A air Sra bite Ik a . January ae . a ae ” Published ae Tao Payoh every J : Mons, eigen = or _ [PRICE 25. 64] et pe : Bee ee ee <4 e “i oa pide ata MAGAZIN E | AND JOURNAL:. COMPRENENDING ” aad THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF SCIENCE, « bi PHL LIBERAL AND FINE ARTS, Spe yrahc eee GEOLOGY, AGRICULTURE, ' | MANUFACTURES AND COMMERCE. ——— NUMBER CCLXXIIE. Fr JANUARY 1921, . PLATE: trative of Mess. CEasrep and Amrane’ s Blectro-tnagnitic xperiments, and Mr. PeRKins’s Paper on ig ate aenan ts of Water. va pY ALEXANDER TILLOCH, RTA, M.G, S$, M.R.A.S. MUNICH, F.8.4, EDIN. AND PERTH, MSE LN, OF FRANCE, &c. &c. Ko. aby ite and Diner ata tiuest, Ruta: “S ROWN; HIGHLEY; . Suenwoop and Co.; Harpine 3, ; SIMPKIN and MagsH aut 3 London: ConsTaBLe® N ang Brasn and Rew; Duncan; and Pen- wan ge} and es agate Dublin. A, _ nearly4@leven Months, | _ soon as may be converiient to himself. TO CORRESPONDENTS. »Mr, Carcisie’s Communication will be given inournest. - Mr. Inwes’s promised Communication we spall be happy to. receive as, Mr. Brvan’s Answer to Mr, Innes in our next. ©.) Asrronomicus has our best thanks. His Communication came ‘too late | for this number. ‘Tables of Pallas and Juno were previously composed. We would suggest that, instead of publishing such tables on the last day of _ the month preceding that for which they are given, they should appear at j least a whole month earlier, as many of our distant readers do not. receive _ their numbers till a week or two of the month has expired, — heel ‘Mr. Howarp’s Communication came too late for this sy a . if Mr. Lawson’s Communication is unavoidably delayed 1 till owr next. We have received two volunteet papers on each side of the: question be.» tween Mr. Nicuorson and Mr. Hoxprep ; but as the patties themselves” have addressed the public,'we must decline opening our pages any Pues wa dispute which we wish to see-terminated. 3 , 1S! SO NORTE ROLES Gir Tie ee In February will be published, in 4to, with Maps, Charts, Plates, ke VOYAGE for the DISCOVERY of a NORTH-WEST. PAS. SAGE from the ATLANTIC to the PACIFIC, pecioriny: by is Majesty’s Ships Hecla and Griper, under the Orders of Lp eat CAPTAIN PARRY) 0 ta in the Years 1819 and 1820; containing a full Account of the interestin "5 and important Grocraruicat Discoveries, the Nautica and Astros ®@OMICAL OxssERVATIONS, and the Narurar History of the Stas and}: Ts-anps to the Westward of Barrin’s Bay, more particularly of Mr- ViLLE’s Isuann, in the Porar SEA; where they Ships were frozen up jie a ra e _CATON's POPULAR REMARKS ON NERVOUS DISEASES, Seen : * By fathority of the Lords Giagebnicelsneee of the Admiralty. i me ERNE for Joan Murray, Albemarle-Street. Ria a7 Be THe. ayy j a! Lt —_—— This Day i is published, Price 9 Bs. 6d. OPULAR REMARKS, Mepicau and Eni “Neagle j Dewitty, Revaxatiox, Hyrocnonpriac ‘and Hystericat Disef EASES; containing an Inquiry into the Nature, vention, and"Treatment of those Diseases, called Nervous, Bilious, . Sic nachic, and Liver Com- plaints; with-Observations on Low Spirits, and ihe | Influence of ‘Tmagina tion on these acute and distressing Diseases, &c: Kee : 4 By ie CATON, Surgeon, * No. 10, Stanhope-Street,, Newcastle-Street, Strand, late Hospitals of St. Thomas’ $ at Guy's.” ‘Printed for Messrs. Sherwood and Co., ax , Patern 22, Change-Alley, | ; and C, Chapple, bs Pall Ma had, Catoy on INDIGESTION, ‘Scrorura, monk Cur. OxsERVATIONS On ERurrive and ate de as OE hie gO at ne Ap mats ‘Vor. a | Fesre ARY 1821. ; | No. 274. Published the Daast Dai of every Month, _ (PRICE 2s. 64.) a THE el MS. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE WS a AND JOURNAL: | i¥ COMPREHENDING THE VARIOUS BRANCHES. OF ae “THE LIBERAL AND FINE’ ARTS, i GEOLOGY, | ee AGRICULTURE, _ MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE. z "NUMBER CCLEXIV.. ee “For FEBR UARY 1aah. BY ALEXANDER TILLOGH, ce ae R.LA. M.G.S, M. JRAA,S. MUNICH, F.S,A. EDIN. AND PERTH, nwa? MS.ELN. (OF FRANCE, bc. &c. ‘&e. PAS LONDON: Fights " PRINTED BY RICHARD AND ARTHUR TAYLOR, SHOE-LANE : ; (fl BS And sold by Caner and Davies; Lonoman, Hurst, Rees, Ke Ae oe Orme, & Brown; Hicuvey; Suerwoop and Co.; Harpine;h 4 BX he ‘Unperwoon; SimpxiwandMarsi at ; London; Consrasue WS _and Co. Edinburgh: Brasu and Rein; Duncan; and Pen- MAN; Glasgow: and Girpeat and Honces, Dablin. ~ Communication. | . yet Ae "CO, acaiwst THE IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. | sok BOSTOCK, M.D. F,R.S. &c.;-and JOHN TAYLOR, M.G.Sy. ‘~ servations which will be found particularly gaat to the Mistress of al a | TO CORRE SPONDENTS. Mr. Yeares’s Lunar Tables are unavoidably postponed, but shall be attended to. _ * Mr, Benwetv’s Paper wbnld have appeared this month, ‘but sf the. great quantity: of "Tabular matter reviously prepared, and in the hands of the Ccmpositor, for the present } umber. It shall have a place in our next. The Communications of Mr. Trepcoxp, Mr. Urmae, ah N. B, have been received, and shall have early attention. I hie pene QUE regular Boston CorrgsPonpDENnrT is requested to say in his next Fae - your, whether he has any abjection t to. his Namie being” prefixed — to Se 5 PNM Sie NAMM LC) ~ REMARKS on a Communication published: in’ the XXth ae cae ; the Journal of Literature, Science and the Arts, entitled y ae Lf) gies Cras ON THE CHEMICAL PART OPS THE | EVIDENCE, GIVEN UPON THE LATE TRIAL OF | , THE ACTION BROUGHT BY MESSRS. SEVERN, KING-anp © By SAMUEL PARKES, F.L.S. M.R.I. M.G.S, &c.’ ate By RICHARD PHILLIPS, F.R.S. E, &.; ‘PHILIP TAYOLR; J, G. CHILDREN; F.R.S. &c.; JOHN MARTINEAU, Jun. 5. JOHN: “ London: Printed and sold by William Phillips, G ahi Yard, Lombard j Street: 182]. Price. Is. Gat hes bakit Oe a This ia is baled handsomely printed in ral sal with Ten Paes, 4 price 7s. 6d. A NEW EDITION OF ae : it NEW SYSTEM OF DOMESTIC COOKERY, forinea ‘upon PRINCIPLLS of ECONOMY, and adapted to the Use of Private Families. Comprising also the ART of CARVING, Observations on the - Mahagement of the DAIRY, and POULTRY YARD; Instructions for | HOME BREWERY, WINES, &c., COOKERY for the SICK, and for the POOR; many very useful MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS, and DIRECTIONS ‘proper to.be given to SERVANTS, both in Town — and Country. To which is prefixed an ESSAY on ‘DOMESTIC ECO. — . NOMY and HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT, comprising many Ob- es Sart ~— adce milly. ' 3 ie j BY A ‘LADY... ; ‘ae 4 “ This is really one of the most REN useful books Be any with we have seen on the subject. ‘The Jady who has written i:, has not studied _ how to form expensive articles for luxurious tables, but to combine ele- ance with economy : she has given her directiéns in a plain sensible man-_ ner, that every body can understand ; and these are not confined | merely to cdokery, but are extended to a variety of objects i in use in. families 5 Bes which means the utility of the book i is very much increased indeed, ae Printed for Je OuN URRAY, Albemarle-Street 5 Sana yey: ah A _ $OLD ALSO Bey a , By every other Hapieellcnt in England, Scotland and Treland.* “eet OF whom may be had, lately published, — : 5 THE NEW FAMILY RECEIPT. BOOK, a New Edition, greatly, arent baa ont pringed in’ sues Bv0. price 7s. Gd, in boareaae? we 4 eo hee oe icone aa, SE eee m2 X cabo he Woersy. le Mande 1821. | ee 275. ” Published the Taut utes ve eve? ‘y ) Month, 9 EPRICE: 2s, 6d] v : = at THE. -ANDP: J OURNAL: COMPREHENDING } THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF SCIENCE, : THE LIBERAL AND: FINE ARTS, Wy, GEOLOGY, A G R I C UL TUR E, "MANUFACTURES AND COMMERCE. NUMBER CCLXXV. For MARCH ‘s21. . Pare. BY ALEXANDER TILLOCH, M R.A, M.G.S. M.R.A.S. MUNICH, F.8.A. EDIN. AND PERTH, MS.EL. N. OF FRANCE, &c. &c. &e, LONDON: PRINTED BY RICHARD ‘AND ARTHUR TAYLOR, | SHOR-LANE ? se B And sold by. (Capecz and Davies; Loxoman, Horst, pitne:? : Orme, & Brown; Hicurey; Sxerwoop and Co,; Harpine ; Unperwoopd; Simpxinand MarsHatt ; London: ConsTABLE 5 and Co. Edinburgh: Brasu and Reip; Duncans, and Pan Hops bait and ‘Givpeet ond Hovess, D hg TO CORRESPONDENTS.. jy “ Mr. Lowt’s Reply to Mr. Ricarno’s Paper in the last Numbet of the Annals of Philosophy, on Illuminating by Gas produced from Oil and from Coal,” shall appear, if possible, in our next Number. . Our Anonymous Correspondent, respecting Dr. Younc’s Letter to Mr. | Wronsxr if he wishes us to pay any further notice to his Communications, } must send us something more intelligible than a tse tons cone | _ dents” cut out of a weekly Newspaper. | We 4 _ This day a are published, in 8vo. with plates, pride As, 6d. NTS on an IMPROVED METHOD of seb splice i _ toGENERAL PURPOSES, : . ‘By T. D. W. DEARN, Architect. ne * The object proposed is to render External Walls, whether ee Cote tages or more important Buildings, DRY AND DURABLE, consistent with Economy. ‘To which are added, Observations on the USE of SAND \ STONE and BRICK. | Zondou : : Printed for J. Harding, 36, St. James s Street. ‘ ] ee yes) WHERE MAY BE HAD, _ LOUDON on the Construction and Advantage of PAPER ROOFS, recommended for Agricultural and ad suitable Buildings. With a plate. 8vo. Qs. 2d edition. y A REPORT made to the Workington Agricultural Society, by the President, J. C. Curwen, Esq. M. P. 8vo. 5s. . This Work gives a detail of the Proceedings at the Schoose Expetimet tal Farm for the last five years, and includes a general view his recent Dis . Coveries and Improvements i in Agriculture. A DISSERTATION on LIME, and its Use and Abuse in Asner . ture, including a View of its EChesnieal Effects. wy. Tuomas Horna’, Surgeon, York, 8vo. price 2s. A TREATISE on MILDEW, and the CULTIVATION of. WHEAT, including Hints on the Use of Lime, Chalk, Marl, Clay, Gyp-: sum, &c. By Francis sla one and Agent to *, W. abe i price ls. 6d. An ESSAY on the CONVERSION. of ARABLE LANDi into PAS. TURE, by transplanting Try, and on other Rural Subjects. New sc tion, by: the same. 2s, An ESSAY onthe MANAGEMENT of FARM-YARD MANURE, and Formation of Compost ; accompanied with a Plate, and. Description. of the Inverted Horse Hoe invented by the Author. New edition. @s. A TREATISE on the MANAGEMENT of HEDGES and ,HEDGE-ROW TIMBER. Second edition. 2s. POTATOES.—A PRACTICAL TREATISE on the CULTURE and MANAGEMENT of POTATOES, with a Catalogue of the best. a and Hints o on the Use of Potatoes i in £ orang Stock, &ee 2s. Pi Arrit 1821. "Published ae Last Day af every Month, [PRICE %5. 64] THE PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL: I COMPREHENDING 7 “THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF SCIENCE : ‘THE LIBERAL, AND FINE ARTS, 5 . GEOLOGY, ¥ A G R I C U L TU R gE MANUFACTURES AND COMMERCE. / pee ceoey 3 ' For APR TL 1821. "WITH A PLATE BY PORTER, - , “ ustrative of Mr. Jamieson? s Marine Thermometer Case, and § oA z Mr. J ENNINGS’§ Mercurial Log-Glass. . BY. ALEXANDER TILLOCH,- ; om, R.A, M.G. S.M. RAS. MUNICH, F.8,A. EDIN. AND Pru, M, S.E.I. N. OF FRANCE, &ec. ‘&e, &c, }/ LONDON: PRINTED BY. ‘RICHARD AND ARTHUR TAYLOR, SHOE-LANE : : And sold by Cape. and Davies; Lonoman, Hurst, Rezs, , - Orme, & Brown; Hicuuty; Susrwoon and Co.; Harpine 5} -Unperwoon; Simpxiwand Marswae 3 London: ConsTaBur \ and Co. Edinburgh: RASH and Reis Duncan; and Pen- | MaN, Clason and ( TLBERT bv Honors, a eae : - TO CORRESPONDENTS. xiape en ts Be sOne or. two of the Barometrical Observations for this Month came too : Tate for insertion. The attention of « our Correspondents to an early com > munication is requested. a h . y . : y; ee ape 7 ” This s Day is 5 published, handsomely j printed in alll vo. with Ten Plates, | “~ price 7s. 6d, | ~ | 4 NEW EDITION OF epita S 1 “NEW SYSTEM OF DOMESTIC COOKERY, formed upon _ PRINCIPLLS of ECONOMY, and adapted to the Use of Private | Tanilies: Comprising also the ART of CA RVING, Observations on the: | Management of the DAIRY, and POULTRY YARD; Instructions for. | HOME BREWERY, WINES, &c., COOKERY for the SICK, and } for the POOR ; many very useful MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS, and DIRECTIONS proper to be given to SERVANTS, both in Town and Country. To which is prefixed an-ESSAY on DOMESTIC ECO- | NOMY and HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT, comprising many Ob-.’ servations which will. be found particularly useful to the Minus of a Fa-. mily. ce al a eit BY A.~LADY,.., bh Eig any eed if f wa This i is really one of the most pr: actically useful books. of Sisty which 4 we have seen on the subject. -The lady who has written it, has not studied | how to form expensive articles for luxurious tables,’ but to combine ele- , i) gance with economy : she has given her | irections in a plain sensible man- | ner, that every body can: understand 3 and these are not confined moeiy tl i to cookery, but are extended to a variety of objects in use in families; by | which means ‘the utility of the book is very much increased indeed,”? oF _ » Printed for Joun Murray, » Albemarle-Street 5. yas by SOLD ALSO 4 “By every other Bookseller i in England, Scotland and Tela. 3 : Of whom may be had, lately ‘published, +i fe | ‘THE NEW FAMILY RECEIPT BOOK, a New Edition, ‘greatly tie vig handsomely printed i in small 8vo. Sige TS. Gd. in boards, ; Pi St CATON’S. POPULAR REMARKS ON NERVOUS } DISEASES, : OCEAN ie : hi oe 4 This Day i is published: Price 9s; 6ds 2 nF o YOPULAR REMARKS, Mepica and ‘Litrraryy ‘0 son. eae “‘Desitty, RELAXATION, Hy?ocnonparac and Hysrertcar Diss EASES; ‘containing an Inquiry into the Nature, Prevention, and Treatment” of thoce Diséases, called Nervous, Bilious, Stomachic, and Liver Com-_ plaints 5. with Observations on Low Spirits, and the Influence esta a tion on these acute and distressing Diseases, &e, &c. sk ake By T.M. CATON, Surgeon, n No. 10, Stashipslsima, Newcastle. Street, Strand, ‘late of the vuited Hospitals of St. Thomas's and Guy's re eet Printed for Messrs. Sherwood and Co. Fi 20, Patehiibeter Rokk: Neely, 22, Change-Alley, ; -and-C. Chapple, 66, Pall “Mall. Where may be’ had, Caton on Inpicesrion,. Scrorura, and Curanrous Disedses + OxssExVATIONS On Exuptive anid. Sropyriy Pimpves a ae Face ese Sxin. Price 3s. iH ’ ‘Vor. 57. May J 08 a Sace No. 277. o Piblished fs He Dey ever y "Moith (PRICE 8s, 644] } PHILOSOPHICAL ‘MAGAZINE CAND. JOURNAL: : = “compass ENDI NG Sy he THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF SCIENCE, THE LIBERAL AND FINE ARTS, G E 0 L O G Xs Mean) Kae AGRICULTURE, By MANUFACTURES: AND COMMERCE. [NOUBER CCLXXVIL. For MAY 1821. WITH We PLATE BY PORTER, y ALEXANDER ‘TILLOCH, ELD. Rt. A. M6. 8. M, ‘A.S, F, S.A. _ EDIN. AND PERTH; “CORRESPONDING. MEM- | BER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, MUNICH; AND OF THE _ ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, LITERATURE AND ARTS, PEGHORN, &e. &ee Ad ‘LO OND ON: x SY RICHARD AND ARTHUR TAYLOR, SHOR-LANE : 2 And sold by. Caveut and Davies; Lonoman, Hursr, Rees, Orme, & Brown; Hicarey; Suerwoop and Co.;Harpinc; ~ Unperwoon; Simpxinand Marsnatu; ‘London: POR AT ARLE and Co. pay and Paxman, Glasgow. Lately phbtished, - one large Volume, 8vo, with 21 Plates, Price iis Ie Boards, ‘ N RUN CA'TECHISM, in Dialogues between an ke Mother and her Daughter. . cet ths aN By CATHERINE VALE WHITWELL.. " na Printed for the Author; and sold by G. Wilson, Bookseller, corner oF Essex-street, Strand. Where may be had by the same Author, AN © ADDRESS to Mothers in the British Empire. on the Subject of Female » Education. Price 3s. And may be had gratis, Terms of M Miss Dae ; weiw’s Ladies’? Seminary, Russel-square, Joondon. “/0 Open d Y — ' This Day is : published, in one thick Volume 8vo. eke 15s, Boards, M ANUAL OF MINERALOGY: containing An Account of Sim- ple Minerals, and also A Description and Arrangement of Moun- tain Rocks. yay sie By ROBERT JAMESON, ; f es hy Professor Natural History, Lecturer on Mineralogy, and. Keeper a of the Museum in the University of Edinburgh, &c. &c. ¢ Printed for Archibald Constable ang Co.. , Edinburgh ; and Hurst, Ro. binson, and Co. London, *,.* This work is so arranged, as to be particularly useful to the Student of Mineralogy and Geology; and the Mineralogical Traveller will be ens . abled by it to determine with ease and certainty, not only the simple Mi- nerals and Ores, but also the Mountain Rocks of the countries he visits. As above may be had, by the.same Author?) as A SYSTEM OF MINERALOGY; 3 vols. 8vo. A New Edition, i ~ being the Third, ¢ greatly improved. With numerous Plates, 2/. 16s. Bds.§ - A TREATISE on the EXTERNAL, CHEMICAL, and PHYSI- CAL CHARACTERS of MINERALS. Third Hae ‘8vo. 125. . Boards. ; ans 3 “ENGRAVINGS. Uy Ae Vol. XLIX. A Plate to illustrate Dr. Evans’s Chneneitentian vi | » Terrestrial Magnetism ; a new Electro-atmospherical Tnstrument ; and} Mr. Anprtw Horn’s Paper on Vision—A Quarto Plate to illustrate ‘Mrs. Insetson’s Physiology of Vegetables. —A Plate to illustrate thd} Solar Spots which appeared during the Year 1816 ;—and Mr, Bevan’; ‘Improvement on the Sliding-Rule-—A Plate descriptive of Mr.Emmetr’ Instrument for the Measurement of the Moon’s Distance from the Su &c.; also a New Reflecting Goniometer.—A Plate to illustrate Chevalie Baaver’s Method of communicating Rotatory Motion; Lieut. Suuzrp) HAm’s improved Method of working a Capstan; and Sreevy’ ’s new Mch \ dification of Nootu’s Apparatus, &c. f Vol. I. A Plate to iliustrate Sir Humpury Davy’s new Research on Flame, and Sir Grorce Cayzey’s Paper on Aérial Navigation. : A Plate representing a Section of the Pneumatic Cistern, with the co pound Blow-pipe of Mr. Hare; and a Sketch of a Steam-Vessel i tended to run between London and Exeter.—Representation of Apparat for Sublimation of lodineModel of a Safety Furnace by Mr. Baxeweip & -—A pparatus for consuming Fire-damp in the Mine—and Apparatus fd re-lighting the Miners’ Davy.—A Plate illustrative of the New Pate} , Horizontal Water- Wheel of Mr.Apamsoy.—A Plate illustrative: of Mip ie ' Ipspetson’s: Theory of the Physiology of Vegetables.x—A) Plate to illy trate Mr, Dickinson’s new System: of sis von June 1821. . > tia =o > mea oxic oe 2? jf me an i = = sigs im "Published Me pls ‘Day oh every Month, | [PRICE 2s, 6d.] | i 2 | ay | PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE ae AND JOURNAL: _COMPREHENDI Ne’ \ iy THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF SCIENCE, a THE LIBERAL AND FINE ARTS, a ; GEOLOGY, We usiti iv AGRI CULTURE, "MANUFACTURES . AND comMERcr. NUMBER COLXXVIIL For JUNE ABOU: (4 Ky . WITH. A PLATE BY PORTER, Si de ee nga Double Canal Lock, originally ‘ccnbeeal for the bis IG At 2 Regent's anal, by Mr. R. H. Gower ; and a Modification of fF AS ee ete Apparatus, by Mr. Tar i a Bae dir by iat ACADEMY ¢ OF SCIENCES, MUNICH ; AND OF THE fps NCES, LITERATURE AND ARTS, LEGHORN, &e. &e. ; ‘4 Wass rx, yi f A eed + # Prolene BONDON: Sampo ues ny, Can), & " PRINTED BY § RICHARD AND ARTHUR TAYLOR, SHOE- LANE: wis ASH And sold by Capen and Dayirs; ; Loneman, Hurst, Rees, |W f AY » Orme, & Brown; Hicuiry; Suerwoop and Co.; Harpinc ; NX SS 2) ~_Unperwoon; SimpxiwandMarsuaut; London: ConsTaBLe Gein # and Co, Edinbargh: | and rap Glasgow, f, 3) ; G yt vy 4 yi ie S ca 2s TOCORRESPONDENTS. i ss: Mr, Innes’s Communication will appear in a future Seats 4 . Dr. Burney’s Answers to Mr. Farey in our next. The Doctor is Te- / "guested to communicate to the Editor the Longitude and scthair of his | /bservatory, for the information of an ‘Inquirer, - Mr. Farsy on the Trigonometrical Survey in our next. 4 Mr. Urrine will see that we, have made room for his additional Table’ in our present Number. \ ; y’s Remarks on Mr. Rippxz’s Claim shall be laid before our readers, Mr. Rocrasox on the Glow-worm in our next. “This, Day i is published, in one «Wal: Svat Price Be. | in nBoawle ESEARCHES. INTO THE LAWS AND PHAXNOMENA OF PESTILENCE including a Mepicat Sxzrcu and Review of ,the Puacue or Lonvon in 1665, and -Reararks on Quarantive ; with — 4 _ an Appenprx, containing Exrracrs and OsservaTions relative to the _ Plagues of: Morocco, Malta, Noya, and Corfu. Being the Subject of the — Anniversary Oration delivered before the Medical Society of London i in q the Spring of 1820, and published by its Request. By THOMAS HANCOCK, M.D. j Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, and’ one of ene Sirsidaye | | ' to the City and Finsbury Dispensaries. Nae ; Published by William Phillips, George- Yard, Lorhbard-Street ; 3 and re also by S. and A. Arch, Cornhill ; and = ae he Underwood, Fleet- , ~ Street. | ~ This Day i is SoORRAL | in one aie Sa Sk heey 25 Engravings, ‘ several of them coloured, Price 18s. boards ; the Third Volume of = EMOIRS of the WERNERIAN NATURAL. HISTORY SO. | CIETY, for the Years 1817 to 1820. q Published by Archibald Constable and Co. Balinborgh and Hurst, % ‘Robinson and Co. Cheapside, London. % » Of whom may be had, ° g THE MEMOIRS of the WERNERIAN “SOCIETY, Volumes 1 and 2, with Engravings, Price 2. 9s. boards. ‘ig? ; 4 + $e: —= ~ 5 . CATON’S POPULAR REMARKS ON NERVOUS DISEASES, Kew. 4 = Ve 4 This Bayi is fbiaied: Sa $s, 6d. rer ORHAR : REMARKS, Mepicat and Lirrrary, on Nou: pe Desirry, Reraxation; Hypocnonpriac- and HystericaL Dis- EASES; containing an Inquiry into the Nature, Prevention, and Trea tment — of those Diseases called Nervous, Bilious, Stomachic, and Liver Com- — plaints; with Observations of Low Spirits, and the Influence of. eapiie. ‘4 tion on these acute arid distressing Diseases,&c. &e. 8) ae By. T. M. CATON, Surgeon, as ma eee No. 10, dianapeeess Newcastle-Street, Strand, late of the united 7 ' Hospitals of St. Thomas’s and Guy’s. ~ Printed for Messrs. ‘Sherwood and Co., 20, 'Paternoster-Row} Neely, a 22, Change-Alley, ; and C. Chapple, 66, Pall Mall. Where: may. be _ had, Caton on Innicestron, Scroruna, and Curanrous Distas 85 Onszavarrons on Exurrive, pn. Sedna exe PimPLes of the Face a a) rice 3s. rats : aN ae eR a) oe THE PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL: THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF SCIENCE, THE LIBERAL AND FINE ARTS, GEOLOGY, AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE. Lccadatghaeieed BY ALEXANDER TILLOCH, M.R.1.A.M.R AS. Monicu, M.G.S.M.A.S. F.S.A. Epin. anp Pertu, M.S E.I.N. or France, &c. &c. &e. “ Nec aranearum sane textus ideo melior quia ex se fila gignunt, nec noster vilior quia ex alienis libamus ut apes,” Just. Lirs. Monit. Polit. lib. i. cap. 1. VOL. LVII. ~ ‘ £ i For JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, and JUNE, 1821. I LONDON: PRINTED BY RICHARD AND ARTHUR TAYLOR, SHOE LANB? And sold by Canett and Davies; Loneman, Hurst, Rees, Onme, and Brown; Hicurey; Sarrwoop and Co.; Harpinc; UNDER woop; Simpexin and Marsuat, London: ConsTaBLe and Co, Edinburgh: Brasu and Rero; Duncan and Penman, Glasgow: and Gitsert and Hopes, Dublin. Lh ete Lod ae cae <— ate os sare ne all AS mary chewy i Re : “ye ogee AND es ‘ak sais i spite ee ‘ 44s ‘st ’ ‘ i; r wi dinpntenss a7 HS eager PES SE : Ae Ae Fane ~<% ne j . “ a J + ae ahs Pat Ke Fst ae ert 19% ; = an) pele Rect rs ee re ae NS salt Sy ees iN a bp kas nena a : S a An iH y vet { iy eas, maak tie Soa yh Sia al of M Wy. es = ‘ *s alats er { ; by bp 4 ee ; ts ly 1 RADE” es Sy 2 smpased (>). ital . F Synll nok Sy eet, & ims f Pcie Wie. . Wek kh be Mag 4 y i e? BURY He ees Seen E eel “athe paete aw Oss Mab aie {Bs priate Bea: Dy { eer is ai al, conn ae wid eh 1: tb a CY. aeitn THE PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL. I. On the discordant Opinions delivered by the Chemists who gave Evidence on the Trials of the Insurance Question of SEVERN, Kine, and Co. versus the Fire Offices. By M. Ri- carbo, Esq. To Mr. Tilloch. Sir,—For commenting upon the discordant opinions which were given on the trial of Messrs. Severn and Co. relative to some of the properties of oil, and which have been put on record in the last Number of the’Philosophical Magazine, it is unnecessary for me to offer any apology to those gentlemen the correctness of whose doctrines | have presumed to call in question. Opinions upon scientific subjects, or indeed upon any other, which are publicly promulgated, become public property, and are open to the observations and criticisms of any one who chooses to descant upon them; and in freely canvassing such opinions, it is always to be understood that the doctrines only are criticised and not the persons advancing them; nothing personal is meant: that esti- mation in which, as men of science, they are so highly held, and that respect to which they have become so justly entitled, and which no one feels more warmly than the individual who is now addressing you, are not in the slightest degree lessened by the casual advancement of doctrines which on examination may not be found perfectly tenable. The question at issue, however, is not the truth or falsehood of an hypothesis; but it is as to the existence of facts, facts that no doubt may and will be clearly proved to the satisfaction, or I should rather say to the convic- tion, of all parties. Hypotheses or theories may be disputed, but the facts themselves cannot be disproved; and whether oil is de- composable below a certain heat, whether it gives out inflamma- ble vapour, and whether it is easily or difficultly heated, may be as clearly proved, if the trial is made unbiased by party feeling, as any problem in mathematics. The observations which I propose to make are upon the evi- dence which was given on the trial, without any reference to ex- periments that may have been subsequently made; and [ shall Vol. 57. No. 273. Jan, 1821. A2 com- 4 Discordant Opinions of Chemists commence them with an examination of the second points, as stated in your last Magazine, which each party wished to esta- blish ; the gentlemen on the one side maintaining ‘¢ that oil kept ata heat of 360 degrees for two months, underwent no change whatever, excepting becoming darker and thicker ; that by such operation it did not become at all more inflammable.” The gentlemen on the other side asserting, ‘* that oil kept at the heat and during the time above mentioned did become changed, that partial decomposition took place, and that it became more in- flammable.” Here then there is a decided contradiction of facts. The above assertion on the plaintifis’ side was made by Dr. Thomson, anc was corroborated by most of the other witnesses, with perhaps some slight modifications. They all allowed that an aqueous vapour was given out, which condensed and fell back in the boiler, and that the blackness of the oil was occasioned by earbon being deposited. This aqueous vapour, as it is termed, could not be the result of water mechanically combined with the oil, because the whole of that, ifthere were any, would be expelled before it arrived at the heat of 360 degrees. Now this vapour continues to be produced the whole of the time it is submitted to this heat. Aqueous vapour cannot be formed from oil without that oil undergoing some decomposition. The hydrogen and oxygen that leave the oil to form this vapour must disarrange its elementary constituents, and the residue must be a compound of anew order. Carbonic acid gas, itis stated, is given out, which cannot be produced without some further change taking place. Thus, Sir, on their own admission, we see that oil does undergo a change more than merely in colour and density, and that a decomposing process is going forward all the time it is submitted to that heat. It is somewhat surprising, that men to whose opinions so much importance is attached, and who are looked up to with so much deference, should not have made themselves acquainted with every circumstance that was necessary to enable them to give a correct opinion upon every point on which they might be examined, particularly when so much time was allowed them between the two trials to gain all the information possible. That which was termed aqueous vapour, is in fact not simply aqueous vapour, but combined with an inflammable vapour and a large portion of acetic acid, which is formed in the oil: their calling it aqueous vapour at least demonstrates that they assumed it wasso without proving it; and if they admit assumption in onein- stance, their opponents may justly charge them with itin others; for they ascertained the vapour to be acid, and that it was acetic acid *. All * It may be said, this is not a new fact; as it was well known, and had been noticed in chemical works, that acetic acid comes over with the vapour that on the late Trial of an Insurance Question. 5 All these circumstances combined, prove that what the plaintiffs’ witnesses asserted, that oil undergoes no change, is not correct ; for aqueous vapour, combined with acetic acid and carbonic acid gas, is formed, and carbon is deposited. This could not take place, and [ think no one will dispute it, if the oil did not under- go decomposition. Of its being rendered more inflammable by the change it has undergone, 1 can only observe, that on this point the evidences of the plaintiffs’ witnesses are at variance among themselves. Mr. Wilson, Dr. Thomson, Mr. Parkes, and others, observed, that there was no difference between old and new oil, as they were termed, in their combustibility. The latter said that old oil became less combustible ; and this he did not state from actual experiment, but he assumed it because the oil became thicker. Mr. Brande on the contrary said, that he obtained inflammable vapour 50 degrees lower from old oil than from new; and Mr, Accum stated, that from oil that had been heated for some con- siderable time he had obtained inflammable vapour as low as 460 degrees; but he did not attribute its inlammability to its being old, but to its having been heated in a leaden vessel, and having dissolved a portion of the lead which, in his opinion, rendered it more combustible. Without adverting to any of the assertions made on the other side, as to the change which oil undergoes at the continued heat of 360, I think I have proved on their own admission, that oi] does not remain the same; that a decomposition does take place; and that, new compounds being formed, it must necessarily undergo a greater change than merely becoming darker and thicker. The next point for consideration is the change which takes place in the combustibility of oil at a higher heat. At 600 de- grees, it is stated by Mr. Wilson on the plaintiffs’ side, a small quantity of vapour is given out, but none below that heat: if a light were applied to it, it burned with a blue lambent flame and soon went out, About a foot high it would become condensed, and fall back again as oil. This was corroborated by Dr. Thom- son, Mr. Brande, and many others, with slight modifications, The feeble testimony of so humble.an individual as myself, in opposition to such high authority as that which I have already quoted, or in addition to the assertions of the equally high au- thority on the other side, may have but little weight with those who have already formed, or are to form, their judgement upon this subject: but it was a matter of no small surprise to ne, whilst in Court, tohear that statement made, when but a very few days that is formed during the process of heating oil. This does not alter my ob- jections ; but renders it the more extraordinary, that with the knowledge of this circumstance, it should be asserted that oil undergoes no change before 6 Discordant Opinions of Chemists before I had witnessed the violent and incontrovertible effects of oil ignited at 600 degrees ; the vapour was lighted before it ar- rived at that heat, but | have said 600 degrees because it did not exceed that, the range of the thermometers terminating at that — point, and which were uot found broken after the experiment was finished. From a tube aifixed to the boiler the flame ascended upwards of four feet in length, striking against the wooden roof of the place where the experiment was tried, and which for some considerable time baffled all the attempts to extinguish it, and made every one present seriously alarmed for the safety of the building : the fire was raked out, pails full of water were thrown into the fire-place; wet cloths were put on the mouth of the tube, to no purpose; the cover of some pot, was at last placed upon it, which dispersing the flamelaterally preventedits ascendingso high 5 and in that state it continued burning for some considerable time. With this occurrence fresh in my mind, it was not to be wondered at that I should have listened with astonishment when I heard it asserted by Dr. Thomson, whose authority I had always looked up to with so much deference, that a fire twenty miles long placed under such a boiler as the one used by the plaintiffs could not make it dangerous. This experiment, which I witnessed in company with those gentlemen who were subpoenaed on the part of the defendants, by the invitation of Mr. P. Taylor, at whose laboratory it was made, was one of many others tried by them, and all of which were attended by the same results. This it may be said is as- sertion against assertion ; but the fact, whether the vapour of oil at 600 degrees gives out only a blue lambent flame easily put out, or a continuous one most ungovernable and with great dif- ficulty extinguished, may be very easily proved. The next point of difference is the length of time necessary to heat oi],—the one partystating that it would require eight or ten hours with great difficulty to bring it from a safe to a dangerous point ; the other, that it may be effected without any difficulty at all in twentv minutes. | ‘should observe here, that there is no detail of any experiment on the side of the plaintiffs, to prove the fact which they have stated ; for the trifling attempt at heat- ing oil over an Argand lamp, where the radiation of heat when the oil arrived at a certain temperature kept pace with that emitted from the lamp, is no proof at all; but I do not recol- lect any statement having been given of its being tried with a fire under the boiler with the express view of ascertaining that point: their endeavour was to keep the oil at a temperature below 360 degrees. But on the other hand the fact has been proved in six or seven public experiments, where in a boiler con- structed upon the model of the one used by the plaintiffs, with a fire- _ on the late Trial of an Insurance Question. i fire-place proportionably less, with a depth of oil nearly twice that which the large one contained, oil in twenty minutes, with a moderate fire, was heated from a safe to a highly dangerous point. Now, Sir, where two parties are equally entitled to credibility, we should certainly say that one positive assertion was worth a hun- dred negative, and that the detail of absolute facts must take place of mere conjecture. What was said concerning a leakage in the boiler was hardly worthy the consideration of a chemist. A cook-maid could have answered that question equally well ; and if she were asked whe- ther a hole in her frying-pan, and the consequent leakage of her dripping, would have any effect in raising or extinguishing the flame, she would tell you proverbially that ‘all the fat was in the fire,” and leave you to draw your own conclusions. The next subject for consideration is the production of Dip- pel’s oil, which Dr. Thomson asserted could not be obtained from whale oil in a similar boiler to that used by the plaintiffs, and that passing it three times through a red hot tube would not pro- duce it. Whether the latter mode would produce it, or not, lam unable to say; Dippel’s oil is stated tobe highly inflammable, very volatile, considerably lighter than common oil, and its boiling point is 18() degrees. A sample of oil was produced in court by Mr. P. Taylor which had all the properties above enumerated. It may be denied that this was Dippel’s oil, because it is not pro- duced from a solid animal substance ; but it clearly possesses all its properties, and it is needless to cavil about names. This was procured by the redistillation of a portion that had been distilled trom the boiler in which the experiment was tried. The inference to be drawn from Dr. Thomson’s statement was, that it required great difficulty to produce this highly inflammable oil. But it is clear, that if the vapour at 600 is condensed and falls back again, it must contain this inflammable matter disengaged in it, which may be driven over at a heat much below 360, The maximum of heat is here given ; but a set of experiments will be tried, to prove among other things at how low a heat this oil may be in the first and second instance produced. The next point for consideration is the inflammability of sugar. The assertion which Dr. T. made, that sugar next to gunpowder was the most combustible substance in nature, must be consi- dered, as well as the fire of twenty miles extent, as one of those strong declarations made without thought, and without consider- ing the extent of their meaning, and which isintended to convey an opinion as strongly as it can be conveyed. Had the same opi- nion been given in a Jess forcible manner, coming from such a source, it would have been open to the same criticism, Hyper- bole is not wanted to give force or authority to any thing that rT. 8 Discordant Opinions of Chemists Dr. Thomson may say. Perhaps it may be difficult to disprove what has been said, that boiling of sugar is more dangerous than heating oil—that sugar boiling over would. catch fire and burn as it ran along the floor—that mixing it with water rendered it more dangerous ;—such assertions could only be met by counter asser- tions. But I would ask those gentlemen who made them, to re- flect calmly, without letting their judgements be biassed by their prejudices, and say whether they really believe that syrup could, in the state in which it is boiled in the sugar-houses, and as the. fire-places are constructed, on boiling over, possibly set the building on fire? whether it would burn as it ran along the floor? and whether mixing water with sugar adds to its combustibility ? The evidence given by Mr. John Martineau on this point, which for clearness and perspicuity was not exceeded by any evi- dence given on thattrial, might, Ishould have thought, haveset that point at rest. He had watched the progress of.sugar boiling upon a large scale with the eye of a man of science—he had traced it to its most dangerous point, and yet found it perfectly controul- able ; and though this gentleman might not boast of holding that rank as a general chemist which many others do, yet on this par- ticular point 1 think he might be considered superior to them all. The experiments of Mr. Brande proved that at a certain heat the vapour issuing from sugar was inflammable; but long, very long before it arrived at that point, the sugar was spoiled, and rendered unfit for any purposes for which sugar refiners could use it. The neat and highly ingenious experiment of Mr. Children (whose name and character as a man of science entitled him to a more courteous observation than was made by the Solicitor-General, who styled him a mere parlour chemist) proving the inflammable point of sugar by phosphorus, is not at all at variance with Mr, Brande’s trial; it demonstrated that long before sugar became dangerous, it became completely spoiled. i I have now gone through all the points on which the two par- ties have differed, and the differences must be determined by fu- ture experiments. Those who have advanced opinions with a conviction on their minds of their correctness, will not sit quietly under the imputation of having promulgated erroneous ones, par- ticularly when they state these opinions to be facts founded upon the results of actual trials ; and such facts cannot be disproved by mere hypotheses ; they must be met by other experiments, not tried for the purpose of obtaining a particular end, but. every end they are susceptible of. The dignity of chemical science has suf- fered much by this trial; but, though this is to be lamented, we may hope that the science will be greatly benefited, by a new field being opened for future investigation that may lead to results of great importance. Sh it BSss VANINTTT V/ ll i A ae ANE Z i Yj ! Ae g| i) j y) y ¥ Y Y Vy fi Y Y Y j 4 V V 4 % / ) V) / PY / | I = | Y Cc min ii / | i | SSS SSNS Y Yy Af Wi Vf | a Y, " —_ a SV WIS ON Fae te LI tas we OS on the late Trial of an Insurance Question. 9 It may be said, that in the observations T have made, it has evidently been with a leaning to one side, and from my acknow- ledgement of having been present at one of their experiments with a strong bias to that side. If it is so, it is the result of convic- tion. With the best judgement I am capable of bringing to this investigation, the evidence on the one side appears to me infi- nitely more conclusive than on the other; and what I observed as an eye-witness, I cannot disprove to myself. The assertion of the Solicitor-General, that the party opposed to him tried the experiments to prove how dangerous this mode of heating sugar was, is certainly not incorrect ; but he did not properly state how they proved it, when he said that Mr. Farra- day admitted that the fire was strongly urged at the last. I think he exceeded that ger:tleman’s admission ; if I understood Mr. F. rightly, the fire was not urged vehemently, and every thing done to heat the oil 4s quickly as possible; but that, having been obliged to use great care to keep the heat so low as not to allow the contents of the boiler to exceed 360, when they wanted to raise it they were necessarily obliged to increase the fire from the low point at which it had been kept: but as an eye-witness, I can say, not more than if they had wanted to heat water or any other fluid. On the other side the experiments were tried to ascertain how safely it might be used, and from taking precau- tions to heep it so, they did not attend to its danger ; and trying only by halves, from the result of such knowledge and the imper- fect information it conveyed, they were induced to advance opt- nions which, I have no doubt, at some future time, they will regret. they ever uttered. It is impossible for any man, were his life of three times the usual extent, to go through all the experiments of which chemistry is capable ; and therefore many opinions that were given were advanced not on their own, but on the authority of others. The properties of whaie oil are still very imperfectly known ; its highly offensive nature, and the inconvenience at- tending any experiments upon it, would deter many, who had not a strong motive, from making it a subject of choice. Mr. P. Tay- lor * had that motive, and I believe no one possesses more accu- rate information on this subject than he does, although even his knowledge is still very imperfect. The investigation of oil in the production of gas has long occupied his attention, and a further investigation in such hands must lead to important conclusions. It is with great deference I have presumed to call in question opinions of men so justly and so highly estimated for their great * I may be allowed,to observe here, that the character and talent of this gentleman as a man of science are equal to any; his capability in planning: experiments, and his ingenuity in forming jast and conclusive deductions from their results, are perhaps superior to most. Vol. 57. No, 273. Jan, 1821. B talents 7 10 On the Pyroligneous Acid, talents; but the greatness of these talents renders it the more ne~ cessary, as it gives a currency and a sanction to errors that ema- nate from them; nor should the obscurity of an individual deter him from pointing out such errors when he thinks he has detected them. I cannot conclude these observations without bearing my warmest testimony to the fairness, the candour, and perfect good humour, with which the experiment I witnessed was conducted. Mr. Dawes, the respectable solicitor, whom I had not the honour of knowing till I met him on this occasion, seemed only anxious for the truth, the strict impartial truth, and I am sure would have been as much above taking any quibbling advantage, had it been offered, as the gentlemen who acted with him were above offering him any. Ihave been induced to make these remarks, from many rumours that have been afloat of the motives which in- duced some gentlemen to give the evidence they did. It is to be most sincerely regretted that upon a question,—as far as they were concerned,—purely scientific, any personal insinuations should have been thrown out that must have wounded the feel- ings of those who knew they were as unjust as they were un- true. Let us hope that in the further pursuit of this subject, or indeed any other connected with science, a better feeling will prevail, and that the same desire will actuate all,—that of pro- moting its benefit to the utmost, Bow, Jan. 11, 1821. M. Ricarpo. Il. On the Pyroligneous Acid, its Manufacture and Uses. By Dr. Witkinson. {Extracted from a Communication made by Dr. Wilkinson to the Bath and West of England Society, and read at their Annual Meeting on the 19th of Dec. 1820.] Tus manufacture of this acid is conducted on a large scale at Neath, in the neighbourhood of Swansea. The furnaces are made about 5 feet by 3, and 6 feet deep, sufficient to contain for each charge about 15 cwt. of wood; the door is made air tight by means of a luting of clay and horse dung, and is not opened for twelve hours; the fire underneath is raised just sufficient to. pro- duce a slight glowing heat on the floor of the furnace. All kinds of woods are made use of; the drier the wood, the stronger the acid. When the distillation is completed, what is left in the fur- nace is charcoal, which constitutes about one-third in weight of the wood employed; each ton of wood yields about 100 gallons of liquor, consisting of weak acid, tar, and naphtha, and the re- maining loss arises from the gaseous products. The acid corresponds in all its properties to acetic acid. After rest, its Manufacture and Uses. li rest, a partial separation takes place; the denser tar falls to the bottom; the lighter naphtha floats at the top; the acid, the middle part, from which place it is drawn off: in this state it is a little mixed with portions of naphtha and tar, and is denomi- nated by the manufacturer the black acid, for if it were in this state employed in the manufacture of sugar of lead, it would pro- duce a very discoloured article. By distillation the acid becomies more concentrated and purified: it is in this stage that portion which is sold to the vinegar makers is saturated with chalk ; the solution drawn off and evaported to dryness is exported in the form of the acetate of lime. For the manufacture of the acetate or sugar of lead, the acetate of lime is put into an iron still; sul- phuric acid diluted with an equal quantity of water is added, in such a proportion as to leave an excess of sulphuric acid. The acetic acid is distilled, and the sulphate of lime or gypsum, formed in the operation, is left in the still. The acid drawn off is subjected to another distillation ; the acid in this state is highly concentrated, and the 100 gallons of liquor produced in the first distillation is reduced to about 30 gal- lons of strong acid. _In this state it will dissolve nearly half its weight of litharge, which is added to the vinegar whilst cool; during its admixture there is an increase of temperature of near 60 degrees; in this stageno heat is employed. If the acid were warmed, there would not only be a considerable loss from evapo- ration; but the litharge instead of being dissolved would form a hard cake or mass. The manufacturer soon ascertains the point of saturation: he distinguishes by the smell an excess of either acid or litharge. If the mass is too thick to let the impurities subside, as much water is added as is equal to the acid employed; - after being well stirred it is left for 24 hours to depurate, then drawn off and boiled down to concentration, which is determined by taking out a small portion in a capsule, and observing whether it solidifies on becoming cool. It is then drawn off into casks holding about 6 or 7 cwt. In about five or six days it becomes solid, atthe end of which time, a hole is made at the top, into which a syphon is introduced, in order to draw off the mother- water from the central part; it is then broke up, picked, and sorted for the calico printers. There being no correct account of this process published, will I hope plead my apology in troubling the Society with the above detail. From some experiments which have been made, the purified acid has not been found to answer the same purposes as vinegar in the processes of pickling vegetable matter; in its pure state it is so highly concentrated, as to completely decompose onions, cucumbers, &c. ; nor will it answer by reducing it by admixture B2 of 12 On the Pyroligneous Acid, of water. I presume that the principle of pickling vegetable, or of salting or preserving animal matter, is to remove all the aqueous portion, and to prevent any subsequent access to that fluid. No decomposition is effected without water; the separa- tion of the elementary principles of vegetable and animal matter is the combined result of the chetnical agency of their constituent particles and those of water; if.the vegetable matter, or the animal fibre, be in contact with such substances as will not be decomposed, or admit of the accession of water, then the animal and vegetable matter will not be subjected to any destruction. Upon these principles I presume we may explain why pure acid, reduced by dilution with water, will not answer for pickling: as the common vinegar of the shops will bear with advantage an increase of strength, this is profitably effected by a propor- tionate admixture with this acid. After troubling the Society with the above remarks, I shall now beg leave to direct their attention to the more important observations and experiments of Mr. Sockett. This gentleman, having directed his attention to the smoking of hams with wood smoke, either in a building erected for that purpose, or in a chimney where wood alone is burned, in addition to its consider- able increase of flavour, he considered it more effectually pre- served from putrefaction by being, what is commonly called, smoke-dried. Mr. S. having ascertained by experiments that meat thus cured required less salt, he was induced to suppose some antiseptic quality in the same, and not attributable to the mere application of heat. A neighbouring manufactory of py- roligneous acid afforded him an opportunity of trying a variety of experiments, which convinced him of the correctness of the supposition of the antiseptic quality of wood smoke, as the same effects as to favour and preservation were produced in a superior degree without the aid of any increase of temperature, which by drying diminishes the nutritious quality of meat thus exposed. Mr. S, ascertained that if a ham had the reduced quantity of salt usually employed for smoke-dried hams, and was then exposed to smoke, putrefaction soon took place when pyroligneous acid was not used; even one half this reduced portion of salt is suffi- cient when it is used, being applied cold, and the ham is thus effectually cured without any loss of weight, and retaining more animal juices, The mode adopted was by mixing about two table spoonfuls of the acid, the same as here sent, in the pickle for a ham of 10 or 12 lbs,; and when taken out of the pickle, previous to being hung up, painted over with the acid by means of a brush. In many instances, Mr. S, has succeeded by brushing the ham over with the acid, without adding any to the pickle. The same-mode answers its Manufacture and Uses. 13 answers equally well with tongues, requiring a little more acid, on account of the thickness and hardness of the integuments. Upon dried salmon it answers admirably; brushing it over once or twice had a better effect than two months’ smoking in the usual way, and without the same loss from rancidity.—From the result of a few experiments on herrings, he is persuaded that this mode of curing might be most advantageously introduced in our fisheries, so that herrings might be cured here superior to those imported from Holland. These experiments so satisfactorily demonstrating the anti- septie qualities of this acid, where only small portions of salt were employed, Mr. S. was then induced. to try the results of the application of this acit when no salt was employed: he placed some beef steaks upon a plate, and covered the bottom with the acid, the steaks being daily turned; and at the time of recording the experiment, he noticed that they kept above six weeks without the least tendency to putrefaction: this experi- ment was made in the middle of July 1815. The first experiments reported by Mr. Sockett were made at the commencement of the year 1815, nearly six years since. Not only Mr. S. but many families in Swansea and its vicinity prac- tise with the greatest success this mode of euring hams, tongues, beef, fish, &c. Within these two or three years, paragraphs have appeared in different periodical works, published on the continent, as well as in this kingdom, testifying the antiseptic qualities af the pyro- ligneous or wood acid. 1 have no recollection of any observa- tion on such an application of this acid, anterior to the experi- ments of Mr. Sockett. This acid is very easily and cheaply pre- pared: the first distilled product of the wood, in that state de- nominated black acid, answers the best when separated from its tar and naphtha. More than 70 gallons of acid, sufficiently strong, are procured from a ton of wood: this quantity of wood is readily procured at 10s, a ton, delivered at the works. Sup- posing the expenses of the manufacture to be equal to the pur- chase of the wood (and which is making a very ample allowance, as the residual charcoal is equal in value to the wood employed), the value of 70 gallons of acid will not exceed 20s, or about 81d. a gallon: a gallon is quite sufficient for 24 ewt. of pork, beef, and miost animal substances, with the addition of a compa~ ratively small portion of salt, not only affording a considerable ‘saving in this article, but also materially contributing to the in- crease of flavour and nutritive quality. Hams or beef cured this way require no previous soaking in water to being boiled, and when boiled swell in size and are extremely succulent, ke Ie 14 On the Pyroligneous Acid. The ham sent for the Society’s examination has been cured in the usual way recommended for Westphalia hams; the acid was employed, instead of being smoked, two table spoonfuls of the acid being added to the pickle; and when the ham is to be removed from the pickle, it must be well washed in cold spring water and dried, and then some of the acid applied over it by means of a brush, and this repeated two or three times at about a week’s interval. Herrings Mr. 8. cures with very little salt. Being well dried, as early after being caught as can be effected, they are then dipped into a vat of the acid, and when dry, the same process repeated a few times, suspending them like the manufacture of candles. Mr. S. entertains no doubt, from the result of his ex- periments with herrings, that the same process would answer for other kinds of fish, as salmon, cod, &c. ; and hence, when cooked, may be salted according to each individual’s taste. The red co- lour, in dried salmon and herrings, has been generally attributed to nitre; very frequently tobacco, dissolved in a fluid not very agreeable (urine), is made use of in Holland. I presume this acid would be found very useful on board any vessel fitted out for long voyages; it appears from calculations on asmall scale, that one hogshead of this acid would suffice te cure six tons of fish, in such a manner as to retain their nutri- tious quality; and they could be cured on board when oppor- tunities occurred of procuring them, independent of its being an excellent substitute for common vinegar in many culinary pur- poses on board. At the next meeting of the Society, I indulge a hope that I shall be enabled to lay before them a memoir containing a detail of experiments, in which I am at present engaged, to counteract the effects which are experienced in the vicinity of copper and lead works. Ido not believe that any of the western counties are subjected to the melancholy influence of such smelting ma- nufactories. In different parts of Wales, Derbyshire, Northum- berland and Yorkshire, many thousand acres of land are nearly rendered incapable of producing vegetable matter, and the little pasturage they do afford proves very destructive to any animals feeding thereupon. In the smelting houses below Swansea and Neath, the atmosphere is obscured by clouds of smoke, highly charged with sulphureous and arsenious acid ; which, when pre- cipitated on fields, where cattle are feeding, produce such effects as might be expected from the agency of such poisons inducing large swellings on their joints, a complete change in the form of their feet, which must arise from local applications; also all the teeth, stead of being perpendicular to the jaws, are brought into On the Magnitude of the Year. 15 into an horizontal direction. I flatter myself that I shall be able to suggest such alterations in the process, as will prevent the diffusion of the noxious poisons. N.B. Mr. S. recommends that fish, as soon as practicable after taken, should be a little rubbed with salt, and laid upon a sloping board to drain, and when dry to be dipped in the acid as before stated. The ham sent has been cured a year, and not kept in a place very favourable for preservation. It must not be soaked in water, previous to being cooked. One great advan- tage attending this mode of curing hams or beef is, that when hung up they are never attacked by the flies. Il]. On the Magnitude of the Year. By Mr. Ygares. To Mr. Tilloch. Sir, — Tue space of time between the sun’s passage from one solstitial point to the same again, is called a tropical or solar year, and also the space of time between the sun’s passage from one equinoctial point to the same again; which year has a re- gard to the seasons, and marks their annual progress, and re-~ turn :—-and the space of time elapsed between the sun’s apparent motion from one fixed star to the same star again, is called a sidereal year. The ancient astronomers did not distinguish the tropical from the sidereal year with any precision until the time of Hipparchus, who is said first to have discovered the sidereal year to be greater than the solar year; and who concluded from thence, that the stars had a slow annual motion of their own from west to east. This discovery laid the foundation for the doctrine of the pre- eession of the equinoxes, which is one of the profoundest parts of ‘astronomy. Copernicus relates two most ancient. observations on the mag- nitude of the solar year at many years distance; the one by Hipparchus in the 177th Egyptian year after the death of Alexander the Great, and the other made by Ptolemy in the 463rd Egyptian year after; which interval Ptolemy computed at 285 Egyptian vears, 70 days, 7 hours, and 12 minutes; in which space of time his commentator reckons just 285 tro- pical years, where an Egyptian year contains twelve months of thirty days each, and five intercalary days, and where both the Egyptian year and day begin at noon; so that dividing 70 days, 7 hours, 12 minutes, by 285, the quotient is 5 hours, 55 mi- nutes, 12 seconds, and the solar or tropical year given at 365 days, 5 hours, 55 minutes, 12 seconds. After this method used by Ptolemy, astronomers having made accurate observations of the equinoxes, and computing the same at many years di- stances, i6 On the Magnitude of the Year. stance, have approximated to a still greater degree of exactness. Tycho Brahe by this method computed the solar tropical year at 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes; and the same measure was found on examining two corresponding observations at 165 years distance ; the one by Tycho Brahe at Uraniberg, A.D. 1585, and the other by Dr. Bradley, at Greenwich, 1753. Thebites, an Arabian astronomer, about ‘the year of Christ 1200, computed the sidereal year at 365 days, 6 hours, 9 mi- nutes, 12 seconds; an exactness confirmed by the most able and accurate astronomers of late years, aided by the most superior and perfect instruments fabricated by human hands. This mea- sure very nearly agrees with that of the Indian astronomers, computed at 365 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes, and 9 seconds ; see Phil. Mag. vol. 55. p. 314. The Newtonian astronomy reckons 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes. ‘These are evident proofs of the fact, that the sidereal year is greater than the solar year, as at- tested by astronomers of different nations. It is generally believed the Hebrews and Egyptians followed the reckoning of the antediluvians in their years and months; each month consisting of 30 days,and each year of twelve months and five intercalary days, in respect of the sun; and therefore it is that Hermes Trismegistus, the earliest of the Egyptian astro- nomers, fixed the year at 365 days, which is the common quan- tity in whole days ; but this not being found to correspond with the solar motions, Ennius, another astronomer of the same na- tion, stated the full year of the sun at 366 days, which quantity Democritus, who studied among the Chaldeans, Calippus, Archimedes, Gemius of Rhodes, and Sosigenes, who assisted Julius Cesar in reforming the Roman calendar, also followed ; and hence we must consider the solar year to have been com- puted in three several quantities, the common year 365 days, the full year 366 days, and the mean or astronomical year at 365 days, 6 hours. The year of Oenepidus of Chios, computed at 365 days, 8 hours, 57 minutes; that of Harpalus, at 365 days, 13 hours; and that of Meton, at 365 days, 6 hours, 18 minutes, 56 seconds, belongs to the stars, wherein Meton, the inventor of the lunar cycle among the Greeks, came very near the truth. Hipparchus, the first among the ancients who discovered the motion of the equinoxes, was the first who determined the quan- tity of the solar year with any accuracy; he was followed by Ptolemy, and Rabbi Adda the Jew, who corrected the Hebrew calendar about A.D. 340, and others; and this quantity disco- vered by Hipparchus is the nearest and most convenient of any other for the joint motions of the sun and moon. I shall here put down the several quantities deduced from his principle: __, 1, Hip- On the Magnitude of the Year. 17 Set SE EE 1. Hipparchus .. .. ,. 