Marine Biological Laboratory Library Woods Hole, /Massachusetts Gift of the F. R. Lillie estate-1977 U'me^^/^ LIFE AND DEATH AT LOW TEMPERATURES by B. J. LUYET Professor of B'wlofjij and P. M. GEHEXIO Instructor iti Biology SAINT LOUIS UN1\'EESITY No. 1 of a series of monographs on general physiology edited ])v B. J. Luyet Published by BIODYNAMICA, Nouma.xdy. .Missonn 1940 The authors dedicate this hoo\ to all those straining in the pursuit of Truth •••(•-^©nQ^in^^)* The contents of this monoi^raph with the exception of the General Bibliography, are reprinted from Biody- naniica Xo. 33, 1938, No. 48, 1939 and Xo. 60, 1940. The honesty of the readers being beyond all suspicion, no author's right is reserved in any country. iNTi\()i)r(:Ti()N Tlio |)r()l)leiiis to be disciissod in lliis inoiiot^raj)!! arc ])i'iiiiarily those of llic i)ros(M'vat ion of lil'i' and of the iiicclianisni of dcalli al low Irnipcrat iii-c. ( )ii account of llu'ir innncdiatc connection with the ([uestions ot* the structure of li\-in,i;- matter and of the nature of life, these pi-obh'ins are of funch-iniental phih^sophical importance, ll is ])i-ecisely this funihimeiital aspect which will he our main conceiMi t lii-ouii,hout this work. None of the practi- cal applications of low ti'm])erature reseai-ch will be con- sidered exce))! inasnmch as they directly involve some phase of our topic. Though the lields of Cold 11 (ird'nicss in Phnifs and of Jlcfrif/erafuni / iidtistri/ are <|uite closely related to our subject we shall not include them; each one of these fields constitutes a science in itself wdiicli will be better reviewed by a specialist. Our knowledge on death by cold consists of observa- tions concerniiii;': 1. Which organisms are killed by or survive \arious low temperatures; 2. How the organisms affected are physically modified by the action of cold; .'>. What are the causes and the mechanism of cold injury and cold death. The study of these three (piestions will constitute, respect ix'ely, Parts 1, II and III of this l)ook. Bibli()grai)hical references which only incidentally con- ceiii the subject treated will l)e incorporated in the text, in italics; references dealing primarily with the topic undei- discussion will be gi\-en at the end of each ])art in which they were used; a fciihitlvely complete bib- liogra])hical list including also references not utilized in our work, will be appended at the end of the monograph. Sdii/f Loii/s, S<'/)tcml)('r I'l, I'-Cit), TllK AUTUOKS. TABLE OF CONTEXTS TNTT^ODTTTIOX "4 TAIUJO OF (;()NTENTS 5 PART I THE LOWER LIMIT OF VITAL TEMPERATURES DEFINITIONS AND PKFLIMINARY REMARKS 0 I. INFRACELLULARS 13 1. Vitamins and Hormones 1:1 2. Enzymes H 0. ICiizyiiKtids 16 4. Mrnses 17 n. MONOCELLULARS 19 Skciiox I. Protophyta 19 1. liacteria and Bacterioids 19 2. Yeasts 25 3. Monocellnlar Alf>ae 27 Section II. Puotozoa 29 L Rhizopods 29 2. Ciliates 30 3. Flagellates 31 III. OEILM CELLS, SPOKES AND SEEDS 32 1. Spermatozoa 32 2. Eggs 31 3. Spores 37 1. Seeds 40 IV. ISOLATED CELLS AND TISSIES.. 43 Skctiox I. I*LAXT ^Iateuial 43 1. Hair Cells 43 2. Epidermal Tissne 44 .'>. Tnberons Tissne 47 4. Tissne from Leaves, Stems, Roots, etc 49 Skctiox II. Aximal Material 54 1. Blood 54 2. Embryonic Tissne 55 3. Ciliated lOpithelinm 50 4. Mnscnlar Tissne 57 5. Nerve Tissue 59 V. METAPHYTA 01 L Fungi (51 2. Algae 00 5 0 '^. TJclit'iis 08 4. Mosses 08 :.. iii-iici- I'hiiiis 00 \' I . M \V\\\'/A >A 71 I. ( "nclciiierates 71 -. llclmiiitlics 71 :t. Kotilcrs 72 1. Annelids 7:> :>. M.. Husks 74 • i. An lii-o|i(i(ls 7.") 7. Ani|»liil»i;i and Keptiles 82 5. Fishes 80 !>. I lonioidi lieinis 1)1 PART II the physical states of protoplasm at low temperatures pri:limi\.\ry chapter /■'I \n\\ii:\r.\L rh'ixcii'LiJs or in:.\T coxni criox 1. The ••riolMeni of ihe Wall." in llie Steady Stale KM •2. The Pic.hleni of Ihe Wall, in the N'anable Stale.. ..107 :;. The rrohlein of the Coolinji' IJody 108 CH APT Ely' f EllEEZIMl. THE EPOZEX STATE 1 \ /> \/ELTI\(l \. IXITIATIOX OF CUVSTALLIZATION 112 A. The F()U.\i.\'iio\ oi' ( 'm stai.lim-: XrcM'.i 112 r>. TiiK Fi!i:i;zi.\(; INdXTS 1 14 1. (MiHure Media liri 2. i'lnnt .Inices IK; '.\. I'.lood and IJody FInids; linlividnal MilVei-ences ; Relation Itetween the l].\ternal and Internal iMedinni 110 4. Ixu^s ; SpeciHc Differences; Individual Differ- ences; (V(]e in the Freezing Points of Develop iiiji I'W ':. lis ri. IM-olojilasni 121 0. Tissnes; Ijvin<>' and Dead Tissues; Intluence of Coolino; Velocity on Freeyanj;' Points; The Don l)le Freezinii' Point of Ia\iniss('iiiiii;ited Froezing K)3 :'.. ( \);iinul;it(Ml Miilcrinl _ 138 4. IN. rims Material 13S ."). Tissues. Surface Fi-eeziiig 13!) 0. Tissues, luiercellular l^reeziiig- 141 7. Cells. Surface^ Freeziug 144 8. Cellular Coustitueuts 145 C. The Frekzixg Curves 147 1. Freezing Curve of Water 148 2. Freezing Curves of Solutions .- 152 3. Freezing Curves of Colloids 155 4. Freezing Curves of Tissues; Living and Dead Tis- sues; Eutectic Poiul ; (juaulitv of lee Formed. .150 III. CO.MI'LKTIOX OF (CRYSTALLIZATION 102 1. Susjieusions and Colloids.. 102 2. Tissues 104 IV. THE FKOZEN STATE 100 Properties of Ice and of Frozen Systems ...100 1. ^[eclianical Properties of Ice 100 2. Specific Gravity 108 3. Thermal Constants 108 4. Electrical Properties 170 5. Optical Properties 171 V. MELTING AND MELTED :MATERIAL.. 171 A. The Process of Melting 171 B. Alterations Observed ix Thawed Materiai — 172 1. Suspensions and Colloids 172 2. Tissues 179 CHAPTER IT Sil'JJh'COOLlXd AVD THE ^L I'ERL'OOLED .STATE I. THE SrBCOOLIN(J (UKVE 185 II. FA( 'T( )KS AFFECTING CRYSTALLIZATION IN A STTKCOOLED LIQI^ID IJ^S 1. Temperature 188 2. Inoculation 190 3. The Time Factor 192 4. Mechanical Disturbance 193 5. ( 'aiiillarit y 190 0. Impurities 198 7. Other Factors 200 8 rli \i''ri:i; III ■riii: 1 ri L'l'jti s sr \'ri:. \ rrinric \ri<)\. ni:\ iriiiri- (' \l'l()\ I \ /> I /77.'0 \l I.LTI \ <; I. I'll VSICAI, SVSTi:.\IS 203 1. TIk" \illc..iis Sl;i|(' 203 L'. \iiriti("ilinii 207 • '.. iN'vilrilicnIicm 211 4. N'iiioiiicli iiiti' 216 II. MNIXC .MATTi:i{ 217 1. (M' I'roccdiiic 217 ■2. McIIkmIs 217 :». lOxpciiiin'iils ;iii(l IJcsult.s 219 PART TIT THE MECHANISM Ol INJURY AND DEATH BY LOW lEMI^ERATURE CHAPTER T .\(Ti(>\ o/' ro/./> wirnoiT K'l-: rohwiATiox I. ACTION OtM:M)IJ) IX THE Xi:i(!III!Oi:iIOOl) OF THE FKEEZIX({ POIXT OF PROTOPLASM L»:50 A. Action ok Cold Ahovk tuk Fki:i;zix(; I^oixt "J'JO 1. Slow Tiijui-ious Action 231 -. R;i|»i(l liijuiious Aclioii 234 15. AcTiox OF ('oLi> IX TiiK Srp.cooi.Ki) Statk. 23(J 11. ACTION OF EXTREME COLD 241 CHAPTER J I ACTIOX or COLD ACC0MI*A\JE1) liV ICE FONMATJOX T. THEORY ATTRII51 TIXO I)I:ATH TO A MERE \ViTm)I{A\\'AL OF ENEROV 2r)7 II. THEORY ATTRIRI'TINO DEATH TO THE AT- TAINMENT OF A MINIMAL TEMPER ATl'RE.. .25!) 111. THEORY ATTRTP.rTING DEATH TO MECHANI- C.\L IX.U'RY 201 I Y. THEOl{Y OF DEATH liY TOO RAIM D THA\YIXCt....2(;7 Y. TIIi:oRY OF DEATH P»Y DEHYDRATION 272 YL TIIi:oRV OF DEATH P.Y YARIOIS PHYSIOLOG- IC.KL. I'HVSKWL OR CHi:.MIC.\L .VLTIMLV TIOXS JS5 OENERAL lUIiLIOGRAPHY 296 SriMECT INDEX 329 ATTIIOR 1XDI:X 336 PART I THE LOWER LIMIT OF VITAL TEMPERATURES INTRODUCTION DEFINITIONS AND PRELIMINARY REMARKS 111 a study of the mechanism of cellular or of proto- plasmic death by low temperatures, one needs to know, first of all, at what low temperatures life is destroyed. The following pages present a review of the literature on this subject. According to the effects that they produce on living matter, the temperatures are classified into rital, lethal, survival and auahiotic. If the same effects are obtained over a range of temperatures, there must be distinguished a maximum and a minimum in each range; thus there would be a maximal and a minimal lethal, a maximal and a minimal survival temperature, and so on. The multiple aspects originating from so many distinctions on one hand, and the overlapping of the ranges on the other, have resulted in some confusion. But more important mis- understanding has arisen from the widely different senses in which the various authors use the terms just mentioned, and from the impossibility of defining clearly a death temperature, in the present state of our knowledge of the cause of death by cold. This will be illustrated by the following analysis of the notion of lethal temperatures. The death point has sometimes been considered as a definite temperature at which an organism passes from the living to the dead state in somewhat the same manner as, at the freezing point, a substance passes from the liquid to the solid state. So understood, the death tem- perature would be specific for each organism in the same sense as the physical constants are specific for each sub- 9 10 stance. A clear and atlc(|ualc clcliiiilion could llieii be established. Much evidence, however, has been accumulated for an entiri'Iy different notion of death temperatures. In some l)hints, for example — and the same mii-ht be true of single cells — death seems to result from the une(inal slowing down by cold of the various metabolic activities. If, for instance (in the case of a higher plant), less moisture is absorbed by the roots than is liberated by the leaves, des- iccation and death will follow. An exposui-e to a tem- perature as high as 5° might become lethal if enough time is allowed for the material to dry; a temperature a few degrees lower will dehydrate the plant to death in a shorter time. It is evident, then, that the time factor must be introduced into the definition of the death tem- peratures. On the other hand, the degree of moisture of the atmosphere, the amount of light present, the water- content of the soil, etc., will also affect the duration of death and the temperature at which it occurs. The lethal temperatures, therefore, represent simply conditions un- favorable for life, in the same sense as the scarcity of light or of oxygen or of water. In cases of this kind, the defi- nition of death temperatures is rather involved; instead of a lethal point one should use the notion of a lethal re- gion ; the time necessary for death should be mentioned, as should also the other conditions which hasten death or delay it. The temperature at which the plant dies, by desiccation, in an arbitrarily chosen very long time, can be called the maximal lethal temperature. The lethal zone extends from that maximum downward, but it has no minimum since there is no temperature, however low, which will kill the plant instantaneously by putting its metabolic processes out of balance. If such a plant is cooled rapidly to the freezing point, the injury produced by the congelation of its juices may suffice to cause it to die. But death results here from an enti]-ely different cause, and the plant has, besides the death zone mentioned in the preceding paragraph, a death 11 point which coincides with the freezing innul. A precise definition can be given of that death point, as well as in the case in which death was supposed to result from a cool- ing to a specific minimum. The solidification of a given proportion of moisture takes place at a definite tempera- ture. The time factor has little importance ; it is simply related to the total mass of material to be killed in the same way as the time necessary to melt a certain quantity of metal depends on the amount present and bears no rela- tion to the melting point. But an organism which is killed when left to congeal at the freezing point might not be killed if brought rapidly to some hundred of degrees below zero, where congelation cannot take place on account of the high viscosity of the material (cf. Luyet, 1937). Thus, temperatures below the lethal point might be non-lethal. One and the same organism may, therefore, possess a zone of lethal temperatures above zero, a sharp death point slightly below zero, and a zone of non-lethal tem- peratures some hundred degrees below zero. And these are only a few^ of the many possibilities that one can imagine. It is clear, then, that the notion of lethal temperature depends on the idea that one has of the mechanism of death and, therefore, is susceptible of multiple interpre- tations. There being no possible general definition of the death point, of the survival point, etc., we shall, in this review, use these expressions in the sometimes unprecise sense given to them by the various authors, without attempting to define them more exactly. The most important factors to be considered in a study of the temperatures at which animals or plants, organs, tissues, cells, or protoplasm, die, are the following: 1. The species or the type of material studied; 2. The ex- ternal temperature to which the material has been sub- jected; 3. The time of action of this temperature; 4. The l('iHl»('r;i1iii-c williiii ihc dyiiii;' nialcrial; 5. Tlic tiniL' of action of this latter tcinpciat iiro ; (5. Tlie rate of cooling and, if the material was thawed, tiie i-ate of warminji': 7. The presence or absence of ice in the tissne, in the cells or in the ])rotoplasm; S. The state and the conditions of the malei-ial, before and during' coolin.n', snch as, its acclimati- zation to low temi)t'ratni-es, its water content, its thermic insnlation, etc. Inmost of tile older works on death by low temperature, only the tirst two of these factors, that is, the typo of organism and the external temperature, are recorded. This literature, therefore, does not bring much substantial information on the point at issue in the present work, and we shall mention only some of the most outstanding results obtained by the older investigators. Those papers of later date which contain enough of the data mentioned in tlie previous paragraph to be significant will be sum- marized and some of them will be discussed briefly. Immersion in liquid gases has been the usual method of subjecting living matter to extreme cold. The liquefac- tion temperatures of most of the gases used are given in the following list and will not be indicated for each par- ticular case in the text. Absolute Zero -273° C. Temperature of liquefaction of Helium - 269° C. Temperature of liquefaction of Hydrogen - 253° C. Temperature of liquefaction of Nitrogen -196° C. Temperature of liquefaction of Air - 192° 0. Temperature of liquefaction of Oxygen - 183° C. Temperature of sublimation of Carbon di- oxide - 78.5° C. Temperature of liquefaction of Sulphur di- oxide - 73° C. Some conditions of the experiments, which follow as natural consequences from other fully described condi- 13 tions, will often be omitted. For instance, when the in- fracellnlars and the monocellular organisms are exposed to the temperature of liquid air, in water suspensions, or in nutrient media, for an hour or so, it is certain that the medium is hard frozen and hence this will not be stated explicitly. The ordinary life stage and the usual culture conditions are to be assumed if nothing to the contrary is mentioned. For example, bacteria and yeasts are supposed to be in the vegetative form and in aqueous media (solid or liquid), if it is not specified that they have sporulated or that they have been dried. The data to be reviewed w411 be arranged in sections according to the type of organisms studied, the generally accepted classification of plants and animals being fol- lowed. Within a section, except if otherwise indicated, the order is that of decreasing temperatures. There results an unavoidable separation of related genera or species. But, since the subject-matter is indicated in italics, the reader will be able, without much effort, to re- establish the natural correlations. Finally, then, each separate paragraph usually contains an investigation on a given subject, at a specified temperature and by a given author or group of authors. The temperature shall always be given in degrees centi- grade except if otherwise indicated. The terms "freeze" and "congeal" shall be used exclu- sively when it is meant that the fluids of the material under experimentation solidify. I. INFRACELLULARS By our inclusion of the infracellulars with living matter we do not mean to imply anything as to their real nature. 1. Vitamins and Hormones. The only information that we found in the literature, on the action of low tempera- tures on vitamins and hormones, was the observation that 14 Ihcvse subslaiices tlo iiul lose llu-ii- aclixily in cold storage. Thus, Wright (J. Soc. Cliem. luastric juice) to liciuid air temperatures for 22 hours, after which treatment the proteolytic activity of the pepsin was not impaired. Nor did repeated freezing in liquid air and thawing (up to 6 times witliin an hour) produce any effect. Solutions of injps'ni contained in glass tubes and frozen in liquid air, then thawed rapidly in tap water, and re- frozen in the same manner 12 times, showed 70% of the trypsin inactivated when the 5% stock solution was diluted 1-500, and 17% when it was diluted 1-10 (Rivers, 1927). Galvialo (1937) subjected catalase from human blood and diastase from saliva (either undiluted or diluted with water) to litpiid air temperatures; the catalase was not affected, but the activity of the diastase was reduced to one half. The literature on the action of low temperature on enzymes, up to 1913, has been reviewed by Hepburn (1915). 3, Enzy molds. According to Tetsuda (1912), sera frozen in an ice chest, for times varying from a few hours to several weeks, and either kept continuously in the frozen state or frozen and thawed repeatedly, did not show any alteration of complement, of agglutliiui, of Jtemoli/slu, of precipitin, or of the properties of inducing and of at- tenuating anaphylaxis. (Freezing was used as a method of concentrating these various substances in the sera.) The toxin of Clostridium hotidluum showed no decrease in toxicity after having been stored at -79° for 2 months or at -16° for 14 months (Tanner and Wallace, 1931). CompJement, frozen 12 consecutive times, in undiluted guinea pig serum, or in 1-10 dilutions, was not affected; l)ut it was inactivated when frozen the same number of 17 times in serum diluted 1-100 with physiological salt solu- tion (Rivers, 1927). Com pi cm cut, as well as awhocepter, in rabbit serum immersed in liquid air for times varying from 10 to 30 minutes, kept their unaltered activity, according to Liidke (1905). Tetsuda (1912) also reported that complement and antihodies were not affected by maintaining the sera for several days in liquid air. A 24 hour-old broth culture of Eberth bacilli, maintained frozen in liquid air for 20 minutes, did not lose its agglutinaUUty. Sheep serum, frozen in the same manner, was as efficient in agglutinating these bacilli after the freezing as before (Chanoz, Courmont and Doyon, 1900). Macfadyen (1902a) used the juices extracted from the Eberth bacilli by trituration in liquid air, to produce immunizing sera. The latter possessed the normal anti- toxic and antihacterial properties. Cobra venom, in a 1% solution, maintained in liquid air for 9 days, presented an unaltered toxicity (Lumiere and Nicolas, Province mcdicale, Sept. 21, 1901). According to Pictet (1893), pfomains were affected by exposure to temperatures of - 100° to - 200°. 4. Viruses. A strain of bacteriophage active on B. coli and one active on staphylococci, frozen at - 78° (with solid CO2) and thawed 20 times consecutively, did not lose any of their activity (Sanderson, 1925). D'Herelle (''The Bacteriophage and Its Behavior," p. 300, Baltimore, 1926), however, reported that while the phage (one for staphylococci and one for dysentery bacilli) was not affected in young filtrates, it was inactivated by 1 to 3 freezings in liquid air, when treated in filtrates more than 17 days old. Rivers (1927), using 19- to 90-day-old filtrates of a phage lytic for B. coli, observed that, after 12 freezings in liquid air, the phage was completely inactivated when physiological salt solution was used as a diluent, and that it was partially inactivated when the diluents were Locke's 18 solution, distilled water, or hrotli, the dcni-cc ol" iiiactiva- tiou decreasing in the order given, lie then cxixMiincuted with dilutions of 1-10 and 1-1000 of tlie slock filtrate and found lliat an increased dilution with salt and Locke's solution increased the percentage of phage inactivated while, on the coiiti'ai'N', increased dilution with distilled water or brotii did not. According to Stockman and Minett (li)2G), the virus of foot and mouth disease was not destroyed by repeated freezing in ammonia brine. Pictet and Yung (1884) reported that the cow-pox vac- cine was inactivated after two consecutive exposures of respectively 108 hours to - 70° and 20 hours to - 130°. According to Barrat (1903), an exposure of the rabies virus to the temperature of liquid air for 1 to 5 hours did not inactivate it. Salvin-Moore and Barrat (1908) found that a stay of 30 minutes in liquid air did not affect the graftable mouth cancer. Gaylord (1908) obtained identical results with the same material maintained in liquid air for 80 minutes. Rivers (1927) observed that the herpes virus in a brain emulsion was not inactivated by 12 freezings in liquid air ])ut was inactivated when frozen 24 times in an emulsion diluted 1-20 or more with Locke's solution. Similar results were obtained by the same author with vaccine virus, which resisted 12 freezings in a testicular emulsion diluted 1-10, 1-100, and 1-1000, Imt the titer of the virus decreased after 24 freezings at. dilutions of 1-10,000 and 1-100,000 and the virulence was completely destroyed after 34 freezings at a dilution of 1-100,000. Rivers investigated also rims III and found it to be readily inactivated after 12 freezings at dilutions of 1-10 of his stock emulsion. The results on the infracellulars can be summarized as follows: 1. The enzymes, toxins, bacteriophage and viruses investigated are not affected by a freezing of their 19 solutions or suspensions in liquid air nor by a stay of short duration at about - 190°. 2. Some of them are inactivated by prolonged or repeated freezing at that temperature, especially in very dilute solutions. II. MONOCELLULARS SECTION I. PROTOPHYTA 1. Bacteria and Bacterioids. The numerous investiga- tions on bacteria will be classified into two groups : A. Those in which the organisms were found unaffected by low temperature ; B. Those describing lethal or injurious effects. A. Many authors have reported that bacteria support temperatures of 0° or of a few degrees below 0°, as used in cold storage; we shall not attempt to name all these investigators. McLean (1918) has decribed 4 species of bacteria which he isolated from ice, from snow and from frozen algae of the Antarctic where the mean annual temperature is about -20°. Smart (1935) observed that some bacteria, found alive in fruit held for 3 years at - 9.4°, then isolated and sub- jected in pure culture to a temperature of - 8.9° for 1 year, produced growth at this temperature. Brehme (1901) reported that the cholera vibriones, in bouillon cultures, survived a continuous freezing for 57 days at - 1° to - 16° ; nor were they killed when subjected 40 times alternately to - 15° and to 15°. In similar condi- tions typhus bacilli survived freezing at -2° to -16° for 4^ months and were not killed when frozen and thawed 40 times at respectively -15° and 15°. Tanner and Wallace (1931) found that spores of Clostridium hotulinum survived freezing at -16° for 14 months, and that commercially frozen fruits and vege- tables were not sterile even after 2 years at - 16°. Citovicz (1928) put an emulsion of streptococci of scar- let fever into capillary tubes, where they were subjected to temperatures of - 17° to - 18° for at least two weeks ; the 20 ()i\i;aiiisms wore not killcil. It is imjjorlaiit to remark lliat ill liiose experiments, the emulsion was not frozezn but subcooled. Prnc'lia and Brannan (192(1) isolated //. ti/pJiosiis from ice cream kept for 2S months at -20°. (Madiii (ISiKS) froze //. prsfis at -20° daily for 40 days. Such repeated freezini;' and thawing did not kill the organisms. Kasansky (lcS<)9) found no h)ss of viability in B. pestis after a stay of SVo months at - 31°. According to Pictet and Ynng (1884), bacteria, in sealed glass tubes, did not show any impairment of their activity after having been subjected for 108 hours to at least - 70° and for 20 more hours to - 130°. In 1893, Pictet reported that he had exposed 30 to 35 kinds of bacteria to - 200° and that they had apparently suffered no injurious effects. Bouillon suspensions of the vegetative form of B. anthracis and of the bacillus of chicken cholera w^ere im- mersed in liquid air for 15 hours by Belli (1902). No change of the morphological characters nor of the viru- lence of the organisms could be observed. In another experiment the author placed in a sterilized test tube a small piece of spleen from a rabbit wdiich had just died of anthrax, and then immersed the test tube in liquid air for 15 hours. The treated s|3ecimen was found to be just as virulent as another untreated specimen from the same spleen. In a last experiment, small strips of filter paper w^ere impregnated with bouillon cultures of B. anthracis and of the bacillus of chicken cholera, and these strips were then suspended in licpiid air for 8 hours. No diminu- tion of virulence could be observed. Paul and Prall (1907) found that dried StaphyJococcus pyogenes aureus can remain alive for weeks in a mixture of dry ice and ether, and for 125 days in liquid air. Gonococci, held for 10 days at -20° and for 24 hours at -195°, in liquid nitrogen, were found to be viable by Lumiere and Chevrotier (1914). 21 Macfadyen (1900) exposed vegetative and spore forms of 10 kinds of l)acteria {hacilU, spirilla, staphylococci and a pliotohacterium) to liquid air for 20 hours. The cultures were either in broth or on solid media (gelatin, agar, potato). No effect whatsoever was observed; all the physiological properties : curdling of milk, fermentation of sugar, indol production, pigmentation, pathogenicity and photogenicity, appeared to be normal. In another experiment, Macfadyen liquefied the air of his laboratory and cultured the bacteria present in it ; he found several species of hacilli, cocci and sarcinae. The temperature during the liquefaction of the air reached about -210°. Macfadyen and Rowland (1900a and 1902) left B. coli, B. typhosus and Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus in liquid air for 6 months. The bacteria, suspended in small loops of platinum wire or on cotton-wool swabs, were directly in contact with liquid air. No impairment of vitality was observed in any of the organisms. Lipman (1937) exposed for 48 hours to the temperature of liquid air bacteria in the actively growing state. The organisms were cultivated on agar slants in test tubes. The latter were immersed in liquid air after having been sealed. The 9 species of bacteria experimented upon sur- vived and 8 of them presented an abundant growth. Par- ticular attention was given to the choice of the species in order to exclude the possibility of spore formation. Macfadyen and Rowland (1900b) observed no sign of injury on various bacteria left for 10 hours, in sealed tubes, in liquid hydrogen. De Jong (1922) summarizing the results of Beek (1919) and Ongkiehong (1922), says that B. coli, B. faecalis alcaligenes, B. lactis aerogenes, and the bacteria of typhoid, of paratyphoid A and B, and of enteritis, resisted equally well exposures to temperatures of - 20°, - 190° and -253°. Kadisch (1931) found that B. coli (in 0.85% NaCl solution) could resist - 252° (liquid hydrogen) for 3 hours, and that Sldph i/hndccus pi/iK/ciics ulhiis and llii' liihcrcle hdcilhis could wil lislaiid llic same temperature I'oi* 50 hours. In I'urllici' ('.\])('rimeiits, the same invest i^'ator re])orted tlial these ori;anisms were not killed after two consecutive exposures of respectively 4 hours at - 268.8° and li/> hours at - 271.8°. Cooling was relatively slow, it rtM|uiiin,i;' al>out 24 hours for the entire experiment. Zirpolo (1!).')2) observed no injurious effect when lumiiK'scent l)acte]'ia {Bacillus and Micrococcus picran- tonii), in the fresh vegetative state, were exposed for sev- eral hours to the temperature of liquid helium. Lipman (1936a) immersed in liquid helium, at tempera- tures varying from 4.2° K to 1.35° K, spores of common bacilli (species not mentioned), smeared on fragments of cover glasses, and desiccated for 2 weeks. The prepara- tions were kept 2 hours at the lowest temperature and 42 hours below 4.2° K. The spores presented as abundant a bacterial growth as would normal spores. We shall not review here the literature accumulated during the last 3 years on the method of drying bacteria at low temperatures for preserving them. We shall men- tion only that, in these experiments, the physiological properties of the organisms were found unimpaired (Cf. the fundamental work of Flosdorf and Mudd, 1935). B. Park, Williams and Krumwiede ("Pathogenic Microorganisms," 8th ed. p. 698, New York, 1924) kept 21 strains of water-inoculated B. typhosus at about -2° to - 7°. Six cultures were sterile after 5 weeks and all were sterile after 22 weeks. Hilliard, Torossian and Stone (1915) and Hilliard and Davis (1918) subjected water suspensions of B. coli to freezing for 3 hours at 0° or at - 15° and determined the percent of survivors by the usual method of bacterial counts. At 0°, 26.4% to 67.77r, and at -15°, 99.4% to 99.7% of the organisms were killed. After intermittent freezing for the same length of time (4 freezings), the number killed was slightly greater. "}?. In another series of experiments, the B. coli were sus- pended in glucose solutions of ditferent concentrations and then subjected to varying degrees of cold, from - 0.5° to - 6°. The concentrations of glucose were such that the solutions did not solidify at the temperatures used, so that the effect of cold alone, without crystallization, could be determined. The results were compared with those ob- tained with tap-water suspensions of bacteria subjected to the same temperatures. At - 0.5°, an average of 93.67o of the organisms were killed in the frozen tap water, while in the unfrozen glucose solution 46.47^ were de- stroyed. At -6°, an average of 99.2% perished in the frozen medium, and 49.5% in the unfrozen solution. When both the glucose and the tap water suspensions were frozen solidly at - 10° for 3 hours, the percent killed in the former varied from 77.5% to 99%, while in the latter it ranged between 98.1% and 99.8%. Tanner and Williamson (1928) exposed 4 species of common bacteria to temperatures of -13° to -15° for 2 to 16 weeks, and found that this prolonged freezing de- stroyed some species completely, while others were still alive after 160 weeks at - 15°. According to Onorato (1902), the Hemophilus influen- zae is destroyed in blood broth after a stay of 21/2 hours at - 15° or 11/0 hours at - 20°. Smith and Swingle (1905) exposed B. typhosus, in bouillon cultures, to - 17.8° for 2 hours and found that, on an average, 99.5% were killed. Keith (1913) observed that when B. coli, in solidly frozen tap water, were kept at - 20°, only a fraction of one percent remained alive after 5 days, and that storage of a few weeks at that temperature resulted in a complete destruction of the bacteria. Moreover, when B. coli were in pure milk or in milk diluted to various degrees with water, a larger proportion of bacteria survived the freez- ing of the undiluted than of the diluted milk. According to de Jong (1922), the bacteria of dysentery were killed after a relatively short exposure to -20°. L'4 For certniii slraiiis, -190° was more lethal than -20°, wliile I'or some others it Mas less. Kasaiisky (1899) found that B. pestis, cultured on agar and kept at -31° in the frozen condition for 4 months, hut thawed 8 times during the interval, showed a weaken- ing of its virulence. Sanderson (1925) gives the following figures as repre- senting the proportion of B. coli which were killed after, respectively, the first, the tenth, and the fifteenth freezing at-78°:167o, 86%, 94%. According to Klepzoff (1895), bacteria are killed when exposed to the temperature of liquid air. D'Arsonval (1898) reported that the chromogenic func^ tion of B. pyocyanus was slightly impaired by exposure to liquid air temperature. The effect ^vas more accentu- ated if the cultures had previously been dried. Macfadyen and Rowland (1900a) mention a slight weakening in the activity of some species of bacteria, after the latter had been left for 7 days in liquid air. According to White (1901), a culture of bacteria, ex- posed for 2 hours to liquid air temperature, presented a large number of killed organisms; only the more resistant ones survived. Smith and Swingle (1905) subjected bouillon cultures of B. typhosus to liquid air temperatures for 2 hours, and found that, on an average, 99.3% were killed but the few organisms which survived produced normal colonies. Rivers (1927) froze a broth suspension of B. coli 12 suc- cessive times in liquid air. Before freezing, there were 180,000,000 viable organisms per cc ; after the 12 freezings and thawings, this number was reduced to 40,000. Greater dilution of the suspension decreased the percentage of survivors. According to Park, Williams and Krumwiedc {loc. cit., p. 295) 30% of the staphylococci subjected to freezing in liquid air for 30 minutes, remained viable. A brief review of the investigations on pathogenic bacteria has been pul)lished by Hampil in 1932. _:;) 2. Yeasts. The investigations on yeasts, like those on bacteria, will be arranged in two sections: A. Those re- porting negative results; B. Those reporting injury or death. A. Several authors have observed that some yeast species are physiologically active at sub-zero tempera- tures. Thus, Berry (193-1:) found a species which repro- duced actively in beer wort at -2.2°, Salimovskaja-Rodina (1936) described 19 species of yeast (!) isolated from colored snow {Arch. Biol. Nauk, 43,229). Smart (1935) found that several species of yeast, cul- tured on agar slants and left for 1 year at - 8.9°, produced abundant growth when transferred to room temperature. Molisch (1897) described a deformation and a shrink- ing of about lOVf, but no loss of growth or of fer- mentation power when yeast cells, growing actively in a liquid medium, were frozen at -5° to -9° and observed under the microscope during the congelation of their culture medium. Kadisch (1931) exposed several sorts of pathogenic yeasts, suspended in 0.85% sodium chloride solutions, to temperatures of - 20° to - 30° for 2 months, subjecting them to 11 successive freezings and thawings during this time. No harmful effects were observed. Zopf (1890) made thin smears of vegetative cells and of spores of Saccharomyces Hansenii on mica sheets and subjected them for 4 hours 20 minutes to - 83° ; death did not ensue. Furthermore, no harm was done when this frozen material was transferred directly into water at room temperature ("Die Pilze," p. 275, Breslau). Melsens (1870), after having observed that yeast resists -91°, investigated the combined action of pressure and cold. He put a yeast suspension in a steel bomb calcu- lated to resist a bursting pressure of 8,000 atmospheres and froze the suspension at a temperature low enough to burst the bomb; the cells remained active after this treatment. Doenu'Hs {Allg. Biau. ii. llopj. Ztg., V, 2225, 1897) ex- posed beer yeast to the lemi)eratiire of liquid air for 6 mimiles; tlie yeast retained its vitality. Kiii-clicr (lOni) found that Sacrliaronn/res cerevisiae. cultured on agar slants, survived a 1 to 8 day action of a temperature of -70°, as well as a 13 hour exposure to -183° to -192° in liquid air. Macfadyen and Rowland (1902) kept yeasts which had been washed, pressed and wrapped in paper, immersed in liquid air for 6 months; neither the vitality nor the physiological properties of the organisms were impaired. According to Kadisch (1931), pathogenic yeasts sus- pended in 0.85'/ sodium chloride were not killed after 24 lionrs at -180°, nor after 3 hours at -252°, nor after 2 hours at -268.8°, though the latter treatment caused a consideral)le delay in development. In a further test he cooled the yeasts by degrees from room temperature to -268.8°, where they stayed for 2 hours; thereupon he brought them down to the temperature of -272°, which was maintained for 14 hours. He then raised the tem- perature to - 268.8° and kept it at this point for another 2 hours ; finally, lie l)rought the organisms by degrees back to room temperature. There was no loss of vitality, but merely a slowed development, and the author concludes that cold alone cannot produce the death of the micro- organisms. B. Tanner and Williamson (1928) exposed ampullae containing 2 cc. of a suspension of yeast in physiological saline, to - 15° for varying lengths of time up to about 3 years; most of the yeasts were markedly injured after that time. Schumacher (1874) observed that in fresh yeast, ex- posed for 15 minutes to -113°, many of the cells were killed. The younger ones with smaller vacuoles and those still devoid of vacuoles remained alive and were capable of budding. Pictet and Yung (1884) exposed Saccharomyces cere- 27 visae for 108 hours to - 70° and for a further 20 hours to - 130°, after which the organisms were no longer capable of raising bread, although no alteration, microscopically visible, could be detected. Doemens {Allg. Brau. u. Hopf. Ztg., 2, 2225, 1897) reported that, when he exposed a suspension of yeast to liquid air and thawed it too rapidly in water, the power of development was impaired. 3. Monocellular Algae. It may be mentioned here that several species of monocellular algae are found in the encysted form in snow and give it a green or red colora- tion. These organisms become active in the melting snow. It is reported that some of them cannot resist temperatures higher than 4°. We did not find any data on the lower limit of temperature that they can support. For the literature on this subject, we refer the reader to a series of papers by Kol, E., and Chodat, F., in Bull. Soc. Bot., Geneve, 25, 1934. According to W. West and G. West, Closterium (a des- niid) was found motile in water which had been frozen for 14 days. Microsterias (another desmid) was also found alive under the same conditions. Since this last genus was not observed in the cultures in the spore form, the authors remark that it resisted freezing in the vegetative state {Ann. of Bot., 12, 1898, p. 33). Wisloucli (1910) exposed SticJwcoccus bacillaris, in sterilized water, to various degrees of cold. A very small number of cells survived a 2 hour exposure to - 75°, while about 50% resisted a 6-7 hour exposure to -21°. According to Pictet (1893), various species of diatoms in water cultures, frozen at about - 200°, were uninjured and, after the thawing of the medium, they were seen to extend pseudopodia-like protrusions. Edlich (1936) subjected Pleurococcus vulgaris, Apafo- coccus minor and SticJwcoccus hacillaris on their natural bark substratum to temperatures ranging from -20° to -80° for varying lengths of time, after a previous ex- 28 })osiii-(' to (lilTeri'iil (Icgi'ct's ol" alinosphcric nioislurL' (rela- ti\(' liuniidily 25% to 100%). Pleurococcus was found to witlistaiul -80° for at least 24 to 26 hours, irrespective of the humidity to which it had previously been subjected. SficJiococcus and Apafococcus proved themselves less re- sistant ; they were killed at - 80° in 1 wo hours and one hour respectively. However, with the relative humidity re- duced to 50% they were equally as resistant as Pleuro- coccus to a temperature of -80°. AVarl)iiri; (l!*!!)) maintained in li(|ui(l air for one hour suspensions of ChlorcUa in Knopp's solution. The cells sustained no injury from the treatment. The chlorophyll granules were unaltered while they became enlarged and showed structural changes in Euglena treated in a similar manner {Bioch. Ztschr., 100, 234). Kiircher (1931) exposed Stichococcus hacillayis, cul- tured on agar slants in test tubes, to - 70° for 1 to 8 days, or to - 183° to - 192° for 13 hours. The algae were not killed. Becquerel (1932d and 1936) found that Profococcus and Pleurococcus grew normally after having been subjected in the dry state to the lowest available temperatures. The cells, obtained from cultures in synthetic liquid media (or in a previous experiment from a piece of bark) were dried on barium oxide for 3 months at + 35° ; they were then sealed into glass tubes evacuated to 10"' mm. of mercury, and subjected to -190° for 480 hours and to -269° to - 271° for 71 hours. Some specimens had been kept dried in the vacuum for 25 years before being cooled. In one experiment a temperature of 1.84° K. was maintained for one hour. The material so treated yielded living Pleuro- coccus vulgaris, Chlorella vulgaris, Slichococcus hacillaris, Hantzschia amphioxys, Pinnularia viridis, Chlorococcum humicolum, and Palmella miniala. The same was also true for cultures not subjected to high vacua, but exposed directly to the action of the liquefied gases. 29 SECTION II. PROTOZOA 1. Bh'izopods. According to Kiihiic (1804), Amoeba and Actinuphrys are killed when their culture medium freezes, but they suffer no injury when they are kept at 0° for several hours, as long as the medium is not frozen. Molisch (1897) observed under the microscope Amoeba freezing in drops of water. He found that the organisms die as soon as the ice forms in their proximity or within them, that is, at a temperature slightly below zero. Chambers and Hale (1932), who proceeded in a similar manner, state that the internal freezing of Amoeba, which they induced by inserting an ice-tipped pipette into the interior of the organism, occurs at - 0.6°. Internal freez- ing always kills these animals, while, if ice is not present in them, temperatures as low as -5° produce no damage. These authors describe how the ice spreads through the protoplasm in the form of fine feathery crystals radiating in all directions from the point touched by the pipette. According to Deschiens (1934), dysenteric Amoebae, in the vegetative form, were destroyed in a short time when their medium froze, at a temperature of - 5°. They could be kept alive, though immotile, for 56 hours, at 0.0°, in the unfrozen medium. Fol (1884) obtained growing Amoeba from dried earth which he put to freeze in Pictet's apparatus at a tempera- ture of about - 100°. Becquerel (1936) revived several species of rhizopods from dried soil cooled to the lowest available tempera- tures. He kept in a vacuum, with barium oxide, at 35°, for 3 months, samples of soils containing various micro- organisms. When the soils were thoroughly dried he sealed one portion of them in glass tubes evacuated to 10~^ mm. of mercury and placed another portion in glass tubes closed with cotton plugs. Thereupon he subjected all the tubes to liquid helium (-269° to -271°) for 7^ hours and subsequently to liquid nitrogen (-190°) for 480 hours. From both groups of soils he obtained, after this treat- ment, living Amoeba proteus, Amoeba Umax, Amoeba dacfylifera and Aci'mophrys sol. DO 2. CiHatr,^. CJrci'k'V (li»()l) ohscrvcd llial wiu-ii cul- tures of Stent or coc rill CHS were cooled slowly, ciliary movement continued for 1 to 3 liours at 0°, after which the cilia and i>ullet were absorl)ed, the ectosarc was thrown off, and the endosarc transformed into a spherical cyst- like ('(,'11. When the tempeiature was again raised, these resting cells underwent a reverse process, and resumed their normal activity. If the temperature was lowered rapidly and the culture medium was solidly frozen, the organisms were killed. According to Efimotf (1924), Parawaeciuw can with- stand freezing (Ausfrieren) at -1° for 30 minutes, but is killed when frozen at the same temperature for 50 to 60 minutes. Various infusoria {Paramaecium caudatum, Colpidium colpoda, Spirnsfomuni aml)ifjuum) die in less than 30 minutes when exposed to temperatures below -4°. Rapid and short subcooling (not l)elow -9°) produces no injury, but, if it is prolonged, the paramaecia become spherical and swell up, increasing their volume 4-5 fold, while the other infusoria shrivel up and assume irregular contours. To study the effect of low temperatures on Para- maecium in a subcooled medium. Wolf son (1935) enclosed these organisms singly or in numbers from 2 to 116 in capillary tubes and observed them microscopically during cooling in a specially constructed, metal, glass-bottomed well, cooled by stout metal leads connected with a brass plate on which pieces of dry ice were placed as desired. Warming was effected by means of a heating coil wound about these same conducting leads. He found that both bodily and ciliary movements could be observed down to - 14.2°. Then, all bodily movements ceased, but the cilia continued to beat for some time yet. While organisms subjected momentarily to -16° were found to recover completely, after a longer cooling at that temperature morphological degeneration set in, manifesting itself in a rounding up of the oi'ganism, an apparent increase in cell volume and a marked visibility of the nucleus, followed by 31 complete disintegration of the organism. In no ease did a paramaecium ever survive the freezing of its medium. Fol (1884) isolated living ciliates from dried soil frozen at about -100°. Taylor and Strickland (1936) found that immersion in liquid air for 13 i hours does not affect the viability of air-dried cysts of Colpoda cucullus. In another experi- ment these authors obtained some excystment (percentage unknown) from cysts first subjected to a vacuum of about 10 ' mm. of mercury for 2 or 3 days, thereupon exposed to liquid air temperatures for 12| days, and then warmed to room temperature within 2 minutes. Becquerel (1936) ioi\i\d\iy\i\g Paramaecium hursaria in dried soil kept for 7? hours at a temperature of about 2°K. 3. Flagellate,^. Mainx {Arch. f. Protisten'k., 60, 387, 1928) did not find any evidence in favor of the belief that Euglena can withstand freezing. He observed that par- tially or completely frozen cultures of Euglena gracilis, E. viridis and E. deses gave rise to very few living forms, and to these only if cysts were present previously. According to Jahn (1933), when Euglena cultures were kept in the frozen state, at -4°, for 1 hour, most of the organisms, but not all, were killed. A temperature of -0.2° maintained for the same time, without freezing of the medium, showed no harmful effect. On the other hand, Giinther (Arch. /. Protistenlx., 60, 556, 1928) reported that he observed a specimen of Euglena terricola which liad been frozen while in the process of mitosis and which completed its division, on the microscope, in a normal manner when the ice melted, after having been congealed for 8 days at -12°. Klebs {Ztschr. f. iviss. Zool., 55, 265, 1893) observed that Euglena, in the free s^\^mming state, was not killed by repeated freezing. Trypanosoma gambiense, according to Gaylord (1908) can resist being immersed in liquid air for 20 minutes, but is killed after 40 minutes. 'r III ixniosnnifi Iciris'i was round alls'c aflcr iimnci'siou of the ciillurc in liquid aii" lor 7") minnU's, 1ml it was killed after 24 hours (aceordiiii;' to Dollein's "Leln-bncli dcr Pi-otozoeiikiuide," 3rd ed., ]). 230, Jena, 11)11). De Joiii;' (1922) reporled llie results obtained in liis lal)ora1()ry l)y Zaiidberi>eii (11)22) on Trypanosoiua as follows : Tri/jjaiiosoma Icwisi was killed at -20° in 8 minutes, at -30° in one hour and at -190° in 2 hours; Trypanosoiua equiperdum lost its motility and pathoge- nieity by a stay of 3] hours at -20°; at -39°, -65° and -145° it lost its motility but not its pathogenicity; at -191° it was still motile and pathogenic after 21 days. Trypanosoma venezuelense and bnicei behaved in the same manner at T. equiperdum. Becqiierel (1936) found living Eugleua viridls in dried soil subjected to liquid helium in a high vacuum. A general survey of the monocellulars reveals that : 1. Most of the bacteria, bacterioids, yeasts, algae of the type ChJorcUa or Stichococcus and flagellates of the type Trypanosoma, in the vegetative state and in their aqueous culture medium, are not destroyed by the lowest available temperatures acting for some hours ; 2, When the bacteria and bacterioids are affected by the temperatures of the liquid gases, the influence of the factors: species, time of exposure, concentration of the medium, and repeated con- gelation has been emphasized but is not clear; 3. The rhizopods, ciliates, and flagellates of the type Eugleua, in the vegetative state, and in an aqueous medium, do not resist more than a few degrees below zero and are usually found dead after they had been congealed; 4. All the monocellulars resist temperatures near the absolute zero in the encysted and dry state. III. GERM CELLS, SPORES AND SEEDS 1. Spermatozoa. Our knowledge of the resistance of spermatozoa to cold is gleaned mostly from scattered data obtained as secondary results in the study of other prob- 33 lems. Consequently some important details concerning the method of exposure to low temperatures are often missing. H. Weber (1936) could maintain hidl spermatozoa motile in vitro at 0° for 96 hours (Dissert., Leipzig, 1936; quoted from Ber. /. ges. Physiol., 103, 294, 1938). According to Spallanzani (1787), frog spermatozoa, frozen hard for half an hour, are able, after thawing, to initiate (^gg development, but if they are kept in the frozen state for several hours, this power is lost. The spermatozoa of Periplaneta orientalis (a cocJx- roach), and those of man are capable of surviving freezing for 10 to 11 hours, according to G. N. Pawlow (1927). Schenk (1870) reported that the spermatozoa of the frog and of the turtle, frozen at temperatures of -4° to - 7°, resumed motility after being warmed to 38° or 40°, but all attempts to fertilize eggs with these spermatozoa failed. Resumption of motility was also observed on the spermatozoa of rabbits and dogs after exposure to -6°. Prevost (C. r. Ac. Sc, 11, 907, 1840) froze excised frog testes at - 8° to - 10°, and then thawed them slowly in cold water. The water was found full of motile spermatozoa. Quatrefages (1853) made several observations on the action of cold on fish sperm. His results can be sum- marized as follows : 1. Carp's spermatozoa mixed with ice water on a microscope slide stopped their motion immedi- ately. Barbel's sperm, under the same conditions, main- tained its motility for 50 seconds. 2. Pike's spermatozoa could be observed to be motile after having been directly in contact with ice for 50 hours. In a series of experi- ments in which pieces of ice were put in a dish full of sperm or in which the sperm was stored with ice in a con- tainer devised to allow the water from the melting ice to flow out, the organisms remained motile for 64 hours. 3. Pikes, dead for 24 hours and maintained in ice, fur- nished motile spermatozoa, while dead fish kept at 13° to 15° showed less viable sperm. 4. Pike's spermatozoa left to freeze overnight either on a plate or wrapped in moist 34 paptT, or in a dish full of water, were acliN'c llic next day, after tliawiiii;'. 5. To kill Piko's sperm l)\' cold, it took a 5-li()iii- exposure of the iee-sperm mixture to a lemi)era- tiire of - 10° to - 12°. In the course of tlu'se expei-imenls it was ()])ser\'ed also that: a. coni])let('ly uiatui'e s])ei'm was less resistant than immature sperm; b. spermatozoa ag'grei»'ated in clumps resisted longer than those dispersed in water; c diluting the material was apparently more injurious than cooling it. Mantegazza {Reudir. r. Inst. Lomh., 3, 183, 1866), as quoted from Davenport (1897), reported that human spermatozoa were not killed by exposures to -17°. 2. Eggs. We shall classify the literature on eggs ac- cording to species. Gemmules of 2 kinds of sponges are said by Waltner {Arch. f. Naturgesch., 59, 257, 1893) to have resisted respectively 17 days and 59 days in ice. Essex and Magath {Am. J. Eyg., 14, 700, 1931) placed ova of the tapeworm, IJiphgltohothrium latum, in water and subjected them to a temperature of - 10° for 48 hours. This treatment killed them all. Zawadowski (1926) reports that fertilized eggs of Ascaris can withstand - 5° for 1 month, and show normal development after subsequent warming. After 14 days at - 20°, 50 per cent of the eggs degenerated ; after 2 months of exposure to - 24°, there was still a possibility of development on warming, yet the embryos finally died. An exposure of 1 j years to - 10° produced a similar degree of injury. (From Belehradek, 1935.) A wealth of data on the death temperatures of insect eggs is found scattered in the observations of the entomol- ogists of the last two centuries. Bakhmetieff (1901), Bachmetjew (1901) and Uvarov (1931) reviewed the sub- ject. "We refer the reader to these authors' works for more complete information and we mention here only a few of the more striking results. Some of them indicate a high cold resistance, others a high cold sensitivity. Spallanzani (1787) observed that the eggs of Bomhyx morl can support an air temperature of -50° for 4 hours. 35 According to Pictet (1893), the eggs of Bomhyx can be stored at - 40° ; this temperature is not only non-lethal to the eggs but it is injurious to the germs which might infect the eggs. Donhoff (1872) exposed for 5 hours Bomhyx eggs con- tained in small glass vials to the temperature of -15° to -21° of an ice-salt mixture. The eggs were then placed into little bottles tied shut with linen and the bottles put into a box which Donhoff carried on his breast by day and took to bed with him by night. After a few weeks all the eggs hatched. On the other hand, according to Pictet (1893), ant eggs are extremely sensitive to cold. They are all killed be- tween 0° and -5°. The sensitivity increases with the stage of development and some more advanced eggs died when exposed to 5° for a few hours. Bach and Pemberton (J. Agr. Res., 5, 657, 1916) found that no eggs of the Mediterranean fruit fy survived cold storage at 4.5° to 7.2° for 7 weeks, or at 0.5° to 4.5° for 3 weeks or at 0.0° to 0.5° for two weeks. (From Uvarov, 1931.) According to Hase {Ztschr. /. Parasitenli., 2, 368, 1930), an exposure of bedbug eggs for 3 to 20 days to a tempera- ture of 2° was harmful enough to prevent the hatching of a number of eggs, in which only an initial development was found to take place. According to Eahm (1920 and 1923), the eggs of the tardigrad, Echiniscus, in moist moss, survived two suc- cessive freezings of 35 minutes each at - 81° and those of another tardigrad, Maerobiotus, were not killed by a sud- den immersion, in the moist condition, in liquid air or in liquid hydrogen. Schenk (1870) exposed fertilized eggs of Rana tempo- raria to - 3° for one hour during w^hich time the jelly layer had frozen hard; he found that, after thawing, the eggs developed. Fertilized eggs exposed for one hour to - 7° showed no further development after thawing. ^Mature unfertilized eggs of Bufo cinereus, taken from the body of •AG lilt' inotlicf, and posscssiiio- a jelly layci-, were exposed to -4° I'or 1 hoiii- and ihrii arl ilicially fei-tilized and placed in favorable conditions for development. In the first hours after tliawint;-, no externally perceptible chang-es in- dicative of fertilization conld be observed, hnt 14 honrs after fertilization, the cleavage process commenced and thereafter ])roceeded at the normal rate. P^ischer-Sigwart {Vlerteljahrscli. d. Naturf, Ges. Zurich, 62, 1897) records finding- masses of frog eggs which had been frozen solid for 2 days, during which time the tem- perature sank to -8°. When the eggs were gi'adually thawed ont, they underwent a normal process of develop- ment, though this was somewhat slower than usual. Pictet (1893) says that he cooled frog eggs to -60° for several hours and that they developed into tadpoles. Several investigations are found in the older literature on the death point of bird eggs, but many authors over- looked the fact that it takes a relatively long time for the interior of the larger eggs to reach the equilibrium of temperature with the surrounding atmosphere. There thus result some apparent contradictions which partially vanish when one considers the temperature of the hath or of the atmosphere in the various experiments, the time of exposure, the size of the eggs and the other factors which determine heat conduction. A short review of some of the literature will be found in Moran (1925). We shall describe here a few of the more typical investigations on chicken eggs. Lipschiitz and Illanes (1929) reported that of 33 lien's eggs, exposed for 3 to 7 hours to an air temperature of - 4° to - 6°, 20 developed embryos or yielded chicks, these latter retaining their normal appearance throughout an observation period of several months. In another series of experiments, the temperature within the eggs was de- termined by inserting a thermometer into a hole in the egg. Temperatures of - 2.5° to - 4.5° were thus recorded. Rabaud (1899) put to freeze in an ice-salt mixture at - 18°, 30 sets of 18 eggs each. He left them in the mixture 37 for half an hour, after which time most of the shells were cracked. Some of these frozen eggs were then incubated immediately at 38°, others were kept in a cool chamber and incubated after one day, and others, finally, were kept for 3 days before being incubated. All of them, together with 6 control eggs in each set, were opened after a 3-day incubation. About one third of the eggs in each of the different series of experiments presented embryos, al- though badly deformed, while the other two thirds con- tained blastoderms extended over the yolk, but showed no embryo formation. The author concludes that freezing did not prevent cell proliferation liut tended to inhibit cell differentiation. As a thoroughly worked out investigation on the death temperatures of the chicken egg and on the time required for death at various temperatures we shall describe Mo- ran 's work (1925) . He placed 100 eggs in a constant tem- perature room at - 2.9° and 100 in another room at - 4.6°. Every few hours some eggs were taken out and tested, the power of incubation being taken as the index of vitality. In a previous determination of the velocity of cooling, made with a thermo-couple, it was found that 24 hours elapsed before the center of the egg reached - 2.9° and 30 hours before it reached -4.6°. The general results were that some eggs were still capable of developing after hav- ing been for nearly 47 hours at -4.6° and 118 hours at - 2.9°. But even above zero the power of incubation was soon destroyed. The limit of the time that the eggs could be stored at 0.7° was 10 days and at 10.4°, 34 days. In these experiments cooling and Avarming were graded and slow. Moran concludes that the germination capacity is probably destroyed immediately at -6° to -7°, while at the higher temperatures death requires increasingly longer times. It seems evident that all the eggs studied were subcooled ; the question of whether or not the chicken egg withstands congelation, is left untouched in this work. 3. Spores. Strasburger {Jena. Ztschr. f. Naturwiss., 12, 612, 1878) observed swarm spores of the algae, Haema- MS fococciis and (InhiiiKnids inoxiii.i;- alxml in i)aiiially frozen (li'ojjs of watci', anions,- the ice ci-ystals. Acrordiiii*' lo llic same aiilhor, fully fio/cii ("viillig oingofrorciie") sirann .v/^c^/tx of Uachtdlococcus, Uloth- r'lx, Ih)f]iri/(liinn and CJiilonioiuis were fonnd dead after tliawin.ii', in an experiment in which tlic 1eni])('rature of the surroundings liad not drojjped l)elow - 1°. Kjellmanu (quoted from Bof. Ztg., .7.'), 771, 1875) re- ported that some marine algae form and discharge swarm spores when the sea temperature lies between -1.5° and -1.8°. According to Wettstein {Sitztiiigsh. 