aS a Aw eS Ae \ NN A NY AN : : ROY ‘ Ae NS NS SN SRS WAN : ) ‘' x, RON . " ‘, ‘ ) ~ . . ~ . : s S . NY SONY i | ~ Seay ‘ A | | | | \) Od “ * oe yO PANS . \ ; : ‘s \ ‘ Seok ‘ SS Sah s ~ 2 * \ he » SY SY 5 NY atts AX . < * ‘ a att . . | | | - | | | | _ “| . NY: “ 7 aK ‘ : : . g ‘ : . ‘ | ~ . Vw ‘ Ss : R : . SS ; , . j S ‘ . . And é SN . \ aA - \ . : A ‘ . SS _ &. 4s EGE or 5 be Le ed ee Sette ‘ fa eae < < 7 a or ee AA Meg ¢ eg ‘, < b . . nt \ A » NS 4 SS ‘ . . . Wns, : St oe - Se Ne is . \. x , 4 AW Sa aS “ el . ‘, ‘a ‘ . a A \) . * _ — . r an ¥ *, \. . a oe, » nf SSO * ‘ A) ‘s \ yw > = 7 =e \ : ae '& . : ‘ : » : = & SAN ~ . x » SS ~ us ‘ ‘ \ ; 5 . ‘ Pa | | SoA 7 NY SS. . wy a Peas . Sa SS os \ Ve ~ a VAS ~ s, . 4 | | | : | we ho N o , S B. } . : : e - baa? | SNS SN : ». Y ad SS | \ . . SS > 2s S WY 8 : 2 " . : ) SS - * ‘\ ~ - Atseda ee - ge, RA SS SAS SO AON 4 Sa Q \ . « x 4 : SS . ae : ? \ ‘ 7 . ‘ ‘ N ~) ‘ N ae, . rs ~ eee, Aen we, eA, eS ~ Ae < aeee 7 Ge Oe ee Oe ee te e - S \y TERS NN = RS “ “& SN .e 2 a wy an A One y XS S NS SS : A) x y : S ss o \. . x, N ~* ne .; , ANS . aS wi oe y Wa - » . AS ‘ ‘ : : ‘ » »' “% » ‘ | ) . ty . « . ‘ : SA . | SY ¥ . \ \ | . | . | * = a a Sy . = ns ~ , RN SS Y WSS awe SS SS 7 Shox) rm ; : \ SS \ : | : : NN \ Ni) . ¥ ‘ : » ‘e * i . “ Nahe NAAN . ‘ ve , . a SENS Ny Sey . SNS ~ . SY Seas \ \) SASS . . . SAAS NY ¥ ‘i ~ ee » . \ PANS * AAs SS - * Y S : s ‘ . . r EES RI ; SSN 4 ae vA® . ' SS YS . . *) ‘, “ Sy . ay x . ; SN : . EAS » rte ee . \ ~ : A SS : SS MAX ‘ as ASS ae \ . ‘S . \ NS : \ * : \\ WSS : Ss ’ aN : \ SY : . * “ yi ‘ ~ Sk : \\ .” ‘ ‘, ‘ . . yy : | ~ . \! ‘ ‘ “ ‘ > . \ . NNN \ MAMAS Ai AIINAAMMdI AN AA Ain 7 5 : | . . . SAN a SA Ss WOMA GE 7 “ : Ne SSN * ° = 7 + : . ~. RRR | : Ak * A, \ \ . AA ae | SANE SI ~ Se AS NAS | 7 ae * : SO : . ; . SERRA NN | | . RED WANT SENS Ss ANS OO : Soe =~ SS oes SYA w rN She s' I SNS SOE si SS DASA “s LON RSV is SOS Ov ed SY ‘ : . » yes * , \ . . + . ah *, : . . wth . S , , 7 | ao = q oN noes ae : . : . AN . oN ox 4 \ hs a Tgtst pQKAT 6 - = a i ea = Fa) ==) 3 < o| = S ht gee <2 es So = = ni a = RR Ge i ay ee lo a a ee 15 Paes sore, anleep in ie SeGn. li... cs o.eecscicc sccm leet seeceecenee Embryo. Second Stage; development. —a Awakening and beginning to grow.................:- Germination. —b Developing leaves and branches................... Baone Vegetation. 2 CONTENTS. Third Stage; leaves transformed to flowers.................... Flowering. Fourth Stage; maturity. —¢ Flowers maturing: into fraps. 3. oi Nese. ae eee Fructification. —d Fruit ripe and the plant exhausted. Hibernation......... Death. CHaPTteR IV. Term of Plant Life.......... er eree errr Se 20 § Plant fruiting but once, and | —@ Dying in its first yoars 3.2. 5 oh0 320. 0s Segoe a) Annual Herb. —b Dying after its second year....................0. (@) Biennial Herb. —¢ Dying after many yeaFs......-5....-..-:+.5..0eee see Monocarpic. § Plant fruiting more than once (perennial), : a Wih‘anntial stems) 16 a... -..8.... i el ee sc~ke eee 24 Perennial Herb. 6 With perennial stems becoming woody. 1, If lower than or equaling the human stature..... Undershrub. 2, If taller, 7 to 20 feet, high.....00...-2..2.-. 02 er Shrub. 3, If still taller, with a distinct trunk....:... .oeeeeeee A Tree. + Trees with annual foliage, shed in Autumn...... Deciduous. + Trees with perennial foliage............0.%..ssenenee Fvergreen. PART FIRST.—STRUCTURAL BOTANY, OR ORGANOGRAPHY....... 23 Cuaprer I. . The Flower. It may consist of..........<..<:.sssss=== eee 23 a The leafy Envelopes, or Perianth, in 2 whorls or sets. 1, The outer circle, of Sepals, usually green..................0:. Calyx. 2, The inner circle, of Petals, usually colored ..:.:.-.2ceeeeeee Corolla. 6 The Essential Organs, also in 2 whorls or sets. 3, An outer set, of Stamens, within the corolla.......... Androecium. 4, The inner and central set, of Pistils...................- Gyncecium. c¢ The base, or platform on which these organs stand............. Torus. CuHapTer II. Plan of the Flower.—The Typical Flower.................--- 25 1, Consisting of 4 whorled sets of organs, is.................--.- Complete. 2, Each set having the same number of parts.......... -..- Symmetrical. 3, The parts composing each set uniform........... ...scacseeeeun Regular. 4, All the parts separate and distinct from each other.............. Free. 5, Parts of adjacent sets alternating in position............... Alternate. CuapTers III. and IV. Anomalous Flowers. Deviations from the Type. 28 1, Variations in the Radical Number.................0+e+ From 4/ to 2, Deficiencies, rendering the flower | a Incomplete. —OOPOMA WaMtdn es. o.. soci sks wane ckics case Sask oneee eee Apetalous. —Corolla and. calyx both wanting. .......0.0s50...6.. sees Naked. 6 Imperfect. “PRS SLAIMONS Waal ooo anise. sai couueneb ee eee aueE ¢ Pistillate. —The pistils wanting ......0..-...-.0.- oe Sa ae hare 8 Staminate. : ' { CONTENTS. 3 e¢ Unsymmetrical, from the suppression of a part of some set. d Organs opposite, from the suppression of some entire set. 3, Redundancies. a Organs increased in number, Ewes EB RAE MCR Oe chic ene os fase sc ues alee ese rakes oo Multiplication. SEF CME. re ios Cbs he are wba oo Tew on ened hewn ea Tene bed Chorisis. b Appendages. , —Horn-like nectaries projecting backward ................... Spurs. —Attached to the inside of the petals........................ Scales. eB aTTTENE ICOM: as eons eos alse eo Suite ewe ula Saw a's OMA ONE RE: Crown. cae ROCCE PEAT. GMOTECR 50 be oe ae Ae na wt ss on ow adaee epee Cae Glands. 4, Union of Parts. a By Cohesion. ==Petals: united. ..s. 2.260260. _...-Gamopetalous, or Monopetalous. eee OTOL, SEU oes oa. ds bos SEU, oe sc ance ease Sele Monadelphous. aA TENEENE arene a ate ena oh ana le sek debe maee aloes Compound. 6 By Adhesion. —Parts blended with the Calyx.....................00e. Perigynous. —Parts blended with the Ovary..................eeee.-e- Epigynous. 5, Irregularities.—_Torus lengthened, excavated, etc. —Like organs, becoming unequal in size, etc, CuapteR V. Of the Floral Envelopes, or Perianth......................... 36 reel; Patines Gf, thie Permmtns. 5 iio. 3. ovo seeds scetecdes costedecen 41 1, Dialypetalous, or Polypetalous. * Regular. —a Four long-clawed petals spreading at right-angles..Cruciferous. —b Five short-clawed spreading petals................... Rosaceous. —c Five spreading petals on long erect claws...Caryophyllaceous. —d A 6-leaved gradually spreading perianth............ Liliaceous. * Trregular. —é Five petals, 2 pairs and an odd one............. Papilionaceous. —Sf Six petals, one of them lip-like.................... Orchidaceous. 2, Gamopetalous, or Monopetalous. (§ 102.) * Regular. —a Tube very short, border flat, spreading................. Rotate. —b Tube very short, border wide, concave, Cup-form, etc., etc. * Irregular. —ce Cylindrical tube split down, etc. (§ 103.) § Transformations of the Perianth. (§ 104-108.) 1, In the Composite. A circle of dry scales or bristles.......... Pappus. 2. In the Bog-Rushes. A circle of 6 (more or less) bristles......... Seteze. 3, In the Sedges (Carices). A bottle-shaped envelope....... Perigynium. 4, In the Grasses. Chaff-like coverings............... Glunus, and Pales. CONTENTS.. CHAPTER VII. Attributes of the Essential Organs.—Parts............:.... 46 1, In respect to Number.—da ete. (§ 118, two conditions.) 2, In position. —a On the torus, free from all other organs... : x ok Hypogynous. —b Adherent to the calyx, etc. (§ 119, four other conditions.) 3, In cohesions. —a United into one set, etc. (§ 120, five modes.) Cuaprer VILL. The Pistils.—Its Parts (§ 125)........:... sees eee 52 1, The simple ovary. —q@ Eneloses a single Cavity .....i0... 2 osc uces ce one ee Its Cell. —b Produces little buds becoming seeds..............-.0.--20cee Ovules. —c And two fleshy ridges bearing the ovules................ Placenteze. 2, The compound ovary. —a May contain as many cells as carpels. —b Must have 2 (or a double) placentz in each cell. —c And an equal number of ovules in each cell. 3, The number of carpels in a compound ovary is known-- 1, By the number of distinct styles, if any. 2, By the number of distinct stigmas. 3, By the number of the cells; or, if there be but one, 4, By the number of external lobes, angles, or sutures. Cuaptrer TX: The Ovules. .c2cce eae ied oe al ee eee Sinus 58 CHAPTER X. The Fruit.—Pericarp.—Dehiscence..... ........-..-e0---eeeeee 60 CHAPTER XI. Forms of the Pericarp. (See Syllabus, § 150).............. 64. Caaprer XII. The Seed... oi. o. cil ic ce nce eck con weeks cae b= ce ee 69 CHartrrn XII. Germination: (06.5220 4.hene see vieidiais onidtn shy Sintec 74 CHAPTER XIV. The Root, or Descending Axis.—Forms...............2+0 78 * Axial Roots, or Tap-Roots, having the main axis devoloped. 1, The woody tap-root of most trees, branching.............. Ramous. 2, Tuberous tap-roots. —a Shaped like a spindle (Beet)....................-..--- Fusiform. —b Shaped like a cone (Carrot).:........25--.-0:eeee+ ee eee Conical —c Shape rounded or depressed (Turnip) ..........-..+-. Napiform. * Inaxial Roots, having only the branches developed. 3, Root consisting of numerous thread-like divisions........ Fibrous. 4, Root fibro-tuberous. : —a Some of the fibers thickened.....................--- Fasciculate. —b Fibers abruptly knotted ...........-.00....ccnerssceneme Nodulous. —c The knots at regular intervals..................es0: Moniliform. —@ Kibers bearing little tubers. .......s00.ce.ceces sen ven Tubercular. CONTENTS. 5 CmArrer © V. Of the Stem, or Ascending Axis... .. 22.220... eens ccceae 84 CHAPTER XVI. Forms of the Leaf-Stems, aerial, caulescent.............. 88 1, Jointed, or hollow stems of Grasses, Sedges, Canes.............. Culm. 2, The stout woody stem of Trees, covered with bark ....... Reed Walt & 3, The woody, simple columns of Palms, etc., without bark..... Caudex. 4, Weak, slender stems, climbing or trailing................000000-2. Vine. CHAPTER XVII. Forms of Scale-Stems, acaulescent.......... ............. 92 -1, Slender, prostrate, rooting, on or in the ground............... Creeper. 2, Fleshy, thick, rooting, mostly under ground....... .......... Rhizome. 3, Swollen with starch, under ground, with buds rah (2 <) Sateen Ore Tuber. 4, Bulbous, solid, with thin scales, under ground................... Corm. 5, Bulbous, consisting mostly of thick scales......................... Bulb. CHAPTER XVIII. The Leaf-Bud. Vernation (and Aistivation, Chap. XXIV) 97 * Separate; regarding a single leaf (petal or sepal) in bud. 1, Leaf flat, neither folded nor rolled in the bud................ Open. 2, Bent forward, apex toward the base.............-......... Reclined. minded On Gh Axd8.. 2.2... .c ss 2 EH al EEE RN ae NG Hake 3 Conduplicate. eogh TL Eres Scie Eigse ss ene ee eae Oe oe Plicate. Me tediled ga lit ami dawitward.. i>. .... 2. -0..-2s.2.2 een: Circinate. 6, Rolled with its axis. —a@ Hrom one edge into a scroll........................--- Convolute. ais SE eStRE UMASS PONE D AIOWELIND Sc) a OS sons Sloe Sie «ade ae Involute. —¢ Srom.bocn eda@es Back warc...: ss 2... cbeawees essences Revolute. * General ;—regarding the whole bud. 1, Edges meeting, Valvate. pete adeey PAORIPOUTIG SPAIN Go oe ois. vc. wae v's oa tame cawwacn ne Valvate. —With the margins involute.........0....220s ees seen eee Induplicate. —With the margins revolute ...............-.6...8. 2-06 Reduplicate. 2, One edge overlapping, each leaf oblique.... Twisted or Contorted. 3, Both edges overlapping, Imbricate. a Conduplicate leaves, alternately. aa NNER SAE RENEE ea hn ir eed wai’ J at aR me bin ,n/ a were Ole Equitant. coal irs OMBUSS CEE A IES Cn e id d eS ad ea oa nes aig wane Obvolute. 6 Leaves in threes, one of them exterior.............. Triquetrous. c Leaves in fives, two of them exterior............... Quincuncial. ad Each leaf or petal embracing all those within....... Convolute. é Exterior petal largest (Sweet Pea)...... en earch Yetta Vexillary. 4, Gamopetalous corolla folded in plaits. pe ie PEERS Pits ce he a oleae. spk ws nniSu due dee ba bene s Plicate. SSL Ea or Do ee re ee ae tere ey an mee aie Supervolute. ears ae, Oe, thie Peat ——Phyllotaxy... 5 ic. ay ; ae fe 00; 11.) DEPARTMENTS OF SCIENCE. _ Ft with the lens, a needle in a handle, a penknife, and tweezers are required for dissection. 8. The compound microscope is undoubtedly a higher aid in scientific investigation than any other instrument of human invention. It is like the bestow- ment of a new sense, or the opening of a new world. Through this, almost solely, all our knowledge of the cells, the tissues; growth, fertilization, etc., is derived. The skillful use of this noble instrument is itself an art, which it is no part of our plan to explain. 9. On the preparation of botanical subjects for examination we remark: the field of view is small, and only minute portions of objects can be seen at once; the parts must be brought under inspection successively. . 10. The tissues of leaves, etc., are best seen by transmitted light. They are to be divided by the razor or scalpel into extremely thin parings or cut- tings. Such cuttings may be made by holding the leaf between the two halves of a split cork. They are then made wet and viewed upon glass. The stomata are best seen in the epidermis stripped off; but in the Sorrel-leaf (Oxalis violacea) they appear beautifully distinct upon the entire leaf. 11. Woody tissues, etc., may be viewed-.either as opaque or transparent. Sections and cuttings should be made in all directions, and attached to the glass by water, white of egg, or Canada balsam. To obtain the elementary cells separately for inspection, the fragment of wood may be macerated in a few drops of nitric acid added to a grain of chlorate of potassa. Softer structures may be macerated simply in boiling water. fue AT Y iek. EF. DEPARTMENTS OF SCIENCE. 12. Three great departments in nature are univer- sally recognized: the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. The first constitutes the Inorganic; the other two, the Organic World. | 18. A mineral is an témorganic mass of matter— that is, without distinction of parts or organs. A 12 INTRODUCTION. © [11, 12. stone, for example, may be broken into any number of fragments, each of which will retain all the essen- tial characteristics of the original body, so that each fragment will still be a stone. 14. A plant is an organized body, endowed with vitality but not with sensation, composed of distinct parts, each of which is essential to the completeness of its being. A Tulip is composed of organs which may be separated and subdivided indefinitely, but no one of the fragments alone will be a complete plant. ~15. Animals, like plants, are organized bodies en- dowed with vitality, and composed of distinct parts, no one of which is complete in itself; but they are elevated above either plants or minerals by their power of perception. 16. Physics is the general name of the science — which treats of the mineral or inorganic world. 17. Zoology relates to the animal kingdom. 18. Botany is the science of the vegetable king- dom. It includes the knowledge of the forms, organs, structure, growth, and uses of plants, together with their history and classification. Its several depart- ments correspond to the various subjects to which they relate. Thus, 19. Morphology treats of the special organs of plants as compared with each other; it especially relates to the mutual or typical transformations which the organs undergo in the course of development. 20. Vegetable Histology treats of the elementary tissues—the organic units or cells out of which the vegetable fabric is constructed. - 21. Physiological Botany is that department which relates to the vital action of the several organs and “wy? aS a. be? PPO 7 , a ’ ae Fee esas eS es BEE os me << c: * _ ro ee - > é Oo adi Re pu St eT So i at ot Sa CINE, 2 PEELS 12, 13.] DEPARTMENTS OF SCIENCE. 138 tissues, including both the vital and chemical phe- nomena in the germination, growth, and reproduction of plants. It has, therefore, a practical bearing upon the labors of husbandry in the propagation and cult- ure of plants, both in the garden and in the field. 92. Systenvatic Botany arises from the consideration of plants in relation to each other. It aims to arrange and classify plants into groups and families, according to their mutual affinities, so as to constitute of them all one unbroken series or system. 23. Descriptive Botany, or Phytology, is the art of expressing the distinctive characters of species and groups of plants with accuracy and precision, in order to their complete recognition. A Flora is a descrip-— tive work of this kind, embracing the plants of some > particular country or district. 24. Finally, in its extended sense, Botany comprehends also the knowledge of the relations of plants to the other departments of nature — particularly to mankind. The ultimate aim of its researches is the development of the boundless resources of the vegetable kingdom, for our sustenance and pro- tection as well as education; for the healing of our diseases and the allevia- tion of our wants and woes. This branch of botanical science is called Applied Botany, including several departments—as Medical Botany, or Phar- macy; Agricultural Botany, or Chemistry; Pomology, etc. 25. The name of a plant or other natural object is twofold,—the trivial or popular name, by which it is generally known in the country; and the Latin name, by which it is accurately designated in science throughout the world. For example, Strawberry is the popular name, and Fragaria vesca the Latin or scientific name, of the same plant. In elementary treatises, like the present, for the sake of being readily understood, plants are usually called by their popular names. Yet we earnestly recommend the learner to ae INTRODUCTION. | accustom himself early to the use of the more accu- rate names employed in science. 26. The Latin name of a plant is always double— generic and specific. Thus /ragaria is generic, or the name of the genus of the plant—vesca is specific, or the name of the species. | 27. A Species embraces all such individuals as may have originated from a common stock. Such individuals bear an essential resemblance to each other as well as to their common parent, in all their parts. For example, the White Clover (Trifolium repens) is a species embracing thousands of contemporary individ- uals scattered over our hills and plains, all of common descent, and producing other individuals of their own kind from their seed. 28. To this law of resemblance in plants of one common origin there are some apparent exceptions. Individuals descended from the same parent often bear flowers differing in color, or fruit differing in flavor, or leaves differing in form, etc. Such plants are called Varieties. They are rarely permanent, often exhibiting a tendency to revert to their original type. Varieties occur chiefly in species maintained by culti- vation, as the Apple, Potato, Rose, Dahlia. They also occur more or less in native plants (as Hepatica tra- loba), often rendering the limits of the species ex- tremely doubtful. They are due to the different cir- cumstances of climate, soil, and culture to which they are subjected, and continue distinct until left to mul- tiply spontaneously from seed in their own proper soil, or some other change of circumstances. 29. A Genus is an assemblage of species closely related to one another in the structure of their flowers «13, 14] . ie a THE STAGES OF PLANT LIFE. 15 and fruit, and having more points of resemblance than of difference throughout. Thus, the genus Clover (7v7- folium) includes many species, as the White Ciover (T. repens), the Red Clover (7. pratense), the Buffalo Clover (7. refiecum), etc., agreeing in floral structure and general aspect so obviously that the most hasty observer would notice their relationship. So in the genus Pinus, no one would hesitate to include the White Pine, the Pitch Pine, the Long-leafed Pine (P. strobus, P. rigida, and P. palustris), any more than we would fail to observe their differences. 30. Thus individuals are grouped into species, and species are associated into genera. These groups con- stitute the bases of all the systems of classification in use, whether by artificial or natural methods. Cina PTR it. THE STAGES OF PLANT LIFE. 81. In its earliest stage of life, the plant is an embryo sleeping in the seed. It then consists of two parts, the radicle or rootlet, and the plumule. Both may be seen in the Pea, Bean, or Acorn. Besides the embryo, the seed contains also its food in some form, provided for its first nourishment. 32. When placed just beneath the surface of the soil, it absorbs moisture, which, with the genial warmth of Spring, awakens the embryo, and it begins to feed and grow. The radicle protrudes (Fig. 2, 7), turns _ downward, seeking the dark damp earth, avoiding the air and light, and forms the root or descending azis. The plumule, taking the opposite direction (Fig. 3, p), aes 16 INTRODUCTION. | «fla. ascends, seeking the air and light, and expanding itself to their influence. This constitutes the stem or ascending axis, bearing the leaves. Thus the acorn germinates, and the Oak en- ters upon the second stage of its existence. 33. At first the ascending axis is merely a bud, that is, a growing point clothed with and protected by little scales, the rudiments of leaves. As the growing point advances and its lower scales grad- ually expand into leaves, new scales successively appear above. Thus the axis is always terminated by a bud. | d4, The terminal bud ex- pands into leaves, and the ascending axis (Fig. 4, p) in- creases in length and diam- eter. Besides the terminal bud, one is formed in the axil of each leaf. If none of the buds in the axils of the leaves de- a Acorn (seed of Quercus) germinai- ‘Wy, ing; 1, section showing the radicle (7) velop, the plant at the end of the STOW- which is to become the root, and the : two cotyledons (c) which are to nourish ing season will pre- it ; 2, the radicle r, descending ; 3 and 4, the radicle, 7, de- eS and the pleenale (p) ascending. sent a young oak, as Fig. A, but if one should grow, the little tree would appear as in Fig. B. 35. During successive periods of growth the lateral buds develop, forming branches and branchlets, and season after season the main axis lengthens and in- creases 1n diameter, the branches multiply and enlarge, a ; . a4 = = r ij eae oe’ \- te oy + 16, 17.] TERM OR PERIOD OF PLANT LIFE. 21 tire life is limited to a single season. It germinates from the seed in Spring, attains its growth, blossoms, bears fruit, and dies in Autumn; as the Flax, Corn, Morning-glory. 41. A biennial herb (@) is a plant which germi- nates and vegetates, bearing leaves only the first season, blossoms, bears fruit, and dies the second; as the Beet and Turnip. Wheat, Rye, etc., are annual. plants; but when sown in Autumn, the sudden frost prevents flowering, and they become -biennials. 42. Monocarpic herbs.—'The Century-plant (Agave), the Talipot-palm, etc., are so called. They vegetate, bearing leaves only, for many years, accumulating materials and strength for one mighty effort in fructification, which being accomplished, they die. In some species the term of life depends on climate alone. The Castor-bean (Ricinus) is an annual herb in the Northern States, a shrub in the ‘Southern, and a tree of large size in its native India. So Petunia, annual in our gardens, is’perennial at home (in Brazil). Sf 43. Perennial plants are such as have an indefinite duration of life, usually of many years. They may be either herkaceous or woody. Herbaceous perennials, or perennial | herbs (2£), are plants whose parts are annual above ground and perennial below. In other words, their roots or subterranean stems live from year to year, sending up annually, in Spring, flowering shoots which perish after they have ripened their fruit in Autumn; as the Lily, Dandelion, Hop. 44. Woody perennials usually vegetate several years, and attain well-nigh their ordinary stature before flow- ering : thenceforward they fructify annually, resting or sleeping in winter. They are known as trees (5), shrubs (5), bushes, and undershrubs (5) —distinctions founded on size alone. 45. A shrub (5), is a diminutive tree, limited to eighteen or twenty feet in stature, and generally divid- pare INTRODUCTION. [17, 18. ing into branches at or near the surface of the ground (Alder, Quince). If the woody plant be limited to a still lower growth, say about the human stature, it is. called a bush (Snowball, Andromeda). If still smaller, it is an undershrub (b) (Whortleberry). 46. A tree (5) is understood to attain to a height many times greater than the human stature, with a permanent’ woody stem, whose lower part, the trunk, ~ is unbranched. 47. As to age, some trees live only a few years, rapidly attaining their growth and rapidly decaying, as the Peach; others have a longevity exceed- ing the age of man; and some species outlive many generations. Age may be estimated by the number of wood-circles or rings seen in a@ cross-section of the trunk (§ 408), each ring being (very generally) an annual growth. Instances of great longevity are on record. See Class Book of Botany, §§ 99,100. The monarch tree of the world is the Californian Cedar —Sequoia gigantéa. One which had fallen measured 26 foet in diameter, and 363 in length! The wood-circles of this specimen are unusually thick, yet count up to 1,330. Among those yet standing, are many of even greater dimensions, as beautiful in form as they are sublime in height—the growth, probably, of more than 2,000 years. One of the Sequoias is estimated at 1,500 years; another of these monsters, felled in 1875, had 2,130 rings; still another was estimated by Dr. Gray to be 8,200 years old. One of these monster trees has recently been discovered, in Tulare County, California, by an engineer of the Comstock mines, that measures more than 56 feet in diameter at a point seven feet from the ground. 48. Trees are again distinguished as dectduous (5) and evergreen (5) —the former losing their foliage in Autumn, and remaining naked until the following Spring; the latter retaining their leaves and verdure throughout all seasons. The Fir tribe (Conifer) in- cludes nearly all the evergreens of the North; those of the South are far more numerous in kind —ée. g., the Magnolias, the Live-oaks, Holly, Cherry, Palmetto, etc. ‘ . nil were os ey. ae pple nm. PART FIRST. STRUCTURAL BOTANY; OR, ORGANOGRAPHY. pat ni Gite ee UH AP TE HT: THE FLOWER. 49. The flower is the immediate agent in the pro- - duction of the seed with its embryo, and to this end j its whole structure is designed. Moreover, its superior £ beauty attracts earliest attention, and an intimate _ knowledge of its organism is the /irst requisite in - analysis and classification. 50. The flower may consist of the following mem- -_ bers—the floral envelopes and the essential floral or- 3 gans. The floral envelopes consist of one or more circles or whorls of leaves surrounding the essential organs. The outer of these whorls is called the calyz ; 4 and the other, if there be any, the corolla. The calyx a may, therefore, exist without the corolla; but the corolla can not exist without the calyx. © j 51. Calyx’is a Greek word signifying a cup. It is 4 applied to the external envelope of the flower, consist- ing of a whorl of leaves with their edges distinct or i united, usually green, but sometimes highly colored. _ The leaves or pieces composing the calyx are called sepals. 94 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [19, 20. 52. Corolla is a Latin word signifying a little crown, applied to the interior envelope of the flower. It consists of one or more circles of leaves, either dis- tinct or united by their edges, usually of some other color than green, and of a more delicate texture than — the calyx. Its leaves are called petals. 53. Perianth (eps, around, av6oc, flower) is a word in common use to designate the floral envelopes as a whole, without distinction of calyx and corolla. It is used in description, especially when these two envel- opes are so similar as not to be readily distinguished, as in the Tulip, Lily, and the Endogens generally; also where only one envelope exists, as in Phytolacca, Elm, etc. 54. The essential floral organs stand within the cir- cles of the perianth, and are so called because they ~ are the immediate instruments in. perfecting the seed, and thus accomplishing the final purposes of the flower. These organs are of two kinds, perfectly dis- tinct in position and office—viz., the stamens and the pistils. 55. The stamens are those thread-like organs situ- ated just within the perianth and around the pistils. Their number varies from one to a hundred or more; but the most common number is five. Collectively they are called the andrceceum. 56. The pistils (called also carpels) occupy the center of the flower at the absolute terminus of the flowering axis. They are sometimes numerous, often apparently but one, always destined to bear the seed. Collectively they are called the gyncecewm. 57. The torus or receptacle is the axis of the flower, situated at the summit of the flower-stalk. It ae aang ile a4 — & > ca 20, 21.] PLAN OF THE FLOWER. 925 commonly appears a flattened or somewhat convex disk, whose center corresponds to the apex of the axis. On this disk, as on a platform, stand the floral organs 5, Flower of the Strawberry. 6, vee of the Pink. 7, Flower of the Lily (Lilium superbum). The pupil will point out the parts. above described, in four concentric circles. The gyne- ceum (pistils) occupies the center; the androeceum encircles it; the corolla is next without; and the calyx embraces the whole. Sime TER ft. PLAN OF THE FLOWER. 58. Such, in general, is the organization of the flower. It is simple enough in theory; and in most of the plants with which he meets, the student will easily recognize these several organs by name. But, in truth, flowers vary in form and fashion to a degree almost infinite. Each organ is subject to transforma- tions, disguises, and even to entire extinction; so that the real nature of the flower may become an intricate and perplexing study. ioe 26 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [21, 22. 59. As we ghall soon see, in all these variations there is method. They are never capricious or acci- dental, however much they may appear so. Unity in diversity is characteristic of Nature in all her depart- ments, and eminently so in the flowers; and the first step in the successful study of them is to discover that unity—that szmple zdea of the floral structure in which all its diversities harmonize. Before flowers were created, that idea or type was conceived; and to possess it ourselves is a near approach to communion with the Infinite Author of Nature. 60. The typical flower, one that oxo pee the full idea of the floral structure, consists of four differ- ent circles of organs, as before described, placed circle within circle on the torus, and all having a common center. Such a flower must possess these five attri- butes—viz.: It must be a, Complete; having the four kinds or sets of organs arranged in as many concentric circles. 'That it is perfect, having both kinds of the essential organs, is necessarily included under its completeness. 6, Regular; having the organs of the same name all similar and alike; that is, all the petals of one pattern, all the stamens alike in form, size, position, etc. c, Symmetrical ; having the same.number of organs in each set or circle. d, Alternating in respect to the position of the organs. This implies that the several organs of each set stand not opposite to, but alternating with the organs of the adjacent set;—the petals alternate with the sepals and stamens; the stamens alternate with the petals and pistils. | > es Ty ae Fe ee pa PRA ere yay” 22, 23.) PLAN OF THE FLOWER. 27 e, That the organs be distinct, all disconnected and free from each other. 61. This is the Tyre. But it is seldom fully real- ized in the flowers as they actually grow, although the tendency toward it is universal. Deviations occur in every imaginable mode and degree, causing that end- less variety in the floral world which we never cease to admire. For example, in our pattern flowers (5, 6, 7), the pistils seem too few in the Pink and Lily, and the stamens too many in all of them. 62. The flower of the Flax (10) combines very nearly all the conditions above specified. It is complete, regular, symmetrical. Its organs are alter- nate and all separate; and (disregarding the slight cohesion of the pistils at their base) this flower well realizes our type. Admitting two whoris of stamens instead of one, we have a good example of our type in Stone-crop (Sedum ternatum), a little fleshy herb of our woods. Its flowers are both 4-parted and 5-parted in the same plant. See also the 12-parted flowers of the common Houseleek. &, Flower of Crassula lactea, regular, symmetrical, organs distinct. 9, Diagram showing its plan. 10, Flower of the Scarlet Flax. 11, Diagram of its plan. 63. The flowers of Crassula (8), an African genus sometimes cultivated, afford unexceptionable examples, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils each being five in number, regularly alternating and perfectly separate. 28 STRUCTURAL BOTANY, (23. CHAPTER [tis STUDY OF ANOMALOUS FLOWERS. 64. The true method of studying the flower is by comparing it with this type. So shall we be able, and ever delighted, to learn the nature of each organ in all its disguises of form, and to discern the features of the general plan even under its widest deviations. The more important of them are included under the following heads, which will be considered in order: 1, Variations of the radical number of the flower; 2, Deficiencies; 8, Redundancies; 4, Union of parts; 5, Irregularities of development. 65. The radical number of the flower is that which enumerates the parts composing each whorl. Here nature seems most inclined to the number five, as in Grassula, Flax, Rose, and Strawberry. It varies, how- ever, from one to twelve, and is expressed by word or sign as follows: di-merous, or, 2-parted (,/), tri-merous ™ L14 12, Flower of Hippuris, one-parted. 13, Flower of Circzea Lutetiana, V7. 14, Flower of Xyris, A or 38-parted (¥/), penta-merous or 5-parted (,/), etc. The flowers of Hippuris (12) are 1-parted, having but one stamen and one pistil. Those of Circeea (13) are 2-parted, having 2 sepals, 2 petals, 2 stamens, etc. 23, 24.] STUDY OF ANOMALOUS FLOWERS. 29 Those of Xyris (14) are ,¥/, having all the parts in 38s. Xyris is one of the Endogens. ‘Trimerous flowers are characteristic of this great group of Plants, while pen- tamerous flowers commonly distinguish the Exogens. 66. Deficiencies often occur, rendering the flower wncomplete. Such flowers lack some one or more en- tire sets of organs. When only one of the floral envelopes, the calyx, exists, the flower is said to be apetalous or monochlamydeous (yAauic, a cloak), as in Elm, Phytolacca. These terms are also loosely applied to such plants as Rhubarb, Anemone, Liverwort, where _ the pieces of the perianth are all similar, although in two or three whorls. When the perianth is wholly wanting, the flower is said to be achlamydeous, or naked, as in Lizard-tail (15). ii 15, Flower of Saururus ‘Lizard-tail)—achlamydeous. 16, rate of Fraxinus (Ash). 