365 5 55 16 2. Ptolemy Lede ge ae Co he. Ie San. Adua:) t. t0) ¢. Goo (> Su 25 «267 20 4, Copernicus’ greatest 365 5 55 37 4 magnitude .. ..f °° 5. Prutenic Tables, ditto .. 365 5 55 53 6. Chr.Sev. Be te cee 5 51 29 12 ditto .. 7. David Organus, ditto .. 5°56 53 The Copernicans astideidhed a ‘nhasd mean, and least measure for the solar year, according to which the solar years are either of various quantities, or else no certain quantity was certainly discoverable by them common to them all. It is well known that the lunar year makes an entire revolu- tion, and moves through all the seasons, in 33 years; in like manner the solar year is supposed to revolve at the extremely slow progress of 50” per annum, and in 25412 years complet- ing its motion through the great circle of the heavens; and this opinion still prevails in the modern astronomy, and will until the theory of the celestial motions be better understood. The Julian calendar preserves a mean between the solar and sidereal year; and hence it is that this calendar is made the standard measure of time ameng astronomers ; so that by sup- pressing a certain number of days in a long period of years, the solar year is regulated by the seasons; and by adding a certain number of days the sidereal years are conveniently ascertained, which regulation of time constitutes the principle of the Gre- gorian calendar. The Julian calendar constantly adds one day in four years; and because this reckoning in a great number of years is not found to keep to the seasons, therefore the Gregorian calendar suppresses three days in four hundred years, that so the equinoc- tial days in the calendar may fall on the true equinoctial days of the sun. In 912 Julian years are 47586 weeks, and 6 days; and in 912 solar years are 47585 weeks, and 6 days: so that the dif- ference between the calendar Julian and Gregorian account is one week. In this period one minute less or more in the quan- tity of a solar year will make a difference of fifteen hours, twelve minutes; and one second, less or more, will amount to fifteen minutes, twelve seconds ; according to which the following table is constructed for the various quantities assigned for the solar year, and the anticipation of time in days for 912 years, Vol. 57. No, 273. Jan, 1821. C Calippus. _ Hermes Trismegistus, an 1s On the Magnitude -of the Year. D. H. M. Calendar. Calippus.. 365 6 00 Days suppressed. 365 5 59 Odays 16 hours. 365 5 58 1 day 7 hours.. 500 iad) 57 1 day 22 hours. 365 5 56 .2 days -13 hours. Hipparchus. 365 5 55 3 days 4 hours. 365 5 54 3 days 20 hours. 365 5 53 4 days 11 hours. 365 5-52 5 days 2 hours. 365 5 51. 5 days 17 hours. 365 5 50 6 days _8 hours. Tycho Brahe. 365 5 49 7 days. 365 5 48 7 days. 15 hours. 365 5 47 8 days 6 hours. 365 5 46 8 days 22 hours. 365 5 45 9 days 12 hours. 365 5 44 10 days 4 hours. 365 5 43 10 days 19 hours. 365 5 42 11 days 10 hours. Remark: “Astronomers having divided the interval of the se- veral returns of the sun to the same colure, by the number of revolutions, have found that the revolution was of 365 days 5° 48’ 48”, less by 20’ than that observed in respect of the stars; whence they have concluded, that each colure retrograded 49 or 50” every year. They have therefore called the Tropical year, that whose revolution is of 365 days 55 49’; and the Side- veal year, that which is made in 365 days 6° 9 min.”—La Caille’s Elements, translated by Robertson, art. 471. , The subjoined list is forwarded for insertion, if it will add to the advantage of useful investigation; and I wish, sir, some of your able correspondents would furnish a like list of such various measures of the solar, sidereal and Iunar year, as have been de- termined on by modern astronomers in England and other parts of Europe. Sir, yours respectfully, T. YEATES. The various Magnitudes of ihe Year as determined by the an- cient Astronomers. a Egyptian astronomer . . § An. an.Chr. 1480 365 H 0 Ennius, an Egyptian astronomer, An. an.Chr. 700 366 0 0 0 8 Thales the Milesian, a Grecian Reteshindee DOL: } An.an.Chr.620 365 Oenepidus of Chios, a Grecian : ' mtronower nf Aman. Chr 560° 365 Harpalus On the Magnitude of the Year, nes) D. H. M. Harpalus . .. An.an.Chr.520 365 13. 0 Democritus of Abdera,- who ‘ studied among the Chaldeans ' An. an. 7 365 6 0 Meton, the inventor of the lunar tan, Cycle, who with Eutemon att An. an. Chr.422, 365 6 18 56 5 served the solstices .- : ; Aphroditus, an Egyptian . An.an. Chr. 400 365 3 0 Calippus Cyzicenes . An. an. Chr. 330 365 6 0 Aristarchus of Samos An. an. Chr.282 365 6 1 16” Archimedes of Sicily An.an.Chr. 266 365 6 O Hipparchus the Bythinian . An. an. Chr.136 365 5 055 16” Gemius of Rhodes : An.an.Chr. 83 365 6 0 Sosigenes, who assisted Julius ; Cesar in reforming the Ca- An.an.Chr. 46 365 6 0 lendar ; Zsaacius, a Jewish priest > at Chr. (uncert.) 365 *5.'8 Ptolemy . ; An. Chr. 140 365 5 55 12” Rabbi Adda the ‘Jew, "who ; oft ds oft corrected the Hebrew Ca- An. Chr. 340 365 5 55 25 26 20 lendar.. ... Rabbi Samuel . io (uncertain) 365 6 0 ‘Albategnius in Assyria . . L VP eVR79) 9365 5°46" 24" The Persian astronomers, according to posed 365 5 48 30 Longomontanus. lhe A 365 5 48 53 20 Bulialdus . . 365 5 48 59 Alphonsus, king of | Castile, assisted by the ) io Arabian, Moorish and Jewish bane 1250 365 5 49 15 58 49 nomers . . (leie 26a This magnitude of the year was followed by Georgius Perbachus at Ferrara, in 7 1459 365 5 49 16” Italy and Vienna Bernardus Waltherus of Nuremburg, a2 1504 365 5 48 50 scholar of Regiomontanus Copernicns, three magnitudes: Greatest 365 5 55 37 4 09: Least. 365 54255 74 Mean 365 5 49 16 23 30 Hieronymus Cardan, Professor at Bononia 1530 365 5 48 41 Daniel Lambech oo. 6 D561" B65°'5. 48" 41 42” [. 33 5OM TQuie ! Ignatius Danter of Bononia . 1576 365 5 45 36 Maginus, from the Prutenic Tables, three magnitudes; Greatest 365 5 55 53 Lenat’ 365 5 42.38 ¢ Mean 365 5 49 16 et from the same Tables . J. 865 6 49 15 46 hristophorus Clavius and Aloysius Lelius } ‘ x at the request of Pope Gregory XII. § 1582 365, & 49 12 Tycho Brahe the Danish astronomer . . . 865 5 48 45 Kepler of Wirtemburg, mathematician to ) 1627 365 5 48 57 36 three Emperors . § Christianus Severini Longomontanus, ‘Danish Professor at Hafnia or Copenhagen : pi Three magnituaes : 13 reatest 365 5 51 29 Least. 363 5 46 20484 Mean 365 5 48 66 David Organus of Silesia, Eretennot. of hte 20 Account of the Voyage of Discovery thematics at Frankfort, in his Ephemerides of 59 years, or from An. 1635 to 1694: Three magnitudes : J Greatest 365 5 56 53 leat. 365 5 42 384 Mean 365 5 49 15 Galifredus Vendelinus, a Dutchman. . . 1644 365 5 49 5 27 16 Ismael Bulialdus. ... . ote ho Met 645: “SGB I AB) ean ad Johannes Baptista of Bononia "1 lL. 1651 365 5 48 48 Philippus Lansbergius of Ghent . . . . 1682 365 5 48! ayom (2o"m qu Dionysius Petavius, De Ratione Tempor. . . » 365 5 49 Dr. Gregory inhis Astronomy . . . . . . 365 5 49 Oust, Dr. Red ee PSO Oo ee IV. Account of the Voyage of Discovery and Circumnavigation performed in 1818, 1819, and 1820, by Capt. Freycinet, Commander of the French Corvette Urania*. M. bouis ve FREYCINET, captain of a frigate, to whom the King had intrusted the command of the corvette Urania, in order to make a voyage of discoveries in the South Seas, arrived at Havre on the 13th of November 1820. The principal object of this expedition was to make the neces- sary observations for determining the configuration of the earth, and the strength of the magnetic power in the southern hemi- sphere; but having to traverse, during more than two years, a great extent of sea, M. de Freycinet was also to take advantage of all occasions which might offer to him, to augrnent our collec- tions of natural history, to add new documents in hydrography to those which are already deposited in the Royal Marine depot. The corvette Urania, fitted out at ‘Toulon in the early part of 1817, was furnished with every article necessary for a long voyage; she received a picked crew, and her quarter-deck was composed of officers equally distinguished for their zeal and the extent of their knowledge. A numerous collection of the best instruments for physical and nautical astronomy were put on board, to be used in the experi- ments and observations which were the essential objects of the voyage. The Royal Academy of Sciences anxiously drew up, for M, de Freycinet, notes necessary to guide him in his researches into general physics, natural history, geology, mineralogy, &c. After long delays, occasioned by the difficulty of getting on board different objects necessary for the undertaking, the Urania set sail on the 17th of September 1817. Contrary winds obliged them to put into Gibraltar on the 11th * From the Moniteur, of in the French Ship Urania. 21 of October, and she did not arrive at Santa Crus, in the .island of Teneriffe, before the 22d of the same month. This port would have been a commodious place for making observations of various kinds; but the necessity of first submit- ting to a long quarantine, determined M, de Freycinet to stop only for six days ; and on the 28th of October lie sailed for the Brasils. On the 6th day of December Cape Frio was observed, and its geographical position verified. The Urania entered Rio de Ja- neiro the same night, where she remained until the 29th of January. This stay of nearly two months was not so usefully employed as M. de Freycinet wished. Some difficulties at first opposed themselves to the establishment of an observatory onshore. The bad weather, too, obstructed the astronomical observations ; but those in magnetism, and the oscillations of the pendulum, were made with the greatest care; and at the same time the numerous specimens of natural history and drawings of all kinds commenced the valuable collections which were to be the fruits of the expe- dition. The passage from Rio Janeiro to the Cape of Good Pope was marked by a melancholy event, which deprived M. de Freycinet of one of his ablest colleages. M. Laborde, an officer of distin- guished merit; an accurate observer; a good draughtsman, and who joined to these excellent qualities a character the most so- ciable, died in the flower of his age. His loss at first caused an universal sorrow. The Urania remained in Table Bay from the 7th of March till the 5th of April ; and from thence they sailed to Port Louis, in the Isle of France, where they arrived on the 5th of May, M. de Freycinet praises particularly the reception which he met with during these two stoppages from Lord C. Somerset, the Governor of the Cape; and from Mr. G. Smith, Chief Judge and Commissioner of Justice at Port Louis, from whom he received the greatest facilities, as well for the establishment of his obser- yatory a-shore, as for the advancement of every thing which could contribute to the success of his mission. Port Louis, placed nearly in the same latitude as Rio de Janeiro, and at a distance of more than 100 degrees in longitude, was fa- vourably situated for observations respecting the pendulum, Those were made in detail, as well as experiments, the objects of which were to enlarge the study of magnetism, and of meteo- rology. A very considerable damage, which had torn off the copper sheathing of the Urania, did not allow them to put to sea until the 16th of July. The corvette stopped only some days at 51e t 2 Account of the Voyage of Discovery Isle ef Bourbon to take in provisions, and then directed her course towards the coasts of New Holland, the northern extremity of which was seen on the 11th of September 1818. (This part of the coast is called Edel’s Land.) The Urania coasted along at a moderate distance, and, having fallen in with Endracht’s Land, she followed it until she arrived at the entrance of Sea Dog’s Bay, from whence, after a short stay, she sailed on the 13th of September to the anchorage be- fore the peninsula of Peron, An observatory was at first established on shore, and then they were employed in procuring, by means of distillation, water fit to be drunk. Two stills had been shipped at Toulon for this purpose. Numerous defects, which it may probably be easy to remedy in other vessels, rendered almost null the products of the apparatus placed on board the corvette; but that which was put up on shore gave, in sufficient abundance, water pleasant to drink, and in which they could discover no noxious quality. The Urania sailed on the 26th of September; the intention of M. de Freycinet being to sail for Timor, in order to ascertain some points respecting its geographical position, of which he had doubts. He consequently sailed near the Isles of Dorre and Bernier, which he coasted along at a good distance to the east- ward, and in shallow water; when the corvette having struck on a sand bank, he was obliged to abandon the labour begun, and to bear off from the shore. This event had no disagreeable consequence; the time passed at the anchorage on the bank was employed in exploring its figure aud soundings ; and M. de toe gave it the name of the Bank of Urania. On the 29th of October 1820, the corvette cast anchor in the Bay of Coupang, in the Island of Timor, after having coasted on the west side of the Isles of Limas and Retti, which belong to that archipelago. The inhabitants of Coupang were then only bezel in pre- parations for the war which the Dutch Government was going | to make on the Rajah, Louis d’Amanoebang. This circumstance rendered it difficult to purchase the provi- sions necessary to victual the corvette ; but it did not hinder the scientific operations, which were carried on with the greatest zeal, in spite of the excessive height of the temperature; at the Ob- servatory it stood, at times, at 45 degrees of the thermometer {Reaumur’s); whilst in the shade it kept at 33 or 35 degrees. The Urania sailed from Coupang on the 23d of October 1818, very badly provisioned, and with several men attacked with dy- sentery. Calms and contrary currents detained them a long time be- tween in the French Ship Urania. 23 tween Timor and Ombay. This was taken advantage of to visit the village of Bitoca; it is situated on the south coast of the latter of these islands ; has been, till now, little frequented by Europeans, and is peopled by a warlike and ferocious race, some of whom are anthropophavites. Meanwhile, the number of dysenteric patients increased on board the corvette, and all the skill of M. Quoy, the surgeon- major, was not sufficient to overcome the influence of a devour- ing climate. ‘The harbour of Coupang had furnished them with but few refreshments; it became, therefore, necessary to take a new station at ‘Timor, and accordingly the Urania anchored at Dicly, the chief place among the Portuguese establishments on the north coast of that island. A most obliging reception was given to the Expedition by Don Jose Pinto Alcoforado d’Azevedo e Souza; and the corvette was abundantly provisioned, through his care, with every thing that she wanted. Their stay here was only for five days, after which the Urania bent her course still along the coast of Timor, in order to get through the Straits to the eastward of Vitters, by the channel that separates that isle from those of Kiffer and Roma. On the 29th of November they were in sight of Ceram and _ Amboyna, and stretchinginto the Strait hetween the latter island and Bournon, they bent their course towards the Isle Gasse, which they doubled to the eastward at a small distance, during a violent storm. A great number of isles were observed, among which the most remarkable are those of Damoner, Gilolo, and Guébé. In this passage the Urania fell in with several armed canoes belonging to the Kimalaha of Guébé. This Prince came on board, and passed an entire day with them, during which his flotilla towed astern of the corvette. He furnished M. de Frey- cinet with various information respecting his country and his maritime expeditions, and made the strongest endeavours to in- duce him to stop at his island, where he assured him there was an excellent harbour, a commodious watering-place, and good re- freshments. This proposition not being accepted, he assured him he would come with his brothers to Waigion, and pay him a new visit. If, was to the Isle Guébé that M. de Pavre was sent formerly by M. de Coétiva to take drawings of the nutmeg trees which have since multiplied so much in the Indian and American colonies, The Guébéans recollected that circumstance very well, of which they were themselves the first to speak; and M. de Freycinet attributes to their former relations with the French, the very particular amity which they testified towards him. A pretty 24 Account of the Voyage of Discovery A pretty fresh breeze put an end to these amicable communi- cations. The Urania, continuing her track, passed, on the 12th of December, the strait which separates the Isle of Monhox from Guébé, and stretched to the eastward ; she ran some risk in the strait formed by the Isles of Rouib and of Balabalak, and by the Wyag Islands, where, during a calm, violent currents set upon shallows ; but she was fortunately able to keep her anchor- age, and to wait for such winds as permitted her to keep her way, until she had got clear of that perilous situation. She vast anchor on the 16th of December, at the Isle of Rawak, after having at a short distance coasted along the northern side of Waigion. An observatory was established on shore, and its position, in latitude only 1} minute south, was the most favourable for ex- periments with the pendulum which they could get under the equator. The period of this stay was employed in researches respecting geography and natural history. Two or three days before they sailed, they heard, on a sudden, the martial music of tomtoms, kettle-drums, &c. Some mo- ments after, there appeared, at the large point of the island, the fleet of the Kimalaha of Guebe, who, faithful to his promise, had come to pay the visit he had before announced. This little squadron presented a spectacle at once imposing and whimsical. The Guebean Prince was accompanied by his brothers, and sons, to the number of eight; all, like himself, of good mien, and re- markable for their intelligence. They remained on board until the moment of the corvette’s departure ; they gave, as presents to M. de Freycinet, various curiosities of their country, and, among others, hats made of straw and isinglass (¢alc) worked with admirable art. , Having sailed from Rawak on the 5th of January 1819, the Urania stretched towards the Ayon isles, which they saw on the 6th and 8th of the same month. The dysentery continued still to torment the crew; it was not long before it was joined to fevers, one of the first victims of which was M. Labiche, the second lieutenant, an officer full of merit, and of the most amiable character. This was the second loss of the kind during the voyage, and it was keenly felt. After having visited several of the Caroline isles, which are not pointed out on the maps, and having received throughout the most friendly reception from the islanders, M. de Freycinet ar- rived on the 17th of May in sight of the Isle of Guam, and cast anchor on the night of the same day in the roadstead of Humata. This delay, and that which the corvette made at Port San Louis in the same island, restored health to the crew, thanks to the generous eagerness with which the governor, Don Jose de Me- dinillo in the French Ship Urania. 35 dinillo y Pineda, anticipated all the wants of the expedition, by procuring them refreshments and comforts of all kinds. ‘ M. de Freycinet appears to have collected, respecting the peo- ple of the Marianne Islands, information more extensive than that with which preceding voyagers have enriched their ac- counts. He gives various details respecting their manners, lan- guage, and laws, as well as that singular government of which much haz been said, and in which the women act an important part. He communicates to us interesting notions respecting the arts which they practise, respecting their money, which is esta- blished on principles absolutely different from ours, and respect- ing their architecture, of which he still saw numerous ruins at Tinian. Two months were employed in making these researches ; and at the same time they were occupied with those observations and experiments which formed the principal object of the ex- pedition. M. de Medinillo had, during all this time, the kind- ness to provide the corvette abundantly with fresh provisions, to which he #dded provisions for the voyage, and for which he af- terwards refused to accept any reimbursement, ‘The course of the Urania, from Guam to the Sandwich Islands, presents nothing remarkable. On the 5th of August 1819, she made the island of Owhyhee, and anchored in the bay of Hara- hona in three days after. Tamahama, king of the Sandwich Isles, was dead ; his palace had been reduced to ashes, and almost all the hogs on the island had been slaughtered on account of his obsequies, according to the custom of the country; which was a real disappointment in the re-victualling of the corvette. Uno Rio, the eldest son and successor of Tamahama, enjoyed at that time but a badly-established authority. The chiefs compelled to submit to the arms of his father, raising extraor- dinary pretensions, caused him to dread an approaching war. He came with his wives and a numerous suite on board the Urania, on the occasion of the baptism of one of the principal chiefs of the islaud. ‘That ceremony was performed with much pomp by the Abbé Quelen, chaplain of the vessel. The Sandwich Islands were, like the Marianne, the object of the assiduous researches of M. de Freycinet and of the officers under his command. Numerous observations were made in search of the magnetic equator, and its inflexions, in the Great Ocean, On the 30th of August the Urania sailed for Port Jackson, passing through the islands of the Austral Polynesia. By taking this track, the position of the dangerous isles of Byron was rec- Vol. 57, No, 273. Jan, 1821. D tified, 26 Account of the Voyage of Discovery ified, as well as that of the Island of Pyletant, the most southerly’ of the Friendly Islands; and also that of Howe Island. a A new island, surrounded by dangerous reefs, was discovered to the east of Tonga, which M. de Freycinet named Rose Island. The Urania anchored in Port Jackson on the 18th of Novem- ber 1819; she remained there till the 25th of December, and this interval was employed, as at all the preceding stoppages, in scientific inquiries. M.de Freycinet speaks in this respect with gratitude for the assistance afforded to him by Mr. Macquarie, the governor of the colony. On quitting Port Jackson, the course of the corvette was shaped to pass between Van Diemen’s Land and New Zealand. On the 7th of January 1820, the southern extremity of the latter islands was doubled in sight of Campbell’s Island. From that moment until nearing the coast of Terra del Fuego the winds were constantly favourable. The Urania reached 59 degrees of south latitude; and she found floating ice in the 54th degree. On the 5th of February the coast of Terra del Fuego was seen in the neighbourhood of Cape Desolation; the season was as frightful as the adjoining shores. In the impossibility of reach- ing Christmas Harbour, it became necessary to make for the Bay of Good Success, in the Straits of Lemaire ; but hardly had the anchor dropped, when a furious storm began to cause the cor- vette to drive: there was not a moment to be lost in cutting the cable, and setting sail with all speed, in order to get out of the Bay, by skirting at a very short distance the rocks and breakers which lie upon its north point. This dreadful tempest lasted ‘for two days, and made the cor- vette drift considerably to the northward; which determined M. de Freycinet to bear up for the Falkland Islands, in sight of which they arrived on the 14th of February, according to their reckoning, but the 13th according to European time, they having gained a day in circumnavigating the globe. [The public are already acquainted with the loss of the Urania, in consequence of striking on a sunken rock, at the entrance of French Bay, in the Falkland Islands, and of their being taken off by an American whaler, and brought first to Rio Janeiro, and afterwards to Havre de Grace, where they arrived in safety, with most of the collections made during the voyage. } ’ In expectation that more detailed accounts (proceeds the nar- rative) will make known all the importance of their labours, it will suffice to give a rapid glance at them. Ist. The observations on the pendulum, which formed one of the principal- objects of the voyage, have been made with the me greatest in the French Ship Urania. 27 greatest care at every place where they stopped, and in every si-. tuation throughout the voyage which would permit. The stations where these experiments were made are nine in number, viz. Rio Janeiro (first stay) ; the Cape of Good Hope; Port Louis, in the Isle of France; the Island of Rawak; the Island Guam; the Island of Mowa, in the Sandwich Isles ; Port Jackson; the Falkland Islands ; and at Rio Janeiro (second stay). 2d. Each day during the voyage, two officers at least took by rotation the necessary astronomical observations to ascertain the situation of the vessel at sea, and, on shore, the positions of the different observatories; to regulate the chronometers, &c. All these observations have been transcribed into journals de- stined for that purpose. 3d. The magnetic phenomena were at the same time the ob- ject of constant and multiplied studies, as well at sea as in all the places which they touched it. They comprise observations ou the magnetic declination and inclination; on the inteusity of both when tried by the horizontal needle, or the needle of ine clination; and also on the hourly and periodical variations in the declination. 4th. Comparative observations on the temperature of the air, with that of the sea at its surface, were made every two hours during the whole course of the voyage. This considerable mass of results may be useful to determine the isothermic lines on the terrestrial globe. 5th. More than 60 specimens of sea-water, taken in the seas which they traversed, were put into as many flasks, perfectly sealed up, in order to be analysed on their return. Each flask was labelled with the latitude and longitude of the spot where the water was drawn. 6th. A meteorological journal kept every hour during the whole voyage, will show in methodical order all the observations on the thermometer, the barometer, and the hydrometer, which they made both by sea and land. They will also show the indi- cations of the prevailing winds, and their degrees of force, the electrical and aérial phenomena, &c. 7th. The barometrical variations could not be observed with precision except in the places which they touched at. The re+ sults of them have been consigned to a particular register. 8th. It was not possible to observe the tides and currents, ex- cept at a sinall number of points; but the data acquired at Rio Janeiro, at the Isle of France, at Rawak, and at Guam, are not without interest. 9th. The number of charts formed during the voyage is about 30. A part of them have already been completed ; but the whole of the materials collected on this subject, and ae , wit 28 A Table of the Sun's Right Ascension, Se. with great care, will give every facility desirable for carrying on this work. 10th. Notwithstanding the shipwreck at the Malonin or Falk- land Islands, which caused the loss of 18 cases of specimens of natural history, there remain still about 40. These contain a great number of specimens out of the three kingdoms of nature 5 and especially almost the whole of those which were collected at the Marianne Islands, yet little known in that respect to na- turalists. llth. The number of drawings made during the voyage amounts to several hundreds; the greater part admirable for the beauty of the situations which they represent, or for the correct- ness of the portraits, and the graces of their composition, 12th. In short, the observations on the manners and customs of the people whom they visited, have been collected in very great number by all the officers employed in the expedition. All of them have been drawn up in the same spirit, and after the same plan, in order that they may connect themselves easily with the general account of the voyage. It is above all to be remarked, that this is the first expedi- tion of the same kind, in which all the scientific operations have been performed entirely by officers attached to the service of the Royal Marine of France. V. 49 10°60/65 20 40°36 636°18 10°62}65 31 16°54/636.41 | 6! © |10:66|65 52 29593639 | 637:12 585171. | ame || eeeennantmenes 103739 | a Tax. mee WNW Wwmwoorvworo DN HAO A Table of the Sun’s Right Ascension, &ec, Signs. Oo and VI. TABLE continued. pir, |Se 25 11:66 34 24°31 43 37°03 52 49°84 2 274 11 15:72 10 34 1664/2293 0° 10 43 30:56|224 95 11 1 58-70 1554-25 11 11 12°95 11 20 27:28 11 29 41-7112: 11 38 56-27 11 48 10:93/2 11°57 25-71 12 6 40-60\--,, 12°15 55°59/ + 9s 12°25 10°71|222 -7 12 34 25-95|202. 24 12 43 4130/2250 12 52 5679/0 4 ——|555°59 13° 2 12:38 13 57 48°57 55661 556°35 | 14 7 506/000 49 , — BODO © CISD ERERRO 113 11 28-09 Aad te 15:0! 58602 586-27 586°55 586-82 587°13 Pa 587°39 36 46 7:00 { ees 42°66)2 5 30-89 588:23 5 19-44}238 2° 58911 37 44 57°36 ; B7 54 46°77|oeg-67 38 14 26-43)>p.04 38 24 16°67|209.56 38 34 7:23 590°84 6/[38 43 58-07|<0). 2||38 53 4919191 41 8||39 3 40°60\-5) 75 39 13 32:30 oo.03 39 23 24°33\509.98 39 33 16-6127" ~ 59258 59288 '503°19 59545 1503-7 40 22 42°47 eae 40 32 3654P7407 —_ 9434 2 30°8 2 30°88 \504-63 2 25'51'594-96 = nO WsT HeK CO OW 39 43 39 53 40 2 40 12 6 \|41 2: 491) 4/71 1 51-016 [71 23 17:69 4/73 10 42°51 Signs. II. and ‘VIII. R, A. 0 Sint 66 24 20°97 66 34 58:56 66 45 36:40 66 56 14:45 67 6 52°75 67 28. 10:02 67 38 49:00)- 67 49 28:22 68 0 7:65) (68 10 47:30) 168 21 27°18 (68 32 7:28) 68 42 47:60 68 53 28:13 70 29 42°50) —— |642°63 70 40 25:13! <4. 70 51 7:97 ae Ba 71 12 34-26 043'25 71 Ba 1:32 71 44 45°13 71 55 29-16 72 6 13°37\6 72 16 57°75 72 27 42°34 72 38 27:11 72 49 12:07 72 59 57°20 73 21 28°01 73 32 13°69 73 42 59°53 73 53 45°58 74 4 31°78) 74 15 1814 74 26 4:69 74 36 51:40 74 47 38:28 ——|647'04 3 |g-40 67.17 31-2908 |8-05 |l21 6 A Tabie of the Sun’s Right Ascension, 6c. . TABLE continued. Signs. 0 and VI. R. A. 15. 30 39:53 a a 15 39 57:39 hele ae 559°72 17 22 23:86 17 31 43°58 561°03 18 46 97: 10/2ey. ‘20 18 55 48°36 es 74 oll21 16 27-95)903" * Diff. |y Sec. 5 62 5°67 5:72 577 15°82 5°88 5°93 5°98 6:03 6:08 6:14 31/48 43 52°60), Signs. I. and VII, Do ts AH 43 41 40°08 a ot aon e062 144 1 AO-AL 600-64 44 11 41:05]- 095 4421 44-93) 601-2 44.31 43° 21\ — No01:5: 55 44 41 44°76) 44 51 $038 03 82 45 21 53°91 45 31 56:97 45 42 031 45 52 3:98 46 2 7:93 46 12 12°19] 46 22 16°76 46 32 21°62 26°81 32°26 38:07 46 42 46 52 47 2 47 12 44-14 47 22 50°55 147 32 57°24 147 43 4:23 47 53 11°55 48 3 19:12 48 13 27-05 48 23 35:26 48 33 43°77 48 54 1°71 49 4 11:14 49 14 20°86 49 24 30°93 49 34 41-26 —— |610°62 49 44 51°88 50 15 25-62 50 25 37°47 50 35 49°63 611 85 612:16 11-29 11:30 11-30 11°30 11:30 > 117-30 11-30 11-30 11:30 11°30 11:30 11:30 (11:30 11:30 11-30 11-29 11-29 11-28 11:28 11-28 11:27 11:27 11-26 11:26 11:25 11:24 11-24 11-23 11-22 11-21 11-21 11:20 11:19 11-18 1117 11:16 | ee Ws 11°14 11°13 111) 11°10 11°09 11°08 81 28 13°41 11-06, 11:02 (1k bia 11-05 1 |11-03))8; Signs, and VIII. 74 5S 25:32 75 9 12°53 75 19 59°90 75 30 47°41 75 41 35°10 75 52 22-94 —— |647:98 76 3 10°92 76 13 59:08 76 24 47°38 76 35 35°82 76 46 24°41 76 57 13°16 77 18 51:06 77 29 40:22 77 40 29°52) 77 51 18-96 178 2 (8°53 78 12. 58:23 78 23 48-06 78 56 18-34! 79 7 8-67] 79 17 59:13 79 28 49°71 79 39 40-41 '79 50 31-22 80 1 22:15) 80 12 13:18 80 23 433 80 33 55°58 80 44 46:95 80 55 38-41 81 6 29:98 81 37 21°65 81 39 5:27 81 49 57°23 82 0 49:27)\”: 82 22 33°64 82 33 25°95| 647-37 78 34 38-03) 2. 78 45 28-13)°: (651-25 (651-57 82 11 41-41)/- a 647-21 ie. 64751 647-69 647°84 648°16 648-30 |2. 648-44 |: 648-59 5 648°75 - {648-87 $649" 03 4°91 649-30 |478 64044 off 49°57 |F°8 6: 6. 650:46 |___ 650°58 412 650-70 [4°06 650°81 [3°99 650°93 392 651-03 651-15 651°37 | 651°46 |, 65167 3 651°76 651-86 |S 651-96 3 82 55 10° ‘BSh6 82 44 18:35102%" 82 A Table of the Sun’s Risht Ascension, Be: Y > ’ TABLE. continued. Sicns t=) and VII. pir. | 8 7 ) asetl) tpi Rg drauthy: 14 4“ 33 i 1 spisjlOlaing | paale 37 TAO1A 8S |p oclles M7. 4JOLS 1G \ cs os 3 152 28 ong (015'46 , lea lloe TeGpNOG SO lauelllde wig semen OLDS. apna; 23 9 30-50 52 38-38-95 84 li a : —— |616'07 ']23 18 57-03 22 ||52 48 55°02 88/84 ‘ 176|006°73 |9.96 lle. .79|916°37 | 1 9.86) 8 a a 8 a ae 47 178420714 9.35 1153 19 44-98)01093 |lo-g3/88 123 56 4521267 37 8:39 (53 30 2-25)¢)4.04 |10-811/85 27 33: | 53 40 19°79 10°79) 85 38 26°52 ree ies # aa oy 617°83 |—— | —— |653°51 10 | 40°57|_--. 8°47 1153. 50. 37-62\-10.1, 10771185 49 20-03) -. 29 24 25 855/200 99 |851 |54 0 55-77lere4, |10°75|80 0 13-6003. 94 24 34 36°78/2 6 75 i855 [54 11 14:20 618-73 1073/86 11 7:2 653-65 24 44 5:20/2 20° ‘59 |154 21 32-9315) 9.95 [10°70 86 22 0-87 653° 3 54 31 51-98/219.0) [10°08)86 32 54:57le03. 24 54.42 11-29 1066/86 43 48:31 aie 619°62 |———~||_—— 653°78 154 52 30°91 aq |10°64)'86 54 42:09) 4.0, |i 55 2 5080/05). 59 [1062/87 5 35-9003 8) 55 13 11°02\659.49 |10°59| 87 16 29°74) 62° 98 55 23 3151l¢59.0g |10°57/87 27 23:02/62 9) 55 33. 5229|601.49 |10°54|/87 38 17°531¢29-94 55 44 13°38 1052/87 49 11-46 oo OS a ee . 15) 3 24°93 Oo | . 26 19 1-601579'54 |8-99 Hee 4 se-aclO2#07 lto-arlgs 10 s0-40 26 28 32-492709 |9-03 II56 15 18-391022'93 |10-44]'88 21 53-40 G|]26 38 3-601271°7) |9-06 |l56 25 4057/25 24 |10-49188 32 47-49| 56 35 3:09) 20 G4 |10°39||88 43 41°46 | 56 46 25-921°22'83 10.36/88 54 35°50 ; face 57179 | a 623°08 |—— |, 27 6 B8Bllennigg [927 [56 56 49°00]. 49 [1034] 89. 5 29:57 | Bao 08 (92! (57. 7 12:39|253 89 [1031] 89 16 23:64 Lema. 19°29 157 17 3606/75 44 |10°28)89 27 17°72). ae 28 157 28 0-00 6 10-25|89 38 11°81 as Bo oem OS 38 7é 9/90 0 0-00) Signs Signs x and XI. IV. and Ill. N. B. If the ©’s longitude is between 0 and III. signs, the ‘Table gives the R.A. If between III. and VI. signs, subtract the R. A. given by the Table from 180°, the remainder is the R. A. If between VI. and JX. signs, add 180° to the R. A. as taken fromthe Table. But if between IX. and XII. signs, subtract the result given by the Table from 360°. The secular equation of the ©’s R. A. is additive if subsequent to 1801, otherwise subtractive from the R. A. as given by the Table from the above direc- tions. N. Answer [ 33] V. Answer of Mr. P. Nicnotson to Mr. Hotprep on Mr.N.’s Work on Involution and Evolution. To Mr. Tilloch. Sir, — Permit me to offer a few observations in my own de- fence in reply to what appear to me the very illiberal and invi- dious insinuations of your correspondent, Mr. Holdred, in the Philosophical Magazine for November 1820, upon my recent work on Involution and Evolution, published about the middle of April 1820, and You will oblige your most obedient servant, Gower-Place, Euston-Square, P. NicHoLson. Jan. 12, 1821. Ir is not my intention to review Mr. Holdred’s work, or to an- swer his calumnies, in any other way than by contradicting some of his principal assertions, which might otherwise have a ten- dency to prejudice the reader,’who might not have had an oppor- tunity of examining the Essay which I have published, and his recent tract on the Resolution of Equations ; and by placing the points in dispute, in such alight that the candid and ingenuous reader may be able to judge for himself of the merits of the case. I shall therefore confine myself to the two following points: Ist. He says the article which I put into the Philosophical Magazine for October 1818, was taken from his method of ex- tracting the cube root, and that this has been the means by which Mr. Horner has become acquainted with the principle. 2d. He says also that the Essay on Involution and Evolution published by me about the middle of April 1820, was, exclusively, his and Mr, Horner’s. I am under no necessity to prove it is not Mr. Horner’s, but I can make it appear sufficiently evident that the nonfigurate method first published by the above gentle- man did not originate with Mr. Holdred. The following quotation from your correspondent will evi- dently show his unfair disposition towards me, excited by my having published my own improvements of his method of ex- tracting the roots of equation, the principle of which he had at first but very rudely suggested. *€ After Mr. Nicholson had discovered another manner of de- monstration, he requested me to annex it to my tract by way of Supplement, lest any one should discover the same way of de- monstrating the rule after it should be published as quickly as he had done before.” I shall here observe, that the words put in italics are fabri- Vol. 57. No.273, Jan, 1821, E cated 34 Mr. Nicholson’s Answer cated entirely by Mr. Holdred: but it is possible that if intended to convey any unpleasant reflection upon me, they perhaps ‘with more justice might be applied to himself. In a qualified sense they apply to all writers; and hence arises the idea of the patent and copy-right which the wisdom of the legislature has granted to meritorious individuals who have benefited mankind by their discoveries—thus protecting such persons in the advancement of their reputation, and in the procuring of emolument; it is therefore no stigma upon a man to wish to enjoy the fruit of his own labour. With respect to the article which I put into the Philosophical Magazine 1818, it was a general demonstration of the polyno- mial (a Hob ye + d + &c.)” with its application to Involution and Evolution; this article was shown to Mr. Holdred before it was committed to the press. I spoke in handsome terms of the work which he was about to publish ; and this was the only time that ever T received his thanks, notwithstanding the instructions I gave him in maturing his work. I never in my life borrowed a single idea from Mr. Holdred, or any other man living, without acknowledging it in writing as theirs: but this is not the case with Mr. H. 1 only desire the reader who may be interested in this branch of analysis to com- pare the article I have just referred to with what Mr. H. has since produced, and say whether or not Mr. Horner could have derived any‘advantage from it. It is just as possible that he might have made the discovery by hearing that some one had done it; but it appears to me much more probable he took the germ of his idea from Budan, to whose method it has a much nearer af- finity. It isnot uncommon, when a discovery is made by any patti- cular person, that more than one will lay claim to it. Mr.Horner, by report, is a gentleman, and from what I have seen he appears to be an excellent mathematician, and I have not the nibollees doubt of his inventive powers. It is painful to me to be under the necessity of exposing Mr. Holdred by entering more minutely into his work; but this must be done in my own defence, in order that the reader may un- derstand the difference of our methods of demonstrating the rule. The account which Mr. Holdred has given in his preface, of the origin of the rule which he was not able to demonstrate without assistance, is not that which he stated to me. When 1 put the question to him, he answered, he had taken his ideas from an example iu Ward’s Mathematics, which he pointed out to to Mr. Holdred. 35 to me, and is to be found in chap. x. sec. 2. where the same rule is applied to a quadratic equation *. This idea only wanted generalizing. He was acquainted with the numeral exegesis to wnich his method bears a striking affinity, but he was an entire stranger to what had been done by either Newton or Ralphson, before I pointed out their methods to him. If he had known Sir Jsaac’s method of transforming equations, which is that from which I derived my ideas, and not from his crude notions, he would have been ashamed to say that “ Mr. Nicholson extracted all from me, even his demonstrations are mine.” (Vide The Philosophical Magazine, Nov. 1820.) He cer- tainly must entertain a very mean opinion of such as might be interested at all in the discovering and maturing of the subject, to suppose that they would take either his ipse dixit or mine, with- out convincing themselves by a diligent perusal and investigation of the method, and an attentive perusal of the Essay which I published on Involution and Evolution, with the Postscript. With respect to what he calls his demonstration, the first step is the same with what has been done both by Newton and Ralphson. Suppose, for instance, that the equation is in x, he takes r for the first figure of the root and y for the remaining part of it, and substitutes 7 + y for x, and thus the original equation is trans- formed to another in y ; he then takes a for the second figure of the root, and x for the remaining part of it ; sothatz=r+atu, and to reduce this to the binomial form, he puts ,,=r+a and substitutes ,r+w for x. By this means he gets an equation in u where the coefficients are expressed by the coefficients of the original equation and ,r, and therefore reinstates + a for of in all the coefficients of the powers of u, and thus forms as many sub= sidiary equations as there are units in the exponent of the highest power: therefore if z be the exponent of the power, the number of equations that each digitical figure of the root will require after the first will be n+1. In these equations the coefficients do not exhibit the figurates which it is his object to elicit ; consequently, he has recourse to a most tedious and circumlocutory explanationin words. This demon- stration, as Mr. Holdred calls it, is extended to eight quarto pages. In page 5 of this work he asserts, that “ B+C + D+ &e, is an imperfect divisor by which the next figure of the root may be discovered, which when found I call a.” Similar assertions will be found in pages 12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 25 and 26. This is equi- valent to saying, that the sum of the coefficients of the powers of * I have seen since the same rule applied to a quadyatic equation in Emerson's Algebra. - E 2 al 36 Mr. Nicholson’s Answer an unknown quantity in a transformed equation, will be the proper divisor for ascertaining the next figure of the root ; but certainly nothing can be more absurd or destitute of principle, and this one instance is sufficient to show that he never had any clear ideas of treating the subject. The manner in which [I first formed my ideas on the extraction of the roots of equations, will be found in the Introduction to the Essay on Involution and Evoijution. I shall therefore not take up the reader’s time by repeating it here, but proceed to give an ex- ample of my method of demonstrating the rule, as I have now just done by the method of Mr. Holdred, which the candid reader will no doubt feel to be the most eligible and satisfactory method of settling the dispute. I take a, b, c, &c. for each part of the root found by the corre- sponding step. In the first equation I substitute a+-u for x, and obtain an equation in z ; but in the next equation, instead of z, I substitute b+v, and obtain a new equation inv and so on. So that in the different steps the equations which | produce are the same as Sir Isaac Newton’s, except that the orders of figurate numbers are clearly exhibited ; and thus to prove every portion of the root, only one equation is required. But by the method of Mr. Holdred, every portion of the root after the first would re- quire as many equations, and one more, as the exponent of the highest power has units. As my method is founded on the prin- ciple of Sir Isaac, | have, from its simplicity, been able to com- prise the demonstration of the figurate method within the limits of two octavo pages. With regard to the non-figurate method, the fact is, that after the rule has been demonstrated by my method, or any other, no other demonstration is necessary to perform the operation, either by Mr. Horner’s method, by Mr. Holdred’s, or my own, as all the different fornis arise from the manner of summing up the quan- tities ; viz. by writing the numbers and their sums under them, or writing down the sums as each number is added, with the num- ber to be added, or writing the first number and the successive sums only. As, for example, let m and be any two consecutive coefficients of the original equation, and let p, g,7, &c. be any numbers to be added to m, and let N=m-+p. These different forms of addition are explained by the following operations :— No. 1. Here every number on the right-hand of the line, after the second, is r| Na+ ga+ra found by multiplying the N+q41r\3Na-f2ga+7a+41 =,Q. opposite number on the left to Mr. Holdred. 37 feft by a, and adding the product to the number above that which is to be found ; and the quantities below the horizontal line, are the sum of those above it: the same is to be understood in the following modes :-— No. 2. m| n =Q p| Na =R Nj) Na+ n =,Q=Q+R g| Na+ qa 5 ge Bah ain ha Abbe le Maddie dda N+9+7|3Na+42ga+ra+n=,Q=Q+R+S4T No. 3. or thus, according to my notation, P= mn = P/Q — N| Na+ n =,Q 1:P;Q= Q+,Pa «P= N+q/2Na+ ga+n =,Q oP),.Q=,Q+.Pa sP=N4+q+4+7)8Na+4 2ga+ra+n=,Q «?/;Q=,.Q+,Pa It is evident that .Q will be found the same, whichever of these methods of adding the numbers together is adopted ; or since the producing numbers in the right-hand column are Q, R, S, T, all the methods of addition will be shortly represented as follows : First method. Second method. Third method. Q Q=Q Q=Q S ,Q=Q+R+S Q=Q4R eee | T Q=04R+S84T, S sQ2=Q4R+4+58+T, Q=QFR+S T sQ=Q4+R+S4+T "The first method is the form of addition adopted in my Essay on Involution and Evolution ; the second, is that adopted in the Postscript ; and the third is that adopted by Mr. Holdred, which he calls an invention ; but since he ascribes to himself the merit of having employed this peculiar mode of addition, it is but justice to myself to apprize the reader that he has taken the hint from what is everywhere done in my book on Involution and Evolution, as may be seen in the first two lines of every operation from page 42 to page 48 inclusive. ‘The method of proof which he pretends to have discovered (page 47 of his Supplement) is also the very same in principle as is found in that work of mine in the two lines yeferred to, 1 should not have noticed these things, which to some 88 Mr. Nicholson’s Answer some may appear trifles, and which consist in mere modes of ad- dition, had he not noticed them himself. My object was, to di- vest the operation of all numbers which were not expressed by my formula, and I have succeeded so far as to do it. I cannot help observing, that nothing but the desire of being thought the au- thor of a useful discovery, ignorance of what has been before published in the writings of men of superior intellect, and an over- weening opinion of what he himself has understood but very im- perfectly, could make him so roundly assert that I learned all from him; while, on the contrary, he availed himself of no hint of mine. At the time I published the work now mentioned, I was divided in my own opinion which of the methods I should adopt ; but as I had rot then wrought any example, it occurred to me that the form which I had adopted was that which produced the fewest numbers ; but I did not perceive, at that time, that it would oc- casion more lines : however, 1 saw afterwards the advantage of adopting the method used in the postscript, not only in saving lines, but that it agreed exactly with the simplicity of the formula which I had already investigated and adopted, and that it was much better adapted to the transformations of equations, parti- cularly in diminishing the root by unity at each step. These were the motives that induced me to make the change in adding the numbers together ; and that this was really the case, I have cre- dible witnesses to confirm what I here assert. Had 1 adopted Mr. Holdred’s clumsy method of adding every two lines together, I should not have been able to bring it within a moderate com- pass, and should, besides, have obscured the principle. In my arithmetical process, according to the figurate method, the numbers stand exactly in the same manner as indicated in the coefficients of my transformed equations ; and in my process according to the non-figurate method, the different steps of the operation are performed by a general formula, which is the result of a property of figurate numbers, and which gives the very same orders as are expressed in the coefficients of every general transformed equation. On account of the course of conduct pur- sued by Mr. Holdred, the non-figurate method would have been published immediately after the rudiments of algebra, in my last work entitled Analytical and Arithmetical Essays, published near the end of Nov. 1820, though dated 1821, whether Mr, Horner’s method of continuous approximation had appeared or not, as I can prove if it were necessary ; but understanding that Mr. Hol- dred’s book was in the press, I laid the work above alluded to aside, and published my demonstrations and methods by them- selves, in the Essay on Involution and Evolution, before Mr, Hol- dred’s work made its appearance. Let any one compare the simple but general result in page 37 of my. Essay, with his unsa- tisfactory to Mr. Holdred. 39 tisfactory method, which only shows the truth of the rule as ap- plied to the equation he has proposed. He has not given such a demonstration as to furnish a general rule for all equations ; but, reasoning by analogy, he has presumed the truth of the rule without demonstration, by extending the idea to a general infer- ence. This evident impropriety proceeds from his total ignorance of the properties of figurate numbers, on which the whole de- pends ; but on this head, he ungenerously observes, he did not want any of my assistance. From what I have substantiated here, I shall be warranted in restating what I have asserted in page 57 of the postscript, viz. that Mr. Holdred’s book does not contain a single idea but what is found in my Essay on Involution &c., and which was given to the world prior to the publication of his tract. In the postscript, page 64, which was written in consequencé of the misrepresentations to be found in Mr. H.’s preface, I have stated the circumstances which led me to the demonstration of the non-flgurate method, and have there given a comparative view of our methods by actual examples, from which the inquiring reader may see, that if I was not the original inventor of the principle, [have improved the demonstration and have simplified the practice of both methods; but with respect to the non-figurate operation, Mr. Holdred has no claim to style himself the original inventor of it, as I was the first to give him any hint of it by sig- nifying my intention to him (in confidence) of reducing it to a formula, similar to that which I published in Essay 3, page 4, of my Combinatorial Essays. However, I cannot help remark- ing, that if what I have done is not purloined from him, it cer- tainly has flowed from what he has done, as a consequence; for it was undoubtedly in consequence of the conduct of Mr. Holdred that I was induced to publish, in my own defence, my own im- provements in extracting the roots of equations ; for I was, prior to our difference, resolutely bent on relinquishing the study of the mathematics, which interrupted the progress of my professional duties, and of other publications which I was then, and am still, engaged in ; being fully aware, from dear-bought experience, that analytical researches not only occupied too much of my time, but obliged me to expend that money which I could have appro- priated in a much more eligible and advantageous way. If, after all that has been not only said, but proved, Mr. Hol- dred should still persist in asserting that my demonstrations were extracted from his, I call upon him to show the reason why he has occupied twelve quarto pages in the demonstration of hoth methods, when all that he has said might be comprised within the compass of one-twelfth part of the space, which is what I have done. It appears then, that either my demonstrations must be 40 EBlectro-Magnetic Experiments. be deficient, or his redundant ; and I think, and the reader will most assuredly think also, that Mr. Holdred, after the bold asser~ tions which he has made, is imperiously called upon to demon- strate which of the two is the case. Though Mr. Holdred’s work has been the result of forty years experience and consideration, he has not applied his rules to those cases in the extraction of roots where there is any real difficulty. Such as wish to see the rules for extracting the roots of equa- tions, derived by me from Sir Isaac Newton’s method of trans- forming equations, may consult my Analytical and Arithmetical Essays, where the transformation of equations, and the determi- nations of the limits of their roots, I hope are fully considered, VI. On the Electro-Magnetic Experiments of MM, Cirstep and AMpERS. By Mr. Hatcuerr, 4 he use of the compass in France takes date from the year 1260, The principal part of this instrument, as the reader is aware, con- sists in a magnetized steel needle, of the form of a very elongated lozenge. This needle, moveable round a vertical axis, brings itself on every spot of the earth to an equilibrium in a vertical plane, which is named the magnetic meridian. The angle which this plane makes, with that of the astronomic meridian of the place where the observation is made, is called the declination of the compass. In 1580, this declination was at Paris 11° 30’ to- wards the west; in 1663, nothing; and in 1819 (22d April), 22° 19’ west. If the declination of a magnetised needle changed neither with time nor place, or at least if the changes were made according to known laws, the science of navigation would possess an instrument of simple construction, easy to observe with, and precious indeed to mariners, who would find in a needle, the in- trinsic value of which is almost nothing, the only means of steer- ing their course when night and clouds veil the sky. Philosophers at first endeavoured, but in vain, to discover the cause of the phenomena which the magnetised needle presents. They, never- theless, succeeded in giving to a bar of steel that singular pro- perty of the natural magnet, of taking at each place of the earth a position, the diurnal or secular variations of which are perio- dical. ‘They have studied and measured with care the magnetic attractions and repulsions. The labours of Coulomb, the instru- ments invented by that celebrated philosopher, aud those which M. Lenoir, the distinguished artist of the Bureau of Longitude, has executed, have considerably improved the science of mag- netism. M. CErsted, Professor of the University of Copenhagen, has just opened a new field to the inquiries of philosophers. It is to Electroe-Magnetic Experiments. 