There is also a stomato-gastric system, represented by four small but distinct gan- glions situated on the under part of the oesophagus, from which minute filaments extend along the ali- mentary canal. J I have already alluded to the evi- dences of the nervous system afforded by the ocelli in the young of some species of Trematoda, and in the full-grown Polystoma of the urinary bladder of the toad and frog. We have as yet no evidence that any species of Coelelmintha possesses rudimental organs of vision at any stage of existence. The digestive organs are very simple, and are subject to little variety in the Nematoid worms ; an ample alimentary canal, suspended to the pa- rietes of an abdominal cavity, extends in nearly a straight line from the mouth to the anus, which are at opposite extremities of the body. In the Filaria the mouth is a simple circular pore, sometimes surrounded by a circle of radiated papillee ; a short and slender oesophagus suddenly dilates into the stomach, which is fusiform, and indicates the be- ginning of the intestine by its posterior contraction. The mouth of the Trichocephalus dispar is small and orbicular ; the oesophagus is narrow and short ; the intestinal tube is narrow and sacculated where it occupies the filiform division of the body, dilated a Nervous System and female organs of ge- neration. Linguatula, magnified. * This arrangement is denied by Siebold, who confirms only that above de- scribed in the Strangylus ; and he does not hesitate to declare : — " Die Abbildung eines doppelten Nervenfaden, welcher sich nach Grant (Outlines of Comp. Anat., p. 186. fig. 82. A.), durch den Leib von Ascaris hinziehen soil, ist wol nwr eine ideale Zeichnung." XXIV. p. 126. t LXXXVIL p. 328. pi. 41. figs. 12, 13. } XCII. H 3 102 LECTURE VI. and simple in the thicker division of the body, at the posterior ex- tremity of which it terminates in a contracted straight tube, which may be called the rectum : the anus is transverse and bilabiate. In the Strongylus gigas the mouth is surrounded by six papillae. The oesophagus {b,Jig. 44) is round, slightly bent, and suddenly dilates at the distance of about an inch from the mouth into the intestinal canal (c) ; there is no gastric portion marked off in this canal by an inferior constriction, but it is continued of uniform structure, slightly enlarging in diameter to the anus {d). The chief ^g peculiarity of the intestine in this species is that it is a four-sided and not a cylindrical tube, and the mesenteric M processes pass from the four longitudinal and nearly equi- distant angles of the intestine to the abdominal parietes. These processes, when viewed by a high magnifying power, are partly composed of fibres, and partly of strings of clear globules, which appear like moniliform vessels turning around the fibres. The whole inner surface of the abdominal cavity is beset with soft, short, obtuse, puljjy processes, which probably imbibe the nutriment exuded from the intestine into the general cavity of the body and carry it to the four longitudinal vessels, which traverse at equal distances the muscular parietes. The analogous processes are more highly developed in the Ascaris liwihricoides, in which species I shall de- scribe the digestive and nutritive apparatus more in detail. The mouth {Jig. 46, a) is surrounded by three tubercles, of which one is superior, the others inferior; they are rounded externally, triangular within, and slightly granu- lated on the opposed surfaces, which form the boundaries of the oral aperture^ The longitudinal muscles of the body are attached to these tubercles ; the dorsal fasciculus converges to a point to be inserted into the superior one ; the ventral fasciculus contracts, and then divides, to be inserted into the two which are situated below. By ^ means of these attachments the longitudinal muscles serve ^bHcoides""" t^ produce the divarication of the tubercles and the open- Haif nat. size, jj^g ^f ^j-^g mouth : the tubercles are approximated by the action of a sphincter muscle. The oesophagus {Jig. 46, b) is muscular, and four or five lines in length, narrow, slightly dilated posteriorly, and attached to the mus- cular parietes by radiated filaments. Its cavity is occupied by three longitudinal ridges, which meet in the centre of the canal. It is separated by a well-marked constriction from the second part of the alimentary tube (c, c), which extends to the terminal outlet (^) with- ENTOZOA. 103 out presenting any natural division into stomach and intestine. The lower third of the tube is the widest. Numerous long pyriform villi project from the mucous lining of the alimentary canal. Many minute filaments pass from the intestine to the soft obtuse papillse which project from the walls of the abdomen into that cavity, and which are called "the nutritious appendages" by Cloquet.* The nutriment which these processes or appendages are presumed to imbibe, is collected, according to the same author, into two canals, situated each in a narrow tract of opaque substance, which extends along the sides of the body, and has sometimes been mistaken for a nerve, and which Vallisnieri believed to be a trachea. Morren has lately described and figured the nutritive appendages as hollow ve- sicles : he calls them " Vesicules aeriennes,^^ because, he says, " they evidently subserve respiration by furnishing air to the blood." Few physiologists are likely to acquiesce in this view, which makes the respiratory apparatus of an animal having no other atmosphere than the mephitic gases of the intestinal tube, the largest and most ex- tensively developed organ in the whole body. With reference to the organisation of the nematoid Entozoa, not parasites of the human subject, I shall limit my remarks to those structures which offer interesting approximations and analogies to the organisation of higher vermiform animals, and of the existence of which we must have remained ignorant if our attention had been wholly confined to the human Entozoa. The entry to the mouth is beset by a circle of horny teeth in the Strongylus armatiis, Sfr. dentatus^ and Str. tetr acanthus^ for the movements of which special muscles are provided. In Spiroptera strongylina the whole inner surface of the elongated mouth is pro- vided with a spirally disposed horny ridge. The horny apparatus by which the mouth in Cucullanus is opened and closed is very com- plex.f The pharynx is unusually long in some nematoids, e. g. the Trichocephali : and in Trichosoma Falconum it is divided into many successive segments : it has sometimes a horny scabrous lining. I may next refer to a secreting apparatus, consisting of four slender blind tubes, each about two lines in length, which are placed at equal distances around the commencement of the alimentary canal in the Gnathostoma spinigerum, a small nematoid worm closely allied to Strongylus^ which I discovered in the tunics of the stomach of a tiger.J The mouth of this Entozoon is a vertical fissure, bounded on each side by a jaw -like lip, the anterior margin of which is produced in the form of three straight horny points. The secerning tubes terminate at the mouth by their smaller extremities, and there pour * LXXVIIL t XXIV. p. 131. X LXXXVIII. H 4 104 LECTURE ■v^. out a semi-pellucid secretion. They are as simple as the so-called salivary caeca in the Holothuria ; and their coexistence with a struc- ture of the mouth, better adapted for trituration than any that seems hitherto to have been detected in the Entozoa, is conformable with the laws which regulate the coexistence of the salivary ap- paratus in higher animals. Cloquet supposes that the thickened glandular parietes of the oesophagus in the Ascaris lumhricoides may provide a secretion analogous to that of salivary organs. Diesing* has described four caecal tubes analogous to those in Gnathostoma in species of his genus Cheir acanthus, in which he considers them, erroneously according to Siebold, to be analogous to the ambulacral vesicles in the Echinoderms. Mehlisf has also figured, in the Strongyhis hypostomus, two white organs with blind extremities, which are extended into the abdominal cavity on each side the intestine, and which appeared to him to terminate in the animal's mouth. These glands Mehlis supposed to pour out an irritating liquor, which excited an increase of the secretion of the mucous membrane, to which the parasite was attached. Dr. BaggeJ, has more recently described a pair of blind secerning tubes in the Strongyhis auricularis and in theAscaris acuminata, which unite and terminate by a common transverse fissure on the exterior of the animal, at a short distance behind the mouth, and to which he assigns the same irritating office as that attributed by Mehlis to the glands in the Strongylus hypostomus. The alimentary tube in a species of Ascaris infesting the stomach of the Dugong is complicated by a single elongated caecum, arising at a distance of half an inch from the mouth, and continued upward, so that its blind extremity is close to the mouth. From the position where the secretion of this caecum enters the alimentary canal, it may be regarded as a primitive rudiment of the liver. The generative organs of the Coelelmintha are more simple than in the androgynous Sterelmintha, or even than in the dioecious Echino- rhynchi ; yet they are adapted for the production of a surprising number of fertile ova. In the Linguatula the organs of both sexes, and especially of the female, are more complex than in the Nematoidea : I shall, however, briefly notice them before proceeding to demonstrate the parts of generation in the human coelelminthic parasites. The male Linguatula, as in other dioecious Entozoa, is much smaller than the female : the generative apparatus consists of two winding seminal tubes or testes, and a single vas deferens, which carries the semen from the testes by a very narrow tube, and after- wards grows wider. It communicates anteriorly with two capillary * LXXXIX. -f XC. p. 81. taf. 2. fig. 6. % LXXXV. ENTOZOA. 105 processes, or penes, which are connected together at tlieir origin by a cordiform glandular body, representing a prostate or vesicula semi- nalis. The external orifices of the male apparatus, according to Miram, are two in number^ and are situated on the dorsal aspect of the body just behind the head. Diesing, however, describes the male Pentastoma as having only a single penis, which protrudes just behind or below the oral aperture. The female generative organs of the Linguatula tcenioides present a structure in some respects analogous to that of the Distotna per- latum : the ovary {^fig. 45. ii) is a part distinct from the tubular ovi- duct, and is attached to the integument or parietes of the body, extend- ing down the middle of the dorsal aspect. It consists of a thin stratum of minute granules, clustered in a ramified form to minute white tubes, which converge and ultimately unite to form two oviducts. These (o, 6) proceed from the anterior extremity of the ovary, diverge, pass on each side of the alimentary canal, and unite beneath the origins of the nerves of the body, so as to surround the oesophagus and these nerves as in a loop. The single tube (jo) formed by the union of the two oviducts above described, descends, winding round the ali- mentary canal in numerous coils, and terminates at the anal extremity of the body. But, besides receiving the ova from the two tubes, the single canal communicates at its commencement with two elongated pyriform sacs (m, m), which receive from the male, in coitu, the semen, and convey it into the oviduct, with the addition of a mucous secretion. The male organs in the Nematoidea consist of a single and simple, slender, elongated tube {^fig. 44, e, e', /), or testis under its most elementary form of a sperm-duct, which is merely a contracted con- tinuation of the tubular testis of a seminal reservoir, which is a wider part of the same tube, and of a single or double intromittent spicu- lum with its prepuce, or bursa. The spiculum is simple in the genus Filaria. According to the observations of Dr. Leblond*, the male-duct in the Filaria papillosa terminates at the anterior extremity of the body, close to the mouth. From this aperture the slender duct, after a slight contortion, is continued straight down the body to a dilated elongated sac, which represents the testis. In the Filaria attenuata the blind end or beginning of the testis is bifurcate. In the Trichocephalus dispar the testis, a single tortuous tubule, commences by a blind extremity near the rectum, passes forwards to a dilated seminal receptacle at the anterior part of the thick portion of the body, from which it bends backwards nearly the whole length of the thick part, constricted at irregular intervals, and terminating * LXXXIP. p. 20. pi. 3. f. 1. 106 LECTURE VI. in a narrow straight canal, which is continued into the inverted pyramidal appendage, or bursa, attached to the hinder extremity of the body, from which the single spiculum projects. In the Strongylus gigas the blind beginning of the testis is usually found in the anterior half of the body, as at e {fig. 44.), the tube descends into the posterior half, and is disposed in a number of long coils, reaching from near the head, e\ to the tail. One part of the canal is wider than the rest, and forms a kind of seminal reservoir. The terminal portion, y, is slender. The bursa or sheath of the penis forms the posterior extremity of the body, and is a cutaneous produc- tion of a round, expanded form, d, with the spiculum e, projecting from its centre. In other species of Strongylus, as e. g. Strong, injlexus, the bursa penis is bifid, and the intromittent organ is double : both divisions are of great length in the Strongylus paradoxus : in the Strongylus armatus the bursa is quadrifid. The Spiropterce are dis- tinguished by the aliform membranous caudal appendage in the male. In the Ascaris lumhricoides the penis projects from the anterior part of the anus in the form of a slender, conical, slightly curved process, at the extremity of which a minute pore may be observed with the aid of the microscope. The base of the penis communicates with a seminal reservoir, and is attached to several muscular fibres, destined for its retraction and protrusion : the reservoir is about an inch in length, and gradually enlarges as it advances forwards : the testis, or seminal tube, extends to the anterior third of the body, forming numerous convolutions or loops about the intestine : its attenuated caecal extremity adheres closely to the dorsal wall of the abdomen. The total length of the seminal tube is about three feet. In the Ascaris mystax the basal half of each long and slender penis is tuberculate for the attachment of its protractor and retractor muscles : the apical half, which alone is protruded, is a slender transversely striated horny spiculum. Accessory parts to aid mecha- nically in the coitus are added to some of these limbless vermiform parasites. In the Ascaris mystax, e. g., there is on either side of the concavity of the caudal end of the body a tubercular ridge supporting a membrane which is finely serrated, and gives a secure hold when the tail of the male is wound round that part of the female's body where the vulva is situated. The first steps in the development of the spermatozoa of the Nema- toidea have been well observed by Siebold * in the Ascaris paucipara, a species favourable for this kind of research, on account of the large size of the sperm-cells. The blind end of the tubular testis is occupied by cell-nuclei (zellenkerne) with their nucleoli (kernkorperchen). A * XXrV. p. 153. ENTOZOA. 107 little further on a quantity of very fine granular matter is added, and the cell-nuclei become severally enclosed (eingehiillt) by the fine granular matter, as by a yolk ; around which envelope a cell-membrane is formed. This cell-wall gradually expands ; its inner surface being lined by a layer of granules, whilst in the cavity of the cell the granules have liquified and disappeared. As these changes take place the cell-nucleus becomes developed into an elongate, sharply defined solid corpuscle, which is the spermatozoon. The observations recently communicated to the Royal Society by Dr. Nelson * on the development of the spermatozoa in the Ascaris mystax, correspond in the main with Siebold's description. Dr. N. finds the blind end of the testis composed of a thick membrane, which becomes resolved at its inner surface into very minute granules, which, when liberated, swell out into nucleated cells. A little further on these cells are obscured by an immense number of fine granules, which form envelopes for the cells. These cells, which are described to have a very transparent cell-wall and a nucleus attached to one side, answer to the " zellenkerne " of Siebold. According to Dr. Nelson no further development of the spermatozoon goes on in any part of the testis, but is reserved for the transmission of the semen into the uterine tube of the female. Here he describes the sperm-cells as being deprived of their granular envelope and becoming enlarged, forming transparent spheres, with a discoid nucleus which now con- tains a nucleolus. The granular substance of the nucleus increases and projects towards the centre of the cell, and its external layer is converted into a distinct tunic, where it is in contact with the cell- wall, which, as the nuclear matter increases, sometimes pushes out the cell-wall. This, however, does not form the tail-part of the sperma- tozoon in Asc. mystax : the change of the conical to the cylindrical form of the progressively elongating nuclear matter takes place within the sperm-cell, close to its wall. The nucleolus remains in the en- larged or clavate end of the bent cylinder, but the granules disappear, and the nucleus is transformed into a flask-shaped cjecal tubule, which is liberated, as the spermatozoon, by the liquefaction of the surround- ing cell-wall. The nucleolus at the open clavate end of the sperma- tozoon afterwards disappears. From the examples which have been adduced of different genera of the Nematoidea, we may perceive that although there are many varieties of structure in the copulative part of the male generative apparatus, the essential or secerning portion uniformly consists of a single tube. A like uniformity of structure does not obtain in the essential parts of the female organs : in a few instances the ovary is * XCI. 108 LECTURE VI. single, corresponding to the testis in the male, but in the greater number of the nematoid worms it consists of two filamentary tubes. The Strongylus giyas is an example of the more simple structure above alluded to.* The single ovary commences by an obtuse blind extremity close to the anal extremity of the body, and is firmly attached to the termination of the intestine; it passes first in a straight line towards the anterior extremity of the body, and, when arrived to within a short distance from the vulva, is again attached to the parietes of the body, and makes a sudden turn backwards ; it then forms two long loops about the middle of the body, and returns again forwards, suddenly dilating into an uterus, which is three inches in length, and from the anterior extremity of which a slender cylindrical tube or vagina, about an inch in length, is continued, which, after forming a small convolution, terminates in the vulva, at the distance of two inches from the anterior extremity of the body. In the Trichocephalus dispar the ovarium and uterus are conti- nuations of one and the same single tube, which by its folds more or less conceals the intestines ; the vulva is situated nearly at the junction of the filamentous with the thick part of the body. The female ge- nerative tube is, also, single in Trichosoma, in Sphcerularia, in Filaria rigida^ and in Ascaris paucipara. The theory which had suggested itself to Rudolphi, of the correla- tion of a simple oviduct in the female with the spiculum simplex of the male, and of the double oviduct with a spiculum duplex, is dis- proved by the circumstance of the uteri and oviducts being double in the Strongylus armatus and in the Ascaris lumbricoides, in the males of which the penis is a single spiculum. In the Stro7igylus injlexus, which infests the bronchial tubes and pulmonary vessels of the porpoise, each of the two female tubular organs may be divided into ovary, oviduct, and uterus ; the ovary is one inch in length, commences by a point opposite the middle of the body, and, after slightly enlarging, abruptly contracts into a capillary duct about two lines in length, which may be termed the oviduct or Fallopian tube, and this opens into a dilated moniliform uterus three inches in length. Both tubes are remarkably short, presenting none of the convolutions characteristic of the oviducts of Ascaris and Filaria, but extend in a straight line (with the axception of the short-twisted capillary communication between the ovaria and uteri) to the vulva, which forms a slight projection below the curved anal extremity of the body. The reason of this situation of the vulva seems to be the fixed condition of the head of this species of Strongylus. In both * LX. p. 141. fig. 95. ENTOZOA. 109 sexes, it is commonly imbedded so tightly in a condensed portion of the periphery of the lung, as to be with difficulty extracted ; the anal extremity, on the contrary, hangs freely in the larger branches of the bronchi, where the coitus, in consequence of the above disposition of the female organs, may readily take place. In the Strongylus armatus, the two oviducts terminate in a single dilated uterus, and the vulva is situated at the anterior extremity of the body, close to the mouth. I find a similar situation of the vulva in a species of Filaria, about thirty inches in length, which infests the abdominal cavity of the Rhea, or Ameri- can ostrich. The single portion of the genital tube continued from the vulva, is one inch and a quarter in length ; it then divides, and the two oviducts, after forming several interlaced convolu- tions in the middle third of the body, separate ; one extends to the anal, the other to the oral ex- tremities of the body, where the capillary portions of the oviducts respectively commence. In the Ascaris vermicularis^ the vulva i^fig- 47, e) is situated about one fourth of the length of the body from the head. One division or horn of the uterus, with its capillary ovarium, passes towards the forepart of the body ; the other di- vision towards the opposite end. In the Ascaris lumbricoides the female organs {Jig. 46.) consist of a vulva, a vagina, and a uterus, which divides into two long tortuous oviducts, gradually diminishing to capillary tubes, which form the ovaria. Both divisions extend back- wards from the point of bifurcation. All these parts are remarkable in the recent animal for their extreme whiteness. The vulva is situated on the ventral surface of the body, at the junction of the anterior and middle thirds of the body, which is generally marked at that part by a slight constriction. The vagina is a slightly wavy canal five or six lines in length, which passes beneath the intestine, and dilates into the uterus. This manifests strong peristaltic motions in the living worm. The division of the uterus soon takes place, and the cornua extend with an irregularly wavy course to near the posterior extremity d Ascaris vermicularis (magnified). 110 LECTURE VI. of the body, gradually diminishing in size; they are then reflected forwards, as the ovaria, and form numerous, and apparently inextri- cable coils about the two posterior thirds of the intestine. The vagina, like the uterus, is lined by flat nucleated epithelial cells. In Cucullanus elegans and C. microcephalus the uterus is bifid, but only one of the divisions is prolonged into the capillary ovarium : the other horn terminates abruptly in a blind end. In Ascaris micro- cephala Siebold found the uterus to divide into three horns, each of which was produced into an ovarium: and in Filaria labiata Nathusius saw the uterus divided into five tubes.