'on ])atli oiiitnt epidermises mounted on thin glass slides juid lie left tiiem at the temperature of that bath for 10 minutes, 24 hours, or 3 weeks. The cell contents, observed with the microscope while they were in the liipiid gas, were con- gealed and, after thawing, coagulation could be observed. Death had always set in. Lnyet and Thoennes, in an attemi)t to test a theory according to which, in a very rapid cooling, the ])rotoplasm would vitrify, that is, solidify without crystallizing, suc- ceeded in maintaining alive onion epidermises after im- mersion in li(|uid air. The material, vitally stained with neutral red, was partially dehydrated by a rapid plas- molysis in a sodium chloride solution ; it was then im- mersed at once in liquid air and brought back into the plasmolysing agent. After this treatment, the majority of the cells held the vital stain and could be plasmolysed to a further degree or deplasmolysed. (Paper in press; Abstract presented at the Indianapolis meeting of the Am. Soc. of Plant Physiol., Dec. 1937.) Stomatal cells, which are known to be resistant to a number of injurious agents, such as heat, drought, decay, etc., have been found by several investigators to be also exceptionally resistant to cold. Molisch (1897) put leaves of different kinds {Primula, Nicotiana, CampannJa, Ilya- cinthus, Episcia, Cyclamen) in test tubes in which he had a thermometer and he immersed the tubes in cold mix- tures. After two hours, when the temperature between the leaves was - 7.5°, a plasmolysis test with 10% NaOl revealed that the stomatal cells were alive while all or almost all of the neighboring cells were killed. In Piper, treated in a similar manner, the stomatal cells were also killed at that temperature. In Maranfa, they were killed by an exposure of one hour to - 6°. In Dahlia, all the cells except those of the stomata were killed after exposure 47 to -3°, and in Pelargoniwn, after exposure to -6°. In Nicotiaua, one hour at - 12° did not kill the stomatal cells ; they died only when brought to -15° to -17°. In leaves which die by exposure to temperatures of + 2° to + 3°, the stomatal cells were also observed to be alive after the other epidermal cells had been killed. 3. Tuberous Tissue. The potato tubers, on account of the large masses of homogeneous tissue that they present, were often used in investigations on the freezing point of living material and on the effects of low temperatures. The death point has been investigated, in particular, by the following authors. Goppert (1830) reported that when the temperature in the interior of a potato (measured by inserting a ther- mometer in it) had dropped by only one degree below zero and all the sap had been converted into ice, the potato was dead after thawing and turned brown. According to Miiller-Thurgau (1886), potatoes exposed to an air temperature of -6° for a time long enough to bring the temperature in their center to - 1.5°, w^ere dead throughout after thawing. A thermometer was inserted in the middle of the potato. Death was diagnosed by the blackening and the soft consistency of the tissue. Apelt (1909) who Avas asked by his master, Mez, to test a theory on the existence of a death temperature, specific for each organism and lying below the freezing point, found that each race of potato has its own death point, although the latter can be raised or lowered by the condi- tions of the previous storage. He determined the tem- perature within the material with a thermocouple and diagnosed the vitality of the cells by the plasmolysis method, with potassium nitrate solutions containing a few drops of methylene blue. The low temperatures were produced by ice-salt mixtures. The death points regis- tered extended from -1.71° to -3.63°. They were lower than the freezing points ])y quantities varying from 0.10° to 1.17°. The "hundredth of a degree," alw^ays scrupu- lously given, and the idea of a death point determinable to 4S the lliiid (l('('iin.-il ))l;ic(' li;i\c aimiscd some lalfr iiiN'csti- Maximow (li)14) reiieatcd tlic exporiments of Apclt, also using- plasmolysis as a criterion of vilalily. He obtained the follow! iii;- i-csulls: 1. Potato tissue frozen to -2.11° (internal tenii)('ra1ui-e) had all its cells alive after thawing-; 2. The num])er of dead cells was quite consider- able after freezing to - 2.26° ; 3. The cells were practically all dead at -2.66°. The death temperatures would then lie in the neighborhood of - 2°. In other experiments, ^Maximow (11)14) showed that the velocity of freezing was a factor to be considered in the problem of death temperatures. A piece of potato, frozen to -1.82° in 13 minutes, had almost all its cells alive; another, frozen to the same temperature in 3 hours 52 minutes, had most of its cells dead. Measuring then the amount of ice formed before death occurred he came to the conclusion that a slower freezing, in the second experi- ment, had caused more water to freeze in the tissue, and that death depends, in the last analysis, on the quantity of ice formed. These results fit with the notion of the death point, according to which death is conditioned by a number of variable factors and does not take place Avithin sharply defined temperature limits. Luyet and Condon subjected to slow freezing in an air chamber potato tissue cut into cylindrical shells having a wall thickness of 2 mm. and slipped around the bulb of a thermometer; they stopped the cooling process in suc- cessive experiments, after congelation had proceeded for various lengths of time and they counted the number of living cells, using the plasmolysis test combined with a vital staining method. They found that as long as the freezing cui-ve stays at an appi'oximately constant hori- zoiilal level, in genei-al above - 2°, the cells are pi-aciically all alive even after a freezing- of 12 to 15 minutes. Death begins when the temperature drops below - 2°, and, if cool- ing is continued at the same slow rate, the death of all the cells requires about 10 moi-c minutes; Ihe temperature, 49 when all the cells are killed, is then in the neii>-lil)orhood of -5°. The lethal temperatures extend, therefore, from -2° to -5°. (Unpnhlished data; paper presented before the Indianapolis meeting- of the Bot. Soc. of America, Dec. 1937.) 4. Tissue from Leaves, Stems, Roots, etc. In this sec- tion, we shall deal with plant organs rather than with plant tissues. In some cases the investigators, in their studies of organs, have endeavored to tind which tissues were involved, but most of the time we have no such information. The agricultural and horticultural literature is rich in observations made in the open on death temperatures of leaves, buds, flowers or stems of various species of plants. Tables of observational and also of experimental data have been published. The authors of most of these tables, however, intended primarily to furnish the agriculturists with instructions easy to follow, and they do not give such factors as the time during which a plant organ can be exposed to a given degree of cold or the internal tempera- ture of the organ. Instead of quoting these survey tables, we think it, therefore, more useful for our purpose to describe some of the more significant experiments. The leaves of some plants are killed by the action of temperatures above zero. Molisch (1897) exposed the isolated leaves of Episcia to temperatures of 2.5° to 4.4°. After 24 hours, several leaves became bro^^i and spotted and after 4 days, they were all brown. The plasmolysis test revealed that the cells were dead. On another experi- ment, the leaves were put in ice water between 0° and 1°. In three hours, they exhibited brown spots and in 24 hours they were entirely brown. Miiller-Thurgau (1880), using as a death criterion the change in color that the petals of some orchids undergo during protoplasmic disintegration, put to freeze in a cooling chamber petals of Phajus graudifolius wrapped around the bulb of a thermometer. The temperature sank first to a subcooling point, then rose suddenly to the freez- ing point, stayed there for a short time and finally dropped again slowly. Tlic aiiliior observed thai llie \vlii1(' petals beeame l)lue wlicii llie Icinix'i'alui'c, in the last i)]iase of the curve, began to fall below the freezing- point. The latter was found to be - 0.8°. The same author reported that an onion hulh, exposed to an external temperature of -4° for 7 hours and hard frozen, was found alive. A thermometer previously in- serted in the middle of the onion showed that the tissue had first been subcooled to -3.1'" and that it then fi-oze for 4 hours between -0.7° and -0.95°. According to the author's idea that death takes place when most of the water content is frozen, the death temperature would lie immediately below the freezing temperature registered. Walter and Weismann (19oG), in studies on the differ- ence in the position of the freezing i)oint in living and in dead tissue, observed that in the roots of Daucus carota frozen 3 times in succession (lowest temperature reached: -1.28°) more than half of the cells were alive. The tem- perature was read on a thermometer inserted in the mate- rial, and the loss of vitality was ascertained by the stain- ability of the tissue with eosin. In another series of 6 successive freezings of the same object, the lowest tem- perature reached having been - 1.50°, a number of cells were still alive. But repeated freezing, even at tempera- tures becoming gradually higher in the successive experi- ments, resulted in an increased number of dead cells. According to Apelt (1909), the death point of potato shoots lies between -2.16° and -2.74°. (For the details of the experimentation see, above, the description of Apelt 's work on potato.) Maximow (1914) found that in the root of the red hect, where death was diagnosed by the release of the pigment, the freezing point lay at about -2°, the death point at about - 3°, while ice continued to form, after death, at lower temperatures. (The experimental procedure has been described under the heading "Tuberous Tissue.") According to Harvey (1919), leaves, petioles or stems with waxy epidermal coverings resist lower temperatures 51 than the loss protected j^lant org-ans; they can be more easily maintained in the subcooled state, the ice-inocula- tion being prevented by the epidermal coverings. Sub- cooling to 5 degrees below the freezing point was found not uncommon in these less exposed plants. The cold resistance of growing rye seedlings was investi- gated by Zacharowa (1926). She exposed them, when the rootlets were 1.5 to 2 cm. long, to various degrees of cold in a freezing chamber, and occasionally determined the internal temperature with a thermocouple. As a cri- terion of death, the change in coloration and the facility of the subsequent drying were used. The results were that: 1. An air temperature of -2.9° for several hours did not injure the roots ; 2. A similar exposure to - 2.9° to - 3.9° resulted in the death of the cortex and the root hairs ; 3. An exposure to - 5.75 for 1 hour killed the entire root except 1 to 1.5 mm. at the tip; 4. The meristem of the tip died after an exposure of 1 hour to - 7.8°, after which time the interior of the root had reached that tempera- ture ; 5. Without ice formation, exposures to - 11.1° were harmless. Similar experiments on seedlings of wheat, pea, corn and buckwheat showed a decreasing resistance in the order given, the meristematic tip of the buckwheat rootlets being killed at - 2.9°. We have mentioned above Mez' theory (1905) accord- ing to which death occurs at a minimal temperature spe- cific for each plant or plant organ. Mez contended also that congelation protects the tissue against death by re- leasing heat and delaying the further drop of tempera- ture. His disciple, Voigtlander (1909), claims to have confirmed the theory in a variety of plant tissues. The specific minimal temperatures that he obtained are in general low, some of them being about 10 degrees below the freezing point. The extreme cooling rapidity that he used in his experiments (often 10 to 15 degrees per minute at 0°) makes his results the most doubtful, since it has subsequently been shown that the time the material takes to freeze or the time that it stays at a given sub-freezing temperature is to be considered in the damage caused. .)_' Tlic al)iiii- small \alue, and finally it dropped slowly auaiii 1<> coinplcle disappearance. The "critical 1emi)erature" a1 which the sudden drop occurred was found to be between - 2 and - 10. With a thermocouple inserted in the nerve it Avas possible to observe a remark- able temperature rise coincident with the decrease in con- duct ion. Kvidently the tissue was then freezing. Upon warming, a slight conduction reappeared sometimes, either below or above the freezing ])()int; the original con- duction, however, was never reached again; and some nerves did not recover at all. When there w^as a return of conduction, it took place between - 11° and 7°. With a too sudden cooling, convulsive twitches, due to stimula- tion by cold, disturbed the experiments. In 1932, Bahrmann repeated Biihler's experiments on the same material, but he determined the electrical con- ductivity of the nerve simultaneously with the stimulus conduction at decreasing temperatures. He found that there was a gradual increase in resistance and decrease in stimulus conduction as the temperature was slowly lowered down to about -6.4° to -7°, at which tempera- ture there occurred abruptly a large rise in resistance and simultaneously an abrupt drop in stimulus conduction, followed by the absolute cessation of the latter. Thaw- ing, as judged by the change in resistance, occurred be- tween - 1.5° and 0°. Upon warming, stimulus conduction w^as never resumed below - 1.8° and often it was not re- sumed at all. As a whole, Bahrmann 's experiments would show that death or serious injury results from freezini>- after a subcooling of about 6°. Summary: 1. Most of the tissues studied in this sec- tion: plant epidermises, juicy tissue from leaves, stems or roots, embi-yonic animal tissues, ciliated epithelium, muscular tissue and apparently also nerve tissue, are 61 killed by frost at a few degrees below zero. Usnally some ice can be formed in them bnt the solidification of a larger proportion of their water becomes lethal. 2. Experi- ments on plasmolysed material seem to indicate that some tissnes can acquire an exceptionally high resistance by partial dehydration. 3. Considerable seasonal changes in cold hardiness are reported which might be due pri- marily to a natural dehydration and rehydration. 4. The tissues which can be dried withstand any low temperature. V. METAPHYTA 1. Fiingi. We have already treated the action of cold on the spores of fungi ; we shall deal here Avith the vege- tative forms. But, in most of the investigations to be summarized in this section, the authors did not attempt to exclude entirely the presence of spores from their cul- tures and in many instances the resistance attributed to the mycelium should probably be ascribed to remaining spores. When, in a research, it was evident that the ma- terial experimented upon contained spores and that the resistance observed was due to the latter, we excluded such a research from this section and treated it in the section ''Spores" even if the author did not present it under that heading. Growth of fungi at and below zero has been reported by several investigators. But, inasmuch as this phase of the problem is not directly related to death temperatures, we shall give here only a few typical instances (the next 6 paragraphs), most of which are taken from a review of the subject by Berry and Magoon (1934), to which we refer the reader for further information. Schmidt-Nielsen (1902) reported the growth of several species of Actinomyces at 0°. According to Horowitz-Wlassowa and Grinberg (1933), some fungi of the genera Mucor, PeniciUium and Clado- sporium can grow and multiply at -3°. Brooks and Hansford {Food Inv. Bd., Spec. Ept. No. 17, 1923) found that Cladosporium not only grew, but also developed fresh spores on meat at about - 7.8°. 02 According- to Smart (193;")), wlio exposed some species of Poiiciiruini* cultured on agar slants, to -8.9°, a slight growth could be observed at that temperature. Bidault {C. r. Soc. BioL, 85, 1017, 1921) observed growth in Peuicilliutn, CJadosporiinH and B(tti\i/tis l)etween 0° and -6°, and in CJtocfostijliim and llurmodoidron at -10°. Haines (1930) found that Sporotrichum carnis grew at -5° to -7°, the lower limit of growth of this fungus on supercooled Czapek's agar being near -10°. Noack (1912) studied the cold resistance of thermo- philic fungi belonging to the genera Mucor, Thennoascus, Anixia, Thermoidiinn, Thermomyces and Actinomyces. Spores suspended in hanging drops were germinated in a thermostat, and when the germinating filament had reached a length equal to \ to 10 times the diameter of the spores, the cultures were exposed for 4 clays to 5° to 6°. After this treatment, granulations could be seen in the filaments, and no further growth took place when the cultures were put back into the thermostat. Vegetative colonies of these fungi, either in fluid or on solid nutrient media were also killed after an exposure of 2 to 6 days to the temperature mentioned. In general the cold resis- tance was found to be, to a large extent, independent of the previous culture conditions, and it could not be raised by an increased concentration of the medium. Kiihne (1864) observed that when the myxomycete Aethalium sept'icum, in the active, moving state, was cooled by immersion of its container in ice water, it be- came motionless; its contours presented many amoeba- like protrusions, which, during the gradual rewarming, constricted off as shiny spheres. The rest of the myxo- mycete (apparently the uninjured central portion) re- sumed its normal activity. However, when Aethalium and Didymium were exposed to the lower temperature of a freezing ice-salt mixture, they were killed. Lindner (1915) subjected the submerged mycelia and air hyphae of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium glaucum, cultured on 3 per cent gelatin, to temperatures of - 10° to 63 - 13° for varying leiigtlis of time. After three hours of freezing, 95 per cent of the cells were killed in the sub- merged mycelia of a 24-hour-old culture, and after 12 hours all the cells were killed. Death was determined by the inability to grow, which was observed to correspond with the inability to plasmolyse. In a 48-hour-old cul- ture, 90 per cent of the cells were destroyed after 4^ hours and all were dead after 24 hours. So, the older cultures had a higher resistance. When the submerged mycelia of a 48-hour-old culture were kept subcooled at - 13° for 8 hours, only a few cells were killed ; after 24 hours of sub- cooling many of the cells were dead, but a few older cells still survived. The air liyphae showed no visible signs of injury after 4^ hours at - 11°, while, after 7^ hours at - 13°, disorganization occurred in the basal cells of the hyphae, and after 24 hours all the air hyphae were dead. According to Lindner, the duration of the exposure is an important factor in causing death. Molisch (1897) observed that Phycomyces nitens grow- ing on bread and exposed over night to a temperature which reached - 9°, presented the next day filaments which were turgescent and growing. Hyphae of the same spe- cies, mounted without water between slide and coverslip and observed under the microscope during an exposure of 8 hours to - 10° to - 12°, showed no stiffening of the cellu- lar fluids. When the temperature was lowered to - 17°, ice crystals separated from the protoplasm, disaggregat- ing the latter. Rumbold {Naturw. Ztschr. f. Forst. u. Landw., 6, 110, 1908) found that the mycelia of Coniophora and of 3Ie- ruleiis, in gelatine cultures, did not survive being hard frozen at - 6° for 12 hours, while the gemmae of Coni- ophora were not killed when kept over night in the open at about - 20°, even though their aqueous medium was hard frozen. Bartetzko (1910) subjected germinating spores, with mycelia 70 to 200 micra long, of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Botrytis and Phycomyces to low temperatures in liquid (;4 imlriciit media, in lesl liilx's. Xoiic of llic moulds were injured by a ^-liour sul)e()olini;' at -14°. AspcrfjiUus sur- vived subeoo]iiii>' for 4 days at - G° to -11°. Increased concentration of tlie medium resulted in increased cold resistance of liie suspended fuiis;i. In the frozen condi- tion, ill 1 i)er cent <>hicose solution, AspergiUus was killed after 2 hours at -12°, while in 50 per cent glucose, no injury was apparent after 2 hours at -26°. The other three fungi gave similar results, though their resistance was not (piite so high. In genei-al, the resistance of the hyphae increased with age. Bartram (1916) exposed a number of fungi, cultivated on agar slants of varying composition, to the cold of winter for 4 months during which time a minimum temperature of - 29° was reached. All the Sderotinia, Ceplialothecium, Glomerella, Ventnria, and Ascophyta survived, while Alteniaria, Cijlindrosporium, Plowriglitia and Pliifto- ph tJwra survived on some media but not on others. Sphae- ropsis and Fusarhnn were killed. According to Richter (1910), the mycelia of Aspergillus niger, cultivated in liquid nutrient media, survived a 24- hour exposure to -10° to -13°. In another series of experiments, he exposed the material to - 12° for two days, then allowed it to grow for 3 days at + 30°, there- upon exposed it to about -80° for 12 hours, again kept it at ^ 30° for 24 hours, and finally exposed it over night to -11° and let it thaw rapidly. No injurious effect of the treatment could be observed. Chodat (1896) exposed for 4 hours to temperatures of - 70° to - 110° Mucor mycelium growing on agar or on liquid medium. After thawing, the filaments seemed to be dead, but some growth originated from them later. A part of the mycelium which was entirely formed within the liquid medium, showed, after thawing, a tendency to roll into a ball as dead mycelium does, but, after a few days, new growth originated from it. ileldmaier {Zfschr. /. Bof., 22, 170, 1929) subjected the mycelia of Schizophylluui and CoUyhia, cultured on agar 65 slants in test tubes, to - 5° to - 1° for 6 weeks, or to - 78° for 7 lionrs, or to - 185° for ^ hour. The plants were not killed. Karcher (1931) cultured several genera of fungi on agar slants in narrow test tubes, and, when the colonies had spread over about j of the surface of the agar, she exposed them to varying degrees of cold. Coprinus was killed when the temperature of the agar was lowered to -40°, even when it was thereupon immediately thawed. Lepiota, Boletus, and the submerged mycelia of Phy- comyces were similarly killed by a momentary exposure to -60°. The mycelia of the following survived a 1- to 8-day action of -70° as well as a 13-hour exposure to liquid air: Collyhia, Schizophyllum, Hypholoma, Clito- cyhe, Placodes, Armillaria, Xylaria, Aspergillus (spore- bearing, and young spore-free mycelia) and Phyconiyces (mycelia with sporangia). Lipman (1937), considering that the fungi used by Karcher might have formed spores (the same objection could be raised against most of the above described in- vestigations), undertook a series of experiments in which he made sure by direct observation that the fungi experi- mented upon were in the actively growing state, that no spores were present at the moment of the treatment. Twelve species of fungi belonging to the genera, Asper- gillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Mucor, Ahsidia, Mortier- ella, Rhizoctonia, Armillaria, Trichoderma, Pythium and Fusarium, were cultivated for 24 or 48 hours on synthetic agar-media or on potato-agar. The cultures, on slants in sealed test tubes, were immersed in liquid air for 48 hours. The previous cooling and the subsequent warming were gradual. In 14 cultures out of 26, and in 8 species out of 12, Lipman observed some grow^th, either in the tubes in which the fungi were treated or after a transfer to fresh media. A Rhizopus, a Rliizocionia, an Aspergillus and an Armillaria were killed. A higher percentage survived when exposed to low temperatures at the age of 48 hours than when exposed at the age of 24 hours and the author suggests tliat some cliaiigc took plac*' in ihc protoplasm by aging. 2. Algae. According to W. West and (J. S. AVest, Spirogyra cataeniformis was in excellent vitality after having been imbedded in ice for 2 weeks while in the process of conjngation {Ann. of Bot., 12, 33, 1898). Cohn (1871) studied the vitality of Nitella syncarpa cooled on a freezing stage on the microscope. Branches of the alga were placed under a few mm. of water in a shallow glass which was exposed to -20°. A thermome- ter indicated the temperature of the water in the glass. Active protoplasmic streaming could ])e observed at 0° and slow movement could still be seen at -2°. After exposure to lower temperatures, the cells were frozen and killed, although, in 2 cases, cells taken from the ice at - 3° were alive. Repeating these experiments with Nitella branches not surrounded with water, Cohn observed the protoplasmic streaming until the air temperature near the alga registered - 2°. Ice formed in the cells between - 3° and - 4° and the protoplasts shrunk. After thawing, the cells were dead. Molisch (1897) froze tilaments of Spirogyra between slide and coverslip at - 3° to - 6° and found, after thaw- ing, disorganized chloroplasts and swollen nuclei charac- teristic of dead cells. Death was observed also in Clado- phora frozen at -8° in the same conditions, and in Der- besia and Codium frozen at - 11°. Klemm (1895), using the method that we described above under the heading ''Hair Cells," observed that CJiara sprouts and Spirogyra filaments were killed after an exposure of 15 minutes to - 13°, while protoplasmic streaming could be resumed after exposures to higher temperatures (-6°) or for shorter times and was only slowed after a cooling to -2°. Kylin (1917) experimented on the effects of freezing on sea algae. The material, immersed in sea water, Avas cooled successively to the temperatures of -2.9°, -4.0°, -5.7°, -7.8°, -10.7°, -16.8°, and -18° to -20° and the 67 time necessary to kill the algae at any of these tempera- tures noted. As a sign of death, he used the changing color exhibited by the brown and the red algae and the loss of the plasmolysing power for the green algae. He found that these plants were never killed by low tempera- ture in the subcooled condition, the pigment not being re- leased when ice was not formed. The death tempera- tures and the corresponding lethal times of exposure were as follows: TraiUiella, -2.8°, 3 hours; Delesseria and Laurencia, -4°, 10 hours; Laminaria (1 year old) -5.7°, 6 hours; Cerammm, -5.7°, 10 hours; Laminaria (several years old) -16.8°, 3 hours; Chondrus, -16.8°, 10 hours; CladopJiora, - 18° to - 20°, 3 hours ; PylaieUa, - 10° to - 20°, 10 hours; other species such as Nemalion, PorpJiyra, Fucus, Enteromorpha were alive after 10 hours at - 18° to -20°. Kylin obtained thus a surprisingly large differ- ence in the death temperatures of the various kinds of algae. According to Karcher (1931), Pediastrum and Hor- midium cultivated on agar slants in glass tubes, and im- mersed for 5 hours in a freezing mixture at - 70°, were not killed. Becquerel (1936) investigated the vitality of dried algae subjected to the temperatures of liquid gases. He took samples of soils containing various algae and gradu- ally dried them in a vacuum with barium oxide, at 35°, for 3 months. He then placed a portion of the soils in glass tubes closed with cotton plugs and sealed another portion in tubes evacuated to 10' mm. of mercury. Thereupon he subjected all of them to liquid helium (- 269° to - 271°) for 71 hours, and to liquid nitrogen for 480 hours. Both groups of soils yielded living Oscilla- toria, Glaeotila, Hormidium, Siphonema and Pediastrum. According to the same author (1932b), the filamentous alga Tribonema elegans, thoroughly dried on a piece of bark, kept in a high vacuum for 22 years and exposed for several hours to temperatures from 4° to 1.84° K., grew after that treatment. (IS 3. Lichens. Tlic lidiciis arc known lo be plants wliieli, in the natnral condilions, arc anion*;- the most resistant to low toni])t'ratnr('s. Tiicy flonrish in the northern climates and on the hii;h monnlains in the proximity of the glaeiers. Jnmolle (181)0 and 1S!)2) attributed the high cold re- sistance of the lichens to their ability to lose water at the onset of the cold season. In confirmation of his views, he gives the fact that the ratio between the fresh wxMght and the dry weight of Phi/scia and Parmelia, collected during the winter, was found to be as low^ as 1.10 to 1.14; also that lichens of the same kind, soaked in water, absorbed an amount of moisture equivalent to 3^ times their weight. But determinations by the same author of the quantity of oxygen and of carbon utilized by lichens previously soaked in w^ater and then frozen resulted in the conclusion that respiration was still active after 8 hours at - 8°, and photosynthesis after several hours at -30° and -40°. The author attributes this activity to the presence of free water, not yet frozen at these temperatures. If a high water content does not increase the injurious effect of freezing, as the second part of Jumelle's work seems to show^, one can hardly see hoW' a natural dehydration could explain the high cold resistance, as it is assumed in the first part. According- to Becquerel (1932d), lichens of the genera Parmelia, Xanthoria and Cladonia, desiccated in the air and exposed for 18 days in liquid nitrogen, became green again when brought back to favorable conditions, their gonidia resumed grow^th, 4. Mosses. Irmscher (1912) studied the cold resistance of about 34 species of mosses belonging to 27 genera. The gametophytes, freshly gathered, were put into tubes 1.5 cm. in diameter, and the tubes immersed for 18 hours in an ice-salt freezing mixture at - 5°, - 10°, - 15°, - 20°, and -30°. Two i)ai'allel series of experiments were carried on, one in which the material was in air, the other in which it was in water. The leaf cells were then tested for 69 their vitality by plasmolysis. It was found that : 1. A stay of 18 hours at temperatures down to - 10° caused no es- sential injury; 2. At -15°, a considerable number of cells in most of the species, and almost all in some species, were destroyed; 3. At -20°, all the leaf cells of most of the species were killed; 4. At -30°, they were all killed. The apical cells and the cells of the dormant buds were more resistant than the rest of the plant. The setae and the protonemata did not differ essentially from the other organs in their cold resistance. Gametophytes, previously dried for 3 days in air at 20°, then made fully turgescent again by immersion in water, and thereafter frozen, showed a higher frost resistance than specimens not pre- viously so treated. Repeated freezing at -10° to -15° was found to increase the number of dead cells so as to become equivalent to a single freezing at -15° to -20°. Between the plants frozen in water and those frozen in air there was no signiticant difference. Becquerel (1932d) obtained some traces of growth in the moss Hypnum, desiccated in the air and immersed for 18 days in liquid nitrogen. He thinks that cells of the stem must be particularly resistant. 5. Higher Plants. The isolated organs or tissues of higher plants, (in contrast to those of higher animals), are capable of independent life. Consequently, almost all the studies on death temperatures in plants are concerned with the death of organs or tissues (while in animals it is the organismal death which is considered primarily). Since we have treated the tissues and organs previously, little remains to be added here. As stated above, most of the plant tissues are killed at a temperature slightly below^ the freezing point of their sap. But, since given tissues may have various freezing points, depending on their water content, their structure, their age, etc., they die at different temperatures; and since their death influences the death of the whole plant, the lethal temperature of the latter will vary to a great extent and hardly any precise statement concerning it can be made. Of pai-ticular interest ai'e the i)lauts reported to die at temperatures above zero. Molisch (1897), among others, investigated their behavior. We refer the reader to tliis aiillior's cliarts for details eoneeriiiiig tlie comparative cold sensitivity of these phiuts. Most of them are from tro])ieal countries and adajitation is tliouglit to play a role in inducing sensitivity. As to the mechanism of death by chilling, the commonly accepted view is that of a dis- turbed balance between the various metabolic functions, mostly trans])iration and al)soi-])tion of water by tlie roots, the temperature coet!icient of these functions being different. Another group of higher plants of special interest for their cold resistance is that of some conifers. The trees of the Siberian forests {Larix sibirica in particular) are often mentioned in the literature as typical in that re- spect. Xot only do they withstand exposures of several months to -30° or -40°, but they thrive in climates in which such low temperatures are not uncommon. This re- sistance can evidently not be attributed to any insulating- layer, there is no known substance which would possess the low heat conductivity required to protect the cambium of these plants against the external temperature for that length of time. Such cold hardiness is generally ascribed to the nature of the colloidal cell contents and to the ability of the protoplasm to undergo seasonal clianges in its com- position and concentration. But the fundamental mecha- nism of this phenomenon is still little known. Summary: 1. Most of the fungi and algae are killed when exposed to temperatures of - 10° to - 15°. 2. It seems definitely established, however, that some fungi, in tlie actively growing stage, can withstand the tempera- tures of the li(piid gases, although they sliow less resis- tance than the monocellulars to these temperatures. 3. The algae which, like the Hormidimn, are more closely related to the monocellular forms, also resist very low temperatures. 4. The large majority of the higher plants 71 are killed when frozen at a few degrees below zero ; some, however, resist - 30° or - 40° ; some others are killed by cold at temperatures above zero. VI. METAZOA In the sections of this chapter in which the investiga- tions are more closely coordinated toward the solution of some fundamental problems, we shall follow the chrono- logical order so as to show in a clearer manner the his- torical development of these problems. 1. Coelenterates. Payne (1930) investigated the action of repeated freezings on the coelenterates, Mnemiopsis leidyi and Pennaria tiarella. She states that 3 successive freezings and tha wings "break the colloid structure" of Mnemiopsis, its constituent parts "going into solution," and that the animal "disappears," the disappearance being sudden and definite. For Pennaria, freezing 5 to 7 times, or maintaining the temperature at - 10°, produced the same effect. As described, this process, we think, is unique in the literature. 2. Helminthes. Oliver {Lancet, p. 357, 1910-1) re- ported that larvae of the JwoJi-worm recovered after hav- ing been frozen solid in water and thawed slowly. Kjava {Finska Laek. HandL, 55, 101, 1913) showed that plerocercoids of DipliyUohothrium latum were killed when kept for 48 hours at - 9°. According to Magath and Essex {J. Prev. Med., 5, 239, 1931), all the larvae of Diphyllohothrium latum in 10 heavily infected fish {Stizostidion vitreum) were killed when the fish were exposed to -15° for 24 hours. Ten larvae that had been kept in fish at - 10° for 88, 40, and 16 hours respectively were fed to each of 3 dogs ; no worms developed. Schmidt, Ponomarer and Savellier (1915) studied the resistance of encysted Trichina to cold. They found that a temperature of 0° for 11 days does not affect this para- site, that it can also support -6° for 10 days, that -9° is sometimes but not always fatal, and that -15° to -16° is always lethal. The Ilelminthos, Monlezia, Ostertagia, Nematodinis and TricJiostrojipifhis, wore reported ])y Griffiths (19.'37) to resist the coUl ol' a Canadian winter in wliich the tem- perature reached -26°, and to l)e eapal)k', llie next spring, of infecting- the grazing sheep. Augustine (1932) subjected to freezing f rich i nous meat that he fed to experimental animals on which he studied the subsequent infection. The temperature within the meat was recorded with tliermocouples. lie found con- siderable infection after exposure of the meat to - 21°, less after exposure to - 27.6° to - 30.9°, and none after the action of a temperature of - 33.7°. Rahm (1920, 1921, and 1923) observed that the newa- todes, Pled us, Tylenchus and Dorijlaiunis, in the dry state, could be cooled without injury to tlie lowest available temperatures (boiling helium), and that in the moist state, they resisted a slow cooling to the temperature of liquid hydrogen. The author did not mention the revival of any nematode after a rapid cooling to the latter temperature. The dried worms, heated to 136° or to 151° and then cooled abruptly to - 190° or to - 81°, died; they supported a heat- ing to 50° followed by a sudden immersion in liquid air. 3. Rotifers. The last-mentioned author {loc. cit.) ex- posed to - 80° for 17 hours specimens of moss with their natural fauna which consisted, among other organisms, of rotifers belonging to the genera Callidina and Adi- neta. The material, air-dried for periods extending from 18 days to 14 months, was immersed directly in a bath of ether and solid carbon dioxide. All the organisms sur- vived and resumed motion when remoistened. In other experiments, the temperature of liquid air for ^, 5!, 25, 26 or 125 hours, that of liquid hydrogen for 26 hours, or that of liquid helium (- 269 to - 271.88°) for 7^ hours was found harmless to the dried animals. A previous desic- cation of 3 months and a stay of a week in a vacuum of 1 10 mm. of mercury did not change their cold resistance. While the ])receding observations of Rahm are in good fitting witli tliose made by other investigators on dried material, llie results that he reports on moist rotifers are probably not paralleled in the literature. When the dried animals had resumed their motion after immersion in water, they were frozen either slowly, by steps, to - 81°, to - 190° and to - 253°, or rapidly by sudden immersion in liquid air and in liquid hydrogen. After having stayed 2 days and 1 day respectively in the two last-mentioned liquids, they could be revived, although the rapid refrig- eration seemed to have lengthened the duration of the recovery and to have been somewhat more harmful to some individuals than w^as the gradual cooling. The author remarks that possibly some organisms, counted as survivors, may have been hatched after the exposure to low temperature. This would, of course, modify the problem entirely. In another series of experiments, Rahm succeeded in maintaining alive some of the above-mentioned rotifers after they had been thoroughly dried in air for a month, then immersed in liquid air for 5 hours and finally heated in an oven to 140° to 151° for 15 minutes. Heating the dry organisms first and cooling them afterwards gave the same results. Becquerel (1936) found the rotifers. Ad met a gracilis. Rotifer vulgaris, and Calliftiiia a)igiisticoUis, alive in sam- ples of soil previously dried in a vacuum for 3 months and exposed to liquid helium for 7| hours and to liquid nitro- gen for 480 hours, either in cotton-plugged glass tubes or in highly evacuated sealed tubes. 4. Anuelids. According to Doenhoff (1872), leeches, exposed for 1 hour to a temperature of -1.5°, survived though they had been frozen so stiff that they could be bent only with difficulty. These animals, when cut with scissors, exhibited a cross section whitish with ice. Simi- larly, leeches exposed for 3 hours to -1.5° revived, but could no longer crawl and died after a few days. Leeches, subjected for a few minutes to - 6.25°, died. According to Schmidt and Stchepkina (1917), earth- ivorms could be revived after an exposure of 8 hours to 74 0° without coii^c'latioii, or an exposure of 2 to 3 liours to - 1.2° ill the eoiigealed state; they were killed after having l)('('ii frozen at -2° for 2 hours. The authors, who are interested in the study of the anabiotic state, consider the temperature range from 0° to -2° as the favora])le one for that pur})ose. They reported also the somewhat sur- prising fact that dried worms, that is, worms in which 30 to 40 per cent of the normal water-content was removed, were killed when the temperature was lowered below - 1.2°, though drying alone did not affect their vitality. (The normal water-eoiilent was 82.8 per cent of the body weight.) 5. Mollusl's. Koedel (1886), who exposed to low tem- peratures land or water snails, either in the air or in water, by immersing into freezing mixtures glass tubes containing the animals, reported that PJauorhis and Lim- }iaeus were killed in times varying from 15 minutes to 5 hours at air temperatures from -8° to -4°, the younger and smaller animals offering less resistance, and that Heli.r pomaiia was killed in 10 hours at -10°. None of the mollusks investigated ever survived a complete freez- ing. In the unfrozen state, in ice-water at 0°, Limnaeus could be kept alive for days. It would follow from these data that congelation is the main lethal factor. According to Yung (1888), (cf. also Pictet, 1893) the snail, Helix pomatia, survived after having been for 20 hours at an air temperature of -130° in Pictet 's refrig- erating ''well" {pu'its frigorifique). This surprising re- sult is always described in the literature among the several achievements on reviviscence reported by Pictet. Fischer (1930) found that Helix pomatia, kept for 8 hours at an air temperature of -5°, survived, while at temperatures of -6°, -7° and -10° they always died in less than 5 hours, in spite of all precautions for slow thaw- ing. According to him, the air temperatures favorable for hibernation are between 0° and - 5°. Kapterev (1936) asserts that he "often succeeded in reviving mollusks (Planorhis) that had been frozen in the to ice." Judging' l)y the Ihiekness of the ice from which the animals were taken and from tlie climate of the country (Far Eastern Russia) he thinks that tliese organisms must have been subjected to - 20^. Weigmami (19;>6) attempted to determine the body temperature of snails, and of Helix pomatia in particular, during death by cold. For that purpose he used a thermo- couple inserted through the shell. The surrounding air temperature was lowered slowly to a minimum where it stayed for several hours. He found that when the snails, with or without operculum, were frozen and when their body temperature dropped to -3° to -4°, they were al- ways killed. Whether they were also killed at higher temperatures (between - 2° and - 3°) when ice was formed in them, w^e cannot ascertain from Weigmann's paper. He states, p. 310, that none of the species examined with- stood freezing ("ein Einfrieren iibersteht also keine der untersuchten Arten") and, p. 306, that some animals sur- vived freezing at -2° (''ein Einfrieren bis auf -2° iiber- leben"). Besides, a freezing curve is given (fig. 1) for an individual which is reported to have survived (table 1). As to the difference between operculated and non-opercu- lated animals, Weigmann observed that the former could resist for 4 to 5 hours air temperatures down to - 6°, while the latter were killed in 4^ hours at - 4°. The water snails Limnaea and BytJiinia are given as having a higher lethal temperature than the land snails, namely, - 1.5°. 6. Arthropods. The action of low temperature on arthropods has been the object of a very large number of observations and of investigations. Several reviews have been published, of which we shall mention two : that of Bachmetjew (1901 and 1907), and that of Uvarov (1901). The reader will find in the former a detailed his- tory and compilation of the older works, and in the latter a short compendium of the more important modern contributions. Although the larvae and the adult arthropoda present a widely different cold resistance, we shall treat them together. Hi As far l)ack as 1742, Kraininii', in liis famous "Momoii-cs pour sei'vir a I'liistoire iiaturellc dcs insect es," described experiments whicli confirmed tlic i)opular opinion that insect larvae can be frozen ]ia)-(l willioul Ix'ini;- killed. He froze caterpillars at -8.8° and icNixcd llieni. It is of in- terest to notice that the method wliicli was nsed by most of the investigators of low temperatnre effects and which consists in putting the organisms into a glass tube and immersing the latter into a mixture of ice and salt, was tlie one used by this pioneer two centuries ago. Kf'aumnr was ])ro])al)ly also tlie tirst to remark that some juices, in the caterpillars, do not freeze at the freezing point of most of the body lluids, he thought that they must congeal at a lower temperature wiiich would be the death point. This idea has been developed and studied experimentally dur- ing the last 30 years. From the middle of the eighteenth to the end of the nineteenth century, the revival of hard frozen insects and mostly of larvae has been asserted by a legion of natural- ists. From a review of the literature of that period one gains the impression that it was the most generally ac- cepted view. However, there were divergent statements. To explain the differences reported, one generally had recourse to specificity. In the review lists we find silk- worms, chrysalids, caterpillars, grasshoppers, mosquitoes, bedbugs, scolopendrae, etc., among the animals reported to have survived hard freezing, while ants, aphides, bnt- tertiies, house flies, and particularly bees are perhaps more often quoted among the sensitive insects. Bees have been reported by many to die at a temperature of a few degrees above zero (cf. Bakhmetieff, 1901). But what role is played in cold resistance by specificity or by the stage of development, the age, the season, adaptation, and by other similar factors, has by no means been eluci- dated in older works. The improved methods and the more systematic studies of the last 50 years or so have l)rought some light on the action of a few of the above- mentioned factors. Doeiihoir (1S72) placed hees, spiders and tucat flies on the frozen ground, covered them with a wire cage, and exposed them thus for 5 hours to a temperature of - 1.5°, as indicated by a thermometer laid on the ground. The bees were killed by this treatment, but the spiders and flies soon recovered. It took an 8-hour exposure to - 2° to - 3° under similar conditions to kill the spiders, while the flies survived even a 12-hour exposure to -3.75° to -6.25°. The flies were then put into a small glass, 1^ inches long and ^l inch wide and so immersed into an ice-salt mixture at -3.5° to -6.5° for 4 hours. They survived this treat- ment also. Finally, they were killed by a 3-liour exposure to -6° to -10°. Plateau (1872) studied the cold resistance of aquatic arthropod a. They were placed in glass tubes containing a few cc. of water and a thermometer, and the whole was immersed in a cooling mixture. The animals were little by little surrounded by ice, and finally caught in it. Plateau measured the time during which they were caught in the ice and recorded their survival after thawing. He gives the following figures as the longest periods sup- ported in ice : 10 to 30 minutes for 3 coleoptera, 2 to 10 minutes for 2 liemiptera, 20 to 30 minutes for the larva of a neuropteron, 2 minutes for the larva of an ortJiop- terou, 10 minutes for the crustacean, Asellus, 1^ minutes for Daphuia and 1 minute for Cyclops. In experiments conducted in sugar solutions which froze at -2°, Asellus always died in less than a minute after it was caught in the ice, but it did not die at - 2° when no ice was present. For Plateau it is evident, that the aquatic insects die at the temperatures at which ice forms in the fluid medium around them. Roedel (1886) made experimental determinations of the death temperature of some arthropoda with an apparatus consisting of 2 concentric tubes, of which the external one contained a freezing mixture and the internal one the experimental animals, each tube being provided ^^dth a thermometer. For slow cooling, he used the principle of 78 llio lowcriiii'- of tcraporaturo prodnccd l)v tlio evaporation of waliT at llie fi'oe surf ace of a ])or()ns tube immersed in iee water, lie (>l)serve(l: 1. Tliat r ]ar abiliTy to^e^..- . - - v.m the dry -• . ; . ..„ . . ..>.-: ..... action of the lowest teinp»era tares when dried, the tardi grades deserve to be mentioned in a separate seotion. Tbe t; . ' ^ and Mii- m^c^ivm. t ..-_.: . _ _ . . „_d 1923 ) to the drying and cooling treatments that he used for rotifers (see aboreL In the dry state, all these tardigrades snr- vived a cooling down to abont 1' K: when moist, they resisted a slow cooling to the t«n|>eratQre of liquid hydro- g&L. and >ome Ma^robiotms likewise supported a rapid cooling to that temperature. Moreover, the dried tardi- grades eonld withstand a sndden et»oling in liqnid air fol- lowed by abrapt heating to 14fJ' to 151'. Bee*^nerel <1996) isolated the tardigrade, Macrobioins Hvjtl^jK'^i. froan dried soils s"^ - for 71 honrs to t«nj»eratiires of — 269* to — 271 . ^ . : the details of the experiment, see above, nnder the heading Botifers.) 7. Amphibia amd Btptile?. That frogs and toads can be revived -o'- _ " - i-n hard is a popular stalefmex.* f: :. l. Many observations and experiments are reported in the older biological lit- erature which simply c-oirfinn this popular idea. Frogs ortc»: " f " - _•: " ■ * --^ -^ i-^ ^md. or maintained in Wi; . they l:>eeome inert and risid- are described as resuming activity when warmed iipu 7 - " " these rexx»rts we tried the experi- n^^' - .... j:. ^-, wrapped in several layers of cl :h- were pnt for S minntes into cavities dug in solid earbon dioxide. The ^T^imalg became hard and rigid like dead bc«"' " r. T:«eiiig re^ ". they regained movement ai. -. t. _:j. As we - by the follow- ing review, two important ste}>s were taken toward the mjderstanding of the apparently high cold resistanc-e of |,, — — -_--,-- _-. ^ ... -^ - ---;2:ators realized that a r- . e a complete freezing, "i.-n they began to determine the internal temp>era- ture of the animaLs during cooling. The time necessary 83 for the temperature eqnilibTnini to be establiidied. betweei the body of an animaT of the size of a fro^ and its oivi- romnent. was f onnd to be nraeh longer than previoiLsly '' .':' The body tempera*"" — ~^IL be above tise : , ■ point when the anJTna . - : r a long trme at an air tem.perature of several degrees beio^ar zero. Be- sides, during congelation^ the tem.peTatiire stays for a snrprisingiy long time in the n ' . ' ' —' - - - - Himter. abont a century ag - ' -^ in- ternal teniperature of frog? diirfng freeing expenments and gave — 0.6' as the lowest point to which they •e subjected without fatal results. Mnller (1S72> investigated the effects of freezing on the frog as follow?. He placed brown grass frogs in a bottle almost iilled with water ai- - - ' the cold. The frogs were kept :-_-.-_ __ __;_-- -i the water with a stick, till solidification tcK:»fc place. There- upon the bottle was kept for a further 6 hours at an air tempera trire of —6" to — S.7'. The frogs rec:~-~ - " - after rapid and after slow iiiawing. Ji. '•! -r water in the neck of the bottle froize brfore that in the lower portion, the bottle burst and the frog was kxHeiiL even though it !: ' ^ '" " ~ "~ ^ — - '"' ^ in the rigid state. The auTl ~ - -r. the animal has been injured internally by the aicticm of the pi-essure developed by the ice. Koch dS-' ^-~ -- - - -- -■---t the ^;_t _ ^ :^s Miiller. H- _ ^ i? 400 ce. beakers filled with water and exposed xhem. thms to air temperatures of — -t". —10' and —15". ^'~ e water was frozen, a hole was drilled through the -. -. .^d a thermometer inserted to measure the ice temperature. The frogs were killed by a 6-hour stay in iee at —6^. In :• "' series of expe:-" - -- "t :_ .....::ion of water. ^-; ,.._ r .._.. .. - _- :. _r temperature of —4". They at first became very excited and active, but. after one hour, even the most resistant ones fell p~ - ' ' -' hard: sueh frogs could never S4 Kiiaiitlio (181)1) reported that frogs, laid on ice or inil)edded in snow, mud, oi- moisi moss, became I'igid after 12 houi's at -1° to -5°. Animals, treated in tliis manner and kept aflcrwards for several days at temperatures between -0.2 and ()..')", reco\'ered completely on iliaw- ing-, even tlioui^h, in the frozen state, tlieir heart had ceased to beat and circulation had, to all appearances, stopped. In niiol her <>roup of experiments, frogs (Ranidae mid Ilijlidac) and toads {Bomhinatorldae and Biifonidae) were frozen so stiff that their extremities could no longer be extended, but not so hard that they could be broken, and were left in this condition for several hours at -0.5°. When they were thawed, only 10 to 157^ of the frogs, and about 507f of the toads survived. None of the animals could withstand a further congelation nor a repeated freezing. Frogs and toads, frozen completely in water, were always killed. (What is meant by ''completely" is not clear.) According to Pictet (1893), frogs could be revived after having been frozen hard and brought to a temperature of -28°. To kill them, it required an exposure to -SO"" to - 35°. The lack of information concerning the body temperature of the frogs and the time the animals stayed at that temperature deprives Pictet 's so often-quoted observations of most of their value. Kodis (1898) who investigated, among other subjects, the effects of a considerable subcooling on vitality, re- ported that whole frogs, with a thermocouple inserted into the thigh, sutfered no injury when subcooled to - 10°. Isolated frog muscles could be subcooled to - 18°. Maurel and Lagriffe (1900) called attention to the rigidity gradually acquired l)y frogs subjected to tem- peratures above zero. They observed that the animals, cooled slowly, were not capable of resuming their posi- tion when set on their back, when their buccal tempera- ture was 8° ; that they showed a complete absence of re- flexes at 4°; and that they became rigid when tlu^y were caught in ice, the buccal temperature (not actually mea- 85 sLirc'd) being near zero. They could be revived after this treatment, l)nt not if the temperature was 2 or 3 degrees lower. According- to Harris (1910), pithed frogs, whose vis- ceral temperature was maintained at 0.0° for 1 hour, sur- vived; one frog died after having sustained for 100 min- utes a visceral temperature of -2.1°. As to the external temperatures supported, Harris summarizes his results by saying that a frog weighing 10 to 12 grams could probably withstand 1 hour but not 2, in water at -10°. He states also that frogs which die after freezing experi- ments, contain some subcutaneous or perivisceral ice, those which survive do not. The most extensive investigation on the resistance of frogs to low temperatures is probably that of Cameron and Brownlee (1913). They inserted the bulb of a ther- mometer and, in some experiments, a thermocouple into the stomach of the animals, and exposed them to a con- stant low temperature in the air. They found that frogs, the stomach of which showed - 0.5° for 8 hours, or - 0.5° to - 1.0° for 1 hour, recovered, while those cooled to - 1.5° to - 1.8° for 2 hours or to - 2° to - 2.4° for U hours, died. The authors conclude from these experiments that - 1.8° is the lowest non-lethal internal temperature which can be maintained for a short time. The authors then deter- mined the freezing temperature of the body of the frog as a whole and found it to be - 0.4-1:°. The freezing tem- perature being - 0.44° and the lethal temperature - 1.8°, it evidently follows that ice can be formed in the frog without killing it. Concerning the external air tempera- tures supported, the authors found that occasionally -25° could be withstood for 1 hour ; which shows how slowly heat is withdrawn from the animal tissues by the sur- rounding air. According to Kalabuchov (1934), the toarl, Bufn hufo, could not be subcooled below - 0.9° to - 1.0°. When frozen without subcooling, it survived an exposure to sub-zero temperatures for 20 to 145 minutes during which time its 8() l)oily temporal ni"o rcaclicd a minimum of -0.5° to -0.15°. Throe out of four toads were killed after a ir)5-.']02 min- utes' exposure, the minimum body tompeialure having 1)0011-0.(55° to -5.75°. The same author found that, in IS out of 22 experiments, llio tortoise, Tcstudo iiorspchli, could be subcooled to -2.6° to -5.3° and revived. If, however, ice-formation sot ill after subcooling, the organisms were killed in a few minutes, even though their body temperature had not dropped below - O..")" to -1.4°. When the tortoises were frozen without })rovi()us subcooling, they survived rela- tively long exposures, during which the minimal body toniiK'raturo reached was -0.5° to -0.7°. No completely frozen animal could ever be revived. Jecklin (1935) who investigated the cold resistance of Salamandra maculosa reported tliat, when the tempera- ture was lowered slowly, the animals could, without injury, be subcooled to -1.7° or -2.2°; they could likewise with- stand for a short time a cooling to -5.2°, even when they had solidified; a temperature of -3.5°, with complete rigidity, was supported for 70 minutes. The freezing point of the blood was found to vary between - 0.5° and -1.7°. 