4] to him that we owe that fine observation, that @ metallic wire, which communicates with the two extremities of a Voltaic elec» trical apparatus, acquires the very remarkable property of acting at adistance on a magnetic needle. ‘This metallic wire has been named the conjunclive wire. It was already known, that by augmenting the surfaces of the metallic plates which compose the electrical apparatus of Volta, and uniting the two wires which communicate with the extreme plates of that apparatus, these wires become heated, redden, and burn in atmospheric air. M. Thenard and myself had made that experiment in 1801. (See No. 11 of the Journal of the Polytech- nic School, p. 291.) The conjunctive wire, in the experiment of M. GErsted, will become heated, but if it is of sufficient dia- meter it will not burn ; and its action may be observed on a mag- netic needle at some distance. For twenty-three years the electric piles of Volta had been in use,.and no philosopher had yet thought of bringing a magnetic needle near one of these piles inaction. This inspiration was reserved to M. Gérsted; and it must be confessed, that chance had much less share init than in many discoveries with which physical science has been enriched. * M. Marcel de Serres translated from the German, and pub- lished in 1807, a work of the Danish Professor entitled An Inquiry into the Identity of Chemical and Electrical Forces. 1t may be seen from chapter 8 of that work, that the author had been led by his subject to seek proofs of the identity of the magnetic and elec- tric forces*. He had proposed to try whether electricily the most _ ® There is nothing to be found in this chapter which establishes, in any manner, the identity of magnetism and electricity. It is even remark- able, that when M. Cérsted had discovered the action of the conjunctive wire of the Voltaic pile upon the magnetic needle, he explained this new phenomenon by a hypothesis which supposes that the negative electricity -acts only on the northern pole of the needle, and positive electricity on the Southern; (see Annales de Chimie for Aug. 1820, p. 244.)—a fact, which would establish a total difference between the electric and magnetic fluids, since the magnetic fluid, whether considered as positive or negative, ought to act equally on both poles. To demonstrate, by experiment, the identity of the electric and magnetic fluids, it was necessary to show that that could explain all the phenomena which could be observed, whether in the mutual action of. two magnets, or in the action of a conjunctive wire upon a mag- netic needle, without admitting in a magnet any other fluid than the acting electric fluid, as in bodies which are not susceptible of magnetism; and to - tell how this electric fluid is disposed in the magnet. It is this which M. Ampere has done, by demonstrating 1st, That two conjunctive wires, of metals not magnetic, attract and repel through the intervention of the electric fluid alone; 2d, that a magnet may be substituted for one of the conjunctive wires, without any change inthe natore of the action taking place; 3d, that the second conjunctive wire may be removed for another Vol. 57. No. 273, Jan. 1821. F magnet, 42 Electro- Magnetic Experiments. mnost lutent, has any action on the magnet. Now, the electricity in the conjunctive wire of an electrical apparatus in action, is in- deed: latent, since it does not manifest itself to any electrometer ; and, in fact, M. Osrsted performed last winter (1519) the expe- riment which justified what he had conceived seven years before. ‘The result of this experiment has been known in Paris only three months, and already several distinguished philosophers have de- dueed from it most important consequences, both for magnetism and electricity. We shall give an account of these as succinctly as possible. Supposing the metallic plates which form the electrical appa- ratus with troughs, to begin with zine and finish with copper, the electrical currest, supposed to be in the conjunctive wire, would go from the first plate to the last. Now, imagine another con- junctive wire of the same apparatus, placed parailel to the first,. and disposed in such a manner that it may transmit an electrical current in a direetion contrary to’ the first, the two wires will re= pel. If the currents are in the same direction, they will attract. M. Ampere was the first to observe these attractions and: repul- sions at a distance, between bodies traversed by an electric fluid which does not manifest any tension. M. Arago magnetised a slip of iron, and afterwards a steel wire, by putting them in contact with, or under the influence of, the conjunctive wire. A simple method of magnetising a steel needle by the conjunctive wire, consists in placing the needle in the part of the conjunctive wire which is twisted spirally : whe- ther the needle is placed directly upon the threads of the spiral, or enveloped in paper or a glass tube to prevent contact with the conjunctive wire, it becomes magnetised, and its north and south poles, corresponding to the north and south poles of the terrestrial magnet, will be determined by the direction of the spiral which bears the needle. If the conjunctive wire be placed in a vertical plane, and in the direction of the electric current which passes from the zine plate of the apparatus to the copper plate;, the generating point of the spiral may turn from left to right of magnet, without any other change resulting in the nature of the action, ex- cept the phenomena known to result from the mutual action of two mag- nets; and 4th, that the distribution of the electric fluid in the conjunctive wire, is the same as in planes perpendicular to the line which joins the two poles of a magnet, following limited curves, traced in these planes aronnd’ the axis of the magnet. M. Ampere thus established the identity of electric and magnetic fluids, while M. Arago made his fine experiment on the magnetising ot slips of iron by the right conjunctive wire. Since these two philosophers have further added the magnetising of a steel bar by a conjunctive wire twisted spirally round this bar; and that they have anticipated the principal circumstances of that magnetising, it would appear, that they cannot dispense with admit~ ting the identity of the two fluids, : the Electro-Magnetic Experiments, 4S the current, or from right to left ; in the first case, the south pole of the needle, corresponding to the north pole of the terrestrial magnet, will be on the side of the zinc plate of the apparatus; in the second case, it is the north pole of the needle which is on that side, M. Arago, following the theory of M. Ampere, conceived the idea of twisting a conjunctive wire in the manner of two symme- trical spirals placed one after the other; these. spirals differed from each other only as tothe direction in which their generating points turned round their hollow spindles: by putting a needle in each spindle, the two needles became magnetised at the same time, so that their poles of the same name were contiguous. In transmitting a discharge of a Leyden phial through a copper wire twisted in the same manner, in the manner of two consecutive symmetrical spirals, M. Arago has further observed, that the steel needles placed on these spirals became magnetised by the electrie fluids of ordinary machines, as well as by the Voltaic apparatus.’ Other facts have been long known, which prove the mutual in- fluence of the two fluids, magnetic and electric. The points of paratonnerres become naturally magnetised by the electricity of the atmospheric air. M.Arago, author of an article on the ‘magnetic forces, which is inserted in the Annuary of 1819, re- ports, as from an eye-witness, that a Genoese ship, on its way to ‘Marseilles, was struck by the thunder at a little distance from Algiers ; that the needles of the compass made all a half revolu- tion, although these needles did not appear. damaged, and the ship struck on the coast at the moment that the pilot thought he ‘made the North Cape. Ritter had concluded (Jowrnal de Physique, t.57. year 1803,) from some experiments, which have not been since verified, that the earth has electric poles, as it has magnetic meridians. M. Desormes and myself had attempted in 1805 to ascertain the direction which a horizontal electric pile would take, com- posed of 1480 thin plates of copper, tinned with zinc, of the di- ameter of a five-franc piece. We placed this pile upon a boat, which floated on the water of alarge vat. We knew that a mag- netised steel bar, of a weight nearly equal to that of the pile, and placed like it upon the boat, would turn, after some oscillations, into the magnetic meridian. The pile, placed in the same situ- ation, did not take any determinate direction. he only satisfac- tion which this pile procured us, was the recognising of the ten- sion of the electric fluid at its extremities, without the aid of the condenser. (See the Correspondence of the Polytechnic School, tome |. p. 151.) M. Ampere has confirmed, by experiment, the conclusions of the Memoir which he read on the 25th September, 1820, F: “i HIN Lob F 2 toya 44 Electro-Magnetic Experiments. Royal Academy of Sciences, on the mutual actions of the earth, the conjunctive wires of a Voltaic apparatus, and a magnetic needle. He presented in the following sittings three new ar- rangements of apparatus, of his invention. The first shows a circular conjunctive wire submitted to the action of a Voltaic ap- paratus, and which is directed by the action of the terrestrial globe in a vertical plane, perpendicular to the plane of the mag- netic meridian. The second apparatus consists in a circuit almost closed, and of a rectangular form, which turns round a horizon- tal axis perpendicular to the plane of the magnetic meridian, and the plane of which inclines to take, by the action of the earth, a direction perpendicular to that of the inclination of the needle. This inclination, which has not been measured with exactness for some years past, was at Paris on the 22d April 1819, 68° 25’. It is variable, like the declination, according to times and places. The third apparatus of M. Ampere exhibits a conjunctive wire twisted spirally, the extremities of which are attracted and re- pelled by a magnetic har, as those of a needle would be. The coexistence of the electric and magnetic actions has na- turally led to the idea, that wires submitted to the influence of the terrestrial globe, or of a magnetic needle, may decompose water, like those which communicate with the extremities of a Voltaic pile. The following is the account of Professor Cirsted’s experi- ments :— New Electro-Magnetic Experiments. By Prof. GirsTED. Subsequently to the first experiments which I published on the magnetic action-of the galvanic battery, | have extended my re- searches on the sulject as much as various other avocations would allow me. The intensity of the electricity seems to have no share in the magnetic effects; they depend 'solely on its quantity. The dis- charge of a strong electric battery, sent through a metallic wire, produced no change in the position of the magnetic needle. The needle is acted upon by an interrupted succession of electric sparks through the medium of the ordinary electric attractions and re- pulsions, but no electro-magnetic effect was produced, as far as could be perceived. In like manner a galvanic pile, consisting of 100 dises, each two inches square, and of paper moistened in salt water, to serve as a conductor of the fluid, exhibits no sen- sible effect upon the needle. The effect is, however, produced by a single galvanic are of zinc and copper, with a liquid of pe- culiar conducting power as a conductor; for example, a liquid consisting of one »part: sulphuric-acid, an. equal.part of nitricacid, and sixty parts of water. The ‘quantity of water may even be doubled, Electro-Magnetic Experiments, 45 doubled, without the effect being greatly diminished. When the surface of the two metals is small, the effect is proportionally di- minished ; and vice versa, it is increased in proportion as the surfaces are increased. A considerable effect is obtained froma -zine plate six inches square, immersed in a copper vessed filled with the liquid conductor which I have just mentioned. An ap- paratus of this description, in which the surface of the zine plate is two inches square, acts upon the needle with so much force, that the effect is sensibly felt at the distance of three feet, and that too, when the needle is not very moveable. I have not met with any greater effects from an apparatus composed of forty si- milar troughs ; indeed, the effect appeared somewhat diminished, I have not pursued the investigation of this point very minutely, but the observation which I have made is correct. I shall con- clude that by the slight diminution of the conducting power, which results from an increase in the number of the elements of _the apparatus, a diminution in the electro-chemical effect is alsa occasioned. In order that the effect of a single galvanic arc may be com- _ pared with that of an apparatus consisting of several ares or ele- ments, the following experiment may be made, Suppose fig. 4. (Plate I.) to represent a galvanic arc, consisting ef a piece of zine %, of copper e, of a metallic wire ad, and of a fluid condue- tor 7, The zinc invariably communicates to the water a portion of its positive electricity, and the copper a portion of its negative. In consequence of this, there would be an accumulation in the upper part of the zinc of negative electricity, and in the upper part of the copper of positive electricity, if it were not that the commn- nication a b established the equilibrium, by furnishing a free pas- sage for the negative electricity from cto x. It will be seen, then, that the wire a L receives the negative electricity of the zinc, and the positive electricity of the copper; while a wire, which forms the communication of the two poles of a pile, or of another compound galvanic apparatus, receives the positive electricity of _the zine pole, and the negative of the copper pole. Paying proper attention to this distinction, all the:experiments which I at first made with a compound galvanic apparatus, may be repeated with a single galvanic arc. The use of a single gal- vanic arc is attended with this great advantage, that it enables. the experiments to be repeated with little expense and trouble. _ It has another advantage still more considerable, namely, that a galvanic are may be formed of power sufficient for the electro- magnetic experiments, and yet light enough to be sosuspended to a small metallic wire, as that the small apparatus may be turned round the prolonged axis ofthe wire. Itis open, in this way, to examine 46 Electro-Magnetic Experiments. examine the action which a inagnet exercises on the galvanic are, Since no body can put another in motion, without being put in motion in its turn, when it possesses the requisite mobility, it is easy to foretel that the magnet must move the galvanic arc. To mark the motion given by the maguet to a simple galvanic apparatus, | employed various arrangements. One of these will be found represented in fig. 5, which exhibits a perpendicular section of it in the direction of the breadth. A trough of copper ecce is three iaches high, four inches long, and half an inch broad; dimensions, which may ef course be varied at pleasure. It may be observed, however, that the breadth should not be great, and that the plates of the trough should be as thin as pos- sible, A plate ef zine x x, is kept in its position by two pieces of corkee;cf f ff is a brass wire, of at least a quarter of a line in diameter ; a 6 is a brass wire as fine as possible, so as to be able at the same time to support the weight of the apparatus ; -¢acisalinen thread which unites the wire to the apparatus. The fluid conductor is contained in the trough. The conducting -wire of this apparatus will attract the north pole of the needle “when it is placed on the left side of the plane eff ff % that is observed in the direction fz. The south pole will, on the sanie side, be repelled. But on the other side of this plane, the north pole will be repelled, and the south attracted. To ensure this ef- fect, the needle must not be placed above / /, nor below fz or fic. If, instead of presenting a small moveable needle to the conducting wire, there is presented near one of the extremities tf, one of the poles of a powerful magnet, the attraction or ré- pulsion indicated by the needle, will put in motion the galvanic apparatus, and turn it round the prolonged axis of a b. Take, instead of the conducting wire, astrip of copper of the same breadth as the zine plate, and the only diference froin the effect just mentioned, will consist in its being much feebler. The effect is, on the other hand, increased a little, by making the conduc- tor very short. In fig. 6. will be seen a perpendicular section of this arrangement, in the direction of the breadth of the trough. In fig. 7. the same arrangement may be seen in perspective. The conducting plate is represented by ab cd ef, and the zinc plate by cz xf. The north pole of the needle will, in this ar- vangement, be attracted towards the plane of a ¢ c, and the south sill be repelled from the same plane, Contrary effects will take place by an apparatus ed /, whose extremities act like the poles of ancedle. It must be confessed, however, that only the faces of the two extremities, and not the intermediate parts, possess this analogy. A moveable galvanic apparatus may likewise be made of two plates, Electro- Magnetic Experiments. ‘$F plates, one of copper and one of zine, twisted into a spiral, and suspended in the liquid conductor, It is more moveable than the others, but requires to be used with particular caution. I have not as yet discovered a method of making a galvanic apparatus capable of directing itself towards the poles of the earth. Any apparatus for this purpose must be much more move- able than any I have mentioned. Notes, by M. Ampere, of the Communications which he made to the Academy of Sciences. Sirtine of September 18, 1820. I redaced the phenomena observed by M. irsted to two ge- heral facts. | showed that the current which is in the pile, acts on the magnetic needle like that of the conjunctive wire. I de- scribed the experiments by which I had established the attrac- tion or repulsion of the whole of a magnetic needle, by the con= junctive wire. I deseribed the instruments which I proposed to construct, and, among others, galvanic spirals. I announced that the latter would produce, in all cases, the same effects as mag- nets. Afterwards, I entered into some details on the manner in which I conceived the magnets to act; as only owing their pro. perties to electric currents it planes perpendicular to their axis, and upon the similar currents which F allow in the terrestriai globe ; in short, I reduced all the magnetic phenomena to effects purely electric. Sirtine of the 25th of September. I gave a further development of this theory, and I announeed the new faet, of the attraction and repulsion of two electric cur rents, without the intermediation of any magnet ; a fact whicl» I had observed in conductors twisted spirally. 1 repeated this experiment in the course of the sitting. Srrrinea of the 9th of October, I presented to the Academy some experiments, which put in @ clear light the identity of action between the conjunctive wires and the close curves, which I conceived like electric currents in planes perpendicular to the line which joins the two poles of a magnet, I showed on two rectilinear electrical currents the same effects, which I had shown in the preceding sitting, on currents in the case of conductors twisted spirally. I read at the same sitting a Memoir, in whicly I gave the results of some new ex- periments on the same phenomena, and on the circumstances which produce them. I described the process, which I had since followed, for calculating the effects of clectrical currents of a de- terminate 48 Electro- Magnetic Experiments. terminate length, and those of magnets ; after that I had deters mined, by a comparison of the results of experiment with those of calculation, the law of the attraction and repulsion of two infi- nitely small portions of electric currents, I stated in this memoir all the differences which are established between the attractions and repulsions of electric currents, and those of ordinary electri- city, amounting not only to a dissimilarity, but almost to a com- plete opposition. Sirtina of the 15th of October. Iread a note relative to the interesting experiments of M. Arago, on the magnetising of steel by means of a current, produced by a Voltaic pile. The object of this note was to show, that all the circumstances of that action of electric currents, were conformable with what I had announced on the identity of these currents, and of those which I admit in maguets, and may be regarded as com- pleting the demonstration of it. SittinG of the 30th of October. I announced to the Academy that, conformab!y to my theory of the phenomena which the electric and magnetic currents pre- sent, the action of the earth would lead in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the inclination of the needle, the plane of a moveable portion of the conductor of a Voltaic pile, so disposed as to form a circuit nearly closed. I described two sorts of ap- paratus, the first of which had served me to produce the move- ment of a conjunctive wire, corresponding to the direction of the needle of a compass, in the horizontal plane corresponding with the line of declination ; and the other, that which corresponds to the direction of the inclination of the needle in the plane of the magnetic meridian. J exhibited at the same sitting an instru- ment, by which there may be turned in a horizontal plane a por- tion of electric current, the conductor of which is attached to a vertical pivot by the action of another current, an action which conducts it into the situation where these two currents are pa- railel, and in the same direction. Sirrina of the 6th of November. 1 communicated to the Academy a fact relative to the action of conductors twisted in spirals ; a fact which I had observed a long time before I disecrned the ¢ause of it, which M, Arago had also observed, and whence I dedueed— Ist. A very simple means of ueutralising the longitudinal ef- fect of an electric current in a conductor twisted spirally, and of reducing the action of it to the transversal effect, which would then be perfectly identical with that of a magnet. 2d. Electro-Magnetic Experiments. 49 2d. A law, which I have not verified except in regard to the action exercised by that sort of current, but which may be true in general for each of the infinitely small portions of which electrical currents may be supposed to consist, i order to calculate the effects. I exhibited at the same sitting an instrument, in which the longitudinal effect of ‘the current, which takes place in a con- ductor twisted spirally, is neutralized by the prolongation of this conductor, which returns in a right line into the axis of the spi- ral, from which it is separated by the sides of a glass tube. This instrument, suspended on a pivot like the needle of a compass, possesses all the properties of it when acted upon by a magnet ; its extremities represent exactly the poles in the situation in which they ought to be according to the theory. Sittine of the 13th November, 1820. I read a note upon the electro-chemical effects of a spiral of iron wire, subjected to the action of the earth alone. The action of the earth directing an electric current as well as it directs a magnet, as I had announced to the Academy in its previous sit- tings, I thought that this action might, like that of a magnet in the experiment cf M. Fresnel, influence the oxidation of an iron wire in water. I therefore plunged under a small glass bell, in a weak solution of chloruret of sodium, the two extremities of an iron wire, which made thirty turns round a paper cylinder, the axis of which was nearly parallel to the variation of the inclina- tion of the needle. The two wires soon appeared covered with some bubbles ; they were much more numerous on the wire which, according to theory, answered to the negative pole of the pile. During three days which the apparatus remained in action, I several times made the bubbles mount to the top of the bell, so that no more remained on the wires. Every time new ones were produced on the wire which had at first produced most, and re- mained brilliant until the end of the experiment. The other wire did not present any more, or at least very rarely, since it was oxi- dized. The apparatus having been accidentally overturned, I was unable to ascertain whether the bubble in the superior part of the bell contained hydrogen, or a greater portion of azote than atinospheric air; or if it was air such as is ordinarily mixed in water, aud disengaged from it by the elevation of the tempera- ture of the chamber. On repeating the experiment with the same apparatus, I had only very feeble sigus of the electro chemical ac- tion. In fact, I have still some doubts as to the existence of that action, which I purpose to clear up by new experiments, Vol. 57. No. 273. Jan. 1821. G VII. On son VII. On theCatenary Curve. By A CoRRESPONDENT. To Mr. Tilloch. Sir, — Tue following problem relating to the catenarian curve will not be uninteresting to some of your readers, if you can find room for it. Prog. Of all the catenarian curves that can be formed by suspending different lengths of the same chain of uniform thick- ness, from two given points placed in the same horizontal line, it is required to determine that one in which the pull at the points of suspension is least. Let x represent the absciss taken from the vertex, or lowest point of the curve, along the vertical axis; y the corresponding horizontal ordinate; and z the length of chain, or the part of the curve line between the ordinate y and the vertex. Then the weight of the chain x is sustained by the two pulls at its ex- tremities. The pull at the vertex, denoted by a, is horizontal in its direction. The pull at the other extremity of z, denoted by f, is oblique to the horizon; and, by the resolution of forces, it is equivalent to the force “y x f, acting horizon- af dx? + dy? tally in contrary direction to a; and likewise to the foree, —EE—s af 4 . ; c Hie siete J: directed vertically upwards. Now the equili brium of every part of the chain requires that the horizontal and vertical forces acting upon it in opposite directions, shall be se- parately equal to one another: wherefore, dy ed A da + dy? xf=a (1) dx Wesee | Kofi ees From these equations, we get dx: dy::%:a3; and hence WV da? + dy? = dz:dy:: V7 2° + a*:@ WV da* + dy? = dz:du:: x? + a?:25 wherefore adz ; and if we now integrate, observing that 2, 7, and % vanish to- gether, we shall obtain Y= On the Catenary Curve. 51 ya x log. 7 Ve +e (2) a cs /2z*+ a—a; which are the usual equations of the catenary. Let denote the angle between the curve and the ordinate y; thus d La : —<*/ _ = cos 4, and ——“—— = sin 9; and, on account of af dit + dy? Vda + dy? the equation (1), a =f cos $ (3) z= /f sing. If these values be substituted in the expressions of y and x: then y=fx cos $ log. $+ 8" = f x Q cos ? x= f x (l—cos $) = 2fsin *34, 1+ sin g- cos @ (4) the symbol Q being put for cos ¢ log. Take the fluxion of Q; thus dQ dp ee ee aay ph Lek a we have cos Cos af t=sin 29 1—sin@ dQ sin @ 1+ sing ag tay eae pg tds and, by expanding the logarithms, a = 1 —sin?¢ — < sint 6 — Fz sin®d— &e. (5) Now Q is equal to zero, of when ¢ he and $=90°: for, oe Pinay cos @ = — sin ¢ log. and because : iia ch an: in the latter case, although log. rarea infinite, yet cos $ ar : log. cong 18 evanescent. As the angle ¢ increases from 0 to iQ. chai GBA He . "5 ora is at first positive till sin ¢ acquires a certain value, determined by the equation. 1 = sin? o + + sint + = sin® 6 + &c.; (5) it then vanishes, and afterwards becomes negative. The fune- tion Q is therefore susceptible of a marimum, which it at- tains when sin ¢ satisfies equation (5). Now, y being constant in the equation y = f x Q, f will decrease as Q increases ; and the first quantity will be a minimum when the second is a maximum. he minimum required is therefore determined by equation (5), G 2 From 52 _ On the Compressilility of Water. From equation (5) we get Sin? = 1 — ; a8 5 + : + eee + &c.; wherefore, 189 * 14175 Bin?s = -8948; sin ¢ = °8335; o = 56° 28’. “ - dQ _ Again, from the equation agen 0, or — Sin ¢ log. ee +1=0, we get Q = cos ¢ log. a = a ; consequently, because f = at we have f=y tan $. And hence, from equations (2) and (3), we deduce a= ysin > Z= y sing tang x= 2y tan > sin*Z¢. When the catenary has a small inclination to the horizon, the pull is very great; because a very great proportional force acting nearly in the horizon is required to sustain any proposed weight. It is impossible to stretch the chain in a position perfectly hori- zontal, the force necessary for this purpose being infinitely great, As the angle which the curve makes with the horizon increases, the pull diminishes more on account of the increased inclination, than it increases by the greater length of chain; and this dimi- nution goes-omtill; at 56° 28’, the minimum takes place. Be- yond this limit, the pull increases continually, as the length of chain becomes greater. Ay Bs. VIII. On the Compressibility of Water. By Jacon Perkins, Esq. Communicated by the late Right Hon. Sir Joseru Banks, Bart. G.C.B. P.R.S.* Havine believed for many years that water was an elastic fluid, I was induced to make some experiments to ascertain the fact. This was done by constructing an instrument which | call a pie- zometer, and which is represented in Plate l,fig. 1. The cy- linder, A, was three inches diameter, and eighteen inches long. The end, B, was made water tight by means of a plate which was soldered firmly toit, At the other end, C, a cap was made * From the Transaetions of the Royal Society for 1820, Part IL, to On the Compressibility of Vater. 53 to screw on and off at pleasure; being also made water tight. The rod or plunger, D, which was five-sixteenths of an inch in diameter, was made to pass through a tight stuffing box, E. On the rod immediately above the stuffing box, was fixed a flexible ring, a. A cannon, fig. 2, of a sufficient size to contain the pie- zometer, was fixed vertically in the earth, the muzzle being left about eighteen inches above ground, and the touch-hole plugged tight. At the mouth a strong cap, A, was firmly screwed on. In the centre of this cap a small forcing pump, B, was tightly screwed, the piston of which was five-eighths of an inch in dia- meter. There was an aperture, C, in the cap, to introduce a valve for the purpose of ascertaining the degree of pressure. One pound pressure on this valve indicated an atmosphere. The pie- zometer was introduced into the cannon, and the water forced in until the cap showed signs of leakage ; the valve at the same time indicating a pressure of one hundred atmospheres. The piezo- meter was then taken out of the cannon, and the flexiblering found to be eight inches up the rod, evidently proving the rod to have been forced into the cylinder that distance, showing also a com- pression of about one per cent. We have seen by repeated expe- rimeuts, that to be able to produce this degree of compression, three per cent must be pumped into the gun. This fact proves, either that the gun expands, or that the water enters the pores of the cast iron; it is probable both these circumstances contribute to produce this effect. This experiment was made in America in the year 1819, and before I had time to strengthen my apparatus for the purpose of making further experiments, | was obliged to embark for this country. On my passage, however, I had frequent opportunities of repeating those I had already made, and of making others by a natural pressure. They were as follows. The piezometer, by the assistance of fifty-four pounds of lead attached to it, was sunk in the ocean to the depth of five hundred fathoms, which is about equal to the pressure of one hundred atmospheres. When drawn in, the gauge or ring was found removed eight inches up the rod, indicating, as in the before-mentioned experiment, a compression of one per cent. This experiment was several times repeated, and with the same result. The next experiment was that of sinking a strong empty porter bottle to the depth of one hundred and fifty fathoms, having first tightly corked and sealed it, in the following manner. Six co- verings of cotton cloth, saturated with a composition of sealing wax and tar, were strongly fastened over the cork, by a cord wound round them, directly under the projection at the neck of the bottle. After the bottle had been suffered to remain at the depth mentioned a few minutes, it was drawn up. No water was found 54 On the Compressilility of Water. found to have been forced into it, neither was there any visible change at the mouth. The same bottle was again sunk, and at the increased depth of two hundred and twenty fathoms : when drawn in, it was found to contain about a gill of water; but not the slightest visible change had taken place in the sealing. The same bottle was now sunk, for the third time, to the still greater depth of three hundred fathoms, and when drawn up, nly a small part of the neck was found attached to the line. Its appearance was truly interesting. The bottle was not broken by external pressure, but evidently by the expansion of the condensed sea water, which had found its way through the sealing. Upon examination, it was found that the cork had been compressed into half its length, making folds of about one-eighth of an inch; and that the coverings, consisting of six layers of cloth and cement, had been torn up on one side before the bottle burst. The effect produced upon the cork cannot, we imagine, be accounted for but in one way, viz. that the water, divided into very minute parti- cles, must, by the surrounding pressure of water, have been forced through the coverings, and filled the bottle ; that the water thus forced in and condensed, to a great degree, expanded as the pres- sure was removed by drawing it towards the surface, not only so as to press the cork back into the neck, and, owing to the resist- ance of the coverings, to compress it half its size, but to separate the neck from the body of the bottle. Experiment 4. An empty porter bottle, the strengest that could be found, was stopped in the following manner. A eork with a large head was firmly driven into the neck ; it was then covered with six layers of fine linen, saturated with a composition of tar and wax ; over them was applied a covering of leather, and all perfectly secured by heing well bound at the neck. The bot- tle thus prepared was sunk two hundred and seventy fathoms. When drawn in, it was found perfectly sound, and the sealing un- changed ; but filled with water to within an inch of the cork. The coverings were taken off, layer after Jayer, but no signs of moisture were visible. Had the bottle remained down a sufficient length of time to have completely filled, it would undoubtedly have been broken by the expansion of the water upon being drawn towards the surface, as was the case in the former expe- riment. It is worthy of remark, that when the water from this bottle was poured into a tumbler, it effervesced lke mineral water, Experiment 5. In this experiment two strong bottles were sunk to the depth of five hundred fathoms. One of them was stopped with a ground glass stopper, and well cemented, then placed in a strong canvass bag, When the bag was drawn in, it was On the Compressibility of Water. 55 was found that the bottle had been crushed into many thousand pieces. The other bottle was very tightly corked; but not having been left down a sufficient length of time, it came up whole, having filled to within one inch and a half. The cork had been driven in, and remained so; but the cementation was unaltered, excepting at the surface, where it had become a little concave. Being satisfied that the piezometer as first constructed, would not show all the compression, I determined to make one difier- ently modified. The object was to avoid the friction occasioned by the collapsing of the leather upon the rod under such great pressure. The drawing in Plate I, fig. 3, shows another modi- fication of the piezometer, made since I have been in this country. This proves my suspicions to have been correct ; since, under the same pressure, it indicated nearly double the compression shown by the former. This instrument is constructed as follows, fig. 3, being a sec- tion of it. It is simply a small tube, A, closed at the end, B, and water-tight. At the upper end, C, the water is allowed to enter through a small aperture, E, closed by a very sensible valve open- ing inwards, The tube is flattened at D, in order that it may yield to the expansion of the water when taken out of the press. The experiment with this instrument was made at Mr, Keir’s manufactory, in the presence of many scientific gentlemen. The piezometer being perfectly filled with water (the weight of which was accurately known) was put into an hydraulic press, and sub- jected to a pressure of about three hundred and twenty-six at- mospheres, When it wss taken out and weighed, there was found an increase of water amounting to three and a half per cent. This water had been previously boiled, and cooled down to a temperature of forty-eight degrees, and kept at the same tempe- rature during the experiment. A machine calculated to avoid loss of pressure from destruction of the materials of which it is composed, will be made with all convenient speed. This machine being constructed with metallic stuffings and flexible metallic pistons, will effect a much greater pressure than the hydraulic press, the power of which is limited by the animal stuffing now used. It is probable, a pressure of from two to three thousand atmospheres may be obtained before the metallic piston is destroyed. Itis expected that this machine will be sufficiently accurate to give the exact ratio of the compressibility of water with much greater precision than has hitherto been obtained ; but the re- sults of further experiments must be the subject of a future com- munication. 29, Austin Friars, June 6, 1820. 1X. Notices L 56 ] IX. Notices respecting New Books. A Dictionary of Chemistry, on the Basis of Mr. Nicuoison’s, in which the Principles of the Science are investigated anew, and its Applications to the Phenomena of Nature, Medicine, Mineralogy, Agriculture, and Manufactures, detailed. By Anprew Ure, M.D. Professor of the Andersonian Institution, Member of the Geological Society, &c. &c. W: hasten to give some account of a work calculated to excite great interest in the chemical world. Its author has been long known as a brilliant and successful public teacher of the science ; and peculiarly conversant in its useful applications, His various Memoirs printed in the Transactions of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, as well as in the scientific journals, display much ingenuity joined to patient research ; and his Tables on Heat, and the Acids, are now adopted as the standard autho- rities on their respective subjects. We learn from the Introduction to this Dictionary, that in the month of June last he was engaged by a London publisher to revise Nicholson’s octavo Dictionary for a new edition ; but he has not restricted himself to the simple and easy functions of an editor. Dr.Ure has, in fact, re-written three-fourths of the work 5 and has gratuitously inserted many profound dissertations on the most important and intricate departments of chemistry. The in- vestigations of facts are conducted with candour, acuteness, aud logical precision; andthe language is perspicuous and elegant. Statements which other writers spread over a page, are commu- nicated by Dr. Ure with perfect clearness in a sentence or two. The volume consists of about 800 pages, in double columns, equivalent to nearly three ordinary octavo volumes. We have no hesitation in affirming, that it contains greater power of original research, than any body of chemical knowledge which has ap- peared since the Elements of Sir H. Davy. That it was all com- posed within a period of five months, as the author states in the Introduction, is evident from the references interspersed through it; and gives us a favourable idea of his intellectual resources. A few extracts will satisfy our readers that we have not been bestowing unmerited praise on this Dictionary; but at present we must be more brief than we could wish. ** INTRODUCTION. **In this Introduction I shall first. present a GENERAL VIEW of the objects of Chemistry, along with a scheme for converting the alphabetical arrangement adopted in this volume, into a sy- stematic order of study. I shall then describe the manner in which Dr. Ure’s Chemical Dictionary. 57 which this Dictionary seems to have been originally compiled, and the circumstances under which its present regeneration has been attempted. This exposition will naturally lead to an ac- count of the principles on which the investigations of chemical theory and facts have been conducted, which distinguish this Work from a mere compilation. Some notice is then given of a Trea- tise on Practical Chemistry, publicly announced by me upwards of three years ago, and of the peculiar circumstances of my situa- tion as a teacher, which prompted me to undertake it, though its execution has been delayed by various obstructions. “ 29°563 [51 50 |W N.W.) light. {Very fine. § |29°561 [51 53 |S.S.W./| do. |Foggy. 10 (29:554 |51-7| 55 |S.S.W.| do. |Cloudy. 11 |29°551 |52 55 S: do. |Do. 12 |29°527 |53°7| 58 |W.N.W.) do. |Fine. 29°517 |55 fresh. |Do. From a comparison of the observations made at Leighton and Bushy, in March, it might be supposed that some addition had been made to the quantity of mercury in the basin of my ba- rometer, but no such addition or any alteration was made. B. B. A Mean of Meteorological Observations for the last Seven Years. Mean of Barome- Mean of ‘bhermo-{Ther- Prev&, Winds. v meter, mom. ter. Barometer.} No. days of }2 aM. | pM. | pM. p% | PAM. | pm. | Pom. each, 5 8 2 10 Is Max | Min.4N.|E.| S. lit 3¥814/45°41/51°73/44°66976] 1 5$29°64|29°64129°64830°30/28°S019 1145) 174/42 1815}47°45/53°90/46°46150 aa 29*60129°60/29°62430°40|/28°55173|25| 183\69911 1816}43°85)50°48)|43°8 9178] 14429- 90) 29°4.9]29°50330°50/28°40}69/29! 178/79H 1 T8145 13/51 36)45°68 48 | 18 29°56 lQ9- 56}29°56830°35|28°25483|31! 168/648) 7 4818) 45°67/52°87/47°00§82|18§29°41/29°41120°4.1590°95127-75450)45| 199/60} 9 34819)45°40/52°31/46°27 1}29°38}29°38]29°38430'05/28°45490/4 1} 166|/60% § 1820/43°61]50°90 42°95%84) 5 §29°44/29°4.4/99-4.5150-40/28°15978|41| 168/60119' 165 * Rain not ascertained in 1814, The above observations were kept and communicated by the Rev. Epwarp StTan_ey, Rector of Alderley, Cheshire. NAUTICAL ALMANAC, It hss been stated in the public papers, that an error of six minutes in the plane of the moon’s node, pervades the Nautical Almanac for 1821, 1822, and 1828: and that the obliquity of the ecliptic is also incorrectly given. Should this be the ease, we doubt not the Commissioners of Longitude will correct these errors in the subsequent numbers of that useful work. METEORO? : okt ao eae Me leorology. 319 METEOROLOGICAL JOURNAL KEPT AT BOSTON, LINCOLNSHIRE. BY MR. SAMUEL VEALE. ———— {The time of observation, unless otherwise stated, is at 1 P.M.] —~ | 29°95 |Ditto—squally with rain A.M. 43° 29°90 |Ditto 47° 29°48 |Stormy 51°5 | 29°20 |Cloudy 51°5 | 29°40 |Fine 44°5 | 29°03 |Stormy 49°5 | 29° Rain 48° | 28°83 |Cloudy—rain A.M. 51°5 | 29°50 |Fine 45° | 29°13 |Rain fay 29°43 |Fine 56°5 | 28°95 |Cloudy—rain A.M.—rain in the afternoon with sunshine which produced a brilliant rainbow. aoe 28°90 |Fine 49: | 29°10 |Cloudy 41° 29°45 |Rain 47° 29°90 |Cloudy—rain A.M. 60°5 | 29°80 |Ditto 59°5 | 29°90 |Fine 62° 29°70 |Ditto 58° | 29°55 |Cloudy 59° 29'35 |Fine 48° 29° {Rain 52° 29°12 |Fine—hail and rain P.M. 49° 29°30 |Rain ‘ METEORO- EE Observations for Correspondent who observed the 9th April 8 o’Clock M, Barom. 30:100 240 Meteorology. » METEOROLOGICAL TABLE; By Mr. Cary, OF THE STRAND, For April 182). Thermometer. aad ay Ee & 8 | Height of ; on 8 2 ne wrnieyh Weather. isat. JSS] 4 [ea] oO: re ie fla eee March 27 | 44 | 47 | 40 | 29:40 Showery 28 | 48 | 43 | 40 | °14 Rain 29 | 40/ 46 | 38 97 Rain 30 39 | 50 | 4U ‘76 Fair 21 || 40.) 47 | 38 "42 Stormy April 1 | 36 | 51 | 43 | +68 Fair 2 | 47 | 59 | 41 87 Fair 3 | 42 | 51 | 40 °45 Stormy 4 2} 52 | 41 37 Fair 5 | 41} 52} 40 ‘67. | +Stormy 6 | 40 | 47 | 43 | 30°13 Cloudy Fa ee eee Be "12 Cloudy 8 50 | 66 | 50 20 Fair g | 50 | 62} 50 "03 Fair 10 | 50 | 58 | 53 ‘01 Fair 11 50 | 59 | 46 | 29°66 Fair 12 | 43 | 51 | 44 °37 Showery 13 42 | 52) 41 *50 Fair 14 | 40 | 47 | 40 5] Stormy 15 | 38 | 48; 39 57 Storms with hail 16...| 43.| 35.) 46 “49 Fair 17 | 41 | 55 | 45 "55 Showery 18 | 46 | 55 | 46 ‘78 Par} *; 19 | 47 | 52 | 46 ‘69 Small rain 20 | 50} 59 | 50 ‘61 Do. with thund. in 21 | 50 | 58 | 49 86 Cloudy [the eveng. 22 =| 46 | 58 | 47 “98 Fair 23 , 50 | 67 | 52 58 Cloudy 24 | 55 | 66 | 56 56 _ Fair 25 | 55 | 73 | 59 ‘76 Fair 26 | 62! 741 60 80 Fair N.B. The Barometer’s height is taken at one o’clock« ——9 Ther. attached 52° Detached 50° 5 ; ee, ae SO O0E | ae es oe — s. ae Soe BF ee SN, Sep aes a 68 oe ee ee ee ee ! ; Ea2h.3 LIII. On the atmospherical Refraction. By Mr. 5. Ivory. To the Editor. Sir, — Is some researches on astronomical refraction I found the subjoined formula, which is not unworthy of the attention of astronomers on account of its exactness, its convenience for cal- culation, and because it comprehends all the refractions from the zenith to the horizon in one expression. It is not an empirical formula, or one obtained by altering the coefficients till they re- present with sufficient accuracy a certain number of observed places. It is entirely theoretical, and, in fact, borrows nothing from astronomical observations. The only elements that enter into its construction are the numbers that denote the refractive force of the air; the mean pressure of the atmosphere; and the mean horizontal refraction; quantities which have been taken as they are laid down in the Mécanique Céleste. In its original State, the formula would therefore give the refractions for the mean height of the barometer adopted by the French astrono- mers, and for the temperature of melting ice; but, in order to facilitate a comparison with the Table published in the Connais- sance des Tems, it has been reduced to the temperature of 10° of the centigrade thermometer, or 50° of Fahrenheit, by applying the correction directed to be used with the Table. It would oc- cupy too many of your pages, sir, to enter on a detail of the analysis; but I shall attempt below to point out the principles on which the investigation proceeds. I put A for the zenith distance, and R for the refraction; then, having found the sub- sidiary angle ¢ by means of the formula, Log. tan ¢ = 18:9875149— log, cos A, we lave Log. of the coefficients. SP ae { 1200-93 tan 3.$..... 30795170 + 637:'88 tan? ig .... 2°$047383 + 163°78 tans ig .... 2:2142677 + 19:51 tan? to .... 1:2903704 + 3°95 tan9ig .... 0:5967129 + O-64tan'i¢ .. —1*8037929 The comparison of this formula with the refractions in the Connaissance des Tems, is contained in the following Table; Vol, 57. No. 277. May 1821. Ss A. Conn. des T. Formula. — i 0:0 0:0 0-1 0:2 1:0 19 36 6:4 0:6 1:9 0-2 8:8 0:3 =] It appears from this comparison that the formula is in perfect agreement with the French Table, at least as far as 80° from the zenith, which iucludes all the useful part of such a Table. At 85° from the zenith the difference amounts only to 1”; and the greatest divergence at 0° 45’ above the horizon is short of a2". At 70° from the zenith the third term of the series is insensi- ble; and at 80°, it only comes to 0-19; so that, if we neglect this small quantity, the two first terms of the series are sufii- cient for all stars elevated 10° above the horizon. The three first terms are sufficient as far as 85° from the zenith. Most physical problems are solved by a series of attempts in which some of the conditions are either omitted entirely, or so modified as to bring the investigation within the range of our knowledge. The first attempt to solve the problem of the astro- nomical refractions was made by Cassini, who neglected all changes of density in the atmosphere, whether arising from un- equal pressure or variation of temperature. In this view, the air would constitute a uniform refracting medium surrounding the earth to the height of about 4543 fathoms. The simple hypo- thesis of Cassini seems hardly to have met from astronomers with the attention it deserves: for, if we use accurate elementary quantities in the computation, it will determine the refractions to the extent of 74° from the zenith with the same degree of ex- actness as any of the other methods, without even excepting the formula of Laplace. In an atmosphere such as Cassini sup- posed, On the atmospherical Refraction. 323 posed, if the heat decrease in the same proportion with the pressure, the depression of 1° of the centigrade thermometer will correspond to an elevation of nearly +233, or about 17} fathoms. If we still neglect the effect of temperature, or, which is the same thing, suppose the heat to be invariably the same in every part of the atmosphere; but take into account the changes of density arising from inequality of pressure according to the law of Mariotte, we shall have another hypothesis very different from that of Cassini; the air now expanding above the earth to an unlimited extent. In this case the thermometer, at whatever elevation, would mark the same temperature; or, in mathe- matical language, the elevation necessary for one degree of de- pression would be infinitely great. Between the two extreme cases just described we may con- ceive that an infinite number of intermediate ones are interposed, while the total height of the atmosphere increases from its least limit of 4343 fathoms to be infinitely great; the heat in each particular atmosphere decreasing uniformly as the elevation in- creases, which is the law most conformable to experience. We have thus av infinite number of different hypotheses, in all of which the refractions will be the same to the extent of 74° from the zenith; coinciding in every case with the formula of Laplace, tne exactness of which is indisputably established by observa- tion, But beyond the limit mentioned, the refractions will di- verge from one another, and each particular case will have a horizontal refraction peculiar to itself. We may thus account for the inaccuracies that occur, when a formula, naturally fitted to represent the refractions near the zenith, is extended, in an empirical manner, to the whole quadrant ; and likewise for the shifting which such a formula requires to be made in its elements, when it is compared with exact observations made near the ho- rizon. If indeed we consider the problem of refractions as one to be solved by observation alone, we may conclude that it 3s in- determinate, or admits of an indefinite number of solutions: and this is no more than an opinion, expressed in several parts of his writings, by Delambre, the astronomer of the present day, whose authority on every point of astronomical science will be allowed to be the highest. In the hypothesis of Cassini the horizontal refraction is 1289” ; and it amounts to 2394” in the other extreme case of an atmo- sphere of an unlimited height. The hypothesis advanced by cise Simson, of a density decreasing uniformly with the ele- vation, is also contained in the series of atmospheres above nren- tioned, coinciding with the one that has its height equal to 8686 fathoms, or double that of Cassini; and in this case the hori- Ss 2 zontal 824 On the atmospherical Refraction. zontal refraction is 1824”. All these quantities are very different from the mean horizontal refraction determined by observation, which is 2106” according to Laplace. But there must be one particular atmosphere in the series, which, while it possesses the general property of representing the refractions near the zenith, will likewise coincide with observation at the horizon. Now I have found that this takes place in the atmosphere that has its total height equal to 17372 fathoms, or four times that of Cassini; and the formula I have sent you was obtained by integrating the differential expression of the refraction in this hypothesis. The character of the formula may therefore be described by saying, that in all probability it will be found to coincide with observa- tion better than any other founded on the supposition of a uni- form decrease of heat. In the atmosphere to which my formula belongs, the elevation necessary for depressing the centigrade thermometer one degree is 70 fathoms, considerably short of the observed quantity, which is about 90 fathoms. As in the series of atmospheres, there is one agreeing with observation in the quantity of the horizontal refraction, so there is also one that will agree with observation in the elevation for one degree of depression. In the atmosphere the height of which is five times that of Cassini, the elevation for one degree of depression is 874 fathoms, nearly equal to the observed quantity ; and in this case the horizontal refraction is 2164”, or 58” more than according to observation. In reality, neither the horizontal refraction, nor the height necessary for one degree of depression, is determined with great precision; but it is certain that on the one hand 70 fathoms is too little, and on the other 2106” is as great a quantity as can be admitted: and hence we may infer that the supposition of a uniform de- crease of heat in the atmosphere, cannot be reconciled with the astronomical refractions. But, although this be strictly true, yet the refractions are so nearly represented by the law mentioned, that the actual deviation from it must be very inconsiderable. It would be superfluous to say any thing here of the solution of this problem contained in the Mécanique Céleste, the merit of which is so well known, and so justly appreciated. Both the solution now mentioned, aud the one given above, seek to ap- proach the truth by means of probable conjectures; and the ul- timate results come nearer one another than was to be expected in two methods employing very different processes of investiga- tion, and !eading to formule of calculation that have nothing in common; the atmosphere in the one case being of indefinite extent, while in the other the total height does not exceed twenty miles, The elevation for one degree of depression, which in my for- mula Method of Progressions. 