17, Flower of Salix (Willow), staminate—18, pistillate. 67. Imperfect flowers are also of frequent occur- rence. They are deficient in respect to the essential organs. A sterile or staminate flower (denoted thus ¢) has stamens withous pistils. A /ertzle or pistillate flower (2) has pistils without stamens. Such flowers being counterparts of each other, and both necessary to the perfection of the seed, must exist either to- gether upon the same plant or upon separate plants of the same species. In the former case, the species 30 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (24, 25. is moneecious (8), as in Oak; in the latter case, dic- cious (6 ¢), as in Willow. The term diclunous, denot- , 19, Pistillate flower of Balm-of-Gilead. 20, Staminate. 21, Begonia—a, staminate ; }, pistillate. ing either 2 or ¢ 9 without distinction, is in common use. 68. 4 neutral flower is a perianth or calyx only, having neither stamens nor pistils. Such are the ray- flowers of many of the Composite, and of the cymes of Hydrangea, High-cranberry, etc., which in cultiva- tion may all become neutral, as in the Snow-ball. 69. Unsymmetrical flowers.—The term symmetry, as used in Botany, refers to number only. A flower becomes unsymmetrical by the partial development of any set or circle in respect to the number of its organs. The Mustard family, called the Crucifers, afford good examples. 70. The flowers of Mustard, Cress, etc., are understood to be 4-merous ( 47). The sepals are four, petals four, but the stamens are six and the styles but two. The stamens are arranged in two circles, having two of those in the outer circle suppressed or reduced to mere glands. Two of the carpels are also suppressed (429). In the Mint family and the Figworts one or three of the stamens are generally abortive. Here, while the flowers are ys the sta- mens are four in some species and only two in others. The missing stamens, however, often appear in the guise of slender processes—the rudiments of stamens—proving in an interesting manner the natural tendency to sym- metry. 71. In the 4/ flowers of Poppy, the sepals are but two; in 4/ Spring-beauty they are but two; in both cases too few for symmetry. In Larkspur (26) the y flowers have but four petals; and in Monk’s-hood (29), also > the petals , a . P a ek Sia Sa - ° . i: ; 25, 26.] STUDY OF ANOMALOUS FLOWERS. 31 are apparently but two, strangely deformed bodies. A careful inspection, however, generally reveals the other three, very minute, in their proper places, as displayed in the cut. 72. “Organs opposite” is a condition much less fre- quent than “organs alternate,” but is highly interest- ing, as being sometimes characteristic of whole fami- hes. Thus in the Primrose, Thrift, and Buckthorn families, the stamens always stand opposite to the petals ! puipone 73. How happens this? Among the Primworts this question is solved in the flowers of Lysimachia Diagrams.—22, Flower of Samolus, showing the rudimentary stamens alternating with the pei fect. 23, Flower of a Labiate plant, showing the place of the deficient stamen. 24, Flower of Asarum—three sepals, twelve stamens, etc. 25, Flower of Saxifrage—two pistils, ten stamens, etc. and Samolus, where we find a circle of five teeth (abortive filaments) between the petals and stamens, alternating with both sets, thus restoring the lost sym- metry. Hence we infer that in such cases generally a circle of alternating organs has been either partially or wholly suppressed. In the Buckthorn, however, a _ different explanation has been given. 74. Redundancy. — The multiplication of organs is exceedingly common, and usually according to a defi- nite plan. The increase takes place, as a rule, by cir- cles, and consequently by multiples. That is, e.g., the _ stamens of a 4 flower, if increased, will be so by 3s; ; of a ¥ flower by 5s, etc., sometimes to the extent of twenty such circles. a rie a2 ? STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [26, 27. 75. In the Crowfoot, Rose, and other families with numerous stamens, the arrangement is in crowded spirals, like the phyllotaxis of the plants with the internodes undeveloped. The carpels of the Crowfoot are also generally mul- tiplied, yet often, on the contrary, diminished, as in the Peony. In Rosaceze, also, the stamens are generally multiplied, while the carpels exist in all con- ditions as to number. hus in Strawberry they are multiplied, in the Apple they are regularly five, in Agrimony reduced to two, and in the Cherry to one. In Magnolia the / flowers have three sepals in one circle, six or nine petals in two or three circles, numerous stamens and carpels in many circles of each. In the ¥ flowers or Blood-root there are two sepals, eight petals, twenty-four stamens, and two carpels. 76. Chorisis.—In other cases, the organs seem to be increased in number by clusters, rather than by circles, as when in the same circle several stamens stand in the place of one—é.g., in Squirrel-corn, St. Johnswort, Linden. Such cases afford wide scope for conjecture. Perhaps each cluster originates by division, as the compound from the simple ieaf; or as a tuft of axillary leaves; or thirdly, by a partial union of organs. CE ACP ae ANOMALOUS FLOWERS — CONTINUED. 77. Appendicular organs consist of spurs, scales, crown, glands, etc., and often afford excellent dis- tinctive marks. The old term nectary was indiscrim- 26, Flower of Delphinium Consolida (common Larkspur), dirplaying s, s, s, s, s, the five sepals—a, the upper one spur; c, the corolla of four petals, here united into one and produced into a spur. 27, Flower of Impatiens fulva (Touch-me-not). 28, Displaying s, s, s, y, the four sepals, y being saccate and spurred ; p, p, the two petals, both double, preserving the symmetry. inately applied to all such organs, because some of them produced honey. 2 96-28.) STUDY OF ANOMALOUS FLOWERS. 33 78. Spurs are singular processes of the flower, tu- _ bular and projecting from behind it. In Columbine _ each petal is thus spurred ;—in Violet, one petal only; in Larkspur, two petals and a sepal, the spur of the latter inclosing that of the former. The curved spur of the Jewel-weed belongs to a sepal (27, 28). _ 79. Scales are attached to the inner side of the corolla, usually upon the claw of the petals, as in Buttercups, or within the throat of the corolla tube, as in the Borrageworts. Similar appendages, when _ enlarged and conspicuous, constitute a crown in Catchfiy, Corn-cockle, Narcissus. See also the stam- nal crown of the Silk-grass (Asclepias). 80. Glandular bodies are often found upon the re- - ceptacle in the places of missing stamens or carpels, or as abortive organs of some kind. Examples are seen in the Crucifers and Grape. In Grass-Parnassus they are stalked and resemble stamens. 81. The union of organs in some way occurs in almost every flower; and, more perhaps than any other cause, tends to disguise its plan and origin. The separate pieces which stood each as the repre- sentative of a leaf, now, by a gradual fusion, lose - themselves in the common mass. Nevertheless, marks _ of this process are always discernible, either in parts yet remaining free, or in the seams where the edges _ were conjoined. The floral organs may unite by cohe- sion or adhesion. 82. Cohesion, when the parts of the same whorl are . joined together; as the sepals of the Pink, the petals of ~ Morning-glory, the stamens of Mallows, the carpels of _ Poppy. Adhesion, when the parts of different whorls are conjoined; as the stamens with the corolla in aN a4 at - 34 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [27, 28. Phlox, with the pistils in Milkweed, Lady’s-slipper ; or calyx with ovary, in Apple or Wintergreen (Gaul- theria). The adjective free is used in a sense opposite to adhesion, implying that the organ is inserted on (or grows out of) the receptacle, and otherwise separated from any other kind of organ. The adjective dzstinct iS opposed to cohesion, implying that lke organs are separate from each other. More of this in another chapter. ‘ 3 ' f 8 29 . NAN 8g & 81 29, Flower of Aconitum Napellus ee S, 8, 8, 8, &, the five sepals, the upper one hooded; p, p, p, the five petals, of which the two upper are nectaries covered by the hood, and the three lower very minute. 30, Flower of Catalpa, 2-lipped, 5-lobed. 31, Corolla laid open, showing the two perfect stamens and the three rudimentary. 83. Irregular development.—Our typical flower is regular; and observation proves that all flowers are actually alike regular in the early bud. ‘Those in- equalities or “one-sided” forms, therefore, which char- acterize’ certain flowers, are occasioned by subsequent irregular growth from a regular type. The irregu- larity of flowers occurs in a thousand ways and modes ;—in the unequal séze of like organs; in their dissimilar forms and positions ; in their unequal cohe- sions, and in their partial swppressions. So in the Violet (50), Monk’s-hood (29), Catalpa (30), the Labi- ates (69), the Pea tribe (59), etc. : q 28, 29. STUDY OF ANOMALOUS FLOWERS. 35 84. The torus, or receptacle, is sometimes strangely modified. In the little Myosurus (82), in some But- tercups, and in the Tulip-tree we find a lengthened or spindle-shaped torus— lengthened according to the 32 . 32, Flower (magnified) of Myosurus; a vertical section showing its elongated torus, etc. 33, The same, natural size. 34, Flower of Isopyrum biternatum; vertical section, showing the convex or globular torus, etc. 35, Flower of Rose, Showing its excavated torus. nature of a branch (§ 35), and all covered with the multiplied pistils. On the contrary, we have in the Rose (35) and Lady’s-mantle (88), an excavated torus, _ within which the carpels are held, while the other | ‘ organs are borne upon its elevated rim. 36, Pzonia Moutan, showing its very large disk (d) sheathing the ovaries (p). 37, Pistil of the Lemon, with its base surrounded by the disk, d. 58, Section of flower of Alchemilla, showing its single simple pistil, large disk, and excavated torus. «85. The disk is a portion of the receptacle raised into a rim somewhere in the midst of the whorls. It is found between the ovary and stamens in Peony 36 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [29-31. and Buckthorn. It bears the stamens in Maple and Mignonette, and crowns the ovary in the Umbelliferee. 86. Combined deviations are quite frequent, and sometimes obscure the typical character of the flower to such a degree as to require close observa- tion in tracing it out. The study of such cases is full of both amusement and improvement. For example, the VA Poppy has suppression in the calyx, multiplication in the stamens and carpels, and in the latter cohesion also. The 4/ Sage has cohesion and irregularity in the calyx, every kind of irregu- larity in the corolla, suppression and irregularity in the stamens, suppression and cohesion in the pistils. The VA Cypripedium is perfectly symmetrical, yet has irregular cohesion in the calyx, great inequality in the petals, cohesion, adhesion, and metamorphosis in the stamens, and cohesion in the carpels. (In this way let the pupil analyze the deviations in the flower of Gera- nium, Hollyhock, Moth-mullein, Larkspur, Sweetbrier, Touch-me-not, Petunia, Snapdragon, Violet, Polygala, Squirrel-corn, Orchis, Henbit, Monk’s-hood, Calceolaria, etc.) CHAPTER Vax THE FLORAL ENVELOPES, OR PERIANTH. 87. In our idea of the typical flower, the perianth consists of two whorls of expanded floral leaves encir- cling and protecting the more delicate essential organs in their midst. As a rule, the outer circle, calyx, is green and far less conspicuous than the inner circle of highly colored leaves—the corolla. But there are many exceptions to this rule. Strictly speaking, the calyx and corolla are in no way distinguishable except by position. The outer circle is the calyx, whatever be its form or color; and the z¢nner, if there be more than one, is the corolla. 88. Both blade and petiole are distinguishable in the floral leaves, especially in the petals. The blade, or expanded part, is here called limb, or lamina; the petiolar part, when narrowed into a stalk, is called the claw. In form, or outline, there is a general resem- s x i , iy Reta? ' o's ne r 30, 31.] THE FLORAL ENVELOPES. 37 blance between the limb and the leaf. It is ovate, oval, lanceolate, obcordate, orbicular, etc. In margin it is generally entire. (See § 308.) 89. Some peculiar forms, however, should be noticed, as the bilobate petal of the Chickweed (44), the pin- natifid petal of Miterwort (48), the inflected petal of the Umbelliferze (42), the fan-shaped petal of Pink, the fringed (fimbriate) petal of Campion (Silene stellata) (40), the hooded sepal of Napellus (29), the saccate Forms of petals.—39, Buttercup, showing the scale at base. 40, Mignonette, fringed at top. 41, Silene stellata, fringed and unguiculate. 42, Flower of Osmorhiza longistylis, petals inflected. 43, Flower of Mitella diphylla, petals pectinate-pinnatifid. 44, Petal of Cerastium nutans, 2-cleft. petal of Calceolaria, Cypripedium (71). The limb is, moreover, often distorted into a true nectary, spurred (see § 78), or otherwise deformed, as in . Napellus, Coptis, etc. 90. We have seen that the floral organs are often in various ways united. A calyx with its sepals united into a tube or cup was formerly said to be monosepal- ous, and a similar corolla was called monopetalous ; gamosepalous and gamopetalous are now substituted for those words. Polysepalous is applied to a calyx with distinct sepals, a corolla with separate petals is polypetalous. Gamosepalous and gamopetalous have in Germany given place to the more appropriate words synsepalous and sympetalous. Polysepalous and polypetalous have also been superseded by the more accurate terms aposepalous and apopetalous. 38 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (31, 32. 91. The gamosepalous calyx, or gamopetalous co- rolla, although thus compounded of several pieces, is usually described as a simple organ, wheel-shaped, cup- shaped, tubular, according to the degree of cohesion. The lower part of it, formed by the united claws, whether long or short, is the tube; the upper part, composed of the confluent laminee, is the border, or limb; the opening of the tube above is the throat. 92. The border is either lobed, toothed, crenate, @q etc., by the distinct ends of the pieces composing it, | as in the calyx of Pink, the calyx and corolla of Primula, Phlox, and Bellwort, or it may become, by a complete lateral cohesion, entire, as in the Morning- glory. Here the compound nature of the organ is shown by the seams alone. 93. A terminal cohesion, where summit as well as sides are joined, forming a cap rather than cup, rarely occurs, as in the calyx of the garden Eschscholtzia and the corolla of the Grape. 45, Flower of Saponaria (Bouncing Bet); petals and claws quite distinct. 46, Phlox; claws united, with lamina distinct. 47, Spigelia (Pink-root), petals still further united. 48, Quamoclit coccinea ; petals united throughout. 94. The modes of adhesion are various and im- portant, furnishing some of the most valuable dis- i“: es F j 82, 33.] afe — - ~~ 25 oe aS Ss THE FLORAL ENVELOPES. 39 tinctive characters. An organ is said to be adherent when it is conjoined with some dissimilar organ, as stamen with pistil. All the organs of our typical flower are described as free. 95. The term hypogynous (i76, under, yvv7, the pistil) is an adjective in frequent use, denoting that ~~“. the organs are inserted into the torus under, or at the base of the ovary or pistil. Organs so situated are, of -serted on the calyx or. Cherry and Plum, the petals and stamens are perigynous on the calyx-tube. course, in the normal condition and /ree, there being no adhesions. Observe and explain the sections of Jeffersonia and Violet (49, 50). 96. Perigynows (7epi, around) is a term applicable to the stamens and pet- als only, and implies that they are (apparently) in- corolla arownd the free ovary. In Phlox, the Stamens are perigynous on the corolla-tube. In (See 51.) 97. Epigynows (eri, upon) denotes that the organs 40) STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (33, 34. are inserted (apparently) wpon the ovary, aS appears in Apple, Pear, Caraway, Sunflower. (See cuts 42, 51.) The common phrases “calyx superior,’ “ovary inferior,’ have the same signification as “calyx epigy- nous,” all implying the apparent insertion of the organs upon. or above the ovary. In this condition 52, Ribes aureum and (54) Fuchsia gracilis ; ovary inferior or adherent, stamens and petals epigynous (above the adherent ovary). 53, Saxifraga Virginiensis; ovary half-superior. all the organs, or at least the calyx, are blended with the ovary to its top. Hence the phrases “ovary adher- ent,’ or “calyx adherent,” have also the same mean- — ing, and are. preferable, because in accordance with the fact. (Explain the sections of Golden Currant and Kar-drop — 52, 54.) 98. Calyx inferior or free, ovary superior or free, are all phrases of the same import as calyx hypogy- nous. Between the two conditions, calyx superior and calyx inferior, there are numerous gradations, of which one only is defined, to wit, calyx half-superior, as ex- emplified in the Mock-orange and Saxifrage (53). FORMS OF THE PERIANTH. 41 CHAPTER VI. FORMS OF THE PERIANTH. 99. The innumerable forms of the perianth, whether calyx or corolla, or both, are first to be distinguished aS POLYPETALOUS Or GAMOPETALOUS, and secondly, as regular or wrregular. The POLYPETALOUS-regular forms are typified by the four figures below, and described in the following paragraphs. \\ NN 58 W Forms of corollas. —55, Cheiranthus (Stock). 56, Silene regia (Scarlet Catchfly). 57, Pyrus coronata. 58, Amaryllis (Atamasco Lily). 100. First, Oruciform (crucis, of a cross) or cross- shaped corollas consist of four long-clawed petals, placed at right angles to each other, as in Mustard, Wall-flower (55). 2d, Caryophyllaceous or pink-like corollas consist of five petals with long, erect claws, and spreading laminze; as in the Pink (56). 34, -Rosaceous or rose-like corollas are composed of five short-clawed open petals; as in the Rose (Fig. 57). 4th, Liliaceous flowers, like the Lilies, consist of a 492, STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (35. six-leaved perianth; each leaf gradually spreading so as to resemble, as a whole, the funnel-form (58). 101. Polypetalous-irregular forms (59, 71) may gen- erally be referred to these two types—the papiliona- ceous and the orchidaceous. The Papilionaceous (pa- ptlvo, butterfly) corolla or flower may consist of five dissimilar petals, designated thus: the upper, largest, and exterior petal is the banner (vexzlluwm); the two lateral, half-exterior, are the wings (alew); the two lower, interior petals, often united at their lower mar- gin, are the keel (carina). The flowers of the Pea, 59, Papilionacedus flower of the Pea, 60, eee », the vexillum; a, a, the ale; c¢, ¢, the carina. 61, Section of flower of Dicentra Cucullaria. Locust, Clover, and of the great family of the Legu- minose in general are examples. The Orchidaceous is a form of the perianth peculiar to the Orchis, and — to that large and singular tribe in general. It is a 6-parted double perianth, very irregular, characterized chiefly by its lap, which is the upper petal (lower by the twisting of the ovary) enlarged and variously deformed. 102. Gamopetalous-regular perianths (62-67) may include mainly the following forms, although some of them may become irregular. First, Rotate, wheel- shaped, or star-shaped, is a form with tube very short, 85, 36.] FORMS OF THE PERIANTH. 43 if any, and a flat, spreading border; as the calyx of Chickweed, corolla of Trientalis, Elder. It is some- times a little irregular, as in Mullein. 2d, Cup-shaped, with pieces cohering into a concave border, as in the calyx of Mallows, corolla of Kalmia, etc. 8d, Cam- panulate, or bell-shaped; when the tube widens ab- ruptly at base and gradually in the border, as in Forms of corollas.—62, Campanula Americana; rotate. 63, Campanula divaricata. 64, Andromeda; _ urceolate. 65, Convolvulus (Morning-glory). 66, Petunia. 67, Lonicera sempervirens (Honeysuckle). _ 68, Dandelion; ligulate corolla (c), 5-toothed; a, five anthers united into a tube around s, the style. 69, Synandra grandiflora, ringent, upper lip 2-lobed, lower 3-lobed. 70, Linaria (yellow Snapdragou), per- sonate. 71, Cypripedium acaule, orchidaceous. the Harebell, Canterbury-bell. 4th, Uvrceolate, urn- shaped; an oblong or globular corolla with a narrow opening, as the Whortleberry, Heath. 5th, /unnel- form (infundibuliform), narrow-tubular below, gradu- ally enlarging to the border, as Morning-glory. 6th, Salver-form (hypocrateriform), the tube ending ab- ruptly in a horizontal border, as in Phlox, Petunia, both of which are slightly irregular. 7th, Tubular, a 44 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [36, 37. cylindraceous form spreading little or none at the bor- der; as the calyx of the Pink, corolla of the Honey- suckle. It is often a little curved. Tubular flowers are common in the Composite, as the Thistle, Sun- flower, when they are often associated with the next form, the legulate. 103. Gamopetalous-irregular perianths may be either ligulate or labiate. The lgulate corolla (légula, tongue) is formed as if by splitting a tubular corolla on one side. The notches at the end plainly indicate the number of united petals composing it, as also do the parallel longitudinal seams. (See Figs. 68, 69.) The labiate, bilabiate or lip-shaped, resembling the mouth of some animal, is a very common form, result- ing from the unequal union of the parts, accompanied . with other irregularities. In the labiate corolla three petals unite more or less to form the lower lip, and two to form the upper. In the calyx, when bilabiate, this rule is reversed, according to the law of alterna- tion of organs; two sepals are united in the lower lip and three in the upper, as seen in the Sage and the Labiate Order generally. Labiate flowers are said to be galeate or helmeted when the upper lip is concave, as in Catmint; rengent or gaping when the throat or mouth is wide open (69); personate or masked when the throat is closed as with a palate, like the Snap- dragon (70). 7 | 104. Certain reduced forms of the perianth should be noticed in this place. The Pappus (ndntoc, grand- father, alluding to his gray hairs) is the hair-like calyx of the florets of the Composite, and other kindred Orders. The florets of this Order are collected into heads so compactly that the calyxes have not room * / ,, lL —G.,Q,., | eee ee + « - i é ewe Per eee ee a te Os ee. “rm ar ——— — = TH — iNddees ; SOE CARGO ran 37, 38.] FORMS OF THE PERIANTH. 45 for expansion in the ordinary way. The pappus is commonly persistent, and often increases as the fruit matures, forming a feathery sail to waft away the seed through the air, as in the Dandelion and Thistle. It varies greatly in form and size, as seen in the cuts; sometimes consisting of scales, sometimes of hairs, again of feathers or bristles. Sometimes it is mounted on a stipe, which is the beak of the fruit. Cypsela (incorrectly called akenium) of the Composite, with various forms of pappus. 72, Ecripta procumbens, no pappus. 73, Ambrosia trifida. 74, Helianthus grosse-serratus, pappus 2-awned. 75. Ageratum conizoides, pappus of five scales. 76, Mulgedium, capillary pappus—cypsela slightly rostrate. 77, Lactuca elongata, rostrate cypsela. 105. Again: the calyx, or the limb of the calyx, is reduced to a mere 77m, as seen in the Umbellifere. In the Amentaceous, Orders, the whole perianth di- minishes to a shallow cup, as in the Poplar and Wil- low, or altogether disappears, as in the Birch, Ash, and Lizard-tail (15, 16). 106. Setz, meaning bristles in general, is a term specifically used to denote the reduced perianth of the sedges. In the Bog-rush (Scirpus) there is, outside the stamens, a circle of six sete, representing a 6-leaved perianth (78). In the Cotton-grass (Eriophorum) the setze are multiplied and persistent on the fruit, becom- ing long and cotton-like. 107. Perigynium is the name given to the urceo- late perianth of Carex, investing the ovary, but allow- ing the style to issue at its summit. It is composed 7 a¢%p) . — ~~ 46 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [38, 39. of two united sepals, as indicated by the two teeth at the top (79). 108. Glumes and pales represent the floral en- velopes, or rather the involucre of the Grasses (436). Their al- ternating arrangement clearly distinguishes them from a peri- anth. 109. The duration of the calyx and corolla varies widely, and is marked by certain gen- eral terms. It is caducous when it falls off immediately, = 78, Flower of Scirpus lacustris, magni- as the calyx of Poppy, GO- _ fied; consisting of six sete, three stamens, three pistils united, except the stigmas. rolla of Grape . dectduous 79, Flower of Carex rivularis 9, with g, ’ its glume, p, its bottle-shaped perigynium, — when it falls with the stamens 2-toothed at top, enveloping the triple ? ovary ; stigmas, three. as in most plants; and per- sistent, if it remain until the fruit ripens, as the calyx of Apple. If it continue to grow after flowering, it is accrescent ; and if it wither without falling off, it is marescent. : t i P | CHA PT Ea ya OF THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS.—THE STAMENS. 110. Within the safe enclosure of the floral envel- opes stand the essential organs—the stamens and pis- tils—clearly distinguishable from the perianth by their more slight and delicate forms, and from each other by various marks. In the complete flower the ANDR@CEUM next succeeds the corolla in the order of position, being the third set, counting from the calyx. 39, 40.] THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS. 47 111. A perfect stamen consists of two parts—the filament, corresponding with the petiole of the typical leaf; and the anther, answering to the blade. Within the cells of the anther the pollen is produced, a sub- stance essential to the fertility of the flower. Hence the anther alone is the essential part of the stamen. 80, Andreecium and gynecium of Frankenia (after Peyer). 81, Stamen (adnate) of Morning-glory. 8&2, Same enlarged, with pollen grains discharged ; f, filament ; a, a, anther, 2-lobed; c, top of the con- nectile. 83. Ranunculus. 84, Same, cut transversely. 85, Iris, cut transversely (extrorse). £6, Ama- ryllis, versatile. 87, Larkspur, innate. &8, Same, cut. 112. The filament (/filum, a thread) is the stalk sup- porting the anther at or near its top. It is ordinarily slender, yet sustaining itself with the anther in posi- tion. Sometimes it is capzllary, and pendulous with its weight, as in the Grasses. 113. The anther is regularly an oblong body at the summit of the filament, composed of two hollow par- allel lobes joined to each other and to the filament by the connectile. In front of the connectile, looking toward the pistil, there is usually a furrow; on its back a ridge, and on the face of each lobe a seam, the usual place of dehiscence or opening, all running parallel with the filament and connectile. 114. The stamen, as thus described, may be considered regular or typical in form, and is well exemplified in that of the Buttercup (Fig. 83). But the variations of structure are as remarkable here as in other organs, depending on such circumstances as; 1st, The attachment of filament to anther. This 48 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (40. may occur in three ways. The anther is said to be innate when it stands cen- - trally erect on the top of the filament; adnate when it seems attached to one side of the filament; versatile when connected to the top of the filament by a single point in the back. 2d, The modes of Dehiscence, or opening, are also three — viz., valvular, where the seam opens vertically its whole length, which is the usual way; porous, where the cells open by a chink or pore, usually at the top, as in Rhododendron and Potato; opercular, when by a lid opening up- ward, as in Sassafras, Berberis (92). 38d, The facing of the anther is also an important character. It is introrse when the lines of dehiscence look toward the pistil, as in Violet; extrorse when they look outward toward the corolla, as in Iris. 4th, The connectile is usually a mere prolongation of the filament, ter- minating, not at the base, but at the top of the anther. If it fall short, the anther will be emarginate. Sometimes it outruns the anther, and tips it with a terminal appendage of some sort, as in Violet, Oleander, and Paris. Again, its base may be dilated into spurs, as in two of the stamens of Violet. 5th, If the connectile be laterally dilated, as we see gradually done in the various species of the Labiate Order, the lobes of the anther will be separated, form- ing two dimidiate (halved) anthers on one filament, as in Sage and Brunella. Such are, of course, 1-celled (96). Peculiar forms of stamens.—89, Pyrola rotundifolia; y, dehiscence by pores at top. 90, Vaccinium uliginosum ; p, dehiscence. 91, Berberis aquifolium, anthers opening (92) by valves upward. 93, Anther of Violet, introrse, with an appendage at top. 94, Oleander, sagittate, appendaged. 95, Catalpa, lobes of anther separated. 96, Sage, lobes of anther widely separated, on stipes; 6, barren lobe without pollen. 97, Malva, anther 1-celled. 98, Ephedra (after Peyer) ee 4celled. 115. The cells of the anthers are at first commonly four, all parallel, becoming two only at maturity. In some plants the four are retained, as in the anthers of Ephedra (98). In others, as Mallows, all the cells coalesce into one (97). | 116. Appendages of many kinds distinguish the stamens of different spe- cies. In the Ericaceze there are horns, spurs, tails, queues, etc. In Onions and Garlic, the filament is 2 or 3 forked, bearing the anther on one of the tips. Sometimes a pair of appendages appear at base, as if stipulate. It is often conspicuously clothed with hairs, as in Tradescantia. (See 89-94.) 117. Staminodia, or sterile filaments with abortive anthers or none, occur singly in many of the Figworts and Labiates, or in entire whorls next within the petals, alternating with them, as in Loose-strife. The curious fringes of the Passion-flower are regarded as composed of stamincdia (112). THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS. | 49 118. The number of the stamens is said to be de/i- mite when not exceeding twenty, aS 1S sometimes _ definitely expressed by such terms as follow, com- _ pounded of the Greek numerals—viz., monandrous, Essential organs.—99, Rhododendron, five stamens (s), one pistil (p), oblique or slightly irregular. 100, Flower of Asculus (Buckeye), regular, 5-toothed calyx (©), very irregular 4-petalled corolla, seven stamens unequal, one style (s). 101, Flower of Hydrastis ; s, sepals deciduous. having one stamen to each flower; dzandrous, with two stamens; petandrous, with five stamens. If the number exceeds twenty, it is said to be ¢ndefinete (denoted thus, ©) or polyandrous. 102. Stamens (diadelphous) of a Leguminous plant. 103, Stamens (syngenesious) of a Composite ; f, . ia filaments distinct ; a, anthers united ; s, stigmas revolute, etc. 104, Tetradynamous stamens ofa Crucifer. 105, Gynandrous column of Cypripedium ; 0, ovary ; r, torus ; s, sterile stamen ; a, two pollinia ; c, stigma, - 106, Didynamous stamens of Lophospermum. | 2 119. The position or insertion of the stamens (§ 55) - may be more definitely stated here as hypogynous, on 50 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [41, 42. the receptacle below the ovaries; perigynous, on the calyx around the ovary; epzpetalous, on the corolla, as in Phlox; epigynous, on the ovary at its summit, and gynandrous (yvv4, pistil, dvdpec, stamens) on the pistil, that is, when the stamens are adherent to the style, as in Orchis. Inequality in length is definitely marked in two cases, as tetradynamous (rétpac, four, dbvauce, power) when the stamens are six, whereof four are longer than the other two, as in all the Crucifers; didynamous, where the stamens are four, two of them longer than the other two, as in all the Labiates (104, 106). 120. Cohesion is as frequent with stamens as with petals. They are monadelphous (ddeAgdéc, a brother) when they are all united, as in Mallow, into one set — or brotherhood by the filaments; dzadelphous in two sets, whether equal or unequal, as in Pea, Squirrel- corn ; polyadelphous, many sets, as in St. Johnswort; - and syngenestous, when they are united by their an- thers, aS in the Composite. Finally, the absence of the stamens altogether, whether by abortion, as in the @ flowers of Veratrum, or by suppression, as in Oak, occurs in various modes, rendering the plant monce- cious (8), dicecious (4 ¢), or polygamous (¢ 8 @), as already explained (§ 67). 121. The pollen is in appearance a small, yellow dust, contained in the cells of the anther. When viewed with the microscope, it appears as grains of various forms, usually spheroidal or oval, sometimes triangular or polyhedral, but always of the same form and appearance in the same species. Externally they are curiously, and often elegantly figured with stripes, bands, dots, checks, etc. Hach grain of pollen is a 42, 43.) THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS. 51 membranous cell or sac containing a fluid. Its coat is double —the outer is more thick and firm, exhibiting Pollen grains.—107, Pinus larico. 108, Basella rubra. 109, Ranunculus repens. 110, Scolymus grandi- x _ florus. 111, Passiflora incarnata, one or more breaks where the inner coat, which is very thin and expansible, is uncovered. In the. fluid are suspended mol- ecules of inconceiv- able minuteness, said to possess a tremulous motion. When the mem- brane is exposed to moisture, it swells and bursts, dis- charging its con- tents. 122. In the Or- chids and Sitkweed tribe, the pollen 112, Section of the Passion-fiower (Passiflora coerulea); b, bracts of the involucre ; s, sepals ; p, petals; a,a, staminodia or sterile filaments ; ¢c, stipe ; 0, ovary ; d, stamens ; ¢, stigmas. grains do not separate as into a dust or powder, but all cohere into masses called POLLINIA, accompanied by a viscid fluid. 52 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [43, 44. CHAPTER Vitti. OF THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS. —THE PISTILS. 123. The Gynzceum occupies the center of the flower, at the termination of the axis. It consists regularly of a circle of distinct pistils (§ 60), sym- metrical in number with the other circles. It is sub- ject to great variation. The pistil may be distinct and semple, as in Columbine, or coherent in various degrees into a compound body, as in St. Johnswort. Also instead of being free and superior, as it regularly should be, it may adhere to the other circles, as_ already explained (§ 97), and become énferior; that is, apparently placed below the flower, as in the Cur- rant (52). 