8. Fishes. The numerous reports, some of them rather startling, about the revival of hard frozen fishes, would make one think that the popular term *'fish stories " might well have originated there. Indeed \vlien the possibility of reviving hard frozen fish is mentioned to fishermen, it sometimes "reminds" them that they actually saw it themselves. Turner (1886) saw fishes revive in quite extraordinary circumstances. He reports that the Alas- kan black fish, Dallia pect oralis, kept frozen in grass baskets for weeks, not only is fully alive on thawing, but that "the pieces thrown to ravenous dogs are eagerly sw^allowed; the animal heat of the dog's stomach thaws the fish out, wheroui)()ii the movements soon cause the dog to vomit it up alive." (Quoted from Borodin, 1934.) 87 As we sliall see, the results of the investigators diverged widely on this very point of revival after hard freezing, nntil good determinations of the body temperature of fishes experimented upon were made. Pouchet (1866) exposed to varions low temperatures gold fishes, small s tickle-hacks, and eels contained in tubes full of water, that he immersed in freezing mixtures. He found that the eels were killed in 1 hour at - 14°, the gold fishes in 2 hours at -19°, but that stickle-hacks, the body of which was only half congealed after 2 hours at - 19°, survived. He emphasizes that he never observed the revival of a completely frozen fish, and that when the animals were entirely caught in the ice they were dead. He could observe some revived fishes carrying pieces of ice attached to their body but the latter had been only partially caught in the ice. According to Knauthe (1891), fishes of the genera Cyprinns, Carpio, Carassius, Rhodeus and Misgurnus, laid on ice and covered with snow or ice w^ater, can be maintained alive if the surrounding temperature never drops below -4°, and if the animals do not stay in the rigid condition for more than one hour. Pictet (1893) says he could revive gold fishes and tenches which had been left for 24 hours in water at 0° and were then cooled slowly to - 8° to - 15°, at which tem- perature they were brittle. He obtained no revival after a cooling to -20°. Pictet 's experiments, which confirmed the popular opinion of the reviviscence of "hard frozen" fishes, have been generally considered as demonstrative by the biologists until more recent determinations have brought into evidence the fact that the body temperature in fishes is often above the bath temperature for a time much longer than it was generally thought. The action of cold alone, ^^'ithout congelation, on fishes was investigated by Regnard (1895). Carps, accus- tomed to water containing 2.5% magnesium sulphate, were cooled slowly in this medium. Cooling was achieved by immersing the container in a refrigeration bath. Reg- 88 iiard obscrvc'd tliat when tlio tcmperatui'c of the mai»'- lU'siiini water canic to 0°, tlie Hshes bccanu' little by little iiiHiiotilc; when it rcaehcd -2° and -3°, the complete cessation of motion gave the animals a dead appearance. However, they were not rigid bnt ** perfectly supple." On rewarming, they resumed motion and soon behaved normally. Britton (1924) made a somewhat extensive study on the resistance of the skate, sculpiii, sea raven, flounder, eelpouf, cod, foiicod and pollack to sub-zero temperatures. The fishes were immersed in refrigerated tanks containing sea watei-. The effects of cold, as exemplified in the case of the sea raven, were in general, as follows. After an exposure of 30 minutes to - 1.9°, the rectal temperature w^as around - 1° ; the body then became rigid (not by con- gelation but by some cold rigor ; the freezing point of sea water being -1.6°), the respiratory movements, the jaw and tin reflexes and finally the heart-beat ceased. When re warmed, most of these fishes were dead. The lethal body temperature was, then, that produced by an immer- sion of the fish from 20 to 60 minutes in a bath at -1.9°. At higher sub-zero temperatures, the fishes were also usually killed, although after a longer time. Slow and gradual cooling gave the same final result as rapid cool- ing by abrupt immersion. The elasmobranchs were more resistant. Kalabuchov (1934) reported that the carp could not be subcooled to temperatures below - 5°. When frozen with- out subcooling, the fishes survived minimum body tem- peratures of -0.2° to -0.5°; they were killed when the latter dropped to -2° to -4.9°. Completely frozen fishes could never be revived. Borodin (1934) studied the effects of low temperature on some 10 different kinds of fishes including, among oth- ers, the mummkliog, eel, gold fish, young carp, perch, and mild-minnow. The low temperatures were produced by a Westinghouse household refrigerator within the freezing chambers of which the temperature could be kept constant 89 to within |°. The fishes were put either directly into the aluminum ice trays lined with cellophane to prevent ad- hesion durino- freezing, or into a paraffined card-board box. The ])ody temi)erature of the experimental animal was ascertained by means of a needle thermocouple in- serted into the muscles of the back of the fish behind the dorsal fin. The various species were found to differ in frost resistance; huUhead, 6 to 7 inches long, recovered after f hour at a chamber temperature of - 18°, while killifish, 4 to 6 inches long, survived 1 hour at -14° to - 15°, these being the hardiest of the species used. In general, the larger fishes of a species supported freezing more easily than the smaller ones. Moreover, a rapid freezing at a somewhat lower temperature proved less fatal than a prolonged freezing at a higher temperature ; thus, fishes frozen for 5 to | hour at - 14° to - 15° recov- ered in most cases, while those frozen for f to 1 hour at - 10° to - 12° generally did not revive. None of the fishes could withstand a temperature below - 18° for more than 25 to 30 minutes. Death occurred when the body tem- perature of the fishes dropped below -0.6° to -1° which required 25 to 45 or more minutes depending on the tem- perature of the chamber and the size of the fish. The author concludes that the death point probably lies near the point at which the body fluids freeze. In a few rare cases, fishes with muscles, blood vessels and intestine frozen hard, but with the heart not yet frozen throughout, recovered wdien thawed. It is thought that only when the heart is hard frozen and kept so for some time, does the fish die. The author distinguishes between fishes that are ' * soft frozen, ' ' that is, stiff and apparently dead, but with the body fluids still liquid as is evidenced by the bleeding when they are dissected, and fishes that are ''hard frozen," that is, "frozen through as hard as stone." The former recover rapidly and evince no ill effects of the frost, while the latter, in most instances, do not regain their vitality, or, if they should perchance survive, exhibit marked injuries. DO Weigmaim (15).")()) stiulied dcatli Icnipcratures in stickle- backs cooled slowly in water. Ho inserted a thormoconplc into the body of a few specimens and showed that wiien the temperatnre of the water was lowered, that of the animal followed closely (how closely depends, of course, on the cooling velocity and the size of the animal). As to the death tem})eratnre, he observed that all the fishes died when their body became surrounded with ice but before being actually caught in ice. The maximal resistance registered was 20 minutes at bath temperatures of - 2.5° to -3.2°, which would give for the lethal body tempera- ture, -2° to -3°. The author remarks that a velocity of cooling varying from 0.02° to 0.6° per minute had no influ- ence on death or survival. Schmidt, Platonov and Person (1936) subjected to cold carps maintained in air, determining their internal tem- perature with thermocouples. They found that these fishes could be revived if their body temperature, mea- sured at a depth of 1.5 to 2.5 cm, from the surface of the skin, did not fall below -0.72° to -0.92°. In the outer surface layers of the body, - 3.33° was recorded. In an- other series of experiments, the same authors revived hJeaks and sticMehacks subcooled to -3.06° (body tem- perature). None of the fishes experimented upon ever survived a congelation of its body. Luyet (1938), in an attempt to test a theory according to which a rapid freezing would cause the formation of smaller crystals less injurious to the cells, studied the effects of a sudden immersion of gold fishes in liquid air. He could never obtain any sign of recovery if the immer- sion had lasted more than 15 seconds (for fishes 40 mm. in length, not counting tlie caudal fin). However, after that time, the fishes were not frozen throughout, it requir- ing about 35 seconds for them to become breakable. Im- mersions of 1 to 15 seconds caused gradually increasing injuries, corresponding to the gradually increasing thick- ness of body wall congealed. The author, who reports that a juggler had as a regular item in his program the 91 revival of hard frozen gold fishes, remarks that for a successful demonstration, the animals to be broken before the audience should be left for 35 seconds in liquid air and those to be revived should be withdrawn in less than 10 seconds. 9. Ilomoioihenns. It is well known that the warm- blooded animals cannot support any considerable lowering of their body temperature. Of the abundant literature on this subject, w^e shall select some reports establishing the general fact of the high cold sensitivity of homoiotherms, a few others describing experiments made in some unusual conditions, and still others which are of interest because of the exceptionally low temperature reached. Walther (1862), working with rabbits, found that when the animals, immobilized but non-narcotized, were cooled to a body temperature of 18° or 20°, they were unable to recover spontaneously. However, the complete recov- ery of such animals could be effected either by warming them in air at about 40°, or by artificial respiration. Coleman and McKendrick (1885) placed a rabbit whose rectal temperature was 37.3°, pulse 160 per minute, and respiratory rate 45 per minute, into a cold chamber at an air temperature of -69.4°, for 2 hours. The animal was then removed for a minute or two; it seemed unaf- fected, though the rectal temperature had dropped to 34.5°. Thereupon it was returned to the cold chamber, now at a temperature of -73°, for another hour, after which it was again taken out. The animal seemed to be comatose, reflex action had ceased, there w^ere jerking movements of the limbs, the rectal temperature had reached 6.1°, the pulse rate was 40 per minute, and respi- ration was hardly perceptible. Placed in a warm atmos- phere, the animal recovered completely. Colin (1891) reported that rabbits could stay alive in winter after 5 or 6 days at an atmospheric temperature of - 10° to - 15°, in cages hanging on trees. Pictet (1893) subjected a dog weighing 8^ kilos to an air temperature of - 90° to - 100° in one of his ref rigera- !)2 lion "wells." The metal walls of the latter were covered with wood or cloth so as to avoid contact between the animal and llic cold metal. The inguinal temperature increased by about \ decree duiini*' the first 13 minutes, it came back to normal during the following 12 minutes, and decreased by I degree during the next 75 minutes. Then it dropped rapidly, while at the same time respira- tion and heart beat Ix'came slower and slower. When the temperature reached 22° the animal was withdrawn, inani- mate, and it did not recover. The same author reported that a cat which fell into a liquid refrigerating mixture at - 30° to - 35° died ''almost suddenly." The more rapid cooling of the body when in contact with a licjuid than when in contact with air, is considered the cause of the I'apid death. According to Winternitz (1894), a rahhit, whose body temperature drops to 34° to 31°, begins to shiver, it tends to fall asleep at 31° to 29°, and finally, when the tempera- ture reaches 22° to 19°, breathing ceases and the animal dies. Simpson (1902) placed a monlxey {Macacus rhaesiis), fully etherized, into a double-walled chamber made of thin sheet-iron, and cooled wdth lumps of ice inserted into the space between the walls. The animal could be observed through a sliding glass door. The rectal temperature, pulse rate and respiration rate were taken every 1 or ^ hour. After 3\ hours, the body temperature had fallen to 14°, the heart beat had ceased and the respiration rate was reduced to 2 per minute. The ice-water was then removed and quickly replaced by hot ^vater till the cham- ber temperature stood at 41.6°. When, after 5 hours, the rectal temperature had risen to 37.7°, the animal was removed from the chamber and placed in a room at 25°, where it recovered completely in a further 2i hours. Another monkey whose rectal temperature had been lowered to 12.5°, under the same conditions, succumbed. According to Simpson and Herring (1905), cats, whose normal temperature is about 38°, can be cooled till their 93 rectal temperature reaches 16° and still recover, provided they are then warmed artificially. Tait (1922) reported that, while the excised, perfused heart of an ordinary mammal stops beating at about 17°, that of a hiheruailng hedgehog or woodchuck will cease to beat only when it freezes. The same author, in collaboration with Britton (1923), found that, in the woodchuck, respiration ceases without signs of asphyxia at 12° to 3° ; but, when warmed, the animal may recommence breathing, and spontaneously resume its former body temperature; with artificial res- piration, it always recovers. Britton (1923) repeated the earlier work of Simpson and Herring, using a cooling apparatus similar to that of these investigators, and working almost exclusively with deeply anaesthetized cats. He called attention to the fact that the ''deep rectal" temperature (the thermometer bulb placed 8 cm. deep in the rectum) may be 0.5° to 2° higher than the "anal" temperature (thermometer bulb 4 cm. deep). Cats, whose deep rectal temperature had been lowered to 19°, could still spontaneously recover their previous body temperature, even though very slowly. Below 18°, recovery could be effected only by artificial warming. The lowest deep rectal temperature at which a cat gave evidence of being alive was 16°, while a guinea- pig could be cooled to 14°. According to Kalabuchov (1934), the hat Nyctalus noctida can withstand a 5-15 minutes' subcooling to -2.9 to -5.9°. Of 10 bats of the same species, frozen after subcooling, 7 were killed, though the minimal body tem- perature reached only -0.5 to -1.5°. If, however, freez- ing set in without a previous subcooling, the animals could survive a 12-60 minutes' exposure, and a minimal body temperature of -0.8 to -1.9°, but were killed after a 67- 145 minutes' exposure and minimal body temperature of -1.2 to -5.5°. Myotis dauheutonii is not so resistant; 4 out of 5 bats of this species were killed when freezing with- out subcooling occurred during a 17-90 minutes' exposure. !)4 llic iiiiiiinial Ixtdy IciiiixTnlurc I'caclicd li;i\-iiin' been -0.9 lo 1..") . Tlic saiiic ;uil linr i'('j)(>r1('(l t lint llic >y/o/rsr. .l//^s■ m use n I us, was kilk'd when fiozcii till a body lemijcratiire of -0.9° was reg'istercd, oi' wlicii sulu'oolcd lo-.S.T" 1o-7.1". (One would natnrall>' expect it.) Murigin (1937), repeating some old experiments of Horvat (ISSl), in wliieli the f/roinid-sqiurrcJ , Cifflhis siislicd. could be revived after its body 1em])ei-ature was lowered to -0.2°, exposed 19 Cifclliis ))i/f/Hia('us i'ov 2 to 4 hours in cooling chambers to temperatures of -11° to -19° and found that 47% of the animals could be revived after their body temjierature, measured by a thermo- couple, had sunk to -0.5° and -1°. When the body tem- ])erature went below - 1°, the animals died. Repeating a cooling experiment on the same individual seemed to result in a greater ability to resist a new lowering of temperature; one specimen survived -0.5° 3 times, an- other sui'vived - 1° twice. The smaller animals were more resistant than the larger ones. The author compares the special state of torpor which results from the lowering of the temperature, to the anabiotic state; he describes it as an "imaginarv anabiosis." Summary: 1, The invertebrates were found, in general, to be killed when frozen at temperatures of a few degrees or of some 10 degrees below zero. 2. The rotifers, the nematodes and the tardigrades, however, resisted, in the moist condition, extremely low temperatures. 3. The invertebrates which su])port desiccation could be cooled to the lowest available temperatures without injury. 4. Some insect larvae were alive, although hard fi'ozen, at some 20 degrees or more below zero, but they died at lower temperatures, probably under a more complete congela- tion of their cellular fluids. 5. The cold-blooded verte- brates died when their internal tempeiature dropped a few degrees below zero. They could su])|)ort the forma- tion of some ice in their body. 6. Sub-cooling is not in- 95 jurious to the poikilotlierms. 7. Tlic warm-blooded ani- mals died at above-zero temperatures except if, as in the case of hibernators, they had developed some adaptative properties. GENERAL COMPENDIUM By their resistance to low temperatures, the plants and animals considered in this review can be classified into 3 groups : 1. Those which can approach the absolute zero without being killed; 2. Those which die near the freez- ing temperatures ; 3. Those wdiicli die above the freezing temperatures. The first group comprises : a) The forms wiiich support desiccation, such as, the seeds, the spores (bacterial and others), the protozoan cysts, the rotifers, the tardigrades. the nematodes, b) A number of microorganisms of the types, bacteria and yeast, some flagellates, some of the lower fungi, and the infra-cellulars. All these resist extreme temperatures without previous desiccation. The third group, namely that of organisms wdiich are killed at above-zero temperatures, includes only the homoiotherms and some of the higher plants. The large majority of plant and animal phyla belong, then, to the second group, that is, to the kind of organisms w^hich are killed at near-zero temperatures. There are, it seems, two classes to be distinguished in this group: 1. The organisms which die Avhen their temperature is lowered slightly below the freezing point. Usually these organisms can support the formation of some ice in them but they are killed wiien a larger proportion of their w^ater-content solidifies. This has been observed in sev- eral plant tissues, in some animal tissues and in entire organisms, such as, the mollusks, the ami3hibia, the fishes, etc. 2. The organisms wiiicli resist some 10, 20 or 30 de- grees below freezing. Often a relatively large quantity of ice can be formed in them, they become hard and break- able, and they die, apparently wdien a last portion of their cellular fluids solidifies. This is probably the case of !»(; iiiset'l larvae al crrtaiu i)erio(ls ol" Die year and, 1o a certain extent, of the eold-liardened woody plants. Between the lifsl and the second class, Dial is, between the organisms which ai'e killed near the freezing })oint and those which resist some 30^ below zero, there seems to be a colli Innons gradation. Jn short, one can perhaps summarize this entire review as follows: With the exception of a few org'anisms which are atifected by above-zero temperatures, all the })lants, animals, tissues or cells either die in the neighborhood of their freezini;' ])()int or are not killed at all by any low temperature. BIBLIOGRAPHY ADAMS, ,T., Sc. Frnc. h'oy. Soc. Dublin, 2, 1-G, litli.l. ALEXOPOULOS, C. J., and DRUMMOND, J., Ttoh.s. llUnoi^i Acad. ScL, 26, G3, 1934. APELT, A., Cohns Bcilr. z. Biol. d. Ffl.. D, 215-262, 1909. AUGUSTINE, D. L., J. Parasit., 19, 175, 1932 (Abstract). 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PART II THE PHYSICAL STATES OF PROTOPLASM AT LOW TEMPERATURES A substance may exist in four states, as a gas, as a liquid, as a crystal and as a glass. The relation between these states and temperature is illustrated in the diagram (Fig. 1), in which the temperatures are plotted on a hori- zontal axis, with the absolute zero at the origin. "A body is a gas at high temperatures, in the zone A ; it is a liquid at lower temperatures, in the zone B ; it becomes crystalline at still lower temperatures, in the zone C ; and it hardens, but does not crystallize, that is, it takes the vitreous state, if it is brought (^\dthout being previously crystalline) to the low temperatures represented by the zone D. ' ' (Luyet, 1937, p. 1). D , C , B , A A.Z. R Q P Fig. 1. Diagram representing the relationship between temperature and the four states of matter. A.Z. : Absolute zero. Some physicists (cf. Tammann, 1925, p. 2) for whom the arrangement of the molecules in the aggregate is the essen- tial feature in the detinition of the states of matter, name only two of them : the crystalline state which possesses as a specific character an ordered arrangement of the atoms, and the amorphous state (gas, liquid and vitreous) in which the molecules are distributed at random in space. Most students of nature name three states : gas, liquid and solid, and make of the vitreous state a subdivision of one of the three. Some, considering the fact that a glass possesses the hardness and cohesion of the solid bodies, classify it as a form of the solid state ; others, considering the def orm- ability presented by some glasses during long periods of 101 102 lime, jii'd'cr lo call tliciii li(|ui(ls of lii<^ii x'iscosily; slill olliers, c'onsideriiij;' the met hod of ol)taiiiin^' glasses and llieir amorplioiis iialure, insist on callini;' llicm sni)or-cool('d li(|nids. Detinini*- a state by its relation to temperatnre (as illnslraled in Fi.n'. 1), !)>■ the consistency of the matei'ial and l)y the arrani-ement of the constituent jjarticles, we shall distinguish four states of matter: vitreous, crystal- line, liquid and gas. This classification of the states requires a revision of the classification of the transitions from one state to another. The following list gives the various ])ossil)ilities. (We coined a few names, when such wei-e lacking; they are indicated by (inotation marks.) 1. From 1'. From o From 2'. From 3. From 3'. From 4. From 4'. From 5. From 5'. From (5. P"'rom 6'. From C^HANOEs OF State the vitreous to the crystalline state: the crystalline to the vitreous state: the vitreous to the liquid state : the liquid to the vitreous state: the vitreous to the gas state: the gas to the vitreous state: the crystalline to the liquid state: the liquid to the crystalline state: the crystalline to the gas state: the gas to the crystalline state: the liquid to the gas state: the gas to the liquid state: Devitrification (Tmpossilile) ' ' Vitromelting' ' Vitrification ' ' Vitrosubliniation ' ' ' * Gasovitrification ' ' :Nrelting Crystallization Sublimation ' ' Gasocrystallization ' Vaporization Liquefaction The liquid state can be maintained also at temperatures below the f 7'eezing point ; one then obtains, besides the four states just described, a supernumerary one (called state in a broader sense), the supercooled state. Of these five states there are only three which protoplasm can take at low temperatures, the crystalline, the vitreous and the supercooled; the liquid state obtains at ordinary temperatures and the gas state is unknown in protoplasmic substances. As to the changes of state, the most important for the biologist are: crystallization (that is, freezing), melting, vitrification, devitrification and "vitromelting." Consequently we shall divide this work into the following chaptei's: I. Freezing, the Frozen State and ^Melting; TI. Sni)ercooling and the Supercooled State ; IIT. Vitrification, 103 the Vitreous State, Devitrificatioii and " Vitromelting." A preliminary cliapter will hv devoted to tlie study of the principles of heat eondiiction. Within each section, after having discussed the funda- mental laws, Ave shall consider the various biological mate- rials which undergo the changes of state, in the order of the increasing complexity of these materials : pure water, solutions, suspensions, emulsions, colloids, dead tissues, living protoplasm, living cells and living tissues. IM^KLIMINARY CHAPTCR FUNDAMEiNTAL PRINCIPLES OF HEAT CONDUCTION In llic study of the slatos of l)i()l()i;ical material at low tc'ini)e'ratures the investigators, most of tlie time, "apply" principles "established" l)y the physicists, but often they overlook I he numerous assum])tions on which the physicists built up these princii)les. There results a considerable amount of confusion, ])articularly in the discussions con- ceniinii,' cooliui;-, freezini;' and snbcoolini;' curves, freezing and eutectic points, and even in more common problems such as the inter})retation of the readings of a thermometer. ]\rost of our knowledge on these questions is based on the fundamental principles of heat transmission. We shall here discuss briefly these principles. In the last analysis, heat is understood to be the move- ment of the constituent particles of matter. When, in a body, a disturbance at one place causes the particles to move faster than in the surroundings we are accustomed to say that this point is warmer. The faster motion will be transmitted by collisions to the neighbouring particles and this is what we call heat transmission. 1. The ''Problem of the Wall/' in the Steady State. One of the best-known methods of analysis of heat transmission is that used in the so-called "Problem of the Wall" (Fourier). Let W (Fig. 2) be a wall of homogeneous mate- r s w e s Fig. 2 rial, of thickness d, limited on two sides by two parallel surfaces S and s and unlimited in the other directions. Let T and t be the temperatures, respectively, at S and s, T being higher than t and both temperatures being main- tained constant. Heat will flow through the wall from S to l(t4 105 s, gradually modifying the temporal lire of each inter- mediate plane within tlie wall until a state of equilibrium is established. Then heat will continue to tlow but the tem- perature at each intermediate plane will stay unchanged. Before the establishment of this equilibrium the system is in a variable state; after the equilibrium is established the system is in a steady state. In the variable state, the amount of heat which enters through a given area on S is different from the amount which comes out through an equal area on s ; in the steady state these amounts are the same. From theoretical considerations it has been con- cluded that, in the steady state, the quantity of heat Q which traverses the wall should be proportional to the difference of temperature T-t, to the area A through which heat flows, to the time z during which it flows and inversely propor- tional to the thickness d of the wall : Q = K^^ (1) Experimental studies have confirmed this relation. The constant of proportionality K in the formula (1) is the coefficient of heat conductivity. It is defined as the number of calories which, during one second, traverse an area of 1 cm" of a wall 1 cm. thick, when the temperatures of the two sides of the wall difi'er by one degree. After the steady state is reached, each intermediate plane p is at a temperature 0 which is proportional to the distance X from the plane p to the cooler surface (t being taken as the temperature origin, that is, t = 0) : 9 = ax (2) The constant of proportionality a is the ratio of the temperature difference T-t to the thickness of the wall d. The formula (2) which is a necessary consequence of the principles admitted in formula (1) has also been verified experimentally. The main assumptions in these relations are: 1. That the temperature on each side of the wall is constant; 2. 106 'I'lial the sl(';ul\' slalc is I'cacln'd ; .'I. 'I'lial the malcrial of the wall is lioin()i;('iu'()iis ; 4. Tlial llic wall is iiol lliiiilcd In any (lirrctiou oliu'r than liu' diri'dioii of How of heal. In any application of tlit' i'ormulas these assumptions need lo be considered. It should be noticed that the specific heat of the mate- rial does not i)lay any role in the flow' of heat, in the steady state. This is of importance in several ])ro])lems, as wiien, for example, the passage of heat tlii'on,i;h water is to be compared with the passage of heat through ice, two snl)- stances which possess a very different specific heat. In any practical case, the wall is in contact w'itli two media, one on the warmer side, the other on the cooler side. TIeat Hows from the warmer medium to the cooler one through the wall. But the constant temperature of these media (even if they are perfectly stirred) is not the temperature at the surfaces of the wall. In other w^ords, when two bodies are in contact, their surfaces of contact are not at the same temperature or, what is equivalent, the interface between two substances in contact has a heat conductivity (sometimes called * 'contact-conductivity") which is different from that of either of the two substances. For having overlooked this point in his experiments on the heat conductivity coefficient in metals, Peclet, a pioneer physicist of the last century, was led to the evidently erroneous conclusion that all the metals have the same con- ductivity. Applications of the notion of contact-conductiv- ity in biological investigations will be mentioned later. Usually it is not with a single wall in contact with two media that one has to deal but with several walls in contact with one anotlier. Furthermore, these walls are rarely limited by plane surfaces, they have any shape. Of the numerous problems which result from the coml)ination of walls of various forms, the simpler ones, in particular that of the "multiple cylindrical wall" and that of tlic "nni]ti])l(' spherical wall," ai'e studied in the treatises on mathe- matical physics. As an application of the problem of the multiple 101 cylindrical wall we shall mention the analysis of the freez- ing curves obtained with arrangements of the type repre- sented in Figure 3. A cylindrical shell of living tissue AC, Fig. 3. Arrangement of apparatus illustrating the application of the ' ' Problem of the multiple cylindrical wall. ' ' slipped around the bulb B of a thermometer, is placed in the medium D contained in a tube E, which is itself im- mersed in a cooling bath H. During freezing, heat is then transmitted from the mercury of the thermometer and from the freezing object to the external bath, through the many cylindrical walls which are the glass of the ther- mometer, the tissue, the medium and the tube E. In such cases important errors have resulted from a too candid use of thermometers as temperature-meters, as their name suggests them to be, instead of as heat conductors which, in the last analysis, they are. 2. The Problem of the Wall, in the Variable State. The essential laws governing the relation between the tempera- 108 lure at a i^ivi'ii plane in llic wall, in Icrms of timo and in terms of the distance rioni thai plane to the Avarmer side, are deduced from a famous ('(juation establislied by Fourier. Of the various conelusious he arrived at we shall mention here only the following one which is of some im- portance in the ])racli('al ai)i)licati()ns to l)i()thermometry. The time y necessary for the establishment of the steady state is inversely proportional to the coethcient of conduc- tivity c of the material and directly proportional to its specific heat s, to its specific gravity D and to the s(|uare of the thickness d of the wall y°^-^ (3) So the factor, specific heat, which had no intluence on the amount of heat traversing the wall in the steady state, plays a role in determining the time necessary for the establish- ment of the steady state and, in general, in various prob- lems of the variable state. 3. The Problem of the Cooling Body. A particular case of the problem of the wall is that in Avhicli a wall at a tem- perature 9 is brought into contact, on its two sides, with a medium at a temperature t different from S. The wall will then warm u]) or cool down at a certain rate ; if it is in con- tact with the medium not only on two sides but all around, the problem becomes that of a body immersed in a warming or a cooling bath. This problem led to the establishment of the '*Law^ of Cooling." Newton, in 1701, on the basis of theoretical considera- tions, came to the conclusion that, when a body is exposed to a constant temperatui-e bath, it should lose, during a unit of time, a quantity of heat Q z (z being the time) propor- tional simultaneously to the difference between its tempera- ture 8 and that of the cooling bath t, to the area A of the body, and to a certain coefficient C which indicates the velocity with whicli heat is removed fi-oni the system: -^ocAC(S-t) (a) 109 (One recognizes the same relation as in tlic problem of the wall.) Cooling will result from the withdrawal of heat at a rate determined by the fact that every miit of weight of the body requires the removal of a number of calories repre- sented by the specific heat in order to be cooled by one miit of temperature (say, from S to 9i). Calling m the mass of the body and s its specific heat, one has Q=(9-90ms (b) Bringing the value of Q from (b) into (a) one obtains ^^cc^'(9-t) (4) z ms that is, the cooling velocity is proportional to the area of the body, to the coefficient C, to the difference between the temperature of the body and that of the bath, and inversely proportional to the mass and the specific heat of the body. A consequence of the assumption that the cooling velocity is proportional to the difference between the temperature of the object and that of the bath is that, when the time is increasing arithmetically by one unit, the temperature decreases to a set fraction of its own value, that is geo- metrically; in other words, the cooling curve is an ex- ponential. Calling 9^ the temperature at the time z and 9o the original temperature of the object, one has 9. = 9„e-^^ (5) where e is the base of natural logarithms. The formulas (4) and (5) express two aspects of New- ton 's ' ' Law of Cooling. ' ' The assumptions on which the law is based are funda- mentally the same as those previously given for the prob- lem of the wall. An additional condition is that the body be entirely surrounded by the bath. If no heat escapes by radiation or convection and if all contact-conductivity can be overlooked, C is the coefficient of heat conductivity of the object. 110 Till' law of (.'ooliiin' was soon suhjcclcd to cxpcriinciital tests, 'i'lir classical vcrilicalioii is llial ot" Kiclimaiui (the law itself is often called l\icliniaiiii's law). Marline, in 1740, ol)served that for a ^ood aureenient between the theoretical law and the e\|)('riineiital data the tenipei'al ni'e of t he object shonld not dilfer from that of the ])atli by more than al)ont 50°. Dalton showed that the cooling velocity is in reality more rapid than that indicated by Newton's law. Dnloiii; and Petit, in 1817, nndi'rtook to establish more accurately the influence of each factor on the rate of cooling. They proposed corrections to render the formula applical)le ov^er a larger range of temperatures. Other corrections were introduced later by other investigators. But the fundamental law established by Newton, although correct only in a first approximation, is still usually em- ployed in most of the practical applications, ((^f. Chajj- puis and Berget : "Legons de Physique Generate." Paris, 1911, Vol. I, p. 622.) Perhaps, when erroneous conclusions are drawn from the application of the law of cooling, it is not so much on account of its lack of accuracy but because some of the conditions for its application are not fulfilled; for example, the object to be cooled may not be entirely surrounded by the bath, as when use is made of a too bulky thermometer- stem or of too conductive thermocouple-leads which estab- lish thermal connections with the outside. All the problems so far treated have been analysed as particular cases of the original assumption of an ideal wall limited by two surfaces at constant temperatures. In many instances one or both of these temperatures vary. There results a large number of possible problems to be analysed by further application of the method of simplifying assumptions. SUMMARY The essential points l)rought out in the preceding ])ages can be summarized as follows: 1. ]\Iost of the investi- gations 01] thermometry and calorimetrv to be described Ill or discnssed later in this work arc but applications of tlit' fundamGntal principles of heat transmission. 2. These princii)les are briefiy discussed under the form of: a) The "Problem of the Wall," in the steady state; b) The ' ' Problem of the Wall, ' ' in the variable state ; c ) The prob- lem of the cooling- body. 3. The fundamental laws are sufficiently well established theoretically and experiment- ally in some simplified conditions, but in the more compli- cated conditions which obtain in nature and in the labora- tory and in which they are supposed to apply, they are not always proven to be applicable. 4. The acceptance of "established" laws without previous analysis of the prin- ciples on wiiich these laws are based led to misinterpreta- tions and omissions. A notion almost ahvays forgotten is, for example, that of "contact conductivity." CHAPTER 1 FREEZING, THE FROZEN STATE AND MELTING T. TXITIATIOX OF CRYSTALLIZATION A. THE FORMATION OF CRYSTALLINE NUCLEI Pliysics has acquired a wealtli of information during the last 30 years on the sti-ncture of crystals, but very little has been learned yet on the mechanism of initiation of crystal- lization. The condition s'nic qua von for the molecules of a liquid to be hooked up in a crystalline pattern is the reduction of their mean distance to a certain minimum, that is, the low- ering of their temperature to the freezing point. When the liquid to be solidified is at a convenient tem- perature and when a crystal of the substance is present, crystallization proceeds at once, but if a crystal is not there to initiate the process, that is, to give a direction to the molecules, the latter have first to orient themselves and build up the original nuclei. Crystallization nuclei are understood to originate from the collision of molecules coming in contact in certain detinite conditions of orienta- tion. After a first successful collision, a pair of molecules would be constituted, but this would not yet be the crystal unit wanted; other successive collisions under definite conditions would be required to complete the original crystallite. Though our knowledge of the mechanism of formation of the first crystallization nuclei is to a large extent theo- retical, their coming into existence as individual centers is a well observed fact ; the centers can be photographed and counted. Figure 4 represents the formation of such centers in a solution of gelatine spread between two glass slides and immersed in a bath at -25°. Tammann (1925, p. 228) has shown that during a gradual decrease of tem- perature (below the freezing point), the number of crystal- lization centers formed per unit of time increases to a maximum and then decreases, following a curve of the 112 113 Fig. 4. Formation of crystallization nuclei in a film of gelatin solution enclosed between two thin glass plates and immersed in a bath at - 25°. The lower left-hand corner was the first j)art of each of the two preparations to be immersed in the bath. (Original, Luyet and Gehenio.) type represented in Figure 5. Unfortunately, little is known of the course of such curves for water, aqueous solutions and aqueous colloids. Some physical chemists consider the congelation of water not as the crystallization of a liquid but as the pre- cipitation of a solute from a saturated solution. What we ordinarily call water would be a solution of ice (a trihydrol 40 20 Fig. 5. Xumber of crystallization nuclei formed in piperine at various sub- cooling temperatures. (Curve drawn from Tammann's data, 1925.) Abscis- sae: temperatures (the melting point of piperine, 135°, being the origin) ; or- dinates : number of nuclei. 114 <»1' t'orinula ( I l.O) ) in licinid wnlcr (.-i dilixdiol of fdriniila (II-())j): ;i1 0 tlic solution would he s;il iiralcd and ice would prccipilnlc 'Plic nice) lan ism of inil ialion ol' crxslal- li/alion assumed ahoN'c is consistcnf willi this llicoi'v oi' water Ix'ini;' a solution as well as with llic usually accepted view tliat water is a definite coinijound. A new lii>hl lias Ix'cii tlirown on tlie sn])ject !)>■ the inves- tii>ati()ns of Barnes ("Tec Eng-iiieerini;', " Montreal, lf)28, ]). 7), who attempted to observe under the microscope the formation of ice in water. He states that : "The particles of ice as soon as they can be seen are devoid of crystal form and a])peai' as a true colloid in small disc like particles. These tioccnlale and t>i'ow, passing through a crystal col- loidal form to a true ice crystal." {(\f. F\g. 6). More Fig. f). Disc-like jiarticlcs of (•olloidnl ivv. (From Barnes, 1928.) experimental investigations in that direction might prove highly significant for the knowledge of the mechanism of initiation of crystallization. Bernal and Fowler (1933) have suggested that liquid water might possess a quasi-crystalline structure. Five molecules would hook up together to foi-m a tetrahedral figure (centered tetrahedron) ; these tetrahedra would ag- gregate, according to a definite pattern, in a mass of whaler. It is evident that, if the structure of liquid water is such, our notions of the ])assage from the liquid to the crystal- line state, and in particular of initiation of crystallization, should be radicallv modified. B. THE FREEZING POINTS Most of the freezing point determinations of biological material have been undertaken for the information that 115 they furnish on the osmotic pressure of organic fluids and on the binding of tlie water molecule by protoplasmic sub- stances. We shall summarize here some of the more rep- resentative works, but we refer the readers to reviews on the two subjects mentioned, for more complete data. 1, Culture Media. The freezing point of fresh water was found to be, in general, 0.03 or 0.04 of a degree lower than that of distilled water. Backman and Runnstrom (1912) report that the water from which they collected frog's eggs froze at - 0.060°. Bialaszewicz (1912) found a freezing point of -0.01° to - 0.02° for the tap water that he used for studying the development of amphibian eggs. The freezing point of sea water, determined by various authors, mostly at marine biological stations, was found to vary from -1.09° at Kiel (Dakin, Biochem. Jour. S, 258, 1908) to -2.29° at Naples (Bottazzi, Arch. Ital. de Biol., 2t>, 61, 1897). At the American biological stations of Woods Hole (Mass.), Pacific Grove (Cal.) and Beaufort (N. C), Garrey (1905) obtained respectively -1.81°, - 1.92° and - 2.04°. In a later work of the last mentioned author (1915), the reader will find tables of the freezing points of sea water at various dilutions and of solutions of NaCl and MgCL at concentrations osmotically compar- able to sea water. Jensen and Fischer (1910) give -0.42° as the freezing- point of the ** physiological solution," that is, of a 0.7% solution of sodium chloride. Of the substances used in culture media, sucrose was found to lower the freezing point more than was expected by the law of the freezing point depression. A gram molecular solution freezes at -2.775°, according to Garrey (1915). Loeb ("Artificial Parthenogenesis and Fertiliza- tion," Chicago, 1913, p. 130) pointed out the biological significance of this fact, which is usually attributed to a hydration of the molecules of sucrose. For more data and discussion see ^lorse, Frazer, Hoffman and Kennon {Am. Che)u.Jour.,S0,^9,1906). IK) 2. P!a}if Juiii's. A laruo list of freezing- points of ex- trncled ]tlaiit juices is yiven ])y Dixon and Atkins (1910), ill a table i('i)r()(liu'e(i in Tahiifac Hiolof/icae (7, 4.')l-434, 1925). The rrcc/.iiiii' i)()iii1s vary IVoni - 0.:i57° to -2.455°. Harris, (Jortner, liofman and Valentine (1921) mention the exceptional ease of a plant, Atrlplcr nuttaUii, which was collected near tiie (Jreat Salt Lake and which had a freezing jjoint of - 14.4°. The same authors obtained excei)tioiuilly high fi-eezing points in cactuses. According to Harris, (Jortner and Lawrence (1917), the freezing point is higher in juices exli-acted from leaves near the ground than in leaves taken higher up. The higher osmotic pressure at higher levels is thought to play a role in the ascent of sap. 3. Blood and Bodji Fluids. Collip (1920a) measured the freezing point of the blood of animals belonging to various orders. He found values varying in mammals from - 0.48° to - 0.70°, in birds from - 0.55° to - 0.69°, in reptiles from -0.46° to -0.70°, in amphibia from -0.44° to -0.76°, in fresh water fishes from - 0.45° to -0.69°. The blood cells, in Collip 's experiments, froze, on an average, at a temperature 0.043 degree higher than the serum. According to various authors (quoted by ^McClendon and Medes, "Physical Chemistry in Biology and Medicine," Philadelphia, 1925, p. 300), the fluids of the mammalian body have, in general, a freezing point very near that of the whole blood. Such is the case for milk, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, bile, intestinal juice, cerebrospinal and spermatic fluid. Saliva, and sweat were often found to have a higher freezing point, reaching about - 0.1°. Urine had a much lower value, sometimes as low as -2.6°. Individual Differences. Some authors have thought that the freezing points of body fluids or of tissues might be specific characteristics of some animal (or plant) grouiJ. Atkins (1909a) attempted to study the individual differences in the freezing point of the blood of birds within the same species. He found — quoting only the 117 results that he considers reliable — 0.1 of a degree differ- ence, between the extremes, in the freezin<»' points of the blood of 10 ducks and about 0.3 of a degree, between the extremes, in 7 turkeys. Relation Between the External and Internal ^1 e d i u m. The problem of the adjust- ment of the fluids of the body to the external medium has given rise to a series of observations on the comparative freezing points of sea or fresh water and of the blood of marine, fresh water or land animals. A first review of the subject has been made by Hober ("Physikalische Chemie der Zelle und der Gewebe," Leipzig, 1902, Chap- ters 2 and 12). Since the publication of this review, Garrey (1915) reported that the freezing point of the blood of several marine animals, including large-sized fishes such as the shark, was very near that of sea water. The freezing point of fresh water animals, for example, fishes of the Mississippi River, varied from -0.48° to -0.52° in 6 spe- cies, and was, therefore, considerably higher than the freez- ing point of the blood of marine fishes and definitely lower than that of fresh water itself. The blood of the marine turtles, unlike that of other sea- animals, had a freezing point of - 0.69°, that is, markedly higher than that of the water in which they were living, which was -2.04°. To study the possibility of an adjust- ment of the internal to the external medium, in these ani- mals, Garrey measured the freezing point of the blood of two marine species left for 2 months in a tank containing fresh water. He found the same value as for the animals taken directly from sea water. However, some adjust- ment in other animal groups, such as fishes, has been shown by Garrey himself in some of his previous investigations (1905) and also by other workers, in particular by Scott (1913). The last mentioned author published, in 1916, a review in which the results of numerous investigators are tabu- lated. There are listed 111 species from the most impor- tant phyla of the animal kingdom. ns Collip (llL'Oa) made ohsci-xal ions leading' to llic same coiU'lusioiis as lliosc of (Jarrcy coiicci'iiiiiL;- the di tTcrciico l)ot\vt'c'ii fivsli water and marine animals. J)uval {(\h\ Sor. Biol., .s/y. 22, 192.S) sliowed that the t'reeziiii;' point of the sernm of sea fishes was dne, 1o a hirge extent, to factors otlier tlian the mineral salt content. The freezing- i)oint of the serum was - 1.89° (that of sea water - 1.84°) and that of a water solution of the ashes from the dried serum, diluted to occupy the same \()liini(' as the serum itself, was -1.06°. Tf there is an adjustment of the internal to the external medium, therefore, the modifi- cations of the blood should involve more than a change in the salt concentration. 4. Eggs. Abundant data on the freezing points of insect eggs will be found in Bachmetjew (1901 and 1907). Bialaszewicz (1912) and Backman and Runnstrom (1912) made several determinations on amphibian eggs (see below). The chicken egg, according to Atkins (1909a), freezes at - 0.454°, there being no difference between the freezing point of the yolk and that of the white. Howard {J. Gen. Physiol., 16, 107, 1932), like Atkins, reported that the yolk and the white had nearly the same freezing point. Straub {Bee. Trav. Chim. Paijs-Bas, 48, 49, 1929), on the contrary, found that the yolk froze more than 0.1 degree lower than the white. Hale (1935), in a series of very accurate determinations, observed that the yolk never froze above -0.57° and the white never above -0.42°. Hale made several other concomitant observations which deserve mention: a) The various layers of white had the same freezing point; b) The intact yolk froze at a slightly lower temperature than broken yolk; c) When the vitelline membrane was punctui'ed, ice started at the punctured point; d) A yolk surrounded l)y a thin layer of white did not freeze when the latter froze. According to the same investigator, the discrepancies 119 between the results of the authors mentioned above miglit be due to the fact that some worked witli intact and some with stirred yolk. Specific Differences, Bialaszewicz (1912) found - 0.444°, - 0.446° and - 0.455° for the freezing points of the ovarian eggs of, respectively, Rana fuf^ca, Bana escidenfa and Bomhinaior igneiis. Atkins (1909a) gives -0.454°, -0.452° and -0.420° as the freezing points of the eggs of the chicken, the dnck and the goose. I n cl i V i d n a 1 Differences. The last mentioned author reported a difference of 0.05 degree between the extremes of 12 lien's eggs and 0.09 degree between the extremes of 7 dnck eggs. Moran (1925) observed individual differences of the same order for both the white of egg and the yolk. Cycle in the Freezing Points of Develop- ing E g g s. Atkins (1909a), investigating the difference between the osmotic pressure of the blood and that of the eggs, in birds, as related to the exchanges between the egg and the mother's body, obtained a freezing point 0.13 degree lower for the blood than for the eggs. He attrib- utes this fact to a higher concentration of inorganic salts in the plasma of the blood, as a determination of the chlo- rine content showed. Atkins (1909b) furthermore observed that the freezing- point of the eggs drops, during incubation, by about 0.15 degree. The mixed content of the egg (after the separa- tion of the embryo, at the end of the incubation period) froze at -0.611°, that is, at nearly the same point as the blood. The author suggests that the animals in the phylo- genetic series might exhibit the same differences in the osmotic pressure of their internal fluids as do the embry- onic forms in the ontogenetic series. According to this view, the birds, for example, should have body fluids of lower freezing point than the reptiles from which they descend. Bialaszewicz (1912) gives the following figures for the 120 freezing points of tlic yolk of tlic cliicken (',«;■<;• (luriui;' its formation and development : Ovarian egg, 4 to 1 cm. in diameter : - 0.632° Ovarian egg .'> em. in diameter : - 0.613° Eggs half way down the oviduct : - 0.585° Freshly laid eggs: -0.564° Embryo at the 8th day of inc. : - 0.496° Embryo at the 18th day of inc. : - 0.601° Blood of the adult : - 0.635° So, when it is detached from the ovary, the egg has about the same freezing point as the blood. During the growth period, the freezing point increases to a maximum. Dur- ing embryonic development, it gradually drops again to its original value. The amniotic fluid froze at - 0.582° and this point did not change significantly up to the 18th day of incubation. The freezing point of the allantoic fluid, on the other hand, rose from - 0.513° to - 0.431° from the 8th to the 18th day. The egg white froze at - 0.458° in fresh eggs and at - 0.444° after 8 days of incubation. The same au,thor reported a change in the freezing point of the frog's egg from -0.444° for the ovarian egg, to -0.294° on the 3rd day after fertilization and to -0.382° 12 days later. The blood of the adult frog froze at - 0.479°. According to Backman and Runnstrom (1912), the cycle of changes of the freezing point in the frog's egg and embryo {Bana teniporaria) is as follows: Ovarian egg : - 0.48° Fertilized, unsegmented egg : - 0.045° Stage of crescentic blastopore : - 0.215° Stage of spherical blastopore : - 0.215° Embryo, 5 days old : - 0.230° Larvae, 20-25 days old : - 0.405° Serum of the adult : - 0.465° These data confirm the general results obtained by pre- vious investigators and, furthermore, they point out a remarkable rise of the freezing point at the time of fer- tilization. 121 5. Protoplasm. Chambers and Hale (1932) induced freezing in amoeba proteus by seeding the supercooled pro- toplasm with an ice-tipped micromanipulator needle at a temperature of - 0.8° and below. Gehenio and Luyet (unpublished work) determined the freezing point of the living plasmodium of the myxomycete Physarum poli/cephalum. Some 5 cc of protoplasm col- lected from agar cultures were used in each determination. The values found in 7 specimens average -0.17°. 6. Tissues. The determination of the freezing points of living tissues by any of the methods used involves an ele- ment of uncertainty. Ice-seeding, to prevent subeooling, or at least to prevent a too considerable degree of subeool- ing, is an essential procedure for any accurate freezing- point determination. But ice-seeding through cell w^alls is not always efficient ; only some cells might freeze after seeding or spontaneously, others not ; the number of cells frozen might not suffice to bring the temperature of the subcooled object up to the freezing point. On that basis one should, perhaps, question most of the results obtained for the freezing points of living tissues. Collip (1920b) determined the freezing point of the pulp obtained by grinding various tissues of the dog. He found values varying from -0.74° to -0.87° for the heart, the spleen and the lungs, -0.91° for the liver, and -0.76° for the brain. Jensen and Fischer (1910) obtained, for the frog's muscle, in the living state, freezing points varying from - 0.46° and - 0.53°. Cameron and Brownlee (1913) give -0.44° as the freez- ing point of an entire frog exposed to the freezing tempera- ture with a thermometer in its stomach. Living and Dead Tissues. ^liiller-Thurgau (1886) noticed that living tissues have a lower freezing- point than dead ones, that is, than tissues killed by a first freezing. He found - 0.98° and - 0.55°, respectively, for living and dead potato tuber, and likewise, - 0.8° and - 0.4° for living and dead Phaseolus leaves. For the determina- 122 lions on j)ot;(to, ;i mci-cnrv 1 lici'nioinctcr was iiiscrlcd into a cavity bored in the tuber; for those on leaves, the bulb of the tlu'rmometer was wra|)i)ed in tliese organs. The cause of the differences observed is attributed to the fact that the eai)illai\\' spaces Ix'twcen the intact niembi-anes of tlie cells in the living tissues hold water more tirmly and rcndci- freezing more (,lif^icult than in dead material. ■Maximov (1914-) obsei'ved. similar differences in red beet; he obtained -2.15° and -1.25° for living and dead material, respectively, and -1.21° for the extracted beet juice. According to this author, the resistance presented by the living cellular membranes to the outward passage of water during freezing is responsible for the lower freez- ing point of the living material. In dead tissue, the sap forms a uniform fluid mass which freezes like a solution, there being no membrane resistance to overcome ; in living tissue, the sap has to be extruded from the cells before it freezes ; it is extruded in small quantities at a time and the heat developed by the freezing of such small quantities is not enough to raise the temperature of the whole tissue to its real freezing point. Walter and Weismann (1936) found, in pieces of potato frozen several times in succession, a rise of the freezing point at each of the first few congelations (for example, -0.89°, -0.76°, -0.72°, -0.69°, in a series of 4 successive experiments). Thereupon the freezing points oscillated in an irregular manner. These authors determined by the 1)rowning of the tissue and the loss of turgor the increasing num])er of dead cells in successive freezings and they claim that it is the proportion of living cells which determines the level of the freezing point. Dead matter freezes first and the heat produced during its congelation, being ab- sorbed by the bulk of surviving material, cannot I'aise the temperature of the whole to the same level as when all the cells are dead. Besides, in completely dead material, the freezing point may be high because the sap is diluted by the water which was bound in the living state and which is set free at death. 