325 mula is 70 fathoms, shows that the true physical state of the problem has not been attained. A solution agreeing with ob- servation in this element, must proceed on a law of density that deviates a little from a dniform decrease of heat. The formule in the Mécanique Céleste likewise fall short of observation in this element: for they give a depression of 46°:24 for an eleva- tion of 3817 fathoms instead of 40°25 the observed quantity, being at the rate of $2 fathoms toa degree. Thus, the small differences between the French Tables and my formula corre- spond to a difference of no less than 12 fathoms in this element of the problem. A solution that, besides fulfilling the other con- ditions of the problem, should likewise agree with observation in the height necessary for depressing the thermometer one degree, would, in all probability, give the atmospherical refractions near the horizon as much above the French Tables as these exceed my formula; and in this manner, there is every reason to think, obsegvation ‘would be better represented. Till such a solution be found, it cannot be said that mathematical science has accom- plished all that it is possible to do for the behoof of astronomy. [am, &c. May 8, 1821. J. Ivory. LIV. Some Account of a Method which may be applied to the same Purposes as Sir Isaac Newrton’s Method of Fluxions. By Mr. Thomas TrEDGOLD. LETTER III.* On the Maxima and Minima of Quantities. To the Editor. Sir, — I a progression of quantities, formed according to some invariable law, the quantities may be of two kinds; one ‘of which is called constant, and the other variable. A constant quantity is that which retains the same numerical value in each term of a progression of quantities. A variable quantity is that of which the numerical value in- creases or decreases in each succeeding term of a progression of ‘quantities. The terms of a progression may be simple, or they may be compound, If the terms of a progression be compound, and contain both positive and negative quantities ; and the positive quantities be affected with the variable quantity in a manner dif- ferent from the negative ones ; there will be in a progression so * See the preceding letters at pages 177 and 200 of this volume. constituted, 326 Method of Progressions. constituted, one or more terms from which the adjoining ones on each side will either increase, or they will decrease. If there be a term from which the terms decrease on both sides, it is called a maximum value of the algebraical expression which forms that term. If there be a term from which the terms increase on both sides, it is called a minimum value of the expression. As an algebraic expression can be variable* only by changing the numerical value of one or more of its elements, it seems most natural and most scientific to consider the different quantities that arise from increasing or diminishing the value of the va- riable quantity as a progression of terms, They are sometimes compared to the ordinates of a plane curve; the only difference is, that in the one case we have a progression of geometrical mags nitudes ; and in the other, of algebraical quantities. When | ex- plain my Method of Tangents (which will most probably be in my next Letter), it will appear that to determine the points in a curve where the tangents are parallel to the axis, is nearly the same thing as to find the maxima and minima of quantities. If we consider the m'" term, in a progression of quantities, to be that at which a maximum or a minimum takes place ; and m to be such a number that the difference between the adjoining terms shall be extremely small ; then the term which precedes the m'® term will be nearly equal to that which follows it. Re- gard them as equal ; that is, make m—1™ term = m+ |" term. An equation from whence the value of the variable quantity may be found, which gives a maximum or minimum value to an alge- braical expression. These terms are absolutely equal in some particular cases only, and in those cases our method is undoubtedly true. It is also true when they are not equal in consequence of a compensation of errors, in the manner I have shown to be the case in the qua- drature of curves, &c. See Phil. Mag. vol. Ivii. p. 201. According to this method, it is very easy to find whether a quantity be a maximum ofa minimum at the m term, by com- paring it with either the term which precedes, or that which follows it. If the m—1' term be less than the mt term, then the o'" term is a maximum, if it be greater then the m*" term is a minimum. As an example of the application of the method of progressions * It is sometimes said that, while a variable magnitude passes from one state to another, it passes through all the intermediate states of magnitude ; but this is true only of geometr ical magnitudes, and not of numbers, or the symbols of numbers ; for numbers proceed by units, that is, by steps or finite gradations. to Method of Progressions. 327 to one of the most simple cases that occur in determining the maxima and minima of quantities, let us take the quantity i + . . . . ax’ —bx”"*", in which x is variable, to find the value of a when ae a n Tie . ax — bx is a maximum. Consider x to be divided into m parts; then, in the m—1'* term, x will be diminished by one of these parts; and in the m-+- 1" term it will be increased by one of them. Consequently we shall have ———at —— n+r ° > s+ m—la\? m—lsxr m—\ term = a( ) St ™m t m ae ae m+iou r m+iea n+r and, m+1'® term = a(****) — = ) . 3 which being made equal, and reduced, give = - (1 + lee —(I sas oatte n a L£ = — xX eS 6 (iam) *Fra(pe gat —l r-—g? =| jae ‘ ; or "= ra «(-3 3 ih + &e ? mt +r—-l n+r—2 —1 . nzrl 1 im + &ce. But, in making the variation from the m} term the same at the m—\t* as at the m+1* term, a cause of error is introduced, which will be compensated if m be taken of such a value that omitting the latter part of the above expression will counterba- . n ra . lance it. Then we shall have x = =} when the expression n+r ner. : ax’ — ba” is a maximum. This is true whether the indices be integers or fractions ; ne- gative or positive; it is essentially the same as the formula derived from the method of fluxions ; and is an example of the application of the method of progressions to what is usually done by the di- rect method of fluxions. I am, sir, yours, &c. 2, Grove Terrace, Lisson Grove, THOMAS TREDGOLD. May if. 1821. LV, Striclur s [ 325 ] LY. Strictures ona Publication entitled « CLarK’s Gas Blow - pipe.” By Roserr Hane, M.D. Professor of Chemistry inthe Medical Department of the University y of Pennsylvania, &c. Dx. Crark has published a book on the Gas Blowpipe. in which he professes a “ sincere desire to render every one his due.” That it would be difficult for the conduct of any author to be mre discordant with these professions, I pledge myself to prove in the following pages, to any reader whose love of justice may gain for them an attentive perusal. In the year 1802,in a memoir republished in the 14th vol. of Tilloch’s Philoséphical Magazine, London, and in the 45th vol. of the Annales de Chimie, | had given the rationale of the heat produced by the combustion of the aeériform elements of wa- ter, and had devised a mode of igniting them free from the dan- ger of explosion. I had also stated m the same memoir, that the light and heat of the flame thus produced were so intense, that “* the eyes could scarcely sustain the one, nor the most re- fractory substanees resist the other,” and had likewise mentioned the fusion of the pure earths and volatilization of the perfect me- tals as among the results of the invention. Subsequently in the first part of the 6th vol, of American Phi- losophical Transactions, an account of the fusion of strontites, and the volatilization of platinum, was published by me. About the same time my experiments were repeated before Dr. Priestley, who gave them the credit of being quite original, Some years afterwards, Mr, Cloud, of the United States’ mint, who has distinguished himself by the discovery of palladium in gold, having purified platina so as to make its gravity equal to 22, requested me to subject it tomy blowpipe. In the presence of this gentleman, I was completely successful in dissipating a portion of this pure metal. He was so much pleased with my experiments that he made an apparatus for himself, simplifying that part which was employed for holcing the aériform agents, by the omission of some appendages which were not necessary to his purpose*. Thus modified, my apparatus was introduced into use by Mr. Rubens Peale; and has for about ten years been employed by him to amuse visitors at the celebrated museum established by his father in Philadelphia. Tt appears ‘by the testimony of Professor Silliman and others, that Dr. Hope had, during his lectures at different times within a period of eight years, employed my blowpipe and awarded the invention of it to me. A reference to the third edition of Mur- ray’s Chemistry, published before Dr. Clark professes to have * It has been erroneously alleged that he simplified the blowpipe. attended . re 4 i rok -' ‘ j ey ee ae x “YPP? Ofe S4OL S8V]O JO SMod OND Curnsrwzuor yOrnory ge \ ‘ ————S ——— | oe SS gis ee ee ee ete MOL Af Op PHYPCTTO sIypUnYy \ Ja)B) Bi) a Nee Za is LT savannas dioavavivat i : Wi VAVAVAIEES —=— PYCRM YP S49.407 249 Ay pastedapunos bung 2oym 2d sucwn sod gneypin LYON Ie) C 9A YFP? Df JO SMOd 2 UL PL Utes Popurdsens STH) 09 YLT UeDag | 4 | () Pree 2 10 ye spen poem oy dry 4 yew : a sybneuy 2 —~ PY JO Mares PSL ASUDAT ~~ Strive of metal which unite the Copper in each coil with the Zine in the naxe, PUT MUDD PVD Sypuny OURJO U0 JO MA prlpus ‘" 4 On the Gas Blowpipe. 329 attended to the subject, will demonstrate the impressions of the author of that work, as the results of my experiments which I had published are there quoted solely on my authority. The memoir of Professor Silliman, read before the Connecticut Academy of Sciences, May 1812, and republished in Tilloch’s Magazine, but which Dr. Clark has not ventured to notice, af- fords the most unanswerable evidence that we had anticipated him in almost every important experiment. Mr. Reuben Haines, corresponding secretary of the Academy of Sciences, informed me in 1813, that in the laboratory of Dr. Parish in this city, a mixture of the gaseous elements of water had been inflamed while issuing in a stream from a punctured bladder previously filled with them and duly compressed. Any relaxa- tion of the pressure was of course productive of an explosion. He on the other hand recollects, that at that time I proposed this mode of supplying the blowpipe, interposing a small receptacle (like a water valve) between the reservoir and the place of exit. Cares more imperious prevented the execution of a plan which did not promise to be better than that I had before pursued suc- cessfully. Some time afterwards, Sir Humphry Davy’s discovery of the influence of narrow metallic apertures in impeding explosions, encouraged Dr. Clark and others to hazard the use of a mixed stream of hydrogen and oxygen gas, ignited while flowing from a common recipient, instead of allowing them, as I had done, to mix only during their efflux. There is another immaterial dif- ference in the modes of operating. In mine, hydrostatic pressure is employed to expel the gases from a vessel into which they are introduced, as generated, or by means of a bellows. In the new mode, being pumped into the recipient by one aperture, they flowed out at another in consequence of their elasticity. _ Dr. Clark pretends that the process he has employed is the best. Admitting this, would it afford him any excuse for taking so little notice of mine, or attributing the discovery of it to others, especially while professing to give a fair history of the inven- tion? If I may be allowed to compare small things with great, when Mr. Cruikshank and Sir H. Davy improved the galvanic appa- ratus byintroducing the trough, or modifying and enlarging it, did they on that account forget that Volta was the inventor of the pile? was it not still (though no longer a pile) called the Voltaic apparatus ? Dr. Clark, like many others of the same character, finding that he cannot prove himself and his associates to have the merit of originality, endeavours to deprive the real author of it, and ac- _eordingly ascribes it to Lavoisier. Had this been stated in his » Vol. 57. No. 277. May 182). ‘Det first 330 On the Gas Blowpipe. first papers, his motives had been less questionable. But why does he not refer to his authorities? In other cases he is very particular in making such references. We all know, that with a view to recompose water, Lavoisier éaused the gaseous constituents of this fluid to burn within a glass globe, into which they entered by orifices remote from each other: but if he ever caused them to burn at a common orifice in the open air for the purpose of producing heat, wherefore is Dr. Clark the first and only person to communicate the fact to the public ? How does it happen that there is.no account of the invention, or of any results obtained by it, either in the elementary treatise of that great man, or in any of the contemporary scientific journals ? On the contrary, in the Elements just alluded to, Lavoisier treats of the heat produced by oxygen gas, and carbon, as the highest art could produce. Dr. Clark informs us that Dr. Thomsor, now. Professor of Che- mistry at Glasgow, made experiments with the mixed gases seven- teen years ago, but was induced to abandon the undertaking, in consequence of accidents that happened to his apparatus. Can any thing more fully display unfairness, than that abortive ex- periments, made subsequently to those in which I was successful, should be adduced as subversive of my pretensions? Dr. Clark states that the Americans claim the invention on account of experiments made by me in 1802. They were pub- lished in 1802; my apparatus and my first experiments were made in 1801. Had Lavoisier, or any other person, availed himself of the heat produced by the union of the gaseous elements of water, how could the sagacious Dr. Thomson fail in his efforts to retrace a path so well and recently trodden? or, if deriving any advantage from the experiments either of the French philosopher, or those which he so imperfectly tried, why did he conceal it when oc- cupied during so many years in communicating to the world all his chemical knowledge in five successive editions of his system? So far were Dr. Thomson’s experiments, or his knowledge on these subjects, from reaching the facts discovered by me, that he appears to have considered the authority of one name inade- quate to establish what he vainly had endeavoured to effect. Hence, until plagiarism had given them a new shape, and perhaps a false gilding, they were totally overlooked in his compilations. He neither treated of the pure earths as susceptible of fusion, nor of platinum as susceptible of volatilization, until many years after I had proved them to be so, and promulgated my observations. Dr. Clark gives himself great credit for having first pointed out the importance of employing the gases in such relative quantities as might enable them fully to saturate each other. ‘To me "i woul On the Gas Blowpipe. 331 would seem, where the highest heat is desired, evidently absurd to employ them in any other way; because, if either gas were pre- sent in too great a quantity to be acted upon, the excess would be worse than useless. Is it not universally an object with che- mists, to use ingredients in the proportions in which they saturate each other, especially when within a given space and time the most intense reaction is tobe induced? The author of this pro- Sessedly candid publication would wish to convey the idea of my contrivance being so inferior in power-to that adopted by him, that in a history of the invention he does not deem it necessary to quote my experiments, but satisfies himself with obscure allu- sions to them, rather in a manner to derogate than to do justice. This procedure would be unjustifiable, were the heat which he has produced decidedly greater than that produced byme. But the fact is otherwise. He fuses with difficulty oolite, Iceland - erystal, and pure native magnesia. The fusion of the best mag- nesia of the shops, and of quick lime from pure limestone, was among my first efforts, and was mentioned in a preface, omitted in republishing my memoir. Lately I have fused a piece of oyster- shell lime, which is perhaps as pure as any to be obtained by artificial purification. Dr. C. has employed platina in some cases to secure refractory earths while exposed to the action of his instrument, although this metal is dissipated by the heat of mine. That in his inferences in respect to the decomposition of the earths, he did not anticipate Professor Silliman or myself, must be evident from the passages in our memoirs which I shall pre- sently quote. I doubt, if time will show that Dr. Clark has- gone much beyond the extent of our observations on this sub- ject. But while the superiority of the temperature attained by mix- ing the gases before emission is thus questionable, there are great and undeniable advantages in having them propelled from dif- ferent reservoirs. First, A degree of security from explosion, which cannot be attained with one common recipient*. 2d, The * Where the gases are kept unmixed in separate reservoirs, and mect only near the point of efflux in an orifice sufficiently large, as was the case with the original cempound blowpipe, explosion is obviously impossible. If the orifice be made smaller, and the gases mix at a greater distance from _ the place of efflux, valves should be interposed in the pipes, or the gases should be kept under equable pressure, as it is possible that, if subjected to unequal pressure, the gas whichis more pressed may pass {rom one reservoir _ to the other, on leaving the cocks open accidentally. This, however, is an _ oversight not likely to take place, as it is so evidently accompanied by a waste of the gas, that an operator will hardly be so careless as not to close ‘the cocks when the flame is not wanted. Closing them is in fact the usual E mode of extinguishing the flame. Tt2 possibility 532 On the Gas Blowpipe. possibility of operating on a large scale without danger. 3d, The power of varying the relative proportions of the gases so as to oxidate, or deoxidate, as may be desirable. This power is given by the common blowpipe, though in a different way, and is well known to be very useful. To me, it is ludicrous that the author should suppose any ana- logy to exist between the phenomena of the gas blowpipe and those of voleanoes. In order to put the gas blowpipe into operation, it is indispen- sable that there should be hydrogen and oxygen gases, confined under moderate and equable compression, so as to flow out re- gularly from a common aperture, at which they may be ignited. How are these requisites to be obtained in nature? Whence the pure hydrogen or oxygen? Has Dr. Clark, or any other person, known them to be extricated in purity? Is not the former always carburetted or suiphuretted, and the latter never purer than in the atmosphere? When obtained by art, fire is requisite to liberate oxygen ; but in nature, the fumes of the fire would contaminate any gas which it might evolve; and it ought not to be forgotten, that the circumstances which are favourable to the evolution of oxygen, are inimical to the liberation of hydrogen. Again, sup- posing the gaseous materials generated, where is the presiding demon with the genius to design, and skill to regulate, that due admixture of them which the author exults in having discovered to be necessary? And granting that there could be in nature any competent substitute for human agency in a process so intricate, by what means, in operations so rude and extensive, is that re- trocession of the flame to be prevented, to obviate which, in ope- rating with his minute apparatus, a capillary tube has been found indispensable? In subterranean caverns, the gaseous elements of water might create explosions, but could never support the per- manent heat requisite to fuse an ocean of lava. The only diffi- culty this subject presents, is that of explaining the nature of volcanic fires, of which the incessant existence is self-evident. The access of the atmosphere is necessary to fire in all its ordinary forms. In that of volcanoes, it appears to subsist without any adequate supply of this principle. Dr. Clark, far from relieving us from this difficulty, has increased it, by alleging the necessity of another aériform substance. A better solution, as I should suppose, was long ago afforded by a reference to the combustion of metals by sulphur, in the vapour of which some of them burn more readily than in the atmosphere. Lately, the metallic origin of earthy matter being discovered, it has been supposed possible, that at some distance from its surface the globe may consist of. a great metalloidal nucleus, which acting on water, may produce inteuse ignition, Those who have seen the consequences of moistening On the Gas Blowpipe. 333 moistening quick lime, may easily conceive that tremendous effects might ensue from reaction between water and calcium, or any of the same family of substances. In this case hydrogen would be produced, but there would be no oxy gen.—Of the existence, how- ever, of subterraneous fires in volcanic regions there can be no doubt, whatever may be the theory of their origin. The obvious proximity of springs, rivers, and even of the sea itself, with the well known force of steam, renders it easy to point out the proxi- mate cause of earthquakes, or of volcanic explosions and erup- tions, without calling in the gas blowpipe to our assistance. That Dr. Clark could not without great injustice bring forward his mode of operating, otherwise than as another method of doing what I had previously accomplished, nor his experiments, unless as an extension of those made by Professor Silliman and myself, will be perfectly evident, if it be considered that we all employed a flame of the gaseous elements of water, in the one case, mixed ‘during the efflux, in the other, before; that the most important results in both instances will, on comparison, be found nearly the same. The mode of confining and propelling the gases through the pipe or pipes to the place of efflux, is irrelevant to the question. There are many methods by which this object may be accom- plished. The principle of the apparatus used by Dr. C. will be found the same as that of the air vault employed in England to regulate the blast of large bellows at foundries and forges. Mr. Brook was the first to apply it to the regulation of a blowpipe, and published his account of it on April 8, 1816. I will proceed to quote and exhibit simultaneously, the obser- vations and experiments of Dr. Clark, and of Professor Silliman and myself. As Tilloch’s Philosophical Magazine is universally accessible, I shall refer to it for the memoirs of Silliman and my- self: to vol. 14 for mine, to vol. 50 for his*. For Dr. Clark’s experiments, commenced in 1816,1 shall quote his book on the gas blowpipe, published 1819. Experiments on Lime. Hare, page 304. ‘ Lime and magnesia are extremely difficult to fuse, not only because they are the most refractory substances in nature, but from the difficulty of preventing them from being blown on one side by the flame: nevertheless, in some instances, ‘by exposure on carbon to the gaseous flame, small portions of these earths were converted into black vitreous masses. Possibly the black colour of these products of fusion, may have been caused by iron contained in the coal; for in the high temperature of the * These experiments were performed in December 1811, and published in Bruce's Journal in 1812, gaseous 334 On the Gas Blowpipe. gaseous flame a powerful attraction is exerted between iron and the earths.” : Hare, page 306. ‘ There is a peculiar species of native coal found on the banks of the Lehigh in this State, which is extremely difficult to ignite; which when exposed to a high degree of heat, and a copious blast of air, burns, yielding an intense heat without either smoke or flame, and leaving little residue. By exposure to the gaseous flame on this coal, both magnesia and lime ex- hibited strong symptonis of fusion. The former assumed a glazed and somewhat globular appearance, the latter became converted into a brownish semivitreous mass.” E Silliman, page 109. “A piece of lime from the Carrara mar- ble was strongly ignited in a covered platinum crucible; one an- gle of it was then shaped into a small cylinder, about one-fourth of an inch high, and somewhat thicker than a great pin. The cylinder remained in connexion with the piece of lime. This was held by a pair of forceps, and thus the small cylinder of lime was brought into contact with the heat without danger of being blown away, and without a possibility of contamination. There was this further advantage, (as the experiment was delicate, and the determination of the result might be difficult,) that as the cy- linder was held in a perpendicular position, if the lime did really melt, the column must sink, and become at least to a degree blended with the supporting mass of lime. When the compound flame fell upon the lime, the splendour of the light was perfectly insupportable by the naked eye; and when viewed through deep coloured glasses (as indeed all these experiments ought to be) the lime was seen to become rounded at the angles, and gradually to sink, till in the course of a few seconds only a small globular protuberance remained, and the mass of supporting lime was su- perficially fused at the base of the column for a space of half an inch in diameter. The protuberance, as well as the contiguous portion of lime, was converted into a perfectly white and glistening enamel. A magnifying glass discovered a few minute pores, but not the slightest earthy appearance. This experiment was re- peated several times, and with uniform success ; may not lime therefore be added to the list of fusible bodies ?” Clark, page 47. ‘‘ Lime in astate of perfect purity and in the pulverulent form being placed within a platinum crucible, and exposed to the flame of the blowpipe, its upper surface became covered with a limpid botryoidal glass, resembling hyalite; the inferior surface was quite black. Its fusion was accompanied by alambent purple flame. This colour therefore may be considered as a characteristic hue of one at least of the oxides of calcium.” Clark, page 49, No.6. “ Compact transition limestone (lime- stone of Parnassus). The specimen was taken from the summit of Parnassus ee ae a ee en) — — ee Le a te + a On the Gas Blowpipe. 335 Parnassus by the author. It was fused, but with great difficulty, exhibiting after fusion a white milky enamel with points of intu- mescence that were trausparent.” Experiments on Magnesia. Silliman, page 110. ‘* The same circumstances that rendered the operating on lime difficult, existed in a still greater degree with respect to magnesia; its lightness and pulverulent form ren- dered it impossible to confine it for a moment upon the charcoal ; and as it has very little cohesion, it could not be shaped by the knife as the lime had been. After being calcined at full ignition in a covered platinum crucible, it was kneaded with water till it became of the consistency of dough. It was then shaped into a rude cone as acute as might be, but still very blunt. The cone was three-fourths of an inch long, and was supported upon a coiled wire. The magnesia thus prepared was exposed to the compound flame; the escape of the water caused the vertex of the cone to fly off repeatedly in flakes, and the top of the frustum that thus remained gave nearly as powerful a reflection of light as the lime had done. From the bulk of the piece (it being now one-fourth of an inch in diameter at the part where the flame was applied) no perceptible sinking couldbe expected. After a few seconds. the piece being examined with a magnifying glass, no roughness or earthy particles could be perceived on the spot, but a number of glassy smooth protuberances whose surface was a perfectly white enamel. This experiment was repeated with the same success. May not magnesia then be also added to the table of fusible bodies ?”’ Notwithstanding the previous publicity of these results obtained by my friend and myself, Dr. Clark, in the following note, en- deayours to convey an impression of the incompetency of my ap- paratus to fuse lime and magnesia. Note 5, page 46. “ Pro- fessor Hare in America could not accomplish the fusion either of lime or magnesia by means of his hydrostatic blowpipe. Sce Annales de Chimie, tome xlv. page 126.” But why overlook Silliman’s experiments? It is moreover strange that an English writer should refer his readers to the French Annales in prete- rence to a London magazine, for a memoir which he knew to be published in both*. * I mentioned above that I had lately fused a piece of oyster shell lime, It was exposed to the flame within an envelope of platina foil, which was soon reduced to a fluid globule. The application of the heat being suspended (when both substances had become cold), the earth was found adhering, on the top of the metal. This enabled me to make it receive the greatest heat of the flame on renewing the process. The lime then melted into a liquid, which. subsiding round the globule of platina caused it to appear after cool- ing as if set in enamel. CraRK. 336 On the Gas Blowpipe. Crark. Pure Oxide of Magnesium (Magnesia). Fusion per se, extremely difficult. When the earth is made to adhere (by moisture with distilled water and subsequent de- siceation) and placed upou charcoal, it is fusible into a whitish glass; but the parts in contact with the charcoal acquire an im- posing pseudo-metallic lustre with a purple coloured flame. Crark. Hydrate of Magnesia (pure foliated Magnesia from America). “* This substance is incomparably refractory; with the utmost intensity of the heat of the gas blowpipe, it is ultimately reduci- ble to a white opake enamel invested with a thin superficies of limpid glass. Its fusion is accompanied with a purple coloured flame.” Experiments on Corundum. Silliman, page 112. Corundum of the East Indies was im- mediately and perfectly fused into a grey globule.” “* Corundum of China the same with active ebullition.” 5 Clark, page 56. ‘* Common corundum (greenish grey crystal- lized primary corundum from the East Indies), fusible, but with difficulty, into a greenish coloured translucent glass nearly trans- parent, which at last becomes melted into a bead-like form; or otherwise exhibits upon its surface minute cavities caused by the escape of gas during its fusion. ‘This gas is probably the same which pure silica more abundantly exhibits. A slightly coloured greenish flame accompanies the fusion of coruudum.” Experiments on Sappar. Silliman. ‘ Sappar or kyanite perfectly and instantly fused with ebullition into a white enamel.” Clark, page 57. “ This mineral, owing to its refractory nature, was used by Saussure as a supporter in experiments with the common blowpipe. It fuses very readily into a snow white frothy enamel,” Experiments on Zircon. Silliman, page 112.“ Zircon and Ceylon melted with ebul- lition into a white enamel.” Clark, page 58. ** One of the most refractory substances; ex- posed to the heat of the gas blowpipe, it becomes first opaque and of a white colour; and afterwards its superficies undergoes a partial fusion, and exhibits a white opake enamel resembling porcelain *, Experiments on the Spinelle Ruby. Silliman, page 112.“ Spinelle ruby fused immediately into an elliptical red globule.” * I might say here with truth, Professor Clark in England was unable te fuse zircon in his mode of operating with the gas blowpipe. Clark, — o<- e oes ~~. bo 7 ae Ms % 1 . i On the Gas Blowpipe. 337 Clark, page 58. ¢ Fuses readily, and undergoes a partial com- bustion and volatilization with loss of colour and of weight. One of the solid angles of an octahedral crystal was entirely burned off and yolatilized in one of these experiments.” Experiments on Silex, Alumine, Barytes. Hare, page 304. ‘* By exposure to the gaseous flame either on supports of silver or of carbon, barytes, alumine, and silex were completely fused. The products of the fusion of alumine and silex were substances very similar to each other and much resembling white enamel.” Silliman, page 109.“ Silex: being in a fine powder it was blown away by the current of gas, but when moistened with water it becomes agglutinated by the heat, and was then perfectly fused into.a colourless glass.” Clark, page 59. <‘¢ Pure precipitated silica (peroxide of sili- cium) becomes instantly fused into an orange coloured transpa- rent glass. The colour may be due either to the charcoal serving as a support, or, to the carbon of the oil used for making it into a paste.” On the Reduction of ihe Earths to the metallic State. Hare, page 394. ‘* The result of the fusion of barytes was a substance of an ash-coloured cast, which after long exposure sometimes exhibited brilliant yellow specks. If it be certain that barytes is an earth, these specks must have been discoloured particles of the silver support, or of the pipes from which the flame issued.” Silliman, page 113. ‘* During the action of the compound flame upon alkaline earths, provided they were supported by charcoal ; distinct globules rolled and darted out from the ignited mass, and burned sometimes vividly and with peculiarly coloured flame. From the nature of the experiments it will not be easy to prove that these globules were the basis of the earths, and yet there is the strongest reason to believe it. Circumstances could scarcely be devised more favourable to the simultaneous fusion and decomposition of these bodies: charcoal highly ignited for a sup- port, and an atmosphere of hydrogen also in vivid and intense ig- nition. That the oxygen should be under these circumstances detached is not surprising ; but the high degree of heat and the presence of oxygen necessarily burn up the metalloids almost as soon as produced. If means could be devised to obviate this dif- ficulty, the blowpipe of Mr. Hare might become an important in- -strument of analytical research. We can scarcely fail to attribute some of the appearances during the fusion of the leucite to the decomposition of the potash it contains. This impression was much strengthened by exposing potash and soda to the compound Vol.57, No. 277. May 1821. Uu flame 338 On the Gas Blowpipe. flame with a support of charcoal; they were evidently decom- posed ; numerous distinct globules rolled out from them, and burned with the peculiar vivid white light and flash which these metal- loids exhibit when produced and ignited in the galvanic circuit. It is hoped these hints may produce a further investigation of this subject. This communication has already been extended further than was contemplated: but on concluding, it may be allowable to remark that there is no body, in all probability, except a few of the combustible ones, which is exempt from the law of fusion by heat.” Is there any apology for the manner in which Dr. Clark has brought himself and his friend before the public on this subject without the smallest acknowledgements for these suggestions ? Crarx’s Gas Blowpipe. In proceeding to state the revival of two of the metals af the earths before the flame of the gas blowpipe, and of other metals un- der similar circumstances, it may be proper to prefix the ingenious theory of the Rev. J. Holme, of St. Peter’s College, Cambridge, respecting the cause of the decomposition that takes place. ‘* It is entirely owing to the powerful attraction which hydrogen has to oxygen at suc ch an exalted temperature.” The reduction or decomposition of oxides when exposed to the “ gaseous flame *” is therefore often instantaneous, and it is as instantly followed by the combustion of the minute particles thus revived, and ulti- mately by the decomposition of the regenerated oxide which is a result of that combustion. Hence the coloured: flame; hence also the appearance of an oxide in a state of incomparably ex- treme division upon the supports used whether of metal or char- coal ; an irrefragable test of the revival of the metal from whose combustion this newly formed oxide has been derived. Experiments on Strontites. Hare, Ist part, 6th vol. American Philosophical Transac- tions, page 100, republished Annales de Chimie, vol. v. page 81. «* About the same time I discovered strontites to be a fusible sub- stance; for having obtained a portion of this earth pure, from a specimen of the carbonate of strontites of Argyleshire in Scotland, I exposed it on charcoal to the flame of the compound blowpipe after the manner described in my memoir above alluded to. It became fused into a blackish semivitreous mass in shape some- what semi-globular.” Clark. ‘* Here a different process is necessary ; the revival of the metal is rendered more difficult, owing to the pulverulent state * The very phrase used by me in my original memoir. See quotation on preceding page. . ‘ of On the Gus Blowpipe. 399 of the earth. The particles must be made to adhere before fusion can be accomplished, and this oxide being much more refractory than the preceding is almost infusible per se, even with the aid of the gas blowpipe.” Thus he admits that a substance is almost infusible in his hands, which has been repeatedly fused under mine. Experiments and Observations on the Fusion, Volatilization and Combustion of the perject Metals. Hare, page 305. ‘* Had I sufficient confidence in my own judgement, I should declare that gold, silver and platina were thrown into a state of ebullition by exposure on carbon to the gaseous flame; for the pieces of charcoal on which they were exposed became washed or gilt with detached particles of metal in parts adjoining the spots where the exposure took place. Some of the particles of the metal thus detached exhibited symptoms of oxidation.” Combustion of pure Gold. Clark, page 90. ‘* As this experiment affords decisive evi- dence of the combustion of gold, and of course its combination with oxygen, and also exhibits the oxide under a very beautiful appearance, it may be considered as one of the most pleasing experiments with the gas blowpipe.” Experiments on Platinum particularly. Hare, page 304. Platina was fused by exposure on carbon to the combustion of hydrogen gas and atmospheric air, But the fusion of this metal was ‘rapidly accomplished by the gaseous flame either when exposed to it on carbon or upon metallic sup- ports. A small quantity of this metalin its native granular form being strewed in a silver spoon and passed under the gaseous flame, the tract of the flame became marked by the agglutination of the metal; and when the heat was for some time continued on a small space, alump of fused platina became immediately formed. About two penny weights of the native grains of platina when subject to the gaseous flame on carbon, became quickly fused into an oblate _ spheroid as fluid as mercury. This spheroid after being cooled was exposed as before; it became fluid in less than the fourth of a minute.” Hare, Ist part, 6th vol. Philosophical Transactions, page 99, _ republished Annales de Chimie, vol. \x. page 81.‘ Being in- _ duced last winter to reinstate the apparatus by which these ex- periments were performed, I was enabled to confirm my judge- ment of the volatilization of platina by the observation of Drs, Woodhouse and Seybert ; for in the presence of these skilful che- mists I completely dissipated some small globules of this metal Uu2 of ~ 340 Onmthe Gas Blowpipe. of about the tenth of an inch in diameter. In fact, I found pla- tinum to be equally susceptible of rapid volatilization, whether exposed in its native granular form, or in that of globules obtained from the orange-coloured precipitate of the nitro-muriatic solu- tion by the muriate of ammonia.” Silliman, page 3. ** Platinum was not only melted, but volati- lized with strong ebullition*.” Clark, page92. ‘* The fusion of this metal, owing to the great improvements here mentioned in the mode of using the gas blow- pipe, is now become so easy that this metal melts faster than lead in a common fire. [tis no longer necessary to make use of wire in exhibiting its fusion and combustion, The cuttings which are sold by the manufacturers of platinum utensils are placed in a cupel, either mounted on a stand or held in a pair of forceps. The mouth of the jet is bent downwards so as to admit of a per- pendicular direction of the gaseous flame upon the metal in the cupel, The flame is then suffered to act upon the platinum, about a quarter of an ounce of the metal being placed in the cupel at first: as soon as this begins to melt, more may be added until a cupel of the common size is nearly full of the boiling metal: and in this manner a mass of platinum weighing half an ounce at the least may be obtained in one brilliant bullet. This, when rolled out so that all air holes being removed the mass possesses a uni- form density, will be found to have a specific gravity equal to 20-857. During the fusion of the metal its combustion will be often if not always apparent. It will burn with scintillation, and particles of the black protoxide of platinum, if care be used, may be caught upon a sheet of white paper while combustion is going on.” He would here evidently wish the reader to adopt the false im- pression, that the facility with which platinum may be fused is owing to ‘the great improvements” made fourteen or fifteen years after I had devised and used them. Will Britons tolerate such conduct in their professors? Silliman, last page. * The experiments which have now been related in connexion with the original ones of Mr. Hare, suffi- ciently show that science is nat a little indebted to that gentle- ~ man for his ingenious and beautiful invention. It was certainly a happy thought, and the result of very philosophical! views of combustion, to suppose that a highly combustible gaseous fluid, by intimate mixture with oxygen gas, must when kindled produce in= * The fusion and combustion and complete dissipation of platinum, gold, silver, nickel, cobalt, and most of the metals, and the fusion of the principal earths and of their most refractory compounds, by the use of Professor Hare’s compound blowpipe, have been the familiar and easy class experiments of every course of chemistry in Yale College for these eight years,—[Ep.] tense , oS) Some Account of the Dugong. 341 tense heat, and it is no doubt to this capability of perfectly inti- mate mixture between these two bodies, and to their great capa- city for heat, that the effects of the compound blowpipe are in a great measure to be ascribed.” Clark, Journal Royal Institution, page 122. “* I consider this improvement of the blowpipe, one of the most valuable discoveries for the sciences of chemistry and mineralogy that have yet been made.’’ And thus does he modestly claim to his modification the whole merit of the discovery; for, it must be observed, he does not, in saying ‘‘ improvement of the blowpipe,”’ allude to the com- pound blowpipe contrived by me, but to the ordinary blowpipe of the mechanic or mineralogist. Other instances might be adduced; but it is presumed that more than enough has been brought for- ward to show, that if the merit of this invention is to be awarded according to the motto ‘ suwm cuique,’ adopted by Dr. Clark, there would be little left for himself and his coadjutors. (=~ To the foregoing Dr. Hare subjoins some drawings of his compound blowpipe in its different forms, and of some varietics of apparatus which may be used for supplying it with hydrogen and oxygen gas, but which may be readily conceived by those pos- sessing the volumes of the Phil. Mag. to which he has referred, without our enlarging the present article. We believe it is al- lowed by most men acquainted with this subject, that Dr. Clark has not acted towards Dr. Hare with any over share of honest liberality. LVI. Some Account of the Dugong. By Sir Tuomas Sramrorp RarFFies, Governor of Sumatra; communicated in a Letter to Sir EvERarD Homkg, Bart. V. P.R.S.* My DEAR Smr,—I HAVE now the pleasure of communicating to you the desired information concerning the dugong. At Singa- pore, in June last, I had the good fortune to meet with one of these animals, and Messrs. Diard and Duvaucel, two French na- turalists, employed under my authority, undertook the disseeticn of it; and have sent a dissertation upon it to Sir Joseph Banks. This does not interfere with my sending to you, as I promised, an account of it. I was present at the dissection ; and the fol- lowing observations, as far as they go, may be depended upon. I have read them over to Dr. Wallick and General Hardwicke, and they concur in opinion as to the correctness of the descrip- tion, I have the pleasure to acquaint you, that General Hard- wicke has just now got a small dugong, four fect six inches long, * From the Transactions of the Royal Society for 1820. Part II. which 342 Some Account of the Dugong. which I have succeeded in persuading him to send home to you for dissection, and you will receive it by the next ships. The dugong which we examined measured eight feet and a half in length, and afforded no less interest under the knife than satisfaction on the table, as the flesh proved to be most excellent beef. Our entertainment was truly marine ; for we had on the same day discovered those Neptunian sponges which General Hardwicke has since described, and which served us as goblets. In form the dugong resembles the common cetacea, having, like them, a broad horizontal tail, and two pectoral fins without nails. The skin is smooth, thick, blueish above and whitish be- neath, with a few remote and scattered hairs. The mamme (in the two male individuals examined) are small, and situated on the breast, immediately below the pectoral fins. Head small in proportion, obtuse, and of a peculiar form. Upper lip very large, thick, and obliquely truncated, forming a short, thick, and nearly vertical kind of snout. The surface of the truncated portion is covered with soft papille, and is also fur- nished with a few bristles. Two short tusks project straight forward from the extremity of the upper jaw, and are nearly covered by the upper hp, which is very moveable, and tumid at the margin. he lower lip is much smaller, and resembles a round or oblong chin. The margin of both lips is furnished with strong coarse bristles. There are no incisors in either Jaw (the tusks above mentioned being more properly defences), tds place being supplied by the rough bristly surfaces of the alate and jaws, which serve as rasps, to enable the animal to browse upon the a/ge@ and other submarine vegetables. To facilitate this still further, the anterior part of the jaw is bent downwards at an angle, in such a manner as to bring the mouth into nearly a vertical direction. There are no canine teeth. The molares are twelve in number, six in each jaw, placed far back on the horizontal part. They are cylindrical, with flat crowns ; the first are somewhat oblique, and worn to a kind of point; the second are perfectly flat; but the last are composed of two parallel and adhering cylinders. They. are short, and scarcely project from the gums. The tongue is small and short. ‘The nostrils are situated on the summit of the upper jaw, where it makes its curvature downwards, They penetrate obliquely, in such a manner that the upper semilunar edge, pressing upon the lower surface, forms a per- fectvalve. The eyes are small, and situated on the sides of the cranium. ‘The aperture of the ears is so small as with diffi- culty to be perceived, and is situated at some distance behind the eyes. : Body Some Account of the Dugong. 343 Body rounded, diminishing to the tail, and without any vestige of dorsal or ventral fins. The place of the anterior extremities is supplied by fins, which offer no appearance of nails, but are somewhat verrucose on their anterior margin. ‘They are thick and fleshy, and neither from their form nor size capable of supporting or assisting the animal out of the water. Tail broad, horizontal, and of a crescent or semilunar form. Dissection, Skin three quarters of an inch thick, with little adipose matter, and yielding no oil. The cavity of the abdomen large. The stomach is large; and the relative position of the cardiac and pyloric orifices is nearly as in the human subject. It has two appendages, which open into it near the junction of the duodenum. Membrane of the stomach thick, internal surface smooth, and not corrugated into plice. The stomach and its appendages were distended with fucns or sea-weed, hut little masticated or altered, Intestinal canal long. Small intestines uniform. Czecum very large, somewhat curved, and contain- ing a portion of partially digested sea-weed. Colon exceeding the small intestines in diameter by one third, very uniform, and with few or no contractions. Liver of moderate size, consisting of two large and distinct lobes, connected by a smaller one somewhat tongue-shaped, and a fourth which was very small, on the posterior side. Gall bladder little distended, and situated beneath the third and tongue-shaped lobe. Spleen very small, not exceeding three inches long and one inch thick, attached to the left side of the stomach. Pancreas lying below the duodenum. Kidneys in their usual place, and large. Bladder much contracted, not exceeding the size of an egg, but from the thickness of its coats is probably capa- ble of much greater distension. Testicles situated a little below the kidneys, egg-shaped, flat- tened, partly embraced by a very perceptible epididymis. Penis large; while collapsed entirely concealed within the pre- puce. The glans consists of two lobes, separated or cloven above, in such a manner as to give the whole the appearance of the cloven foot of a ruminating animal. The urethra opens on a small tubercle or papilla between the lobes of the glans. In the thorax, the thymus gland is particularly large, black and friable under the fingers, and occupying the space between the _ folds of the mediastinum. Lungs two, distinct, of an elongated form, not lobulated, and situated posteriorly, one on each side; their substance of xsi usua 344 Some Account of the Dugong. usual mottled colour. The trachea bifureates very high up, and the two branches diverge to their respective lungs. Heart situated on the left side, double; that is to say, having the ventricles entirely separate at their points, and only con- nected at the upper part, or base. Each side possesses a ven- tricle and auricle, with the usual valves, and without any com- munication between the right and left sides. ‘The left ventri- cle, which gives off the aorta, is stronger and more muscular than the right, whose cavity is larger, and coats thinner. Of the skeleton, a few observations will suffice.—The skull is remarkable by the peculiar manner in which the anterior part of the upper jaw is bent downwards, almost at a right angle, so as to form a kind of beak. The lower jaw is truncated in such a manner as to correspond, and become parallel with the elon- gated portion of the upper jaw. This portion of the lower jaw has eight alveolar excavations, which are sometimes empty, and sometimes contain the rudiments of teeth. The vertebrz are fifty-two in number, seven to the neck, eighteen to the back, and twenty-seven to the tail. Ribs, eighteen on each side. Sternum nearly a foot long, bifurcate at the apex, and articulated to the cartilages of the upper ribs. There is no pelvis or posterior extremities, but there are found opposite to the eighth or tenth lumbar vertebra two bones, one on each side, lodged in the flesh, which are narrow and flattened, and not above five or six inches in length. Scapule broad and thick; humerus short and strong, as is also the radius and ulna. The whole of these are firmly articulated to each other; and though externally the fins offer no appear- ance of fingers, all the corresponding bones are found com- plete even to the last phalanges. The food of the dugong appears to consist exclusively of fuct and submarine alg@, which it finds at the bottom of shallow in- lets of the sea. The position and structure of the mouth enables the animal to browse upon these vegetables, much in the same manner as a cow in a meadow; and the whole structure of the masticating and digestive organs shows it to be truly herbivorous. The flesh resembles young beef, and is very delicate and juicy. The individual, of which the skeleton and intestines are now sent to England, was taken at Singapore in June 1819. According to the information given by the natives, the dugong is never found on land, or in fresh water, but generally in the shallows and inlets of the sea, where the water is only two or three fathoms deep. During our short possession of Singapore, (not more than six months) four of these animals have been taken; but the greatest number is said ta be caught during the opposite ; or Some Account of the Dugong. 345 or northerly monsoon, when the sea is calmest, near the mouth of the Johore river, in the inlet of the sea between Singapore Island and the main. They are usually taken by spearing (at which the natives are particularly dexterous) during the night, when the animals give warning of their approach by the snuffling noise they make at the surface of the water. ~ The first object is to secure and elevate the tail, when the animal becomes perfectly powerless, and at their disposal. They are seldom caught above eight or nine feet in length; but how much larger they grow is not ascertained, as, when they exceed this size, their superior strength enables them to make their escape when attacked. The Ikan dugong is considered by the Malays as a royal fish, and the king is entitled to all that are taken. The flesh is highly prized, and considered by them far superior to that of the buffalo or cow. They distinguish two varieties, the duyong bumban, and the duyong duntal; the latter much thicker and shorter in proportion. The breasts of the adult females are said to be large. The affection of the mother for its young is strongly marked 5 and the Malays make frequent allusion to this animal, as an ex- ample cf maternal affection. When they succeed in taking a young one, they feel themselves certain of the mother, who fol- lows it to the margin of the sea, and allows herself to be speared or taken with the greatest ease. The young havea short sharp ery, which they frequently repeat ; and it is said they shed tears. These tears are carefully preserved by the common people as a charm, the possession of which is supposed to secure the affections of those to whom they are attached, in the same manner as they attract the mother to her young. This idea is at least as poetic, and certainly more natural than the fable of the Syren’s song. I remain, my dear Sir, yours truly, : THomas STAMFORD RaFFLEs. ; Dimensions, Ft. In. Total length of the animal .. os oe 8h 6 Greatest circumference : # 6 60 Length of the head from the nostrils to the occiput bug ——_———— from the nostrilsto the end ofthesnoutO 32 Width of the snout he a te gt Depth of do. 7h AP oo a O 41 Length of the chin .. re oe pee veen) | ara” Breadth of do. oe os ee ee Q 54 _ Distance from the nostrils to the eyes .. oo) OF GE 7 the eyes to the ears we By! 0 6: | the eyes to the fin *s ve 1 54 Length of the fins .. oe oe oe tae : readth of do. ee es i 0 8 Vol, 57. No. 277. May 1821, X x Breadth 346 Mr. Farey’s Queries on Shooting Stars. Ft. In. Breadth across the belly from fin to fin ., os La} Distance between the mammez is ¢3 1 56 Breadth of tail from tip to tip oe Lbs nem | Circumference of the root of the tail ., ne | ee. | Distance from the anus to the centre of the tail .. 2 9 — fromthe anus tothe penis. ,. we 2 Total length of the intestines .. a fo de) a do. of small intestines including the cecum... 44 0 do. of great intestines .. i amen @ With this account, Sir T. S. Raffles sent me a copy of some observations in French, by Messrs. Diard and Duvaucel, upon the stomach of the dugong. Sir T. S. Raffles mentioned that these observations formed part of a memoir written by those gentle- men. Under these circumstances, I have not felt myself autho- rized to lay them before the Society, along with those made by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, which I consider of too much im- portance to be delayed. EvERARD HoME. LVII. A Series of Queries addressed to Dr. Burnuy of Gosport, regarding SHootinG Stars and Mrreors, with some Sug- gestions on the same Subject to the ASTRONOMICAL SociETY Of London, for making these Phenomena available in settling the Longitudes of Places, and towards extending our Knowledge of the very numerous planetary and satellitic Bodies, com- posing the Solar System. By Mr. Joun Farry Sen. To the Editor, Sir, — Anonesr the many learned and ingenious Individuals i this Country, who periodically record their Meteorological Ob- servations in our Scientific Journals, I have observed none others who do so, on a scale so complete and comprehensive, as Dr. William Burney, Master of the Naval Academy at Gosport * 5 in the ‘* Annals of Philosophy.’