124. The number of the pistils is by no means confined to the radical of the flower. They may be increased by multiples, becoming a spzral on a length- ened receptacle, as in Tulip-tree, or still remaining a circle, as in Poppy. On the other hand, they may be reduced in number often to one, as in Cherry and Pea. Certain terms are employed to denote the number of pistils in the flower, such as monogynous, with one pistil; tregynous, with three; polygynous, with many, etc. 125. The simple pistil may usually be known from the compound, by its one-sided forms—having two sides similar and two dissimilar. If the pistils appear distinct, they are all simple, never being united into more than one set, as the stamens often are. The ~~. ot ape! — — a. et 44, 45.) THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS. 53 parts of a simple pistil are three—the ovary (0, 113) © at base, the stigma (s) at the summit, and the style (sty) intervening. Like the filament, the style is not q ™ essential; and when it is wanting, the stigma is sessile upon the ovary, as in Anemone (1 16). In order to understand the ‘Telation of these parts, we must needs first study — 126. The morphology of the pistil.— As _ (s) nearly sessile. 116, Pistils of Rue Anemone (A. thalictroides)—stigmas sessile. before stated, the pistil consists of a modified leaf called a carpel («apz6c, fruit), or carpellary leaf. This leaf is folded together toward the axis, so that the upper surface becomes the inner, while the lower be- comes the outer surface of the ovary. By this arrange- ment two sutures or seams will be formed—the dorsal, at the back, by the midvein; the ventral, in front, by the joined margins of the leaf. This view of the pistil is remarkably confirmed and illustrated by the flowers of the Double Cherry (124, 125), where the pistil may be seen in every degree of transition, re- _ verting toward the form of a leaf. This carpellary leaf stands in the place of the pistil, having the edges _ infolded toward each other, the midvein prolonged and dilated at the apex, as shown in 125. ro o4 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [45, 46. 127. The placentz are usually prominent lines or ridges extending along the ventral suture within the cell of the ovary, and bearing the ovules. They are developed at each of the two edges of the carpellary leaf, and are consequently closely parallel when those edges are united, forming one double placenta in the cell of each ovary. 3 : My $ 4 : 128. The simple carpel, with all its parts, is completely exemplified in the Pea-pod. When this is laid open at the ventral suture, the leaf form becomes manifest, with the peas (ovules) arranged in an alternate order along each margin, so as to form but one row when the pod is closed. In the pod of Columbine (127), the ovules form two distinct rows, in the simple Plum car- pel, each margin bears a single ovule; and in the one-ovuled Cherry, only one of the margins is fruitful. 117, Simple pistil of Strawberry, the style lateral. 118, Simple pistil of Crowfoot, cut to show the ovule. 119, Simple pistil of the Cherry. 120, Vertical section showing the ovule (0), style (s), stigma (@). 121, Cross-section of the same. . 122, Compound pistil of Spring-beauty. 123, Cross-section of the same, showing the three cells of the ovary. 124, Expanded carpellary leaf of the Double Cherry. 125, The same partly folded, as if to form a pistil. 129. The stigma is the glandular orifice of the ovary, communicating with it. either directly or through the tubiform style. It is usually globular and terminal, often linear and lateral, but subject to great variations in form. It is sometimes double or halved, or 2-lobed, even when belonging to a single carpel or to a simple style, as in Linden, where these carpels are surmounted by three pairs of stigmas. 130. The compound pistil consists of the united circle of pistils, just as the monopetalous corolla con- THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS. 55 q sists of the united circle of petals. The union occurs in every degree, commencing at the base of the ovary and proceeding upward. Thus in Columbine, we see - the carpels (pistils) distinct ; in early Saxifrage, coher- _ ing just at base; in Pink, as far as the top of the _ ovaries, with styles distinct; in Spring-beauty, to the top of the styles, with stigmas distinct; and in Rho- dodendron, the union is complete throughout. 126, Ovary (follicle) of Larkspur, composed ofa single carpellary leaf. 127, Ovaries of the Columbine, five, contiguous but distinct. 128, Compound ovary of Hypericum, of carpels united below with distinct styles. 129, Ovary of another Hypericum of three carpels completely united. 130, Ovary of Flax; carpels five, united below, distinct above. 131, Dianthus (Pink). 132, Saxifraga. 151. To determine the number of carpels in a com- pound ovary is an important and sometimes difficult matter. It may be known: ist, By the number of the styles; or, 2d, By the number of the free stigmas (re- membering that these organs are liable to be halved —§ 129); or, 8d, By the lobes, angles, or seams of the ovary; or, 4th, By the cells; or, 5th, By the placente. But in Dodecatheon, etc., all these indications fail, so perfect is the union, and we are left to decide from analogy alone. _ 132. The student will notice two very diverse _ modes of cohesion in the carpels of the compound ovary. First and regularly, the carpels may each be closed, as when simple, and joined by their sides and 56 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (46, 47 fronts; as in St. Johnswort (129) and Lily (171). In - this case, he may prove the following propositions. ist. The compound ovary will have as many cells as carpels. 2d. The partitions between the cells will be double, and alternate with the stigmas. 3d. A parti- tion dividing the cell of a single carpel must be a false one; as occurs in Flax (186). 4th. The Pua- CENTA, aS well as the ventral suture, will be azzal. 1338. Again: the carpels may each be opened and conjoined by their edges, as are the petals of a gamo- petalous corolla. So it is in the ovary of Violet (137) and Rock-rose (189). In this case, 1st. There will be no partition (unless a false one, as in the Crucifers), and but one cell; 2d. The Placentce will be parietal, z.€., on the wall of the cell (pares, a wall). 123, Samolus Valerandi, section of flower showing the free axial placenta. 134, Ovary of Scrophula- riacee. 135, Ovary of Tulip. 136, Cross-section of ovary of Flax, 5-celled, falsely 10-celled. 137, Ovary of Violet, l-celled. 138, Ovary of Fuchsia, 4-celled. 139, Ovary of Rock-rose, 1-celled, 5-carpelled. 140, Gentianacez, 2-valved, 1-celled. 134. Between the two conditions of axial (or central) and parietal placenta, we find all degrees of transition, as illustrated in the different species of St. Johnswort and in Poppy, where the infiected margins of the carpels carry the placentz inward, well-nigh to the axis. Moreover, the placentze are not al- ways mere marginal lines, but often wide spaces covering large portions of the walls of the cell, as in Poppy and Water-lily; in other cases, as Datura (168), they become large and fleshy, nearly filling the cell. 135. A free axial placenta, without partitions, occurs in some compound one-celled ovaries, as in the Pink te ine er eReRs Sr SS -—@-— I ee THE ESSENTIAL ORGANS. BT and Primrose orders (133). This anomaly is explained _ in two ways—first, by the obliteration of the early- _ formed partitions, as is actually seen to occur in the Pinks; secondly, by supposing the placenta to be, at least In some cases, an axial rather than a marginal > _ growth —that is, to grow from the point of the axis . rather than from the margin of the carpellary leaf, for _ in Primrose no partitions ever appear. 136. A few peculiar forms of the style and stigma are worthy of note in our narrow limits, as the J/ateral style of Strawberry; the basilar style of the Labiatze and Borrageworts; the branching style of Phyllanthus, one of the Euphorbiacee ; also the globular stigma of Mirabilis; the linear stigma of Mediola; the feathery stigma of Grasses; the filiform stigma of Indian corn; the lateral stigma of Aster; the petaloid stigmas of Iris; the capitate and perforated stigma of Violet (141-149). (148 Pistils.—141, Symphytum, basilar style, ovary 4-parted. 142, 9 Flower of Phyllanthus (Euphorbiacez), branching styles. 143, Mirabilis Jalapa, globular stigma. 144, Flower of Luzula, stigmas linear. 145, Feathery stigmas of a Grass. 146, Stigmas of Aster. 147, Rumex. 148, Poppy. 149, Filiform stigma of Zea Mays (Corn). — 1387. In the Pine, Cedar, and the Coniferee generally, both the style and stigma are wanting; and the ovary is represented only by a flat, open, carpellary scale, bearing the naked ovules at its base. 58 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. CHA PPER 1x: THE OVULES. 138. The ovules are understood to be transformed buds, destined to become seeds in the fruit. Their development from the margins and inner surface of the carpel favors this view; for the ordinary leaves of Bryophyllum and some other plants do habitually pro- duce buds at their margin or on their upper surface; and in the Mignonette, ovules themselves have been seen transformed into leaves. 189. The number of ovules in the ovary varies from one to hundreds. Thus, in Buttercups, Compositee, and Grasses, the ovule is solzfary; in Umbelliferee it is also 150, Pistil of Celosia ; the pericarp detached, showing the young ovules. 151, Flower of Rhubarb, pericarp removed, showing the young ovule. 152, A similar ovule (orthotropous) of Polygonum. 153, The same, full grown; foramen at top. 154, Section showing its two coats, nucleus, and sac. 155, Anatropous ovule, as of Columbine; a, foramen. 156, Section of same. 157, Campylotropous ovule, as of Bean ; a, foramen. 158, Section of a Cherry ; ovule anatropous, suspended. 159, Section of carpel of Ranuncu- lus ; ovule ascending. 160, Senecio; ovule erect. 161, Hippuris ; ovule pendulous. solitary in each of the two carpels; in the Pea order they are definite, being but few; in Mullein and Poppy, indefinite (co), too many to be readily counted. As to tg a, i — - oie EE EEO EE el ——V—V<— oe — ee ee oe Ns . * = me 49, 50.) THE OVULES. 59 q position, the ovule is erect when it grows upward _ from the base of the cell, as in Composite ; ascending, _ when it turns upward from the side of the cell; heri- _ zontal, when neither turning upward nor downward; | pendulous, when turned downward; and suspended, when growing directly downward from the top of the cell, as in Birch (158-161). ' 140. The ovule at the time of flowering is soft and ' pulpy, consisting of a nucellus within two coats, sup- ported on a stalk. The stalk is called funiculus ; the point of its juncture with the base of the nucellus is the chalaza. The nucellus was first formed; then the tegmen, or inner coat, grew up from the chalaza and _ covered it; and lastly the outer coat, the festa, in- _ vested the whole. Both coats remain open at the top by a small orifice, the foramen. 141. In most cases the ovule, in the course of its growth, changes position—curving over in various de- grees upon its lengthening funiculus or upon itself. ~ When no such curvature exists, and it stands straight, as in the Buckwheat order, it is orthdtropous. It is anatropous when completely inverted. In this state a portion of the funiculus adheres to the testa, forming a ridge called raphe, reaching from the chalaza to the hilum. It is campylétropous when curved upon itself. In this state the foramen is brought near to the cha- laza, and both are next the placenta, as in the Pinks and Cruciferee; and amphitropous when half inverted, ~ so that its axis becomes parallel with the placenta, as in Mallow. Here the raphe exists, but is short. In campylotropous ovules there is no raphe. 142. The ovule contains no young plant (embryo) yet; but a cavity, the embryo sac, is already provided 60 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [50, 51. to receive it just within the upper end of the nu- cellus. The relations of the ovule to the pollen grain will be more suitably dis- cussed hereafter under the head of fertilization. We briefly remark here that the immediate contact of the two is brought about, at the time of flowering, by special arrangements; and that, as the undoubted result of their combined action, the embryo soon after originates in the embryo sac. OH ART Eh iw. THE, FRUIT. — PERICARP, 143. After having received the pollen which the anthers have discharged, the pistil or its ovary con- tinues its growth and enlargement, and is finally ma- | tured in the form of the peculiar fruit of the plant. The fruit is, therefore, the mature ovary. 144. As to the other organs of the flower, having accomplished their work —the fertilization of the ovary—they soon wither and fall away. Some of them, however, often persist, to protect or become blended with the ripening fruit. Thus the tube of the superior calyx (§ 97) always blends with the ovary in fruit; as in Currant, Cucumber, etc. In Composite, the persistent limb enlarges into the pappus of the fruit. In Buttercups, the fruit is beaked with the short, persistent style. In Clematis and Geum, it is caudate (tailed) with the long, feathery style. In the Potato tribe, Labiatee, and many others, the inferior calyx continues to vegetate like leaves until the fruit ripens. In some cases the fruit, so called, consists of the receptacle and ovaries blended; as in Apple and Strawberry. Again—in Mulberry, Fig, and Pineapple, the whole inflerescence is consolidated into the matured fruit. 145. As a rule, the structure of the fruit agrees essentially with that of the ovary. In many cases, however, the fruit undergoes such changes in the course of its growth from the ovary as to disguise its real structure. An early examination, therefore, is always more reliable in its results than a late one. For example, the acorn is a fruit with but one cell = 2 > _ & ae a Sa nd a ad om ; 4 f ‘ ‘ O_O Oe ‘CA ." = 4 Ce i st.) THE FRUIT. | 61 and one seed, although its ovary had three cells and six ovules! This singular change is due to the non- development of five of its ovules, while the sixth grew the more rapidly, obliterated the partitions by press- ing them to the wall, and filled the whole space it- self. Similar changes characterize the Chestnut, Hazel- nut, and that whole Order. The ovary of the Birch is 2-celled, 2-ovuled; but by the sup- pression of one cell with its ovule, the. \W7 fruit becomes 1-celled and 1-seeded. Lv 162, Section of the ovary of an acorn, 3-celled, 6-ovuled. 2-ovuled. 164, Vertical section of the same in fruit. 165, Pericarp of Mignonette open soon after flower- ing. 166, Naked seed of Taxus Canadensis, surrounded, not covered, by the fleshy pericarp. 163, Section of ovary of Birch, 2-celled, On the other hand, the cells are sometimes multiplied in the fruit by the formation of false partitions. Thus the pod of Thornapple (Datura) becomes 4-celled from a 2-celled ovary; and the longer pods of some Leguminous plants have cross-partitions formed between the seeds, and the 5-celled ovary of the Flax comes by false partitions to be 10-celled (Fig. 136). 146. The Pericarp.— The fruit consists of the peri- carp and the seed. The pericarp (7ep/, around) is the _ envelope of the seeds, consisting of the carpels and whatever other parts they may be combined with. It varies greatly in texture and substance when mature, being then either dry, as the Pea-pod, or succulent, as the Currant. Dry pericarps are membranous, or coria- ceous (leathery), or woody. Succulent pericarps may be either wholly so, as the Grape, or partly so, as the Peach and other stone fruits. | 147. With very few exceptions the pericarp incloses. —_ ar ll Nala te oy Fle Lo TN ee i cl aS its OEE Re et LE OSES “ys 62 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. | (51, ‘52: the seed while maturing. In Mignonette (165), how- ever, it opens, exposing the seed, immediately after flowering. The membranous pericarp of Cohosh (Cau- lophyllum) falls away early, leaving the seed to ripen naked. In Yew (Taxus) the seed is never inclosed wholly by its fleshy pericarp; but in most of the other Coniferee, the close-pressed, carpellary scales cover the seeds. One-seeded fruits, like those of Buttercups, etc., are liable to be mistaken for naked seeds. EEE ee eae eee Capsule, 167, of Scrophularia, 2-celled; 168, of Datura Stramonium; 169, of Iris; 170, showing its mode of dehiscence (loculicidal). 171, of Colchicum, 3-celled. 172, Regma, ripe fruit of Geranium, the carpels (cocci) separating from the axis and bending upward on the elastic styles. 148. Dehiscence.— The fleshy pericarp is always andeluscent. Its seeds are liberated only by its decay, or bursting in germination. So also In many cases the dry pericarp, as the acorn. But more commonly the dry fruit, when arrived at maturity, opens in some way, discharging its seeds. Such fruits are dehiscent. Dehiscence is either valvular, porous, or circumscissile; | valvular, when the pericarp opens vertically along the __ sutures, forming regular parts called valves. These valves may separate quite to the base, or only at the | top, forming teeth, as in Chickweed. We notice four 4 modes of valvular dehiscence, viz, : sn OI I me 52, 53] THE FRUIT. 63 1. Sutural, when it takes place at the sutures of any 1-celled pericarp, as Columbine, Pea, Violet. 2. Septicidal (septum, partition, ccedo, to cut), when it takes place through the dissepiments (which are double, § 132). The carpels thus separated may open severally by sutures (Mallows), or remain indehiscent, as in Vervain. | 3. Loculicidal (loculus, a cell, ccedo, to cut), when each carpel opens at its dorsal suture directly into the cell (Evening Primrose, Lily). Here the dissepiments come away attached to the middle of the valves. 4. Septifragal (septum, and frango, to break), when the valves separate from the dissepiments which re- main still united in the axis (Convolvulus). oles ay Dehiscence; 173, oe 174, loculicidal; 175, septifragal. 149. Porous dehiscence is exemplified in the Poppy, where the seeds escape by orifices near the top of the fruit. It is not common. Cércumscissile (circum- scindo, to cut around), when the top of the ovary opens or falls off like a lid, as in Plantain. Some fruits, as the, Gerania and Umbelliferze, are furnished = with a carpophore, that is, a slender column from the _ receptacle—a fusiform torus, prolonged through the axis of the fruit, supporting the carpels. 64 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. CHAPTER XI. FORMS OF THE PERICARP. 150. The morphology of the pericarp is exceedingly diversified; but it will suffice the learner at first to acquaint himself with the leading forms only, such as are indicated in the following synopsis and more definitely described afterward. The following is a synopsis of the principal forms of Pericarps, for the blackboard. § 1. Free Fruits (formed by a single Flower). * Pericarps indehisceni. + With usually but one seed, and t+ Uniform, or 1-coated. 1. Separated from the seed. 2. Inflated, often breaking away. 3. Inseparable from the seed. 4. Invested with a cupule (involucre). 5. Having winged appendages. t Double or triple-coated, fleshy or fibrous. 6. Three-coated. Stone cell entire. 7. Two-coated. Stone cell 2-parted. 8. Drupes aggregated. + With two or more seeds, t+ Immersed in a fleshy or pulpy mass. 9. Rind membranous. 10. Rind leathery, separable. 11. Rind hard, crustaceous. ¢ 12. Inclosed in distinct cells. * Pericarps dehiscent. + 18. Dehiscence circumscissile, seeds o. + Dehiscence valvular or porous; t Simple, or 1-carpelled, 14. Opening by the ventral suture. 15. Opening by both sutures. 16. Legume jointed. ~t Compound pericarps ; 17. Placentz parietal with two cells. Silique short. Akene (Buttercups). Utricle (Pigweed). Caryopsis (Grasses). Glans, Acorn (Oak). Samara, Key (Ash). Drupe (Cherry). Tryma (Walnut). Kitzerio (Raspberry). Berry (Gooseberry). Hesperidium (Orange). Pepo (Squash). Pome (Apple). © Pyxis (Henbane). Follicle (Columbine). Legume (Pea). Loment (Desmodium). Silique (Mustard). Silicle (Shepherd’s Purse). 18. Placentz# parietal only when 1-celled. 19. Capsule with carpophore and elastic styles. Capsule (Flax). : Regma (Geranium). § 2. Confluent Fruits (formed of an Inflorescence). Strobile (Pine). Sorosis (Pineapple). * 20. With open carpels aggregated into a cone. * 21. With closed carpels aggregated into a mass, + 2 SS _ “4 ae « 54, 55.] FORMS OF THE PERICARP. 65 151. The akene is a small, dry, indehiscent peri- carp, free from the one seed which it contains, and tipped with the remains of the style (Buttercups, Lithospermum). The double akene of the Umbelliferze, supported on a carpophore, is called cremocarp (177). The akenes of the Composite, usually crowned with a pap- pus, are called cypsela (178). _ The akenes are often mistaken for seeds. In the Labiatz and Borrage- worts they are associated in fours (141). In Geum, Anemone, etc., they are collected in heads. The rich pulp of the Strawberry consists wholly of the overgrown receptacle, which bears the dry akenes on its surface (184). 152. The wiricle is a small, thin pericarp, fitting loosely upon its one seed, and often opening trans- versely to discharge it (Pigweed, Prince’s Feather). 176, Akenes of Anemone thalictroides. 177, Cremocarp of Archangelica officinalis, its halves (mono- carps) separated and suspended on the carpophore. 178, Cypsela of Thistle with its plumous pappus. 179, Utricle of Chenopodium (Pigweed). 180, Caryopsis of Wheat. 181, Samara of Elm. 182, Glans of Beech. 183, Drupe of Prunus. 184, Fruit of Fragaria Indica, a fleshy torus like the Strawberry. 153. Caryopsis, the grain or fruit of the Grasses, is a thin, dry,.1-seeded pericarp, inseparable from the seed. 154. Samara; dry, 1-seeded, indehiscent, furnished ‘with a membranous wing or wings (Ash, Elm, Maple). 155. Glans, or nut; hard, dry, indehiscent, com- monly 1-seeded by suppression (§ 145), and invested 66 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [55, 56. with a persistent involucre called a cupule, either soli- tary (Acorn, Hazelnut) or several together (Chestnut). 156. Drupe, stone-fruit; a 3-coated, 1-celled, inde- hiscent pericarp, aS the Cherry and Peach. The outer coat (epidermis) is called the epicarp; the inner is the nucellus or endocarp, hard and stony; the intervening pulp or fleshy coat is the sarcocarp (odpé, flesh). These coats are not distinguishable in the ovary. 157. Tryma, a 2-coated drupe; the epicarp fibro- fleshy (Butternut) or woody (Hickory); the nucellus bony, with its cell often deeply 2-parted (Cocoanut). Z AN > an ZA “p> \ BA ini A é Hh i | f MI a, Fruits.—185, Etzrio of Rubus strigosus (Blackberry). 186, Pepo; section of Cucumber. 187, Berry Grape. 188, Pome; Crategus (Haw). 189, Pyxis of Jeffersonia. 190, Legume of Pea. 191, Loment of Tesmodium. 192, Silique of Mustard. 193, Silicle of Capsella. 158. Htcerio, an aggregate fruit consisting of numer- ous little drupes united to each other (Raspberry) or to the fleshy receptacle (Blackberry). . 159. Berry, a succulent, thin-skinned pericarp, hold- ing the seeds loosely imbedded in the pulp (Currant, Grape). FORMS OF THE PERICARP. 67 -55-57.] 160. Hesperzdium, a succulent, many-carpelled fruit ; the rind thick, leathery, separable from the pulpy mass within (Orange, Lemon). 161..Pepo, an indehiscent, compound, fleshy fruit, with a hardened rind and parietal placentee (Melon). | 162. The pome is an indehiscent pericarp, formed of the permanent calyx and fleshy receptacle, con- taining several cartilaginous (Apple) or bony (Haw) cells. 3 168. The pyzis is a many-seeded, dry fruit, open- ing like a lid by a circumscissile dehiscence (Plantain, Henbane, Jeffersonia). 164. The follicle is a single carpel, 1-celled, many- — seeded, opening at the ventral suture (Columbine, Lark- spur, Silk-grass). 165. The legume, or pod, is a single carpel, 1-celled, usually splitting into two valves, but bearing its 1—o seeds along the ventral suture only, in one row, as in the Bean and all the Leguminose. It is sometimes curved or coiled like a snail-shell (Medicago). The loment is a jointed pod, separating across into 1-seeded portions (Desmodium). 166. Stlique. . ‘= a. q Nn Grad eC . ye "MS a * % = i. * af stem-bud (plumule), and leaves (cotyledons). But these parts are sometimes quite indistinguishable until ger- mination, aS in the Orchis tribe. The fadvcle is the descending part of the embryo, always pointing toward the micropyle, the true vertex of the seed. The Plu- mule is the germ of the ascending axis, the terminal bud, located between or at the base of the Cotyledons. . These are the seed-lobes, the bulky farinaceous part of the embryo, destined to become the first or seminal leaves of the young plant. The nutritive matter de- posited in the seed for the early sustenance of the germinating embryo, is found more abundant in the cotyledons in proportion as there is less of it in the albumen — often wholly in the albumen (Wheat), again all absorbed in the bulky cotyledons (Squash). 181. The number of the cotyledons is variable; and upon this circumstance is founded the most im- portant subdivision of the Flowering Plants. THE 72 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [60, 61. MONOCOTYLEDONS are plants bearing seeds with one cotyledon; or if two are present, one is minute or abortive. Such plants are also called EnpogEns, be- cause their stems do not grow exogenously (§ 421). Such are the Grasses, the Palms and Lilies, whose leaves are mostly constructed with parallel veins. 214, Dicotyledonous (Bean). 215, Monocotyledonous (Wheat). 216, Polycotyledonous (Pine). 217, Acotyledonous (zOospore of one of the Conferve). (7,7, 7, radicle ; p, p, p, plumule; c¢, ¢, c, cotyledon ; a, albumen.) 182. THE DICOTYLEDONS are plants bearing seeds with two cotyledons. These are also called ExoGEns, because their stems grow by external accretions; In- cluding the Bean tribe, Melon tribe, all our forest trees, etc. These are also distinguished at a glance by the structure of their leaves, which are net-veined. (§ 280). More than two cotyledons are found in the seeds of Pine and Fir; while the Dodder is almost the only known example of an embryo with no cotyledon. | 188. The position of the embryo, whether with or without albumen, is singularly varied and interesting to study. It may be straight, as in Cat-tail and Vio- let, or curved in various degrees (Moonseed and Pink), or cotled (Hop), or rolled (Spicebush), or bent angularly (Buckwheat), or folded (Cruciferee). In the last case i et i i i a nd «61, 62.] THE SEED. is two modes are to be specially noticed. 1. Jncwmbent, when the cotyledons fold over so as to bring the back of one against the radicle (Shepherd’s Purse); 2. Ac- cumbent, when the edges touch the radicle (Arabis). 184. A few plants, as the Onion, Orange, and Conifers, occasionally have two or even several embryos in a seed; while all the Cryptogamia or flower- less plants have no embryo at all, nor even seeds, but are reproduced from spores —bodies analogous to the pollen-grains of flowering plants (217). 185. Vitality of the seed—After the embryo has reached its growth in the ripened seed, it becomes suddenly inactive, yet still alive. In this condition it is, in fact, a lwing plant, safely packed and sealed wp jor transportation. This suspended vitality of the seed may endure for years, or even, in some species, for ages. The seeds of Maize and Rye have been known to grow when 40 years old; Kidney-beans when 100; the Raspberry after 1700 years (Lindley). Seeds of Mountain Potentilla were known to us to germinate after a slumber of 60 years. On the other hand, the seeds of some species are short-lived, retaining vitality hardly a year (Coffee, Magnolia). 186. The dispersion of seeds over wide, and often to distant regions, is effected by special agencies, in which the highest Intelligence and Wisdom are clearly seen. Some seeds made buoyant by means of the coma or pappus, already mentioned, are wafted afar by the winds, beyond rivers, lakes, and seas; as the Thistle and Dandelion. Other seeds have wings for the same purpose. Others are provided with hooks or barbs, by which they lay hold of men and animals, and are thus, by unwilling agents, scattered far and wide (Burr-seed, Tick-seed). Again: some seeds, destitute of all such appendages, are thrown to a distance by the sudden coiling of the elastic carpels (Touch- me-nct). The Squirting-cucumber becomes distended with water by absorp- tion, and at length, when ripe, bursts an aperture at the base by separating from the stem, and projects the mingled seeds and water with amazing force. 187. Rivers, streams, and ocean currents, are agents for transporting seeds from country to country. Thus the Cocoa, and the Cashew-nut, and the seeds of Mahogany, have been known to perform long voyages without injury to their vitality. Squirrels laying up their winter stores in the earth; birds migrating from clime to clime and from island to island, in like manner conspire to effect the same important end. T4 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. CHAPTER XIII. GERMINATION 5 188. The recommencement of growth in the seed is called germination. It is the awakening of the embryo from its torpor, and the beginning of develop- ment in its parts already formed, so as to become a plant like its parent. NS \ ro S a a RW ie a) ‘tS . { ; \ ie i “ai Germination of the Bzeechnut.—218, Cross-section, showing the folded cotyledons. 219, The radicle only. 220, The uscending axis, above c, appears, 221, The cotyledons expand into the primordial leaves. 222, The first true leaves. 189. All the stages of this interesting process may be conveniently ob- served, at any season, by an experiment. Let a few seeds, as of flax, cotton, or wheat, be enveloped in a lock of cotton resting upon water in a bulb- glass, and kept constantly at a proper temperature. Or, in Spring, the garden- soil will give us examples of all kinds everywhere. 190. That the seed may begin to grow, or germi- nate, it is first planted; or, at least, placed in contact with warm, moist soil. Concerning the proper depth « \ . a - ef . « = wee CO ae” ee ee " rs ~ hee i 4 ar. ; Se Nae thn Sagat Ole ; @ ra . . > 4 oa os “€ 7 eet ies ; to x 4 2 ; ER pane d 5 { ot, De qi é ~ ’ ] ont oy ‘ 4 = er \ , ; a. £ 2 . A Aen ny th ~~ 4 £ bd of the planted seed, agriculturists are not agreed « es nature seems to indicate that no covering is needed j beyond what will secure the requisite moisture and _ shade. Thus situated, the integuments gradually ab- _ sorb water, soften, and expand. The insoluble, starchy _ matter deposited in the cotyledons, or in the albumen, _ or in both, undergoes a certain chemical change, be- - coming sweet and soluble, capa- ble of affording nourishment to © the embryo now beginning to | dilate and develop its parts. _ First (in the winged seed of the | _ Maple, scattered everywhere) the radicle is seen protruding from 7 the micropyle, or the bursting _ coverings: A section of this _ seed would now show the folded embryo, impatient of confine-— ment (225). 191. Soon after, the radicle has extended ; and, pale in color, has hidden itself in the dark, a) Germination of Wheat.—o, the grain, Tee oon, Maile: 4 nates iret. _ unfolding and gradually freed _ from the seed-coats, display themselves at length as a _ pair of green leaves. Lastly, the plumule appears in open FE air, a green bud, already showing a lengthening base, its first internode, and soon a pair of regular leaves, _ lobed as all Maple-leaves. The embryo is now an em- _bryo no longer, but a growing plant, descending by its lower axis, ascending and expanding by its upper. ae _ 192. With equal advantage we may watch the ger- ‘Mination of the Beech, represented in the figures 7 ‘ — r - 4 “ nal ‘= ih a. are ee t J 9 SS ee ee 4; or the Pea, or Squash, and other Dicotyledons; and the chief difference observed among them will be in the disposal of the cotyledons. In general, these arise with the ascending axis, as in Maple and Bean, and act as the first pair of leaves. But sometimes, when they are very thick, as in Pea, Buckeye, and Oak, they never escape the seed-coats, but remain and perish at the collum (§ 199), neither ascending nor descending. \) —— 225 | "ON aX \t - ZEW < at \ WN SH. je WN VY 7 aN 2) Za a WZ * Ee FF SS 229 228 S Germination of the Maple.—225, Samara ; section showing the folded cotyledons atc. 226-230, Pro- gressive stages. 193. The germination of MONOCOTYLEDONS, as seen in Indian Corn, Wheat, and Tulip, is in this wise. The cotyledon is not disengaged from the seed, but remains stationary with it. The radicle (7) protrudes slightly, and one or more rootlets (s) break out from it and descend. The plumule (c) shoots at first parallel with the cotyledon along the face of the seed, but soon ascends, pushing out leaf from within leaf. 194. The conditions requisite for germination are . : a i | - GERMINATION Vi «64, 65.] _ moisture, air, and warmth. MMoistwre is necessary for softening the integuments, dissolving the nutritive matter, and facilitating its circulation. This is ‘sup- plied in the rain and dew. Azr, or rather its oxygen, is required for the con- | _ version of the starch into _ sugar—a process always depending upon oxidation. The oxygen absorbed — unites with a portion of _ the carbon of the starch, | producing heat, evolving carbon dioxide, and thus converting the remainder into grape-sugar, soluble and nutritive. 195. Warmth is a req- uisite condition of all vital action, aS well in the sprouting of a seed as in Sea aes the hatching of an egg. . The proper degree of temperature for our own climate may be stated at 60° to 90°. Extremes of heat and of cold are not, however, fatal to all germination. In one of the Geysers of Iceland, which was hot enough to boil an egg in four minutes, a species of Chara was found in a growing and fruitful state. The hot springs and pools of San Bernardino, California, at the con- stant heat of 190°, have several species of plants grow- ing within their waters. Many species also arise and flower in the snows of Mt. Hood, along their lower borders. Darkness is favorable to germination, as proved by experiment, but not an indispensable condi- | ta 2) 3 t.! eS. 78 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. 165, 66. \ o hed § epnliee tion. Hence, while the seed should be covered, for the sake of the moisture and shade, the covering should be thin and light, for the sake of a free access to air. 196. The cause of the downward tendency of the root isa theme of much discussion. Some have referred it to the principle of gravitation; others to its supposed aversion to light. But it is a simple and satisfactory explanation that its growth or cell-development takes place most readily on the moist side of its growing-point, and consequently in a downward direction, so long as the soil in contact with its lower surface is more moist than that above. Hence, also, the well-known tendency of roots toward springs and water-courses. GAP PE. B mae THE ROOT, OR DESCENDING AXIS. 197. The Root is the basis of the plant, and the principal organ of nutrition. It originates with the 234 | | | \ \ Vi aay } PY N, 2°3, White Clover—an axial root (with minute tubers). 234, Buttereups—fibrous roots, inaxial. 235, Eri- genia—root tuberous. radicle of the seed, the tendency of its growth is down- ward, and it is generally immersed in the soil, Its 4 a iat Sag we. b es "= 7 ve iby e Fn ay # " — a 66, 67.) THE ROOT. 79 q office is twofold; viz., to support the plant in its posi- tion, and to imbibe from the soil the food necessary to the growth of the plant. 