* In the Nematoidea the male individual is always smaller, and sometimes disproportionately so, than the female. At the season of reproduction, the anal extremity of the male is usually bent round the part of the body where opens the vulva of the female, to which it attaches itself by the intromission of the single or double spiculum, and by the adhesion of the surrounding tumid labia, or of accessory dermal appendages. As the vulva of the female is generally situated at a distance from either extremity of her body, the male so attached has sometimes the appearance of a branch or young individual sent off by gemmation at an acute angle to the body of the female. The evidence of the fertility of the compound cestoid Entozoa was sufficiently marvellous. That which I have now to adduce, from a calculation made by Dr. Eschricht in reference to the Ascaris lum- bricoides, the commonest intestinal parasite of the human species, is scarcely less surprising. The ova are arranged in the ovarian tubes like the flowers of the plantago, around a central stem or rachis. There are fifty in each circle ; that is to say, you might count fifty ova in every transverse section of the tube. Now the thickness of each ovum is 1*500 of a line, so that in the length of one line there are 500 wreaths of fifty eggs each, or 25,000 eggs ! The length of each ovarian tube is sixteen feet, or 2,304 lines, which, for the two tubes, gives a length of 4,608 lines. The eggs, however, gradually increase in size so as to attain the thickness of -^-^ of a line ; we therefore have, at the lower end of the tube, sixty wreaths of ova, or 3,000 ova in the extent of one line. The average number, through the whole of the extraordinary extent of the tube, may be given at 14,000 ova in each line, which gives sixty-four millions of ova in the mature female Ascaris lumbricoides I The embryo is not developed within the body in this species : the ova may be discharged by millions ; and most of them must, in large cities, be carried into streams of water. An extremely small pro- *XXIV. p. 151. ENTOZOA. Ill portion is ever likely to be again introduced into the alimentary canal of that species of animal which can afford it an appropriate habitat. The remainder of the germs doubtless serve as food to numerous minute inhabitants of the water ; and the prolific Entozoa may thus serve these little creatures in the same relation as the fruitful Cerealia in the vegetable kingdom stand to higher animals, ministering less to the perpetuation of their own species than to the sustenance of man. The nematoid Entozoa present, perhaps, the most favourable sub- jects for studying, with the requisite attention, the successive steps of impregnation, and of the processes by which the germinal vesicle and yolk become finally transmuted into the young and active worm. I described and showed diagrams of some of these changes in the ova of the Srongylus inflexus in my lectures on Generation in 1840. The subject has been carefully prosecuted by Professors Siebold * and Kollikerf, from observations made upon the ova of the Stron- gylus auricularis and the Ascaris acuminata, both of them viviparous species of Nematoidea, and subsequently by Dr. Nelson with great care and ability, in the oviparous Ascaris mystax.\ The blind end of the tubular ovarium detaches from its inner surface, and contains, minute round cells, which, as they proceed along the tube, enlarge, become nucleated, and surrounded by a finely- granular yolk matter, in which the cell floats as the 'ger- minal vesicle ' with its nucleus. In the more advanced part of the ovarium, these ova are discoid, of an irregular form, and disposed either in simple rows, one behind another, or are grouped round a stem or rachis in the centre of the tube, according to the species. In the oviduct, the ova acquire a colourless chorion, the secretion of that tube. A short diverticulum proceeds from each pole of the ^^^g in Trichosoma and Trichocephalus. In the fundus, or beginning of the uterus, much seminal matter is accumulated in the impregnated females. § Dr. Eschricht describes fifty ova as forming a single whorl or wreath in the Ascaris lumhri- coides ; but in the Ascaris mystax Dr. Nelson found but four flat- tened ova in the same plane, filling the transverse section of the ovarian tube. They assume, by mutual pressure, a triangular form with the rounded base next the walls of the tube. In the contracted part of the canal, answering to that which I have called "oviduct" in the Strongylus injiexiis ||, the ova in the A. mystax become separated, and pass in single file to the uterus, altering their form during the passage, in which they first meet the spermatozoa ; but * LXXXV. t LXVI. \ XCI. § XXIV. p. 151. II LXXXIV. p. 74. 112 LECTURE VI. whether these be present in the oviduct or not, the following changes take place. The ovum becomes spheroidal and acquires a chorion ; the vitelline granules become smaller; the germinal vesicle disappears ; and a number of large, transparent, oil-like globules appear, probably the combined result of the condensation of the yolk granules and the diffused contents of the germinal vesicle. The oil-like globules approach the circumference of the ovum, and disappear ; the con- densed yolk-mass assumes a spherical form in the centre of the egg ; and the membrana vitelli is now recognised surrounding it, divided by a clear fluid from the chorion. If impregnation have not pre- viously taken place, the chorion is granulated, and such ova perish without undergoing further developmental change. * When impregnation has taken place, the narrow oviduct is filled by the flask' shaped spermatozoa, and the ovum, as it passes singly into it from the ovarium, becomes surrounded by them. They indent the previously well-defined surface of the tenacious granular yolk, bury themselves in it, and partially break it up in the process. Sometimes only one spermatozoon is thus seen embedded ; but more commonly several spermatozoa penetrate the same ovum. The ger- minal vesicle can be faintly recognised in some of these so penetrated ova. As the ova proceed along the impregnated oviduct, the chorion begins to be formed, as in the unimpregnated one. It appears at first upon the smooth unperforated parts of the ovum, and afterwards covers the ruptures themselves, and incloses the spermatozoa with the yolk and its germinal vesicle. The inclosed spermatozoa now lose their characteristic form, and swell into irregular masses having a distinct outline, and, being highly refractive, give a mottled appearance to the contents of the egg. They are then gradually resolved into a transparent fluid, diffused, and effect changes, by partial solution, on the yolk granules themselves, these changes pro- ceeding from the surface towards the centre. The germinal vesicle remains for a while in the centre of the ovum, more or less sur- rounded by the undissolved yolk granules, whilst the egg acquires one or two additional layers of the chorion secreted by the oviduct. The germinal vesicle then ruptures or disappears ; but its nucleus, with a now visible nucleolus, remains. The rupture of the germinal vesicle is followed by a change in the character of the remaining yolk granules, which become larger, less opaque, and float more loosely in the fluid. The nucleus begins to swell out into a transparent cell — the "primary germ-cell"! — of which the former nucleolus is now the * XCI. f Fii'st defined under that name, and so distinguished from its predecessor the " germinal vesicle," in XXX. pp. 4, 5. ENTOZOA. 113 nucleus ; and the surrounding granules are aggregated about it by the formation of a yolk membrane, which compresses them into a spherical mass, the clear fluid being, as it were, filtered through, as the membrane contracts, into the interspace between the germ-mass and the chorion. In this state the egg quits the parent in the Asc. mystax. The subsequent changes observed by Dr. Nelson in this species accord with those which have been described by Barry, in the mam- miferous ovum *, and by Sieboldf, Kolliker|, and other observers, in the impregnated ova of the Entozoa and other invertebrate animals. The nucleus of the primary germ-cell {Jig. 48, a) first divides. Its division {Jig. 49.) is followed by that of the germ-cell itself (^^r. 50.) ; and the two " secondary germ-cells" {Jig. 51, h^ b) thus established, 4\) 50 51 52 5i Development of Ascnris acuminala. LXXXV. recede to opposite ends of the germ-yolk. Dr. Nelson has observed that these germ-cells revolve in circles, each appearing to mould its portion of the germ-yolk into a spherical form ; and he considers the subsequent division of the germ-yolk to be a mechanical effect. § By its division, two germ-yolks, each with its nucleated germ-cell, result {Jig. 52.). The division of the germ- cell takes from five to ten hours ; the r.ubsequent one, of the yolk, not more than half an hour, in the Asc. mystax. By the repetition of this process, as mjgs. 53, 54, 55, the number of derivative germ-cells increases in the geome- trical ratio of 4, 8, 16, 64, 128, 256, &c., until the whole egg appears to be filled by opaque spherical granules {Jg. 56.\ each, however, having its share of the original impregnated germ-cell. A membrane is then formed around the germ-mass. In the ova of Nematoidea, many of which are viviparous, the embryo is developed by two different modifications of the diffusive process by multiplication of germ-cells from the primary central one : XXVII. p. 307. t LXXXV. I i LXVL § xci. 114 LECTURE VI. in the one process the successive division of the germ-cells goes on without a corresponding cleavage of the yolk, but this is penetrated by the multiplying germ-cells, is absorbed, assimilated, and converted into the matter of such germ-cells : in the other process the attractive force of the germ-nuclei seems to be greater ; the whole yolk is divided by the first bipartition of the original germ-cell, and is afterwards assembled around these divisions, as they successively arise, as in Jigs. 52 — 56. The subdivisions of the yolk decrease in size as they aug- ment in number, and the vitelline matter is at length, by the reiterated processes of developement, liquefaction, and assimilation of nucleated cells, sufficiently subdivided and refined, and each subdivision or cell, by the concomitant partition of the clear spermatic nucleus or hya- line, has become adequately vitalised or fertilised, so as to be ca- pable of its further metamorphosis into the appropriate tissues of the embryo worm. So far the process is essentially the same with that in all other ova up to the mammal, and without doubt in man. The materials for the future being are accumulated in a duly subdivided state, like the bricks or hewn stones collected for the builder to operate on under the guidance of the architect. With regard to the rough material for formation of the Ascaris, a depression first appears on one side of the minutely subdivided germ-mass, which, as this deepens, assumes the form first of a cup, and then of a ring : the space so formed between the germ-mass and the chorion becomes filled by a clear fluid. The ring next presents a constriction at one point, which divides and transforms it into a cylinder with two equal obtuse ends in apposition {Jig. 57.). By the lengthening and attenuation of the cylindrical mass, the ends overlap and the ring assumes the character of a coil {Jig. 58.) ; and now something like an integument, containing a fine granular tissue, may be discerned. Further elongation and attenuation produce one or two spiral coils, and a greater clearness of the tissues of the embryo worm makes its character plainly manifest {Jig. 59.). In the Ascaris at this period the characteristic three-lobed mouth may be discerned ; and soon after the alimentary canal can be distinguished from the integument, both having been formed by the subdivision and meta- morphosis of the primitive cells. The young animal, thus built up, now begins to move briskly within the egg-membrane, assimilates the remaining vitelline mass, and is soon strong enough to burst its prison, and commence its independent career of existence. The Entozoa are hardly less remarkable for their tenacity of life and revival from a state of apparent death than the Infusoria, and the knowledge of this property is indispensable to a fair estimation of the chances of the re-introduction of the ova of Entozoa into the bodies ENTOZOA. 115 of living animals. In no class of animals has the origin from equi- vocal generation been more strenuously contended for than in regard to the Entozoa. The great entozoologists Rudolphi and Bremser were advocates of this doctrine ; and Bremser did not scruple to charge the Berlin Professor with a physiological heresy, when he ventured to account for the high organisation of certain Ligulee infesting pisci- vorous birds, by the hypothesis that they had been developed from the lower grade which they previously exhibited in the cold-blooded fishes swallowed by the birds, through the stimulus of the heat and nutritious secretions of the more comfortable intestinal domicile into which they had thus been accidentally introduced. The advocates for the equivocal generation of the Entozoa adduce the fact, that herbivorous mammals are not less subject to Entozoa than carnivorous ones ; and how, they inquire, could the ova of Entozoa be preserved in the water that serves as the drink of such animals ? Or how, having become dried in the air, could such ova afterwards resume the requisite vitality for embryonic development ? We may admit that the ova of Entozoa could not, like the much more minute germs of Polygastria, remain suspended in the atmosphere, since they are specifically heavier than water ; but, with respect to their powers of retaining dormant life, we have sufficient analogical evidence to reject the assumption that they soon fall into decomposi- tion. Dr. Nelson* found that he could best observe the develop- ment of the ova of the Ascaris mystax by placing the females entire in spirit of turpentine for two or three weeks, at the end of which the ovaries were found distended with ova containing young worms, not only fully developed but alive, and endeavouring to rupture the chorion by tightening the coils of their spiral and suddenly reversing them. Mr. Bauer has recorded many experiments on the Vibrio tritici, or parasite of wheat, a minute worm possessing the essential organi- sation of the Nematoidea, not less remarkable in their results than those of Spalanzani on the Rotifer ; the Vibriones were dried, and when re-moistened, after the lapse of four to seven years, they resumed their living and active state. De Blainville states that the Filaria papulosa revives from a similar state of torpidity produced by desiccation. It has been proved that the mature Entozoa will resist the effects of destructive agents, as extremes of heat and cold, to a degree beyond the known powers of endurance of the Rotifera, and which would be truly surprising were not the simplicity of the organisation of the * XCI. I 2 116 LECTURE VI. Entozoa taken into account. A nematoid worm has been seen to exhibit strong contortions — evident vital motions — after having been subjected above an hour to the temperature of boiling water, with a codfish which it infested ; and, on the other hand, Rudolphi relates that the Entozoa of the genus Capsularia, which infest the herrings that are annually sent to Berlin, hard frozen and packed in ice, do, when thawed, manifest unequivocal signs of restored vitality. If, then, the fully developed and mature Entozoa can resist such powerful extraneous causes of destruction, how much more must the ova possess the power of enduring such without losing their latent life ! Burdach, who has summed up the evidence at great length in favour of the equivocal generation of the Entozoa, adduces the example of the oviparous species as involving the limitation of the offspring to the lifetime of the individual which they themselves infest ; but on this point Dr. Eschricht has well observed that the transmission of the living young of the Strongylus ijiflexus from one porpoise to another is readily explicable. This species of Strongylus lives in the bronchial tubes, with its head immersed in the substance of the lungs, and its tail extended into the larger branches of the trachea. The living young must naturally escape into the mouth, and, as porpoises are gregarious, the young worms would, by a short passage through the water, readily be introduced into the mouth of another porpoise, and so reach the trachea. The young of most Entozoa are subject to metamorphoses. I have already alluded to those of the Cestoidea, in which the embryo assumes the form of an echinococcus, the head being provided with six hooks. So armed it is enabled to attach itself to the species of animal in which it becomes encysted and undergoes its next transformation : and such species, being the food of the higher organised animal in which the ultimate metamorphosis of the taenia takes place, the pupal tape-worm is in that way introduced into its final abode. So far as observations have yet gone, two different animals, having the mutual relation of prey and devourer, are subordinated, so to speak, to the well-being of each species of tape- worm. The metamorphoses of the Trematoda are still more astonishing, and the locomotive condition of the earlier phases of the Distoma evidently relate to the securing their entry into the animal's body, which they are destined either temporarily in a larval state, or permanently, to infest. Siebold has noticed the difference of form between the j^oung of the Echinorhynchi and their viviparous parents ; and this difference was so great in regard to the viviparous Filaria medinensis, that Dr. Jacobson was led to suppose its multitu- dinous progeny to be parasites of the parasite. Dr. Eschricht has ENTOZOA. " 117 observed, that the flesh of fishes in summer is often studded with small worms, which, in one instance, he ascertained to be Echino- rhynchi; and he suggests whether it may not be the breeding-place of such species, and whether the Trichina spiralis may not belong to the same category. But how these embryos (if they be embryos) are diffused through the intermuscular cellular tissue, can only be known after long and laborious investigations ; and nothing is more true than that a particular inquiry will be required for each particular species. Summary of the Classes, Orders, and Families of the Entozoa of Rudolphi : — Class STERELMINTHA. The nutrient canals or cavities excavated in the parenchyme of the body. Order T^nioidea. The head provided with two, four, or six acetabula, and usually with spines, either sessile or placed on a proboscis, or on tentacula. Family Cystica. No organs of generation ; body terminated by a bladder filled with fluid. (All are, probably, tsenioid larvae.) Genera : Echinococcus, Ccenurus, Cysticercus. Family Scolecibm, Body short, or moderately long ; sometimes partially vesiculated, usually encysted ; no generative organs. (All are, probably, larvae.) Genera : Anthocephalus^ DibothriorhynchuSy Floriceps, Gymno- rhynchus^ Hepatoxylon, Rhynchobothriuniy Scolex, Tentacularia, Tetrarhynchus (many species). Family Ligvlibm. Acetabula and spines obsolete ; body solid, depressed, long, with a longitudinal furrow, not jointed, but finely striated transversely. Genus ; Ligula. (Those of fishes are, probably, larvae.) Family Cestoidea. Body long, depressed, jointed, with male and female organs com- bined in each of the mature segments. Genera : Tetrarhynchus (certain species), Bothriocephalus, Tcenia, Caryophyllceus. Order Trejiatoda. Body generally depressed, not jointed, with one or more acetabula ; mouth an unarmed pore, from which a bifurcate or branched alimen- I 3 118 LECTURE VI. tary canal is continued, rarely provided with a vent. Male and female organs in the same individual ; impregnation by reciprocal coitus. Sub-order Pendularia. Integument not ciliated and no spontaneous fission in the mature worms. Genera : 3Ionostoma, Amphistoma, Distoma, Diporpa (in conju- gation Diplozoon), Gasterostoma, Holostoma, Tristomay Polysioma. (^Gyrodactylus, Axine, Octohothrium, Aspidocotylus, Aspidogaster, are all, probably, larvae.) Sub-order Turbellaria. Integument ciliated in the mature worms. Family Rhabdoccela, with a simple cylindrical alimentary cavity. Genera: Vortex, Derostomum, Gyratrix, Strongylostomum, Me- sostomum, 3Iacrostomum, Microstomum. (Some of these are, pro- bably, larvae.) Family Dendroccela, with a ramified alimentary cavity. Genera : Polycelis, 3Ionocelis, Planaria, Leptoplana, Eurylepta, Planocera, Thysanozoon. Order Acanthocephala. Body saccular, cylindrical, or subdepressed ; head provided with ,an uncinated proboscis. A ramified vascular nutritive system. Sexes distinct. Genus : Echinorhynchus. Class CCELELMINTHA. An alimentary canal suspended in an abdominal cavity. The sexes distinct. Order Gordiacea. Body filamentary and cylindrical ; alimentary canal without anus. Genera : Gordius, 3Ier?nis, ( Trichina, probably a larva). Order Nematoidea. Body elongated, cylindrical. Alimentary canal with both mouth and vent. Genera : Filaria, Trichosoma, Trichocephalus, Spiroptera, Stron- gylus, Ascaris, Oxyurus, Cucullanus, Hedrurus, Ancyracanthus, Gnathostoma, Cheiracanthus, Lecanocephalus, Liorhynchus, Physa- loptera, Sphcerularia, Anguillula. POLYPI, 119 Order Onchophora. Body depressed, subarticulate. Mouth provided with hooks. Anus distinct. Genus : Linguatula. LECTURE VII. POLYPI. Hydrozoa and Anthozoa. The two great divisions of Cuvier's Zoophytes, viz. the Infusoria and Entozoa, which have hitherto engaged our attention, approxi- mate to the vermiform type ; and each ascends by rapid steps to the confines of the articulate province. The remaining classes of the Zoophytes are constructed on the radiated type ; and some of them, as the Bryozoa and Acalephce, conduct to the molluscous series. To-day I have to request your attention to the history of a race of animals almost as widely diffused, almost as numerous, and some of them hardly less minute than the Infusoria, with which we com- menced the survey of the vermiform zoophytes. Our present sub- jects form at least three classes of radiated zoophytes, which have been grouped together under the common name o£ Polypi, on account of their external resemblance to the many-armed cuttle-fishes, which were so denominated by the ancient Greek naturalists. But the knowledge of the organised beings now called Polypi, as members of the Animal Kingdom, is of comparatively recent introduction : it cannot be dated further back than the time of Imperato* and Peyssonel. f Amongst those naturalists who have subsequently contributed to improve and extend the history of the Polypes, our countryman Ellis J will always take a high rank. A polype generally presents a soft cylindrical oval or oblong body, with an aperture at one of its extremities, which is surrounded by a coronet of long tentacula. In most of the class, this aperture leads to a simple digestive cavity, consisting of a stomach without intestine. In the highest organised group, the digestive sac is prolonged into an intestinal canal, which is bent upon itself, and terminates by a distinct anus opening upon the external surface. The organisation of the polypes is in general simple ; their faculties are limited ; and the vital phenomena, save those of irritability and contractility, are inconspicuous. Nevertheless the influence of the combined * XCV. (1599). t XCVI. (1723 and 1727). t XCVII and XCVIII. I 4 120 LECTURE VII. powers of some of the species, in modifying the crust of the earth, is neither slight nor of limited extent. This great division of the radiated animals is divided into three groups or classes, according to the modifications of the alimentary canal. In the first and lowest organised class, which I have called Hydrozoa*, digestion is performed by the secretion of a simple sac, excavated in the gelatinous and granular parenchyme of the body. In the second class, called Anthozoa, the digestive sac, which, like the first, throws out the rejectamenta by the same aperture as that which receives the nutriment, is suspended by a series of vertical folds of membrane, in a distinct abdominal ca- vity, to the outer parietes of the body. In the ) third and highest class, called Bryozottf the ali- mentary canal, which is suspended loosely in an abdominal cavity, is pro- vided, as has been already stated, with a distinct mouth and anus. It is remarkable that the most locomotive of the Polype tribe is at the same time the type of the lowest organised group. The Hydra\, or common fresh-water Polype {fig. 60.) consists, when mag- nified even with a mode- rately high power, appa- rently of a granular sub- stance of a greenish or reddish hue, the granules or cells being loosely connected by a semi- fluid matter. The external cells are condensed, and elongated in the Hydra fusca. * Nat. size. * LXXXIV. p. 82. Dimorphoea of Ehrenberg ; Sertulariens of Miliie Edwards ; Nudihrachiata of Fan'e ; Hydroida of Johnston ; Hydraidce and Sertulariadce of E. Eorbes. f "In Africa et Arabia Hydras studiose fnistra qu£esivi," CXVIL, p. 292. POLYPI. 121 axis of tlie body, so as to form two tegumentary layers : the internal cells are elongated transversely to the axis of the body, and form a stratum of villi, projecting into the abdominal cavity : the thick intermediate mass of nucleated cells seems to fulfil the ordinary functions of muscular or contractile tissue. The hydra commonly adheres by a small prehensile disc or rudi- mentary foot {^fig. 60, d\ situated at the extremity of the stem or body opposite to the mouth. When the little animal would change its position it slowly bends its body, and, fixing one or more of its tentacula to the supporting surface, detaches the foot, approximates it to the head, and advances by a succession of these leech-like motions. The hydra can make progress in water, as well as on a solid plane ; when it would swim it suspends itself to the surface of the water by its terminal foot, which it expands, and exposes to the air : the disc soon dies, and in this state, repelling the surrounding water, it serves as a float, from which the hydra hangs with its mouth downwards, and can row itself along by means of its tentacula. Its ordinary position is one of rest, adhering to an aquatic plant by its foot, with the dependent oral tentacula spread abroad in quest of prey : these are of great length and tenuity in the Hydra fusca. Should a small nais or entromostracan, or any of the larger infu- sories, come within the reach of the little carnivorous polype, they are immediately seized, pulled towards the mouth {fig. 60, h\ and swal- lowed. The rapidity of the digestive process is manifested by the diffusion of any characteristic colour of the animalcules swallowed through the gelatinous parenchyme of the devourer ; and when this process is completed, the indigestible debris of the prey are rejected by the same aperture which had just gorged it. The inner surface of the digestive bag is lined by a ciliated epithelium, and has many peculiar cells containing a clear fluid with brown pigment granules : these are very conspicuous in the Hydra viridis ; the contents are probably discharged into the stomach by the bursting of the cells, which have been conjectured to perform a function akin to that of a liver. A careful investigator, Corda *, afiirms the existence of an anal outlet {fig. 60, c), and figures it of small size, close to the hind sucker or foot ; and Baker f several times saw " the dung of the po- lype in little round pellets discharged at this outlet or anus." Mr. Hancock J, also, observing a Hydra viridis in a highly contracted state and about to discharge an egg, saw a narrow channel passing from the digestive cavity through the substance of the foot, appa- rently about its centre. From this channel issued a long, linear * XCIX. t C. p. 27. X CIV. p. 288. 