? Under the head of ** Atmo- * Dr. Burney states, that the bason of his Barometer, is fixed about 39 feet above high-water mark: he would greatly oblige me and others, if he would ascertain its exact height above low-water mark, and commynicate the same for insertion in your Magazine, with a series of observations at 8, %, 10, 11, and 12 h. on each second Monday of the Month, for comparison with the simultaneously recorded observations of others. If any gentlemen resident on the Southern coasts of the Isles of Wight, Purbeck or Portland, could be prevailed on to make and send corresponding Observations, the : value of each one of such observations, and of the many others now making in the interior, would thereby be greatly enhanced. a spheric ee Mr. Farcy’s Queries on Shooting Stars. 347 spheric Phenomena,” the Doctor has of late years recorded, the number of his observations on small Meteors or Shooting Stars ; these, in the year 1820 were, in January 7, February 2, March 1, April 2, May 2, June 1, July 15, August 80, September 10, October 4, November 2, and December 5; making 131 in this year: In 1819 the annual number of such observations was 121. The singular fact, of the month of August having furnished so very disproportioned a number of these observations, is accom- panied by the mention, that 35 of these were observed in one hour, which preceded midnight on the 9th of August last—they shot in different directions, and three of them, whose visible paths lay bétween the constellations Lyra and Ursa Major, were cau- dated or appeared with tails; and the Doctor adds, ‘‘ their spark- ling trains having been left brilliantly illuminated, for several se- conds of time subsequent to the disappearance of the ignited bodies: this indeed was the grandest display of meteors we ever remember to have seen in so short a period, arising from the very gaseous or inflammable state of the air.” I have been induced to trouble you on this occasion, principally on account of the sentence last quoted, with the hope that this may meet the eye of Dr. Burney, and induce so indefatigable an observer and able a calculator, to commence a series of more mi- nute. observations on Shooting Stars and Meteors, with a view to the scientific solution of the following Queries, viz. Ist. Whether a small degree of planetary Light, like that of the Moon when only one or two days old, be not sufficient to ob- scure numerous of the smallest and medium shooting Stars ? *; and the Full Moon able to obscure the whole of them, and also render invisible the smaller Shooting Meteors ? 2nd. With aclear Sky and the absence of planetary Light, are not Shooting Stars of very frequent occurrence, at all seasons ? and in every constellation, or portion of visible space ? 3d. Whether some of these do not shoot in all directions? ; al- though more frequently they may incline downwards or towards the horizon, than upwards ? 4th. If of two Observers of the same shooting Star or Meteor, one should instantly cause his eyes pretty accurately to follow the - moving Light, and the other should not so follow it, would not these observers differ in their conceptions of what they had seem? ; so that one might describe a tail or train of light to be left for a short time, and the other mention no such ap- pendage or occurrence. 5th. After comparing together a long series of Observations, made * I mean such as Dr. Burney must often have observed, amongst the A3l shooting stars mentioned in the Text, Xx 2 with 348 Mr. Farey’s Queries on Shooting Stars. with all the precautions which an experimental solution of the * above four questions may suggest to an intelligent and unpreju- diced Observer, and attending to the gradations in every par- ticular of the appearances; such as, from faint to brilliant or dazzling, in the degree of light emitted; from very small to large, in apparent magnitude ; from short to very long, in the apparent course ; from slow to very swift, in the apparent mo- tion, &c. ; will it not appear extremely probable, if not certain, that the faintest shooting Star, appearing but for the fraction of a second of time throug an are of a few degrees only, and the most brilliant and obtrusive Meteor, .holding on its course through many seconds, across all the visible horizon, and per= haps at intervals exploding, superficially, and throwing down its stony fragments to the Earth,—will it not, it is asked, ap- pear, that we have such a eohneeted chain of facts, as to force the conclusion, that the whole of thesé appearances are refer- able to one class of Bodies ? 6th. If with these lights thrown on the subject, two or more Ob- servers at different places, not too far asunder, whose respective bearings and distances are known, make corresponding or si- multaneous observations, of the instant of appearance (by a well regulated clock), the direction of motion (nearly), aud the Track amongst the fixed Stars (with other particulars), of all the shooting Stars or Meteors which may appear in or near to some Constellation, and through a given number of Hours, both of which last, the Constellation and the Hours, had pre- viously been concerted between the Observers; will not the necessary data thus be obtained, for certainly identifying any such luminous Bodies, as may have been simultaneously ob- served? ; and also for very nearly calculating their heights, and over what Places on the earth’s surface they were moving, when so observed? :—and by a comparison of the apparent directions of moving at the different Places, will not approxi- mations to the direction (in azimuth) of the motions of such Bodies be obtained ? 7th. When a considerable number of new. observations and cal- culations shall thus have been obtained, and collated with those results which have already been published, regarding several Meteors, and with regard to the heights of a few shooting Stars : if it shall appear, that the faintest and shortest courses of the shooting Stars while visible, were severally performed within, but not far within the nearly spherical shell of air which sur- rounds the Earth, as an Atmosphere? ; also, that the longer and more bright courses of the shooting Stars observed, were generally performed somewhat deeper within the Atmosphere? ; also that the smaller class of Meteors, having a longer and P more Mr. Farey’s Queries on Shooting Stars, 349 more brilliant course, were generally moving at the time, in a lower stratum of air than the shooting Stars?; and lastly, that the greatest and most striking of our Meteors, which have yet been subjected to satisfactory calculation, were then moving, the lowest of any in the atinosphere? ; will not such a chain of facts as these, be sufficient for referring all these Bodies, to the class of Satellitule of the Earth? ‘8th. If it shall appear (as already hinted) that a large propor- tion of the shooting Stars and Meteors have a downward course; which appearances, may in many instances be, merely the effects of he perspective of courses, which would no where mect or come in contact with the Earth ?; also if many of them : vanish instantaneously in clear Sky (and not behind a cloud, as too often has been said and written) while so descending, — will not these and other circumstances, when attentively and philosophically weighed, lead to the inference, that these Sa- iellitule are principally, if not exclusively visible, in the latter portions of their perigeal courses, across the atmosphere ? ;— and to the further inference (for establishing which, many other facts might be adduced) that the vast friction of the Air (even in the highest situations in which we see shooting Stars move) in the first portion of such perigeal course through the Atmo- sphere, has occasioned the candesceuce, and the brilliant tem- porary combustion which we witness, in the latter portion of such course ?':—and further, that the passing of a Satellitula out of the atmosphere, occasions the sudden extinction of its light; which may so commonly be observed, and perhaps can no otherwise be accounted for ? 9th. Would not a constantly recurring retardation (at intervals not greatly different from 9 hours, perhaps) cf the projectile motion of a Satellitula, appearing occasionally at some past era of the world, as a faint shooting Star to its Inhabitants, have occasioned such Satellitula to move in a sort. of Elliptical Spiral, around the Earth’s centre? ;—and on principles dedu- cible as above, would not such a Satellitula, at first very slowly, and afterwards (as it had a longer and larger course, through a denser and denser medium of Air, while in perigeo) more rapidly increase in the brightness and length of its visible or shooting course ? ;—has not, with respect to many at least of these Satellitulz, the transition taken place, from a shooting Star to a Meteor? ;—may not some of these latter, after ap- pearing as a large and very dazzling Meteor (perhaps of a far more imposing aspect than any which we have upon authentic record) have, by long-repeated explosive exfoliations (producing Meteoric showers of stones) become so reduced in size and so roughened in shape, as, through the Air’s resistance, no longer to __— eS eee eee ell ee 350 Shooting Stars may be used in finding the Longitude. to be able to over-top some mountain chain on the Earth’s surface, with which it has come in forcible contact ?; and may we not with probability thus account, for some of the wonder- ful stories, of huge burning Rocks (supposed by some to be vol- canic) being hurled, and mountains being split, and in part oyer- turned thereby, &c. which in vague histories, have been men- tioned ? I shall not now further extend these Queries, by the mention of several other points, which engaged my very anxious attention about 20 years ago, while making a series of simultaneous obser- vations on Shooting Stars and Meteors, with your able Corre- spondent Mr. Benjamin Bevan, at Woburn, and at Leighton in Bedfordshire : because | rather fear, that the present generation of observers and calculators, will (like myself) shrink from the appalling difficulties of the task, of attempting to ascertain the periodic times, the successive places of perigeal appearance, &c. of any consider able number of those terrestrially revolving Bodies, which I have proposed to name Salellitulee : which task, never- theless, I believe it to be possible, to have accomplished, eri that the return, at certain Places, of certain Satellitule might: be foretold, with incomparably more certainty and exactness, than the return of any one of the numerous Comets or excentri¢ Planets of our System, can yet be foretold. In the mean time, the sixth of my Queries above, will I believe, be found to suggest, az important use of these shooting Stars and Meteors, whether they really be Satedditule with Orbits ea- pable of determination, or not, viz. as luminous: Signals, which can be correctly and simultancousl) y observed, over a great part of England and Wales, as the means, by frequent repetitions, of accurately settling the Longitudes of Places on Land: or on the other hand, of occasionally furnishing ‘he true Time, to those Persons knowing their Longitude, and being possessed of a good Clock, who may not be furnished with a Transit or other In- strument, requisite for obtaining their Time. Towards these desirable ends, I beg the liberty of earnestly re- commending to the Council of the Astronomical Society of Lon- of don, to take this subject into their serious consideration *, and if it should be thought necessary, requesting the aid of the Board of Longitude for pecuniary pRctenee towards making and re- * Iwas glad to observe in the inaugural Speech of Sir Humphry Hace: from the Chair of the Royal Society, reported i in p. 151, of your last volume, the attention of the learned and ingenious pointed to this subject :—on which for 20 years past, I have been endeavouring to arouse them; but hitherto with few visible effects, beyond occasioning some Electrician, someVolcanist, or other Individual, in reality unacquainted with the subject, to dogmatize. thereon. cording On the Cure of Scrofula. 351 cording observations, under the direction of its learned Members, _of the exact time of appearance, for the meridian of Greenwich, and every other observable circumstance, regarding such shooting Stars and Meteors, as may appear moving, across one or more acrial fields of observation, to be chosen vertically to one or more known Places in England, within such parts of every clear night when the Moon does not powerfully shine, as they may judge proper, _ and previously announce to the public: in order that ingenious Persons in every part of the Kingdom, may be enabled to make simultaneous and corresponding observations, directed either to- wards the determination of Longitudes, or towards ascertaining the Orbits and the times and places of appearance, of some of the very numerous Sale/litulve, which are believed to be con- tinually making their rapid revolutions around our Planet, by Sir, your obedient servant, 30, Howland-street, Fitzroy-square, JoHN FareEy Sen. May 8, 1821. LVIII. On the Cure of Scrofula by means of Vital Air, and the Use of the Juice of Sorrel, By Rosert Joun THorntTow, M.D. Member of the Royal London College of Physicians, and Lecturer on Botany at Guy’s Hospital. To the Editor. Sir, — Th E following cases are of so extraordinary a nature, that they merit a place in your most valuable Philosophical Ma- gazine, now become a national work, equally honourable to your- self, as to the philosophic world, which has so long, and to some individuals unexpectedly, supported a pure work of intellect. First Case.—Miss Burstall, sister to Mr. Burstall, Charlette- street, Rathbone-place, zt. 20, had a tumour extending round the neck, of a frightful size. It had been increasing for above four years, and began to press upon the windpipe, and impede her breathing, resisting the applications, internal and external, of the most eminent surgeons; she waited upon Mr. Thomas, a most skilful operator, with the bold resolution of having it re- moved with the knife. He assured her no operation could be performed; and as for a cure, that was impossible. Without hope, this young lady applied to me ; and without leaving the smallest scar, I dissolved, as in the case of Miss Homer, before published in the Phil. Mag., this terrific tumour, which separated into seven or eight glands, and finally disappeared, when she became a most lovely young lady, with a fine florid complexion. She has enjoyed now uninterrupted health for three years. Second Case.—Miss Cunningham, daughter of a gentleman in the house of Farquhar, Broad-strect, zt. 15, had a similar tumour in 352 On the Cure of Scrofula. in the neck, which being deemed scrofulous, she went to the sea- side, and bathed in the sea. Mrs. Clementson, a lady residing: iu Oxford-street, near the Pantheon, who had been two years under Dr. Brée for a liver complaint, and when given over by all her friends and relations, was restored to perfect health by the inhalation of vital air; being at the sea-side for pleasure, seeing this young lady, she desired her to persist in continuing at the sea, as nvedically advised; yet fearing she would return home no better, advised her afterwards to consult me. The father was incredulous; but he consented to her trying the vital air, aided by other remedies ; and he soon became a convert, for the benefit was immediate, and the cure was soon accomplished, and she has remained perfectly well above a twelvemonth. Third Case.—Miss Ridley, et. 12, daughter of a shoemaker in St. Paul’s Church-yard, had a similar tumour of the neck, which was so large as to affect her speech. The father, knowing of these cases, applied to me for advice for his daughter, when I recommended to her the vital air; and at the same time strengthening up the system, she was likewise soon restored to perfect health, and has continued well now above a year. Fourth Case.—Miss Mary Dixon, daughter of a copper-plate printer, Tottenham-street, et. 18, had a similar enlargement of the glands, and she underwent the same process : the tumour was dissolved, the vital air took off the pallidness of her complexion, and she enjoys now most excellent health. Olbservations.—1. I could add considerably to this list of cures, accomplished by the aid of the vital air, did I not think it unne- cessary; for the number here given shows, that the same result might be expected in similar cases. 2. The usual applications of stimulants to the neck, and in- terna] strengthening remedies, as the burnt sponge and bark, were had recourse to, which before were ineffectual without the vital air. 3. The quantity of vital air inhaled was from four to six quarts, diluted with three times that quantity of common air. 4. By measurement the diminution was progressive, and in one case decreased five inches. 5. All the glands of the neck seemed to participate in the same disease. 6. It may be asked, Is scrofula hereditary? My answer is, that I have known children to be scrofulous where no taint what- ever could be traced to the parents, and one child to be found serofulous, when all the others had no such disposition. ‘These are finely strung, as the blood-horse, and therefore more subject to disease; Lut this is a peculiar temperament; the disposition, therefore, may be hereditary, but not the disease, r dé How \ by means of Vital Air. 353 7. How is the disease created ? In all these cases [ found the patients were in the habit of drinking cold water, and that at night; and nothing is more injurious than cold applied when the body is warm, or hot. 8. Have we any popular remedy for scrofula? Miss Smith, daughter of Mr. Smith, at the Feathers, Brown-street, Edgeware Road, had the glands of the neck affected, with other symptoms of scrofula: she had been for two years under different surgeons, without benefit, when she applied to me. I ordered the juice of sorrel to be taken three or four times a day, and the same to be applied on linseed meal to the wounds, which when sufficiently drawn were to be healed by Turner’s Cerate, or any simple oint- ment. I have now before me a list of upwards of two hundred cures performed with the juice of sorrel (Acetosa acetosella) taken internally, and applied outwardly. Mrs. Shoubert, of Hackney, is now before me, who was given over by Mr. Toulmin, of Hack- ney; but by inhaling the vital air her health was restored in a most extraordinary manner. A scrofulous wound near the clavicle appeared ; but by means of sorrel juice this was removed. You may recollect, that this remedy we derived from the popular use of it in Ireland; and I have myself a little son, too young to in- hale the vital air, who, after being cured of water in the brain, which left him paralytic on one side, from debility became scro- fulous; and having battled through the winter, with no healing of the wounds, I have stationed him on Highgate Hill, oppo- site the Pound, where there is in front of the house a field filled with the wild sorrel, which he greedily eats, and he also drinks the juice; and it is applied to his wounds with the most manifest advantage : such is my confidence, from an experience of thirty years and upwards, in this simple remedy, so well adapted for very young children. When the wounds are sufficiently drawn with the sorrel juice mixed with the linseed meal, | after~ wards apply any common ointment, still continuing it internally, Hoping this communication may have the desired effect of extending the knowledge and use of the most mild, yet efficacious remedies, in the most dire of our diseases, I have the honour to conclude, Dear sir, &c. Rogert Jonn THORNTON. LIX. True apparent Right Ascension of Dr. MasKELYN®’s 36 Stars for every Day in the Year 1821. By the Rev. J. Groosy. [Continued from p. 271.) Vol. 57, No, 277. May 1821. Yy 1821, ht Ascension of Dr. Maskelyne’s 36 Stars. fo) io 69-28! gL.8V | a5 i True apparent R L PH CL £1 r f “snag | *sIULsar A 354 ~NA 9}-09T 9 La.. Los LV Lo - 9% - |@P 9% oP. 9% So G GG So_|or Go Go SG GG GG 9G GG 9G Lo L@ 6% -|6€ 66-1 | 68-97 "Ss 8S 6:|81 6 Bs ‘snyns) ‘aap -AH | ~10d -07 pO Sa aa (Zo 10-GG Ss pel ‘WH xn] G| £0.11 * Thee" He” *uosd ae co to ‘s MA 7H Pile Rv oS ee ee ate i et Et a Lg ..| LV .-| TF 96-62) OL-OF] Vz- “A “Aa Sa £G $2 Vv os @ “Ww *a | We "H |W ‘H *103SBQ| ‘SNUG ‘eijad| uvareq) “aD . Maskelyne’s 36 Stars. 355 ‘of Dr cension ight As "ent True appar saepout -orpuy 2-aq 4% ——— 9¢ cS hie ve 1¢ v8 If: | 6B Z8 6% 1G 08 LG G3 gL cB £% bl ee (re 13 cL | 0G 61 SL rae LI 1Z SI cL 69 €1 £1 L9 Il Il 99 .|80 Lo v9 90 So 19 £0 10-87 |69 10S | 86 9S 86 c6 vs S6 =| 6 6S £6 88 67 06 S83 LV L8 8 SV cs gL ar t8 GL oP 6L ol f OL 89 ce CL, c9 (45 ol 29 of L9 8g LG b9 SG SB 19° | 3S £@% 8S-£S | 6P-LP.) 0G-8E i a a SS zelLP wal9S 12 “WoW a “Ww ‘H Ww “H ————— a9 09 69-01 s 8 0% WH ‘Ises |yneyye “wnby Sf9}*uadeg ~w0 2 L oat ‘w “H “dey 24 are a €8 1S €3 1g (as) 0g 18 os Lee |cOvee og =| 8P 6L LV gl LY LL ov Le | S05 OL cv CL bP vL ey ol Iv W4 a oL 6¢ 69 ge 89 LE 99 9¢ COM a UE Ss t9 ee £9 oe 19 of 09 6% 8S Lo 9S c% cc Va eg €% oS 1Z 0S-PE | 04-9 ty * OP 61| oF 61 we ips “Ww “H “a 2 -mnbyg) mby 2 =r 1g CRs | 200m og rg 10 os og rai) os 98 z0 67 98 £0 6V Lg_|. €0 gh Lg £0 SV 88 to LP 68 ro OV 68 70) Se. (06 See cy 06 GO vP 16 90 cv 16 90 (a4 16 90 IP 16 90 ov 16 90 ¢ 16 90 se 16 90 Lg 16 Lo 9F 16: = 1SL0 cE 16 Lo Pe 16 Lo (a3 06 Lo ¢ 06 90 08 68 90 8% 68 90 Lo 88 90 GS 88 “i ine Lg £6-8P Lg.SS S0.th ‘Ss LE 61: | 0€ Bl. 9% z OLA ‘Wy Hy | UU SH cuts BL ‘ayinby| ask] *1yo 4 eo. |e iydQ»|- “synod oc L& c If 8G 6¢ oe 16% IP ee og (oi ve 3) iad re rG cF ce se LP 9¢ ve 4 ess ce 67 gf |9€ 1¢ gc Le _|2S 6¢ se v¢ oF 6£ cs oP 6¢ Ls IP oP s¢ TR {1% "| 69 ra av 09 GP eV 19 cv eV a) eV PP F9 ov cr ¢9 bP OF 99 bP oP Lo tP LY Lo cy LD 89 ch eh |69 cP SP 69 cP 6F oL oP 6P tL or |0S tL 99-62 |0S-08 646 | 73 | 8 91se Ge Stile St Sl Mabon, ‘H| ‘NW ‘H) ‘KX ‘H “soaey sped Ree: ar sar “uy Ce oe ez |6L | of te {0g |-6e G 418 St 93 «128 qX3 Lz (es org go | Fs co 6% |$8 ind o€ 198 £6 1g \Lg- | @ ce — |68 0G te |06 | 61 ce 116 gl Of 126 LI Le |\€6 | 91 S 6 cl ge t6 iat 6e c6 el or = |96 aI W. (S44 . ch 86 OL €F | 66-06} 6 tr - |00 8 ¢ 10 L cr to 9 oF _|to ¢ L¥ \€o P sb ito 1 e 6P it) ra OFS |S0-18) 1 bed ’s |-Aine IP Flor FI “K Rt Rak 4 His “1Z81 [ 356 ] LX. On the American Sea Serpent. Tus voyage undertaken by Capt. Rich of Boston in 1818, for the purpose of taking the sea serpent of which so much had been reported in 1817, but which voyage terminated in his catching a thunny, or horse mackerel, served for a time to throw discredit on all the statements which had been published respecting this wonder of the deep. The subject, however, has undergone fresh discussion, and Professor Bigelow of Boston has collected and published so many documents (in Silliman’s Journal}, as seem to put the truth of the existence of this serpent beyond all doubt. It is a curious enough fact, that an account of a similar fish had been sent to the American Academy of Sciences sixteen years ago, but had been mislaid. This document is now brought to light. It is aletter dated Wiscasset, May 22, 1804, addressed to the Hon. John Q. Adams, corresponding secretary of the Academy, and sign- ed A. Bradford, inclosing various information from individuals who had seen theserpent. He states in his letter, as within the recol- lection of many, that various vague reports had been circulated, in the course of a few years, of an animal of this description having been seen in Penobscot Bay, tn which, however, but little atten- tion was paid; but happening to hear that one was seen in that bay in 1802, he instituted inquiries to ascertain the truth of the report. This produced letters from the Rey. Mr. Cummings of Sullivan, and the Rev. Mr. M‘Lean. He afterwards learnt that George Little, esq. late commander of the Boston frigate, saw a similar sea monster in the time of the revolutionary war, and on writing to him on the subject he had the fact confirmed. He also inclosed a letter from a Capt. Crabtree of Portland, who had at another time seen one of these serpents. In July, 1802, Mr. Cummings saw this extraordinary sea mon- ster in his passage to Belfast, between Cape Rosoi and Long Island. He took it at first for a large shoal of fish with a seal at one end of it; but as he drew near the boat, those on board saw that this whole appearanée formed but one animal: it seemed to have an ascending and descending serpentine motion. The peo- ple in the boat judged the length to be more than 60 feet : it had “* a serpent’s head of a colour as blue as possible, and a black ring round its eyes. The head was three feet in circumference at least.....Twoyoung men on Fox Island, intelligent and cre- dible, saw an animal of this kind about 5 years since [i. é. early in 1799}. They told me the one they saw was about 60 feet long, and appeared to have an ascending and descending motion. A few years before, perhaps 10 years [about 1794,} two of those large serpents were seen by two other persons on that wei. About American Sea Serpent. 857 About 20 years since, [about 1804,] two of them were seen by one Mr. Crocket, who then lived upon Ash Point. Mr. M‘Lean states that a sea serpent was seen by the deceased Capt. Paul Reed of Boothbay, about 30 years before 1804 ; aud another was seen in Muscongus Bay in the time of the American war, two miles from the place where he then lived; and another soon afterwards off Meduncook. Capt. Little states, that in May 1780 he was lying in Round Pond, in Broad Bay, in a public armed ship, and at sunrise dis- covered a Jarge serpent, or monster, coming down the bay, on the surface of the water, ‘‘ The cutter was manned and armed. I went myself in the boat (says Capt. Little), and proceeded after the serpent. When within a hundred feet, the marines were ordered to fire, but before they could make ready the serpent dove.” Judged to be from 45 to 50 feet long; largest diameter of body about 15 inches: head about the size of a man’s, and carried from 4 to 5 feet out of the water—had every appearance of a common black snake. ‘‘ When he dove he came up near Muscongus Island—we pursued him, but never came up within a quarter of a mile of him again.” ....‘* A monster of the same description was seen in the same place by Joseph Kent of Marsh field, 1751. Kent said he was longer and larger than the boom of his sloop, which was 85 tons. He had a fair opportunity of viewing him, as he was within 10 or 12 yards of his sloop.” Capt. Crabtree, then of Fox Island, in the Bay of Penobscot, being informed by a neighbour that a large sea serpent was on the water near the shore, just below his house, and having before heard stories of the same kind, which he discredited, went to sas tisfy himself, and “ saw a large animal in form of a snake lying almost motionless in the sea, about 30 rods from where he stood” —his head about 4 feet above water—apparent length 100 feet —-diameter about 3 feet. He also states, that before that time many people living on these islands declared to him that they had seen such an animal, So far from the communication to My. Adams in 1804. These statements Professor Bigelow follows up by other statements, most of which having appeared in the newspapers, we shall notice them very briefly : Capt. Perkins saw a monster of this description at Gloucester in 1817. On the 6th of June, 1819, Captain Wheeler, then in his sloop Concord sailing from New York to Salem, fourteen miles west of Race Point, about five in the morning, saw a sea snake di- rectly a head, about 100 yards from the sloop, moving in a S.W. direction, which it kept till it passed athwart the course of the vessel, and appeared directly over the weather bow, aK e 3a8 American Sea Serpent.. he altered his course to S:E.. After being seen about five mis nutes it sunk, and in about 8 minutes after appeared again di rectly over the weather quarter, about the same distance from the sloop, and in about six minutes more he sunk and did not rise again.—Had a distinct view of the creature: it was entirely black ; the head, which resembled a snake’s, was elevated’ from four to seven feet above the w ater, and his back appeared to be composed of bunches or humps, apparently as large or larger than a half barrel. Tail not seen, but from head'to last hump apparently about 50 feet in length. —Capt. Wheeler’ s statement is on oath. At 7 o’clock the same morning, G. Rénnidtty the mate of the foregoing sloop, had his attention called to something along- side by the man at the helm: it was the same serpent, or one similar to that seen by those on deck two hours before. It was not more than 14 rods from the vessel : its head was about severt feet out of the water: it was black, and the skin seemingly smooth, without scales; the head as long as a horse’s, but *‘ a proper snake’s head”—there was a degree of flatness, with a slight hollow on the top of his head—the eyes prominent, and standing out considerably from the surface like those of a toad, and nearer to the mouth than to the back of the head. The back composed of bunches about the size of a flour.barrel, and three feet apart—they appeared to be fixed, but this might be occasioned by the motion of the animal, and looked like a string of casks tied together. The tail not visible, but it showed a ho- rizontal or sweeping motion, producing a wake as large as the vessel made. The part visible appeared to be about 50 feet in length. While the mate was ascending the rigging to get a bet- ter view, the animal sunk ard did not rise again. hyo account: is also on. oath. On the 13th of August, 1819, a sea serpent was seen near the Long Beach of Nahant, by James Prince, marshal of the district,’ and more than 200 persons. It had been seen the evening be-’ fore at Nahant beach by many people from Lynn. It had the general appearance already described—the bunches on his back’ were 13 to 15—4from 50 to 60 feet in length. Mr. Prince had more than a dozen distinct views of him with a good telescope’ from the Long Beach, and at some of them the animal was not more than 100 yards distant. It was seen at intervals from a. quarter past eight till half-past 11 in the morning—the water quite smooth. Mr. Samuel Cabot gives a similar description of the serpent seen the 13th of Aug. 1819. , Mr. Cheever Felch, chaplain of the United States’ ship Inde- peaeenes of 74 guns, also describes the sea serpent as seen from’ the Py Ne ee ee ie, i ee a ae -: geal 2 Third Report on Weights and. Measures. 359 the United States’ schooner Science, off Gloucester, on the 19th of Aug. 1819, within 20 yards of him. | They followed him: for’ some time, and saw him very distinctly. He describes it as dark brown, with white under the throat... Could not ascertain the size, but the head appeared to be about three feet in circumfe- rence, flat, and much smaller than the body. Did not see his: tail, but from the head to the end of the part seen.was ahout 100 feet.. Mr. Felch counted 14 bunches on his: back, the first one 10. or 12 feet from his head, and the others about seven feet apart. Pontoppidan’s account of the Serpens marinus magnus in his. History of Norway, published in 1747, seems to describe the same kind of sea serpent seen on the American coast. ‘ It is’ usually seen in July and August, and when it is calm— His) head was more than two feet above the water, and resembled: that of a horse.. Beside the head and the neck, seven or eight folds or coils of the animal were distinctly seen, and were about a fathom apart.’ This is the statement of a Capt. de Ferry and: others, who saw the sea serpent with him. Others state that when it was calm it lay on the water in many folds; and: that there were to be seen above the water small parts of the back. When it moves or bends;. and. that at a distance these appear like so many casks or hogsheads, floating in a line, with a con-: siderable distance between each of them.’’—The historian adds “ that many. other persons on the coast of Norway had seeu the sea serpent—and thought it a strange question, when seriously asked, whether there was such an animal in existence ; being as fully persuaded of the fact as of the existence of an eel or a cod.” LXI. Third Report of the Commissioners appointed by His Ma- _ -jesty to consider the Subject of Weights and Measures. May it please Your Majesty, W:z, the commissioners appointed by Your Majesty for the pur- pose of considering the subject of weights and measures, have now completed the examination of the standards which we have thought it necessary to compare... The measurements which we have lately performed upon the apparatus employed by the late Sir George Shuckburgh Evelyn, have enabled us to determine with sufficient precision the weight of a given bulk of water, with a view to the fixing the magnitude of the standard of weight ; that. of length being already determined by the experiments related in our former reports: and we have found by the computations, which will be detailed in the Appendix, that the weight of a cubic inch _ of distilled water, at 62.deg. of Fahrenheit, is 252-72 grains of * f the parliamentary standard pound of 1758, supposing it to be weiglied in a vacuum, We 360 Third Report on Weights and Measures. We beg leave therefore finally to recommend, with all humility, to Your Majesty, the adoption of the regulations and modifica- tions suggested in our former reports, which are principally these: 1. That the Parliamentary standard vard, made by Bird in 1760, be henceforward considered as the authentic legal standard of the British empire ; and that it be identified by declaring that 39,1393 inches of this standard, at the temperature of 62° of Fahrenheit, have been found equal to the length of a pendulum supposed to vibrate seconds in London, on the level of the sea, and in a vacuum. 2. That the Parliamentary standard Troy pound, enondiati to the two-pound weight made in 1758, remain unaltered; and that 7000 Troy grains be declared to constitute an Avvirdupois pound ; the cubic inch of distilled water being found to weigh at 62 deg. in a vacuum, 252-72 parliamentary grains, 3. That the ale and corn gallon be restored to their original quality, by taking, for the statutable common gallon of the Bri- tish Empire, a mean value, such that a gallon of common water may weigh 10 pounds avoirdupois in ordinary circumstances, its content being nearly 277-3 cubic inches; and that correct stand- ards of this imperial gallon, and of the bushel, peck, quart, and pint, derived from it, and of their parts, be procured without de- lay for the Exchequer, and for such other offices in Your Majesty’s dominions as may be judged most convenient for the ready use of Your Majesty’s subjects. 4, Whether any further legislative enactments are required, for enforcing a uniformity of practice throughout the British empire, we do not feel ourselves competent to determine : but it appears to us, that nothing would be more conducive to the attainment of this end, than to increase, as far as possible, the facility of a ready recurrence to the legal standards, which we apprehend to be in a great measure attainable by the means that we have re- commended, It would also, in all probability, be of advantage to give a greater degree of publicity to the appendix of our last re- port, containing a comparison of the customary measures em- ployed throughout the country. 5. We are riot aware that any further services remain for us to perform, in the execution of the commands laid upon us by Your Majesty’s commission: but if any superintendence of the regula- tions to be adopted were thought necessar y, we should still be ready to undertake such inspections and examinations as might be required for the complete attainment of the objects in question. (Signed) Grorex CLERK. THomas Younéc. Davies GILBERT. Henry Kater. Wo. H. Woitaston, London, March 31, 1821. LXII. 4 now as en es [ 361 ] LXII. A new Method of teaching Latin to Youth; by RopErr Joun THornton, M.D. To Mr. Tilloch. Sir, — Ax explanation of the mew method I have adopted for communicating a knowledge of the Latin language, appears to me not to be unsuited to your Philosophical Magazine. I was myself educated at a public school, in the usual mode, afterwards of Trinity College, Cambridge; and having a son at Westminster, I became fully convinced that there required some other method of teaching Latin than that at present pursued in our several places of education. I therefore have investigated in my preface to the “ Pastorals of Virgil,” which I published, all the different modes invented for making youth acquainted with the Latin tongue ; and I think I have demonstrated, that all the several modes used generally fail of the intended purpose. I shall now first coasi- der the interpretatio and ordo. This forms that part of facility given to boys in the Delphin Virgil, and the Delphin classics in general. Now I believe, that nothing tends so much to mis- lead, and does a greater injury to boys than this interpretatio and ordo, which is in constant use in almost every school. I com- municated this opinion to a very high dignitary of the church, one of the best classical scholars of the age, and he agreed in this most cordially with me, and calls my publicly reprobating such a scheme ‘* most meritorious.’ This opinion other great classical scholars, and men deeply versed in the education of youth, also confirm. Thus the learned Rev. Dr. Trollope, Master of Christ Hospital, concurs with me, and writes that I have deserved well of the community by omitting the interpretatio and ordo. In the English, our words follow each other in the sense to be conveyed, and this holds in all northern languages. The words are short and abrupt, and not fitted so much for eloquence as force. Whereas in warm climates, people delighting to be out of doors, hence the ore rotundo, the long flowing syllables, and fine turned periods. Even in common prose in Xenophon, we have a simple word of one-and-twenty syllables, in the Analasis. By the peculiar con- struction of the Greek and Latin language the attention is kept up, and every single word is placed in that very position best adapted for it. It is like a building, where the displacement of any part would mar the whole. How barbarous, then, the making the Latin words correspond to our mode of English expression ! It is as absurd as the Gothic custom of cutting trees into the forms of peacocks and other animals, instead of having their na- tive shapes. 1 hold that no one word in Virgil is faulty, or could Vol. 57, No, 277. May 1821, Lz be 362 A new Method of teaching Latin to Youth. be displaced for another. Each has its precise meaning, as well as place: what shall we say, then, to not only a disarrange- ment of position, but also a substitution of one word for another ? proving either that Virgil did not know his own language, or, rather, attempting to adopt other expressions more easily conver- tible into our modern languages. This is like dressing a Roman ina bag- wig and sword, and putting over him a modern costume. I early made my son feel, that the great perfection of Virgil was, that he had the art of saying the best things in the best manner, and that all alteration was dishigurement. This distortion then, to make boys understand Virgil, is there- fore the sure method of making them insensible to his beauties, to the propriety of his diction, and the harmony of his periods. The mock imitation of him occasions his real person to vanish, and we become contented with a shadow. Those words which burn in verse, sink into lifeless prose 5 and what is worse, when the taste once becomes corrupted, it cannot easily be relighted ; and the boy accustomed to such a bad facility, does not after- wards readily apply himself to catch the true meaning from the author himself. Having discarded, therefore, this facility, a ques- tion now arises, What other facility, or facilities, shall be substi- tuted ? If we open any book even in English, not knowing what has preceded, nor able to guess at what is to follow, the meaning of any sentence so taken up, is difficult at once correctly to make out. This is more particularly the case in Latin. A clwe there- fore should be given, to enable the reader to know what he is to expect. If this be a /iteral translation (used in some schools), the boy so instructed anglicises his Latin, if I may so express myself. He gets not the Roman conception of Latin; he feels not the energy of that fine language, so superior to modern tongues; nor is he alive to that power of position arising from the repeated changes in termination, governed by certain philo- sophical rules denominated grammar, If the translation be loose (adopted in some schools), the boy, being blind himself, has “a blind guide, and both fall into the ditch.” He is always at sea, and catching at aids which, like the will] of the wisp, are sure to lead him into a wrong path. We have, therefore, also abandoned these two bad facilities, and supplied in their place, only an introduction or previous comment, to make the discovery of the true meaning of the author more easily intelligible in his own language. Notes form the next point to be considered. These are wanted in all languages, and more particularly in the dead, where allu- sions to foreign customs are constantly made. The Delphin notes are many of them extremely good; but as the Latinity we should A new Method of teaching Latin to Youth. 363 should learn, should be from the classics themselves, and being in a foreign language are uot easily understood ; this facility should be granted in our own native tongue, and then they will be read over and over again by the diligent youth, and he will not be too long impeded in the comprehension of his author. The notes in our Virgil are therefore selected from all the several commentators, and given in English, and many additional ones are added. They are numerous, or otherwise Virgil would not be clearly understood, As the Greeks w ere themselves the pre- eursors of the Romans in all that was excellent, and the latter did not think it a plagiarism to transfuse any Grihisint idea from these masters in science ; but, on the contrary, thought they ap- proached nearer to perfection, the more they illamed their torch from the divine fire of these godlike men: aud like a great painter, who shows he is a disciple of some old master; so Virgil does not translate the Idyllia or Pastorals of Theocritus; but catches at his spicit and fire, and here and there dashes iv the very words of that divine poet; and shows he was not ashamed to acknowledge the cradle in which his muse was nursed, To understand the skill of Virgil, therefore, in this particular, it became necessary, that those Greek Pastor als which have any re- ference to Virgil, should be either previously read in the original, or in a translation. Unfortunately ‘the custom has prevailed, al- though the Scriptures are in Greek, to teach the Latin first; aud this, | suppose, arose from the absurd practice, now getting gra- dually abolished, of all our Lexicons being in the Latin tongue. It behoved us, therefore, to give ¢ranslations of such of the Idyls of Theocritus as have any reference to those of Virgil, which are made as introductory matter to several of the Pastorals of Virgil, and which show to youth, how far it is allowable for a great mind to copy from a precursor. After this knowledge, as our first poets have transfused into their pastorals many of the leading incidents and expressions of Virgil, to feel the obligatious the moderns owe to the ancients, as well as for recreation and plea- sure, select modern poelry is added, which cannot fail to expand the germ of genius, and make it blossom and bear fruit in due season. As youth is the period most adapted for impressions, (for, as Locke says, “the mind is a rasa tabula,on which you may " write either God or Devil,” ) a Moral is also added alter each Eclogue, which appeared to arise out of the subject; and thus ‘youth are put into possession of not only a La/in book, but also an English book, which seem naturally to connect themselves to- gether; and which obviates the objection often made, that the student is a mere book-worm, only conversant with large dusty folios ; for by this method he is early initiated into the beauties of our greatest English poets. ‘To render this work yet more Zz2 serviceable 364 Claim to the Invention of serviceable and alluring to youth, upwards of two hundred and thirty beautiful wood-cuts are added, which, as being unexplained, are sought after in the Latin, and provoke curiosity, as well as elucidate. Such a plan has, I am happy to say, obtained the favourable approbation of the first scholars of the age; and our Pastorals of Virgil have now passed through a third edition, and seem likely to be adopted by school-masters in general *. LXIII. Claim to the Invention of a new Method of determining the Latitude. By Mr. Epwarp Ripp1s. To Mr. Tilloch. Sin, — Ox the appearance of the last part of the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, I observed a communication from General Brisbane, respecting a method of determining the time, (which he of course conceived was either not generally or not sufficiently known,) accompanied by a promise to transmit to the Society an account of a method of determining the latitude hy observations made near noon. The method of determining the time which he detailed in that memoir, was exactly the same as one which I had practised for a considerable period; and I thought it, therefore, probable that his promised method of de- termining the latitude might also be similar to that which I was daily in the habit of practising. That a fair opportunity might be afforded of comparing our methods, 1 immediately addressed a letter to you on the subject, containing a detailed account both of the principles of my method, and of the manner in which the observations and calculations were made; and I added an example, with the calculations at length. The observations for the example were taken, and the calculations completed in the form ia which they were sent to you, in the year 1817. My letter, I find, is dated ‘October 21, 1818, and it was printed in the Philosophical Magazine for December the same ear. ‘ General Brisbane’s method is now before the public. It forms Art. XIV. Vol. 1X. Part I. of the Edinburgh Phil. Trans., just published; and it appears to have been read November 20, 1820. The observations which are given as examples were made in February 1820, more than a year after my letter on the subject had been published in the Philosophical Magazine ; and more * We annex a Plate, to show the nature and value of the wood-cuts in ** Thornton's Pastorals of Virgil, in which all the proper facilities are given, enabling youth to acquire the Latin language in the shortest period of time, with the utmost delight to the schelar, and ease to the master.’ —EpiTor. than a new Method of determining the Latitude. 365 than two years after the observations given in that letter were made and computed from, The method of Gen. B. is even more like mine than } was likely to anticipate, as 2 2s absolutely the same, both in principle, and in all its practical details. he only difference, if a dif- ference it can be called, is in this, that I deduce the latitude each day from separate observations of the upper and lower limbs of the sun, taken alternately; by which means any faulty habit of estimating the contact is prevented from Masri: the result. ‘In Gen. B.’s two exampies this precaution is not observed; and it is easy to perceive that, in consequence, each of his results may be affected by a common error incident to his method of esti- mating the contact. Setting this aside, however, as a cireum- stance from which, in the case of so excellent an observer, no error of any moment whatever will probably arise, the absolute identity of his method and mine is beyond all question, Gen. B. computes the declination for the instant of each ob- servation, so do I; he reduces each altitude to the meridian se- parately, so do I; “he deduces the latitude from each altitude thus reduced separately, so also do 1; and the theorem by which he calculates the reduction to the meridian i is the same as that which I use for the same purpose. His theorem is f (the reduc- sna = a (reap) where H is the latitude, D the declination, and P the horary tli tion) = ers P —7—+ sin PS. sin PZ. cosect ZS ; where PS = the polar diameneld PZ= the colat., and ZS = the Smitsidian zenith distance. Now vers. P= 2 sin? 4 if, sin PS = cos H, sin PZ = cos D, and cosect ZS = ee The theorems are therefore the same; only the one which I used is a little more convenient in form. But on the subject of the theorem | dare say neither of us fancies that he has made any discovery. Though the absolute identity of the two methods in every par- ticular is, to say nothing else, a very curious circumstance; I have no reason to believe that Gen. B. has availed himself of any thing that I have done on the subject, notwithstanding the publication of my letter took place, probably, long before his communication was written. I understand he has of late chiefly resided abroad ; and even when in this country he probably may not sze the work in which my letter appeared. But I cannot help thinking it exceedingly singular, that his paper should have been printed in so respectable a publication, without a hint from any one connected with the work, that how- ever My theorem is z (the reduction) = 366 Experiments on the Strength and Stiffness ever creditable the memoir might be to its author, it had not to the public the recommendation of containing any thing new. And my surprise is by no means diminished by the reflection that several of Dr. BrEwsTER’s publications bear testimony to his being a constant reader of The Philosophical Magazine. I am, sir, respectfully, Your obedient servant, Trinity House School, Newcastle, ~ Epwarp RIpDLE. May 14, 182). LXIV. Experiments on the Strength and Stiffness and Specific Gravity of various Specimens of Wood. Extracted from the <¢ First Report from the Select Committee appointed to con- sider of the Means of improving and maintaining the Foretgn Trade of the Country*. Feb. 13, 1821. J oun Wuirr, Esq. a gentleman engaged to a considerable ex- tent in the timber trade, was called in and examined. << You have heen engaged in a course of some experiments, to ascertain the strength and value of different species of wood ?— I have been so for the last two or three years. <«« Have the goodness to state the result of those experiments. —I think a short extract of the experiments which 1 have made, will probably give that information. Mr. Lack wrote mea note, saying it was possible I might be called upon for the information. The witness read the statement as follows : «* Results of Experiments on the Stiffness and Strengths of various Specimens of Wood. «Ga- 29°48 |Cloudy 8| 7 | 62° 29°64 |Fine 9 8 {| 58° 99°86 |Ditto—rain A.M. 1 9 | 57° 29°90 |Ditto 11/10) 60° | 99°67 |Cloudy 12; 11 | 56° 29°50 |Fine 12, 12 | 48 | 29°10 |Showery 14) 13 | 54: 29°08 |Ditto MEVEOR Of 400 Meteorology. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE, By Mr. Cary, oF THE STRAND, For May 1821. ‘bermometer. HR aig’ x}. [8 3 | Height of 3 ‘a 6 [> an the Barom. Weather. 1891. Og Zz a 7 Inches. eee oe eo oor oo April 27 57 | 66 | 55 | 99°80 Fair 280657 4|67.} 3 "90 Fair. 29 | 54 | 61 | 5U "92 Fair 30 | 50 | 50 | 46 | 30710 Cloudy May 1 | 44 | 52} 50 ‘07 Cloudy 2 | 50 | 62 | 50 |} 29°94 Cloudy Se bhi OTe |) Oa ‘79 Fair 4 {| 56 | 69 | 60 ‘76 Fair 5 57 =|565. | -5Q ‘63 Fair 6 | 50 | 59} 50 “60 Stormy " 7 | 51 | 60) 56 95 Showery 8 | 55 | 59 | 50./)30°05 Rain #95) 1:50.) 6k [47 "25 Fair 10 |. 61) 59.|.51 ~28 Cloudy 11 | 52 | GO| 58 05 Cloudy 12 | 58 | 61 | 52 | 29-90 Cloudy 13 | S| 57 | 42 36 Stormy 14 | 46 | 55 | 47 *41 Fair 15 47 | 54 | 46 "30 Storms with thun- 16 50 | 57 | 47 87 Stormy . (der, i 50.|, 51. |. 50 ‘98 Rain 18 | 50} 60 | 49.| 30°13 Fair 1p” 151} 6l5) S50) "32 Fair -20 | 46 | 56 | 46 "26 Cloudy 21 | 45 | 55 | 45 "16 Cloudy 22 | 46 56 | 44 02 Cloudy 93. | 43 | 47 | 42.) 29°83 Rain 24 | 44 | 50 | 43 | 30°07 Cloudy [evening. 95 | 47 | 57 | 41 | 29°89 Fair—rain in the 26 41 | 45 | 39 +83 Showers of hail and : sleet. N.B. The Barometer’s height ts taken at one o’clock. or Observations for Correspondent who observed the 14th May 8 o’Clock M. Barom. 29394 Ther. attached 55° Detached 47 — 9 ot CSO O! bo ade nay eae —_— 10 —_— — — B9°410 8 ee ee, 5 eee ee eae St ari ieee ear kee AQALO' ct) “oes re Ve ee ees call a INS OO ne ee, Ce [ 401 ] LXX. Description of a Lock designed for the Receny’s Canad Company. By Mr, Richarp Hatt Gower, of Ipswich*. Explanation. Tu E plan of a double lock, whereby ¢wice the facility of transit is obtained, with only Aa/f the expenditure of water. Example. A and B (Plate IV.) are locks having a communi- cation by means of the sluices W and z in the middle pier. Now adinitting lock A shall be full, and lock B empty, at the same time that two barges shall arrive, the one going down, and the other up the stream; the barge going down will naturally enter the lock A which is ready for her reception; while the other will enter B. The sluices and gates being now shut, let the mid- dle pier sluices be opened, so that the water may flow from lock A into B (view the transverse section), whereby the barge in A will be lowered, and the barge in B raised, till both are on a level 5 at which time the barge in A will be half up, and the barge in B half down. Now shut the pier sluices W and a, and open the side sluices y and x, whereby lock A will continue to empty, and B to fill, till the water in each obtain the level of the lower and upper canal :—the gates C and D being then opened, each barge is at liberty to depart, the one up and the other down the stream; the time employed to pass them being no more than the time employed in passing one barge through a singie lock ; and to perform this double duty, only ove full lock of water has been withdrawn from the upper level of the canal. * Mr. Gower (author of several works relative to Seamanship and Ma- rine affairs) was one of the candidates for the reward of a hundred guineas offered by the Company for the best design cf a lock, in an advertisement of which the f6llowing is a copy: “ Recenr’s Canau.—To Architects, Engineers, &c. a reward of 100 guineas is offered for the best design of a double or single lock, to be con- structed in the said canal. In these designs, part of the lock must be de- scribed and set forth. In judging of these designs, the saving of water, and the facility and expedition in passing the lock, will be objects of the greatest consideration; and any practicable suggestions for returning the water ta the upper levels will have great weight in the decision, The length of the Jock must be 86 feet, the breadth of each, in the clear, must be [4 feet 3 inches; the average fall of water of each lock 7 feet; the width of the canal 45 feet ; the depth of the canal 5 feet.—Auy person willing to exe- cute his design, is requested to accompany it with an estimate of the lock complete, for so much each lock. ‘The designs are to be submitted to three engineers or scientific men, and the premium given according to the deci- sion of the majority of them; and to ensure perfect confidence in the deci- sion, candidates are to send their designs, marked, to be returned unopened, if the design to which it refers is not approved, and should not obtain the premium, The designs to be sent to Messrs. Edwards and Lyon, Solicitors, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, on or before the 21st of September 1312." —T mes Newspaper, 5th Sept. \812. Vol. 57. No. 278. June 1821. $k The 402 Description of a Lock designed for The sluice gates for this lock may be formed in the usual way; but as the old plan is liable to much leakage, and is frequently disordered by obstructions; as for instance, by ice in frosty weather: the inventor proposes to obviate these imperfections by the following contrivances. Fig. 1 is a cast-iron half-circular groove with flanges. This is let flush into the gate-post, and there secured by nails through its flanges, and into the groove is swung a cast-iron spindle by pivots in the centre of each end. To this spindle the gate is se- cured, as represented by the section fig. 4. Fig. 2 is a cast-iron cock, which, being set into a brick water- course, is intended to serve the purpose of a sluice. Fig. 3 also is a cock for the same purpose, but so formed that it may be united in the centre of a cast-iron cylindrical water- course. By the introduction of these contrivances, it must be evident that the inconveniences arising from leakage, and obstructions, will be removed in a very material degree; and were the whole lock and its contrivances well executed, with the introduction of cast-iron water-courses, there is no reason for saying that a Jock of this description may not last for a series of years. The cocks are to be turned by levers set into their respective drum- heads, which are fixed breast-high above ground; and as the cocks are situated in the centres of the several water-courses, it is presumed they are not liable to be set fast by frost. Signed R. F. C., a carididate for the reward of 100 guineas offered by the Regent’s Canal Company, for the best design of a double or single lock to produce a saving of water, and faci- lity to the passage of vessels. This design is accompanied by a sealed letter; and if the above plan is not approved, R. F. C. presumes that it will be returned to him on his applying to Messrs. Edwards and Lyon. Dated September 14, 1812, and addressed to Messrs. Edwards and Lyon, Solicitors to the Regent’s Canal Company, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury. N. B. The foregoing explanation was written on the same sheet of paper which contained the drawing of the lock, toa scale of one-eighth of an inch to a foot. The principle and plan of this lock being now established throughout the hne of the Regent’s Canal, from Paddington, round the back of London, to Limehouse, in its simplest form ; that is, without the several cast-iron contrivances to save leakage and avoid obstructions; induced the inventor to feel that he was entitled to the offered reward of 100 guineas; which gave rise to the following correspondence, whereby it will appear, that with- out SS SESS SE ——e: a the Regent’s Canal Company. 