2198. The leading propensity of the root is to divide itself; and its only normal appendages are branches, branchlets, fibers, and fibrille, which are multiplied to an indefinite extent, corresponding with the multipli- cation of the leaves, twigs, etc., above. This at once insures a firm | hold upon the earth, and brings a large absorbing surface in contact with the moist soil. 199. The summit of the root, or that place where the root meets the stem, is called the collum ; the remote, opposite extremities of the fine rootlets, or fibers, are covered by dry, protective cells, forming a root-cap; the sides of these fibers are eaehy active 1 absOrDING ag extremity of a ’rootlet of Ma- "fiquid nourishment, and are mostly ei"\nea sda ee covered by root-hairs, which in- crease their absorbing surface. The hairs arise from the tender epidermis or skin, and perish when that thickens into bark. They are developed and perish annually with the leaves, whose servants they are. Few of them remain after the. fall of the leaf. This fact plainly indicates that the proper time for trans- planting trees or shrubs is the late Autumn, Winter, or early Spring, when there are but few tender fibrille a to be injured. 200. Two modes of root-development are definitely distinguished.- First, the AXIAL MODE is that where 80 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (67, 68. the primary, simple radicle, in growing, extends itself downward in a main body more or less branched, continuous with the stem, and forms the permanént root of the plant. Such is the case with the Maple, Mustard, Beet, and most of the Dicotyledonous Plants (§ 188). 3 201. Secondly, the DirrusE development is that where the primary radicle proves abortive, never developing into an axial root; but, growing lat- erally only, it sends out little shoots from its sides, which grow into long, slender roots, nearly equal in value, none of them continuous with the stem. Of this nature are the roots of all the Grasses, the Lilies, and the Monocotyledons generally, and of the Cryptogamia. Plants raised from layers, cuttings, — tubers, and slips are necessarily destitute of the axial root. 202. The various forms of the root are naturally and conveniently referred to these two modes of devel- opment. The principal axial forms are the ‘ramous, fusiform, napiform, and conical. ‘To all these forms the general name tap-root is applied. The ramous is the woody tap-root of most trees and shrubs, where the main root branches extensively, and is finally dis- solved and lost in multiplied ramifications. 203. Tuberous tap-roots.—In herbaceous plants the tap-root often becomes thick and fleshy, with com- paratively few branches. This tendency is peculiarly marked in biennials (§ 41), where the root serves as a reservoir of the superabundant food which the plant — accumulates during its first year’s growth, and keeps in store against the exhausting process of fruit-bearing in its second year. Such is the Mus¢form (spindle- THE ROOT. 3 81 «68, 69.) shaped) root—thick, succulent, tapering downward, and also for a short space upward. Beet, Radish, and Ginseng are examples. The Conical root tapers all the way from the collum downward (Carrot). The Naptfjorm (turnip-shaped) swells out in its upper part so that its breadth equals or exceeds its length, as in _Hrigenia (2338) and Turnip (239). 237, Maple—an axial, ramous root. 238, Parsnip—a fusiform root. 239, Turnip—a napiform root. 240, Corallorhiza—a coralline root. 204. The forms of diffuse roots are fibrous, fibro- tuberous, tubercular, coralline, nodulous, and monili- form. The fibrous root consists of numerous thread- like divisions, sent off directly from the base of the stem, with no main or tap-root. Such are the roots of most Grasses, which multiply their fibers excessively in light sandy soils. %bro-tuberous roots (or fascicu- late) are so called when some of the fibers are thick and fleshy, as in the Asphodel, Crowfoot, Peeony, Orchis, and Dahlia. When the fiber is enlarged in certain parts only, it is nodulous; and when the en- largements occur at regular intervals, it is mondliform 82 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [69, 70. (necklace-like). When it bears little tubers here and there, aS in Squirrel-corn, it is twhercular. 205. Deposits of starch, or farinaceous matter, in all these cases, constitute the thickening substance of the root, stored up for the future use of the plant. XS ps ic ( mV I. 241, Peony —fibro-tuberous roots. 242, Ginseng —fusiform root. 243, Pelargonium triste — moniliform root, 244, Spirea filipendula—nodulous root. 245, A creeping stem, with adventitious roots. ~ j iN 206. Adventitious roots are such as originate in some part of the ascending axis—stem or branches—whether above or below the ground. They are so called because their origin is indeterminate, both in place and time. Several special forms should be noticed; as the cirrhous roots of certain climbing vines (Huropean Ivy, Poison Ivy, Trumpet-creeper) put forth in great numbers from the stem, serving for its mechanical support and no other known use. Again: the Fulcra of certain Monocotyledonous plants originate high up the stem, and descending obliquely enter the ground. The Indian Corn frequently puts forth such roots from its lower joints, and thereby be- comes strongly braced. The Screw Pine (Pandanus) of the conservatories puts forth fulcra often several feet in length. 207. The Banian Tree (Ficus Indicus) drops “ adventitious’ roots from its extended branches, which, reaching and entering the ground, grow to sup- porting columns, like secondary trunks. Thus a single tree becomes at length a grove capable of sheltering an army. 208. Epiphytes (é7/, upon, ¢vtév, a plant), a class of plants, called also air-plants, have roots which are merely mechanical, serving to fix such plants firmly upon other plants or trees, while they derive their THE ROOT. 83 nourishment wholly from the air. The Long-moss (Tillandsia) and Conopseum are examples. Aa a 247, Old Oak trunk with horizontal branch bearing epiphytes and para- sites. a, A fern (Polypodium incanum). 6, Epidendrum conopseum. cc, - Long-moss (Tillandsia). d, Mistletoe (Viscum). e, Lichen. 209. Parasites— Three classes. Very different in nature are the roots of those plants called parasites, which feed upon the juices of other plants or trees. Such roots penetrate the bark of the nurse-plant to the cambium layer beneath, and appropriate the stolen juices to their own growth; as the Dodder and Mistle- toe. Other parasites, although standing in the soil, are fixed upon foreign roots, and thence derive either their entire sustenance, aS the Beech-drops and other leat- less, colorless plants, or a part of their sustenance, as the Cow-wheat (Melampyrum) and Gerardia. 210. Subterranean stems.— As there are aerial roots, so there are sub- ¥ terranean stems., These are frequently mistaken for roots, but may be known by their habitually and regularly producing buds. Of this nature are the ¥ — of the Irish Potato, the rootstock of the Sweet-flag, the incr of the Bi Tulip. But even the true root may sometimes develop buds—accidentally as it were—in consequence of some injury to the upper axis, or some other Ds unnatural condition. 84 - STRUCTURAL BOTANY. CHAPTER XV. THE STEM, OR ASCENDING AXIS. | . 211. The general idea of the Axis is this: the cen- tral substantial portion of the plant, bearing the appendages, viz. roots below, and the leaf-organs above. The Ascending Azis is that which originates with the plumule, tends upward in its growth, and expands itself to the influence of the air and the light. 248, Procumbent stem—Chiogenes hispidula. 212. Although the first direction of the stem’s growth is vertical in all plants, there are many in which this direction does not continue, but changes into the oblique or horizontal, either just above the EXE \\ OR SAlby ~ ANS||) fac J Sk \ \ =A) WN ZF A BZ S 249, Decumbent stem—Anagallis arvensis. surface of the ground, or just beneath it. If the stem continues to arise in the original direction, as it most commonly does, it is said to be erect. If it grow along the ground without rooting, it is said to be pro- a 71, 72.) THE STEM. 85 _ cumbent, prostrate, tratling. If it recline upon the oe aot ae = Te vee) se Oe 2 ee he 1 aR EE SS wie ground aiter having at the base arisen somewhat above it, it is decumbent. If it arise obliquely from a prostrate. base, it is said to be assuwrgent; and if it continue buried beneath the soil, it is subterranean. Such stems, although buried like roots, may readily be known by their buds, as already explained (§ 210). 213. Stems are either simple or branched. The simple stem is produced by the unfolding of the pri- mary bud (the plumule) in the direction of its point alone. As this bud is developed below into the length- ening stem, it is continually reproduced at its summit, and so is always borne at the termination of the stem. Hence the axis is always terminated by a bud. 214. The Branching Stem, which is by far the most common, is produced by the development of both ter- minal and axillary buds. The axis produces a bud in the axil of its every leaf; that is, at a point just above the origin of the leaf-stalk. These buds remain in- active in the case of the simple stem, as the Mullein; but more generally are developed into leafy subdivis- ions of the axis, and the stem thus becomes branched. _ A Branch is, therefore, a division of the axis produced by the development of an axillary bud. It repeats the internal structure of the stem, but is sometimes pe- culiar in being bilaterally symmetrical or having its upper and under surfaces unlike. 215. The -—Arrangement of the Branches upon the stem, depends, therefore, upon the arrangement of the leaves; which will be more particularly noticed here- after. This arrangement is beautifully regular, accord- ing to established laws. In this place we briefly notice three general modes. The Alternate arrangement is > SONA i ace Ys atin ee 86 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (72, 73. where but one branch arises from each joint (node) on different sides of the stem, as in the Elm. The Oppo- site is where two branches stand on opposite sides of the same node, as in Maple. The Verticallate is where three or more branches, equidistant, encircle the stem at each node, as in the Pine. Dichotomous branching is where a main or secondary axis forks into two equal divisions, as often occurs in Flowerless Plants. 216. Some plants produce adventitious roots which may become independent. Nurserymen in this way propagate scions, suckers, stolons, offsets, slips, layers, cuttings, and runners. The Sucker is a branch issuing from some underground portion of the plant, leaf- bearing above and sending out roots from its own base, becoming finally a separate, independent plant. The Rose. and Raspberry are thus multiplied. ———=\= TLS 7/7 \ ae Z LY Vy} ae Uf t d NE My “y e % 250, a, Slip (Gooseberry) taking root. 6, Cutting (Grape) taking root. c, Stolons or layers artificially arranged for propagation. d, A modeof dwarfing ; the vessel, v, is filled with soil. e, Scions; process of grafting. f, A sucker. CAN 217. The Stolon, or Layer, is a branch issuing from some above-ground portion of the stem, and afterward declining to the ground, taking root at or near its ex- tremity, sending up new shoots, and becoming a new wy ENTS eT «= ee - a 1) ihe eee ee ae ee eS SO Pe ee 83, 74] THE STEM. 87 | F plant. The Hobble-bush and Black-raspberry do this naturally, and gardeners imitate the process in many plants. | 218. The Scion is any healthy twig or branchlet _ bearing one or more buds, used by the gardeners in the common process of grafting. Slips and cuttings are fragments of ordinary branches or stems, consist- _ ing of young wood bearing one or more buds. These strike root when planted in the ground. So the Grape- _ vine and Hop. The Offset is merely a scion severed from the parent and set in the ground to strike root. 219. The Runner is a prostrate, filiform branch, _ issuing from certain short-stemmed herbs, extending itself along the surface of the ground, striking root at _ its end without being buried. Thence leaves arise, and a new plant, which in turn sends out new runners, as in the Strawberry. | aN ! AVP F 251, A Strawberry plant (Fragaria vesca) sending out a runner. 220. The Node, or joint of the stem, marks a defi- nite point of a peculiar organization, where the leaf with its axillary bud arises. The nodes occur at regu- lar intervals, and the spaces between them are termed INTERNODES. They provide for the symmetrical arrange- ment of the leaves and branches of the stem. In the 88 STRUCTURAL. BOTANY. (73-75. root no such provision is made, and the branches have © a less definite arrangement. Now the growth of the — stem consists in the development of the internodes. — In the bud, the nodes are closely crowded together, with no perceptible internodes ; thus bringing the rudi- mentary leaves in close contact with each other. But in the stem, which is afterward evolved from that bud, we see full-grown leaves separated by considerable spaces. That is, while leaves are developed from the rudiments, internodes are pushed out from the grow- ing point. 221. There are, however, many species of plants, especially of herbs, in which the axis of the primary bud does not develop into internodes at all, or but par- tially in various degrees. See the axis of Trillium, Onion, ‘and Bloodroot. Such stems seldom appear above-ground. They are subterranean. This fact makes a wide difference in the forms of stems, and nat- urally separates them into two great divisions — viz., the Leaf-bearing Stems and the Scale-bearing Stems. $< C EAP 0B ae 2, FORMS OF THE LEAF-BEARING STEMS. 222. The leaf-bearing stems are those forms which, with internodes fully developed, rise into the air crowned with leaves. The principal forms are the caulis, culm, trunk, caudex, and vine. They are either herbaceous or woody. Herbaceous stems bear fruit but one season and then perish, at least down to the root, scarcely becoming woody; as seen in Mustard, Radish, ‘ . 148 at ; a 5, 76.] FORMS OF THE LEAF-BEARING STEMS. 89 > and Grasses. _ But woody stems survive the Winter, and often become. firm and solid in substance in after years; as do all the forest trees. 252, Scale-stem (Dicentra cucullaria). 253, A flower of the same. 254, A flower of D. Canadensis. 255, Leaf-stem (Chimaphila maculata). | 2238. CAULIs is a term generally applied to the annual leafy stems of herbaceous plants. “ Haulm” is a term used in England with the same signification. Caulescent and acaulescent are convenient terms, the former denoting the presence, and the latter the ab- ‘sence of the caulis or aerial stem. _ 224. THE cuLM is the stem of the Grasses and the Sedges, generally jointed, often hollow, rarely becom- ‘ing woody; as in Cane and Bamboo. _ 225, Tue TRUNK is the name of the peculiar stems of arborescent plants, It is the central column or axis 90 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. «76, 77. which supports their branching tops and withstands | the assaults of the wind by means of the great firm- ness and strength of the woody or ligneous tissue with |} which it abounds. The trunk is usually seen simple and columnar below, for a certain space, then variously dividing itself into branches. Here it is cylindrical, straight, and erect, as in the Forest Pine; prismatic often, as in the Gum-tree; gnarled and curved, as in the Oak; or inclined far over its base, as in the Syca- more. pe Min \ RAN SN A\\\ ~ (4 OX A\( ae My if ON Ta = ge NW a ay wo yy) WW); RS NY = oe a \\S : Whe < \\\ LA AV > = he == SS hh _ BS =r | (Aes YZ d | a ee = yy | ce es ———— j sew sy ——— EH 256, S, Spruce. B, Beech. Z, Elm;; to illustrate excurrent and deliquescent axis. 226. In dividing itself into branches, we observe two general modes, with their numerous variations, strikingly characterizing the tree forms. In the one, named by Lindley the excurRENT, the trunk, from the superior vigor of its terminal bud, takes precedence of , . : F ; | ra = FORMS OF THE LEAF-BEARING STEMS. 91 the branches, and runs through to the summit, as in q the Beech, Birch, Oak, and especially in the Spruce — _ trees with oval or pyramidal forms. But in the other, the DELIQUESCENT AXIS, as seen in the Elm and Apple- tree, the trunk suddenly divides into several subequal. branches, which thence depart with different degrees of divergency, giving the urn form to the Elm, the rounded form to the Apple-tree, the depressed form to the Sloe-tree (Viburnum) and Dogwood. 227. CAUDEX is a term now applied to the peculiar trunk of the Palms and Tree-ferns, simple, branchless columns, or rarely dividing in advanced age. It is produced by the growth of the terminal bud alone, and its sides are marked by the scars of the fallen leaf-stalks of former years, or are yet covered by their persistent. bases. The stock or caudex of the cactus tribe is extraordinary in form and substance. It is often jointed, prismatic, branched, always greenish, fleshy, and full of a watery juice. Instead of leaves, its lat- eral buds develop spines only, the stem itself performing the functions of leaves. These plants abound in the warm regions of tropical America, and afford a cooling acid beverage to the thirsty traveler when springs dry up under the torrid sun. 228. THE VINE is either herbaceous or woody. It is _ a stem too slender and weak to stand erect, but trails _ along the ground, or any convenient support. Some- times, by means of special organs for this purpose, called tendrils, it ascends trees and other objects to a great height; as the Grape, Gourd, and other climb- ing vines. 229. The twining vine having also a length greatly disproportioned to its _ diameter, supports itself on other plants or objects by entwining itself around them, being destitute of tendrils. Thus the Hop ascends into the air by for- eign aid, and it is a curious fact that the direction of its winding is always the same, viz., with the sun, from left to right; nor can any artificial training induce it to reverse its course. This is a general law among twining stems. Every individual plant of the same species revolves in the same direction, * although opposite directions may characterize different species. Thus the > Morning-Glory revolves always against the sun, 9 2. . STRUCTURAL BOTANY. CHAD TA ok VE. FORMS OF SCALE-BEARING STEMS. 230. The Scale-bearing stems are those forms which, with internodes partially or not at all developed, and generally clothed with scales for leaves, scarcely emerge from the goil. They are the creeper and rhi- zoma (developed), the crown, tuber, corm, and bulb (undeveloped). Their forms are singular, often dis- torted in consequence of their underground growth and the unequal development of the internodes. They commonly belong to perennial herbs, and the principal forms are described as follows; but intermediate con- necting forms are very numerous, and often perplexing. 257, Creeper of ‘‘ Nimble Will ”’ or Witch-grass ; a, Bud; bb, bases of culms. 231. THE CREEPER is either subaerial or subterra- nean. In the former case, it is prostrate, running and > rooting at every joint, and hardly distinguishable other- wise from leafy stems; as the Twin-flower, the Par- tridge-berry. In the latter case, it is more commonly clothed with scales, often branching extensively, root- ing .at the nodes, exceedingly tenacious of life, extend- 78,79.) FORMS OF SCALE-BEARING STEMS. 93 ing horizontally in all directions beneath the soil, annually sending up from its terminal buds erect stems into the air. The Witch-grass is an example. Such plants are a sore evil to the garden. They can have no better cultivation than to be torn and cut to pieces by the spade of the angry gardener, since they are thus multiplied as many times as there are fragments. 232. Repent stems of this kind are not, however, without their use. They frequently abound in loose, sandy soil, which they serve to bind and secure against the inroads of the water and even the sea itself. Holland is said to owe its very existence to the repent stems of such plants as the Mat-grass (Arundo arenaria), Carex arenaria, and Elymus arenarius, which overrun the artificial dykes upon its shores, and by their innumerable roots and creepers apparently bind the loose sand into a firm barrier against the washing of the waves. So the tu7f, chiefly composed of repent Grass-stems, forms the only security of our own sandy or clayey hills against the washing rains. 258, Rhizoma of Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum). a, Fragment of the first year’s growth ; b, the second year’s growth ; c, growth of the third year; d, growth of the present (fourth) year, bearing the stem, which, on decaying, will leave a scar (seal) like the rest. 259, Premorse root of Trillium erectum, 233. THE RHIZOME, or ROOT-STOCK, differs from the creeper only in being shorter and thicker, having its internodes but partially developed. It is a prostrate, fleshy, rooting stem, either wholly or partially subter- ranean, often scaly with the bases of undeveloped leaves, or marked with the scars of former leaves, and yearly producing new shoots and roots. Such is the fleshy, horizontal portion of the Blood-root, Sweet-flag, Water-lily, and Bramble (the latter hardly different from the creeper). 94 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [79, 80. 234. The growth of the rhizome is instructive, marking its peculiar character. Each joint marks the growth of a year. In Spring, the terminal bud unfolds into leaves and flowers, to perish in Autumn—a new bud to open the follow- ing Spring, and a new internode, with its roots, to abide several years. 'The number of joints indicates, not the age of the plant, but the destined age of each internode. Thus if there are three joints, we infer that they are trien- nial, perishing after the third season, while the plant still grows on. 235. THE PRHMORSE ROOT, OF ROOT-STOCK, is short, erect, ending abruptly below, as if bitten square off (preemorsus). This is mostly owing to the death of the earlier and lower internodes in succession, as in the horizontal rhizome. The root of Scabious and the rhizomes of Viola pedata and Benjamin-root are ex- amples. y ~S SOS WSs ‘\ SS SN Potato (Convolvulus). 236. CROWN OF THE ROOT designates a short stem with condensed internodes, remaining upon some per- ennial roots, at or beneath the surface-soil, after the leaves and annual stems have perished. 2937. THE TUBER is an annual thickened portion of a subterranean stem or branch, provided with latent 80, 81.] FORMS OF SCALE-BEARING STEMS. 95 buds called eyes, from which new plants ensue the succeeding year. It is the fact of its origin with the ascending axis, and the production of buds, that places the tuber among stems instead of roots. The Potato and Artichoke are examples. | 238. The stem of the Potato-plant sends out roots from its base, and branches above, like other plants; but we observe that its branches have two distinct modes of development. Those branches which rise into the air, whether issuing from the above-ground er the under-ground portion of the stem, expand regularly into leaves, etc.; while those lower branches which continue to grope in the dark, damp ground, cease at length to elongate, swell up at the ends into tubers with developed buds and abundance of nutri- tious matter in reserve for renewed growth the following year. 253, Corms of Putty-root (Aplectrum) ; a, of last year—b, of the present year. Lily. 265, Scale-bulb of Oxalis violacea. 239. THE coRM is an under-ground, solid, fleshy stem, with condensed internodes, never extending, but remaining of a rounded form covered with thin scales. It is distinguished from roots by its leaf-bud, which is either borne at the summit, as in the Crocus, or at the ‘side, as in the Colchicum and Putty-root (Aplectrum). 240. THE BULB partakes largely of the nature of the bud. It consists of a short, dilated axis, bearing an oval mass of thick, fleshy scales, closely packed 96 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [81, 82. above, a circle of adventitious roots around its base, and a flowering stem from the terminal or a lateral bud. 241. How multiplied.— Bulbs are renewed or multiplied annually at the approach of Winter by the development of bulbs from the axils of the scales, which increase at the expense of the old, and ultimately become detached. Bulbs which flower from the terminal bud are necessarily either annual or bi- ennial; those flowering from an axillary bud may be perennial, as the terminal bud may in this case continue to de- velop new scales indefinitely. 242. Bulbs are said to be tunticated when they consist 2°6, Bulb of Lilium superbum, with habit of a rhizome ; a, full grown bulb sending up a ter- of concentric layers each en~ minal stem c, and two offsets bb, for the bulbs of ) next year. tire and inclosing all within it, as In the Onion. But the more common variety is the scaly bulb—consisting of fleshy, concave scales, arranged spirally upon the axis, as in the Lily 243. The tuber, corm, and bulb are analogous forms approaching by degrees to the character of the bud, which consists of a little axis bearing a covering of scales. In the tuber, the axis is excessively developed, while the scales are reduced to mere linear points. In the corm the analogy is far more evident, for the axis is less excessive and the scales more manifest; and lastly, in the bulb the analogy is complete, or overdone, the scales often be- coming excessive. } Ta |\\ N Or \> \ S \ \ S X Wy ‘s a ZY fe NS ii ) ARRAN iS GIN PITTA 267, Corm of Crocus, with new ones forming above. 268, AW section of the same. 269, Section of bulb of Hyacinth, with terminal scape and axillary bulblet. 270, Section of bulb of Oxalis violacea, with axillary scapes. THE LEAF-BUD. Cie FT BR x Vv PEE: THE LEAF-BUD. 97 244. It is but a step from the study of the bulb to that of the leaf-bud. Buds are of two kinds in respect to their contents—the leaf-bud contain- ing the rudiments of a leafy stem or branch, the flower-bud containing the same elements transformed into the nascent organs of a flower for the purpose of reproduction. 245. The leaf-bud consists of a brief, cone-shaped axis with a tender growing point, bearing a_ protecting covering of imbricated scales and in- cipient leaves. 246. The leafy nature of the scales is evident from a careful inspection of such buds as those of the Rose, Cur- rant, Tulip-tree, when they are swollen or bursting in Spring. The student will notice a gradual change from the outer scales to the evident leaves or stipules within, as seen in Fig. 273. As a further protection against frost and rain, we find the scales sometimes clothed with hairs, sometimes var- nished with resin. This is abundant and very aromatic in the buds of the Balm-of-Gilead and other Poplars. lix ' £71, Branch of Pear- tree. The terminal bud a, having been destroyed, an axillary bud supplied its place, and formed the axis b. c, Thickened branch with flower-buds ; d, branch with leaf-buds. 272, t, sec- tion of terminal bud; 7, of axillary bud. 247. In regard to position, buds are either terminal or axillary, a distinction already noticed. 303, Leaf of Selinum, tripinnate, with sheathing petiole. 304, Leaf of Polygonum Pennsylvanicum, with its (o) ochrea. 305, Culm of Grass, with joint (j), leaf (2), ligule(s). 306, Leaf of Pear-tree, with slender stipules. cohering by their two margins. In case the two stip- ules cohere by their outer margin only, a double stip- ule is formed opposite to the leaf, as in the Button- _ wood. If they cohere by their inner margin, the double stipule appears in the leaf axil, as in the Pond- | ; weed (Potamogéton). The Ligule of the Grasses is _ generally regarded as a double axillary stipule. The leaflets of compound leaves are sometimes furnished with little stipules, called stipels. 280. Inter-petiolar stipules occur in a few opposite- leaved tribes, as the Galium tribe. Here we find them = as mere bristles in Diodia, while in Galium they look _ like the leaves, forming whorls. Such whorls, if com- a * = £ « ¥ et plete, will be apparently 6-leaved, consisting of two true leaves and four stipules. But the adjacent stipules are often united, and the whorl becomes _ 4-leaved, and in some the whorl is 8-leaved. 240 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [93, 94. 281. Stipules are often fugacious, existing as scales in the bud, and falling when the leaves expand, or : soon after, as in the Magnolia and Tulip-tree. 282. Nature of veins.— The blade of the leaf con- sists of, (1) the frame-work, and (2) the tissue com- monly called the parenchyma. The frame-work is made up of the branching vessels of the footstalk, which are woody tubes pervading the parenchyma, and conveying nourishment to every part. Collectively, these vessels are called wezns, from the analogy of their functions. VENATION is the division and distribu- ~ tion of the veins. The several organs of venation, differing from each other only in size and position, may be termed the midvein, veins, veinlets, and veinu- lets. (The old terms, midrib and nerves, being ana- tomically absurd, are here discarded.) 283. The Medvein is the principal axis of the vena- tion, or prolongation of the petiole, running directly through the lamina, from base to apex, aS seen in the leaf of the Oak or Birch. If there be several similar divisions of the petiole, radiating from the base of the leaf, they are appropriately termed Vewns,; and the leaf is said to be three-veined, five-veined, as in Maple. The primary branches sent off from the midvein or the veins we may term the Vevnilets, and the second- ary branches, or those sent off from the veinlets, are the Veenulets. These also branch and subdivide until they become too small to be seen. 284. Botanists distinguish three modes of venation, which are in general characteristic of three Grand Divisions of the Vegetable Kingdom —viz. : Reticulate or Net-veined, as in the DICcOTYLEDONS (called also Exocens). This kind of venation is char- 94, 95.] MORPHOLOGY OF THE LEAF. © 11 acterized by the frequent reunion or inosculation of its numerously branching veins, so as to form a kind of irregular net-work. of Plum-tree: same venation with different outlines. 3:8, Palmate-veined,—leaf of White Maple, con- trasted with leaf of Cercis Canadensis. 309, Parallel venation,—plant of ‘‘three-leaved Solomon’s seal” (Smilacina trifoliata). 310, Forked venation,—Climbing Fern (Lygodium). Parallel-veined, as in the Monocotry.Lepons (called also ENDOGENS). The veins, whether straight or curved, run parallel, or side by side, to the apex of the leaf or to the margin, and are connected by simple transverse veinlets hardly seen. ; Fork-veined, as in the Ferns (and other CRYPTOGAMS where veins are present at all). Here the veins divide and subdivide in a forked manner, and do not reunite. 285. Of the Reticulate venation the student should carefully note three leading forms: viz., The Feather- veined (pinni-veined) leaf is that in which the venation consists of a midvein giving off at intervals lateral ‘veinlets and branching veinulets, as in the leaf of 172 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [95, 96. Beech, Chestnut. In the Radiate-veined (palmi-veined) leaf, the venation consists of several veins of nearly equal size radiating from the base toward the circum- ference, each with its own system of veinlets. EHx.,, Maple, Crowfoot. Lastly, the TVripli-veined seems ‘to be a form intermediate between the two former, where the lowest pair of veinlets are conspicuously stronger than the others, and extend with the midvein toward the summit (see Fig. 319). 286. In parallel-veined venation the veins are either straight, as in the linear leaf of the Grasses; curved, as In the oval leaf of the Orchis; or transverse, from a midvein, as in the Canna, Calla, etc. CA APT Ei 2a MORPHOLOGY OF THE LEAF— CONTINUED. _ 287. That infinite variety of beautiful and graceful forms for which the leaf is distinguished becomes intelligible to the student only when viewed in con- nection with its venation. Since it is through the veins alone that nutriment is conveyed for the devel- opment and extension of the parenchyma, it follows that there will be the greatest extension of outline where the veins are largest and most numerous. Con- sequently the form of the leaf will depend upon the direction of the veins and the vigor of their action in , developing the intervening tissue. In accordance with © this theory, leaf-forms will be classed in respect to their venation. | 288. Feather-veined leaves.— Of these, the follow- ing forms depend upon the length of the veinlets uf al . ee © 96, 97.] | MORPHOLOGY OF THE LEAF. 113 relation to each other and to the midvein. When the lower veinlets are longer than the others, the form of the blade: will be (1) ovate, with the outline of an egg, the broad end at the base; (2) lanceolate, or lance- shaped, narrower than ovate, tapering gradually up- ward; (8) deltoed, or triangular-shaped, like the Greek Getter A. 314 VS : 311 Forms of leaves.—311, Rhododendron maximum. 312, Alnus glutinosa (cult.). 313, Polygonum dum= _etorum. 314, Papaw. 315, Impatiensfulva. 316, Celtis Americana. 317, Circea Lutetiana. 318, Cat- mint. 319, Solidago Canadensis—a tripli-veined leaf. 289. If the middle veinlets exceed the others in length, the leaf will be (4) orbicular, roundish, or quite circular; (5) elliptical, with the outline of an ellipse, nearly twice longer than broad; (6) oval, broadly elliptical; (7) oblong, narrowly elliptical. 290. When the veinlets are more largely developed in the upper region of the leaf, its form becomes (8) obovate, inversely ovate, the narrow end at base; (9) oblanceolate, that is, lanceolate with the narrow end at base; (10) spatulate, like a spatula, with a narrow base ___ and a broader, rounded apex; (11) cuneate or cunet- __« form, shaped like a wedge with the point backward, 114 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [97, 98. 291. Again: ¢f the lowest patr of veinlets are length- ened and more or less recurved, the leaf will be vari- SQ? it 10:9 320-330, Diagrams of pinnate-veined leaf-forms. ously modified in respect to its base, becom- ing (884) cordate, or heart-shaped, an ovate outline with a sinus or re-entering angle at base; (881) auriculate, with ear-shaped lobes at base; (887) sagzttate, arrow-shaped, with the lobes pointed, and directed backward; (882) hastate, halbert- shaped, the lobes directed outward. WZ cB \ i 330 331 332 333 Forms of leaves. —330, Silene Virginica, 331, Magnolia Fraseri. 336, Arabis dentata. 337, Polygonum sagittatum. 332, Hepatica acutiloba. 333, Asarum Virginicum. 334, Hydrocotyle Americana. 335, H. umbellata. 292. Pinnatifid forms.—The following pinnate- veined forms, approaching the compound leaf, depend less upon the proportion of the veinlets than upon the la MORPHOLOGY OF THE LEAF. 115 4 relative development of the intervening tissue. The prefix pinnate is obviously used in contrast with palmate among palmate-veined forms. 293. Pinnatifid (pinna, feather, findo, to cleave), feather-cleft, the tissue somewhat sharply cleft between the veinlets about half-way to the midvein, forming oblong segments. When the segments of a pinnatifid leaf are pointed and curved backward, it becomes run- cinate, t.e., re-uncinate (346). When the terminal seg- ment of a pinnatifid leaf is orbicular in figure and - larger than any other, presenting the form of the ancient lyre, the form is termed lyrate (840). 