122 LECTURE VII. mass of excrementitious matter composed of a tenacious mucus im- bedding a granular substance resembling both in colour and texture that which lined the digestive cavity. Such pore may give passage to certain excretions of the lining membrane of the cavity, but the coarser indigestible parts of the prey are habitually regurgitated by the mouth. Each tentaculum in the Hydra grisea, according to Trembley, is a tube, which communicates with the common digestive cavity. The food which is rotated in that cavity is driven up some way into the tentacles, and sent back again.* Cordaf found the walls of the tenta- cular cavities to contain a fluid albuminous substance mixed with oil- like particles. This substance swells out at certain definite places into denser nodules, which are arranged in a spiral line {fig. 60, a, a). Each nodule is furnished with tactile filaments, and a singularly con- structed organ for catching and wounding the prey. The parts re- garded by Corda as organs of touch consist of a fine sac, inclosing another with thicker parietes, and within this there is a small cavity : from the point where the two sacs coalesce above, there projects a long and very slender filament, which is non-retractile. The wounding or seizing organ consists of an obovate transparent sac, immersed in the nodule with a small aperture. At the bottom of the sac, and within it, there is a solid corpuscle, which gives origin to a clear calcareous sharp dart or spine, that can be pushed out at pleasure, or withdrawn until its point is brought within the sac. When the hydra wishes to seize an animal, the darts are protruded, by which means the surface of the tentacula is roughened, and the prey more easily retained: Corda believes that a poison is at the same time ejected. The nodules of the tentacula are connected together by means of four muscular bands, which run up, forming lozenge-shaped spaces by their intersections : these are joined together by transverse bands. % The lip of the mouth is armed with darts similar to those of the tentacula ; and they have been found in the skin of the body and of the foot. That the tentacula have the power of communicating some be- numbing or noxious influence to the living animals which constitute the food of the Hydra, is evident from the effect produced, for example, upon an entomostracan, which may have been touched, but not seized, by one of these organs. The little active crustacean is arrested in the midst of its rapid, darting motion, and sinks, appa- rently lifeless, for some distance ; then slowly recovers itself, and * CI. torn. i. p. 260., torn ii. p. 228. f XCIX. X CIV. p. 35. POLYPI. 123 resumes its ordinary movements. Siebold states that when a nais, a daphnia, or the larva of a Cheironomus have been wounded by the darts, but not seized, they do not recover, but die.* These and other active inhabitants of fresh waters, whose powers should be equivalent to rend asunder the delicate gelatinous arms of their low-organised captor, seem paralysed almost immediately after they have been seized, and so countenance the opinion of Corda that the secretion of a poison enters the wounds. The most extraordinary properties of the Hydra are, however, those which best accord, and might be expected to be associated, with its low and simple grade of organisation ; although they excited the greatest astonishment in the physiological world when first announced by their discoverer, Trembleyf, and are often still called wonderful. If a polype be partially bisected, each portion forms a perfect polype : RoeselJ devotes three plates to figures of monstrous Hydrae, the results of such incisions. If a Hydra be transversely bisected, both halves survive ; the cephalic one developing a terminal sucker, the caudal one shooting forth a crown of tentacula ; each moiety thus acquiring the characters of the perfect individual. But in a healthy and well-fed Hydra, the same phenomena will take place if it be divided into ten pieces. The Hydra, notwith- standing the want of a nervous centre thus indicated, and the absence of any hitherto recognised nervous filaments, manifests an obvious predilection for light, and, when confined to a glass, always moves itself to the brightest side. Trembley succeeded in inverting these delicate animalcules, and retaining them inverted until they accommodated themselves to this singular change in their condition. The pigment or hepatic cells of the gastric membrane, now external, are cast off* : the orifices, by which the cavities of the tentacula communicate with the stomach, are exposed a little below the rim of the mouth ; these orifices are soon obliterated, and new ones are formed in communication with the new digestive sac. The ciliated epithelium and hepatic-cells must be developed on what was the outer surface : and the dart-cells in what before was the gastric surface. At least Trembley assures us, and gives corroborative evidence, that digestion was eff*ected as actively by the surface which before was external, as by that which had been the digestive surface ; whilst this as readily assumed the ordinary gemmiparous function of the skin.§ * XXIV. p. 30. t CI. t CV. (Tab. Ixxx., Lxxxi., and Ixxxii.) § J'ai retourne un nombre considerable de Polypes de la seconde espece 124 LECTURE VII. The Hydras are not less remarkable for their power of generation than for that of regenerating mutilated parts. They have been observed to multiply by spontaneous fission, dividing themselves transversely. Roesel* figures a specimen in the act of transverse fission ; but there may have been some previous injury at the part. The most ordinary process of generation is by the development of young polypi, like buds, from the external surface of the old one. This property depends on the small amount of change which the germ-mass has undergone in the development of the body. In the freshwater polype, the progeny of the primary impregnated germ-cell retained unaltered in that body, may set up, under favour- able stimuli of light, heat, and nutriment, the same actions as those to which they owed their own origin ; certain of the nucleated cells do set up such actions, those, e. g. in the Hydra fusca, which are aggregated near the adhering pedicle or foot ; and the result of their increase by assimilation and multiplication is, to push out the con- tiguous integument in the form of a bud, which becomes the seat of the subsequent processes of growth and development; a clear cavity or centre of assimilation is first formed, which soon opens into the stomach of the parent ; but the communication is afterwards closed, and the young hydra is ultimately cast off from the surface of the parent. This mode of propagation is termed " gemmation." It differs from the development of the hydra ab ovo, inasmuch as the im- pregnated germ-cell, which set on foot the process, is derivative and included in the body of the adult, instead of being primary and included in a free ovum. But the germ-cell is the essential part of the ovum, and the chorion an accessory and non-essential part.f According to my observations, buds are not developed indifferently from any part of the polype. I have never seen one growing from a tentacle, nor does a wound of this part lead to the development of a young hydra, like a wound of the base of the body. I conceive that the greater amount of metamorphosis which the germ-cells and nuclei have undergone in the formation of the complex organs of the tentacula is the condition of this inferior power of generation and regeneration. The very small size in relation to the entire body, and the super- ficial position of the secondary germ- cell which takes on the pro- (^Hydra grisea), " qui sont restes retournes et qui ont longtemps vecu. lis ont mange, cru et multiplie." CI. t. ii. p. 224. * CV. tab. Lxxxiii. fig. 3. f IMr. Goodsir gives the name of o\nile to the germ-cell which sets on foot the analogous process of bud-formation in the Coenurus (LIIE. p. 570). POLYPI. 125 cesses of development in the Hydra, appear to be the chief conditions influencing that modification of the generative process by which a small portion only of the Hydra is taken into the system of the new individual, instead of one-half of the body, as in the case of the Monad. So insignificant is the distinction between gemmation and spontaneous fission ; the essential condition of both being, as in the development of the ova, the presence of the pellucid nucleus of a secondary impregnated germ-cell, as the centre from which all the processes in the formation of the new individual radiate. The Hydra propagates by ova as well -as by buds. It even presents a periodical development of sexual organs of two kinds; one, at the anterior or oral extremity of the body, consists of small nodules or sacs, which Ehrenberg discovered to contain moving filaments, or seminal animalcules ; another series of cells, developed in the pos- terior part of the stem, contain ova. Sometimes one individual Hydra developes only the male cysts, or sperm-vesicles ; sometimes only the female ones, or ovisacs ; but the rule is generally to have both kinds. The ova are spherical, with a bristled chorion, which is of a deep brown colour in the Hydra fusca. In the formation of the ova, certain of the retained germ-cells multiply themselves, and coalesce to form a larger central cell, surrounded by others of smaller size, with nuclei, the exterior of which cells are metamorphosed into a chorion. Certain other germ-cells are converted into sperm-cells, and develope sperma- tozoa. The ova are extruded and fertilized by these, and they develope a hydra, retaining, however, a large proportion of un- changed cells in its composition. Accordingly, this hydra may propagate by buds, and the hydra so developed may propagate again by ova, and these two kinds of generation may alternate indefinitely : but it usually happens that the same Hydra, after having exhausted its power of forming buds, then developes the eggs. The seas which wash our own shores are tenanted by numerous forms of minute Polypi, having essentially the same simple organisa- tion as the Hydra ; but which are protected from the dense briny element by an external horny integument. Now these likewise develope new polypes by gemmation ; but, as the external crust grows with the growth of the soft digestive sac, the young polype adheres to the body of the parent, and, by successive gemmations, a compound animal is produced. Yet the pattern according to which the new polypes and branches of polypes are developed is fixed and determinate in each species ; and there consequently results a par- ticular form of the whole compound animal or individual by wliich the species can be readily recognised {Jig. 61.). This compound 126 LECTURE VII. Campanularia dicliotoma, magnified. hydriform polype-animal, or association of polypes, resembles a minia- ture tree ; but consists essentially of a ramified tube of irritable animal matter, f^ defended by an external, flexible, and frequently jointed, borny skeleton, a ; and is fed by tbe activity of the tentacula, c?, and by the diges- tive powers of the alimentary sacs, g^ of a hundred polypi, the common pro- duce of which circulates through the tubular cavities for the benefit of the whole community. These currents of the nutrient fluid have been observed and described by Cavolini*, and more recently by Mr. Lister.j* The genera Sertularia, Campanularia, Tuhu- laria, he, which form the principal subjects of Ellis's beautiful and clas- sical work on Corallines, compose the present division of the compound Hi/- drozoa, or hydriform polypes. The soft integument of the nutrient polypes {^g. 61, d, e, g) is characterised by peculiar cells, like the "dart-cells" of the Hydras, which have a transparent firm cell-wall, containing a clear fluid, and extremely delicate, sometimes spi- rally disposed, filaments. These are protruded when the skin is irritated, and give the tentacles the appearance of being beset by bristled prominences. The digestive sac of each polype is lined by a ciliated epithelium, and by hepatic cells, as in the Hydra : but its base is perforated by the hole which communicates with the tube, /, passing along the branch supporting the polype, to the general cavity of the stem. But this outlet allows only the fluid contents of the stomach to pass : the coarser rejectamenta are cast out by the mouth. It appears that sea-water may have entry to these canals and cir- culate with the chyle, and so contribute some share to the respir- atory process of the corallines. It is certain that sea-water is admitted to the corresponding cavities in the Anthozoa. Both Lister and Lowen have observed an alternate imbibition and expulsion of water in the polypes of Sertularice and TubularicE. The chylaqueous fluid, as it may be termed, which circulates in the general ramified cavity of the coralline is colourless, and contains only some minute round corpuscles. This fluid is sent into the cavities of the prehensile arms, CVI. t CVII. p. 299. POLYPI. 127 and returns back into the digestive cavity. The movements of the fluid appear to depend on a delicate ciliated epithelium Avhich lines the cavities of the tentacles, as well as the tubular cavities of the stem and branches of the compound polypes.* The peculiar external horny defence prevents, as I have just ob- served, the exercise of the gemmiparous faculty from effecting any other change than that of adding to the general size, and to the number of prehensile mouths and digestive sacs, of the compound coralline. It is equally a bar to propagation by spontaneous fission ; so that the ordinary phenomena of generation by ova or germ-masses are more conspicuous in the composite than in the simple Hydrozoa. At certain points of these ramified polypes, which points are constant in, and characteristic of, each species, there are developed little elegant vase-shaped or pod-shaped sacs, which are called the ovige- rous vesicles or "' ovicapsules." These are sometimes appended to the branches, sometimes to the axillce, as at h, i, k,Jig. 61, of the ramified coralline : they are at first soft, and have a still softer lining mem- brane, which is thicker and more condensed at the bottom of the vesicle: it is at this part that the ova or germs are developed, h, and for some time these are maintained in connection with the vital tissue of the polype by a kind of umbilical cord, k, I. In all the com- pound Hydrozoa, the ovicapsules are deciduous, and having performed their functions in relation to the development of the new progeny, drop off like the seed-capsules of plants. This phenomenon afforded to the early botanists an additional argument in favour of the relation of these ramified and rooted animals to the Vegetable Kingdom. The species of the marine Hydrozoa which is most nearly akin to the fresh-water Hydra, is the Tubularia indivisa, beautifully figured in his fine work on the "Remarkable Animals of Scotland," by Sir John G. Dalyellf, who devoted thirty years to the careful examination of the animals of the Frith of Forth. In this species each individual is distinct, like the Hydra ; it propagates its kind by gemmation, and has, also, great powers of reparation, reproducing its polype head and double crown of tentacles many times in succession. It also propagates by ova. These are formed in ovicapsules, aggregated in groups which proceed from the space between the long and the short tentacula ; and, in proportion as the ovicapsules are developed, the tentacula begin to decay, and the whole flower-like head falls. When cast off, the head does not lose its vitality, but moves, for a few days, perhaps, and crawls off with the ovicapsules to some distance from the parent. A locomotive polype, which is called by Sir J. G. Dalyell a "hydra," * CVIII. p. 107, t CIX. pis. 1, 2, and 3. 128 LECTURE VII. escapes from each ovicapsule, crawls off, becomes attached, and developes its elongated stem and other characters of the Tubularia. The process of development has been well observed by M. Van Beneden* in another species of Tubularia {T. coronata Abildg.). There are numerous clusters of ovicapsules in the same position as in the T. indivisa. The capsules in each cluster are developed from the sides of a short stem, and become more pedunculate as they are situated nearer its extremity. The common nutrient cavity is con- tinued into the stem, and sends off branches to enter the bases or pedicles of the capsules. The germ-cell makes its appearance be- tween the end of this canal and the summit of the capsule, as shown ^^ ^5 ^^. 62., which represents a young sessile ovicapsule detached from the ovarian stem, showing the portion of the nutrient canal con- tinued into it and the germ-cell below. The nutrient and respiratory g2 currents are continued from the general cavity of the body through the ovarian ca- nal and its diverticula which enter the ovicapsules. The germ-cell is thus supplied with matter for its growth, which proceeds rapidly by the ordinary mode of multi- plication of secondary germ- cells by spontaneous fission. As growth proceeds the ovi- capsule expands, and the end of the nutrient diverticulum becomes surrounded by the germ-mass, into the middle of which the diverticulum seems now to dip, as shown Development of Tubularia coronata. -j^ g, fg. 62. The nCXt change is the development of a series of lobes which push aside the diverticulum, as in 3 : the lobes elongate into rudimentary tentacles, and the base of the inner series of tentacles begins to appear, as at b, 4 : this stage is better seen when the ovisac is viewed under pres- sure as at 5. Where development has advanced thus far, the parietes of the ovicapsule rupture and the embryo escapes, as a young polype, with one series of tentacles, 6. It then becomes fixed, and begins to develope its tubular body and its inner series of tentacles as in 7, Jig. G2. * CXI. p. 37. pi. i. POLYPI. 129 In a third species of Tubularia {T. Dumortieri) the embryo assumes the form of a transparent, gelatinous, longitudinally ribbed Beroe, before it escapes : and afterwards moves like a INledusa by- alternate contraction and expansion of the body. The change of this medusoid larva into the Tubularia was not seen. In the Hydraetinia rosea V. Beneden found several ova, with the germinal vesicle and nucleus, developed in each ovicapsule. The modification in the growth of the coralline to form the ovi- capsule, has been compared by Professor E. Forbes* with that '-me- tamorphosis in flowering plants in which the floral bud is constituted through the contraction of the axis and the whorling of the indivi- duals borne on that axis, and by their transformation into the several parts of the flower." Many elegant varieties are observable in the form of the ovicapsules. Sometimes they are crossed by transverse bars ; sometimes shaped like a vase, and provided with a little lid or cover; usually traversed along the middle by a continuation of the soft tissue of the polype, from which the ova or germs proceed, and which may be compared to an umbilical cord, and is termed the " placenta- rium." According to the botanical analogy, they may be either essentially " single individuals, ideally metamorphosed into repro- ductive organs comparable to the monocarpous germens of plants," or a "series of individuals joined together and merged into each other so as to present the appearance of an organic body in which the ova are reproduced comparable to the syncarpous germens" of plants ; the pod-like ovicapsule of most Plumularice well illustrates the latter view.f Ehrenberg \ regarded the ovicapsule as a modified individual, viz., a female generative polype, differing from the nutrient and sexless polype, in having the tentacula rudimentary or abortive. The contractile power of the ovicapsules in Pennaria and in Syncoryne ramosa, together with Loven's description of the deciduous nursing- polypes developed from the ovicapsule in the Campamdaria geni~ culata, gave apparent support to this view, which, however, later facts as to the nature of the progeny developed in the ovicapsule have induced most zoophytologists to abandon. Sperm-capsules, similar in situation and form to the ovicapsules, are developed in certain individuals of the marine Hydrozoa. In Pennaria Cavolini the spermatozoa are developed in the interspace between the inner wall of the sperm-capsule and an axial cord of the soft tissue answering to the placentarium of the ovicapsule. § In the Tubularia * ex. t XCVII. pi. 11. B. {Plumularia fakata.) X CXVII. § CXVI. p. 197. K 130 LECTURE vn. indivisa, also, the sperm-capsules repeat the grape-like arrangement and situation of the ovicapsules. In Eudendrium racemosum the sperm-capsules are raoniliform, and are supported on particular stems; the outermost capsules, which first appear, contain the best developed spermatozoa. These sperm-capsules were distinguished by Cavolini, as " nova a corimbo," * from the ovicapsules, which he called " uova a racemo."! The distinguished Neapolitan zoophytologist also re- marks that each kind of capsules occur in different individuals ; and Krohn, to whom science is indebted for a determination of the true nature of the " uova a corimbo," found as a general rule that the sperm-capsules were developed in the Eudendrium racemosum, the Plnmularia cristata, and Sertularia misenensis, on particular indi- viduals or compound groups of individuals, the ovicapsules being developed on other such individuals. The true ovum of the Hydrozoa has its germinal vesicle and spot, and after impregnation the germ-mass is formed by spontaneous fission of the germ-cells and cleavage of the granular yolk, as in the ova of the Ascaris (p. 113.). In the Hydra this process goes on before the ovum quits the parent, and before it has acquired its bristled chorion. In the marine species the young may escape from the ovicapsule in the condition of ciliated locomotive bodies, called "planulce" by Daly ell J; or the planula3 may be hatched in the interior of a polype-individual de- veloped from the summit of the ovicapsule, and which, after liberating them, may wither and fall like the flower of a plant § ; or a generated individual of a particular form, such as e. g., the Medusa octocilia and 31. duodocilia of Dalyell ||, developed from Eudendrium ramosum, and the Tintinnabidum or Bell-medusa observed by the same author as the progeny of the Campanidaria dicliotoma, may be developed in and escape from the ovicapsule, and, by its own power of locomotion, carry the contained ova to a distance from the composite and fixed group of nutritive individuals. The ova may be developed within the bell-shaped Acalephoid prior to its detachment, as in the Coryne vulgaris, observed by Wagner, or not until it has become detached and acquired the full characters of a bare-eyed Medusa. The phenomenon of the development of a polype-like larva in the vesicles did not escape the keen eye of Ellis. He says, " I first per- * CVI. tab. vi. fig. 14. t CVI. tab. ri. fig. 6. X CIX. p. 150. pi. xxiv. {Sertularia abietina), p. 162. pi. xxix. (Sertularia halecina^. § CXII. p. 259. tab. vi. fig. 13. (Campanularia geniculata). II CIX. pi. xi. figs. 9 and 11. POLYPI. 131 ceived tlie polypes alive in the vesicles of the denticulated class of corallines, and particularly in this" — now the Sertularia pumila : — " these animals are of a much larger size in the vesicles than those in the denticles."* In another species {C amp anul aria di- chotoma) he figures "the young polypes coming out of the vesi- cles, but still adhering to the umbilical chord." Dr. A. Farre has seen the development of the germ-masses, which are included in a delicate membrane and extend along the axis of the germ-vesi- cle, in the same Campanularia : the germs are covered by a cili- ated epithelium ; they then become bell-shaped medusae, with mar- ginal tentacles, and escape swimming freely. Mr. Lister's figures b 5 and b 6jf show the little medusoids escaping from the germ- vesicles of the Ca^npanidaria dicJiotoma ; but they are represented, as Ellis described them, as polypes. Abundant evidence has been afforded, especially by Dalyell, that Ellis did not, as Dr. Grant has stated J, commit the error of mistaking mere ciliated locomotive gemmules or ova for young polypes. In many Sertulari CXXVm. p. 261. t XCVII. p. 36. pi. XX. A. X CXXIX. p. 201. § Cited in XXIV. p. 34. BRYOZOA. 149 to exercise a certain caution before emerging from their cells. One or more of the tentacles have been seen to be protruded and turned over the side of the cell, as if to ascertain the presence or absence of an enemy.