408 out the comfort even of an explanation, he is simply told that the premium of 100 guineas was not adjudged to him. Letter addressed by Mr. Gower to the RecEeNt’s Canal Com- any. Nova Scotia, Ipswich, Oct. 19, 1820. GENTLEMEN,—On the 5th of September 1812, observing an advertisement in the Times Newspaper, from the Regent’s Canal Company, offering a reward of 100 guineas for the best design of a lock to save water, and give facility to passage, a copy of which is annexed, I was induced to become a candidate. A design was accordingly prepared, similar to the one which accompanies this letter, being dated the 14th of September 1812; and feeling, from the wording of the advertisement, that I might rely with perfect confidence upon the good faith and honour of the parties to whose inspection the designs were to be submitted, it was delivered at the office of Messrs. Edwards and Lyon, Soli- citors, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, by my brother Dr. Gower, of Old Burlington-street. A fair time having elapsed without receiving any intimation relative to the design, from the tenor of the advertisement, I had reason to conclude it was not approved; and in consequence requested Dr. Gower would have the goodness to withdraw it. He made his application accord- ingly, at the office of Messrs. Edwards and Lyon, which enabled him to procure the design from the Regent’s Canal Office; Queen Anu’s-street West, now Foley-place. The return of the design released me from dubiety. It was the signal of dismission, that gave me clearly to naderstand I was not the successful candidate. How great then was my surprise, when on the 24th of April last, as travelling from Ipswich to London, on the outside of the coach, I observed a double lock, similar to my design, constructed on the Regent’s Canal where it crosses the Mile-end Road! This was afterwards found to be one only of anumber. From the facts here stated, and with the Company’s advertisement before me, I cannot but feel that I have a claim upon their honour, and that I am entitled to the reward for which I laboured to become a candidate ; I therefore trust, gentlemen, notwithstanding the time elapsed since the 14th of September 1812, that you will do me the justice to consider this statement; and should it be necessary for Dr. Gower to prove the delivery of the drawing, he will with pleasure attend with the original design. I remain, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, R. H. Gower. 352 Reply 404 On the almosphericaéd Refraction. Reply of the Regent’s Canal Company to the foregoing Appli- cation. Regent's Canal Office, 108, Great Russell-street, Oct. 26, 1820. Srr,—I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th instant, stating that the locks on the Regent’s Canal had been constructed according to the design sent in by you, in the year 1812, and claiming the premium of 100 guineas offered for the best design for a lock; and in reply 1 am desired to ac- quaint you, that the engineers to whom the several designs were referred, did not adjudge the design sent in by you to be entitled " to the premium above mentioned; and that no reference was had to your plans, on the adoption of the lock which the Company deterniined to construct upon the Regent’s Canal. I am, sir, Your obedient servant, Epo. L, SNEz. P. S.— The plan which accompanied your letter, will be de- livered to any person bringing a note from you desiring the re- turn of the same. , LXXI. On the atmospherical Refraction. By JamEs Ivory, M.A. ER.S. To the Editor. Sir, — i HAVE to acknowledge the favour done me by your in- serting in your last publication, my formula for the astronomical Refractions ; and I shall now add some more observations on the same subject. In examining the hypothesis relating to the cou- stitution of the atmosphere, on which is founded the solution of the problem of refractions published in the Mécanique Céleste, I was naturally led to take the calculation, given in that work itself, of the depression of the thermometer for the great height of 3817 fathoms ascended by Gay-Lussac in a balloon; which comes out at the rate of 82 fathoms to a centesimal degree. But the gradation of heat in this supposed atmosphere ought to agree with observation not only at great elevations, but likewise at the surface of the earth. Now, if the calculation be actually made, the height at the earth’s surface necessary to depress the ther- mometer one degree, will be found no more than 61 fathoms, about two-thirds of the observed quantity, and considerably less than in my formula. We are indebted for the most correct Table of Refractions that has yet been produced, to the science of Laplace, and the skill © and diligence of the able men who assisted his labours by fur- nishing On the atmospherical Refraction. 405 nishing him with exact determinations of the necessary constant quantities. As far as 80° from the zenith, or even as far as 85°, a greater degree of perfection can hardly be expected in this part of astronomy. But within 5° of the horizon, the Table is con- fessedly incorrect in theory, and does not agree so well with ob- servation. The author of the Mécanique Céleste, by a single artifice of calculation, both overcame the analytical difficulties of the problem, and hit upon a law of the decrease of heat, which affords a determination of the quantity sought, simple in its ex- pression and approaching very near the truth. But the consti- tution of the atmosphere thus adopted deviates from the case of nature in a twofold manner: first, the initial rate of the decrease of heat is too great; secondly, the rate of decrease becomes slower as the elevation increases; whereas, in nature, it is either uniform or accelerated. By means, however, of this double de- parture from the true law, a compensation is effected to which we must, in a good measure, ascribe the great exactness of the result. For in the atmosphere of Laplace the heat, at any given elevation, is at first greater than in the case of nature; but, as the rate of decrease continually lessens, the former quantity ap- proaches the latter as the height increases, and, at a certain ele- vation, will coincide with it; beyond which limit the heat in the supposed atmosphere will become less than the true quantity, as at first it was greater. In my formula there is no hypothesis implied, except that of a uniform decrease of heat. ‘The expression of the refraction is a converging series rigorously integrated upon that hypothesis. The elevation necessary for depressing the thermometer one degree depends upon the magnitude of the horizontal refraction; and a very small addition to the latter quantity would make my theory agree entirely with observation. Now there are good grounds for thinking that the horizontal refraction in the French Tables is rather too small. In the first place, when these Tables are compared with exact observations near the horizon, the errors in defect are found to be nearly double the errors in excess *: in the second place, the refraction of the star Lyra, at 87° 42° 10” from the zenith, is determined, by the observations of Mr.Brinkly, to be 17’ 26"°5, or 5” more than according to the same Tables + : and thirdly, in the Table published by Mr. Groombridge from his own observations, all the refractions very near the horizon are greater than in the French Tables; particularly the horizontal refraction is 34’ 28"13 in place of 33’ 46"°3.{ The determina- tion of Mr. Groombridge appears to be fully sufficient to make my theory quadrate entirely with observation as to the constitu- * Conn. des Tems, 1821, p. 349. + Irish Trans. 1815, { Phil. Trans, 1814. tion 406 On the almospherical Refraction. tion of the atmosphere: for, J find that the refractions at the horizon depend not only upon the initial rate of the decrease of heat, but also, although in a very small degree, upon the acce- leration. Since my Jast communication, I have applied to my method an artifice similar to that employed by Laplace for integrating the expression of the refraction near the horizon. The result is contained in the following formula, the letters denoting the same things as before : Log. tan ¢ = 19:0217998— log. cos. A; then, Log. of Coefficients. et x { 1109"-26 tan 29 4... 3°0450325 665°55 tank ig .. .. 2°8251838 221°85 tans> go .. .. 23460625 31:69 tant ig 2... 1°5009645. Owing to the artifice employed in the integration, this formula is a finite expression. It supposes an atmosphere similar to that of Laplace ; that is, one in which the initial rate of the decrease of heat is too great, but continually becoming less and less as the elevation increases. Jt is reduced to the same state of the barometer and thermometer as in the French Tables. ‘To the extent of 85° from the zenith, it does not differ sensibly from those Tables, nor from the former formula: for less altitudes it comes a little nearer the Tables, as is shown below. A. Conn. des T. | Formula. | Diff. ° i: “ “ “ 85 9 54:3 9 Do: oe 86 114483. | 1° 46:7") °— 6 87 apes ct hak lam ebb: Sy Mee Sag 88 18 5222.18 “96:6") 254 89 24 21°2.|'24' 126 | =8°6 892 | 28 32-1 | 28 24:3 | —7-8 90 | 33 46:3 | 33 48:3) +2:0 1 have the honour to be, &c. June 6, 1821. - - J. Ivory. LXXII. True apparent Right Ascension of Dr, MaskELyNnn’s 36 Stars for every Day in the Year 1821. By the Rev. J. Groosy. . {Continued from p. 355.) 1521. 407 True apparent Right Ascension of Dr. Maskelyne’s 36 Stars. i £6 €@ €§ yo Teed (enews OG: 6S 8% | 66 |_oF L6 lo | S@ |6P Ig | 76 tz is) Fo og = =j9L ee Lg SG L6 ge F6 | v9 |61 {LP of [6 ii4 S38 ro Ove, SL. 08 r¢ (46 [6 LE 16 19 |SI_ ||P 62 L6 GS 98 to 8P VL ik ag 0% £6 Ge 88 8s Ute ane 8% 86 9% L8 Fo ov ol ive os LI 06 ve Sg So | SORAISS 1@ 1 66-181 Zz 88__| Fo cP 1 mL ea A 2 88 __|_1& ps a ha 2 G0-GE| CE 9% | 00 Lz 68 ro Pr oL 61 cY ral 98 6% gl 6y |86 j\Ze c% | ZO 8% 66 to cP 69 oI eV 60: £8 9% GL oF | 6 160 ig | £o 6% 16 vo |e jlo |r 1V 90 18 £% 104 fv | 06 |92 id | fo of 26 to (Pp |99 Il 6£ vo 6L 0G 89 Lio) ORbes|oo 2G | 90 TE 26 70 ov__|s9 60 Le 10-31) 9L | 81 $9 ge | zB 0% 1é | Lo 1¢ t6 to 6€ |¥9 Lo re 86 tL SI 19 GE aL Lonel 0G | 80 oe S6 |to g& |29 |¥o oe 96 GL ral 8S OG Slgeee MitE 61 } OL ge 96 to Lé 19 10-€% | O€ £6 69 60 vs 6 | 69 jot gL | IT PE 96 co Of 09 66 8G 06 Lo 90 1g 9% |S9 |Lo Li pet | se /46 |So__ gf 65 ~—=/46 | om | 88} So | €o | Sh fe | 19 ~|Po |So | ce ot | Pr OF 5 |k0 1a0 SE ee 86 Tre | SB eo — | Sronte | er 1% |9S | 10.0F SI } OT Le L6 co Be ES 126 1G €8 09 86 W St |zS |36 FI } Lt ge L6 90 ve |9S 1/06 61 0g es G6 ge SU a RV 22, hee be f St ge 86 90 ce SS 88 LI sl 9S (a) PE Zl ty «16 rat }0% | 68 86/90 =|2 PS |S8 ST Hie |S ea ROO 1 ot | 6€ _/88 Dobe [ott | 1% or 86. 100 [we les Jee \\ er a a We Lo |S€ |Ss ol | GS IV 66. |40 |e |S .\1g8 Il ol 67 v8 bo vo |1€ |28 6 | bo av 66 |40 |TS 11S" \gZ 60 89 «| «OF 18 1G 10-8$} 9 | 84 8 | S& eV 66-22 | Lo Ogun 0G. (02 Lo co bP gL el 800 |6o Gk L i | Lo bP oo /80 |0€ |6r_ |Z So €9 | ey _ | 9£ SI S6_| 61. |e@L 9 eat | 8% cv 00 R0 6% 6P ol to 19 oP €L Il £6: |-St-- 69 ¢ ; | 6% oP 10 60 6% sv OL rae) 6S ge IZ 80 06 It |99 r i 1¢ LY 10 OL 6% LV 89 are LS ce 89 co Lg Lo. |€9 £ | ae ch 10 OL 8% |9F {99 PS ee So 70-1 rs £0-1¢) 09 . o 1 CE-08| 6P-8h | G0-€G| 11-L9| 92-19 | Sp.gh | F9-zz% ae 9S] ZS-11| 1€.-91| £0.08) 66-0 zg-L$) 66-0) L¢- iP 03: 8s I } ‘'s 2) ‘'s a) 's 's "s 's "Ss ‘s me) “Ss ‘s ‘s ‘s | Sny Vj |} 4 Ft St € ji 11/6€ 1118S 6 |gt 6 |FE Z| 63 2) €3L)| L69| Sh S) sts ¢ sieclsrieae, io ety 6 HWW “ST eae! ‘NW 'H| ‘WH | ‘W'H | *W'H | ‘WoCH] SW CH ‘N ‘*H “WH | ‘HK “*H “i: SH OC St BRE Be EE be ae a ee: ‘snag | STU A, ‘sturs] sr | ‘snynd| ‘aap *xny | ‘uodd |-10}8UD} ‘sntaTg] “suo ‘LUMNey, | peSQy) eyped) uw “moO eae | “peled| TSO}, ~oty | words [=A 9-097 9) -9u |-KH 2! -fod | -o1d “HQ *| ee x! 10n ht Ascensi ig True apparent 408 f Dr. Maskelyne’s 36 Stars. te) 2) £3 ZE-T1 "S 6G &% WH “aepour -OIpuy * ‘1se8 | neq “I * tg. {Li g6:2% ZO tg li 00 ac £8 /O1, |e pp tO 8-91 Zo. 8=—| 0 1g {St ~ |£o to 6L |St_. |€0 .|S0 gL |Pt |¥o |S0 EL, Sa Go =| So GL lal 90. |90 PL |at 90 |90 (G5 Il LO, —|90- - aL OT 80 90 oL |oT 60 Lo 69 |60 60° |Lo Lo 80°. }OT Lo ¢9 Lo |ot- |4o. _ t9 |90 {OT Lo 9, |¥O Il 90 09 £0 Ul 90 8S ZO Il 90 9S 10 It 90 cs 00-6€ |G1 co €S. 166 al co 1S 1/86 ZI. $0 6y |96 Il co OF 56 Ul to iad £6 ll to (au t6 OL £0 ov 06 OL 20 ge 88 60 Z0 9f-8F | L8-8€ | 60-€@ | 10-01 3 = 5 LV 29S 1Z/SE O68 vz "WW, *H | °K | “WO | CI SH venby | 89} udep -Ul0d 2 2 2G L 0@ "K *H ‘ade cas SY eV OF cr LY LY LY 60 8P og 8? oS 6P ¥¢ 6F 9S Wt 0S 6S 1S 19 1g £9. 1g v9 Seb ES aS L9 oS §9 aS 69 es IL S$ oL eg €L es GL e¢ OL €¢ LL {OS | BL aS 6L oS 08 oS 18 1g Z8 1¢-8h | €g-S¢ *S "Ss LE 61 |O€ SI ‘Kt ‘H ‘WW ‘H Ls a SL =| SP gL ‘OV 6L LY 08 Ly i ae ae 18 SF 78 6v ZS 67 £8 0S Eg" | 40 v8 1g 8 tg G8 tS S8 as c8 (eae 98 os 98 eg 938 eg 98 es 9g PS __ 98 oS 98 ps 98 vs 98 VS ies eee. =! cB es S8 £¢ S8 (Oo ive} GG Pg-VE | 75-9 ‘s $ OF 61) ZV 61 HX x f =:030077 x (1—-0301)=-029171. The two rules therefore agree; but as they are out of the pale, their authority is zero, We must have recourse to the series. By ee Depression of Mercury in Capillary Tubes. 425 By making ga* = 4°41176, we get this Suterip im °7358 = 1°6627 y + 0-2285 y + 0215 5 + O 149 y’. In computing these coefficients, 5 terms of the first series were used; 6 terms of the second; 5 of the third; and all the terms set down of the fourth. The solution of the equation is, y = 04292; the proof, ig: 71363 1807 313 40 73523 We now get the depression = ‘068 x 7 = ‘0291553, very near the former values ; and the difference is on the right side, y being tov great. Now the number in the Table is 02906; and no reasonable man can doubt that there is an error. I have now refuted the arguments, or surmises rather, of my antagonist; and have shown him that his series is not infallible. My rules have been laboriously vindicated with the fingers at least, if not with the head. As to the so vaunted method of computa- tion by the series, there can be but one opinion, It is inelegant; operose ; unsatisfactory and unscientific, since it affords no means of ascertaining the degree of the approximation but sheer caleu- lation, which in many cases is impracticable. We hear much of refinementsin the mathematics. Does this allude to the results of calculation? Now my rules are greatly more simple and easier in practice than his, which can hardly be a fault. It must then allude to the process of investigation. But I have always understood that pains must be taken to search into the properties of the quantities under consideration, in order to obtain simple and effectual rules. It is proposed to combine the series with Laplace’s method of approximation. The attempt will be successful, if it be ex- ecuted with judgement and patient labour. But is it any thing new to assist an approximation by the method of development ? The density of the air, considered as a function of the refraction it causes, has been expanded in a series ; and by this means, with some helps, we have got a new rule for calculating the re- fraction of the atmosphere: but we have obtained nothing new in point of mathematical method. New applications do not make new methods; and new names do not constitute new things. The theorem of Taylor, or of M‘Laurin, las received no addi- tions, even although the mode should prevail of designating such well-known operations by the quaint phrase of the Universal Solvent, or the sonorous epithet of the Taylorian Theorem. I have the honour to be, &c. June 11, 1821. J. Ivory. P.S. Av imperfect method and exceptionable calculations are Vol. 57. No, 278, June 1821, 3 fl bad 426 Respecting the real Inventor of the Steam- Engine. bad grounds on which to found charges of error. Before this dispute be carried further, it is recommended that the numbers in the Table of 1809 be computed anew by just rules: then, if attention he paid to the difference of the elementary quantities and to the degree of accuracy aimed at, greater progress will be made in clearing up this question, than would be done by whole volumes of loose discussion. Sats LXXVII. Notice respecting the real Inventor of the Steam- Engine. Tue following communication by R.N. (2.e. as I conceive, R. Naires) which appeared in the Gentleman’s Magazine in the year 1811, deserves to be again brought before the public, that the merit of the invention may, as it ought, be ascribed to its true author.—A, T. July 3, 1811. Mr. Ursan,—The inventors of valuable improvements are generally thought worthy of celebration, and their names are sometimes sought with eagerness for the sake of doing justice to their merits. To such distinction few inventors seem more am- ply entitled than the person to whom we owe the Steam-engine ; a contrivance which, assisted by modern improvements, is now performing what, a century ago, would have seemed miraculous or impossible; yet it appears that he has been hitherto entirely unknown to the world at large. In 1699, a Captain Savary obtained a patent for this inven- tion; and he has consequently occupied all the honour of the discovery. But in that noble assemblage of MSS. the Harleian Collection, now in the British Museum, the strongest testimony appears that the real inventor was Samuel Morland, who was Master of the Works to Charles I]. and who I fancy was knighted ; for in the MS. he is called Sir Samuel, and ‘* Le Chevalier.” That the first hint of the kind was thrown out by the Marquis of Worcester, in his Century of Inventions, is allowed; but obscurely, like the rest of his hints. _ But Morland wrote a book upon the subject ; in which he not only showed the practicability of the plan, but went so far as to calculate the power of different cylin- ders. This book is now extant in manuscript in the above col- lection. It was presented to the French King in 1683, at which time experiments were actually shown at St. German’s. The author dates his invention in 1682; consequently 17 years prior to Savary’s patent. As Morland held places under Charles II., we must naturally conclude, that he would not have gone over to France to offer his invention to Louis XIV, had he not found ‘ at + On the Efficacy of Yeast. 427 it slighted at home. It seems to have remained obscure in both countries till 1699, when Savary, who probably knew more of Morland’s invention than he owned, obtained a patent ; and in the very same year, M. Amontons proposed something similar to the French Academy, I believe, as his own. The description of the manuscript in which Morland explains his invention will be found in the improved Harleian Catalogue, vol. iii. No.5771; and it is also pointed out in the preface to that volume, sect. xxii; but hitherto seems to have been as little noticed as Morland himself. But if he was the real inventor, as these circumstances seem to render certain, it is highly necessary that his name should in future be recorded with all the honour which an invention of such utility demands. I shall just add, respecting the same catalogue, that the Biblical collections in No. 7522 were made by Patricius Junius, that is, Patrick Young, who, as King’s librarian, had the care of the Alex- andrine MS., and had thoughts of publishing it. This is nearly proved by Woide, in the preface to his edition of the N. T. sect. 16, but was not recollected when that article was written. Yours, R. N LXXVIII. Onthe Efficacy of Yeast, and the Application of Vine- gar in Putrid Fever. By Rosert Joun Tuornron, M.D. Letter from the late Earl of EXETER, Dear Doctor, —_I AM sure you will be truly sorry to hear what a dismal house we have had since our return home. My dear . son Cecil was taken ill the day after we got home, which was on the Sd of last month. Jt turned out to be a putrid fever. He was attended night and day by Dr. John Willis, and occasionally by a Stamford physician, Dr. Arnold, and by Lady Exeter con~ stantly. He became so bad at last, that the Doctors said, they could do no more for him. All irritability of the eye-sight was gone, no passage down his throat could be effected, and a rattling in the throat indicated the last moments to be arrived. Our poor dear Lady Exeter and Dr. John were the miserable bearers of this dreadful news to me. Having recollected your account of the good effects of vinegar in the case of the Rev. Mr. Townsend, and others ; I wished this to be tried. His body was bathed with the vinegar, he took yeast inwardly, and it was applied in clysters ; and in twelve hours he was so far amended, as to raise in us all hopes, and in four days he was convalescent, and is now lively and jocose. I cannot conclude this letter without relating a discovery of Dr, John Willis, which ought to be generally known, In cases of 3H2 spitting 428 On the Efficacy of Yeast. spitting of blood he never fails to give a vomit, and it always stops the effusion of blood. He tells me, it has never failed him. Wishing you every success in your laudable endeavours to relieve the distresses of others, and extend the science of medicine, I remain, dear Doctor, Yours very sincerely, EXETER. Case of Mortification cured by the Application of Yeast out- wardly, and by the Form of Injection inwardly*. Glasgow, June 7, I8T6. Dear Str,—My son Robert (now a man) when a child about two years old, had the chicken pox, after which, in consequence of catching cold, in the course of a single night a mortification took place across his belly; on the outside it had the appearance of a mazarine blue ribband laid across from the one side to the other. Immediately cloths dipt in barm or yeast were applied, repeating them as often as they began to dry, at the same time giving him injections of harm; they were given cold, to prevent them being thrown off too soon. The reason of giving him the injections was, that he would not swallow the barm; and the Doctor assured me, the whole mass of blood was in a state of corruption; and indeed it appeared so, for in a few days after the first appearance of mortification there arose on one of his temples a gathering about the size of a pigeon’s egg, of a very dark co- lour, and when it broke it discharged a black watery kind of stuff: before the first broke,-a second began to gather on the other tem- ple; it was longer in coming to maturity, but when it did break it discharged a good thick yellow matter, when the Doctor pro- nounced him out of danger. After the application of the barm, the blue part across the belly turned of a yellow colour, which the Doctor took out, and then the wound had the appearance of a mouth wide open ; it could easily receive the side of a hand laid in. The barm was continued for ten days or a fortnight, till every appearance of danger was over; after that, there was some kind of simple ointment applied to heal up the wound, which now has the appearance of a deep burn after being healed. His diet during his illness consisted chiefly of fruit. To Mr. Tilloch. JaNeT ALLAN.” * The last of these cases I communicated to Dr. Thornton, who thinks it deserves to be made generally known. The writer is a relation of my own. When R. Allan was taken ill, an able medical gentleman of Glasgow was instantly sent for. He frankly told the parents that there was no possibility of the child recovering. {t was in consequence of this; and of Mrs. Allan having read, in one of the early volumes of the Philosophical Magazine, of the curative powers of yeast in putrid cases, that this remedy, and with such happy success, was resorted to.—A. T. XXIX, f 429 J LXXIX, A Communication relative to a Correspondence be- tween Dr. Henry and Dr. Ure. To the Editor of the Philosophical Magazine. Sir, — Ix page xiti of the Introduction to the Dictionary of Chemistry lately published, I have alluded to Dr. Henry in terms which have occasioned a private correspondence between that gentleman and me, the result of which we are desirous of making public in your Journal. In the beginning of August 1816, I transmitted to him an Essay on Alkalimetry and Acidimetry, accompanied by a letter, in which I begged him to favour me with his opinion of its merits, cau- tioning him, meanwhile not to communicate its contents to any person. In the 8th edition of his Elements, which appeared in 18iS, he published a plan of alkalimetry and acidimetry modified from that described in my Essay*. This struck me at the time as an unwarranted use of my communication; and declining to correspond with him on the subject, [ resolved to seize the first favourable opportunity to reclaita my rights. Under this feeling I wrote the paragraph in the Introduction to the Dictionary. Dr. Henry thus writes me on the 12th of April 1821, “ I as- sure you that I had not at the time of publishing my book, nor can T now recall, the remembrance of any injunction of secrecy, respecting your alkalimeter ; I conceived I had so expressed my- self at page 512, vol. ii. of my Elements, as unequivocally to give to you the credit of inventing an instrument on the principle of directly, and without calculation, indicating the per centage of alkali in any specimen; and that I pretend to nothing more than the modification of your method which: is described in my book.” Under these circumstances, I am satisfied that Dr. Henry had no intention to appropriate to himself the credit of my invention ; but I sincerely regret that, before promulgating the modification of my method, he had not consulted me on the subject. This would have prevented all chance of misunderstanding between me and Dr. Henry, whose accomplishments as a gentleman and a chemist, I have been accustomed to admire. The readers of the Dictionary will perceive under the articles Catcutt, Coat- * «Tt has been very properly objected to it ‘[the alkalimeter of Descvoi- silles] by Dr. Ure of Glasgow, (in an Essay on Alkalimetry, which he was so good, about two years ago, as to communicate to me in manuscript,and which believe he has not yet published,) that these degrees, being entirely arbi- trary, do not denote the value of alkalis in language universally intelligible ; and he has proposed an instrument which shall at once, and without calcu- lation, declare the true proportion of alkali in 100 parts of any specimen. The principal deviation in the following rules from the method of Dr, Ure, is,” &c. &c. 7 GAS? 430 Report on Weights and Measures. cas, Gas, Sart, &c. that I have not suffered temper to influence my judgement, but have done merited honour to the Doctor’s re- searches on every scientific occasion. I have the honour to be, sir, Your most obedient servant, Glasgow, April 15, 1821. ANDREW URE. LXXX. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on Weights and Measures. With an Appendix. Tue Select Committee appointed to consider of the several Re- ports which have been laid before this House, relating to Weights and Measures, and of the Proceedings which have taken place for determining the Length of the Pendulum vibrating Seconds, and to report their Observations and Opinion thereupon to the House ; —Have considered the matters referred to them, and have agreed to the following REporT : YOUR Committee concur entirely in opinion with the Com- missioners on Weights and Measures, as to the inexpediency of changing any standard, either of length, superficies, capacity, or of weight, which already exists in a state of acknowledged accu- racy; and where discrepancies are found between models equally authentic, they deem it right that such a selection should be made as will prove most accordant with generally received usage, and with such analogies as may connect the different quantities in the most simple ratios. They also concur in recommending, that the subdivisions of weights and measures employed in this country be retained, as being far better adapted to common practical purposes than the decimal scale. For the reasons assigned by the Commissioners, your Committee recommend that the Parliamentary brass standard of three feet, now in the possession of the House of Commons, and made by Bird in 1760, be henceforth considered as the authentic legal Standard of Length of the British Empire, so that the distance besween the centres of the two gold pins inserted in that scale, the brass being at the temperature of sixty-two degrees by Fah- renheit’s thermometer, be one yard: And it appears from the experiments made for determining the length of the Pendulum vibrating seconds at London in a vacuum, and reduced to the level of the sea, that the distance from the axis of suspension to the centre of oscillation of such a Pendulum, is 39:1393 inches of the above standard distance: and that the length of a platina metre at the temperature of thirty-two degrees of Fahrenheit’s therinometer, supposed to be the ten-millionth part of the qua- drant Report on Weights and Measures. 431 drant of the meridian, corresponds with 39°3708 inches of the said distance. Your Committee recommend, that superficial measures remain as they are now defined by law, namely, that the perch, pole or rod, be a square of 164 feet, that the acre consists of 160 such perches, and so of the rest. They further recommend, that the standard brass weight of two pounds, also in the possession of the House of Commons, and made in 1758, be considered as authentic; that one half thereof as gravitating in air at the mean height of the barometer and with the thermometer at 62°, be henceforth the legal Troy Pound of the British Empire, containing 5760 grains; and that 7000 grains troy be declared to constitute a pound avoirdupois. And it appears that a cubic inch of distilled water weighs in a vacuum, opposed to brass weights in a vacuum also, at the tem- perature of 62 degrees of Fahrenheit’s thermometer, 252°72 such grains; and consequently a cubic foot of distilled water, under similar circumstances, will weigh 62°386 pounds Avoirdupois. In proceeding to measures of capacity, which, for convenience, your Committee have postponed to those of weight, they find themselves embarrassed, as the Commissioners have been, not only by various measures designated by the same name, but by a discrepance in the multiples and sub-multiples of the same measure. They are on the whole, however, induced to believe, that the gallon of England was originally identical for all uses ; and that the variations have arisen in some cases from accident, and in others from fraud. The definition of a Winchester bushel, in the Act of King William, for laying a duty on malt, seems to have been made for the purpose of facilitating the construction of cylindrical measures by a near coincidence, without minute fractions. From this de- finition, the dry gallon would consist of 268°835 cubic inches. The Gallon measure in the Exchequer contains 270°4 cubic inches; and derived from the pint, quart, &c. the gallon will stand as follows : From the bushel ee oe ee 266:1 cubic inch. From the definition by King William 268'8 From the gallon measure... ve 270°4 From the pint is ee ee 276°9 From the quart ee 279°3 By an Act of Parliament made for revenue | 999, purposes, the beer gallon vi By an Act 42 Geo. III. the Winchester | 2721 gallon is estimated at... 7 ? The Wine Gallon is supposed to haye continued gradually shrinking 432 Report from the Select Committee shrinking in dimensions, till its progress was arrested by a fiscal definition at 231 cubic inches. This last measure differs so materially from all the rest, that it must either be retained as one quite distinct, and applicable to its peculiar uses, or, as seems most expedient, it must be abolished. But, amidst the variations and uncertainty of the remainder, your Committee agree with the Commissioners, in recommending that they may be all brought back to an equality, and at the same time made to bear a simple relation to the standard of weight, by taking the pint for a basis, which contains 20 ounces of di- stilled water avoirdupois, at the temperature of 62°, as nearly as’ it is possible to-ascertain by experiment, on a vessel of that con- struction and workmanship. If then the pint be considered as equal in bulk to 20 ounces of distilled water, at the temperature of 62°, the cubic inch weighing 252°456 grains in air, at the mean height of the baro- meter, the imperial gallon will contain 277'276 cubic inches, weighing exactly ten pounds, If the proposition now submitted should be sanctioned by the House, your Committee recommend that leave be given to bring in a Bill for declaring these Standards of Length, of Capacity, and of Weight, to be the imperial Standards for Great Britain and Ireland, and for its colonies and dependencies ; and they recom- mend that several copies of the standards be made with the ut- most possible accuracy for the use of the Exchequer, for the three capitals, for the principal foreign possessions, for the Government of France, in return for the communication of their standards ; and especially for the United States of America, where your Com- mittee have reason to believe that they will be adopted, and thus tend, in no small degree, to facilitate the commercial intercourse, and by so doing to consolidate a lasting friendship between the two great nations of the world most assimilated by their language, their laws, religion, customs and manners. Your Committee cannot close their Report, witheut adverting to the extraordinary knowledge and ingenuity, and to the inde- fatigable industry displayed by Captain Kater, by whom all the experiments have been gratuitously conducted, for ascertaining the various standards, and for determining the length of the Pen- dulum by a method peculiarly his own, and by which he has ar- rived at a degree of accuracy and precision, that, but a few years since, was declared to be utterly unattainable, This gentleman, in compliance with His Majesty’s directions, given in pursuance of an address of this House, has also observed, the variations of the Pendulum on the principal stations of the Trigonometrical Survey; and from these observations, deductions have of the House of Commons on Weights and Measures. 433 have been made of great importance with respectto the general figure of the earth, its deusity and internal construction. So that your Committee are decidedly of opinion, that it will be highly proper to extend similar observations over a still larger surface, so as to connect the measurements and astronomical observations made by the different nations of Europe, as much as possible, into one whole. Your Committee having directed their attention to the best and most practicable method of bringing the imperial measures into general use, beg leave further to recommend a legislative enactment, by which it shall be declared, that all bargains and sales, where nothing appears to the contrary, shall be degmed and taken t0 be made in conformity with these measures of length, superficies, capacity, and weight; but that for a time to be li- mnited, it shall be competent for all persons to deal by any other measures, established either by local custom, or founded on spe- cial agreement, that they may select; provided always, that the ratio or proportion of such local measures, to those established by law, may be a matter of common notoriety; and that in the case of a special agreement, the ratio or proportion be therein expressed, Your Committee subjoin in an Appendix, some computations and proportions, which they think may be of general use. 28 May 182]. Appendix. The Pendulum vibrating seconds of mean solar time at London in a vacuum, and reduced to the level of the sea, 39:1393 inches, consequently the descent of a heavy body from rest in one second of time in a vacuum, will be 193°145 inches. The logarithm 2°2858828. A platina metre at the temperature of 32°, supposed to be th ten-millionth part of the quadrant of the meridian, 39-3708 inches. The ratio to the imperial measure of three feet as 1-09363 to 1, the logarithm ()-03887 17. The five following standards have been measured, as follows: Gen, Lambton’s scale, used in the Trigono- 195 99934 aera metrical Survey of India .. phe one Sir George Shuckburgh’s scale (which for all’ purposes may be considered as identical +35°99998 with the imperial standard) Pi ee Gen. Roy’s scale .. ~., oe .- 36:00088 Royal Society standard. o0.7) gy © OOO LGD Ramsden’s bar... ee ve -. 36°00249 Vol. 57. No. 278. June 1821, Rs Weight 434 ' Report on Weights and Measures. Weight of a cubic inch of distilled water in a vacuum at the temp. 62°, as opposed 1, 24026430 to weights in a vacuum also, 252-722 [ ° grains 4 a A Se Consequently a cubic foot 62°3862 p. ha avoirdupois : oe 5 eqs Weight of a cubic inch of distilled water in air at 62° of temperature with a mean $1, 2:4021857 height of the barometer ... 252°456 g* Consequently a cubic foot 62-3206 p. avoir. 1. .1°7946314 And an ounce of water 1-73298 cubicinches, ]. 0°2387924 Cubic inches in the imperial gallon 277°276 1. 2°4429124 Diameter of the cylinder containing a nai eal av onesies high 12 18-73083 1s 12299 hRe Specific gravity of water at different temperatures, that at 62° being taken as unity. 70 0-99913 56 1:00050 44 1-00107 6S 0-99936 54 1:00064 42 1-00111 66 0:99958 52 1-00076 49 1-00113 64 0°99980 50 1:00087 38 1:00113 62 I 48 1:00095 58 1-00035 46 1-60102 The difference of temperatures between 62° and 39°, where water attains its greatest density, will vary the bulk of a gallon of water, rather less than the third of a cubic inch. And assuming from the mean of numerous estimates the ex- pansion of brass 0-00001044 for each degree of Fahrenheit’s thermometer, the difference of temperatures from 62° to 39° will vary the content of a brass gallon measure just. one-fifth of a eubie inch. It appears that the specific gravity of clear water from the ‘Thames, exceeds that of distilled water at the mean temperature, in the proportion of 1:0006 to 1, making a difference of about one-sixth of a cubic inch, on a gallon. Rain water does not differ from distilled water, so as to re- quire any allowance for common purposes. ‘7950887 LXXXI. A Table of the Reduction of the Ecliptic to the Equa- tor to every Ten Minutes of the Longitude of the Points of the Ecliptic. With the Differences, and Variation of the Reduction, for Ten Seconds Variation of the Obliquity, of the Ecliptic, for Jan.1,1801. (Obliquity Ecliptic 28° 27’ 57".) Argu- ee se ee ee ee ee A Table of the Reduction of the Ecliptic, 8c. [Tab.IV.] 485 Signs Signs * Ze 0.— and VI. I and VIL—— |} 1L—— and VIII.——] 4 g. Var. Reduction. | Diff. Reduction. | Diff. | 10” § Obl. Obl. Eclip. i Tree a MW o ff oding| 1°80]) 2 11 wi-2d! o” 9] 195 |]30 0 26-55 | 1:80] 2 10 46-43} 9255] 195i 5 26-31 | P8t|| 2 10 21-32 25-38 1-94) ~ 40 | 3606 181] 2 9 5504] Oe et! 1-94]! 30 | 95-89 1:82]] 2 9 30-30 25:9 1-93 20 | 7) 18all2 9 4:36 7224) 1-621] 10 D560 |i oer CABT Let ¢ 9) Q.VE . a cBrabGOl 2°98) neal ose TeeH uae | og, co 2 9 668) ey 1:84 2 7 44-90 2°77) 1-9n]] go 2 9 31:53) 24°95! 7-851 9 7 17-851 2297] 1-o0ll 3c 2 9 5612 nes: 1:85] 2 6 50-52 pe 1-90 2 10 20-46) 1:86 6 22-92 ~/ 1-89 | aaatnat eatin BF i eet | 27:86 |-—— 211 Bail 2784) Leal o 2 sooo 2226) veg 2 11 32-00, 5392] 1-89] 2 4 58:49 pc 187 2 11 55:35| 23°35] 1-90] 2 4 29-80] 2°02} 1-87 2 12 18-44 aod 1:90} 2 4 0:82 ey 186]} 2c 2 12 41-29) nite 1-1] 2 3 3158 his 1:86} 213 36 ,.-9| 192] 2 3 208] .--| 185127 0 2 13 26:19 ae 1:92] 2 2 32-31 ae! 184) 6 213 al arts) 2 2 as ol | 2 14 31°62) 22°54] y-94] 2 1 1-37) 3099] j-80]] 20 2 14 52:92| 223°! j-94] 2 0 30:54) 90°38) psi] 1c peel 40-22 baat 21-06 | —|—— re ea aa | ame 0|01 “52 0°28 }| 2 15 13:98] ,,. 1-95!) 1 59 59-43) 80/26 0 eee aba 49°17 \.99|| 2 15 Hen 20-76 Teel 1 a ate aha] 79 0 21 25-83) 49°14 logo] 2 15 55-26) 27°52| 1-96] 1 58 56-43 78 0 22 14-94) 491! lo-gall 2 16 15:53) 22°27) 1-96) 1 58 24°55 78 0.23 4-00) 49°00 0-33 || 2 16 35:51) 19.22 | 1-97) 1 57 5238) 35.45/17 0 23 53°02 10:34 || 2 16 55°26 19°79) 1-97] 1 57 19°98 76 —_——- | 48-98 ——|| —_—_——_ || 19-44 /-—__| : i 32° . j tel —4 2 l ‘70 }: ! 9 33 Sa soar Oa] 2 17 a au] a) 0 26 19°83) 43°89 9.37 || 0 17 52:83) 18°92) 1-98] 1 55 41-21! 3 027 8-67) 43°34 0.38] 2 18 11-501 18°97] 1-991 1 55 7-77 0 27 57°46 er 0:39 || 2 18 29:87 a 1:99], 1 54 34-08 0 28 46-20) 4°74 9-40 |] 2 18 48-00 200] 154 0-15 ven || 48:70 ee OPS 77, 2 el | sia 0| 0 29 34:90) .,-, 0'42|| 2 19 5°80] ,-.--| 2:00] 1 53 25°94 10| 0 30 23-54! 43°64 '9.43|| 2 19 23-46 1757! 2-01] 1 52 51-50 20] 0 33 12:12) 49°58 9.44] 2 19 40-78) 17°3?| 2-01) 1-52 16°81 - 30| 0 32 0°65 aoe 0°45 || 2.19 57°82 aoe 2-021 1 51 41°87| 34 40| 0 32 4913) 4°47 o-46|| 2 20 14°61| 1618) 202) 1 51 6:09 50| 0 33 37°54) 4°4! 0-47|| 2 20 31-09 2:03 1 50 31-24] 3 —_—_———_ | 48°35 — —| 16°22 — 30° 0} 9 34 25°39) jy.nq 0°48)] 2 20 47°31) 15°96 2°03) 1 49 55°55] oe. 10} 0 35 14°18] 49°59 o-g9]]'2 21 5°27) 12 e| 203] 1 49 19°64] = 20} 0 36 2-41) 49°23 o-50\] 2 21 18:93) 12°) 2-04) 1 48 43-46 30| 0 36 50°57 4310 (052 221 34°33 hy 2-04) 1 48 7°05 7 40| 0 37 38°67) fats 0°53] 2 21 49°47| }7.95| 2°04] 1 47 30-41 + 50] 0 38 26-70) 4 54 222 4:30 a 2:05] 1 46 53: - 47:96 ' ——! i Signa O.— and Vi—- TABLE continued. o 1 ] 1 1 1 1 ee ee ee 1 1 1 1 1 1 ae Signs Signs — = =|| O—— and VI.-—- I. — and VII. -— Long. ‘ a Var. x 5 SetliiVar, Belip Reduction. | Diff. Obl. Saniinean Dit. Obl. | 8 ‘Oo 0 39 14-66 i 0-55 2 29 18:89 7] 3-05 roll 0 40. 2°55) 42°89) o-s6f 2 22 33:18] 14°29 2-06 “ g9|| 0 40 50°37 47°82) 9.571 9 92 47-161 13°98 | 2-06 30|| 0 41 38:12, 47°79) 0-58] 2 23 0-89) 19°73 | 2-07 gol] 0 42 95-78] 470° | 0:59] 2 23 14:34) 13°45 | 2-07 50] © 43:13:38 a 5 | 0°60) 2 23 27°52 hs 2:08 “52 | 19: 9 oO 0 44 0-90 eet bbe 2 23 4030 | 2-08 10, © 44 48:34 oa 0°63), 2 23 53:00 eas 2:08 3 an ° +32 Pane 4 2-0 4o|| 0 47 10-16) 47°19! 0-66] 2 24 29:11] 11°77 | 2-09 50\| 0 47 57-26] 47!) 0-67] 2 24 40:56] 1145] 210 O48 44281 ,--,| 068] 2 24 51°75 || 210 0 2 0-68] 2 24 51! Paalleo 49 31-231 4°94) o-zal 2 25 tae 10°89 | 9-10 a0] 0 50 18:07} 46°85) o-7il) 2 25 13-23] 10°59 | 2-10 3010 51 4:82 4°75] o-7al 2 95 53-56] 12°33 | o-11 4o|| 0 51 51°48 fees 0:73) 2 25 33-57| 100!) ann 50|| 0 52 38:04] 495) o-74ll 2 25 43-35] 97°] 211 — NS HG na ee ; 11 ol] 0 53 24°52 ee 0-75) 2 25 52°77 oa ee iol] © 54 10-90] 4933] 0-76) 2 26 1-93] 926] 212 a0l| 0 54 57:18} 4928 0-771 2 96 1081| 888] 9-12 3011 0 55 43-36 4028! 0-781 2 26 19-40] 859] 2-19 4o|| © 56 29°44) 40°8) 0-79] 2 26 27-70 $39) 2:13 50|| 0 57 15:42| 499°) o-8oll 2 26 35-67] 797} 2-13 i a 0 58 am atl 0°82 Vy 26 - 772 OT % a 0 23 47051 42°79} 0-831 2 26 eat 12 oe g0\} 0 59 32-72| 49°67 | o-s4l| 2 26 57-931 7121) 2-14 gol 1 1 3-73 foal 36, 2 27 11-29 eH 214 50|| 1. 1 49:07 she 087] 2 27 17-53 a 214 | mame Pe Cred 5" 2 34:29] .-..,| 0:88] 2'27'° 23:46 2°15 3 19°40 4:1) O:89]) 2 27 20:12 5°66 215 4 4-41| 470!) 0-90 2.27 34-49] 2°37] 9-15 4 4929| 4485) oor) 2 97 30-53] FO4] 215 5 34:05 aie 6-92 297 44-30) 4771 o-15 6 18:70} 449) 0-93] 2 27 48-79] 449] 2-15 i 1284 ipo 9 oe ar 4:14 : 3-21 6-94) 2 27 52:93] —o. | 215 7 47-62) 44°44) O95) 2 27 soi) 388) 5-16 8 31:91) 4429! o-96 2 28 0:38) 297 | 2-16 9 16:06] 4415! o-o7] 2 28 3-62] 34] 2-16 10 010) 44°04 0-98] 2.28 664) See | 2:16 10 4401] 439") 0-99) 2 28, 9:30] 7° | 2-10 : se as 2°40 13-65 | 1700] 2 28 1-70] 9.4 [217 ‘po| Voi 2 28 13-77) 7.97 | 2-17 12 54-94} 43°92) 1-02! 2 28 15°53] 17) 2-17 13 38-331 43°39] 1-03 2 28 17-00 147) 9-17 14 21°59} 43°26) 4-04] 9 08 18-21] 12) | o-17 15 4-701 43°11) j.05) 2 98 19:07] 986] 9-47 ——| 42°99 0°69 || Sign: O.— and VL— i| ‘Signs L— and VI ‘ i 1 1 1 1 Reduction. "A Table of the Reduction of the Ecliptic, @c. (Tab. 1V.] Sig II. -— and VIIJ.— 46 16-41 45 39:03 45 ad 44 23°60 43. 45°55 43 7°25 42 28-71 41 49-98 41 11-00 AO 31:78; 39 52:35} 39 12°70 38 32:82) 37 52:72 37 12-40! 36 31°87. 35 51-11, 35 1016 34. 28:99 33 47°59, 33 5:98 32 24°17, Bl 42°15 30 59°92 30 17°50 29 3487 28 52:03 28 8:99 27 25:74 26 42°31 25 58-68 25 14°87) 24 30°86 23 46:63 23 2:25 22 17-66 21 32:89 20 47:93 20 2-80 19 17:49 18 31-99 17 46°31 17 0°47 16 14°42 15 28-22 14 41°86 13 55°31 13 8:60 — || Signs Il. a nS ‘a | Var: Diff Obl. 34 38 i‘60 3g | 1 37:59 | 92 37°84 38°05 38°30 38°54 38-73 38-98 39:22 30-43 30°65 39°88 40:10 40°32 40°53 40°76 40°95 AVA 41-40 41-61 41-81 42-02 42-23 42°42 42°63 42°84 43-04 43°25 43°43 43°63 43°81 44-01 4423 | 4-38 | 126 44:59 | 25 A477 44:96 45.13 45°31 45°50 45°68 45'84 46-05 46:20 46°36 46°55 4671 46°88 | nd VIL. ed Lullapeileatilantiandiiand cs OK OO ee ee Se ee = wmnuan~ ll ell el 1 1 1 1 i 1 a eee ee ee ee — ee A Table. of the Reduction of the Ecliptic, Be. 0. Signs and VI.—— Signs J. —— and VII.—— TABLE continued. TR “|| Reduction. Ah 15 47°69 16 30°53 17 13-23 17 55°78 18 38-20 19 20°47 20 2-61 20 44°59 21 26-44 22 $13 22 49°65 23 31-05 24 12:28 24 53°37 25 34°30 26 15:07 26 55°68 27 36°14 28 16°42 28 56°56 29 36°53 30 16°33 30 55°97 31 35°45 32 14:74 32 53°87 33 32" 84) 34 11: 64 34 50°25) 35 28°70) = | 36 6:97) 36 45:06, 37 22° 97 38 0-71 38 38° 26) 39 15°65 39 52°83 40 29°83) 4) 6°64 41 43°28 42 19-7) 42 55:97 NNNNN NWS Nnwnwnnnw 24 23 23 45°16 23 23 23 Reduction. 28 19:67 28 19:93 28 19:90 28 19°59 28 18°95 28 18:02 28 16° 9 28 15:2 28 13-42 28 11:29 28 8:83 28 6:09 _ 25 18°74 25 812 24 57:16 24 45°93 24 34°38 24 22°53 10°37 57°93 32°09 18°72 5°07 Reduction. et IID Det ee SSIS IS) 1 —m Hw we fo) WMHs SDA ER ee ee ~~ SI SI SI 1 SOAsoans 6 Iho Mm BRO aQw © NNN lo) to pt OT a) nO www — et ~~ NI ~ wns DAADDO~I | 0 47 46:82 } 0 46 55°67) ¢ | © 45 13:05) 2. 5|| 0 44 21°59) ©). | 0 43 30-02; 04 | 0 4 | 0 40 04 a te 12 21-72 11 34°68 0 46 4°42) * 2 38-35] 1 46°5 59) | ) 64°73) | OU Ly We 0 39 10-73) 25. | 2. Mi 038 18:99 | x ie _ | |Signs V.+ and pape || Signs “Sane TV 4" aa X.+ || Signs iy’. - or ph ROY ere + || [Tab.1V.] 437 Signs afd VITl. 438 A Table of the Reduction of the Ecliptic, Sc. (Tab. 1V.] TABLE continued. ad Ace | \ uf \ 1 et Signs Signs | Siens r=) 2) o— and VE— | L—— and Vi— ji—— and. VIIL—— || Long.|| reduction, | ‘Dif, [Y" |] Reduction. | Dif. |-Y2"'l] Reduction. | Dift |Y2% |/LOREN Eclip.| * : 5 Obl. | uc sisal ul. | Op), y) thee uction. uh Ep] Eclip, 24 al 147 4:35) 44 real ois 5 # tials 9 (poz! 4 | O-49)) 6 24 ‘Oo! 35) a! ea | 15! 2 51-12) "6 | 212) 0 52 1127) 42. | Od 10| 1 47 39-03] 3407 1-55) 2 22 3686 j7'2¢| 2131) 0 31 18-48) 25.29 | O47 20 1 48 15°54] 343) | 154!) 2 22 22-30) 1788/2 12! 0 30 95 61) 25.54 | 0°46 ol 1 48 4781) 3,97 | 1-54] 2 22 7-42) 2 76) 211ll 0 29 32-68] 2-9 | 0-45 40! 1 49 21-93 33°87 | 1155) 2 21 52-26 isle | 211) 0 28 39-68 93°00 | 9.45 50) 1 49 55°80 156] 2 21 3680 193°) 9-11 9 27 46-62] 93° | 0-42 aw crm an ees [eae | 15:75 ja || some — pe | alae 25 O|| 1 50 29°50| n».4-| 1°57] 2 21 21-05] .-..-| 2:10] 0 26 53:49] -n.,,| Oral 10] 151 2-97] 33-47 | 1-58] 2 21 4-98) 12.07 | 210] 0 26 ogo] 23:2 | 0-39 4 20] 1 51 36:24| 3257 | 159] 2 20 4861! 16.87) 2-09) 0.25 7-05) 23.29 | 0-38 30|| 1 52 9:30] 33.92] 1°60] 2 20 31°95] 16.93 2-09! 0 24 13-74 pa 0:36 40|] 1 52 42°16] 35.42 | 1:60] 2 20 15-02] 1753] 2-08) 0 23 20:37 Bae [00-35 501 1 53 14°79| 97° | 1-61] 2 19 57°75 2-08] 0 22 26-96, °841| 0-34 or inetp se: 32°43 es ies 17°54 —— |— 53-48 |—— 0} 1 53 47-22) 9.9) | 1°62) 2 19 4021) 17.94| 207) 0 21 33-48) ean, | 0°93) 4 10 1 54 19-43) 35-0 | 1:63) 2 19 22:38) 12°73) 2-07]! 0 20 39-97] 235. | 0-31 20)) 1 54 51°45 31°77 1-64), 2.19 4:23 18:43 2:07|| 0 19 46°40 53:62 0°30 30] 1 55 23°22) 37.59 1:65|| 2 18 45:80 18-73 | 2:06) 0 18 52°78) eo 6. 0:28 40! 1 55 54:80 31-35 | 1-65|| 2 18 27-07 19-05 2:06|| 0 17 59:13 am 0:27 50| 1 56 26-15] ° “9 | 1-66) 2 18 8-02) “7 | 2-05|/ 0.17 5:43 53°70 | 9.96 \-—- 314 | — | 19 le 53°74 [—— HabybO 57320) 73 “O7|! 2 17 48:71 Yo |) 2°05)|, 0 46 12-69)s-,,. 0:25|| 3 || 1 57 28:20 Bee 1:68] 2 17 29-09 tts 2-04) 0 15 17°91 eal 0°23 20l) 1 57 5891] 39.46 | 1:68] 2.17 9-20] 93°53] 2odl| 0 14 24-10 235) | 028 | 1 58 29°37 30-26 1-69] 2 16 48-92 20°49 2:03)! 0 13 30°26 5388 0-21 1 58 59°63) 36.09 1°70|| 2 16 28°49) 54.72 | 2:03) 0 12 36:38 53-91 | O19 | 1 59 29°65 1-70] 2.16 7-71) 2°78 | -02/| 0 11 42-47} 99! | 0-18 os 29-80 | ——|—— = 21°09 | =m | eee 53°93 |—— | | 1 59-59°45) ogenq | 171 2 15 46:62] 5)... | 2°02) 0 10 4854] wage | O17)| 2 | 20 20°04 mie 1-72\| 215 25-27 are 2011 0 9 54°56 es ors! | 2 0 5840) 55.7; | 1°72] 2 15 3:60 21-93 201] 0 9 0°60) F199 | O14 | 2 1 2751) Sago | 1°73)) 214 41-67] 55.93| 2:00] 0.8 6-60] 1 O9 | 0-13 40i| 2 1 56-40] dg.6¢| 174} 2 14 19-43] 35.24) 2-00] 0 7 1258] 2401 | O- } 2 2 25:06 1°74|| 2 13 56°91) ~~ 1-99), 0 6 18°54 0°10 | : 28-42 peed 22:89 fees 54-04 |—— 12 2 53-48) oe, | V°75|| 213 34:08] 5.00] 19S 0 5 24°50! gon | 0-08! I 12 3 21-69 ae 1:76|| 2 13 11-00 neo 1-981 0 4 30°43 phe 0:07 | 2 3 49°67] 97.99 | 1°77)| 2 12 47°61) 95.62 | 1°97) 0 3 36°36) Fi og | 0°05 | 2 4.1739) 97.49 | 177I] 2 12 23-94] 55.94) 197) 0 2 42-28] Bog | O04 40; 2 4 44°88) 27-96 | 1'78]| 2 12 0-00 24-26 1:96|/| 0 1 48:19 BA-10 | 0°02 50] 2 5 214) 9459 | 1-79] 2 11 35°74) STie9| 1:96] 0 0 54-09 Eee 0-01 300] 2 5 3916 77°? | 1-80] 2 11 11-24) 245°! 1-95] 0 0 0: of 999 | o-v0l]_ 0 0 Long: | . ‘ . |Long 5+ Siens Signs Siens | | of el V.- and XL | mvs and X.-++ IIL. and IX.+ oe ial csc | NRA MOV | ee PR [Eclip. i Enter the Table with the Longitude of the Ecliptic as the Argument, and take out the corresponding 1eduction, applying the correction for the variation of the Obliquity according as it is more or less than 28° 27° 57”. This Equa= tion applied according to its sign to the Longitude of the point of the Ecliptic gives the Sun’s Right Ascension as required, LXXXII. Varies [ 439 j LXXXII. Variation of the ©’s R. A. and Declin. for 100" Di- minution of the Obliquity of the Ecliptic. Signs O and VI. | Signs I. and VII. Signs II and VIII. ete . |Var.R.A [Var. Dec.} Var. lt. A.|Var. Dec.{Var.R.A.| Var. Dec.j Long. 19:56 | 84-64 | 300 19:50 | 84:80 50 19:44 | 84-96 40 10°37 85°12 30 19°31 85°28 20 19:25 | 85:44 10 “ Mu “ “a 0:00 0.00 17:92 | 4681 0-12 0-27 17°99 | 47-06 0:23 053 18:06 | 47-30 0°35 0:80 13-13 47°55 0-47 1:07 18:20 | 47-80 058 1:33 18-27 | 48-04 0-70 1-60 18°34 48-29 19:19 85°60 {| 29 0 0:82 1:87 18-40 48°53 19:13 85°76 50 0-93 213 18-47 48°77 19:07 8591 40 1-05 2°40 18°53 49 01 19:00 86:07 30 1-16 2°67 | 1859 | 49°25 1-28 2-93 18°65 | 49:49 18-94 86:22 20 18°88 86°38 10 1-39 3°20 18:71 49°73 151 3°A7 18:77 | 49:97 1:62 3°73 18:83 50°22 4:00 18°89 50°46 27 18°95 50:70 53 19°01 50°94 18:82 | 8653 | 280 18-75 | 86-69 50 18:68 | 8684 40 18:62 | 86:99 30 18-55 | 8714 f 20 18:48 | 87:29 | 10 2:08 4:80 19:07 51:18 18°41 87:44 | 270 2:20 5:07 1913 51-42 18-33 87:59 50 231 5:33 19:18 51-66 18:26 87°73 40 2°43 560 19:24 51:90 18:18 87°88 30 2°54 5°87 19:30 52°14 18-11 88-02 20 2°06 6:13 19°35 52:38 2-77 6°40 19°41 52°62" 17:96 83:31 | 260 2°89 6:67 19°46 52°86 17°88 88°45 50 3:00 6:93 19°52 53°10 17:81 88:59 40 312 7:20 19°57 53°34 17-7 88:73 30 g23 TAT 19-62 53°58 17°66 88:87 20 3°35 Tis 19:67 53°82 17°59 89:01 10 3:46 8-00 19:72 54:06 17°52 89:15 | 250 3°58 8:27 19°77 54°30 17°44 89:29 50 3°69 8°53 19°82 54°53 17°36 | 89°43 40 3°81 §-80 19°87 54°77 17'27 89°57 30 3°92 9:07 19-92 55:00 17:19 89°70 20 4°04 9°33 19:97 55'24 1711 89°84 10 415 9:60 20:02 55°47 17°03 89:98 | 24 0 4°26 9°87 20°06 55°70 16°95 90°31 50 4°38 10:13 20°11 .| 55°94 16:86 90:24 40 4°49 10:40 20°15 56°17 16:78 90°37 30 4°60 10-66 20°19 56°40 16°70 90°50 20 472 10:92 20°23 56°64 16°61 90:63 10 483 11-19 20:27 56°87 16°53 90'76 | 23 0 4°95 16°45 90°89 50 11°46 20°31 57°10 Signs V_ and XI. {Sigus IV. and X. Signs TIT. and 1X 440 Variation of the Sun’s Righi Ascension and Declination: Signs O and VI. | Signs I. and VII. [Signs II. and VILL a e, }Var.R.A,| Var. Dec.} Var. R.A.) Var. Dec Var. R. A.|Var. Dec. Long. Ui i] u 4] 5°06 11°72 | 20:36 | 57:34 517 11°99 | 20°40 |. 57°57 5:28 12:25 | 20°44 | 57°81 5°49 1252 | 2049 | 58:04 i ul yt 16°36 | 91-02 {23 40 16°27 91°15 30 1619 | 91-28 20 1610 | 91-40 10 5-60 | 1278 | 20:53 | 58-27 8 0 16:01 91:53 f22 0 10¢ 5°61 13°05 20°57 58°50 5 204 5:72 13:31 20°60 58°72 30 584 13°58 20°64 58°95 5°95 13°85 20°68 59:18 6:06 W411 20°71 59°40 “617 | 1438 | 2075 | 59°63 628 | 1464 | 2078 | 59°86 20} 6:39 1491 # 20:82 | 60:09 30 | 6:50 15:17 | 20:85 | 60°31 40} 661 15°44 | 20:89 | 60°54 50 20°92 | 60°77 29:96 | 61:00 694 16:23 } 20:09 | 61:23 7-05 1650 } 21:02 | 61:45 117 16:76 | 21:05 | 61:68 7:28 17:03 | 21-08 | 61-90 61-13 11 0 62°36 10 | 7-61 17-82 } 21:16 | 62:58 20} 7:72 18:09 | 21:18 | 62:80 30 | 7:83 18-3 21:20 | 63:03 40 | 7:94 18-61 § 21:23 | 63:25 50} 8:05 18:88 }| 21:25 | 63:47 8-16 1914 | 21:27 | 63-69 10} 8-26 1940 } 21:29 | 63°91 20] 83 19°67 | 21°32 | 64:13 30} 8:47 19°93 21:34 64°35 40] 858 20:19 | 21:36 | 64°57 50 64:79 65:01 3:89 20:98 | 21:43 | 65-23 9:00 21-25 | 21-45 | 65:45 9:10 21:51 | 21:47 | 65:66 9-21 21:77 1 21:49 | 65:88 66:10 14 0f 9 66°32 10} 9°52 22°56 | 21°54 | 66°53 204 9°63 22°83 | 2156 | 66°75 30} 973 | 23:09 | 21:57 | 66:96 40} 9°84 23°35 | 21:59 | 67°18 50] 9 23°62 | 21°60 | 67:39 gus V. and XI. { Signs IV. and X. Variation of the Sun’s Right Ascension and Declination. 441 Argu. Signs 0 my VIL. Signs I. and VII. [Signs IT. and VILL." 8" Long. Var. R.A.| Var. Dec.] Var. R: A:| Var. Dec. Var. R.A. Var. Dee. Long. / i “ Ml 4“ a 4/ o 15 0} 10:05 | 23:88 | 21:61 | 67-61 11:68 | 96:09 {15 lo{ 1015 | 24:14 | 21°62 | 67:82 | 11:56 | 96-08 5 20] 10:26 | 24-40 | 21°63 | 68:03 | 11-44 | 9617 40 30} 1036 | 24:67 | 21°64 | 68-25 | 11°33 | 96°25 30 404 1047 | 24:93 | 21°65 | 68:46 9 11-21 6:3 29 50.) 1057 | 25:19 | 21°66 | 68:67 | 11-09 | 96:42 10 16 0} 1068 | 25:45 | 21°67 | 68:88 | 10°97 | 96:50 fl4 0 10] 10°78 | 25:71 | 21:67 | 69:09 | 10°85 | 96:58 50 20] 10°88 | 25:97 | 21:67 | 69:30 | 1073 | 96:67 40 30} 1098 | 2623 | 21:67 | 69°51 | 1062 | 96:75 30 40} 11:08 | 26:49 | 21:67 | 69:72 J 10°50 | 96:83 20 50} 11:18 | 2675. } 21:67 | 69°93 | 1038 | 96:92 10 17. 0] 11-28 | 27-01 | 21:67 | 70-14 | 10:26 | 97:00 fi3 0 10} 11-38 | 27-27 | 21:67 | 70:35 | 10°14 | 97:07 50 20} 11:47 | 27:53 | 21-67 | 70:56 { 10°02 | 97:15 40 30} 11°57 | 27:79 | 21:67 | 70:76 | 989 | 97:22 | 30 40} 11-67 | 2805 | 21:67 | 70:97 | 9:77 | 97:30 20 50] 11:76 | 2831 } 21:67 | 71-18 9°65 | 97°37 10 18 O]} 11:86 | 28:57 | 21:67 | 71:39 953 | 97°44 [12 0 10] 11:96 | 28:83 | 21:66 | 71-59 9:41 | 97°50 50 20} 12:06 | 29:09 } 21:66 | 71:80 9:29 | 97°57 40 30} 12:15 | 20°35 | 21:65 | 72-00 9:16 | 97°64 30 40} 12:25 | 2960 | 21:65 | 72:20 9.04 | 97:70 20 50} 12:35 | 29:86 | 21-64 | 72:40 8-91 | 97°77 10 19 Of 1245 | 3012 | 21-64 | 72-60 8-79 | 9784 fll oO 10} 1254 | 30°38 | 21:63 | 72:80 8:67 | 97:90 50 20} 12:64 | 30°64} 21:62 | 73-00 8:54 | 97-97 40 30} 1274 | 3090 | 21°62 | 73-20 8-42 | 98:03 30 40} 12:83 | 31:15 | 21°61 | 73-40 8-29 | 98-09 20 50} 12°93 | 31:41-] 21-60 | 73-60 817 | 9815 10 0 of 13:03 | 31:67 | 21-59 | 73°80 8-04 | 98-21 flo o 10} 1312 | 31:93 | 21:58 | 73:99 791 | 98-27 50 204 13°22 32°19 21°57 74:19 7:79 93°32 40 30 13°31 32°45 21°56 74°38 7°66 98°38 30 40 13°40 32°71 21°55 74°58 7°53 98°44 20 50} 13°49 32°96 21°53 7477 4 7Al 98°49 10 ee ee eee 1 0} 1358 | 33:22 } 21:52 | 7497 | 7:28 | 9855 0 10} 13°67 | 3348 | 21:50 | 75-16 715 | 98°60 50 20] 13:77 | 33°73 | 21:48 | 75°36 7-02 | 98°66 40 30 13°86 33°99 21°46 75°55 6:88 98°71 30 40 13°95 34°25 21°44 75°75 | 6°75 98°76 20 501 14:04 | 3450 | 21-41 | 75°04 | 662 | 98°81 10 2 0} 1413 | 3476 | 21:39 | 7614 | 649 | 9886 [8 0 10} 1422 | 3501 | 21-37 | 7633 | 636 | 98-90 50 20} 1431 | 35°27 } 2135 | 76°52 623 | 98°95 40 30] 1440 | 35°52 | 21:34 | 76-71 610 | 98:99 30 Signs V. and XI. | Signs IV. and X. {Signs ITI, and IX. Vol. 57. No. 278, June 1$2). 3K Argu- *| Signs 0. and VI. | Signs I. and VII. ¢.1 Var. R.A.|Var. Dec Var. R.A.|Var. Dec.IVar. R.A.|Var. Dec. a “ “ MW “ “ 14-49 | 3578 | 21:32 | 7690 | 5:96 | 9903 21:30 | 77:09 | 5°83 99:08 21:28 77:28 21°25 77-47 21:23 77°65 21:20 77:84 21°18 78°03 21:15 ‘| 7821 21:12 78°40 21:08 78°58 21°05 78°77 21-01 78:95 20:98 79:14 20°94 79°32 20°91 | 79°51 20°87 79°69 20°85 79°86 20°78 | 80-04 20-74 | 8022 20:70 | 8039 20:66 | 80°57 20°62 80°75 20°58 80°93 20°54 81-10 20°50 81-28 20°46 81:46 81°64 81-8] 81:98 82:15 82:32 82:49 82:66 82:83 82:99 83°16 83°33 83°49 83°66 83:82 83:99 84:15 84°31 84°48 ; 100-00 84:64 0-00 100:00 7, and X. | Signs ITT. and TX. Variation of the Sun’s Right Ascension and Declination. 443 Note.