341 Feather-veined leaves, approaching the compound.—338, Quercus imbricaria—undulate. 339, Q. alba (White Oak)—lobate-sinuate. 340, Q. macrocarpa—lyrate. 341, Mulgedium (Milkweed). 342, Bipinnatifid leaf of Ambrosia artemisifolia (Hogweed). 294. Pinnately parted implies that the incisions are _ deeper than pinnatifid, nearly reaching the midvein. In either case the leaf is said to be s¢mwate when the _ Incisions (sinuses) as well as the segments are rounded and flowing in outline. Such segments are lobes. and _ the leaves lobate or lobed, a very generic term. } 295. Palmate forms.—The palmate venation pre- sents us with a set of forms which are, in general, — 116 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (98, 99. broader in proportion than the pinnate, having the breadth about equal to the length. Such a leaf may be rarely broadly ovate, or broadly cordate, terms which require no further explanation. Or it may be Reni- jorm, kidney-shaped, having a flowing outline broader than long, concave at base; or Peltate, shield-form, the petiole not inserted at the margin, but in the midst Feather-veined leaves approaching the compound.—343, Nigella (pinnatisect). 344, Cheledonium majus. 345, Thistle (Cirsium lanceolatum). 346, Dandelion (runcinate-lyrate). of the lower surface of the blade. This singular form evidently results from the blending of the base lobes of a deeply cordate leaf, as seen in Hydrocotyle. It may be orbicular, oval, etc. 296. The following result from deficiency of tissue, causing deep divisions between the veins. Leaves thus dissected are said to be palmately-lobed when either the segments or the sinuses are somewhat rounded and continuous. The number of lobes is denoted by such terms as belobate, trilobate, five-lobed, etc. Leaves are - MORPHOLOGY OF THE LEAF. Ty 347 S ., 348 SS _ Palmate-veined leaves. Pee Menispermum Canadense. 348, Passiflora cerulea. 349, Broussonetia pa- pyrifera. 350, Oak Geranium. palmately cleft and palmately parted, according to the depth of the incisions as above described. But the most peculiar modification is the Pedate, tike a bird’s foot, having the lowest pair of veins enlarged, recurved, and bearing each several of the segments (848). 297. The forms of the paral- lel-veined leaves are remarkable for their even, flowing outlines, diversified solely by the direction and curvature of the veins. When the veins are straight, the most common form is the Linear, long and narrow, with parallel margins, like the leaves of the Grasses—a form which may also occur in the pinnate-veined leaf, when the vein- lets are all equally shortened. The — ensiform, or sword-shaped, is also linear, but has its edges vertical, that is, directed upward and down _, | 35 Ensiform leaves of Tris. 352, Acerose leaves of Pinus. ward. late leaves of Juniperus communis. 298. If the veins curve, we may have the lanceolate, VIZ ~< Ssh A) YK lla, Ss rl RK \ “as . (2 —S \Y £15 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. -[100, 101. elliptical, or even orbicular forms; and if the lower curve downward, the cordate, sagittate, etc. Palmate forms there also are, splendidly developed in the Pal- metto and other Palms, whose large leaves are appro- priately called flabelliform (fan-shaped). 299. The leaves of the Pine and the Fir tribe (Coni- feree) generally are parallel-veined also, and remark- able for their contracted forms, in which there is no. distinction of petiole or blade. Such are the Acerose (needle-shaped) leaves of the Pine, the Subulate (awl- shaped) and scale-form leaves of the Cedars, ete. a C H. APP ER, » eee THE COMPOUND LEAF, ETC. 300. If we conceive of a simple leaf becoming a compound one, on the principle of “deficiency of tissue between the veins,” it will be evident that the same forms of venation are represented by the branching petioles of the latter as by the veins of the former. The number and arrangement of the parts will there- fore in like manner correspond with the mode of venation. : 801. The divisions of a compound leaf are called leaflets; and the same distinction of outline, margin, etc., occur in them as in simple leaves. The petzolules of the leaflets may or may not be articulated to the main petiole, or rachis, as it is called. 302. Pinnately compound.— From the pinnate-veined arrangement we may have the pinnate leaf, where the petiole (midvein) bears a row of leaflets on each side, either sessile or petiolulate, generally. equal in number -z —— ee ~ 101, 102.) THE COMPOUND LEAF. 119 and opposite. It is wnequally pinnate (357) when the rachis bears an odd terminal leaflet, and equally pin- _ nate (8356) when there is no terminal leaflet, and inter- ruptedly pinnate when the leaflets are alternately large and small (358). , 3038. The number of leaflets in the pinnate leaf varies from thirty pairs and upward (as in some Aca- ' cias), down to three, when the leaf is said to be ter- _ nate or trafoliate ; or two, becoming b¢nate ; or finally i ia ( 7 3 _ Compound leaves —354, Trifolium repens. 355, Desmodium rotundifolium. 356, Sesbania. 357, Cassia. a 358, Agrimonia. - even to one leafiet in the Lemon. Such a leaf is theo- _ retically compound, on account of the leaflet (blade) _ being articulated to the petiole. : 304. A bipinnate leaf (twice pinnate) is formed _ when the rachis bears pinne or secondary pinnate leaves, instead of leaflets (861), and tripinnate (thrice _ pinnate) when pinne take the places of the leaflets of abipinnate leaf (360). When the division is still more A complicated, the leaf is decompownd. Different degrees 4 of division often exist in different parts of the same 120 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [102, 103. leaf, illustrating the gradual transition of leaves from — simple to compound in all stages. The leaves of the Honey-locust and Coffee-tree (Gymnocladus) often afford curious and instructive examples (862). 805. A biternate leaf is formed when the leaflets of a ternate leaf give place themselves to ternate leaves (359), and triternate when the leaflets of a biternate leaf again give place to ternate leaves. \ PZ : We fj Wee N ee Yea \ \ W SAG = \ Ye Ww ) 4 = \ WKS \ S Compound leaves. —359, Clematis. 360, Erigenia bulbosa. 361, Acacia. 362, Honey-locust. 306. Palmately compound.—The palmate venation has also its peculiar forms of compound leaves, as ter- nate, quinate, septenate, etc., according to the number of leaflets which arise together from the summit of the petiole. Ternate leaves of this venation are to be carefully distinguished from those of the pinnate plan. The palmately ternate leaf consists of three leaflets, which are either all sessile or stalked alike; the pin- nately ternate has the terminal leaflet raised above the other two on the prolonged rachis (854, 355). 3807. Apex.—In regard to the termination of a leaf or leaflet at its apex, it may be acwméinate, ending { . | 2 Se ee eT ae Pet 108, 104.] “THE COMPOUND LEAF. 1! with a long, tapering point; cwuspzdate, abruptly con- tracted to a sharp, slender point; mucronate, tipped | with a spiny point; acute, simply ending with an 7 angle; obtuse, rounded at the point. Or the leaf may 363, Lemon. 364, Jeffersonia. 365, Potentilla anserina. 366, P. tridentata. end without a point, being truncate, as if cut square off; retuse, with a rounded end slightly depressed _ where the point should be ; emarginate, having a small notch at the end; obcordate, inversely heart-shaped, ering a deep ee baie at the end. LR PR 367-375, Apex of teaves.—a, obcordate ; b, a c, retuse ; d, truncate ; e, obtuse ; f, acute; g, mucronate ; 2, cuspidate ; %, acuminate. 376-380, Bases of leaves.—l, hastate : m, n, sagittate ; 0, auriculate; p, cordate ; gq, reniform. 308. Margin.— The following terms are used to _ define the margin of the leaf or leaflet, with no refer- ence to the general form. If the leaf be even-edged, having the tissue completely filled out, the appropriate term is entire. Sometimes a vein runs along such a - margin as if a hem. 132 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. 309. But when the marginal tissue is deficient, the — leaf becomes dentate, having sharp teeth pointing out- : ward from the center; serrate, with sharp teeth point- ing forward, like the teeth of a saw; crenate, with rounded or blunt teeth. The terms denticulate, serru- late, crenulate denote finer indentations of the several kinds; doubly dentate, etc., denote that the teeth are themselves toothed. = cs hs = ag ln, . ey A 381 383 ! JN 7] 384 ; 387 \. om 7 Aer | | A \\ | NV y be ce | =~ i a . an . oF 4 i al \ WV ) : Z| y ; ; ‘\ ‘ \ ey /fi fi ! 1, NW j; } \Z All) ee by hes WZ | i) , i 2 lal a cm Y/ es f Z ed fe ef .— - WY) ij ag oa SASS KL c ‘My Wf WL i) y Ue Yi i Ml M/ Y ye BY), I\ Val. if — ae 4 Ze 381, Serrate leaf of Chestnut. 382, Doubly serrate leaf of Elm. 383, Dentate leaf of Arrow- ait 384, Crenate leaf of Catmint. 385, Repand leaf of Circea. 386, Undulate leaf of Shingle Oak. 387, Lobed leaf of Chrysanthemum. 810. The wndulate, or wavy edge, is somewhat dif- ferent from the repand, which bends like the margin of an umbrella. If the veins project, and are tipped with spines, the leaf becomes spinous. Irregularly divided margins are said to be erose or jagged, lacwn- ate or torn, imcised or cut. Often, instead of a defi- ciency, there is a superabundance of marginal tissue, denoted by the term crzspate or crisped. 811. Insertion.— Several important terms descrip- tive of the various modes of leaf-ingertion must here 1S ae . "rr ‘ oe eet =e Ie" ' eee ec! ee 104, 105.] - THE COMPOUND LEAF. 123 _ be noticed. A sessile leaf is said to be amplezicaul when its base-lobes adhere to and clasp the stem. - Should these lobes extend quite around the stem and on the other side become blended together, a perfoliate leaf will be formed (per, through, foltwm, leaf), the stem seeming to pass through the leaves. When the bases of two opposite sessile leaves are so united as to form one piece of the two, i said to be connate. Insertion of leaves.—388, Aster levis —— = ob pase perfoliata. 390. Lonicera sempervirens 012. Surface.— The following terms are applicable to any other organs as well as leaves. In the quality of surface the leaf may be glabrous (smooth), destitute _ of all hairs, bristles, étc., or scabrous (rough), with _ minute, hard points, hardly visible. A dense coat of hairs will render the leaf pubescent when the hairs are soft and short; véllows when they are rather long and weak; sericeous, or silky, when close and satin-like ; 124 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [105, 106. such a coat may also be lanuginose, woolly; tomen- tose, matted like felt; or floccose, in soft, fleecy tufts. 313. Thinly scattered hairs render the surface har- sute when they are long; pzlose when short and soft ; hispid when short and stiff. The surface will be setose when beset with bristly hairs called sete ; and spinose when beset with spines, as in the Thistle and Horse- nettle. Leaves may also be armed with stenging hairs which are sharp and tubular, containing a poisonous fluid, as in Nettles and Jatropha stimulans (508). 3814. A pruinose surface is covered with a bluish- white waxy powder, called bloom, as in the Cabbage’; and a punctate leaf is dotted with colored points or pellucid glands. 3815. In texture leaves may be membranous, or corzaceous (leathery), or succulent (fleshy), or scartous (dry), rugose (wrinkled), etc., which terms need only to be mentioned. 316. Double terms.—The modifications of leaves are almost endless. Many other terms are defined in the glossary, yet it will often be found neces- sary in the exact description of a plant to combine two or more of the terms defined in order to express some intermediate figure or quality; thus ovate- lanceolate, signifying a form between ovate and lanceolate, etc. 317. The Latin preposition sub (under) prefixed to a descriptive term denotes the quality which the term expresses, in a lower degree, as subsessile, nearly sessile, subserrate, somewhat serrate. OnA Pt wig kerry TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE LEAF. 818. Hitherto we have considered the leaf as foli- age merely — constituted the fit organ of aeration by its large expansion of surface. This is indeed the chief, but not the only aspect in which it is to be viewed. The leaf 1s a typical form; that is,,a type, or a E 106, 1071 TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE LEAF. 125 an wea of the Divine Architect, whence is derived _ the form of every other appendage of the plant. To _ trace out this idea in all the disguises under which it _ turks, is one of the first aims of the botanist. Several _ of these forms of disguise have already been noticed —for example: _ 819. The scales which clothe the various forms of _- scale-bearing stems are leaves, or more usually petioles, _ reduced and distorted, perhaps by the straitened cir- cumstances of their underground growth. The scales ~ of corms and rhizomes are mostly mere membranes, _ while those of the bulb are fleshy, serving as deposi- tories of food for the future use of the plant. That _ these scales are leaves is evident—1st, from their po- sition at the nodes of the stem; 2d, from their occa- sional development into true leaves. Of the same nature are the brown scales of Winter buds. 220. The cotyledons of seeds or seed-lobes are readily recognized as leaves, especially when they arise F above-ground in germination, and form the first pair upon the young plant; as in the Beechnut and Squash seed. Their deformity is due to the starchy deposits with which they are crammed for the nourishment of _ the embryo when germinating, and also to the way in which they are packed in the seed. «821. Phyllodia are certain leaf-forms, consisting of _ petioles excessively compressed, or expanded vertically . 2 into margins, while the true lamina is partly or en- . _ tirely suppressed. Fine examples are seen in our _ greenhouse Acacias from Australia. Their vertical _ or edgewise position readily distinguishes them from true leaves. | 822. Ascidia, or pitchers, are surprising forms of 126 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [107,108. leaves, expressly contrived, as if by art, for holding water. The pitchers of Sarracenia, whose several spe- cles are common in bogs North and South, are evi- dently formed by the blending of the involute margins of the broadly winged petioles, so as to form a com- plete vase. The broad expansion which appears at the top may be regarded as the lamina. ‘These pitchers contain water, in which insects are drowned, being & EA N x “ll VE SNRASSSS oA . ‘4 A CALAN AA ‘) \ iS NES pee = . SS Nx RS WY 391 | 392 393 394 395 Ascidia.—391, Nepenthes. 392, Sarracenia psittacina. 393, S. purpurea. 394, S. Gronovii, 6. Drum- mondii. 395, Acacia heterophylla—its phyllodia. prevented from escaping by the deflexed hairs at the mouth. Other pitcher-bearing plants are equally curi- “ous; as Darlingtonia of California, Nepenthes and Dischidia of the East Indies. In Dionza of North Carolina, the leaves are transformed to spiny, snapping fly-traps! | 3823. Many weak-stemmed water-plants are fur- nished with Azr-bladders, or little sacks filled with air to buoy them up near to the surface. Such are the bladders of the common Bladderwort, formed from the leat-lobes. In the Horned-bladderwort, the floats are : we. | r Py + = aS. \ ¥ ~ 108, 109.] TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE LEAF. 127 made of the six upper inflated petioles lying upon the surface of the water like a wheel-shaped raft and sustaining the flower upon its own elevated stalk. 824. The Tendril is a thread-like, coiling append- age, furnished to certain weak-stemmed plants as their _ means of support in place. Its first growth is straight, - and it remains so until it reaches some object, when it immediately coils itself about it, and thus acquires a _ firm though elastic hold. This beautiful appendage is — _ finely exemplified in the Cucurbitaceze and Grape, of rachis. 398, Leaf of Gloriosa—apex ends in atendril. 399, Air-bladder of Horn Pondweed. 7 above cited: also in many species of the Pea tribe _ (Leguminosze), where it is appended to the leaves. It ; is not a new organ, but some old one transformed and _ adapted to a new purpose. In Gloriosa superba, the _ midvein of the leaf is prolonged beyond the blade into a coiling tendril. In the Pea, Vetch, etc., the tendrils __ represent the attenuated leaf-blades themselves. Again, _ the entire leaf sometimes becomes a tendril in Lathy- _ rus, while the stipules act as leaves. § 3825. The petiole of the leaf of Clematis, otherwise _ unchanged, coils like a tendril for the support of the vine. In the Greenbrier, the stipules are changed to ; 4 tendrils, which thus arise in pairs from the base of | 4 the petioles. So probably in the Gourd. 128 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. . [109, 110. 326. But the tendrils of the Grape vine are of a different nature. From their position opposite the leaves, and the tubercles occasionally seen upon them, representing flower-buds, they are inferred to be abortive, or trans- formed flower-stalks. 327. Many plants are armed, as if for self-defense with hard, sharp-pointed, woody processes, called spines or thorns. Those which are properly called spines originate from leaves. In Berberis the spines are evi- dently transformed leaves, as the same plant exhibits Thorns—400, Cratzegus parvifolia (thorns axillary). 401, Honey-locust. 402, Common Locust, 403, Ber- beris—a, a, its thorns. leaves in every stage of the metamorphosis. In Goat’s- thorn (Astragalus tragacanthus) of 8. Europe, the pet- ioles change to spines after the leaflets fall off. In the Locust (Robinia), there is a pair of spines at the base of the petiole, in place of stipules. 328. Thorns originate from axillary buds, and are abortive branches. This is evident from their position in the Hawthorn and Osage-orange. The Apple and Pear tree in their wild state produce thorns, but by cultivation become thornless; that is, the axillary buds, through better tillage, develop branches instead of thorns. The terrible branching thorns of the Honey-locust originate just above the axil, from accessory buds. Prickles differ from either spines or thorns, growing from the epidermis upon stems of leaves, at no determinate point, and consisting of hardened cellular tissues, as in the Rose, Bramble. ‘t ) (Oa , a bs — —O—' > <« «= =e Be inks ee of e ‘ 2° eg 4 ~ 110, 111.) METAMORPHOSIS OF THE FLOWER. 129 3829. By a more gentle transformation, leaves pass 3 into Bracits, which are those smaller, reduced leaf- forms situated near and among the flowers. So grad- ual is the transition from leaves to bracts—in the Peony, ¢.g.—that no absolute limits can be assigned. Equally gradual is the transition from bracts to sepals of the flower—affording a beautiful illustration of the doctrine cf metamorphosis (§ 38380, etc.). Bracts will be further considered under the head of Inflorescence. —_—__—_¢++4—__—. ee Aree ee IV. METAMORPHOSIS OF THE FLOWER. 330. It has already been announced (§ 87) that a flower is a metamorphosed, that is, a transformed branch. No mew principle or element was devised to meet this new necessity in the life of the plant, viz., the perpetuation of its kind; but the leaf, that same protean form which we have already detected in shapes so numerous and diverse, THE LEAF, iS yet once more in nature’s hand molded into a series of forms of superior elegance, touched with colors more brilliant, . ~ and adapted to a higher sphere as the organs of repro- duction. | 831. Proofs of this doctrine appear on every hand, both in the natural and in the artificial development _ of plants. We mention a few instances. The thought- ful student will observe many more. 832. In most flowers, as in the Poppy, very little evidence of the metamorphosis appears, simply because : it has been so complete. Its sepals, petals, stamens, ~ and pistils—how unlike! Can these be of one and the m - “SIO wae. hy 130 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. same element? Look again. Here is a double flower, a Poppy of the gardens, artificially developed ; its slender white stamens have indeed expanded into broad red petals! | 833. The argument begins with the sepals. In the Rose and Peony, and in most flowers, the sepals have all the characteristics of leaves—color, form, venation, etc. The transition from leaves to bracts and from bracts to sepals is so gradual as to place their identity 414 405 404, Papaver (poppy) —s, stamens ; p, stigmas. 405, sepal. 406,"Petal— all very different. 407 to 414, Petals of the Water-lily (Nymphea) gradually passing into stamens. beyond doubt. Again, in Calicanthus, the sepals pass by insensible gradations into petals; and in the Liles these two organs are almost identical. Hence, if the sepals are leaves, the petals are leaves also. In respect to the nature of the stamens, the Water-lily is. partic- ularly instructive. Here we see a perfect gradation of forms from stamens to petals, and thence to sepals, where, half-way between the two former, we find a narrow petal tipped with the semblance of an anther (410). Finally, cases of close resemblance between stamen and pistil, so unlike in the Poppy, are not wanting. For example, the Tulip-tree. 334. Teratology. — Cases in ARTIFICIAL DEVELOPMENT where organs of one kind are converted into those of another kind by cultivation, afford undeni- able evidence of the doctrine in question —the homology of all the floral organs with each other and with the leaf. Such cases are frequent in the garden, and, (1: 9 7 ee ee ee eee a eee / " ‘s 111, 1121 METAMORPHOSIS OF THE FLOWER. 181 however much admired, they are monstrous, because unnatural. In all double flowers, as Rose, Peony, Camellia, the stamens have been reconverted into petals, either wholly or partially, some yet remaining in every conesivable stage of the transition. In the double Buttercup <416) the pistils as well as stamens revert to petals, and in the garden Cherry, Flowering Almond, a pair of green leaves occupy the place of the pistils. By still further changes all parts of the fower manifest their foliage affinities, and the entire flower-bud, after having given clear indications of its floral character, is at last developed into a leafy branch (417). Further evidence of this view will appear in the — ~ 415, Ranunculus acris ; a single flower. 416, R. acris, 8. plena, a double flower. 417, Epacris impressa, the flowers changing to leafy branches (Lindley). 335. Aéstivation of the flower-bud.—This term (from cstivus, of summer) refers to the arrangement of the floral envelopes while yet in the bud. It is an important subject, since in general the same mode of estivation regularly characterizes whole tribes or orders. It is to the flower-bud what vernation (vernus, spring) is to the leaf-bud. The various modes of esti- vation are best observed in sections of the bud made by cutting it through horizontally when just ready to open. From such sections our diagrams are copied. 132 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (112, 113. 836. Separately considered, we find each organ here folded in ways similar to those of the leaf-bud ; that is, the sepal or the petal may be convolute, wmvo- lute, revolute, etc., terms already defined. Collectively considered, the eestivation of the flower occurs in four general modes with their variations—the valvate, the contorted, imbricate, and plicate. 337. In valvate zstivation the pieces meet by their margins without any overlapping; as in the sepals of the Mallow, petals of Hydrangea, valves of a capsule. 418-425, Modes of zstivation. 424, Petals of the Wall-flower. The following varieties of the valvate occur: J/ndupli- cate, where each piece is involute—z.e., has its two margins bent or rolled inward, as in Clematis; or redu- plicate, when each piece is revolute— having its mar- gins bent or rolled outward, as in the sepals of Althea. 838. Contorted zxstivation is where each piece over- laps its neighbor, all in the same direction, appearing as if twisted together, as in Phlox, Flax, Oleander (421). 339. Imbricated xstivation (7mbrez, a tile) is a term restricted to those modes in which one or more of the petals or sepals is wholly outside, overlapping two others by both its margins. This kind of estivation Be 123, 114) METAMORPHOSIS OF THE FLOWER. 133 naturally results from the spiral arrangements SO com- mon in phyllotaxy, while the valvate and contorted seem identified with the opposite or whorled arrange- ment. The principal varieties are the following: The q —Quincuncial, consisting of five leaves, two of which are wholly without, two wholly within, and one partly both, or one margin out, the other in, as in the Rose family (422). This accompanies the two fifths cycle in phyllotaxy, and corresponds precisely with it, each quincunx being in fact a cycle with its internodes _ Diagrams of flowers (as seen by cross-sections).—426, Jeffersonia diphylla—o, ovary ; s, stamens ; d, inner row of petals, zstivation triquetrous ; 6, outer row of petals, zestivation contorted ; ¢, sepals, zstivation quincuncial. 427, Lily. 428, Strawberry. 429, Mustard. The pupil will designate modes of zstivation. suppressed. (Fig. 300, § 266.) The Triquetrous, con- sisting of three leaves in each set, one of which is out- side, one inside, and the third partly both, as in Tulip, _ Erythronium, agreeing with the two thirds, or Alder Cycle (§ 265). The Convolute, when each leaf wholly involves all that are within it, as do the petals of Mag- nolia; and lastly, the Vewdllary, when one piece larger than the rest is folded over them, as in Pea (425). 840. Plicate or folded estivation occurs in tubular or monopetalous flowers, and has many varieties, of which the most remarkable is the swpervolute, where the projecting folds all turn obliquely in the same direction, as in the Morning-glory, Thorn®apple. Different modes of estivation may occur in the different whorls of the same flower. 134 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (114,115. CHAPTER “KK xv. INFLORESCENCE. 841. Inflorescence is a term denoting the arrange- ment of the flowers and their position upon the plant. All the buds of a plant are supposed to be originally of one and the same nature, looking to the production of vegetative organs only. But at a certain period, a portion of the buds of the living plant, by an unerring instinct little understood, are converted from their ordinary intention into jflower-buds, as stated and illustrated in the foregoing Chapter. The flower-bud is incapable of extension. While the leaf-bud may unfold leaf after leaf, and node after node, to an indefinite extent, the flower-bud blooms, dies, and arrests forever the extension of the axis which bore it. 849. In position and arrangement, flower-buds can not differ from leaf-buds, and both are settled by the same unerring law which determines the arrangement of the leaves. Accordingly, the flower-bud is always found either terminal or axillary. In either case, a single bud may develop either a compound inflores- cence, consisting of several flowers with their stalks and bracts, or a solitary inflorescence, consisting of a single flower. 3438. The Peduncle is the flower-stalk. It bears no leaves, or at least only such as are reduced in size and changed in form, called bracts. If the peduncle is wanting, the flower is said to be sesszle. The simple peduncle bears a single flower; but if the peduncle be divided into branches, it bears several flowers, and the final divisions, bearing each a single flower, are called pedicels. The main stem or axis of a compound peduncle is called the rachis. — 844. The Scape is a flower-stalk which springs from a subterranean stem, in such plants as are called 5 ¢ Se a) PI POT bee A rat TT FS ee er es i Sa ee 4 or ae. ? “ J by 5 * 115, ae | INFLORESCENCE. 185 ; stemless, or acaulescent; as the Primrose, Tulip, Blood- q root. Like the peduncle, it is leafless or with bracts only, and may be either simple or branched. The flower-stalk, whether peduncle, scape, or pedicel, always terminates in the torus (§ 57). Bracts (6, 6, 6).—430, Cornus Canadensis, with an involucre of four colored bracts. 431, Hepatica triloba, with an involucre of three green bracis. 432, Calla palustris, with a colored spathe of one bract. 345. Bracts.—The branches of the inflorescence arise from the axils of reduced leaves, called bracts. Those leaves, still smaller, growing upon the pedicels, are called bracilets. Bracts are usually simple in out- line and smaller than the leaf, often gradually dimin- ishing to mere points, as in Aster, or even totally sup- pressed, as in the Crucifere. Often they are colored, Sometimes brilliantly, as in Painted-cup. Sometimes they are scale-like, and again they are evanescent membranes. 346. The, Spathe is a large bract formed in some of _the Monocotyledons, enveloping the inflorescence, and often colored, as in Arum, Calla; or membranous, as ~ in Onion and Daffodil. E 847. Bracts also constitute an Involucre when they are collected into a whorl or spiral group. In the 136 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (116, 117. Phlox, Dodecatheon, and generally, the involucre is green, but sometimes colored and petaloid, as in Dog- — wood and Euphorbia. Situated at the base of a com- pound umbel, it is called a general involucre; at the base of a partial umbel it is a partial involucre or involucel, both of which are seen in the Umbelliferee, ee 434 433, Helianthus grosse-serratus—I, involucre ; 7, rays, or ligulate flowers. 434, One of the disk-flowers with its chaff-scale (bract). 435, Acorn of Moss-cup Oak (Q. macrophylla). 436, Poa pratensis—f, spikelet entire ; g, glumes separated ; c, a flower separated, displaying the two pales, three stamens, and two styles. 348. In the Composite, where the flowers are crowded upon a common torus, forming what is called a compound fiower, an. involucre composed of many imbricated scales (bracts) surrounds them as a calyx surrounds a simple fiower. The chaff also upon the torus are bracts to which each floret is axillary (434). 849. In the Grasses, the bracts subsist under the general name of chaff. At the base of each sprkelet (436) of flowers we find two bracts—the Glumes. At the base of each separate flower in the spikelet are also two bractlets —the Pales— enveloping as a calyx the three stamens and two styles (c). 850. The cup of the Acorn is another example of involucre, composed of many scale-like bractlets. So, also, perhaps the burr of the Chestnut, etc. 7 « / S417, 118.) INFLORESCENCE. Loy 851. The forms of inflorescence are exceedingly various, but may all be referred to two classes, as already indicated—the azillary, in which all the flowers arise from axillary buds; the terminal, in which all the flower-buds are terminal. ee 352. Axillary inflorescence is called indefinite, be- cause the axis, being terminated by a leaf-bud, con- tinues to grow on indefinitely, developing bracts with their axillary flowers as it grows. It is also called centrupetal, because in the order of time the blossom- - ing commences with the circumference (or base) of the inflorescence, and proceeds toward the central or terminal bud, as in Hawthorn or Mustard. 853. Terminal inflorescence is definite, implying that the erowth of the axis as well as of each branch is definitely arrested by a flower. It is also centrifu- gal, because the blossoming commences with the cen- tral flower and proceeds in order to the circumference, as in the Sweet-William, Elder, Hydrangea. 354. Both kinds of inflorescence are occasionally combined in the same plant, where the general system may be distinguished from the partial clusters which compose it. Thus in the Composite, while the florets of each head open centripetally, the general inflorescence is centrifugal, that is, the termi- nal head is developed before the lateral ones. But in the Labiatee the partial clusters (verticillasters) open centrifugally, while the general inflorescence is indefinite, proceeding from the base upward. CHAPTER XXVI. SPECIAL FORMS OF INFLORESCENCE. 855. Of centripetal or axillary inflorescence the principal varieties are: the spike, spadix, catkin, raceme, corymb, umbel, panicle, thyrse, and head. The spike is a long rachis with sessile flowers either scattered, oo. a a q jo 2 a ee oe to 1388 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (118. clustered, or crowded upon it, as Plantain, Mullein, Vervain. The so-called spikes of the Grasses are com- V 435-a | 435-a, Spiranthes cernua—flowers in a twisted spike. 436-a, Orontium aquaticum—flowers on a naked spadix. 437, Betula lenta—flowers in aments. pound spikes or spike-like panicles, bearing little spikes or spikelets in place of single flowers (440). : | 6 oN VZ saz}! ORs r \) A\ aw ae” eo el ee ee “Oy oot hilar oe -4* = & if EYES SS | | SY =| A | i 438, Andromeda racemosa—flowers in a secund raceme. 439, Verbascum Blattaria—raceme. 440, Lo- lium perenne—a compound spike or a spike of spikelets. 441, Dipsacus sylvestris—head with an involucre of leaves. 442, Osmorhiza longistylis—a compound umbel. 443, Its fruit. 7 a 7 a 7 hb --* ‘a = . 129.) SPECIAL FORMS OF INFLORESCENCE. 139 3856. The spadiz is a thick, fleshy rachis, with flowers closely sessile or imbedded on it, and usually with a spathe, as in Calla (482), or without it, as in Golden-club (436). | 857. The catkin or ament is a slender, pendent spike with scaly bracts subtending the naked, sessile flowers, all caducous (falling) together, as in Birch, Beech, Oak, Willow. te er 358. The raceme is a rachis bearing its flowers on distinct, simple pedicels. It may be erect, as in Hya- ~ cinth, Pyrola; or pendulous, as in Currant, Black- berry. The corymbd differs from the raceme in having the lower pedicels lengthened so as to elevate all the flowers to about the same level. The corymb often becomes compound by the branching of its lower pedicels, as in Yarrow. 444. Staphylea trifolia—a pendulous, paniculate cyme. 445, Catalpa—a panicle. 359. An wmbel consists of several pedicels of about equal length radiating from the same point—the top of the common peduncle, as Milk-weed, Onion. When 140 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. [119, 120. the pedicels of an umbel become themselves umbels, as in Caraway and most of the Umbelliferee, a com- pound umbel is produced. Such secondary umbels are called wmbellets, and the primary pedicels, rays. 360. The panicle is a compound inflorescence formed by the irregular branching of the pedicels of the raceme, as in Oats, Spear-grass, Catalpa. A thyrse is a sort of compact, oblong, or pyramidal panicle, as in Lilac, Grape. 861. A head or capitulum is a sort of reduced umbel, having the flowers all sessile upon the top of the peduncle, as in the Button-bush, Clover. But the more common exam- ples of the capitulum are seen in the Composite, where the summit of the peduncle, that is, the recep- tacle, is dilated, bearing the sessile flowers above, and scale-like bracts around, as an involucre. tend ih on eo $62. ‘The capitulwm of Gmetvih terms i ee ae the Wonmipoesite:: is often “7s ae | called a compound flower from its resemblance, the in- volucre answering to a calyx, the rays to the corolla. The flowers are called florets—those of the outer cir- cle, florets of the ray, generally differing in form from those of the central portions, the florets of the disk. 368. Of terminal inflorescence the following varie- ties are described: cyme, fascicle (verticillaster), and — glomerule. — a | (24 i eae +s ESTs 120, 121.] SPECIAL FORMS OF INFLORESCENCE. 