123 Jaccard and Frey-Wyssling (1934) reported a sharp rise in the freezing point of the tissue of the root of Daucus carota after the first congelation, hnt this rise was followed by an irregular drop in subsequent freezings. In pieces killed by heat, the freezing point remained constant. They attribute the rise in the freezing point at the second freez- ing to the fact that the water extracted from the cells during the first freezing dilutes the extruded sap around the ther- mocouple, which they used in their determinations. Wal- ter and Weismann object to this interpretation, claiming that the water extruded should be reabsorbed if the tissue is still alive as Jaccard and Frey-Wyssling assume. According to Luyet and Gehenio (1937), the freezing point of living potato tissue is, on an average, by as much as 1.5 degree lower than that of dead material. In a ten- tative explanation of this difference, they distinguish three kinds of water in protoplasm: 1. water which acts simply as a solvent in the cell sap, 2. water which behaves as a protoplasmic constituent, 3. water which, in dead as well as in living matter, is bound in such a way that it cannot freeze; and they attribute the higher freezing point in dead tissue to the fact that, at death, protoplasmic water is transformed into solvent, readily-freezable water. This assumption, however, does not seem to be tenable in view of new findings of Gehenio and Luyet (unpub- lished) that protoplasm which has no cellular structure, like that of the myxomycetes {Physarum polycepJialum), does not present the difference observed between living and dead tissues. So, finally, the lower freezing point of living tissues seems to be due not to a binding of water in a proto- plasyyiic structure but to a hindering of the water activity by a cellular structure, probably the cellular membranes. Jensen and Fischer (1910) observed that the freezing point was lower in dead than in living muscle. They attribute this fact to some binding of water at death. Influence of Cooling Velocity on Freez- ing Point s. The use of a high cooling velocity has been found by many investigators to result in a lowering of 124 tlie t'r(H'zini>- ])()iii1, particularly in living- lissuos. This sub- ject will be discussed later in the section on Freezhig Curves. The Double Freezing I * o i n t of Living Tissues, Maximov (1914) described a very ])articular course in the freezing curve of the living tissue of the petiole of TussUago farfara. After subcooling, the tem- l)erature rose rai)idly, then it sank a little and either stayed at that level or rose again slightly (r/. Curves 1 and 2. Fig. 7). There were apparently two freezing points marked by two maxima on the curve. This author ob- served furthermore that only the living tissues presented the double freezing point, and that soaking the material in water favored the i)henomenon, while drying the canal through which the thermocouple was inserted into the tis- sue prevented it. On the basis of these observations he attributed the first freezing point to the congelation of the extruded cell sap which surrounded the thermocouple. Zacharowa (1926), also using a thermocouple and fol- lowing Maximov 's procedure, observed the same phenome- non in roots of rye seedlings (Curve 3, Fig. 7). She admits Maximov 's interpretation. Walter and Weismann (1936) confirmed the observa- tions and interpretations of the previous investigators on potato tuber. They used a mercury thermometer (Curve 4, Fig. 7). According to Mez (1905), one can observe, in the freezing curves of plant tissues, two plateaus which correspond respectively to the freezing and to the eutectic point of salt solutions. Voigtliinder (1909), following Mez' views, presented a vast amount of data which, wiien plotted, showed two periods of retardation in the drop of temperature (rf. Curve 5, Fig. 7). He took for granted that these periods corresponded to the freezing and the eutectic points (F and E in the figure). Luyet and Gehenio (1937) made a special study of the factors involved in the doubling of the freezing point 125 -4 15 20 MIN. O 5 10 Fig. 7. The double freezing point as observed by various authors. For the sake of comparison, all the curves have been plotted to the same scale. (From Luyet and Gehenio, 1937.) (Curve 6, Fig. 7). They used potato tissue in the form of hollow cylinders slipped about the bulb of a mercury ther- mometer. In order to control the cooling velocity and the V26 llicfinal ui'adiciil Iliroiiuli llic iiialci'ial, llicx' scjtai'ali'd llu' latlcr from the ('ooliiii'' hath hy media ol" \-ari()iis lliickness and of various licat coiKhiclivil y, sucii as mercury or ])araf1iii oil. Their liiidiiii^s can he summarized as foUows: 1. The ohserxatious of ])i-evious investigators, according to which dead tissues do not present a douhle freezing point, were verified in two series of experiments : one on living tissues in which IV.] out of 68 specimens showed the double freeziuii' poiiil, and one on dead tissues (killed by previous freezing) in which none of the 44 specimens experimented upon presented the double freezing point. 2. The obser- vations to the effect that soaking the tissues induces double freezing, while di'ying prevents it, were also confirmed; the per cent of cases })i-esenting a double freezing increased from 49 to 90 by a soaking of the tissue in water for 30 minutes or more and decreased to 0 by a drying in the air for 3 hours or more. 3. The first freezing point in normal living tissues varied from - 1.2° to - 2.0°, the second from - 1.45° to - 2.74° ; that of dead tissue was higher than both and varied from -0.5° to -0.75°. 4. The first freezing point was raised by soaking; in some soaked tissues it reached -0.05°. The second was not influenced by the imbibed water. 5. When congelation was stopped at the passage from the first freezing point to the second, the tissue was uninjured and the first freezing point could be obtained repeatedly in subsequent experiments. 6. The position of the first freezing point was not affected by a change in the cooling velocity, while that of the second moved from - 1.45° to - 2.3° for velocities varying from 2.5 to 5.1 degrees per minute. In the light of these findings the authors discuss the fol- lowing four theories on the doubling of the freezing point in living tissues : 1. The "Wound-Sa])" theory, proposed by Maximov, according to whicli, as said above, the two i)oints would represent, res})ectively, the freezing of the sap extruded from the cells through the wound caused by the insertion of the thermocouple and the freezing of tlie water of the 127 tissiio itself. An objection to this theory is that the quan- tity of water which congeals at the first freezing point is often considera])ly greater than that whicli can possibly be extruded in the wounding. 2. The "Thermal Gradient" theory, suggested to Luyet and Gehenio by the fact that the wave of congelation which moves from the external surface of the object inward and wiiich liberates heat gives rise to a wave of heat whicli travels toward the thermometer. This stops or retards the cooling curve, thus producing an apparent freezing- point. But cases were observed in which the temperature stayed constant at the first freezing point for nearly 10 minutes which was evidently more than the time necessary to dissipate a wave of heat, in the conditions of the experi- ments. 3. The theory of the "Eutectic Point" (Mez and Voigt- lander), which considers the two points as, respectively, the freezing and the eutectic point of the tissue. The ex- tremely high cooling velocities used by these authors in their determinations (c/. Curve 5, Fig. 7) render their results the most uncertain. (For a more detailed discus- sion see below, under Freezing Curves.) 4. The theory of the "Double Freezing Point," accord- ing to which the 2 freezings are not only apparent and attributable to the procedure or to the apparatus but real, one being the congelation of intercellular, the other of intracellular water (the latter w^ould freeze after extrac- tion from the cells by osmosis or within the larger vacu- oles). Luyet and Gehenio, after proposing the theory, mention its agreement with most of the facts observed : the occurrence of the double freezing in living tissues only, the innocuous effect of a congelation below the first (but above the second) freezing point, the absence of a first freezing in dried tissues, its more frequent occurrence in soaked tissues, the rise of the first freezing point when more water is imbibed, etc. They point out, however, that the existence of two different freezing points, one for the intercellular and the other for the intracellular fiuids would V2S involve a pormanont osmotic disequilibrium between the cell content and the intercellular spaces. II. PROGRESS OF CRYSTALLIZATION A. THE GROWTH OF CRYSTALS AVhen a crystallization center is formed, it <»rows with a speed which depends jirimarily on the temperature. Tnder the same conditions, the dit^'erent faces of a given crystal grow with different velocities, each set of faces having a velocity coefficient. To simplify the study of the crystallization velocity, the physicists consider separately the linear growth of each face of the crystal, that is, the growth in a direction perpendicular to that face. The same general laws of growth, with various coefficients, apply to all faces. It is generally thought that the velocity of crystalliza- tion increases when the temperature decreases (below the freezing point), in other words, that the colder a body is, the faster it freezes. Several experimenters who studied this relation have obtained data which confirm the com- monly accepted view and which follow a curve of the type represented in CDEF, Figure 8. But Tammann, amongst others, pointed out that an increase in velocity for a de- crease in temperature would be contrary to the general laws governing physical and chemical tranformations {cf. Tammann, op. cit., 1925, p. 251). He then showed that the direct experimental determination of the temperature of crystallization always involved an error. The temperature measured by the experimenter is that of the liquid in which crystallization occurs and not that of the growing surface of the crystal. When the thermometer or thermo- couple is placed as near as practically possible to the crystal, it is still relatively too far from the active surface to give any adecpuite measure of the temperature of this surface itself. The heat continuously produced by crys- tallization on the growing surface maintains the local temperature there higher than that of the surrounding medium where the thermometer is placed. Even the finest 121) Fig. 8. Relation between crystallization velocity and temperature. (After Tammann, 1925.) The crystallization velocities are plotted in ordinates, increasing from the origin ; the temperatures are plotted in abscissae, decreas- ing from the origin, the latter being the freezing point. The curve CDEF represents experimental data (it is a composite curve drawn from several of Tammann's observations). The curve AB represents the data that one should obtain if one could avoid the experimental errors inherent in the procedure. available thermoneedles have too high a heat capacity to register this local temperature with any accuracy. Another source of error pointed out by Tammann is that the heat liberated during crystallization at the grow- ing surface of the crystals causes interruptions in the crystallization process, the latter being resumed only after the dissipation of the heat liberated in the preceding con- gelation ; consequently, the duration of crystallization ex- perimentally determined consists of a succession of crystal- lization periods and interruption periods and the resulting figure for velocity is too low. Taking these facts into consideration, Tammann con- cluded that the relation between the velocity of crystalliza- tion and the temperature should be of the type represented by the curve AB, Figure 8. (hystallization would then proceed more slowly at lower temperatures. Indirect temperature determinations furnished an experimental verification of this relation. It is of interest to notice that the physicists who, in gen- eral, are better trained than other experimenters in the use M]0 of tlu'iniometric* (Icxiccs, were induced iiilo error by a mis- iiilerj)re1ati()ii of llie I'eadiii.ns of llierniometeis. Their at- tempt to determine directly tlie tem})erature at the surface of a growing crystal by the finest thermocouple placed the nearest possible lo the surface, is comparable to an attempt at measuring' the 1em])erature of a l)iiniiii,i>' match with a giant thermometer (iiaviiig a bulb several inches in diameter) separated from the match by a distance of a centimeter or so. In the last analysis, the error is due to the fact that too many experimenters believe in ther- mometers; they take for granted that a thermometer is an apparatus which gives the temperature at a point in space, while a thermometer is a complicated system of bodies in contact, through which heat flows, usually in an uncon- trolled manner, and from the behavior of which we try to guess (or to use a euphemism, to calculate) what the tem- perature is at a point in the neighborhood of the system. Since such errors probably escape the attention of the investigators more often than is usually thought, we deemed it justifiable to discuss the fundamentals of thermometry, that is, heat conduction, in a preliminary chapter of the present work. Strange as it may seem, then, the fact is that the lower the temperature is, the slower is the freezing (crystalliza- tion) and when the temperature reaches a certain mini- mum, freezing becomes impossible because of the too intense cold. Since the maximum of the curve of the numlier of crystal- lization centers (Fig. 5) is at a lower temperature than the maximum of the curve for the velocity of crystalliza- tion (Fig. 8, CDEF), it is clear that at temperatures at which the number of centers is high and the velocity low, a relatively large numl)er of small crystals will be formed, while at temperatures at which the number of centers is low and the velocity high, there will be a small number of large crystals. The latter condition is realized at higher temperatures near the freezing point, the former at lower temperatures. 131 The growth velocity coefficients foi' the different faces of a crystal do not vary at the same rate when the tem- perature is changed, as we indicated above; hence, some faces become prominent at certain temperatures and the crystal develops more in the direction of these faces. The temperature of crystallization determines, therefore, the shape of the crystals. In general when the velocity of crystallization is very low for one face it is low for all the faces and the crystal has the shape of a spherulite. Walton and Judd (1914) studied the rate of growth of ice in a long glass tube previously filled with distilled water and subcooled to various temperatures. They initiated crystallization by ice-seeding at one end of the tube and measured the velocity of the congelation-wave as it moved toward the other end. They found a rate of 65 mm. per second at - 8°. Hartmann (1914), in experiments of the same kind, ob- tained 46.6 mm. per second at - 7°. Tammann and Biichner (1935a), who succeeded in keep- ing w^ater subcooled to - 13.4°, found 41.3 mm. per second at - 7.2° and 96.8 mm. at - 13.4°. They also measured the crystallization velocity when ice was formed from heavy water and obtained almost the same values as with ordinary water, at the same degrees of subcooling (that is, for tem- peratures calculated from + 3.8° as the freezing point of heavy water and from 0° as the freezing point of ordi- nary water). The same authors (1935b) determined the lowering of the crystallization velocity of water when substances such as sodium chloride, sulphuric acid, glycerine, alcohol and sugar, were dissolved in it. They found that, at 5 degrees below the freezing point, 0.85 mole of sodium chloride in 1000 gr. of water slows the rate of congelation to about 6 mm. per second; while 1.1 and 2.9 moles of sugar, in the same conditions, slow it to about 0.3 and 0.02 mm. respec- tively. Sugar, it was remarked, has a particularly strong retarding effect. It might be of interest to notice that in very dilute concentrations (about 0.01 mole per liter) the VV2 crystallization velocity was slig-litly increased by the sub- stances dissolved. Callow (1925) stndied the action of various concentra- tions of gelatin on the growth of ice crystals in gels of that substance. He found that 1% gelatin reduces the rate of crystallization of water to about half its value, IV/c renders the velocity 45 times lowei-, and 3% renders it 350 times lower. The velocity of crystallization in biological material is entirely unknown. B. THE PHASE SEPARATION 1. Solutiojis and Sii.speusions. It is \\q\\ known that, in the freezing of a solution, w^ater separates from the solute and freezes alone, while the solution becomes more con- centrated. Some biologists have attempted to observe this separation under the microscope. Molisch (1897) says that, by mounting drops of 10 /'r solutions of sodium chloride, potassium nitrate, magnesium sulfate, cobalt chloride, etc., on microscope slides and exposing them to low temperatures, he could see the water freeze out in several crystallization centers and form ice masses which wedged betw^een them the concentrated salt solution; the latter, in its turn, crystallized in a different form of crystal. This separation of w^ater w^as seen in the same manner in solutions of dyes. According to Goeppert (1830), when plants which con- tain a milky sap, for example, RJius, Euphorbia, Papaver, Ficus, are frozen, the sap solidifies into transparent ice. However, the yellow^ sap of Chelidonium gave yellow ice. ]\Iolisch (1897) reported that, wOien he put to freeze at a temperature of - 6°, on the stage of the microscope, the milky sap of the fig tree, Ficus elastica (a substance which consists of an aqueous solution and of droplets of rubber), he could see the w'ater freeze out into ice crystals wiiich separated row's of particles of rubber. On thawing, the two phases mixed again. Similar experiments were made with suspensions of carmine, indigo and gum and the same 133 results were obtained. With carmine the network of par- ticles stayed after thawini>', which fact the author attributes to the adhesion caused by the pressure exerted by the ice. The Brownian movement of the carmine particles had ceased. 2. Colloids. Bruni (1909) described colloidal isingiass and colloidal silicic acid in the frozen state as consisting of colloidal particles interspersed with ice crystals. In silicic acid the two phases, one of which was pure water, remained separated after thawing. ]\Ioran (1925) noticed that, after a congelation, followed by melting of the ice, tlie liquid portion of the white of egg had increased and the colloidal portion had decreased. He compares this phenomenon with the exudation of water from gelatin, from jellies and from the muscle, after thaw- ing. According to Molisch (1897), a layer of a gelatin gel frozen on a slide, under the microscope, allows one to ob- serve the ice separated from the gel. There remains a gelatinous network with ice particles in the meshes (Fig. 9). After thawing, the meshwork can be preserved for Fig. 9. Network left after the thawing of a frozen gelatin solution. (From Moliseh, 1897.) several days if the water content of the gel is low ; it can also be fixed as a tissue, by formol, and kept indefinitely. With higher water contents, a reimbibition takes place and the meshwork disappears. Bobertag, Feist and Fischer (1908) observed that, on thawing solutions of gelatin, carrageen, agar agar, isin- glass, soaj), t'tc, llic waliT wliicli liad separated from llif gelatinous mass during freezing was almost free from the dissolved sn])stanc'e. After complete thawing, one could still see the inhomogeneous mass to consist of clumps of the jelly and of a dilute solution. The freezing of gelatin gels has been the object of extended studies by Moran (1926) and Hardy (1926). They observed three types of freezing: the compact sur- face freezing, the intermittent freezing and the dis- seminated freezing. Compact S u r face F r e e z i n g. ]\Ioran exposed to sub-zero temperatures discs of gelatin gels of various concentrations, measuring 3 mm. in thickness and 15 mm. in diameter. With water contents higher than 34^ and temperatures from - 3° to - 19°, ice formed around the discs, while the inside gelatin core became more concen- trated. The authors removed the ice shells and determined the amount of water so frozen and the maximal gelatin concentrations reached by the core. They found that these concentrations varied from 54.3yr to 65.2% when the tem- peratures varied from -3° to -19°. If a preparation frozen at - 3° was put consecutively at lower temperatures (even in liquid air) and brought back to -3°, the concen- tration was 54.37^ , that is, the same as in gelatin frozen at -3°. With very high water contents and low freezing tem- peratures, for example 88% and - 11°, there were, in ad- dition to the surface freezing, some centers of crystalliza- tion formed inside of the gelatin core where one could find places containing a "sponge of gel" (Fig. 10, A). Briefly, when freezing was slow, water separated from the gel and came to the surface to solidify in a compact mass of ice ; when freezing was rapid or when there was great abundance of water, crystallization took place inside the gel. Intermittent F r e e z i n g. ^loi-an, studying the congelation at - 11° of gels containing 62''/ water, observed granulations, 2 to 3 mm. in diameter, of congealed material. 135 Fig. 10. Photomiciograplis of sections tluougli frozen gelatin gels. (From Moran, 1926.) irregularly distributed in a non-frozen gelatin matrix (Fig. 10, B). Sections made through these granulations at - 11°, with instruments maintained at that temperature, or at higher temperatures, after fixation with f ormol, revealed a structure consisting' of alternating concentric layers (Fig. 10, C ) . ]\[oran considers these layers as made respectively of ice, and of dehydrated gelatin. Hardy (1926) studied Moran 's spheres in greater detail. Layers of gelatin gels 0.5 mm. thick, containing the proper amount of water, Avere mounted between slide and cover- slip; they were, then, frozen at a convenient temperature and observed in a low temperature room. The concentric shells were seen to consist of two sorts of rings, one of 136 ^vlli(•ll ronncd "lut'inhriiiU's" ahoiil ()..") micron in thickness, \vliil(' llic other whicli srciiicd ('nch)s('(l within these mem- ])r;nies, consisted of much broader layers. Outside of the rings, solidificntion continued in the form of rays (Fig. 11, A), the rings l)ulgin,,^li. .Mciliuiii W'vy Ili^rh Internal, Di-ssciiiiiiatcd, Granular Ice Mcilium Mcdiuin, II ioh Internal, Interniilteiit Ice-gelatin Low Any No freezing 3. Coagulated Material. Prillieux (1869b) described an exudation of ice from the white and from the yolk of a boiled egi>,- when the latter was put to freeze under a cover, after the shell was removed. There was a layer of ice 1 mm. thick outside the white, and another of about the same thickness between the white and the yolk. The white was itself divided into several concentric layers of unfrozen, soft albumin, separated by shells of ice, some of whicli were about 1 mm. thick. The ice shells consisted of small ice columns with their axis perpendicular to the surface of the shells. There were tiny air bubbles along the axis of the columns. 4. Porous uiafcrlal. If the water which freezes out of a liciuid is hindered in its withdrawal not only by the forces which hold it in solution or in suspension l)ut also ])y capil- lary or osmotic forces, we should expect some dilference in the form of the resulting crystals, their state of aggre- gation and their velocity of formation. Rigaud {Londou-Ed'tuh. Phil. Mag., 2, UK), 1853) de- scribed a particular type of exudation of ice from the mortar of a stone wall. A plate of ice covered the wall. It consisted of juxtaposed ice columns which grew parallel to eacli othci- and pcrjjeiidicular lo the surface from which they arose. The columns were oi' all sizes u]) to several centimeters in length. 139 Leslie {'^Eiwyclopcdia Britannica," vol, 3, art. Cold, p. 258, Supplement) observed a protrusion of ice filaments, like bundles of spun-glass, from a porous earthenware pan into which he put water and which he maintained in the presence of sulphuric acid in reduced air pressure. The water was conveyed through the pores and crystallized out- side in ice shoots, perpendicular to the surface of the container. Le Conte ( 1852 ) obtained a similar effect by soaking ' ' the smaller portions of soft and spongy roots ' ' of the cypress in potassium nitrate and letting them dry in the air. Crystalline fibers of the salt emanated at right angles to the surface. The author compares these fibers to the filaments of zinc sulphate which form at the surface of the earthen- ware cups used in batteries. 5. Tissues. Surface Freezing. The astronomer Her- schel (the son of the famous William Herschel), in 1833, observed, on some decaying thistles and on the stumps of living heliotropes, ice ribands with a fibrous structure, a silky surface and a frilled wavy shape (Fig. 12). The ribands were formed longitudinally on the stem and per- FlG. 12. Foiniatidii of iee rilibons on plant stvinips. (From Horscliel, 1833.) 140 pi'iidiciihii' lo il. 'I'licy orii^iiuilcd on the wood, hclow tlio corh'X, and horcd llicii- \\;i>' llii'onuii ci'acks in the latter. Tlic ice lihcrs were ix'rpendiculai- lo tlie stem. The at- tac'limeiit of the riband to the stem ^vas very light and did not correspond to any crack in the stem. Dnnal (1848) described on the square stems of some hd)iates, fonr ril)bons of ice comin,<>' out from the sap wood, through the torn cortex. Simihir ice blades on plant stems were observed, two years later, in Georgia, by Le Conte wlio depicts the same details as the previous observers. Sachs (18(50) attempted to induce ice formations of the kind described, by exposing sections of beets to the frost, under a cover to avoid an excessive evaporation. He ob- tained plates of ice, of velvety appearance, made of ice columns perpendicular to the cut surface of the tissue. The author observed these phenomena on several types of vegetables. He noticed, furthermore, that the process could be more easily induced in succulent plants and when freezing was not too rapid. Several attempts have been made to explain this exuda- tion of ice in plant stems. Herschel notes that the water comes from within the plant and that it must finally come from the ground. The plant would work as a "chimney," moisture being exuded from the earth by "every open spiracle, ' ' According to de Mohl ("Vermischte Schriften," Tiib- ingen, 1845), the exudation of fluid from the tissues is due to the contraction of the latter under the action of cold. Le Conte holds that water will begin to freeze at the external end of each capillary pore, where the contact with tlie air maintains a low^er temperature. When the water freezes into ice columns, a lateral pressure would be exerted between tlie lattei', due to the ex])ansion which accompanies freezing. The ice plate constituted by the columns would then separate from the substratum in a direction perpendicular to its surface. AVhen the ice columns have moved away from the broader open end of 141 the c'a])illaries, water from witliiii would fill the latter again and a new layer of ice would be formed as before. Caspary (1854) suggests that, at freezing temperatures, for one reason or another, an exceptionally abundant amount of sap might ascend the plant through the vessels. That sap would traverse the walls of the vessels to freeze outside. Sachs called the attention of the biologists to the fact that a body imbibed with a liquid is always surrounded by a film of that liquid. To show this, he covered with var- nish a piece of a pig's bladder membrane and dipped it into water; the varnish, which before imbibition was ad- hering to the membrane, became loose, on account, says the author, of the formation of a film of water between the membrane and the varnish. Applying this principle to the present problem he assumed that the film of w^ater present on each w^et surface freezes first and that upon formation of a new film, it behaves as a removable layer. Prillieux (1869a) objected to Le Conte that the size of the ice columns did not correspond to that of the capil- laries. He objected to Sachs that a surface film of capil- lary size should resist congelation instead of initiating it. He furthermore remarked that the expansion of water between 4° and 0° is not sufficient to explain the exudation observed. Finally he proposed the following explanation. Water is held in the living cells or in the boiled white of egg by the forces of imbibition; the molecules of water w^hich are farther away from the imbibing molecules and are not so strongly attracted by the latter, leave them and freeze. The crystals formed in that manner grow by attraction of new molecules of water. So, as we under- stand the author's interpretation, the columns of ice origi- nate in larger intermolecular spaces and in pores. It seems that, during the first half of this century, the attention of the biologists has been attracted by other questions and that the problem of the mechanism of these particular ice formations has been left unsolved. 6. Tissues. luterceUular Freezing. In 1817, du Petit- 142 Tliouars described ice formalioiis in llic pilli and in tlic cortical parenchyma of the stem of some plants (vine, elderberry, etc.) The ice crystals were occasionally so abundant that it was ])ossible to obtain a dish-full of them. In somi' instances thei-e was a com})lete cylinder of ice below the cortical layer. On meltin^u', tlie ice coHected in tlie tissues i^ave almost clear water. Later de Mohl {op. cif.) discovered that, wlien the leaves fall after a freezing weather, a layer of ice can be seen at the base of the petiole, separating the leaf from the branch. The mechanism of the formation of this ice layer is prob- ably the same as that of surface freezing of stems dis- cussed above. Caspary {Bof. Zeituug, 1854, p. 665) who had observed surface freezing on various plants, in the Schoeneberg garden, near Berlin, described also the formation of masses of ice in the interior of fresh stems, in particular, below the epidermis. He attempted an anatomical study of the tissues from which the ice originated. But he says that he could not ascertain whether the separation of the cortex from the wood and of the wood from the medulla was accom])anied by a tearing of the cells or if the latter Avere only pushed apart. Several observers, however, after Goeppert (1830), have pointed out that the cells, in frozen tissues, are not torn by ice crystals. Such an observation, together with that of the presence of ice in the intercellular spaces, contributed to estal)lish the notion that water does not freeze in the cells but that it is withdrawn from them during the freezing process. Sachs (1860, vf. also his "Textl)ook of Botany," Book HI, Ch. Ill, Sect. 7), by cross-sectioning leaf stalks of a frozen artichoke, observed that the epidermis ^vas separ- ated from the parenchyma by a layer of ice, and tliat the parenchyma itself had split into several ])ortions separ- ated from each other by ice (Fig. 13). From pieces of leaf stalk weighing 396 grams he picked out as much as 99 grams of ice. This ice was almost pure water; after evaporation it left only 0.1 'r of solid substance. 143 Fig. 13. Section tlirough the leaf-stalk of a frozen artichoke. (From Sachs, 1860.) Tlie hatched spaces represent the ice masses, the black spaces, the cavities of the ruptured tissue. Prillieux (1869a) insisted on the fact that, in frozen tissues, ice was found between the cells and not in them. This was observed in petioles, in buds, in stems, etc. Some stems presented, in a cross section, four masses of ice radially distributed, some three, some five, depending on their structural symmetry. A layer of ice always isolated the epidermis; the pith often seemed filled with ice crys- tals; the parenchyma was usually split into several por- tions separated by ice masses. Since the cell walls were not broken, Prillieux remarked that they could not have been traversed by ice crystals and that, therefore, it was in the liquid form, before freezing, that water had left the cells. Fig. 14. Intercellular lens-shaped masses of ice in plant tissues. (From W'iegand, Plant World, 9, 26, 1906.) Each mass consists of two layers of ice pillars. In the middle of the tissue, (A) the pillars have the same length in the two layers; they are of unequal length nearer the external surface of the tissue (B) ; only one layer remains at the surface itself (C). 144 MiilK'r-Tlmriiaii (ISSli) sliidicd llic (h'posilion of ice in llu' jiilci-ct'llulnrs hy llic following' procedure. He sec- tioned ^vitll a eooled knife pieces of frozen tissues, snch as beets, potatoes, dahlia tubers, etc., took out the little lens- shaped pieces of ice located between the cells and exam- ined them on a cooled slide. These ice masses consisted of two layers of ice pillars {cf. Fig. 14). Each pillar was a more or less regular six-sided ])rism. Within the indi- vidual i)illar, bead-like air-bubl)les extended along the axis. The ice masses were of enormous size as coni])ai'ed with that of the cells. The cross section of the individual crys- tals was itself larger than that of the cells. The length of the columns was about the same in the two adjacent layers except if the ice mass had been formed near the external surface of the tissue, then the layer on the external side was thinner. The surface freezing in compact ice crusts, as described before, is considered by this author as the limit in the series of forms that the ice masses take when they origi- nate at points gradually nearer the outside surface. The formation of ice between the base of the petioles and the stem, described by de Mohl in his study of the fall of the leaves after a frost, is also considered a particular case of the same phenomenon. As to the question of intercellular or intracellular freez- ing, Miiller-Thurgau noted that a direct examination of sections of frozen tissues under the microscope shows the crystals between the cells, not in them. Repeating an experiment previously made ])y Sachs, he determined the residue left after evaporation of 21.08 grams of ice collected inside of a cow-beet, and found 0.04 g. It was, therefore, practically pure water which tiltered out through the cell walls during freezing. ^^liiller-Thurgau, described also ice masses of columnar structure in animal tissues, for example, around the ali- mentary canal of an earthworm left to freeze in the ground, at -6°.^ 7. Cells. Surface Freezing. Moliscli (1897), exposing 145 yeast suspensions to a freezing tempei'alure of -9°, states thai a witlulrawal of watei- was evidenced by a shrinking of the cells (l)y a])Out 10'/<' of the original volume) and by the fact that the vacuoles became indistinct. The cells themselves, he thinks, nevei- froze. The same author described also an exudation of water from various filamentous algae: Spirogyra, CladopJiora, Derbesia, etc., observed under the microscope during the congelation of their medium. In a Spirogyra the diameter decreased by 62 9^ . Then he froze these algae in olive oil and noticed that the extruded water formed a cylinder of ice around the plants. In some forms the ice exuded pre- sented a characteristic filamentous pattern, with the fila- ments sometimes twisted like in a screw, a pattern that he also observed in moss leaves and in fern prothalia. In staminal hairs of Tradescantia, Matruchot and Mol- liard (1902) observed, during freezing, a loss of turgor, a decrease in cell volume comparable to that which occurs in plasmolysis, and a decrease or disappearance of the large vacuoles. They consider all these features as result- ing directly from the withdrawal of water. 8. Cellular ('o)istituents. AVliile the preceding investi- gations refer to the exudation of water from freezing cells, Matruchot and Molliard studied the evidence of with- drawal of water from the cell constituents, in particular from the nucleus. Plant tissues of various types w^ere left to freeze for several hours (15 hours mentioned in one case) at temperatures from -4° to -7°; then they w^ere thawed, fixed and stained. The authors used cells with a somewhat abundant vacuolar content taken from the lacu- nar parenchyma of the leaves {Narcissus), from the cortex of the hypocotyl axis {Phaseolus), from the stem {Lupi- nus), from the parenchyma of the roots {Hyacinth us), from the floral peduncles {Clivia, Tulipa), and also cells of more compact cytoplasm, such as those found in the tissues of the nucelle {Leucoium) and of the ovary {Tu- lipa). The essentials of their results are represented in Figure 15. The nucleus, homogeneously granular in un- i4(; Fig. 15. JMiase separation in tlie nncleus of frozen plant cells. (After Matruc'hot and Molliard, 1902.) The chromatin is represented in solid black masses. frozen controls (Fig-. 15, A), shows vacuolization in frozen cells. The chromatin forms a network with the meshes elongated in the direction of the vacuoles (Fig. 15, B). If the nncleus is between two vacuoles, the pattern is then bipolar (Fig. 15, B), if there is only one vacuole in the neighborhood of the nucleus, the pattern is monopolar (Fig. 15, C). The meshes fuse into larger masses at the equator of the nucleus in bipolar systems and at the pole opposed to the vacuole in monopolar ones. These masses of cliromatin become more and more compact, the fila- ments projecting from them thin out gradually (Fig. 15, D) and finally there results (in bipolar systems), a crown of chromatin at the equator of the nucleus, separating two nuclear vacuoles which bulge out on each side (Fig. 15, E), III the cells with more condensed contents (from micelles and ovaries), the chromatin meshes are thicker, the vacu- oles within the meshes occupy a smaller volume, and the entire pattern is of a different type (Fig. 1-3, F). As to llie cytoplasm, which is described as gramilai- in the nor- mal condition, it l)ecomes spumous or spongy by vacuoli- zation, after freezing. In general, in the cells studied by Matruchot and Alolliard there was, on freezing, a separa- 147 lion of water from the chromatin or from the cytoplasm and an accumnhition of tliat water in the vacuoles. Lnyet and Gibbs (1937) made a detailed description of the progress of freezing in the epidermal cells of onion. After the congelation of the moisture present at the sur- face of the mounted epidermis, some subcooled cells froze suddenly, becoming opaque. Two separated phases could then be seen in the frozen cells : ice and concentrated vacuo- lar sap. The opacity decreased during the few seconds subsequent to the sudden freezing, a phenomenon that the authors attributed to a rapid growth of crystals. There followed a slow transformation and growth of ice masses (Fig. 26) which lasted for hours. Bugaevsky (1939), evidently unaware of the last-men- tioned work, described the same process in epidermal and subepidermal cells of the "underground part" of Avheat plants. The ice crystals are said to grow within the proto- plasm itself ; no mention is made of vacuoles. Buck (unpublished work; cf. abstract in Auaf. Rec, 72, SuppL, 125, 1938) obtained the curious picture represented in Figure 16 by freezing salivary gland chromosomes of Ch'uouomus tentans. The nuclei, dissected out of the gland and contained in a drop of water, were let fall into a tube of petroleum ether cooled to about - 70°. The con- tent of the tube was then evaporated in a high vacuum at a temperature lower than - 30°. One of the nuclei so ob- tained, photographed in fofo,i^ shown in the Figure. One can distinguish several lobes of the coiled chromosomes. The parallel lines seen across the nucleus seem to bear no relation to the orientation of the chromosomes. The author suggests that they represent regions of compressed nuclear material, while the clearer stripes would represent regions of reduced chromosomal content previously occu- pied by ice (personal communication). C. THE FREEZING CURVES ^[any experimental investigations on death or injury by low temperature involve the study of freezing curves, that 14S Fig. 1(3. Frozen nuck'iis from .salivary gland of Cliironomioi tentan.s. (Original, Buck.) is, of curves expressing the course of tlie temperature of a freezing object in terms of time. We shall analyse here briefly the essential characters of freezing curves and, to begin with, those of the freezing curve of water. 1. Freezing Curve of Water. If a mass of distilled water, perfectly stirred, at a temperature T (above zero), is exposed to a cooling bath at a constant temperature t (below zero), the temperature of the water will drop, in terms of time, according to a curve of the type repre- sented ill Figure 17. This composite curve consists of three limbs : AB, BC, and CD, which represent the course of the temperature before, during, and after freezing, respectively. The limbs AB and CD are eooVmg curves. Under ideal conditions, as has been stated in the third section of the Preliminary Chapter (r/. in particular the formula 5), such curves are exponential. AB and CD nie not, liowever, identical. The curve AB 149 B' Fig. 17. Freezing curve of a liquid under ideal conditions. Abscissae: time ; ordinates : temperature. represents the cooling of water, and the curve CD the cooling of ice, that is, of a solid which cannot be stirred, and which possesses a heat conductivity about 4 times higher and a heat capacity about twice lower than that of water. The impossibility of stirring results in a non- uniform distribution of temperature ; in a solid body which is being cooled the temperature decreases gradually from the center to the periphery. The high heat conductivity and the low specific heat of ice cause a more rapid cooling than in the case of water; consequently, the slope of the curve CD is steeper than that of AB. To construct exponential curves one needs only two ex- perimental points. Let us assume, for example, that a mass of water at + 10° is exposed to a bath at - 5°, and that the cooling rate is such that the temperature drops during the first minute from 10° to 8°, that is, if - 5° is taken as the origin, from 15° to 13° (from 10 + 5° to 8 + 5°). The two experimental values, 13 and 15, give the ratio of the geo- 150 nu'lrii' iti-(»>;-rc'ssi()ii i-('i)r('s('iitiii,u- llif ('(tursc of tempera- ture: 13: 15 = ().S()(). Willi lliis latio one ealeulates 1lie temjH'rntiire after ii minutes, wliieli is 15 X 0.86()". hi general, there is a uood agi^eemeiit hdwceii the ex})eri- mental and the calcnhited eooiiiiu' eui'ves. As to the portion Bf (Figure 17), it is a straight line in the ideal conditions assumed. When the decreasing tem- perature reaches 0°, water begins to freeze and, by liberat- ing heat, it ])revents a further dro]) of the temperature. Theoretieally, if the entii'e mass of watei- were at 0° and if the heat liberated could be eliminated instantly, freezing would be completed at once. But a portion only of water is at 0° and freezes, the remnant is at a slightly higher tem- perature and stays liquid. The heat liberated by the part which freezes contributes to maintain the temperature of the non-frozen i)ortion above 0° and delays the complete freezing of the mass. The curve then stays horizontal, there being an exact balance between the quantity of heat which is withdrawn by the bath and which would bring the temperature down, and the quantity of heat which is pro- duced by f i-eezing and which would bring the temperature up. The length of the horizontal portion of the curve depends on two main factors : the velocity of withdrawal of heat, and the mass of liquid to be frozen. Concerning the rate of withdrawal of heat from the freezing mass one should remember that it does not remain constant during the process of freezing, even if the temperature of the cooling- bath stays constant. While the material is being solidified, there is a gradual increase in heat conductivity and conse- quently the rate of withdrawal of heat increases. It is evidently necessary to take into account this change when one calculates the length of BC. The change in specific heat can be neglected in as much as the system consisting of the substances separating the freezing mass from the cooling bath can be compared to a wall limited by two surfaces at constant tem])eratures (see, above, the treat- ment of the "Problem of the wall")- iVnother factor 151 which considerably disturbs tlic process of withdrawal of heat from a freezing mass and which I'enders partially inai)i)licable the laws established under ideal conditions, is the gi-adually increasing inetficacy of stirring during the progress of crystallization. The area BCC'B' is sometimes used as a measure of the quantity of ice produced during the time interval B'C. If the heat Q produced by freezing is entirely transmitted to the bath, one can write that it is equal to the heat Q' dis- sipated : Q = Q' (A) But the number Q of calories produced by crystallization is equal to 80 times the number I of grams of ice formed : Q = 80I (B) On the other hand, the heat dissipated Q' (see, above, the "Problem of the wall") is proportional to the difference y of temperature between the freezing water and the cool- ing bath, to the thickness d of the material separating them, to the heat conductivity c of that material and to the time t Q' = kytcd (C) where k is a constant of proportionality. From the equa- tions (A), (B) and (0) one deduces l=^ytcd (D) that is, the amount of ice I is proportional to the area yt of the rectangle BBT'C (when the heat conductivity c and the thickness d are constant). The numerical value of the product kycd, that is, the number of calories lost by water in one unit of time, in the conditions of the experiment, can be determined by measur- ing, on the cooling curve, at the point B, the nnml)er of degrees by which the temperature drops in one nnit of time and multiplying that value by the number of grams of water present (each gram requiring 1 calorie to lower the temperature by one degree). As we said, the formula D is established on the assump- tion that the factors c and d are constant. But c, the heat 152 f()iuliu'li\"il\' of t'rccziiii;' water, docs not sta\' coiislaiil ; il increases as more and more ice is formed. The formula I), therefore, sliouhl l)e considered correct only in a first a])- })roxiniati()n. The other factoi's tliat we mentioned a])Ove as al'fcclinii,' tlie h'li^th ot" llic cui-n-c should also ])e taken into account in the study of the area limited by the curve. Theoretically, at the points of junction of the three curvx's AB, BC and CD, there should ])e sharp angles; practically, the angles ai-e rounded on account, mostly, of the lag in the conduction of heat. As we shall see later, with bio- logical material the j^assage from one section of the curve into another is sometimes so gradual that it cannot be assigned to any definite point. We said nothing in this discussion on the heat capacity of the thermometer, of the stirrer and of the containei-. The presence of these objects might sometimes have an important disturbing influence on the shape of the curve and it is not enough simply to correct the results by intro- ducing their water-equivalent in the calculations. 2. Freezing Curves of Solutions. When freezing bio- logical matei'ial we are always concerned with solutions or suspensions and not with pure liquids. The freezing curve of an aqueous solution in ideal conditions is repre- sented in Figure 18. Such a curve consists of 4 limbs AB, BC, CD, DE. The parts AB and DE are simple cooling curves of the exponential type studied in the preceding section. The part BC requires a detailed analysis. When the temperature has dropped to a certain point below zero, water starts to freeze out of the solution. This point (B in the figure) is called, though improperly, the freezing- point of the solution. The portion of water which freezes at B liberates heat and the drop in temperature is retarded. However, the curve cannot stay horizontal for any length of time ; as soon as some of the water is solidified, the solu- tion becomes more concentrated and its freezing point is lowered. When the temperature is down to this lower freezing point, moie water freezes, more heat is liberated, 153 Fig. 18. Freezing curve of a solution under ideal conditions. Abscissae: time; ordinates: temperature. a new delay results in the rate of cooling and the solution becomes again more concentrated. The curve slowly fol- lows a downward path BC. Such a curve is of the hyperbolic type, as is shown by the following considerations. A 0.01 weight-molar (molal) solution begins to freeze at - 0.0186°. To lower the freez- ing temperature by a further 0.0186 degree, that is, to bring the freezing point to - 0.0372°, the concentration should be doubled; for another lowering of the freezing point by 0.0186 degree the concentration should be tripled, and so on. To double, treble, etc. a weight-molar concentration, the weight of water in the solution should be reduced respectively to ^, h h etc., its original value. To reduce the weight of water to h one should crystallize ^l of it ; to 154 i-('(liu't' it to .1 one has lo cryslalli/c llic ollici- H, dc. In llu'st' suc'c'i'ssix'c operations the (juaiit it ics ol' watci- s('))a- ratrd l)y crystallization I'roiii the original (iuantity ])rt'seiil would he 1 - !>, then 1 - ',, tiien 1-1, etc. Assnming that the lieat pi-odncod by the crystallization of these (piantities of solvent is dissipated pro|)<)rtionally to the time one lias the following values for the frei'zing temperatures in tei-ms ot" time (the original concentration of the solution is sup- posed to be 0.01 weight-molar, its freezing point, therefore - 0.0186°, and the unit of time is the time that it would take to freeze all the water of the solution) : Freezing rr- Freezing rr- n ■ t lime r> :, i lime Point Point -0.0186° XI 1-1 = 0 - 0.0186° X 4 l-i = 0.75 - 0.0186° X 2 1-Jy = 0.5 - 0.0186° X 5 1-1=0.80 - 0.0186° X 3 1-i = 0-666 The freezing point F decreases as an arithmetic progres- sion; the time t increases as a harmonic sequence; it is known that the relation between two such quantities is hyperbolic. The formula of this relation is F = ^ (E) where k is the freezing point depression of a weight-molar solution. In the establishment of this formula many factors have l)een left behind, which should be taken into consideration in most of the quantitative studies on freezing curves: 1. The law of the freezing point depression holds only in dilute solutions of non-electrolytes ; 2. The heat produced is not withdrawn proportionally to the time, its withdrawal de- pends on the difference between the temperature of the bath and that of the material, a difference which is con- tinuously decreasing; 3. By the gradual formation of ice, the specific heat and the heat conductivity of the system are changing and this also affects the rate of heat with- drawal ; 4. There is some heat of solution involved in the ])hase sepai-ation. The hyperbolic relation, therefore, should be considered only as a first approximation law. 155 One can see, by the preceding analj^sis, that, if the solu- tion is dihite, the curve will stay practically horizontal for a long time since a relatively large quantity of water has to freeze before the freezing point is lowered noticeably. With very concentrated solutions, on the contrary, the liorizontal portion of the curve might be so small that a sharp determination of the freezing point would be dif- ficult. At the temperature of congelation of the saturated solu- tion, that is, at the eutectic point (C in the Figure), the two phases, solvent and solute, crystallize. The curve becomes parallel to the time axis (portion CD). For the analysis of this portion which is a freezing curve, we refer to what has been said in the preceding section on the freezing curve of water. A slight complication results, however, from the fact that there are 3 phases present, the liquid solution, the solid solvent and the solid solute, the latter two crystalliz- ing separately, though at the same time. It should be mentioned also that, for dilute solutions, the quantity of eutectic mixture is so little as compared to the quantity of ice present that the eutectic plateau almost vanishes while the freezing plateau is large. On the con- trary, for concentrated solutions, in which, as we said above, the freezing plateau disappears, the eutectic plateau becomes considerably broader. 3. Freezing Curves of Colloids. Little is known on the forces which have to be overcome to freeze water out of colloids. The following investigation is one of the few that we found in the literature, on this subject. Fischer and Bobertag (1909) described the curious fact that, when gelatin was dissolved in water by a previous heating, the freezing curve so obtained had a longer hori- zontal plateau than the freezing curve of a suspension of the same quantity of gelatin (about 9%) dispersed in flakes in the water (Fig. 19). A further investigation into the cause of this phenomenon might yield valuable in- formation on the mechanism responsible for the anomalies of similar nature so often met with in the freezing of tissues. 156 w»H»'>»>'«x»X»X «. « 12 16 Mm. 0 2 4 6 8 10 Fig. 19. Coininiiativc freezing curves of a solution (x x x) and of a sus- pension (. . .) of gelatin. (Curves drawn according to the data of Fischer and Bobertag, 1909.) 4. Fn'cziug Curves of Tissues. For a description and a discussion of the freezing curves of plant tissues, we refer the readers to ^^liiller-Thurgau (1881 and 1886), Voigt- lander (1909), Maximov (1914), Walter and Weismaim (1935), and Luyet and Gehenio (1937). Some freezing curves of animal tissues were studied by Jensen and Fischer (1910) and some of entire animals by Cameron and Brownlee (1913) and by Weigmann (1936). These curves were established for the information that they furnish on such problems as the position of the freezing point, the quantity of water withdrawn at a given temperature, the mechanism of death ])y freezing, the relations between the death i^oint, the freezing point and the quantity of ice present, the range of subcooling, and the existence of a eutectic point. We treated above the problems concern- ing the freezing points ; those related to subcooling will be reviewed in llie next chapter; the other jn-oblems men- tioned will be studied here. Living and Dead Tissues. The following dif- ferences were reported in the freezing curves of living and of dead tissues, stndii'd under otherwise comparable con- 157 ditioiis: 1. The liorizoiilal plateau was found higlier in dead than in living tissues (for l)ibliographical references, see above under "Freezing Points") ; 2. In dead tissues, the plateau was maintained horizontal for a longer time and then the curve dropped more rapidly than in living tissues (Fig. 20) ; 3. The freezing curves of living material often 0 5 10 15 20 MIN Fig. 20. Comparative freezing curves of living (A) and dead (B) plant tissue. (From Luyet and Gehenio, 1937.) showed jerks or irregularities while those of the dead were smoother ; 4. In dead material, the position of the horizon- tal plateau, that is, of the freezing point, was little affected by the cooling velocities used in the experiments, except at the very high velocities of 5 degrees per minute ; in liv- ing material, the horizontal part of the curve was lowered by cooling velocities of some 3 degrees per minute. Several of the authors mentioned above have attempted to explain these differences. In general, they attribute most of the results to the resistance offered by the living cell membranes and by the living protoplasm to the with- drawal of water. The dead tissues, in which the mem- branes have become permeable, and in which the proto- plasmic structure has been altered, would behave as aqueous solutions ; their water would be free. The living tissues in which it is thought, water is held more firmly, would release the latter only on the application of more force. The jerks are attributed by Luyet and Gehenio to the sudden release of various amounts of water or to the i:)S occasional t'rccziiin' of several vacuoles al a lime, ice-seod- iiiii' tliroiiuli llie ineiiil)i"aiies of llie iix'iii^- cells beiuii' often hindered. The resulls of .Jensen and Fischer (1910), on muscle, are quite different from the results obtained by the authors that we just mentioned, on plant matcM'ial. The curves of dead muscles dropi)ed more slowly after the horizontal plateau than those of living muscle (Fig. 21). The authors attrib- ute this to a firnirr hiufl'nic] of water in dead material. -11.2 -22.4 -33. 6 \ r=3»^ ""^^- >N '\\ ., \ ^\. 