—In whatever manner M. Burkhardt combined the ob- servations of Lacaille, Mayer, Bradley, Le-Gentil, Maskelyne, Piazzi and his own, he could never obtain more than 48”, for the Secular Variation of the Obliquity, he has concluded the ‘Seculde Diminution cannot be greater than 50”, he has never believed that it amounted to 52” ;—Lagrange states the Diminution at 56” per century; Laplace, and Delambre in his Solar Tables, 52%]. In the 2d edition of Vince’s Astronomy, from a mean of the observations of Dr, Maskelyne and several other astrono- mers, it is stated at 50’; whereas Dr. Brinkley makes it 43” only. Vide Phil. Mag. vol. 56, p. 213. ‘Norfolk-street, Lynn Regis, J. Urrine. June 4, 1821. To the Editor of the Philosophical Magazine. Lynn, June 5, 182). Dear Sir,—I have sent you a supplementary Table*, con- taining the Variation of the Sun’s Right Ascension and Declina- tion for 100 seconds Diminution of the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, in preference “to a Diminution of 60”, after the example of Mayer,” as suggested by your Correspondent in the Philosophical Magazine for last month (p. 399 of this volume) : for, in finding the proportional parts of obliquities differing from that assumed in the construction of the Tables, the operation of dividing by the first term is unnecessary, and is in my Tables dispensed with: attention only is required in pointing off the decimal places. The error in the Table of the Variation of the Sun’s Right Ascen- sion in time cannot, at its maximum, exceed about one-tenth of a second in a century: any further correction is therefore un- necessary. Such persons as choose to have the Tables copied for their use ean easily substitute the latter variations as the Diminution of the Obliquity, for the Secular Variation originally inserted in the Tables. I remain, yours truly, J. Urtine. * The Table alluded to, is that occupying the four pages immediately preceding this letter.—Epir. 3K 2 LXXXIII. On fo444] LXXXIIL. On the Passage of the Comet of 1819 across the Dis¢ of the Sun *. By M. Ovzgrs. Au the elements indicated this passage. According to those of Dirksen, the immersion was to take place at 175 30’ 34”, and the emersion at 215 5’ 37” on the 25th June 1819; the hours were reckoned according to true time, Milan meridian. At 19® 1S’ 6” the centre of the comet was only removed from that of thé sun 2’ 8". ‘The aberration retards these phases 5’ 31” and the parallax half a minute for the observatories of Germany, In the Ephemeris of Berlin for 1822, 1 concluded (says M. Olbers) from the observation of M. de Linntohed confirmed by an observation made in Austria, that the comet had been invisible on the dise of the sun; but it is now proved that the sun was not without spots-at that epoch; and if these spots were not re- marked by the two observers to whom I have alluded, the comet, much more difficult to be seen, may also have escaped their no- tice, although a more attentive or more piercing eye might have been able to discern it. The following are incontestable proofs of the existence of the spots. (1). M. Schumaker, then at Altona, had determined the col- limation of his Troughton’s sextant several times in the course of the month of June; and among others, on the 25th at 20". He recollects most positively of never having seen the sun without spots. The glass of the sextant multiplied nearly teil times; it is therefore not probable that one of these spots could be the comet. (2.) Professor Brandes at Breslau viewed the sun on the 26th of June, a little before midday, with a glass of a thirty-four times multiplying power, and he perceived a spot distinctly visible, al- most passing behind the disc, and precisely at the place where it ought to have been according to the preceding observations. This observation becomes important when compared with that of Dr. Gruithuisen inserted in the Gazette Politique of Munich, of the 12th of August 1819. According to the Meteorological Journal of Dr. Gruithuisen, there were on the 26th of June, at eight in the morning, two small spots without nebulosity near the west limb of the sun. One also was seen in the midst of the apparent dise. As well as he can recollect, the spot in the mid- dle was very small and undefined ; it is possible, therefore, that this philosopher might have seen the comet on the dise of the sun. Nevertheless doubts must still remain, until we learn that some other observer has seen this black point, either forward * Extracted from a Memoir by M. Olbers in the Ephemeris of Berlin for 1823. near On the Comet of 1819. 445 near the south limb, or behind near the north limb, consider- ing that spots have never been seen in the neighbourhood of the poles of the sun. This spot in the middle appeared some- what larger than double the size of the fourth satellite of Jupiter ; it was not an old spot; indeed, four days before M. Gruithuisen had observed the following spots : ‘“< Near the west limb a large spot with nebulosity. ‘© Towards the middle, but still a little to the west, three new spots rather large, and some smaller ones. <¢ And very near the east limb a small spot. «‘ The large spots in the middle were on the 26th of June near the west limb, and had greatly diminished; that on the east limb had disappeared ; at least it is certain that it had not ar- rived at the middle of the sun in four days. It follows, that the small black spot in the middle of the disc on the 26th of June was a new spot, or the nucleus of the comet.” The observations of MM. Brandes and Gruithuisen appear to indicate that between the 23d and 28th of June none of the or- dinary spots seen before or after that period had reached the mid- dle of the solar disc; and the observation made at Hanover by Professor Wildt, appears to confirm that made on the 26th of June by M. Gruithuisen. “© | observed the sun,” says M.Wildt, “ about tHe 26th of June, one or two days sooner or later, and I saw an undefined spot, of which I still recollect the size and the situation. I believe it was the comet I saw upon the sun; my observation was made towards seven in the morning, and might have indicated the situation and the size of the comet. It is perhaps the only time that I did not commit my observation to writing; but the spot was so faint, and so indeterminate, that it appeared to me of little interest. It is truly to be regretted that the idea of a comet had not oc- curred to me. The fact of not having written down my observa- tion leads me to think that it must have been on the 26th of June; for I am aware of cirenmstances which might have de- prived me of the opportunity on that day. If then the calcula- tions of M. Olbers were confirmed by my observations, I should be inclined to believe that it was the comet which I saw on the sun’s disc.” ‘© T will not decide,’”’ adds M.Olbers,‘ whether what MM.Grui- thuisen and Wildt saw upon the sun (at the period of the passage) was really the comet, or an ordinary spot. However, none of the spots seen before the 26th of June could be on that day in the middle of the disc; and M. Brandes could not perceive at twelve o'clock the spot observed at eight by M. Gruithuisen: these two facts appear very remarkable. It is to be regretted, that there has not been any decisive observation of a phenomenon so interesting 446 Electro-magnetic Experiments. interesting and so rare; but it has appeared to me proper, never- theless, to collect here all the observations on the solar dise made on the 26th of June 1819, of which I have been able to receive an account.” LXXXIV. Electro-magnetic Experiments. By Mr.J.Tatum. Dorset-street, May 17, 1821. Sir, — I; you are of opinion that the following arrangement of Electro-magnetic Apparatus, and experiments performed with it, are worthy of a place in your publication, they are at your ser- vice. Iam, sir, yours, &c. ‘ J. TATUM. To the Editor of the Phil. Mag. Let A, B, C and D (fig. A, Plate IV) represent a copper ves- sel about four inches by three, and about half an inch wide, in which is inserted a plate of zinc z z, similar to that of Professor CErsted, as described in your Magazine for January, page 46, ex- cepting only that that was suspended by means of a loop of thread, and this is supported by a fine point, at the bottom, and one at the top of the copper vessel; so as to allow it to rotate freely when put in action bya very small power. Let E, F, G, H and I represent a copper wire soldered to the plate of zinc at E, and continued to F, where it is bent at aright angle, and continued to G, H, and I, where it is soldered to one side of the copper vessel. Let the copper vessel be filled with diluted nitro-sulphuric acid, and the following phenomena will be observed. 1. On bringing the north pole of a strong magnetic bar under the copper wire near G, the apparatus will be strongly repelled, and rotate quickly on its axis. 2. If the south pole of the same bar be presented, the appa- ratus will as quickly rotate by attraction. 3. On bringing the north pole above the wire near F, the apparatus will rotate by attraction. 4, But on approaching the same part of the wire, with the south pole of the magnet, the apparatus will rotate by repulsion. 5. If some fine iron filings be sprinkled or dropt on the wire, or if a piece of paper containing such be brought under the same, so as it may touch them, they will adhere to it in little clots. ‘This experime:.t succeeds if the wire be brass or platina. 6. If the north pole of a magnetic needle be brought under the wire, it is violently repelled. 7. If the south pole be presented to the same part, it will be attracted, 8. On Notices respecting New Books. 447 8. On bringing the north pole above the wire, it is attracted, 9. But the south pole will be repelled. A friend who called on me, to see the action of the apparatus, observed, that if we should alter the position of the copper wire, so as to enable us to bring a small needle between it and the copper vessel, we should find that the under surface would either attract or repel the needle, according to the position in which it was held. Accordingly, on altering the apparatus, it was found to answer what he anticipated. The above apparatus is well calculated to show the rotatory motion, as there is no twisting or untwisting of a thread, which will alter by the addition of weight or moisture. LXXXY. Notices respecting New Books. A Treatisg on Scrofula (to which the Jacksonian Prize for the year 1815 was adjudged by the Court of Examiners of the Royal "College of Surgeons) ; describing the Morbid Alteration it pro- duces in the Structure of all the different Parts of the Body, and the best mode of treating it, particularly in Children; also its Connection with Diseases of the Spine, Joints, Eyes, and Glands, more especially of the Female Breasts, Testes, and Prostate Glands ; with particular reference also to the most improved Plan of treating Spinal Curvatures. To which is added, an Account of the Ophthalmia, so long prevalent in Christ’s Hospital. By Eusebius Arthur Lloyd, Member of the Royal College of Sur- geons in London, &c. One volume 8vo, A Dissertation on Lime, and its Use and Abuse in Agriculture, By Thomas Hornby. 8vo, 2s, The British Botanist ; or, a familiar Introduction to ie Science of Botany. Fifteen Plates. }2mo. 7s. 6d.; coloured 10s. 6d. The Botanical Cultivator ; or, Instructions for the Manage- ment of Plants cultivated in the Hot-houses of Great Britain. By Robert Sweet, F.L.S. 8vo. 10s. 6d. A Manual of the Diseases of the Human Eye, intended for Surgeons commencing Practice; translated from the German of Dr. Charles Hen. Weller, of Berlin. By G. C. Monteath, M.D. 2 vols, 8vo.; with four coloured Plates representing 37 diseased Eyes. 1d. 10s. Illustrations of the Great Operations of Surgery, Trepan, Her- nia, Amputation, Aneurism, and Lithotomy. By Charles Bell, F.R.S. E., containing 21 Plates, Large 4to, 32. 15s.; coloured 51. 5s. A Treatise on the Medical Powers of the Nitro-muriatic Acid Bath, in various Diseases, By Walter Dunlop, Surgeon, Syo. 2s, A View 418 Notices respecting New Books. A View of the Structure, Functions and Disorders of the Sto- mach and Alimentary Organs of the Human Body ; with physio- logical Observations and Remarks upon the Qualities and Effects of Food and fermented Liquors. By T. Hare. S8vo. 12s. A Treatise on the Epidemic Cholera of India. By Jatmes Boyle. Svo. 5s. Practical Observations on those Disorders of the Liver, and other Organs of Digestion, which produce the several Forms and Varieties of the bilious Complaint. By Joseph Ayre, M.D. 8s. 6d. A Description of Surgical Operations originally peculiar to the Japanese and Chinese, and by them denominated Zin King; now introduced into European Practice, with Directions, &e. By J. M. Churchill, Surgeon, 4s. Familiar Lessons on Mineralogy and Geology. By J. Mawe. 12mo. 5s. . Preparing for Publication. The First Volume (dedicated by Permission to His Majesty) of A General History of Birds, by John Latham, M.D. F.R.S, to be completed in ‘en Volumes, demy 4to, with at least 1S0 co- loured Plates, is intended to appear in a few days, and the succeeding volumes at intervals of about three months. The Principles and Doctrines of Assurances, Annuities on Lives, and of Contingent Reversions, stated and explained. By W. Morgan, Esq. F.R.S. Actuary of the Equitable Life Insurance Office. An Account of the Fossils of the South Downs; or Outlines of the Geology of the South-eastern Division of Sussex ; in Roya! 4to; illustrated by numerous Engravings. By Mr. Mantell, of Lewes. A Journal of a Residence in the Burhman Empire, and parti- enlarly at the Court of Amarapoora. By Capt. Cox. The Conchology of the British Islands ; a splendid work in 4to. By Dr. Turton. With 19 Plates. The Parent’s Medical and Surgical Assistant ; intended for the use of the Heads of Families, parochial Clergymen, and others ; affording familiar and popular Directions for the Management of the sudden Illness and various Accidents that require a prompt and judicious Treatment, and wil] not admit of the delay neces- sary for procuring advice. By Thomas Ayre Bromhead, M.B. Christ’s College, Cambridge. In a small volume. John Ayrton Paris, M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Phy- sicians, and John S. M. Fonblanque, Esq. Barrister at Law, have in considerable forwardness a work to be comprised in one volume in 8vo, and entitled “* Medical Jurisprudence.”’ It will compre- hend Medical, Chemical, Anatomical and Surgical Investigations, applicable to Forensic Practice, for the Instruction and Guidance of Astronomical Society. 449 of Coroners, Magistrates, Counsel, and Medical Witnesses: with a copious Appendix of Statutes, Cases and Decisions. A Treatise of the Principles of Bridges by Suspension, with Re- ference to the Catenary, and exemplified by the Cable Bridge now in progress over the Strait of Menai. In it the Properties of the Catenary will be fully investigated, and those of Arches and Piers will be derived from the Motion of a Projectile. It will contain practical Tables, a Table of the Dimensions of a Ca- tenary, and ‘l'ables of the principal Chain, Rope, Stone, Wood and Iron Bridges, with the Dimensions of them, erected in dif- ferent Countries. LXXXVI. Proceedings of Learned Societies. ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. June 8. Luts Society met for the last time this sessions, when ‘several letters were read from foreign astronomers detailing some interesting particulars in the science. A communication was also made from the venerable president (Sir Wm. Herschel) of a new list of double stars. A paper was then read, from the Rev. Dr. Pearson, relative to his prismatic eye-piece; being, in some measure, a continuation of his former papers on this subject. —As this Society are now printing their Transactions, we shall abstain from noticing any further particulars: since the papers themselves will, in a short time, be before the public. The Society has adjourned to Friday, November 9th. PHRENOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. This Society has just published a Report of its proceedings since its establishment on the 22d of Feb. 1820, to the close of the second Session on the 23d of April 1821, of which the fol- lowing is a pretty copious abstract : “¢ The existence of this Society implies a belief in the members, that the brain is the organ of the mind, and that particular parts of it are the organs of particular mental faculties; and that these facts afford a key to the true philosophy of man. ‘T'he Society is aware of the opposition which the doctrines have met with, aud of the ridicule which has been cast upon them; but they know also, that in all ages a similar reception has been given to the most important discoveries ; which, nevertheless, have in time prevailed. * The propositions that Consciousness reveals nothing in regard to the seat or distribution of the organs of the mind, and Dissec- tion nothing in regard to the functions of the brain, are so ob- Vol, 57. No, 278. June 1821. 3 L viously 450 Phrenological Society of Edinburgh. viously true, that they admit of no dispute. Never theless, philo- sophers on the mind, in conducting their inquiries, have relied too much on mere mental reflection; while physiologists, in seeking to discover the functions of the brain, have resorted too exclusively to dissection. These facts explain the past and pre- sent ignorance of mankind in general, on these interesting points in the philosophy of man ; and point out, in the clearest man- ner, the necessity of resorting to a new method of inquiry, that more perfect information may be obtained. Dr. Gall was the first to introduce the mode of comparing mental manifestations with cerebral development; and this method has led to discoveries which could never have been attained by the means previously employed. By this mode of philosophising, the Phrenologist has attained knowledge in place of ignorance, and system in place of hypothesis, in many points highly important in the philosophy of the mind, and the physiology of the brain; and while he per- ceives, with, a mixture of pity and regret, the determination with which many sensible men adhere to the former defective systems, he feels a perfect conviction that the new method requires only to be studied to be highly appreciated; and that as it becomes known the present opposition must disappear. The ridicule with which the new doctrines are pursued gives the Society no un- easiness. They have experience for their warrant in saying, that it is uniformly in the ratio of the ignorance of him from whom it proceeds; and they know that no enlightened individual ever compared mental manifestations and development of brain, with a serious desire to discover the truth, who found it possible to continue to scoff. Those who made the discoveries of Galileo and Newton objects of their wit, appear now to have been shal- low-minded indeed ; and those who have found subjects of ridi- cule in the constitution of their own nature, will probably be judged by posterity to have been not more profound. The Phre- nologist knows that the organization and functions of the brain are as independent of human belief as the motions of the globe. Individuals, therefore, may scoff at the doctrines of phrenology, and think them too ridiculous to merit an inquiry: but the So- ciety are convineed, that nevertheless every human being will continue, although unconsciously to himself, to manifest his fa- culties, by means of different parts of the brain, and with a power correspdnding to their size and activity; and that mankind at large will believe the fact, as they did the revolution of the globe, whenever they turn their attention to the evidence. The Society, therefore, hold the principles of Phrenology as no longer subject to doubt 5 and while they recommend an attention to the subject to every reflecting and virtuous individual, who considers a know- ledge of himself and of human nature as an olfiect of a he they Phrenological Society of Edinburgh. 451 they conceive themselves called upon to direct their own efforts rather to enlarge and apply the truths which Phrenology reveals, than to strengthen the evidence on which the general principles rest.” During the first season the following Essays were read : “¢ An Essay accounting for the Rise and Progress of Society, on Phrenological Principles, illustrated by Casts of the Skulls of In- dividuals of a Variety of Nations, in different Stages of Civiliza- tion; by Mr. G. Combe. ** On the different Species of Philosophy, and on the Facilities afforded by Phrenology for the Study of Man ; by the Rev. David Welsh. *¢ On the Connection betwixt the Mind and the Brain; by Mr. James Brownlee. ** On Insanity, as illustrated by Phrenology. By Mr. Andrew Combe. “ On the Relation betwixt Metaphysics and Phrenology ; by Mr. William Ritchie. “© On the Principles of Dramatic Compositions, as illustrated by the Views of the human Mind afforded by Phrenology; by Mr. G. Combe. ** Miss Clara Fisher, a child of nine years of age, having ap- peared on the Edinburgh stage, and exhibited great and preco- cious talent, the Society, through the kind permission of her father, procured a cast and a drawing of her head; and on 30th June, these, along with an analytical account of her mental manifesta- tions, were presented to the Society by a Committee appointed for the purpose. ** On the Advantages to be derived from studying Man on ~ Phrenological Principles ; by the Rev. A’ Stewart. ** August Ist, A Collection of Skulls of the lower Animals was presented and examined, and the Correspondence betwixt their Instincts, and the Development of their Heads, was pointed out, so far as known; by Dr. Robert Willis. ** This terminated the first session of the Society, which du- ring this period consisted of ten members: the meetings were adjourned till November in the same year.” “‘ During the second session, the following Essays were read: «1, An Explanation of some Differences in Taste, on Phre- nological Principles; by Sir G. S. Mackenzie. ‘© 2. On the Causes of the Imperfection of Metaphysical Sci- ence, and on the Means of removing them ; by Mr. G. Combe. 3. Phrenological Observations on Haydon’ s Picture of Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem; by Sir G. Mackenzie and Mr. A. Bu- chanan. * 4, On the Talents of eminent Men, as illustrated by their 3L2 cerebral 452 Phrenological Society of Edinburgh. . cerebral Development; and, in particular, on the Genius of certain living Characters whose Development is known; by Mr. A. Bu- chanan. “5, Further Observations on the Progress of Civilization in different Nations, as illustrated by Casts of their Skulls; by Mr. G. Combe. <¢ 6. On the Tendency which Phrenology is supposed to have towards Materialism, and on the Means which it affords of ac- counting for the Diversity of Characters and intellectual Endow- ments observable among Mankind; by Mr. Brownlee. “7, On Dr. Thomas Brown’s System of Metaphysics and Morals, as connected with Phrenology; by Mr. Ritchie. “8. Observations on Mr. Owen’s Plan for banishing Vice and Misery from Society, as affected by the Doctrine of innate Dis- positions, and on the other Means which remain of improving the Condition of the human Race; by Mr. G. Combe. <* One of the most obvious truths in the philosophy of man is, that the character and conduct of individuals are the results of their innate dispositions and talents exercised by themselves, and modified by the circumstances in which they are placed. It fol- lows from this principle, that crimes arise from unfortunate na- tural dispositions ; from neglected education; from the influence of unfavourable circumstances ; or from the joint action of all these causes. The causes of crimes must be known before ef- fectual measures can be adopted for their prevention ; and hence it becomes an important object to discover, in what respect, or to what extent, the actions of criminals arise from natural ten- dencies, and to what extent from excitement produced by the circumstances in which they are placed. The first of these in- quiries has hitherto been altogether neglected, from the impos- sibility experienced of attaining philosophical knowledge upon the subject ; and while the first is unknown, any opinion formed upon the second must necessarily be imperfect. Phrenology affords the means of overcoming the difficulties of attaining in- formation respecting the natural dispositions. The natural energy of the propensities, sentiments, and intellectual faculties, is in proportion to the size and activity of the organs, and these can be ascertained by observation. “The Society, therefore, with the view of ascertaining the spe- cial combination of mental faculties, which exposes individuals most particularly to the temptation of committing crimes, have endeavoured to procure casts of the heads and skulls of as many criminals as possible. Reports’on the conduct and development of four individuals of this description, illustrated by casts of their heads, were read to the Society. “The Phrenological Society of Edinburgh. 453 “ The following reports and notices have also been read : - © Report on the Skull of King Robert Bruce, with Observa- tions on the Character which it indicates, compared with his History; by Mr. James Law. ‘© Observations on the Talents of several distinguished Indivi- duals, as indicated by the Development of their Heads, shown in their Portraits produced to the Society; by Mr. James Stewart. ‘© Historical Notice of early Opinions regarding the Functions of the Brain; by Mr. W.C. Trevelyan and Mr. George Combe. *« Notice of Cardan, the Philosopher, and of some Peculiarities of his Character, indicating a particular Endowment of several Faculties; by Mr. W. C. Trevelyan. ‘© No object is more interesting to Society, than the allotment of particular professions or occupations to individuals most fitted by nature to pursue them with advantage. Phrenology, by means of the cerebral development, affords a powerful help for discover- ing the natural dispositions and talents of individuals. The chief difficulty which remains, is to predict the effects of particular combinations of the primitive powers, and of particular modes of education upon them. Experience only can lead to certain know- ledge upon these points; but experience can be obtained only by experiment and observation. The Society, therefore, by the kindness of a lady, who takes an interest in the science of Phre- nology, has been made acquainted with the case of a girl of nine years of age, selected for education to a particular pursuit, on account of her cerebral development appearing eminently to fit her for such an avocation. A cast of the head has been made, and a report of her development and endowments at the time when her instruction commenced, has been placed among the records of the Society; and time will show how far the anticipa- tions formed have been well or ill founded. It is three mouths since the course of instruction was begun ; and hitherto the indi- cations have surpassed, rather than fallen short of, the expecta- tions entertained.” A list of the Members composing the Society is attached to the Report: ordinary Members forty-two ; honorary Members three ; corresponding Members five. CEYLON LIVERARY SOCIETY. A Society for investigating the Natural and Civil History, Geo- graphy, &c. of Ceylon, was established under the patronage of the Hon. the Lieutenant Governor, at a meeting of Gentlemen of His Majesty’s service, civil and military, held at the King’s House in Colombo, the 11th of last December. The objects to which the attention of the Society seem principally to be directed are : ist. ** The Geography, Geology, and Mineralogy of thn zuly, 454 Ceylon Literary Society. _ Qdly. “ Its Botany, perhaps the richest and least exhausted of any in the world. In this branch the history of the Cinnamon tree, the various Palms so important to the sustenance of the people, the Rice, and the numerous other kinds of grains culti- vated in the island; aud modes of improving agriculture, well deserve very particular investigation. 3dly. ‘* The Fishes of Ceylon, so various and yet almost unde- scribed; its Conchology, in which the Trincomalee and Manar districts particularly are so abundant, its Quadrupeds, Birds, In- sects, and Amphibia including Serpents, afford subjects highly important for consideration. 4thly. ** For the study of the Civil History, Language and Customs of the People, the facility of communication with the Kandyans offers advantages not hitherto eujoyed; and as the active curiosity of the Members will probably furnish to the So- ciety inuch to illustrate the antiquities and topography of the country, as well as the other points to which its labours will be directed; the establishment of a Museum, which is proposed as part of the system, will serve to bring together specimens appli- cable to all these various heads, contributions to which are earn- estly solicited from the public at large. «© The Fund to be raised by the Subscription of the Members, will be applicable to the hire of a house for the meetings of the Society, and for its Museum (unless it should please Government — in patronage of the plan to assign it a building gratuitously for these purposes).” The Society at its first meeting could boast of no less than fifty- one Members, all emulous for the success of the Institution. The Hon. Major-General Sir E. Barnes, the patron, was elected President. The Hon. Sir Hardinge Gifford; the Hon. Sir Richard Ottley; the Hon. R. Boyd, Esq.; the Hon. J. W. Car- rington, Esq. 3 the Hon. .and Venerable Dr. Twisleton and Dr. Farrell were elected Vice-Presidents ; and the following gentle - men were named as a General Committee for managing the concerns of the Society, till the first meeting in 1822 (the Com- mittee thenceforward to be elected annually), viz. Lieut.-Col. Wright; Lieut.-Col. Walker; Dr. Dwyer; W. Granville, Esq.; A. Moon, Esq. ; G. Turnour, Esq. ; J. Deane, Esq. ; Major Delatre ; J. G. Forbes, Esq.; Rev. C. Lyon; H. A. Marshall, Esq.; Lieut. Gascoigne ; Rev. J. G. Glenie; Lieut.- Col. Hamilton ; Lieut. Thompson. This General Committee divides itself into three Sub-com- mittees of five Members each; viz. Ist, of Natural History and Agriculture; 2dly, of Geology, Mineralogy, and Geography; 3dly, of Civil History, Languages, and Antiquities. Natives of respectability are eligible as honorary Members. LXXXVI. In- [ 455 ] LXXXVIIL. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles. Chatham, June 2, }821. Sir, a Fs any of the readers of the Philosophical Magazine will favour me with the following information, I shall feel much obliged. Suppose a floating body of a cubical form, one-third of which is above water, Where is the point situated, by which it can be moved in a horizontal direction with the least effort? If this subject has been noticed by any writer, under what title is it to be found? By inserting this, and the answer, if it is favoured with one, in your very valuable miscellany, you will much oblige Your most obedient servant, &c. To the Editor of the Phil. Mag. Je Ke Re LARGE REFLECTING TELESCOPE. Mr. J. Ramage, of Aberdeen, has constructed a 25 feet reflect- _ ing telescope, the speculum of which is 25 feet focal length, and 15 inches diameter, bearing magnifying powers from 50 to 1500. This is the largest telescope of the kind ever made, except Sir W. Herschel’s. The mechanism by which the observer and the instrument are moved, is simple and well contrived. 2 TRAVELLERS. An English traveller of the name of Cochrane has reached Irkutsk on foot, on his road to America, by the north-east pro- montory of Asia. On the 13th of September last, he had tra- velled 8000 versts in 123 days entirely on foot. He sleeps in the open air, and wears nankeen breeches. Mr. Campbell, the Missionary, has returned from a second journey in South Africa. On this occasion he penetrated 800 miles from Cape Town, a greater distance than any other tra- veller had before penetrated, and considerably bevond Latakoo. He has discovered several large towns; some containiug 10,000 or 12,000 inhabitants. The people were found friendly and docile, possessing some skill in the manufacture of pottery, in smelting of iron, and other arts, and so intelligent as to know the value of and wish for the introduction of better informed artizaus. They likewise desire to have missionaries sent among them. Messrs. Waddington and Hanbury, two of our adventurous countrymen who have visited Upper Egypt, may be expected in England by the end of this year, They are said to have disco- vered the city of ancient Meroe, spoker: of by Herodotus, lib. ii. cap. 29; by Diodorus Siculus, i. 33; by Strabo, XViis 5 and by Josephus, ii. 10. [t was anciently called Saba, which name was changed to that of Meroe by Cambyses, in honour of his wife or sister. . NATIVE 456 Oxide of Chrome. NATIVE OXIDE OF CHROME *. The combinations of this metal with two others, namely lead and iron, under different forms, have for some time found a place in our catalogues of minerals. A place must now also be made for chrome itself in that division of mineralogical systems which is allotted to the metals. I am not aware at least, that the oxide of chrome has yet been found by any one in a native state ; cer- tainly it has not been enumerated in any system of mineralogy. I have recently discovered it here in Shetland, in the island of Unst. It is found in cavities in the chromate of iron, which abounds in this island, so as, for the space of many miles, to be scattered over the surface of the ground, and even to be used in common with the loose stones which it accompanies in the building of dykes. This oxide is easily recognised by its beautiful green colour, and does not seem to differ from the green oxide produced in our laboratories by the action of heat. In some places it is merely diffused through the fissures of the ore; in others it occupies cavities resembling those of the amygdaloids, It is sometimes found in a powdery form; but at others it is compacted into a solid substance, bearing the marks of a crystalline structure, and somewhat translucent. Although it appears to be in abundance, when the specimens that. contain it are broken, that effect is only the consequence of the brilliancy and contrast of its colour with the black and dark gray of the surrounding chromate of iron. It would be very difficult to collect many grains of it in a separate state from any of the fragments of the black ore which I ex- amined. ; The green oxide is accompanied by a yellow oxide of chrome, in cavities generally distinct from it, ‘but sometimes intermixed, and in somewhat less abundance, This latter is more generally in the form of powder than the green. As the green oxide of chrome changes to yellow by heating it, M. Vauquelin appears to think that these are distinct oxides ; but this point does not seem to have as yet been very satisfactorily examined. For the present purposes it will, at any rate, be more convenient to consider them merely as varieties of ove mineral species. Those mineralogical writers who are desirous of increasing the number of species may easily follow a different course. The mineral distinction of the oxide of chrome may be com- prised in the following terms: Oxide of Chrome.—This mineral is of a bright grass green co- Jour, or else pale yellow; and is found either in a powdery ora compact form, In the former case, the aspect is dull; in the * Journal of Science, No. 21. latter, Curious Geological Facts. 457 latter, the lustre resembles that of compactly crystallized lime- stone, or marble, It either invests surfaces, or fills cavities in chromate of iron. Its specific gravity has net been examined. It is soluble boiling in the alkalies, and communicates to them a green colour; but the solution is decomposed by further boiling, and the oxide is precipitated. By this character, and by its communicating a green tinge to glass, before the blow-pipe, it may be recogniscal and distinguished. It occurs in Unst, one of the Shetland isles. Lest your readers should conceive that I had fallen into an error, in describing this mineral as new, I ought to add to this communication, that the oxide of chrome, described in Monsieur Lucas’s arrangement of minerals, is a very different substance, and, I may add, improperly named. I need not quote from a book which is in the hands of many mineralogists. It is sufficient to remark, that his mineral is a compound substance, into which the oxide in question enters only as an ingredient. It would be proper that its name should be changed, to prevent confusion ; the right of possession is clearly in the present substance. I am yours, &c. Shetland, August 1820. J. MacCuLiocH. CURIOUS GEOLOGICAL FACTS. The following curious fact was stated in the Quarterly Re- view, No. 43, p. 52, in an account of the quarries of marble whence the blocks are taken for the construction of the Plymouth hreak-water : “¢ The quarries are situated at Oreston, on the eastern shore of Catwater; they lie under a surface of about twenty-five acres, and were purchased from the Duke of Bedford for 10,0002. They consist of one vast mass of compact close-grained marble, many specimens of which are beautifully variegated; seams of clay however are interposed through the rock, in which there are also large cavitics, some empty, and others partially filled with clay. In one of these caverns in the solid rock, fifteen feet wide, forty-five feet long, and twelve feet deep, filled nearly with com- pact clay, were found imbedded fossil bones belonging to the rhinoceros, being portions of the skeletons of three different ani- mals, all of them in the most perfect state of preservation, every part of their surface entire to a degree which Sir Everard Home says he had never observed in specimens of this kind before. The part of the cavity in which these bones were found was seventy feet below the surface of the solid rock, sixty feet horizontally from the edge of the cliff where Mr. Whitby began to work the quarry, and one hundred and sixty feet from the original edge by the side of the Catwater. Every side of the cave was solid rock : the inside had no incrustation of stalactite, nor was there any ex- Vol. 57. No. 278. June 1821, 3M ternal 458 Curious Geological Facts. ternal communication through the rock in which it was imbedded, nor any appearance of an opening from above, being inclosed by infiltration. When, therefore, and in what manner these bones came into that situation, is among the secret and wonderful ope- rations of nature, which will probably never be revealed to man- kind.” Professor Silliman having given a place to the foregoing in bis American Journal of Science, No. 5, subjoins to it the fol- lowing extract, translated from Count Bournon’s Mineralogy, as a fact still more interesting : « During the years 1786, 7, and 8, they were occupied near Aix in Provence, in'France, in quarrying stone for the rebuilding, upon a vast scale, of the Palace of Justice. The stone was a limestone of a deep grey, and of that kind which are tender when they come out of the quarry, Lut harden by exposure to the air. The strata were separated from one another by a bed of sand mixed with clay, more or less calcareous. The first which were wrought presented no appearance of any foreign bodies ; but, after the workmen had removed the first ten beds, they were astonished, when taking away the eleventh, to find its inferior surface, at the depth of forty or fifty feet, covered with shells. The stone of this bed having been removed, as they were taking away a stratum of argillaceous sand, which separated the eleventh bed from the twelfth, they found stumps of columns and frag- ments of stones half wrought, and the stone was exactly similar to that of the quarry: they found moreover coins, handles of hammers, and other tools or fragments of tools in wood. But that which principally commanded their attention, was a board about one inch thick and seven or eight feet long; it was broken into many pieces, of which none were missing, and it was possi- ble to join them again one to another, and to restore to the board or plate its original form, which was that of the boards of the same kind used by the masons and quarry men: it was worn in the same manner, rounded and waving upon the edges. , « The stones which were completely or partly wrought, had not at all changed in their nature, but the fragments of the board, and the instruments, and the pieces of instruments of wood, had been changed into agates, which were very fine and agreeably co- loured. Here then (observes Count Bournon) we have the traces of a work executed by the hand of man, placed at the depth of fifty feet, and covered with eleven beds of compact limestone: every thing tended to prove that this work had heen executed upon the spot where the traces existed. The presence of man had then preceded the formation of this stone, and that very cou- siderably, since he was already arrived at such a degree of civili- zation that the arts were known to him, and that he wrought the stone and formed columns out of it.” AGRI- Agriculture. 459 AGRICULTURE. Major-General Beatson, a practical and experimental agricul- turist, has addressed his plan of culture to the farmers of the three kingdoms, and has made an estimate of his expenses in cropping 29 acres of wheat at Knowle Farm, near Tunbridge Wells. He states that his practice has proved, that the cheap and universal manure of clay-ashes on calcined or roasted soil, with the stubbles, &c. on the st is sufficient and preferable for corn crops on stiff soils, and much other land, to lime or dung, and may be applied at the expense of 20s. an acre, instead of the Sussex and Hampshire practice of lime and marl at 7/., and of dung or other manures of an equal or greater cost. He has also invented a new implement of much power, and various ap- plication to the soil, as a general substitute for the ploughs and harrows in common use. This iustrument pulverises the soil, and prepares it for corn crops, with one horse instead of four, and will go over three acres a day at an expense of 10s. Id. to lls. 4d. per acre only. He recommends the disuse of naked summer fallows in alnsost all cases. The whole expense of Ais cultivation for wheat, in rent, taxes, seed, cattle, labour, and manure, for the present year, is only 5d, an acre; and his crop of wheat, allowing only 20 bushels an acre, instead of 30 to 40, as last harvest, will cost no more than 405. a quarter. The cost of growing an acre of wheat in Sussex has been stated to be 16. In Yorkshire 120 bushels of bones, at 2s. Gd. a bushel, have been applied to one acre of land, to force crops of 32 to 35 bushels. In 1815, Mr. James Buxton, in evidence before the House of Commons, showed, in three statements, that the aver- age expense for an acre of wheat in Essex was 14/. los. 11d. Lord Nugent, in his letter to Mr. Baker,in December last, writes, «‘ Farmers are suffering, not because the produce is too cheap, but because the means of raising it are too dear ;’’ and adds— “‘ the more cheaply the food of man can be supplied, sure/y the better, if it be sold at a rate which will afford a fair return to him who grows it.”” General Beatson, from all his experience of practice, is thoroughly convinced of the advantages of his method over the old Sussex plan, with which he particularly contrasts it; and he appeals to the facts and result.of the expense of his cultivation, and the produce of his land, and its condition, at the next harvest, of which the observation and the proofs will | e pal- pable. A crop of wheat of average produce, compared with si- milar soils, and grown at a cost of 40s. a quarter, differs widely from the common claim of 80s. for a 1 munerating price, and the limit of protection from foreign iny ort; particularly when the very moderate produce of only 20 bus}.els an acre is sey 3M2 ‘he 460 Canal between the Allantic and Pacific. The Indian and Chinese methods of well pulverising, without turning the soil, may, it is thought, be practised with success to a great extent in Britain. One ploughing for wheat, though he has not considered it mecessary, has been adopted ¢his year ; and ridge-ploughing in the winter, for the spring crops, which keeps the land dry, and exposes it to the action of the air and frost. The wheat stubbles, with a few faggots, have been used in burning a considerable breadth of soil. By using the wheat stubble as fuel, 30 to 35-loads of soil and stubble ashes have been made per acre on the land. The same stubble, had it been collected and carried at a great expense from the land, would not have yielded more than 10 loads of dung from the dung-heap. Besides the ceconomy of making manure in the held on which it is to be laid, the operation of raking out the roots tends to clear the land much; and it may in this manner, with the new implement, be made, in a very short time, as clean asa garden. None can con- tend that ceconomy in the processes of cultivation is not the Lesé means for completely relieving the agricuiturist from the weight of that load that now oppresses him. CANAL BETWEEN THE ATLANTIC AND RACIFIC. [Frem the National Intelligencer.] Among many advantages of a commercial nature which. would infallibly spring from the emancipation and attendant independ- ence of South America, the greatest perhaps of all has hitherto been little noticed. The most momentous event in favour of the peaceful intercourse of nations, which the physical circumstances of the globe present to the enterprise of man, is the formation of a navigable passage across the isthmus of Panama. It is remarkable, that this magnificent undertaking, pregnant with consequences so important to mankind, and about which so little is known in this country, is so far frou being a romantic and chimerical project, that it is not only practicable but easy. The river Chagre, which falls into the Atlantic at the town of the same name, about 18 leagues to the westward of Porto Bello, is navigable as far as Cruzes, within five leagues of Panama. But though the formation of a canal from this place to Panama, facilitated by the valley through which the present road passes, appears to present no very for nidable obstacles, there is still a better expedient. At the distance of five leagues from the niouth of the Chagre, it receives the river Trinidad, which is navigable to Embarcadoro, and from thence to Panama is a distance of 30 miles, through a level country, with a fiue river to supply water for the canal, and no difficulty whatever to counteract the undertaking. —The ground has been surveyed; and not the prac- ticability only, but the facility of the work completely sates P € Fossil Crocodile. 461 The important requisite of safe harbours, at either extremity of the canal, is also supplied to the utmost extent of our wishes. At the mouth of the Chagre is a fine bay, which received the British 74-gun ships in the year 1740, when Captain Knowles bombarded the Castle of St. Lorenzo; and at the other extremity is the famous bay of Panama. Nor is this the only expedient for opening the important navigation between the Pacific and At- Jantic Oceans. Further north, is the lake of Nicaragua, which by itself almost extends the navigation from sea to sea. Into the Atlantic Ocean it falls by a navigable river, and reaches to within three leagues of the Gulf of Paparayo in the Pacific. Can we refuse to dwell for a moment upon the prospects which the accomplishment of this splendid but not difficult enterprise opens to the United States, as well as to Europe? It is not merely the immense commerce of the western shores of South America, extending almost from pole to pole, that is brought, as it were, to our very doors ; but immense would be the traffic which would immediately begin to cover that ocean denominated Pacific. All the riches of India and China would move towards America. The riches of Europe and America would move towards Asia. Vast depéts would be formed at the great commercial towns, which would immediately arise at the two extremities of the central canal, And is it too much to hope that China and Japan themselves, thus brought so much nearer the influence of American and Eu- ropean civilization, much more constantly and powerfully subject to its operation, would not be able to resist the salutary impres- sions, but would soon receive important changes in manners, arts, ideas, and institutions? The hope rests on such strong founda- tions, that it seems to rise, upon contemplation, even to a cer- tainty! And what results might not be expected for the whole of Asia, that vast proportion of the earth, which in its most fa- voured parts has been, during all the latter ages, condemned to demi-barbarism and the miseries of despotic power! It may, however, be considered as certain, that South America, which stands so much in need of industrious inhabitants, would receive hosts of laborious Chinese, who already are to be found in all parts of the Eastern Archipelago in quest of employment and of food. These are a few of the results which there is reason to expect from a regulation of the affairs of South America, * Tem- pora mulantur, et nos mutamur in illis,’ F. M. FOSSIL CROCODILE. The following is an extract of a letter from M. Cuvier to the Royal Academy of Sciences at Caen, returning thanks for a well executed model which it had sent that learned Sapheeit. : ussi 462. A Lizard found ina Millstone.—Lusus Nature. fossil crocodile lately discovered in the neighbourhood of that city. ‘< It is now certain that this crocodile is of a species quite pe- culiar, and different not only from all living crocodiles, but from all fossil crocodiles hitherto discovered. The only one which comes near it, is that dug up near Pappenheim, and which is preserved in the Cabinet of the Royal Academy of Bavaria.” A LIZARD FOUND IN A MILL-STONE. A short time since, as David Virtue, mason, at Auchtertool, a village four miles from Kirkaldy, in Scotland, was dressing a barley mill-stone from a large block, after cutting away a part, he found a lizard imbedded inthe stone. It was about an inch and a quarter long, of a brownish yellow colour, and had a round head, with bright sparkling projecting eyes. It was apparently dead, but after being about five minutes exposed to the air it showed signs of life. One of the workmen, very cruelly, put snuff in its eyes, which seemed to cause it much pain. It soon after ran about with much celerity; and after half an hour was brushed off the stone and killed. When found, it was coiled up in a round cavity of its own form, being an exact impression of the animal. This stone is naturally a little damp; and about half an inch all round the lizard was a soft sand, the same colour as the animal. There were about 14 feet of earth above the rock, and the block in which the lizard was found was 7 or 8 feet deep in the rock ; so that the whole depth of the animal from the surface was 2! or 22 feet. The stone had no fissure, was quite hard, and one of the best to be got from the quarry of Cullaloe—reckoned perhaps the best in Scotland. —— LUSUS NATURE. A person of the name of Robinson, has obtained and brought to New York, from the Indian country near Mackinac, an Indian, having in each arm and leg more than double the number of joints ordinarily allowed to man by Nature. This extraordinary being is in a measure helpless, and unable to stand, yet he has discovered a contrivance by which he obtains locomotion—this is a large wooden bowl, in which he rolls himself along with con- siderable facility when on a smooth and level surface. This In- dian is said to be quite intelligent, speaking the tongues of three or four different tribes, and conversing fluently in the common French of the country. Mr. Robinson meutions that he saw, while in the Indian coun- try, what he deems a far greater curiosity. ‘This is an Indian, whose body is thickly covered with long hair. The hair on the outside of his hands and fingers, which is permitted to grow, is stated The Boa Constrictor.—Patents. 463 stated to be so long that he is enabled to tie it round his wrists. His forehead, nose, and every part of his face is said to be covered with hair. The Indians of his tribe pay him much respect in consequence of his superior sagacity and hardiness. THE BOA CONSTRICTOR. On the 6th of March last, there was killed at Sandy Bay, Ja- maica, a large serpent of the species of the Boa of Cuvier. It is thus described by a writer in the Kingston Gazette :—The jaw- bone, the palate bones, and the other bones of the mouth, are attached to each other and to the cranium by elastic ligaments, which, by stretching, allow the dilatable throat to receive bodies of dimensions larger than the mouth in its ordinary or quiescent state. Each upper and lower jaw-bone, and each palate-bone, is furuished with a row of sharp, fixed, unpierced teeth, curved backwards, so that the mouth contains six nearly parallel rows of teeth, four above and two below. The windpipe is very long, and there is but one lung. The tail is prehensile, and has at its root two horny hooks or claws,something like the spurs ofa cock. Along the back there runs a broad chain, formed of large, irre- gular, hexagonal, blackish spots, alternately with others which are pale, and of an oval shape. Seales under the body and tail, single and transversal. Such is the Boa, as described by Cuvier, and such exactly is the description of the animal found at Sandy Bay. It was fourteen feet long, and its greatest diameter when jejune was seven inches: when killed, it was gorged apparently with a kid or a lamb. This species of snake is very common in the southern continent of America, where it sometimes grows to the length of 30 or 40 feet, and is a formidable foe to sheep, deer, goats, and (accord- ing to some accounts) even to cattle. LIST OF PATENTS FOR NEW INVENTIONS. To William ‘Thomas, of Sithney, Cornwall, merchant; and Joseph Lobb, of Sithney, farmer, for a machine or instrument for cutting and preparing lay or sea ground for tillage at much less expense and in a shorter space of time than are required by the present mode of ploughing ; and also for renewing grass land, lay or sea ground, with seeds, without destroying or tearing up the whole of the surface thereof.—Dated Ist May 1821.—2 months allowed to enrol specification. To Alexander Law, of the Commercial Road, Mile End, founder, for improvements in the formation of bolts and nails for ship and other fastenings.—lst May.—2 months. To Robert Delap, of Belfast, merchant, for certain improve- ments in producing rotatory motion,—Ist May,—6 months, To 464 Patenis— Barometric Observations. To Richard Jones Tomlinson, of Bristol, merchant, for his im- proved rafter for roofs or beams or for other purposes.—3d May. —6 months. To John Reedhead, of Heworth, county of Durham, engineer and mariner; and William Parrey, of East-lane, Walworth, master mariner, for certain improvements in propelling vessels.—5th May.—6 months. To Aaron Manby, of Horsley, near Tipton, ironmaster, for certain improvements in the making and manufacturing of steam- engines.—9th May.—2 months. To George Frederick Eckstein, of High Holborn, ironmonger, for certain improvements in cooking apparatus.—9th May.—6 months, To John Mayor, of Shawbury, county of Salop, and Robert Cook, of Shrewsbury, accountant, for certain improvements in the machinery for raising water, which they intend to denominate Hydragogue.—9th May.—6 months, To Samuel Hall, of Basford, county of Nottingham, cotton spinner, for improvements in the manufacture of starch. -9th May. —6 months. To Robert Paul, of Starton, county of Norfolk, gentleman, and Samuel Hart, of Reden Hall with Harleston, same county, painter and gig-maker, for certain improvements in springs applicable to various descriptions of carriages. —17th May.—6 months. To Sir William Congreve, of Cecil-street, Strand, baronet ; and James Nisbet Colquhoun, of Woolwich, lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, for certain improvements in the art of killing and capturing whales, and other animals to which such means are applicable.—7th June.—6 months. To John Vallance, of Brighton, brewer, for a method and ap- paratus for freeing rooms and buildings (whether public or pri- vate) from the distressing heat sometimes experienced in them, and of keeping them constantly cool, or of a pleasant tempera- ture, whether they are crowded to excess, or empty; and also_ whether the weather be hot or cold; and that in some cases with and in some cases without a gas or gases, extended or additional applications of the principles, or of some or one of the principles (either of construction or operation) thereof, as applicable to pur- poses other than what he first contemplated.—19th June.—6 months, BAROMETRIC OBSERVATIONS, ” Crumpsall, Lancashire, June 12, 1821. Sir,—I send you the observations made at this place on Mon- day the 11th instant; and those also, made on the same day, at Manchester, by Mr. Hanson. CRUMP- Barometric Observations. 465 CRUMPSALL. par sere Wind. Weather. 182]. A.M. June llth 8. |29-650 | 52° 51° |N.E_ brisk. |Sunshine with clou. 9 }29.660| 51:5 | 51 N.E. fresh. |Do. 10 (29.680 | 52: 53 N.E. brisk. |Do. N.E. N.E. 11 (29.685 | 53 54 . do. Do. 12 |29.700| 54 56 - high. |Do. 1 {29-716} 54 55 N.E. brisk. |Do. MANCHESTER. Ther. | Ther : 1921. ,A.M), BA | atti *| “gee. s| | Maye hoe June I 1th — —_——_ 8".129.880| 55:5 | -54 -IN.E. — brisk. Fine. 9 (29.885 | 57-5 55 |N.E.~ fresh. Cloudy. 10 |29.900} 57°5 | 57-5 |N.E. do. Fine, but cloudy. 11 429,920) 58:5 57:5 |N.E. brisk. Cloudy, with sunsh. 