* I must now proceed to describe these tentacula (c, c), which are the means whereby the Brijozoa obtain their food. They differ considerably from the corresponding tentacula in the Hydrozoa and Antliozoa, in being stifFer and provided with vibratile cilia. These cilia are arranged on opposite sides of the tentacle, along which sides they occasion, by their active vibration, opposite currents of the surrounding water : they vibrate, not in the plane of the arms, but at right angles with it, and bend obliquely in the form of a hook.f In some species a few fine hair-like processes, which are motionless, project from the back of the tentacula. The action of the tentacular cilia appears to be under the control of the animal, and they are sometimes seen completely at rest. The arms are tubular throughout, and have an aperture at each extremity. The ring upon which they are set forms a projecting edge around the mouth. The particles of food are carried down the inner surface of each arm, and the mouth and pharynx expand to receive such as are appropriate, as if by an act of selection. The rejected particles pass out between the bases of the tentacula, or are driven off by the centrifugal currents. In the fresh-water Alcyonellce and CristatellcB the mouth is pro- vided with a tongue- shaped process covered with vibratile cilia. Nordmann describes each of the eight ciliated tentacles in the Tendra zostericola as being traversed by two longitudinal canals.J The pharynx in all Bryozoa is less dilatable than is the mouth of the Hydra or Actinia. The constriction of the pharynx, by which the food is driven into the oesophagus, is a very well-marked action. The parietes of the gullet consist of three layers of which the two outer ones seem to be muscular, and are thick in Tendra : the inner layer is a thin epithelium over which a network of de- licate canals in a polygonal pattern is spread. The cardiac orifice {Jig. 71, g) seems to project into the oesophagus upon a valvular pro- minence ; it opens into a small globular cavity (Ji\ which has the construction of a gizzard : the interior of this cavity is lined by a strong epithelium, the cells of which project into the cavity like pointed teeth, and the food is subject to comminution in this cavity. With the gizzard is associated, as in birds, a distinct glandular com- partment of the stomach {i) ; but this is situated betw^een the gizzard and intestine, not between the gizzard and oesophagus : its walls are * XXXV. p. 414. t XXXV. p. 411. X CXX. p. 187. L 3 150 LECTURE YIU. Studded with cells or follicles filled with a deep brown secretion, which may be regarded as hepatic follicles. The intestine is con- tinued from a distinct pyloric orifice (A), which is situated at the upper part of the glandular stomach near the gizzard. This orifice is surrounded by vibratile cilia. The food is frequently regurgitated into the gizzard, and, after having undergone additional comminution, is returned to the stomach. Here it is kept in constant agitation, and the particles pass by a rotatory action from the pylorus into the intestine. The indigestible particles are there formed into little pellets, which are carried rapidly upwards to the anal orifice (/), and after being expelled, are immediately whirled away in the current produced by the ciliated tentacula. The intestine in Cristatella is short as compared with that in Jig. 71., and in Vesicularia. The action of the sphincter may be seen when the faeces are expelled. A small filament, conjectured to be tubular, which passed from the base of the glandular stomach to the common stem {in) supporting the cell of the polype, is the only trace of the nutrient or vascular system which Dr. Farre could detect. When the common stem of a ramified Bryozoon is cut across, it seems to be nearly homogeneous, and does not present that obvious distinction between hard and soft parts, nor the canal with circulating particles, which are observed in the stems of the compound Hydrozoa. Yet it can scarcely be doubted but that nutrient currents must traverse the common connecting organic medium or stem of the Bryozoa, both for its own support and growth, and for the supply of the means of growth to the young animals ( C) which are developed from it by the process of gemmation. The function of respiration must be referred to those parts of the body which are provided with the means of efiecting a constant re- newal of the surrounding oxygenized medium upon its surface. In the ciliated tentacula, whose currents, Dr. Farre observes, seem much beyond what is necessary to afibrd a sufiicient supply of food, we most probably perceive the principal respiratory as well as prehensile organs. There is a regular and uninterrupted stream of fluid in a given direction in the abdominal cavity : whence it extends into the canals of the tentacula. Siebold regards this movement as being due to the ciliated epithelium which he detected lining the abdo- minal cavity of Cristatella mirabilis and Alcyonella stagnorum. Van Beneden indicates a series of pores at the bases of the tentacula in the Alcyonella, which he calls " bouches aquiferes," conceiving that by them water is admitted into the abdominal cavity.* The individuals of the Bryozoa are multiplied by two processes of * CXXXIV. p. 222. BUYOZOA. lol generation ; the one by gemma3 or buds from the common stem or polypary, which appears to be uninfluenced by season, and which in- creases the size of the aggregate mass of the Bryozoon ; the other by the liberation of the young, usually in the form of locomotive ciliated larvae, which takes place at certain seasons, generally in spring. In the Flustra the gemmae are developed from the cells of the pre-formed individuals ; but in those Bryozoa which have connecting stems the buds arise from the stem. They are at first homogeneous ; then a distinction may be observed between the cell {fig- 71, C, a) and the visceral contents (b) ; afterwards the tentacles may be dis- cerned, which are at first short and stumpy ; finally, the cavity, walls, and divisions of the alimentary canal become distinguishable. In regard to the generation by locomotive larv£e, these are, doubt- less, originally developed from fertile ova. Certain phenomena have been observed in the Bryozoa which justify the belief that the individual polypes are male and female. Dr. Farre has figured a specimen of the Valkeria cuscuta* ; in which he observed a very remarkable agitation of particles in the visceral cavity, caused by a multitude of minute cerearioids swimming about with the greatest activity in the fluid with which that cavity is filled : they consisted simply of a long slender filament with a rounded ex- tremity, by which they occasionally fixed themselves. Similar moving filaments were not unfrequently observed in other species. On one occasion Dr. Farre observed them in a specimen of Halodactylus, drifting rapidly to the upper part of the visceral cavity, and issuing from the centre of the tentacula, indicating an external communica- tion with the cavity of the body. Dr. Soulby, of Dover, informs me that he distinctly saw a stream of spermatozoa escaping, like smoke, from the terminal orifice of each tentaculum of a Halodactylus. The analogy of these cerearioids with the spermatozoa discovered by Wagner in the tortuous generative tubes of the Actinia, indicates their real nature and importance in the generative economy of the Bryozoa. Van Beneden has since communicated his discovery of male and female polypes on the same polypary of the Alcyo7iella ; the males are fewer than the females, and are recognizable by the conspicuous spermatozoa, formed by a testis, which holds a similar position in the male polype to that of the ovary in the female, viz. behind the stomach.f To the same able observer w^e are indebted for illustrations of the development of the impregnated ova in another genus of Bryozoon, viz., Pedicellina. The ova are pyriforra, and are aggregated like * XXXV. pi. xxiii. fig. 5. t CXXXIV. p. 222. L 4 152 LECTURE VIII. grapes in clusters by tlie pellucid (chorionic ?) membrane in which they are enclosed {Ji(/. 73., 1.) ; tlie yolk is a "germ-yolk," and has a ;o vitelline membrane separated by a whitish fluid from the chorion. The fission of the germ-cell is followed by total cleavage of the yolk, as in 2 ; it next subdivides into four, as in 3 ; after which the formation of the germ-mass, 4, proceeds rapidly. Its sur- face becomes smooth, large cilia are developed from one end, which becomes marked oif by a constriction from the Development of Pediceiiina. other, as at 5. The larva escapes from the chorion under the form 6, and swims freely abroad. The ciliated margin expands, and renders that end of the larva funnel-shaped. Tubercles bud forth from the funnel, and a pedicle is developed from the opposite end, as at 7 ; by this the larva attaches itself, and in the course of the subsequent metamorphosis the linea- ments of the parent Bryozoon soon begins to be traceable, as at 8. The development and vital phenomena of the reproductive gem- mules have been studied by Dr. Farre with much care and success in the sponge-like Halodactylus (^Alcyo7iium gelatinosunij of Pallas). They appear in spring as minute whitish points just below the surface. If one of these points be carefully turned out with a needle, it is 74 found to consist of a transparent sac, containing generally from four to six of the larvas. These are of a semi-oval form, with the margin of their plain surface developed into tubercles support- ing groups of vibratile cilia {fig. 74.).* The body presents a simple granular structure ; the gemmule swims about actively by the vibration of its cilia, the motion of which seems to be under its control. They generally swim with Larva of Halodactylus, from ^, n t . i above; the cilia as when slowly the couvcx part lorwards ; somctimcs tliev acting round the margin in • , , . . waves. Simply rotate upon their axis, or execute a series of summersets ; or, selecting a fixed point, they whirl round * The movements of the cilia, which give the appearance of a succession of Avaves, have been closely analysed in XXXV. pp. 410, 41 1. BRYOZOA. 153 it in rapid circles, carrying every loose particle after them; or they creep along the bottom of the watch glass upon one end with a waddling gait: but at the expiration of forty-eight hours they attach themselves to the surface of the glass, and the rudiments of the cell may be observed. In the Flustra carbesia the ova are developed between the cell and the body of the polype, which yields to, and is destroyed by, them as they are developed. They produce ovate, yellow, ciliated larvce, which, by virtue of the contractility of their tissue and the active vibration of their cilia, escape with their small end foremost from the opening of the cell. They then, after a short term of locomotive life, settle and subside, the outline of the cell being first formed, and the polype with its tentacula, muscles, and alimentary canal being afterwards developed in a distinct small closed sac* The embryo acquires its ciliated surface and power of contraction before it ruptures the chorion ; it afterwards escapes from the parent cell. These ciliated larvce are called " ova" in cviii. and other writings of the same Author. Nordmann found in a Flustra of the species called Tendra zostericola, that spermatozoa were developed in the polypes of certain cells and ova in those of others, and that the male cell communicated by an opening with a contiguous female cell : this latter is distinguished externally by the trellis-work pattern of its upper surface, that in the male being smooth. The formation of the spermatozoa is ascribed to eight vermiform organs, which are wanting in the female polypes ; but are attached near the base of the tentacula in the males. There are a few genera of fresh -water polypes, e. g. Alcyonella, Plumatella, and Cristatella, which have the ciliated tentacula in the form of crescentic or horse-shoe lobes. The generative organ is a membranous band extending from the bend of the stomach to the bottom of the alimentary sac, in which are developed, according to the sex, either ova or spermatozoa : the latter in sperm-cells which succeed each other in a beaded series. The ova are usually few in number : the germinal vesicle disappears, as in the ova of the Ascaris, before the chorion is formed. This membrane is coriaceous, smooth, and brown-coloured in the elliptic compressed eggs of Alcyonella, The CristateUa has been observed to produce ova of a flattened discoid form, with their outer surface singularly beset with long bifurcated hooks like the infusorial Xanthidia. Tlie young Crista- teUa undergoes its metamorphosis from the ciliated gemmule-state to the mature form of the polype in the ovum, from which it escapes by * CVIII. pp. 116-118. 154 LECTUPtE YIII. splitting it into two parts. Sometimes a second polype is developed by gemmation before this takes place ; and others bud out before the colony becomes fixed : and in this free state it forms the Cristatella mucedo of Cuvier. In thus tracing upwards the organisation of the animals which present the common external character of a circle of radiated oral tentacula, we have met with modifications of anatomical structure which clearly indicate three classes, and conduct us from a grade of organisation as low as that of the monad, to one as high as that of the wheel-animalcule. We have already seen that certain forms of the Rotifera, as the StephanoceroSy combine the external character- istics of the Bryozoa, e. g. the cell and ciliated tentacula, with an equally complicated type of internal organisation ; but no rotiferous animal developes buds ; the Bryozoa still retain this common cha- racteristic of the whole race of polypi. The Bryozoa make a still closer approximation to the compound Ascidians, which form the lowest step of the molluscous series : but in these w^e find the ciliated tentacles reduced to mere rudiments at the entrance of the alimentary canal ; whilst the pharynx, or first division, is disproportionately enlarged, and, being highly vascular, and beset with vibratile cilia, performs the chief part of the respira- tory function. No compound Ascidian, moreover, quits 'the ovum, as a gemmule swimming by means of cilia either generally diffused, or aggregated on special lobes after the type of the rotifer ; and no Bryozoon quits the ovum, in the guise of a cercarian, to swim abroad by the alternate inflections of a caudal appendage. The metamorphoses which the Bryozoa undergo are essentially of the same type as those of the lower Polypi : the embryo developed from the ovum is an oval, discoid, or subdepressed body, with a general or partial ciliated surface, by which it enjoys a brief locomo- tive life after its liberation from the parent : the exceptions to this rule being few, and confined to some fresh-water forms, e. g. AlcyO' nella, w^hich, thereby, depart further from the known course of development in the AscidijB, and resemble rather the fresh-water Hydrce, if M. Laurent be correct in representing the young of the H. grisea as emerging, under the mature polype-form, from the ovum. * The Anthozoa appear, without exception, to pass from the state of the ovum to that»of the ciliated locomotive " gemmule " as the larva has been termed : most of them quit the parent in that guise : but in the large Actinice they appear occasionally to undergo their trans- *, 12, 13. BRYOZOA. 155 formation into the polype-form before they escape from the mouth of the parent.* In the marine Hydrozoa the offspring developed in the ovicapsules are, as a general rule, the ciliated larvse called '' planulas : " the Plumularia coronata offering an exception analogous to the Alcyo- nella in the highest, and the Hydra in the lowest, class of polypes ; whilst other Plumularice^ the CorynidcB, and certain species of Cam- pamdaria deviate in a still more remarkable manner by the develop- ment and liberation of the locomotive offspring in the guise of a minute Medusa. We should be thus led fj-om the Hydrozoa to the AcalephEe if we were guided solely by the phenomena of development ; but more comprehensive views of the relations of the polype-shaped zoophytes have conducted to higher types than that from which the Acalephae seem to diverge, and, in the necessarily consecutive course of de- scription, we now find ourselves, as at the conclusion of the discourses on the Entozoa and Infusoria, compelled to retrace our steps and start afresh from a lower level of the broad basis of the animal pyramid. Summary of the Classes, Orders, and Families of the Polypi of Cuvier. Class HYDROZOA. Tentacles hollow, muricated with dart-cells or thread-cells. Sto- mach without intestine, fixed in the parenchyme of the polype. Polypary, when present, flexible, external. A. Naked, free, and solitary. Genus Hydra. B. Naked, or sheathed in a thin membrane, fixed and compound : , tentacles claviform. Family Corynidje. Genera, Coryne, Syn- coryne, Hydractinia, Corymorpha, Eleuthera. (These, like the Hydra tuba of Daly ell, may be regarded as the procreating larvae of Acalephae.) C. Protected by horny tubes, from the ends of which the polypes emerge. Family Tubulariid.e. Genera, Tubularia, Eudendrium, Pennaria. D. Protected by cells, developed according to regular patterns, from a rooted and ramified horny tubular polypary. Spermatozoa and locomotive progeny developed in external vesicles (sperm capsules or ovicapsules), larger than the polype-cells. Family SertU' LARiiDM. Genera, Sertularia, Plumularia, Campamdariaj &c. * CIX. vol.ii. p. 209. 156 LECTURE vm. Class ANTHOZOA. Tentacles hollow, with thread-cells, and, in most, with pectinated margins. Stomach suspended by radiating mesogastric folds in an abdominal cavity : no intestine. Pohjpary, when present, usually internal. A. Free and solitary, without polypary. a. Tentacles simple, rarely branched or clavate, more than twelve, often in more than one row. Family Actiniid.^. Genera, Actinia, Acti?iodendro7i, Eumenides, Edvardsia. b. Tentacles clavate and aggregated in tufts on the corners of the angular disc. Genus, Lucernaria. B. Fixed, compound, without polypary. a. With many simple ten- tacles. Family Zoanthid.^. Genera, Zoantlius, ManuniUfera. b. With eight pinnate tentacles. Family Xeniid.^. Genera, Xenia, Ajithelia. C. Fixed, compound, polypes with eight pinnate tentacles, retractile in cells of an amorphous fleshy substance, strengthened by de- tached calcareous spiculce. Genera, Alcyonium, Lobidaria, Alcyo- nidium, Ammot/tea, Nephthya, Sympodiiim. D. Free, compound, polypes with eight pinnate tentacles, retractile in cells of a fleshy substance, strengthened by calcareous spiculce, supported by, and sometimes arranged more or less symmetrically on a stem with a horny or calcareous axis. Family Pennatulidm. Genera, Penjiatula, Virffularia, Benilla, Vcretil/um, Pavonaria. E. Fixed, compound, polypes with eight pinnate tentacles, retractile in calcareous tubes. Family Tubiporibje. Genera, Tubipora, Catenipora. F. Fixed, compound, polypes retractile in calcareous cells on the sur- face of a calcareous axis, which they cover with their common con- necting tissue, a. With numerous and simple tentacles. Genera, Fimgia, Agaricia, 3Ieandrina, Pavonia, Explanaria. b. With more than twelve tentacles. Genera, Turbinolia, Lobophyllia^ CaryophylUa. c. With not more than twelve pinnate tentacles. Genera, 3Iadrepora, Oculina, Astrcea. d. With the tentacles obsolete. Genera, 3IiUepora. G. Fixed, compound polypes, with eight pinnate tentacles, retractile in cells of a fleshy substance, strengthened by calcareous spiculce, and supported on a branched, calcareous, firm or flexible axis. Genera, Gorgonia, Corallium, Isis, Melitcea, Class BEYOZOA. Tentacles hollow, with ciliated margins. Alimentary canal with stomach, intestine, and anus. Polypary , when present, external, horny or calcareous. ACALEPH^. 157 Family VesiculabiiDj^ -, genera, Vesicularia, Serialaria, Valkeria, Bowerbankia, Family Crisiid^^ ; genera, Crisia, Notamia, An- gmnaria. Family Tubuliporid.e ; genera, Tubulipora, Disco- pora. Family Celliporid^ ; genera, Cellepora^ Lepralia, 3Iem- hranipora. Family Escharibje ; genera, Flustra, Tendra, Cellularia, Retepora, Eschara. Family Alcyonidid^ ; genera, Alcyonidium, Halodactijlus. Family Alcyonellid^ ; genera, Alcyonella, Cristatella, Plumatella, LECTUEE IX. ACALEPH^. In the preceding lecture we saw that, whilst the new individuals pro- pagated by gemmation were, for the most part, like the parent, those that came from the ova were in very few instances like the parent, but underwent a considerable metamorphosis. They quitted the egg- state either as a ciliated planula under the guise of a leucophrys, or were partially ciliated on special lobes, like a rotifer ; or, what was more extraordinary, they came forth under the form of an animal which is usually ranked as a member of a higher class of Radiata, viz., a free-swimming, bell-shaped, or discoid medusa. The laro-er marine animals, so called, are commonly regarded as the typical forms of the class Acalephce, This class, the anatomy of which we have now to consider, compre- hends creatures which are amongst the most singular of the whole animal kingdom ; and each additional contribution to our knowledge of their economy adds to the interest, and indeed astonishment, with which the physiologist reflects upon it. The Acalephm are remarkable on account of the peculiar nature of their tissues, which are often as transparent as the purest crystal, and seem more like the vitreous humour than any other in the higher classes : they are not less interesting for the elegance of their forms, the beauty of their colours, and for the peculiar property which many of them possess of stinging and inflaming the hand that touches them, whence the name of " Acalei^hae " applied to them by the ancient Greek naturalists, and " sea-nettles " by our own fishermen and sailors. These qualities, being presented by animals which are almost the sole visible representatives of living nature in the wild 158 LECTURE IX. wastes of waters most remote from land, have always attacted the attention of the navigator, who sometimes finds the surface of the sea studded with these gelatinous gems, glistening by day with all the brilliant hues of the rainbow, and betraying their course during the night-season by the lambent phosphorescent light which they dilFuse.* The Acalephcs are represented on our own coast by nume- rous discoid and spheroid species, varying in size from an almost invisible speck to a yard in diameter, and which, besides the ver- nacular name above cited, are known as "sea-blubber," "jelly-fish," or by the Linntean generic term " medusa." The form of many of the species is most typical of the great group '^ Radiata " as characterised in the " Regne Animal," and they were called by Lamarck f, on account of their tissue, "Radiaires Mollasses," or soft Radiaries, in contradistinction to the hard-skinned " Radiaires Echinodermes." Cuvier retained for them their ancient name of Aca- lephcB, and he characterises the class as free-swimming gelatinous animals, having a vascular system superadded to the digestive one, although he admits that the former may be only a continuation of the intestinal tubes ramified through the parenchyma of the body. J He acknowledges, also, that the vascular system has not been demon- strated in every species of the class ; and that those species in which it cannot be shown to exist, can hardly be distinguished from the Polypi. The division of this class has been founded on their mode of loco- motion. There are some singular forms which float by means of air-bladders, and in which the place of a stomach is supplied by many hollow tentacles : the Acalephes of this order are called " Phy- sogrades," and have sometimes been denominated Siphonophora. In a second group locomotion is efiected by longitudinal series of cilia, whence the name " Ciliogrades ; " these have a single central mouth and a digestive cavity ; they have also been called Ctenophora. The third order have also a central, but sometimes ramified, nutritive sac ; and they swim by means of the rhythmical contractions of a musculo-membranous disc, whence they have been called " Pulmo- grades " and " DiscophoraP The species of the last order are those that are most constantly met with in the seas washing our own coasts. But some of the tropical forms of the other orders are occasionally stranded on the south-western shores of England. I have picked up on those of Cornwall the little Velella, which had been wafted thither, un- * The Mammaria scintillans has, perhaps, the greatest share in producing the luminosity of the ocean. . t CXXXVI. torn. ii. p. 450. _ t ^H. torn. iii. p. 274. ACALEPH^E. 159 able to strike its characteristic latteen-sail ; and there also I have seen wrecked a fleet of the "Portuguese men-of-war" (Pht/salia), which had been buojed up by their air-bladders to that iron-bound coast. Extremely diversified are both the forms and powers of the free- swimming radiated animals which have been grouped together by the character of their gelatinous tissue and their independent movements. And, in testing the title of this group to be regarded a natural one, the zoologist has first to remark_, that the animals so associated are characterised as they manifest themselves at one stage only of their existence ; and has next to consider the question, what is the relation of this stage to the true or typical form of the species ? Zoological ideas of the typical form of a species appear to have been governed by different rules : as, e. g., according to the length of time during which a species may exist under a given form ; or, according to the form mQst commonly presented to observation, and with which we are accordingly best acquainted; or, according to the superior number of the individuals of a species which present a given form, especially where such individuals are produced by gemmation, or otherwise parthenogenetically ; or, lastly, according to the form finally assumed by the individuals developing the ova or spermatozoa. The three former circumstances have plainly influenced the best modern naturalists in the classification of such genera as Campanu- laria and Coryne, which have been placed amongst the Hydrozoa, with the distinctive character of " Progeny medusiform." What may be the fate of this progeny, which swarm at certain periods, is not yet quite determined. M. Van Beneden's notion of their metamorphosis into the base of a compound parent, although seemingly natural, is hypothetical. Sars and Steenstrup*s observa- tions of what they believed to be generative organs* or ovaria, de- veloped in the medusiform off"spring of Coryne, more probably point to the right direction of the function and signification of such offspring. The fact that such medusiform progeny do engender ova seems to repose on good evidence, and is important, so far as it goes^ and the processes by which the genetic cycle is completed will be indicated with much probability by the phenomena of that cycle which may be determined in the larger medusiform radiaries. If these generate ova and spermatozoa, what then, it may be next asked, do their impregnated ova produce ? If planulas and polypes, then there will be strong ground for concluding the same with respect to the ova of the medusiform progeny of Ccimpanularia and Coryne. That these compound, rooted, hydriform polypes do produce free- . * XCIII. p. 29. 