141 + 864. Cyme is a general term denoting any inflores- cence with centrifugal evolutions, but is properly ap- plied to that level-topped or fastigiate form which 454 Diagram (452) of cyme flowers numbered in the order of their development.—453, Cyme fastigiate. 454, Cyme half developed—a scorpoid raceme. resembles the corymb, as in the Elder. If it is loosely spreading, not fastigiate, it is called a cymous panicle, as in the Chickweed, Spergula, etc. If it be rounded, as in the Snowball, it is a globose cyme. 455, Myosotis palustris—scorpioid racemes. 456, Stellaria media—a regular cyme. . a 365. A scorpioid cyme, aS seen in the Sundew, -_ Sedum, and Borrage family, is a kind of coiled raceme, —_unrolling as it blossoms. It is understood to be a half- _ developed cyme, as illustrated in the cut (454). The _ fascicle is a modification of the cyme, with crowded 142 STRUCTURAL BOTANY. | (121, and nearly sessile flowers, as in Sweet-William Ohne thus). oe 366. Glomerule, an axillary tufted cluster, witha a centrifugal evolution, frequent in the Labiatee, ete When such occur in the axils of opposite leaves and meet around the stem, each pair constitutes a verticiis laster or verticil, as in Catmint, Hoarhound. 4 463 464 462 461 460 459 458 sof 367. The above diagrams show the mutual relations of the several forms of centripetal inflorescence —how they are graduated from the spike (457) to the head (464). Thus the spike (457) + the pedicels = raceme (458) ; the raceme | ¢ with the lower pedicels lengthened = corymb (459) ; the corymb — the i = umbel (460); the umbel — pedicels = head (464), etc. ” ‘ (For the phenomena of Flowering, Coloring, the Floral Calendar, the Floral Clock, see the Class Book of Botany, pp. 75-77.) 7 eae el . a Ww ¢ . we ee en ale awe , oe, . = — r) ™ " re PART SECOND. PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. CHAPPHR: Tf. VEGETABLE HISTOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 868. The vegetable cell is the foundation of alli plant structure, and when complete is a sac or bag-like body containing a semi-fluid substance called Protoplasm. The cell-wall in- creases by expansion. Spaces (vacuoles) 466, Section of pith-cell of Taxodium ; a, nucleus; 6, nucleolus; c¢, e, protoplasm sac contracted toward the wall, from which it has been separated by reagents; p, cell-sap in a large vacuole ; 7, m, channel between adjacent cells; d, cell-wall; e, s, adjacent cell-walls ; g, intercellular space. part of the cell appear among the particles of protoplasm, which are occu- 465 pied by a watery 465, Mature cell of Orchis ; a, nucleus, with substance called nucleolus; 6, cell-wall; c, c, protoplasm mass sep- cell-sap. In Some arated from the cell-wall by alcohol. a spot appears where the eranules of Protoplasm are crowded together, forming a nucleus. The cell is now complete, and thus furnished is an organism capable of ex- ercising vital functions, and possesses the ability to multiply itself or produce new 144 PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. cells. In the early stages of the plant’s life, the Proto- plasm is a naked mass, but it very soon surrounds itself with a wall, as in Figs. 465 and 466. Inside the cell-wall it arranges itself into a great variety of forms. In Fig. 467, A shows new cells, with the protoplasm evenly distrib- uted, and nuclei forming, k, k. Fig. 467, B, great changes have taken place, cell-sap has been introduced, and the protoplasm is much vacuo- lated, and appears either floating freely in the cell-sap, spread along the cell-wall, or otherwise aggregated. In Fig. 468, A, the protoplasm seems to be aggregating, and spots or vac- uoles are appearing in its midst. Vig. 467, B, the protoplasm is form- ing in globular masses around por- tions of sap. These little vesicles are frequently furnished with the green coloring matter of the plant. Fig. 468, ©, highly magnified cell, in which the protoplasm has _ re- treated from the _ cell-wall under the action of weak sulphuric acid and iodine. 3869. Protoplasm is complex and 467 467, A, Very young cells from near the tip of the root of Fritilla- ria; B, cells from a part a little higher up in the root; s, s, s, sap; k, x, y, nuclei and nucleoli form- ing; p, protoplasm. constantly changing in its constitution. It yields to chemical analysis materials similar to egg albumen, and is the living substance of the cell; its appearance under the microscope is shown in Figs. 465-468, OU Sn Ot RE ym bre it oe ge : ‘ Val 1 VEGETABLE HISTOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 145 The chemical substances that have been detected in Protoplasm are Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorus, Chlorine, and frequently Silicon and Sodium. The relative proportions of these substances differ in different orders, and are not constant in the same plant. 3/0. The wall of the cell (Fig. 466) is produced by JS some action of the proto- \2k plasm. When first formed ~~ it is very thin, soft, and uni- form in thickness; but as it grows older, it is thickened by additional coatings, or strata, upon the inner sur- face; sometimes of uniform thickness, but more fre- quently in veins, rings, spots, 468, Forms of Protoplasm; A and B, cells or ridges, forming the foun- OE parent Rape tae ee dation for the tissues and ctsuw:p popu vessels of plants hereafter to be considered. 371. Cellulose is the substance of which the cell- wall is formed. It yields to the chemist the same ele- ments that are found in starch, whose formula is C, H,, O;; besides these, several other mineral sub- stances are present in minute quantities. 372. Woody material, called légnin, is deposited or formed upon the walls of some cells, by which they are hardened and strengthened. The component parts of this substance are not accurately known; there is reason to believe they vary in different plants, and even in different parts of the same plant. Mineral substances, principally silica and lime compounds, also thicken the cell-walls and increase their induration and strength. 146 PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. 378. Chlorophyl. —In the living cells of those parts of plants exposed to sunhght, granules appear, resembling protoplasm grains in all respects except color. These minute bodies are green, and furnish the green color to leaves’ and all other green parts of plants; the name applied to these granules is due to their color, and as the leaf is the most conspicuous green part of the plant, the term Chlorophy] (Leaf Green) has been applied to this green color. Some authors have called chlorophyll grains stazned proto- plasm, viewing chlorophyl as the stazn, and the chlorophyl granule as colored protoplasm (Figs. 466, 467). ma 874. Starch is a most important plant product, and is formed by the action of protoplasm and chloro- phyl under sunlight; it is found sparingly in the leaf, and when more than enough to supply the plant’s daily wants is produced, the surplus is stored up in some other part of the plant, as the tuber of the Potato, the grains of Wheat, and other cereals, in which form it is utilized for animal food. Its com- ponent parts are identical with those of cellulose. Forms of starch-grains are shown in Figs. 469-478. The form of starch- grains is very various, differing in dif- ferent plants, and GY even in the same A parts of the same att “42 plant. Fig. 478, 469, Cells of Potato containing starch-grains. 470, Starch-grains x from the Potato. 471, from the E, Indian Arrowroot. 472, Starch ay d, b, C, to g ? are granules from W. Indian Arrowroot. st ar ch- er ain Sg fr om a grain of Indian Corn. Fig. 473, B, shows starch- grains from a grain of Wheat; these are more nearly 469 i oie Sho +. Wie aes 6 uniform in shape and size and somewhat lens-shaped. 875. Crystals of a great variety of shape are found in some of the cells of most plants of the higher orders ; the most simple of these forms are cubical or prismatic; but they occur in almost every variety of polyhedral form. In some orders they appear in slen- der needle-shaped bodies called Raphides. They usu- ally occur, solitary or in masses, in the cell cavity, but are not unfrequently found in the cell-wall (Figs. 474, 475). Plant crystals are the residua of the materials 474, A, Beet cells with stellate masses of crystals ; B, R, inner cells, with raphides escaping ; C, aleurone crystal. VEGETABLE HISTOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 147 473, A, is a cell from the endosperm of a grainof Indian Corn, crowded with starch-grains : the grains marked a, b, ¢, etc., to g are also from the interior of agrain of corn. The grains marked B are from the interior of a grain of Wheat. action of sunlight, and are usually composed of lime carbonate or lime oxalate. Other calcitic combinations are, however, frequently present. The difficulties at- tending the separating of plant crystals from their surroundings have thus far rendered it impossible in 148 PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. some cases to determine with accuracy their chemical 7 constituents. | 376. Cell-sap is the watery fluid in the cell which __ suspends the food and working material taken into ~ the cell. from the air and the | . soil and the soluble substances which the plant produces, and is the medium by which food is conveyed throughout the plant’s structure. All parts of the active mee ; cell are filled with water; it con- ] i . stitutes a large part of the cellu- Ae f lose, and forms the greater part ss otg aks ; of the bulk of protoplasm. Sugar re | is a prominent sub- 2 stance in.the cell- ! sap, both cane and | ~~ grape. Cane-sugar : abounds in the cells , ,j4,cncatin cual 4 sean of Sugar Cane, Sugar starch and resin. B, forms of calcium oxalate crystals. . Maple, Beet, Sorghum, Indian Corn, and most of the | higher plants; while grape-sugar gives sweetness to grapes, cherries, figs, and gooseberries. In the poma- . ceous and drupe fruits both kinds are present. For cell- sap in both large and small vacuoles, see Fig. 466, p; Fig. 467, B, s, s, s. 377. New cells, to which the enlargement or growth | of the plant is due, are formed in one of the three fol- . lowing typical modes: ; 378. 1, Rejuvenescence.—In this method of pro- : ducing new cells, the entire mass of the protoplasm is expelled from the old cell, and, when set free, sur- \ rounds itself with a wall, thus becoming a new cell. VEGETABLE HISTOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 149 3879. 2, Conjugation.— New cells are also produced by the union of the protoplasm of two or more cells; the contents of which having commingled, the com- bined mass incloses itself with a cellulose covering, and becomes a new cell. | 380. 3, Fission is the name applied to the mode of cell production by which two or more new cells are formed out of one. This is the usual mode, and may be treated under three heads. 381. a, Fission Proper—A young complete cell (Figs. - 465, 466) possesses the power to multiply. The most simple case of this process is the division of the cell into two equal, or nearly equal, parts. The protoplasm forms two nucleus-like spots; a stricture then com- mences in the wall between the spots, and the cell seems to pinch itself into two. This process is shown in the fission of Bacterium cells (Figs. 511, 512). In most cases the process is accompanied by a stricture more or less prominent; at the same time an equatorial septum appears between the nuclear spots, and divides the old cell into two nearly equal new cells (Fig. 476). In this case the stricture in the cell-wall is barely visible. The new cells round up and soon become sub-globular in form. 476 476, Phases of a cell undergoing the process of fission ; a, complete cell with drops of cell-sap among the protoplasm, nucleus, and nucleolus; 6b, same, with nucleus and nucleolus divided ; c, with stricture and wall forming across between the nuclei; d, same, with the septum completed, and the fission accom- plished; two separate cells have been formed by dividing the old cell into two. 150 PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. The process of cell division depends first upon the nucleus which forms a spindle of radiating fibrils with an equatorial disk. A middle wall, or parti- tion, is formed at the disk, whereby two distinct cells are produced (477).— Macloskie’s Elementary Botany. Spat 4G? 477, No, 1, mature cell; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8 show the changes through which No.1 passes preparatory to the final act cf fission ; seen completed in No. 9. 382. b, Budding is another form of plant multiph- cation. In this mode the plant cell puts forth a pro- trusion which enlarges until it is about the size of the old cell, when a partition wall is thrown across at the juncture, making the new cell complete and inde- pendent. In Fig. 478 the process of bud- ding is shown in its several forms. ~ ae 888. c, Intra-cell Formation.— Under colores process this head are treated those cases in which several aggregations appear within the cell and the entire mass of protoplasm separates into two, three, or more parts, each of which, either at the time the divi- sion is going on or soon after, becomes inclosed in a cellulose envelope, and speedily assumes a _ globular form, aS an independent complete cell. sz a VEGETABLE HISTOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 151 In the preparation for cell division nucleus-like formations usually appear in the mother cell. The whole protoplasmic body breaks up into two, three, four, or more parts, and each quickly takes on a spher- ical form (Fig. 479).— Sachs’ Text-book of Botany. All these modes of cell multiplica- tion and formation are subject to great variation ; each has a tendency to run into one of the others; the last is espe- cially hable to vary as to number of daughter cells. 479, Showing cell forma- 884. The form of cells varies to %2 ™4cblya—mother cell, showing a number of nuclei in the mass of protoplasm which is preparing to break suit the use for which they are in- tended and the amount and direction Prinror danchter celle. of the pressure to which they are sub- “**% ™# jected. The normal shape is globular or spheroidal when free from pressure (Fig. 480); when pressure ae A yj ¥ 2 a, gw rol 480, Form of cells in loose parenchyma. 481, Cross-section of parenchyma cells from stalk of Indian Corn (X550), showing form under slight pressure; gw, gw, partition walls ; 2, z, intercellutar spaces, from surrounding cells is exerted, they be- come ellipsoidal, egg-shaped, prismatic, or polyhedral (Figs. 481,482). In the trunks and branches of trees and stems of herba- ceous plants the cells become elongated in the direction of growth (Fig. 467). #2, Form of cells 885, The size of the cells in the soft under greater pressure from all directions. tissue varies; the largest is about + of 152 PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. an inch in diameter. From this cells occur whose ~ diameters range all the way down to zs, of an inch in diameter. In the more solid tissues they range from } to 7 of an inch in length, and from 74,5 to 3009 in their cross-sections. Cells of the long staple cotton wool are from one to two inches in length. 886. Spiral and annular cells are formed when rings, bands, or hoop-like processes appear on the inner surfaces of the f= walls; in the spiral cell an uninter- = > rupted fibrous process extends the | whole length of the cell in a spiral piss me coil (Fig. 483). The annular cell has ,,. ise headeae bands or hoop-like markings as though ™stletoe. the spiral fiber had been interrupted at several points (Wig. 484). EN oan 3887. Dotted or pitted cells are pro- J2 42 4 duced when the coatings on the inner sur- } face of the cell wall are not uniform in thickness, leaving thin spots, or pits, which nittee oo cr are more nearly transparent when viewed ae under the glass, than the more thickened parts of the wall; hence the name (Fig. 485). 888. Reticulated cells are produced by coatings which are deposited or formed upon the inner surface of the cell-wall, where they at first appear in spots and a5 lines, of different sizes and lengths (Fig. ith Reticulated 486). As the cell grows older, the markings tetoe. increase in length, and touching each other, form an irregular net-work. , | 389. Collenchyma cells are cubical, cylindrical, or irregular in form, whose walls are much thickened VEGETABLE HISTOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 153 at the angles, while they are of ordinary thickness in other parts. These cells occur in most plants of the higher orders and in some ferns, and are found in the tissues just beneath the epidermis. 390. Sclerenchyma cells, some- times called grzt or stony cells, have hardened walls produced by deposition upon them of the horny substance found in the fee ee Oeerry, Peach, ‘and 487, Collenchyma cells from leaf stalk Plum and the shells of nuts; of Begonia; ¢, epidermal cells; 4, collen- chyma cells; chi, chlorophyll grains; », sometimes found in the fleshy thickened angles where these cells meet; parts of the Pear. ot Reig ama = t/4 NY / Wy, "Mg $5 Z =s S S > Wit SQ y, rt pf _— o—— | — oe TISSUES. 157 399. Woody tissue is made up of slender, lengthened, lignified cells, which taper at the ends, and are found in woody plants overlapping each other, and packed in bundles (Figs. 502-504). 400. Bast tissue 1s composed [{.\\\ of elongated cells, with thickened - EN) i walls, not sufficiently lignified to | be hard; they are flexible and tough, and abound in the inner bark of dicotyledonous trees and shrubs. | 401. Disk-bearing tissue is constituted of length- ened cells, which have pits or lens-shaped markings, found in the Pine and other gymnosperms (Fig. 505). 402. Vessels or ducts are tubes or passages through which the fluids pass from one part of the plant’s structure to another. In the formation of these pas- sages elongated cells arrange themselves end to end, become anastomosed; the walls in the ends of the cells are ruptured or disappear, and uninterrupted pas- ele " gages are peo eed. oe 403. Spiral vessels are con- _ 505, Lengthwise section of Seoteh gtructed by the union of spiral Pine) Pinus Sylvestris, showing disk- bearing tissue ; ob, Cambium wood-cells; Cells, in the manner described in a, b, c, ete., older cells ; ¢, #’, #”, bordered pits; st, large pits (x 225).—Sachs. the last article (Fig 2 5 () 6). 502, Wood-cells. 503, Cross-section of same. 504, Wood-cells in combina- tion forming a fibro-vascular bundle. mnt : ————— 158 PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. 404. Annular or ringed ducts are produced by the union end to end of annular cells, the walls of which are held apart by rings or hoop-like thickenings on the inner surface (Fig. O01. Ane). 405. Scalariform ducts, character- istic of ferns, are formed when the an- nular vessels are compressed into pris- matic forms whose sides present the appearance of ladders (Fig. 507, D). 406. Dotted or pitted ducts are formed of dotted or pitted cells, as in the case of annular cells (Fig. 507, #). 407. Sieve ducts or tubes are formed of colorless elongated cells, of large diameter; the walls are soft and very much enlarged and thickened at the joints; at S —Ss SX 506 506, A, spiral vessels from a from Mamillaria. i (CZ = a ) ——— = S S N ; SY S| SM SS Soy SI S ~ S i vil B 507, A, annular vessel from leaf-stalk of Melon; B, duct, part spiral and part annular, from Melon; C, part annular and part reticulated duct from Melon; D, annular and reticulated ducts pressed into pris- matic shape, forming scalariform vessels, from Tree-fern; E, pitted or dotted duct, formed by the union of pitted cells from melon-stalk. : 508, A); also on the internodes are spots of fine per- forations and slits (Fig. 508, B). These spots of per- forations are like a strainer or sieve; hence the name. j Melon petiole; B, spiral vessel — o> re) g£2 i o = ue {Hy nae ays mata ie See aol JAA Ly 1, |- + ; = 3 se DETR ee FELINE! can habs bay 5 Rta fees sgh saan aS co oe “Pp s; rd 8 oe © ahaa patieas Brae Ss a 3 s Peer yee ie ay ries ns A dist es ie Be ‘S a re ee Pie ga ee Ag Ee a ce peg i J ae ag ay Bead 2 itp cee m ae A Palatal 3 a ire AN nce” (| } ~~ - ow Pvt | Stan y « eof e ik 8 = | rh 2 alli . & by B He NS is 4 Bd Cm 1 Own, =) ER Ed 2) o § © te) eee ee ® OO -D Oy es" 9 up a eee eae | a cbs 8 Seat Beg 6 os0.6 iy te oe ee ee sic 8 SU Se RPP be ee oe 48 8 n Ze ESC cme oon. Pigs ree OG -% 2 28 i — ow sy Q Py o a a ) aa Bega en Oo Soe eo a Boe oo Ba ies ais BR Oe a Boks Se as ee ae 8 Fe Be eS 8 ae eae ee ES # aD) b fa} ne CO Se e ra he) = n q = rT sh ee mw SG . CH ay 8 - OS fy a “4 AD Bete Ep ne eet pe lw a gaia 2: oH gO oe Ba 8 > a ok = See SW axa aneaa Smee Op co ae ae ee aie ie re ee ee “ PS. 4 - 26 Ed te 5 RQ See eS 3 Oe =) i ae ms rm oO o a) aed 4 Ev od 3 he a ro ae OD neta es = S ro em ed = = . ie . in a om Be Soda EAB o BR Se a SE a ¥ 2 2 ea : Co oD a RAC fe ed SR = tre Ag Ae Ply o coeeh Poa ‘iia PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. 160 CMY, Oona errata DONLEY = > Jay (») = : QUAY W). os COMI A Aor OO LTO eACTMoRUnTE JOIOWIOSIONITIO!S ~S L(Y Ory ee Se ei REESE ce = ee See ee ae age oe <7 S ar ’ h, pitted vessels, resembling m, pith-cells. 5] ’ h ’ th the bark, 7, cortical cells; gs, bun- ; the cells between c and p become sieve tubes annular ducts; Beginning wi ium i"; Lip larger calibered spiral vessel; camb 1 ¢, U ? oil plant. & bast parenchyma shows an absorbed septum ; annular ducts; 7, vessel apparently made up partly of annular cells and partly of reticulated cells; s, spiral vessel, of very small calib . ? SUV UL rrr re sates oN ion of the Castor next to the pith dle sheath; 0, bast fibers; p, t, ¢, pitted vessels er, e sect lice of wood from an Ailanthus glandulosa, highly magnified; g, g, pitted ducts; p, p, wood parenchyma; Jf, woody fibers; st, st, cross-section of medullary rays; ¢, annular ducts. q; b] 1se S. 510, A, Lengthwis 510, B, Lengthw SYSTEMS OF TISSUES AND PLANT GROWTH. 161 iki ss Sk aged bye ipl ota i SYSTEMS OF TISSUES AND PLANT GROWTH. 409. The brief account of the cell and its modifica- tions into tissues and ducts, prepares for the considera- tion of the manner in which these organs are arranged in the structure of plants. In the lowest groups of plant life the individual is either a sengle cell or an assemblage of soft cells, with- out special order of arrangement. ‘410. Unicellular plants. —The most simple forms of plant life are single minute cells, called Bacteria, the smallest objects that are , known to exercise vital func- tions; they are so smail that 50,000 laid on a line side by side would occupy a space less than an inch in length. The typical form is globular, appearing under the microscope as a minute granule or dot, as No. 1 in Fig. 511; they are, however, frequently elongated, and appear in an oval form, as in No. 2; again, they take on the form of a fine line, straight, curved, or crooked, as in No. 3.; another time they are spiral, as in No. 4. These minute cells are stored with protoplasm, and swim in fluids from which they obtain nourishment. They increase by fission, and multiply with marvelous rapidity. They are found in the watery fluids of both animals and plants. > 511, 1, Sarcine; 2, Bacterium; 3, Vibro; 4, Spiril- lum, 162 | PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. Some Bacteria separate into spores; and diseases in men as well as plants are believed to be due to the presence of Bacteria. They are parasitical or saprophytic, feeding on living or decaying matter; they are the agents of de- cay and revel upon the ruins they produce. As they multiply by fission, they are called Schizomycetes (cxigw, to divide, and mvxys, a fungus). (Fig. 512.) 690 0 oF Sep e) ° ) © © 0! @ °° 0° 9) C) a 20 Se > ) go 00 0° 08 OO 99 SOvon 609, & oe? 90 * 2% © © © ° [:) oF oe® © % 959 ee ° {0} 84930028 °. haaoaoac22nngeor® % . Deegeeeparcee ro % oO © © ° © 2 G o@ % LJ gor? ° ue 9 o. U8 EY ° °° 00 oA8 “oa ° 19090 ae oe O ce 3 i 512, A, Bacterium Termo, magnified to 1,000 diameters, undergoing the process of fission. B, Same, magnified to 3,000 diameters, in which the process of fission is nearly completed. C, Micrococci (1,000) undergoing fission, the new cells arranging themselves in curved and crooked lines or in irregular groups. D, Sarcina Ventriculi (<1,000) undergoing fission in two directions, the new cells arranging themselves in square groups. 411. The Yeast Plant (Fig. 513) is one of the most interesting of the unicellular organisms; it is the agent of fermentation, and plays an important part in bread-making, where it disinte- grates the starch-grains in the flour, and thereby liberates carbon dioxide; the gas set free struggles to find its way through 513, Yeast Plant, Sac the dough, becomes entangled, forms Cav- cbaromyces cerevisie. ities in the mass, and makes it sponge-like or léght. 412. The next grade above the plant which is a single cell is one composed of a mass of cells without a special axis of growth; as some of the Sea-weeds, which are mere masses of flat cells arranged in two layers, forming irregular leaf-like expansions. ee plant structures. 414. Exogenous or Dicotyle- donous structure.—Growth in the - most highly organized plants is best illustrated by the examina- SYSTEMS OF TISSUES AND PLANT GROWTH. 163 4135. This book is intended to consider the higher plants only; we shall therefore now proceed to describe the manner in which the modi- fied cells and vessels are ar- ranged in the higher organized tion of a tree or shoot of Oak, Maple, Apple, or Cherry at the end of the first year of 4 + stl iw, ere ate Ser}, ee ac’, fd cos | Sy / i ry ; 515 515, A, cross-section of the stem of a Maple at the end of the first season’s growth; 1, edge of the pith; 2, spiral vessels: 3, wood region made up of woody fiber and dotted ducts and other vessels; 4, cambium layer made up of new cells; 5, liber: 6, larger cells and vessels of the liber or bast region; 7, cellular envelope or green bark; 8, corky envelope or outer bark ; 9, the skin, or epidermis. B, shows corre- sponding vessels and tissues in a ver- tical section of the same plant. oy | _ i ; Hi H wt | — eas ee peer oe ee T a HOE eT Pu MINE a eee RTE ee ES SS ee eas Sia ee om ' Mi a = Hi ing! | its life. A cross-section of such a scion presents a circle of peth in gene center, around which are con- centric circular rings, the inner one wood, the outer ones bark. In the figure (514), a, the pith; 0, the wood; ¢, the bark. On the inner edge of the wood is a ring of spi- ral vessels, d, which is called the medullary or pith sheath. The pith is made up of parenchyma and extends between the wedges of wood in flat cells connecting the pith with the bark (1, 2, 3, Fig. 514), forming the silver grain seen in Oak and Maple planks, or in a_ longitudinal section of those and other cabinet woods when split. 415. The wood is Gist up of woody fiber interspersed with tis- 164 sues composed of the cells, vessels, and ducts which have already been described. PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. 416. The bark at the end of the first year’s growth is made up of three layers: the one next the wood, called bast, is composed of pa- renchyma, szeve vessels, and h- ber-cells; on account of the pre- ' dominance of the bast ducts in this layer, it has been called the bast- region (Figs. 508, 516). The liber-cells are long, strong fibers, and in some plants are very tenacious and flexible, form- ing the material in Hemp, az, and other textile substances util- ized in manufacture of cordage and fabrics. Next to the bast is the green cellular layer, called phellogen, because by its dividing, it pro- duces outside of it cork, which increases by the addition of new material to the inner surface. The cork is usually of a brown or ashy color, sometimes white or striped; in old trees it is cracked and broken by the growth of the wood, and falls off in scales or strips, as in the shag-bark Hickory; in the Paper Birch it peels off in sheets resembling paper. | Se SG — te —_ a = ——$—____— —— a SS ———— ee ————————— 516, Is a photograph from nature of a layer of bast-fibrous bundles found in the secondary bark of the stem of an old Carica papaya. These bundles, originating in the cambium, are arranged in ten to twenty layers one over another like the leaves in abook. These fibers by anastamosing have formed an irregular net-work with elongated sinuous meshes. These meshes during their life were filled with soft sec- ondary cortical tissue which has been re- moved by maceration. Upon some trees it develops into thick porous layers, and upon the Cork Oak furnishes the cork of commerce. SYSTEMS OF TISSUES AND PLANT GRowTH. 165 417. During the season of activity the young stem continues to increase both in heignt and diameter by the multiplication of cells and the formation of the various tissues required by the conditions of growth (Chap. III., Introduction) ; hence a mass of infant cells is constantly present between the wood and the bark, and in the buds of the stem and branches. On the approach of winter the leaves fall, the ter- minal buds refuse to expand, and the entire process of growth is arrested, until the revivifying warmth of the succeeding spring unlocks the imprisoned forces that have slept during the frosty season, when the fluids from the earth begin to flow upward and out- ward through the vessels and ducts of the last year’s wood to the bark and the leaves; the young cambium cells which have slumbered through the winter are filed with sap and commence another season of growth ; the buds burst into leaves or flowers, and the greatest activity succeeds the late period of rest. The young cells multiply and increase in size, most of them being changed into woody fiber and ducts, com- mencing a new layer of wood on the outside of the last layer, and a new layer of bast on the inside of the old one; also a new layer on the inside of the cortex layer. In this way the work goes on, and layer after layer is added for each period of activity, which in regions ee ; és _of severe frost occurs yearly (Fig. str, ts a photograph of a cross. 517). Within the tropics and all Ear we Mocs te eae regions of no frost, periods of rest = sais Wal eae C5 and activity may occur more frequently than once a on ae ; 7 x = 7 166 PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. | year, and therefore the number of rings on a cross- section does not always indicate the number of years in the age of a tree. But in the higher latitudes a new tube of wood and one of the inner bark is formed yearly. That more than one ring of wood may, and sometimes does, form in one season of growth, even in regions of severe frost, has been established by observation. 418. Sap wood is a name applied to the new wood, and usually includes several of the last formed layers; it is so called because the fluids in moving upward from the ground pass through its vessels. In most trees it is of a lighter color than the older layers, and on that account was called by early botanists Lignum album, white wood; now called Alburnum, or white wood. 419. Heart wood is that part of the trunk or stem near the center or heart, and for that reason called Heart wood. It is usually more dense, and therefore called Duramen, hard wood. In some species it is much darker than the sap wood, hence former botan- ists called it Lignum nigrum, Black wood. In some plants, as the Black Walnut, the Duramen is very dark, while the Heart wood of the Maple is not much darker than the sap wood, though they may grow side by side and draw from the earth the same materials. It would seem, therefore, that chemical changes take place either in the plant’s structure or upon the ma- terials taken in to suit the necessities of each case. On account of the mode of growth in Dicotyledonous stems, the name Exogens, or outside growers, was formerly applied to plants of this structure. They are characterized by two or more seed leaves in their embryo, and pro- duce netted-veined leaves. See Dicotyledons, pages 163-166. ; Nearly all the trees and shrubs of the temperate zones are Exogens or Dicotyledonous plants, well represented by the Oak, Pine, Elm, Maple, Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry, and other fruit and timber trees. 420. The root is that part of the plant that grows downward into the ground and holds the whole firmly in the soil. Its tissues correspond with those of the stem to which it belongs, and it increases in diameter by additional layers, one for each period of activity, succeeded by a rest. The extremity of the root and that of each 519 520 519, Rootiet of Maple with hairs or fibrille; s, root cap. 52), Duckmeat, showing the root cap s. SYSTEMS OF TISSUES AND PLANT GROWTH. 167 5:8, a, Shrub; 5, Fir; c, Oak-tree. of its branches is encased by a layer of older cells, called the root cap, a con- trivance which seems to be intended to protect the tender infant cells just be- hind it, which during the crowing season are increas- ing and multiplying, to ex- tend the root and rootlets in all directions in the soil. The parts of the root and rootlets near the growing points absorb the fluids which are presented to them in the soil, but this 168 PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. absorption is largely helped by root hairs, which clothe — the root and rootlets, as seen in Figs. 519, 520. Fig. 519, root of a Maple sprinkled with hair-like processes or minute fibrille; these are usually each a single elongated cell, and appear on the newer parts of the root, a little distance from the growing point, dying or becoming useless on the older parts. The Root, as to use, form, etc., is treated in another place (see Chapter XIIL, Structural Botany). $< CHAPTER iva MONOCOTYLEDONOUS STRUCTURE. 421. The woody fibers and vessels that make up the stems of Palms, Indian Corn, Bamboo, Sugar Cane, and all grass-like plants, are not arranged as they are in the Oak, Maple, and Apple, already described. A — cross-section of a Palm stem presents a mass of pith, dotted all over with sections of woody fiber and vessels without any apparent order of ar- rangement (521); the whole inclosed in a circular ring or rind, in which the fibro-vascular bundles are smaller 55) gross-section of the trunk wd of a Palm. than in the body of the stem. In a longitudinal section the threads of woody fiber may be traced from the bases of the leaves in a curve out toward the center, and in a recurve back again to the side whence they started (Figs. 522, 523). In stems like the Indian Corn and the Grasses, with long spaces between the leaves and closed nodes, the fibro-vascular threads extend in straight lines from node to node, MONOCOTYLEDONOUS STRUCTURE. 169 where they unite with those of the next internode. The rind of the Corn stalk, Bamboo, Reed, etc., is smooth and flinty, due to the deposition of silica — on the walls of the cells - that compose it. This mode of growth is well shown in |NWHINVi the Palms of tropical and “™ ea lu ey sub-tropical regions, as the 52, Vertical section of a Palm stem, showing » course and direction of fibers. 