^p JS30QQQSQBBSOSSSB21 Marine Biological Laboratory Library Woods Hole, Mass. Dl Presented by In Memory of Dr. Herbert W. Rand 1872 - I960 m i I I I I I 3E INTERNATIONAL SERIES OF MONOGRAPHS ON PURE AND APPLIED BIOLOGY Division: ZOOLOGY General Editor: G. A. Kerkut Volume 11 LEECHES (HIRUDINEA) Their Structure, Physiology, Ecology and Embryology OTHER TITLES IN THE SERIES ON PURE AND APPLIED BIOLOGY ZOOLOGY DIVISION Vol. 1 Raven — An Outline of Developmental Physiology Vol. 2 Raven — Morphogenesis : The Analysis of Molluscan Development Vol. 3 Savory — Instinctive Living Vol. 4 Kerkut — Implications of Evolution Vol. 5 Tartar — Biology of Stentor Vol. 6 Jenkins — Animal Hormones Vol. 7 Corliss — The Ciliated Protozoa Vol. 8 George — The Brain as a Computer Vol. 9 Arthur — Ticks and Disease Vol. 10 Raven — Oogenesis BIOCHEMISTRY DIVISION Vol. 1 Pitt-Rivers and Tata — The Thyroid Hormones Vol. 2 Bush — The Chromatography of Steroids Vol. 3 Engel — Physical Properties of Steroid Hormones BOTANY DIVISION Vol. 1 BoR — Grasses of Burma, Ceylon, India and Pakistan Vol. 2 TuRRiLL — Vistas in Botany Vol. 3 Schultes — Native Orchids of Trinidad and Tobago Vol. 4 Cooke — Cork and the Cork Tree MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES DIVISION Vol. 1 Florkin — Unity and Diversity in Biochemistry Vol. 2 Brachet — The Biochemistry of Development Vol. 3 Gerebtzoff — Cholinesterases Vol. 4 Brouha — Physiology in Industry Vol. 5 Bacq and Alexander — Fundamentals of Radiobiology Vol. 6 Florkin (Ed.) — Aspects of the Origin of Life Vol. 7 Hollaender (Ed.) — Radiation Protection and Recovery Vol. 8 Kayser — The Physiology of Natural Hibernation Vol. 9 Fran^on — Progress in Microscopy Vol. 10 Charlier — Coronary Vasodilators Vol. 1 1 Gross — Oncogenic Viruses Vol. 12 Mercer — Keratin and Keratinization Vol. 13 Heath — Organophosphorus Poisons Vol. 14 Chantrenne — The Biosynthesis of Proteins Vol. 15 Rivera — Cilia, Ciliated Epithelium and Ciliary Activity PLANT PHYSIOLOGY DIVISION Vol. 1 SuTCLiFFE — Mineral Salts Absorption in Plants Vol. 2 SiEGEL — The Plant Cell Wall Vol. 3 Mayer and Poljakoff-Mayber — The Germination of Seeds LEECHES (HIRUDINEA)^^; Their Structure, Physiology, Ecology and Embryology by K. H. MANN DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY READING With an appettdix on the Systematics of Marine Leeches by Prof. E. W. Knight-Jones PERGAMON PRESS NEW YORK • OXFORD • LONDON • PARIS 1962 PERGAMON PRESS INC. 122 East 55th Street, Nezu York 22, N. Y. 1404 Neiv York Avenue N.W., Washington 5 D.C. PERGAMON PRESS LTD. Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W.l PERGAMON PRESS S.A.R.L. 24 Rue des Ecoles, Paris V^ PERGAMON PRESS G.m.b.H. Kaiserstrasse 75, Frankfurt am Main Copyright © 1962 Pergamon Press Ltd. Library of Congress Card Number 61-17953 Set in Imprint ll-on-12 pt. and printed in Great Britain by THE BAY TREE PRESS, STEVENAGE, HERTS. TO MY PARENTS "Among the numerous tribes of lower animals distributed throughout the universe, none has attracted equal notice perhaps as the Leech, and that from the periods of the most remote antiquity. Its form, its motions, its habits, are well adapted to excite the curiosity of the illiterate beholder, and, above all, its utility in alleviating the afflictions of mankind have gained a distinction for it which is denied to all the rest. Though widely known of old, in general, the detailed investigation of the history of the Leech has been reserved for the latest era of scientific observers, and the most advanced state of science. Doubtless the noted peculiarities of the Medicinal I^eech led to the study of others, whether from the motives of mere curiosity or from the hopes of finding them endowed with similar properties. Such expecta- tions, however, have been disappointed; for among a genus, abounding suflSciently in the variety of its species, I believe that no one is yet dis- covered which can be so satisfactorily employed in relieving human distress. It is true that in this country there are leeches that will suck the blood, and eat the flesh of animals ; and that in some distant regions others prove a kind of pest to man, but none seem as yet habituated to the same office wherein the medicinal leech is so useful at home. Independently of the practical value of this animal, wherever it can be found, certain singular facts are exposed by