160 LECTURE IX. moving meduslform individuals, is most clearly determined ; and the phenomena are most important and suggestive. No one who wit- nesses these changes in the form of different individuals, representing one and the same species, but must feel that, by prosecuting these re- searches, we shall arrive nearer and nearer to the possibility of solving those questions, the difficulty of which has been eluded by the gra- tuitous hypothesis of the transmutation of species, and which may lie at the bottom of the mystery of the progressive introduction of new specific forms of animal life upon this planet. " The natural system of classification," says Cuvier, " must be based upon a consideration of the totality of the organisation, and a comparison of such in different beings, directed by the principle of the subordination of characters." Granted. But suj^pose that organisation to materially change at different periods of the life of the individual of one and the same species, and these periodical characteristics to be propagable by parthenogenesis ; which of these periods, it may be asked, is to be deemed to manifest the typical form, or that in which the whole organisation is to be studied and compared ? The philosophic botanist sees in the tree the same condition of an aggregate of essentially distinct individuals as the philosophic zoologist sees in the compound polype or the compound monad. No anatomist could look upon the polype of the Bryozoon, with its rich organisation and independent generative system, as a mere part or organ of a compound individual whole. No microscopical anatomist now regards the Volvox as any other than a spherical group of dis- tinct and essentially independent monads. The polypes of the Anthozoa and of the Hydrozoa manifest the two lower grades of or- ganisation in their sub-province ; but are as essentially distinct individuals, as the polype of the Lagenella. The gemmiparous leaf of the Bryophyllum is the vegetable equivalent of the animal polype, and is equally a distinct individual plant ; and, according to the present botanical philosophy, it is a more typical individual than the leaf which has been metamorphosed into the stamen, the pistil, or any other element of the flower. By this analogy and course of reasoning, therefore, the naturalist would seem to adhere closest to Nature, and to interpret her best who should classify his subjects according to the typical character pre- sented by the individual, whatever might be the phase of its develop- ment in reference to the genetic cycle ; and the zoophytologists are justified on this principle who include the Campanularia and the Coryne amongst the Hydrozoa, notwithstanding their medusiform ACALEPH^. 161 progeny. But, to be consistent, the rule should be extended to other medusiform progeny of liydriform polypes, and so to many of the larger acalephie. Such a modification, amounting virtually to a suppression, of the class Acalephcc, however consistent with the reasoning based upon the principles which have been just laid down, would be opposed to the practice of naturalists in almost every instance, except the Cam- pa?iidaria and Coryne^ and a few analogous cases of compound polypes with medusiform oviparous individuals. The cockchaffer lives laboriously three dark years under ground, eroding the roots of plants, before it emerges into light, and disports a few merry weeks in the bright summer sunshine, in its winged state. The vermiform larva, in giving birth to the winged insect, has exhausted most of its substance, and all its vital energies as such, and leaves nothing but its emjDty skin behind. The ephemeron, after a year's obscure existence as a water-worm, creeps out of the vermiform case, and uses its newly-acquired aerial locomotive organs, and its procreative powers, for a brief day or hour. We do not, however, class the cockchaffer and the may-fly with the Vermes, as we ought to do according to the analogy of the Cam- j)anularia and Coryne. So vast a proportion of the parent worm has supplied the material to the plastic force, which has operated in the re-arrangement of parts for the completion of the winged insect, that we say the worm has been converted into the insect. The larval aphides, however, unequivocally propagate, and so frequently, as quite to parallel the condition of the procreant larva3 of the medusa-producing polypes ; and the analogy is both true and close of the winged male and oviparous female aphides to the loco- motive male and female medusie and to the male and female modified leaf-individuals of plants. Yet, notwithstanding these analogies, another rule guides the zoologist in the majority of such cases, which is this : to regard as the t^'pical phase of the species that most perfect form which parallels the winged state of the insect, the medusa state of the polype, and the seed-producing and pollen-bearing flower-parts of the plant. And the zoologist accordingly classes the batrachian and the butterfly, the chaffer and the ephemeron, the beroe and the medusa, according to the structure of the last phase of their de- velopment. Few naturalists will be found to object to this : but, to be consistent, they ought not to place in separate classes the Campanularia and the Cyancea. The bell-shaped medusoid which Dalyell saw struggling to escape M 162 LECTURE IX. from the ovicapsule of the Campanularia is the equivalent, or homo- logue, of the ciliated planula which, in like manner, escapes from the ovicapsule of the Sertularia ; and the difficulty or inconsistency cannot be eluded by affirming the bell-shaped medusoid to be a " locomotive ovarium," a mere organ of the compound polype that produced it. In the pulmograde Acaleph^e the' body is chiefly composed of the "disc/' which is circular, almost flat in some, e.g. ^quorea, but rising in others by degrees to a hemispheric form, and becoming nearly cylindrical, as, e.g. in Turris. It is usually smooth, rarely pilose. Around its margin there is, in many species, a projecting ledge of membrane called the " velum," and the margin itself is usually provided with more or less numerous tentacles, and with the " cys- ticles " and pigment specks. From the centre of the under surface of the disc there depends a simple or complex, long or short, process, called the "proboscis," including more or less of the digestive cavity. The most characteristic features recognisable by the naked eye, in ' the organisation of the Acalephag, may be exemplified by the anatomy of the larger MedusoB of our own seas. The first thing which astonishes us in commencing the dissection of these creatures is the apparent homogeneity of their frail gela- tinous tissue ; secondly, the very large proportion of the body which seems to consist of sea water ; for let this fluid part of a large Medusa, which may weigh two pounds when recently removed from the sea, drain from the solid parts of the body, and these, when dried, will be represented by a thin film of membrane, not ex- ceeding thirty grains in weight. The anatomist is baffled by the very simplicity, as it seems, of his subject, instead of, as in other cases, by the inability to pursue and unravel all the obvious in- tricate combinations of the created mechanism. Peron and Lesueur, two experienced French naturalists, who, during the circumnavi- gatory voyage to which they were attached, paid great attention to the floating Acalephte, have thus summed up the results of their experience in regard to their organisation. " The substance of a Medusa is wholly resolved, by a kind of instantaneous fusion, into a fluid analogous to sea water ; and yet the most important functions of life are effected in bodies that seem to be nothing more than, as it were, coagulated water. The multiplication of these animals is prodigious ; and we know nothing certain respecting their mode of generation. They may acquire dimensions of many feet diameter, and weigh occasionally from fifty to sixty pounds ; and their system of nutrition escapes us. They execute the most rapid and continued motions ; and the details of their muscular system are unknown. Their secretions seem to be extremely abundant ; but we ACALEPHiE. 163 perceive nothing satisfactory as to tlieir origin. They have a kind of very active respiration ; its real seat is a mystery. They seem extremely feeble, but fishes of large size are daily their prey. One would imagine tlieir stomachs incapable of any kind of action on these latter animals : in a few moments they are digested. Many of them contain internally considerable quantities of air ; but whether they imbibe it from the atmosphere, extract it from the ocean, or secrete it from within their bodies, we are equally ignorant. A great number of these Medusa are phosphorescent, and glare amidst the gloom of night like globes of fire ; yet the nature, the principle, and the agents of this wonderful property remain to be discovered. Some sting and inflame the hand that touches them ; but the cause of this power is equally unknown." * In this series of lively paradoxes the more obvious characters of the Acalephse are strikingly exemplified ; but I have quoted them rather to contrast with the actual knowledge which has since been gained on these points, and as showing how little the best and most abundant opportunities of observing the Acalephas will avail, if the higher powers of the microscope be not brought in aid of the inves- tigation. Before, however, entering upon these results of later re- searches, let us see what Hunter was able, by the ordinary anatomical procedures, to demonstrate and leave for our instruction. In these specimens f, which belong to the genus Rhizostoma, he has inserted his skilful injecting apparatus into the central cavity of the body {.fiO' *^^^-> ^-^\ plunged, so to speak, "in medias res," and made con- spicuous by his coloured injec- tion, both the extraordinary route by which the nutriment reaches that cavity, and also the channels by which it is distributed for the support of the general system. The prolongation of the common cavity a into the base of the proboscis {li) there divides into four canals (c), which enter the base of the four branches (/>, p), into which the proboscis divides. These branches again divide and subdivide along their plicated bor- ders ; the nutrient canals follow tliese ramifications, and terminate in numerous fringed pores ((/, tZ), * CXXXVII. p. 219. f Nos. 847. 982, 983. M 2 Khizostoma. 164 LECTURE IX. upon tlie ultimate ramifications at the margins and clavate ends of the proboscis. These pores are, in truth, the commencement of the nutritive system ; they are, in this respect, analogous to the numerous polype-mouths of the compound coral zoophyte* ; but in the Rhizo- stome a common central sac is interposed between the ingestive conduits and the vascular or chylaqueous system of the body. Minute animalcules, or the juices of a decomposing and dissolving larger animal, are absorbed by these pores, and are conveyed, more or less digested "in transitu," by the successively uniting canals to the central cavity. Digestion being completed, the chyle passes at once into the vascular system, which is in fact a continuation and rami- fication of the digestive cavity. The nutrient fluid, with sea-water, passes by vessels (e), which radiate from that cavity, to a beautiful net- work (f,/) of large capillaries, which is spread upon the under surface of the margin of the disc. The elegance and precision with which the injections of Hunter have demonstrated this network in his pre|)arations cannot be surpassed ; but it is to Cuvier that we owe the first description of the very remarkable and interesting system of nutrition in the Rhizostome.f The rich development and reticular disposition of this part of the vascular system, in which the circulating fluids are exposed to the surrounding medium in a state of minute subdivision, upon that surface of the body which rests upon the water, indicate that the respiratory interchange of the gases, and the absorption of the oxygen from the air contained in the sea water, take place principally at this vascular surface of the gelatinous disc ; and that Hunter is correct in placing it amongst the series of respiratory organs. It stands, indeed, at the lowest step of that series, since the organ is not specially eliminated; but only indicated or sketched out, as it were, by a modi- fication of part of the common integuments. The CyancBa aurita, another species of our coasts, exemplifies * LXXXIV. (1843.) p. 104. Mr. Huxley, who describes the oral pores in Mhizostoma as oiJening obliquely in a channel fonned by two irritable marginal membranes, states that in Cephcea the membranes unite in front of and behind each pore " so as to fonn a distinct polype-like cell." The outer membrane and the richly-ciliated lining membrane of the digestive canals unite at the f/ee edge of the fold, and are there produced into tentacles. Belie"\ing the business of diges- tion to be perfoiTned in the minute dilatations of the beginning of the canals col- lected upon the edges and extremities of the ramuscules of the proboscis, he carries out the analogy suggested in the text, and observes "that the Rhizostomida;, quoad their digestive system, have the same relation to the monostome Medusae, as the Sertularian Polypes have to the Hydra?, or the coralline Polypes to the Actinite," Phil. Trans. 1849., p. 414. t CXXXVIII. p. 436. ACALEPH.E. 165 another (monostome) type of the digestive system. The homologue of the central cavity in Khizostoma, and wliicli in CyancEa must be the digestive sac, consists of four cavities, from which as many short oesophageal tubes are continued to their commencement, upon the under surface of the body, by a single quadrangular mouth (y?^/. 76, a) with the angles prolonged into four tentacles which consist of a solid hyaline axis, with two fimbriated membranes along their under surface. Sixtee^i canals radiate from the central cavities, eight of which (5, b) form, by their ramifications, the systems of nutrient and respiratory capillaries and terminate in a circular canal near the margin of the disc ; whilst the alternate eight termi- '''''l;i!l">lllllll"i' ^'^^ nate without dividing, each Cyansea. by a minute excretory ori- fice (c) at the margin of the disc. We must suppose the mouths of these excretory vessels to be endowed with an irritability of a different kind from that of the nutrient canals, like the mouths of the different cavities of a ruminat- ing stomach. For, as the orifices of the third and fourth stomachs contract upon the coarse unmasticated food, whilst those of the first and second open to receive it, and close when it is presented to them in its remasticated state, so the nutrient diverticula of the stomach of the Cyansea receive the digested and exclude the excrementitious part of the food, which passes along the efferent canals and is thus rejected from the system. The discovery of this condition of the nutrient apparatus in the Cyancea aurita is due to the ingenuity and perseverance of Prof. Ehrenberg, who induced the living animals to swallow indigo with their food. He has represented the canals so injected^, in the ela- borate plates of his memoir on the anatomy of this species.* Prof. "Wagner f saw the currents of the nutrient fluid in the vascular system of the Oceania : they were produced, not by peristaltic con- traction of the canals, but by the vibration of the cilia lining them. In the "bare-eyed" Medusee digestion is chiefly if not exclusively * CXL. p. 189. taf. i. micl iv. fig. 2., z. M 3 t CXLII. 166 LECTURE IX. performed in the cavity of the proboscis. At the fundus of this cavity Will saw in Geryonia pellucida four small obtuse prominences, each of which presented a small aperture leading to the system of the ciliated chylaqueous canals. In Thaumantias leucostylus he found a distinct ciliated cavity separated from the stomach at its base and from which the chylaqueous vessels sprang. Prof. E. Forbes also found either a well-defined cavity at the base of the stomach or an indication of such a cavity, from which the chylaqueous vessels were continued.* This cavity and system of vessels is homologous with that to which I have given the name "chylaqueous" in the Anthozoic and Sertularian polypes. A progressive simplification of the appendages of the mouth may be traced from the Cyangea downwards in the small bare-eyed^ and probably larval forms of Medusse : in Geryonia and Oceania the lips are produced into fimbriated lobes ; in Circe and many species of Thaumantias into simple lobes ; in Sarsia the lip is a thickened ring round the orifice of the tubular digestive cavity.f In all Pulmogrades the inner or lining membrane of the digestive and nutritive cavities and canals is soft and cellular, and lined by a ciliated epithelium : it is applied either to the gelatinous basis of the disc, or directly to the integument, or to the walls of the generative cavities (e e,jfig. 76.). The gelatinous basis of the disc in Rliizostoma consists of " an apparently homogeneous substance containing a mul- titude of delicate fibres interlacing in every direction, in the meshes of which lie scattered nucleiform bodies :" \ its upper surface is covered by a tessellated epithelium of polygonal nucleated cells ; on the lower surface the epithelium " is replaced by a layer of parallel muscular fibres."§ The integument contains many cells analogous to the thread-cells in the Hydrozoa and Anthozoa, and to which Prof. Wagner has ascribed the function of urticating, calling them " nettle- cells" (nessel-organe). || These cells are usually of an oval form and contain a long filament, which when retracted is spirally disposed, but darts out, often to considerable length, when the skin is touched. They are very numerous in the strongly urticating Pelagia noctiluca : in the feebly urticating Oceania they are principally located in the marginal tentacles ; and Ehrenberg, who detected them in the stinging tentacles of the Cyancea capillata ^, could not find them in * CXLVIL p. 4. t CXLVIL p. 8 % CXLV. p. 415. § CXLV. p. 416. II CXLin. p. 38. ^ Prof. E. Porbes states that only a small minority of the medusae of our seas are stingers, and amongst these the Cyanaa capillata is a formidable one, and " the terror of tender-skinned bathers. With his broad tawny, festooned, and scalloped disc, often a full foot or more across, it flaps its way through the yielding waters ACALEPHiE. 167 the disc of that species. Will * could discover them only in the generative tentacles of the Cephea, and in the marginal tentacles of the Polyxenia. When in action the capsule of the thread-cell is first protruded from the skin and the filament afterwards. Some superaddition to the thread-cell would seem, however, to be essential to the urticating faculty, since those cells are present in species and parts that do not sting. Another kind of cell, analogous to the "dart-cells" of the Hydra, is also present in the Acalephas, and consists of an oval capsule from which a stiff* bristle-like spine protrudes : these do not urticate : they lie in groups in the skin of the disc of the non-urticating species, and are very abundant in the marginal, oral, and generative tentacles of such species. The oral tentacles, those, viz. which are continued from the fringed margins of the oral pores in Rhizostoma and Cephea, are productions of the outer membrane or integument, and are solid, as are also the marginal tentacles in the same genera. The short tentacles produced from the membrane depending from the mouth in Mesonema contain "a central axis made up of large transparent cells, and extending beyond the base of the tentacle into the substance of the membrane." The marginal tentacles in Mesonema, Oceania^ and Cyancea {fg. 76.) are hollow, and lined by a continuation of the ciliated epithelium of the marginal canal. The large interbrachial tentacles of Cephea are processes of the branched proboscides and have the same structure, consisting of a thick transparent outer substance and an inner mem- brane inclosing a tubular canal : but at the extremity they are thickened, and the outer wall is raised into a number of small pyri- form processes. The central canal branches into a kind of plexus which occupies the interior of the enlarged end of the tentacle. In the smaller tentacles which depend from the concavity of the pro boscidian base the central canal terminates in a simple blind end.f and drags after it a long train of riband-hke arms, and seemingly interminable tails, marking its com'se when the body is far away fi'om us. Once tangled in its trailing " hair," the unfortunate, who has recklessly ventured across the graceful monster's path, too soon ^vi-ithes in prickly torture. Every struggle but binds the poisonous threads more finnly round his body, and then there is no escape : for, when the winder of the fatal net finds his course impeded by the terrified Human wrestling in its coils, he, seeking no combat with the mightier biped, casts loose liis envenomed anus, and swmis away. The amputated weapons, severed from their parent body, vent vengeance on the cause of theu- destruction, and sting as fiercely as if their original proprietor itself gave the word of attack." CXLVII. p. 10. * CXIV. p. 62. t CXLV. pp. 418-420. M 4 168 LECTURE IX. The tentacula in the British species of bfire-eyed Medusae are simple, usually filiform, and highly contractile. "Each of these organs," writes Prof. E. Forbes, " may be extended or contracted singly, or in concert with its fellows, evidently obeying promptly the will of the animal of which they form part. They guide the Medusa through the sea, and can anchor it. I have seen a Geryonia anchor itself by means of its lips, clasping a coralline with them, and remain- ing tranquil so fixed for a considerable time." * The Medusae swim by the contractions of the margin of their disc ; and Hunter has put up a corrugated portion of the under surface of this part of a Rhizostoma f which he considered as indicative of the arrangement of muscular fibres in that part. Subsequent microscopic observations have confirmed the accuracy of his views of this etnic- ture. The fibres run parallel with each other, with occasional interrup- tions in their coursej, and their component fibrillce, like those in Oceania and Pelagia noctiluca^, present the transverse striated character of voluntary muscle. Prof. E, Forbes states that he has paralysed one side of a Rhizostoma, whose disc measured more than a foot across, by removing wath a scalpel the subdiscal fibrous bands of that half, whilst the other side contracted and expanded as usual, though with more rapidity, as if the animal was alarmed or suf- fering. || The evidence of distinct nerves and ganglions in the pulmograde Acalephce rests, at present, on the interpretation which Ehrenberg has given of certain appearances in connection with the eight brown marginal "cysticles" {d, d,Jig. 76.), which in the Cyancea aurita are made conspicuous by a speck of red pigment on their upper or dorsal side. He describes a glandular, bi-crural ganglion at the base of each of these cysticles, interprets the cysticles as " eyes," and the two crura of the ganglion as optic nerves. Ehrenberg also describes a smaller ganglion, shaped like the above, between each pair of the marginal tentacles.^ Mr. Huxley is disposed, from the analogy of what he has observed in Rhizostoma and Phacellophora, to regard the so-called "optic nerves" as merely the thickness of two superim- posed membranes, '*' and a very similar explanation may be given of the intertentacular ganglia, which appear to be nothing more than the optical expression of the thickened walls of the circular canal."