1 , 1 "n y 0 8 »2 /6 MIN. Fig. 21. Comparative freezing curves of living and dead muscle (From Jensen and Fischer, 1910: ( ), fresh tissue; ( ), tissue killed by freezing; (-■-■—), tissue killed hy heating at 100°; (• • • •), tissue killed b_v lieating at 115°. The freezing curve obtained by Cameron and Brownlee (1913) on an entire frog exposed to -10° with a ther- mometer in its stomach, seems to agree with the results generally reported rather than with those of Jensen and Fischer. The drop of the curve after the horizontal Ijlateau is slower and does not present the relatively sharp turn exhibited by the hyperbolic curve of a saline solution frozen at the same time (Fig. 22). E u t e c t i c Point. Mez (1905) assumed that plant tissues should present a eutectic point just as true solutions do. He claimed, furthermore, that this point was always above -6°. i:)9 -12 Fig. 22. Comparative freezing curves of an entire frog (x x x) and of a saline solution (o o o). (After Cameron and Brownlee, 1913.) On Mez' suggestion, Voigtlander (1909) established a large number of freezing curves of various plant tissues. He observed that in most of them the cooling velocity showed a decrease at two points along the curves (Fig. 7, Curve 5, Points F and E), and he considered these retarda- tions in the cooling rates as representing, respectively, the freezing and the eutectic points. According to Fischer (1911), it is quite daring to speak of the eutectic point of the cell constituents which are mix- tures of colloidal substances, some of wiiich perhaps never crystallize. Jensen and Fischer (1910), who made a com- parative study of the freezing curves of muscles and of saline could observe a faint trace of eutectic in the latter but their curves show no evidence of any eutectic in the muscle. Maximov (1914) criticized Mez and Voigtlander 's results on the ground that, in such a dilute solution as the cell sap, the retardation in the drop of the curve caused by a icn oulc'clic I'rtM'/iiii;', should Imi'dl}' l»c noticed ;nid could iiol l)o as lar^e as was (»l)sci\-cd. lie cxpressctl his siir])riso at Mez' c'oiiloulioii thai the ciiU'ctic was always above -fi°, wliiMi it is known that solutions of several snl)stances found ill the cells have mncli lowci- eutectic points. He em- phasized the faet that, in the numei'ous curves tliat lie estal)lished with tissues or with extracted juices, he never observed any indication of a eutectic freezing. He also pointed out that, with the high cooling velocities used by Voigtljindei', any retardation in the slant of the curve would be so attenuated that even the freezing points would be obscured. He finally suggested that the two retarda- tions observed by that author were due, respectively, to a freezing of the cell sap extruded around the thermocouple by the insertion of the latter, and to the freezing of the tissue. This interpretation was confirmed by the fact, meniioned by Voigtliinder himself, that extracted juice gave but one retardation. Luyet and Gehenio (1937) showed that a living tissue which gives a curve with two long horizontal plateaus (Fig. 23, A), at a low cooling rate of 2.5 degrees per minute, 0 5 10 15 20 MIN Fig. 2o. Effect of i-ooliiig vulucity on freezing curves. (From Ijuvt't and Gehenio, 1937.) Cooling velocity at 0°: in curve A, 2.5° per minute; in curve B, 5.2" per minute. gives a curve in which the plateaus almost vanish at a cool- ing velocity of about 5 degrees per minute (Fig. 23, B), and would be replaced by two slight retardations at the 161 cooling velocity of 10 to 14 degrees per minute used by Voigtlander. This contirms Maximov's view that Voigt- lander's curves present a double freezing point but no eutectic. Moran (1935), who defines the eutectic point as "the tem- perature at which all free water is frozen," determined this temperature in a concentrated filtrate of muscle juice. For that purpose he measured the electric resistance of the material when the temperature was lowered, there being quite a definite change in resistance at the eutectic. He obtained the value -37.5°, which he considers as the ' ' eutectic temperature of muscle. ' ' One must confess that there is little experimental evi- dence for the existence of a eutectic freezing in tissues, despite the fact that' a considerable portion of plant juices and body fluids are true solutions, from which one would expect a eutectic freezing. The problem of the eutectic, therefore, remains almost entirely to be investigated. Q u a n t i t y o f I c e F o r m e d. In the study of death by low temperatures, biologists have attempted to find, from an analysis of the freezing curves, the proportion of water frozen at a given temperature, in order to determine if death by freezing is conditioned essentially by the quan- tity of water withdrawn from protoplasm. In doing so, they have generally observed that the descending portion of the freezing curve which follows the horizontal plateau is maintained for a long time at a level higher than one should expect if all the water were frozen. Miiller-Thurgau (1886), by recording the time necessary for the freezing curve to fall from the freezing point to - 1°, from - 1° to - 2°, etc., concluded that, in a tissue, the amount of ice formed during the first part of the freezing period is considerably greater than that formed later ; but there was still some crystallization when the curve had dropped several degrees below the freezing point. This Avas confirmed by the observation that the ice masses formed in the intercellulars of a tissue exposed for several hours to -10° were larger than those formed after an exposure to -4°. 1(12 Jensen and Fisclici- (If)lO) calculak'd, from llie areas limited l)y tlie freezing- cui'ves, tiie comparative (iiianlities ot" iee formed at vai'ious tem]X'ratures, in living-, in pre- \ionsly t'l-ozeii and in ))revionsly heated muscles, as also in pliysiolo^'ical saline. The essentials of tlieii- results ^vere discussed above. Maximov (11)14), usiiii;' the method of the freezin,i;-curve- area, noticed, amonj»' other interesting facts, that the quan- tity of ice formed in a tissue of given water content does not depend oidy on the lowest temperature reached but also on the cooling velocity, that is, on the temperature of the cooling bath (investigations on potato and beet). Luyet and Condon (1938) found that the quantity of ice formed in small pieces of potato tissue weighing 2.25 gr. was 34.5, 45.5, 55.7 and 65.99c of the weight of the object, after, respectively, 15, 20, 25 and 31 minutes of freezing. The temperature had dropped during these periods of time to -1.9°, - 2.8°, - 4.6° and - 8°, respectively. There was still evidence that some ice was formed between the last two temperatures. In most of the investigations described in this last sec- tion, no attempt has been made to bring the temperature to very low values and to study the behavior of the curves at these temperatures. The last portions of the freezing curves have hardly been investigated. III. COMPLETION OF CRYSTALLIZATION Most of the authors who have studied the completion of freezing and its relation to temperature and time have done it by the calorimetric or the dilatometric method. We refer the readers who desire more complete informa- tion on this subject to reviews on ''Bound Water" and we summarize here only a few papers more intimately related to our topic. 1. Siisprnsious and Cnlloids. Foote and Saxton (1916) determined with a dilatometer the formation of ice, at various low temperatures, in mixtures of sand and water, of lampblaelv and water, in moist calcium hydroxide and in 163 hydrogels of alumina, of silica and of ferric oxide. While freozino- was completed at -4° in the sand mixture, it required a temperature of -28° to be terminated in the lampblack mixture. In most of the other substances studied, it was observed that at - 20° some water was still crystallizing out. Moran (1926), who had previously observed that, when gelatin gels in form of discs are frozen slowly, ice forms at the surface, determined the quantity of water left in the core of the discs, that is, the quantity of non-frozen water, after exposure to various low temperatures. The curve of Figure 24, constructed from his data, represents the amount of water found in the cores of discs exposed to temperatures from - 3° to - 19°. At this last temperature, /o 45 40 35 0° -5° -10° -15" -20 o Fig. 24. Proportion of water which remains unfrozen in gelatin gels ex- posed to various temperatures. (Calculated from Moran 's data, 1926.) Ab- scissae: temperatures; ordinates: unfrozen water in percent of the total weight. The horizontal dotted line represents the quantity of water which does not freeze at any temperature. 34.8',f (>r tlic weight of llic core was walci'. I'lil lliis Avas almosl (,'utiri'ly ii(>ii-t'r('('zal)k' water, since ,<;els ('()iilaiiiiiij»" 34.5% waler did not t'l-eeze at any temperature, even after immei'sion in li(iuid air. CoiiscMinently, almost all the freezable watei- was frozen at -19°. Lloyd and Moran {Proc. Roy. Soc. 147, 392, 1934) ex- tended these determinations to a temperature of -45°. They found no significant diffei-enee in tlie (piantity of ice formed at - 20° and at - 45% Moran (1935), using the metliod of surface freezing ob- served that in sohitions of agar, myogen and albumin (in collodion bags) there was still some freezing at - 20° ; how- ever, at this temi)erature the curves representing the pro- portion of water frozen approached the asymptotic position. In egg white, cessation of freezing would take place at - 31° as determined by the change in electric resis- tance of the freezing material. 2. Tissues. Aliiller-Thurgau (1886) measured, by the calorimetric method, the quantity of water not yet con- gealed at about - 15° in frozen apples. The apples were brought, after congelation, into a water-calorimeter at 16° and the resulting drop in the temperature of the water was recorded. The amount of ice was found to vary from 53.13 to 66.0 gr. in 100 gr. of apple, when the freezing tem- peratures varied from - 4.5° to - 15.2°. The water content of the apples was about 83%. Jensen and Fischer (1910) noticed that some ice was still being formed in frog's muscle at more than 20 degrees below the freezing point. Their criterium is the slope of the freezing curves. Rubner {Abh. Preuss. Aka(L Wiss., 1922), using the calorimetric method, found that only 75% of the water con- tent was frozen in beef muscle at - 20°. According to Plank {/. Ges. Kalteind., 32, 141, 1925), the amount of ice present in ox muscle at - 20°, determined calorimetrically, was 91% of the total water content. ]\[oran (1930), by the dilatometric method, found that 947. <'t' the water was frozen at - 10° and 98.2% at - 20°, in muscles from beef, mutton and pork. 165 The same author (1935) studied the completion of con- gelation in amphibian muscles. He embedded the latter in discs of gelatin gels, exposed them to various low tem- peratures, and measured the amount of ice formed at the surface of the discs. He found that most of the freezable water froze between 0° and -5°, that about lO^r of the total water froze between - 5° and - 20° and that less than 1% froze between -20° and -37.5°, at which temperature freezing ceased. The duration of the freezing process at a given tempera- ture is shown by an experiment of ^loran (1926) on a 43.7% gelatin gel put to freeze at - 11°, the volume of which was determined with a dilatometer. The increase in volume, rapid during the first few days, soon became very slow, but it ceased only after 26 days (Fig. 25). i 1 ^55 0 10 20 30 40 Duration of freezing, in days Fig. 25. Increase in the quantity of ice formed in a gelatin gel exposed for 26 days to - 11°. (From Moran, 1926.) The ordinates represent dila- tometer readings. In all these investigations it was assumed, as a principle, and this was subsequently observed as a fact, that con- gelation is more complete when the temperature is lower. But, it is also a principle and an established fact, as we said above, that the velocity of formation of nuclei and of growth of crystals is gradually reduced to zero when one lowers the temperature. These two principles are in evi- dent contradiction and one of them has to be sacrificed. ]()() .\s to the t'acliKiI ()l)s('i'\';i1 ions llicy can |)i'ol)al)]y he recon- ciled i r 1 lie teiiiix'i'al ui'es at which crystalli/at ion was found to 1)0 conij)lete, according' to the first principle, are ]jre- C'isely the teniix'ratures at which the crystals cease to .i>i'OAv, accordiiii*' to the second. The first i)riiiciple sliould then be abandoned since the facts alleg-edly ex])laiiied by it are really consequences of the other ])i-inciple. IV. THE FROZEN STATE PROPERTIES OF ICE AND OF FROZEN SYSTEMS A historical and critical review of the investigations on the physical constants of ice, and a large bibliography, Avill be found in H. T. Barnes' Book "Ice Engineering" (1928). The subject having thus been reviewed, we shall merely mention the essential established data, indicate the use that the biologists have made of them and suggest some other applications. Most of our information is obtained from Barnes' work. 1. Mechanical Properties of Ice. The plasticity of ice is well exemplified in the movement of the glaciers; ice really flows. The velocity of flow depends on the tempera- ture and on the pressure exerted and it is relatively high in large masses of ice, such as the glaciers (for figures, see H. Hess: "Die Gletscher" 1904). Andrews (1885) studied ice deformability at different temperatures by measuring the degree of penetration of a steel rod applied to blocks of ice. He found that the resis- tance to penetration varied little when the temperature was raised from - 40° to - 9° but decreased rapidly from -9° to 0°. This considerable plasticity at a few degrees below the melting point is probably the cause of the trans- formation of the ice pattern observed by Luyet and Gibbs (1937) in frozen epidermal cells of plants (Fig. 26). The flow of ice does not seem to result, as it is usually thought, from a partial melting followed l)y recrystalliza- tion, but it consists probably in a sliding of the crystalline planes one over the other (McOonnell, 1891). In some other crystalline materials, gliding lines can occasionally 167 Fig. 26. Drawings 1 to 7 : Transformations in epidermal plant cells while in the frozen state. (From Luvet and Gibbs, 1937.) Drawing 8: thawing cell. In all the drawings, the fluid sap is represented in black and the ice in white. be observed and for some metals, the degree of ductility and malleability can be related to the number of gliding- planes ((■/. Tammann, 1925, p. 192, sqq.). Even the classi- cal experiments known as "regelation" in which a piece of ice gives way under the pressure of a wire applied on it, should perhaps be explained, at least partly, by the gliding- motion of the crystalline planes. According to McConnell, single ice crystals are "per- fectly brittle." However, since, in general, the fluidity of a crystal depends on the temperature, some crystals be- ing so fluid near the freezing point that their faces bulge out or that their edges bend in a curve line under the action of gravity {cf. Tammann, 1925, p. 291), it seems evident that the individual ice crvstals should also show some 168 lluidity at li'iiiix-'raturcs iicai" thi' meltiiij;- jK)iiit. A study of tliis property, namely, of tlie degree of fluidity of the iee needles in formation, near 0°, would lielp in solving the problem of the mcclianieal injury whieh ean be produced in protoplasm by ice crystals. Some physicists discuss the viscosity of ice and, in gen- eral, of crystalline substances. They assume that in a crystalline body there are layers of molecules in the licpiid state which give to the system the consistency of a '^viscous solid." Hess (1902) observed that the presence of sand and dust increases the viscosity of ice. This observation might have some importance for the biologists since, in biological material, a number of foreign substances admixed with ice can modify its viscosity. Among the other mechanical properties of ice, let us mention the tensile strength and the compressibility which, according to Hess (1904), amount respectively to 7-8 kg. and 25 kg. per sq. cm., and the crushing strength which was found to vary from 23 kg. to 70 kg. per sq. cm. {cf. Barnes, 1928). The strength of a layer of ice 18 inches thick would be such that it could support a railroad train. 2. Specific Gravity. Bunsen, in 1870, obtained 0.91676 as the specific gravity of ice at 0°. Barnes considers this value as a **good average of all the latest and best measure- ments." The specific gravity of water at 0° was found by Chappuis (1897) to be 0.9998674. Due to the high pre- cision of density determination, the method of utilizing the difference in the specific gravity of ice and of water in the study of such problems as that of the quantity of ice formed in biological material at a given temperature, might prove valuable. 3. Thermal Coustants. Maass and Barnes (1927) give 0.4873 as the specific heat of ice at 0°. Callendar (1912) found 1.00934 for water at 0°. The biologist working with low temperatures occasion- ally needs to know the specific heat of ice from 0° C. to the absolute zero. We represented in Figure 27 the values 169 ■150 -200 250 •27 3 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Fig. 27. Specific heat of ice in terms of temperatui-e. (Curve drawn from the data of Maass and Barnes, 1927, and of Xernst, 1910.) obtained, from 0° to -80°, by Maass and Barnes (1927) and, from - 100° to - 200°, by Nernst (1910) . As an aver- age between - 188° and - 252.5°, Dieterici (1903) gives the value 0.146°. Since the curve is practically a straight line at the temperatures plotted, one can, in calculations involv- ing the amount of heat withdrawn for cooling some mate- rial between two points within this range of temperatures, take the average specific heat between the two points. The heat conductivity of ice at 0° is 0.00573, according to Neumann (1862) ; that of water at 0° is 0.00120, accord- ing to H. F. Weber (1880). The difference in conductivity along the axis of the crystals and in a perpendicular direction was found by Trouton (1898) to be practically negligible, the ratio of the two being 22 : 21. We did not find any data on the heat conductivity of ice at very low temperatures. Lees (1908) has investigated 170 the licnl coiKliictlxil}" ol" st'V('i-aI metals a1 KJO . Ilis rt'sulls iiulicatc thai in sonic ol' tlicni llic conduclivity is lowiT at low tlian at lii*>Ii temperatures while in others it is liiglier. According- to Dickinson, Harper and ( )sl)orn (1914), the heat of fusion of ice is 79.68 calories. It is to l)e noticed that the heat of fusion decreases by 0.59 calories for every degree of lowering of the fi-eeziiig point. Barnes aud Vipond (1909) found that the heat of evapo- ration of ice varies from about 600 calories in rapid evapo- ration to about 700 in slow evaporation. It is not the sum of the heat of fusion of ice (79 cal.) and of the heat of vaporisation of water (598 cal.), but it tends, in rapid evaporation, to become identical with the latter. This renders probable the assumption that ice evaporates with- out passing through the liquid phase, the molecules escap- ing from the ice in the state of a polymeric vapor. According to Washburn (1925) and others, the vapor pressure of ice varies from 0° to - 90° as follows : T. V.P. T. V.P. T. V.P. 0° 4.579 -30° 0.286 -70° 0.002 - 5° 3.013 -40° 0.097 -80° 0.0004 -10° 1.950 -50° 0.030 -90° 0.00007 -20° 0.776 -60° 0.008 The coefficient of linear expansion of ice, as determined by Petterson (1893) is 0.000053 between -2° and -10°. The coefficient of cubical expansion is 0.0001620 according to Nichols (1899). 4. Electrical Properties. It is known that ice is a good insulator; its specific resistance at 0° is given by Johnson (1912) as 0.367 X 10\ That of distilled water at the same temperature is 0.5 X 10'". We mentioned above that the difference in the electric resistance of ice and water has been used by Moran (1935) for the determination of the eutectic point of the muscle. The specific inductive capacity of ice at - 5° w^as found by Thwing (1894) to be 2.85 (wave-length of measuring 171 current: 1200 cm.); that of water at 18° is 81.07 (wave- length practically infinite) as determined by Turner (1900). Ice at the temperature of liquid air has a specific inductive capacity of 1.76 to 1.88 (wave-length : 75 cm.) ac- cording- to Behn-Kiebitz (1904). (For quotations see the Smithsonian Tables.) 5. Optical Properfies. Ice is birefringent ; the refrac- tive indices, as given by Reusch (1864) are 1.30598 for the ordinary ray and 1.30734 for the extraordinary ray (red light). ■ ' V. MELTING AND MELTED MATERIAL A. THE PROCESS OF MELTING Although there is an abundant biological literature on the possible injurious and lethal etTects of thawing, the process of fusion itself has been little investigated, far less than the process of freezing. Miiller-Thurgau (1881) attempted to study the course of thawing in a few tissues. He established, though with rather crude methods, some thawing curves. These, when compared with the corresponding freezing curves, pre- sented some characteristic ditTerences which later investi- gators discussed in more detail. Fischer (1911), after discussing some of the results which he obtained with Bobertag (1909) in freezing and thawing various carbon compounds, analyzed the afore- mentioned results of Miiller-Thurgau. He concluded that the amount of heat liberated in freezing is not the same as that absorbed in thawing and he attributes this dit¥erence to some endo- and exothermic processes concomitant with freezing and thawing. Maximow (1914) compared freezing and melting curves of potato tissues and noticed, in particular, that the freez- ing point was more than half a degree lower than the melting point. As to the difference observed by Fischer between the heat liberated in freezing and the heat ab- sorbed in thawing, he showed that it is a question of pro- cedure ; the difference is reversed if one changes the cooling velocity in the freezino- curve. 172 One slioiild naturally expect that the course of melting be diiforent t'l'om tliat of freezing;', since, in frozen tissue, the two constituent phases are se])arated, one of tlicni, water, hciu^' in tlic iiilci'cclhilai's, the ol hei', partly dehy- drated i)r()t()plasm, remaining- within the cell; a frozen tissue to be melted is, therefore, a quite different system from an intact tissue to be frozen. More investigation on melting curves of tissues, in par- ticuhir of tissues wliich survive a ])artial freezing and still possess semipermeable membranes, would throw some light on several questions related to osmosis during freez- ing and thawing and, in general, on the forces binding- water in living protoplasm. A comparison between melt- ing curves of living and of dead tissues might also prove illuminating. B. ALTERATIONS OBSERVED IN THAWED MATERIAL The fundamental alteration caused in aqueous solutions and suspensions, in aqueous colloids and in protoplasm by freezing is the separation of ice. If, when ice is thawed, the system can be restored to the condition in which it was before freezing, in other words, if the phase separation is reversible, the material might be unaltered. In this sense, the true solutions are, at least on first approximation, un- altered by freezing. Whether or not in suspensions, in colloids and in protoplasm the phase separation, or any other alteration, is reversible upon thawing, is the subject of the following inquiry. 1. Suspensions and Colloids. Vogel (1820) observed that starch paste loses its adhesive properties after being frozen. This is one of the oldest reports concerning a permanent change induced by freezing in a colloid. According to Goeppert (1830), when the milky plants Euphorhia and Ficiis are frozen, the milk is irreversibly transformed into a watery fluid. Ljubavin (J. Buss. Phys.-Chem. Soc, 21, 397, 1889) was the first, according to Lottermoser (1907), to show that a hydrosol can be converted into a gel by freezing. He also pointed out tlie influence of electrolytes on that conversion. 173 Bredig {Ztsch. f. angeiv. (Item., 954, 1898) described a precipitation of platinum and of othci- metals fi-om col- loidal solutions, after melting'. Lottermoser (1907 and 1908) confirmed these results and, in particular, the fact that the lower the electrolyte content of a sol is, the easier it acquires the property of precipitating after thawing (although there are excep- tions). Under ordinary conditions, hydrosols with high electrolyte content, such as silicic acid, undergo no change by being frozen and thawed; but when their electrolyte content has been reduced by dialysis they can be precipi- tated. The changes in consistency were concomitant with changes in electric conductivity. The author considers precipitation a consequence of the withdrawal of water during freezing. The fine structure of the gel, he suggests, is destroyed by the increase in volume of solidifying water. The particles of the colloid set free in that breaking down of the structure are wedged between the expanding ice crystals where they are transformed into leaflets which, after thawing, precipitate to the bottom of the vessel. Bobertag, Feist and Fischer (1908) studied the action of congelation at -10°, -70° and -180° on a large number of substances belonging to various groups : true solutions of dyes, such as eosin, safranin, etc. ; partly colloidal solu- tions, fuchsin, methyl violet, etc., colloidal solutions of Congo red, benzopurpurin, etc.; colloidal solutions of tannin, gums, starch, agar-agar, gelatin, albumin and hemoglobin; colloidal solutions of metal and metal com- pounds. Some dyes were partly decolorized after thaw- ing, but usually the previous color was resumed later, although in some cases it took 2 days for the restitution of the original condition. Tannin solutions precipitated above the freezing point; on thawing, the precipitate fell to the bottom of the container and, on rewarming, it dis- solved again ; this is the ordinary behaviour of a solute of which the solubility decreases at lower temperatures. Gum, starch and hemoglobin solutions were turbid immedi- ately after thawing, but cleared up entirely afterwards. 174 Agar-agar and golatiii solutions sliowcd, for ([uilc a long time after thawing, a donhlc i)liase sti-ncturc consisting of t'lunij)s of jelly and of a dilute li(iuid. Albumin solu- tions stayed jH'i-mancntly lurhid aftci' treatment at -70° and -ISO but not after being frozen at -10 . Platinum and gold were precipitated from their colloidal solutions by a freezing at -70°. Solutions of arsenic trisulfide and of antimony trisultide also ))i-ecipitated. A dilute solu- tion of iron hydroxide {li(iu<)r fcrri (Ualifsafi) did not pre- cipitate, but pi-esented an inci'eased Tyndall etfect. A solution of sodium silicate remained entii-ely unaltered. In silver preiKirations, such as protargol, kollargol and lysargin, the silver agglomerated into clumps, irregularly distributed in the ice; but, after thawing, the preparations were just the same as before freezing (a protective effect of albumin is thought to be resi)onsible for the reversible action in these preparations). The authors think that, in all the above solutions, solute particles are brought together during congelation and that, after thawing, they may or may not be dispersed again, depending on the nature of the substance. Be- sides, some colloids would be irreversibly dehydrated l)y freezing. According to Bruni (1909), colloidal isinglass, frozen at -20° or at -80°, formed, after thawing, a gel which could not be distinguished from the original one. But colloidal silicic acid, treated in the same manner, consisted, after thawing, of two phases, one of which was pure water and the other, a precipitate of amorphous leaflets of hydrated silicic acid. In 1911, Fischer reviewed the investigations of most of the previous workers, including those which he had made himself with various collaborators, and he concluded that colloids show an extreme variation in resistance to cold. In general, the changes which they undergo on freezing are reversible but, for some colloids, at some detinite tem- ])ei'atures, iirevei'sible changes take ])lace. The tempera- tures at which these iri-evei'sible pi-ocesses occur are some- 175 times determined by the age and previous history of the material. Bottazi and Bergami (1924) studied coagulation by freezing in ox and dog sera and in Octopus blood. The material, in glass containers with parallel faces 15 mm. apart, was left for a given time in a freezing mixture, then allowed to thaw and its turbidity was judged by the degree to which it obscured a series of dark lines drawn against the back wall of the container. They found that a con- gelation of ox serum at -20° gave, after thawing, a liquid as clear as before, except sometimes for a trace of opales- cence. So, temperatures wiiich solidify all the water of the proteins do not denaturate and coagulate them irre- versibly. At higher, non-freezing temperatures, for ex- ample, at -0.9°, the sera would coagulate partly if they were dialyzed for 10 days and so deprived of the major part of their electrolytes, but the coagulation process was entirely reversible on rewarming. This partial coagula- tion was easier to obtain if the sera were diluted with water. The addition of NaCl to coagulable sera pre- vented coagulation. The addition of hydrochloric acid caused the sera to become turbid when the isoelectric point was approached ; coagulation was, however, always rever- sible. The serum, it is concluded, is a rather stable col- loidal system, which becomes labile when it loses its electro- lytes and when it is acidified near the isoelectric point. The hemocyanin of the blood of Octopus macropus was found still more stable. It did not coagulate at -3° or -4° even after a month of dialysis. According to Callow (1925), repeated freezing irrever- sibly destroys the structure of gelatin gels. Moran (1925) observed that frozen egg yolk loses its fluidity on thawing and takes on a stiff pasty consistency. This change, however, occurs only if the following con- ditions are fulfilled: 1. The yolk must have been cooled below -6° (called by Moran the ''critical temperature of freezing"); a stay of several months above -6° did not change the volk consistencv ; 2. Congelation must actually 17(i lia\'(' taken {jlace; «'i;i;s siibcoolcd and niaiiilaiiicd at -11° tor 7 days were fluid on thawing'; .'>. Tlie malcrial must stay a certain leug'th of time in the frozen condition; tlie degree of stiffness increases with tli«d lengtli of time up to about 20 hours and then it stays constant ; 4. Thawing must not be too rapid; yoli-: immei-sed in licjuid air (24 hrs.) and then thawed at room temperature was pasty, while it was fluid wiien thawed in mercury at + 30°. Moran explains these facts by assuming that the pro- tein of the yollv, vitellin associated with lecitliin, wliich is known to be soluble in lO''/ NaCl, gets dissolved in tlie salt solution of the yolk wiien this solution is concentrated by freezing. The "critical temperature of freezing," -6°, would be the freezing point of that solution. On thawing, the protein would irreversibly precipitate out. In an at- tempt to verify this theory, he froze a dilute solution of NaC^l containing some lecitho-vitellin and observed, on thawing, a persistent cloud. During cooling and freezing, the yolk underwent some unexpected changes in volume, which were measured with a dilatometer. These changes can be summarized in the 4 following points : 1, The volume of the yolk exposed for 3 days at -11° and thawed decreased by 0.0084 of its origi- nal value (measured at 0°) ; 2. The coefficient of expansion of the thawed yolk was higher than that of the unfrozen yolk; 3. The contraction of the normal unfrozen yolk, which was linear with the temperature down to 0°, showed a higher rate in the subcooled condition from 0° to -7° ; 4. The volume of the frozen yolk, measured at -7°, in- creased by about 0.00015 of its original value when the material stayed for 3 days at -11°, but it decreased below the original value when the material stayed 9 days at -11°. Moran ascribes the decrease in volume resulting from a long stay in the frozen state at -11° (under 4, above) to the dissolving of the lecitho-vitellin of the yolk in the salt solution; dissolving proteins has been observed often to result in a decrease in volume. The long time involved would !)(' a1ti-il)ntable to the breaking down of the struc- 177 tare (hreakiiig down which results in the liberation of the proteins) rather than to the duration of the solving pro- cess. The increase in volume after a relatively short time in the frozen state (under 4, above) is attributed tentatively to the destruction of the capillary structure and to a reduction of capillary pressure. The decrease in vol- ume on thawing- (under 1 above) is more puzzling since a precipitation of the dissolved protein would increase the volume. Moran suggests that a process comparable to the swelling of proteins, which is known to result in a final shrinkage of the entire mass in which they are held, takes place in the precipitated flakes of the yolk. The decrease in volume during subcooling (under 3 above) is ascribed to an increase in the quantity of bound water, the degree of hydration of stable hydrates tending, in general, to in- crease at lower temperatures. The suggestion is made, finally, that this decrease in volume, observed in the sub- cooled state, might be the beginning of the same decrease which was observed after thawing, and which could even- tually become an irreversible change if subcooling were maintained long enough. Moran reported also that the irreversible changes just mentioned do not take place when the yolk is frozen in presence of a lOYc sucrose solution (at -11°). He com- pares this phenomenon to what happens in plants which are rendered winter-hardy by an increase in their sugar content. (Such protective action, according to Shrivas- tava {J. Phijs. Chem. 29, 166, 1925), would be due to an adsorption of sugar on colloidal particles.) The permanent modifications produced in yolk by freezing w^ere studied microscopically. Normal untreated yolk, fixed in Miiller's fluid, consists of polygonal masses (the yolk particles). Frozen yolk, fixed in the same man- ner, presents a horny appearance. The author explains this by a rupture of the yolk particles on freezing, a rupture which can be obtained also by stirring. Nord (1927-1938) and his collaborators investigated the effect of freezing, for various lengths of time, at tern- 17S l)i'raliir('s cxlciuliiin' t'roin 0 lo -180°, on tlic ijliysical (miii- stants of colloidal solulioiis of a laru'o inimbor of siib- staiic'cs, such as, zymase, (\u<»' al])umiii, uclaliiic, ii,iim ai'al)ic, saponin, mclacliolcstcrin, myosin, sodium olcalc, casein, polyaci\\lic acid and its esters, j)oly\-iiiyl alcoliol, etc. In geiier's and of spontaneous freezings in material ])reviously heated for two minutes at various temperatures. After exposure to 95°, 50° or 20°-24°, the percentage of subcoolings was resj)ectively 100, 95 and 85; after a previous freezing followed by exposure to 20°- 22°, 9°-10° or 1.8°-3° the percentage of subcoolings dropped to 75, 35 and 0 respectively (about 20 experiments at each temperature). 2. luoculatioti. Crystallization of a supercooled liquid can be initiated by bringing the liquid in contact with a crystal of the same substance. This is called seeding or inoculatiug. The procedure is used as a routine laboratory method. The fact that congelation starts when a crystal is pres- ent shows that the type of modification that a subcooled liquid undergoes to produce the first crystallite is an or- ganization and orientation of molecules. When the first crystallite is already formed, no such modification is re- quired, the molecules are simply attracted to the faces of the crystal on which they deposit. Inoculation can be performed not only with crystals of the same substance as the liquid but also with isomorphous crystals, that is, with crystals in which the directions of growth are the same. This confirms the view that the mechanism of construction of a crystal, and evidently also of a crystallization center, consists essentially in control- ling the directions taken by the molecules when they enter the crystalline structure. Besides isomorphous crystals, some substances are said to be specific in starting the crystallization of some partic- ular melts ; for instance, traces of potassium hydroxide or of nitric acid are used for inducing crystallization of phosphorus. Assuming that this is an observed fact, one might attempt to explain it by the theory that certain sub- stances contribute toward orienting the molecules of other 191 substances on account of some similarity of structure, even if that similarity is far from that presented by isomor- plious crystals. The biologists have tried to inoculate tissues or other biological materials by touching them with ice crystals. In general, the method is described as successful although, here and there, some authors express a doubt as to its efficacy. Several plant physiologists used, for inoculating tissues or organs such as leaves, a method which consisted in put- ting a drop of water at the surface of the material, with the idea that water would freeze first and seed the adja- cent tissue. Others who wanted to prevent crystallization, took precautions against any moisture on the surface. Mtiller-Thurgau (1881) claims that potatoes cut into pieces subcool less than intact potatoes, because of the easier formation of centers on the cut surfaces. According to Mez (1905), when a tissue was in contact, at one point, with the wall of a cold glass container, in- stead of being isolated from it by air, subcooling did not occur because of seeding by the ice formed at the cooler point. This author went so far as to say that he could guarantee a strong subcooling if a plant tissue was cooled in oil (he used castor oil) while there was no or little subcooling if the tissue was cooled in water. Voigtlander (1909), to obtain subcooling in plant tissues, removed with absolute alcohol all traces of moisture on the glassware to come in contact with the tissues and on the thermo-needle to be inserted in them. Harvey (1919), for preventing seeding by the extruded sap on the cut surfaces of leaves and petioles, dried them and covered them with vaseline. He also reported that leaves, stems and petioles covered with wax, bloom, or a thick mat of epidermal hair can be subcooled to lower tem- peratures than organs not so protected, or than plants in which the coverings were removed or broken. Such a protection is attributed to a prevention of seeding. A drop of water laid on the heavily covered samples did not seed the tissue below, as it did in cases of nude epidermis. V.)'2 Wright and Taylor (1921) remarked thai water or sap from ])riiises on the surfaee of a ])()tato ])i'eveiited that material from reaching' the degree of undercooling that it would attain without tiie presence of such moisture. On the other hand, Luyet and Hodapp (1938b) repeat- edly obtained subcooling, and often to a considerable de- gree, when cylindrical i)ieces of potato tissue were exposed to low temperatures in glass vials previously filled with water. Moisture, in this case, did not facilitate freezing. One must notice, however, that this moisture might have lost its ordinary properties due to the fact that it was held, in the form of a capillary layer, between the material and the vial. Concerning the efficacy of seeding by surface moisture, it seems that if such moisture can be brought to a lower temperature than the tissue itself (as, for example, by contact with a cooler object), or if it has a higher freezing- point than cell sap, inoculation becomes understandable; but one cannot see why a film of moisture of capillary size, mixed with sap at the surface of a cut tissue, would not subcool as much as the tissue itself. Luyet and Gibbs (1937) remarked that seeding through cellular membranes must be impossible in living tissues like onion epidermis, in which one can observe the sub- cooled cells freeze one by one, there being sometimes half- hour intervals between the congelation of neighbouring- cells, as was recorded previously by Molisch (1897). 3. The Time Factor. Some authors claim that, if a liquid is maintained long enough in the subcooled state, the molecules will unfailingly have a chance of colliding in the conditions of orientation necessary for crystalliza- tion. This view is based on thermodynamic considera- tions, but what is somewhat puzzling is that the time required for the formation of nuclei at low and at high subcooling temperatures does not seem to vary in proj:»or- tion to the change in thermodynamic activity of the mole- cules. While at low temperatures one can maintain the subcooled state for but a few seconds, at slightly higher temperatures one can sometimes maintain it for years. 193 Tlie geologists contend that some rock inclusions are in the subcooled state and that they have been in that condi- tion for millions of years. If this could be established as a fact it would serve the purpose of the longest imaginable experiment to check the theory according to which crystal- lization always occurs if enough time is allowed for it ; and it would speak against this theory. Among observations carried on over definite periods of time, let us mention that of de Coppet (1907) who main- tained 16 soliTtions of sodium sulfate in the supersaturated state, far below the precipitation point, for 33 years. Moran (1925) kept an egg yolk subcooled for a week at -11° (that is, more than 10 degrees below the freezing- point), while, in almost all the other cases observed, sub- cooling of but a few degrees lasted only several hours. These few facts, and many others, seem to indicate that the fundamental theories proposed for explaining the ac- tion of the time factor in initiating crystallization are none too reliable. More investigations on the relation between time and temperature and on the influence of the nature of the substance on that relation could pave the way to a deeper understanding of the problem. 4. Mechanical Disturbance. The types of disturbance usually mentioned as inducing crystallization are : shocks on the container of the subcooled liquid, vibrations of the building, the room or the table where the experiments are made, and shaking or stirring the liquid. The mechanism of action of the disturbance consists evidently in giving to the system which is in an instable equilibrium, the last im- pulse necessary to destroy that equilibrium. It is thought that this is done by some local compression on the path of the vibratory waves created by the disturbance. Despretz, already in 1837, pointed out the frequent in- efficacy of repeated shaking. Several investigators after him reported frequent negative results in attempts to induce crystallization by shocks or by stirring. De Coppet (1907) could not obtain the congelation of salol by vigorous and repeated stirring, at a temperature 11)4 of .'>0 to .').') (Ici-rccs below llic fi-ccziiii;' |)oiiit. Willi su])('r- saliiraleil solutions of sodium sulfate, maiutaiut'd at about S di'iii-('('s below their saturation temperature, he succeeded ill 10 out of 101 cases, in causing- crystallization by a con- tinued stirring of several minutes. In another series of experiments, in which the temperalui'e was about 9 degrees below the saturation ])<)iiit, he obtained one crystallization out of o7 trials. When small scaled tubes containing the supersaturated solutions were dropped on a Avooden table from a height of 10 cm,, no congelation occurred. Bachmetjew (1907) was not able to cause the freezing of a subcooled butterfly by hammering on the table on which the insect was lying, or by tapping the wire of the thermoneedle inserted in its body. On the other hand, according to AVi-ight and Harvey (1921), undercooling of potatoes maintained at -4° could be terminated at any time by a shock. Wright and Taylor (1921) studied the effect of jarring resulting from rough handling or incidental to hauling, in causing the undercooled potatoes to freeze. They found that dropping them on a hard floor or even tapping them with a pencil was generally elTective. Luyet and Hodapp (1938a) determined the proportion of efficient mechanical shocks on the congelation of potato tissue. A cylindrical shell of tissue was fastened around the bulb of a thermometer, and a slight tap was given to the upper end of the thermometer with a wooden lover, when the tissue was subcooled to temperatures from - 1 ° to -5°. In 63 experiments out of 122, crystallization occurred on tapping. The percentage of successful taps increased at lower temperatures, but to express numeri- cally the efficacy of tapping, one must eliminate from this percentage that of possible coincident s])oiitaneous crystal- lizations, which also increases at lower temperatures. Unfortunately, the latter percentage is unknown. Sum- marizing their results, the authors conclude that no doubt is left as to the efficacy of tapping in some experiments, and as to its inefficacv in others. Thev remark that such 195 a ])oliavior is consistent with the theory that crystalliza- tion occurs as an event which follows the law of prob- ability. As to the degree of force necessary to induce crystal- lization, several observers have noted that it varies with the degree of snbcooling. Fahrenheit, who is considered the discoverer of the snbcooled state, remarked, already in 1724, that strongly subcooled water could be made to crystallize by a shock, while slightly subcooled water could not. According to Mousson (1858), water can be maintained subcooled to - 12° or - 15° in a vacuum but then the slightest disturbance causes solidification. The same au- thor could obtain a high degree of snbcooling in tiny water droplets laid on a cold plate, but touching them with the point of a pin caused them to freeze at once. De Coppet (1907) observed that a strong stirring could not cause congelation of salol subcooled 30 to 35° below the freezing point, while 10 degrees low^er, crystallization took place readily, on the slightest disturbance. The same author said that when he gave to sealed tubes which con- tained supersaturated solutions of sodium sulfate, the slight inclination necessary to bring an air bubble present in them from one end to the other, he sometimes observed solidification. A study of the minimal disturbance (friction) which is effective in causing the precipitation of supersaturated solutions, has been made by Young (1911). Sensitivity to mechanical disturbance, as well as sensi- tivity to several other factors, depends on the nature of the material. Wright and Taylor (1921) observed that, while subcooled potatoes can be induced to freeze by a slight tap, berries subcooled to the same degree did not congeal under vigorous tapping. Mez (1905) claims to have observed a rather peculiar behavior in the cell sap of Impaileus, pressed out, filtered, boiled, subcooled and subjected to shaking. A slight dis- turbance started crystallization at temperatures immedi- ifu; alcly ])('l()w llic t'rccziiin' point and at the cxti-cnic lower limit of suhcoolini;-, Avliile a vigorous shaking was iiicffoc- livo in the internu'diato zone of temperatures. He con- tends also that spontaneous erystallization occurred most of the time between -0.72° and -2.9° and l)eiween -5.01° and - S.17° and less frecpiently in the intermediate region. To establish the existence of such zones of stability, more statistical data would be necessary. We shall mention, to finish this section, a curious but too concisely described observation of Wartman (1860). Some water that he had left during an entire night, at about - 4° in a glass container 31 cm. high and 16 cm. wide (diameter ?), had stayed liquid, but Avhen he took the con- tainer to empty it, in the morning, three walls of ice sud- denly formed, making 60° angles ( f ) with each other, adhering at one side to the wall of the container and oblique to the axis of the latter. 5. Capillarity. Some of the oldest investigations on subcooling were made by Gay Lussac (1836) who observed that water can be subcooled to - 12° when it is enclosed in small tubes. Later Despretz (1837) reported that the congelation of a liquid is "retarded" by ten or twelve degrees if the liquid is enclosed in a thermometric tube or even in a tube hav- ing a diameter of one centimeter. Mousson (1858) exposed to temperatures from -5° to - 7°, 8 tubes which varied in diameter from 0.187 to 2.503 mm. and which were tilled with water and sealed with seal- ing wax. After a night at the temperatures indicated, water was frozen in all the tubes which had a diameter larger than 0.9 mm. while it was liquid in the smaller ones. In other experiments he sprayed droplets of water less than 0.5 mm. in diameter on a dry surface and observed that the smaller the drops the longer they stayed subcooled. The fact that, in clouds, water remains liquid at rather low temperatures is attributed to the very small size of the droplets. Dufoni- (1861) studied the subcooling properties of small 197 drops. He made suspensions of water in mixtures of eliloroform or petroleum and sweet almond oil (mixtures wliieli have the same specific gravity as water), and he observed that the smallest drops stayed liquid at -20°. Bigelow and Ryckenboer (1917) attempted to determine the degree of subcooling in capillary tubes in terms of the diameter of the latter. They encountered difficulties with water which presents such a narrow range of subcooling temperatures and they decided to use other substances, in particular, sulphur. In a previous determination the same degree of subcooling was obtained in tubes 4 millimeters in diameter and in larger ones. It was then decided to use tubes of about four millimeters as standards of comparison and tubes of smaller size. Definite differences in the degree of subcooling were sometimes observed in tubes of different diameter; for example, a tube of 4.1 mm. gave an average subcooling point of 59.5° while a tube of 0.164 mm. gave 53.5°. But in other cases, the results were so inconsistent, and sometimes two tubes of the same size fur- nished such different average data that the authors ques- tioned the significance of the experiment. The inconsis- tency of the results, especially in systematic investigations like those of Bigelow and Ryckenboer, renders doubtful the commonly accepted assumption that the degree of sub- cooling increases gradually with the decreasing size of the capillary spaces. There is some evidence that capillary forces exert an action in rendering congelation more diffi- cult, but the data so far obtained are not sufficient to say anything on that relation. The biologists have generally admitted without discus- sion that capillarity increases the degree of subcooling and they attributed to capillary forces in the intercellulars or within the cells the fact that plant and animal tissues sub- cool to a greater degree than water. According to Mliller-Thurgau (1886) living plant tissues undercool more than the extruded cell sap. The hindrance of molecular motion in living protoplasm is considered responsible for the maintenance of the subcooled condi- tion. 198 I^ac'liincl jrw (liK)l) claimed to liavc oljscrvcd a vclalioii between tlie size of insect pnpae and the decree of siil)eool- ini»-, the hitter being less in larger pupae, and he ex])lains his lindings by the ea])illary ])roperties of the tissues ^vhich he assumes lo he relaled to llie si/e of tlie ])upa('. ^Fez (1905) stated that considerable snbcooling is possi- ble only in plants with very tine intercellulars, and that there is no or only a slight snbcooling with larger intercel- kilar spaces. Voigtliinder (1909) undertook to check Mez' statement. For that purjjose he measured, on camera lucida drawings, the areas re])resenting the intercellulars and compared them with the degrees of subcooling observed in 16 different plant species. For areas varying from 2.4 mm.- {St relit zia augusta) to 25 yr {Biciuus comminns) he obtained an in- crease in the range of subcooling from 0 to 11 degrees. The increase was, in general, regular, although there were some inconsistencies. In the case of the presence of tracheae, these observations could not be confirmed. The same author studied the relation between cell size and de- gree of subcooling in tissues of 11 sorts of plants, using fifty or more specimens of each. His conclusion is that there is no relation between these two quantities. Altogether considered, it seems that neither the physi- cists nor the biologists have obtained convincing evidence of the effect generally attributed to capillarity in maintain- ing the subcooled state. 6. Impurities. Among impurities assumed to be capa- ble of starting the solidification of a subcooled liquid, that most often mentioned is air. We shall also describe a few^ experiments in which droplets of oil and colloidal particles were considered the inoculating agents. According to one of the early investigators of the changes of state, Dufour (1861), one should, for obtaining a good subcooling of water, free it from air and maintain it in an atmosphere at reduced pressure. Mez (1905) reports that, while he could not obtain sub- cooling invariabK' noi- to anv considerable degree with 199 pressod-oiit plant sa|), even when, afler repeated l)oiling and lilt('riiii>', the licjiiid was clear and transparent, he did ()l)1ain subeooling at will, when he had previously fi-ozen and thawed that clear liquid several times and let the air bubbles enclosed in the ice escape during thawing. To prevent the dissolving of air bubbles anew, he maintained a layer of oil at the surface of the material. The difficulty of subeooling tissues which contain tracheae is attributed by him to the abundance of air in them. He explains in the same manner the fact that the intercellulars freeze before the cell contents. Concerning the mechanism of action of the air bubbles, Mez suggests that their separa- tion under the action of cold consumes heat and that the resulting local cooling favors the formation of crystal nuclei. Some authors think that the action of air in inducing crystallization is indirect and that it should be attributed to dust particles or infinitesimal crystals contained in the air. But against this contention one has the observation of Moran (1925) that chicken eggs show an increase in the tendency to subcool when their shell is coated with vaseline. Cases of crystallization of a subcooled liquid in a sealed glass container, at the breaking of the latter, are not un- frequently mentioned in the literature. Some authors attribute crystallization to a disturbance at breaking, others, to the sudden contact with the air. Mez (1905) could not readily obtain subeooling in cell- sap wdiich had been heated wdiile it was covered by a layer of oil. He thinks that some emulsification took place and that the oil droplets in the sap play the same role as air bubbles in preventing subeooling. The efficacy of colloidal micelles in inducing crystalliza- tion is suggested by Flichtbauer (1904) who expresses the opinion that some dust particles which prevent subeooling are of colloidal nature. Mez (1905) considers the difficulty in subeooling turl)id cell-sap as due partly to the action of mucous and gummy substances. He thinks that colloidal particles might give the start to the formation of nuclei. 200 Voigtliiiidci' ( 1!»();») atlcinptcd to iii\-('st inalc this sni»'ges- tioii. Hi' used .Malvaeeat' wliicli are known to ])v ricli in mucin. Out of 71 specimens, 52 did not suhcool and tlie others furnished but a very slij>ht subcoolin*;-. It is of interest to noliee that, accordinj^' to tlie hist men- tioned authors, eoUolds favor crystallization, while niosl of the physicists and biologists hold that anything which delays molecular motion should prevent the formation of nuclei. J)esi)retz (1837), assuming the possibility of inoculation by the presence of a foreign body, remarked that the delay in the congelation of water (subcooling) takes place as wtU in a copper or in a lead container as in glass. The notion of impurity being conventional, the entire question of inoculation by an impurity resolves itself, in the last analysis, to that of inoculation by a body other tlian the subcooled liquid itself. 7. Other Factors. Among other factors which might have an influence in inducing crystallization we shall men- tion the cooling velocity and the concentration of the super- cooled or supersaturated solutions. Some data on the first of these two factors will be found in the work of Fiichtbauer (1904) who concludes that the cooling velocity does not influence subcooling. According to Bakhmetieff (1901) the relation between the degree of subcooling and the cooling velocity is a rather complicated one. At some cooling rates there would be a maximal subcooling, and at higher and lower cooling rates, subcooling would be less. The author observed many ex- ceptions to that "law," and he attributes them to individ- ual differences or to various degrees of development of the organisms investigated (insects). It seems that Bakh- metieff's notion of the method of establishing a law of nature was different from that commonly accepted. Voigtlander (1909), from numerous experiments on plant tissues, concluded that there is no relation between velocity of cooling and degree of subcooling. Jones, Miller and Bailey (1919), working with potato, 201 reported that wlicii llic lempci-ature was lowered slowly to -5° the subcooling- point of the material a])proached that temperature, while if cooling- to - 5° was rajjid, sub- cooling ceased near -3°. Wright and Taylor (1921) confirmed the observations of the last mentioned authors by showing that with a cool- ing temperature of -9° a subcooling point of -6.5° was obtained (on potato), while with a cooling temperature of -12.9° subcooling ceased at -5°. As to the factor, solute concentration, a work of Jatfe (1903) would indicate that more concentrated solutions would be more sensitive to crystallization by shock. Voigtliinder (1909) attempted to investigate the influ- ence of the osmotic concentration on the degree of sub- cooling, in plants. He worked with 20 different species and made at least fifty determinations on each. No rela- tion was found; the subcooling point varied at random from -4.19° to -11.07°, and the maximum subcooling was about the same in plants isotonic with 1% and in plants isotonic with 4.6 y^ KNO3. Unfortunately, in the same work, strange results were obtained for the freezing points, there being no relation between the latter and osmotic pressure; for example, materials isotonic with 2.6yc and 4A% KNO3 were found to have the same freezing point. However, since at subcooling there is a reversal of the direction of the freezing curve, which can be more accu- rately determined than the simple slowing of the curve at freezing {Cf. Fig. 7, curve 5), Voigtlander's subcooling maxima might be sufficiently well observed to be taken in consideration. That a higher concentration favors subcooling would result from an observation of Moran (1925) who exposed chicken eggs to evaporation until they lost about l^f of their weight and noticed, then, that subcooling took place more readily. Weigman (1936) says that he obtained deep subcoolings with snails {helix) possessing an operculum, while uncov- ered snails presented only slight subcoolings. Since it is 202 known llial, in llic antninn, the snails lose a considerable amoiinl of water before enteriii*;' into the dormant state, the increased tendency to suIk'ooI siioiild, jx'rhaps, l)e atti-il)iited to the concentration of body fluids. SUMMARY 1. Some fundamental principles on the nature of sub- cooling- and the mechanism of crystallization in a subeooled liquid are outlined. 