12 |29.925 | 61 57:5|N.E. do. Fine, with few clou. 1 \29:940} 63 58 |N.E. do. Fine. From the observations made on the 14th of May, that have already appeared, it seems that the barometer was not so sta- tionary on that day in some parts of the country, as it was here, and at Manchester. According to the observations of Mr. Cary in page 400, it appears to have been steady from nine o’clock to one, at the place where they were taken; but at Bushy-Heath, and Northampton, its fluctuations were frequent, and consider- able, It has not yet been ascertained, I believe, over what extent of country it is usual for the variations of the barometer to be si- milar on the same day; nor in what manner these variations are influenced by the force and direction of the wind. To determine these two important points with a tolerable de- gree of precision, would require a well arranged plan of observa- tion, and the mutual co-operation of a number of individuals stationed in different parts of the kingdom: and when it is con- sidered what curious and interesting subjects of inquiry these are, they will not be thought undeserving of the particular attention of meteorologists. I am, sir, your obedient servant, To the Editor. JoHN BLACKWALL. Arundel, June 13, 1821. Sir,—I send you the Barometric Observations made at this place, on the 14th of May, and 11th of June, The height of the basin of the Barometer above the level of the sea, at low water, [ estimate to be about 68 feet. Yours obediently, To the Editor. G, ConsTABLE, Vol. 57. No; 278. June 1821. SN Hour. 466 Barometric Observations. Hour Barom — Wind Weather. a . r ‘| att. | det. c May l4th, 5 ° rs 8h/29-385 | 50 | 48 | N.W. ”) 9 |29-390| 50 | 49 | N.W. Cloudy. 10 [29-390] 52 | 50| Nw. § Fresh breezes. 11 |29-392| 53 | 52 | W.N.W_ |Showery. 2 29-400] 53 | 52 N.W. |Cloudy. June 1)th, 8 |29:915}| 52 | 51 | N. by E. 9 |29-918| 53 | 52 | N. by E. ( |Clouds and § Moderate 10 |29-933 | 53 | 53 | N. by E. sunshine. ¢ breeezes. 11 |29-938| 54 | 53 | N.N.E. 12 |29:940| 55 | 54} N.N.E. |Showery.—Fresh hreeze. Pocklington, Yorkshire, June 20, 1821. Sir,—At the desire of my friend, Mr. T. Squire, of Epping. (who communicated to you my observations before) I send you some Barometrical remarks, &c. taken here on the 14th of May and the llth of June. Those of the former day were done by a person in my absence: those of the latter J made myself with the greatest care I possibly could. Hour. Barom. er : lbdlebe Wind. Weather. May I4th, 84) 29:15 | 51 | 48 Clear and cloudy. “morning, 9 | 29-16} 52 | 50 Cloudy. 10 | 29:16 | 53 | 50 S.W. | Ditto. } 1] | 29:16 | 54 | 52 Ditto. 12 | 29:16 | 55 | 46 Ditto. Heavy showers this day.—Rain at half past 12 at noon ; rain and hail at 2 o'clock ; and rain at 5 P.M. I was at Appleby in Westmoreland, this day ; and in that place there were frequent showers of hail and rain—the mountains round about were capped with snow. Meantime. |Barom. Re nace! Wind. Weather. June lth, ' ; A.M. 7»|29°893 |55-7 |50:0} North. |Cool—rather windy :—clear and cloudy. 8 |29°897 |57-4 53:7) N. by E. |Cool and windy—clear, ex- ¥ cept some gray broken clo. 9|2 3157°3 154-2 N. Cool and windy—clear and cloudy: passing showers. 10 [29-927 |57-7 (57°38) N. by E. |Cool & windy—clear, except some broken white clouds. 11 [29-948 |58-0 56:0} N. by E. [Cool & windy—dense clouds to the North—intervals of sunshine. 12 |29-954 |58-6 [57-8] N. by W. (Rather windy—clear & cloud. My soy ial HEN Me atte!’ 5 a oe Barometric Observations. 467 _ My Barometer is a very good one of the kind—it was the fa- vourite one of the late Mr. H. Andrews, of Royston, which he used for his Weather Journal. The observations of your correspondents, made on the second Monday in the month, will be of great use in finding out the, height of different places from the level of the sea; and will pro- bably lead to a more accurate knowledge of the causes of the amazing changes that take place in the atmosphere, with regard to its weight, temperature, &c. - Those who keep meteorological journals cannot but have re- marked the mildness of January; the dryness and amazing baro- metrical pressure during the month of February*; the heat that prevailed towards the end of April, with much lightning and ’ thunder; and then the cold weather which immediately followed, and continues to this day. I am, sir, your obedient servant, WitttaM RoGERSON jun. Leighton, June 22, 1821. S1r,—-The usual Barometrical observations made at Leighton, on the 11th instant, are as under: 1921. Barom. _— La Wind. |Denom.| Weather. 8 |29-685 | 49 | 47 N, Paine! Little rain. 9 |29:698 | 49 | 48 N. calm. (Cloudy. 10 |29-703 |} 504) 51 | N.N.E. moder, |Rain. 11 (29-723 | 49!) 45 | E.N.E.| do. |Rain. 12 |29-742| 50 | 46 |N.N.E.| do. |Rain. 1 |29:750| 501) 47 | N.E. | do. jRain, At Bushey, by Col, BEauroy, ~ 199). Barom. ae LS wk Wind. |Denom. Weather. 8? 29-405 49 | 46 |N.N.E. | fresh. |Cloudy. 9 |29:413| 49!| 49 |N.N.E.| do. — |Do. 10 |29:-419| 50} 51 |N.N.E.| do. Do. 11 |29-443 | 51 | 53 |N.N.E. | do. Do. 12 |29-465| 514) 52 |N.N.E.| do. |Showery. —EE I had some expectation of being able to send you the result of Mr. Comfield’s observations this month, but have not received them at present. In this place, I beg to correct your spelling of * The mean height of the Barometer at Pocklington, in February, was 30125! but in January it was only 29°45. 3 N 2 Mr, 468 Barometric Observations. Mr. Comfield’s name, which by mistake you have made Cornfield in last Number, p. 398. Upon examining the construction of the best portable baro- meters, I have noticed one probable source of error in the posi- tion of the atéached Thermometer which is fixed near the basin of mercury, and possibly may give nearly the heat of that portion of the mercury. But when it is considered that all fluids com- municate heat very slowly downwards, and that much of the upper part of the tube is exposed to the atmosphere, and may become several degrees warmer than the quantity in the basin, or the wood in which the attached thermometer is fixed, it may cause the average heat of the mercury in the tube to be se- veral degrees above that in the basin: but in the necessary cal- culations respecting the relative height of two places, it is the heat of the mercury 7m the tube that forms one part of the data, and not the temperature of that in the basin. On the 11th instant, I suspended two thermometers near the centre of my tube, one on each side, and found a difference of 4 to 5° between the heat in that part, and the heat indicated by the attached thermometer : it is well known that a difference of 4 or 5° will frequently affect the result of a calculation ten or twelve feet, and may perhaps have caused some of those ano- malies, which may in part be avoided by having the attached thermometer so fixed as to give the mean heat of the mercury 7m the tube, instead of that in the basin. I am not’so sanguine as to imagine the improvement above suggested will reconcile all the differences found; but it isa maxim with me to correct an error when I| find it, and view it as one step permanently gained. The customary correction for the heat of the atmosphere, as pointed out hy the detached thermometer, I have long viewed with doubts. I have calculated the relative heights of Crumpsall and Leigh- ton, exclusive of fractions, to be nearly as follows: - Crumpsall above Leighton. Feb. .. 174 fect. March... 161 April .. 159 : May .. 123 through the medium of Bushy. Col. Beaufoy has calculated the height of his instrument above that of Mr, Cary’s in February 487-4 feet. March 481-0 April 487'6 May 480°5 484°1 wean of 4. . Mr. ' z é 7 Barometric Observations. 469 Mr. Cary’s instrument being 73 feet above low water in the Thames, shows the height of Bushey to be 557 above the said low water. Yours truly, B. Bevan, Meteorological Observations at Melville Island. Abstract of the Register of the Thermometer and Barometer du- ring ten months, at Winter Harbour, Melville Island, North Georgia, 1819 and 1820. Latitude 74° 47’ 18”, Longitude 110° 48’ 30” W. Thermometer. Barometer. Maxi- | Mini- Mini- mum. |mam.| Mean. |Range. aus, Mean. |Range. > Inches. | lncbes,}[nches. 1819. October, . 5 , “| | 29-813} 1-22 December 29°865} 1°65 1820. January . ¢ 30°078} 1°18 February ||—17 sit “32 | 29°769) 9°83 March .. ||+76 : 9> | 29°803} 1:26 April ,...|/+32 . b 29-978) 1°46 May ....||-+47 “66 25 | 30°109] 1-23 June... ./|-+51 A 5 29°828| 0°63 July... ..||/-+-40 4 *13 | 29-668] 0°88 ° 41% November||+ 6 F *63 | 29°945] 0-69 + 6 —2 Remarus.—The thermometer was fixed, during the winter, on the south side of a david projecting from the ship’s side, and was usually from 3° to 6° higher than one suspended freely in the air at a distance from the ship. This difference increased as the summer advanced, and the sun rose sufhi- ciently above the horizon to heat the ship, amounting latterly to 15° or even 20° about noon. The thermometer was, of course, always shifted to the shaded side of the ship or david. On the L5th of February, at 6 P.M., a thermometer suspended freely in the air at a distance from the ship stood at —55°, being the lowest degree registered during the winter. The very low temperatures were invariably in calm and clear weather; the rise of the thermometer being the immediate con- sequence of a breeze springing up, and being proportioned to its strength. The barometer rose with northerly and westerly, and fell with southerly and easterly winds; but it was not so decided that the indications preceded the changes, as it is stated to be in more southern climates.—Journal of Science, No. 21. METEORO- 470 Meteorology. METEOROLOGICAL JOURNAL KEPT AT BOSTON, LINCOLNSHIRE, BY MR.SAMUEL VEALL. ——=——— [The time of observation, unless otherwise stated, is at 1 Pt] _————=__— ; Age of 1821. the |Thermo-| Baro- |State of the Weather and Modification Moon meter. | meter. of the Clouds. oe —— oe DAYS May 15) 14 | 54° | 28°90 |Fine 16} 15 | 43° 20°58 |Rain 17| full} 61° 29:70 |Fine 18| 17 | 55° | 29°75 |Cloudy 19) 18 | 59° 29°95 |Fine 20! 19 | 54° 30° ~=‘|Ditto 21| 20 | 53° 29°95 |Ditto 22} 21 | 50° | 29°85 |Clouay ©3| 22 | 50° 29°70 |Ditto 24) 23 | 44: 29°80 |Showery 25) 24 | 55° | 29°60 |Cloudy—rain P.M 26| 25 | 43° 29°65 |Ditto 27| 26 | 59°5 | 29°70 |Fine—rain P.M. 28} 27 | 46° 29°65 |Ditto—rain A.M. 29} 28 | 55° 29°85 |\Ditto 30} 29 | 58° 30°03 |Ditto 31|)new| 56° 29°95 |Cloudy dune odfid obe@hs 29°80 |Fine 2} 2 | 62°5 | 29°70 |Ditto 3) 3 | 63° 29°60 |Ditto 4| 4 | 61°5 | 29°37 |Cloudy 5) 5 | 72° 29°40 |Fine 6| 6 | Ga: 29°50 |Ditto 7| 7 | 64 29°34 |Ditto—rain, with thunder and g| 8 | 52°5 | 29°50 |Cloudy {lightning P.M. 9| 9 | 53°5 | 29°50 |Fine 10} 10 | 51° | 29°50 |Cloudy Wl glass: 29°70 |Fine—heavy rain A.M. 12) 12 | 50° 30°05 |Cloudy 13| 13 | 53°5 | 30°03 [Ditto 14| 14.| 60° 30°13 |Fine METEORO- THE PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL: COMPREHENDING THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF SCIENCE, THE LIBERAL AND FINE ARTS, GEOLOGY, AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE. BY ALEXANDER TILLOCH, LL.D. M.R.I.A. M.G.S. M.A.S. F.S.A. EDIN. AND PERTH; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, MUNICH 3; AND OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, LITERATURE AND ARTS, LEGHORN, Wc. &c. &e. “ Nec aranearum sane textus ideo melior quia ex se fila gignunt, nec noster vilior quia ex alienis libamus ut apes,”” Just. Lies. Monit. Polit. lib. i. cap. 1. 8 RE a VOL. LVII. For JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, and JUNE, 1821. tn LONDON: PRINTED BY RICHARD AND ARTHUR TAYLOR, SHOE LANE: And sold by Cavett and Davies; Lonoman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; Hicurey; Suerwoop and Co,; Harbinc; Unner- woop; Simrxin and Marsnatt, London: Constasre and Co, Edinburgh: and Penman, Glasgow. ty ‘ere, +e eat oe boat = ye ; Tay —< > “a iS . Days of Month. 1821. June 25 26 Meteorology. 473 METEOROLOGICAL TABLE, By Mr. Cary, oF THE STRAND, For June 1821. Thermometer. ett: ane S32] 8 |[O% Se /e ee ioe) 47 | 54 | 44 44 | 55 | 44 47 | 57 | 45 50 |} 59 | 44 47. ;.59 |..50 3D ly FO O0 55 | 70 | 57 56 | 69°} 54 51 AWG alk 57 |-70 |} 60 60 | 69 | 57 57, 16 45),.04 50 | 54 | 46 50 | 58 | 44 45 | 50 | 42 47 | 55 | 47 50 | 53 | 47 55 | 56 | 48 50 | 59 | 50 52) Do tw ark 50 | 61 | 50 50 {| 58} 51 Sl 1 6g0) 32 52 | 65 |. 49 52 | 60 | 48 50 | 59 49 Sho 57) jv Sl 52 |} 55 | 48 50 | 56 | 52 | 52 | 62 | 51 55 ' 664 51 Height of , the Barom. Weather. Inches. 29°97 Small showers 30°02 Small showers “18 Fair °392 Fair ‘20 Fair "13 Fair "07 Fair 29°96 Fair 71 Rain in the morn’. 82 Fair [cloudy. 30°00 Fair 29°75 Showery “80 Showery *85 Showery "84 Showery ‘98 Fair 30°33 Cloudy °33 Cloudy "40 Fair ‘39 Fair 31 Cloudy "36 Cloudy “41 Fair *30 Fair “16 Fair ary Fair 26 Cloudy "25 Cloudy es Cloudy “21 Cloudy hy) Pair N.B. The Barometer’s height is taken at one o’clock. en Observations for Correspondent who observed the 10th June 8 o’Clock M. Barom.£9'80 _-— eo 29°81 N =— 29°84 Vol. 57, No, 278. June 182). eT: _ 1 - Ther. attached 49° Detached 45 ee eee |) a ee G0 me me SU 30 INDEX INDEX tro VOL. LVII. —=— A CID, Pyroligneous. On manufacture and uses.of, 10; dcetic. Ure on, 59 Agriculture, 148, 231 Alburnum of Oak. Knight on, 259 Alkalies. New, 308 Ammonia, Aqueous. Ure on, 192 Ampere on Electro-magnetism, 47 Analysis of Rhubarb, 69 ; of an aérolite, 70; of Indian corn, 311 Animal structure. A prize question, 307 Antipathies of plants. A prize question, 140 Aquatic Triton or Salamander. A prize question, 806 Arctic Land Expedition, 72 Astrenomical Notices, 394 Astronomical Society, 139, 222,273, 305, 394, 449 Astronomical Instruments. New, 146 Astronomical Tables, 28, 76-—77, 129— 130, 179, 182, 197, 260, 269, 353,407, 435, 439 Atmospherical Refraction. Ivory on, 321, Atropia. A new alkali, 308 Barometric observations, 74,80, 153, 160, 235, 240, 315, 397; 464 Barytes. Test for, 228 Bear. A tame one, 66 Belzoni’s Discaveries in Egypt, 207 Blow-pipe. On the hydro-orygen, 328 Boa Constrictor, 463 Boisgeraud on electro-magnetism, 203, 257 Books, new, 56, 135, 207, 301, 379, 447 Brande’s analysis of rhubarb, E169 Campbell’s travels, 455 Canal between the Atlantic and Paci- fic, 460 Canal Lock, Description of a double, 401 Cancer. A prize question, 307 Carburetted hydrogen. Comp. of, 304 Cashmire goats. The French flock, 71 Catenary curve. On the, 50 Ceres. Geocentric places of, 129, 197 Ceylon Literary Society, 449 Chain cables, good conductors, 72 Chemical equivalents. Ure on, 93 Chemical Dictionary. Ure’s, 56 Chemists. Discordant opinions of, 3 Chloride of silver. 'To reduce, 71 Chlorine. Ure on, 57 Chromate of lead employed as a dye, 228 Chromate of iron im Shetland, 265 Chrome. Native oxide of, 456 Chronometers. Their rate altered by iron, 249; Parkinson and Frodsham’s, 314 Cicero de Republica, found, _ 230 Cinchona. A prize question, 65 Circle. Division into 17 equal parts, 172 Clark’s gas blow-pipe. Hare on, 828 Coal gas. On, as a first mover in machi- nery, 93; illuminating power of, 241; Henry on, Coal gas compared with oil gas, 241, 3804 Cochrane the traveller, 455 Cohesion. On the article in Encyclop.. Brit., 267, 367 Comet, new, 73, 151, 233, 305 Comet of 1819. Olbers on, 444 Compressibility of water, 52, 144 Consolidated mines. Steam engines at, 309 Corrosive sublimate. Antidote against, 70 Crocodile, fossil, 462 Daturium. A new alka, 308 Daussy’s Tables of Vesta—a query, 234; answer, 395 Discovery voyage of the corvette Ura- nia, 20° Dugong- Account of the, 341 Duncan on lettuce opium, 84 Dynamics, A question on, 455 Earthquakes, 141, 147 Egypt. Discoveries in, 207 Electro-galvanic apparatus. Improved, 284 Electro-magnetie experiments, 40, 203, 257, 446 Elementary bodies. Ure on, 57 Engravers. Exhibition of works of, 229: Equivalents, chemical. Ure on, 93 Euharmonic organ. Fate of, 230 Falling stars. On, 346, 41S Farey on shooting stars, 346 Fever, putrid. Remedy for, 427 Fisher on longitude, and chronometers as affected by iron, 249 Fired stars. Catalogues. of, 370; new catalogue, 394 Fluorine. Ure on, af Fluzions. A method applicable to the same purpose as Newton’s, 177, 200, $25 Forster on falling stars, 418 French Royal Academy of Sciences, 306 French Voyage of Discovery, 20 CONTENTS OF THE FIFTY-SEVENTH VOLUME. ON the discordant Opinions delivered by the Chemists who gave Evidence on the Trials of the Insurance et i of SEVERN, Kine, and Co. versus the Fire Offices. ae sy 3 On the Pyroligneous Acid, its Manufacture and Uses. .. 10 On the Magnitude of the Year. .. ae ee a otaalia Account of the French Voyage of Discovery and Circumnaviga- tion performed in 1818, 1819, and 1820... ee A Table of the Sun’s Right Ascension to every Ten Minutes of his Longitude, with the Liudferences and Secular Variation for January 1, 1801. ee . 28, 182, 260 Answer of Mr. P.Nicuotson to Mr. ie ae on Mr. N.’s Work on Involution and Evolution. .. ee 33 On the saaguiagel ae Experiments of MM. ae and AMPERE. : oe oe a var 40 On the Calenary Geo o% , as oe -» 50 On the Compressibility be Wear. ihe ee o. 92 On the best Means for conducting Fnbthokatig ob? Observations in different Places and Climates, so as to produce some Uni- Sormity in the Modes og ead and aan up the Re- sults, .. ae Lee es 8} Additional Olid. on the Use of nd Svossith or Letluce Opium ; periie ly in a Case of Cy prebiock Laryngea; or 84 beCroup. .. os aie On the North-west Mupnetic Pole. yf 24588 On the Application of the Sete Power of Coal on as a a First Mover in Machinery. .. os 93 On Chemical Equivalents. ie ° » 95 Dr. Granvitie’s Reply to a Review in Vreehassor passin s Journal of Science. .. o> ee ‘“s fee 16 Vol. 57. No, 278, June 1821. a Geo- CONTENTS. Geocentric Places of Vesta and Ceres ; and the apparent Right Ascension of Dr. MasKELyNe’s 36. Stars for March and April 1821... ha R ve iid te On the Visibility of the Pine Venus mene the Day, and the Use that may be made of this Fact in steenririne Longi- tude... z ms -. 134 New analytic For ei Ee Table pe increasing Life Annuity ; with Remarks on the Surrender of Life Assurance Policies at Proprietary Offices. .. a at he oe 61 On the Solar and Lunar Periods. ne om GB On the Division of the Circle into seventeen aS Parts, Vie Some Account of a Method which may be applied to the same Purposes as Sir Isaac NEwron’s Method of Fluxions. 177, 200, 325 Lunar Tables: being an Appendix to pages 244, 344, 439, of . Fol. U.—p. 17,81, 278, 354, of Phil, Magaxine 1820. 179 On Sounds inaudible by certain Ears, .. .% aie ahd On the Constitution of aqueous Ammonia. : oo £92 Right Ascension, Declination, and Passage of ie Meridian of Ceres 5 and irue apparent Right Ascension of Dr. MaskE- _LyNE’s 36 Stars for every Day in the Year 1821. 197, 269, 353, 406 On the Action of the Voltaic Pile upon the Magnetic Needle. 203 Observations on Statements made by Mr. Ricarpo, and others, “** On the comparative Advantages of iiamingling by Gas pro- , duced from Oil and from Coal.” ae -. 24) On the Errors in Longitude as deter ae by Chronometers at Sea, arising from the Action sah tein in the ae upon the Chronometers, .. -. 249 Sequel of the Pheverininits\a on the yi i ihe Yoltiia Pile upon the Magnetic Needle. ‘y aa Re 257 on. the different Qualities of the Mhafeon of Spring- and Wnter-felled Oak Trees. Ys mn -- 259 Discovery of Chromate of Iron in Shetland... eo» 265 Observations relating to the Depression of Mercury in Glass Tubes ; occasioned hy an Article in the last Quarterly Journal of Science. my a“ 3 aay 20d Description of an improved Glebe “ft Porites waydet2 CONTENTS. Report of the Council of the Astronomical Society of London to the first Annual General Meeting Feb.9,1821. .. 273 A Memoir on some new Modifications of Galvanic Apparatus, with Observations in Support of his Theory of Galvanism. 284 Description of the Marine Thermometer Case invented by Mr. _Rozert Jamison, of Glasgow. a2 ee J. 4294 Description of a Mercurial Log-Glass, invented by Mr. C. H. Jennies, of Carburton-street, Fitzroy-square. .» 300 On the atmospherical Refraction. oe +. we 32] Strictures on a Publication entitled “ Ciarx’s Gas Blowpipe.” 32 Some Account of theDugong. .. a an .. 341 A Series of Queries addressed to Dr. BURNEY of Gosport, re- _ garding SHoovING STARS and Meteors, with some Sug- gestions on the same Subject to the ASTRONOMICAL Society of London, for making these Phenomena available in settling the Longitudes of Places, and towards extending our Knowledge of the very numerous planetary and satellitic Bodies, com- posing the Solar System. ok ee ve .. 346 On the Cure of Scrofula by means of Vital Air, and the Use of the Juice of Sorrel. «« Se ee oe iP osd On the American Sea Serpent. «. ae He »» 306 Third Report of the Commissioners appointed by His Majesty to consider the Subject of Weights and Measures. vn a9 A new Method of teaching Latin to Youth... oe 361 Cluim to the Invention of a new Method of determining the La- litude. as ee ee o3 os 364 Experiments on the Strength and Stiffness and Specific Gravity of various Specimens of Wood. ee oH 366 Some Account of the principal modern Catalogues of fixed Stars ; ‘with Remarks connected with the Subject. ie a peat Reply to Mr. \vory’s Remarks on the Series of the Article Co- HESION. ¥ : iy .. 376 Description of a Lock designed for the Rucent’s Canal Com- pany. a os ae “ an ; 401 On the atmospherical Refraction. “s ois .. 404 On Light. als ae oe 8 op ~. 409 Observations on certain luminous Meteors called Falling Stars. rt Appendix to the Third Report of the Commissioners appointed CONTENTS. by His mie y to consider the ae of sep and nso SUTES.» ee Observations besaoting the Calculation f the Dereon a Mercury in Capillary Tubes. .. e» 421 Notice respecting the real Inventor of the Reaakinpins 426 On the Efficacy of Yeast, and the ec ternies: of Vi sei ta in Pu- trid Fever. : 427 A Communication relatins to a Bareepitiae tae Dr. Henry and Dr. URE. ai ei BS oon AED Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on Weights and Measures. Withan Appendix. .. 430 A Table of the Reduction of the Ecliptic to the Equator to every Ten Minutes of the ee of the Potnts of the Be Se. Variation of the ©’s R. A. and Declin. “for 100" Dininai r the Obliquity of the Ecliptic. ae oe oe On the Passage of the Comet of 1819 across the Disc of the ea 444 Electro-magnetic Experiments. oe 446 Notices respecting New Books. .. 56, 135, “907: 8 301, bs Proceedings of Learned Societies. 65, 138, 222, 303, 393 449 Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles. 67, 141, 228, 308, 394, 455 List of Patents. .. - .. 78, 148, 233, 312, 463 Meteorological Tables, —78—80, 159—160, 238—240, 318— 320,. 399—400, 472—473 THE INDEX. Fumigation. _A prize question, 65 Galvanism. Hare on, 284 Gas blowpipe. On, 328 Gastric juice. A prize question, 65 Geographical inquiries, 231 Geological facts, 457 Geology, 218 German. sausages, poisonous, 147 Glaciers in the Alps. A prize question, 307 Glaze for porcelain, 272 Gourd. A remarkable, 72 Gower’s canal lock, 401 Granville’s Reply to a Review in Pro- fessor Brande’s Journal, 116 Grooby’s Vables of Maskelyne’s 36 stars, 130, 197, 269, 353, 407 Haerlem Society, 65, 140 Hanbury’ s travels, 455 Hare on galvanism, 284; on gas blow- pipe, 328 Helwetic Society of Natural Science, 307 Henry (Dr.) and Ure (Dr.), 422 Hibbert on Shetland chromate of iron, 265 Holdred. Nicholson’s answer to, 33 Horse’s eyes. Remedy for, 230 Howard on Meteorological Observa- tions, 81 Hydrogen. Weight of, 304 Hyoscyama. A new alkali, 308 Illumination by oil gas, 67; oil of tar, 146; oil and coal gas, 241 Indian corn. Analysis of, 311 Innes on solar eclipse, 151; reply to, 152 Insects which infest hothouses. A prize question, 140 Iodine. Ure on, 57; found in sponge, 148 Tron. Effects of, on ship’s compasses, &c. 61; on chronometers, 249; to separate from other metals, 393 Islands. Newly discovered, 72 Ivory on depression of mercury in glass tubes, 267; reply to, 367; observa- tions on reply, 421; on atmospheric refraction, 321, 404 Jamieson’s marine thermometer case, 294 Jennings’s log-glass, 300 Juno. Geocentric places of, 17 Jupiter. Lunar occultation of, 73 Knight on alburnum of oak, 259 Lactucarium. On, 84 * Latin. New method of teaching, 361 Latitude. On determining, 364 Learned Societies, 65, 138, 222, 303, $93, 449 Lecount on magnetism, 61 Life annuities.,On, 161 Light privet hydrogen gas, Comp. of, 304 4T5 Light. Ure on, 409 Linnean Society, 66 Lizard found in a millstone, 460 Lock, canal. Description of a double, 401 Longitude. Errors in, occasioned by iron, 61, 249 Lowe on coal gas asa moving power, 93; on the illuminating powers of oil gas and coal gas, 241 Luminous and coloured rings round the Sunand Moon. A prizequestion, 306 Lusus nature, 462 MacCulloch’s geological classification of rocks, 218 Macdonald on N.W. magnetic pole, 88 Madras Literary Society, 226 Magnetic pole. On the N. W. 88 Magnetic properties of all iron bodies, 61, 249 Magnetic electricity, 40, 203, 257 Magnetism proper to all perpendicular bodies, ‘" <999 Marine thermometer case, 294 Maskelyne’s 36 stars. FR. ascension of, 180, 197, 269, 353, 407 Mathematical questions, 312 Mathematics and phitosophy. A question, 307 Meat preserved by pyroligneous acid, 10, 140 Memnon. Statue of, 71 Mercurial log-glass, S00 Mercurial atmosphere, 151 Mercury in glass tubes. On depression of, 267 Meteorological Tables, 78, 79, 80, 153, 159—160, 259—240, 3519—320, 399 —100, 472— 473 Meteorological observations. Means for conducting, 81 Meteors. On, 346, 418 Moles. A prize question, 141 Morland, Samuel. ‘The real inventor of the steam engine, 426 Mortification cured by yeast, 428 Moseley on viewing solar spots Muriate of silver, ‘To reduce, ih! Music. Discovery in, Nautical Almanac. Errors in, Nicholson’s answer to Holdred, 33 Oak, spring- and winter-felled. On, 259 (@rsted’s electro-magnetic experiments, 40; Boisgeraud on, 208, 257 Oil of tar lights, 146 Oil gas for illumination, 67, 241, 304 Oil. Changes effected on, by heat, 3 Olbers on Comet of 1819, 444 Olefiant gas, 241, 304 Opiums lettuce. On, 84 Oxygen. Ure on, 5T Oxygen useful in scrofula, a8 | 476 Oxyzen gas. A prize question, .; 65 Pallas. “Geocentric places of, 76 Patents, 73, 148, 233, 312, 463 Perkins on compressibility of water, 52, 144 Perpendicular objects, all magnetic, 229 Philosophy and mathematics, a question, 307 Phrenological Society, Edinb., 222, 449 Platinum. Heavy piece of native, 228 Polar Expedition. Account of the, 379 Porcelein, Improved glaze for, 272 Potatoes. Improved in size, 231 Prize questions, 65, 140, 306 Pyroligneous acid. “Antiseptic qualities ot, 10, 140 Raffles on the Dugong, 341 Ramage’s telescope, 455 Red Sea. Dangerous reefs in, 231 Refraction. Ivory on, $21, 404 Regent's Canal. Locks on, 401 Report of Astronomical Society; 273 Rhubarb. Analysis of, 69 Ricardo on evidence of chemists, 3 Riddle on determining latitude, 864 Rose’s glaze for porcelain, 272 Royal Society, 138, 303, 393 Royal Academy of Sciences, Berlin, 306 Scarlet fever. Preservative against, 231 Scrofula. On the cure of, 351 Sea serpent. On the, 356 Selenium for sale, 228 Severn, King and Co.’s insurance ques- tion, 3 Ships’ compasses. Effects of iron bodies on, 61 Shooting Stars. On, $46, 418 Shrimps. A prize question, 66 | Snake with two heads, 231 Society of Sciences and Arts, Utrecht, 307 Solar eclipse. Effect of, on temperature, 74; on, 151 Solar and lunar periods, 15, 168, 435, 439 Solar spots. On viewing, 67, 149 Solar eclipse, the late. Annular at Am- sterdam, 394 Sorrel a cure for scrofula, 353 Sounds. On, inaudible to certain ears, 187 South Shetland. Voyage to, 72 INDEX. Sponge contains Todines 148 Statistics, 141 Steam engine. Real inyentor of, 496 Steam engines. The largest ever made, 309 Strontia. Test for, 228 Sugar-house insurance question, 3 Sun. Comet passing disc of, 444 Sun’s right ascension. ‘Tables of, 28, 182, 260, 435, 439 Tatum’s Electro-magnetic Exper., 446 Telescope. Ramage’s 455 Thornton (Dr.) on “cure of scrofula, 351; on teaching Latin, 361; on yeast, 427 Tombs of the Egyptian kings, 207 Travellers, 455 Tredgold on the method of fluxions, 177, 200, 325 Unicorn discovered, . 145 Ure’s Chemical Dictionary, 56, 93; on ammonia, 192; on light, 409; onal- kalimetry, &c. 429 Ulting’s solar tables, 28, 183, 260; on solar and lunar periods, 168, 435, 489 Vaccination. A prize question, 65 Vacuum void of sensible caloric, Venus. Visibility of, in ihe day, 134 Vesta. Geocentric places of, 129 ; query on tables of, 234; answer, 395 Volcano in the Moon, 139, 234, 305, 394 Voyage of the corvette Urania, 20 Waddington’ s travels, 455 Water. Compressibility of, 52, 144 Weights and Measures. ‘Third report of commissioners on, 359, 420; Parlia- mentary report on, 430 Whitehaven Philosophical Society, 140 Wilkinson on pyroligneous acid, 10 Wollaston on sounds inaudible to certain ears, 187 Wood. Experiments on strength, stiff ness and gravity of, 366 Wronski’s Address to. Board of Longi- tude, 62; remarks on, 136 Year. On the length of, 15, 168 Yeast a remedy for putrid fever, 427 Yeates on magnitude of year, aS Young (Dr.) and M. Wronski, 62, 136 Zante destroyed by an earthquake, 141 Zeine. What? 311 END OF THE FIFTY-SEVENTH VOLUME. To the Binder. The Binder is desired to cancel the ‘Title-page published in the January Number; and to place the wood-cut illustrative of Dr. Tuornton’s Virgil before p. 361. - Printed by R, and A. Taylor, Shoe Lane. This Day is published, handsomely printed in small Svo. with Ten Plates, . % price ¥s. 6d, : ! Bests - & NEW EDITION OF beet ‘&. NEW SYSTEM OF DOMESTIC COOKERY, formed upon / PRINCIPLLS of ECONOMY, and adapted to the Use of Private | ‘Families. Comprising also the ART of CARVING, Observations on'the- Management of the DAIRY, and POULTRY YARD; Instructions for HOME BREWERY, WINES, &c., COOKERY for the SICK, and *for the POOR ; many very useful MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS, © and DIRECTIONS proper to-be given to SERVANTS, bothin Town and Country. ' ‘To which is prefixed an ESSAY on DOMESTIC ECO- ~ NOMY and HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT, comprising many Ob- servations which will be found particularly useful to the Mistress of a Fa-. mily, | “ » ; eh Peg \ : ee vA BY’ A LADY. bi _ This is really one of the most practically useful books of any which . - we have seen on the subject. The lady who has written it, has not studied how to form expensive articles for luxurious tables, but to combine ele- “gance with economy : she has given her directions in a plain sensible man-_ "mer, that every body-can understand ; and these are not confined merely: _ to cookery, but are extended to a variety of objects in use in families; by whieh means the utility of the book is very much increased indeed,” eyo: ~. Printed for Jgun Morray, Albemarle-Street ; is, Oe " “SOLD ALSO : Se, he By every other Bookseller in England, Scotland and Ireland, =». Of whom may be had, lately published, : i . ' THE NEW FAMILY RECEIPT BOOK, a-New Edition, greatly ‘{mproved, handsomely printed in small 8vo. price 7s. Gd. in boards, i iene ENGRAVINGS. : Vol.LIV, A Plate illustrative of the Menar Brirpce.—A Plate illus ‘trative of Mr. Lowe’s Description of a Mercurial Pendulum.—A Plate “illustrative of Mr. Hare’s Calorimotor, a new Galvanic Instrument.—A Plate illustrative of Captain Saninz’s Paper on Irregularities observed in the Direction of the Compass Needles of the Isabella and Alexander in. ‘the late Voyage of Discovery ; and Mr. Scoressy’s Anomaly in the Vas “tiation of the Magnetic Needle as observed on Ship-board, | , Vol. LV. A Plate exhibiting Sketch of the Comet’s Path of July 1819. TN Plate illustrative of the Annular Eclipse of the Sun on the 7th of September next,-—A Plate illustrative of Mr. Lanr’s Instrument for “gathering Fruits. Mr. Younc’s Mode of preparing Opium from the _Papaver somniferum; and of Captain Forman’s Essay‘on a Property in Light which hitherto’ has been unobserved by Philosophers,~-A Plate de- scriptive of Mr. CurHnert’s improved Hydro-pneumatic Apparatus, &e, ‘A Plate illustrative of Capt. Forman’s Essay on the Reflection, Refrace tion, and Inflection of Light, &c.; and Mr, CuAgues Bonnycasrir’s ommunicacion respecting the Influence of Masses of Iron on the Mari- r’s, Compass. pi, Sea dodanie ‘ol. LVI. A Plate illustrative of Mrs. Ipperson’s Paper on the Phy. y of Botany.—A Plate illustrative of Mr. Hatv’s Percussion Gun- ck; of Dr. Kircuiner’s Pancratic Eye-Tube; and of Mr. Parn’s oring Blocks.—A Plate exhibiting Sections, &c. of Mr. Maram’s ime. proved Gas-Meter.-A Plate exhibiting the Discoveres made by Capt, P ARRY tithe Polay’ Sea," 5s Se a ew doe ew ‘ ¢ Vor. a7. ie Philosophical Magazine. ) 2 On ae Batt nitions delivered by ct ge di y who gave Evidence on the ‘Trials of the Insurance Question of Severn, Kina ‘and Co. versus the Fire Offices. ” By! ‘ B Ricarpo, Esq. - AR LACE aR Oe %4 % S\ I. On the Eyota oe its , Manufacture and ates a tN ices Witxinson, iia aa am IV. hun: of the Sites of fiecovans uae Chica \ vigation performed in 1818, 1319, and 1820, by Capt, F } cINeTy Pomnnanser of the French Corvette Urania,’ im? %V.A Table of the Sun’s Right. Ascension. to every 2 Minutes of his Longitude, with the Differences and Secular & Variation for January 1, 1801. (Obliq. Eclip.. 28° 27’ 5 y and Sec. Var. 52": 1.) By Mr. James Urtine, Lynn By i ~V. ‘Answer of Mr. Pp. Reco to Mr. Houpaen, on. M N”’ s Work on Involution and Evolution. -| VI. On the -Electro-Magnetic Experiments of MM. CErsrEp and AMPERE. By Mr, Harcuerr. - fe a ne fe vil. bs the Catenary Curve. By a CorresPonbenr, VIII, oe the Compressibility. of Water. By Jacoz PER “\ xinsy Esq: Communicated by the late Miers, ie Sir. ‘Joserx Banas, Bart. G,C.B. PRS. a #5 x, Notices ais New Hoots” x. Proceedings of TLeamed Societies: te eM XI, Latelliphice” and Miseetlansone ‘rele sci + 3 On the’ des ‘Spots. Rhubarb. — Magnetism.—Met« ori il Hed Z) Ns Qarg ntidote .against Corrosive Sublimate. — The AS French Flock of Cashmire Goats.—Reduction of Muriate’ — (Chloride) of Silver.—The Statue of Memnon.—Antarctic } Continent.—Arctic Land Expedition—Newly discovered saps ea att a Cah usefolCon y a: at \ : 4 , ae ee Two Vols. 8vo, Price 30s. OLLECTION of EXAMPLES 6f the DIFFERENTIAL and I} TEGRAL. CALCULUS and of those of FINITE. Dif- ENCES and of FUNCTIONS. fos eo SARE ela! a Part I. and II. by the Ray. es PEACOCK, M.A. F.R.S. * art III. by Je F, W. HERSCHEL, Esq- MA. F.R.S.L. & E. § Part IV. by C- BABBAGE, Esq: M.A. F.R.S.L, & E. b y Longman and Co. Patetnoster-row 5 Whittaker, Ave-Maria-lane 5 S66’. > and Mawman, Ludgate-hill. at 5 1. L ative of Dr. Ure’s Experiments 02 Calorie, aper on the Atomic Philosophy, and Mr, Bortor’s | i for : ‘Ripourut’s Improvement on the Gas Blow-pipe—A_ e illustrative Mr. Meixie’s Paper on -Calorific Radiation; Mr. ’s on the Purification of Coal Gas; and Mr. Hucuss’s on ascer- ng Distances. — A Plate illustrative of Dr. Ouinruus Grecory’s the different Rates of Pexnin ctox’s Astronomical Clock at the. of Balta, and at Woolwich Common. ; ae eee fol. LIV. A Plate illustrative of the Menat Brincs.—A Plate illus-__ ive of Mr. Lowe’s Description of a Mercurial Pendulum.—A Plate trative of Mr. Hare’s Calorimotor, anew Galvanic Instrument.—A strative of Captain‘Sasine’s Paper on Irregularities observed.in — irection of the Compass Needles of the Isabella and Alexander in late Vewawe of Discovery; and Mr. Scoressy’s Aromaly in the Va-— dle as observed on Ship-board. =, 7 ibiting Sketch of the Comet’s Path of July 1819. ‘the Annular Eclipse of the Sun’ on the 7th of: : and of Captain Formay’s Essay on a Property in hich hitherto has been unobserved by Philosophers.—A Plate de- illustrative of Mess. CExstep and Amrere’s ; etic Experiments, and Mr. Perxine’s Paper on the Com. Y ‘xu. On the Tan Means foe eer ede Observations in different Places and Climates, so as to. \pro- ~ duce some Uniformity in the Modes of obtaining and sum- | § ming up the Results. By Luxe Howarp, Bsqe ty a Oe “\ XIII. ‘Additional Observations on. ihe tise! of Lactuea-- ‘4 I rium, or. Lettuce Opium; particularly ina Case of Cyna “aq Laryngea, or Croup. — By ANDREW Duncan, e "Fe and P.E. &e. “seatiy sake oe a De Th XIV. 1H the North-west Magnetic Pole. : By Colonel 1 ) EaccnOm ast _ a se . XV. On the’ Applicatin. of. the S saathe Pais of Coal i : Gi as a seals Moyeri in eae De ererek ss i 3. et XVII. Dr: RO Ss ‘Reply toa Revie in Pete “sor ibe ate S asta of Coy : * hidartaee Sy gle QD: ipavein’ eee Ascension of Dr Maser ts: ‘36. Stars ) for March and rae Tea ‘s ! hes x ¢ 1 wr) > Si Peary Tenetiigenee! aid “Mivceblahent er are i | i ey struction of Zante by an Rarthofiake—Statistes. — Coma Ue ngmical Tasieuments.— Essential Oil oF a ar Lights-—Harth- @ quake. — German Sausages. — Agriculture. — Todine in \\ Sponge.—List of Patents for New Inventions.—On the So. wr Sac ene a8 sey Beek Comet.—As Seis at CaranAiat tant for this Work, seciied by thed -Pickett-Place, Temple si will meet ‘with i ay Peron} 4 HY . C ey ; ‘This is Day is Puyites handsomely printed i in small Svo. with Teo ee price 7s. 6d, a f A NEW EDITION OF “NEW SYSTEM OF DOMESTIC COOKERY, formed upon PRINCIPLLS of ECONOMY, and adapted to the Use of Private Disgnilics. Comprising also the ART of CA RVING, Observations on the ea of the DAIRY, and POULTRY YARD; Instructions for HOME BREWERY, WINES, &c., COOKERY for the SICK, and . for the POOR ¢ many very useful MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS, r and DIRECTIONS proper to be given to SERVANTS, both in Town . and Country. To which is prefixed. an ESSAY on DOMESTIC ECO- _NOMY and HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT, comprising many Ob- i servations which will be found poyenady useful to the Mistress of a ‘hs muy. . Bie Te RAO al BY A LADY ;" = % This i is really one of the most practically eed books of any which — we have seen on the subject. ‘The lady who has written it, has not studied ~ how to form expensive articles for luxurious tables, but to combine ele- : gancewith eeonomy : sh¢ has given her directions in a plain sensible man- ner, that every body can understand ; and these are not confined merely to cookery, but are extended toa variety of objects in use in families; by AY eermcan the utility of the book is very much increased indeed.” bi; Printed for Joun Murray, Albemarle-Street 5 oe aN SOLD ALSO’ ‘ g aye. By every other Bookseller in England, Scotland and Ireland. a - Of whom may be had, lately published, ‘ ‘THE NEW FAMILY RECEIPT BOOK, a New Edition, ae } “improved, guaran mens in small 8vo. oe 7s. 6d. in boards, = x ‘ek ENGRAVINGS. ; Vol. LV. A Plate samasieie Sketch of the Comet’s Path of iy a 1819. é —A Plate illustrative of the Annular Eclipse of the Sun on the 7th of » September next.—A Plate illustrative of Mr. Lawne’s Instrument for’ | ; ering Fruit; Mr. Youne’s Mode. of preparing Opium from the -apaver somniferum; and of Captain Forman’s Essay on a ‘Property in Light which hitherto has been unobserved by Philosophers. —A Plate de- ; -scriptive of | Mr. Curuzert’s improved Hydro-pneumatic Apparatus, &c. —A Plate illustrative of Capt. Forman’s Essay on the Reflection, Refrac- tion, and Inflection of Light, &c.; and Mr. Cuarres Bonnycastur’s ‘Communication PeaResing the Influence of Masses of Iron on the Mari- a io ogy of Botany. —A Plate Rec of Mr. Hau’ : eeeecaon Gun- T ack; of: Dr. Kurcutner’s Pancratic Eye-Tube; and of Mr.. Parx’ s oD ooring Blocks:—A Plate exhibiting Sections, &c. of Mr. Maram’s im- proved Gas-Meter.—A Plate exhibiting the Discoveres made by Capt. ny in the Polar Sea, u, LVI. A Plate illustrative ‘of Mess. CExsrep and Amprrr’s ro-magnetic Experiments, and Mr. Perkins? 8 Paper, on the Com. ts Mer of Wiater-2 a Vor. 57. Philosophical Magazine. Marcy 1821, ES ey Gf a ee Pas [f= ASRS Wfaae SOR ph =; « 33 = oo aim Ek ‘ ConTENTs OF NuMBER 275. ) XXIII. New analytic Formula and Table of an increasing y Life Annuity; with Remarks on the Surrender of Life As- 39 surance Policies at Proprietary Offices. By Mr. J. B. Ben- WELL, Hoxton. - = - - - - Page 161 1; XXIV. On the Solar and Lunar Periods, By Mr. James wit S) Urrine, of Lynn Regis, - - - - ¥ XXV. On the Division of the Circle into seventeen equal Parts. - - : - - - - - XXVI. Some Account of a Method which may be ap-~ & plied to the same Purposes as Sir Isaac Newron’s Method Nil of Fluxions. By Mr. Tuomas Trepco.p. - 177 and 200 WX IN XXVII. Lunar Tables: being an Appendix to pages 244, ; May 344, 439, of Vol. II.—p. 17, 81,278, 354, of Phil. ny Siti pt 1820. - - - - - - - “ XXVIII. A Table of the Sun’s Right Ascension in Time AACA to every Ten Minutes of his Longitude: with the Differences HN} and Secular Variation for Jan. 1, 1801. (Obliq, of the Eclip. Pay 23° 27 57”, and Sec. Var. 52”1.) .Caleulated from Tay- i aq LoR’s ‘Tables of Logarithms. By Mr, James Urrine, f Lynn Regis. - - - - - - ¥ “XXIX..On Sounds inaudible by certain Ears. By Wm. Hype Woxrasron, M.D. P.R.S. - - - p | XXX. On the Constitution of aqueous Ammonia. By fire Anprew Ure, M.D. Professor of the Andersonian Institu- Hx tion, &c. - - - - ~ } XXXI. Right Ascension, Declination, and Passage of @AS\ the Meridian of Ceres; and true apparent Right Ascension BTN of Dr. MasKxeLyne’s 3G Stars for every Day in the Year ¥ 1821. By the Rev. J. Groosy. - - - i mt XXIII. Cn the Action of the Voltaic Pile upon the Mime Macnetic Needle. By M. Boisceraup Jun. = - di, XXXIV. Notices respecting New Books. - - 207 er | XXXV. Proceedings of Learned Societies. - + 222 SNK). mull XXXVI. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles-—Plati- ; * num.—Testfor Barytes and Strontia.—Selenium.—Dyeing, } Magnetism.—Heat of Vacuum.—Fine Arts.—Euharmonie @ Organ at Calcutta.—Cicerode Republica.—Veterinary Art, NY —ScarletFever.—Snake with twoHeads.—Potatoes.—Geo- Ra IN) logical Inquiries.—Dangers in the Red Sea.—List of » Pa- tents for New Inventions.—New Comet.—Volcano in the & Moon.—Quere respecting Tables of Vesta.—Barometric } Measurement of Heights.—Meteorology, &c. &c. 228—940 *,* Communications for this- Work, received by the Editor, Pickett-Place, Temple Bar, will meet with every attention. 192 Pig + igs ENGRAVINGS. ai Vol, LI. “Be. Plate Mustrative of Mr. Caper eers? s ‘Paper’ on the Probability of Meteorolites - being. projected from the Moon.»-Two - Plates: one, of Mr. H. Trirron’s Improved Apparatus for Distillation ; _ and another, of the Figures in Braptey’s Gardening illustrative of the Ar. : ticle on the Kaxerposcorr.—A Plate illustrative of Mrs, Isserson’s Pas onthe Anatomy of Vegetables; and Mr.Trepgoun’s on Revetements, . Vol. LIF, A Plate illustrative of Mr. Urivcron’s Electrical In. ereaser forthe unerring Manifestation: of small Portions of the Electric ., Fluids—A Plate illustrative of Mrs. Isserson’s Paper en the’ Fructifica- - _tiomof Plants.—A Plate illustrativeof the Rev. Joun Micuert’s Theory of the Formation of the Earth—A_ Plate illustrative of Capt. Karer’s Article on the Pendulum ; and New Apparatus for impregnating Liquids, . ’ with Gases.—A Plate illustrative of Sir H. Davy’s ‘Apparatus { for Vola-* tilization of Phosphorus, and Mr. Smiru’s Essay’ on the Structure of the ; _ poisonous Fangs of Serpents, -Vol, LITI. ‘A Plate illustrative of Dr. Ure’s Experiments on Calor,ie ‘ Mr. Lucxcocx’s Paper on the Atomic Philosophy, and, Mr. Botron’s on the Purification of Coal Gas.—A Plate representing Mr. Rewwre’s _ Apparatus: empleyed in his Experiments. on the Strength of Materials; and the Marquis Ripotri’s Improvement on the Gas Blow-pipe.—A ~ ~ Plate illustrative of Mr. Merkxe’ s Paper on Calorific Radiation; Mr, * Lowe’s. on the Purification of Coal Gas; and Mr. Hucues’s on ascers taining Distances. ‘— A Plate illustrative of Dr. Ouintuus Grecory’s © ‘ f -Tsland. of Balta, and at Woolwich Cémmon, Paper on the different Rates of PenninGTon’s Astronomical Clock atthe - Vol. LIv. ‘A Plate illustrativ@of the Mewar Bripcr.—A Plate illus. trative ‘of Mr. Lowe’s Description of a Mercurial’ Pendulum.—A. Plate illustrative of Mr. Hare’s Calorimotor, a new Galvanic Instrument. —A Plate illustrative of Captain.Sazrne’s Paper on Irregularities observed in ‘the Direction of the Compass Neeges of the Isabella and Alexander in the Kate Voyage of Discovery ; and Mr. Scorgssy’s Anomaly inthe Va- . ‘riation of the Magnetic Needle as observed on Ship-board. t Vol. LV. A Plate exhibiting Sketch of the Comet’s Path of July 1819. ~ ; —A Plate illustrative of the Annular Eclipse of the Sun onthe 7th of ~ September - next.—A Plate illustrative of Mr,‘ Lane’s Instrument for peat ting Fruit; Mr. Youno’s Mode of: preparing Opium from: the e lapaver somniferum; and of Captain Forman’s Essay on a Property in hig ht which hitherto has been- unobserved by Philosophers,—A Plate de- Plate illustrative of Capt. Forman’s Essay on the Reflection;Refrac- ' ec, and Inflection of Light, &c.; and Mr. Cuarres BonnyCASTLE’s | Communicacion renpeeung, the paatenee of Masses of Iron on the Mari om r’s Compass. 5 ‘ Vol. LVI. A Plate iNaudaties of Mrs. Inserson’s “Paper on the Phy- ology of Botany.—A Plate illustrative of Mr. Hatw’s Percussion Gun- 3 of Dr. Kircuiner’s ‘Pancratic Eye-Tuhe; and of Mr. Parx’s, ooring Blocks.—A ‘Plate exhibiting Sections, &cs of Mr. Maram’s im- Proved Gas-Meter.—A Plate exhibiting the Discoveres made by Capt. . iRRy in the Polar Sea, Vor. LVII. A Plate iNhositgsette: ‘of Mess. CErstep: jaa: Ampere’s o-magnetic: tc bias. and Mre Peruins’ s Paper on the Cont. igh of Water. ; “seri of Mr. Curusert’s improved Hydro-pneumatic Apparatus, &e. _ | ees he es f + an al Conriwrs o OF Tein 276. _XXXVII. Observations on Statements made by Mr. Ri- CARDO, and others, <* On the comparative Advantages of — / illuminating by Gas produced from Oil and. from Coal.”? By Mr. Georce Lowe. - me Page 241 XXVIII, On the Errors ig Lonptende as determined x by Chronometers at Sea, arising from the Action of the Iron > in the Ships upon the Chronometers. ‘By Grorce Fisner, Wace | Esq. Communicated by. Joun Barrow, Esq. F-R.S. *' - 249; os R XXXIX. Sequel of the Experiments on the Action of % the Voltaic Pile ia the Meguetie Needle. . By M. Bois= 8 GERAUD, Jun. es 257 \ . XL. Upon the diferent Qualities of the Alburnum of — : Spring- and Winter-felled. Oak ca A Ey THomas ‘ANDREW ¢ Knient, Esq. F. RS. +), hs 59 XLI. A ‘Table of the Sun’s Declination to every ‘Ten Mi $ nutes of his Longitude: with the Differences and Secular — Variation for Jan. 1, 1801. (Obliq. of the Eclip, 23° 27’ 675 . j and Sec. * ah BQ" “I. )y Pe toga from ‘Tayror’s Tables ; - 260 § 265.6 iy ? Rev. a Griiowe: 69 XLV. Description of an dan butt Gibe for Porcelain Te iY By Mr. Jounn Rose, of Coalport, Shropshire. = ‘ora XLVI. Report of theCouncil of the Astronomical Society of London to the first Annual tae es Meeting’ Feb. 95 3 1821. : 3 - waht) § XLVI. A Memoir on some new Modifcanons of Gal- a } vanic Apparatus, with Observations in Support of his Theory _ } of Galvanism. By R. Harz, M.D. Professor of Chemie in the University of Pennsylvania. aire ee XLVIIL.’ Description of the Marine ‘Thermometer Case : ? invented by Mr. Rowert Jamizsdy, of Glasgow. - © is 294K Nl XLIX. Description of a Mercurial Log-Glass, i Y by Mr. C. H, Jennincs, of Carburton-street, Fiteroy square 900 'L. Notices respecting New. Books, - ae LI, Proceedings of Learned Societies. - - - + 3 f LI. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles ; — New | Alkalies.—Steam-Engines ; ‘at Consolidated Mines. —Indian 'Corn.—Patents.—Mathematical Questions.— | Barometrice ee yoner Mee mabe Tables. 3 RICHARD AND. ) ARTHUR . TAYLOR, PRINTERS, SHOE LANE, LON 10 Py 7. ENGRAVINGS. -._Vol.. LI. A Plate illustrative of Mr. Carex Lorrt’s Paper on ‘the Probability of Méeteorolites being projected from ‘the Moon.—T wo _ Plates: one, of Mr. H.Trirron’s Improve] Apparatus for Distillation ; ~ and another, of the Figures ‘n Brapcey’s Gardening illustrative of the Ar. _ * ticle on the Kaverposcore.—A Plate illustrative of Mrs, Inperson’s Pae - i "per on the Anatomy of Vegetables; and Mr. TrepGotp’s on Revetements. +. Vol. LI. A Plate illustrative-of Mr. Urincron’s Electrical In- ‘ereaser for the unerring Manifestation of small Portions of the Electric Fluid—A Pilate illustrative of Mrs. Inserson’s Paper on the Fiuctifica- _ tion of Plants.—A Plate illustrative of the Rey. Jouw:Micuenc’s Theory _ of the Formation\of the Earrh-—A Plate illustrative of Capt. Karer’s + WAntisle ov che Pendulum ; and /New Apparatus for impregnating Liquids er with Gases. —A Plate illustrative of Sir H. Davy’s Apparatus for Vola- ilivation of Phosphortis, and Mr. Smrru’s Essay on the Structure of the ft poisonous Fangs of Serpents. _ ‘ae é ~~ Vol. LIII. A Plate illustrative of Dr. Ure’s 7xperiments on Caloric, _~ Mr. Lucxcocx’s Paper on the Atomic Philosophy, and Mr. Botron’s ' on the Purification of Coal Gas.—A Plate representing Mr. Renwre’y ~ Apparatus employed in his Experiments on the Strength of Materials; _ and the Marquis Ripotrni’s Improvement on the Gas Blow-pipe-—A Plate illustrative of Mr. Merxze’s Papér on Calorific Radiation; Mr, .Lowe’s on the Purification of Coal Gas; and Mr. Hucues’s on ascer- _ taining Distances. — A Plate illustrative of Dr. OLintaus Grecory’s - Paper on the different Rates of Pennineton’s Astronomical Clock at the . - Island of Balta, and at Woolwich Common, Melting noe — Vol-LIV. A Plate illustrative of the Menar Barpce.—A Plate illus- trative. of Mr. Lowe’s Description of a Mercurial Pendulum.—A Plate re pacar: of Mr. Hare’s Calorimotor, a new Galvanic Instrument.—A _ Plate illustrative of Captain Sagine’s Paper on Irregularities observed in _ the Direction of the Compass Needles of the Isabella and Alexander in the late Voyage of Discovery ; and Mr. Scoressy’s Anomaly in the Va- _ fiation of the Magnetic Needle as observed on Ship-board. ~ --Vojl. LV. A Plate exhibiting Sketch of the Comet’s Path of July 1819, ~ —A Plate illustrative of the Annular Eclipse of the Sun on thé 7th of ie September next.—A Plate illustrative of Mr. Lane’s Instrument for _ gathering Fruit; Mr. Younc’s Mode of preparing Opium from the _ Papave? somniferum;-and of Captain Forman’s Essay on a Property in Light which hitherto, has been unobserved by Philosophers,—A Plate de- _ scriptive of Mr. Curusert’s improved Hydro-pneumatic Apparatus, &c. _ A Plate illustrative of Capt. Forman’s Essay on the Reflection, Refrac- tion, and Inflection of Light, &c.; and Mr. Cuarres Bonnycasrie’s ~. Communicacion respecting the Influence of Masses of Iron on the Masj- ner’s Compass. ; ahh _ Vol. LVI. A Plate illustrative of Mrs. Ipserson’s Paper on the Phy- siology of Botany.—A Plate illustrative of Mr. Hart’s Bernseion Gun- Lock; of Dr. Kircuiner’s Pancratic Eye-Tube; and of Mr. Parx’s ‘Mooring Blocks.—A Plate exhibiting Sections, &c. of Mr. Matam’s im- 4 _ proved Gas-Meter.—A Plate exhibiting the Discoveries made by Capt. ae arry in the Polar Sea. axe + Vor. LVII., A Plate illustrative of Mess. Cixsrep and Amprre’s _ Electro-magnetic Experiments, and Mr. Perkins’s Paper on the Conta i ppc of Water.—A Plate illustrative of Mr. Jaminson’s Marine _ Thermometer Case, and Mr. Jennincs’s Mercurial Log-Glass. - "ConTENTS oF Mune d 277. i LIL. On the atmospherical Refraction. By Mr. J. Troe 92) R LIV. Some Account of a Method which may be applied hy to the same Purposes as Sir Isaac Newron’ 8 Method of Fluxions. By Mr.THomas Trepco.p. - ‘= $25 Ba #% LV. Strictures on a Publication entitled“ Crarx’sGas a9 Blowpipe.” By Rosert Hare, M. D. Professor of Che- mistry in the Medical Learnent of the v apanea | of Penn= | 1 sylvania, &c. - * 328 ye: ‘7 LVI. Some Account of the Deena “By Sir Tuomas il fe, OTAMFORD Rarrves, Governar of Sumatra; communicated __ wipe in.a Letter to Sir Everarp Home, Bart. V. P. Ribs Facer “ LVIL A Seri» of Queries addressed to Dr. Burney of © SV Gosport, regarding SHootine Stars and Merrors, with — sI4) some Suggestions on the same Subject tothe Astronomican it Sociery of London, for making these Phenomena available © | i} if@ in settling the Longitudes of Places, and towards extending _ Ae our Knowledge of the very numerous planetary and satellitic- Bodies, composing the Solar System. By Mr.J. Farey Sen. 346K : LVIII. On the Cure of Scrofula by meas of Vital Air, — Mais and the Use of the Juice of Sorrel. By Ropert Joun- jx THornron, M.D. Member of the Royal London College of a Nae Physicians, and Lecturer on Botany at Guy’s Hospital. 351 1 fe R _ LIX. True apparent Right Ascension of Dr. Masxe- (X& A} LyNe’s 36 Stars for eveny Day i in’ ane. ele at By the > 455 ; Rev. J. Groosy. - _= 253% LX. On the Meets Sea Ser ent. | ts 0% ite LXI. Third Report of the Serpent. ‘appointed ey AGRE His Majesty to consider the Subject of Weights and Measures, 359 | NIE S LXII. A new Method of ene, Saget to Youth ; Big SS Roserr Joun ‘fHornton, M.D. 61 RN ef LXIII. Claim to the Invention of a new Method of de ns e | ‘termining the Latitude. By Mr. Epwarp Rippte, - 36 wy LXIV. Experiments on the Strength and Stiffness and. oF \ Specific Gravity of various Specimens of Wood. Extracte oe A IN| from, the First Report from the Select Committee met eee “ly to consider of the Means of i i a and Fanane the .@ % Foreign Trade of the Country. - 366 5 vigg LXV. Some Account of the principal modern Catalogues : AW of fixed Stars; with Remarks connected with the Bde Gand > S\i By A ConRESPONDENT. = = 870" "UXVI. Reply to Mr, Ivory’s Raniavks on the Series of : the Article Conresion. ImaLetterto the Editor. - - 376 e LXVII. Notices respecting New Books, - — + LXVIIL. Proceedings of Learned Societies. _ PER A =" \ LX1X. Intelligence and Miscellaneous. Articles: — =~ ° ERiicte — Astronomical Notices. — Barometrical Observa-. cee ef tions. Meteorological ze) jor 04 We fA4 ; he tn WY, sh iig et ae | - = ENGRAVINGS. Probability of Meteorolités being projected “from the Moon,—Two “and another, of the Figures in Braptey’s Gardening illustrative of the At. Fluid.—A Plate Mustrative of Mrs. Izpetson’s Paper onthe Fructifica- tion of Plants.—A Plate illustrative of the Rev. Joun MicHext’s Theory ‘of the Formation of the Earth.—A_ Plate illustrative of Capt. Karer’s Article on the Pendulum and New Apparatus for impregnating Liquids tilization of Phosphorus, and Mr. Smiru’s Essay:on the Structuré-of the poisonous, I’angs of Serpents. ae ie > aS on the Purification of Coal Gas.—A Pate representing Mr. Renwie’s \pparatus employed in his Experiments on the Strength of Matevials; d the Marquis Ripotexi’s Improvement. on the Gas Blow-pipe.—-A. owe’s on the Purification of Coal Gas; and Mr, Hucues’s on ascer= taining Distances. — A Plate illustrative of Dr. OLrinrnus Grecory’s Island of Balta, and at Woolwich Common, Esp. | Vol. LIV. A Plate illustrative of the Menar Bripce.—A Plate illus. of Mr. Lowe’s Description of a Mercurial Pendulum.—A Plate ative of Mr. Hare’s Calorimotor, a new Galvanic Instrument.—A Plate illustrative of Captain Sauine’s Paper on Irregularities observed in the Direction of the Compass Needles of the Isabella and Alexander in the late Voyage of Discovery ; and Mr, Scorrssy’s Anomaly in the Va- of the Magnetic Needle as observed ‘on Ship-board, V. A Plate exhibiting Sketch of the Comet’s Path of July 1819, 1 er's . Shed a -s September next.—A Plate illustrative of Mt Lane’s Instrument for ra ag and Inflection of Light, &c. 3" and Mr. Cuarurs Boynycastur’s nunicacion respecting the Influence of Masses of Iron on the Marie Pi ; , r% i ry er’s ‘Compass. ae 8% } Vol. LVI. A Plate illustrative of Mrs. Innerson’s Paper on the Phy- c £ Botany.—A Place illustrative of Mr. Haru’s Perenssion Cun- of Dr. Kircuiner’s Pancratic Eye-‘lube; and of Mr. Parx’s ig Blocks. —A Plate exhibiting Sections, &c. of Mr. Mavam’s im- ed ( s-Meter.—A ' Plate exhibiting the Discoveries made by Capt. if » ‘ * ' anny in the Polar Sea, — by } ete * ; Jectro-magnetic Experiments, and Mr, Purxins’s Paper on the Com. essibility of Water.—A Plate illustrative of Mr. Jam1son’s Marine hermometer Case, and Mr. Jennincs’s Mercurial Log-Glass.--A Plate istrative of Dr. Hare’s new Modification of Galvanic Apparatus. = Vol. LI. A-Plate illustrative of Mr. Carer Lorrv’s Paper.on the, Plates: one, of Mr. H. Tritrron’s Improved Apparatus for Distillation) ;- SA, ticle onthe Kaverposcore.—A Plate illustrative of Mrs, Insetson’s Pas | _peronthe Anatomy of Vegetables; and Mr.Trepeoun’s on Revetements; .. 4 Vol. LU.:: A Plate illustrative of Mr..Upincron’s Electrical In- te -ereaser for the unerring Manifestation of small Portions cf the Electric © Vol. Lill. A Plate illustrative of Dr. Ure’s Experiments on Calorie,” Mr. Lucxcocx’s Paper on the Atomic Philosophy, and Mr. Borton’s aper on the different Rates of PenninGton’s Astronomical Clock at the ate illustrative of the Annular Eclipse of the Sun on the 7th of. rathering Fruit; Mr. Younc’s Mode of preparing Opium from the niferum; and of Captain Forman’s Essay on a Property, in. Aight which hitherto has been unobserved by Philosophers. —A Plate de- » riptive of Mr. Curuzert’s improved Hydro-pneumatic Apparatus, &c} > Plate i)lnstrative of Capt. Forman’s Essay on the Reflection, Refiac- | - ov. LVI. A Plate illustrative of Mess. Cxstrp and Amrrku’s be i cope tae with Gases.—A Plate illustrative of Sir H. Davy’s Apparatus for Vola- — ate illust-ative of Mr. Merxce’s Paper on Calorific Radiation; Mr. > 4 _Philosoptied kD Magazine. 7 ak: wren “\ specting the ¢ ; y Capillary Te ‘ae LXXVI, oat respect ei oF os am- -Engine, 5 Ease tae On the Eficacy of 5 Neiay maa the anor ; tion of Vinegar in Patrid: ENE By Ros ERT T Jous THORN: > “ik TON, MD. Ae eee, ‘. > Da 4B ¥ “LXXEX. A Gamagranteaon cela! : berween Dr. ‘Haney: and Dr. Urs. Bis ae c Chet of 1k —T