** With regard to the part, which, from its characteristic constancy * CXLVII. p. 4. t Prep. No. 55. % CXLY. p. 424. § CXI.H II CXLVn. p. 3. ^ CXLI. p. 572. ** CXLV. p. 418. ACALEPH.^. 169 under a certain range of modifications in tlie Acalephaa, I have proposed the definite term of " cjsticle " *, I may remark that Gaede first described, in Medusa aurita, eight of these bodies in the margin of the disc, Avhich to the naked eye appear as white points, but under the microscope are seen to be hollow bodies containing at their free end minute corpuscles f, the uppermost of -which are grayish, the undermost brownish, and all of them more or less hexan- gular. Ehrenberg compares these corpuscles with the crystals of quartz, but found them, contrary to Rosenthal's statement, soluble and effervescent in sulphuric acid. Observing a little cell filled with red pigment granules above each cysticle in the CyancBci auricula, the same eminent micrographer suggested that they might be organs of vision analogous to the ocelli or coloured specks in Rotifera and Entomostraca.\ In all the larger Medusos which are characterised by a much rami- fied and anastomosing series cf chylaqueous vessels the cysticles are protected by more or less complicated membranous hoods or lobed coverings : in the smaller Medusee which possess a more simple chylaqueous system, the radiating canals of which are either unbranched, or if ramified, not anastomosing, the cysticles are unprotected, exposed, and often obsolete. Prof. E. Forbes, adopting Ehrenberg's idea of their function, proposes to divide the Pul- mogrades into the Steganopthalraata and Gymnopthalmata. In the latter or bare-eyed family the pigment-cells associated with the cysticles vary much in colour, being purple, orange, yellow, black * Hohlen KiJrper mit Kdrperchen, Gaede. Rand Korpern und Auge, Ehrenberg. Tubercules vesiculaires, Edwards. Geho/blaschen, Will. Gehorwerkzeuge, Siebold. In the excellent monograph, CXLV., they are called, in paragrajjh 21, "marginal corpnscles," in the next paragraph " marginal vesicles ; " in par. 22 " the cor- puscle " simply. In the description of the plates, " fig. 8. is a portion of the marginal canal, with a tentacle, and two marginal corpuscles. Fig. 9. portion of the marginal canal, with a young tentacle, and a marginal vesicle, containing iwo corpuscles." (p. 431), the same name being sometimes applied to the contents, and sometimes to the thing containing, or to the whole organ. One so zealous for the right understanding of the structures of the marine invertebrata, as the clear- sighted author of CXLV., will be the first to excuse the attempt to remove a source of ambiguity in any detail of their descriptive anatomy. I have proposed for the constant and remarkable organ in question, the term " cysticle" (from ci/sti- cula), instead of cysticule, agreeably with the analogy of " tentacle," and " pe- duncle," applied to other parts of the Acalephce. This single-worded name has also the advantage of suggesting no hypothetical view of function. t " Unter dem mikroskop aber wird mann einen hohlen Korper gewahr, der an dem einen freien Ende viele kleine Korperchen tragt." CXXXIX. p. 1 8. ; CXLI. p. 574, 575. 170 LECTURE IX. and even variegated, in diiFerent species. Yellow with a red dot is a common condition and is well defined in Oceania.* In some Acalephre the cysticles are not complicated with pigment- cells. In the uEquorea violacea the marghial tentacular interspaces are divided by a mammillary process^, on each side of which are two cysticles, of an oval or spherical form, containing each two or three spherical corpuscles.f In Geryonia, Thaumantias, Oceaiiia and PoJyxenia the cysticles are sessile upon the circular vessel, and placed between its inner and outer membranes : in Phacellophora as in Cyancea^ each cysticle is placed at the extremity of a short double- walled tubular pedicle projecting downwards, the under margin of the fissure in which it is lodged being prolonged into two overlapping fringes, whilst the pedicle is a prolongation of the marginal system of canals. In Cepliea and Rliizostoma the cysticle is placed in a notch between two lobe-like processes of the margin of the disc and looks upwards. On the upper surface a semilunar fold extends from one lobe to the other and covers the cysticle. :j: The cysticles are below the marginal tentacles in Thaumardias, but alternate with them in the nearly allied Geryonia.\ The cysticles are yellow in Pelagia noctiluca, but colourless in Cassiopcea and Aurelia, and the colourless pedunculate marginal cysticles of Polyxeiiia leucostyla contain each a single round corpuscle, whilst the cysticles of Cytaeis polysfyla con- tain a cluster of yellowish calcareous corpuscles. || Will and Siebold regard these contained corpuscles as homologous with the otolites of higher animals and the cysticle as an organ of hearing^ ; its cavity is lined by vibratile cilia in Oceania **, which impress a vibratile move- ment upon the contents, like that which characterises the otolitic corpuscles in the Mollusca. As the pigment-cell, when present, is distinct from the cysticle it may do the ofiice of a light-appreciating organ, and tlie cysticle that of a simple organ of hearing. We may with much reason regard as organs of touch the labial and marginal tentacles. The ciliograde Acaleph^e are beautifully represented in seas that wash our coasts by the little semi-transparent, delicately-tinted, sphe- roidal animals {Jig- "11.) called Bero'e by Miiller, and now the types of many genera, which have this in common, that their chief or- gans of motion consist of unusually large vibratile cilia, aggregated in lamelliform groups ( ib. c, c), Avhich seeming plates are arranged * CXLVn. p. 9. t CXLVI. p. 19G. pi. 1. fig. Ic, % CXLV. p. 416. § CXLVIL p. 8. 11 CXIV. pp. 64. 68. ^ XXIV. p. 6L ** Observed by Kolliker, quoted in CXLVIL p. 9. ACALEPHyE. 171 Cydippe. like the paddles of a propelling wheel, along eight equidistant convex bands, extending from near one end or pole of the body- to near the other, like the me- ridians of an artificial globe. The organs by which the Beroe can attach itself to, or poise its body on, a solid surface, are two very long tentacles, which are fringed on one side with cirri. These cirrated ten- tacles {d; d, Jig. 77.), which can be stretched out in some species to more than twenty times the length of the body, can be instantaneously retracted into the two cavities or sheaths which extend along each side of the slender intestine ; the marginal cirri in this act being as instantaneously coiled up in a series of close spirals, and the whole complex tentacles compacted within the limits of a pin's head. " Like a planet round its sun, or, more exactly, like the comet with its magic tail, our little animal moves in its element as those larger bodies revolve in space ; but, unlike them, and to our admiration, it moves freely in all directions, and nothing can be more attractive than to watch such a little living comet, as it darts with its tail in undetermined ways and revolves upon itself, unfolding and bending its appendages with equal ease and elegance ; at times allowing them to float for their whole length, at times shortening them in quick contractions, and causing them to disappear suddenly, then dropping them, as it were, from its surface, so that they seem to fall entirely away, till, lengthened to the utmost, they again follow the direction of the body to which they are attached, and with which the connec- tion that regulates their movements seems as mysterious as the changes are extraordinary and unexpected. For hours and hours I have sat before them and watched their movements, and have never been tired of admiring their graceful undulations. And although I have found contractile fibres in these thin threads, showing that these movements are of a muscular nature, it is still a unique fact in the organisation of animal bodies, that by means of muscular action parts may be elongated and contracted to such extraordinary and extensive limits. At one moment the threads, when contracted, seem nodose ; next, the spiral, elongating, assumes the appearance of a straight or waving line. But it is especially in the successive appearances of the lateral fringes, arising from the main thread, that the most 172 LECTURE IX. extraordinary diversity is displayed. Not only arc tliey stretched under all possible angles from the main stem, at times seeming per- pendicular to it, or bent more or less in the same direction, and again as if combed into one mass ; but a moment afterwards every thread seems to be curled or waving, the main thread being straight or undulating, then the shorter threads will be stretched straight for some distance, and then suddenly bent at various angles upon them- selves, and perhajDS repeat such zigzags several times, or they will be stretched in one direction, then they will be coiled up from the tip, and remain hanging like pearls, suspended by a delicate thread to the main stem, or, like a broken whip, be bent in an acute angle upon themselves, with as stiff an appearance as if the whole were made up of wires ; and, to complete the wonder, a part of the length of the main thread will assume one appearance, and another part another, and pass from one into the other in the quickest possible succession, so that I can truly say I have not known in the animal kingdom an organism exhibiting more sudden changes, and present* ing more diversified and beautiful images, the action, meanwhile, being produced in such a way as hardly to be understood. For, when expanded, these threads resemble rather a delicate fabric spun with the finest spider's thread, at times brought close together, combed in one direction without entangling, next stretched apart, and preserving in this evolution the most perfect parallelism among themselves, and at no time, and under no circumstances, confusing the fringes of the two threads. They may cross each other, they may be apparently entangled throughout their length, but let the animal suddenly contract, and all these innumerable interwoven fringes unfold, contract, and disappear, reduced, as it were, to one little drop of most elastic India rubber." * If we regard with Agassiz the halves of the body of the Beroe, which might be divided by a plane passing through the split of the oblong mouth, as " right " and " left," the tentacles are there placed one on the right, and the other on the left, side of the animal. The transverse mouth, situated in Cydippe at the extremity marked o,Jig. 77., is bounded in most ciliogrades by lobes, and the buccal membrane in some species is produced into minute and highly con- tractile tentacles. Below these the alimentary canal expands into a moderately wide stomach extending about half-way towards the opposite pole. The form of the cavity varies according to its state of contraction, from circular to oblong or angular. Towards the fundus * This beautiful description is given by Agassiz, in his valuable and elaborate monograph, CXLVUI. pp. 314, 315. ACALEPELE. 173 the walls of the stomach present four folds, which are lined by brown cells, like those in the Hydra, and probably fulfilling an hepatic func- tion. The ciliated epithelium is best developed at the bottom of the stomach. This part of the digestive sac communicates with a cili- ated chylaqueous (nutritive and respiratory) cavity, comparable to that in Actinia (^jig. 63. g, g' ), by two small apertures, each guarded by a sphincter. The chylaqueous cavity surrounds the stomach, beyond which its narrower end extends vertically as a cloacal canal to the pole opposite the mouth, where it terminates by two small excretory outlets. Between and below the sheaths of the tentacles {g, g,Jig. 78.) the chylaqueous cavity sends out transversely two w^ide canals in opposite directions, which bifurcate at acute angles, each branch again bifur- cating at similar angles (somewhat as shown in the transverse section of the Ci/dippe,Jig. 78., but varying according to the point of view), thus sending off eight radiating horizontal canals, which send off as many vertical canals along the whole extent of the eight rows of vibratile fringes ; branches are also sent to supply the tentacular sheaths, and two tubes extend vertically along the flat surface of the stomach to the margin of the mouth. At the oral end of the spheroid the longitudinal canals communicate with a circular one, and a similar circular vessel surrounds the anal disc, in Bero'e Forskalii* Willf has given a good description and figure of the infundibular chylaqueous cavity, and the canals sent off to the stomach, to the long and short rows of cilia, to the tentacles and the body-lobes, in the Eucharis multicornis, a lobed Beroe, belonging to the same family as the Lesueuria of Edwards and the Bolina of Agassiz, who confirms, in the main, this account, in his elaborate description of the chyla- queous system of a North American Beroe {Pleurobrachia rhodo- dactyla, Ag4). In this species M. Agassiz observed that, besides the movement of the chylaqueous fluid due to the ciliated epithelium lining the system containing it, the parietes of the central cavity of the main trunks, as well as those of the vessels to the ciliated bands, contracted and dilated ; and that the dilatation of the vessels of one side of the body alternated with the dilatation of those of the other Cydippe. * See tlie beautiful figure of the system of ciliated chylaqueous canals, injected in CXLVI. pi. 6. fig. 1., a. ^^<^'n t CXIV. p. 31. tab. i. fig. iii. ^rri i . X CXLVIII. pp. 332—339. pi. iii. and iv. 174 LECTURE IX. side. Chyle, or reduced chymous particles of the food, with sea-water, circulates freely through the cavity and canals of the system above- described, and eifete particles are sent out with the fluid by the excretory pores, which are homologous with those of the correspond- ing system of canals in the Cyancea {jig. 76. c, c), and only remotely analogous to the anal outlet of the true intestinal canal in the Brijozoa and higher forms of animals. In Cytaeis, Geryonia., and Thaii- mantias four canals are continued from the digestive chylaqueous cavity to the marginal circular canal ; whilst in JEquorea not fewer than seventy-four canals radiate from the stomach to the marginal canal. Agassiz has described the longitudinal muscular fasciculi beneath the superficial rows of vibratile fringes, and the pinnate bundles of fibres attached to the sides of those rows, and which penetrate into the substance of the gelatinous mass. By means of these muscles, the fringes, although they usually move together, yet sometimes act independently, and even particular cilia in each lamelliform fringe may move whilst the others are at rest. The same acute and inde- fatigable observer has figured the radiating fibres of the muscles which dilate the mouth, and the circular fibres which close it, and the diverging fibres of the main vertical fasciculi, which form a kind of sphincter around the tube leading into the tentacular sheath.* The evidence of the nervous system in the Ciliogrades is doubtful and conflicting. Dr. Grant "f has described and figured a double filamentous chord connecting a chain of eight ganglions around that extremity of the Bero'e ( Cydlppe) pileiis {Jig. 77, b\ from near which the two long cirrigerous tentacula {d d) are protruded, and where he supposed the mouth to be placed. Whatever analogy such nervous system may bear to that of the Echinoderms in the circular disposition of the central filaments, and the radiation of nerves from that centre, it has none in regard to its situation, for the mouth of the Beroe is at the opposite end of the body. \ Milne Edwards § and Will || both reject the above described nervous system. A single cysticle appears to be present in all BeroidfB at the anal pole of the body, in a depression, protected by lobes of the integument; and beneath the cysticle is a yellowish mass of a ganglionic appearance, which both the above-cited ob- servers refer to the nervous system. The cysticle contains some clear fluid with an aggregate of crystalline corpuscles of a white * CXLVIII. pp.332— 339. pi. 2. v, o, p. f CXLIX. p. 10. pi. 2. f. 1. X CXLVII. p. 20G. pi. 4. § CXLVI. p. 207. 1| CXIV. p. 44. ACALEPHiE. 17 colour, in Cydippe and Eucharis, of a reddish tinge in Beroe. These corpuscles vibrate by the action of the cilia of the lining epithelium of the cysticle. Some superimposed dark-coloured pigment-cells render its situation conspicuous. By some anatomists the combined cysticle and pigment-cells have been regarded as a simple organ of vision, by others as a simple organ of hearing ; both would probably be right if they would limit the one sense to the pigment spot, the other to the cysticle. The remarks by ISL Agassiz on the nervous system of the Beroidce appear to me so just, and accord so well with the conclusions to which my own observations have led, that I cannot better conclude my notice of this part of the ciliograde structure than by quoting them : — " As for the nerves which are said to arise from the ganglion con- nected with this black speck, I have been unable to make them out. I have seen numerous muscular or contractile fibres connected with the lower extremity of the chymiferous funnel ; I have seen these fibres diverging from above the so-called ganglion, but have never been able to trace any one of them beyond the length which con- tractile fibres have ; again, I have repeatedly seen these fibres in a state of contraction or relaxation, presenting so little regularity in their distribution, that for the present I think it were rather assuming to decide upon the disposition of the nervous system of Beroid Medusoe. I am even satisfied, from the descriptions published, that the eight converging narrow tubes, of which I find no mention in former authors, must have been probably mistaken for nervous threads by some ; and when Professor Grant states that Beroe has eight nervous threads, I suppose he alludes to the eight narrow chymiferous tubes, the connection of which with the ambulacral tubes is so easily traced, though their central connection with the vertical funnel still remains doubtful. I do not, however, deny that this centre" (the cysticle), "is a point where we have to look for at least one part of the nervous system, and the gelatinous lobes about the mouth for the other part, if there be really a distinct nervous system in Beroid, as in Discoid Medusee. But, for my own part, I have failed in tracing it out ; though, I may add, that I am sufiiciently acquainted with the structure of the region where it is said to have been observed, to doubt the accuracy of the statements which have been made about it, especially in the precision and distinctness with which it is mentioned. And I express these doubts notwithstanding the doubts I have myself respecting the real nature of some organs around the central black speck, for the very reason that, after finding there more than has been seen and described, and various things 176 LECTURE IX. whicirmay answer the vague description given, I do not in reality find what has been said to exist in that part of the animal." * The most conspicuous, if not the most typical, member of the physograde order of Acalephas is the Physalia {fig- 79.), in which all that part answering to the disc in the "pul- mograde" order, is expanded into a bag, the major part of which is occupied by an air-bladder, •whilst the digestive cavity is subdivided amongst a series of appendages attached to one part of the under surface of the bag. This part con- sists of an outer thin and dense mem- brane, of an inner thicker membrane beset with long cilia, and of an air-bladder, which at one point, a, is attached to the above membranes, where there is a small constricted aperture, at least in the outer membrane. This membrane is developed into a kind of crest along its upper part. It is provided with many fine muscular fibres, and the whole bag contracts into a small irregular mass when punctured and the air evacuated ; but it seems that the Physalia has no power of voluntarily emptying its air-bag. The appendages are of three kinds, — urticating, digestive, and (probably) generative. The urticating tentacles are the longest; they are hollow, and are provided with muscular fibres, of which the most conspicuous are longitudinal, and serve to retract them ; they contain many corpuscles of a reniform shape, and are richly provided with thread-cells, whose filaments are of the spiral kind. The gastric appendages are shorter and wider, and are provided with stomata, Physali * CXLYIII. p. 348. ACALEPH^. 177 which are applied to the prey seized and benumbed by the tentacles If the prey be small, it is sucked bodily into the gastric sac ; if large the sac becomes distended with its juices and dissolved parts, the gastric secretion being a very rapid and powerful solvent. The mouth of each sac is wide, with a broad eve'rted lip, armed with a series of "nettle-cells." The whole gastrio appendage is highly contractile and in constant motion in the living animal. Tlie ap- pendages of the third class are cyathiform ; the development of gene- rative parts has not yet been followed out in these. The question of the genetic cycle of the Physalia is one of the most interesting that remains open to the observations of the naturalist who may traverse the tropical seas where they most abound. The Physophora differs from the Physalia in having, besides the principal or axial air-bladder, a number of smaller ones appended to it, placed one below the other, and forming by their aggregation prisms or cylinders : the tentacles, as in Physalia, are of three kinds : some are filiform, beset with thread-cells and cirri, susceptible of much elongation ; the others form a racemose cluster at their lower extremity, e. g. in the Physophora hydrostatica : some form groups of pyriform or spherical vesicles ; a third kind are short and conical, and perform the office of digestion. The sac or body is defended by substances of cartilaginous hardness. Only the external membrane of the air-bladder appears to be perforated in the Physophora. For the description of a compound form of physograde Acalephe, formino- the genus Stephanomia, I may refer to the excellent paper CXLVI. p. 217. The genus Diphyes presents a long, conical, subangular bodv of a cartilaginous firmness, closed and pointed anteriorly, with two wide apertures at its base : the upper of these is the outlet of the cavity containing the air-vesicle, and is called the natatorial cavity ; the lower orifice is that of the nuclear cavity, from which issues a tubular ten- tacle, with polypoid organs seated upon it. Within this cavity is usually sheathed a second conical capsule, traversed by the common tube or " chapelet," and having also its air-bladder : in this the ovary or testis is developed. As it enjoys independent movement when separated from the former, it was regarded by Cuvier as a distinct individual, developed by gemmation ; and it is homologous with the medusoid individuals similarly developed, and appropriated to the generative function, by ova, in the Coryne. The canal into which the stomach opens terminates in a long rounded cavity, lined by a ciliated epithelium. Two genera of physograde AcalephaB have an elliptic or circular discoid body, supported by an internal cartilaginous or subcalcareous N 178 LECTURE IX. plate. In the circular form called Porpita the plate consists of two lamellas, including a great number of air-canals, the parietes of which are slightly calcified: the prehensile organs are chiefly developed from the margin of the^ float. In the elliptical Velella the horizontal disc consists of four pieces united together by oblique sutures : from the upper surface of the body-disc there rises a second thin semi- elliptic plate, which is set at the same angle to the disc or deck as the lateen sail of the Malay boat. By means of this plate the little Velella is wafted along by the action of the wind, and has probably been often mistaken by navigators for the fabled cephalopodic Paper-sailor {Argonautd). Prehensile and digestive tentacula depend from the imder surface of the disc, in the centre of which, both in Porpita and Velella, is a short tube, with an orifice that probably relates to the excretory and respiratory functions. The Acalephse propagate by spontaneous fission, by gemmation, and by impregnated ova; the parthenogenetic modes are chiefly limited to the young or larval state. In some species the gem- mation is incomplete, and a chain of organically-connected individuals results, as, e. g. in the Diphyes campanulifera and the Stephanomia prolifera. Both these and the PhysophoridcB are also oviparous. In the DiphyidcB the generative individual commences as a bud or process of the common tube, and, after great changes in its form, becomes provided, like the parent individual, with a natatory organ and with a sac composed of two membranes suspended from its centre. The ova, or the spermatozoa, according to the sex, are developed between the two membranes of the sac ; the individual then becomes detached, and swims freely about. In the Norwegian seas there are little Medusae, very similar to those called by Eschcholtz Cytais, in which Sars observed that gem- mation took place from the sides of the pendant stomach ; this organ has four sides, and from each of these proceeds a little bud, and these buds are observed in difl'erent grades of development : they are successively detached as they attain the form of the parent in mi- niature, and soon acquire their full size.