various species of the genus Hirudo, which cannot but be interesting to the physiologist, and assuredly deserve to be farther known and suitably appreciated." Sir John Graham Dalyell, " The Powers of the Creator displayed in the Creation," 1853, p. 1. LIBRARY MASS. CONTENTS 'AGE Preface ix 5 5 5 8 to 12 13 15 16 1 Introduction 2 The Medicinal Leech, Hirudo medicinalis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Occurrence External characters Alimentary canal Reproductive system Excretory system Nervous system Blood system Histology 3 A Surv'ey of the Group 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Classification Glossiphoniidae Piscicolidae Gnathobdellae Pharyngobdellae 4 Nutrition 1. 2. In Hirudidae In Rhynchobdellae 22 22 23 29 32 34 36 36 42 5 Excretion and Water Balance 44 1 . Excretion 44 2. Water and salt balance 51 6 Circulation and Respiration 53 Muscle, Nerve and Locomotion 63 1 . The muscular system 2. The nervous system 3. Locomotion 4. Co-ordination 8024'1 63 69 73 75 Vm CONTENTS 8 Sense Organs and Behaviour 79 1. Sensory equipment 79 2. Reactions to light 83 3. Reactions to heat 92 4. Reactions to mechanical stimulus 94 5. Reactions to gravity 96 6. Reactions to chemical substances 97 9 Reproduction and Development 101 1. Introduction 101 2. Fertilization 104 3. Egg laying and brood care 110 4. Development of the eggs 116 5. Embryology of a glossiphoniid leech 121 6. Embryology of a gnathobdellid leech 127 7. Special features of piscicolid embryology 130 8. Phylogenetic considerations 133 9. Evolutionary history 134 10 Ecology 136 1. Relations with the inanimate environment 136 2. Relations with the animate environment 139 Appendix A. The Systematics of Freshwater and Terrestrial Leeches. By K. H. Mann 147 Appendix B. The Systematics of Marine Leeches. 169 By Professor E. W. Knight-Jones Bibliography 187 Index 197 PREFACE In English speaking countries the leeches are a neglected group of animals. Very few zoologists study them and apart from the volume in the " Fauna of British India" series there is no book in English devoted to them. In Germany and the central European countries the Hirudinea are much better known. Antrum (1939) lists over 2500 research papers, most of them in German, and leech biology has been summarized in several extensive works. The purpose of this volume is to present a fairly concise account of the Hirudinea at a level appropriate to the honours student of zoology at a university. It is hoped that a summary of present knowledge, particularly in the realm of physiology, will also be of value to more senior zoologists, so references to the original papers have been given where appropriate. The guiding principle in determining to what extent the text need be interrupted by references has been that work summarized in the Hirudinea volume of Bronns: Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs (1936-9) should be quoted without extensive references, while results published since 1939 and here reviewed for the first time should be fully documented. The first three chapters are intended as an introduction to the group for beginners. For this purpose it has been thought best to give a fairly thorough description of Hirudo medicinalis as a type species rather than an account of the group in general or compara- tive terms. After this there follows a chapter in which the main features of the various families are set out. The reader whose prime interest is physiological may pass straight to Chapter 4, using the previous chapters only as a source of reference when unexplained morphological or taxonomic terms are encountered. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Professor A. Graham, Professor G. P. Wells and Dr. R. B. Clark have read various parts of the text and I am particularly grateful to them for pointing out some of the mistakes resulting from my ignorance of certain fields of physiology. Naturally they have no responsibility for the errors that remain. I also wish to thank my wife for her assistance in proof reading and Mrs. G. I. Smillie for patiently typing and re-typing the script. Professor Knight- Jones wishes to acknowledge the help given towards the appendix on marine leeches by Dr. N. Tebble of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) and by Dr. P. H. D. H. de Silva of the National Museum, Colombo. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Leeches are fascinating animals, full of strange zoological paradoxes. In what other group of the animal kingdom do we find such features as a gut with no digestive enzymes, haemoglobin circu- lating in the coelomic fluid and fertilization carried out by intro- ducing the sperms through the body wall of another animal? Yet such things are quite normal among leeches and are only a few of their peculiarities. They belong to the phylum Annelida yet in many respects they have advanced beyond the level of organization which we regard as typical of annelids. When we compare the arthropods with the annelids we notice that the arthropods usually have a smaller, fixed number of segments and this has made possible a greater mobility and agility. Leeches are the only major group of annelids to have adopted a small, fixed number of segments for their basic plan and they are certainly more agile than most other annelids. In oligochaetes and polychaetes there is a spacious fluid-filled coelom between the gut and the body wall which serves as a hydro- static skeleton. In arthropods, which have an exoskeleton to support the body, the coelomic spaces are very small and the blood space or haemocoel has expanded to take their place. Leeches also lack the spacious fluid-filled coelom for it has become almost filled with mesenchymatous packing tissue, leaving only a system of narrow channels in which there is a circulation of coelomic fluid. The leech nervous system is built on the usual annelid pattern of an anterior dorsal brain with connectives running to a paired ventral nerve cord which expands in each segment to form ganglia. It is characteristic of arthropods that they have more ganglia crowded into the head region than have the annelids. Insects, for instance, have six pairs of ganglia in the head region, of which three lie dorsal to the oesophagus. Oligochaetes and polychaetes have Z LEECHES four or five, of which only one is dorsal to the pharynx and one is on the circum-pharyngeal connectives, apparently in the process of migrating dorsally. Leeches more closely resemble insects for they have six pairs of ganglia in the head, usually with two placed dorsally and one pair on the lateral connectives. The group of annelids most closely related to the leeches is undoubtedly the oligochaetes. There is in fact a connecting link in Acanthohdella, a leech which has a number of clear oligochaete features, such as chaetae and a spacious coelom. Both leeches and oligochaetes have a clitellum which secretes a cocoon for the recep- tion of the eggs. Both are hermaphrodite and have well defined gonads with their own ducts to the exterior. There are many peculiarities of the embryology of oligochaetes which are also seen in leech development. In fact, it is reasonable to regard leeches as oligochaetes which have become specialized for a blood-sucking ecto-parasitic mode of life. In the process they have lost the chaetae which earthworms use in locomotion and have developed instead a ventral sucker at each end of the body, this arrangement being better adapted to clinging to the host while sucking blood. Their gut has been modified for the storage of large quantities of blood and with the great reduction of the coelom the segmentation of the body has become obscured. The relationship of leeches to other annelid groups is expressed in the following scheme ot classification : Phylum ANNELIDA Class POLYCHAETA Clitellum absent, chaetae borne on parapodia. Class ARCHIANNELIDA CiHated epidermis, simplified, possibly degenerate organiza- tion. Class CLITELLATA Clitellum present, parapodia absent. Order OLIGOCHAETA Chaetae present, suckers absent, number of body segments variable. Order HIRUDINEA Chaetae absent, suckers present, number of body segments 33. INTRODUCTION 6 The adaptation of the gut of leeches to blood sucking has taken place in several ways. First there is the mechanism for piercing the tissues of the host. In one major group this consists of three muscular ridges each shaped like half a circular saw, which can be everted from the mouth and used to make a Y-shaped incision in the skin. In the other group of leeches there is a very muscular proboscis which is forced out of a pore in the base of the anterior sucker while this is held in contact with the host. This mechanism is on the whole less efficient than the