2. In an analysis of the sulx'ooling curve, two problems are discussed: a. The maximal temperature reached by the ascending curve; b. The quantity of heat liberated as calculated by the method of the freezing-curve-area. 3. The factors inducing or preventing cystallization, as studied by the physicists and the biologists, are reviewed ; the following topics are considered: a. Temperature, spe- cific response to temperature, destruction of centers by previous warming, duration of previous warming; b. In- oculation, inoculation by isomorphous crystals and other bodies, inoculation of tissues through cell membranes mostly by surface moisture ; c. Time factor, maintenance of the subeooled state for long periods; d. ^lechanical dis- turbance, its frequent inefficacy, its undeniable efficacy in other cases, the magnitude of the disturbance required, the specific sensitivity to mechanical disturbance; e. Capillar- ity, the inconsistency of the experimental data; f. Impuri- ties, air, oil droplets, colloidal particles. CHAPTER III THE VITREOUS STATE, VITRIFICATION, DEVITRIFICATION AND VITROMELTING The subject of this chapter is new in biology. The first experiments on '* Vitrification of Protoplasm" were re- ported by Luyet in 1937. Since the data are still scarce, instead of following our usual procedure which consisted in selecting the essentials in the literature, we shall at- tempt to give, in compact form, a complete account of the experiments made up to the present (May 1939) and shall supplement it with some observations and remarks sug- gested by our own experience with the subject. The first part of this chapter will be devoted to a study of the principles, facts and methods relating to the vitre- ous state in physical systems, and the second wdll treat of the application of these principles and methods to biologi- cal material. I. PHYSICAL SYSTEMS 1. The Vitreous State. The vitreous state has been known in silicates for hundreds of years, but it was gen- erally assumed that the possibility of becoming vitreous was an exceptional property of these bodies. At the end of the last century (1898), Tammann pointed out that a large number of substances can be obtained as glasses and suggested that this property might be universal. Out of a series of 153 carbon compounds investigated, 59, that is, 38 per cent, could be vitrified. The production of the vitreous state is conditioned by temperature in the manner illustrated in the diagram. Fig. 29. If the temperatures are plotted on a horizontal line, from the absolute zero up, the states, gas, liquid, crystal- line and vitreous, are represented by the zones 0, L, C, V, and the changes of state by the zone D and the points ]\[ and B. Upon a lowering of temperature, a body in the gas state becomes liquid at the liquefaction point B, it thereafter crystallizes at the freezing point M and stays 203 204 crystalliiu' down lo llic absolute zero. \\\\\ if, 1)\- alti'ii])! cooliiiu', one can brinj;- a iKiiiid 1 lii'on,i;ii llic /one (' before it lias the time to crystallize, it takes the vitreous state and stays vitreous at h)\ver temperatures. If a l)ody iu tlic viti-eous state at a low temperature is warmed up slowly, it devitrifies, that is, it becomes crystalliue when it reaches the devitrification temperatures 1), it becomes liquid at the melting ])oiut M and it is transformed into a gas at the boiling point H. V C L G A.Z. DM B Fig. 29. Diiifji.-nii rc'incsi'iithig, on a teiiiperaturo scale of which the ori- gin is the absolute zero, A. Z., tlie four states of matter: gas G, liquid L, ervstalliue C and vitreous V, and the three changes of state: boiling B, melt- ing M and devitrification D. The upper arrow indicates tlie change of tem- perature for i)assing from the liquid to the vitreous state, and the lower arrow the change of temi)eiature involved in subcooling. A glass is amorphous, that is, its molecules are dis- tributed at random, while, in a crystal, there is an ordered arrangement of the atoms. A glass is isotropic, its physi- cal properties being the same in all directions, w^hile most of the crystals are anisotropic, their physical properties having higher coefficients in some directions than in others. In polarized light, between crossed nicols, a glass is opaqne, while most crystals are brightly illuminated. A glass dif- fers from a li(iuid in that it is hard and breakable, while a liquid is fluid and deformable. In the passage from one state to another, an intermedi- ate state can, as we said above, be skipped over. A crystal can become a gas w^ithout taking the intermediate liquid state, a process wiiich is known as sublimation. Similarly, when the crystalline state is skipped ovei- by rapid cooling, the body passes from the liquid to the vitreous condition, it is said to vitrify. If the crystalline state is avoided by rapid warming, the vitreous body becomes liquid, a pi'ocess which we call vitromelting or vitrofusion. The two transition processes, melting and boiling, are 205 not ciitirely eomparable to devitrificatioii. Melting and boiling- are reversible while devitrification is not. A gas becomes a liqnid on cooling and a liqnid becomes a gas on warming; a liquid crystallizes when one lowers its tem- perature and a crystal melts when its temperature is raised ; while a glass crystallizes on warming but a crystal does not vitrify on cooling. Furthermore, melting and boiling take place at tempera- tures which are practically points, while devitrification occurs over a larger range of temperatures. To illustrate this diiference, we indicated in the diagram (Fig. 29) the boiling and melting points by the lines of separation B and M, and the range of devitrification temperatures by the zone D. According to these principles, the behavior of silicates is not exceptional. Their vitreous zone (V in Fig. 29) ex- tends from the absolute zero to about 1000° C. Since the atmospheric temperature, which prevails about us, is within this zone, we are familiar with the vitreous state of silicates. A silicate glass heated to the devitrification temperatures (below the melting point) becomes opaque by crystallization. At a higher temperature, the crystals melt. From observations made on some silicates which devit- rify very slowly, becoming opaque in the course of several years, it has been concluded that the vitreous state is un- stable and that if enough time, i.e., centuries or thousands of years, were allowed, devitrification would always take place. The fact that natural flint has an opalescent ap- pearance, due probably to the presence of minute crystals, is sometimes considered an indication of the instability of the vitreous state, it being assumed that crystallization is still being completed. But there is no evidence that the opacit}^ of flint has developed during the millions of years which have followed its vitrification and that the crystals noM^ observed were not formed at the same time as flint itself. It has been mentioned above that glasses are regarded by many as suprrcoolcd li([iii(ls. This dctiiiit ion is uscrul, in a sense, sinee it reminds one of tlie faet tliat i»lassi's re- semble liquids in that they ])iesent a random arrauiivment of theii" moleenles. But sueh a eoneeption ii>nores the faet that, while a snpereooled litiuid is in so nnstabli' a state of etinilibrium that the eontaet with a erystal invariably i)ro- duees its erystallization, a ^lass ean be put in eontaet with a erystal without losing* its stability. A snpereooled liquid has been bronght from the zone L (Fig. l2J)) into the zone (' of erystallization tem])eratures, where it is highly un- stable; a glass has been brought, from the zone L, below the zone of erystallization temperatui-es, into the zone V where it is praetieally stable. The ehange in temperature whieh leads to the formation of a glass is represented dia- grammatieally by the upper arrow in Fig. 29, that whieh leads to the formation of a snpereooled liquitl is re])rt'- sented by the lower arrow. From what has been said it follows that a body ean erys- tallize (/.('., freeze, to use the common term) only within a limited range of temperatures (C and D, Fig, 29). In the zone of the vitreous state (V, P^ig. 29) freezing is im- l)ossible, the temj)erature being too low. Since the crystal- lization range can be reached from above and from below, there are two ways of freezing a body: one is to cool it down from the liquid state, the other to warm it up from the vitreous state. We are so accustomed to the idea that freezing is more intense at lowei- temperatures, that the statement which jirecedes appears paradoxical. As we shall see later, for aqueous colloids, the zone of erystallization temperatures extends over some tens of degrees below zero ; consequently these colloids cannot be frozen (crystallized) if the tem])erature within them is below this range. The reason why plants or animals freeze in nature, when the atmos]iheric temperature drops to - 30*^ or -40", is that the dro]) is too slow. The objects which are being cooled remain for a few minutes at the dangerous (freez- ing) temperatures. To avoid freezing, the temperature 207 should drop at a rate of some linndred degrees per second, within the objects themselves. 2. Vitrification. As a consequence of what has been said on the position occupied by the vitreous state at the lower end of the temperature scale and the impossibility of passing from the crystalline to the vitreous state, the only method of vitrifying a substance is to take it in the liquid or gas state and cool it rapidly so as to skip over the zone of crystallization temperatures in less time than is necessary for the material to freeze. The ease with which an intermediate state can be skipped over depends on the range of temperatures at which that state obtains. The liquid state of CO:.., for example, is easily avoided when solid C0_, is warmed up, on account of the fact that the melting and the boiling point almost coincide. The range of freezing temperatures, although large in some substances under ordinary conditions, can become narrower when such processes as subcooling occur. For example, in a gel of which the freezing zone extends from -2° to -12°, a subcooling to -7° will reduce this zone to one half its normal size, that is, to a range of from - 7° to -12°. Another factor of considerable import in the vitrifica- tion of a substance is its crystallization velocity. It is evident that when the crystals grow faster one must traverse the crystallization zone more rapidly if one wants to avoid crystallization. The essential point in the vitrification technique being to overcome the velocity of formation of crystals, the main problem is to secure a high cooling velocity. Practically the only method used to cool a liquid or a solid body (for a gas, it is different) is to bring that body in contact with another at a lower temperature. The cooling velocity will be higher Avhen the temperature of the cooling medium is lower and when the contact is better. Liquid air (- 190°) is appropriate for the vitrification of aqueous colloids, aqueous solutions and protoplasm. Liquid hydrogen or •JOS li(Hii(l Iicliiini would Ix' still Ix'Hci', tlicii- hoilitii;- points Ix'iiiii' rrspcct i\cly ;il»oiit (iO niid SO (l(\i>it'('s lower. A liijuid l)alli cooled to about -7.") with solid ('( ). also allows vitri- lication of most aqueous colloids, although ^\•itll a lower efficiency. It is ini])ortaiit that tlie cooling l)ath ho li(iuid; a liquid insures a bettei- contact with the substance to be vitritied than eilliei- a solid or a gas. Attempts at vitrifying thin layers of gelatine gels by application of smooth plates of solid COj on both sides gave ])ooi'er results than immersion in a liquid bath at the same temperature. The fact that liquid air, when evaporating, forms a pro- tective mantle around the object to be cooled has led the histologists who use rapid freezing as a method of fixation to look for another cooling liquid. They have adopted isopentane cooled in liquid air. Isopentane has a very low freezing point (-159°), it can be subcooled to -200°, and it has a relatively high boiling point (28°) ; because of this last property it does not boil when it comes in contact with the object to be cooled. Nevertheless, experimentation has convinced us that isopentane is not so satisfactory for the dissipation of heat as one might expect. Small quan- tities of a gelatine gel were placed in glass tubes about 1 millimeter in inside diameter, closed at one end. The tubes were immersed in a bath at - 10° where their contents froze. Some of them were then immersed in water at 20°, the rest in isopentane at the same temperature, both warm- ing media being well stirred. It was found that the time necessary for melting the gelatine was considerably longer in isopentane than in water. This is doubtless due, to a large extent, to the difference in heat conductivity of the two liquids (inclusive of the difference in contact con- ductivity). The velocity of cooling also depends on the mass to be frozen and on its surface. One will obtain rapid elimina- tion of heat by reducing the material to sheets with the smallest possible thickness and the largest possible area. Calculation shows thai when a glass strip, 0.1 mm. thick, 209 is transferred from air at 20° to a liquid bath at - 200°, the temperature drops about 200 degrees duriii<>' the first sec- ond. It is generally admitted that, with liquid air as a cooling- bath, the drop in temperature is somewhat slower because of the formation, around the object, of the pro- tective air mantle mentioned above ; however, the cooling velocity obtainable w4th liquid air amply suffices to vitrify objects whose thickness is of the order of 0.1 millimeter. When the mass of material to be cooled is too large, only the most external layer vitrifies. The inner parts, wdiich lose their heat too slowly, freeze. Whenever crystallization begins at some point on an object, the conditions for vitrification of the rest are im- paired. The p;ortion which crystallizes liberates heat ; this spreads to the surrounding parts and maintains their temperature at the freezing point. Hence, the whole mass might freeze. In our research on the vitrification of colloids we have found, moreover, that their water content determines the possibility or impossibility of vitrification. In general, with 50^ gelatin solutions, w^e have been able to vitrify layers 0.3 mm. in thickness (by the method of immersion in liquid air), while, wdth solutions containing 90% water, W'C could vitrify only smears a few micra thick. Attempts at vitrifying pure w^ater have been made by a few investigators. Burton and Oliver (1935) obtained, from steam, some solid water in wdiich X-ray analysis did not reveal any crystalline structure. Previously, Haw^kes (1929) had mentioned an experi- ment in which a drop of solid amorphous water was ob- tained, by chance, during rapid cooling. The difficulty experienced in vitrifying pure water has been attributed, in general, to the high velocity of crystal- lization of that substance. Walton and Judd (1914) who measured this velocity, found 65 mm. per second (an exceptionally high velocity). According to Callow (1925), the addition of 3^/( gelatine to w^ater reduces its velocity of crystallization to 1 350 of its value. 1210 'Phis ]»i()i)i'rly lias rriidcrcd j)()ssil)l(' our ('X])('iiiii('ii1s on llic xitrificalioii of colloids (Ijuyct, 1!).")7). We ])ro('('('d('d ill llu' foUowin,!'' inaniicr: A drop of a ^)i)' /> i»-('larni solulioii was ))iit, when still hoi, on a thin i;-lass support and s])r('ad out so as to form a layer about 0.2 mm. thick. Tliis prepa- ration was then immersed in liquid air. AVhen we took it out, the u'elatin was vitrilied, as shown 1)\' its li-ansparency when viewi'd ai>'ainst ordinary liiiht and its ()])acity Ix'tweon crossed uicols. After ahout 10 seconds of exposure to room temperature, the gelatin became opaque under ordi- nary illumination and reestablished light l)etween crossed iiicnls (devitrilication, r/. Fig. ,')0). This fundamental ex- periment has been the starting point of all the investiga- tions which we made on the vitrification of protoplasm. Fig. .'}(!. Vitrified ;iii(i dcvitiitied gelatin gels on glass sui)i)oits, plioto- giaplied against a dark baekground. The figure on the left shows the vitri- fied gelatin almost transparent; the figure on the right shows the same prepa- ration after it has been warmed up and has become opacpie l).v devitrification (crystallization). (Original, Luyet.) To sum up, the method of vitrification consists essen- tially in immersing a thin film of the liquid to be treated in a bath at a very low temperature. Vitrification is a process of quite a different nature than that used in the refrigeration industry as ** rapid freez- ing." When some hundred ])ounds of food are fi'ozen in 10 or 15 minutes, small ciystals are formed which cause less damage within the tissues than larger crystals, as those found in slower freezing, would. In vitrification one aims at avoiding crystallization altogether and, to achieve this, the cooling velocity should be about a thousand times higher than in the industrial process. 211 3. Dcrifri/ifafioji: When one raises the temperature of a vitreous substance, it crystallizes. In the ^lass industry, this process is called devitrification or recrystallization. Among the various methods of ascertaining the passage from the vitreous to the crystalline state, the simplest is that of observing the decrease in transparency. When a large number of small crystals are formed in a body in the vitreous state, light is scattered in all directions, the trans- parency is attenuated and, in some cases, the body becomes completely opaque. This method, however, is not always infallible. In de- vitrifying concentrated solutions of magnesium chloride, we observed that the transparency remained altogether unaltered, although the material reestablished light be- tween crossed nicols. The method of analysis by polarized light is, therefore, necessary in certain cases. The best method of diagnosing the commencement of devitrification would be the analysis by X-rays. This might allow one to perceive crystallites of very small dimensions in most of the substances which we consider glasses. The possible existence, in a body in the vitreous state, of these crystallites or of what we previously called nuclei of crystallization is suggested by the fact that, during de- vitrification, a glass passes from the condition of trans- parency to that of opacity by a continuous and uniform darkening. One cannot distinguish separate centers of crystallization in this case as one can when one induces crystallization from the liquid state. If the opacity of a devitrified body is due to the presence of crystals, the gradual darkening ought to be explained by an increase in the dimensions of the crystals already formed or by the formation of new crystals. So, when a preparation begins to lose its transparency, it does so either because nuclei of crystallization are forming, or because the already pre- formed nuclei, at first too small to cause the obscuration of the vitreous substance when it is observed with ordinary light, are growing in size. '2V2 When the tomporatiire is sufficioiitly liii;h, devitrification ])rocoods witli an easily measnrahle velocity. For exam- ple, a IM solntion of sncrose, vitrified in a thin layer, de- vitrities within 10 seconds when exposed to a temperature of -26^'; it devitrities in a minute at about - oO% while it does not devitrify at all, even within an hour, at -35^. We call - 26°, - 30°, etc., ''temperatures of devitrification," but it is evident that one must indicate the time required for devitrification at each temperature if one wishes to give to the notion of devitrification temperatures a precise meaning. We have undertaken to establish the devitrification tem- peratures, or better, the time-temperature curves, for aqueous solutions of various organic (Luyet, 1939) and inorganic substances. The method employed was as fol- lows: A small drop of the solution to be vitrified was placed between two glass strips, each about 0.1 mm. thick, kept apart by two bits of glass 0.1 mm. in thickness. This preparation was first immersed in liquid air ; thereafter it was placed in an isopentane bath maintained at a constant temperature, and the time necessary for complete crystal- lization was determined. The opacity of a frozen prepa- ration served as a term of comparison to show when the devitrification was complete. The curves obtained seem to indicate that, contrary to the general belief, devitrification does not take place at all at very low temperatures. If one extrapolates the curve of Figure 31, for example, it becomes parallel to the time axis at a temperature a little below that at which devitri- fication occurs within a minute. The hypothesis of a very slow rate of devitrification, requiring hundreds of years for producing an observable result, seems, therefore, to be out of the question, at least for certain substances like those studied here. AVithin a rather large range of concentrations, for ex- ample, from 0.9M to 2.2M for a sucrose solution, the de- vitrification temperatures change but little. Thus, lAL and 2M sucrose solutions have devitrification temperatures 213 time: in minutes _^ ^. 2 10 Fig. 31. "1 I 2 10 20 30 Time-temperature curves of devitrification of a 20% gelatin solution. The dots indicate a complete devitrification; the circles signify that devitrification was not completed at the time and temperatures recorded. which differ by only 0.4 degree (- 31.4^ and - 31.8° respec- tively; devitrification in 5 minutes). For determining these temperatures, two drops, one of each solution, were mounted on the same preparation and the increase in opacity of the two was observed simultaneously. This lowering of the devitrification temperatures with increase in concentration reminds one of the freezing point lowering of aqueous solutions. Nevertheless, we cannot say at the present time to what extent these two processes are referable to the same cause. •J 14 At coiicciit I'atidiis hiii'lu'r tliaii tliosc (if tlic al)()\'(' iiicii- lioiK'd raiiiiv, a devil rificalioii ot" a (lilTci'dil !>"])(' (»l)taiiis, wliicli wi' sliall describe farther on. Siiiee devitrification is a clianj^c of stale c()m])aral)le, in many respects to other cliani'cs of state like melting and boilini>', it is i)ro])a])le that, like theni, it takes ])lace at a temperature which is a function of the chemical structure of the substance under investigation. One should expect a rise in tlu' devitrification temperatures as one passes, within the sami' sei'ies, from compounds of simple molec- uhir structure to those with a more c()mi)lex one, as is the case with the boiling point, which rises when one passes, for example, from methane to pentane. We could estab- lish the existence of such a relation. In a series of sugars we obtained (duration of devitrification, 5 minutes)' : Glucose 2M C, H,,0„ -40.6° Sucrose 2M Ci,H,,(),, -31.8° Kaffinose IM CisH.s.O,, 5H,0 - 27.2° Dextrin 2M x {C, H,„0.-,). - 9.4° The other high-molecular-weight substances which we have studied, such as, gelatine, albumin, gums, dextrin, have high devitritication temperatures (about -10°). Sub- stances whose chemical composition is more or less similar to that of the sugars, but which have much lower molecular weights, such as glycerine, ethylene glycol and formalde- hyde, have been found, in preliminary experiments, to have devitrification temperatures in the neighborhood of -60° to -70°. However, the relation which we just noted cannot be simply compared to that between the molecular complexity of a substance and its melting or boiling point. In the one case, it is question of solutions, in the other of definite compounds. It is to be expected that certain molecular groupings in the solute have a specific effect on the devitrification tem- 1 Liiyt't, R. J., ii:iiKM- in jircss in ./. P/(.(/.v. Chrm. 215 peratuix's of llic solution. In prelimiiiaiy investigations on this problem' we have observed that dextrose and levu- lose, wliich have the same empirical formula but differ in the structural arrangement of their atoms, have the same devitrification temperatures, while sucrose and lactose, which are likewise isomers, exhibit a slight difference therein. There also exists a relation between devitrification tem- peratures and water of hydration or, more generally, between devitrification temperatures and the wat<'r-binding capacity of the solute (Luyet, 1939). With sucrose solu- tions we found that, when the concentration w^as higher than that corresponding to ten molecules of water per one of sucrose, devitrification did not take place at all, no matter what the temperature was. With lower concentra- tions, corresponding to one molecule of sugar for every 11, 12 or 13 of \vater, devitrification occurred at tempera- tures of about - 50°, and the frozen mass exhibited a par- ticular type of crystallization which we designate by ''crystallization in tufts" there being tufts of crystalline needles in the vitreous mass. With lesser concentrations, a different type of devitrification set in : the preparation assumed an amber color which gradually darkened to com- plete opacity. The devitrification temperatures were about 15 degrees higher in this case. It is this type of devitrification which we have studied particularly and which has furnished the numerical data given above. One can, it seems, interpret the results observed in these three ranges of concentration by supposing that the first 10 molecules of water which come in contact with a sugar molecule attach themselves so firmly to it that they cannot be torn loose by the forces of crystallization. The next three molecules would be bound by a different type of bond, and, when more than 13 molecules of water are present per molecule of sugar, this excess water would be held only by the forces of solution and would be free to solidify. (In making this hypothesis, we are supposing 1 In collaboration with Dr. C. and Miss M. .Jordan. 21(1 tliat only water cryslnlli/A's duriiii'' llic successive devitri- fications; l)iit tliis i)oint is to be investigated.) The existence of three ranges of concentration witli the properties just described has been observed in a great number of solutions. Thus, solutions of gum arabic^ do not devitrify if their concentration exceeds 68''/. They devitrify in the form of tufts between 6S'/( and G-^Vc , and in the amber-color form below 64%. Devitrifications at more than two ranges of tempera- ture were noticed with solutions of substances such as urea.- Witli sohitions of sodium chloride, two devitrifications of the anilxM-color type occur at different temperatures, one of them in the neighborhood of -28°. When the de- vitrified material is warmed up, a partial melting takes place at about -21°, the well-known freezing temperature of the eutectic mixture. We have also applied the method of devitrification to the study of the mode of binding of water in substances which set as gels. A preliminary work'' has shown that a sugar solution to which pectin has been added and which has been allowed to set, devitrifies at temperatures slightly below those at which an identical but alkaline solution, which does not set, devitrifies. From what we have said on the higher devitrification temperatures of solutions of substances such as gelatine, dextrin, the gums, etc., it follows that these solutions can freeze only from about zero to 10 or 12 degrees below zero. 4. Yitrofusion. The direct passage from the vitreous to the liquid state can be effected by a rapid warming. The conditions foi- assuring this ])assage and avoiding the intermediate crystalline state are fundamentally the same as those required for vitrification : 1. The greatest possible temperature difference between the warming bath and the object ; 2. The smallest possible mass and the greatest pos- 1 Eesearch made in collaboration with Mr. J. Fnltoii. 2 Studied in collaboration with Mr. H. Noe. a In collalioratioii witli Mr. W. Sclimiesing. 217 sible surface area of tlie latter ; 3. A high heat coiidiictivity of the warming bath and, in particular, a good contact con- ductivity (as it has been said in the previous section, a liquid bath is far superior in this respect to all others). II. LIVING MATTER 1. General Proeedure. The principle that the solidifica- tion of a liquid into a glass requires less molecular rear- rangement than the transformation of that liquid into a crystal suggests that vitrification might not injure proto- plasm in conditions in which crystallization kills it. Our first attempts at vitrifying living matter have con- sisted in applying to it the methods of vitrification and vitrofusion and then testing for its vitality. Only a few experiments, and these on but a few types of material, have been carried out to ascertain whether or not the treated protoplasm had actually been brought into the vitreous state. In the following account, therefore, the vitality of living matter treated by the vitrification meth- ods is taken as indicative of a probability that the material was actually vitrified. Vitality after treatment does not, indeed, constitute a proof of vitrification, but, if masses of protoplasm, of small size and not too high water content, are still alive after rapid cooling and rapid warming, while they are killed in larger quantity, or when they have a higher water content, or when they are cooled or warmed slowly, vitality does afford at least indirect evidence that vitrification has been achieved. In as far as living beings are comparable to the gelatin solutions which we studied previously, we can expect to succeed in vitrifying organisms whose thickness is about one third of a mm., if their water content is about 50^/( and smaller organisms of greater water content, provided the latter does not exceed 90 ^c. 2. Methods. For rapid cooling, we used the method of immersion in liquid air. For rapid warming, we ordi- narily immersed the material in water at a temperature of about 20°. Occasionally we employed water heated to 1>1S ,")() or (id , <>i" cx't'ii hoiliii^' walci', hut in the last case, the object remaiiK'd in the bath I'oi" U'ss Uiaii one tiflli of a second, w]u'rcii))on it was iniiru'(bately pbiiiged into cold water. Immersion in mercury lieated to 40° gave good ]-esubs ill tlie case of moss. Isopentane recommends itself ])articnlarly in exi)eriments on })r()tozoa because of its immiscil)ility with water. One can place on a thin cover- glass a small drop of water containing- the protozoa, im- merse tliis preparation in licinid air, then in isopentane, and repeat the operation several times; the drop is still intact with the organisms within it. But in spite of this notable advantage, it seems, on the basis of experiments reported above, that isopentane is too slow as a warming- medium. In order to reduce the heat capacity of the preparation, one must use only very thin supports. Microscope cover- glasses are often too thick. Frequently w^e substituted for them sheets of mica ; since these cleave easily, one can get sheets which are only some ten micra in thickness. Metallic foil presents the inconvenience of not being trans- parent and so not allowing of microscopic observation. Instead of thin supports, we sometimes used, with advan- tage, a ring about two millimeters in diameter, made of as thin a metal wire as possible, and fastened to a light, rigid rod. One simply dips this loop into the culture, and thus obtains, in the thin film within the ring, quite a con- siderable number of organisms. With the diameter of loop indicated, it is only seldom that the tilm breaks either when immersed in liquid air or when immersed in the warming medium. We often found it advantageous to reduce the thickness of the wire still further by flattening it with a hammer. With protozoa we also employed another method which consisted in placing- the culture in an atomizer and spray- ing it thence into liquid air. But the freezing of the w^ater which encloses the organisms liberates heat and retards cooling. We likewise tried to emulsify the culture with oil. When 219 this emulsion was placed on a tliin support, each organism could be seen to be enclosed in a cell consisting of a droplet of nutritive medium surrounded by oil. The objection mentioned for the previous method applies to this one also. Perhaps one might have success by spraying the cultures in thin sheets into liquid air by means of a syringe with a flattened and adjustable jet. As for the methods of drying, we used, besides that which consists in allowing the preparation to evaporate in the air or in desiccators containing various concentrations of sulfuric acid, also the plasmolytic method of immersing the preparation into a solution of salt or of sugar. 3. Experiments and Results. We undertook a first series of experiments with euglenae. The organisms were first concentrated by centrifugation. A small drop of the con- centrated culture was thereupon placed on a glass slide and left to evaporate in the air till only a swarming mass of animals remained. The preparation was then dipped into liquid air and after this into water at 20° or at 40°. No euglena ever came back alive from the ordeal. Think- ing that the organisms contained too much water, we tried to carry the evaporation still farther or to reduce the water content by adding to the droplet concentrated solutions of sugar. But concentrations which killed the euglenae within one minute, did not suffice to produce the desired result. The use of strips of mica instead of glass supports, to lessen the heat capacity, was likewise ineffectual. On the whole, all our attempts to revive euglenae in the vege- tative state were unsuccessful. The organisms were ordi- narily not deformed, but they showed no sign of life. Whether they had actually been vitrified or frozen is uncertain. We next repeated with paramecia all the experiments made with euglenae. The results were completely nega- tive. But, while the euglenae did not suffer any deforma- tion by the treatment, the paramecia always did, and often they were found completely broken in pieces when taken out of the liquid air. 220 Exporimonts \vitli ciliates smalU'r than paramocia, that is, with oolpoda, in tlio vrgotativr state, likewise uavo negative rosnlts. The same is true also ot' experiments with amoebae. (hi the whole, onr investigations on the three principal groups of protozoa, the rhizopods, the eiliates and the tlagellates, did not allow us to revive a single organism. It seems probable that these animals oould not really be vitritied on account of their too high water content. However, revival was obtained in some experiments with myxamoebae (Gehenio and Liiyet, unpublished). Out of thirty attempts made to vitrify these organisms by immer- sion in liquid air on the wire loop, live gave living myxamoebae whose contractile vacuoles resumed their function and maintained it for several lionrs. Though the percentage of animals revived is small, we consider the fact as highly signiticant. Next we tried the spermatozoa of the frog (Luyet and Hodapp, 1938c). A smear on a thin cover-glass gave nega- tive results. A second attempt on a sheet of mica was no more successful. A third series of experiments in which the spermatozoa were previously immersed in a 20% sucrose solution for being dehydrated before immer- sion in liquid air, yielded some motile organisms, less than l^c of the number treated. By incri'asing the concentra- tion of the sucrose solution to 40' < or 507^, we could increase the percentage of motile or non-disorganized forms to 20/( or more. To sum up, by employing with the spermatozoa of the frog the method of mica sheets, of dehydration in concentrated sugar solutions and of rapid warming in water at 20°, we obtained some living forms in each preparation. Studies on the duration of immersion in liquid air which the spermatozoa can support have shown that the number of survivors and their activity are the same after live days as after three seconds. This finding is in good agreement with the assumption that the material is vitrified and stays unaltered at low temperatures. 221 Experiments like those just described were also carried out with the spermatozoa of tlie ral, but not a single one could be revived. Goetz and Scott-Goetz (1938) described experiments in which yeast previously treated by the vitrification methods was killed when exposed, in monocellular layers, in a wire loop, to temperatures of some few degrees below zero, while it was intact when exposed, under the same condi- tions, to 150° below zero. This seems to indicate that the very low temperatures, at which the vitreous state can be maintained, do not kill, while the higher temperatures which cause devitrification are lethal. The epidermis of the onion, a classical subject in plant cytology, seemed to be particularly appropriate for our researches, especially because of the ease with which one can obtain very thin monocellular layers (Luyet and Thoennes, 1938b). A piece of epidermis, held on a small metal fork, was immersed into liquid air and then into water at 20°. The vitality of the cells was tested by plas- molysis. A first series of observations furnished only dead cells. Thinking that the quantity of water present in the large vacuoles of the epidermal cells rendered vitri- fication impossible, we tried to reduce this quantity of water by plasmolysis in salt solutions. No cell could be revived. But we had not taken account of the fact, re- ported by many investigators, that a direct immersion in water after plasmolysis in a concentrated salt solution is often fatal. The invasion of the strongly plasmolysed cells by water produces a too violent expansion which causes the bursting of the protoplast. We therefore tried to warm tlie cells rapidly by immersing them not directly into water, but into a saline solution at 20°. This time we found a considerable number of cells capable of being deplas- molysed or plasmolysed to a further extent. A study, with polarized light, of the plasmolysed onion epidermis, in liquid air, showed that the cellular proto- plasm, concentrated by plasmolysis, was isotropic, while the space which surrounded it and which contained only salt solution, was anisotropic (Luyct and Thoennes, 193Sa). Plant loaves can be vitrified, at least partially, when their water content is not too hi', :V2:, l!tl4. ilKZ, C, Flora, 94, 89, 1905. ^lOLlSCII, TI., Untersuchungoii iihcr das Kifiicrcii (Ut I'tlanzi'ii. .Inia, 1897. MORAN, T., Proc. Boy. Soc. London, B, i)8, 436, 1925. , Proc. Soy. Soc. London, A, 1J3, 30, 1926. , Proc. Boy. Soc. London, B, 107, 182, 1930. , Proc. Boy. Soc. London, B, 118, 548, 1935. MOl^SSOX, A., Ann. d. Phy.sik u. Chemie, 105, 161, 1858. Mi'LLER-THURGAU, H., Landw. Jahrb., 9, 133, 1880. , Landw. Jahrb., 15, 453, 1886. :\rrCONNELL, J. C, Proc. Boy. Soc, 49, 323, 1891. XERNST, W., Deutsch. Phys. Ges., 12, 14, 565, 1910. XEUMAXX, F. E., Ann. de Chimie (3), 66, 183, 1862. XICHOLS, E. L., Physical Bcv., 8, 21, 1899. XORD, F. F., Protoplasnia, Jl, 116, 1934. PKTTERSOX, O., Vega Expedition, Vol. 2, 1883. PRILLIEUX, E., Ann. Sci. Nat. 5e Ser. Bot., U, 125, 18(59a. , Bidl. Soc. Bot. France, 16, 140, 1869b. REUSCH, E., Pogg. Ann., 121, 573, 1864. SACHS, Ber. u. VerJi. d. Kiin. Sachs. Ges. d. Wiss. su Leipzig, Nat.-wiss. Klas.^e, 12, 1, 1860. SCOTT, G. G., Annals X. T. Acad. Sci., 23, 1, 1913. , Am. Naturalist, 50, 641, 1916. TAMMANN, G., Ztschr. f. phys. Chem., 25, 472, 1898. TAMMANX, G., The States of Aggregation, New York, 1925. TAMMANX, G., and BuCHNEE, A., Ztschr. f. anorg. u. allg. Chem., 222, 12, 1935a. , Ztschr. f. anorg. ii. allg. Chem., 222, 371, 1935b. duPETIT-THOUARS, Le verger francais, 1817. THWTXG, Ztschr. f. physil: Chem., 14, 286, 1894. TROUTOX, J. J., Proc. Boy. Soc. Dublin, 8, 691, 1898. TURXER, Ztschr. f. physik. Chem., 35, 385, 1900. VOGEL, A., Gilbert's Ann. d. Physik, 64, 167, 1820. VOIGTLaNDEE, H., Cohns Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pfl., 9, 359, 1909. WALTER, H., und WEISMANX, 0., Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., 82, 273, 1935. WALTOX, J. H., and JUDD, R. C, J. Phys. Chem., 18, 722, 1914. WARTMAX, Arch. Sc. Phys. Nat. Geneve, Nouv. per. 7, 277, 1860. WASHBURX, E. W., Science, 61, 54, 1925. WEI5ER, H. F., Wied. Ann., 10, 103, 304, 1880. WEIGMANN, R., Biol. Zbl., 58, 301, 1936. WIEGAXD, K. M., Plant World, 9, 26, 1906. WRIGHT, R. C, and HARVEY, R. B., V. S. Depl. Agr. Bull., 895, 1, 1921. WRIGHT, R. C, and TAYLOR, G. F., U. S. Dept. Agr. Bull., 016, 1. 1921. YOUXG, S. W., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 33, 148, 1911. ZACHAROWA, T. ^f.. Jahr}>. f. wiss. Bnl., 65, 61, 1926. PART III THE MECHANISM OF INJURY AND DEATH RY LOW TEMPERATURE Some confusion in the study of death arises from the faihire to distinguish between organismal, systemic, cel- lular and protoplasmic death. It is evident that a theory which hokls that the death of a frog results from the de- struction of the red cells in the frozen blood refers to organismal death; a theory, according to which the leaves of a tree die after a layer of ice has been formed at their point of attachment and severed their connection with the stem, considers systemic death ; a theory stating that the death of a tissue results from a tearing of the cellu- lar membranes by ice crystals is concerned with cellular death ; finally, a theory which considers the fundamental physico-chemical processes involved in the destruction of living matter, such as the precipitation of colloids by con- gelation, regards protoplasmic death. In this work we are not concerned with organismal nor with systemic death by cold, though occasionally reference will be made to these; we are concerned primarily with protoplasmic death. But the investigators, in general, do not distin- guish between cellular and protoplasmic death, their theories and their experiments concerning the two phe- nomena are so intimately related that we shall treat these two subjects together. There is some evidence that the mechanism of injury and death b}^ cold is different when death is accompanied by ice formation and when it is not. These two cases will, therefore, be discussed in separate chapters, 229 (:iiapti:k i ACTl()^ Ol COLD wniioLT ICK KOHMAIION ( )lisci-\;iti(>iis ,-ni(l theories on llie aclioii ol' low leiiiper- ature without ice i'oriii;ilit)ii can he classitied into two g-roups: ]. Those concerned with orgaiiisiiis which die or are injured in the proximity of tlieir freezing point; 2. Those which refer to tiie action of extreme cokl, at tem- peratures at which the material solidities without form- ing ice crystals, that is, vitrities. The study of the first group will he sulxlivided into two sections: one, con- cerning the effects of chilling ahove the fi-eezing i)oint; the other, the action of cold in the snhcooled state. 1. A15 min. Mycelia and hyphae of -13° Death Lindner, 1915 Aspergillus and Pen- 24 hrs. icillium Germinating tubes -4.2° to 75% killed Bartetzko, 1910 of Aspergillus niger -13° 9 days (In 50% glucose) Cells of red cabbage -3.9° Death Iljin, 1934 leaves >1 day 238 (b) Innocuousness of subcooling Organisms Temp, and Time of Exposure Criterion of Vitality Investigators Streptococci of -17° to Citovicz, 1928 scarlet fever -18° 2 wks. Amoeba -5° Chambers & Hale, 1932 Paraviaeciuni -9° Short time -14.2° to Efimoff, 1924 -16° Wolf son, 1935 Short time Colpidinm and -9° Efimoff, 1924 Si)irostomu))i Short time Etiglena -0.2° 1 hr. Jahn, 1933 Leucocytes of -7° Schenk, 1870 poikilotherms Short time Leucocytes of the -3° Schenk, 1870 rabbit 15 min. Chicken eggs -4.6° 47 hrs. Moran, 1925 -2.9° Moran, 1925 118 hrs. Marine algae -1.8° Some physio- Kjellmann (Quoted logical from Bot. Ztg., activity 33, 771, 1875) l^^itella -2° Protoplasmic streaming Kylin, 1917 Germinating spores of -14° Bartetzko, 1910 AnperyiUus, Penicil- 2 hrs. liu7n, Botrytis, and Phycomyces Aspergillus -6° to -11° 4 days Bartetzko, 1910 Various fungi -3° Growth Horowitz-Wlassowa & Grinberg, 1933 -7.8° Growth Brooks & Hansford, (Food Inv. Bd., Spec. Rpt. No. 17, 1923) -8.9° Growth Smart, 1935 -6° and -10° Growth Bidault, 1921 -10° Growth Haines, 1930 239 Temp, and Organisms Time of Exposure -10° to Criterion of Vitality Investigators Hyphae of No stiffening Molisch. 1897 Phy corny ces -120 of protopl. fluids Submerged fungal -13° Lindner, 1915 mycelia 8 hrs. Aerial hyphae -11° 41/2 hrs. Lindner. 1915 Hair cells of Trianea -13° Klemm. 1895 and Momordica <15 min. Hair cells of Trades- -50 to -9° Molisch. 1897 canticK Episcia and 6 hrs. Pelargonium Plant tissues -13° Ability to Voigtlaender, 1909 (various) plasmolyse Rye seedlings -11.1° Zacharowa, 1926 Embryonic mamma- -5° Growth Simonin, 1931 lian tissue 5 days Frog gastrocnemius -4° No loss of Moran, 1929 2 days irritability Frog muscles -15° No loss of Chambers & Hale, 3 hrs. contractility 1932 -18° Kodis, 1898 Bees, bumble-bees, -2.9° to Kalabuchov. 1934 wasps, and larvae -17.1° of beetles 48 hrs. Frogs -10° Kodis, 1898 Salamanders -2.2° Jecklin. 1935 Toads -1° Kalabuchov, 1934 Tortoises -5.3° Kalabuchov, 1934 Bleaks and Stickle- -3.06° Schmidt, Platanov, backs & Person, 1936 Carps -30 Regnard, 1895 -5° Kalabuchov, 1934 CiteUus suslica and -0.5° and Murigin, 1937 Citellus pigtnaeus -1° (ground squirrels) Xyctalus noctula -5.9" Kalabuchov, 1934 (bat) L>4() //. 1\ () 1 (' r 1 ;i y (' (I I) y S u h c o o 1 i ii <•• i ii X a 1 II r e. Conceriiiiig Iho role j)lay(' days; previously subjected to a vac- uum of about 10-^ mm. of mercury for 2 to 3 days 480 hrs. at -190° and 71/2 hrs. at -269° to -271°; in soils pre- viously dried in a vacuum over barium oxide for 3 months, then sealed in glass tubes evacuated to lO-'mm. of mercury Taylor & Strickland, 1936 Taylor & Strickland, 1936 Becquerel, 1936 4. Spores and Seeds Spores of the fungi, L. hydr. 77 hrs.; previously Becquerel, Mucor, dried and sealed in 1910 Rhizopus, tubes evacuated to Sterigmatoeystis lO'cm. of mercury. and Aspergillus Left for 2 years in vacuum after expo- sure to low tempera- ture Spores of the mosses. L. nitr. 10 days; air-dried Becquerel, Dicranella, 1932a Atrichum, Hypnum, Leucobryum, Funaria and BracJiythecium Spores of 2 genera of L. helium 9 hrs. at 4° and 1 hr. Becquerel, mosses 4° to at 1.84°K; previous- 1932a 1.84°K ly desiccated and sealed in tubes evac- uated to 10 "mm. of mercury Spores of the fern. L. helium 6 hrs. at 5° to 3° and Becquerel, Polysticfiitm filix 5° to 3°K 5 hrs. at 3°K; previ- 1930 mas ously desiccated and sealed in the highest obtainable vacuum Pollen grains of L. helium 7 hrs.; previously thor- Becquerel, Antirrhi7ium and Minimum oughly dried and 1929 Nicotiana 1.3°K sealed in tubes evac- uated to 10 "mm. of mercury 245 Organisms Temp. Time of Exposure to Cold & Other Conditions Investigators Seeds (various) -180° 1 hr. Dewar & McKen- drick, 189l' -200° Pictet, 1893 L. air 110 hrs.; previously Brown & Es- air-dried (with still combe, 1897 10 to 12% water) L. hydr. Dewar. 1899 L. hydr. 6 his.; previously air- Thiselton- dried Dyer. 1899 L. air 24 hrs. Adams, 1905 L. air 132 hrs.; previously Becquerel, vacuum-dried 1909 L. air and 3 weeks in liquid air Becquerel, L. liydr. and 77 hrs. in liquid Ho; previously desic- cated over barium oxide for 2 wks. and sealed in tubes evac- uated to lO-'mm. of mercury; kept sealed for 1 yr. after treat- ment 1905 L. helium 101/4 hrs.; previously Becquerel, 3.8°K desiccated over bari- um oxide for 2 wks. and sealed in tubes evacuated to lO'^mm. of mercury 1925 L. air 60 days; previously Lipman & dried over CaCL Lewis, 1931 L. helium 40 hrs. at 4.2°, 2 hrs. Lipman. 4.2° to at 1.35° and 2 hrs. at 1936a 1.35°K 1.35° to 4.2°K; pre- viously desiccated for 2 wks. over HoSO^ in a partial vacuum 5. Metaphyta Lichens: Parnielia. Xantlioria and Cladonia L. nitr. 18 days; previously air- dried Becquerel, 1932d Moss: Hypnum L. nitr. 18 days; previously air- dried Becquerel. 1932d Protonemata of 8 genera of mosses L. air 50 hrs. ; previously vac- uum-dried over H,SO, Lipman, 1936b Mn i u m L. air 30 seconds Luyet & Ge- henio.1938 246 Organisms Pteridophytes: Spermatophytes: Tuberous roots of lianuncnlaceae Sprouting seeds of wheat, rye. lucern and Hcliauthus Temp. Time of Exposure to Cold & Other Conditions Investigators L. air L. nitr, L. nitr 2 hrs. IS days; previously air and vacuum-dried Luyet & Har- tuug, 1939 (unpub- lished) Becquerel, 1932b IS days; previously air- Becquerel, and vacuum-dried , 1932c (('. Mf'tazoa Nematodes : Fleet IIS. Tylenehus L. helium Air-dried Rahm, 1920, and Dori/hiimus 1921, 1923 Rotifers: Callidina and L. air 125 hrs.; previously air- Rahm, 1920, Adineta dried for IS days to 14 months 1921. 1923 L. hydr. 26 hrs.; previously air- Rahm. 1920. dried 1921. 1923 L. helium 7% hrs.; previously Rahm. 1920. -269° to air-dried for IS days 1921. 1923 -271.88° to 14 months Adineta gracilis, Ro- L. nitr. 480 hrs. to liquid N. Becquerel, tifer vulgaris and and and 71/^ hrs. to liquid 1936 Callidina angusti- L. helium He; previously vac- coUis uum-dried for 3 mos. Tardigrades: Maerobiotus. L. air 125 hrs.; air-dried for Rahm, 1920, Eeliiniseus and 18 days to 14 months 1921. 1923 Miliiesiimi L. hydr. 26 hrs.; air-dried for Rahm. 1920. 18 days to 14 months 1921, 1923 L. helium 7% hrs.; air-dried for Rahm, 1920, -269° to 18 days to 14 months 1921, 1923 -271.88° Maerobiotus -269° to 7y2 hrs.; vacuum-dried Becquerel, Hufelandi -271° for 3 months 1936 Arthropods: Art em ill salina L. air Air-dried Gilchrist, (eggs) 1939 (un- published) 247 TABLE 3 OuGAMSjis Which, ix Tin; Wkt Condition, Resist Extremely Low Te.mpekatvues Organisms Temp. Time of Exposure to Cold & Other Conditions Investigators 1. Bacteria, Yeasts and Other Fungi Bacteria: Bacteria (various) -200° Pictet. 1893 -192° 11/2 hrs. White, 1899 L. air 20 hrs.; in broth or on Macfadyen, solid media; veg. and 1900 spore forms L. nitr. 10 hrs. Macfadyen & Rowland, 1900b L. hydr. Beijerinck & Jacobsen, 1908 -180° 8 days Moussu, 1912 L. air 48 hrs.; veg. forms on agar slants Lipman.1937 B. typhosus L. air 6 months Macfadyen & Rowland, 1900a -253° DeJong, 1922 B. coli L. air 6 months Macfadyen & Rowland, 1900a, 1902 -253° DeJong, 1922 L. hydr. 3 hrs.; in 0.85% NaCl solution Kadisch,1931 Staph, pyogenes L. air 6 months Macfadyen aureus & Rowland, 1900a, 1902 L. hydr. 50 hrs.; suspended in Kadisch,1931 -252° 0.85% NaCI solution B. anthracis L. air 15 hrs.; bouillon sus- pensions of veg. form Belli. 1902 Spirochaeta pallida L. nitr. 14 days Jahnel, 1937 Bacillus of Chicken L. air 15 hrs.; bouillon sus- Belli. 1902 Cholera pensions of veg. form Sodoku spirilla L. nitr. 14 days Jahnel, 1937 G07WC0CCllS L. nitr. 24 hours Lumiere & -195° Chevrotier, 1914 B. faecalis -253° DeJong, 1922 alcaligenes B. lactis aerogenes -253° DeJong, 1922 248 Time of Exposure to Organisms Temp. Cold & Other Conditions Investigators Bacteria of -253° DeJong, 1922 Paratliyphoid A and F^ and of Enteritis Tubercle i)acillus L. air 6 weeks Swithin- bank, 1901 L. hydr. 50 hrs.; suspended in .85% NaCl solution Kadisch,1931 L. air 20 alternate freezings Weinzirl & and thawings Weiser, 1934 Avian Tubercle L. nitr. 200 alternate freezings Kyes & Pot- bacillus and thawings ter, 1939 Luminescent L. helium Several hrs.; fresh veg. Zirpolo, 1932 Bacteria state Yeasts: Beer yeast L. air 6 min. Doemens, 1897 Yeasts (various) L. air 6 months; washed and Macfadyen pressed & Rowland, 1902 Pathogenic yeasts -252° 3 hrs.; suspended in 0.85% NaCl solution Kadisch,1931 -268.8° 2 hrs.; suspended in 0.85% NaCl solution Kadisch,1931 -272° 11/^ hrs.; suspended in 0.85% NaCl solution Kadisch,1931 Saccharomyces L. air 13 hrs.; cultured on Kaercher, cerevisiae -183° to -192° agar slants 1931 Fungi : Mycelia of -185° Vz hr. ; on agar slants Heldmaier, Schizophyllum and 1929 Collybia L. air 13 hrs.; on agar slants Kaercher, 1931 Mycelia of L. air 13 hrs.; on agar slants Kaercher, Aspergillus and 1931 Armillaria L. air 48 hrs.; on agar media Lipman, 1937 Mycelia of L. air 13 hrs.; on agar slants Kaercher, Hypholoma, 1931 Clitocybe, Placodes, Xylaria and Phycomyces Mycelia of various L. air 48 hrs.; on agar media Lipman, 1937 fungi 249 Organisms Temp. Time of Exposure to Cold & Other Conditions Investigators Diatoms ChloreUa Sticliococcus bacillaris Trypanosomes (various) Trypanosoma gam biense Trypanosom,a Lewisi Trypanosoma brucei Trypanosoma venezuelense Trypanosoma equiperdum Dourine Trypanosome Eggs of Macrohiotus (Tardigrad) Spores of various fungi Spores of Melanconium, Coniothyrium, Euroiium and Cystospora 2. Monocellular Algae -200° L. air L. air -183° to -192° 3. Protozoa Frozen in water Pictet, 1893 cultures 1 hr.; suspended in Warburg, Knopp's solution 1919 13 hrs.; cultured on Kaercher, agar slants 1931 L. air L. air L. air L. air •L. air L. nitr. 5 to 25 min. 20 min. 75 min. 1 hr. 21 days 20 hrs. 4. Germ Cells and Spores L. air and L. hydr. -252° -268° to -272° L. air 50 hrs.; suspended in 0.85% NaCl solution 71/2 hrs. 1 hr. ; suspended in water Laveran & Mesnil, 1904 Gaylord,1908 Quoted from Doflein, 1911 Laveran & Mesnil, 1904 DeJong, 1922 Jahnel, 1937 Rahm, 1920, 1923 Kadisch,1931 Kadisch,1931 Alexopoulos & Drum- mond,1934 Rotifers (various) 5. Metazoa L. hydr. -253° 2 days in L. air and 1 1 Rahm, 1920, day in L. hydrogen 1921, 1923 250 TABLE 4 ORtiAMSMs Which, in thk Wi:t Condition. Sikvivk Im.mkrsion in Liquid Aiu, Pkovidki) Tiiky Akk Cooi.kd and Rkwakmi:!) Suddenly ( VlTKlI l( ATION Fl{0( KDUKi; ) Organisms Conditions of Exposure Myxamoebae Moss Leaves (with full water content) Onion Epidermis Fros Spermatozoa Frog Muscle Fibers Investigators Suspended in films of, Gehenio and Luyet, water in a thin wire 1939 loop Previously plasmolysed in NaCl solution Previously plasmolysed in sucrose solution (unpublished) Luyet and Gehenio, 1938 Luyet andThoennes, 1938a Luyet and Hodapp, 1938 Luyet andThoennes, 1938b peratures"). However, the absence of experimental evi- dence is not an argument against the possibility of the theory. Another reason which might be suggested for the re- sistance to extreme cold of the organisms of the second group is that their small size provides them with such a large surface area, in comparison with their volume, that they can lose water by exosmosis in the short time during which their culture medium freezes. The cells, being then dehydrated as a result of the congelation of the water around them, would naturally become resis- tant. An objection to this interpretation is that osmosis is known to be a comparatively slow process which would hardly account for the dehydration of even a small speck of protoplasm during the few seconds necessary for freez- ing a small drop of culture medium in li(|uid air. Luyet and Gehenio (19.'^9, p. 123) proposed a third ex- planation for the prevention of congelation in microor- ganisms which survive the lowest temperatures in the vegetative state. According to Luyet ( VXW)) water solu- tions of substances which have a hii>h mok'cnlar weig-ht 251 have a narrow freezing range. For example, a concen- trated solution of dextrin freezes only between about - 1° and -9. Similarly the substance of some types of pro- toplasm might have a very narrow freezing range. If, then, the degree of subcooling is such that the freezing range can easily be traversed, the formation of ice is avoided. As to the organisms of the first group, those which can be dried, they resist not only cold but almost any injurious agent w^hen they are in the dry condition. Such a general resistance is again attributed to the absence of water. But evidently the ability to support without injury the removal of water is due to some intrinsic property characteristic of some given types of proto- plasm. A priori it seems that the resistance to cold could be attributed directly to this intrinsic property rather than to the actual absence of water and consequent absence of ice. But experiments have shown that most of the desic- cable organisms are killed when frozen without being previously dried. To mention one instance, Adams (1905) found that seeds which contain more than 12% water may be killed by freezing, while if they are dried to a fur- ther extent they remain uninjured. These experiments clearly speak in favor of the theory of the actual ab- sence of freezable water as the cause of the resistance to extreme cold in desiccable organisms. In the instance given, 12% of the weight of the seeds would then be unfreezable water. This proportion, it might be remarked, is low when compared to the 34.5% water content which has been found by Moran (1926) to stay unfrozen at any low temperature in gelatin gels. The quantity of water which, in several colloids, cannot be unbound by crystallization forces is considerably higher than is usually thought. Coming now to the explanation of the survival of pro- toplasm treated by the rapid cooling and rewarming •^.yj. method (tliird .uioup aboNc) we li;i\(' cxidciice from all angles that it' cooling niid rcwai'iniiii;- are sufficiently rapid to prevent the formation of ice and to really vitrify protoplasm, life is preserved, while if a good vitrification cannot be achieved, the damage is in proportion to the degree of crystallization (for experimental data cf. our review: ''The Physical kStates of Proto])lasm at Low Temperatures"). Death then seems to result from the disruption of the units which constitute living matter when the molecules of water are torn away from these units by the forces of crystallization, and the cause of the innocuousness of low temperature seems to be the absence of f reezable water. In this discussion of the three groups of cases in which extreme cold is innocuous, we assumed, on the basis of circumstantial evidence, that no ice was formed in the protoplasm. We know, how^ever, only one direct obser- vation of the actual absence of ice in protoplasm at very low temperatures: Luyet and Thoennes (1938a) reported that the plasmolyzed protoplasts of the cells of onion epi- dermis do not lose their isotropic properties when im- mersed in liquid air. B. Resistance to Extreme Cold and the Structure of Living Matter. The experiments on vitrification show that living matter can be hardened into a solid without being killed. The passage from the liquid to the solid state is not lethal. On the other hand, the passage from the liquid to the crystalline state at near-zero temperatures and the passage from the solid amorphous to the crystalline state in devitri- fication experiments is lethal. Now, the change involved in the transformation of a liquid into an amorphous solid is simply an increase in cohesion connected with a closer approximation of the molecules, while crystallization in- volves a rearrangement of the molecules. The struc- ture of living matter is, therefore, such that life is com- patible with the increase in compactness and density etno M-liieli occurs in vitrification l)ut that it is destroyed by the molecular rearrangement which takes place in crys- tallization. Furthermore, a considerable decrease in molecular motion has no injurious effect on living matter (cf. Lip- man and Lewis, 1934). In the present state of our knowl- edge the influence of temperature on life can be repre- sented diagrammatically as in the accompanying figure. Upper Lethal Zone Optimal Zone Dangerous Zone Safe Zone (No Lower Absolute Limit -"W - Coagu- ation - Active Life 1-0° Freezinf -100 Latent I- Life -200° Limit ) Zero Fig. 32. Diagram iUustrating the influence of temperature on vital processes. While apparently one can always kill protoplasm by rais- ing its temperature, that is, by increasing its molecular iiiotii>ii, one oaiiiiot kill il. it sih'ius. by loworinu" its tom- poraturo oven to near tlio absolute y.ovo, that is, by iu>arly stoppiiiii" its moleeular motion. In the last analysis, how ever, the nieehanisni o\' action of hi^h and that o^ low temperature mi^ht not be so ditVerent as it appears. The theories ot" injury by hiiih temperature let'. Belehradek, llK>r)) attribute death to some indireet et'feet of heat, sueh as protoplasmic coaiiulation. tlu' destruction oi' some en- zyme, the \apori/,atit>n o[' lipoids, etc., in the same way as death by cold is attributed to some indirect elVect of temperature such as the freeziuii' ol' water. It seems then that it is not temperature itself, hiiili or low, in (»ther words, it is not the ra])id or the slow molecular m(»tion, which disturbs the structural architecture o\' livinu' mat- ter, but the indirect chanues caused by certain particular rates of molecular motion. Water api)ears to pla>' a role o\' fundamental impor- tance not only, as is well known, in the fi(>ictii>ns o( liviuii* nuitter at the temperatures of active life but also in the sfntctiirt' o^ the livinu' units, as is shown by the destruc- Xiou o[' proto]ilasm when the molecules of water arc torn away, in the process of devitrilication, for example. Adams 1^1905) points out that at extremely low tem- peratures not only water should be soliditied in proto- plasm but also carbon ilioxide. and that oxyuen and nitro- jjon should litpiefy or soliilify tO(>. The se]iaratiim of these substances from protoplasm and the mechanical injury possible as a result of the reduced lucssure caused by these changes of state, might be expected t(^ cause damage. However, the fact seems to be that the sep- aration of these substances is hannless, while the separa- tion of water is highly injurious. The importance of the crystallization of water in death by low tempera- ture is emphasized in the diagram above where one of the main lethal zones is at the freezing point of water. The observatitui that living matter can stay for a long time near the absolute zero without showinu- anv measnr- 255 able amount of activity ))ut, witlioul loosiii<^- ils ability to become active again when ))roug'lit back to higher tem- peratures, has led some thinkers (de Caiidolle, 1895; Cho- dat, 1H%; Brown and Kscombe, 1897; etc.) to consider the static aspect of life, w liich is usually overhwked in the classical definitions. An organism which resists extreme cold behaves like a watch which, though well wound, is stopped by some braking meclianism. This watch is in perfect condition as to its constructional features and it will start of its own accord as soon as the brake is re- moved. In a similar manner, the activities of living mat- ter can be stopped entii-ely without destruction of the mechanism which conditions them. This state of affairs is consistent with the hypothesis that the force which con- trols the vital activities requires a special .structure of matter, and that, when that structure is destroyed, the organism is dead, while, when the structure is maintained, the protoplasm is alive, though it might not be active. To use the comparison of de Candolle, an organism in the state of latent life is like an explosive which does not show any evidence of its tremendous potential energy as long as it is not fired. SUMMARY 1. An injurious action of cold, above the freezing point of protoplasm, has been reported in all homoiotherms, in some poikilotherms, in some higher plants and in some undifferentiated living forms. 