* In May, 1837, Sars ob- served a similar gemmation in the Thaiimantias multicirrata, a (probably larval) Acalephe, one inch in diameter.f In the Sarsia prolifera Forbes found the buds produced at the bases of the four mar- ginal tentacles, and hanging from them in bunches. The degree of development is not equal in all the four bunches, and in each case buds are seen in very various stages of development, from embryo wart-like sproutings to miniature medusa?. \ Will states, that in the Beroe {Eucharis) multicoimis he saw the tubercles and lobes occasionally * CLI. p. 10. pi. IV. 7-13. t 1^- X CXLVII. p. 17. ACALEPH^. 179 detached, and assuming signs of independent life * ; swimming freely, and acquiring, with a slight growth, a certain radiated form : but the acquisition of the form of the parent by these buds has not been wit- nessed. Martens observed small portions of the body of the Cestum veneris detached, which moved independently for some time.f The most common mode of generation in the completed, forms of AcalephcB is by the development of ova impregnated by sperma- tozoa. In certain ciliogrades, e. g. Eucharis multicornis, the ova are developed in the common cavity of the body along one side of each longitudinal rib or ridge, and the testes on the other side ; so that there are eight rows of ova and eight of testes. An efferent canal extends from each row towards the mouth. This androgynous con- dition, with the distinct stomach and chylaqueous cavity, indicates the affinity of the Beroidge with the Actiniae. The pulmogrades are highly prolific, and propagate in the ordinary manner by impregnated ova ; the germs of which are developed in one set of individuals, whilst the spermatozoa are developed in organs peculiar to other individuals, the Acalephje of this order being male and female. Gaede first pointed out the ovaria, and described and figured the ova in the medusae. If Ehrenberg confirmed and added to Gaede's observations of the fe- males ; but he thought the spermatozoa of the male medusas parasitic cercariee, the testes and ovaria having the same form and colour in the younger medusae § : but they are different in structure, and the males have never the marsupial sacs on the arms. In Geryonia and Thaumantias the generative sacs are situated in some part of the canals traversing the disc ; in Aurelia they are formed by pushing in the wall of the Stomach; in Rhyzostoma and Cephea they are attached to the under vv^all of the stomach ; in Cyancea the organs of generation are situated, in both sexes, in four cavities {fig. 71, e, e,) which push in the walls of the stomach and open on the under-part of the disc, near the mouth. The females of Cyancea aurita are distinguished, at the advanced stage of the breeding season, by the numerous small flask-shaped marsupial sacs ^vhich are attached to the under surface of the oral tentacles. Male medusae do not differ, in respect of size, from the females. Siebold || finds that, when the Cyancea aurita is but 1^ in. to 1^ in. long, the males may be distinguished by the sperm-sacs in the tjenii- form testis, and the females by the germ-vesicle and spot in the similarly shaped ovaria ; but the band-like genital organ is small, and instead of folds, shows only risings and depressions. When the * CXIV. p. 42. I CLIII. p. 494. tf. i. fig. 2—4. X CXXXIX. taf. i. fig. 1. § CXL. || LV. p. 6. 180 LECTURE IX. medusae are still younger, the organ is only a flat band, without in- equalities. Each testis consists of a band with many folds ; the whole bent in a bow, with the convexity attached to the concave wall wdiich divides the generative cavity from the stomach. If a probe be inserted into the generative cavity, it immediately touches the under or outer surftice of the testis; if it be passed into the digestive cavities, it touches the upper or inner surface of the testis, but not immediately, the epithelium of the digestive cavity covering this surface of the testis. The testis is much longer than the cavity containing it, but is adapted thereto by its numerous folds. Its con- cave side gives off a numerous series of highly irritable coloured tentacles, having the same structure as those on the arms : they are richly ciliated, and contain many hyaline rounded corpuscles and thread-cells immediately beneath the surface. The spermatic ten- tacles are capable of only moderate extension : at the breeding time they project from the mouth of the generative cavity, leaving only a small passage in their centre. By their powerful ciliary apparatus they keep up a strong current of sea-water in the cavity, and thus aid in the expulsion of the semen. No ciliary movement is observable upon the delicate epithelium covering the lower surface of the testis. The parenchyma of the testis consists of a transparent granular sub- stance in which are imbedded innumerable pyriform sacs, having their basis turned towards the upper surface of the testis, and their apical orifices opening upon the under-surface of the testis, which they make uneven by their tumid margins. The spermatozoa are developed in these sacs, which permanently represent the earliest rudiments of the extremely elongated seminal tubes in higher animals The parietes of the seminal sacs are pretty thick, and, perhaps, contractile. In young males the sperm-sacs contain numerous cells with many nuclei, from each of which nuclei a spermatozoon is developed ; and as this development proceeds, the sperm-cell presents a striated cha- racter, and, lastly, a fasciculus of spermatozoa. These have an enlarged end, or body, and a filiform appendage, so fine as scarcely to be seen save by its undulatory movements. The fasciculus of spermatozoa does not exhibit these parts in the same degree of development in each sperm-sac : those nearest- the cervix of the sac are the most perfect. The tails of the spermatozoa are always directed towards the opening of the sperm-sac. The bundles of these filaments follow each other, and often the apical tails of one bundle are infixed in the central interspace of the bodies of the preceding bundle, and a chain or string of bundles are thus formed which are easily seen by a moderate microscopic power. These spermatozoa are very lively in sea-water. In order to observe the actual ejaculatio se?ni?iis, cut off a piece of the ACALEPHiE. 181 testis from a fresh male medusa, place it on a watch-glass with the under surface, on which the sperm-sacs open, uppermost, when if the Acalephe is in the rut, the escape or emission of the spermatozoa may be seen. The development of the sperm-cells is not always according to the size of the animal; they have been found, fully formed^ in medusae one inch and three-quarters to three inches broad, and even a specimen of one inch in diameter had active spermatozoa in the testes. The coloured frill in the generative cavities forms in the female, as in the male, the essential generative apparatus. The ovarium, like the testis, consists of a band, with many folds, attached to the septum dividing the generative from the digestive cavities ; it has a proper peristaltic motion ; its concave border is beset with similar tentacles, which are extensile and flexible in all directions, are armed with many urticating cells and are beset with vibratile cilia. The thin epithelium on the under surface of the ovarium is here and there slightly ciliated, which has not been observed in the testis. The tissue of the ovarium is looser than that of the testis, and the band has more the appearance of a flattened tube ; but the ovarium is not a simple folded sac, witli an oviducal opening, as Ehrenberg supposed. The minutest germs of the ova are nearest that surface of the ovarium which is attached to the membranous septum : as the germinal vesicles acquire their vitelline investment they approach the opposite or free surface, from which the mature ova protrude, covered only by a very thin membrane, and giving a coarse granular character to that part of the ovarium. The germinal vesicle has its spot, or nucleus; tlie surrounding yolk, as it accumulates, becomes violet coloured. It is covered by an extremely delicate membrane with a smooth surface. In this state the ova are transferred from the ovarium to the marsupial sacs ; but how they get there is not known ; they are doubtless impregnated in transitu. In the marsupial ova one can no longer discern the germinal vesicle ; it has combined with the matter of the spermatozoa and become diffused through the yolk. The primary germ-cell, developed most probably as in the Ascaris, from the impregnated nucleus of the germinal vesicle, at- tracts the whole germ-yolk about it, and divides it progressively with its own divisions. The first division of the yolk resembles the spontaneous fission of some infusorial monads, inasmuch as it begins, not at every part of the circumference, but on one side (Jig. 80.), and proceeds across to complete the bipartition {Jiff> 81.). Subsequent subdivisions, corresponding with those of the ova of the Ascaris (p. 113.) are described and figured by Siebold, from whose menioir* * LV. tab. 1. N '} 182 LECTURE IX. I have selected the successive two-fold {fig. 81.), four-fold {fig. 82.), and eight-fold {fig. 83.) generation of germ-cells. As the fis- sures become more numerous^ they take a diverging or radiating 80 81 3 CyaiiEea aurita. course, until the whole surface of the ovum presents a granulated cha- racter. And now the ovum loses its violet colour and transparency and becomes a dark yellow ; it is covered by an epithelium, with traces of cilia ; these increase, and at length cover the whole surface, and the new being passes from tlie condition of an ovum to that of the embryo and obeys the involuntary moving powers. A cavity next begins to be developed in the centre of the germ-cells, which, by continued and reiterated division, take on the form of truncated pyramids, converging towards that centre {fig. 84.). The deep yellow ciliated embryo of the Medusa, which has now a diameter of one eighth of a line, exchanges its rounded for an oval form. It gradually elongates, and takes on a leucophrys-like form, being half a line to one-third of a line in length. At the upper end is a fossa, which does not, however, communicate with the central cavity, and is not a mouth. This stage of development occupies two or three days, when the ciliated monadiform embryo {fig. 85.), quits the maternal pouch, and swims forth : the arrows indicate the direction of the ciliary currents. The liberated and locomotive larvoe sometimes re-enter the generative cavity and get entangled between the folds and tentacles of the ovarium, which led Ehrenberg to describe them as ovarian ova ; but Siebold observes, that if they were produced there as gemmules with the power of swimming, the marsupial sacs, in which they actually acquire that development, might have been dispensed with. The great or cephalic end next becomes shortened and thickened, and a depression is observed in its centre, which is the commencement of a digestive cavity; then the margin of this cavity expands, and is developed into four processes, riclily furnished with vibratile cilia {fig. 86.). A small cavity or disc for adhesion is formed at the opposite extremity of the body, and thus the metamorphosis from the polygastric to the rotiferous form is effected. The young Medusa, having swam through its infusorial stages, attaches itself to some firm body, preparatory to its next metamor- phosis ; during which the yellow colour disappears ; and the body becomes subtransparent ; it also manifests a much more general irri- ACALEPH^. 183 Larval Cyansea. tability, the larva sometimes elongating, sometimes contracting itself. Four other tubercles bud out in the interspaces of the first four, and all increase in length. These eight arms have the power of remark- ably shortening and lengthening themselves, as exemplified by the two outlines of the same polypoid larva, at a a and b b, Jig. 83. Their superficial cilia create vor- tices in the surrounding water, which carry the nutritive molecules to the mouth of the larva, now metamorphosed into an eight-armed naked and solitary polype. By the sub- sequent development of new arms from the interspaces of the old ones, a many-armed polype results, and the type of the hydra is exchanged for that of the actinia. The tentacula are very like those of the ovaria and testis in the adult Medusce; they are ciliated, but not in two regular rows, as in Flustra and Alcyonella. They contain clear corpuscles, or thread-cells, arranged in regular bracelets, like the tentacles on the margin of the disc of fully developed medusae. The mouth of the po- lypoid larvce is very contractile and expansible : they feed on infusoria and on their infusory-like younger brethren, one-half of the body of one of which may often be seen hanging out of the devourer's mouth. If nourishment be abundant the larval polype propagates by gemma- tion {fig. 88.). Still more remarkable to Siebold was the production in a few of these larvae of lateral branches from the body, of a great lengthy — in one case three such stolones were developed. These branches have continuations of the digestive cavity in them, and contract and elongate like ordinary arms. If these were irregularities, and the ordinary metamorphoses were delayed, it was, he conceived, through the in- fluence of captivity. Siebold also thought that the larval medusas, which in autumn, in open sea, thus change to fixed polypes, hardly would con- tinue in that state through the winter, but about the beginning of the stormy period would change to free-swimming medusa, and settle down to tranquil depths of ocean. Sir J. G. Dalyell, however, has determined the period of the duration of the polype form of the larval medusae to be much longer than Siebold conjectured, and he even succeeded in keeping a colony of these larva3, which he called " hydrce tubae," for six years. N 4 184 LECTURE IX. With regard to the marsupial sacs on the arms of CycmcBa aurita, these are attached to the fringed processes on each side of the oral 3. Gemmation of Hydra tuba. 89. Scyphistoma. 92 Spontaneous fission of Strobila. Ephyra. arms. They are developed before the ova quit the ovaria; are largest on the upper and middle part of the arms, while at the under- most part only small and usually empty sacs are found. Do they disappear after the progeny is developed and the breeding season past, or does the parent perish with them when her maternal and nutricial functions have been performed ? The membrane from which the sacs are developed is beset on its free edge, both in males and females, with numerous tentacles, similar to those found in the gene- rative or respiratory cavities. Siebold thinks they are more numerous in the male than the female. The subsequent metamorphoses, or rather metageneses, of the larval medusae are equally extraordinary with those above described, which the observations of Siebold have mainly contributed to explain. The cycle of these changes is so remarkable, that I feel bound to submit the whole body of evidence, from different and independent witnesses, by which the phenomena have been established and linked together. It is now sixty years since Otho Fred. Miiller first described and fif^ured* a marine Polype, which, from its general resemblance to the fresh- water kind, he called Hydra gelatinosa : it is the Hydra tuba, of Daly ell, or a larval Medusa at the same polypoid stage. Eschcholtz, in 1829 f, first described a small medusoid animal which he called Ephyra ; this now turns out to be the penultimate ^tage of Cyancea aurita. * CLIV. vol. iii. p. 25. t. xcv. t CLV. ACALEPH^. 185 Sars, in 1833, discovered a gelatinous Polype differing from the Hydra gelatinosa hy its thicker body, slightly marked by transverse rings ; believing it to be a new genus of Polype, he described it under the name of Scyphistoma (Jig. 89.). In the same year Sars also described a gelatinous polypoid animal, differing from the above in the deeper annulation of its thicker body, the rings of which developed bifid processes {Jig. 90.) ; and he called this very sinijular creature Strobila, from its resemblance to an artichoke. He finally saw the rings or segments separate from one another {Jig. 91.) and swim off as little medusas {Jig. 92.).* At the meeting of the British Association, at Edinburgh, in 1834, Sir J. G. Dalyell communicated his observations on a marine Hydra, which he had called Hydra tuba, or the trumpet-polypus ; he described it as about five lines long, and with about thirty tentacula, stated that it was very predacious, would gorge young actiniae, and discharge the rejectamenta again by the mouth. It was very sensitive to light, contracting and retreating from it. It was not very locomo- tive, and propagated by complete gemmation, the young not removing themselves very far from the parent. In his later workj, published in 1847, Sir J. Dalyell remarks, " Hence it is natural to assume that a germ, or deposition of elemen- tary matter, subsists somewhere in the flesh," and that " generated within as a compact substance, its Avay is made, by a regular process, to the exterior, where it becomes visible as a rising prominence." And at page 89. he asks, " Whether the budding results from a germ come of an earlier principle," which shows how nearly the ingenious author had arrived, by independent thought, at the true condition of parthenogenesis. J Upon the whole, Dalyell has given us the best history of this polype stage of the Medusa, of its longevity, of its powers of propaga- tion by gemmation, and also its powers of repairing injury. To give an idea of the reproducing force in the Hydra tuba : on April 23rd an adult was detached from its site and insulated; in four days a spur or bud had issued from one side of the base, and a large protuberance with a row of papillae, an originating embryo, was rising from the other. On the 2nd of May these papillae had elongated into perfect tentacuJa, like those of the adults. Another protuberance on the opposite side of the parent was now visible, which gradually matured into a young hydra, and began to feed on the 17th. On the 30th of May separa- tion had taken place ; four individuals were to be observed, and one * CLVI. t CIX. vol. 1. p. 82. X First pointed out in LXXXIV. (1843), pp. 234. 36G. 186 LECTURE IX. was in the progress of developing two others. Dalyell obtained from these a colony of eight larval " hydrae tubae." These were extremely voracious ; they were fed with the flesh of mussels ; and in proportion as they were fed was their power of converting their food into crea- tures like themselves. By July 21st fifteen hydrae were propagated, and ultimately a colony of eighty-three were obtained from the individual insulated on the 23rd of April. It would seem that con- finement tended to check the metamorphosis into the " oviparous form," and favoured the gemmation of the polype individuals, or the " typical form." At length, however, in the spring of a subsequent year he observed the phenomena which he thus describes, in the " Edinburgh Philosophical Journal" for 1836 : — *'Ikept a colony of these animals and their descendants during six years ; numbers attained maturity ; they fed rapaciously ; grew and bred, succeeding at all seasons of the year. But, in February and March, the face or disc of some hydras is invested by a pendulous flexible prolongation of an inverted conical form^ obliterating the tentacula entirely. The apex being connected with the disc, this pendulous mass extends two or three lines in the course of time, and is gradually developed in twenty or thirty successive strata, gradually broadering outwards. Wlien more mature, the vehement clasping of extending arms at the extremity denotes that each stratum is an animated being, which, after excessive struggling, is liberated, to swim at large in the water. This also maybe associated with the medusarige. It is considerably larger than the preceding, two lines in diameter : of a whitish colour, tending to transparence. The body resembles a flattened watch glass ; the margin dilating into from five to twelve horizontal, broad, flattened lobes, each cleft half way down the middle, and with a black glandular-looking speck in the centre of the fork. A crest, resembling a quadrangular clustered column, rises from the convex surface of the body, and four organs may sometimes be observed on the same surface near its base. Motion is accomplished in jerks or leaps, somewhat as by the Medusae proper, from percussion of the lobes on the water, the crest being downwards. Whether the pendulous mass or its individual parts be contained in one common involucrum, or in many specific integu- ments, is uncertain ; but each of the animals composing it comes successively to maturity and departs. As the pendulous prominence disappears, the vigour of the hydra is restored, and the tentacula, liberated of the encumbrance, effecting temporary obliteration, resume their natural form and functions. Weeks elapse in the course of this process, and during survivance of the animals." So that here the observations by Sars, of his Scyphistoma (1833), illustrated by ACALEPHiE. " 187 those of Dalyell (1836), established a series of metamorphoses carried on from the Hydra gelatinosa or Hydra tuba, to the medusa state. Our next question, at that date, would have been; — What does this Hydra tuba come from ? For this part of the history of the Medusa, we are indebted to Prof. Siebold (1838), who traces the development of the ova of the Medusa ( Cyancea aurita) to the Hydra tuba, as has been already detailed ; during which, as in Campanularia, a ciliated monadiform planula precedes the polype stage ; and thus the two detached series of links are united into one harmonious metagenetic cycle. Confirmation by different observers is not wanting. The accurate Sars, pursuing his researches, followed out, independently, the whole series of changes of the ova of the Medusa, from the infusorial to the polype-type, thence to the scyphistoma and strobila ; finally to the budding forth of the flattened segments, and the splitting up into a pile of Medusa3. The details, with figures, were published in 1841.* But Dalyell has shown us that the polype larva may have propagated hundreds of hydrse, before it issues into the pile of Medusae. The sea which washes our coasts is sometimes covered by millions of these little Medusae. Dalyell narrates, in his beautiful work, that one summer having selected a specimen of a Medusa of the genus Chrysaora, he kept it alive in a capacious jar of sea-water for a few days. On removing it from the jar in which it had been placed, he found that a quantity of brownish matter, like dust, remained at the bottom. Subjected to the microscope this proved to be a host of animated creatures in quick and varied motion ; each was of an oval form, ciliated, actively moving, like the planulae. Some of these, after a period of ten or twelve days, become developed into stationary hydr^e.f Such is the nature of the full and satisfactory evidence on which the main facts of the generation of the Medusae are established. In comparing different stages of the very interesting development of the Cyancea aurita to Infusories and Polypes, it must be under- stood that such comparisons are warranted only by a similarity of outward form and of the instruments of locomotion and prehension. The essential internal organisation of the persistent lower forms of the Zoophyta is wanting in the transitory states of the higher ones. A progress through the inferior groups is sketched out, but no actual transmutation of species is effected. The young Medusa, before it attains its destined condition of maturity, successively re- * CLIL t CIX. vol. i. r- 103. 188 LECTURE IX. sembles, but never becomes, a Polygastrian, a Rotifer, a Hydrozoon and an Anthozoon. The Cyancea aurita is, however, but the representative of one of the three leading divisions of the remarkable animals grouped together under the name of Acalephce. With regard to the develop- ment of the ciliograde and physograde species, scarcely anything connected or precise is at present known. The Medical Officer who may be destined for foreign service, and to whom the study of Nature offers any charm, could hardly contribute observations more valuable to natural history than such as he might be able to make on the generation and development of the Pelagic Acalephse. Summary of the Orders and Families of the Class ACALEPH^. Free swimming marine animals of a gelatinous or membranous tissue with thread-cells. Digestive cavities or canals adherent to the surrounding tissues, and communicating with a more or less ramified chylaqueous system. Most are dioecious, and pass by metagenesis through the forms of the monad and the polype, before acquiring the sexual acalephoid character. Order PULMOGRADA. (Medusse.) Body discoid, with a marginal velum, and a central inferior mouth, usually prolonged into a more or less complex proboscis. Locomotion by rythmical contractions of the disc. Sexes distinct. Suborder Gtmnophthal:mata. (Bare-eyed Medusae.) Cysticles unprotected : Chylaqueous canals simple, or, if ramified, not anastomotic. Gemmiparous. (Some are probably larvce.) Families Sarsiidje. Chylaqueous canals simple, four : ovaries in the substance of the proboscis. Genera: Sarsia, Euphysay Steen- strupia. Geryoniid^. Chylaqueous canals simple, four: ovaries beneath the disc. Genera Geryonia, Thaumantias, Slabberia. CiRCEiBJE. Chylaqueous canals simple, eight: ovaries eight, beneath the disc. Genus Circe. ^avoREiDJE. Chylaqueous canals simple, eight or more : ovaries linear on the course of the canals beneath the disc. Genera Polyxenia, Stomotrachium, j^quoria^ Phorciinia. ACALEPH^. 