former, and few leeches possessing it are able to pierce the skin of a mammal. The blood is prevented from clotting by the secretion of numerous uni- cellular salivary glands, and is sucked into the gut by the pumping action of a muscular pharynx. Although leeches resemble oligochaetes in being hermaphrodite, they differ in having only a single male pore and a single female pore. Moreover, while they have but a single pair of ovaries, they normally have between ten and a hundred pairs of testes. The jawed leeches transfer sperm to another leech by means of an eversible penis, but those with a proboscis normally lack the penis and implant a spermatophore containing sperms on the body surface of another leech. After this the sperms migrate through the tissues of the recipient and make their own way to the ovary. Leeches with a proboscis (Rhynchobdellae) have a blood system of the normal annelid plan with dorsal and ventral longitudinal vessels, but the jawed leeches (Gnathobdellae) have completely lost their blood vessels and have instead a system of coelomic sinuses in which circulates coelomic fluid containing haemoglobin. Before an accurate description of a leech can be given it is neces- sary to determine the limits of the segments. The only external evidence of segmentation in most leeches is in the arrangement of the sensillae, minute whitish spots which are receptor organs for tactile and light stimuli. Earlier workers adopted a convention that the annulus on which these occurred should be regarded as the first of its segment and this convention has been followed as recently as 1941 (Bhatia) and 1945 (Miller). Castle (1900) and Moore (1900) independently proposed that the nervous system should be used as a basis for determining the limits of segments, there being a general tendency for the parts of a segment to be innervated from the ganglion of that segment and by no other 4 LEECHES nerves. On critical examination (Mann, 1953a) it appears that the method of Castle and Moore is the correct one, for the inter- segmental boundaries then coincide with the intersegmental septa which are present in the embryo but are lost in the adult leech. The earlier method of delimiting segments led to disagreement about the total number of segments present as well as about their exact limits but analysis of the nervous system has led to the conclusion that there are thirty-four pairs of ganglia in all, of which the first is presumably homologous with the pre-oral ganglion of other annelids and belongs to the prostomium. The second ganglion pair is situated on the circum-oral commissures or is fused with the first, the next four are fused into a post-oral ganglionic mass, twenty-one (normally) are distributed along the ventral nerve cords, and the last seven are fused into the ganglionic mass of the posterior sucker. The descriptions of leeches which follow are based on this analysis. CHAPTER 2 THE MEDICINAL LEECH, HIRUDO MEDICINALIS He with a smile did then his words repeat: And said that, gathering leeches, far and wide He travelled ; stirring thus about his feet The waters of the pools where they abide. " Once I could meet with them on every side; But they have dwindled long by slow decay; Yet still I persevere, and find them where I may." WORDSWORTH, Resolution and Independence ^ 1802. 1. Occurrence The medicinal leech feeds by sucking the blood of mammals or occasionally of frogs, tadpoles and small fish (Blair, 1927). It is a native of Europe and south and east Asia (Lukin, 1957) and has been introduced into North America. In Britain it was once plenti- ful, but in the last two hundred years has declined markedly, possibly as a result of its extensive collection for medical use. It was once thought to be extinct in Britain (Harding, 1910) but is now known to be present in various relatively undeveloped areas such as the New Forest, the Lake District, South Wales, Anglesey, and Islay, Scotland. Its opportunities for obtaining blood from mammalian hosts have been greatly reduced now that fords have been replaced by bridges and cattle are watered at troughs rather than natural ponds. 