2. This action, in which the time factor is rather important, has been attributed to a disturbance of physiological functions, to chemical changes, to the accumulation of toxic products, to an al- teration of permeability, to dehydration, to changes in viscosity and in adsorptive properties and to processes of solidification, precipitation and coagulation. .3. A rapid lethal action of cold, above zero, has been reported in a few cases; it has been attributed to syneresis pre- ceded by gelation. 256 4. The majority of investigators have found subcooling innocuous. 5. AVlien subcooling is injurious, the impor- tance of the time factor suggests tliat the mechanism of action is the same as that of cold above zero. 6. In nature the subcooled state represents probably a condition of safetj^ against injury, though there are some arguments in favor of the o])])osite view. 7. The organisms Avhicli resist extreme cold belong to three groups : a) some resist only in the dry state, b) some with their full water content, c) of the latter, some sur- vive only if si)ecial precautions of rapid cooling and re- warming are taken. 8. In all these, the main cause of the resistance seems to be the impossibility of freezing. The formation of ice might be prevented by the bound state of the water in the partially dried organisms, by capillary forces, by a possible rapid exosmosis of water in the small living forms or by a narrow range of freezing tempera- tures. 9. Studies on the resistance of living matter to extreme cold indicate that: a) molecular rearrangements such as take place in crystallization are lethal, while solidifi- cation into the amorphous state is not; b) cold alone, that is, a decrease in molecular motion, is innocuous ; c) water plays an important role not only in the functional activity of living matter but also in the structure of the living units; d) life is probably conditioned by some special structure which, at low temperatures, allows for a state of latent life and at higher temperatures furnishes the basic mechanism for vital activities; the destruction of this structure would induce death. CHAPTER II ACTION OF COLD ACCOMPANIED BY ICE FORMATION The theories on the mechanism of death by freezing attribute the lethal injury to the following various causes which will serve as a basis for our classification : 1. A mere withdrawal of energy ; 2. The attainment of a minimal temperature ; 3. Mechanical injury ; 4. Too rapid thawing; 5. Dehydration; 6. Various physiological, physical and chemical changes. Often, when the experimental data are too few or too inconsistent to justify a pertinent discussion, we shall limit ourselves to a mere presentation of the theories and of the facts recorded in the literature. I. THEOKV ATTKIBUTING DEATH TO A MERE WITHDRAWAL OF ENERGY In the last analysis, all the theories to be reviewed hereafter attribute injury and death to the withdrawal of energy, that is, to cooling, but the present theory con- siders the withdrawal of energy as the immediate and final lethal mechanism, while the others assume that cool- ing causes some intermediate action, such as the forma- tion of ice, which is then considered the immediate lethal factor. The idea that death might result from a decrease in the energy content of an organism is perhaps the first to come to one's mind when one considers death by cold in the warm-blooded animals. These creatures constantly produce energy so as to maintain their body at a tem- perature higher than that of their milieu. They compete with the milieu and, if they fail in this competition, death 257 258 follows, it is then iialur.-il to lliiiik tlint dcalh results from the inability to jjroduec eiion^li ciicrnv to compen- sate for that whieli is withdi-awii. This theory has been aj)|)rKMl to cold -hlooch-d animals which, it has been claimed for a lon0) says that the large cells of Calla ctJiiopica do uot show, w^heu their sap is couuoaled, any expansion of the cell wall observ- able under the niicroscoi)e. lie furthermore states that in the lim)) tissue, after thawiui-', the cellular structure remains intact and that the cell walls are never torn. ]\Iorren (1853) confirmed the obs<'rvation that there is no evidence of ruptured walls. Xageli (1860) calculated what should be the expansion of a cell during the formation of ice in it and showef the ])res- 263 eiit century this idea has generally been aljancloned by the physiologists, though occasionally some authors won- der it' the reaction against it has been exaggerated. The extrusion of water from the cells during freezing and the absence of ice in the cells after the congelation of a tissue have generally been observed after sloiv freezing as it usually occurs in nature. With rapid freezing or when the water content of the cells is very high, intracellular congelation takes place (Molisch, 1897; and, more re- cently, Stuckey and Curtis, 1938). The mechanical injury in intracellular freezing may be quite different from that of the generally observed extracellular formation of ice. Stuckey and Curtis {loc. cif.), who reported to have ob- served ice formation within the cytoplasm itself in the cells of the prothallia of Polypodium aureitm, claim that death always resulted from such intracellular freezing. They consider death as due, according to all evidence, to a mechanical injury by ice. B. While the authors cited above have established that ice does not destroy the cells by bursting them or by tear- ing their membranes, more recent investigators have sup- posed that tiny ice crystals tear the protoplasm itself. Maximov (1914) for example, attributes death partly to the destruction of the fine structure of the protoplasm as a result of mechanical injury. Stiles (1930) thinks that the formation of a new phase, namely ice, constitutes a mechanical disturbance result- ing in a breaking down of the colloidal system. The types of protoplasm in which the separation of the materials on freezing is followed after thawing by their restitution to the former state, would not be killed, the other types would. He assumes that, if the crystals be smaller, the mechanical injury would be less, and several types of protoplasm might resist freezing. As a means of induc- ing the formation of smaller crystals he proposes the use of lower freezing temperatures, according to the finding of Tammann (1898) on the relation between the temper- 2G4 atui't', tlic imiiihci" ol' (•rys1;iHr/.;it ion cciilcrs t'oi'iiird and llit'ii- \('l()t'it>- of i;i-()\vtli. Bui llic pari of this suggestion concerning tlie i)ossibility of avoiding injury ])y causing the formation of sniallei- crystals could not l)e conlirnied ex])erinientally, as the following observations show. lljin ( IJ'.'U), after comparing exix'riiiiciits on rapid and slow cooling of the cells of red cabbage leaves, con- cludes that sudden freezing is more injurious than slow freezing. The abrupt iunuersiou of sticklebacks in li(|uid air by Weigman (IK.'Ui) killed the animals readily. Identical experiments by Luyet (1938) on gold lish gave the same results. Luyet and Thoennes (1938a) found that monocellu- lar layers of plant ej)! dermis presented only dead cells after rapid freezing in li(]uid air. As is evident, these experiments which do not confirm the idea of a lesser injurious effect of smaller crystals, do not invalidate the theory of a possible mechanical injury on protoplasmic structure by ice. Some have thought that a mechanical contact with ice might result in a coagulation of protoplasm, since it is well known that touching or piercing wdth a needle (Chambers) or i)ricking a cell may result in its coagula- tion. Lepeschkin (1936) apparently follow^s this trend of thought, when he speaks of "mechanical coagulation" by freezing. C. The killing of protoplasm under the action of the pressure exerted by the expanding ice is often referred to in the biological literature. Among the authors who dis- cuss this theory more extensively let us mention Plateau (1872) who attempts to show that there is no pressure within the ice in formation. It is a known physical prin- ciple, according to him, that the cavities in a solid body expand like the body itself. Therefore the cell contents cannot be crushed by the freezing of the tissue around them. He claims to liaxc shown Ihe al)sence of pressure 265 experimentally with an apparatus consisting of a glass tube on the end of which was a rubber bulb tilled with a li(iuid and iinniersed vertically, the open end up, in a tiask containing water. When the latter froze in the flask, the level of the fluid in the tube stayed the same, indicating 'that there was no pressure exerted on the rub- ber bulb. Plateau, it seems, did not notice that the re- sults of his experiment disagreed with the principle that he invoked, he should have observed a lowering of the level of the fluid in the manometric tube, if 'the cavity around the bulb were expanding. lljin (1936), discussing the case of plant cells frozen in water, conceives the mechanism of pressure by ice as follows: The water in which the material is immersed freezes first and forms a wall around the protoplast of each cell. When, later, the sap of the vacuole freezes, the protoplast is wedged between two masses of ice. On these assumptions he calculates, for different forms of cells, how much the volume of the protoplasm should give so as not to be crushed by the ice formed in the vacuole. His figures indicate that there is definitely a possibility of some crushing action. If the cells are frozen in air, it is assumed that the pressure might be exerted against the frozen cell walls. The fact that the congelation of the vacuolar sap is always followed by death is in agreement with the concept of an injurious pressure effect of the frozen sap. As a whole, both the problem of the existence of a pressure in a frozen tissue and the problem of the effi- cacy of pressure in causing death call for more experi- mental evidence. A consideration of the enormous pressure required to kill protoplasm makes one doubt the possibility of the existence of such pressures in cells. Most of the tis- sues of metazoa resist a hydrostatic pressure of sev- eral hundred atmospheres. Protozoa and bacteria are killed only at pressures of the order of 1,000 atmospheres 266 (cf. Cattell's review, ID.'Ui). Yeast takes more than four thousand atmosi)heres (Liiyol, 1<>:'7). TnchT the action of pressures of this nia^iiituck', ice sliould melt several degrees l)eh)W zero. Besides, I'oi- ohtaiiiiii,^- sueli ])res- sures it would be necessary to prevent the exi)ansion of ice by holding it in some material more resistant than the wjdls of an animal or plant tissue. The ex])eriiiients of Melseiis ( ISTO) who roiiiKJ that, in a culture of yeast ex])osed in a steel boml) calculated to burst at 8000 atmospheres, there were living cells after the temperature was lowered until the bomb burst, are also significant in the discussion of this problem. How enormous hydrostatic pressures have no action on protoplasm while pricking with a glass needle may, in some instances, start coagulation, is entirely unknown. The answer to this question might throw some light on the tyi)e of mechanical injury caused by ice. D. lljin (li)34) presented a new theory of death l)y me- chanical injury, applicable to typical i)lant cells which consist of a protoplast adhering to cell walls and filled with cell sap. He distinguishes two general cases: that in which death occurs during freezing and that in which it occurs during thawing, and he subdistinguishes two cases of death during freezing, that in which ice is formed only in the intercellular spaces and that in which there is ice also in the vacuoles. When death is caused by thawing, the too rapid invasion of the protoplasm by water would damage the living structure which is not capable of expanding rapidly enough and is torn by being pulled about. When death occurs during freez- ing but without congelation of the vacuolar content, the w^ithdrawal of water from the vacuole would cause the latter to shrink and the protoplasmic layer, still attached on one side to the cell walls, would be stretched between these cell walls and the vacuole whose contraction it has to follow; this stretching woud be injurious. In the ca§e of formation of ice, both around the cell and in the vac- 267 uole, llio protoplast would Ix' killed by being squeezed between two masses of ice, when the vacuole expands on freezing, lljin's experiments in which he succeeded in keeping alive, by cautious slow freezing and thawing, cells which otherwise would have l)een destroye«l give much weight to his theory. IV. THEORY OF DEATH BY TOO RAriD THAWING For the investigators who maintain that cold, when not accompanied by ice formation, is not generally lethal and that freezing is usually a necessary condition for death, the question arose as to whether death occurs dur- ing freezing itself or during thawing. Almost all w^ho favor the latter assumption think that it is the rapidity of the thawing which renders it dangerous. So the theory of ''death by thawing" and that of ''death by too rapid thawing" will be treated together. The origin of the theory of "death by too rapid thaw- ing" seems to be the old popular idea that, when a per- son has frozen limbs, he should be warmed gradually. This notion, frequent in the medical literature, is found here and there also in the biological literature. For ex- ample, Duhamel and Buff on (1737) say that when ani- mals are frozen one puts them in snow, in water or in dung to \varm them slowly. These authors also give as a well-known fact that frozen fruit decays if thawed too rapidly. They claim, furthermore, that they could save plants (orange trees and geraniums) which w^ere coated wath ice, by covering them so as to prevent a too rapid thawing by the sun, or by exposing them to a slight rain which also would cause a slow thawing. After refut- ing the idea that the injurious action of the sun on frozen trees might be due to a condensation of the rays by the lenses constituted by the droplets of melting water, as some have maintained, Duhamel and Buffon present the following tentative hypothesis for explaining the mechan- ism of action of rapid thawing : the vessels distended by 2(^8 the increase in volume of llic I'rozcii s;ip cannot, in fast thawing, resume their normal size smoothly enough ("avec assez de douceur"), then they break, the sap evaporates and the plant dries up. A similar idea is held by Pichel (1816, quoted by Miil- ler-Tliurgau, 1886). Injury in twigs would result from a tearing of vessels or of essential structures in the too rapid thawing of the unequally expanded outer and inner layers of the twigs. The free course of the sap would thus be disturbed. Goeppert (1830) called into doubt the view of many of his predecessors that slow thawing saves frozen plants from death. He thawed slowly, at about 0°, in snow^, frozen bulbs of onions, tulips, etc., and observed that they were killed. The experiments of Sachs (1860; see also Sachs' Hand- buch der exp. Physiol, der Pflanzen, Leipzig, 1865 and later editions) again revived the older theory that slow thawing can forestall the death of frozen plants. He froze pieces of beet and of pumpkin and leaves of beet, cabbage, bean, etc., at - 4° to - 6°R (- 5° to - 7.5°C) and thawed them in water at 0^, in air at 2' to 3°R or in water at 6° to 10°R. In the first case, wdth slow thawing at 0% the plants were alive, in the last two cases they w^ere killed. Sachs' interpretation is that when thawing is slow the molecules of water pulled loose from the pro- t()l)lasm during crystallization can again take up their former position and reestablish the conditions existing before freezing, while if thawing is rapid some of the water may flow away and not be reabsorbed and thus the previous conditions of concentration and imbibition can- not be restored and death may result. As to the fact that a lower water content decreases the sensitivity to cold, Sachs explains it by assuming that when there is less water to freeze it can more readily be reabsorbed after thawinij;. 269 Goeppert (1871), more than forty years after his first observations, undertook a new series of experiments which led him again to the conchision that it is during freezing and not during thawing that the phints are killed. He put to freeze orchids which contain indican and turn blue at death {Calauthe) ; he found that the blue color appeared in the frozen state before thawing. Prillieux (1872) repeated these experiments and came to the conclusion that the indican plants became blue only after thawing. It seems that the ditferent conclusions reached by these two authors are due partly to a dis- agreement on what is called blue. Before thawing the plants are of a steel blue color (Stahlblau) and after thawing they are of a deep dark blue. Kunisch (1880), instead of utilizing the change of color of indican plants at death, tried to revive them and to put them to grow after freezing and slow thawing but he registered only negative results. Miiller-Thurgau (1880) also experimented with indican plants. Using the petals of PJiajus, he could observe by a slow lowering of the temperature that the change in color took place during freezing, not however at the freez- ing point but when, after some ice formation, the temper- ature dropped to a lower level. Any attempt to keep alive by slow thawing petals which had turned blue on freezing failed. The same author (1886) summarizing the results of other experiments in which he subjected "several hundreds" of frozen plants to rapid or slow thawing at various temperatures (for example, potatoes thawed in sand at 45" and at 0") concludes that there is no evidence that slow thawing ever saved these plants from death. However, a few years later (1894), he found that frozen pears and apples show considerable injury aft- er thawing in water at 0° or in luke-warm water, whereas they show only slight or no injury if thawed more slowly in air at 0° or at 20°. (One might mention here that Miil- ler-Thurgau pointed out the error made by previous in- 270 vestigators who tlion^lil tli;i1 lliawiiii;' in wator should be slowiM- tliaii tliawiii^' in air, at the same UMnporatiire). Molisc'h ( lSi)7), who reviowed the ])i-ol)k'iii of death by rapid thawing-, himself made a large number of experi- ments on this ])oint. He usei:ati()N After it had been observed that watei" eoiiios out of the cells ilurin.n- fi-eezin<'- and i)asses into the intercellu- lar sj^aces, the theory was proposed that death results from the fact that congelation deprives the ])rotoi)lasni of its moisture. Death by freezing- would then ])e ideu- tical, in the last analxsis, with death by drou,i;lit. Sev- eral eminent jilant pli> siolo,i;-ists towai'd the end of the last and the be^innin^- of the i»i-esent century took sides on this (juestion. We shall lu're sunnnarize, iu ehrouolo,i;ical order, the most im])ortant works which have conti-ibnted to the (leveloi)meiit of this theory. Sachs (18G0) is usually not considered an advocate of the dehydration theory of death l)y freezing, though some of his statements place him among the pioneers who jtoinled onl tiie important alteration which I'e- sults when water molecules are disengagi'd from a living structure. He says that the molecules of water belong to the structural organization of protoplasm and of the cell walls, and are in a certain state of equilibrium wdtli the otlier constituent molecules. By freezing and thawing, the water molecules are i)ulled away from the structure and a new^ state of equilibrium is established in w^hich the other molecules have a stronger attraction for each other than for water. This is ])recisely the mechanism which several later investigatoi-s who hold the water with- drawal theory assumed to explain injur>- and death by freezing. MiilJcr-TJiinfidH (ISSd), who is ordinarily held as the founder of this theory, ])ro])osed it in a I'ather hesitating phraseology. He says that death is usually considered as resulting fi'om a destrnction of the ordered arrange- 273 iiu'iit of the eoiistitiu'iit parts of pi'otoi)lasiii, including water, and that sneh destruction has been attributed to one of the three following factors : temperature alone, the withdrawal of water during freezing, some processes which take place during thawing (three theories which, according to him, can be traced liack to the previous century.) After discussing the pros and cons for the first and the third possibilities he gives his preference to the second, saying that, since water withdrawal is the most essential change which occurs during freezing, it could very well be the cause of death by cold. He then goes a stejj further and gives a body to the dehydration theory by suggesting a mechanism by which death might result from the withdrawal of water. He considers that the solid constituents of protoplasm, /. e., the micelles, are separated by the water phase, being far- ther apart in i)rotoplasni which has a higher water con- tent: the withdrawal of water will result in displacing these micelles from the positions that they occupied in the ordered arrangement of living protoplasm. How a molecular structure can be altered by freezing is exem- plified by starch paste which, after congelation, loses its property of holding water of imbibition. Miiller-Thurgau also holds that : 1. The sudden with- drawal of water during the rapid freezing which follows subcooling is particularly dangerous; 2. Often the dis- turbance produced by dehydration would .be reversible and the original structure could be restored if the water witlldra^^^l by freezing would not evaporate after thawing before it can be returned to the cells. Conseijuently, he claims that a means of keeping alive frozen material is to prevent evaporation during and after thawing. Several observed facts are interpreted by Miiller- Thurgau as being in good fitting with his dehydration theory. The greater sensitivity to cold in plants with higher moisture content, as exhibited, for example, by soaked seeds, and the relativelv higher resistance of less 274 h>(li-a1o(l uiatcrinl as in llic uikIcxcIoixmI huds, are ex- plained on tlie assninj)! ion that when tlic micelles are closer together, as in drier tissue, less damage is done since there is less water to be withdrawn. The fact that many of the plants which resist cold are also those which resist drought, in i)ai-ticular, moss and lichens, is adduced as evidence for the theory. Sachs' experiments in which plants thawed in w^ater recovered while ])lants thawed in the air died, are in- terpreted as favoring the dehydration theory, since re- covery would be possible when enough water is furnished to rehydrate the cells, while death would occur when too nnich water evaporates, as in the case of thawing in the air. To the objection that some plants would be killed by a relatively slight dehydration in freezing while they resist considerable drying under other circumstances, he answers that, in freezing, the withdrawal of water is particularly sudden and acts by its suddenness. Moliscli (IHin) contributed important experimental data to the theory of Miiller-Thurgau which he accepted almost entirely. He first pointed out that the theory of a disturbance of the functional harmony cannot ex- plain the cases in which death takes place innnediately upon congelation. He remarked that the theory of a lethal action of temperature alone without ice forma- tion is contradicted by the numerous observations of the innocuousness of subcooling. Finally, he showed that the theory of death by too rapid thawing does not apply in a large number of cases that he studied. Though each of these three theories, he concludes, might explain death in some particular instances, death is, in general, coin- cident with the formation of ice and with its attendant withdrawal of water. The following points, several of which had already been indicated by Miiller-Thurgau, are emphasized by Molisch: 1. A relatively large projxntion of ice is formed 275 at the beginning- of freezing at near-zero temperatures; 2. A further withdrawal of water at lower temperatures causes death, o. Cold resistance is increased by dehydra- tion (wilted tobacco leaves were found to resist freezing more than fresh ones) ; 4. The high concentrations which result from delwdration exert a toxic effect ; 5. The differ- ences in resistance to both freezing and drying in various plants are specific characters. Molisch furthermore at- tributes the resistance of bacteria, spores, seeds, moss, etc., to the fact that these organisms can be exposed to low temperatures without releasing their water. According to Matruchot and Molliard (1902), who had observed that, in frozen plant cells, Avater had been sep- arated from the cytoplasm and from the nucleus, the de- hydration theory explains niosl: of the facts known on the action of low temperature. They discuss, in partic- ular, the following ones : 1. Cytoplasmic streaming de- creases and finally stops, when a cell is cooled; this would be due to the more solid consistency acquired by protoplasm on the withdrawal of water. 2. Numerous plants and animals revive after freezing or after dry- ing when water is supplied to them; in both cases, the organism would come back to life if water could be re- imbibed by the protoplasm and the conditions which existed previously reestablished, while the organisms would die if the separation of water went so far as to constitute an irreversible process. 3. The injurious ef- fect of too rapid thawing would be due to the sudden invasion of the dehydrated tissues by water, a too rapid imbibition rendering impossible the reestablishment of the previous state. 4. The various degrees of resistance oiTered by different species to both desiccation and freez- ing would be explainable by different specific water-hold- ing capacities. 5. The high resistance to cold of plants with a thick or heavily cutinized epidermis could be at- tributed to the ability of these plants to retain water. 276 The lirst of those processes, namely the eessalioii of proto])hisniic streainiiiji:, does not seem to l^e satisfac- torily exi)huned by dehydration. Protophisniic stream- ing- has been observed to l)econie sh)wer and to stop under the action of h)W tenii)ei-ature ^vitllont ice for- mation, that is, without (h'h>(li'ation to any noticeable extent. Ill an attem))t to analyse the mechanism itself of death ])y dehydration, Matruchot and Molliard, following some views previously held by Dastre, distin,i>uish 3 sorts of water in living matter: 1. External water, that is, the wa- ter of the cell sap, which does not enter into the make-up of living protoplasm; 2. Iiiterpos<(1 water, the molecules of which move freely in the capillary spaces between the micelles, that is, within the meshes which constitute protoplasm; 3. Constituent water which is either a part of the protoplasmic molecules or is attached to them by adhesion forces. The withdraw^al of external Avater would be harmless and would leave a still liquid proto- plasm. The withdrawal of interposed water would not be usually lethal and Avould result in the production of that more solid sort of protoplasm found in seeds or spores. As to the constituent water, its separation from protoplasm would induce death. Pfeffer (IdO'i) formulated several objections to the wa- ter withdrawal theory. The essential points in his ob- jections are the following: 1. There is a contradiction between the fact that desiccation of a plant increases its resistance to cold and the theory that desiccation by cold causes death. 2. More water can be removed without in- jury by transpiration and by plasmolysis than by freez- ing. 3. Death by cold is in several cases independent of the water content: some plants survive cold when they are in the turgescent state while others, like seeds, sur- vive in the dry state. 4. To account for the death of some plants at temperatures far below the freezing point one would have to assume that some moisture does not freeze until these low temperatures are reached, an 277 assumption which is ' not in asreemont with what is known on the rate of format ion of ice in terms of tem- perature. Some of these fundamental objections were resumed by Mes f 190.5). This author w^onders why dehydration should be harmful when caused by freezing and harmless oth- erwise. Concerning- the formation of ice at tempera- tures far below^ the freezing point, he quotes his experi- ments with ImpaUens stems in which he claims to have shown by the shape of the freezing curves that congel- ation is completed at -6-. Cooling at a low^er tempera- ture, therefore, w^ould not induce any further desicca- tion and one does not see how it w^ould be injurious, except if one admits the theory of the ''specific mini- mum ' '. According to Mez, several experiments in which death was attributed by Molisch to freezing and interpreted as identical wdth death by desiccation (water algae, staminal hair of Tradescantia, potato) represent really cases of death by desiccation and not of death by freez- ing. Apelt (W07), supporting the argument of Mez, says that in his experiments on potato tubers he ahvays found that the death point was definitely belo^v the freezing point. This fact is interpreted as signifying that death is not due to a desiccation during freezine- According to the same author, the dehydration theory has against it that, in one experiment on potato, re- peated freezing (more than 4 or 5 times) at a temperature slightly above the death temperature resulted in death. Since it is assumed that the amount of water congealed in each freezing at the same temperature is the same, one does not see how^ the repetition of the experiment could become injurious. Gorke (1907) brought forth a new argument in favor of the dehydration theory by showing that proteins can be precipitated by freezing when the salt concentration 278 iiK'i-cascs as a rcsiill of the iciiioxal of watci" (the de- tails of tliis llicory will he i;i\('ii hclow). Vit'ifitUnidir / IHO'.i), rcsniiiiii.u' the x'icws of Mcz, claims that the ('I'll sap usually ))r('S('ii1s a cutcctic ])()int at around - (i . lie. thcrcfoi'c, denies that thei'e can ])e any further desiccation at the tenijx'iatui-e of '.]() at which some ])lants die. The same author argues that if death is due to some watei- withdrawal, oi- to the salting' out of some protein, or to the eutectic fi'eezin.n' of some complex mixture, some thermal effect should ajjpear. Xone, however, has ever been observed. One of the most natural explanations of the fact ob- served so many times that a tissue survives the forma- tion of ice in the neii^hborhood of its freezing- point and is killed on further freezing at a loAver temperature is that, as long- as there is free water to freeze, no damage is done, and that injury begins when more strongly bound water freezes. Jensen and Fischer (1910), found, in a comparison of the freezing curve of frog's muscle with that of an isotonic salt solution, that only about 3,9% of the water of the muscle might be more firmly bound. Besides, the dead muscles also seemed to contain bound water. Death, therefore, could hardly be explained by the unl)in(ling of that water. According to Irmscher (1912), the similarity pointed out by other investigators in the resistance of plants to injury by drying and l)y freezing can also be observed in moss. In general, the species which are more resis- tant to cold are also more resistant to drought. (There are, however, several exceptions.) Another similarity between the mechanism of action of desiccation and that of freezing, pointed out by the same author, is that cold hardiness can be induced by expo- sure to drought as well as by exposure to cold. Moss which had been dried and which regained its full turgor bv innnersion in water was found more resistant to cold 279 than normal moss. The natural conclusion from this observation is that the protoplasmic changes induced by desiccation must be the same as those induced by cold. Irmscher, furthermore, repeated with moss the exjjeri- ments of Molisch on the difference between material frozen in water and that frozen in air. Moss partially immersed in water was exposed for 3 days to — 5° to -6\ The submerged portion, all surrounded by ice, remained alive, while the tips which projected out were killed. The more complete dehydration in air is as- sumed to be responsible for the injurious effect. Cameron and Broivulee (1913), discussing experiments in which frogs were killed after having been frozen by an exposure of several hours at or below the freezing point, attribute death to the excessive concentration of the cell contents caused by dehydration. (They note that such concentrated cell contents should not freeze.) In order to clarify the problem of the correlation between ice formation and death in plants, Maximov ( Wl'f) undertook to study: 1. The death temperature as related to the freezing point ; 2. The infiuence on death of the time the material is left at a given freezing temper- ature; 3. The relation between the quantity of ice formed at a given time and temperature and the occurrence of death. Using potato tissue in which the vitality of the cells was judged by the plasmolysis test, he found that the tissues were completely killed in a short time at -2.66 while almost all the cells were alive at -1.96° and -2.11°. Furthermore, a piece of potato left to freeze for 10 minutes between 0° and - 1.82° was alive, wdiile one left for about 3 hours at the same temperatures was practically all dead. These and other experiments confirmed his views that death progresses step by step with ice formation and, consequently, with water withdrawal. So this author accepts, in general, the dehydration theory of ^liiller- Thurgau and Molisch, but modifies it by suggesting that 280 the (Inui.'inc by freezing' I'csulls not only from llic water witlulrawal itsclt" but also t'loiii a pri'cijjilatioii ol" tlic col- loids of the protoplasm. Sudi a i)recipitalioii would be caused by ])otli an increased concentration of the colloids subsequent to ficcziiii;- and by a mechanical compression between the k'v masses. The connnon action of these two factors would be to brin^' the colloidal i)ai-ticles of pro- toplasm in too close a proximity so tliat coagulation would result. Having admitted a mechanical action of ice on the precipitation of colloids, Maximov considers as answered the objection of Pfetfer and others to the dehydration theory, namely, that some plants withstand desiccation while they are killed by freezing. The factor pressure, present in freezing, is absent in desiccation. The fact pointed out by Maximov himself (1912) that immersion in a concentrated solution protects a tissue against the action of cold except if the temperature of the solution is below the cryohydrate point, is brought to supi)ort the theory; above the cryohydrate point the etTect of pressure by ice is lessened by the fact that a part of the solution is liquid and gives way under pressure. Maximov departs in some minor ])oints from ]\luller- Thurgau's views; for example, he denies that the rapid water withdrawal after subcooling is the cause of death since he observed that the death temperature was about the same when freezing w^as preceded by a considerable subcooling and when there was no subcooling. He criticizes Fischer's theory that death by cold con- sists in the loss by the protoplasmic colloids of the ca- pacity for adsori)tion, saying that only a small portion of water is adsorbed in protoplasm, the rest is "free" water, held in the cell by osmotic forces, not by adsorp- tion. The release of water after death is explainable, according to Maximov, who here quotes Niigeli (ISGl), 281 by an increase of permeability and it does not involve a loss of the adsorption capacity. Twenty-five years later, Maximov (1938) held about the same fundamental views. The withdrawal of water during- freezing would cause an alteration in the proto- plasmic colloids; in particular, it w^ould increase per- meability. He could, in leaves, determine an increase in cell permeability which paralleled the degree of wilting and, consequently, he considers freezing and wilting as similar in their injurious action. KyJ'ni (1!U7) reported that various algae, for which the temperature of death by freezing in sea water was previously recorded, were killed at temperatures above freezing when the increasing concentration of the water in w^hich they were immersed was high enough to have the same freezing point as the water in which the algae were killed by freezing. Accordingly death of the or- ganisms is attributed to the concentration resulting from freezing and not to the congelation itself. Moran (1929), who worked mostly with isolated frog's muscles, remarks that neither cold alone kills, as is shown by the well known innocuousness of subcooling, nor does the formation of a relatively large quantity of ice in a tissue, since muscles left for -1-8 hours in the frozen state at -1.5° (freezing point -0.42-) were ir- ritable after thawing. Having rejected these two in- terpretations, he points out that it is the removal by freezing of more than a certain critical quantity of water wiiich seems to be fatal, as is shown by the fact that a muscle loses its power to react to an electric stimulus when frozen at a temperature lower than - 1.9°. Comparing these results with those obtained in his study of death by desiccation, namely, that it was im- possible to revive a muscle in which 78% or more of the water content had been removed, he pointed out that the temperature of death by freezing was precisely the freezing point of a solution of sodium chloride which was 282 coiicoiit rated by evaporation from its ])oint of isotonicity with the normal nniscle until it had lost 78'/ of its water. Death by freezing- would then take ])lace when more than this |ti-()i)()rtioii of watci- freezes out from the already concentrated })rotoi)lasm. (A determimition of the freez- in«^ point of a solution containini;- the salts of the nmscle at the concentration reached after drying to the critical degree gave 1.6".) The similarity of action of freezing and drying was further evidenced by the similarity in the changes of the electric resistance observed in tissues which were killed by either of the two injurious agents. Moran, however, remarks that the action of freezing and that of drying are not altogether identical on all sorts of materials. Drying is not known ever to pro- duce an irreversible change in gelatin gels, while freez- ing does. As to the mechanism by which a removal of water be- comes injurious, he makes the following suggestions : 1. Dehydration may result in a destruction of "an interface, a catalyst, or a structure holding catalysts"; 2. It may upset the ionic balance and cause a change in the vis- cosity and permeability of protoplasm; 3. It might pro- duce some internal strains of the type observed in gels which become anisotropic by being frozen and thawed. Com])aring death to the irreversible change brought about at - 6 in frozen egg yolk and probably due to the action of concentrated electrolytes on the protein-lipid complex, Moran sees ''closely similar relations" in the two cases; they would ditfer, however, in the fact that the irreversible change in yolk requires some time so that one can avoid it by rapid cooling, while "no sensible time appears to be needed for permanent destruction" of the living system and it is impossible, by rapid freezing, to avoid death. Some of the authors who hold the dehydi-ation theory of death bv cold assume that if the water withdrawn can 283 be reabsorbed after Ihawiiio-, death can be prevented. Concerning- this (lueslion, a remark of Stik'S (quoted by Jones and Gortner, 1932) is of interest. Hydrated gela- tin h)ses 4 to 6 times more water on thawing when it has been frozen slowly than when it has been frozen rapidly. Jones and Gortner (1932) mention, as a natural explanation of this observation, the fact described by Moran (1926) and by Hardy (1926) that, in rapid freez- ing, a large number of small crystals are formed within the gelatin mass and a reabsorption of that water after thawing is easy and rapid, while, in slow freezing, the presence of larger quantities of ice at the same place and mostly at the external surface impairs or slows reimbibition after thawing. A determination by Luyet and Condon (J9S8) of the time at which the cells of potato tubers are killed when gradually increasing proportions of water are with- drawn by freezing, led these authors to the conclusion that injury begins after the withdrawal of about 35% of the water content, at a temperature of 0.2 to 0.3 degree below the freezing point (between B and C in the graph) Fiu. 33. Freezing curve of a piece of potato. Abscissae: time in min- utes from the beginning of freezing; Ordinates: temperature. During the periods of time indicated by A and B no ceH was kiUed; death oc- curred during the period C; freezing continued when all the cells were killed, during the period D. (From Luyet and Condon, 1938.) and that all the cells are killed when about 70' < of the water has been removed at 3.5 degrees below the freezing 284 point (botweoii V and 1> in the titriiro). At'tor death, more water freezes mit wlieii the temperature is hnvered ( rei!:ioii D in tlie figure). Tf death, in thesi' ex])erinients, took ])hiee while the material was I'l-ozeii ( and not on thawinir), it did not correspond to the removal of the most tightly bound water, since some was still unfrozen after death. This observation led Lnifet (1U-11>) to distinguish be- tween fitdl and hound (unfreezable) water. There woidd be 5 kinds of water in protophism : 1. Excess water which can be removed without atlt'ecting the activity of ])roto- plasm; for examiile, without decreasing the res])iratory rate. '2. Mifuholic water which iiithiences the ratt' of liv- ing processes but can be withdrawn without inducing death. 3. Vital water, tlie separation of which is lethal. 4. Boinunit frcczabic water which, in some organisms, stays unfrozen during death by congelation but can ])e frozen after death. 5. U)ifrrezahlc water which never freezes at any temperature. The author accounts for the speeilic differences in cold resistance by assuming that, in some types of protoplasm, the vital water is the most tightly bound, unfreezable water, \\ hiU', in others, it is the freer, freezable water. Becquerel (1939) claims that cells killed by freezing do not show any evidence of having been dehydrated by plasmolysis. He ex])osed e])idermal stri])s of onion or of the petals of red hyacinth to temjieratures extending from -150" to -25"^ and examined individual cells under the inicrosco])e before, during and after freezing and thawing. He observed that neither the cytojilasni, nor the vacuole nor the nucleus undergoes any change which might be interpreted as resulting from ])lasmolysis. He concludes that ''almost all the physiologists so far have made the mistake" of considering as plasmolysed a coag- ulated c^'toplasm slightly separated from the cell wall. It seems that the condition reported by Becquerel is due to the fact that he used a rapid method of freezing which did not allow plasmolysis, which is usually a slow proc- ess, to take place. 285 Levitt (1939), in a study of cold hardiness in cabbage, brings a quite new argument against the theory that re- sistance to injur}" by cold is simply resistance to dehydra- tion. He determined by calorimetric methods the propor- tion of frozen and unfrozen water in hardened and in un- hardened plants at their critical freezing temperatures, that is, at temperatures at which 50-75 per cent of the plants are killed (-5.6° for hardened, -2.1° for unhard- ened). The "unhardened tissue retained 3.5 times as much water in the liquid state per gram dry matter as did hardened (6.30 and 1.75 gm. respectively)". Hardiness, that is, resistance to injury by cold, ''is therefore not de- termined simply by resistance to dehydration." It is quite evident that as yet one cannot draw any general conclusion from the data here presented. VI. THEOEY OF DEATH BY VARIOUS PHYSIOLOGICAL, PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL ALTERATIONS Various jjliysiological changes which accompany freez- ing have been assumed to cause injury and death. Though, in the last analysis, the mechanism of their lethal action might be physical or chemical, they will be treated here as physiological changes, as they were presented by their authors. The physical alterations, other than crys- tallization of water, which have been observed to result from freezing and thawing in aqueous colloids are : pre- cipitation, agglomeration or dispersion of particles, coag- ulation, gelation, changes in transparency (turbidity, opalescence) and changes in consistency (cf. our previous review of this subject). Any of these physical alterations, as well as a number of chemical changes, might consti- tute the mechanism of injury and death by freezing. In the literature one finds such a general suggestion repeat- ed again and again. But specific suggestions as to wiiich protoplasmic constituents might be altered, and in what manner, are few and still fewer the experimental attempts to test these possibilities. We shall mention here the more specific suggestions and those which are backed by some experimental evidence. 28G /. Plii/sioJdfiicdJ (li(nif/es. A weaken iiii;- of vitaliiy by tlio action of colil (Ui ])roto])lasm lias l)een assumed by Irnischor (1912) to oxi)lain liow a ])rolon<;-ed or repeated exposui'e causes a ,ni'a\' a lirst lethal freezing and the ([uantity of water which crystallizes at a gi\-en temperature, in a second congelation, is different from the (juantity solidified in the first. Several authors have assumed that, at death, pro- teins are denatured in a salt solution which became con- centrated by freezing. Concerning this theory, as applied to nmscle proteins, Moran (1929) remarks that all at- tempts to produce synthetically a solution of the same composition as the fluid of the muscle have failed and he attributes this failure to the fact that the calcium is not simply in solution in the living muscle but that it is associated with the proteins. This remark suggests the hypotliesis that the destruction of the complex, protein- calcium, might constitute death by cold. SUMMARY 1. Death in frozen animals or plants has been attributed by some pioneer authors to a withdrawal of energy and the resulting impossibility on the part of the cooled or- ganism to supply the energy necessary for vital activities. 2. According to this theory freezing is impossible as long as the organism is alive; life has to be destroyed to allow the formation of ice. 3. Other investigators have attributed death of frozen plants to the attainment of a given minimal temperature, characteristic of each species. 4. Accordingly, when this '^specific minimal temperature" is l)elow the freezing point, the formation of ice protects against injury and death, while subcooling is dangerous. 5. Death has been attributed to a mechanical injury consisting in a bursting of the cells by the expansion of the ice in formation; but the ru])turing of cells after slow 291 freezing" in iiaturo could never be observed. 6. A mechan- ical injury resulting in the destruction of the fine struc- ture of protoplasm by ice crystals has been invoked as the cause of death. 7. Some investigators have thought of a damage by pressure between growing ice masses. 8. Others have proposed that the protoplasm might be in- jured by the jarring involved in freezing and thawing. 9. A large number of investigators have studied exper- imentally the theory that the so-called death by freez- ing is caused by a too rapid thawing. Xo general con- clusion can be derived from their results which seem largely to disagree. 10. Most plant physiologists have attributed death by freezing to a dehydration of protoplasm. Some consider dehydration as a step toward a precipitation or a coagu- lation; others think of a destruction of the structure of living molecules, perhaps of catalysts, by the withdrawal of their constituent water; for others dehydration might cause such essential changes as an increase in permea- bility, an increase in viscosity, an upsetting of the ionic balance, etc. ; finally, some authors attribute death to the toxic concentration resulting from dehydration. 11. Ar- guments in favor of the dehydration theory of freezing are: the resemblance, repeatedly recognized, between the action of freezing and that of drying and the resem- blance in the conditions of sensitivity to these two fac- tors. 12. The main objections against the theory are: that in some plants more water can be removed without injury by other means than by freezing ; that dehydration by freezing is assumed to be lethal, while dehydration by air-drying increases the resistance to cold. 13. 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AND G. BuFFON, Observation dos diftorents c'lTcls (pic pro(]nisont snr los voovtanx Ics i>'i'andes gcloes d'lii\('r ct Ics pctitcs ti;-clccs du pi-inlcni[)S. I/isf. Ac.Roy. Sc.,Meu,. Mdlh.rJiijs., 233-298. 1776 Si'ALLANZAXi, L., Opuscoll (U fislca aniniale c vegetabile. Modena ; (Experiments on the action of low temperatures in Opusc. 1, Chapters V and VI). 1778 HuxTKi;, J., Of the Heat of Animals and Vegetables. PJiilos. Trans., GS, 7-49. *This bibliography is not a list of the references utilized in the pres- ent monograph — such a list has been printed, in sections, at the end of each Part — it is intended to be a compilation, as complete as possible, of the researches published up to 1940 in the field of "The Preserva- tion and the Destruction of Life at Low Temperatures." The expres- sion "complete bibliography" has become, at present, practically mean- ingless for a large numl)er of topics; we present, therefore, this bil)li()- graphical list as a nucleus of the essential references, which is to l)e completed in future editions. The elaboration of monographic l)il)lio- graphies, and the organization of some means of providing a periodical republication and completion of such works is probably to become an important task for the next generation of scientists (perhaps as im- portant as the organization of research laboratories has been during the first half of this century). To emphasize this particular character of the present bibliography, and also to show the historical develop- ment of the research on the sul)ject, we arranged the references in the chronological order, 296 297 1817 Du Petit-Tiiouaks. a., Snr Ics effets de la gelee sur les plaiites. Vcrncr Frai/rals, I'aris. 1820 VoGEL, A., Ueber die Veraenderungen, die einige Stoffe des orgaiiischeii Reielies beim Gefrieren erloiden. Cfil- hert's Ann. d. Physik, ()4, 167. 1829 Xeuffer, W., I'ntersuchmigen iiber die Temperatnr- Verandei'uiigou der Vegetabilieii inid vcrsehiedeiie damit in Beziehuiig steliende Gegenstande. Iiiaug. Diss., Tii- bingen. 1830 GoEPPERT, H.R., Ueber die AYarmeentwiclvelung in den Pflanzen, deren Gefrieren, und die Schutzmittel gegen das- selbe. 1-272. Breslau. 1833 Herschel, J., Xotice of a Remarkable Deposition of Ice round the Decaying Stems of Vegetables during Frost. London-Ediuh. PhilosMag., 2, 110-111; (On p. 190 there is a note by S. P. Pigaud on the same subject). 1838 AuDoiis^, Influence du froid chez les insectes. Ann. Soc. Entom. dc France, 7, Bull. 39, Among subjects which have been deliberately omitted, though they concern rather directly our topic, we shall mention: cohl liardiuess in plants, preservation of food by refrigeration (and, as such, cold injuri/ to edible plants, fruit, etc.). plii/siological effect of cold on germination, growth, morphogenesis, habitat, etc. (and. as such, snoic vegetation, arctic vegetation, etc.), properties of phi/sical systems at low tempera- tures (the properties of colloids, however, are included). These sub- jects either have been investigated enough to constitute separate units, or the accepted division of the sciences has assigned them to specialists in other branches, or they have already been or are reviewed by com- petent authors whose work it would be useless to duplicate. When the title of a paper does not indicate what relation its content bears to low temperature, we added a note in parentheses to that effect. 1840 l*i:KV()sr. lu'clicrclics sur Ics ;iirnii;il('iil('S spcniiiil i(iiu's. C.r. Acdtl. Sci., II, I)(I7~!H)S; ( l-'i^cc/iiii;- of fro,;;' spci-iiinlo- zoa). 1848 DixAL. F., Dos effots de la geU'o sur Ics plnntes. Mem. Ac. MouipcU'wr. Sect. Sci., 1, 15:1. 1850 Le Coxtk, J., Obsoi'vatioiis on a Iiciiiaikablc Exudaliou of Ice from llio Stems of Vegetables and on a Singular Protrusiou of ley Colunms from CV'rlain Kinds of Kartli during Frosty Weather. Loiidon-Ediiih. Phllos. Mag., '30, 329-342. 1852 Le Conte, J., Observations on the Freezing of Vegeta- bles and the Causes Which Enable Some Plants to En- dure the Action of Extreme Cold. Aw. J. Sci., 63, 84-92, 195-206. 1853 Goeppert, H.R., Ueber das Verhalten der Pflanzen bei niederer Temperatur. Bot. Ztfj., 11, 123-124. DE QuATREFAGES, A,, Reclierclies sur la vitalive de quel- ques poissons d'eau douee. Ami. Sci. Xdf.. ( ."!), /.'', 341-3(19; (Freezing of tish spermatozoa). 1854 Caspary, R., Auft'allende Eisl)ildung auf Pflanzen. Bot. Ztg., 665-674, 681-690 and 697-706. 1855 CASPAitv, P., Ueber l^^i-ostspalten. Bol. Zlg., 449-462, 473-482 and 489-500. 1860 Sachs. .J., Untersuchungen iiber das Erfrieren der Pflanzen. Luinhr. Vcrsiiclis-Shil .. Xo. 5, 167-201. 299 AVartmax, ]■•]., Xolc relative a riiiHueiice cle t'roids ex- cossifs sur les graincs. Arch. Sc. Pliys. Nat. Geneve, Nouv. per., 7, 277-279. 1861 Nageli, Ueber die Wirkuiig des Frostes auf die Pflaii- zenzelleii. Sifsiuif/shrr.l-fjJ.-lHit/cr. Alad. Wiss. su Miiii- chen, 264-271. 1862 Walther, a., Beitrage ziir Lehre voii der tliierisclien Warme. Yircliow's Arch., 2.')^ 414:-4:11 ; (Observations on death of rabbits by cold). 1864 KuHNE, W., Untersuchungen iiber das Protoplasma und die Contractilitat. Leipzig; (Action of low tempera- ture: pp. 3-6, 46-47, 68, SS, 100-102). 1866 PoucHET, F.A., Eecherclies experimentales sur la con- gelation des animaux. J. Anat. et Physiol., 3, 1-36. RoTW, M., Ueber einige Bezieliungen des Flinnnerepi- thels zum contractilen Protoplasma, Arch. path. Anat. u. Physiol., 37; (Action of low temperature: pp. 188-189). 1868 Sachs, J., Lehrbucli der Botanik. Leipzig; (Action of low temperature: p. 562). 1869 Prtllieux, E., Sur les proprietes endosmotiques des cel- lules gelees. Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, 1(>, 91-100. — , Etfet de la gelee sur les plantes. Forma- tion de glaQons dans les tissus des plantes. Bull. Soc. Bot. dc France, 16, 140-152. , Sur la formation de gla(^ons ti I'interieur des ])lante.s. Aidi.ScL Nat., rf Her. Bot., 12, 125. 1S70 Mklskns. M., Note sur In vit;ill1(' dc l;i Icxurc dc hiri-c. C.r.Acdd. Sci., 1(1, ()L*i)-()."!2 ; ( ( 'oiiililiicd nclioii of l)ressure and cold). ScHENK. S.L., iiber den Kiiilluss iilcdcrci' 'rciiipcra- tui'i;rnd(' aid' ('inii;-(' Filciiiciilai-oi'.uaiiisiiicii. Sil :iii/(/slt. Win). Akdil., (iO, 25-;U). 1871 CoHX, F., Das Gefricrcii dor Zcllcii von Xifrlla si/ii- carpa. Bot. Zffi., ^'^ 7l\''.. GoEPPEKT, I1.I\., Ilolic (k'L- Kaltegradc, wclclic d'k' \'('ii'('- tation iibeiiiaupt ertriij;!. Bot. ZUj., 2!), 48-58, G5-7G. Hermann, L., Die Erstarruiig- in Foli>-o starker Kalte- grade. Arch. rjes. Phi/sioL, .'