1S9 Families Oceanidje. Chylaqueous canals simple : ovaries convoluted, and lining the peduncu- lated stomach. Genera Oceanea, Saphenia, Turris, Cytaeis. WiLLsiiBM. Chylaqueous canals branched. Genus Willsia *, Berenix, Orythia. Sub-order Steganophthalmata. (Clothed-eyed Medusas.) Cy slides protected by complicated coverings: Chylaqueous catials canals branched and anastomotic. No gemmation. Families Bhizostomatid.^. Mouths numerous on the branches and borders of a ramified proboscis. Chy- laqueous canals without outlets. Ge- nera Bhizosfoma, Cephea, Cassio- pcea. 3IoNOSTOMATiDm. Mouth single : Chylaqueous canals, (in some) with distinct outlets. Genera Phacellophora, Cyancea, Pelagia, Chrysaoro, Aurelia. Order CILIOGRADA. Body spheroidal, oblong, or lobated, rarely lamelliform. Locomo- tion by longitudinal bands of cilia. Sexes, in some, combined. Families Behoibje. Genera Beroe, Lesueuria, Medea, Cy- dippe, Pleurobrachia. Genera Mnemia, Eucharis, Janira, Alcinoe, Bolena. Genera Callianira. Genera Ocyroe, Cestum. Mnemeidje. Callianiridm. Cestid^, Order PHYSOGRADA. Body, floated by air-cells. Locomotion by parts exposed to and acted upon by the winds. Nutrition by numerous suctorial tubes. Families Diphyidm. Genera Diphyes, Ersma. pHYsopHORii)^. Genera Physophora, Stephanomia. Physalid.e. Genera Physalia. Velellidje. Genera Velella, Bataria, Porpita, * CXL VII. p. 1 7. 190 LECTURE X. LECTUEE X. ECHINODERMATA.* The soft and gelatinous Radiaries have often baffled the anatomist by the seeming simplicity and uniformity of their texture ; the harder, spine-clad, or Echinodermal species, perplex the most patient and persevering dissector by the extreme complexity and diversity of their constituent parts. This class of animals, the organisation of which will be explained in the present Lecture, includes species in which the form is most strictly or typically radiate : in it, also, the Zoophyta of Cuvier attain their highest conditions of organisation. With a radiated filamentary system of nerves is combined not only a distinct ab- dominal cavity with an alimentary canal suspended therein by a vascular mesentery, and having a distinct anal outlet, but there are distinct vascular and chylaqueous systems together with a large and well-defined respiratory organ. This organ, however, may be regarded as the exceptional condition of the radiated type of structure, and is found only in the highest and aberrant forms of the present class, which indicate the transition from the Echinoderms to the Annelides. At the opposite extreme of the class, the digestive sac {fig- 93, a), though suspended freely in an abdominal cavity, has yet but one aperture common to the reception of food and the ejection of excrement. These anenterous Echinoderms (^Ophiuridce, Luidea^ Asterias proper, Astropecten,) belong to the order Asteroidea\y in which the radiated form is most complete and general, whence the species have received the common appellation of *^ star-fishes," and " sea-stars." The almost extinct order Crmoidea, in which the radiated body is supported on a jointed and rooted stem, is connected with the order Asteroidea by the genus Comatida, wliich in its last stage becomes free. In certain starfishes {Asteroidea) we trace a shortening, flattening, and expansion of the rays, until the body assumes a pentangular discoid form. In the next order {Echinoidca), the angles disappear, and the disc expands until a spheroid or globular form is obtained, which charac- * ex^'os a hedge-hog, Icpjia skin. f See the " Sumraaiy " at the conchision of the Lecture, for the characters of this and other orders of the class. ECUINODERMATA. 191 terises the Echinoderms commonly called " Sea-urchins," and Eckinoi by the Greeks. The Echinoderms of the order Holothurioidea may be described as being constituted by a softening of the calcareous skin of the spheroidal species, and by the reduction of the earthy matter to a greater or less number of reticulate calcareous corpuscles, the globe being then drawn out by the two opposite poles into an elongated cylindrical form. These vermiform Echinoderms seem to lead, by the concluding order Sipunculoidea^ to the true worms, which stand on the lowest step of the Articulate division of the Animal Kingdom. The name Echinodermata has been applied to these diversified forms of the higher organised Zoophytes of Cuvier, because in many of the species the integument is defended by spines : they, however, possess, and are associated together by, another and more general tegumentary character ; the skin is perforated in most of the species by minute foramina, through which a multitude of small tubes or hollow suctorial tentacles ("^ tube-feet') can be protruded and retracted, and these constitute the common organs of adhesion and locomotion in the Echinoderms. 192 LECTURE X. In the aberrant Sipimculoidea the tube-feet are wanting, together with the calcareous corpuscles, the worm-like form and annulation of the integument are more decided, but the chylaqueous fluid con- tinues to be agitated in the abdominal cavity by the cilia of the lining membrane. Before commencing the demonstration of the anatomy of the Asferoidea, I may point out the chief characters of the allied order Crinoidea, in which the radiated disc is fixed by a long jointed calcareous stem to some foreign body, as they are shown in the existing species, called Pentacrinus Caput- Mediisce, the type of a very numerous assemblage of analogous pedunculated star-fishes, which existed in countless myriads during some of the ancient (secondary) periods of geology. Those species in which the stem is cirri^erous and pentagonal, as in the recent form, are called "Penta- crinites:" those in which it is rounded, and seems to have been devoid of cirri, are called " Encrinites." Both kinds have received the common name of " stone-lilies." Their remains sometimes con- stitute extensive tracts of marble-limestone. The Melocrines are more especially the crinoid prototypes of the StelleridcB. The stem of a stone-lily is composed of numerous joints or segments having a central aperture, which, when separated, are called " wheel- stones," or " entrochi : " casts of their cavity remaining after the calcareous wall have been dissolved away constitute the " screw- stones " of the Derbyshire chert, and other transition limestones. The jointed column supports at its summit a series of plates forming a cup-like body, containing the viscera, and from the margin of the cup proceed five jointed arms, which radiate and divide into delicate tentacula. The upper side of the arms support numerous short jointed cirri or pinnules. Groups of five long and slender cirri radiate at nearly equidistant points from the stem of the recent species of Pentacrinus. Both the arms and pinnules are grooved along their ventral side, which groove is bridged over by a membrane called "perisome." The form of star-fish to which the radiated capital of the crinoideal column bears most resemblance is that which is presented by the species of Comatula, the ova of which have been discovered by Dr. V. Thompson* to pass through a pedunculated pentacrinite state, before their final metamorphosis into a free star-fish. In the con- dition of their digestive system the Pentacrinites and Comatula3 correspond with the fettered Bryozoa among the polypes. The free Comatula is a step in advance, and manifests its afiinity to the * CLVIII. p. 295. ECHINODERMATA. 193 Section of ray of Asterias rubcns, showing arrangement of calcareous pieces. gelatinous Radiaria by its mode of swimming : the movements of its pinnate arms exactly resemble the alternating stroke given by the Medusa to the liquid element, and with the same effect of raising the animal from the bottom, and propelling it back foremost. The rays of the ordinary star-fishes are not cirrigerous or bifur- cated : their soft ex- ternal integument is supported by a tough coriaceous membrane, strengthened by calca- reous matter {Jig' 94. )> disposed in a coarsely reticulate form upon the dorsal and lateral as- pects of the radiated body, and arranged in series of more compact and regularly-formed transverse pieces, a, by which bound each side of a longitudinal furrow, extending along the under surface of each ray from its attached to its free extremity. The sides of this groove are perforated by alternating rows of minute fissures, and external to these are situated the largest and most numerous spines. The tube-feet are protruded, in two {Ast. aurantiacd) or four {Ast. rubens,Jig. 95 c, c) rows, through the marginal pores of the furrows, which are termed " ambulacra." These tube-feet have muscular pa- rietes, and they communicate with internal vesicles, d, c?, full of fluid, which form, in fact, the bases of the feet. By the contraction of the parietes of the vesicle the fluid is injected into the tube-foot, c, c, and protrudes and extends it : when the muscular parietes of the tube-foot contract, the fluid is returned into the sac, and the tube-foot is short- ened and retracted. The basal vesicles are in communication with, and are supplied by, a system of vessels, i, small brown sacs, m, and larger pendent pyriform sacculi, which are lodged in the central disc or body of the star-fish, and surround the oral aperture, a. There are other kinds of soft contractile appendages to the integu- ment, some tufted, others of simple form ; but the tube-feet just de- scribed are the most important organs for prehension and locomotion. The tegumentary processes called " pedicellariae," which resemble miniature pincers, will be more particularly described in connection with the skeleton of the Echinus. In the star- fishes they are of the kind called Pedicellarice forcipatcB and Pedicellarice valvulatcp. Various are the forms of the calcareous parts which strengthen and defend the skin of the star- fishes ; but in all the echinoderms in w^hich o 194 LECTURE X. the hardening earth is present, its ultimate arrangement is a fine network, the microscopic meshes or areolce being more or less circular. In the genera Oreaster and Culcita the whole surface is beset with tubercles and granules. In Asteropecten and Stellaster there are moveable flat spines and marginal plates. In Solaster and Chcetaster there are innumerable spines, the summits of which are beset with Betas. The sides of the arms in Ophiocoma and Ophiomastix are defended by smooth spines ; in Ophiothrix by bristled spines. In Opliionyx there are moveable double hooks beneath the bristled spines. The ultimate muscular fibres in the Asteroids are smooth. The joints of the arms and pinnules of the Crinoids and Comatules are moved by a pair of small muscles on their ventral aspect, antagonised by elastic bands. The spaces between the joints of the skeleton of the Asteroids are occupied by muscular fibres, which are antagonised by the general elasticity of the integument. In the Crinoids the margins of the ventral grooves extending from the mouth along the soft perisome are beset with very delicate cylindrical muscular feet, and the surface of each foot is beset with small clavate tentacules. In the OphiuridcB at the sides of the arms there are poriferous plates, out of which protrude cylindrical obtuse feet, covered by a quantity of wart-like protuberances. In this family the rays are extremely attenuated and elongated, and have no ambulacral grooves : nor is the complicated mechanism of the ambulacral feet in the ordinary star-fishes here needed, for the flexile and spinous rays can twine round and seize other objects so as to perform directly the offices of prehension and locomotion. The facility with which an Ophiura or Luidia casts off a ray which may be touched, and even all the rays, leaving only its central disc, when it is seized, is very surprising ; it is consequently very difficult to preserve specimens of these genera entire. To do this it is recommended to plunge them suddenly into fresh water, when they instantly die in a state of the most rigid extension. According to Miiller there extends along the tentacular groove of the perisome on the ventral side of the body of the Crinoids a nervous chord, which forms a slight enlargement at the base of each pinnule, to which a filament is sent. In the OphiuridcB the nervous chords are lodged in a canal protected by the ventral plates of the arms. The soft labial membranes, tentacles, and tubular feet seem adapted to a delicate reception of impressions ; and so far as these may be felt by the individual, and cause voluntary movements, such parts may be regarded as organs of touch. The nervous system of the Asterias (p. 14.,^^. 4.) consists of a slender white chord surrounding the ECnTNODER:\rATA. 195 mouth {g) immediately exterior to the circukr chylaqueous vessel : from this nervous riiioj three delicate filaments are sent off opposite Section of Asteracanthion rubens, showing the tubular feet. the base of each raj : the lateral filaments enter the discoid body : the middle one is continued along the ambulacral groove, and swells, according to Ehrenberg, into a small terminal ganglion, immediately behind that bright-coloured speck at the extremity of the ray which the same acute observer regards as a rudimental organ of vision (b). This pigmental organ manifests itself at the earliest appearance of the arms, when they form five marginal lobes of the discoid body of the young star-fish, and give it the pentagonal form which is retained throughout life in the A. discoidea.* It is objected by the laborious Siebold that no dioptric apparatus (keine deutliche lichtbrechende Korper) is connected with the pig- ment-speck ; nor has any better reason been given for the visual function of that speck than its relation to a subjacent mass of nervous matter, the analogy of the accumulation of pigmental matter in the choroid of true eyes, the position of the pigment-specks at the fore- part of the body in Rotifers, Planarioe, Borlasiae, Leeches, &c., and the obvious proof that such simple pigment-speck must absorb those rays * CLXIV. p. 172. o 2 196 LECTURE X. of light, at least, on wliich its peculiar colour depends. The terminal pigment-speck in most star-fishes is defended by a circle of moveable spines, which on the visual hypothesis of the speck have been called " eyelids." But, without regarding the subjoined facetious descrip- tion by a witty contemporary, either " as giving additional weight to their asserted claims to be regarded as true visual organs,"* or as meriting the grave refutation with which it has been honoured by a worthy matter-of-fact German anatomist +, we quote it simply as indicative of the prevalent notion amongst sound naturalists of the function of these problematical parts. Prof. E. Forbes, often baffled by the suicidal powers of the star-fishes, liad taken special precau- tions to obviate the consequences in regard to a rare " brittle-star ; " and had provided a bucket of fresh water to receive and kill instan- taneously any specimen that might be brought up by the dredge. "As I expected, a Luidia came up — a most gorgeous specimen. As it does not generally break up before it is raised above the surface of the sea, cautiously and anxiously I sank my bucket to a level with the dredge's mouth, and proceeded, in the most gentle manner, to introduce Luidia to the purer element. Whether the cold element was too much for him, or the sight of the bucket too terrific, I know not, but in a moment he proceeded to dissolve his corporation, and at every mesh of the dredge his fragments were seen escaping. In despair I grasped at the largest, and brought up the extremity of an arm, with its terminating eye, the spinous eyelid of which opened and closed with something exceedingly like a wink of derision." The mouth in the star-fishes is situated at the middle of the under surface of the body : it is edentulous, and leads by a short wide gullet into a large stomach {fig. 93, a), which, in the StelleridcB, sends off a pair of sacculated ccecal appendages {bb) into each of the rays, but is without intestine or anus in Ast. aurantiaca {Astero- pecten). The small terminal pouches of these appendages appear to secrete a substance subservient to chylification : two or more small glandular sacs (cc) of a yellowish colour open into the bottom of the stomach, and have been regarded as a rudimental form of liver. In Asteracanthion, Asterogoiiiwn and Solaster, there is a short intestine with an anal opening, opposite to the mouth ; and in these there are inter-radial caeca, which in Asteracanthion rubens contain a brownish fluid, in which uric acid has been detected. Each long sacculated * CLXV. p. 253. •j- " Die von Forbes (History of Star-fishes, p. 139.) mitgetheilte Erzalilung, wie Luidia fragilissima cliireh freiwilliges Abtrennen der Arnie, mit spottisch blinzelnden Augen ihren Verfolger anblickend, sich der Gefangenscliaft zu entziehen -Riisste, ist recht anziehend zu lesen, kann aber natiirlich nichts iiber das Dasein von Augen bei den Seesternen entschieden." XXIV. p. 88. ECPIINODERMATA. 197 Caecum is suspended from the dorsal wall of the ray by a pair of peritoneal folds {fig. 95, w, n\ which include a space communicating with the central part of the body, at the root of the cceca : the csecal area and appendages are shown in transverse section at g, g,fig. 95.* The alimentary canal is lined by a ciliated epithelium. The Crinoids use the delicate tentacles of their pinnules and arms to seize their prey and bring it to the mouth ; the Asteroids use their prehensile rays, or the ray-like prolongations of the body with the suctorious feet, and also their pedicellari^, for the same purpose. As the star-fishes feed on decaying portions of animal substance, they may be gifted with the sense of smell. The lip in Comatula is simple ; in Asterias it is beset with hard papillae, which extend along the angles of the mouth ; in Ophiura the entering angles of the mouth are beset with calcareous teeth, and there are soft tentacles in the intervening chinks. The mouth in Ophiura is divided from the stomach by a cir- cular sphincter : the sides of the stomach bulge out into, usually ten, c£eca, which in Aster opliyto7i are subdivided into sacculi : but cnecal appendages are not continued from the central stomach into the rays of the Ophiura, which seem to be rather appendages to, than divisions of, the body. In the Comatula the alimentary canal presents a higher type of structure : there is a slightly convoluted intestinal canal which terminates by a distinct tubular anus opening on the ventral side of the disc, near the mouth. Professor Tiedemann, in his celebrated monograph on the Echino- derma'\, has successfully demonstrated a vascular system in all the leading forms of that class. In the Asteracanthion rubens the vessels which absorb the chyle from the digestive sac terminate, after a series of reticulate anastomoses, in a circular trunk, which likewise receives branches from the radiated c^ca. The venous circle com- municates by means of a dilated tube {fig. 91, h), regarded as a rudimental form of heart, with an arterial circle surrounding the gullet, which lies internal to, and is distinct from, the chylaqueous circular tube. The arterial circle sends off branches which diverge to the rays and other parts of the body. The cardiac tube ascends from the depression in the madreporic plate, and accompanies the sand-canal, h, which opens into the chylaqueous ring. From this annular vessel five chylaqueous canals diverge, and extend along the ambulacral spaces, and supply the tubular feet. I have not been able to trace any direct communication between the true vascular system of the Asteinas and the system of chylaqueous canals, which, by their connection with contractile pyriform diverticula, govern the supply of * CLX. p. 36. t CLIX. o 3 198 LECTURE X. fluid to the vesicles at the base of the hollow tentacles protruded through the ambulacral pores. Tiedemann and Sharpey * also agree in rejecting the continuation of the chylaqueous or erectile system of the feet from the intestinal vascular system. In the Crinoids a cordi- form sac lies at the bottom of the cup-shaped body, from which vessels diverge along the axial canal of the arms, pinnules, and cirri, and a vessel descends into the spongious axis of the body-cavity and stem. A chylaqueous canal, which runs immediately beneath the tentacular furrow, conveys the fluid to the hollow feet : in the Comatula the canal is divided by a medi-vertical septum. In the Ophiurid(E two or four broad respiratory lamellce project from each of the five inter-radial angles into the visceral interspace. In some star-fishes there is a small membranous tube, filled with calcareous particles, called by Tiedemann the sand-canal : its position is indicated by the circular multiperforate prominence or nucleus {Jig^ 95, z), on the dorsal aspect of the disc of the Asterias, near the angle between two of the rays, which prominence resembles a minia- ture brain- stone madrepore. In other Stelleridce a jointed calcareous column {fig. 95, s\ is continued from the nucleus into the interior of the body, and consists of minute hexagonal plates, which are united into larger joints. The precise function of these appendages to the nucleus is not yet understood. From the analogy of one of its modi- fications with the jointed column of the crinoid star-fishes, it has been suggested that it may be the analogue or remnant of that column ; but, according to the observations of M. Sars, the Asterise are not fixed animals in the young state. Dr. Sharpey has con- jectured that it may serve as a filter in the admission of sea-water to the tubular system of the ambulacral feet : and it unquestionably relates to the chylaqueous system, of which it is a part distinguished by the calcareous deposits superadded to the canal. The sand-canal is adherent to the parietes of the body in the OphiuridcB and EchinidcB as well in the Stelleridce : but the spot to which it adheres in the Ophiuridce is imperforate. In the Holothuriadce it hangs loose in the abdominal cavity. In the Asterophyton the madreporoid nucleus is situated on the ventral aspect of the disc. As the sea-water is freely admitted into the general cavity of the body, and bathes all the viscera, their vascular surfaces thus stand in the relation of a respiratory organ to the aerated medium, and they are every where provided with vibratile cilia, which maintain the currents of oxygenated fluid. f But with the sea-water is mingled a kind of chyle-corpuscles, long since recognised by Erdl J, the forms of which in difierent Echinoderms have been lately described by * CLX. p. 35. t CLXT. X CLXII. p. 58. ECHLNODERMATA. 199 Dr. Williams.* The water of the chylaqueous cavity of the abdomen is introduced by the numerous contractile slender tubes which project from the dorsal aspect of the body, and are perforated at their free end : these tubes are covered both within and without by a ciliated epithelium. In the true star-fishes the organs of generation consist of groups of ramified tubes (yfig. 93, d\ arranged in pairs in each ray, and opening upon the calcareous circle which surrounds the mouth. In the males these sacculi {^fig. 95, o, o,) are distended with a white fluid abounding in spermatozoa : in the females they are laden with ova of a bright yellow or orange colour, which distend the rays during the breeding season. They are discharged by groups at dis- tinct intervals of time, and are found in very different stages of de- velopment in the same ovarium. The generative products in the ventless star-fishes (e. g. Astero- pecten) dehisce into the chylaqueous cavity and escape by the re- spiratory tubes ; but in some of the species with a vent {Astera- canthion rubens and Solasier papposus) there are two so-called " laminae cribros^e " at each angle of the inter-radial space, where the excretory ducts of the ovaria or testes open and expel their contents. The five pairs of generative organs are restricted to the central disc in the OphiuridcB, which part in the breeding season is distended with the milky fluid of the testis in the male, and with the round yellow eggs in the female. They are discharged by orifices on the ventral surface. In the Ophiothrix fragilis each testis or ovarium is coiled like a ram's horn, and is deeply cleft into many lobes. In the ComatulcB and Pe7itacrini, the seminal or ovarian receptacles are much more numerous, and are of smaller size : they occupy the inner side of each of the pinnules, are covered by the soft perisome, and discharge their contents by dehiscence. Echinoidea. — The calcareous pieces entering into the composition of the complex skeleton of the Echinus are those of the shell, of the buccal apparatus called the " lantern," of the ambulacral tubes, and of the pedicellarias. All the Echini are admirable for the regular and beautiful pattern in which, as in a tesselated pavement, the numerous calcareous pieces composing their globular crust are arranged ; many of the species are formidable from the size and form of the spines with which the shell is beset. The component plates of the shell are divided into several series, called oral, anal, genital, ocular, ambulacral, and inter- ambulacral plates. The proper shell, one half of which is exposed by removal of the spines y^fig- 96, is built up of the two latter kinds, * CLXIII. o 4 200 LECTURE X. which constitute a hollow spheroid, having a large aperture at each wy/i ,1^///. pole, where the first four kinds of ^,v^vj rT 'j^