523, Theoretical Palmetto of the Carolinas, stearate oe the Cocoanut Palm, many %™°ffbergrowth thousands of which have been planted on the coast of Florida. | 422. The Palm, which is the type of the mono- cotyledonous division of the vegetable kingdom, reaches perfection only in tropical or sub-tropical regions. There some of the members of this great division tower to the height of one hundred and fifty feet, straight, un- branched cylindrical col- ums, crowned with a mass of green foliage, presenting to the eye magnificent ob- jects of the picturesque and beautiful. The Palm is one of the most important or- naments in planted grounds in tropical countries, occu- bi, Pali, Apkvo; etc. pying a belt all around the Mp D\ WD, on 170 PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. globe of about thirty-five degrees both sides of the Equator. It flourishes in the bare sands of the sea- coast, skirts arid plains, beautifies the oasis of the desert, and inhabits the murky bottoms of southern swamps and low islands of Southern Asia and tropical “America. These plants are of vast utility, producing food and many domestic and economic products. There are certain noticeable things in the mode of monocotyledonous growth. The stem has no proper bark, does not increase in diameter after it is perfectly formed, and, with few exceptions, consists of an un- branched cylindrical column, made up of pith inter- mingled with fibro-vascular threads, generally without any order of arrangement, the whole inclosed in a rind or false bark (521-524), well illustrated in a cross-section of a stalk of Indian Corn. There are a few plants that seem to be connecting links between these two modes of growth; a notable example of which is Draceena draco, or Dragon-tree, which has a cambium region, and continues to increase in diameter. Formerly these plants were called Endogens, meaning Inside growers, in contradistinction to Exogens, or Outside growers, because the new ma- terial of growth was then supposed to be deposited always inside of the last deposit of woody bundles; but as it is now known that the additions are interspersed among the former ones, in most cases without special order, the name is not expressive. Plants of this mode of growth have but one cotyle- don, or seed leaf; their flowers are mostly three-parted, and their leaves generally parallel-veined. See Monocotyledons, pages 168-170. 4238. Tissues of the Pteridophyta.—The Ferns and their allies have a complicated and well-marked organi- zation; the outer bark is similar to that of the flower- ing plants, and vascular-woody fiber extends through- out the stem, and leaf stalks ramifying in the fronds, to which the great beauty of this division of the vegetable world is due. } a LEAF STRUCTURE. Eri A cross-section of a Fern stem shows a mass of parenchyma, supported by an outer sheath or tube of vascular-woody bundles, the whole | inclosed by a cortex of dense scleren- chyma, the leaf stems presenting the > same structure (Fig. 525). 424. Tissues of Bryophyta, moss- like plants.—The higher types of this division, while largely made up of cellular masses, have a semi-vascu- lar-fibro arrangement, and in SOME _ 5325,Section of an Acrogenons stem of Tree-Fern (Cyathea), mosses the fibers are so strong aS tO showing the vascular bundles imbedded near the circumference approach a woody character. of the cellular mass. e | mee PPR Rv. LEAF STRUCTURE. 425. Leaves are composed of the same general structure as the stems and branches which they clothe and adorn, and are made up of vessels and tissues already described: 1, woody fiber, which constitutes the frame-work; 2, celluiar tissue, which fills up the spaces between the ribs or frame-work formed by the woody part. The leaf of a Maple, Elm, or Apple is composed of: 1, the leaf-stalk, by which it is attached to the stem or branch; 2, the blade, the expanded part. The Jeaf-stalk or petiole is a column of bundles of woody fiber and green tissue, covered by the epi- dermal tissue. These bundles extend in length to suit the size of the blade, throwing off branches and branchlets to construct the frame, making an irregular , the meshes of which are filled up by the Te PHYSIOLUGICAL BOTANY. green tissue. (See Structural Botany, Chapters XX- | XXIIT. inclusive.) 426. An important function of the leaf is to expose a large surface; consequently, the blade is thin and so formed as to present the largest number of cells to the air and sunlight. The layer on the upper side of the blade is made up of oblong cells, closely packed with their ends next to the surface. The lower layers are made up of smaller, more irregular and more loosely arranged cells, and have their longer diameters in the direction of the surface of the blade. The deep green color of the up- per surface of leaves is largely due to the com- pactness of the green cells in the upper layer, while the paler color of the: under side is the 526, Magnified portion of the leaf of Viola tricolor in perspective; a, cells of the epidermis, sometimes called plate cells; 6, compact layer of green cells next to the upper surface; c, loose cells below; d, epidermal cells of CONSE q uence of the the lower surface, with stomata, one of which is cut to show its opening into the intercellular passages. loose arrangement of those in the lower strata. The epidermal covering of | the leaf, as before described, is a thin membrane made | up of one, two, or three layers of empty thick-walled cells (Figs. 489-524 inclusive). 427. Respiration is the act of drawing air into the lungs and casting it out again. (From the Latin re, again, and spzrare, to blow or breathe.) The air while in the lungs is known to part with some of its oxygen, and what is breathed out is charged with substances which it did not possess when taken in; therefore the LEAF STRUCTURE. | 173 taking in of oxygen and its combination with other substances while in the lungs and the liberation of substances thus formed constitute. resptration in ani- mals. So with plants; they suck or draw in air through openings in the epidermis already described, and when it is discharged it is found to be changed in character, having been robbed of its oxygen or of its carbon dioxide. The oxygen of the air while among 527, Is the section of a young stem or branch showing, at p, the pith; a, vascular-fibro bundle, passing off from the stem to form the leaf-stalk and frame-work of the blade; d, the swelling just below the foot of the stalk; 7, the base of the foot stalk; 6, the axillary bud; c, the articulation or point where the leaf-stalk is attached to the branch or stem. 528, Magnified section of a leaf perpendicular to its surface; P, hair on the upper surface; S7, stoma; Es, epidermis of the upper surface made up of plate cells (§ 391); Ps, oval cells closely packed with longer ones perpendicular to the epidermis; M, interspace beneath the stoma; I, interspaces among the irregular shaped, loosely packed cells of the lower stratum Pi; Fv, cross-section of fibro-vascular bundle: Hi, lower epidermis with hairs. (See Figs. 489 to 500.) the tissues unites with substances found there, and new material for plant growth is thus formed; in the night carbon dioxide is breathed out. It has been shown by experiment that air is not only required for the health of plants, but that they can not exist with- out it; for when placed in a vacuum, they invariably perish. Respiration is therefore necessary to the life of plants as well as to animal life. 428. Breathing goes on in all parts of plants ex- posed to the air, at night as well as in the daytime; 174 PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. and at night especially oxygen is consumed and car- bon dioxide is set free. This fact has led to the in- ference that | Potted plants in a living room render the air unfit to breathe; but carefully conducted experiments have shown that one hundred ordinary stove plants would not injure the air of a moderate sized sitting or living room to an extent that could be in any way injurious. 429. Metabolism is the name applied to the process which goes on in the structure of living plants that alters one kind of material of plant growth into an- other; an example of which is the change of starch into cellulose. | . 430. Assimilation is the process of taking into the plant’s structure surrounding substances and convert- ing them.into materials for plant growth, and consists mainly in changing inorganic substances into vegetable structure. The bulk of all woody plants is largely com- posed of carbon, hence assimilation in such plants con- sists mainly in disintegrating carbon dioxide, and ap- propriating the carbon. Our plant has stigmas, etc., and, moreover, is not a Pine, Spruce, etc. It is, therefore, an Angiosperm. Refer next to Cohorts 1, 2, or 3. BOTANICAL ANALYSIS. | LOT (4.) ‘‘Corolla with the petals distinct.”” This characterizes our plant, and it is pronounced one of the Polypetalz. Refer them to A. 509. To determine the Order, the (Sth) pupil reads the first alternative, or triplet, noted by a star (*), and comparing his plant, finds it to corre- spond with the first line, for it is an “herb with alternate leaves.” Pass now to (12). . (6.) ‘“‘ Flowers regular or nearly so. Fruit never a legume.” “lowers irregular,” etc. The flower is regular. Pass to (14). Again, a (7th) pupil reads, ‘“‘Stamens 3—10 times as many as the petals.” “Stamens few and definite.” The stamens are many. Pass to (15). : (8.) The next pupil reads, compares, and determines that the stamens are “»perigynous on the base of the calyx,” and -.announces the letter (@) as the reference to the next alternative. (9.) Next, the pupil reads and compares his specimen with the triplet (d), and concludes that the sepals are 5, and imbricated in the bud. Consequently, it is announced that the plant in hand belongs to the Order ROSACE2. 510. To determine the Genus. — After a careful comparison of their specimen with the diagnosis of the Roseworts (Order 44), in order to verify the analysis thus far, the learner or the class will then consult the table of the Genera. (10.) A pupil reads the couplet marked A, and determines that the ‘‘Ovary is superior, fruit not inclosed,”’ etc. Pass to (@). (11.) ‘“‘Carpels 00. Calyx persistent, with 5 bractlets added,” characterizes our plant. Pass to (f/f), which is Tribe V. Pass on to (g).. (12.) The next pupil determines that the “style is deciduous.” Pass to (x). (13.) ‘“* Torus spongy or dry,” is true of our specimens. Pass to (J). (14.) ‘‘ Bractlets 5” reads the next, and announces the plant to be a Potentilla. Now all turn to Genus 13, and together verify this result by reading and comparing the stated character of the genus. 511. To determine the Species.—(15.) As our plant has “stamens 0O and flowers yellow’ it must be a frue Potentilla. Pass to @). (16.) ‘*‘ Leaves palmately 3-foliate” suits our plant. It is, therefore, either species No. 3, 4, or 5. Lastly (17), after a due comparison of their plant with each of these three species, it is determined that it is P. Norvegica. ANALYSIS OF A MONOCOTYLEDON. 512. A grass-like, blue-flowered herb is now supposed to have been dis- covered and distributed to the Class for analysis. Having (1) determined that it is a Monocotyledon (for it has “parallel-veined leaves and 3-parted flowers’’), they would now (2) determine its Class, which is ITI. “*Flowers without glumes, and colored,” ete. “Flowers with green alternate glumes, and no perianth.” The first line is adopted, and the plant agrees with Petaloidez. Pass next to (+t) Cohorts 5th or 6th, and read, (3.) ““Cohort 5. Flowers on a spadix, apetalous or incomplete.” **Cohort 6. Flowers complete, with a double perianth” — which answers to the specimens in hand, and it is seen to belong to the Petaloidee. Pass to F. (4.) The next pupil having read and compared the first couplet under “FF, Cohort 6, Petaloidez,’? chooses the second line. Pass to No. 2. (5.) **’Perianth tube adherent to the ovary’ is adopted. Pass to (4). (6.) ‘‘Flow- 198 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. ers perfect.”” The second line of this couplet is true of our plant. Next pass to (6). The (7.) pupil reads ‘‘Anthers 3 or 6,” which is true of the plant. Pass to (). (8.) ‘“‘ Perianth glabrous outside” is true. Next read (d). (9.) ‘* Anthers 3, opening lengthwise, outward,” is also true, and our plant is thus traced to the order IRIDACEA. 513. To determine the Genus and Species under the Irids, Order 146, is the next and the last step. Having carefully compared their specimens with the characters ascribed to the Irids, the pupils next apply to the Table of the Genera. (10.) ‘“‘ Flowers regular and equilateral,’’ in the first dilemma, is chosen. Read the (*) couplet next. (11.) “Sepals similar to the petals in form, size, and position” is true. Next to (a). (12.) “Stamens monadelphous. Flowers small, blue. Plants grass-like,’’ describes the plant truly, and it must be a Sisyrhinchium. They turn to Genus 7, and verify by reading its char- acters. Lastly, the brief diagnoses of the two species are compared, and the plant is found to be S. Bermudiana. « “4 re , _—— a 0 A nS tb eS INDEX AND GLOSSARY. a (a, privative), prefixed to a Greek word, | signifies without ; leaves. ab bré vi a’tions, page 3, Part IV. a bér’tion, non-development of a part. ab sorption, 199. ie’au Jés’cent, or 4 eau lés’cent, apparenily stemless , 223. ae cés’so ry, something superadded. ae Se nee growing after flowering, 109. ae eum’bent, lying against a thing, 183. ic’er ose or Ac’er ous, needle-shaped, 299. a ehé’ni im, plural, a ehé’ni 4, 151. _ ach’la myd’e ots, without floral envelopes. a cie’t lar, finely needle-shaped. a cot y léd’o nots, without cotyledons. ac’ro gens, summit growers. a eile ate, armed with prickles. a efi’mi nate, drawn out into a point, 207. a elite’, ending in a sharp angle, 307. ad hér’ent, growing to, 82, 94. ad’/nate, growing fast to, 114. ad ven ti’tiois, growing out of the usual or position, as roots, 205. 4 er a’tion, same as respiration, 483. ees ti va’tion, 335. af fin’i ty, resemblance in essential organs. age of trees, 47. ag’gre gate, assembled close together. a glu ma’ceoiis, without glumes, the same as pét’al oid, 483. air-bladders, 323. air-planis, 208. a’la, wing ; a/le, wings, 101. a’ late, winged, 274. al bii’men, 179. al bi’mi noiis, 178. al bir’num, sap-wood, 418. al’ gee, seaweeds. al’ter nate, 215, 262. al’ve o late, with pits like the honey-comb. 4m/‘ent, a deciduous spike, 357. a mor’phois, without definite form. am phit’ro pois, 141. am pléx’i caul, stem-clasping, 275, 311. a nal’y sis, botanical, 510. a nas to mO’sis, reunion of vessels cr veins. a nat’ro pois, 141. an cip’i tal, two-edged. an dre’cium, 119. an drdg’y notis, stamens and pistils on the same peduncle. an’gi o spérms, 475. oe ety 15. : n’nu al, yearly (sc. plants), 49. in’nu lar ‘arta 378. m an 7c or, parts (of @ flower) adjacent to the ac in’thel min’tic, expelling or killiny worms. an’ther, 111, 113. : | 4 as aphyllous, withovt “ an thé’sis, the opening of the flower ; fiower- ing. a pét’a le, 478. a pét’al ots, without petals. aph’yl lotis ov a phyl/lots, without leaves. a podph’y sis, a swelling, e.g., under tie thece of some mosses. , ap pa ra’tus, 4. ap pen die’t lar organs, 77. ap préssed’, closely applied but not adhering to; the same as adpressed. Ap'ter os, without wings. a quat‘ic, living in water. a rach’noid, resembling cobwebs. ar’bor otis, arborescent, tree-like. are’ ate, arched or curved like a bow. aré’o iate, having the surface divided into litile spaces or areas. Rr’il, an extra seed-covering. 175. a ris’tate, with an arista or awn (barley). armed, bearing prickles, spines, etc. ar tie’ lat ed, jointed, as the culm of wheat. 4s cénd’ing, arising obliquely ; assurgent. As cid’ i 4, leaves holding water, 322. 4s simi lation, 430. at tén’ii ate, becoming slender or thin. au rie’t late, ear-bearing, 291. awn, the beard of barley and the like. Ax’i al root, 200. Aax’il (arm-pit), the angle between the petiole and the branch, on the upper side. Axillary, growing out of the axils. &x’is, ascending, 211, 212; erect, procumbent, prostrate, trailing, decumbent, 212; excur- rent, solvent, 226 ; descending, 197. bie’eate, berry-like ; covered with pulp. ban’ner, same as vexillum, 101. bain’yan tree, 207. bark, 416. bas’l lar, basal, attached to the base, 138. bast-cells, wood-cells of bark, 416. béaked, ending in an extended tip. béard’ed, with tujts of long, weak hairs. bér’ry, 159. bi, bis, teice (in compound words). bi’e6] or, teo-colored. bi elis’pid ate, with two points or cusps. bi dén’tate, with two teeth. bi €n’ni al, of two years, 41. bifid, cleft into two parts. bi fo’li ate, eith two leaflets. bi fir’eate, twice forked, or merely forked. bi 1a’bi ate, two-lipped. bi/nate, 303. bi pin’nate, 304. \ bi pin nat’i fid, twice pinnatifid. (Fig. 342.) bi tér’nate, teice ternate, 303. bi’valved, two-valved. blade. See lamina, 271. 200 os plants, whitened for the want of ight. bloom, a jine white powder, on some plants. border, 91, 92. botany defined, 18. botany, elementary, 20, 368, etc. botany, physiological, 21, 368. botany, systematic, 22, 1538. braeh’i ate, with opposite, spreading branches (arms). (Fig. 275.) braet, 329, 345. brde’te ate, having bracts. brie’te dles or bractlets, 345. branches, 34, 214. bristles, stif7, sharp hairs. bry oph’y ta, 490. bud, 33. budding, 259. buds, axillary, 247; accessory, 250. buds, adventitious, 251. buds, suppression of, 248. bud-scales, 246, 319. bulb, 240; tunicated, 242; scaly, 242, bilb lets, 260. ca di’cots, dropping off early, 10). ces’'pi tose, forming tufts or turf. cal’ce o late, slipper-shaped. cal’y cine, calyx-like. ca lyc’ti late, having an outer calyx or calyx- like involucre. ca lyp’tra, the hood of the sporange (spore- case) of @ Moss. calyx, the outer floral envelope, 51. cam’bi tim, 417. cam p4n’t late, bell-shaped, 102. cim’py ldt’ro potis, 141. cain’a lic’ late, channeled. ca nés’cent, grayish white. caip’illary, capillaceous, hair-shaped. cap’i tite, head-shaped, growing in close clus- ters or heads. ca pit’i lim, a little head, 361. caip’re o late, bearing tendrils. capsule, 167. eir’bon di 6x’ide, 411. ca ri’/na, 101. car’i nate, boat-shaped, having asharp ridge beneath. cir’pel, carpellary, 126. cir’po phore, 149, 151. (Fig. 177.) car ti lag’i nous, firm and tough in texture, like cartilage. car’un cle, 175. car y o phyl 1a’ceots, 100. car y Op’sis, 153. cat’kin, 357. (See ament.) cau’dex, 227. cau lés’cent, 2238. cau’lis, 2238. cau ‘line, relating to the stem, 262. cél’lu lar tissue, 396. cell, 368. cell-growth, 377-384. cél’lu lar bark, 416. cél’lu lose, 371. cen trif’i gal inflorescence, 35. cen trip’e tal inflorescence, 352. céph’a lois, same as capitate. cé’re al, relating to grains, corn, etc. cér’nu ots, nodding (less inclined than pen- dulous). chaff, chaffy, 349. (See paleaceous.) eha la’za, 140. channeled, hollowed out like a gutter. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. ehar ta’ceous, with the texture of paper. chld’ro phyl, 373, 381, 435. - chor’i sis, 76. cil’i ate, fringed with marginal hairs. ci’on or sion, 218. ci né’re ous, ashy gray, ash color. cir’¢i nate, rolled inward from the top, 255. cir cu li’tion of sap, 482. cir’cum scis’sile, 149. ry cir/rhise, furnished with a tendri. cirrhose roots, 206. classes, natural, 501. elas si fi ca’tion, artificial, £03. cla’vate, club-shaped. co arct’ate or co arc’tate, contracted, drawn together. ede’eus, a berry ; e0¢’cl ( plural), the 1-seeded carpels of separable fruits. e0eh‘le ate, spiral, like the snail-shell. co hé’sion, 82. co’horts, 461. col lat’er al, placed side by side. cdl/lum, 199. col’ored, of any color except green, which in botany is not a color, while white is. cdl’/umn, the combined stamens and styles. €0’/ma, 173. cOm/mis sire, the joined faces of the carpels of the cremocarp, 151. com’/mon, belonging alike to several. complete flower, 60. com’pli cate, folded up upon itself. compound leaf, 300. compound fiower, 348. com pressed’, flattened on the sides, 274. con di’pli cate, folded on itself lengthwise. cone, 169. con’fiu ent, uniting ; same as coherent. con glém’er ate, clustered or crowded. con’ju gate, coupled, joined by pairs. con/nate, 311. con néc’tile, connective, 1138, 114. con niv’ent, converging, coming together. con tin’u ous, the reverse of jointed. con tért/ed, twisted, 338. con’vo Iiite, 256, 339. cor’date, heart-shaped, 291. co’ri 4’ceous, leather-like, 315. corm, 239. cor’ne ous, horn-like in texture. cor nic’t late, with a small horn or spur. co rol’la, 52, efe. cor’ol line, pertaining to the corolla. co ro’na, crown. cér’ti cal bark, 426. cor’ymb, co rym/bose, 358. cos’tate, ribbed, with rib-like ridges. cot y 1é’dons, 180, 320. cras'sti la, a genus of plants, (3. cra tér’i form, of the form of a goblet. creep’er, creeping stems, 251. erém 6 earp’, 151. cré/nate, bordered with rounded teeth. crén’d late, 309. crést’ed o7 cris’tate, with an elevated ridge. cris’pate or crisped, 310. crown of the root, 236. cru’ci form (corolla), 100. crude sap, 368. crus ta/ceous, hard, thin, and brittle. cryp to ga’/mia, 472. ci’cul late, rolled up into a hood shape. culm, the straw of grasses, 224. -| efi/ne ate, cii’né 1 form, wedge-shaped, 290. cup-shaped, 102. , si det ace Oe at ne + ia = them ag ‘ pay erage ets hy Lye eS Gael Gee Sree a — ’ INDEX AND GLOSSARY. eii’pile, a itttle cup (sc. acorn), 155. eus’pi date, with a sharp, stiff point, 307. et’ti cle, outer lamina of wall of epidermis, cy an’ie, blue, or any color except yellow cy ath’i form, cup-shaped. cy’cle (tn Phyllotaxy), 263, 264. cy dia same as Rotation, currents in the cyme, cymous, 363. ¢cym’bi form, boai-shaped. cyp’sel a, 151. dée’a nn Greek composition), ten. de cid’ otis, falling at the end of the season. dée’li nate, bent downward. . dé’ecom pound’, much compounded or divided, 304. de etim’bent, 212. (Fig. 249) de eir’rent, 274. de eiis’sate (leaves), opposite, and the pairs at right angles. . déf’i nite, 118. dé flex’ed, bent downward. de fo li a’tion, the casting off of leaves. de his’cence, 113, 148. dél i qués’cent (axis), same as solvent), 226. dél’toid, form of the Greek letter A, 283. dén’droid, tree-like in form. _ dén/dron (in Greek compounds., a tree. dén’tate, 309. den tie’ii late, 309. de nii’ded, become naked. de pau’per ate, less developed than usual. de pénd’ent, hanging down. de préssed’, jiattened from above ; low. déx’trine, @ gummy substance produced by the action of diastase upon starch. dex’trorse (twining), turning to the right. di (in Greek numerals), two. di’a dél’phoiis, 120. di ag no’sis, a brief statement of the distine- tive character of a plant or group. di aph’a nots, transparent or translucent. di an’ drots, with two stamens, 118. di’as tase, @ peculiar ferment in malt, alter- ing starch into dextrine. di chog’a moiis, 445. di chdt’o mois, forked or two-forked. die’li notis, 67. di edt’y 1é dons, dicotyledonous, 182, 284. did’¥ mois, double. di dyn’a mois, 119. dif fiise’, much divided and spreading. dig’i tite, with several! distinct leaflets pal- mately arranged (as in the leaf of the Horse-chestnut). di mid’i ate (anther). halved, 114. di mor phoiis plants, 446. di c’ciotis ( flowers), 67. dip’ter otis, having two wings. disk, 85, 362. dis’eoid, no rays. (Fig. 446.) disk-bearing tissue, 40]. dis séet’ed, cut into deep lobes. dis sép’i ment, same as partition, 132. dis’tieh ois, arranged in two rows. dis tinet, separate, not united, 82. di var’i cate, wide-spread, straggling. di vér’gent, spreading with a less angle. dér’sal, on or relating to the back. dotted cells, 384. dotted ducts, 406. double terms, 301. downy, clothed with short, weak hairs. 201 drupe, 156. dru pa’cetis. (See tryma.) drying-press, 6. ducts. 402. di’pli eate, in pairs, double. du ra’men, heart-wood, 418. dwarf'ing. (Fig. £59, d.) E, ex (én composition), without ; as. e brac’te ate, without bracts. éeh’i nate, prickly with rigid hairs. ef féte, sterile, exhausted. el’a ters, spiral, elastic threads accompanying certain spores. ; el lip’tie, elliptical (Zeaf), 289. e lén ga’téd, lengthened, extended. e mar’gi nate, 307. ém‘bry o, 31, 180. embryo sac, 142. én’do carp, 156. én’do chrome, the coloring matter of plants. See chlorophyll. en ddg’e nots structure, 421. én’do géns, 180, 421, 422, 424. en’do pleura, same as tegmen, 172. én dos’ mdse, @ thrusting, which causes liquids of different densities to pass through thin membranes, and mingle. én’si form, sword-shaped, 27. entire, even-edged, 308. e phém’e ral, enduring for one day. ép’i (in Greek composition), upon ; as. ép’i carp, 156. ép’i derm is, outside layer of cells, 391. é pig’y nous, wpon the ovary, 97, 119. ép’i pét’ al otis, on the petals, 119. ép’i phytes, plants on other plants, 208. ép’i spérm, the skin of the seed. éq’ui tant (astraddle), 258. e rose’, eroded, as if gnawed, 310. e te’ri 6, 158. é’ti o 14 ted, colorless for want of light. éx’al bii’mi noiis, without albumen, 178. ex ctr’rent, 226. ex 68’e nx, exogens, 182. ex 6g’e nous structure, 416-418. éx’0s mOse, flowing out. ex sért’ed, projecting out of, or beyond. ex stip’ti late, without stipules, 272. ex’tra (tn composition), beyond ; as. extra-axillary, same as supra axillary. ex trdrse’, turned outward, 114. f4l’eate, scythe-shaped, curved. far’i na’caois, flour-like in texture. far’i nous, mealy on the surface. fas’ci ele, a bundle, 365. fas cie’i late (leaves), 262. féath’er-veined, 285. : fer ru’gi nous, of the color of tron-rust. fér’tile (flower), seed-producing, 67. fér’ti li za’tion, etc., 483, 484, 447. fib’ril lee, fibrils, 199, 428. fil’a ment, the stalk of a stamen, 111, 11%. fil i ci’/ne. fil’/i form, slender like a thread. - fim’bri ate, fringed, having the edge bordered with slender processes. fis’sion, a splitting into partis. fist’i lar, hollow, as the leaf of onion. fla bél’li f6rm, fan-shaped, 298. fla gél'li f6rm, whip-shaped ; long, taper, and supple. Q fia vés’cent, yellowish, turning yellow. fléx’i otis, zig-zag or wavy. 202 floc edse’, with hairs in soft fleecy tufts. fld’ra, (a) the spontaneous vegetation of a country ; (0) @ writien description of the game, 25. floral, rebating to flowers. floral envelopes, 50, 87. fld‘rets, the flowers of a compound flower, 302., flow’er, 49, etc.; origin of, 37. flower-bud, 244, 335, ete. fo'li a’ceous, leaf-like in texture or form. fo’'li a’tion, the act of leafing. f51’li ele, 164. fo ri’men, same as micropyle, 140. fd’ve o late, having shallow pits. free, not adherent nor adnate, 81, 94. fringed. (See fimbriate.) frond, an organ which is both stem and leaf, as in duckmeat, fern. fron dés’cent, bursting into leaf. friie’ti fi ef/tion, flower and fruit as a whole. fruit, 38, 143. fru tés’cent, shrubby, becoming shrubby. fu ga’/ceots, soon falling off. fiil’era (roots), accessary, 206. fu lig’/i nots, smoky brown, blackish. fil'vots, dull yellowish brown. fu nie’ti lus (@ little rope), 140. fin’nel-férm. (See infundibuliform), 102. ffir’eate, forked, fork-veined, 284. fir’fu ra’ceots, scurfy. fiir-rowed’, marked with channels lengthwise. fis’ecous, grayish or blackish brown. fii’si form, spindle-shaped, 208. gale 4, galeate, 102. gim/o pét’a le, 477. gam/o pét’al otis, with the petals united, 99. ga mdph’yl lots, of united perianth leaves. gam’o sép’al lois, with the sepals united. gém i nate, twin, two together. gem m4@’tion, state of budding (Latin, gemma, bud), 382. ge nie’ti late, bent as the knee (genu). g6’nts, 29, 457. gén’e ra, plural of genus, 457. germ, the ovary. (The term is obsolete.) gér mi na’tion, 188, 438. gib’/bois, more tumid in a certain place. gla’brotis, smooth, not hairy, 312. glad’i ate, sword-shaped, ensiform. gland, glandular, 80, 393. glans, 155. glau’eous, with a bloom, or whitish, waxy powder, seen on the under side of cabbage leaves, and on fresh plums, etc. glo bise’, in form nearly spherical. glém’er ate, collected into close heads. glom/er ule, 368. gloss 6l’o gy, theexplaining of technical terms. glumes, 108, 349. gliim if’e ree, 484, grafting. (Fig. 260, €.) grand divisions, 65. gran’i lar, composed of grains. gym’nds (a Greck prefix), naked ; as. gym’nd sper’mex, gymnosperms, 479. gym’/no spérm’ois, with naked seeds. gy nan’drois, 119. gyn’d base, a@ process of the torus on and around which the carpels are suspended (sc. Geranium, Fig. 172). gy ne’ci tim, 123. gyn’o phore, a produced_torus, bearing the ovary on tts summit. (Fig. 112.) INDEX AND GLOSSARY. gy rate’, same as circinate, 255. &y rose’, strongly bent to and fro. hab’it, the general aspect of a plant. hab'i tat, the natural locality or place of growth of a wild plant. hairs, 392. Hairy, hirsute. hal’berd-shaped, hastate. (Fig. 212.) halved, one-half apparently deficient. his’tate, with the base-lobes abruptly spread- ing, asin a halbert, 291. heart-shaped, 291. heart-wood, 419. herb, herbaceous, 40, 41. her bi’/ceotis, green and cellular in texture. her ba’ri im, 3. hes’per id’i tim, 160. ; her maph’ro dite (flower), with both stamens and pistils. hét’ér 6 géph’a lots, heads af two sorts in the same plant, some 6 and some ¢. hét er dg’a mois, two sorts of flowers in the same head, some ¢ and some 2. héx’d (Greek numeral), six ; as in, hex 4g’o nal, 6-stded or 6-angled. hex 4m/er ous, 6-parted. hex ain’drotis, having 6 stamens. hi/lum, the eye or scar of the seed, 177. hir stite’, hairy, with rather long hairs, 318. his’ pid, bristly with stiff hairs, 313. his oe gy, description of cells and tissues, hdar’y, frost-colored, grayish-white. ho még’a moiis, head with all the flowers alike, as to the stamens and pistils. hd/mo gé’ne ous, of the same kind. hon’ey, honey-bee, 458. hood. (See calyptra, 518.) hooded. (See cucullate.) horn’y, of the texture of horn. ~ hor’tus siccus, the herbarium, dry garden, 3. hii’mi fiise, spreading on the ground. hy’a line, transparent, or nearly so. hy’brid, @ cross-breed between two species. hy’per bd’rean, inhabiting northern regions. hy’po ((n Greek compounds), under ; as, hyp’o €ra ter’i form, salver-form, 102. hyp’o ge’an, growing under ground. hy pog’y nous, 95, 119. im/bri eate, imbricated, 257, 339. im mar’gin ate, having no rim or border. im mérsed’. (See submersed.) . in 4x’i al root, 201. in cised, divided deeply as if cut, 310. in elid’ed, enclosed within, or shorter than, as the stamens in the corolla. in ¢ras’site, thickened. in e%im’bent (sc. embryo), 183. in’de his’ cent’, not opening, 148. in déf’i nite, 118. in dig’e nots, native of a country. in dii’pli eate, 337. in dii’si im, the shield of the fruit-dot (sorus) of a fern. in fé’ri or, lower in position. in fléet’éd, bent inward, inflexed. in’flo rés’cence. 341, ete. in/fun dib’t li form, funnel-shaped, 102. in’/nate (sc. anther), 114. r in sért’ed, insertion, refer to the point of junc- tion or apparent origin. in tég’i ment, @ coat or covering. in’ter node, 220. in/ter pét’i o lar, between the petioles. ee ee ee INDEX AND GLOSSARY. in’ter rupt/ed ly pinnate, 302. (Fig. 358.) in trorse’ (anthers), turned inward, 114. in’vo li’¢re, involucel. 247, in’vo lite, rolled inward, 255. (Fig. 287.) ir rég’ii lar flowers, 83, 101. joint’ed, having joints, separable pieces. ja’gum, a pair; as, bijugous, with two pairs of leaflets ; trijugous, three pairs. keel, keeled. (See carinate.) kidney-shaped. (See reniform, 295.) kingdoms of Nature, 12-14. _ la bél’lum, the odd petal of an orchid, 101. 1i/bi ate, lip-shaped, 103. lag’er ate, torn irregularly by deep incisions. la cin’ ate, slashed, with deep incisions. _ lae tés’cent, containing lac, or milk. lace 0 nose’, having lacune or holes. la etis’trine, growing in lakes. lam/i na, the blade of a leaf, a thin plate, 271. lin’ce 0 late, lance-shaped. (Fig. 317.) la nii’gi nose, woolly, 312. ]a’tex, (1) the turbid or milky juice of planis ; (2) vessels. lac tif’er ous tissue, 408. latin names of plants, 25, 26. layer. (See stolon, 217.) leaf, 271, e¢c.; structure of, 431, efc. leaf-bud, 244, ete. léaf’let, the piece of a compound leaf, 301. leaf-stems, 222. lég’time, 165. lens, 7. len tie’ti lar, shaped like a convex lens. li’ber, the inner bark, 412. ma li’chens, li Kens’, 519. lig’ne ous system, 399. lig’ii late, strap-shaped, 103. lig files, the stipules of grasses, 279. lil’i 4’ceotis flower, 100. limb, the border, 91. lin’e ar, long and narrow, 297. lin ne’is, 4 liv’id, clouded with bluish, brown, and gray. 15’bate, lobed, 294. ld¢’Hi li ci’dal, opening into the cell, 148. lo ets’ta, a spikelet of the grasses. 16’ment, @ jointed legume, 165. 15 rate’, thong-shaped. li’nate, crescent-shaped. 1¥’€0 pd'di A’ce x, 487. ly’rate, pinnatifid, with the upper lobes much larger than the lower, 293. mie ros (in Greek compounds), long. ma¢/i late, spotted or blotched. male (flowers), same as staminate. mar ¢cés’cent, withering, but persistent, 109. mar’gin al, belonging to the border. mar’ gin ate, having the border different. me diil’la, pith. méd/ul la ry rays, 414. méd/ul la ry sheath, 414. mém/bra na/ceotis, membranous, thin and epee 315. Se mér’i carp, one oO carpels of @ cremocarp gr an umbellifer. (Fig. 177.) mér ous, consisting of parts. mé taib’d lism, 429. mi’ero pyle, 177 ; same as foramen. mi’ero sedpe, 8. mid’rib, the central vein of a leaf, 282. mid’vein (used in this work), 283, 203 | min’er al, 13. mit’ri form, formed like a conical cap. monos (in Greck compounds), one only ; as, mon‘a délph’otis, 120. mo nan’‘drous, 1-stamened, 118. mo nil’i f6rm (roots), 204. m6n’o cir’pic herbs, 42. mon’o chla myd’e otis (flowers), 66. mo6n/o cot’y 1é’ddns, 180, 284. mo ne-ciots, 67. mo nog’y nots, with one style, 124. mon’o pét’a le. (See gamopetale, 513.) mon’o pet’a lots, 90, 91. mo nodph’yl lots, 1-deaved. mo6n/o sép’al loiis. $0, 91. mon’strous flowers, 334. mor phdl’o gy, 19; of the leaf, 271. movements of fluids, 431. mii’ero, a sharp, small, abrupt point. mi’¢ro nate, 307. miul’ti (én composition), many. miul’ti fid, cut half-way into many segments. mii’ri eate, bearing short, hard points. muri form, ike a wall of mason-work. mus €0l’o gy, @ treatise on mosses. mii’ti cose, pointless, not pointed. my ¢é’li im, the thallus of the fungi, usually concealed, 519. na’ked seeds, 147. (Fig. 166.) na’pi form (root), 203. na’tant, swimming ; under water. nat’ ral ized, growing spontaneously, but not native. nati ral orders, 458, 463, 465, 497. natural system, 504, 506, etc. née’tar, honey. nectary, 77. ne pén’thés, 322. (Fig. 391.) nerves, the veins (282) are sometimes so called. nét’/ted or net-veined. (See reticulate, 284.) nefi'tral flower, 68. . nod‘ding, nutant, the summit bent over, as in snowadrop. node, a joint of the stem, 220. no dose’, knotted, large-jointed. ndd’ii lose (root), 204. nd’men clat’ fire, 25, 498. ete. nor’mal, according to rule, regular. ni ‘ci form, nut-like. ni ¢el/lis, kernel (sc. of ovule), 140, 172, cen- tral body in cell. nu €lé’o lis, dense body within a nucleus. ni’ele tis, dense spherical mass of protopiasm in a cell. nut. (See glans, 155.) 0b (in composition) denotes inversion ; as, Ob’e¢om préssed’, flattened back and front. ob <6r’date, 307. ob lan’ce o late, 290. ob lique’, unequal-sided, as the leaves of elm. Ob’long, 289. ob d’vate, 299. ob tise’, 307. Ob’vo lite @n estivation), 258. och’rea, sheathing stipules, 279. deh’ro ledi’cose, cream color, pale yellow. octo (in Greek composition), eight. oc tan’drose, having 8 stamens. o€ tog’¥ ndse, having 8 styles. off sét, a short lateral shoot, 218. oligos (in Greek composition). few ; as, Oli gan dria, with few stamens. _ Oli va’ceots, oltve-green, brownish-green. 