/, 189-192. Verson", E., Ucber den Einfluss niedrigen Teniperatu- reii aiif di^e Lebensfaliigkeit der Eier des genieinen Seid- enspinners. Ost. Scidenhaii Zig., A, 57-59, 65-6G. 1872 DoENHOFF, Beitriige 7Air Physiologie. I. Ueber das Ver- halten kaltbliitiger Thiere gegen Frosttemperatur. An]\. Aiiaf. u. Physiol., 724-727. ^[i'LLER, W., Ueber die Widerstaiidsfahigkeit des Frosches gegen holie iind niedere Teni])eraturen. Arch. Aiiaf. n. Physiol., 754-759. Plateau, F., Reclierches physieo-eliiini(|nes snr les arti- ciiles aquatiiiues. Bull. Acad. roy. dc Bclyiqiic, J'' scr., A'l; (Action of low temperature: pp. 291-809). PRn^LiEiTx, E., De 1 'influence de la congelation sur le ])oids des tissus vegetaux. C.r. Acad. Sci., 7'/, l.')44-l.')4(). , CV)loration en bleu des (leurs de (|uel(j[ues orchidees sous 1 'influence de la gelee. Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, W, 152-159. 1874 CoHN, F., AVirknng der Kiillc anf I'llanzciizellen. .laJiih. Ayr. CIh'ui., 197-198. 301 Sciii^MACMTKK, Ft., Bciti-jige zui' M oi'] )li<)l()gio 1111(1 Biolo- gic der Het'o. Sifzuiif/sh. Wiai. Ahail. 70, 157-188; (Some observations on the action of cxijosiirc to low tempera- tures). 1875 GoEPPERT, H.K., Ueber das Anfthauen gefrorener Ge- wachse. Bof. Zif/., .,'./, ()09-612. , Ueber die Fahigkeit krautartiger Ge- wachse, Kalte zu ertragen. Bof. Zffi., .^.>, 613-616. Uloth, W., Ueber die Keimnng von Pflanzensamen in Eis. Flora: 3S, 266-268. 1876 DucLAUx, E., De Uaction physiologic pn^ (ju'exercent, sur les graines de vers a soies, des temperatures inferieures a zero. C.r. Acad. Sci, .S.?, 1049-1051. Haberlandt, G., Uber den Einfluss des Frostes auf die Chlorophyllkorner. Bot. Ztschr., 2(), 219-255. Velten, W., Die Einwirkung der Temperatur auf die Protoplasma-bewegung. Flora, rj<), 177-182, 193-199, 209- 217. 1877 FiRSCH, A., iJber den Eintluss niederer Temperaturen auf die Lebensfahigkeit der Bakterien. Sitzungsh. kais. Ahad. ir/.s,9,, Mafli.-Xdf iinriss. Klassc, 7.7, 257-269. 1878 DeVries, H., Ueber das Erfrieren der Ptlanzen. Leo- pohlhuKi (Dresden), /'/, 103-108. 1879 DE Candolle, C. and R. Pictet, Eecherches concernant Paction des basses temi)eratures sur la faculte germina- tive des graines. Arch. Sc. Phi/s. Naf. Geneve, 3" per., 2, 629-632. isso KiNiscii. 11., I'lx'r die t(>l!Icli(' l^iiiiwirkuii.i;' iiicdci'cr 'r('nii)('i-;ilui-('ii .•ml' dlf rilaiizcii. liinn.i;'. Diss., l-.KI, BiH'slau. Mi'-LLKit-'riirKCAi-. 11., rebel- das ( Jel'riei-eii niid Vh'- friereii der Ptlaii/.eii. Lai/'lir. Jdlirh., U, l.'JIMS!). 1884 DK Caxdollk. C. AM) H. PiCTET, CoiiiiHiiii icat'ioii without title on till' action of low temperatures on seeds. Arrli.Sc. Phijs.Xaf. (u'ucn\ ..'' per., II, ;52r)-:',-J(i. FoL, Coimiiunieatioii williont title on the action cold on protozoa. Arch. Sc.riii/s. Nat. Gtnierc, ,V jx'-r., 11, 1)27. PicTET. \\. ANi> K. Yung, De Taction dn froid siir les microbes. (\r.. AauL Sci., 9(S, 747-74!). SoRATKH. I\, Wirkung-en kiinstliclier Froste. Bcr. deutscli. hnf. r/c.s., 2, XXII-XXV. VoYLE, J., Elfcct of Cold on Eggs of Bark-lice. U.S. Urpt. Agr. Rep., 413-414. 1885 CoLEMAX, J.J. AND J.G. McKendrick, Tlic Mcclianical Production of Cold and the Effects of Cold \\\)(n\ ]\licro- ])hytes. (liei)i. Neifs, Ji, 61-64. 1886 Detmer, AV., Feber Zerstorung der Molekularstructur des Protoplasma der Pllanzenzelle. Bof. Zff/. '/'/, 51,')- 524. (Action of low temperature: ])]). 520-52.')). MC'ller-Thurgau, H., Feber das (Jefrieren und Er- frieren der PHanzen. 11. Tlieil. LinnUr. Jahrb. /•>, 453- 610. PoKDEL, H., Uber das vitale Temperaturmininmm wir- belloser Tliiere. Ztselir. Xafunriss., 5.9, 183-214. 1889 Heubel. F., Die Wiederbelebung des Herzens nach dem Einti-itt vollkonimeiu'r llerznuiskelstaiTe. I\l'lii(/ers Arcli., '/5, 461-5S1; (Action of low teniperat ni'e : pp. 5(53-568). 303 L.TUBAVix. X., On the Frocziiii:,' of Some (\)lloi(l;il So- hilioiis. ,/. Iiiiss. I*lii/sic<)-Cliciu. Hoc, il, .'5!>7; ( Iviissian). 1890 JuMELLE, H., La vie des lichens peiidniit 1 'liiver. C.r.Soc. Biol. (Mem.), 42, 115-119. KocHs, W., Kami die Kontinuitat der Lebensvorgange zeitweilig vollig luiterbroelieii werden ? BloL ZbJ. 10, 673- 686. 1891 Ambeoxx, H., Einige Beobaclitmigen liber das Gef rieren der Kolloide. B< r. k.-sdchs. Ges. Wiss. zii Leipzig, I, 28. CoLix, G., De Pact ion des froids excessifs sur les ani- maiix. C.r. Acad. Sci., 112, 397-399. KxAUTHE, K., Meine Erfahrungen iiber das Verhalten von Ampbibien und Fischen gegenliber der Kalte. Zool. Anz., V,, 104-106 and 109-115. Muller-Erzbach, W., Die AViderstandsfahigkeit des Froscbes gegen das Einfrieren. Zool. Anz., ///, 383-384. 1892 d'Arsoxval. Action ]jbysiob)gique des tres basses tem- peratures. (\r.Soc.BioL, 'i'l, 808-809. FoRSTER, J., Uber die Entwickhmg von Bakterien bei niederen Temperaturen. Chl.BaM., 12, 431-436. JuMELLE, H., Recbercbes pbysiologiques snr les li- cbens. Bcv. gen. Bof., .'/; (Action of low temperature: pp. 266-272 and 305-316). KocHs, W., Ueber die Vorgange beim Einfrieren und Austrocknen von Tier(^n und Pflanzen. Biol. Zhl., 12, 330-339. 1893 PicTET, R., De Pemploi metbodique des basses tempe- ratures en biologie. Arch.Sc.Phi/s.Xaf., Ser..l, .](), 293-314. 1894 Bay, J., Crystals of Ice on Plants. Bof. Gaz., lU, 321- 326. r>04 M iLi,i;i; 'riicKcAr. II. M., C'lici- dns I'll rricrcii dcs ()1)- slcs. Sclncci:. Xlsilir. Ohslii. W < iiilxiii , .)', .'SKi-.'')!^! . Win ri:i;Ni rz, 1\., \'cri;l('ic'lu'ii(l(' \'ci-sii(*1k' iihcr Ahkiili- hiiii;- 1111(1 Finiissuiiu'. A icIi.c.rp.Pal Ii.k.PIki niuik., ->■>, 2S()- '.]()-[; (( )ii (Icalli lt\' ('t)l(l ill lioiiioiotlicniis). 1895 DAhMKK. M., rdicr Fjisl)il(liiii,i;' in IMlaiizcii mil Kiiek- sic'lit nut' (lie .•niatoiiiisc'lic BcsclialTciilicil (Icrsclhcii. Flora, SO, 4oG-444. DE Ca.\1)(»m,k. ('., Siir la \ii' lalciitc dcs i;raiiit'S. Arch. Sc. PJn/s. Xdt. (icneve, 3' per., ri.i, 497-512 ; ( Action of low 1(>iiilK'i-atin(': ))p. 499-505). Klkm.m. I*., Desoi-gaiiisatioiiserschcimuigcii dcr Zclle. Jdlirh.f.irlss. Hot., 2S; (Action of low temperature: pp. G41-G44). Klepzoff, C, Ziir Frage iiber den Einfluss niederer Temperaturen auf die vegetativen Formen des Bacillus aiithracls. Chi. Bali., 11, 289-295. KocHS, "W., Kami ein zu einem Fisklumpen gefrorenes Tier wieder lehendig werden ? Biol. ZhI., /->, 1)72-1)77. Regnaki), p., Actions des tres basses temperatures sur les animaux a(|iia1 i(|iies. C.r.Hoc.B'iol., '/T, ()52-658. 1896 CiioDAT, 1\., Fxi)(''riences relatives i\ Faction des basses temperatures sui* Mucor mucedo. Bull. IJcrh. Bois.sier, .'/, 890-897. MoLiscH, H., Das Frfrieren von Pflanzen bei Tempera- turen iiber dem Fispunkt. Sitzu7i(/sh.kf/l.Aka(l.]Vi.'^s. zu W 'it'll, 10.1. 1897 Brown, TI.T. and F. Fscombk, Note on the Influence of Ver,y Low Temperatures on the (xerminative Power of Seeds. rroclioi/.Soc, Loiuloii, liJ, 1(50-1 (55. DAVENi'oitr. C.B., Fx])erimeiital Morithology. New York; (Action of low temperature: ])\). 2.'!9-249). MoLiscH, H., Untei-snchniigpii iiber das Frfi'ieren der Pllanzen. 1-7."'). Jena. 305 1898 d'Aksoxval, liifliuMico (le la dessicatioii siir I'action de I'air li(ini(le sur les l)act(''rie8. C.r.Soc.BioL, .',0, 877-878. Gladix, G.P., The Viability of Pest Bacilli under Va- rious Physical Conditions and under the Action of Va- rious Disinfectants. Diss., St. Petersburg'; ( Russian). KoDis, T., Die Unterkiihlung der thierischen und pflanz- lichen Gewebe. ChJ. Physiol, 12, 592-595. 1899 Dewak, J,, Connnunication witlioul title on the action of liquid hydrogen on seeds. C.r.AcafLSci, 129, 434. Kasansky, M.W. Die Einwirkung der Winterkalte auf die Pest- und Diphtheriebacillen. Chl.Bakt., 2-7, 122-124. Eabaud, E., De I'influence de la congelation sur le de- veloppenient de IVruf de poule. ('./■. AcofLSci., 1.2!^, 1183- 1185. Thiseltox-Dyee, W., On the Influence of the Temper- ature of Li(iuid Hydrogen on the Germinal ive Power of Seeds. Proc.Boi/.Soc, London, (>'), 361-368; also A}ui. Boi., /.?, 599-607. White, A.C, Licpiid Air; Its Application in Medicine and Surgery. Med.Bec, oO, 109-112; (Action of liquid air on various bacteria). 1900 Chaxoz and M. Doyox, Action de basses temperatures sur la coagulabilite du sang et du lait et sur le pouvoir coagulant de la presure. C.r.Soc.BioL, o2, 453-454. Chaxoz, p. Courmont and M. Doyon, Action du re- froidissement par Pair liquide sur les serums aggluti- nants et les cultures agglutinables. C.r.Soc.BioL, 52, 764- 765. Macfadyen, a., On the Influence of the Temperature of Liquid Air on Bacteria. Proc.Boy.Soc, London, 66, 180-182; also Lauccf, 1, 849. Macfadyen, A. and S. Rowland, Further Note on the Influence of the Temperature of Liquid Air on Bacteria. Proc.Boy.Soc, London, iU>, 339-340. 306 Maciauvkn. a. ami S. Iaowi.a ni>. liilhiciicc of llic Tciii- pi'int me (»r lj(iui(l 1 1 ydi'oLicii on l>;i(*l('ri .M . .Moi.i.iAiMi. Sur cci-lnins plir- iionioiK'S prrscMit^'s pai* Ics noyanx sons T.-iclion dii I'iomI. C.r.Aca/I.Sci., I.U), TSS-TDl. M AiKKi, AND liA(ii;ii'KE, Dotenuinnl ion d Jiclion dcs i)lus bassos 1('nip(''i-;itni'('s conipal iblcs axcc la v\r dc la ,i;re- iioiiillc. ( 'ompai-aisoii de ractiou dc la clialcui- ct dii I'l-oid 8iir cct animal. Cr. Sac. Hid]., .7,?, 4'.V2-4'.]'). PozKi.'sKi. Action dc (luclipics fcnncnls soluhlcs ai)rcs i-ct'roidisscniciil x'crs -191 an nioxcn dv Tair li(|uide. ('j:S„r.h'i,>l., .'>.!, 71 4-71 G. SKIHiWlCK. \\'/i\ AND (\E.A. WiNSI.OW. K.\ pci-illlClltcllc iind statislisclic Sludicn iibcr dcii i^jnfhiss del' Kaltc aiif dcii Ty])liiisl)acillus mid seine A\'rl('ilun,i''. Cbl. Bakt., 27, G84. 1901 Bachmetjew, p., Exporimontelle Entomologische Stu- dien vom physikaliscli-cliemischen Standpunkt aus. Vol. I. Temperaturvcrhaltiiisse bei Iiisekleii. Leii)zig. Bakhmetieff, v., De la toin})eratui-e \-ilfde iiiiiiiiiia eliez les animaux dont la temperature dii sang est variable. Arch. sc. hioI.St.-Pefershourg, S, 242-264. Brehme, W. Ueber die Widerstaiidslaliigkeit der Oho- leraxibrionen und Tyiiliiisbaeilleii gi'geii iiiedere Teinpe- ratiireii. Aich.jAlijg., 'lO, ;]20-346. Greeley, A.W., On the Analogy Between tlie Effects of Loss of Water and Lowering of Temperature. Am., J. Phi/sioJ., i;, 122-128. AIatruchot, L. and M. ]\[olltard, Sur I'identite des modiUcations de structure produites dans les cellules vegetales par le gel, la plasmolyse, et la fanaison. 6'./-. Acad.Sci., ]32, 495-498. Pai;k., Duration of Life of Typlioid Baeilli, De- rived from Twenty Different Sources, in Ice. Effect of Intense Cold on Bacteria, ./. liosfoit Soc. Med. Sci, •'), 371-373. 1902 Belli, C.]\I., Der Einfliiss niederster, mil fliissio-oi- Luft erlialtener Tempera turen aiif die Virulenz der pathogenen Keime. Chi Bait., .?/, 355-360. ]\[acfadyen, a., On the Influence of the Prolonged Ac- tion of the Temperature of Liquid Air on Micro-organ- isms, and on the Effects of :\Ieclianical Trituration at the Temperature of Liquid Air on Photogenic Bacteria. Proc. Roy. Soc, London, 11, 76-77. Macfadyen, a. axd S. Rowland, On the Suspension of Life at Low Temperatures. Ann. B of., Hi, 589-590. Matkuchot, L. axd :\r. MoLLLVRD, Modifications pro- duites par le gel dans la structure des cellules vegetates. Rrv.f/eu.Bof., I'l, 401-419, 463-482 and 522-538. (JxoRATo, R., Der Widerstand des Influenzabacillus ge- gen physische und chemische Mittel. Chi. Bait., .H, 704- 712; (Some observations on resistance to low tempera- ture ) . SiMPsox, S., Temperature Range in the Monkey in Ether Anaesthesia. J. Physiol, 28, XXXVII-XL. SoRAUEE, P. Erostblasen an Blattern. Zisclir. Pflaii- zenkrank., 12, 44-47. 1903 Barratt, J.O.W., Centrifugalisation and Disintegra- tion in Relation to the Virus of Rabies. ChJ. Bakf., J. Abt., So, 769-775; (Trituration at temperature of licpiid air). Reyxolds, J.B., Freezing Points of Fruit Juices. Ont.- Agy.Coll. and Exp.Farms Rep., 20, 13-15. 1904 Laverax, a. axd F. Mesxil, Trypanosomes et trypa- nosomiases. Paris: Mason; (Action of liquid air on try- panosomes). oU8 T^iii i:i;. W.. Pllaiizciipliysiolo^ic, Ijcipzi.i;'; ((iciu'ral (list'ussioii on llic erroets ol" low tcinix'iatui-e in Vol. 2, ])p. 87-96). iDo:) Adams. .!., Tlic l\lTct't of \'ci-\ I.ow 'Pciiipcraluic on Moist Seeds. Sci./'rnc.Hoi/.Snr., Duhliu, J, 1 (i. Bi:((irKi{KL, 1*., Aetioii . GAiaa:v. W'.l^., 'Plie ( )siiioti(' rressui-e of Sea AVfdcr and ol' the i^lood of Mai-iiio Aiiiiiials. BioJ. l>nll., N, 257-270; ( Freezing;' ])oiiit detcriiiiiiatioiis). Lt"i)Kk, Weiterc Beitiiige siir lianiolyse. 11. Cbl. Baki., '/(>, 577-58o; (Action of low temperature: pp. 581-583). Mez. C, Xeue rntersuclimigen iiber das Erfrieren eis- bestandiger Pflanzen. Flora, !)',, 89-128. , ?]inigo PHanzengeograpliische Folgernngen ans einer neuen Theoi-ie iiber das Erfrici'en eisbestandi- ger PHanzen. llnl JdJnh.Beihlaft., .."/, 40-42. NoAcK, P., i'^ber Frostblasen und ilire Entsteliung. Ztscln-.f.Pflauzcnl-rauk., 1o, 29-44. Smith, E.E. and D.B. Swixgle, Dei- EinHuss des Ge- frierens auf Bakterien. Chi. Bait., M, .'557-359. AViESNER, J., t'^ber ?^rostlanbfall ncbst Benierkungen iiber die ]\leclianik der Blattal)losnng. Bcr.d.deutsch.hof. Ges., i.?, 49-60. 1906 LiESEGAX(;, P.E., t'^lx'i- das Erfi-ieren der Pllanzen. Fhn-a. '.)(■>, 523-524. AloLiscn, H., Eisl)lnnien. \' atunvlss.W uclivnschr., .^1, 204-205. TkodoPvKsco, e.g., Observations niorphologiques et biologi(|nes sur le genre Dnnaiiclla. Ixcr.f/ru.Bof., IS. 415-418; (Note on action of low temperature). 309 \ViK(iAM., K.M., The OcriiirciKv of Ice in I'laiil Tis- sue, riaiif Worhl, !l, 26-:]9. , The Passa^-e of AVator from tlic IMaiit Cell During Freezing. Plant Worhl,'.), 107-118. 1907 Apklt, a., Xeue rntersuchungcn iiber deu Kaltetod der Kartoffel. Beifr. z. Biol. d. Pflanzen, 9, 215-262. Bachmetjew, p., Experimentelle Entomologisclie Stu- (licn voni ])liysika]isc]i-clu'iiiiselien Staiidpniikt aiis. Vol. 11. Einfluss der iiusseren Faktoren auf Insekten. Sophia. Becqup:rel, P., Recherches snr la vielatente des graines. Auii. Sc. Nat., Ser. !), .7, 193-311; (Action of low temper- ature : pp. 222-231. GoRKE, H., tJber chcmische Vorgange heini Erfrieren der Pflanzen. Laudir. VcrsiicJis-Stat., Oo, 149-160. KovcHOFP, J., Enzymatische Eiweisszersetzung in er- frorenen Pflanzen. Brr.deutscli.ljot.Gfs., 2J, 473-479. LiDFORss, B., Die AVintergriine Flora. Lund. Univ. Ars- skrift., N. F., 2, 1-76. AIoBius, M., Die Erkaltung der Pflanzen. Ber. dcutsch. J>»t. Ges., 2.1, 67-70. AIoLiscH, H., tJber das Gefrieren der Kolloiden. Flora, ni, 121-122. Paul, T., and F. Prall,, Die AVertbcstimmung von Desinfektionsmitteln niit Stapliylokokken, die bei der Temperatur der fliissigen Luft aufbewahrt wurden. Arh. h. Gesundheitsamtc , 26, 73-129. 1908 Bobertag, ()., K. Feist, and H.W. Fischer, Uber das Ausfrieren von }i\dYoso\en. Be r.d. dcutsch. chem. Ges., '/I, 3675-3679. Gaylord, H.R., The Resistance of Embryonic Epithe- lium, Transplantable Mouse Cancer, and Certain Organ- isms to Freezing with Liquid Air. J. Inf. Dis., o, 443- 448, 810 (irii-.iKi;. A. AMI 1^\ I'^LiiiN. ('her (his Aut't rclcii iiiid Ausfru'rcii dcr Ilydiosolc. />'ry. (IchIscIi. cIiciii. (Ics., '//, 4-jr);)-42(5(). Lo r iKiiMnsKK, A., t'Mx'i' d.-is Aiisri-i('i-('ii \()ii llydroso- Icll. />'< I. fh'illsch. cJnni. (Ics. ', I , ;VM{\-?y\)l\). M.wi.Mow, X., ()ii llic (^)iu'sti(»ii of Death l)y Freoziii,^' in riaiils. ,/. S,,r. Sal. ,!,■ St. rrlrrshmirf/, Bof. Sect., 82-40; (Russian with (Jci-iiiaii siiiiiiiiary ). Rein, I\., riitcisuc'lmni^cii iilxT dcii Kiiltctod dor Pflanzoii. Zfschr. Xal unriss. SO, l-oS. Salvix-]\I()()HK. J.E. AXi) J.O.AV. BAiatAiT, Note upon llic Eltt'oct of Li(iuid Aii- upon tlio (irat'tal)l(' Cancer of Mice. Lcnicet, /, 227. 1909 Atkixs, W.R., The Osmotic Pressures of the Bh)od and Eggs of Birds. Sci. Proc. Boy. Duhlin Soc, 12, 123- 130; (Data on freezing points). , The Osmotic Pressure of the Egg of the Common Yowl and Its Changes During Inenbation. Bioch. J . 'i, 480-484; (Data on freezing points). Becquerel, p., Sur la suspension de la vie chez cer- taines graines. C.r. Acad. Sri. ^ 1 '/S, 1052-1054. Bruni, G., tJber das Ausfrieren von Gallerten. Bcr. deutsch. chem.Ges., Ji2, 563-565. Fischer, II.AV. and (). Bobertag, tJber das Ausfrieren von Gelen. Biocli. Zfschr., IS, 58-94. GuiGXARi), L., Influence de I'anesthesie et du gel sur le dedoublement de certains glucosides chez les plantes. C.r.Acad. Sci., I y.K 91-93 Heckel, E., Influence des anesthesiques et du gel sur les plantes a coumarine. C.r.Acad. Sci., I'i9, 829-831. VoiGTLANDER, H., Uiit erkiililuug und Kaltetod der Ptlan- zen. Coins BiHr. Hiid. PjL, !), 3.59-414. 1910. Bahiki/ko. II., rntcrsuchnngcu iil)er das Erl'ricrcn von Scliininiclpil/cii. Jahrh. iciss. Hot., 'jl, 57-98. 311 Bfx'qukrel, r., Koclicrelies cxpri-iiiiciitales siir la vie lalciilc (los spores des Mucorinees et des Ascomvcetes. (\r. Av(uL Sri,, 1.10, 1437-1439. Dixox, ir.II. AND AY.R. Atkixs, On Osmotic Pressure ill I Mauls; and on a Thermoelectric ]\Ietliod of Deter- mining Freezing Points. Sci. Proc. Boij. DuJ)liu Soc, /J, 275-311. Geoegevitch, P.M.,Uber den Einfluss von exlremen Teniperaturen auf die Zellen der Wurzelspitze von Gal- toiiia cmid leans. Beth. hot. ChJ., 2o (1), 127-136. Harris, D.F., Observations on Frogs at Temperatures below zero. J. Plnjsiol. jO, LIII-LV. Jensen, P., and II. W. Fischer, Der Zustand des Was- sers in der iiberlebenden und al)getoteten Muskelsub- stanz. Ztschr. f. aUg. Physiol., 11, 23-93. RiCHTER, A., Zur Frage iiber den Tod von Ptianzen in- folge niedriger Temperatur. ( Kalteresistenz von Asper- fjUhis nicjer.) Chi. Bali., 2S, 617-624. Schaffnit, E., Studien iiber den Einfluss niederer Teniperaturen auf die pflanzliche Zelle. Miff. Kais. Wil- helm's lusf. Laudiv. Brombercj 3, 93-144. WisLOucH, S.M., On the Freezing (Cold Death) of the Alga Sfichococcus hacillaris Nag. under Various Envi- ronmental Conditions. Bull. Jardin Bot. Sf. Pefershourg, 10, 166-180; (Russian with German sunnnary). 1911 Fischer, H.W., Gefrieren und Erfrieren, eine physico- chemische Studie. Coluis Beifr. Biol. Pfl., 10, 133-234. MoLiscH, H., Das Erfrieren der Pflanzen. Ver. z. Verbr. Nafurwiss. Kewifnisse, Wien., .7/, 141-176. 1912 Backman, E.L. axu J. RiTNNSTROM, Der osmotische Druck wahrend der Embryonalentwieklung von Ban a friuporaria. Arch. ges. Physiol., t','i, 287-345; (Freez- ing points of frog eggs). 312 I>i.\L.\sxi;\\ ic/.. I\., I'hcr (l;is X'crli.-illcii dcs osiiiot isclicii Dnu'kcs wiilirciid dci- I*]ii1 w ickluii.u' ^^^'^ Wirbclt iciTiii- bryoiuMi. Arch. Kul ir.-Mcch., .//, 4Si)-r)4(); ( Kreeziii*;' ]io"mts of I'ro^e: eg'gs). BiMNow. II., I)('i- Kiillctod dcs isolici'lcii uiid duicli- l)lii1('1cii l-'i-oscliiimskcls. Xlsclir. (ill/). Phi/siol., I.>, VAu- Ikmscii i;i;. 1^]., t'lx'i' die lu'sisiciiz del' Laiihiiioosc i;'o- gon Ausl rockimiii;- uiid Kiiltc Jahrh. iciss. Bof., .')(), 387- 4r)0. ljii:sK(iA.N(i, l-i., J)c'r()riiiali<)ii('ii voii (lallcrtcii diircli Gc- frioreiL KoIJoid. Zfsclir., /o, 'J-Jf). ^rAxnr()\v, X.A., Clu'iniselic Scliul/inillcl dci" l*llaii- zcii i>vi>-ou Firl'rioreii. h'rr. (loifscli. hoi. Gcs., '>0, 52-05, 2i)3-;J05, 504-516. Ohlweiler, W."\V., Tlio Kolation Botwocii the Den- sity of Cell Saps and the Freezing Points of Leaves. Missouri Bot. Gard. Ann. Rep., 23, 101-131. Smith, E.F., Das Verhalten von ]\riki'o-organisnien gegen niedere Temperaturen. ChL I'xiht.. .».>, .").'')5. TioTsuDA, I., rel)ei' die Konzeiil ral ion (Ut StTuiiKiua- liliilen dureh (lei'rieren uud iiher den Eintiuss holier kaltegrade (fliissige Lnt't) aul' die Antikorper. Ztsclir. Imnnin., /J, 97-116. 1913 Cameron, A.T. and T. I. Browjstlee, The Effect of Tjow Temperature on the Frog. Proc. Boi/. Sor. Canada, 7, Sect. 4, 107-124. Chandler, AV.H., The Killing of r*L-nil Tissue l)y Low Temperature. Mis.stnirl Af/r. Exj). SI a. Bcs. Bull., 8, 143-309. Dixon, E.H., and A\'. Aikixs. ()siuotic' I'ressures in Plants. Methods of Exiraeliiig Sap from IMaiil Oi-gans. Cryoscopic and (Conductivity Measni-enient on Some Vegeta])h' Saps. Proc. Boi/. DuhVni Soc., /.,', 422-434. 313 Kkittt, R.C, Factors Iiilliiciiciiij;- the Sur\i\nl of Bac- teria at Tcinpcralurcs in tlio Vicinity of tlic Freezing Point of Water. Science, -H, 877-879. 1914 Camp:rox, A.T., Further Experiments on the Effect of Low Temperature on the Frog. Proc. Boy. Soc. Canada, S, Sect. 4, 261. CAMEROisr, A.T. AND T.I. Brownlee, The Etfect of Low Temi)eratures on Cokl-l^h^oded Animals. Quart. J. Exp. Phi/sioL, 7, 115-130. LuMiEKE, A. AND J. Cheveotier, Sur la resistance du gonocoque aux basses temperatures, C.r. Acad. Sci., loS, 139-140. Maximov, X.A., Experimentelle und kritische L'nter- sucliungen iiber das Gefrieren und Erfrieren der Pflanzen. Jahrh. wiss. Bot., 33, 327-420. PoppE, K., tJber den Einfluss niedriger Temperaturen auf Milzbrandbazillen. Zfsclir. FJeisch- n. 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Sin- la l)iolot>-ic do la Irifliiiic. (\ r. Soc. li'mL, 7N, :5()()-:5()7 ; ( Low teinperatiire sliulies). lOlf) Bai;ii:a.m. 11.1^]., Effect of Xa1iii-al Low Trini)cratur(' on Certain Kun.ui and Bacteria. ./. J//r. lies., .7, 651-655. CoBLEXTZ, W.W., The Exndalion of Ice from Stems of IMaiils. Sri Mniifhli/, .>, 334-:U!). KooiK. H.AW AND B. Saxton, The Fiffcet of I^'rce/in.i;' on (V'rlaiii hioi-,s;ani(* I I\(lroi;els. J. Am. Cliciii. .S'r>r., .>N, 588- 6(11). SeoTT, G.G., The Evohitionary Sii;nilicance of the Os- motic Pressure of the Bh)0(h Ain. XatKiaUst, .'lO, (i41-663; (Data on freezini;' points), 1917 KvLix, H., Uher die Kalteresistcnz dcr Mccrcsalucii. Bcr. deutsch. hot. Ges., 33, 370-384. Schmidt, P.J. and F.V. Stchepki-\a, Sur I'analHose des vers de terre. C.r. Hoc. Biol., 80, 366-368. 1918 Hilliard, C.^r. AXD ^r.A. Davis, The Germicidal Action of Freezini>' Tcmpci-atnrcs npoii Bacteria. J. Bacf., >>, 4'23- 431. 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Vaughan, R.E. and M. Miller, Freezing Injuries to Po- tato Tubers. Wise. Agr. Coll. Ext. Serv. Cire., 120, 1-4. Warburg, 0., Uber die Geschwindigkeit der photoche- mischen Kohlensaurezersetzung in lebenden Zellen. Bioeh. Ztselir. 100 ; (Action of li(juid air on Cliloif^lla, p. 234). 1920 CoLLip, J.B., Osmotic Pressure of Serum and Er3^thro- cytes in Various Vertebrate Types as Determined by the Cryoscopic Method. J. Biol. Chem., J,2, 207-212. , Osmotic Pressure of Tissue as Deter- mined ])y the Cryoscopic Method. J. Biol. Chem., .',2, 221- 236. Eahm, G., Einwirkung sehr niederer Temperaturen auf die ]\Ioosfauna. K. Akad. Wetenseh., Amsterdam, Natuur- kuiidigr AfderliHg, 2o, 235-248; also 2.9, 499-512, 1921. Thunberg, T., Zur Kenntnis des intermediaren Stoff- wechsels und der dabei wirksamen Enzyme. Versuche, die Enzyme durch die Einwirkung starker Kalte zu diffe- renzieren. Skaiidiiiar. Areli. Physiol., '/<), 71-80. 31() l^iDAfi.r, (\, Sur Ics iiioisissni'cs dcs \i;iii(l('S coii^clrcs. C.r.Snr.lliol., s:,, lolT-lois. IIaIIKIS, ,I.A., U.A. (loiMNKi:. W.K. ll(. I.MAN AND A.T. Valentin K. M;i\iiiiiiiii WmIhcs of ()siii()li(' Coiicciil ration, in I'laiit Tissue Kliiids. I'l oc Soc.K.rii.llinl . ,nnl Mr,i., IS, lOG-UH); (Freezing- point data). Harvey, R.B., ^MoIIkkIs foi- tiic Diicct Determination of the Kreeziiin Point and i\illiii,i;' Point of Plaid Tissues. Proc. Am. Assoc. Atl r.Sci., 7'/, (iO. Haiivkv. P.B. and \j.(). IiK(;kimbal, Freeziiis;- I'oiids of ^laize with \'ai-ious Moisture Contents. Pioc. .iui. Assoc. Adr. Sci.. 7',. (iO. Wright, K.C, and R.B. Harvey, The Freezing Point of Potatoes as Determined liy the Thei-nioeleetric ]\Iethod. U.S.Depf.A(/r.BuU.,S!i.-,, 1-7. AVitUiiiT. R.C. AND G.F. Taylor, Freezing Injury to Po- tatoes When Fndercooled. U.S. Drpi.Afiy.Ilnll. U HI, 1-15. 1922 DK J()X(!, I). A., M iero-organisnies et basses lenipera- tnres. Arc}i.N('rrLP]ii/si(>L,7, 588-591. Duval, M. and P. Portier, Limite de resistance an froid des chenilles de Cossiis cossus. C.r.Soc.BloJ., Sd, 2-4. Ongkiehono, Doctor dissertation (in Dutch) on freez- ing of intestinal bacteria, Leyden ; ((^)uoted i)y do. -Jong, 1922). Rahm, P.G., Die Pliysiologische Kalte])rolilenie. Vcrli. deufscJi.ZooI. Ges., 27, 85. Stiles, W., The Preservation of Food l)y Freezing, with Special Reference to Fish and Meat; A study in (leneral Physiology. Foo(] hiv. Boairl, Special Be p. Xc 7. Ijondon, ll.M. Stationary Office. SrMMKRS, J.N., Effect of Low Temperature on the Hatching of (Jypsy-Moth F.ggs. U.S. I)<'p/.Af/r. null., lOSO, 1-U. 317 Tait, J., Tlio Heart of nil)('riiatiii,i;- Aiiiiiials. Aut.J. Plii/slol., ■')!), 4()7; (Resistance to cold). Zaxdbekgkn, K,, Doetoi" dissei'tatioii (in Diitcli) on tlic action of cold on trypaiiosonies, Leydeii; ( (.^)uoted by de Jong, 1922). 1923 Bailey, E.M., The Cryoscopy of :\nik. J.Assoc.Off.Agr. CheiH., G, 429-434. Brittox, S.W., Effects of Lowering the Temperature of Homoiotlierniic Animals. Quart J .E x p.Fh ys'i ol ., /•>, 55-68. B-AHM, P.G., Biologisclie und pliysiologisclie Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Moosfauna. Zfsclir. (ill//. Physiol., 2(1, 1-34. Scott, AV., What is the Relation Between the Moisture Content and Vial)ility of Seed Corn When Subjected to Low Temperatures ? loiva Acad. Sci. Proc, 30, 254-257. Tait, J. and S.W. Britton, Artificial Cooling of a Hi- bernating Animal. Q uar f. , J. E x p. PhijsioL, 226-227 { Suppl. ) . Wright, R.C. axd G.F. Taylor, The Freezing Tempera- ture of Some Fruits, Vegetables, and Cut Flowers. U.S. Depf. Afjr. Bull, llS-i, 1-8. 1924 Bottazzi, F. and G. Bkrga:mt, Azione delle basse tem- perature sui systemi colloidali liquidi. Arch. S dense Biol., I!, 74-93. Brittox, S.W., The Effects of Extreme Temperatures on Fishes. Am.J .Plnjsiol., 67, 411-421. DiEHL, H.C. AXD R.C. Wright, Freezing Injury of Ap- ples. J. A[/r. Pes., 29, 99-127. Efimoff, A.W., rl)er Ausfrieren und Uberkaltung der Protozoen. ArcJi. f. Protisfpvk.. '/H. 433-446. 1925 Begqiterel, p., La suspension de la vie des graines dans le vide h la temperature de 1 'helium liquide. C.r. Acad. Sci., 1S1, 805-807. 318 (\vLi.()\v. Ivll., ^riic \'<'I()('ily (.r l(v (^ryslnllisalioii throiiiiii Sii]>('i'('t)ii!('(l (Iclatliic (ids. I'loc. Iioi/- S(><\, KfSA, ;]u7-:52:;. Carter, W., '^riic l^ilTccI of I^ow 'rciiipcraturcs on /InicliHs iihli'clns Say, an Insect AlTcdini;' Seed. ,/. Afir. Ris., .;/, lGr)-lSL>. CoBLKNTz.AV.W., Frost Flo\v(M-s. 'V\w K'csull of Exuda- tion of Ice b'l'om the Stems of IMants. Am. Forests, .11, ()Sl>-GS4. AfoRAX, '1\, The Klfoct of Low Teni])eratni'e on Hen's F^^'^^. Pror. Hofi. Hoc, !)SB, 4;'.G-4r)(5. RuBENTSCiiiK. L., ijber die I jeheiisfahii^keit der Vvo- ])aklerieii bei eiuei- Teniperatnr iinter 0 C. Chi. Ihikf., (}',, 1G6-174. Sanderson, E.S., Effect of Freezing and Thawing on tlie Bactei'iopliag'e. Science, ()2, 377. 192G Gertz, ()., liber die Kalteresistenz der Algenoxydasen. Bof. Not., 263-268. Ha^rdy, W., a Microscopic Study of the Freezing of Gel. Proc.Roy.Sor., 112 A, 47-61. MoRAN, T., The Freezing of (Jehitine Gel. Proc. B(yy. Soc.,112A,?>0-AQ. Payne, N.M., The Fft'eet of Environmental Tempera- tures upon Insect Freezing Points. Ecolorjij, 7, 99-106. , Freezing and Survival of Insects at Low Temperatures. Quart. Rev. Biol., I, 270-282. Prucha, M.J. AND J.M. Brannon, Viability of Bacte- rium tijpliosuui in Ice Cream. J. Bact., J I, 27-29. Stockman, S. and F.C. Minett, Researches on the Vi- rus of Foot-and-Mouth Disease. J.Comp.PatJt. and Therap., .>!) (1), 1-30; (Some observations on resistance to low temperatures). Zacmakow A. T.M., rel)ei- den l^]in(luss niedriger Tem- pei'atni'en auf die rilaiizeii. .1 ah ili.w'iss.Rol ., (>.'>, 61-87. 319 1927 KuvsvKowsKv. K.X. AND G.X. l*A\\ij)\\, Beitmgc ziir Biologie der Sperniatozoen. Ztschr. Tierzucht. u. Zi'ich- fuHf/sbioL, 10, 257-283; (Some observations on the action of low temperature). Pawlow, (t.X., Effect of Low Temperatures on the Sper- matozoa. Russ. J. Pln/sioL, Id, 291-300; (Russian with German summary). Payne, N.i\[., Measures of Insect Cold Hardiness. Blul. Bull, r,:>, 4-1:9-457. , Freezing and Survival of Insects at Low Temperatures. J. Morpli., //.?, 521-546. KivERs, T.:\[., Effect of Eepeated Freezing (-185 = C) and Thawing on Colon Bacilli, Virus III, Vaccine Virus, Bacteriophage, Complement and Trypsin. J. Exp. Med., ',o, 11-21. Wright, K.C, Some Effects of Freezing on Onions. U.S. Drpt. Agr. Clrc. No. J,lo, 1-8. Weight, R.C. and H.C. Diehl, Freezing Injury to Po- tatoes. U. S. Dept. Agr. Teclin. Bull., 27, 1-23. 1928 CiTOvicz, B., La transformation des Streptocoques he- molytiques en Streptocoques du group viridaus par re- froidissement. C. r. Sue. Biol., 99, 1699-1700. Payne, N.M., Cold Hardiness in the Japanese Beetle, PopiUia Japonica Newman. Biol. 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ZooL, Ul'i, 64:1-092. 1930 AcuaiADi, M., Sulle teniperatui'e di eoiift'elanieiito delle pere e delle mele. Ann. Chim. AppL, 20, 188-196. Becquerel, p., La vie latente des spores de Foiigere dans le vide anx l)asses tenqjeratures de I'helinm li(|uide. C.r.Anul.Sci., HID, 1134-1136. BoLDYKEWA, N.W., Tlic Hibernation of Water Organ- isms in Ice. Hii(/!/, II, r)()5-517. Stiles, AV., < )n the Cold Deatli of Plants. Protophisma, 0, 459-468. Weigmann, K., Weitere Untersucliungeu liber die Kaltebestandi.nkeit poikilotliermer AVirbeltiere. Z. ZooJ., ISO, 195-209. Weimee, J.L., Alfalfa l\oot Injuries Kesulting- from Freezing. J. Agr. Res., .'/O, 121-143. 1931 Fernald, E.L, Freezing Point Depressions of Aspara- gus Shoots Determined by a Thermo-electric Method. Contr. Boyce Thompson Inst. Plant Res., 3, 483-498. Jennison, H.M., Further Anent ''Frost Flowers". An Explanation of Frost Crystals in Dried Plant Stems. Toneija, 31, 111-112. 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Wai.i.ack, I'^lTcct of I'^rcc/iiii;' oil M ic'i'o-or.n'aiiisnis in \';irious Mciistra. Pioc Sdc.E.iji. liinl. (UUI Mr, I., >i), 32-34. ToKKKV. I\.X., Fantastic Frosi (^i-ystals on Dried Sleins of Diltaiiy. Tonci/n, .11, 10 TJ. I'vAiiov. B.I'., Iiisecls and (Miniale. Trans. l\iii diiioI . Soc, Loudon, !'.>, 1-247; ( Action of low leinperature : ])]). 7-l()). 1932 ArcusriNK, D.L., Fffects ol" (^)uick j^'ree/iiii;' upon lii- t'ecli\-e Lai'\-ae of 'i iichhiclhi spiralis. J. Paras., li), 175. Bkcquerel. p., La vie lateiite dcs spores des Alonsses aux basses temperatures. CM. Acad Sci., l^'i, 1378-1380. , L'anliydrobiose des tiibercules des l^eiioiicules dans I'azote li(iuide. (\r. Acad.Sci., !!>'/, 1974- li»7(;. , La reviviscence des plaiitules des- sechees soumises aux actions du vide et des tres basses temperaiures. (\r. Acad. Sci., I!)'/, 2158-2159. Chambers, K. and H.P. Hale, The Formation of Tee ill Pi-otoplasm. Proc. Roy. Soc, IKlB, 336-352. b'lxx, ]).B., Denaturation of Proteins in Muscle Juice by Freezino-. Proc. Roy. Soc, UIB, 396-411. Hampil, B., The Influence of Temperature on the l/ife Processes and Death of Bacteria. Quart. Rev. JJioL, 7, 172-196. ScHAFEXiT, E. AX!) M. Li'dtkk, Beilriii>e znr Keiinlnis \-on Kaltewirkun^'eii anf die ])llaiizliclie Zelle. Pliylo- IHifh. Z., .',., 329-3,S2; also .'>, 505-565, 193:5. ZiHi'OLO. G., Stiidi sulla bioluminesceii/a batterica. A- zioiie dell 'idroi^cno e dell 'elio li<|iiido. Holl . Soc. A al . A a- />oli, '/'/, 229-235. 323 1933 Hauvey, R.B., Pliysioloi^y of llic Ada] )1 at ion of Plants to Low Temperature. Proc. iro//r/'.v (Irain Exldb. and Conf., Canada, 2, 145-151. Horowitz-Wlassowa, L.]\r. axi» L.U. Grixberg, Ziir Frage liber ^jsychrophile Mikroben. Chi. Bakt. 89, 54-62 ; (Growth and developmcMit of bacteria at sub-zero tem- peratures). ZiRPOLO, G., Eicerclie eriol)iologiclie sui batteri lumi- nosi del Cefalopodi. Arcli. Zool. IfaL, /N, 359-405. 1934 Alexopoulos, C.J. and J. Drummoni), Resistance of Fungous Spores to Low Temperatures. Trans. Illinois Acad. Sci, .?(), 63. BoRODix, X.A., The Anabiosis or Phenomenon of Re- suscitation of Fishes after Being Frozen. Zool. Jalirh. Abt. allg. Zool., 53, 313-342. Deschiexs, R., Influence du froid sur les formes ve- getatives d'amibe dysenterique. Cr.Soc.BioL, 11'), 793- 795. Iljix, W.S., Uber den Kaltetod der Pflanzen und seine Ursachen. Protoplasm a, 20, 105-124. Kalabuchov, N., "Anabiosis" in Vertebrates and In- sects at a Temperature Below Zero. C.r.Acad.Sci, U.R.S.S., 1, 424-426. LiPMAX, C.B. and G.N. Lewis, Tolerance of Liquid- Air Temperatures bv Seeds of Higher Plants for Sixty Days. Plant Physioi, 9, 392-394. NoRD, F.F., Die Kryolyse und ilire Beziehung zur Zell- physiologie. Protoplasma, 21, 116-128. Weixzirl, J. AXD R.S. Weiser, Desensitization of Tu- berculous Guinea Pigs by ]\Ieans of Natural Tuberculin Prepared from Fractured Bacilli. Tubercle, Jo, 210-216; (Effect of alternate freezing and thawing). 1935 Belehradek, J., Temperature and Living Matter. Pro- toplasma Monograph, Borntraeger, Berlin; (Chapters VIII and IX, pp. 117-158, treat of low temperature). :V24 (li;i:.\ I iior.sK. (i.A., l' iiri'cc/aMc ;iii(l i''icf/.;il)lc W'.'ilcr l''i|iiili!)iiuiii ill l*l;iiil ^rissiU's ;is I iilliiciiccd hy Sub-zero 'r('iiiii.T;iliii-cs. /'I, ml PlnisioL, Id, TSl^SS. IIai.k. II.IV. The Krcc/iu.u' IN)iiil of ^'()lk and While of K.iii;-. Pin,'. llnl/.Snc, / /.V;. 47:1-479. II.\i;\i:v. IMk, An Aiiuotatcd Bi])rK)L>i-ni)liy of llie Low 'i'einperatui-e lu'lat ions of I*l;ni1s. l-'2'2.'5. Bui'i^css, Miiine- ajtolis ; ( Miiiu'().iirai)li('(! ). l\.\i,Ai;r(ii()W. X..I., Anabiose bei Wii'bell ieren iind In- sekten bei 4'enipei-atui-en iiuler 0 . Znol. Jalirh., Ahl. (iU•>, 47-04. Kessler, W., Ubor die iiiiieren I'rsachen der Kjillcrt'- sistenz del' !*llan/eii. Phn/hi, .J'/, '.\]'2''.]^y2. LoziNA-LoziNSKiJ, L.K., Die Aiiabiosc bei don Raiiiien dev Pi/i-aiisfa jnihilalis Hiibii. iiaeh (Jcfrieriin.i;-. C.r. Acad. Smart, H.F., Gi'owth and Snrvi\al of M iero-Organisnis at Sub-Freezing- Temperatures. Science, 8.^, 525. A\'.\T.TER, 11., AND O. AVeismann, Uber die Gefrierinmkte und osniotiselien Werte lebender nnd toter pflanzlieher (Jewebe. Jdlirh. iriss. Bof., S2, 27:U\](). Wartenberg, H., tJber ^'Frostblasen" an Blattern des Apfelbaumes. Phj/ofpafh. Ztsclir.. N, 515-522. AVoLFsox, C, ()l)servations on I'araniecium during Ex- posure to Sub-Zero Temperatures. Ecology, IG, 630-639. 1936 Becquerel, p., T^a vie latente de (luelijues Algues et Ani- maux inferieurs anx basses teniperalures et la conser- vation de la vie dans I'univers. ('. r. Acad. Sci, 202, 978- 981. Edlich, Y., Finwirkung von Teni])eratur und Wasser auf aerophile Algeii. Arcli. Mikrohiol., 7, 62-109; (Action of low temperatui-e : ])p. 92-96). Gi('I\I.ii()i;n, .] ., (Jradienteii des I'ji'fi-iereiis \'on Lanb- l)liitleni. rrnln/,l(ts)ii(i, 2(1. 90-9(i. 325 Kaitkukv. p., Kxpci-iiiicuts in llie Kevhalizatioii of (Jr- ^aiiisnis from llic Pcriiiaiu'iitly Frozen Subsoil. C.r.Acad. ScL, U.R.S.S., A, 137-140. LiPMAx, C.B., Normal Viability of Seeds and Bacterial Spores After Exposure to Temperatures near the Abso- lute Zero. Plant Physiol., It, 201-205. , The Tolerance of Liquid Air Tempera- tures by Dry Moss Protonema. Butt. Torrei/ Bot. Ctuh, 63, 515-518. ' LuYET, B.J. AND S.M. Grell, A study with the Ultra- centrifuge of the Mechanism of Death in Frozen Cells. Biodyu., 1, No. 23, 1-16. Schmidt, P.J., G.P. Platoxov and S.A. Person, On the Anabiosis of Fishes in Supercooled Water. C.r.Acad.Sci., r.R.S.S., 3, 305-308. Taylor, C.V. and A.G.R. Strickland, Effects of High Vacua and Extreme Temperatures on Cysts of Colpoda cucidlus. Physiol. Zool., 9, 15-26. Weigmann, R., Zur Kaltebestandigkeit poikilothermer Tiere. Untersuchungen an Schnecken und Fischen. Biot. Zbl., 58, 301-322. 1937 Becquerel, p., La inort par le gel de la cellule vegetale dans Fazote liquide a -190 \ C.r.Acad.Sci., 20',, 1267-1269. FiRsovA, M.K., Die Wirkung von tiefen Temperaturen und von Ausfrieren auf die Keimfahigkeit der Sameii des Schlafmohnes {Papaver somiiiferum L.). Trudy prili. Bot., No. 2, 121-124; (Russian with English sunmiary). Galvialo, M.L, The Influence of High and Low Tem- peratures on the Activity of Catalase and Diastase. Rus- sian J. Physiol, 22, 224-227. Griffiths, H. J., Some Observations on the Overwinter- ing of Certain Helminth Parasites of Sheep in Canada. Canad. J. Res., tlD, 156-162. Jahnel, F., Uber das Uberleben von Syphilis- und Re- currensspirochaten sowie Sodokuspirillen in fliissigem :V2(\ StickstolT ( 'rciii|)ci-;ilur P.Mi ) mid die I'Viiiwii-kuiii;- ;iii- (Ici-cr K;ill(',ui':ira])li, Boriitrae^er, Px'iliii; ( Chapter !>, pp. lOd-HH), deals with death l)y h»\v tempera- tures). 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SUBJECT INDEX Absidi'K 65 Absolute zero. 12; for tempera- tures approaching the Abs. zero, see liquid helium Actinomyces. 3S, 61, 62 Actinophrys, 29, 244 AcUnetn. 72, 73, 246 AethaUum, 62 Agar solutions, 164, 174 Ageratum, 44, 270 Agglutinin, 16 Air. effect on subcooling. 198; see liquid air Albumin solutions, 164. 174. 178 Algae. 27, 32, 38, 66, 238, 243, 249, 277, 281 Allantoic fluid. 120 Alteniaria, 64 Amboceptor, 17 Amniotic fluid, 120 Amoeba, death point, 29; effect of extreme cold, 244; freezing point. 121; subcooling, 238; vit- rification, 220 Amphibia. 33, 35, 36, 55 seq.. 82 seq.. 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 158, 164. 223, 232, 239, 250, 278, 279, 281, 286 Amylase, 15 Anabiotic temperatures, definition, 9 Anaphylaxis, 16 Aiiixia. 62 Annelids, 73 Anodonta. 56 Antibodies, 17 Antirrhinnm. 40, 244 Ants, 76, 78 Apatococcus. 27, 28 Aphids, 76 Apples, 164, 260, 269 Argyroneta. 78 Annillaria. 65, 248 Artemia. 246 Arthropods, 33, 34. 35. 75 seq.. 147, 194. 198, 231. 239, 246, 258 Ascophyta. 64 Aspergillus. 15, 39, 62, 63, 64, 65, 237, 238, 244, 248 Atrichum. 39, 244 Atriplex, 116 Aucuba, 270 Avena, 259 Bacilli, 21, 22, 243; B. authracis. 20, 247; B. coli. 17. 21, 22, 23, 237, 247; B. faeealis alcaligenes, 21, 247; B. lactis aerogenes. 21, 247; B. pestis, 20; B. typhosus. 20, 21, 22. 23, 247; B. of chicken cholera. 20, 247 Bacteria, 14, 19 seq.. 32, 243, 247, 265. 275; dysentery B.. 23; en- teritis B., 21, 248; paratyphoid B., 21, 248; typhoid B., 21 Bacteriophage, 17, 18 Barley, 40 Bat, 93, 239 Bean, 268 Bedbug, 76 Bees, 76. 77. 78, 81, 239 Beet, 50, 122, 268 Beetles, 81, 239 Bile, 116 Birds, 36, 37, 56, 116, 118. 119, 120, 176, 177, 199, 201, 238 Bleaks, 90, 239 Blood cells, 54, 55, 116, 237 Boletus, 65 Bombinator, 119 Bombyx. 78 Bothrydium. 38 Botrytis. 62. 63, 238 Bound water, 157 seq.. 259, 278, 284 Brachythecium. 39, 244 Brown tail moth, 80 Buckwheat, 51 Buds, 52 Bufo. 85 Bullhead. 89 Bumblebee, 81, 239 Butterflies, 76, 194 Bythiiiia, 75 329 c'ahhaKc t:.. :.:;. J:!T. 2tll, liOS, 270 Cactuses, 116 Caldiithr, 26!» Calla. 262 Callidiiia. 72, 7o, 246 Cambium. '\2 Ca)iii)(initl(i. 16 rai)illarity. 1!m;. l'I2 Carassiiis. 87 Carbon dioxide (solid), 12, ir>, 17, 40, 82. 208 Carpio. 87 Carps, 87, 88, 90, 239 Cat, 55, 92, 93 Catalase, 14, 16 Caterpillars, 76, 78, 79 Crphalotheciuvi. 64 Ceramium. 67 Cerebrospinal fluid. 116 (liara. 66 CJielidonhivi, 132 Chick embryo, 56 Chilling, 230 seq.: sec Cold, Homo- iotherms Chilomonas, 38 Chironomus, 147 ChlorcUa, 28, 32, 243, 249 Chlorococciim, 28, 243 Chlorophyll granules, 28, 181 Choctost Ilium. 62 Cholera vibriones, 19; see also Bacilli Cliondrus. 67 Chromosomes, 147, 180 Chydorus, 81 Ciliates, 30, 31, 219. 220, 234, 237, 238, 244 Cineraria, 270 Citellus, 94, 239 riadouia. 68, 245 Cladopliora, 66, 67, 145 Cladosporium, 61, 62 Clitocybe, 65, 248 Clivia, 145 Closterium, 27 Vlostridinm. 16, 19 Coagulation by freezing, 180, 280 Cocci, 21 Cod, 88 ('(idiiiiii. 66 Coelenterates, 71 Cold, above the freezing point, 70, 91 se(i.: 2:!n-236, 281; below the freezing point, in the absence of ice, 26, 224, 236-241, 242 seq. Coleoptera, 77, 78 Colloids, 133, IC.i'-ltil, L'Ki Colloidal ice, 114 ColhjUa, 64, 65, 248 Colpidiiim. 30, 237, 238 Colpoda. 31, 220, 237, 244 Complement, 16, 17 Congelation, definition, 13 Conifers, 52 Coniophora, 63 Coniothyrium, 249 Contact conductivity, 106, 208 Cooling, body (problem of), 108; curves, 148; law of, 108; rate, 12, 108 seq.. 123, 138, 150, 157, 160, 187, 200, 204, 207, 208, 234, 235, 242 Coprinus, 65 Corn, 51 Cortex, 52 Cossus, 79 Cow-pox vaccine, 18 Crustacea, 77 Crystalline nuclei, 112, 113, 128 Crystallization, 101, 102, 112 seq., 184 seq.. 203 seq.: temperatures, 206 seq.. 251; velocity, 90, 129 seq.. 134 seq.. 207, 209, 210; see Devitrification, Freezing Ciilex, 78 Cyclamen, 46 Cyclops. 11, 81 Cylindrosporium. 64 Cyprinus, 87 Cytnspora. 39, 249 Dahlia, 46 Dallia. 86 Daphnia. 11 Daucus, 50, 123 Death, cellular. 229; organismal, 229, 232; protoplasmic, 22!t, 2:!2; systemic, 229; teniperatur(>s, in, 11, 19 seq.; theories, 229 seq. Degree K, see Absolute Zero O.J L Dehydration and death by cold, 233, 251, 257, 272. 277 Delesseria, 14, 67 Dematium, 38 Derbesia, 66, 145 Desiccation, see Dehydration Desmids, 27 Devitrification, 102, 2U3, 211, 213 seq. Diastase, 16 Diatoms, 27, 249 DicraneUa, 39, 244 Diilymium, 62 Dihydrol, 114 Diphi/llobothrin))). 71 Diptera, 78 Dog, 91 DoryJaimus. 72, 246 Double freezing point, 124 seq. Dunaliella, 38 Dysentery bacilli, 17 Earthworm, 73 Eberth bacilli, 17 Echiniscus. 82, 246 Eel, 55, 87, 88 Eelpont, 88 Egg yolk, 175, 193 Eggs, cold resistance, 231; death point, 34; freezing point, 118 seq.; subcooling, 201, 238 Embryonic tissue, 55 Encystment due to cold, 234 Enteromorpha, 67 Enzymes, 14-16, 18 Enzymoids, 16, 17 Epidermophytes, 39 Episcia. 44, 46, 49, 239 Epithelium, 55, 56, 57 Euglena. 28, 31, 219, 238, 244 Euphorbia. 132. 172 Eurotium. 39, 249 Eutectic point, 124, 127, 158 seq., 280 Evergreens, 52 Fennel, 41 Fern, 40, 244 Ficus. 132, 172 Fishes, 86 Flagellates, 31, 32, 38, 219, 235, 238, 244, 249 Flies, 76, 77, 78 Florideae. 270 Flounder, 88 Freezing, 112 seq.: curves, 147 seq.; definition, 13; point, 10, 11, 114 seq.: 230 seq.; (frozen) state, 166 seq.; see Crystalliza- tion, Ice FritiUaria. 181 Frog, 35, 36, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 82, 83, 84, 85, 120, 121, 158, 220, 223, 239, 279 Fucus, 67 Funaria, 39, 244 Fungi, 15, 16, 17, 19 seq.. 38, 39, 61 seq., 121, 123, 145, 221, 235, 237, 238, 239, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 266 Fusarium, 64, 65 Gasocrystallization, 102 Gasovitrification, 102 Gastric juice, 116 Gelatin, 113, seq.. 155, 156, 164. 174, 175, 209, 283, 289 Geranium, 267 Germ cells, 32, 249 Glaeotila. 67, 243 Glass, properties, 203 seq. ; see Vit- reous state GlomereUa. 64 Gold fish, 87. 88, 90, 264 Gonococci, 20, 247 Grasshopper, 76 Ground-squirrel, 94, 239 Guinea-pig, 93 Haematococeus, 37, 38 Hair cells, 43, 277 Hantzschia. 28, 243 Heart, 55, 59 Heat, conduction, 104 seq. : of crys- tallization, 150, 188, 209; speci- fic, 106, 109, 150 Heavy water, 131 Hedgehog, 93 Helianthus, 54, 246 Helix, 74, 75 Helminthes, 34, 71. 72, 242, 246 Hemiptera, 77 *^•^> Hemocyanin, 17r> Hemolysin, !(> HimuphilUN infliiciizar, 2?> Herpes virus, IS ilonioiotlienns. 1.'), 17, '.V.^. r)5, 91 scq.. ih;. It! I. 17.''. i*:'.i. 2:".s. 2;!!), 257 Hookwoiin. 71 normidiinn. (u, 70, 243 Honnodi'iKhon. G2 Hormones, Ki ni/arinfhiis, 4t;. 11.".. 284 Ih/drachiia. 7S Hi/pholovia. 65, 24S Hypniini. :'.!>. ( toiiio, Go Rhizopods, L'!t. 121. 220. 2nS. 211. 2r>() Rhizopim. :'.i\ G:., 2-1 ■< RhodcHS, 87 Hhodoiui/ces, 38 W;i»«, 132 Richmann's Law, 1 H) Hicinus. 198 Roots, 49, r)4 Rotifers, 72, 73, 246, 249 h'otifrr vulgaris, 73, 246 Rye, r.l. .-.1. 121. L':'.!i. 216 Sactharumyrcs, 23, 26, 27, 248 SdUnnandra, 86, 239 Saline. i:>!t. 278 Saliva, 116 Saroinae. 21 Schizophi/Uuiii. 64. 6.', 248 Sclrrotinia. 64 Scolopendra. 76 Sculpin, 88 Sea raven, 88 Seeding (Ice), see Inoculation Seeds, 32, 40, 34, 244, 245, 251, 275 ^elaginrUa. 246 Serum. 116, 175 Silkworm, 76 Xiijhonevui. 67, 243 Sitophiliis, 81 Skate, 59, 88 SiHi-rintlius, 78 Snails, 74, 75, 201, 240 Sodoku spirilla, 247 Sol-gel transformation, 172 Si)ecific minimum, theory of, 240, 259 Si)ermatic fluid, 116 Spermatozoa, 32, 33, 34, 220, 250 Sj)haero})sis, 64 Spiders, 77, 78 Spirilla, 21 Hpirochaeta, 247, 271 Spirogyra, 66, 145, 233 Kpirostomum, 30, 237, 238 Si)ores, 32, 37, 243, 244, 249, 275 Spi)r(itrir)i mil . <(2 S|)()rulati<>n caused by cooling, 234 Slaithiilorociiis, 17, 20, 21, 22, 243, L'47 State ( physical ), 101 scq.; frozen, 166 .s-cr/. ; supercooled, 184 seq.. 236; vitreous, 203 scq., 252 Steady state, 104, 105 Stems, 49 mentor, 30, 234 ^tcrigmatocystis, 39, 244 Htichococriis. 27, 28, 32, 243, 249 Stickle-back. 87, 90, 239. 264 Stomatal cells, 46 Strelitzia, 198 Streiitococci of scarlet fever, 19, 238 Subcooling, 102, 131, 184 srq.. 2ii6. 236 seq. : see Inoculation Sublimation, 204 Sucrase, 15 Sucrose, 115 Sulphur dioxide, litpiid, 12 Supercooling, see Subcooling Survival temperatures, definition, 9 Sweat, 116 Syneresis, 235, 236, 289 Tardigrades, 82, 246 Tegenaria, 78 Tenches, 87 Testudo. 86 Thawing, 171 seq.. 257. 260, 266, 267 seq.; see Melting Thermoaseus, 38, 62 Thermoidium, 38, 62 Thermomyces, 38, 62 Tissues, 121 seq.. 124, 156, 179, 239 Toad, 55, 82, 84. 85, 239 Toncod, 88 Tortoise, 86, 239 Toxins, 18 Tnidesrantia. 43, 44, 145, 233, 239, 241, 270, 277 Trailliella. 67 Trees, 52 Triania, 43, 239 Trihonevia, 67, 243 Trichina. 71, 72 'fricJioilcnna. (!5 335 TricJioslroiigi/Ius, 72 Trihydrol, 11 :! Tritivum. 259 Tritons, 55 Trypanosomes, ?A. ?,2. 249 Trypsin, 15, 16 Tubercle bacillus. 22, 248 Tuberous tissue, 47 Tiilipa. 145, 268 Turtle, 33, 55, 86, 117 Tussilago. 124 Tylenchus, 72, 246 Typhus bacillus, 19 riothrix, 38 Urease, 16 Urine, 116 Vaccine virus, 18 Variable state, 105. 107 Venom, cobra, 17 Venturia, 64 Viburnum, 270 Virus III, 18 Viruses, 17-18 Vital temperatures, definition, 9 Vital water, definition. 284 Vitamins, 13, 14 Vitreous state, 101 scq.. 203 seq., 252 Vitrification, 11, 101, 201, 203 seq., 207 seq.. 217 seq.. 250, 252; tem- peratures, 204, 211 seq. Vitrofusion, see Vitromelting Vitromelting. 102, 203 scq., 216 Vitrosublimation, 102 Wasps, 81, 239 Water, colloidal, 114; (water) con- tent, 12, 217, 223, 242, 251, 272 seq.: freezing curve. 148; freez- ing point. 115; freezing velocity, 131; of hydration, 215; sub- cooled. 131. 195, 196; vitrifica- tion, 209; see Bound W., De- hydration. Metabolic W., Vital W. Wlieat. 40, 41, 51, 54, 246 Wood, 52 Woodchuck, 93 Xanthoria, 68, 245 Xylaria. 65. 248 Yeasts, 15, 25 seq., 32, 145, "^21, 248. 266 Zymase, 15 Airiioii iNi)i:x Adams, 41, !Hi. 245, 251. 2r)l, 2;)2. S08 Assradi. 320 Akernian, 270. 292. 314 Alexopoulos, 39, 9(J. 249, 292, 323 Ambroiin, 303 Andrews, 166, 226 Apelt, 47, 48, -lO, 96, 259, 260. 277, 286, 292, 309 Atkins. 116. lis. 119. 226. 310, ;;il. 312 Aiidoin, 297 Augustine. 72. 96, 322 Bach, 35, 231 Bachmetjew, 34, 75, 78, 79, 96, US, 194, 198. 226, 231, 292, 306, 309 Backman, 115, 118, 120, 226, 311 Bahrmann. 60, 96 Bailey. 200. 227, 315, 317 Bakhmetieff, 34, 76, 96, 200, 226. 306 Barnes, 114, 106. 168. 169. 170, 226, 227 Barrat, IS, 96, 99, 307, 310 Bartetzko, 63, 96, 237, 238, 310 Bartram, 64, 96, 314 Bay, 303 Bazzoni, 16, 97, 313 Becquerel, 28, 29, 31, 32, 39, 40 46, 54, 67, 68, 69, 73, 82, 56, 244, 245, 246, 284, 289, 292, 309. 310, 311, 317, 319, 320, 324. 325, 326, 328 Beek, 21, 96, 315 Behn, 171. 226 Beijerinck, 247. 292 Belehradek, 34, 96, 230. 233. 292. 323 Belli. 20, 96, 247, 292. 307 Bergami, 175. 220, 317 Bernal, 114, 226 Berry, 25, 61, 96 Bialaszewicz, 115, 118, 119, 312 Bickel, 16, 96, 308 Bidault. 62, 238, 292, 316 292, 42, 243, 308, 322, 254, 226, Bigelow, 197, 226 B()I)ertag, 133, 155, 171. 173, 226, 227, 309, 310 Boldyrewa, 320 Borodin, 86, 88, 96, 323 Bottazzi, 115, 175, 226, 317 Brannan, 20, 99, 318 Brayton, 271, 295, 328 Bredig, 173 Brehme. 19, 96. 306 Britton, 59. 88, 93, 96, lOO. 317 Brooks, 61, 238 Brown, 41, 97, 245, 255, 292, 304, 321 Brownlee. 59, 85, 97, 121. 150, 158. 226. 232. 279, 292. 312. 313 Bruni, 133, 174, 226, 310 Brunow, 57. 97, 312 Buchner, 15 Buck, 147 Buchner, A., 131, 228 Biihler, 59, 60, 97 Buffon. 261, 267, 293, 296 Bugaevsky, 147. 180, 226, 326 Bunsen, 168. 226 Burnham, 320 Burton, 209, 226 Busse, 320 Callendar, 168, 226 Callow, 132, 175, 209, 226, 318 Cameron, 59, 85, 97, 121, 156, 158, 226. 232, 279, 292, 312, 313, 320 Carrick, 320 Carter, 318 Caspary, 141, 142, 226, 298 Castle, 280 Cattell, 266, 292 Chambers, 29, 45, 58, 97, 121, 226. 233, 238, 239, 264, 292, 322 Chandler, 270, 292, 312 Chanoz, 15, 17, 97, 305 Chappuis, 168, 226 Chevrotier, 20, 98, 247, 293, 313 Chodat, 27. 39, 64, 97, 255, 292, 304 Citovicz, 19, 97, 238, 292, 319 336 337 Coblentz, 314. 318 Cohn, 66, 97, 300 Coleman, 91. 97. 302 Colin. 40. 91. 97, 303 Collip, 116, 118, 121, 226, 315 Condon, 48, 162, 227, 283, 327 de Coppet, 189, 193, 195, 226 Courmont, 17, 97, 305 Curtis. 263, 295, 327 Dakin. 115 Dalmer, 304 Dalton. 110 d'Arsonval, 15, 24. 97, 303. 305 Dastre, 276 Davenport, 97, 304 Davis, 22. 98. 237, 293. 314 de Candolle. 40. 41. 97, 255, 292, 301. 302, 304 de Jong. 21, 23. 32. 97. 247. 248, 249, 292. 316 de Mohl, 140, 142, 144 Deschiens, 29, 97, 323 Despretz, 193, 196, 200. 22G Detmer, 181, 226, 302 deVries, 301 Dewar, 245, 292. 305 Dexter. 289, 292 d'Herelle, 17 Dickinson. 170. 226 Diehl, 317, 319 Dleterici, 169, 226 Dixon. 116, 226, 311, 312 Doemens, 26. 27. 24S. 292 Doenhoff. 35. 73, 77. 97, 300 Doflein. 32, 249. 292 Doyon. 15. 17. 97. 305 Drummond. 39. 96, 249. 292, 323 Duclaux, 301 Dufour, 196, 198, 226 Duhamel, 261. 267, 293, 296 Dulong, 110 Dunal, 140, 226, 298 du Petit-Thoiiars, 142, 228, 297 Duval. 79, 81, 97, 118. 316 Edlich. 27, 97, 324 Edwards, 40, 56, 97 Efimoff, 30, 97, 237, 238, 293, 317 l'^lir(>iiljauni, 294 Escombe, 41, 97, 245, 255, 292, 304 Essex, 34, 71 Estrelcher-Kiersnowska, 313 Fahrenheit, 195, 226 Feist, 133, 173, 226, 309 Fernald, 321 Finn, 322 Firsch, 301 Firsova, 325 Fischer, H.W., 57, 97, 115, 121, 123. 133. 155, 156, 158, 159, 162, 164, 171, 173, 174, 226, 227, 278, 280, 289, 293, 309, 310, 311 Fischer, P.H., 74, 97, 320 Fischer-Sigwart, 36 Fleming, 328 Flosdorf, 22, 97 Flury, 310 Fol, 29, 31, 97, 302 Foote. 162, 227, 314 Forster. 303 Fourier, 104, 108 Fowler, 114, 226 Frazer, 115 Frey-Wyssling, 123 Fiichtbauer, 199, 200, 227 Fulton. 216 Galvialo. 16, 97. 325 Carrey, 115, 117, 227, 308, 313 Gaylord, 18, 31, 55, 97, 249, 293, 309 Gay Lussac, 196, 227 Gehenio, 113, 121, 123, 124. 127, 156, 160. 220, 222, 227, 235. 243, 245, 250, 293. 284, 326, 327, 328 Georgevitch, 311 Gertz, 14. 97. 318 Gibbs, 98, 147. 166. 180, 192, 227, 326 Gicklhorn, 324 Gilchrist, 246 Gladin. 20, 97, 305 Glage, 14 Goeppert, 47, 97, 132, 142, 172, 179. ISO, 227. 258. 262. 268. 269, 286, 293, 297, 298, 300, 301 Goetz, 221, 227, 326 Gorke, 277, 287, 288, 293, 309 Gortner, 116, 227, 283, 289, 293, 316 338 (;ral)fr. 2S0, 2!)2 Greathouse. o24 Greeley, 30, 97, 2:53, 234, 235, 293, 3(H; Grell. 179, 227, 32.5 Griffiths, 72, 32.') Grinbeig, Gl, 98, 238, 323 Giinther, 31 Guignard. 310 Gutbier, 310 Haberlaiult. ;no Haines, 62, 97, 238, 293 Hale. 29. 4.5, 58, 97, 118, 121, 226, 227. 233, 238. 239, 292. 322. 324 Hampil, 24, 97, 322 Hansford, 61, 238 Hardy, 134. 135, 136. 137, 138, 227. 283, 293, 318 Harper, 170, 226 Harris, D.F., 85, 97. 311 Harris, J.A.. 116. 227, 316. 321 Hartmann, 131, 227 Hartung. 246 Harvey, 50, 97. 191, 194, 227. 228. 240, 288. 293. 315, 316. 323. 324 Hase, 35. 231 Hawkes, 209, 227 Heckel. 310 Hedluud, 270 Heilbrunn, 235, 293 Heldmaier, 64, 248, 293 Heller, 178. 227 Hepburn, 14. 16. 97, 313 Hermann. 300 Herring, 92. 93, 100 Herschel, 139, 140, 227, 297 Hess, 166, 168, 227 Heubel, 59, 97, 302 Hilliard, 22, 98. 237. 293. 313, 314 Hodapp, 190, 192, 194. 220. 227. 250. 294, 327 Hober. 117 Hoffman, 115 Hofman, 116. 227, 316 Horowitz-Wlassowa, 61, 98, 238, 293, 323 Howard, 118 Hunter, 83, 98, 296 Iljin. 53, 98. 237, 264, 265, 266, 271, 293, 323 Illanes, 36, 98 Irmscher. 38, 68, 98, 278, 279, 286. 293. 312 Jaccard, 12:!, 227 Jacol)sen, 247, 292 Jaffe, 201, 227 Jahn, 31, 98, 238, 293 Jahnel, 247, 249, 293. 325 Jecklin, 86, 98, 239, 293 Jennison, 321 Jensen, 57, 97, 115, 121, 123, 156, 158. 159. 162, 164, 227, 278, 293, :m .Johnson, 170, 227 Jones, 200, 227, 283, 289, 293, 315. 321 Jordan. C, 215 Jordan, M., 215 Judd. 131, 209, 228 Jumelle. 68. 98, 303 Kadisch, 21, 25, 26. 39, 98, 247, 248, 249. 293, 321 Kalabuchov, 81, 85, 88. 93, 98, 239. 240, 293. 323, 324 Kapterev, 74, 81, 98, 325 Karcher. 26, 28, 65, 67, 98, 248, 249, 293. 321 Kasansky. 20, 24, 98, 305 Keith, 23, 98, 313 Kennon, 115 Kessler, 324 Kiebitz, 171, 226 Kjava, 71 Kjellmann, 38. 238 Klebs, 31 Klemm, 43, 66. 98. 233. 239. 287. 293. 304 Klepzoff. 24. 98, 304 Knauthe, 84, 87, 98, 303 Kochs, 83, 98, 303, 304 Kodis, 84, 98, 239, 293, 305 Kol, 27 Kovchoff. 14, 98, .309 Krebs. 286, 293. 321 Krumwiede, 22, 24 Kruyt, 320 Krysykowsky, 319 339 Kiihiie. 29, 43, oT, 62, 98, 299 Kunisch, 269, 293. 302 Kyes. 248, 293, 328 Kyliu, 66, 67, 98, 179, 227. 238, 281, 293, 314 Lagriffe, 84, 98, 306 Laveran, 249, 293, 307 Lawrence, 116, 227 Le Conte, 139, 140, 141, 226, 298 Lees, 169, 227 Lenoir, 181, 227, 321 Lepeschkin, 264. 293, 326 Leslie, 139 Levitt, 285, 293, 328 Lewis, 42, 98, 245, 253, 293, 323 Lidforss, 309 Liesegang, 308, 312 Lindner, 62, 63, 98, 237. 239, 293. 314 Lipman, 21, 22, 42, 54, 65, 98, 242. 243, 245, 247, 248, 253, 293, 323, 325, 326 Lipschiitz, 36, 98 Ljubavin, 172, 303 Lloyd, 164 Loeb, 115 Lottermoser. 172. 173. 227, 310 Lozina-Lozinskij, 81, 98, 324 Ludke, 17, 98, 286, 295, 308, 322 Lumiere, 17, 20, 98, 247, 293, 313 Luyet, 11, 45, 46, 48, 90, 98, 101, 113, 121, 123, 124, 127, 147, 156, 157, 160, 162, 166, 179, 180, 190. 192, 194, 203, 210, 212. 215, 220, 221, 222, 223, 227, 235, 243, 245, 246, 250, 252, 264, 266. 283, 284, 293. 294, 325, 326, 327, 328 Maass, 168. 169. 227 Macfadyen. 15, 17, 21, 24, 26, 98. 247. 248. 294, 305, 306, 307 Magath, 34, 71 Magoon, 61. 96 Mainx, 31 Mantegazza, 34 Martin, 321 Martine, 110 Matisse, 315 Matruchot, 145, 146, 180, 228, 275, 276, 294, 306, 307 Maurel, 84, 98, 306 Maximow, 48, 50, 98, 122, 124, 156. 159, 161, 162, 171. 228, 279, 280, 281, 294. 310, 312. 319 McConnell. 166, 167, 228 McKendrick. 91, 97. 245, 292. McLean, 19, 99 Melsens, 25, 98, 266, 294, 300 Mesnil, 249, 293, 307 Mez. 47, 51, 98, 124. 127, 158, 160, 191, 195, 198, 199, 228, 259, 260, 277, 294, 308 Michel, 14 Miller, 200, 227, 315 Minett, 18, 100, 318 Mirsky, 288. 294 Mobius, 309 Moissan, 41 Molisch, 25, 29. 44. 45, 46. 49 66, 70, 99, 132, 133, 144, 179, 228, 233, 239, 241, 263, 270, 277, 279, 294, 304, 308, 309, Molliard, 145, 146, 180, 228, 276, 294, 306, 307 Moran, 36, 37, 56, 58, 99, 119, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138. 161, 164, 165, 170, 175, 176, 177, 199, 201, 228, 231. 238, 239, 281, 282, 283, 286, 290, 294, 320 Morren, 262, 294 Morse, 115 Mouriquand, 14 Mousson, 195, 196, 228 Moiissu. 247, 294 Mudd. 22, 97 Miiller. 83. 99, 300 Miiller-Erzbach, 303 Miiller-Thurgau. 47, 49, 99, 144. 156. 161, 164, 171, 191, 228, 259, 268. 269. 272, 273, 279, 280. 294, 302, 304 Murigin. 94, 99. 239, 294. 326 Nageli, 262, 280, 294, 299 Nernst, 169, 228 Neuffer, 297 Neumann, 169, 228 Newton, 108, 321 Nichols, 170, 228 Nicolas, 17 126, 263, .313 302 159, 241, 63, 192, 274, 311 275, 133, 163, 193, 251, 318, 121, 197, 274, ;uo Xilsson-LoissiuT, :!20 Noack. :?S. ci'. !l!l. :!0S Xoe. 21(; Xord. 177. 17S. 228. 2SS. 204. 323 Ohlvvt'iler. 312 Oliver. 71. 209. 22G Onskiehons. 21. 99. 316 Onoiato. 23, 99, 307 Osborn, 170, 226 Othmer, 189 Park, 22, 24, 306 Paul, 20, 99, 243, 294, 309 Pawlow. 33, 99, 319 Payne. 71. 79. 81. 99. 318, 319. 321 Peclet. 106 Pemberton. 3,'), 231 Pennington. 14 Person. 90. 99, 230, 295, 325 Petit, 110 Petterson, 170. 228 Pfeffer, 276. 280, 294, 308 Pichel, 268 Pictet. 15. 17, 18. 20, 26, 27. 35, 36, 40, 41, 57, 74. 84, 87, 91, 97. 99, 231. 245, 247, 249, 287, 294 302. 303 Plank, 164, 294. 314 Platanov, 90, 99, 239, 295, 325 Plateau, 77, 99, 258, 264, 265, 294, 300 Ponomarer. 71. 99, 314 Poppe, 313 Portier, 79, 81, 97, 316 Potter, 248, 293, 328 Pouchet, 55, 87, 99, 299 Pozerski, 15, 99, 306 Prall, 20, 99, 243, 294, 309 Prevost, 33, 298 Prillieux, 138, 141, 143. 180, 228, 262. 269, 294. 299, 300 Prucha, 20, 99, 318 Quatrefages, 33, 99, 298 Rabaud, 36, 99, 305 Rahm, 35, 72, 73, 82, 99, 246. 249, 294, 315, 316, 317 Ramsden, 327 Reaumur, 76, 296 Regeimbal, 316 Rc.unard. S7. ll'.t, 2:;:i. 2!t4. 304 IJciii. L'.".:t. 1^!I5. 310 Rcusch, 171. TIS Renter, 294 Reynolds. 307 Richniann. 110 Richter, 64, 99. 311 Rigaud, 138 Rivers, 16, 17, 18. 2 1. 99. 319 Robinson. 81, 99 Roedel, 74, 77, 78. 99, 302 Roth, 56. 299 Rowland. 21, 24. 26, 98, 247. 248, 294. 305, 306. 307 Rubentschik, 318 Rubner, 164 Rumbold, 63 Runnstrom. 115. IIS. 120, 226. 311 Russell, ;'>13 Ryckenl)oer, 197, 226 Sacharov, 80, 99, 321 Sachs. 140, 141, 142, 144. 228, 241, 268, 272, 274. 295. 29S. 299 Salimovskaja-Rodina. 25 Salvin-Moore, 18, 99, 310 Sanderson. 17, 24, 99, 318 Savellier, 71, 99, 314 Saxton, 162, 227, 314 Schacht. 262 Schaffnit, 286, 295, 311. 322 Schenk, 33, 35, 54, 55, 99, 237, 238, 295, 300 Schiff, 56 Schmidt. 71. 73, 90, 99, 239, 295, 314. 325 Schmidt-Nielsen, 61, 99 Schmiesing, 216 Schumacher, 26, 99, 301 Scott, 117, 228, 314. 317 Scott-Goetz, 221, 227. 326 Sedgwick, 306 Senebier, 262, 295 Shrivastava, 177 Simonin, 55, 99, 239, 295, 322 Simpson, 92, 93, 99, 100, 307 Smart. 19, 25. 38. 62, 100, 238, 295, 324 Smith, K.V.. 320 Smith. K.F.. 23. 24, 100, 308, 312 341 Sorauer, 270, 302, 307 Spallanzani. 33, 34, 100, 296 Stcliepkiiia, 73, 99, 314 Stiles, 263, 283, 295, 316, 321 Stockman, 18, 100, 318 Stone, 22, 98, 237, 293, 313 Strasl)urger, 37 Straub, 118 Strickland, 31, 100, 244, 295, 325 Stuckey, 263, 295, 327 Summers, 316 Swingle, 23, 24, 100, 308 Swithinbank, 248, 295 Tait, 93, 100, 317 Talyract, 14 Tammann, 101, 112, 113, 128. 129, 131, 167, 188, 203, 228, 263, 295 Tanner, 16, 19, 23, 26, 100, 319, 322 Taylor, C.V., 31, 100, 244, 295, 325 Taylor, G.F., 192, 194, 195, 210, 228, 316, 317 Teodoresco, 38, 100, 308 Tetsuda, 16, 17, 100, 312 Thiselton-Dyer, 41, 100, 245, 295, 305 Thoennes, 46, 221, 223, 227. 250, 252, 264, 294, 327 Thunberg, 15, 100, 315 Thwing, 170, 228 Torossian, 22, 98, 237, 293, 313 Torrey, 322 Tottingham, 289, 292 Trouton, 169, 228 Turner, 86 Turner, 171, 228 Turner, T.B., 271, 295, 327, 328 Uloth, 301 Uvarov, 34, 75, 81, 100, 231, 295, 322 Valentine, 116, 227, 316 Vass, 315 Vaughan, 315 Velten, 301 Vernon, 286 Verson, 300 Vipond, 170, 226 Vogel, 172, 228, 297 Voigtlander, 51, 100, 124, 127, 156, 159, 160, 161, 191, 198, 200, 201, 228, 239. 259, 278, 295, 310 Voyle, 302 Wallace, 16, 19, 100, 322 Walter, 50, 100, 122, 124, 156, 228, 324 Walther, 91, 100, 299 Waltner, 34 Walton, 131, 209, 228 Warburg, 28, 249, 295, 315 Wartenberg, 324 Wartman, 40, 100, 196, 228, 299 Washburn, 170, 228 Weber, H., 33 Weber, H.F., 169, 228 Weigmann, 75, 90, 100, 156, 201, 228, 240. 264, 295, 320, 321, 325 Weill, 14 Weimer, 321 Weinzirl, 248, 295, 323 Weiser, 248, 295, 323 Weismann, 50, 100, 122, 124, 156, 228, 324 West, G., 27, 66 West, W., 27, 66 Wettstein, 58 White, 24, 100, 247, 295, 305 Wiegand, 143, 228, 309 Wiesner, 308 Williams, 22, 24 Williamson, 23, 26, 100, 319 Winkler, A., 52, 100, 270, 295 Winkler, K.C., 320 Winslow, 306 Winternitz, 92, 100, 304 Wislouch, 27, 100, 311 Wolfson. 30, 100, 237, 238, 295, 324 Weight, 14, 192, 194, 195, 201, 228, 316. 317, 319 Young, 195, 228 Yung, 15, 18, 20, 26, 74, 100, 302 Zacharowa, 45, 51, 100, 124, 228 239, 295, 318 Zandbergen, 32, 100, 317 Zawadowski, 34 Zimpfer, 327 Zirpolo. 22, 100, 248, 295, 322, 323 Zopf, 25