2. External Characters A large specimen measures about 12 cm X 1*5 cm when fully extended, although it may contract to less than half this length. The shape of the body varies according to the amount of blood LEECHES in the gut ; the specimen illustrated in Fig. 1 was preserved shortly after gorging itself on the author! The colour pattern is very -Anterior sucker XXEZ: Clitellum -30 Male pore -Female pore • 40 ■50 9th nephridiopore -60 Segmentaf receptor ■90 I cm -Posterior sucker Fig. 1 . (a) dorsal view of Hirudo medicinalis ; (b) diagrammatic ventral view of Hirudo medicinalis. The segments are numbered in roman numerals and the annuli in arabic. THE MEDICINAL LEECH variable, but in Britain usually consists of a greenish background with a pair of longitudinal red stripes and a pattern of irregular black markings nearer the lateral margins. The ventral surface is usually black with white and grey markings. The body of the leech, exclusive of the posterior sucker, is divided by transverse furrows into 102 annuli. A typical mid-body segment comprises five annuli but towards the extremities of the body the number per segment progressively decreases. The distri- bution of the annuli between the prostomium and body segments is as follows: P, I, II and XXVI . . 1 annulus . . . . total 4 Ill, IV and XXV .. 2 annuli . . total 6 V, VI and XXIV .. 3 annuli . . total 9 VII and XXIII . . . . 4 annuli . . total 8 VIII to XXII . . . . 5 annuli . . total 75 Grand total 102 The anterior sucker is a depression on the ventral surface of segments I-IV, and at the base of the depression lies a small trira- diate aperture, the mouth. The prostomium forms the anterior border of the sucker and may be turned back ventrally, thus partially closing the oral aperture. The posterior sucker is a muscular disc, approximately circular in outline, which is a more powerful organ of adhesion than the anterior sucker. It is clearly marked off from the body and is made up of seven fused segments. The anus is a very small aperture in the mid-dorsal line near the junction of the body and the posterior sucker. The male pore lies between annuli 31 and 32, while the female pore lies five annuli further back between 36 and 37. The male pore is the more conspicuous and may be used as a guide to the position of the female pore. During the breeding season the glandular clitellum is visible on annuli.26-40. The nephridiopores are found in segment 7 between annuli 14 and 15, and between the second and third annuli of the following 16 segments. They are very small indeed, and the best way of finding them is to squeeze gently a freshly narcotized specimen, when a little fluid will be exuded from the nephridial bladders. There are three principal kinds of sense organ on the surface 8 LEECHES of the body. Every annulus has receptor organs which in a con- tracted specimen may be seen to be raised on papillae. These are the annular receptors which are thought to be tactile organs. On every fifth annulus, the middle annulus of its segment, there are also white circular areas which in a preserved specimen are not raised on papillae. These contain cells which are thought to be light-sensitive. They are a convenient outward indication of internal segmentation, and are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 1. They are known as the segmental receptors, or sensillae. Finally, on segments I-V, there are five pairs of eyes which correspond in position with segmental receptors. They have larger light- sensitive cells, and are backed by a pigmented cup. They there- fore appear as black dots on the head, but it may be necessary to bleach the head in 5% caustic potash before they become visible. 3. Alimentary Canal The cavity containing the jaws, the buccal cavity, is separated from the cavity of the sucker by a low fold, the velum. When Sub-oesophageal ganglion Salivary glands Velum Radial muscles Jaw Cut circum- ')S,^f^ oesophageal connective Longitudinal muscles Lining of pharynx 5 mm Fig. 2. Ventral dissection of the head of Hirudo medicinalis showing jaws protruded in biting position. THE MEDICINAL LEECH feeding, the velum is drawn back to allow the jaws to be pushed forward into the cavity of the sucker and pressed onto the skin of the host. Each jaw is a muscular ridge shaped like half a circular Position of jaws- Pharynx- Radial muscles- Crop - Dorsal sinus- Intestine- Rectum- xz XX 100/ Broin .Sub-oesophageoi S ganglion Bladder of nephridium ^CL ^' u (f Q. i_ 0) CD z ■*— o o +-> o S bx) ?J G *-' O ■M O ■t-> O "is a I ^ u M a; O) C/) 03 (U a 2 (U 03 > en T3 2 ■M (U CO o 2i bC.2 O .2 *■»-> • o 00