204 oO paque’, dull, not shining. o pér’€u lar, with a lid, 114. Op’po site, two at a node, 215, 262. or bie’a lar, orbiculate, circular, 289. ér’chi d4’ceois, 101. or gan’ic world, 12. 6r’gan dg’ra phy, 19. See structural botany. or thdt’ro pous (ovule), erect, 141. ds’se Os, bony, as the peach-stone. O’val, 289. ovate, 288. O’va ry, 125. d’void, egg-shaped, as in fruits. d’vile, the young seed, 138. pa’/lé «2 or pales, 108, 349. pa’le a’ceous, chaffy, having pales. palm, 422. pal’/mi-veined, 285. pal/mate, 295. pan di’ri f6rm, jfiddle-shaped. pain’i ele, 360. pa nie’ late, panicled. pa pil’io n&’ceots, 101. pap’pus, the calyx of composites, 104. par’al lel-veined, 204. par’a sites, 209. pa rén’ehy ma, 396. pa ri’e tal, on the wall (paries), 133. pirt’ed, deeply divided into parts. pat’ent, wide open. pat’ lotis, half open. pear-shaped, obovoid, larger above. péc’ti nate, combed, finely pinnatifid. péd’ate, shaped like a bird’s foot, 296. péd’i cel, peduncle, 348. pél’tate, shield-form, 295. pénd’ent, pendulous, hanging, drooping. pén’i cil’late, with a tuft of hairs, as if a camel’s-hair pencil. — pen taim/er ots, 5-parted. pen tan’drots, with 5 stamens, 118. pen’té (én Greek composition), five. pé'po, a fruit like a melon, 161. per én/ni al, éving several years, 43. apts flower, (%) with both stamen and pistil. per f6'li ate, through the leaf, 311. peri (én Greek composition), around ; as, pér’i anth, 53, 87; forms of, 99. pér’i earp, 146 ; forms of, 150. per’i gyn i im, 10%. pe rig’y nous, 96, 119. pér’'i spérm, same as albumen, 179. per sist’/ent, remaining long in place, 109. pér’son ate, 103 pét’al or pé’tal, from meradov, one of the foli- ae expansions of the corolla, 52; forms of, 89. pét’al oid, resembling petals. pét’al oi’de ee, 483. pét’i Sle, 274. pét/i o late, 271. pét’/i o liile, 276. phan/e ro ga/mia, 467, 471, 472. phy] 16’di tim ( plural phyllodia), 321. phy lo tax’y, leaf-arrangement, 261. phys’ies, 16. phys i l’o gy, 21, 368. phy tdl’o gy (Greek, phytos, a plant), 23. pi lose’, with erect, thin hairs, 3138. pin’nate, 302. pin nati fid, 293. pin nat’i séct. See pinnatifid. pis’til, 56, 123. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. pitch’ers (leaves). (See ascidia, 322.) pith, 414. pitted cells, 387. pit’ted, with depressions or excavations. pla cén’ta, 127 ; free axile, 185 . plan of the flower, 58. plant defined, 14. . plant growth, 409. pli’eate, platted lengthwise as a fan, 254, 340. plu mdse’, feathery. pli’mile, @ Uitile plume, 31, 180. pol’len, 111, 121. pollen-tube, 450. pol li na’tion, 4438. pol lin’I 4, masses of pollen, 434, poli (én_ Greek compounds), many ; as, pol’y a dél’ phoiis, 120. pol’y in’drotis, having many stamens. po lyg’a mots, with some «mperfect flowers. pol’y pét’al x, 476. ; pol’y pét’al ots, pdl y sép’al otis, 90. pome, a fruit like an apple, 162. pos té’ri or, next the axis. potted plants, 428. po ta’to, manner of its growth, 238. pre cd’ciots, flowering before the leaves. pré’fo li a’/tion, vernation, 252. pre morse’, ending abrupily, 235. press for drying plants, 6. prick’les, 392. pri/mine, same as testa, 173. pris mat/ic, prism-shaped, having several par- ~ allel, longitudinal angles. pro cim’bent (stem), 212. (Fig. 248.) pro dticed’, extended more than usual. ; pro lif’er otis, reproducing ; as cymes from the midst of a cyme, flowers from the midst of a flower. pros’én’ehy ma, 398. prod toph’y ta, 494. pro’to plism, 368, 369. pru’i nose, powdered, as if frosted, 314. pru’ri ens, causing an itching sensation. pn (in Greek composition), spurious, alse. ! pu bés’cent, downy, with short, soft hairs. pu bér’u lent, minutely downy. pii’mi lose (pumilus), dwarfed in size. piuine’tate, seeming as if perforate, or marked with minute dots. ; pun’ gent, piercing, sharp-pointed. pu ta men, the bony nucleus of a arupe. py ram/i dal, form of a cone or pyramid. pyr’i form, of the form of a pear. pyx’is, @ pericarp with a ld, 163. qtiad’ri (tn composition), four ; as, quad ran’gu lar, four-angled. giiad’ri fo’li ate, four-leaved. : quad’ri jii’/gate, with four pairs of leafiets. quad’ri 1at/er al, four-sided. | quin’que (én composition), five. qui’nate, growing in fives, 306. quin eun’cial, 339. (Fig. 300.) quin’tu ple, five-fold. race (Latin, stirps), @ permanent variety, as rea-cabbage, 456. ra céme’, 358. ri/ehis, axis of the inflorescence, 301, 348. ra’di ite, diverging from a common center. radiate (én the composites), the outer row of Jorets liguiate. (Fig. 388.) ri/di ant, outer flowers enlarged (and often neutral, Fig. 271). INDEX AND GLOSSARY. rad'f eal, from the root, 262. radical (of the flower), 65. rid’i ele, rootlet (of the embryo), 31, 180. ra/mal (of a branch), 262. ra’phe (of the ovule or seed), 141. raph’i dés, 375. Trays, 359, 362. re cép’ta ele, 57. (See torus.) re €firved’, dent (not rolled) backward. re fléxed’, curved backward excessively. re frict’ed, bent back suddenly, as if broken. rég’ma, fruit as of geranium, 168. rég’ii lar, like parts similar, corresponding. rén’i form, kidney-shaped, 295. re pand’ (margin), 310. ré’pént, creeping (sc. stems, 232). rés’pi ra’tion, 427. re sii’pi nate, reversed, upside down. re tic’ late, netted, 388. re trorse, backward, downward. re tiise’ (apex), 307. (Fig. 367, c.) rév’o lite, rolled backward, 256. rha’chis, same as rachis. rhi zO’ma, rhizome, 230, 233. rhdm’bie, rhomboidal, in the figure of a rhomb, or approaching it. ribs, the chief veins of a leaf, ridges. rin’gent (corolla), 103. rings of wood, 414. root, 197. root-cap, 419. root-stock, 233. ro sa’ceous (corolla), 100. rds’trate, beaked, with a beak. rd su late (leaves), arranged around the base of the stem, as the petals of @ rose, 262. TO'tate, wheel-shaped, 102. ro ta’tion, circulation of fluids in the cell. ru’bi eund, blushing, rosy red. ru’di ment, a@ minute part. ru gose, wrinkled, 315. ru’mi na’ted (albumen), full of chinks, as if composed of numerous folds. rin ci/nate, hooked backward, 293. run’ner, 219. sie eha rdm’y ces, 410. sag’it tate, arrow-shaped, 291. sal’ver-shaped. (See hypocrateriform, 102.) sa m4’ra, 154. sap, the watery fluid taken up by the root and moved through the vessels up to the leaves, 431. sap-wood. sar’eo cirp (of the drupe), 156. sea’ brots, rough, 312. sea lar’i form (cells), ladder-shaped, 378. scales, 319. . scale-stems, 79, 230. sedin'dent, climbing. scape, 344. scarious, 315. seat’tered, sometimes used for alternate. scion or ci’on, 218. selér en’ ehy’m4, 390. selé’rose, hard, bony. s¢0r’pi oid (inflorescence), 365. sero biel late, pitied, with little depressions. sea-green, light-bluish green, glaucescent. sé’eund, all on one side, or turned one way. sée/un dine, same as tegmen, 172. seed, 172; vitality of, 185; dispersion of, 186. seed-coverings, 173. sém'i (in composition), half; as, sém ‘i cordate, half of cordate. sém ‘i li’nar, half-moon shaped. 205 sém'i sag’it tate, partly sagittate. sé’pal or sép‘al, one of the foliaceous parts of the calyx, 51. sép’a loid, sepal-like. sép'ti cid’al (dehiscence), 148. sep tif ra gal (dehiscence), 148. sép'tum, @ partition between two spaces. se ri’ceoiis, st/ky, 312. se rot i nous, occurring late in the season. sér’rate, serrulate, 309. sés’sile, sitding, not stalked, 125, 271. sé'tee, 106. sé ta’ceous, bristle-form. 8é’totis, setigirous, bearing bristles, 318. — sheathing, as the leaves of the grasses, o shrub, 45. sil’ique, silicle, 166. sil’i quis, bearing siliques (as the crucifers). silver-grain (of wood), 414. simple, of one piece, not compound. sin’is trorse’, twining from right to left. sin’ti ate, 294. slips, 218. 86l'i ta ry, growing alone, or singly. sdlv’ent axis, 47. 80’rI, patches of fruit in ferns. 80 ro’sis, 171. spa’/dix, 356. spathe, spathaceous, 346. spat’a late (leaf), 290. spé’ciés, 27, 455. spe cif’ic name, 26. spec’i mens (of plants), 2, 5. spike, spicate, 355. spike let, a little spike, as in a grass. spine, a@ woody thern, 827. spin’dle-shaped (root), 203. (Fig. 238.) spiral arrangement (of leaves), 263. spiral cells o7 vessels, 386. sponge’let, spongiole, 199, spores, 184. spur, @ projecting, slender appendage, 78. squar rose’, spreading widely, as the involu- cral scales of some composites. stages of plant life, 31. sta’mens, 55, 110. stam’i nate flower, 67. stam/i nd di a, 117. starch, 374. stem, or ascending axis, 211. stér’ile, not bearing seeds, 67. stig’ma, stigmatic, 125, 129. stings, 393. stipe, the stalk of the ovary or ovaries ; also, the stem of a mushroom. sti’pels, stipellate, 279. stip’i tate, on a@ stipe. stip’iles, stipulate, 272, 277. std’lon, 217. st5l’o nif’er otis, producing stolons. sto’/ma, 394, ete. strap-shaped, fiat, narrow, and straight. strict, erect and very straight. stri gose’, with sharp, close, rigid hairs. strdb’ile (fruit), 169. strd’phi o late, having an appendage (stro- phiole or caruncle) about the hilum. striic’tur 4l botany or organography, treats of the organs or parts of plants, of their forms and uses. style, 125. sty’loid, style-like. sub (in composition), slightly, 317. sub’e rose, corky in texture. 206 sub-kingdoms, 473. si bi late, awl-shaped, 299. sue’eu lent, very juicy and cellular, 315. suck’er, 216. ; suf fru tes’cent, woody at the base only. sul’eate, furrowed. su pé’ri or, 97, 98. superior calyx, calyx adherent to ovary. superior ovary, ovary free from calyx. su per vo lite’, 340. sii pra, above. : sii pra-ax’il la ry, situated above the axil. sii’ pra de em pound, very much divided. sus pénd ed (ovule), 189. (Fig. 158.) sit’tr al (dehiscence), 148. os sword-shaped, as the vertical leaves of iris. sy €0'nis, fruit, such as the Fig., 10. symmetry (of the flower), 60, c, 69. sym pét’al ois, with petals unated. f sym phyl’loas, with perianth leaves united. syn (in Greek compounds), together, union. syn an’ther ots, with anthers united. syn ear’pi im, 169. syn ear pots, with carpels united. syn’ge né’si ous, 120. sys’tem at’ic botany, 451, etc. taper-pointed. (See acuminate, 307.) tap-root, 203. taw ny, fulvous, dull yellowish-brown. tax 6n’o my, the science of classification. tég’men, the inner seed-coat, 140, 172. tén’dril, 228, 324. tér’a tol o gy, 334. te réte’, cylindrical, or nearly so. term of plant life, 39, efc. tér’mi nal, situated at the end or apex. tér’mi ndl’o gy. See nomenclature, 498. tér’nate (leaves), in threes, 303. tés’sel 14’/ted, checkered, as @ pavement. tés'ta, the outer seed-coat, 140, 172, 173. tét’/ra (in Greek composition), four. tét’/ra dyn’a mois, 119. te trag’o nal, with four corners. te tras’y nots, with four pistils. thé’ca, thece, sporangia or spore-cases. thorn, 327. throat, orifice of a monopetalous corolla. thyrse (thirs), 360. tis sues, 409. to’men tise’, with short, dense, woolly hairs, 312. top-shaped, inversely conical. td’rus, same as receptacle, 57, 84. tor’a lose, swollen at intervals. tree, 40. tri (¢2 Greek compounds), three ; as, tri a délph ots, the stamens in three sets. tri an’drots, having three stamens. tri ed¢e’ a? % ) ANALYSIS OF THE NATURAL ORDERS. 213 g Sepals 5, or 3, equal, and the stamens twice as many....... eset GERANIACEZ. 30 g Sepals 5, and the stamens (anthers) of the same number. .(gg) gg Sterile filam. numerous, in several whorls. Climbing...PASsSIFLORACEA. 57 gg Sterile filaments numerous, in 5 clusters. Herb erect....SAXIFRAGACEZ. 45 gg Sterile filaments 0. .(*) * Flowers white, racemed. Climbing........................... ORDER 106 * Mowers yellow... Plants erect . 22.2). 62.2. cece ee eee ee - TURNERACEZ. 56 * Flowers cyanic. Herbs stemless....................008- DROSERACES. 17 h Stamens 5, alternate with the 5 petals, StylesS5or3. Seeds Oo........ LINACEZ. 28 A Stamens 5, opposite to the 5 petals. Styles 5, but the seed 1................ ORDER 83 A Stamens twice as many as the petals. .(A/) Pe nens G. Degves’ peliate. 2.22... s54. 0 cv eeswes caste dl. NYMPH#ACES. 7 Ah Stamens 6—24, distinct........... cea Orsalatid Oe Sdaacee CRASSULACE. 46 Pee emicns i untied ai DESC: fo. S25. dias sce ds ods a eecees GERANIACEZ. 30 i Ovary 1-celled. Leaves all radical, spinescent, irritable......._.. DROSERACEZ. 17 4 Ovary 3-5 celled. Leaves mostly radical, not dotted..... Sea a See os ORDER 73 4 Ovary 3-5 celled. Leaves cauline, pinnate, dotted..... eer ae eee RuTACE. 31 j Style 1, but the carpels as many as the petals (2Q—6)................... ONAGRACEZ. 54 j Styles 3—5, ovary 3-5-celled, 3-5-seeded, wholly adherent.............. ARALIACE. 64 j Styles 3—8, ovary i-celled, half adherent. Sepals 2............... PORTULACACE. 20 j Styles 2, carpels 2, fewer than the (5) petals—* Seeds several..... SAXIFRAGACES. 45 =F Sees Sif oc ee ees UMBELLIFERZ. 63 k Ovaries many, or few, rarely 1, always simple..... ........... RANUNCULACEZ. 1 k& Ovary compound, 3-carpelled, open before ripe................... RESEDACEZH. 13 Z Sepais (4 or 5) produced into 1 slender spur behind, petals 2 or5..... GERANIACEZ. 30 Z Sepals 2 (or vanished), petals 4 (2 pairs) with 1 or 2 blunt spurs.......FUMARIACEZ. 10 Z Sepals 5, very unequal; petals 3. Stamens6or8. No spur Z Sepals and petals each of the same number, viz. . (7) W 4, the flowers slightly irregular. Stamens 6—32. Nospur....CAPPARIDACE®. 12 Se tate POLYGALACEA, 42 Wi 4, the flowers moderately irregular. Stamens8. A vine........ SAPINDACEZ. 37 @ 5, with 5 stamens, and generally a blunt spur ..................... VIOLACE. 14 @ 5, with 10 or more stamens. Nospur. Fruit a legume.......... LEGUMINOSZ. 43 'm Pints many, entirely distinct, simple...............05....s-see0% RANUNCULACEZ. 1 m Pistils 3—5, united more or jess completely..:..................... HYPERICACE. 16 m Pistils 5—10, united, with sessile stigmas and many petals.............. FIcoIpEz. 61 nm Pistil solitary, simple. Petals 6—9. Stamens 12—18 n Pistil 3 or more, distinct, simple. Flowers all symmetrical.. ..CRASSULACEA. 46 nm Pistils 2, consolidated with the 5 stamens. Juice milky............... ORDER 100 o Carpels as many as the sepals. (nm) o Carpels fewer in number than the sepals. .(00) mn Anthers opening at the top. Flowers 4-parted......MELASTOMACE. 52 nn Anthers opening laterally. Styles united into1........ ONAGRACEZ. & mn Anthers opening laterally. Styles or stigmas distinct... HALORAGEZ. 43 oo Each carpel Qo-seeded. Styles 2,............... SAXIFRAGACEZ. 45 oo Each carpel 1-seeded. Styles2or3................. ARALIACEH. 64 oo Each carpel 1-seeded. Style 1 (double)............... CORNACE. 65 p Style 3-cleft at the summit. Flowers 5-parted........ PORTULACACE. 20 ‘ p Style and stigma 1, undivided. Flowers 7-parted............... ORDER 81 q Leaves pinnate, with interpetiolar stipules.... .. ............. ZYGOPHYLLACEZE. 29 qg Leaves simple, toothed or lobed. Flowers cruciform. Stamens 6....CRUCIFERZ. 17 q Leaves simple, toothed or lobed. Flowers 5-merous. Stamens 10...GERANIACEZ. 30 qg Leaves simple, entire. .(¢q) gq Petals and stamens on the throat of the calyx............ _ eee LYTHRACER, 123 gq Petals on the torus. .(*) 214 ANALYSIS OF THE NATURAL ORDERS. * Flowers irregular, unsymmetrical............. Fs ie ge POLYGALACER. « F * Flowers regular, 2-(or 3-)parted throughout.................. ELATINACEA. | 3 * Flowers regular, 5-parted. Leaves punctate................ HYPERICACEZ. % * Flowers regular, -parted. Leaves dotless.............CARYOPHYLLACE. 19 : r Pistil a simple carpel, becoming a legume. Stamens 10—i00......... LEGUMINOSA. 48 7 Pistil compound, viz. .(77) ; pp 8-carpelled. Flowers perfect. Leaves digitate................. SAPINDACEM. 37 rr 3-carpelled. Flowers moneecious. Cultivated............... .. BEGONIACER. 59 rr 5-carpelled.—* Stipules present. Cultivated................... GERANIACEM. 30 —* Stipules none, Native ..5.".25... <2. 25 eee ORDER 78 s Stamens on the receptacle, in several sets. Leaves dotted.......... HYPERICACEA. 16 s Stamens on the receptacle, in 1 set. Lwvs. fleshy. (S. Fla).. Clusia. GuttirERa. (21) Stamens on the calyx. .(ss) ss Sepals, petals, and ovaries indefinite........ ........0000.... CALYCANTHACEA, 3 ss Sepals, &c., definite. Leaves dotted, entire. 4s ones oo Snob ee aries MYRTACEA. 51 ss Sepals, &c., definite. Leaves dotless, entire..................... LYTHRACE. 53 ss Sepals, &c., definite. Leaves dotless, subdentate............. SAXIFRAGACEA. 45 ~ Filaments united into 1 set (monadelphous). Petals convolute. .“@) ¢ Filaments united into 1 or several sets. Petals imbricate. .(ww) ¢ Filament distinct. .(¢¢) uM ee ti? Petals 6; valvate,; lurid. ~ Hreet shrabs..000.. 2.0... 8 ee ANONACE. 4 it: Petals 3—9, imbricate. “Trées or shrubs: i... 026.3... 22 te ee MAGNOLIACER. 2 tt Petals 4—8, imbricate. Climbing or trailing................. MENISPERMACE. 5 is- Petals: 4, imbricated;. Shravs; Sis ccc. oes os oe he eee CAPPARIDACES. 12 ua Authers 1-celled. Sepals valvate in the bud... ..::.... Gee MALVACE. 23 u Anthers 2-celled. Sepals valvate. Handsome tree ....... STERCULIACEA. 24 wu Anthers 2-ceiled. Sepals imbricate. A large tree in 8. Fla..CANELLACE. (22) uu Leaves punctate with pellucid dots, jointed to stalk.. AURANTIACEA. 32 uu Leaves opaque. .(*) * Sepals valvate. Flowers small.............5... 00. .... LILIACEA. 25 * Sepals imbricate. Flowers large................... CAMELLIACEA. 26 ® Style 1, with many stigmas. Green fleshy shrubs.............. ... CACTACE. 60 ® Styles several or 1, each with 1 stigma. Woody trees or shrubs..... Rosacea. 44 v Style 1, with 1 stigma. Stam. in 5 sets, long, red, very showy.....MyRTACE#. 51 w Trailing vines, with crimson fis. Ovaries OO, in a little spike...... MAGNOLIACEZ. 2 w Climbing vines, with white-greenish fils. Ova. 2--6, capitate..... MENISPERMACE. 5 w Erect shrubs, with yellow flowers, 6-parted. Pistil only 1......... BERBERIDACES. 6 w Erect shrubs (S. Fla.) with yellow fis. Pistils 5, 2-ovuled, 1-sded...SURIANACEZ. (62) w Trees, with greenish fis.,—* and pinnate lvs. Pist. 3-5, 1-ovuled...SImMARUBACEA. 84 —* and simple leaves. Follicles 3—5....STERCULIACE. 24 x Flowers 4-parted. Stamens 8. (F's. red or roseate, drooping)...ONAGRACE. 54 x Flowers 4-parted. Sta. 8. Fis. light yellow. Coasts, S. Fla..Ra1zopoRAcEa. (49) x Flowers 4-parted. Stamens 4. Flowers whitish, in cymes..... .. CORNACEZ. 65 x Flowers 5-parted. . (xx) xx Ovary 5-carpelled, 5-styled, S-seeded 2.2) 0.22.60 222 ie eee ARALIACE. 64 xx Ovary 5-carpelled, 1-styled, 1-seeded. S. Fla............. CoMBRETACEZ. 50 one Ovary. 2-4 carpelled, OoO-seeded 4) ik. SVS i ec ee ee cane aoe SAXIFRAGACEA. 45 y Leaves opposite. Stem climbing with tendrils or radicles...VITACEm. 41 y Lvs. alternate. St. erect, or climbing without tendrils.. RHAMNACE&. 40 2 Leaves simple. Stamens 5. Carpels 3—5, style 1, short............ CELASTRACEZ. 38 z Leaves simple. Sta. 10. Carpels and sty. 3. S. Fla.. Byrsonima.MALPIGHIACE. (89) 2 Leaves pinnate, or palmately lobed. Carpels and styles 2ors3....... SAPINDACE. 37 z Leaves pinnate. .(*) * Stamens 10. Small tree with blue flowers. S. Fla.......... ZYGOPHYLLACEA. 29 + Stamens 2, Carpels: lor 2, Style dc. 77.66 oh tee ces Sch eee ORDER 101 5) ANALYSIS OF THE NATURAL ORDEtkis. 215 * Stamens 8. Carpel and style 1...........................:.... BURSERACE.£. 35 e yy Filaments 10, united into a tube orcup. Flowers in panicles....... MELIACEZ. 27 yy Filaments 6—10, distinct. Flowers small, white, in racemes..... BURSERACES. 35 yy Filaments 6—10, distinct. Fls. small, white or hoary, paniculate..SaPmpscEa#. 37 yy Filaments 5, distinct. .(*) Be AWeH MEUMEN HUMEIREG ono ssc oad bins ie ces uecsasucsees RuTacEs. 31 * Leaves opague. Ovary 1-celled, 1-seeded............... ANACARDIACEA, 36 ez Petals 4, yellow, strap-shaped, appearing in late Autumn....... HAMAMELACES, 47 ez Petals 4—7, cyanic (rarely yellow), rounded or short. .(t) + Style 0, the stigmas 1, 4, or 5, sessile. Drupe46-seeded.............. ORDER 74 + Styles (or stigmas) 3, but the drupe only 1-seeded........... ANACARDIACES. 3€ t+ Styles 3, capsule many-sded. Lys. minute and scale-form..TAMARISCINEZ. 24 bts + Style 1,..(¢) ¢ Capsule 3-seeded. Seeds with a scarlet aril............... CELASTRACES. 3 ¢ Caps. GO-seeded. Clusters fragrant. Lvs. evergreen. Cult... PirTosPORACE ® ¢ Capsule with few or manyseeds. Native shrubs................. ORDER 7 B. Conort 2. GAMOPETALOUS DICOTYLEDONES. & Stamens (6— OO) more numerous than the lobes of the corolla. . (9) &§ Stamens (2—12) fewer than the corolla lobes or of the same number. . (2) 2 Ovary inferior,=adherent to the tube of the calyx. .(8) 2 Ovary superior,=free from the tube of the calyx... (4) 3 Stamens cohering by their anthers. .(¢) 8 Stamens entirely distinct. .(d) 4 Flowers regular and the stamens symmetrical. . (5) 4 Flowers regular and the stamens reduced to 2 or 4..(n) 4 Flowers irregular. Stamens (except in 3 or 4 species) unsymmetrical. .@ 5 Stamens opposite to the lobes of the corolla (and distinct). . (e) 5 Stamens alternate with the corolla lobes (rarely connate). . (6) 6 Shrubs, trees, with the carpels or stigmas 3—6..(/) 6 Herbs 1-10-carpelled, or shrubs 2-carpelled. . (7) % Ovary 1, deeply 4parted or 4-partible, forming 4 achenia..(g) % Ovaries 2, distinct (often covered by the stamens)..(h) % Ovary 1 compound,—* one-celled. . (x) —* two-six-celled.»: (77) § Flowers irregular (rarely regular and the fruit a legume). .(@ 9 Flowers regular and tie fruit never a legume (§ 165). . (6) a Flowers 1- or 2sided, with 1 or 2 blunt spurs. Stamens 6, in 2 sets...ORDER If @ Flowers 1-sided, no spur. .(*) "Reaves compound. Wruit'a lesume |... 6... a. eos cance cons esees ORDER 48 * Leaves simple. Fruit 2-celled, 2-seeded..... 25. cecee cee ORDER 42 =ohraves cummie.. Wruit o-Celed. eo abn sven cues cenace ce ERICACE. 73 B Corolla lobes convolute in bud. Stamens OO, united intoitube..... ORDER 23 6 Cordila lobes imbricate in bud. Stamens OO, in 1 or several seis .... ORDER 26 6 Corolla lobes imbricate or valvate. . (wu) uw Stamens 10—24. Styles 5—12................. Se eine sia Sa ole See ORDER 46 wu Stamens 5—10. Style 1. Capsule 5-celled....................MRICACER. 73 w Stamens S— OO. Style 1. Nut 1-5-seeded...... Boe yar hcatas STYRACACRA. 76 w Stamens 8. Styles 4. Berry 8seeded.............. Ayers Et Ez3Enacezs. TM) u Stamens 8. Style 1. Drupe 1-seeded........ ........ Oxtacaces, 80 (p. 447) 216 ANALYSIS OF THE NATURAL ORDERS. ¢ Flowers 1n a compact head surrounded by an involucre ES ne ee Composi@.m. VT. c Flowers separate, irregular, perfect. Plants erect or trailing.. .....LOBELIACE. 71" c Flowers separate, regular, imperfect. Weak vines ORDER 58 d@ Leaves alternate. Flowers 5-parted, regular, separate..... CAMPANULACE. 72 d@ Leaves alternate. Fls. irregular, 5-parted. S. Fla.. Scevola. GOODENIACE®. (T1} - d Leaves opposite, with stipules between, or verticillate a@ Leaves opposite. Stipules none..(v) dof seen RUBIACEA, 6% » Stamens 5—4. Ovaries 2-5-celled. .........20cc000e00e-OCAPRIFOLIACE. 66 ~ Stamens 2—3. Ovaries 1-celled............ Wat cua tuleta cea VALERIANACES. 68 vy Stamens 4. Flowers capitate . nec ecedcceesevce due tewc ties i eiEemtent amma e Herbs. Ovary with 5 styles and uit 1 seed Eeceauwe eoeceeee LLUMBAGINACE SR. 83 e Herbs. Ovary with 1 style and many seeds............0....04: PRIMULACE. 81 e Trees or shrubs. Appendages between the stamens............ SAPOTACES. %& ¢ Trees or shrubs. Noappendages between the stam. S. Fla..MyRsInacEa. (79) JS Leaves opposite. Style 1. Drupe 4-seeded. Herbs, shrubs.. VERBENACES. 90 JS Leaves alternate. .(w) w Drupe 46-seeded. Shrubs, trees. seeccemaccsccocus seAQUIPOLIAGH Al w Drupe 1-seeded. Thorny. S. Fla........... Aimenia. OLACACES. (80) ew Capsule 2-5-celled, GO-seeded ........ ccc ccccccccescnccs ERICACEA. %3 q Herbs, with alternate leaves, generally rough-hairy..... BoRRAGINACE. 92 4% Stigmas connate. Flower bud convolute............. APOCYNACEZ. 92 A Stigmas connate. Flower bud valvate............ ASCLEPIADACES. 190 h Stigmas distinct. Flowers minute, yellow........ CONVOLVULACE. 95 ¢ Ovule solitary. Corolla limb entire: .... os. sccs2 cp eee eee ee ORDER 103 #& Ovules several. Leaves cleft and lobed ............. HYDROPHYLLACEA,. 93 k& Ovules several. Leaves or leafiets entire. . (a) 2 Flowers not SplCate ooo eso 7ok.c6 04 een oe GENTIANACES. 97 x Wlowers spicate. 6.6.50), eee x t PLAN eK eee m Leaves all radical. Flowersspiked...) °°°°°°°°°°"""* : m Leaves opposite. Ovary 2-celled.............. ccc cece cece LOGANIACE. 98 m Leaves alternate. .(y) m Leaves opposite. Ovary 3-celled. Not twining. : : PoLEMONIACEAR. 94 y Ovary 3-celled.,. Not twining... 0.02 e525 y Ovary 2-4-celled. Twining...) 00. .cs sex oie ont cee CONVOLVULACE. 95 y Ovary 2-4-celled, 4-seeded. Erect.......... .....DORRAGINACEA. 92 y Ovary 2-celled, QO0-seeded.—z2 Styles 2....... HYDROPHYLLACEH. 93 8. UVIE Td j4 sic bole eee SOLANACE. 96 m Stamens 4, Ova. 4-(rarely 1- or 2-)celled, with as many sds.. VERBENACEZ.90 nm Stamens 2. Ovary 2-celled, forming 1 or 2 seeds............. OLEACE. 101 o Ovary deeply 4-parted, forming 4 (or fewer) achenia. .(p) o Ovary entire. 4-ovuled, 4 or fewer-seeded. Leaves opposite.. VERBENACE. 90 0 Ovary entire, OO-ovuled, OO- or several-seeded. .(s) p Leaves opposite. Stems square. Stamens 2—4............ .. LABIATA. 91 p Leaves alternate. Stemsround. Stamens 5............ BOURRAGINACE, 92 6 Trees or climbing shrubs. Seeds winged........ oldie’ semaie ee BIGNONIACEE 8€ e Trees. Seeds not winged ..... ScROPHUL. 88. Erect shrubs ....ERICACEM, "%3 Herbs.—ss Leafiess parasites. Native. Ovary 1-celled..... OROBANCHACE ZS. 85 —ss Leafy at base or in the water. Flowers spurred.. LENTIBULACE. 84 —ss Leafy. Flowers large, spurless. Ovary 1-celled...GESNERIACE. 87 -—ss Leafy. Spurless. Fruit 4- or 5-celled........... § BIGNONIACEA. 86 —ss Leafy. Fruit 2-celled..(¢) ¢ Seeds on hooks or cups. Corolla mostly convolute ........... ACANTHACE. 89 é Soeds without hooks. Corolla imbricated in the bud.....ScROPHULARIACER. 88 f Seeds without hooks. Corolla mostlv nlicate.........,...........SOLANACEZS. 96 ANALYSIS OF THE NATURAL ORDERS. 217 C. Conort 3. APETALOUS DICOTYLEDONES. q Piants herbaceous, the flowers not in aments (except Humulug, 114)..(2) { Plants woody,—shrubs or trees. . (8) 2 Flowers with a regular calyx (or a calyx-like involucre). (8) 2 Flowers achlamydeous,—neither calyx nor corolla.. (k) _ 8 Calyx tube adherent to the ovary, limb lobed, toothed, or entire .(6) 8 Calyx free from the ovary, sometimes enclosing it. . (4) 4 Ovaries several, entirely distinct, each 1-styled, 1-ovuled..(g) 4 Ovary i only, simple or compound. .(5) 5 Style or stigma 1 only..(6) 5 Styles or stigmas 2—i2.. (7%) 6 Ovary 1-ovuled, bearing bté 1 seed. .(¢) 6 Ovary many-ovuled, bearing many seeds. .(d@) % Ovary 1-3-ovuled, 1-3-seeded. .(e) % Ovary + O0-ovuled, 4 QO-seeded. .(/) 8 Flowers not in aments, with the leaves opposite. .(n) 8 Flowers not in aments, with the leaves alternate. . (10) 8 Flowers imperfect, the sterile only in aments. .(v) 8 Flowers imperfect, both the fertile and sterile in aments. .(#) 9 Stamens 1—12, as many or twice as many as the stigmas. . (a) 9 Stamens 2—10, not symmetri:al with the 1 or 2 stigmas. . (6) 10 Style or stigmai1. Fruit 1-seeded..(11) 10 Styles or stigmas 2. .(s) 10 Styles or stigmas 3—9..(4 11 Calyx free from the ovary..(p) 11 Calyx adherent to the ovary..(7) @ Stigmas and cells of the ovary 1—4. Stamens i=S........ OnpERs 48, or 54 a Stigmas and cells of the ovary 6. Stamens 6 or 12...ARISTOLOCHIACE. 102 6 Styles 2. Cvary many-seeded. Stamens 8—10............... ORDER 45 6 Style 1. Ovary 1- or2-seeded. Stamens 5............ SANTALACE#. 110 ce Flowers perfect. Calyx 4lobed. Stamens 1—4.................. ORDER 44 e Flov@rs perfect. Calyx entire, funnel-shaped, colored..NycTagInacE&. 101 ¢ Fiowers diclinous. Calyx 4-5-parted, green................ URTICACE. 114 a@ Stamens 4, opposite to the 4 sepals. Leaves numerous...... ORDER 5° d@ Stamens 4, opposite to the 4sepals. Leaves about6........ ORDER 145 @ Stamens 5, alternate with the 5 sepals........................ ORDER 81 d@ Stamens OO. Leaves large and showy. Cultivated........... ORDER 9 | é Fruit 3-(rarely 6-)seeded, with 3 (often cleft) styles ..... EUPHORBIACE. 113 é Fruit 1-seeded. Stipules sheathing the stems........... POLYGONACE. 104 : é Fruit 1-celled, mostly 1-seeded. Stipules none. (/) f Calyx with scarious bractlets outside....... eee -AMARANTACEZ. 107 f Calyx naked (double in 1 genus). Lvs. alternate.. CHENOPODIACES. 106 Op tne TIMES) SSPE VCD, AOTITIORELS wa 5 aie nc nou Si es me voce shes eee ORDER 1$ g Stamens hypogynous—on the torus ............ cece cece eee eens one ORDER 1] g Stamens perigynous—on the calyx ........ 22. cece eee eee eee eee ORDER 44 f Leaves opposite. Fruit circumscissile, a pyxis .............. ORDER 61 : h Leaves opposite. Fruit 4-5-valved, a capsule................ ORDER 19 h Leaves alternate. . (2) . @ Fruit 5-horned, 5-celled, a capsule......................-- ORDER 46 @ Fruit a fleshy 4-10-seeded berry.............+. PHYTOLASCACE. 105 ¢ Fruit circumscissile, a utricle .................. AMARANTACER. 107 & Flowers on a spadix with aspathe. Monocotyledons........... ORDEZ 180 & Flowers in a long naked spike. Stamens 6or7...:...... SavnorscBa. 115 & Flowers solitary, axillary, minute, Aquatic plants..(m) 218 ANALYSIS OF THE NATURAL ORDERS. m Stamen 1, styles 2. Leaves opposite............. CALLITRIOHACER 11€ m Stamens 2, styles 2. Leaves alternate, dissected..PoposTEMIACE. 11% m Sta. 12-24, style 1. Lvs. verticillate, dissected... CHRATOPHYLLACEA. 118 vw Fruit a double samara (2-winged)...................-: aide ey ORDER 3% n Fruit a single samara (1-winged), ora drupe. Stamens 2..... ...ORDER 101 nm Fruit not winged,—o 3-seeded. Stamens4..... ...... EUPHORBIACE. 118 —o i-seeded. Stamens 4or&8.......... ELEAGNACEA, 112 —o i-seeded. Stamens 3. Parasites... LORANTHACEA. 109 p Anthers opening by valves. Calyx colored................. LAURACES. 108 p Anthers opening by slits.—g Calyx colored. Stam. 8....THYMELACE&. 111 —q Calyx greenish; racemed........... ORDER 37 —gq Cal. green; spiked. S. Fla..ComMBRETACE#. (50) ry Ovary and seed only 1, in the juicy drupe. Trees............. ORDER 65 ry Ovaries 2—4, seed 1. Fruit adrupeornut. Shrubs...SanTaLacea#. 110 $s Stamens numerous... 2.0... oo. 00r oe hon eked eee eee ORDER 47% e Stamens as many as the calyx lobes................... §1. URtTicacEs. 114 t Leaves pinnate. Pistils 5, scarcely united.................... ORDER 31 ¢ Leaves simple, linear, evergreen. Shrubs heath-like..EMPETRACE®. 119 ¢ Leaves simple, expanded. Fls. 3-parted. Fruit dry.. EUPHORBIACEZ. 113 t Leaves simple, expanded. Fls. 4- or 5-parted. Fruit fleshy....ORDER 40 © Nut drupaceous, naked. Leaves pinnate ............... JUGLANDACEA. 121 ® Nut or nuts in a cup orinvolucre. Leaves simple........ CUPULIFERA. 122 @ Fruit fleshy, aggregated (sorosis). Juice (or sap) milky...§ 2. URTIcAcEa. 114 @ Fruit dry. Plants with a watery juice or sap.. (y) y Aments globular, racemed. Nutlets 2-celled, woolly............. ORDER 65 y Aments globular, solitary. Nutlets 1-celled, 1-seeded....PLATANACES, 120 y Aments cylindrical or oblong. . (z) 2 Ovary 2-celled, 2-ovuled, 1-seeded. Fruit often winged.. BETULACE&. 123 z Ovary 1-celled, 1-seeded. Fruit often fleshy........... MYRICACE, 124 z Ovary many-ovuled, many-seeded. Seeds comous...... SALICACEH. 125 D. Conort 4. THE CONOIDS. * Leaves pinnate. Stem simple, palm-like. Sterile flowers in cones....CYCADACE. 126 * Leaves simvle. Stem branching. Fertile flowers in cones............. CoNIFERA. 127 * Leaves simp.e. Stem branching. Fertile flowers solitary ............... TAXACEM. 126 K%. Conort 5. THE SPADICEOUS MONOCOTYLEDONES. q§ Trecs or shrubs with palmi-cleft leaves all from one terminal bud, ' _. PALMACE, 199 and a branching ‘“‘ spadix”’ from a spathe.... § Herbs with simple, rarely ternate leaves. Spadix simple. .(2) 2 Plants frond-like, minute, floating loose on the water............+:. -LEMNACE. 131 2 Plants with stem and leaves, rooting and fixed.. (8) 3 Spadix evident, in a spathe or ON & BCAPE ......... cee cnccececces ARACES. 130 § Spadix obscure or spike-like. Stems leafy..(4) 4 Flowers with no perianth, densely spicate or capitate...... TYPHACEA. 132 4 Flowers with a perianth or not. Plants submersed........ NATADACE. 133 ANALYSIS OF THE NATURAL ORDERS. 219 F. Conort 6. FLORIDEA, on FLOWERING MONOCOTYLEDONES. ¥ Flowers (not on a spadix) in a small, dense, involucrate head. . (0) § Flowers (not on a spadix) solitary, racemed, spicate, &c. . (2) 2 Perianth tube adherent to the ovary wholly or partly.. (4) 2 Perianth free from the ovary. (3) 8 Petals and sepals differently colored (except in Medeola, 147)..@ 3 Petals and sepals similarly colored. .(5) 4 Flowers imperfect (4? or @% 2)..(@ 4 Flowers perfect. . (6) 5 Leaves net-veined, broad. .(%) 5 Leaves parallel-veined.. (6) 6 Styles and often the stigmas also united into one. .(m) 6 Styles and stigmas 3, distinct. . (n) DEMME SME MET Seid ate peter he Lao ocaed bw sad See cmee HYDROCHARIDACE. ‘35 Senne SUINTININY WIEN fo os oe sw ok newts een ekas DrioscoRiacE&. 143 6 Anthers 1 or 2, on the pistil (gynandrous)..................... ORCHIDACES. 137 6 Anthers 1 or 5, free from the pistil. Leaves ample............ ScITAMINEE. 13° 6 Anthers 3 or 6..(6 c¢ Perianth woolly or mealy outside. Ovary half free.... H=MADORACEHX 141 e¢ Perianth glabrous outside. .(d) @ Anthers 3, opening crosswise, inward............. BURMANNIACE. 135 ad Anthers 3, opening lengthwise, outward................ IRIDACES. 142 ad Anthers 6, opening inward ..............-..2220% AMARYLLIDACES. 139 é Pistils 3— OO, distinct, forming achenia in fruit..... Sts re EPR aes a ALISMACEZ. 134 Pistils 3 only, more or less united. .(g) g Leaves verticillate, in 1 or 2 whorls. Stigmas 38............... TRILLIACES. 146 g Leaves alternate. .(h) A Stigmas 3. Plants with dry leaves, often epiphytes..... BROMELIACEX, 140 pean rear waded peed AIUD Bs 5 oy we Co beeen 2 ek ewes CoMMELYNACER, 151 eens Este APL YEO: Soo 5 sic cli pce n tone eeeceseeesss ROXBURGHIACES. 145 Peewee (ieeione, G-paried .. 2... ccs psc wc ns code res sdeescce se SMILACE. 144 m Flowers colored, regular. Stamens 6 (4 in one species)..... LILIACE. 147 m Flowers colored, irregular or else triandrous......... PONTEDERIACE. 149 m Fiowers greenish, glume-like or scarious................... JUNCACEZ. 150 #% Leaves rush-like. Ovary of 3 i-seeded carpels......... n Leaves linear, lanceolate, &c. Ovary 6- es -seeded... f ee 0 Petals yellow, small but showy. Plant acaulescent........ XYRIDACEH. 152 o Petals white, minute, fringed. Plant acaulescent....ERIOCAULONACE. 154 G. Conort 7. GRAMINOIDEA, or GRASS-LIKE MONOCOTYLEDONES. © Flowers with 6 bracts in 2 whorls (sepals and petals). Culms solid ........ ORDER 150 § Flower with a single bract (glume). Culm solid, sheaths entire....... CYPERACEZ 153 Flower with several bracts (glumes and pales). Culm hollow. eee ? Sheaths split on one ee Ovary ee Styles 2...... dies opie im ca ~ SUB-KINGDOM IT. Crass I. Conorts 1, 2, and 3. ‘§ Plants with well-developed foliage. .(4). € Leaves few, mostly ample and from subterranean rhizomes. .(q) 220 ANALYSIS OF THE NATURAL ORDERS. a Fruit borne on the leaves which are often more or less contracted.. FmicEs. 159 q Leaves numerous, small, mostly spirally imbricated on the stem. . (0) 6 Fruit axillary, sessile, opening by a slit..... 65... ..05 500 LYCOPODIACE. 157 § Plants with verticillate branches instead of leaves. .(¢) | c Fruit in terminal spikes......... cin eee Siawewiae due genie ce EQUISETACE®. 158 6 . : - | 3 j